-^iiiiiil ;iiiil iilliiilil iiip^^^^^ ■! 'win ' WJ !'!'• QforttcU HnioBr0itg ffitbrarg 3tlfata, Jfem ^ork BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF HENRY W. SAGE 1891 Cornell University Library Z2023.A1 H92 Handbook, to county 3 1924 029 565 888 ^^^^^ olin Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029565888 A Handbook to COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Handbook to COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY, BEING A Bibliography of Bibliographies relating to the Counties and Towns of GREAT BRITAIN ^ND IRELAJip, By Arthur L, Humphreys. London, I 8 7 PICCADILLY. PREFACE. THE purpose of this book is to provide a guide to the large amount of Bibliographical work which has been done to assist the study of the Topogi'aphy of Great Britain and Ireland. I wish to make very clear at the outset that this book is not a Bibliography of each individual Town and Parish history, nor does it cover the same ground as any existing work, bub attempts to go further than any book has hitherto done in providing clues to the discovery of the known as well as the obscure publications relating to every district in the Kingdom. I have cast my net widely, and what I have put together in the following pages is the result of many years' vigilance in taking notes, followed by four years of active work in amplifying, and preparing for the press. All systematic bibliographies are included, and I have in addition called attention to source books, indexes, &c., of local, historical, or topographical material, because such books so often serve the purpose of bibliographies, and supplement them. The various local manuscript and printed collections are bi'ought into the scheme of the book, especially those numerous and valuable col- lections which are lodged in the British Museum, and are easily accessible to students. I have searched the Transactions of Comity Antiquarian Societies, and unearthed a large amount of valuable bibliographical work buried therein. Until our public libraries catalogue, as they should do, each of the various items in these collec- tions, they must remain almost an unexplored field. Bibliographical books and pamphlets relating to Ballads, Broadsides, Chap-books, Newspapers, Maps, and Portraits are included, and also any valuable local 'Garlands,' which often contain rare Street Ballads, giving accounts of local incidents, murders, &c. vi PREFACE. Descriptive or bibliographical accounts of parochial documents are included, but Parish Registers themselves, unless accompanied by bibliogi'aphical notes, do not come within the scheme. Calendars of local documents are included, but not Calendars of Wills, because I hope later to issue a separate volun-e which will give a bibliography of books on Wills, arranged under counties. The auxiliary lists at the end, printed as appendices, contain chiefly such references as I have thought might get overlooked. These appendices designedly omit many well-known books, and they are purposely limited to the less-known bibliographies, indexes, &c. In surveying what has already been done for various counties bibliographically, one is obliged to regard what still remains to be accomplished. Certain counties have had the good fortune to find their bibliographers, while other counties, possessed of a wealth of topographical material, have not succeeded in securing one. As far back as 1837 the bibliography of the county of Kent was under- taken by that fine old pioneei", John Russell Smith. His book, Bibliotheca Cantiana, one of the first and one of the best, is excellent up to the time when it was issued. London has yet to find its bibliographers. The duty of compiling a bibliography of London rightly belongs to the Corporation, which, with all its wealth, has never issued a satisfactory catalogue of its possessions in the Guildhall Library, nor has it even issued a periodical bulletin of bibliographical information, as is being done by all good libraries in America and by many here. The counties of Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Derbyshire, Hertfordshire, Leicestershire, and Shropshire are a few instances only of counties which have great claims bibliographically, but so far no one has been forthcoming to undertake the work required. Welsh and Irish counties are almost all untouched. In Scotland a band of zealous and capable biblio- gi'aphers is producing good work. Two fine models exist which may well be followed by any one who has the enterprise to embark upon a bibliography of his own county. These models are Boase and Courtney's Bibliotheca PREFACE. vii Cornubknm, and Hyett and Bazeley's Manual of Glmicenterxhire Literature. A third may be cited. John Taylor, a printer and new.s- paper proprietor of Northampton, gave up many years of his life, and with zeal collected a great body of valuable bibliographical information respecting Northamptonshire. In the end, he printed six copies only of his viagnum opus. I had to journey to North- ampton in order to see one of tlie six copies, which is fortunately in the Free Library in that town. Perhaps too few writers and compilers . of books of reference openly acknowledge their indebtedness to the resources of the Library of the British Museum. As a youth I began to study in that magnificent Library, and I have u.sed the Reading Room almost daily ever since. I wish to pay a tribute to its admirable organiza- tion. I believe that there could be no better advice to a student beginning the study of Topography than to tell him to first make himself acquainted, as far as he can, with the books of reference, specially chosen and placed in the Reading Room of the British Museum, in the sections devoted to Topography, Genealogy, and Historv. I have compiled this book as a labour of love and as a hobby in my spare hours. Mr. Walter Brown has been of the greatest assistance in arranging ray manuscript and doing most valuable work in preparing it for the pi-ess. Furthermore, no praise could be too high for his patience in the construction of the Index. During the progress of the book through the press, I have received many kindnesses from Mr. George Clinch, who ably fills the enviable post of Librarian to the Society of Antiquaiies. A. L. H. Feh-uary, 1917. CONTENTS. Aberdeenshire Anglesey . Antrim Argyllshire Armagh Ayrshire . Banffshire Bedfordshire Berkshire . Berwickshire . Brecknock shire Buckinghamshire Buteshire . Caithness . Cambridgeshire Cardiganshire . Caklow Carmarthenshire Caknarvonshibe Cavan . Channel Islands Cheshire . Cl A ckmanna nshire Clare . Connaught COBE . Cornwall . Cumberland Denbighshire Bebbyshire Devonshire Donegal Dorsetshire PAGE 1-4, 315, 316 4, 316 4, 5, 316, 317 . 5,6 6, 317 . 6,7,318 . 7, 8, 318 . 8-10, 318 10-12, 318, 319 . 13, 319 13. 14, 319 14. 15, 319 . 16, 320 16, 17, 320 17-21, 320 21,320,321 . 22, 321 22, 23, 321 . 23, 321 . 23, 321 . 24, 322 24-29, 322 . 29 . 30, 322 . 30, 323 30, 31, 323 31-34, 323, 324 34-37, 324 . 37, 324 37-40, 325 40-46, 325, 326 . 47 . 47-49, 326 Down . Dublin Dumbartonshire Ddmfkiesshibe . Durham East Lothian. shire. Edinbuhghshibe Elgin ob Moray Essex . Fermanagh Fifeshibb . Flintshire Forfarshire Galloway . Galway Glamokganshibe Gloucestershire Haddingtonshire I'AtE 49, CO, 326 50-52, 326, 327 . 63, 327 63, 54, 327 54-56, 328 See Haddington- 67-61,328,329 61,62,229 62-67, 329, 330 . 67, 330 or, 69, 330 . 69, 330 69-71, 331 . 71 . 72, 331 73, 74, 331 74-78, 3;31, 332 . 79, 332 Hampshire and Isle of Wight 79-84, 333 Hebeides . Herefordshire . Hertfordshire . Huntingdonshire Inverness-shire Isle of Man Isle of Wight, Kent . Kerry . KiLDAEB Kilkenny KiNCARDIN BSHIBB 84, 85 85, 86, 333 87-90, 334 90-93, 334 . 93, 334 . 94, 335 See Hampshire. 95-104, 335 . 104 . 105, 336 . 105, 106, 336 . 106,107,336 CONTENTS. PAGE Kino's ConNTY . . . 107, 336 Kinross-shire . . . 107, 108 kibcudbbightshibe . . 108 Lanarkshike . 108-114, 336, 337 Lancashire . . 115-134, 337 Leicestershire . . 135-139, 337 Leinstek 139 Leitrim . . . . 139 Limerick . . . .139, 140 Lincolnshiee . . 141-146, 387 Linlithoowshire . . 146, 338 London . . . 147-164,338 Londonderry .... 165 Longford 165 Louth .... 165, 166 Mayo 166, 167 Meath 167 Merionethshire . . 167, 168 Middlesex . . . 168-170, 339 Midlothian. See Edinburghshire. Monaghan 170 Monmouthshire . 170, 171, 339 montgomebyshiue . . 171, 172 Moray. See Elgin or Moray. Munster .... 173, 339 Nairnshirk . . 173, 339 Norfolk . . 173-181, 339, 340 Northamptonshire . 182-189, 340 Northumberland . 189-197, 340 Nottinghamshire . 197-200, 341 Orkney and Shetland 201, 203, 341 Oxfordshire . 202-210, 341 Peeblesshire . . . 210, 211 Pembrokeshire . . 2ll, 212, 342 Perthshire . . . 212-214 Queen's County . . . 214 Eadnobshire .... 215 Eenfrewshire . . .215, 216 Roscommon Ross-shire . Roxburghshire Rutland Selkirkshire Shetland. See Orkney and Shet- land. I'AGE . 216,312 . 217 . 217,218 218, 219, 342 . 219,220 Shropshire Sligo . Somersetshire Staffordshire Stirlingshire Suffolk Surrey Sussex Suthehlandshire Tippebary . Tyrone Ulster Wabwickshire Watbrfobd Westmeath Westmorland Wexford . AVlCKLOW . Wigtownshire Wiltshire . Worcestershire Yorkshire . 220-227, 342 . 227,228 228-237, 342 237-240, 343 . 241,242 242-248, 343 249-252, 343 252-260, 343 . 260, 261 261, 262, 343 . 262,344 . 263,344 263-271, 344 271, 272, 344 272, 273 273-276 . 276 . 277 . 277 277-286, 344 286-292, 344, S!45 . 293-311, 345 ENGLAND [General] . 346-367 SCOTLAND „ . 368-379 IRELAND „ . 380-390 WALES „ . 391-397 INDEX .... 399-500 ERRATA 601 A HANDBOOK TO THE BIBLIO- GRAPHY of the COUNTIES OF GREAT BRITAIN &P IRELAND ABERDEENSHIRE. JOHSrSTONE (James Fowler Kellas). BXBLIOaBAFHY OF THE SHIRIiS OF ABEKDEEN, BAHFF, AND KINCAKDINB. New Spalding Club. A Concise Biblio. of tlie Hist, of the City of Aberdeen and its Institutions. {Aberdeen Univ. Lib. Bull., vol. i. pp. 699-738, 1913, and Historical Assoc, of (Scotland, Pamphlet No. 3. 1913.) A Concise Biblio. of tlie Hist., Topo., and Institutions of the Shires of Aberdeen, Banff, and Kincardine. (Aberdeen Univ. Lib. Bull., vol. 11. pp. 73-120. 1913.) To be continued. Anderson (Peter John). Collections towards a Biblio. of the Universities of Aberdeen. Edinburgh Biblio. Soc, vol. viii. 1907. Studies in the Hist, and Development of the Univ. of Aberdeen. Collections towards a Biblio. of the Universities of Aberdeen, pp. 385-525. (Aberdeen Univ. Studies. No. 19. 1906.) Aberdeen Universities Bibliography. Biblio. Note. {' Aberdeen JournaV Notes ^ Queries, vol, iii. pp. 197, 198. 1910.) Eiecord of the Celebration of the JJuatercentenary of the Univ. of Aberdeen, 1906. Biblio. of Centenary Publications, pp. 590-598. {Aberdeen Univ. Studies. No. 29. 1907.) Biblio. Ifote on Aberdeen ' Theses.' (' Aberdeen Journal ' Notes S/; Queries, vol. i. pp. 3, i: 1908.) Biblio. of the Writings of Professor Alexander Bain, b. at Aberdeen, 1818; d. 1903. In 'Autobiography.' 1904. A Biblio. of Duncan Liddel, E[.A., M.D.,b. at Aberdeen, 1561 ; d. 1613. Professor in the Univ. of Helmstedt, 1591-1607. 1910. Note on Academic Theses : with a Biblio. of Duncan Liddel. App. a. Theses of Aberdeen Universities, pp. 17-33; App. c, Liddel's Career and Writings, pp. 27-44. {Ediiiburc/h Biblio. Soc, vol. x. 1913.) Hist. Notes on the Libraries of the Universities of Aberdeen. 1893. Catal. of Books added to the Lib. in Marischal College, 1874-96. 1897. The University Library: Past and Present. {Aberdeen Univ. Rev., vol. i. pp. 123-136. 1914.) Biblio. Note on Aberdeen Almanacs. ('Aberdeen JournaV Notes ^ Queries, vol. ii. pp. 369-370. 1909.) Inventories of Kecords illustrating the Hist, of Aberdeen. 1890. Charters and other Writs illustrating the Hist, of the Koyal Burgh of Aberdeen, 1171-1804. New Spalding Club. 1890. Inventories of Ecclesiastical Kecords of North-Eastern Scotland. Aberdeen, pp. 16S-172. New Spalding Club, vol. vi. UiscdUimj, vol. i. 1890. 2 A HANDBOOK TO ABERDEENSHIRE {continued). Roljertson (Alexander W.). Hand-List of Biblio. of the Shires of Aberdeen, Banff, and Kincardine. New Spalding Club. 1893. Local Bibliography. {Scottinh Notes ^ Queries, \o\s. viii.-xi. 1895-98.) Watt (William). A Hist, of Aberdeen and Banff. The County Histories of Scotland. 1900. List of Books and Maps relating to Aberdeen and Banff, pp. 389-4-25.) Bulloch (John Blaloolm). Biblio. of Aberdeen Feriodical Literature. (Scottish Notes <£• Queries, vols. i.-x. ; Ser. 3, vols, ii.-viii. 1887-1907.) Chron. List of Aberdeen Newspapers, Magazines, &c. Privately- printed. 1889. Files of the Local Aberdeen Press, past and present. (Scottish Notes ^ Queries, vol. Lx. p. 170. 1896.) Anderson (Kobert). Biblio. of Aberdeen Publications. 1890-1899. (Scottish Notes §: Queries, vols, iv.-ix., xi., xii. ; Ser. 2, vols, iii., v. 1891-1903.) Thomson (James B.). Biblio. of Aberdeen and Horth-Easteru Publica- tions, issued during 1909, 1910, 1911. ('Aberdeen Journal' Notes f Queries, vol. iii. pp. 168-170 ; vol. iv. pp. 67-71 ; vol. v. pp. 77-80. 1910-13.) Also issued separately. Aberdeen Bibliographies. ('Aberdeen Journal' Notes Sj; Queries, vol. iii. pp. 191, 192. 1910.) Aberdeenshire References in Acts of Parliament of Scotland. ('Aberdeen Journal ' Notes i' Queries, vol. i. pp. 164, ] 71, 184, 185, 192 ; vol. ii. pp. 5, 12, 20, 27,35,48,53,58,64,71. 1908-09.) A Bibliography of Local Poetry to 1860. Aberdeen 1887. Walker (G-eorgej. Aberdeen: Its Literature, Boohmahing, and Circula- ting. (The Ubrary, vol. vi. pp. 238, 266. 1894.) Aberdeen Books and those of Local Interest. (Aberdeen Book Lover, vol. i. No. 1., etc. 1913, etc.) Aberdeen Booksellers of Bygone Days. (Aberdeen Book Lover, vol. i. No. 1, etc. 1913, etc.) Terry (Chas. Sanford). The Aberdeen Historians, vide Anderson (P. J.) ' Studies in the Hist, and Derelopment of the Univ. of Aberdeen.' 1906. Bulloch (John Malcolm). The House of Gi-ordon. Biblio. of Gordon Genea- logy, in vols. i. and ii. New Spalding Club, vols. xxvi. , xxxiii. 1903, 1907. Johnston (William.). Biblio. and Portraits of Arthur Johnston, b. at Caskieben, now Keith Hall, co. Aberdeen, circa 1587 ; d. 1641. Physician to James I., ' Scottish Notes S/; Queries,' vol. ix. pp. 49, 65, 82. 1895 ; also in ' Musa Latina Aberdonensis,' vol. ii. pp. xli.-lvi. New Spalding Club, vol. xv. 1896. Also issued separately. Aberdeen University. References in Acts of Parliament of Scotland. ('Aberdeen Journal' Notes S( Queries, vol. ii., pp. 96, 103, 109. 1909.) Robertson (Alexander W.). The Public Libraries of Aberdeen. (The Library, vol. vi. pp. 1-12. 1894. Catal. of Anderson Lib. at Woodside (includes a large collection of local books). Proposals for a Publick Library at Aberdeen, 1764. [Reprinted 1893.] Scottish Univ. Libraries. Lists of Printed Catalogues. Aberdeen. (Aberdeen Univ. Lib. Bull., vol. i. pp. 397-401. 1912.) The Aberdeen Univ. Library has a special collection of North of Scotland Literature. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow. 1904. Biblio. Note on Aberdeen Museums, vol. ii. pp. 71, 72. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 3 ABERDEENSHIRE (continued). Anderson (Joseph). Report on Local Museums in Scotland. Aberdeen Museums. By Geo. F. Black. (Soc. of Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xxii. pp. 356-3b-4,. 1888.) Dickson (Robert). Introduction of Printing into Scotland. Aberdeen. 1885. (Contains valuable Information about Aberdeen Printing.) Edmond (John Philip). Aberdeen Printers from Edward Raban to James Nicol, 1620-1736: being biblio. notices of their work and lives. Facsimiles and Index. 4 pts. Aberdeen. 1881-86. Handlist of Books printed at Aberdeen, or by Aberdeen Printers, 1620-1736. Aberdeen. 1884. Last Xotes on the Aberdeen Printers. Privately printed. Aberdeen. 1888. Axon (William E. A.). On an unrecorded issue of the Aberdeen Press of Edward Raban in 1627. With a handlist of the production of his presses at Edinburgh, St. Andrews, and Aberdeen. (Soc. of Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xliii. pp. 24-S3. 1909.) Fraser (G. M.) An Aberdeenshire Rural Press. [John Gumming, of Hatton of Fintray], with List of Ballads issued at the Fintray Press. (The Lone Shielinff, pp. 169-179. 1908.) Livingstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Aberdeenshire, pp. Ill, 112, 173. TurnbuU (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Aberdeenshire Registers, pp. 1-13, 159. Kist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Aberdeenshire Collections. Aberdeen, Burgh of 1st Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 121-123. Universitj'^ 2nd Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. 199-201. Earl of, at Haddo House ... Sth Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. 608-610. Blairs, Roman Catholic College ... 2nd Rep. p. xx. and App. pp. 201-203. Buchan, Mr. James, at Auchmacoy 4th Rep. p. xxiii. and App. p. 528. Crawford and Balcarres, Earl of, at Dunecht 2nd Rep. p. xvii. and App. 181-183. Farquharson, Col. James, at Inver- cauld 4th Rep. p. xxii. and App. pp. 533-535. Forbes, Lord, at Castle Forbes ... 3nd Rep. p. xix. and App. 193-196. — Sir William, at Fintray House Sth Rep. p. xx. and App. pp. 636-629. Gordon, Mr. Hugh Mackay, at Aber- geldie 6th Rep. p. xix. and App. p. 712. Mr. W.Cosmo, at Fy vie Castle 5th Rep. pp. xx. and App. pp. 644-646. Grant, Sir Archibald, at Monymusk 9th Rep. p. xix. and App. II. pp. 338-241. Huntly,Marquessof,atAboyne Castle 3nd Rep. p. xvii. and App. p. 180. Irvine, Mr. Alex. Forbes, at Drum Castle 2nd Rep. p. xix. and App. p. 198. King, Lt.-Col. W. Ross, at Kinellar 3rd Rep. p. xvii. and App. p. 416. Leith, Mr. James Forbes, at White- haugh 3nd Rep. p. xix. and App. p. 198. Webster, Mr. John, Advocate in Aber- deen 3rd Rep. p. XXV. and App. pp. 430, 421. Burgh Records, 1189, etc., with MS. and printed Indexes, at Town House, Aberdeen. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 88.) County Council Records, at Aberdeen. (Local Recm-ds Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 83.) Aberdeen Records, at various depositories. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 133.) Aberdeen. Franciscan Convent. List of Books and MSS. at the time of the Reformation. (Arch. Scotia, vol. ii. pp. 129-133. 1822.) 4 A HANDBOOK TO ABERDEENSHIRE {continued). Aberdeen Friars and Hospital. References in Acts of Parliament of Scotland. ('Aberdeen Journal'' Notes (& Queries, vol. li. pp. 90-91, 357. 1909.) Aberdeen. Sean and Chapter. References in Acts of Parliament of Scotland. C' Aberdeen Journal'' Notes ^ Queries, vol. ii. p. 76. 1909.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Ziblio. of tlie British. Counties. Aberdeen- shire. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 236. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Aberdeenshire Birds. (Catal. of Local Lists of British Birds. London, 1891, p. 29.) Mammals. (Tlie Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 209. 1893.) Keptiles. (Bud. p. 249. 1893.) Pishes. (Ibid. p. 260. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Aberdeensliire, pp. 276-278. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Aberdeenshire, p. 215. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Aberdeenshire, vol. ii. pp. 642-651. PETERHEAD. Taylor (William L.). Biblio. of Peterhead Periodicals. (Scottish Notes ^ Queries, vol. ii. p. 147; vol. iii. pp. 29, 42. 1889.) Cameron (James). A Biblio. of Peter Bnchan's Publications. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubm., vol. iv. pp. 105-116. 1900.) Pairley (John A.). Peter Buchan, Printer and Ballad-Collector. (Buchan Field Club Trans., vol. vii. 1902-3.) Burgh Keoords, at Peterhead. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 98.) Buchan Field Club. List of Papers from 18S7 to 1908 in Transac- tions, vol. i.-ix. (Twenty-one Years' Research in Buchan, \)Y>- 111-116. 1909.) Anderson (Joseph). Reports on Local SSuseiuns in Scotland. Arbuthnot Museum, Peterhead. By Geo. F. Black. (Soc. of Anliq. Scot. Proc , vol. xxii. pp. 364-368. 1888.) ANGLESEY. Kist. MS3. Comm. Report. Anglesey Collection. Miss Conway Griffith, at Carreglwyd. 5th Rep. p. xi. and App. pp. 405-423. Miss Conway Q-riiiith's Carreglwyd BSSS. (Archceol. Camb., Ser. 4, vol. ix. pp. 325-933, 302-311 ; vol. x. pp. 304-317. 18T8-79.) County ileoords. 17th Cent., etc., at Beaumaris and Holyhead. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 28.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties, Anglesey. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 158. 1874.) Anderson (John P.). Booli of Brit. Topo., 1881. Anglesey, p. 312. Gatfield (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Anglesey, p. 222. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Anglesey, vol. ii. p. 535. Bandinel (Bullieley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Library by Richard Gough 181*. Anglesey, p. 337. ANTRIM. ANBEKSOSi (John). CATAX.. OP EASILT BELFAST PRINTED BOOKS, 1SS4 to 1830. With Lists of Early Belfast Printers, 1700-1830, p. V. Booksellers, p. ix. Newspapers, &c., 1700-1830, p. x. New and Enlarged Edition. 1890. Supplements. 1891 and 1903. Hist, of The Belfast Library and Soc. for Promoting Knowledge, commonly known as The Linen Hall Library. With Chronological List of Catalogues, 1793-1887. Appendix, pp. 102-104. Belfast, 1888. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 5 ANTRIM {continued). Linen Hall Library. General Catalogue. Compiled by George Smith. 1896. (Contains a large number of works on the Linen Industry.) Supplementary Catalogue of Books added, 1903 and 1904. Com- piled by George Maxwell. IQO*, X905. Descriptive Catal. of the Collection of Antiquities, etc., illustrative of Irish Hist., exhibited in the Museum, Belfast, at the 23nd meeting of the British Association, 1852. Belfast, 1852. Murray (David). 'Museums.' CHasgow. 1904.. Biblio. Note on Belfast Museums, vol. ii. p. 107. Diz (Ernest Reginald McClintoclc). Irisli Frovincial Printing prior to 1701. Biblio. Note on Belfast Printing. (The lAh-ari/. New Ser. vol. II. p. 347. 1901.) Beun (Oeorge). Early Printing in Belfast. [Hist, of the Tcum of Belfast, 1877, pp. 424-445.) Young (Robert M.). Some Notes oil the Sarly Belfast Press and its Productions. {Belfast Naturalists' Field Chih. Ann. Report 4- Proc, Ser. 2, vol. iii. pp. 55-58. 1888.) An Account of some ITotable Books Printed in Belfast. (The Library, vol. vii. pp. 135-144. 1895.) Hist. MSS. Comm. Report. Antrim Collection. Lord Macartney, at Belfast. 9th Rep. p. xx. and App. II. pp. 330-340. Inventory of the Pinkerton MS. Collection, and Lists of Belfast Books. See Young (R. M.) Hist. Notices of Old Belfast. 1896. Appendix, pp. 249-251. (The Collection was in the possession of Mr. R. M. Young in 1903.) G-arstin (J. R.). Descriptive Catal. of a Collection of MSS. formerly belonging to, and mainly the handiwork of William Reeves, Bishop of Down, now deposited in the Diocesan Library, Belfast. 1899. Not published. (Contains many Antrim entries.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Antrim Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 266, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 40.) Mammals. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii, p. 215. 1893). Reptiles. (Ihid. p. 251. 1893.) Pishes. (Ibid. p. 263. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Antrim, pp. 427, 428. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Antrim, p. 780. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Book.s bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1811. Antrim, p. 376. OABRICKFERGUS. Young (Robert M.). Kotes on the Ancient Records of Carrickfergus. (80c. Antiq. Irel. Jonrn., Ser. 5, vol. iii. pp. 64-68. 1893.) ARGYLLSHIRE. Hist. MSS. Comm. Report. Argyllshire Collections. Duke of Argyll, at Inveraray Castle 4th Rep. p. xtx. and App. pp. 470-492 ; (14th to 18th Cent.) 6th Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 606- 634. County Council Records. 1688, etc., at Argyll. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902. App. III. p. 82.) Livingstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Argyllshire, p. 173. TurnbuU (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Argyllshire Re^sters, pp. 12-19, 6 A HANDBOOK TO ARGYLLSHIRE {continued). Coiiper (W. J.). Biblio. of tie Campbeltown Declaration of 1685. {Olasgow Biblio. Soc. Records, vol. i. pp. 118-124. 1914.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Argyllshire. {Joum. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 237. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Argyllshire Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 262, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 30.) Mammals, (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 209. 1893.) Reptiles. {Ihid. p. 249. 1893.) Pishes. {lUd. p. 260. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. ArgyllsMre, p. 378. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Argyllshire, p. 213. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Argyllshire, pp. 653-655. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Argyllshire, p. 356. INVERARAY. Burgh Records, 1655, etc., at Court House, Inveraray. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902. App. III. p. 94.) ARMAGH. Six (Brnest Reginald MoClintock). List of Boohs and Fauvphlets printed at Armagh in the 18th Century. Dublin. 1901. Second Edit. Cuala Press. Dundrura. 1910. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harmrd Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Armagh, p. 158. Catal, of MSS. in the Public Lib. at Armagh. Founded 1771 ; established by the Irish Parliament, 1774. (Printed.) Reeves (William). Bishop of Sown. Memoir of the Public Library at Armagh. Oarstin (J. R.). Descriptive Catal. of a Collection of MSS. formerly belonging to, and mainly the handiwork of Bishop Reeves, now de- posited in the Diocesan Library, Belfast. 1899. Not pubhshed. Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Armagh, p. 428. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Armagh, pp. 781-783. Bandinol (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Armagh, p. 376. AYRSHIRE. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Ayrshire Collections. Ailsa, Marquess of, at Culzean Castle 5th Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. 613-617. Eglinton and Winton, Earl of, at 10th Rep. pp. 30, 31, and App. pp. Eglinton Castle (14th to 17th cent.) 1-58. Glasgow, Earl of, at Kelburne 3rd Rep. pp. xxiii. and App. p. 405; 8th Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 304- 308. County Council Records, at County Buildings, Ayr. [Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 82.) Livingstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Ayrshire, p. 174. TurnbuU (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Ayrshire Registers, pp. 20-28, 160. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Ayrshire, p. 160. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 7 AYRSHIRE {continued). Black (G-eo. P.). Descriptive Catal. of Antiquities found in Ayrshire and Wigftonshire. (Ayrshire .' 1885. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Ayrshire. Jonni. ofBotani/, vol. xii. p. 234. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Ayrshire Birds. (The Zooloqisl, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 262, 1890 ; and reprinted in paraph., 1891, p. 30.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Ayrshire, pp. 379, 380. AYR. Burgh Records, 1902, etc., at Town Buildings, Ayr. (Local Records Oomin. Hep., 1909, App. III. p. 88.) The Carnegie Public Library, Ayr, has special collections of Ayrshire- and Burns literature. ALLOWAY. Swing (J. C). A Biblio. of Robert Burns, 1759-1796. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Proc, vol. ix. pp. 57-72. 1909.) Courtney (William Prideatix). A Register of National Bibliography. 3 vols. 1905-12. List of Burns Bibliographies, vol. i. p. 92 ; and vol. iii. p. 48. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Burns Museum, vol. ii. p. 150. Oibson Collection of Burns and Burnsiana in Linen Hall Library, Belfast. KILMARNOCK. Anderson (Joseph). Reports on Local Museums in Scotland. Kilmarnock Museum. (/Soc. o/ j4»i%. /Sco;!. Pro«., vol. xxii. p. 411. 1888.) AUO HINLECjC Dibdin (Rev. T. P.). Account of Auchinleck Press. (Biblio. Bscatneron, 1817, vol. iii. p. 4*3.) Martin (John). Auchinleck Press, with illustration. {Biblio. Catal. of Books Privately Printed, 1834, vol. i. pp. 347-358.) Byton (J. Walter K.). Sir AlexanderBoswell's Private Press at Auchiu- leck. (Sale Catal. of his Library of Privately Printed Books, Sotheby's, 1848, p. 10.) Lowndes (W. T.). List of Books printed at Auchinleck Press. (Biblio- grapher's Manual, 1871, App. pp. 197-199.) BANFFSHIRE. JOHNSON (James Fowler Bellas). BIBLIO&RAPHY OF THB SHIRBS OF ABBRBBBN, BANFF, ANB KINCARDINE. New Spalding Club. A Concise Biblio. of the Hist., Topo., and Institutions of the Shires of Aberdeen, Banff, and Kincardine. (Aberdeen Univ. Lib. Bull., vol. ii. pp. 73-120, 1913.) To be continued. Robertson (Alexander W.) Hand-List of Biblio. of the Shires of Aber- deen, Banff, and Kincardine. New Spalding Club. 1893. Local Bibliography. {Scottish Notes S[ Queries, vols, viii.-xi. 1895-98.) 8 A HANDBOOK TO BANFFSHIRE (continued). Watt CWilliam). A Hist, of Aberdeen and Basi£F. The County Histories of Scotland. 1900. List of Books and Maps relating to Aberdeen and Bantt, pp. 389-425. Livingstone (Mattliew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Banffshire, p. 174. Inventories of Northern Kscords. I. The Sheriff Court of Banffshire. By G. M. Hossack. (Scottish Notes f Qmriss, vol. xi. pp. 138, 139. 1898.) Anderson (Joseph). Report on Local Museums in Scotland. Museum of the Banff Institute. (Soc. of Antig. Scot. Proc, vol. xxii p. 368. 1888.) Turnbull CWilliam B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Banff- shire Registers, pp. 28-33. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Banffshire, p. 161. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. BaniFshire Collections. Fife, Duke of, at Duff House 4th Rep. p. xxiii. and App. pp. 515, 516. Richmond, Duke of, at Gordon Castle 1st Rep. p. xiii. and App. p. 114. Seafield, Earl of, at Cullen House . . . 3rd Rep. p. xxii. and App. pp. 403, 404. Dow. Countess of, at Cullen House 14th Rep. pp. 50, 51, and App. III. pp. 191-238. Buckie, Catholic MSS. at 1st Rep. App. p. 120. Banff. Burgh Records, 1372, etc., at Banff. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 88.) Cramond (William). Inventory of the Charters, Burgh Court Books, Books of Sasines, etc., belonging to the Burgh of Banff. 188T. Anderson (Peter John). Inventories of Ecclesiastical Records of North- Eastern Scotland. Banffshire, pp. 238, etc. New Spalding Club, vol. vi. Miscellany, vol. i. 1890. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Banffshire. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 236. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Banffshire Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 262, 1890, and reprinted in paraph., 1891, p. 30 ) Mammals. (The .Zoo^irf, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 209. 1893.) Pishes. (/6Jd. p. 260. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Banffshire, p. 330. Gough (Richard). Brit, Tope, 1780, Banffshire, vol. ii. p. 656. CULLEN. Burgh Records, 1455, etc., at Cullen, with a Printed Index. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III., p. 90.) Cramond (William). Inventory of the Charters, Burgh Court Books, Books of Sasines, etc., belonging to the Burgh of Cullen, together with copy and translation of the Charter of the Burgh. 1887. BEDFORDSHIRE. Indexes to the Reports and Papers of the Associated Architectural Societies, etc. Vols, i.-viii. (1850-66); vols, ix.-xiv. (1867-78); vols, xv.-xix. (1879-88) ; and vols, xx.-xxv. (1889-1900). Lincoln. 1867-1905. Index of References to Articles in the ' Gentleman's Magazine ' relating to Bedfordshire. (Beds. Notes ^ Queries, vol. i. pp. 128-142. 1886.) Index to the Victoria History of the County of Bedford. London : Constable & Co. 1914. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 9 BEDFORDSHIRE (continued). Genealogical Notes extracted from the ' O'entlemau's Mas^aziue.' 1731- 1756. (Beds. Notes f Queries, vol. ii. pp. 14.1-156. 1889.) List of Topogfraphical Worts relating to Bedfordshire. (Book-Lore, vol. iv. pp. 91-24. 1885.) Bedfordshire Books. (Notes £■ Queries, Ser. 7, vol. xii. pp. 132, 233-234., 339. 1891.) Bedford Iiiterary and Scientific Institute and Gi-eneral Library. Catal. of the Circulating and Bsference Iiibraries, and of the Old Librarj founded in 1700. [By T. G. Elger.] Bedford, 1892. Otvoaa (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Bedfordshire, pp. 165-166. Davenport (Prances G.). List of ^Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Beds. Manorial Hist., p. 38. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Beds, vol. ii. pp. 669-670. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Biomano-BritXsh Biemains. 1919. Bedfordshire, p. 1. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Beds. Brasses, p. 139, with a List, pp. 144-145. Matthews (A. Weight). MS. Biblio. of Works relating to Bedfordshire containing copies of Monumental Inscriptions. (In Library of Soc. of Genealogists, London.) Hist. MBS. Comm. Reports. Bedfordshire Collections. Bedford, Duke of, at Woburn 2nd Rep. p. ix. and App. pp. 1-4. Cowper, Countess, at Wrest Park ... 2nd Rep. p. ix. and App. pp. 4-9. Harvey, Mr. J. J., of Ickwell Bury, Herts 1st Rep. p. x. and App. pp. 62-63; 2nd Rep. App. pp. 89-91. Orlebar, Mr. R., of Hinwick House ... 3rd Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. 274-276, Osborn, Sir George, at Chicksands ... 2nd Rep. p. xi. and App. p. 65. Pomfret and Warburtoa's MS. Collections for Bedfordshire in British Museum. Bedfordshire County Records. Vol. I. Notes and Extracts from the County Records in the Quarter Sessions Rolls, 1714-1832. Vol. U. Notes & Extracts from the County Records, being a Calendar of Vol. I. of the Sessions Minute Books, 1651-1660. Compiled by Messrs. Hardy and Page. 1907. County Records, 1711, etc., at the Shire Hall, Bedford. (Local Records Comm. Bep., 1902, App. HI. p. 14. Corporation of Bedford. A Schedule of the Records and other Docu- ments. Printed by order of the Corporation. 1883. Borough of Bedford. A Schedule of the Ancient Charters and Muniments. (Preface by F. A. Blaydes). 1895. Borough Records, Hen. II., etc., at Town Hall, Bedford, with printed Index. (Local Records Comm. Bep., 1902, App. III. p. 48.) Powler (G. Herbert). Early Charters of the Priory of Chicksands. Beds. Hist. Record Soc, vol. i. pp. 101-128. 1913. Por Biblio. of Elstow and John Bunyan see Dr. John Brown's 'Life of Banyan,' 3rd ed., 1887, pp. 453-489. Luton Public Library. Spec. Colin, of Local Prints, Books, etc. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Bedfordshire. (Joum. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 111. 1874.) 10 A HANDBOOK TO BEDFORDSHIRE (continiied). Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Bedfordshire Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3 , vol. xiv. p. 429, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 8.) Mammals. (Tlie Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 176. 1893.) Beptiles. (Ilnd. p. 241. 1893.) Pishes. [Ibid. p. 252. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Bedfordshire, pp. 18, 49. Gatfield (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Bedfordshire, pp. 117, 118. Sims (Richard). Manual for the Genealogist. 1861. Bedfordshire, pp. IGl, 198, 199, 229. Upcott (Wmiam). English Topo., 1818. Bedfordshire, vol. 1. pp. 1-8, 681, 582. Smith (Alfred RusseU). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Bedfordshire, pp. 1-.5, 457. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Bedfordshire, vol. i. pp. 157-160. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Library by Richard Gough. 1814. Bedfordshire, pp. 43, 44. BERKSHIRE. Beadingf Public Library. Catal. of the Reference Section. 1893. Ap- pendix : List of Books, Prints, etc. , arranged under Parishes, pp. 99-121. Sherwood (George P. Tudor). County Collections for Berks. {Berks., Bucks. & Oxon. Archceol. Joum., vol. vii. pp. 90-93; vol. viii. pp. 13-lG. 1901-02.) Berkshire Records and their Places of Deposit : I. The British Museum. (Berks. Notes ^ Queries, vol. i. pp. 7-15. 53-57. 1890.) List of Books relating to the History of Berkshire. (Berks. Archwoh floe. Quart. .Tourn., vol. i. pp. 106, 107, 138. 1890.) List of Topographical Works relating to Berkshire. (Book-Lore, vol. iv. pp. 33-38. 1886.) Berkshire Books. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 4, vol. vi. pp. 14, 15. 1870.) List of the Papers relating to Berkshire published in the 'Archceoloqia * of the Soc. of Antiquaries, London, 1770-1885, vols. 1-50. (Berks. Notes d; Queries, vol. i. pp. 100-102. 1890.) Index to Berkshire Marriage B>egisters. By Mrs. J. H. Copt: and L. Treacher. {Berks., Bucks. ^ Oxon Archwol. .Joum., vol. vi. p. 91 ; vol. vii. pp. 26, 51 ; vol. viii. pp. 88, 120 ; vol. ix. pp. 58, 83 ; vol. a. pp. 16-18. 1900-04.) Sherwood (George P. Tudor). Berkshire Non-Parochial Registers in the Custody of the Registrar-General, from the Return of 1859. (Berks. Notes ^- Queries, vol. i. pp. 21-23, 51, 52. 1890.) Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Abingdon, p. 156. Reading, pp. 376, 377. Windsor, pp. 419, 420. Bavanport {Prances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Berks. Manorial Hist, p. 38. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Berks., vol. ii. p. 670. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Berkshire, pp. 1-3. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Berks. Brasses, with a List, p. 145. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Berkshire Collections. Bouverie - Pusey, Mr. S. E. E., at Faringdon 7th Rep. App p. 681. Eyston, Mr. C. J., at East Hendred, 3rd Rep. p. xxi. and App. pp. 260, Wantage 261. Loder-Syraonds, Capt. F. C, at Hinton 13th Rep. pp. 47, 48 and App. IV. pp. Waldrist Manor, Berks 378-404. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 11 BERKSHIRE {continued). Hist. MSS. Comm. B>eports. Throckmorton, Sir N. W., at Coughton 3rd Rep. p. xxi. and App. pp. 2,56-258 ; Court, Warwickshire 10th Rep. p. xxv. and App. IV. pp. 168-176. Stuart MSS. at Windsor Castle ... 16th Rep. pp. 12-14; vol. i. (1902); vol. ii. (1904.) ; 17th Rep. pp. 13-19 ; vol. iii. (1907). Willes, Mrs., at Goodrest, Berks. ... 2nd Rep. p. xxi. and App. p. 103 ; 3rd Rep. p. xxvi. and App. p. 435. Abingdon Corporation 1st Rep. App. p, 98 ; 2nd Rep. p. xv. and App. pp. 149, 1.50. — - — Hospital of Christ 1st Rep. App. p. 98. Reading Corporation 11th Rep. pp. 26-29 and App. VII. pp. 167-227. Wallingford Corporation 6th Rep. App. pp. 572-595. Suckling's Collections for Berkshire, 1821-1839, in the British Museum. (Add. MSS. 18489; 18490. Index, Add. MS. 18491.) Ashmolean MSS. Descriptive, Analytical, and Critical Catal. of the MSS. bequeathed unto the Univ. of Oxford by Ellas Ashraole. By W. H. Black. Oxford, 1845. Index to the Catal. of the MSS. of Elias Ashmole, formerly preserved in the Ashmolean Museum, and now in the Bodl. Lib., Oxford. By W. D. Macbay and H. Gouoh. Oxford, 1866. (Parts lOand 11 of the Co^o/or/iw CoJ/ciim MSS. Bibl. Bodl.) Qtongh. (Richard). Topographical Collections in Bod. Iiib. The Berkshire MSS. increased by the William Nelson Clarke Collection (t'onsisting of a Parochial Hist, of the County, transcripts of Herald's Visitations, early records, etc.). See Macray, '■ ylmials of the Bodleian,' p. 287, note. Berkshire Court Rolls. By N. J. Hone. (Berks. Archceol. Sac. Quart. Journ., vol. iii. pp. 153, 173. 1894; Berks. Bucks. S^ Oxon. Arclueol. Journ., vol. xv. p. 81 ; vol. xvi. p. 22 ; vol. xvii. p. 85. 1909-11.) List of Berkshire Seeds and other Documents on sale by F. Mareham, 9 Tottenham Terrace, White Hart Lane, London, N. A valuable and well- arranged list. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Berkshire. {Jom-n. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 109. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Berks. Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 249, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 8.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Berkshire, pp. 50-51. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Berkshire, pp. 118, 119. Sims (Richard). Manual for the Genealogist. 1861. Berkshire, pp. 161, 199, 229. Upoott (William). English Topo., 1818. Berkshire, vol. i. pp. 9-25, 583-585. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc., 1878. Berkshire, pp. 5-12, 157. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Berkshire, vol. i. pp. 161-184. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Library by Richard Gough, 1814. Berkshire, pp. 45-19. BEADING. Macray (W. Sunn). The MSS. of the Corporation of Beading. {HiM. MSS. Comm. Uth Bep., 1887, App. VII. pp. 167-227.) Guilding (Bev. J. M.). Beading Becords. Schedule of MSS. belonging to the Corporation of Reading. Vol. i. pp. xi.-xiv. 1892. Borough Becords. Henry III., etc., at Town Hall, Reading. (Loenl Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 38.) 12 A HANDBOOK TO BERKSHIRE {continued). Keport of the Municipal Commissioners appointed to enquire into the state of Corporations in England and Wales. Corporation of Reading, Oct. 24, 1833. List of Reading' Municipal Records Printed. (Notes S( Queries, Ser. 11, vol. vi. p. 91. 1912.) Harrison (W. H.). Reading and Some of its Literary Associations. (Book- Auction Records, vol. 8, pp. liii.-lviii. 1911.) Bitclifield (P. H.). The Books and Bookmen of Reading. ( IValford's Antiq. Mag., vol. xi. pp. 233-238. 1887.) Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, ] 904. Biblio. Note on Reading Museum, vol. iii. p. 13-2. ABINGDON. Richardson (William H.). A Short Biblio. of Abingdon. London, 1902. Challenor (Bromley). Selections from the Municipal Chronicles of the Borough of Abingdon, from 1555 to 1897. Abingdon. 1898. Borough Records, 1556, etc., and Christ's Hospital Deeds, 12th Cent., etc. (Local Records Conim. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 46.) AUnutt (W. H.). Bnglish Provincial Presses— Early Printing at Abingdon. (BihKographica, vol. ii. pp. 30, 3), 1896.) WINDSOR AND FROGMORE. Records of Dean and Canons, 1154, etc., at Windsor, with MS. Index. (Local Records C'omm. Rep. 1902, App. III. p. 116.) Byton (J. Walter K.). Publications of the Private Press at Frogmore Lodge. (Sale Catal. of his Library of Privately Printed Boohs, Sotheby's, 1848, p. 80.) Lowndes (Wm. Thomas). List of Publications of the Frogmore Lodge Press. (Bibliographer's Manual, 1871, App. p. 216.) Plomer (Henry R.). Frogmore Lodge Private Press. (Sonu Private Presses of the Nineteenth Century, in ' The Library.' New Ser., vol. i. pp. 408, 409. 1900.) MAIDENHEAD. Borough Records, 1392, etc., at Town Hall, Maidenhead, with MS. Index. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 64.) Walker (J. W.). A Cal. of the Ancient Charters and Documents of the Corporation of Maidenhead. 1908. NEWBURY. Money (Walter). Notes on the Parish Registers of Newbury. (Brit. Archwol. Assoc. .Tourn. New Series, vol. ii. pp. 157-183. 1896.) SYDMONTON. Kingsmill (Andrew). The MSB. of Andrew Xingsmill, at Sydmonton Court, being ancient deeds relating to Hampshire and Berkshire. (Hist. MSS. Comm Uth Rep., App. X. pp. 173, 174. 1899.) GRAZELEY. Macray (Rev. W. D.). Early Berkshire Deeds relating to Grazeley, Berks. (Berks., Bucks, and Oxon. Archceol. Journ., vol. ii. pp. 13-15. 1896.) WOKINGHAM. Borough Records, with MS. list, at Town Kail, Wokingham. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 74.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 13 BERWICKSHIRE. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Berwickshire Collections. Campbell, Sir Hugh Hume, at March- raont House Itth Rep. pp. tT-iO, and App. III. pp. 56-173. Home, Earl of, at the Hirsel, Coldstream I2th Rep. p. 51, and App. VIH. Col. David Milne, at Wedder- burn Castle 16th Rep. p. 122, and vol. 1902. Lauderdale, Earl of, at Thirlestaine Castle Sth Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. ClO-613. Stirling, Miss M. Eleanor, at Renton... 5th Rep. p. xxi. and App. pp. 0-16-650. Hay, Mr. Robert Mordaunt, of Duns Rep. on MSS. in various Collections, Castle vol. V. pp. 1-71. 1909. County Council Records, at Greenlaw and Duns. [Local Records Comm. Hep., 1902, App. HI. p. 82.) Livingstone (IVIatthew). Guide to tlie Public Records of Scotland, 1905. Berwickshire, p. 174.. TurnbuU CWilliam B.). Scottish. Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Berwickshire Registers, pp. 33-38. Black (George P.). Descriptive Catal. of Loan Collections of Prehistoric and other Antiquities from the Shires of Beiwick, Roxburgh, and Selkirk. (Soc. of Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xxviii. pp. 331-343. 1894.) Bihlio. of Historical USonuments in the Co. of Berwick, in Inventory of Monuments, etc., in the County of Berwick. (Hist. Monuments (Scot.) Comm. , 1st Rep. pp. xiv., XV. 1909.) Anderson (Joseph). Report on Local Museums in Scotland. Berwick Museum. [Soc. of Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xxii. p. 418. 1888.) Report on Local Museums in Scotland. Duns Museum. (Sue. of Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xxii. p. 383. 1888.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Berwickshire. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 234.. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Berwickshire Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 282, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 30.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 209. 1893.) Pishes. (Ibid. p. 260. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book oi Brit. Topo., 1881. Berwickshiie, pp. 380-382. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Berwickshire, vol. ii. pp. 657, 658. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1811, p. 356, LAUDER. Burgh Records, 1653, etc., at Lauder. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 96.) BRECKNOCKSHIRE. Ballinger (John). The Trevecoa Press. (The Library, New Ser, vol. vi. pp, 225-250. 1905.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881, Brecknockshire, p, 313, Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780, Brecknockshire, vol, ii. p. 509. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Brecknockshire, p. 334, Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Brecknockshire, p, 143. 14 A HANDBOOK TO BRECKNOCKSHIRE {continued). Ti-imen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the Britisli Counties. Brecknock- shire. {Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 157. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Breconshire Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 261, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 8.) BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. &OUGK (HBNRY). BIBLIOTHBCA BUCKINGKAMIBNglS : A LIST OF BOOKS KBI.ATIN& TO TKB COUNTY OF BUCKINGHAM. Aylesbury. 1890. (Originally issued by Archit. & Archseol. Soc. for the County of Buckingham- shire in ' Records of Buckinghamshire,'' vol. v., vi. 1885-90.) Grross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Buckinghamshire, p. 90. Buckingham, pp. 181, 182. Wycombe, pp. 423, 4.24. Davenport (Frances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Bucks. Manorial Hist., p. 38. Dove (Patrick Bdward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Bucks., vol. ii. p. 670. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Bontano-British Remains. 1912. Bucks., p. 4. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co. 1913. Biblio. Note on Bucks. Brasses, with a List, pp. 147-149. Martin (John). Private Printing Press at Hartwell. {Biblio. Catal. of Books Privately Printed, 1854, p. xvii.) An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire. 2 vols. 1913. {Royal Comm. on Hist. Monuments — England.) Combined Index of Inventories of South and North Bucks., vol. ii. pp. 362-457. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Buckinghamshire Collections. Buckinghamshire, Earl of 14th Rep. pp. 23-25 and App. IX. pp. 1-154. Clayton, Sir William, at Harleyford, 17th Rep. p. 130 ; various Collections, Marlow vol. iv. pp. 326-341. Fortescue, Hon. G. M., at Dropmore 2nd Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 49-63. Fortescue, Mr. J. B., at Dropmore ... Vol. i. (13th Rep. pp. 36-47 and App. III.). Vol.ii. (14th Rep. pp. 36-37 and App. V. 16th Rep. pp. 68-79). Vol. iii. 1889 (17th Rep. pp. 77-97). Vol. iv. 1905. Vol. V. 1906. Vol. vi. 1908. Vol. vii. 1910. Vol. viii. 1912. Frankland - Russell - Astley, Mrs., at 16th Rep. pp. 86-91 and vol. 1900. Chequers Court, Bucks. Somerset, Duke of, at Maiden Bradley, 15th Rep. App. VII. pp. 127-133. Wilts. Verney, Sir H., at Claydon House, co. 7th Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 433-509. Bucks. Eton College 9th Rep. p. x. and App. I. pp. 349-358. High Wycombe Corporation 5th Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 554-565. Hare's MSS. in College of Arms contain an extensive Collection of Bucks material. Browne Willis's MSS. in Bodleian Library contain large Collections for Bucks. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 15 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE {continued). Cole (William). 1714-83. MS. Collections in British Museum, relating to Bucks, and other Counties. See Index to the Contents of the Cole Manuscripts, by George J. Gray. 191:2. County Records, 1678, etc., with MS. Indexes, at the County Hall, Ayles- bury. (Local Records Comin. Rep., 190-2. App. III. p. 14.) Bucks, and Ozon. Marriag'e Bonds. By G. F. TuDoa Sherwood. [Berks., Bucks. ^ Oxon. Archfwl. Journal, vol. ii. pp. 52, 77, 117. 1896-97.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Buckingham- hamshire. [Jo'iirn. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 110. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Bucks. Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 249, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 8.) Anderson (.Tohn P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1S81. Buckinghamshire, pp. 51-57. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. BuckinKhamshire, pp. 119-121. Sims (Richard). Manual for the Genealogist. 1861. Baokinghamshire, pp. 162, 199, 200, 2oH. Upoott (William). English Topo., 1818. Buckinghamshire, vol. i. pip. 26-31, 683, 587. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Buckinghamshire, pp. 13-18, 458. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Buckinghamshire, vol. i. pp. 183-190. Bandinel (Bulkeloy). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 18U. IJuckinghamshire, pp. 50-53. ETON. Karcourt (Lewis Vernon). An Bton Bibliography. 1898. New ed. enlarged, 1902. The Eton Collection of Books, etc., by the Rt. Hon. L. V.Hareourt is perhaps the largest in existence. Loan Collection of Portraits, Views, and Other Objects connected with the Hist, of Eton, on occasion of the 450th anniversary of the foundation. Eton College, 1891. Privately Printed. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Eton, 1891. Cust (Sir Lionel). Bton College Portraits. (Spottiswoode & Co.) Harvey (Francis). A Catal. of Rare Mezzotint Portraits of Celebrated Btonians. London : 4 St. James's Street, n.d. Thackeray (Rev. P. St. John). Bton College Library. Reprinted from ' Notes S( Queries.' Eton, 1881. James (Montague R.). A Descriptive Catal. of the MSS. in the Library of Bton College. 1895. AUnutt (W. H.). English Provincial Presses— Sir H. Savile's Eton Press, 1610-13. (Bihliographica, vol. ii. pp. 376-278. 1896.) Proctor (Robert). The Trench Royal Greek Types and the Bton Chrysostom. (Biblio. Soc. Trans., vol. vii. pp. 49-74. 1904.) Peddie (R. A.). The Greek Type of the Bton Chrysostom. (Bibliographical r, vol. i. no. 3. 1906.) BEAOONSFIELD. Summers (W. H.). Some Documents in the State Papers relating to Beaconsfield. (Bucks. Archit. ^ Archceol. Soc. — Records of Bucks., vol. vii. pp. 97-114. 1893.) HIGH WYCOMBE. Summers (W. H.). Some Documents in the State Papers relating to High Wycombe. (Bucks. Archit. ^ Archceol. Soc— Records of Bucks., vol. vii. pp. 304f-313. 1895.) Chipping Wycombe. Charters relating to the Borough. 1817. 16 A HANDBOOK TO BUTESHIRE. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Bnteshire Collection. Bute, Marquess of, at Mountstuart ... 3rd Rep. pp. xiii., xxii. and App. pp. 202-209, 403, 403 ; Sth Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. 617-620. County Council Records, 1650, etc., at County Buildings, Bute. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 83.) Burgh. Records, 1400, etc., at Rothesay. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 98.) Livingstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Buteshire, p. 173. Turnbull (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Buteshire Registers, pp. 38, 39. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Alunicipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Buteshire, p. 131. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Buteshire. (.Tourn. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 337. 1874'.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. ITote on Buteshire Birds. ('Flie Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 262, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 31.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 210, 1893.) Fishes. (Ibid. p. 261, 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Buteshire, p. 382. CAITHNESS. MOWAT (John). A BIBLIOGRAFKT OF CAITHNBSS : WITH If OTBS. Wick and Glasgow. 1909. A List of Books and Pamphlets relating to the North of Scotland, with special reference to Caithness and Sutherland. (Old- Lore Miscellany — Viking Club, vol. ii. pp. 238-242 ; vol. iii. pp. 4.9-54, 170-176, 224, 225 ; vol. iv. pp. 45-47, 99- 101,151,152,201-205; vol. v. pp. 38-43, 82-89, 134^136. 1909-12.) Reprinted as ' Biblio. of Caithness and Sutherland.' London : Viking Club. 1910. Caithness and Sutherland Records. Bztracts from Bocuments, etc., with translations. Viking Club, London. 1909, etc. In progress. Livingstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Caithness, pp. 114, 174, 177. Turnbull (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Caithness Registers, pp. 39-40. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. v. 1897.) Caithness, p. 131. Biblio. of Historical Monuments, etc., in the Co. of Caithness, in Inventory of Monuments, etc., in the County of Caithness. (Hist. Monuments (Scot.) Comm., 3rd Rep., pp. xvi.-xviii. 1911.) Catal. of Heraldic, Geneal. and Antiq. Books and MSS. which belonged to Alex. Sinclair, son of Sir John Sinclair, of Ulbster. 1877. Privately Printed by the Earl of Glasgow. Mackay (Angus). Sutherland and Caithness in Ancient Geography and Maps. (Soc. of Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol xhi. pp. 79-94. 1908.) Historicus. Some References to Witchcraft and Charming from Caith- ness and Sutherland Church Records. (Old-Lore Miscellany— Viking Club, vol. ii. pp. 110-115, 171, 172, 193 ; vol. iii. pp. 47, 48. 1909-10.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 17 CAITHNESS (continued). Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the BritisH Counties. Caithness. {Joum. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 337. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Note on Caithness Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 263, 1890, and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 31.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, ber. 3, vol. xvii. p. 210. 1893.) Keptiles. (Ibid. p. 249. 1893.) Pishes. (Ibid. p. 361. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Calthneas, p. 383. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Caithness, vol. ii. p. 659. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. BOWES (Kobert). A CATAIiO&UB OF BOOKS PKIUTBS AT, OB RELATING TO, THE UNIVERSITY, TOWN, ASTB COUNTY OP CAMBRIDGE PROM 1521 TO 1893, with Biblio. and Biog. Notes. (Index by Ernest Worman). 3 vols. Cambridge. 1894. Appendix III. List of Maps, Views, Caricatures, &c., pp. 497-504. Bartholomew (Augustus Theodore). Cambridge University Library. Catal. of the Books and Papers, for the most part relating to the University, Town, and County of Cambridge, bequeathed to the University by John Willis Clark, M.A. Cambridge. 1913. The principal sources of the collection were these : (1) An important ' Catalogue of tracts, etc., relating to Cambridgeshire' was issued by A. R. Smith, of Soho Square, in 1878, and from this Mr. Clark bought extensively. (2) The Bev. Stephen Parkinson, Fellow of St. John's College (B.A. 1815, M.A. 1848), wag in the habit of preserving all Cambridge papers which came into his hands ; his collection was acquired by Mr. Clark and filled numerous gaps in the long series of fly-sheets, programmes, proposals, &c., which is a particularly valuable feature of the Clark Collection (see the Catalogue, s. v. ' Cambridge Papers ' and ' Fly Sheets '). (3) Mr. Henry Bradsha w. University Librarian, added many tracts to the collection ; and at the sale which followed his death in 1886, Mr. Clark acquired many more Cambridge items. (4) Dr. H. R. Luard, Registrary, who died in 1891, left Mr. Clark his University pamphlets and Bentleiana. (5) In 1894 Mr. Robert Bowes published his remarkable 'Catalogue of Cambridge Books,' and a large number of the pieces there described made their way into the Cambridge collection at Scroope House. In addition to these main sources, Mr. Clark rarely missed an opportunity of securing any books which came within the scope of his collection wherever and whenever he happened to see them. Mr. Clark's main idea in forming the collection was to illustrate the history and development of Cambridge by means of its literature ; he collected from an historical and biographical rather than from a blbliogi'aphioal point of view. Most of the books of typo- graphical interest which were originally included in his Cambridge Collection he gave to the Library in 1902, in order that they might appear in Mr. Sayle's ' Early English Printed Books' in the University Library, Cambridge. Ill addition to the books and papers here described, Mr. Clark left to the University a collection of prints and drawings of the University, Town, and County of Cambridge. Besides topographical engravings and plans the collection includes a series of original pencil sketches by George Nicholson (1816); architectural drawings by Professor Willis; and photographs of University ceremonies. It is hoped that these may be fuUy described in a projected comprehensive Catalogue of Cambridge Prints and Plans. Cambridge University Library, Clark Collection, p. 282. A Short Bibliography of J. W. Clark, by A. T. B. and C. G., appears in the J. W. Clark Memorial Volume, ' Fasciculus Joanni Willis Clark dicatus.' 1909. Documents relating to the University and Colleges of Cambridge. Pub- lished by the Commissioners on the Univ. and Colleges. 3 vols. London, 1853. Sandars (Samuel). An Annotated List of Books printed on vellum, to be found in the University and College Libraries at Cambridge. With an Appendix containing a List of Works referring to the Bibliography and Palaeo- graphy of Cambridge Libraries. Camb. Antiq. Soc. Octavo Publication. No. XV. 1878. Luard (H. R.). List of Documents in the University Registry, 1266- 1544. {Camb. Antiq. Soc. Communications, vol. iii. pp. 385-403. 1876.) 18 A HANDBOOK TO CAMBRIDGESHIRE {continued). Fink (John); Catal. of Cambridge Books, Maps, and Prints. 1874, and New Edn. 1889. An Index to the Keports and Abstracts of Proceedings, including Subjects and Authors of Communications and Publications, from 1840 to 1897, of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. (Octavo Publication. No. xxx. 1898.) Bowes (Robert). The First Printing in Cambridge. Prospectus of a reprint of Linacre's edition of Galen, 1521, and other early Cambridge Books. 1879. The First Printing in Cambridge. Prospectus of a reprint of Bullock's Oratio, 1521, and other early Cambridge Books. 1886. Facsimiles of title-pages and colophons of Early Cambridge Books. (A series of photographs and lithographs.) 1879. Biog. ITotes on the University Printers, from the Commencement of Printing in Cambridge to the present time. (Camb. Antiq. Soc. Communications, vol. V. pp. 283-362. 1886.) Note on the Cambridge University Press, 1701-07. [Camb. Antiq. Soc. Communications, vol. vi. pp. 362-367. 1887.) Cambridge Bookshops and Booksellers, 1846-1858. {Publishers' Cir- cular, vol. xcvii. pp. 7, 127. 1912.) On the First and Other Early Cambridge Newspapers. (Camb. Antiq. Soc. Proc, vol. viii. pp. 347-358. 1894.) Bowes (Robert) and Gray (George J.). John Siberch : Biblio. Notes, 1886- 1905. CambridEce, 1906. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Cambridgeshire, pp. 90, 91. Cambridge, pp. 184, 185. Ely, p. 439. Wisbech, pp. 420, 421. Davenport (Frances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Cambs. Manorial Hist., pp. 38, 39. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Cambs. vol. ii. p. 671. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Cam- bridgeshire, p. 5. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen &Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Cambs. Brasses, with a List, pp. 139 and 149, 150. Murray (David). 'Museums,' Glasgow. 1904. Biblio. Note on Cambridge Museums, vol. ii. pp. 156-160. Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Catal. of the First Exhibition of Portraits in the Camb. Antiq. Society's Collection, and Cambridge Caricatures to 1840, held May and June, 1908. Cambridge. 1908. Porter (Charles P.). Cambridge Libraries. (Book-Auction Records, vol. iv. pt. 3, pp. XXV. -xxx. 1907.) Allnutt (W. H.). English Provincial Presses— Earliest Printing at Cam- bridge. (Biblioffraphica, vol. ii. pp. 28, 29, 165-168. 1896.) Bradshaw (Henry). Books printed by J. Siberch at Cambridge, 1521-2. ' Biblio. Introduction to facsimile of Henrici Bulloci Oratio, &o. 1531. Cambridge, 1886. Vide also Jenkinson (F. J. H.). On a Letter from P. Kaetz to J. Siberch. (Camb. Antiq. Soc. Proc, vol. vii. pp. 186-189) and 'On a Copy of Linacre's Oalen de Temperamentis, 1521,' printed by J. Siberch, at Trinity Coll., Dublin. (Ibid., vol. ix. pp. 1-3.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 19 CAMBRIDGESHIRE {continued). Protliero(0. W.). A Memoir of Henry Bradshaw. 1888. App. III. List of the Published Work of Henry Bradshaw, pp. 432-437. roster (J. E.). On Two Books printed by John Siberch, in AU Souls' Coll., Oxford. (Camh. Antiq. Soo. Proc, -vol. vni. ^.S\. 1891.) Jenkinson (F. J. H.). On a unic(,tie fragfment of a book printed at Cam- bridge by Jobn Siberch, early in the sixteenth century. (Camb. Antiq. Soc. Proc, vol. vii. pp. 104, 105. 1890.) List of Books printed at Cambridge, 1521-1650. See Bowes (Robert). Catal. of Books printed at, or relating to, Cambridge, 1894. App. iv. pp. 505-516. Roberts (T. C). The University Press. {The Camb. Mag. ,yo\. ii. pp. 299-303. Oray (George J.). The Earlier Cambridge Stationers and Bookbinders, and the First Cambridge Printer. (Biblio. Soc. Monographs, No. 13. 1904.) The Early Stationers, Bookbinders, and the First Printer of Cambridge. {Biblio. Soc. Trans., vol. vi. pp. 145-148. 1903.) Gray (J. P.) and Sons. A Note upon the Early Camb. Binders of the sixteenth century. 1900. Cambridge Booksellers and Printers. A List. {Notes (& Queries, ser. 10, vol. vii. pp. 26, 75. 1907.) Fordham (Sir Herbert G.). Cambridgeshire maps: a descriptive Catal. of the Maps of the County, and of the Great Level of the Fens, 1579-1900. Camb. 1904-1908. (Also issued in Carnh. Antiq. Soc. Proc, vol. xi. pp. 101- 172; vol. xii. pp. 152-231. 1905-08.) Smith (G. C. Moore). Cambridge Plans before 1585. (J. W. Clark Memorial Volume, ^Fasciculus Joanni Willis Clark dicatus,'' 1909.) Clark (John Willis). John Hamond's Plan of Cambridge, 1592. {Camb. Antiq. Soc. Proc, vol. vii. pp. 13, 14. 1888.) Willis (Robert) and Clark (John Willis). List of Authorities, MS. Col- lections of Baker and Cole, Plans and Views of Cambridge. {Architectural Hist, of the Univ. of Camb., 1886, vol. 1, pp. xcii.-cxxxiv.) Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Cambridgeshire Collections. Cambridge Corporation Christ's College Clare College ... Corpus Christi College Downing College Emmanuel College . . . Gonville and Caius College Jesus College King's College Magdalene College ... Pembroke College Queen's College St. Catherine's College St. John's College 1st Rep. App. p. 99. 1st Rep. App. p. 63. 2nd Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 110-116. 1st Rep. App. pp. 64-67. The Bowtell Coll. 3rd Rep. p. xx. and App. pp. 320-27. 4th Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 417-42] . 2nd Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 116-118. 2nd Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 118-121. 1st Rep. App. pp. 67-69. Sth Rep. p. XV. and App. pp. 481-484. 1st Rep. App. pp. 69-73 ; 5th Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 484-88. 1st Rep. App. pp. 72-73. 4th Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 421-428. 1st Rep. App. pp. 74-77. 20 A HANDBOOK TO CAMBBIDGESHIBE {continited). Hist. mSS. Comm. Reports. Cambridge, St. Peter's College 1st Rep. App. pp. 77-83. Sidney Sussex College 3rd Rep. p. xx. and App. pp. 327-339. Trinity College 1st Rep. App. pp. 82-86. Trinity Hall 2nd Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 121-133. Registry of the University 1st Rep. App. p. 73. Ely, Bishop of 13th Rep. p. 44. and App. IX. pp. 375-388. Dean and Chapter of. 12th Rep. p. 43 and App. IX. pp. 389-396. Wisbech Corporation 9th Rep. p. xiv. and App. I. pp. 293-299. Cole (Itev. W.). Collections of MSS. chiefly relating to the County of Cam- bridge in the Brit. Museum, in 93 vols, numbered. Add. MSS. 5798-3887. Gen. Index to the fii-st forty-six vols. Add. MS. 5801. Other Indexes are at Add. MSS. 5799 and 5800. Gray (Oeorge J.). Index to the Contents of the Cole MSS. in the British Museum. Bowes & Bowes. Cambridge. 1913. Suckling's Collections for Cambridgeshire (1831-18.S9) in Brit. Museum, numbered Add. MSS. 18,476, 18,478, 18,481, 18,483.— Index. Add. MS. 18,491. Baker's Collections for the University of Cambridge, in 42 vols., at St. John's College, Cambridge, and at the British Museum. Index to the Baker MSS. By four members {i.e. J. J. Smith, C. C. Babinoton, C. W. GooDwiif, and J. Power) of the Camb. Antiq. Society. Cambridge, 1848. MS. Collections relating to Cambridgeshire are in Trinity Coll. Library, Cambridge. Lamb (John), Dean of Bristol. Collection of Isctters, Statutes, & other Documents from the MSS. Library of Corpus Christi Coll., illustrative of the Hist, of the Univ. of Camb. from MD, to,MDLXII. London, 1838. Bannister (B,ev. H. M.) A Short Notice of some MSS. of the Cambridge Friars, now in the Vatican Library. (Brit. Soc. of Franciscan Studies. 'Collectanea Franciscana.^ vol. i. pp. 114-123, 154, 155. 1914.) Coleman's Cambridgeshire Deeds. By C. Parsons and W. M. Paljier. {East Anglian, Ser. 3, vol. xiii. pp. 230, 267, 280, 291, 323, 354, 373. 1909-10.) Lists of Depositories of Records in Cambridgeshire. {Local Records Comm. Bep., 1902, pp. 243-243.) Whitaker (W.). Geology of the Neighbourhood of Cambridge. With a Biblio. Appendix. 1881. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Cambridge- shire. (Journ. of Botam/, vol. xii. Tp. 111. 1874.) Miller (Christy). Biblio. Note on Cambs. Birds. (7he Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 249, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 8.) Mammals. {Tlie Zooloaist, Ser. 3, vol, xvii. p. 176, 1893.) Reptiles. {Ihid. p. 241, 1893.) Pishes. (Ibid. p. 252, 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Biit. Topo., 1881. Cambridgeshire, pp. 54-63. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Cambridgeshire, pp. 121-125. Sims (Ricliard). Manual for the Genealogist. 1861. Cambridgeshire, pp. 162, 200, 230. Upcott (WiUlam). English Tope, 1818. Cambridgeshire, vol. i. pp. 32-60, 588-599. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc., 1878. Cambridgeshire, pp. 19-34, 458-459. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Cambridgeshire, vol. i. pp. 191-246. Bandiuel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib, by Richard Gough, 1814. Cambiidgeshire, pp. 55-84. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 21 CAMBRIDGESHIRE (continued). ELY. Ely Cathedral Records. William I., etc., witli MS. Index, at Ely Cathedral. (Local Records Gomm. Rep., 1902. App. III. p. 110.) Ely Diocesan Records, Coiirt Rolls, etc., from 1337, with Printed Index, at the Palace, Ely. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902. App. III. p. 104) Gibbons (Alfred). Ely Episcopal Records, Calendar and Concise View of Episcopal Records, preserved in the Muniment Room at Ely. Privately- printed. 1891. Chapman (P. R.). Sacrist Rolls of Ely. Vol. I.— Notes on Transcripts. Vol. II.— Transcripts. For Private Circulation. Camb., 1908. Ecclesiastical Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. WISBECH. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Wisbech Museum, vol. III. p. 275. Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Miller (S. H.). The Camp of Refuge : a Tale of the Isle of Ely. Wisbech. 188T. Biblio. of the Fenland, pp. 487-490. CARDIGANSHIRE. Evans (George Eyre). Aberystwyth Printed Books and Pamphlets, 1809- 1902. (Supplement to '■Aberystwyth and its Court Leet^ 1902.) Also issued separately. Cardiganshire : A personal Survey of some of its Antiquities, Chapels, Churches, Fonts, Plate and Registers. Aberystwyth, 1903. Hist. MSS. Comm. Report. Cardiganshire Collection. Stewart, Capt. James, of AUtyrodyn, Llandyssil 10th Rep. p. 5 and App. IV. pp. 59-146. Notes on Records relating to Lampeter and Cardiganshire. By R. W. B. (Archceol. Camb. Ser. 4, vol. ix. pp. 292-302. 1878.) Archdeaconry of Cardigan. Court Leet Records, 1690 - 1785, at Aberystwyth. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 126.) Index to a Volume of Pedigrees of Caermarthenshire, Cardiganshire, and Pembrokeshire, circa 1700, belonging to J. L. Philipps, of Dale, co. Pembroke, 1857. Privately Printed at Middle Hill Press. An Index of Pedigrees of Caermarthenshire, Cardiganshire, and Pem> brokeshire, in continuation of Lewis Dwnn, to about the years 1700-10. Privately printed at Middle Hill Press. 