.i: . vt' ' _>*7'*'¥rlf^^"Sfc- fytmll Wimvmii^ JitatJg THE GIFT OF • ^ -^a^lJ^H-^d/kl*!^**!/.. /\''^\'\M.5'.P' ^(./({fi- .r Cornell University Library LD5721.W33 T45 + Wabash College souvenir / 3 1924 030 631 638 Overs h Cornell University J Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/cletails/cu31924030631638 WABASH COLLEGE /\^\\^^^73 Dedication TO HIM WHOSE LIFE HAS FOR SO MANY YEARS BEEN NEARLY IDENTICAL WITH THAT OF THE COLLEGE WHICH HE HONORED AND FOR WHICH HE TOILED, AND TO HER WHO SO NOBLY STOOD BY HIS SIDE, TO DR. AND MRS. J. F. TUTTLE, THIS SOUVENIR IS MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY MASON B. THOMAS AND DONALDSON BODINE «^ EX-PRESIDENT J. F. TUTTLE AND WIFE CrawfordsviUc, Indiana, the Rome of dabasb College Jesse A. Greene. A. B. '89 THERE is something more in a college career than that which is obtained in the class room. The social environment of the student enters, perhaps, as largely into his education and life as do the lessons learned from text-books. During the few years of a student's college life the rubbing against blackboards is not more effective in shaping his character and his capacity than the rubbing against men and social customs outside the class room. In the work of educa- tion the college and the college town are correlative, and in this correlation Wabash College is peculiarly happy. Crawfords- ville is something more than a thriving Indiana town, presenting a natural attractiveness in location. The city, builded and beautified by the progress and the care of years, is possessed of a citizenship which stands for that which is best and most wholesome in American life. Crawfordsville is located on a high bluff overlooking Rock River, the most romantic and pic- turesque stream in Indiana. High and healthful sits the city of some 8,000 people and in a country rich and garden-like. Crawfordsville is the home of the father of the free gravel road laws of Indiana, Hon. P. S. Kennedy, and here the beneficence of this legislation is forcefully exemplified. From the city in every direction run smooth, hard pikes, making a net-work of Montgomery county and affording a never-failing joy for lovers of horse and wheel. Crawfordsville is neither a town nor a city, and in some inexplicable manner seems to have seized the virtues of both while escaping the disadvantages of one and vices of the other. It is acknowledgedly the best lighted place in the state, a great arc light blazing on every corner. The city owns the electric light plant and there is besides corporation light service of natural and artificial gas. Practically the only fuel in use is natural gas, and smoke, soot and coal dust are unknown. A splendid system of water-works is maintained, the water being of the clearest and purest, and from the very mineral spr'ngs whose wonderful flowing attracted the attention of Major Ambrose Whitlock, early in the century, and directly led to the founding of the town. The best of fire protection is afforded by a paid department and an electric alarm system. The local telephone company has hundreds of subscribers in Crawfordsville and Montgomery county, while the long distance telephone and the service of the several telegraph lines afford immediate communication with the outside world. Crawfordsville has the free postal delivery, and located as she is on three i. m I i \ 1 m &■;' 1 y P 1* 1 1 !^ 1 1 4 1 y4 ^^B^T' -■ /-/^ i v.. ■^ 1 .:t:^>-^-- ■ -/ ^.:'^/- wW^fk P ii 1. .ii -ci:^ ■^^■iA<&^'Jr^ -^- >-. -'. .:_--?W>^:'»--^5jj:X-^::.r- .^.4 . > '^^s 1 1^-- !M^ 4. rkuJ ■ ■ m GREEN STREET, LOOKING NORTH great railroad systems, the Monon, Vandalia, and Big Four, the metropolitan newspapers are at hand in the early morning and evening. A public library; daily papers ; a commercial club; a large, handsome Y. M. C. A. building appointed with parlors, baths, gymnasiums and reading rooms, the property of the association ; costly school buildings of stone and brick and each with a fine campus ; clubs and societies of every useful and pleasurable kind and character ; modern churches with modern ministers ; — these are some of the advantages of the place, conducing to the comfort of those who live or sojourn here. Crawfordsville is distinctively a city of homes. There are no palaces and no huts, but each shady street is flanked its length by spacious lawns from which rise substantial residences — residences which bespeak culture, refinement, and home comfort. A number of these residences, which are surrounded by magnificent lawns, are the homes erected by the pioneers of the place. A majority of the homes, however, are very modern, and when the thousands of splendid trees are leafed full in the summer a bird's-eye view of Crawfordsville is suggestive of a grouping of handsome homes in a forest almost primeval. The society of the place is in strict keeping with its charming physical environment. Crawfordsville is not a " typical Hoosier" town in any sense of the word, nor is she offensively inclined to the Blue Stocking School, as has so frequently been intimated by the facetious press of the country. In the early settlement of the city the cultured austerity of New England and the warmer civilization of the wealthy south met on neutral ground and the result has been a citizenship which is refined, progressive and hospitable. Crawfordsville is the home of that most distinguished of Hoosier authors. General Lew Wallace. General Wallace has recently completed at a cost of $30,000 a handsome study, which stands in the grove of stately beeches adjacent to his home. This grove and study. General Wallace has announced, he will give at his death to the city to be used for public library purposes. The poet and literary critic, Maurice Thompson, is also a resident of Crawfordsville, and his fine old home, " Sherwood Place," is one of the points of interest. Crawfordsville has given her share of great men to the nation and among the list of her honored sons may be mentioned Henry S. Lane, Joseph E. McDonald, Gen. M. D. Manson, Gen. Williamson Dunn, the ill-starred Gen. E. R. S. Canby, Commodore Brown, Governor J. A. Mount and United States Senators J. B. Allen and J. A. Wilson. In a word Crawfordsville is a beautiful little city, proud of her people and her past, but not content to rest for the future on deeds that were done by men who are gone. CITY, LOOKING WEST Cbc Ristory of Wabash College The President THE history of Wabash College covers nearly three-score and ten years. Of our leading institutions of higher learning five of every six are younger. In the North Central States, six only are older. Peculiarly attractive and stirring is the story of this old college of the Northwest. Born in response to a demand, led by the vision of an ideal, nour- ished by self-sacrifice, it has grown, like the oak, slowly, the incarnation of a spirit of learning and patriotism which it has imparted to those partaking of its life. November 21, 1832, nine pioneers founded Wabash at Crawfordsville, in the then sixteen-year-old Hoosier state, as a non-sectarian. Christian college. Four were laymen, five clergymen, two were graduates of Dartmouth, two of Miami. The college was the child of New England ideas ; its early support came largely from New England benevolence. Its founders set before themselves two objects, first the preparation of teachers for the new country, and second a liberal education as pre- liminary to a training for the Christian ministry ; the College was to be a fountain of learning and religion. Of the two Dartmouth graduates mentioned as among the founders of the College, one was Edmund O. Hovey, a