ii r- HE2Z4I ~Rl5"r ^em Hack H^tt QfoUcge of ^^gticultttte At (^ocnell Uttittersitti 3tl;ara. ^. f. ^library \H\ Cornell University Library The original of tinis book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924014532893 Butt (loUege of Agttcultute At QlorneU IninetBitg Slibratg [Extract from the Report of the Executive Committee, approved by the Railway Accounting Officers Association at its Thirty-third Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., June 8-10, 1921.] Under the conditions now and heretofore prevailing, the rules of the Railway Accounting Officers Association relating to interline accounting — that is, accounting transactions affecting two or more carriers — are, in fact, only recommendatory and have no binding effect beyond the merits of the recommendations. It is worthy of note that the Association's interline accounting recommendations have been generally adopted, on their merits, and are generally in effect on all, or substantially all, carriers. According to the results of a canvass made a few years ago, the deviations from the R. A. O. A. interline recommendations, by individual roads, were trivial in number and inconsequential in effect. Those deviations are usually attributed to individual opinion or some local condition. The principle is well recognized that carriers should account, in a uniform manner, for their interline transactions. Uniformity in this respect promotes fairness, fosters impartiality, and is necessary in the interest of the efficient and economical conduct of accounting among carriers. Uniform, standard rules — impartially applied— constitute an integral part of interroad accounting. Certainly, those conditions cannot be perpetuated' which rtiakd it possible for a carrier to deviate from an interline rule according to the whim of the moment or according to its interest in theHn*- dividual case, while under other circumstances theise^me carrier may insist on making a literal application of-thfe same; rule, vvhen its interests lie in that direction. ' ' , ■ ; • i If "the greatest good for the greatest number'' is to be' effective, it is hardly to be conceived that conditions can prevail which war- rant a carrier sending to other carriers statements' or reports, of a size and arrangement that do not conform to a generally accepted standard. Reports, statements, or other interline forms — if lacking uniformity of size and standardization of arrangement — are the source of additional labor and inconvenience in filing and. using such reports, statements, or other interline forms, by carriers receiving them. So far as the Executive Committee has been able to ascertain; representative members of the Association believe that some of the 1 2 EXECUTIVE COMMITTE REPORT interline R. A. O. A. recommendations and some of the standard forms devised by this Association can and should be made manda- tory and binding upon carriers. Other rules and' standard forms probably should not be made mandatory and binding at this time, although the future may indicate that more progress can be made. The initial steps in this direction will not attain perfection and will not represent any fixed or unalterable procedure for the future. The endeavor now is to make a start, and future efforts can be devoted to alteration, expansion, or intensive development, as ex- perience may show to be wise and necessary. The enforcement of mandatory rules in this connection need not cause us to pause very long. The professional pride of railway accounting officers will undoubtedly be sufficient incentive for them, individually, to enforce such rules. A penalty is not regarded as necessary, beyond bringing the failure to observe any particular rule to the attention of the chief accounting officer of the road at fault. Any reasonable plans for mandatory rules would take cognizance of the latitude essential for progress and the incentive necessary for development of interline accounting. In other words, manda- tory rules must not be so rigid and must not be so absolutely com- prehensive as to exclude further progress and development. This whole subject of mandatory rules for interline accounting, by direction of the Executive Committee, has been placed before the Committees on Freight, Passenger and Disbursement Accounts, and those Committees will submit to the Association, in their reports, appropriate detailed recommendations. This subject refers only to interline freight, passenger and dis- bursement accounting. The subject has no connection whatever with local accounting matters. In other words, it does not, in any way, relate to recommendations of the Association regarding accounting local to one road or recommendations that partake purely of either an informative or cooperative nature. This subject does not refer, in any way, to freight overcharge claims, as the R. A. O. A. already has in effect mandatory rules for overcharge claims. Your Executive Committee recommends to the Association that it adopt and prescribe, as far as practicable, mandatory rules with respect to interline accounting for freight, passenger and disburse- ment transactions. The following mandatory interline accounting rules are reprinted from the 1922 edition of "Railway Accounting Procedure," pub- lished by the Railway Accounting Officers Association. FREIGHT INDEX Paragraph Abstracts and division statements . . , 19 Accounting Arbitration Committee, duties of interline freight 54 Accounts, statement of differences and correction 22 Action, no cause of 56 Agents, junction, to accept and forward without delay interline waybills for short freight : 35 Arbitration Committee, Interline Freight Accounting 51 fee 64 how apportioned 67 fund, how disposed of 65 returning papers to carrier requesting 62 work, completing 53 Arbitrators and interested carrier, communication between prohibited. ... 59 Attention, preferred, required 61 Carrier, interested, and arbitrators, communication between prohibited. . . 59 refusing to submit statement not released 60 requesting arbitration, papers returned to 62 Case of interest, substitute in ' 52 Cause of action, none 56 Changing the rules, procedure for 49 Committee, Interline Freight Accounting Arbitration 51 procedure of, etc 66 Communication between interested carrier and arbitrators prohibited .... 59 Completing arbitration work 53 Copies of waybills 6 Correction, and differences accounts, statement of 22 of waybills 8 Differences and correction accounts, statement of 22 Disagreements, procedure in '. SO Division and abstract statements 19 Divisions not furnished 48 Duties of InterUne Freight Accounting Arbitration Committee 54 Equity powers, none 55 Fee, arbitration 64 how apportioned 67 Forwarding papers, method of 63 Freight Accounting Arbitration Committee, duties of Interline 54 and waybills at destination matching 37 short, junction agents to accept and forward without delay interline waybills for 35 Fund, arbitration, how disposed of 65 Improperly reported, tracing waybills 39 Interest, substitute in case of 52 Interested carrier and arbitrators, communication between prohibited. ... 59 Interline, Freight Accounting Arbitration Committee 51 duties of 54 waybills for short freight, junction agents to accept and forward without delay 35 S 6 FREIGHT INDEX Paragraph Junction agents to accept and forward without delay interline waybills for short freight 35 Mandatory procedure 49 Manner of settlement 3^ Matching waybills and freight at destination 37 Method of forwarding papers 63 Name of plan 2 No cause of action 56 No equity powers ; 55 Numbering pages 58 Pages, numbering 58 Paper for printing waybills 3 Papers, method of forwarding 63 returned to carrier requesting arbitration 62 Plan, name of 2 Powers, no equity 55 Preferred attention required 61 Preparation of waybills ' 4 Printing waybills, paper for 3 Procedure for changing the rules 49 in disagreements 50 mandatory 49 of committee, etc 66 Promptly tracing for unreported waybills, responsibility for 45 Refusing to comply with rules 68 to submit statement not released, carrier 60 Reporting waybills for short freight 36 Responsibility for i)romptly tracing for unreported waybills 45 Rules, procedure for changing the 49 refusing to comply with 68 Settlement between carriers, manner of 34 Short freight, junction agents to accept and forward without delay inter- line waybills for 35 reporting waybills for 36 Statement, carrier refusing to submit, not released 60 of Differences and Correction Accounts 22 Statements, abstract and division 19 to be submitted 57 Submitting statement '. 57 Substitute in case of interest 52 Summary 32 Tracing for unreported waybills, responsibility for promptly 45 unreported waybills 41 waybills improperly reported 39 Unreported waybills, responsibility for promptly tracing for 45 tracing 41 Waybills and freight at destination, matching 37 copies of - 6 correction of 8 FREIGHT INDEX 7 Paragraph Waybills, for short freight, reporting 36 improperly reported, tracing 39 interline for short freight, junction agents to accept and forward with- out delay 35 paper for printing 3 preparation of 4 responsibility for promptly tracing for 45 to be settled 5 tracing unreported -. 41 Work, completing arbitration 53 FREIGHT— MANDATORY 1. The following rules relating to interline freight accounting are mandatory and binding upon carriers operating in North Amer- ica that are members of the Railway Accounting Officers Associa- tion, and are effective as of January 1, 1922, and shall be applicable to waybills made on and after that date, except as amended in ac- cordance with Rule 49. 2. Name of Plan. Mandatory Plan of Audit Office Interline Freight Settlements. i 3. Forms. [See pages 23 to 39.] 98 Freight ■ Waybill 99 Less than Carload Freight Waybill 100 Astray Freight Waybill 101 Live Stock Waybill 134 Transit Waybill 104 Abstract of Interline Waybills Received (Sygxll") 109 Abstract of Interline Waybills Received (llx8>4") 170 Abstract of Interline Waybills Received (BVaxll") 105 Interline Freight Division Statement 107 Interline Freight Correction Account 108 Interline Freight Statement of Differences 110 Interline Freight Summary 113 Recapitulated Correction Accounts 144 Interline Waybill Tracer 147 Agent's Waybill Correction 3a. Paper for Printing Waybills. Good quality (not less than 40-pound, 22x34 inches) manila paper should be used in printing waybills. 4. Preparation of Waybills. Waybills shall be prepared by the use of a typewriter, pen and ink, or indelible pencil. Double typewriter space shall be used for each line written in "Shipper" or "Consignee and Lading" column. Double typewriter space shall be left blank between the end of the "Consignee's" name or ad- dress and the beginning of the "Lading" description. Four double typewriter spaces shall be left blank between the end of the "Lading" of one shipment and the beginning of the "Consignee" of the next shipment. 5. Waybills to be Settled. Interline Waybills between such 10 FREIGHT— MANDATORY stations and over such lines as have been agreed upon by the car- riers interested. 6. Copies o£ Waybills. Copies of Waybills shall not be fur- nished to destination or intermediate carriers except, that for spe- cific purposes, copies of each individual waybill requested shall be furnished. 7. The waybill destination carrier shall be responsible for the col- lection of and accounting for the proper revenue, regardless of the final destination of the shipment, and shall promptly issue a waybill correction for each item prepaid or advances corrected, embracing all changes made on the original waybill while enroute or at destination. Destination agent will immediately send a correction notice affect- ing advances or prepaid to the billing agent. Destination agent will attach to his report to his own auditor two copies of the correction. The auditor of destination line will send one copy immediately to the auditor of the billing line. No copy of correction notice need be sent with correction account. 8. Correction of Waybills. When an original waybill is cor- rected, hy a billing or intermediate agent, the change must be made in ink, showing date, where and by whom made. In such cases, waybill correction should not be issued by billing or interme- diate agent. (See Rule No. 7.) 9. When a change involves the delivery of the property, or the collection of additional charges, and the amount involved is suffi- cient to justify it, the information shall be telegraphed to the way- bill destination agent, and waybill correction, with requisite number of copies, and copy of telegram, forwarded to the Freight Ac- counting Officer of the issuing carrier. 10. Waybill corrections need not be made for changes in Freight Charges made by destination carriers. 11. In the revision of interline waybills, all errors in freight charges shall be corrected and the correct amount shall be collected and reported. 12. All differences in advances on interline waybills may be cor- rected by the waybill destination carrier, and such waybills settled in interline freight account on basis of corrected figures, but miscel- laneous advances, such as charges for drayage, icing, stop-over, etc., shall not be reduced without the authority of the waybilling carrier. If miscellaneous chiarges have been reduced or crossed off before a waybill is received at the destination station and the receiving car- rier is without the authority of the waybilling carrier or the authority FREIGHT— MANDATORY 11 for such correction is not clearly shown on the waybill, the charges shall be restored and the full amount collected and reported. When miscellaneous charges of any character collectible from consignee accrue in transit, they shall be covered by "Advances Only" way- bills, which shall clearly describe the services for which the cha.rges are made. Such waybills and regular waybills shall be cross ref- erenced to each other, and the amount and character of the charges shall be noted as information on the regular waybill in the lading column; the "Advances Only" waybill shall be securely attached to and move with the regular waybill when possible. 