Lakeland ■; words 20^6 K59 , B. KIRK BY CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE WORDSWORTH COLLECTION FOUNDED BY CYNTHIA MORGAN ST. JOHN THE GIFT OF VICTOR EMANUEL OF THE CLASS OF I919 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. LAKELAND WOJRDS. ' The native phrase fresh gathered from the fells. LAKELAND WORDS. A COLLECTION OF Dialect Words and PDrases, AS USED IN CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND, WITH ILLUSTRATIVE SENTENCES IN THE NORTH WESTMORLAND DIALECT. BY B. KIRKBY. WITH PREFACE BY PROFESSOR JOSEPH WRIGHT, M.A., Ph.D. OXFORD. KENDAL : Printed by T. Wilson, Highgate. i8g8. I.. ^J i\ 1- i 1 I PRICE 2/6. B UNIVlil'vi-ll Y I JUUAKY "Whate'er of good the old time had was living still." Whittier. ■ TO THE WANDERING' SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE LAKE COUNTRY, • AND WHO, WHEREVER THEY ARE, STILL HARBOUR A LOVE FOR THB'^SQUND OP "T' AULD TWANG," X,, THIS COLLECTION IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. " Be it a weakness, it deserves some praise, We love the play-place of our early days; The scene is touching, and the heart is stone That feels not at that sight, and feels at none ; This fond attachment to the well known place. Whence first we started into life's long race, Maintains its hold with such unfailing sway, We feel it even in age, and at our latest day." Cowper. " In the power of saying rude truths, sometimes in the lion's mouth, no men surpass them." " The more hearty and sturdy expression may indicate that the savageness of the Norsemen was not all gone." Emerson : National Traits. "That man speaks Is nature's proraptingr, whether thus or thus She leaves to you, as ye do most affect it." — Dante. (Quoted from Farrar's Chapters on Language, PREFACE. It is not necessary to speak many words in praise of such an excellent book as " Lakeland Words," it speaks for itself, and must appeal to any and every Englishman who loves his country and his native mother tongue. It has often been said that the vocabulary of the ordinary rustic is but poor and scanty, and it is just such books as Mr. Kirkby's which show how entirely false this statement is. Mr. Kirkby, besides, is not a mere collector, come down from London with his carpet bag to spend a few weeks in the north to pick up material for " copy," but he has been born and bred in the country of which he writes, and he knows and understands the dialect as no one from outside could. I have had innumerable proofs of this from the vast amount of most ■valuable material he has contributed to the English Dialect Dictionary. There is a freshness and naturalness in his material which is not found in books written by people imperfectly acquainted with the people and the district. In these days when the Board Schools teach the childien ■" Standard English," and when locomotion is so easy that people readily migrate from one part of the country to another, •dialects are rapidly decaying and losing their individuality, -and :t will soon be impossible to compile local glossaries. It is, therefore, not too much to say that Mr. Kirkby deserves the hearty commendation and thanks of every lover of English, for thus handing down to posterity such a faithful portrait of the language of the Lakeland district, in all its native freshness and richness. Joseph Wright. Oxford, January, 1899. "Man changes his dialect from century to century.'.' Carlyle, " Lansuag'e is a solemn thing I said. It grows out of life— out of its agonies, and ecstacies, its wants and its weariness. Every language is a temple in which the soul of those who speak it is enshrined. . . ". . Foreigners who have talked a strang:e tongue half their lives return to the Janguage of their childhood in their dying hours. Gentlemen in fine linen, and scholars in large libraries, taken by surprise, or in a careless moment, will sometimes let slip a word they knew as boys in homespun, and have not spoken since that time, but it lay there under all their culture. That is one way you may know the country boys." .... Oliver Wendell Holmes. EXPLANATORY. The following pages claim to do no more than to set forth some of our best known dialect words, and to somewhat ex- plain or illustrate their use by a sentence in which the word is introduced. So may not only the word be preserved, but something also of unity of expression be maintained at the same time. Much of the matter has gone through the pages of the Penrith Observer, in the form of weekly notes. These notes were subject to some criticism. They were the means of eliciting a good deal of help towards making the collection more complete and accurate. The method of spelling was frequently commented upon as involving an unnecessary innovation. A short explanation will, it is hoped, enable the reader to grasp it. Take such ■words as face, race, place, with the long a. We pronounce them as _/?+as, ri-\-as, pli-\-as, with a short i sound, and the a short as in as. Words like master, plaster, become maister, plaister, with the a sounded as in pay. The long o sound is a pet aversion. Home becomes hi-\-am, boat as if it were boo-\-at, poke takes the form of poo-\-ak. Such words as post prove our consistency and cause many a one to get laughed at for the hasty we assign it just as if it were copy. Xll EXPLANATORY. The deep sound of oo shows our perversity. For ow we give it place every time, hoo, tJwo, doon, noo, coo, and just as readily depose it from its legitimate place in boot, soot, nook, book, •which in turn become bi+ut,si+ut, ni+iik,bi+uk. Go, going, gone, we make into ga (when short), gah, gahn, gi+an, and in some extreme instances almost gam. Final ing is too affected for us, so we drop it and substitute en. Quiet we quietly con- Vert into whiat, because q li a. pet aversion in all places witb us. To give a hint as to the cause of this does not come within our scope. But no one can come closely into contact with the dialect without being struck with this aspect of it. A word like hope we evade or turn it into hooap or whop, yet daup, cauf, mope, crope, show that we can master the sound if we wish, and stick to it. If we will not say blue except as blew, we make up for it in hoo and nob. If the y is our aversion, we can, as few others can, say faddr, muddr, cluddr. Having banished the ozc sound -from most of its legitimate places in the language, we put it in by way of amends where we can by " any manner o' means " do so. Thus we have bowt for bolt and bought ; browt for brought ; bowster for bolster', towt foi colt ; thowt for thought; dowter for daughter; and so on. In the present work no attempt is made to explain or account for anything of a peculiar character in the dialect, If language grows out of life, we are justified in regarding ours as a type, and those who are most familiar with the life out of which it has grown, will be most likely those to regard it most leniently. They will know something of the social habits which the fair and market, the smithy hearth, the shoemaker's shop are dominating factors in forming. They will understand what it is to be concerned with cattle, and the elements, as others are with more mighty affairs. Oat of the exigencies of ploughing, sowing, reaping, and gathering; of boon days and sale days ; of shiftings and settlings ; of hiring and term times ■they know what to expect and will not be annoyed by gross- ness, or deterred by affectations or their absence. In these circumstances the word collector in Lakeland will •find a favourable condition for his operations if he know how to go about it. Nor need he expect because so much of life is taken up with the " struggle for existence " that the gentler EXPLANATORY. xiit and humaner phase of it will not afford him specimens, " tender and true," as in the most refined circles. An explanation is due to Cumbrians, who wilt find in this Collection words they did not expect, and will find omitted those they had anticipated seeing. In many matters the two counties are indeed what they are often termed — sisters. The' words have largely been collected in North Westmorland, but it must be borne in mind that Penrith, to many, is to alt intents as much as if it were in Westmorland, and to have given one county Only in the title would have been misleading and far from accurate. This observation will apply t& " Kendal side" of Westmorland too. Doctor Milner Fothergill says, " that up to Orton in West- morland, the speech is that of Lancashire ; beyond its scar it is that of Cumberland." The genial, hearty doctor was too generous, and Cumberland as well as Lancashire would dis- claim his kindness. Likeness there is no doubt towards the north, or towards the south, as the case may be, and the fells mark a cleavage more distinct than some imaginary boundary of counties, yet Westmorland men will never be prepared to be so quietly effaced until a much greater extinction of dialect speech takes place than has yet been effected, much as latter- day influences have done towards modifying its most prominent features. In the present work, such as it is, the help of Mr. Daniel Scott, editor of the Penrith Observer, has to be acknowledged, also that of " Northerner " in the same journal. The Rev. J. S. Davidson, the Rev. M. B. Parker, Mr. R. E. Leech, M.A., Mr. John Harrison, Mr. Jas. Rennison, Mr. Jos. Graves, Mr. Wm. Kerr, Miss Hunter, Miss Rudd, Mrs. Fauldrew, Mr. A. Whitehead, and Mr. C. R. Farrer, with a number of correspon- dents in various parts, whose names never transpired, have given generous help to make the collection as comprehensive as possible. Also a very able and representative body of critics was soon en evidence to see that it was as correct as possible. The Rev. Canon Thornley, the Rev. John Wharton, and Pro- fessor Joseph Wright, M.A., were amongst those to whose suggestions is due the fact of a permanent form being given to what at first was only intended as a passing notice. Xiy EXPLANATORY. To Mr. Wilson, of Kendal, I am under the special obligation of the adventurer who has help just, when and where it is' most wanted. Froni him it has ever been an easy and pleasant task to. obtain advice and counsel witjiout stint of pains or sympathy. With his aid and discrimination, many otherwise insurmountable obstacles have been overcome. Without his aid nothing of the present form could have been as much as attempted. It is earnestly hoped that the rough and ready treatment of] the subject herein attempted will not in any way interfere with any of the more thorough works dealing with the same subject now in course of preparation by those capable of treating it from all standpoints as specialists. Ours is the effort to pre- sent an inside view of the dialect, marred no doubt by the leanings of prejudice, and for its worst defects the only indulgence that is asked is that it may be judged with that consideration kept in mind. It is a lover's account, and as such must be excused. B. KiRKBY. Batley, 1898. LAKELAND WORDS AND SAYINGS. AARON'S ROD— It grows e' t' garden. ABACK — Behind ; in the absence of; over some land-mark or another. Thus, a cap hangs up aback o' t' door; a tale may be told about some one aback of his back ; and another comes frae aback o' t' fells. ABACK-0-BEYONT— The place from which comes nothing but mystery and terror for barns; neea body's bin an' come back to say whar it ligs. ABIDE — Put up wi' ; ah can't abide mucky fooak. ABKEED — Level, equal, broadcast. They war walken o' abreed. ACOCK — Hay that is cocked up in " fiut cocks," or, " gurt cocks " ; something that is set finely, and evenly balanced ; ready and eager for a fratch ; a hat put on sideways ; put out of temper ; glib. A'COCKINECKS— Where most youthful jockeys make their first attempt at riding, namely, across the father's neck ; and later on in life as a schoolboy's game. To ride acockinecks is regarded as fine enough for anyone. ACQS — For the reason ; because. " What for dud thoo punch at my shins ? " " Acos Ah thowt Ah wad see what thoo wad say if Ah dud." ACROSS — Met with. Ah com across an auld nebbur er tweea. ACROOK — Crooked. When t' maut gits intul a chap's legs an' he gahs across t' rooad he's gaan acriukt. ADDLE — Earn. In the sense of the word as now used in literature, "addle" has none but an exactly opposite meaning. To earn ; to turn to good account ; to make a living ; it has nothing to do with barrenness, corruption, or rottenness. How Addle, Addlepate, Addle-head, Addle- brain, and so forth have sprung from so respectable an origin can only be conjectured. ADDLIN', ADDLINS— Earning; wages. " Is ta addlin owt much ? " " Siavin's good addlin." " His addlins divn't come to mich." " He taks miast of his addlins hiam tul his wife an' barns." Like Addle, Addlin', and Addlins are of good repute in Lakeland lore. AFRONT— Before. He was on afront. AFORE — In front of; before. A gurt dub o' watter afooar t' door. Winter's come afooar it time. AFORETIME— Previously: the old days. They'd bed some bother afooartime about t' sheep an' t' dykes. Afooartime yan used ta be prood o' some good poddish fer yan's supper. AFOREHAND— Done before; he had his rent ready afooar- hand. AGREE — Amias, crossways. T' auld piase-eggers wad sing r If ye give us nowt we'll tak nowt agree. But we'll gang and sail owld England's sea. AGGLE AN' JAGGLE— To higgle over a bargain ; a bit o? fendin an' priuvin' ower owt. AGATE — Started; abusing; out of the way. " Hev ye gitten agiat mowin' ? " T'auld beggar's alius agiat o' yan er anudder on us blackin' an' gian on. Ye've gian a lang. way agiat. AGATEWARDS — Towards the gate. Said by some to be a relic from the times when savEge dogs rendered it necess- ary for the visitor to be " set " by " I' fauld yat." Another and an older reason than savage dogs still keeps the cus- tom of " settin' yan anudder agateards " alive, and is likely to do, so long as lads and lasses care for one another's company. AIBLINS — Possibly. Will ye gang o' Sunday.' Aiblins ah may. AH-WOOA-GE-HEDDER-COME-UP— A nag 'at doesn't understand it's orders is apt ta git t' whup. We yance watched a chap plewin, an' he said, " An-wooa-ge-hedder- come-up " till he was stalled, then he let flee wi a clot, coad t' nag a fiual, an' telt it ta link an see what seek, wark it was makkin. AHINT — Behind. Alius keep ahint a shutter. Thoo can git on ahint me an' hev a ride. We're a lang way ahint wr oor wark. AJYE — O' yah side as some fooak weear their hats. AIM, AIMED — Intend, intended. We didn't aim ye to know> Ah'd aimed ye to stop an' hev a cup o' tea. AIR, AIRED — To warm or dry. Air t' bed; air mi shirt. A drop of aired milk. AIRIN' — Showing off. He was arin' hissel cot in his majesty. AKEEN — Related. They're nowt akeen ta yan anudder. Siam as Rag Mary, akeen ta o' t' gurt fooak. ALLODIN — Not in regular employment, but looking for aa engagement. This is a gay auld farrand word an' taks us back a lang way. ALLY-COM-PANNY— A game. Rhyme — ^Ally-com-panny When Ml ta marry ? When apples and peers is ripe Ah'll come ta thi wedden, Without any bidden, An' dance wi t' bride at night ! ALL-OWERISH — A feeling of general weakness or ailment. Ah nobbut feel a bit o' ovverish ta-day, ah's o' ower alike» ALLEY — An alabaster marble, with which boys plav. Hoo many marvels hes thoo ? Ten potteys and three alleys. ALLEY — A passage between the rows oF seats in a hall or building. We can walk doon t' alley. ALAG — Leaning; on one side. That hoose side's varra mich alag. T'carful o' hay gat o alag. Set t'stee mair alag, i.e. give it a bit more '• skatch.'' ALAG — A " call "lused when necessary to disturb a flock of geese. ALLAY — Guarantee. Allay yer tired ? It is used frequently to affirm an answer that is anticipated. AMPLE-ORDER — In perfect condition and ready. O's e' ample order fer t' weddin. AMANG-HANDS — In the midst of other and various duties. We're thrang wi t' hay and howin' turnips amang-hands. She was weshen', an' biaken', an' singen' amang-hands fer t' barns. ANEATFI — Below. Price o' floor's a gay bit aneath what it yance was. ANENT — Alongside. He could shear his rig anent a man. Directly opposite. We sat anent yan anudder. ANO — Too; as well. Thee gang wi us ano. ANKLE-BANDS, ANKLE- BELTS, ANKLE-STRAPS— Shoes or slippers provided with a strap to fasten around ihe ankle to keep them on. Fer dancin' in thcrs nowt better ner a pair o' ankle straps. ANKLE-JACKS — Shoes that come over the ankle, and which have a long front quarter, like those worn by soldiers. He'd a pair o' ankle jacks fer t' Sundays. ANGRV — Nay, nut mad, ner vexed, but inflamed an' sair like a kin, er a frozen teea. This word illustrates the diver- gence there is in the use of words in the literary and dialect senses. ANTRES — Incase; providing. Tak yer top cooat anlres it rains. AN UNDER — Beneath. Did thoo see that fish gang anunder t' breea ? A-NAG-BACK, A-FIUT— Are ye gaan a-nag-back, er ye'U gang afiut ? Riding or walking. Afoot is also often used to signify well, and up afiut. APODE — Ah's warn't; dare be bund; daresay. Ye've hed some fash wi' that barn, Ah'll apode it ye hev. APRIL-GOWK — April-fool. A person who is betrayed into some senseless errand, or action, and then informed that he's an April gowk and that it is the first of April. APPLE-PIE-ORDER — Neatly arranged. We've o' e' apple- pie-order fer sitten doon ta t' tea. ARCH-WHOL— A hole in the wall of a building in which sparrows build and light and air pass through. ARK— Meal chest. Many hands mak' leet' wark An' many mouths a tium ark. ARM-WHOL — The arm pits. Ah's as sair as can be i' t' arm-whol. The opening in a coat or waistcoat through which the arm is passed. ARRALS — A skin disease, also known as ring-worm, and said to be contracted by contact with cattle. Ah've I' arrals on mi arm, an' Ah want some copperas ta pu^zen it wi'. ARRANT — Thoroughly bad. He's an arrant auld slenk. ARRAN'-WEB — Cobweb. T' baulks was hung wi' arran' webs. ARR, ARR'D — Scar or seam left on the skin by a wound or disease. He'd a gurt ugly arr on his broo whar t' nag hat him. It maks fooak varra kenspeckle when they're seea pock arr'd. ART — Quarter. What art's t' wind in ? It's in a wet art. What art er ye frae ? This yan's a gem o' purest watter an' varra near as auld as oor auld hills an' whols. Lang let it stop. ARVAL-BREAD — Loaves distributed at funerals. ARVAL-SUPPER — An entertainment or feast given at funerals. AS TIGHT — As well. Thoo mud as tight whissle as sing. AS LEAVE — As soon. Ah' as leave gang as stop. AREED — Solve ; guess. Areed me this riddlin. ASS-TRUG— See ass-boord. ASS — Ashes, an' ashes is burnt muck, cinders, er owt else 'at's bin throo t' fire. ASS, AX — Ask. Ass that body fer a drink o' milk. ASIDE — Near. Whar's t' cowrak ? It's clooas aside o' ye. ASIDE — Ta "ride aside'' means to ride as t' ladies do — aside. Ta sit o' yah side o' t' nag nobbut ; they've saddles a purpose fer t' job i' some spots. ASK — An ask's a lizzard ; ther's yan i' t' pond. ASKATCH — In rearing a ladder against a wall if the bottom is set vi ell from the wall "it's far eneuf askatch." One who stands with his feet apart, or walks with them well set out has plenty o " skatch." ASS, ASSED, ASSINS— Them 'ats gaan ta git wedded know gaily weel, marry, what it is ta be assed. Ass some o' them, an' they'll liuk as sheepish as asses. ASS-CAT^A chap 'at croodles ower 't fire when it's a bit cauld is an ass-cat. As grey as an ass-cat — i.e. a cat 'at cronks under t' ass-whol, an' gits mucky wi' burnt muck. ASS-BOORD— A chap was tellin' anudder what a ass-boord is, an' he said it was a sooart of a wheel-barrow, nobbut it hed neea trunnle, neea legs, an' neea stangs tult, an' it was used ta gedder muck in. He mud a bin farder rang. ASS-GRATE — An iron grate 'at fits t' ass-whol, an' Iteeps t' barns frae tummelin' in. ASS-MIDDEN— T heap o' burnt muck. Nearly ivvery hoose hes yan tul itsel, an' varra few fooak but sailors ivver pit a mile away frae yan o' somebody's. ASS-MUCK — Ivverybody knows what ass-muck is; it izzant up ta mich fer nowt. ASS-NIUK — In miast hooses there's t' hood niuk, an' t' ass- niuk yut, but ther nut what they used ta be, an' ther gitten grand neeams for them. Ther's nin o' them can beat oors yut, we'll stick ta er awn auld ass-niuk a bit langer. ASS-WHOL — T' gurt whol i' t' fleear whar t' burnt muck drops intul oot 'at t' fire. ASSLE-TOOTH — A cruncher or molar is an assle-tiuth, an* it's grand when yan o' them warks i' t' neet when yan sud be asleep. ASSLE-TREE — Ivvr'y cart wheel has yan tul itsel, and revolves on it's awn assle-tree, an' that'll be what t' world gahs on it's awn axis for I expect. ASSOON — To fo assoon 's a bad sign. It means yer wankly, or else ye've hed a gay hard knock ower t' cannister, an' it's miad ye faint, an' silly. ASLANT — Sloping, it izzant thunner rain, it co's aslant. ASTRADDLE — Astride, siam as Rag Mary used ta ride on a stick, an' somebody sed tul her, " What, yer ridin' ta-day, Mary ? " " Aye," sez Mary, " but it's nobbut t' niam o' t' thing." ASTOOP — Bent with age, pain, or labour. He begins ta gang sair astpop, is said with a sympathetic tone tnat often implies much when tokens of decay are discerned. ASWINT — Streck across frae yah corner tul annuder, yar» sometimes gahs aswint a pasture ; an' yah auld chap used ta tell t' tial aboot anudder 'at 'cot his pie crust aswint an' t' maister tel't him he " was warse ner a ninny-ham- mer to cut his crust aswint." ATTER— A spider. ATTER-COB— A spider's web. ATTER-MITE— A lal spider on t' watter. AT, ET, IT, UT— That; who; which. That's t' rooad 'at leads ta Peerith. Yon dog's an auld slenk, 'et is 't. He went t' way 'it he thowt best. It izzant alius fer t' best 'ut yan does things. ATWINE — Oot ov a streyt line, owder up a hill, er doon yan. ■ ATWIST — When yan's fishin' tome gits hankled siam as threed. 6 ATWEEN — Between. Nivver thee gang atween neeabody ats feiten, let them feit it oot says Ah. AUMRY— The office or lodgings of the almoner; also the place where the alms are given ; a pantry. AVERISH— Greedy, or hungry and eating in a guiversome manner. Tak thi time an' divn't be seea averish. AVISED— Black-avised like a man that gits oot o' bed on t' wrang side, or gets his fias smeared with grime. A good old standing phrase that often hits off a description when more refined expressions would fail. AW-MACKS — Goodstuff of mixed varieties. A ho'perth o' aw-macks. AWN, AVVNY— The beard of barley, awny wheat, &c. AWOVVER — An affirmation. Ah wadn't deea seea, awovver. AWMUS — An awmus dish is what they tak t' toll in at t' market, but what aboot t' mooths like an awmus ? Lads at f skiul when they want ta beg a bite o' yan anudder's apple, er peer, as' fer an awmus. It's becos it's a sooart ov a takkin' an' givin' nowt, back, like miast o' tolls. Ah reckon. AWVISH — Seekly an' silly, like a fellow at's bin on t' rant. AYONT — Beyond. We set him a lang way aj'ont t' lower rooad-ends. AYE — Fer ivver an' ivver an' aye means a gay lang while. AYE — Aye, whia, what noo ? Aye of course means " yes," but it means a lot more. It asks questions and answers them, as well as puts them by. One well skilled in humanity's little traits tells us that the use of this monosyllable will stick to a man longer than any other, and he could locate a man's origin by it's use to a few miles. Aye 's a lal un, but it's a sticker. BAIT — Grain ov a booard that's yah mak o' bait. BACK-CAN — A can to strap on the back an' carry milk in. BACK-END— That is autumn. BACKIN — Cotton wool; cotton backin. Neea doot becos it does fer backin up hollow pleeaces. Ass a railior or a manty-makker. BACON-COLLOF— A bacon-collop an' a pint o' coffee— hoo's that fer a dish ? BACON-FLICK — A picture ta hing up in a chimly niuk. It's miad oot ov a pig's carcase when it's been fed weel an' hutched. BACK-SET — To throw backwards in growth or improvement. To be forced or fast. He gat cauld an' it gev him a back- set. We're back-set an' fooar-set, an' can't stir a pin. BARK — Skin. T' sun's burnt o' t' bark off mi nooas. BACK-SIDE— Behind the house. Come an' laik i' oor back- side. The hinder parts. BASH— A nasty ugly wallop. It catcht me abash fair i' t' ee. BACON-STAVE— A plaster made from a bacon collop. Any- body wi a sair throat try yan, an' sleep wi' 't on. BACKSTUN, BACKSTUN-CAKE, BACK'US— Ah fancy t' " bake-stone" 's aboot oot o' date, nobbut at haver-breed time, but a backstun-ciak 's as good, if it is biaked on t' girdle. Thers backs as briad as a backstun, an' mooths as wide as a backus door. BAD — Past of bid. He bad a ten pun nooat fer t' Galloway. BADGER — See batch-carrier. A buyer up of eggs an' butter. BADGER — Brow-beat. He pot up wi' ther tricks as lang as they did nowt nobbut badger him. BADGER— "As grey 's a badger" 's a common sayin' wi' them as hez nivver seen yan. BAD-WORD— Abuse. He gat t' bad-word fra t' maister. BADLY — 111. As many a lad's bin wi' his first pipe r,' bacca er pint o' yal. It's cappin how lads 'II punish thersels to " smell like a man," as yan o' them yance sed. BAIN — T' nearest way to a place, or to do a job. It's as bain be t' rooad. That '11 be t' bainest way o' deein it. BARKT — Bruised. Ah barkt mi shins again t' deur step. BAIT — A meal, or refreshments. A scholar's lunch. To feed horses whilst they are working; or herd t' kye i' t' looanen's as they're garn tult t' paster, is ta let them bait. BALDERDASH— Queer talk. Thoo talks nowt nobbut a heap o' balderdash. It izzant exactly leein', but riapin' on wi' a lot o kelderment 'ats neea truth it 't, an' less good. BAWTY-BAWT— Dog name. BAGS— Entrails. BACK-WATTER — In financial straits. It's best ta keep tjot o' back-watter. An' a mill wheel's i' back-watter when it's tail bund wi' a fliud. BAG-'O-TRICKS, BOILIN', BUNCH, BUNDLE— These o' mean yah thing — an' that is o' t' lot. Git oot o' mi giat o' t' bag o' tricks on ye. They're varra oft used wi' nut mich sense at o'. BAIRNEY, BAIRNISH— Old age childishness. BAMBOOZLE— Kick't aboot an' bamboozl'd wi' iv'ry yan o' them. Miad gam on. BAND — Tether. He's bed ower mich band. BAND — A high place on a hill — Silver Band on Crossfell, Bowfell Band, &c. BALKS — Thrown ower t' balks — ass'd ta' t' Kirk; spurr'd ; garn to be wedded. BALKS-HEN— Whar t' hens roost. BANDY-LEGGED— Short legged, and bowed. BANE — Ah yance fand a lal bottle, an' t' auld woman said it bed rattan bane in. Ah guess it war puzzan. BARE — Scrimpy ; hardly. It's bare weight. It's bare three mile ta Shap. a BARGEST— An uncanny visitant often talked about but- seldom seen or heard. One who has the power of fore- telling the demise of others. One who makes an unearthly din. Shut up, thoo gurt bargest, thoo ! Lai 'uns 'at'a aboot ther teeth er oft telt ta be whiat an' gah ta sleep, er t' bargest '11 tak them, an' seea they alius think o' t'' bargest as summat flaysome. BARKEN — To clot like blood on a bandage, or to " set in "• like dirt on the skin. BARLEY — Ween a lad wants ta claim t' dumplin end he says^ "barley me t' dumplin end, mudder," an' neea body else hez any chance tult. Ther's a lot a things i' this world 'at yan wad like ta barley. BARNS— Youngsters. BATE — To take from a stated price. Te banter. He wad'nt bate a ho'penny. Ah couldn't bate him a plack. BATED — Ceased. T' rain's nivver bated a bit sen it started^ BATCH — A sack of meal. A baking of bread — barley-meaL Nowt's sweeter ner a bit o' het batch-ciak, buttered. BATCH — Bundle ; number ; band. Ah'll feit o' t' batch for a quart o' yal. Ther's a batch o' rattans o' tagidder. They o' went i' yah batch. BATCH-CARRIER— A miller's carter. Ivv'ry-body's hed a ride wi't' batch-carrier amang his batches at some turm er anudder. BARK— -A can ta hod can'les in. BATTER— An embankment. BARNEY — A deceitful transaction in trade or in sport. BAJRNEY-DOO — A made up thing. Two wrestlers who d» not fairly contest, but agree which is to fell, are said tO' mak a barney-doo on 't. Neea body likes a barney-doo ower weel, 'speshally if they've owt on. BARROW, BARROW-COAT— What they don lal babbies in ta keep ther bits o' legs an' bodies warm. BASIL — A sheep's skin dressed into leather, for the aprons- of smiths, shoemakers, &c. BASH — A hurry. He was gaan ower t' fell at seek a bash. BASHED— Broken by force. He bashed t' lid off wi' his clog. He gat his teeth bashed doon his throat. BASS — Rushes, seek as they use ta boddum chairs wi. BAT-I-BO— Pize-bo. Ah fancy sum '11 ken best, but it's o't siam t' lads knows when it's time to laik at it, whedder it's bat-i-bo, pize-bo, or tennis. BAT-STREEA — Thrash with a flail, an' net deea't ower hard^ seea as ther'll be summat left in fer t' nags er t' kye. BAT — The forward stroke a mower strikes each time with his scythe. A blow. A winged animal. A high speed — an" a lot mair things too numerous to mention. BAT — Alighted. Mi feet shot oot frae anunder mi, an' Ah. bat fair o' mi heed an' shooders. His neck oot 6' joint, an' his beaynes were aw broken. When at t' bottom he bat wi' tremendous crash. — Whitehead. BAT-AN'-BREED— The ground that a mower covers withi each stroke of his scythe, bat being in front of him and breed on each side. He could tak' a ter'ble bat an' a- famous gurt breed an' aw. BANG, BANGIN-ABOOT— Clatter. He flang him doon wi' a ter'ble bang. Bangin-aboot means when t' pots an' things are skirted wi' somebody 'at's in a bit ov a hig. aboot summat an' maks a lot o' noise an' show. BANGED — Beat. "They bang'd o' t' player fooak twenty tx yan." BANG INTULT— Bang intuit an git it ower, when a hard day's darrak's in front o' yan, t' best way to gang aboot it — bang intuit. BARK — A short troublesome cough. Thoo'll be barken o' neet.. BANG UP AN' DOON— A chap 'at's ebben up an' doon in o' his ways an' dealins wi' his nebburs is sometimes said ta. be a bang up an' doon chap, an' it's a blessin' 'at ther's a. lot left amang us. BANDYLAN — A woman wi a queer character — nobbut. BANNOCKS— Skons made out of barley-meal. Cat ran ower t' rannel balks eatin mewlded bannocks. If ye can say- that ower fast, a few times yer nut drunk. BAR-OOT — At breckin' up time fer t' helidays lads know what ta deea — bar t' maister oot : Bar him oot, bar him oot^ Bar him oot wi' a pin \ Gie's a month heliday Er we'll nivver let ye in. BAR-O — Lads when they're laikin' at marvels say bar-o, an" they mean it. BARLEY-SUGAR— A sugar stick. Try a child with a stick. of barley sugar. — Ruskin. BARFIN — A horse collar. A grand thing is a barfin ta gum. throo. BARNEY-BRIG, BORO'-BRIG, BABYLON— A children's, game. Hog many miles ta Barney Brig? Three scooar and ten. Can I get there by candle-light ? Yes, and back again. Any sticks or stones on the way? Yes, both . How can I get over ? Put your heels aback o' your neck And then jump over. BARBARY-BARK— A cure fer f jawness, an' that's a com- plaint 'at theer's some queer remedies fer. _BARE-GAWPS— Young crows ercheepers. BARE-PELT— Your birthday suit. .BANE— An industrious, diligent, persevering man. He's varra bane awovver. BANG-HANDED— Same as backwards-way-aboot ; a left- handed awkward way of doing anything. JBACK-HANDED-WIPE— A way o' wipin yans nooas when yans in a hurry an' neea pocket necklath handy. BACK-AN-EDGE— Completely. Nay! it's gone back-an-edge. jBACK-HOD— A door cheek, er owt ta set yer back again when it warks wi' stoopin'. BANKER— What masons dress flags on, an' farmers buy pigs wi'. They're as useful as owt ye can hev in t' hoose is a few bankers, sez oor Betty. .BARLEY-SEED-TIME — A sulky man 'at hings his boddum lip when things don't suit him is said ta hing a lip like an auld meear i' barley seed time. BAUM — Baum tea, t' grandest thing oot fer a sweet when ye've a bad cauld er a good 'un. JBAND-KIT— A guft can wi' a lid on. BABBLE — A lie, or to lie, but babble is nicer fer t' barns. BAFFLE — Confuse; discredit; cross-question. He telt his tial as streck as a seeve, neeabody could baffle him. JBACK'ARDS-WAY-ABOUT— A chap 'at gangs about his wark in an awkward fashion, an' does a lot on't twice ower is said ta gang t' back'ards-way-aboot. BACK-HAND— Deceitful dealing. It's a back-hand trick. BACK-HANDER— A blow with the knuckles, and the hand not clenched. BACK-BAND— The chain with which a cart shafts are held up. Fassen t' backban', tweea off. BACK-HAULD — To wrestle with the contestants behind one another, instead of facing. An attitude allowed to balance inequality in skill or strength. Ah can wrussle thee back-hauld. .BABBLEMENT— Silly discourse, partly lees. BAIST — To beat severely. BAWTKY-STICK— A piece of elder wood worn in the pocket as a charm against the power of witches. BAWTRY-JOHNNY— Elder wine. BAGGISH— Ket ; muckment ; bad lads er lasses. Thoo's nowt but a impident baggish. BAY— To bend. BALK— A joist ; a weigh-beam ; a strip of land ; a piece which the plough has not turned over; to disappoint. He was yan o' this sooart 'at nivver balkt his fancy, but sed just what he thowt. BATTEN— A thick plank. BATTIN — A bundle of straw done up by the thrasher. BACKENIN' — A putting backward, as frost put 'taties back i' June. BACK-WORD — When yan's hired an' izzant gaan on wi' 't, yan hez ta send back-word ; seeam wi' t' tailor when ye du't want a suit ye've been mezzer'd for. BED-GOON — It's nowt to deea wi' sleepin, but it is a nice leet print waist fer women ta weer i' summer. BEDLAM-HOOSE—Whar they're makken a gurt nurratiora it's war ner a bedlam-hoose. BESSY-CLOCK--The seed of the dandelion, blown off to find out the time, so many puffs for each hour. BESSY-CLOCKER— Black beetle. Kill a bessy-clocker an' it '11 rain. BEVEL — A violent push or blow. BELYVE— Afooar sa long. BEAU lY-BEUT— Dog name. BEUST or BUST — To put a mark or brand upon sheep. BETIMES — Occasionally. Betimes he's queer as Dick hat band. BECK-AN'-FELL— A wide district. Hb owns o' t' land 'tween t' beck an' t' fells. BEGYANE — Taken aback. I was begyane when Ah hard tell about it. BELDER, BELDER-KITE— Same as bellarin'. What's ta beldern at ? BETTERMER— Superior. Bettermer mack o' fooak. Bet- termer hat an' seea on. BEN', BEND— A hide of sole leather. BEND — Turn. Bend o' t' arm, &c, Ther's fooak that stupid they'll breck siuner ner they'll bend, they're that heed- strang. BENDY-LEATHER— Ice that bends when skating over it. Bendy-leddur nivver brecks in — nobbut sometimes. BEN EATH — To demean oneself by contact, or dealings with. Ah wadn't beneath misel wi' thi. BEILD — A shelter. T' wood's a grand beild for t' hoose. Ther's net a bit o' beild o' neea mak ner shap for t' kye. BENSLE — Thrash. Ah'll bensle thi jacket thoo young taistre). BENSLIN — Thrashing. We played trewin, an' t' maistergav us seek a benslin. BERE, BIGG— Barley. Tweea lads war laikin' at wishin'. T' first wanted nowt but— " ^'g'g' breed dipt I' collop fat An' swing o' t' day o' Grayrigg Fell yat.'