THE Entomologists’ Directory CONTAINING THE NAMES, ADDRESSES, SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY, ETC., OF THOSE INTERESTED IN THE STUDY OF INSECT LIFE IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. COMPILED BY HENRY SKINNER, M. D. Secretary op the American Entomological Society. PHILADELPHIA, PA.: (issued march, 1) 1900. LIST OF THE COLEOPTERA OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO ! BY SAMUEL HENSHAW. I This list enumerates 1810 genera and 9238 species and includes all up to 1885. PRICE, $ 1.25 (net) per copy, mailed on receipt of price. SUPPLEMENT to the LIST OF COLEOPTERA OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO BY SAMUEL HENSHAW. Includes all the additions and corrections contained in the first and second supplements (now out of print), and all such up to end of r894. PRICE, 50 Cents (net) per copy, mailed on receipt of price. SYNOPSIS of HYMENOPTERA OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO BY E. T. CRESSON. 350 pages. This gives tables characterizing the families and genera ; a list of the described species to 1887, and a full bibliography. PRICE, $8.00 (net) per copy, mailed on receipt of price. A SYNONYMIC CATALOGUE OF THE NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA BY HENRY SKINNER, M.D. This Catalogue enumerates 645 species of Diurnal Lepidoptera, with references, synonymy and localities, complete to end of 1898. PRICE, $1.00 (net) per copy, mailed on receipt of price. Address E. T. CRESSON. Treasurer, P. O. Box 248, Philadelphia, Pa. THE Entomologists’ Directory CONTAINING THE NAMES, ADDRESSES, SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY, ETC., OF THOSE INTERESTED IN THE STUDY OF INSECT LIFE IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. COMPILED BY HENRY SKINNER, M. - 14 ^ I). .Secretary op the American Entomological Society. PHILADELPHIA, PA.: (ISSUED MARCH, 1) 1900. QL 3 £ "i/ £C 3 - 91009 To Our Patrons. If sufficient support is given to this edition of the “ Directory, ” it is our purpose to issue an annual supplement giving additional names, corrections, etc., and when the present edition is exhausted, a new and more complete one will be published. To assist in this, kindly advise us of any errors that may be noticed, and also the names and addresses of persons interested in Entomology not already given herein, together with any suggestions in the way of improve- ment. HENRY SKINNER, M.D., Secretary Amer. Ent. Society, P. O. Box 248, Philadelphia, Pa. PREFACE. I' or some time past the need of a Directory of persons interested in the study of Entomology has been keenly felt, and several years ago its preparation was begun ; but for various reasons was tempo- rarily abandoned. 1 he present volume represents an immense amount of work and considerable expense, as every effort has been made to communicate with entomologists and students in this coun- try and Canada to secure absolutely correct data. Many of our circu- lars have received no attention, but. as the majority of these thus treated represent people who take little, if any, interest in the sub- ject, the omission of their names cannot be greatly regretted. As inquiries are constantly made for publications on entomologi- cal subjects, a list of such papers as can be supplied by the Society only, of course, so long as copies are in stock — is given on page 68, together with the prices. It is hoped that this volume will stimulate a renewed interest in Entomology, and create a more fraternal feeling among those en- gaged in the study. It should prove of great value to those wishing to exchange specimens, and those desirous of obtaining information from the various parts of the country. It is to be hoped that ento- mologists and others interested will recognize its value, and if the proper support is given, a supplement containing changes of ad- dress, new names, etc., and any other information of value, will be published at least annually, and for this purpose we will thank our readers for any additional data they can supply towards a more complete edition. CONTENTS. PAGE Entomologists' Directory r Geographical Arrangement 40 Societies, Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations .... 61 The American Entomological Society, and Entomological Section of Academy of Natural Sciences 65 Entomological News 67 Entomological Publications 68 Coleoptera index 68, list 73 Hymenoptera “ 71, “ 77 Lepidoptera “ 72, “ 80 Diptera' 82 Neuroptera 83 Homoptera 83 Aptera 83 Orthoptera 84 Miscellaneous 84 CORRECTIONS. Page 2. Barker, Michael, for hicago read Chicago. “ 2. Barnes, P. T., change address to Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. “ 6. Burgess, Albert F., change address to Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 111 . “ 23. McCartney, Eugene, for Coleoptera read I.epidoplera. “ 24. Moore, Richard, for W. read M. “ 24. Moorhead, Robt. D., for Coleoptera read Lcpidoptera. “ 33. St.John, Edw. P., for Plattsburgh, read Prattsburgh. “ 34. Thomas, Roy, change address to 63 Chestnut St., E. Orange, N. J. “ 38. Williams, Thos. A., for Takomo read Takoma. ' ADDITIONS. Abbott, Walter, 342 Manchester St., Manchester, N. H. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Barrows, Walter B., Agricultural College, Ingham Co., Mich. Economic Entomology , esp. in relation to geographical distribution. Coll. Billson, James E., 20 Pennsylvania Ave., Providence, R. I. I.epid. Coll. Card, Fred. W., Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station, Kings- ton, R. I. Economic Entomology. Coverdale, George, Yowell’s Mill, Natchitoches Ph., La. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Decker, George W., Cedar City, Utah. General Entomology. Eddy, Herbert F., 143 Gallup St., Providence, R. I. General Entomo- logy. Collection. Exchange. Field, George W., Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station, Kings- ton, R. I. Genera! Entomology. Station Collection. Exchange. Herrick, Glenn W., Agricultural College, Miss. Economic Entomology. Station Collection. Hinchliffe, Rev. J., B.A., Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. General Ent. ENTOMOLOGISTS' DIRECTORY. Aaron, Mrs. Carrie B., 702 N. 43d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bees, Mosquitos. Aaron, S. Frank, 1530 N. 54th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Genera/ Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Aaron, Wiliam, Peru, 111 . Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Abbott, Miss Millie, Vineland, N.J. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Abeling, Herman H., 328 High St., Torrington, Conn. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Abell, Edward J., B.A., Leonardville, Kansas. Gen. Ent. Collection. Adams, Clias. C., 1699 Cambridge St., Cambridge, Mass. Odona/a, Myrme/eonidce, Sialidee. Collection. Exchange. Adams, C. F. , 3328 Vine St., Kansas City, Mo. Orthoptera , esp. Tetti- gidce. Collection. Adams, J. M., Watertown, N. Y. Genera / Entomology. Adams, M. F., 114 19th St., Buffalo, N. Y. Economic Entomology, (In- sects injurious to fruit trees and their parasites). Coll. Exch. Ainslie, Clias. N., Rochester, Minn. General Entomology. Collection. Akhurst, John, 78 Ashland Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taxidermist and collector of Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and dealer in Entomologi- cal Supplies (see advertisement on cover). Albright, Max, Soldiers’ Home, Los Angeles, Co., Calif. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Alden, Howard K , 8 Fifth St., Oneonta, N. Y. Coleoptera , Lepidop- lera. Collection. Exchange. //Aldrich, J. M., Moscow, Idaho. Diptera. Collection. Exchange. Allen, Geo. F., M.D., Room 14, Frazier Block, Aurora, 111 . Arachnidce. Allen, James E., Turner, Arenac Co., Mich. General Entomology. Coll. Allis, E. W., Adrian, Mich. Economic Entomology. Collection. Allis, James YV., 7 Third St., Rochester, N. Y. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Alwood, Wm. B., Blacksburg, Va. Economic Entomology. Collection of Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera. Exchange. American Entomological Co., 1040 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Deal- ers in Entom. Supplies, etc. (See advertisement on cover). Anderson, A. J., 2100 Jennings St., Sioux City, Iowa. General Entomo- logy. Collection. Exchange. Anderson, Malcolm C., 18 Farragut Ave., Somerville, Mass. Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Anderson, Miss M. L., 2203 Venango St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepid. Coll. Angelman, John 1 !., 72 Cutler St., Newark, N. J. Lepidoptera of Boreal America. Collection. Exchange. entomologists' directory. Angus, Jas. , 122S Clover St., West Farms, New York, N. Y. Gen. Ent. Apgar, Austin C., 51 1 E. State St., Trenton, N. J. Lepidoptera. Coll. Arnold, B. W., n Ten Broeck St., Albany, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Arnold, Fredericks., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Coleop . , Hymenop. Coll. Ashmead, William H., U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Hy- menoptera, Hemiptera. Collection. Exchange. Atkins, Chas. G., East Orland, Me. General Entomology. Collection. Auxer, Samuel, 150 S. Prince St., Lancaster, Pa. Co/eoplera , Lepidop- tera. Collection. Avery, Miss Marion L., Euclid, Ohio. General Entomology. Collection. Aylsworth, Willis L., Lestershire, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Ayres, Annie B., Wooster, Ohio. Economic Entomology. Collection. Babcock, Amory L., Sherborn, Mass. Coteoptera, Lepidoptera , Neu- roptera. Collection. Exchange. Bkiley, Edward P., Hinsdale, N. H. Coteoptera. Collection. Exchange. Bailey, Whitman, 6 Cushing St. 'Providence, R. I. Lepidoptera. Coll. Baker, Carl F., 3504 A Bell Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Hymenoptera , Hemip- tera. Siphonaptera and Crustacea (esp. Isopoda and Amphipoda). Collection. Exchange Crustacea. Baker, H. B., M. D.. 223 East 48th St., New York, N. Y. Coteoptera (Ceram bye idee). Collection. Baker, John W., 5 Emma St., Rochester, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. i/Ball, E. D., Agricultural College, Fort Collins, Col. Homoptera (esp. Jassidce and Cercopidce). Coll, mostly Hemiptera. Exchange. Banks, Charles S., Asst. State Entomologist, Room 27, Capitol, Albany, N. Y. Hymenoptera, Diptera. Collection. Exchange. /iSanks, Nathan, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., or East End, Va. Neuroptera , Arachnidce. Collection. Exchange. Barber, H., 1216 D St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Coteop. Coll. Exch. Barber, H. G., 225 West 23d St., New York, N. Y. General and Eco- nomic Entomology. Collection. Barber, H. S., 1216 D St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Coleop. Coll. Barker, Michael, 324 Dearborn St., hicago, 111 . General Entomology. Barlow, Bronson, Greenville, Mich. General Entomology. Collection. Barlow, Jos. G., Cadet, Washington Co., Mo. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Barnaby, Miss Lauretta Fay, H -Park Avenue, Meadville, Pa. General Entomology. Collection. Barnes, P. T., Iowa Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. Gen. Ent. Coll. Barnes, Win., M.D., Decatur, 111 . Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Barrett, Otis W., Museo, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Lepidoptera, Neu- roptera, Orthoptera, Hemiptera. Collection. Exchange. Barrett, S. D., 56 Jefferson St., Providence, R. I. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Barroll, Harry E., 424 Oak St., Chicago, 111 . Diptera. Collection. Bartruff, Zoe S., Palo Alto, Calif. Genera! Entomology. Coll. Exch. Bassett, Homer F., Waterbury, Conn. Hymenoptera ; Gall Insects and their Parasites. Collection. Exchange. entomologists’ directory. 3 Bassler, Thomas, Batchelder, Oklahoma. Coleoptera ( Chrysomelidce ). Collection. Exchange. Bates, Frank A., South Braintree, Mass. Economic Entomology. Bates, J. Elwyn, WKitman, Mass. Lepidoptcra. Collection. Baxter, Floras R., care of Vacuum Oil Co., Rochester, N. Y. General Entomology. Collection. Beach, Alice M., Illinois State Labr. Nat. Hist., Urbana, 111 . Thripidcc. Collection. Exchange. Beach, Charles C., M.D., Hartford, Conn. General Entomology. Beals, Lynn S., Mt. Vision, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Bean, Thomas E., P. O. Box 441, Galena, 111 . Palcearctic Butterflies. Has a very complete collection of the butterflies of Galena, III. ; McLean, Assiniboia, N. W. T., and I.aggan, Western Alberta Province, Canada. Beaudry, I. A. U., 107 St. James St., Montreal, Canada. Gen. Ent. Beaulieu, Germain, care of G. Chagnon, P. O. Box 186, Montreal, Can. Coleoptera , Hcmiptera. Beaver, H. P., Shenango, Mercer Co., Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Bebb, William, 1317 Washington St., Chicago, 111 . Co/eop. Coll. Exch. Bechtold, P., 76 Newell St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Becker, Edward, 343 Central Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera (Sphin- gidee , Noctuidce). Collection. Exchange. Beckwith, M. H., 740 Maple Ave., Elmira, N. Y. Economic and General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Beebe, C. Will, 73 Ashland Ave., East Orange, N. J. Hemip. Coll. Exch. Beecher, William L., 204 Rose St., Reading, Pa. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Beer, Emil G. L., 2918 So. 40th St., Chicago, 111 . Lepid. Coll. Exch. Bdgin, L’Abbd P. A., Sdm. St. Charles Borrom^e, Sherbrooke, P. Q. Canada. Lepidoptera , Economic Entomology . Coll. Exch. Behr, H. H., M. D., California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Calif. Lepidoptera. Bel, Mrs. Alphonse, Middletown, Conn. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Benton, Frank, Division, of Entomology U. S. Dept. Agric., Washington, D. C. Ilymenop. (Apidce, esp. Apis). Coll. Exch. in Apis only. Bethel, Sylvester, State University, Seattle, Wash. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. l/6ethune, Rev. C. J. S., yjo-D uflcrm Ave., f ./ndo a, Out., Canada. Lepi- doptera, Coleoptera, Economic Entomology. Coll. Exch. ‘'fleutenmuller, Wm., Curator Dept. Ent. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 77th St. and 8th Ave., New York, N. Y. Gen. Ent., esp. Life Histories. Beyer, Gustav, 511 E. 117th St., New York, N. Y. Coleoptera. Collec- tion. Exchange. Bigelow, Edw. F., Stamford, Conn. Genera! Entomology. Coll. Exch. Bingham, Oliver P.,201 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, Ohio. Lepi- doptcra. Collection. Bird, Henry, Rye, N. Y. Lepidoptcra. Collection. Exchange. 4 entomologists’ directory. Birkman, G., Fedor, Lee Co., Texas. Aculeate Hymenoptera. Local collection of Coleoptera and Hymenoptera. Exchange. Bitner, Henry F., State Normal School, Millersville, Pa. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Bixby, Wm. E., Haverhill, Mass. General Entomology . Collection. Blackburn, Chas. V., 530 Palisade Ave. , P. O. Station No. 1, Hoboken, N. J. Macro- Lepidoptera and larva. Blackvvelder, Eliot, Morgan Park, Cook Co , III. Co/cop. Coll. Exch. Blaisdell, F. E., M.D., Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras Co., Calif. Coleoptera (esp. Cicindetida and Tenebrionidce). Collection. Exchange. Blake, Charles A., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Blakeslee, Miss Mary, 397 High St., Middletown, Conn. Lepidoptera . Collection. Would like to exchange native insects, books or foreign Lepidoptera , mounted in Denton’s patent tablets, for foreign insects in papers, or books. Blanchard, Frederick, Tyngsboro, Mass. Coleoptera. Coll. Exch. Blatchley, W. S., State House, Indianapolis, Ind. Orthoptcra , Hernip- tera-Heteroptera. Collection. Exchange. Blonda, D. J., Haverford, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Bock, George W., M.D., 1315 Hickory St., St. Louis, Mo. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Bock, H. P., 446 Central Ave., London, Ont., Canada. Lepid. Coll. Bodenburg, John H., East St. Louis, 111 . Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Bodine, Donaldson, Crawfordsville, Ind. Lepidoptera. Collection. Boerner, Charles R., 2335 So. Carlisle St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Boettger, Fred., no Third St., Peoria, 111 . Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Roger, H. W. O., Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Rogue, E. E., Stillwater, Oklahoma. Coccida, Kermes. Coll. Exch. Bohn, J. G., Lickdale, Lebanon, Co., Pa. General Entomology. Coll. Boies, A. H., Hudson, Mich. General Entomology . Coll. Exch. Bolster, Percy G., 17 State St., Boston, Mass. Hymen. Coll. Exch. Bolter, A., 1 5 1 1 N. Halsted St., Chicago, 111 . Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Bomberger, J. H., D.D., Heidelberg Univ., Tiffin, Ohio. Coleop. Coll. Boone, C. L., 343 W. 121 St., New York, N. Y. Lepid. (Rhopa/ocera). Bordner, George C., Kutztown, Pa. Coleop., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Bowditch, Fred. C., Rawson Road, Brookline, Mass. Coleoptera. Col- lection. Exchange rare species, and purchase. Bowditch, Harold, Pond St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Bowen, Edwards., Pawtucket, R. I, General Entomology. Collection. Boyer, Howard M., 220 Hudson St., Reading, Pa. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Boynton, Miss Margaret F., Office State Entomologist, Albany, N. Y. General Entomology. Bradley, Arthur C., Newport, N. H. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Bradley, J. Chester, 2221 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleop- tera. Coll. Exchange for Coleoptera from all parts of the world. ENTOMOLOGISTS DIRECTORY 5 Brainerd, Dwight, 103 Drummond St., Montreal, Canada. Lepid. Coll. Braucher, R. W., Champaign, 111 . Econ. Ent. {Fruit Insects). Coll. Braun, Carl, Bangor, Me. Gen. Ent. Coll. Collector and Dealer. Brehme, Hermann H., 213 Milford Ave., Newark, N. J. Lepidoplera. Collection. Exchange with collectors all over the world. Manu- facturer of compressed cork (see advertisement on cover). Brendel, Emil, M.D., 215 Third Ave..West, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Cole- optera (esp. Pselapkida and Sco/ytidce). Collection. Exchange. Brevoort, John B., Johnsonburg, Elk Co., Pa. Cole op.. Lepid. Coll. Bridgham, Joseph, Scientific Artist, P. O. Box 167. Providence, R. I. Coleoptera. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Bridwell, J. C., Baldwin, Kansas. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Bright, John, 127 Roup St., Pittsburg, Pa. Co/cop., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Bringhurst, William, 2321 N. 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Gen. Ent. Brinser, H. S., M.E., Bainbridge, Pa. Coleop.. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Britton, Wilton E., New Haven, Conn. Coleop.. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Broadnell, Wm. H., 50 Burnett St., Newark, N. J. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Brodie, William, L. D. S.,409 Parliament St., Toronto, Ont., Canada. Gall Insects. Collection. Exchange. Brown, Benjamin, Natoma, Osborne Co., Kansas. Gen. Ent. Coll. Brown, Charles E., Public Museum, Milwaukee, Wis. Coleoptera , Eco- nomic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Brown, J. E., P. O. Box 255, Akron, Ohio. Lepidoplera ( Rhopalocera ). Collection. Exchange. All orders collected. Brown, P. E., 543 Bessemer Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Local Lepid. Coll. Browning, G. Wesley, 253 North First West St., Salt Lake City, Utah. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Browning, Therese D. (Mrs. W. H.), 18 West 54th St., New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Bruce, David, 68 West Ave., Brockport, Monroe Co., N. Y. Lepidoptera of the U. S., esp. from Rocky Mts. Collection. Exchange. Brues, Charles T., 320 Hampden Ct., Chicago, III. Hymenoptera, Dip- lera. Collection. Exchange. Bruner, Lawrence, Prof. Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Orthoptera. Collection. Exchange. Would like especially southwestern and southern forms. Bubna, M., 8 Heina St., Cleveland, Ohio. Coleop.. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Buchholz, Otto, 638 Fulton St., Elizabeth, N. J. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Buckhout, Wm. A., State College, Centre, Co., Pa. Econ. Enl. Budington, R. A., Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Odonala. Will exchange any species of nymphs obtainable here for those from other localities. Buffum, B. C., Laramie, Wyoming. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Have duplicate Coleoptera in large numbers. Burden, Chas. E., 2120 iSth St. N.W., Washington, D. C. Coleop. Coll. Burger, Geo. E., 114 A Hull St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Co/eop. Coll. Exch. 6 entomologists’ directory. Burgess, Albert F., 33 Chestnut St., Malden, Mass. Coteoptera (esp. Carabidce , Coccine/tidce). Collection. Exchange. Burke, John F., 43 Prince St., Rochester, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Coll. Burlingham, Miss Gertrude, High School, Binghamton, N. Y. General Entomology. School Collection. Exchange. Burnett, H. S., Kendall, Orleans Co., N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Burnham, Edward J., Manchester, N. H. Odonata. Collection. Burnham, Geo. E., 112 Arlington St., Manchester, N. H. Lepidoptera (Rliopa/ocera). Collection. Exchange. Burr, Freeman F., 209 Mountain Ave., Malden, Mass. Coleop. Coll. Burrell, M., St. Catharines, Out., Canada. Economic Entomology. Burrison, Henry K., West Newton, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Lepidoptera for sale (see advertisement on cover). Burt, Henry P., 355 Union St., New Bedford, Mass. Gen. Ent. Coll. Bush, Mrs. A. E., San Jos<5, Calif. General Entomology. Caffrey, G. W., 126 Centre St., Bethlehem, Pa. Coteoptera. Coll. Exch. Calder, Edwin E., Providence, R. I. Coteoptera. Coll. Exch. Caldwell, Chas. H., 2040 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera ( Rhopalocera ). Collection. Exchange. Callahan, Thomas F. , 3400 Independence Boulevard, Kansas City, Mo. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Calvert, Philip P,, Ph.D., Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. Odonata. Collection. Exchange. Cammann, D. M., M. D., 19 East 33d St., New York, N. Y. Gen. Ent. Collection. Exchange. Cannon, Geo. Lyman, High School, No. 1, Denver, Col. Lepid. Coll. Carney, J. P. R , 314 West St., Camden, N. J. Lepid., Econ. Ent. Coll. Carpenter, Sidney C., 122 Garden St., Hartford, Conn. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Carter, Charles, Corydon, Iowa. Odonata. Collection. Exchange. Casey, Thos^. L. , Major U. S. A., U. S. Engineer Office, Vicksburg, Miss. Coteoptera. Collection. Exchange. Casler, George E., Box 126, Mohawk, N. Y. Econ. Ent. Coll. Exch. Cassel, Amos M., 310 Penn St., Reading, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Cassino, Samuel E., Peabody, Mass. Hemiplera. Castle, David M., M.D., 2007 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coteoptera. Collection. Exchange. / Caudell, A. N., Div. Ent., Dept. Agric., Washington, D. C. General Entomology. Collection. Cauthorn, Emily, 321 Twelfth St., Portland, Oregon. General Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Chagnon, Gustave, Box 186, Montreal, Canada. Coteoptera, Diptera. Collection. Exchange. Chamberlain, C. W., 36 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Chamberlain, G. W., M.S., Weymouth, Mass. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. entomologists’ directory. 7 Chambliss, Charles E., 2435 Virginia Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Chapin, Frank E., 54 R St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Lepid. Coll. Charles, J., I.aSalette College, New Park Ave., Hartford, Conn. Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Chase, Joseph E., 99 Lyman St., Springfield, Mass. Lcpidoptera. Will exchange for old revenue and postage stamps. Chase, Virginius H., Wady Petra, Stark Co., 111 . Gen. Ent. Coll. Chatfield, Alfred F., Lynn, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Cheney, Miss Ethel M., 400 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. General Entomology. Collection. Childs, Edw. P., Harlan, Shelby Co., Iowa. Lepidoptera ( Rhopalocera ). Collection. Exchange. Chipman, Harry D., 103 Spadina Rd., Toronto, Out , Canada. General / Entomology. Collection. Chittenden, Frank H., Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Co/eoptera, Economic Entomology. Collection. Cisco, J. G., Nashville, Tenn. Lepidoptera. Clapp, E. B., 169 Boston St., So. Boston, Mass. Lepidoptera ( khopalo - cera). Collection. Exchange. Clark, Austin H., 1 Mt. Vernon Terrace, Newtownville, Mass. Lepi- doptera. Collection. Clark, Charles Upson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Co/eoptera. Collection. Clark, George O., 208 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Clark, Ulysses S., 952 So. Sixth St., San Jose, Calif. Gen. Ent. Coll. Clarke, Bates E., 428 Academy St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Co/eoptera , Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Clarke, Miss Cora FI., 91 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. Galls , Caddis- worms. Collection. Clarke, Ross, Maywood, 111 . Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Clarkson, Miss Annie, “Holcroft,” Potsdam, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Clarkson, Frederick 45 William St., New York, N. Y. Gen. Ent. Coll. Claypole, E. W., Pasadena, Calif. Economic Entomology. Collection. Clayton, John, Lincoln, Me. Lepidoptera.. Collection. Exchange. Cleveland, Geo. F., 7 Walnut St., Oneonta, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Clickener, Charles, Tangier, Ind. Economic Entomology. Clute, Willard N., N. Y. Botanical Garden, New York, N. Y. Lepid. Cockburn, Bessie, Bracebridge, Ont., Canada. General Entomology. Collects Co/eoptera, Lepidoptera , Nenroptera. Cockerell, Theo. D. A., Mesilla Park, N. Mex. Coccidce , Hymen. Coll. Cody, W. S., Windsor, Out., Canada. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Collingwood, Robert, Beulah, Man., Canada. Lepidoptera Collection. Collins, Lewis, 222 Macon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Economic Entomology . (All insects injurious to shade trees, shrubs, etc., used for civic embellishment). Compere, George, Los Angeles, Calif. Economic Entomology. 8 entomologists’ directory. ' Comstock, John H., Professor Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Macro- Lepidoptera , Cocci da'. Collection. Comstock, William P., 460 W. 150th St., New York, N. Y. Co/eoplera, Lepidoptera , Odoncita. Collection. Exchange and sell. Conard, Henry S., A.M., Lansdowne, Del. Co., Pa. Orthoptera. Conrad, A. H., West Superior, Wis. Co/eoplera. Collection. Conradi, Adolph, Bethlehem, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Conway, Ernest F., North Syracuse, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Cook, A. J., Claremont, Calif. Economic Entomology. Coll. Exch. Cook, Mel T., Greencastle, Ind. Arachnidce . Collection. Cook, O. F., Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Myriapoda. Collection. Exchange. ■-''Cooley, R. A., Bozeman, Montana. Hemip. ( Diaspince ). Coll. Exch. Coonradt, Jacob H. 553 N. Monroe St., Decatur, 111 . Lepidoptera. Coll. Cooper, Ellwood, Santa Barbara, Calif. Parasitic and Predacious In- sects. Living specimens are distributed when applied for. Cooper, Miss M. F., 344 W. Orange St., Lancaster, Pa. Gen. Ent. Coll. Coquillett, D. W., Dept, of Agric., Washington, D. C. Diptera. Coll. ✓Cordley, Arthur Burton, Entomologist Oregon Exper. Station, Corvallis, Oregon. Economic Entomology , Aphididcc. Collection. Will exchange Oregon insects in any order and some Arizona speci- mens for Aphids. Cornell, Edwin, Parish, N. Y. General Entomology. Coll. Exch. Cory, Mrs. Clyis. B., Great Island, Hyannis, Mass. Lepidoptera. Col- lection of So. Florida insects. Cottle, Janies Edward, 1537 Jackson St., San Francisco, Calif. Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange California specimens only. Couch, Edward J., Ridgefield, Conn. Lepidoptera. Collection. Cowan, Frank, Greensburg, Pa. Author of “Curious Facts in the His- tory of Insects,” published in 1865. Habits of Insects. Cox, Daniel G., 81 Heward Ave., Toronto, Can. Co/eoplera, Lepidop- tera. Large collection. Exchange. Cramer, Norman L., 59 Broad St., Oneida, N. Y. Hymen. Coll. Crane, M. S., Caldwell, N. J. General Entomology. Collection. Craw, Alexander, State Board of Horticulture, Clay St. Dock, San Fran- cisco, Calif. Coccidce. Collection. Exchange. '■Ml'resson, Ezra T., P. O. Box 248, Philadelphia, Pa. Hymenoptera. Cresson, George 11 ., Box 248, Philadelphia, Pa. Aculeate Hymen. Coll. Crevecceur, F. F., Onaga, Kansas. General Entomology. Coll. Exch. Crew, R. J., 225 Wilton Ave., Toronto, Canada. Co/cop. Coll. Exch. Criddle, Norman, St. Albans, Aweme P. O., Man., Canada. Co/eop., Lepid. Coll. Exchange only those caught in Manitoba. Crocker, Harry C., 53 Irving St., Everett, Mass. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Crozet, Rev. C., LaSalette College, New Park Ave., Hartford, Conn. Co/eoptera. Collection. Exchange. Crumb, Ebb, Galena, Kansas. General Entomology. Coll. Exch. entomologists’ directory. 9 Cunningham, Burton L., Fort Klamath, Oregon. Lepid. ( Rhopa/ocera ). Currie, Kolia P., Div. Ent., U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Neuroptera (sens. lat.L Cushman, J. A., Bridgewater, Mass. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Trichop- tcra. Collection. Exchange. Cutler, E. A., Albany, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. D'aecke, Erich, 1709 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepidoptera , Hymen- optcra. Collection. Exchange. Daggett, Frank S., 255 Ramona St., Pasadena, Calif. Coleoptera , Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Daggette, Clair, 400 Craig St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Colcop. Coll. Exch. Dakin, J. A., Dakin’s Bus. College, Syracuse, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Danby, William H., Rossland, B. C., Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange only with private collectors. Danglade, E. M. , Vevay, Ind. Coleoptera. Collection. Daniels, H. P., 73 E. 127th St., New York, N. Y. Co/eop. Coll. Exch. Davidson, A., M.D., Clifton, Arizona. Aculeate Hymen. Coll. Exch. Davis, C. A., 1131 Elmwood Ave., Providence, R. I. Co/cop. Coll. Exch. Davis. Harvey N., 159 Brown St., Providence, R. I. Coleoptera Collec- tion. Exchange. Davis, H. S., Torringford, Conn. General Entomology. Coll. Exch. Davis, John June, Centralia, 111 . General Entomology. Collection. Davis, Mark, 87 Shuler St., Montreal, Canada. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Davis, May W., 186 Lowell St., Manchester, N. H. Odonala. Coll. Davis, William T., 46 Stuyvesant Place, New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. Orthoptera. Collection. Exchange. Day, Theodore, Dyberry, Wayne Co., Pa. Economic Entomology. Deam, Charles C., Bluflfton, Ind. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera , Orthoptera (Acrididcc). Local collection. Dean, John, 160 Seventh Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gen. Ent. Coll. Dearden, Wm, Box 276, Lonsdale, R. I. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Dearing, Rev. W. S., Orange, Calif. Coleoptera. De Haven, Sarah Cole, Westtown, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Dennis, A. J., Beulah, Man., Canada. Co/eop., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Denny, Edward, 1191 City Hall Ave., Montreal, Canada. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Denslow, H. C., Field Columbian Museum, Chicago, III. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Denton, R. Winsford, Wellesley, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Native and foreign for exchange. Denton, Shelley W., Wellesley, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Ex- change and purchase. Denton, William D., Wellesley, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Dernehl, P. H., 942 Second St., Milwaukee, Wis. Coleoptera , Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Derr, H. B., 6561 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111 . Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. IO entomologists’ directory. Desrochers, J. E., College Bourget, Rigaud, P. Q., Canada. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Devereaux, Willard L., Clyde, N. Y. Economic Entomology , Coleop- tera , Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Dickens, Bertha Kimball, Manhattan, Kansas. Homoplera (fassidce). Collection. Exchange. Dickerson, Edgar L., 208 Summer Ave., Newark, N. J. Co/eop/era, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Dickson, D. M., P. O. Box 467, Woodstock, Ont., Canada. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Dickson, Robert, Berthouer St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. Dietz, Henry, 371 Main St., Torrington, Conn. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Dietz, Ottomar J. L., 140 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Coleoplera. Collection. Exchange. Dietz, William G., M.D., 21 North Vine St., Hazleton, Pa. Coleoptera (. Rhynchophora ). Collection. Exchange. / Dimmock, George, Springfield, Mass. Anatomy and Biology of In- sects. Collection. Ditmars, R. L., 1666 Bathgate Ave., New York, N. Y. Econ. Ent. Doane, R. W., Washington Agric. College, Pullman, Wash. Diptera. Collection. Exchange. Dodge, E. A., Louisiana, Mo. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Dodge, G. M., Louisiana, Mo. U. S. Diurnal Lepidoptera and Catocalcr. Collection. Exchange. Doll, Jacob, Curator Eut. Div. Brooklyn Museum Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera of the World. Exchange. Doran, Edwin W., Pli.D., Clinton, Mo. Economic Entomology. Dorr, S. H., 945 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. Coleoptera. Doten, Samuel B., Reno, Washoe Co., Nevada. Economic Entomology. Downs, S. U., Portland, Oregon. Econ. Ent. (Fruit Pests). Draper, Edwin H., 6700 Normal Ave., Chicago, 111 ., and 305 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Duckworth, A. S., Keosauqua, Iowa. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Duden, Hans, 815 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Adaptation of beetles to plants. Collection. Dunbar, Robert E., Dunbar Place, Waterville, Me. Coleoptera, Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Duncan, George T., Ward’s Nat. Sci. Establishment, Rochester, N. Y. