'^'-^ ^m" iX-^'^ <^% i¥>^ ri^V.'' -if V. ^ iH vV^ S?/^ f-s^ '?A.2 RfJi U: 1^ I -i;^- l€ M«^ ■ii*^' "''?■ ^5*-v! V; ii vr ^i»^v 14X" y <' >*/<■ ^'J:^? ^.^ #M f Cornell Ittterattg THE CALDWELL COLLECTION THE GIFT OF THE FAMILY OF GEORGE CHAPMAN CALDWELL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY whose senior Professor he was from (868 to 1903 4513 f^^^-"... Cornell University Library The original of tiiis bool< is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924014491397 Cm . /^ «/ 5i ^-vw^. "^ 62§ IISTDEX TO THK LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885 H. OARRINGTON BOLTON, Ph. D., PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD. FJROM THE SMITHSONIAN REPORT FOR 1885. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1885. ■638- INDEX TO- T HFi LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885 BT H. OABEINGTOIf BOLTOK, Ph, D., fSOITESSOB OS' CHEMISTBT, TBIKITY COLLGGB, EABIEOICD. FEOM THE SMITHSONIAN REPORT FOR 1885. WASHINGTON: GOVBENMENT PKINTING OFFIOB. 190 A 1885. 6 ^ ?^ INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885. By H. Oaeking-ton Bolton. PREFACE. " Index-learning turns no student pale, Yet holds the eel of science by the tail." Dunoiad, I, 279. When engaged in researches on the compounds of uranium, nearly twenty years ago, the writer compiled for his convenience an index to the literature of the element and of its principal compounds. At the sugges- tion of several friends who thought the compilation ought to be placed at the disposal of chemists, the manuscript was extended and printed in .the Annals of the New York Lyceum of Natural History (Vol. ix, Feb., 1870). As published, the index was far from complete ; but the simple plan adopted, a chronological arrangement of authorities and references, with brief notes of the subject-matter, seems to have commended itself to chemists, for the Index to the Literature of Uranium was followed by several others similarly arranged. A list of these will be found at the close of this preface. Impressed by the great importance of index-making, in 1882 the writer proposed to the Chemical Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at the Montreal meeting, the formation of 'a committee to encourage chemists in a scheme of co-operative in- dexing briefly outlined at the time. The Ohemical Section kindly ap- proved the proposal, and a committee was appointed to " devise and in- augurate a plan for the proper indexing of the literature of the chemical elements." This committee reported in August, 1883, that it had con- sidered three methods of collecting material for the indexes, viz: 1. Eeviewing the Catalogue of Scientific Papers published by the Eoyal Society. (8 vols. 4to.) 2. Indexing special journals by different individuals and collating the matter. 3. The independent plan, whereby each chemist indexes all the jour- nals accessible to him with reference to a given element, in which he is presumably especially interested. 3 4 INDEX TO THE LITEEATUEE OF UEANIUM, 1789-1885. Eacli of these schemes is open to objections and fraught with diflSciil ties that need not be named. On the whole, the third plan seemed to a majority of the committee the only feasible one for the present. The report also considers the best arrangement of material, and three ways are suggested : (1) chronologically ; (2) alphabetically by authors ; (3) topically. The committee do not venture to dictate to volunteer and independent workers, bwt recommend the chronological arraugement, accompanied by a topical index. In September, 1884, the committee further reported that several indexes had been published during the twelve months intervening, and that more were in progress. They also announced that the Smithsonian Institution had consented to publish indexes to chemical literature indorsed by the committee, limiting somewhat the number of pages per annum. The Smithsonian Institution also distributes, free of expense, the circulars and publications of the committee. The following work is offered as an additional contribution to the series of indexes named below. It is, strictly speaking, a second edition of that published in 1870, but much new matter has been added and new features introduced, so that in reality it forms an entirely new work. The edition of 1870 contains 522 references to papers by 150 authors ; the present index contains 1,330 references to papers by more than 300 authorities. New matter has been incorporated with that of the first edition, and the whole has been brought down to the close of 1885, eov- OTing a period of sixteen years of much activity. In each paragraph the first reference following the name of an author is that of the original publication of the paper in question; the succeeding references are those of reprints or abstracts of the original. In accordance with the suggestion of the index committee, two indexes have been added — an alphabetical index of authors and a classified in- dex of subjects. These, it is believed, will materially increase the utility of the work. The scheme of classification adopted for the subject index is by no means an ideal one. It is not intended to serve as a model for others, but it is deemed the most satisfactory attainable with the material in hand. Knowing, moreover, that as a rule classification schemes are intelligible only to their authors, we have added a synopsis of the clas- sification to serve as a key. In using the author and subject indexes, it must be remembered that they refer to the items in the chronological index, and that the contents of each paper are not completely indexed. Finally, the list of abbreviations will remove doubts as to the journals quoted, and will show at the same time what sets have been thoroughly examined. H. CAERINGTON BOLTON, Chairman of Committee on Indexing Chemical Literature. INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885. LIST OP INDEXES TO CHEMICAL LITERATURE. Uraniwm, Indexto tlie literature of. By H. Carringtou Bolton. Annals of the New York Lyceum of Natural HiBtory, Vol. IX, February,. 1870. 15 pp. 8vo. Manganese, Index to the literature of ; 1596-1874. By H. Carringtou Bolton. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History, New York, Vol. XI, November, 1875. 44 pp. 8vo. ■ Titonjum, Index to the literature of; 1783-1876. By Bdw. J. Hallock. Annals of the N. Y. Academy of Sciences, Vol. I., Nos. 2 and 3, 1877. 22 pp. 8vo. Vanadium, Index to the literature of. By G. Jewett feockwell. Annals of the N. Y. Academy of Sciences, Vol. I, No. 5, 1877. 13 pp. 8vo. Ozone, Index to the literature of; 1875-'79. By Albert R. Leeds. Annals of the N. Y. Academy of Sciences, Vol. I, No. 12, 1880. 32 pp. 8vo. Peroxide of hydrogen, The literature of; 18]8-'78. By Albert R. Leeds. Annals of the N. Y. Academy of Sciences, Vol. I, No. 13, 1880. 11 pp. 8vo. I Mlectrolyiia, Index to the literature of: 1784-'80. By W. Walter Webb. Annals of the N. Y. Academy of Sciences, Vol. II, No. 10, 1882. 40 pp. 8vo. Speed of chemieal reactions, Literature of. By Robert B. Warder. Proceedings of the Am. Assoc. Adv. Science, Vol. 32, 1883. 3 pp. 8vo. Stardh-augar, Bibliography of. By Edw. J. Hallock. Appendix E to report on glu- ^ cose, prepared by the National Academy of Sciences in response to a request made by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. U. S. Internal Revenue, Washington, D. C, 1884. 44 pp. 8vo. Ozone, Index to the literature of (1879-'83); accompanied by a historical-critioal r6snm€ of the progress of discovery since 1879. By Albert R. Leeds. Annals of the N. Y. Academy of Sciences, .Vol. Ill, p. 137, 1884. 16 pp. 8vo. Peroxide of hydrogen, Index to the literature of; 1879-'83. By Albert R. Leeds. Annals of the N. Y. Academy of Sciences, Vol. Ill, p. 153, 1884. 3 pp. 8vo. Dictionary of the action of heat upon certain metallic salts, including an Index to the principal literature upon the subject. Compiled and arranged by J. W. Baird; contributed by A. B. Prescott. New York, 1884. 70 pp. 8vo. Catalogue of chemical periodicals. By H. Carringtou Bolton. Annals of the N. Y. Academy of Sciences, Vol. Ill, p. 159, 1885. 58 pp. 8vo. Committee on indemng chemical literature. Dr. H. C. Bolton, of Hartford. Prof. Ira Rbmsbn, of Baltimore. Prof. F. W. Clarke, of Washington. Prof. A. R. Leeds, of Hoboken. Dr. A. A. JuLiEN, of New York. CONTENTS. Preface 3 List of indexes to chemical liteiatuie 5 Committee on indexing chemical literature 5 Chronological index to literature 9 Section of mineralogy 18 Alphabetical index to authors ........ . 22 Classified index of subjects 28 Synopsis of classification ........... ............................... 28 Key to abbreyiatious 35 7 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885. Date. Author. Bemarks. References. '1799 Discovery of element Schriften berl. Ges. naturf. Fr., IX, 373; M6m. acad. roy. sci., Berlin, 1786-87, 160 ; Crell'e Ann,, 1789, II, 387 i Ann. ch. phys. n\, IV, 162) Klapr. Beitrage, U, 197; Klapr. Analytical Essays, London, 1801, 476. Schriften berl. Ges. naturf. Fr., IX, 170. Jonrn. de phys., 1789, 399. Joum. de phys., XXXV, 391. Journ. dephys., XXXVI, 53. Crell's Ann., 1790, 1, 291. Crell's Ann., 1792, 11, 311. ■ Ann. chim. phys. [1], VI, 175 ; Crell's Ann. ■ 1793, II, 151. Acta acad. mogantinse, 1793; TTeber Eioh- tor's Darst. d. Urans, Erfurt,1793. Bull. 800. philomath,, Paris, VIII, 107. Crell's Ann., 1795, 1,210. Crell's Ann.. 1797, II, 503. Trommsd. J. dor Pharm., V, 121. Phil. Mag., 1799, 112. GilbertAnn., IV,24. Gilbert Ann,, VII, 127. N. Gegenst, der Ch., I, 1; IX, 36; Gehlen's J,, IV, 402. Gehlen's J,, IV, 17 and 134; Ann. ch. phys. [1], LVI, 143 ; Eepert. Art8i2], Vni; 274; Bucholz Beitrage, I, 62. Trans, Boy. Soc. Edinb,, 1807 ; Phil. Mae., 1810, 98. Ann. cbim. phvs. fll, LXVm, 277; Nichol* son's J,, XXV, 69. Sohweigg. J,, II, 332. Sohweigg. J, XV. 284 ; Dissert, de conjunct. chem. eiuaque ration. Upsala, 1813, 18. Phil. Trans., 1814, 553. 1789 Karaten 1789 LaM6tMrie 1789 Crell J790 Hecht 1790 Klaproth >3itrate 1792 1793 Hermbstadt Besearches and metal (oxide). Correction Mftfl (niriflR) 1793 Fuche.G.r.C ...... Champeaux 0) Occurrence in France Blowpipe reactions Methods of decomposing minerals. 1795 1797 1798 Kirwan ..Tyohsen 1799 Note Magnetic properties "Siltoe" 1801) Hitter 1803 1805 Proust 1805 1807 Occurrence in sand from river Dee. Method of decomposing ui-aninite. Chromate Estim. of atomic weight. . . Carbonate of U and K '.'.'.. Acidity of peroxide Selenate 1810 1811 1813 1814 1817 J. dephys., LXXXV, 472; Ann. Phil., XII, 31. Bull, des sci, 1819, 20 ; Ann. PhQ., XII, 144. 1818 1818 Berzelius Clarke, E. D G-ahu Sohweigg. J., XXin, 457. GilbertAnn., LXII, 353. Sohweigg. J., XXIX. 307. Sohweigg. J., XXXm, 100. Kong. Vet. Acad. Handl., 1822, 404; Pogg. Ann., 1,245; Schweigg. J., XLIV, 8; Anil. ch.pliys. [2], XXIX, 148; Ann.PhU.,N. S., VII, 253; Am. J. Sci., VH, 185; Edinb. Phil. J,, X, 369; Ann. d.M., X, 130; Berz. Jahresb., II, 120. Kong. Vet. Acad. Handl, 1823, St. H; Ann. Phil., XXIV, 337. Quart. J. Sci., XIV, 86; Sohweigg. J., XLIV, 1. J. de pharm., IX, 141 and XI, 279 ; Sohweigg. J., XLIV, 35. J. de pbarm., IX, 145. XI, 286; Sohweigg.'J., XLIV, 40; Ann. oh. phys. [2], XXIV, 239. Glib. Ann., LXXIII, 139. Eong. Vet. Acad. Handl., 1823, 155 ; Fogg. Ann., I, 359 ; Ann. d. M. UJ, X, 137 and 299; Sohweigg. J., XLIV, 191; Berz. Jahre^., IV, 117 ; Ann. Phil., XXV, 386. Pogg. Ann., II, 149. AnnTd. M, [1], X, 141. 1819 1820 Beduction of TJ. oxide Blowpipe reactions 1821 £raiide8 1822 1823 Berzelius Brande Lecanu & Serbat . . . 1823 1823 Extraction 1823 Examination of autunlte.. Sulphide Besearches and minerals . . 1823 1823 1824 H. Eoee Berzelius Berzelius Berthier 1825 Oxide 1825 Physiological action of salts. Sohweigg J., XLIU, 110; Edinb. Med. and Surg.J., XXVI, 136. Sohweigg., XLV, 23. 1825 PleiscM 1826 Pogg, Ann., VII, 28 and 148. Pogg. Ann., VI, 456. Pogg. Ann., VJI, 276. Pogg. Ann., IX, 264 ; J. pr. Ch., XXIV, 227. 1826 1826 1827 Fischer Eeduot. by metals Bednct. by metals 1829 Fischer Pogg. Ann., XVI, 125. * 10 INDEX TO THE LITEEATUEE OF UEANIUM, 1789-1885. Index to the literature of Uranium, 1789-1885— Continued. Author. QaesneTille- Berthemot. Stroraeyor . Davis Berzelius . Herschel.. Berzeliua ■ Per80z — PerBoz BerzeliuB ■ ■ Heller Marchand . Werner Kegnaalt — Flantainour. Bammelsberg. Marchand .... WShler Pfiligot . PAligot .. Ebelmen. Wittstein. DeUb Wohler. Euhn... Fresenina.. Wertheim . Be la ProTostaye . . Bammelsberg Berthier Bonaparte Kohiike Malaguti 1843 Cook 1A44 Rammelsberg. 1844 1845 Bammelsberg . Bottinger. Muspratt. PMigot . . . BemarkB. Extraction Bromide Pyxophospliate Use as mordant Vanadate Separation from iron by fcFeCyj. Tellurate Separation by acetate lead Separation by CuO and HgO. Pyroracemate Croconate and rbodizonate Snlplaetbylate Extraction Specific heat of metal (ox- ide). Attempt to reduce protox. ide. Snlphantimoniate Atomic weight Vd. in Uranpecherz Metallic IT and general researches. Metallic U and general researches. Besearches. Action of light ; oxalate, aulphate. Extraction Carbonate, &c Preparation of cryst. TTOs Criticism on P^ligot Cyanide Acetates Cryatallographic Bromate Salphite and separation. Valerianate; action of light Technical uses Hydrated seaquioxide Artificial Uranlte. . ITranous salts Atomic weight.. Beferences. Separation. Sulphites Tartrates, &o. J. de pharm.. XV, 493; Dingl. pel. J., XKXIV, 143: Berz. Jahresb., X, 117; Schweigg.'J., LVII, 127. Ann. ch. phya. [21 , XLI V, 387. Gott. gelebrt Anz., 1830, I, 111; Schweigg. J., LVIII, 130. Bepert. Pat. lav., March, 1831, 174; Dingl. poLJ., XL. 152. Pogg. Ann , XXII, 63. Ann. ch. phys., XLIX, 310; Pogg. Ann., XXV, 627 ; Berz. Jahreab., XIH, 120. Pogg. Ann., XXXII, 596 and 608. Ann. ch. pbys. [2], LVI, 333 ; J. pr. Ch., 1834, III, 216: Instit., No. 70, 299; Berz. Jah- resb., XV, 195: Pogg. Ann., XXXni, 248. Ann. oh. phya. [2], LVin, 202. Pogg. Ann., XXXVI, 24. J. pr. Ch., Xn, 228 and 239. J. pr. Ch., xn, 264 ; Pogg. Ann., XLI, 629. Ann. Ch. Pharm., XXVlII, 240; J. pr.Ch., •xir , 381; DingLpol. J., LXVm, 465. Ann. Ch. Phai-m., XXXVT, 108; Ben,. Jah- reab.. XXI, 13. J. pr. Ch., VXIfT , 230; Pharm. Centr., 1841, 592. Ann. Ch. Pharm., XL, 286. J.pr.Ch., XXI1I,497. Pogg. Ann., LIV, 600. C. E., XII, 735; J. pr. Ch., XXTII, 494; XXIV, 442; J. de pharm., XXV il, 525; Ann. ch.phys [3]. V, 1; Ann. Ch. Pharm., XLI, 141. Ann. Ch. Pharm., XLIII, 255; Pharm. Centr., 1842, 321 and 847 ; Berz. Jahresb., XXH, U3; XXIII; Pogg. Ann., LIV, 122. Ann. Ch. Pharm.. XLIII, 286;Ann.ch. phys. [3J, V, 1S9; Pharm. Centr., 1842, 863; J. pr. Ch., XXVII, 385 ; Berz. Jahresb.. XXUL Baehner's Bepert., LXIII, 231. Pogg. Ann., LV, 229; Berz. Jahresb., XXTTT, 201. Ann. Ch. Pharm., XLI, 345 ; Berz. Jahreab., XXIII ; Jonrn.de Pharm. [3], II. 43. Ann. Ch. Pharm., XLI, 337 ; Pharm. Centr., 1842, 324. Ann. Ch. Pharm., XLUI, 135. Monatab. d. berl. Akad., 1842; J. pr. Ch., •yxiy , 209 ; Ann Ch. Pharm., XLTV, 274 ; Ann. ch. phya. [3}, XI, 49: Annnaire chim., 1845, 118; Pharm. Centr., 1843, 585; Pogg Aon., LVII.48L. Ann. cb. phys., V, 47 ; VI, 165; Ben. Jahresb.. XXI t l, 213. J.pr. Ch., XXIV,285; Berz. Jahreab., XXII, 140. Ann. Ch. Pharm., XLVI, 184 ; Pharm. Centr., 1843, 382. J. pr.Ch., XXX, 308; Pharm. Centr., 1843, 949. Wiener polyt. J., 1843, 1117. Ann. Cb. Pharm., XLVIII, 236 j Ann. ch. phya., IX , 483; Annuaire chim., 184!!, 118; J. pr. Ch.,XXTX, 231; C. E., XVI, 851 ; P harm . Centr., 1843, 590 ; Berz. Jahresb., XXIV, 118. Proc. Chem. Soo. Lond., I, 38. Ann Ch. Pharm., XLVIII, 234;Pogg. Ann., LV, 318 ; LVI, 125 ; LIX, 10 ; Berz. Jahr«sb.. XXUL Pogg. Ann., LIX. 1 : J. pr. Ch,. yTTTr, 234: Berz. Jahresb., XXIV, 117 ; Pharm. Centr.. 1843, 577. Ann. Ch. Pharm., LI, 407 ; Pharm. Centr.. 1845, 107. Ann. Ch. Pharm., LV,290. C.B.,XVIII, 682; Annuaire ohlm., 1845,117; Ann. oh. ph^a., XII, 549; Ann. Ch. Pharm., LVI, 230 ; Pharm. Oentr., 1845, 193. INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OP URANIUM, 1789-1885. 11 Index to the literature of Uranium, 1789-1885 — Continued. Sate. Author. Kemarks. References. 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1847 1847 1848 1849 1849 1850 1850 1852 1852 1852 1852 1853 1855 1855 1855 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 18S6 Flayfair and Joale.. ■Wohler Berzelius • PeteiB Arppe. Werther. Patera.. Leconte . Patera... Muspratt . Stokes Glesecke . Stokea . Girard. Schabus . Patera... "Werther, Spr. gr. and at. vol. of oxides. Purification from Co Ni and Zn. Eneelherdt and Maddrell. Peraoz Pfiligot . Sfarbach VCilliama, C. Gr.. ■Williams, C. Gr.. Graham ■ Patera. . . Enop Scheibler .. Keferstein . P^ligot .... Extraction Pyrotartrate Laotate Pyrophosphate. Atomic weight.. Phosphates and arsenates Extraction on large scale . . Estimation of phosphoric acid. Eedsnlphide Selenitea Fluorescence of uranium glass. Extraction. Detection by absorption spectrum. Sulphite Grystallographio forms of acetate. Extraction on large sc^le . . Fluorescence . Optical examination Oxychloride and organic bases. Oxychloride of U and ohinoline. Dialysis of nitrate Purincatlon of U yellow. Estimation Acetate of TT and Li. Grystallographio form of carbonate. Preparation of metaUic Hem. Chem. Soo. Lond., in, 83. Ann. Ch. Pharm., LVI, 127 j Annnaire chim., 1847, 94. Berz. Jahresb., XXV, 162. Arch, der Pharm., XLTII, 146; Pharm. Centr., 1846, 831. Inaug. Disfi., Helsingf., 1847; Ann. Ch. Pharm., LXVI, 73. Ann. Oh.Pharm.,LXIII, 99. Ann. chim. phys. [3], LXV, 165; Jahresb. » 1847-48, 353. C. E., XXII, 487 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm., LX, 183, Ann. oh. phys. [31, XX, 329; J. pr. Ch.; XLI, 398; andXXXVm, 152; Jahresb., 1848, 418 ; Joujn. de pharm. [3J, X, 80. J. pr. Ch., XLIII, 321;^LIV, 127; Ann.Ch, Pharm., LXVIII, 312 ; Pharm. Centr., 1848. 433; Instit., 1848, 393; J. de pharm. [3], XIT, 67; Annuaire chim., 1848, 140 and 144 ; Phil. Mag. [3], XXXIII, 244; Jahresb., 1849, 418 and 1218. ■Wien. Acad. Ber., 1849, 353; Wien. Ber. Ereund. d. Wiss., IV; J. pr. Ch., XLVI, 182; Jahresb., 1849, 274, 584. C. E., XXIX, 55; Jahresb., 1849, 572. J. pr. Ch., LI, 122; Ann. Ch. Pharm., LXXXVI, 254; Pharm. Centr., 1851, 402; Jahresb., 1850, 313; Annuaire chim., 1851^ 118. J. Chem. Soc, II, 68. Phil. Mag. [4], IV, 388; Pogg. Ann., LXXXVn, 488; Am. J. Soi. [2],^V, 270;. Jahresb., 1853, 140; Ann. chim. phys. [3], XXXVIII 505. Arch. Pbami. [2], LXIX, 150; J. pr. Ch., LV, 445; Dingl. pol. J., CXXIV, 355 j Pharm. Centr., 1852, 232; Jahresb., 1852, 779. Instit., 1852, 392; Jahresb., 1854, 125. C. E., XXXIV, 22 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm., LXXXI, 366; Pharm. Centr., 1852, 100 ; J. pr. Ch., LV, 285; J. de pharm. [3], XXI, 183; Jahresb., 1852, 376. Jahresb., 1852, 433. ■Wien. Acad. Ber., XI, 842; J. pr. Ch., LXI, 397; Pharm. Centr., 1854, 236; Dingl. pol. J., CXXXII, 36 ; Chem. Gaz., 1854, 178 ; Jahresb., 1853, 740. J. pr. Ch., LXV, 349; Pharm. C«ntr., 1855, 605; Phil. Mag. [4], X, 390; Jahresb., 185S„ 132. Pojre. Ann.. XCIV, 422; Ann. chim. phys. [3], XLIV, 45. Chem. Gaz., 1855, 450 ; C. C, 1856, 47 ; Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edinb. ; Jahresb., 1855. Trans. Eoy. Soo. Edinb., XXI, part m, 377 ; Chem. Gaz., 1856, 26L, 283; J. pr. Chem. LXIX, 355; C. C, 1856, 817; Jahresj., 1856, 632. J. Chem. Soc, VIII. 91. Ding. pol. J., CXLI, 372; C. C, 1856, 843; Polyt Centr., 1857, 75 ; J. pr. Ch., LXIX, 118 ; Oeatr. Zeits. Berg u. Hiitt., 18.56, 31. J. pr. Ch., LXIX, 401; C. C, 18J6, 738 and 803 ; Jahresb., 1856, 728. C. C, 1856, 717 ; J. pr. Chem., LXVII, 485 : Jahresb., 1856,331. Pogg. Ann., XCIX, 276; Jahresb., 1856, 380 ; J. pr. Chem., LXIX, 303. C. E., XLII, 73; Instit., 1856, 29; J. d» Sharm. [3], XXIX, 203; Ann. Ch. Pharm., :OVn, 256; Pogg. Ann., XCVII, 630 ^ J. pr. Ch., LX^raf, 184 ; C. C, 1856, 223; Jahresb., 1856, 380 ; Phil. Mag., 1857, 123. 12 INDEX TO THE LITEEATUEE OP UEANIUM, 1789-1885. Index to the literature of Uranivm, 1789-1885 — Continued. Author. Bemarks. References. Kessler.. Burnett Arendt and Knop. . . Ordway l Weaelsky Brianchou . Spiller Crespon St. Godefroy Hagen Grailich Verdet Niepoe de St. Victor. Nlepoe de St. Victor MepoedeSt. Victor Becquerel niirlaub Hallwachs and Scha- farilc Piuoas Wysocky N. de St. Victor and Corviaart. Corriaart . . . Boae De Luynea. . Burnett Wothly WotUy Sutton.. Anthon. Brenkmaun . Becqnerel . . . Hermann, H . Freaenins. Graham. . . Schrauf ... Fiaanl Extraction from arani- nite. Photographic printa Extraction Basic aalta Acetates Technical uses Influence of citric acid . Photography Photogi'aphio pilnting Cryat. and Opt. atndiea . . . Magnetic rotary power. . . Abaorption of light and use in photography. Absorption of light and' use in photography. Absorption of light and uae m photography. Phoaphoreacence . Nitride Action of TJ on iodide ethyle. Estimation of phosphoric acid with acetate of U. Extraction on large acale. Action of light on oxalate Action of light Eatimation Photographic printing. . Actinometry , Original announcement.. U with PtCl of Wothly'i process. Estimation of pbos. acid Extraction Hiatoiioal summary and researches. Phoaphoreacence Reaearchea Eatimation. Saocharate Optical examination of acetate. Estimation and mineral analyses. J. de pharm. [3], XXXI, 182 ; C. B., XLVI, 530 ; Dingl. pol. J., CXLIX, 77 ; C. C, 1858, 336; Polyt. Cent., 1858, 1513; Jahresb., 1857, I9ai Vurli. d. Niederoatr. Gewerbe- vereina, 18S8, 293. LiTorpool Phot. J., 1857 and 1858 ; Humph- rey s J., 1857, 81 i 1858. 44. C. 0., 1857, 103 ; J. pr. Ch., LXXT, 68; Jah- resb., 1857, 200. Am. J. cioi. rn], XXVI, 197; J. pr. Chem., liXXVl, 19 ; Jahresb., 1858, 115. Wien. Acad. Bet., XXX, 205; Chem. Gaz., 1858, 390; J. pr. Ch., LXXV, &5; C. C„ 1858, 610; Jahresb., 1858, 282. G6nie Indust., 1858, 147; Technolqgiate, 1858, 521; Polyt. Centr., 1858, 1242; Dui^. pel. J., CXLVni, 172; CO., 1858, 898; Polyt. Centralhalle, 1858, 670. J. Chem. Soc, X, 114. Polyt. Centr., 1858, 1509; Humphrey's J., 1858 J 72 Ber. Akad'. Wisa. Berl., 1858, 290; Brit. J. Phot., V, 75; Humphrey's J., 1B58, 262 ; J. Sr. Ch., LXXIV, 67; Dingl. poi. J., XLIX, 437; C. C, 1858, 764; Instit., 1858, 268. Wien. Acad. Ber., XXVH, 3. Ann. cbim. phya. [3], LH, 158. C. B., XXVI, 449: Inatit., 1858, 73; DingL pol. J., CXLVIll, 126; J. pr. CE., LXXIV, a33,Cimento, VII, 202; Jahresb., 1858, 18. C. B., XLVn, 866 and 1002; lustlt., 1658, 398 and 4J7; Humphrey'a J., 1858, 10; Dingl. pol. J., CLI, 130 and 435; Jahreab., 1858 20 C. B..' XLIX, 815; Dingl. pol. J., CtV, 456; Jahreab., 1859, 33; Cosmos, XIV, 568; Polyt. Centr., 1859, 889 and 1032. Ann. chim. phys. [3], LV, 86, and DVn, 101. Verbind. einiger Met. mit SUckstoff, Got- tingen, 1859,27. Ber. Acad, Wlas. Wien, XXXLLi, 669; Pharm. Centr., 1859, 163. J. pr. Ch., LXXVI, 104; Jahreab., 1869. 667. Oeat. Zeitschr. Berg- u. Hiittenw., 1859; Dingl. pol. J., CLV; 305; C. C, 1860, 827 ; Polyt. Centr., 1880, 139 ; Jahresb., 1860, 698. C.B., XLIX, 368; Instit., 1859, 287; Ann. Ch. Pharm., CXm, 112; DingL poL J., CLVr., 38; Jahresb., 1859, 33. Boll. soc. chim., 1862, 62; Jahresb., 1858, 33. Pogg. Ann., CX, 141. Brit. Photogr. J., 1860 ; Polyt Centr., 1860. Phil. Mag. 14], XX 50 smd 406. Horn'a Photog. J., XVI, 104. Polyt Centr., 1860. Chem. News, I., 97, 192; Jahresb., I860, 622. Dingl. pol. J., CLVI, 207 and 288 ; Zettsohr. Ch. Pharm., 1860, 412; E6p. chim. appl., H., 281 ; C. C, 1860, 549 and 691; Polyt tjentr., 1860, 1118, and 1274. Zeitschr. ges. Naturw., XVII, 113 ; Jahresb., 1861, 255. Ann. chim. phys. [3], LXH, 42. InauK. Dissert Gott., 1861 ; Jal 258 J.lpr. Ch.,LXXXII,257; Chem. News, 1861, 160. J, Chem. Soc. XV, 254; Ann. Ch. IPharm. CXXI, 52 ; Jahresb., 1861, 77. Pogg. Ann., CXH, 593. C; E., LII, 72 and 817 ; E6p, ohim. pur., m, 222 and 630 ; Zeitschr. Ch. Pharm., 1861, 123; J. pr. Ch., LXXXV, 186; CO., 1861, 221 ; Chem. News, III, 211 ; Jahresb., 1861, 824 and 1030. Jahresb., 1861, INBEX TO THE LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1886. Index to the literature of Uranmm, 1789-1885 — Continued. 13 Author, Eemarks. References. Defray ■Vogelsang . . Burghess... Simpson Draper Maaok Hose, H Brachet Parkmann . . G-uyard Phlpsoa Stolba Grothe Hoyermanu Kernels Lieaegang . VoiiHauer., Knop Kemel6 Gibba. Kernels .. Seekamp. Artificial c r y s t alllzed phosphates. Technical Toning bath Action of light Action of Us!ht Action of Al and Mg on solution Estimation TTseoftJ glass Carbonate Volometrlc estimation Action of Mg on solutions. Estimation, sillco-fiuoride Action of alkalies, &c Estimation of phosphoric . acid. Oxysnlphide Action of light on ammo- nio citrate, and photo- graphy. Acetate Estimation Estimation and separation oxy sulphide. Tnnny , Wothly Wothly Liesegang . Eisner Bunsen Commallle.. "Wysocky... Belohoubek Separation.. Sulphite Action of light on the snccinate. Photography ■Wothly type Specification of patent. Photography Volatility of UOs Elame reactions Action of Mg on solutions Manufacture of IT yellow ■Volnmetiic estimation... Ann, cbim. phys, [3], LXI, 44S, PreudS. Zeitschr, Berg-,H, u. Salin., X, 168. Polyt. Centr,, 18G2, 1590 ; Am, J. Photog., 1862. Am, J. Photog., Vn, 295. Brit. J. Photog., 11.241. ■Verhalt. des Mg. und Al. zu Salzlosungen, Gottingen, 1P6J, 32. Pogg. Aiin., CXVI, a52; CX, 141; Zeitschr. anal. Ch., I, 4H ; K^p. chim. pur., V, 27 ; Chem. News, YII, 159 and 98; G.C.,1862, 863 ; Jahresb., 1862, 601. C. K., LV, 409. Am. J. Soi. f2], XXXIV, 321; Chem. News, 1863, 122 i C. C, 1863, 465. Bull. sou. chim., 1864, I, 94 ; Jahresb., 1863, 692; Chem. News, 1864, 13; Zeitschr. anal. Ch., ni, 376. Proc. Koy. Soc. Lend., XTTT, 217 ; Jahresb., 1864, 193. Zeitschr. anal. Ch., 111,71; C.C, 1864, 1063; Jahresb,, 1864, 718. J. pr, Chem,, XCII, 177, Arch. Pharm, [21, XCIX, 193 ; Jahresb,, 1864, 891, C.R.,LVni,716; Bull. soc. chim. [2], I, 36; N, Arch, ph. nat., XX, 52 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. Suppl., Ill, 196 ; Pogg. Ann., CXXIV, 114 ; J, pr. Ch,, XCIII, 316; C,C.,1864, 598; Chem. News, X, 123 and 158; Jahresb., . 1864, 234, Monit, photogi-. 1864, No. 17, Nov. 25; Bull. soc, chim, II 482 ; Chem. News, 1865, 103 ; 0. C, 1865, 1151. Pogg. Ann., CXXV, 149 ; C, C„ 1865, 735. C.C, 1865,181; Jahresb., 1865, 223. Pogg. Ann,, CXXV, 209 ; Zeitschr, anal Ch., IV, 371; Zeitschr, Ch,, 1865, 648 ; 1866, 471j J,pr,Ch., XUVII, 193 and 280; Bull, soc. chim,, VI, 318; C.C, 1866, 628; Jahresb., 1865, 221 and 726. Am.J. Sci. [2], XXXIX, 58; C.C, 1866, 407; J. pr. Chem,, XC V, 357 ; Zeitschr, anal, Chem, III, 327 ; Zeitschr, Chem,, 1865, 307; Dingl, pol. J., ClXXVm, 133; Chem, News, XI, 101, etseq.; Jahresb,, 1865,727. Pogg. Abu, CXXV, 238 ; Jahresb., 1885, 225; f. pr. Chem.. XCVII 214. Ann, Ch, Pharm,, CXXXUI, 253; Zeitschr. Chem., 1865. 317; C, C, 1865, 767; J. pr. Chem., XOVr, 192; Bull, soc, chim, 12], IV, 132 ; J. de pharm, [4], II, 67 ; Phil, Mag. [4], XXX, 358 ; Jahresb., 1865, 889, Humphreys, J., Jan., 1865, Bull. soc. chim., IIi;320. Bull, helge photog., 1864; Am. J. Photog., VII, 1865. Polyt, Centr,, 1865, 943; Photog. Archives, 1865. Monit. pbotogr, Jan, 1,1865; Bull, soc. chim. m, 159, Chem, teohn, Mittheil, 1857-58, 36 ; Jahresb., 1866, 35 ; J, pr. Chem,, XCIX, 260, Ann, Ch, Phurro, CXXXVin, i;91 ; Zeitschr, anal. Chem, V, 377 ; PhU, Mag. [4J, XXXII, 81 ; N, Arch, ph. nat, XXVII., 25 ; Jahresb,, 1866, 783, Bull, soo, chim, [2] ,"^1, 257, Jahresb,, 1866, 171 Oestr, Zeit Berg- u, Hiittw,, 1866; Polyt. Centr,, 1868, 1601; DiBgl,pol. J., CLXXXI, 448; Jahresb. chem, Tech,, 1866, 275; Bull. soc. chim. [21, "VI, 494; Jahresb., 1866, 840. J. pr. Ch,, XCIX, 231 ; Zeitschr, anal. Ch,, VI, 120; Zeitschr. Ch., 1867, 121; C. Ci 1867, 656; Bull. soc. chim. [2], VII, 494; Jahresb., 1866, 809. 14 INDEX TO THE LITEEATUEE OF UEANIUM, 1789-1885. Index to the literature of Uramum, 1789-1885 — Continned. Author. Remarks. Beferences. Patera. Prisoh. Bolton. Skey .... Souchay . G-raham . Sobeller . 1867 Ed. Beoqnerel . Finner. BammelBberg Merz P61isot andYalen- oieimes. Heintz Thalto Beicliardt Bolton ■Winkler Byasson SelhoTst Thndlohnm Bolton Sorby Mey6r,L Sohwarz Schultz-Sellaok. . Mendelejeff , Bolton Sohultz-Sellaok. . Schultz-Sellaok . Estimation of TT in ores. . . Tartrate . Flaorides, oxyflnoiides; action of light. Solphocyanide. Composition of the by- drated ammoniaoal car- bonate. Soloble modi£cation of oxide. Solpbites Cyanides - Phosphites Elaorescence Manof^tnre of the metal. Recovery of residues . . Wave lengths of light rays Separation from phos- phoric acid. Action of light; historical summary and experi- ments. Estimation ; a correction . . Estimation of phosphoric acid. Non - fluorescence of TJ salts in Geissler tubes. Absorption spectrum Index to the literature of U. Absorption spectrum of compounds of Zr and TT. Atomic weight Coloring porcelain Hydrated nitrate At. Tvt. and position of TT in the Periodic System. Extraction ftom nraninite . Disnlphate , Basicity of oxide DingL pol. J., CLXXX, 242 ; Zeitschr. anal. CC; V, 228; BulL soc. chim. [2] V, 442; Jahresb. chem. Tech., 1866, 274 ; Xes Mon- des, 1866, 234 ; DingL poL J., CLXXX, 242 ; Polyt. Notizbl., 1866, 222; Deutsche Tn- dustrie Ztg., 1866, 208; Cbom. iTews, XTLI, 291; Polyt. Centr., 1866, 831; Jahresb., 1866, 809. J.pr. Chem. XCVH, 281; Zeitschr. Chem., 1866, 345; C. C, 1866, 598; Bull. SOC. chim. [21, Vir, 257 ; Jahresb, 1866. 401. Berl. Akod. Ber., 186B, 2i)U; Inaug. Diss., GSttingen, 1866 ; Bull. soc. chim. [2], VI, 450; Zeitschr. Oh. [2], H, 353; J, pr. Ch. XCIX. 269; C C, 1866, 977 ; N Arch. ph. nai., XX VX 338; Jahresb., 1866, 209. Chem. News, XVI, 201; Zeitachr, Chem. [2], IV, 123. Zeitschr. Chem. [2], IV, 527; Zeitschr. anal Chem., VT, 400; Bull. soc. chim., X, 375. Ann. Ch. Pharm. CXXI, 52, Jahresb., 1867, 77. Ann. Ch. Pharm., CXLIV, 238; J. pr. Chem., CIV, 56; Zeitschr. Chem., 1867, 522; BuU. 800. chim. [2k VTTI, 417 ; ZeitB/-hr. auaL Chem. VII, 252; chem. Aews, XVI, 1'32. Etudes chim. sur quelq. m^taux, Paris, 1867. De uranylio cyan, et rhodan. Berlin, ^ang. Dissert., 1867. Pogg. Ann. CXXXUI, 500. J.pr. Chem. CI, 261; C C. 1868, 99. C. K. LXVH, 607 ; Ann.Ch. Pharm ,CCXLIX, 128; C. C, 1869, 1040; Dingl. pol. J.. CXC, 305; J. pr. Chem. CVl, 2j5; Jahresb., chem. Tecbn., 1868, 152 ; Jahresb., 1868, 226 ; Inslit. 