* T'other wadn't wish at o', beccs Jim hed gitten o' t' good things. BESOM. BESOM-HEED— A rough careless lass is a gurt mucky besom, and a silly chap's a besom-heed. BETHINK, BETHOUGHT— Remember. Ah can't bethink me ov his reason. BEWL— The handle of a bucket, can, pan, or pail. T' bewl's het. BEZEL— To drink greedily. He wad bezel as much yal as- wad swum a ship. BEZ'LIN— Drinking greedily. He was nivver reet nobbut when he was bez'lin yal doon his neck. BEZ'LED— The effect of heavy drinking. His nooas was- bez'led. BENT— Coarse fell grass. BELK— An eructation. That is, it's a rift efter eatin', ower mich. BELKER— Something that's big. That taty's a belker. BELKEN-FULL— When yan's hed ower mich poddish. BELKEN-INTULT— A chap 'at gahs intui his wark as if he- liked it. BELKIN'— A tannin'. Thoo'll catch a belkin' fer this. BELLY- WARK — This sometimes comes wi' eatin' ; back- wark wi' workin' ; heed-wark wi' drinkin' ; lug-wark ^ tiuth-wark ; shooder-wark ; een-wark ; an' ivverything: aboot yan warks hi' times but t' tongue' Thi tongue; nivver warks — Ah've bin telt that scores o' times. BETTER-NER-GOOD— Varra kind. Yer better-ner-good. Ah's sewer. BERRY, BERRY-BREAD, BERRY-CAKE— Gooseberries^ " I saw the dairy of one, half filled with the berry-bread^ large flat-baked cakes enclosing layers of gooseberries) prepared by its mistress for her shearers." — Ruskin " Fors Clavigera." BERRY-SHAG — Ass a lad 'ats bin noppin berries fer his- mudder what he expects as siun as t' pan boils. BETTER — More than. He's better ner a year auld. BETTER-LEG — Many a yan says when they're in a gurt hurry " Noo Ah mun put t' better leg t' first," but if ye nobbut hinted 'at they'd tweea odd legs ye wad git some sauce frae them. BEETLE-BATTLE— Bray a hard shirt soft. BEAL — The lowing of cattle ; crying ; noise made by the wind. Ah'U gie thi summut ta beal aboot. BEALEN— Howling. " Ya dismal, dark December neet, When t' wind in t' chimley siiod, Com bealen doon of Cross Fell heets A helm rough and loud."— irhiiehead . BEALED— To call out through fear. Summat fell afront on him an' he fair healed oot. 1.3 BELLAR — A bull bellars when it wants to be queer. A barn whingen is bellarin'. BEARDED—" The bright and bearded barley." It's t' awns o' wheat, er barley, an' seek an' seek like. BEARDED-WALL— A wall that has a thickness of sod on the top. in which thorns are placed to keep cattle in er Oct. We'd to git ower ^ bearded wo. " For bearding the Kirk-garth wo" forms one item in Morland Church Accounts. BEASTINGS — The milk from a newly calved cow ; there's war things ner a beastin' puddin'. BEAT — To feed a fire with sticks, or turf, er owt else. *' His words of weight act like a charni; On frozen hearts, and beat them warm. — Whitehead, BEESE, BEEAS— Cows. Gang an' fetch t' beeas in ta milk. BED, BEDDING, BEDDIN'-UF— Bed t' swine-hull wi' saw- come. Breckins is good for beddin'. He was beddin'-up t' nags. BESSY-DOOKER— A watter bird wi' a black back an' a white breest. It dooks i' t' watter as it shuts away when it's flayed. BECK — Stream. A Lakeland lad '11 know summat aboot a beck. Ah dar be bund, wharivver ye see him. " To think how poets wi' their sangs. Their minds sud seea perplex, 'Bout Kden, Lune, the Tyne^ and Tees, An' scwores o' mucky becks. — J^liitehead. BECK STEPS— Stepping stones. T' beck steps is oot o' sect — that's when ther's a fliud on. Yah atdd chap 'at hed ta gang ower t' steps when t' beck was oot, said his prayers an' set off, but he sez, " Ah's gaan hi t' boddum." BELLIKIN — An immoderate eater or drinker — agurt brossen bellikin. BELLOCK — To eat hastily or greedily. He wad bellock his dinner doon, an' off ta laik. BELL-TINKER — A rattle on t' side o' t' heed as oft as owt. But ther's lots o' things 'at's co'ed bell-tinker. BELLY-BAND— A girth. Fassen t' belly-ban'. BELLY-OUT — To project. That hoose wo bellys oot a lot mair ner I like. BELLAS'D — Ah's aboot bellas'd. That's when a chap's puff's gian, er his leet's aboot oot. BELLYS— Lungs. Mi bellys is diun. BELLY-TIMMER— Food. See 'at thoo gits thi share o' belly-timmer. BELLY-GOD — Yan 'at likes a lot o' good tommy an' things ta eat er drink. BIAN-FIRE — A fire out of doors to burn up refuse. 14 BIAN-FI RE-DAY — The fifth of November; an' lauve hoo we- used ta watch for 't an' trail whins an seek. BIDDABLE— Obedient, as a biddable child. BIGGIN— A building. BITE, BIGHT— A bend in a river. BIDDY— A louse. BICKER— A wood pot seek as they sarra hens in, I fancy.. Chap sed he'd supt a bickerful o' soor milk. BICKER — Nags bicker when they're ower weel coorn', an' lal 'uns bicker when they want ta walk. BIDDEN— Invited to attend a funeral. Er ye bidden ? BIDDING-ROUND— The circle fixed and prescribed by ancient custom within which it is usual to '■ bid " or " ass " t' nebburs to a funeral. BINK — A stone bench or seat by the kitchen door, on which are placed various dairy utensils to " sweeten." [To- Captain Markham, of Morland, I am indebted for a copy of an extract of an inventory " ot the goods of 'I'homas- Bland, of Sleagill, A.D. 1664 — item, chaires, stooles, cushions, table with binke and trough."] From th& opinions expressed by correspondents the word would also ."!eem to bear the meaning of " banK," or " bed " ; a raised up flower-bed under ^ window. BIN, BING — A corn chest with separate divisions. BILLY, Net a goat, ner William, but t' gurt lang spiad 'at a. drainer howks clay oot wi — his billy and his how. BILL-HOOK— A bill-hiuk's what they dike wi'. BIRK — It's t' rod at izzant spared. BIRD-EEN — Bonny bird-een, the fairest floor 'at iver was seen.. BIKD-LIME — A preparation from holly bark, ta catch birds wi, it clags ther cleeas tull a grain 'ats danb'd wi' 't. BIRL. BURL — To pour out. Birl's a drop o' mair tea oot,. wi' ta ? BIRR, BURR — To scotch a cartwheel. Birrt' wheel antrees. t' meer back. A hazy ring around t' miun when it's gaan> to snow is co'ed a burr. BISHOP'T-MILK— Boiling milk allowed to set on t' pan boddum an' burnt. BITY-TONGUE— A turnip 'at izzar.t fit fer eatin' an' bites yan's tongue. BIUN-HEED— It's fine biun-heed— that is the sky's clear even though it may be mucky under fiut. BIUS — A stall in a cow-shed— that's a bius. BIUT— Added. Used chiefly in trading. Szys W hitehead : " Seea he reayde up fo t' foremost chap An' thunderin' thus spak he: Says he " I'll clash thi lug's wi' t' whup An' t'other chap to beut.' " 15 Lads when they swap jackilegs '11 giv yan anudder summatr to biut — happens a marvel, if tian 's better ner tudder — er warse, BILDERT— A rascal, a mischief. BITTER-SWEET — Some o' ye's capt wi' that, neea doot;. git hod o' yan oot o' somebody's wotchet, an' ye'll net be capt mich langer. BLAB, BLAB-TONGUE— Indiscreet talk. A gurt blab- tongue. BLACK-AVISED— Griuby an' mucky, er glum an' sulky. Black-avis'd like Jooany Greeuf cat. BLARING — Bleating of sheep, lowing of cattle, noisy crying of children. BLUE DEVILS, BLUE DEVILLED— A chap 'at once maks. t' acquaintance o' this complaint's in a parlish state^ They co them jim jims in America, an' delirium tremens in England. Blue 'uns 'll deea. BLUE-BILLY— A hard blue stone. BLUE-MILK — Creamless. This milk's blue as wad. BLEDDER-HEED— A heed 'at's like a bledder o' same is oft co'ed a bledder-heed, an' t' chap 'at carries 't about. BLATHER — To talk a great deal of nonsense. BLOB — A drop of water or bubble. BLINK— To smile. BLIRT, BLURT— To cry. BLOW — Ther's cauld blow, i.e. varra pooryal; an' blow van's- bacca. Ther's blow a bit — ta git yan's wind ; a blow oot — a good feed ; an' blow up — a good blackin'. BLOWN — Out of breath. Ah's aboot blown. Blown milk — when t' creem's gian ; an' blown apples an' peers, an' plums, efter a flow wind ; an' blown meet when t' flees hes- been at it. BLUFF — Plain; bleak; outspoken; hearty; windy. It's a gay useful mack ov a word is bluff, an' its a pity it's- gitten abused bi some fooak 'ats varra lal on 't i' them. BLUFT — Ta muzzle a nag een when it's gien ta bogglin' is- ta bluft it. BLUFTED — Darkened. His een was blufted up wi' bein'' tenged wi' bees. Snow hes blufted oor winda up. BLUTTER — Ay marry. Siam as a lot o' watter in a hurry ta git oot ov a lal whol — it blutters oot. BLUSTERATION— Empty .bombast an' noise. BLEEDING-HEART— A garden plant. BLART — To give a secret away; to say something of an indiscreet character. Si thee, it gat blarted aboot frae- yah body tul anudder, till ivv'ry yan o' t' toon knew Ah'd. a new hat 'at wasn't paid for. BLASH — A splash. He meead t' watter blash o' ower us. BLASHY— Wild flowe wet weather. i6 liLASH ED— Soiled with muddy water, &c. Thoo's blashed frae top ta tail. T' lime's blashed i' mi e'e corner. J3LAST — Cold. Ah've a blast i' mi e'e. BLASTED— Blighted, T' tree's bin blasted wi leetnin'. BLAKE — Sallow complexion. He's turned varra blake an' sauvy. 3LAINS— A disorder amang t' Kye. JBLATIN' — Sheep-weshin' an' clippin' days is t' day ta hear some blatin' when t' yowes an' lambs is mixed up an' yan laitin' anudder. BLATE — Frightened. Thoo liuks blate eniuf. J3LATE-NER-SKAK — Nut ower modest er bashful. JBLATIN' — Bawl. Give ower blatin', thoo gurt cauf-head, er Ah'll gie thee summat ta blate aboot. BLEB — Blister. T' lal 'un gat burnt, an' it's skin hung i' gurt blebs. BLEEA — Ther's Bleea Tarn ; bleea-worms ; bleea-berries ; and bleea-fingers wi' cauld ; it means a bit blue-reed. B LEE AN — Bleach. Put t' cotton things on t' gers ta bleean a bit. BLEDDUR-SCALP— Dull witted. Thoo gurt silly bleddur- scalp. It izzant a nice word, this yan, but it's useful at times. BLEDDER-SKITE— Yan wi' ower oppen a mooth. BLENKIN' — Peeping. He's blenkin' aboot efter oor lass Ah'll apode it. BLIND — A blind pap gies neea milk; blind cooal won't burn. Ther's fooak 'ats blind at can't see, an' ut'hers that won't. Ther's tricks diun fer a blind; ther's blind hash, blind worms, an' blind wo's. BLINDY-BUFF— Blind man's buff. BLINNDERS — Leather spectacles fer t' nags, sea as they ca't see sideways, an' git neea muck i' ther een. BLIRT, BLIR TEN— Shooting at random. He was blirten aboot amang t' crows. BLISH — Blister. Ah've a gurt blish fair o' mi heel. BLIUD AN' BATTER— What chaps git wi' feiten. BLOB— Bubble. What maks t' water blob like yon ? Siap suds. BLOB— Watter blob, that is t' knocklety gold. BLODDER — To cry in an effusive way — bodder an' rooar. What's ta blodderin aboot? BLODDER— Bubble. He cot his hand wi' t' yuk, an' t' bliud fair blodder'd oot on 't. BLODDERS— Bubbles. Let's mak siap blodders. BLONK — When ye can't gang at dominoes. He pot blonk on^ — looked sullen. BLEAR-EE'D — Wake wattery ees ats sair. 17 BODY'S-SEL — Alone; yan may howk aboot bi a body's-sel tell yan gahs newdled. BOONDARY-STOOP— A post that marks the township's limits on the road. JBOX — Varra clooase ; as clooase as a box. BORRAN — A heap o' rough cobbles. BOB — blip in or out in a hurry. We bob'd in an' gat a pint o' yal, an' bob'd oot an' oft again. BOOKED — Reached ; heaved. Ah varra near bocked mi heart up. BOG-BEAN, BUCK-BEAN— Bog-bean tea 's a grand thing fer takkin fur off yer teeth, an' given ye a stomach. BOH'D— Took fright. Says Whitehead : But, ah ! I boh'd an' backward steude, Seun as I gat a glance. BONNY — A bonny price, a bonny bairn, a bonny auld shindy, a bonny neet, in fact, ther's neea limits ta owt at's bonny — an' a lal word's a bonny word sometimes. BOTCHUT — A beverage made from honey. It'll mak neea- body drunk — a drop o' honey botchut, but Ah've known fooak badly wi' 't. BOTTLE O' STREEA— Queer stuff ta bottle, some on ye'U think, but it's t' way threshers lap 't up an' tie it wi' bands. BOTTOM — To get to the origin or foundation. Ah'll boddum that drain oot first. Boddum that teeal. BODDUMS— Shoe soles. What's left at yal tub efter t' drink's drawn. Ditto tumblers an' tots. Them's t' commonest sooart o' boddums. BODDUMS — Low lying land, somewhat level, and generally with a beck running through. BODDUM— Whar fooak sit on. BODDUM — Principle. He's a chap wi neea boddum in him. BOW-HOUGHED— Crooked houghs. BODDUMLY— In reality ; at the bottom. Boddumly Ah du't think he wanted ta gang away. That hoose boddumly is as clean as a penny. He's a honest fellow boddumly. BODDERMENT— Let's hev nin o' thi bodderment. Fash. BODDER— We've hed nowt but bodder about it. BODDERATION— Bodderation to thi an' thi auld gallawa, thoo can talk aboot nowt but nags. BOX — Patch ; box them up as weel's ye can. BOY- T' cur dog. BOB, BUMP — A knot of hair, same as a stag tail tied up at back at t' heeds o' t' ladies. BODES — Pyatts bodes yan's luck. Yan's a sorrow, tweea's a mirth, three's a wedden, fower a birth, five is silver, six is gold, an sebben is a secret never to be told. i8 BO-MAN— Be whiat honey er t' bo-man '11 con:ie. " The terrible Bo," as Ant'ny Whiteheed cos him, hes whiatened a lot o' barns in his time. BODJY — A bit stoot an' rayder pursey. BODY — ^A person. Can ye give a body a pipe o' bacca ? BOGGLE — A flaysome ugly thing 'ats varra common i' f looanens ; they git up yan's nooase, an' flay nags ; spirit knockin's nowt tul a boggle. BONE— To charge. Ah hard 'at he was tellin 't 'at Ah was- mad drunk; seea t' next lime Ah saw him Ah bian'd him wi' 't theer an' than. BONES — T' auld snarlin' thing he's alius at 't bians o' ivry- body. Frae moornin' ta neet he's bianin at it aboot t' wark. BON — Go bon it ! Varra oft used when fooak hev gitten oot o' bed 'at wrang side, an' ivvery thing izzant streck forrad. BOWELL-HOLE — A small aperature in a barn, for giving; light or air. BOWERY— Plump, buxum. BOONCE— Eject. Ah'll boonce t' shop o' thee. BOONCER — Big, smart. Yon' fellow's a booncer. BOONCIN'— Lively. A booncin' big babby. BOON-DAY — Help given to a new tenant by his neighbours at ploughin'. They're hevvin their biun-plewin to-day. BOONDED — Swelled. T' back n' mi hand's o' boonded up ; ye nivver saw seek a seet i' yer life. BOOTED-BREAD— Bread in which rye is used. Ah cud eat a shive o' booted bread. BORN-DAYS— Lifetime. Nivver i' o' my booarn days did Ah see seek a tagalt as that lad. BORROWIN'-DAYS— T' first three days in April. March borrowed of April, Three day's an' they war ill, First rained, second snew, An' third was t' roughest day at ivver blew. Ah reckon March tiak back seek as she bed on hand. BOSOM — T' wind booazums doon t' chimley, er aroond a niuk, er in a passage. BOWDY-KITE — A great eater. A gurt brossen bowdykite. BONNY — A famous niam fer nags. BRABBLEMENT— A noisy quarrel, or wrangling. BRAKE — A heavy harrow used for breaking large clods of earth. BRAW — Finely clothed, handsonle. BRAUN— Awildboar. " A braan 'at hed boddert 'em neet an' day, , ' At last, by a butcher, was boldly shot." — Bowness. 4| BRIDE-ALE— The marriage feast at a rustic wedding. a 19 BRIDE-LIAF— Wedding cake. BKIDE-WAIN— A brides' portion. BREEMEN — Summat up wi' t' Sew. fiREED-AN-SCRAPE— A shive o' breed wi t' butter scriapt off to deea again. Breed an' scriap is siam as 'taties an' point. BRISKET— T' breest cut. BRAG — Boast. B!