13. When a shipment is contracted for prepaid, and the shipper is a credit patron, the bill of lading shall be stamped over the agent's signature : "The charges on this shipment fully prepaid Agent" and the waybill stamped "Fully Prepaid." 14. When a shipment is contracted for prepaid, with a shipper other than a credit patron, the bill of lading to be receipted, in the space provided therefor, for the amount collected. 15. In the event of an error in billing collect or insufficiently prepaid, a shipment contracted for fully prepaid (Rule 13), ship- ment should be delivered, waybill corrected to prepaid basis, and waybill correction immediately sent to the waybilling carrier so that necessary adjustment can be promptly made with shipper. 16. In the event of an error in billing collect or insufficiently pre- paid, a shipment contracted with a shipper other than credit patron (Rule 14), the additional amount necessary shall be collected at destination and waybill corrected, increasing freight charges to proper basis, the total "Prepaid" to be increased only upon authority of the waybilling carrier, except in the case of shipments destined to non-agency or prepay stations which can be corrected to prepaid after the destination carrier has followed the provisions of Para- graphs 208 to 210, inclusive. [See pages 75-76, 1922 "Railway Accounting Procedure."] 17. When waybill "correction is issued subsequent to the original reporting of the waybill, it shall be included in inter-line correction account, provided that the minimum of one dollar ($1.00) as in- dicated in Rule 22 shall be observed. On shipments rewaybilled en- route, adjustments shall be made through junction freight settle- ment, observing one dollar ($1.00) minimum. 18. All waybill corrections shall give reference to the tariff and 12 FREIGHT— MANDATORY division sheets authorizing correction, and in case of weight re- duction authority shall be shown, including gross, tare and net weight, and point at which weighed, when the shipment is a carload. 19. Abstracts and Division Statements. The waybill desti- nation carrier shall prepare abstracts of all waybills received and re- ported by receiving agents in the month's account for which settle- ment is made, showing thereon in the place provided therefor, the per cents, or other bases of divisions, and the apportionment of rev- enue, separate abstracts to be prepared for 1. c. 1. freight and for each carload commodity waybilled from each station to each station, carload commodities to be described by name according to waybill description. Division statements arranged in conformity with the abstracts must be prepared, showing each carrier's proportion of the revenue for 1. c. 1. freight and for each carload commodity from each station to each station. 20. The settling carrier shall retain original abstracts and division statements, sending first carbon copy to waybilling carrier and legi- ble copies to each intermediate carrier as early as possible but not later than the 18th of the succeeding month. 21. When the settling carrier is unable to forward the abstracts and division statements in time to reach destination on or before the 20th of the month, it shall, upon request, on or before that date, no- tify carriers interested by telegraph, of their respective proportions of the freight revenue and in addition thereto advise the forward- ing carrier the amounts of advances and prepaid. 22. Statement of Differences and Correction Accounts. Discrepancies discovered by forwarding or intermediate carriers in waybills, abstracts, division statements, or correction accounts shall be taken up for adjustment with the settling carrier in a statement of differences and if approved shall be embodied in a correction ac- count by the settling carrier, together with discrepancies found in waybills, abstracts, division statements, or correction accounts to which attention may not have been called by any other carrier ; pro- vided, however, that corrections in the freight, advances, prepaid or proportions, which collectively amount to a net sum of less than one dollar ($1.00) shall not be included in statements of differences or correction accounts, except that, if such differences affect the settlement with at least one of the interested carriers, including the settling carrier, to the extent of one dollar ($1.00) or more, adjust- ment shall be made with all carriers interested. When a correction has been excluded by reason of the minimum rule, and a subsequent FREIGHT— MANDATORY 13 correction increases the difference to one dollar ($1.00) or more, the total difference shall be included in the correction account. (See Rules 39 and 40.) The minimum for correction does not relate to settlements with shippers and consignees, or in any way affect the integrity of the rate. Where retroactive divisions are issued or an entire interline settlement is made on incorrect basis, individual statement of differences covering each waybill or abstract need not be made by waybilling or intermediate carriers, instead the settling carrier shall promptly make necessary adjustment upon receipt of retroactive divisions, or advice of an entire account incorrectly settled. The following are three examples to .be covered by correction account : Waybill Example 1: As settled As corrected Difference Example 2 : As settled As corrected Difference Example 3 : As settled As corrected Difference Freight Billing carrier Inter, carrier Settling carrier $70.00 72.50 2.50 $21.00 21.75 .75 $24.50 25.37 .87 $24.50 25.38 .88 25.00 23.02 1.98 12.50 11.51 .99 12.50 11.51 .99 20.00 21.00 1.00 15.00 15.75 .75 5.00 5.25 .25 23. Correction Accounts must show the corrected divisions in space provided on R. A. O. A. Standard Form 107; when based on statement of differences, reference thereto shall be shown in space provided. 24. Statement of Differences must show authority for claimed divisions on R. A. O. A. Standard Form 108 in space "Remarks by issuing carrier." 25. Unless statements of differences are covered by correction accounts in the first, second, or third succeeding month's account, or objection is made thereto within ninety (90) days of the date of their issue, the issuing carrier may make the correction account, after serving notice on the delinquent carrier of intention to include same in the following month's account. 26. When errors in interline freight settlements are disclosed in the investigation of claims, such errors may be adjusted through correction account or in the settlement of the claim. 27. Statements of differences received after the expiration of five years from date of original settlement may be declined ; except that 14 FREIGHT— MANDATORY when such statements of differences are made on correction ac- counts issued and settled within the five-year period upon an incor- rect basis, they shall be accepted and handled if received within six years from the date of the original settlement. Correction accounts issued upon the motion of the settling carrier and included in interline settlements after five years from the date of the original settlement, may be declined by initial and interme- diate carriers. Correction accounts based on statements of differ- ences issued by either the initial or intermediate carrier under the above provisions, shall be accepted if included in settlements dated within six years from the original settlement; if included in settle- ments after the expiration of six years they may be declined by an in- itial or intermediate carrier whose accounting department has not had previous advice of the contemplated adjustment. 28. Correction accounts shall be issued by the settling carrier only, except as provided in Rule 25, each intermediate carrier to be fur- nished a legible hard copy thereof. The net balance of each correc- tion account must be listed on the Interline Freight Summary, R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 110, in the spaces provided therefor, and be retained in the issuing office until the interline account for the month in which they are to be included is prepared, and trans- mitted with the abstracts and division statements in one enclosure. The summary should accompany them unless sent under separate cover by United States or Canadian mail as provided in Rule 32. 29. Discrepancies in correction accounts shall be handled in the same manner as those in the original settlement. 30. Correction accounts shall cover differences only. Waybills not accounted for in the current settlement shall be included in sub- sequent abstracts and division statements, except as provided for in the following rule: 31. When the settling carrier has reported waybills to one inter- mediate carrier that should have been reported to another, or when the settling carrier has failed to allow any revenue to an intermediate carrier entitled thereto, the original settlement thereof shall be ad- justed by correction account, irrespective of the amount involved; the settling carrier to furnish copy of the original abstract to the intermediate carrier to which reporting was not originally made. 32. Summary. The abstracts, division statements and correction accounts, with the summary as rendered, except as provided in Rule 33, shall' constitute the basis of settlement. The summary shall be forwarded by United States or Canadian mail, if it will reach desti- nation before the remainder of the papers. FREIGHT— MANDATORY IS 33. Clerical errors in the summary shall be subject to correction before settlement is made, immediate notice to be given by tele- graph. 34. Manner o£ Settlement. The settling carrier shall pay to each intermediate carrier its proportion of the interline freight revenue, whether the freight charges are prepaid or collect, ad- vances and prepaid to be included in the settlement with the way- billing carrier. Settlements shall be made upon balances, which shall be subject to sight draft, on or before the 25th of the succeeding month, except where special arrangements are made between inter- ested carriers. 35. Junction Agents to Accept and Forward Without Delay Interline Waybills for Short Freight. Receiving and inter- mediate carriers shall accept and forward without delay through junctions to destinations, interline waybills for less than carload shipments routed via their lines, when all or a part of the freight checks short, the usual record of shortage at each junction to be noted upon the waybills. 36. Reporting Waybills for Short Freight. When freight is short at destination, the waybills shall be reported, but on request of the destination carrier, the waybilling carrier shall immediately proceed to establish delivery of the freight and failing to do so within sixty (60) days from date of request, adjustment shall be made by claim, in accordance with R. A. O. A. Overcharge Claim Rules. 37. Matching Waybills and Freight at Destination. When the destination of short freight is a station on the line of two or more carriers, the agent of the carrier via which the shipment is routed who holds the waybill, shall advise the agents of the other carriers of the shortage, giving a description of the freight. The other agents should carefully examine their records and warehouses. If the freight is found to be on hand, it shall be turned over to the carrier holding the waybill. If it has been received and delivered, the charges shall be turned over to said carrier. Provided, however, that when a carrier transports an entire shipment which is astray, and that weighs 5,000 pounds or more, the carrier holding the rev- enue waybill, shall surrender it to the carrier performing the trans- portation service. In the event the shipment (5,000 pounds or more) is only a part of a consignment, the remainder thereof having been handled by the carrier holding the revenue waybill, the car- rier transporting the astray portion of the shipment shall, on an 16 FREIGHT— MANDATORY order from the carrier holding the revenue waybill, effect delivery to the consignee without charges. The revenue on the entire ship- ment shall be apportioned between the interested carriers on the basis of the weight handled by each. Provided further that when a car- rier transports a car containing 1. c. 1. astray freight weighing 5,000 pounds or more, the carrier holding the revenue waybills shall sur- render them to the carrier performing the transportation service subject to the foregoing provisions of this rule. After the collection of charges from consignee by the carrier mak- ing delivery of freight received on astray freight waybill, any subse- quent adjustment of charges with consignee shall be accomplished by such carrier. 38. The following examples illustrate doubtful points arising in the application of the principles embodied in the preceding rule {^7), viz: Example 1. Destination carrier A receives both the shipment and the original waybill; the waybill is routed via the destination carrier B. Both the waybill and the revenue in this case belong to A. Example 2. Destination carrier A receives the shipment; desti- nation carrier B receives the original waybill; the waybill is routed via A. Both the waybill and the revenue belong to A. Example. 