1859. Catal. of Local Museum exhibited in St. David's Coll. , Lampeter, 1878, includes Books, MSS., &c. (Archaiol. Camb., Ser. 4, vol. x. pp. 65-68. 1879.) Lyell (Arthur K.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains, 1912. Cardiganshire, p. 143. Plomer (Henry R.). Thomas Johnes Private Press at Hafod. (Some Private Presses of the Nineteenth Century, in The Library, New Ser., vol. i. pp. 407, 408. 1900.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Cardigan- shire. (.Tourn. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 157. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Cardiganshire Birds. (Catal. of Local Lists of Brit. Birds, 1891, p. 9.) Anderson (John P.). Book o£ Brit. Topo., 1881. Cardiganshire, pp. 313, 311. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Cardiganshire, vol. ii. p. 506. 22 A HANDBOOK TO CARLOW. Dix (Ernest Regrinald McClintock). Early Printing in the South-East of Ireland. Part I. Carlow. Part II. Clonmel. Reprint, n.d. Irish Provincial Printing prior to 1701. {The Libraiy, New Ser. vol. ii. pp. 342-348. 1901.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Carlow, p. 428. Gross (Charles). Bihlio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Carlow, p. 118. CARMARTHENSHIRE. Bibliography of Carmarthen. (Carmarthenshire Antiq. Soc. Tram., vol. i. pp. 61, 67, 72; vol. ii. p. 142; vol. v. pp. S, 61, 77 ; vol. vi. pp. 35, 76 ; vol vii. pp. 60, 68, 69, 75, 76, 82, 88 ; vol. viii. pp. 8, 12, 23 ; vol. ix. pp. 8, 40, 44. 1905-14.) In progress. Books printed at Carmarthen. (Carm. Antiq. Soe. Trans., vol. 1. pp. 60, 61, 63, 65, 67 ; vol. iv. p. 75. 1905-9. ) List of Carmarthen Books not recorded in RoTRrland's ' Llyfryddiaeth y Cymru.' (Carm. Antiq. Soc. Tram., vol. i. p. 71. 1905.) Biblio. of References to Carmarthenshire from the Archseol. Cambrensls, 1846-lSOO. By M. H. Jones. (Carm. Antiq. Soc. Tram., vol. i. pp. 4, 30. 1905.) Daniel -Tyssen (J.R.). Royal Charters and Historical Documents relating to the Town and County of Carmarthen, and the Abbeys of Talley and Tygwyn- ar-Daf. Edited and Annotated by A. C. Evans. 1878. The Genealogical and Topographical MSS. relating to the Town and County of Carmarthen formerly belonging to the late Alcwyn C. Evans are now in private ownership in Carmarthen. Levis (E. A.). A Collection of Hist. Documents relating to Carmarthen Castle fromtheearliesttimestothecloseofthereign of Henry VIII. (' West Wales Hist. Records' in Hist. Soc. of West Wales. Trans., vol. iii. pp. 1-72. 1913.) In progress. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. [Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Carmarthenshire, pp. S8, 190. Carmarthen. Borough Records, 1580, etc., at Tovm Clerk's Office, Car- marthen. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902. App. III., p. 48.) Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Carmarthenshire Collection. Williams, Sir John, at Plas Llan- Reports on MSS. in Welsh language, Stephan Vol. ii. Part II. pp. 419-782. Kidwelly Charters, 135^-1619. (Archasol. Camb., Ser. 3, vol. ii. pp. 273-281 ; vol. iii. pp. 1-22. 1856-57.) Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society. Classification of Contents of Transactions, by M. H. Jones. (' Oift Booke,' by A. Stepney-Gulston, pp. 54-59. 1907.) Privately pubUshed. Indez to a Volume of Pedigrees of Caermarthenshire, Cardiganshire, and Pembrokeshire, circa 1700, belonging to J. L. Philipps, of Dale, co. Pembroke. 1857. Privately Printed at Middle Hill Press. An Index of Pedigrees of Caermarthenshire, Cardiganshire, and Pem- brokeshire, in continuation of Lewis Dwnn, to about the years 1700-10. Privately Printed at Middle Hill Press, 1859. Summary of Ancient Records preserved in the Diocesan Registry at Carmarthen. (Carm. Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. i. p. 82. 1905.) Dawson (Mrs. M. L.). References to the Churches of Carmarthenshire in the Papal Registers for 13th and 14th Centuries. (Carm. Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. 1. p. 87. 1905.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 23 CABMABTHENSHIBE {continued). Carmarthen Non-Parochial Regfisters in 1827. (Carm. Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. i. p. 59. 1905.) Carmarthenshire Worthies in the Dictionary of National Biogrraphy. By G. Eyre Evans. {Carm. Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. i. p. 77. 1905.) Lyell (Arthur K.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1913. Carmarthenshire, p. 14,3. Speed's Map of Carmarthenshire in 1610. {Carm. Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 5-11. 1905.) Buckley (J.). Early Carmarthen Printers. 1770-1835. ( Carm. Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. ii. p. 212 ; vol. vii. pp. 58, 88 ; vol. vili. p. 14. 1907-12.) Waters (W.). John Ross, Printer. {Carm. Antiq. Soc. Tram., vol. i. pp. 61, 65, 71, 75, 101 i vol. ii. p. 222; vol. iii. pp. 74, 83; vol. viii. p. 53. 1905-13.) Phillips (D. Rhys). Isaac Carter, the Pioneer of Welsh Printing. — Printing Presses at Newcastle Emlyn and Trefhedyn. {Welsh Bihlio. Soc. Joum., vol. i. pp. 129-133. 1912.) J. Daniel, Bookseller. {Carm. Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. i. p. 109; vol. v. p. 57. 1905, 10.) Carmarthen Booksellers. (Carm. Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. viii. pp. 2, 9, 12. 1912.) Llanelly Bibliography. {Cann. Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. vi. p. 76; vol. viii. p. 84. 1911-13.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Carmarthen- shire. {Jom-n. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 157. 1874.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Carmarthenshire, p. 344. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Carmarthenshire, vol. 11. p. 510. CARNARVONSHIRE. Bangor, Archdeaconry of. Bcclesiastical Records, 1550, etc., at Rectory House, Trefdraeht. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 118.) Carnarvon. Borough Records, 1684, etc., at Town Clerk's Oifi.ce, Car- narvon. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 50.) Conway Municipal Records. By Edward Owen. {Archceol. Camb., Ser. 5, vol. vii. pp. 326-233. 1890.) Jones (Rev. C. W. F.). A Catal. of the Books in the Bangor Cathedral library. 1872. Lyell (Arthur K.). Biblio. List of Romano -British Remains, 1912. Carnarvonshire, p. 143. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the Brit. Counties. Carnarvonshire. (Joum. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 157. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Carnarvonshire Birds. (Catal. of Local Lists of BHt. Birds, 1891, p. 9.) Reptiles. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 241. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Carnarvonshire, pp. 345-347. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Carnarvonshire, vol. ii. p. 521, CAVAN. Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Cavan, p. 498. aough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Cavan, p. 784. Macalister (R. A. Stewai-t). Studies in Irish Epigraphy. Part II. Biblio. of Cavan Epigraphy. 1902. M A HANDBOOK TO CHANNEL ISLANDS. JERSEY. Duprey (Eugene). Essai de BiWiograpliie Jersiaise. Catal. d'auteurs qui ont ecrit sur Jersey. {Soc. Jersiaise Bull., vol. iv. pp. 157-192. 1899.) Liste des Cartes, pp. 179-185, ler Supplement, 1902. [Ibid. vol. v. pp. 57-72. 1902.) Liste des Livres, Manuscripts, et Objets qui appartiennent a la Soc. Jersiaise. (See Bulletin, vol. i. pp. 60-67, 131, 173, 229, 344-350. 1876-82.) Documents relatifs auz lies de la Manche tires des Il61es des Iiettres Closes consenres au 'Public Kecord Of&ce' a Londres, 1205-1327. Ediths par F. H. Barreau, H. M. Godfray. and W. NicoUe. (Sociiti Jersiaise. Publication IX., Partie 1, 2. 1891-93.) Documents relatifs aux Ilea conserves a la Bibl. de Caen. Archives du Calvados. (Soc. /emawe. B^a, vol. v. pp. 180-188. 1905.) Mills (Col. D. A.). CartograpMe Jersiaise. (Soc. Jersiaise. Bull., vol. vi. pp. 319-381. 1908.) Bibliographic, p. 378. Actes des i^tats de I'lle de Guernesey, 1605 a 1651. Table alphab^tique des Matiferes. Guernsey, 1851, etc. Isle of (S-uernsey. Encyclopsedic Catal. of the Iiendiug Department of the QTiiUe-A116s Library and Museum, compiled by A. Cotgreave and H. Boland. 1891. (Contains numerous entries relating to the Channel Isles.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Channel Islands Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 250, 1890, and reprinted in pamph. 1891, p. 42.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Channellslands, pp. 25-28. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc., 1878. Channel Islands, pp. 35, SB. CHESHIRE. [As many bibliographical works relating to this county include Lancashire as well, reference should be made under both ' Cheshire ' and ' Lancashire.'] COOKE (JOHN IIENB,7). BIBLIOTHECA CESTKIENSIS, OR A BIBLIOG-RAFKICAL ACCOUNT OF BOOKS, MAPS, PLATES, and other Printed Matter relating to, printed or published in, or written by Authors resident in the County of Cheshire. 1904. List of Maps, Plates, &c. , pp. 26, 51-52, 132-185. List of Newspapers, p. 143. Penwick (George Lee). Hist, of Chester. 1896. Bibliogi-aphy, pp. 445-460. Biblio. of Lanes, and Cheshire Publications during 1876. {Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. iii. pp. 261-302. 1877.) Biblio. of Lanes, and Cheshire Antiquities. 1889. By Erkest Axon. (Lanes. ^ Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. vii. pp. 327-332. 1890.) Biblio. of Lanes, and Cheshire Antiquities. 1890. By Ernest Axon. (Ibid. vol. viii. pp. 195-204. 1891.) Biblio. of Lanes, and Cheshire Antiquities, 1891, and Subject-Index to Biblio. of Local Antiquities, 1889-91. By Ehnest Axon. (Ibid. vol. ix. pp. 217-221. 1892.) Biblio. of Lanes, and Cheshire Antiquities, 1892, and Subject-Index. By Ernest Axon. (Ibid. vol. x. pp. 230-236. 1893.) Biblio. of Lanes, and Cheshire Antiquities and Biography, with Subject- Indexes, 1893-99. By John Hibbert Swann. (Ibid. vol. xii. p. 148 ; vol. xiii. p. 201; vol. xiv. p. 212; vol. xv. p. 229; vol. xvi. p. 188; vol. xvii. p. 871. 1895-1900.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 25 CHESHIRE {continued). Biblio. of Iiancs. and Cheshire AnticLuities, and Bio^ri^aphical Fuhlica- tions, 1900-03, and Subject-Indexes. By Noiiman Hoi.lins. {Ibid. vol. xvlli. pp. 165-1T6 ; vol. xix. pp. 276-287 ; vol, xx. pp. 265-275 ; vol. xxi. pp. 224-233. 1901-03.) Barlow (Thomas Worthinffton). A List of Books and Tracts wholly or in part relating to Cheshire History. (The Cheshire ^ Lanes. Hist. Col- lector, vols. 1. and ii. 1853-55.) MS. List of Cheshire Books (in the possession of T. Cann Hughes). Cheshire Authors. By 'A Cheshire Bookworm.' [Advertiser Notes ^ Queries. Stockport, vol. v. pp. 29, 43, 51. 1885.) Cheshire Bibliography, arranged under Authors. Second Series. {Advertiser Notes ^ Queries. Stockport, vol. v. pp. 64, 74, 88, 113, 152, 170. 1885.) This is in continuation of the preceding- entry. Cheshire Bibliography. Arranged under Authors ending at Drinkwater. {Cheshire Notes S/; Queries, vol. vii. pp. 1, 30, 113, 175, 244; vol. viii. pp. 4, 60, 144, 229, 249. 1887-88.) Sutton (Albert). Bibliotheca Cestriensis. An Appendix of Cheshire Books to the Bibliotheca Lancastriensis. 1893 and 1898. Winstanley (R.). Sale Catal. of Works relating to Lanes, and Cheshire. (Collected by Thomas Heywood.) Manchester, 1835. Forshaw (Charles T.). Bibliography of Cheshire. (Cheshire Notes cj Queries. New Ser. vol. v. pp. 230, 231. 1900.) A few items, principally of Chester Books. Hughes (Thomas). On Chester Literature, Its Authors and Publishers during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. (Chester Archit. Archceol. S( Hist. Sac. Journ., vol. ii. pp. 21-30. 1856.) Robson (John). The Materials for the Hist, of the Two Counties (Lanes. and Cheshire) and the Mode of Using Them. (Lanes. ^ Cheshire Hist. Soc. Proc, vol. V. pp. 199-217; Trans., vol. vii. pp. 99-114; vol. x. pp. 47-58. 1853-58.) Nodal (John K.). Special Collections of Books in Lanes, and Cheshire. {Lib. Assoc, of the U.K. Tran.i., 1879, pp. 54-60 and App. III., and Manchester Literary Club. Pa2}ei-s, vol. vi. pp. 31-57. 1880.) Madeley (C). Limits of Local Collections in the Town Libraries of Lanes, and Cheshire. (Manchester Literarc/ Club Papers, vol. vi. 1880.) Warrington Municipal Museum. Catal. of the Reference Library. By C. Madeley. (Cheshire Records, Books, Maps, etc., and includes the Hundred of Bucklow.) 1898-1908. [Gower (P.)]. Materials for a Hist, of Cheshire. 1771. (Contains a list of curious old Cheshire MSS. in possession of Author.) Oower's Sketch of Materials for a New Hist, of Cheshire, with a New Preface, and an Account of further materials for his History. 3rd Edn. 1800. A List of MSS. in the possession of Thos. Gower in 17?!, when he was collecting materials for a Hist, of Cheshire. See Cooke (John H.), 'Bibl. Cestriensis? pp. 130, 131.) Poote Gower MS. Collections for Cheshire, at the British Museum. Add. MSS. 11335-11338. General Index to the Remains, Historical and Literary, published by the Chetham Soc, vols, i.-xxx. and vols, xxxi.-cxiv. Manchester, 1863 and 1893. 26 A HANDBOOK TO CHESHIRE (continued). Index to tlie Transactions of the Kist. Soc. of Lanes, and Chesliire, vol. i.-Ii., 1849-1909, in vol. liv., 1902. Compiled by F. C. Beazley, and Rough Index to Papers and Communications, vol. lii.-lxi. in vol. Ixi. 1909. Smith (K. Ecroyd). Catal. of the Iiibrary of the Hist. Soc. of Lanes, and Cheshire. 1876. Indexes to the Transactions of the Lanes, and Cheshire Antici. Soc, vols. i.-x. in vol. x., 1892; vols, xi.-xx. in vol. xx., 1902 ; and vols. xxi.-xxx. in vol. XXX., 1913. Subject-Indexes to vols, i.-iii., 1849-85, and New Ser. vols, i.-xviii., 1887-1911, of the Journal of the Chester and ITorth Wales Archseol. and Kist. Soc. Chester, 1912. Chester and North Wales Archteol. and Hist. Soc. Records from fourteenth century at the Grosvenor Museum, Chester. {Local Records Comm. Rep. , 1902 ; App. III. p. 132.) The Chester and North Wales Arch. Soc. has a large Topog. Library, but no Catal. has been published. Indexes to the Reports and Papers of the Associated Architectural Societies, etc., vols, i.-viii. (1850-66); vols, ix.-xiv. (1867-78); vols, xv.-xix. (1879-88) ; and vols, xx.-xxv. (1889-1900). Lincoln, 1867-1905. Sutton (C. W.). Lanes, and Cheshire Archeeologjr : a List of some Con- tributions in some Archeeologieal Journals, reprinted from ' The Palatine Note Book.' Manchester, 1881. Hawkins (Edward). MS. Catal. of Cheshire Printed Books (in the possession of T. Cann Hughes). Axon (W. E. A.) A Paper on Provincial Biblio. having special reference to Lanes, and Cheshire. (Manchester Literary Club. Papers, vol. ill. pp. 183-186. 1877.) Also issued separately. The Libraries of Lanes, and Cheshire. (Lib. Assoc, of the U.K. Trans. 1879, pp. 47-53, and Manchester Literani Club. Papers, vol. vi. pp. 21-30. 1880.) Sir John Chesshyre's Library at Halton in Cheshire. (The Library Journ., New York. Vol. iv. pp. 35-38. 1879.) A reprint of the Rules and Orders made by Sir John Chesshyre, Knt., for the Library, together with his Catal. of Books [dated 17331. Preface by G. D. Wray. [1898]. Formby (Thomas) and Axon (Ernest.) List of the Writings of W. Thomp- son Watkin. (Lanes. &■ Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. vi. pp. 173-178. 1888.) Evans (George Eyre). Record of the Provincial Assembly of Lanes, and Cheshire (with lists of Non-Parochial Registers, and Biblio. Notes to Biographies and Places). Manchester, 1896. Harrison (William). Early Maps of Cheshire. (Lanes. * Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. xxvi. pp. 1-26. 1909.) See also Cooke (John H.), Bibl. Cestriensis, pp. 36, 51-52, 132-135. List of Private Acts relating to the County of Chester. London : Stevens & Sons, circa 1912. Oross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Cheshire, pp. 91-92. Chester, pp. 191-194. Davenport (Prances &.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial History. 1894. Biblio. Note on Cheshire Manorial History, p. 39. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY, 27 CHESHIRE {continued). Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Cheshire, vol. ii. p. 672. A Catal. of the Museum of Antiquities exhibited at the King's School, Chester, at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Brit. Archeeol. Assoc. Chester. 184.9. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano -British Remains. 1913. Cheshire, pp. S-8. Mackliu (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : George Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Cheshire Brasses, with a List, p. 150. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Chester Museum, vol. ii. p. 175. Allnutt (W. H.). English Provincial Presses. Earliest Printing at Chester. (Biblioffraphica, vol. ii. pp. 293, 294. 1896.) Special Collections of Cheshire Books, &c., at Birkenhead Public Library, Northwich Public Library, Hyde Public Library, and at Grosvenor Museum, Chester, and a Local Collection at Stockport. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Cheshire Collections. Antrobus, Mr. J. C, at Eaton Hall, Congleton 3nd Rep. p. xi. and App. p. 69. Bromley-Davenport, Mr. W., at 3nd Rep. p. xi. and App. pp. 78-81 ; Baginton Hall, CO. Warwick ... 10th Rep. p. 30 and App. VI. pp. 98-103. Grey-Egerton, Sir Philip de M., at Oulton Hall, CO. Chester 3rd Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 244^246. Legh, Mr. J. W., at Lyme Hall, co. Chester 3rd Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 268-371. Mainwaring, Sir P. T., at Peover HaU, CO. Chester 10th Rep. p. 4 and App. IV. pp. 199-210. de Tabley, Lord, at Tabley House, CO. Chester 1st Rep. p. ix. and App. pp. 46-50. Egerlon-Warburton. Mr. R. E., at Arley Hall, co. Chester 3rd Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 290-292. Westminster, Duke of, at Eaton Hall 3rd Rep. p. XV. and App. pp. 210-216. Wilbraham, Mr. G. F., at Delamere 3rd Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 292-293; House, CO. Chester 4th Rep. p. xv. and App. p. 416. Chester Corporation 8th Rep. p. xv. and App. pp. 355-403. Randle Holmes' MS. Collections for Cheshire, in about 270 vols, at the Brit. Museum. (Harl. MSS. 1980-2187, 7568, 7569. Helsby (T.) The MS. Collections of the Pour Randle Holmes of Chester. {The Cheshire Sheaf, Ser. 3, vol. ii. pp. 106-108. 1898.) Earwaker (J. P.). The Pour Randle Holmes, of Chester, Antic|.uaries, Heralds, and Genealogists, c. 1571 to 1?0!7. Manchester. 1892. Reprinted from Chester Archwol. dk Hist. Soc. Joum., New Ser. vol. iv. pp. 113-170. 1892. Harl. MS. 473, Brit. Mus. The Index to this Collection is in Harl. MS. 471. A Cheshire Collection apparently by Sampson Erdeswicke in 1574. Other Collections relating to Cheshire in the Brit. Museum are :— Harl. MS. 139. Collections of Rob. Bostocke; Lansd. MS. 644. Collections for- merly in possession of Warburton, Somerset Herald, purchased m 1759; Add. MSS. 5836 (f. 191) and 6031. Collections for the Hist, of the Townships ot Cheshire by Dr. Williamson ; Add. MS. 6032. Collections by John Woodnoth. Rondeau (J. B.). Manuscript Collections towards a Biblio. of Lanes, and Cheshire. In Wigan Free Library. 28 A HANDBOOK TO CHESHIRE {continued). Ormerod (George). A Memoir on the Clieshire Bomesday Roll, formerly preserved in the Exchequer of that Palatinate, to which is appended a Calendar of fragments of this lost record, etc. Not pubHshed. 1851. Lumby (J. H.). Chester, Birkenhead and Liverpool in the Patent and Close Rolls of the Three Edwards, with an Index of References. (HUt. Soc. of Lanes. ^- Cheshire. Trans., vol. liv. pp. 45-72. 1902.) Chester and Iiiverpool in the Patent Rolls of Richard II. and the Lancastrian and Yorkist Kings. {Hist. Soc. of Lanes, and Cheshire. Trans., vol. Iv. pp. 163-187. 1903.) A Calendar of Iiaucs. and Cheshire Hxchequer Depositions hy Com- mission, 1553-1702. Edited by C. Fishwick. (Record Soc. for Lanes, and Cheshire. Publications, vol. xi. 1885.) Moore Collection. A Calendar of that part of the Collection of Deeds and Papers of the Moore Family, of Bankhall, co. Lanes., now in the Liverpool Public Libraiy. By J. Brownbill. With an Appendix containing a Calendar of a further portion of the same collection, now in the Univ. of Liverpool School of Local Hist, and Records. By Kathleen Walker. (Record Soc. of Lanes. 4' Cheshire, vol. Ixvii. 1913.) See also Hist. MSS. Comm., 10th Re2i., Pt. iv. pp. 59-146. Capt. Stewart's MSS., in which are described many of the Moore documents. Morton (T. N.) The Family of Moore of Liverpool. Rough List of their Paper Records. {Hist. Soc. of Lanes. ^ Cheshire. Trans., vol. xxxviii. pp. 149-158. 1886.) MS. Lists are also at the Liverpool Public Library. Taylor (Henry.) Ten Early Cheater Deeds, 1S70-1490. (Chester Archit. ArchcEol. 4' Hist. Soc. .Touni., New. Ser. vol. x. pp. 101-116. 1904.) Burke (H. Farnham). Some Cheshire Deeds. (The Ancestor, No. 6. pp. 19-45. 1903.) County Records, 1559, etc. at Chester Castle, with MS. Index. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902. App. III. p. 16.) Selby (Walford D.). Lanes, and Cheshire Records in the Public Record Office, London. 3 vols. (Record Soc. for Lanes, and Cheshire, vols. vil.. viii. 1882-3.) List of Records of the Palatinates of Chester, Durham, and Lancaster, etc. preserved In the PubUc Record Office. {Public Record Office Lists and Indexes. No. XL. 1914.) Black (W. H.) On the Records of t£e County Palatine of Chester. (Brit. Archceol. Assoc. Journ., vol. v. pp. 187-195. 1850.) MS. Calendars and Indexes of the Records of the County Palatine of Chester, formerly kept in the Exchequer Office, Chester, now in the Wai'rington Museum. See Madeley (C.) Warrington Municipal Museum. Catal. of the Reference Library, 1898, p. 204. Cheshire Records, transcribed from Originals in the Public Record Office. (Ches- ter Archit. Archceol. 4" Hist. Soc. Journ., New Ser. vol. vi. pp. 283-345. 189S.) Hughes (T. Cann). Cheshire MSS. in the Bodleian Lib. {The Cheshire Sheaf, vol. iii. pp. 140-141. 1884.) Cheshire in the Calendars. (The Cheshire Sheaf, Ser. 3. vol. v. pp. 77, etc. 1903.) Chester Diocesan Records, 1541, etc., with MS. Indexes, at the Bpiscopal Registry, Chester. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 104.) Chester Cathedral Records, at Chester, with MS. Index. (Local Records Comm. Rep., App. III. p. 110.) Hall (James). Report on the Earwaker MS. Collection in the Grosvenor Museum Library, Chester. (Chester Archit. Archwol. and Hist. Soc. Jowr^ii., New Ser. vol. xvil. pp. 97-106. 1910.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 29 CHESHIRE {continued). Earwaker (J, P.). Kotes on the Collection of Deeds preserved at the East Hall, High Legh, Cheshire, with Special Reference to those relating to Manchester and Neighbourhood. (Lanes. ^ Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. v. pp. 259-271. 1887.) Beamont (William). A Calendar of Family Charters at Arley Hall, Newton. 1866. See also ante Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports. Mr. R. E. Egerton-Warburton. A Calendar of Ancient Charters with modern Transcripts, at Eaton Hall, Warrington. 1862. Not printed for publication. See also ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Whitaker (William). List of Books on the G-eology, Mineralogy, and Palaeontology of Cheshire. Liverpool, 1876. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Cheshire. (Jonrn. of Botani/, vol. xii. p. 179. 1874..) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Cheshire Birds. {27ie Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 250, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 9.) Mammals. (Jhe Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 177. 1893.) Keptiles. [ibid. p. 243. 1893.) Pishes. Ibid. p. 253. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Bookof Brit, Topo., 1881. Cheshire, pp. 63-68. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Cheshire, pp. 125-128. Sims (Richard). Manual for the Genealogist. 1861. Cheshire, pp. 163, 201, 230, 231. Upoott (William). English Tope, 1818. Cheshire, vol. i. pp. 61-75, 597, 598. Smith (Alfred RusseU). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Cheshire, pp. 38-11, 159. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Cheshire, vol. i. pp. 216-247. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Library by Richard Gough. 1814. Cheshire, pp. 85-89. CONGLBTON. Borough Records, Bdw. I. etc., with MS. Igist, at Town Clerk's Office, Congleton. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 52.) MACCLESFIELD. Borough Records, 1261, etc., with MS. ludes, at Town Hall, Macclesfield. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 64.) CLACKMANNANSHIRE. Hist, MSS. Comm. Reports. Clackmannanshire Collections. Erskine-Murray, Hon. Mrs. Isabella, at Aberdona -1th Rep. p. xxi. and App. pp. 521 -528. Mar and Kellie, Earl of, at AUoa House 17th Rep. pp. 130-138, and a vol. 1904. Livingstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Clackmannanshire, p. 180. Turnbull (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Clackmannanshire Registers, pp. 41, 43. Anderson (Joseph) and Black (G-eo. F.). Reports on Local Museums in Scotland. Alloa Museum. (Soc. of Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xxii. p. 355. 1888.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Clackmannanshire Mammals. (Th» Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 210. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Clackmannanshire, p. 383. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Clackmannanshire, vol. ii. p. 660. 30 A HANDBOOK TO CLARE. Dix (Ernest Reffinald McClintock). List of Books, Newspapers, and Pamphlets printed at Ennis, co. Clare, in the 18th Century. Cuala Press, Dundrum, 1913. (Irish Bibliography, no. viii.) Coleman (James). Limerick and Clare Bihliography. List of the Topog. and Hist. Works relating to the Counties Limerick and Clare. {Limerick Field Club Journ., vol. iii. pp. 139-142. 1907.) Dix (Ernest Reginald McClintock). Early Printing in a Munster Town. —Ennis. {Cork Hist. andArchwol. So ;. Journ., Ser. -2, vol. x. pp. 133-125. 1904.) Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Sttidiei, vol. V. 1897.) Clare, p. 197. Westropp (Thomas J.). The Cahers of Co. Clare : Their Names, Features, and Bibliography. (Royal Irish Academi/. Proc, Ser. 3, vol. vi. pp. 41S-4.t9. 1901.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Clare, p. 429. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Clare, p. 781. CONNAUGHT. Coleman (James), Bibliographia Conaciensis i a list of Books relating to Connaught. {Galwai/ Arclueol. and Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. v. pp. 38-34,239. 1908.) CORK. Six (Ernest Reginald McClintock). List of Books, Pamphlets, Journals, etc., printed in Cork in the I7th and 18th Centuries. 14 parts. (3ork, 1904-12. (Reprinted from the 'Journ. of the Cork Hist, and Archceol. Soc.\ Ser. 2, vol. vi. pp. 168-174, 233-210; vol. vii. pp. 104-110, 233-238; vol. viii, pp. 106-U2, 249- 253 ; vol. ix. pp. 37-33, 97-105, 264-368 ; vol. xi. pp. 24-36 ; vol. xiii. pp. 85, 86 ; vol. XV. pp. 111-114 ; vol. xvi. pp. 64-66 ; vol. xviii. p. 35. 1900-13.) List of all Pamphlets, Books, etc., printed in Cork during the 17th Century. {Royal Irish Academi/, Proc, vol. xxx.. sect. C, pp. 71-82. 1913.) Irish Provincial Printing prior to 1701. Biblio. ITote on Cork Printing. {The Library. New Ser. vol. ii. p. 345. 1901.) Local Bibliography. (Works dealing with the Literature of the District of Cork.) By C. G. Doran. (Cork Hist, and Archceol. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 60, 83, 84, 107, 108, 151, 153, 171, 172. 1892.) Dr. Caulfield's Contributions to the ' Gentleman's Magazine.' (Cork Hist. and Archceol. Soc. Journ., Ser. '3, vol. ix. pp. 189-198, 268-274; vol. x. pp. 48- 56. 1903-04.) Diz (Ernest Reginald McClintock). Two Rare I7th Century Cork Ballads. (Cork Hist, and Archceol. Soc. Journ., Ser. 2, vol. xvi. pp. 4-4-48. 1910.) Oross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Kist. (Harvard Hist. Studies. vol. V. 1897.) Cork, pp. 118, 201. The Writers and Printers of Toughal. {Cork Hist, and Archceol. Soc. Journ., Ser. 2, vol. v. pp. 133-146. 1899.) Macalister (A. A. Stewart). Studies in Irish Epigraphy. Part III. Biblio. of Cork Epigraphy. 1907. Sheehan (Rt. Rev. R. A.). Notes on the Literary History of Cork. (Cork Hist, and ArchcBol. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 4-10. 1892.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 31 CORK (continued). Coleman (James). The Cork Library in 1801 and 1820. (Cork Hist, and Arehmol. Soc. Journ., vol. xi. pp. 82-93. 1905.) Kist. MSS. Comm. Keports. Cork Collections. Caulfield, Mr. Richard, at Cork 1st Rep. p. xii. and App. p. 129. Hewitt, Mr. Thomas, at Cork 1st Rep. p. xii. and App. p. 129. Cork, Corporation of 1st Rep. App. p. 128. Historical MSS. relating to the County Cork. By J. Coleman. (Cork Hist. and Archwol. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 169,170. 1892.) By W. A. Coi-ingeb. (Ibid. pp. 207-209. 1892.) Brady fW. Maziere). Clerical and Parochial Records of Cork, Cloyne, and Koss, taken from Diocesan and Parish Registers, MSS. in principal Libraries of Oxford, DubHn, London, etc. 3 vols. London, 1864. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Cownty Cork Birds. (The Zooloffist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 267, 1890; and reprinted in paraph., 1891, p. 41.) Slammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 315, 1893.) Reptiles. (Ibid. p. 351-, 1893.) Pishes. (Ibid. p. 263, 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Cork, pp. 429-30. aerson (jonn j^.). aooK or ant. ropo., 18S1. Uork, j Hgh (Eichard). Brifc. Topo., 1780. Cork, pp. 785-787. ndinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bo Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 18U. Cork, pp. 376, 377. CORNWALL. BOASB (GEORGE CLBIHISNT) and COURTNEY (WILLIAM PRI- DEAUX). BIBLIOTHECA CORNUBIENSIS. A CATALOGUE OP THE WRITINGS, BOTH MANUSCRIPT AND PRINTED, OP CORNISHMEN, AND OP WORKS RELATING TO THE COUNTY OP CORNWALL, with biographical memoranda and copious literary references. 3 vols. London. 1874-82. Vol. iii. is supplementary to the other vols., and has an Index to vols, i.-iii. BOASE (GEORGE CLEMENT). COLLECTANEA CORNUBIENSIA : A COLLECTION OP BIOG. AND TOPO. NOTES RELATING TO THE CO. OP CORNWALL. Truro. 1890. This is in many respects a Supplement to the Bibliotheca. Couch (Thomas Quiller) and Chorley (Charles). Bibliotheca Cornubiensis. Preparatory Lists with Maps, pp. 59-60, List of Cornish Portraits, pp. 70, etc. Royal Inst, of Cornwall. 1865. Gen. Index to the Journals and Reports of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. 1818-1906. By Charles R. Hewiit. 1907. The Library of the Royal Inst, of Cornwall has a large Collection of Books and MSS. relating to Cornwall. Among the George Freeth, of Duporth, bequest are MS. Copies of Deeds, Grants, Records, &c., also Materials for a New Survey of the Hist, and Antiq. of Cornwall. Bellamy (John Cremer). An Alphabetical List of all Works relating to the Counties of Devon and Cornwall. (A Thousand Facts in the History of Devon and Cornwall. 1850, pp. 51-59.) Stokes (H. Sewell). County and Parochial Histories and Books relating to Cornwall. (Brit. Archwol. Assoc. Journ., vol. xxxiii. pp. 35-45. 1877.) Maclean (Sir John). Address on Materials for History of Cornwall. (Boyal Inst, of Cornwall. Journ., vol. xi. pp. 220-234. 1893.) Recent Cornish Writings. (Vols, and Articles.) (Eoyal Inst, of Cornwall. Journ., vol. xvii. pp. 294, 295. 1908.) 32 A HANDBOOK TO CORNWALL (continued). New Books relating to Cornwall. {Rm/al Inst, of Cornwall. Joum., vol. xvii. pp. 405-4.16 ; vol. xviii. pp. 249-259. 1909-10.) Lewis (G. R.). The Stannaries. A Study of the English Tin Miner. {Harvard Economic Studies, vol. iii., 1908.) Bihlio., pp. 981-288. Simcoe (Rev. Henry Addingiion). Private Printing Press at Fenheale, For Note and List of Books Printed, see Boase and Courtney, Bihl. Cornubknsis, pp. 650, 1457, passim. Bruslifield (T. N.). The Broadside Ballads of Devonshire and Cornwall. (The Western Antiquary, vol. vi., pp. v.-xiii., 1886.) Worth (B,. N.). Notes on the Ancient Topography of Cornwall, with a map. {Royal Inst, of Cornwall, /owrre., vol. viii. pp. 343-353. 1885.) Catal. of a Iioan Bxhibition of Portraits of Worthies connected with Devon and Cornwall. Exeter, 1873. Xndex-Catal. to the Library of the Plymouth Institution. (Contains many Cornish entries.) (PlymotUh Inst. Ann. Rep. and Trans., vol. xi. pp. 315-384, 1894.) Cornish Collections are to be found in Public Libraries at Penzance, Falmouth, Truro, and Plymouth. Crross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Cornwall, p. 92. Penzance, p. 362. St. Ives, p. 383. Laun- ceston, p. 271. Bodmin, p. 171. Davenport (Frances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Cornish Manorial Hist., pp. 39, 40.) Dove (Patrick Bdward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Corn- wall, vol. ii. p. 672.) Lyell (Arthur K.). Biblio, List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Cornwall, p. 8. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co. 1913. Biblio. Note on Cornish Brasses, p. 139, with a List, pp. 150-151. Blight (J. T.) List of Antiquities in the Hundreds of Kirrier and Penwith, West Cornwall, with References to the Works in which they are described. Royal Inst, of Cornwall. 1862. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, Cornwall Collections. Mount-Edgcumbe, Earl of, at Mount Edgcumbe 2nd Rep. p. x. and App. pp. 30-24. Rogers, Mr. J. J., at Penrose 2nd Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 98, 99 ; 4th Rep. p. XV. and App. pp. 405, 406. St. Germans, Earl of, at Port Eliot ... 1st Rep. p. x. and App. pp. 41-44. Somerset, Duke of, at Maiden Bradley, Wilts ISth Rep. App. VII. pp. 133-146. Trelawny, Sir John S., at Trelawne ... 1st Rep. p. x. and App. pp. 50-53. Launceston Corporation 0th Rep. App. 524-526. Lostwithiel Corporation 16th Rep. p. 101 ; Various Collections, vol. i. pp. 327-337. Chanter (J. R.). Report on the Harding Collection of Manuscripts, Records, and Hist., Eccles., Heraldic, and Antiq. Documents relating to Devon and Cornwall. (Devon Assoc. Trans., vol. xx. pp. 49-68. 1888.) Worth (R. N.). Manuscript Materials for Cornish Hist. (IZoyal Inst, of Cornwall. Joum., vol. viii. pp. 144-147. 1884.) MSS. connected with published Histories of Cornwall. Bibho. Note. (Royal Inst, of Cornwall. Joum., vol. iv. No. 15, pp. xxv.-xxviii. 1874.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 38 CORNWALL (continued). Cornish MSS. Society. A Prospectus compiled by Wm. C. Borlase, of Laregan, and Henry Jenner, of the Brit. Museum, for a proposed Society, dated Oct. 2, 1876. See Boase and Courtney, Bibl. Corn. vol. ili. p. 1085; Royal Inst, of Cornwall Rep., 1877, p. xli. ; Brit. Archwol. Assoc. Journ. vol. xxxii. pp. 423, 536. 1876. Jenner (Henry). Descriptions of Cornish mSS. I. The Borlase Manuscript. (Royal Inst, of Cornwall Journ., vol. xix. pp. 162-176. 1913.) NichoUs (Jasper). Index to Cornish Transcripts (of Parish Regfisters) at Exeter and Bodmin. (Royal Inst, of Cornwall Journ., vol. xix. pp. 90- 136. 1912.) Whitaker (William). List of Works on the Geology, mineralogy, and Palaeontology of Cornwall. {Royal Inst, of Cornwall. Journ., vol. v. pp. 61- 110. 1874.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Cornwall. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 68. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Cornish Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 250, 1890, and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 9.) Mammals. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 177. 1893.) Reptiles. {Ibid., p. 243. 1893.) Pishes. (/Wd, p. 252. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Cornwall, pp. 68-74. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Cornwall, pp. 128-130. Sims (Richard). Manual for the Genealogist. 1861. Cornwall, pp. 163, 202, 231. Upoott (William). English Topo., 1818. Cornwall, vol. i. pp. 76-107, 599. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, Sec, 1878. Cornwall, pp. 4.3-47, 4.t9. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Cornwall, vol. i. pp. 265-276. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Library by Richard Gough, 1814. Cornwall, pp. 90-92. BODMIN. Archdeaconry Court Records at Bodmin, described by Rev. W. ago {Truro Diocesan Kalendar, 1889, p. 69.) FALMOUTH. Borough Records, 1660, etc., at Town Clerk's Office, Palmouth. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 56.) LAUNOESTON. Borough Records, 1245, etc., at G-uildhall, Lauuceston. (Local Records Comm. Rep., App. III. p. 62.) Corporation Records, see ante. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Launceston Priory. Notes from MSS. in the Bodl. Lib., translated and abstracted by Otho B. Peteb. {Royal Inst, of Cornwall. Journ., vol. xviii. pp. 197-218. 1910.) LISKEABD. Borough Records, 1328, etc., with MS. Index, at Town Clerk's Office, Liskeard. {Local Records Comm.. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 76.) LOSTWITHIBL. Borough Records, with a MS. List, at Municipal Buildings, Lostwithiel. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 62.) Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. 34 A HANDBOOK TO CORNWALL {continued). MABAZION. Lacli-Ssyrma (W. S.). Notes on the Borough Becorda of the Towns of Marazion, Fensance, and St. Ives. (Brit. Archteol. Assoc. Joum., vol. xxviii. pp. 354^370. 1882.) PENRYN. Borongh Records, 1652, etc., at Fenryn. (Loeaf. Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 66.) PENZANCE. Lach-Szyrma (W. S.). Notss on the Borough Records, see ante Marazion. REDRUTH. Old Redruth Fapers. (Royal Inst, of Gornwall. Joum., vol. xviii. pp. 246-348. 1910.) ST. IVES. Lach-Szyrma (W. S.). Notes on the Boroiigh Records, see ante Marazion. Records of the Borough of St. Ives. By ' Porthminster.' With Index, principally of subjects. (The Western Antiquary, vol. v. pp. 33, 78, 199. 1885-86.) SALTASH. Borough Records, 1575, etc., at the Ouildhall, Saltash. ( Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 68.) TRURO. Borough Records, 1130, etc., at Municipal Buildings, Truro. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 73.) Diocesan Records, 14th Cent., etc., at Diocesan Registry, Bxeter. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 106.) CUMBERLAND. HINDS (James Fitcairn). BIBLIOTHBCA JACKSONIANA. Published for the Carlisle Public Library Committee by Titus Wilson. List of maps, p. 121. Kendal, 1909. Sparke (Archibald). Tullie House (Carlisle Free Library), Carlisle : and what it contains. (Northern Counties Mag., vol. ii. pp. 140-lSl. 1901.) Sanderson (T.). Biblio. Hist, of Westmorland and Cumberland. 3 vols. (A Collection of printed and MS. extracts in the Jackson Collection. ) Ferguson (Richard Saul). Hist, of Cumberland. 1890. Bibliography, pp. 289-297. MS. Catal. of Fapers, etc., referring to Cumberland in the Old Series, vols, i.-iv. and New Series, vols. i. and ii. of the 'Archceol. /Eli/tna.' (In Carlisle Public Library.) Notes on the Heraldic Visitations of Cumberland and Westmorland. (Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. ii. pp. 20-97. 1876.) On the Collection of Chap-Books in the Bibliotheca Jacksoniana, with some Remarks on the Hist, of Printing in Carlisle, Whitehaven, Penrith, etc. (Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. andArchwol. Soc. Trans., vol. xiv. pp. 1-120. 1895.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 35 CUMBERLAND {continued}. Ferguson (Richard Saul). On tie Chap-Books in the Bibl. Jacksoniana in TuUie House, Carlisle. {Arehceol. Joum., vol. lii. pp. 292-33S. 1895.) On some Additions to the Collection of Chap-Books in the Bihl. Jacksoniana. {Cumh. and Westm. Antig. and Arehceol. Soc. Trans., vol. xvi. pp. 56-79. 1900.) The Denton Manuscripts. {Cumh. S( Westm. Antig. Sr Arehceol. Soc. Trans., vol. xiii. pp. 218-233. 1895.) Biblio. of the Writings of Richard Saul Ferguson. {Cwnb. and Westm. Antiq. and Arolueol Soc. Trams., vol. xvi. pp. xiii.-xx. 1900; also Archwol. JEliana, Ser. 3. vol. x. pp. 314-317. 1913.) Ferguson (R. S.) and Cowper (K. S.). An Archeeol. Sujrvey of Cumberland, Westmorland, and of Lancashire North-of-the-Sands. {Archceologia, vol. liil. pp. 485-538. 1893, and reprinted separately.) Biblio. and Topog. Index, pp. 488-520. Catal. of a Collection of Books, Pamphlets, and Prints relating to the Counties of Cumberland and Westmorland, offered for sale by Charles Thurnam and Sons, Carlisle. [1913.] Index to the Trans, of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antii^. and Archffiol. Soc, Vols. I.-VII., compiled by W. B. Arnison. Kendal. 1885. Catalogue-Index to the Trans, of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiq. and Archeeol. Soc, Vols. I.-XVI., 1866-1900, compiled by Archi- bald Sparke. Kendal. 1901. Index to the Trans, of the Cumberland and Westmorland Association, Vols. I.— XI. (Transactions, no. xi. pp. 153-167. 1886.) Curwen ( J. F.). An Index to the Heraldry of Cumberland and Westmorland. (Cymh. and Westm. Antiq. and Arclueol. Soc. Trans., New Ser. vol. vi. pp. 204- 236. 1906.) Sparke (Archibald). A Biblio. of the Dialect Literature of Cumberland and Westmorland, and Lancashire I^orth of the Sands. 1907. Jackson (William). A List of Books illustrating Bnglish Dialects.— Cumberland. {Papers and Pedigrees relating to Cumberland, etc., vol. ii. pp. ^56-276. 1892.) Reprinted from English Dialect Soc. , Ser. A. no. 2, p. 28. Anderson's Cumberland Ballads. {Papers and Pedigrees relating to Cumberland, etc., vol i.^. 16-79. 1892.) Allison (Sir R. A.). The History and Ballads of the Border. (Cumh. Assoc. Trans., no. iv. pp. 61-88, 1879.) A List of Private Acts, etc., Cujnberland. 1913. Stevens & Sons. London. Nightingale (B.). The Ejected of 1662 in Cumberland and Westmorland. (Univ. of Manchester Publications, no. xii. 1911.) Principal Authorities consulted, vol. i. pp. xvii.-xxiv. Bibliography, vol. ii. pp. 1409-1423. Oross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. DSCunicipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Cumberland, pp. 92, 93. Davenport (Frances 6.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Cumberland Manorial Hist., p. 40. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 673. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano -British Remains. 1912. Cumberland, pp. 8-15. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monximental Brasses. London : Geo. AUen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Cumberland Brasses, with a List, pp. 139 and 151. Special Cumberland Collections are in the Lancaster Public Library, and in the Carlisle Public Library. 36 A HANDBOOK TO CUMBERLAND {cmitinued). Klst, MSS. Reports. Cumberland Collections. Graham, Sir F. U.,atNetherby ... Sth Rep. p. xi. ; 6th Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 322-344. Lonsdale, Earl of, at Lowther. Castle and Whitehaven Castle 13th Rep. pp. 33-35, and App. VII. Muncaster, Lord, at Muncaster Castle .. 10th Rep. p. 15, and App. IV. pp. 233-398. Le Fleming, Mr. S. H., at Rydal Hall, 12th Rep. pp. 38, 39, and App. VII. CO. Westmorland Carlisle, Dean and Chapter of 2nd Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp 123-125. Diocesan Registiy of 9th Rep. p. ix. and App. I. pp. 177- 197. Corporation of 9th Rep. p. ix. and App. I. pp. 197- 203. County Records, 1688, etc., with MS. Indes, at Court House, Carlisle- {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 16.) Kill's MS. Collections for Westmorland and Cumberland. List of Contents of the 9 vols. {Owmb. S/- Westm. Antiq. 4' Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. ix. pp. 14- 28. 1888.) Wilson (Rev. James). Calendar of the Original Deeds at Tullie House, Carlisle. I. Latin. (Cumb. ^ Westm. Antiq. Sj; Arclueol. Soc. Trans. New Ser. vol. xiv. pp. 63-82. 1914.) Whitaker (William). A Iiist of Works relating to the Geology of Cumberland and Westmorland. {Cumb. 4' Westm. Assoc. Trans., no. vii. pp. 13-39. 1883.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Cumberland. {Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 183. 1874.) Christy (miller). Biblio. Note on Cumberland Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 350, 1890, and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 10.) Mammals. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 177, 1893.) Reptiles. {Ibid. p. 243, 1893.) Pishes. {lUd. p. 253, 1893.) Ander9on (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Cumberland, pp. 74-79. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Cumberland, pp. 130, 131. Sims (Richard). Manual for the Genealogist. 1861. Cumberland, pp. 163, 203, 231,232. Upoott (William). English Tope, 1818. Cumberland, vol. i. pp. 108-135, 60O-6a.'5. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc., 1878. Cumberland, pp. 49-52, 459. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Cumberland, vol. i. pp. 277-291. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Cumberland, pp. 93, 94. CARLISLE. Terguson (R. S.) and Hanson (W.). Some Municipal Records of the City of Carlisle. Cumb. & Westm. Antiq. & Archseol. Soc. 1887. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow. 1904. Biblio. Note on CarUsle Museums, vol. li. p. 165. Carlisle Cathedral Records, 1400, etc. at Carlisle Cathedral. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 110.) Carlisle, Archdeaconry of, Ecclesiastical Records, 13th Cent. etc. at Chapter Buildings, Carlisle. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 120.) Ferguson (R. S.). An attempt to trace the missing Episcopal Registers of the See of Carlisle. (Cumb. ^ Westm. Antiq. &■ Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. vii. pp. 295-299. 1884.) The Parish Registers of St. Mary's and St. Cuthbert's, Carlisle. {Ibid. vol. ii. pp. 347-354. 1876.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 37 CUMBERLAND {continued). Dixon (Rev. R. W.). The Chapter Library of Carlisle. (Owmb. & Westm. Antiq. S( Archcsol. Soo. Tram., vol. ii. pp. 312-336. 1876.) Brown (James Walter). Carlisle in Ballad and Story. Carlisle, 1912. KESWICK. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow. 1904. Bibllo. Note on Crosthwaite Museum, Keswick, vol. ii. p. 306. Crosthwaite (J. Tisher). Peter Crosthwaite, the i'ounder of Crosthwaita's Museum, Keswick. (Cumberland Assoc, jTrare*., no. iii. pp. 151-164'. 1878.) KIRKANDREWS-UPON-ESK. Ferguson (R. S.). The Registers and Account Books of Eirkandrews- upon-Esk. (Gumh. ^ Westm. Antiq. &■ Arclimol. Soe. Trans., vol. viii. pp. 280-306. 1886.) '^^ WESTWARD. Wilson (Rev. James). The Early Registers of the Parish of Westward. (Cumb. ^ Westm. Antiq. Sf Archieol. Soc. Trans., vol. xiii. pp. 103-117. 1895.) DENBIGHSHIRE. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Denbighshire Collection. Myddelton-Biddulph, Col., at Chirk Castle. 2nd. Rep. p. xi. and App. p. 73. Myddelton Deeds at Chirk Castle. (Powys-Land Club. Montgomeryshire Collections, vol. xxix. pp. 57-67. 1895.) Palmer (A. N.). Early Books Printed in Wrexham. (Hist, of the Tovm of Wrexham, App. II. pp. 253-255. 1893.) Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.). Denbighshire, p. 206. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Denbighshire, p. 144. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Denbighshire. {Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 158. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Birds. (Catal. of Local Lists of British Birds. 1891. p. 10.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Denbighshire, p. 347. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Denbighshire, vol. ii. p. 525. DERBYSHIRE. Luxmore (J. S.). Derbyshire Bibliography. (MSS., Books, Maps, Views, etc.). (Notts. 4- Derbyshire Notes f Queries, vol. i. pp. 127, 146, 156, 188 ; vol. iv. pp. 119, 137. 1893 and 1896.) Derbyshire References in ' Notes & Q^^^^^^s-' (Notts. ^ Derbyshire Notes S( Queries, vol. v. pp. 69, 92, 121. 1897.) Index to the Journal of the Derbyshire Archseol. and Nat. Hist. Soc, Vols. I.-XXV., 1879-1903. Compiled by the Hon. FuEDEnicK Sthuit. [1912.] Bateman (Thomas). Descriptive Catal. of the Antiquities and Mis- cellaneous Objects preserved in the Museum at Lomberdale House, Derbyshire. Bakewell, 185i. 38 A HANDBOOK TO DERBYSHIRE {continued). Index to the Visitation of Berbysliire, 1663-1G64. Privately Printed. F. A. Crisp. 1887. Pedes Fininm. A Calendar of the Fines for the County of Derby, from their Commencement in the Reign of Richard I. {Derbyshire Arnhmol. ^ Nat. Hist. Soc. Jmi/rn., vols, vii.-xv., xvii., xviii., 1885-1896.) Bemrose (William). Derbyshire and other Horn-Books. {Derbyshirt Archwol. ^Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. xxx. pp. 297-308. 1908.) Sitwell (Sir George). Pocket Almanacks at Benishaw, 1671-1721. (Derbyshire Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ,., vol. xii. pp. 193-237. 1890.) Wallis (Alfred). A Sketch of the Barly Hist, of the Friutingc Press in Derbyshire. {Derbyshire Archceol. S(Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. iii. pp. 137-156. 1881.) A List of Private Acts, etc., Derbyshire, 1913. Stevens & Sons, London. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. v. 1897.) Derbyshire, p. 93. Derby, pp. 206-77. Davenport (Frances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Derbyshire Manorial Hist., p. 40. Dove (Patrick Bdward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Derbyshire, vol. ii. pp. 673, 674'. Lyell (Arthur K.). Biblio. List of Romano -British Bemains. 1912. Derbyshire, pp. 15-16. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co. 1913. Biblio. Note on Derbyshire Brasses, with a List, pp. 139 and 151, 153. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Derby Museum, vol. ii. p. 205. Special Derbyshire Collections are in the Buxton Museum and Public Library, the Chesterfield Public Library, the Derby Public Library (the ' Devonshire ' Collection), and the New Mills Public Library. Hist. MSS. Comm. Repoirts. Derbyshire Collections. Devonshire, Duke of, at Bolton Abbey 3rd Rep. pp. xiv. xv. and App. pp. and Hardwicke Hall 36-45. Cowper, Earl (Coke MSS.), at Melbourne 11th Rep. p. 10 ; 12th Rep. pp. 34, 35, and App. L-IH. FitzHerbert, Sir William, at Tissington 13th Rep. pp. 35, 36 and App. VL pp. 1-185. Chandos-Pole-Gell, Mr. H., at Hopton 9th Rep. p. xvii. and App. IL pp. 384- Hall 403. County Records, with Printed and MS. Indexes, at County Buildings, Derby. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. HL p. 16.) WoUey MS. Collections for the Hist, of Derbyshire in the Brit. Museum, Add. MSS. 6666-6718. Index, Add. MS. 6699. The WoUey Manuscripts.— An Analysis of the First Five Volumes. By J. Charles Cox. (Derbyshire Arclueol. 4: Nat. Hist. Soc. Jou/m., vol. xxxiii. pp. 131-190. 1911.)— An Analysis of Volumes Six to Ten. (Ibid. vol. xxxiv. pp. 81-132. 1912.)— An Analysis of the Last Forty-Two Volumes. (Ibid. vol. XXXV. pp. 171-206. 1913.) Buoklingr's Collections for Derbyshire, 1821-1839, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MSS. 18478 ; 18479. Index, Add. MS. 18491. Vogge's Collections for Derbyshire in the College of Arms. Cox (Rev. J. Charles). Calendar of the Records of the County of Derby. London, 1899. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 39 DERBYSHIRE (continued). Cox (Rev. J. Charles). Notes on the Churches of Derbyshire. Biblio. Notes on MS. Collections relating to the County, see Introduction, vol. i. 18T5. Jeayes (Isaac Herbert). Descriptive Catal. of Derbyshire Charters in Public and Private Libraries, and Muniment Rooms. 1906. Index of Owners and Sources, pp. 485, 4i8fi. Carringtou (W. A.). Deeds, etc., Enrolled, County of Derby. (Derbyshire Archceol. Sf Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. xxiv. pp. 57-67. 1902.) Records of the County of Derby. (Derbyshire Archceol. i^Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. xxiii. pp. 63-76. 1901.) Bowles (C. D. B.). Some Old Charters and Deeds. (Derbyshire Archceol. 4- Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. xxxiv. pp. 61-74. 1913.) The Derby IXunicipal Muniments. (Ibid. vol. xxvi. pp. 173-176. 1904.) Coz (Rev. J. Charles). Ancient Documents relating to Tithes in the Peak. (Derlryshire Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ., vol v. pp. 129-164. 1883.) Documents relative to the Sequestration of the Derbyshire Estates of PhiUp, First Earl of Chesterfield. (Tbid. vol. xi. pp. 107-119. 1889.) Kerry (Rev. Charles). Grleanings from the Assize Rolls for Derbyshire preserved in the Record Office, London. (Derbyshire Archwol. S( Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. xviii. pp. 94-117. 1896.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Derbyshire. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 179. 1874.) Linton (W. R.). Flora of Derbyshire. 1903. Publications, MSS., etc., quoted in the ' Flora,' arranged chronologically as a Record of Botanical Investigation in the County, pp. 28-44. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Derbyshire Birds. (Tlie Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 251, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 11.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 177, 1893.) Reptiles. (lUd. p. 242, 1893.) Fishes. (Ibid. p. 253, 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Derbyshire, pp. 79-85. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Derbyshire, pp. 131, 132. Sima (Richard). Manual for the Genealogist. 1861. Derbyshire, pp. 161, 203, 232. Upcott (WUliam). English Topo., 1818. Derbyshire, vol. i. pp. 136-145, 606, 607. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc., 1878. Derbyshire, pp. 54-66, 460. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Derbyshire, vol. i. pp. 289-298. Bandinel (Bullieley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gongh, 1811. Derbyshire, pp. 95-99. ASHBUBNE. Jourdain (Rev. Francis). Charters connected with the Chxirch of Ash- burne. (Derbyshire Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Soc, Journ., vol. xiii. pp. 52-107. 1891.) BAKBWBLL. Holland (W. R.). The Greaves Parchments. (Derbyshire Archceol. Sg Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. xiii., pp. 220-323. 1891.) BELPER. Derry (T. R.). Some Notes on Old Helper and Old Helper Books. (Derby- shire Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. xii. pp. 1-33. 1890.) BREADSALL. Kerry (Rev. Charles). Early Charters of Breadsall. (Derbyshire Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. xvi. pp. 157-182. 1894.) 40 A HANDBOOK TO DERBYSHIRE {continued). CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH. Bunting (W. B.). Some Barly Chapel-en-le-Fritb Charters. (Derbi/ihire ArcJueol. f Nat. Hist. Soc. Jom-n., vol. xxviii. pp. 180-185. 1906.) CHESTERFIELD. Borougli Records, 1100, etc., with Printed Calendar, at Municipal Hall, Chesterfield. (Local Records Oomm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 50.) DERLEY ABBEY. Kerry (Bev. Charles). Derley Abhey Charters preserved at Belvoir. (Derbyshire ArcJueol. ^ Nat. Hist. Soc. Joiirn., vol. xvi. pp. 14^4'3. 1894.) DRAKEI.OWE. Jeayes (Isaac H.). Catal. of Charters and Muniments preserved hy Sir Bohert Gresley at Drakelowe. (See ' Qresley Charters,' by A. W. What- raore, in ' Notts. ^ Derbyshire Notes ^ Queries,' vol. iv. p. 1, 2. 1896.) HARDWIOK . Catal. of the Pictures at Hardwick Hall ; in the possession of the Dnke of Devonshire. By Lord Hawkesbury. (Derbyshire ArcJueol. §■ Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. xxv. pp. 103-158. 1903.) HEMINGTON . Kerry (Rev. Charles). Kemington Church, with the more Ancient of the Hemingrton Deeds. (Derbyshire ArcJueol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. xii. pp. 139-161. 1890.) MELBOURNE. The Coke Papers at Melbourne Hall. (DerbysJdre Archceol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. .Journ., vol. xi. pp. 54-67. 1889.) See also ante Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports. BEPTON. Old Deeds in the Parish Chest of St. Wystan's, Repton, transcribed and translated by E. G. (DerbysJdre ArcJiwol. S^ Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. ix. pp. 1-18. 1887.) Cox (Bev. J. Charles). Early Deeds of Bepton School. (Derbiisldre ArcJueol. ^ Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. xxxii. pp. 87-104. 1910.) DEVONSHIRE. DAVIDSON (James). BIBLIOTHECA DEVONIENSIS, a Catalogue of the Fnnted Books relating to the County of Devon. Exeter, 1852. Supnle- ment, 1862. ^^'^ Bellamy (John Cremer). An Alphabetical List of all Works relating to the Counties of Devon and Cornwall. (A TJiousand Facts in the Histories of Devon and Cornwall, 1850, pp. 51-59.) Dredge (Bev. John Ingle). A Pew Sheaves of Devon Bibliography. (Devon. Assoc. Rep. S/- Trans., vol. xxi. pp. 498-548; vol. xxii. pp. 324-356: vol. xxiv. pp. 476-526 ; vol. xxv. pp. 552-601 ; vol. xxviii. pp. 547-605 • vol XXXI, pp. 331-355. 1889-99.) ^ Adams (Maxwell). An Index to the Printed Literature relating to North Devon. (Devon. Assoc. Rep. ^ Trans., vol. xxxiv. pp. 344-393. 1902.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 41 DEVONSHIRE (contimied). Biowe (J. Brooking). Presidential Address before the Devonshire Assoc, 1882. Appendix A — List of some of the MSS. relating to Devon, pp. 73-85 ; Appendix B.— List of Histories of Towns, Parishes, etc., pp. 86-91. {Devon. Assoc. Rep. Sr Trans., vol. xiv. pp. 33-91. 1882.) Index (Classified) to Reports and Transactions of the Devonshire Assoc, vols. i.-xvii. 1862-85. Plymouth. 1886. Onide to the Reports and Transactions of the Devonshire Assoc, First Series, vols, i.-zxz. By H. G. H. Shaddick. Plymouth. 1909. Wright (W. H. K.). Plymouth Free Public Library. Index-Catal. of the General Reference Library, including the Devon and Cornwall Collec- tions. 1892. A Plea for Devonshire Bibliog'raphy. 1885. The Progress of Devonshire Bibliography. (Devon. Assoc. Rep. ^ Trans., vol. xxiii. pp. 376-388. 1891.) Devonian Literature : Its Special Wants. (Devon. Assoc. Rep. 4' Trans., vol. xiv. pp. 525-528. 1882.) Summary of Recent Devonian Literature. Read at Second Annual Meeting of the United Devon Assoc. 1901. National Armada Tercentenary Commemoration, Plymouth. Catal. of Loan Collection of Relics, Portraits, etc. 1888. Drake in History, Song, and Story. (Devonian Year Book, 19H, pp. 36-63.) Tapley-Soper (K.). Some Recent Devonshire Literature. {The London Devonian Year Book, 1910, pp. 144-146 ; 1911, pp. 117-123; 1912, pp. 112-114; 1913, pp. 105-106 ; 1914, pp. 114-117.) Brushfield (T. IT.). The Literature of Devonshire up to the year 1640. Privately printed, 1893. Presidential Address before the Devonshire Assoc, 1893. Appendix A. — List of Principal Works referred to, pp. 113-152; Appendix B.— List of Devonshire Authors to 1640, pp. 153-158. (Devon Assoc. Rep. ^ Trans., vol. XXV. pp. 25-158. 1893.) Bztinct Devonshire Periodicals. (The Western Antiquary, vol. ix. pp. 103-105, 181-183; vol. x. pp. 53-55 ; vol. xi. pp. 71-73. 1890-91.) The Broadside Ballads of Devonshire and Cornwall. (The Western Anliquari/, vol. vi. pp. v.-xiii. 1886.) Biblio. of Sir Walter Ralegh (reprinted from The Western Antiquary). Plymouth, 1886. Second Edn. Exeter, 1908.) Biblio. of the ' History of the World,' and of the ' Remains of Sir Walter Ralegh ' (reprinted from The Library Chronicle). London, 1886. Raleghana. Pt. VI. ' The History of the World,' by Sir Walter Ralegh. A Biblio. Study. (Devon. Assoc. Rep. 4; Trans., vol. xxxvi. pp. 181- 218. 1904.) Biblio. of Andrew Brice, and Remarks on the Barly Hist, of Bxeter Newspapers. 1888. Privately printed. Richard Isacke and his ' Anticiuities of Bxeter.' 1893. The Biblio. of Rev. George Oliver, D.D., of Exeter. {Devon Assoc. Rep. f Trans., vol. xvii. pp. 266-376. 1885.) Collections of Jeremiah Milles, D.D., Dean of Exeter, in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. See Macray (W. D.) ' Annals,' 1890, p. 345. 42 A HANDBOOK TO DEVONSHIRE {continued). Friend (Rev. Hilderic). Literary Guides and Charts. {Bygone Devomhire, pp. 239-349. 1898.) Troup (Mrs. F. B.) and Sredgre (Bev. John Ingle). Biog. Sketch of Bev. Christopher Jelinger, M.A., with Biblio. Notes. {Devon Assoc. Rep. ^■ Tram., vol. xxxli. pp. 349-270. 1900.) Index Catal. to the Library of the Flymouth Institution (contains many Devon entries). {Plyrtwuih Inst, Ann. Rep. ^ Trans. , vol. xi. pp. 315-384. 1894. ) Catal. of the Davidson Collection of Pamphlets, etc., in the Library at the Athenaeum, Plymouth. {Plymouth Inst. Ann. Rep. ^ Trans., vol. xi. pp. 385- 504. 1894.) List of Iiibrariea in Devonshire. {The Devonian Year Book, 1914, pp. 137-138.) Devonshire Collections are to be fovind in Public Libraries at Plymouth, Torquay, and Swansea. Dredge (Bev. John Ingle). Devon Booksellers and Printers in the Seven- teenth and Eighteenth Centuries. {The Western Antiquary, vol. v. pp 1-8, 25-32. 1885. ) Also privately printed and issued separately, 1885. Supplemen- tary Paper, No. 1. {The Western Antiquary, vol. v. pp. 112-114, 119-133. 1885.) No. 2. {Ibid. vol. vi. pp. 97-100, 121-124, 153-156. 1886.) No. 3. {Ibid. vol. x. pp. 9-12, 34-37, 103-105, 126-128, 151-154. 1890-91.) Worth (B. N.). ITotes on the Hist, of Printing in Devon. {Devon. Assoc. Rep. f Trans., vol. xi. pp. 497-515. 1879.) Notes on the Ancient Becorded Topo. of Devon. {Devon. Assoc. Rep. ^ Trans., vol. xvii. pp. 345-366. 1885.) Shelly (John). List of Books, etc., written in, or relating to the Dialects of Devon. {Plymouth Inst. Ann. Rep. d[ Trans., vol. iii. pp. 145-151. 1868.) Catal. of a Loan Exhibition of Portraits of Worthies connected with Devon and Cornwall. Exeter. 1873. Boase (George C). Devonshire Bibliography : The Bev. Nathaniel Carpenter, born at Northleigh, 7 Feb. 1588-89, died 1628 or 1634. {The Western Antiqtiary, vol. ix. pp. 314, 215. 1890.) Lane (Charles). Biblio. of Joanna Sonthcott. {Devon. Assoc. Rep. & Trans., vol. xliv. pp. 757-809. 1913.) Sydney (William). Biblio. Note on Devonshire Newspapers. {Tlie Western Antiquary, vol. ix. pp. 228, 229, 1890.) Wainwright (Thomas). An Index to the Names of Persons found in the Monumental Inscriptions in Devonshire Churches. {Devon Assoc. Rep. f Trans., vol. xxxvi. pp. 523-541. 1904.) Frowse (Arthur B.). Index to Personal Names in Westcote's 'View of Devonshire in 1630,' and his 'Devonshire Pedigrees,' 1845. {Devon Assoc. Rep. ^ Trans., vol. xxvii. pp. 443-485. 1895.) Index to Bisdon's 'Survey of Devon,' Personal Names. (Devon Assoc. Rep. ^ Trans., vol. xxvi. pp. 419-450. 1894.) Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. v. 1897.) Devonshire, p. 93. Barnstaple, p. 162. Devonport, p. 207. Exeter, p. 231. Plymouth, p. 366. Tavistock, p. 403. Totnes, p. 407. Davenport (Frances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Devon Manorial Hist., pp. 40-41. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Devon, vol. ii. p. 674. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano -British Bemains. 1913. Devonshire, pp. 16-17. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 43 DEVONSHIRE (cmitinued). Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co. 1913. Biblio. Note on Devon Brasses, with a List, pp. 110, 153-153. Kist. IKTSS. Comni. Beports. Devonshire Collections. Coffin, Mr. J. R. Pine, at Portledge, tth Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. 374-3T9 ; N.Devon 5th Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 370- 386. Devon, Earl of, at Powderham Castle... 3rd Rep. p. xv. and App. p. 31fi ; 9th Rep. App. XL pp. 403-406. Ellacombe, Rev. H. T., at Clyst St. George Sth Rep. p. ix. and App. pp. 323-329. Fortescue, Earl, at Castle Hill, South- molton 3rd Rep. p. xv. and App. pp. 320-221. Prideaux, Mr. R. W., at Dartmouth ... 5th Rep. App. pp. 423-426. Somerset, Duke of, at Maiden Bradley, Wilts ISth Rep. App. VII. pp. 1-151. Alwington Parish 5th Rep. p. xvi. and App. p. 597. Barnstaple Corporation 9th Rep. p. x. and App. I. pp. 203-316. Dartmouth Corporation 5th Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 597-606. Exeter, Bishop of. 17th Rep, pp. 112-115; Various Col- lections, vol. iv. pp. 13-S-2. Dean and Chapter of 17th Rep. pp. 115-120; Various Col- lections, vol. iv. pp. 33-95. Hartland Parish ith Rep. p. xix. and App. p. 128 ; 5th Rep. p. xvi. and App. 571-575. Parkham Parish , ... 4th Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 468-469. Plymouth Corporation 9th Rep. p. xiii. and App. I. pp. 262- 284 ; 10th Rep. p. 14, and App. IV. pp. 536-560. Totnes Corporation 3rd Rep. p. xx. and App. pp. 341-350. Reports on SeTonshire Records, by a Committee of the Devon Association. Edited by J. R. Chanteii, R. W. Cotton, and J. Brooking-Rowe. (Devun Assoc. Rep. ^ Trans., vols, xxi.-xxxiv. 1889-1902.) Chanter (J. R.). Report on the Harding Collection of Manuscripts, Records, and Hist., Ecoles., Heraldic, & Anticj. Documents relating to Devon & Corn-wall. (Devon Assoc. Rep. ^- Trans., vol. xx. pp. 49-68. 1888 ^ Dymond (Robert) of Exeter. MS. Notes in 13 vols, presented to the Exeter Public Library. (See Devon ^ Cornwall Notes ^ Queries, vol. vi. p. 191. 1911.) Levien (Edward). Devonshire Unpublished Manuscripts in the Brit. Museum. (Brit. Arehwol. Assoc. Journ., vol. xviii. pp. 134-145. 1862.) Granville (Rev. Roger) and Mugford (W. E.). Abstracts of the Existing Transcripts of the Lost Parish Registers of Devon, 1596-1644. Vol. I. A-Bra. Exeter, 1908. Reichel (Rev. Oswald J.). Extracts from the Pipe Rolls of Henry II. relating to Devon, with an Appendix from Testa de Nevil. (Devon Assoc. Rep. \ Trans., vol. xxix. pp. 453-509. 1897.) Whale (Rev. T. W.). Index to 'Domesday' Analysis (Devon), vol. xxviii., and 'Testa de Nevill' Tax Roll (Devon), vol. xxx. (Devon. Assoc. Rep. Sc Trans., vol. xxxiv. pp. 289-324. 1902.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Devonshire. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 69. 1874.) Whitaker (WUliam). List of Works on the Geology, IJIineralogy, and PalEeontology of Devon. (Devon. Assoc. Rep. ^ Trans., vol. iv. pp. 330-d5!^. 1870.) Supplementary List. (iiW. vol. v. pp. 404-415. 1872.) 44 A HANDBOOK TO DEVONSHIRE [continued). Fenffelly (WiUiam). Notes on BTotices of the Geology and Palseontology of Devonshire. Pts. i.-xii. (Devon. Assoc. Bep. £[ Trails., vol. vi.-xvu. 1874-85.) Tie Literature of Kent's Cavern, Torquay, prior to 1859. Pts. i.-v. (Ibid. vol. il. pp. 468-522 ; vol. iii. pp. 191-482 ; vol. iv. pp. 467-490 ; vol. X. pp. 141-181 ; vol. xvi. pp. 189-434. 1868-71, 78, 84.) The Literature of the Caverns, near Yealmpton. (Ihirl. vol. iv. pp. 81-105. 1870.) The Literature of the Oreston Caverns, near Plymouth. (Ibid. vol. v. pp. 249-316. 1872.) The Literature of the Caverns of Anstey's Cove, Torquay. (Ibid. vol. vi. pp, 61-69. 1873.) The Literature of the Caverns and Fissures near Chudleigh. (Ibid. vol. vi. pp. 46-60. 1873.) The Literature of the Caverns of Buckfastleigh. (Ibid. vol. vi. pp. 70-72. 1873). Julian (Mrs. Hester Forbes). William Fengelly, the Founder of the Devonshire Association. (Devon. Assoc. Rep. ^ Trans., vol. xliv. pp. 157-191 ; vol. xlv. pp. 423-444. 1912-13.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Devonshire Birds. (The Zoohgist, Set. 3, vol. xiv. p. 251, 1890 ; and reprinted in pampb., 1891, p. 11.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 178. 1893.) Reptiles. (Ibid. p. 243. 1893.) Fishes. (Ibid. p. 253. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Devon, pp. 85-93. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Devon, pp. 132-134. Sims (Richard). Manual for the Genealogist. 1861. Devon, pp. 203, 204, 233. Upcott (WilUam). English Topo., 1818. Devon, vol. i. pp. 146-172, 607. Smith (Alfred Rnssell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Devon, pp. 67-69, iW. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Devon, vol. i. pp. 299-318. Bandiiiel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Devon, pp. 100-104. BARNSTAPLE . Boroug'h Records, 1261, etc., with MS. Index, at North Devon Athenssum, Barnstaple. {Local Record^ Coram. Rep.. 1902. App. III. p. 46.) Corporation Records, see ante Hist. BISS. Comm. Reports. Chanter (J. R.) and Wainwright (Thomas). The Barnstaple Records. Reprinted from the North Devon Journal, Jan. 9, 1879-May 5, 1881 ; and North Devon Herald, Jan. 9, 1879-Apr. 21, 1881. 2 vols. 1900. Sketches of the Literary Hist, of Barnstaple, with list of Books Printed at Barnstaple. 1886. BUOKLAND FILLEIGH . Reichel (Rev. O. J.). Batch of Old Deeds relating to Buckland Filleigh, •with an Index. (Devon.. Assoc. Rep. 4" Trans., vol. xli. pp. 241-255. 1909.) OREDITON. Davidson (J. B.). On some Ancient Documents relating to Crediton Minster. (Devon. Assoc. Rep. ^ Trans., vol. x. pp. 237-254. 1878.) On some farther Documents relating to Crediton Minster. (Ibid. vol. xiv. pp. 247-277. 1882.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 45 DEVONSHIRE {contimi^d). DARTMOOR. Howe (S.). Perambulation of Dartmoor. 3rd Edn. 189(>. Biblio. of Dart- moor Literature, pp. 4'85-4.98. Crossing CWilliam). A Contribution towards a Biblio. of Dartmoor. Re- printed from Weekly Mercury, Nov. 10, 1883. [The Western Antiquary, vol. iii. pp. 131-132. 1883.; Prowae (A. B.). An Index of References to Dartmoor contained in the Devonshire Assoc. Trans., Vols. I.-XXX. [Devon Assoc. Rep. S^ Trans., vol. xxxvii. pp. 4.82 S6T 1905.) Dymond (Robert). Hist. Documents relating to Dartmoor. (Devon. Assoc. Rep. ^ Trans., vol. xi. pp. 371-383. 1879.) DARTMOUTH. Borough Records, Ken. III., etc., with MS. Index, at Dartmouth. (Local Records Oomm. Rep., 190-2, App. III. p. 52.) Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Windeatt (E.). John Flavell: a Notable Dartmottth Puritan and his Bibliography. (Devon. As.ioc. Rep, |- Trans., vol. xliii. pp. 172-189. 1911.) EXETER. Adams (Maxwell). An Index to the Printed Literature relating to the Antiquities, Hist., & Topo. of Bxeter. (Devon. A.f.inc. Rep. ^S' Trans., vol. xxxiii. pp. 270-308. 1901.) Bibliography of Exeter. (Hist. Assoc. Leaflet, No. 9. 1908.) Borough Records, Inventories, etc., from reign of William I., with IMCS. and Printed Indexes, at Bxeter. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 34.) Whale (Rev. T. W.). Analysis of the Bxon 'Domesday.' (Devon. Assoc. Rep. 4" Trans., vol. xxviii. pp. 391-463. 