-aggen an' booasten o' what wark they can deea. Let them deea 't, sez Ah. BRAMLI-KITE, BUMLI-KITE— Either er owder '11 deea. ■The'r bramble-berries — nowt else. BRAN-MASH— Try yan fer t' galloway. BRAN, BRAND— Owt 'ats new oot o' t' mint is bran new, an' many a thing 'ats nivver bin i' t' mint. BRASH — Rude. Brashed off wi' laughin'. BRECK-NECK — Furious haste. He set off neck-breck er nowt brack. BRAIDS — Imitates; in a similar condition ; like. Your fooak braids o' oors, I see they're cleanin' doon. BREAD-AN'-CHEESE— It grows i't dyke boddums an' t' barns eat it. T' Latin for 't wad freeten 'em, ah's flayed. BRODDLE — Howk. Nivver broddle yer teeth wi' a pin. Broddle yer lug wiyer elbow, t' auld chap said. BROD — Pierce. Mi teea's sair whar t' nail brodded through mi stockin intul it. BRISSLE or BIRSET — To scorch ; to parch by means of fire. BRULLIMENT— A broil or quarrel. BRULLY — A domestic difference of opinions; a quarrel. They'd a bit o' a bruUy atween them. BROT — Whar t' sheep rub ther backs e' t' banks o' peat. BROCK — An otter. Many a body sez that they " sweet like a brock," but they nivver saw yan. In the year 1609 they paid in Murland parish 13s. for Brock-heeds at a shilling each. BROCKSHAW — Meat fra a sheep that has died a natural death. Brockshaw hes a bad reputation, an' it cudn't hev a war neeam. BROGUES — Ass a drainer to let ye link at his Clogs — them's his brogues. BROKKUN — Ther's brokkun oot an' brokkun up; an' brokkun t' dyke, an' t' bull ; an' brokkun meat an', milk ; body- brokkun, an' heart brokkun ; an' bank-brokkun an' brokkun backt wi' brass ; brokkun weather, an' brokkun wark, an' brokkun fasts ; nags is brokkun in, an' hay's brokkun oot. Owt else brokkun, Ah wonder : Aye, when a'poor lellow's- t' bums i' t' hoose it's becos he's brokkun. BROOKT — Mixed colour. He's briukt wi grey. Hisfiaswas o' briukt wi' grime. 20 BROON- BESS— What they shut wild geese wi' ; er at least what they try ta shut 'em wi. BROON GEORDIE— Brown bread. Whar they nack an' deea they co' it Brown George — it's o' t' seeam, an' tiasts neea better. BROON-LEEMER— Hazel nuts that are ripening in the husk and shedding them. Ah've a pocketful o' broon-leemers. BROUGHT-IN— Converted. BROUGHT-OUT— To hatch. BROUGH HILL TIME— Aboot Brough Hill time o' t' year, i.e., Brough Hill Fair. BROUGH HILL WEATHER— It's cauld as Brough Hill. BRUSH— A fox brush; brush aboot wi' t' wark ; brush t' meedow ; a bit ov a brush at feitin' ; beardy ; brush yan's hand ower another body's fias ; brush up a bit ; brush t' nags doon ; brushwood; brush by yan annudder an' nivver let wit. Ther's a gay lot o' different macks an' ways o' brushin'. BRUSH — At times it may be necessary to remove a small obstacle, so that marble-players may get the chance of a good shot — that's brush. BROSSEN — Nags er men 'at eat ower mich at yance an' er nivver full 'at efter, er said to be brossen. Some er brossen wi' wit, others wi' wark, and some wi laiken, a gay few wi' yal. BROSSEN-FULL — Hed mair to eat than's easy er good. BROSSEN-HEARTED— When a lal 'un can't hev o' it wants it sets tul an' hes a good whinge, till it fair sobs — it's brossen-hearted. BRAG— T' dog. BREAS— Beck edge. Where t' fish dark anunder. Whitehead says: Hmvks grubs an' worms fra under t' breas, To feed t' la hungry troot. BRECK — A mischievous prank. A favourite breck when yan was lads used to be takkin' t' lin'pin oot of a cart wheel, an' then dark aback ov a wo ta hear t' final. Brecks izzant as common noo, an' they've neea need to be. BRIEF — A collecting card, or sheet for one who has met with misfortune. They gat a brief fer him when t' coo deed. BRIM — Top. He was brim-full. Full of sorrow, or anger, or mirth. Ah cud see he was full ta t' brim, seea Ah com away an' sed nowt tull him. BRINDLED— A cow with a striped skin. T' cowey's brindled. BRITCHED— Braced. Thoos britched up ower tight. Let thi gallowses oot, min. BRITCHED— Put into a suit. He was a gay, gurt fine lad afoor he was britched. BRITCHIN— The fork; where two limbs join. BRITCH-BAN — The part of a horse's gear which enables to " back " a cart, &c. BRITTAN— Hide; tan ; Ah'll brittan thi thi jacket for thi. BRITTAN EN— Thrashing. He gat seek a brittanen as he was lal aware on. BRIAKEN — A thrashing. Thoos laiten a briaken an' thoo'Il git yan if thoo gahs on. BRITTAINER — A queer customer. Noo he's a bit ov a Brittainer is t' auld horsebrecker; he is ano. BRANDRITH— T' girdle frame and legs it stood on. "A cubbard, kist, an' brandrith frame." BRANK — Swagger. He wad brank aboot in his Sunday clias as if t' toon was his awn. BRANLINS — Worms oot ov a muck-heap, good fer fishin wi. BRANT — Steep. A hill that's as brant as a hoose side taks some wind oot o' yan. BRANT — Brazen. He stiud up ta feit as brant as a banty cock. BRASH — Hurry up. Brash aboot an' skift yersels. BRASH EN — ^A vigorous habit. He was alius brashen aboot at t' top o' his speed. BRAT — An apron ; a pinafore. BRATTLE— A loud noise. By gum ! that brattle o' thunner soonded gayly near like. Ther's udder maks o' brattlin', t' rifle an' seek like. BRIDLE-ROOAD — A lal looanin' whar nowt but a nag er a coo can gang doon. BUFFS — Rebounds. When yan's drivin' a stiak an' it's gitten fluzzed an' comes oot farder than it gangs in when yan hits it wi' t' mell, then it buffs. BULLACE— Wild plums. Bullaces an' sleeas — they grovv i' t' dikes. BULL-HEAD — Bull-heeds an' tommy-looaches — wi' a bit o' threed fer a tome, an' a pin fer a hiuk, ye can catch them i' t' beck. Ther's mennoms, tommy looatches, an' bull- heeds. Ah've hed many a yedderin for 't. BULL FIACES, BULL TOPPINS— Ye'll find some o' these i' t' coo-paster. They're gurt ugly liukin tufts o' rough gerse an' stuff. BULL-JUMPINS — Bull jumpins an' why laikins is summat seeam as beeastins. Ah fancy. BULL-SEGG — Thoo criuns war ner a bull-segg, i.e., a bullock at's bin a bull ower lang. BULL-STANG — Hornet. T' nag ran away when it hard a buU-stang. BULNECK — Head first ; without much thought or considera- tion. He' fell intul t' troff bulneck. He was gaan on bulneck, an' nivver liukin' at his feet. BULLOCK— Treat harshly; to domineer. He wad bullock yan aboot. BULLOCKIN'— Bullockin' about, mind whar thoos gaan. BULLOCK-MAN— A farmer's man who tends cattle as distinct frae them at works wi' t' nags. BULSTONE— A whetstone that a mower sharpens his scythe wi'. BULL-BRECK-OOT— A lad's gam at breckin' oot ov a ring an' gitten catcht. BUM— Baste. BUM-BAILEY— We o know as mitch as we want ta know aboot t' bum-bailey. BUMM'LE— Bee. Ivv'rybody knows what it is when they hear yan, and when it sits doon wi' t' htt end first they can feel it. Bumm'le aboot is when ye catch yer teea in a nick and hod yer-sel up wi' t' tiable cliath, an' lands on t' fleear amang t' pots. BUNCH— Ah'll laik o' t' bunch. It means o' t' boilin', ore' t' pang. BUNDLE-UP— To bundle up yans bits o' traps meens at we're skiftin pliaces. We's o' hev ta bundle up an' be oif e'wer turn, an' it's best ta sheer clean, an' leeve neea slape spots ahint yan. BUNSTI, BOOTSTI— Laken at fieldin amang t' stacks : Bogfleti, bogleti, bunsti. Thee find me an' Ah'U lait thee, Bogleti, bogleti, bunsti. BUR — Prickly burs ; they.grow on a burdock, er robin-run-i'^ t'-dike, an' stick tuU yan's cooat. BURHLECK— Petasites vulgaris. Happen it is, but a bed o' burblecks is nobbut a varra lal account fer o' that. BUMP — Thick garn for jackets an' caps. BUM — A gurt wallopen cork fer a tub. BURTREE— Elder. That is i' England, but we alius say burtree in Lakeland. BURTREE-GUN— A pop gun made of a burtree. O' lads know boo ta mak a burtree gun. BUR-THISSLE~-Git hauld o' yan, an' let it prick, an' I'll be bun' ye'll know t' difference frae a sew thissle for ivver efter. BUSH — The iron lining of a cart wheel naf, 'at t' assel tree works in an' keeps it frae wearin' away. BUSH IN' — Ah've hard a chap say it mair ner yance, when he hed stomach wark a day er tweea, 'at he'd want bushin if things did'nt tak up different. BUSK — A stays-bone. The waist. To drive away. Mak us a stays busk. He hed yah arm aroond her busk. Ah'U busk thee thoo young taistrel at thoo is. 23 BUSK — Hurry up; bustle about. Busk aboot an' git diun, an' we'll gang fer a walk. IBUSTARD — What yan fishes wi' i' summer neets, summat like a butterflee. BUTCH — Slaughter. It izzant iv'ry day we butch a pig. IBUTTER-SOPS — A christening item consisting of bread soaked in melted butter and sugar, flavoured wi' rum. BUTTER-SHAG— A shive o' breed wi butter on 't. BUTT— A hide of sole leather. BUTT— What fooak sit doon on. BUTT— That end of a shaf 'at it stands on. 3BUTTIN — A shaf set up ta dry i' yans, nut i' stooks. BUTT- WELT — Ta throw stooks doon ta dry. Butt-weltin shavs is like knockin legs oot anunder a chap's 'at bin a bit poky. .'BUZZARD- Coward. A gurt buzzard flayed o' t' dark looanens. -BULLS & COWS (whys) — The flower of the arum macutatum, often called lords and ladies. BUM— To buzz. BUNCH— To strike with the foot ; to kick. BUZZOM— A besom or broom. BUCK— Pride. Plenty of buck. Stupidity. Let's hev nin o' thi auld buck. A prop to hold a cart level, when not yoked. BUCK ! BUCK! how many fingers do Ah hod up ? A lad's gam. BUFF! BUFF ! hit him a cuff. T' sign o' war. BUCKLE — Ther's " buckle teea," meanin' git into some wark ; an' " buckle on," ta mak an engagement at sometimes lasts fer t' life on us. BUCKT — Smartened up a bit. He's buckt hissel up in his best. To spring up courage. He buckt up an' went in an' wan. BUDGE— Stir. It wadn't budge an inch. BUFF — Bare skin. They stripped off inta buff an' hed a reet good set teea. 'BURR — A hoarse guttural tone. He sticks weel tul t' auld burr. A hazy ring around the rnoon — Sign of a change. BUTTS — Short rigs that run out. BUBBLY-JOCK— A turkey cock. BURR'D-IN, BURR'D-UP— To hide; to shelter. We burr'd- in at t' field-hoose tell t' shoor blew ower. BY — Past. It's by t' post time a gay bit. BYE — Lonely; out of the way. It's a bye auld dowly hoose. Bye.steeds ; bastys ; bye-rooad, an' seea on, er o' t' siam sooart. BYE-NAME — A nick name, or pet name. Here's a sample : Wing Tommy ; Debrah Duckfiut ; Jos at t' Ho ; Potter 24 Jammy; Bud Birbeck; Happy Jimmy; Garn Willie; Shoddy, t' cadger ; daft Wat ; bullocky ; an' seea on. BYE-WORD— It's a gay fine day, like. Like in that sense is. a bye-word, but it's nobbut a peur sample ta what Ah hev on hand, but they want fettlin up a gay bit, Ah'U apode, afoor t' printer wad put them in. BY-GOY, BY-GOM, BY-GOX, BY-GEN— T' meanin o' this. lot depends hoc they're used. C-LINK^A link fer yoken up t' plew wi'. CA-BAL— A nurration kickt up wi' chaps at's on t' randy, er t' cauves, birds, ducks an' hens, er owt else at maks a. gurt noise ower nowt. CACK — What they mack middens cot on. tADGER— A chap at gahs aboot buyin' butter, an' eggs, andl woo, an' seek like things is co'ed a cadger fer short — but he doesn't cadge. CADGE — Ta beg without assin' streyt oot ; sometimes it's. co'ed shoolen. CALEVER — A carry on. This is a dooraent, er a bit ov a. spree. Ye war hevvin' a fine auld calever on. Ah hardi tell at t' public. CALFISH — Cowardly. Nowt'll mak a lad warse mad ner tO' tell him he's a cauf, er he's caufish. CALF-HEED — A gurt, hard, soor sooart ov apples. A silly fellow's a gurt cauf-heed. CALF-LICKT— A curly toppin'. CALKERS — Iron rims fer clogs an' shoes. Ass a lad at shirlin' time fer particulars. CALLIFOOAGLE, CALLIFUGLE, COLLIFOOAGLE— These three o' mean yah thing — fooak liggen ther heeds tagidder fer mischief, an' ta deea somebody a nasty clarty trick. , CAM — A topstun fer a wo'. I' Borrowdale they wo'd t" cuckoo in seea as they wad alius hev yan, an' it wad alius be spring, but t' cuckoo fand it oot an' flew ower, an' yan o" t' wo'ers said it was acos they hedn't gitten t' cams on. CANKER'D — Varra cross an' ugly tempered. It's better ta. leave a man tul hissel when he's canker'd. CANT, CANTY— Active. Hoo er your fooak ? They're cant as ivver. Hoo er ye ? Ah's canty fer mi years. CANTLAX — What's that ivver ? Ah du't know, but it's sum- mat nut ower nice. He's tian off wi' a gurt cantlax o" some mak an' gitten wedded. CAP — Surprise. It wad cap ye ta see hoo mich that barn. can eat. CAP-STUN — Cap or cape-stone is the central stone of an arch. CAPPE RS— Ah'U set thi cappers. A lot o' lads at laiken time- used ta set cappers bi jumpin' t' beck at a strait spot, an' 23 yan o' them went on t' sly an' lowsened t' sod whar they*^ bat, an' t' first yan ta lowp cappered ta t' boddum o't'" beck an' gat yarked fer't. Ah was in at t' yarkin. CAPT-COORN — Coorn at's fettled up fer t' pooak raooth at's- gaan ta t' market. It's a gay auld farrand dodge. CART-STOWER— Tweea lumps o' wood at stick oot at end of a cart fer 't ta leet on when it's keckl up er 't stowers. CARL, CARLING— A blithe hearty fellow wi' not too mucfr- refinement. A gay rum carl. Thoo gurt rough carlirv thoo. CARLIN SARK — Yan miad oot o' hiam-spun lin. CARRY-ON — A marlock, er a bit ov a lark when fooak er otti t' rant, at tierm times. CAFF — Chaff. What t' wind drives oot o' t' deetin' machine^ CAFF-BED— Caff asteed o' fedders. CAFLIN — It's alius said at leers sud hev lang mem'ries. It's ower wi yan o' them when they start cafflin at middle o" ther tial. CAMERIL — A curved piece of wood used to hang slaughtered animals up by. CANTRIP — A boggle dance i' some whiat kirk garth, It^ maks yan's skin whidder to think on't. CARRY — A long way to convey anything is a gay lang carry- — well waiter, milk, er owt else. CAR-TRACK — A road for a cart along a field side. Keep i*^ t' cart track, can't ta ? ' CATER-CORNER — From one corner to another, as a shawl" is doubled to wear. Thoo mun double that cater corner ways an' than thoo'l deea 't. CAT-WITTED — A bit .sharp an' rayder silly. Says Anderson :: Peer Jwosep ! we went ta ae schuil ! He married deef Marget, the Gamblesby beauty, A silly, proud, cat-witted fuil ! CAUF-NOPE — A rough blow. Ah'll gie thi t' cauf-nope, as- Robin Knagg said when he streeuk t' fellow ower t' heed; wi' a rud stiak. CAUF-HULL — What t' cauves leeves in. CAUF-BED — Whar cauves co' frae 'at first. CALDA, CALDRIGGS— Field names. CAT-UN DER-T'-LUG—Noo, threshers, ye o know what that is. Its threshen wi' t' flail afoor ye've gitten t' knack: on 't. It's grand when t' sooples git hankled and catch., yan ower t' canister. CARRY — What a pasture, or a farm, will allow of in the way of stock, are what it will carry. CARRYIN'— Bearing. CAT-GALLOWS — Tweea sticks stuck up an' yan across ta. jump ower. 26 •CATTED— Cross fer reg'Iar. A catted auld thing. CATTY— A lad's gam wi' a stick an' a peg. -CAT-COLLOP — A tiasty bit fer t' cat when fooaks is butchen. It'll hev anudder neeam neea doot, but Ah can't find it. •CAT-HOS— Bird meat at grows ona thorn tree. It'll be a bad winter, ther's seea many cat-hos an' choops. CAT-NOD— Forty winks. "CAT-LATIN— Queer mixed up talk; bad writing at yan can hardly read — that's cat-latin. The prattle of little child- ren also. Thoo talks nowt but cat latin, Ah ca't English 't "CATTEK-WAW, CHITTER-WAW— A concerto' cats on a whiat neet. "CATTLE-CREEP— A cunderth fer cattle ta gang under t' railway frae yah field to ann udder. "CALLET, CALLAT— To gossip. •CAM— A bank. -CAKE— To cackle like a steg. ■CARUOCK or CURKOCK— A heap of stones. CESSEN— Cast off.. He's cessen his flanin'. -CAST- UP- AT— To upbraid. He cest-up-at him o' he knew. <;AST-UP — To appear, or be found. ■CATCHY — Disposed to take an undue advantage. •CAVE— To separate. CAIM'D — Peenj'd ; cross. Siam as a chap 'ats eatin' t' bed an' gaan back fer t' bowster. -CAINJI — T' siam again. A cainji auld thing. 'CAMPLE — Argue; contradict. Hoo dar ta cample wi' t' gaffer like that ? ■>CAMPLIN' — Contradiction; sauce. I'll hev nin o' thi cam- plin', seea thoo knows noo. -CANNY, CONNY — A canny way, a canny man, a canny day, a canny auld fashioned trick, a gay canny customer, a canny lang price. Canny always seems to convey the impression of spmething surprising ; it's use is frequent, and it's application various. ■CARANT — Carousal. Allay this is what fooak mean when they say on t' rant. 