1868, 306; Ann. chim. phys. [4], XVII, 368; Zeitschr- Chem. 1866, 716. Ann. Ch. Pharm., CLI„ 211). Am. J. Sor. [21, L, 113. Jahresb., 1809, 286; Chem. News, Try, 166. Nova acta Reg Soc. Sc Up«al. [31. VI. Ann. chim. phys. |4|, XVLLl, 239. Zeitschr. anal Chem., VIII, 116; Chem. News, XX, 167; Am. J. ScL [2] L, 113; Zeitschr. Chem., 1870, 92; Archiv der Pharm. [3],I(, 232; Jahresb., 1869, 916. Am. J. Sci. [•.;],XLVin,206; Jahresb., 1869. 1176; Chem. News, XX, 213. Zeitschr. anal. Chem., VIU. 387 ; C. C, 1870, 530; lahresb., 1869, 916; Chem. News, XXI, 167. Pharm. Centralh., IX. 41; Kus.<. Zeitschr. Pharm., VIII, 30; Jahresb., 1869. 977. Eev. hebd. chim., Dec. 2, 1869; CUccLNews, XX, 299. CentralbL £ med. Wissenscb., 1869, 1; C.C. 1869, 67 ; J. pr. Chem.. CVI, 415. AnnaJH. Lye. Jiat Hist., IX, 363 ; Am. Chem. 1,81. Chem. News, XXI, 73; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., IX, 258; C.C, 1870, 369; Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1870, 147; Bull, soc chim. XIV, 40 ' Ann. Chem. Pharm., Suppl., Vll, 354; Jah- resb., 1870, 14. Dingl. pol. J., CXCVtl, 251; Pol. Notlzhl. 1870, 290; C.C, 1870, 557; Jahresb., 1870, 1155: .Tahresb. chem. Tecbn., 1870, 306. Zeibw-hr. Chem., 1870, No. 10; Chem. News XXIII, 47. N. Petersb. Acad. Bnll., XVI, 45; Ber. d chem. Ges., 1870, 991; Ann. Chem. Pharm Snppl., Vm, 178; Jahresb., 1871, 312. Am. Cbem., I, 60. Ber. d. cbem. Ges., 1871, 13 ; Am. J. Soi. 131 I 374 ; Am. Chem., 1. 469. Ber. d. chem. Ges., IV, 12 ; J. Chem. Soo. [21 IX, 199; Bnll. soc chim. XV, 45- C C 1870, 87 ; Jahresb , 1871, 332; Chem. News] aX i TT , 131. INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885. Index to the literature of Uraniwm, 1789-1885 — Continued. 15 Author. Bemarks. Beferencee. Bheineok . Jani Jani Hagenbach . . . Schumann Brachet Taylor Jean Bolton BammelBberg Bammelsherg Bolton Follenius Beoquerel Bammelsherg. Lockyer Gibhs Kreusler Joulie Clarke, F.'W.. Beiohardt Cronander Schnaaaa . Gautiep. . . Patera — Eitchin ... Abesser, Jani, and MSroker. Morton and Bolton. Gibb8. Boscoe.. Use of acetate of 17 and Ka in estimating phos- phoric acid. TJ solution in titration of PsOj. Beoovery of residues Fluorescence of U glass.. Estimation of phos. acid.. Use of tr glass in electri- cal illumination. As sensitizer in photogra. Blow-pipe test Tetrethylammonium IT . . . TTranous acetates nitlx copper, and with cobalt. Formulae when U = 240 . . . Thallium uranate Titration with potassium permanganate. Fluorescence Hypophosphite Ooourrence in the sun Arseniate 1. ... Beco^ery of residues Use in estimating phos- phoric acid, Speciflo gravity of com- pounds. Separation from phos- phoric acid by means of magnesia mixture. Chloride of U and P . Use of nitrate in photog- raphy. Hypophosphite Coramercialand industrial Est. of P as aranic phos- phate, and At. Wt. Use in estimating phos- phoric acid. Fluorescent and absorp- tion spectra. Separation from Cr . Pentachloride . Dingl. pol. J. 1 C.C., 383; Zeitschr. Chem., 1871, 474 i Chem. News, XXIV, 233 ; Bull. SCO. ohim. [2], XVII, 37 ,■ J. Chem. Soc. [2], X, 178; Zeitschr. anal Chem., XI, 83; Am. Chem., II, 190 ; Jahresb., 1871, 941. C. C, 1871, 329 ; J. Chem. Soc. [2], IX, 753. C.C, 1871, 219; J. Chem. Soc. [2], IX, 586; Am. Chem., I, 472; Jahresb.. 1871, 331; Chem. News, XXIII, 220 ; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., XI, 71. Pogg. Ann., CXLVI, 393. J. pr. Chem, [2], VI, 416 ; Jahresb., 1872, 896. C.E., XXn, No. 16; Am. Chem., II, 191. Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1872, 820. San Francisco Sn., XXIII, 13; Berff-und hiit- ten-Ztg., XXX, 414 ; C. C, 1872, 213. Am. Chem., II, 456; Jahresb., 1872, 259. Pogg. Ann., CXLV, 168; Jahresb., 1872, 259; Boll. soc. chim. [2], XVII, 209; J. Chem. Soc. [2], X, 401 ; Am. Chem., II, 431. Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1872, 1003; Jahresb., 1872, 257; Bull. soc. chim., XIX, 210; J. Chem. Soc, 1873, 247 ; C. C, 1873, 127 ; Am. Chem., IV, 148; Chem. News, XXVII, 22. Am. Chem., II, 456 ; Jahresb , 1872, 255. Zeitschr. anal. Chem., XI, 179 ; Jahresb., 1872, 915; J. Chem. Soc, 1873, 531; C. C, 1872, 600. C. B., LXXV, 296; Am. J. Sci. r3], IV, 486 ; AnD.chim.phvs.[4],XXVII, 539; Jtthi'esb., 1872, 152 ; C. C., 1873, 17. J. Chem. Soc, 1873, 11 ; Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1872, 495. Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1873, 1554; Proc Boy. Soc, XXI, 285 and 508 ; Jahresb., 1873, 153. Ber d. chem. Ges., 1873, 834. J. fiir Landw., 1873, 1 ; Am. Chem., IV, 316. Chem. News, XXVII, 228, 309, 314 ; Jahresb., 1873, 9^2. Constants of Nature, 'W.ishington, D. C, 1873. Arch, der Pharm. [3], 2, 232; Jahresb., 1873, 924; Jour. Chem. Soc, 1873,1260; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., XIII, 310; C.C, 1873,356; Am.Chom., IV, 276 ; Chem. News, XXVm, 315. Ber. d. chem. Ges., VI. 1406; Bull, soc chim., XIX, 499 ; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1873, 25. Archiv der Pharm., Nov., 1873; Jahresb., 1873, 1130. C. E., LXXVI, 49 ; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1873, 25. J.ihresb. chem. Tech., 1875, 609. Chem. News, XXVII, 199 ; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 187^. 71 ; .Tahresb., 1373, 921 ; Ball. soc. ■ chim., XX, 177. Zeitschr. anal. Ch6m.,XII, 254 ; Jahresb., 1873, 919. Am. Chem.. in, 301 and 401 : also TV 1. 41, and 81 ; Chem. JSews, XX VIU, 47, 113, 164, 233, 244,257, 268; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1873, 72 ; J. Chem. Soc [2], Xll, 12 and 642 ; Mom't. scient. [3], 903 ; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., XII, 308 ; Jahresb., 1873, 158 ; C. C, 1873, 593 ; Bull. soc. chim., XXI, 63. Am. J. Sci. 1 31, V, 110; Chem. News, XXVIII, 63 ; Jahresb., 1873, 937 ; J. Chem. Soc, 1873, 9« ; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., XII, 310 ; C.C, 1873, 281 ; Bull. soc. chim., XX, 176.' Ber. d. ch. Ges., VII, li:il ; Bull, soc chim., XXni, 270 ; C. C, 1874, 657 ; Jahresb., 1874, 284 ; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1874, 115 ; J. Chem. Soc. [2], XII, 933 ; Am. Chem., V, 304, and V, 234 ; Chem. News, XXXI, 16 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885. Index to the HIeralure of Wraniwm, 1769-18*55 — Contiuued. Sate. Anthor. Kemarks. Beferences. 1874 1874 1874 1874 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 BBttger Morton , Jean Hartley Isambert Nilson Bolton Atterberg Mann Maxwell Lyte Fairley Bolton Belohonbek Vogel Kern JSIern G-awalOTski Wyronbofif. Knndin and de Mon- tholon. Lupton Fairley Ditte Strohmer and Klans Briigelmann . Action of F on eolations of U. Flaoresoeat relations of basx salts. Use in estimation of phos- phoric acid. Iniluence of heat on ab- sorption spectra. Precipitation of Ag by ox- ide. Selenites . Separation from Vd . Production of U in Prus- sia, 1869 to 1873. Fenocyanides Utilization of bye-prod- ucts in U manufacture. Use in titration of zinc . . Value of metal Uranio acid, UO4 2H2O. Price of metal Use in titration of phos- phoric acid. Absorption spectra BeagentforU. (Ferrocy- anlde soluble in HGl.) Action of Mg on salts of U. Eeco very of U residues . . . Formnlaof U ferrocyanide Production of U ores in 1874. Action of COa on U cya- nide. Succinate Fresenlus. Sendtner . Patera Tetroxide and peruran- ates. Separation from Fe and Eecovery of U residues . Estimation of P and As acids. Production of ores in Aus- tria in 1875. Criticism on Kern's rea- gent for U. Besearches Beport on technical pro- Jahresb. phys. Ver., Frankft., 1872-1873, 14; 0. C, 1874, 322. Monit. sclent., IV, 318; Chem. News, XX I X , 17; Jahresb. leinen Ch., 1874, 116. C. E., LXXVIII, 1305; Ber, d. chem. Ges., 1874, 737 ; Jahresb., 1874, 873. Chem. News, XXIX, 148; Ber. d. chem. Ges,, 1874, 740; Proc. Lond. Boy. boc.', XXII, 241 ; Jahresb., 1874, 96. C. E., I/XXX, 1U87 ; Ball. soc. chim., XXIV, 368; Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1875,607; J. Chem. Soc, 1874, 1104; Chem. Nous, XXXI, VHS; Zeitschr. anaLChem., XIV, 346; Jaltresb., reinen Ch., 1875, 82 ; Jahresb., 1876, 223. Eeseaiches on salts of .Selcuious Ariil; Nova actaEeg. Soc. Scient. Upsala [111], 1875; Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1875, 655; Bull. soc. chim. [2], XXIII, 497; Jahresb., 1875, 183. Am. Chem.. V, 363; C. C, 1876, "00; BnlL soc. chim;, XX VII, 295; Jahresb., 1875, 223. C. C, 1875, 528. Bull soc. chim., XXIV, 355; Jahresb., 1875, 235; Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1876, 856. C.C., 1875, 83; J. Chem. Soc, 1875, 1303. Chem. News, XXXI, 222; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., XIV, 343. San Francisco So. ; Berg- n. hiitten-Ztg., XXXIV, 244; C. C, 1875, 514. Chem. News, XXXII, 219; Boll. soo. cMm. XXI, 653 ; J. Chem. Soc, 1876, 192 ; Jahresb., 1875, 223; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1875. 82, and 18T6, 6 ; C. C, 1876, 130 ; Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1876, 948 ; Am. Chem , VI, 316. Am. Chem., V, 443. Sitzungsb. k. bohm. Ges., 1876, H. 4 ; Zeit- schr. anal. Chem., XVI, 104. Ber. d. chem. Ges., Vm, 1533 ; Zeitschr. anaL Chem., XV, 329 ; UingL pol. J., CCXTX, 535; Jahresb. reinen (Jh.. 1875. 4B2. Chem. News, XXXIII, 5 ; J.ihresb.,1876,1002; J. Chem. Soc, 1876, 741 ; Zeitschr. anaL Chem., XVI, 238 : Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1876, 86, and 1877, 106. Chem. News, XXXIII, 236 ; Jahresb., 1876, 236. Zeitschr. anal.Chem.,1876,292 ; C. C, 1876,775; Jahresb., 18T6, 270 ; J. Chem. Soc, 1877, 345. Ann. chim. pbys. [5]. VIII, 444; Jahre8b.,1876, 311; C. C, 1876,691; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1876, 81. C. C, 1876, 415, and 31. Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1876, 1433. Chem. News, XXXHL 90 ; BnlL soo. ohlm.. XXVI, 362. J. Chem. Soc, 1877, I, 127 ; Jahresb., 1877, 297; Chem. News, yyirTTT 237. C. B., LXXIXV, 281 ; Ann. ohioi. phys. [6], XII, 133 ; Jahresb., 1877, 1057 ; J. Chrm. Soc, 1877, II, 926; Chem. News, XXXVL 100; Zeitschr. anal. Chem.. XVII, 96; Bull. soo. cbini., XXX, 414; C. C, 1877, 631 and 712 ; Uingl. poL J., CCXXVU, 412 ; Jahresb. reinen Ch , 1877, 102. Dingl. pol. J., CCXXV, 661; Jahresb.. 1877. 1057; C. C, 1877, 744; J. Chem. Soc. 187a 114; Zeitschr. anal. Chora., XVII 94; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1877, 106 and 1878, 109! Zeitschr. anal. Chem., XVI, 22- .1 Chem Soc, 1877, 741; Dingl. poL J., CCXXIv! 558. O. C, 1877, 128. Zeitschr. anal. Ch., XVI, 238 ; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1877, 106. Verbind. dee Urans, Erlnngen, 1877. Hofmann's Entwiok. der oUem. Indnstiie. 836; Jahresb., 1877, U21. ^ 17 Index to literature of Uranium, 1789-1885 — Continued. Date. 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 Author. Lookyer . Barcker . Lommel Bolton Lnctow Vincent Patera Friwoznlk and Schneider. Bottger Bonath Sendtner Zimmermann Vogel Ditte Schncht Smith, B.F .. Chastaing . . . Zimmermann 1880 Ditte . 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 Clarke and Owens . Luokow . Sohucht . Schicht Zimmermann . Bemarks. Oocnrrence in the aun . Separation from iron . . Mnoreacence of TJ glass.. Decomposition' of uran- inite by citric acid. Electrolytic separation - . . Action of dioiethylamine on U solutions. Separation of Vd. in TJ ores. Composition of commer- cial sodium nranate. Action of F on solutions Specific heat of ozidbs - . . Selenates, selenites, bromides. Separation from Fe . and Absorption spectrum of nitrate. Action of fuming HNOs on n nitrate. Electrolytic behavior Lallemand 190 A 2 Electrolysis of acetate Behavior of TT. salts with alkaline pyro- and meta- phoBphates. Sulphide; uraninm>red... Fluorides and oxyflnor- ides. Monochloracetate of U and Na. Estimation by electrolysis Estimation by electrolysis Estimation by electrolysis Action of uranyl salts on turmeric paper. Technical working of ores Befereuces. Lond. K. Soc, Free, XXVII, 279; LXXXVI, 317; Jahresb., 1878, 185. C. C, 1878, 463 ; Dinel. pol. J., 230, 96; Jahresb., 1878, 1000; J. pharm. chim. [4], XXVII, 347; J. Chem. Soc, 1878, 2, 771 j Zeitschr. anal. Chem., XIX, 350; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1878, 109; Chem. News, XXXVIII, 276. Ann. Phys. [2], III, 113; Jahresb., 1878, 162. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. ; Chem. Hews, XXXVII, 99; Jahresb., 1878, 1108; Zcit. schr. anal. Chem., XIX, 00 ; liliiieral'. Mag. Apr. 1881. Zeitschr. anal. Chem., XIX, 9 and 18. Bull soc. chim., XXXIII, 166; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., XIX, 479; C. C, 1880, 279. Oest. Ztschr. f. Berg - u. Hiittenwesen, 1878, 2 and 13 ; Dingl. pol. J., CCXXXI, 656. Berp - nnd hiittenm. Jahrbnch, 1878, 208; Dingl. pol. J., CCXXVIII, 379 and 656; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 18v8, 109'; Jahresb^ chem. Tech., 1879, 631. C C 1878 208 Ber. cl. cbem. des., 1879, 742; Jahresb., 1879, 91; Wien. Acad. Ber.[2], 1879, 609; J. Chem. Soc, 1879, 2, 688; C. C..1879, 387, and 1880, 227 Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1879, 97; and 1880, 101. Ann. Chem., CXCV, 32S; J. Chem. Soc, 1879, 2, 507; C. C, 1879, 275; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1879, 97; Bull. soc. chim., XXXtl, 181. Ann. Ch6m.,CXCIX, 1 ; Chem. NewH, XL, 273; Jahresb., 1879, 1051 ; J. Chem. Soc , 1880, 2, 189; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., XX, 414; Bull. soc. chim., XXXIV, 713; Ber. d. chem. Ges., XII, 2254. J. Chem. Soc, 1879, 189 ; Ber. d. chem. Ges., XI 913. C. li.! Oct. 13, 1879; Ber. d. chem. Ges., XII, 2270. Chemikerztg., 1880, 292 ; Berg- n. hiittenm. Ztg., XXXIX, 121 ; Jahresb., 1880, 174. Am. Chem. J., 1, 329; Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1S80. 751; Jahresb., 1880, 174; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., XXI, 260 ; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1880, 102. Bull. soc. chim. [2], XXXIV, 20 ; Jahresb., 1880,363; C. C, 1880, 564; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1880, 101 ; Ber. d. chem. Ges., XIII, 1860. Ann. Chem., CCIV, 226; Ber. d. cbem. Ges., Xm, 2078; Bull, soc chim., XXXV, 176; Chem. News, XLIII, 163; J. Chem. Soc, 1881, II, 79 ; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., XX, 557 s C. C, 1880, 40 and 756; Jahresb. reineo^ Chem., 1880, 102 ; Jahresb., 1880, 351. C. E., XCI, 115 and 166 ; Ber. d. chem: Ges., XIII, 1977; Jahresb. chem. Techn.J880,408f Chem. News, XLII, 82 and 95j 3. Cbem. Soc, 1880, II, 853 and 794 ; C. C., 1880, 625 ; Dingl.poL J., CCXXXVIir, 604; JahresK reinen Cbem., 1880, 101; Jahresb., 1S80, 353. Am. Chem. J., II, 331; Ber. d. chem. Ges., Xrv, 35 ; Bull soc chim., XXXVI, 441 ; C. C.,1881, 197; J. Chem. Soc, 1881, II, 1124; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1880, 102 and 1881, 97; Jahresb., 1880, 764. Ztschr. anal. Chem., 1880, 1 ; Chem. News, XLI, 213, Jahresb., 1880,1139; Jahresb. rei- nen Ch., 1880, 2; Jahresb. chem. Tech.,1880, 411. C.C, 1880, 374; Jahresb., 1880, 1143; Dingl. pol. J., CCXXXIX, 303 and 378. Chem. News, XLI, 280 ; Jahresb., 1880, 1143. Ann. Chem., CCIV, 224 ; Jahresb., 1880, 1184 ; .T. Chem. Soc, 1881. 2, 122; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., XX, 415; C. C, 1880, 756; Chem. News,XLIII, 163 ; Ber. d. chem. Ges., XIII, 2093. Honit. sclent. [3], X, 965; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1880, 103 ; Chem. News, XLIII, 72. 18 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885. Index to the literature of Urmvium, 1789-1835— Continued. AnthoT. Bitker Zimmermaim . Clarke Zimmermaim . Beinsoh Brauner Zimmermann ZiiDmennaim Zimmermann Ditte "Wieaner Lecoq de Boisban- dran. Smithells Savory Gibbons Zimmermann Ditte Classen Eegelsberger . Bammelsberg Bliincke Caaamajor — Kemarks. Isomorphism of flnorine compounds. At wt. ba«ed on density of gaseous compounds (chwrides). Kecalcnlation of at. wt . . . Alkaline uranates Detection by the micro- scope. Specific vol. of oxide Titration with Ka Mm Os ■ ■ At. wt. determination based on specific heat of metal. TJranyl compounds and re- searcljes ; metallic U, es- timation, &c. Crystallized uranates Chromates of Uranyl and K. Separation from gallium . . Keferences. Statistics . Fluorides . Recovery of residues, and separation from phos- phoric acid by tin. Oleate Beactions of IT. ; prepara- tion of metal Fluorides and uranates . . Separation from Zn. and Cr. by electrolysis. Ammoniacal compounds of uranyl chloride. Double acetates Specific heat. Blowpipe reaction with silver iodide. Ann. Chem., CCII, 234. Ber. d.chem. Ges., 1881,1934; Jahresb., 1881, 4; J. Chem. Soc, 1882, 2, 143; C. C, 1881, 676 ; Jahresb. reinen Cb., 1881, 97; Bull soc. cbim., XXXVII, 350; Ber. d. chem. Ges., XIV, 1935 6. Smithsonian Misc. ColL,441, 150; PhaMag. [51, XII, 101; Am. Chem. J., III. 363; Jahresb., 1881, 6 ; Chem. News. XLIX, 112. Ber. d.chem Ges., 1881. 440; Jahresb., 1881 , 292; J. Chem. Soc, 1881, 2, 686; C. C.,1881, 298 ; Dingl. poL J., CCXL, 326 ; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1881, 97 ; Jabresb. chem. Tech. 1881, 376. Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1881,2325; Jahresb., 1881, 1183. Phil. Mag. [5], XI, 60; J. Chem. Soc, 1881, 2, 219. Ber. d. chem. Ges., XIT, 779 ; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1881, 90. Ber. d. chem. Ges , 1882, 847; Jahresb., 1882, 16; DincLpol. J., CCXLIV, 334j Jahreeb. chem. Tech., 1882, 178; Boll soc. cbim., XXXVni, 266. Ann. Chem., CCXIII, 285; Jabresb., 1882, 327 ; J. Chem. Sgc, 1882, 2, 1269 ; Zeitsclir. anal. Chem., XXm, 63 and 220; Ber. d. chem. Ges., XV, 2617. C. E., XCV, 988; Jahresb., 1882, 330; J.Chem. Soc, 1883, 2. 296 ; Chem. News, XLTI, 290 ; Bull soc chim., XXXTX, 520. Chem. Centr., 1882,777; Anz.d. bohm. naturf. Versamml. Jabresbericht, 1882, 332; J. Chem. Soc, 1883, 2, 425. Compt rend., XCIV, 1154; Chem. News, XLV, 207; Jahresb., 1882, 1294. Jahresb. chem. Tech., 1882, 223. Chem. Soc. J., XLHE, 125; Jahresb., 1883, 385; Chem. News, XLVII, 44 ; Ber. d. chem. Ges., XVI, 955. Chem. News, XLVIII, 251 ; Jahresb., 1883, 385 ; J. Chem. Soc, 1884, 397. Pbarm. J. Trans. [31, Xm, 737; J. Chem. Soc, 1883, 2, 692 ; Monlt. scientif., Sept, 1888; Chem. News, XLVm, 182. Ann. Chem., CCXVI, 10; Zeitsobr. anal Chem., XXIII, 66; Jahresb. cbem. Tech., 1883, 219; Chem. News, XL VII, 130, audi, 67 ; Bull soc. cbim., XXXIX, 599; Ber. d. cbem. Ges.. XVI, 388. Ann. cbim. pbys. [6], 1, 338; J. Chem. Soc. 1884, 825. Ber. d. cbem. Ges. XVII, 2483 ; Chem. News, LI, 220. Ann. Chem. CCXXVH, 119. Ann Phys. Jan. 15, 1885. Ann. Phys. Jan. 15, 1885. Chem. News., LII, 1. MINERALS. Abbeviations.— A., Autunite ; G., Gummitc ; T., Torbemite ; tfr., Uraninite. Bate. Author. Mineral. Eeferencea. 1727 Bruokmann "Wallerlus . - . Sohwarz Beckerz Magn. "Dei, 204. "Wall. Min. 249 1747" BeokbUnde CroDst. Mic, 198. Peoliblende, Mica viridis oryst. Griiner Glimmer Lithophyl. Bom., 133, Ueb. Cronst., 217. 1780 Werner -.. INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885. Index to the literature of Uranium, 1789-1885 — Continued. MINBEALS— Continued. 19 Date. Author. Mineral. Eeferenoes. 1785 1787 1791, 11, 162. Mem. Akad. Bei;!., 1787, 160. Sohr. Ges. N. Berl., IX, 278. Crell's Ann. 1789, II, 400; Klap. Beitr., II, 221. Bergm. J. , 378. Bergm. J. J.dephys., ■!rX-!rVI,248. J.dephys., XLII, 241. Ueb. Wern. Vorbeas., 43. 1789 tJranit Spath 1789 I789 Werner Chaloolith 1789 1790 Klaproth Analysis TJr 1792 Anonymoua Karsteu Karaten 1793 Torb'brite 180O Karst. Min. Tabell. 56. PhU.Mag., 1800, 185. Kn.ily Tiait6. Phil. Mag., 1802 ; J. de phys., LV, 8U. Ann. ch.phy9. [1], XLU, 233. Ludwig.Min., 1, 65. Phil. Tians., 1805; Ann. PhiLV, 281; Ann. 1801 Hauy Sage 1802 Analysis Ur 1802 Discovery of PaOs in T . . - 1803 180S Gregor Analysis T . .'. 1807 Phil. Yll, 63 ; Nicholson's J., 'X'nT, ^7. 1808 Uraninite Ann. oh. phys. 11), XLTIII, 277. Leonh.Tasch.,lll,96. Mineralog. Manual, 1814. Wern. Min. Syst., 26 ; Hoffm. Min., IX a 279. 1809 1814 BeiTihardi Aikin Crystallographio, U ran - glimmer. 1817 1818 Phillips Trans. G-eol. Soc. Ill; Ann. Phil. XII, 133. 1818 Lichtes Uranpecherz TJrankalk 1819 Xn, 168, N. Syst. Min., 295; Ann. chim. phys. [2], XIII, 31; Schweigg.J., XXVII, 74; Ann. Phil. Xin, 464. Min. Syst., 1820. Charak. d. Min. Syst. 1820 '1820 Breithanpt . . . Uranphyllit .... 1821 BerzeliuB ... Zippeite Sohweigg. J., XXXII., 245. Leonh. Tasch., XVI, 693; Ann.PhU., XXTV, 390. Ann. Phil., XX, 469. 1822 PhillipB Torhemite 1822 pfaff Sohweigg. J.,XXXV, 326. Ann. oh. phys. [2], XII, 31; Berz. Jahiesb., I, 89. Berz. Jahresb., 1823, 137. 1822 Berzelias Hydrate 1823 1823 Analysis A., Chaloolite... Presence of P2OB in T AnalvsisT ■. Pogg. Ann,, I., 374 ; Sohweigg. J., XTiIV, 29 i Edinb. J. Soi., II, 372; Ann. Phil., XXV, 274. Ann. Phil., N. S., VI, 156. Ann. Phi. |2], V, 57 ; Am. J. SoL [1], Vn, 380; Schweigg.J., XLIV, 42. Ann. oh. phvs. [Ij, XXIV, 239. Veih. "^es.Bohm. Prag.,1824; Leonh. Zeit- sohr., XX, 168; Edinb. J.Sci., V, 185. 1823 1823 Phillips Phillips 1823 Analysis A 1824 1827 1830 resb., VIII, 198. Abh. Bohm. Ges. Prag., 1830; Edinb. J.Sci. N. S , nt 306; Berz. Jahresb., XI, 208. Bend. Traite, II, 672. 1832 1832 Charak. Min. Syst., 218. Pogg. Ann., XXVI, 492 ; Sohweigg. J., LXV, 18 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm., Vni„ 285. Pogg. Ann., XXVI, 491; Berz. Jahiesb., Xni, 165; Ann. Ch. Pharm., VHI, 285. J.pr.Ch.,,CV, 54. J.pr.Ch., XII, 184. Pogg., Ann. XLVIII, 655 ; Edmb. N. Phil. J., 1837 1841 Uranochalcite f XIX, 418. Breith. H»ndb. Min., 173. 1843 Ann. rt. M. [4|,IV,400; Ann. oh. phys. [3], VIII,498; Berz.Jahresb., XXIV, 304; J.pr. Ch., XXX, 414. Pogg. Ann.,LIX,35; Berz. Jahresb., XXTV, 304; Jahrb. f. Min., 1884, 363. Am. J. Sci. [11, XLVm, 396. Am.J.Sci.[Il, XLVlIt,395. Handb. best. Min., 549. 1844 1815 Rammelsberg 1845 1845 1847 Handb. best, Min., 510. Kose H Pogg., LXXI, 157. 1847 1847 1847 Handb., 1847, 863. Urangummi Handb., 1847, 863. Breithaupt XT. Piftinerz Handb., 1847,863. 20 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885. Index to the literature of Uranium, 1789-1885 — Continued. MnfTEBAL^— Coatinned. Author. Mineral. Beferencea. Scbeeier, Th . Werther Hermann ..... Smith, J. L Le Conte Analyeia XTr . IJranit Yttroilmenite. Medjidite Coracite . Genth ... Whitney , TTranit... Goracite . Brookes & Miller . Haidinger Vogl T. Haner Eliasite Liebigite, Yoglite . Chapman Bagsiy Dauber Frjtsche Descloizeauz . Analysis of Uranpecberz TjFanatemnite Pittlnerz Basic sulphate Uranpecnerz Optical exam, of minerals Vogl Lindacker . Descloizeauz . Genth Basic sulphate., .alcj TTmnochalcite, Zippeite Hermann . Hermann . Ordway... Theyer.. Websky . Fisani ... Autunite Analysis of Goracite. ITranoniobit Pittinerz Basic sulphate. Breithaupt . GhuTch . . . Church ... Websky . . Hermann . Websky Boricky Ktejoi Zepharowich Weisboch Weisbach Maskelyne & Flight. Nordenskj01d . Bammelsherg.. Zerrenner Weisbach Analysis TTr Analysis A Fritzscheite Cnprouranit Galcouranit AnalysisT Autunite Kochelite Samarskite and related minerals. Uranophane 0ranotile . TJranophane Cry ststilographic, uranotile TTranospinite, TrSgerite.. Silicate Uranite Weisbach Schrauf . . Wibel . . . Nohlite Samarskite Samarskite UranosphEiite, TTranospi- nite. TJrauotUe XJranotile. Autunite . Winkler . Frenzel. TJranosphSrite, TrS^erite, Zeunerlte, Uranospinite. Torbemite, Antnnile and Zennerite. Pogg.,Ann.,LXXn, 570j N.Jen. LitZtg.. 1848, 55. J. pr. Ch.. XLm, 332; Jahresb., 1848, 1218. J.pr.Ch..XLIV, 216. Am. J. Sci. [21, V, 337; XL, 259; Ann Ch. Pharm, LXVI, 264: Jahresb., 1847-48, 1220. Am. J. Sci. [2], ra, 173: Jahresb., 1848, 1167; 1853,642. Ann. Ch. Pharm., LXVI, 280. Am. J. Sci. [2J, VIL 434; J.pr.Ch.,LI, 127; FhU. Mag. [3 1, XXXYU, 153; AnnooiTe chim., 1851,204. B.&M.Min., 1852,517. Jahrb. geolog. Beichs., lY, 124. Jahrb. geolog. Beichs., IV, 221; Jahresb., 1853, 849. Jabtb. geoloc. Reicfas., 1853, 105 ; and 1854, 186; J. pT.Ch.,£xi, 391 ; Pharm. Centr., 1854, 334; Jahresb., 1854, 793; Jahrb. Min., 1855, 76. Chap. Praot Min., 148. Pogg. Ann., Ergauz., I V, 348. Pogg. Ann., XCn, 251. E. n. H. Ztg., 1895, 111 ; Jahrb. Min.. 1835, 445. Ann. mines [6], XI, 261 ; Am. J. Sci. [2], XXV, 396 ; Instit., 1857, 49 ; C. B., XUV, 322; Jah- resb., 1857, 687. Min. Joach. Tegjitz., 1857. Am. J. Sci. [2], XXV, 414; Min. Joach., 1857, 95 and 119; Jahresb., 1857, 694. Ann. d , XIV, 377 ; Jahrb. Min., 1861, 184. Am. J. Sci [2], XXm, 431; J. pr. Ch., LXXIII,206; Jahresb., 1857, 663. J. pr. Ch., LXXVI, 326; Bull, socnat Mosoon, 1859; Jahresb., 1859, 798. Jahresb., 1859, 798. Am. J. Sci. [2], XXVI, 197; J. pr. Ch., LXXVI, 23. Bamm. Handb., 1860, 175. Jahrb. Min., 1860,810. C. B., LU, 817 ; -Tahresb. 1861, 1030 ; B6p. chjin. Sure, 111,22^; J.pr.Ch., LXXXV; Jahxb. [in., 1862, 601. Berg. n. biittenm. Ztg., XXTV, 302; Jahrb.. Min., 1865, 743 ; Jahresb., 1865, 911. Chem. News., XII, 183; Jahresb., 1865, 911. * J. Chem. soc, 1866, 135. Jahrb. Min., 3868, 607; Jahresb., 1868, 1013: J. pr. Ch., CVU, 139. Zeitschr. geol. Ges., XXIL 92; Jahresb., 1870, 130*. Jahrb. Min., 1870,780; Jahresb., 1870, 1305; Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1870, 307. Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1870, 806. Jahrb. Min., 1870, 780 ; Jahresb., 1870, 130S. Jahrb. Min., 1871, 869; Jahresb., 1872, 1135. Jahrb. Min., 1872, 316'; Jahresb., 1872, 1123. Chem. Soo. J. [2], X, 1054; Jahresb., 1872, 1136; Ber. d. chem. Ges., V, 990; C. C, 1873.118. Geol. For. Furhandl Stockholm, I, 7 ; Jahrb. Min., 1872, 534. Poeg. Ann., CL, 213. Zeitschr. geol. G«s., XXV, 461. Jahrb. Min., 1873, 314; C. C, 1873, 341; Jahresb , 1872, 1009. Jahrb. Min., 1873,296; Jahresb., 1873,1178; J. Chem. Soc, 1873, 1108. Min. Mitth., 1873, 138; Jahresb., 1873,1179. Jahrb. f. Min., 1873, 242; J. Chem. Soc. 1873 11)0. J. pr. Chem. [2], VII, 1; Jahrb. Min.. 1873. 870; Jahresu., 1873, 1190; CO., 1873 342; Am. Chem., IV, 36; J. Chem. Soo., 1873, 606; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1873, 72; Chem. News, XXVir, 307, and XX VIII, 227; BulU soc. chim., XX. 171. Jahrb. Min., 1873.946. mDEX TO THE LITEEATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885. 21 Index to the literature of Uranium, 1789-1885 — Continued. MIIi^EB A LS— Continued. Date. Author. Mineral. Beferences. 1873 Church Schroeokeringlte Jahrb. geol. Beichs, 1873, No. 1 ; Am. Chem., lY, 479. Chem. News, XXX, 245 ; J. Chem.Soo., .Feb., 1875, 109. Am. J. Sci. [3], XIY, 496. J.pr.Chem. [2],XYI, 91; Zeitschr. Kryst., 1,394] JaUresb., 1877, 1302; J. Chem. Soc., 1878, II, 17 ; C. C, 1877, 646 ; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1877, 107. Min. Mag., I, 234; Zeitsohr. llryst., HI, 113 ; Jahresb.remeu Cli., 1879, 98. Zeitschr. Kryat., I, 394; Jahrb. Min., 1877, 406 ; Jahresb., 1877, 1303. GeoL For. Forh., lY, 28. Am. J. Sci. [3], XYI, 35. Jahrb. f. Min., 1877, 531 ; J. Chem. Soo., 1878, 2, 280. Arch. Pharm. [3 1,XIII,1 30 ; J. Chem.Soc.,1879, 2, 18 ; Jahresb. ri;inen Ch., 1878, 109. Zeitschr. Kryst., Ill, 273. 1874 Church Antunite and Torbemite . Occarrence of XT. minerals in North Carolina. 1877 Kerr". 1877 ■Winkler 1877 Church TJranooircite, estimation of water. 1877 ■Weisbach 1878 1878 Nordenshjfild Brush and Dana £oster Cleveite and Yttrogum- mite. 1878 Uranite in SIba 1878 Keichardt Uraninite from Joachims- thal. Autnnite, olrystallographlc 1878 1878 Jahrb. geol. ileiohs, Mav31, 1878 ; Min. Mag., 11,160. Proo. Acad. Nat. ScL Philad., 1878, 408 ; Zts. Kryst., Ill, 596 ; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1879, 98. Dingl. pol. J.,CCXXXI, 656; J. Chem. Soc, 1879, 2, 989. Am. Chem. J., I, 87 ; Am. J. Sci. [31, XYIII, 1879 Kouig Handite. .. 1879 Patera. .. . TJ. ores as a source of Yd. . TJ minerals of North Car- olina, TJranotil, Phos- phuranylite, G-ummite. Optical character of An- tunite. 1879 G-enth 1880 153; Chom.New8,XL,210; ZeitschTi Kryst., lY, 385; Jahrb. Min., 1880, Eef., I, 85; Jahresb, 18o0, J47j and 1433 and 1415; J. Chem. Soc, 1881, 2, 96; C. C, 187«, 810; Jahresb. reinen Uh., 1879, 06. Proc. Min. Section Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci.; Am. 1880 Naturalist, July, 1882, 609. Jahrb. Mm., 1880, 2,111; Zeitschr.Kryst.,YI, 107; J. Chem. Soc, 1881, 2, 362. Am. J. Sci. [3], XIX, 220; Ztschr. Kryst., 1830 Comstook. Uraninite ^f rem Branch- Tille, Conn. Uranothorite Franinite in North Caro- lina. 1881 Collier - ... lY, 615; Jahrb. Min., 1881, Ref., 11, 171; Jahresb., 1880, 1413 ; C.C.,1880,314; Jahresb. reinen Ch., 1880, 103. Am. J. Sci. [3], XXT, 161 ; Ztschr. Kryst.,Y, 514 ; Jahresb., 1881, 1361; J. Chem. Soc, 1881, 2, 1009; Bull. soc. rain. Fiance, Y, 117. Am. J. Sci. [3J, XXII, 22; J. Ohem. Soc, 1881 Hidden 1882 1881, 2, 1110 ; Zeitschr. Kryst., YI, 617. Jahrb. f. Min., 1882, 2, Mem., 249; J. Chem. 1882 Nilaon Soc, 1883, 2, 433; Zeitschr. Kryst., YIH, 541. C. E., XCY, 784; Ber. d. chem. Ges., 1882 Schrauf. ...... TJranothftllite(=Liebigite). Uraninite from North Carolina. Besearches on decomposi- tion products of uran- inite. Mineral from Moss, Nor- way, and on the occur- rence of natural uran- ates. Broggerite. Torbernite 1882, 2519; Jahresb., 1882, 1628; J. Chem. Soc, 1883, 2, 299. Ztschr. Kryst., YI, 410 ; Jahresb., 1882, 1537; J. Chem. Soc, 1883, 2, 955; BuU. soc. min. France, Y, 165 ; Am. Naturalist, June, 1882. Am. J. Soi. [3], XXIY, 372; J. Chem. Soc, 1883 1883 1883, 2, 163 and 1063. Jahrb. geolog. Beichs, 1883, XXXin, 1 ; Am. NaturalUt, 1883, 1278. Geol. For. Porhandl, Stockholm, Vll, 59; J. 1884 1884 Baret .. pr. Chem. [2], XXIX, 191; J. Chem. Soc, 1884, 1102; Chem. News, L, 104; Am.chim. phys. [6J, lY. 129. BuU. soc. min. France, YII, 460. 22 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OP URANIUM, 1789-1885. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS. UTo™.