1896.) Wright (Thomas). The Municipal Archives of Bxeter. (Brit. Archaiol. Soc. Journ,, vol. xviii. pp. 306-317. 1863.) Bxeter City Muniments. Printed from ' A Calendar of tlie Records and Muni- ments belonging to the Corporation, preserved at the Guildhall,' compiled by Stuart A. Moore, 1863-70. (Notes and Gleanings, vols, ii.-v. 1889-93.) Oliver (Rev. George). Hist, of the City of Bxeter. 1861. Appendix. Tables of Acts of Parliament, Cathedral and Parochial Registers, Charters, etc. Index, by J. S. Attwood. 1884. Monasticon Dioecesis Bxoniensis, being a Collection of Records, etc., illustrating the Ancient, Conventual and Collegiate Foundations, etc. 1846-54. Index, by J. S. Attwood [n.d.]. Lives of the Bishops of Exeter and a Hist, of the Cathedral. 1861. Appendix. Charters of City and Diocese, etc. Index, by J. S. Attwood. 1887. Ecclesiastical Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Reynolds (Herbert). A Short Hist, of the Ancient Diocese of Bxeter. 1895. App. B. Episcopal Registers, etc. ; App. C. Documents with Chapter Clerk ; App. G. Documents with Town Clerk. Edmonds (Rev. Canon). The Formation and Fortunes of Exeter Cathedral Library. (Devon. Assoc. Rep. Sj; Trans., vol. xxxi. pp. 25-50. 1899.) Bibliographies of Andrew Brice, Richard Isacke, and Rev. George Oliver, see supra, Devonshire. AUnutt (W. H.). English Provincial Presses. Earliest Printing at Exeter. (Bibliographica, vol. ii. pp. 288, 294, 298. X896.) Tapley-Soper (H.). Exeter Printers, Booksellers, and Libraries. (Book- Auction Records, vol. v. pt. 2, pp. xxi.-xxiii, 1908.) 46 A HANDBOOK TO DEVONSHIRE {continued). Murray (David). ' Museums.' Glasgow, 1904 Biblia. Note on Exeter Museum, vol. ii. p. 234. KINGSBRIDGE. Hingston-Bandolph (F. C), Ancient MSS. in Kingsbridge Church. (The Wett&rn Antiquary, \o\. vi.-xi. 1886-91.) LUSTLEIGH. The Private Press of the Bev. W. Davy at Lustleigh, 1795-1807, see Macray, Annals of the Bodl. Lib. Oxford. 1890, p. 337. PLYMOUTH. Borough Becords, 1381, etc., with Printed Catalogue, at Municipal Buildings, Plymouth, {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 38.) Corporation Becords, see ante Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports. Worth (B. IT.). Calendar of the Plymouth Municipal Becords. 1893. On the Plymouth Municipal Becords. {Brit. Archwol. Assoc. Journ., vol. xxxix. pp. 110-118. 1883.) The Three Towns (Plymouth, Devonport, and Stonehouse) Biblio- theca: A Catal. of Books, Pamphlets, Papers, etc., written by natives thereof; published therein ; or relating thereto ; with brief biographical notices. {Ply- mouth Inst. Ann. Rep. ^ Trans., vol. iv. pp. 191-312. 1872.) Supplement. {Ibid. vol. iv. pp. 422-430. 1873.) Appendbc. {Ibid. vol. vii. pp. 305-352. 1880.) Also issued separately. List of Plymouth Municipal Becords Printed. {Notes S/; Queries, Ser. 11, vol. v. p. 478. 1912.) Kalliwell-PhiUipps (J. O.). A Brief Description of the Ancient and Modern MSS. preserved in the Plymouth Public Library. Privately Printed. London, 1853. Bowe (J. Brooking). The G-uides, Handbooks, etc., of the Three Towns. {Plymouth Inst. Ann. Rep. ^ Trans., vol. vi. pp. 403-405. 1878.) TAVISTOCK. Worth (B. 17.). Calendar of the Tavistock Parish Becords. 1887. Allnutt (W. K.^. English Provincial Presses. Barly Printing at Tavi- stock. {Bibhoffraphica, vol. ii. pp. 29, 30. 1896.) TORRINGTON (GREAT). Borough Becords, 1687, etc., at Great Torringtou. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 70.) TOTNES. Borough Becords, 1230, etc., at Ouildhill, Totnes. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 70.) Corporation Becords, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Wiudeatt (Edward). The Muniments of the Corporation of Totnes. {Devon. Assoc. Rep. ^ Trans., vol. Xxxii. pp. 400-406; vol. xxxiv. pp. 704-714. 1900-02.) Dymond (Bobert). Ancient Documents relating to the Civil Hist, of Totnes. (Devon. Assoc. Rep. ^ Trans., \o\. xii, pp. 1S3-203. 1880.) Devonshire Bibliography. — Works by Totnes Worthies. (The Western Antiquary, vol. iii. p. 249. 1884.) Watkin (Hugh B.). Charters of Totnes Priory. (Tm-quay Nat. Hist. Soc. /OMTO., vol. i. pp. 271-973. 1914.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 47 DONEGAL. Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit, Topo., 1881. Donegal, p. i'M. Oough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1T80. Donegal, vol. ii. pp. 788-790. Eandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Library by Richard Gong'h, 1814. Donegal, p. 3T7. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Donegal Birds. (The Zoologist, Set. 3, vol. xiv. p. 267, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 4.1.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 215. 1893.) DORSETSHIRE. MAYO (CHARLES HERBERT). BIBLIOTHECA BORSETIENSIS : being a carefully compiled account of Printed Books and Pamphlets relating to the History & Topography of the County of Dorset. London, 1885. Lists of Newspapers, pp. 74-89 ; Maps, 100-103, 273 ; Printers, pp. 378-290. Pope (A.). On the Topography & Chartology of Old Dorset, with an annotated list of Maps. 1575-1829. (Dorset Nat. Hist. ^ Antiq. Field Clvh. Proc, vol. xxiv. pp. xxviii-xxxiv. 1903.) Wilkinson (Rev. John). Parochial Histories of Wilts. & Dorset, with Heads of Information suggested. (Wilts. Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. iv. pp. 2S3-266. 1858.) Also issued separately. Index to the Proceedings of the Dorset ITat. Hist. & Antiq. Field Club. Vols, i.-zzvi. Dorchester, 1906. Somerset & Dorset Articles & References in the ' Do-wnside Review.' First Series. Vol. i.-xxv. 1880-1906. (Som. ^ Dorset Notes ^ Queries, vol. vii. pp. 284-287, 346; vol. viii. p. 214; vol. ix. pp. 215-216 ; vol. x. p. 247. 1901-07.) Hutchins (John). The Hist. & Antiquities of the County of Dorset. Second Edition. 1796-1815. Mr. A. M. Broadley of Bridport possesses a remarkable extra-illustrated copy of this Edition. A Chronological List of the Works of Rev. William Barnes, B.D. (Dorset Nat. Hist. 4; Antiq. Field Club. Proc, vol viii. pp. xxvii.-xxxiii. 1887.) Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Dorsetshire, pp. 93-94. Bridport, p. 175. Dorchester, p. 209. Lyme Regis, p. 329. Shaftesbury, p. 387. Weymouth, p. 414. Davenport (Prances Cr.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Dorset Manorial Hist., p. 41. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday BibUo. Dorset, vol. li. pp. 675-676. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Bibho. Note on Dorsetshire Brasses, with a List, pp. 140, 153. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow. 1904. Biblio. Note on Pitt-Rivers Museum at Farnham, vol. ii. p. 237. See also 'The Museums at Farnham and at King John's House, ToUard Royal,' by Roach Le Schonix m ' The Antiquary,' vol. xxx. pp. 166-171. 1894. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Dorsetshire, pp. 17-21. Poster (J. J.). Biblio. and Index Notes on Roman Remains. Dorsetshire. (The Archceol. Rev., vol iv. pp. 296-304. 1889.) 48 A HANDBOOK TO DORSETSHIRE (continued). Hist. SISS. Contm. Reports. Dorsetsliire Collections. Bankes, Mr. Ralph, of Kingston Lacy 9th Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 208-SilS. Digby, Mr. G. Wingfield, of Sher- 8th Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 213-226 ; borne Castle lOtli Rep. App. I. pp. 520-617. Shaftesbury, Earl of, at St. Giles ... 3rd Rep. p. xi. and App. pp. 216-217. Bridport Corporation 6th Rep. App. pp. 475-499. Weymouth and Melcombe Regis Corporation 5th Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. 575-590. Coxmty Records, 1625, etc., with Printed & MS. Iiists, at the Shire Hall, Dorchester. (Local Records Oomm. Bep., 1902, App. III. p. 16.) Dorset Records. fA guide to Records and where kept.) (Som. 4" Dorset Notes ^ Queries, vol. viii. pp. 193-195. 1903.) Sylvanus Morgan's Book of MS. Pedigrees, chiefly relating to Dorset, in possession of Mr. G. E. Solly, Wimborne. For hst of Persons and Places mentioned see Som. S[ Dorset Notes S( Queries, vol, xii. pp. 72-75. 1910. Statute Merchant Bonds, Somerset & Dorset. By J. J. Hammond. (Som, ^ Dorset Notes 4" Queries, vol. x. pp. 327-330 ; vol. xi. pp. 9-12, 159-163, 256- 260, 357-359 ; vol. xii. pp. 14-16, 66-68, 155-157, 305-208. 1907-11.) Briefs relating to Dorset. (Som. ^ Dorset Notes 4 Queries, vol. viii. p. 35. 1903.) Halliwell (J. O.). On the Municipal Archives of Dorset. (British Archwol. Assoc. Journ., vol. xxviii. pp. 28-31. 1872.) Fletcher (Canon J. M. J.). Chained Books in Dorset and elsewhere. (Dorset Nat. Hist. 4" Antiq. Field Club. Proc, vol. xxxv. pp. 8-26. 1914.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Dorsetshire. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 70. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Dorsetshire Birds. (Tlie Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 251, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 12. Mammals. [The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 179. 1893.) Reptiles. (Ibid. p. 343. 1893.) Pishes. (Ibid. p. 254. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Dorsetshire, pp. 93-97. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldi-y. 1892. Dorsetshire, pp. 134-135. Sims (Richard). Manual for the Genealogist, 1861. Dorsetshire, pp. 166, 20.5, 233. Upcott (William). English Tope, 1818. Dorsetshire, vol. i. pp. 170-200, 608. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc., 1878. Dorsetshire, pp. 71-76, 461. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Dorsetshire, vol. i. pp. 319-328. Bandinel (Bulkcley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Library by Richard GouKh. 1814. Dorsetshire, pp. 105-108. ASHMORE. Watson (E. W.). Index to the Registers, 1661-1820, and Hist, of the Parish, 1890. BEAMINSTER. Kine (Richard). Inventory of Parish Books and Documents. (' The Hist, of Beaminster,' chap, xiii.) BRIDPORT. Borough Records, Hen. III. etc., at Town Hall, Bridport. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 48.) Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 49 V0BSET8HIBE (continued). Wainwrigrlit (Thomas). Bridport Corporation Records. (Dorset Nat. Hist. f Antiq. Field Club Proc, vol. xi. pp. 9T-108. 1890.) Bridport Records and Ancient Manuscripts. Reprinted from the 'Bridpm-t News.' 1898-99. DORCHESTER. Borough Records, 1305, etc., with Printed Index, at Municipal Offices, Dorchester. {Local Records Comm. Bep., 1902, App. III. p. 5i.) HalliweU (J. O.). On the Municipal Archives of Dorchester. See Mayo (C. H.). Bibhoiheea Dorsetiensis, p. 150. LYME REGIS. Borough Records, 1284, etc., at the Guildhall, Lyme Regis. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 64.) MERLY. Willett (Ralph). Description of the Library at Merly. 1785. Catal. of the Books in the Lib. of R. Willett, at Merly. 1790. SHAFTESBURY. Borough Records, with MS. Index, at Town Hall, Shaftesbury. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 68.) Mayo (Charles Herbert). The Municipal Records of the Borough of Shaftesbury. Sherborne, 1889. TRENT. Harbin (Rev. B. K. Bates). Thomas Gerard of Trent. His Family and His Writings. (Dorset Nat. Hist. ^ Antiq. Field Club. Proc, vol. xxxv. pp. 55-70. 1914.) WEYMOUTH AND MELCOMBE REGIS. Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Moule (H. J.). Descriptive Catal. of the Charters, Minute Books, & other Documents of the Borough of Weymouth & Melcombe Regis, 1262 to 1800. Weymouth, 1883. DOWN. Crone (John S.). Ulster Bibliography. Down. (Ulster Journ. of ArchwoL, vol. xii. pp. 35-39, 57-62 ; vol. xiii. pp. 105-108. 1906-7.) Dix (Ernest Regfinald McClintock). List of Books, Pamphlets, news- papers, etc., printed in ITewry, 11764-1810. (Ulster .Tourn. of ArchwoL, vol. xiii. pp. 116-119, 170-173; vol. xiv. pp. 95-96; vol. xv. pp. 19, 184-185. 1907-9. ) Vlster Bibliography. ITewry Printing, with a List. (Ibid. vol. ix. pp. 69-71. 1903.) The First Printing Presses in Armagh and Newry. (Ibid. vol. xvi. - p. 46. 1910.) 50 A HANDBOOK TO DOWN {continued). Crossle (P. C). Notes on the Literary Hist, of Newry, with lists of Printers, etc. Newry, 1897. Latimer fltev. W. T.). Newry Printing, with a List. {UhUr Journ. of Archceol., vol. vii. pp. 175-1T6. 1901.) This is additional to Crossle. Ulster Bibliography. Downpatrick Printing, with a List, 1754- 1800. {Ibid. vol. vii. pp. 172-173. 1901.) HiUshorough Printing, with a List, 1786-1800. {Ibid. vol. vii. 173-174. 1901.) Lett (Canon H. W.). Maps of the Mountains of Monrne. {Ibid. vol. viii. pp. 133-137. 1903.) Hist. MSS. Comm. Keport. Down Collection. LorddeRos 4th Rep. p. xiv. and App. 317-325. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Down Birds. {The Zoologist, Set. 3, vol. xiv. p. 267. 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 41.) Mammals. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 21.5. 1893.) Reptiles. [Ibid. p. 251. 1893.) Pishes. {Ibid. p. 263. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Down, p. 431. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Down, vol. ii. pp. 791-792. Bandinel (Bulkcley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Down, p. 377. DUBLIN. Gilbert (Sir John T.) and Gilbert (Rosa Mulholland, Lady). Calendar of Ancient Records of Dublin in the Possession of the Municipal Corporation of that City. Vols, i.-xvi. Dublin, 1889-1913. Dix (Ernest Reginald McClintock). The Earliest Dublin Printing, with List of Books, Proclamations, etc., printed in Dublin prior to 1601. (1551-1600.) Dublin, 1901. List of Books, Tracts, Broadsides, etc., printed in Dublin in the I7th Century, 1601-1700, with Introduction and Notes by C. W. Dugan. 4 parts. Dublin, 1898-1905. Supplement of Additions. DubUn, 1912. Catal. of Early Dublin Printed Books belonging to E. R. McC. Dix. Second Edition. 1900. The Earliest Dublin Printers and the Company of Stationers of London. {Biblio. Soc. Trans., vol. vii. pp. 75-85. 1904.) Humfrey Powell, the First Dublin Printer. {Royal Irish Acad. Proc, vol. xxvii. sect. C. pp. 213-216. 1908.) Early Printing in Dublin. John Prancton; an early Dublin Printer and his Works. {New Ireland Rev., vol. ix. pp. 36-42. 1898.) The Ornaments used by John Prancton, Printer, at Dublin. {Biblio. Soc. Trans., vol. viii. pp. 221-227. 1907.) Initial Letters used by John Prancton, Printer at Dublin. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. iii. p. 59. 1911.) The Earliest Printing in Dublin, in the Irish, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Prench, Italian, Saxon, Welsh, Syriac, Armenian, and Arabic Languages. {Royal Irish Acad. Proc, vol. xxviii. sect. C. pp. 149-156. 1910.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 51 DUBLIN {continued). Dix (Ernest Reginald McClintock). William Kearney, the Second Earliest known Printer in Dublin. (Uoyal Irish Acad. Proa., vol. xxviii. sect. C. pp. 157-161. 1910.) Note upon the leaves of the Pirst Book printed in Dublin dis- covered in the Academy. [Royal Irish Acad. Proc, vol. xxvii. sect. C. pp. 404-406. 1909.) The Pirst Printing of the New Testament in English at Dublin. (Rcn/al Irish Acad. Proc, vol. xxix. sect. C. pp. 180-185. 1911.) A Dublin Almanack of 1612. (Boyal Irish Acad. Proc, vol. xxx. sect. C. pp. 327-330. 1913.) The Earliest Periodical Journals published in Dublin. (Royal Irish Acad. Proc, vol. xxli. pp. 33-35. 1900.) Rare Ephemeral (Dublin) Magazines of the Eighteenth Century. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. i. pp. Tl-73. 1910.) Eighteenth Century (Dublin) Newspapers. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. i. pp. 39-41. 1909.) Tables relating to some Dublin Newspapers of the 18th Century, shewing what volumes, etc., of each are extant, and where access to them can be had in Dublin. 1910. Plomer (Henry R.). John Francton and his Successors, with additional Note by A. G. (Tlie Irish Book Lover, vol. iii. pp. 109-112. 191-3.) Polds (O.). Specimen of National Typography, exhibiting the execution of the Press of Ireland. Dublin, 1833. Conmey (P. J.). An Old Dublin Printing Office. (G. Folds, afterwards G. Drought's). Dublin, 1898. Flood (W. K. Grattan). Music-Printing in Dublin from 1700 to 1750. (Sac. Antig. Irtl. Journ., vol. xxxviii. pp. 236-240. 1908.) McCready (C. T.). Dublin Bibliography; historical and topographical. Dublin, 1892. Brindley (L. H.). A Study of some Old (Dxiblin) Newspapers. (Neio Ireland Rev., vol. xvi. pp. 110-121. 1901.) Power (John). List of Irish Periodical Publications (chiefly Literary) from 1729 to the Present Time. 1866. A List of Books and Pamphlets written by the Members of the National Literary Society, Dublin. (Nat. Lit. Soc. .Toiirn., vol. i. pp. 112-132. 1900.) Wilde (Sir W. R. W.). A Descriptive Catal. of the Anticiuities, etc., in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy, illustrated. 2 pts. Dublin, 1857-61. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Dublin Museums, vol. ii. pp. 217-219. Ryan (Michael J.). Some Notes on the Libraries and Book Trade of Dublin. (Book-Auction Records, vol. iv. pt. 4, pp. xlv.-xlix. 1907.) Cosgrave (E. MacDowel). A Contribution towards a Catal. of Engravings of Dublin up to 1800. (Soc Antiq. Irel. .Toum., vol. xxxv. pp. 95-109, 363-376. 1905.) A Contribution towards a Catal. of Nineteenth-Century Engravings of Dublin. (Soc. Antiq. Irel. Journ., vol. xxxvi. pp. 400-419; vol. xxxvii. pp. 41-60. 1906-07.) Seymour (Rev. St. John). Old Dublin Caricatures. (Soc Antiq. Irel. Jemn., vol. xxxvii. pp. 69-73. 190T. 52 A HANDBOOK TO DUBLIN {continued). Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Dublin Collections. Bayly, Mr. J. W., at Finglas 1st Rep. p. xii. and App. p. 128. Charleraont, Earl of (MSS. in posses- 1st Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 126, U7 ; sion of Roy. Irish Acad.) 12th Rep. p. 53 and App. X. ; 13th Rep. p. 5S and App. VIII. Lyons, Dr. R. D., of Dublin (Arch- 1st Rep. p. xiii. ; 2nd Rep. p. xxi. and bishop King's Collection) App. pp. 331-257. Talbot de Malahide, Lord, at Malahide 1st Rep. p. xii. and App. p. 138 ; 8th Castle Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. *93-499. Dublin, Corporation of 1st Rep. App. p. 129. Royal Irish Academy 13th Rep. p. 56 ; 15th Rep. p. 45 and •^ App. III. pp. 1-296. Trinity College 4,th Rep. p. xxlv. and App. pp. 588- 599 ; 8th Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. 573-634. See of 10th Rep. p. 43 and App. V. pp. 201- 219. College of Irish Franciscans ... 4th Rep. p. xxiv. and App. pp. 599-613. Franciscan Convent, Merchants' 17th Rep. pp. 153-159; and a vol. Quay 1906. Jesuits' Archives 10th Rep. p. 44 and App. V. pp. 340- 379. Abbott (T. K.). Catal. of the MSS. in the Library of Trinity Coll., Dublin, to which is added, a List of the Fagel Collection of Maps in the same Library. Dublin, 1900. Hardiman (James). A Catal. of Maps, Charts, Plans, etc., in the library of Trinity College. (Royal Irish Acad. Trans., vol. xiv. pt. 2, pp. 57-77. 1825.) The Franciscans and their Library. (Merchants' Quay, Dublin.) By O. O'B. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. iv. pp. 3-5, 21-24. 1912.) See also ante Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports. A systematic Inventory of the MSS. in the Library is being completed by Father (J'Reilly. Kelly (Denis H.). MS. Catal. of the Irish Historical MSS. in Marsh's Library, Dublin. 1864. See Auction Sale Catal. of D. H. Kelly. 18T5. Scott (John Russell). Catal. of the MSS. remaining' in Marsh's Library, Dublin, edited by Newport J. D. White. 1913. Duff (E. Gordon). Notes on a Visit to Archbisliop Marsh's Library, Dublin. {Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. vi. pp. 133-140. 1906.) Special Collections containing Books, MSS., etc., relating to Dublin, are in the Library of the late Sir John Gilbert at the Public Library, North Strand ; in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy ; in the National Library of Ireland ; and in the Library of Trinity College. Bernard (J. H.). Calendar of Documents contained in the cartulary commonly called ' Dignitas Decani ' of St. Patrick's Cathedral. (Boyal Irish Acad. Proc, vol. XXV. sect. C. pp. 481-507. 1905.) Berry (Henry F.). Existing Records and Properties of the old Dublin City G-uilds. (Soc. Antiq. Irel. Journ., vol. xxxv. pp. 338-341. 1905.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Dublin Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 267, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph. 1891, p. 41.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 316. 1893.) Fishes. (Ibid. p. 263. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. DubUn, pp. 431-434. Qough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. DubUn, vol. il. pp. 793-801. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Eichard GoiiBh, 1814. Dublin, pp. 378-380, COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 53 DUMBARTONSHIRE. Hist. MSS. Comm. Report. Dumbartonshire Collection. Hamilton, Miss, at Barns and Cochno 8th Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 308-310. Living'stone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Dumbartonshire, p. 173. TurnbuU (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1819. List of Dumbartonshire Registers, pp. i2~i6. Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Dumbartonshire, p. 384 Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Library by Richard Oough. 18H. Dumbartonshire, p. 3Sti. Iiyell (Arthur K.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1913. Dum-. bartonshire, pp. 137-138. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Dumbarton- shire. {Jour, of Botany, vol. xii. p. 237. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. KTote on Diimbartonshire Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 210. 1893.) A Special Local Collection is at the Dumbarton Free Public Library. DUMFRIESSHIRE. Maxwell (Sir Herbert). Hist, of Dumfries and Oalloway. The County Histories of Scotland, 1896. List of Books relating to Dumfries and Galloway, pp. 363-399 ; List of Principal Maps, pp. 400-401. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Dumfriesshire Collections. Buccleuch and Queensberry, Duke of, 15th Rep. pp. 43, 44 and App. VIII. ; at Drumlanrig Castle l6th Rep. pp. 117-122 and vol. ii. 1903. Hope-Johnstone, Mr. J. J., at Raehills House ISth Rep. p. to and App. IX. Livingstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Dumfriesshire, pp. 114, 175. Turnbull (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Dumfi'iesshire Registers, pp. 45-51. Gladstone (Hugh S.). The Hist, of the Dumfriesshire & Galloway Nat. Hist. & Antiq.. Soc, 1862-1912. (Transactions, Third Ser., vol. i. pp. 15- 39. 1913.) Collections of the Dumfriesshire ITat. Hist. & Antiq.. Soc. described. (Soc. Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xxii. p. 412. 1888.) Shirley (G. W.). Old Public Libraries in Dumfries. (Dumfriesshire ^ Galloway Nat. Hist. 4' Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. xviii. pp. 39-44. ; vol. xix. p. 176. 1906, 1908.) Cairns (Rev. James). Some Old Documents relating to Dumfries. (Dumfriesshire 4" Galloway Nat. Hist. ^ Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. ix. pp. 99-107. 1894.) Stewart (William). The Rae Press at Kirkbride and Dumfries, with a Hand List. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. vi. pp. 107-115. 1906.) Shirley (G. W.). Mr. Peter Rae, Printer, with a Biblio. of issues from the Rae Press at Kirkbride and Dumfries. (Glasgow Biblio. Soc. Records, vol. i. pp. 216-235. 1914.) Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Dumfriesshire, p. 138.) 54 A HANDBOOK TO DUMFRIESSHIRE {continued). Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Dumfries- shire. (Jour, of Botany, vol. xii. p. SS*. 1874.) Gladstone (Hugh S.). The Birds of Dumfriesshire. 1910. Biblio., pp. . xlix.-lxiii. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Dumfriesshire Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 263, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 33.) A Special Dumfries Collection is at the Dumfries Museum. Andei-son (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Dumfriesshire, p. 385. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1811. Dumfriesshire, p. 357. ANNAN. Burgh Records, 1538, etc., at Town Hall, Annan. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 88.) Miller (Prank). Annan: Its Historical and Literary Associations. (Dumfriesshire f Oalloway Nat. Hist. ^ Antiq. Soe. Trans., vol. vi. pp. 'i'W-2-Vi. 1890.) LOCHMABEN. Burgh Records, 17^0, etc., at Lochniahen. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 96.) THOBNHILL. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow. 1901. Biblio. Note on Thornhill Museum, vol. iii. p. 211.) DURHAM. An Address to the Public, relative to the compiling a complete Civil and Ecclesiastical Hist, of the County of Durham. [By G. Allan.] Dariington, 1774. Thompson (Henry). A Reference Catal. of Books relating to the Counties of Durham and Northumberland; Historical and Topographical. Ft. 1. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1888. Lapsley (G. T.). The County Palatine of Durham. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. viii. 1900.) Appendix III.— The Records of the Palatinate, pp. 327-337. Appendix IV.— BibUography, pp. 338-346. Taylor (George). A Memoir of Robert Surtees in his * Hist. ^ Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durlwtm,,'' vol. iv. pp. 1-98. 1810. New Edition, with additions, by Rev. James Raine. Surtees Society. 1853. Denham (M. A.). A Classified Catal. of the Antii^iuarian Tomes, Tracts, and Trifles. 1859. Catal. of the Iiibrary of the Iiiterary and Philos. Soc. of Newcastle-upon- Tyne. 1903. List of Local Collection relating to the County of Durham, pp. 616-628. Catal. of the Library of the Soc. of Antici. of Newcastle-npon-Tyue, inclusive of the MSS. Prints, Maps, etc. Contains many Durham items. 1896. Catal. of Books and Tracts on Genealogy and Heraldry in the Central Public Libraries, Newcastle-on-Tyne. By Basil Anderson. 1910. Contains many Durham items. Pawcett (J. W.). Some Contributions to a Biblio. of Durham. (Sunderland Pub. Mb. Circular. July, 1905, etc.) Paber (R. S.). Some Durham Book-Lovers. (Biblio. Soc. Trans., vol. viii. pp. 77-93. 1907.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 55 DURHAM (continived). Catal. of the MS. Library of Sir Cuthbert Sharp connected with the Connty of Durham. Privately Printed, 1829. A List of Durham (County) Booksellers. (Notes Sr Queries, Ser. 10, vol vi p. 443. 1906.) A List of Private Acts relating to the County of Durham. 1913. London : Stevens & Sons. Murray (David). ' Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Museum in Durham Cathedral Library, vol. ii. p. 221. Botfield (B.). Catalogues of the Library of Durham Cathedral at various periods, from the Conquest to the Dissolution. (Surtees Society, vol. vii. 1838. ) List of Reprinted Bare Tracts chiefly illustrative of the History of the Northern Counties. 4 vols. Newcastle, 1843. See Lowndes (W. T.) ' Bibliographer's Manual,'' 18T1, App. pp. 3T1-27S. Dibdin (Rev. T. P.). Books at Durham. (Northern Tottr, 1838, vol. i. pp. 286-291.) *^^ Account of George Allan's Press. (Biblio. Decameron, 1817, vol. iii. p. 452.) Martin (John). The Darlington Press, with illustration. (Biblio. Catal. of Books Privately Printed, 1834, vol. ii. pp. 31T-346.) Lowndes (Wm. Thomas). List of Publications of the Darlington Press of George Allan. (Bibliographer's Man-ual, 1871, App. pp. 200-216.) Brockett (J. T.). A Catal. of Books and Tracts printed at the private press of George Allan of Darlington. Newcastle, 1818. Darlington Private Press. Collectanea, etc. (of this curious Collection of the productions of George Allan's Private Press. 1774-79. Allan (Robert Henry). The Life of the late George Allan, Bsq., P.S.A., to which is added a Catal. of Books and Tracts printed at his Private Press at Blackwell Grange, in the County of Durham. Simderland, 1829. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Durham County, pp. 94-95. Sunderland, pp. 401-402. Davenport (Frances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Durham Manorial Hist., pp. 41-44. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Durham, vol. ii. p. 676. Lyell (Arthiir K.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Durham, pp. 21-32. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Durham Brasses, with a List, p. 153. Special Collection of Local Literature at Sunderland Public Library, and a Collection of Durham Books at the West Hartlepool Public Library. Hist. MSS. Comm. Report. Diirham Collection. Ushaw, College of St. Cuthbert ... 1st Rep. p. xi. and App. p. 91. County Records, etc., 1616, etc., with MS. Lists, at Durham. (Local Mecoi-ds Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 16.) List of Records of the Palatinates of Chester, Diirham, and Lancaster, etc., preserved in the Public Record Office. (Public Recm-d Office. Lists ^ Indexes, No. xl. 1914.) Durham Cathedral Records, 7th Cent., etc., with MS. Indexes, at Durham. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. IH., p. 108.) The Allan MSS. in Durham Cathedral Library contain a valuable Collection of Papers relatinp; to the County of Durham. 56 A HANDBOOK TO DURHAM (continued). A Collection of Deeds relating to ITortliuniberland and Durham, formerly belonging to Mr. James Coleman, are now in the Central Public Libraries at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Brown (William). Deeds from Burton Agnes, relating to the Counties of Durham and Xorthumberland. (Archceol. Aeliana, Ser. 3, vol. vii. pp. 29- 4S. 1911.) Durham Records. Indexes to Persons and Places mentioned in Eellawe's Register. (30th Ann. Rep. Dep. Keeper of Public Records, pp. 99-130. 1869. ) Welford (Richard). Records of the Committees for Compounding, etc., with Delinc[uent Royalists in Durham and ITorthumberland during the Civil War, 1643-60. Bibliography, pp. 460-461. Surtees Society Pubns., vol. exi. 1905. Wood (H. M.). List of Parochial and ITon-Parochial Registers relating to the Counties of Durham and Northumberland. Durham & Northumb. Par. Reg. Soc, No. 26. 1912. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Durham. (Jour, of Botany, vol. xii. p. 181. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Durham Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 252, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 12.) Mammals. (Tlie Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 179. 1893.) Reptiles. (/fiiU p. 243. 1893.) Fishes. (Ibid. p. 254. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Durham, pp. 97-101. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Durham, pp. 135-136. Sims (Richard). Manual for the Genealogist. 1861. Durham, pp. 165, 205, 233. Upcott (William). English Topo., 1818. Durham, vol. i. pp. 201-222, 609-614. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Durham, pp. 77-84, 461. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Durham, vol. i. pp. 329-342. Bandlnel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gougb, 1814. Durham, pp. 109-112. AUCKLAND. Archdeaconry of Auckland. Ecclesiastical Records, 1567, etc., at Bishop Wearmouth. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 118.) DARLINGTON. For the Private Printing Press of George Allan at Blackwell Grange, see supra. GAINFORD. Index to the Pirst Volume of the Parish Registers of Ctainford, 1560 1784. Parts 1-3. 1889-90. HARTLEPOOL. Borough Records, 1592, etc., at Town Hall, Hartlepool. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 58. SOUTH SHIELDS. Borough Records, 1830, etc., with MS. Index. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1908, App. III. p. 4fl.) ^ SUNDERLAND. Wood (H. M.). Family Notices from the ' Newcastle Courant,' 1745-1800, relating to Sunderland and District. (Sunderland Antiq. Soc. Antiq. of Sunderland, vol. xiii. 1913.) Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Museum at Sunderland, vol. iii. p. 201. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 57 EDINBURGHSHIRE. Aldis (Harry Cr.). A List of Books printed in Scotland before 1700, including those printed furth of the Realm for Scottish Booksellers ; with brief notes on the Printers and Stationers. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Puhns., vol. vii. 1904'.) List of Printers, Booksellers, and Stationers, pp. 105-134. Scott (James W.). A Biblio. of Bdinburgh Periodical Literature. (Scottish Notes S( Queries, vols, v.-ix. 1891-96.) Couper (W. J.). The Bdinburgh. Periodical Press, bein^ a Biblio. Account of the Newspapers, Journals, and Magazines issued in Edinburgh from the earliest times to 1800, with copious indices, etc. 2 vols. 1908. A Biblio. of Edinburgh Periodical Literature. (Scottish Notes ^• Queries, Ser. 2, vols, ii.-viii, 1901-07.) Based on the MS. Collections of J. W. Scott. ITorrie (William). Edinburgh Newspapers, Past and Present. 1891. Crrant (James). Edinburgh Past and Present Newspapers. (The Newspaper Press, 1872.) The Edinburgh Newspapers. (Fr user's Ma;/., vol. xvii. pp. 559-571. 1838.) General Index and Index of Illustrations to the Proceedings of the Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland. Vol. i.-xxiv. 1851-90. Edinb., 1892. Watson (Charles B. B.). Notes on the Early Hist, of the Soc. of Antig,. of Scotland, etc. (Soc. o/Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xlv. pp. 250-264. 1911.) Catal. of the Printed Books in the Library of the Society of Writers to H.M. Signet in Scotland, with Supplement and List of MSS. 3 vols. 1871, 1882. A Second Supplement, 1882-87, with a Subject-Index to the whole Catal. 1891. Dickson (W. K.). The Signet Library. (Dooklomrs' Mag., vol. vi. pp. 1-13. 1907.) Burton (John Hill). The Book Hunter, etc., with Memoir of the Author by his Widow. New Edn., 1882. For Edinburgh Book Clubs, see Pt. IIL, pp. 343-310 ; and Book-Club Literature, Pt. IV., pp. 311-417. Literary and Philosophical Societies of Edinburgh during the Nine- teenth Century. (Eclectic Mag., New York, vol. xxiv. pp. 565-570. 1851.) Reprinted from ' Hogg's Insti-nctor.' Hutton (Laurence). The Literary Landmarks of Edinburgh. (Harpers New Monthly Mag., New York, vol. Ixxxii. pp. 609-633. 1891.) Millar (J. H.). Edinburgh in Literature. (Bookman, London, vol. xxxi. pp. 247-251. 1907.) Johnston (Geo. P.). The First Edition of Hume of Godscroft's History, printed by Evan Tyler, with list of MSS. and Printed Editions. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. iv. pp. 149-171. 1900-01.) Napier (John), b. at Merchiston, near Edinburgh, 1550; died 4 Apr. 1617. Biblio. of the Various Editions of Napier's Works, by William Rae Macdonald in ' The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms, pp. 101- 169. Edinb. and Lond., 1889. Ridden Papers : a Catal. of the Annotated Books and MSS. of the late John Riddell, Advocate. Ed. by James Maidment. 1863. Stevenson (T. G.). Biblio. List of the various Pubns., by James Maid- ment, from 1817 to 1859. 1859. The Biblio. of James Maidment, Esq., Advocate, Edinb., from 1817 to 1878, with Notices of the Sale of his Library. 1883. 58 A HANDBOOK TO EDINBURGHSHIRE (continued). Bibdiu (Rev. T. I".). Edinburgli Libraries and Printing. (Norlhern Tour, 1838, vol. ii. pp. 591-644.) Scottish Univ. Libraries. Lists of Printed Catalogues. Edinburgh (Aberdeen Univ. Lib. Bull., vol. i. pp. 403-404. 1912.) Lists of Pifteenth Century Books in Edinburgh Libraries. University Library. By F. C. Nicholson. Advocates' Library. By W. K. Dickson and Miss J. M. G. Barclay. Signet Library. By John Philip Edmond. U.F. Church College Libraiy. By W. Cowan. The Crawford Library, Royal Observatory. By G. P. Johnston. Library of the Royal Coll. of Physicians. By T. H. Graham. St. Mary's Cathedral Library. The Scottish Episcopal Church Theological Hall. The Forbes Library in the Theological Hall. The Library of the Church of Scotland. The Public Library. (Hdinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. ix. pp. 93-199. 1912-13.) Also published separately. A review by J. C. Ewing appeared in ' The Scottish, Hist. Review, vol. xi. pp. 397-298. 1914. Dickson (W. K.). The Printed Catalogues of the Advocates' Library. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. ix. pp. S1-5S. 1913.) ■ The Advocates' Library. (Jmidical Rev., vol. xiv. pp. 1-16, 113-128, 314-327. 1903.) Smail (Adam). The Edinburgh Circulating Library. A historical retro- spect. (TJie Scots Mag., New Ser., vol. xxiv. pp. 382-386. 1899.) The Edinburgh Circulating Library and its Contents in 1781. (Ibid. New Ser., vol. xxv. pp. 55-58. 1900.) Dickson (Robert) and Edmond (John Philip). Annals of Scottish Printing from the Introduction of the Art in 1507 to the beginning of the Seventeenth Century. Cambridge, 1890. Edmond (John Philip). Biblio. Gleanings, 1890-93 : being additions and corrections to the 'Annals of Scottish Printing.' (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. i. No. 17. 1893-94.) Dickson (Robert). Introduction of Printing into Scotland. Aberdeen, 1885. (Contains valuable information about Edinburgh Printing.) Early Scottish Typography j a series of articles. (The Printer's Beffiater, 1876-78.) Who was Scotland's First Printer? London, 1881. Small (Adam). Some Notes on Scottish Printing and the Libraries and Book Trade of Edinburgh. (Book-Auction Records, vol. v, Pt. I. pp. i.-v. 1907.) Cowan (William). Andro Hart and his Press, with handlist of Books. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. i. No. 13. 1892-93.) Aldis (Harry G.). Thomas Pinlason and his Press, with a handlist of Books. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. i. No. 30. 1893-94.) Axon (William E. A.). On an unrecorded issue of the Aberdeen Press of Edward Raban in 1627. With a handlist of the production of his Presses at Edinburgh, etc. (Soc. of Antiq., Scot. Proc, vol. xliii. pp. 24-33. 1909.) Gibb (John S.). James Watson, Printer : Notes on his Life and Work, with a handlist of Books and Pamphlets printed by him, 1697-1722. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. i. No. I. 1890-91.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 59 EDINBURGHSHIRE {continued). Tawse (George). James Watson, the Edinburgh Printer. (The Biblio- grapher, vol. ii. pp. 124-130. 1882.) Couper (W. J.). James Watson, King's Printer, 1664-1722. Privately Printed. Glasgow, 1910. Reprinted from 'The Scottish Hist. Review,' vol. vii. pp. 244-263. 1910. Watson's Preface to the 'History of Printing,' 1713, with Intro- duction and Notes. Edinburgh, Darien Press. Reprinted from ' The Libraru,' Set. 3, vol. i. pp. 424-436. 1910. Scottish Rebel Printers. Edinb. 1912. Privately Printed. Collection of the Wills of Printers & Booksellers in Edinburgh between the years 1577 & 1687. (Bannatyne Miscellany, vol. ii. pp. 185-296. 1836.) Edmond (John Philip). Notes on the Inventories of Edinburgh Printers, 1577-1603. (Eclinb. Biblio. Soc. Pnhns., vol. i. No. 15, 1892-3.) Inventory of Worke done for the State by His Majesty's Printer (Evan Tyler) in Scotland, 1642-47. Edinb. 1815. Dobson (W. T.). Hist, of the Bassandyne Bible, the first printed in Scotland, with Notices of the Early Printers in Edinburgh. Edinb. 1887. Cowan (William). The Holyrood Press, 1686-8S, with a Bibliography. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pabns. vol. vi. pp. 83-100. 1904.) Dobson (W. T.) and Carrie (W. L.). The Ballantyne Press and its Pounders, 1796-1908, with a Biblio. Edinb. 1909. See also the 'Scots-. man,' 15th Sept. 1886. The Hist, of the Ballantyne Press & its connection with Sir Walter Scott, issued at the Centenary of Sir Walter Scott in 1871. Johnston (George P.). The First Book printed by James Ballantyne: being 'An Apology foi- Tales of Terror,' etc. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. i. No. 19. 1893-94.) Note to a Paper entitled 'The First Booh printed by James Ballantyne.' (Ibid. vol. ix. p. 90. 1913.) Constable (Thomas). Archibald Constable & his Literary Correspondents. 1873. Edinbursth Booksellers of the End of the I8th Century, vol. i. pp. 1-33. Edinburgh Booksellers of the Period, vol. i. App. pp. 533-540. Maeleod (R. D.). The Early Scottish Typefounders. Scottish Library Assoc, 12 May, 1909. Thin (James). Reminiscences of Booksellers & Bookselling in Edinb. in time of William IV. Privately Printed, 1905. Nichols (John). List of Scottish Booksellers & of Scottish Book Auctions, (Literary Anecdotes, vol. iii. pp. 689-693. 1813.) Edinburgh Booksellers. Petition for the free exercise of the trade of Printing. To the Right Honourable the Lords of His Majesties Most Honourable Privy Council, the Petition of the Book-sellers of Edinburgh, for Themselves, and the Rest of the Booksellers of the Kingdom. Edinb. 1696 (?) s. sh. fol. Cowan (William). The Biblio. of the Book of Common Order. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. i. No. 3. 1890-91.) A Biblio. of the Book of Common Order & Psalm Book of the Church of Scotland, 1556-1644. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pnbns., vol. x. pp. 53-100. 1913.) A review by J. C. Ewing appeared in ' The Scottish Hist. Review,' vol. xi. pp. 297, 298. 1914. Lee (John), S.D. memorial for the Bible Societies in Scotland, containing Remarks on the Complaint of his Mwesty's Printer against the Marquess of Huntly & others. With Appendix of Original Papers. Edinb. 1824. 60 A HANDBOOK TO EDINBURGHSHIRE (conthixied). Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. EdinTjurghshire Collections. Dalrymple, Mr. Charles, at Newhailes 4th Rep. p. xxii. and App. pp. A'iO-i.i-i. Dundas, Mr. Robert, at Arniston, .,, ,,o Gorebridge 3rd Rep. p. xxiv. and App. pp. 411-116- Elphinstone, Lord, at Carberry Tower, 9th Rep. p. xviil. and App. II. pp. 1S9- Musselburgh 239. Jamieson, Mr. G. Auldjo (Breadalbane MSS.) 4th Rep. p. xxii. and App. pp. all-jM. Lothian, Marquess of, at Newbattle ... 1st Rep. pp. x., xii. and App. pp. 14, 116; 17th Rep. pp. 45-51 ; and a vol. 1905. Morton, Earl of, at Dalraahoy 2nd Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 183-185. Stair, Earl of, at Oxenfoord, Dalkeith 2nd Rep. p. viii. and App. pp. 188-191. Torpichen, Lord, at Calder House ... 2nd Rep. p. xix. and App. p. 196. Wauchope, Mr. Andrew, at Niddrie, Merchell 4th Rep. p. xxiii. and App. pp. 537, 538. Edinburgh, City of 1st Rep. App. p. 126. University of (MSS. in the Library) 1st Rep. p. xii. and App. p. 121. Advocates' Library 1st Rep. App. pp. 123-125. Library of the Roman Catholic Bishop 1st Rep. p. xii. and App. p. 120. Burgh Records, 1143, etc., with Printed Index, at Municipal Buildings, Edinburgh. (Local Records Comm. Rsp., 1902, App. III. p. 92.) Anderson (John). Calendar of the Iiaing Charters, 854-1837. Edin- burgh, 1899. Stevenson (T. G.). Notices of Bavid Laing, with chronological list of publi- cations issued under his editorial superintendance, from 1815 to 1878. Edinb. 1878. See also Catal. of Lib. of D. Laing, 3 pts. 1879-80. Iiist of Manuscript Books & Miscellaneous Papers in the Collection of B. Laing. 1888 (?). Qoudie (Gilbert). Bavid Laing, LL.B. A Memoir of his Life & Literary Work. Printed for Private Circulation. 1913. Biblio. pp. 153-234. Murray (Bavid). Bavid Laing, Antittuary & Bibliogfrapher. (Scottish Hist. Rev., vol. xi. pp. 345-369. 1914.) Brnnunond (William). A Brief Account of the Hawthornden MSS. in possession of the Soc. of Antiquaries, etc. By David Laing. 1831-39. Auctarium Bibliothecse Edinburgenee sive Catalogus Librorum quos Guilielmus Brummondus ab Hawthornden BibHothecse D. D. Q. , Anno 1627. Edin. haeredes And. Hart, 1627. Reprinted, 1815. Tumbull (W. B. B. B.). Catal. of MSS. relating to Genealogy & Heraldry preserved in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh. London, 1859. Nichols (John Gough). Notice of the late W. B. B. B. TnrnbuU, with an Account of his Literary Labours. 1864. Livingstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Edinburghshire, pp. 109, 175, 204. TurnbuU (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Edinburghshire Registers, pp. 52-60, 160. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897. ) Edinburghshire, pp. 223-230. Thomson (Thomas). List of the Protocol Books of the City of Edinburgh, with extracts, (Soc. of Antiq. Scot. Proc. ,\o\. \. ^^. 1^\-I6i. 1865.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 61 EDINBURGHSHIRE (ccmtinued). Iiist of the Protocol Books, with some notice of the other Records of the Borough of Canongate and Regality and Barony of Brochton, Edinburgh, with extracts. (Soe. o/Antiq. Scot. Proe., vol. ii. pp. 354-368. 1859.) Laingr (David). A. Note on the Subject of Protocol Books as connected with Public Records. {Soc. o/Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. ii. pp. 350-353. 1859.) Preface to the Breviarium Aherdouense (printed at Edinburgh in 1509-10 by Walter Chapman). Appeared separately, 1855. Inventory of the Orig^inal Documents in the Archives of Qeorife Heriot's Hospital, Bdinburirh. Printed for the Governors. 1857. Way (Albert). Catal. of Antiquities, Works of Art, and Historical Scottish Relics exhibited during the Meeting of the Archseol. Institute at Edinb., 1856, comprising Notices of the Portraits of Mary, Queen of Scots, collected on that occasion. 1859. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Edinburgh Museum, vol. ii. pp. 224-227. Catal. of the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland. Soc. of Antiq. Scot. Edinb., 1892. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. Iiist of Romano-British Remains, 1912. Midlothian, p. 139. Cowan (William). The Barly Views and Plans of Edinburgh. {Edinb. Biblio. Soe. Pubns., vol. ix. pp. 37-49. 1909.) Wilson (Sir Daniel). Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time. 1872. App. II. pp. 434-427. Ancient Maps and Views of Edinburgh. Watson (W. P.). Edinburgh : its houses and its noted inhabitants, chiefly those of the 17th and 18th Centuries. Catal. of original drawings, engravings, etc., selected from the private collection of W. F. Watson. 1865. Williamson (Peter). Reprint of the first published Directory for the City of Edinb., 1773-74. 1889. There is a large Collection o( MSS. relating to the Hist, of Scot, and ot early Scottish Printed Books in the Advocates' Library; a Special Topographical and Historical Collection in the Signet Library, and about 11,000 works on Archeeology in the Library ot the Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Edinburgh- shire. {Joicr. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 235. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Notes on Edinburghshire Birds. {The Xoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 264, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 35.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 212. 1893.) Pishes. {Ihid. p. 261. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Edinburghshire, pp. 386-391. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 18U. Edinburghshire, p. 357. MUSSELBURGH. Burgh Records, 1450, etc., at Town Hall, Musselburgh. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 96. ELGIN OR MORAY. Hist. MSS. Comm. Report. Elgin Collection. Cumming, Sir W. Gordon Gordon, at Gordonstoun 6th Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. 681-688. Rampiui (Charles). A Hist, of Moray & Nairn. The County Histories of Scotland. 1897. List of Books relating to Moray and Nairn, pp. 417-429. 62 A HANDBOOK TO ELGIN OR MORAY (continued). Livingstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Elgin, pp. 124, 176. Turnbxai (William B.). Scottish Parochial Begfisters. 1849. List of Elgin Registers, pp. 60-64, 161. A Private Press at Elgin, 1822. See Macray. ' Ammls of the Bodl. Lib..,'' 1890, p. 338. Anderson (Peter John). Inventories of Ecclesiastical Kecords of North- Eastern Scotland. Elgin, pp. 268, etc. New Spalding Club, vol. vi. Miscellany, vol. i. 1890. Inventories of ITorthern Records. III. The Sheriff Court of Moray. By G. M. Hossack. (Scottuh Notes |- Queries, vol. xi. p. 184. 1898.) Anderson (Joseph) and Black (Geo. P.). Report on Iiocal Museums in Scotland. Elgin Museum, (fifoc. o/^i (i%. Sco<. Pj-oc, vol. xxii. p. 341. 1888.) Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Elgin, pp. 133, 231. Lyell (Arthur K.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Elgin, p. 139. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Elgin. {Jour, of Botany, vol. xii. p. 936. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. ITote on Elgin Birds. (Catal. of Local Lists of British Birds, London, 1891, pp. 39, 36.) Mammals. (Ihe Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 212. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Elgin, pp. 391-392. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Elgin, vol. ii. pp. 685-686. FORRES. Burgh Records, 1496, etc., with MS. Index, at Court House, Forres. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1909, App. IIL p. 92.) ESSEX. [A General Bibliography was commenced about 1899 by a Committee of Essex literati, under the name of the Essex Bibliographical Committee, and Mr. W. H. Dalton was engaged to execute the bulk of the work. In 1902 it was stated that the material was almost complete. Apparently nothing fm'ther was done. See The Essex Review, vol. i. p. 10, 1899, and vol. xi. p. 246. 1902.] Catal. of Books, Maps, and MSS. relating to, or connected with the County of Essex, and collected by Augustus Cunnington. A contribution towards the Biblio. of the County. Braintree, 1902. Privately Printed. Walford (Edward). The Biblio. of Essex. (The Antiquarian Maa. & Biblio- graplier, vol. i. pp. 72-78, 283. 1889.) Round (J. H.). Books bearing on Essex History. {Essex Archceol. Soc. Trans., New Ser., vol. xiii. pp. 12-24. 1913.) Fitch (E. A.). Historians of Essex. (Tlie Essex Review, vols, ii.-ix. 1893- 1900. ) Also issued separately. Moon (Z.). Essex Literature. Catal. of Books published in, or relating to the County of Essex. Leyton District Council Pub. Libraries. Leyton, 1900. Index to the Biographical Hist, of Essex. (Leyton Lihrani Maa vol. ii. No. 8. 1900.) .» -y - Dalton (W. H.). Catal. of the Books, Pamphlets, Periodicals, MSS., & Scrap Collections in the Library of the Essex Archaeol. Societv Colchester, 1895. " COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 6S ESSEX {continued). General Index to the Transactions of the Essex Archseol. Society, vols, i.-v. 1858-73, & New Series, vols. i.-v. 1878-95. Colchester, 1900. Catal. of the Library of Oeor^re Scott, Esq.., of Woolston Kail, containing curious articles in Local History and MSS. 1781. Clark (Rev. Andrew). Notes on Libraries in Essex. Bodl. Lib. MSS. 33389-90. Catal. of the Colchester Public Library, compiled by Geo. Rickwood, 1913. (Contains Essex & Colchester items.) Avery (John). Reference List of Plates, maps, etc., relating; to Essex, appearing in the ' Gentleman's Magazine.' (The Essex Review, vol. iii. pp. 132-134. 1894.) Brierley (Geo. K.). East Auglia, in the 'Annual Register,' 1758-1790. ('ITie East Anglian, Ser. %, vol. iii. pp. 116, 127, 137, 156, 385 ; vol. iv. pp. 310, 349 ; vol. V. p. 24. 1889-93.) Jackson (George). Essex in Literature. (The Essex Review, vol. viii. pp. 145-166. 1899.) Gould (I. C). Essex in Drayton's Poly-olbion. (Essex Archceol. Soc, Trans. , New Ser., vol. v. pp. 63-64. 1895.) East Anglia in Fiction. {The East Anglian, Ser. 2. vol. iv. pp. 308, 3.S9 ; vol. vi. p. 116 ; vol. vii. p. 62. 1892-97.) Gould (I. L. and B. VL.). An Anthology of Essex, edited by C. Fell Smith. 1911. Index of Authors, pp. 257-268. List of Private Acts relating to the County of Essex. London : Stevens & Sons, cirea 19)2. List of Essex Poll Books. {The Essex Review, vol. i. pp. 57, 119. 1892.) [A large Collection of Poll Books is in the Library of the Essex Archseol. Soc] Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Kist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Essex, p. 95. Colchester, pp. 198-200. Saffron Walden, p. 381. Harwich, p. 254. Davenport (Prances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial History. 1894. Biblio. Note on Essex Manorial History, pp. 44^5. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Essex, vol. ii. p. 677. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Essex, pp. 23-28. Colchester, pp. 24-26. Chelmsford, p. 23. Price (John E.). List of Roman Remains in Essex, with Biblio. Notes. (The Arehceol. Rev., vol. ii. pp. 96-102. 1888.) Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London ; George Allen & Sons, 1913. Biblio. Note on Essex Brasses, with a List, pp. 140, 154-157. Deedes (Cecil) and Walters (H. B.). The Church Bells of Essex. 1909. Biblio. of Essex Literature and other Records, pp. xiii.-xix. AUnutt (W. H.). English Provincial Presses. Earliest Printing in Essex. (Bibliographica, vol. ii. p. 305. 1896.) Peddie (R. A.). Notes on Provincial Printers & Booksellers. Essex. (The Library World, vol. vii. pp. 57-60. 1904.) Plomer (Henry R.). Charles Clark's Private Press at Great Totham Hall. (Some Private Presses of the Nineteenth Century, in ' The lAbrari/,' New Ser. , vol. i. pp. 417-418. 1900.) 64 A HANDBOOK TO ESSEX (continued). Lowndes (Wm. Thomas). List of Publications of the Great Totham Press. {Bibliographer's Manual, 1871. App. pp. 2I6-91T.) Xiyton (J. Walter X.). List of Publications of the Great Tothaiu Press. {Sale Catal. of his Library of Privately Printed Books. Sotheby's, 1848, pp. *6-47, 212.) Plomer (Henry R.). Private Press of the Kev. Frederick ITolan, at Frit- tlewell. {Some Private Presses of the Nineteenth Century, in ' J%e Library,' New Ser., vol. i. p. ill. 1900.) Special Essex Collections are in the Carnegie Free Lib. at Grays, the Leyton Public Lib., the Shoreditch Public Lib., London, the Walthamstow Public Lib., and the Stratford Central Lib. at West Ham. The Collections of E. J. Sage on the Romford and Barking District^are in the Stoke Newington Public Lib., London. Hist, MSS. Comm. Reports. Essex Collections. Braybrooke, Lord, at Audley End ... 8th Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 977-296. Chisenhale-Marsh, Mr. T., at Gaynes Park 3rd Rep. p. xvii. and. App. p. 274. Lennard, Sir T. Barrett, at Belhus... 13th Rep. App. IV. pp. 365-377; 16th Rep. p. 116 ; Various Collections, vol. iii. pp. 155-255. Lowndes, Mr. G. A., at Barrington 5th Rep. p. xi. ; 7th Rep. p. xiv. and Hall App. pp. 537-589. Majendie, Mr. Lewis, at Hedingham Castle 5th Rep. p. ix. and App. pp. 321-323. Round, Mr. James, at Birch Hall ... 14th Rep. pp. 38-39 and App. IX. pp. 267-366. County Records, at Chelmsford . . . 10th Rep. p. 27 and App. IV. pp. 466-513. County Records, 1556, etc., with MS. Index, at Shire Kail, Chelmsford. (Local Records Comm. Rep., App. III. p. 18 ; and Reports on the Public Records, 1800, p. 968.) The IXSS. of the Custos Rotulorum and Justices of the Peace of the County of Essex, at the Shire Hall, Chelmsford. (Essex Archmol. Son. Trans., New Ser., vol. iii. pp. 185-191. 1889.) The MS. Collections of Jekyll, Powell, and Sucklings for Essex, are in the British Museum. (See Pedigrees of Gentry.) Jekyll's Collections in Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 19985-89; Harl. MSS. 3960, 4793, 5185, 5186, 5192, 5195, 6677, 6678, 6684, 6685, 6839, 7017. Powell (Rev. D. T.). Essex Collections in Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 17460, 17461. Sucklingr's Collections in Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 18476, 18479, 18489, 18486 18488. Index, Add. MS. 18491. Fropert (Charles K.). Collections relating to Essex in Brit. Mus. 11 vols. Add. MSS. 33520-33530. Strangeman (James). Geneal. & Hist. Collections relating to Essex in the Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5937. King (H. W.). James Strangman, Esq., of Hadleigh, an Eminent Essex Antiquary of the time of Elizabeth and James I. {Essex Arclmol. Soc. Trans., vol. ii. pp. 139-146. 1861.) irichoU (John). MS. Collections for Essex Archseology, Architecture Genealogy, Heraldry, also H. W. King's MS. Collections are in the Library of the Essex Archaeol. Soc. Laver (Henry). The King Beciuests. Notes on the MSS. bequeathed to the Essex Archaeol. Soc. by H. W. King. (Essex Jrchwol. Soc. Trans., New Ser., vol. V. pp. 65-68. 1895.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 65 ESSEX (continued). Macray (W. D.). Kolman, Ouseley, & Jekyll Collections in the Bodleian Lib. See ' Annals of the Bodleian,' 1890, pp. 338-239. Catalogue in 2 vols. printed in 1862 and 1878, with a full Index. Madden (Sir. T.). ITote on Essex MSS. Collections of Jekyll, Ouseley, etc. (Notes ^ Queries, Set. 1, vol. xii. pp. 4(54.-455. 1855.) Christy (Miller). The Rev. John Ouseley, 1646-1703, an Early Historian of Essex. {The Essex Review, vol. xxi. pp. 132-141. 1912.) Also reprinted. Some of Ouseley's MSS. are in the Bodleian Lib., where is also what appears to be Ouseley's own manuscript Catal. of his MSS. Kingr (K. W.). The Morant and Astle MSS. and other Hist. & Topog. Collections relating to Essex. (Essex Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. ii. pp. 147- 154. 1861.) Earle (Joseph Sim). A Collection of Topographical drawings, engfravings, etc., relating to Essex is in the Library of the Soc. of Antiquaries, London. Bickwood (Oeorge). Xiist of Deeds recently acquired hy the Colchester Fnhlic Library. (Essex Archceol. Soc. Trans., New Ser., vol. xiii. pp. 140-142. 1913.) Waller (W. C). Some Essex Manuscripts : being an Account of those belonging to W. S. Chisenhale-Marsh, Esq.., of Oaynes Park. {Essex Archceol. Soc. Trans., New Ser., vol. v. pp. 200-225 ; vol. vi. pp. 101-121. 1895-97.) East Anglians in Early Hebrew Deeds. {The East Anglian, Ser. 2, vol. iv. pp. 340, 358 ; vol. v. pp. 7, 37, 57, 84, 101, 121, 148, 167. 1892-93.) Records of Manor Lands in Essex. (' Descriptive Catal. of the Original Charters & Muniments of Battle Abbey,' on Sale by Thomas Thorpe, Bedford St., London. 1835.) [Essex MSS.] Catal. of a Collection of Books, Historical Documents, etc., to be sold by Messrs. Puttick Ss Simpson, London. Dec. 17th, etc., 1885. Essex County Documents, pp. 62-69. Shadwell (C. L.). Calendar of Deeds relating to the Foundation for St. Antony's Exhibitions in Exeter College. (Over 140 Deeds relate to lands in Essex.) Privately printed. Laver (Henry). The Mammals, Reptiles, & Tishes of Essex.— List of Authorities, pp. 125-127. {Essex Field Club. Special Memoirs, vol. iii. 1898.) Christy (Miller) and Thresh (Miss May). A Hist, of the Mineral Waters & Medicinal Springs of the County of Essex,— Biblio. of Works treatmg of Essex Mineral Springs, pp. 6-10. (Essex Field Club. Special Memoirs, vol. iv. 1910.) Christy (Miller). The Birds of Essex.-Chronological List of Works quoted. App. B, pp. 293-296. {Essex Field Club. Special Memoirs, yo\. ii. 1890.) Biblio. Note on Essex Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 252. 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 13.) Mammals. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 179. 1893.) Reptiles. ( Ibid. p. 243. 1893.) Pishes. {Ibid. p. 254. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Essex, pp. 101-106. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Essex, pp. 136-138. Sims (Richard). Manual for the Genealogist. 1861. Essex, pp. 166, 203, 206, 233. Upcott (William). English Topo., 1818. Essex, vol. i. pp. 223-245, 615. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Essex, pp. 85-98. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Essex, vol. i. pp. 343-369. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal, of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Library by Richard Gough 1814. Essex, pp. 113-117. F 66 A HANDBOOK TO ESSEX (continued). OOLOHBSTBR. Borough Records, 1255, etc., with a Printed Calendar, at Colchester Castle. (Local Records Comtn. Bep., 1902, App. III. p. 52.) The Charters and Iietters Patent granted to the Borongh, by Rich. I. and succeeding Sovereigns. By Isaac Herbert Jeayes. Printed by order of the Borough. Colchester, 1904. Karrod (Henry). Repertory of the Records and Evidences of the Borough of Colchester. Colchester, 1865. Report on the Records of the Borough of Colchester. 1865. Calendar of the Court Rolls of the Borough of Colchester. 1865. Morant's Collections relating to Colchester are in the Brit. Mus. Stowe MSS. 834-842. Ecclesiastical Records of the Archdeaconry of Colchester, at the Registrar's Office, Chelmsford. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 126.) Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Colchester, pp. 24-26. Murray (David), 'museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Colchester Museum, vol. ii. pp. 183, 303. A Catal. of Books on Archeeology & Nat. History, presented to the Colchester Museum by the Rev. Henry Jenkins. 1870. A Catal. of the Harsnett Library at Colchester, compiled by G. Goodwin. Privately Printed. London, 1888. BARKING. King (H. W.}. Notes on the Registers of the Parish of Barking. (Essex Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. ii. pp. 122-133.. 1860.) CHELMSFORD. Murray (David). ' Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Chelmsford Museum, vol. ii. p. 174. CHINGPORD. Epping Porest Museum described. (Nature, vol. S3, p. 16. 1895.) A short Account of the Epping Porest Museum. (Essex Field Club. Museum Leaflets, No. 1. 1895.) HARWICH. Borough Records, 1619, etc., with MS. Index, at the Guild Hall, Harwich. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 58.) MALDON. Borough Records, 1204, etc., at the Moot Hall, Maiden. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 66.) SAFFRON WALDEN. Borough Records, 1300, etc., with MS. list, at Town Hall, Saflton Walden. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 68.) An Abridged Catal. of the Saffron Walden Museum. 1845. Not published. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 67 ESSEX (contintied). Murray (David). ' MuBeiuns.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Museums of Richard, Lord Braybrooke, at Audley End and SaiFron Walden, vol. iii. pp. 51, 149. ^^ TILTBY. Waller (W. C). Records of Tiltey Abbey. An Account of some preserved at Easton Lodge. (Essex Archwol. Soc. Trans., New Ser., vol. viii. pp. 363- 362; vol. ix. pp. 118-121. 1902-4.) WALTHAM ABBEY. Winters (W.). Historical Notes on some ancient MSS. formerly belong- ing to the monastic Library at Waltham Holy Cross. {Roy. Hist. Soc. Trans., vol. vi. pp. 203-266. 1877.) Littler (Edmund). Notes upon some Flans and Drawings illustratiev of the Antiquities of the Abbey and Town of Waltham Abbey. (Essex ArchcBol. Soc. Trans., vol. ii. pp. 41-55. 1859.) FERMANAGH. Diz (Ernest Reginald McClintock). Printing in Enuisbillen, 1798- 1825, with a List. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. ii. pp. 185-186. 1911.) Additional Note, by J. S. C. {Ibid. vol. v. p. 147. 1914.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Fermanagh, p. 434. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Fermanagh, vol. ii. p. 802. Grross (Charles). Biblio. of British Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Fermanagh, p. 120. Belmore (Earl of). Ancient Maps of Enniskilleu and its environs. (Ulster Journ. of Archwol., vol. ii. pp. 218-243. 1896.) FIFESHIRE. Mackay (tineas J. G.). List of Books relating to Pife and Kinross. Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. iii. pp. 1-30. 1899. List of Maps of Fife and Kinross, p. 30. List of the Cupar Press of TuUis and of Westwood, pp. 25-29. A short Note on the Local Presses of Scotland; with a List of Books relating to Fife, and a special List of those printed at Cupar-Fife. Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. iii. pp. 33-35. 1899. A History of Fife and Kinross. The County Histories of Scotland. 1896. List of Books relating to Fife & Kinross, pp. 361-389. Beveridge (Erskine). A Biblio. of Works relating to Dunfermline and the West of Pife, including publications of Writers connected with the District. Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. v. 1901. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano -British Remains. 1912. Fifeshire, p. 139. Laing (David). The Poetical Works of Sir David Lyndsay, of the Mount (Fifeshire). Biblio. with facsimiles of the title-pages of the chief Editions, vol. iii. pp. 232-298. Edinburgh, 1879. Special Collections for Dunfermline and Fife are at the Pittencrieff House Museum, and at the Carnegie Public Lib. in Dunfermline. 68 A HANDBOOK TO FIFESHIBE (continued). Hist. ]\CS3. Comm. Reports. FifesMre Collections. Bethune, Sir John, at Kilconquhar .., 5th Rep. p. xxi. and App. pp. 623-626. Glasgow, Earl of, at Crawford Priory 3rd Rep. p. xxiii. and App. p. 405 ; 8th Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 304-308. Moray, Earl of, at Donybristle ... 6th Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 634-673. Rosslyn, Earl of, at Dysart House, Kirkcaldy 2nd Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 191, 192. Rothes, Henrietta, Countess of, at Leslie House 4th Rep. p. xx. and App. pp. 492-511. Wemyss, Mr. R. G. E., at Wemyss Castle 3rd Rep. p. XXV. and App. pp. 422-423. St. Andrew's University 2nd Rep. p. xx. and App. pp. 206-209. Iiivingstone (Mattlie'n'). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Fifeshire, p. 176. Dunfermline, pp. 39, 132, 193. TurnbuU (William B.). Scottish FarocMal Registers. 1849. List of Fife- shire Registers, pp. 64-76, 161. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Fifeshire, p. 132. DunfermUne, p. 220. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Fifeshire. (Jour, of Botany, vol. xii. p. 235. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Fifeshire Birds. (Catal. of Local lAsts of Brit. Birds, 1891, p. 32). Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 210. 1893.) AnderBon (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Fifeshire, pp. 392-394. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Fifeshire, p. 360. CUPAR. Burgh Records, with MS. Index, at Town Clerk's Office, Cupar. (Loeal Records Comm. Rep., 1902. App. III. p. 90.) Charters and other Muniments belonging to the Royal Burgh of Fife, 1363-1595. Translated from the originals by George Home, Edinburgh, in 1812. Cupar-Fife, 1882. DUNFERMLINE. Burgh Records, 1473, etc., at Dunfermline. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902. App. III. p. 90.) Beveridge (Brskine). A Biblio. of Works relating to Dunfermline and the West of Fife, see ante. Couper (W. J.). The Millers of Haddington, Dunbar, and Dunfermline. A Record of Scottish Bookselling. London, 1914. Books printed and published by the Millers at the Dunfermline Press, pp. 301-312. KINGHORN. Burgh Records, at Town House, Kinghorn. (Local Records Comm. Bm., 1902, App. HI. p. 94.) KIRKCALDY. Burgh Records, 1663, etc., at Town House, Kirkcaldy. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 94.) LINDORES. Dickson (Thomas). Notice of the Register of Lindores Abbey, in the Library at Caprington Castle, Ayrshire. (Soc. of Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xx. pp. 148-159. 1886.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 69 FIFESBIRE {continued). PITTENWEEM. Burgrli Records, leth cent., etc., at Pittenween. (Local Becordt Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 98.) ST. ANDREWS. University Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Scottisli Univ. Libraries. Lists of Printed Catalogues. St. Andrews. (Aberdeen Univ. Lib. Bull, vol. i. p. 401. 1912.) Anderson (Joseph) and Black (Geo. F.). Reports on Local Museums in Scotland. St. Andrews' University Museum. (Soc. of Aniiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xxii. p. 345. 1888.) Axon (William E. A.). On an unrecorded issue of the Aberdeen Press of Edward Raban in 1627. With a handlist of the production of his Presses at Edinburgh, St. Andrews, etc. (Soc. of Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xliii. pp. 24-33. 1909.) FLINTSHIRE. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Flintshire Collections. Cooke, Mr. P. B. Davies, at Owston Hall, nr. Doncaster 6th Rep. p. xv. and App, pp. 418, 426. Dod, Mr. WhitehaU, at Llanerch, St. Asaph 3rd Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 258-260. Kenyon, Lord, at Gredington Hall, Flints 14tli Rep. pp. 31-36 and App. IV. Mostyn, Lord, at Mostyn Hall ... 1st Rep. p. x. and App. p. 44 ; 4th Rep App. pp. 347-363; Welsh MSS. in MsS. in the Welsh Language, vol. i Puleston, Sir Richard, at Worthenbury 2nd Rep. p. xi. and App. pp. 65-68. Puleston, the Rev. Sir T. G., at 15th Rep. pp. 39, 40, and App. VII. pp Worthenbury Rectory, Wrexham 307-343. St. Asaph. Cathedral Records, at St. Asaph. (Local Records Comm. Rep. 1902, App. III. p. 114.) Catal. of the Books in the St. Asaph Cathedral Library, arranged by Rev. W. Morton. 1878. List of Flintshire Illustrations in the ' Archaeologia Cambrensis,' 1884- 1900. See Alphabetical Index by F. Green, 1902, p. 102. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) FUntshire, p. 236. Lyell (Arthur K.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Flint- shire, p. 144. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Flintshire, p. 158. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Flintshire Birds. (Catal. of Local Lists of British Birds, London, 1891, p. 14.) Anderson {John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Flintshire, p. 348. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Flintshire, vol. ii. p. 528. FORFARSHIRE. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Forfarshire Collections. Airlie, Earl of, at Cortachy Castle ... 2nd Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 186-188. Dalhousie, Earl of, at Brechin Castle 1st Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 117-119 ; 2nd Rep. pp. ix., xvii. and App. p. 186. , at Panmure Castle 1st Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 117-119; 2nd Rep. pp. ix.,xvii. and App. p. 186. 70 A HANDBOOK TO FOBFARSHJRE {continued). Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Forfarskire Collections (continued). Erskine, Mr. A. J. Kennedy, at Dun Sth Rep. p. xxi. and App. pp. 633-644 Guthrie, Mr. John, of Guthry ... 2nd Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. 19T, 198. Southesk, Earl of, at Kinnaird Castle 7th Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 716-726. Strathmore & Kinghorn, Earl of, at 2nd Rep. p. xviii. and App. p. 185 ; 14th Glamis Castle Rep. p. 49 and App. III. pp. 174.-190. Montrose, Royal Burgh of 2nd Rep. p. xx. and App. pp. 205-206. County Council Records, 1740, etc., at Forfar. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 82.) Anderson (Peter John). Inventories of Ecclesiastical Records of North- Eastern Scotland. Forfarshire, pp. 238, etc. New Spalding Club, vol. vi. Miscellany, vol. i. 1890. Livingstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Forfarshire, p. 176. TurnbuU (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers, 1849. List of Forfarshire Registers, pp. 77-85, 162. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Forfarshire, p. 132. Dundee, pp. 217-220. Harrington (Michael). Grahame of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee. (1648-1689). London, 1911. Biblio., pp. 416-432. Special County Collection for Forfarshire in the Arbroath Public Library. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Forfarshire. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 236. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Forfarshire Birds. (Catal. of Local Lists of British Birds, London, 1891, p. 32.) Mammals. (Tlie Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 210. 1893.) Reptiles. (Ihid. p. 249. 1893.) Fishes. (Ibid. p. 261. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Forfarshire, pp. 394-395. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Forfarshire, vol. ii. pp. 692-693. Bandinel (BuUceley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Library by Richard Gough. 18U. Forfarshire, p. 361. ARBROATH. Burgh Records, 1491, etc.. with MS. Index, at Town House, Arbroath. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 88.) M'Bain (J. M.). Biblio. of Arbroath Periodical Literature, etc. (Scottish Notes ^ Queries, vol. ii. pp. 66, 84, 105, 119, 133 ; vol. iii. p. 42. 1888-89.) Also issued separately. Hay (George). Hist, of Arbroath. 1899. List of Authorities, pp. vii.-x. Anderson (Joseph). Reports on Local Museums in Scotland. Arbroath Museum. (Soe. of Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xxii. p. 372. 1888.) DUNDEE. Burgh Records, 1292, etc., with Printed Index, at Dundee. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 90.) Charters, Writs, & Public Documents of the Royal Burgh of Dundee, the Hospital and Johnston's Bequest, 1292-1880. App. Inventory of Charters, etc., in the Town Repositories, 1879. Dundee, 1880. Abstract or Inventory of Charters and Other Writings belonging to the Corporation of Weavers of the Royal Burgh of Dundee. 1681. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 71 FORFARSHIRE {contimied). Lamb (A. C.)' Biblio. of Dundee Periodical Literature. (Scottish Notes ^ Queries, vols. iii. & iv. passim ; vol. vi. p. 107 ; vol. Ix. p. 27 ; Ser. 2, vol. vi. pp. 90, 103 ; vol. vil. p. 134. 1889-1906.) Haclauolilaii (John). A brief Guide to the 'Old Dundee' historical Collection formed by A. C. Lamb. Dundee, 1901. Mr. A. C. Lamb presented a collection of local hooka to the Dundee Free Library. Snnoan (James). The Albert Inst, of Literature, Science, & Art : Its Libraries, Museums, & Fine Art Galleries. Brit. Assoc. Dundee. 1912. [Handbook ^ Quide to Dundee, pp. 183-188.) Jenkinson (F. J. K.). ITote on a volume from the Library of the Dominicans of Dundee. Bdin. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. vi. pp. 181-184. 1906. Hurray (David). ' museums.' Glasgow. 1904. Biblio. Note on Dundee Museums, vol ii. p. 231. MONTROSE. Burgh Records, 1275, etc., with MS. Index, at Town House, Montrose. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 96.) Burgh Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Anderson (Joseph). Reports on Local Museums in Scotland. Montrose Museum. (Soe. of Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xxxi. Tp. ¥)l. 1888.) Low (J. G.) and (W.). Biblio. of Montrose Periodicals. (Scottish Notes 4- Queries, vol. iii. pp. S, 23, 40, 57, 74, 76, 88, 113, 124 ; vol. iv. p, 55; vol. ix. p. 27 ; Ser. 3, vol. viii. p. 77. 1889-1906.) GALLOWAY. [See also Kircudbright and Wigtownshire.] MazweU (Sir Herbert E.). Hist, of Dumfries and Galloway. The County Histories of Scotland. 1896. List of Books relating to Dumfries and Galloway, pp. 363-399. List of Principal Maps, pp. 400-401. Murray (Thomas). Literary Hist, of Galloway from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, with an Appendix. 1822. Autobiographical XTotes, now first printed from the original MSS. , with notes and a Biblio., by J. A. Fairley. 1912. Gladstone (Hugh S.). The Hist, of the Dumfriesshire & Galloway Nat. Hist. & Antiq,. Soc, 1862-1912. (Transactions, Third Ser., vol. i. pp. 15- 39. 1913.) The Special Collection of the Society is at the Ewart Public Library, Dumfries. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) GaUoway, p. 132. Biblio. of Historical Monuments, etc., in the Co. of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, in Inventory of Monuments, etc., in Galloway. (Hist. Monuments (^cot.) Comm. Rep., pp. xix.-xx. 1914.) Maxwell (Sir Herbert B.). Studies in the Topography of Galloway. 1887.) Authorities quoted, pp. xi.-xiii. Harper (M. M'L.). The Bards of Galloway: A Collection of Poems, Songs, Ballads, etc., by Natives of Galloway. 1889. Notes, Biog., & Biblio., pp. 242-262. 72 A HANDBOOK TO GALWAY. Falkiner (C. Litton). A List of Printed Books & Documents velatingf to Iceland which contain information relative to the Hist, of the County or City of Galway. (Oalway Archwol. ^ Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. 3, pp. 100- 109. 1902.) Coleman (James). Bibliographia Conaciensis : a list of Books relating to Connaught. Galway, pp. 29-31, 33, 239. (Galway Arclusol. ^ Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. V. 1908.) Index to the Journal of the Galway Archseol. & Hist. Society, vols, i.-vil. Compiled by M. Bradshaw & J. Dowie. Dublin, 1913. Catal. of the Exhibit of the Galway Archeeol. & Hist. Soc. in the Archaeo- logical Section at the Galway Exhibition, 1908. By M. Redington. {Oalway Archwol. f Hist. Soc. Jomti., vol. v. pp. 178-192. 1908.) Gross (Charles). Bihlio. of Brit. Municipal Kist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Galway, p. 237. Dix (Brnest Reginald McClintock). A brief Note on Galway Printing. (Oalway Archeeol. S/; Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. iv. p. 62. 1905.) Local Printing in Galway, 1754-1804. (Dublin Penny Journ., 7 Jan., 1905.) Printing in Galway, 1754-1820, with a List. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. ii. pp. 50-55. 1910.) 1801-25, with a List. (7J«U vol. iv. pp. 59-61. 1912.) Galway Song Books. Biblio. (Oalway Archeeol. ^ Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. iir. pp. 178-179. 1906.) Early Loughrea Printing. — Earliest Loughrea Printing, 1765- 1800. (Galway Archwol. ^ Hist. Soc. Journ,, vol. iv. pp. 110-112 ; vol. v. pp. 194-195. 1905-08.) Printing in Loughrea, 1766-1825, with a List. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. ii. pp. 151-152. 1911.) Printing in Tuam, 1795-1810, with a List. (Dublin Penny Journ., 3 Dec, 1904.) 1774-1825, with a List. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. ii. pp. 101-102. 1911.) Catal. of the Library of University College, Galway. Compiled by v. Steinberger. 1913. Notes on the Pictorial Map of Galway. By W. F. Trench, C. L. Falkiner, M. J. Blake, etc. Index by Rev. J. McErlean. (Galway Archeeol. ^ Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. iv. pp. 41-48, 133-160. 1905-06.) Nolan (J. P.). The References for Political Changes of Property, Co. Galway. (Galway ArcheBol. ^ Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. in. pp. Sl-iS. 1903.) Index to the References to National & Ancient Monuments in Co. Galway, contained in the Annual Reports of the Office of Public Works, Ireland, between the years 1875 and 1909. By Olive Creery. (Oalway Archeeol. S[ Hist. Soc. .Tourn., vol. vii. pp. 120-125. 1911.) Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Galway Collection. Galway, Town Archives 10th Rep. p. 45 and App. V. pp. 380-520. Trench (W. F.) and Lawson (T. Dillon). On the Corporation Books of Galway. (Oalway Archeeol. 4" Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 132-136. 1901.) Fahey (Very Rev. J.). The Galway Hist. MSS. and how they were discovered. (Oalway Archeeol. ^ Hiit. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 85-89. 1901.) Hardiman (James). Hist, of the Town & County of Galway. Appendix. Principal Charters and other Original Documents. Dublin, 1820. Coleman (James). Memoir of James Hardiman, Librarian of Queen's Coll., Galway, 1849-55. (Oalway Archeeol. Sj; Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. vi. pp. 180- 181. 1910.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Galway, p. 434. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Galway, vol. ii. p. 802. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 78 GLAMORGANSHIRE. Hist. MSS. Conun. Reports. Olamore^ansliire Collection. Cardiff Free Library (The Philipps MSS.) Welsh MSS., vol. ii. pts. 1 and 2. County Records, 1719, etc., with MS. list, at Glamorgan County Offices. {Local Records Comm. Bep., 1902. App. III. p. 28.) County Records at Cardiff. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, p. 236.) Cartee et Alia Munimeuta quea ad Dominium de Glamorgan pertinent, etc., 1102-1689. Curante Geo. T. Clark. Dowlais, etc., 1885-93. 4 vols. Cartes et alia Munimenta quse ad Dominium Olamorgancia pertinent, 449- 1721. CoUected by Geo. T. Clark. Edited by Godfrey L. Clark. Cardiff, 1910. 6 vols. Index in vol. vi. 'Cadravd' (T. C. Evans). John Walters and the First Printing Press in Glamorganshire. {Welsh Biblio. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 83-89. 1911.) List of Glamorganshire Illustrations in the ' Archseologia Camhrensis,' 1884-1900. See Alphabetical Index by F. Green, 1902, p. 103. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Glamorganshire, p. 144. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Glamorgan, p. 238. Cardiff, p. 187. Neath, p. 341. Swansea, pp. 402-403. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Glamorgan- shire. {Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 156. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Glamorganshire Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 262, 1890; and reprinted inpamph., 1891, p. 14.) Mammals. (27je ZooZo^i**, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 179. 1893.) Reptiles. {Ibid. f. 24,4,. 1893.) Pishes. {Ibid. p. 254. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Glamorganshire, pp. 349-350. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Glamorganshire, vol. ii. p. 501. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Glamorganshire, p. 333. CARDIFF. Borough Records, 1338, etc., with MS. Indexes, at Town Hall & Free Library, Cardiff. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 32.) Records in Public Library, 12th cent., etc. {Local Records Comm. Bep., 1903, App. III. p. 136.) See also ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Cardiff Records : being Materials for a Hist, of the County Borough from the earliest times. Edited by J. H. Matthews. General Index by Mary Petherbridge, vol. vi. pp. 1-362. 6 vols. Cardiff, 1898-1911. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow. 1904. Biblio. Note on Cardiff Museum, vol. ii. p. 165. LLANDAFF. Cathedral Records, 1573, etc., at Llandaff. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 112.) A Digest of the Parish Registers within the Diocese of Llandaff prior to 1836, with Index to Transcripts to 1813, and Inventories of Act Books since 15T5. 5 vols. Cardiff, 1905-14. 74 A HANDBOOK TO GLAMORGANSHIRE (continued). NEATH. Borough Records, 1397, etc., with MS. Index, at Town Clerk'a Office, Heath. [Loral Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. HI. p. 66.) Francis (Oeorge G.). Original Charters and Materials for a Hist, of Neath and its Ahbey. 1845. Not published. PENRIOE. Descriptive Catal. of the Fenrice & Margam Abbey MSS. in the possession of Miss Talbot, of Margam, with introduction and notes by W. de Gray Birch. First and Second Series, 1893-94. Privately Printed. SWANSEA. Francis (Oeorge O.). Charters granted to Swansea. 1867. Not published. List of Statutes, pp. 157-163. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Swansea Museum, vol. iii. p. 903. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. KTETT (Fvancis Adams) and BAZELET (WilUam). TKB BIBLIO- ORAFKBB'S MANUAI> OF OI.OUCBSTERSKIRE UTBRATVRB. 3 vols. Gloucester, 1895-7. 8vo. List of Gloucestershire Printers, vol. ii., pp. 394-400. An admirable work, arranged under Parishes. Mr. Hyett is supplementing this work by one on Biographical Collectanea. Fhelys (J. D.). Collectanea Olocestriensia, or a Catal. of Books, Tracts, Coins, &c., relating to the County of Glos. in the possession of John Delafield Phelps, Chavenage House. London, 1842. Austin (Roland). Gloucester Fublic Libravy. Catal. of MSS., Books, Pamphlets, etc., relating to the City and County of Glos deposited [by C. H. Dancey] in the Glos. Public Library. 1911. The Glos. Public Lib. has a special collection of Glos. literature and a County Photographic Record. Bristol and Glos. Archeeol. Soc. Catal. of the Books, Pamphlets, and MSS. in the Library of the Soc, 1898. Index to the Transactions of the Bristol and Glos. Archssol. Soc. Vols, i.-xx. 1876-97. Glos. 1900. Index to Papers in the Transactions of the Bristol and Glos. Archeeol. Soc. Vols. xzi.-xxx. 1898-1907. Compiled by R. Austin. {Tram., vol. xxxiii. pp. 78-95. 1910.) Glos. Papers in 'Archaol. Journ. of Royal Archeeol. Instit.' Vol. i.-xli., 1845-84. (Oloa. Notes f Queries, vol. iii. pp. 288-292. 1886.) Glos. Papers in ' Journ. of British Archnol. Assoc' Vol. i.-xl., 1845-84. {Olos. Notes ^ Queries, vol. iii. pp. 279-282. 1886.) Austin (Roland). Some Gloucestershire Books and their Writers, with introduction by F. A. Hyett. Glos., 1911. Way (Albert). Catal. of the Museum formed at Gloucester during the meeting of the Archnol. Institute. 1860. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 75 GLOUCESTERSHIRE (continued). OroBS (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studigg, vol. v., 189T.) Gloucestershire, p. 96. Bristol, pp. 176-181, 431. Ciren- cester, pp. 196-197. Gloucester, pp. 247-349. Tewkesbury, p. 404. Davenport (Prances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Glos. Manorial Hist., pp. 4*5-46. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1991. Domesday Biblio. Glos., vol. ii. p. 677. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano - British Remains. 1912. Gloucestershire, pp. 28-36. Biblio. Note on Roman Remains, Glos. (The Arehceol. Bwiew, vol. i. pp. 115-117. 1888.) ^ Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London, Geo. AUen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Glos. Brasses, with a List, pp. 140 and 157-158. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Glos. Museum, vol. ii. pp. 259, 303. Williams (T. W.). Olos. Mediaeval Libraries. (Bristol ^ Glos. Archwol. Soe. Trans., vol. xxxi. pp. 78-195. 1908.) List of Glos. Biographies (A-C only) in the D. N. B. Vols. i.-x. (Glos. Notes §• Queries, vol. iv. pp. 614-619. 1890.) No more published. Bellows (John). Printer and Author, 1831-1902. Letters and Memoir, edited by his wife. London. 1904. Appendix. AListof J. Bellows' Writings. The Private Press. A Study in Idealism. Printed by C. R. Ashbee at Broad Carapden, Glos. 1909. Chubb (Thomas). A Descriptive Catal. of the Printed Maps of Olos., 1577-1911. With Biog. Notes. Bristol, 1913. (Bristol <^ Glos. Arehceol. Sac. Trans. ) John Washbourn's book ' Bibliotbeca GlouoeBtrensis,' is not a bibliography, but a reprint of local Civil War Tracts. Jackson (Mrs. P. ITevill). Some Account of a Portrait Collection of Gloucestershire Worthies. (Glos. Notes S[ Queries, vol. x. pp. 17-22. 1913.) Hunter (A. A.). Portraits of the Bishops of Gloucester. (Bristol and Glos. Arehceol. Soe. Trans., vol. xxxv. pp. 139-143. 1912.) Austin (Roland). List of Gloucestershire Poll Books. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 10, vol. X. p. 124. 1908.) Glos. Genealogfy. Heralds' Visitations and Heraldic Collections. (Glos. Notes 4[ Queries, vol. iii. pp. 350-351. 1886.) Were (P.). Index to the Heraldry in Bigland's 'Gloucestershire.' (Bristol and Glos. Arehceol. Soe. Trans., vol. xxviii. pp. 147-510. 1905.) Hist. MSS. Oomm. Reports. Gloucestershire Collections. Lord Fitzhardinge, at Berkeley Castle . . . 4th Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 364-367. Captain S. Grove, of Taynton, nr. Gloucester 5th Rep. p. x. and App. pp. 360, 361. Duke of Beaufort, at Badminton I2th Rep. p. xii. and App. IX. pp. 1-115. Bristol, Dean and Chapter 1st Kep. App. p. 97. Gloucester Corporation 12th Rep. p. 46 and App. IX. pp. 400-529. Dean and Chapter 12th Rep. p. 47 and App. IX. pp. 397-399. Woodchester Monastery, nr. Stroud ... 2nd Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 146-149. County Records. 1660, etc., with MS. Indices, at the Shire Hall, Gloucester. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. iii. p. 18.) 76 A HANDBOOK TO GLOUCESTERSHIRE (continued). Borough Records, 1155, etc., with Printed Index, at Ouildball, Olos. {Local Records Qomm. Rep., 1902, App. iii. p. 42.) Kyett (F. A.). Catal. of the MSS. in the British KIuBeum relating to the Connty of Olos. and the City of Bristol. (Bristol and Olos. Archteol. Soc. Trans., vol. xx. pp. 161-221. 1896-7.) Suggestions for increasing the utility of County Bibliographies. (Bihlio. Soc. Trans., vol. iii. pp. 27-40. 1896.) Olos. References in the Bodleian Library. (Olos. Notes fational Portrait Catalogue of the County, were taken in hand some years ago by the East Herts. Archaeological Society, and by the St. Albans and Herts. Architectural and Archaeological Society. Apparently the work was not completed, although much progress was made.] Catal. of the ' Lewis Evans ' Collection of Books and Pamphlets relatincr to Hertfordshire in the Hertfordshire County Mnseum, St. Albans, compiled by H. R. Wilton Hall. 3 parts. St. Albans, 1906, '08. 'The best and only Bibliography of the County in existence. I possess a large number ol Items which are not recorded in these Catalogues, for I have, in a desultory fashion, been collecting Herts, books, pamphlets, and extracts, for nearly 20 years. I possess, in addition, much material in MS. volumes, which I have extracted Irom the Public Record Office Publications and elsewhere.'— W. B. Gerish. Bishop's Storttord, 1914. An Index to the Transactions of the St. Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archseolog^ical Soc. 1884-189<1'. St. Albans, 1898. A Ijist of Papers read before the St. Albans and Herts. Archit. St Archseol. Soc, from its Foundation in 1845. By H. R. Wilton Hall. (Trans., New Ser., vol. ii. pp. 104-114. 1905.) ' 'Tis Sixtj Tears Since.' A Sketch of the St. Albans & Herts. Archit. ft Archeeol. Soc. By H. R. Wilton Hall. (2Va»s.,New Ser., vol. ii. pp. 123- 146. 1912.) Oerish (W. B.). A Notable County History. An Account of a remarkable • Grangerized ' copy of Clutterbuck's Hertfordshire, illustrated by and for John Morice, F.S.A. (East Herts. Archeeol. Soc. Tram., vol. i. pp. 169-171. 1900.) Andrews (W. F.). The Topog^raphical Collections of a Hertfordshire Archaeoloirist. (East Herts. ArchcBol. Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 159-167. 1900.) A Quarterly Biblio. of Middlesex and Hertfordshire. (MidcUestx and Herts. Notes and Queries, vols, i.-iv. 1895-98.) ITorden (John). Spectai Britaniie Pars. A Description of Hartfordshire, 1598. Reprint, with Biography and Biblio. of Norden's Works, by W. B. Gerish. 1903. The Hertfordshire Historians. John Horden, 1548-1626 (?). A Biography, with a Biblio., by W. B. Gerish. Ware, 1903. Sir Henry Chauncy, 1632-1719, Author of 'The Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire,' 1700. A Biography with Biblio. Notes, by W. B. Gerish. London, 1907. Pordhant (Sir H. G-.). Hertfordshire Maps ; A Descripti've Catal. of the Haps of the County, 1579-1900. Hertford, 1907. Reprinted from Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., vol. xi. pts. 1, 6; vol. xii. pt. 5. 1902-07.) Supplement. Hertford, 1914. Reprinted from Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., vol. xt pt. 2. 1914. Hertfordshire Portraits, Maps and Plans, Newspaper Cuttings, etc., in the Herts. County Museum, St. Albans, with Special MS. Catalogues. Description of a Collection of Local Sketches (Herts. Topography) at Essendon Place in 1898, made about 1797 by a Schoolmaster of Tewm, named Pridmore, in 9 vols. (St. Albans and Herts. Archit. yell (Arthur K.). Biblio. List of Romano-Britiah Remains. 1912. Herts., pp. 45-46. An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Hertfordshire. 1910. {Royal Comm. on Hist. Monuments — England.) Gerish (W. B.). Hertfordshire Monumental Inscriptions. A List of Parishes and Transcribers. {The Register of English Monumental Inscrip- tions, vol. ii. pp. 85-89. 1914.) A Record of Monumental Inscriptions in Hertfordshire, with a List of Parishes and Transcribers. {East Herts. Archwol. Sac. Trans., vol. v. pp. 191-196. 1913.) The Transcripts in 13 vols, with Indexes of about 70,000 names are at the Hon. Secretary's House at Bishop's Stortford. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : George Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Herts. Brasses, with a List, pp. llfl, 159-161. The Late Rev. Henry Fowler's Papers (relatingf chiefly to St. Albans and Hertfordshire) with a List, by H. R. Wilton Hall. {St. Albans ^ Herts. Archit. ^ Archceol. Sac. Trans., New Ser., vol. i. pp. 398-403. 1903.) An Almanack Maker. Henry Andrews, of Royston. (Herts. Illust. Review, vol. i. p. 231. 1893.) The Asheudene Private Printing Press of St. John Hornby. List of Issues. {The Revival of Printing. A Biblio. Catal. of Works issued by the Chief Modem English Presses, with an Introduction by Robert Steele, 1912, pp. 45-48.) Biblio. of the Rye House Plot. {Notes and Queries, Ser. 9, vol. i. pp. 213, 372 ; vol. ii. pp. 34, 1T5. 1898.) Fordham (Sir H. G.). On Local Museums, (Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 215-220. 1881.) Hopkinson (John). The Formation and Arrang^ement of Provincial Museums. (Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 193-214. 1881.) Special Topographical Collections relating to Hertfordshire are in the County Museum and at the St. Albans Public Library. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Hertfordshire Collections. Baker, Mr. W. R., at Bayfordbury ... 2nd Rep. p. xi. and App. pp. 69-73. Harvey, Mr. John, of Ickwell Bury ... 1st Rep. p. x. and App. pp. 62-63; 2nd Rep. App. pp. 89-91. Salisbury, Marquess of, at Hatfield ... 3rd Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 147-180; 4th Rep. p. xii, and App. pp. 199- 227 ; 5th Bep. p. vii. and App. pp. 261-294 ; 6th Rep. App. pp. 250- 377 ; 7th Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 182-196 ; 12th Rep. pp. 23-34; 13th Rep. pp. 26-31 ; 14tK Rep. pp. 16- 23 ; 15th Rep. pp. 31-37 ; 16th Rep. pp. 48-56; 17th Rep. pp. 38-34; and vols, i.-xii. (1306-1603). Verulajn, Earl of, at Gorhambuyy ... 17th Rep. pp. 51-54, and a vol. 1906. Hertford Corporation 14th Rep. App. VIII. pp. 158-164. St. Albans Corporation 5th Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 565-568. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 89 EEBTFOEDSHIBE (continued). County Records, 1620, etc., -with MS. and Printed Lists, at the Shire Hall, Hertford, and at the Court House, St. Albans. (Local Records Comtn. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 18.) Borough Records, 1304, etc., at Hertford. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 60.) ^ ' ' Records in Public and Private Custody. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 133.) Johnston (C. £.). Some Hertfordshire Seeds from the Phillipps Sale, 1913. Chauncy Deeds. (East Herts. Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. v. pp. 139-1*2. 1913.) Iiist of Hertfordshire Non-Parochial Registers. {The Herts. Oenealogist, vol. i. pp. ISS-IS*. 1895.) Tancock (Rev. O. W.). The Old Parish Registers of Hertfordshire, with a List arranged under Parishes. (Midd. and Herts. Notes and Queries, vol. iii. pp. 7, 59, 140, 178 ; vol. iv. pp. 34., 63, 135, 170. 1897-98.) Andrews (W. P.). The Parish Registers of St. Andrew, Hertford. (East Herts. Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. v. pp. 148-169. 1913.) Whitaker (William). List of Works on the Geology of Hertfordshire to 1873. (Watford Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., vo\.\.^y).n-Si. 1876.) 1874-83, by John Hopkinson. (Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., vol. iii. pp. 165-172. 1885.) Pryor (A. R.) and Jackson (B. D.). A Plora of Hertfordshire. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1887. Biblio., pp. xxxvii.-lviii. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Hertfordshire. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 108. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Hertfordshire Birds. (The Zoologist, Sex. 3, vol. xiv. p. 254, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. IS.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Herts., pp. 128-131. Gatflcld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Herts, pp. 112-113. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Herts., pp. 167, 208-209, 234. Upcott (William). English Topo., 1818. Herts., vol. i. pp. 333-347, 623-626. Smith (Alfred Kussell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc., 1878. Herts., pp. 121-126, 163. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Herts., vol. i. pp. 419-434. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1811. Herts., pp. 130-133. BBNGBO. Mansel'Pleydell (Rev. J. C. M.) Bengeo Old Church Plate and Old Registers. (St. Albans and Herts. Archit. £[ Archwol. Soc. Trans., pp. 47-50. 1886.) BISHOP'S STOBTFOBD. Glasscock (J. L.). The Records of St. Michael's Parish Church, Bishops Stortford. 1883. Catalogue of Papers, etc., pp. ix.-xii. MELDBETH . Palmer (W. M.) Meldreth Parish Records. Royston. 1896. ST. ALBANS. Qlbbs (Arthur Ernest). Tha Corporation Records of St. Albans. 1890. Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Black (W. H.) On the Town Records of St. Albans. (Brit. Archceol. Assoc. Journ., vol. xxvi. pp. 143-149. 1870.) List of St. Albans Municipal Records Printed. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. vi. p. 91. 1912.) 90 A HANDBOOK TO HERTFORDSHIRE {continued). Archdeaconry Records, X6tli cent, etc., with Printed Index, at St. Albana Abbey and Chelmsford. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 126.) Kail (K. B. Wilton). Records of the Old Archdeaconry of St. Albans: A Calendar of Papers, 1575-1637. St. Albans and Herts. Archit. and Archseol. Soc. 1908. Gibbs (A. E.). List of Transcripts of Registers for the Archdeaconry of St. Albans. {The Herts. Genealogist, vol. 1. pp. 30-32. 1895.) Blades (William). Some Account of the Typography at St. Albans in the 15th century. London. 1860. The Printer at St. Albans. {Tlie Book-Worm, vol. i. pp. 169-172. 1866.) The Schoolmaster-Printer of St. Albans. {The Antiquary, vol. i. pp. 98-30. 1880.) The Book of St. Albans, printed at St. Albans, in 1486, with an Introduction. 1901. Scott (Bdward). Who was the Schoolmaster Printer of St. Albans? (The Athenmim, 1878, vol. i. pp. S4l, 763; vol. ii. pp. 497, 623.) AUnutt (W. H.). XSnglish Provincial Presses — Early Printing at St. Albans. (Biblitffraphica, vol. ii. pp. 94-25. 1896.) Kitton (P. Or.). Notes on Engravings of St, Albans Abbey. {The Anti- quary, vol. xxxi. pp. 43-52. 1895.) SAWBBIDGEWORTH. Oerish (W. B.). Dr. Charles Wade (an Antiquary whose Collections towards a History of Sawbridgeworth are in the possession of Mr. Gerish), with a List of Dr. Wade's Papers in the Sawbridgeworth Collections. (East Hertt. Archaol. Soc. Trans., vol. ii. pp. 210-213. 1905.) TBING. Murray (David). ' Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Tring Museum, vol. iii. p. 219. HUNTINGDONSH IRE . [' My MS. Bibliography of Huntingdonshire is formed of quarto sheets arranged alphabetically, of the Books, etc., I have or want, and many biographical notes. It consists of many thousand pages. I want to arrange it for the Press and make it a standard work on the Bibliography of the County.' — H. E Norris. Cirencester. 1914.] Norris (Herbert E.). Catal. of the Huntingdonshire Books collected by H. E. Norris. Printed by John Bellows of Gloucester for Private Circulation. Cirencester, 1895. Xing (Charles). Bibliotheca Huntingdoniensis : a contribution to a Huntingdonshire Bibliography, with Biographical Notices of Authors connected either by birth, residence or an official capacity with that County, (A MS. in possession of H. E. Norris.) Norris (Herbert E.). Lists of the Booksellers and Printers of St. Ives, St. Neots, and Huntingdon. {Notes §■ Queries, Ser. 10, vol. viii. p. 201 ; vol. xii. p. 164; Ser. II, vol. vi. p. 207; viii. p. 44. 1907-13.) The First Huntingdon Printer: John Jenkinson, 1768-1807, (Hunts. Courhty News, 14 Feb. 1903, and reprinted in Hunts. Post, 29 Aue. 1903.) Robert Edis. 1802-1880. A Huntingdon Printer. (At present in MS. only.) Thomas Lovell, Printer at Huntingdon, with a list of Books printed by him. (At present in MS. only.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 91 HUNTINGDONSHIRE (eontinued). Norri* (Herbert E.). Andrew Page Wood and his Son, Alfred Wood. Kuntingrdon Printers. (At present in MS. only.) List of Articles on Hunts. Printers. (JVotet & Qtieries, Ser. 10. vol. H. p. 12. 1904.) -Hunts. Privately Printed Books, unpublished copies and limited editions. (At present in MS. only.) Hunts. Book Collectors. (At present in MS. only.) On tte Earliest Circulating libraries of Hunts. (St. Mots Adver- tiser, 14 Apr. 1904.) Hunts. Book Clubs, with a Ust. (Notes 5- Queries, Ser. 11, vol. ix. p. 461. 1914.) Biblio. of Hunts. Newspapers. (At present in MS. only.) The First Hunts. Newspaper. (Hunts. County News, 8 Nov. 1902.) Index to Newspaper Articles on Hunts. (At present in MS. only.) Hunts. Book-plates and Book-labels. (At present in MS. only.) Dedications of some Hunts. Books. (At present in MS. only.) Catalogues of Engraved Prints, Views, Portraits and Water Colour Drawings. (At present in MS. only.) The Earliest Photographs of Hunts. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. viii. p. 405. ]913.) Huntingdonshire Broadsides. (At present in MS. only. ) Hunts. Poll Books. (Notes f Queries, Ser. 11, vol. ii. p. 183. 1910.) List of the Principal items in Medland's Collections of Auction Catalogues, Bills, etc. (At present in MS. only.) Mr. Medland was formerly an auctioneer at St. Neots. The Hunts. Feast in London. (Hunts. County News, 15 Aug. 1903.) Oross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Huntingdon, p. 261. Davenport (Frances Cr.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Hunts. Manorial Hist. pp. 47-48. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Hunts., vol. ii. p. 680. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Himts., p. 46. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913'. Biblio. Note on Hunts. Brasses, with a List, pp. 161, 140. The Brasses of Huntingdonshire. (Monumental Brass Soc. Trans., vol. iii. pp. 141-182. 1898.) Boyle (Mary Louisa). Biographical Notices of the Portraits at Hinching- brook. London, 1876. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Huntingdonshire Collections. Duke of Manchester, at Kimbolton... 1st Rep. p. x. and App. pp. 12, 13; 8th Rep. App. n. pp. 1-140. Tillard, Mr. P. E., at the Holme, Godmanchester 15th Rep. p. 42, and App. X. pp. 78-91. Griffith (Edward). A Collection of Ancient Records relating to the Borough of Huntingdon. London, 1827. Archdeaconry of Huntingdon Records, at the Archdeaconry Office, Huntingdon. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 130.) 92 A HANDBOOK TO HUNTINGDONSHIRE (continued). Cole (Bev. W.). Collection of ItlSS., many relating to Hunts, in the Prit. Museum, in 92 vols, numbered. Add. MSS. 5798-5887. Gen. Index to the first forty-six vols. Add. MS. 5801. Other Indexes are at Add. MSS. 5799 and 5800. Gray (Georg^e J.). Index to the Contents of the Cole ]!lISS. in the British Knseuin. Bowes & Bowes. Cambridge, 1913. Heraldic and Topographical Collections for the County of Huntingdon of Sir Robert Cotton in the Brit. Museum. Lans. MS., 931. Suckling's Collections for Huntingdonshire, 1821-1839, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 184.79. Index, Add. MS. 18*91. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Hunts. Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 254, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 15.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 180. 1893.) Reptiles. (Ibid. p. 244. 1893.) Fishes. (Ihid. p. 255. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Hun te., pp. 131-132. Gatfleia (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Hunts., p. 143. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Hunts., pp. 167, 209, 234. Upcott (William). English Topo., 1818. Hunts., vol. i. pp. 348-349. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Hunts., pp. 127-128. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Hunts., vol. i. pp. 435-140. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough; 1814. Hunts., pp. 134-135. KIMBOLTON. Norris (Herbert B.). Kimbolton Printers. (At present in MS. only.) LITTLE GIDDING. Ferrar (Michael Lloyd). The Limerick-Huntingdon Ferrars. Privately printed, 1903. Appendix, Biblio. of the Ferrars, pp. 20-25. Mayor (J. B. B.). Nicholas Ferrar. (Cambridge in the Seventeenth Century, Pt. 1.) 1855. Biblio., Appendix, pp. 289-384.. Skipton (H. F. K.). The Life and Times of Nicholas Ferrar. 1907. Biblio. Notes of Ferrar material. Norris (Herbert B.). Biblio. Note on Little Gidding Nunnery pamphlet. (The Arminian Nunnery, etc. 1641.) (Notes & Queries, Ser. 11, vol. viii. p. 445. 1913.) RAMSEY. Birch (Walter de Gray). Historical Notes on the MSS. belonging to Ramsey Abbey. (Brit. Archwol. Assoc. Journ. New Ser., vol. v. pp. 229- 242. 1899.) ^ Norris (Herbert E.). Ramsey Printers. (Ramsey Herald, 20 Apr. 1904, and Hunts. County News, 23 Apr. 1904.) Ramsey Printers. (At present in MS. only.) ST. IVES. Norris (Herbert B.). St. Ives and the Printing Press. 1889. Reprinted from the 'Hunts County Guardian.' The St. Ives Mercury. (Fenland Notes & Queries, vol. 1. pp. 71-72. 1889 ; and Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. ii. p. 481. 1910.) St. Ives Booksellers and Printers, see ante. ST. NEOTS. Norris (Herbert E.). Notes on St. Neots Printers, past and present. Reprinted from the St. Neots Advertiser, 4 May, 1901. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 93 HUNTINGDONSHIRE (continiied). Morris (Herbert £.)• Iietter on 'Notes on St. ITeots Frinters.' (Si. Neots Advertiser, 29 June, 1901.) A few additional Notes on St. Neots Printers. {St. Neots Advertiser, Sept. 1903.) David Richard Tomson (1826-1910), Printer at St. Neots. (At present in MS. only.) The First Directory for St. Neots, 1792. St. Neots Advertiser Office, 1911. Booksellers and Printers of St. Neots, see ante. The Contemporary Pamphlets of the Battle of St. Neots. {St. Neots Advertiser, 3 Sept. 1910.) WARBOYS. Norris (Herbert E.) Biblio. of the Witches of Warboys. (At present in MS. only.) INVERNESS-SHIRE. Noble (John). Miscellanea Invernessiana, with a Bibliography of In- verness Newspapers and Periodicals, edited by John Whyte, and Appen- dix by William Mackay. 1902. Biblio., pp. 185-230. Biblio. of Inverness Newspapers and Periodicals. {Scottish Notes i- Queries, vol. i. pp. 168, 191 ; vol. ii. pp. 10, 24, 39, 51. 1888.) Lees (J. Cameron). A History of Connty of Inverness. The County Histories of Scotland, 1897. List of Books and Maps relating to or published in Inverness-shire, by William Mackay, pp. 355-367. Livingstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland, 1905. Inverness-shire, pp. 121, 177. Turnbull (William B.) Scottish Parochial Registers, 1849. List of In- verness Registers, pp. 89-93. Mitchell (Alexander). Inverness Kirk-Session Records, 1661-1800. Inverness, 1902. Account of Kirk-Session Library, in Pt. 3, pp. 189-206. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Inverness, p. 261. Barron (James). The Northern Highlands in the Nineteenth Century. Newspaper Index and Annals (ifrom the * Inverness Journal,' and the ' Inverness Courier,') 1800-56. 3 vols. Inverness. 1903-13. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Inverness Museum, vol. ii. p. 297. Anderson (Joseph) and Black (O. P.). Report on Local Museums in Scotland. Inverness Museum. {Sac. of Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xxii. p. 35 1. 1888.) Mackintosh (Charles Praser-). An Old Map of Inverness-shire. (Anti- quarian Notes, First Series,- 1865, pp. 295-298. List of Books in the Library of the Gaelic Soc. of Inverness. {Trans., vol. XXV. 1907.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Inverness- shire. (Joum. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 236. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Notes on Inverness-shire Birds. (Catal. of Local Lists of Brit. Birds, 1891, p. 34.) Mammals. {Tlie Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvn. p. 211. 1893.) Reptiles. {Ibid. p. 249. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Inverness-shire, p. 396. 94 A HANDBOOK TO ISLE OF MAN. HARRISON (WILLIAM). BIBLIOTKECA MONENSIS: a Biblio- graphical Account of Works relating to the Isle of Man. (Manx Soc. Pubns., vol. viii. 1861.) New Edition. (Ibid. vol. xxiy. 1876.) The Old Historians of the Isle of Man. (Manx Soc. Pubns., vol. xviii. 1871.) Train (Joseph). An Historical and Statistical Account of the Isle of Man. 2 vols. 184.5. Vol. 1. Bibliographical Notes in Introduction ; vol. ii. Manks Periodical Press, pp. 381-382. List of Isle of Man Records Printed. (Notes t^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. r. p. 74. 1912.) Some Account of the Manx Society. (The Manx Note Book, vol. ii. pp. 174- 179. 1886.) Bailey (John B.). The First Book Printed in Manks. (Isle of Man Nat. Hilt. 5- Antiq. Soc. Journ., vol. i. p. 88. 1890.) Moore (A. W.) Manx Literature. (Jsle of Man Nat. Hist. S( Antiq. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 110-115. 1890.) A Hist, of the Isle of Man. 1900. List of Authorities, vol. ii. pp 981-988. Caine (W. Ralph Hall). Isle of Man. 1909. Manx Books, pp. 193-304. Manx Histories, pp. 305-211. The Newspaper Press, pp. 212-219. Jeffcott (J. M.). Archibald Cregeen, the Manx Lexicographer. (Notes 4 Queries, Ser. 7, vol. x. pp 181-183. 1890 ; and Isle of Man Nat. Hist. ^ Antiq. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 303 304. 1890.) Black (George P.). List] of Books in the New York Public Library relating to the Isle of Man. (Bulletin of the Neie York Public Lib., vol. xv. pp. 756-768. 1911). Douglas Public Library. Catal. of the Lending & Reference Depart- ments. 1890. Isle of Man Books, etc., pp. 185-190, 357-360. Special Isle of Man Collection at the Douglas Public Library. Mr. G. W. Wood, of London, has a Collection of Manx Books, MSS., Maps, Prints, etc., of 'unrivalled completeness.' A List of Principal MSS. at Knotrsley, relating to the Isle of Man, examined by P. M. C. Kermode and A. W. Moore in 1896 and 1897. (Isle of Man Nat. Hist. ^ Antiq. Soc. Jowm., vol. iii. pp. 297-303. 1898.) Quine (Rev. John). The Manx Domesday Book. (Isl* of Man Nat. Hist. ^ Antiq. Soc. Journ., vol. iii. pp. 92-95. 1895.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Isle of Man. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 183. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Isle of Man Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 181. 1893.) Reptiles, (iftid p. 245. 1893.) Pishes. (Ibid. p. 255. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Isle of Man, pp. 28-30, «6. KIRK MICHAEL. Savage (Rev. E. B.). Notes on the Parish Registers of Kirk Michael. (Isl* of Man Nat. Hist. 4f Antiq. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 3-10. 1889.) ISLE OF WIGHT. Set HAMPSHIRE AND THE ISLE OF WIGHT. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 95 KENT. SMITK (JOKK BUSSEI.L). BIBLIOTKECA CANTIANA: A BIBLIO- ORAPHICAIi ACCOtTNT OF WHAT HAS BBEN PUBLISHED OST THE HISTORY, TOFOaRAFKT, ANTIQUITIES, CUSTOMS, AKD FAMILY GENEALOGY OF THE COUNTY OF KENT, with Bio- graphical Notes. 1837. Contents.— 1. Historians of the County. II. Principal Maps of the County. III. Heraldic Visitations, with reference to the MSS. in the British Museum and other places. IV. Tracts printed during the Civil War and Commonwealth, 1640-60. V. A Chronological List of all the Local, Personal, and Private Acts of Parliament (upwards of 600), which have been passed on the County, from Edward I. to Queen Victoria. VI. Works relative to the County in general. VII. Particular Parishes, Seats, Customs, and Family Genealogy, in alpha- betical order. The work also comprises a notice of every Paper that has been written on the County, and published in the Philosophieal Transactions of the Hoyal Society, Gentleman's Magazine, Archceologia, Veiusta Monumenta, etc. J. Russell Smith's own copies (2) of ' Bibl. Cantiana,' interleaved with copiouB notes and letters, are in the British Museum. The present Vicar of Wateringbury (1914) has a specially fine copy, and Mr. F. W. Cook, of Appledore, has two copies, with ample material for a new edition. Bibliotheca Cantiana: A Catal. of a valuable and interesting Collection of Books and MSS. relative to the Co. of Kent, collected wliile writing a Biblio. History of that County. London, 1837. Rye (W. B.). Notes on J. R. Smith's Bibliotheca Cantiana. (Arehaol. Cantiana, vol. xvii. pp. 409-410. 1887.) Henshall (S.). Specimens and Farts of an Early Hist, of the Co. of Kent. 1798. Streatfeild (Rev. Thomas). Ezcerpta Cantiana : being the Prospectus of a Hist, of Kent, preparing for publication. [1836.] Larking (Rev. L. B.). Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Streatfeild (of Chart's Edge), and Proposals for printing his ' Hist, of Kent,' with a list of plates. Privately printed. [1861.] The Rev, Lambert Blackwell Larking. (In Meraoriam.) {Arehceol. Cantiana, vol. vii. pp. 333-329. 1868.) Robertson (W. A. Scott). Memoir of Fhilipot, the Herald and Antiquary. (Archwol. Cantiana, vol. x. pp. Ixxxvi.-xcv. 1876, and Kentish Archeology, vol. i. 1876.) Hasted (Edward). Anecdotes of the Hasted Family, with Account of Edward Hasted, by R. Cooke. (Archwol. Cantiana, vol. xxvi. pp. 267-294. 1904.) Letters of Edward Hasted to Thomas Astle (relating to his Hist, of Kent), with references to Deeds and a List. (Archwol. Cantiana, vol. xxvu. pp. 136- 166. 1905.) General Index to vols, i.-xviu. 1858-89, of the Archseologia Cantiana. Kent Archaeological Soc. Compiled by Rita Fox, and edited by W. A. bcott Robertson. (Archmol. Cantiana, vol. xix. 1892.) Catal. of the Kent Archseological Society's Collections at Maidstone. By George Payne. (Ibid. vol. xix. 1892.) Catal. of Books in the Library of the Maidstone Museum, Cbilliugton House. 1886. Kentish items, pp. 110-121. A MS. Catal. of Kentish Boolis to date is in the Museum. Sale Catalogues of the Topographical Drawings and Prints, Portraits, Library, and MSS. of Thomas Fisher, F.S.A. (including many Kentish items, also a copy of Hasted's ' Kent," with original drawings and additional prints by Thomas Fisher). Sold by Auction by Southgate & Son, London, Mar. IS, 1837, and by Evans, London, May 30, 1837. 96 A HANDBOOK TO KENT {continued). Robertson (W. A. Scott). Publications relating: to Xentisli Arclieeolosry. (Archceol. Cantiana, vol. xv. pp. 369-381, 1883 ; reprinted in Kentish Archmology, vol. vi. 1884.) Also issued separately. Notices of Books (relating to Kent). By W. A. Scott Robertson and others. (Archceol. Cantiana, vol. xviii. pp. 451-454, 1889, and vol. xxv. pp. 299-308. 1903.) Notices of New Books relating to Kent. (Assoc, of Men of Kent and Kentish Men, Year Book, 1910, p. 4S; 1911, p. 44; 1912, pp. 43-45.; List of Books in the Library of County Literature of tlie Assoc, of Men of Kent and Kentish Men. (Year Book, 1907, pp. 37-39 ; 1909, p. 37 ; 1910, p. 37.) AUnutt (W. H.). English Provincial Presses — Earliest Printing of Canter- bury. (Sibliographiea, vol. ii. pp. 41-45, 300. 1896.) Plomer (Henry R.). Sir Bgerton Brydges' Private Press at Lee Priory. (Some Private Presses of ike Nineteenth Century, in ' The Library,' New Ser., vol. i. pp. 409-414. 1900.) A Catal. of all the Works printc.T at the Private Press at Lee Priory in Kent from its commencement in July 1813 till its termination in Jan. 1823. Printed by John Warwick, Brooke St., Holborn, London. 1823. Eyton (J. Walter K.). Publications of the Lee Priory Press. (Sale Catal. of his Librar;/ of Privately Printed Books, Sotheby's, 1848, pp. 109-114.) Lotirndes (Wm. Thomas). List of Publications of the Lee Priory Press, at Ickham, near Canterbury. (Biblioqrapher's Manual, 1871, App. pp. 218-925.) Martin (John). Lee Priory Press, with illustration. (Biblio. Catal. of Books Privately Printed, 1834, vol. i. pp. 379-404, 533.) Dibdin (Rev. T. P.). Account of the Lee Priory Press. (Biblio. Decameron, 1817, vol. iii. pp. 457-468.) Catal. of the Sale of Library, etc., at Lee Priory, Aug. 1834, with specimens of the original Wood Cuts engraved for the purpose of illustrating the several works from the Lee Priory Press. Jubilee of the ' Kentish Express and Ashford News,' July 14, 1855— July 15,1905. Histoiy of the Paper, .\shford, 1905. Preeman (Rowland). An Account of the Kuggett Copy of Lewis's ' Hist. of Thanet ' ; with a narrative of circumstances which took place between Mr. J. Boys, Solicitor, of Margate, and R. Freeman, of Minster in Thanet, relating to that copy. Canterbury, 1809. A Reply by John Boys, 1809. An Answer to the Reply, by R. Freeman, 1810. Remarks by Daniel Jarvis, 1810. An Answer to Jarvis, 1810. Payne (George). An Archseol. Survey of Kent. (Archa-ologia, vol. \\. pp. 447-468, 1888, and reprinted separately, 1889.) Biblio. andTopog. Index, pp. 451-468. The Archseol. Section of the South Eastern Union of Scientific Societies has in hand ' Material for a Topographical Index of West Kent,' supplementing this Archseol. Survey. Kannen (Hon. Henry). An Account of a Map of Kent, dated 1596. (Archceol. Cantiana, vol. xxx. pp. 85-92. 1914.) MS. Catal. of Pictures referring to Kent in the Royal Academy, 1769- l!782. (In Maidstone Museum.) A List of Private Acts, etc., relating to tha County of Kent. Stevens & Sons, circa 1912. Oross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Kent, p, 98. Canterbmy, pp. 185-187. Dover, pp. 909-210 Maidstone, pp. 333-334. Rochester, p. 379. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 97 KENT {eontinued). SuTOnport (Frances Qt.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Kent Manorial Hist., p. 48. Bove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. , Kent, yol. il. pp. 680-681. Xiyell (Arthur K.). Biblio. List of Bomano-British Remains. 1919. Kent, pp. 47-53. Kacklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Kentish Brasses, with a List, pp. 141, 161-165. Special Topographical and Local Collections for Kent are in the Public Libraries at Canterbury, Maidstone, Folkestone, Woolwich, and Lewisham, in the Lambeth Palace Library, and also at St. Augustine's College, Canterbury. Collections of Local and County Antiquities arc in the Maidstone Museum and in the Rochester Museum. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Kentish Collections. De la Warr, Earl, at Knole Park, Sevenoaks De L'Isle and Dudley, Lord, at Penshurst Filmer, Sir Edmund, at East Sutton Park Hothfield, Lord Mackeson, Mr. H. B., at Hythe ... Sackville, Lord, at Knole Wilson, Sir J. Maryon, at Charlton House Wykeham-Martin, Mr. P., at Leeds Castle Canterbiuy, Black Book of the Arch- deacon of Dean and Chapter of Corporation of... Faversham Corporation Folkestone Corporation Fordwich Corporation Hythe Corporation Hospital of St. Bartholomew Lydd Corporation New Romney Corporation 3rd Rep. p. xv. and App. pp. 217-230; 4th Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 276-317. 3rd Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 397-233. 3rd Rep. p. xvi. and App. p. 246. 11th Rep. p. 23, and App. VII. pp. 81-90. 2nd Rep. p. xi. and App. pp. 91-92. 7th Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 249-260. 5th Rep. p. viii. and App. p. 305. 6th Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 465-468. 6th Rep. App. p. 498. 5th Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 426-462 ; 8th Kep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 315-355 ; 9th Rep. p. viii. and App. I. pp. 72- 129 ; 16th Rep. pp. 99, 100 ; Varioui Collections, vol. i. pp. 305-281. 9th Rep. p. ix. and App. I. pp. 129-177, 6th Rep. App. pp. 500-511. 5th Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 590-592. 5th Rep. App. pp. 606-608. 4th Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 429-439. 4th Rep. App. pp. 511-523. 5th R6p. p. xvii. and App. pp. 516-53,3. 4th Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 439-442 ; 5th Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 533- 554 ; 6th Rep. App. pp. 540-545. 9th Rep. p. viii. and App. I. pp. 286-289. 9th Rep. p. viii. and App. I. pp. 285-286. 5th Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 568-571. 6th Rep. App. pp. 569-572. MS. Index, at the Sessions House, Rochester Corporation Bridge, Wardens of Sandwich Corporation Tenterden Corporation County Records, 1595, etc., with Maidstone. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 18.) Hasted (Edward). MS. Collections for Kent in the Brit. Museum. 62 vols. Add. MSS. 5478-5539, 16631. List of MSS. etc., relating to Kent by Hasted, Add. MS. 5513. Alphabetical Index to Hasted's Hist, of Kent. Add. MSS. 5517-5519. Gen. Index to Hasted's MSS. relating to Kent, Add. MSS. 553S-5537. 98 A HANDBOOK TO KENT (continued). CoUeotions to illuitrate Hasted's Hist, of Kent. (18th and I9th cent.) 33 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 32353-32375. Fhilipot's CoUeotions for Kent in the Brit. Slusenm. Lans. MSS. S67- 269, 376. Suckling's Collections for Kent in tlie Brit. Mnsenm, 1821-39. Add. MSS. 184.84., 18485, 18490. Index, Add. MS. 18491. Ansten (Thomas), Collectanea Cantiana, or Hints and Helps towards a Natural History of the County of Kent. 3 vols. 1759, 1767. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 24269, 24270. Catal. of Printed Books and MSS. relating to the Hist, of Kent, at end of vol. i. Larking (J. W. and Rev. L. B.). Collections, historical and topographical, relating to the County of Kent. 33 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 34147- 34178. Relates chiefly to the Family of Twysden of East Peckham. Alexander (W.). Collections for Hist, of Kent. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 8836-8838. Streatfeild (Rev. Thomas). Collections for a Parochial Hist, of Kent Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33878-33999. Thorpe (Dr. John). Collections relating to Kent in Library of Soe. of Antiquaries. MSS. 156-201, 204. Somner's Collections relating to Kent in the Library of Canterbury Cathedral. Collections of the Rev. John Lewis, of Xlargate, relating to Kent, in the Bodleian Library, including a Catal. of MS. Books to be consulted in order to prepare a History of the Co. of Kent. MS. Gough. Kent. 14. Collection of Kent Deeds in the possession of the Soc. of G-enealogistsi London. Catal. of the Heralds' Visitations, with references to other valuable Oenealogical and Topographical MSS. in the Brit. Mus. (relating to Kent). MS. Second edition. Printed for James Taylor, London, n.d. Fegge (Dr. Samuel). A Catalogue Alphabetical of Kentish Authors and Worthies, consisting of voluminous notes, genealogical and bibliographical, with Indexes. Bodleian Lib. MS. Gough. Kent. 8. Records of Manor Lands, etc., in Kent. (Deseriptwe Catal. of the Original Charters S( Muniments of Battle Abbey, on Sale by Thomas Thorpe, Bedford St., London. 1835.) Descriptive Catal. of Documents belonging to the Kent Archaologioal Soo. at Chillington House, Maidstone. (Archceol. Cantiana, vol. xxv. pp. 256-298. 1902.) Ancient Deeds and Seals belonging to Lord De L'Isle and Dudley, at Penshurst and Robertsbridge Abbey. Summary of a Paper read before Soc. of Ant. 1914. {Brit. Archceol. Assoc. Journ. New Ser. vol. xx. pp. 146-147. 1914.) Kershaw (S. W.). Lambeth Palace Library, and its Kentish Memoranda. {Archceol. Cantiana, vol. ix. pp. 176-188. 1874.) Kentish Annals in Lambeth Library. (Ibid. vol. xxix. pp. *06-216. 1911.) Knocker (Herbert W.). A Kentish Register. Details of a Scheme for a Regis- ter of Old Deeds relating to Kent. (Ibid. vol. xxx. pp. Ixxvi.-lxxxviii. 1914.) Buckland (W. E.). Kent Records. The Parish Registers and Records in the Diocese of Rochester. A Summary of information collected by the Eccles. Records Committee of the Rochester Diocesan Conference. Part I. Introduction. Part II. Inventory of all volumes of Registers of the Parishes in the Diocese of Rochester, and Lists of Accounts of Churchwardens, Accounts of Overseers, Vestry Minute Books, Terriers, Inventories, Tithe Maps and Awards, etc. Kent Archaeol. Soc. 1913. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 99 KENT {continued). Notes on Kent Parish Beffisters, with a List of those published. (Assoc, of Men of Kent and Kentish Men, Year Booh, 1907, p. 12 ; 1910, p. 52.) Catal. of Boo&s and MSS., many of which were in the celebrated Library at Snrrenden, formed by Sir Edward Daring, the first Bart., and his Son and Successor, the Second Bart., also Boolcs and Tracts formerly in the Library of Sir Roger Twysden, Bart. , the Historian and Antiquary. Sold by Puttick & Simpson, June 8-13, 1858. Catal. of 300 Deeds and Charters from the famous Surrendan Library formed by Sir Edwd. Sering, in the reign of Chas. I. Sold by auction by Puttick & Simpson, July 10-13, 1861. Catal. of a Further Portion of the Collection of Deeds and Charters team, the Surrenden Library. Sold by Puttick & Simpson, Feb. 4-7, 1863. Catal. of the Fourth and concludins^ portion of the famous Deringf Collection of Deeds and Charters, formed by Sir Edwd. Dering, sold by auction by Puttick & Simpson, July 13-15, 1865. On the Surrenden Charters. By Rev. L. B. Larking. (Archceol. Cantiana, vol. i. pp. 50-65. 1858.) The Rev. L. B. Larking compiled elaborate Calendars of the entire Dering Collec- tion ol Deeds and Charters, which largely relates to Kentish Parishes. De Vaynes (Julia H. L.). The Kentish Garland. (Contains reprints of rare single-sheet ballads) with additional notes by J. W. Ebswohth. 2 vols. Hertford. 1881-82. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Kent. (Joum. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 72. 1874.) Boulder (G. S.). Botanical Biblio. of the South-Eastern Counties. Kent. (South- Eatteiii Union of Scientific Societies. Trans., vol. iv. pp. 47-49. 1899.) Hanbury (P. J.) and Marshall (E. S.). Flora of Kent. 1899. List of Books Quoted or Consulted, pp. Ixxix.-lxxxiii. Ticehurst (N. P.). A Hist, of the Birds of Kent. 1909. BibHo. pp. xxv.- xxix. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Kentish Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 254, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. IS.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 180. 1893.) Reptiles. (Rid. p. 244. 1893.) Fishes. (Ibid. p. 255. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Kent, pp. 132-130. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Kent. pp. 14S-U8. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Kent, pp. 188, 209-211, 235. Upoott (William). English Topo., 1818. Kent, vol. i. pp. 350-lol, 627-638. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc., 1878. Kent, pp. 131-166. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Kent, vol. i. pp. 441-192. Bandinol (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Kent, pp. 136-150. BOUGHTON MONCHELSEA. Calendar of Ancient Deeds presented to the Kent Archeeol. Soc, by Charles Marchant (chiefly relating to Boughton Monchelsea). 1904. (Archceol. Cantiana, vol. xxvii. pp. 167-176. 1905.) CANTERBURY. Borough Records, &om reign of Ken. II., at the Guildhall, Canterbury. (Local Records Comm. Hep., 1902, App. IH. p. 30.) Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Wright (Thomas). On the Municipal Archives of the City of Canterbury. (Archwologia, vol. xxxi. pp. 198-211. 1846.) The Archives of Canterbury. (Proceedings of the Brit. Archceol. Assoc. at Canterbury, 1844, pp. 316-328.) 100 A HANDBOOK TO KENT {continued). Flomer (Henry R.). A abort Account of the Becords of Canterbury. 1892. Canterbury Cathedral Beoords, A.D. 888, etc., with MS. Index, at Canterbury. (Loeal Records Oomm. Rap. 1902. App. III. pp. 108, 119. Ecclesiastical Beoords, see ante Hist MSS. Comm. Reports. Powell (Bev. D. T.). Collections relating to Canterbury and the Co. of Kent In Brit. Museum. Add MS. 17733. Bogriris (B. J. B.t. A Hist, of St. Augustine's Monastery, Canterbury. 1901. The Historians, p. 129. The Library, p. 186. List of Authorities, pp. 195-196. Woodruff (Bev. C. B.). A Catal. of the MS. Books in the Library of Christ Church, Canterbury. 1911. Somner Collection, pp. 42-18. James (M. B.). The Ancient Libraries of Canterbury and Dover. The Catalogues of the Libraries of Christ Church Priory, and St. Augustine's Abbey, at Canterbury, and of St. Martin's Priory at Dover. 1903. Woodruff (Bev. C. E.) and Banks (W.). Memorials of the Cathedral and Priory of Christ Church in Canterbury. 1913. The Library, pp. 377-404. Cowper (J. M.) Our Parish Books, and what they tell us : Holy Cross, Westgate, Canterbury. 3 vols. 1885. Cozens (Walter). Old Canterbury. 1906. Ancient City Plans, pp. 93-118. Sands (Harold). An Old Map of Canterbury. {Archceol. Cantiana, vol. xxxv. pp. 250-254. 1902.) Murray (David). ' Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Canterbury Museums, vol. ii. p. 163. COBHAM. Stephens (F. G.). On the Pictures at Cobham Rail. (Arahaol. Cantiana, vol. xi. pp. 160-188. 1877.) DEPTFORD. Beport on the Old Becords of the Parish of St. Paul, Deptford, by the Town Clerk, 1906. Beport and List of Becords at Deptford Dockyard. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1914, vol. ii. pt. 3, pp. 184-185.) DOVER. Borough Becords, Henry III., etc., with MS. Index, at Town Hall, Dover. (Loeal Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. HI, p. 54.) Knocker (Edward). On the Municipal Becords of Dover. (Archaol. Cantiana, vol. x. pp. cxxxiv.-cl. 1876.) A Lecture on the Archives of Dover. 1879. The Archives of the Borough of Dover. (Brtt. Archceol. Assoc. Jovm., vol. xl. pp. 1-14. 1884.) Sims (Bichard). Dover Beoords in the British Museum. (Brit. Archaol. Assoc. Joum., vol. xl. pp. 129-132. 1884.) Statham (S. P. R.) The History of the Castle, Town, and Port of Dover. 1899. Biblio., pp. xi. -xiii. Dover Charters and other Documents in the possession of the Corporation of Dover (from 1227 to 1569). 1902. List of Town Records, pp. xxi.-xxiii. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 101 KENT {continued). Beport of Znspeotiona of certain Records of the Clncine Forts at Dover, Bomney, and Bye, Nov. 1911, July 1913, Aug. 1913. (Looal Records Cornm. Rep., 1914, vol. ii. pt. S, pp. 165-166.) James (M. B.). The Ancient Libraries of Canterbury and Dover, 1903, see ante Canterbury. Murray (David). ' IlSuseunis.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Dover Museum, vol. ii. p. 310. FAVERSHAM. Borough Becords, Ken. 3, etc., at Town Hall, Faversham. (Local Recordt Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 56.) Corporation Becords, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Oiraud (Francis F.). Municipal Archives of Faversham, 1304-1324. (Archceol. Cantiana. vol. xiv., pp. 185-205. 1882.) Faversham Town Charters. (ArchcBol. Cantiana, vol. ix. pp. Ixii.-lxx. 1874.) Cowper (J. M.). ITotes from the Becords of Faversham, 1560-1600. (Royal Hist. Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 218-238. 1875.) FOLKESTONE. Borough Becords, 1313, etc., at Town Kail, Folkestone. (Local Records Oomm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 58.) Corporation Becords, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. FORDWICH. Woodruff (Bev. C. E.). Fordwich Municipal Becords. (Archceol. Cantiana, vol. xviii. pp. 78-102. 1889.) Corporation Becords, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. GOUDHURST. Hill (B. K. Brnest). MSS. relating to Ooudhurst and Neighbourhood. (Archceol. Cantiana, vol. xxviii. pp. 10-27. 1909.) GRAVESBND . Some Extracts from Oravesend Corporation Becords, by a ' Shrimp.' (The Invicta Magazine, vol. i. pp. 40-42, 92-93. 1908.) GREENWICH. Nunn (F. W.). A list of Boohs, Famphlets, Views, etc., relating to Greenwich in the British Museum (and elsewhere). (Greenwich Anti Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 75-100, 155-158, 223-243. 1910-12.) Stone (John M.). Greenwich Kistory as told by Venetian Becords. (Oreenwich Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 190-201. 1912.) HYTHE. Corporation and other Becords, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. LESNES ABBEY. Mandy (W. K.). Collections for Lesues Abbey. (Woolwich District Antiq Soc. Ann. Rep. vol. xvii. pp. 104-107. 1912.) 102 A HANDBOOK TO KENT {eontinvM). LYDD. Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Records of Lydd, translated and transcribed by A. Hussey and M. M. Hardy, and edited by Arthur Finn. Ashford, 1911. Biblio. Notes in Introduction. Lydd Records, by Henry Stringer, Town Clerk. (Archasol. Cantiana, vol. xiii. pp. 350-255. 1880.) MAID8T0NE. Borough Records, 1500, etc., at Town Hall, Sfaidstoue. (Local Bteordi Comm. Rep., 1902, App. HI. p. 66.) List of Kaidstone Municipal Records Printed. (Notei 4' Queries, Set. 11, vol. V. p. r*. 1912.) Records in Maidstone Public Library and Museum, 14th cent., etc., with MS. Indices. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. HI. p. 134.) A Guide to the Collections in the Museum and Bentlif Art Gallery, with Notes on the Hist, of Chillington Manor House. 1909. The Reference Library contains a Special Collection of Works relating to Kent generally, Including tlie Topog. Drawings, etc., by Edward Pretty, Dr. T. Charles, and Edward Hughes. Catal. of Books in the Library of the Maidstone Museum, 1886. A MS. Catal. of Kentish Books to date Is in the Museum. Kershaw (S. W.). On MSS. and Rare Books in the Maidstone Museum. (Archwol. Cantiana, vol. xi. pp. 189-198. 1877.) Gilbert (Walter B.). The Accounts of the Corpus Christi Fraternity. and Papers relating to the Antiquities of Maidstone. 1865. (Reprinted from ' Maidstone Jottrnal.') Ancient Deeds relating to Maidstone, pp. 67-86. Monckton (Herbert). Notes from the Parish Registers of Maidstone. (ArchcBol. Cantiana, vol. xxix. pp. 319-322. 1911.) MALLING. Pieldingr (Rev. C. H.). Memories of Mailing and its Valley. 1893. BibUo. Notes on the Registers, pp. 145-220. NEW ROMNBY. Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. List of New Romney Municipal Records Printed. (Notes 4' Queries, Ser. 11, vol. vi. p. 91. 1912.) Salisbury's (Bdward) Report on the Records of New Romney, with Schedule. (Archceol. Cantiana, vol. xvii. pp. 12-33. 1887.) ORLESTONE. Lightfoot (W. J.). Notes from the Parochial Registers of Orlestone, and Index to Reg. of Baptisms. (Archceol. Cantiana, vol. ii. pp. 89-94. 1859.) QUEENBOROUGH. Woodruff (Rev. C. E.). Notes on the Municipal Records of Queen- borough. (Archceol. Cantiana, vol. xxii. pp. 169-185. 1897.) List of Queeuborough Municipal Records Printed. (Notes &■ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. vi. p. 91. 1912.) RICHBOROUGH. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Ricbborough, p. 52. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 103 KENT {continued). ROCHESTER. Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Blenoowe (R. W.). Rochester Records. (Archceol. Cantiana, vol. ii. pp. 73- 84. 1859.) Bnrtt (Joseph). On the Archives of Rochester. {Archcsol. Cantiana, vol. vi. pp. 108-119. 1866.) List of Rochester Municipal Records Printed. (Notes 4- Querits, Set. II, vol. vi. p. 91. 1912.) Rochester Cathedral Records. 12th cent., etc., at Rochester. (Local Records Comm. Bep., 1902, App. HI. p. 114.) Archdeaconry Records, 1504, etc., at Rochester. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1909, App. ni. p. 124.) Buchland (W. E.). Kent Records. The Parish Registers and Records in the Diocese of Rochester. A Summary of Information collected by the Eccles. Records Committee of the Rochester Diocesan Conference. Kent. Archseol. Soc. 1919. Shindler (Thomas). The Registers of the Cathedral Church of Rochester, 1657-1837. Privately Printed. Canterbury, 1892. Biblio. Notes in Intro- duction. Pielding (Rev. C. H.). The Records of Rochester. 1910. Notes on Episcopal and Parish Registers, pp. S89-60S. Index to the Monumental Inscriptions in the 'Registrum Roffense.' Privately Printed by F. A. Crisp. 1885. MS. Collection relating to the Diocese of Rochester in Library of Soc. of Antiquaries, London, consisting of Extracts from Testamentary and Parochial Registers, Transcripts of Deeds, etc. A Catalogue of Books and Bngravings connected with the Hist, and Antiquities of Rochester and Chatham, copied from the 'Bibliotheca Cantiana.' 1837. (A MS. in Brit. Mus. Library.) Rye (W. B.). Collections for a Hist, of Rochester and the Neighbourhood, comprising an interleaved copy of ' The Hist. & Antiquities of Rochester and its Environs.' Second Edn., with copious MS. notes, letters, cuttings, illustra- tions, pamphlets, etc. 3 vols. 1817-87. (In British Museum Library.) SANDWICH . Borough Records, 1300, etc., with MS. List, at the Guildhall, Sandwich. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 68.) Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. List of Sandwich Municipal Records Printed. (Notes 4^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. vi. p. 92. 1912.) TENTERDEN. Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. TRULEGH. Philllpps (Sir Thomas). Charters relative to the Priory of Trulegh in Kent. (Archceoloffia, vol. xxv. pp. 146-150. 1834.) TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Mr. A. M. Broadley, of Bridport, has a fine Collection of Prints, etc., relating to Tunbridge WeUs.] 104 A HANDBOOK TO KENT {cordinued). WALMEB. Blvin (Bev. C. S. S.). Baeords of Walmer. London. 1890. The Pwi$h Registers, pp. 119-139. WAREHOHNB. LltrHtfoot (W. J.). Votes on Warehome Chnroli, with Indices to the Parochial Kegisters of Warehorne and Newenden. (Arohteol. Cantiana, vol. iv. pp. 97-112. 1861.) WOOLWICH, Vincent (W. T.). A Woolxrioh Bibliography ; A Schedule of Woolwich Books. (Woolmch District Antiquarian Soc. Ann. Beports, vols. 7-19. 1903-1*0 Mr. W. T. Vincent has a large Collection of Books, Prints, and Drawings relating to Woolwich and District. Xaocal Historiography (relating to Woolwich). {Wooheich District Antiquarian Soc. Ann. Rep., vol. xlv. pp. 55-78. 1909.) General Index to vols. 1. to xvli., 189S-1911, of the Ann. Reports of the Woolwioh District Antiqnarian Society. (In vol. xvii.) A Surrey and Record of Woolwich and West Kent. Edited by C. H. Grinlinr, T. A. Ingram, and B. C. Polkinghorne. (South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies.) Woolwich, 1909. Biblio. ofWorks on Geology of District, by W. Whitaker and R. H. Chandler, pp. 25-30. List of Woolwich Celebrities, by W. T. Vincent, pp. 462-464. The Archeeol. Section of the South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies has in hand 'Material towards a Biblio. of the Archaeology of Woolwich and West Kent,' which may bo published in a future edition of the 'Survty.' It is also proposed to compile Lists of Celebrities, Portraits, Prints, etc., illustrating the District. Norman (William). Woolwich Parish Registers and Vestry Books. {Woolwich District Antiq. Soc. Ann. Bep. vol. ii. pp. 43-61. 1897.) Kaudy (W. H.). Documents relating to Plumstead, described in 'The Manor of Plumstead in the Xlllth and XI Vth Centuries,' and in * Early Days of Plumstead.' {Wooheich District Antiq. Soc, vol xvii. pp. 36-63; vol. xix. pp. 33-49. 1912-14). KERRY. Coleman (James). Bibliographla Xerriensis. A List of the Topographi- cal and other separately published Works relating to the County of Kerry. {Kerry Archceol. Mag., vol. i. pp. 38-44. 1908.) King (Jeremiah). King's History of Kerry. Liverpool. 1908. Kerry Biblio. (from King's ' Irish Bibliography '), vol. i. pp. lSl-125. Macalister (R. A. Stewart). Studies in Irish Epigraphy. Pts. I. and H. Kerry. 1897, 1902. (With Biblio. references.) Dix (Ernest Reginald McClintock). List of Newspapers, Pamphlets, etc., printed in the Town of Tralee, from earliest date to 1820. (Kiiry Archceol. Mag. vol. i. pp. 280-284, 1910.) Printing in Tralee, lSOl-1830, with a List. {The Irish Book Lovtr, vol. iv. pp. 149-150. 1913.) Local Printing. Tralee. 1774-1850. {Keny Evening Star, i June,l90t.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Kerry, pp. i35-136. Qough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Kerry, vol. ii. p. 803. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Goueh, 1811. Kerry, p. 380. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 10 KILDARE. Klat. MSS. Comm. Report. Kildare CoUeotiona. Droeheda, Marquess of, at Moore Abbey, Monasterevin 9th Rep. p. xix. and App. II. pp. 393-330. Leinster, Diike of, at Carton, May- nooth 9th Rep. p. xix. and App. II. pp. 363-293. Kacalister (R. A. Stewart). Studies in Irish Epigraphy. Ft. Z. Kildare. 189T. (With Biblio. references.) Paintings and Drawings of Places in the Connty Kildare, lent to the Picture Gallery of the Dublin Int. Exhib. 1907. (Co. Kildare Archceol. Soc. Journ. vol. v. pp. 46S-46G. 1908.) Ballads and Poems of the Connty Kildare, with descriptions, etc. (Co. Kil- dare Archceol. Soc. Journ., vol. v. pp. 55, 101, 200, 275, 348, 457 ; vol. vi. pp. 101, 175, 240, 347, 415, 494. 1906-11.) Chauney (W.). Some Old Kildare Booh-Plates. (Co. Kildare Archceol. Soc. Journ., vol. vii. pp. 281-287. 1914.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit Topo., 1881. Kildare, p. 436. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Kildare, vol. 11. p. 8M. KILKENNY. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Kilkenny Collections. Ormonde, Marquess of, at Kilkenny 2nd Rep. p. xxi. and App. pp. 209, 210 ; Castle 3rd Rep. p. xxv. and App. pp. 425- 430 ; 4th Rep. p. xxiv. and App. pp. 539-573 ; 6th Rep. App. pp. 719-780 ; 7th Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 737 834 ; 6th Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 499-552; 9th Rep. p. xix. and App. II. pp. 126-181 ; 10th Rep. p. 42 and App. V. pp. 1-106 ; 14th Rep. p. 51 and App. VII.; ISth Rep. p. 46; 16th Rep. pp. 122-132 ; 17th Rep. pp. 139-143; Ormonde MSS., vols. i.,ii. & Index to vols, i., ii. ; New Ser., vols, i.