'CASION — A mannerly mak o' beggin' summat ta sup. We casioned him fer some looance, but it war neea go. CABBOR— Useless rubbish. •CARRAS — Short an' sharp fer cart-shed. •CAHT, CA'T— Short for cannot. ■CEE-HOW — A rough blow. He gat seek a cee-how under t' lug wi' t' flail soople. CESS — A rate or tax. He's gedderen t' cess. •CIAM — On one side, like a shoe that is worn down, or the contents of a vessel that have got stirred over. -CHURCH-MOOSE— As poor as a kirk moose. ■CHAFTS — Jaws. Mi chafts er as sair as a kyle. 27 ■CHARM — Rheumatism, bleeding at the nose, warts, hiccough, nightmare, and above all toothache are some of ailments for which specific charms exist as cures. Within recent years one who had the power to " charm " away the toothache lived at Hardendale ; and every one learns viva voce the homilies to be repeated when a tooth is drawn, or when hicough is troublesome. A charm fer drawing t' fire up is ta set t' fire pore seea's ta mak a cross in t' boddum bar. It flays t' bad spirits of. •CHATS — Seeds of ash trees. ■CHOOP— The seed pod of the rose. A fiace as reed as a choop's a good sign. ■CHANCE-BAIRN— Illegitimate child. CHARLEY — A hump on the back ; also of a lazy person it is said, he's t' Charley on. CHOMP — -Watch a chap eat an apple 'at's hard; he'll chomp, Ah'st warn'd. •CHAP — To knock or rap ; a person ; a sweetheart. CHEERER — A glass of spirit and warm water. CHOPPING-BOY— A stout boy. ■CHURN EL — An enlargement of the glands of the neck. CHUM P— A log. A chap 'at's daft. ■CHUNTER — Grumble in an undertone. Some fooak does a lot o' chunterin' an grumblin', but it does 'em neea good. CHAVEL and CHIG— To chew. •CH EESE-WOST— Curd of cheese before pressed. ■CHEESE an' Breed— Wood sorrel. CHANG — When a chap's tongue's lowsed wi' a drop o' short stuff, an' he talks twenty ta i' dozen, er when t' birds o' sing tagidder i' May, or t' cocks an' hen crow an' cackle, it's a' chang. CHARRIN' — Ye know — it's daytal wark fer women. Ii» America they hev it as chores. CHEESERIM — A wooden mould to make cheese in. CHIG CHIGGIN— Chew with the front teeth ; achigo'bacca teea ; an' fooak 's alius chiggin' things ower 'at others durt want ta hear. CHISELLED— A way o' gitten hod o' sombody's brass 'at's tar frae honest. CHOCK — Chock-full, anybody knows, is when they've hed plenty; chock t' wheel is ta burr it, and t' turners hes a chock ta lig ther tiuls on. CHOCKED-UP— A drain mooth er a cunderth when a fliud's fuU'd them er chocked up. CHUCK — A chuck's a hen, sewerly ; but a chuck under t' lug izzant, er a chuck on ta top ov a cart, an' beside that a lot o' fooak CO ther tommy chuck, broon chuck, and white chuck, and seea on. 28 CHUFF — Pleased, like a lad wi a new jackilegs, er t' lasses) wi a new frock apiece fer Easter. T' lad wasn't seea chuff 'at hed nowt new but their Jim' auld shoes ta say f Psalms in. CHAFFER — ^Argue. What er ye chafferen ower ? CHAMMERLY— What they used to steep seed wheat in ta. kill t' filth an' t' bad pickles. CHANTER-BONE— When yer feet shut oot an' ye drop on t" boddom o' yer back an' see a lot o' stars — it's becos ye've touched t' chanter-bian. ' CHATS— Lai taties. CHAUVE, CHAUVEN, CHATTERED— Chew'd. T' rattens. hev chauven varra near through t' cauf hull door. CHEEK — Sides, seek as door cheeks an' yat cheeks. CHEEK — Impudence. Let's hev nin o' thi' cheek. CHEEPERS, CHILPERS— Young birds in the nest. CHELP — Sauce. Thoo's far ower mich chelp aboot thi;; thoo wants ta keep thi tongue atween thi teeth a bit mair; CHEP — T' nooas-end. His chep's gaily reed wi' t' wind. CHEESE-FAT — A tin used in pressing cheese. CHIME— T' dog gowlen. CHIME-IN— Net ta gowl, but tak a hand i' owt 'at's gaan on^ seek as cards, tea suppin, laikin, er owt. " Come, chime-' in "; it happens is harmony efter o'. CHIN-MUSIC— When t' barn hes t' stomach-wark it'll mak some fer ye. CHIN-PIE — Lads rub yan anudder's chins wi' ther knocklesi an' co' it chin-pie. CHEETRY — Knavishness. Eetry beats cheetry. CHIP — An interjected remark. He pot in his chip. CHIP— A wrestler's stroke — buttock, hype, click, hank— any mair? CHIP'T— -To obtain ale by throwing out a hint. They chip't t' raaister fer a quart. ' CHIP'T — Cracked. Siam as a tea-pot spoot when it's stood' on t' hood, er a egg when the chicken's gaan ta come oot on't. CHIRM — To put a lot o' fancy craft inta yer talk when ye' durt know hoo. Noo she thinks neea smo' drink of hersell chirmen an' nacken. " She " was a young man fra t"" town. CHIT— Puss. CHITTY-PUSS— A lad's game. CHITTER— T' lal uns at skiul chitter an git nointed for 't; t' youngs birds chitter i' ther nests when t' auld 'un comes wi' a worm, an t' swallows chitter on t' riegin. CHITTY— Cat. ^^ CHITTY — Jenny-wren. 29 CHITTY— A diminutive. Chitty-garth, a small field. Chitty- balks, the lesser timber in a roof. Chitty-fiace, a small featured person. CLONTER — To work in a dirty manner. CLUFF— To strike, to cuff. CLUMP — A mass of anything. CLUMPY — Awkward, misshapen. CLOMIN' — Fondling. Give ower clomin t' dog aboot. CLIASE-HORSE — A winter hedge ; a clothes maiden, ta dry t' cliase on afore t' fire. CLOOT— Hurry. Yer in a terrible cloot. CLOOTED— Rattled. He gat clooted ower t' lugs fer his- impidence. CLOOTEN — He was clooten off doon t' looanen. CLOOTS — The feet. Ram thi gurt cloots anunder t' seat, er somebody's gaan ta breck ther necks ower them. CLOSE — Same as clammy. — neea wind, nowt but warm an*" clooas. CLOUTS — A woman's clothing. She's jarbled o' her clouts. CLUFT — A cluft stick is yan wi' tweea grains cut off an' a bit left on like a fork. CLAMMY — Moist warm weather. A clammy neet. CLOGS — Ther's hag-clogs at's as stupid as they mak 'em; ther's clogs fassened tull a bull snoot; clogs fer t' fire;, an' clogs fer t' feet — wooden soled shoes, t' lawyer co'ed 'em. " Let's see, your father wore wooden soled shoes, called clogs, I believe ? " " Aye," sez t' fella he was bullyin', " an' if thy faddur bed worn wooden soled shoes. ' co'ed clogs thoo'd bin weeren clogs noo." Varra fair. 33 "CLOCKIN' — A clockin' hen. Ivverybody knows what that is, but tweea chaps found a watch, an' yan o' them said it war a clockin' tiad, and' they kilt it ! "CLOOT — Patch, mend, a blow. A cloot under t' lug;. Aye ! She says thi kitle 's clooted an' clooted till neea body can tell which is t' maister cloot. 'CLOCK-DRESSER — A man who cleans and repairs clocks. COWDY — T siam as a nag wi' plenty o' cooarn in't an' lal wark ta deea. knappin doon t' rooad in his clogs. To drive small nails- with a light hammer. KNARLED — Knotty ; awkward and hard to deal with. Thoo's a knarled auld beggar. KNARLEN — Scolding; complaining. V/hat's ta knarlen aboot; thoo's alius knarlen abopt summat. KNEE-DEEP — When it's snow 'at's knee deep, it's deep- en iuf. KNEP — Pick. Thee jump up an' knep a daisy is a derisive expression. The horses knep one another, an' a knep of corn or grass is good to catch yan wi'. KNIT — A swarm o' bees "knit" whar t' queen'll let them ; an' fooak knit round yan anudder when ther's a bit o'' trouble on', er a bit o' fun. KNOCK — Rate, bat. He was gaan at a ter'ble knock. KNOCKIN'-ON— Getting forward (hem !). We're knockin on.. KNOCKIN'-OFF— Giving over. Ye'U be knockin off siun. KNOCKT— Done. Oh, he's knockt anytime. KNOCK-KNEED, KEY-LEGGED— This izzant t' spot ta, pick fun oot o' anybody's misfortune, but they mun be set doon wi' t' rest. KNODDEN — Wait while Ah've knodden. She was biaken, seea ye may guess what it means. KNOP — A bud. T' rosy-tree's i' knop. A door handle. T' door knop's lowse. A tub 'at women fooak wesh clias in.. Full t' knop, an' set clias ta soffen. Head. T' barn knop's sair. Ah catch't mi knop ower t' stee. KNOT, KNUT— Top o' t' heed. T' ladies' word fer their way ov hair dressen. KNOT — A "lumpy" hill in a chain of hills — «.|'., Helmside- Knot, Hard Knot, Arnsid' Knot, Benson Knot. KNOTTY-TOMMIES— Boilt milk wi' t' haver meal thrown in- i' hanfuls. It comes oot i' lumps as big as a cock-heed, an' as sweet as a nut. KNOWE— A rounded hill. We went ta t' top o' t' knowe. KNURL'D — Shrunken; shivering. T' barn's knurl'd wi'' cauld, tak't in. KNURR-AN'-SPELL; SPELL-AN-BULLET— A lad gam. KOOK-AN'-HEYDE— Hide and seek. KOP — Shoot kop an' hod a bit o' cooarn, an' ye'll catch a. a nag happen. KOP— Catch. She'd plenty o' brass as far as that gabs, but she was neea gurt kop fer o' that. KOPT— Caught. It copt me on t' back ; kopt e t' wotchud i kopt in a shoor. KYE— Cows collectively (nacken again). Gang an' fetch f kye in ta milk. 87 KYLE — An angry or inflamed sore which does not head up to burst like a bile. Mi nief's as sair as a kyle whar Ah cot it. KYSTY^Fooak 'at's varra pensy aboot what they eat, er said ta be kysty. KYTLE — A workmen's linen jacket for summer. A kytle's a varra handy thing i' het wedder. LADE, LADLE, LADIN'-CAN— To emyty water out of any place with a ladin-can is to lade it oot. Poddish suppers o' know what a ladle is seea Ah need say neea mair. LANSMER— Field name. LAL — Little. A lal word's a conny word. LAL-'UN— Child. Hoo's t' lal-'un ? LAV'ROCK— It's nowt nobbut t' lark 'at sings i' t' sky, but ther's neea spot i' this world whar they deea 't better ner i' Lakeland. An' Ah'll tell ye what besides that, ther's varra few pliaces 'at liuks any better ner oors if ye'll tak it i' t' reet time, say i' July when t' looanens er full o' rooasies, an' t' fields full o' gerse, an' t' trees full o' leaf an' blossom, an' t' rabbits er laken, an' t' lavrocks singen, an' t' cushats cooen. Ye chaps 'at know what setts er, an' er acquainted wi' gas, tell us noo streck oot frae yer hearts, is ther owt ta come up tul't 'at ye ken on ? LAIRY, LAIRT — Miry, as clayey land in wet weather. Draggled with wet adhesive mud, as sheep may be that are on t' turnips in a wet fit o' weather, an' they git clarty an' lairt wi' 't. LASH — To feed immoderately. Lash it in. LACED— Drunk. LACED-TEA — Tea wi' rum in 't fer kursenins, weddins, er owt o' that mack. LADIES'- GARTERS— Ornamental grass, striped. LAD-BARN — A man child. T' doctor's browt huz a new babby, an' it's a lad-barn. LADDY— T' dog. LASSIE— T' bitch. LAID DOON — When tweeawrusslers meets, an' yan o' them turns flait, er fer owt else, an' wid'nt gah on wi' 't, he's said ta lig doon, er he laid doon ta seea an' seea. LAID-DOON — A plewed field 'at's turned to gerse — an' ther's white a lot o' fields laid doon i' that way i' Lakeland. LAIK — When a giizzled auld chap sits doon ta think aboot t' laik lads an' lasses ov his barnish days it maks him feel auld an' daft, an' efter o' ther's summat aboot it 'at yan likes. Yan's here, anudder's yonder, ower t' sea's some, i' gurt toons an' hee spots udders, some hes barns o' ther awn laiken, an' some hezzant ; ther's some i' t' auld spot, an' some izzant whar we can see ther fiases any mair 'i this changen scene, but them 'at's laikt tagidder as barns er a lang time fergitten yaii anudder o'tagidder. Laiken is t' free masonry o' t' grand order o' barns, an' they're lucky an' happy 'at leets on a good lodge. LALL — To hang the tongue out in derision. Ah'Il lam thi ta lall thi tongue oot at me. LAIXEN-OOT — Protruding. T' tongue was lallen oot a fiut varra nar. Said of an exhausted horse. LADY-CUSHION— A rockery plant. LAMB-TAILS— The bloom of the hazel. LALLIKER, LORRIKER— Tongue. T' doctor wanted ta see a barn tongue 'at was badly, an' ass'd it to put it oot. T' barn dudn't understand nacken, seea t' mudder hed a go, " Lai oot thi lalliker," an' oot it com. LAND-END — Ther's rians, heed rigs, an' land-ends, they're o' amackaly o' yah sooart, with a difference, ye ken. If some ov cor farmer lads wad set tull, they wad fair cap some on us wi' ther niams an' nooations. LANDSLACK— Field name. LANGEN — A feminine pecularity. LAITHE — Unwilling. Ah was laithe ta put him i' t' Coonty Coort, but what cud Ah deea, he wadn't come tull. LADS — Sons. An' they stop " lads " in some cases until they become old men. " Neddy lads" was turned seventy. LAG — Last. In choosing the order of playing some children's games "foggy" and "lag" stand for first and last. LAP — To wrap up ; to finish up ; a lap o' streea. LAWRENCE LARRY— It's a complaint 'at bodders fooak 'at er boom tired an' nivver hev a chance to rest thersels. LASHOP, LASHOPEN — Caleeveren aboot frae spot ta spot. LANG-TONGUED— Yan o' them fooak 'at talks thirteen ta t' dozen. Thoo lang-tongued slenk thoo ; thoo wad talk a dog tail oot o' joint. LANT — ^What they mix amang yal ta mak't grip. Cush, what stuff yan'll swallow. LANT — Lant's annudder ta t' lot. Ah'll lant thee thi canister. It's a card game ano, laiken at lant, an' it's summat else 'at Ah won't put in, er ye'U laugh. LASH-COOAM — What we reed wer heeds wi', ta be sewer. LASH — To comb. To stir water round a vessel to clean it out. Lash a sup o' het watter roond tweea er three times. LASS-BARN — That's t' new woman i' miniature. LAUVE, LAUVINS, LAUVINS-DAYS, LAUVES-ME— Fullers up, siam as Lawk-a-mercy, Lord love me, an' tweea er three mair o' t' siam mack. LAVE— Remainder. LAWTER — A brood of chickens, or a litter of pigs. LAZY-BED — Noo Ah's nut a gardener, but it's like this, ye hg yer taty sets doon and cover them ower asteed o' griaven a trench ta set them in. 89 ■LANG-LAST— Owt 'at's lang i' comen, siam as t' last o' these riapen tials Ah's tellen. At t' lang-last he gev ower an' shot up. !LANG-LENGTH, LAN G-STRECK— Full length, but not necessarily a "long" one, for it is recorded of one whose diminutive proportions allowed him in his own words to fo' o' his lang length ower a coo clap. LANG-SNOOTS— A mack o' apples. LEDDUR-BACKS— An' seea 's these. LAMMAS— Off in a hurry. Thoo mun lammas off efter him as hard as thoo can leddur. LANGSETTLE — A wooden seat generally provided with a good thick cushion, and forming one of the standard items . of furniture in the kitchen of a farm house. Famish things is a langsettle when yan's tired oot. LASHINS — A plentiful allowance. We'd lashins o' rum an' milk, an' bacon, an' eggs, an' yal. LATE, LATEN, LATED— Seek, seeking, sought. Late us mi shun, will ta ? What ar ye laten ? Ah's laten t' cuddy fer sewer, t' auld beggar. Tudder chap thowt Tom was daft acos he was laten t' cuddy an' liuken at t' rooad siam as if he thowt a cuddy cud field in a car-track, but Tom was laten fiut marks, to see whilk way it hed gian. Ah've lated hee an' low fer that nooaf Fooak 'at's alius laten er varra oft fooak 'at's liat. SLAZY-BAND — When across cut saw hez ta gah through a varra thick tree, a riap's fassened ta t' hannles, an' three or fower men git hauld an' poo, an' that's co'ed a lazy- band, but mind ye it izzant acos they're idle— net it marry. LALDER, LALDEREN— Doe den it noo, but cush barn, Ah'll tell ye what this is neea laughen matter 'at is 't nut, lalderen aboot, clashen in an' oot first e yah body's hoose an' than in anudder Ah reckon nowt on 't 'at deea Ah nut. IvANGSOME — A most expressive word, implying not only long and lonely, but wearisome, and oppressive by reason of some haunting desire which cannot be got rid of for want of diversion. " I'd fain lia' talkt, but still hed nowt ta say, An' seea kept silent, aw the langsome way." LALACKEN — Trailen aboot frae yah hoose tuU anudder, tellen t' tial an' hearen on 't. See Lalder. LEG-IT — Walk hurriedly. He could leg it ower them fells, an' up an' doon them gurt craggy spots. LEG-UP — What a chap ass'es for when he wants ta git on a nag, an' ther's neea horsin stian. LEGS-AN'-WINGS— A fellow 'at's some lang smo legs an' arras. " A gurt cradda bians 'at thoo is ; thoo's o' legs an' wings." 90 LENNOK — Loose and aimless. His arm hang doon as lennok as watter. This collar's lennok wi' sweet. LEET-ON— Ah bin laiten a sweetheart fer many a year, but Ah ca't leet-on neea way, LEETSOME— Cheerful, or cheering. A change is leetsome, if it be nobbut oot o' t' bed intul t' beck. Silly. He's a. bit leetsome. LEET-HEELED— A nimble runner. LEET-FINGERED— A nimble thief. Yan can ply his feet, an' tudder his nieves. They owt ta gang tagidder. LEETEN — A sudden improvement in the condition of one who is dying; it's nobbut a leeten. LEEUM, LEEUMEN— A gurt idle leum, 'at is he, leeumen aboot, an' liggen on t' rooad side, er on t' hay mew.. These tweea's aboot a chap 'at's as idle as Ludlam dog,. an' it laid it's heed again a wo' ta bark. An idle leeum wadn't turn ower when yah side ov his carcase was rusted, ta rust tudder, if anybody wad deea 't for him. Ah'll leave ye ta guess hoo idle that is, an' say neea mair aboot it. LET OOT— Ah war gaan by t' gallawa tail when it let oot an' catcht mi seek a whiddur fair at thick o' t' thee, as- Ah'll nut fergit. LET ON, LET WIT— To give heed. Ah hard him, but Ah nivver let on. Take no notice. Thoo mun tak neea nooatice on him, co'in thi, niver let wit 'at thoo hears him ; he means newt bi' 't. LET-DOON — A drink. I hev neea objection ta a let-doon, an' Ah's varra nar chowkt ; bring us a lal drop i' t' liadin'' can. LETTIN-DOON— A disadvantage. It's a gurt lettin-doon ta fooak when they're short o' sowder. An' some'll say it'a a gurt lettin-doon when fooak ca't ken what's ther awn, frae that o' somebody else. LEAD ATWEEN— It means if ye're leaden muck wi' three nags an' cars, yan'll be at t' midden fullen, yan at t' field emptyen, and yan on t' way owder gaan er comen back ; him at leads atween hez t' best job on 't ; he can ride yah way. LEAF — T' inside of a pig's ribs ; grand fer makkin same on. LEAR — A sken. At dark it's a lear. Ah liuk at this yan as bein' varra handy. We've a sken, an' a glent, an' a glif, an' a glimmer, an' tweea er three mair fer day-leet. This is fer t' dark, when t' broos is lowered wi' streenen ta git a seet o' summat, an' o ivver ye manish ta deea is ta catch a lear on 't. LEATHER-DICK— A leather brat fer barns, ta keep them frae burnen ther clias. 