3. Destination carrier A receives and delivers a ship- ment on a copy of the original waybill routed via destination carrier B ; the original waybill cannot be found. The revenue and the way- bill both belong to A. Example 4. An intermediate carrier C transports a car of 1. c. 1. freight on a non-revenue waybill ; intermediate carrier D, via which the shipments are routed, receives the revenue waybills. The revenue, when the freight weighs 5,000 pounds or more, belongs to C; but when it weighs less than 5,000 pounds, the revenue belongs to D. Example 5. An intermediate carrier C transports an 1. c. 1. shipment accompanied by the original waybill. The waybill is routed all the way via the destination carrier D. Carrier C should re- ceive its proportion of the revenue. Example 6. An intermediate carrier C transports an 1. c. 1.- ship- ment accompanied by the original waybill. The waybill is routed via intermediate carrier D. The intermediate revenue belongs to C. Example 7. Destination carrier A receives shipment weighing 5,000 pounds or more, which is only a part of a consignment ; desti- nation carrier B holds remainder of shipment and revenue waybilL The waybill belongs to destination carrier B which should collect FREIGHT— MANDATORY 17 all charges and adjust with destination carrier A on basis of weight transported by each. 39. Tracing Waybills Improperly Reported. The waybilling or intermediate carrier shall send to the settling carrier a statement of differences, R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 108, for each way- bill reported, which cannot be located in the records of the carrier to which reported. 40. When the settling carrier finds a waybill has been improperly reported, it shall return the statement of differences showing the cor- rect waybill reference or the month's correction account in which adjustment has been or will be made. 41. Tracing Unreported Waybills. After the accounts for the current and two succeeding months have been checked, way- bills not reported by destination carriers must be immediately traced for by waybilling and intermediate carriers, a separate tracer, R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 144, to be used for each waybill. Two copies of the waybill shall accompany the first tracer of waybilling carriers. No copies of waybill shall be required with first tracer of intermediate carriers. In the event intermediate carrier's tracer is returned by waybill destination carrier with advice of no record of waybill, the tracer with all papers attached shall be sent to the waybill- ing carrier. If the waybill has been reported, the waybilling carrier will advise the tracing carrier the month's account in which settled, the name of the settling carrier, the name of the destination station and the names of carriers to which intermediate revenue was allowed in the event that the tracing carrier is not included in the settlement. If the waybill has not been settled with waybilling carrier, the latter shall return the papers to the intermediate tracing carrier accompanied by three copies of the waybill or reference to and status of waybilling carrier's tracing file. 42. When the freight has been received at destination by the carrier addressed, the tracer must be returned to the issuing carrier, showing the month's account in which the waybill has been or will be reported. 43. When carload shipments are short at destination, the tracer with all papers attached must be promptly returned to the igsuing carrier, with advice to that effect, and no report made of the way- bill. However, if delivery of the freight at the junction be estab- lished, the waybill must be reported, except that in case the carrier traced can show delivery to another carrier for road haul service the tracer should be returned with such advice. 18 FREIGHT— MANDATORY 44. Unless previously reported waybills covering less than carload shipments waybilled to points on line of carrier to which tracers are sent shall be reported immediately upon receipt of tracers, regard- less of whether or not delivery at the junction, of either the original waybill or freight has been established. The accounting depart- ment of carrier traced should have its agent proceed in accordance with Rule 37 before returning the papers. 45. Responsibility for Promptly Tracing for Unreported Waybills. The responsibility for properly accounting for interline waybills rests primarily upon the settling carrier, but the waybilling and intermediate carriers shall share the responsibility to the extent of their revenues, if they do not promptly trace for unreported way- bills as provided in Rules 41 to 44 inclusive, and Rules 46 and 47. 46. When either a waybilling or intermediate carrier fails to trace for unreported waybills within six (6) months from date of issue, such carrier or carriers shall be held responsible on a revenue basis with the waybill destination carrier for any loss of revenue that may result from failure to report the waybill from any cause. If destination carrier has been traced by one of the interested carriers within time prescribed the destination carrier shall assume all losses and other interested carriers be allowed their full revenue. 47. When freight covered by an interline waybill is destroyed by fire, wreck, or otherwise, the carrier on whose line such destruction occurs shall report the waybill and shall apportion to carriers that have performed service, revenue based on rates and divisions appli- cable to original destination. When destruction occurs at an inter- change point while freight is in possession of a company or carrier performing intermediate transfer or switching service between two road haul carriers, the waybill shall be reported by the carrier last performing road haul service, revenue to be apportioned to carriers that have performed service on the basis above outlined. 48. Divisions Not Furnished. When waybills are received by destination carriers, moving under through rates for which divi- sions have not been furnished by the traffic departments, such way- bills shall be reported in current interline freight settlement and the revenue apportioned between the carriers interested on a reason- able basis pending adjustment when correct divisions are ascertained. MANDATORY PROCEDURE Changing the Rules. Any member of the FREIGHT— MANDATORY 19 for adding to or amending these rules. Such. communications shall be referred to the Committee on Freight Accounts for consideration and report to the Association. By a majority of the votes cast, these rules may be amended or altered at any annual meeting of the Association, such changes to be effective as of January first, following the date of adoption, ex- cept that the Association, by three-fourths of the votes cast, may make any alteration or amendment to these rules, effective at any specified time; except by unanimous consent no proposed amend- ments to these rules shall be considered, unless notice of such pro- posed amendment is given in the Agenda for that meeting. 50. Procedure in Disagreements. When any member of this Association disagrees with another member as to the interpretation or application of a mandatory rule, and cannot settle his dispute by ordinary methods, he may submit his case to the Interline Freight Accounting Arbitration Committee for a ruling, and the decision of the majority of the Arbitration Committee shall be binding on the parties involved. 51. Interline Freight Accounting Arbitration Committee. This Committee shall consist of three members directly in charge of freight accounting, one member from the eastern territory, one member from the western territory, and one member from the south- ern territory. Such Committee shall be appointed by the President after each annual meeting and shall serve until the next annual meeting. 52. Substitute in Case of Interest. If any member of the Interline Freight Accounting Arbitration Committee shall be inter- ested in any question referred to such Committee, or shall for any other reason be unable to serve, the President shall appoint disin- terested members of the Association eligible as substitutes for those interested or unable to serve. If the interest of the President in the specific case is such as to disqualify him for making the appoint- ment, then the appointment of a disinterested member shall be made by the First Vice President, or if the first Vice President be unable to serve for the same or any other reason, then the appointment shall be made by the Second Vice President. 53. Completing Arbitration Work. The Interline Frei^bt Accounting Arbitration Committee shall have thirty days, in addi- tion to its regular term of service, in which to complete the arbi- tration of such matters as have been submitted to it by the Secretary orior to the annual meeting. • 20 FREIGHT— MANDATORY 54. Duties of Interline Freight Accounting Arbitration Committee. This Committee shall consider and act upon all matters involving, interpretation of the R. A. O. A. Mandatory Interline Freight Accounting Rules (except rules governing overcharge and agency relief claims) and involving disputes rising out of the appli- cation of such rules. 55. No Equity Powers. The Interline Freight Accounting Arbitration Committee shall have no equity powers, but shall decide upon the evidence contained in the papers. In giving decisions or awards the Arbitrators shall give decision on each and every ques- tion submitted and such decision shall be explicit and consistent so that it may be carried out. 56. No Cause of Action. When no cause of action lies under the rules, the Interline Freight Accounting Arbitration Committee shall so decide. In such cases, the $10.00 Arbitration Fee shall be charged to the carrier or carriers arbitrating without cause. 57. Statements to Be Submitted. A comprehensive statement based upon the evidence in the papers shall be made and the points upon which a decision is desired shall be definitely stated. This shall be done over the personal signature of the officer directly in charge of interline freight accounts of the carrier desiring arbi- tration. All papers shall then be forwarded to other interested car- riers for them to attach similar statements. A copy of letter of transmittal shall be sent to each carrier who handled the file. 58. Numbering Pages. Each paper included in the file shall be numbered in the upper right corner by the carrier submitting for arbitration, commencing with number one on the first paper at the bottom of the file. 59. Communication Between Interested Carrier and Arbi- trators Prohibited. No direct communication, oral^ written, or printed, shall be allowed between members interested in an arbitra- tion before, during, or after such arbitration, and any member of the Interline Freight Accounting Arbitration Committee in connec- tion with such arbitration save and,except as herein made and pro- vided. Any necessary communication for a proper purpose shall be made through the Secretary, and when he is in doubt as to the propriety thereof, he shall refer the matter to the President and be guided by his decision. 60. Carrier Refusing to Submit Statement Not Released. T„ i-u^ =„^„+ r.f — , '-irrier refusing to present a statement of its : be made in writing over the personal signa- FREIGHT— MANDATORY 21 ture of the officer directly in charge of interline freight accounts. Such refusal to present its statement or argument shall not release any carrier from its obligation under the decision of a majority of the Arbitration Committee. 51. Preferred Attention Required. When papers are sub- mitted as provided herein, they shall receive preferred attention by each carrier, thirty days being allowed each carrier in which to pre- pare brief and forward its argument and papers. 62. Papers Returned to Carrier Requesting Arbitration. When all carriers interested have stated their case or re'fused to do so, the papers shall be returned by the last carrier to the carrier requesting arbitration, which carrier shall then forward the papers at once to the Secretary, first ascertaining that all rule requirements have been complied with and that the papers are in as neat a condition as possible. 63. Method o£ Forwarding Papers. All arbitration papers shall be forwarded by express, registered postal mail, or registered railroad mail. The carrier forwarding the papers shall prepay all necessary charges. 64. Arbitration Fee. A fee of $10.00 shall be charged for each arbitration, such fee to be advanced by the carrier asking arbitration, and must accompany papers to the Secretary of the Association. 65. Arbitration Fund; How Disposed 0£. All fees received for arbitration shall be kept by the Secretary of the Association in a separate fund. $1.00 of the fee for each arbitration shall be credited to the general fund of the Association, and $3.0,0 for each arbitration participated in by them shall be paid to each member of the Arbitration Committee, at the expiration of their term of office. 66. Procedure of Committee, Etc. When the foregoing re- quirements have been complied with (as to which the Secretary of the Association shall be the judge) the Secretary shall attach his acknowledgment of the arbitration fee and forward the papers to a member of the Interline Freight Accounting Arbitration Committee, not the Chairman, who shall render his decision in the case, and forward the papers with his decision to the other member of the Arbitration Committee, not the Chairman, who shall render his de- cision and forward his decision and all papers to the Chairman. The Chairman shall render his decision and forward the decision of the- Arbitration Committee, together with all papers, to the Secretary, who shall return all the papers together with the decision rendered 22 FREIGHT— MANDATORY by the Arbitration Committee to the carrier from whom he received them originally. Each member of the Arbitration Committee shall send to the Secretary a carbon of his letter of transmittal to the next member of the Committee. The Secretary shall notify each carrier interested the result of the decision of the Interline Freight Accounting Arbitration Committee. 