-iv. Kilkenny Corporation 1st Rep. App. pp. 129, 130. Ossory, Archives of the See of ... 10th Rep. p. 44 and App. V. pp. 219-265. Rothe's Register of the Antiquities and Statutes of Kilkenny ... 2nd Rep. p. xxi. and App. pp. 257-262. Prendergast (John P.). Missing Records. TSo. 1. Records of the Kil- kenny Confederate Assembly, 1642-50. {Kilkenny Archceol. Soc. Tram., vol. i. pp. 420-497. 1851. ) Prim (John G. A.). Missing Records. No. 2. Muniments of the Corpora- tion of Kilkenny. (Ibid. vol. i. pp. 427-432. 1851.) Bocnments connected with the City of Kilkenny Militia in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centwries. (Kilkenny <^ South-East of Irtl. Archceol. Soc. Proc, vol. iii. pp. 231-274. 1856.) Oraves (Rev. James). The Records of the Ancient Borough Towns of the County of Kilkenny. (Kilkenny 4; South-East of Jrel. Archaol. Soc. Journ., vol. iv. pp. 84-93. 1858.) Carrigan (Rev. William). The Hist, and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory. 4 vols. DubUn, 1905. Principal Authorities Consulted, vol. i. pp. xxi.-xxv. 106 A HANDBOOK TO KILKENNY (continued). Waiters (Patrick). Oriifinal Dociunents conneoted with Kilkenny. (Roy. Hist. ^ Arclueol. Asioc. of Irel. Joum., vol. xii. pp. 532-543. 1874.) Coleman (James). Local Printing at Kilkenny, 1640-1893. (Waterford ^ South-East of Irel. Archaol. Soc. Jom-n., vol. i. pp. 186-192; vol. ii. pp. 60- 64.. 1898-99.) Diz (Ernest Reg^inald McClintock). Irish. Provincial Printing prior to 1701. Biblio. Note on Kilkenny Printing. (The Library. New Ser., vol. ii. p. 344.. 1901.) Printing in the City of Kilkenny in the Seventeenth Century, 1642-49. {Royal Irish Academy Proc, vol. xxxii., sect. C, pp. 135-137. 1914.) A very rare Kilkenny-printed Proclamation, and William Smith, its Printer. {Royal Irish Academy Proc, vol. xxvii., sect. C, pp. 209-212. 1908.) Oross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. v. 1897.) Kilkenny, pp. 266-267. Kogan (John). Map of the City of Kilkenny, constructed from Rocque's Survey, 1757, the Ordnance Survejs 1841, and from Personal Inspection. (Kilkenny 4" South- East of Irel. Archwol. Soc. Proc, vol. vi. pp. 350-355. 1861.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Kilkenny, p. 437. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Kilkenny, vol. ii. p. 804. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Oatal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Library by Richard Gough. 1814. Kilkenny, p. 380. GOWRAN. Prim (J. O. A.). Ancient Documents relative to the Town of Oowran. (Roy. Hist. ^ Archwol. Assoc of Irel. Journ., vol. x. pp. 231-210. 1869.) Watters (Patrick.) Documents connected with the ancient Corporation of Oowran, 1603-44, edited by J. G. A. Prim. (Roy. Hist. ^ Archteol. Assoc, of Irel. Joum., vol. xi. pp. 535-552. 1871.) KINCARDINESHIRE. JOHNSTOITB (JAMES FOWLER KELLAS). BIBLIOOBAPKY OP THE SHIBES OF ABERDEEN, BANFF, AND KINCARDINE. New Spalding Club. Robertson (Alexander W.). Hand-List of Biblio. of the Shires of Aberdeen, Banff, and Kincardine. New Spalding Club. 1893. Local Bibliography. {Scottish Notes 4" Queries, vols, viii.-xi. 1895-98.) Watt (James Crabb). The Mearns of Old. A Hist, of Kincardine from the Earliest times to the Seventeenth Century. Edinb. 1914. List of Authorities, pp. xxiii.-xxiv. List of References in Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., and Catal. Nat. Mus. at Edinb., pp. xxv.-xxxvii. Cartography of The Mearns, pp. xlii.-xlviii. Jervise (Andrew). Memorials of Angus and the Mearns. 2 vols. 1885. List of Authorities, vol. i. pp. xxxv.-xli. Aitken (O. A.). Biblio. of the Writings of John Arbuthnot, (B. Arbuth- not, N.B.) in ' Life and Works of John Arbuthnot,' 1892, pp. 176-188. References to Kincardineshire in Acts of Parliament of Scotland. {'Aberdeen Journal' Notes ^ Queries, vol. ii. pp. 13S, 134, 141. 1909.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 107 KINCARDINESHIRE (cmitimied). Hiat. MSS. Oomm. Reports. Kincardiuesliire Collections. Arbuthnott, John, Viscount, at Arbuthnott Castle 8th Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 397-308. Burnett, Sir James Horn, at Crathes Castle 2nd Rep. p. xix. and App. p. 197. Monboddo, Lord, at Monboddo ... 4th Rep. p. xxil. and App. pp. 518-521 ; 6th Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 673-681. Inventories of Northern Records. II. The Sheriff Court of Kincardine. By G. M. Hossack. {Scottish Notes ^- Queries, vol. xii. pp. 168, 169. 1899.) Tumbnll (William B.). Scottish Parochial Regfisters, 1849. List of Kincardineshire Registers, pp. 93-95. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Kincardine- shire. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 236. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Kincardine Birds. (Catal. of Local Lists of British Birds, 1891, p. 35.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Kincardineshire, p. 397. Goiigh (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Kincardineshire, vol. ii. p. 697. Bandiael (Bulkeley). Catal. ot Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Qough, 18U. Kincardineshire, p. 361. KING'S COUNTY. Hist. BtSS. Comm. Report. King's County Collection. Rosse, Earl of, at Birr Castle, 1st Rep. p. xii. and App. p. 127 ; 2nd Parsonstown Rep. p. xx. and App. pp. 217-923. Macalister (R. A. Ste-wart). Studies in Irish Bpigri^aphy. Ft. II. Zingr's County. 1902. (With Biblio. references.) Six (Ernest Reginald SEcCllntock. Local Friutiug. Birr, 1775-1892. (Leinster Reporter. 7 Sept. 1901, and 23 Aug. 1903.) Frintiug in Birr, or Farsonstown, 1775-1825, with a List. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. iii. pp. 177-179. 1912.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. King's County, p. 437. KINROSS SHIRE. Maokay (.Sneas J. G.). List of Books relating to Fife and Kinross. Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. iii. pp. 1-30. 1899. List of Maps of Fife & Kinross, p. 30. A History of Fife and Kinross. The County Histories of Scotland. 1896. List of Books relating to Fife & Kinross, pp. 361-389. Simpkins (J. B.). Bzamples of Printed Folk-Lore concerning Fife, with some notes on Clackmannan and Kinross-shire. (County Folk-Lore, vol. vii. Folk-Lore Soc, 1914.) List of Authorities, pp. xix.-xxxv. The Blairadam Private Press at Cleish. For some books printed there, see Beveridge, * Biblio. of Works relating to Ihmfermline and the West of Fife.' (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns. vol. v. 1901.) TurubuU (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Kinross-shire Registers, pp. 96, 97. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Kinross, shire. {Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 23S. 1874.) 108 A HANDBOOK TO KINROSS-SHIBE (contimied). Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Einross-shire KammalB. (Thi Zoologiit, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 911. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Kinross-shire, p. 397. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Kinrcss-shire, voL 11. p. 698. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Qough, 18122]. Supplementary Catal. 1888-96. By W. J. S. Paterson. 189T. Glasgow items, pp. 49-Sl. Catal. of the Books in the Library of the Faculty of Procurators In Glasgow, with Index of Subjects. By John Muir. Glasgow, 1903. Glasgow items, pp. 385-394. Supplement to Catal. 1903-09. Glasgow, 1909. Glasgow items, pp. 60-66. Catal. of Books in the Library of the Philosophical Soc. of Glasgow, to which is added Catal. of Books in the Library of the Architectural Section. Glasgow, 1883. Glasgow and District items, pp. 61-68. Catal. of the Books in the Library of the Inst, of Accountants and Actuaries in Glasgow, compiled by J. M. Mitchell. Glasgow, 1906 (con- tains numerous Glasgow items). Catal. of Books in the Library of the Katural History Soc. of Glasgow, 1883. Hill (William Henry). Reference Catal. of Books, Pamphlets and Plans, etc., relating to Glasgow, in the Library at Barlanark. Glasgow, 1905. The Book of Bishop's Castle and Handbook of the Arohsological Col- lection, Inter. Exhib. Glasgow, 1888. Glasgow Literature, pp. 135-144. Glasgow Maps, Views, etc., pp. 159-170. The memorial Catal. of the Old Glasgow Exhib. 1894. [Exhibition illustrative of Old Glasgow.] PubUshed by the Glasgow Inst, of the Fine Arts. 1896. Portraits, by J. O. Mitchell, pp. xv-xx, with a List, pp. 473-480. Views, Maps and Plans, by wilUara Young, pp. xxi-xxiii. Charters and MSS. , by Robert Renwick, pp. xxiv-xxvi. Glasgow Printers, Publishers and Booksellers, by David Robertson, pp. xxx-xxxii. List of Newspapers, Periodicals, etc. 1713-1855, pp. 469-473. Uitchell (John Oswald). Old Glasgow Essays. 1905. Biblio. of Author's Writings on local Glasgow Hist., pp. v-viii. 'Old Glasgow ' Exhib. Portraits, pp. 368-303. Renwick (Robert). Glasgow Memorials. 1908. List of Authorities, pp. ix-xii. Index to 'Glasgow Past and Present." [By Robert Reid and others.] Second Edition. 3 vols. 1884. Index compiled by David Robertson. Glasgow, 1884. Gough (Richard). Correspondence as to his Materials for Biblio. of Lanarkshire. (In the Mitchell Library, Glasgow.) 110 A HANDBOOK TO LANARKSHIRE (continued). Notices of William Ziuinsf (1788-1874), Book Collector, in Mason. Ptiblic 4[ Private Libraries of Olasgow, 1885, p. 1 76 ; Dickson, Notes on Hist, of Olasgom Univ. Lib., 1888, pp. 72-87 ; and Dickson, Boy. Soc. of Edinb. Proc, vol. viii. p. 491. Catal. of a Bare and Valuable Library of Works in Early Englialiand Soottisb. History, Ballads, Songs, and Chap Books, -the Property of a well-known Collector (James Barclay Blnrdocli, 1831-1906). Glasgow, 1870. There were other Sales : Edinburgrh, Mar. & Apr. 1907 ; Glasgow, Apr. 1907, and London, June 1907. See Mason's 'Public and Private Libraries of Glasgow,' 1885, p. 333, and 'Hist, of the Geol. Soc. of Olasgow,' 1908, p. 2J1. Couper (W. J.). Biblio. of the G-lasgow Periodical Press. (Preparing.) Chronological and Biblio. Catal. of Literary Periodical Works published in Glasgow during the present century. 1801-26. (The Ant., Glasgow, pp. 289-296. 1827.) Orant (James). Fast and Present Glasgow Newspapers. (Tlie Newspaper Press, its Origin, etc., 1872, pp. 457-472.) Graham (III.). The Early Glasgow (Newspaper) Press. Glasgow, 1906. Xilpatrick (James A.). Literary Landmarks of Glasgow. 1898. Indexes to 'The Glasgow Herald' issued in separate volumes since 1907. Centenary of ' The Glasgow Herald.' Proceedings at the Celebration in Glasgow and London, Jan. 27, 1882, with notes on the Hist, of the Newspaper. Guild (J. Wyllie). Early Glasgow Directories. {Olasgow Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. ii. pp. 199-203. 1883.) Many of the valuable Glasgow Directories, formerly in Mr. Guild's possession, arc now (by his gift) in the Lib. of the Inst, of Accountants of Glasgow, of which a Catalogue is printed. Jones's Directory for 1789, Reprint with introduction by James MacLehose, its Publisher, with Manuscript Notes on Early Glasgow Directories, etc., by the late John Buchanan. 1866. (Exhibit at Old Glasgow Exhibition, 1894.) See also .iVbBook busi- ness, in Presidential Address on • Bibliography.' {Glasgow Blblio. Soe. Recordt, vol. i. pp. 55-58, 86-89. 1914..) Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.). Some Account of a Singular and Unique Collection of Barly Penny MerHments and Histories printed at Glasgow, 1696-98. [London], 1864'. 25 copies printed. Catal. of the Culter Maynes Library. Edinburgh, 1869. ' Adam Sim, of Culter Maynes (180»-1S68), a Glasgow citizen, had a Collection of Penny Ballads with Motherwell's autograph.'— David Murray. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Collection of Adam Sim, at Coulter, vol. iii. p. 176. MacOregor (George). The Collected Writings of Dougal Graham, with Biog. & Biblio. Introduction, and a Sketch of the Cheap Literature of Scotland. Glasgow, 1883. 9 vols. Pairley (John A.). Dougal Graham. ' Skellat ' Bellman of Glasgow and his Chap-Books. Hawick, 1908. Biblio. of the Chap-Books attributed to Dougal Graham. [Glaigow Biblio. Soc. Records, vol. i. pp. 125-215. 1914.) The Glasgow Ballad Society was formed in 1876 for the Study of Balladi and Ballad Literature. Three vols, have been issued of Ballade and Poems by the Members, 1885-1908. Swing (J. C). Brash and Reid. Their Collection of Poetry, (Olaigoto Htrald, 16 & 23 Apr., 1910.) A few copies reprinted in slips. Braah and Reid were Booksellers, in Trongate, and were also Publighers. To their labours the bibliomaniac Is Indebted for some rather scarce and curious publi- cations. In 1800 they issued 'A Catal. of Books on Sale.' Mason (Thomas). Public and Private Libraries of Glasgow: a Biblio- graphical Study. 1885. Descriptive Handbook of the Glasgow Corporation Public Libraries, with plans and illustrations. Issued on the occasion of the laying of the Memorial Stone of the New Mitchell Library by Dr. Andrew Carnegie, and of the Annual Conference of the Library Assoc, at Glasgow, 1907. Glasgow, 1907. Barrett (P. T.). Glasgow Libraries. British Assoc. Handbook, pp. 163-1T4. Glasgow, 1901. Hotes on Glasgow Libraries (by various authorities). (The Library Ai$oe. Record, vol. ix. pp. 549-567. 1907.) Brief ITotices of Glasgow and its Libraries. Prepared for American Librarians. Glasgow, 1897. Stirling (Walter). ' Deed of Mortification ' by Walter Stirling, Merchant in Glasgow, of a Fund for establishing a public library for the benefit of the Inhabitants of Glasgow. Glasgow : A. Duncan & R. Chapman. 1791. Catal. of the Library of James Bogle (1804-55). Glasgow, 1856. James Bogle gave to Stirling's Library a valuable Collection of Local Tracts and Pamphlets. A Notice of Bogle, by John Buchanan, appeared in the ' Olasaow Herald.' U May, 18K. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. US LANARKSHIRE {continued). Murray (David). A Plea for Stirling's Library. An Address at the Anniversary Meeting, 10 Apr., 1894., with a Note on the copy of Cranmer's Bible in Stirling's Library. Glasgow, 1894. Stirling's and Glasgow Public Library. Its story from the Minute Books. {Itepart of the Proceedings at the Cenlmarii Meelhin, 1891. Appendix A, pp. 29-53.) .' ^ The Ne-w Mitchell Library, Glasgow. {The Builder, vol. 101, pp. 569-571. 1911.) Munimenta Alme Universitatis Glasguensis. Records of the Univ. of Glasgow from its Foundation till I72i7. (Maitland Club.) 4. vols. 1854. Tables of Records in vols, i.-iii. The Library and Early Catalogues, vol. iii. pp. xxvi.-xxxvi. Bickson (William Purdie). The Glasgow University Library. Notes on its history, arrangement, and aims. 1888. The Glasgow University Library— Its Growth by Donations. (The Library, vol. viii. pp. 381-393. 1896.) Galbraith (James Lachlan). The Curator of Glasgow University Library (William Purdie Dickson). Glasgow, 1909. Scottish Univ. Libraries. Lists of Printed Catalogues. Glasgow. (Aber- deen Univ. Lib. Bull., vol. i. pp. 4.01-4fl3. 1913.) Books Published by James MacLehose from 1833 to 1881, and by James MacLehose to 1905. Presented to the Library of the Univ. of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1905. Included in the gift is a, Collection o{ 1121 pamphlets and prints, many of them I'elating to the Univ. of Glasgow, published by James MacLehose and by James MacLehose & Sons, publishers to the Univ. 60 vols. 1811-1905. Young (John). Address on the Hunterian Library. (Essays and Addresses, 1904, pp. 119-143.) Catal. of the MSS. in the Library of the Hunterian Museum in the Univ. of Glasgow. By John Young and P. Henderson Aitken. 1908. The Glasgow Univ. Lib. contains the finest, if not the most extensive Library in Scotland. It possesses many Special Collections, including a unique set of Glasgow pamphlets, in lis volumes, bequeathed about 18i7 by John Smith, bookseller, Secretary of the Maitland Club. This Collection includes political manifestoes, election squibs, placards, tracts, ballads, and chap - books. The Library also contains eleven vols, of MS. Letters relative to the Stained Glass Windows of the Cathedral, by Charles Heath Wilson. Index to the Proceedings of the Philosophical Soc. of Glasgow, vol. i.-xx. 1811-89. Glasgow, 1892. Anderson (P. J.). List of Glasgow University Periodicals. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 7, vol. iv. p. 69 ; Ser. 8, vol. ix. p. 453. 1887, 96.) Special Glasgow and other Collections are in the Glasgow University Library, the Mitchell Library, Stirling's Library, Baillie's Institution (including the Books and Pamphlets belonging to the Glasgow Archseol. Soc). Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Lanarkshire Collections. Cochrane, Mr. A. D. R. Baillie-, at Lamington 5th Rep. p. xx. and App. p. 633. Hamilton, Duke of, at Hamilton 1st Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 11-3-116 ; Palace 11th Rep. pp. 38-42, and App. VI. pp. 1-261. Murray, Mr. A. Erskine, at Glasgow 6th Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 709-712. Glasgow, Corporation of 1st Rep. App. p. 126. „ University of 3rd Rep. p. xxv. and App. pp. 433-425. 114 A HANDBOOK TO LANARKSHIRE (coniinued). County Council Records, at Lanark. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902. App. III. p. 81.) Bxirgli Ztecords, 1488, etc., at Lanark. (Local Records Comm. Re})., 1902. App. III. p. 9i.) Burgh Records, 144:6, etc., with Printed Index, at City Chambers, Glasgow. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903. App. III. p. 92.) Corporation Records, see ante. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Marwick (Sir James D.) and Renwick (Rohert). Charters and other Documents relating to the City of Glasgow, 1175-1707. Glasgow, 1891-1906. 2 vols, in 3. Scottish Burghs Record Society. 'Extracts from the Kecords of the Burgh of Glasgow, 1573-1769,' edited by Sir J. D. Marwick and R. Ken wick, in 6 vols., have also been issued by this Society and the Corporation, also ' Burgh Records of the City of Glasgow, 1573-1581,' by the Maitland Club in 1832, with an Index in 1831. Smith (John). Index to a Private Collection of Notices entitled Me- moraliilia of the City of Glasgow, selected from the Minute Books of the Burgh, 1587-1750. Maitland Club. Glasgow, 1836. The City of Glasgow and its Records. {The Scottish Review, vol. xxxii. pp. 249-271. 1898.) Inventory of the Records of the City of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1881. Livingstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Lanarkshire, pp. 122, 178. Glasgow, pp. 118, 1T9, 193. TurnbuU (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1819. List of Lanarkshire Registers, pp. 102-108. Catal. of Books belonging to the Cathedral Church of Glasgow, taken in the year 1432, from the Chartulary of Glasgow, with notes and observations on the preceding Catal. of Books. {Archwol. Scotica, vol. ii. pp. 328-319. 1822.) Soc. of Antiq. of Scotland. Dillon (John). Inventory of the Ornaments, Reliciues, Jewels, Vest- ments, Books, etc., belonging to the Cathedral Church of Glasgow, 1432, with observations -on the Catal. of Books. Glasgow, 1831. Maitland Club. Dowden (John). The Inventory of Ornaments, Jewels, Relicks, Vest- ments, Service Books, etc., belonging to the Cathedral Church of Glasgow in 1432, illustrated from various sources, and more particularly from the Inventories of the Cathedral of Aberdeen. {Soc. of Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xxxiii. pp. 280-329. 1899.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Lanarkshire. {Jouni. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 231. 1871.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Lanarkshire Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 261, 1890; and reprinted in pamph. 1891, p. '35.) Mammals. (2'/!« ZooZo(/ts«, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 212. 1893.) Reptiles. {^Ihid. p. 250. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Lanarkshire, pp. 398-401. Baudincl (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Library by Richard Gough, 1814. Lanarkshire, p. 362. BUTHERGLEN. Burgh Records, 1324, etc., at Rutherglen. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 98.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 115 LANCASHIRE. [As many bibliographical works relating to this county include Cheshire as well, reference should be made under both ' Lancashire ' and ' Cheshire.'] FISKWICK (HEXRY). THE LANCASHIRi: LIBBART, A BIBLIO- ORAFHICAL ACCOUXT OF BOOKS ON TOFOGBAFHY, BIO- QKAFKT, KIST0B.7, BTC, Ili:3:.ATINa TO THB COUNTY PALATINE, including an Account of Lancashire tracts, etc., printed before the year 1720. London, 1875. Folkard (Henry Tennyson). Lancashire Books. A List of Books and Famphlets relating to the County Palatine of Lancaster preserved in the Reference Bepartment of the Wigan Free Public Library. 1898. 25 copies only printed, detached from the General Catalogue. Sutton (Albert). Bibliotheca Lancastrensis : A Catal. of Books (on sale) on tlie Topography and Genealogy of Lancashire. (With Biblio. & Biog. Notes, etc.) Manchester, 1913. Biblio. of Lanes, and Cheshire Publications during 187G. {Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. iii. pp. 261-302. 1877.) Also issued separately. Biblio. of Lanes, and Cheshire Antiquities, 1889. By Ernest Axon. (Lanes. ^ Cheshire Antlq. Soc. Tram., vol. vii. pp. 327-332. 1890.) Biblio. of Lanes, and Cheshire Anticiuities, 1890. By Ernest Axon. {Ibid. vol. viii. pp. 195-204. 1891.) Biblio. of Lanes, and Cheshire Antiquities, 1891, and Subject-Index to Biblio. of Local Antiquities, 1839-91. By Ernest Axon. {Ibid. vol. ix. pp. 217-231. 1892.) Biblio. of Lanes, and Cheshire Antiquities, 1892, and Subject-Index. By Ernest Axon. {Ibid. vol. x. pp. 230-236. 1893. Biblio. of Lanes, and Cheshire Antiquities and Biography, with Subject- Indexes, 1893-99. By John Hibbert Swann. {Ibid. vol. xii. p. 148 ; vol. xiii. p. 201 ; vol. xiv. p. 212 ; vol. xv. p. 229 ; vol. xvi. p. 188 ; vol. xvii. p. 271. 1895-1900.) Biblio. of Lanes, and Cheshire Antiquities, and Biographical Publica- tions, 1900-03, and Subject-Indexes. By Norman HoUins. {Ibid. vol. xviii. pp. 165-176 ; vol. xix. pp. 276-287; vol. xx. pp. 265-975 ; vol. xxi. pp. 224- 233. 1901-03.) Local Bibliography of Lancashire (chiefly relating to Early Printing in various Towns), by W. H. Allnutt, W. A. Abram, H. Fishwick, & others. {Local Glmnings relating to Lanes, f Cheshire, ed. by J. P. Earwaker, vols. I., II. passim. 1875-78.) Madeley (Charles). Warrington municipal museum. Catal. of the Reference Library. 1898. Lancashire items, pp. 177-180. Supplement, 1908, pp. 62-64. List of Books, Tracts, MSS., etc., relating to Lancashire History. {The Cheshire .J Lanes. Hist. Collector, vol. ii. pp. 7, 36, 57, 87. 1855.) Rondeau (J. B.). Manuscript Collections towards a Bibliography of Lancashire and Cheshire, (In Wigan Free Library.) Bibliotheca Chethamensis. Vols, i.-iv. 1791-1862. Vol. v. Index, 1863. Vol. vi. Catal. of the Books and mSS. added 1863-1881, including the Collection of John Byrom, and all the MSS. 1883. Catal. of the MSS. and Printed Books bequeathed to Owen's College, Manchester, by the late James Prince Lee, D.D., Lord Bishop of Manchester. 1870. The Bishop Lee Lib. contains many MSS. and Books relating to Lanes. 116 A HANDBOOK TO LANCASHIRE {continued). Kobson (John). The Materials for the Hist, of the Two Counties (Lanes. and Cheshire) and the Mode of Using Them. (Hist. Soc. Lanes. S[ Cheshire Proc, vol. V. pp. 199-217 i Tram., vol. vii. pp. 99-114; vol. x. pp. 47-58. 1853-58.) Winstanley (R.). Sale Catal. of Works relatingf to Lanes, and Cheshire. (Collected by Thomas Hey wood.) Manchester, 1835. Sale Catal. of the Library of James Crossley, F.S.A., Stocks House, Cheetham, 12-19 May, 1884. Manchester, F. Thompson, 1884. Sutton (Charles William). Bough List of Lancashire Coimty and Local Histories in the Manchester Pree Reference Library. Manchester, 1885. A List of Lancashire Authors, with brief Biog. and Biblio. Notes. Manchester Literary Club, 1876. J. Eglinton Bailey's copy of the above in the Brit. Museum contains a very large number of additions in his handwriting. Lancashire and Cheshire Arch»ology : A List of Contributions from some ArchaeologicalJournals. Manchester, 1881 (reprinted from 'The Palatine Note-hook,'' 1881). Special Collections of Books in Lanes, and Cheshire. (Paper read before Library Assoc, 1899.) Aberdeen, 1900. A precis appeared in 'Lib. Assoc. Record,' vol. i. pt. 2, pp. 627-628. 1899. Some of the Lanes. Private Collections mentioned are the folio wing :— Samuel H. Brooks, H. T. Crofton, William Farrer, Henry Fishwick, W. Fergusson Irvine, Arthur G. Leigh, Robert Muschamp, William Ormerod, Giles Shaw, and Joseph Whitehead. Nodal (J. H.). Special Collections of Books in Lanes, and Cheshire. (Lib. Assoc, of the U. K. Trans., 1879, pp. 54-60, and App. HI. and Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. vl. pp. 31-57. 1880.) Madeley (C). Limits of Local Collections in the Tovrn Libraries of Lanes, and Cheshire. (Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. vi. pp. 300-303. 1880.) Fishwick (Henry). Q''^aker Lancashire Literature of the Seventeenth Century. (Lanr.t. ^ Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. v. pp. 105-116. 1887.) Catal. of the Books and MSS. belonging to the late John Leyland, at the Leyland Free Lib. & Museum, Hindley. By H. T. Folkard. Wigan, 1896. Privately Printed. (Special Collections of Views, Portraits, Newspaper- cuttings, etc., relating to Lanes.) General Index to the Remains, Historical and Literary, published by the Chetham Soc, vols, i.-xxx. and vols, xxxi.-cxiv. Manchester, 1863 and 1893. (Contains numerous Lanes, items.) Index to the Transactions of the Hist. Soc. of Lanes, and Cheshire, vols, i.- H., 1849-1900, in vol. liv., 1902, compiled by F. C. Beazley, and Rough Index to Papers and Communications, vols, lii.-lxi. in vol. Ixi. 1909. Catal. of the Library and Museum of the Hist. Soc. of Lanes, and Cheshire, arranged by H. Ecroyd Smith, Liverpool. 1876. (Lanes., Liverpool, Manches- ter, etc., Books, Pamphlets, Maps, etc.) Catal. of the Museum of the Hist. Soc. of Lanes, and Cheshire, compiled by R. T. Bailey and R. Gladstone. (Hist. Soc. Lanes, and Cheshire, Trans., vol. Ixv. pp. 322-239. 1914.) Index to the Titles of Local Papers in the Trans, of the Hist. Soc. of Lanes, and Cheshire, 1848-81, by J. Cooper Morley. (Palatine Note-book, vol. ii. pp. 266-268. 1882.) Indexes to the Transactions of the Lanes, and Cheshire Antig,. Soc, vols. i.-x. in vol. x. 1892; vols, xi.-xx. in vol. xx. 1902; and vols, xxi.-xxx. in vol. xxx. 1912. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 117 LANCASHIRE (continued). Table of Contents and Index to Publications of the Manckester Literary Club, compiled by C. W. Sutton, pp. 1-139, and Catalogue of the Library of the Manchester Literary Club, compiled by W. R. Credland, pp. 143-235. Manchester Lit. Club. 1903. List of Publications of the Record Soc. for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lanes, and Cheshire (issued in the ^Annual Repm-ts '). Nodal (J. H.). List of Books and Pamphlets by Members (Past & Present) of the Manchester Literary Club. (Manchester Lit. Club. Trans., vol. i. Appendix. 1875.) The Spenser Society, Manchester. Pinal Keport of the Council, with Lists of Works issued by the Society. 1891. Credland (W. R.). The Work of the Spenser Society. (Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. xi. pp. 117-123, 1885; vol. xxviii. p. 478, 1902; Manchester Quarterly, vol. iv. pp. 1 17-123, 1885 ; vol. xxi. p. 178. 1902.) Sutton (C. W.). Some £arly Lancashire Authors. (Memorials of Old Lan- cashire, vol. ii. pp. 44-64. 1909.) Milner (G.). Lancashire Writers. (Manchester Lit. Club. Proc, 1873-74, pp. 29-32.) Case (Robert H.). Lanes. & Cheshire in English Literature up to about 1^00. (Hist. Soc. Lanes. ^- Cheshire. Trans., vol. Ivii. pp. 96-119. 1906.) Nodal (J. H.). Lancashire in Fiction. (Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. v. pp. 261-262. 1879.) Polkard (H. T.). Portraits and Portraiture. A List of Engraved Portraits and Photographs (including Lanes.) in the Reference Department of the Wigan Free Public Library. Wigan, 1907. Rylands (J. P.). Notes on Book-Plates (Ex-Libris), with special reference to Lanes, and Cheshire Examples. (HiM. Soc. Lanes. ^ Cheshire. Trans., vol. xl. pp. 1-76. 1890.) See also hsts in ' The Palatine Note-book,' vol. i. p. 31, 1881, and 'Manchester Notes &■ Queries,' vol. vii. pp. 240, 342, 245, 24T, 249. 1888.) Bateman (C. T. Tallent-). Hist. Notes on a Collection of Lanes, and Cheshire Autographs. (Lanes. S^ Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 53- 58. 1884.) 'The Lancashire Journal,' 1738-39. (Palatine Note-book, vol. ii. pp. 205- 207. 1882.) Wightman (H.). Official List of Newspapers issued in Lanes., Torks., & Cheshire. Liverpool, 1887. Bailey (James). Lancashire Periodicals. Biblio. Notes. (Manchester City News Notes ^ Queries, vol. v. pp. 121-122. 1883.) Axon (William E. A.). Select List of Works relating to Bibliography, Natural History, History, Topography, etc., of Lancashire. 1877. (MS. in Wigan Free Library.) Provincial Biblio. in relation to Lancashire and Cheshire. (Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. iii. pp. 183-186. 1877.) Also issued separately. The Literature of the Lancashire Bialect. A Biblio. Essay. London, 1870. A Bibliographical List of Books illustrating the Lancashire Dialect (reprinted from English Dialect Soc. Pubns., with additions). (Man- chester Lit. Club. Papm's, vol. ii. Appendix. 1875.) 118 A HANDBOOK TO LANCASHIRE (continued). Axon (Williani E. A.). Some Old Lancasliire Ballade, Broadsides, and Chapbooks. (Lancashire QUanings, 1883, pp. 329-335.) Cwriosities of Street Literature. (Lancashire Qleanings, 1883, pp. 145- 150.) The Libraries of Lancasliire and Cheshire. (Lib. Assoc, of the U.K. Trans., 1879, pp. 4T-53 ; Manchester Lit. Club. Papers,\o\. vi. pp. 21-30. 1880.) Also issued separately. On Lancashire Antiquarian Societies. (Lanes. |- Cheshire Aniiq. Soo. Trans., vol. xxi. pp. 212-218. 1903.) Bihlio. List of the Writings of John Harland, P.S.A. (1806-1868.) (The Reliquary, vol. ix. pp. 90-93. 1868.) In Memoriam. J. E. Bailey, F.S.A., with a Biblio. List. (Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. xiv. pp. 297-306, 1888 ; Manchester Quarterly, vol. vii. pp. 297-306. 1888.) The Library of Richard Brereton of Ley, 1557. (Lanes. ^ Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. xi. pp. 103-112. 1894. Biblio. of the Writings of Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, Author of 'Mary Barton,' and of her Husband, the Rev. William Gaskell, M.A. (Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. xxi. ; Manchester Quarterly, vol. xiv. Appendix. 1895.) and Axon (Ernest). Henry Ainsworth, the Puritan Commentator (1571-1622 or 1623), with Biblio. (Lanes. ^ Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Tram., vol. vi. pp. 42-57. 1888.) Also reprinted 1889. List of some of the Writings of William E. A. Axon, in ' Report of the Presentation of a Testimonial to W. E. A. Axon,' 18 July, 1878. Manchester, 1878. Axon (Ernest). List of Writings of John Eglinton Bailey. (Lanes. 4; Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. vi. pp. 129-150. 1888.) Henry Ainsworth (1571-1622 or 1623) : His Birthplace and His Death. (Palati7ie Note-book, \o\. v. ipTp. 1-3. 1885.) Also issued separately. Tormby (Thomas) and Axon (Ernest). List of the Writings of W. Thompson Watkin. (Lanes. ^ Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. vi. pp. 173- 178. 1888.) Also issued separately. 1889. Sutton (C. W.). List of W. Thompson Watkin's Writings. (Manchester Notes Si: Queries, vol. vii. pp. 200-202. 1888.) Kerford (Rev. Brooke). In Memoriam. John Harland. 1868. Privately printed. Christie (R. C). A Biblio. of the Works written and edited by Dr. John Worthington. Chetham Soc. New Ser., vol. xiii. 1888. Sutton (C. W.). Richard Keyrick (1600-67) and Richard Hollinworth (1607-56). Bibho. Notes. (Lanes. S[ Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. vii. pp. 134-141. 1889.) Also issued separately. 1890. Dredge (John Ingle). Samuel Bolton, D.D. (b. at Manchester, 1607 ; d. 1654). A Bibliography. (Lanes. S[ Cheshire Antiq. Soc. I'rans., vol. vi. pp. 67-73. 1889.) Sparke (Archibald). Henry Pishwick, 1835-1914. An Obituary Notice. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11. vol. x. p. 279. 1914.) Bailey (J. Eglinton). Thomas Bell, of Lancashire & Yorkshire, Anti- Romanist Writer, with a Biblio. (Reprinted from 'Notes ^ Queries,^ Nov. 27 & Dec. 4, 1880.) Not published. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 119 LANCASHIRE {continued). Wilkinson (T. T.). An Account of tte Life and Writings of Henry Buckley (1811-36). (Illst. Soe. Lanes. 4' Cheshire, Trans., vol. xv. pp. 115-128. 1863.) ^' An Account of the Life and Writings of Jolin Henry Swale (b. 1775, d. 1837) of Liverpool. {Hist. Soc. Lanes. ^ Cheshire, Trans., vol. vii. pp. 143-164; vol. X. pp. 169-183. 1855, 1858.) Nodal (J. H.) and Milner {&.). A Glossary of tlie Lancashire Dialect. Manchester Lit. Club. 1875-89. List of Authorities, pp. xi.-xv. A Collection of Lancashire Dialect Pamphlets, etc. , is in Wigan Free Public Library. Briscoe (J. P.). The Literature of Tim Bobbin [i.e. John Collier]; being a chronologically arranged list of the various editions. Manchester. 187 3. HalliwsU-Phillipps (J. O.). The Palatine Anthologfy: A Collection of Ancient Poems and Ballads relating to Lanes, and Cheshire, to which is added The Palatine Garland, being a selection of Ballads and Fragments, supple- mentary to The Palatine Anthology. London, 1850. Harland (John). Ballads and Songs of Lancashire, chiefly older than the 19th cent. Second edition. 1875. Derby (Thomas). Polk Songs of Lanes. {Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. xxxix. pp. 79-99. 1913.) Langton (Kobert). The Black-Letter Ballads in the Pree Reference Library, Manchester. (Lanes. & Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. ii. pp. 31- 97. 1885.) Early Lancashire and Cheshire Printers. (Brief notes.) {Manchester City News Notes f Queries, vol. 1. pp. 300, 310. 1878.) Abram (W. A.). Obituaries of Lancashire Printers and Booksellers, 1796-1848 (from 'Preston Guardian' Local Sketches. May 2?, 1880.) {Lanes. 4" Cheshire Antiq. Notes, vol. ii. pp. 57-58. 1886.) Christie (R. C). The Old Church and School Libraries of Lanes. A Paper read at the Liverpool Meeting of the Lib. Assoc. 188.3. {Lib. Assoc, of the U. K. Trans. S( Proc, 1883, pp. 45-57.) The Old Church and School Libraries of Lanes. Chetham Soc. New Ser., vol. vii. 1885. Binns (Thomas). Collection of Maps, Plans, Charts, Views, Portraits, and MS. and Printed Documents serving to illustrate the Hist, of Lanes., especially Liverpool and Neighbourhood : begun by Thomas Binns of Liverpool, circa 1820, and continued by the Libraries Committee of the Corp. of Liverpool. (In the Reference Lib. of the Liverpool Free Public Libraries.) Harrison (William). Barly Maps of Lancashire and their Makers. (Lanes. Sj; Cheshire Aniig. Soc. Trans., vol. xxv. pp. 1-31. 1907.) G-illow (Joseph). Lord Burghley's Map of Lancashire, 1590, with Notes. (Catholic Bee. Soc. Miscellanea, vol. iv. pp. 162-322. 1907.) List of Private Acts relating to the County of Lancashire. London : Stevens & Sons, circa 1912. Oross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Lancashire, pp. 98-99. Liverpool, pp. 280-285. Manchester, pp. 335-338. Lancaster, pp. 370, 271. Davenport (Prances &.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial History. 1894. Biblio. Note on Lancashire Manorial History, pp. 48-49. Dove (Patrick Bdward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Lancashire, vol. ii. pp. 681-682. 120 A HANDBOOK TO LANCASHIRE (ccmtinited). lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano - British Remains. 1912. Lancashire, pp. ,54-55. Covper (H. S.). An Arohwol. Survey of Lancashire North-of-the-Sands, (Archaoloqia, vol. liii. 1893, and reprinted separately.) Biblio. and Topog. Index, pp. 531-538. Harrison (William). An Archeeol. Survey of Lancashire. Soc. of Antiq. London. 1896. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : George Allen & Co. 1913. Biblio. Note on Lanes. Brasses, with a List, pp. 141, 165. A Classified Catal. of the Works on Architecture and the Allied Arts in the principal Libraries of Manchester and Salford, with alphabetical Author list and Subject Index. Edited for the Joint Architectural Committee of Manchester, by Henry Guppy. 1909. Lancashire items, pp. 79-81. Special Topographical Collections for the County of Lancashire are in the Public Libraries at Wigan, Bury. Rochdale, St. Helens, Accrington, Manchester (The Free Reference Lib. & Chetham's Lib.), Warrington (Municipal Museum), Chester, and other places. Local Collections are in the Public Libraries at Ashton-under-Lyne, Blackburn, Bootle, etc. For other Local Collections see note under the respective Towns. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Lancashire Collections. Beamont, Mr. W., of Orford Hall, Warrington 4th Rep. p. xv. and App. p. 368. EUesmere, Earl of (Bridgewater Trust), 11th Rep, p. 94 and App. VII. pp. atWalkden 126-167. ffarington. Miss, of Worden Hall ... 6th Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 426-448. FitzGerald, Sir Gerald, at Thurnham 3rd Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 246, HaU 247 ; 5th Rep. App. p. 321. Hulton, Mr. W. W. B., at Hulton 12th Rep. p. 40 and App. IX. pp. Park 165-178. Kenyon, Lord, at Gredington Hall, Flints 14th Rep. pp. 31-36 and App. IV. Raffles, Mr. T. Stamford, at Liverpool 6th Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 468-475. Towneley, Colonel, at Towneley Hall, 4th Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 406-416, Burnley 613. Manchester, Chetham's Library ... 2nd Rep. App. p. 156. Stonyhurst College 2nd Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 143-146 ; 3rd Rep. p. xxi. and App. pp. 334- 341 ; 10th Rep. p. 35 and App. IV. pp. 176-199. County Records, 1710, etc., with MS. Index, at County Offices, Freston. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 18.) Public Record Office. Duchy of Lancaster. Calendar of Rolls of the Chancery of the Co. Palatine, Rolls of Pines, Letters Close and Patent, and Charters of 29 Bdw. III. (Deputy Keeper Public Records, 32 Ann. Rep., 1871, pp. 331-365.) Henry IV. (Ihid. 33 Ann. Rep., 1872, pp. 1-42; 37 Ann. Rep., 1876, pp. 172-179.) Calendar of Royal Charters. William II. to Richard II. (Ibid. 31 Ann. Rep., 1870, pp. 1-42.) Henry I. to Henry VI. (Ibid. 35 Ann. Rep., 1874, pp. 1-41 ; 36 Ann. Rtp., 1875, pp. 161-205.) Calendar of Lancaster Ini^uisitions Post Mortem, etc. (Ibid. 39 Ann. Rep., 1878, pp. 532-563.) Calendar of Patent Rolls. 4 Richard II. to 21 Henry VII. (Ibid. 40 Ann. Rep., 1879, pp. 521-545.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 121 LANCASHIRE {continued). Public Record Oface. Calendar of Priyy Seals of the Co. Palatine. Richard II. (Ibid. 43 Ann. Rtp., 1882, pp. 363-370.) Inventory of the Accounts of the Ministers and Particular Receivers, Edward I. to Oeorge III. (IhUi. 45 Ann. Rep., 1884, pp. 1-152.) Inventory of Court Rolls, Henry III. to George IV. (Ibid. 43 Ann. Rtp., 1882, pp. 206-362.) Inventory and Iiists of Documents transferred from the Duchy of Lancaster Office, Lancaster Place, to the Puhlic Record Office, 1868. (Ibid. 30 Ann. Rep., 1869, pp. 1-43.) List of the Records of the Duchy of Lancaster preserved in the Public Record Office. (Lists and Indexes. No. 14. 1901.; A Calendar of the Lanes. Assise Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. Transcribed and calendared by Col. John Parker. (Record Soc. for Lanes, and Cheshire, vols, xlvii., xlix. 1904-5.) A Calendar of the Duchy of Lancaster Inquisitions Post Mortem. By Ethel Stokes. (Genealogical Mat/., vols, ii.-iv. 1899-1900.) Selby (Walford D.). Lanes, and Cheshire Records in the Public Record Office, London. '? vols. (Record Soc. for Lanes, and Cheshire, vols, vii., viii. 1882-83.) List of Records of the Palatinates of Chester, Durham, and Lancaster, preserved in the Public Record Office. (Lists and Indexes, No. XL. 1914.) The Charters of the Duchy of Lancaster, translated and edited by Sir William Hardy. 1845. Chronological List of Contents, pp. v. -xx. Account of the Public Records in the Duchy of Lancaster, etc., with a Table with dates of Records and where kept. (Gregson (Matthew.) ^portfolio of Fragments relative to the Hist., etc., of the Co. Pal. ^ Duchy of Lancaster, 1817, pp. 123-129.) Extracts relating' to Lanes, from the ' Calendarium Rotulorum Chart- arum ' (Calendar of the Charter Rolls, 1199-1483), the ' Cal. Inquis. ad quod Damnum ' and the ' Cal. Inquis. Post Mortem.' (Ibid. pp. 51-120.) Official Lists of the Duchy and Co. of Lancaster from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, by W. R. Williams. 1901. Privately Printed. A Calendar of Lanes. & Cheshire Exchequer Depositions by Commission, 1558-1702. Edited by C. Fishwick. (Record Soc. for Lanes. 4' Cheshire Publications, vol. xi. 1885.) Beamont (William). An Account of the Rolls of the Honoiir of Haltou, part of Her Majesty the Queen's Duchy of Lancaster, being the substance of a Report on the removal of the Records from Halton Castle, in Cheshire, to the office of the Public Records, London. Warrington, 1879. Report of an Inspection of the Records of the Palatinate Courts at Preston and Lancaster. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1914, vol. ii. pt. 2, p. 141.) Karland (John). ' Mamecestre.' 3 vols. 1861-62. Chetham Soc. vols, liii., Ivi., Iviii. Lancashire Town Charters, vol. i. pp. 178-207. Crofton (K. T.). Lancashire & Cheshire Coal-mining Records. (Lanes. 4: Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. vii. pp. 26-73. 1890.) Evans (Oeorge Eyre). Record of the Provincial Assembly of Lanes. & Cheshire (with lists of Non-Parochial Registers, and Biblio. Notes to Bio- graphies and Places). Manchester, 1896. 122 A HANDBOOK TO LANCASHIRE {continued). Shaw (W. A.). Materials for an Account of the Provincial Synod of the Co. of Lancaster, 1646-1660. Manchester, 1890. Privately Printed. Holt (Emily S.). Collectanea, or What the Kecords Say: Lancashire Wotes. (Old South-East Lancashire, vol. i. pp. 44-49, 129-133. 1880.) List of MS. Collections in Reports of the Royal Hist. MSS. Comm. relating to Lanes. & Cheshire. (Manchester Lit. Cluh. Papers, vol. v. p. 57. 1880.) The Owen MSS. (in the Pree Reference Library, Manchester), by Ernest Axon. (Lanes. S/; Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. xvii. pp. 48-63. 1899.) Index to the Owen MSS., compiled by Ernest Axon. (Manchester Public Free Libraries. Occasicmal Lists. No. 6. 1900.) Raines's MS. Collections for Lanes., 44 vols. ; Piccope's MS. Collections, 21 vols. ; and Kuerden's MS. Collections, 2 vols, (in Chetham's Library, Manchester). Other vols, ol! Kuerden's L.ancs. Collections are in the College of Arms, London, and a vol. is in the Harleian Collection at the Brit. Museum. Randle Holmes' Collections, Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 2042, 2085, 3112 ; William John Roberts' Collections, Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 22642-32658 ; Lysons' Collections, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 9458 ; Suckling's Collections, 1821-39, Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 18478, 18479 ; Korris Papers, Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 36924-36927 ; Upcott's Topog. Collections, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5922 ; John Kopkinson's Collections, 1671, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26741. Other Lanes. Collections in the Brit. Mus. are Harl. MSS. 1926, 2219, 7386. The Watson MSS. (chiefly relating to Lanes, and Cheshire) in the Bodleian Lib., Oxford. Beamont MSS. relating to Pamilies in South Lanes. & Cheshire (in War- rington Museum Reference Library). Gregson (Matthew). MS. Collections of Lancashire, taken from P.ecords, etc., with Title-pages dated 1832, in 6 vols. See Catal. Historical Exhibition, Liverpool, 1907, p. 159. MS. Collections relating to Lanes, (in Leeds Subscription Lib.), by F. R. Atkinson. (The Cheshire ^ Lanes. Hist. Collector, vol. ii. pp. 43-45. 1855.) Earwaker (J. P.). Notes on some Early Deeds, Pedigree Rolls, etc., relating to Cheshire & Lanes. (Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. ix. pp. 176-193, 1883 ; 3Ianchester Quarterly, vol. ii. pp. 176-193. 1883.) Rylands (W. H.). Some Lanes. & Cheshire Heraldic Documents. (Hist. Soc. Lanes. 4" Cheshire, Trans., vol. Ixiii. pp. 178-219. 1912.) Maclean (Sir John). Parish Registers in the County of Lancaster. An Epitome. (Lanes. ^ Cheshire Hist. ^ Geneal. Notes, vol. i. pp. 311, 322, 338, 344, 360, 386, 409, 411 ; vol. ii., pp. 9, 16, 20. 1879-80.) Brierley (Henry). Notes on Lanes. Parish Registers. (Memorials of Old Lancashire, ed. by H. Fishwick & P. H. Ditchfield, vol. ii. pp. 191-203. 1909.) Moore Collection. A Calendar of that part of the Collection of Deeds and Papers of the Moore Family, of Bankhall, co. Lanes., now in the Liverpool Public Library. By J. Brownbill. With an Appendix containing a Calendar of a further portion of the same Collection, now in the Univ. of Liverpool School of Local Hist, and Records. By Kathleen Walker. (Record Soc. of Lanes. ^■ Cheshire, vol. Ixvii. 1913.) See also Hist. MSS. Coram., 10th Rep., Pt. iv. pp. 59-146, Capt. Stewart's MSS., in which are described many of the Moore documents. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY, 123 LANCASHIRE {continued). Morton (T. IT.)- The Family of IVIoore of Liverpool. Rough Lists of their Paper Records. (Hist. 8oc. of Lanes. & Cheshire, Trans., \o\. xxxviii. pp. 149-158. 1886.) MS. Lists are also at the Liverpool Public Library. Selections by T. N. Morton were issued in the '■Hist. Hoc. of Lanes, ijj; Cheshire, Trans.' vols, xxxix. pp. 159-174.; vol. xl. pp. 17T-189, 1887-88; and by R. Stewart- Brown in vol. Ixi. pp. 203-311. 1909. BadcliiFe (R. D.). Schedule of Deeds & Documents, the property of Col. Thomas Richard Crosse, preserved in the Muniment Room at Shaw Hill, Chorley, co. Lanes. {Hist. Soc. Lanes. 4' Cheshire, Trans., vol. xli. pp. 909- 226; vol. xlii. pp. 275-295; vols. xliii.,xliv. pp. 330-352; vol. xlv. pp. 231-2t6. 1889-93.) Earwaker (J. P.). An Account of the Charters, Deeds, and other Docu- ments, now preserved at Agecroft Hall, co. Lanes. 1199-1811. (Lanes. 4" Cheshire Antici. Soe. Trans., vol. iv. pp. 199-220. 1880.) Powell (Rev. Ed-ward). Ancient Charters preserved at Scarisbrick Kail. (Hist. Soc. Lanes. S[ Cheshire, Trans., vol. xlviii. pp. 259-394; vol. xhx. pp. 185- 930. Index, pp. 242-250. 1896-98.) Bold Deeds. A Collection of 218 Charters relating to the Bold Estate, with Calendar and transcriptions. (In Warrington Museum.) Sibsou Papers. Correspondence, Memoranda, etc., of the Rev. E. Sibson (an Antiquary), Vicar of St. Thomas', Ashton-in-Makerfield. 34 vols. (In Warrington Museum.) The Culcheth Deeds. A List, by J. P. Rylands, of Abstracts by William Beamont, of Warrington. (Lanes. §' Cheshire Hist. ^ Geneal. Notes, vols, i.-iii. passim. 1878-83.) Wheldon (J. A.) and Wilson (A.). The Flora of West Lanes. Liverpool, 1907. List of Authorities for Details, Books and Herbaria consulted, and MS. Contributions, pp. 190-124. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Lancashire. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 180. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Lanes. Birds. (The Zoologlit, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 254, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. IS.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 180. 1893.) Reptiles. (Ibid. p. 244. 1893.) Pishes. (Ibid. p. 255. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit Topo., 18S1. Lanes., pp. 150-161. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Lanes., pp. U8-151. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Lanes., pp. 168, 211, 212, 235. Upcott (William). English Topo., 1818. Lanes., vol. i. pp.loo-lSO, 637-639. Smith (Alfred Kussell). Catal. of Topo. Traets, etc., 1878. Lanes., pp. 167-180. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Lanes., vol. i. pp. 493-508. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Library by Richard Gough, 1814. Lanes., pp. 151-166. BOLTON. Sparke (Archibald). Bibliographia Boltouiensis ; being a Biblio., with Biog. details of Bolton Authors, and the Books written by them from 1550 to 1913 ; Books about Bolton ; and those Printed and Published in the Town from 1785 to date. Manchester, 1913. Scholes (James C). Bolton Bibliography, and Jottings of Book-Lore; with Notes on Local Authors and Printers. Manchester, 1886. Waite (James K.). List of Bolton Authors and their principal Works. (Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. v. pp. 29-32. 1879.) 124 A HANDBOOK TO LANCASHIRE {contirmed). Biblio. Notes on Bolton Books. (Local Gleanings relating to Lanci. Sj; Cheshire, ed. by J. P. Earwaker, vol. i. pp. 21, 27, 30. 1875.) Axon (W. B. A.). Bolton and its Free Library. {Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. v. pp. 18-29. 1879.) A Collection of Bolton Books, locally printed or by local authors, is at the Bolton Public Library. BUBNLEY. Wilkinson (T. T.). Hist, of the Parochial Cliuvch of Burnley, its En- dowments, Records, etc. 1856. The Records described, pp. 51-53. BURY. Butterworth (James). An Hist, and Topog'. Description of the Town and Parish of Bury. Manchester, 1829. Reprinted by Albert Sutton, Manchester, 1902, with Memorial Introduction and Bibliography (of James Butterworth) added. Biblio. Notes on Bury Books. (Local Cleanings relating to Lanes. 4' Cheshire, ed. by J. P. Earwaker, vol. i. pp. 21, 71 ; vol. ii. pp. 58, 298. 1875-78.) CLITHEROE. Borough Records, 1263, etc., at Town Hall, Clitheroe. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 50.) Harland (John). Ancient Charters and other Muniments of the Borough of Clitheroe. Printed for the Corporation of Clitheroe. 1851. On some ancient Charters and CS'rants to the Borough of Clitheroe. (Brit. Archceol. Assoc. Joum., vol. vi. pp. 425-437. 1851.) Farrer (William). The Court Rolls of the Honor of Clitheroe, in the Public Record Office, and at Clitheroe Castle. 2 vols. 1897, 1912. GARSTANG. Hughes (T. Cann). Notes on the 'Garstang Trust' and their Records. (Lanes. ^ Cheshire Aiiilq. Sac. Trans., vol. xxx. pp. 164-177. 1912.) HAWKSHEAD. Cowper (H. S.). Hawkshead : Its Hist., Archaeology, Folklore, Dialect, etc. 1899. Bibho. Notes on Dialect, Parish Books, and a Schedule of Docu- ments. HEYWOOD. Green (John Albert). Biblio. of the Town of Heywood. 1902. List of Newspapers, etc., pp. 99-102. Maps and Plans, p. 113. Heywood Miscellanea. The Collection of the late James Turner relating to the Town of Heywood. 1850-1904. (On sale by Albert Sutton, Manchester. ) HINDLEY. Collection of Newspaper Cuttings and other matters relating to Hindley, formed by John Leyland. 2 vols. 1872-80. (In Leyland Free Library an Museum, Hindley.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 125 LANCASHIRE {continued), LANCASTER. Borough Becords, H93, etc., with. MS. Index, .it Lancaster Town Hall. (Local Becords Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 60.) Archdeaconry Records, at Registrar's Office, Lancaster. [Ibid. 1902, App. III. p. 122.) Roper (W. O.). The Charters of Lancaster. (Hist. Sac. Lanes, f Cheshire, Trans., vol. xxxv. pp. 1-14. 1886.) Biblio. Notes on Lancaster Boohs, by W. H. AUnutt, and others. {Local Oleaninga relating to Lanes. ^ Cheshire, ed. by J. P. Earwaker, vol. i. pp. 31, 71, 333 ; vol. ii. p. 58. 1875-T7.') Warhiirton's MS. Collections relating to Lancaster. (In the College of Arms, London.) Fleury (Cross). Hist. Notes on the Ancient Borough of Lancaster. 1891. BibUo. Notes on Lancaster Books, Maps, etc., pp. 515, 532. List of Authorities, p. 583. ' Old Lancaster ' Exhibition of Historical and Antiq,uarian Objects of Interest connected with Lancaster. July-Aug., 1908. (Nearly 300 Deeds, Documents, Maps, MSS., etc., were exhibited.) A Special Local Collection is in the Lancaster Public Library. LEIGH. Stanning (J. H.). Old Documents relating to Leigh. [1882.] Not published. Lists of Old Leigh Documents. (Lanes. <| Cheshire Hist. 4' Oeneal. Notes, vols. ii. and iii. 2^assim.) Bailey (John IB.). The Crrammar School of Leigh and its Library. (Re- printed from ' Tlie Leigh Chronicle.') 1879. The Library of Leigh Grammar School. (Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. v. pp. 256-257. 1879. ) Worsley (James B.). The Hist, of the Parish Church of St. Mary, at Leigh. 1870. Appendix. List of Old Deeds. LIVERPOOL. Cowell (Peter). Liverpool Prints and Documents : Catal. of Maps, Plans, Views, Portraits, Memoirs, Literature, etc., in the Reference Lib. of the Liverpool Public Libraries, relating to Liverpool, and serving to illustrate its history, biography, etc., from the earliest times. 1908. Mott (Albert J.). On Books published in Liverpool, with a Chronological Catal. of Boohs published in Liverpool up to 1850. (Hist. Soc. Lanes. ^ Cheshire. Traws., vol. xiii. pp. 103-166. 1861.) Palmer (John). MS. Biblio. of Liverpool Literature before 1820, com- piled about 1820. (See Catal. Hist. Exhib. Liverpool, 1907, p. 161.) Mott's Biblio. was based on this. Dawson (Thomas). The Pamphlet Literature of Liverpool, with a Cata- logue. (Hist. Soc. Lanes. ^ Cheshire. Trans., vol. xvii. pp. 73-138. 1865.) Jaggard (William). Liverpool Literature. A descriptive Biblio. of Old Deeds, Codices, Maps, and Printed Literature, etc. 1905. Catal. of the Liverpool Library, Lyceum, Bold Street. Liverpool, 1889. Liverpool entries, pp. 367-371. 126 A HANDBOOK TO LANCASHIRE {continued). An Index to the Proceeding's of the Literary and Philosophical Soc. of Liverpool. Vols, i.-lxii., compiled by A. W. Newton. Liverpool, 1912. Picton (Sir James A.). Historic Notices of the Old Philosophical and Lit. Soc. of Liverpool. {Lit. Sf Phllos. Soc. of Liveriiool. Proc, vol. xxix. pp. 341-349. 1875.) Catal. of the Historical Exhibition held at the Walker Art Gallery, 1907, in connection with the 700th Centenary of the Foundation of Liver- pool. Liverpool, 1907. Views of Liverpool, pp. 80-141. Liverpool Charters, Books, etc. , pp. 142-180. Newspapers, Periodicals, Directories and Maps, pp. 181-195. Portraits, pp. 202-222. Book-Plates, pp. 223-334. Foundation of Liverpool. Historical Exhibition of Liverpool Anticiuities. 1907. Biuns (Thomas). Collection of Maps, Plans, Charts, Views, Portraits, and MS. and Printed Documents serving to illustrate the History of Lanes., especially Liverpool and Neighbourhood, see ante p. 119. Brown {'R. Stewart-). Maps and Plans of Liverpool and District, by the Eyes Family of Surveyors. (Flist. Soc. Lanes. & Cheshire. Trans., vol. Ixii. pp. 143-174. 1911.) The Herdman Drawing's of Old Liverpool. {Ibid. vol. Ixiii. pp. 5-18. 1912.) The Liverpool Athenaeum has a good collection of Local Maps, Plans, etc. Picton (Sir James A.). Forged and Authentic Maps of Old Liverpool. A Biblio. Note. {Lit. ^ Philos. Soc. of Liverpool. Proc, vol. xxvii. p. Ixx. 1873.) Morley (J. Cooper). The Newspaper Press and Periodical Literature of Liverpool. (Reprinted from tlie '■Liverpool Weekli/ 3Iercuri/.') 1887. List of Liverpool Periodicals, by J. Cooper Morley and W. M. {Palatine Note- Book, vol. ii. pp. 122-123, 201-202. 1882.) See also Hist. Soc. of Lane^. ^ Cheshire. Trans., vol. xvii. pp. 131-135. 1865. Picton (Sir James A.). Gleaning's from Old Liverpool Newspapers, a hundred years ago. {Hist. Soc. Lanes. %; Cheshire. Trans., vol. vi. pp. 109- 126. 1854.) Hist, and Curiosities of the Liverpool Directory. (Hist. Soc. Lanes. 4- Cheshire. 2Va«s., vol. xxix. pp. 9-32. 1877.) Also issued separately. Shaw (G-eorge T.). Hist, of the Liverpool Directories, 176G-1907, with a List. {Hist. Soc. Lanes. §; Cheshire. Trans., vol. Iviii. pp. 113-162. 1907.) and (I.). Liverpool's First Directory. (Reprint from Gore's Directory, 1766. Street Directoi-y, 1766, and Hist, of Liverpool Directories, 1766-1907.) 1907. Cowell (Peter). The Origin and Hist, of some Liverpool Libraries. {Lib. Assoc, of the U.K. Trans. ^ Proc., 1883, pp. 31-39.) Liverpool Public Libraries. A History of Fifty Years. (Liverpool, 1903.) May (Cr. S. William). Literature and Libraries in Liverpool. {Book- Auction Records, vol. vi. pt. 3. 1909.) Shaw (George T.). Liverpool Public Libraries. Descriptive Handbook. (Prepared for Ann. Meeting of Lib. Assoc, at Liverpool.) 1912. Macintyre (P.). Hist. Sketch of the Liverpool Library. {Hist. Soc. Lanes. ^ Cheshire. Trans., vol. ix. pp. 235-244. 1857.) A Catal. of the Books, printed and in manuscript, bequeathed by the late Thomas Glazebrook Bylands, of Highfields, Thelwall, Cheshire, to the Library of University College, Liverpool, compiled by John Sampson. 1900. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 127 LANCASHIRE {continued). Aspinall (J.). Koscoe's Library, or, Old Books and Old Times. Liverpool, 1853. Catal. of the Library and Prints of William Roscoe, sold by Mr. Win- stanley. 3 vols. Liverpool, 1816. Murray (David). ' Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Liverpool Museums, vol. ii. pp. 335-336. Fictou (J. A.). Sir James A. Ficton. A Biogfraphy. 1891. Chap. xi. Historian of Liverpool. Borough Records, 1551, etc., at Municipal Buildings, Liverpool. {Local Records Comm. Jlep., 1903, App. IIL p. 36.) Borough and other Records in Public and Private Custody. {Thid. 1902, App. III. p. 248.) Ficton (Sir James A.). Report on the Records and Documents relating to the City of Liverpool, now in the possession of the Corporation. 1881. Notes on the Charters of the Borough (now City) of Liverpool. (U'wit. Soc. Lanes. 4- Cheshire. Trans., vol. xxxvi. pp. 53-128. 1884.) Two vols, of Selections from the Municipal Archives, extracted and annotated by- Sir James A. Picton, were issued in 1883 and 1886. Morton (T. N.). A Concise Account of the Charters, Muniments, and other Records of the Corporation of Liverpool in 1897. {Hist. Soc. Lanes. 4" Cheshire. Trans., vol. xlix. pp. 71-86. 1898.) Charters of Liverpool. The Appendix to the ' Report of the Commissioners on Municipal Corporations,'' at the Inquiry held at Liverpool, 1833, contains the Charters in full, with translations. A Hist, of Municipal Oovernment in Liverpool, from the earliest times to the Municipal Reform Act of 1835. Pt. I. A Narrative Introduction (containing Bibho. Notes on Charters), by Ramsay Muir; Pt. II. A Collection of Charters, by Edith M. Piatt. ( Qniv. of Liverpool School of Local Hist. , etc. Vol. I. 1 906. ) Liverpool Vestry Books, 1631-1834, edited by Henry Peet. Univ. of Liver- pool School of Local History and Records. 1912. Vol. II. Introduction on the Eccles. & Miscell. Records. Brooke (Richard). Liverpool as it was during the last quarter of the eighteenth century, 1775 to 1300. Liverpool, 1853. List of Acts of Parliament, pp. 449-450. Lumby (J. H.). Chester, Birkenhead, and Liverpool, in the Patent and Close Rolls of the Three Edwards, with an Index of References. {Hist. Soc. Lanes, cj Cheshire. Trans., vol. hv. pp. 45-72. 1902.) Chester and Liverpool in the Patent Rolls of Richard II. and the Lancastrian and Yorkist Kings. {Hist. Soc. Lanes. lJ- Cheshire. Trans. , vol. Iv. pp. 163-187. 1903.) Report of an Inspection of the Records of the Liverpool Court of Passage, Jan. 1013. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1914, vol. ii. pt. 2, pp. 164-165.) Holt (John). MS. Collections for a Hist, of Liverpool. (In Liverpool Public Library.) Mayer (Joseph). A Collection of MS. and Printed Materials relating to Liverpool. (In Liverpool Public Library.) ' A Catal. of Books and Papers concerning the Town of Liverpool, with a list of an illustrative Collection of Maps, Views, Portraits, etc., preserved in the Library of the Athenaeum, 1833.' Copied from the original MS. by W. Roscoe Jones, Librarian. (In Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 22647.) See also 'Hist, of the AthencBum, Liverpool, 1798-1898,' by G. T. Shaw and W. F. Wilson. 1898. Another Liverpool Collection in the Brit. Mus. is Add. MS. 22645. There are also 10 to 50 Liverpool Deeds there among the Aston Hall Charters. 128 A HANDBOOK TO LANCASHIRE {continued). The Moore Cha-rters and Documents relating^ to Liverpool. Report to City Council. First Part, Jan. 1889, by Sir James Picton. No Second Part issued. See also ante p. 133 for other entries relating to the Moore Collection. Peet (Henry). An Inventory of tlie Plate, Register Books, etc., of the Two Parish Churches in Ziiverpool, with a Catal. of the Ancient Lib. in St. Peter's Church. 1893. Diocese of Liverpool. Collection and Custody of Local Ecclesiastical Records. Report of Committee on I^ocal Ecclesiastical Records, 1910, with lists of Parish Registers, with dates, etc.. Churchwardens' Accounts, etc. (Lanes. Par. Reg. See. xxxv. 1909. The Earliest Registers of the Parish of Liverpool, 1660-1701. Appendix.) Also issued separately. Special Liverpool Collections are at the Liverpool Free Public Library, the Liverpool Library, and the Athenaeum, Liverpool, and the T. G. Rylands Collection, and the Library of the Liverpool Lit. & Philos. Soc. at the Liverpool Univ. Library. MANCHESTER. Sutton (Charles W.). Manchester Bibliography, 1880-87. (Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. vii.-xiv. 1881-88.) Harland (John). ' Mamecestre.' 3 vols. 1861-62. Chetham Soc. vols. liii. Ivi. Iviii. Biblio. Notes on Histories of Manchester, in Introduction to Vol. III. Bailey (John Bglinton). John Whitaker, the Historian of Manchester. (Manchester Lit. Club. Papers, vol. iii. pp. 148-180. 187T.) Harland (John). Collectanea relating to Manchester and its XTeighbour- hood at various periods. 3 vols. Chetham Soc. vols. Ixviii. Ixxii. 1866-67. "Vol. I. Maps or Plans of Manchester, pp. 88-118. The Oldest Manchester Directories, pp. 119-18B. Thomas Barritt (the Antiquary), of Manchester, and his MSS., pp. 210-258. Vol. II. Brief Notes on Manchester Newspapers, pp. 102-115. An Old Manchester Newspaper, Orion Adams's 'Weekly Journal,' 1752, pp. 115-120. The ' Lancashire Mag. or Manchester Mus.,' pp. 120-123. Local Broadsides, pp. 124-130. Shaw (W. A.). Manchester, Old and New. 3 vols. [1895.] Chap. viii. Biblio. Notes on Manchester Printing Clubs, and Newspapers. Biblio. ITotes on Manchester Books, with a List of Manchester Printers of the 18th century. By J. P. Earwalier, W. H. AUnutt, and others. (Local Gleanings relating to Lanes. S( Cheshire, ed. by J. P. Earwaker, vol. i. pp. 5 Rep. pp. 19-25; and Vol. IV. (1905). Leicester Corporation 8th Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 403-441. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1S7 LEICESTERSHIRE {continued). County Records, firom reign of Jas. II., witb MS. List, at the Castle, Leicester. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 20.) Borottsrh Records, 14tli cent., etc., at Town Kail, Leicester. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 36.) Bateson (Mary). Records of the Borough of Leicester. 3 vols. London, 1899-1905. (Tables of Records and Lists of Documents in each vol.) Jeaffreson (J. Cordy). An Index to the Ancient Manuscripts of the Borough of Leicester. 1878. Kelly (William). Ancient Records of Leicester. (Leic. Lit. ^ Pkilos. Sac. Rep., 1855, pp. 31-103.) Also incorporated in Kelly's ' Notices illustrative of the Drama, etc., In Leicester, 1865. Biblio. Note on The Ancient Records of Leicester. (Assoc. Archil Soe. Reports ^Papers, vol. xlv. pp. Ixiii.-lxvi., 1877.) Return as to Parish Dociunents ordered to he made by the Leics. County Council, IToT. 5, 1895. Thompson (James). The Rolls of the Mayors of Leicester. (Leics. Archit. ^ ArchcBol. Soc. Trans., vol. iv. pp. 280-293. 1878.) On the Archives of the Borough of Leicester. (Brit. Archaeol. Assoc. Trans., Winchester, 1845, pp. 70-84. 1846.) Lysons (Rev. S.). Collections for Leicestershire, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 9458. Fovell's Topographical Collections for Leicestershire, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17462. Suckling's Collections for Leicestershire, 1821-39, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18481. Index, Add. MS. 18491. Upcott W.). Topographical Collections for Leicestershire, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15932. Other Brit. Mus. Collections are at Add. MSS. 41533-41542. Leicestershire Topographical MSS. in the British Museum (from the Class Catal. of MSS.). (Leics. Archit. ^ Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. vi. pp. 159-167. 1890.) Fletcher (W. &. Bimock). Some Unpublished Documents relating to Leics., preserved in the Public Record Office, and the Brit. Museum. Leics. Archit. and Archaeol. Soc. (In Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports S^ Papers, vol. xxiii. pp. 213-252, 392-436; vol. xxiv. pp. 234-377. 1895-97.) Xotes on Leics. MSS. in the Public Record Office, and our National Libraries. (Leics. Archit. 4f Arclueol. Soc. Trans., vol. v. pp. 324.-341. 1882.) Documents relating to Leics., preserved in the Episcopal Registers at Lincoln, Leics. Archit. & Archaeol. Soc. (In Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports f Papers, vol. xxi. pp. 277-329 ; vol. xxii. pp. 109-150, 227-365. 1893-94.) Deeds relating to Leics., in possession of Cr. F. Tudor Sher-wood (a brief list). (Leics. ^ Rutland Notes f Queries, vol. ii. pp. 159-162, 199-201. 1893.) Foster (C. W.). Index to the Bishops' Transcripts of Parish Registers in the Registry of the Archdeacon of Leicester, 1561 to 11700, also a List of Leics. Parish Registers prior to 1890, compiled by H. Hartopp. Leicester, 1909. Hartopp (Henry). Parish Registers of Leicestershire, with a Digest of the Registers, and a Table of the Early Transcripts. (Leics. Archit. ^ Archmol. Soc. Trans., vol. viii. pp. 391-424. 1899.) Beasley (J. A. L.). Parish Registers and Records. (Ibid. vol. x. pp. 259-274. 1909.) 1S8 A HANDBOOK TO LEICESTERSHIRE {continued). TPaxUib. Begrlsters in Leioestershire. Biblio. Note by 'Sempronius.' {Leiea. ^ Rutland Notes ^ Queries, vol. i. pp. 23-26, 104.. 1891.) Owen (Rev. T. W.). The Parish Kegfisters of S. Kloliolas, Leicester. (Leics. Archit. ^ Archceol. Trans., vol. vi. p. 344; vol. vli. pp. 31, 195, 327, 398. 1888-92.) Hartopp (Henry). The Ancient Parish Registers of Zieioester. (Leics. ^ Rutland Notes ^ Queries, vol. i. pp. 65, 99, 141, 193, 241 ; vol. ii. p. 92. 1891-93.) Fletcher (W. Cf. Dimook). Two Leios. Parish Registers. (Shackerstoue and Somerby.) (Leics. Archit. 4" Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. v. pp. 333-284. 1881.) Trimeu (Henry). Botanical Bihiio. of the British Counties. Leios. {Joum. of Botany, vol. xii. p. ITS. 18T4.) The Plora of Leicestershire, compiled by F. T. Mott, and others. Issued by the Leicester Lit. & Philos. Soc. 1886. List of Works relating to the Botany of Leics., p. XV. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Leics. Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 255, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 17.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 181. 1893.) Reptiles. (Ibid. p. 245. 1893.) Fishes. (Ibid. p. 355. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit Topo., 1881. Leics., pp. 164-167. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Leios., pp. 151-152. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Leics., pp. 169, 212, 235, 238. Upoott (William). English Topo., 1818. Leios., vol. 1. pp. 481-557, 638. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc., 1878. Leios., pp. 181-186. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Leics., vol. 1. pp. 509-518. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Goueh, 1814. Leios., pp. 157-160. CHURCH LANGTON. Hanbnry (William). Plan for a Public Library at Church LanGrtoa. 1760. EVINGTON. North (Thomas). Notes on Bvington Parish Registers. (Leics. Archit. 4- Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. iv. pp. 319-320. 1878.) FRISBY-ON-THE-WRBAKB. North (Thomas). The Parish Registers of Frisby-on-the-Wreake. (Leios. Archit. Si; Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. v. pp. 26-29. 1879.) LOUGHBOROUGH. Fletcher (W. O. Dlmock). The Parish Registers of Loughborough. (Reprinted from ' The Reliquary ' for Private Circulation.) London, 1873. MARKET HARBOROUGH. Stocks (J. E.) and Bragg (W. B.). Market Harborough Parish Records, to 1530. Biblio. Notes. London, 1890. Biblio. Note on WiUlam Harrod, a Local Historian. (Leics. &■ Rutland Notes ^ Queries, vol. iii. p. 48. 1895.) Stocks (J. E.). On Ancient Charters and other Bocnments lately dls- covered at Market Harborough. (Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports * Papers, vol. xvi. pp. 284-290. 1882.) ■* f < COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 139 LEICESTERSHIRE (continued). MELTON MOWBRAY. List of Melton Mowbray Mnnlolpal Beoords Printed. (Notes Sf Qmrm, Ser. 11, vol. V. p. 74. 1912.) MI8TERT0N. Bradbrook (W.). Bxtracta from, and Notea on the Parish Registers of Misterton. {Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports S[ Papers, vol. xxvi. pp. 449-457. 1902.) NOSELEY. Kartopp (H.). Some Unpublished Documents relating to Noseley. {Assoc. Archit. Soc. Repmis 4" Papers, vol. xxv. pp. 431-448 ; vol. xxvi. pp. 276-320. 1900-01.) SAXELBY. North (Thomas). The Parish Records of Saxelby. {Lines. Archit. 4' Archmol. Soc. Trans., vol. v. pp. 100-108. 1880.) SOUTH CROXTON. Fletcher (W. O. Dimock). The Parish Registers of South Croxtou. {Leics. 4: Archit. 4- Archwol. Soc. Trans., vol. vi. pp. 29-31. 1884.) LEINSTER. [The Province of Leinster comprises the Counties of Carlow, Dublin, Kildare, Kilkenny, King's County, Longford, Louth, Meath, Queen's County, West- meath, Wexford, and Wicklow {q. v.). No separate Bibliography of Leinster as a Province so far exists.] LEITRIM. Coleman (James). Bibliographia Conaciensis : a list of Books relating to Connanght. Leitrim, p. 32. {Galioay Archceol. and Hist. Soc. Joum., vol. V. 1907-08.) O'Hanlon (John). List of Materials for the Hist. & Topography of the Co. of Leitrim in the Ordnance Survey Records. (Kilkenny S; Sonth- East oflrel. Arclueol. Soc. Joum.., vol. ix. pp. 2)8-219. 1867.