9i LED-FARM — A farm that is managed, and on which the farmer does not reside. LEDDERDY-PATCH— Ass a fiddler. Ah nivver could dance nin, but Ah've hard fooak talk aboot cross t' buckle an' leddery-patch ; it's sum mack o' silly craft, Ah'U apode it. LEEM — To strip. Leem cot o' thi cooat an' gang an' buckle teea. We chip't t' maister fer a quart, an' he leem'd oot. LEEMER — The hazel nut wnen ripe or ripening, and leaves the husk. LEE-WATTER — Serum. It's parlish when lee-watter begins ta come oot ov a sair spot. LEET-GEEN — Ah's in a quandary wi' this yan. If Ah put it in some on ye'll say Ah sudn't ; if Ah durt some on ye- '11 say Ah darrant. It refers to a bad habit some men hev 'at sud know better. LEP — Drink. He likes his lep. LEP — To sup like a dog by Ucking. Lep it up. LEP — A bundle o' straw is a lep o' streea. LEY— A scythe. LEEVE — Rather. Ah'd as leeve be tied tul a coo tail an' trailed ta deeth. LIEVER — More readily ; much rather. LEG-BAIL — Run away. He gev them leg-bail, an' 'listed. LEADEN — Carting. We're thrang leaden muck. LEDDUR — Anudder fer tannin. Ah gat leddur'd fer gitten wet-shod. To go about in a great bustle. He was ledduren aboot efter t' cauves. To beat. We leddured them at crecket. LEDDERIN — A thrashing. Ah gat a ledderin for playin' trewan. LIASE— Still anudder. LET IN — A bad sign when a chap's shun let in. Deceived. - Ah was let in wi' that skaymeril ov a potter. LIAV-LUG'D— Drop eared. That nag's liave-lug'd. LICK-FOR-SMACK— If a body was gi'en ta nacken yan wad write this phrase doon as " vigourously." O' ivver it means is 'at somebody 'at hed a task afooar them — whedder it was mowin, er fieldin, er riasen, er wrusslen, er gitten away frae something er annudder 'at they du't like — seea lang as they deea 't wi' a fuUock, an' put ther hearts intuit job, an' strip off tult, that's lick fer smack, A chap was tellen me aboot a feit, an', says he, " At it they went, lick fer smack. T' wick 'uns '11 trail deed 'uns oot." That's it to a T. LICK-POT, LANG-MAN— The first and second fingers. LIFT— Start. They gev him a good lift at t' first an' he's nivver liukt behint him sen. A ride. He gev us a lift- amang t' batches. XIGGERS— Long branches which a dikercuts partly through and ligs down to form a dike. LIGHT— Nacken fer leet— ta sattle. Ye'U find this yan's an auld 'un if ye link intuit reet. LIG-IN, LIG-OOT— These tweea's aboot t' young beeas, an' whar they spend ther neets. They lig-in er oot as 't happens. LIG-IN— This is aboot summat else; it's when t' family's growen i' numbers. LIG-IT-IN— To put the dried hay together, so that it can be carted or cocked. To put a scythe blade and shaft together. JLIG-IT-ON— To grow fat fast. LILT — To go with a lively spring. She lilts aboot like a fower year auld. XILTEN — Frisking. Give ower lilten aboot, an' deea some wark. LINE — Linseed growen. XIPPEN — Paired. Whia noo, hes thoo hard t' liatest ? Nay, what is 't ? Whia, but thoo mu't tell, t' heed man's been sitten t' youngest lass up, an' they're gaan ta be wedded at t' tierm. Whia what Ah izzant capt. Ah lippened them tweea a gay bit sen, but Ah sed nowt ta neeabody, LISH — Active. As lish as a tweea yer auld. It's a good sign when yan's lish. LISKS — Whar legs an' body join. Stiff at t' lisks, a mower '11 say, t' first day at it. LIST — Energy; life; activity. Mi bians wark an' Ah've neea list fer nowt. LISTIN — A narrow strip of cloth at the side of a web. LIST, LISTED — These er aboot gangen ta sarra t' Queen in a reed cooat an' a cockade. Ther's t' makkin o' some grand gunpooder food i' some o' oor gurt row lads, but a good job fer them an' huz ther's nin seea many o' them 'at taks tult. An' t' auld fooak they fair seem ta dreed owt aboot listen. Let them feit at fratch, sez Ah, an' nut huz. LITHER — He up wi' his nief an' catched him a lither fair ower his kisser, an' than off. LITHE — Lish, an' cant, an' fresh ; thoo links lithe. LITH'NIN — What they thickin gravy wi' XINK — Arm in arm. Sweethearts in an advanced stage of the complaint affect a good deal of linken', and it is recorded of an auld world farmer who went to hire a lass and came back without, explaining to his better half that o' t' lasses at was up ta owt hed gone blind. " Gone blind," said t' missis, "hoos that?" "Nay," he says, " Ah du't know hoo 't is, bit iv'ry man jack o' them hed a chap leaden her bi t' arm, an' thoo knows we ca't deea 93 w'i tweea o' them on oor spot." An' she peppered his- lugs wi' caper sauce fer some time aboot it, an' t' blind lasses. T' auld woman knew 'at leva izzant blind ato', an' 'at it sees a lot mair i' linkin ner an auld dooaten fellow 'at niver gits linked nobbut when he's hed a lal drop- ower mioh gin. LIP — Let's hev nin o' thi lip. It means impudence, er cheek. LIFT— He lipt mi rarely — t' siam again. LISTER — A fork wi' a lang shank to stob fish wi' when ye can catch them asleep. LITE— Suppose ; imagine. Ah lite yer tired wi' trashen- aboot. Met. We could nivver lite on. LITED — Depended ; expected. We lited on ye comen ta yer tea. LIT ON — We war gaan ower bi t' Common Holme when we lit on wi' tweea er three mair fooak. LICK-SPITTAL — This means a dirty minded man, but Ah've hed a go at tryin ta find oot what a spittal is, an' yan lells- me it's a gurt wood spiun ; if it is, lickin a spittal's nowt ill aboot it. LTG — To lie down. Gah an' lig ye doon a bit. LIGGEN — Laying. He's liggen doan fer an hour. LIN-PIN — It gahs through a car assle tree, an' keeps it i' t'" spot. We used at yah time ta think it was a good brack ta tak a lin pin oot, an' field it. They've mair sense noo.. LIMB— A rum fallow. He's a limb. LIMMER— Pliant. LINJY— Agile, well-built. LILL — To rear and whinny as young nags do. LILLY — To coax up. He'd ower mich lilly wark aboot him far me. LILDEREN, LILDER— Leet i' t' head as well as t' feet.- Fooak 'at lilder aboot fraa yah spot tuU anuddar er up ta nowt. LIMMERS— Cart stangs. LIG-ON— The battle cry of lads, " Lig-on." LIG-IN-LANKY— Pitch intul 't. LIMMISH— A bit ov a limb fer a brack. LINED— Summat up wi' t' bitch. LIAF-BREED — Bread in loaves, as distinct from that in cakes ; but " liaf " is frequently used for fruit loaf or spice cake. LIAI HE-LOFT — A barn over other buildings such as stable^ cowshed, &c. LIATHE — Mappan some on ye '11 think er say 'at anybody 'at '11 print owt aboot a liathe sud be i' Garlands, an' 'at they're barns, nut liathes ato. But if ye'd fielded i' yan- when ye war barns, an' rowt i' yan whan ye'dgitten up, ya wad want a good word fer t' auld liathe. Mewin i'' 94 summer, threshen i' winter, alius in an' oot, what yan's like ta git weel acquainted, an' whar is ther seek a spot fer a dance when we're hevin a merry neet an' seek ? It'll be a cauld day fer huz when we hevn't a warm word for t' liathe. LICK — Van mair fer a ledderin. LICKT — Beaten. Thoo's lickt me hiam. If ther's owt in 't, t' main o' t' lickins 'at seek as me gat when we war lads was wi' a bunch o' birks, 'at miad yan canny aboot sitten doon fer a bit. Noo, ye classic chaps, oot wi' 't. LICK-AN'-A-PROMISE— A shuffling mak o' diun owt 'at's neea good. Hes thoo wesht thi fias ? Aye. Thoo's gien 't a lick an' a promise, thoo gurt idle slenk. LIGS-ROUGH — Said of one who, having no home, sleeps in out-houses. Also said of those who get belated. We hed ta lig rough, or sleep rough. LIKELY— Probably. Likely ye'll be gaan ta t' sial. Ah likely will. LIMBER— Varra pliable (hem !). It means like this : If t' cart gear gits hard, an' ye grease it, an' it turns soft, it's miad it limber; yer joints '11 be limber at times, an' at udders as stifl as a crutch. LING — Heather. Ling besoms yah while war varra common, but they can't mak them i' Garmany, seea what we mun deea withoot noo. LING-CROPPER— Yan off t' Black fell side. LULLOCK — A good big lump. As auld Nanny lad, Ike, said when they'd company at dinner, an' she ass'd him if he wanted sarra'en wi' any mair meat. " Aye," sez he, "Ye can cut us a lollock o' fat an' a lollock o' lean tell Ah gah an' wipe t' sweet off mi broo." A lal unmannerly urchen. LOUNDER — Handled roughly. Ah loundered him a bit wi' t' besom shank. LOSHES — Our dialect has more of the harsher sounds in it, as is natural, but this is one exception. It is used to signify the liquid " swish " of the flooded river as it flows over the boulders in its course, and is unequalled as an onomatopoetic. One of Lakeland's poets, who uses its dialect for his verses, has said of the Lyvennet that it " . . , . laykes an' loshes ower the steaynes. Like kitlins wi' a cloot, Howks grubs an' worms fra under t' breeas. To feed t' lal hungry troot." The contrast of sound in the two first lines and the two last is well brought out. LOST-AN'-LOPPART— Soor wi' muck. Sairy things, t' barns war lost an' loppart i' muck. 95 LOUR^Liuken dark an' like rainen ; also a fellow 'at's his rag oot, an' showa it — it's louren. LOVE— Ali'll feit thi fer a sov'ren ! Nay, Ah'll nut tak a sov'ren frae thi seea easy as that, but Ah'll tell thi what Ah'll deea, Ah'll feit thi fer love. Ah've seen chaps feit fer love tell ther heeds was like a shammies. LOW — A blaze. Keep thi fingers oot o' t' low. LOVVN — A quiet sheltered place. It's lown here, we'll leet up. When ther is neea wind and everywhere is quiet and still, it's varra lown ; an' some places lig varra town. LOWMER, LOWMER-DOON— Lower, it's a gay bit lowmer (or lowmer-doon). LOWP — Jump. Thoo miad mi lowp. LOWPER — Jumper. He's a rare lowper. LOWP-DIKE — A coo 'at izzant satisfied wi' her own, but seeketh that of another — ower t' dyke. LOW-PRICED — Mean ; underhand ; deceitful ; coarse ; vicious ; an' owt else 'at's bad is " low-priced." LORDS AND LADIES— See bulls an' cows. LOBBY— Fat. A gurt lobby lad. L03-L0LLY^A gurt fat easy body. LOB-SIDED — On one side. Thoo's lob-sided. An' seea's thoo. LOFT — Upstairs. Cock-loft's up again t' riggin. Hay loft is varra oft ower t' coo 'us. LOGGIN— A bottle of straw. LOP— A flea. LOW — Downhearted ; fallen spirits. He went low ower a lass. LOWERMAS— Lammas. LOWNDER — A chap 'at izzant varra handy wi' his legs an' feet. Theer, thoo'll lownder aboot tell thoo flees ower. LOWSE — Relaxed. Raffy. He gat inta bad company, an' he's gian varra lowse an' drucken. LOWSE-END — Disengaged. Ah izzant hiren this tierm ; Ah'll hev an odd hauf year at t' lowse end. •LOWSE-OOT — To unharness, or uuyoke a horse from its work. LOWSE, LOWS'NIN — An apprentice whose time is served; a lowsnin is the feast got up in rejoicing on the stage of journeyman being attained.. LOCK — A handy load, or a small portion. Thoo's just a nice lal lock fer t' next Had. Ah'd a lock o' streea under mi . arm ; a lal lock o' cooals, an' seea on an' seek like. -LOFF, LOF'D— Offer ; choice. Ah'd t' loff o' yan at mi awn price. Ah lof'd misel ta gang an' help them when they war seea hard throssen wi' yah thing an' anudder. 96 LOG-WATER— That part of a pool that is distinct from the- stream. LOOANCE — Aye fer sewer, what ye'll want t' looance noo. It's summat, genarally yal, 'at's allooed ower an' abiun t"" price o' t' wark ; er a bit ov a job ov any mack — its a looance job, neea wage ato. LOOANEN — A rooad wi a dike o' biath sides is a looanen,. an' ther's some bonny 'uns i' Lakeland. LOOACH— As streck as a looach ; but Ah niver saw yan. LOOACHER — Lai fish. Tommy looachers an' bull heeds. LOOK — Poo thissles wi' a pair o' lookers. Anudder rampen-. good niam fer a blow. He gat a look under t' lug fer his- trouble. LOOKERS — A pair o' lang legged pinchers ta poo thissles-. oot o' t' cooarn wi'. LOPPART— Crudded milk ; it's loppart. LU'YA, LUSTA, LUCKSTA— Look ye. Lu-ye!lu-ye! Liuk. whar yer treeden wi' yer gurt pasty-feet. LUBBER — A term of disgust for an idle person. LUDGEMENT— Lodgings. Says Bowness : "Sic monkeys' are sewer ev a dirty ludgement, 'At show, like thee, meear sperit ner judgment.'' LUMP-IT — What yan doesn't like yan hes ta lump; that is^ swallow withoot chowin ! LUG — To pull the hair or ears for punishment. Ah'll lug thi toppin a bit fer thi pains. LUG AN' LAGGEN — All over. He was grease an' muck o' ower; covered frae lug ta laggen. In a tub "lug and- laggen " includes the whole of the parts. LUG-MARK — A sheep's ear punched or dipt to distinguish it from those of another owner. LUGS — The ears of any and everything. The places to whichu the handles of buckets and cans are fastened ; the ear covers of a cap ; a part of a clog or shoe upper. LUG-WHOLS — Ear holes. Stuff thi lug-whols wi' woo, an' keep t' cauld wind oot. LULLEN — Lolling; being embraced. " Basken an' lullen in t' arms o' Nan Bullon," says Whitehead. LUMPHEED — A silly chap 'at's diun summat- he owtn't is^ varra oft co'ed a gurt lumpheed. LUNGIOUS— Subtle; revengeful. A gurt lungious brute. LURRIED— Worried. He set t' dog at them, an' lurried. them oot, an' kilt yan or tweea. LUSH, LUSHT, LUSHEN— Ye'll see on a public hoose sign boord 'at seea an' seea is licensed to retail " ale, beer, wine, and spirits." That means he can sell lush to themi 'at wants it; an' some gah as far as ta say " licensed to- be drunk on the premises "—that is to be lusht. Lushen.. . is ta git a lot o' drink inta a body 'at likes it. 97 LUSH— Juicy; rich. That beefs varra lush an' tender. LUCK-PENNY— What's given back " fer luck" off a bargin. Thoo'll git neea luck-penny oot o' mi. LUM — A deep dub whar they wesh sheep, an' t' lads dobk. LUMPS AN' STULLS— Noo, that'll cap some o' ye nacken bodies. It's when t' poddish er owt co's oot i' gurt lumps ; they're o' lumps an' stulls. LURRY — ^To pull to pices with the teeth. He was lurryen at a gurt lump o' fat meat, an' he was grease frae lug ta laggin. LYA — Listen. Lya at yon auld maundeien thing. MANNER, MANNISHMENT — Manure; tillage. Thers nowt beats gaily o' mannishment fer taties. In some old documents belonging to the parish church of Morland " manner " is given ; date 1665. An " oldest inhabitant " in the writer's earlier days used the same word to des- scribe manure formed of dung, earth, and lime. MAIDEN HEED — Sumraat funny frae yan 'at reckons hissel sharp. What's e' them pooaks ? Maidenheeds. "MACK — Kind; variety. It tacks o' macks ta mack ivvry mack, an' some's a mack ta thersel. MADDLEN — A body 'at's a bit daft. Thoo's a gurt maddlen ta gang an' sell t' cowey. MAINLY-WHAT— As a general rule. For Miley is mainly-what nowt but a brick, An' scorns frae his heart an' unnebberly trick. — Bowness. MAISTERMAN — A maisterman's a chap 'at's sarra'd his time, bin a journeyman, an' than set up fer hissel — a maisterman tailier, an' seea on ; an' he's mebbe t' maister ower neea body but hissel. MAISTERMAN — A chap 'at hes a bit ov a temper, an' gies way tuU't. Thoo's a maisterman, but Ah'U pare thi doon a bit. MAISTER— Superior. He's my maister at leein'. MAISTER, MISTRESS—" Oor maister" an' "cor mistress " are used generally for " husband" or " wife." MAJESTY — Top o' mi majesty. It means varra oft at top of a varra poor sooart ov majesty, co'ed bad temper. MAK-FER-A-MAK — An' what it's as weel ther sud be, er else what wad become o' o' them at izzant a mak ato ? MAK-NER-SHAP — Like t' auld woman sark 'at she cot oot wi' an axe ; an' a lot mair things that's oot o' proportion varra badly. They're nowder mak ner shap. MALT-CUM — Mawt-cum, sometimes co'ed cummins. Parson Harrison kent o' aboot it varra nar fower hundred year sen. Lissen : " They take it [barley] out, and laying it upon the clean floor on a round heap it resteth so until it be ready to shoot at the root end, which maltsters call 98 combing. When it beginneth therefore to shoot in this- manner they say it is come." MANBODY — Ay! barn, but thoo hes grown sen Ah saw thi, Thoo's a manbody any minnit. HAPPEN — This is yan ov oor cautious words. A young fellow wanted his sweetheart ta gie him a kiss, an' nowt seea nat'ral, an' she wadn't. " Mappen," he says, "ye will at Kirsmas ? " " Whia," says she, " mappen Ah( may than, but mappen Ah maint." A chap 'at can carry- on t' gam wi' neea mair encouragement ner that desarves- his reward. MAINT — May not. Ah maint be at t' kirk if mi cauld's neea. better. MANTY-MEKKER— A dress-maker. Oor lasses 'al be smart this Easter Ah's warn'd. T' manty-mekker's bin workin'' varra near neet an' day fur et meast of a fortneth. MANNERLY — Generous; homely. She's a gay mannerly body wi' barns. MANNERLY — Average, or more than average. We'd a gay mannerly crop o' taties. MANNERLY — Respectable. What Ah've some mannerly clias fer t' kirk, an' t' market, an' sials, an' what does 't matter when yan's howken aboot hi yansel amang t' kye? MANNERLY — Decently. Behave thisel a mack o' mannerly, when we've company hooiver. MANNERLY — Tidy. Noo fadder, fassen yer waistcooat, an'' liase yer shun, an' gah aboot mannerly, as a body sud. Git oot wi' thi, Ah izzant gaan by t' fauld yat, an' Ah's- mannerly eniuf fer that Ah sud say. MARCH-MALICE, MEADOW-SWEET— These is herbs fer- badly fooak ; but Ah's neea doctor. MARRA-FER-BRAN— Ther's six o' yan an' hauf a dozen o"" t' udder i' this. MARR'D, MAUNG'D— Petted ; spoilt. MARROW— Equal ; match. Her maister I'se sartain 1 nivver seed. An' seldom her marrow for bottom an' speed. — Bowness. MARSK — A field name, an' somebody '11 mappen gie us f meanen on't, an' a lot mair o' them. MAWK — Maggot. As fat as a mawk. MAY-GESLIN — T' hauf-cousen tul a April-gowk. A gurt lad yance tiak me an' tweea er three mair aboot a mile, becos he said he knew ov a place whar they hed fielded a lot o'' Queen's heeds in a