graduate of the class of 1828. He was a trustee of Wabash from the day of its founding until his death in 1877. In 1834 he became one of its faculty, serving throughout his life. For twenty-six years he was treasurer of the College. It were impossible to measure the debt of the College to him. The same may be said of Caleb Mills, a Dartmouth classmate of Hovey. Mills, in an especial manner, molded the spirit of Wabash. Writing from Andover Seminary in March, 1833, he says : ' I rank together the cause of common schools and the preaching of the Gospel, as claiming the attention of a patriotic and Christian community.'' He had read of an institution soon to be started in Crawfordsville, Indiana, " where a competent number of teachers may be trained to be spread over the country to teach the children of the rapidly populating district." He says : " My thoughts have been directed of late to the subject of common schools and the best means of awakening a lively interest in their establishment in the western country." Mills reached Indiana in November, 1833, and December 3, 1833, became the first instructor of Wabash College, with twelve young men in attendance. He gave his life to the cause of edu- SOUTH HALL CENTER t^ALL Courtesy of The Ouiatenon, '97 WABASH COLLEGE IN 1860 cation in the state. Richard G. Boone, author of the History of Education in Indiana, says of him : " He did more for general education in Indiana than any other one man." . ..." No man contributed more to the dignity and efficiency of Indiana schools, both elementary and superior." . . "He was the father of the system of public instruction." " For thirty years after 1846, there is almost no phase of Indiana educational movement that was not indebted to, or hinged upon, Pro- fessor Mills's recommendations." By his repeated " messages " as " one of the people " to the citizens of the state and their representatives. Mills prepared the way for, and introduced, the educational system of the second constitution. Leaving his work at Wabash, he became superintendent of public instruction in order to put into effectual working the system of public schools which his brain and heart had so largely created. When this had been accomplished, he returned to his chosen work in the Wabash professorship of Greek. The earnest Christian minister and teacher who one day in the class room said, " Most assuredly 1 expect to meet Socrates in heaven," finished his work for Wabash, with the conclusion of his life, in 1879. The first class to graduate from the College was that of 1838. The alumni now number over eight hundred, besides over three thousand non-graduate students. The graduates of Wabash have attained the highest success in the different fields of world service. They are in the highest courts of the federal government, in both houses of congress, in prominent positions of public trust; they are presidents and professors of colleges, specialists in medical science, pastors of prominent churches of various denominations, and editors of leading journals. The success of the graduates of a college is the best test of its value as an institution. There have been but four presidents of the College. Elihu W. Baldwin, a Yale graduate, served from 1834 until his death in 1840. President Baldwin came from the pastorate of the Seventh Presbyterian Church of New York. The difficulties with which he struggled were very great. His charming personality, high scholarship, simplicity and directness of manner, prac- tical good sense and indefatigable perseverance were of untold value to the new enterprise. His untimely death was a great blow to the College. Charles White, a Dartmouth alumnus of the class of 1821 , succeeded to the presidency in 1841 , serv- ing until his death in 1861. He was eminently self-poised, dignified, with commanding personality, possessed of large intellec- tual and spiritual power. During the twenty years of his administration the College strengthened into a great permanent force for education in the North Central States. Joseph F. Tuttle, a graduate of Marietta in the class of 1841 , had the rare privilege of FOREST HALL THE HOVEY HOME THE MILLS HOME THE TUTTLE HOME guiding the affairs of the College through three decades, from 1862 to 1892. During these years great advances were made in the increase of endowments, the erection and equipment of new buildings, the enlargement of the teaching force and of the student body. Dr. Tuttle's continued presence in the College life is a daily benediction to all who come under its influence. The fourth and present president, George S. Burroughs, a Princeton alumnus, has administered the College since 1892. It may not be amiss to refer, with pardonable and natural pride, to the patriotic record of Wabash. No other institution of the country, in proportion to the enrolment of students and alumni, gave so many of its undergraduates and sons to the war of the Rebellion as did Wabash. In Yandes Library Hall stands, in a huge frame, the Wabash " Roll of Honor." It contains in order three major-generals, three brigadier-generals, ten colonels, eight lieutenant-colonels, three majors, eleven surgeons, fifty-three captains, five chaplains, forty-four lieutenants and one hundred and thirty non-commissioned officers and privates, a grand total of two hundred and seventy. Twenty-one names now appear on the faculty roll of Wabash, while a property worth nearly a half million dollars, supple- mented by almost a half million of invested funds, represents the present material equipment of the College. THE CAMPUS " There is no campus like that of Wabash." So says the old alumnus ; so says the undergraduate ; so says the visiting stranger. The giant walnuts and broad-spreading beeches, remnants of the primitive Indiana forest, tower above the college halls. In the springtime the wild flowers cluster under its trees and cover its acres in rich abundance ; in the summer it offers the shadows of cooling shade ; in the autumn days its foliage is brilliant in color ; in winter the snow nestles among its branching boughs. As the seasons change ever is it " a thing of beauty." Nature has done great things for the forty, college acres of Wabash. The loving thoughtfulness of departing classes has also done much, is constantly doing more. Class tablets, stones, trees, the fountain and the entrance steps, all speak of the students' pleasure in leaving behind some monument of gratitude for the joys of undergraduate days. The tennis courts, scattered here and there, emphasize Hellenic and barbarian friendships in the hours of recreation. The ball park speaks of victories on the diamond and the gridiron, not to mention some genial substitute for required " gym " WABASH COLLEGE Art is now being called to the aid of nature. The campus of the future will not fall behind the campus of the past. The plans of the skilled landscape gardener will soon begin to be realized. The new paths and drives, together with the botanical garden, will, before long, be present facts. Carefully will the new be merged with the old. Art will be second nature, and the life of the campus, past and future, will be a unit. THE COLLEGE BUILDINGS The growth of Wabash in equipment and efficiency for work is strikingly chronicled in the several buildings that cluster upon the campus. Forest Hall, kept in admirable condition but not used for college work, represents the first days. Its story is of the age of wood, of the original college site, those fifteen acres, with their college spring, overlooking old Sugar Creek. It speaks of Williamson Dunn and his generous gift, and of the earliest