67. Arbitration Fee; How Apportioned. The charge for arbitration shall be borne by the carrier or carriers against which the decision is given, and shall be apportioned by the Interline Freight Accounting Arbitration Committee at the time decision is rendered. The adjustment to be made by the rendition of bill against the car- rier from whom due. 68. Refusing to Comply with Rules. Whenever any member of the Association fails to comply with the mandatory interline freight accounting rules, or declines to abide by decisions of the Interline Freight Accounting Arbitration Committee, the facts shall be reported to the Secretary. All parties interested shall be given opportunity of stating their side of the case. If the facts submitted conclusively sustain the charge made, the Secretary shall notify the officer directly in charge of such matters for the carrier interested; and if the Secretary does receive, within twenty days, from such officer, advice to the efifect that the specific rules or decisions have been and will be observed or enforced, the Secretary shall infor- mally notify those carriers directly concerned accordingly. If the Secretary does not receive information regarding the observ- ance of the rules as herein set forth, the Secretary shall bring the facts to the attention of the chief accounting officer of the carrier at fault; and, if the Secretary does not receive, within twenty days, specific advice from the chief accounting officer that the rules or decisions have been and will be observed or enforced, the Secretary shall issue a circular to all members of the Association stating that such and such a railroad has not been and is not observing or enforc- ing such and such a mandatory rule or decision. Note — The R. A. O. A. Standard Forms listed in Rule 3 are shown on pages 23 to 39 of this book. (Mace Special Service Pastera Here R. A. 0. A. Standard Form' No. 98. Size SHxll inches or 8Kx20 inchee. Length of form may be increased to 22 inches in printing fanfold forms to meet standard machine require- ments in printing. CODE NO. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD CO. FREIGHT WAYBILL Stop this Car at Gross Weight of Car and Contents for Engine Rating TONS Car Initials and Number Transferred to At To— (Station) (State) Route. (Show Each Junction and Carrier in Route Order to Destination of Waybill. Indicate by Check Mark Whether Shipper's or Agent's Routing.) Shipper's Routing Agent's Routing Consignee, Address (Final Destination and Additional Routing) Instructions Regarding Icing, Ventilation, Milling. Weighing, etc. If Iced, Specify to Whom Icing Should be Charged. Ist Transfer 2d Transfer Description of Articles and Marks Commodity No. Destination Agect's' Freight Bill No. Date Waybill No. From — (Station) (State) Number Full Name of Shipper (Origin and Date, Original Car. Transfer Freight Bill and Previous Waybill Reference when Rebilled) Length of Car Ordered Furnished Marked Capacity of Car Ordered I Furnished Stenciled Wgt. of Car Indicate by Symbol in Column Provided -A-how Weights were Obtained R — Railroad Scale. A — Weighing Bureau or Agreement. T— Tariflf Classiacation or Minimum. S— Shipper's Agreement or Tested Weight. / E— Estimated (Weigh and Correct) . 3d 'i'ransfer Weighed At.. Gross Tare Allowance . Net 4th 'J'ransfer Weight Rate Freight Advances Prepaid ALL YARD STAMPS TO BE PLACED ON BACK OF THE WAYBILL IN SPACES PROVIDED Junction Forwarding Agents will Show Junction Stamps in the Space and Order Provided Below: 1st Junction 2nd Junction ,3rd Junction 4th Junction Destination Agent will Stamp Herein the Date Reported. Additional Junction Agents' Stamps Must be Shown on Back of Waybill in Spaces Provided CODE NO. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILRAOD CO. Back of S. A. O. A. Standard Forms Nos. 98, 99, 100, 111, and 134 YARDSTAMPSTOBEPLACEDIN CONSECUTIVE ORDER BELOW - 1 2 3 4 fi S 7 8 S 10 > II 12 ADDITIONAL JUNCTION AGENTS STAMPS WILL BE SHOWN IN SPACES AND ORDER PROVIDED BELOW } 6th Junction 6th Junction 7th Junction 81h Junction 9th Junction lOth Junction K. A. 0. A. Standard Form No. 99 Size 8)^x11 Inches or SMiM Inches. Note; Length of form may be increased to 22 inches in printing fanfold forms, to meet stand- ard machine requirements in printing. CODE NO. NORTH & SOUTH R. R. LESS THAN CAR LOAD FREIGHT WAYBILL Indicate by Symbol in Column Provided * How Weights Were Obtained R— Railroad Scale A — Weighing Bureau or Agreement T — Tariff, Classification or3Iinimum S — Shipper's Agreement or Tested Weight E — Estimated (weigh and correct) Car Initials and Number Ludini Nimber Waybill No. TO Station State From — Number ( ) (Station (State) Route. (Show Each Junction and Carrier in Route Order to Destination of Waybill. Indicate by Check Mark Whether Shipper's or Agent's Routing.) Shippra-'s Routing 5th Transfer Agent's Routing 6th Transfer Ist Transfer 2d Transfer 3d Transfer 4th Transfer Full Name of Shipper, Origin and Date, Original Car, Transfer Freight Bill and Previous Way- bill Reference When Rebilled Consignee, Address, Final Destination Additional Routing Description of Articles, Marks Weight NoTB.^When the 20 inch or 22 inch form is used a fine line should be printed across the form eleven inches from the top with the words "Fold Here " in small type printed thereon. The back of this Form to be the same as back of R. A. 0. A. Standard Form No. 98. Rate Freight Advances Prepaid All Yard Stamps to be Placed on the Back of the Waybill in the Spaces Provided Junction F orwarding Agents Will Show Junction Stamps in the Space and Order Provided Below: 1st Junction 2nd Junction 3rd Junction 4th Junction Additional Junction Stamps Must be Shown on Back of Waybill in Spaces Provided CODE No. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD Destination AgentwillStam Herein the Date Reported CODE NO. NORTH & SOUTH R. ASTRAY FREIGHT WAYBILL E. A. 0. A. Standard Form No. 100 Size SHxll Inches DELIVER ONLY ON PRESENTATION OF ORIGINAL BILL OF LADING OR OTHER PROOF OF OWNERSHIP If Destination Agent can locate Revenue Waybill, he must insert reference thereto in space provided under heading " Reference to Revenue Waybill ": if not, he must ascertain original point of shipment from Bill of Lading or Invoice; if not fully prepaid, freight charges due must be collected on basis of through rate applicable. The amount assessed to be entered in column headed "Freight," and report rendered ac- oordingly. Information as to the Bill of Lading or Invoice must be inserted in the appropriate space. If shipment is delivered on a fully prepaid bill of lading, the word "Prepaid" must be written in the "Freight" column. Car Initials and Number. Loadin{ Number Waybill No. TO— (Station) (.dtate) From— Number ( ) (Station) (State) Route (Show Each Junction and Carrier in Route Order to Destina- tion of Waybill.) Consignee, Address and Final Destination. Ist Transfer 2d Transfer 5th Transfer 6tb Transfer 3d Transfer / 4th Transfer Description of Articles and Marks Weight Note. — The back of this Form to be the same as back of R. A. 0. A. Standard Form No. Rate Freight Reference to Revenue Waybill Date 10!! Waybill No. WaybiUMadeBy R R Waybill Held By E. H. Original Point of Shipment Freight Bill No. Over From Car Initial No Date 192.. Seals Over Report No.. When Delivery is Made Upon Bill of Lading Insert the Following Information Name of Shipper Bill of Lading Issued By R. R. From Station Date ,192 When Bill of Lading Can Not Be Obtained Show Below Date of Invoice and Other Data on Which Delivery is Made. Name of Shipper Ori^nal Point of Shipment Date , 192.. Junction Forwarding Agents Will Show Junction Stamps in the Space and Order Provided Below lit Junction 2nd Junction 3rd Junction 4th Junction Destination Agent Will Stamp Herein the Date Reported Additional Junction Stamps Must be Shown on the Back of Waybill in Spaces Provided CODE No. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD Fhce Special Service fasters Mere R. A. 0. A. Standard Form No. 101. Size 8^x11 mehes ORIGINAL CODE NO. NORTH AND SOUTH F?AILROAD CO. LIVE STOCK WAYBILL Stop tbiB Car at For Gross Weight of Car and Contents for Engine Eating Car initials and Number Transferred to At Waybill No. From- (Staiion) (State) Number To- (Station) (State) Full Name of Shipper (Origin and Date, Original Car, Transfer Freight Bill and Previous Waybill Reference when Rebilled) Route. (Show each Junction and Carrier in Route Order to Destination of Waybill. Indicate by check mark whether Shipper's or Agent's Routing.) Shipper's Routing Agent's Routing Car Ordered. To be filled in when different car is fiu'nished. Consignee. Address (Final Destination and Additional Routing) LENGTH OF CAR UKi>i!:R£DjFURNIdHED ORDERED FURNISHED ORDERED FURNISHED Time Loaded ^ M. Date Was an Attendant in Charge? (Yes or No) Was Car Bedded by Carrier? (Yes or No) Has 36-bour request been signed and filed at point of origin? (Yes or No) Government Certificate No Attached. Number of head and description of stock. Note. — Ordinary live stock unless otherwise specified. Indicate by Symbol in Column Provided ic how Weights were Obtained R — Railroad Scale. A — Weighing Bureau or Agreement. T— Tariff, Classification or Minimum. S — Shipper's Agreement or Tested Weirfit. E— Estimated (Weigh and correct). Weighed At Gross Tare Allowance Net Weight ir Rate Freight Advances Prepaid Destination Ageni s Freight Bill No. Feeding and Rest Record Pen No. Unloading Record Reloading Record Dead& Crippled Removed Feed Price cwt. orbu. For Additional Charges Se6 PLACE Date Time Count Date Time Count Amt. Kind Amo int Waybill No Date ; Total (for destination agent's nse only) , ^ ALL YARD STAMPS TO BE PLACED ON BACK OF THE WAYBILL IN SPACES PROVIDED- Junction Forwarding Agents will Show Junction Stamps in the Space and Order Provided Below: 1st Junction 2nd Junction 3rd Junction 4th Junction Additional Junction Agents' Stamps Must be Shown on Back of Waybill in Spaces Provided. Destination Agent will Stamp Herein the Date Reported. CODE NO. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD CO. Note: With the movement of live stock to certain large markets, a waybill "Stub" is required, which is detached by agent at waybill destination, and used in lieu of the regular form of freight bill to expedite delivery of the stock. In territories where the " Stub " is required this form should be printed in two parts— " Original " and "Stub," the first part to show the word "Original" in the upper right hatd corner in large type; the second part to show the word "Stub" in the upper right hand comer in large type. The "Stub" should agrte with the "Original." except that no spaces need be provided at bottom or on back of "Stub" for junction, destination, or yard stamtis All printing and spacing shown on "Original" between the spaces provided for "Feeding and Rest Record" and the words "Code No. North and South Blihoad " should therefore be omitted from the "Stub," and in the space thus provided, and also on^^the back of the "Stub," the following should be printed in large type: DESTINATION LIVE STOCK STUB (To be detached by agent at waybill destination) PLACE NO JUNCTION STAMPS HERE-JUNCTION AND YARD STAMPS SHOULD BE PLACED ON "ORIGINAL" LIVE STOCK WAYBILL IN SPACES PROVIDED. Back of R. A. 0. A. Standard Form No. 101. YARD STAMPS TO BE PLACED IN CONSECUTIVE ORDER BELOW 1 2 3 4 5 6 Conductors handling this waybill will fill in the spaces below the number of their train, the name of station where taken and stations where left and dates, signing their names. STATION (DO NOT USE STATtoN NUMBER) No. of Train WHERE TAKEN WHERE LEFT DATE CONDITION CONDUCTOR Agents, Yardmasters and Conductors noting injury to stock, must in all cases, give the cause and extent of injury, whether resulting from kicking, goring or other inherent viciousness of the animals, or from crowding, or from any other consequences of the vitality of the animals, stating in detail how same occurred. IDDITIONAL JUNCTION AQENTS STAMPS WILL BE SHOWN IN SPACES AND ORDER PROVIDED BELOW FIFTH JUNCTION SIXTH JUNCTION SEVENTH JUNCTION B. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 104 Size 8^x11 inches. CODE NO. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD ABSTRACT OF INTERLINE WAYBILLS RECEIVED MONTH OF FROM STATION ON THE 192 B. B. ARB'Y VIA AND R. E. VIA AND K. R. VIA. AND R. R. VIA AND B. R. VIA AND R. R. VIA AND R. R. N. & S. RR. ARB'Y DIVISIONS PROPORTIONS PROM. TO STATION DATS NUMBER INITIAL NUMBER COMMODITY FREIGHT ADVANCES CODE NO. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD o •O X d UI DC U . Z O 'S Ziii o: Q O O z » 11 I I I I) ) ) it S3 ^3 a O O Q < O < 10. Ml ho D 0_ a: o z d z Ul Q O U I < a j- ul K CO 'J d < )i; S 2 Ul -J 1- s CO eo o 1- a= £ i z < \ ^ z o £ < ^ Z S £ < ( ^ Z s 1 1 ^ \ 1 O £ < ^ \ BO £3 EG a 3 (— UJ II \ 1 < ( I { j Ul lg - « « ■« ^ >- °i lU 1- ■o 1- g —1 i d z Month AND Year Reported \ ! 3 s s 3 ■5 S 5 2 3 S 1 a u a 5 S E S g S : o - H * Ul u z u. a 1 31 . A. O. A. SUndaid Form No. 108 Sice SMzll inches CODE NO. NORTH & SOUTH RAILROAD COMPANY ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT _STATEMENT OF DIFFERENCES NO.. K. R. , Below you wiU fina Statement of Differences against the Settlement in 19 j Interline Account ^l CorreL'tion Account No. _ Waybill No. yprom To Dated Routed Via .Commodity__ AS SETTLED Weight Kate ri-eigllt Advances Prepaid Proportions R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. ■5.. \ \ \ SHOULD BE 0, \ \ Differences Bemarks by Issuing Carrier Remarks by Settling Carrier Please issue Correction Account covei ing and return this Statement of Differences with your Correction Account number noted hereon. If not.ftccepted return promptly with reasons for declining. This space for use of Settling Carrier Govered by Correction Account No._ -Date- note number of our Statement of Differences on your Correction Account. CODE NO. NORTH & SOUTH RAILROAD COMPANY c <|.2 m « Q < ° d u i3 1- J to < 7 Id > Q < O J < I I- 8 tn <8 X I- Qi O Z d z UI Q O O aOVdS SNIQNla R. A. 0. A. Standard Form No. 110 SizeSH z 11 inches. CODE NO. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD SUMMARY OF INTERLINE ACCOUNTS OF FREIGHT RECEIVED Month of 192 YOUR INTERMEDIATE PROPORTIONS OP FREIGHT WAYBILLED BY ROADS SHOWN Breofbl forward CarrM Itmtri Carried forward Carried forward CURRENT Correction Account TOTALS DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT credit Yw PnpaitlM of FnliM _ WiTbUed by Ytir Rn< Advaut WaybOed by Yew Rni XXX XXX XX . Prepaid WayMM by Yeir Read XXX XXX XX ^ XXX XXX L BAUNCE DUE YOUR ROAD XX XXX ) (XX XX XXX XX X XX BALANCE DUE THIS ROAD XXX XXX XX XXX XXX XX XXX XXX XX T ITAL _ ^ .192. Auditor. CODE NO. NORTH & SOUTH RAILROAD R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 113 Size 8>jxll inches CODE NO. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD CO. FREIGHT ACCOUNTING DEPARTMEhTT RECAPITULATION OF CORRECTION ACCOUNTS IN ACCOUNT WITH R. R. MONTH OF 192 Correction PROPORTIONS ADVANCES PREPAID Account Number Add Deduct Add Deduct Add Deduct Total Deduct Net Dr. Or. Dr Dr Dr Or. CODE NO. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD CO. Place Special Service Paatero Here R. A. 0. A. Standard Form No. 184 Sise SHlH inches or 8^x20 iDohei. Length of form may be increaaed to 22 inches in printing fanfold forma to meet standard machine regmrementa in printing. CODE NO. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD CO. TRANSIT WAYBILL Stop this Car at For Gross Weight of Car and Contents for Engine Rating TONS Car Imtials and Number Transferred to At To— (Station) (State) Route (Show each Junction and Carrier in Route Order to Destination of Waybill) Consignee, Address (Final Destination and Additional Routing) InBtnictions Regarding Icing, Ventilation, Milling. Weighing, etc. If Iced Specify to Whom Icing Should be Charged Description of Articles and Marks. Commodity Wo. Date Waybill No. From — Number ( ) (Station) (State) Full Name of Shipper Length of Car Ordered Furnished Indicate by Symbol in Column Provided ir how Weights were Obtained. R— Railroad Scale. A— Weighing Bureau or Agreement. T— Tariff , Classification or Minimum. S— Shipper's Agreement or Tested Weight. E— Estimated (Weigh and Correct) ■ Marked Capacity of Car Ordered Furnished Stenciled Wgt. of Car Weighed At Gross Tare Allowance Net Weight Destination Agent's Freight Bill No. Rate Freight Advances Prepaid INBOUND REFERENCE Bureau No. Point of Origin Date Billing Road aod Route Pro. No. Commodity Weight Applied Rate ALL YARD STAMPS TO BE PLACED ON BACK OF THE WAYBILL IN SPACES PROVIDED Junction Forwarding Agents will Show Junction Sramps in the Space and Order Provided Below: 1st Junction 2nd Junction 3rd Junction Additional Junction Agents' Stamps Must be Shown on Back of Waybill in Spaces Provided, 4th Junction Destination Agent will Stamp Herein the Date Reported. CODE NO. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD CO. R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 144 Size 8Mxl 1 inches CODE NO. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD COMPANY ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 192.. Interline Waybill Tracer No Waybill Car From To Advances Date No. Initial No. OFFICER IN CHARGE INTERLINE FREIGHT ACCOUNTS R.R INFORMATION DESIRED BY TRACING CARRIER 1. The waybill, of which two copies are attached, has not been reported in interline account. Please report or handle it in accordance with R. A. O. A. Mandatory Rules. 2. Car covered by above waybill delivered to your line at , on ,192... Please give record of delivery of car to connecting line, as destination carrier cannot locate. 3. Car delivered to your line by Railroad, at date 192... Please report or handle waybill in accordance with R. A. O. A. Man- datory Rules. 4. Our records indicate that this Company handled as an intermediate carrier freight covered by above waybill, but we are unable to locate settlement, and waybill destination carrier advises no record. If reported to your Company, please advise the name of the carrier which settled the waybill and the month's account in which settled; or if the waybill has not been reported, send me three copies of waybill, attaching same hereto or giving reference to and status of your tracing file with settling carrier. 5. Above waybill reported in your , 192. . , account, with Railroad, but no proportion allowed our Company. Please advise when your settlement will be adjusted, allowing this company its proper proportion. 6. (Signature and Title) Per ANSWERS Papers in your tracer file , date , 192.., returned herewith. We have no record of original waybill or car. Please establish delivery to our line. Waybill reported in 192.,, account. (Signature and Title) Per. NO- R. A. O. A. StuidBTd Form No. 147 t^xll ineha*. CODE NO. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD AGENT'S WAYBILL CORRECTION PRO.NO^ .STATION. T0_ NAME OF BILLING ROAD -WAYBILL- SERIES NUMBER -DATE _I9 ^CAR INITIALS. FROM. -TOl. ROUTED VIA ORIGINAL POINT OF SHIPMENT- -REPORTED ON- FINAL DESTINATION- READS CONSIGNEE AND DESTINATION ARTI CLES WEIGHT RATE FREIGHT CHARGES ADVANCES PREPAID FOOTINQ OF WAYBILL SHOULD READ \ FOOTINQ OF WAYBILL DIFFERENCE TO BE ADDED DIFFERENCE TO BE DEDUCTED TARIFF AND DIVISION SHEET AUTHORITY THIS SPACE TO BE USED FOR RECEIPT WHEN REQUIRED BY CARRIER -AGENT Instructions CODE NO. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 170 Size 8^x11 inches. CODE NO. NORTH & SOUTH RAILROAD NO._ ABSTRACT OF INTERLINE WAYBILLS RECEIVED FROM STATION 192 ON THE R. R. REV. TO GATEWAY REV. BEYOND GATEWAY MONTH OF DIVISIONS PROPNS. DIVISIONS PROPNS. ARB'Y. VIA AND R. E. VIA AND R. B. VIA. AND R. R. VIA AND E. E. VIA AND E. E. VIA AND E. E. N. & S. R.E. ABK'Y. STATION WAYBILL. DATE NUMBER ADVANCES CODE NO. NORTH 8c SOUTH RAILROAD PASSENGER INDEX Paragraph Accounting Arbitration Committee, duties of Interline Passenger 362 Interline Passenger 359 Action, cause of, none 364 Additions or deductions in reports 333 Adjustment claims, limits 350 Adjustment of error in mileage or scrip statement 342 Arbitration Committee, duties of Interline Passenger Accounting 362 Interline Passenger Accounting , 359 Arbitration fee 372 how apportioned 375 fund, how disposed of 373 papers returned to carrier requesting 370 work completing 361 Arbitrators prohibited communication between interested carrier and .... 367 Attention required, preferred 369 Baggage cars, collections, method of reporting 343 excess valuation charges on 348 overcharge on C. O. D 345 rechecked C. O. D 344 Caretakers' interline tickets 338 Carrier and arbitrators prohibited, communication between interested. . . . 367 and receiving carrier to be shown on forms, name of rendering 325 refusing to submit statement not released 368 requesting arbitration, papers returned to 370 to be shown on forms name of rendering carrier and receiving 325 Case of interest substitute in 360 Cause of action, none 364 Changing the rules, procedure for 357 Charges on baggage, excess valuation 348 uncollectible 346 Claims for correct proportions 349 Limits and adjustments 350 Classification and remarks data, code 326 C. O. D. baggage collections 343 overcharge 345 Rechecked 344 Code classification and remarks data 326 Collections and balances on C. O. D. baggage 344 Committee, duties of Interline Passenger Accounting Arbitration 362 procedure of 374 Interline Passenger Accounting Arbitration 359 Communication between interested carrier and arbitrators prohibited .... 367 Completing arbitration work 361 Correct proportions, claims for 349 41 42 PASSENGER INDEX Paracraph Coupons, interchangeable, mileage and scrip 340 not reduced 334 Cream and milk, handling by ticket and tag system combination, uniform method of 469 Data code, Classification and remarks 326 Deductions or additions in reports 333 Duties of Interline Passenger Accounting Arbitration Committee 362 Envelopes containing reports of interline passenger traffic, labeling of . . . . 329 Equity powers, none , 363 Error in mileage or scrip statement, adjustment of 342 Excess valuation charges on baggage 348 Exchange orders 339 Fee, arbitration 372 how apportioned, arbitration 375 Forms and practices, mandatory 324 Forwarding papers, method of 371 Fund, how disposed of, arbitration 373 Gross revenue and through fare 331 Interchangeable mileage and scrip coupons 340 Interest, substitute in case of 360 Interested carrier and arbitrators, prohibited communication between .... 367 Interline passage ticket, Passenger Accounting Arbitration Committee . . . 359 Passenger Accounting Arbitration Committee, duties of 362 passenger traffic, labeling envelopes containing reports of 329 passenger traffic, spacing items on reports of 327 tickets, caretakers' 338 Items in government bills, on reports of interline passenger traffic, spacing . 327 Labeling envelopes containing reports of interline passenger traffic, 329 Limits and adjustments, claims 350 Mandatory forms 324 Method of forwarding papers 371 Mileage and scrip coupons interchangeable 340 or scrip statement, adjustment of error in 342 Name of carrier of state to be shown 33O of rendering carrier and receiving carrier to be shown on forms 325 No cause of action 364 No equity powers 363 Numbering papers 366 Orders, exchange 339 prepaid ticket 336 Overcharge on C. O. D. baggage 345 Papers, method of forwarding 371 numbering 366 returned to carrier requesting arbitration 370 Passenger Accounting Arbitration Committee, interline 359 Accounting Arbitration Committee, duties of interline 362 traffic labeling envelopes containing reports of interline 329 traffic, spacing items on reports of interline 327 Powers, equity, none 363 PASSENGER INDEX 43 Paragraph Preferred attention required 369 Prepaid orders, tickets issued on 337 ticket orders 336 Procedure of committee, etc 374 for changing the rules 357 Prohibited communication between interested carrier and arbitrators .... 367 Proportions, claims for correct 349 Receiving carrier to be shown on forms, name of rendering carrier and . . . 325 Redeemed tickets •. 334 Reduced fares, tariff reference for 332 Refusing to comply with rules 358 to submit statement not released, carrier 368 Remarks data, code classification ■ 326 Rendering carrier and receiving carrier to be shown on forms, name of . . . 325 Reports, additions or deductions 333 of interline passenger traffic, labeling envelopes containing 329 of interline passenger traffic, spacing items on 327 Requesting arbitration papers returned to carrier 370 Returned to carrier requesting arbitration papers 370 Revenue and through fare gross 331 Rules, procedure for changing the 357 refusing to comply with 348 Script coupons interchangeable, mileage and 340 Settlements 328 Spacing items on reports of interline passenger traffic 327 State to be shown, name of 330 Statement not released, carrier refusing to submit 368 Statements to be submitted 365 Submit statement not released, carrier refusing to 368 Submitted, statements to be 365 Substitute in case of interest 360 Tariff reference for reduced fares 332 Through fare, gross revenue and 331 Ticket and tag system combination, orders, prepaid 336 Tickets and waybills, caretaker's interline ,. . 338 Tickets issued on prepaid orders 337 redeemed 334 Traffic, labeling envelopes containing reports of interline passenger 329 spacing items on reports of interline passenger 327 Uncollectible charges 346 Valuation charges on baggage 348 PASSENGER— MANDATORY The following rules, relating to interline passenger accounting, shall be mandatory and binding upon carriers operating in North America that are members of the Railway Accounting Officers Association; shall become effective and operative as of January 1, 1922, and shall be applicable only to business originating on and after that date, except as amended in accordance with Rule 357. 324. Mandatory Forms. R. A. O. A. Standard Forms Nos. 1. Report of Interline Passenger Traffic — Ticket Sales. 2. Report of Interline Passenger Traffic — Excess Baggage Collections. 3. Claim for Correct Proportions. 7. Statement of Interchangeable Mileage or Scrip. 9. Report of Interline Passenger Traffic — Tickets Exchanged for Orders or Tickets of Other Carrier's Issue. 325. Name of Rendering Carrier and Receiving Carrier to be Shown on Forms. The name of the rendering carrier, together with space for initials of receiving 'carrier, shall be shown, by printing or otherwise, in the lower left-hand corner of R. A. O. A. Standard Passenger Forms 1, 2, 6, 7 and 9, to serve as an index after such reports have been bound in the files; and with such change the car- riers may reduce the binding margin of these forms so that the name of the rendering carrier will appear on a line not less than two-thirds of an inch from the top edge of the sheet. 326. Code-Classification and Remarks Data. The following code shall be used in compiling interline reports and correction state- ments : DS Discharged Soldier FS Furlough Cy Clergy Ch Charity Emp Employee Col Colonists Gv Government LG Land Grant Exch Exchange Rule 325 is effective with the reports rendered for the month of January, 1923. 45 46 PASSENGER— MANDATORY HS Home Seekers AYT All Year Tourist WT Winter Tourist ST Summer Tourist Spl Special Excursion Dvt Diverted ED Error in Division EA Error in Apportionment Rd Redeemed TT Ticket Tracer CI Claim for Increased Proportion CnE Coupon Enclosed UR Unreported 327. Spacing Items on Reports of Interline Passenger Traffic. No less than double typewriter spacing (three lines to the inch) should be used in transcribing the destinations on Reports of Interline Passenger Traffic, Forms 1, 2, 6 and 9. 328. Settlements. Settlements shall be made upon monthly balances, which should be subject to sight draft. 