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Leitrim, p. 437. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gongh. 1814. Leitrim, p. 380. LIMERICK. Coleman (James). Limerick and Clare Bibliography. A List of the Topog. and Hist. Works relating to the Counties Limerick and Clare. (Limerick Field Club. Joum., vol. iii. pp. 139-141. 1907.) Limerick's Early Printed Books and ITewspapers. (Ibid. vol. i. No. 3, pp. 31-35 ; No. 4, pp. 45-47. 1899-1900.) A further List of Limerick-Printed Books, etc., contributed by Messrs. Dix, Buckley, Coleman and Fogerty. (Ibid. vol. ii. pp. 136-137. 1903.) The Bev. T. Lee, P. P. of Croom, has a special Collection of Limerick-Printed Books. 140 A HANDBOOK TO LIMERICK (continued). Buokley (James). Some Account of the Earliest Limerick Frintintf. (Cork Hist, f Arohwol. Soc. Jom-n., vol. viii. pp. 195-200. 1902.) Also printed separately. Six (Ernest Reginald McCliutock). List of Books, Pamphlets, News- papers, etc., printed in Limerick from the earliest period to 1800. Limerick, 1907. Second edition. Limerick, 1912. (Irish Bibliography, No. V.) Early Printing in Limerick. Printing in Limerick prior to 1801. Supplementary List. [North Munster Archceol. Soc. Jov/rn. , vol. i. pp. 194-195, 269-271. 1910-11.) Will of a Limerick Printer of the 18th century. (Andrew Welsh.) (Ibid. vol. ii. pp. 44-46. 1911.) The Earliest Limerick Newspaper. (Limerick Field Olub Joum., vol. iii. pp. 248-350. 1908.) Madden (B. B.). Biblio. Note on Limerick Newspapers. (Hist, of Irish Penodical Literature, 1867, vol. ii. pp. 203-206.) Early Printing in Limerick and Ennis. (Irish Book-Lover, vol. iii. pp. 157-158. 1912.) O'Kanlon (John). Index of Materials for the Hist, ft Topography of the Co. of Limerick in the Irish Ordnance Survey Records, and in the Royal Irish Academy. (Kilkenny S[ South-East of Irel. Archceol. Soc. Jowm., vol. viii. pp. 422-434. 1866.) Lenihan (Maurice). Limerick ; its Hist, and Anticinities. 1886. Biblio. Notes (with a List of Authorities) in Preface, and a List of Charters, in Appendix, pp. 739-740.) A Collection of Newspaper Cuttings, Placards, Ballads, etc., relating to Limerick Politics, etc., 1819-80 (in the Brit. Museum). Includes a MS. copy of corrections, by Ralph Ousley, of Ferrar's ' Hist, of Limerick ' and a Prospectus of Lenihan 's 'Hist, of Limerick. ' Oross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Limerick, p. 119. Macalister (R. A. Stewart). Studies in Irish Epigraphy. Part II. Biblio. of Limerick Epigraphy. 1903. The Limerick Philosophical and Literary Society. Notes by J. G. Barry. (Limerick Field Club. Jbwrre., vol. i. No. 4, pp. 36-39. 1900.) Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Limerick Collections. Emly, Lord, of Tervoe 8th Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 174-208 ; 14th Rep. p. 52 and App. IX. pp. 155-199. Limerick, The Black Book of ... 3rd Rep. p. xxvi. and App. p. 434. „ Corporation of 1st Rep. App. pp. 131-132. The Black Book of Limerick, with Introduction and Notes. Edited by James MacCaffrey. 1907. Some references to Limerick in the Papal and State Papers, pp. ci.-cvii. General Index to the Items contained in the Manuscript, pp. cviii.-cxx. Miscellaneous Papers chiefly relating to the City and County of Limerick, ISth to 19th cent. (In Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 31888.) Limerick's Historical Documents. Biblio. Note by J. C. (Limerick Field Glvh. Joum., vol. i. No. 3, pp. 38-39. 1899.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Limerick, p. 438. Gough (Richard). Brit Topo., 1780. Limerick, vol. ii. pp. 805-808. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Limerick, p. 380. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 141 LINCOLNSHIRE. CORNS (A. B.)- BIBLIOTKBCA LIIirCOLinENSIS. A CATAI.OOU£ OF TKB BOOKS, FASIPHIiBrS, ETC., RELATING TO THE CITY AND COUNTY OP I.INCOZ.N, PKBSERVED IN THE REFERENCE BEFARTMENT OF THE CITY OF LINCOLN FUBIiIC LIBRARY. Lincoln, 1904. List of Maps, Prints, etc. pp. 245-260. Recent Additions to ' The Collection of Lincolnshire Literature ' are printed in the City of Lincoln Public Library Quarterly Record, 1910, etc. Materials for a Complete List of Lincolnshire Topographical Books, partly compiled by Jos. Phillips of Stamford. (Lines. Notes ^ Queries, Supple- ment, vols. 1., ii. 1888-90.) Pp. 1-32 only printed. The Bibliogrraphy of Lincolnshire and the Oreat County History. Lincolnshire Books in the Thirlestaine House Collection (formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps). (Old Lincolnshire, vol. i. pp. 9-14.. 1883.) Orange (Ernest L.). A List of Civil War Tracts and Broadsides relating to the County of Lincoln. Horncastle, 1889. Indexes to the Reports and Papers of the Associated Architectural Societies, etc. (includes the ' Lincoln Diocesan Architectural Soc.'). Vols, i.-viii. (1850-66); vols, ix.-xiv. (186T-T8); vols, xv.-xix. (18T9-88;; and vols, xx.-xxv. (1889-1900), Lincoln, 1867-1905. Willson (Edward James), Antiquary and Architect, b. at Lincoln, 178T, d. 1854. Collection of Prints, Drawings, and Scrap Books relating to Lines, in the Library of the Soc. of Antiquaries, London. Catal. of Collection of Books, Prints, etc., of the late E. J. Willson, of the Blinster Yard. Lincoln, 1854. Smith (J. J.). Architectural Drawings of Lincoln Cathedral in Norman Times. (Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports ^ Papers, vol. xxviii. pp. 95-98. 1905.) Descriptive Catal. of 'The Jackson Collection' at the Sheffield Public Lib., compiled by T. Walter Hall and A. H. Thomas. 1914. (Lines, entries, pp. 204-205.) Catal. of a Collection of Books, Historical Documents, etc., to be sold by Messrs. Puttick & Simpson, I/ondon, Dec. 17th, etc., 1885. (Lines, items, pp. 88-97.) A Collection of Topographical and Antic|.nariau Extracts from News- papers, etc., relating to Lines,, collected and arranged by E. B. Drury. 4 vols. (In City of Lincoln Public Library.) Biblio. Notes on the Hist, of 'The Stamford Mercury,' by Herbert E. Norris and others. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. vii. pp. 365, 430, 471; vol. vlii. p. 37. 1913.) Corns (A. R.). Lincolnshire Libraries and Literature. (Book-Auction Records, vol. vii. pt. 3, pp. xli.-xlv. 1910.) Dibdin (Thomas Frognall). Books at Lincoln. (Northern Tour, 1838, vol. i. pp. 104-119.) The Linoolne Nosegay. Here Begyneth a Littel Tome and hath to name The Lincolne Nosegay : beynge a brefe table of certaine Bokes in the possession of Maister Thomas Frognall Dibdin, Clerk, which Bookes Be To be Sold to him who shal gyue the most for ye same. W. Bulmer, London, 1811.) Thirty-six copies printed. Reprinted in Botfleld's ' Cathedral Libraries,' pp. 272-279. The Contents of 'The Lincolne Nosegay' are the cream of the Library of Michael Honey wood J1597-1681), Dean of Lincoln, and were obtained by Dibdm as the outcome of a visit to Lincoln Catiiedral. The Books described passed into the Libraries of Lord Spencer and Richard Heber. See Dibdin's ' Biblio. Decameron,' vol. lii. pp. 261-Zb.i ; 'Northern Tom',' vol, i. pp. 105-106; and the 'Diet. Nat. Biog.' 142 A HANDBOOK TO LINCOLNSHIRE {^continued). Bympson (B. TO..). The Lincoln Stock Library. (1813-1909.) (Linct. Notes ^ Queries, vol. xii. pp. 97-106. 1913.) Linos. Topogrcapbioal Society. A Selection of Papers relative to the Co. of Line, read before the Society, 1811-42. Lincoln, 1843. Biblio. Notes in Opening Address, by E. J. Willson, pp. 3-13 ; Advantage of Recording the Discovery of Local Antiquities, by W. A. Nicholson, pp. 87-90. Catal. of the Mnseam of Antiquities formed for the Annual Sleetingf of the Boyal Archssol. Institute at Lincoln, 184:8. (Memoirs, etc., of the Archmol. Inst., 1850, pp. xxvii.-lvii.) A List of Books and Papers in the Lincoln Public Library relating^ to Saint Husfh, Bishop of Lincoln, 1186-1200. (City of Lincoln Pub. Lib. Quarterly Record, July 1912, pp. 14-15.) Jeans (Be?. O. E.). A List of the Sepulchral Brasses in Lincolnshire. (Lines. Notes 4" Queries. Supplement, vols, i.-iv. 1888-95.) Also issued separately, 1895. Mackliu (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Lines. Brasses, with a List, pp. 141, 166-168. G-ross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Lincolnshire, p. 99. Lincoln, pp. 278-279. Davenport (Frances O.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Lines. Manorial Hist., pp. 50-51. Bove (Patrick Edward). Bomesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Lines., vol. ii. p. 682. Lyell (Arthur K.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Lines., pp. 60-05. Price (jr. E.). Biblio. and Index Notes on Roman Remains. Lincoln- shire. (The Archcsol. Revievj, vol. iii. pp. 175-184. 1889.) County Folk-Lore, vol. v. Examples of Printed Folk-Lore concernins^ Lincolnshire, with List of Authorities. Collected by Mrs. Gutch and Mabel Peacock. Folk-Lore Soc, vol. Ixiii. 1908. A List of Private Acts, etc., relating^ to Lincolnshire. Stevens & Sons, London, circa 1914. Special Topographical Collections for Lincolnshire are at the Lincoln Public Library and the Grimsby Public Library. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Lincolnshire Collections. Ancaster, Earl of, at Grimsthorpe ... 13th Rep. p. 31 and App. VL pp. 203- 261 ; 17th Rep. pp. 41-54, and a vol. 1907. Lindsey, Earl of, at Uffington .., 14th Rep. pp. 28-29 and App. IX. pp. 367-457. Underwood, Mr. C. F. Weston, of Somerby Hall 10th Rep. p. 9 and App. I. pp. 199-520. Great Grimsby Corporation 14th Rep. pp. 41-44 and App. YHL pp. 237-291. Lincoln, Dean & Chapter of 12th Rep. p. 45 and App. IX. pp. 553- 572. Bishop's Registry 12th Rep. App. IX. pp. 573-579. Probate Registry 12th Rep. App. IX. p. 573. Corporation 14th Rep. pp. 39-41 and App. VIII. pp. 1-120. County Records, 1600, etc., with MS. Index, at the Sessions House, Spaldinar, and at Lincoln Castle. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. SO.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 148 LINCOLNSHIRE (continued). Boroug^h Kecords, from Kan. III. at Corporation OfflcsB, Uncolu. (Local Records Comm. Bep., 1909, App. HI. p. 36.) Birch (Walter de Gray). Catal. of the Koyal Charters and other Documents, with List of Books belonging to the Corporation of Lincoln, 1904. Lincoln, 1906. (Also issued in Lines. Notes ^ Queries, vol. X. pp. 88, 107, US, 167, 218, 950 ; vol. xi. pp. 19, 69, 94., 123. 1908-10.) The Boyal Charters of the City of Iiincoln, Henry II. to 'William III. Cambridge, 1911. (Biblio. Notes in Introduction.) List of Lincoln Mnnlcipal Records Printed. (Notes 4: Queries, Ser. 11, vol. iv. p. 139. 1911.) Lincolnshire Records in the Fahlic Record Oi&ce. (Lines. Notes S/; Queries, vol. V, pp. 13, 76, 94, HI. 1896-98.) Lincolnshire Charters in the 'More Collection.' (Lines. Notes ^l Queries, vol. i. pp. 99-104. 1888.) Boyd (W.). Calendar of all Bnrolments on the Close Rolls, temp. Hen. VII. relating to the Co. of Line. [Assoc. Archit. Soe. Reports ^ Papers, vol. xxiii. pp. 960-973. 1896.) A. List of Assize Rolls of Divers Connties, including the Co. of Lincoln, with a List of Coroner's Rolls. {Lines. Notes & Qwenes, vol. v. pp. 107-119. 1897.) A Calendar of Lines. BxchecLuer Lay Subsidies in the Public Record Office, by Alfred C. E. Welby. [Lines. Notes ^ Queries, vol. ix. pp. 119, 171-179, 205-909. 1906-07.) Oibbous (Alfred). List of Lines, manorial Court Rolls, with places of deposit. [Lines. Notes Sf Queries, vol. i. pp. 44-46. 1888.) Oervase Holies' MS. Collections for Lines, in the Brit. SIuseTun. Lansd. MS. 907, A-F. Add. MS. 6118. Cole (R. E. &.). Observations on Oervase Holies' Lincolnshire STotes, 1634-1642. (Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports 4" Papers, vol. xxxi. pp. 378-420. 1912.) Ralph Blgland's Parochial Collections relating to Lines, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MSS. 34141. R. W. Eytou's Collections for a Hist, of the County of Lincoln, in the Brit. Museum (19th cent). Add. MSS. 31929, 31930. W. TTpcott's Topog. Collections relating to Lines, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 15922. Lysons' Collections for Lines, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 9458. Powell's Topog. Collections for Lines, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 17462. Suckling's Collections for Linos. (1821-S9) in the Brit. Museum. Add. MSS. 18478, 18479. Index. Add. MS. 18491. Cole MSS. in the Brit. Museum. For Lines, entries see ' Index to the Contents of the Cole MSS." by G. J. Gray, 1912, pp. 101-109. Other smaller Lines. Collections in the Brit. Museum are : Add. MSS. 24804-94808 ; Add. MSS. 47660, 17661 ; Add. MS. 8938 ; Harl. MS. 6289. Lord Boston's Muniments relating to South Lincolnshire (at Hedsor, Bucks.), with copy ofW. J. Hardy's Report (1884) and u descriptive Calendar. (Lines. Notes ^ Queries, vol. xiii. pp. 9-30, 51-63, 78-93. 1914.) Larkeu's Collections relating to Lines, in the College of Arms. Fur an account of this Collection see Preface to 'Lincolnshire Pedigrees,'' ed. by A. R. Maddison, vol. i. 1902. 144 A HANDBOOK TO LINCOLNSHIRE {continued). ' Collectanea Lincolniensia.' A MS. Collection in the Library at Burton Hall (Lord Monson). Materials collected by Lord Monson, assisted by Arthur Staunton Larken, sometime Richmond Herald, for a Genealogical Hist, of Lines. Banks (Sir Joseph). Lincolnshire Topographical Collection. 1784 (A MS.). See '■Liries. Notes ^ Quenes,' vol. i. p. 5. 1888. Collections relating to Lines. Families (18th Cent.) in Queen's College. Oxford. MS. Ixxxv. Cteange (Ernest L.). Lines. Parish Registers. A List of those Printed or Transcribed. {Lines. Notes ^ Queries, vol. v. pp. 86-87. 1897.) Smith (W. K.). A Few Notes on Lines. Parish Registers. (A MS. in City of Lincoln Public Library.) Lincoln Cathedral Records, 12th cent., etc., with Printed Index, at Lincoln. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 113.) Lincoln Episcopal Records, 1571-1584. Edited by C. W. Foster. Lincoln Record Society, 1912, and Canterbury and York Soc. London, 1913. Index of Lincolnshire, pp. 435-440. Lincoln Cathedral Charters, translated by W. O. Massingberd, with Notes. {Assoc. Archit. Soc. Papers, vol. xxvi. pp. 18-96, 331-369 ; vol. xxvii. pp. 1-91. 1901-3.) Apthorp (O. F.). A Catal. of the Books and DISS, in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral. Lincoln, 1859. Maddison (A. R.). Catal. of MSS. belonging to Lincoln Cathedral in the Fifteenth Century. {Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports ^ Papers, vol. xxiii. pp. 348-353. 1896.) Lincoln Cathedral Library. (The Library, vol. iv. pp. 306-313. 1893.) Dean Koneywood's Library. {The Lib. Assoc. Record, vol. iv. pp. 390- 393. 1903.) Wickendeu (J. Frederic). Contents of the Muniment Room of Lincoln Cathedral. {Tlie Archceol. Journ., vol. xxxviii. pp. 309-315. 1881.) Botfield (Beriah). Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1849. Lincoln, pp. 268-296. Lines. Parish Registers : Col. Chester's Transcript, with a List of Lines, references from Marshall's List of Parish Registers, 1891. {Lines. Notes ^ Queries, vol. ii. pp. 341-245. 1891.) Registry of Deeds relating to the Fens called Bedford Level, 15 Car. II. See S. R. Scargill-Bird. ' Quide to Docmnents in the Public Record QMee,' 1908, p. 23.) Fordham (Sir H. O.). Descriptive List of the Maps of the Great Level of the Fens, 1604-1900. {Studies in Carto-Bibliography, 1914, pp. 61-83.) Vrheeler (W. H.). Books relating to the Hist, of the Fens of South Lincolnshire. (A Hist, of the Fens of South Lincolnshire, 1897, Appendix II.). Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Lines. {Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 178. 1874.) Burton (F. M.). Biblio. of Papers, etc., relating to Lincolnshire Geology published 1819-93. {Line. Nat. Union, vol. i. pp. 19-23.) Whitaker (W.) and Dalton (W. H.). List of Books, etc., relating to the Geology of Lines. {Memoirs of the Oeol. Survey, S.W. Lines., by A. J. Jukes-Browne, 1885, pp. 164-176.) Sheppard (Thomas). List of Works on Lincolnshire Boulders. {The Naturalist, 1896, p. 373.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 145 LINCOLNSHIRE (continued). Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Lines. Birds. (Tlie Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 355, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 17.) MammalB. [The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 181. 1893.) Reptiles. {Ibid. p. 345. 1893.) Fishes. {Ibid. p. 255. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Lines., pp. 1B7-173. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Lines., pp. 162-154. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Lines., pp. 169, 212-213, 236. Upcott (William). English Topo., 1818. Linos., vol. 1. pp. 558-580, 640-642. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Lines., pp. 187-193. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Lines., vol. i. pp. 619-536. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Lines., pp. 161-167. BOSTON. Borough Records, Henry VIII., etc., at Mayor's Parlour, Boston. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1003, App. III. p. 48.) CROWLAND. En{;lish (K. S.). A Light on the Historians and on the History of Crowland Abhey. London, 1868. Also forms vol. i. of the Author's 'Crow- land and Burgh.' 3 vols. 1871. GAINSBOROUGH. Ournhill (James). A Monograph on the Gainsborough Parish Registers. 1890. GOKEWELL. Lowe (P. Pyndar). On Some Charters relating to the Nunnery of Ookewell. {Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports 4" Papers, vol. iii. pp. 102-108. 1854.) GRIMSBY. Borough Records, 1227, etc., at Municipal Offices, Grimsby. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 34.) Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm, Reports. Shaw (Rev. George). Old Grimsby. 1897. Biblio. pp. 246-251. HORNCASTLE. Hudson (J. Clare) and Boyd (William). Records of Ancient Horncastle. {Lines. Notes i^ Queries, vols. iii. -v. 1892-98, passim.) INGOLDMELLS. Maddison (A. R.). Manor of Ingoldmells-cum-Addlethorpe Court Rolls. {Assoc. Arehit. Soc. Reports ^ Papers, vol. xxi. pp. 176-190. 1893.) LANGTON-BY-SPILSBY. Massiugberd (W. O.). Some Ancient Records relating to the Manor of Langton-by-Spilsby. {Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports ^ Papers, vol. xxii. pp. 157-173. 1894.) LOUTH. Goulding(R.W.). Louth Old Corporation Records. (1551-1836.) Louth, 1891. Chronicon Abbatie de Parco Lude. The Chronicle of Louth Park Abbey, with Appendix of Documents, ed. by Rev. Edmund Venables. Lmes. Record Soc. vol. i. 1891. 146 A HANDBOOK TO LINCOLNSHIRE {continued). SPALDING. Moore (William). The Gentlemen's Society at Spalding ; its Origriu and Progfress. London, 1851. The Gentlemen's Society at Spalding, with notices of the re- searches and labours of the earliest I^incolnshire Antictnarians. {Arclusol. Institute. Proc. Memoirs at Lincoln, 1848, pp. 83-89.) Nichols (John). An Account of the Gentlemen's Soc. at Spalding. (Bihliotheca Topogra^hica Britannica, vol. iii. 1784.) Reliqnise Galeanse ; or Miscellaneous Pieces by Roger and Samuel Gale, with an Account of the Literary Soc. at Spalding. {Ibid. vol. iii. 1781.) Perry (Marten). Spalding Gentlemen's Society. {Bygone Lincolnshire, ed. by William Andrews, vol. ii. pp. 215-225. 1891.) Spalding Gentlemen's Society. {Memorials of Old Lincolnshire, ed. by E. M. Sympson, pp. 319-339. 1911.) Catal. of the Books, MSS., Pamphlets, and Tracts in the Iiibrary of the Spalding Gentlemen's Soc, revised by M. Perry, R. Hollis, T. A. Stoodley. Spalding, 1893. STAMFORD. Borough Records, at Town Hall, Stamford. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 70.) Harrod, the Topographer. Note by Justin Simpson. {Leics. and Rutland Notes 4c Queries, vol. iii. pp. 185-187. 1895.) LINLITHGOWSHIRE. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Linlithgowshire Collections. Dalyell, Sir R. A. O., at The Binns 9th Rep. p. xix. and App. II. pp. 230-238. Dundas, Mr. James, at Dundas Castle, Dalmeny 3rd Rep. p. xxiv. and App. pp. 413-414. County Council Records, 15th cent., etc., at Linlithgow. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 84.) Burgh Records, 1389, etc., with MS. List, at Town Hall, Linlithgow. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 96.) Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Linlithgowshire, p. 279.) Tumbull (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Linlithgowshire Re^sters, pp. 108-110. Bisset (Alex. M.). The Poets and Poetry of Linlithgowshire. An Anthology of the County. Paisley, 1896. Chalmers (James). Notices of the Life of William Hamilton of Ban- gour, and a chronological List of his Poems. (Archceologia Scotia, or Trans. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. iii. pp. 255-266. 1831.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Linlithgow- shire. {Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 235. 1874.) Christy (MUler). Biblio. Note on Linlithgowshire Birds. {TTie Zoologist. Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 264, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 35.) Mammals. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 213. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Linlithgowshire, p. 401. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Linlithgowshire, vol. ii. p. 704. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of BooliB bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough. 1814. Linlithgow, p. 362. ^ COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 147 LONDON. [Entries under Middlesex should also be consulted.] Xingsford (Charles !.)■ Chronicles of I^ondon. Oxford, 1905. Biblio. Notes on Early Chronicles in Introduction. EugUsh Historical Literature of the Fifteenth Century. Oxford, 1913. Chap. IV. The Chronicles of London, pp. 70-1)2, -A Survey of London, hy John Stow, reprinted from the text of 1603, With Introduction and Notes. 2 vols. Oxford, 1908. Biblio. of Stow's Works and an Account of Stow's Collections and MSS., pp. bcxxii.-xciii. Norman (Philip). MTotes concerning various iMh and 18th Century Writers in London Topography, including the Continuators of Stow's Survey, and their Publications. (The Home Counties Mag., vol. x. pp. 187-202. 1908.) Sovrnes (Thomas). Copious Index to Pennant's Account of London. London, 1814. Among fine copies of Pennant's London, extra-illustrated, is the one sold at the Bessborough Sale from the Library of Lord Bessborough. A similar copy is at the Soane Museum, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Another is the magnificent ' Croll ' copy in the Print Department at the Brit. Museum. Index to the 'London' volumes of the General Catalogue of the Library of the British Museum. This is a separate volume placed with the ' London ' Catalogues in the Reading Room. A Key to the arrangement of the Catalogues is at the beginning of the first volmne or these Catalogues which include oiflcial and other Documents relating to London, and all Institutions connected with it, also anonymous works relating in any way to the City of London. Subject-Index of the London Library, St. James's Sc(.uare, with Appendix and Synopsis of Headings. By C. T. Hagberg Wright. London, 1909. London entries, pp. 665-670. Catal. of the Library of the Peabody Institute of the City of Baltimore. 5 vols. 1883-92. London entries, vol. iii. pp. 2601-2612. Second Catal. of the Library of the Peabody Institute, including addi- tions since 1882. 8 vols. 1896-1905. London entries, vol. v. pp. 2849-2877. Bibliotheca Liudesiana. Catal. of the Printed Books preserved at Kaigh Hall, Wigan. Compiled for James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford. 1910. London entries, vol. iii. pp. 5541-5577. Index to the Orders in Council, Proclamations, Royal Commissions of IncLuiry, etc., in the ' London Gazette,' 1830-1883, by Alexander Pulling. London, 1885. Index to the ' Archseological Journal ' of the Royal Archeeological Insti- tute of Great Britain, vols, i.-xxv. 1844-68. London, 1878. General Index to the ' Journal of the British Archseological Associa- tion,' vols, i.-xxx., 1845-74. London, 1875 ; vols. xzi.-xlU., 1875-86, and to ' Collectanea Archaeologica,' vols, i., ii., and the separate vols, for the Winchester and Gloucester Congresses. London, 1887. Index to the ' Archaeologia ' of the Royal Soc. of Antic|.uaries of London, vols, i.-xv. 1770-1806. London, 1809; vols, xvi.-xxx. 1812-44. London, 1844. Index to vols. I.-L. 1770-1887. London, 1889. Index to the ' Proceedings ' of the Royal Soc. of Antiquaries of London. First Series, vols. i.-iv. 1843-59 (in vol. iv.) Second Series, vols, i.-xx. 1859-1905, with Classified List of Illustrations. London, 1908. Thirty-six Years' Work of the London and Middlesex Archseol. Society, by Charles Welch. (Contains lists of articles, etc., in the ^Transactions.) {London ^ Midd. Arehwol. Soc. Trans. New Ser. vol. i. pp. 1-12. 1892, and The London ^ Middlesex Notebook, ed. by W. P. W. Phillimore, pp. 1-8. 1892.) 148 A HANDBOOK TO LONDON (continued). Catal. of the Guildhall Library of the City of London, with additions to June, 1889. London, 1889. London entries, pp. 545-571. The foUowing Extra-Illustrated copies of London Topographical Works are in the Guildhall Library : — Lysons' Hist, of London. 13 vols. Thomson's Chronicles of London Bridge. 5 vols. Allen's Hist, of London, with MS. Index. 17 vols. Brayley, Nightingale, & Brewer's Hist, of Lond. & Middlesex. 31 vols. As regards the Guildhall Library, one may reasonably wonder why no better Catalogue exists, and why, considering that this Library is maintained by the richest Corporation in the World, nothing is done towards compiling an adequate Bibliography of London, or in issuing a Bulletin. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Ha>~eard Hist. Studies, vol. v. 1897.) London entries, pp. 286-335. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. of London, vol. ii. p. 683. Davenport (Frances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on London Manorial Hist., p. 51. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on London Brasses, with a List, pp. 141, 168-169. Gomme (G. Laurence). The Literature of Local Institutions. London, 1886. Biblio. of London Municipal Government, pp. 122-134. Welch (Charles). Notes on London Municipal Literature, with Lists of Authorities. A Scheme for the Biblio. of London. (Biblio. Soc. Trans., vol. ii. pp. 49-80. 1894.) Hist, of the Monument, with a brief account of the Great Pire of London. 1893. Views, Bibliography, and Authorities, pp. 89-116. Huck (Thomas W.). Account of a Scheme for a Biblio. of London. (The Lihrary, Ser. 3, vol. iii. pp. 38-54. 1919.) Prideaux (W. P.). Note on the Bibliography of London. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. V. pp. 343-344. 1912.) A Qua'i^erly Biblio. of Middlesex (includingr Loudon) and Hertfordshire. (Midd. Sj: Herts. Notes f Queries, vols, i.-iv. passim, 1895-98; The Home Counties Mag., vol. i. pp. 82-83. 1899.) Biblio. of London. (The Historical Assoc. Leaflet, No. 14. 1908). TTpcott (William). Manuscript Materials for the Biblio. of London. A MS., on Sale by Alfred Russell Smith, giving the full titles and collations of the articles and what Library they are in. See ' Catal. of Topog. Tracts,' etc. 1878, p. 238. Tyrrell (Edward). Catal. of the Valuable and Singularly Curious Library of Edward Tyrrell, late City Remembrancer, to be Sold by Auction, April 4-8, 1864, by Sotheby's, London. (A valuable London Collection.) Gregory (Samuel). Catal. of the Curious Collections illustrating the Hist, of the Corporation of the City of London, formed by the late Samuel Gregory, to be Sold by Auction, March 10 & 11, 1859, by Sotheby's, London. ' "^ Catal. of an extensive Collection of Books and Tracts relating to London and its Suburbs, to be Sold by Auction, April 29 & 30, 1872, by Sotheby's, London. ' ' Catal. of Books relating to London and Environs including a portion of the Libraiv of the late John E. Gardner. On Sale by Francis Edwards, Bookseller, I ondon, October, 1912. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 149 LONDON {continued): List of a Collection of Tracts relating to London and Westminster, issued between 1638 and 1783. {A Catal. of the Lib. of the London Institution, 183S, vol. i. pp. 3S3-3S7.) Oldys (William). MS. Catal. of Books and Pamphlets relating to the City of London, Its Laws, Customs, etc., and of every thing that has happened in London, from 1521 to 17S9. See ' Memoir of WilUam Oldys,' ed. by W. J. Thorns, 1863, p. xlvii., and Gough ' British Topography,' 1780, vol. i. pp. li., i67-761. f B i- J' ff , Rawlinson (Richard). The English Topographer. London, 1720. London, pp. 117-154. This book though much out of date is still valuable for London. A List of Books on London and Suburbs contained in the West Ham Public Libraries. {West Ham Library Notes, ed. by A. Cotgreave, vol. vi. p. 55— vol. viii. p. 3. 1901-03.) Also issued as Public Library Hand-List No. 6. 1903. MS. List of Books on London Topography in the Special Collection at the Kensington Public Library. Dauiell (W. V.). Catal. of 1000 Books, Pamphlets and Maps illustrating the Hist, and Topography of Greater London. 1899. Boyntou (Percy H.). London in English Literature. Chicago, 1913. Bibliographies of Chaucer's London, p. 33; Milton's London, pp. 91-93 ; Dryden's London, pp. 121-123 ; Addison's London, pp. 151-152 ; Johnson's London, pp. 190-191; Lamb and Byron's London, pp. 217-218; Dickens's London, pp. 247-248 ; Contemporary London, pp. 247-248 ; and an Appendix containing lists of Novels illustrating London Life. Webb (Sidney and Beatrice). The History of Trades Unionism. London, 1911. Biblio. by R. A. Peddie, pp. 499-543. Biblio. Notes in Preface. Cunningham (William). The Growth of English Industry and Commerce. Cambridge, 1910. List of Authorities, vol. i. pp. 657-681. Biblio. Index, vol. iii. pp. 943-998. London Statutes. A Collection of Public Acts relating specially to the Administrative County of London, and of Local and Personal Acts affect- ing the Powers and Duties of the London County Council, 1750-1907. Prepared by G. L. Gomme and Seager Bury. 3 vols. 1907. A List of Private Acts, Enclosures, Settlements, Estates, Railways, etc., relating to the County of London. Stevens & Sons, London. 1913. Special Topographical Collections for London are at the Guildhall Library, the Bishopsgate Institute, and in the Public Libraries of Westminster, Camberwell, Kensington, Finsbury, Shoreditch, Leyton, and West Ham. Special Local Collections are in the Public Libraries at Battersea, Bermondsey, Finsbury, Fulham, Hackney, Hammersmith, IsUngton, Shoreditch, Southwark, and Stoke Newington. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. London and Middlesex Collections. Aitken, Mr. G. A 12th Rep. App. IX. pp. 334-342. Buccleuch, Duke of, at Drumlanrig 15th Rep. pp. 43, 44 and App. VIII. ; Castle and vol. ii. (1903). at Montagu House 16th Rep. pp. 29-47 ; and vol. i. (1903), vol. ii. pts. i. and ii. (1899). Bute, Marquess of, at Mountstuart ... 3rd Rep. pp. xiii., xxii. and App. pp. 202-209, 402, 403 ; 5th Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. 617-620. Bradford, Earl of, at Belgrave Square 2nd Rep. p. ix. and App. p. 30. Calthorpe, Lord, at Grosvenor Square 3nd Rep. p. x. and App. pp. 39-46. Colchester, Lord 3rd Rep. p. xi. ; 4th Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 344-34T. 150 A HANDBOOK TO LONDON (continued). Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports Dasent, Sir George W Dilke, Sir Charles W., at Sloane St., London Egmont, Earl of, at St. James's Palace Fltz-Gibbon, Mr. A Jersey, Earl of, at Osterley Park Lansdowne, Marquess of, at London... Lefroy, Mr. T. E. P Malet, Sir Alexander, at Queensberry PI., Kensington Morrison, Mr. Alfred, of Fonthill House, Wilts Northumberland, Duke of, at Alnwick Castle Peake, Mr. Frederick, of Bedford Row, London Prescott, Mrs., of Oxford Square, London Ranyard, Mr. A. C, of Lincoln's Inn Smith, Mr. Philip V., of Lincoln's Inn Spencer, Earl, at Spencer House, Torreiis, Mr. W. T. M., of London ... Zetland, Earl of London: House of Lords Westminster Abbey Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Queen's Anne's Bounty Office Roman Catholic Chapter of, ... Roman Catholic Archbishopric of Westminster Royal College of Physicians ... Inner Temple Trinity House Royal Institution Rev. Dr. Williams's Library ... Lambeth Palace Southwark, Roman Catholic Bishopric of A Qnide to the Reports ou Collections Comm, Part I. Topographical. 1914. Index, pp. 133-136. 6th Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 407-418. 2nd Rep. p. xvi. and App. p. 63. 7th Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. S32-249 17th Rep. pp. 143-153 ; and vol. i (1905). 3rd Rep. p. xxvl. and App. pp. 431-432 8th Rep. p. xi. and App. pp. 92-101. 2nd Rep. p. viii. ; 3rd Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 125-147 ; 4th Rep. p. xii. 5th Rep. p. vii. and App. pp. 215- 260 ; 6th Rep. p. xi. and App. pp 235-243. 1st Rep. p. ix. and App. p. 56. 5th Rep. p. viii. and App. pp. 308-321 7th Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp 428-433. 9th Rep. p. xvii. and App. II. pp 406-493. 3rd Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 45-125 ; 5th Rep. p. xi. ; 6th Rep. p. xi. and App. pp. 231-233. 2nd Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 92-97; 3rd Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 277-280. 2nd Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 97-99. Sth Rct). p. x. and App. pp. 404-405. 12th Rep. p. 42 and App. IX. pp. 343-374. 2nd Rep. p. ix. and App. pp. 12-20. 2nd Rep. p. xv. and App. pp. 99-100. 1st Rep. p. xi. and App. p. 44. 6th Rep. p. viii. and App. pp. 1-221 ; Sth Rep. p. viii. and App. pp. 101-174. 1st Rep. App. p. 94; 4th Rep. p. xi. and App. pp. 171-199. 9th Rep. p. viii. and App. I. pp. 1-72. Sth Rep. App. pp. 632-635. 5th Rep. pp. 463-470. 5th Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 470-476. Sth Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 236-235. 2nd Rep. p. xv. and App. pp. 151-156 ; nth Rep. p. 36 and App. VII. pp. 227-308. Sth Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 235-362. 17th Rep. pp. 103-109; and vol. i. (1904), vol. ii. (1906). 3rd Rep. p. 365. 6th Rep. p. xiv. and App, pp. 523-534. 3rd Rep. p. xxi. and App. pp. 233-237. of raSS. issued by the Hist. MSS. See ' London ' entries in this valuable COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 151 LONDON (continued). County Records, 1557, etc., witli Printed Index, at County Hall, London. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 30.) Borough Records, with various Local Authorities. (Ibid. pp. T8-81.) Middlesex County Records. Sessions' Rolls, 3 Edw. VI.— 4 Jas. II. Edited by J. Cordy JeafFreson. Index by A. T. Watson. 4 vols. Middlesex County Records Soc. 1886-1892. Middlesex County Records. Calendar of the Sessions Books, 1689 to 1709. By W. J. Hardy. Index by M. ,D. Brakspear. London, 190S. The Middlesex County Records. (A description of the Records at the Guildhall, Westminster, the County Offices of Middlesex.) (The Home Counties Mag. , vol. V. pp. 307-309. 1903.) List of London and Middlesex Municipal Records Printed. (Notes and Queries, Ser. 11. vol. v. p. 74. 1912.) Report on the Records of the Lord Chamberlain's Office. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1914, vol. ii. pt. 3, pp. 79-80.) Report of an Inspection of the Records of the Metropolitan Water Board. (Ibid. vol. ii. pt. 3, p. 196.) Report on Metropolitan Water Board Collections. (Ibid. vol. ii. pt. 3, pp. 89-90.) Report on Thames Conservancy Records. (Ibid. vol. ii. pt. 3, pp. 85-87.) XTorman (Philip). Abstracts of Documents relating to London from early Chancery Proceedings, and from the Court of Ref^uests. (The London Topog. Record, vol. vi. pp. 65-89. 1909.) Phillipps (Sir Thomas). 1489 Cartse Anticiuse in the Tower. Index of those which are printed. Second edition. Privately printed. Middle Hill, 1846. Hardy (T. DuiFus). Description of Close Rolls in the Tower of London. Privately Printed. 1833. Report of an Inspection of the Records at the Tower of London. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1914, vol. ii. pt. 2, pp. 179-180.) MSS. Collections relating to Loudon in the British Museum, see < Classed Catalogue of Topographical MSS.' in MS. Department. Burtt (Joseph). Public Record Office. (Old London. Papers read at the London Congress of the Archaiol. Institute, 1866, pp. 241-260. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. London. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 109. 1874.) Whitaker (William). Guide to the Geology of London and the Neighbour- hood. Biblio. of Geol. Survey Pubns. relating to London, pp. 95-96. (Memoirs of the Geol. Swrvey of the U.K. 1901.) Boulger (G. S.). Botanical Biblio. of the Sonth-Easteru Counties. London and Middlesex. (South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies. I'rans, vol. iv. p. 49. 1899.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. ITote on London Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 255, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 17.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. London, pp. 178-213. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. London, pp. 154-162. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. London, pp. 169, 213-214, 236. Upcott (William). English Topo., 1818. London, vol. u. pp. 605-930, 1473-1481. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc., 1878. London, pp. 195-260. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. London, vol. i. pp. 567-760, Westminster, pp. 761-783, Southwark, pp. 784-786. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. London, pp. 176-224, Westminster, pp. 225-230, Southwark pp. 231-232. Hoare (Sir R. Colt). Catal. of the Stourhead Lib. co. Wilts. 1840. London & Westminster, pp. 254-297. 152 A HANDBOOK TO LONDON {continued). CORPORATION RECORDS. Ouildhall Bocauients. ' There is not one man outside the Guildhall who knows anything about my Calendar and admirable Index of 40,000 Deeds that has been made, and the Corporation has not yet printed a line of it.' ' There is a Report drawn up as to what classes of Records there are, and what the dates are of the Records in the Town Clerk's office, in the Chamber- lain's office, and in the Comptroller's office. It is printed and accessible, but not for sale, but it can be seen at the Guildhall Library, and I daresay at the British Museum.' Evidence of R. R. Sharpe before the Royal Commission on Public Records. Report, 19I*, part iii. pp. 57 and 59. Report to the Court of Common Council from the Library Committee, on the Corporation Records, 16 Dec, 1869, and a Further Report, 24 Xov., 1870. These two Reports describe the Records of the Corporation. List of Papers and Documents printed for the use of the Members of the Corporation of London, Acts and Reports of the Court of Common Council from the year 1606 to the year 1849. A List of Works printed by the Corporation of London since 1863. {Notes S[ Queries, Ser. 10, vol. viii. pp. 122-123. 1907). Oross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Sttidies, vol. v. 1897.) London Corporation Records, pp. 387-289. Freshfield (Edwin). A Discourse on some Unpublished Records of the City of London. 1887. Privately Printed, Overall (William Henry and Henry Charles). Analytical Index to the Series of Records known as the Remembrancia, preserved amongr the archives of the City of London. 1878. Analytical Indexes to vols. ii. (1593-1609) and viii. (1613-1614) of the Series of Records known as the Remembrancia, 1580-1664. London, 1870. Hugo (Thomas). ' The Liber Albus,' and other Records of the Corpora- tion of London. [London & Midd. Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 245-258. 1860.) Munimenta Gildhallsa Londoniensis ; Liber Albus, Liber Custumarum, et Liber Horn, edited by H. T. Riley. 3 vols. 1859-62. Index to ' Liber Albus,' vol. iii. pp. 477-520. Birch (Walter de Gray). The Historical Charters and Constitutional Documents of the City of London. Revised edition, 1887. List of Charters and Documents, pp. xlv.-xlviii. Thomson (R.). Historical Charters and Constitutional Documents of the City of London, with an Introduction and Notes, by an Antiquary. 1884. Calendar of Letter-Books preserved among the Archives of the Corpo- ration of the City of London at the Guildhall, edited by R. R. Sharpe. 11 vols. 1899-1912. Letter-Books A to L issued up to the present. Calendar of Coroners' Rolls of the City of London, 1300-1378, edited by R. R. Sharpe. London, 1913. Alchin (William Turner). Indexes to Records of the Corporation of London, see ' Notes on London Municipal Literature,' by Charles Welch. {Biblio. Soc. Trans., vol. ii. p. 52. 1895.) Orridge (B. R.). The Corporation of Loudon and their Records. (Mac- millan't Mag., vol. xx. pp. 562-567. 1869.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 15S LONDON (continiied). LIVERY COMPANIES. Hazlitt (W. Carew). The Livery Companies of the City of London London, 1892. Biblio. Notes passim. Unwin (George). List of MS. Sources for the Hist, of the Industrial Companies of London during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Cen- turies. (Industrial Organization in the 16th and nth Centuries, 1904, pp. 253- 362.) A Preliminary Survey of the material in the State Papers and the MSS. in the Brit. Museum. - List of Sources for the Hist, of the Existing London Companies. (Gilds and Companies of London, 1908, pp. 372-385.) Welch (Charles). Biblio. of the Livery Companies of London. (The Library, vol. ii. pp. 301-307. 1890.) Also issued separately. Coat-Armour of the London Livery Companies, with a Biblio. List of Authorities. London, 1914. List of Books on Livery Companies in the Library of the British Museum. See Brit. Mus. General Catalogue under London. Rhodes (A.). List of Records Printed of London Livery Companies. (Notes f Queries, Ser. 11, vol. iv. pp. 391-392, 451-453. 1911.) Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) London Livery Companies, pp. 304^314. Bakers' Hall and the Muniments of the Company (from Notes by various Writers). (Land. ^ Midd. Archwol. Soc. Trans., vol. iii. pp. 55-66. 1866.) The Muniments of the Vintners' Company, by John Gough Nichols. (Ibid. vol. iii. pp. 432-447. 1870.) The Stationers' Company, see under Printers and Booksellers. PAGEANTS. Pairholt (P. W.). Lord Mayors' Pageants : being Collections towards a Hist, of these Annual Celebrations, with Specimens of the Descriptive Pamphlets published by the City Poets. 2 parts. Percy Society. London, 1843-44. The Civic Garland : a Collection of Songs from London Pageants. Percy Soc. London, 1845. Catal. of a Collection of Works on Pageantry, bequeathed to the Soc. of Antiquaries by P. W. Pairholt. London, 1869. London Pageants, pp. 31-33. Nichols (John Gongh). Accounts of Pifty-five Royal Processions and Entertainments in the City of London, Biblio. List of Lord Mayors' Pageants. 1831. Hazlitt (W. Carew). Biblio. of Pageants and the rarer Literature con- nected with Livery Companies, up to 1700. (The Liveri/ Companies of the City of London, 1893.) Records of London Pageants, etc. (Local Records Report, 1914, pt. iii. pp. 98-99.) Gatfield (George). List of Books upon Ceremonials, Processions and Tournaments. (Guide to Heraldry, etc., 1892, pp. 268-283.) ARCHEOLOGY, etc. Catal. of London Antiquities in the Guildhall Museum, with introduction by Charles Welch. 1903. 154 A HANDBOOK TO LONDON {continued). Tite (Sir William). A Descriptive Catal. of the AnticLuities found in tlie Excavations at the New Boyal Exchangfe, preserved in the Museum of the Corporation of London. 1848. Smith (C. Roach). Catal. of the Museum of London Antiquities, etc. 1854. A Catal. of the Antiquities and Works of Art exhibited at Ironmongers' Kail, May 1861. 4 parts. London & Middlesex Archseol. Soc, 1863-69. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. London, pp. 65-86. Price (J. E.). Biblio. and Index Notes on Roman Remains. London. {The Archwol. Review, vol. i. pp. 274-278, 355-361. 1888.) Miirray (David). List of Catalogues and other Publications relating to London Museums. (' Mwsevms,' Glasgow, 1904, vol. ii. pp. 338-357.) ECCLESIASTICAL. St. Paul's Cathedral. St. Paul's Cathedral Records, from the 12th cent., with MS. Index, at St. Paul's Cathedral, {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 108.) Archdeaconry Records, 1678, etc., at St. Paul's Cathedral. {Ibid. p. 118.) Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. A List of the Muniments in the Registry of the Lord Bishop of London in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1914, vol. ii. pt. 3, p. 93.) Notes on the Ecclesiastical Registers of London. By Rev. G. L. Hennessy. {St. PauVs Ecclesiological Soc. Trans., vol. iv. pp. 331-339. 1900.) Index to the Visitation of London, 1593, ed. by Sir Thomas Phillipps Privately Printed. Middlehill, 1840. Simpson (W. Sparrow). S. Paul's Cathedral Library. A Catal. of Bibles, Rituals, and Rare Books ; Works relating to London and especially to S. Paul's Cathedral, including a large Collection of Paul's Cross Sermons ; Maps, Plans, and Views of London, and of S. Paul's Cathedral. London, 1893. Documents illustrating the Hist, of S. Paul's Cathedral, Camden Soc. New Ser. xxvi. London, 1880. App. A. List of Indulgences. App. B. Note on the Tracts, English, French, & Latin, on the Burning of the Spire in 1561. Botfield (Beriah). Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1849. St. Paul's Cathedral, pp. 297-327. Keynes (Geoffrey). Biblio. of the Works of Dr. John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's. Baskerville Club. Cambridge, 1914. List of Printers of Donne's Works, 1607-1719, p. 161. Welch (Charles). St. Paul's Cathedral and its early Literary Associa- tions (with a List of Printers and Booksellers to 1556). (Lond- ^ Midd. Archceol. Soc. Trams., New Ser. vol. i. pp. 74-114. 1893.) Ashpitel (Arthur). The Original Drawings of Sir Christopher Wren for St. Paul's Cathedral. {Lond. &Midd. Archwol. Soc. Trams., vol. iii. pp. 39-51. 1866.) Lethaby (W. R.). Wren's Drawings of Old St. Paul's at All Souls College, Oxford. {The Lond. Topog. Record, vol. v. pp. 136-137. 1908.) Reproductions were also issued by the London Topog. Soc. Webtminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey Records, A.D. 692, etc., with MS. Indexes, at West- minster. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 116.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 156 LONDON {continued). Westminster Abbey Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports. Hart (W. H.). The Library of Westminster Abbey. (Lond. ^ Uicld. Archceol. Soc. Tram., vol. ii. pp. 81-87. 1860.) Botfield (Beriab). Notes on the Cathedral Librsiries of England. 1849. Library of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, pp. 430-464. Catal. of IffSS. in Westminster Abbey. By J. Armitage Robinson and Montague R. James. {Notes and Documents relating to Westminster Abbey, No. 1, 1909.) Westminster Abchbishofbic. Westminster Archbishopric (Boman Catholic) Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comxa. Reports. Chubches. List of Articles on the 'City Churches,' in the 'City Press,' 1896-97. {Midd. f Herts. Notes ^ Queries, vol. iii. p. 203. 1897.) CITY PARISHES. Hallen (A. W. C). An Account of the Old Registers of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate. 1886. (Reprinted from 'The City Press.') Bell (Walter George). Wardmote Inquest Registers of St. Dxiustan's- in-the-West. {Lond. f Midd. ArcJusol. Soc. Trans., New Ser. vol. iii. pp. 56-70. 1914.) Freshfield (Bdwin). Some Remarks upon the Book of Records and Hist, of the Parish of St. Stephen, Coleman St. {Archeeohgia, vol. 1. pp. 17-57. 1887.) Christie (James). Kotes on the Records, and Hist, of the Parish of St. Michael, Wood St. {Lond. ^ Midd. Archwol. Soc. Trans., New Ser. vol. i. pp. 267-282. 1900.) White (J. G.) The Ancient Records and Antiquities of the Parishes of St. Swithin, Loudon Stone, and St. Mary Bothaw. {Ibid. New Ser. vol. i. pp. 183-209. 1898.) INSTITUTIONS. Bank op England. Stephens (Thomas A.). A Contribution to the Biblio. of the Bank of England. London, 1897. STREETS. Piccadilly and Kaymarket. Mr. A. M. Broadley has made a remarkable Collection of Prints, Maps, Plans, etc., illustrating the History of Piccadilly and the Haymarket. Whitehall. Explanation of the Plan of Whitehall, by Walter L. Spiers. {The London Topog. Record, vol. vii. pp. 56-66. 1912.) INNS OF COURT. A Calendar of the Inner Temple Records, edited by F. A. Inderwick and W. Page. 3 vols. London, 1896-1901. Inner Temple Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. A Calendar of the Middle Temple Records, edited by C. H. Hopwood. London, 1903. Middle Temple Records, edited by C. H. Hopwood. Minutes of Parliament of the Middle Temple. 1501-1703. Translated and edited by C. T. Martm. 4 vols. London, 1904-05. Index of Persons and Places in vol. iv. 156 A HANDBOOK TO LONDON (continued). VIEWS, MAPS, PLANS, etc. A Catal. of Uaps, Flans, and Views of Iiondon, Westminster, and Southwark, collected and arranged by Frederick Grace [now in the British Museum]. Edited by John Gregory Grace. London, 1878. The Gardner Collection. Catal. of the famous Collection of London Topogfraphy formed by John Edmund Gardner. First Portion. To be Sold by Auction by Sotheby's. London, May 23-3T, 1910. The most remarkable Collection of Topographical Prints and Drawings in existence, excelling all others in every possible direction. The above Sale never took place as the Collection was privately purchased about April, 1910 by Major Sir E. F. Coates, M.P., of Tayle's Hill, Ewell, Surrey. The Catal. of the First Portion was the only one issued. For a note on the Collection, see ' The Connotiseiir,' vol, xxvi. pp. 117-118, 1910. A selection from the Collection was included in the Exhibition at the Opening of the New Library at the Guildhall, 1872, and formed part of the Catalogue. A few copies of the section were issued as a separate pamphlet. Fepys's Collection of Prints and Drawings relating to London and Westminster, and Environs, in Magdalene College, Cambridge. 1700. Index to GoUection by W. Gornforth. 1811. A Copy of the Index is now Bodleian MS. 30734. Lethaby (W. R.). Pepys's London Collection. (The London Topog. Record, vol. ii. pp. 66-69. 1903.) ' Pepys was the first person who began to collect Prints and Drawings to illustrate the History of the City of London.' This Collection is in the Pepysian Lib. Vol. i. comprises Maps and Views. Vol. ii. is mainly relating to Pageants, Coronations, Street Cries, etc. For a Note on the Collection, see H. B. Wheatley's ' Samuel Pepya and the World he lived in,' 1889, p. 92. Holbert Wilson Collection. Catalogue of the First and Second Portions of the GoUection of Engravings and Drawings relating to the Architecture, History, and Social History of London, formed by James Holbert Wilson. Sold by Sotheby's. May and Nov., 1898. The GoUection was formed previous to 1865. Bagford (John). Biblio. Notes on maps and Views of London, in ' Letter relating to the Antiquities of London,' 1715. (Leland's Collectanea, 1770, vol. i. pp. Ixxx.-lxxxvi.) See also Richard Gough's ' British Topography,' 1780, vol. i. p. 743. Fancourt (H.). Collectors of Old London. (The Home Counties Mag., vol. y. pp. 129-134. 1903.) Uitton (G. E.). Maps of Old London. (Reproductions and descriptions of early Maps.) 1908. OTerall (W. H.). On the Early Maps of London. (Soc. Antiq. Land. Proc, Ser. 2, vol. vi. pp. 81-99. 1874.) Catal. of the MS. Maps, Charts and Plans, and of the Topographical Drawings in the British Museum. Middlesex (including London) items, vol. ii. pp. 1-52. 1844. Catal. of Maps, Views, etc., in the Library of the British Museum. See section London in the Brit. Mus. Map Catalogue. Catal. of Maps, Prints, Drawings, etc., forming the Geographical and Topographical Collection in the King's Library, Brit. Museum. 1829. London entries, pp. 187-209. Catal. of Sculpture, Paintings, Engravings, etc., belonging to the Corporation, together with Books not included in the Catal. of the Guildhall Library. 3 vols. London, 1867-68. Vol. II.— Maps, Flans, etc., of London, Westminster, and Sowthwark. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 157 LONDON {continued). A Catal. of Engraved Portraits, Topogfraphical Drawings and Prints, etc., exhibited at Opening of ITew Library and ]lluseum of the Corporation, Nov., 1872, ed. by W. H. Overall, with an Historical Account of the Ancient and Modern Library at the Guildhall, by W. S. Saunders. London, 1870. A lai-ge section ol the Catal. is occupied with a Selection of Topog. Views, etc., of London, Westminster, and Southwark fxom the Collection of John Edmund Gardner, see ante p. 156. Catal. of Exhib. of Maps, Views and Flans of London, exhibited at Drapers' Hall, London, March 1905, by Bernard Gomme. (The London Topog. Record, vol. iv. pp. 113-140. 190T.) Catal. of an Ezhib. of Engravings and Drawings of Loudon in the Reigns of the Georges, with prefatory note by H. B. Wheatley, held at the Fine Art Soc, London, Feb., 1904. London, 1904. Catal. of Drawings of Old London, issued by the Archseol. Institute. London, 1893. Topographical Soc. of Loudon. General Report and Handbook to Views and Kaps published by them, 1880-87. Index to the Various Articles and Illustrations in the London Topographical Record, vols, i.-viii. (The London Topog. Record, vol. ix. pp. 57-76. 1914. Notes on London Views (reproduced by the Society), by Philip Norman. (Ihid. vol. viii. pp. 94-102. 1913.) The London Topog. Soc, have issued numerous facsimiles of Early London Views and Maps. Drawings of New and Old London Bridge, and of Southwark Bridge, by E. W. Cooke, R.A. Notes by Philip Norman. (/6irf. vol. ix, pp. 1-14. 1914.) Scott's Pictures of the River Side. (The Builder, June 15, 1895.) Price (P. G. Hilton). Signs of Old London. With Biblio. Notes. (The London Topog. Record, vols, ii.-iv. passim. 1903-08.) Wilson (James Holbert). Catal. of Pictorial Records of London, past and present. Privately Printed. London, n.d. The Holbert Wilson Collection was sold at Sotheby's in 1898, see ante p. 156. An Engraving of London in 1510. Note by S. C. Cockerell. (The London Topog. Record, vol. i. p. 51. 1900.) Notes upon Norden and his Map of London, 1593, by Henry B. Wheatley. (Ibid. vol. ii. pp. 42-65. 1903.) Originally appeared in Harrison's ' Description of England in Shakspere's Youth,' Part I. App. HI. pp. bcxxix.-cvi. New Shakspere Society. 1877. Notes on Visscher's View of London, 1616, by T. F. Ordish. (Ibid. vol. vi. pp. 39-64. 1909.) Hollar's Map. Notes by W. R. Lethaby and Rhys Jenkins. (Ibid. vol. ii. pp. 109-110. 1903.) Ogilby and Morgan's Map of Loudon, 1677. Facsimile Reproduction, with Ogilby's description * London Survey'd,' edited f with a lexicographical Index) by Charles Welch. London and Middlesex Archseol. Soc. 1895. Morden and Lea's Plan of London, 1682, by Walter L. Spiers. (The London Topog. Record, vol. v. pp. 117-135. 1908.) A Pew Words about John Ogilby and his Topographical Publications, by Philip Norman. (Ibid. vol. viii. pp. 93-94. 1913.) Notes on Vertue's edition of Agas's Map of London, by William Martin. (Soc. Antiq. Land. Iroa. Ser. 2, vol. xxii. pp. 535-539. 1909.) A reproduc- tion of the Map attributed to Ralph Agas, circa 1560-1570, was issued by the London Topog. Soc. 158 A HANDBOOK TO LONDON {continued). Rocque's Plan of London, 1746, by Henry B. Wheatley. (The London Topog. Record, vol. ix. pp. 15-28. 1914.) Notes on Kensington Turnpike Trust Plans (Solvay's Plan of the Road from Hyde Park Corner to Counter's Bridge. 1811). By Col. W. F. Prideaux. {Ibid. vol. ill. pp. 21-63 ; vol. v. pp. 138-144.. 1906-08.) PRINTERS AND BOOKSELLERS. [The first six entries following this paragraph give clues to the output of the London Press from 14ST to 1711. If these works are used in connection with Bigmore and Wyman's ' Biblio. of Printing,' and the ' Catal. of the Blades Library at the St. Bride's Foundation ' (compiled by its accomplished Librarian, Robert Alexander Peddie) as full information as possible will be obtained until the date of the regular publication of systematic Catalogues of London Books.] Duff (E. Gordon). A Century of the English Book Trade, 1457-1557. London, Bibliographical Soc, 1905. A Dictionary of Printers and Booksellers in England, Scotland, and Ireland, etc., 1557-1640. By H. G. Aldis and others. Gen. Editor, R. B. McKerrow. Index of Addresses, etc. , of London Printers, pp. 331-335. London, Bibliographical Soc., 1910. Plomer (Henry R.). A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who were at work in England, Scotland, and Ireland, from 1641 to 1667. London. Bibliographical Soc, 1907. Arber (Edward). A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of Iiondou, 1554-1640. 5 vols. (vol. v. Index). Privately Printed. London, 1875-94. A Transcript of the Registers of the Worshipful Company of Stationers from 1640 to 1708, by G. E. Briscoe Eyre. 3 vols. London. TheRoxburghe Club. London, 1913. Privately Printed. Arber (Edward). The Term Catalogues, 1668 to 1711. London, 1903-06. Privately Printed. A Contemporary Biblio. of English Literature, compiled from Lists issued by the Booksellers of London. Contemporary Printed Lists of Books produced in England. {Bihlio- gra/phiea, vol. ill. pp. 173-191. 1897.) A List, based on the Registers of the Stationers' Company, of 837 London Publishers between 1553 and 1640. Birmingham, 1890. An advance Issue of the List that appeared later in vol. v. of Arber's ' Transcript of the Registers of the Stationers' Company.' The latter List was increased to 847 Publishers. An Index to the Mechanical Producers of English Books, and of Persons and Places connected with them and with the Company of Stationers, 1553-1640. (A Transcript of the Registers of the Oompany of Stationers, vol. v. pp. 216-276.) Caxton Celebration, 1877. Catalogue of the Loan Collection of Anticiui- ties. Curiosities, and Appliances connected with the Art of Printing. Edited by G. Bullen. 1877. ... A copy in the Brit. Museiun Library is in 8 quarto vols, inlaid and interleaved with special title-pages, containing the correspondence, prospectuses, circulars, por- traits, photographs, facsimiles, newspaper cuttings, etc., relating to the Exhibition, formed by VVilliam Blades. Bigmore (E. C.) and Wjrman (C. W. H.). A Biblio. of Printing. 3 vols. London, 1880-86. A good annotated Dictionary of Printers, with their marks and other valuable information. Ames (Joseph) and Herbert (William). Typographical Antiquities. 3 vols. London, 1785-90. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 159 LONDON {continued). An Index to Dibdin's Edition of the ' Typographical Antiquities,' first ?.*^??,P rxy , ^P" Ames, with some references to the intermediate edition by Wilham Herbert. London, Bibliographical Soc, 1899. Aldis (ja.O.). The Book Trade, 1557-1625, with a Bibliography. (Tlu Cambridge Hut. of English Literature, ed. by A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller, vol. IV. pp. 3T8-4I4., and pp. 544-54.9. 1909.) Book Production and Distribution, 1625-1800, with a Biblio- graphy. {Ibid. vol. xi. pp. 311-342, and pp. 466-470. 1914.) Catalogues of Books produced in England. {Ibid. vol. xi. pp. 4T0- 471. 1914.) GrowoU (A.). Three Centuries of English Book Trade Bibliography. New York. The Dibdin Club. 1903. (Contains valuable lists of English Book Catalogues.) Feddie (B. A.). Catal.of the Blades Library at the St. Bride's Foundation, London. 1915. A MS. Index to some London and Frovincial Printers and Booksellers from the earliest period. (In the Typographical Library of tlie St. Bride Foundation, London.) Compiled by R. A. Peddie. Eames (Wilberforce). A List of the Catalogues, etc., published for the English Book Trade from 1595 to 1902. {Three Centuries of English Book Trade Bibliography, by GrowoU, pp. 101-173. 1903.) Duff (E. Gordon). The Printers, Stationers and Bookbinders of London and Westminster in the Fifteenth Century. A Series of Four Lectures delivered at Cambridge, 1899. Privately Printed, 1899. The Printers, Stationers and Bookbinders of London, from the year 1500 to the year 1535. A Series of Lectures at Cambridge, 1904. London, 1904. The Printers, Stationers and Bookbinders of Westminster and London from 1476 to 1535. The Sandars Lectures, 1899 and 1904. Cam- bridge, 1906. The Introduction of Printing into England and the Early Work of the Press, with a Biblio. by E. G. D. and A. B. W. (The Cambridge Hist, of English Literature, vol. ii. pp. 310-331 and pp. 483-486. 1908.) McKerrow (B. B.). Printers' and Publishers' Devices in England and Scotland, 1485-1640. London, Bibliographical Soc, 1913. {Illustrated Monograplts. No. XVI.) Reed (Talbot Baines). A List of Books and Papers on Printers and Printing. London and Westminster, pp. 13-14. n. d. List of Books Printed in London in the three years preceding the Great Fire of London, in which many of the copies are presumed to have been destroyed. See Catal. of Library of Rev. Philip Bliss. Part II. Sold by Sotheby's in Aug. 1858. ITegfus (Samuel). A Compleat and Private List of all the Printing- houses in and about the Cities of London and Westminster, together with the Printers' names, what Newspapers they print and where they are to be found, also an Account of the Printing-houses in the several Corporation Towns in England. Printed by William Bowyer in White Friars, 1724. ITichols (John). Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century. 1813. See vol. vii. (Index) pp. 336-337, under Printers, etc. Bibliotheca Pepysiana : A Descriptive Catal. of the Library of Samuel Pepys. Part II. Early Printed Books to 1558. London, 1914. Index of London Printers, pp. 74-79. 160 A HANDBOOK TO LONDON {continued). Rivingrton (Charles Robert). The Records of the Worshipful Company of Stationers (with lists of Royal Printers, Univ. of Oxford and Cambridge Printers, Printers to the City of London, etc.) (Lond. ^ Midd. Arohceol. Soc. Tram*., vol. vi. pp. 280-340. 1888.) The Stationers' Company. {Ihid. New Ser. vol. ii. pp. 119-136. 1909.) The Records of the Worshipful Company of Stationers. Second Edn. Edinb., 1893. See Arber (Edward). A Transcript of the Registers of the Stationers' Company, vol. v. Notes on the Stationers' Company. (The Library, New Ser. vol. iv. pp. 355-366. 1903.) Stationers' Company, 1403-1903. A short account of the Worshipful Company of Stationers. Presented to guests at celebration of the 500th Anni- versary of Foundation. 1903. Welch (Charles). A Brief Hist, of the Worshipful Company of Sta- tioners. London, 1880. Nichols (John Grougrh). Notices of the Stationers' Company, their Kail, Pictures and Plate. [Lond. ^ 31idd. Archmol. Soc. Trans., vol. ii. pp. 37-61. 1861.) Also reprinted for Private Circulation, 1861. Collier (J. Payne). Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company of Works entered for publication between 155? and 1587. 2 vols. "The Shakespeare Soc. London, 1848-49. Company of Stationers. The Orders, Rules, and Ordinances made by the Master, etc., of the Mystery of Stationers of London. 1678 and 1693. -' Order by the Lord Chancellor and Lords Justices endorsing the by-law of the Company with reference to the placing of imprints on all books, pamphlets, etc. London, 1681. At a Court held at Stationers-Hall on Friday the 22ud day of Msy, 1685 (giving particulars as to the various authorities for licensing books). The Charter and Grants of the Company of Stationers, now in force. London, 1741. The Stationers' Charters, etc. (Luckombe's Hist, of Printing, 1770. pp. 175-21-2.) Stationers' Hall, July 11, 1894. A Programme, with historical notes on the Company. July 8, 1897. A Programme, with details of the Hall. Duff (E. Gordon). The Stationers at the Sign of the Trinity in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1506-1539. {Bibliocfraphica, vol. i. pp. 93-113, 175-193. 1895.) Peet (W. H.). Biblio. of Bookselling. (The Romance of Book-Selling, \>y¥. A. Mumby, pp. 433-470. 1910.) Reprinted with additions from ' iVbto i- yum**,' Ser. 10, vol. i. pp. 81, 142, 184, 242, 304, 342. 1904.) Flomer (Henry R.). The Booksellers of London Bridge. (The Library, New Ser., vol. iv. pp. 28-46. 1903.) The Long Shop in the Poultry. (An OldCity Printing-House.) (Diblio- graphica, vol. ii. pp. 61-80. 1896.) Thomson (Richard). Chronicles of London Bridge. London, 1827. Biblio. Note on Books printed and sold on London Bridge, pp. 374-382. Bookselling on London Bridge. (Walford's Antiquarian Mag., vol. xii. pp. 21-27. 1887.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 161 LONDON (continued). Aahhee (E. W.) and others. Iiondon Signs of Booksellers and Printers. (ihe Bibliographer, vol. ii. pp. 112, 143, 174; vol. iii. pp. 45, 67, 94; vol. Iv p. 76. 1883-83.) Praacis (John C). Jubilee of ' The City Press.' {Notes &■ Queries, Ser. 10, vol. viii. pp. 81, 103, 122, 142. 1907.) BALLADS, CHAPBOOKS, nTC. [See also Appendix, ' England— General,' for Bibliographies of Ballads, many of which relate to London.] The Ballad Society was founded in London by F. J. Furnivall in 1868, to publish and render accessible the rare and large stores of Street Ballads in the Public and Private Collections of the Country. It was intended to deal first with the ' Pepysian Collection ' at Cambridge, but this was not done. The most im- portant pubUcations (some of which contain copious Indices) issued during its existence were : — The Roxburghe Ballads (in Brit. Mus.), ed. by William Chappell and J. Woodfall Ebsworth. Vol. i. has a hst of Ballad Printers, etc. ; vol. viii. William Thackeray's List of Ballads, 1685. 9 vols. 1869-99. The Bagford Ballads (in Brit. Mus.) ed. by J. Woodfall Ebsworth. 3 vols. 1876-78. Ballads from MSS., ed. by F. J. Furnivall and W. R. Morfill. 9 vols. 1868-73. Large numbers of the Ballads relate to incidents connected with the history of London. Pepys's Collection of English Broadside Ballads at lilagdalene College, Cambridge. For description and arrangement see H. B. Wheatley's ' Satrmel Pepys and the World he lived in,' 1889, p. 91, also C. H. Hartshorne, 'Book Rarities of the Univ. of Gambridffe,' 1829, pp. 258-260. Many of the Pepysian Ballads are printed in the Ballad Society's ' The Roxburghe Ballads,' ed. by J. W. Ebsworth. Ballads, etc., principally relating to the City of London, 1659-1711. A Collection in the King's Library of the British Museum, see King's Lib. Catalogue under ' Poetae Anglici ' in vol. iv. pp. 484-487. 1828. A Collection of Ballads chiefly printed in London by J. Catnach, J. Pitts, K. P. Such, and others, mostly between 1800 and 1870. Collected by the Rev. Sabine Baring Gould. With MS. Indexes. 10 vols. (In British Museum.) The British Museum Library is rich in Collections of Ballads, for which see the General Catalogue under the heading Ballads. For an Accoimt of the Catnach Ballads see ' The Hist, of the Catnach Press,' by C. Hindley. 1886. Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Catal. of Collection of English Ballads of the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries ; printed for the most part in black letter. 1890. Compiled for James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford. Privately Printed. List of Printers and PubUshers and of Booksellers who sold Ballads, pp. 535-545. Collmann (Herbert L.). Ballads and Broadsides, chiefly of the Eliza- bethan Period and Printed in Black Letter, most of which were formerly in the ' Heber Collection,' and are now in the Library at Britwell, Bucks. The Roxburghe Club, 1912. Alphabetical List of Black Letter Ballads and Broadsides, known as ' The Keber Collection,' in the possession of S. Christie-Miller, of Britwell, Bucks. London, 1872. Consists largely of London Ballads. Lemon (Robert). Catal. of a Collection of Broadsides (Ballads, etc.) in the possession of the Soc. of AnticLuaries of London. 1866. The Collec- tion is largely relating to London. 162 A HANDBOOK TO LONDON {continued). Rimbault (E. T.). Old Ballads iUustratingr the Great Frost of 1683-4 and the Pair on the River Thames. London. Percy Society, vol ix. 1644. Blackay (Charles). A Collection of Bonga and Ballads relative to the London Prentices and Trades ; and to the Affairs of London generally, during the Pifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Centuries. London. Percy Society, vol. i. 1841. Halliwell (J. O.). Notices of Pugitive Tracts and Chap-Books printed at Aldermary Churchyard, Bow Churchyard, etc. London. Percy Society, vol. xxix. 1849. Pairholt (P. W.). The Civic Garland. A Collection of Songs from London Pageants. London. Percy Society, vol. xix. 1845. Haslitt (W. Carew). A General Index to Hazlitt's Handbook and his Bibliographical Collections (186T-1889), by G. J. Gray. 1893. Contains references to the rarer fugitive literature relating to London. Routh (Harold V.). London and the Development of Popular Literature, with Biblio. of Street Literature, Ballads, Street Songs, Broadsides, and Popular Ditties. {The Cambridge Hiit. of English Literature, vol. iv. pp. 316-363 and pp. S14-S36.) NEWSPAPERS, ETC. Catal. of the London Newspapers in the British Museum Library, S vols. (Arranged under Titles.) Newspapers before 1700 are not included in this Catal., but are in the Catal. of Periodical Publications. Catal. of the Burney Collection of Early London Newspapers in the British Sluseum. (MS. in the Newspaper Room.) 1603-1817. 3 vols. Grant (James). The Newspaper Press, its Origin, Progress, and Present Position. 3 vols. 1871-73. Vol. III. The Metropolitan Weekly and Pro- vincial Press. Williams (Joseph Batterson). A Hist, of English Journalism to the foundation of the Gazette. London, 1908. Catal. of Periodicals, News- papers, etc., from 1641 to 1666, pp. 218-265. Nichols (John). Biblio. Notes on Newspapers. {Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century. Index, vol. vii. p. 286. 1813.) Besant (Sir Walter). List of 18th Century London Newspapers. {The Survey of London: London in the Eighteenth Century, 1903, pp. 393-394.) LIBRARIES. Rye (H. A.). The Libraries of London. A Guide for Students. Published by the Univ. of London. Second Edn. London, 1910. Oldys (William). Of London Libraries; with Anecdotes of Collectors of Books, Remarks on Booksellers, and of the first Publishers of Catalogues (probably joint production of John Bagford and William Oldys). Reprinted in ' Memoir of William Oldys, Norroy King-at-Arms, with his Diary,' etc., edited by W. J. Thorns. London, 1862. (Reprinted from 'Notes ^ Queries. ') Bagford (John). An Account of several Libraries in and about Loudon. (The Monthly Miscellany : or Memoirs of the Curious. London, vol. ii. pp. 167- 182. 