work of Mills and Hovey and John S. Thomson. Old South Hall takes up the narrative of the new campus and of the beginnings of the age of brick. Built in 1838, burned to the ground the same year, the flames threatening the very life of the College, Old South rose, phenix-like, to meet the changes of time. Her roof covered for nearly two decades all the activities of college life. Then began her dor- mitory period, of whose glory only those who there slept, and studied, and concocted college fun, can speak. Since 1880 South Hall has been devoted to preparatory classes. To the north of South Hall stands old Center Hall, square and solid, built in '55, with her stone trimmings and bell tower. On either end were the rough bricks "where," as Professor Mills used to say, " when the College begins to soar, its wings will grow." Long since they have grown, to the north and to the south, and they too are old. The chapel, the Y. M. C. A. hall, the president's office, examination hall, and the literary work of the College, with its several class-rooms, are all sheltered here. Science is well housed at Wabash. She has Hovey Museum for her biological representatives and Peck Hall for her physical. Hovey Museum, built in 1872, cross-shaped, with a central hall for the extensive scientific collections of the College, and with well-appointed laboratories to the east and west, stands by itself to the southwest of the campus. Peck Hall, erected in 1878, with its first floor devoted to chemistry and its second to physics, stands in line with Center and leads the college front farther to the north. Yandes Library Hall, finished only seven years since, completes the line with becoming and substantial dignity. The Normal Building, long used for the special KINGERY OSBORNE STARR MILFORD CAMPBELL TUTTLE THOMAS KING m'lain HAINS FOSTER EMERY STUDLEY BURROUGHS BDDINE WEDDING THE FACULTY normal teachers' courses, stands in the southeast campus, and since these were dropped from the curriculum, has been em- ployed as the home of the custodian of the buildings and grounds. All the college buildings are warmed by steam, generated by the use of natural gas in the common steam plant located in the rear of Peck Hall. They are lighted also by natural gas, used with the Welsbach burner. Their total value, exclusive of apparatus, collections, books and other contents, is nearly two hundred thousand dollars. EQUIPMENT AND FUNDS The equipment of Wabash is complete and is kept up to the latest demands of science and letters. Physics has, in addition to the well-appointed lecture-room, three laboratories and an apparatus room. Chemistry has four laboratories with ample facilities for qualitative, quantitative and research work. The department of botany has not only the laboratories of Hovey Museum, but also a large private laboratory, a green-house and physiological laboratory in the annex, with every ap- pliance for the most thorough and advanced work. Zoology has three thoroughly furnished laboratories, one of which is especially used as a dissecting room. Each department of science has its special reference library, conveniently located for use. The Hovey Museum Hall contains extensive collections in mineralogy, paleontology, conchology, zoology, botany and archasology, gathered slowly with the growth of the College. They are exceptionally comprehensive and complete. The her- barium contains many thousand specimens, being especially complete in North American species, but comprising also a large number of specimens from European, Asiatic and South American countries. The Yandes Library contains nearly 35,000 bound volumes besides a large collection of pamphlets. It is peculiarly rich in complete sets of American and foreign reviews. The value of the library, the contents of the museum, the apparatus and appliances of the several laboratories is considerably over one hundred thousand dollars. The invested funds of Wabash now amount to nearly half a million. They are divided into funds of general endowment, special endowments attached to individual departments, library and scholarship funds. The College is enabled through its extensive equipment and ample funds, amounting to a total of a little short of a million dollars, to offer an education of the broadest character and highest standard at the lowest expense to the student. It is not believed that any other institution of higher learning can surpass it in this respect. THE STUDENTS. 1898 SOURCES OF SUPPLY The commissioned high schools of Indiana, Illinois and adjacent states are the main sources of supply for Wabash Col- lege. In addition to these a considerable number of young men come yearly from leading private secondary schools of the North Central States. Through its committee on entrance conditions, the College passes upon the merits of all schools which may apply, and as a result makes up a list of approved Wabash fitting schools, the graduates of which are given credit for their work on certificate. Graduates of commissioned high schools having a four-year course and of other fitting schools of equal standing are admitted to the Freshman class. The College requires of students entering all courses not only Latin but also either Greek or German. Where the fitting school does not prepare the student in either of these languages especial provision is made for bringing up such work in a conditioned class. The present enrolment of the College includes students from ten different states and representatives of twelve religious denominations. AIM AND COURSES The aim of Wabash from the earliest days has been to afford to young men a liberal education of the broadest character and highest standard. Thorough training in the liberal arts and pure science has always been characteristic of the College. . Its students have been able at any time to pass to any of the leading colleges of the Atlantic seaboard without loss of class standing or conditions. The courses of study are very carefully arranged so as to afford the best general preparation for a broadly useful life, and at the same time to fit the student for subsequent professional study. The College aims first at broad culture, the enlargement of the student's views of life and the symmetrical development and training of his powers. A diver- sity of talents and aptitudes is recognized. Individual tastes are to be cultivated along with general training. Three leading courses of study — the classical, the philosophical and the scientific — are, therefore, offered. It is believed that these three are equal in standards of scholarship and in training value. In the philosophical and scientific courses, German takes the place of the Greek required in the classical. Sixteen year-courses are required for graduation. One-half of these are required and one-half are elective. The departments of college work are grouped under the three heads of philosophy, language SOUTH HALL and literature, and science. In the classical course the work falls especially in the first two groups, in the philosophical in the first and third, in the scientific in the third. The studies of the student are at first entirely required, then alternative electives are presented, and finally in the senior year all subjects are elective except a year-course in philosophy. THE LIBRARY Librarian Harry S. Wedding, B. S. From the very origin of Wabash the library has attracted particular attention. It is a matter of interest that the first special funds mentioned in the early records of the trustees are library funds. Professor Caleb Mills, the first teacher of the College and " the father of the public school