— The numbers refer to the years, the figares "18" being dropped. I'ignres preceded by "M" refer to the section of minerals. For key to the abbreviations of minerals see section of minernls. It should be remembered that prior to 1841 the protoxide was regarded as the metiaL Author. Sul^ect. Date and section. Abeaser and Jani . AilriTi Antbon Arendt and Snop . Arfvedson Aippe Atterberg Baker Baret Becquerel Do Do B^honbek Do Bemhardi Berthemot Berthier Do Beudant Berzelius Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Blomstrand Bliinoke Bolton Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Bolton and Morton . Bonaparte .". . Borioky Bom(De) Borzizky Bottger Bottinger Bra«bet Do Brande Brandos, Bud Brauner Breithaupt Do. Do Do Do Do Do Do Brezina Estimation of phosphoric acid . TJranite Extraction do Researches Pyrotartrate Ferrocyanides Isomorphism of fluorides . Torbemite Fluorescence Phosphorescence Estimation, volumetric Estimation (Tolnmetrlc) of TJranglimmer, crystallograpliic Bromide Oxide Sulphite Uraconite Analysis of T and A Chalcolite Fluoride Hydrate Pyroracemate Eesearches and minerals Selenate Solubility of U in water Snlpbarsenate Sulpho carbonate Sulpho-molybdate Tellurate Draiikalk (A.) Vanadate lOrlo acid . ^N'atural uranates Speciflobeat , Decomposition of uraninite by citric acid Extraction from uraninite Fluorides, oxyfloorides, action of light Historical summary and exp. on action of light. Index to literature Price of metal Separation from Vd Tetrethylammonium uranate Thallium uranate Fluorescent, absorption spectra Valerianate, action of light Urnnotile Pechblende aud mica viridis oryst Dranotile Act. on of P on solutions Separation Use of U glass XJ ghiss in electrical illumination Extraction Suberate , Specific volumes of oxide Fritzscheite, cuprouranite, ooloooranite , Sohwpr-uranerz '. Uranerz , Urangummi , XJrnn gummierz '. , , Uranphyllite (T) TJran Pittinerz (EUosite) TJranochaloite , Autunite, crystallographio 73 M. 14 60 6T 23 47 75 8» M. 84 72 67, 61, 59 67 66 67 M.09 30 25 43 11.32 M.23 M. 23 23 M. 22 35 23 18 24 26 26 26 34 M.19 31 46 M.84 85 78 70 66 6» 70 75 75 72 72 73 43 m:.7o M.1772 M.78 74 and 78 44 62 72 :.'a 21 81 M.65 11.47 11.37 M.47 M.32 M.20 11.47 M.41 M.78 IJNDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885. 23 Alplidbelioal index of authors — Continued. Author. Subject. Bate and section. Brianchon Brookes and Miller . Briickmann Btiigelmann Brunner Brush and Bana Bucbolz Bunsen Burcker Burghess Burnett Do Byasson Casamfgor Champeaux Do Chapman Chastalng Chevreul Do Church Do Do Do Do Clarke, E.D , Clarke.F. W Do Clarke and Owens Classen Cock Collier Commaille Comstock Corvisart and Niepce de St. "Vic- tor. Crell Crespon and Godefroy Cronander Cronstedt Technical uses Minerals Schwarz Beckerz , Estimation of F and As a^ids.. Occurrence of minerals Uraninite Hesearches Flame reactions Separation from Fe Toning bath Actinometry P hotographic prints Estimation of phosphoric acid . Blowpipe reactions Occurrence in France TTranite Uranatemnite Pyro-and meta-phosphates Acidity of "peroxide" (UO3) Carbonate ot U andK Analysis A Analysis T A andT -.. Schroekeringite tTrauocircite Reduction of oxide Kecalculatlon of atomic weight Specific gravity of compounds Monochloracetate of U and Na Electrolytic separation from Zn and Cr., Artiticial uraninite TJranotborite Action of Mgon solutions Ur from Connecticut Action of light on oxalate Photography Chloride of U and P . Swartblende Bauber Bavis Bobray Belffs Descloizeaux . Do Ditto Do Bo Bo Do Bonath Draper Breukmanu... Ebelmen Bo Ekeberg Eisner Engelherdt and Maddrell . Fairley Do Fischer Follenius — FouUon, von . Freiesleben . . Fresenius ... Do Do Fretozel Frisoh Fritsche Fuchs Basic sulphate 0se as a mordant Artificial cryst. phosphates Carbonate, &c Autunite Optical examination of minerals Action of faming nitric acid on nitrate . Crystallized uranates Fluorides and oxy fluorides F'luorides; uranates Separation fioiu Fe andCr Specific heat of oxides Action of light , Historical summary and researches Analysis Ur Hesearches, action of light, oxalate, &c . Discovery of PaOg in T Volatility of UO3 ....- Lactate Tetroxide and peruranates Uranic acid .', Reduction by metala Titration with potassium permanganate Decomposition products of Ur Lichter Uranpeoherz (G-.) Criticism on Kern's test Cyanide Estimation T. A. and Zeunerite Tartrate Uranpeoherz Metal (oxide) Gahn Gautier Gawalovski. Blow-pipe reactions.. Hypophosphite Recovery of residues 68 M.52 M.1727 77 M.or M.78- Ofr- fl6 78 62: 60- 67 6». 1793 M. 1800 M.6S 80 18 17 M.liO M.65 M.74 M.73 M.77 19 81 1873 80 84 43 M.81 66 M.80 1789 68 73 M. 1758 M.o4 31 81 42 M. 57 M. 56 , 7» 82 80 84 77 79 62 61 M.43 42 M.02 66 47 76 75 27 and 2» 72 M.83 M.18 .77 42 61 M.73 66 M. 55 1793 20 73 7& 24 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885. Alphabetical index of OAithors — Continued. AathoT. ^Genth.... Do. Do.. 'Gerhardt. Gibbous . . Gibbs Do . Do. Giesecke.. Girard Gmelin ... Oraham . . . Do.. Do-, ^trailicb . . 'Gregor Grothe. ... 'Guyard... ^agenbaob iQaldinger 'dV^\V"".'.V..'.'.V.\ Hallwacbs and ricbafarik . Hartley Haaer, von Do Haiiy Hecbt Heintz Heller .Hermann.H Hermann Do ^ Do Do HermbatSdt Herscbel Hidden Do Hoyermami Isambert . Jameson Jani Do Jani {see Abesser and Jani) . Jean Do Jobn Do Joulie Kairsten ... Do... Do... Keferstein. Kersten... Do... Kessler Kern Do.. Kerr Klrwan Kitohin . . . . Xlaproth . Do.. Do Do Do Do Do SInop Kobuke. Kooig ... Krcijci .. Kreualer iCUbn ... •f Subject. Analysis coracite North Carolina minerals, analyses . . TTranite Uranpecherz Oleate Arseniate Separation Separation from Gr Extraction Sulphite Physiological action of salts Dialysis of nitrate Saccharate Soluble modification of oxide Crystallopraphic and optical stndies.. Analysis T Action of alkalies, &c Estimation, volumetric Photographic printing Fluorescence of IT glass ^.. Eliasite Johannite Uranin, zippeite Ethyl iodide and TJ Absorption spectra and heat Acetate Minerals , Urane oxidul^ (Ur) , Recovery of residues Croconate and rhodizonate Eesearches Pittinerz Samarskite Uranoilmenite TTranouiobite Researches and metal (oxide) Separation from iton by KsFeCys . Ur of North Carolina TJraninite from Korth Carolina Estimation of phosphoric acid Precipitation of Ag by oxide . TTranmica (T.) Estimation (volumetric) of phosphoric acid . Recovery of residues Blow-pipe test Estimation of phosphoric acid. . Chromate TJranvitrioI and zippeite Estimation of phosphoric acid.. Torbei'ite Pecbeiz Crystal iographio form of carbonate Gummitc. Uranpecl lerz i Extract!! u from uraninite 1 Test for U (ferrooyanide) Action of Mg on salts Occurrence of minerals in North Carolina Methods of decomposing minerals Estimation of phosphoric acid and atomic weight ■ Analysis tJr Analysis Ur Original announcement of discovery of element Nitrate Correction Urauerz Uranit spath Estimation Technical uses Randite Uranopbane Recovery of residues Criticism on F^ligot..^ , INDEX TO THE LITEEATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885. 25 » Alphabetical index of authors — Continued. Autlior. Subject. Date and section. Lallemand Lam^th^rie Langier Laugier and Boudet Lecanu and Serbat LeConte Do Lecoq de Boisbaudran . Lewis Liesegang Lindacker Lockyer Lommel liackbW Do Ludwig Lupton L-uynes, De Maack Malagntl Mann Marbaoh Marchand Do Maskelyne and Flight . Maxwell-L\te Merz. Meyer, L Morton Morton and Bolton . Muspratt Do Naudin and de Montholin. Nilson Niepce de St. Victor Do Nilson N ordens^dld Do Ordway . . , Parkman Patera Do Do Do Do :.. Do Do Do r^iigot Do Do Do P61igot and Yalenciennes. Fersoz ■ Do Do Peters Pfaff PhUlips Tily^v///.'."'/.'.'.'." Do Fbipson Fincus Pinner Pieani Do , PlantamooT Playfair and Jonle Pleischl Technical woiking of ores. Analysis A . Extraction Coracite Estimation of phosphoric acid Separation from G-a Optical character of A Action of light on ammonio citrate. Photography Uranochalcite, zippeite, &o Occurrence in the sun , Fluorescence of XJ glass Electrol.ytic separation Estimation by electrolysis TJranglimmef , Snccinate Photographic printing Action of Al and Mg on solutions Sesquioxidb, hydrated By -products in IT manufacture Optical examination Atomic weight Salphethylate ITranite Estimation (volumetric) of zinc Atomic weight and periodic system Fluorescence Atomic weight Fluorescent relations of basic salts .. Fluorescent and absorption spectra . . Selenitea , Sulphites Cyanide and carbon dioxide Uranothorite Absorptiou of light and use in photography. do Selenites Cleveite and y ttrogummite ]yiohlite Basic salts Basic sulphate Carbonate C ommercial and indnstrial Estimation of U in ores Extraction on large scale Purification of U yellow Red sulphide Heport on technical processes Separation of Vdin U ores trraninm oiesas source of Vd Atomic weight Metallic U and general researches Preparation of metal Tartiates Manutacture of metallic IT Pyrophosphate j Separation by lead acetate Separation by CuO and by HgO Extraction Analysis Ur Analysis T Presence of PsOe in T Torbemite Uranite Action of Mg. on solutions Estimation of phosphoric acid with acetate of IT. Cyanides in general Analysis A Estimation and mineral analyses - Attempt to reduce protoxide Sp. gr. and at. vol. of oxides lodate -- 80 1789 M.23 23 23 M.48 49 82 M.80 64 65 M.57 73,78 78 78 80 M. 03 76 60 62 11 55 11 37 M.72 75 70 68 70 74 73 50 41 76 M.82 S3 59 75 M.78 M.72 58 M.sg 73 66 i,53 56 50 77 78 79 47 41 66 45 68 47 34 35 4tS 22 M M. M. M. M. M. 26 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885, Alphahetieal index of authors — Continued. Author. Sulsject. Date and section. Porrett Fdwoznik and Schneider . Proust ProvoBtaye, dela Qnesneville . Bagsky Kammelsberg . Do!'.!'.'.'.! Do Do , Do Do Do Do Do Eegelsbetger . . Ke^ault Beichardt Do Bheineck Eeinsch Kernel^ Do !Richter Kitter IRoacoe Roster Kose, G Do Do Do. Sanssure Savory Schabns Soheerer, Th Scheibler Soheller Schicht SchnausB Schonberg Schrauf Do Do... Schucht Do Sofaaltz-Sellack Do Schumann Schwarz Seekamp Selhorst Sendtner Do Shepard iSirapaon Skey Smith, E.r Smith, J. L Smithells Sorby Souchay Spiller Stokes Do Stolba Strohmer andXlaus. Stromoyer Sutton. Sulphocyanide Commercial so.diam uranate . SiI6ne Cryatallographic Extraction . Pittinerz Analysis Ur Atomic weight Bromate Double acetates FormnlaB when U =: 240 Hypophosphite Phosphites Sulphantlmoniate Uranoua acetates with Cu and Co . Uranous salts , Ammonical compounds of UO2CI - . Specific heat of metal (oxide) Separation from phosphoric acid.-. Ur. from Joachimsthal Estimation of phosphoric acid Detection by the microscope Oxysulphide Sulphite Researches Magnetic properties Pentachloride Uranite in Elba Dranotantalite Estimation Samara kite Sulphide Analysis Ur Blowpipe reactions Separation from phosphoric acid Crystallographio properties of acetate A.naly sis tJr Acetate of U and Li Sulphites Estimation by electrolyaia Photography, and use of nitrate Atomic weight Optical examination of acetate Uranothallite (Leibigite) Uranotile Electrolytic behavior Estimation hy electrolyaid Disulphate ; and basicity of oxide Hydrated nitrate Estimation of phosphoric acid Coloring porcelain Action of light on succinate Non-fluoresence in Geissler tubes , Researches Seleuates, selenites, and bromides , Minerals Action of light , Sulphocyanide , Electrolysis of acetate , Medjdite , Fluorides re-examined AbsorptioD spectrum of Zr and U oomponndB. Hydi ated ammoniaoal carbonate Influence of citric acid on solntion Fluorescence of U glass Absorption spectrum Estimation, silico-fluoride Recovery of residues Pyrophosphate Estimation of phosphoric acid Taylor Teschemacher , Thalon Theyer _ "Thomson Occurrence in sand of river Dee . ThudiChum I Absorption Bpeotmm Sensitizer in photography . . . Minerals Wave Ipnffths of light rays . Analysis Ur . 14 78 03 42 29 44 4a 85 72 73 €7 41 72 44 Bi> 41 69,73 M.7a 71 81 64,65 65 05 180O 74 M.7S M.3& 60,62 M.39,47 2a m:.02 1795 83 52 M.4S 56 67 80 73 la 61 M.82 M.73 80 80 71 70 -o 70 65 6» 77 79 H.15 63 67 80 M.48 83 7» 67 58 52 52 64 77 30 72 M.4& M.ea 07 INDEX TO THE LITEKATUEE OF UKANTUM, 1789-1885. Alphaheiical index of authors — Continned. 27 / Author, Tunny... Tyohsen Uhrlaub . Vauqnelin . Do... Verdet Vincent . . . Vogel Do... "Vogelsang . Vogl Do... Walleriua . ■Websky . . . Do... Do... "Weisbach. . Do. Do. Subject. Photography . ITltride . M etbod of decomposing TJr Uraninite Magnetic rotary power Dluiethylamino, action of Absorption spectra . - , Absorption spectrum of nitrate. . Technical Basic sulphate (Voglianite) Leiblglte Beckblande Kochelito Minerals Uranophane Crystallography of minerals. Silicate j Uranium ochre (Gr) . Do ! TTranospinite, trogeilte Do Do "Werner Do Do "Werner "Wertheim "Werther "Werther Do "Weselsky Whitney "Wibel "Wiesner "Williams, C. Gr Do "Winkler Do Do "Wittstein "Wohler Do Do "Wothly Wyrouboff !!1) "Wysocky Do Zimmermann . Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do ^.Zepharowich.. Zerrenner .... Zippe Do A.B Uiauodjjharite. TTvanotlle CUalcolith and pecbblende Extraciion ifesle Uriraokker (G) Griiner Glimmer Acetates Fluorescence Phosphates and arsenates "CTraoite do Coracite Autunlte Chromates of TJOz and K Oxychloride and chinoline Oxychloride and organic bases Estimation, a correction Uranocircite Uranoapharite, trogerite zeunerile, uranospinite . Extraction Preparation of crystalized UO2 Furitication from Go, 1^1 and Zn Vanadium in uraninite "Wothly 'a photographic process Wothly type, patent Eerrocyaiiide, foimula of Extraction on large scale Manufacture of D yellow Alkahne uranates Atomic weight based on specific heat... Atomic weight based on vapor density. Metallic IT and researches, estimation. . . Keactions of U, preparation of metal Separation from Fe Sulphide, uranium red Titration with K2Mn208 TJranyl salts an4 turmeric paper Uranotile Samarskite Uronbliithe (Z) Note Analysis TTt Production of ores in 1874 . . . Production of ores in 1875 . . . Production of Uln Prussia . Value of metal Statistics, commercial Date and section. 65 1798- 10 M. 08 58 78 76- 79 62 M.57 M.S2 M. 1747 M.68 M.60 M.70' M.77 M.72 M.82 M.71 M.73 M. 73, 80 M. 1789' 38 M.17 M. 1780 42 55 48 M.48 58 M.50 M.7» 82 5S 55 69' M.77 M.73 42 42 45- 41 60 65 76 59 6& 81 82 81 82 83 Id- 80 81 80 M.70. M.73 M.24 M.27 1799 M. 1792 76 77 75. 75. 82: 28 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885. CLASSIFIED INDEX OF SUBJECTS. BFNOPBIB OF CLABSIFICATIOir. L— Analytical. 1. Action of reagents. 2. Extraction from minerals and ores. 8. Qaalitative toBts. 4. QaantitatlTe estimation. 6. Separations. 6. Eecoverf of residnes. 7. TTae of U solutions as reagent. II. — Crystallography. m.— Electrolysis. rV".— General. T.— Light. 1. Absorption spectra. 2. Chemical effects of light. 3. FlQoreecbnce and phosphorescence. 4. Photography. VI.— Metal. y n. — Minerals. V 111.— Oxides. IX.-Salts. X. — Technical and commercial. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. I. — Ahalttical. Subject. AnthoT. Bate. 1. Action of reagents. Maack 62 Action of Ms on solutions Do PMpson .................. 64 66 Do 76 (xTothe . 64 58 78 Bottler 74,78 75 80 "2. Extraction from minerals ajid ores. Decomposition of nraninite by citric acid 78 60 Do 57 Do 23 Do Giesec'ke 52 Do Lecana and Serbat....... .... 23 Do Peters 46 Do 29 Do wemer .. .... . 38 Do 42 ^Extraction from nraninite Bolton 70 Do 57 Methods of decomposing minerals 1797 10 •3. Qualitative tests. 20 Do 1795 Blow-pip*^ test 72 Detection by tbe microscope 81 rerrooyanide, atestforTJ 76 Keactionsof TJ 83 Test for U A. Quantitative estimation. Do Knop „ 58,65 61 Do Do H. Rose 60,62 69 Estimation, a correction Winkler INDEX TO THE LITEEATUEE OF UEANIUM, 1789-1885. 29 Claaaified index of subjects — Continued. I.— ANALYTICAL— Continned. Snbjeot. AathoT. Quantitative estimation — Continned. Estimation by eleotrolvsiB « Do Do Batimation of V in ores Bstimation sillooflaorlde Bstimation (volametrio) with KsMiuOs Do Estimation (Tolumetric) Do , Separations. Phoaphorio acid, separation from Purincation from'Co, Ni, and Zn Separation Do Separation by CnO and by HgO Separation l>y electrolysis from Zn and Cr Separation by lead acetate Separation from Cr Separation from Fe ,. Do Separation fromFeby KjFeCyj Separation from FeondCr Separation from Ga Separation from phosphoric acid Do Separation from Vd Separation (electrolytic) from Zn and Cr Separation of IT and Co.H'i and Zn Vanadium , separation in U ores . Itecovery qf residiKS. Recovery of residues Do Do Do Do . Use of Xf. solutions as reagent. Estimation of arsenic acid Estimation of phosphoric acid I Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Estimation of phosphoric acid with acetate 17 Estimation of phosphoric acid (Tolumetrio)... Do Estimation of zinc (Tolametric) Lnckow Schicbt Schucht Patera Stolba Follenius Zimmermann Belohoubek Gnyard Seichardt Wohler Bottinger Gibbs Poreoz Classen Persoz Gibbs Bnrcker Zimmermann Herscliel Ditto Lecoq de Boisbandran Beichardt Savory Bolton Classen ■Wohler Patera Gawalovski Heintz Jani Krensler Strohmer and Klaus . . Briigelmann Abesser and Jani Briigelmann Byasson E^yermann Jean Joulie Kitchin Leconte Eheineck Schumann Sutton Fincus Belohoubek Jani Maxwell-Lyte n.— Cetbtalloqkapht. Crystallographic forms of acetate. . . Ci^Btallograpbic forms 6f carbonate Crystallographic researches Do Isomorphism of flnorides {See also Minerals.) Schabus Keferstein De la Provostaye Grailioh Baker m.— Elboteoltbis. Electrolysis, estimation by. Do Do Electrolytic separation {See also Analytical.) Lnckow Schicbt Schucht Luckow 30 INDEX TO THE LITERATUEE OP URANIUM, 1789-1885. Classified index of aubjeett — Continued. IV GBNEEAt.. Subject. Author. Date. A.rtiflcial araDinite ... Cock 43 1793 Criticism onXem's test 77 Criticism on P61igot Kiihn 42 72 61 Historlci'il summiiry of action of light Bolton 69 do 70 70 Magnetic rotary power Vercfet 58 TWiTiftT-f^.! anfiiWflftfl ... Pisani 61 23 Occurrence in France . 1793 Occurrence in sand of river Dee 07 Lockyer. 73,78 25 Phosphoric acid. {See Estimation of phosphoric acid.) deduction by metals..^ Hesearches ... Fischer 27,29 22 Do 42 Do Hermnnn,H ...... 61 Do Do 77 Kesearches and minerals ^ Sil6ne 03 SoluMlity of U in water Vanadium in uraninite *. .-. "Wohler 41 v.— Light. 3, 1. Abswption spectra : Absorption spectra, a general stady of Absorption spectrum Absorption spectrum of nitrate Absoii)tion spectrum and influence of heat Absorption spectrum of compounds of U and Zr . . 2. Chemical effects of light : Absorption of light by nitrate Acetate, optical properties of Actinometry Action of light on solutions Do Do Do Action of light on ammonio-oitrate Action of light on oxalate Action of light on oxyfluorides Action of light, historical summary Action of light on succinate FluoresccTice cmd phosphorescence : Fluorescence Do Do Fluorescent relations of basic salts Fluorescent spectra, general study of Fluorescence, non-fluoresoenoe in Geissler tubes ■ Glass, fluorescence of i Do Do Glass, in electrical illumination Glass, use of Light rays, wave lengths of Optical studies Do Phosphorescence 4. Photography .* Photographic prints Photography, use of IT in . Do. Do., Morton and Bolton . Thudlchum , "Vogel do Hartley Sorby Niepcede St. Victor... Schrauf Burnett Bonaparte Ebelmen Draper Simpson Liesegang Corvisart and Kiepoe.. Bolton do Seekamp Becquerel Merz "Werther Morton Morton and Bolton . Selhorst Hngenbach Lommel Stokes. Brachet do Thal^n Grailioh Marbaoh Becquerel Hagen DeXuynes Burnett Crespon & Godeftoy . Liesegang Niepoe de St. Victor . Tunny INDEX TO THE LITEEATUEE OF UEANIUM, 1789-1885. 31 Classified index of anljects — Continued. V LlOHT— Continued. Subject. Author. Date. Photography— Cantmued. Photography, uae of nitrate in Photography, use of oxyfluoridea in , . Sensitizer, U salts as Tonin e hath Wothly's process Spectrum, absorption, (see Absorption spectram) . Spectrum, fluorescent, (see Fluorescent spectrum) . SchnansB - Bolton Taylor.... Burghess - Wothly... 73 eg 72 62 60-65 VI. — Metal. Atomic weight, determination of Do Do Do 2 Do Atomic weight, determination of (oxide) . Atomic weight based on specific heat — Atomic weight based on vapor density . . . Atomic weight and periodic system Atomic weight, recalculation of Magnetic properties Metal and general researches Metal, preparation of Metal, manufacture of - . .' Do Metal, price of Do Metal, specific heat ' Kitchin ., . Marchand L. Meyer P^ligot Eammelsberg Schonberg Zimmermann Zimmermann Mendelejefl' Clarke Hitter Pfiligot Pfiligot Pfiligot & Yalenciennes . Zimmermann Bolton Bliincke . 73 41 70 41-47 44 13 82 81 70 81 1800 41 66 63 83 75 75 85 VII.— Minerals. Autunite (= variety of nranglimmer, chalcolite prior to 1819) ; TJrankalk, Berzellus, 19 and 23 ; Langier, 23 ; Calconranite, Breithaupt, 65 j Uranite, Werther, 48 ; Genth, 48 ; Descloizeaux, 67 ; Pisani, 61 ; analysis. Church, 65 ; Wibel, 73 ; Frenzel, 73 ; Church, 74 ; Maskelyn and Flight, 72. Broggerite, Blomstrand, 84. Cleveite: Nordenskj^ld, 78. Coraeite : Le Conte, 48 ; Whitney, 50 j Genth, 57. Uliasite ; TTran-Pittinerz, Breithaupt, 47 ; Haidinger, 52 ; Eagsky, 53 ; Hermann, 59. ^fummite : Feate Uranokker, Werner, 17 j Lichtes Tlranpecherz, Freiesleben, 18 j G-ummierz, Brelt- haupt, 32 and 47 j Grummite, Kersten, 33 ; Weisbach, 82. Johannite : Uranvitriol, John, 21 ; Johaimite, Haidinger, 30. Kochelite : Webaky, 68. JAMgite : Yogi, 52 ; Uranothallite, Schrauf, 82. Medjidite: Smith, 46. MiaoellaneouB : Occurrence, Brunner, 07 ; occurrence in North Carolina, Kerr, 77 ; Genth, 79 j Hidden, 81 and 83. Optical examination of minerals, Descloizeaux, 56 ; Cryslallographic, AVeisbach, 77; Crys- tallography of Autunite, Brezina, 78 ; Optical characters of A., Lewis, 80 ; Decompoaition products of TJr., Von FouUon, 83; Cryatallography of T, Bernhardi, 09 ; Teachemacher, 45 ; Shepard, 45; Brookea and Miller, 52 ; von Haner, 53 ; Websky, 60. TTrauium ores as a source of Yd, Patera, 79 ; Natural ITranatea, Blomstrand, 84. Ifohlite : Nordenskj^ld, 72. Mandiie: Konig, 79. JSamarskite : H. Eose, 39, 47 ; Hermann, 48, 69 ; Eammelsberg, 73 ; Zerrenner, 73. Schroeckeringite : Church, 73. JForbernite (=Kupfer. Uranit): Mica viridis cryst., De Bom, 1772; Griiner Glimmer, Werner, 1780; TTranifcspath, Klaproth, 1789 ; Champeaux, uranite, 1800 ; Discovery of PsOfi in T, Ekeberg, 02 ; ITranglimmer, Ludwig, 03; Analyses, Gregor, 05; TJranite. Aibin, 14: Phillips, 18; TJranmica, Jameson, 20; Dranphyllite, Breithaupt, 20 ; Phillips 22 and 23 ; Berzellus, analysis, 22 ; Genth, 48; Church, analysis, 65 ; Cuprouranite, Breithaupt, 65 ; Frenzel, 73 ; Church, 74 ; Eoater, 78 ; Baret, 84. 3^og«rite : Weisbach 71 ; Winkler, 73. Vraconiie: Beudant, 32. Vranatemniie : Chapman, 53. 32 INDEX TO THE LITEEATUEE OF UEANIUM, 1789-1885. Classified index of subjects — Continued. YII. — MiNEBALS — Continned. Uraninite; Schwarzbeokeris, Bruckmann, 1727; BeokWande, WallerioB, 1747; Swartblende, Cron- stedt, 1758 i PechMende, De Bom, 1772 ; TTranerz, BUaproth, 1789 ; Pechblende, 'Wemer, 1789 ; Analysis Ur., Klaproth, 1789, 1790 ; Pecherz, Karsten, 1800 ; TJrane oxldnl6, Hany, 01 ; Analysis, Sage, 02; Vanqaelin, 08; Analysis, Pfaff, 22; Breithanpt, 37 and 47; Kersten, TTranpecherz, 34; Gerhardt, 36; Analysis, Ebelmen, 43; Analysis, Eammelsberg, 44; AnalysiSj Scheerer, Th., 48; Friteohe, 65 ; Thoyer, 60 ; Brush & Dana, 78 ; from Joacbimsthal, Boickardt, 78 , from Connecti- ont, Comstook, 80; from North Carolina, Kerr, 77; Genth., 79, and Hidden, 83; DecompoBition, products of. Von Foullon, 83. JTranite {see Torbemite). Vrankalk {see Antunite). Uranochaleite : Breithanpt, 41 ; Lindacker, 57. Ura/nglimmer {see Torbemite). . TIranocirciU : Winkler, 77 ; Church, 77. JJranmica {see Torbemite). ' Vranoniobite: Hermann, 50. Vranophcme : Wehsky, 70 ; Krejci, 70. VraTMiphSrite: Weisbach, 73; Winkler, 73. Uranospinite : Weisbach, 71 ; Winkler, 73. ZFranotantolite {see Samarskite). Uranphyllite {see Torbemite). Vranothallite {see Liebigite). Vranvitriol (see Johannite). Vram^thorUe: Collier, 81; Nilson, 82. Vrmipecherz {see Uraninite). Uranotile: Boricky, 70; Zepharowich, 70; Weisbach, 73, 80; Schianf, 73 j BoTZizky, 78. TogUte : Vogl, 53. Voglianite : Vogl, 57. Tttrogummite : Nordenksj^ld, 78. Zippeite : Uranbliithe, Zippe, 24, 27 ; Haidinger, 45 ; Danber, 54 ; Lindacker, 67 ; Ordway, 69. Zeunerite : Winkler, 73 ; Frenzel, 73. Vm OXIDBS. Subject. Anthor. Bate. Acid, nranio Acidity of peroxide (UOa) Oxides Oxides, atomic Tolume of Oxides, reduction of Oxides, soluble modification of Oxided, pseado-metal Oxides, specific gravity of Do , OxidOH, specific heat of psendo-metal Oxides, specific heat of Oxides, specific Tolnme of Sesquioxide, hyd^'ated Trioxide, volatility of Tetroxide Bednotion of protoxide attempted... TJranons oxide crystallized Uranic acid Volatility of XJOj Fairley Chevreul Berthier , Play fair and Joule E.D.Clarke Graham Fachs Playfair and Joule F. W. Clarke , Regnault Donath Branner Malagati Flsner Fairley Plautamour ... Wohler Fairley Flsner 75 IS 25 45 19 67 1793 45 73 41 79 81 43 66 75,76 41 42 75 66 IX.— Salts. Acetate Acetates Acetates (double salts) Acetates of Ou and of Co with uranous acetate . Acetate of U and Li Acetate, crystallographic properties of. Acetate, electrolysis of , Alkaline nranates Arseniate Arseuiates Basic salts VonHauer Weselaky Kammelsberg . do- Soheibler Sobabns Smith, E.F Zimmermann . . Gibbs , Werther Ordway 65 58 85 72 56 53 80 81 73 46 58 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF URANIUM, 1789-1885, 33 Classified index of subjects — Continued. IX.— Salts— Contin aed. Subject. Bromate Bromide Bromides 1 Carbonate Carbonate, &c Carbonate, orystaUographio Carbonate, hydrated ammoniacal Carbonate of U and K Cbinoline and oxvcbloride Chloride of U and pliosphorus Chromate Cbromates of T7O2 and K Citrate, action of light on Croconate Cyanide Cyanide and carbon-dioxide Cyanides in general Dialysis of nitrate , . Ethyliodide and XT Ferrocyanides Perrocyanide, formula of Flaoriae Fluorides, oxy fluorides, and double salts Fluorides Fluorides, re-examined Fluorides, isomorphism in Hypophospbite , lodate Lactate Monochloracetato of TJ and Na Nitrate Nitrate, hydrated Nitrate, action of fuming nitric acid on Nitride Oleate Drganic bases and oxychloride Oxalates Oxalates, action of li^ht on Oxychloride, ammoniacal compounds Oxychloride and organic boises '. Oxyliuaridps, double salts, &c , Oxyfluorides Oxy sulphide Pentacbloride Peraranates Phosphates Phosphates, artificially crystallized Phosphites Pyrophosphate Do Pyro- and meta-phosphates Pyroracemate Pyrotartrate Rnodizonate Saocharate Selenate Selenates and selenites Selenites Do Suberate Succinate Succinate, action of light on Sulphantimoniate Sulph arsenate Sulphate. <«SeeGeneral researches ) Sulphate, di-sulphate and basicity of oxide . Sulphethyl .to Sulphide \ Sulphide, red Sulphide, red Snlphite Sulphite Sulphite Sulphites Sulphite^ Salphocarbonate Snlpbocyanide Sulphocyanide Sulphomoly bdate Author. Kammelsberg Berthemot Scndtner Parkman Delffs Keferstein Soucbay Chevreul C. Gr. Williams Cronander John , , Wiesner Lieaegang Heller .. Frosenius Naudin and de Montholin. Pinner : Graham Hallwachs and Schafarik . Atteiberg Wyronboff Berzelius , Bolton Ditto Smithells Baker Rammelsberg Gautier Pleischl Engelherdt and Maddrell. Clarke and Owens Klaprotb Schultz-Sellack Ditte , Uhrlaub Gibbons C. Gr. Williams Ebelmcn Corvisartaud Niepce Regelsberger C.Gr. Williams Bolton Ditte Bemel6 Eoscoe Fairlpy Werther Debray Kammelsberg Porsoz Stromeyer Chastaing Berzelius Arppe Heller Graham Berzelius Sendtner Muspratt Nilson ... Kud. Brandos Lupton Seekamp Rammelsberg Berzelius Scliultz-Sellack . Mfircband ,Rose, H Patera Zimmermann . . . Berihier Remcl6 Guard Scheller M uspratt Berzelius Porrott Skey Berzelius 190 A- -3 34 INDEX TO 'PHE- LITERATURE OV URANIUM, 1789-1885. Cittssijled indei of subyeets — Contihoed. IX.— Salts.— Continued. Sal)ject. Author. Date. Tartrates ... P61igot 45 Tartrate 66 Tellurate 34 Bolton 72 do 72 Uranatee, crystallized Ditto Cock, . 82,84 P'raninite, artificial 43 44 Bonaparte 43 Vanadate ' 31 X.— Technical and Commercial. By-products in U mannfacture — Coloring porcelain Commercial extraction Commercial and industrial E^ctraction on large scale Extraction on larj^e scale Manufacture of tT-yellow Mordant, use as Production of ores in 1874 , Production of ores in 1875 Production of TJ in Prussia . - — Purification of U-> ello w Sodium uranate, commercial Statistics, commercial Technical Technical extraction Technical processes, report on Technical w^orking of ores Technical uses Technical uses Tellow uranium, manafaotare of. . Tellow IT, purification of Mann. — Schwarz . . Patera do ... do ... Wyaocky . do -.. Davis Patera Priwoznik & Schneider. Vogelsang . Patera do.... Lallemand . Brtanchon . Kohnke ... Wyaooky.. Patera 75 70 49,58 73 49,53 59 06 31 7e 77 75 56 78 82 62 49,53 77 80 58 43 G6 56 INDEX TO TJHE ,LITBBATUEE OF XJRAN.IUM,. -1789 -1885. 35 KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS. [Dates following titles indicate works fully indexed.] Abbi-eviationa. Am.Cb^in Am. l!4'^qiraUat . Ain-J. PBotog .. Am. J. Sci Ann. Ch. Pharm. or Ann. Chem. Ann. ch. pkya Ann. d. M . . . Ann. Phye Annals Lye. Nat. Hist . Annals K. Y. Acad. Sci. Annuaiie chim - .Anz. d. bohm. naturf. Versamml. Archiv der Pharm : B.&M. Min Ber. d. chem. G-ea Berg- und hiittenm. Ztg. Bergm. J, Berz. Jahreab Breith. Handb. Min . Brit.J.Phot Bachner's Report.. Bull, beige photog , Ball, des sci Bull. aoc. chim Ball. aoc. min. FrWce Bull. soc. nat. Hoscou . . Ball. soc. philomath — CO Chap. Pract. Min Ofaarak. d. Min. Syat ... ' Chem. G-az ." Chem. News Chem. techn. Mifctijeil Chem. Unters ChemikerZtg Cosmoa Crell'a Ann Cronat. ^in Dingl. pel. J Gehlen's J- - - *■ , Geol. For. Foi^andl. Stockholm . 06nie industr Gilbert Ann G5tt. gelehrt. Auz Handb. best Miu Hauy, Trait6 Horn's Photog. J Humphrey's J ^ Instit J. Chem. Soc J. far. Laudw J. pr. Ch . Jahrb. i . geolog. Keichs . Jahrb. Min Jahreab J.ihreab. chem. Tech Jahreab. phys. Ver.Frankft. Jahresb. reinen Ch Joum. de pharm Joum. de pbya Karst. Min.tTabeU — Kastner's Arch. Nat . Fuller title. American Chemist. Chandler. New York. 1870-'77. American Naturalist. Philadelphia. American Journal of Photography. New York. American Journal of Science. Silliman & Dana. New Haven. 