329. Labeling Envelopes Containing Reports of Interline Passenger Traffic. The words "Interline Ticket Report" should be printed, or stamped, on the face of the envelopes containing reports, that they may be sent unopened to the subdepartment handling such reports, thus avoiding possible loss of any of the enclosures. 330. Name of State to be Shown. When there is any possibility of conflict by reason of a place with the same or similar name being in more than one state, the name of the state shall be shown in such cases for both selling and destination stations. 331. Gross Revenue and Through Fare. Reports of Interline ticket sales shall exhibit the gross amount of revenue due to interested carriers on account thereof ; the through fares at which the tickets were sold shall invariably be stated. 332. Tariff Reference for Reduced Fares. In accounting for tickets at reduced fares, tariff reference under which such tickets are sold shall be shown on R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 1 by code, as provided in Paragraph 326. 333. Additions or Deductions in Reports. Additions or de- ductions in interline passenger traffic reports should bear reference (month and year) to the original report, and give reasons for such adjustments. If for tickets redeemed, notation "Redeemed" will be Rule 327 is effective January 1, 1923. PASSENGER— MANDATORY 47 shown in authority column. Coupons will be retained in the redemp- tion file of initial carrier. 334. Tickets Redeemed. When an entirely unused interline ticket is redeemed by initial carrier, before apportionment of revenue, no report should be made to carriers over which ticket is routed and all coupons should be retained in file of initial carrier. 335. Coupons Not Reduced. When the selling agent in error fails to reduce any coupons of an interline ticket to conform with the contract and if as a result passenger obtains transportation thereon in excess of the fare paid for the ticket, the initial carrier must bear the full burden of the mistake. 336. Prepaid Ticket Orders. Settlement for the value of pre- paid orders issued shall be made in the same manner as in the case of tickets sold, i. e., the issuing carrier to report in the current month's ticket report (R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 1) to the foreign carrier a description of the order issued upon the foreign carrier's agent, with full value of the same, including the amount of cash, if ^ny, the delivery of which has been requested. 337. Tickets Issued on Prepaid Orders. Interline tickets issued in exchange for prepaid orders shall be reported with value in the month in which they are issued. 338. Caretakers' Interline Tickets. The initial carrier is re- sponsible for the proper issuance of caretakers' interline tickets under joint arrangements, to the extent of verifying waybill references, etc., and such tickets should be reported to interested carriers through interline passenger traffic reports without value in order that the validity of such tickets found in the collections may be passed upon. EXCHANGE ORDERS 339. The carrier issuing exchange order shall report to carrier on whom the order is drawn the through fare from originating point and revenue beyond point of exchange. The exchanging carrier shall include in regular report on R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 1, for the current month, to each interested carrier, report of its ticket with- out revenue, as "Exch." On receipt of revenue report for exchange order, exchanging carrier shall report on R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 9, proper proportion to each interested carrier, showing "Thru Fare" from originating point of exchange order. 340. Interchangeable Mileage and Scrip Coupons. When a carrier honors mileage or scrip couptons of another carrier, and is duly Rule 338 is effective January 1, 1923. 48 PASSENGER— MANDATORY authorized to do so, such coupons and lifted covers, with a statement showing the value thereof, shall be transmitted by the honoring carrier to the issuing carrier, and the issuing carrier shall include the amount of the statement in its next interline report to the carrier honoring. The value of interchangeable mileage or scrip received from the honoring carriers by the issuing carriers with statements on or before the 15th day of the month shall be included in the reports to the honoring carriers for the current month. 341. Statements shall be prepared on R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 7, showing the commencing and closing numbers of detachments so that the difference in the aggregate will indicate the number of the coupons enclosed, or by listing every item according to the number of coupons in each detachment, with appropriate changes in the head- ings of the standard blank. 342. Adjustment o£ Error in Mileage or Scrip Statement. A claim for an error in Interchangeable Mileage or Scrip Statement aggregating less than 25 cents on the total of the statement shall not be allowed. BAGGAGE COLLECTIONS— METHOD OF REPORTING 343. Collections on C. O. D. Baggage. The terminal carrier shall include in the Report of Interline Passenger Traffic — Excess Baggage Collections, R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 2, to carriers interested, for the month in which the collection is made, each car- rier's proportion of excess charges included in the amount of the C. O. D., apportioning as arbitraries, any other items included therein, such as storage, transfer, etc., in accordance with information as shown on the check. 344. C. O. D. Baggage Rechecked. When C. O. D. baggage is rechecked to a station on the line of another carrier, the new C. O. D. check shall be of the issue of the terminal carrier on the previous check, and all the charges which have accrued to the point of rechecking shall be included in the proportion to be accounted for to the last rechecking carrier by the terminal carrier. The charges accruing up to the point of reshipment shall be accounted for by the rechecking carrier to the carriers interested therein, as indicated by the C. O. D. check under which the baggage moved into the point of reshipment. Instead of revenue report being made in current month by each carrier taking C. O. D. baggage for reshipment, such car- riers shall report the baggage in current month as re-forwarded to (destination) without revenue, and render PASSENGER— MANDATORY 49 the report of revenue when collected and accounted for by the ter- minal carrier. 345. Overcharge on C. O. D. Baggage. In all cases of over- charge in C. O. D. excess baggage checks, due to the forwarding agent inserting an amount in excess of the proper charge, the collect- ing carrier shall apportion to interested carriers the correct revenue due and retain the balance of the collection subject to claim for refund. 346. Uncollectible Charges. The amount of an uncollectible undercharge, due to error in rate or extension for which originating carrier is responsible, shall be deducted from amount due the originat- ing carrier, who shall be promptly notified of error by terminal carrier so that matter may be handled promptly with agent at fault. 347. When charges on C. O. D. baggage are uncollectible, ter- minal carrier shall render non-revenue report of C. O. D. baggage check to carriers interested, noting in "Remarks" column that the baggage is unclaimed. 348. Excess Valuation Charges on Baggage. Each carrier shall retain the charges collected on account of excess valuation of baggage, except that when such charges are covered by C. O. D. checks of other companies' issues, they shall be reported to the issuing carrier in all cases. When prepaid check is issued to cover excess valuation charges only, issuing carrier shall report the check number to the terminal carrier with notation "Excess Value," showing amount of collection in the through rate column and when not so reported, the terminal carrier shall trace the issuing carrier, thus providing the initial carrier proper check on issuing agent. CLAIMS FOR CORRECT PROPORTIONS 349. Claims for Correct Proportions. In rendering claims for correct proportions, R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 3 shall be used, and a separate claim number assigned to each sheet thereof. Claims for correct proportions, including correspondence on the subject, shall be handled with the ofificial or through the department having juris- diction over such claims, and when handled through the Accounting Department, failing an adjustment, reference shall be made to the Passenger Traffic Department for final disposition. 350. Claims — Limits and Adjustments. Claims against other carriers on account of erroneous proportions must be made within the period of thirteen months following the month in which the tickets or Rules 346 and 347 are efFective January 1, 1923. 50 PASSENGER— MANDATORY excess baggage checks were reported, for example : a claim referring to tickets or excess baggage checks reported as sold or issued during the month, say, of January, must be rendered not later than the last day of February of the following year, it being understood that all items reported in a given month shall be considered as sold in that month, regardless of date of sale. In the adjustment of any claims made within the specified time, however, the carrier reporting the ticket or excess baggage check has the right, regardless of the time of such adjustment, to deduct any over proportions, previously allowed, from report to another carrier involved in the transactions. When- ever claims are made for increased proportions, the basis used must invariably be given. 351. The rule that claims on account of erroneous or short pro- portions must be made within full period of thirteen (13) months following the month in which tickets were reported, shall not be con- strued as debarring any carrier from presenting claim account of unreported tickets, or distribution of the revenue contrary to the reading of the ticket. 352. When carriers fail to agree on basis of division at time apportionments are made, and later reach an agreement, adjustment of differences in proportions should be made by the carrier making the original apportionment, if notified within thirteen months follow- ing the month in which the tickets were reported.. 353. Claims for correct proportions shall not be made when the diflference per ticket or excess baggage check is less than 5 cents, but attention may be called to the error with request to correct future divisions : provided, however, that where the difference in such cases aggregates 25 cents, or more, on any one item, correction may be claimed; and, provided, further, that no claim aggregating less than 25 cents should be made on any single month's report, which carries with it the cancellation of claims after same have been reduced to less than 25 cents by the elimination of disputed items. This applies to erroneous proportions reported, without reference as to whether the through fare is correct. 354. Errors in the extensions or footings, discovered in interline passenger traffic reports, shall be brought to the attention of the reporting carrier. 355. In the disposition of claims for correct proportions, all items should be adjusted as soon as accepted or agreed upon, and an advice, forwarded as soon as practicable, showing action taken on the variou? items. PASSENGBR— MANDATORY 51 356. When claims rendered within a specified period have been replied to by the carrier upon which claim has been made, and claim- ant has failed to answer such reply within one year from date of same, all items in dispute shall be considered cancelled. MANDATORY PROCEDURE 357. Procedure for Changing the Rules. Any member of the Association may take up with the Secretary any specific suggestions for adding to or amending these rules. Such communications shall be referred to the Committee on Passenger Accounts for considera- tion and report to the Association. By a majority of the votes cast, these rules may be amended or altered at any annual meeting of the Association, such changes to be effective as of January first, following the date of adoption, except that the Association, by three-fourths of the votes cast, may make any alteration or amendment to these rules, effective at any specified time. Except by unanimous consent, no pro- posed amendments to these rules shall be considered, unless notice of such proposed amendment is given in the Agenda for that meeting. 358. Refusing to Comply With Rules. Whenever any mem- ber of the Association fails to comply with the mandatory interline passenger accounting rules, or declines to abide by decisions of the Interline Passenger Accounting Arbitration Committee, the facts shall be reported to the Secretary. All parties interested shall be given opportunity of stating their side of the case. If the facts sub- mitted conclusively sustain the charge made, the Secretary shall notify the officer directly in charge of such matters for the carrier interested; and if the Secretary does receive, within twenty days, from such officer, advice to the effect that the specific rules or deci- sions have been and will be observed or enforced, the Secretary shall informally notify those carriers directly concerned accordingly. If the Secretary does not receive information regarding the observance of the rules as herein set forth, the Secretary shall bring the facts to the attention of the chief accounting officer of the carrier at fault ; and, if the Secretary does not receive, within twenty days, specific advice from the chief accounting officer that the rules or decisions ■ have been and will be observed or enforced, the Secretary shall issue a circular to all members of the Association stating that such and such a railroad has not been and is not observing or enforcing such and such a mandatory rule or decision. 