system of Indiana," entertained a constant and loving interest in its growth. Friends of the College have generally recognized that a markedly literary institution should be well furnished with the best andlatest books along all lines of literary research. Special endowments of individual alcoves have been made from time to time, and very considerable general endowment funds have also been donated. As the library has grown with the growth of the state of Indiana, it has accumulated rich stores of historical material bearing on its general and educational advance. The number of volumes contained in the library has continuously outranked that of all but the largest and oldest established colleges of the country. This valuable collection of books has always been carefully housed and painstakingly arranged so as to render it most serviceable to the student body. Since 1891, through the wise munificence of Simon Yandes, Esq., of Indianapolis, a fire-proof building, unsurpassed for convenience and durability, has been afforded the College. It is in the form of a cross, extending one hundred and ten feet east and west and ninety feet north and south, and is two stories in height. In the center, on the first floor, is the main library room with shelf capacity for fifty thousand books. On the east is the reading-room, liberally supplied with daily papers, current periodicals, scientific, economic, historical and literary journals. On the west is a room furnished for reference work. The second story contains two large galleries for art collections and other apartments for general purposes. The building is arranged to afford full opportunity for seminar work. YANDES LIBRARY Department of Philosophy and education PHILOSOPHY President George S. Burroughs, Ph. D., LL. D. Associate Professor Addison A. Ewing, B. A. PHILOSOPHY is regarded as persistent, consecutive, fruitful thinking regarding the deep problems of life. It must naturally come late in the college course. The earlier studies have all been conducted on the assumption of certain principles; the time has now come to consider, challenge, establish these principles. Literature, history and science have presented certain views of life ; it must now be asked, are these views correct, certain ? When the world without and the world within have been viewed, it is befitting to find the unity and harmony of all studies in a world-theory. All the world's thinking, then, should pass in rapid review before the mind. Its connection, as it has moved along through the centuries, with literature, education, science, religion, social and political life must be carefully considered. Especially must the thinking of the modern world pass in review; it must be discovered how present conditions of life, literary, educational, religious, social, political, are the outcome of the past. These conditions must then be faced, criticised, the principles which underlie them discovered and the truth or falseness of these principles ascertained. To do this well, one must know the working of his own mind and its laws ; he must know what are the natural methods of right thought ; he must know the tests of truth and error. In the light of all these things he must judge the past and determine his own duty and course of life in the present. The work of the department of philosophy is designed to enable the student to find himself thoroughly as a thinker in a world of thought. LIBRARY INTERIORS EDUCATION President George S. Burroughs, Ph. D., LL. D. He who has learned should be able to teach. Self-teaching is to follow, throughout life, the college course. Whether or not we will, in teaching self we also teach others. To live is to touch the life of others ; especially is it to influence those younger than self. The course in education, passing through two years of elective work, is designed to fit for useful life as well as for professional success as a teacher. To this end the child must be known in its physical, intellectual and moral growth. The study of mind in those functions which especially bear upon teaching and learning must be thorough, for subjects of study and methods of instruction must stand in natural relation to the mind. One who would teach must know somewhat of those who have taught fruitfully in all the past ; he must know somewhat of past educational experiment, individual and national, also of what the world is now doing in educational work as molded by the race-spirit and by environment. The great problems of education as bearing on the practical questions of to-day must be considered. The relation of studies to one another, their unity and harmony in the larger and correct view of the world can not be passed by. Problems in school supervision, management and administration claim attention. Their solution is not only the duty of the teacher but of all educated, thinking men. The work in the department of education is intended so to give the student the vantage-point of observation regarding the process which he has been passing through as to show him in what education consists and wherein lies its highest value. CENTER HALL H Department of Ristory and Sociology Professor Charles A. Tuttle, Ph. D. ^'1 I ISTORY," says Carlyle, •■ may be called the message which all mankind delivers to every man." Emerson says : "Man is explicable by nothing less than all his history." ■• Epoch after epoch, camp, kingdom, empire, republic, democracy, are merely the applications of his manifold spirit to the manifold world." Human progress is the theme of history. The question the historian propounds is this : " Through what experiences and by what agencies has the world as it was at the dawn of history become the very different world of to-day? " The study of history is a preparation for citizen- ship, because, as a distinguished educator has said : " Every man is a citizen of the world as well as of a particular country ; and the best work of a citizen is that through which he aids his country to recognize and discharge its obligations towards the world. Moreover, there is nothing which so clears the judgment respecting national affairs as acquaintance with and interest in the affairs of mankind." In history two courses are offered ; one, a general course ; the other, a course in the political and constitutional history of the United States. In the general course a re'sume of Oriental, Greek and Roman history is followed by a fuller study of mediaeval and modern history. The standpoint is that of world history. Only those facts are studied which have a traceable relation to general progress. The importance of individuals, peoples, movements and institutions is measured by their contribution to civilization. Sociology. — No class of questions now takes the precedence, in the public thought, of social and economic ones. The aim of the course in sociology is, first, to cultivate the habit of scientific thinking in rf.gard to all social phenomena and, second, to lay a basis of sound knowledge for the intelligent exercise of the duties of citize ship and for original work or professional studies in economics, law, politics, or social science. To this end instruction is -offered in (1) political economy, including economic history and practical economic problems; (2) political science and po'.tical institutions; (3) modern theories of sociology. An introductory course in general economics is given during one term of the junior year. The fuller study of distribution, socialism, social reform, money, credit, banking, the silver question, < axation, tariffs, etc., occupies two terms of the senior year. The course in political