cunderth. We varra nearly poo'd t' cunderth doon, an' than he said we war o' May geslins^ an' he fleered, an' nicker'd an gurn'd becos he was seea clever an' could let a lot o' barns in. Ah nivver gah by that cunderth noo withoot thinken aboot it, an' All wonder what mak o' stegs them geslins hes turned oot. 99 MAD — Irritated. It males mi mad ta see seek wiaste. MA2ICAN — A mafflin dunderheeded chap. MAZED — Astounded. Seckseets yaii saw, yan's fairly mazed an' wondered what next. MASHELTUM— Meal for bread. A mixture of wheat, rye, and barley. MACK-AWAY-s-Mak a job for the crooner; wilful waste; destruction — that's ta mak' away. MADDLE, MADDLE-ABOOT— When things is gitten a bit mized i' yan's upper garrets. MAKFLED, MAFFLIN, MAFFLE— These o' mean when yan gits muddled up, an' lost amang things. A lad 'at Ah used ta ken, at laiken time wad run intul a hoose an' shoot as lads deea : " Betty, Ah's hungry, will ye giv us a berry shag ? " Betty was alius knitten, an' if she happen'd ta be coonten her loops she wad say, " Thoo nasty lal mafflin, what's thoo com here for, thoo's maffled me noo, an' Ah've lost me coont. Ah'U tak mi' stick ta thi back." But he maistly gat a berry shag fer o' that. MAIN — T' main man at a spot is t' heed fellow; an' ther's main rooad ; main drain ; an' many a yan '11 say " What we've gitten t' main on t' in, er t' main on t' s' ta git in," an' seea on. Auld chaps 'at's bin a bit gam i' tner younger days tell us hoc a " cock main " was thowt on bi them. MAIZLE, MAIZLEN, MAIZLED— Confuse. It's eniuf ta maizle yan o'tagidder. A simple-minded easy going body. A gurt maizlen. Confused. Thoo's maizled amang t'. MAK-WEIGHT— A lal 'un thrown in ta pul t' doon. MALLISON — A man that cruelly ill-uses a horse. A chap was leaden muck yah day, an' t' nag tiak t' steck, he miad neea mair ta deea, but went an' dipt t' shool in a trofif, an' ivry time he hat that nag under t' belly a gurt soweri blister wad com up. An' auld chap 'at was watchen 'at dudn't like nags badly usen, says tull him, " Thoo's a mallison wi' a nag, an' thoo wadn't hev ta drive a cuddy o' mine." MANNERS-AND-MAKS — When fooak hev a gay deal ta say an' nobbut varra lal time ta say t' in they'll use yan like this, " Sista we'd beef, an' mutton, an' ham, an' o' manners and maks o' good things browt in fer oor dinner." MARROW — Noo Ah darsay that ye nacken mack o' fooak '11 ^t yance think aboot t' inside ov a bian, but Ah du't mean that. Ah mean if ye've a pair o' owt, an' hes lost yan, ye'll want t' marrow. An' if ye've yah nag, an' somebody else hes yan, an' ye've a job 'at taks a drawt, whia what ye'll marrow. An' ye o' know t' sayen t' marrow ta Bonny, which means a cruel bad body o' some mack, if lOO he war t' marrow ta Auld Bonny at was gaan ta be t' King ower huz becos we leev'd in a garden nobbut, an' war nowt but shopkeepers. But we larn'd him, 'at dud we. fjjASH — Brew. Put t' kettle on an' mash a sup o tea. MAUNDER — Roam about in an endless aimless way. He's nowt ta deea but maunder aboot frae moornen ta neet. MAUNDEREN — Talking in an incoherent manner. He was raaunderen on aboot what he was worth, an' whar he hed brass oot ; he's gian crack't. MAUNGY — Spoilt ; petted ; pampered. A gurt maungy babby. That'll draw t' sooal ov many a gurt petted lad 'at's yewlen fer t' miun. MEALY-MOOTH — Ah tell't ye yance afooar 'at we du't care fer fooak 'at's see soft spokken, an' wheem, an' eny body 'at's mealy-moothed's o' that sooart. MECKINS — Gurt rough breckins, an' ye wadn't think hoc bonny they liuk when ye hevn't seen yan fer a while. MEG-WI-MANY-TEEAS, MEG-MANY-LEGS— MiUeped. MEGGY— Weeds of the buttercup kind. MELCH — Mild. A chap 'at went ta a pliace whar they mak whisky, an' they'd gien him a sup o' reg'lar stingo, said it went doon as melch as new milk. But it gave him a crobbacken gaan hiam, an' shakken i' t' car boddum, fer o' it was seea nice an' melch, an' good ta tak. MELL — What dikers drive stiakes wi'. An' they give t' warst plewer 'at a plewin match — that taks t' mell. MELDER — A lot, a heap. He sat doon ta seek a melder o' poddish as ye nivver saw, an' he sided t' lot. MELDER — A pooakful o' haver that's gaan ta be grund. MEAL-SEED — The fine inner skin which is found on haver. It is of this coating from which sowans are made and derive their nutritious properties. MELL — Interferes. Ah'll warm thi canister if thoo mells wi' oor land. Ah niver dud mell wi' him, Ah mell wi' mi awn business. MELL-SUPPER— Siam as kirn-supper. MEMO — Ah tell't ye afooar aboot t' woman 'at wanted a pen'oth o' pussy booels — that's memo talkin', and ther's memo i' eaten, an' walken. It's a complaint amang young fooak, but they git ower it, an' happen they're neea warse for 't. MERE — An auld word fer " mark " ; land-mark an' seea on. MEW — Mewen hay's yan o' t' warmest jobs 'at a lad can be put tull, but o' t' lads— an' lasses fer that matter— at Ah ken like 't. MEAT-HIAL — In gurt far-larn'd biuks yan reads aboot men an' lasses vowing ta yan anudder 'at they're heart-whole. Noo this means stomach-whole, an' Ah's gaan ta put it in, even if ye o' laff at it. All's i' gay good fettle thenk ye, er ye o' meat-hial at your hoose ? MEBKE — It maybe; perhaps; if it should so happen. Mebbe ye can len' me a shillin' er tweea. It may mebbe rain, an' than what ? Mebbe if he was telt aboot it he wad see it in anudder leet. Ther's a lot a ways o' usin a lal handy word like mebbe. MENSE — Manners. They'd a slaved biath ther meat an' ther mense if they'd ass'd us ta hev a cup wi' them. MENSE — Decent in appearance. Wesh thisel an' mak thisel a mack o' mense. MENSE — In good condition. Hoo er ye ? A mack o' mense. MERRY-NEET— Oot o' date varra nar— an' a good job, fer if they were merry neets they war varra oft sooary moornens efter. MENNEM — A minnow, an' caht they swirt aboot. MENSEFUL— Mannerly. MEAL-ARK — A kist whar meal an' floor's put. MESSAN — To upset or interfere with things. What's thoo messan wi' thi fadder razors for ? MISAUNTER, MISHAUNTER— A mudded do, a mishap. MILLER-CLOOT — A whisp o' streea ta stick in a whoU'd pooak. MIUN-LEET-FLIT— It's when we lap up oor traps at t' dark an' whiatly slenk away oot t' rooad o' rents, an* bits o' bills, er owt er anybody we've ta pay tull, we co' that'n a miun-leet-flit. MIG — Sump. T' sypins frae a middin. MIZZLE — Fine rain ; Scotch mist. It mizzles a bit but it won't be mich rain. MIZZLE — Disappear quietly. I thowt that lad was worken in't garden, but hes mizzled. MILKUS— Dairy. MILL- POSTS— Legs as thick as mill posts. MILT — A soft-bellied fish — herrin', fer instance. MINT— A lot. We've a mint o' plums. MINK-MIMP — An affected manner of talking. MISCANTER — To fail or be disappointed in an undertaking. It com off wi' a miscanter. MIRE, MIRES — Low-lying boggy land — e.^., Shap Mires. MISFIT — One who turns out badly and does not make much effort to succeed in life. They spent a pooer o' money ta mak a man on him, but he turned oot a misfit an' it o' was wasted. MIGHTY — Ye'll hear t' lal 'uns say ta yan at wants ta cock ower t' midden, "Thoo needn't mak thisel seea mighty becos thoo's some new shun on." MIFF— Whimper. Keep swat an' nivver say miff. 102 MINDS'TA— Ah'll hev nin o' thi sauce, minds'ta that noo. This is t' origin o' that famish classic, " Don't ye fergit it." MIAL — As mich milk as a coo gies at yah milkin. MIAL'S-MEAT— As mich as a hungry body can side at yance. They're nivver tul a mial's-meat when yan drops in o' them at feeden time. MICKLE — Many a little maks a mickle — a gay lot. MIDDLEMER, MIDDLEMEST— Is that t' auldest lad er youngest ? It's nowder, it's middlemer. T' middlemest o' t' lot. MINDS— Reminds. That minds me ta ass ye ta come ta oor hoose ta yer tea. MIN — Man. Ah'll tell thi what min, but it's gay cauld fer t' nooase end o' yan. MIRL, MURL — -Varra nar t' siam as Mosker. MISMAVED — Disconcerted. He went tul t' doctor, an' he saw'd him a finger off, an' he was never a bit raismaved, MITEY — Cheese 'at's full o' lal mawks. MITR'D-AN'-MOULDR'D— Ye o' know what mitey cheese is like, an' owt 'at's mitr'd 's summat 'at's gian throe t' siam process wi' moths an' worms, whedder it's a chair leg er owt else 'at's sided away, an' gits mitr'd an' mouldr'd. MOCK — To imitate in dersion. Mudder, oor Jack's mocken mi slowpen mi tea ; cloot his lugs for 't, will ye ? MOME. — Smooth spoken; diffident; still. As mome as a moose. MONKEY — Mortgate. Ther's a monkey astride o' t' chimla. MONKEY — What stians an' mortar gahs up t' stee in fer t' wo'ers. See Hawky. MONEY-IN-IVRY-POCKET— Grows e' t' garden does this. MOP — Mop it up. That's what t' mudders say when they want yan ta sup a pint pot o' salts an' seeny fer a bad cauld er a strained wrist. Mop it up, it'll deea thi good. MOPE — A body's 'at's nut ower mich to deea, an' nivver gits 't diun. MOPEN, MOPED— Mopen aboot like a steg i' sitten time. It means when ivry body else is thrang, an' neea time to bodder wi' ye ; an' moped's when a chap's sitten ower t' fire tell he's aboot silly. MOUNTY-KITTY— A lad's gam: " Mounty kitty, mounty kitty, yan, tweea, three." MOWU — Mould. Ah've put this yan in becos "mould" even is gaan oot o' fashion, an' earth's tian it's shop. MOWDI-MAN, MOWDI-CATCHER— A chap 'at catches mowdiwarps, an' maks pooches an' purses oot' o' t' skins. MOWDIWARP— Mole. As fat as a mowdiwarp. 103 HOIDER— A naggen barn "at's alius bodderen yan wi' questions aboot wheea maks t' rain, and hoo t' sun's fassened up, an' wheea poos 't blinds doon o' t' sky when it's time ta be dark, '11 sometimes be tell't ta whisht er thoo'U moider me ta deeth. DONKEY— Anudderniam far dander; when a chap's monkey's up, keep oot ov his rooad. "MOOTER — Payment in kind for grinding. In maut er meal t' miller mun hev his mooter. MOOT— Broach. Ah'll moot it tull him. MOOT-HO'— Town Hall. At Appleby (at all events with the older generations), Moot-Ho is the term used for what the designation Town Hall, City, or Municipal Buildings means in modern parlance. And perhaps as we have so generally discarded " fooak " it is only tit that the place of the "fooak moot" should have a name in harmony with its functions. "MOP— T' cur dog. ^MORTAL — Ah's mortal near chowk't wi' stoor an' muck. MORTALLY — A thing Ah mortally hate is ta see fooak 'at's seea prood an' throssen up. MOSKER, MOULDER— To crumble away through the action of weather, &c. It mosker'd away. MOTHERS — Roots. Ah kent a chap 'at was a famish gurt mower, an' he gat a job o' mowen fer a aula fellow 'at was varra pertickler. T' first day 'at he was agiat, t' auld chap went ta see hoo he was gaan on. " By goy," he sez, " thoo's gaan wi' t' mudders, thoo'l deea fer yance. MOTHER-WIT— Ther's nowt mich better ta fiase a rough world wi' ner a bit o' mudder-wit, 'at links at things at ther warst, un' maks t' best on 't withoot gitten soor, an' oot o' patience, an' laughs an' does as they deea at Culgaith. "MOTHER— Yeast. MOTTY — T' hauld, when ye laik at ducky, tiggy, an' seea on. .MOUNGE — An idle habit o' body. Moungen aboot. MOITHED— Tormented; teased. " Git oot vvid thi Johnny, thoo's nowt bet a fash, Thoo cums till thoo raises a desperate clash ; Thoo cums ivvery neet just to put yan aboot, Thoo moithes yan teirably, Johnny git oot." Clash, i.e. gossip. " Desperate" and "terribly" illustrate a well-known feature of the dialect speakers of the Lake Country. MONT — Must not. Ah wad liked te hev gone t'et hunt but ah mont es t' yowes is starten te lam. MOTTLED— Spotted. A gay nice Herdwick tip, but rayder mottled et t' feeace en' t' legs. 104 ^ MOPEMENT, MAAPMENT— Silly talk. What hed ye taj yer dinner ? Cauf-rautton pie boiled. Seek mopement thoo does talk, ther's neea seek thing as cauf-mutton pie, Whia than it was coUop-fat. MULLYGRUBS— A complaint 'at bodders idle fooak a lot. MUN-AH — Must or may I. Mun-Ah ride t' gallawa oot ta-neet ? Thoo munnat. MUCK— Manishment. Matter 'at's oot o' t' spot. MULL, MURL — Smo peat at t' boddum at t' stack. In f auld days peat mull was famishly thowt on ta put het on t' pie pan lid. This wad biak t' crust an' t' body n' t' pie- wad be,boilin' at t' siara time. MULLOCK — A serious blunder. Thoo miad a mullock on 't ta gang an' liver t' wrang bullocks, min. MUN— The mouth. MUMPS— Quinsey. MUM — Varra whiat. What's wrang wi' thi, thoo sits as mum. as a moose. MUD, MED — Might. It mud hev bin war as t' chap said! when t' nag ran away and brakt t' neck. He was thinken aboot his awn, neea doot. MUGGY — Soft, foggy day. Neea druft. It's a muggy day- en drys laal. MUMMEL — Bad at chowin'. What's ta mummelin' aboot ? Is thi teeth gitten bad ? MUCK-HACK— A drag ta poo t' muck oot. MUFATEES — Knitted cuffs. Grand is a pair o' mufatees fer keepen yer shackles warm. MUN — Must. Ah mun gah hiam. MUN NET — Must not. Thoo munnet stop i' thi wet clias. MURK-DRIFE— When t' air's as full o' snow as an egg's lull o' meat, an' t' winds driven an' whirlen 't aboot e' o'' directions at yance, that's it. MULL'D-YAL — Varra near oot o' date. Yal an' eggs, an' a. lot mair kelderment mixed up, and tian het. MUNT, MUHT, MURT— " Must not" i' nacken. Thoo murt deea seea an' seea. Ther's white a lot o' shorthand i'' oor auld talk, these is amang t' lot. MUNGY — A warm damp atmosphere 'at mate yan sweet if yan stirs is said ta be mungy. MURNEN, MIUNEN— When fooak's sair hodden wi' pain they mum oot wi' 't. MUSH — Sticks 'at hes o' mirled away, er taties an' turnips 'at boils ta slodder — they've o' gian ta mush. MUTE — Nowder a cuddy ner a mule — atween t' tweea — that's. a mute, an' it gabs neea farder. MUZZY — A dull low spirited manner. He wad muzzy aboot fer days wi' hardly ivver a word fer t' cat. 105 MUZZYEN — Howken ower t' fire when yan sud be up an"" aboot yan's wark. Sista thoo'll sit rauzzeyen ower t' fire tell thoo'll be as grey as a loose. NAB, NABBLE, NOBBLE— They o' mean yah thing— i.e., a dishonest mack o' sharp dealin'. Yan mud co' 't stealia i' plain English. • NABB'D, NABBEN— To seize hold. Ah just nabb'd hauld on 't i' time. He war nabben peers. NANNY— Aggy; Agnes. NACKERS— Bits o' coo ribs 'at lads play wi'. NACK, NACKEN — Fooak at's swallowed a dictionary, forbye a spellen biuk, an' a grammar, an' talk hi them, an' whar they're nut fine eniuf put a bit tul o' ther awn, that's^ nacken. Nack's like rotten sticks, is a varra common observation. NAF — T' middle part ov a car trunnle. NAG, NAGGEN, NAGLEN, NANGLY — Cross-grained,. quarrelsome, camplin', grumlen, ways o' some fooak when they ca't hev o' ther awn way. NAIG — A dull aching pain. Mi' teeth naig and wark. NAILS — Owt 'at's hard. It's freezen like nails. NAILT— Cheated. He bowt a stag at Brough Hill an' gat sowenly nailt wi' 't. NAILED — Non-plussed. Aye, Ah sez, sez Ah, Ah can pay twenty shillin' ta t' pund, an' that nailed him, he couldn't come again. NAM'LE — Bad at walken. Mi corns stang whel Ah can- hardly nam'le an' gah ato'. NANCY-PRETTY— London pride ; Love lies bleeding. NANG-NAILS — Step-mudder jags. They grow aboot t' band. o' t' nail, an' er varra sair. NANTLE, NANTLIN'— Ta pettle aboot diun bits o' jobs at it hardly matters whedder they're diun er nut. Nantle- aboot t' garden fer days. NAR, NAR-HAND — It was nar-hand tierm-time. Near. Close-fisted. Varra nar an' clooase. NAR-SIDE — Opposite ta far side i' nag driven. NARK. N ARKY, N ARKT— It narks yan a bit ta see sec wark.