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Dunlop, Mary Veronica, Woodstock, Ont., Canada. General Entomo- logy. Collection. Exchange. Dunn, G. W., 34 Mead Ave., Oakland, Calif. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Dunne, Harold E., “ The Maples,” E. Washington Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. entomologists’ directory. II Dunning, Stewart N., 39 Niles St., Hartford, Conn. Bees and Wasps (excl. Vespida, Eumenida). Collection. Exchange. Dunton, Margaret A., 47 Congress St., Belfast, Me. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Dupree, W. B., 151 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Coleop ., Lepid. Dury, Charles, Station I, Cincinnati, Ohio. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. |/t)yar, Harrison G., Ph.D , U. S. Nat. Museum, Washington, D. C. Lepi- doptera (esp. larvae!. Collection. Exchange. Eames, Edwin H., M. D., 350 State St., Bridgeport, Conn. Gen. Ent. Eaton, Alvah A., Seabrook, N. H. Lepidoptcra. Collection. Eberhart, Noble M., M. D., 2943 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111 . Systematic and Economic Entomology. Eddy, C. W., 250 W. 10th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. I.epid. Coll. Exch. Eddy, Fred. A., 242 Cedar St., Bangor, Me. Colcoptera. Coll. Exch. Edquist, J. A., St. Peter, Minn. Lepid., Hymen. Coll. Exch. Edwards, Edwin H., 8 S }4 Birch St., Cleveland, Ohio. Gen. Ent. Coll. Edwards, Wm. H., Coalburgh, W. Va. N. Am. Lepid. (Rhopalocera). Ehrhorn, Edw. M., Mountain View, Calif. Coccidce. Coll. Exch. Ehrmann, Emil C., 2314 Sarah St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Colcoptera (esp. Cicindellidce , Cychrus, Carabus and Calosoma of the world). Collection. Exchange or purchase desiderata. Ehrmann, George A., 2314 Sarah St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lepidoptcra (esp. Papi/ionidce of the world). Coll. Exch. or purchase desiderata. Eisenhard, G. B., Culver Military Academy, Culver, Ind. General Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Eliot, Ida M., New Bedford, Mass. Life histories , esp. Sphingidtz and Bombycidce. Will gladly send eggs, larvae or pupae to other entomologists when possible. Ellsworth, Addison, Lestershire, N. Y. Lepidoptcra. Collection. Collect in all orders to exchange for Lepidoptcra. Elrod, M.J., Univ. of Montana, Missoula, Mont. Neuroptera, Odonala. Emerton, J. H., 15 St. James Ave., Boston, Mass. American Spiders. Engel, Henry, P. O. Box 369, Pittsburgh, Pa. Colcoptera , Lepidoptcra. Coll. Exchange, buy and sell native and foreign Lepidoptcra. Engl, Frank X., 143 East North Ave., Chicago, 111 . General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Erb, Herman J., 332 E. Twelfth St., New York, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Erkens, Albert, Collegeville, Minn. Genera/ Entomology. Collection. Esbenshade, Willis C., Strasburg, Lane. Co., Pa. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Eustis, Henry W., 1368 Spruce St., Minneapolis, Minn. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Evans, John D., Trenton, Ont., Canada. Colcoptera, Lepidoptcra and Hymenoptera. Collection. Exchange. Fall, Henry C., 191 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Colcoptera. Coll. Exch. from So. California for species not in his collection. Faust, Charles, Harvard, McHenry Co., 111 . Colcoptera, Lepidoptcra, Odonala. Collection. Exchange. Felt, E. Porter, Room 27, Capitol, Albany, N. Y. Econ. Entomology . 12 entomologists’ directory. Fdnyes, A., M.D., 75 Grand Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Fernald, C. H., A.M., Ph.D.. Amherst, Mass. Micro- Lepidoptera of . North America. Collection. '-'Fernald, Henry T., Ph.D., Amherst, Mass. Hemiptera, Coccidce. Col- lection. Exchange. Fernald, John S., Belfast, Me. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Field, Douglas G., 657 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Lepidoptera. Field, Geo. H., 429 Julian Ave., San Diego, Calif. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Field, James A., 657 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Lepidoptera ( Rhopa - locera). Collection. Exchange. Field, Mrs. P. Wortman, Lock Box 2076, New York, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Field, William L. W., Milton, Mass. Lepidoptera , Morphology , Geo- graphical Distribution. Collection. Exchange. Fillion, Francis, 101 GreeneSt., New York, N. Y. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Fischer, Eugene R., 2707 Winnebago St., St. Louis, Mo. Economic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Fischer, Philip, 514 Dodge St., Buffalo, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Fisher, D. C., 324 Chestnut St., Sunbury, Pa. Coleoptera. Collection. Fletcher, A. G., Keeseville, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Desires correspondence in every State. Fletcher, James, Dominion Entomologist, Ottawa, Out., Canada. Eco- nomic Entomology. Canadian Coleop. and Lepid. Coll. Exch. Foerste, Aug. F., 417 Grand Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Relation between Flowers and bisects. Foerster, Robert F.,4213 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Folsom, Justus Watson, Prof. Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. General Entomology (Co/lembo/a, Thysanura). Coll. Exch. Foote, Dr. Harry W., Agric. Exper. Station, New Haven, Conn. Lepid. ^Forbes, S. A., Urbana, 111 . (Ecology (relation of insects and plants). State collection in charge. Exchange. Forbush, Edward H., 17 Russell St., Malden, Mass. Economic Ento- mology. In charge of the work of exterminating the gypsy moth in Massachusetts. Forkert, C., Box 27, Ocean Springs, Miss, lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Foster, Ed., Box 405, New Orleans, La. Hymen., Odonata of La. Coll. Foster, Frank, H„ Claremont, N. H. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Foster, Richard, Weiser College, Weiser, Idaho. Coleoptera. Collection. Will exchange after September, 1900. Foulks, O. D., Stockton, Worcester Co., Md. Lepidoptera. Will col- lect on orders. Fowler, Carroll, Duarte, Los Angeles Co., Calif. Hymen. (Apida). Coll. Fowler, Hudson DeM., Collinwood, Ohio. General Entomology. Coll. Fox, William H., M.D., 1826 Jefferson Place, Washington, D. C. Arach- nidee. Collection for sale. • Fox, Wm. J., Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Pa. Fossorial Hymenoptera. Frame, Mrs. Effie M., Topsfield, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. entomologists’ directory. J 3 Franklin, Burnell, Pasadena, Calif. Lepidoptera. Collection. Freed, H. E., Neffsville, Pa. General Entomology. Freedley, William G., Jr., 1909 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. French, G. H., Carbondale, 111 . Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. French, S. H., M.D., 40 Church St., Amsterdam, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Frensch, Ernst, Box 19, Stonington, Conn. Lepidoptera. Coll. Excli. Friday, F. W., Oak Station P. O., Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Frost, Ellis Mills, Winthrop St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Coleoptera. Collection. Frost, Harold L., Arlington, Mass. Economic Entomology. Collection. Fuchs, Chas., 212 Kearny St., San Francisco, Cal. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Fulda, O., Stapleton, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Fuller, Mrs. C. E., South St., Needham, Mass. Gen. Ent. Coll. Fyles, Rev. Thos. W., 54 Wolfe St., Levis, P. Q., Canada. Economic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Gager, Charles Stuart, N. Y. State Normal College, Albany, N. Y. General Entomology. Gaillard, B. P., Dahlonega, Georgia. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Gallagher, Wm. C., Ross, Lake Co., Ind. Lepidoptera. Collection. •'Carman, H., Lexington, Ky. Economic Entomology , Cave Insects , Hcmiplera ( Corisidce of N. Am.). Collection. Exchange. Gastman, E. A., 464 W. North St., Decatur, 111 . Lepidoptera , Hymen- optera. Collection. Exchange. Geddes, John M., 331 High St., Williamsport, Pa. Co/eop., Lepid. Coll. Geduldig, Ernest W., 45 Greene Ave., Norwich, Conn. Gen. Ent. Coll. Gehret, George, 618 Mulberry St., Reading, Pa. Lepidoptera (Rhopato- ccra). Collection. Exchange. Gehring, J. G., M.D., Bethel, Me. Coleoptera. Collection. George, Maurice C., Webster, N. H. Coleoptera. Coll. Exch. Gerhard, Bernhard, 621 N. Sarah St., St. Louis, Mo. Co/ep., Lepid. Gerhard, Wm. J., Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. General Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Gerold, Joseph, 101 Montrose Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Coleoptera. Gibb, L., 148 St. James St., Montreal, Canada. Lepidoptera. Gibbon, Hugh A., Beulah, Manitoba, Canada. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Gibson, Arthur, Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Lepidop- tera , Economic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Gibson, C. S., Afton, N. Y. General Entomology. Coll. Exch. Gifford, John, D.CEc., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. Economic Entomo- logy (Insects injurious to forest trees) ; Bee Culture. Gilbert, Mrs. A., 318 W. Eighth St., Plainlield, N. J. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Gilbert, H. R., Rochester, N. Y. Lepid. Coll, of Monroe Co., N. Y. /-'Gillette, C. I’., Fort Collins, Col. Hymenoptera ( Cynipidez ). Collec- tion. Exchange. Glaser, Louis A., Sewickley, Pa. Lepidoptera. Goddard, F. R., Decorah, Iowa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. 14 entomologists’ directory. Goding, Frederic Webster, Rutland, LaSalle Co., Illinois. Homoptcra {Membracidce, Ccrcopidce). Collection. (Now U. S. Consul at Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia). Goff, EmmettS., Agric. Exper. Station, Madison, Wis. Economic Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Goldsmith, P. H., 2125 Ontario St., Philadelphia, Pa. Colcop., Lepid. Good, Albert I., 161 E. Bowman St., Wooster, Ohio. Lepidoptera. Coll. Goodale, Alfred S., South Amherst, Mass. Neuroplera, Odonata. Col- lection. Exchange. Goodell, L. W., Pansy Park, Mass. Lepidoptcra. Collection. Goodhue, Charles F., Webster, N. H. I.cpidoptcra. Coll. Exch. Goodrich, Charlotte, 155 Washington Ave., Albany, N. Y. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Gorham, Frederic P., Brown University, Providence, R. I. Coleoptera, Lfymenoptera. Collection. Gorman, William C., 19 St. Lukes Place, Montclair, N. J. Lepidoptera. Gossard, H. A., Lake City, Florida. General Entomology. Coll. Exch. Gould, H. P. , College Park, Md. Economic Entomology. College coll. Graef, Edward L., Curator of Entomology, Brooklyn Institute, 58 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Graef, Joseph, E., 1420 Boston Road, New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Graenicher, Sigmund, M. D., 551 Seventh St., Milwaukee, Wis. Hymen- optera , Diptera. Collection. Graf, J. L., 2408 Webster Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lepidoptera ( Rhopalo - ccra). Collection. Grant, Charles E., Orillia, Out., Canada. Coleop., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Graupner, Miss Amelia L., 215 Walnut St., Manchester, N. H. Hymen. Graupner, Miss Hulda C., 215 Walnut St., Machester, N. H. Hymen. Gray, Geo. M., Woods Holl, Mass. Genera! Entomology . Coll. Exch. Green, E. C., Urbana. 111 . Economic Entomology. Collection. Green, Frederick V., Nyack, N. Y., or in Chambers St., New York, N. Y. Coleoptera. Collection. Greene, Charles T., 2026 Woodstock St., Philadelphia, Pa. Diptera. Collection. Exchange. Greene, George, 2026 Woodstock St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Gregson, Percy Barrow, Sec. N. W. Can. Ent. Soc., Waghorn, Alberta, N. W. T., Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Grey, Robert M., North Easton, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Griffin, D. B., Essex Junction, Vt. Coleoptera , Econ. Ent. Coll. Exch. Griffith, Benj. W., 1241 Cotton St., Los Angeles, Calif. Hemiplera , Coccidcc. Collection. Exchange. Griffiths, David, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. Gen. Ent. Coll. Grinnell, Fordyce, |r., 572 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Lepidop- tcra ( Rhopa/ocera ), Odonata. Collection. Exchange. Groh, D. F., Bismarck, Lebanon Co., Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. entomologists’ directory. 15 Groth, C. F., 141 E. 40th St., New York, N. Y. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Gruber, C. L. , Kutztown, Pa. General Entomology. Coll. Exch. Grundel, J. G., Alma, Santa Clara Co., Calif. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Grupe, Albert E. H., 286 Parliament St., Toronto, Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Guignard, J. A., Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Hymenop- tera , Economic Entomology . Collection. Guion, L. P., in E. 47 th St., Chicago, 111 . General Entomology. Haimbach, Frank, 1309 Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Hall, Alfred P., 16 Wentworth St., New Dorchester, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Hall, Frank J., M.D., 228 Olive St., Kansas City, Mo. Lepidoptera (esp. Noctuidce). Local collection. Exchange. Halsted, J. Henry, Rye, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Ham, Oliver H., 124 Hungerford St., Sta. A, Hartford, Conn. Hymen. Hamblin, II. H., Lock Box 69, Mohawk, N. Y. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Hammatt, Mrs. Mary L., 30 Norway Park, Hyde Park, Mass. Gen. Ent. Hammel, Wm. C. A., Maryland State Normal School, Baltimore, Md. Coteoptera. Hampson, John J., 71 Cutler St., Newark, N. J. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Hancock, Dr. Joseph L., 3148 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111 . Orthoptera ( Tettiginee ). Collection. Exchange. Hanham, A. W., Bank of British N. Amer., Winnipeg, Man , Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Hankins, D. S., Camp Hill, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Hare, Sid. J., Supt. Forest Hill Cemetery, Kansas City, Mo. Economic Entomology. Collection. Hargitt, Charles W., Ph. D., Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. Food Habits , etc., of Insects. Harkness, Miss F. Anna, 1909 Tioga St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepid. Coll. Harney, G. W., Marysville, Calif. Hemiptera. Collection. ^Harrington, W. Hague, P. O. Dept., Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Hymenop- tera. Coll. Exch. esp. desire Tenthredinidce and Uroceridce. Harris, Geo. H., 27 Pleasant St., Beverly, Mass. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Harris, Sarah E., Eldorado, Calif. Hymenoptera (Crabronida), Diptera. Collection. Exchange. Hart, Lawrence M., Kirksville, Mo. Coteoptera. Collection. Exchange. Hartmann, C. F., 214 West 84th St., New York, N. Y. General Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Harvey, E. K., 1806 W. nth St., Los Angeles, Calif. Lepidoptera ( Rhopatocera ). Collection. Exchange. Harvey, Francis L., University of Maine, Orono, Me. Economic Ento- mology, Odona/a, Thysanura. Collection. Exchange. Harvey, J. C., P.O. San Juan Evangelista, Estado de Vera Cruz, Isthmus of I ehuantepec, Mexico. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. i6 ENTOMOLOGISTS DIRECTORY. Harvey, N. A., 2007 Hughitt Ave., West Superior, Wis. Dip/era. Coll. Harvey, Thomas W., Twin Oaks, Del. Co., Pa. General Entomology. Hathaway, Jos. H., Johns Hopkins Med. School, Grinnell, Iowa. Lepid. Havell, George II., 186 19th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Coteoptera, Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Hawes, Alfred, Sherborn, Mass. Geti. Ent. Coll, (mostly African). Hawkins, H. B., Hagerstown, Md. Lepidoptera. Coll. Excli. Hay, Robert H., 311 T St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Hay, W. P., Central High School, Washington, D C. Co/eop., Lepid. Hayes, Seth, High St., Fremont, Ohio. Diptera. Collection. Exchange. Hayward, Roland, 40 State St., Boston, Mass. Coteoptera. Coll. Exch. Healy, John L., 4139 Bosworth Ave., Chicago, 111 . Lepid. Coll. Exch. Heath, Edwin F., The Hermitage, W. Cartwright, Man., Canada. Lepi- doptera. Collection. Collect only Manitoba and N. W. Fauna of which named duplicates are supplied at moderate prices. Heidemann, Otto, Washington, D. C. Llemiptera. Collection. Exchange. Heim, C. D., 156 So. 4th St., Sunbury, Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Heiser, Rudolph, 900 Main St., Keokuk, Iowa. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Heiserman, John J., Lititz, Lane. Co., Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. HeKvig, Walter L., El Modena, Orange Co., Calif. General Entomology. Henry, Taylor P., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Hensel, Nellie E., 619 E. Orange St., Lancaster, Pa., General Ento- . mology. Collection. •Henshaw, Samuel, 8 Fayerweather St., Cambridge, Mass. Coteoptera. Herbert, W. S. B., Weare, N. H. Coteoptera. Collection. Herpers, Henry, 18 Crawford St., Newark, N. J. Gen. Ent. Coll. Herr, Clarence W., 135 Hurlbut St., Pasadena, Calif. I^epid. Coll. Exch. Herrick, J. H., 292 Main St., Hudson, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Desires price lists from South and West U. S. Herring, Mrs. Henrietta B., 1111 Park Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Herzlich, H. L., 338 E. 74th St., New York, N. Y. Coteoptera , Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Hibbard, Herschel V., 5638 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111 . Coteoptera , Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Hickman, J. B., Monterey, Calif. Coleop., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Hildenbrandt, Martin, 489 Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Hill, H. Russell, 332 Pine St., Williamsport, Pa. Cotcop. Coll. Exch. Hill, Rev. W. E., Waynesburg, Ohio. Coleop., I^epid. Coll. Exch. Hill, William M., East Liverpool, Ohio. Coteoptera. Coll. Exch. Hillig, Frederick J., Canisius College, Washington St., Buffalo, N. Y. Coteoptera. Collection. Exchange. Hillman, Fred. H., Reno, Nevada. Economic Entomology. Coll. Exch. Hills, Clarence T., 372 Campbell Ave., Chicago, 111 , Micro- Lepidoptera. Coll, of Coleop. and Lepid. Desires Micros from N. Am. entomologists’ directory. 17 Hinds, Warren Elmer, Amherst, Mass. Hemiptera ( Physopoda ). Col- lection. Exchange. /Hine, James S., Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Odonala, Dip- tera. Collection. Exchange. Hitchings, E. F., Waterville, Me. Coleop., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Hochstein, Robert, 60 Hoffman St., Torrington, Conn. Co/eop/era, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Hodgkins, H. Grant, Columbian University, Washington, D. C. Arach- nidce. Collection. Exchange. Hoeg, C., M. D., Decorah, Iowa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Holbrook, Burton W., Seymour, Conn. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Holbrook, F. A., 41 Beverly St., Boston, Mass. Gen. Ent. Coll. Holdredge, L. I. Oneonta, N. Y. Lepidoptera (esp. Sphingidce , Lyrna- codidce, Notodontidez and allied groups). Collection. Exchange. Holland, J. L., 24 W. Princess St., York, Pa. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Holland, W. J., Ph.D., D.D., Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. (See advertisement of Butterfly Book on cover.) Holmes, J. A., N. C. Geol. Survey, Chapel Hill, N. C. Econ. Ent. Holms, Frank W., 35 Greene Ave., Norwich, Conn. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Holt, Herbert, 233 Weetamoe St., Fall River, Mass. Coleoptera , Lepi- doptera. Collection Lepidoptera. Exchange or purchase. Hood, L E., 21 Dell St., East Somerville, Mass. Co/eop. Coil. Exch. Hooker, William A., Amherst, Mass. Diptera. Collection. Exchange. Hopkins, A. D., Ph D., Entomologist W. Va. Agric. Exper. Sta., Mor- gantown, W. Va. Coleoptera ( Scotytidee ), Forest Insects. Col- lection. Exchange for Scotytidee of the world. Hopping, Ralph, Redstone Park, Kaweah, Calif. Co/eop. Coll. Exch. Hopping, Roy, 5-7 Dey St., New York, N Y., and 77 Park Ave., Orange, N. J. Lepidoptera. Collection. Horlacher, William, Care Barteldes & Co., 1521 15th St., Denver, Col. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Hornig, Herman, 2906 Nevada St., Philadelphia, Pa. Co/eop/era, Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Hough, Garry de N., M.D., New Bedford, Mass. Diptera ( Cyctorr - tiap/ia). Collection. Exchange. Houghton, Clinton O., 15 Law Ave., Potsdam, N. Y. Coleoptera , Lepi- doptera ( Rhopalocera ). Collection. Exchange. Houser, C. W., 2813 W. Chestnut St., Louisville, Ky. Coleoptera. ✓Howard, L. O., Agric. Dept. (Curator, U. S. Nat. Mus.)., Washington, D. C. Economic Entomology , Parasitic Hymenoptera. Howard, W, R., Belfast, Me. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Howe, W. W., Whitehall, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Howes, Chas. L., Stamford, Conn. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Howieson, C. H., l’res't Bus. College, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Lepidop- tera, Odonata. Collection. Exchange. Hoyer, Albert, 2121 South 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Co/eop. Coll. Exch. i8 entomologists’ directory. Hoyer, Frank, 713 Siegel St., Philadelphia, Pa. Co/eop/era. Huard, Rev. V. A., Editor “ I.e Naturaliste Canadian,” Chicoutimi, P. Q., Canada. General Entomology. Collection. Hubbard, Lucius, South Bend, Ind. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera. Coll. Hudson, Geo. H., Plattsburgh, N. Y. Lepid. ( Noctuidie ). Coll. Exch. Hug, Herman, 400 Hudson St., Hoboken, N. J. Lepidoptera. Coll. Huguenin, J. C., 413 Kearny St., San Francisco, Calif. Coleoptera, Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Hulbert, E. M., New Britain, Conn. Lepidoptera. Collection. Hulst, Rev. George D., 15 Himrod St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera ( Geometridce, Pyratidee) . Collection. Exchange for desiderata. Hunter, Alex. J., M.D., 70 Coolmine Road, Toronto, Canada. Insect , Parasites. Collection. Exchange. ''Hunter, S. J., A.M., University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Homoptera, Orthoptera. Collection. Exchange, esp. in Coccidce. Hunter, W. I)., Agric. Exper. Sta., Lincoln, Neb. Diptera. Coll. Exch. Huntington, William S., 1910 N. 21st St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Huse, Wm. H., 210 Young St., Manchester, N. H. Gen. Ent. Coll. Hutchings, Somers C., 10 Drummond St., Montreal, Canada. Lepid. Coll. Hutchinson, Charles E., 2631 Michigan Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Terri- telarian Spiders, esp. Ttieraphosidce. Collection. Exchange local insects for the above. Hyams, Chas. W., West Raleigh, N. C. Coleop., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Hyatt, Edward, Riverside, Calif. Coleoptera , Hymenoptera ( Formicida ). Collection. Exchange. Ilg, Chas., 2625 Stanley St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Ingersoll, B. E., Claflin Univ., Orangeburg, S. C. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Irish, H. C., Mo. Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Jack, John George, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Economic Entomology. Jackson, Fred. A., West Haven, Conn. Lepidoptera ( Ptmpalocera ). Collection. Exchange. Jackson, William S., 617 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Jacobs, D. C., Mummasburg, Adams Co., Pa. Gen. Ent. Coll. Jellicorse, John, Elmwood, Smith Co., Tenn. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Jellicorse, R., Elmwood, Tenn. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Jelliffe, Smith Ely, M.D., 231 W. 71st St., New York, N. Y. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Jesurun, Dr. Mortimer, P. O. Box 413, Douglas, Wyoming. Coleoptera, Hymenoptera. Collection. Exchange. Jewett, F. R., Woo'dstock, Vt. General Entomology. Coll. Exch. Johannsen, O. A., 82 Walton Place, Chicago, 111 . Acalyptrate Diptera. Collection. Exchange. Johnson, Charles W., Curator of Museum, Wagner Free Inst. Science, Philadelphia, Pa. Diptera. Collection. Exchanges solicited. Johnson, James S., Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. entomologists’ directory. !9 Johnson, Lawrence C., Pachuta, Miss. Gen. and Econ. Ent. Johnson, O. B., 610 Pike St., Seattle, Wash. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Johnson, W. E., A. B., Hays City, Kansas. Coleoptera. Coll. Exch. Johnson, Willis G., College Park, Md. Eco?i. Ent. Coll. Exch. Johnston, James, Box 769, Bartonville, near Hamilton, Ont., Canada. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Jones, B. W., Spottsville, Va. General Entomology. Would collect for societies and individuals. Jones, Frank M., 802 Washington St., Wilmington, Del. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Jones, Lynds, Museum, Oberlin, Ohio. Orthoptera ( Acrididtz ), Lepi- doptcra ( Hesperidee ). College Collection. Exchange. Jones, Marcus E., A. M., Salt Lake City, Utah. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Joutel, Louis H., 164 E. 1 17 St., New York, N. Y. Entom. Drawings. Coleoptera , I.epidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Judge, Fred. G., 45 Cosgrove St., Lowell, Mass. Coleoptera, Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Junghanns, Robert L., Bayamon, Porto Rico. Hymenoptera esp. Apina. Collection. Exchange. Kahl, Hugo, Curator Ent. Mus., State University, Lawrence, Kan. Dip- tera. Collection. Exchange. Kalbert, John B. , 18 Newell St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Kautz, E. E., Lititz, Lane. Co., Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Kayser, Wm., Wapakoneta, Ohio. General Entomology. Coll. Exch. Kearfott, W. D., 91 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera , esp. life histories, blown larvre and prepared pupie ; also Macro-Hetcro- cera. Coll. Exch. Want long series of all species American Lepid. ; will give native or exotic species or pay cash in return. Keck, Rev. J. M., A.M., Kingsville, Ohio. General Entomology. Keith, Edward D., 176 Princeton Ave., Providence, R. I. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. {/Kellogg, Vernon L., Prof. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., Palo Alto, Calif. Orthoptera — Phryganidce. Collection. Exchange. Kelsey, Camp, 209 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, 111 . Lepid. Coll. Exch. Kelsey, Harlan P., Kawana, N. C., and uo6Tremont Building, Boston, Mass. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Kemp, S. T., 637 Jefferson Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Kilman, Alva H., Ridgeway, Out., Canada. Coteop., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Kincaid, Trevor, Univ. of Wash., Seattle, Wash. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. King, Charlotte M., Ames, Iowa. Hemiplera. King, ErnestS., San Jos6, Calif General Entomology. Collection. King, Geo. B. , Lawrence, Mass. Coccidee, Formicidce. Coll. Exch. King, Wilbur L., 134 Fourth Ave., Bethlehem, Pa. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Kingsbury, J. G., Indianapolis, Ind. Economic Entomology. Kircher, George, 573 Germania Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Lepidoptera. Collection, also of exotic Papilios. Exchange. 20 entomologists’ directorv. Kirkham, William Barri, 92 Maple St., Springfield, Mass. Hemiptera. Kirkland, A. H., Malden, Mass. Ecort. Ent ., Hemip. Coll. Exch. Klages, Edw. A., Crafton P. O., Alleg. Co., Pa. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Klages, Henry G., P. O. Box 64, Jeannette, Pa. Coleoptera ( Cicindelidce , Carabidee , Tenebrionidee). Collection. Exchange. Klein, Julius T., 21 Cook St., Torrington, Conn. Coleoptera , Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Klinger, F. S., Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. Coleop ., Hymen. Coll. Exch. Knab, Frederick, Box 249, Chicopee, Mass. Coleoptera. Coll. Exch. Knapp, A. II., Canton, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Knaus, Warren, McPherson, Kansas. Econ. Ent., Coleop. Coll. Exch. Knechtel, Frank, Jeanne’tte, Pa. Coleop., Lcpid. Coll. Exch. Knetsch, Robert, Terra Cotta, 111 . Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Knight, Ora W., 32 Coombs St.. Bangor, Maine. Lepidoptera and their life histories. Coll, of inflated larva: and mounted imagos. Exch. Kny-Scheerer Co., 17 Park Place, New York, N. Y. Entomological Sup- plies (See advertisement on cover). Koebele, Albert, Alameda, Calif. Lepid. (Noctuidee). Coll. Exch. Kopman, Henry H., Box 58, Covington, La. Lepidoptera ( Rhopatocera ). Collection. Exchange. Kopp, Wm. 700 N. California Ave., Chicago, 111 . I^epid. Coll. Exch. Kraus, Joseph H., 1446 First Ave., New York, N. Y. Coleoptera, Lepi- doptcra. Collection. Exchange. Kraus, Richard, St. Vincent College, Beatty, P. O., Pa. Hymenoplera. Collection. Exchange. Krautwurm, Bernard, Arlington Place, Lincoln Ave., E. E. , Pittsburg, Pa. I^epidoptera. Collection. Exch. cocoons and pupa: only. Krautwurm, George, Arlington Place, Lincoln Ave., E. E., Pittsburg, Pa. L.epidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Krebs, T. L., 3041 Key West St., Los Angeles, Calif. Coleoptera, Lepi- doptera. Collection. California species for sale. Kremers, Rev. H. A., Wellington, B. C., Canada. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange in envelopes. Krieghoff, C., Box 391, Essex, Out., Canada. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Kropf, Otto, Rockville, Conn. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Kudlich, Dr. H. F., 153 W. 21st St., New York, N. Y. Coleop. Coll. Kuegemann, Edw. J., 713 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Krueger, P. W., 126 Forest St., Cleveland, Ohio. Gen Ent. Coll. Kunz6, Richard E., M.D., Phoenix, Arizona. Macro- Lcpid. Coll. Exch. Kurowski, Alfred, 187 Blackhawk St., Chicago, III. Gen. Ent. Coll. Kwiat, Alex., 701 Larrabee St., Chicago, III. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Lackey, Geo. R., 1022 Main St., Grinnell, Iowa. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Lagai, Dr. George, 17 Park Place, New York, N. Y., and Richmond Hill, L. I., N. Y. Coleoptera. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Laing, Ernest N., Essex, Out., Canada. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. entomologists’ directory. 21 Lamb, Charles W., 96 Beverly St., Boston, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collec- tion mounted on Denton’s (patent) Tablets. Lander, Benjamin, Nyack, N. Y. General Entomology. Collection. Lander, C. H., 89 Arlington St., Cleveland, Ohio. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Lane, Raphaella E'„ 31 Linden St., Rochester, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Laurent, Philip, 1306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptcra, Lcpi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Lavoie, Raoul, l’lslet, Co. 1 ’Islet, Quebec, Canada. Gen. Ent. Coll. Lawrence, Joseph Ivers, 123 West St., Worcester, Mass. Lepid. Coll. Lawton, Edward P., 3 Linden Ave., Troy, N. Y. General Entomology . Lee, Robert E., Room 1702, 150 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Coleop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Leeming, Jos. 492 Fourth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Colcop. Coll. Exch. Leibig, J. E., Bismarck, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Leighton, Margaret W., 24 Highland Ave., Melrose Highland, Mass. General Entomology. Collection. Leng, Chas. W., 4 Fletcher St., New York, N. Y. Co/eop. Coll. Exch. Leonhard, C., 410 Cross St., Harrison, N. J. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Letcher, Beverly, 532 California St., San Francisco, Calif. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Lewis, E. C., Forney, Texas. Coleoptcra. Collection. Exchange. Liebeck, Charles, 2336 Carpenter St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Lipps, E. C., Warren, Ohio. Coleoptcra , Lepidoptera. Collection. Lister, Alfred E., M. E., 921 Vine St., Scranton, Pa. Coleoptera, Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Lochhead, W., Prof. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Out., Canada. Orthoptera , Coccidcc. Collection. Locke, John D., P. O. Box 129, Haverhill, N. H. Coleoptera. Collec- tion of Foreign Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. Exchange. Loeffler, Jacob, 295 Rose St., Newark, N. J. Coleoptera. Loewenstein, William, Jr., 1516 High St., Keokuk, Iowa. Coleoptcra, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Logan, Stuart, 2919 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111 . General Entomology. Lohrmann, Richard, Herkimer, N. Y. Coleoptcra , Lepidoptera. Coll. Longley, W. E., Oak Park, III. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Love, Rev. Archibald L., D.D., 335 Madison Ave., Albany, N. Y. Cole- optcra, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Love, E. G., 80 E. 55th St., New York, N. Y. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Lovell, John H., Waldoboro, Me. Relation of Insects to Flowers. Collection. Exchange. Low, Wm. F., 31 Cranston St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Lowe, Orton, Greensburg, Pa. Lepidoptera. Lowe, Victor IT., Geneva, N. Y. Economic Entomology. Luccareni, George A., 619 Morgan Ave., Palmyra, N. J. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. 22 entomologists’ directory. Lucock, Frank, 7237 Bennett St., Sta. A., Pittsburg, Pa. General Ento- mology. Collection of Lepidoptera. Exchange. Ludlow, J. H., 705 Ninth St., Elkhart, Ind. Coleoplera. Collection. Luetgens, A., P. O. Box 328, New York, N. Y. Coleoplera (esp. Cicin- delidce and Carabidce of the world). Collection. Exchange. Lugger, Otto, State Entom., St. Anthony Park, Minn. Coleop. Coll. Lull, Richard S., Amherst, Mass. Gen. Ent., Coccidec. Coll. Lumsden, George R., 82 Oakridge St., Norwich, Comi. Coleoptera and / . Parasitic Insects. Collection. Exchange. Lyman, Henry H., 74 McTavish St., Montreal, Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. MacCartney, Benj. F., State Zoologist, Dept, of Agric., Harrisburg, Pa. General Entomology . MacGillivray, Alex. D., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Thysanura, Tenthredina , Morphology and Development of Insects. Mackenzie, G. P., 2824 E. Sixth St., Kansas City, Mo. Coleoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. MacLaughlin, T. J., Department Public Works, Ottawa, Out., Canada. Odonata. Collection. Mally, C. W., Wooster, Ohio. Hemiptera, Parasitic Hymenoptera. Mally, Fred. W., M. Sc., College Station, Texas. Hymen. Coll. Exch. Manee, Abram H., Belchertown, Mass. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera ( Sphin ■ gidee). Collection. Exchange. Mann, B. Pickman, 1918 Sunderland Place, Washington, D. C. Bibli- ography of Entomology. Exchange in literature. Mares, Adolf, 504 W. 20th St., Chicago, 111 . Lepidoptera. Collection, /^larlatt, C. L. , Agric. Dept., Washington, D. C. Tenth red in id tc , Coc- cidce ( Diaspincr ). National Museum Collection. Exchange. Marlatt, Frederick A., State Exper. Station, Manhattan, Kansas. Eco- nomic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. MarlofT, Fred., Oak Station P. O., Allegheny Co., Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Buy and exchange. Marmont, Lindsay E., Rounthwaite, Man., Canada. Coleoptera , Lepi- doptera. Collection. Marshall, Wm. S., Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Martin, James O., Box 1175, Cascadilla Place, Ithaca, N. Y. General Entomology . Collection. Exchange in Coleoptera. Martin, Noel B., South Orange, N. J. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Mason, Albert P., 54 Brackenbury St., Malden, Mass. Coleoptera, Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Mason, Charles G., 54 Brackenbury St., Malden, Mass. Lepidoptera of the World. Collection. Exchange or purchase. Mason, Frank R., 220 W. Chelton Ave., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Mason, J. T., 1572 Race St., Denver, Col. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Massey, W. F., P. O. Box 385, Raleigh, N. C. Econ. Ent. Coll. entomologists’ directory. 23 Masterman, Elmer E., New London, Ohio. General Entomology. Coll. Mattes, Joseph, 229 East 126th St., New York, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Matthes, Francois E., U. S. Geolog. Survey, Washington, D. C. Colcop- tera ; also Hybernation of Insects. Collection. Mattoon, Laura I., 103 Mulberry St., Springfield, Mass. Hemiptera. Maxwell, A. W., D.D.S., Collinwood, Ohio. Coleop., Lepid. toll. Exch. Maynard, C. J., 447 Crafts St., West Newton, Mass. I.cpidoptera. Col- lection (West Indian). McArdle, R. H., Homer, Mich. General Entomology . Collection. McCarthy, Gerald, M. Sc., Raleigh, N. C. Economic Entomology ; Anatomy and Embryology of Insects. Collection. Exchange. McCartney, Eugene, Boothwyn, Del. Co., Pa. Cotcoptera. Coll. Exch. McCook, Henry C., D. D., Sc. D., The Manse, 3700 Chestnut St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Ants and Spiders. McDade, James E., 2536 Kensington Ave., Chicago, 111 . Co/coplera, Odona/a. Collection. Exchange. McDonald, Rev. Dr., D.Sc., Grafton, North Dakota. Coleoptera, Lepi- doptcra. Collection. Exchange. McElfresh, Fred. M., Asst. Ent., Oregon Agric. College, Corvallis, Oregon. Hemiptera ( Tingitidcs) ; Economic Entomology . Coll. Exch. McKay, Joseph, 259 Eighth St., Troy, N. Y. Diplera. Collection. McLouth, C. D., 230 Sanford St., Muskegon, Mich. General Entomo- logy. Collection. Exchange. McNiel, Jerome, Fayetteville, Ark. Orthop . , Mynapoda . Coll. Exch. Mechlin, Oscar A., 3020 Cambridge Place, Washington, D. C. Lcpidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Medsger, G. E., Leetonia, Ohio. General Entomology. Medsger, O. P., Jacobs Creek, Westmoreland Co., Pa. Coleoptera , Lcpi- doptera. Collection. Meek, Adam, Watertown, N. Y. General Entomology. Coll. Exch. Meeker, John W., M. D., 59 Butler St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera. Collection. Meitzen, Julius, 525 Linwood St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Melander, A. Leonard, 208 E. Ohio St., Chicago, 111 ., or University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Diplera. Collection. Exchange. Melzer, James P., Milford, N. H. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Mengel, Levi W., 737 Penn St., Reading, Pa. Lepidoptera ( Rhopalocera ), Can offer fine Indian and Central Amer. for Western and North- western species. Collection. Exchange. Mercer, W. F., 125 E. State St., Ithaca, N. Y. Lepidoptera (develop- ment of wings). Collection. Exchange. Mercure, J. T., C. S. V., Deaf and Dumb Inst., Ville St. Louis, Montreal, Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange.*' Merrick, Harry D., New Brighton, Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Mertz, Mathias, 66 Leonard St., New York, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Metcalf, Mrs. R. H., Hinsdale, N. II. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera. Coll. 24 entomologists’ directory. Metcalfe, Wm., P. O. Box 204, Port Hope, Out., Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Metz, Walter C., 20 N. First St., Newark, Ohio. I.epid. Coll. Exch. Miller, George, 1 17 So. Queen St., York, Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Miller, LeviJ., Ephrata, Pa. Coteoptera , Hemiptera. Coll. Exch. Miller, Mrs. Mary Rogers, Bureau of Nature Study, College of Agricul- ture, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Insects from the nature- study standpoint. Collection. Exchange. Mills, Helen H., Menlo Park, San Mateo Co., Calif. Odonala. Coll. Mills, Owen W., Box 342, Millbury, Mass. Coteoptera , Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Minot, Geo. R., 188 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Mintz, Fannie S., 14 Nelson Place, Newark, N. J. Gen. Ent. Coll. Mitchell, Harvey, Wellington, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Mitchell, James L., 212-214 Indiana Trust Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Moeser, Frank E., 975 Virginia St., Buffalo, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Moeser, Wm. J., 33 Kane St., Buffalo, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Moffat, J. Alston, London, Out., Canada. Lepidoptera. Mohns, Julius, 1617 Washington Ave., New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Monell, Joseph T., 3227 Iowa Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Homoptcra (Apin' di- dee). Collection. Moore, Isaac Foster, Jr., 921 Hancock Ave. , Bridgeport, Conn. Diptera. Moore, John, 38 Fountain St., Norwich, Conn. Gen. Ent. Coll. Moore, Richard W., 74 So. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N. Y. Coteoptera ( Chrysome/idee). Collection. Moorhead, Robert D., Jr., 387 Bergen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Coteoptera. Local collection. Exchange for species west of the Mississippi. Morgan, H. A., State University, Baton Rouge, La. Aptera (Ixodidcc). University collection. Exchange. Morris, E. L., Western High School, Washington, D. C. General . Entomology. School collection. /Morse, Albert P., Prof. Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. Orthoptera ( Acrididee ). Collection. Exchange. Morton, Emily L., Newburgh, N. Y. (New Windsor Delivery). Lepidop- tera (Bombycidoe). Collection. Exchange native only. Mosher, Clarence, H., 102 Third St., Newburgh, N' Y. Coteoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Mosher, F. H., 283 Pleasant St., Malden, Mass. Coteoptera. Collection. Mueller, G. T. O., 1014 Greenwich St., San Francisco, Calif. Lepidop- tera ( Noctuidcc ). Collection. Exchange. Muench, L. T., 1060 Second Ave., New York, N. Y. Co/cop. Coll. Exch. Mueschen, Chas., 905 North 12th St., Quincy, 111. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Munro, W., Princ. Broadway School, Woodstock, Out., Canada. Cole- uptera. Collection. entomologists’ directory 25 Murrill, YV. A., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Lepidoptera (Rhopa- locera). Collection. Murtfeldt, Miss Mary E., Kirkwood, St. Louis, Mo. Micro- Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Musselman, Thomas Edgar, 2203 Main St., Quincy, 111 . Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Myers, Ralph, 300 So. College St., Akron, Ohio. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Nash. H. W., P. O. Box 264, Pueblo, Col. Lepidoptera (Rhopa/ocera) of Colorado. Collection. Nason, William A., M.D., Algonquin, 111 . Hymen., Diptera. Coll. Nau, Balthasar, 39 Hamburg Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Coleoptera, Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Needham, F. M., Hinsdale, 111 . Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Needham, James G., Lake Forest, 111 . Coleoptera {Lampyrider\ Odo- nata. Collection. Exchange. Nell, Philip, 1836 N. Seventh St., Philadelphia, Pa. Micro-Lepidoptera, Hemiplera. Collection. Nelson, Wilson E., Parkers Prairie, Minn. General Entomology . Neubarth, B., H09 Nelson St., Chicago, 111 . Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Newcomb, H. H., 35 Court St., Boston, Mass. Lepidoptera {Noctnidce). Collection. Exchange. Newcomb, Wm. W., Care of Newcomb, Endicott & Co., Detroit, Mich. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Newell, Wilrnon, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Homoptera ( Cocci - dee , Jassidce). Collection. Exchange. Newlon, W. Smithson, Oswego, Kansas. General Entomology. Coll. Niswander, F. J., Cheyenne, Wyoming. Coleoptera. Nock, Bertram, 70 Sackett St., Providence, R. I. Coleoptera. Collec- tion. Exchange shells for Coleoptera. Have Coleoptera of U. S., S. Am., France, Algeria for sale, or exch. for African Coleop. Nolt, Ezra J., Silver Spring, Lancaster Co., Pa. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange Coleoptera. Norris, Arthur Earnshaw, 2753 St. Catharine St., Montreal, Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Norris, Grace M., South Columbia, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. North, Howard W., 621 N. Cherry St., Blufiton, Ind. Odonata. Collec- tion. Exchange. Norton, J. B. S., St. Louis, Mo. Relation of Insects to Flowers. Nunenmacher,.F. W., 516 13th St., Oakland, Calif. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Oestlund, O. W., Prof. State University, Minneapolis, Minn. Homoptera ( Aphididcr ) ; Systematic Ento)no/ogy. University collection. Oldham, F. M., Innisfail, Alberta, N. W. T., Canada. Lepid. Coll. Orbe, Arthur, 143 E. North Ave., Chicago, 111 . Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Ormonde, Frederic, 59 Eustis St., Boston, Mass. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Orne, John, Ph.D., 104 Ellery St., Cambridge, Mass, Coleoptera. Coll. 26 entomologists’ directory. Osborn, Henry L., Haniline University, St. Paul, Minn. Biology of In- sects. Collection. Exchange. •^Osborn, Herbert, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Hemiptera [Mal/ophaga). Collection. Exchange. Osborne, Alfred, North Weare, N. H. Gen. Ent. Coll. Lepidoptera. Osburn, Miss Lura, 2458 Union St., San Diego, Calif. General Entomo- logy. Collection. Exchange. Osburn, Raymond, Fargo College, Fargo, North Dakota. Odonata, Perlidee. Collection. Exchange. Osburn, William, 107 University St., Nashville, Tenn. Coleoptera, Lepi- doptera , Diptera. College collection. Exchange. Oslar, Ernest J., 1853 Marion St., Denver, Col. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera. Local collection. Oswald, W. A., Petit Brule, P. Q., Canada. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Otis, Hamilton, Cazadero, Sonoma Co., Calif. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Ottolengui, Rodrigues, M. 1 ). S., 115 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera (Noctuidce). Collection. Exchange. Ouellet, C. J., C.V.S., I), and D. Inst., Ville St. Louis, Montreal, Canada. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Packard, Alpheus Spring, Providence, R. I. Lepidoptera (esp. Bomby- citic Moths). Collection. Exchange. Palm, Charles, 172 E. 64th St., New York, N. Y. Coleoptera, Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Palmer, R. M., Department of Agriculture, Victoria, B. C., Canada. Economic Entomology. Department collection. Exchange. Park, Francis E., M. D., Stoneham, Mass. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Parker, Fred., Amo, Ind. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Parkes, W. J., Care Citizen’s Nat. Bank, or P. O. Box 1731, Green Bay, Wis. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Parmele, George L., 65 Pratt St., Hartford, Conn. Lepidoptera. Parmele, Mrs. George L., 65 Pratt St., Hartford, Conn. Gen. Ent. Parrott, Percy J., Manhattan, Ks. Coccidic. Collection. Exchange. Partridge, Eustace J., Bridge St., Belfast, Me. Coteop. Coll. Exch. Partridge, Miss Sue M., Belfast, Me. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Patch, Edith M., Box 94, Camden Place, Minn. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Patterson, Clara E., P. O. Box 43, Little Falls, N. Y. Coleoptera. Coll. Patterson, Rose W., San Jos6, Calif. Coccidce. Collection. Exchange. Patton, Wtn. Hampton, Hartford, Conn. Hymcnpptera. Collection. Paulmier, Fred’k Clark, Madison, N. J. Morphology of Insects. Coll. Paxson, Owen S., Devon, Chester Co., Pa. General Entomology. Pearsall, Richard F., 1332 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Coleoptera , Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Pearson, A. W., Norwich, Conn. Lepidoptera. Pearson, Henry F., Y. M. C. A., Sacramento, Calif. Coteop., Lepid. Peck, George W., Roselle, N. J. Lepidoptera. Peck, H. C., Brighton, N. Y. Hemiptera. Collection. Exchange. entomologists’ directory. 27 Peckham, George YV., Milwaukee, VVis. Habits of Solitary Wasps , Spi- ders. Collection. Exchange spiders. Pelton, Henry V., 31 Garfield PI., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. General Ento- mology. Collection. Pennock, Aldrich J., Lansdowne, Del. Co., Pa. Gen. Ent. Coll. Pepperman, A. L., 332 Academy St., Williamsport, Pa. Lepid. Coll. Perkins, George H., Univ. of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. Economic Entomology. College collection. Perrior, A. YV., 316 West Kennedy St., Syracuse, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Perry, Elmer H., East Las Vegas, New Mexico. General Entomology. Persing, M. J., Clyde, Ohio. General Entomology . Collection. Exchange. HPettit, Rufus H., Asst. Ent., Exper. Sta , Agricultural College, Ingham Co., Mich. Coccidcs. Collection. Exchange. Phillips, Edward D., Ph.M., 2413 E. 10th St., Kansas City, Mo. Lepidop- tera (Rhopatocera). Collection. Phillips, E. E., Somerville, N. J. Economic Entomology. Phillips, J. L., Blacksburg, Va. Coccidcs, Economic Entomology. Pierce, Newton B., Pacific Coast Laboratory, Santa Ana, Calif. Ncurop- tcra. Collection. Pilate, G. R., 663 S. Main St., Dayton, Ohio. Lepidoptera. Pilsbury, Ernest H., 12 Lefferts Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Co/eop. Coll. Piper, Charles V., Agricultural College, Pullman, Wash. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange in all orders. Plummer, Frederic W., Winchendon, Mass Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Plummer, William H., Danville, Me. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Poling, Otho C., Quincy, 111 . Leipdoptera. Collection. Exchange. Pollard, Charles L., U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Pollock, Horatio M., M. S., Ph. D., Albany High School, Albany, N. Y. Aplcra ( Hydrachnidce ). Collection. Exchange. Pomeroy, Fred. E., 164 Holland St., or Bates College, Lewiston, Me. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Pope, T. Edmund B., 20 Hawthorne St., Providence, R. I. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Popenoe, Charles H., Topeka, Ks. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera ( Rhopalo - cera). Collection. Exchange. Popenoe, E. A., P. O. Box 303, Topeka, Ks. Coleoptera, Hemiptera. Collection. Exchange. Porter, J. A., M.D., Powassan, Ont., Canada. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Pough, F. H., 146 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Powell, G. Harold, Newark, Del. Economic Entomology. Pratt, Henry S., Haverford College, Pa. Embryology of Insects. Col- lection of European Coleoptera for sale. Prentice, W. J , Glenosborne, Pa. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Presler, Henry P., 35 N. Mozart St., Chicago, 111 . Lepid. Coll. Exch. Preston, Carleton E., Fairmount Ave., Hyde Park, Mass. Gen. Ent. 28 ENTOMOLOGISTS DIRECTORY. Price, R. H., Entomologist Texas Agric. and Mech. College and Exper. Station, College Station, Texas. Economic Entomology . Priddey, T. G., 371 Carlton St., Toronto, Canada. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Priest, Mrs. Lucia M., Manchester, N. H. Odonala. Coll. Exch. Prince, Clarence K., Westfield, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Prokes, Frank, 1321 Sacramento Ave., Chicago, 111 General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Pryce, Charles, 799 Congress St., E. Detroit, Mich. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Quaintance, A. L , Exper. Station, Experiment, Ga. Economic Entomo- logy, Hemiptera ( Aleurodidce ). Collection. Exchange. Ramsden, Charles T., Santiago de Cuba. Lepidoptera ( Rhopalocira ). Collection. Exchange. Ramstadt, Henry, Jr., 66 Clifton Ave., Chicago, 111 General Entomo- logy. Collection. Exchange. Rane, Frank Wm., Prof. Hort., N. H. College of Agric., etc., Durham, N. H. Genera! and Economic Entomology. Rathbun, Franklin R., 42J4 Franklin St., Auburn, N. Y. General and Economic Entomology, esp. Coccidce. Raubold, Louis, 52 Village St., Rockville, Conn. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Raymond, Edward W., 5 Hollis Place, Allston, Mass. Co/eoptera, Lepi- doptera. Collection. Read, Homer T., 116 Church St., Newton, Mass. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Reading, Joseph H., 775 N. Rockwell St., Chicago, 111 . General Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Reed, Howards., 2918 Lafayette St., Denver, Col.; or San Pedro Sula, Honduras, Cent. Amer. Coleoplera, Lepidoptera. Reeve, Margaret M., 3435 N. 21st St., Philadelphia, Pa. I^epid. Coll. Rehn, James A. G., 1918 N. 21st St., Philadelphia, Pa. Orthoptera. Collection. Exchange. Reif, Robert, 1324 Stiles St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepidoptera ( Rhopalo - cera). Collection. Exchange. Reinecke, Ottomar, 400 Elm St., Buffalo, N. Y. Co/eoplera. Collection. Reinick, Wm. R., Wagner Inst. Science, Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoplera. Reisig, Aug. C., 322 N. Roman St., New Orleans, La. Coleoplera ( Cicindelidce , Carabidce). Collection. Reist, Nathan E., Lime Rock, Pa. Coleop., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Rennie, R. W., 557 Talbot St., London, Ont., Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Resler, Arthur, 1402 N. Bond St., Baltimore, Md. Hymenoptera. Coll. Rhyder, C. M., Linwood, Delaware Co., Pa. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Richardson, Wm. D., P. O. Box 185, Fredericksburg, Va. Co/eoptera. Collection. Exchange Clavicornes only. Ricksecker, L. E., Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., Calif. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Riederer, Ludwig, 145 West 94th St., New York, N. Y. Anatomy of I meets . Collection of Microscopical Slides. entomologists’ directory. 29 Rienecker, G. Wm., 562 Nelson Ave., Jersey City Heights, N. J. Lepi- . doptera. Collection. Exchange. ■-''Riley, William A., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Morphology and Development of Insects. Rippon, Edrick V., 129 Hazelton Ave., Toronto, Canada. Lepidoplera, exotic Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Rivers, J. J., South Santa Monica, Calif. Coleoptera. Collection. Rivet, A. R., 7511 Pennsylvania Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Coleoptera. Roberts, Chris. H., 74 W. 119th St., New York, N. Y. Coleop. Coll. Robertson, Charles, Carlinville, III. Hymenoplera ; Mutual relations of flowers and insects. Collection. Exchange. Robinson, Wirt, Lieut. U. S. A., West Point, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Rocker, George, 79th St. and 7th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoplera. Collection. Exchange. Roddy, H. Justin, State Normal School, Millersville, Pa. Coleoptera , Spiders. Collection. Exchange. Roesiger, Carl, 184 So. Wyoming St., Carbondale, Pa. Coleoptera , Lepi- doptcra. Collection. Exchange. Rogers, J. H., Jr., 33 Grant Ave., Medford, Mass. Coleoptera , Lepidop- tera yllesperidce). Collection. Exchange. Rogers, MacLeod, Newburgh. N. Y. Coleop ., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Rolfs, P. H., Clemson College, S. C. Coccidce. Collection. Romberg, B. W., Black Jack Springs, Fayette Co., Texas. Coleop ., Lepid. Ross, Harry, Box 245, Tunkhannock, Pa. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Routke, A., 14 Sayre St., Elizabeth, N. J. Lepidoplera. Coll. Exch. Rowler, W. W., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Hymenoplera* Rowley, R. R., Louisiana, Pike Co., Mo. Lepidoplera ( Rhopalocera and Sphinges). Collection. Exchange. Ruggles, Byron P., Hartland Four Corners, Windsor Co., Vt. Economic Entomology (insects found on the farm). Collection. Exchange. Rumsey, W. E., Asst. Ent. W. Va. Agric. Exper. Station, Morgantown, W. Va. Genera/ Etitomo/ogy. Russell, Miss Clara M., State Normal College, Albany, N. Y. General Entomology. Collection. Russell, Colton, 4652 Wagoner Place, St. Louis, Mo. Lepid. Coll. Russell, Frank A., Bridgeport, Conn. Lepidoplera. Collection. Russell, Frederick W., M.D., Winchendon, Mass. Lepidoplera ( Hetero - cera). Collection. Exchange. Russell, Harry, corner Clinton and North Avenues, Bridgeport, Conn. Lepidoptera. Collection. Ryan, Everett R., Box 33, Stilesville, Ind. Gen , Ent. Coll. Exch. Sager, N., Jr., Herring P. O., Allen Co., Ohio. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Sala, August, 1678 West 23d St., Chicago, III. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Sandell, Daniel Timotheus, St. Peter, Minn. Coleoptera. Collection. Sandell, Michael N., St. Peter, Minn. General Entomology. 3 ° entomologists’ directory. Sanderson, E. Dwight, Newark, Del. Coleoptera (Chrysomelidce larvae). Collection. Exchange. Sanford, Arthur Eugene, 41 Corbet St., Dorchester, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Satterthwait, Alfred F., Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1900 Race St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Economic Entomology , Hemiptera. Coll. Exch. Saunders, Henry S., London, Out., Canada. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Savage, Thomas E., Toledo, Iowa. Genera! Entomology. Coll. Exch. Sawyer, E. L., Winchendon, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Sawyer, Sarah E., Webster, N. H. General Entomo/ogy. Coll. Exch. Scammon, Richard E., 2460 Brooklyn Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Coleop- tcra, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Schaefer. E. J., 389 Seventh St., Milwaukee, Wis. Coleoptera , Lepidop- tera , Hymenoptera. Collection. Exchange. Schaeffer, C., Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York, N. Y. Coleoptera. Schaeffer, Rev. C. E., Reading, Pa. Lepid. { Rhopaloccra ). Coll. Exch. Schafranck, Anton, 800 Monroe St., St. Charles, Mo. Coleop. Coll. Schaupp, F. G., Shovel Mount, Burnet Co., Texas. Coleoptera , Lepi- doptera , Dipt era, Odonata. Collection. Scheffer, Theo. H., Delphos, Kansas. Orthoptera. Collection. Schelpert, John W., M.D., 64 W. 96th St., New York, N. Y. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Schiedt, Richard C., Wheatland Ave., Lancaster, Pa. Coleoptera , Eco- nomic Entomology (insects injurious to plants). Collection. Schlieter, Carl, 601 Christiana Ave., Chicago, III. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Schmidt, August, 1836 E. Atlantic St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera of Frankford. Collection. Schmitt, Rev. P. Jerome, O. S. B., St. Vincent College, Beatty, Pa. Coleoptera (Pselaphidce, Scydmcenidce ), Lepidoptera , Hymenop- tera (Eormicidce). Collection. Exchange. Schmitz, Theodore H., 3104 Baring St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera. Scholl, Griffith D., Fleetwood, Pa. Coleop., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Schultz, W. H., Prof, of Science, Shorter College, Rome, Ga. Hymen- optera, Parasites. Schurr, Theodore A., Pittsfield, Mass. Genera! Entomology. Schwab, INicholas, 310 North St., Bethlehem, Pa. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Schwarz, Ernst, 6310 Newstead Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Schwarz, Hermann, 1811 Dolman Street, St. Louis, Mo. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Schweigert, C. F., 22A Hamilton St., Reading, Pa. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Scott, John VV. , High School, Mexico, Mo. General Entomology. Coll. Scott, W. M., State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga. Coccidce. Coll. Exch. Scudder, Harold H., 1006 New Hampshire Ave., Washington, 1 ). C. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. entomologists’ directory. 31 Scudder, Samuel H., Cambridge, Mass. Fossil Insects , Orthoptera , Lepi- doptera (R/wpa/ocera). Collection. Exchange. Seaton, Frances, 103 Glen Park Place, Cleveland, Ohio. Systematic lint.. Life Histories of Insects. Collection. Exchange. Seib, Simon H. M., 102 Boyd Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Lepid. Coll. Seifert, Otto, 540 E. 84th St., New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Seiss, C. Few, 1338 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. Orthoptera , local insects except Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Seitz, John, 1307 Third Ave., New York, N. Y. I.epid. Coll. Exch. Selous, Percy S., Greenville, Mich. Diptera (esp. Dermatobice , CEslri- dee, Tabanida, 1 lippoboscidcr). Collection. Exchange. Shanks, S. G., M.D., 547 Clinton Ave., Albany, N. Y. Gen. Ent. Coll. Shannon, W. Purdy, 661 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Sharp, Dallas L., 12 Somerset St., Boston, Mass. Arachnid/e (Aranecc). Collection. Shaw, S. Albert, Hampton, N. H. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Sheldon, Charles S., Normal School, Oswego, N. Y. Ilymen. Coll. Sheldon, Frank YV., Y. M. C. A. Bdg., Des Moines, Iowa. Coleop. Coll. Sherman, Franklin, Jr., Forest Home, N. Y. General and Economic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Sherman, John D., Jr., 4 Fletcher St., New York, N. Y. Co/coptera (esp. Dytiscidez, Parnidce). Will determine species in these families. Named and unamed specimens desired. Collection. Exchange, buy and sell. (See advertisement on cover). Sheriiff, F. A., Auditor’s Office, Boston and Maine R. R. Co., Boston, Mass. Colcoptera. Collection. Exchange. Shoemaker, Ernest, 32 Nassau St., New Y'ork, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Short, Ernest H., Albion, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Shulal>, F. X., Prof. St. Ignatius College, Chicago, III. Co/coptera. Collection. Exchange. Simkins, Eugene S., Lansdowne, Del. Co., Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. Simpson, Charles B., B. S., Ithaca, N. Y. Diptera; Armature of Lepi- dopterous larva ; Histology of Insects. Collection. Exchange. Simpson, Willibert, 26 Nepean St., Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Coteoptera. Collection. Exchange. Sirrine, F. Atwood, P. O. Box 30, Jamaica, N. Y. Homoptera (Aphidi- dce). Collection. Exchange. Skiff, Valentine F., Westfield, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Skinner, Henry, M.D., 716 N. 20th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Genera! Ento- mology. Collection American Butterflies. Exchange. Will name American Butterflies free of charge. Slaybaugh, G. E., 1502 R St., Washington, D. C. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Slear, Reno, 1251 Susquehanna Ave, Sunbury, Pa. Co/coptera. Coll. Slingerland, M. V., Ithaca, N. Y. Economic Entomology . Slosson, Mrs. Annie Trumbull, 38 E. 23d St., New York, N. Y. Lepi- doptcra. Collection. 3 2 entomologists’ directory. Small, W. M., Swampscott, Mass. Coteoptera. Collection. Exchange. Smalley, George A., n Wentworth St., New Dorchester, Mass. Lcpi- doplera. Collection. Exchange. Smith, A., & Sons, 269 Pearl St., New York, N. Y. Manufacturers and Importers of Entom. Goods. (See advertisement on cover). Smith, Benj. H., 406 Girard Building, Broad and Chestnut Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa. Coteoptera. Collection. Exchange. Smith, E. Clayton, M. D., 135 Plymouth Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Smith, Edgar J., Natick, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Smith, Herbert H., Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gen. Ent. Smith, Horace G., 2918 Lafayette St., Denver, Col. Gen. Ent. Coll. Smith, Rev. James A., 1 17 Eighth St., Troy, N. Y. Coteoptera. Coll. Smith, John B., Sc. D., New Brunswick, N. J. Lepid. ( Noctuidce ). Coll. Smith, J. C., 131 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. Odonata. Coll. Exch. Smith, S. H., n William. St., East Orange, N. J. Lepid. ( Rhopa .). Coll. Smith, Theo. H., 22 Essex Ave., Orange, N. J. Lepidoptera. Smyth, Ellison A., Jr., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Snow, F. H., Ph. D., Director of Museum, University of Kansas, Law- rence, Ks. Lepidoptera. University collection. Exchange. Snyder, Arthur J., Belvidere, III. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Snyder, Howard A., Hermit Lane, Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa. Hy- menoptcra. Collection. Snyder, Mary D., Belvidere, 111 . Lepidoptera. Collection. Snyder, W. E., Beaver Dam, Wis. Coteop., Hymen. Coll. Exch. Sosebee, Lee, Nelson, Georgia. General Entomology. Soule, Caroline Gray, 187 Walnut St., Brookline, Mass. Life histories , Sphingidcc, Bombycidcc. Will gladly send eggs, larvte or pupae to other Entomologists when having what they want. Souther, Wm. N., Groton, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. South wick, Edmund B., Ph. D., Arsenal Building, 65th St. and 5th Ave., Central Park, New York, N.'Y. Diptera , Hemip. Coll. Exch. Southwick, James M., Curator Mus. Nat. Hist., Roger Williams Park, Providence, R. I. Colcoptera. Lepidoptera. Mus. Coll. Exch. Speck, Frank G., Jr., Hackensack, N. J. Coteop., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Sprague, Frank H., Box 280, Wollaston, Mass. Gen. Ent. Coll. Stadtmueller, F. LI., Elmwood, Conn. General Entomology. Standish, Dr. J. V. N., Galesburg, 111 . Genera/ Entomology. Stanton, J. Y., Bates College, Lewiston, Me. Lepidoptera. Collection. Stauffer, W. S., Disston, Lancaster Co. , Pa. Coteoptera. Coll. Exch. Stearns, Elmer, P. O. Box 59, Sta. A, Los Angeles, Calif. Coteoptera, Economic Entomology . Stearns, Winfrid A., Atlanta, Ga. General Entomology, esp. Lepidop- tera and transformations of Insects. Collection. Correspond- ence solicited with parties finding “ rare species out of place.” entomologists’ directory. 33 Stebbins, Fannie A., 480 Union St., Springfield, Mass. Collecting Galls. Exchange. Stedrnan, J. M., Prof, of Ent., Univ.' of Missouri ; Entomologist of Exper. Sta., Columbia, Mo. General Entomology . Collection. Steinbrecher, F., M.D., 1291 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera , native and exotic. Collection. Exchange. Stephens, Frank, Witch Creek, San Diego Co., Calif. Lepid. Coll. Stephens, Mrs. Kate, Witch Creek, San Diego Co., Calif. Lepid. Coll. Stephenson, L. T., Vinton, Calif. Lepidoptera . Collection. Exchange. Steuber, Win., 124 Barber Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Coleop., Lepid. Coll. Stevens, Waldo W., 640 Bryson St., Youngstown, Ohio. Gen. Ent. Stevenson, Charles, Chemical Labr., McGill Medical College, Montreal, Canada. Coleop ., Hymen., Econ. Ent. Coll. Exch. Stewart, Graeme M., 233 Beverley St., Toronto, Canada. Gen. Ent. Stiles, Dr. Ch. Warded, U. S. Dept. Agric., Washington, D. C. Insects from medical standpoint (carriers of disease ; intermediate hosts for parasitic worms, etc.). St. John, Edward P., Plattsburgh, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Stoddard, A. O., 120 High St., Belfast, Me. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Stone, Seymour H.. 47 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. Gen. Ent. Stover, Oliver O., Freeport, Me. Hemiptera of Maine. Coll. Exch. Stratton, Randolph M., D.D.S., Scranton, Pa. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Straub, Robert, 306 Ninth Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. General Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Strecker, Herman, Dr. Ph., P. O. Box 311, Reading, Pa. Lepidoptera of the world. Collection. Exchange, buy and sell. Stroll, Miss H., 361 So. 4th St., Sunbury, Pa, Odonala. Collection. Stutz, Richard, Johnsonburg, Elk Co., Pa. Coteoptera. Coll. Exch. Sugden, J. W., 651 W. First South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Summers, Henry E., Ames, Iowa. Rhynchota- Heteroptera. Coll. Exch. Sumner, Louise, 33 Clinton Ave., South Rochester, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Surface, LI. A., M.Sc., Ithaca, N. Y. Aquatic Insects. Coll. Exch. Sutermeister, Margaret, Readville, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Swan, Chas. W., M.D., 1073 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. Co/eop. Coll. Swartz, C. L., Wellesley, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Swett, Louis W., 73 Elm St., Malden, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Syckelmoore, Wm. Horace, 2005 Wallace St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Sylvester, Mrs. I. W., Passaic, N. J. Coleop., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Tallant, W. N., Richmond, Ind. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Talley, T. W., State College, Tallahassee, Fla. Lepidopft • ra , Economic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Tandy, M., Dallas City, 111. Coteoptera, Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Tanner, Wm. F., 35 Moreland St., Roxbury, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Taylor, Rev. George William, Nanaimo, B. C , Canada. Economic Ento- mology. Collection, chiefly of Vancouver Island Insects. 