science and political institutions is given during one term of the senior year. MATHEMATICAL CLASS ROOM PRESIDENT'S CLASS ROOM tNGLlSH CLASS ROOM Department of the 6reek Language and Literature Professor Henry Z. McLain, L. H. D. WHAT claim have the old Greeks on the precious time of an American youth who might be learning to assay Klondike ore, compound a paying patent medicine or •■ make two spears of grass grow where but one grew before ? " None which the mere utilitarian can be made to see. But upon those whose interest is not limited to things material and commercial, who care for the things which are " spiritually discerned," the things of culture and truth and beauty, the charm of Hellas is as potent as ever, the world over, and so it ever will be. Most varied and valuable mental discipline, par- ticularly of taste, judgment and power of discrimination, along with keen enjoyment and far-reaching profit, can not fail to come from the study of a language confessedly the most perfect ever used by man — musical, flexible, clear and exact beyond com- parison, expressing so perfectly every phase of thought and shade of emphasis as almost to reproduce the speaker's tone of voice and play of feature ; a language, too, which has given us directly or indirectly almost the entire vocabulary of philosophy, of science, of invention and literary criticism, and is to-day the chief source from which English diction is constantly enriching itself. But noble as is the language of the Greeks, it is not studied mainly for its own sake, but as the way of access to the great literature which it enshrines, as the only means of direct, inspiring, fertilizing contact with the great masters of thought and art — poets, orators, philosophers, historians who have been and are the world's teachers and models: Homer, whose song, after three thousand years, has all the freshness of the " youth of the world " out of which it sprang ; " the lofty, grave tragedians," vtschylus, Hebrew prophet with Greek tongue ; Sophocles, consummate master of the tragic art ; "our Euripides the human ; " Demosthenes " at the head of all the mighty masters of speech," and Plato " the divine, eagle-winged prose- poet," the St. John among the pagans, himself less pagan than Christian. To become the immediate auditors of these and their great compatriots, Aristophanes, Theocritus, Thucydides and others, hearing their own voices speaking ■■ in the tongue wherein they were born " is the rich reward of the Greek student's toil. And it is his alone. No indirect way of approach can here avail. As well think of smelling a rose by proxy, or estimating a symphony by its echoes, as appreciating a Greek classic through a translation. GREEK CLASS ROOM LATIN CLASS ROOM MODERN LANGUAGE CLASS ROOM A Department of the Latin Language and Literature Professor Hugh M. Kingery. Ph. D. POSTROPHIZING a volume of letters which he was about to publish, Horace warned it of its possible fate in w^i^o . ., j_]q^ quoque te manet. ut pueros elementa docentem Occupet extremis in vicis balba senectus. '' Cassar and Cicero did not indulge such fancies, or at least did not record them, yet the same fate or a worse one has befallen their worlds, for from their long use as the basis of elementary grammatical drill many people have come to look upon the Commentaries of Caesar and the Orations of Cicero rather as exercises prepared for that especial purpose than as splendid specimens of real literature. Not infrequently, too, the would-be freshman's idea of Latin literature is that it consists of Caesar's Gallic War, the Catiline orations and six books of the yEneid ; which is on a par with saying that English literature consists of Grant's Memoirs, four of Burke's orations and half a dozen books of Paradise Lost. The function of a college is to train the student's mind, to teach him some facts and to show him where and how to find other facts he may want ; to give him a sort of chart of the sea of knowledge, as it were. One of the first things it offers, therefore, is opportunity to acquire a reading knowledge of Latin, whose words and literature are blended so inseparably with our own. In acquiring this knowledge, which, besides being an important aid to the study of science, is an end in itself, a more important end is gained in the insight it gives into the structure of an inflected language, and in the cultivation of the linguistic faculty involved in learning to appre- ciate nice distinctions of form and meaning. All this is given in our required courses, and opportunity is offered to go further and realize what a powerful instrument of expression the Latin is and what a world of thought is embodied in it — thought which still lives in every department of our own literature. Thus courses are offered in Roman comedy and tragedy, epic and lyric poetry, in Roman history, law and philosophy, and in the Latin as the language of the Christian church. A good department library, with a supply of maps and other helps, goes to reinforce the oral teaching given by lecture and recitation. Y. M. C. A. ROOM SCRIPTORIUM COLLEGE CHAPEL Department of englisb Professor Arthur B. Milford, M. A. TH E course in English is consecutive throughout the three preparatory years and the four years of college. Success- ful work in all college subjects, as well as in English, requires that the student should be able to express himself clearly and correctly. Hence preparatory drill is specially upon expression. A written examination in English is required of all candidates for the freshman class. The required course in English consists of three exercises each week during freshman year. The first half-year is devoted to higher rhetoric, and the second to a general outline of English language and literature. Carpenter's Rhetoric (Advanced course) and Pancoast's English Literature are the text-books used. During the spring term of this year a chrestomathy of English literature, such as Syle's " From Milton to Tennyson," is studied in connection with tlie regular text-book. Two of the three regular exercises each week are given to recitations ; the third consists of an afternoon devoted to the writing of essays in the scriptorium, the reading and discussion of essays, the study of literary selections or the reading of papers to the class by the instructors. The sophomore, junior and senior years are elective. The first half of the sophomore year is given to the analytical study of prose masterpieces ; the second half to poetics. No attempt is made to study thoroughly the works of any one author or period. Literary masterpieces are examined as works of art and the entire year is devoted to Belles Lettres. In junior year is given the course in Anglo-Saxon and Middle English. The class is drilled in the specimens of prose and poetry of these two periods. Notes are given on English philology, and frequent papers and reports are required during the year but especially in the spring term. The great branches of our literature are considered in the senior year. The drama, fiction and criticism are studied in their historical development. Topical work in the library is emphasized. The elective seniors are required to make reports upon subjects assigned as supplementary to the theme upon which lectures are given. Two type-written essays of not less than three thousand words are required. PECK HALL Department of Oratory Professor Addison A. Ewing, B. A. THE work in oratory is designed to develop in each student, as far as is possible in a limited time, the power of oral expression of thought. As in other studies emphasis is laid upon mental discipline and the acquisition of information, here the student is led to use this power and information productively in the form of public speech. It is believed that after suitable training has been obtained, the expression of thought to an audience is both a fair test of the general educa- tional work of the college and also a stimulus to the student. The chief aim is the development of all of the powers by use. Consequently as great a variety in the form of expression is sought as is consistent with thoroughness, and the effort is made to prepare the student for the varied demands of business and professional life so far as public speaking is concerned. But the aim is not purely utilitarian ; to ensure the normal development of all the powers, much attention is paid to the emotional side of expression in both reading and writing. Literary appreciation is sought through reading and recitals, and this ability to interpret by the voice the best thoughts of the best authors is made to assist the student in his own thinking and writing and speaking. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Department of frcnch and 6enTian Professor Robert A. King, M. A. THIS department is one of the more recent creations. It has had a separate existence since 1890, although the sub- jects were taught long before that date. Wabash has ever sympathized with the demand of modern life that educa- tion should be cosmopolitan in spirit. A substantial knowledge of both French and German is one of the require- ments for graduation. In the philosophical and scientific courses German runs parallel with the Greek of the classical course from the second preparatory to the middle of the sophomore year. Opportunity is given for advanced work sufficient to assure a thorough knowledge of each language and some acquaintance with the rich literatures. Familiarity with the various linguistic phases is gained through extensive reading. During the earlier stages, grammar, composition and phonetics are duly emphasized, after which the attention is directed to more intricate constructions, to the significance of idioms, to the shading of synonyms and to the more striking peculiarities of style. Thus the student enters into the spirit of the language he is studying and is enabled to appreciate the higher forms of literary expression. Neither facility in conversation nor special professional training is sought, but rather the weightier matters of genuine literature and the things which make for true education. The splendid literatures of France and Germany are admirably adapted to the strengthening and developing of the powers of mind and reason, to the broadening of judgment and to the pro- motion of the higher esthetic culture. The conviction obtains that a first-hand familiarity with the ideals of ■' truth and virtue veiled in beauty" contained in the writings of Lessing, Schiller, Goethe, of Racine, Moliere and Hugo, can not but foster an enduring interest in the best things of life. The college library is well supplied with the essential books of reference bearing upon the various periods of linguistic and literary development. The latest standard grammars, lexicons, histories, biographies and many of the critical texts are already available. A small yearly income assures a constant growth and enrichment of the department. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Department of JMathematics Professor Duane Studley, B. S. THE course in mathematics pursued in Wabash College aims to avoid waste of time on the part of students who have no special aptitude for that science and at the same time to recognize the great value of mathematical study as a means of discipline. Thus it is that only one year of work is required, the remainder being elective. It is assumed at the outset that the student has had such training in sustained, logical reasoning as is imparted by a thorough course in elementary algebra and plane geometry, the latter accompanied by much original work. One term of the required year is devoted to each of the subjects, solid geometry, including geometric conic sections, higher algebra, plane and spherical trig- onometry. Effort is made to make the work as practical as possible and to this end many applications of the principles of geometry and trigonometry to mensuration are made. The first term of the sophomore year is given to surveying, for which the department is equipped with all the necessary instruments. As much time is spent in field work, the members of the class gain considerable familiarity with the funda- mental operations of land and city surveying. The remainder of the sophomore year and the whole of the junior year are taken up with the study of the elementary theory of equations, analytical trigonometry and geometry, differential and integral calculus, all of which subjects are essential for successful work in the more advanced courses of the senior year. The course for seniors and graduates is varied from year to year to meet the wants of the members of the class. It is expected that generally this work will be taken only by those who are fitting themselves to be teachers of mathematics. For some years the time has been occupied with the study of determinants, theory of equations, advanced calculus and analytic mechanics. The texts used in these courses are Weld's or Hanus's Determinants, Burnside and Panton's Theory of Equa- tions, Williamson's treatises on calculus, Johnson's Differential Equations, Salmon's Conic Sections, Cremona's or Reye's Projective Geometry, Smith's or Salmon's Solid Analytic Geometry, Bowser's Analytic Mechanics, Minchin's Statics, Wil- liamson's Dynamics. Much pains is taken in the purchase of books for the department library which already contains many standard English, French and German works of reference. The reading-room is well supplied with mathematical periodicals. HOVEY MUSEUM Department of physics and Hstronomy Professor John L. Campbell, LL. D. IN THE earlier history of the college, mathematics, natural philosophy and astronomy were included in one professorship. In 1876 the department of physics and astronomy was established, and in the same year Mr. E. J. Peck bequeathed to the college thirty-five thousand dollars toward the endowment of the professorships of chemistry and physics, and eighteen thousand dollars for the erection of a suitable building for the use of these two departments. Peck Scientific Hall is the fitting memorial to Mr. Peck and a testimony of his intelligent appreciation of the importance of chemistry and physics as prominent parts of the college course. The building was planned and erected under the direct supervision of the professors in charge of the departments — Henry R. Thomson and John L. Campbell — and it is in every way admirably adapted to the purpose for which it was constructed. The special arrangements for light, water, heat, steam and electric power are very complete, and while the growth of the departments in the near future may require the removal of the chemical laboratories to more commodious quarters, at present the necessities of the work are fully met. The growth of both endowment and equipment of the department of physics and astronomy is latgely due to the generosity of Mr. E. J. Peck, Mr. S. P. Williams and Hon. R. S. Taylor. The equipment in part consists of apparatus for illustration in the branches of mechanics, sound, heat, light and elec- tricity, with a good outfit for meteorological study. P'or laboratory work there is a ten by twelve Atlas engine in the basement connected with three dynamos on the second floor. One of these dynamos