1708.) Cannons (E. O. T.). List of Articles on London Libraries. {Biblio. of Library Economy, 1910, pp. If 9-130.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 163 LONDON (continued). Welch (Charles). The Owildhall Library and its Work. 1993. Catalogues of the Library & Museum, pp. 43-44. List of the Special Collections, pp. 4S-S2. The Card Catalogue, pp. 52-53. List of Works published by the Library Com- mittee, pp. 54-55. Milman (W. H.). Some Account of Si9n College, and of its Iiihrary. (Land. ^ Mtdd. Archceol. Soc. IVans., vol. vi. pp. 53-122. 1883.) SpUsbury (W. H.). Lincoln's Inn and its Library. {Lond. & Midd. Arehaol. Soc. Trans., vol. Iv. pp. 445-466. 1874.) WESTMINSTER. A Catal. of Westminster Records deposited at the Town Hall, with introductory Essay, by J. E. Smith. 1900. Early Plans of Part of the Palace of Westminster, 1593. (Hom$ CountUi Mag., vol. v. pp. 1-4. 1903.) CHELSEA. Reports of Inspections of the Records of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, July and Oct. 1013. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1914, vol. ii. pt. 2, p. 181.) Beaver (Alfred). Memorials of Old Chelsea. London, 1892. Biblio. pp. 389-402. Catal. of Books, Portraits, etc., of, or relating to, Sir Thomas Slore, collected by Al&ed Cock. Presented to the Guildhall Library. 1903. DULWICH. Warner (George P.). Catal. of the MSS. and Muniments of AUeyn's College of Ood's Qift at Dulwich. London, 1881. EALING. Jackson (Bdith). Annals of Ealing. 1898. Biblio. of the Geology of the District, pp. 335-340. FINCHLEY. Passmore (W. B.). Note upon the Parish Registers of Finohley. (Middlesex and Herts. Notes S( Queries, vol. iv. pp. 200-203. 1898.) FULHAM. Feret (Charles James). Pulham, Old and New. 3 vols. London. 1900. List of Views, etc. pp. 289-391. Biblio. pp. 296-304. HACKNEY. Hugo (Thomas). A Calendar of Records, belonging or relating to the Rectory, Church, and Parish of West Hackney. London, 1872. Catalogue of the Tyssen Library, Hackney. A Collection of Books, MSS. Maps, Plans, Prints, etc., relating to, or connected with Hackney and its Vicinity, originally formed by John Robert Daniel Tyssen. Compiled by J. T. "Whitehead. London, 1888. HAMPSTBAD AND HIGHGATE. Barratt (Thomas J.). The Annals of Hampstead. 3 vols. 1912. Biblio. of Hampstead and of Accessions to Hampstead in various branches of Litera- ture, vol. iii. pp. 320-343. 164 A HANDBOOK TO LONDON (continued). Newton (Ernest Edward). An Annotated Catal. of the Bell-Moor CoUeo- tion of Hampsteadiana, comprised in 16 vols., folio, in the possession of Thomas J. Barratt, 1913. Privately Printed. The Bell-Moor Collection is the largest in existence relating to Hampstead. Marshall (Miss L.). Hist, of the Hampstead Library, 1833-1898. (Thi Hampstead Annual. 1898, pp. 22-31.) Mnnich (Charles J.). The Hampstead Antiquarian and Historical Society. A brief Sketch. C/Jirf. 1898, pp. 136-139.) A Special Collection of Books and Records relating to Hampstead is in the Reference Room of the Hampstead Subscription Library. Important Local Collections for Highgate are those of George Potter and Ambrose Heal. The Literary and Scientific Institute, Highgate, has a Collection of Prints and Drawings. ISLINGTON. Islington Public Iiibraries. Select Catalogue and Ouide. A Classified List of the Books on all Subjects. 1910. Islington Books, pp. 640-641 . Catal. of a Collection of Prints, Brawings and Photographs of Ancient and Modern Islington, issued in connexion with an Exhibition held at the West and North Libraries. 1907. LAMBETH. Lambeth Palace Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. ST. MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS. Mason (Thomas). Catal. of Books and Documents belonging to the Boyal Parish of St. Martin-in-the-Pields. London, 1895. ST. PANCRAS. Percival Collection. A Collection illustrative of the Parish of St. Fancras, formed by Richard Percival, comprising engraved Views and Portraits, cuttings from books and newspapers, 1729-1830. 2 vols. (In British Museum Library.) Ambrose Heal Collection of Local Literature, bequeathed by Ambrose Heal to the Borough of St. Pancras, to be deposited at the Town Hall. See ' Notes and Queries,' Ser. 11, vol. ix. p. 235. 1914. List of Books relating to St. Pancras, by various writers. (Notts ^ Queries, Ser. 11. vol. ix. pp. 191, 235, 312. 1914.) List of Old Deeds in the Public Record Office relating to St. Pancras. (St. Pancras Notes f Queries, 1900-01, pp. 132-138.) Weatherley (Rev. Charles Thomas). Collections for a Hist, of Old St. Pancras Church. (Ibid. 1900, pp. 106-107.) List of Drawings and Prints in the Crace Collection in the Brit. Museum, relating to St. Pancras. (Ihid. 1899, pp. 81-82.) List of Local Views, etc., from ' A Catal. of the MS. Maps, Views, etc., in the Brit. Museum,' vol. ii. pp. 34-35. 1844. {Ibid. 1900, pp. 125-126.) List of Local Prints and Drawings in the King's Library Collection at the Brit. Museum. (Ibid. 1902, pp. 301-202.) A List of Local Water-colour Drawings by John Wykeham Archer in the Archer Collection at the Brit. Museum. (Ibid. 1899, p. 104.) SOUTHWARK. Southwark Bishopric Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 165 LONDONDERRY. Kist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Londonderry Collection. Derry, Diocesan Library 8th Rep. pp. 639, 640. TTnpublislied Kist. MS. Collections relating to the County of Serry. A Biblio. Note. (Ulster Joum. ofArahceol, vol. xv. p. 185. 1909.) O'Hanlon (John). Index of Materials for the Hist. & Topography of the Co. of Londonderry in the Irish Ordnance Survey Records, and in the Royal Irish Academy. (Kilkenny ^ South-East of Irel. Archceol. Soc. Joum., vol. vii. p. 313. 1863.) Six (Ernest Reginald McClintock). List of Books, Pamphlets, ITews- papers, etc., printed in Londonderry, prior to 1801. Dundalk, 1911. (Irish Bibliography, no. vii.) Ulster Bibliography. Derry Printing, with a List, 1689-1800. (Ulster Joum. of Archwol., vol. vii. pp. 133-136, 174; vol. viii. p. 24; vol. ix. p. 71. 1901-3.) Coleraine Printing, with a List, 1794-1800. (Ibid. vol. xiii. pp. 22-33. 1907.) Crone (John S.). Ulster Bibliography. Serry. (Ibid. vol. x. pp. 151-156 ; vol. xi. pp. 27-32. 1904-5.) Barly Printing in Derry. (Irish Book-Lover, vol. iii. pp. 112-113. 1913.) Eakin (J. K.). Journals and Journalism in Derry. (Ibid. vol. i. pp. 161- 162. 1910.) Oross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Londonderry, p. 325. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Londonderry Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 316. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Londenderry, p. 438. Bough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Londonderry, vol. ii. p. 807. „ Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Bo*ks bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Londonderry, p. 381. LONGFORD. Coleman (James). Biblio. of the Counties of Louth, Meath, Westmeath, and Longford. (Co. Louth Archceol. Joum., vol. ii. pp. 24-26. 1908.) Kist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Longford Collection. Granard, Earl of, at Castle Forbes... 2nd Rep. p. xx. and App. pp. 210-217; 3rd Rep. p. xxvi. and App. pp. 430- 431. O'Hanlon (John). Index of Materials for the Hist. & Topography of the Co. of Longford in the Irish Ordnance Survey Records, and in the Royal Irish Academy. (Kilkenny and South-East of Irel. Archceol. Soc. Joum., vol. vi. p. 321. 1861.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Longford, p. 439. LOUTH. Coleman (James). Biblio. of the Counties of Louth, Meath, Westmeath, and Longfford. (Co. Louth Archceol. Joum., vol. ii. pp. 24-26. 1908.) Dix (Ernest Reginald McClintock). List of Books, Pamphlets, and Newspapers, printed in Droghedain the 18th century (1728-1800). Dundalk, 1904. Second edition. Dundalk, 1911. (Irish Bibliography, No. III.) Supplementary List. (Dublin Penny Joum., vol. iii. p. 455. 1904.) 166 A HANDBOOK TO LOUTH (contimoed). Diz (Ernest Reginald MoClintock). List of Books, Famphlets, News- papers, etc., printed in Drogheda &om 1801 to 1825 incluaive. (Iriih Book-Lover, vol. iv. pp. 1-3. 1912.) Srogheda Printing. {Lrogheda Argus, 4 Jan. 1902.) Dundalk Printing from the Earliest Period. 1782-1897. (Dun- dalk HeraCd, 5 July, 1902, and Bundalk Examiner, 31 Jan. 1903.) Printing in Dundalk, with a List, 1801-1825. (7mA Book-Lover, vol. V. pp. 46, S8, 78. 1913.) Earliest Printing in the County Louth. {Co. Louth Archmol. Joum., vol. i. no. 1. pp. 52-63. 1904.) Some Dundalk Song Books. {Ibid. vol. i. no. 4. pp. 62-63. 190T.) Oogarty (Rev. Fr.). Early Printing in the County Louth. {Ibid. vol. i. no. 9. pp. 25-31. 1905.) The Origin of the Drogheda 'Argus.' [Ibid. vol. i. no. 4, p. 103. 1907.) Some Local Sheet Ballads. (Ibid. vol. i. no. 4, p. 64. 1907.) A TStovr Private Press (of Rev. Ouy W. C. L'Estrange, Rector of Charles- town, nr. Ardee.) (Irish Book-Lover, vol. v. p. 67. 1913.) O'Kanlon (John). Index of Materials for the Hist, and Topography of the County Louth in the Irish Ordnance Survey Records, and in the Royal Irish Academy. {Kilkenny ^ South-Eait oflrel. Archtsol. Soc. Joum., vol. V. p. 97. 1858.) On the Ordnance Survey Papers relating to County Louth, by James MacCarte. {Co. Louth Aroh(eol. Jotirn., vol. i. no. 2, pp. 74-76 ; vol. ii. p. 442 ; vol. ill. p. 110. 1905-12). John D' Alton's MS. Materials for a Kist. of Co. Louth, by James MacCarte. {Ibid. vol. i. no. 1, p. 60. 1904.) Moynagh (S. K.). Notes on some of the Old Dundalk Charters. {Soc.Antiq. Irel. Joum., vol. xxxviil. pp. 232-235. 1908.) Leslie (James B.). Kist. of Kilaaran. Dundalk, 1908. List of Authorities, pp. xi.-xiv. Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Louth, p. 139. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Louth, vol. 11. p. 811. Bandlnel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Qough. 1811. Louth, p. 382. MAN (ISLE OF). [See Isle of Mait.] ' MAYO. Coleman (James). Bibliographia Conaciensis: a list of Books relating to Connaught. Mayo, pp. 31, 34. {Galway Archceol. and Hist. Soc. Joum., vol. V. 1907-08.) Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Mayo Collection. O'Donnell, Sir Richard, at Newport. 4th Rep. p. xxiv. and App. pp. 584-588. O'Hanlon (John). Index of Materials for the Kist. 8e Topography of the County of Mayo in the Irish Ordnance Survey Records, and in the Royal Irish Academy. {Kilkenny * South-Eait oflrel. Archceol. Soc. Joum., vol. ix. p. 212. 1867.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 167 MAYO (continued). Macalister (R. A. Stewart). Studies in Irish Epigraphy. Part I. Biblio. of Mayo Epigraphy. 1897. The Achill Press, -with a List, by R. S. Maffett, and an additional Note, by J. S. Orone. {Irish Book-Lover, vol. ii. pp. 65-68 ; vol. iii. pp. 29-30. 1910-11.) Blake (Martin J.). A Map of part of the County of Mayo in 1584, with notes thereon and an account of its Author. (Qalway ArchcBol. ^ Hist. Soc. Journ., vol. v. pp. US-US. 1908.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Notes on Mayo Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3. vol. xiv. p. 267. 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 4.2.) AnderBon (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo. , 1881. Mayo, p. 410. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Mayo, vol. ii. p. 813. Baadinel (Bulkeley). CataL oJ Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Goueh, 1814. Mayo, p. 382. MEATH. Coleman (James). Biblio. of the Counties of Louth, Meath, Westmeath, and Iiongfford. (Co. Louth Archmol. Journ., vol. ii. pp. 24-26. 1908.) Eist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Meath Collections. Balfour, Mr. B. R. T. at Townley 10th Rep. p. 22, and App. VI. pp. 252- Hall, Drogheda 258 ; 13th Rep. p. 56. Fingall, Earl of, at Fingall, Killeen 10th Rep. pp. 42, 43, and App. V. pp. Castle 107-204. Gormanston, Viscount, at Gormans- ton Castle ... 4th Rep. p. xxiv. and App. pp. 573-584, O'Kanlon (John). Index of Materials for the Hist. & Topography of Meath in the Irish Ordnance Survey Records, and in the Royal Irish Academy. {Kilkenny S^ South-East of Irel. Archceol. Soc. Journ., vol. v. p. 42. 1858. Biz (Brnest Reginald McClintock). Printing in Trim, with a Xiiat, 1835-60. (Irish Book-Lover, vol. i. pp. 63, 77, 78, 107. 1910.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Meath, p. 440. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Meath, vol. ii. p. 814. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Meath, p. 382. MERIONETHSHIRE. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Merionethshire Collection. Wynne, Mr. W. W. B. at Peniarth 2nd Rep p. xii. , and App. pp. 103-106 ; Welsh MSS. vol. i. part ii. County Records, at County Hall, Solgelley. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902. App. III. p. 28.) Wynne (W. W. E.). Catal. of the Hengwrt MSS. at Peniarth. (Archceol. Cambrensis, Ser. 3, vol. xv. pp. 210, 352 ; Ser. 4, vol. i. pp. 73, 323 ; vol. ii. p. 101. 1869-71.) 'Selections from the Hengwrt MSS.,' by Canon Robert Williams, 2 vols, were issued in 1876-80. Owen (Aneurin). List of the Hengwrt MSS. (The Cambrian Journ. Ser. 2, vol. ii. pp. 276-296. 1859.) The Hengwrt Library of Printed Books. (Welsh Biblio. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 76-83, 123-128, 1911-12.) 168 A HANDBOOK TO MERIONETHSHIRE {continued). List of Merionethshire Illustrations in the 'Archaologia Cambrensis,' 188^-1900. See Alphabetical Index by F. Green, 1903, p. 105. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains, 1919. Merioneth, p. 143. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Merioneth. (Joum. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 157. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio Note on Merionethshire Birds. (Catal. of Local Lists of British Birds, 1891, p. 17.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Merionethshire, p. 354. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Merionethshire, vol. ii. p. 533. HARLECH. Wynne (W. W. B.). Documents relating to the Town and Castle of Harlech. (Archceol. Oambrensis, vol. i. pp. 246-267 ; vol. iii. pp. 49-55. 1846-48.) MIDDLESEX. [Entries under London should also be consulted.] Middlesex County Records. Sessions' Rolls, 3 Bdw. VII.— 4 Jas. II. Edited by J. Cordy Jeaffreson. Index by A. T. Watson. 4 vols. Middlesex County Records See. 1886-1892. Middlesex County Records. Calendar of the Sessions Books, 1689 to 1?09. By W. J. Hardy. Index by M. D. Brakspear. London, 1905. County Records, 1549, etc., at the Guildhall, Westminster. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 92.) The Middlesex County Records. (A description of the Records at the Guild- hall, Westminster, the County Offices of Middlesex.) (The Home Counties Maa., vol. V. pp. 307-309. 1903.) Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, see ante London. List of Middlesex Municipal Records Printed. {Notes f Queries, Ser. 11, vol. V. p. 74. 1912.) Reg'istry of Deeds for the County of Middlesex. (Amalgamated by 54 and 55 Vict. c. 64, with the Land Registry, established in 1875. ) See S. R. Scargill- Bird, ' Guide to Documents in the Public Record Office,' 1908, p. 24. Descriptive Catal. of 'The Jackson Collection' at the Sheffield Public Library, compiled by T. Walter Hall and A. H. Thomas. 1914. Middlesex items, pp. 248-250. A Quarterly Biblio. of Middlesex and Hertfordshire. (Midd. ^ Herts. Notes S[ Queries, vols, i.-iv. passim, 1895-98; The Home Ootmties Mag., vol. i. pp. 82-83. 1899.) Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897. Middlesex items, pp. 286-325.) Dove (Patrick Bdward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. of Middlesex, vol. ii. p. 683. Davenport (Prances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. BibUo. Note on Middlesex Manorial Hist. p. 51. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Middlesex Brasses, with a List, pp. 144, 168-169. Catal. of the MS. Maps, Charts and Plans, and of the Topographical Drawings in the British Museum. 1844. Middlesex, vol. ii. pp. 1-52. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 169 MIDDLESEX (continued). A, IiUt of Private Acts relating: to the County of Middlesex. Stevens & Sons, London, circa 1913. Trimen (Henry) and Dyer (W. T. Thiselton). Flora of Middlesex. 1869. Biblio. pp. 3-10. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Conutiea. Middlesex. (Jowm. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 109. 1874.) Bonlger (O. S.). Botanical Biblio. of the South -Eastern Counties. Middlesex. (South-Eastem Union of Scientific Societiet. Trans., vol. iv. p. 49. 1899.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Middlesex Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 3SS. 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 17.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit Topo., 1881. Middlesex, pp. 173-177. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Middlesex, pp. 162-164. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Middlesex, pp. 169, 214-215, 236. Upcott (William). English Topo., 1818. Middlesex, vol. ii. pp. 581-604, 1471-1472. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Middlesex, pp. 195-205, 255-260. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Middlesex, vol. i. pp. 537-566. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Middlesex, pp. 168-175. Hoare (Sir R. Colt). Catal. of the Stourhead Lib. co. Wilts. 1840. Middlesex, pp. 298-310. BBENTFORD. Turner (Fred. Alfred). Brentford : Literary & Hist. Sketches. 1898. Biblio. pp. 44-73. Calendar to a Toltuue entitled the ' Brentford Journal,' being a Record of the Proceedings at Petty Sessions, held at Brentford. 1651-1714. (The original Journal owned by W. J. Stracey Clitherow, of Boston House, Brentford.) A Special Collection of Local Literature is at the Brentford Free Public Library, OHISWICK. Weitenkampf (Frank). A Biblio. of the Works of William Hogarth and of the Publications relating to them. (Harvard Univ. Library, Biblio- graphical Contributions, vol. ii. no. 37. 1890.) HARROW. Cooper (W. Durrant). The Parish Registers of Harrow-on-the-Kill, with special reference to the Families of Bellamy and Page. (Lond. ^ Midd. Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 285-998. 1860.) Murray (David). Biblio. Note on Harrow Museums. (< Museums,' Glasgow, 1904, vol. ii. p. 279.) PINNER . Hogg (Edward). Pinner Church Records. (Midd. 4. Htrts. Notes ^ Queries, vol. i. pp. 99-100. 1895.) TWICKENHAM. Eyton (J. Walter K.). Catal. of complete set of Works privately printed at the Strawberry Hill Press. (Sale Catal. of his Library of Privately Printed Books, Sotheby's, 1848, pp. 182-188, 314.) Lowndes (Wm. Thomas). List of Publications of the Strawberry Hill Press. (Bibliographer's Manual, 1864, Appendix, pp. 237-245.) 170 A HANDBOOK TO MIDDLESEX {continued). Martin (John). The Strawberry Kill Press. (Biblio. Catal. of Books Privately Printed, 1834, pp. 487-513.) Baker (Oeorgpe). Catal. of Books, Poems, Tracts, and small detached Pieces, printed at the Press at Strawberry Hill. 1810. SO copies only privately printed. Kirgrate (Thomas). The Strawberry Kill Printer, Catal. of his Collection of Books, Prints, etc., with the Supplement, forming 11 Days' Sale. 1810. Dibdin (Rev. T. P.). Strawberry Kill Press. {Biblio.. Decameron, 1817, vol. iii. p. 448.) Murray (David). Biblio. Ifote on Strawberry Kill Press. {'■Museums,' Glasgow, 1904, vol. iii. p. 257.) Kavens (M. A.). Korace Walpole and the Strawberry Kill Press, 1757- 89. Canton, Pa, 1901. Dobson (Austin). Korace Walpole, with an Appendix containini^ a list of Books printed at the Strawberry Kill Press. London, 1910. Wheatley (Kenry B.). The Strawberry Kill Press. {Bibliographiea, vol. iii. pp. 83-98. 1897.) MONAGHAN. Dix (Ernest Begfiuald McClintoek). Ulster Bibliography. Monagrhan. (Ulster Joum. of Archceol., vol. vii. pp. 102-108, 137 ; vol. viii. p. 171 ; vol. xi. p. 48. 1901-5.) List of Books, Pamphlets, and Newspapers, printed in Monaghan, in the Eighteenth Century, 1770-1800. Dundalk, 1906. Second edition. Dundalk, 1911. (Irish Bibliography, No. IV.) Printing in Monaghan in the Pirst Half of the 19th century, 1801- 1850. {Northern Standard, 17 Aug., 1901 ; 2 May, 1903 ; 9 June, 1906.) Printing in Monaghan, 1801-1825, with a List. {Irish Book-Lover, vol. iv. pp. 200-203; vol. v. pp. 2, 3, 26, 37. 1913.) O'Hanlon (John). Index of Materials for the Hist, and Topography of the County of Monaghan in the Irish Ordnance Survey Records, and in the Royal Irish Academy. (Kilkenny ^ South-East of Irel. Archasol. Soc. Joum., vol. viii. p. 24. 1864.) The Lough Pea Library, by J. S. Crone. (Irish Book-Lover, vol. t. pp. 23-25. 1913), and by R. S. Maffett. (Ibid. vol. v. pp. 60-61. 1913.) See also ' Library Catalogue at Lough Fea,' by E. P. Shirley. 1872. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of British Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Monaghan, p. 340. Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Monaghan. p. 140. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Monaghan, vol. ii. p. 815. MONMOUTHSHIRE. Blackwell (Henry). Biblio. of Local and County Histories relating to Wales and Monmouth. (Old Welsh Chips, 1888, pp. 138, 171, 198, 224.) Kaines (W.). Notes on the Biblio. of Monmouthshire. (The Library, vol. viii. pp. 239-247. 1896.) Bradney (Col. J. A.). Rare and Early-Printed Books relating to Mon- mouthshire. (Welsh Biblio. Soc. Joum., vol. i. pp. 169-180. 1914.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 171 MONMOUTHSHIRE {continued). Cardiff Free Libraries. Catal. of Printed Literature in the Welsh Department, by John Ballinger and J. I. Jones. 1898. Monmouthshire items, pp. 327-333. Monmouth Borough Records, at Shire Hall, Monmouth. {Local llecordt Oomm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 66.) List of Monmouth County Records Printed. (Notes & Quenes, Sar. 11, vol. v. p. 74. 1912.) Memorandum on the Records of the Crown Lordships or Manors in Wales and Monmouthshire. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1914, vol. ii. pt. 9, pp. 259-260.) Oross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Monmouthshire entries, p. 340. James (Lemuel J. Hopkiu). The Llanover Manuscripts. ( Welsh Biblio. Sac. Journ., vol. i. pp. 180-183. 1914.) List of Monmouthshire Illustrations in the ' Archseologia Cambrensis,' 1884-1900. See Index by F. Green, 1902, p. 106. Haines (W.). Notes on Charles Heath, of Monmouth, Author, Printer, Publisher, eirca 1788-1831. (Welsh Biblio. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 145-151. 1913.) Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains, 1912. Caerleon and Caerwent, pp. 86-68. Lee (John Bdward). Isca Silurum, or an Illustrated Catal. of the Museum of Antiquities at Caerleon. 1862. Supplement, 1863. Murray (David). ' Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on the Caerleon Museum, vol. ii. p. 153. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London: Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Monmouthshire Brasses, with a List, p. 169. Martin (John). The Private Press at Raglan Castle. (Biblio. Catal. of Books Privately Printed, 1854, p. xvi.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Monmouth- shire. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 155. 1874.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Monmouthshire, pp. 213-216. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Monmouthshire, p. 164. Upoott (William). English Tope, 1818. Monmouthshire, vol. ii. pp. 931-942. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Monmouthshire, vol. 1. pp. 787-792. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Qough, 1814. Monmouthshire, pp. 233-234. MONTGOMERYSHIRE. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Montgomeryshire Collections. Powis, Earl of, at Powis Castle, Welshpool. 10th Rep. p. 18 and App. IV. pp. 378- 399. Welsh MSS. vol. ii. pt. I. County Records, at Town Hall and at Powysland Museum, Welshpool. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 28.) Records in Public and Private Custody. (Ibid. p. 132.) Montgomeryshire Records. Extracts from the Reports of the Deputy Keeper of the Records, as to the arrangement and removal of Montgomery- shire Records from Welshpool, Chester, and elsewhere, including the Reports of Thomas Morgan, William Henry Black, and others, with Summaries or Digests of Exchequer Depositions, Inquisitions Post Mortem, Lay Subsidies, etc. Transcribed by Edward Rowley Morris. (Collections Hist. ^ Archceol. relating to Mont., vol. xxix.-xxxvii. 1895-1913.) 172 A HANDBOOK TO MONTGOMERYSHIRE (continued). Hancock (Thomas W.). Farish. Begisters in Slontgomerysliire, with lists. {Ibid. vol. XV. pp. 23S-248. 1883.) Thomas (Ven. David Richard). A Terrier of the Registers, Church Flate, and Documents in the Archdeaconry of BEontgomery. {Ibid. vol. xxxiv. pp. 213-221. 1906.) Index to the Collections Historical and Archseological relating to Uontgomeryshire, vol. l.-xxviii. 1868-94. The Powys-Land Club. London, 1895. Classified List of Articles, presented to the Fowys-land Museum and Iiibrary, with the names of the donors. {Collections Hist. S[ Archcsol. relating to Mont., vol. vii. pp. xli.-lxxvi. 1874.) Additional lists issued from time to time. Williams (Richard). Materials for a ' Topographicon ' of Montgomery- shire. (An alphabetical List of Places mentioned in Ancient Welsh Authors, with references to the works in which they occur.) (Collections Hist. ^ Archaol. relating to Mont., vol. ii. pp. 173-184, 353-366; vol. iii. pp. 215-230; vol. iv. pp. 185-200; vol. v. pp. 89-108. 1869-72.) Portraits connected with Montgomeryshire, at Wynnstay, IJangedwyn, Peniarth, Powis Castle, and at other places. A List. (Ibid. vol. v. pp. 149- 152; voL vi. pp. 147-154, 341-346. 1872-73.) Montgomeryshire Newspapers, Biblio. Notes, by R. Williams and A. R. {Ibid. vol. V. pp. 393-394; vol. x. pp. 426-438. 1873, 1877.) Williams (Richard). Mercator's and Speed's Maps and Descriptions of Montgomeryshire. (Ibid. vol. xvii. pp. 305-310. 1884.) Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano -British Remains. 1912. Montgomeryshire, p. 146. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Montgomery- shire. {Jou7ti. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 157. 1874.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Montgomeryshire, p. 351. Oough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Montgomeryshire, vol. ii. p. 534. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lih. by Richard Gough, 1811. Montgomeryshire, p. 337. NEWTOWN. A Biblio. of Robert Owen, the Socialist, 1771-1858. Preface by A. J. H. The Welsh Biblio. Soc. and The National Library of Wales. Abervstwyth, 1914. Bibliographies of Robert Owen are also contained in the Lives by Podmore, Da vies, and Hutchins, in the Cardiff Pub. Lib. Jouru., vol. iil. and in Lock wood's ' New Harmony.' WELSHPOOL. Borough Records, 1340, etc., at Town Clerk's Office, Welshpool. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. IIL p. 73.) Howell (Abraham). Printed Statement of the Result of an Examination and Inquiry respecting the Books, etc., relating to the Borough of Pool, April, 1865. Catal. of the Registers in the Parish Chest, Welshpool, in the year 1819. {Collections Hist. 4' Archcsol. relating to Mont., vol. xv. pp. 310-311. 1882.) An article on the Welshpool Registers, with slight extracts, by Mary Newill Owen ia in vol. 36 of th« same ' Collections,' ' ' COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. ITS MORAY, [See Elgin oil Mobay.] MUNSTER. [The Province of Munster consists of the Counties of Clare, Cork, Kerry, Limerick, and Waterford, which should also be consulted.] Hist. MSS. Conun. Report. Munster Collection. The Geraldine Earls of Desmond. (Memoirs) 3rd Rep. p. xxvi. and App. p. 431. The Early Irish MSS. of Munster. {Cork Hist. ^ Archwol. Journ., Ser. 2, vol. xiv. pp. 83-92. 1908.) O'Kaulon (John). Index of Materials for the Hist. & Topo£fraphy of Munster in the Irish Ordnance Surrey Records, and in the Royal Irish Academy. (Kilkenny S( South-East of Irel. Archceol. Soe. Journ., vol. viii. p. 418. 1866.) The Poets and Poetry of Munster. A Selection of Irish Songs by the Poets of the last Century, with Poetical Translations by James Clarence Manran. With Biographical Sketches of the Authors. Edited by C. P. Meehan. Third edition. Dublin, n.d. NAIRNSHIRE. Hist. MSS. Comm. Report. Nairnshire Collection. Cawdor, Earl, at Cawdor Castle ... 2nd Rep. pp. viii. xvii. and App. pp. 31, 193. Rampini (Charles). A Hist, of Moray and KTairn. The County HistorieB of Scotland, 1897. List of Books relating to Moray and Nairn, pp. 417-429. Uvinffstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Nairnshire, p. 176. TurnbuU (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Nairnshire Registers, p. 111. Anderson (Peter John). Inventories of Ecclesiastical Records of ITorth- Eastern Scotland. Presbytery of Nairn, pp. 283-S87. New Spalding Club, vol. vi. Miscellany, vol. i. 1890. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897. Nairnshire, p. 133.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Nairnshire, pp. 401-402. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Nairnshire, vol. ii. p. 705. NORFOLK. RTB (WALTER). AN INDEX TO NORPOLK TOPOGRAPHY. Index Soc. Pubns., vol. x. London, 1881. A "Valuable Account of Collections and Collectors relating to the County, pp. viii.-xxix. Catal. of the L'Estrange Papers, pp. xvii.-xxii. Among Collections Indexed in the Work are the Kerrich MSS. in the Brit. Mus., the Le Neve Collections in the Bodleian Lib. and in the Brit. Mus.. and Tanner's Collections. An Index to Norfolk Pedigrees and Continuation of Index to Norfolk Topography. Norwich, 1896. An Index Rerum to Norfolk Antiquities. Norwich, 1899. App. I. Reprint of 'Fifty Norfolk MSS.,' with descriptions of Fifty Additions, pp. 91-100. 174 A HANDBOOK TO NORFOLK {continued). Bye (Walter). A Short Calendar of the Topographical and Oenealogical Books and MSS. in the Pree Library at Norwich. (The Norfolk Antiq. Miscellany, Ser. 2, pt. 2, pp. 10-54. 1907.) Also issued as 'A Catal. of the Topographical and Antiquarian Portions of the Free Library at Norwich,' 1908. Catal. of Local Biographies. 1908. Catal. of Portraits referring to Norfolk and Norwich Men, in the Pree Lib. at Norwich. 1908. List of Publications, Papers, Indexes, and Contributions to Tarious Periodicals, etc., 1866 to 1910, by Walter Bye. See Rye's ' Calendar of Norwich Deeds Enrolled, etc.,' 1910, pp. 161-166. Bibliotheca Norfolciensis. A Catal. of the Writings of Norfolk Slen and of Works relating to the County of Norfolk, in the Library of J. J. Colman, at Carrow Abbey, Norwich (now at Crown Point). Compiled by John Quinton. Norwich, 1896. List of Maps, pp. 318-319. Woodward (Samuel). The Norfolk Topographer's manual: being a Catal. of the Books and Bngravings hitherto published in relation to the County : by the late Samuel Woodward ; the whole revised and edited by W. C. Ewing. London, 1842. List of Directories, pp. 5-6, 36-37 ; Maps, pp. 23-24. Appendix I. List of Original Drawings, Engravings, Etchings and Deeds, etc., inserted in a copy of Blomefleld's Hist, of Norfolk, In the Library of Dawson Turner. II. Short NoticeB of such of the Contents of the Harleian, Cottonian, Lans- downe, and other MSS. in the Brit. Museum as refer to Norfolk. „ III. List of the Chartularies as far as they are known to exist, of Norfolk Monasteries. ,. IV. List of Drawings, etc., in the Brit. Museum relating to Norfolk. Catal. of Bngravings, Etchings, and Original Drawings and Deeds, etc., collected towards the Illustration of the Topography of Norfolk, and inserted in a copy of Blomefleld's Hist, of that County, in the Library of Dawson Turner, at Yarmouth. 1841. Privately Printed. The work was also issued as Appendix L to 'The Norfolk Topographer's Manual,' see above. Catal. of the Principal Part of the Library of Dawson Turner, removed from Yarmouth. Sold by Auction by Sotheby's, London, March 7, and five following days, and March 17, and six following days. 1853. Catal. of the Bemaining Portion of the Library of Dawson Turner. Sold by Auction by Puttick & Simpson, London, May 16, & seven following days, 1859. Catal. of the Manuscript Library of Dawson Turner, formerly of Yar- mouth, comprising upwards of 40,000 Autograph Letters, the unic|.ue copy of Blomefield's Hist, of Norfolk, containing about 7000 Drawings, Engravings, etc. Sold by auction by Puttick and Simpson, London, June 6, & four following days, 1859. A Description of the MS. Collection is at pp. i.-xix., and one of Blomefield's ' Norfolk,' at pp. 289-294 of the Catalogue. Blomefield (Francis). An Bssay towards a Topographical Kist. of Norfolk. 11 vols. 1805-10. Appended to a copy of the above in the MS. Department at the Brit. Museum are 39 vols, containing Drawings, Engravings, Portraits, etc., collected and annotated by Dawson Turner, 1810-57, with a Catal. in 2 vols. 1835 & 1848. General Indexes are in vol. xi. of the original work. Index Nominum; being an Index of Christian and Surnames (with Arms) mentioned in Blomefield's Kist. of Norfolk, by John Nurse Chadwick. King's Lynn, 1862. An Index to the Names of the Manors mentioned in Blomefield's Norfolk. (Octavo edn.), by Walter Rye. (Norf. Antiq. Mite, vol. ii. pp. 285-304. 1883.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 176 NORFOLK {continued). A Qeneral Index to the first Ten Volumes of Norfolk Archsaology, 1847- 1888, with an Index to the Illustrations. Edited by C. R. Manning. Norfolk & Norwich Archaeological Soc. Norwich, 1891. Rye (Walter). The Norfolk and Norwich Archseol. Society. (Norf. Antiq. Misc., Ser. 3, vol. 1. pt. 1, pp. 167-172. 1906.) Index to the Transactions of the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists' Soc, 1869-1908. (In Trans, vol. viii. pt. 5. 1909.) Norfolk Annals. A Chronolog^ical Record of Remarkable Events in the Nineteenth Century. Vol. 1. 1801-51. Compiled from the files of the ' Norfolk Chronicle,' by Charles Mackie. Norwich, 1901. Descriptive Catal. of ' The Jackson Collection ' at the Sheffield Public Library, compiled by T. Walter Hall and A. H. Thomas. 1914. Norfolk entries, p. 206. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 684.. Catal. of Antiquities exhibited at the Annual Meeting of the Archteo- logical Institute at Norwich, 1847. (Memoirs, etc., of the Archceol. Inst. Norwich, 1847, pp. xxiii. -Ivi. Catal. of Antiquities found principally in East Anglia, in the Norwich Castle Sluseum. Edited by Walter Rye. Compiled by Frank Leney. Norwich, 1909. Biblio., pp. ix.-x. Iiyell (Arthur K.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1913. Norfolk, pp. 88-90. AUnutt (W. H.). English Provincial Presses. Earliest Printing at Norwich, 1.566 ?-1580. (Bibliographim, vol. ii. pp. 150-154. 1896.) Norgate (P.). Anthony de Solemne, the Pirst Printer at Norwich, 1565-1580. {Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 9, vol. vii. pp. 241-242. 1901.) Biblio. Notes on Anthony Solempne, Printer at Norwich in 1570. {Norfolk Archceoloffy, vol. i. p. 20 ; vol. v. pp. 79-80. 1847, 1859.) Early Printers and Printing in Norwich. (Norf. ^ None. Notts Sf Queriti, vol. 1. pp. 34, 61, 305, 308-314. 1898.) Biblio. Notes on Printing in Norwich, and Private Printing Presses. (Ibid. Ser. 3, pp. 194, 216, 221, 231. 1901.) Biblio. Notes on Early Printers at Norwich. (TJu East Anglian, vol. i. pp. 150, 252, 281, 303. 1861-63.) Blomefield's Printing Press at Persfield. (Norfolk Archceology, vol. ii. pp. 212-215. 1849.) Farrell (P. J.). Yarmouth Printing and Printers. Gt. Yarmouth. 1912. Nail (John Greaves). An Etymological and Comparative Glossary of the Dialect and Provincialisms of East Anglia. London, 1866. BibUo. Notes on East Anglian Writers, pp. 463-473. Rye (Walter), A Glossary of Words used in East Anglia, founded on that of Forby, with corrections and additions. English Dialect Soc. London, 1895. Biblio. of Books on Dialect of East Anglia, in Preface, pp. viii.-x. Ballads, Songs, and Rhymes. (Songs, Stories, and Sayings of Norfolk. Norwich, 1897.) Halliwell (J. O.). The Norfolk Anthology. A Collection of Poems, Ballads, and Rare Tracts relating to the County of Norfolk. Privately printed at Brixton Hill, 1852. Olyde (John). The Norfolk Garland : A Collection of Ballads and Songs of the People of Norfolk. London, 1872. 176 A HANDBOOK TO NORFOLK {continued). Smith Collection of Prints, Srawingrs, Ilaps, etc., relating to Norfolk and Norwicli. Presented to the Norwich Public Library by Walter Rye, with 2 vols, of Indexes. Detailed lists by Walter Rye and Harry Brittain in 'A Rough Catal. of Maps relating to Norwich and Norfolk.' (Norf. Antiq. Miscellany, Ser. 3, pt. 1, pp. 114-142. 1906.) Biblio. ITotes on Old Maps of Norfolk. (Eastern Counties Collectanea, vol. i. pp. 9, 16, 47, 186. 1872-73.) See also ' Bibliotheca Norfolciensis,' 1896, for List of Maps at Carrow Abbey, pp. 318-319. Kye (Walter). An Index to the Localities occurring' on the Ordnance Map of Norfolk, and in Bryant's Map of Norfolk. (Norf. Antiq. Misc., vol. ii. pp. 305-319. 1883.) Incorporated in Rye's ' Index to Norfolk Topo- graphy.' Rye (Walter). A Short Calendar of the Feet of Fines for Norfolk. Rich. I. to Rich. III. 3 pta. Norwich, 188S, 1886. Rongh Indexes Nominiun to the Feet of Fines for Norfolk, Hen. VIII., Edw. VI., and Mary. {Norf. Antiq. Misc., vol. ii. pp. 19S- 216. 1883.) Calendar of Norfolk Fines Enrolled, 1507-16. List of Norfolk Names from the Indices in the Public Record Office. (The East Anglian, vol. ii. pp. 183-185. 18«5.) An Index to the Visitation of Norfolk, 1664, with an Introduction by C. H. Athill, edited by C. H. E. White. Reprinted from ' East Anglian Notes and Queries.' Ipswich, 1885. Le Strange (Hamon). Norfolk Official Lists, from the Earliest Period to the Present Day. Norwich, 1890. Biblio. Notes on Norfolk Archives in Introduction. Macklin (Herbert Walter), Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Norfolk Brasses, with a List, pp. 141, 169-173. Chross (Charles), Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Norfolk, p. 100. Norwich, pp. 350-354. King's Lynn (Lynn Regis), pp. 330-332. Yarmouth, pp. 424-426. Davenport (Frances O.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Norfolk Manorial Hist., pp. 51-52. List of Norfolk Municipal Records Printed. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. V. p. 298. 1912.) Special Topographical Collections for Norfolk are in the Norwich Public Library and the Yarmouth Public Library. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Norfolk Collections. Bedingfeld, Sir Henry, at Oxburgh ... 3rd Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 237-240. Buxton, Miss, of Shadwell Court ... 16th Rep. pp. 105-107; Various Col- lections, vol. ii. pp. 227-288. Ffolkes, Sir W. H. B., at Hillington Hall 3rd Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 247-248. Frere, Mr. G. E., of Roydon Hall ... 7th Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 518-537. Gurney, Mr. J. H., at Keswick Hall ... 12th Rep. p. 39, and App. IX. pp. 116- 164. Hare, Sir Thomas, at Stow Hall ... 3rd Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 250-252. Ketton, Mr. R. W., at Felbrigg Hall ... 12th Rep. p. 40, and App. IX. pp. 179- 226. Leicester, Earl of, at Holkham ... 9th Rep. pp. xvi.-xx. and App. II. pp. 340-375; 17th Rep. pp. 126-129; Various Collections, vol. iv. pp. 313-325. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 177 NORFOLK {continued). Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Norfolk Collections (ConliiuMd) le Strange, Mr. Hamon S., at Hun- 3rd Rep. p. xvii. and App. pp. 371- stanton Hall :2Tt; lltli Rep. p. 23, and App. VII. pp. 93-118. Lothian, Marquess of, at Blickling 1st Rep. pp. x., xii. and App. pp. 14, Hall 116; ITth Rep. pp. 45-51 ; and a vol. 1905. Manning, Rev. C. R., Rector of Diss... 10th Rep. p. 36, and App. IV. pp. 458-463. Rye, Mr. Walter (Gawdy Papers) ... 10th Rep. p. 13, and App. II. Stafford, Lord, at Cossey Hall 10th Rep. p. 25, and App. IV. pp. Ii2- 168. Townshend, Marquess, at Raynham Hall nth Rep. pp. 13-19, and App. IV. Hunstanton Parish 9th Rep. App. I. p. 358. King's Lynn Corporation 11th Rep. pp. 33-36, and App. III. pp. 145-347. Norwich, Bishop's Registry 1st Rep. App. pp. 86, 87. Corporation 1st Rep. App. pp. 102-104. Dean & Chapter of 1st Rep. App. pp. 87-89. Yarmouth, Great, Corporation 9th Rep. p. xv. and App. I. pp. 299-324. County Records, 1532, etc., witb MS. Indexes, at the Shirehouse, Norwich. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 26.) Norfolk Records, Vol. I., being a Collection of Record-References derived from the Official MS. Indexes preserved in the Fnblic Record Office. Edited by Walford D. Selby. Norf. & Norw. Archseol. Soc. Norwich, 1886. Vol. II., being; an Index to Pour Series of Norfolk Inc^nisitions. the Tower Series, the Chancery or Rolls Series, the Exchequer Series, the Wards and Iiiveries, or Court of Wards Series. Edited by Walter Rye. Norf. & Norw. Archeeol. Soc. Norwich, 1892. A Short Catal. of the Records of the County of Norfolk preserved in the Shirehall, Norwich, 1904. Rye (Walter). A Catal. of Fifty of the Norfolk MSS. in the Iiibrary of Walter Rye, at Winchester House, Putney. Privately printed, 1889. This was reprinted with descriptions of Fifty additional MSS., in 'An Index Rerura to Norfolk Antiquities,' 1899, pp. 91-100, by Walter Rye, and also in his 'Calendar of Norwich Deeds Enrolled,' 1910, pp. 167-172. Norfolk Oenealogy and Heraldry. Notes on Collections of Norfolk MSS. {Norf. Antiq. Misc., vol. iii. pp. 168-176. 1887.) The Unpublished Material for a Hist, of the County of Norfolk. (Archceol. Journ., vol. xlvii. pp. 164-169. 1890.) 9CSS. relating' to Norfolk in the Harleian and Cottonian Libraries- (2'/i« East Anglian, vol. ii. pp. 330-331, 336-338. 1866.) IffiSS. in the Public Record Office relating to Norfolk. {Norfolk Archceology, vol. vii. pp. 136-152. 1872.) Index Nominum to Norfolk Deeds Enrolled in the Common Pleas, 1504-1629, from the Indices in the Public Record Office. {The East Anglian, vol. ii. pp. 251-255. 1865.) Hart (Rev. Richard). Analysis of the Harleian MS. Cod. 4756 (bound up with Cod. 1101 and Cod. 5823) and a Part of the Index of Cod. 1109. (Norf. Archceology, vol. iii. pp. 40-51 ; vol. iv. pp. 292-295. 1852, 1855.) Tingey (J. C). A Calendar of Deeds enrolled within the County of Norfolk. {Ibid. vol. xiii. pp. 33-92, 195-191, 241-292. 1898.) 178 A HANDBOOK TO NORFOLK {continued). MS. Catal. of Norfolk Charters in the possession of P. H. Oough- Calthorpe, at Elvetham, Hants., with Index of Persons and Places, circa 1880. Neve (Peter Le) and others. Collections for a Hist, of Norfolk, in the Brit. Museum. 5 vols. Add. MSS. 8839-8843. Some of Le Neve's MSS. are in the Lib. of "Walter Rye. Other vols, are among the Gough MSS. in the Bodleian Library. For an account of the CoUections, see Rye's 'Index of Norfolk Topography.' Preface, p. x., and also a note in ' Memoirs of the Life of Thomas Martin, of Palgrave,' in 'Norfolk Archaeology,' vol. xv. p. 254. 1904. Calendar of Correpondence and Documents relating to the Family of Oliver Le Neve, of Witchingham, Norfolk, 1675-1743, by the late Francis Rye. Edited with Introduction by Walter Rye. Norwich, 1895. Biblio. Notes on Peter Le Neve, Preface, p. xvi. Suckling's Collections for Norfolk, 1821-1839, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MSS. 18476, 18477, 18479-18482. Index, Add. MS. 18491. Collectanea Thomse G-ibbonsii, Arm., Historiam Familiarum tarn Nor- folciensium c|.nam Suffolciensium illustrantia. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 970-972. Upcott's Topographical Collections for Norfolk, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 15925. Powell's Topographical Collections for Norfolk, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 17463. Lysous (Rev. S.). Collections for Norfolk, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 9459. Kempe's Heraldical & Historical Collections relating to Norfolk, in the Brit. Museum. Harl. MS. 901. Collections for a Hist, of Norfolk, probably by the Kev. Charles Parkin, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 8844. List of the MS. Collections made by Anthony Norris, towards the illus- tration of the Topography of Norfolk. Privately Printed, 1842. The NoiTis MSS. are in the Library of Walter Rye. See the List in Rye's ' Catal. of Fifty Norfolk MSS.' 1889 ; reprinted in his ' Index Rerum to Norfolk Antiquities,' 1899, and also in his ' Calendar of Norwich Deeds Enrolled,' 1910. Bibliotheca Martiuiana. Catal. of Library of the late Antiquary, Thomas Martin, of Palgrave, issued by Martin Booth and John Berry. A reprint of the Entries relating to Norfolk. (Norf. Antiq. Misc., vol. iii. pp. 394-401. 1887.) Memoirs of the Life of Thomas Martin, of Palgrave, in Suffolk, with an Account of the disposal and disposition of his large and valuable Collections of MSS., Printed Books, Papers, Pictures, etc., by John Fenn. 1784. {Norfolk Archceology, vol. xv. pp. 233-266. 1904.) Tom Martin's MSS. List of MSS. formerly belonging to Tom Martin, the Palgrave Antiquary. {East Anglian Miscellany, 1914, pp. 49-50.) Many of Martin's MSS. are in the Lib. of Walter Rye. A Catal. of the Library of John Ives (a writer on Norfolk Antiquities) sold by Baker & Leigh, London. Mar. 3-10, 1777. (Includes important MSS. and Books relating to Norfolk.) Cockerell (Sydney C). The Oorleston Psalter: A MS. of the beginning of the 14th cent, in the Library cf C. W. D. Ferrins, described in relation to other East Anglian Books of the period, London, 1907, COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 179 NORFOLK {continued). Report on the Records of the District Registry of the High Court of Justice and County Court Registry in Norwich, and on the District Registries of the Courts of Survey and Wreck for Norfolk. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 191<1, vol. ii. pt. 3, pp. 140-141.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Norfolk. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 110. 1874..) A Flora of Norfolk, by Members of the Norf. and Norwich Naturalists' Soc. Edited by W. A. Nicholson. London, 1914. List of Authorities, pp. 41-43. Harrison (W. Jerome). A Biblio. of Norfolk Crlaciology, including the Cromer Cliffs, with the forest-bed series. Reprinted from the ' GlaciaUsts' Mag.' 1897. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Norfolk Birds. {The Zoolotjist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 256, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 18.) Mammals. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. pp. 181-18-2. 1893.) Reptiles. {Jhid. p. 245. 1893.) Pishes. (Ibid. p. 256. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Bookof Brit. Topo., 1881. Norfolk, pp. 216-231. Gatfleia (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Norfolk, pp. 164-167. Siias (Richard). Manual. 1861. Norfolk, pp. 170, 215-216, 237. Upcott (Wmiam). English Topo., 1818. Norfolk, vol. ii. pp. 943-1002, 1482-1488. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc., 1878. Norfolk, pp. 259-272. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Norfolk, vol. ii. pp. 1-36. Bandiuel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1811. Norfolk, pp. 235-212. NORWICH. Rye (Walter). An Attempt at a General Index to the Topography of the City of Norwich. (Norfolk. Antiq. Miscellany, vol. i. pp. 437-460. 1877.) Works relating to the Hist, and Topography of Norwich. (Catal. of the Topographical S[ Antiquarian Portions of the Free Lib. at Norwich, 1909, pp. 31-42.) Stephen (George A.). Guide to the Study of Norwich ; a select Biblio. of the principal Books, Pamphlets, and Articles on Norwich in the Norwich Public Library, 1914. The Norwich Public Llbr,ary has a large Local Collection of Books, Pamphlets, Engravings and Maps. Borough Records, from about 1160, etc., with Printed Catalogue, at the Castle Museum, Norwich. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. IIL p. 36.) 'Repertory.' A Catal. of the Muniments in the City Record Room, made in 1848 by Goddard Johnson. (A MS. in the possession of the Corp. of Norwich.) Hudson (William) and Tingey (J. C). Revised Catal. of the Records of the City of Norwich. 1898. Called ' revised ' because in 1848 a MS. Catal. was compiled. Indexes to this Catal. , by Walter Rye, are printed in his ' Calendar of Norwich Deeds Enrolled, etc' 1898, pp. 151-159. Abstracts of the principal Deeds, by Hudson and Tingey, were published under the title, ' The Records of the City of Norwich,' 2 vols, in 1906 & 1910. Borough Records, see Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. 177. Blomefleld (Prancis). Original Collections for the Hist, of Norwich, arranged according to districts, with original Deeds dating from Edw. III. Sold by Sotheby's, Apr. g7-May 2, 1903. See ' Catal. of MSS. of Sir Thomas Phillipps, of Middle Hill, Worcs.,' p. 110. Included in the Sale were other Norfolk Documents from the Collections of Sir John Fenn, Peter Le Neve, Francis Blomefleld, and Thomas Martin. 180 A HANDBOOK TO NORFOLK (continued). Rye (Walter). Calendar of Norwich Deeds Enrolled, etc., 1377-1504. Norwich, 1910. Includes ' Indexes to the Revised Catal. of the Records of the City of Norwich,' by Hudson and Tingey, 1898, pp. 151-159 ; ' List of Pubhcations, Papers, etc., by Walter Rye, 1866 to 1910,' with Lists of his MS. Indexes to various MSS. and Printed Works and to the Norris MSS., pp. 161- 165, and a ' List of MSS. left by Walter Rye in his Will to the Corporation of Norwich,' pp. 167-172. A Short Calendar of the Deeds relating to Norwich enrolled in the Court KoUs of that City; 1285-1306. Norf. & Norw. Archaeol. Soc. Norwich. 1903. Norwich Deeds enrolled in the Court Kolls of that City. A Calendar of 1307-1S41. Norf. & Norw. Archaeol. Soc. Norwich, 1915. Catal. of Norwich Corporation Documents. 1908. Unfield (William). Collection relatingf to Norwich purchased by J. J. Colman in 1878. See Preface to ' Bibliotheca Norfolciensis,' 1896. Arderou's Collections for Norwich 1745-60, in the Brit. Museum, Add. MS. 37966. A Biog. Note on William Arderon and his MSS. in ' The East Anglian,' vol. ii. pp. 2.S9, 260. 1865. Norwich Cathedral Records, 13th cent., etc., with IVtS. Index, at Norwich. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 112.) Norwich Archdeaconry Records, 1584, etc., with MS. Indexes, at Regis- trar's Office, Norwich. (Ibid. App. III. p. 124.) Botfield (Beriah). Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 18-19. Norwich, pp. 330-317. List of Norwich Municipal Records Printed. (Notes 4' Queries, Ser. 11, vol. v. p. 298. 1912.) Hudson (William). Leet Jurisdiction in the City of Norwich during the Xlllth. and XlVth. centuries. Selden Society, vol. v. London, 1892. Local MSS. and Books referred to, mostly in the possession of the Corporation of Norwich, p. bcxxiv. Murray (David). List of Catalogues, etc., relating to Norwich Museums. (' Museums,'' Glasgow, 190i, vol. iii. p. 57.) Botfield (Beriah). Notes on the Public Library of Norwich, and the Library at Blickling Hall. Philobiblon Soc. (Biblio. ^ Hist. Miscellanies, vol. i. no. 22. 1854.) Buren (A. D.). Books and Bookmen of Norwich. (Book-Auction Records, vol. X. pt. 2, pp. xxi.-xxix. 1913.) Bensly (W. T.). Barly Maps of Norwich. {The Streets Sf Lanes of the City of Norwich, by John Kirkpatrick, edited by William Hudson.) Norf. & Norw. Archaeol. Soc. 1889. A Collection of Lantein Slides of Old Norwich Engravings and Etchings formed by Jahez Algar is in the Library of the Society. Catal. of the Pictures, Drawings, Etchings, etc. (Norfolk and Norwich Painters and Scenery) in the Picture Oallery of the Norwich Castle Mttseum. 4th edn. Norwich, 1909. Catal. of the Portraits and Paintings (Norfolk & Norwich People) in St. Andrew's Hall, and other Public Buildings. Norwich, 1905. EAST DEREHAM. Wise (Thomas James). A Biblio. of the Writings in prose and verse of Oeorge Henry Borrow (born at East Dereham, 1803). Privately printed. London, 1914. Thomas (Philip Edward). George Borrow; the Man and his Books. London, 1912. Biblio., pp. 323-333, COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 181 NORFOLK (cotitinued). GREAT YARMOUTH. Borongrh Records, from reign of King John, at the Town Hall, Gt. Tarmouth. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 34.) Corporation Records, see Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. ITr. Harrod (Henry). Repertory of Deeds and Documents relating to the Borough of Great Tarmouth. 1855. Notes on the Records of the Corporation of Great Tarmouth. (Norfolk Archwoloffj/, vol. iv. pp. 239-266. 1855.) Teniswood (C. G. H.). Charters relating to the government of Great Tarmouth. (Brit. Archwol. Assoc. Journ., vol. xxxvi. pp. 273-290. 1880.) Nail (John Greaves). Biblio. Notes on Corbridge's and Buck's Old Views of Tarmouth, in ' Glossary of the Dialect of East Am/lia,' see ante, p. 175. Collection relating to Gt. Tarmouth in the Brit. Museum, made by Dawson Turner, of Pamphlets, Broadsides, etc., published chiefly during 1830-62. 9 vols. Yarmouth, 1732-1862. HUNSTANTON. Parish Records, see Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. 177. KING'S LYNN (LYNN REGIS). Corporation Records, see Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. 177. Harrod (Henry). Report on the Deeds and Records of the Borough of King's Lynn. 1874. Bulwer (James). Notice of a MS. Volume among the Records of the Corporation of Lynn. ( Norfolk Archceology, vol. vi. pp. 217-251. X864.) List of King's Lynn Municipal Records Printed. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. V. p. 73. 1912.) The Charters of Lynu Regis. (The Pedigree Register, vol. ii. pp. 97-100. 1911.) MERTON. Crabbe (George). Report on the Muniments at Merton Hall. (Norfolk Antiq. Miscellany, vol. ii. pp. 553-629; vol. iii. pp. 1-114, 1883, 1887.) THETFORD. Hunt (A. Leigh). Analysis of Ancient Maps and Plans of Ancient Thetford. (The Capital of the Ancient Kim/dom of East Anglia. 1970, pp. 462-469.) BROADS. (Norfolk) Rye (Walter). A Biblio. of the Broads. (Sonc/i-, Stories, and Sayinqs of Norfolk, 1897. App. II. pp. 154-160.) . List of Books on the Broads. {A Catal. of the Topog. and Antiq. Portiont of the Prie Lib. at Norwich, 1908, pp. 12-13.) 182 A HANDBOOK TO NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. TAYLOR (JOKX). BIBLIOTKECA NORTKANTONHNSIS: A BIBLIOQBAFHICAL ACCOUNT OF WHAT HAS BEEN WRIT- TEN, OR PRINTED, RELATING TO THE HISTORY, TOPO- GRAPHY, ANTIQUITIES, FAMILY HISTORY, CUSTOMS, ETC., OP NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, INCLUDING A LIST OP WORTHIES AND AUTHORS, AND THEIR WORKS. Northampton, cirna 1869. The following is a description by John Taylor of this almost unique work when announced in 1868. CONTENTS. I. Historians of the County. 11. Principal Maps. III. Heraldic Visitations, and Reference to Genealogioal and MSS. Collections in the Principal Public and Private Libraries. IV. Tracts printed during the Civil War and Commonwealth, 1610-1660. V. Acts of Parliament — Local, Personal, and Private, from Edwd. I. to Victoria. VI. Calendar of State Papers. VII. Blue Books. VIII. Books relative to the County in General. IX. Newspapers and Books printed in the County. X. Books relative to particular Towns, Pari.shes, Seats, Families, Customs, and Historical Events, in alphabetical order. XI. Authors and Worthies, in alphabetical order, with Lists of their Works. XII. Explanation of the References to the Works referred to throughout the volume. XIII. Index of Places and Subjects. XIV. Index of Persons. Of this valuable book only Six Copies were printed and but Three offered for sale. One is in the Public Lib. at Northampton, another in the Public Lib. at Kettering, and a third in the Public Lib. at Peterborough— the remaining copies are in private hands. Taylor issued his ' Bibllotheca ' in parts, but did not complete it in this form. The copy in the Northampton Public Library, which by the courtesy of Mr. Reginald W. Brown, the Librarian, I have been able to consult, is a 'laid-down copy,' the material (or which was acquired for £25, and a Supplement was bought later for a further outlay of £5. The entries are kept up-to-date. The arrangement of the titles is done with great skill and consists of Two main Classifications under NORTHAMPTONSHIRE PARISHES. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE AUTHORS. There are also minor headings under such subjects as Acts of Parliament. Americana. Books printed in Northamptonshire. Brasses. Calendars of State Papers. Civil War Tracts. Drawings. Eleanor Crosses. Engravings, Views, and Maps. Heraldic Visitations. Northants. Sales and Book Catalogues. Portraits. Quakers. Sporting. It is doubtful whether any other County can shew so useful a work as this one of John Taylor's. The regret is that so few copies were printed. The work occupied the compiler his whole life. He began in 1868 the publication of a specimen of what he proposed to issue, and this was called COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 183 NOR TEA MP TONS HIRE (continued). Taylor (John). Bibliotheca Northautonensis : A Bibliographical Account of what has heen published on the Topography, Antioiuities, Cuaionis, Family History, etc., of Northamptonshire, with an Account of its Worthies and Authors, and Lists of their Works. Northampton, Oct., 1868, pp. 55. CONTENTS. Historians of the County. Principal Maps of tiie County. Books relative to particular towns, parishes, families, etc. Catal. of a Special Collection of Printed Books relating to the Hist, of the Co. of ITorthauts, in General, 1800-1883, collected by John Taylor. Northampton, 1884.. John Taylor collected Bibliographical information on a most extensive scale. He could only obtain possession of a comparatively small number of the books he had notes upon. His Collections were obtained by purchase and are now in the Northamp- ton Public Library. The Collection of Northamptonshire Authors was bought in 1876, and a further Collection was purchased by Public Subscription in 1885. Further valuable work by John Taylor was a compilation of a MS. Index to the Topography of Northamptonshire, begun by John Taylor, and continued by the Staff of the Public Lib. at Northampton. Various works by John Taylor of smaller magnitude are as follows : A Calendar of Papers of the Tresham Family, of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 1580-1605, preserved at Rushton Hall, Northamptonshire. Northampton, 1871. Reprinted in 'Tracts relating to Northants.' Second Series. 1881. Schedule of Seeds, etc., belonging to Brington Charity Estate, etc. Northampton, 1876. Reprinted in ' Tracts relating to Northants.' Second Series. 1881. Index Locorum. Baker's Hist, of Northamptonshire. Northampton, 1867. Reprinted in ' Tracts relating to Northants.' First Series. 1876. Memorials of the Rev. John Bod, Rector of Fawsley, Northants, 1624-1645, with Appendix containing Bibliographical List of the Writings of John Dod, and References to Biographical Notices of him, etc. Northampton, 1881. Reprinted in 'Tracts relating to Northants.' Second Series. 1881. Antiquarian Memoranda. (A Collection of items relating to Northants. History found in various Public Libraries when compiling his ' Bibliotheca.') The Biblio. Titles are : No. I. Fawsley and the Mar-Prelate Press. III. Northamptonshire Notes from Nichols, 1812. VI. References to Northamptonshire MSS. in Brit. Museum. XV. Rockingham Castle MS. 1655. XX. MS. Maps, Charts, and Plans, in Brit. Museum. XXVIII. Bridges 'Northamptonshire.' XXXIII. MSS. of John Cole. XXXVII. Gunton's Peterborough. XXXVIII. A Dicey Chap Book. Northampton Book Circular was begun before 1861 and continued to 1884., or probably later. It contains much valuable information. A brief Biography of John Taylor appeared in ' Northamptonshire Notes and Queries,' New Series, vol. I. pp. 13-16. 1905. Among Bibliographical Reprints by John Taylor are Oough (Richard). Northamptonshire Topography: an Historical Account of what has been done for Illustrating the Topographical Antiquities of the County of Northants. 184 A HANDBOOK TO NORTHAMPTONSHIRE {continued). Nichols (J. Bowyer). Hist. & Geneal. Notes relating to Northampton- sliire, from ' Collectanea Topographica et Oenealogica ' and Excerpta Historica.' Northampton, 1879. Reprinted in ' Tracts relating to Northants. Second Series. 1881. The Huth Library. A Catal. of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Auto- graph Letters, and Engravings, collected by Henry Huth, with Collations and Bibliographical Descriptions. Books relating to the Hist, of Northants, or -written by Natives or Kesidents in the County. Northampton, 1881. Reprinted in 'Tracts relating to Northants. becond Series. 1881. In addition to the Taylor Collection in the Northampton Public Library there is another local library, collected and catalogued independently on the sheaf system, with special headings for such subjects as Acts of Parliament. Enclosure Acts. Newspapers. Northamptonshire Catalogues, including Sale Catalogues. Indexes to the Reports and Papers of the Associated Architectural Societies, etc. (includes the Northampton Architectural Soc, now called Northampton and Oakham Architectural and Archaeological Soc). Vols, i.-viii. (1850-66) ; vols. ix.-xiv. (1867-T8) ; vols, xv.-xix. (1878-88) ; and vols. xx.-xxv. (1889-1900). Lincoln, 1867-190S. Catal. of Books belonging to the Northampton Architectural Soc. Issued in ' Reports and Papers of the Assoc. Archit. Societies,' vol. i. pp. vi.- viii. Ixii., 1850, and in later vols. 9eneral Index to the Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Soc. and Field Club, with list of Illustrations. Vols. I.-X. 1880 to 1900. List of Northamptonshire References in the Four volumes of the New Series of the ' Miscellanea Grenealogica et Heraldica ' 1870-1883. (Northamptonshire Notes ^ Queries, vol. ii. pp. 209-310. 1887.) Northamptonshire Topography. An TTniciue Collection of upwards of 1300 volumes and tracts relative to Family Hist., Customs, Hist. Events, Antiquities, Civil Wars, Royal Visits, etc., in Northampton- shire, many privately printed. 1600-1868. On Sale for Eighty Guineas, see John Taylor's 'Northampton Book Circular,' New Ser., no. 23. 1868. The Collection was made from the Libraries of George Baker, Samuel Deacon, T. O. Gery, and from other sources. Catal. of the Lib. of the late William Upcott, sold by Evans, New Bond St., 15 June, 1846. Northamptonshire Collections, pp. 66-69. Sweeting (W. D.). Bibliography of the River Nene. (Northants. Notes ^ Queries, vol. vi. pp. 185-192. 1895.) Matthew Holbeche Bloxam. Biographical Account, with List of his Works relating to Northants, and a List of References to Northants in the various editions of 'The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture.' By J. T. Page. (Northants. Notes Sj; Queries, vol. iii. pp. 124-136, 203. 1889-90.) Sryden (Sir Henry). A Catal. of the Collection of Drawings, Plans, Notes on Churches, Houses, and various Archaeological matters made by the late Sir Henry E. L. Dryden, of Canons Ashby, Northants, presented to the Corporation of Northampton by Miss Alice Dryden (with a valuable Subject-Index). Northampton, 1912. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 185 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE (^continued). Clarke's Drawings of G'entlemen'a Seats in Northamptonshire, reproduced from the vols, in the possession of the Northampton and Oakham Archit. and Archaeol. Soc, with descriptions, etc., by Christopher A. Markhara, and a short biog. notice of George Clarke. (NoHlmnts. Notes ^ Queries, New Ser., vol. iv. pp. 1, 33, 100, 1913-13, and continued in subsequent vols.) Lectures on the History and Literature of Northampton. Edited by John Taylor, the Younger. Eastman (Rev. P. M.). An hour among the Echoes of Northampton Castle, with an Appendix of Documents, pp. 35-49. Second edn. London & North- ampton, 1879. Goadby (Rev. J. Jackson). The Baptists and Quakers in Northamptonshire, 16S0-1700. Appendix, contains List of Authorities, Notes on Quaker Tracts, and Biblio. List of Works on the Baptists, with References to Northants. Northampton, 1883. George (T. J.). An Archaeological Survey of Northants. Soc. of Antiq. Lond. 1904. Biblio. and Topog. Index, pp. 9-21 . Blarkham (Christopher A.). Domesday Book, Northamptonshire. An Account, with Biblio. of Domesday Books for Northants. Northampton Archit. Soc. [Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports ^; Papers, vol. xix. pp. 126-139. 1887.) Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. of Northants, vol. ii. p. 684. Lyell (Arthur K.). Biblio. List of Komano-British Remains. 1913. Northants, pp. 90-94. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Northants. Brasses, with a List, pp. 141, 173-175. Oross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Northants., pp. 100-101. Northampton, p. 349. Peterborough, p. 365. Davenport (Frances Cr.) List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio Note on Northants. Manorial Hist., p. 53. Murray (David). ' Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Northampton Museum, vol. iii. p. 57. List of Acts of Parliament relating to the County and Borough of Northampton, and the Soke of Peterborough. 1322 to 1907, etc. (Northants. Notes ^ Queries. New Ser. , vol. i. pp. 54, etc. 1905.) Continued in later vols. Curiosities of Northamptonshire Printing. Short descriptions of rare speci- mens of Northants. Typography, principally Dicey Chap Books. {Northants. Notes ^ Queries, vol. ii. pp. 184-189, 265-268"; vol. v. p. 340. 1887, 1893.) Biblio. Notes on the Dicey Press, by W. D. Sweeting and others. (Northants. Notes ^ Queries, vol. vi. pp. 73-74, 176, 236-237. 1895.) The Old Dicey Press, Northampton. (The Northampton Mercury, 22 Dec, 1899.) Biblio. Notes on the Dicey Chap Books and Broadsheets. (In ' Hist, of "The Northampton Mercuri/," 1120-1901.' (Mercury Extra. No. 10. pp. 33-36.) See also ante, p. 183, John Taylor's ' Antiquarian Memoranda.' 'The Northampton Mercury,' 1720-1901. A Popular and Illustrated Hist, of ' The Northampton Mercury ' from the early part of the Eighteenth to the commencement of the Twentieth Century. Mercury Extra. No. 10. 1901. Reprinted from the ' Mercury.' MS. Index to 'The Northampton Mercury' from 1720 up to about 1850. (In the Northampton Public Lib.) 186 A HANDBOOK TO NOR THA MP TON SHI RE {continued). Biblio. Note on Vol. I. of 'The Northampton Mercury,' 1720, by J. L. Cherry. (Northanta. Notes ^ Queries, vol. i. pp. 325-22T. 1885.) The First Issne of 'The Northampton Mercury.' {The Northampton Mtremy, 19 July, 1901.) Norris (Herbert E.). Local Newspaper History. (Ibid. 1 Dec, 1899.) Biblio. Notes on ' The Northampton Miscellany,' 1720-21, by J. L. Cherry. {Northants. Notes ^ Queries, vol. i. p. 153; vol. lii. pp. 211-212. 1885, 1890.) 'The Northamptonshire Journal,' 1741. Biblio. Note by J. T. {Ibid. vol. i. p. 214. 1885.) The Private Press of the Kev. Thomas R. Brown at Southwick, Northants. See W. D. Macray, ' Annals of the Bodleian Lib.,' 1890, p. 33T. Northants. Printers and Newspapers. Mr. Reginald W. Brown, the Librarian of the Northampton Public Library, who has shown great civility and rendered much assistance with these Northants. entries, is engaged in preparing a List. Celebrated Northamptonshire Booksellers. I. Thomas Payne. {Northants. Notes §1 Queries, vol. i. pp. 65-6T. 1884.) II. John Simco, with a list of Books relating to the County, in his Sale Catal., by Evans, Pall Mall, 1824; a hst of Prints and Drawings from Sotheby's Catal. ; a Ust of Drawings illustrative of Bridges' ' Hist, of Northants,' &c. (ibid. vol. ii. pp. 162-169. 1887.) Muudy (Percy D.) Northamptonshire Book-Plates. {Northants. Notes ^■ Qiisries, New Ser. vol. iv. pp. 120-123, 206-207. 1913-14.) Northamptonshire Characters and Caricatures. Compiled from a Series of Prints in the possession of John Taylor, by F. T. {Ibid. vol. li. pp. 67-74. 1886.) Special Topographical Collections for Northants are at the Northampton Public Lib., including John Clare's Library, and the Dryden Collection of MS. Notes, Drawings, etc. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Northamptonshire Collections. Clarke-Thornhill, Mr. T. B., of Rushton 16th Rep. pp. 112-116. Various Col- Hall lections, vol. iii. pp. 1-154. Corbet, Sir Walter O. , of Acton Rey- nald, Salop 15th Rep. App. X. pp. 66-77. Dryden, Sir Henry, at Canons Ashby 2nd Rep. p. xi. and App. pp. 63-64. Exeter, Marquess of, at Burghley House 6th Rep. p. xL and App. pp. 234^-235. Gunning, Sir Henry 3rd Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 248-250. Isham, Sir Charles, at Lamport Hall... 3rd Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 252-254. Knightley, Sir Rainald, at Fawsley Park 3rd Rep. p. xbc. and App. p. 254. Northampton, Marquess of 3rd Rep. p. xvii. and App. p. 209. Sackville, Mrs. Stopford— of Drayton 9th Rep. pp. xx., xxi. and App. III. House, Thrapston pp. 1-150; 16th Rep. p. 110, and vol. i. 1904. Westmorland, Earl of, at Apethorpe ... 10th Rep. p. 2, and App. IV. pp. 1-59. Higham Ferrers Corporation 12th Rep. p. 47, and App. IX. pp. 530-537. Peterborough, Dean and Chaptej' of ... 12th Rep. p. 45, and App. IX. pp. 580-585. County Records, from Reign of Queen Elisabeth, with MS. Index, at County Offices, Northampton. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 22.) Borough Records, Richard I., etc., with MS. Indexes, at Town Hall, Northampton. {Ibid. 1902, App. III. p. 36.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 187 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE {continued). The Records of the Borougrh of ITorthampton. 3 vols. Vol. i. edited by C. A. Markham, vol. ii. edited by J. Charles Cox. Published hy the Corpora- tion. 1898. Schedule of Public, Private, and Local Acts of Parliament, pp. 13 J -448. Mr. Stuart A. Moore compiled a MS. Calendar of the Archives and Muniments in 186t. List of Northamptoa Municipal Beoords Printed. [Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. V. p. g98. 1912.) Hartshorne (C. H.). Historical Memorials of ITorthampton. 1848. Schedule of Municipal Archives, pp. 101-110. Bridges (John). MS. Collections relating to Northants. in the Bodleian Lib. See List in Madan ' Summary of the Western MSS. in the Bodl. Lib.' vol. iii. pp. 643-651, and Whalley's Preface to Bridges' ' Hist, of Northants.' 