1818-'85. Aimahm der Chemie und Pharmacie; and Liebig's Annalen der Chomie. Heidelberji. 1832'~*85. Annales de chimie (et de physique). Paris. 1789-1884. Annales des mines. Paris. AnnalenderPhysikundChemie "Wiedemann. Berlin. 1877-84. Annals of the New York Lyceum of Natural History. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. New York. 1877-'84. Annuaire do chimie. MlUon et Reiset. Paris. 1845-'51. Anzeiger der bohmlschen naturforschender Versammlung. Archiv der Pharmacie, des allg. deutschen Apotheker- VereiHa. Introduction to mineralogy. Brooke & Miller. London. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesollschaft. Berlin. 1868-'84. Berc- and hiittenmannische Zeitung. Leipzig. liergmaunisches Journal. Kohler. Freiberg. Jahresbe debt liber die Foitscbritte der TDhysischen Wiasen- acbaften. Berzelius. 1822-'51. Volistandiges Handbuch der Mineralogie. A. Breithaupt. Leipzig. Briiiah Journal of Photography. Liverpool. Repertorium fiir die Pharmacie. Buchner. Niimberg. Bulletin beige do la photographie. Bruxelles. Bulletin des sciences, pubfifi par la Soci6t6 philomathique de Paris. Bulletin de la Soci6t6 chimique de Paris. 1864-'85. Bulletin de la Suci6i6 rain6ralogique de France. Bulletin de la Soci6t6 Imp^riale des naturaliates de Moscou. Bulletin de la Soci6t6 philomathique. Paris. Chemisches Centralblatt. Leipzig. 1850-84. Practical Mineralogy. E. J, Chapman. London. Charakteristikdea Mineral-Systems. Breithaupt. Freiberg. Chemical Gazette. London. Chemical News. Crookes. London. 1860-'85. Cbemisch-tochniechen Mittheilungeu. Blsner. Jchn's Chemischer Untorauchungen mineralischer * * * Substanzt^n. Berlin. Cbemiker-Zeiiu g. Kothen. Cosmos. Moigno. Paris. Cbemische Annalen. Crell. 1784-1803. Mmeralogie. Cronstedt. Stockholm. Polytechoisches Journal. Dingier. Stuttgart. 1820-'85. Neues allgeiuelnea Journal der Chemie. Gehlen. Geologiaka Forening, Forhandlingari Stockholm. G6aie induatriel. Paria. A nnalen der Phy aik. Gilbert. 1799-1824. Gottingische ge'lehrte Anzeigen. Gottingen. Handbuch der bestimmenden Mineralogie. Haidlnger. "Wien. Trait6 de miu6ralogie. Haay. Paris. 1801. Photographiachea Journal. Horn. Leipzig. Humpnrey's Journal of the Daguerreotype. New York. L'Inatitut. Pane. Journal of the Chemical Society of London. 1849-'85. Journal fiii* Landwirthschaft. Gottingen. Journa.1 fiir praktische Chemie. Leipzig. 1834-'84. Jahrbuch der k. k. geologischen Reichsanstalt. "Wien. Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie. Leonhard & Bronn. Jahreabericht iiber die Fortschritte der rt-inen, pharmaceu- tischen und tecbnischen Chemie. Lieblg and Kopp. Giea- sen. l847-'84 Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der chemischen Techno- logic. Wagner. Leipzig. 1855-'84. Jahres berichte der physikaliechen Verein za Frankfurt a. M. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschiitte aaf dem Geblete der reinen Chemie. Tiibingen. 1873-82. Journal de pharmacie (etde chimie). Paris. 1815-84. Journal de physique, de chimie [etc.]. La M6th6rie. Paris. Mineralogische Xabellen. Karsten. 1800. Archiv fiir die geaammte Natnrlehre. K. W. G. Kastner, Niiremberg. 36 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE O:^ URANIUM, 1789-1885. Key to abhrevialiovs — Continued. AbbreTiations. Fuller title. £onp. Yet. Acad. Handl Leonh. Taschenb Lithopbyl. Bora Liverpool Phot. J Ludwig Min Magn. Dei M6m. Acad. roy. acL Berlin Mem. Cham. Soo. Lond Mill. Joacb. Teplitz Min. Mag Min. Syst Mid. Mittb Mineralo^. Mannal Monatsb d. BerL Acad Mondes, Les Monit. pliotog MoDit. acieat N. Arch. ph. nat N. Gegenst. der Ch N. Peterab. Acad. Bull - N. Syst. Min Nicholson's J Nova acta Keg. Soc. Sc. TJpsal Oestr. Zeits. Berg- u. Hiltt Pharm. Ceutr Pbarm. Centralb Phil. Mag Phil. Trans Pogg. Ann Polyt Centr Polyt. Centralhalle Polyt.Notizbl Preuss. Zeitschr. Berg-H, u. Salin Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci Philad . .. Proc. Chem. Soc. Lond Qnart. J. Sci Kamm. Handb A6p. cbim. app] K6p. cbim. par Kepert. Arta Kepert. Pat. Inv Eevue hebd. chim Suss. Zeitschr. Pharca San Francisco Sc Sobriften berl. Ges. naturf. Fr ... Schweigg. J Sitznngsb. k. bobm. Ges Smithsonian Misc. CoU Technologiste Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb Tiommsd. J. der Phanu Wall. Min Wion Acad. Ber Wiener polyt. J Zeitschr. aoal. Cb Zeitschr. Ch Zeitachr. Pharm Zeitschr. ges. Naturw Zeitschr. Kryat Xongl. Vetenskapa Akademien Handlingar. Stockholm. Tasohenbuch fiir die gesammte Mineralogie. Leonliard. Frankfurt a. M. Lvthopbilaciam Bomiannm. Frag. Liverpool Pbotographic JournaL Haudbnch dpir Mineralogie nach Werner. Lndwig. Magnalia Dei in locia enbterraneis. Brdckmann. M6moires de I'Acad^mie royale des sciences de Berlin. Memoirs and Proceedings of the Chemical Society of Lon- don. 1841-'48. Ganenerhaltniese und Mineralreichthum Joacbimthalfl. J. Fl. Vogl. Teplitz. 1857. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal. Tinaro. 1876-'84. Jameson's System of Mineralogy. Edinburgh. MlneralogiHche Mittb eilnngen. H. Tscbermak. Wien. Aikin's Manual of Minei-alogy. London. Monatsbericbte der kon. Academie der Wissenchaften, Berlin. Les Mondes. Moigno. Paris. Moniteur de la photograpbie. Paris. Moniteur acientifique. Quesneville. ArcblvtiS des sciences physiques et naturelles. Nouvelle S6rie. Gen6ve. Ueber die neueren GegenstSnde in der Cbemle. J. B. Bichter. Brealan. Bulletin de I'Academie imp^riale des sciences de St.-P6ter8- bourg. Nouveau systfeme de mineralogie. Berzelins. Paris. A Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry [etc ]. Wm- Nicholson. London. 1797-1813. Keg. sociotat. acicnt. upsaliensis, nova acta. XTpsala. Oesterreicbische Zeitsobrift fiir Berg- und Hiittenwesen. Pharmaceutisches Gentralblatt. Leipzig. l830-'49. Pbarmaceutische Centralhalle fhr Dentschland. Berlin. Philosophical Magazine. London. 1798-1884. Philosophical Transactious of the Royal Society. London. Annalen der Physik und Chemic- PoggendorfiF. Berlin. 1824-84, Pulytechnisohes Centr^lblatt. Leipzig. p. ilytechnische Centralbatle. Leipzig. Poly techniscbes iJotizblatt. BUttger. Mainz. Preusslsche Zeitechrift fiir das Berg-, Hiitten- und Salinen- weaen. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences. phia. Proceedings of the Chemical Society of Loudon. Quarterly Journal of Science. Royal Institntion. Uandbnoh der Mineralchemie. Rammelsberg. R6pertoire de cblmieappUqu^e. Paris. Repertoire de chimie pure. Paris. Repertory of Arts, Manufactures [etc.]. London. Repertory of Patent Inventions. London. Kevue hebdomadaire de chimi6. M6ne. Paris. Russiache Zeitschrift fiir Pharaiacie. St. Petersburg. S m Francisco Stdeniific and Mining Press. Schrifteu der b»rliniscbeu G^setlscbaft naturforscbonder Freunde, Berlin. Jiiumal fiir Chemie und Phyeik. J. S. C. Schweigger. Niirn- berg. l811-'33. Sitzungsbericbte der kon, bohmischen Gosellsobaft der Wie- senschaftein. Prag. Smithsonian MiacellnneouEi Collect'ons. Le Technologiste. Paria. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. ■Liurnal der Pbarmacie. rromm^dorff. Leipzig. Mineralogia. Walleriua. Stockholm. Sitzungsbericbte der math.-uaturwisa. Classe der kais. Acad- emie der Wiasenachaften. Wien. Wiener polytuchmacbes Journal. Zeilschnft Viir analytische Chemie. Frescnius. Wiesbaden. 1862-'84. Zoit'Scbrlft fiir Chemie. Gottingen. Kritisohe Zeitschrift fiir Chemie. Zoitschrift fiir die gesammte Naturwissont baftcu. ZeitHchrift fiir Krystallograpbie und Mineraloijiie. Groth. Leipzig. 1877-'84. Philad el- 1843. London. [For full titles and biblio^raphioiil details of the above consult : Catalo-me of Sniontifio Serials, by S. H.Sciidder, Cambridge, 1879, -and: Catalogue of Seiontiflo and Teohniei^ Periodicals, l(J(i&>1882. by Henry Carrington Bolton, Washington, D. C, 1885.J ^•^.^. •^.?JU<^<.^>lC^ yz^i..^^a,€*>^ ^Ci^Cf-^Sfesi CATALOGUE Chemical Periodicals. H. CARRINGTON BOLTON, Ph. D. TrcfessoT of Chernisfry, Trinity College, Hartford- Conn. [Fkom the Annai-s of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. Ill, Nos. 6 and 7.] AUTHORS EDITION. • 1885. V. — A Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. BY II. CAREINGTON BOLTON". Read Jan. 5th, 1885. Introductory. — This Cataloguo is intended to contain the titles of the principal chemical periodicals of all countries, from the rise of this literature to the ])resent day. The tendency in serial publications, especially in those of earlier date, to include in a single journal many departments of science, makes it difficult for the bibliographer to draw the line accurately between period- icals devoted to given sciences. Therefore any attempt to classify chemical periodicals is liable on the one hand to too great exclu- siveness to satisfy the needs of some, and on the other to too great comprehensiveness and consequent voluminosity. ■ Chemistry is so commonly treated in periodical literature to- gether with the kindred sciences of physics and of pharmacy, that strictly speaking a full bibliography of chemical periodicals should include all those devoted to the two sciences just named. Moreover there is a large and growing number of technical jour- nals dealing with a special branch of chemical technology, such as brewing, dyeing, gas-making, sugar-refining, etc. ; and these also should be included in any bibliography claiming to be ex- haustive. The following catalogue is however confined to the more limited plan, for two reasons; — first, because it is prepared for the convenience of chemists needing a reasonably full list of chemical journals for use in compiling indexes to special topics, in accordance with the scheme of cooperative indexing in charge of a committee of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science; and second, because my "Catalogue of Sci- 160 Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. entific and Technical Periodicals, 1665-1882," published by the Smithsonian Institution, includes works in eveiy department of pure and applied science, and to this comprehensive work we refer librarians and others seeking a wider range. The data in the following pages have been drawn in great measure from the larger catalogue just named ; the works have been brought down to a later date, and society journals have been introduced. That no bibliography of periodicals which can be classed as chemical, will contain all the literature of chemistry, goes with- out saying ; chemical papers are unfortunately widely scattered in society publications "and in serials devoted to general science; to include all these is of course out of the question, but a few have been admitted to this list. For a more complete bibli- ography we refer for society journals to the " Catalogue of Sci- entific Serials" of Mr. S. H. Scudder (Cambridge, 1879, 8vo), and for journals of general science to our own "Catalogue" already mentioned. Plan of Catalogue. — The arrangement of titles is strictly alpha- betical, the articles and the adjective Neio alone excepted. The different titles borne by a periodical at different periods, are arranged in chronological order under the first or earliest title. Cross-references have been freely introduced, and are of three kinds : 1st, from the later to the first title of a periodical which has undergone changes in title ; 2d, from short titles in common use to the accurate bibliographical designations ; 3d, from the names of editors to the periodicals conducted by them. Besides these, in the case of societies, references are made from the cities in which the societies are located, and from the proper designa- tion of the societies to the titles of the journals published by them. A geographical index, arranged by countries and cities, will be found at the close. Catalogue of Chemical Periodioals. 161 CATALOGUE OF Chemical Periodicals, Explanation op Signs. + Following a date signifies current at the date in question. II Following a date signifies publication discontinued. AcADBMiB DBS SCIENCES, Paris. See Comptes-rendus hebdomadaires des seances [etc.]. ACADBMIE ImPBRIALB DES SCIENCES DE St. PeTBKSBOURG. - See Melanges physiques et chimiques [etc.J. 1. Afhandlingae I Fysik, Kemi och Mineealogi. Utgifiie af W. llisiuger och J. Berzelius. 6 vols., 8vo. Stock- holm, 1806-'18. Vol. I, 1806 ; ii, 1807 ; iii, 1810 ; iv, 1815 ; V, VI, ,1818. 2. Agenda du chimiste. 16mo. P'aris, 18**-'82+ AKADEMIB DBR WiSSENSCHAFTEN "WlBfT. See Monatshefte flir Chemie. Albbrtoni, p. See Revista di chimica e farmaceutica. 3. Allgemeine Ohemiker Zeitung. Ceutral-Oi-gan fiir Ulicniiker, 'IVchriiker, Iiigenieure, Maschiuenbaner, Fab- rikanten cliemisch-teclinischer A])parate. Correspon- deiizblatt clicmiscli-techtiischei- und Gewcrbe-Vereine. 163 Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. Chemisches Central-Annoncenblatt. Herausgegeben vou G. Krause. 8 vols., -Ito. Cothen, 1877-'84-|- In 1879 the prefix Allgemeii^e was dropped. i, AlLGEMEINE OHEiriSCHE BiBLIOTHEK DES NEUXZEHXTEN' Jahehukdekts. Herausgegebea vou J. B. TromnisdorfE. 5 vols., 8vo. Erfurt, 1801-'05. Allgembine nordische Annalen der Chemie. See Nordische Blatter fur Chemie. 5. Allgemeines Journal der Chemie. Herausgegeben von Alex. Nic. Scherer. 10 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1798-1803. Conlinued under the title : [a.J Neues allgemeines Journal der Chemie, von Klaprotli, Hermbstiidt, Scherer, J. B. Richtcr, J. B. Tromnis- dorff, herausgegeben von Ad. Ferd. Gehlen. 8 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1803-'06. Continued under the title : [b.] Journal fiir die Chemie, Physik [^from vol. ivj und Mineralogie, von Bucholz, Crell, Hermbstadt, Klap- roth, Eichter, Rittef, Trommsdoi-ff, herausgegeben von A. F. Gehlen. 9 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1806-'10. Continued under the title : [c] Journal fiir Chemie und Physik, in Verbindung mit J. J. Bernhardi, J. Berzelins, C. F. Bucholz, L. von Crell, A. F. Gehlen [and others^, herausgegeben von J. S. C. Schweigger. 69 vols., 8vo. Nurnberg, 1811-'33. Changes in the tiUe as follows : 1st Series, vols, i-xxx, 1811-'20, also under the title, Beitriige zur Chemie und Physik. 2d Series, vols, xxxi-lx, 1821-30, also under the title, Jahr- buch der Chemie und Physik herausgegeben von Schweigger und Meinecke. 3d Series, vols, lxi-lxix, 1831-33, also under the title, Neues Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik. From 1829, edited by Fr. W. Schweigger-Seidel. United in 1834 loith the Journal fiir technische und oekono- mische Chemie and continued tinder the title : Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. 163 [d. J Journal fiir praktische Chemie, herausgegeben von Otto Linne Erdmann, F. W. Schweigger-Seidel (und R. F. Marchand). [From 1853, edited by 0. L. Erdmann and Gnstav Werther.J 108 vols, 8vo. Leipzig, 1834-'69. [e.J Neue Folge. Herausgegeben von Hermjinn Kolbe. [From 1879 hy H. Kolbe and Ernst von Meyer.] 30 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1870-'844- Sacli- und Namen-Rcgister zu Band i-xxx. Leipzig, 1844. Ditto, ditto, Band xxxi-lx. Leipzig, 1854. Ditto, ditto, bearbeitet von Friedrich Gottschalk, Band LXi-xc. Leipzig, 1865. Ditto, ditto, Band xci-cviu. Leipzig, 1871. 6. Almanacco m ohimica agricola. Dal A. Selmi. 6 vols., 16ino. Milano, 1873-'78 [+ ?] 7. Almanack de la chimie, par H. du M. 8 vols., 18mo. Rouen et Paris, 1854-61. 8. Almanaoh fur Scheidekunstler v^J) Apotheker. Her- ausgegeben von J. F. A. Gottling. 23 vols., 8vo. Wei- mar, 1780-1803. Continued under the title : [a.] Tasehenbuch fiir Scheidekiinstler und Apotheker, her- ausgegeben von Ch. Fr. Bucholz. 17 vols, (xxiv- xl), 8vo. Weimar, 1803-19. Continued under the titte : [b.] TrommsdorfE's Tasehenbuch fiir Chemikcr und Phar- maceuten. 10 vols, (xli-l), 8vo. Jena, 1820-29. || Register, 1780-1803. 1 vol., 8vo. Fdited from 1780-1802, by J. F. A. Gottling ; 1803-'15, C. F. Bucholz ; 1806-'17, C. F. Bucholz with Wilh. Meiss- ner ; 1818, C. F. Bucholz with Rad. Brandos ; 1819, Rud. Brandos ; 1820-'29, J. B. TronimsdorfE. AlmstrSm, p. O. See Tekno kemisk Journal. Amekican Chemical Review. See Chemical Review and Journal [a]. 164 Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. American Chemical Society. See Journal of the. 9. American Chemical Journal. Edited, with the aid of chemists at home and abroad, by Ira llemseu. 6 vols., 8vo. Baltimore, Md., 1879-'84+ 10. American (The) Chemist. A monthly journal of theoret- ical, analytical, and technical chemistry. Edited by Chas. F. Chandler and W. H. Chandler. 6 vols, and 6 nos., 4to. New York, 1870-77.11 11. American (The) Laboratory. A bi-monthly journal of the progress of chemistry, pharmacy, medicine, recreative science, and the useful arts. 4to. Boston, 1875. 12. Analyst (The), including the proceedings of the "Society of Public Analysts." A monthly journal of analytical chemistry. Edited [in 1882] by G. W. Wigner and J. Muter. 9 vols., 8vo. London, 1876-'84. Annalen deb Chemie hnd Phabmacie See Annalen der Pharmacie. Annalen dee chemischen LixEEATrR. See Bibliotliek dcr neucsten physisch-chemischen Lileratur. 13. Annalen der Pharmacie. Eine Yereinigung des Ar- chives des Apotheker-Vereins im nordlichin Tentschland. B. XL ; und des Magazins fiir Pharmacie nnd Experi- mentalkritik, B. xxxtii. Ilerausgegeben von Rudolph Brandes, Ph. Lorenz Geiger, und Justus Liebig. 10 vols., 8vo. Lemgo und Heideiberg, 1832-'34. Continued {from vol. xi, 1834) under the title : [a.j Annalen der Pharmacie. Vereinigte Zeitsclirifr, des Neuen Journals der. Pharmacie fiir Aerzte, Apotheker nnd Uhemiker, Band, xxviii; des Archivs des Apothe- kervereins im nordlicheu Deutschland, Band, xlix ; und des Magazins fiir Pharmacie und Experimental- Kritik, Band xlyi. Von Joliann Bartholomil Trommsdorff, Rudolph Brandes, Philipp Lorenz Gei- ger, und Justus Liebig. '^■.' vols, (xi-xxxu), ivo. Heidelberg. 1834-"o9. Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. 165 Vols, xvii-xxii, edited by J. B. Ti'ommsdorfl, Justus Liebig, atid Emanuel Merck. Vols, xxiii-xxvi, edited by Justus Liebig, Emanuel Merck, and Friedrich Mobr. Vols. xXYii-xxxii, herausgegeben unter Mitwirkuiig der HH. Dumas ia Paris und Graham in London, von Friedrich Wohler und Justus Liebig. Continued under the title : [b.] Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. Unter Mitwir- , kung der HH. Dumas in Paris und Graham in Lon- don, lierausgegeben von Friedrich Wohler und Justus Liebig. 136 vols, (xxxiii-clxviii), 8vo. Heidel- berg, 1840-1873. From vol. xli the names Dumas and Graham are dropped. From vol. lxxvii (1851). edited by Friedrich Wohlei-, Jus- tus Liebig, and Hermann Kopp ; neue Eeihe Band i. From vol. OLix (1871), edited by the same, together tvith E. Erlen- ineyer and J. Volhard. Continued under the title : [c. ] Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. Herausgegeben von Friedrich Wohler, Hermann Kopp, Emil Erlenmeyer, Jacob Volhard [later, by the same, with A. W. Hofmann, Aug. Eekule]. 58 vols. (CLXix-ccxxvi), 8vo. Leipzig und Heidel- berg, 1873-'84+ [d.J Supplement-Band i, 1861 ; ii, 1862-'63 ; m, 1864-'65; IV, 1865-'6i5 ; v, 1867 ; vi. 1868 ; VII, 1870 ; viii, 1873. Autoren- und Sach-Eegistcr zu den Banden i-c (Jahr- gang, 1832-1856) der Annalen der Chemie und Phar- macie. Bearbeitot von G. C. Wittstein. 8vo. Leip- zig und Heidelberg, 1861. Autoren- und Sach-Kegister zu den Banden ci-cxvi (Jahrgang, 1857-1860) der Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. Bearbeitet von G. C. Wittstein. 1 vol., 8vo. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1861. Autoren- und Sach-Eegister zu den Banden CXYII- CLXiy unddenSupplementbiinden i-viii, (1861-1872) IGU Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. der Anualen der Chemie und Pharmacie. Beaibeitet von Friedricli Carl. 1 vol., 8vo. I-eipzig und Hei- delberg, 1874. General-Eegister zu den Banden CLXV-ccxx (1873- 1883), von Liebig's Annalen der Chemie (fruher An- ualen der Chemie und Pharmacie), bearbeitet von Friedrich Carl. 1 vol., 8vo. Leipzig, 1885. (//'. Magazin filr Pharmacie. Annalen der Phtslk und Chemie. Poggendorff. See Journal der Physik. Gren. 14. Annales de chimie, ou Eecueil de memoires conceruant la chimie et les arts qui en dependent, \_fi-oni vol. xxxiii] et specialement la pharmacie. Par de Morveau, Lavoisier, Monge, Berthollet, de Fourcroy, de Dieterich, Hassen- fratz, et Adct. 96 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1789-1816. Vols. I, II, and iii loere reprinted at Paris in 1830. Tables des matifires. 3 vols. Paris, 1801, 1807, 1821. Continued under the title : [a.] Annales de chimie et de physique, par Gay-Lussac et Arago. Deuxieme serie.. 78 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1817-'40. Tables des matieres. 3 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1831-'41. Continued under the title : [b.] Annales de chimie et de physique, par Arago, Chev- reul, Dumas, Pelouze, Boussingault, Regnault. Avec une revue des travaux de chimie et de physique pub- liees k I'etranger, par Wurtz et Verdet. Troisieme serie. 69 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1841-'63. Tables des matieres. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, vols.i-xxx, 1851 ; vol. xxxi-Lxix, 1866. Continued under the title ; [C. ] Annales de chimie et de physique, par Chevreul, Du- mas, Pelouze, Boussingault, Regnault, avec la col- laboration de Wurtz. Quatrieme serie. 30 vols., 8vo. Paris, 18G4-'7o. Table des matieres. Vols, i-xxx. Paris, 1874. Catalogue of Chemical feriodicals. 167 [d.] Cinqui^me Sf'rie. Pav Chevreul, Dumas, Boussingault, Wurtz, Berthelot, Pasteur, avec la collaboration de de Bertin. 30 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1874-'84+ 15. Annali di CHiMicA [from \ol. iv] e storia naturale, ovvero raccolta di memorie snlle scienza, arti e manufat- ture ad esse I'elative, di L. Brugnatelli. 21 vols., 8vo. Pavia, 1790-1803.11 Vol. XXI contains index. AnNALI di CHIMICA APPI-ICATA ALLA MEDBOINA. PoUi. See Gior nale di farmacia, chimica e scienza accessorie. 16. Annali di fisica, chimica e matematiche, col bullettino deir indnstria, meccanica e chimica, diretti dull' ingegnere G. A. Majocchi. 28 vols., 8vo. Milano, 1841-'47. Continued under the litle : [a.J Annali di fisica, chimica e sciunze ;iffini, col bollettini di farmacia e di technologia, redatti da G. A. Majoc- chi e F. Selmi, [from. vol. iii] e P. A. Boscarelli. Seconda serie. 4 vols. , 8vo. Torino, ]850.|| Annali di fisica, dell' Abbate F. C. Zantedesclii. See Raccolta . flsico-chemico-italiano. 17. Annals of Chemical Medicine, including tie applica- tion of chemistry to physiology, pathology, therni)eutics, pharmacy, toxicology, and hygiene. Edited by J. L. W. Thudicum. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1880 '81-}- 18. Annal8 (The) of Chemical Philosophy, [etc.] By W. Maugham. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1828 '29. 19. Annals of Chemistby, [etc.], by de Morveau, Lavoisier, [and others.] Tianslated from the French. 1 vol., 8vo. London, 1791. This is a translation of the fifth volume of the Annales de chimie. 20. Annals (The) op Chymistey and Practical Pharmacy. Being a weekly summary of the discoveries of philoso- phers, chiefly continental and transatlantic, in their appli- cations to the chemistry of medicine, agriculture, manu- factures, and to the several branches of physics, electricity, galvanism, photography, etc. 1 vol., 8vo. London, 1843. 168 Catalogue of Chemical PeriodicaU. 21. AxxALa OF Pharmacy AXD Practical Chemistry. Edit- ed by W. Bastiek and W. Dickenson. 3 vols., 8to. Lon- don, 1852-'54.|| 22. Anxals of Philosophy ; or Magazine of Chemistry, Min- eralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts. By Thomas Thomson. 16 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1813-'20. New series. [Edited by Eichard Phillips.] 12 vols., 8vo. London, 1821-'26. United in 1827 with the Philosophical Magazine and Journal. .See Philosophical Magazine. 23. Annuaire des produits chimiques, de la droguerie et de r6])icerie en gros, coutenant la lisle com])lete des fabri- cants, etc., de lirance, de I'ltalie, de Belgique, et de la Suisse. 4vols.,8vo. Paris, 1874-'78. 24. Annuairk de chimie, comprenant les applications de cette science d la medeeine et a la pharmacie, ou repertoire des decouvertes et des nouveaux travaux en chimie faits dans les diverses parties de I'Europe, par E. Millon et J.Eeiset, avec la collaboration de F. Hoefer et de Nickles. 7 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1845-'51.|| Annuaire db Chimie par Laurent et Gephardt. See Coraptes- rendus mensuels des travaux chimiques, etc. 25. Annuaire des sciekces chimiques, ou Eapport sur les progr^s des sciences naturelles presente a I'acfidemie de Stokolm [.s«-]. Par Bcrzelius. Supplement a son Traite de chimie. Traduit en Fran9ais par H. D. 8vo. Paris, 1837. See Rapport annuel sur les progrfis des sciences ; also ArsberiiL- telse om Framstegen i Fysik och Kemi. 26. Annual Report of the ProctRess of Chemistry and the allied sciences, physics, mineralogy, and geology ; in- cluding the application of chemistry to pharmacy, the arts and manufactures. By Justus Liebig and H. Kopp witli the cooperation of H. Buff, Frederick Knapp, Ernest Dief- Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. I'il) fcnbacli, Cliiirles Ettling, Henry AVill, Frederick Zairimi- iier. Edited by A. W. Hofmami niid Wiirien dc In Kiic. 1847-'53. 7 vols., 8vo. London, 1849-55. Sue, Jaliresbericht liber die Forlscliritte der veinen Chemic. Giessen. 27. Ankuakio almanacc'O pei chiiik;i, fah.macisti e meutci iTALiANi, rediitto per eura del farmacista Ign. Cugusi- Porsi da Cagliari. 5 vols., 16mo. Milano, 18?4-'79. 2S. Annuaiuo CHiMico iTALiANO doll' anno 1845, diretto da Francesco Selmi e com])ilato dal medesimo in compaguia dei Signori Ginseppi Parmeggiani e Giovanni Giorgini. 1 vol., 8vo. Modena, 184e. 29. Annuakio delle scienze chimiche e xatukali. 1 vol., 8vo. Verona, 1840. 30. AUNUAKIO DELLE SCIENZI CHIMICHE, EAini ACEUTICHE, E MEDico-LEGALi ad uso del farmacisti e medici, in contiua- zione del Snpplimento al trattato di farmacia, del Sign. Virey ; della Gazzetta eclettica di larmacia e chimica. 1 vol., 8vo. Mantova, 1840. Continued undej' the title : [a.] Annuario delle scienze chimiche, farmaceuticlie o medico-legali, contenente tntte le scoperte relative a qneste scienze, la relazione di lavori chiniici e natn- rali, delle rinnioni degli scienziati italiani e stranieri, di quelli particolari di J. J. Berzelius, e la tradnzione della chimica oi'ganica di J. Liebig. Redattore G. B. Sembenini. 9 vols., 8vo. Mantova, 1841-'49. Cf. Gazzetta eclettica di farmacia e cbimica. 31. AKTi-AbuLTEEATiON REVIEW. — vols. London, 1871 -'80+ 32. Aechiv dee Ageicultukchemie fiir denkende Land- wirthe. Herausgegeben von Sig. E. Ilcrmbstadt. 7 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1803-'18.|| 1?0 Culalofj^ie of Chemical Periodicals. 33. Aechiv fob Phabmaci, redigcret iif S. M. Trier. 3 vols., 8vo. Kj0beiihavn, 1844-'46. ConCmued under ihe Idle : [a.] Archiv for Pharmaci og technisk Cheini med deres Grundvidenskaber. Kudigeret af S. ^[. Trier. Det technisk-chemiskc Afsnit redigeret af P. Faber. 34 vols, (iv-xxxvii), 8vo. Kj^benhavn, 184r-'S0+ Index. Vols, i-xv, ]844-'58. Kj>benhavn, 1859. 31. Aechiv fur die gesammte Naturlehee. In Verbind- ung mit Bischoff, Forstmann, C. G. Gmelin, Grisehow, F. W. von Paula Grnithuisen, Hallaschka, PI. Heinricli, A. von Humboldt, John, Kleefeldt, Lichteuberg, Marx, Olbers, Pleischl, Prechtl, Schmidt, Schon, Spath, Woll- ner, und Zimmerman, herausgegeben von C. W. G. Kast- ner. 27 vols., 8vo. Nurnberg, 1824-'35. Vols, xix-xxvii also under ihe tUle : Archiv fiir Chemie und Meteorologie, in Verbindnng mit mehreren Gelehrten, herausgegeben von C. VV. G. Kast- ner. 9 vols, (i-ix), 8vo. Niirnberg, 1830-'3o. Abchtv FtjR Chemie tjnd Meteorologie. See Archiv fQr die gesammte Naturlehre. Archiv fItr phtsiologische und pathologische Chemie. See Beitr&ge zur physiologischen und pathologischen Chemie. 35. Aechiv fub die theoketische Chemie. Herausgegeben von Alex. Nic. Scherer. 1 vol., 8vo. Jena und Berlin, 1800-'02. 36. Archiv fue die thieeische Chemie. Herausgegeben von Johann Horkel. 1 vol., Svo. Halle, 1800, '01. 37. Aesbebattelse om Feamstegen i Physik och Chemi till Kougl. Vetenskaps-Akademien afgiven af Jac. Berze- lius. 1821-'40. 20 vols., Svo. Stockholm, 1822-41. Continued under ihe title : o [a.] Arsberattelse om Framstegen i Kemi och Miueralogi atgiveu af Jac. Berzolius. 1841-'4T. 7 vols., Svo. Stockholm, 1841-48. Followed by ; Catalogue of L'liemical Periodicals. 171 [b.J Arsberattelsc om Framstegeu i Kenii till Koiial Vo- tenskaps-Akademieu afgiven af L. F. Svaiibcig. 1847-'i9. ;3vols.,8vo. Stockholm, 1849-'51. Sak- och Na:iii-l{egister ofver alia af Bei-zolius afgifiia Arsbei-iittelser (1821-'47). Pa Koiigl. \'e- tenskaps-Akadeniiens foranstHltaiide utgifvet af A. Wiemer. 1 vol., 8vo. Stockholm, 1850. Gf. Rapport annuel sur les progrSs des sciences physiques et cliiniiques. Aktus, W. See Jahrbucli fliv oltonoiTiisclie Lhen)ie ; ulan Viorteljaliressolirift filr technisclie Chemic. 38. AUSWAHL ALLEK EIGENTHUMLICHEX AbHANDLUNGEN' UND Beobachtingen IN DER Chejiie, mit eiiiigen V^ei-- bessermigcn iind ZusiUzcii. Herau^gegebeii von Loreiiz Ci-eil. 5 vols., 8vo. Leipzig,. 1786, '87. Of. Crell, Lorenz. 39. AUSVVAHL VOEZUGLICHER AbHANDLUNGEN AUS DEJs" SAMMTLICHEN BANDEN I)ER FHAlTZOSISCHEIir AnnALEN DER Chemie ziir vollstaudigen Beimtzung dcrselben dnrch Ergaiiznng der von ihrern Aiifaiige an den chemischen Annalcn einvcik'ibten Aufsiitzen fiir denlsche Scheide- kiinstler. von Loi'onz von Crell. 1 vol., 8vo. Helmstadt, 1801. Of. Crell, Lorenz. Bastick (W.) and Dickenson (W). See Annals of Pliarmacy and Practical Chemistry. Beiblatter zu den Annalen der Physik und Chemie. See Journal der Pbysili. Beilstein's Zeitschrift FfjB Chemie. See Kritische Zeitschrift flir Chemie. 40. Beiteage zuk Chemie in Uebersetzung oder vollstandigen Ausziigen neuer chemischer Abbandlungen, sammt eini- geu neueii Aufsiitzen. Ileiausgegebeu von F. A. X. von Wasserberg. 