gives a heavy alternating current for transformers and incandescent lighting and the other two, with direct currents, may be used either as dynamos or motors. The laboratory is also provided with the best forms of batteries, galvanometers, resistance boxes, volt meters, ammeters. Watt meters, high induction coils, Crooke's tubes, fluoroscopes, electro-magnets, telegraph apparatus, etc. For projections the arc and incandescent lights are used with stereopticon, fitted with vertical and horizontal lenses. Special attention is given to the most recent phases of electricity in X-ray and other work. THE MUSEUM Department of Chemistry Professor William 0. Emery, Ph. D. THE instruction in chemistry is designed primarily for those who intend to become teachers of science, or who desire a more particular knowledge of the subject as an aid in medicine and pharmacy, and finally for special students who are looking to chemistry as a profession. The class room work consists of courses of lectures on general chemistry, on analytical, theoretical and organic chemistry, supplemented by occasional quizzes and written examinations. In the more advanced work collateral reading in connection with the presentation of reports is emphasized as affording the student an opportunity of increasing his store of chemical knowledge, and of following the progress of the science in the various journals. Whenever practicable the lectures are illustrated by experiments so arranged as to prepare the student for his laboratory work, and to ertiphasize and co-ordinate the facts which he there acquires. At the very beginning every effort is made to awaken and develop a spirit of thoroughness and self-reliance, in order that he may later on be fitted to make his way with the minimum of assistance. It is believed that quality rather than quantity of work performed in any stated time is the primary and essential condition of success in this or any other science. The chemical department occupies three laboratories, commodious lecture-room, library and balance-rpom, assay and stock-rooms, in all, eleven rooms. The qualitative-room has places for forty-four students, while the analytical and organic laboratory can accommodate sixteen students. The department is well supplied with material and apparatus for the investiga- tion of all analytical and sanitary problems, and for the pursuit of advanced work and research along the lines of inorganic, physical and organic chemistry. Special and graduate students who have completed the prescribed courses or their equiva- lent have ample facilities in this direction. In the (department library are to be found many important works of reference as well as the chief English and German periodicals. BIOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Department of Botany Professor Mason B. Thomas, B. S. THE Department of Botany occupies commodious quarters in Hovey Museum. The aim of tlnis department of college worlt is twofold. The student is taught to see things about him, to become familiar with the story of nature's plans and methods of operation. But more important than this in a college the work aims to accomplish its share of what the Royal Commission says of science training; " It quickens and cultivates directly the faculty of observation which in very many persons lies dormant almost through life, the power of rapid and accurate generalization and the mental habit of method and arrangement. It accustoms young persons to trace the sequence of cause and effect, it familiarizes them with a kind of reasoning which interests them and which they can promptly comprehend, and it is perhaps the best corrective for that indolence which is the vice of half-awakened minds and which shrinks from any exertion that is not, like an effort of the memory, merely mechanical." A convenient lecture room and general laboratory, with lockers provided with microscopes and necessary apparatus for the general courses, is where the student is introduced to the subject of botany. The laboratory for advanced work, with its abundance of more delicate instruments and special appliances, permits of courses in particular lines of work and investigation. A well-equipped private laboratory, a special one for plant physiology, which includes a green-house, enlarges the possibilities of instruction. Delicate apparatus for measuring the periodic changes in plants is a part of the equipment for physiological work. The very satisfactory appliances for bacteriology includes autoclav, incubator, centrifuge, sterilizer and the less impor- tant apparatus. The department library of about 400 volumes is in part in the private laboratory and contains many works of value readily accessible to the students in the department. The large herbarium of the higher and lower forms of plant life is very complete and constantly growing by careful collecting. To those who may desire to become botanists special advantages are offered and a gracious recognition of such men by eastern universities in granting them fellowships has done much to stimu- late the scientific spirit of the department. As the college aims at symmetrical development and not the turning out of specialists, every thought is toward making the general courses what a practical educational system requires. BIOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Department of Geology and Zoology Professor Donaldson Bodine, D. Sc. THAT the degree of health, happiness and success of the individual depends largely upon his knowledge of the world and his understanding of its parts and forces and their relations to each other and to himself is beginning to receive due recognition. The study of zoology is peculiarly fitted to rouse the interest of the student in the world of organ- isms around him. The active life of an animal offers a fascinating though complex and difficult study. The work begins with a study of the cell and unicellular animals, their form, structure and activities as seen in the living specimens. The interpretation of observed phenomena and structure and the study of the mutual relations of form and function give a training to the reasoning faculties and a power of independent thought that will prove invaluable. The writing of clear and concise descriptions, and especially the preparation of accurate and fully labeled drawings and diagrams, not only trains the student in the expression of ideas but also insures a more painstaking, exact and intelligent observation of the specimen in hand. Rep- resentative animals of all the larger groups are studied and the work of the laboratory is supplemented by lectures dealing with the physiology, classification, and economic and zoological importance of the forms studied, the general theories of development, evolution, etc. The advanced courses in osteology, histology and embryology consist very largely of laboratory work, and especial emphasis is laid upon the manipulation of apparatus and the actual preparation of tissues, embryos, etc., in all stages from the living animal to the completed slide. The aim of the work in geology is to acquaint the student with the fundamental facts and theories of the formation of the earth, the interaction and relation of the forces that have produced the present condition and are still at work, and the proces- sion of life following newly established conditions. By laboratory exercises and field work the student is brought into direct contact with the materials of the earth and the dynamic agents acting upon them. A study of the formations and the topography of particular localities and of the questions there presented gives