359. Interline Passenger Accounting Arbitration Commit- tee, This Committee shall consist of three members directly in 52 PASSENGER— MANDATORY charge of passenger accounting, one member from the eastern terri- tory, one member from the western territory, and one member from the southern territory. Such Committee shall be appointed by the President after each annual meeting and shall serve until the next annual meeting. 360. Substitute in Case o£ Interest. If any member of the Interline Passenger Accounting Arbitration Committee shall be inter- ested in any question referred to such Committee, or shall, for any other reason, be unable to serve, the President shall appoint disinter- ested members of the Association eligible as substitutes for those interested or unable to serve. If the interest of the President in the specific case is such as to disqualify him for making the appointment, then the appointment of a disinterested member shall be made by the First Vice President, or, if the First Vice President be unable to serve for the same or any other reason, then the appointment shall be made by the Second Vice President. 361. Completing Arbitration Work. The Interline Passenger Accounting Arbitration Committee shall have thirty days, in addition to its regular term of service, in which to complete the arbitration of such matters as have been submitted to it by the Secretary prior to the annual meeting. 362. Duties o£ Interline Passenger Accounting Arbitration Committee. This Committee shall consider and act upon all matters involving interpretation of the R. A. O. A. Mandatory Interline Pas- senger Accounting Rules and involving disputes arising regarding the application of such rules. 363. No Equity Powers. The Interline Passenger Accounting Arbitration Committee shall have no equity powers but shall decide upon the evidence contained in the papers. The decision of ajna- jority of the Committee shall be binding upon the parties involved. In giving decisions or awards the Arbitrators shall give decision on each and every question submitted and such decision shall be ex- plicit and consistent so that it may be carried out. 354. No Cause of Action. When no cause of action lies under the rules, the Interline Passenger Accounting Arbitration Commit- tee shall so decide. In such cases the $10.00 Arbitration Fee shall be charged to the carrier or carriers arbitrating without cause. 365. Statements to Be Submitted. A comprehensive state- ment based upon the evidence in the papers shall be made and the points upon which a decision is desired shall be definitely stated. This shall be done over the personal signature of the officer directly PASSENGER— MANDATORY S3 in charge of the interested department of the carrier desiring arbitra- tion. All papers shall then be forwarded to other interested carriers for them to attach similar statements. 366. Numbering Papers. Each paper included in the file shall be numbered in the upper right corner by the carrier submitting for arbitration, commencing with number one on the first paper at the bottom of the file. 367. Communication Between Interested Carrier and Arbi- trators Prohibited. No direct communication, oral, written or printed, shall be allowed between members interested in an arbitra- tion before, during, or after such arbitration, and any member of the InterUne Passenger Accounting Arbitration Committee in con- nection with such arbitration, save and except as herein made and provided. ,Any necessary communication for a proper purpose shall be made through the Secretary, and when he is in doubt as to the propriety thereof, he shall refer the matter to the President and be guided by his decision. 368. Carrier Refusing to Submit Statement Not Released. In the event of any carrier refusing to present a statement of its case, such refusal must be made in writing over the personal signa- ture of the officer directly in charge of the interested department. Such refusal to present its statement or argument shall not release any carrier from its liability under the decision of a majority of the Arbitration Committee. 369. Preferred Attention Required. When papers are sub- mitted as provided herein, they shall receive preferred attention by each carrier, fifteen days .being allowed each carrier in which to prepare brief and forward its argument and papers. 370. Papers Returned to Carrier Requesting Arbitration, When all carriers interested have stated their case or refused to do so, the papers shall be returned by the last carrier to the carrier requesting arbitration, which carrier shall then forward the papers at once to the Secretary, first ascertaining that all rule requirements have been complied with and that the papers are in as neat a con- dition as possible. 371. Method of Forwarding Papers. All arbitration papers shall be forwarded by express, registered postal mail, or registered railroad mail. The carrier forwarding the papers shall prepay all necessary charges. 372. Arbitration Fee. A fee of $10.00 shall be charged for each arbitration, such fee to be advanced by the carrier asking arbi- 54 PASSENGER— MAMDATORY tration, and must accompany papers to the Secretary of the Associa- tion. 373. Arbitration Fund, How Disposed Of. All fees received for arbitrating claims shall be kept by the Secretary of the Associa- tion in a separate fund. $1.00 of the fee for each arbitration shall be credited to the general fund of the Association, and $3.00 for each arbitration participated in by them shall be paid for each member of the Arbitration Committee. 374. Procedure of Committee, Etc. When the foregoing re- quirements have been complied with (as to which the Secretary of the Association shall be the judge), the Secretary shall attach his acknowledgment of the arbitration fee and forward the papers to a member of the Interline Passenger Accounting Arbitration Com- mittee, not the chairman, who shall render his award in the case, and forward the papers with his award to the other member of the Arbitration Committee, not the chairman, who shall render his award and forward his award and all papers to the chairman. The chair- man shall render his award and forward the award of the Arbitra- tion Committee, together with all papers to the Secretary, who shall return all the papers together with the award rendered by the Arbi- tration Committee to the carrier from whom he received them orig- inally. Each member of the Arbitration Committee shall send to the Secretary a carbon of his letter of transmittal to the next mem- ber of the committee. The Secretary shall notify each carrier in- terested the result of the decision of the Interline Passenger Ac- counting Arbitration Committee. 375. Arbitration Fee, How Apportioned. The charge for arbitration shall be borne by the carrier or carriers against which the decision is given and shall be apportioned by the Interline Pas- senger Accounting Arbitration Committee at the time decision is rendered. Note. — The R. A. O. A. Standard Passenger Forms prescribed above are shown on pages SS to S9 of this book. R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 1 Size SiixU inches NORTH & SOUTH RAILROAD AUDITOR OF PASSENGER ACCOUNTS, SLABTOWN, GA. REPORT OF INTERLINE PASSENGER TRAFFIC TICKET SALES To R. R. for the month of 19 Page. FROM TO FORM NUMBERS COM-G CLOS-S NO. SOLD ONE WAY R"*"' FARE PROPOR TION AMOUNT REMARKS OR AUTHORITIES Line numbers to be printed at the right or left aide, at the option of carriers. (The name of the reporting carrier to be one and a half inches below the top edge of the sheet; the caption space I to iw form with each carrier's convenience.) I le one half inch in width ; the width of the columns to be optional, to con- I . I.I Name of rendering carrier to be inserted here. Name or initials of receiving carrier to be inserted here. Note: This form, as amended above, is effective with reports rendered for the month of January, 1923. R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 2 Size 8^x14 inches NORTH & SOUTH RAILROAD AUDITOR OF PASSENGER ACCOUNTS, SLABTOWN, GA. REPORT OF INTERLINE PASSENGER TRAFFIC EXCESS BAGGAGE COLLECTIONS To R. R. for the month of- Page_ CHECK NUMBER EXCESS WEIGHT RATE PER lOO LBS. THROUGH PROPORTION REMARKS OR AUTHORITIE Line number to be printed on the risht or left side, at the option of carriers. (The name of, the reporting carrier to be one and a half inches below the top edge of the sheet; I J the caption space to be one half inch in width ; the width of the columns to be options with each carrier's convenience.) I I to conform Name of rendering carrier to be inserted here. Name or initials of receiving carrier to be inserted here. Note: This form, as amended above, is effective with reports rendered for the month of January, 1923, Mr.. R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 3 Size SyixU inches NORTH 8s SOUTH RAILROAD AUDITOR OF PASSENGER ACCOUNTS, SLABTOWN, GA. CLAIM FOR CORRECT PROPORTIONS No.- _ISL The foUowine erroneous proportions appear on your Report of Interline Passenger Traffic for month of 19 Please add amounts claimed to your next report, (in ig to the number of this claim, or advise. (Name and Title) detail) referring to the number of this claim, or advise. ^- From To Honored Form Ticket Numbers No. of Tkl.i. Class Ttiro UQfl Proporlions Oilference Amount = Stalion Olllce No From To Fare Reported Should be PerTkl. Due , L^^^^ , BASIS FOR DIVISIONS CLAIMED ABOVE ■2^ ■33 S X 5^ z OToS I;; -^1 X 0) ■ m Q Id 3 n IP o o rt •^ S'. s V W "^ E o g o- g- . "" i> o „ JS' 4>*4H 13 O •" •*-• V Q> cd o o 2 C C u u <« U.' V I w a) ,—' -o a ■" m- ^- o.S gig's •°x '-.5 O*, * 2 *• o to'' •-* en uja a V t S u " 9 So.", ^aS "O ii'.a " ■M cfl.a ^ E-- m (O t- CO 01 o s s *d •H "g ^ m dj t'- ■fi »r V t:*- .3 M V > j= a to -o -.a fl F cd C nl N.'S rt •^J5 & ■o;B •oS H U V HE H IziieiS^ R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 9 Size SyixlA inches NORTH & SOUTH RAILROAD AUDITOR OF PASSENGER ACCOUNTS, SLABTOWN, GA. REPORT OF INTERLINE PASSENGER TRAFFIC TICKETS EXCHANGED FOR ORDERS OR TICKETS OF OTHER CARRIERS' ISSUE To. -R. R for the Month of 19 ^"Page. ISSUING CARRIER NUMBERS COM. CLOS NO. SOLD ONE WAY THRU FARE Line numbers to be printed at the right or left side, at the option of carriers. (The name of the reporting carrier to be one and a half inches below the top edge of the sheet; the caption space to be one half inch in width; the width of the columns to be optional, to con- form with each carrier's convenience.) Name of rendering carrier to be inserted here. Name or initials of receiving carrier to be inserted here. Note; This form, as amended above, i? effective with reports rendered for the month of January, 1923. DISBURSEMENT INDEX Paragraph Accepting bills with errors of small amount 594 Accounting Arbitration Committee, inter-road disbursement 598 Arbitration Committee, inter-road disbursement accounting 598 fee 611 how apportioned 614 fund, how disposed of 612 work, completing 600 Authorization blank for loss and damage claim 586 Balances, settlement of car service and per diem 588 Bill blank, standard form of 587 Bills for small amounts, rendering 593 payable or receivable, with errors, correcting ; 595 with errors of small amount, accepting 594 Blank, standard form of bill 587 Car service and per diem balances, settlement of 588 Carrier refusing to submit statement not released 607 Cause of action, none 603 Changing the rules, procedure for 596 Claim authorization blank, loss and damage 586 Collectible in duplicate, rendering bills. 590 Committee, inter-road disbursement accounting arbitration 598 Comply with rules, refusing to 599 Correcting bills with errors 595 Damage and loss to material in transit, claim authorization blank, loss. . . 586 Disbursement Accounting Arbitration Committee, inter-road 598 , Duplicate, rendering bills collectible in 59O Duties of iriter-road disbursement accounting arbitration committee 601 Equity powers, none 602 Errors of small amount, accepting bills with 594 Form letters, for use in tracing for unpaid bills, standard 59I of bill blank, standard 587 Forwarding papers, method of , 610 Interest, substitute in case of 599 Inter-road Disbursement Accounting Arbitration Committee 598 duties of 601 Loss and damage claim authorization blank 586 Method of forwarding papers 610 No cause of action 603 No equity powers 602 Numbering papers 605 Papers, method of forwarding 510 returned to carrier requesting arbitration 609 Per diem balances, settlement of car service and 588 Preferred attention required. 608 Procedure for changing the rules 595 of (wmmittee, etc. 6I3 61 62 DISBURSEMENT INDEX Paragraph Rendering bills collectible in duplicate 590 for small amounts 593 Required, preferred attention 608 Rules, procedure for changing 596 refusing to comply with 597 Settlement of car service and per diem balances 588 Small amounts, rendering bills for 593 Standard form for use in tracing for unpaid bills 591 of bill blank 587 Statement not released, carrier refusing to submit 607 Statements to be submitted 604 Substitute in case of interest 599 Tracing for unpaid bills, standard form for use in 591 DISBURSEMENT— MANDATORY 585. The following rules, relating to inter-road disbursements accounts, shall be mandatory and binding upon carriers who are mem- bers of the Railway Accounting Officers Association, operating in North America, and shall become effective and operative as of January 1, 1922, except as amended in accordance with Rule 596. 586. Loss and Damage Claim Authorization Blank. As a means of facilitating the ready identification of the authorization blank when attached to claim papers, R. A. O. A. Standard Form 200, Loss and Damage Claim Authorization Blank — shall be printed on salmon-colored paper. 