1 vol., 8vo. Wien, 1791. Beitragb zur Chemie und Phtsik, von J. 8. C. Schweigger. See Allgemeines Journal der Chemic. 172 C'ulalugue of Chemical Periodicals. 41. BeITKAGE ZUR ClIEMLSCHEX KeNNTNISS DEE MlXEKAL- KOiiPEK. Herausgegeben von M. II. K]ai)i-oth. 6 vols., 8vo. Berlin und Stettin, 1795-1815. 42. Beitrage ZUR Erweiteeuxg rxi) Berichtiguxg dek Chemie. Hci-ausgegebcn durcli C. F. Bncliolz. 3 vols., 8vo. Erfurt, 1799-1802. 43. Beitrage zdu piiysiologischkx uxd pathologischex Chemie nnd Mikroseopie in ihrer Anwenduiig auf die ]miktische Medicin, miter Mitwirkung der Mitglieder dcs N'ereins fiir physiologiselie und patliologische Cliemie und anderer Geleliiteu, herausgegeben von Franz Simon. 1 vol , 8vo. Berlin, 1843. Continued under the title : [a.] Archiv fiir pliysiologische und patliologische Chemie und Mikroseopie in ihrer Anwendnng auf die prak- tische Medicin. Organ fiir die Fortschritte der gesammten medicinischen Chemie im In- und Aus- lande. Unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Gelehrten des In- und Auslandes als Fortsetzung der von Franz Si- mon in Berlin gegrii-ndeten Zeiischrift " Beitriige, etc.," herausgegeben und redigirt von J. F. Heller. 4 vols, (i-iv), 8vo. Wien und Berlin, 1844-'47. Continued under the title : [b.J Archiv fiir pliysiologische und patliologische Chemie und Mikroseopie mit besouderer Riicksicht auf die medicinische Diagnostik und Therapie. Herausgege- ben von Joh. Florian Heller. Neue Folge. 3 vols. (t, yi), Svo. Wien, 1852-54. || Bbnnbwitz, Paul. See Deutscher Chcmiker-Kalender; also, Technisch-cliemischer Kalender. Bergb, Henri. See Chimiste (Le). 44. Berichte der deutschex chemischen Gesellschaft. 17 vols, [from 1874 each volume in two part s^, Svo. Ber- lin, 1868-'84+ Catalogue \f Chemical Periodicals. 173 Geiieralregister Tiber die ersten zelin Jahrgange (1868- 1877) der BeiichteJder deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. BearbeStet von 0. BischofE. 1yo1.,8vo. Ber- lin, 1880. * Bbelin, Deutsche chemischb Gesellschaft. See Bcrichte der deutschen . 45. Berlinisches Jahrbuch dee Pharmacie. 1 vol., 12mo. Berlin, 1795. Gontinved under the title : [a.] Berlinisclies Jahrbuch fiir die Pharmacie und fiir die damit verbundenen Wissenschaften. 43 vols, (ii- XLin), ISmo. Berlin, 1796-1840. || From ISO'S- 10 published with the additional title: Neues Berlinisches Jahrbuch Mr die Pharmacie, [ed- ited by F. A. Gelilen and Val. Kose]. From 1811-'14, with the additional title : Neues Jahrbuch der Phar- macie, herausgegebeu von W. Dobereiner. From 1815-29, zcith the additional title : Deutsches Jahr- buch Mr die Pharmacie. Edited from 1818-20 by C. W. G.Kastner; 1821-'35, G. H. Stoltze ; 1826-'29, Wilhelm Meissner ; 1830, '31, A. Lucas ; 1833-'40, Liudes. Bkrzelitjs, J. See Afhandlingar i Fysik, Kami [etc.]; also, Arsberattelse om Framstegen i Physik och Chemi; also, Kapport annuel sur les progrfis des sciences physiques et chimiques. Bbrzblixjs' Jahebsbbeicht. See Jahreshericht ilber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissen- schaften. BlBLIOTBCA DI FAEMACIA. See Giornale di farmacia Cattaneo. 46. BiBLIOTHEK DEE NBUESTEN PHTSISCH-CHBMISCHEIf, ME- TALLUEGISCHEN", technologischen und pharmaceutisehen Literatur. Herausgegeben von S. F. Hcrmbstadt. 4 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1788-'95. Continued under the title : [a.] Annalen der chemischen Literatur. Herausgegoben von AVolf. 1 vol., 8vo. Berlin, 1803. 174 Catalogue of Chemical Periodicah. BlEDERMANN, R. See Centralblatt filr Agiiculturchemie; also, Chemikpr-Kalender; alio, Technisch-chemisches Jahrbuch. 47. Boston Journal of Chemistry. DeToted to chemistry, as applied to medicine, agriculture, and tbe arts. [From vol. V, devoted to the science of home life, the arts, agri- culture, and medicine.] Edited bv Jos. R. Nichols. II vols., 4to. Boston, (July) 1866-'80. Continued under the tille : [a.] Boston Journal of Chemistry aud Popular Science Re- view. Devoted lo chemistry, pharmacy, geology, agriculture, astronomy, hygiene, medicine, practical arts, home science, [etc.]. 2 vols, (xv, xvi), 4to. Boston, 1881, '82. Continued under the title ; [b.] Popular Science News and Boston Journal of Chemis- try. A journal of useful knowledge for all classes — house-keepers, farmers, mechanics, physicians, drug- gists, dentists, chemists, lawyers, etc. 2 vols., 4to. Boston, 1883, '84+ Brandes, Rudolph. i!ee Annalen der Pharmacie. Beewbtbr's Journal op Science. See Edinburgh Journal of Science, and ef. Philosophical Mag- azine. Brugnatblli, L. See Annali di chimica ; aho, Giornale di fisica, chimica e storia naturale. BUCHOLZ, Ch. Fr. See Almanach fftr Scheidekilnstler [a] ; also, BeitrSge zur Er- weiterung - - der Chemie ; also, Taschenbuch filr Scheide- ktinstler. Buchner's Repertokium. See Repertorium ftlr die Pharmacie. Bulletin de la Socibte chimique db Paris. See Repertoire de chimie pure et appliquee [a]. Catalogue of Chemical Perlodioah. ITo 48. Bulletin de phakmacib [from vol. vi] et des sciences accessoires. Redige par Parmentier, C. L. Cadet, L. A. Planche, C. F. G. Boullay, J. P. Bondet et P. E. Dcs- toucbes. 6 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1809-'14. OontinvM under the title : [a. J Journal de pliarmacie et des sciences accessoires. Ke- dige par C. L. Cadet, T,. A. Planche, P. F. G. Boul- lay, J. P. Boudet, J. J. Virey, J. Pelletier et A. Vogel. Deuxieme serie. 37 vols, (r-xxvii), 8vo. Paris, 1815-'41. Contiimed under the title : [b.] Journal de pharmiicie et de chimie contenant une re- vue de tous les travaux publics en France et si I'etran- ger sur lea- sciences physiques, naturelles, niedicales et industrielles, ainsi que le bulletin des travaux de la Societe de pharmacie de Paris. Troisi^me scrie. 46 vols. (i-XLVi), 8vo. Paris, 1842-64. Contirmed under the title : [c. ] Journal de i^harmacie el de chimie, par Boullay, Bussy, Soubeiran, Henry, F. Boudet, Cap, Boutron-Ohar- lard, Fremy, Guibourd, Barreswil, Buignet, Gobley et Leon Soubeiran, contenant une revue medicale par Le Vigla et une revue des travaux chimiques publies k I'etranger par J. Nickl^s. Oorrespondants : Du- rand, Girardin, Morin, Sobrero, C. Calvert, J. Liebig, Taddei, Vogel, Redwood, Malaguti, Persoz, de Vrij, Christison. Quatrieme sdrie. 30 vols, (i-xxx). 1863 -'79. [d.] Cinquieme s6rie. 10 vols (i-x). Paris, 1880-'84-j- Table analytlque des autenrs cit^s et des matieres contenus dans les tomes i-xvi (1809-30) du bulletin de phar- macie et des sciences accessoires. 8vo. Paris, 1831. Table analytique des auteurs cites et des matieres contenus dans les tomes xvii-xxvii (1831-'41) du journal de pharmacie et des sciences accessoires. 8vo. Paris, 1843. 1T<> Catalogue of Chemkal I'eriodicah. 40. Bulletin des sciences mathematiques, astroxomiqi e.s, PHYSIQUES ET CHiMiQUES. Kedige par Saigey. Pre- miere section du bulletin imivei^el des sciences et de I'in- duslrie, publie sous la direction du Baron de Ferussac. 16 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1824-'.31.|| 50. Casopis chemiku Ceskycii. Eedaktor : Karel Otakar Cech. Eoy. 8vo. v Praze, 1869. Continued under the title : [a.J Oasopis- chemiku ceskych. Spolii organ spolku cukro- varniku \ycliodnicli Cech. liedaktor : Karel Otakar (Jech. Hlavni spolupracovnik : Frant. tStolba. Roy. 8vo. V Praze, 1870, '71. Continued undei' the title : [b.] Zpravy spolku chemiku ceskych. Rediguje V. fjafai-ik. 2 vols., 8vo. V Praze, 187;2-"76. Cattanbo, Antonio. See Giornale di farmacia, cbimica e scienze acccssorie. Cech, Kakbl Otakae. See Casopis chemiku ceskycli. 51. Centealblatt fuk Agkicultuk-Chemie uxd ratio- NELLEN WiKTHSCHAPTSBETEiEB. Eeferlrendes Organ i'iir naturwissenschaftliche Forschungen in ihrer Auwen- dung auf die Laudwirthsohaft. Herausgegeben von L'. Biedermann. [Edited in 1875 by \\. Detmer ; in 1876- "79 by E. Biedermann, unter Mitwirkung von Mor. Fleischer und Bernh. Tollens.] 18 vols., Svo. Leipzig, 1872-'80. Continued under the title : [a.J Biedermann's Oentralblatt fiir Agriknltnrcliemie und rationellen Landwirthschafts-Betrieb. Eeferirendt s Organ fiir naturwissenschaftliche Forschungen in ihrer Anwendung auf die Landwirthschaft. Fort- gesetzt unter der Eedaction von M. Fleischer und unter Mitwirkung von W. Borgmann, 0. Kcllnei, A. Konig, [and others^. -4 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1881-84+ Catalogue of Chemical Pv.riodicnU. IT^ Chandler, C. F. See American Clieniist. 52. Chemical (The) Gazette ; or, Journal of Practical Chein- istry in all its applications to Phai'inacy, Arts, and Manu- factitres. Conducted by William Fi-ancis and Henry Croft. 17 vols., 8vo. London, 1843-"5'.l. Followed by ; [a.] Chemical (The) News \ from vol. iii, and Journal of Physical Science], with which is incorporated the " Chemical Gazette." A journal of practical chemis- try, in all its applications to pharmacy, arts, and manufactures. Edited by William Crookes. 50 vols., sm. 4to. London, 1860-'84+ 53. Chemical News (The) and Joukxal of Physical Science, with which is incorporated the "Chemical Ga- zette." A journal of practical chemistry in all its appli- cations to pharmacy, arts, and manufactures. Edited by William Crookes. A utJiorized American reprint. Cvols. , 4to. New York, 18(i?-"?0.|| Folkmed by the American Chemist, q. v. Chemtcai. Record. i'ee Pharmacist and Chemical Record. 54. Chemical (The) Record and Duca Price Ourkent. 1 vol., 4to. London, 1851, '52. || 55. Chemical (The) Review. A monthly journal for man- ufacturing chemists and druggists, dyers, printers, bleach- ers, sizers, paper-makers and stainers, leather-di'essers, &c. 14 (?) vols., 4:to. London, 1871-'84+ 56. Chemical RETiEV»r and Journal for the Spirit, Vinegar, and Sugar Industry. Published by J. E. Siebel. 1 vol., 4to. Chicago, 1881. Conlhiued under Ihe liUe : [a. J American Chemical Review and Journal for the Spirit, Vinegar, and Sugar Industry. Devoted to the inter- ests of the arts of applied chemistry. 3 vols., 4to. Chicago, lS8;i-'84+ 178 Cutalogue of Chemical Periodicals. Chemical (The) Times and Joukkal of Pharmacy. See Pharmaceutical Times. 57. Chemikbr-KXlender. Herausgegeben von Rudolph Bie- dermann. 5 vols., 16nio. Berlin, 1880-'84. Accompanied by a second part, entitled : [a.] Techiiisch-cliemisches Jalirbuch. Herausgegeben von Iiiidol))li Biederm.inu. 5 vols., 16mo. Berlin, 1880-'84. Chemi ker-Zeitung. iSee Allgemeine Chemikei-Zeitung. 58. Chemische (Dek) Ackersmank, Katiirknndliches Zcit- blatt fiir deutsche Landwirtbe, lierausgegeben vou J. Adolph Stockbardt. 21 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1855-'75. || 59. Chemische Annalen fur die Freunde dee Xatur- lehee, Arzneigelahrtbeit, Haushaltungskunst und Man- ufacturen von Lorenz Crell. 40 vols. (2 vols. j»er (iiuntw, not numbered), 8vo. Helmstiidt und Leipzig, 1784-1803. Accompanied by : Beitrage zn den chemischen Annalen von Lorenz Crell. 6 vols., 8vo. Leipzig und Dessau, 1785-99. Vol. i. 1785, '86 ; ii, 1787 ; iir, 1788 ; iv, 1789 ; t, 1794 ; vi, 1799. Vol. IT also under the title: Beitrage zur Erweiterung der Cbemie. Gf. Chemisches -Arcbiv ; also Chemisches JourDal. 60. Chemische (Die) Indi'Strie. Monatsscbrift, herausgege- ben vom Verein zur Wahrung der Interessen der chemi- schen Industrie Deutschlands. Eedacteur : Emil Jacob- sen. 7 vols., 4to. Berlin, 1878-84+ 61. Chemische en phijsische oefeningen took de bemik- kaars der schei- ex natuuekuxde. Door P. J. Kas- telyn, vervolgt door Boudt en J. R. Deiman. 3 vols. Am- sterdam en Leyden, 1788. Followed by ; [a.] Xieuwe chemische eu phijsische oefeningen. 1 part, 8vo. 1797. Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. 179 62. CiiEMiscHES Akciuv. HerauFgegeben von L. F. F. von Crell. 2 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1783. Continued under the title : [a.] Nenes ehemisches Archiv. Heraiisgegeben von L. F. • F. von Crell. 8 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1784-'91. Folloioed try : [b. ] Keuestes cliemisclies Archiv. Heraiisgegeben von L. F. F. von Crell. 1 vol., 8vo. Weimar, 1798. || Cf. Cliemische Annalen : also Chemisclies Journal. Chemisches Cbntralblatt. See Phartnaceulisclies Centralblatt. 63. Chemisches Jourstal fuii die Freunde der Natdr- LEHKB, Arzneygelahrtlieit, Haushaltungskunst und Ma- nufaktnien. EnUvorfen von Lorenz Creil. Gvols.,12mo. Lemgo, 1778-'81. Continued under the title : [a.] Entdecknngen (Die iieiiesten) in der Cliemie. Gesam- nielt von Loreiiz Crell. 13 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1781-'86.|| (J. Chemisclie Annalen filr die Freunde der Naturlehre ; also Chemisches Archiv. 64. Chemipch-pharmaceutisch aechief; nitgegeven door J. E. dc.Vrij. B. Eicknia en A. F. van dor Vliet. 2 vols. Sclioonhoven, 1840, '41. Chemisch-pharmaceutisches Centralblatt. iSee Pharmaceutisches Centralblatt. 65. Chemisch-technischen Mittheilungen (Die) der kIluesten Zeit; ihrem wesentlichen Inhalte nach alplia- betisch zusammengestellt. Herausgegeben von L. Eisner [later, fortgeiiihrt von F. Eisner]. 1846-'83. 33 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1849-'84+ Sach-Register zu den ersten acht Heften der chemisch- teobnischen Mittheilungen der neuesten Zeitihreni wesent- lichen Inhalte nach alphabetisch zusammengestellt von L. Eisner. Die Jahre 184G-'59 enthalteud. 8vo. Ber- lin, 1860. 180 Caialogite of Chemical PeHodicaU. Sach-Eegistel' zu den bisher erschienen zwaiizig Heften, [etc.]. Die Jahre 1846-'71 enthaltend. 8vo. Berlin, 1873. 66. Chemisch-technisches EEPERTOEirM. Uebersichtlicli geordnete Mittheihingeu der iienesten Erflndungen, Fovt- schritte iind Verbesserungen auf dem Gebiete der tech- nischen iind indnstriellen Cliemie mit Hinweis aiil Mas- chinen, Apparate und Literatiir. Herausgegebeu von EmilJacobsen. 1862-82. 21 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1863-'84. General-Eegister zu Jahrg. xi-xvii [18T2-"T8j. 1 toI., 8vo. Berlin, 1879. 67. Chemist (The). [Edited by Mongredieu ?] 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1824, '25. | 68. Chemist (The) ; or, Eeporter of Chemical Discoveries and Improvements and Protector of the Rights of the Chemist and Chemical Manufacturer. Edited by Charles Watt and John Watt. 6 vols., 8vo. London, 1840-45. Coniinued under the tille : [a.j Chemist (The) ; or, Eeporter of Discoveries and Im- provements in Analytical, Manufacturing, and Agri- cultural Chemistry. Edited by John Higgs Newton. 1 vol. (vii), 8vo. London, 1846-'48. Continued under the title ; [b.] Chemist (The). A monthly journal of chemical phi- losophy and of chemistry, applied to the arts, manu- factures, agriculture, and medicine, and record of pharmacy. Edited by John and Charles Watt. New series. 4vols.,8vo. London, 1849-53. * Continued under the title ; [c] Chemist (The). A monthly journal of chemical and physical science. Edited by John and Charles Watt. New series. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1854-'58.|| 69. Chemist (The) and Dijuogist. A monthly trade circular. 12 vols., 8vo. London, 1859-':i. Continued under the same title ; [a.] 13 vols, (xiii-xxv), 4to. London, 1872- 84-f Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. 181 70. Chemists' a>;u Druggists' Advocate. London, 1873-'80. 71. Chemist (The) and ■VJeteoko logical Jouhnal. July 8th to Dec. 9th. 1826. John K. Cotting, Editor. Am- herst, Ma.'ss. 8vo. li. d. 72. Chemists' (The) Desk Compaxiojs" for 1865 [-66]. The Year- Book of Pharmacy. A practical summary of re- searches iu jiharmacy. materia medica, and pharmaceuti- cal chemistry. Edited by Clias. Wood and Chas. Sharp. 2 vols., Svo. London, 186.5, '66. Cf. Year-Eook of Phavraacy. 73. Chemists' (The) Journal. 6 vols. London, 1880-'82-|- Chbvalliek. Feb, Guibourt, Jdlia Foktenbt.le, Ladgieb, Or- FiLA, [etc.] See Journal de chimie medicalo. Chkvreul,. E. See Annales de chimie et de physique. Chiappero, F. See Giornale di farmacia. chimica [etc.]. Chicago College of Pharmacy. See Pharmacist and Cliemical Record. 74. Chimiste (Lb). Journal de chimie applique aux arts a I'industrie et a I'agriculture ; publie par Henri Berge. 5 vols., 8vo. Bruxelles, 1865-'69. 75. Chimiste (Le). .journal des distillateurs. Organe sptScial de la chimie ajipliqiide a la distillation et k la con- servation des vins et spiritueux. Redacteur en chef : Si- mon. 4to. Paris, 1859, '60. Columbian Chemical Society. See Memoirs of the . 76. Comptes-Rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, publies conformtiment a une decision del'Academieen date du 13 Juillet, 1835, par MM. Ics Secretaires perpetncls. 98 vols., 4to. Paris, 1835- 84+ Supplement aux Comptes-Rendus hebdomadaires des seances dc TAcademic des Scionce-s, publies conformement 182 Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals- a niie decision de I'Academie en date dn 13 Jnillet, 1835,. par MM. les Secretaires pei-petnels. 2 vols., 4to. Paiis, 1856 a7id 1861. Table generals des Comptes-Rendns bebdomadaires des seances de I'Academie des Sciences, publie par MM. les Secretaires perpetuels, etc. Tomes i-xxxi. 3 Aout 1835 a 30 Deccmbre 1850. 1 vol., 4to. Pari.*. 1853. 77- CoMPTES-RexDUS ME2s-SUZLS DhS TEAVAUX CHIMIQUES de I'c'tranger, ainfi que les laboi-atoires de Bordeaux et de Montpellier, rediges, avec la collaboration de A. Lament, ])ar diaries Gerhardr. T vol?., 8vo. Montpellier, 184.5- r/ie paper cover also bears the title : Annuaire (le cliimie. Crell, Lokesz yon. See Auswahl aller eigenthtlmlichen Abhand- lungen ; also, Auswahl vorzuglicher Abliandlungcn ; also, Cbemische Annalen filr die Freunde der Naturlehre ; nlsn, Chemisches Arehiv; also, Chemisches JoviTnal. 78. Ceell's Chemical JorENAL. Giving an account of the latest discoveries in chemistry, with extracts from various foieign transactions ; ti'anslated from the German, with occasional additions. 3 vols., 8vo. London. 179l-'93. An English edition of Cbemische Annalen fur die Freunde der Naturlehre. q. v. Ckookes, Wm. tSee Chemical Gazette [5]. Denzer's Gewerbeblatt. See Technisch-chemisches Gewerbeblatt. Detmer, W. See Jahresbericht der Agriculturchemie. 79. Deutschee Chemikee-Kalexdee. Jahrbuch und Xotiz- buch fur den theoretischen und praktischen Chemiker, Fabrikanten, Bierbrauer, Branntweinbrenner, Zuekerfab- rikanten. Heiausgegeben von Paul Bennewitz. [Later, von H. von Gehren.] 3 vols., 16mo. Dresden, 187o-'7T.l| Deutsche Chemische GESELLscnArx. See Berichte del . Debtsches Jahrbuch pDr die Phaumacie. See Berlinisches .Tahrbiicli der Pharmacie. Cataloyne of Chemical PeriodicuU. ISIJ 89. Edinbuegh (The) Jouknal of Science. Exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery iu natural philosophy, chemistry, mineralogy, geology, botany, zoology, compar- ative anatomy, practical mechanics, geography, naviga- tion, statistics, antiquities, and the fine and useful arts. Conducted by David Brewster; with tiie assistance of John MacCulloch for geology, chemistry, etc. ; W. Jack- son Hooker for botany ; John Fleming for natural history; Will. Haidinger for mineralogy ; Robt. Knox for zoology and comparative anatomy ; Sam. Hibbert for antiquities and geology. 10 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1824-'29. (second series. 6 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 183fl-'32. United in 1832 with the "Philosophical Magazine, or Annals." [etc.], forminij Vie ■ ' London and Edinbui-gli Philosophical Mag- azine." See Philosophical Magazine. Elsnbk, L. (and F.). See Chemisch-technischen Mitlheilungcn. ElweKt, J. C. ' i'ee Magazin fi'ir Apothekei', Cheniisten, [etc.']. Entdbckungen (Die nkuesten) in der Cuemie. See Chemisches .lournal. Erd.hann, Otto L. iSee AUgemcines Journal der Clicmie [d]. Erum.^nn's .Journal. t-ee. Journal fttr tochuischc und okonomischc Chemie. Erlbnmeyek, E. See Kritische Zeitschrift fUv Chemie. Febdssao, Baron de. iSee Bulletin des sciences malhematiques - et chiniiqiies. 81. EORTSCBRITTE (Die) AUF DEM GeBIETE BER TECHIflSCHIiN Chemie. 1874-76. 1 no., Svo. Leipzig, 1877. Reprinted from Vierteljahres-Revue der Naturwissenschaften. 82. EoRTSCHRITTE (DiR) AUF DEM GeBIETB DER THEOEETI- SCHEN CiiEMiE. 1 no., Svo. Leipzig, 1874. Reprinted frorti Viei-teljahres-Revue der Naturwissenschaften. 83. FoKTSCHiUTTE (Die) DER Chemie. — nos., 8vo. Koln, 1879. '80. Reprinted from Vierteljahi-cs-Revue der Naturwissenschaften. 184 Catalogue of Chemical Periodical. Francis (Wm. ) and Ckoft (Henry). See Chemical Gazette. FiiBSBNitrs' Zeitschrift. See Zeitschrift fUr analytische Chemje. Gajani, Mariano. iSec Giornale di farmacia, chimica. [etc.]. Gauger, C. iS'ee Repei'torium ftir Pliarmacie und praktisclie Chcniic. Gay-Lussac bt Abago. Hee Anuales de chimic. 84. Ga/zetta chimica italiajVA. Ed. da M. Pateino. li vols., roy. 8vo. Palermo, 1871-84+ 85. Gazzetta eclettica di chimica tecxologica. Bed.: Seinbenini. — vols., 8vo. VeroBa, 1833, '34. 86. Gazzetta eclettica di faemacia e chimica medica. Eed. : Sembeniiii. — vols., 8vo. Verona, 1831-"34. United with Gazzetta eclettica di chimica tecnologica and con- tinued under the title : [a.] Gazzetta eclettica di chimica farmaceutica medica tec- nologica e di rispettiva letteratura e commentario della conversazione chimico-farmaeeutica. Eed.: Sembenini. — vols., 8vo. Verona, 1835-'37. Serie terza. —vols.. 1838, '39 [+?] Of. Annuario delle scienze chimiche, farmaceutiche e medico- legali. 87. Gazzetta di farmacia e di chimica die da prima pub- blicavasi in Este. 8vo. Venezia, 1S55-'5T. Gehlen, a. F. See AUgemeines Journal der Chemie [a] ; also; Repertorium fllr die Pharmacie. Geiger, Ph. Lorbnz. See Annalen der Pharmacie. Gbigeu's Magazin. See Nordische Blatter fttr Chemie [b]. Gilbert's Annalen. See Jouniiil dcv Pliysik. Greii. Catalogtce of Chemical Per.iadimls. 185. 88. GiQRifaiLE F15LC0.-CHIJIIUO itiUASTO, ossia raceolta di scrjtti risguiirdanti Ja fisica c la chimica dogl' itdiaiii di Francesco Zantedeschi. 8vo. Venezia, 184.6-'48 [-'51 (?)] 89. GlOEKALE DI CHIMICA E YETEEIlfAEIA. Di Pozzi, 8vO. Milano, 18** (?) 90. GlOEKALE m FAEMACIA, CKIMICA E MATEEIA MEDICA APP1.ICATA AKCIIE ALLA VETEEINAEIA. Diietto dal Mariano Gajaiii. 4to. Ancoua, 186J, '63. 91. GlOESALE M FAEMACIA, CHIllICA E DI SCIENZE AFFINI. Diretto da F. Cliiiippcro ; pubbli.cato deila sccictd di far- macia di Torino, 29 vols., 12mo. Torino, l£52-'80-j- 92. GlOENALE DI FAEMACIA, CHIMICA E SCIENZB ACCEESOKIE ; ossia raceolta dcllc scojierte, ritrovati e migUoiarneiiti fatti in farmacia cd in chimica. Compilato da Antonio Cat- taneo. 19 vols., 8v0. Milano, 1824-'34. Conllnu^d undo- the iiile : [a.] Bibliotcca di farmacia, chimica, fisica, mcdicina, chi- rni-gia, terapcutica, storia natiiralc, [elc.]; compilato da Antonio Cattaneo. 23 vols, (i-xxiii), 8vo. Mi- lano, 1834-'45. Continued under the iiile : [b.] Annali di chimica applieata alia medicina civ6, alia faimacia, alia tossicologia, all' igiene, alia fisiologia, alia patologia cd alia terapcutica, compilati da Gio- vanni Polli. 71 vols. (i-LXXi), 8vo. Milano, 1845- '80+ 93. GlOENALE DI FISICA, CHIMICA ED AETI. Dal Majocchi. 8vo. Milano, 1839. 94. GlOENALB DI FISICA, CHIllICA E STOHIA NATUEALB, OSSia raceolta di memorie sulle scienz,e, arti e mannfatture ad esse relative. Di Ti. BrugnateUi. 10 vols., 4to. Pavia, 1808-'17. Ooniinued under the title : 186 Catalogue af Chemical Periodicals. [a. J Giojnnlo di fisica, cliimicii, sloria natiir.'ilo, incdicinfi cd arti did Bnigiiatelli, Biniiiicci e Coiifigliaclii, ccmpi- liito dill Giisjiiire Bjugn.ilclli. 1 Iccadc sccoiula. 10 vols.(i-x), 4to. ravia, 1818-':i7.|| GOTTLIKG. .7. r. A. See Almanacli filr SclicidckUnstler. Geen, F. a. C. i'ce- Journal dcr Pb3"sik. GEETECnEL, H. See Jahrbucli dcr Erfindungcn. Helleb, J. F. iee liciUilge zur pliysiologiechcn und palliologisclicn Clicmic. HiEBMBSTADT, SiG. F. tee Arcliiv dor Agricullurclicmio ; gilso Bibliolhek dcr ncucslcn IDliysiscli-chcmisclien Lilcralur. HlEZEL, H. i'ee Jabrbvich dcr Ei-fir.dungen. IIOFMAKN (A. W.), AKD De La RuE. iee Annual He port of llic Progress of Chemistry. IIOFFMANU'S jAnUESBEHICHT. i'l-e Jabrcsbfiicht uLcr die FortEtlirilte der Agricullurcbcmic. HoppeSeylee. iee Zcitschrift filr pbysiologiscbe Chemic. HoEKEL, Jon. See Arcbiv fur die Ibierischc Cbemic. 95. Ikteoeuction avx cpsektatioks srn ia phtsique, suu L'IIISTOIKE XAIl.EJ.LLE LT KCll LIS AETS. ]'ar I'aljbo Euzicr. 18 vols., IaIiio. I'aiis, I'll!, ''12. A second cdHion in 2 vols., 4lo, uas pnllished in 1777. Yd. ii leas also ihe iWe; Tableau dii (lavail annuel do tontcs les academics do I'Euiopc; on obscivalions snr la pbjsiqne, snr I'liistoirc iiatnrelie et sur les aits et metiers. Par Jeau Rozicr. 1 vol., 4to. Paris, 1777. Conlimied ifncfer the iHle : [a.] Observations et memoiics snrla physique, snr I'liistoirc natiircllc et sur les arts ct metiers. Par I'abbu Hosier. 1 vol., 4to. Paris, 1773. CoiMnued under the liUe : Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. 197 [b.] Observations siir la physique, snr I'histoire iiatnrelle et snr les arts. Pur I'abbe Eozier [from ]7'?9] et J. A. Mongez [from 1785] et de la Metherie. 42 voIp. (ii-XLiii), 4to. Paris, 1773-'94. Cord'mued under the title : [c. ] Jonriiai de jjliysiqne, de chiraie, d'histoire natnrelle et des arts. Par Jean Claude Lametherie [from 1817] et II. M. Ducrotay de Blainville. [Fro7n vol. Lxxxv, by de Blainville alone. ] 53 vols. (xLiv-xcvi), 4to. Paris, 1794-1823.1 Supplements. 3 vols., 4to. Paris, 1778, 1782. Vol. X contains : Table des articles contenus dans Jes volumes in 4to de ce recueil imprimes depiiis lo commencement de 1773 et dans les 18 vols, in 12mo imprimis depuis Juiliet 1771, jusqu' S, la fin de 1772, actuellement imprimes en 2 vols, in 4to sous le titre d'Introduction aux observations snr la physique, cic. Vol. XXIX, 1786, contains: Table generale des ar- ticles contenus daus les vingt volumes de ce journal depuis 1778. ^ Vol. LV, 1802, contains: Table generale des arti- cles contenus dans les vingt-six derniers volnnu's du Journal de physique, dcjjuis 1787 jusqu' en 1802, pour faii'e suite a celle qui est iniprimee d la fiu du " second volume de I'annee 1786. Par L. Cotte. JACOBSEN, E.MIL. Hee Chcmisclic Industrie ; also Chemisch-leclinisches Reper- torium. Jahbbtjch dbk Chemib ttkd Phtsik ; Schweigger. See Allgeraeines Journal dor Chemie. 96. Jahrbuch dee Eefindukgen und Fobtschkitte auf DEN Gebieten dek Physik ukd Chemik, der Tech- . nologie und Mechanik, der Astronomic und Meteorologie. Herausgegeben von H. Ilirzel und H. Gretschel [later, by H. Gretschel and G. Wuudei'.] 20 vols., 8vo. Leijizig, 1865-'84+ Eegister. Vols. I-v. 1869. 188-' Cataioyim of Vhvmimi Periodimisi jAnnBTCH (Neues) hee Phaemacib. See Bcrlinisohe Jahrbuch der Pharmacie. 97. Jahbbuch fuk okonximische Chemie. tjxd yekwandte Fachee. Eine Saimnlung des Wichtigsten aus der land- wirtlischaftlicheu Chemie, den luit dersolben verwandteu landwirthschaftlicheii Gewerbeu und der Hanswirtbschaft. Herausgegeben von Wilibad Artns. 3 volsi, 8vo. Leip- zig, 1847-49. 98. Jahkesbericht dek Agbicultukchemie. .Soinirat-Aus- gabe des (Jeatralblattes fiir Agriculturcliemie und ratiou- ellen Wirthschaftsbetrieb. Herausgegeben vou W. Det- mer. 2 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1875.11 (y. Centralblatt fiir Agriculturcliemie. 99. Jahresbericht ubeb die Foetschkitte al'f DEir .Ge- biete dee reinen Chemie. Bearbeitet im Verein mit mehreren Facligenossen und herausgegeben von Wilhelni Staedel. 1873-'82. 10 vols., roy. 8vo. Tiibiiigen, 1874-'84+ 100. Jahresbericht uber die Fortscheitte dee Ageicul- TUBCHEMiE, mit besonderer BeriickBichtigung der Pflan- zenchemie nnd Pflanzenphysiologie. Herausgegeben von Robert Hoffmann. 1858-'64. 6 vols., 8vo, Berlin, 1860-^65. Continued wider the title : [a. J Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gesammt- gebiete der Agriculturchemie. Fortgesetzt von Ed- ward Peters. [From 186*. edited by Th. Dietrich, H. Hellriegel, J. Flittbogen, H. Ulbricht.J 14 vols. (yii-xx), 8vo. Berlin, 1864-'77. Neue Folge. von A. Hilger. 5 vols, (xxi-xxv). Ber- lin. 1878-'83+ i^orn 1874, minvcd volumes are divided into portions havmg in- dependent pagiTiation and bearing the following titles : Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie des Bodens, der Luft und des Diingers. Herausgegeben von Th. Dietrich. Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. 180 JaJii-esbericht fiber die Fortsc.liritte der (Jhemie dor Pfianze. Herausgegeben vou J. Flittbogen. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der Chemie der Thiernahning und der chemiscben Teelinologie der landwirthschattlicheii Nobeiigewerbe. Herausgege- ben von J. Konig nnS A. Hilger. General-Register fiber Jahrg. i-xx [1858-77]. Unt'er Mitwirkung von E. von Gerichten, O. Krauch, E. von Raiimcr, W. Kossler und 0. 11. AViil. Herausgege- ben von A. Hilger. 1 vol., 8vo. Berlin, 1879. 101. JaHKESBEEICHT UBER die FOKTSCHRIITE DEK CHEMI- SCHEN Technologie ffir Fabrikanten, Hfitten- und Forst- leute, Canieralisten. t heniiker nnd PhaTniacelit'en. Her- ausgegeben von Job. Rud. Wagner. 6 vols., 8vo. Leip- zig, 1865-'60. '■ '-' Coniinued wider Uie title : [a.] Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte und Leistungcn der chemischeii 'J'echnologie und technischen Chemie. Herausgegeben vim J. R. Wagner. 9 vols, (vii-xv), 8vo. Leipzig, 1861-"i)9. ConUniied vinder~ the title : [b.] Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte nnd Leistungen drr cheniischcn Technologie und technischen Chemie, (from vol. XVIII,) niit besonderer Berficksichtigung der Gewerbsstatistik. Herausgegeben von J. R. Wag- ner. Neue Folge. 11 vols, (xvi-xxvi), 8vo. Leip- zig, 1870-'80. Contmued under the title : [c.J Wagner's (R. von) Jahresbericht fiber die Leistnngeji der chemischen Technologie, mit besonderer Berfick- sichtigung der Geweibestatistik ffir das Jahr 1880-'83. Herausgegeben von F. Fischer. 3 vols., Svo. Leip- zig, 1881-'84+ General-Register fiber Band 1 bis 10, bearbeitet von Fr. Gottschalk. 1 vol., 8vo. Leipzig, 1866. General-Register liber Band 11 bis 20, bearbeitet von Fr. Gottschalk. 1 vol., Svo. Leipzig, 1876. 