34 entomologists’ directory. Taylor, O. L., 529 Portland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Taylor, Robert T., 4914 Penn .St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. Tenney, Mrs. Ellen L., 4S4 Madison Ave., Albany, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Terry, Wm. G., 643 Monroe St., Little Falls, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Coll. Test, Frederick C., M.D., 4401 Indiana Ave., Chicago, III. Econ. Ent. Teute, Ferd., 12 Hoelzer St., Rochester, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Tliaxter, Roland, 3 Scott St., Cambridge, Mass. Fungus Parasites of Insects. Collection of Bombyddee and Noctuidcc. Will ex- change for insects infested by fungi. Thiel, Louis, 2721 Scioto St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Thiess, J. B., 1800 Arlington Place, Chicago, III. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Thomas, Flavel S., M.D., Hanson, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Thomas, Gordon, 63 Chestnut St., East Orange, N. J. Coleoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Thomas, Joseph, M.D., Quakertown, Pa. General Entomology. Thomas, Lancaster, 1932 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepidoptera (esp. Amer. Rhopalocera). Collection. Exchange. Thomas, Roy S., P. O. Box 14, Bogota, N. J. Coleoptera. Coll. Exch. Thomsen, Arch. V., 1606 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, III. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Thornburg, Thomas E., Ashland, Ohio. Co/cop/era and Lepidoptera of the world. Collection. Exchange. Thuresson, Maude M., 98 G. St., So. Boston, Mass. General Entomo- logy. Collection. Exchange. Thurston, C. O., Kingston, Luz. Co., Pa. Coleop., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Tight, W. G. , Granville, Ohio. Insects in relation to plant life. Collec- tion. Exchange. Timm, Charles F. , 48 Ralph St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collec- tion, native and exotic. Exch. for native pupae and cocoons. Timm, Clarence, 48 Ralph St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Tinsley, John D., Agric. and Mech. College, Mesilla Park, New Mexico. Hemiplera (Dacty/opince). Collection. Exchange. Titus, E. S. G., Ft. Collins, Col. Hymen. (Aiilhophi/a). Coll. Exch. Todd, Dr. G. M., Akron Sav. Bank Bdg„ Akron, Ohio. Coleop. Coll. Tolman, Adams, Concord, Mass. General Entomology. Local coll. Tomlinson, James H., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Tough, James, 160 Ogden Ave., Chicago, III. Lepidoptera , Odonata. Collection. Exchange. Tourney, J. W., Tucson, Arizona. Economic Entomology. Tower, William L., Box 26, Westdale, Mass., and Zool. Labr., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Insect Anatomy and Morphology. Collection. Exchange for series showing color variation or for properly preserved larvre and pupre, for color development study ; also for large lots of common species. Townsend, C. H. Tyler, Las Cruces, N. Mex. Diptcra , Coccidce. Coll. Townsend, John, 218 Endicott Building, St. Paul, Minn. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Transeau, Edgar N., Williamsport, Pa. Coleop., Lepid. Coll. Exch. entomologists’ directory. 35 Treat, Mary, Vineland, N. J. Genera! Entomology. Tristram, Joseph, Brenham, Texas. Lepidoptera. Collection. Trombley, Jerome, P. O. Box 54, Petersburg, Mich. Lepidoptera (Rhopa- locera). Collection. Exchange. Troop, James, Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. Lepidoptera , Hemip- tera. Collection. Exchange. Troschel, Alfred, 446 Larchmont Ave., Chicago, 111 . Lepid. Coll. Exch. Troxler. C., Sr., 522 E. Market St., Louisville, Ky. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Truman, Hon. P. C., Volga, So. Dakota. Coleop ., Lepid. Coll. Exch. Twogood, F. D., 566 14th St., Riverside, Calif. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Tyers, Chas. H., Kavensworth P. O , Out., Canada. Lepidoptera. Coll. Tyler, Fred.J., Perry, Lake Co., Ohio. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Ufford, Eugene U., Willimansett, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Uhler, Philip R., 254 W. Hoffman St., Baltimore, Md. Hemiptera of the ivortd. Collection. Exchange. Ulke, Henry, 41 1 15th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Coleoptera. Coll. Ullrich, Lewis, Tiffin, Ohio. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Underwood, Jay G., Windsor, Vt. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Valentine, Clarence, 80 Chestnut St., Albany, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Valentine, H. E., 70 Kilby St., Boston, Mass. General Entomology, esp. Gall-flies and Aquatic Insects. Van Atter, W. M., 235 N. 22c! St., Philadelphia, Pa. Genera/ Entomology, [ft an Duzee, Edward P., Grosvenor Library, Buffalo, N. Y. Hemiptera. Collection. Exchange. Van Dyke, Edwin C., M. 1 )., St. Luke’s Hospital, San Francisco, Calif. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Van Dyke, H. L., Crothers, Washington Co., Pa. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Van Leer, A. W., 1008 N. East St., Bloomington, III. General Entomo- logy. Collection. Exchange. Van Roo, Martin, 700 36th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Van Voorhis, J. Fulton, 141 W. Main St., Newark, Ohio. Lepid. Coll. Vedder, C. C., M.D., St. Johnsville, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Viereck, Henry 1 .., 2134 Vine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hymen. Coll. Exch. Vollbrecht, Paul, 1873 N. Lincoln St.. Chicago, 111 . Lepidoptera. Col- lection also of Coleoptera. Exchange. Vosburgh, J. H. H.,‘ Little F'alls, N. Y. Coleoptera. Collection. Vosburgh, W. S., Tremont, New York, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Vose, Miss Ellen P'., Mattapan, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Wadsworth, Miss Mattie, Hallowed, Maine. Neuroptera, Odonata. Collection. Exchange. Wainwright, Robert D., Capt. U. S. Marines, 175 Paterson St., Paterson, N. J. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Walker, C. Loyal, 228 Clinton Ave., Oak Park, 111 . Coleoptera, Odo- nata. Collection. Exchange. Walker Charles M., 21 Main St., Amherst, Mass. Coleoptera. entomologists’ directory. 36 ^Walker E. M., 99 St. George St., Toronto, Ont., Canada. Orthoptera. Collection. Exchange. Walker George H., Belvidere, III. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Walker, J. V. D., Jamaica, N. Y. Lepidoptera ; eggs, tarvee, pupa: , ima- gos. Collect to sell. Walrath, Seward, St. Johnsville, N. Y. General Entomology. Collection. Walston, M. Cragg, 1222 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Walter, Herbert Eugene, A.M., North Division High School, Chicago, 111 . Genera/ Entomology. Wanka, Louis, rg6S Santee St., Los Angeles, Calif. Genera / Entomo- logy. Collection. Exchange. Ware, Robert A., 246 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Gen. Ent. Ware, Thomas, Plattsville, Ont., Canada. Lepidoptera (R/topaloccra). Collection. Exchange. Warren, Rev. J. C., Keeneyville, Tioga Co., Pa. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Warwick, F. W., B Sc., Buckingham, P. Q., Canada. I-epid. Coll. Exch. Washburn, Percy C., 244 Main St., Everett, Mass. Coleoptera, Lepid op - tera. Collection. Exchange. Watson, A. H. R , P. O. Box 360, Port Hope, Ont , Canada. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Watson, Frank E., 4 Freeman St., New York, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Weaver, Alice Rush, 2032 Tioga St., Philadelphia, Pa. I.epid. Coll. Exch. Weaver, Frederick W., 1064 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Co/cop- tera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Weaver, G. E. H., Sta. B., West Philadelphia, Pa. Coleop., Lepid. Coll. Webber, Herbert J., U. S. Dept. Agric., Washington, D. C. Relation of Plants and Insects. Weber, Charles F., 504 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera, Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Weber, Samuel E., Greenlane, Pa. Psocidce. Collection. Exchange. Webster, C. E., M.D., Binghamton, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Webster, F. M., Wooster, Ohio. Coleoptera. Collection. Weed, Clarence M., Durham, N. H. Phalangida . Coll. Exch. Weed, Howard Evarts, Griffin, Ga. Economic Entomology. Collection. Weeks, A. Eugene, Kast Bridge, Herkimer Co., N. Y. General Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Weeks, Andrew G., Jr., 360 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Diurnal Lepidoptera of the world. Collection. Exchange. Weeks, Anson H., Kings Bridge, New York, N. Y. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Weeks, Archibald C , 34 Broad St., New York, N. Y. Economic Ento- mology. {Coleop., Lepid.). Coll, of all orders. Exch. in Coleop. Weeks, Ella, Lawrence, Kansas. Hemiptera (mouth-parts). Weeks, William H., Jr., 508 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Weems, Rachel A. D., 1428 Chapin St., Washington, D. C. Gen. Ent. entomologists’ directory. 37 Weidt, A. J., 165 Summit St., Newark, N. J. Nocturnal Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Weir, Wm. W., 493 14th Ave., Detroit, Mich. Coleoptera. Coll. Exch. Weith, Rudolph J., Elkhart, Ind. Hymenoptera. Collection. Exchange. Welles, Chas. S., Elwyn, Del. Co., Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Welton, Harry, Brunswick, Ga. Lepid ., Hymen. Coll. Exch. Wenman, William, Box 135, Red Deer, Alherta, Canada. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera. Collection. Wenman, Wm. Jr., Box 135, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera. Collection. Wenner, Frank YV., North Baltimore, Wood Co., Ohio. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Wenzel, Edward, 1835 S. 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera. Wenzel, Harry A., 1523 S. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Colcop. Coll. Exch. Wenzel, Henry W., 1523 S. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Werum, J. H., Toledo, Ohio. Genera! Entomology. Coll. Exch. West, John H., 2215 Sepviva St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Westcott, Chas. S., Rutledge, Del. Co., Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Westcott, Oliver S., Maywood, 111. Genera! Entomology. Coll. Exch. Westervelt, Anna, Loudonville, N. Y. Genera! Entomology. Collection. Westgate, Wm. Walter, Brunner, Harris Co., Texas. Coleoptera , Lepi- doptera. Coll. Exch. Desires to corresp. with specialists will- ing to name material in return for specimens from this locality. Wetherby, A. G., Magnetic City, Mitchell Co., N. C. Odonata, Lepidop- tera. Coll. Exch. Collects also Coleoptera, Hymenoptera. Wetzstein, Albert, Prof. High School, St. Marys, Ohio. Genera! Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Wheeler, Ralph L., 50 Claire St., Lowell, Mass. Coleoptera , Lepidop- tera, Ncuroptera. Collection. Exchange. Wheeler, William Morton, Ph.D. , Prof, of Zoology, University of Texas, Austin, Tex. General Entomology. Wheelock, George A., Keene, N. H. Coleoptera. Local collection. Whitall, Charles P., 542 E. Second St , Plainfield, N. J. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. White, James, Snelgrove, Out., Canada. Genera! Entomology. Coll. Whitman, Charles H., 32 Garland St., Bangor, Me. Gen. Ent. Coll. Whitney, Chas. Fuller, 105 Chestnut St., Cambridge, Mass. Lepid. Coll. Whitney, C. P., Milford, N. H. Diptera (Tabanidce). Coll. Exch. Whitney, E. R., 20 North St., Binghamton, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Whiting, C. A., Pacific School of Osteopathy, Los Angeles, Calif. Para- sitic Insects and Worms. Collection. Exchange. YVhittredge, Hairy G., 212 Summer St., Dorchester, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Wickham, Henry F. , Iowa City, Iowa. Coleoptera, esp. in regard to dis- tribution. Collection. Exchange. Coleoptera for sale (see ad- vertisement on cover). 3 » entomologists’ directory. Wicks, Arthur H., Clyde, Ohio. Co/eop., Hymen. Coll. Exch. Wight, Alexander E., Wellesley Hills, Mass, Lepidoptera. Wilbur, Fred. H., Tunkhannock, Pa. Gen. Ent. Coll. Exch. Wilcox, E. V., Dept, of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Histology of Insects , General Entomology. Collection. Wilcox, Walter H., 1630 Hogan St., St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Ent. Coll. Wilder, Harris H., Ph.D., Prof. Zoology, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Anatomy and Embryology of Insects. College coll. Wildman, Edw., 229 W. 112th St., Chicago, III. Lepidoptera. Coll. Wiley, C. A., Miles City, Montana. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Wilford, H. E., Andes, N. Y. Macro- Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Wilkinson, Edward, Mansfield, Ohio. Coleoptcra. Collection. Exchange. Wilkinson, Mac., Woodstock, Ont., Canada. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Willcox, M. A , Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. Gen. Ent. Willet, N. L., S12 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. General Entomology. Williams, Francis Xavier, 1015 Scott St., San Francisco, Calif. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Williams, J. B., 86 Union Ave., Montreal, Canada. Lepidoptera ( Rhopa - locera ). Collection. Williams, Thomas A., P. O. Box 35, Takomo Park, D. C. Homoptera ( Aphididce ). Collection. Exchange. Williamson, Charles S., 2127 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Williamson, E. B., Bluff ton, Ind. Odonata. Collection. Exchange. Willing, T. N., Olds, Alberta, N. W. T., Canada. Lcpid. Coll. Exch. Williston, Samuel W., Prof. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Diptera. Collection. Willson, Walter J., 59 G St., South Boston, Mass. Lepidoptera. Wilson, Charles Branch, State Normal School, Westfield, Mass. Aquatic Larvce. Collection. Exchange. Wilson, H. V., Prof. Biology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. General Entomology . Collection of local forms. Wimmer, August A., 2083 Crotona Ave., New York, N. Y. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. WinecofT, Rev. Thomas E., Morgantown, W. Va. Lepidoptera. Winn, Albert F., 58 Bruce Ave., Westmount, P. Q., Canada. Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Wintemberg, W. J., Washington, Ont., Canada. Coleoptera, Hemiptera. Wirtner, Rev. M., O. S. B., St. Boniface Church, Royal St., Allegheny, Pa. Hemiptera. Collection. Exchange. Witter, F. M., Muscatine, Iowa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Wolcott, A. B., M D., 901 W. Locust St., Bloomington, III. Coleoptcra. Collection. Exchange. Wolcott, Robert H., M. D., State University, Lincoln, Neb., or Grand Rapids, Mich. Lepidoptera, Coleoptera (esp. I lydrachnidce) ; de- sires correspondence with all interested. Collection. Exchange. entomologists’ directory. 39 Wolf, Alois, Newell Ave., Williams Bridge, New York, N. Y. Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Wolfgang, Harry Gilbert, P. O. Box F, Leetonia, Ohio. Economic Ento- mology (esp. Coccidce). Collection. Exchange. Wolley Dod, F. H., P. O. Box 225 Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Macro- Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Wood, Wm. Congdon, 51 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Co/cop/era ( Cicindelidce ). Collection. Exchange. Woodruff, W. W., 285 Viaduct St., Cleveland, Ohio. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Woodworth, Mrs. A. M., 81 Ayerigg Ave., Passaic, N. J. Coleoptera , Lepidoplera. Collection. Exchange. Woodworth, C. W., 2043 Lincoln St., Berkeley, Calif. Local Fauna of Diplera and Homoptera ; Embryology. Coll. Exch. Woodworth, Howard O., 610 E. Clark St., Champaign, 111 . Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Woolley, H. S., F. E. S., 577 So. Main St., Waterbury, Conn. Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Woolman, Anna, Lansdowne, Del. Co., Pa., Lepidoptera. Collection. Wooster, L. C., 1017' Union St., Emporia, Kansas. Economic Entomo- logy. Collection in State Normal Museum. Works, Winfield F., 1343 Wallach Place, Washington, D. C. Orthop. Wormsbacher, Henry, 122 Hutton St., Jersey City, N. J. Lepidoptera. Collection of native and exotic butterflies. Exchange. Worth, Wm. A., no Oakwood Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Coleop. Coll. Exch. Wright, Albert A., Oberlin, Ohio. General Entomology. Coll. Exch. Wright, W. G., P. O. Box 1145, San Bernardino, Calif. Lepidoptera ( Rhopaloccra ). Collection. Wright, W. Hoyt, Normal, 111 . Neurop. (esp. Chrysopa). Coll. Exch. Wunder, Chas., 501 E. 16th St., New York, N. Y. Lepid. Coll. Exch. Yarnell, James E., Wapakoneta, Ohio. Odonata. Collection. Exchange. Yates, Dr. Lorenzo Gordon, Santa Barbara, Calif. Coleop., Lepid. Coll. Yergason, Robert Moseley, 143 Sigourney St., Hartford, Conn. Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Young, Charles H., Hurdman’s Bridge P. O., Out., Canada. Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Young, Chester, Ellenville, N. Y. Hymen. (Ten/hredina). Coll. Exch. Young, Douglas B., Newport, N. Y. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Zabriskie. Rev. J. L., 28 Regent Place, Flatbush Sta., Brooklyn, N. Y. Coleoptera , Hymenoptera. Collection. Exchange. Zahrobsky, Vance J., Wilmerding P. O., Allegheny Co., Pa. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Zavitz, Edmund J., Ridgeway, Out. (June 1 to Oct. 1) ; McMaster Hall, Toronto (Oct. 1 to June 1), Canada. Hymenoptera , Arachnida. Collection. Exchange. Zerrahn, C. Otto, Box 21, Milton, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Ziegler, S. W., 25 S. Penn St., York, Pa. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. GEOGRAPHICAL ARRANGEMENT, ARIZONA. Clifton. PAGE Davidson, Dr. A., Hymen 0 Phoenix. Kunz6, Dr. R. E., Lepid 20 Tucson. Tourney, J. W., Econ. Ent 34 ARKANSAS. Fayetteville. McNiel, Jerome, Ortho p , Myriap • • • - 23 CALIFORNIA. Alameda. Koebele, Albert, Lepid 20 Alma. Grundel, J. G., Lepid 15 Berkeley. Woodworth, C. W., Dipt., Homop • • • -39 Cazadero. Otis, Hamilton, Lepid 26 Claremont. Cook, A. J., Econ. Ent 8 Duarte. Fowler, Carroll, llymen 12 Eldorado. Harris, Sarah E.. Hymen., Dipt 15 El Modena. Hehvig, Walter L., Gen. Ent 16 Kaweah. Hopping, Ralph, Coleop 17 Los Angeles. Compere, George, Econ. Ent. 7 Griffith, Benj. W., Hemip ., Coccidoe. . 11 Harvey, E. K., Lepid 15 Hutchinson, Clias. E., Arach 18 Krebs, T. L., Coleop., Lepid 20 Stearns, Elmer, Coleop., Econ. Ent" .32 PAGE Wanka, Louis, Gen. Ent 36 Whiting, C. A., Parasites 37 Marysville. Harney, G. W., Hemip. 15 Menlo Park. Mills, Helen H., Odonata 24 Mokelumne Hill. Blaisdell, Dr. F. E., Coleop 4 Monterey. Hickman, J. B., Coleop., Lepid 16 Mountain View. Ehrhorn, Edw. M., Coceidse 11 Oakland. Dunn, G. W., Coleop 10 Nunonmacher, F. W., Coleop 25 Orange. Dealing, Rev. W. S., Coleop 9 Palo Alto. BartrufF, Zoe S., Gen. Ent 2 Kellogg, Vernon L Orthop 19 Pasadena. (Maypole, E. W., Econ. Ent 7 Daggett, Frank S., Coleop., Lepid . ... 9 Fall, Henry C., Coleop 11 F6nyes, Dr. A., Coleop 12 Franklin, Burnell, Lepid 13 Grinnell, F., Jr., Lepid., Odonata • . . .14 Herr, Clarence W., Lepid 16 Riverside. Hyatt, Edw., Coleop., Hymen 18 Twogood, F. D., Coleop., Lepid 35 Sacramento. Pearson, Henry F., Coleop., Lepid- ..26 San Bernardino. Wright, W. G., Lepid 39 San Diego. Field, Geo. II., Coleop 12 Osburn, Miss Lura, Gen. Ent 26 entomologists’ directory. 41 PAGE San Francisco. Belli*, Dr. H., Lepid 3 Cottle, Jas. E., Lepid 8 Craw, Alex., Coccidse • . . 8 Fuchs, Chas., Col 13 Huguenin, J. C., Co/., Lepid 18 Letcher, Beverly, Lepid 21 Mueller, G. T. O., Lepid 24 Van Dyke, Dr. E. C., Col 35 Williams, Francis X., Gen. Ent 38 San Jose. Bush, Mrs. A. E., Gen. Ent 6 Clark, Ulysses S., Gen. Ent 7 King, Ernest S., Gen. Ent 19 Patterson, Rose W., Coccidve 26 Santa Ana. Pierce, Newton B., Neurop 27 Santa Barbara. Cooper, Ell wood, Parasites 8 Yates, Dr. L. G., Col., Lepid 39 Santa Monica. Rivers, J. J., Col 29 Santa Rosa. Ricksecker, L. E., Col 28 Soldiers’ Home. Albright, Max, Co/., Lepid 1 Vinton. Stephenson, L. J., Lepid 33 Witch Creek. Stephens, Frank, Lepid 33 Stephens, Mrs. Kate, Lepid 33 CANADA, Aweme, Man. Criddle, Norman, Co/., Lepid 8 Bartonville, Ont. Johnston, James, Co/., Lepid 19 Beulah, Man. Collingwood, Robt., Lepid 7 Dennis, A. J., Col., Lepid 9 Gibbon, Hugh A., Lepid 13 Bracebridge, Ont. Cockburu, Bessie, Gen. Ent 7 PAGE Brandon, Man. Boger, H. W. O., Lepid 4 Buckingham, P. Q. Warwick, F. W., Lepid 36 Calgary, Alberta. Tomlinson, Jas. H., Lepid 34 Wolley-Dod, F. H., Lepid 39 Cartwright, Man. Heath, Edwin F., Lepid 16 Chicoutimi, P. Q. Huard, Rev. V. A., Gen. Ent 18 Essex, Ont. Krieghoff, C., Gen. Ent 20 Laing, Ernest N., Lepid 20 Guelph, Ont. Lochhead, Prof. W., Orth., Coccidse- • 21 Hurdman’s Bridge, Ont. Young, Chas. H., Lepid 39 Innisfail, Alberta. Oldham, F. M.. Lepid 25 Levis, P. Q. Fyles, Rev. Thos. W., Econ. Ent 13 L’lslet, P. Q. Lavoie, Raoul, Gen. Ent 21 London, Ont. Bethune, Rev. C. J, S. Col., Lepid 3 Bock, H. P., Lepid 4 Moffat, J. Alston, Lepid 24 Rennie, R. W., Lepid 28 Saunders, Henry S., Lepid 30 Montreal. Beaudry, I. A. U., Gen. Ent 3 Beaulieu, Germain, Col., Hem 3 Brainerd, Dwight, Lepid 5 Chagnon, Gus., Col., Dipt 6 Davis, Mark, Lepid 9 Denny, Edw., Col.. Lepid 9 Gibb, L., Lepid 13 Hutchings, S. C., Lepid 18 Lyman, Henry H., Lepid 22 Mercure, J. T., Lepid 23 Norris, Arthur E., Lepid 25 Ouellet, C. J., Gen. Ent 26 Stevenson, Chas., Col., Hum., Econ . - .33 Williams, J. B., Lepid 38 42 entomologists’ directory. Nanaimo, B. C. Taylor, Rev. G. W., Econ. Ent 33 Olds, Alberta. Willing, T. N., Lepid 38 Orillia, Ont. Grant, Chas. E., Col., Lepid 14 Ottawa, Ont. Fletcher, Janies, Econ. Ent. 12 Gihson, Arthur. Econ. Ent., Lep 13 Guignard, J. A., Econ. Ent.. Hym . . . .15 Harrington, W. Hague, Hym 15 MacLaughlin, T. J.. Odonata 22 Simpson, Willibert, Col 31 Petit Brule, P. Q. Oswald, W. A., Gen. Ent 26 Plattsville, Ont. Ware, Thos., Lepid. 36 Port Hope, Ont. Metcalfe, Win., Lepid 24 Watson, A. H. R., Col 36 Powassan, Ont. Porter, Dr. J. A., Lepid 27 Ravensworth, Ont. Tyers, Chas. H., Lepid 35 Red Deer, Alberta. Wenman, William, Col., Lep 37 Wenman, William, Jr., Col., Lep- - • .37 Ridgeway, Ont. Kilman, A. H., Col., Lep 19 Zavitz, Edw. J., Hym., Arach 39 Rigaud, P. Q. Desrochers, J. E., Col. 10 Rossland, B. C. Dan by, Win. H., Lep 9 Rounthwaite, Man. Marmont. L. E.. Col., Lep 22 Sherbrooke, P. Q. B6gin, L’ Abbe, P. A., Econ., Lep. ... 3 Snelgrove, Ont. White, James, Gen. Ent. 37 St. Catharines, Ont. Burrell, M., Econ. Ent 6 Toronto Ont. Brodie, Win., Gall Insects 5 Chipman, H. D.. Gen. Ent • • 7 Cox, Daniel G., Col., Lep 8 Crew, R. J., Col 8 Grupe, A. E. H., Lep 15 Hunter, Dr. A. J., Parasites 18 Priddey, T. G., Lep 28 Rippon, E. V., Col., Lep 29 Stewart, G. M., Gen. Ent 33 Walker, E. M., Orthop 36 Zavitz, Edw. J., Hym. Arach 39 Trenton, Ont. Evans, John D., Col., Lep., Hym 11 Victoria, B. C. Palmer, R. M., Econ. Ent 26 Waghorn, Alberta. Gregson, Percy B., Lep 14 Washington, Ont. Wintemberg, W. J., Col., Jlem 38 Wellington, B. C. Kremers, Rev. II. A., Lep 20 Westmount, P. Q. Winn, Albert F., Lep. 38 Windsor, Ont. Cody, W. S., Lep 7 Winnipeg, Man. Hanhani, A. W., Lep 15 Woodstock, Ont. Dickson, D. M., Gen. Ent 10 Dunlop, Mary V., Gen. Ent 10 Munro, W., Col 24 Wilkinson, Mac., Col. Lep 38 COLORADO. Denver. Cannon, Geo. L., Lep 6 Horlacher, Wm., Lep 17 Mason, J. T.. Lep 22 Oslar, E. J., Col., Lep 26 Reed, Howard S., Col., Lep 28 Smith, Horace G., Gen. Ent 32 Fort Collins. Ball, E. D., Ilomop 2 Gillette, C. P., Hymen 13 Titus, E. S. G., Hymen 34 entomologists’ directory 43 Pueblo. Nash, H. W., Lep 25 CONNECTICUT. Bridg-eporb. Eames, Dr. E. H., Gen Ent 11 Moore, Isaac, F., Jr., Dipt 24 Russell, Frank A., Lepid 29 Russell, Harry, Lep 29 Elmwood. Stadtmuellev, F. H., Gen. Ent 32 Hartford. Beach, Dr. 0. C., Gen. Ent 3 Carpenter, S. C., Lep 6 Charles, J., Lep 7 Crozet, Rev. C., Col 8 Dunning, S. N., Ilnmen • • . -11 Ham, Oliver H., Hymen 15 Parmele, Geo. L., Lep 26 Parmele, Mrs. G. L., Gen. Ent 26 Patton, Wm. H., Hymen 26 Yergason, R. M., Lepid 39 Middletown. Bel, Mrs. Alphonse, Lep 3 Blakeslee, Miss Mary, Lep 4 New Britain. Hulbert, E. M., Lep 18 New Haven. Britton, W. E., Col., Lep 5 Foote, Dr. Harry W., Lep 12 Norwich. Geduldig, E. W., Gen. Ent 13 Holms, Frank W., Lep 17 Lumsden, G. R., Col 22 Moore. John, Gen. Ent 24 Pearson, A. W., Lep 26 Ridgefield. Couch, Edw. J., Lep 8 Rockville. Kropf, Otto, Lep 20 Raubold, Louis, Lep 28 Seymour. Holbrook, B. W., Lep 17 Stamford. Bigelow, Edw. F., Gen. Ent 3 Howes, Chas. L., Col.. Lep 17 Stonington. Frensch, Ernst, Lep 13 Torringford. Davis, H. S., Gen. Ent 9 Torrington. Abeliug, H. H., Col., Lep 1 Dietz, Henry, Lep 10 Hochstein, Robt., Col., Lep 17 Klein, J. T., Col., Lep 20 Waterbury. Bassett, H. F., Gall Insects 2 Woolley, H. S., Lep 39 West Haven. Jackson, Fred. A., Lep 18 DELAWARE. Newark. Powell, G. Harold, Econ. Ent 27 Sanderson, E. D., Col. 30 Wilmington. Jones, Frank M., Lep 19 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Takomo Park. Williams, Thos. A., Ilomop 38 Washington. Ashmead, W. H., Hym., Ilemip 2 Banks, Nathan, Neurop., Arach 2 Barber, II., Col 2 Barber, H. S., Col 2 Benton, Frank, Hymen 3 Burden, Chas. E., Col 5 Caudell, A. N., Gen. Ent 6 Chapin, Frank E., Lep 7 Chittenden, F. H., Col., Econ. Ent ... 7 Cook, O. F., Myriap .... 8 Coquillett, I). W., Dipt 8 Currie, Rolla P., Ncnrop 9 Dyar, Harrison G., Lep. 11 Fox, Dr. W. H., Arach 12 Hay, Robt. H., Lep 16 Hay, W. P., Col., Lep 16 Heidemann, Otto, Ilemip 16 Hodgkins, H. G., Arach 17 Howard. L. O., Econ. Ent., Hym 17 44 ENTOMOLOGISTS DIRECTORY. Maun, B. Pickman, Bibliog 22 Marlatt, C. L., Hym., Coccidw 22 Matt lies, F. E., Coleop 23 Mechlin, O. A., Lep 23 Morris, E. L., Gen. Ent 24 Pollard, Clms. L., Lep 27 Scudder, H. H., Lep 30 Slaybaugh, G. E., Col. 31 Stiles, Dr. C. W., Gen. Ent 33 Ulke, Henry, Col. 35 Webber, H. J., (Ecology 36 Weems, Rachel A. D., Gen. Ent 36 Wilcox, E. V., HistoL, Gen. Ent 38 Works, Win fried F., Orthop. 39 FLORIDA. Lake City. Gossard, H. A., Gen. Ent 14 Tallahassee. Talley, T. W., Lep., Econ Ent 33 GEORGIA. Augusta. Willet, N. L., Gen. Ent 38 Atlanta. Scott, W. M., Coccidse 30 Stearns, Winfrid A., Lep 32 Brunswick. Welton. Harry, Lep., Hym 37 Dahlonega. Gaillard, B. P., Gen. Ent 13 Experiment. Quaintance, A. L., Econ. Ent., Hem ■ .28 Griffin. Weed, Howard E., Econ. Ent. 36 Nelson. Sosebee, Lee, Gen. Ent 32 Rome. Schultz, W. H., Ilymen 30 IDAHO. Moscow. Aldrich, J. M. t Dipt 1 Weiser. Foster, Richard, Col 12 ILLINOIS. Algonquin. Nason, Wm. A., Hym., Dipt 25 Aurora. Allen, Dr. Geo. F., Arach 1 Belvidere. Snyder, Arthur J., Lep 32 Snyder, Mary D., Lep 32 Walker, Geo. H., Lep 36 Bloomington. Van Leer, A. W.. Gen. Ent 35 Wolcott, Dr. A. B., Col 38 Carlinville. Robertson, Chas., Hymen 29 Carbondale. French, G. H Lep 13 Centralia. Davis, John J., Gen. Ent 9 Champaign. Brancher, R. W., Econ . Ent 5 Woodworth, H. O., Lep 39 Chicago. Barker, Michael, Gen. Ent 2 Barroll, H. E., Dipl 2 Bebb, William, Col 3 Beer, E. G. L., Lep 3 Bolter, A., Gen. Ent 4 Brues, Chas. T., Hym., Dipt 5 Denslow, H. C., Lep 9 Derr, H. B., Gen. Ent 9 Draper, Edw. H., Col 10 Eberhart, Dr. N. M., Econ. Ent 11 Engl, Frank X., Gen. Ent. 11 Guion, L. P., Gen. Ent 15 Hancock, Dr. J. L., Orthop 15 Healy, John L. t Lep 16 Hibbard, H. V., Col., Lep 16 Hills, Clarence T., Lep 16 Johannsen, O. A., Dipt 18 Kelsey, Camp, Lep 19 Kopp, William, Lep 20 Kurowski, Alfred, Gen. Ent. 20 Kwiat, Alex., Lep. 20 Logan, Stuart, Gen. Ent 21 Mares, Adolf, Lep 22 McDade, Jas. E., Col., Odon 23 entomologists’ directory 45 page Melander, A. L., Dipt 23 Neubarth, B., Lep 25 Orbe, Arthur, Gen. Ent 25 Presler, H. P., Lep 27 Prokes, Frank, Gen. Ent 28 Bamstadt, Henry, Jr., Gen. Ent 28 Reading, Jos. H., Gen. Ent 28 Sala, August, Col., Lep 2D Sohlieter, Carl, Lep 30 Shulak, Prof. F. X., Col 31 Test, Dr. Fred. C., Econ. Ent 34 Thiess, J. B., Lep 34 Thomsen, Arch. V., Lep 34 Tough, James, Lep., Odon 34 Troschel, Alfred, Lep. 35 Vollbrecht, Paul, Lep 35 Walter, H. E., Gen. Ent 36 Wild man, Edw., Lep 38 Dallas City. Tandy, M., Col., Lep. 33 Decatur. Barnes, Dr. Wm,, Lep 2 Coon rad t, J. H., Lep 8 Gastman, E. A., Lep., Hym 13 East St. Louis. Bodenburg, J. H., Lep 4 Galena. Bean, Thus. E., Lep 3 Galesburg-. Stand ish, Dr. J. V. N., Gen. Ent 32 Harvard. Faust, Chas., Col., Lep., Odon. . . ... .11 Hinsdale. Needham, F. M., Col 25 Lake Forest. Needham, J. G., Col., Odon 25 Maywood. Clarke, Ross, Lep 7 Westcott, O. S., Gen. Ent.. 37 Morgan Park. Blackwelder, Eliot, Col 1 Normal. Wright, W. Hoyt, Ncurup. 3D PAGE Oak Park. Longley, W. E., Lep # 21 Walker, C. L., Col., Odon 35 Peoria. Boettger, Fred., Gen. Ent 4 Peru. Aaron, William, Col 1 Quincy. Mueschen, Chas., Lep 24 Musselman, Thos. E., Lep 25 Poling, Otho C., Lep 27 Rutland. Coding, F. W., So mop 14 Terra Cotta. Knetsch, Robt., Gen. Ent 20 Urbana. Beach, Alice M., Thripidts 3 Forbes, S. A., C Ecology 12 Green, E. C., Econ. Ent 14 Wady Petra Chase, V. IT., Gen. Ent.. . • INDIANA Amo. Parker, Fred., Col., Lep 26 Bluff ton. Deam, Chas. C., Col., Lep., Orth D North, Howard W., Odon 25 Williamson, E. B., Odon 38 Crawfordsville. Bodine, Dr. D., Lep 4 Culver. Eisenhard, G. B., Gen. Ent 11 Elkhart. Ludlow, J. IT., Col 22 Weith, Rudolph J., Hymen 37 Greencastle. Cook, Mel. T., A rack 8 Indianapolis. Blatchley, W. S., Orth., Hemip 4 Duden, Hans, Econ. Ent 10 Kingsbury, J. G., Econ. Ent ID Mitchell, J. L., Lep 24 46 entomologists’ directory. LaFayette. Troop, James, Lep., llcmip Richmond. Tallant, W. N., Lep PAGE ....35 Boss. Gallagher, W. C., Lep ....13 , Stilesville. Ryan, Everett R., Gen. Ent 29 South Bend. Hubbard, Lucius, Col., Lep 18 Tangier. Clickcner, Chas., Econ. Ent .... 7 Vevay. Danglade, E. M., Col IOWA. Ames. Baines, P. T., Gen. Ent .... 2 King, Charlotte M., Jlemip Newell, Wihnon, Ilomop . . . .25 Summers, Henry E., Jlemip . . . . . . . .33 Cedar Rapids. Brendel, Dr. E., Col .... 5 Corydon. Carter, Chas., Odon 6 Decorah. Goddard, F. R., Lep 13 Iloeg, Dr. C., Lep ....17 Des Moines. Sheldon, Frank W., Col Grinnell. Hathaway, Jos. H., Lep 16 Lackey, Geo. R., Gen. Ent ....20 Harlan. Childs, Edw. P., Lep Iowa City. Wickham, Heniy F., Col Keokuk. Loewenstein, W., Jr., Col., T.rp. . . .. .21 Keosauqua. Duckworth, A. S., Col., Lep PAGE Muscatine. Witter, F. M., Lep 38 Sioux City. Anderson, A. J., Gen. Ent • • • 1 Toledo. Savage, Thos. E., Gen. Ent 30 KANSAS. Baldwin. Bridwell, J. C., Gen. Ent 5 Delphos. Scheffer, Theo. H., Orth 30 Emporia. Wooster, L. C., Econ. Ent 39 Galena. Crumb, Ebb., Gen. Ent 8 Hays City. Johnson, W. E., Col 19 Lawrence. Hunter, S. J., Orth., IFom op 18 Kahl, Hugo, Dipt 19 Snow, F. H., Lep 32 Weeks, Ella, Jtlemip 36 Wil listen. Prof. S. W., Dipt 38 Leonardville. Abell, Edw. J., Gen. Ent 1 Manhattan. Dickens, Bertha K., Ilomop. 10 Marlatt, Fred. A., Econ. Ent 22 Parrott, Percy J., Coccidse 26 McPherson. Knaus, Warren, Col., Econ. Ent. . . .20 Natoma. Brown, Benj., Gen. Ent 5 Onaga. Crevecceur, F. F., Gen. Ent 8 Oswego. Newlon, W. S., Gen. Ent 25 Topeka. Popenoe, ('has. H., Col., Lep. 27 Popeuoe, E. A., Col., llcmip 27 entomologists’ directory. 47 PAGE KENTUCKY. Lexington. Garman, H., Econ. Ent. } Hemip 13 Louisville, Houser, C. W., Col 17 Troxler, C., Sr., I.ep 35 Lincoln. Clayton, John, Lep Orono. ITarvey, E. L., Econ. Ent.., Orion Waldoboro. Lovell, John II., (Ecology PAGE 15 21 LOUISIANA. Baton Rouge. Morgan, H. A., Aptera 24 Covington. Kopnian, JI. H., Lep 20 New Orleans. Foster, Ed., Hym., Orion 12 Reisig, Aug. C., Col 28 Smith, J. G\, Orion 12 MAINE. Bangor. Braun, Carl, Gen. Ent- . ■ Eddy, Fred. A., Col 11 Knight, Ora W., Lep 20 Whitman, Chas. H., Gen. Ent 37 Belfast. Iluuton, Margaret A.. I.ep II Fernald, John S., Col 12 Howard, W. R., Lep 17 Partridge, E. J., Col 26 Partridge, Sue M., Lep 26 Stoddard, A. 0., I.ep 33 Bethel. Gehring, Dr. J. (}., Col 13 Danville. Pffimnier, W. EL, Lep 27 East Orlanil. Atkins, Chas. G., (Jen. Ent. Freeport. Stover, Oliver ()., Ilemip 33 Hallowell. Wadsworth, Miss Mattie, Orion 35 Lewiston. Pomeroy, Fred. 15., Gen. Ent 27 Stanton, J. Y Lepitl 32 Waterville. Dunbar, R. 15., Col., Lep 10 Hitchings, 15. F., Col., Lep 17 MARYLAND. Baltimore. Hamrnel, W. C. A., Col 15 Resler, Arthur, II ym 28 Uhler, Philip R., Ilemip 35 College Park. Gould, H. P„ Econ. Ent 14 Johnson, W. G., Econ. Ent 19 Hagerstown. Hawkins, H. B., Lep 16 Stockton. Foulks, O. D., Lepitl 12 MASSACHUSETTS. Allston. Raymond, Edw. W., Col., Lep 28 Amherst. Fernald, C. IT., Lep 12 Fernald, II. T., Ilemip., Cocc 12 Hinds, Warren E., Ilemip. 17 Hooker, Win. A., Dipt 17 Lull, R. S., Gen. Ent., Cocc 22 Walker, Chas. M., Col 35 Arlington. Frost, Harold L., Econ. Ent 13 Belchertown. Manee, A. H., Col., I.ep 22 Beverly. Harris, Geo. II., I.ep 15 Boston. Bolster, Percy G., Hymen 4 Chamberlain, C. W., I.ep 6 Cheney, Miss Ethel M.. Gen. Ent-. . . 7 4 8 entomologists’ directory. PAGE Clark, Geo. O., Lep. 7 Clarke, Miss Cora H., (falls 7 Emerton, J. H., Aracli. 'll Field, D. G., Lepid 12 Field, Jas. A., Lepid. 12 I I a y wa rd , Roland, Col. 16 Holbrook, F. A., Gen. Rut. 17 Kelsey, H. P., Col., Lep. ... .19 Lamb, (lias. W., Lep 21 Minot, Geo. R., Lep 24 Newcomb, IT. II., Lep 25 Ormon d e, F red . , Col 25 Sharp, Dallas L., A rack 31 Sberriff, F. A., Col 31 Stone, Seymour H., Gen. Rut 33 Thuresson, Maude M., Gen. Rut 34 Valentine, H. E., Gen. Rut 35 Ware, Robt. A., Gen . Rut 36 Weeks, A. G., Jr., Lep 36 Bridgewater. Cushman, J. A.. Col., Lep 9 Brookline Bowditch, Fred. C., Col 4 Soule, Caroline G., Lep 32 Swan, Dr. Chas. W., Col 33 Cambridge. Adams, C. C., Orion. 1 Hensliaw, Samuel, Col 16 Orne, John, Col 25 Scudder, S. II., Lep., Orth. 31 Tower, Win. L., Anatomy 34 Thaxter, Roland, Parasites 34 Whitney, Clias. F., Lep 37 Chicopee. Knab, Fred., Col 20 Concord. Tolman, Adams, Gen. Rut 34 Dorchester. Sanford, Arthur E., Lep 30 Wbittredge, Harry G., Lep 37 East Somerville. Hood, L. E., Col • • • 17 Everett. Croker, Harry C., Lep 8 Washburn. P. ('., Col., Lep 36 PAGE Fall River. Holt, Herbert, Col., Lep 17 Groton. Souther, Win, N., Lep 32 Hanson. Thomas, Dr. Flavel S., Lep 34 Haverhill. Bixby, Win. E., Gen. Rut 4 Hudson. Herrick, J. H., Lep 16 Hyannis. Cory. Mrs. C. B., Lep 8 Hyde Park. Ilammatt, Mary L., Gen. Rut. 15 Preston, Carleton E., Gen. Rut 27 Jamaica Plain. Bowditch, Harold, Lep 4 Jack. John G., Eeon. Rut 18 Low, Win. F., Lep .21 Lawrence. King, Geo. B., Hym., Cocc 19 Lowell. Judge, Fred. G., Col., Lep. - . • 19 Wheeler, R. L., Col., Lep., Near 37 Lynn. Chat field, A. F., Lep 7 Malden. Burgess, A. F., Col 6 Burr, Freeman F., Col. , 6 Forbush, Edw. H., Econ.Rnt 12 Kirtland, A. II., Econ. Rut., If emip. .20 Mason, Albert P., Col., Lep 22 Mason, Chas. G., Lep 22 Mosher, F. IT., Col 24 Swett, Louis W., Lep 33 Mattapan. Vose, Miss Ellen T., Lep. 35 Medford. Rogers, J. II., Jr., Col., Lep 29 Melrose Highland. Leighton, Margaret W., Gen. Rut . . . .21 Millbury. Mills, Owen W., Col., Lep 24 entomologists’ directory. 