a definiteness to the work and affords a training in the solution of geological problems. The museum furnishes abundant illustrative material for geology and zoology and the library has the more important works and some of the best current journals upon these subjects. CAMPUS IN SNOW Cbc preparatory Classes Assistant Professor James H. Osborne, M. A. Instructor James H. Foster. B. A. Instructor Daniel B. Hains. B. A. Instructor Harry L. Starr,- B. A. rROM the foundation of Wabash College one of its departments of work has been that of the preparatory classes. Whatever the course here offered, whether the classical, at the beginning, or the classical, the English and the scien- tific of after years, thorough work has always been emphasized and urged upon the student. " Thorough preliminary discipline and culture," "good scholarship," "thorough preparation for college," and " thorough education for business and for practical life ' are phrases one often finds in the early catalogues setting forth the aim of the department from time to time. The names of the several principals. Professors Mills, Campbell, Hadley, Bassett and Kritz, together with those of the tutors, a list of names honored among the alumni, give sufficient guarantee that the words quoted above were not mere empty utterances. A large part of the alumni of the college, as well as hundreds of other students who for various reasons were unable to continue their studies until a bachelor's degree might be attained, have been profoundly thankful for what they received here. These have witnessed in their lives that the aim of their instructors — that neither pains nor labor be spared to secure the highest development of the pupil — was not in vain. Those who at present are in charge of the preparatory instruction, which is designed to furnish a rapid and at the same time thorough preparation for admission to the freshman class in any of the three college courses, desire to maintain in this work the established and widely known high standard of thoroughness. GYMNASIUM CUSTODIAN'S HOME HEATING PLANT MEMORIAL FOUNTAIN, CLASS '99 Cbe Student Body Charles E. Crockett, '98 RBOUT the students and their enterprises revolves the life of the college. All is for them. The lives of many noble men have been spent for Wabash. Some have given freely of their wealth and now two hundred young fellows are enjoying the results. The body of man, we read, is renewed every seven years. The student body changes com- pletely in four ; yet both remain much the same after the process except that the students never grow old. There are always youth and vigor, ambition and hopefulness. Nothing is more easily appreciated and felt than the pervading spirit of this body of young men nor is anything more difficult to describe. They come from a dozen states ; each has a different aim ; and yet all have much in common. They have been attracted by the high standard which Wabash College upholds and which makes a degree from her mean some- thing. The maintenance of this high standard at the cost of an increased attendance attracts many men who are seeking for thorough education and better work is accomplished than would be possible under other conditions. Many students possess but little money and are obliged to dispense with luxuries. Some work their way through college, prizing their opportunities more highly because they are gained with difficulty. All are loyal Wabash men, separating into groups for various purposes — class, fraternity, music, athletic — but united always for the support of their alma mater. The people of Crawfordsville probably do not realize what a bond exists between their fair city and the college. There are no dormitories at Wabash and the students seek homes for themselves in private houses throughout the town. Many families, of course, are without " roomers," but, perchance, they have fair daughters who are not unlikely to choose some of these same students as their husbands. The boys enter into the life of the city in many ways. Socially the events of the year among the younger people are the receptions given by the students. The churches and religious societies derive many active members from the college. Even in politics Wabash is a factor. Numerous boarding-houses are open during the college year, the boarders usually consisting entirely of students. Many momentous questions are settled to an accompaniment of clinking knives and forks. BARTHOLOMEW ECKLEY BLACK SHAVER MOORE BUCHANAN WELBORN MORRISON BYERS OMELVENA ELDREDOE MILLER DENNY STEVENSON SMITH RAGAN CROCKETT COX GLEE AND MANDOLIN CLUBS Class rivalry runs high, especially between the freshmen and sophomores. This emulation appears most markedly during^ the winter term, a time when there are fewer distinctively college enterprises than in the fall and spring. Each year the senior class through a board of editors publishes the college monthly. The Wabash. This periodical, which is neat and attractive in appearance, averages about thirty-six pages of reading matter and is devoted to the interests of the college. Its columns are open to students who are aTsle to contribute articles of merit. The junior class usually issues an annual called The Ouiatenon. Each book is handsomely bound and illustrated and contains, besides literary matter, portraits of student organizations and such other material as is appropriate and peculiar to college annuals. Student organizations may be grouped into musical, literary, athletic, religious and fraternal, and will be described under those heads. The musical are the glee and mandolin clubs, the college band and the college orchestra. The first named held frequent rehearsals during the first half of the college year under competent instruction, and during tie spring vacation gave concerts in a number of Indiana cities. The glee club contains sixteen members, the mandolin club eight. The band con- sists of eighteen men, and its work has been of a very high grade. It has made various trips with delegations from the college. The orchestra also is active and has its place among the organizations of the college. The Lowell literary club has a good membership. Its purpose is indicated by the name, and the club meets once a week in Center Hall. The college ,Y. M. C. A. has a room of its own in Center Hall at the main entrance. A general meeting is held every Friday evening during the college year. Six national Greek-letter fraternities have chapters at Wabash. In the order of establishment they are Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Delta Tau Delta and Kappa Sigma. All have halls in the business part of the city which are used for fraternity work and for entertaining. Friendships are formed in these brotherhoods which endure through life. Athletics are in charge of the college athletic association of which both students and faculty are members. An executive board supervises the work done by the various teams and directs the policy of the college in athletic matters. The base ball, basket ball and track teams offer a field for students who have physical prowess. The base ball team, especially, has for sev- eral years held high rank in the state. ECKLEY SIDENER CORY GRUBER BIEDERWOLF DAVIS m'intosh CARTER BYERS CARTER TODD GRIESEL BILLINGS POSTEN CAPLINGER PETERSON BERRYHILL CARROLL BASE BALL TEAM DUNCAN BYERS FERGUSON CROCKETT CHRISNEY MITCHELL THE WABASH BOARD OWEN B. SMITH ROBERT E. FRANK HARRY A.' BEVIS GEORGE G. ALIG CARL F. GRUBER LAWRENCE B. JACOBS ROCK RIVER LOVERS' LANE YOUNTSVILLE DAM WALNUT FORK Wm Ktk. Vf 1 V'-^fr ^'^ 1. .-s-^^trar ■" '-^ !,:..4«J- i/ - V;. ^v V > r^ I 3.--