190 Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. JaHRESBEBICHT TJBEK DIE FORTSCHBITTE DEK CHEMIB DES Bo- DBNB. See Jabresbeiicht Uber die Fortschritte der Agricullur- cliemie. jAHREBBEKICnX i)BEB DIE FORTSCHBITTB DEB CHEMIE DEK Pplanze. See Jahresbericlit liber die Fortschritte der Agricultur- c:liemie. JaHBESBKBICHT tTBEE DIE FOBTSCHRITTE DEB ChEMIE DEB TniER- NAHBUNG. See Jahresbericlit iiber die Fortschritte der Agricultur- chemie. 102. Jaheesbeetcht usee die Foetschkitte dee phtsisc?iex AVissENSCHAFTEN'. Von Jficob 15orzclius. Ans dem gchwedisclien tibeisctzt von C. G. Gtnelin [later,] und F. "Wohlcr. 20 vols., 8vo. Tubingen, 1822-'41. Conl'amed under thu title : [a. J Jalircsbericlit wber die Fortscliiitte der Cliemic und Minenilogie. ^iiigereicbt an die schwedisclie Akade- mie der Wissenscbaftcn, Von Jacob Berzelins. [From 1849-'51, edited by L. F. Svaiiberg.] Aus dcm scbwc- disehen iibejfetzt tou F. "Woblcr. 10 vols, (xxi- XXX), 8vo. Tubingen, 1843-'ol.|l Eegister. Vols, i-xvii, 1839 ; i-xxv, 1847. ^ Qt- ArsberSttelse om Framstegen i F3'sik och Kemi ; also An- nuaire dcs sciences cliimiques ; aho Rapport annuel sur les progrfis des sciences physiques et ohimiques. 103. Jaueesbeeicht lber die Fortschhitte der eeikex, PHARMACEUTISCHEK USD TECHNIKCHEN ChEMIE, Phy- sik, Minenilogie und Geologic. Unter Miiwirkuiig von H. BnfE, E. Dieffenbach, C. Ettling, F. Knapp, II. Will, F. Zaraminer. Herausgegebcn von Justus Liebig und Hermann Kopp. 1847-'56. 9 vols., 8vo. Giesseu, 1849-'57. Continued under ihe lille : [a.] Jahresbericlit iiber die Fortschritte der Chemic nnd verwandter Thcile anderer Wissenscbaftcn. Von Hermann Kopp und Heinricli Will. [In 1861, unter Mitwirkting rou Tb. Engelbacb, W. Halhvachs, A. Knop, herausgegebcn von Hermann Kopp und Uein- ricb Will. In 1864, unter Mitwirkung -von C. Bohn Caialogtce of Chemical Periodicals. 191 ni)d Til. Engclbdcli, lieransgcgeljcn von ITcinricli Will- /?i 1868, nuter Mitwirkmig vou Tb. Engclbiicli, Al. Niiiirniiun, W. Stildcl, licriinsgegobcn 'von Adolpb Sticckcr. In 1870, iinlcr Mitwirlauig vou K. Biiii- biinm, W. Dittnuii', F. l.Ioppc-Scvlpr, A. Lnubciibci- mcr, A. Micliiiclis, ]■'. Kicp, Tb. Zinckc, K. Zopprifz, bci'iiusgvgcben von Alexander Niuimann. In 1875, nnter Mitwiiknng von K. Birnbaum, C. Boctlingej', C. IJcll, I]. Kliiigcr, A. Laubenlicimej', E. Ludwig, A. Micbaelis, A. Kallmann, F. Kies, H. Salkowski, Zd. II. Sl\j-aiip, K. Zoppiitz, beranegogeben von F. Fit- tica. In 1882, niiicr Witwiikmig von A. Eoiiitrii- ger, A. ElEap, E. Fidmaiui, C. IJell, 11. Kliiigcr, E. Ludwig, A. Kallmann, F. Nics, H. Salskowski, G. Scbiiltz, beninsgegcbeu von F. Fittica.] 1857-82. 2Gvols. (x-xxxy), Svo. GicsECii, 1858-'84+ Since 1857 also under ilw iiile : Jahresbcridit liber die Fortscbritto der rcincn, pbar- macenliEclien nnd Iccliniscbeii Cberaie, Pbysik, Min- eralogie nnd Geologic. Eericbt liber die Fortschritte der Cbemie luid vcrwandter Tbeilc andorcr Wissen- Ecbaftcn. Accompanied by : Jaliresbericbt liber die Fortschritte der Pliysik, von Fricdricli Zamniiner. Fiir 1857. 1 vol., 8vo. Gies- sen, 1858. Iicgipfor zu den Ccricbtou fur 1847 bis 1856. 1 vol., 8vo. G lessen, 1857. llcgislcr zu den Berioliten fiir 1857 bis 1866. 1 vol., Svo. Gicssen, 1868. Ticgistcr zu den Bericbten fiir 1867 bis 1876. 1 vol., 8vo. Gicssen, 1880. 164. jAHEEfBEETCET XIbER DIE FOUTSCHEITTB DEE ThIEE- CHEJiiE. Ucraiisgcgebcn von Eicbard Maly. 1871-83. 13 vols., Svo. Wfen, 1872-'84+ 105. JOUEXAL DE CHIJIIE ET DE PHYSIQUE, OU EcCUcil pcrl- odique des d^couvertes dans les sciences chimiqucs et pby- igf Cat aloffUB- fff Chemical Periodicals: siqnes, taut en France que chez I'etraiiger. Par J. B. van Mons. G rols., 12tno. Bruxellcs, An x [1801]-xii [1804']. Of. Journal de chimic pour servir [etc.]. 1C6. JOUBNAL DE CHIMIE MEIJIC.VI.E, DE PHAKIIACIE ET DE TOXicoLOGiE. Eedige par Chcvallier, Fee, Guibonrt, Jnlia-Foutenolle, Laugicr, Orfila, Piiyen, Gabrielle Pellc- tan, Lassaigne, Achard Kicliard, Robinet, Segalas d'Etchc- parc. 10 vols., 8v'o. Paris, 1825-'34. Contmued under Ihe title : [a. J Journal dc cbimie medicale, de ])harmacie ct de toxi- cologie. Revue de.s.iio.uvelles ecientifiquesnationales ct etrangeres. Par les menibres de la Societe de chiraie medicale. IJeu.xieuie scrie. 10 vols, (i-x), 8vo. Paris, 1835-44. Table generalc des matiercs et des auteurs de la deux- ienie strio du Journal de chimic mtdicale, de piiar- macie ct dc toxicologic ; de 1835-'44. 1 vol., 8vo. Paris, 1845. Conlimied under the tUh: [b.] Journal de cliimie medicale, dc pharmacie, de toxi- cologic et revue des nouvclles scientifiqnes uatiouales et etrangeres. Par les mombres de la Societe de chimie medicale, Beral, CLcvallier, Dnmas, Fee, Guibouit, Lassaigne, Orfila, Payen, E. Peligot, G. Pcllctan, Pelouze, A. Eicbard, S. Robinet. Troisieme serie. 10 vols, (i-x), 8vo. Paris, 1845-54. Continued under the Idle : [c] Journal dc chimie medicale, de pharmacie, de toxi- cologic et revue des nouvclles scicntifiqucs nationalcs et 6trang6res. Public sous la direction dc A. Chcval- lier. Quatrieme serie. 10 vols, (i-x), 8vo. Paris, 1855-'64. Continued under the title : [d.] Journal de chimie medicale, de pharmacie, de toxicolo- gic et revue des nouvclles seientifiqucs nationales et i^trang^res. Revue industrielle. Public sous la direc- Catalogue of Cliemical Periodicals. 193 tioii do A. Clicvallicr. Cinqniemo seric. 12 vols, (i-xn), 8vo. Paris, 18G5-'7G. Vnikd in March, 187G. with (he Kepertoirc do pliarmacio and conibiued under the lUle ; EtptTloirc do pluiimaeic et journal dc cliimiu mediciilu i-eunis, q. v. 107. Journal de chimie pour sorvir do compltmcnt, aiix An- tilles do cliiniio et, d'antrcs oiivriigcs pdriodiqiics frini9!iis do cello Ecieiico. li'cdigi: ])iir J. B. van Mons. G vols., 8vo. linixcllcs, 1792-1804. Of. Journal de cliimie et de pliysique. Journal de la Eocibtb chimique russe. See Zliurnal russkovii khiuiicheskova (etc.). Journal de fharmacie. t'ee Bulletin de pliarmacic. Journal de niTsiQUE, de ciiimie - - Lametlieiic. See Inticduclion aux observalious sur la physique [<;.]. Jocrkal dek CnsMiE. See AUgcmeices Journal dcr Chemie. 1C8. .JOURN.VL DER rilARMACIK FUR AeKZTB UND APOTHEKEE. lleraiiFgegeljcn von Job. B. Trommsdorff. 26 vols., 8vo. Leipzig. I'IfJo-lSlC. Continvcd under the tille : [a. J Xcnes Jouniiil dcr Pliai'macic fi'ir Acrztc, Apolliclvcr uiid C'licniikcr. llcraii.^gcgcbcn von Job. B. Tromms- dorff. 27 vols., 8vo. Leijizig, 1817-34. Uniled in 1834 with the Annalcn der Phai-macio, q. v. 1C9. JouHXAL UER Physik. Hcnuisgcgcbcn von Fj'. Albrccbt Curl Gren. 8 vols., 8vo. Halle mid Leipzig, 1790-'94. Omdnued under Ihe title : [a.] Ncncs Journal dcr Ph3-sik. Heransgcgebcn von Fr. Albrecbt Carl Gren. 4 vols, (t-iv), Svo. Hallo nnd Leijizig, 1794-'98. Continued under the title ; [b.] Aunalcn der Pliysik. Angofangen von Fr. Albr. Carl Gj-en, i'ortgcsetzt von Lndwig Williclm Gilbert. [Fi-om vol. IV. nerausgegeben von Ludwig "Wilbelm 194 Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. Gilbert.] 30 vols, (i-xxx), 8vo. Hiille, 1799-18(8. Xeae Folge. 30 vols, (i-xxx and xxxi-LX), 8vo. Halle, 1809-'18. .'• upplcmcnt zu Band xii. 1803. C-ontinued under Ike title : [c] Aiinalen dcr Physik nnd der physikalisclieii Chemie. Heraiisgegebeii von Ludwig Willielm Gilbert. Dritie Reihe. 16 vols, (i-xvi and lxi-lxxvi), 8vo. Halle. 1819-'24. Vol. Lxi, 1819, is also entitled: Neueste Folge. Band i. Continued unde)' the title : [d.J Annalen der Physik und C'beniie. Herausgegeben yon Julins C. Poggendorif. 30 vols, (i-xxx and 'LS.y.wi -CYi), 8vo. Berlin, lS24-'33. Zweite Kcihe. 30 vols, (i-xxx and cvii-fxxxvi). 1824-43. Dritfe Eeihe. 30 vols, (i-xxx and cxxxvii-clxvi). 1844-'53. Yierte Reibc. 30 vols, (i-xxx and clxvii-cxcti). 1854-'63. Fiiiifte Reihe. 30 vols, (i-xxx and cxcvii-ctxxvi). 1864-'73. i^ccbste Eeihe. 10 vols, (i-x and ccxxvii-ccxxxvi). 1874-77. Continued under the title ; [e.J Annalen der Physik und Cbeniie. Xoue Folge. Unter Mitwirknng der physikalischen Gesellscliaft in Berlin nnd insbesondere des Herrn H. Helmholtz. Heraiis- gegeben von G. Wiedemann. 23 vols, (i-xxiii and ccxxxvii-ccLix), 8vo. Leipzig, 1877-"84+ Erganznngs-Bande : Bd. i, 1843 ; ii, 1848 : in, 1853 : IT, 1854 ; V, 1871 ; ri, 1874 : Jiibelband, 1874. Indexes: Vols, i-xxx, 1833 ; xxxi-XLii, 1837 ; xliii-li. 1842 ; Li-LX, 1844 ; LXi-Lxrx, 184(i ; i.xi-lxxv, ■ 1848 ; Lxxvi-Lxxxiv, 1851 ; LXi-xc, 1854. Namen-Register zu Band \ bis cl, Ergiinzungsband r bis Yi nebst .Jnbelband, und Sach-Eegister zn Band rxxi C'aialogue of Chemical Periodicals. 195 bis CL, Ergiinznngsband y aud vi uebst Jubelband, bearbeitet von W. Bai'entiii, iiebst eiiiem Aiihaugy von J. C. PoggendorfE entbultend V^erzeichniss der verstorbenen Anctorcn, und Zcitafol zu den Biliideii. 8vo. Leipzig, 1875. From 1877 the Annaleu are accompanied by : [f.] Beibliitter zu den Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Plerausgegeben unter Rlitwirkung befreundetcr Phy- siker von J. C. Poggendorff. Svols. , 8vo. Leipzig, 1877-84+ JoUBNAL DER RUSSISCIIEN PHYSISCII-CHEMISCHEN GbSELI.SCIIAFT. See Zlmrnal russkova khimiclieskova [etc.]. 110. Journal fur Physik und physikalischb Chemie des AuSLAKDES. In vollstiindigen Uebersetzungen, heraus- gegeben von A. Krouig. 3 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1851. || JoDKNAii PUR PRAKTiscHB Chemie. See Allgemcines Journiil der Chemie. JoHKNAL PtJB DIE CUEMIB, PlIYSIK [etc.]. See Allgemeines Journal der Chemie [b]. 111. Journal fur techkische und okonomische Oiiemie. , Herausgegeben von Otto Linne Erdmann. 18 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1838-'3:3. Kegister. 1837. Also under the title : Forschungen (Die neuesten) im Gebiete der tecbnischen und okonomiscben Chemie. United in 1834 witli the .lournal filr Cliemie und Phj'sik and con- tinued under the title : Journal i'lir praktische Chemie. &e Allge- meines Journal der Chemie. 112. Journal (The) of Applied Chemistry. Devoted to chemistry as applied to the arts, nTanufactures, metallurgy, and agricultu)-e. 10 vols., 4to. New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, 1866-',75.|| 113. Journal (A) of JSTatural Philosophy, Chemistry, and THE Arts. Illustrated with engravings. By "William Nicholson. 5 vols., 4to. London, 1797-1801. Second series. 36 vols, (i-xxxvi), 8vo. London, 1802-13. United in 1814 with the Philosophical Magazine, q. v. 196 Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. JODKNAI; OP THE AMBIilCAN CnEMICAL SOCIETY. See Proceedings of the American Chemical Society. JOUKNAL OP THE LONDON CHEMICAL SOCIETY. See Proceedings of tlie Chemical Society of London. Journal op the Russian Physical and Chemical Society. See Zliurual russkova ItliimicUeskova [etc.]. 114. Journal (The) of the Socif.ty of Chemical Isdustey. A monthly Uucoid for all iiiteri'sred inciicmictil niaiuifac- tiucs. Edited by Watson ^^mitli. 3 vols., 4to. Lou- dou, 1882-'8i+ Kastelyn, p. J. See Chemischc en phijsischc ocfeningen. Kastneh, C. AV. G. See Arcliiv far die gcsammte Naturlehrc. Kekulb, a. See Kritische Zcitschrift filr Chemic. Klaprotit, M. II. See lieilrilge zur chcmiscbcn Keuntniss dcr llincralkorper. 115. Kleixe PHYSIKALISCHCHEMISCHE ABUAKDLL'XGEX. llcransgcgebcii you Joli. i"\ Wcstrnmb. 8 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, l?85-'07. Kletztnsky, v. See Milt'ieilungcn aus dcm Gcbietc dcr leinen und angcwandtcn Chemie. KOLBE, H. See AUgemcines Journal der Chemic [e], Kopp, I-I. See Jahrcsbericht iiber die ForlscbriUe dcr reincn Chemic. 116. KniTiscHE Zeitschriet fur Chemie, Physik vxd 5Ia- thematik. lU'rausgogobcii in Heidelberg vou A. Kckule, F. Eiseiilohr, G. Lcwiustcin, M. Cantor. 1 vol., Svo. Erlaiigeu, 1858. Goniimied xmder the (ilk ; [a.] Kritiselie Zcitschrift I'iir Chemie, Physik, Mathemalik und die verwandten Wissenschaften und DJscij)linen, als Phiumacic, Technologie, Agriculturehemie, Phy- Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. 197 sik niirl jMineralogic. Uuter Mitwirkniig von Fuch- miinnoru, licriinsgcgcbeu von E. Erlcnineycr nud G. Lewinsteiii. 1 vol. (ii), 8vo. Eiliuigon, 1859. Conlbmed under the Utle : [b.J Zeitsclirift filr Cliomio und Pharmacic. Correspon- clcuzbhitt, Arcliivnml kritischcs, Joni-iial fiii' Chcinie, PliiirniMcio iind flic verwaiidten Disciplinen. Uiiter Mitwirkuiig von Faclimanneni, jioransgcgcbcn zn lloidelboig von E. Erlcnmcyer und G. J.cwinstcin. 4 vols, (iii-vii), 8vo. Erlaugen [later, Hcidolboi-g], 18G0-'64. Continued under the title; [c.J Zeitsclirift I'iii' Clicmic. Arcliiv fiir das Gcsammtgebiet dor Wisscnscliai't. Unlcr Mitwii'kung von F. Bcil- stein und l!ud. Fitlig, bcraufgcgebcn von IJ. Uubncr. None Folgc. 7 vols. (v:ii-xiv), 8vo. Goltingcn, 18G5-'71.|| KnoNiG, A. See Journal filr Pliysik und pliysikalisclic Choniic. 117. Laboeatoiuum (D.\s). Einc Samminng von Abbildungi'u und Bc'sclii'cibungcn dor bt'Ston und nouoston Ajijiaralo, zuni Bebuf dcr i)i'aelisclien und plijsikalischcu Chcmic. 44 nos., 4to. 'Weimar, 1825-40. 118. LABniiATOKY (Thi:). a montlily jouinal of tlie progrcfs of chemistry, jiharraacy, incdicino, recreative scienco, and tlie useful arts. By J. F. Babcock. 2 vols., 4lo. Bos- ton, l874-'76. 119. Laboeatohy (The). A weekly record of scieniific re- search. 1 vol., 8vo. London, April to October, 1867. || Labobatoet (The). iSee Auipricaa Laboratory. Labtigub, a. Ste Repertoire dc pharmacie. La-OIIENT (.-i..) BT GSKHATIDT (Cn.). See Comptes-reiidus nitnsuels des travaux chimiqucs. Libbig's Annalbn. See Annalen der Pharmacie [«]. 198 Cdtiiloyuc of Chewiral Periodicals. LlEBIG AND KOPP'S JaHKESBEKICUT. N«' Jahresbericht ilber die Foitschiitte dci- rciiien, pLarmacLii- tisclien und teolinischen Chemic. 120. LlSTY CIIKMIKE. —vols. V Priizc, 1 iS**-'Sl + LoNDON ClIEMIC.Ui SOCIETY. See Proceedings of - - LowiG, C. .See Repertorium fur organische Chemie. JIaanublad voor toegepaste Scheikunde. feVe Toegepaste Scheikunde. Mackensie, Colin. .Sir ilemorial pratique de chimic manufacturine. 121. JIaGAZIX fur ApOTHEIiEH, ChEJIISTEX fNI) il.^TEKIA- LisTEN. Ilerausgegebeii von Joh. Cas]i. Ehvcrt. 3 parts, 8vo. Niirnberg, 178.3-87. Contbiueii under the lUle : [a.] Eepertoriuni fiir Chemie. Pliarniacit' und ArzneMmittcl- kunde. Herausgegeben von Joh. C'as]). Elwert. Svo. llildesheini, 1790 [second edition in 1790 . 122. JIagazix fur we hoheke Katukwis^exschaft uxd Chemie. 2 vols., 8vo. Tiibingen, 1784-"87. Magazin fuk die kevestex Erfahiu ngex dek Phah- MACiE. '^ee jS'ordische Blatter fur Clieraie [h]. Majocciu, G. a. jSVe Annali di fisica, cliimica e malenialiclie ; alsv Giornale di tisica, cliimica ed arti. Malt, High. See .lahresbericht liber die Fortschrille Uer Thierchemie. Maktik, Cn. See Eepertoire de chimic, de physique [etc.]. BIaugiia^i, W. See Annals of Chemical Philosophy. 123. Mechaxic axd Chemist. 8 vols. London, 183G-"4-2. 124. Melanges physiques et chimiques tires du Bulletin physico-matlu''mutique de l'Acad(^mie Imjieriale des sci- ences de St. Petcrsbourg. 1840-'8-,!. 13vols. ,8vo. St. P(5tersbourg, 18.i4-'84+ Catnlogtie of Chemical Periodicals. 199 125. Memorial pratique de chimie manufacturibre. Par Colin Mackensie. 3 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1824. 126. Memoirs of the Colujubian Chemical Society oi' Philadelphia. 2 vols., 8vo. [Pliiladelphia], 1813, '14. Mbthbktb, Db la. &e Introduction aux observations sur la pliysique [etc.]. MiLLON (E.) BT ReiSET (J.). See Aunuaire de chimie. 127. Miscellaxea di ciiihica, fisica e storia naturalf. 8vo. Pisa, 1843. 128. MiTTHEILUNfiEN AUS DEM GebIETE DER REINEN UND ANGEWAjSTDTEiiT Chemib. Fiir Fachcheniiker, Aerztc, Oecoiiomen, etc. Als Jahresbericht des Laboratoriuins fiir 18**. VeroSeutliclit von Y. Kletzinsky. 4to. Wien, "1805, '1)6. 129. MlTTHEILUKGBN AUS DEM LaBORATORIUM DER ALLGE- meixen" Chemib an der Kais. Kon. technisclien Hoch- schulo zu Bi-iinn. 3 iios., 8vo. Wien, 1876. lieprinted from Sitzungsbericlite der K. Alcademie der Wissen- schaften. 130. Monatshefte fur Ci-iemie uxd verwandte Theile ax- DERER Wissexschaften. Gesammclte Abhandlnngen ans dem Sitznngsberichte dor K. Akadeniie der Wissen- schaften. 5 vols., 8vo. Wien, 1880-84+ MoKiTBUii SCIBNTIFIQUE DU CHiMiSTE [ctc.]. See Revue scienti- lique et industricllc. 131. Mox'iTEUR (Le) des PRODuiTS CHiMiQUES, ponr I'indus- trie, les sciences et les art?, et dn materiel de ces indns- tries. Pnblie par wne Sccitte de chimistes et d'i-udnstriels. Edmond Eousset, gerant. 14 (?) vols., 4to. Paris, 1871-'84+ 132. MoxTHLY (The) Macazi.ne of Pharmacy, Chemistky, Medicixe Lotcj. ."i (?) vols. London, 1876-'80+ 200 Catalogue of CJiemical Periodical/!. MONS, J. B. VAN. See Journal dc cliimie ct dc physique ; also Journal dc cbimic pour servir [etc.]. MULDEK, G, J. fee Sclieikundigc ondcrzoekingen. MtlTEE, J. iee Analyst (Thc\ 133. NATUKHISTOEISCnE UXD CHEMISCn-TECIIXISCHE NOTIZEX, niicli den neiiosten Erfiilimngen ziif .\iilz;iinveinliing fiir Oewcibc, FiibrikwoEcii niid Liuidwirlligeluift. 11 vols., 8vo. Berlin, lS54-'o9. Keuc Folge. 4 vols, (xii-xv), 8vo. Berlin, 18C0-'C2.[ NicnoLson's Journal. See Journal of Natural Philosophy. Nichols, Jos. K. i'ee Boston Journal of Chemistry. 124. KoKDiECHE BiATTEK FUE Chemie. IIeriiu?jregebeu vou Alex. Kie. Selieror. 1 vol., 8vo. Ualle, 1817. Followed hy ; [a.] Allgcnieinc iioidifclie Annaleii dcr Cliemio fiir die i'leinide der Katinktuide iind Aiznc iwisscnscliaft. inibesondcie di r Pliainiaeie, Aizncimittelkliie, Pliv- siologie, Pliysili, iJineialogie nr.d TceLnologio ini rus-sisiclien Keielic. Heiaii.^ycgi ben von .\k-.\. Nic. Seberer. 7 \ols. (li-vjii), 8vo. ^^t. Pttirsburg, 1819-22. Followed &!/ : [b.J Magazin fiir die iicucstcn Eifabrungeii, Entdecknngen und Berielitiiiigcn ini Ciebiete der Pliarmaeie, init Hinsiclit auf ]ibysiologifebe Pjiifung iind praelifcli beviliirfe Aiiwendbarkeit der lleilmititl, vorziialieh iicnentdcL-kter Arzueistoffc in dcr 'J lieraiiic. Hcr- aufgcgcben vou G. F. IJiinle \_fi-om 1829, bij P. J,. Geigcr]. 3(j vols., 8vo. Carlsriihe, 1823-"31.|| i^om U 20-' Jl o/.chen Literatur, herausgege- ben von Fritz von Szczepansld." St. Petersburg and Leipzig, 1893. 8vo. 12 numbers per annum. This includes chemistry pure and applied. The need of an exhaustive authoritative bibliography of current chem- ical books of the world is still felt. In a private letter to the chairman of your committee. Dr. Bechhold of Frankfort on Main announces his intention of publishing a full and com- plete Index to Current Chemical Literature in all languages on a most comprehensive plan ; the first number of this serial will be awaited by chemists with great interest. Heinrich Wien (Vienna) and F. A. Brockhaus (Leipzig) announce the publication of a Universal Index to the World's 'I'echnical and Scientific Literature. '1 his ambitious undertaking is intended to embrace both books and periodicals and to represent all the known literature that has appeared in every part of the world; five parts are projected, viz., chem- istry, medicine, mining, photography, electricity. As most of the members of the chemical section are aware a call has been issued for an International Congress of Applied Chemistry to be held under the patronage of the Belgian government at Brussels in Au- gust, 1894. At that meeting it is proposed to found a Heview of Reviews of Applied Biological Chemistry in several languages, to contain a r6- sumfi of chemical work in that branch from all parts of the world. The secretary general of the congress is Monsieur Sachs, 68 Rue d'Allemagne, Brussels. At the Congress of Chemists held in Chicago, in August, 1893, your chairman had the honor to read an address on an " International Index to Chemical Literature" (J. Am. Chem. Soc , xv, Oct., 1893), in which he pro- posed a simple scheme for indexing current periodical chemical publications by international cooperation. It is extremely gratifying to record that the necessity of international cooperation has since been suggested by so weighty an authority as the Royal Society (London) . That splendid monu- ment of the bibliography of science, "The Catalogue of Scientific Papers," 4 SECTION C. published by the Royal Society, has failed to satisfy the requirements orf students In science owing to the lack of a subject-index to the prodigious- material classified under the names of the authors ; but according to a circular issued by the Royal Society in April, " it is hoped that a key to the volumes already published may be eventually issued." The Royal So- ciety further announces it& intention of c mtinuing the Catalogue of Sci- entific Papers after Jan. I, 1000, on an enlarged and improved plan, with the aid of international cooperation, and asks for suggestions as to the best methods of inaugurating such a scheme. Although this report deals with chemistry, it may be proper to men- tion here an important undertaking in another branch of science, as it affords an additional instance of the progress now making towards in- ternational cooperation in bibliography. At the Washington meeting of the International Congress of Geologists a committee on the Bibliography of Geology was appointed for the purpose of preparing a list of the geo- logic bibliographies now in existence. This work is now approaching completion under the direction of M. Emmanuel de Margerie (Paris), the secretary of the International Committee. American botanists also are showing their appreciation of bibliograph- ical work. A committee of the Torrey Botanical Club publishes in the Bulletin of the club, an "Index to recent Literature relating to American Botany." This Index was begun in January, 1894, and is continued each month ; the arrangement is alphabetically by authors. At the Chicago Congress of Chemists a cummittee was appointed to bring about the organization of a triennial (orquinquennial) International Meeting of Chemists. Prof. Frank W. Clarke, one of the members of your committee, is chairman of that body. Perhaps the future World's Chemical Congresses may arrange the publication of an exhaustive Index to the Chemical Literature of the World by international cooperation, either in accordance with the scheme proposed by your chairman in his address at Chicago, or in some more efficient way. Thus, it is evident that immense progress is being made In the compi- lation of indexes and bibliographies In many branches of science, in both Europe and America; it is to be hoped that American chemists, who have been in some measure pioneers in the matter', wlU feel stimulated to still greater exertions than before. The chairman has a limited number of copies of the Tenth Report con- taining a list of f orty-flve Indexes to Chemical Literature, which he will be glad to send to applicants. Communications ^hould be addressed to the chairman, at the University Club, New York City. * H. Cakeixoton Bolton, Chairman, F. W Cl-AKKB, Albi'.kt R. Lkkds [in Europe], Committee, -i Alexis A. Jvlien, John W. Langi-ky, Al.BKHT B. I'UKKCOTT [iu EUPOpc], .Ai.fbkd Tuckerm\n. SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS. 1171 — — INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM, 1861-1896. BY MARTHA DOAN. WASHINGTON CITY: PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 1899. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Washington City, July, iSgg. This work (No. 1171), "Index to the Literature of Thallium, 1861-1896," by Martha Doan, forms part of Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Volume XLI. LIBRARY CATALOGUE SLIPS. Smithsonian Institution. Doan, Martha. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. XLI. (Number 1171.) Index to the Literature of Thallium, 1861-1896. By Martha Doan. City of Washington, published by the Smithsonian Institution, 1899. 8°. 26 pp. Doan (Martha). Index to the Literature of Thallium, 1861-1896. By Martha Doan. City of Washington, published by the Smithsonian Institution. 1899. 8°. 26 pp. Fro»i Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. XLl. (Number 1171.) Index to the Literature of Thallium, 1861-1896. By Martha Doan. City of Washington, published by the Smithsonian Institution, 1899. 8°. 26 pp. Frotn Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. XLI. (Number 1171.) SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS. ■ 1171 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM, 1861-1896. BY MARTHA DOAN. WASHINGTON CITY: PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 1899. Vbe IRniciierbociiet ptesB, 'Kew ffiort LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Washington, July 6th, 1898. The Committee on Indexing Chemical Literature, appointed in 1882 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, has voted to recommend to the Smithsonian Institution for publication the following : — Index to the Literature of Thallium, 1861-1896, by Miss Martha Doan. H. CAERINGTON BOLTON, Chairman. Mr. S. p. Langley, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM. 1861-1896. BY MARTHA DOAN. 1861 : 1. W. Ceookbs. (Discovery.) Chem. News, 3, 193, 303 ; Am. J. Sci. [3], 32, 411 ; Phil. Mag. [4], 21, aOl; Bull. Soc. chim., 3, 211, 389; Chem. Centrbl., 1861, 496; N. Arch. ph. nat., 11, 160 ; Jsb., 1861, 44, 130. 1862 : 1. A. Lamt. (Discovery, occurrence, and extraction — Proper- ties and compounds.) Ann. chim. phys. [3], 67, 885, 418 ; Am. J. Sci. [2], 35, 373 ; Compt. rend., 54, 1355; 55, 836; J. pharm. [3], 42, 81; Ann. der. Phys.. Pogg., 116, 495 ; Ann. Chem. Liebig, 124, 215 ; Bull. Soc. chim., 4, 391 ; s, 81 ; Instit., 1863, 416 ; Phil. Mag. [4], 24, 185 ; N. Arch. ph. nat., 14, 400 ; 16, 77 ; Dingl. pel. J., 165, 384 ; Z. Chem. Phar., 1863, 438; J. prakt. Chem., 86, 250; 88, 173, 363; Chem. News, 6, 39; Chem. Centrbl., 1862, 625; Zeit. Chem. Phar., 1863, 125; Jsb., 1862, 176. 1862 : 2. W. Ckookes. Proc. Roy. Soc, 12, 150 ; Chem. News, 6, 1 ; Am. J. Sci. [2], 34, 375, 409; Pharm. J. Trans. [2], 4, 63; Ann. Chem. Liebig, 124, 203; J. prakt. Chem., 88,167; Chem. Centrbl., 1863, 808; Vierteljschr. Pharm., 12, 60 ; Bull. Soc. chim., 4, 404; Jsb., 1862. 1862 : 3. Ebgnault. (Specific heat.) Comptes. rend., 55, 887 ; Instit., 1863, 418 ; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 67, 427 ; Ann. Chem. Liebig, 126, 82 ; Zeit. Chem. Phar., 1863, 94 ; Bull. Soc. chim., 5, 81 ; Jsb., 1862, 180. 1862 : 4. P. KuHLMAiru-. (Organic salts and estimation of Tl.) Compt. rend., 55, 607; Instit., 1862, 843 ; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 68, 341; Ann. Chem. Liebig, 126, 75; J. prakt. Chem., 88, 175; Zeitschr, Chem. Phar., 1862, 690 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1863, 70 ; Bull. Soc. chim., 4, 408 ; Jsb., 1863, 187. 1862 : 5. DB LA Pbovostatb. (Crystalline form of some organic salts.) Compt. rend., 55, 610 ; Ann. Chem. Liebig, 126, 79 ; J. prakt. Chem., 88, 178 ; Zeitschr. Chem. Phar., 1862, 693 ; Jsb., 1862, 187. 5 6 INDEX TO THE LITEBATURE OF THALLIUil 1863 : 1. W. A. Millee. (Spectrum.) Lond. R. Soc. Proc, I2, 407 ; Phil. Mag. [4], 26, 228; Chera. News, 7, 146 ; N. Arch. ph. nat., 18, 359; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 69, 507 ; J. prakt. Chem., 91, 190 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 246 ; Jsb., 1863, 112. 1863 : 2. R. Bottgee. (Occurrence in salt waters.) Frank, phys. Ver., 1863, 1; Ann. Chem. Liebig, 128, 240, 368; J. prakt. Chem., 89, 378; 90,145; Chem. Centrbl., 1863, 669; Jsb., 1863, 185. 1863 : 3. F. Kuhliiax^'. (Lead-chamber deposits.) Compt. rend., 56, 171; Instit., 1863, 26 ; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 67, 428 ; BuU. Soc. chim., 5, 122 ; J. prakt. Chem., 88, 433 ; DingL pol. J., 167,455; Jsb., 1863, 246. 1863 : 4. A. Laht. (Toxicological effects of Tl.) Compt. rend., 57, 443; Instit., 1863, 265; J. Pharm. [3], 44, 285; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 287 ; J. prakt. Chem., 91, 366 ; Jsb.. 1863, 255. 1863 : 0. W. T. Roeppee. (Occurrence in furnace products.) Am. J. Sci. [2]. 35, 420 ; Jsb., 1863, 246. 1863 : 6. Hekepath. (Occurrence in Bi.) Trans. Pharm. J., 4, 302.; Jsb., 1863, 236, 243, 687. 1863 : 7. L. de la Rive. (Specific gravity and electrical conduc- tivity. ) Compt. rend., 56, 588; Instit., 1863, 93; N. Arch. ph. nat., 17, 67; Bull. Soc. chim., 6, 270 ; Ann. Chem. Liebig, 128, 12S : Phil. Mag. [4], 26, 236 ; J. prakt. Chem., 91, 369 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 404 ; Jsb., 1863, 249. 1863 : 8. Matthiessex and Vogt. (Electrical conductivity.) Ann. der Phys. Pogg., 118, 431 ; Phil. Mag. [4], 26, 542 ; Ann. Chem. Liebig, 128, 128; Bull. Soc. chim., 6, 270; Lond. R. Soc. Proc, 12, 472; Jsb., 1863, 249. 1863 : 9. Gassiot. (Spectrum.) Lond. R. Soc. Proc, 12, 536 ; PhU. Mag. [4], 27, 143 ; Chem, Centrbl., 1864,404; Jsb., 1863, 112. 1863 : 10. Ceookes. (Preparation of Tl. in large amounts.) Chem. News, 8, 159 ; Rep. chim. app., 5, 485 ; J. pharm. [3], 45, 216 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 401 ; Jsb., 1863, 246, 248. 1863 : 11. Ceookes. (Priority of discovery.) Phil. Mag. [4], 26, 55 ; J. prakt. Chem., 90, 19. 1863 : 12. W. A. Millee. (Spectrum of Thallium.) Lond. R. Soc. Proc, 12, 407 ; PhU. Mag. [4], 26, 228 ; Chem. News, 7, 146; N. Arch. ph. nat., 18, 359; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 69,507; J. prakt. Chem., 91, 190 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 246 ; Jsb., 1863, 112. INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM 7 1863 : 13. R. Bottgee. (Occurrence in salt water at Nauheim and •) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 127, 240, 368 ; Jour, prakt. Chem., 89, 378 ; 90, 145 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1868, 669 ; Jsb., 1863, 185. 1863 : 14. Eedmann. J. prakt. Chem., 89, 381 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 403 ; Jsb., 1863, 350. 1863 : 15. Ckookbs and Church. (Thallium sesquichloride.) Chem. News, 8, 1 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 411 ; Jsb., 1863, 250. 1863 : 16. WiLLM. (Ammonium derivatives of TICI3.) ' Bull. Soo. chim., 5, 354 ; Zeitschr. Chem. Pharm., 1863, 751 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 410 ; Jsb., 1863, 251. 