49 PAGE Milton. Field, W. L. W., Up 12 Zerrahn, C. Otto, I.ep 39 Natick. Smith, Edgar J., Up 32 Needham. Fuller, Mrs. C. E., Gen. Ent 13 New Bedford. Burt, Henry P., Gen. Ent 6 Eliot, Ida M ,,I.ep 11 Hough, Dr. G. de N., Dipt. ■ ■ 17 New Dorchester. Hall, Alfred P ,,I.ep 15 Smalley, Geo. A., I.ep 32 Newton. Read, Homer T., Up 28 Newtonville. Clark, Austin H., Up Northampton. Wilder, IT. H., Anatomy. 38 North Easton. Grey, Ilobt. M ., Up 11 Pansy Park. Goodell, L. W., Up 14 Peabody. Cassiuo, Samuel E., Hemip 6 Pittsfield. Schurr, Tlieo. A., Gen. Ent 30 Readville. Sutermeister, Margaret, Up 33 Roxbury. Tanner, Win, F., I.ep 33 Sherborn. Babcock, A. L., Col., Up. 2 Hawes, Alfred, Gen. Ent 1G Somerville. Anderson, M. 0., Up 1 South Amherst. Goodale, Alfred S., Odonata 14 South Braintree. Bates, Frank A., Econ. Ent 3 PAGE South Boston. Clapp, E. B., Up 7 Willson, Walter J., Lep 38 Springfield. Chase, Joseph E., Up 7 Dimmock, George, Biology 10 Kirkham, Wm. B., Hemip 20 Mattoon, Laura l., Hemip 23 Stebbins, Fannie A., Galls 33 Stoneham. Park, Dr. F. E., Gen. Ent 26 Swampscott. Small, W. M., Col 32 Topsfleld. Frame, Mrs. E. M., Lep 12 Tyngsboro. Blanchard, Fred., Col 4 Wellesley. Denton, R. W., I.ep 9 Denton, S. W., Up 9 Denton, W. D„ Up 9 Morse, Albert I*., Orth 24 Swartz, C. L., Up 33 Willcox, M. A., Gen. Ent 38 Wellesley Hills. Wight, Alex. E., Up 38 Wellington. Mitchell, Harvey, Up 24 Westdale. Tower, Wm. L„ Anatomy 34 Westfield. Prince, Clarence K., I.ep 28 Skid", Valentine F., I.ep 31 Wilson, Clias. B., Agnatic 38 West Newton. Burrison, H. K., I.ep 6 Maynard, C. J., I.ep 23 Weymouth. Chamberlain, G. W., Gc> i. Ent 6 Whitman. Bates, J. Elwyn, Up 3 Willimansett. U fiord, Eugene U., Up. 35 50 entomologists’ directory. PAGE Winchendon. Plummer, Fred. W., Lep. 27 Russell, Dr. F. W., Lep 29 Sawyer, E. L., Lep ; 30 Wollaston. Sprague, Frank M., Gen. Ent. 32 Woods Holl. Gray, Geo. M., Gen. Ent 14 Worcester. Lawrence, Jos. I., Lep 21 MEXICO. San Juan Evangelista. Harvey, J. C., Lep 15 Tacubaya, D. F. Barrett, O. W., Gen. Ent 2 MICHIGAN. Adrian. Allis, E. W., Econ. Ent 1 Agricultural College. Pettit, Rufus H., Coccidse 27 Detroit. Newcomb, W. W., Lep 25 Pryce, Charles, Lep 28 Weir, Wm. W., Col 3f Grand Rapids. Wolcott, Dr. R. H., Col.. Lep 38 Greenville. Barlow, Bronson, Gen. Ent 2 Selous, Percy S., Dipt 31 Homer. Me A idle, R. H., Gen. Ent 23 Hudson. Boies, A. H., Gen. Ent 4 Kalamazoo. Clarke, Bates E., Lep.. Col 7 Muskegorf. McLouth, C. D., Gen. Ent 23 Petersburg. Trombley, Jerome, Lep 35 Turner. Allen, James E., Gen. Ent.* • 1 PAGE MINNESOTA. Camden Place. Patch, Edith M., Lep 26 Collegeville. Erkens, Albert, Gen. Ent 11 Minneapolis. Eustis, Henry W., Lep 11 Oestlund, Prof. O. W., Horn 25 Walston, M. Cragg, Lep. 36 Parkers Prairie. Nelson, Wilson E., Gen. Ent 25 Rochester. Ainslie, Clias. N., Gen. Ent 1 St. Anthony Park. Lugger, Otto, Col. 22 St. Paul. Osborn, Henry L., Bioloyy 26 Taylor, O. L., Lepid 34 Townsend, John, Col 34 St. Peter. Edquist, ,J. A., Lep., Hym 11 Sandell, D. T., Col 29 Sandell, M. N., Gen. Ent 29 MISSISSIPPI. Ocean Springs. Forkert, C., Lep 12 Pachuta. Johnson, Law. C., Gen., Econ. Ent . . -19 Vicksburg. Casey, Maj. Thos. L., Col 6 MISSOURI. Cadet. Barlow, Jos. G., Gen. Ent 2 Clinton. Doran, Edwin W., Econ. Ent 10 Columbia. Stedman, Prof. J. M., Gen. Ent 33 Kansas City. Adams, C. F., Orth 1 Callahan, Thos. F., Gen. Ent 6 Hall, I)r. Frank J., Lep 15 entomologists’ directory. 51 PAGE Hare, Sid. J., Kcun. Ent 15 Mackenzie, G. P., Col 22 Phillips, Edw. D., Lep 27 Scammon, R. E., Col., Lep 30 Kirksville. Halt, Lawrence M., Col 15 Kirkwood. Murtfeldt, Miss Mary E., Lep 25 Louisiana. Dodge, E. A., Lep 10 Dodge, G. M„ Lep 10 Rowley, R. R., Lep 29 Mexico. Scott, John W., Gen. Ent 30 St. Charles. Schafranck, Anton, Col 30 St. Louis. Baker, C. F., Hym., IIe.m 2 Bock, Dr. Geo. W., Col 4 Fischer, Eugene R., Econ. Ent 12 Gerhard, Bernhard, Col. Lep 13 Irish, H. C., Gen. Ent 18 Monell, Jos. T., Horn 24 Norton, J. B. S., Econ. Ent 25 Rivet, A. R., Col 29 Russell, Colton, Lep 29 Schwarz, Ernst, Lep 30 Schwarz, Hermann, Lep 30 Wilcox, Walter H„ Gen. Ent 38 MONTANA, Bozeman. Cooley, R. A., Hemip 8 Miles City. Wiley, C. A., Lep 38 Missoula. Elrod, M. J.. Neurop 11 NEBRASKA. Lincoln. Bruner, Lawrence, Orth 5 Hunter, W. D., Dipt 18 Wolcott, Dr. R. 11., Col., Lep 38 PAGE NEVADA. Reno. Dolen, Samuel B., Econ. Ent 10 Hillman, Fred. II., Econ. Ent 1G NEW HAMPSHIRE. Claremont. Foster, F. H., Lep. 12 Durham. Rane, Prof. F. W., Gen., Econ. Ent. ■ .28 Weed, Clarence M., Phalanyidie. 36 Hampton. Shaw, S. Albert, Lep 31 Haverhill. Locke, John D., Col 21 Hinsdale. Bailey, Edw. P., Col 2 Metcalf, Mrs. R. H., Col., Lep 23 Keene. Wheelock, Geo. A., Col 37 Manchester. Burnham, E. J., Odon 6 Burnham, Geo. E., Lep G Davis, May W., Odon, 9 Graupncr, Miss A. L., Hym 14 Graupner, Miss H. C-, Hym 14 Huse, Win. II., Gen. Ent 18 Priest, Mrs. L. W., Odon. 28 Milford. Melzer, Jas. P., Lep 23 Whitney, C. P., Dipt 37 Newport. Bradley, Arthur C., Gen. Ent 4 North Weare. Osborne, Alfred, Gen. Ent 26 Seabrook. Eaton, Alvah A., Lep 11 Weare. Herbert, W. S. B., Col 16 Webster. George, Maurice C., Col 13 Goodhue, Chas. F., Lep 14 Sawyer, Sarah E., Go 1 . Ent 30 5 2 entomologists’ directory. PAG 12 NEW JERSEY. Bogota. Thomas, Roy S., Col 34 Caldwell. Crane, M. S., Gen. Ent 8 Camden. Carney, J. P. R., Lep., Econ. Ent 6 East Orange. Beebe, C. Will, Hem 3 Smith, S. H., Lep 32 Thomas, Gordon, Col 34 Elizabeth. Buchholz, Otto, Lep 5 Kemp, S. T., Lep. 19 Routke, A., Lep 29 Hackensack. Speck, F. G., Jr., Col., Lep 32 Harrison. Leonhard, C., Lep 21 Hoboken. Blackburn, Chas. V., Lep 4 Hug, Herman, Lep. 18 Jersey City. Kircher, George, Lep. 19 Seib, S. H. M., Lep 31 Wormsbacher, H., Lep. 39 Jersey City Heights. Rieneoker, G. W ., Lep 29 Madison. Paulmier, Fred. C., Morphol. 26 Montclair. Gorman, W. C., Lep 14 Newark. Angelman, John B.. Lep 1 Brehme, H. H., Lep 5 Broad n ell, W. H., Lep 5 Dickerson, E. L., Col., Lep 10 Hampson, John J., Lep 15 Helpers, Henry, Gen. Ent. 15 LcetHer, Jacob, Col 21 Mintz, Fannie S., Gen. Ent 24 Weidt, A. J., Lep 37 New Brunswick. Smith, John B., Lep 32 PACE Orange. Hopping, Roy, Lep 17 Smith, Theo. H., Lep 32 Palmyra. Luccareni, Geo. A., Col 21 Passaic. Sylvester, Mrs. I. W., Col., Lep 33 Woodworth, Mrs. A. M., Col., Lep • . .39 Paterson. Wain wright, R. D., Lep •* 35 Plainfield. Gilbert, Mrs. A., Lep 13 Herring, Mrs. H. B., Lep 16 Whitall, Chas. P., Lep 37 Roselle. Peck, Geo. W., Lep. 26 Somerville. Phillips, E. E., Econ. Ent 27 South Orange. Martin, Noel B., Lep 22 Trenton. Apgar, Austin C., Lep 2 Vineland. Abbott, Miss Millie, Lep 1 Treat, Mary, Gen. Ent 35 NEW MEXICO. East Las Vegas. Perry, Elmer H., Gen. Ent 27 Las Cruces. Townsend, C. U. T., Dipt., Cocc 34 Mesilla Park. Cockerell, T. D. A., Cocc., Hym. 7 Tinsley, John D., Hem 34 NEW YORK. Afton. Gibson, C. S., Gen. Ent. Albany. Arnold, B. W., Lep. Banks, (’lias. S., Hym., Dipl.- Boynton, Miss M. F., Gen. Ent Cutler, E. A., Lep entomologists’ directory. 53 PAGE Felt, E. Porter, Econ. Ent 11 Gager, Chas. S., Gen. Ent 13 Goodrich, Charlotte, Gen. Ent 14 Love, Rev. A. L., Col., Lep 21 Pollock, Horatio M., Aptera 27 Russell, Miss Clara M., Gen. Ent 29 Shanks, Dr. S. G., Gen. Ent 31 Tenney, Mrs. Ellen L., Lap. 34 Valentine, Clarence, Lep 35 Albion. Short, Ernest If., Lep 31 Amsterdam. French, Dr. S. H., Lep 13 Andes. Wilford, H. E., Lep 38 Auburn. Rathbun, F. R., Gen., Econ. Ent 28 Binghamton. Burlingham. Miss G., Gen. Ent 6 Webster, Dr. C. E., Lep - - - - . 36 Whitney, E. R., Lep 37 Brighton. Peck, II. C., Hem 26 Brockport. Bruce, David, Lep *. 5 Brooklyn. A k hurst, John, Col.. Lep 1 Bechtold, P., Lep 3 Becker, Edw., Lep 3 Burger, Geo. E., Col 5 Clark, Chas. U., Col 7 Collins, Lewis, Econ. Ent 7 Dean, John, Gen. Ent 9 Doll, Jacob, Lep 10 Dupree, W. B., Col., Lep 11 Ceroid, Joseph, Col. 13 Graef, Edw. L ., Lep .14 Havel 1, Geo. H., Col., Lep. 16 Hu 1st, Rev. G. D., Lep. 18 Jackson, W. S., Lep 18 Kalbert, Jno. B., Lep 19 Deeming, Joseph, Col 21 Meeker, Dr. J. W., Col., Lep. 23 Meitzen, Julius, Col 23 PAGE Moorhead, R. D., Jr., Lep 24 Nan, Balthasar, Col., Lep 25 Pearsall, Rich. F., Col., Lep 26 Pilsbury, Ernest H., Col 27 Pough, F. H., Lep 27 Rocker, George, Lep 29 Steinbreober, Dr. F., Lep 33 Timm, Chas. F., Lep 34 Timm, Clarence, Lep 34 Weaver, Fred. W., Col., Lep 36 Weeks, Win. H., Jr., Lep 36 Zabriskie, Rev. J. L., Col., Hym 39 Buffalo. Adams, M. F., Econ. Ent 1 Dorr, S. H., Col 10 Fischer, Philip, Lep 12 Hildenbrandt, M., Lep 16 Hillig, Fred. J., Col 16 Moeser, Frank E., Lep 24 Moeser, Win. J., Lep 24 Reinecke, Ottomar, Col 28 Van Du zee, E. P., Hem 35 Canton. Knapp, A. H., Lep 20 Clyde. Devereaux, W. L., Col., Lep 10 Ellenville. Young, Chester, Hym 39 Elmira. Beckwith, M. H., Gen., Econ. Ent - ... 3 Forest Home. Sherman, F., Jr., Gen.. Econ. Ent - . . - 31 Geneva. Lowe, Victor H., Econ. Ent 21 Herkimer. Lohrmann, Richard, Col., Lep. 21 Ithaca. Comstock, J. H., Lep., Core. 8 Gifford, John, Econ. Ent 13 MacGilli vray, A. D., Hym 22 Martin, Jas. O., Gen. Ent. 22 Mercer, W. F., Lep 23 Miller, Mrs. M. R., Gen. Ent 24 54 entomologists’ directory. PAGE Murrill, W. A., Lep 25 Riley, Win. A., Morphol. 29 Rowler, W. W., Hym 29 Simpson, C. B., Lep., Dipt 31 Slingerland, M. V., Econ. Ent 31 Surface, H. A., Aquatic 33 Jamaica. Sirrine, F. A., Homop. 31 Walker, J. V. 1)., Lep *...36 Kast Bridge. Weeks, A. Eugene, Gen. Ent 36 Keesville. Fletcher, A. G., Lep 12 Kendall. Burnett, H. S., Lep. 6 Kings Bridge. Weeks, Anson H., Col 36 Lestershire. Aylswortb, W. L., Lep 2 Ellsworth, Addison, Lep 11 Little Falls. Patterson, Clam E., Col 26 Terry, Win. G., Lep 34 Vosburgb, J. H. H., Col 35 Long Island City. Straub, Robert, Gen. Ent 33 Loudonville. Westervelt, Anna, Gen. Ent 37 Mohawk. Casler, Geo. E., Econ. Ent 6 Hamblin, H. H., Gen. Ent 15 Mt. Vision. Beals, Lynn 8 ., Lep 3 New Brighton. Davis, Wm. T., Orthop 9 Newburgh. Morton, Emily L.. Lep 24 Mosher, C. II., Col., Lep 24 Rogers, MacLeod, Col., Lep. 29 Newport. Young, Douglas B., Col 39 PAGE New York City. Angus, James, Gen. Ent 2 Baker, Dr. 11. K, Col 2 Barber, H. G., Gen., Econ. Ent 2 Beutenmueller, W., Gen. Ent 3 Beyer, Gustav, Col 3 Boone, C. L., Lep 4 Browning, Therese D., Lep 5 Buffington, R. A., Oilon 5 Caldwell, Clias. H., Lep 6 Cammann, Dr. D. M., Gen. Ent 6 Clarkson, Frederick, Gen. Ent 7 Cl ute, Willard N., Lep. 7 Comstock, W. I\, Col., Lep., Oclon ■ . • • 8 Daniels, H. P., Col 9 Dietz, Ottomar, Col. 10 Ditmars, R. L., Econ. Ent 10 Draper, E. H., Col 10 Erb, Herman J., Lep 11 Field, Mrs. P. W., Lep. 12 Fillion, Francis, Col 12 Graef, Jos. E., Lep 14 Green, Fred. V., Col 14 Griffiths, David, Gen. Ent 14 Grotli, C. F., Gen. Ent 15 Hartmann, C. F., Gen. Ent 15 Herzlich, H. L., Col., Lep 16 Hopping, Roy, Lep 17 Jelliffe, Dr. S. E, Col. 18 Joutel, Louis H., Col., Lep 19 Kearfott, W. D., Lep 19 Kraus, Jos. II. , Col., Lep 20 Kudlieh, Dr. H. F., Col 20 Lagai, Dr. Geo., Col., Lep 20 Lee, Robert E., Col 21 Leng, Chas. W., Col 21 Love, E. G., Gen. Ent 21 Luetgens, A., Col 22 Mattes, Joseph, Lep 23 Mertz, Mathias, Lep 23 Molins, Julius, Lep 24 Muench, L. T., Col 24 Ottoleugui, R., Lep. 26 Palm, Charles, Col., Lep 26 Riederer, Ludwig, Anatomy 28 Roberts, Chris. H., Col 29 Schaeffer, C., Col 30 Schelpert, Dr. J. W., Col., Lep 30 Seifert, Otto, Lep 31 entomologists’ directory. 55 TAGE Seitz, John, Lep 31 Shannon, W. P., I.ep 31 Sherman, John D„ Jr., Col 31 Shoemaker, Ernest, Lrp 31 Slosson, Mrs. A. T„ Lep 31 Southwick, E. B Dipt., Hem 32 Voshurgh, W. S., Lrp 35 Watson, Frank E., Lep 36 Weeks, Arch. C„ Earn, Ent 36 Wimmer, Aug. A., Col., Lep 38 Wood, Win. C., Col 39 Wunder, Charles, I.ep 39 North Syracuse. Conway, Ernest F., Lep 8 Nyack. Green. Fred. V., Col 14 Lander, Benj., Gen. Ent 21 Oneida. Cramer, Norman L., Ilym. 8 Oneonta. Alden, H. K., Col., Lep 1 Cleveland, Geo. F., Lep 7 Holdredge, L. I„ I.ep 17 Oswego. Sheldon, Chas. S., Hym 31 Parish. Cornell, Edwin, Gen. Ent 8 Plattsburgh. Hudson, Geo. II., Lep 18 Poughkeepsie. Arnold, Fred. S„ Col., Ilym 2 Pel ton, Henry V., Gen. Ent 27 Potsdam. Clarkson, Miss Annie, Lep 7 Houghton, C. O., Col., Lep 17 Prattsburgh. St. John, Edward P., I.ep 33 Richmond Hill, L. I. Lagai, Dr. Geo., Col., I.ep 20 Rochester. Allis, Jas. W., Col., Lep 1 Baker, John W., Lep 2 Baxter, Floras R., Gen. Ent 3 Burke, John F„ Lep 6 Duncan, Geo. T., Gen. Ent 10 Gilbert, H, R., I.ep 13 PAGE Lane, R. E., I.ep 21 Moore, Rich. M., Col 24 Smith, Dr. E. C., Lep. 32 Sumner. Louise, Lep 33 Teute, Ferd, I.ep 34 Rye. Bird, Henry, Lep 3 Halsted. J. H., Lep 15 South Columbia. Norris, Grace M., Col., Lep 25 St. Johnsville. Vedder, Dr. C. C., Lep 35 Walratli, Seward, Gen. Ent 36 Stapleton. Fulda, 0., Lep 13 Syracuse. Dakin, J. A., Lep 9 Hargitt, Chas. W., Habits 15 Perrior, A. W., Lep 27 Worth, Wm. A., Col 39 Troy. Lawton, Edw. I\, Gen. Ent. 21 McKay, Joseph, Dipt 23 Smith, Rev. J. A., Col 32 Watertown. Adams, J. M., Gen. Ent 1 Meek, Adam, Gen. Ent 23 West Point. Robinson, Lieut. Wirt, Lep 29 Whitehall. Howe, W. W., Lep 17 Williams Bridge. Wolf, Alois, Lep 39 NORTH CAROLINA. Chapel Hill. Holmes, J. A., Econ. Ent 17 Wilson, Prof H. V., Gen. Ent 38 Kawana. Kelsey. H. P., Col., Lep. 19 Magnetic City. Wetherby, A. G., Lep., Odon 37 Raleigh. Massey, W. If, Econ. Ent 22 McCarthy, Gerald, Enin. Ent 22 56 entomologists’ directory. PAG IS West Raleigh. Hymns, Chas. W., Col., Lep 18 NORTH DAKOTA. Fargo. Osb urn. Raymond, Nenrop 26 Grafton. McDonald, Rev. Dr., Col., Lep 23 OHIO. Akron. Brown, Jay E., Lep 5 Myers, Ralph, Gen. Eiit. 25 Todd, Dr. G. M., Col 34 Ashland. Thornburg, Tlios. E., Col., Lep 34 Cincinnati. Dury, Charles, Gen. Ent 11 K uegeman n, Edw. J., Lep 20 Thiel, Louis, Lep. 34 Cleveland. Bingham, Oliver P., Lep. 3 Brown, P. E., Lep. 5 Bubna, M., Col ., Lep 5 Edwards, Edwin H., Gen. Ent 11 Krueger, P. W., Gen. Ent 20 Lander, C. H., Lep 21 Seaton, Frances, Gen. Ent 31 Steuher, Win., Col., Lep 33 Woodruff, W. W., Lep 39 Clyde. Persing, M. J., Gen. Ent 27 Wicks, A. H., Col, Hym 38 Collinwooa. Fowler, IT. DeM., Gen. Ent .12 Maxwell, A. W., Co/., Lep. 23 Columbus. Eddy, C. W., Lep • • • ■ 11 Mine, J. S., Dipt.,Odon 17 Osborn, Herbert, Hem 26 Dayton. Foerste, Aug. F., ( "Ecology .12 Pilate, G. R., Lep 27 East Liverpool. Hill, Win. M., Col 15 Euclid. Avery, Miss M. L., Gen. Ent 2 PAGE Fremont. Hayes, Seth, Dipt 16 Granville. Tight, W. G., ( Eeology 34 Herring. Sager, N., Jr., Lep 29 Kingsville. Keck, Rev. J. M., Gen. Ent 19 Leetonia. Medsger, G. E., Gen. Ent. 23 Wolfgang, IT. G., Eton. Ent 39 Mansfield. Wilkinson, Edward, Col 38 Newark. Metz, Walter C., Lep 24 Van Voorhis, J. F., Lep 35 New London. Masterman, Elmer E., Gen. Ent 23 North Baltimore. Wentier, Frank W., Lep 37 Oberlin. Jones, Lynds, Lep., Orth 19 Wright, Albert A., Gen. Ent 39 Perry. Tyler, Fred. J., Lep 35 Saint Marys. Wetzstein, Prof. Albert, Gen. Ent •• .37 Tiffin. Bomberger, Rev. J. H., Col 4 Ullrich, Lewis, Lep 35 Toledo. Weruin, J. IT., Gen. Ent. 37 Wapakoneta. Kayser, Wm., Gen. Ent 19 Tarn ell, James E., Odon 39 Warren. Lipps, E. C.. Col., Lep 21 Waynesburg. Hill, Rev. W. E., Col,, Lep 16 Wooster. Ayres, Annie B.. Eeon. Ent 2 Good, Albert I ..Lep 14 Mally, C. W., Hym.. Hem 22 Webster, F. M., Col 36 entomologists’ directory. 57 PAGE Yellow Springs. Folsom, Prof. J. \V„ Gen. Enl 12 Youngstown. Stevens, Waldo W., Gen. Ent 33 OKLAHOMA. Batchelder. Bassler, Thomas, Col 3 Stillwater. Hogue, E. E., Coccid as OREGON. Corvallis. Cord ley, Arthur B., Eco n. Eid., Hum ■ 8 McElfresh, Fred M., Econ.Ent., Hem-23 Fort Klamath. Cunningham, B. I.., Lep !) Portland. Cauthorn, Emily, Gen. Ent. G Downs, S. U., Eco n. Ent 10 PENNSYLVANIA. Allegheny. Wirtner, Bev. M., Hem 38 Bainbridge. Brinser, H. S., Col, Eep 5 Beatty. Kraus, Bichard, Hym 20 Schmidt, Rev. P. J., Gen. Ent.. 30 Bethlehem. Caffrey, G. W., Col G Conradi, Adolph, Lep 8 King, Wilbur L., Gen. Ent 10 Schwab, Nicholas, J.ep 30 Bismarck. Qroh, D. F., Lep 14 Lcibig, J. E., Lep 21 Boothwyn. McCartney, Eugene, I.ep 23 Bryn Mawr. Blake, Clias. A., Lep 4 Henry, Taylor P., Lep 1G Camp Hill. |Iankins, I). S., Lep 15 Carbondale. Roesiger, Carl, Col., Lep 29 PAGE Crafton. Klages, Edw. A*, Col 20 Crothers. Van Dyke, H. L„ Lep 35 Devon. Paxson, Owen S., Gen. Ent 26 Disston. Stauffer, W. S., Col 32 Dyberry. Day, Theodore, Ec-On. Ent 9 Elwyn. Welles, Clias. S., Lep 37 Ephrata. Klinger, F. S., Col., Hym, 20 Miller, Levi J., Col, Hem 24 Fleetwood. Scholl, G. D., Col, Lep 30 Glenosborne. Prentice, W. J., Col., Lep 27 Greenlane. Weber, Samuel E., Psocidie 36 Greensburg. Cowan, Frank, Habits 8 Lowe, Orton, I.ep 21 Harrisburg. MacCartncy, B. F., Gen, Enl 22 Haverford. Blonda, D. J., Lep 4 Pratt, Henry S., Embryo! 27 Hazleton. Dietz, Dr. W. G., Col 10 Jaoobs Creek. Medsger, O. 1’., Col., Lep 23 Jeannette. Klages, Henry G., Col 20 Kneehtel, Frank, Col, Lep. 20 Johnsonburg. Brevoort, Jim. B., Col, Lep 5 Stutz, Richard, Cul 33 Keeneyville. Warren, Rev. J. C„ Col 30 Kingston. Thurston, C. O., Col, Lep 34 5 » entomologists’ directory. PAGE Kutztown. Bordner, Geo. C., Col., Lep - . • • Gruber, C. L., Gen. Ent 15 Lancaster. Auxer, Samuel, Col., Lep . 2 Cooper, Miss M. F., Gen. Ent - - 8 Hensel, Nellie E., Gen. Ent. - - - Schiedt, R. C„ Col., Eeon. Ent- LansdownS. Conard, Henry S., Orth 8 Pennock, A. J., Gen. Ent 27 Simkius, Eugene S., Lep. 31 Woolman, Anna, Lep 39 Lickdale. Bolin, J. T., Gen. Ent 4 Lime Rock. Reist, Nathan E. t Col., Lep. . - - .. ..28 Linwood. Rhyder, C. M., Gen. Ent 28 Lititz. Heiserman, J. J., Lep 16 Kautz, E. E., Lep 19 Meadville. Barnaby, Miss L. F., Gen. Ent- 2 Millersville. Bitner, 11. F., Col., Ixp 4 Roddy, H. J., Col., Arach 29 Mummasburg. Jacobs, D. C., Gen. Ent. Neffsville. Freed, H. E., Gen. Ent New Brighton. Merrick, H. D., Lep 23 Oak Station. Marloff', Fred., Lep 22 Philadelphia. Aaron, Mrs. C. B., Hym., Dipt- 1 Aaron, S. Frank, Gen. Ent- - • • 1 Anderson, Miss M. L., Lep . . - 1 Boerner, Chas. R., Col 4 Bradley, J. Chester, Col. 4 Bringhurst, Wm.. Gen. Ent.- - - 5 Culvert, Philip 1’., (Jdon 6 PAGE Castle, Dr. D. M Col 6 Cresson, E. T., Hym 8 Cresson, Geo. B., Hym 8 Daecke, Erich., Lep., Hym 9 Dunne, H. E., Col., Lep 10 Fox, Win. J., Hym 12 Freedley, W. G., Jr., Lep 13 Gerhard, Wm. J., Gen. Ent 13 Goldsmith, P. H., Col., Lep 14 Greene, Chas. T., Dipt 14 Greene, George, Col 14 Haimbach, Frank, Lep 15 Harkness, Miss F. A., Lep 15 Hornig, Herman, Col., Lep 17 Hoyer, Albert, Col 17 Hoyer, Frank, Col. 18 Huntington, W. S., Col., Lep 18 Ilg, Charles, Lep 18 Johnson, Chas. W., Dipt 18 Johnson, Janies S., Lep 18 Laurent, Philip, Col., Lep 21 Liebeck, Charles, Col 21 Mason, Frank R., Col 22 McCook, Rev. H. Hym., Aracli - • .23 Nell, Philip, Lep., Hem 25 Reeve, Margaret M., Lep 28 Rehn, Jas. A. G., Orth 28 Reif, Robert, Lep. 28 Reinick, Wm. R., Col 28 Sattertliwait, A. F., Hem., Exon. Ent. .30 Schmidt, August, Col 30 Schmitz, Theo. H., Col. 30 Seiss, C. Few, Orth 31 Skinner, Dr. Henry, Gen. Ent 31 Smith, Benj. H., Col 32 Snyder, Howard A., Hym 32 Syckelinore, Wm. H., Lep 33 Taylor, Robt. T., Lep 34 Thomas, Lancaster, Lep 34 Van Atter, W. M., Gen. Ent 35 Viereck, Henry L., Hym 35 Weaver, Alice R., Lep 3G Weaver, G. E. H., Col, Lep 36 Weber, Chas. F., Col., Lep 36 Wenzel, Edward, Col 37 Wenzel, Harry A., Col 37 Wenzel, Henry W., Col 37 West, John H., Lep 37 Williamson, C. S., Col 38 entomologists’ directory. 59 Pittsburgh. PACK Bright, John, Col., Lep. 5 Ehrmann, Emil C., Col Ehrmann, Geo. A., Lep 11 Engel, Henry, Col., l.ep 11 Foerster, Robt. F., Col Frost, Ellis M., Col Graf, J. L., Lep Holland, Rev. W. J., Lep 17 Krautwurm, B., Lep Krautwurm, Geo., Lep 20 Lucock, Frank, Gen. Ent Smith, Herbert H., Gen. Ent. . . 32 Quakertown. Thomas, Dr. Joseph, (ten. Ent ■ 34 Beading. Beecher, Wm. L., Lep Boyer, Howard M., I.ep 4 Cassel, Amos M., Lep 6 Geliret, George, Lep Mengel, Levi W„ Lep Schaeffer, Rev. C. E., Lep 30 Sohweigert, C. F., Lep 30 Strecker, Herman, Lep 33 Butledge. Westcott, Clias. S., Lep 37 Scranton. Lister, Alfred E., Col., Lep 21 Stratton, Randolph M., Lep. ■ ■ ■ 33 Sewickley. Glaser, Louis A., Lep 13 Shenango. Iieaver, H. P., Lep Silver Spring. Nolt, Ezra J., Col., Lep 25 State College. Buekhout, W. A., Eton. Ent ■ ■ ■ 5 Strasburg. Eshenshade, W. C., Lop 11 Sunbury. Fisher, D. (’., Col Heim, C. D., Lep Hi Strok, Miss IL, Oil on Tunkhannock. Ross, Harry, Gen. Ent Wilbur, Fred. H., Gen. Ent 38 pa<;e Twin Oaks. Harvey, Thos. W., Gen. Ent 16 Westtown. DeHaven, Sarah C., Lep 0 Williamsport. Geddes, Jolin M., Col., Lep 13 Hill, H. Russell, Col. 16 Peppernmn, A. L., Lep 27 Transeau, Edgar N., Col., Lep 31 Wilmerding. Zahrobsky, V. J., Col., Lep 39 York. Holland, J. L., Col 17 Miller, George, Lep. 24 Ziegler, »S. W., Col., Lep 39 POKTO RICO. Bayamon. Junghanns, R. L., Ilyin 19 RHODE ISLAND. Lonsdale. Dearden, Wm., Lep 9 Providence. Bailey, Whitman, Lep 2 Barrett, S. D., Lep 2 Bridgham, Jos., Col., Lep 5 Calder, Edwin E., Col 6 Davis, C. A., Col 9 Davis, Harvey N., Col 9 Gorham, Fred. 1*., Col., Ilyin 14 Keith, Edw. D., Lep 19 Nock, Bertram, Col. 25 Packard, A. S., Lep 26 Pope, T. E. B., Lep 27 South wick, J. M., Col., Lep 32 Pawtucket. Bowen, Edw. S., Gen. Ent 1 SOUTH CAROLINA. Clemson College. Rolfs, P. II., Cocc 29 Orangeburg. Ingersoll, B. E., Col .18 SOUTH DAKOTA. Volga. Truman, Hon. P. C., Col., Lep 35 TENNESSEE. Elmwood. Jellicorse, John, Lep 18 Jellicorse, R., Lep 18 6o entomologists’ directory. PAGE Knoxville. Chambliss, Cbas. E., Gen. Eat 7 Nashville. Cisco, J. G., Lep 7 Osburn, Win., Col., Lep., Dipt 26 TEXAS. Austin. Wheeler, Win. M., Gen. Ent 37 Black Jack Springs. Romberg, B. W., Co!., Lep 20 Brenliam. Tristram, Joseph, Lep 35 Brunner. West gate, Wm. W„ Col., Lep 37 College Station. Mally, Fred. W., llym 22 Price, R. H., Econ. Ent 28 Fedor. Birkman, G., llym 4 Forney. Lewis, E. C., Col . . • . 21 Shovel Mount. Schaupp, F. G., Gen. Ent. 30 UTAH. Salt Lake City. Browning, G. Wesley, Gen. Ent 5 Jones, Marcus E., Gen. Ent 10 Sugden, J. W., Gen. Ent 33 VERMONT. Burlington. Perkins, Geo. II., Econ. Ent 27 Essex Junction. Griffin, I). B., Col., Econ. Ent 14 Hartland Four Corners. Ruggles, Byron P., Econ. Ent. 29 Windsor. Underwood, Jay G., Lep 35 Woodstock. Jewett, F. R., Gen. Ent.. 18 VIRGINIA. Blacksburg. A 1 wood, Wm. B., Econ. Ent 1 Phillips, J. L., Econ. Ent.. Coer 27 Smyth, E. A., Jr., Lep 32 East End. Banks, Nathan, Arach., Neurop. 2 PAGE Fredericksburg. Richardson, W. I)., Col 28 Spottsville. Jones, B. W. t Gen. Ent 10 WASHINGTON. Pullman. Doane, R. W., Dipt 10 Piper, Chas. V., Col. 27 Seattle. Bethel, Sylvester, Gen. Ent 3 Johnson, O. B., Gen. Ent 10 Kincaid, Trevor, Gen. Ent 19 WEST VIRGINIA. Coalburgh. Edwards, Wm. II., Lep 11 Morgantown. Hopkins, A. I)., Col 17 Rumsey, W. E., Gen. Ent 29 Winecoff, Rev. Thus. E., Lep 38 WISCONSIN. Beaver Dam. Snyder, W. E., Col., llym 32 Chippewa Falls. Howieson, C. II., Lep 17 Green Bay. W. J., Col., Lep 26 Madison. Goff, EmmettS., Econ. Ent. 14 Marshall, W. S., Col 22 Milwaukee. Brown, Chas. E., Col., Econ. Ent 5 Danish 1, P. II., Col., Lep. 9 Graenieher, Dr. S., llym., Dipt 14 Peckliatn, Geo. W., llym., Arach ... 27 Schaefer, E. .1., Col., Lep., llym 30 Van Roo, Martin, Gen. Ent 35 West Superior. Conrad, A. H., Col 8 Harvey, N. A.. Dipt 16 WYOMING. Cheyenne. Niswander, F. J., Col 25 Douglas. Jesuruu, Dr. M., Col., llym 18 Laramie. Buffu m, B. C., Col 5 SOCIETIES, AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Entomological Section, Logan Square, Philadelphia, Pa. William J. Fox, Secretary of the Section (see page 65). Agricultural College of Utah, and Agricultural Experiment Station, Lo- gan, Utah. Ulysses P. Iledrick, Entomologist. Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical College and Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Auburn, Ala. F. S. Earle. Acting Entomologist. American Entomological Society, Philadelphia, Pa. William J. Fox, Corresponding Secretary (see page 65). American Museum of Natural History, 77th St. and Sth Ave, New York, N. Y. William Beutenmueller, Curator of Entomology. Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station, see University of Arizona. Arkansas Industrial University and Agricultural Experiment Station, Fayetteville, Ark. Jerome McNiel, Biologist. Association of Economic Entomologists, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture, Washington, D. C. C. L. Marlatt, Secretary. Brooklyn Entomological Society — amalgamated with the Brooklyn Insti- tute of Arts and Sciences. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Department of Entomology, Brooklyn, N. Y. Rev. George I). Hulst, Secretary. California Academy of Sciences, Department of Entomology, San Fran- cisco, Calif. Dr. H. H. Behr in charge of collection of Coleoptera , and Charles Fuchs of Lepidoptera. California Agricultural Experiment Station, see University of California. Cambridge Entomological Club, Cambridge, Mass. Roland Hayward, Secretary. Central Experiment Farm, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. James Fletcher, Entomologist. Chicago Entomological Society, John Crerar Library, Chicago, III. A. Kwiat, Secretary. Clemson Agricultural College and South Carolina Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Clemson College, S. C. Ernest Walker, Entomologist. Colorado State Agricultural College and Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, Fort Collins, Col. Clarence P. Gillette, M.S., Entomologist. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven, Conn. W. E. Britton, B.S., Entomologist. Cornell University and Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y. M. V. Slingerland, B.S., Entomologist. Delaware College and Agricultural Experiment Station, Newark, Del. G. Harold Powell, Entomologist. Entomological Club of Albany, New York. Miss Margaret F. Boynton, Corresponding Secretary. 62 entomologists’ directory. Entomological Society of Ontario, London, Out., Canada. W. E. Saun- ders, Secreta’ry. Entomological Society of Washington, D. C. Frank Benton, Corres- ponding Secretary. Florida State Agricultural College and Agricultural Experiment Station, Lake City, Florida. H. A. Gossard, M.S., Entomologist. Georgia State Board of Entomology, Atlanta, Ga. W. M. Scott, Ento- mologist. Georgia State College of Agriculture and Experiment Station, Experi- ment, Ga. A. L. Quaintance, M.S., Entomologist. Harvard Natural History Society, Entomological Section, Cambridge, Mass. L. W. Riddle, Secretary. Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station, see University of Idaho. Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, see University of Illinois. Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station, see Purdue University. Iowa College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. H. E. Summers, B.S., Entomologist. Kansas State Agricultural College and Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan, Ks. E. A. Popenoe, Entomologist ; Percy J. Parrott, B.A., Asst. Entomologist. Kentucky Agricultural and Mechanical College and Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Lexington, Ky. Harrison Garman, Entomologist. Leland .Stanford Junior University. Palo Alto, California. Vernon L. Kellogg, M.S., Professor of Entomology. Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College and Experiment Station, Baton Rogue, La. H. A. Morgan, B.S.A., Entomologist. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, see University of Maine. Maryland Agricultural College and Agricultural Experiment Station, College Park, Md. Willis G. Johnson, M.A., Entomologist. Massachusetts Agricultural College and Hatch Experiment Station, Am- herst, Mass. Charles H. Fernald, Ph.D., Entomologist. Michigan Agricultural College and Experiment Station, Agricultural Col- lege, Ingham Co., Mich. R. H. Pettit, B.S.A., Entomologist. Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, see University of Minnesota. Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College and Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Agricultural College, Miss. G. W. Herrick, B.S., Entomologist. Montana College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Bozeman, Montana. E. V. Wilcox, Ph.D., Entomologist. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Samuel Henshaw, Assistant in Entomology. Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station, see University of Nebraska. Nevada State University, School of Agriculture and Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Reno, Nev. Fred. H. Hillman, M.S., Entomologist. Newark Entomological Society, Turn Hall, Newark, N. J. A. J. Weidt, Secretary. entomologists’ directory. 63 New Hampshire College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and Agricul- tural Experiment Station, Durham, N. H. Clarence M. Weed, * D.Sc., Entomologist. New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, see Rutgers College. New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and Agricultural Experiment Station, Mesilla Park, N. Mex. T. D. A. Cockerell, Entomologist. New York Entomological Society, American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. E. Shoemaker, Corresponding Secretary. New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, N. Y. Victor H. Lowe, M S., and F. A. Sirrine, M.S., Entomologists. New York State Museum of Natural History, Albany, N. Y. E. Porter Felt, State Entomologist. North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and Agricul- tural Experiment Station, Raleigh, N. C. Gerald McCarthy, Ento- mologist, Dept, of Agric. ; Prof. W. F. Massey, Entomologist, Ex- periment Station. North Dakota Agricultural College and Experiment Station, Agricul- tural College, N. Dak. C. B. Waldron, B.S., Entomologist. Northwest Entomological Society, Waghorn, Alberta, N. W. T., Canada. Percy B. Gregson, Secretary-Treasurer. Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, see University of Wooster, Ohio. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Herbert Osborn, M.S., andj. S. Hine, .B.S., Professors of Entomology. Oklahoma Agriculture and Mechanical College and Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Stillwater, Okla. E. E. Bogue, M.S., Entomologist. Oregon Agricultural College and Experiment Station, Corvallis, Oregon. A. B. Cordley, B.S., Entomologist. Ottawa Field Naturalist’s Club, Ottawa, Out., Canada. Pennsylvania State College and Agricultural Experiment Station, State College, Pa. William A. Buckhout, M.S., Entomologist. Purdue University and Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station, Lafay- ette, Ind. James Troop, M.S., Entomologist. Rhode Island College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and Agricultural Experiment Station, Kingston, R. I. George W. Field, Ph.D., Entomologist. Rutgers College and New Jersey Agricultural College Experiment Sta- tion, New Brunswick, N. J. John B. Smith, D.Sc., Entomologist. Smithsonian Institution (U. S. National Museum), Washington, D. C. Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station, see University of Tennessee. South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, see Clemson Agricul- tural College. South Dakota Agricultural College and Agricultural Experiment Station, Brookings, S. Dak. DeAlton Saunders, M.A., Entomologist. Storrs Agricultural College and Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Storrs, Conn. F. E. Singleton, Sec., Middletown, Conn. Texas State Agricultural and Mechanical College and Agricultural Ex- periment Station, College Station, Texas. R. H. Price, B.S., En- tomologist. 64 entomologists’ directory. United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Entomology, Wash- ington, D. C. Leland O. Howard, Chief of Division. United States National Museum (Smithsonian Inst.), Washington, D. C.* University of Arizona and Agricultural Experiment Station, Tucson, Ariz. James W. Tourney, Entomologist. University of California and Agricultural Experiment Station, Berkeley, Calif. Chas. W. Woodworth, Entomologist. University of Idaho, College of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment Station, Moscow, Idaho. John M. Aldrich, M.S., Entomologist. University of Illinois, College of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment Station, Urbana, 111. Stephen A. Forbes, Ph.D., Entomologist. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Francis H. Snow, Professor of Entomology. University of Maine and Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, Maine. F. L. Harvey, Ph.D., Entomologist. University of Minnesota and Agricultural Experiment Station, St. Anthony Park, Minn. Otto Lugger, Ph.D., Entomologist. University of Missouri, College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and Agricultural Experiment Station, Columbia, Mo. J. M. Stednran, B.S., Entomologist. University of Nebraska and Agricultural Experiment Station, Lincoln, Neb. Lawrence Bruner, B S., Entomologist. University of Tennessee, State Agricultural and Mechanical College and Agricultural Experiment Station, Knoxville, Tenn. C. E. Cham- bliss, M.S., Entomologist. University of Vermont, State Agricultural College and Agricultural Ex- per. Station, Burlington, Vt. G. H. Perkins, Ph D., Entomologist. University of Wisconsin, College of Agriculture and Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Madison, Wis. E. S. Goff, Acting Entomologist. University of Wooster and Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Woos- ter, Ohio. F. M. Webster, M.S., Entomologist. University of Wyoming, College of Agriculture and Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Laramie, YVyo. B. C. Buffum, M S., Entomologist. Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, see Agricultural College of Utah. Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, see University of Vermont. Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Blacksburg, Va. Wm. B. Alwood, Entomologist. Washburn College, Topeka, Kansas. W. A. Harshbarger, Curator of Entomology. Washington Agricultural College and Agricultural Exper. Station, Pull- man, Wash. C. V. Piper, B.S., and R. W. Doane, Entomologists. West Virginia University and Agricultural Experiment Station, Morgan- town, W. Va. Andrew D. Hopkins, Ph.D., Entomologist. Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, see University of Winconsin. Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, see University of Wyoming. Zoological Survey of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Oscar W. Oest- lund, Entomologist. THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY AND THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SECTION OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. On February 14, 1859, Ezra T. Cresson, James Ridings and George Newman issued a call for the organization of an entomological society. February 22, 1859, the Society was organized with the following mem- bers: Dr. Thomas B. Wilson, Dr. John L. LeConte, James Ridings, George Newman, T. B. Ashton, J. W. McAllister, E. T. Cresson, Henry Feldman, George Hill, Charles Wilt, John Pearsall, William Evett, J. H. B. Bland, John Meichel, Robert Jack, W. S. Wood. Thomas Cox, William Wolter, Chas. J. Wood, Louis Schneider and S. H. Shinn. The first officers were John L. LeConte, President; James Ridings, Vice-President ; E. T. Cresson, Secretary; Charles Wilt, Treasurer. The first new member elected was Henry Ulke, and the first correspon- dent was Baron R. Osten Sacken. The name at this time was “The Entomological Society of Philadel- phia,” and the Society was incorporated under this title, according to the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, April 1 1, 1S62. February 23, 1S67, the name was changed to that of “The American Entomological Society.” On the 17th of December, 1875, the Society entered into an agreement with The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia by which it occu- pied quarters in the Academy. In 1S95 this agreement was modified, and as modified is in force at the present time. Under its terms no per- son shall be eligible for membership in this Society who is not already a member of The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The initiation fee of the Academy is ten dollars and the annual dues ten dollars. The Entomological Section of the Academy is a distinct organization from The American Entomological Society, and was organized May 12, 1876, with the following officers: Director , John L. LeConte, M. D.; Vice- Director, George H. Horn, M. D.; Recorder, James H. Ridings; Treasurer , E. T. Cresson ; Secretary, Charles A. Blake ; Conservator , James Ridings. The dues to the Entomological Section of the Academy are two dollars per annum. Associates may be elected to the Section. They have all the privileges of members, except that of voting. The dues for Associates are one dollar a year. These data in regard to the relations between The Academy of Natural 66 entomologists’ directory. Sciences of Philadelphia, The American Entomological Society and The Entomological Section of the Academy are in reply to numerous queries for information in regard to the terms of membership in the individual societies. It will be noted that there are no dues for The American Entomological Society, but one must be a member of the Academy and pay its dues before being eligible. The present officers of The American Entomological Society are : President, Philip P. Calvert, Ph. D. ; Vice-President, H. W. Wenzel; Treasurer, Ezra T. Cresson ; Recording Secretary , Henry Skinner, M. D.; Corresponding Secretary, W. J. Fox; Curator , Henry Skinner, M. D.; Librarian, W. J. Fox; Publication Committee, Ezra T. Cresson, C. Few Seiss and B. H. Smith ; Executive Committee, Philip Laurent, Chas. Liebeck and H. W. Wenzel ; Finance Committee, James W. Mc- Allister, C. S. Welles and C. C. Cresson. The present officers of The Entomological Section of The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia are : Director, Philip Laurent ; Vice- Director, H. W. Wenzel ; Treasurer, Ezra T. Cresson ; Conservator , Henry Skinner, M. D.; Recorder, Henry Skinner, M. D. ; Secretary, Wm. J. Fox; Publication Committee, C. W. Johnson andj. H. Ridings. The library of The American Entomological Society contains (October, 1898) 2864 volumes, including in volumes of pamphlets averaging fifteen titles to a volume. The various departments are represented as follows: Journals, 1436; Coleoptera, 389; General Entomology, 341 ; Lepidoptera, 214 ; Economic Entomology, 122 ; Hymenoptera, 101 ; Diptera, 86 ; Hem- iptera, 49; Orthoptera, 40; Neuroptera, 25 ; Miscellaneous, 61. This represents an increase of nearly 100 per cent since 1888, when the total number of volumes was 1445. In the library of The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia there are 1221 volumes, exclusive of journals, and 1188 pamphlets, devoted entirely to Entomology. The pamphlets form 77 additional volumes. While the works of our library are partially* duplicated by the other, it is safe to say that the foremost collection of Entomological works in America is to be found in the building of The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, where both libraries are situated. The collections of insects are large and valuable ; they contain many type specimens and represent the labor of a number of the older workers in this branch of natural science. In the Hymenoptera will be found almost all the types of Mr. E. T. Cresson and many of those of Mr. W. J. Fox and other systematists in this order. The valuable collection of Coleoptera was supplemented by the large amount of material collected by the late Charles Wilt. Bland’s types are also in this collection. The Horn collection, bequeathed by the late Dr. George H. Horn, repre- sents his life work and contains practically all his types. At the time of his death he was the leader in this branch of entomology in America. It is safe to say that the finest collection of Odonata in America is also here and represents the large amount of work done in this order by Dr. P. P. entomologists’ directory. 67 Calvert. The collection of Lepidoptera is very large and contains many of the types of Grote, as well as some of those of Blake, Mengel, Skinner and others. In the collection of Diptera are many types of the older writers, as well as the later ones. There are also valuable collections of the other orders. The magnificent collection of exotic Lepidoptera made by the late I. C. Martindale, and now the property of the Academy, is also here. The large collection of exotic Coleoptera has lately been greatly augmented by the material purchased from the heirs of the late Dr. H. G. Griffith. Students of Entomology are always cordially welcome to visit the Academy and consult our libraries and collections, and we will gladly furnish any information in our power to aid beginners and others. Entomological News, published by the joint Publication Committees of The American Entomological Society and The Entomological Section of The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, is an illustrated monthly magazine devoted to the study of insect life. It contains a resume of the literature of the world treating of American insects, and also articles by the leading Entomologists of the United States and Canada. There is a department devoted to Economic Entomology, edited by Prof. John B. Smith, Sc. D.; a free Exchange Column and a department for the identification of insects for subscribers. In this Jour- nal will be found valuable information for the beginner, the collector, the economic entomologist and the systematist ; Volume XI is now pub- lishing. The subscription price is One Dollar a year in advance. Sam- ple copies 1 2 cents. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia is situated at the S. W. Corner of 19th and Race Sts. (Logan Square), Philadelphia, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS. To aid the student in the selection of papers on Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidop.tera, the following index is given: — “gen." (genera), or “sp.” (species) after a name indicates that keys or tables of characters are given in the papers, whereby the genera or species can be easily identified. The same may be said of “ Monog.” (Monograph), “Synop.” (Synopsis), “Revis.” (Revision), etc., where keys or tables of genera and species are also to be found in the papers so indicated. INDEX. COLEOPTERA. (See list on page 73). Acanthocini gen. See Leng No. 478 Acanthocinini , Horn. 38 Acanthocinus sp. Horn 38 Acanthocinus sp. Leng. 478 Acanthoderes sp. Horn 38 Acanthoderes sp. Leng 478 Acanthoderini gen. Leng 478 Acnueodera sp. Horn 32 JBthecerus sp. Horn 38 Agrilus sp. Crotch 7 Agrilus sp. Horn 404 Agriotes sp. Horn 70 Atnara sp. Horn 28, 405 Amblychilft, Horn. 474, 498 Amphicoma sp. Horn 42 Anatrichis sp. Horn 366 A nil lus sp. Horn 365 Anisodactylus sp. Horn -28, 37 Anomala sp. Horn 45 Anophthalmus sp. Horn 43 Anthonomini Revis. Dietz 403 Aphodiini Monog. Horn 330 Apion sp. Fall 494 Apioninie Synop. Smith 80 Aplastus sp. Horn 27, 40 A raiosch i zu s, Horn 332 Asaphes sp. Horn 38 Bembidii (blind ) Elders. 12 Bembidium sp. Hayward. 469 Blethisa sp. Horn 30 Bostrichidie Revis. Horn 35 Brenthidse Revis. Horn 25 Bruchidie Revis. Horn 26 Buprestidie , Crotch No. 7 Buprestidee , Horn. 32, 328, 404 Bnprestidse Revis. H,orn. 42 Calospasta sp. Horn 32, 473 Cantharis sp. Horn 43 Canthon sp. Blanchard 1 Carabidm gen. Horn 41 CarabuUr , Hay ward 469 Carabidm, Horn. 30, 33, 37, 43 405 CarabidfB , LeConte 59 Carabus sp. Horn 30 Cardiophoms sp. Blanchard 358 Cassid ides gen. Crotch 7 Cebrio sp. Horn 40 Cebrionidte , gen. Horn 40 Cerambycidue, Gahan 362 Cerambycidte , Horn 32. 38, 49 Cerambyculse Synop. Leng 478 ( 'erophyti use Monog. Horn 327 Cento rhyn chin i Revis. Dietz 468 Chanopterus, Horn 500 Charistena sp. Horn 43 Chauliognathus sp. Crotch 9 Chhenius sp. Horn 30 Chrysobothris Monog. Horn 328 Chrysochus sp. Horn 48 Chrysomela sp. Crotch 7 Ch rysomela, Horn. 503 Chrysomelidse, Crotch. 7 Chry some! idle, Horn 43, 322. 405, 406, 407 ChrysomeUdm , Jacoby 367 Chrysom elidse, Leu g. 392 Cicindclidie, Horn. 30, 32 Clavigeridx, LeConte 54 Cleridte gen. Horn 38 Coccinellidm , Horn 440 entomologists’ directory. 69 Ccenonycha sp. Horn No. 29 Coleoptera , new, Casey. 319 Coleoptera . new, Horn . . .25, 27. 30, 32, 38, 42, 43, 48, 365, 366, .405, 407. 496. Coleoptera , new, LeConte 70 Coleoptera, Alaska, Hamilton 435 Coleoptera S. W. Penna., Hamilton. ..437 Coleoptera, Pac. Coast, Crotch 9 Coleoptera common to N. Am., Asia and Europe, Hamilton. . • .321, 436 Coleoptera, Baga Calif., Horn . .439, 476 Coleoptera, Biol. Cent. Am., Horn . .363 Coleoptera, Faun. Bor. Am., Horn . .502 Coleoptera, Mus. Camb., Horn 363 Coleoptera of Horn, Henshaw 514 Coleoptera of LeConte, Henshaw. . . • Coleoptera of Zimmermann, LeConte 14 59 Coleoptera, larva*, Horn 17 51 15 Coleoptera Monstrosites, Jayne. Coleoptera , List of, Henshaw. . . Coleoptera, Suppl. to List, Henshaw. ..438 Colydiidse, Synop, Horn 35 Coniontini gen. Horn 29 Copris mouth parts. Smith 408 Corphyra sp. Horn 27, 43 Coscinoptera sp. Horn 405 Cremastochilus sp. Horn 36, 48 Crossidius sp. Leng 478 Cryptobium sp. Horn 47 Cryptocephalus sp. Crotch 7 Cryptohypnus sp. Horn • 366 Cucujidic Rev is. Casey 5 Cucujidte, Horn 59 Cupes sp. LeConte 65 Curculionidie, Dietz,. .361, 403, 434, 468 Curculionidie, F al 1 494 Curculionidie , LeConte and Horn. . .442 Curculionidie, Smith 80 Cyehrus sp. Horn 33 Cyehrus, Rivers 479 Cyllene sp. Horn 38 Cymatodera sp. Horn 30 Dacoderus sp. Horn 407 Synop. Horn 38. 40 Dendroetonus sp. Diets 320 Dendroides sp. Horn 365 Desmori Revis. Dietz. . . 434 Dictelus sp. Horn 59 Dicrolus larva, Horn 32 Dieerca sp. Crotch 7 Diehelonyeha sp. Horn 29 Dinapatc, Horn No. 326 Dineutes sp. Roberts 443 Disonycha sp. Crotch 7 Donaoia sp. Crotch, 7 Domicile Revis. Leng 392 Dorcaschema sp. Leng 478 Drasterius sp. LeConte 70 Dromochorus, Horn 498 Dysphaga sp. Horn 49 Dysphaga sp. Leng 478 Dyliscidie, Horn 30, 43 Ecyrus sp. Leng 478 Elaphrus sp. Horn. 30 Elater sp. LeConte • 70 Elateridse, Blanchard 358 Elateridie , Horn.... 38, 40, 46, 327, 366, 472 Elater idle, Subfam., Horn 42 En icon yx sp. Horn 46 Esthesopus sp. Horn 46 Eucneminx Monog. Horn 327 Eumolpides gen. Crotch 7 Eumolpini Monog. Horn 406 Euphoria Synop. Horn. 36 Eu pogon ins sp. Horn 49 Eupogonius sp. Leng 478 Euryscopa sp. Horn 405 Eusattus sp. Horn 43 Eustrophus sp. Horn 365 Euthysanius sp. Horn 40 Galerucini Monog. Horn 407 Gastrophysa sp. Crotch .... 7 Geot Til pessp. Horn 38 Glyptus larva, Horn 365 Goes sp. Horn 49 Goes sp. Leng 478 Graphops sp. LeConte 70 Gyaseutus sp. Horn, 43 Gyrinidie, Roberts 443 Haiti cinie, Jacoby 367 Halticini gen. Crotch 7 Halticini Synop. Horn 322 Ilelops sp. Horn 38 Heterocerus sp. Horn. 325, 470 lleteromera, Horn 34 Hippomelas sp. Horn 43 Hippopsini gen. Leng 478 Hispides gen. Crotch 7 Hister, sp. Horn 32 ITisteridic, Horn 59 Holostrophus sp. Horn 365 lloristonotus sp. Horn 16 70 ENTOMOLOGISTS DIRECTORY. Hydrobiini Revis. Horn . .No. 331 Hydrocharis sp. Horn Hyd rophilidx, Horn .. .59, 504 Hyperplatys sp. Horn 38 Hyperplatys sp. Leng 478 liypoceplialus, LeConte 67 Hyporhagus sp. Horn .• ...... Hypulus sp. Horn 365 Ips sp. Horn 28 Laccophilus sp. Horn 43 Lacbnosterna sp. Horn . .364, 497 Lactica sp. Horn 38 Lagriidw , Horn 365 Lamiinx Synop. Leng Lascouotus sp. Horn ...... 48 Lathridiidx, Horn Lathridiidx Revis. Fall Lebiini Synop. Horn 42 Lema sp. Crotch Leptinus, Horn 42 Leptostylus sp. Horn 38 Leptostylus sp. Leng Lepturges sp. Horn 38 Lepturges sp. Leng 478 Ligyrus sp. Horn 28 Liojri gen. Horn 38 Liopus sp. Horn 38 Liopus sp. Leng 478 Listrochelus sp. Jlorn 33 Ludius sp. Horn. Macrobasis sp. Horn 48 Macrodactyl us sp. Horn . . . . 29 Macrops sp. Dietz 361 Malachidae Synop. Horn . . . . 25 Malachius sp. Horn 27 Mecas sp. Horn . : 32 Mecas sp. Leng 478 Megalostomis sp. Horn. Megapenthes sp. LeConte .. . • Melandryuhv , Tribes, Horn 365 Meloidx , Horn 48 Melolonthides pen. Crotch.. • . 7 Methiini gen. Leng 178 Microrhopala sp. Crotch Mierorhopala sp. Horn 43 Microschatia sp. Horn 107 Mon i lema sp. Horn 19 Monilema sp. Leng 178 Mo i wham mini gen. Leng. • • • 478 Monoliammus sp. Horn No. 49 Monohammus sp. Lena 478 Monotomidie Synop. Horn 34 Mordellidse Synop. Smith 79 Mycteridse , Horn 34 My od i tes sp. Horn 405 Nitidulidfe Revis. Horn 34 Notiophilus sp. Horn 30 Notoxus sp. Horn 45 Oberea sp. Horn. 32 Oberea sp. Leng 478 Ocliodceus sp. Horn 29 Ochthebius sp. Horn. 325 Odontota sj». Crotch 7 Odontota sp. Horn. 43 CEdemeridie Monog. Horn 477 CEdionycliis sp. Crotch 7 (Erne sp. Horn 38 O n ci d eres sp. Horn 49 Oncideres sp. Leng 478 Onthoplmgus sp. Horn 28 Orchesia sp. Horn 365 Ozoplus sp. Horn. 49 Patrobus sp. Horn 28 Perimegatoma sp. Horn 28 Perothopinx Monog. Horn 327 Phameus sp. Blanchard 1 Phileurus sp. Horn 38 Philonthi Synop. Horn 44 Phytalus sp. Horn 48 Phytceciini gen. Leng 478 Phytophaga, Crotch 7 Pinodytes sp. Horn 405 Plagiodera sp. Crotch 7 Plastocerus sp. Horn. 40 Platynussp. Horn 59 Platypsylla Horn 42, 365, 471 Pleocoma sp. Horn 365, 499 Pleocoma sp. LeConte 65 PogonoVherus sp. Horn 32 Pogppocherus sp. Leng 478 Pogonus sp. Horn 30 Polyphylla sp. Horn 40, 365 Prasocuris sp. Crotch 7 Psclaphidic. Brendel 359, 402, 433 Pseud omorplia sp. Horn 43 PterostichilB sp. Horn 366 Pyihidx , Horn 25 Pytho sp. Horn 365 Quedilni Synop. Horn 33 Rhipiceridw, Horn 40 entomologists’ directory. 71 Rhipiphorus sp. Horn No. 28 Rhynchophora Revis. LeC. and Horn. 442 JSIiynchophorus, Horn 32 Rhypophaga , Fam., Horn. 59 Sandal us sp. Horn. 40 Saperda sp. Leng 478 Saxinis sp. Horn 405 Scaphidium sp. Horn 28 Scaptolenus sp. Horn 40 Scarabteidie, Blanchard 1 Scarabteidie , Horn. . . .29, 3G, 40, 45, 48> 330, 364, 365. Scolytidse , Dietz 320 Scymnus sp. Horn 440 Selenophorus sp. Horn 37 1 Silphidse Synop. Horn 39 Spalacopsis sp. Leng 478 Spliteridiini Revis. Horn 331 Staphylinidie, Horn. . . .31, 33, 44, 47, 501 Staphylinus sp. Horn . * 33 Statira sp. Horn 365, 405 Stenini, Casey 360 Stenispa sp. Horn 43 Stenosphenus sp .Horn. 49 Stibia sp. Horn 27 Strategus sp. Horn 28 Tachyporini Synop. Horn 31 Tenebrionidte Revis. Horn. 441 Tetraonyx sp. Horn 48 Tetraopes sp. Horn 32 Tetraopes sp. Leng 478 Tetropium sp. Long 478 Tetrops sp. Horn 32 Tetrops sp. Leng 478 Thrincopyge sp. Horn 48 Throscidte Synop. Horn 50 Tragidion sp. Leng 478 Trichius sp. Horn 29 Triehodes sp. Horn 30 Trichopterygidiv Synop. Matthews . . 72 Tropisternus sp. Horn 30 Vesperoctenus, Horn. 475 Zab rotes sp. Horn 48 Zarhipis sp. Horn 48 Zeugophora sp. Horn 405 Zonitis sp. Horn 28 HYMENOPTERA. (See list on page 77). Aleiodes sp. Cresson No. 106 Andrena sp. Robertson 383 Anoinalon sp. Norton No. 136 Anthophora sp. Cresson 107 Ants, •Tent-build i ng, Cou per 339 Aphilanthops sp. Dunning 507 Apidw , Cockerell 481 Apidse, Cresson 122, 370 Apoidea gen. Ashmead 505 j Bassini Monog. Davis. 446 Bees, Classification, Ashmead 505 Bees, new, Cockerell. 506 Bees, new, Robertson 382, 383, 415, 449, 450. Braconidte, Cresson 106 Campoplex sp. Norton 136 Cero pales sp. Fox. 411 Chalcididie , Ashmead 335, 337, 369 Chalcididte, Cresson . - 112 Chalcis sp. Cresson. 112 Chrysididic gen. sp. Aaron 333 Chrysididse gen. sp. Norton. 139 Crabronidic gen. sp. Fox 448 Cynipidse Synop. Ashmead 334, 33G Cynipidtv. new, Bassett 380 Cynipidous Galls , Ashmead . . . -335, 368 Cynips, new, Walsh 151 Eucerceris sp. Cresson 125 Evaniidiv, new, Cresson 121 Formica, habits, McCook 132 Hal ictus sp. Cockerell 481 Halictus, new, Robertson 382 Hormiinte Synop. Ashmead 409 Hymenoptera, Cuban, Cresson 107 Hymenoptera, Jamaican, Fox 410 Hymenoptern, Fam. Gen., Cresson. . .340 Hymenoptera, Mexican, Cresson. .99, 102 Hymenoptera, new, Cockerell 445 Hymenoptera, new, Cresson 116 Hymenoptera, Paras, Ashmead. .444, 480 Hymenoptera Texana, Cresson 113 Ichneumon idie, new, Cresson. . .100, 108, 115, 120. Ichnenmonidie, Davis 446, 482, 483 Ichneumonides Synop. Cresson 118 Larridie, new, Fox 414 Leucospis sp. Cresson 112 Masaris, Cresson 114 Microgasterinu’, new, Weed 372 Mutillidiv, Blake 84, 338 Mutillidie, gen. sp., Fox 509 Nematoid larviv, Dyar 447 Nysson sp. Cresson 124 72 entomologists’ directory. Ophion sp. Norton No. 136 Oxybelus sp. Robertson 381 Paniscus sp. Norton 136 Panurginie, Cockerell 506 Pemphredcnidie gen. sp. Fox 413 Pimplariw gen. sp. Cresson. 108 Pimptiiuv , new, Davis 146 Pompilidie, Mexican, Cresson 105 Proctotmpidse Synop. Howard 341 Prosopis sp. Robertson 382 Psen sp. Fox 508 Sawflies, larvtti, Dyar. 447 Sniicra sp. Cresson • • • 112 Stephanidie, new, Davis 483 Synergus sp. Gillette 184 Tachytes sp. Fox 412 Tenth redinidiv, Cresson 123, 127 Tenthredinidiv, Norton 138 Trigonalidw , new, Davis 483 Trigonalys, new, Cresson 96 Typhoninic gen. sp. Davis 482 Trvpoxylon sp. Fox 393 Uroceridw , Cresson 123, 127 Vespa sp. McFarland 371 Vespinie gen. sp. Lewis 485 LEPIDOPTERA. (See list on page 80). Mger idw, new, Ridings No. 357 Agrotis, new , Smith. 386 Argynnides of Calif., Edwards 167 Argynnis diana, Edwards 167 Butterflies , East. U. S., French. 346 Butterflies, Guide, Scudder 154a Butterflies, new, Skinner 455 Butterfly Book, Holland • *510 Butterfly, Life of a, Scudder 454 Cal 1 id ryas, Edwards 184 Catocala, Edwards 166, 181 Chry soph anus, new, Edwards 169 Danainic, new, Reakirt 231 Eresia, new. Reakirt 231 Euclea sp. Dyar 394 Geometridic gen. sp. Hu 1st 488 Graptte , Lintner 223 Heliothime, G rote. 205 Heliofhinie Synop. Smith 239 Heteroc.era, Holland No. 349 | Ileterocera, Smith 416 Hy diced a Revis. Smith 512 Lepidoptera, Antenna 1 , Bodine. 486 Lepidoptera, Micro, Clemens.. . 157, 158, 159, 344. Lepidoptera, Diurnal, Ed wards.. 165, 166, 169, 171, 173. 175, 179, 180-184, 345. Lepidoptera, Diurnal, French 346 Lepidoptera , Diurnal, Holland.. . • • .451 Lepidoptera, Diurnal, Scudder.. 454, 454a Lepidoptera, Diurnal. Skinner. .455,511 Lepidoptera . Brit. Mus. G rote and R...214 Lepidoptera, Grote and Rob. .213, 216, 217 Lepidoptera, Japan, Holland 349 Lepidoptera, Smith ’240 Lepidoptera, W. Africa. Holland* • * -348 Melnlophidie Revis. Dyar 487 Micro-Lepidoptera, Clemens. • • 157, 158, 159, 344. Micro-Lepidoptera, Fernald 186 Micro-Lepidoptera, Robinson 234 Micro-Lepidoptera, Walsingham* . . .241 Monoleuca sp. Dyar 394 Noctuidic, new, Grote 347 Noctuidic, new, Schaus 453 Noctuidic, new, Smith 117, 457 Notodontidae Revis. Neum.and Dyar..452 Oncocnemis Revis. Smith 385 Packard ia sp. Dyar 394 Papilio turnus var. Edwards 171 Papilio Gundlachianus, Bonzon .- . • -373 Parasa sp. Dyar 394 Phycitidre gen. sp. Hu 1st 384 Philodontidie Revis. Dyar 487 Pyralidic, new, Hu 1st 350 Rhopalocera, Edwards- • • -165, 166, 169, 171, 173, 175, 179-84, 345. Rhopalocera, French 346 Rhopalocera, Holland 151 Rhopalocera, Scudder 454, 454rt Rhopalocera, Ski n ner 455 Rhopalocera, Catal., Skinner 511 Satyrus, Edwards 169 Sphinges and Bombyces, Smith 116 Tineidic, Walsingham. 241 Tortriculie, Fernald 186 Tortricidic , Robinson 234 LIST OF ENTOMOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, P. O. Box 248, Philadelphia, Pa. COLEOPTERA. (See index on page 68.) 1. — Blanchard (Frederick). — On the species of Can thou and Phanteus of the United States with notes on other genera. 10 pp. (Trans., 1885) $ .15 358. — Revision of the species of Cardiophorus of America North of Mexico. 15 pp. (Trans., 1889) 25 359. — Bren del (E.). — Some corrections in t lie family Pselaphidse. 5 pp. (Trans., 1887). 10 402. — On the Pselaphid genus Trimium . 4 pp. (Trans., 1892) 10 433. — Notes and descriptions of Pselaphidse, with remarks on the Scyd- msenidse. 8pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1893) .15 5. — Casey (T. L.). — Revision of the Cucujidie of America north of Mex. 42 pp., 5 pis. (Trans., 1884) .50 319. — Contributions to the descriptive and systematic Coleopterology of N. Am. Parts 1 and 2, 188 pp., 1884 1.75 360. — Revision of the Stenini of America N. of Mex. 206 pp., 1 pi., 1884. 2.00 7. — Crotch (G. I).). — Materials for the study of the Pliytopbaga of the U. S. Notes on the species of Buprestidje found in the U. S. 77 pp. (Proc. Acad., 1873) .75 9. — Descriptions of new species of Coleoptera from the Pacific coast of the U. S. 8 pp. (Trans., 1874) .10 320. — Dietz (W. G.). — Notes on the species of Dendroctonus of Boreal Am. 6 pp., cuts (Trans., 1890) .15 361. — On the species of Macrops inhabiting N. Am. 27 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 403. — Revision of the Anthonomini of N. Am. 100 pp., 3 pis. (Trans., 1891) 1.25 434. — Revision of the genera and species of Desmori of North America. 66 pp., 2 pi. (Trans., 1894) * .75 468. — Revision of the genera and species of Ceutorhynchini inhabiting N. Am. 94 pp., 3 pis. (Trans., 1866)-, 1.00 12. — Killers (W.).— Description of new blind Bembidii. (Trans., 1883). .05 494. — Fall (II. C.) . — Revision of the species of Apion of America north of Mex. 80 pp., 4 pi. (Trans., 1898) 1.00 495. — Revisiou of the Lathridiida* of Bor. Am. 90 pp., 3 pi. (Trans., 1899). 1.00 74 entomologists’ directory. 362.— Gillian (C. J.). — Notes on some types of N. Am. Ceram bye idae in the British Museum, with notes by G. H. Horn. (Trans., 1888).. $ .10 321. — Hamilton (John). — Catalogue of Colcoptera common to N. Am., N. Asia and Europe, with distribution and bibliography. 75 pp. (Trans., 1899) 25 435. — Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Alaska, with the synonymy and dis- tribution. 38 pp. (Trans., 1894) .40 436. — Catalogue of the Coleoptera common to N. America, northern Asia and Europe, with distribution and bibliography (2d edition). 72 pp. (Trans., 1894) 50 437. — Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Southwestern Pennsylvania, with notes and descriptions. 60 pp. (Trans., 1895) .50 469. — Hayward (Roland). — On the species of Bembidium of America north of Mexico. 112 pp. (Trans., 1897) 1.25 14. — Hensliaw (Samuel). — Index to Coleoptera described by J. L. Le- Conte, M.D. 76 pp. (Trans., 1881-82) 25 15. — List of the Coleoptera of America north of Mexico, 1885 1.25 438. — Supplement to the List of Coleoptera of America north of Mexico. Complete, 1895 .50 514. — The Entomological writings of George Henry Horn, with an Index to the genera and species of Coleoptera described and named by him ; together with a Biliographical Notice by P. P. Calvert, with portrait. 72 pp. (Trans., 1898) .50 17.— Horn (G. H.). — Notes on Habits of some Coleopterous Larva; and Pupse. 3 pp. (Proc., 1861) .05 25. — Synopsis of the Malachiidte of the U. S. The Brentbid® of the U. S. Revision of the species of Lebia of the U. S. Description of some new N. Am. Coleoptera. 44 pp., cuts (Trans., 1872) 50 26. — Revision of the Bruchid® of the U. S. (Trans., 1873) 50 27. — Descriptions of new species of U. S. Coleoptera. 24 pp. (Trans., 1874) .25 28. — Notes on the species of Rhipvphorm of the U. S. Synonymical notes and descriptions of new species of North American Coleoptera. 36 pp. (Trans., 1875) 40 29. — Revision of the U. S. species of Ochodieus and other genera of Seara- bteidae. 25 pp. (Trans., 1876) 30 30. — Descriptions of new species of Dacoderus from the island of Santo Domingo. Synopsis of the species of Cymatudera and Trichodes of the U. S. The sexual characters of N. Am. Cincindelidte, with notes on gome groups of Cicindela. Notes on some Coleopterous remains from the hone cave of Port Kennedy, Pa. Synoptic tables of some genera of Coleoptera with notes and synonymy. Revision of the species of ChUcnius of the U. S. 58 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1876) .60 31. — Synopsis of the genera and species of the Staphylinid®, Tribe Tachy- porini, of the U. S. 48 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1877) 50 32. — Notes on the species of Hixtcr. Revision of the species of Acmseodera, of the U. S. Descriptions of the larvae of the N. Am. genera of Cincindelidse, also of Diciclus, with a note on Bhynchophorus. Notes on some genera of Oerambycid® of the U. S. Contributions to the Coloopterology of the U. S. No. 2. 60 pp., 2 pis. (Trans., 1878). . . .60 entomologists’ directory. 75 33. — Revision of the species of Lislrochelus of the U. S. Synopsis of the Quediini of the U. S. Synopsis of the species of Cychrus inhabit- ing Boreal America. Synopsis of the species of Staphy linns and the more closely allied genera inhabiting the U. S. 64 pp. (Trans., 1878) $ .60 34. — Synopsis of the Monotomidre of the U. S. Revision of the Nitidulidre of the U. S. Notes on the Mycteridre and other Hetcromera. 84 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1879) 75 35. — Revision of the species of the subfamily Bostrichido? of the U. S. Syn- nopsis of the Colydiidse of the U. S. 53 pp., 1878 .50 36. — Monographic revision of the species of Crcmnstochilus of the U. S. Synopsis of the Euphorite of the U. S. 27 pp., 1 pi., 1879 .30 37. — Review of the species of Anisodacti/lus inhabiting the U. S. Critical notes on the species of Selenopliorus of the U. S. 22 pp., 1880 25 38. — Notes on the species of Asaphes of Boreal America. Synopsis of the Dascyllidre of the U. S, Notes on some genera of Cerambycidse with descriptions of new species. Contributions to the Coleoptor- ology of the U. S. No. 3. 84 pp., 3 pi. (Trans., 1880) 75 39. — Synopsis of the Silphidse of the U. S.. with reference to the genera of other countries. 104 pp., 3 pis. (Trans., 1880) 1.00 40. — Revision of the species of Polyphylla of the U. S. Notes on Elateridte, Oehrionida\ Rhipiceridaj and Dascyllidte. 18 pp., 2 pis. (Trans., 1881) .25 41. — On the genera of Carabidte, with special reference to the fauna of Boreal America. 106 pp., 8 pis. (Trans., 1881) 1.00 42. — Revision of the species of some genera of Buprestida?. Notes on some little-known genera and species of Coleoptera. Synopsis of the species of the tribe Lebiini. 64 pp., 3 pis. (Trans., 1882) .75 43. — Miscellaneous Notes and Short Studies of North American Coleoptera. 44 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1883) 35 44. — Synopsis of the Philonthi of Boreal America. 68 pp. (Trans., 1884) .50 45. — Notes on the species of Anomala inhabiting the U. S. Synopsis of the U. S. species of Notoxus and Mecynotarsus. 20 pp. (Trans., 1884). . .20 46. — A study of some genera of Elateridte. 20 pp. (Trans., 1884) .20 47. —A study of the species of Cryptobium of N. A. 22 pp., 2 pis. (Trans., 1885) .25 48. — Studies among the Meloidte. Descriptions of new N. A. Scarabteida;. Contributions to the Coleopterology of the U. 8. No. 4. 56 pp., 2 pis. (Trans., 1885) 65 49. — Descriptions of some new Cerambycidse with notes. 25 pp. (Trans., 1885) .20 50. — Synopsis of the Throscidie of the U. S. 11 pp. (Trans., 1885) 10 322. — A synopsis of the Halticini of Bor. Am. 158 pp., 3 pis. (Trans., 1889) 1.75 325: — On the species of Heterocerus and Ochthebius of U. S. 26 pp., 2 pis. (Trans., 1890) .35 326. — Dinapate Wrightii and its lame. 6 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1886) .10 327. — Monograph of the species of Subfamilies EucneminsB, CerophytinsB and Perotliopime of U. S. 54 pp. (Trans., 1886) 75 328. — Monograph of the species of Chrysobothris of U. S. (;0 pp., 6 pis. (Trans., 1886) 1.25 329. — A review of the species described bv Olivier in the “ Entomologie.” 10 pp. (Trans., 1886) .10 76 entomologists’ directory. 330. — Monograph of Apliodiini of U. S. 110 pp. (Trans., 1887) $1.25 331. — Notes on some Hydrobiini and Revision of the Sphseridiini of Boreal Am. 78 pp., 4 pis. (Trans., 1890) 1.25 332. — Some notes on Arwoschisus. 4 pp. (Trans., 1890) 10 363. — Notes on the Biologia Central! a- Americana — Notes from the Museum at Cambridge. 10 pp. (Trans., 1886) .15 364. — Revisiou of species of Lachnosterna of Am. north of Mexico. 88 pp., 365. — Review of species of Plcocoma, with a discussion of its systematic po- sition in Scaraba'idie. — Descriptions of larva 1 - of Glyptns, Platyp- sylla and Polyphylla . — Miscellaneous Coleopterous Studies. 48 pp., 3 pis. (Trans., 1888) 75 366. — Monograph of species of Cryptohypnus of Boreal Am.— New species and miscellaneous notes. 48 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1891) .60 404. — The species of Agrilus of Bor. Am. 60 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1891) 1.00 405. — Studies in Chrysomelida?. — Notes on Amaru . — A study of Amara . — Random studies in N. Am. Coleoptera. 48 pp. (Trans., 1892) .75 400. — The Eumolpini of Boreal America. 40 pp. (Trans., 1892) 60 407. — The Galerueini of Boreal America.— Miscellaneous Coleopterous Stu- dies. 88 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1893) 1.25 439. — Coleoptera of Baja California, 1894. with Supplement, 1895. — 3 plates. See No. 476 1.25 440. — Studies in Cocci nellidie. 34 pp., 2 pis. (Trans., 1895) .50 441. — Revision of the Tenebrionkhe of Am. north of Mex. 152 pp., 2 pis., 4to 6.00 470. — Notes on IfeteroceruH (Ent. Am., vol. v) .05 471. — The “ Ultimate Larva” of Platypsytyus (Ent. Am., vi. 1890) 05 472. — Notes on Elateridre (Ent. News, 1890) .05 473. — Notes on Calospastu Lee. 4 pp. (1891) .10 474. — Amblychila cylindriformis Say (Ent. News, 1893) .05 475. — Vesperoctenus fiohri Bates (Ent. News, 1895) 05 476. — Coleoptera of Baja California. Supplement II (1896). See No. 439 .25 477. — The CEdemeridie of Boreal America. 4 pp. (1896) .50 496. — Synonymical Notes, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (Ent. Amer.) 25 497. —Notes on Lachnosterna (Ent. Amer.) .15 498. — Some Critical Notes — Amblychila, Dromochorus (Ent. Amer.) .10 499. — Plcocoma , its systematic position, etc. (Ent. Amer.) .10 500. — Note on Chanopterm Boh. (Ent. Amer) .08 501. — Notes on some Staphylinidte (Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc.) 08 502. — Synonymy of the Coleoptera of the Fauna Boreali-Americana. Kirby (Can. Ent) 25 503. — Notes on Chrysonicla, etc. (Can. Ent) .10 504. — Note on some Hydrophilidro (Can. Ent) 10 367. — Jueoby (M.). — Notes on some N. Am. species of Halticime (Group Monoplati), with supplementary notes of G. H. Horn. (Trans., 1888) .10 51. — Jayne (II. F.). — Descriptions of some monstrosities observed in N. Am. Coleoptera. 8 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1880) 15 54. LeConte (J. L.). — Remarks on the subfamily Clavigerida*. 1 p., 1866 .05 59.- -Synonymical notes on Coleoptera of the U. S. with descriptions of new species from the MSS. of the late Dr. C. Zimmerman. 17 pp. (Trans., 1869) 25 entomologists’ directory. 77 65. — Note on the genus Pleocomn and description of the larva (by Osteu Sacken). On the Cupesidra of N. Ain. 8 pp., cuts (Trans., 1874) .10 67. — On the affinities of Hypoceplialns. 10 pp. (Trans., 1876) 10 70. — Short studies of N. Am. Coleoptera. No. 2. 32 pp. (Trans., 1881)-. • .25 442. — Leronte and Horn. — Rhynchophora of N. A. 455 pp., 1876. . 3.00 392.— Long (C. W.). — Revision of the Don acne of Boreal America. 18 pp. (Trans., 1891) 20 478. — Leug (C. W.) and Hamilton (John).— The Lamiinro of N. Am., with notes and descriptions. 78 pp. (Traus., 1896) 75 72. — Matthew* (Rev. A.). — Synopsis of N. Am. Trichoptervgida*. 44 pp. (Trans., 1884) 20 479. — River* (J. J.). — Description of a new Cychrus ifuchmanus ), with de- scription of a new species ( merkelli ) by Dr. Horn 05 443. — Robert* (C. H.). — The species of Dinentes of America north of Mexico. 10 pp., 2 pis. (Trans., 1895) 20 79. — Smith (John B.).— Synopsis of the Mordellidte of the U. S. 28 pp , 3 pis. (Trans., 1882) .35 80. — Synopsis of the Apionime of N. A. 28 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1884) 25 408. — The mouth parts of Copris Carolina , with notes on the homologies of the mandibles. 5 pp., 2 pis. (Trans., 1892) * 10 HYMENOI’TERA. (See index on page 71.) 333. — Aaron (S. F.). — The N. Am. Chrysididie. 40 pp., 5 pis. (Trans., 1885) .50 334. — A*lfeinenoi»ti<:ica. (See Index on page 72.) 486. --Kyai*. — A preliminary revision of the Lepi- dopterous family Notodontidie. 30 pp. (Trans., 1894) .30 231. — Real hi i*{ (T.). — Descriptions of some new species of Dauaime. De- scriptions of some new species of Eresia. 10 pp. (Trans., 1865) ... .15 351. — Rilling;* (James). — Descriptions of a new species of .Egerkhe from Virginia, and observations upon Papilio daunus Boisd. 2 pp., cuts (Proc., 1862) .10 234. — Robinson (C. T.). — List of N. Am. Tortricidie. Part 1. 4 pp., 1869 .05 453. — Solum* (W.). — New species of Noctuidre from Tropical America. 22 pp. (Trans., 1894) 20 454. — Scudller (S. II.).— The life of a butterfly. 182 pp., 4 pis 1.00 454a. — Guide to commoner butterflies of North U. S. and Canada. 206 pp. 1.25 455. — Skinner (Henry). — Two new species of butterflies. 2 pp .10 511. — A Synonymic Catalogue of N. Am. Rhopalocera, complete to end of ’98 1.00 239. — Smilli (John B.). — Synopsis of the N. Am. Heliothime. 50 pp., 2 pi. (Trans., 1882) .25 240. — Notes on the systematic position of some N. Am. Lepidoptera. 8 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1885) .10 385. — Revision of the species of Oncocnemis of temperate N. Am. 29 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1889) .30 82 ENTOMOLOGISTS DIRECTORY 386. — Descriptions of some new species of Agrotia . 18 pp. (Trans., 1890). . .20 416. — Sphinges and Bombyecs. A Review of Kirby’s Synonymic#! Cata- logue of Lepidoptera Heterocera. 37 pp. (Trans., 1893) 50 417. — Notes on some Noctukho, with description of new species. 