- He war a bit narky ower t' trottin' do. Some fooak er seea siun narkt. It means put out. NATTER — Grumbling. Natter, natter, natter, thoo's nivver diun, natteren' wi' a nivver ceasen'. NATTLIN— A chap 'at's nowt ta deea '11 varr oft mak up for *'t wi' putten his hands in his pocket an' than start nappen> wi' his clog heel on t' rooad. That's yah mak o' nattlin- nobbut amang a lot. NATTY — Neat. A natty lal bonnet abiun a natty lal fiase. What's nattier ? io6 NAY-SEWER, NAY, NEEA, NIN, NOWT, NEEABODY— These is o' i' full go amang us an' come in handy i' ther turn. Nay sewer, he's neea thowt far nin o' huz, an' cares lal fer nowt ner neeaboby but hissel, a gurt brossen hacken. NAY-SAY— Power of saying no to yansel. When he gits a glass it's ower ; he's neea nay-say wi' him when he starts. NAZ2Y-AN-SNAR— Yan o' them soor, snipe nooased mack o' fooak at liuks as if they could bite stub heeds off if yan spack owt sa oppenly tuU them. What's ta sa nazzy an' snar aboot thoo gurnen auld hemp ? NARY, GNARY— Stoot an' Strang. He's a nary fellah. NAKED-LADIES— Autumn Crocus. NEB — Bill ; toe ; nose ; a cap peak. Sis'ta thoo's thi' neb i' iv'rvbody's business. NEBBUR, NEBBUREN, NEBBURLY— To be on good terms; visiting; of a friendly disposition. They're varra prood an' hee, an' nivver nebbur wi' nin o' huz. A chap was builden a hoose, an' he gat ower nar t' rooad, an' hed ta poo 't back, seea what he built it fower stooary hee, acos; as he said, he'd good nebburs abiun-heed. NEBBURS — Neighbours. Nebburs is nebburs when frens is far away. NECK — Presumption. Thoo hes a neck ta ass seek a question, 'at hes ta. NECK-AN'-HEELS— Bodily. Ower Ah went, neck an' heels, intul t' sump. ;NEDDY-BEECHAM— Neddy was t' furst silly man, an' we're o' co'ed efter him 'at's a bit daft. ;NEED-FIRE — Thoo mun work fer need-fire. It gahs like need-fire. The original need-fire was the preventive of murrain, and obtained by friction, hence no doubt entailing industry in getting or conveying it. NEE'R-ACK — Nivver heed er nivver mind. Good advice at times is this. "NEEST— Next. We'll gah hiam neest Sunday. NEIGHBOUR-ROW— A circle around a fire. Come up inta t' neighbour-row an' sit ye doon, tell t' mistress laits ye a glass. NESH — Delicate. Sitten' i' t' hoose maksyan nesh. NETTLED — Aggravated. Ah war that nettled when he said oor barns was mucky, "at Ah dudn't know which end Ah stiud on. • NEWDLED — A condition of insanity or approaching it. He's drucken tell he's newdled. NEWDLIN' — A body wi' not varra clear nooations. He's a lal snaflflin newdlin. He's alius newdlen aboot t' public hoose efter some cheap yal. 107 l^EWSY — Inquisitive. What's thoo shutten thi neb in for? Thoo's as newsy as an auld woman, 'at ista. NIFFY-NIFFY-NACK— Lads 'at's laken at choosin' ; they shut ther neeves an' say, niffy-niffy-nack, which will ta tack ? NIPPY — Sharp, active. Lewk nippy wi' tha. NICKT-ET-HEED— A silly body. What's ta gaan at seek a pelder for ? Fooak '11 say thoo's a nick-et-heed, an' they'll nut be far wrang. NICKEREN — Fooak at gurn an' snuffle an' fleer when ther's nowt ato to deea 't for, that's nickeren. >IICKLETY-NOWT— Yan o' t' marks on a teetolly ta laik at pins wi'. JSIICKT-FER-T'-SIMPLES— This is t' siam as takken sturdy oot ov a sheep heed. T^IEF^ — The clenched fist. Ah up's wi' mi' nief an' Ah fetcht him sec a yark under t' lug wi' 't an' he shot up. 3SIING-NANG — An unreliable person. Tak nea nooatis o' t' lal ning-nang. NINNY — Raydcr slack set up i' t' upper garrat. Thoo gurt ninny, wheea wad deea like that? mNNY-HAMMER — Thoo's warse ner a ninny-hammer, an' that's nine times warse ner a fiul. NIPT — Pinched ; starved looking. NIPPY-AN-NAR— Close fisted. They war varra nippy an' nar i' some things, but O ! man, a better boddy niver was ner them fer a mial. TSIIUK — Ah'll stand mi' niuk. A card laiker's word. 3SIIUK-ST0WER— Iron work of a cart to which loads are secured. "NIUKLED — A coo new cauved en i' full milk is top niukled. NIGGLY — Varra bad ta git owt oot on in a bargin. He was as niggly ower a penny as many a yan is ower a pund. NIGGLED— Chowed. T' rattans hes niggled his britches boddums. T' gully was blunt, but Ah've niggled a collop off t' shooder as weel's Ah cud. NOBBU T— Wheeas that ? It's nobbut me, let's in. NOOAvSE-WHOLS — Some o' ye'U gurn an' sneer, aboot this'n. Ye've neea casion, it's as good as nose-thrills er eny seek mack. NOOASE-ENDER— A feiten trick. NOOASEN — Prying. Ah mak nowt o' fooak 'at's alius. nooasen efter udder fooak's bits o' fam'ly affairs. NIVVER-CEASIN'— At it wi' a nivver ceasin'. It means t' perpetual mooation i' grumblin' an' grunten. NOBBY— T' barn nooase. Does it's laal nobby kittle, bless it? NOCKLE— Lads '11 see 'at yan anudder nockles when they're iaiken at marvels. io8 NOCKLETY-WHOL— Let's laik at nocklety-whol. It's diu* wi' marvels. NOD, NODDEN— A sleep on t' squab. Ah'll hev a nod whek t' nag baits. He's siun nodden is oor maister if he sits- doon bi' t' warm fire. NODDY — A simpleton. Thoo mun be a noddy ta lowse t' bit oot o' t' nag mooth. NODDLE— Head; shake. Hod thi noddle whiat, will ta,. whel Ah reed thi toppin. Thoo may noddle thi heed, but it's true. NOGGIN — A lal pewter measure o' gin, er owt 'at t' short mack. NOGGY-WIFE-THREED— He's shirts wi'oot buttons, an' as fer his britches. They'd drop off his back, but fer two or three stitches, C nogfgy-wife-threed, just to keep hissel tidy. As Robbyson did fer hissel an' Man Friday. — Bowness. NOINT, NOINTED, NOINTER— Ah'll noint thi thi jacket r he gat nointed fer his pains ; thoo's a nointer. They o' mean a dressin doon, an' Ah've seen t' stoor flee when a chap's bin nointed wi' t' mayster. NOP, NOPPIN— Snutf. Nop t' can'le. To remove the stems and husks off gooseberries, currants, &c. We're thrang' noppin berries. NOPE — An ugly blow. T' han'le flew off an' catcht him a. nope on t' nooase. NOPPY— Barn talk fer t' heed. NORAL— To hit on the head with a stick. Ah'll noral thee thoo nasty paddock. NOWL, NOWLEN— Ring. Wheea's t' bell nowlen fer. NOWT-FIUT-OIL, NEAT-FIUT-OII Ah put these tweea acoB o' t' auld word nowt an' neat fer cattle. NOWT-AT-T-MACK— Dud thoo tell me that ye wanted a whelp oot o' oor bitch. Nowt-at-t'-mack, we've mair dogs ner we know what ta deea wi'. NOWT — Nothing. Ah'll hev nowt ta deea wi' 't, seea noo than. NOWT-SA — Not so. Ah's nowt-sa much ta crack on. NOWDER — Neither. They're nowder o' them neea gurt catch. NOGS — A lad gam like skittles. NOWT-AT-DOW— A poor sample ; i' bad fettle. He's nowt- at-dow. Ah've niver bin nowt-at-dow sen Ah gat wet through. NUM, NUMSKULL— Clumsy. Ah's that num mi' fingers is. o' thums. Thoo gurt numskull, liuk whar thoo's gaan. OBBUT — Ebbut slightly varied in sound. log OD-DAL, Od-die-bon, Od-drat, Od-wuns, Ods-wunters, Ods- scurse, Ods-sang, Ods-whinge — They've neea mair meanen ta them, hezn't this lot, ner nowt. They're ta let bad temper cot withoot sweeren reet cot. ■ODDMENT — One slightly defective in mental power. O THEER— Fully equipped intellectually. •OOTNERS— Them 'at co's off anudder heaf. •ODDENLY, HODDENLY— Without intermission. Ah dar be bun' 'at them tweea's gian tagidder oddenly fer twenty year, an' afoor that, ivver sen they war barns, on an' off, they've bin thick. •ODDS-AN'-EBMS — This izzant a guide ta gamlin', seea ye git neea particulars ; nobbut it is theer, an' ye know 't, main end on ye. OD-WHITE-LET-ON-THEE— An expression of contempt. It co's in when ye're i' neea hurry wi' yer tongue, but varra thrang udderwas. ■OFF-COM'D, OFF-COMER— A stranger in the sense of not having been born in the locality. Ther's nln- seea mich good i' some o' ther off-comers. ■OFT, OFTER, OFTEST— This is oor way o' sayen often. OILIN — Thrashing. Sis'ta thoo's laiten an oilin an' thoo'll git yan if thoo gabs on. •OLD-MARE — A large rake used to gather up the stray ears of corn after harvest. Thoo mun gang an' trail t' auld mear ta-day. 'ON — Employed. We're on at t' hay. ON — Thick. Yon tweea's on, thoo can see that wi' hauf a ee. -ON-LIG — A burden ; a weight cast upon others. ON-Sl'EAD — Same as on-set. ON-SET — Hoose, an' o' t' beeldens aboot a farm. ■ON AND OFF— With slight intermission. He leev'd at yah spot, on an' off, o' his life varra nar. ON-AN'-EN'WAS— Continually. He's yan o' this mack; owt he tacks up he's at it on-an' en'was. •OOT-HOUSE — A shade, penthouse, or porch. The idea is something added, or outside of a recognised building or house. •OOT'ARD — Outward ; evil-disposed. As oot'ard a fellow as ivver ye met. ■OPPEN-BUTTERY — Free run of a public hoose or a larder. We'd oppen buttery; iv'ry thing ta gah at as we liked. -ORTS, ORTENS — Leavings of food. Ah'll nut eat thy orts. Also in form of Wots and Wottens. -OUT-BOWED, OUT-FACED, OUT-STOMACHED— Ye've oot-bowed me wi' meat. Ah's oot-fiased wi' wark. He was oot-stomach'd wi' t' thowts on 't. RIAPS — Stack-riaps and rig-riaps. They're spun oot o' streea wi' a stack-riap-twiner, an' can. be miad any length. For this reason I suspect we have Riapen, Riapment, &c. RIB-GERSE — This is t' seeam as Ladies' Garters. RIVETS— Bearded wheat. RIG — Back-bone ; back, RIGGS — A low ridge of hills. Common in person, place, and field names. RING-WUZZEL, RING-OOZEL— Wild birds. RIP AN' TEAR— A gurt blusterous fellow 'at maks a lot o' fuss an' noise. ROKE — Scratch. That barn'll roke ivvry mortal thing i' t' hoose wi' that nail if tho'U let it, 'at will 't. ROAR — Cry. What's ta snotteren en roaren at ? ROVVEN — Torn. Ah've rovven mi shirt off mi back gaan through yon dyke. ROYEN — Bad mack o' wark. Alius royen an drinken is t' way ta neea spot. ROTE, ROTING, RUT— To be able to tell every one in a herd of sheep or cattle without counting; also the pitiful bellowing of cattle at certain times of the day. He could tell bi rut if they war o' theer. ROWK, ROWKY— Misty. It's a bit rowky, but it may turn off wi' heat. . ROBIN-RUN-I'-T'-DIKE — A plant 'at grows i' t' dike boddums wi' lal nops on 't. ROGGLE— A shaking. Ah varra nar roggled ta deeth i' that shandry. ROOARER — Ass t' veterinary what a rooarer is. ROOFED — Owt 'at's riufed's summat 'at's unriufed, miastly wi' t' wind. ROOK— This is nut a crow, but it's o' t' lot — clear oot o' t' hial rook n' ye. ROOF — Hoarseness ; bronchitis. Ah've gitten t' roop. ROOTEN— Howken aboot efter things 'at yan's nowt ta deea wi', siam as a swine 'at's neea jewel i' t' snoot. ROPE, ROPEN, ROPEMENT— Frah'den an' riapen on aboot auld times ; seek a lot o' riapment aboot shutten as he dud tell us an' he can shut nin, nut he marry. It's aboot t' siam as white leein'. 123 KOPS— The inward parts of an animal are by older and unaffected persons spoken of as it's rops. ROTTEN-EGG-RIFT— It's a nasty dwallow tiast, 'at co's intul a body's mooth when t' stomach's rang. TIOT-GUT— Poor yal. It's nowt but rot-gut. ROUGH-CAST — A house which is plastered outside with lime mixed with gravel is rough-cast. ROWK — Aboot t' siam as howk an' riut. ROWEL L— Put through a cauf neck. If Ah tell ye what for Ah'st be tellen ye mair ner I know. It's a bit o' hair put through a cauf skin just afoor t' front legs — that's a rooel. ROWNTREE — Mountain ash. We mun be canny wi' this j-an, er else, by gom ! RUN O' T' TEETH— A chap's grub 'at's quartered on t' community fer his wark. It's his heaf, his stint, er his whittle-gait ; it's whar he runs amang, gits his dollop, er hes his tommy; he's yan 'at's fest oot wi' a lot, an' neea wonder i' them days 'at t' skiul maister was i' foreign spots a gay deal, when he'd neea hiam ov his awn an' nobbut t' run ov his teeth i' somebody's else. !RUMMELBUCK — A gurt rough lungious fellow at gahs on i' t' hoose warse ner a bull in a pot shnp. RUN — A spot fer things ta walk in. We.'ll mak a hen run at t' garth heed. JiUNNER — A young beck 'at runs frae a spring. RUNNIBER — A runnen lowp er punch. He tiak a runnibur punch at him an' winded him wi' 't. RUNNIN-T'-RIGS— A varra useful spak this fer fooak 'at likes ta deea a bit o' back bitin aboot t' nebburs, and run t' rigs o' them 'at's away. RUNNIGIATE — A chap 'at runs away frae his spot. A runnigiate izzant much set hi whativer's t' cause o' his runnin. RUBBIN-STAN — Tawesh fleears wi' an' mack a white border roond t' hoose. JtUD — Red clay. Used ta wesh fleears wi', doorsteps, an* winda boddums; mark sheep seea's yan tell yan frae anudder, an' tudder frae whicn. KUDDLE — Marking sheep with rud. , RUD-LINE— Watch t' reet's when they're gaan ta saw a gurt tree; ye'll see them use t' rud-line. JIUD-STIAK— What t' coo band's fassen'd tul. RUMMACK, RUMMACKEN— AboDt t' siam as rensil. ^ '- EUMP--T0 cut a nag tail stump off; to snag trees er shrubs. RUMPESS — Durdrum, nurration, an' owt o' that mack. Thoo needn't kick up seek a rumpess. RUMPLEMENT— Tak thi rumplement an' side it by fer war alius in a scrow. It means mainly a lot p' woman gear, sowing, ironing, darning, an' seea on. 124 RUN-UP, WALK-UP— Shrunk as cloth or other fabric* shrink by contact with water. Mi stockings hez run up tell Ah can't git mi teeas intul them. It's a mack o"" flannin 'at walks up wi sweet an' weshin. RUNNER— A fast grown shoot. RUNT — A lal stiff thickset chap 'at's as Strang as a bull. SALLY — It's nut Sarah this time, but a idle trailen walk. Ah just sallied oot wi' t' gun. We hed a sally oot fer a, change. SAND-LAMP — Melted fat an' sand put in a pot an' a lumiJ' o' rag stuck in fer a week, an' that's a sand lamp. SANTER — It's nobbut an auld wife santer ; ther's nowt ini 't at if ye kill a frosk it'll leeten. SARK — Ye cannot tak t' sark off a niak't fellow's back. SAW-COME — An' when it comes as we tell it ta deea, it maks- a lot o' dust. SAW-GIAT — What t' saw gahs through ta mak' saw-come. SAG — Yield to a great weight or pressure. T' furm sag'di doon at middle. SAIR, SAIREY — Sore sorrowful. A seat fer sair een. A- chap was tellen me a breck aboot sairey. He leev'd in a gurt toon an' hedn't hed mich ta deea wi' t' auld twang' ier years. An' yah neet as he was gaan hiam he com across a let o' gurt ho-bucks 'at was tryen ta flay a peur hauf-rockt woman ta jump intul a gurt sowen gutter fer t' sump at t' side o' t' rooad. " Scurse t' hearts on ye," he- shoots as hard as he could, an' he in amang them. " Can't ye let a sairy crackt auld woman alian, noo."' Van er tweea gat a shot wi' his neef, and yan wi' his shoe neb whar it wad deea maist good, but they hook't it as if he was a maniac. He war capt hissel whar t' auld twang hed bin fielden fer many a year. SAM-CAST — A ten times aboot rig. A haymaking term. SAUVY^ — Of a pale, sickly complexion ; potatoes that are wattery an' sad. SAVE-0 — Where t' barns pence should gah. SARRA — Serve ; suit. We co'ed at t' Ludge an' nowt wadl sarra, but what we mud stop an' hev oor dinner wi' them, Sarra t' swine. SACKLESS — .A helpless kind ot innocent body that izzant exactly daft but nar akeen tult. Sackless as a sucken duck, SAID — He wadn't be said ; refused. SAME, SAM ED — Lard. Samed's when yan's gitten a reet putten up wi' mowen er worken tell yan's sweltered' Ah's aboot samed. SANDWATH — A crossing through a beck. SAP, SAP-TREE, SAP-WHISTLE— Sycamore when t' leaPs comen on. Any lad '11 mak ye a sap whistle if he's a jackeylegs 'at '11 white. 125 •SARR — With the skin off. Siam as sair. SAUV'D — Taken in. He gat sauv'd wi' a wife. SADDLE-LAPS-FLAPS— The part of the saddle that hangs by the horse's side. A chap was eaten panciaks, an' annudder saw him an' ran an' telt his mudder he was eaten saddle laps tuU his brekfast. Full particulars i' Willy Wattle's mudder tial. SAP3KULL, SAPHEED— Terms of admiration fer a gurt gowk 'at's nowder sense ner reason. SAM MEL— Sand an' gravel. -SAIDER — Rather; preferable. I wad far saider ye wad hev nowt ta deea wid it. Yan wad far saider see yan's barns laid low ner iver think they wad come ta an end like thatn. SAWN lES— Simple fooak. SCAR — Whar t' fells is brokken cot, an' o' covered with gurt rough stians. SCAW-HEED — A painful disease about the head and ears. SCUFTER, SCUFTEREN— A sharp shower. It come a bit ov a scufter. We war scufteren aboot leadin' hay. SCUMFISH, SCUMFISHEN, SCUMFISHT— Thoo wad scumfish yan wi' thi bacca reek. It's varra scumfishen an' clooase. Ah was near scumfish't as neea matter i' yon whol. SCREES — Rough stoney ground on a mountain side, such as Red Screes, on the west side of Kirkstone. -SCRAFFLE — Struggle. He'll scraffle through someway, Ah'at warnd him. SCRATTIN-ON— Only a poor puttin-on, and that obtained with difficulty. We're scrattin-on as weel as we can. iSCOW-BANK— (Oh ! that the genius of word describing would co' here !)' A laal barn 'at's laid on it's back throwing it's legs up, an' laiken wi' t' teeas — that's scow- bankin. A gurt barn 'at ligs aboot t' hay-mew, an' sleddurs aboot wi' his shun lowse, neea necklath on, an' doesn't care a brass farden which end gahs t' first seea lang as he's easy — he's a gurt idle scow-bank. ;SCRAN— Food. Isn't this another frae t' Celtic fringe ? Ah wadn't be capt. SCAN'D— Ah scan'd ower mi shooder ta see if they war behint, an' theer they war. SCONCE— A lang-settle wi' a wood back. T' dog mainly ligs under t' sconce. SCOVVP — What they Had floor an' meal wi'. T'way at sheep eat turnips, an' barns eat berry shags. -SCRATY; AULD-SCRAT— A hypothetical personage of whom children are afraid by the association of alarm and dread in the manner of those who use the word. By goy !■ •but auld Scraty '11 git thi if thoo doesn't come in. 126 SCRIMPY— Near; mean; pinched. SCRUFFLE, SCRUFFLER— A thing ta rive t' clots ta bits. SCRUFFLE— A young feit. SCUT — A rabbit tail, er what does fer a tail. SCALE — Spread. Scale muck. Scale t' milk i' a' sair breest. SCART — Scared. " Wey man ye needn't be see scart." SCAWDER'D, SCAWLDER'D— Sore through overheating; and friction of the clothing. SCAB — A sair spot 'at's healed up, an' summat else 'at kittles.- SCABBIN — Breckin gurt whacken steeans. SCABBY— A lad's gam. SCAINJE — He scainjed abool amang his relations tell he- rais'd t' wind. Scainjen implies some effort for a bad end. SCALLIONS— Green onions. SCAWD — Tea or coffee. " Co' thi way in ta thi scawd.'' SCOOT— A cauf disorder. SCRAWMALLY— At weddin' days they throw het brass fer t" barns ta scramble for, an' this we co' a scrawmally. It's- a gay auld trick, but it pleases t' barns fer o' that. SCUFT O' T' NECK— A handy spot ta git hauld on when a ; chap's back's turn'd an' ye hev him ta throw oot fer goo