587. Standard Form of Bill Blank. Carriers must use the standard form of bill blank, R. A. O. A. Standard Form 206, as between carriers, except for car repairs. 588. Settlement of Car Service and Per Diem Balances. The settlement of car service and per diem balances between carriers should be by draft on net balances, net balances to include the debits and credits for per diem accrued in the same month ; also corrections on reports previously rendered and delayed reports for previous months. 589. Reports to creditor Hnes shall be forwarded not later than the 10th day of the second month following that in which per diem accrued (see Rule 11, Paragraph A, of American Railway Associa- tion Current Code of Per Diem Rules) and net balances shall be subject to draft immediately following exchange of reports. 590. Rendering Bills Collectible in Duplicate. All bills against other carriers (except for car repairs) must be rendered in duplicate. 591. Standard Form for Use in Tracing for Unpaid Bills. All tracers for unpaid bills between carriers shall be accompanied by a statement of such bills on R. A. O. A. Standard Form 210, rendered in duplicate, the original to be returned to the forwarding carrier, and the copy retained by the receiving carrier. The description of account on the tracer must be clear and concise, and that for bills covering the shipment of material, must show the destination of the Shipment. 63 64 DISBURSEMENT— MANDATORY 592. Rules 593, 594 and 595 apply except for car repair bills and when not in violation of contract provisions. 593. Rendering Bills for Small Amounts. Carriers shall not render any bill against another carrier when the total of such bill aggregates $1.00 or less. 594. Accepting Bills With Errors of Small Amount. When the combined sum of all errors in any one bill rendered by one carrier against another carrier does not exceed $1 .00, the bill shall be accepted as rendered. 595. Correcting Bills With Errors. When the combined sum of all errors in any one bill rendered by one carrier against another carrier amounts to more than $1.00 but does not amount to more than $10.00, the bill shall be passed for payment and the alleged error, or errors, brought to the attention of the billing company within 60 days from the date the bill is passed for payment. When the com- bined sum of all alleged errors is more than $1.00 and less than $10.00, the billing carrier must furnish explanation or must furnish countercharge authority on R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 221. Failure to receive such explanation or counterbilling authority on R. A. O. A. Standard Form No. 221 within 60 days from the date of forwarding of request to do so shall be regarded as admission of the error, or errors, and shall constitute authority for rebilling the amount of the error or errors. This rule is intended to cover ordi- nary errors of a mechanical or clerical character, but does not cover questions of interpretations of contracts or agreements which may be in dispute. MANDATORY PROCEDURE 596. Procedure for Changing the Rules. Any member of the Association may take up with the Secretary any specific suggestions for adding to or amending these rules. Such communications shall be referred to the Committee on Disbursement Accounts for con- sideration and report to the Association. By a majority of the votes cast, these rules may be amended or altered at any annual meeting of the Association, such changes to be effective as of January first, following the date of adoption, except that the Association, by three- fourths of the votes cast, may make any alteration or amendment to these rules, effective at any specified time. Except by unanimous consent, no proposed amendments to these rules shall be considered, unless notice of such proposed amendment is given in fhe Agenda for that meeting. Rules 593, 594 and 595 are effective January 1, 1923. DISBURSEMENT— MANDATORY 6S 597. Refusing to Comply With Rules. Whenever any mem- ber of the Association fails to comply with the mandatory inter-road disbursement accounting rules, or declines to abide by decisions of the Inter-road Disbursement Accounting Arbitration Committee, the facts shall be reported to the Secretary. All parties interested shall be given opportunity of stating their side of the case. If the facts submitted conclusively sustain the charge made, the Secretary shall notify the officer directly in charge of such matters for the carrier interested; and if the Secretary does receive, within twenty days from such officer, advice to, the effect that the specific rules or deci- sions have been and will be observed or enforced, the Secretary shall informally notify those carriers directly concerned accordingly. If the Secretary dbes not receive information regarding the observance of the rules as herein set forth, the Secretary shall bring the facts to the attention of the Chief Accounting Officer of the carrier at fault; and if the Secretary does not receive, within twenty days, specific advice from the chief accounting officer that the rules or decisions have been and will be observed or enforced, the Secretary shall issue a circular to all members of the Association stating that such and such a railroad has not been and is not observing or enforc- ing such and such a mandatory rule or decision. 598. Inter-road Disbursement Accounting Arbitration Com- mittee. This Committee shall consist of three members directly in charge of disbursement accounting, one member from the eastern territory, one member from the western territory, and one member from the southern territory. Such committee shall be appointed by the President after each annual meeting. 599. Substitute in Case o£ Interest. If any member of the Inter-road Disbursement Accounting Arbitration Committee shall be interested in any question referred to such committee, or shall for any other reason be unable to serve, the President shall appoint dis- interested members of the Association eligible as substitutes for those interested or unable to serve. If the interest of the President in the specific case is such as to disqualify him for making the appointment, then the appointment of a disinterested member shall be made by the First Vice-President; or, if the First Vice-President be unable to serve for the same or any other reason, then the appointment shall be made by the Second Vice-President. 600. Completing Arbitration Work. The Inter-road Disburse- ment Accounting Arbitration Committee shall have thirty days, in addition to its regular term of service, in which to complete the arbi- 66 DISBURSEMENT— MANDATORY tration of such matters as have been submitted to it by the Secretary prior to the annual meeting. 601. Duties of Inter-road Disbursement Accounting Arbi- tration Committee. This Committee shall consider and act upon all matters involving interpretation of the R. A. O. A. Mandatory Inter- road Disbursement Accounting Rules and involving disputes arising regarding the application of such rules. 602. No Equity Powers. The Inter-road Disbursement Ac- counting Arbitration Committee shall have no equity powers, but shall decide upon the evidence contained in the papers. The decision of a majority of the Committee shall be binding upon the parties in- volved. In giving decisions or awards the Arbitrators shall give decision on each and every question submitted and such decision shall be explicit and consistent, so that it may be carried out. 603. No Cause of Action. When no cause of action lies under the rules, the Inter-road Disbursement Accounting Arbitration Com- mittee shall so decide. In such cases the $10.00 Arbitration Fee shall be charged to the carrier or carriers arbitrating without cause. 604. Statements to Be Submitted. A comprehensive statement based upon the evidence in the papers shall be made and the points upon which a decision is desired shall be definitely stated. This shall be done over the personal signature of the officer directly in charge of the interested department of the carrier desiring arbitration. All papers shall then be forwarded to other interested carriers for them to attach similar statements. 605. Numbering Papers. Each paper included in the file shall be numbered in the upper right corner by the carrier submitting for arbitration, commencing with number one on the first paper at the bottom of the file. 606. Communication Between Interested Carrier and Arbi- trators Prohibited. No direct communication, oral, written or printed, shall be allowed between members interested in an arbitration before, during, or after such arbitration, and any member of the Inter-road Disbursement Accounting Arbitrtaion Committee in con- nection with such arbitration, save and except as herein made and provided. Any necessary communication for a proper purpose shall be made through the Secretary, and when he is in doubt as to the propriety thereof, he shall refer the matter to the President and be guided by his decision. 607. Carrier Refusing to Submit Statement Not Released. In the event of any carrier refusing to present a statement of its case. DISBURSEMENT— MANDATORY 67 such refusal must be made in writing over the personal signature of the- officer directly in charge of the interested department. Such refusal to present its statement or argument shall not release any carrier from its liability under the decision of a majority of the Arbitration Committee. 608. Preferred Attention Required. When papers are sub- mitted as provided herein, they shall receive preferred attention by each carrier, fifteen days being allowed each carrier in which to pre- pare brief and forward its argument and papers. 609. Papers Returned to Carrier Requesting Arbitration. When all carriers interested have stated their case or refused to do so, the papers shall be returned by the last carrier to the carrier requesting arbitration, which carrier shall then forward the papers at once to the Secretary, first ascertaining that all rule requirements have been complied with and that the papers are in as neat a condi- tion as possible. 610. Method of Forwarding Papers.' All arbitration papers shall be forwarded by express, registered postal mail, or registered railroad mail. The carrier forwarding the papers shall prepay all necessary charges. 611. Arbitration Fee. A fee of $10.00 shall be charged for each arbitration, such fee to be advanced by the carrier asking arbi- tration, and must accompany papers to the Secretary of the Associa- tion. 612. Arbitration Fund, How Disposed Of. All fees made for arbitrating claims shall be kept by the Secretary of the Association in a separate fund; $1.00 of the fee for each arbitration shall be credited to the general fund of the Association, and $3.00 for each arbitration participated in by them shall be paid to each member of the Arbitration Committee. 613. Procedure of Committee, Etc. When the foregoing re- quirements have been complied with (as to which the Secretary of the Association shall be the judge), the Secretary shall attach his acknowledgment of the arbitration fee and forward the papers to a member of the Inter-road Disbursement Accounting Arbitration Com- mittee, not the chairman, who shall render his award in the case, and forward the papers with his award to the other member of the Arbi- tration Committee, not the chairman, who shall render his award and forward his award and all papers to the chairman. The chairman shall render his award and forward the award of the Arbitration Committee, together with all papers, to the Secretary, who shall 68 DISBURSEMENT— MANDATORY return all the papers together with the award rendered by the Arbitra- tion Committee to the carrier from whom he received them originally. Each member of the Arbitration Committee shall send to the Secre- tary a carbon of his letter of transmittal to the next member of the committee. The Secretary shall notify each carrier interested the result of the decision of the Inter-road Disbursement Accounting Arbitration Committee. 614. Arbitration Fee, How Apportioned. The charge for arbitration shall be borne by the carrier or carriers against which the decision is given and shall be apportioned by the Inter-road Disburse- ment Accounting Arbitration Committee at the time decision is rendered. Note.— The R. A. O. A. Standard Disbursement Forms prescribed in the foregoing rules are shown on pageg 69 to 75 of this book. o S 2 a n p u O.O." S .S B S » _M "O *" ■^ " " 5 b2 = " !i u « *^ g » "J I ■S|Sl8 If"! = S«l|a .2 1 u « ■= ja ^ j3 — o s N o' ^ 0^ g b *0 s e 1 C o w 2 Z ^ J s d r •; •< L L pi c > c C W .£ . -a i < J 2 .d o U o Z < 8 Q < ft. Ul Q < J 1- X o iS IT IL D O i» Q 2 h o z u -I o < o llJ z I- o z o I - 3 S .a 3 [S o o ft o .a J5 bo e •a ^1, o a" o < S ■s o •4-1 ■a Hi o X H 3 < < (J Id < < Q Q Z < 01 n s 9 ■' z < a. 2 o o Q < O a: < I h O U) Q Z < X H K O Z o H (9 c ui tj z I 3 d u HI tc 3 in h h u u z < no. Bo d ■!> Sip ■Site 'Sjj'E ail ■a 15 -go o« . a) .to III * < " O a. D q: D < a Q z < Ul < o Ij a. E (9 "J (5 >■ z < DL o o Q < o ir < b: X H O U) Q Z < X h vc o z |2 a ^ Oct, ° S o o feO 3 K. A. O. A. Standard Forai Mo. 210 Size SVixll inches. NORTH AND SOUTH RAILWAY 19 (Place and date issued) » File.. - Following is a list of unpaid bills against your Company, for which early remittance is requested. Please indicate in the column provided the present status of the bills and RETURN THIS STATEMENT TO THE UNDERSIGNED, using the following symbols for indicating status: V— Voucher issued; I— In- vestigation not completed ; NR — ^^BUI not received ; forward duplicate. BK — Bill returned f oz coneetion i BC — Bill returned for cancellation. (Title) . . (Name) D»TB BILL REFERENCE DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNT PRESENT STATUS LA«T • ENT NUMBER MONTH AUDITED AMOUNT SYM- BOL REMARKS . . ( S5 8 O V