1863 : 17. Ceookes. (Nitrate, perchlorate.) Chem. News, 8, 195 ; Jsb., 1863, 253. (Phosphate, carbonate.) Chem. News, 8, 219 ; 8, 231 ; Jsb., 1863, 253. (Sulphate, chromates, acetate.) Chem. News, 8, 343 ; 8, 255 ; 8, 279 ; Jsb., 1863, 355. (All these salts.) Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 405 ; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 2, 201. 1863 : 18. R. Bottgee. (New method of obtaining Tl. from flue dust. Its properties and compounds.) Jsb. Frank, phys. Ver., 1863,4; Ann. Chem. Liebig, 128, 248; J. prakt. Chem., 90, 151 ; Rep. ohim. app., 5, 485 ; Jsb., 1863, 248. 1863 : 19. Paulet. (Poisonous properties of Tl.) Compt. rend., 57, 494 ; Instit., 1863, 390 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 387 ; Jsb., 1863, 355. 1863 : 20. Geandeau. (Poisonous properties of Tl.) Instit., 1863, 333; Jsb., 1863, 356. 1863 : 21. R. Bottgee. (Method of obtaining Tl. from lead-chamber deposits. Some Tl. compounds.) Jsb. des Frank, phys. Ver., 1861-63, 58 ; Ann. Chem. Liebig, 127, 175; J. prakt. Chem., 90, 33 ; Vierteljahrsschr. pr. Phar., 12, 365 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1863, 404; Dingl. pol. J., 168, 438 ; Ann. chim. phys. [3], 78, 500 ; Bull. See. chim., 5, 451 ; Jsb., 1863, 45. 1863 : 22. Scheottbe. (Occurrence in lepidolite and mica.) Wien. Akad. Ber. [3], 48, 734 ; J. prakt.Chem., 91, 45; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 864 ; Instit., 1864, 70 ; Chem. News, 9, 169 ; Jsb., 1864, 345. 1863 : 23. V. v. Lang. (Crystal form and optical properties of Tl, SO,.) Phil. Mag. [4], 25, 348 ; Ann. Chem. Liebig, 128, 76 ; Ann. der Phys. Pogg., 118, 630; Bull. Soc. chim., 5, 453; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 144; Jsb., 1863, 354. 8 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM 1864 : 1. G. Wbrthbk. (Determination as iodide.) Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 3, 1 ; J. prakt. Chem., 93, 393 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 987 ; J. Pharm. [3], 46, 306; Jsb., 1864, 712. 1864 : 2. A. Lamt. (Alcoholates.) Ann. chim. phys. [4], 3, 373; Compt. rend., S9. 780 ; Instit., 1864, 370 ; J. Pharm. [4], i, 211 ; Chem. News, 10, 268 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1865, 303 ; Am. J. Sci. [2], 39, 220 ; Jsb., 1864, 463. 1864 : 3. W. Cbookes. (Oxalates.) Chem. News, 9, 1 ; Bull. Soo. chim. [3], I, 378 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 410; Jsb., 1864, 354. 1864 : 4. W. Ceookes. (Solubility of Tl. salts.) Chem. News, 9, 37 ; Bull. Soc. chim. [3], i, 366; Jsb., i864, 256. 1864 : 5. Erdmann. (Action of Thallium carbonate on vegetable colors.) J. prakt. Chem., 91, 317 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 941 ; J. Pharm. [3], 46,463; Jsb., 1864, 350. 1864 : 6. ScHONBEisr. (Behavior of Tl. in presence of O and HjOj.) J. prakt. Chem., 93, 85 ; BuU. Soc. chim. [2], 3, 180 ; Jsb., 1864, 170. 1864 : 7. A. Schkottek. (Separation of Li., Rb., Cs., and Tl. in lepidolite and mica.) Wien. Akad. Ber. [2], 50, 268 ; J. prakt. Chem., 93, 275 ; N. Jahr. Pharm., 23, 16, 65 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1865, 331 ; Jsb., 1864, 186. 1864 : 8. J. NiCKLES. (Spectrum.) Compt. rend., 58, 132 ; Instit., 1864, 11 ; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], i, 454 ; J. prakt. Chem., 92, 505 ; Ann. der Phys. Pogg., 121, 836 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 404; Chem. News, 9, 54; Phil. Mag. [4], 28, 168; Jsb., 1864, 246. 1864 : 9. Oettingbb. (Molybdate and wolframate.) Zeitschr. Chem. Pharm., 1864. 440 ; J. Pharm. [3], 46, 463 ; Jsb., 1864, 253. 1864 : 10. BisCHOPF. (Occurrence.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 129, 375; Dingl. pel. J., 172, 73 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 815 ; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], i, 349 ; J. Pharm. [3J, 46, 308 ; Jsb., 1864, 245. 1864 : 11. KuHLMANN. (Thallous fluoride.) Compt. rend., 58, 1037 ; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 3, 57 ; Chem. News. 10, 37; Jsb., 1864, 253. 1864 : 12. Crookes. (Spectrum.) Chem. News, 9, 54 ; Jsb., 1864, 246. INDEX TO THE LITERATUBE OF THALLIUM 9 1864 : 13. Weethbe. J. prakt. Chem.,91, 385; 92, 128,351; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 737; Bull. Soc. chirn. [2], 2, 273 ; 3, 58 ; J. Pharm. [3], 46, 463 ; Chem. News, 10, 378 ; Jsb., 1864, 346. 1864 : 14. WiLLM. Bull. Soc. chim. [3], 2, 89 ; Jsb., 1864, 250. 1864 : 15. J. NiCKLES. ' (Chloro- and bromo-ethers of Tl.) Compt. rend., 58, 537; Instit'., 1864, 89; J. Pharm. [4], i, 22; BuU. Soc. chim. [2], i, 467; Chem. News, 9, 341 ; J. prakt. Chem., 92, 301 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1864, 413 ; Jsb., 1864, 352. 1865 : 1. WiLLM. Ann. chim. phys. [4], 5, 5; Bull. Soc. chim. [3J, 4, 166; Zeitschr. Chem., 1865, 488 ; Jsb., 1865, 343. 1865 : 2. Stebng. (Occurrence in furnace products.) Dingl. pol. J., 177, 839 ; Zeitschr. Chem., 1866, 95 ; Jsb., 1865, 242. 1865 : 3. R. Bunsbn. Ann. Chem. Liebig, 133, 108 ; Zeitschr. Chem., 1865, 106 ; Dingl. pol. J., 17s, 244 ; Viertsohr. Pharm., 14, 593 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1866, 31 ; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 4,499 ; Bull. 800. chim. [3], 3,418 ; Phil. Mag. [4],29, 168; Jsb., 1865, 342. 1865 : 4.' Rbid. Chem. News, 12, 343 ; Zeitschr. Chem., 1866, 64; Jsb., 1865, 343. 1865 : 5. BucHNEB. (Fluorides.) Wien. Akad. Ber. [3], 52, 644; J. prakt. Chem., 94, 404; Chem. Centrbl., 1866, 340 ; Jsb., 1865, 344. 1865 : 6. W. H. Millbe. (Crystalline form.) Proc. Roy. Soc, 14, 555 ; Phil. Mag. [4], 31, 149 ; Jsb., 1865, 344. 1865 : 7. A. Lamt. (Phospliorus compounds.) Compt. rend., 60, 741 ; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 4, 193 ; Jour. Pharm. [4J, I, 431 ; Zeitschr. Chem., 1865, 388 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1865, 597 ; Phil. Mag. [4], 29, 379 ; Ann. chim. phys. [4], 5, 410 ; Jsb., 1865, 346. 1865 : 8. Hebbbeling. (Estimation of Tl.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 134, 11 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1865, 657 ; N. Arch. ph. nat., 23, 113 ; Jsb., 1865, 349. 1865 : 9. A. Stebckee. (Some Thallic salts.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 135, 207; J. prakt. Chem., 96, 334; Chem. Centrbl., 1865, 881 ; J. Pharm. [4], 2, 340 ; Phil. Mag. [4], 30, 256 ; Chem. News, 12, 136 ; Am. Jour. Sci. [2], 41, 114 ; Jsb., 1865, 253. 1866 : 1. N1CKLB8. (Behavior toward mercury.) J. Pharm. [4], 4, 137 ; Jsb., 1866, 338. 10 INDEX TO THE LITEBAT0BE OF THALLIUM 1866 : 2. H. E. Roscob. (Thallous percUoride.) Chem. Soc. J. [2], 4, 127 ; Chem. News, 14, 217, 242 ; J. prakt.Chem., 101,56; Zeitschr. Chem., 1866, 753; N. Arch. ph. nat., 28,176; Jsb., 1866, 238. 1866 : 3. BiRNBAUM. (Action of HgOj on Tl.) Ann. Ch. u. Pharm., 138, 133 ; Jsb., 1866, 289. 1866 : 4. BtJNSEx. (Spectrum.) Jsb., 1866, 779. 1866 : 5. Lamt. (Tl. Glass, TI. and Pb. Glass.) Bull. Soo. chim. [2], 5, 164; Instit,, 1866, 320 ; Zeitschr. Chem., 1866, 2.51 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1866, 799 ; 1867, 432 ; Phil. Mag. [4], 32, 385 ; Jsb., 1866, 865. 1866 : 6. Debkat. (Thallium phosphomolybdate.) Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 5, 404 ; Zeitschr. Chem., 1866, 478 ; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 5, 881; J. prakt. Chem., 100, 64; Chem. Centrbl., 1866, 880 ; Vierteljahrschr. pr. Phai-m., 16, 425 ; Jsb., 1866, 794. 1866 : 7. BoTTGEE. (Behavior of Tl. towards S. and sulphide of gold.) Jsb. phys. Ver. Frankfurt-a-JI., 1865-66, 56 ; Jsb., 1866, 860. 1866 : 8. Steeit. J. prakt. Chem., 100, 191 ; Zeitschr. Chem., 1867, 884 ; Chem. Centrbl. 1867, 623 ; Jsb., 1867, 279. 1867 : 1. Ceookes. (Behavior of Tl. salts in presence of KMnO^.) Chem. News, 15 ; Zeitschr. Chem., 1867, 413 ; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 7, 394 ; N. Aich. ph. nat., 29 [?], 179 ; Jsb., 1867, 250. 1867 : 2. WoHLER. (Preparation from pyrites.) Ann. Ch. Pharm., 142, 263; BuU. Soc. chim. [2], 9, 463 ; PhU. Mag., 34, 223; Jsb., 1867, 274. 1867 : 3. Regxauld. (Amalgams.) Compt. rend., 64, 611; Instit., 1867, 109; J. Pharm. [4], 5,251; J. prakt. Chem., loi, 255; Zeitschr. Chem., 1867. 349; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 8, 179 ; Jsb., 1867, 275. 1867 : 4. Otto. (Position among the elements.) J. prakt. Chem., 102, 185; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 9, 212: Jsb., 1867, 275. 1867 : 5. Caestanjex. (Thallium and its compounds.) J. prakt. Chem., 102, 65, 129; Zeitschr. Chem., 1868, 69; Jsb., 1867, 275. 1867 : 6. Wohlee. (Thallous chloride.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 144,250; J. prakt. Chem., 104, 127; Zeitschr. Chem., 1868, 124 ; Bull. Soc. chim. [3], 9, 463 ; Jsb., 1867, 381. INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM 11 1867 : 7. Caestanjbn. (Thallium acids.) J. prakt. Chem., loi, 55 ; Am. Jour. Sci. [3], 44, 269 ; Jsb., 1867, 383. 1867 : 8. F. Ullek. (T1. molybdanoxy-fluoride.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 144, 304, 330 ; Wien. Akad. Ber. [2], 55, 767 ; J. prakt. Chem., loi, 61; Chem. Centrbl., 1867, 977; [Wien. Akad. Anz., 1867, 108] ; N. Arch. ph. nat., 31, 153 ; Jsb., 1867, 336. 1867 : 9. Lamy. (Thallium.) Wien Akad. Anz., 1867, 137 ; J. prakt. Chem , loi, 61 ; Instit., 1867, 384; Jsb., 1867,931. 1867 : 10. S. Mblloe. (T1. and Mg. alloy.) Chem. News, 15, 245; J. prakt. Chem., 103, 508; Zeitschr. Chem., 1867, 475 ; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 8, 259 ; Jsb., 1867, 896. 1868 : 1. WoHLBB. (Oxidation of Tl. in the circuit of a galvanic current. ) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 146, 263, 375 ; Zeitschr. Chem., 1868, 385 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1868, 889 ; Bull. Soc. ohim. [2], 10, 352 ; Jsb., 1868, 193. 1868 : 2. J. W. Gunning. (Extraction of Thallium.) Scheikundige bijdragen nit het Laboratorium van het Athenaeum illustre te Amsterdam, I., 95 ; Arch, neerlandaises des sci. exacteset nat.. III., 86; Zeitschr. Chem., 1868, 370 ; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 7, 480; J. prakt. Chem., 105, 343; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 10, 359; Chem. News, 17, 138 ; Jsb., 1868, 247. 1868 : 3. Lamt and Des Cloizbaux. (Chem., opt. and cryst. study of salts of Tl.) Comptes. rend., 66, 1146 ; Ann. chem. phys. [4], 17, 310, 434 ; Jsb., 1868, 252. 1868 : 4. H. Flemming. (Molyhdate and silicate of Tl.) Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., 4, 33 ; Zeitschr. Chem., 1868, 292 ; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 10, 235 ; Jsb., 1868, 250. 1869 : 1. H. FizBAU. (Heat expansion of Thallium.) Compt. rend., 68, 1125 ; Ann. der Phys. Pogg., 138, 26 ; Jsb., 1869, 86. 1869 : 2. H. C. Sokby. (Borax-bead reaction for Thallium.) Chem. News, 19, 309; Ber., 2, 337; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 9, 100; Jsb., 1869, 912. 1869 : 3. A. Lamt. (Thallous oxide paper as a reagent for ozone.) Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 11, 310; Zeitschr. Chem., 1869, 416; Chem. Centrbl., 1869, 372 ; Ber., 2, 60 ; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 9, 74 ; Jsb., 1869, 194. 1869 : 4. ZscHiBSCHB. (Double sulphides of Thallium with cerium and didymium.) J. prakt. Chem., 107, 98. 12 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM 1869 : 6. Lamt and Des Cloizeaux. (Chemical and optical study of Thallium salts.) Ann. chim. phys. [4], 17, 310. 1869 : 6. AsTGSTEOM. (Thallium spectrum.) Ann. chim. phys. [4], 18, 235. 1870 : 1. BoTTGEE. (Preservation of lustre of Thallium under water.) Dingl. poly. J., 197, 379 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1870, 623 ; Jsb., 1870, 355. 1870 : 2. C. Rammelsbeeg. (Isomorphism of Thallium phosphate with alkali phosphates. Position among the elements.) Ber., 3, 276; Zeitsohr. Chem. [2], 6, 570; Jsb., 1870, 356; Chem. Centrbl., 1871, 14. 1870 : 3. C. Rammelsbeeg. (lodate and some double halides of Thallium.) Ber., 3, 360; Zeitschr. Chem. [3], 6, 606; Chem. Centrbl., 1872, 595; Jsb., 1870, 356. 1870 : 4. Chr. Hansen. (Ethyl compounds of Thallium.) Ber., 3, 9 ; Zeitschr. Chem. [2], 6, 310 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1870, 82 ; Jsb., 1870, 507. 1870 : 5. R. Schxeidee and K. Pebiss. (Thallium sulpho-platinate.) Ann. der Phys. Pogg., 138, 604 ; J. prakt. Chem. [2J, 2, 162 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1870, 107. 1870 : 6. CossA. (Thallium alum.) Nuovo Cimento [2], 3, 75 ; Zeitschr. Chem. [3], 6, 380 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1870, 470. 1871 : 1. A. CoENU. (Thallium spectrum.) Compt. rend., 73, 332 ; N. Arch. ph. nat., 42, 85 ; Phil. Mag. [4], 42, 237 ; Jsb., 1871, 174, 1871 : 2. R. J. Feiswell. (Double cyanide of Thallium and plat- inum. ) J. Chem. See, 24, 461 ; Ann. Chem. Liebig, 159, 383 : Zeitschr. Chem. [3], 7, 414; Chem. News, 23, 249; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 16, 87 ; Ber., 4, 529 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1871. 386; Jsb., 1871, 317. 1871 : 3. Max Schaffnee. (Preparation of Thallium in large amounts.) Wien. Acad. Ber. [2J, 63, 176 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1871, 594 ; Jsb., 1871, 987. 1871 : 4. F. T. KoBELL. (Occurrence iu sphalerite.) J. prakt. Chem. [2]. 3, 176; J. Chem. See, 24, 312 ; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., II, 81 ; Chem. Centrbl, 1871. 308. 1871 : 5. J. Thomsex. (Heat of neutralization of Thallium oxide.) Ann. der Phys. Pogg., 143, 354 ; 143, 497 ; Ber., 4, 309 and 588 ; Bull. Soc. chim. [2], 16, 63; Jsb., 1871, 104. INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM 13 1871 : 6. . (Thallium in pigments.) Monit. soientif., 1871, 733; Deutsoh Industriezt. , 1871, 418; Jab. Chem. Tech., 1873, 7. 1872 : 1. F. WoHLER. (Preparation of metallic Thallium.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 164, 74 ; J. Chem. Soc, 25, 880 ; Bull. chim. Soc. [3], 18, 448; Jsb. Chem. Tech., 1873, 5; Chem. Centrbl., 1873, 658; Jsb., 1873, 354. 1872 : 2. W. Ceookbs. (Atomic weight of Thallium.) Proc. Roy. Soc, 20, 475 ; Chem. News, 26, 331 ; Ber., 5, 940 ; Zeitsohr. anal. Chem., 13, 35 ; J. Chem. Soc, 26, 355 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1873, 63; Jsb., 1873, 354. 1872 : 3. M. Jorgbnsen. (Thallous-thallic iodide.) J. prakt. Chem. [3], 6, 83 ; Bull. Soc. chim. [3], 18, 313 ; J. Chem Soc, 26, 475 ; Jsb., 1873, 354. 1872 : 4. Rammelsbbkg. (Isomorphism of Thallium salts with those of univalent elements.) Ann. der Phys. Pogg., 146, 593 ; J. Chem. Soc, 25, 987. 1872 : 5. Bolton. (Thallium uranate.) Amer. Chemist., 1873, 2, 456 ; Jsb., 1872, 355. 1872 : 6. G. Spezia. (Determination of iodine in presence of chlo- rine by Thallous nitrate.) Zeitsohr. anal. Chem., 11, 397 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1873, 183. 1873 : 1. L. DB BoisBAUDBAN. (Spectrum of Thallium.) Compt. rend., 77, 1153 ; Jsb., 1873, 153. 1873 : 2. Caenelly. (Vanadates of Thallium.) J. Chem. Soc, 26, 333; Ann. Chem. Liebig, 166, 155; Ber., 6,J74; Chem. Centrbl., 1873, 336 ; Jsb., 1873, 379. 1873 : 3. C. A. Valson. (Refraction of Thallium salt solutions.) Compt. rend., 76, 334; Gazz. chim. ital., 1873, 134; Jsb., 1873, 135. 1873 : 4. Stolba. (Separation of Thallium from flue dust. Thallium alum.) Ber. der. Konigl. bohm Ges. d. Wissen, 1873, Nov. ; J. Chem. Soc, 27, 873 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1874, 118 ; Jsb., 1873, 383. 1873 : 5. Rammblsberg. (Hypophosphite of Thallium.) J. Chem. Soc, 26, 3. 1873 : 6. C. Peonmullbb. (Thallous cyanide.) Ber., 6, 1178 ; J. Chem. Soc, 27, 147. 1874 : 1. Phipson. (Determination of Thallium.) Compt. rend., 78, 563 ; J. Chem. Soc, 27, 663 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1874, 335; Jsb., 1874,996. 14 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM 1874 : 2. F. C. Haktwig. (Compounds of Thallium with alcohol radicals.) Ber., 7, 298 ; J. Chem. Soc, 27, 675 ; Chem. Oentrbl., 1874, 396. 1874 : 3. Caeius and Feonmtjllbk. (Thallium triethyl.) Ber., 7, 303 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1874, 296. 1874 : 4. Th. Knosel. (Iodine compounds of Thallium.) Ber., 7, 576 and 893 ; J. Chem. Soc, 27, 775. 1874 : S. H. Schbodbe. (Isomorphism of Thallium and ammonium salts.) Ber., 7, 676. 1874 : 6. Teoost and Hautefeuille. (Behavior of Thallium toward hydrogen.) Ann. chim. phys. [5], 2, 379; Compt. rend., 78, 807 ; Dingl. poly. J., 214,236; Jsb., 1874, 239. 1875 : 1. J. Thomsen. (Thermo-chemical study of some Thallium compounds.) J. prakt. Chem., 12, 98; Bull. Soc. cliim., 26, 150; Chem. Centrbl., 1875,578; Jsb., 1875,83. 1875 : 2. R. Schneidee. (Thallium-sodium sulphide.) Ann. der Phys. Pogg., 153, 588 ; J. Chem. Soc, 28, 533. 1875 : 3. H. Lbscoeue. (Diacetate of Thallium.) Bull. Soc. chim., 24, 516 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1876, 35. 1875 : 4. Hammbebachee. (Occurrence of Thallium in carnallite.) Ann. Chem. Lieblg, 176, 82 ; J. Chem. Soc, 28, 734 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1875, 230. 1875 : 5. F. Haetwig. (Thallium in union with alcohol radicals.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 176, 257 ; J. Chem. Soc, 28, 1002. 1875 : 6. J. Keause. (Preparation of Thallium.) Dingl. poly. J., 217, 323; J. Chem. Soc, 28,519; Chem. Centrbl., 1875,648; Jsb., 1875,216. 1875 : 7. R. Nietzki. (Preparation of Thallium.) Arch. Pharm. [8], 7, 385 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1877, 778 ; Jsb., 1875, 216. 1875 : 8. R. Bottgee. (Behavior of Thallic oxide toward " Gold- schwefel.") N. Rep. Pharm., 24, 243 ; Pol. Notizbl., 33, 31 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1878, 271; Jsb., 1875, 216. 1876 : 1. T. E. Thorpe. (Isometric relations of Thallium.) J. Chem. Soc, 29, 859; Ber., 9, 952; Chem. News, 33, 156; Chem. Centrbl., 1876, 466. INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM 15 1876 : 2. John Muik. (Thallium chlorate.) J. Chem. Soc, 29, 857; Ber., 9, 952; Chem. News, 33, 156; Chem. Centrbl., 1876, 466; Jsb., 1876, 258. 1876 : 3. E. J. Chapman. (Blowpipe reactions of Thallium.) Phil. Mag. [2], 2, 397 ; J. Chem. Soc, 31, 489 ; Chem. News, 35, 13 ; Jsb., 1876, 995. 1876 : 4. R. Nietzki. (Preparation and detennination of Thallium.) Dingl. poly. J., 219, 263 ; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 16, 472 ; Jsb., 1876, 1072 ; Jsb., 1877, 1069. 1876 : 5. C. Feonmullee. (Double cyanides of Thallium.) Inaug. dis. Marburg, 1876 ; Jsb., 1876, 316. 1877 : 1. R. J. Feiswell and A. J. Geeenaway. (Thallous platino- cyanide.) J. Chem. Soc, 32, 251 ; Ber., 10, 1858 ; Chem. News, 35, 272 ; Bull. Soc. chim., 30, 120 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1877, 548 ; Jsb., 1877, 814. 1877 : 2. J. J. AcKWOETH and H. E. Aemsteong. (Action of nitric acid on Thallium.) J. Chem. Soc, 32, 86. 1877: 3. Petee Claesson. (Thallium meroaptide.) J. prakt. Chem., 15, 198 ; J. Chem. Soc, 32, 394 ; Jsb., 1877, 519. 1877 : 4. H. Ktjpfeebeeg. (Thallium salioyl-anilid.) J. prakt. Chem., 16, 434 ; J. Chem. Soc, 34, 319 ; Jsb., 1877, 753. 1878 : 1. H. E. Roscob. (Density of vapor of Thallous chloride.) Ber., II, 1196 ; J. Chem. Soc, 34, 987 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1878, 594. 1878 : 2. C. Fkonmitllee. (Some double salts of Thallous cyanide.) Ber., n, 91 ; Bull. Soc. chim., 30, 339 ; J. Chem. Soc, 34,394; Chem. Centrbl., 1878, 178 ; Jsb., 1878, 291. 1878 : 3. A. Cossa. (Thallium alum in volcanic regions.) Acad, dei Lincei, S., III., 2 ; Gazz. chim. ital., 18,78, 285 ; Zeitschr. Kryst., 2, 509; Ber., 11, 811 ; Jsb., 1878, 1225. 1878 : 4. F. W. Claekb. (Thallous tellurate..) Ber., II, 1507 ; Am. J. Sci. [3], 6, 201 ; J. Chem. Soc, 36, 1004. 1878 : 5. L. F. Nilson. (Thallium plato-iodo-nitrite.) Ber., II, 881. 1878 : 6. T. W. Saltee. (Thallium chromates as pigments.) Chem. News, 37, 96 ; J. Chem. Soc, 34, 454 ; Jsb., 1878, 291. 1878:7. E. ScHONE. (Oxygen compounds of Thallium and Hydrogen peroxide.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 196, 58 ; Bull. Soc. chim., 29, 538 ; Jsb., 1878, 196. 16 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM 1878 : 8. G. Ciamician. (Spectrum of Thallium.) Ber. Wien. Acad. [3], 76, 499. 1878 : 9. LiVEiNG and Dbwar. (Spectrum of Thallium.) Proc. Roy. Soc, 27, 133 ; 27, 350 ; 27, 494 ; Jsb., 1878, 183. 1879 : 1. A. DiTTB. (Acid Thallium nitrate.) Compt. rend., 89, 576 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1879, 733. 1879 : 2. J. Thomsbn. (Thermo-chemical study of Thallium com- pounds.) J. prakt. Chem. [3], 19, 18 ; Jsb., 1878, 93. 1879 : 3. D. Playfaie. (Occurrence of Thallium in pyrites.) Chem. News, 39, 245 ; Dingl. poly. J., 234, 160 ; Jsb., 1879, 306. 1879 : 4. Gout. (Spectrum of Thallium.) Ann. ohim phys. [5], 18, 58. 1880 : 1. J. Thomsen. (Further thermo-chemical study of Thallium compounds.) J. prakt. Chem., 21, 88 ; 21, 449 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1880, 390. 1880 : 2. L. Schucht. (Electrolytic determination of Thallium.) Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeit., 39, 131 ; Chemikerzeit, 1880, 293 ; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 22, 341 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1880, 874; Jsb., 1880, 174. 1880 : 3. L. F. Nilson. (Thallium plato-iodo-nitrite.) J. prakt. Chem. [3], 29, 183; Chem. Centrbl., 1880, 361. 1880 : 4. Alfred Polis. (Thallium chrome alum.) Ber., 13, 367. 1880 : 5. Em. Schonb. (Action of oxygen on Thallium paper.) Ber., 13, 1508. 1881 : 1. F. Parmbntibe. (Thallium silico-molybdate.) Compt. rend., 92, 1334; J. Chem. Soc, 40, 880. 1882 : 1. M, Scheobdee. (Thallium paper as an indicator in titration with sodium sulphide.) Berg. u. Huttenm. Zeit., 40, 4; Ber., 15, 263 ; Chem. Tech. Jsb., 1882, 170. 1882 : 2. Ross. (Blowpipe reactions of Thallium.) Berg. u. Hattenm. Zeit., 40, 459 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1882, 54. 1882 : 3. Rammelsbbeg. (Thallium phosphate.) Sitzungsb. d. k. Preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch., 1883, 383 ; Ber., 15, 3338; J. Chem. Soc, 44, 434; Bull. Soc. chlm., 39, 64; Ann. der, Phys. Pogg. [3], 16, 694 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1883, 450. INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM 17 1882 : 4. O. Pavel. (Thallium nitroso-sulphide.) Ber., IS, 3600 ; Jsb., 1882, 393. 1882 : 5. W. K Habtley. (Spectrum of Thallium.) J. Chem. Soc, 41, 84. 1883 : 1. L. ScHucHT. (Electrolytic behavior of Thallium.) Zeitsohr. anal. Chem., 22, 490 ; Jsb., 1883, 333, 1513. 1883 : 2. J. Schramm. (Occurrence and position among the ele- ments.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 219, 374 ; J. Chem. Soc, 44, 954 ; Bar., 16, 3663 ; Bull. Soc. ohim., 41, 646 ; Jsb., 1883, 11. 1883 : 3. DoNATH and Mayehopee. (Affinity, atomic weight, and specific gravity of Thallium.) Ber., 16,. 1588; Jsb., 1883, 26. 1883 : 4. W. Speing. (Thallium alum.) Ber., 16, 3723 ; Belg. Acad. Bull. [3], 6, 507 ; Bull. Soc. ohim., 40, 575 ; Jsb., 1883, 102. 1883 : 5. H. Becqueeel. (Spectrum.) Compt. rend., 97, 71 ; Ann. ohim. pliys. [5], 30, 49 ; Jsb., 1883, 244. 1884 : 1. Rammelsbeeg. (Phosphate of Thallium.) Ami. Wied., 20, 928 ; J. Chem. Soc, 46, 395. 1884 : 2. R. Webee. (Thallium pyrosulphate.) Ber., 17, 3503 and 2707. 1884 : 3. Caenelley and O'Shba. (Melting-point of Thallic oxide.) J. Chem. Soc, 45, 409. 1884 : 4. B. Rathke. (Thallium compounds with thiourea.) Ber., 17, 397; Jsb., 1884,504. 1884 : 5. D. Tommasi. (Heat of formation of Thallous hydrate.) Bull. Soc. chim. [3], 41, 444 ; Compt. rend., 98, 813 ; Jsb., 1884, 355. 1884 : 6. A. G. Page. (Chlorides of Thallium.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 225, 301. 1884 : 7. PI. Becqueeel. (Spectrum.) Compt. rend., 99, 374; Jsb., 1884, 391. 1884 : 8. Beix. (Thallium chloride and iodide, and some organic salts.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 225, 160. 1885 : 1. P. KuLiscH. (Action of phosphine on a Thallium solution.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 231, 348 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1885, 431 ; Jsb., 1885, 431. 18 INDEX TO THE LITEEATUBE OF THALLIL'il 1886 : 1. O. ZiMMERMANX. (Occurrence in commercial uranium oxide.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 232, 273 ; Jsb., 1880. 267. 1886 : 2. Th. Rosenbladt. (Thallium-cobalt nitrate.) Bar., 19, 25, 35 ; J. Chem. Soc, 52, 13. 1886 : 3. E. A. Werxeb. (Determination of Thallium in presence of lead.) Chem. News, 53,51; Ber., 19, Ref . 220 : J. Chem. Soc, 50, 490; Chem. Centrbl., 1886, 171. 1886 : 4. OsTAVALD. (Electrical conductivity of Thallous hydrate.) J. prakt. Chem. [2], 33, 352 ; Jsb., 1886, 267. 1886 : 5. KosMAN. (Thallium in crude zinc.) Chem. Zeit., 10, 762 ; J. Chem. Soc, 50, 851. 1887 : 1. A. C. Cousins. (Relation to gold and mercury.) Chem. News, 55, 241 ; Jsb., 1887, 375. 1887 : 2. H. N. Waeeen. (Thallium in platinum.) Chem. News, 55, 341; Ber., 20, R. 4^3: J. Chem. S.>:.. 52, 702; Monit. scientif. [4], i, 1108 ; Chem. CenabL. IS^T. 875 : Jsb.. 18S7, 2433. 1887 : 3. A. Picciin. (Acid oxides of Thallium.) Gazz. chim. ital., 17, 450; J. Chem. S.x.. 54. 110: Ber.. 2i, 224; Chem. Centrbl., 1888, 30 ; Jsb., 1887, 54.5. 1888 : 1. W. C. R. -Austin. (Periodic properties.) Proc Roy. Soc, 43, 425 ; Chem. News, 57, 133. 1888 : -2. B. Lepsius. (Valence of Thallium.) Ber., 21, 556: Jsb., 1888, 4.55. 1888 : 3. Caknelley and "Walker. (Dehydration of Thallous oxide by heat.) J. Chem. Soc, 53, 59. 1888 : 4. G. Xecmann. (Double salts of Thallium chloride.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 244, 329 ; J. Chem. Soc. 54, 655 ; Ber., 21, R. 436 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1888, 710. 1888: 5. G. iSTEUMANX. (Determination of Thallium.) Ann. Chem. Ldebig, 244, 349 ; J. Chem. Soc, 54, 529 ; Ber., 21, 356: Bull. Soc chim., 50, 67 ; Chem. Centrbl., 18-88. 730. 1888 : 6. Schumann. (Extraction of Thallium from zinc.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 249, 340. 1888 : 7. K. Kluss. (ThaUium dithionate.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 246, 230 ; J. Chem. Soc. 54, 1156 ; Jsb.. 18S8. 481. INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM 19 1889 : 1. Heycock and Neville. (Properties of Thallium-sodium alloy. ) J. Chem. Soc, 55, 671. 1889 : 2. W. Ramsay. (Molecular weight of Thallium.) J. Chem, Soc, 55, 531. 1889 : 3. Bbilstein and v. Blase. (Thallium antimoniate.) Melanges Phys. Chim. Bull. St. Petersburg, 13, 1 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1889, 803 ; J. Chem. Soc, 56, 1123. 1889 : 4. W. Feit. (Determination of Thallium.) Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 28, 314; Ber., 22, 513; J. Chem. Soc, 56, 927 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1889, 195. 1889 : 5. vH. Biltz and V. Meyee. (Vapor density of Thallium.) Ber., 22, 725 ; J. Chem. Soc, 56, 673 ; Zeitschr. phys. Chem., 4, 349 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1889, 531 ; Jsb., 1889,.137. 1889 : 6. A. Carnot. (Volumetric determination of Thallium.) Compt. rend., 109, 177; J. Chem. Soc, 56, 1246; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 33, 462 ; Ber., 22, 707; Chem. Centrbl., 1889, 514 ; Jsb., 1889, 2424. 1889 : 7. A. Brand. (Electrical behavior of Thallium pyrophos- phate.) Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 28, 595. 1889 : 8. F. L. Baetlett. (Preparation from zinc blende.) Chem. Soc Ind. J., 8, 896 ; Jsb., 1889, 341. 1889 : 9. D. Carnegie. (Oxides and hydrates of Thallium.) Chem. News, 60, 113 ; Ber., 22, 656 ; J. Chem. Soc, 58, 109 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1889, 738 ; Jsb., 1889, 531. 1889 : 10. C. SoEET and L. Dupaec. (Specific gravity of Thallium alum.) Arch. phys. nat. Geneve, 21, 90 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1889, 411. 1890 : 1. J. H. Long. (Optical properties of Thallium-tartrate solu- tions.) Ath. J. Soi. [3], 38, 264 ; J. Chem. Soc, 58, 313. 1890 : 2. Heycock and Neville. (Physical properties of Thallium- tin alloy.) J. Chem. Soc, 57, 379. 1890 : 3. G. Wyeoubopf. (Some new compounds of Thallium car- bonate.) B. Mfr., 12, 536; Chem. Centrbl., 1890, 575. 1890 : 4. Schneider. (Thallium-potassium sulphide.) J. prakt. Chem. [2], 42, 305 ; Ber., 23, R. 681 ; J. Chem. Soc, 60, 16. 20 INDJEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM 1890 : 5. WiNKLEE. (Reduction of the oxide by raagnefsium.) Ber., 23, 788 ; J. Chem. Soc, 58, 693. 1890 : 6. J. Blake. (Physiological action of Thallium salts.) Compt. rend., iii, 57 ; Ber., 23, R. 594 ; J. Chem. Soc, 58, 1453. 1891 : 1. Rammblsbeeg. (Thallium hypophosphate.) Math. nat. Mitt. Sitz-Akad. Wiss., Ber., 1891, 369 ; J. Chem. Soc, 62, 403 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1891 (2), 790. 1891 : 2. H. BAxrBiGNY. (Determination of Thallium.) Compt. rend., 113, 544; Ber., 24, R. 930; J. Chem. Soc, 62, 238. 1891 : 3. SuDBOEOtrGH. (Action of nitrosyl chloride on Thallium.) J. Chem. Soc, 59, 657. 1891 : 4. Beheens. (Microchemical reactions of Thallium.) Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 30, 138 ; Chem. News, 64, 41. 1891: 5. Lkpieeeb and Lachaud. (Thallous chromate.) Compt. rend., 113, 196; Ber., 24, R. 698; J. Chem. Soc, 60, 1422; Jahrbuch, 1891, 87. 1891 : 6. H. W. B. Roozeboom. (Solution of mixed crystals of Thal- lous and potassium chlorate.) Zeitschr. phys. Chem., 8, 513; J. Clieni. Soc, 62, 366; Jahrbuch, 1891, 40. 1891 : 7. J. H. Long. (Determination of Thallium and solubility of Thallous iodide.) J. anal. Chem., 2, 343 ; Zeitsclir. anal. Cliem., 30, 342 ; J. Chem. Soc, 60, 1295. 1892 : 1. K. Sponholz. (Volumetric determination of Thallium.) Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 31, 519 ; Chem. News, 67, 187 ; Ber., 26, R. 157. 1892 : 2. Jannasch and Aschofe. (Separation of chlorine and iodine by Thallous-sulphate solution.) Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., i, 348 ; Jalirbuch, 1892, 77. 1892 : 3. Sbubbet and Elten. (Thallous sulphite.) Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., 2, 434; Ber., 26, R. 150; Jalubuch, 1S92, 83; J. Chem. Soc, 64, 456 ; Zeitschr. anorg. Chem.. 4,68. 