33 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1891) 50 457. — Descriptions of new genera and species of (N. Am.) Noctuhhe. 50 pp., 6 pi. (Trans., 1894) .75 512. — Revision of the genus llytlroeeia Gn. 48 pp., 2 pi. (Trans., 1899) .... .50 241. — Walsingliam (Lord). Notes on Tineidre of N. Amer. 38 pp. . (Trans., 1982) .20 DIPTERA. 489. — AldHcli (J. M.). — The Dipterous genera Tachytrechus and Macello- ceruH. 4 pp. (Trans., 1896) 10 375. - C’oquillel t (I). VV.). — Monograph of species of Anthrax from. Am. north of Mex. 24 pp. (Trans., 1887) .20 418. — Revision of the species of Anthrax of Am. north of Mexico. 19 pp. (Trans., 1892) 25 458. — Notes and descriptions of N. Am. Bombycidie. 24 pp. (Trans., 1894) .25 256.— ©rote (A. R.). Description of two new species of N. Am. Bracliy- cerous Diptera. 1 p. (Proc., 1867) 05 459. JoIkiimoii (('. W.). Review of the Stratiomyia and Odontomyia of N. Am. 52 pp.. 2 pi. (Trans., 1895) .60 265. — ©»ten Sacken (R.). — Two new N. American Cecidomyise. 2 pp. (Proc., 1866) . .05 266. — Description of a new species of Culickhe. 2 pp. (Trans., 1868) .05 270. — Biological Notes on Diptera (Article 3d). 3 pp. (Trans., 1871) .05 387. — Smitli (John B.). -Contribution towards a knowledge of the mouth- parts of Diptera. 21 pp., cuts (Trans., 1890) .20 419. --Townsencl (C. H. T.). --Notes on N. Am. Tachinida*, with descrip- tion of new genera and species. Paper II. 34 pp. (Trans., 1891) .35 420. — Idem. Paper III. 45 pp. (Trans., 1892) 50 421. --The N. Am. genera of Calyptrate Muscidte. Paper II. — The N. Am. genera of Nemocerous Diptera. 28 pp. (Trans., 1892) .30 422. — The N. Am. genera of Calyptrate Muschhe. Papers III, IV and V. - Notes on N. Am. Tachinida*. Paper VII. 22 pp. (Trans., 1892).. .25 423. — A species of Sivnulium from the Grand Canon of Colorado. 4 p|>., cuts (Trans., 1893).* .10 460. — Contributions to the Dipterology of N. Am. Parts 1 and 2. 48 pp. (Trans., 1895) .50 299. - Williston (S. VV.).— On the N. Am. Asilkhe (Dasypogonime, Lapli- vinffi), with a new genus of Syrphidie. 36 pp., 2 pi. (Trans., 1883) .40 300. — On the N. Am. Asilidae. Part II. 24 pp. (Trans., 1885) .15 352. — Diptei’ological Notes and Descriptions. 21 pp. (Trans., 1886) .25 353. — Catalogue of the described species of S. American Syrphkhe. 17 pp. (Trans., 1886) .15 376. — Diptera Brasiliaua, ah. H. H. Smith, collecta. Part 1, Stratiomyidfe, Syrphidte. (Trans., 1888) 388. — Catalogue of the described species of S. American Asilkhe. 25 pp. (Trans., 1891). ••• • .20 entomologists’ directory. S 3 MEIROPTKRA. 424. — Blink* (Nathan). — Synopsis, Catalogue and Bibliography of the Neuropteroid Insects of Temperate N. Am. 47 pp., cuts, 1892 50 461. — New Neuropteriod Insects. 4 pp. (Trans., 1895) 05 492. — New N. Am. Neuropteriod Insects. 11 pp. (Trans., 1897) 10 390. Culvert (P. P.). — Notes on some N. Am. Odonata, with descriptions of new species. 8 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1890) 15 425. — Preliminary notes on some African Odonata. 4 pp. (Trans., 1892).. . .05 513.— Burmeister’s Types of Odonata. 78 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1898) .75 354. — Ilsigon (Dr. H. A.). --Monograph of the earlier stages of the Odonata. Subfamilies Gomphina and Oordulegastrina. 43 pp. (Trans., 1885) .50 391. — Synopsis of the Odonat genus Leucorhiniit Britt. 8 pp., 1 pi. (Trans., 1890) .15 293. — Walsli (Benj. D.). — On the Pupa of the Epheme rinous genus Bw- tisc.a. 8 pp. (Proc., 1864) 15 HOMOPTERA. 243. — Aaron l. (Trans., 1892) 30 429. — A synonymical arrangement of the genera of N. Am. Jassidte, with descriptions of new species. 13 pp. (Trans., 1892) 20 463. — Catalogue of the described Jassoidea of N. Am. 73 pp. (Trans., 1894) .75 464. — WccmI (C. M.). -Seventh contribution to a knowledge of certain little-known Aphid idee. 8 pp. (Trans., 1893) .10 A PTE 1C A. 430. Rallies (Nathan). — The Phalangida Mccostethi of the U. S, 4 pp. (Trans., 1893) 05 465. — On the Orihatoidea of the U. S. 16 pp. (Trans., 1895) 20 490. — Some new Am. Acarina. 14 pp. (Trans., 1894) .10 491. — New N. Am. Spiders and Mites. 21 pp. (Trans., 1896) 20 284. Kliimcr (II.). --Notes on Insects bred from the Prickly Ash. 3 pp. (Trans., 1868) .05 286.— Notes on Chennes pinicorticis (White Pine Louse). A Summer’s study of Hickory Galls, with descriptions of supposed new insects bred therefrom. 16 pp. (Trans., 1869) .10 431. — We«‘«I (C. M.). Descriptions of new and little-known N. Am. Har- vest Spiders (Phalangidte). 8 pp., 7 pis. (Trans., 1892) 25 432. A preliminary synopsis of the Harvest Spiders (Phalangidre) of New Hampshire. 12 pp., 5 pis. (Trans., 1892) .25 466. -A Synopsis of the Harvest Spiders (Phalangida*) of S. Dakota. — The Cosmetidie of the U. S. 12 pp., 2 pis. (Trans., 1893) 20 84 entomologists’ directory. OBTHOPTERA. 493. — Hancock (J. L.). — On Illinois Grouse Locusts. 10 pp., 4 pis. (Trans., 277. — Scudder (S. H.). — Catalogue of the Orthoptera of N. Am. described previous to 1867. 90 pp. (Trans., 1868) 50 278. — Revision of the Large Stylated Fossorial Crickets. 32 pp., 1 pi., 1869 .50 279. — Descriptions of some new species of Orthoptera. 3 pp. (Trans., 1869) .05 291. — Uhler (P. R.). — Orthopterological Contributions. 13 pp. (Proc., 1864) .10 MISCELLANEOUS. 514.— Calvert. (PhilipP.) — A Biographical Notice of George Henry Horn. with portrait; together with his Entomological writings (with an index to the genera and species of Coleoptera described and named by him), by Samuel Henshaw. 72 pp., 1898 50 467. — Cockerell (T. D. A.).- The Entomology of the mid-alpine /one of Custer County, Colorado. 66 pp. (Trans., 1893) 30 249. — Cooper (W.). — Importance of Insect Architecture to Entomolo- gists. Remarks on tent-building ants. 5 pp. (Proc., 1863) 05 253. Edwards (\V. IT.).- Some remarks on Entomological Nomencla- ture. 16 pp. (Trans., 1873) 10 514. -Henshaw (Sam’l). — The Entomological writings of George Henry Horn, with an index to the genera and species of Coleoptera de- scribed and named, together with a Biographical Notice by P. P. Calvert. 72 pp., with portrait. 1398 50 258. — LeConte (J. L.). — Hints for the promotion of Economic Entomo- logy in the U. S. 30 pp., 1873 15 356. — Saunders (Win.) -Insects injurious to fruit, with 440 illustra- tions. 8vo. Cloth 2.00 357. - Scudder (S. H.).--A Biographical Sketch of Dr. John Lawrence LeConte; read before the American Academy of Science. 37 pp. with portrait. (Trans., 1884) 25 272. Packard (A. S., Jr.) -On certain Entomological Speculations. — A Review. 10 pp. (Proc., 1866) .10 309.— Practical Entomologist. -Vols. 1 and 2 unbound 75 515. Entomologists’ Directory, containing names, addresses, etc., of those interested in the study of Insect Life in the U. S. and Canada. Invaluable to students and collectors. 1900 .50 Transactions American Entomological Society, vol. 26 in press; subscription price $ 4.00 per vol.; price of back volumes on ap- plication. #*€CA11 prices Net. Any of the above-named publications sent on receipt of price by E. T. CRESSON, Treasurer, P. O. Box 248, Philadelphia, Pa. (Ed. March, 1900.) SUPPLEMENT TO THE Entomologists’ Directory CONTAINING THE NAMES, ADDRESSES, SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY, ETC., OF THOSE INTERESTED IN THE STUDY OF INSECT LIFE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. i ] ' i COMPILED BY I HENRY SKINNER, M. D. Secretary op the American Entomological Society. SUPPLEMENT TO THE Entomologists’ Directory CONTAINING THE NAMES, ADDRESSES, SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY, ETC., OF THOSE INTERESTED IN THE STUDY OF INSECT LIFE IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. COMPILED BY HENRY SKINNER, M. D. Secretary op the American Entomological Society. PHILADELPHIA, l'A. ISSUED MARCH, 1904. ANNOUNCEMENT. The “Entomologists’ Directory’’ was published in March, 1900. Realizing that during the four years past there must have been many changes in address, special study, etc., it was determined to mail to each person named in the “ Directory,” who has survived, a circular, enclosing an addressed postal card, asking for correct information to be published in a Supplement. About sixty per cent, have replied, with the result given on the following pages. The remaining forty per cent, have, for some reason or other, failed to assist in the work, although they had nothing to do but to fill up the blanks on the postal cards, and drop them in the mail. March , 1904. CHANGES IN ADDRESS, ETC. The following changes in Address, Special Study, etc., have been reported : Adams, Charles C., University Museum, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Odonata; Myrmeleonidce ; Sialidce ; Geographical distribution of Insects. Collection. Exchange. Adams, C. F., 1145 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Ks. Diptera. Collection. Exchange. Adams, M. F., 257 E. Ferry St., Buffalo, N. Y. Insects in their relation to Trees. Collection. Exchange. Aldrich, John M., Prof, of Zoology, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Diptera and their literature. Collection and good Library. Anderson, A. J., 2008 Ingleside Ave., Sioux City, Iowa. General Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Bailey, Whitman, 122 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Illustrating Lepi- doptera. Baker, C. F., Pomona College, Claremont, Calif. Hymenoptera ; Hemip- tera ; Siphonaptera ; Crustacea. Collection. Exchange. Baker, H. B., M. D., 281 Warren Ave., W., Detroit, Mich. Coleoptera esp. Ceranibycidce. Collection. Ball, E. D., Agricultural College, Logan, Utah. Homoptera (except Coc- cidce and Aphid idee ) . Collection of Hcmiptera. Exchange. Banks, Charles S,, Government Entomologist, Bureau of Government Laboratories, Manila, Philippine Islands. Hymenoptera ; Dip- tera ; Economic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Barber, H. G., 241 West 135th St., New York, N. Y. Hcmiptera-He- teroptera. Collection. Exchange. Barber, Herberts,, 703 E. Capitol St., Washington, D. C. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Barlow, Bronson, Bacteriologist, Agricultural College, Mich. Genera / Entomology. Collection. Barnes, P. T., Forestry Bureau, Manila, Philippine Islands. General Etiloniology. Will collect for persons, with good reference, who are willing to pay reasonable prices. Beaudry, J. A. U., C. E., 107 St. James St., Montreal, Canada. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Beaulieu, Germain, P. O. Box 2168, Montreal, Canada. Coleoptera; Pett- tatomidee. Collection. Exchange American and exotic. SUPPLEMENT TO 4 Beecher, William L., 918 N. St. Bernard St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepidop- leva. Collection. Beer, Emil G. L., 2845 S. 41st Ave., Chicago, 111 . Lepidoptera. Collec- tion. Exchange. Blackburn, Charles Vincent, 101 Pine St., Woburn, Mass. Macro-Lepi- doptera and larva. Collection. Exchange. Will purchase good colored sketches of larvte. Bock, George W., M.D., 1231 Morrison Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Co/eoptera. Collection. Exchange. Boerner, Charles R., 2534 S. Rosewood St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera Collection. Exchange. Bogue, E. E., Agricultural College, Mich. Coccidce ; Kertnes. Collec- tion. Exchange. Bolster, Percy G., 217 Norfolk St., New Dorchester, Mass. Coleoptera ; Hymenoptera. Collection. Exchange. Bradley, J. Chester, 325 Dryden Road, Ithaca, N. Y. Hymenoptera , esp. Parasitic and Phytophaga , Evaniidce , Siricoidea. Collection of American and exotic Hymenoptera. Exchange. Determined or undetermined material solicited from all localities. Braucher, R. W., 307 N. Pine Ave., Austin Station, Chicago, 111 . Econo- mic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Brehme, Hermann H., 3S8 Hunterdon St., Newark, N. J. Coleoptera; Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Bridwell, J. C., Durham, N. H. Hymenoptera , esp. Sphegoidea, Vespo- idea , Apoidea. Collection. Exchange. Britton, Wilton E., Ph. D., Agricultural Experment Station, New Haven, Conn. Coleoptera ; Coccidce ; General Economic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Broad well, William H., 275 High St., Newark, N. J. Lepidoptera , esp. Geometridcr. Collection. Exchange. Brown, Charles E., Department of Entomology, Public Museum, Milwau- kee, Wis. Odonata. Collection. Exchange. List on request. Browning, G. Wesley, 253 N. First West Street, Salt Lake City. Utah. General Entomology . Collection. Do not exchange. Brues, Charles T., American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. Hymenoptera; Diptera. Collection. Exchange. Buchholz, Otto, 602 Adams Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. Lepidoptera. Collec- tion. Exchange. Burden, Charles E., War Department, Washington, D. C. Coleoptera. Collection. Burgess, Albert F. , Department of Agriculture, Columbus, Ohio. Cocci- neltidce ; Coccidce. Collection. Exchange. Burnett, Harry S., Morton, Orleans Co., N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Caffrey, G. W., 126 Centre St., Bethlehem, Pa. Coleoptera ; Hemiptera ; Orthoptera. Collection. Exchange in Coleoptera. Calder, Edwin E., Bayside, R. 1 . Coleoptera. Collection. ENTOMOLOGISTS’ DIRECTORY. 5 Cammann, D. M., M.D., University Club, New York, N. Y. General Entomology. Collection. Carney, John P. R., Vincehtown, N. J. Lepidoptera ( Hesperidce ). Collection. Carpenter, Sidney C., West Hartford, Conn. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Carter, Charles, Corydon, Iowa. Odonata ; Coccidce. Collection. Exchange. Casey, Thomas L. , Major U. S. A., Custom House, St. Louis, Mo. Co/eoptera. Collection. Do not Exchange systematically ; would prefer to purchase material. Caudell, A. N., Div. of Ent., Dept, of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Orthoptera. Exchange for Nat. Museum. Chagnon, Gustave, P. O. Box 186, Montreal, Canada. Cerambycidoe of the World. Collection. Exchange. Chamberlain, George W., M. S., i Summer St., Weymouth, Mass. General Entomology. Collection. Clapp, E. B., 169 Boston St., Dorchester, Mass. Lepidoptera ( Iihopa- locera). Collection. Exchange. Clark, Austin H., 107 Audubon Road, Boston, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Clark, Charles Upson, New Haven, Conn. Coleoplera. Collection. Clark, G. O., M. D., Framingham, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Clickener, Charles, Silverwood, Ind. Economic Entomology. Clute, Willard N., Binghamton, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Cockerell, T. D. A., Colorado Springs. Col. Coccidce ; Apoidea. Comstock, J. H. Ithaca, N. Y. General systematic Entomology ; Spiders. Comstock, William P., 460 W. 150th St., New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Cook, Mel T., Greencastle, Ind. Gall-producing Insects. Collection. Exchange. Cottle, James Edward, 1520 Pacific Ave. , San Francisco, Calif. Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Craw, Alexander, Deputy Commissioner of Horticulture ; Ferry Build- ing, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, Calif. Coccidce. Collection. Exchange. Crew, R. J., 56 Allen Ave., Toronto, Out., Canada. Co/eoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Daecke, Erich, 1709 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Diptera. Collec- tion in all orders. Exchange. Daggett, Frank S., 311 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Co/eoptera. Collection. Exchange. Panby, William H., P. O. Box, 812, Rossland, B. C., Canada. Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange ; also sell, and collect for others, 6 SUPPLEMENT TO Davis, C. Abbott, 1131 Elmwood Ave., Providence, R. I. Coleoptera ; Hvmenoptera ; Diptera. Collection. Exchange in large lots. Dearden, William, 37 N. Main St., Providence, R. I. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Denny, Edward, 200 Mitcheson St., Montreal, Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Denton, William D., Manufacturer of Denton Patent Butterfly Mounts, Wellesley, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Derr, H. B., 412 E. University Ave., Champaign, 111 . General Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Desrochers, J. E. Rigaud, P. Q., Canada. Coleoptera; Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Dietz, William G., M. D., 2r N. Vine St., Hazleton, Pa. Micro/epidop- tera ( Tineina) of North America. Collection. Exchange. Doran, Edwin W., Ph. D., Champaign, 111 . General Entomology. Col- lection. Exchange. Duncan, George T., 18 Cottage St., Rochester, N. Y. General Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Dunne, Harold E., M. D., “The Maples,” E. Washington Lane, Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Insects in their relation to the Medical Sciences. Eames, Edwin H., M. D., 540 State St., Bridgeport, Conn. General Entomology. Eddy, C. W., 1275 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Edwards, Edwin H., 259 W. Clinton St., Cleveland, Ohio. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Ellsworth, Addison, Binghamton, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Col- lect in all orders to exchange for Lepidoptera. Elrod, Morton J., University of Montana, Missoula, Mont Odonata ; Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Emerton, James H., 194 Clarendon St., Boston, Mass. American Spiders. Collection. Engel Henry, General Delivery, Pittsburg, Pa. Lepidoptera : esp. Se- siidee, Arctiidcc. Collection. Exchange. Engl, F. X., 1048 Byron Ave. , Chicago, 111 . Lepidoptera. Coll. Excii. Erb, Herman, J., 536 Blum Place, Union Hill, N. J. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Felt, E. P. , Geological Hall, Albany, N. Y. Economic Entomology. F^nyes, A., M.D., 61 East Colorado St , Pasadena, Calif. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Folsom, Dr. Justus Watson, University of Illinois, Urbana, III. General Entomology (Co/lembola, Thysanura ). Collection. Exchange. Forbush, E. H., Wareham, Mass. Economic Entomology. Frame, Mrs. Effie M., Newburyport, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Frensch, Ernst, Box 556, Mystic, Conn. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. ENTOMOLOGISTS’ DIRECTORY. 7 Friday, F. W., 17 Grace St., Pittsburg, Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Gallagher, Wm. C., Ridgeland, Madison Co., Miss. Lepidoptera. Coll. Geddes, John M , 331 High St., Williamsport, Pa. Lepidoptera , esp. Sphing idee. Collection. Exchange. Gerhard, William J., Field Columbian Museum, Chicago, III. Hemiptera. Collection. Exchange. Gibbon, Hugh A., Miniota, Manitoba, Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Gibson, C. S., 376 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. General Entomology. Gifford, John C., Provinceline via. Princeton, N. J. Insects injurious to forests. Gorham, Frederic P., Brown University, Providence, R. I. Hymenop- tera ; Diptera. Collection. Gould, H. P., Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Economic Entomology . Graef, J. E., Albany, Ga. Lepidoptera. Graenicher, Sigmund, M.D., 551 Seventh St., Milwaukee, Wis. Aculeate Hymenoptera. Collection. Exchange. Green, Edward C., College Station, Texas. Economic Entomology. Greene, George M.. 2026 N. Woodstock St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Gregson, Percy Barrow, Pres. Territorial Nat. Hist. Society, Blackfalds, Alberta, N. W. T., Canada Economic Entomology. Collection of General Entomology. Exchange. Griffith, B. W. 1241 Colton St., Los Angeles, Calif. Hemiptera , Coccidce. Collection. Exchange. Grupe, Dr. Albert E. H., to Carothia Sq., Toronto, Ont., Canada. Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Guion, L. P. 122 E. 49th St., Chicago, 111 . General Entomology. Coll. Hall, Alfred P., P. O. Box 124, Norfolk, Mass. Lepidoptera , esp. Geo- metrical. Collection. Exchange. Ham, Oliver H., 130 State St., Portsmouth, N. H. Lepidoptera ; Hy- menoptera. Hancock, Dr. Joseph L., 3757 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111 . Orthoptera ( Teltigidee). Collection. Exchange. Hanham, A. W., Bank of Brit. N. Am., Victoria, B. C., Canada. Cole- optera ; Lepidoptera ; Hemiptera. Collection. Hare, Sid. J., 3216 Campbell St., Kansas City, Mo. Economic Ento- mology. Hartmann, Charles F., 262 West 144th St., New York, N. Y. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Harvey, E. K., 1408 Bush St., Los Angeles, Calif. Lepidoptera ( Rhopa • locera). Collection. Indo-Malayan, Mexican and Native species to exchange for desirable material, preferably from tropical countries. Harvey, Nathan A , 613 West 67th St., Chicago, 111 . Diptera. 8 SUPPLEMENT TO Hayward, Roland, Readville, Mass. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Healy, John L. , 444 Greenleaf Ave., Chicago, III. Systematic Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Heath, Edwin F., “The Hermitage,” near Cartwright, Man., Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Collect only Manitoba and N. W. Fauna, of which named duplicates are supplied at moderate prices. Heim, D. C., 415 Market St., Sunbury, Pa. Lepidoptera (A’hopa/ocera). Collection. Exchange. Hibbard, Herschel V., 5478 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111 . Coleoptera Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Hill, H. Russell, 332 Pine St., Williamsport, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collec- tion. Exchange. Hill, Rev. W. E., East Liverpool, Ohio. Coleoptera ; Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Hillig, Prof. Fred. J., St. John's College, Toledo, Ohio. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Hinds, Warren Elmer, Div. Ent., U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Washing- ton, D. C. Thysanoptera. Collection Exchange. Holland, J. L., 34 W. Princess St., York, Pa. Coleoptera. Coll. Exch. Hood, L. E., 3 Essex St., Somerville, Mass. Coleoptera. Coll. Exch. Hopkins, Andrew D., Ph.D., Div. Ent., U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Wash- ington, D. C. Forest insect investigation, and Sco/ylidce of the World. Collection. Exchange for Scolytidce of the world. Hopping, Roy, 3459 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collec- tion. Exchange. Houghton, Clinton O., Newark, Del. Coleoptera ; Lepidoptera ( Rhopa - locera). Collection. Exchange. Huard, Rev., V. A., Quebec, P. Q., Canada. General Entomology. Collection. Hug, Herman, 319 Hudson St., Hoboken, N. J. Lepidoptera. Coll. ,/Hunter, W. D., U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Diplera. Collection. Exchange. Huntington, W. S., igto N. 21st St., Philadelphia, Pa. Diptera. Collec- tion. Exchange. Ilg, Carl, 2539 Douglass St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera; Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Jelliffe, Smith Ely, 64 West 56th St., New York, N. Y. Coleoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Johannsen, O. A., 324 LI nestis St., Ithaca, N. Y. Nematocerous Diptera. Collection. Exchange. Johnson, James S., 4350 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Johnson, Willis G., 52 Lafayette Place, New York, N. Y. Economic En- tomology. Collection. Exchange. Judge, Frederick G., 60 Pierpont St., Peabody, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. entomologists’ directory. 9 Kahl, Paul Hugo Isidor, Custodian Ent. Museum, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, Pa. Diptera. Collection. Exchange. Kalbert, John B., 181 Russell St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collec- tion. Exchange. Kearfott, VV. D., 114 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Micro- Lepidoptera, esp. Tortricids. Collection. Exchange and also purchase. Correspondence invited ; specimens identified, and assistance freely offered to collectors interested in Micro-Lepidoptera. Keck, Prof. J. M., Peoples’ University, Olympia, Wash. General Ento- mology. Collection. Keith, Edward D., 220 Sacket St., Providence, R. I. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Kellogg, Vernon L. , Prof. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., Stanford University Calif. Kemp, Stanley T., 53 Atlantic St., Jersey City, N. J. Lepidoptera. Coll. Kingsbury, J. G., Box 426, Indianapolis, Ind. Noxious Insects. Kircher, George, 136 Grace St., Jersey City, N. J. Exotic Papilios. Col- lection. Exchange. Kirkland, A. H., 43 Chatham St., Boston, Mass. Ilemiptera ; Economic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Klages, Edw. A., Belvidere St., Crafton, Alleg. Co., Pa. Co/eoptera, esp. Venezuelan. Collection. Exchange only for perfect specimens with complete data. Klages, Henry G., 221 Fifth St., Jeannette, Pa. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Knapp, A. H., Portsmouth, N. H. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Knechtel, Frank, Swisvale, Allegheny Co., Pa. Coleoptera ; Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Knight, Ora W., 84 Forest Ave., Bangor, Maine. Lepidoptera and their Life Histories. Collection of imagoes, pupa: and inflated larva:. Exchange. Kny-Scheerer Co., Dept, of Nat. Science, 225-233 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Entomological supplies and specimens. Kopman, H. H., 5509 Hurst Street, New Orleans, La. Lepidoptera ( Rhopalocera ). Kraus, Rev. Richard, O. S. B., 339 Orleans St., Chicago, 111 . Hymenop- tera. Collection. Krautwurm, Bernard, Broadhead St., Arlington Place, E. E., Pittsburg, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Krautwurm, George, Broadhead St., Arlington Place, E. E., Pittsburg, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Krebs, T. L., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. M. Coleop- tera ; Lepidoptera. Collection. New Mexican specimens for sale. Krueger, P. W. , Sallis, Miss. Genera! Entomology. Collection. Kurowski, Alfred, 66 Fremont St., Chicago, 111 . Genera I Entomology. Collection. Exchange. IO SUPPLEMENT TO Lagai, G., Pli.D., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Coleoptera ; Lepidoptera. Coll, Lane, Raphaella E., 122 Linden St., Rochester, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Col- lection, Exchange. Laurent, Philip, 31 East Mt. Airy Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera ; Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Lee, Robert E., 623 Granite Building, St. Louis, Mo. Coleoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Leibig, J. E., Bismarck, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Not prepared to exchange. Leonhard, C., Schuyler Ave., Kearny, N. J. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Letcher, Beverley, 532 California St., San Francisco, Calif. Lepidoptera. Collection. Lewis, E. C., Wills Point, Texas. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Liebeck, Charles, 1609 Wolf St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleopteta. Collec- tion. Exchange. Love, Rev. Archibald L., D D., 299 Hamilton St., Albany, N. Y. Cole- optera ; Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Lucock, Frank, Peach Springs. Mohave Co., Ariz. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Mackenzie, G. P., 1605 Tennessee St., Lawrence, Kansas. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Mally, C. W., removed to Grahamstown, Cape Colony, South Africa. Manee, Rev. Abram H, Northville, Conn. Coleoptera ; Lepidoptera ; Diptera. Collection. Exchange. Mares, Adolph, 1671 W. 23d St , Chicago, 111 . Coleoptera ; Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Martin, James O., Wilbraham, Mass. Coleoptera. Collection. Mason, Albert P., 361 Main St., Malden, Mass. Coleoptera ; Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. McCook, Henry C., D.D., Sc.D , L.L.D., Devon, Pa. Ants and Spiders. McDade, James E., 6245 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111 . Coleoptera; Odonata. Collection. Exchange. t^lelander, Axel Leonard, M. S., Agric. Exper. Station, Pullman, Wash. Diptera; Ethology of Insects. Collection. Exchange. Metcalfe, William, 285 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Hemiptera. Collection. Exchange. Miller, George, 133 S. Queen St., York, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Mitchell, Harvey J., Westwood, N. J. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Moeser, Frank E., 238 Guilford St., Buffalo, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collec- tion. Exchange. Moore, Richard M., M.D., 74 S. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, N. Y. Coleop- tera (Chrysomelida). Collection. Exchange. Morris, E. L., Central High School, Washington, D. C. General Ento- mology. School collection. entomologists’ directory. II Morse, Alfred P., Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. Orthoptera ( Acri - didee). Collection. Exchange. Mosher, Clarence H., Birdwood, Salisbury Mills, N. Y. Coleoplera ; Lepidoplera. Collection. Exchange. Mosher, F. H., Shawmut, Mass. Coleoplera. Collection. Exchange. Mueller, G. T. O., San Mateo, Calif. Lepidoplera. Collection. Muench, L. T., 1060 Second Ave., New York, N. Y. Co/eoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Nell, Philip, 3619 N. Marshall St., Philadelphia, Pa. Micro-Lepidoptera ; Hemiptera. Collection. Newcomb, William W., M.D., 347 Trumbull Ave., Detroit, Mich. Lepi- doplera. Collection. Exchange. Newell, Wilmon, State Entomologist, Atlanta, Ga. Economic Entomo- logy. Collection. Exchange. Nunenmacher, F. W., P. O. Box 220, Oakland, Calif. Coccinellidce of the IVor/d. Collection. Exchange. Osburn, Raymond C., 510 W. 124th St., New York, N. Y. Odonata ; Syrphidce. Collection. Exchange. Osburn, William, Station K, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Oslar, Ernest J., Alcott P. O., Denver, Col. Professional Collector of all Orders. Duplicates for sale from Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Ottolengui, B., 80 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera ( Noc - luidce). Collection. Exchange. Patch, Edith M., 2118 Lyndale Ave., North Minneapolis, Minn. Econo- mic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Patterson, Clara E., P. O. Box 163, Little Falls, N Y. General Entomo- logy. Collection. Paulmier, Frederick Clark, The State Museum, Albany,' N. Y. General Entomology. Pearsall, Richard F., 1334 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. General Entomo- logy. Collection. Exchange. Pearson, A. Walton, 69 Pearl St., Norwich, Conn. Lepidoplera. Coll. Peck, George W., Roselle Park, N. J. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Perrior, A. W., 316 East Kennedy St., Syracuse, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Pettit, Rufus H., Entomologist, Agric. Experiment Station, Agricultural College, Ingham Co., Mich. Coccidcc. Collection. Exchange. Plummer, Frederic W., Quincy, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Pollard, Charles Louis, 1854 F'ifth St., Washington, D. C. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Pollock, Horatio M., State Civil Service Commission, Albany, N. Y. Aptera [Hydrachnidce) . Collection. Exchange. Pope, T. Edmund B , Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, D. C. Lepidop- tera. Collection. 12 SUPPLEMENT TO Popenoe, Edwin A., Route 6, Topeka, Kansas. Coleoptera ; Hemiptera. Collection. Exchange. Preston, Carleton E., PhD, Lawrence High School, Lawrence, Mass. Interested in General Entomology as a teacher. Quaintance, A. L., U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. He- miptera ; Economic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Rehn, James A. G., Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. Orthoptera. Academy Collection. Exchange. Reif, Robert, Gen'l Pass. Dept., Lehigh Valley R. R. Co., New York, N. Y. Lepidoplera (Rhopalocera). Collection. Exchange. Reinick, William R., Free Library, 1217 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera. Richardson, Wm. D., P. O. Box 185, Fredericksburg, Va. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Parnidce of the world wanted. Riederer, Ludwig, 251 W. 95th St., New York, N. Y. Anatomy of In- sects. Collection of microscopical slides. Rippon, Edrick V., 64 King St. W., Toronto, Out., Canada. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Roddy, H. Justin, State Normal School, Millersville, Pa. Lepidoplera. Rogers, J. H. Jr., 98 Central Ave. Medford, Mass. Coleoptera ; Lepi- doptera ( Hespcridcc ). Collection. Exchange. Ronthe, A., 1932 Kenmore Ave., Chicago, 111 . Lepidoplera. Collection. Exchange. Russell, Harry M., Insectary, Mass. Agric. College, Amherst, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Sala, August, 1150 Trumbull Ave., Chicago, 111 . Coleoptera ; Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Sanderson, E. Dwight, College Station, Texas. Cotton Insects ; Coleop- terous larva. College Collection. Exchange. Satterthwait, Alfred F., Fairville, Chester Co., Pa. Economic Entomo- logy. Collection. Saunders, Henry S., 21 Harbord St., Toronto, Out., Canada. Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Savage, Thomas E., Iowa Geological Survey, Des Moines, Iowa. Gen era! Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Sawyer, Sarah E., Route 1, Warner, N. H. General Entomology. Col- lection. Exchange. ■Schaeffer, C., Brooklyn Museum, Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Scheffer, Theo. H., Manhattan, Kansas. Spiders. Collection. Schmidt, August, 854 E. Russell St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Schwarz, Hermann, 1811 Dolman St. Louis, Mo. Thysanura. Collec- tion. Exchange literature. Schweigert, Charles F., 122 Hamilton St,, Reading, Pa, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange, entomologists’ directory. 13 Sherman, Franklin, Jr., F.ntomologist, Dept, of Agriculture, Raleigh, N. C. General Entomology ; Coleoptera ; Rhopalocera. Col- lection. Exchange. Sherman, John D., Jr., 81 Fulton St., New York, N. Y. Dytiscida of N Amer. Collection. Will determine material of this family ; specimens from Lake Superior, Alaska, Hudson Bay, Labrador, New Foundland and Illinois especially desired, for cash or in exchange. Short, Ernest H., Box 29, Chili, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Skinner, Henry, M. D., Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1900 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. General Entomology. Collection of American Butterflies. Exchange. Will name expanded American butterflies free of charge. Slingerland, M. V., Prof. Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Economic Entomology. Slosson, Mrs. Annie Trumbull, 38 East 23d St., New York, N. Y. Gen- era! Entomology. Collection. Smalley, George A., Norfolk, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Smith, Benjamin H., 4704 Chester Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera. Collection. Smith, E. J., Natick, Mass. Coleoptera; Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Smith, Horace G., Asst. Curator of Zoology, State Historical and Nat. Hist. Society, Capitol Bldg., Denver, Col. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Smith, S. H., 87 Eaton Place, East Orange, N. J. Lepidoptera {Rhopa- locera). Snyder, W. E., 107 W. Maple Ave., Beaver Dam, Wis. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Stauffer, W. S., R. F. D. No. 4, Lititz, Pa. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Steinbrecher, John F., 306 Harman St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera , native and exotic. Collection. Exchange. Stephens, Frank, University and Fillmore Aves., San Diego, Calif. Lepidoptera. Collection. Stephens, Kate, University and Fillmore Aves., San Diego, Calif. Lepi- doptera. Collection. Stevenson, .Charles, 906 St. Urbain St., Montreal, Canada. Coleoptera ; Lepidoptera ; Hemiptera ; Economic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Straub, Robert, 80 E. 107th St., New York, N. Y. General Entomology. Collection. Surface, H. A., Economic Zoologist, Harrisburg, Pa. Economic Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Swett, Louis W., Summer St., Malden, Mass. Lepidoptera , esp. Geo- metridcc. Collection. Exchange. 14 SUPPLEMENT TO Tallant, W. N., Office P. C. C. & St. L. Rw. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Taylor, Rev. George W., Wellington, B. C., Canada. Geomeiridce. Collection. Will purchase or exchange for species not in his collection. Terry, William G., Victory Mills, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Thaxter, Roland, 7 Scott St., Cambridge, Mass. Fungus diseases of In- sects. Collection. Exchange. Thiel, Louis, 932 McPherson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Thomas, Gordon, 48 Warrington Place, East Orange, N. J. Coleoplera. Collection. Tight, W. G., Albuquerque, New Mexico. Insects in relation to plant life. Collection. Exchange. Timm, Charles F., 131 Ralph St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Col- lection, native and exotic. Exchange. Titus, E. S. G., Div. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agric., Washington, D. C. Hymenoptcra , esp. Apoidea ; Coccidcc , esp. Lecaniincc. Collec- tion. Exchange. Tourney, James W., 459 Prospect St., New Haven, Conn. Economic Entomology. •''Tower, William Lawrence, Associate in Embryology, University of Chi- cago, Room 32, Zoology Bdg., Chicago, 111 . Insect Anatomy, Embryology and Morphology. Collection. Exchange for series showing color variation, seasonal or sexual dimorphism. Desire to obtain by exchange or cash, properly preserved or living ma- terial of all orders showing ontogeny of color patterns. Offer showy exotics from Mexico and Central and South America in exchange. Troxler, C., Sr., 302 W. Market St., Louisville, Ky. Coleoplera ; Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Underwood, Jay G., Ilartland, Vermont. Lepidoptera. Van Dyke, Edwin C , M. D., 2217 California St., San Francisco, Calif. Coleoplera. Collection. Exchange. Viereck, Henry L., Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. Hymenoptera (L'ees). Collection. Exchange. Wain wright, Robert D., Capt. U. S. Marines, Elizabeth City, N. C. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Walker, C. Loyal, 133 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111 . Coleoplera ; Odonata. Collection. Exchange. Walker, Charles M., First Asst. State Entomologist, Geological Hall, Albany, N. Y. Coleoplera. Walker, George H., 112-114 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111 . Lepidoptera ; Odonata. Collection. Exchange. Walter, Herbert Eugene, A. M., Robert A. Waller High School, Chi- cago, III. Embryology ; General Entomology. entomologists’ directory. 15 Warren, Rev. J. C., Elina, Iowa. Coleoplera. Collection. Exchange. Watson, Frank E., 972 E. 168th St., New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Weaver, Alice Rush, Wyncote, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Webster, F. M., Urbana, 111 . Economic Entomology ; Distribution , variation, protective coloration. Collection. Exchange pub- lications. Weidt, A. J., 445 Washington St., Newark, N. J. Micro- Lepidoptera. Local collection. West, John H., 2235 E. Letterly St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Weuman, William, Box 59, Golden, B. C., Canada. Coleoptera ; Lepi- doptera. Collection. Wheeler, Ralph L., 34 Waugh St., Lowell, Mas, Coleoptera ; Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Wheeler, William Morton, Ph. D., Curator of Invertebrate Zoology, Amer. Mus. Nat. History, New York, N. Y. Fomiicidte. Collection. Exchange. Whiting, C. A., South Pasadena, Calif. Parasitic Insects and Worms. Collection. Exchange. Williams, F. X., 1015 Scott St., San Francisco, Calif. Macro- Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Williams, J. B., 24 Ann St., Toronto, Ont., Canada. Lepidoptera ( Rho - palocera). Collection. Exchange. Willing, T. N., Regina, Assa., Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Williston, S. W., University of Chicago, Chicago, 111 . Fossil Diptera. Collection. Willson, Walter Jones, 21 Holton St., Allston, Mass. Lepidoptera. Winecoff, Rev. Thomas E., Franklin, N. C. Lepidoptera. Wirtner, Rev. M., O. S. B., Penn Station, Pa. Hemiptera. Collection. Exchange. Wolcott, A. B., 182 E. Ohio St., Chicago, 111 . Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Wolcott, Robert H., M. D., ■ Associate Prof, of Zoology, Univ. of Ne- braska, Lincoln, Neb. Coleoptera; Lepidoptera , especially Acari ; Geographical distribution. Collection. Desires Acari of all groups from all parts of the country, and invites corres- pondence with all willing to collect material in return for speci- mens of other kinds from his locality. Wolley Dod, F. H., Millarville, Alberta, Canada. Macro- Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Wood, W. C., 57 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Coleoptera ( Cicindelida ) ; Lepidoptera ( Rhopa/ocera ). Collection. Exchange. Woodworth, Howard O., Calif. Poultry Station, Petaluma, Calif. Lepi- doptera, A/eurodidcr, Collection. Exchange. i6 SUPPLEMENT TO Woolley, H. S., F. E. S., P. O. Box 1047, or 25 Henry St., Waterbury, Conn. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Works, Winfield F., 1343 Wallach Place, Washington, D. C. Economic Entomology. Worth, William A., P. S. 158, 78th St. and Ave. A., New York, N. Y. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Wright, W. G., 445 F St., San Bernardino, Calif Lepidoptera ( Rhopa/o - cera) Collection. Wunder, Charles, 500 East 83d St.. New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Ziegler, S. W., 43 So. Penn St., York, Pa. Coleoptera , Lepidoptera. ADDITIONAL NAMES. The following desire to be added to the Directory : Abbott, Walter, 342 Manchester St., Manchester, N. H. Coleoplera. Collection. Exchange. Allison, W. B., 630 Pine St., New Orleans, La. Lepidoptera. Anderson, Ernest M., 64 Supefior St.. Victoria, B. C., Canada. Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Andrews, A. W., 180 Helen Ave., Detroit, Mich. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Angel!, John, 36 Washington Sq., New York, N. Y. Coleoptcra. Coll. Arndt, E. L., Prof. Concordia College, 1280 St. Anthony Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Minnesota Insects , esp. Trichoptera. Coll. Exch. Babbitt, Arthur B., 227 Sargeant St., Hartford, Conn. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Back, E; A., Insectary, Amherst, Mass. Diptera ( Asi/ida- ). Baird, Robert L., Oberlin, Ohio. General Entomology. In charge of collection of Oberlin College Museum. Exchange. Balkwill, J. A., 800 Hellmuth Ave., London, Ont., Canada. Lepidoptera. Barlow, John., Prof. Zoology, State College of Agriculture, etc., Kingston, R. I. General Entomology. Collection. Baumhauer, Ralph, 1501 E. Hoffman St,, Baltimore, Md. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Beekley, William M„ Tarpon Springs, Florida. Genera! Entomology. Bigelow, Huntingdon, 98 State St., Utica, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Billson, James E., 20 Pennsylvania Ave., Providence, R. I. Lepidoptera. Collection. Bishopp, Fred. C., College Park, Md. Hymenoptera ( Apoidea ). Bower, Harold M., 1628 Jefferson Ave., Scranton, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Bowman, Mrs. C. S., I 3 t 9 Maple Ave., Evanston, 111 . Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Brandegee, E. N., Helena, Montana. Economic Entomology. Coll. Braun, Annette F., 2702 May St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Brimley, C. S., New Berne Ave., Raleigh, N. C. Lepidoptera and Odo- nata of N. C. Collection. Brown, Fred. Eubeling, 416 N. Franklin St., Danville, 111 . Hemiptera— Heteroptera. Collection. Exchange. Brown, T. N., Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pa. Coleoptera ( Carabidce ). Collection. Exchange. i8 SUPPLEMENT to Bryant, Theo., Wellington, B. C., Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange only B. C. faunal district. Bueno, J. R. de la Torre, 25 Broad St. (437 Central Park, W.), New York, N. Y. Aquatic Hemiptera, especially Cryptocerata. Collection Exchange other orders for Hemiptera. Burch, Earl G., Wahpeton, N. D. Hemiptera. Collection. Exchange. Burke, H. E., Div. of Ent., U. S. Depi. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Forest Insects injurious to timker ( B uprestides ) . Coll. Exch. Burks, C. Fred., 1326 N St., Fresno, Calif. General Entomology. Col- lection. Exchange. Busck, August. U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Micro- tcpidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Bush, Arthur H., 1105 Ninth Ave., Fairview, Vancouver, B. C., Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange B. C. specimens only. Buxton, W. T., 152 Walnut St., Somerville, Mass. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Camden, Robert L. M., Jr., Ardmore, Pa. (308 Walnut St., Philadelphia). Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Chamberlin, Ralph V., Salt Lake City, Utah. Myriapoda , Arachnida. Collection Exchange. Champagne, Alderic Victor, Cazaville, Huntingdon Co., Canada. Cote- optera. Collection. Exchange. Clark, Frank C., Napa City, Calif. Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diplera. Collection. Exchange. Cockburn, J. P., Gravenhurst, Ont., Canada. General Entomology. Cockle, J. Wm., Kaslo, B. C., Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Coleman, George A., Pacific Grove, Calif. Forest Insects and Coccidce. Collection. Exchange. Collins, G. N., U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Odonata. Comstock, G. F., 1 1 9 W. 86th St., New York, N. Y. Adirondack Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Comstock, John, 1572 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, III. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Cook, Harry, 12 McPherson Terrace, Albany, N. Y. Lepidoptera ( Rho - palocera). Collection. Exchange. Cook, John H., 12 McPherson Terrace, Albany, N. Y. Lepidoptera (Fhopaloccra). Collection. Exchange. Coverdale, George, Hart P. O., Vernon Parish, Louisiana. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Crampton, Henry Edw., Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Varia- tion, Selection, Inheritance of Insects. Collection. Crawford, J. C., Jr., West Point, Neb. Hymenoptera (Apoidea) . Col- lection. Exchange. Curry, G. L., Louisville College of Pharmacy, Louisville, Ky. Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. ENTOMOLOGISTS’ DIRECTORY. 19 Daggette, A. S., 400 S. Craig St., Pittsburg, Pa. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Darmstaetter, Adolph C., 136 E. Vine St., Lancaster, Pa. Genera! En- tomology. Collection. Exchange. Davenport, Charles Benedict, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111 . Col- ie mb o! a. Davis, Charles S., 1910 Fifth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Economic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Dean, George A., Manhattan, Kansas. General Entomology. Collec- tion. Exchange. Dearness, John, London, Ont , Canada. Insects from the point of view of a teacher of “ nature study." Doerfel, Louis, 836 S. 14th St., Newark, N. J. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Domidion, George, 329 Central Ave., Jersey City Heights, N. J. Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Doolittle. Alfred A., Western High School; Washington, D. C. General Entomology. Collection. Easton, Norman S., Fall River Society of Natural History, Fall River, Mass. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Eddy, Herbert F., 492 Prairie Ave., Providence, R. I. Genera! Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Engelhardt, George P., 185 Brooklyn Ave , Brooklyn, N Y. (In charge of Entomology in Children’s Museum ) Lepidoptera. Collection. Correspondence solicited. Ewers, William V. r4o N. Goodman St , Rochester, N. Y. Mosquitoes. Faaborg, J. S., 606 and 608 Second St., Clinton, Iowa. Lepidoptera of the World. Collection. Exchange. Fanshawe, Lyonell, Tamarisk, Manitoba, Canada. Lepidoptera (Rhopa- locera). Collection. Exchange. (Having recently arrived in Canada — from India — shall be thankful for any assistance in form- ing a collection of the Butterflies of North America.) Fenninger, Carl W. , 2441 N. 17th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Hemiptera. Collection. Exchange. Field, Alberta, Ashtabula, Ohio. Hymenoptera ; Lepidoptera. Coll. Fielde, Miss Adele M., 128 W. 43d St., New York, N. Y. Hymenoptera. ( Formicidce) . Fischer, Adolf, 502 School St., Chicago, 111 . Lepidoptera Coll. Exch. Fisher, George A., 16 Pleasant St., Reading, Mass. Microscopical exam- ination, dissection and mounting of insects. Coll. Exch. Eiske, W. F. , U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Forest bisects : Coleoptera ( derides , Co/ydiidtr, Trogositidce) ; Hy- menopterous parasites of Forest Insects. Collection. Exchange. Fox worthy, F. W., 45 East Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Orlhoptera. 20 SUPPLEMENT TO Fraser, William J , 10 Sylvan Ave , Toronto, Ont., Canada. Odonata. Collection. Exchange all orders for Odonata. Fuller, D. M., 221 Lancaster St., Albany, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collec- tion. Exchange. Garcia, Fabian, Mesilla Park, New Mexico. Economic Entomology. Collection. Goddard, C. W., M.D., Harvard, McHenry Co., 111 . Lepidoptera. Coll. Godfrey, Richard, 4517 N. Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coteoptera. Coll. Goeben, Ferdinand, 464 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Graves, Don, 54 E. Sixth St., Dunkirk, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Grillet, Ida L., Box 214, Miles City, Montana. Coteoptera ( Cicinde/idce ). Collection. Exchange. Grossbeck, John A., 25 T otowa Ave, Patterson, N. J. General Entomo- logy. Collection. Haberer, C. H., Dunmor, Ky. Lepidoptera. Collection. Hagelstein, Christian H. T., 104 E. Main St., Shelby, Ohio. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Hall, Gaylord C., 409 W. 145th St., New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera (E/10- palocera). Collection. Exchange. Halladay, George A., Bellows Falls, Vt. Lepidoptera ( Rtiopatocera ). Collection. Exchange. Hansen, Rev. James, St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minn. General Entomology. University Collection. Hardenberg, C. B., 2050 Cherry St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coteoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Harris, L. C., Eldorado, Calif. Coteoptera. Collection. Exchange. Hart, Charles A., III. State Labr. of Nat. Hist., Urbana, 111 . Imalure stages of Insects. Hart, Fred., 48 E. Colorado St., Pasadena, Calif. Lepidoptera ( Rhopa - locera). Collection. Exchange. Hart, Paul, 48 E. Colorado St., Pasadena, Calif. Lepidoptera ( Rhopa - locera). Collection. Exchange. Hiirtel, Karl, 2545 Mascher St. , Philadelphia, Pa. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Hartmann, Carl, Austin, Texas. Solitary Wasps, also Theridiidce. Col- lection. Exchange. Harvey, R. V., Queen’s School, Vancouver, B. C., Canada. Lepidoptera and Diptera of B . C. Collection. Hebard, Morgan, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. (Summer) ; Thomas- ville, Ga. (Winter). Orthoptera. Collection. Exchange. Hefferan, Mary, University of Chicago, Chicago, III. Culicidce. Coll. Heink, Charles L., 4320 N. nth St., St. Louis, Mo. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. entomologists’ directory. 21 Herrick, Glenn W., Agricultural College, Miss. Economic Entomology. College Collection. Exchange. Hodgkiss, Harold E., Entomological Labr. Mass. Agricl. College, Am- herst, Mass. Economic Entomology , Coccidce and Cecopalidce of North America. Holmes, Mrs Juliette F., 712 LaFayette St., Waterloo, Iowa. Ge/ieral Entomology. Holmes, LaRue Klingle, Pine Grove Ave , Summit, N. J. Lepidoptera. Collection. Hope, Herford, Third Ave., New Brighton, Pa. Lepidoptera. Coll. Howard, Dr. Chas. T., 62 Chestnut St., Rochester, N. V. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Howard, Charles W. , 43 E. Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. General Entomology . Collection. Howard, W. E , Ottawa, 111 . Ephemerida. Collection. Exchange. Howland, GertrudeS., 41 Mill St., Revere, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collec- tion. Exchange. Huested, Percy L., Blauvelt, N. Y. Coccidcc. Ilnngate, J. W., Walla Walla, Washington. Hymen. ( Ichneumonidce') . Hunt, Arthur P., 1 Chelsea Sq., New York, N. Y. Coleoptera , Lepidop- tera (Rhopalocera). Collection. Exchange. Hurd, Mrs. A. T., North Hartland, Vt. Lepidoptera. Collection. Hutson, GeorgeS., Quartzsite, Yuma Co., Arizona. Lepidoptera (Rhopa- locera). Collect for others. Hyde, Dr. A. F., 31 North Broadway, Shelby, Ohio. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Jeheber, Ernst, 118 N. Reservoir St, Lancaster, Pa. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Jenne, Eldred L., Pullman, Wash. Economic work on Codling Moth. Collection. Johnson, S. Arthur, State Agric. College, Fort Collins, Col. Economic Entomology . College Collection. Exchange in Vespa. Johnson, Roswell H., Cheney, Washington. Variation and evolution — Coccinellidce. Kaufman. Adam, 545 Washington Ave., Scranton, Pa. Lepidoptera. Keller, Clarence, 123 Climax St., 38th Ward, Pittsburg, Pa. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Keller, George J., 26 Monmouth St., Newark, N. J. lepidoptera— Cato- calidcc and Sphingidce of N. Amer. Collection. Exchange and buy desirable specimens. Kelley, C. W., 1336 Smith St., North Providence, R. I. Lepidoptera (Heterocera). Collection. Kemp, Robert A., Frederick, Md. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Kilgore, S. N., 533 Englewood Ave., or University of Chicago, Chicago, III. Coccinellidce. Collection. Exchange. 22 SUPPLEMENT TO Kirkaldy, G. W., Asst. Entomologist, Dept, of Agric., P. O. Box 107, Honolulu, T. H. Rhynchota ; insects of sugar cane. Coll. Kotensky, Jacob, Div. Ent., U. S. Dept, of Agric., Washington, D. C. Coccidtr. Krueger, Charles, 1161 N. Lincoln St., Chicago, 111 . Lepidoptcra. Col- lection. Exchange. Kuebler, William, 1251 29th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Lacey, Howard, Kerrville, Kerr Co., Texas. Lepidoptera , Local Coll. Lang, Joseph N., 104 Bunker St., Chicago. III. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Lantz, D. E., Manhattan, Kansas. Cicindelidcc. Collection. Exchange. Leonard, William A., 152 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. Lepidoptera. Collection. Lloyd, J. T., 2604 Harris Ave., Station H, Cincinnati, Ohio. General Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Longenecker, A. M., Clearfield, Pa. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Lucas, F. A., 356 Riley St., Buffalo, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Lucas, Guy W., 60 Astoria St., Mattapan, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Lutz, Frank E., Bloomsburg, Pa. Orthoptera. Collection. Exchange. MacKay, E. A , Pullman. Wash. Coleoptera. Collection. Manchester, G. A , 14 Webster Ave., Somerville, Mass. Coleoptera. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Manning, J. Woodward, Reading, Middlesex Co., Mass. Economic Entomology, Lepidoptera. Collection. Marshall, Francis H., Omaha Water Co., Omaha, Neb. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Martin, Anton, 25 Spencer St,, Elizabeth, N. J. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Martin, Mrs. T. D., 486 Wellington Ave., Auburn, R. I. Lepidoptera , esp. raising from the egg. Collection. Exchange. Matthews, John H., 3219 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa, Coll. Exch. Mayer, Otto, 103 E. 10th St., New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection, native and exotic. Exchange. Desires correspondence with collectors in every State. McClendon, J. F., Box 122 University Station, Austin, Texas. Embry- ology of the Scorpion. McCoy, Mrs. Edith S., 765 Union St., Manchester, N. H. Diptera. McElhose, Henry, 2137 a California Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. McIntosh, William, 272 King St. East, St John, N. B , Canada. Diptera. Collection. Exchange. Miller, Ellen Robertson, 14 Miles Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Lepidoptcra. Collection. Mills, Ralph G., 356 W. Decatur St., Decatur, 111 . Food of Insects. Collection. Exchange. entomologists’ directory. 23 Miner, Walter S., 15 Barker St., Bellows Falls, Vt. General Entomology . Collection. Exchange. Mitchell, I. N., State Normal School, Milwaukee, Wis. Lepidoptera (Phopalocera). Collection. Exchange. Montgomery, C. E., 10 Cabot St., Portsmouth, N. H. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Moore, George A., 24 Lome Ave., Montreal, Canada. Hemiptera. Collection. Will collect Coleoptera and Spiders in exchange for Hemiptera. Morden, John A , Hyde Park Corner, Out., Canada. Coleoptera , Lepi- doptera. Collection. Exchange. Morrill, Austin W., U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Hemiptera; Life history of Insects. Muldrew, Dr. W. H., Director of Nature Studies in Macdonald Institute, O. A. C., Guelph, Out., Canada. General Entomology. Mundt, A. H., Fairbury, Livingston Co., III. Lepidoptera. Collection. Munier, L. E., 1 148 Guerrero St., San Francisco, Cal. Coleoptera. Coll. Norris, George G., 229 Leavergne St., New Orleans, La. Lepidoptera. Collection of Louisiana species. Nylen, Joseph V., 46 Chambers St., Providence, R. I. General Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Owen, Ed. T., Ph.D., Professor in University of Wisconsin, 614 State St., Madison, Wis. Macro- Lepidoptera of the World. Collec- tion. Exchange. Parker, G. H., 6 Avon Place, Cambridge, Mass. Sense organs, nervous system and habits of insects. Parshley, H. M., 1343 Blue Hill Ave., Boston, Mass. Coleoptera ( Scara - bceidce). Collection. Exchange. Peinze, Herman M., Northboro, Mass. Lepidoptera. Coll. Exch. Pergande, Theodore, U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Aphides, Formicidce. Collection. Perkins, R. C. L., Asst. Supt. of Entomology, Dept, of Agriculture, Honolulu, T. H. Aculeate Hymenoptera. Collection. Perrin, Joseph, Box 372, Halifax, N. S., Canada. Lepidoptera. Collec- tion. Exchange. Phillips, Everett Franklin, Biological Hall, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia, Pa. The Honey Fee, Parthenogenesis of Insects. Phillips, Wm. H., 1 Elliott Row, St. Johns, N. B., Canada. Coleoptera. Phillips, W. J., Blacksburg, Va. Economic Entomology . Pierce, Archer T., 205 Morrison Ave., Somerville, Mass. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Pierce, W. Dwight, Box 1192, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Homoptera, Rhipiphoridtc, Stylopidcr. Collection. Exchange. Potts, Edward, Media, Pa. Insect Novelties. Powell, P. B., Clinton, N. Y. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. 24 SUPPLEMENT TO Pratt, Frederic C., U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Cole- optera, Economic Entomology. Collection. Exchange. Quayle, H. J., Berkeley, Calif. Coccidce. Rand, Frederick V., Malone. N. Y. General Entomology. Collection. Raub, M. W., M.D., 340 W. King St., Lancaster, Pa. General Ento- mology. Collection. Exchange. Rauch, LeRoy, 408 West 6th St., Topeka, Kansas. Coleoptera , esp. Cicindelidce. Collection. Exchange. Reeves, George I., Agric. Exper. Station, Columbia, Mo. Morphology of Insect Thorax. Reyher, Max, 1601 Willington St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Rockwell, Barton, Pike, N. Y. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Rummel, F. M., 1619 S. St., Washington, D. C. Coleoptera. Collection. Exchange. Sampson, Alfred C., Sharon, Mass. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Schmich, John, 359 Germania Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Schneider, Theo. C. H., 21 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. Lepidop- . tera. Collection. Exchange. Schwarz, E. A., U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Economic Entomology ; Coleoptera ; Psyllidcc. Shaffer, Joshua Monroe, i2j£ South 4th St., Keokuk, Iowa. General Local Insects. Shelford, V. E., Zoology Building, Univ. of Chicago, 111. Variation in Cicindelidce. Collection of Coleoptera. Will collect inverte- brates in exchange for Cicindelidas. Smith, R. J., Room 5, Capitol Building, Atlanta, Ga. Economic Ento- mology. Smyth, Eugene G., 309 W. 5th St., Topeka, Kansas. Coleoptera, esp. Cicindelidce and BupresHdic. Collection. Exchange. Snodgrass, Robert E., Stanford University, Calif. Insect Anatomy. Souther, Geo. Reginald, 24 Bloomfield Ave., Outremont, Montreal, Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. Spalding, Tom., Stockton, Utah. Lepidoptera. Collection of Coleop- tera and Lepidoptera. Sell specimens for cash only. Stringer, Hubert B., Davisville, Out., Canada. Coleoptera. Collection. Strong, Miss Kate W., Setauket, Long Island, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Col- lection. Exchange. Sunderland, Charles H., Rutherford, N. J. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Sweet, John H. T., Jr., 22 Blue Hills Ave., Hartford, Conn. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Swenk, Myron H.. 1821 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Apoidea, Thysanura. Col- lection. Exchange. entomologists’ directory. 25 Swezey, Otto H., Columbus Ohio. Futgoridce. Collection. Exchange. Tanton, John, 379 Waterloo St., London, Ont., Canada. Lepidoptera. Collection. *'' /t Taylor, E. P., Urbana, III. General Entomology. Terry, F. W., Asst. Entom. Dept, of Agric., Honolulu, T. H. Diptera. Collection. Towne, Mrs. Harriet Ayer, Harvard, 111 . Lepidoptera. Collection. Tucker, E. S., Museum Assistant, Insect Collection, University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas. General Entotnology. Specimens for sale Turner, C. H., Clark University, So. Atlanta, Ga. Hymenoptcra. Col- lection. Exchange. Van Dine, Delos Lewis, Entom. Exper. Station, Honolulu, T. H. Injuri- ous Insects of Hawaii. Collection. Exchange. Venables, E. P., The Coldstream, Vernon, B. C., Canada. Co/eop/era. Hymenoptera. Collection. Will exchange insects of this district for specimens of injurious insects named in different stages. Vining, Frank W., 670 Jersey Avenue, Jersey City, N. |. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Waggoner, W. G., 156 Jay Street, Albany, N. Y. General Entomology. Collection. Walden, B. H., Asst. State Entomologist, Agric Exper Station. New Haven, Conn. General Entomology. Walker, Charles, 11 Rounds Ave , Providence, R. I. Co/eoplera, Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Walton, L. B., Gambier, Ohio. Endomy chide? ; also Thysanura ana Sco/opendre/ta. Collection. Exchange. Warner, Wallace Vincent, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Diptera. Washburn, Frederick L., Agric. Exper. Station, St. Anthony Park, Minn. General Entomo/ogy. Wasmuth, William, 501 Chestnut Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Weigand, Fred., 2837 N. 8th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera. Lepidop- tera. Collection. Exchange. Whedon, A. D., Iowa City, Iowa. Odonata. Collection. Exchange. Wickenden, Alfred A., Ste Adfele, Que , Canada. Lepidoptera Coll. Wilson, Guy West., A. M., Mt. Union, College, Alliance, Ohio. Coleop- tera. Collection. Winslow, RossC., care of Santa Clara Valley Bank, Santa Clara, Calif. Lepidoptera ( Rhopatocera). Collection. Exchange. Wolcott, George N., 115 Oneida St., Utica, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Collec- tion. Exchange Wyant, L B., Harvard, 111 . Lepidoptera. Collection. Exchange. Zaiser, Paul A., 128 East noth St., New York, N. Y. Lepidoptera. Col- lection Exchange. TO BE OMITTED. The following desire to be omitted from the Directory Barnaby, Lauretta Fay. Interested in other directions. Bovvditch, Harold. Discontinued the study. Boynton, Margaret F. Not now interested. Buffum, B. C. No time to give to exchanges. Conrad, Henry S. Unable to continue the study. Dunning, Stewart N. Not now interested. Field, Douglas G. Desires to be omitted. Field, George H. Would be saved time and postage if omitted. Field, James A. Desires to be dropped. Foerster, Robert F. No longer collecting. Forkert, C. Have given up collecting. Foster, Richard, M. D. Too occupied with other matters. Gastman, E. A. Getting too old to study. Glaser, Louis A. Retired from the study. Goodrich, Charlotte. No opportunity for study. Graupner, Amelia L. Desires to be omitted. Graupner, Hulda C. Desires to be omitted. Hillman, F. H. Not now engaged in the study. Hough, Garry de N. Retired from entomology. Hnse, William H. Dropped out of entomology. Lull, Richard S. No longer engaged in the study. McArdle, R. H. Given up the study. Pough, F. H. No longer interested. Sharp, Dallas L. Have ceased collecting. Sheldon, Frank W. Out of the work entirely. Sprague, Frank H. Given up collecting. St. John, E. P. Not collecting now. Stoddard, A. O. No time to give to the study. Tinsley, John D. No longer interested in entomologj. Trauseau, Edgar N. Desires to be omitted. Ware, Robert A Doing very little in the study. Wilford, H. E. No longer in the business. Willcox, M. A. Desires name to be dropped. DECEASED Akhurst, John, Brooklyn, N. Y. Feb. 15, 1902. Babcock, Amory L., Sherborn, Mass Feb. 27, 1903. Bassett, Homer F., Waterbury, Conn. |une 28, 1902. Blake, Charles A., Philadelphia, Pa. June 24, 1903. Bolter, A., Chicago, 111 . March 18, 1900. Brown, J. E., Akron, Ohio. Feb. 16, 1903. Bruce. David, Brockport, N. Y. Chatfield, Alfred F., Lynn, Mass. Feb. 6, 1900. Clarkson, Frederick, New York. N. Y. Feb. 5, 1901. Dakin, J. A., Syracuse, N. Y. Dec 25, 1901. Dietz, Ottomar J. L., New York, N. Y. Dec. 25, 1901. Gilbert, Mrs. A , Plainfield, N. J. 1900. Harvey, Francis L., Orono, Me. March 6, 1900. Hulst, Rev. Geo. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Nov. 5, 1900. Luccareni, Geo. A , Palmyra, N. J. Dec. 21, 1902. Lugger, Otto, St. Anthony Park, Minn. May 21, 1901. Moffat, John Alston, London, Ont., Canada. Feb. 26, 1904. O'Connor, Thomas D., New York, N. Y. Jan. 1, 1904. Priddey, T. G., Toronto, Canada. April 25, 1901. Strecker, Herman, Reading, Pa. Nov. 30, 1901. Truman, Hon. P. C., Volga, S. D. Oct. 27, 1901. Trogood, F. D., Riverside, Calif. March 23, 1903. Weith, Rudolph, J., Elkhart, Ind. Sept. 21, 1902. NOT FOUND. Letters mailed to the following have been returned by the post office as not found : Bebb, William, 1317 Washington St., Chicago, III. Boone, C. L., 343 W. 121st St., New York, N. Y. Childs, Rev. Edw. P., Harlan, Shelby Co., Iowa. Collingwood, Robert, Beulah, Man., Canada. Cunningham, Burton L., Fort Klamath, Oregon. Gilbert, H. R., Rochester, N. Y. Hathaway, Joseph H., Grinnell, Iowa. Henry, Taylor P., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Hills, Clarence T., 372 Campbell Ave., Chicago, 111 . Holt, Herbert, 233 Weetomoe St., Fall River, Mass. Ingersoll, B. E , Claflin University, Orangeburg, S. C. Johnson, W. E., Hays City, Kansas. Kropf, Otto, Rockville. Conn. Mattes, Joseph, 229 E. 126th St., New’ York, N. Y. Norton, J. B. S., St. Louis, Mo. Orbe, Arthur, 143 E. North Ave., Chicago, 111 . Pearson, Henry F., Y. M. C. A., Sacramanto, Calif. Presler, Henry P., 35 N. Mozart St., Chicago, 111 . Sandell, Daniel T., St. Peter, Minn. Simpson, Chas. B., Ithaca, N. Y. Stephenson, L. T., Vinton, Calif. Talley, T. W., State College, Tallahassee, Fla. Tanner, Wm. F. , 35 Moreland St., Roxbury, Mass. Thomsen, Arch. V., 1606 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111 . Tyers, Chas. H., Ravensworth P. O., Out., Canada. Wanka, Louis, 1968 Santee St., Los Angeles, Calif Weber, Samuel E., Greenlane, Pa. Westgate, Wm. Walter, Brunner, Harris Co., Texas. Williams, Thomas A., P. O. Box 35, Takoma Park, D. C. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS. A thirty-two page illustrated monthly magazine, devoted to the study of INSECT LIFE. It contains a resume of the proceedings of a number of Entomological Societies, and also articles by the leading Entomologists in the United States and Canada. Valuable information for the beginner, the economic entomologist and the systematist. ONE DOLLAK a year in advance. Single copies 12 cents. Address ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, 1900 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. H NEW CHECK LIST OF THE LEPIDOPTERA OF BOREAL AMERICA. BY. PROF. JOHN B. SMITH Assisted by DR. HENRY SKINNER and MR. W. D. KEARFOTT, enumer- ating all the species described to June, 1903. PRICE PER COPY, $1.00 NET. A small edition, printed on one side only, and on heavier paper, for labelling, or for annotation, $ 2.00 per copy. Mailed on receipt of price. A SYNONYMIC CATALOGUE OF THE North American Rhopalocera By HENRY SKINNER, M. D. This Catalogue enumerates 645 species of Diurnal Lepidoptera, with references, synonymy and localities, complete to end of 1898. Price $ 1.00 (net) per copy. Mailed on receipt of price. A FEW COPIES LEFT OF HENSHAW’S LIST OF COLEOPTERA of America, North of Mexico, published in 1885, and Supplement to same, including all additions up to end of 1894. Price of List $ 1.25 net. “ “ Supplement 50 cts. net. Mailed on receipt of price. Address E. T. CRESSON, Treasurer, American Entomological Society, P. O. Box 248, Philadelphia, Pa.