1892 : 4. Rammelsbeeg. (Acid and normal phosphates of Thallium.) J. prakt. Cliem., 45, 156. 1892; 5. Rautee. (Action of Thallous oxide on silicon tetrachloride.) Ann. Chem. Liebig, 270, 249. 1892 : 6. Heycock and Neville. (Thallium-cadmium and Thallium- lead alloys.) J. Chem Soc, 61, 903, 914. INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM 21 1892 : 7. Lbpieeeb and Lachaud. (Thallous chromate and Thallous cMoro-chromate.) Bull. Soc. chim. [3], 6, 230 ; J. Chem. Soc, 62, 567. 1893 : 1. F. Maueo. (Thallium fluor-oxymolybdate.) Atti. Roy. Acoad. Lincei [5], 2, II, 383 ; Ber., 27, R. 109 ; Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., 6, 838. 1893 : 2. A. Jolt. (Thallium hypophosphate.) Compt. rend., 118, 649 ; Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., 6, 427 ; Bull. Soc. chim. [3J, II, 670 ; Ber., 27, R. 240 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1894 (1), 819 ; J. Chem. Soc, 66(2), 283. 1893 : 3. K. Sponholz. (Determination of Thallium by titration with bromine water.) Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 31, 519 ; Ber., 26, R. 157; Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., 3, 239. 1893 : 4. Lepieeee. (Atomic weight of Thallium.) Compt. rend., 116, 580 ; Ber., 26, R. 267 ; Bull. Soc. chim. [3], 9, 166 ; Zeitschr. anorg. Chenj., 4, 316 ; Jahrbuch, 1893, 95 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1893, 716. 1893 : 5. HoDGKiNSON and Feknch. (Action of ammonia on Thallous sulphate.) Chem. News, 66, 233 ; Ber. , 26, R. 183. 1893 : 6. E. Glatzel. (Thiophosphate of Thallium.) Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., 4, 186; Ber., 26, R. 577; Chem. Centrbl., 1893, 350. 1893: 7. Lepibree. (Atomic weight of Thallium.) Bull. Soc. chim. [3], 11, 423; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 33, 135; Chem. Centrbl., 1894 (2), 18. 1893 : 8. Pribbam. Tartrate. Monatshefte, 14, 742. 1893 : 9. H. Kaysee. (Spectrum of Thallium.) Chem. Zeitung, 16, 533; Zeitschr. anal. Chem., 32, 578. 1893 : 10. J. W. Retgees. (Solubility of Thallous iodide in methyl iodide.) Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., 3, 846. 1893 : 11. J. W. Retgees. (Thallous-silver nitrate for mineral sepa- rations.) Neues Jarhb. Min. Geol., 1893, i, 90 ; Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., 4, 332 ; J. Chem. Soc, 65 (3), 394 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1894, 443. 22 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIUM 1893 : 12. Wilde. (Spectrum.) Proc. Roy. Soc, 53, 369 ; J. Chem. Soc, 64 (2), 525 ; Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., s, 399. 1893 : 13. E. Scacchi. (Crystallographic study of Thallium fluoxy- molybdate.) Atti. Roy. Aocad. dei Linoei [5], 2, II, 401 ; Z. Kryst, 25, 388 ; Ber., 27, R. 109 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1894, (1), 456. 1893 : 14. A. A. Notes and C. W. Hapgood. (Isomorphism of Thal- lous nitrate and diphenyl nitrate.) Chem. News, 74, 217. 1893 : 15. W. N. Haetlet. (Spectrum.) J. Chem. Soc, 63, 189. 1893 : 16. D. Cochin. (Spectrum.) Compt. rend., 116, 1055 ; J. Chem. Soc, 64 (2), 402. 1894 : 1. Heycock and Neville. (Freezing-points of some Thallium alloys.) J. Chem. Soc, 65, 81 ; Ber., 27, R. 240 ; Ber., 28, R. 218 ; Bull. Soc. chim. [3], 12, 515. 1894 : 2. G. Gioegis. (Acid Thallium carbonate.) Atti. R. Accad. dei Linoei [5], 3, II, 104 ; Ber., 27, R. 859 ; J. Chem. Soc, 68 (3), 316 ; Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., 8, 404 ; Jahrbuch, 1894, 93 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1894, 773. 1894 : 3. Penfield and Keeider. (Separation of minerals of high specific gravity by ThaUium-silver nitrate.) Am. Jour. Sci. [3], 48, 141 ; Chem. Centrbl., 1894 (2), 530. 1894 : 4. H. L. Wells and S. L. Penfield. (Thallium tri-iodide.) Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., 6, 312 ; J. Chem. Soc, 66 (2J, 318 ; Jahi-buch, 1894,92; Ara. Jour. ScL [3], 47, 463; Ber., 27, R. 494: Chem. Centrbl, 1894 (2), 8. 1894 : 5. Otto Vogbl. (Occurrence and spectrum of Thallium.) Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., 5, 49 ; Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., 5, 61. 1894 : 6. R. Scharizer. (Crystallographic examination of Thallium tartrate. ) Zeitschr. Kryst., 23, 565; Chem. Centrbl., 1894 (2), 1034; Chem. Centrbl., 1895(2), 71. 1895 : 1. Antonio Curci. (Biological action of Thallium.) Annal. Chim. Farm., 22, 481; Chem. Centrbl., 1895, 838; Chem. Centrbl., 1896, 120. INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THALLIl'M 23 1895 : 2. J. H. Peatt. (Double halides of Thallium with metals of the alkalies.) Zeitschr. anorg. Chem., 9, 19; Am. J. Sci. [3], 49, 397; J. Chem. Soc, 68 (3), 398 ; Chem. CentrbL, 1895, 7. 1895 : 3. A. Stayenhagen. (Thallium arsenite.) J. prakt. Chem. [2], 51, 1 ; J. Chem. Soc, 68 (3), 218. 1895 : 4. Inglesteom. (Occurrence in haamatite.) Zeitschr. Kryst., 25, 94 ; J. Chem. Soc, 68 (2), 505. 1895.: 5. J. A. Keennee. (Occurrence in lorandite.) Math. nat. Ber. Ungarn., 12 ; Chem. News., 71, 91. 1896 : 1. L. M. Dennis, M. Doan, and A. C. Gill. (Thallous tri- nitride, Thallous-thallic trinitride, Thallous tellurate, and Thal- lous cyanplatinite.) J. Amer. Chem. Soc, 18, 970 ; Chem. CentrbL, 1897 (1), 16. 1896 : 2. J. W. Retgees. (Double nitrate of Thallium with silver, lead, and mercury.) Jahvb. f. Mineral., 1896 (2), 183 ; Chem. CentrbL, 1897 (1), 71. 1896 : 3. H. Biltz. (Density of Thallium.) Ber. d. Konigl. Preuss. Akad., 5, 67t Ber., 29 (4), 161. 1896 : 4. H. Biltz. (Molecular weight of Thallium.) Zeitschr. phys. Chem., 19, 385. 1896 : 5. J. Antipow. (Occurrence in iron pyrites.) J. Russ. phys. chem. Ges., 1896 (1), 384. ; Ber., 29, Ref. 1042. AUTHOR INDEX. Ackworth, J. J., and H. E. Armstrong;. Action of nitric acid on Thallium, 10. Angstrom, Spectrum, 13. Antipow, J. Occurrence in iron pyrites, 23. Armstrong. H. E., and J. J. Ackworth. Action of nitric acid on Thallium, 15 Aschofif and Jannasch. Separation of chlorine and iodine by Thallous sul- phate, 30. Bartlett, F. L. Preparation from zinc blende, 19. Baubigny, H. Determination of Thal- lium, 20. Becquerel, H. Spectrum, 17. Behrens. Microchemical reactions, 20. Beilstein and v. Blase. Thallium anti- moniate, 19. Biltz, H. Density, 23 ; molecular weight, 28. Biltz, H., andV. Meyer. Vapor density , 19. Birnbaum. Action of hydrogen per- oxide on Thallium, 10. Bischoflf. Occurrence, 8. Blake, J. Phjsiological action of salts, 20. V. Blase and Beilstein. Thallium anti- moniate, 19. Bottger. Occurrence, methods of ob- taining from flue-dust and lead- chamber deposits, some compounds, 7 ; occurrence, 6 ; behavior towards sulphur and sulphide of gold, 10; pre- servation of lustre under water, 13 ; behavior of oxide, 14. de Boisbaudran, L. Spectrum, 13. Bolton. Uranate, 18. Brand, A. Electrical behavior of the pyrophosphate, 19. Brix. Chloride, iodide, and some or- ganic salts, 17. Buchner. Fluorides, 9. Bunsen, 9 ; spectrum, 10. Carius and Fronmtiller. Triethyl, 14. Carnegie, D. Oxides and hydrates, 19. Carnelley. Vanadates, 13. Carnelley and O'Shea. Melting-point of Thallic oxide, 17. Carnelley and Walker. Dehydration of Thallous oxide, 18. Carnot, A. Volumetric determination, 19. Carstanjen. Thallium and its com- pounds, 10 ; Thallium acids, 11. Chapman, E. J. Clowpipe reactions, 15. Ciamician, G. Spectrum, 16. Claesson, Peter. Mercaptide, 15. Clarke, F. W. Thallous tellurate, 15. Des Cloizeau and Lamj-. Chemical, optical, and orj'stallographic study of salts, 11, 12. Cornu, A. Spectrum, 13. Cossa, A. Thallium alum, 12, 15. Cousins, A. C. Relation to gold and mercury, 18. Crookes, W. Discovery, 5 : preparation, 6 ; priority of discovery, 6 ; salts, 7 ; oxalates, 8 ; solubilities of salts, 8 ; spectrum, 8 ; behavior of salts in presence of potassium permanganate, 10 ; atomic weight, 13. Crookes, W., and Church. Sesqui- chloride, 7. Curci, A. Biological action, 22. Debray. Thallium phosphomolybdate, 10. Dennis, L. M., M. Doan, and A. C. Gill. Thallous tiinitride, Thallous-Thallic trinitride, Thallous tellurate, and Thallous cyanplatinite, 23. Dewar and Liveing. Spectrum. 16. Ditte, A. Acid Thallium nitrate, 16. Doan, M. See Dennis, L. M. Donath and Mayrhofer. Affinity, at- omic weight, and specific gravity, 17. Duparc L., and C. Soret. Specific gravity of ThalUum alum, 19. Elten and Seubert. Thallous sulphite, 20. Erdmann. 7 ; Thallous carbonate on vegetable colors, 8. Feit. W. Determination, 19. Fizeau, H. Heat expansion, 11. Flemming, H. Molybdate and silicat*, 11. French and Hodgkinson. Action of anunonia on Thallous sulphate, 21. Friswell, R. J. Thallous platino-cya- nide, 12. 24 AUTHOR INDEX 25 Friswell, R. J., and A. J. Greenaway. Thallous platino-cyanide, 15. Fronmiiller, C. Double salts of Thallous cyanide, 15. Fronmiiller and Carius. Thallium tri- ethyl, 14. Gassiot. Spectrum, 6. Gill, A. C. See Dennis, L. M., 23. Giorgis, G. Acid Thallium carbonate, 33. Grandeau, Poisonous properties, 7. Gunning, J. W. Extraction, 11. Hapgood, C. W., and A. A. Noyes. Nitrate, 23. Hansen, Chr. Ethyl compounds, 13. Hartley, W. N. Spectrum, 17, 22. Hartwig, F. C. Thallium in union with alcohol radicals, 14. Hautfeuille and Troost. Behavior to- wards hydrogen, 14. Hebberling. Determination, 9. Herepath. Occurrence, 6. Heycock and Neville. Thallium-sodium and Thallium-tin alloy, 19 ; Thallium- cadmium and Thallium-lead alloy, 20; freezing-points of alloys, 22. Hodgkinson and French. Action of ammonia on Thallous sulphate, 31. Inglestrom. Occurrence, 33. Jannasch and Aschofif. Separation of chlorine and iodine by Thallous sul- phate, 30. Joly, A. Thallium hypophosphate, 21. Jorgensen, M. Thallous-thallic iodide, 13. Kayser, H. Spectrum, 21. Kluss, K. Dithionate, 18. KnOsel, Th. Iodine compounds, 14. V. Kbbell, F. Occurrence, 13. Kosman. In crude zinc, 18. Krause, J. Preparation, 14. Kreider and Penfleld. Separation of minerals by Thallium-silver nitrate, 23. Kuhlman, F. Organic salts and deter- mination of Thallium, 5 ; lead cham- ber deposits, 7 ; Thallous fluoride, 8. Kulisch. Action of phosphine on Thal- lium solutions, 17. Kupperburg, H. Salicylanilid of Thal- lium, 15. JLachaud and Lepierre. Chromate, 20 ; chloro-chromate, 31. Lamy, A. Discovery, occurrence, ex- traction, 5 ; toxicological effects, 6 ; alcoholates, 8 ; phosphorus com- pounds, 9 ; Thallium glass, 10 ; Thal- lous oxide a reagent for ozone, 11. Lamy, A., and Des Cloizeau. Chemi- cal and optical study of ThaUium, 11, 12. Lepierre. Atomic weight, 21. V. Lang, V. Crystal form of Thallous sulphate, 7. Lepierre and Laohaud. Chromate, 30 ; chloro-chromate, 31. Lescouer. Diacetate, 14. Liveing and Dewar. Spectrum, 16. Long, J. H. Optical properties of Thal- lium tartrate, 19 ; determination . solubility of Thallous iodide, 20. Matthiessen and Vogt. Electrical con- ductivity, 6. Mauro, F. Fluor-oxymolybdate, 31. Mayrhofer. See Donath, 17. Mellor, S. Thallium-magnesium alloy, Meyer, V. , and H. Ciltz. Vapor den- sity, 19. Miller. Spectrum, 6 ; crystal form of salts, 9. Muir, John. Chlorate, 15. Neumann, G. Double salts of Thallium chloride, 18 ; determination of Thal- lium, 18. Neville and Heycock. Thallium sodium and Thallium in alloy, 19 ; alloy with cadmium and lead, 30 ; freezing- points of Thallium alloys, 32. Nickles, J. Spectrum, 8 ; behavior to- wards mercury, 9. Nietzki, R. Preparation of Thallium, 14 ; determination of Thallium, 15. Nilson, L. F. Thallium plato-iodo-ni- trite, 15, 16. Noyes, A. A., and C. W. Hapgood. Iso- morphism of Thallous nitrite and di- phenyl-nitrite, 23. Oettinger. Molybdate and wolframate, 8. Ostwald. Electrical conductivity of Thallous hydrate, 18. Otto. Position among the elements, 10. Page, A. G. Chlorides, 17. Parmentier, F. Thallium silico-mo- lybdate, 16. Paulet. Poisonous properties, 7. Penfleld and Kreider. Separation of minerals by Thallium silver nitrate, 23. Penfleld and Wells. Tri-iodide, 33. Phipson. Determination, 13. Piccini, A. Acid oxides, 18. Playfair, D. Occurrence, 16. Polls, A. Thallium chrome alum, 16. Pratt, J. H. Double halides with alkali metals, 33. '26 AUTHOR IXDEX Preiss, K. , and R. Schneider. Thallium sulpho-platinate, 12. Pribram. Tartrate, 21. de la Provostaye. Cr3'stal form of some organic salts, 5. Ramraelsberg, C. lodate and double halides. 13 ; isomorphism of Thallium salts with those of univalent ele- ments ; hypophosphite, 13 ; Thallium phosphate and the alkaline phos- phates, 13 ; position among the ele- ments, 13 ; pliosphate, 16, 17 ; hypo- phosphate, acid and normal phos- phates, 20. Ramsay, W. Molecular weight, 19. Rathke. Compounds with thiourea, 17. Rauter. Action of Thallous oxide on silicon tetrachloride, 30. Regnault. Specific heat, 5 ; amalgams, 10. Reid. 9. Retgers, J. W. Solubility of Thallous iodide in methyl iodide, 31 ; Thallous silver nitrate for mineral separations, 21 : double nitrate of Thallium with silver, lead, and mercury, 23. de la Rive, L. Specific gravity and electrical conductivity, 6. Roberts-Austin, W. C. Periodic prop- erties, 18. Roepper. Occurrence, 6. Roozeboom, H. W. B. Thallous chlor- ate and potassium chlorate, 20. Roscoe, H. E. Perchloride, 10: vapor density of Thallous chloride, 15. Rosenbladt. Thallous-cobalt nitrate,18. Ross. Boiling-point, 16. Salter, T. W. The chromates as pig- ments, 15. Scacchi, E. Crystallographic study of the fluoxymolybdate, 23. SchafEner, M. Preparation, 12. Scharizer. Crystallographic examina- tion of Thallous tartrate, 22. Schneider. Thallium-sodium sulphide, 14 ; Thallium-potassium sulphide, 19. Schonbein. Behavior in the presence of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, 8. Schone, E. Action of oxygen on Thal- lium paper, 15. Schramm, J. Occurrence and position- among the elements, 17. Schroder, H. Isomorphism of Thal- lium and ammonium salts, 14. Sohroeder, M. Thallium paper as an indicator intitration with sodium sul- phide, 16. SchOrtter. OccuiTence, 7 ; preparation, 8. Schucht, L. Electrolytic determination of Thallium. 16 ; electrical behavior, 17. Schumann. Extraction from zinc, IS. Seubert and Elten. Sulphite. 20. Sorby, H. C. Borax bead test, 11. Soret and Duparc. Specific gravity- of Thallium alum, 19. Spezia, G. Determination of iodine in presence of chlorine by Thallous nitrate, 13. Sponholz. Volumetric determination, 20 ; volumetric determination by bro- mine water, 21. Spring, W. Alum, 17. Stavenhagen, A. Arsenite, 28. Stolba. Preparation ; Thallium alum, 13. Strecker. Thallic salts, 9. Streit. 10. Strong. Occurrence, 9. Sudborough. Action of nitrosyl chlor- ide on Thallium, 20. Thomsen, J. Heat of neutralization of Thallous hydrate, 12 ; thermo-chem- ical study of some Thallium com- pounds, 14, 16. Thorpe, T. E. Isometric relations of ThaUium, 14. Tommasi, D. Heat of formation of Thallous hydroxide, 17. Troost and Hautefeuille. Behavior of Thallium toward hydrogen, 14. Ullek, F. Molybdanoxyfluoride, 11. Valson, C. A. Refraction of Thallium salts in solution, 13. Vogel, Otto. Occurrence; spectrum, 22. Vogt and Matthiessen. Electrical con- ductivity, 6. Walker and Camelley. Dehydration of Thallous oxide, 18. Warren, H. N. Thallium in platinum, 18. Weber, R. Pyrosulphate, 17. Wells and Penfield. Tri-iodide, 22. Werner. E. A. Determination in pres- ence of lead. 18. Werther, G. Determination as iodide, 8; 9. Wilde. Specti-um, 22. Willm. Ammonium derivatives of ThalUc-chloride. 7, 9. Winkler. Reduction of the oxide by magnesium, 20. Wohler. Preparation. Thallous chlo- ride, 10 ; oxidation in galvanic cur- rent, 11 ; preparation, 13. WyroubofE. Compounds of Thallous carbonate, 19. Zschiesches. Double sulphides of Thal- lium with cerium and didymium, 11. THE INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. CHEMISTRY. BY H. CAERINGTON BOLTON AND WILLIAM P. CUTTER. [Eeprinted from Scibncb, N. S., Vol. IX., No. 234, Pages 867-871, June 23, 1899.] [_Bepnntedfrom Soibnce. N. 8., Vol. IX., No. SS4, Pages 867-871, June SS, 1899.'\ CHBMISTET. If the object of arranging titles of books in a bibliography in certain groups or classes is to enable readers and investi- gators to find more readily an article on a given subject, then the anonymous Commit- tee that drew up the schedule of classifica- tion for Chemistry in the Eeport of the Royal Society's International Catalogue Committee has made an almost total failure. Two methods were open to the Commit- tee appointed to devise a classification scheme for Chemistry, either to adopt an arbitrary system, in which symbols uni- formly indicate definite subjects, or to adopt the dictionary plan, in which specific words are arranged alphabetically. The latter plan has, in our opinion, great and incon- testable advantages over the former, but as the Committee chose to adopt the first named method the second cannot be here considered. The provisional plan which was submit- ted to the delegates at the Conference of the International Catalogue Committee, held in London, October, 1898, forms Sec- tion F, of the general scheme printed in a small volume, very difficult for others than delegates to obtain. The grand divisions, with their registration symbols, are as fol- lows: (No number) Chemical Bibliography. 0100 Chemistry (Specific) of the Elements. 0900 Laboratory Procedure. 1000 Organic (Carbon) Chemistry (Specific). 1010 Hydrocarbons. 2 1100 Alcohols and Ethers. 1200 Acids. 1300 Aldehydes and Ketones. 1400 Carbohydrates ; Glucosides ; Resins. 1500 Amino- and Azo-Compounds. 1600 Mixed Cycloids. 1100 Organo-Metallic and allied Compounds. 1800 Alkaloids. 1900 Proteids. 2000 Coloured Compounds. 2500 Operations in Organic Chemistry. 3000 Analytical Chemistry. 3500 Theoretical and Physical Chemistry. 4000 Physiological Chemistry. These grand divisions are sub-divided so as to provide a class and a symbol for every substance known to the chemist or awaiting discovery ; at least such is the intention. Chemical Bibliography is divided into six groups, to wit : 0000 Philosophy. 0010 ffistory. 0020 Biography. 0030 Dictionaries, collected works, monographs, and text-books. 0040 Pedagogy. 0050 Addresses, lectures, essays and theses. Curiously, no symbol is provided for bib- liographies of chemistry, a topic that must have been prominent in the minds of the persons on the Committee. The second grand division ' 0100 Chem- istry of the Elements ' is intended to em- brace " all specifically chemical subject- matter, and such other entries as may be desirable, relating to the elements generally, excepting carbon." In this category the elements are arranged alphabetically and to each a symbol is given, thus : 0110 (Al) Aluminium. 0120 (Sb) Antimony. 0130 (A) Argon. 0200 (Cd) Cadmium. 0210 (Cs) Csesium. * * « « » 0250 (CI) Chlorine. 0260 (Cr) Chromium. * * * « * 0800 (Va) Vanadium. 0810 (Yt) Ytterbium. 0820 (Y) Yttrium. 0830 (Zn) Zinc. 0840 (Zr) Zirconium. Students, and even older chemists, who find difficulty in recalling the atomic weights of common elements will scarcely welcome the proposition to give to each ele- ment another factor, though in the case of antimony this objection disappears. This alphabetical arrangement of the ele- ments prevents carrying out one of the prime objects of classification, namely, the grouping of related matters ; thus 0270 = Cobalt, 0500 = Nickel, 0690 — Sulphur, 0710 = Tellurium. The natural group Ba, Ca and Sr, have re- spectively the unrelated numbers 0150, 0220 and 0680. Surely the elements might have been arranged systematically, so that related bodies would have contiguous sym- bols. Annexed to the table of elements are in- structions for sub-dividing entries and the following paragraph : " Specific entries re- lating to the halogens collectively shall be arranged in Division 0250 under Halogens." This mixing of a word-heading with nu- merical symbols is a weak feature to be again noticed. The instructions for entering titles in sub-divisions of 0100 include the following paragraph : " Entries relating to com- pounds, which in the Slip Catalogue bear the number and symbol of the dominant element, together with the symbol of the secondary constituent, or dominant second constituent, shall be printed in the sub- division of their second constituent." If we understand aright this rather obscure sentence, it provides for writing on slips according to one rule and for printing them in book- form according to another rule ; sodium chloride would appear, therefore, under the symbol for sodium in the written slips and under chlorine in the printed volume ! A second paragraph provides that " refer- ences to hydroxides, acids and salts shall be entered under the oxide, and corre- sponding sulphur compounds under the sulphide. " A third paragraph reads as follows : " (d) In each sub-division the entries shall be arranged in such order that those relating, a, to the history or origin of the substance come first, and following these, in the order mentioned, those relating, p, to its prepara- tion or manufacture ; y, to its structure, or of a theoretical nature ; S, to its interactions or use ; e, to its compounds — these five sev- eral sections being denoted by the letters a, Passing without comment this non-pars- able English (which occurs elsewhere in the report), the scheme introduces another arbitrary feature, Greek letters for specific subjects, which is an admission that the numerical plan is found insufl&cient ; though it need not be, provided decimals were used, a plan which does not seem to be con- templated by the Committee. The sugges- tion is even made that " it would be possible to carry the analysis still farther by means of symbols, sucli as 0, x, and so forth, to indicate physical properties, crystalline form, etc." The writers of this review ven- ture to suggest that when the Greek alpha- bet is exhausted the Hebrew will come in handy. This mixture of numerical symbols with word-headings is again resorted to in di- vision ' 0930 Operations in inorganic chem- istry,' where it is suggested that "entries shall be made under significant headings, such as dissolution (stc) and solvents, crystallization, distillation, * * * oxi- dation, electrolysis, furnace operations, etc., arranged alphabetically." To organic chemistry the symbol 1000 is assigned, under which all entries shall be arranged that relate to the subject gen- erally ; substitution derivatives of the com- pounds included in each of the numbered divisions — especially haloid and allied de- rivatives — shall, as far as possible, be en- tered under the compounds from which they are derived. The next paragraph provides that " entries under the name of a substance may, if necessary, be sub-divided in the same way as that proposed for inorganic substances." Hydrocarbons receive the numerical sym- bol 1010, and the scheme for indicating their substitution derivatives leads to amaz- ing propositions ; the general group is di- vided thixs : 1010 Hydrocarbons. 1020 Paraffins. 1030 Unsatniated Open-Chain Hydrocarbons. 1010 Benzenoid Hydrocarbons. 1050 Eeduoed Benzenoid Hydrocarbons (Terpenes, etc.). 1060 Unclassified Hydrocarbons. " Each of these divisions shall be sub-di- vided (excepting 1010 and 1020) into isologous groups, in each of which com- pounds shall be entered in homologous order." Then follow two new arbitrary signs for distinguishing derivatives ; these are full-faced numerals, 2, 4, etc., used to indicate homologous series C„H2^_„ G^'H.^^_i, and the full-faced letter C, with exponents attached to indicate the number of carbon atoms in a given compound. Applying this scheme to nitropropane (CH,.CH,.CHj.(]SrOJ ) it will receive the registration symbol IO2O.C8.NO2 ; allene (Cj:C:CHj) will be indicated by the symbol 1030.2.C,, and bromotuluene (C.Hj. CH,.Br) will be indicated by 1040.6.C,.Br. This plan of assigning to definite chem- ical bodies arbitrary symbols resembling in structure well-established formulse is most objectionable ; if carried out it would prove vexatious to chemists and of no practical value to librarians. To alcohols and ethers the symbol 1100 is assigned ; to acids, 1200 ; each of these groups is sub-divided exactly as are the hydrocarbons, but the symbols of the sub- divisions do not harmonize. Since paraf- fins = 1020, ' ols ' should have been 1120, and acids 1220 (instead of 1110 and 1210). In the paragraph on acids provision is made for indicating the number of oxy- gen atoms, the character of the acid and the basicity by numbers, to which ol, al, on, id or cy shall be appended, ac- cording to the origin of the acid. " Thus lactic acid would be marked 1210.0,0, (l.ol), and protocatechuic acid, 1230.8.C,0« (I.2.0I)." Here, again, we have registra. tion symbols resembling in a general way chemical formulae, yet they do not show the constitution nor even suggest the name of the substance. Number 1440 is given to carbohydrates other than mono-, di- and trisaccharides and 1460 to glucosides and 1460 to resins, and it is provided that compounds belonging to these divisions shall be entered alphabet- ically ; this is again a departure from the numerical plan. Another rule provides that " under alkaloids (1800) a list shall be given of vegeto-alkaloids, together with the Latin names of the plants from which they have been obtained, arranged in the alphabetical order of the plant names." Chemists not versed in botany would find this arrangement a puzzling one. Again, " alkaloids derived from plants (1810) and from animals (1820) shall be arranged alphabetically." Division 3000 is styled ' Coloured com- pounds ' [I] , a singular misnomer for com- pounds used in dyeing ; yet another division, 2010,is called 'Coloured substance8,not dye- stuffs,' and division 3020 is named 'dye- stuffs.' Provision is made for sub-dividing these categories thus : " 2010 into Hydro- carbons (coloured), Alcohols (coloured), Ketones (coloured), etc.; 3030 into Azo dyes * * * dye-stuffs of vegetable origin, unclassified dyes," arranged alphabetically in each sub-division. The rules concerning the entries of the sub-divisions of 3000, Analytical Chem- istry, also lack uniformity, clearness and exactness ; " division 3200 shall include all entries relating to the determination of in- dividual elements in their compounds and in mixtures, excluding determinations of atomic weights " which belong to division 8 3500 (theoretical and physical chemistry). "Division 3300 shall include all entries relating to the determination of individual compounds, e. g., alkaloids, carbohydrates * * * but excluding gases. If necessary gravimetric, volumetric, electrolytic, phys- ical, etc., methods may be distinguished by letters, such as g, v, etc." " Division 3400 (Applied Analysis) shall include all entries relating to the analysis of composite materials, such as drugs, foods, soils, waters and technical products generally, arranged under appropriate significant headings." The remaining divisions, 3500, Theoret- ical and Physical Chemistry, and 1000, Physiological Chemistry, must be passed ; the specimens given are sulBBciently numer- ous. A study of this remarkable scheme of classification shows that the Committee failed to recognize the fact that classifica- tion and notation are two distinct things, and that a notation need have no relation to the character of the class to which the notation is given. To difierentiate the houses in a city, street and number are given ; ' 120 Grand Avenue ' sufi&ces to dis- tinguish a given house, and it is not neces- sary to construct a symbol indicating the number of stories, the number of windows and the color of the paint in order to recog- nize the address. Accompanying the schedule of classifica- tion is a speoimem page giving illustrations of the way in which these rules should be applied; the examples bring out forcibly the absurdities of the conglomerate method proposed. The paper on Argon, by Lord Eayleigh and W. Ramsay, receives the Kabbalistic formula ' 0100. /S.?,' but, if we 9 understand rightly the Committee's rules, the numerals should be 0130, which stands for argon. An article by J. J. Sudborough and L. L. Lloyd, on ' Stereoisomerism as affecting formation of etheral salts from unsaturated acids,' is assigned simply the number 3500 ; when, however, the same paper is entered under a different title, namely : ' Etherifica- tion of stereoisomeric unsaturated acids a criterion of structure,' it has the number 1200 r ; when, on the other hand, this paper is catalogued as : 'Cinnamic and allied acids as a criterion of structure, Etheriflcation of,' the catalogue slip must bear the symbol 1230.10.CA«. To a chemist the formula of cinnamic acid CjH5.CH:CH,.C0,H has a definite meaning, and we protest against a system that introduces symbols, analogous in ap- pearance, yet wholly misleading as respects the composition. An examination of the schedule of classifi- cation of Chemistry proposed by the Inter- national Catalogue Committee shows that it consists of a medley of several methods. The system includes : 1. Numbers, full-face and inferiors, used for several distinct purposes. 2. Eoman capitals, to denote component elements. 3. Eoman lower-case, to denote kind of chemical process. 4. Italic letters in parenthesis, to denote basicity of acids. 5. Greek lower-case letters. 6. Word-headings arranged alphabetically. 7. Special provisions ; exceptions to rules. In 1772, at Ulm, was printed a thin octavo having the title ' Medicinisch-chymisch und 10 alchemistisches Oraculum,' which contains a key to over two thousand symbols and kabbalistic figures found in alchemical manuscripts and books ; the book is curious and instructive, as well as really service- able to antiquarian chemists. The num.ber of synonyms for a given substance is large ; alum has twenty-six ; aqua fortis, twenty- two ; mercury, thirty-eight ; a pound weight, eight, and cream of tartar is cred- ited with thirty-two ; the symbols have an uncouth appearance, but are hardly more fanciful than those proposed by the Com- mittee on the International Catalogue. Should their schedule of classification pre- vail, a new edition of the 'Alchemical Oracle ' would soon become a necessity. H. Caekington Bolton, William P. Cutter.