1791, vol. i. Lee (Henry). MS. Collections relating to the AnticLuities of Northamp- ton, 1T15. (Among the Bridges' MSS. in the Bodl. Lib.) Upcott's Topographical Collections for ITorthants., in the Brit. Mnseum. Add. MS. 15925. Suckling's Collections for Northants., 1821-39, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 18481. Lysons (Bev. S.). Collections for Northants. in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 9459. List of Charters relating to Northants, compiled from the first and second volumes of the ' Cartularium Saxonicum,' by Walter de Gray Birch, 1885-87. (Northants. Notes f Queries, vol. iii. p. 65. 1888.) List of Cartularies of Monasteries in Northants. (from Index to Cartularies now or formerly existing, since the Dissolution of Monasteries, by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Middle Hill Press, 1839). (Northants. Notes & Queries, vol. i. pp. 72-73. 1884.) A Chest of Old MSS. Broadsides, from the old Manor House of Kibworth Harcourt, co. Leics. A Rough List of those relating to Northants, by Rev. W. D. Sweeting. (Ibid. vol. i. pp. 94^96. 1884.) Blliott (H. L.). The Farish Registers of Northampton and the Neigh- bourhood. (Assoc. Arehit. Sac. Reports ^ Papers, vol. vi. pp. 200-219. 1862.) Also issued separately. Extracts from various Northants. Parish Registers, with slight Biblio. Notes are in the ' Northants. Notes & Queries,' vol. ii. etc. Euuson (Henry J.). List of Works on the Geology, Mineralogy, and Falsaontology of Northamptonshire. {Northants. Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ. vol. iv. pp. 1T8-189. 1886.) Boebxick (W. D.) and Taylor (John W.). Biblio. of Works and Papers relating to the MoUusca of Northamptonshire. {Ibid. vol. iv. pp. 108-119. 1886.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Northants. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 111. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Northants Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 257, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 20.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 182. 1893.) Reptiles. (Ibid. p. 246. 1893.) Pishes. (Ibid. p. 256. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Northants., pp. 22i-229. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Northants., pp. 107-168. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Northants., pp. 170, 216, 217, 237. Upoott (William). English Topo., 1818. Northants., vol. ii. pp. 1003-1027. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc., 1878. Northants., pp. 273-280. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Northants., vol. ii. pp. 37-52. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Library by Richard Gough. 1814. Northants., pp. 2«-246. 188 A HANDBOOK TO NORTHAMPTONSHIRE (continued). ALTHORP. Dibdin (Thomas Prognall). X&ea AlthorpianaB j or an Account of the Mansion, Books, and Pictures at Althorp. To which is added a Supple- ment to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. 2 vols. 1822. The various other bibliographical works by Dibdin relating to Lord Spencer's Library should be consulted. T'he Spencer Library was, with some ummportanb exceptions, bought in 1892 by Mrs. Rylands, and removed to Manchester to form Ihe John Eylands Library.' BRACKLEY. Macray CW. Dunn). Calendar of the Collection of Brackley Deeds at Maffdaleu College, Oxford. 1867. Copy made by the Rev. Richard Ussher, Vicar of Westbury, Brackley, and published in the ' Buckingham Advertiser, 1908-1909. Six Copies only reprinted. DAVENTRY. Borough Records, 1595, etc., at Moot Hall, Daventry. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. Si.) FAWSLEY. Pierce (William). An Historical Introduction to the Marprelate Tracts. London, 1908. The Secret Press at Fawsley House, p. 156. A Select Mar- prelate Bibliography, pp. 322-333. Allnutt (W. H.). English Provincial Presses. The Marprelate Press, 1588-89. (Bihliographka, vol. ii. pp. 1T2-180. 1896.) ArVier (Edward). An Introductory Sketch to the Martin Marprelate Controversy, 1588-90. English Scholar's Library. No. VIII. London, 1880. Biblio. of the General Controversy, pp. 17-18. A Chronological List of Works on the Controversy, pp. 197-300. 'Wilson (J. Dover). The Marprelate Controversies, with a Biblio. (The Cambridge Hist, of Eng. Literature, vol. iii. pp. 537-546, 1909.) FOTHERINGHAY. Scott (John). A Biblio. of Works relating to Mary, Queen of Scots, 1544-1700. Edinburgh Biblio. Soc. 1896. HIGHAM FERRERS. Corporation Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Borough Records, 1300, etc., at Town Hall, Higham Ferrers. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 60.) The Charters of Higham Perrers. Biblio. Notes by M. A. P. (NoHhants. Notes 4- Queries, vol. vi. pp. 87-88, 180, 234. 1894-95.) KINGSTHORPE. Kingsthorpiana, or Researches in a Church Chest, being a Calendar of Old Documents now existing in the Church Chest of Kingsthorpe, edited by J. H. Glover. London, 1883. LAMPORT. Oraves (R. S.). The Isham Books. (BiftZioyrap/jica, vol. iii. pp. 418-429. 1897.) The Isham Reprints. Biblio. Notes by J. T. (Northants. Notes & Queries, vol. v. pp. 36-28. 1892.) The Isham Reprints. Edited by Charles Edmonds, vrith Biblio. Prefaces. Nos. I.-IV. London, 1870-95. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 189 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE {continued). A Lamport Garland from tlie Library of Sir Charles Edmund laham, comprising' Pour Unique Works hitherto Unknown. Edited by Charles Edmonds, with Biblio. lutroduotions. The Roxburghe Club. London, 1881. Sale Catal. of a Portion of the Library of Sir Charles Isham, of Lam- port Hall. Sold by Puttick & Simpson, 1 J July, 1871. PETERBOROUGH . Sean and Chapter of Peterborough Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Liber N'ig'er of Peterborough : a Register of Charters and other Docu- ments relating to the Abbey, including a Chronicle from 1192 to 1294. (MS. 60 in Lib. of Soc. of Antiquaries, London.) English (H. S.). Crowland and Burgh (now Peterborough), a Light on the Historians and on the Hist, of Crowland Abbey. 3 vols. London, 18T1. Sibdiu (Thomas Prognall). Books at Peterborough. (Northern Tour, 1838, vol. i. pp. 1-40.) Botfield (Beriah). Kotes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1849. Peterborough, pp. 369-383. Irvine (J. T.), Engravings in Gunton's Peterborough. Notes relative to Etchings of Peterborough Cathedral given in Dean Patrick's publication of the Rev. Symon Gunton's History, 1686. {Northants. Notes 4' Queries, vol. ii. pp. 216-219. 1887.) A Special Collection of Local Books, Prints, etc., is at the Peterborough Museum, and a Collection of Fenland Literature at the Peterborough Public Library. NORTHUMBERLAND. Thompson (Henry). A Reference Catal. of Books relating to the Counties of Durham and Northumberland, divided into Parishes, etc. Part I. Historical and Topographical. 1888. No further part was issued. Fawcett (J. W.). Some Contributions to a Biblio. of Durham and ITorthnmberland. {Sunderland Puldic Library Circular, vol. iii. pp. 67-70. July, 1905.) Only the first instalment was issued. Auderton (Basil), Librarian of the Public Library, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. On Planning a Printed Catalogue of Local Literature. {2'he Lib. Assoc. Record, vol. xv. pp. 542-559, 635-639. 1913.) Peddie (Robert Alexander). List of Books printed in ITorthnmberland and Durham, with an Index to Pictorial Illustrations of Newcastle appearing in Books, magazines, etc., to the end of the 19th Century. Presented by the Compiler to the Soc. of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. ' The Thomas Bell Library.' The Catal. of 15,000 volumes of Scarce and Curious Printed Books, and Unique MSS. collected by Thomas Bell, 1^97-1860, sold by Auction at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 15 Oct. 1860. (Contains a valuable list of Books, etc., relating to Northumberland.) The following are some of the grouped items in the Catalogue : — Reprints and other Publications by John Bell, of Newcastle (mostly Ballads, etc. ), pp. 17-18. Works of Thomas and John Bewick, pp. 27-30. Works relative to the Coal Trade, pp. 6&-6S. Bell's Genealogical and Biographical Collections, pp. 109-111. Works relating to Newcastle, pp. 169-175. Newcastle "Typog. Soc. (a complete set), pp. 176-178. Books relating to the County of Northumberland, pp. 181-183. Books relating to the Dukei and Earls of Northumberland, pp. 181-185. Poll Books of Newcastle and Northumberland, pp. 196-197. 190 A HANDBOOK TO NORTHUMBERLAND {continued). Catal. of ' The Thomas Bell Collection ' of Curious Prints, Fine Drawings, etc., and other Illustrations of Antic(,tiarian and Topog'raphical Re- search, sold by Auction at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Nov. 5, 1860. Large Paper copies of the two preceding Catalogues o( the Thomas Bell CoUectiou are in the British Museum Library, bound together in a volume formerly belonging to hia son, John Gray Bell, with his MS. notes and the items marked which lie bought with their prices. Interspersed throuffhout are Newspaper Cuttings, Views, etc., and at the end a Collection of Memoranda by Thomas Bell relating to the purchase of many of the books. Hodgson (John). A Kist. of the County of Northumberland. 6 vols. London, 1820-40. Part III. vol. I. is mainly devoted to Charters, Rolls, etc., with Calendars, etc. 0ib8on (William Sidney). A Memoir of ITorthumberland. London, 1860. Biblio. Notes on Northumberland Books, Appendix, pp. 71-77. An Hist. Memoir of KTorthumberland. London, 1863. Biblio. Notes on the Literary Worthies of Northumberland, chap. xi. pp. 117-123. A History of Xorthumberland, issued under the direction of the Northumber- land County History Committee. Vols. i.-x. (all yet published). Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 189.3-1914.. Appendices to various vols, contain Lists of Deeds, etc. Oeneral Index to the ' Archaeologia Aeliana,' vols. i. to iv. 1822-55, and New Series, vols. i. to xvi. 1857-1894, and to the ' Froceedingrs,' vol. i. 1855-57, and New Series, vols. i. to v. 1883-1892, of the Soc. of Antlq.uaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyiie. Edited by Robert Blair. South Shields, 1896-97. A Classified Catal. of Papers from ' Archaeologfia Aeliana,' 1813-1913, by John Crawford Hodgson. (Arohaeol. Aeliana, Centenary vol., Ser. 3, vol. X. pp. 334-376. 1913.) Biogfraphies of Contributors to the Literature of the Soc. of Antic^uaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, with Bibliographies of their Writings in the Society's Publications and elsewhere. By Richard Welford and J. C. Hodgson. {Ibid. Ser. 3, vol. x. pp. 109-333. 1913.) A Catal. of the Library belonging to the Soc. of Antiq[.uarie8 of New- castle-upon-Tyne, inclusive of the MSS., Drawings, Prints and Maps. 1896. A Kist. of the Newcastle Soc. of Anticiuaries, 1813 to 1913. (Archaenl. Aeliana, Centenary vol. Ser. 3, vol. x. pp. 1-S. 1913.) The Society's Museum, by R. O. Heslop, p. 13. The Society's Library, by C. Hunter Blair, p. 26. Catal, of the Library of the Literary and Philosophical Soc. of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, with Author and Subject Indexes. 1903. Local Collection of Works relating to Northumberland, Diu-ham, and Berwick-on-Tweed, pp. 587-616. Works relating to the Newcastle Lit. and Philos. Soc. pp. 629-633. The Hist, of the Lit. and Philos. Soc. of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1793-1896, by Robert Spence Watson. London, 1897. The Library of the Soc. pp. 173-201. List of Lectures, 1803-1896, pp. 339-366. Catal. of Books and Tracts on Crenealogy and Heraldry in the Central Public Libraries, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Preface by Basil Anderton. 1910. General Index to vols. i. to v. 1887-1891 of 'The Monthly Chronicle of North-Country Lore and Legend.' Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Richardson (Moses Aaron). The Local Historian's Table Book, of Remarkable Occurrences, Historical Facts, Traditions, Legendary and Descriptive Ballads, connected with the Counties of Newcastle-upon- Tyne, Northumberland and Durham. 8 vols. London, 1841-46. Biblio. Notes are scattered throughout the Work. The Legendary Division in 3 vols, con- tains Ballads, etc., with Biblio. Notes. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 191 NORTHUMBERLAND (^continued). Kodgkin (Thomas). Suggestioiis for a New County Hist, of Novthumlier- land. (Arehaeol. AMana, Ser. 2, vol. xv. pp. 54-63. 1893.) Catal. of the Private Library of John Trotter BrocSett, of Newcastle, sold by Sotheby's, Dec. 8, etc. 1823. (Contains a unique Collection of the Work,s of Bewick, and also Newcastle Reprints and Privately Printed Publications.) Catal. of the Choice and Valuable Library of John Trotter Brockett, sold by Sotheby's, June 16, etc. 1843. (Contains a Collection of Brockett's Works, and also Works edited by him. ) Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Northumberland, pp. 101-102. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. 343-34T. Morpeth, pp. 340-341. Alnwick, pp. 156-15T. Bavenport (Frances O.). List, of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Northumberland Manorial Hist., pp. 52-54.) Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co. 1913. Biblio. Note on Northumberland Brasses, with a List, p. 175. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Komano - British Remains. 1912. Northumberland, pp. 94-101. Hodsrkin (Thomas). The Literary Hist, of the Roman Wall. (Arehaeol. Atliana, Ser. 2, vol. xviii. pp. 83-108. 1896. For a Biblio. of the Roman Wall, see Lyell, pp. 100-101, in preceding entry. A Collection of Drawings of the Roman Wall is m the Lang Art Gallery and Museum at Newcastle. County Folk-Lore, vol. iv. Examples of Printed Folk-Lore concerning Northumberland, with List of Authorities. Collected by M. C. Balfour and Edited by N. W. Thomas. Folk-Lore Soc, vol. liii. 1903." Keslop (R. Oliver). A Biblio. List of Works illustrative of the Dialect of Northumberland. English Dialect Soc, No. 80. London, 1896. A List of Private Acts relating to the County of Northumberland. Stevens & Sons, London, circa 1912. Carr-BUison (Ralph). List of Papers contributed to various Publica- tions (many relating to Noithuraberland). {Berwickshire Naturalists' Clnh. Proc. vol. X. pp. 514-516. 1884.) Wilson (William). Notes on the Barly Literature of Flodden Field. (Ibid. vol. X. pp. Sn-SS'i. 1884.) Welford (Richard). Barly Newcastle Typography, 1639-1800. (Arehaeol. ^«Mawa, Ser. 3. vol. iii. pp. 1-134. 1907.) Also issued separately The follow- ing are the group headings. Books printed in Newcastle, 1639-1800, pp. 55-117. Undated Newcastle Books, pp. 118-120. Early Newcastle Chap Books, without date, etc., pp. 121-123. Undated Newcastle Broadsides, pp. 124-125. Early Book Auctions in Newcastle, p. 126. Newcastle Newspapers and Magazines published during the 18th cent., p. 127. Newcastle Printers, Booksellers, etc., 1639-1800, pp. 128-129. Printers, Booksellers, Stationers, etc., from Newcastle Directories, pp. 130-133. Supplementary List. {Arehaeol. Atliana, Ser. 3, vol. iv. pp. 147-153. 1908.) Also issued separately. Hinde (John Hodgson). On Barly Printing in Newcastle. (Ihid. Ser. 2, vol. vi. pp. 325-230. 1865.) Clephan (James). Early Printing in Newcastle. {Ihid. Ser. 2, vol. vii. pp. 267-271. 1876.) Barly Printers on the Tyue. Biblio. Notes by James Clephan, and others. (Monthly Chron. of North-Country Lore, vol. i. pp. 314-318. 1887.) 192 A HANDBOOK TO NORTHUMBERLAND {continued). Psddie (Robert Alexander). A Iiist of the issues of the Press in New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1639-1800. [Typewritten MS. in the Blades Library at the St. Bride's Foundation, London.] 1900. Newcastle Printing, 1639-1800. (A List of Books, etc., on Newcastle Printing, not in the British Museum.) (I'he Neiocastle WeMy Chronicle.) AUnutt (W. H.). English Provincial Presses. Earliest Printing at Newcastle and Gateshead. (Bibliop-aphica, vol. ii. pp. 980-281, 290-293, 398. 1896.) Anderton (Basil). Notes on some of the Printers and Libraries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (Book-AuHion Records, vol. vii. pt. 1, pp. i.-xii. 1909.) A Collection of Newspaper cuttings relating to local Printing, tran- scripts of titlepages, etc., by Bell and tongstaffe. (In Reference Library of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Pub. Lib.) Brookett (James Trotter). Hints on the propriety of establishing a Typographical Society in Newcastle upon Tyne. Newcastle, Printed for Emerson Charnley. 1818. Martin (John). List of Publications IssTied by the Newcastle Typo- graphical Soc. 1817, etc. (Bihlio. Caial. of Books Privately Printed, 1834, pp. 419-440.) Eyton (J. Walter K.). A Complete List of Publications of the New- castle Typog. Soc. {Sale Catal. of his Library of Priralely Printed Books, Sotheby's, 1848, pp. 136-140.) Lowndes (William Thomas). List of Newcastle-on-Tyne Typographical Society's Publications, 1817-57. (The Bibliographer's Manual. 1864. Appendix, pp. 159-164.) Dibdin (Thomas Prognall). Books at Newcastle. {Northern Tour, 1838, vol. i. pp. 383-400.) Burman (C. C). An Account of the Art of Typography as practised at Alnwick. Alnwick, 1896. The Darlington Private Press of George Allan. See entries under Durham, p. 55. Hugo (Thomas). The Bewick Collector. A Descriptive Catal. of the Works of Thomas and John Bewick, with Appendix of Portraits, etc. 2 vols. London, 1866-68. The Edington Collection in the Tynemouth Public Lib., which illustrates the History of Engraving in England during the last century, includes an entire volume devoted to the Bewicks. Bewick's Woodcuts. Impressions of upwards of two thousand wood blocks, engraved, for the most part, by Thomas and John Bewick, with an Introduction, a descriptive Catal. of the Blocks, and a List of the Books and Pamphlets illustrated. London, 1870. For other books with Bewick impressions, see passim in the next entry. Anderton (Basil) and Gibson (W. H.). Catal. of the Bewick Collection (Pease Bequest) in the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Public Library. New- castle, 1904. Lists of Bewick Collections, pp. 54-59, Bewick Catalogues, pp. 60-68, Sale Catalogues of various Collections, pp. 69-73. Concerning the Book-Plates of Thomas Bewick, with Lists of Books with Bewick Illustrations, and Bookplates. {Fragrance among Old Volumes, 1910, pp. 44-74.) Catal. of Edwin Pearson's Collection of Books and Wood Engravings by T. and J. Bewick. 1868. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 193 NORTHUMBERLAND {continued). Stephens (F. 0.)< Notes on a Collection of Drawings and Woodcuts by Thomas Bewick, exhibited at the Fine Art Society's Booms, 1880; also a complete list of all works illustrated by Thomas and John Bewick, with their various editions. 1881. Impressions of a numerous collection of ancient Wood Cuts in Oeorge Angus's Frinting-office, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, which have ornamented Old Ballads, Songs, Histories, Wonderful Tales, etc. 1825. See p. 58 of ' Catal. of the Bewick Collection (Pease Bequest) in the Newcastle Pubhc Lib.' Reprints of Bare Tracts and Imprints of Antient KSS., etc., chiefly illustrative of the Hist, of the Northern Counties, and Printed at the Press of M. A. Richardson, Newcastle. 1843-49. 7 vols. (Biblio. Notes, and Titles and Tables of Contents to the last Four volumes completing the Series.) See Lists in Lowndes' 'Bibliographers' Manual,' 1864, Appendix, pp. 271-275, and ' Catal. of Lib. of Soc. of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-'Tyne,' 1896, pp. 78-80. Bell (Thomas). Local Foetry, Songs, and Ballads. (Chiefly cuttings, with hawker's Ballads, and others in MS.) relating to the Town and County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, or incidents connected therewith, collected by Thomas Bell. 1780-1830. 2 vols. (In British Museum Library.) Bell (John), Jun. Bhymes of Northern Bards, beii^ a curious Collec- tion of Old and New Songs and Foems peculiar to Newcastle, North- umberland, and Durham. Newcastle, 1812. Crawhall (Joseph). The Newcastle Fishers' Oarlands. A Collection of Right Merrie Garlands for North Country Anglers, continued to this present year. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1864. A Beuk o' Newcassel Sangs. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1888. Northumbrian Minstrelsy. A Collection of the Ballads, Melodies, Small- Fipe tunes of Northumbria, edited by J. CoUingwood Bruce and J. Stokoe. Soc. of Antiq. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1882. For other Books of Garlands, see ante, p. 192, ' Catal. of the Bewick Collection (Pease Bequest) in the Newcastle Public Lib.,' by Anderton and Gibson. A Collection of Chap-books relating principally to Northumberland and Durham. 230 chap-books in 6 vols. Presented to the Sunderland Public Lib. by Mr. John Moore of Beckenham, Kent. Watson (Bobert Spence). Ballads of Northumberland. (Lectures delivered to the Lit. S( Philos. Soc. Newcasth-^pon-Tyne, 1898, pp. 69-92.) A Right Fleasaunt Book of Histories, collected by William Oarret, Newcastle. [A Collection of Chap-books of various dates with printed title- page prefixed to each vol.] 5 vols. Newcastle, 1818. (In Brit. Mus. Library.) A Book of Wood-Cuts Cut and Frinted by William Garret, Newcastle. 1820 (?). Chamley (Emerson). Specimens of Barly Wood Engraving, being im- pressions of wood-cuts from the Collection of Mr. Chamley. Newcastle-on- Tyne, 1858. 20 copies privately printed. Specimens of Early Wood Engraving, being impressions of wood-cuts in the possession of William Dodd. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1862. The CoUeotion of impressions was afterwards purchased by Emerson Charnley. Hindley (Charles). The Hist, of the Catnach Fress ; at Berwick-upon- Tweed, Alnwick, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Seven Dials. London, 1886. The Life and Times of James Catnach (late of Seven Dials), Ballad Monger. London, 1878. 194- A HANDBOOK TO NORTHUMBERLAND (continued). Books illustrated by Birket Poster (b. at North Shields, 183S) and William Harvey (b. at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1796). A valuable Collection in the New- castle Public Lib. with typed Catalogues. Vinycomb (John). Lambert, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, as an Engraver of Book-Plates, with a List. (Ex Libris Soc. Journ. vol. v. pp. 39-33, 46, 71-73, 1895.) Issued separately in 1896, corrected and revised. A List of Northumberland Booksellers. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 10, vol. vi. pp. 443-444. 1906.) Early Booksellers on the Tyne, by James Clephan. {Monthly Chron. of North- Country Lore, vol. i. pp. 362-365, 413-415. 1887.) Old Newcastle Book- seUers, by W. W. W. (Ibid. pp. 68-69.) Special Topographical Collections for Northumberland, at Newcastle, are in the Public Library, and in the Libraries of the Soc. of Antiquaries, and the Lit. & Philos. Soc. A Bewick Collection (Pease Bequest) is in the Public Library, and another at the Lang Art Gallery and Museum. Hist. IVISS. Comm. Reports. Northumberland Collections. Ainslie, Miss, at Berwick-upon-Tweed 2nd Rep. p. xii. and App. p. 68. Brumell, Mr. F., at Morpeth ... 6th Rep. App. pp. 538-540. Carr-Ellison, Mr. J. R., at Dunston 15th Rep. pp. 40-41, and App. X. pp. HiU 93-100. The Delaval Family MSS 13th Rep. p. 47, and App. VI. pp. 186-202. Northumberland, Duke of, at Alnwick 3rd Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 45-125; 5th Castle Rep. p. xi. ; 6th Rep. p. xi. and App. pp. 321-233. Waterford, Louisa, Marchioness of, at Ford Castle 11th Rep. p. 32 and App. VIL pp. 58-81. Berwick-upon-Tweed Corporation ... 3rd Rep. p. xxi. and App. pp. 308-309; 16th Rep. p. 93 ; Various Collections, vol. i. pp. 1-28. Morpeth Corporation 6th Rep. App. pp. 536-538. County Records, 1594, etc., with MS. Index at the Koothall, Newcastle- upon-Tyne. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 32.) Records in Public and Private Custody relating to Northiunberlaud. (Ibid. App. III. p. 138.) List of Northumberland Municipal Records Printed. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. v. p. 398. 1912.) The Brumell Collection of Charters. (In possession of the Soc. of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.) Biblio. Note by J. C. Hodgson, with Catal. of Contents by Miss M. T. Martin. (Archaeol. Aeliana, Ser. 9, vol. xxiv. pp. 115- 133. 1903.) See also ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Report. Lysons (Rev. S.). Collections for Northumberland in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 9459. TJpcott (William). Topographical Collections for Northumberland in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 15935. A Collection of Deeds relating to Northumberland and Durham, formerly belonging to James Coleman, in the Central Public Libraries at Newcastle-upon- Tyne. Schedule of MSS. belonging to the late Dr. Hardy, and relating to Northumberland, arranged by J. C. Hodgson. (Berwickshire Naturalists^ Club. Proc, vol. xix. pp. 81-82. 1903.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 195 NORTHUMBERLAND (continued). Hardy (Br. James). Iiist of Communications to the Proceedings of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, the Arohaeologia Aeliana, the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club Transactions, and other Publica- tions. {Berwickshire Naturalists' Clvh. Proc, vol. xvi. pp. 358-372. 1898.) Martin (Hiss SI. T.). Index to Northumbrian Inq.uisitions Post Mortem, (/Soo. Antiq. Newcastle-^on-Tyne. Proc, Set. 3, vol. ii. pp. 27-30. 1905.) Supplements the earlier lists in Hodgson's ' Hist, of Northumberland.' Brown (William). Beeds from Burton Agnes, relating to the Counties of Burham and Northum.berland. (Archaeol. Aeliana, Ser. 3, vol. vii. pp. 29-48. 1911.) Craster (H. H. E.). The Marquess of Waterford's MSS. at Ford Castle. (Soc. Antiq. Newcastle-upon-Ti/ne. Proc, Ser. 3, vol. ii., pp. 36-41. 1905.) See also ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. 194. Robinson (John). A Collection of Belaval Papers, at Ford Castle. {Archaeol. Aeliana, Ser. 2, vol. xv. pp. 125-143. 1892.) See also ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. 194. Welford (Richard). Records of the Committees for Compounding, etc., with BelincLuent Royalists in Burham and Northumberland during the Civil War, 1643-60. Bibliography, pp. 460-461. Surtees Soc. Pubns. vol. cxi. 1905. Wood (H. M.). laist of Parochial and Non-Parochial Registers relating to the Counties of Burham and Northumberland. Durham & Northumb. Par. Reg. Soc, No. 26. 1912. The Society has also issued Transcripts of various Parish Registers in the County. Biblio. of References to Geological Papers and Literature, relating to Northumberland and Burham. (In ' A History of Northumberland,' vol. i. pp. 417-418; vol. ii. p. 496; vol. iii. p. 314; vol. iv. p. 426; vol. v. p. 504; vol. viii. pp. 417-420. 1893-1907.^ See ante, p. 190. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Northumber- land. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 182. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Northumberland Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. £v. p. 257, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 20.) Mammals. (The Zo»loffist,'SeT. 3, vol. xvil. pp. 182-183. 1893.) Reptiles. (Ibid. p. 246. 1893) Fishes. (Ibid. p. 256. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Northumberland, pp. 229-234. Gatfleia (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Northumberland, p. 168-170. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Northumberland, pp. 170, 216-217, 237. Upoott (William). English Tope, 1818. Northumberland, vol. ii. pp. 1028-1016, 1189. Smith (Alfred Bussell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Northumberland, pp. 281-294. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Northumberland, vol. ii. pp. 53-69. Bandinel (Bulkeley). CataL of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1314. Northumberland, pp. 247-249. NBWOASTLB-UPON-TYNB. Borough Records, 1640, etc., with MS. Indexes, at Town Hall, Newcastle- upon-Tyne. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 36.) Bell (John). Collections for a Hist, of the Municipal Grovernment of the Borough Town and County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and the Conservancy of the River (consisting of Documents, MSS. and Extracts from Newspapers, etc., from 1733 to 1855). In the Newspaper Room at the British Museum. Iiist of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Municipal Records Printed. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. V. pp. 297-298. 1912.) 196 A HANDBOOK TO NORTHUMBERLAND (continued). An Index to the Hist, of Newcastle-npon-Tyne by John Brand. Com- piled by William Dodd. Soc. of Antiq. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1881. Boyle (John Roberts). Christopher Hunter's Copy of Bourne's Hist, of Newcastle, with List of MS. Documents in the volume. {Archasol. Aeliana, Ser. 2. vol. xv. pp. 167-191. 1891.) Adamson (B. H.). Henry Bourne, the Historian of Newcastle. {Ibid. Ser. 2, vol. xi. pp. 147-153. 188S.) Welford (Richard). History of Newcastle and Gateshead. 3 vols. London, 1883-87. Biblio. Notes in Prefaces to each volume. Iiocal Muniments (relating to Newcastle and Environs). {Archaeol. Aeliana, Ser. 2, vol. xxiii. pp. 247-267; vol. xxiv. pp. 138-177 ; Ser. 3, vol. v. pp. SS-14S. 1902-09.) Sykes (John). A Collection of Publications relating to Newcastle-upon- Tyne and Gateshead. Newcastle. 1822-28. For a List, see ante, p. 193, ' Catal. of the Bewick Collection (Pease Bequest) in the Newcastle Public Lib. by Anderton and Gibson. List of John Penwick's Privately Printed Publications, 1836-57 (mostly relating to Newcastle or the County). See ante, p. 189, • Sale Catal. of the Thomas Bell Library,' 1860, pp. 98-99. memoir of Dr. Thomlinson, by W. Shand. (Archaeol. Aeliana, Ser. 2, vol. x. pp. 59-79. 1885.), and Some Further Notices of Dr. Thomlinson, the Pounder of the Thomlinson Library. {Ibid. Ser. 2, vol. x. pp. 80-87. 1885. ) Welford (Richard). Art and Archaeology: The Three Richardsons, [Thomas Miles Richardson — Moses Aaron Richardson — George Bouchier Richardson.] (Ibid. Ser. 3, vol. iv. pp. 147-154. 1908.) Also issued separately. Murray (David). Biblio. Note on Museums at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (' Musewm^,' Glasgow, 1904, vol. iii. p. 51.) Pox (George Townshend). Synopsis of the Newcastle Museum, late the Allan, formerly the Tuustall, or Wyoliffe Museum, etc. In 'Memoirs of Marmaduke Tunstall and George Allan,' Newcastle, 1827. The Catnach Press at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, see ante, p. 193. The Pirst Newcastle Directory, 1778, reproduced in facsimile with biblio. introduction by John Roberts Boyle. Newcastle, 1889. Collections of Newspaper Cuttings, Broadsides, Ballads, etc., relating to Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (In Brit. Mus. Library.) ALNWICK. Skelly (George). Biblio. List of the Books and Pamphlets printed at Alnwick, with Biog. Notices of the Authors and Printers. A Paper read classifying the Publications of William Davison, Printer and Publisher at Alnwick, with a List of Topog. Prints, etc., by Davison. See ' Berwickshire Naturalists' Club. Proc.,' vol. x. p. 473. 1884. The Paper was not printed in the ' Proceedings.' Burman (C. C). An Account of the Art of Typography as practised at Alnwick. 1896. The Catnach Press at Alnwick, see ante, p. 193. Mxu-ray (David). Biblio. Note on Museum at Alnwick. {'Museums,' Glasgow, 1904, vol. iii. p. 57.) BERWICK-UPON-TWEED. Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. 194. The Catnach Press at Berwick-upon-Tweed, see ante, p. 193. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 197 NORTHUMBERLAND {continued). MORPETH. Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Comra. Reports, p. 194. Liat of Morpetli Municipal Records Printed. {Notes &; Queries, Ser. 11, vol. V. p. T4. 1912.) Fergusson (James). A Notice of some rare Books by Uorpeth Authors, in the Lib. of the Blorpeth Mechanics' Institution. (Berwickshire Naturalists' Club. Proc, vol. ix. pp. 300-302. 1880.) TYNEMOUTH. Spence (Charles J.). Local Books in Public Libraries (with Biblio. Notes on Local Books, Newspapers, Printing Presses, Maps, Authors, etc.). {Tyne- mouth Public Lib. Report, 1902, pp. 9-17.) A List of Books, etc., printed at, or relating to, North Shields and Tynemouth, and a Supplementary List. {Ibid. 1902, pp. 19-26; 1903, pp. 9-lS.) A Local Collection is at the Tynemouth Public Lib. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. NottinghamBhire Collection. List of Books in the Reference Library of the Borough of Nottingham Free Public Libraries (Class List No. XIV.). Compiled under the direction of J. Potter Briscoe. Nottingham, 1890. Part L General Collections, pp. 1-65, 81-89. II. Poll Books, pp. 66-68. „ III. Directories and Annuals, pp. 68-70. „ IV. Robin Hood Collection, pp. 70-71. „ V. Corporation Beports, p. 71. „ VI. Byron Collection, pp. 72-79. „ VII. Kirke White Collection, p. 80. Ward (James). A Descriptive Catal. of Books relating to Nottingham- shire in the Library of James Ward. Nottingham, 1892. Supplemen- tary Catalogue. Nottingham, 1898. Privately Printed. Catal. of Books relating to the History, Bibliography, and Genealogy of Nottinghamshire. Nottingham, 1913. A List of Books and Pamphlets of Local Interest, either Printed or Published in, or relating to, Nottingham and Notts., or Written by Natives or Residents in the Town or County. {Catal. of the Reference Department of the Nottingham Free Library, by J. Potter Briscoe, 1872, pp. 34-48.) A List of the Books and Pamphlets relating to the County, presented to the Library In 1867 by Martin Inett Preston, appeared in the Catalogue issued in 1868. Briscoe (John Potter). Biblio. Note on Orange's Hist, of Nottingham. (Notts, and Derbyshire Notes ^ Queries, vol. v. pp. 62-63. 1897.) Chapters of Nottinghamshire History. Nottingham, 1908. Two 18th Century Nottingham Directories, pp. 77-80. Old Nottingham Book Plates, pp. 112-113. Catal. of Portraits, Engravings, Books, Letters, and MSS. re- lating to Henry Kirke White, exhibited at the Centenary held in Nottingham, 21 Nov., 1906. A Kirke White Collection is in the Notting- ham Public Lib. Contributions towards Biblio. of Notts. No. 1. 1888. A Biblio. of Pre-Norman Anticiuities in Derbyshire and Notts, in the ' Archaeologia,' vols, i.-liii. (Notts, and Derbyshire Notes ^ Queries, vol. ii. pp. 136-137. 1894.) Herring (Paul). Notes on a Collection of Notts. Books. (The Library, vol. ii. pp. 338-340. 1890.) 198 A HANDBOOK TO NOTTINGHAMSHIRE (continwd). Godfrey (John Thomas). Notes on The Bibliography of Nottingham' shire. Nottingham, 1891. Privately Printed. Some little known Notts. Books, by Thomas M. Blagg, and 'Bibl. Nott." (,NotU. and Derbyshire Notes ^ Qum-ies, vol. v. pp. 65, 89, 105, 118, 152 ; vol. vi. pp. 43, 59. 1897-98.) Descriptive Catal. of 'The Jackson Collection,' at the Sheffield Fublle Library, compiled by T. Walter Hall and A. H. Thomas. 1914. Notts. items, pp. 300-204. Catal. of a Collection of Books, Historical Documents, etc., to be sold by Fnttick & Simpson, Ziondon, Dec. 17th, etc., 1885. (Notts, items, pp. 70-85.) Chicken (Rupert Cecil). An Index to Deering's ' Nottinghamia Vetus et Nova.' Nottingham, 1899. Godfrey (John Thomas). Robert Thoroton, Physician and Anticiuary. (The Historian of Nottingham.) 1890. Blagg (Thomas SI.). Dr. Robert Thoroton. (Thoroton Soc. Trans. 1690, vol. xii. pp. 50-55. 1908.) Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Notts., p. 102. Nottingham, pp. 354-356. Newark, pp. 377-378. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Notts., vol. ii. p. 685. Davenport (Frances O.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Notts. Manorial Hist., p. 54. Catal. of Anticinities and Historical Objects, etc., exhibited by the Thoroton Society, at the Exchange Hall, Nottingham, 1899 (includes Books, MSS., Newspapers, Views, Maps, etc.). List of Bzhibits of Local Antic[,uarian Interest in the Catal. of the Church Congress Exhibition at Nottingham, 1898, by D'Arcy Lever. {Notts, and Derbyshire Notes S[ Queries, vol. vi. pp. 22-24. 1898.) Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remxiins. 1912. Notts., pp. 101-109. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monum.ental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen tt Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Notts. Brasses, with a List, p. 175. Madge (Sidney). References to the Bells of Nottinghamshire. (Notts, and Derbyshire Notes 4; Queries, vol. iv. pp. 73-75, 85-87. 1896.) Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Nottingham Museums, vol. iii. p. 58. Catal. of Engraved Portraits, Miniatures, etc., exhibited at Nottingham, 1900, compiled by John T. Godfrey and C. B. Stevenson. (The Thoroton Soc. Trans., Supp. to vol. iv. 1900.) Also issued separately. Catal. of Engravings of Nottinghamshire and Portraits of Nottingham- shire Worthies, lately in the possession of James Ward. 1914. Hosiery, Lace, Embroidery, etc. List of Books in the Nottingham Tree Public Libraries (and elsewhere), compiled by J. Potter Briscoe and S. J. Kirk. (Class List, No. XX.) Nottingham, 1896. 50 copies were issued •eparately with the title, ' A Contribution towards a Biblio. of Hosiery and Lace, etc' 1896. Pt. I. Works in th« Reference Library. „ II. Works in the Lending Library. „ III. Works in other large Libraries which are not in the Nottingham Public Libraries. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 199 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE (continued). Cropper (Percy J.). Bibliotheca Nottiugrliaiuiensis. 1893. Biblio. Notei on Quaker Tracts in Introduction. Privately Printed. Biljliotheca Fiscatoria. (A contribution towards a Biblio. of Angling in Notts. and Derbyshire, by ' Biblio. Nott.') (Notts, and Derbyshire Notes & Queries, vol. V. pp. 6-8. 1897.) Blagfgr (Thomas M,). Newark as a Fublishingf Town. A Series of Notes in 'The Newark Advertiser,' 1898. Revised and Reprinted. Creswell (Samuel Francis). Collections towards the Kist. of Frintingf in Nottinghamshire. London, 1863. See also additional note by W. C. B. in ' Notes and Queries,' Ser. 10, vol. ix. pp. 205-206. 1908. Briscoe (J. Fotter). Nottinghamshire Facts and Fictions. Second Series. 1877. Pt. VII. Ballads and Songs, pp. 26-45. Cropper (Fercy James). The Nottinghamshire Frinted Chapbooks, with Notices of their Frinters and Vendors. Nottingham, 1892. See also ' The Nottingham- Printed Chap-books,' by P. J. C. in ' Notts, and Derbyshire Notes & Queries,' vol. ii. pp. 4-6, 1893. Ritson (Joseph). Robin Hood. A Collection of all the Ancient Foams, Songs, and Ballads, now extant, relative to that Celebrated English Outlaw. London, 1885. Robin Hood Literature in the Nottingham Free Fublic Reference Lib., by J. Potter Briscoe. (Ye Nottingham Sette of Odde Volumes, opuscula xi. 1898.) Russell (John). Nottinghamshire Foets. (Memorials of Old Nottinahamshire, 1912, pp. 193-227.) A Rare Map of Nottingham (Overton, 1714). Biblio. Note by A. Stapleton. (Notts, and Derbyshire Notes ^ Queries, vol. i. p. 199. 1893.) Stevenson (William). Biblio. Notes on a Collection of Maps and Views of Nottingham in the Brit. Museum. (Ibid. vol. ii. pp. 138-140, 154-156. 1894.) Briscoe (J. Fotter) and others. Notts. Bookplates. ( Notts, and Derhyshirt Notes S( Queries, vol. iii. passim ; vol. iv. passim ; vol. v. p. 167. 1895-97.) Sent (T.). Notts. Libraries. Nottinghanv Artizans' Library. (Notts, and Derbyshire Notes ^ Queries, vol. v. pp. 71-72. 1897.) A List of Private Acts relating to Nottinghamshire. Stevens & Sons. London, circa 1913. A Special Topographical Collection for Nottinghamshire is in the Nottingham Free Public Library, and also Special Collections on Byron, Kirke White, Robin Hood, and Lace and Hosiery, see pp. 197, 198. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Nottinghamshire Collections. Foljambe, Mr. F. J. Savile, at Osberton ISth Rep. pp. 35-39 and App. V. Manvers, Earl, at Thoresby Park ... 9th Rep. p. xvi. and App. II. pp. 375- 379. Portland, Duke of, at Welbeck ... 13th Rep. pp. 13-26 and App. I. & II. ; 14th Rep. pp. 11-16 and App. II. ; 15th Rep. pp. 8-16 and App. IV. ; 16th Rep. pp. 14-29 ; vol. v. (1899), vols. vi. and vii. (1901) ; 17th Rep. pp. 25-28, vol. viii. (1907). Savile, Mr. Augustus W., at RufFord 11th Rep. p. 24 and App. VII. pp. Abbey 119-126. Nottingham Corporation 1st Rep. App. pp. 105-106. Newark Corporation 12th Rep. p. 47 and App. IX. p. 538. Southwell Minster 12th Rep. p. 46 and App. IX. pp. 539-552. 200 A HAISDBOOK TO NOTTINGHAMSHIRE {ayntinued). County Records, 1700, etc., with MS. Index, at the Shire Hall, Kottiugr- ham. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 23.) Borougrh Records, 1155, etc., with MS. Indexes, at the Guildhall, Nottingham. (Ihid. 1902, App. III. p. 38.) Records of the Borough of Nottingham, 1155-1702. A Series of Extracts by- W. H. Stevenson and W. T. Baker. Vols. 1-5. Nottingham, 1882-1900. Biblio. Notes in Introduction to each volume. Calendar of Charters, etc., 1399-1702, vol. ii. pp. 400-421 ; vol. iii. pp. 435-446 ; vol. iv. pp. 395-404 ; vol. v. pp. 409-421. See also ' Royal Charters granted to the Burgesses of Nottingham, 1155-1712,' with an Analytical Index. By W. H. Stevenson. 1890. List of Nottingham Municipal Records Printed. (Notes 4r Queries, Set. 11, vol. V. p. 298. 1912.) Godfrey (John Thomas). Manuscripts relating to the County of Not- tingham in the possession of James Ward, Nottingham, 1900. Xaye's Notes relating to Notts. (18th cent.) in the Brit. Museum. Add. MSS. 18551-18553 a, b. ' References to Public Records relating to the Town and County of Nottingham,' by Sir Richard Kaye, is in the Bromley House Library, Nottingham. Lysons' Collections for Nottinghamshire in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 9459. Powell's Topog. Collections for Notts, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 19915. Vpcott's Topog. Collections for Notts, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 15925. The Stretton Manuscripts : being Notes on the Hist, of Nottingham- shire, by William Stretton (of Lenton Priory), d. 1828, with an Introduction by J. T. Godfrey. Privately Printed, 1910. Carr (J. W.). A Contribution to the Geology and Natural Hist, of Nottinghamshire. British Assoc. Nottingham, 1893. Biblio. of Geology, by J. Shipman and J. W. Carr, in Appendix. Biblio. of Nottinghamshire Botany. {Notts, and Berhyshire Notes ^ Queries, vol. v. pp. 49-54. 1897.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Nottingham- shire. (Joum. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 179. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Notts. Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 258, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 23.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Notts., pp. 235-238. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Notts., pp. 170-171. Sims (Richard). ManuaL 1861. Notts., pp. 171, 217, 237. Upoott (William). English Topo., 1818. Notts., vol. li. pp. 1047-1068, 1490. Smith (Alfred BusseU). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Notts., pp. 295-298. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Notts., vol. ii. pp. 71-78. Bandlnel (Bulkeley). CataL of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Goueh, 1814. Notts., pp. 250-251. NEWARK. Corporation Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. 199. RETFORD (EAST). Borough Records, Henry III., etc., with MS. Index, at Town Clerk's Office, East Retford. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 56.) SOUTHWELL. Southwell Minster Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. 199. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 201 ORKNEY AND SHETLAND. Cursiter (James Walls). List of Books and Famphlets relating to Orkney and Shetland, with Notes of those by Local Authors. Kirkwall, 1894. Baikie (William Balfour). List of Books and Manuscripts relating to Orkney and Zetland, or in which these Islands are mentioned. Kirkwall, 1847. List of Works respecting the Islands of Orkney and Shetland, forming a series of donations to the Soc. of Antiq,uaries of Scotland, hy ' A. Z.' 1803-30. {Archaeologia Scotica, vol. iii. pp. 367-374. 1831.) Biblio. of the Western Islands and Principal Antiquities of Scotland. (Soc. Antiq. Irel. /ottiii. , vol. xxix. pp. 144-145. 1899.) Oroat (Alexander G-.). Thoughts on Orkney and Zetland, their Antiquities and capabilities of Improvement ; with hints towards the formation of a Local Society for the Investigation and Promotion of these Objects ; to which are annexed Extracts from curious Manuscripts, together with useful lists. Privately Printed. Edinb. ,1831. Biblio. of Printed Books and MSS. pp. 37-47. Tudor (J. R.). The Orkneys and Shetland. 1883. Biblio. pp. 671-679. List of a Collection of Antic|.uities belonging to the Museum at Lerwick of the Shetland Literary and Scientific Society. (Soc. Antiq. Scot. Proc. vol. xvii. pp. 13-20. 1883.) Ooudie (Gilbert). Notice of Norwegian Documents relating to Shetland. (Ibid. vol. xiv. pp. 13-45. 1880.) ITotice of Ancient Legal Documents (lay and ecclesiastical) pre- served among the Public Kecords of Shetland, with Appendix of Deeds. (Ibid. vol. xvi. pp. 181-203. 1882.) Macfarlane (Walter). O-eographical Collections relating to Scotland. Edited by Sir A. MitcheU and J. T. Clark. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1906-08. Scottish History Soc., vols, li.-liii. Biblio. Notes on Orkney and Shetland in Preface to vol iii. Examples of Printed Folk-Lore concerning the Orkney and Shetland Islands. Collected by G. F. Black and edited by N. W. Thomas. County Folk-Lore, vol. iii. (Folk-Lore Soc. Pubns. xlix. 1903.) Biblio., pp. ix.-xii. The Dryden Collection relating to Orkney and Shetland, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MSS. 37329-37333. A List of Books belonging to the Viking Club. 1906. Kirkwall. Burgh Records, at Kirkwall. (Local Records Comm. Bep., 1903, App. III. p. 94.) County Council Records, at Kirkwall. (Ibid. 1902, App. III. p. 84.) Oross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Kirkwall, p. 269. List of Orkney Municipal Records Printed. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. U, vol. v. p. 398. 1912.) Turnbull (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Orkney Registers, pp. 113-114. List of Shetland Registers, pp. 146-148. Livingstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Orkney and Shetland, pp. 32, 135, 178, 304. Collection of Plans, Charts, etc., relating to the Orkney Islands, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 38076. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Orkney and Shetland. (Journ. of Botany, vol. ^i. p. S37. 1874.) 202 A HANDBOOK TO ORKNEY AND SHETLAND (continued). Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Orkney and Shetland Bird*. {Th» Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. pp. 264-265, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, pp. 36, 38.) Mammals. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. pp. 213, 214. 1893.) Reptiles. {Ibid. p. 350. 1893.) Pishes. {Ibid. pp. 261-262. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Orkney and Shetland, p. 402-404. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Orkney and Shetland, vol. ii. pp. 724-731. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Bosks bequeathed to Bedleian Lib. by Richard Goufh, 1811. Orkney and Shetland, pp. 365-366. OXFORDSHIRE. MADAK (FALCONEK). OXFORD BOOKS. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PRUTTBB WORKS RELATIITG TO THE VmVBRSITY AND CITT OF OXFORD, OR PRINTED OR PUBLISHED THERE, with Appendices. 2 vols. Oxford, 189S, 1912. Vol. I. The Early Oxford Press, 1468-1640. Biblio. Contents :— A Chronological list of persons connected with Book-production at Oxford, 1180-1640. App. C. pp. 266-278. Lists of Imprints and Tables of Oxford Printers and Publishers, 1585-1640- App. F. pp. 293-313. Vol. II. Oxford Literature, 1450-1640, and 1641-16S0. Biblio. Contents : — Biblio. of First Book Printed at Oxford (1468). p. 2. Periodicals issued at Oxford, 1641-1650. pp. 491-499. A Chronological list of persons connected with Book-production at Oxford, 1180-1650. App. C. pp. 502-515. Documents relating to the History of the Oxford Press, 1373-1637. App. D. pp. S15-530. Devices, Ornaments, and Types of the Oxford Press, App. E. pp. 531-534. Lists of Imprints, Tables of Printers and Publishers, etc., 1641-1650, with some earlier. App. F. pp. 534-542. '"The Early Oxford Press," a bibliography of printing and publishing at Oxford " 1468 "-1640, was published in 1895, and confined itself entirely to books printed or published at Oxford. It was in fact a study of the earlier days of the greatest English press, rather than a view of the literature of Oxford. It was obvious that sooner or later a more interesting volume would suggest itself, which should add to the record of the Oxford Press a corresponding study of the books which concern Oxford, whether printed at Oxford or not. ' The second volume accordingly includes a bibliography of books about Oxford, wheresoever printed, and divides them theoretically into three classes :— books of primary importance, fully described ; minor pieces, more summarily treated : and thirdly, a register of the Oxford Press. 'Pages 1-147 of the second volume are therefore a supplement to Volume I. adding to that work an account of books about Oxford not printed at Oxford, and giving a long series of running numbers (1-963) by which each book can be quoted (if desired) as "Oxford Books" or "Madan" number so-and-so. The opportunity has been taken to incorporate corrections and additions and to add brief annals of Oxford history for each year from 1450 to 1640. ' It is hoped that Vol. III. may cover 1651 to 1800.'— Extract from Preface to Vol. IL The first vol. of ' Oxford Books ' was also issued in 1895 by the Oxford Hist. Soc. (Publications, vol. xxix.) as a separate work under the title 'The Early Oxford Press, a Biblio. of Printing and Publishing at Oxford, " 1468 "- 1640.' Specimen of a Bihlio. of Books Printed at Oxford, 1468-1640, shortly to be issued. (Biblio. Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 99-102. 1893.) A Chart of Oxford Printing, '1468'-1900, with Notes, etc. Bibliographical Soc. {Illustrated Monographs, No. xii.) London, 1904. List of Oxford Printers and Publishers, pp. 27-3T. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 203 OXFORDSHIRE {continued). Madan (Falconer). A Brief Account of tlie University Press at Oxford, ■with illustrations, together with a Chart of Oxford Prlntinsf. Oxford, 1908. Some DTotes on the Oxford Press, with Special Reference to the Fluctuations in its Issues. (Biblio. Soo. Trans., vol. vii., pp. 1-3. 1904.) A Summary of a Paper read before the Biblio. Soc. The Oxford Press during the Civil War. {Ibid. vol. ix. pp. 107-110. 1908.) A Summary of a Paper read before the Biblio. Soc, Some Curiosities of the Oxford Press. {The Library, vol. i. pp. 154- 160. 1889.) — — The Daniel Press (at Worcester House, Oxford), with a List of its Issues. Privately Printed at The Philosopher Press, Wausau, Wisconsin, U.S.A. 1904. Reproduced from 'The Times,' 20 Feb. 1903. See also infra, p. 204. Bough List of Manuscript Materials relating to the Hist, of Oxford, contained in the Printed Catalogues of the Bodleian and College Libraries, arranged according to subjects. Oxford, 1887. A Summary Catalogue of Western MSS. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto Series. Oxford, 1895, etc. Vols. 3 to 6, pt. 1, only as yet issued. Descriptions of British Topo- graphical Collections are included as well as those of Wood, Ballard, Rawlinson, etc., relating to Oxford and the County. The Daily Ledger of John Dome, Bookseller in Oxford, 1520, with Indexes of Books, Printers, etc. Oxford Hist. Soc. {Collectanea, Ser. 1, pp. 71-177. 1885.) On pp. 141-143 is reprinted a List of sixty-six books which Thomas Hunt, the Oxford Printer and Bookseller, had for sale in 1483. Supplementary Note, by F. Madan, with Notes on the former edition of Dome's Day-book, by Henry Bradshaw. {Ibid. Ser. H. pp. 463-478. 1890.) A Biblio. of Dr. Henry Sacheverell (Fellow of Magdalen Coll., Oxford, 1701-13). Reprinted from 'The Bibliographer,' vols. iii. and iv., 1883-84, with additions. Oxford, 1884. Bliss (Bev. Philip). List of Books printed at Oxford, 1585-1867, arranged chronologically. {Catal. of the Second and Remaining Portion of the Lib. of the Rev. Philip Bliss, pp. 1-97. Sold by Sotheby's, Aug. 9th, etc., 1858.) List of Works illustrative of Oxford and Oxfordshire. {Ibid. pp. 98-104.) For a note on Bliss's ' Index of Notes and References of biographical, historical, and antiquarian matters,' in the Bodleian Lib., see Macray, ' Anntils of the Bodleian, 1890, p. 368. A History of the Progress of the Art of Printing in the Univ. of Oxford (with a list of books printed up to 1709). Bagford Collection, Harl. MS. 5901, Brit. Museum. Specimens of Oxford Printing in the Bagford Collection at the Brit. Museum, Harl. MS. 5929. See ' List of the Contents of the Bagford Col- lection,' by A. W. Pollard in 'Trans. Biblio. Soc' vol. vii. p. 147, 1904. Pollard (Alfred W.). A New Oxford Book of 1517. {The Library, New Ser. vol. X. pp. 212-313. 1909.) Blades (William). The First Printing-Press at Oxford. {The Antiquary, vol. iii. pp. 13-17. 1881.) A HANDBOOK TO OXFORDSHIRE (continued). Bradsiaw (Henry). A Half- Century of Notes on the Day. Book of John Dome, bookseller in Oxford, 1520, as edited by F. Madan for the Oxford Hist. Soc. [Facsimile of Henry Bradshaw's MS] Cambridge, 1886. See also ante, p. 203, for Madan's ' The Daily Ledger of John Dome.' Lindsay (T. M.). An Oxford Bookseller in 1520 (John Dome), in Report of Stirling's and Glasgow PubUc Lib. Glasgow, 1907. Burrows (Montagu). Linacre's Catal. of Books belonginer to WiUiam Orocyn in 1520, followed by a Hemoir of Grooyn. Oxford Hist. Soc. (Collectanea, Ser. IL pp. 319-380. 1890.) Singer (S. W.). Some Account of the Book Printed at Oxford in 1468. London, 1812. See also ante, p. 202, ' Oxford Books,' by Madan, vol. ii. Latham (H.). Oxford Bibles and Printing in Oxford. Oxford, 1870. AUnutt (W. H.). English Provincial Presses. Early Printing at Oxford, 1478, etc. (Bihliographka, vol. ii. pp. 23, 127, 168. 1896.) Hart (Horace). Kotes on a Century of Typography at the University Press, Oxford, 1693-1794, with annotations & appendixes. Oxford, 1900. Charles, Earl Stanhope and the Oxford University Press. Oxford Hist. Soc. (Collectanea, Ser. III. pp. 365-412. 1896.) Hilton (B.). The Oxford University Press. (The Caxton Mag., Sept. -Oct- 1901.) The Private Printing Press (of Father Campion) at Stonor, 1581, by Thomas Edward Stonor. Philobiblon Soc. (Bihlio. ^ Hist. Misc., vol. i. No. 20. 1854.) AUnutt (W. H.). English Provincial Presses. The Private Press at Stonor Park. (Bibliographica, vol. ii. pp. 163-165. 1896.) Flomer (Henry H.). The Private Press of Dr. J. A. Giles at Bampton Vicarage, Oxon. (Some Private Presses of the Nineteenth Century, in ' The Library,' New Ser., vol. i. pp. 421-422. 1900.) See also Macray, 'Annals of the Bodl. Lib., 1890,' p. 338. The Daniel Press, Oxford. Check List of Publications. (The Booh-huyer, New York, July 1900, p. 471.) See also ante,^. 203, Madan's 'The Daniel Press.' Clark (Andrew). The Shirburn Ballads, 1585-1616, edited from the MS. in the Library of the Earl of Macclesfield at Shirburn Castle, Oxon., with Indexes. Oxford, 1907. Pearson (Edwin). Banbury Chap Books and Nursery Toy Book Litera- ture of the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, with impressions by Bewick and others. London, 1890. Bell (C. P.). The Oxford Almanacks, a Bibliographical article. (The Art Jowmal, vol. Ivi. pp. 241-247. 1904.) Painton (Harry). Some Famous Oxford Bookshops. (Oxford Jowmal Illustrated, Jan. 28, 1914.) See also 'The Antiquary,' vol. 1. p. 105. 1914. Hewett (J. W.). On Paving Tiles, a Monumentarium, Bibliotheca Oxoniensis, and Extracts from Parish Hegisters, with a List of Books and Tracts relating to Oxfordshire. (Archaeol. Soc. of North Oxfordshire, Trans., 1853-55, pp. 89-100.) Catal. of the Lib. of the late William Upcott, sold by Evans, New Bond St., 15 June, 1846. Oxfordshire Collections, pp. 69-78. Haverfield (F. J.). Extracts from the ' Gentleman's Magasiue ' relating to Oxford, 1731-1800. Oxford Hist. Soc, vol. xvi. (Collectanea, Ser. II. pp. 417-448. 1890.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 205 OXFORDSHIRE (continued). Index to Obituary and Biogrraphical Notices in ' Jackson's Oxford Journal,' 1753-1853, compiled by E. A. B. Mordaunt. London, 1904. Pt. I. 1753-SS, only issued. Oxford City Millenary Exhibition, 1912. Catal. of a loan Collection of Antiq,uities, Pictures, Books, 3MCSS., etc., illustrating the Hist, and Topog. of the City of Oxford. Oxford, 1913. Maps, Plans, Views, pp. 38-69. Books, Broadsides and MSS., pp. 70-73. A Catal. of Antiijiuities, exhibited at the meetings of the Archesol. Soc. of North Oxfordshire. {Transactions, 1853-55, pp. 113-120.) Murray (David), Ust of Catalogues and other Publications relating to the Museums of Oxford. {'Museums,'' Glasgow, 190t, vol. iii. pp. 69-71.) The Objects and Work of the Oxford Historical Society. May, 1911. Oibson (Strickland). Early Oxford Bindings. (Blblio. Soc. Illusi. Mono- graphs, No. X.) Oxford, 1903. Some Notable Bodleian Bindings, 12th to 18th Cents. Oxford, 1901-04. Oross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Oxfordshire, p. 102. Oxford, pp. 358-360. Davenport (Frances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Oxfordshire Manorial Hist., pp. 54-55. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co. 1913. Biblio. Note on Oxfordshire Brasses, with a List, pp. 143, 175-177. Oxford University Brass-Rubbing Society. The 'Journal' (1897-1900) contains Catalogues of Brasses in Churches, Colleges, etc. , with Biblio. Notes. Iiyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Bomano-British Remains. 1913. Oxfordshire, pp. 103-105. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. of Oxfordshire, vol. ii. p. 685. Smith (Lucy Toulmin). Parliamentary Petitions relating to Oxford in the Thirteenth, Pourteenth, and Fifteenth Centuries, with a List. Oxford Hist. Soc, vol. xxxii. (Collectanea, Ser. HI. pp. 77-161. 1896.) Shadwell (L. L.). Enactments in Parliament specially concerning the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, the Colleges and Halls therein, and the Colleges of Winchester, Eton, and Westminster. 4 vols. Oxford Hist. Soc, vols. Iviii.-lxl. Oxford, 1912. This work supersedes that by J. Griffiths, published in 1869. Biblio. of Tractarianism. The Oxford Movement and the Church Crisis, by W. E. D. (The Library Assoc. Record, vol. i. pp. 334-330. 1899.) Salter (H. E.). The Oxford Deeds of Balliol College. Oxford Hist. Soc, vol. Ixiv. Oxford, 1913. Madan (Falconer). Brief Annals of Brasenose College, with a List of Books relating to it. Oxford Hist. Soc, vol. Iii. (Brasenose College Quatercentenary Monographs, vol. i. pp. 13-30. 1909.) Oibson (Strickland). Some Oxford Libraries. London, 1914. Oxford Libraries. (Book-Auction Records, vol. viii. pt. L pp. i.-xix. 1910.) Thomas (Ernest C). The Libraries of Oxford, and the Uses of College Libraries. (The Library Assoc. Trans. ^ Proc. at Oxford, 1878, pp. 34-38.) Maci.). Some Sources of History for the Monmouth Rebellion and the Bloody Assizes. {Som. Archwol. ^ Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, vol. xxxviii. pt. ii. pp. 312-326. 1892.) Collection of Prints, Broadsides, etc., relating to the Battle of Sedgmoor, is in the Private Library of Mr. A. M. Broadley at Bradpole, Dorset. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Somersetshire, pp. 103-104. Bath, pp. 163-164. Wells, pp. 411-413. Davenport (Frances G.). Iiist of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Somerset Manorial Hist., pp. 55-57. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Somerset, vol. ii. p. 687. Iiyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Somersetshire, pp. 108-117. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Somerset Brasses, with a List, pp. 178-179. Index to Monumental Brasses mentioned in the Proceedings of the Som. Archseol. & Xat. Hist. Soc, vols, i.-lii., compiled by H. St. George Gray. (Proceedings, vol. lii. pt. iii. pp. 167-170. 1906.) The 'Walter Collection' of Antiq.uities in Taunton Castle Museum, described and enumerated by H. St. George Gray. (Som. Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, vol. xlviii. pt. ii. pp. 24-78. 1902.) The ' Xorris Collection ' in Taunton Castle Museum, with a Biog. Notice of Hugh Norris, by H.St. George Gray. {Ibid. vol. H. pt. it pp. 136-159. 1905.) The 'Stradling Collection' of Monmouth Relics, and Antiquities in Taunton Castle Museum, by H. St. George Gray. (Ibid. vol. xlviii. pt. i. pp. 81-87. 1903.) Green (Emanuel). Biblio. Notes on Early Printing in Somerset, in Intro- duction to ' Bibliotheca Somersetensis,' pp. xxxiv.-xxxix., see ante, p. 228. On Some Somerset Chap-Books. (Som. Archceol. and Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, vol. xxiv. pp. 50-66. 1878.) Baker (Ernest E.). Somerset Chap-Books. (Notes ^ Queries for Som. ^ Dorset, vol. iv. pp. 13-14. 1894.) Sharp (Cecil). Somerset Folk Songs. A Lecture. (Somerset Men in London Assoc, 3rd Ann. Rep. pp. 7-8. 1903-4.) Williams (Thomas Webb). Some Mediaeval Libraries and Miscellaneous Notices of Books in Somerset prior to the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Som. Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. Northern Branch. Bristol, 1897. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 231 SOMERSETSHIRE (continued). Chubb (Thomas). A Descriptive list of the Printed Maps of Somerset- shire, 1575-1914. With Biographical Notes & Illustrations. Som. Archseol & Nat. Hist. Soc. Taunton, 1914. Hobhonse (Edmund), Bishop. On a Map of Mendip. [Som. Archcsol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, vol. xli. pp. 65-72. 1895.) Remarks on Domesday Map of Somerset, A.D. 1086. {Ibid. vol. xxxv. pp. ix.-x. 1889.) A Zleport on the Pigott Collection of Drawings (of Churches, etc., relating to Somerset). {Som. Archmol. ^ Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, vol. xxiii. pt. i. pp. 4-5. 1877.) A Catal. of ' The Pigott Drawings ' deposited in the Museum of the Som. Aichseol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. (/6id. vol. viii. pp. 149-190. 1858.) A Photographic Survey of the County of Somerset, by F. J. Allen. (Ibid. vol. xxxvii. pt. ii. pp. 100-105. 1891.) A Photographic Survey of the County of Somerset, by C. H. Bothamley. (Ibid. vol. xliii. pt. ii. pp. 166-171. 1897.) Special Topographical Collections for Somerset are in the Library of the Som. Archaeol. Soc. at Taunton Castle, including the ' Serel ' and ' Tite ' Collections. Others are in the Public Libraries at Bath, Weston-super-Mare, and Bristol. A special Local Collection is at the Taunton Public Library. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Somersetshire Collections. Bouverie, Mr. Philip Pleydell, at Bry more, near Bridgwater Carew, Col. , at Crowcombe Court Hood, Sir A. Acland, at St. Audries Bridgwater 10th Rep. p. 22, and App. VI.pp. 82-98. 2nd Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 74—76 ; 4th Rep. p. XV. and App. pp. 368- 374. 5th Rep. p. X. ; 6th Rep. p. xli. and App. pp. 344-353. Luttrell, Mr. G. F., at Dunster Castle 1st Rep. p. x. and App. pp. 56-57 ; 10th Rep. p. 23, and App. VI. pp. 72-81. Macaulay, Col 4th Rep. p. xv. and App. pp. 397-404. Mildmay, Capt. H. G. St. John, at Hazelgrove House 7th Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 590-596. Phehps, Mr. W., at Montacute House 1st Rep. p. ix. and App. pp. 57-58 ; 3rd Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 281-287. Pyne, Rev. W., of Charlton Mackerel 9th Rep. p. xviii. and App. II. pp. 493-499. Skrine, Mr. H. Duncan, at Claverton 11th Rep. p. 24, and App. I. pp. Manor 1-197. Strachey, Sir^Edward, at Sutton Court 6th Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 395-407. 9th Rep. p. xviii. and App. II. pp. 493-499. Woodforde, Rev. A. J. , at Ansford Axbridge Corporation ... Bridgwater Corporation . . . Cheddar Parish Glastonbury Corporation Somerset County Records Wells Almshouses Bishop's Registry Corporation 3rd Rep. p. xx. and App. pp. 300-308. 1st Rep. App. p. 99 ; 3rd Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. 310-320. 3rd Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. 329-331. 1st Rep. App. p. 102. 3rd Rep. p. xix. and App. p. 333 ; 7th Rep. p. XV. and App. pp. 693-701. 8th Rep. pp. 638-639. 1st Rep. App. p. 92. 1st Rep. App. pp. 106-108 ; 3rd Rep. p. xix. and App. p. 350. 232 A HANDBOOK TO SOMERSETSHIRE {continued). Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Somersetshire Collections {continued). WeUs Dean and Chapter 1st Rep. App. p. 93 ; 3rd Rep. p. xix. and App. pp. 351-364; 10th Rep. pp. 38-29, and App. III.; 17th Rep. pp. 97-103, and vol. i. (1907), vol. ii. (1914). Vicars Choral of 3rd Rep. p. xix. and App. p. 364. County Records, 1650, etc. with MS. Index, at the Shire Hall, Taunton. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 32.) Records in Fuhlic and Private Custody relating to Somerset. {Ibid. 1902, App. III. p. 138.) Documents relating to Somerset in the Bodleian. {8om. S( Dor. Notes ^ Queries, vol. xl. pp. 35-37. 1908.) Somerset Archives at Iiamheth Falace Library. {Ihid. vol. vili. pp. 169- 172, 209-212. 1903.) Somerset Documents at Stratford-on-Avon. MS. Calendar to Corporation Records. Div. XII. {Ihid. vol. viii. pp. 230-231. 1903.) Deeds and other Papers relating to Somerset in possession of O. T. Tudor Sherwood. {Ibid. vol. ix. pp. 272-273. 1905.) Public Records in the County of Somerset. Biblio. Note By Thomas Serel. (Som. Archwol. ^ Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, vol. xvii. pt. i. pp. 43-46. 1871.) Phelps (Rev. William). Collections for a Hist, of Somersetshire, designed for issue in 4 vols., of which 2 vols, only vcere printed in 1836 and 1839. 17 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33820-33836. Hugo (Rev. Thomas). Collections for various Parishes in the County of Somerset. 6 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 30283-30288. Lysons (Rev. S.). Collections for Somerset. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 9459. Powell's Topographical Collections for Somerset. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17463. Upcott's Topographical Collections for Somerset. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15926. Ellacomhe (H. T.). Collections of MSS., Newspaper extracts, etc., relating to Local History, etc., 1512-1896. In Bristol Public Library. 15 vols. (Contains numerous Somerset items.) JefFeries (C. T.). Collection of MSS., ITewspaper and Magazine extracts, etc., relating to the Hist, of Bristol, 1573-1896. In Bristol Public Library. 16 vols. Vol. 15. Somerset MSS. Vol. 16. Bath Play-bills. Fry (B. A.). A Description of the Rev. Frederick Brown's Collection of Manuscript Somerset Wills and Pedigrees, now preserved at Taunton Castle, with a list of names. {Som. Archwol. §■ Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc, vol. Ivii. pt. ii. pp. 86-90. 1911.) Mr. Fry has also made a typewritten Index to the Testators in the Rev. F. ■ ~ " • ■ ~ Wil" ■ - ■ - - - Brown's Collection of Somerset Wills printed by F. A. Crisp in 6 vols., which now belong to the Som. Archaeol. Soc. Humphi '"- ■■• ~ complete Index to Brown's Somerset Wills. Diocesan Records, etc., of Bath and Wells, at Wells, Taunton, etc. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903. App. III. p. 104.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 233 SOMERSETSHIRE (continited). Holmes (T. Scott). A Keport to the Convocation of the Province of Canterbury on the Ecclesiastical Records of the Diocese of Bath and Wells, etc. Taunton, 1914. Biblio. and Descriptive Notes m Introduction on The Ecclesiastical Records of the Registry of the Bishop of Bath and Wells, pp. ix.-x. The Registers, Charters, etc., of Wells Cathedral, pp. x.-xi. Records of the Archdeaconries of Wells, Taunton, and Bath, p. xii. The Parochial Registers of the Diocese, with lists of Somerset Parishes of which Bishop's Transcripts (prnited or MS.) of the Registers are at Wells, pp. xii.- xxviii. Hutton (Matthew). Catalogues of the Contents of the Episcopal Registers of the Diocese of Bath and Wells. (In the Brit. Museum, Harl. MSS. 6964,-6968.) Bates (Rev. E. H.). Dedications of the Churches of Somersetshire, with list of Biblio. references in the Records. {Som. Arcliaol. cj Nat. Hist. Sac Proc, vol. h. pt ii. pp. 105-135. 1905.) Monday (Alfred J.). The County Records of Somerset. An Index to the Head Deeds and other Documents enrolled with the Cnstos Rotulorum of the County. {Som. * Dor. Notes & Queries, vol. xi. pp. 101- 112, 146-156. 1908.) List of a portion of a large Collection of Deeds and other Documents relating to Somerset. On Sale by F. Marcham, New Southgate, London. Murray (Richard Paget). A List of Books and Pamphlets relating to the Plora of Somerset. {The Flora of Somerset, pp. xv.-xvii.) Som. Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. Taunton, 1896. Also issued in the 'Proceedings' of the Soc. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Somerset- shire. {Journ. of Botani/, vol. xii. p. 69. 1874.) Swanton (E. W.). The MoUusca of Somerset. Som. Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. Taunton, 1912. BibHo. pp. 84-85. Also issued in the 'Proceedings.' Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Somersetshire Birds. {2'he Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 258, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 23.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. pp. 183-184. 1893.) Reptiles. {Ibid. p. 246. 1893.) Pishes. {Ihid. p. 257. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Somersetshire, pp. 250-256. Gatfield (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Somersetshire, pp. 177- 178. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Somersetshire, pp. 172, 219, 239. Upcott (William). English Topo., 1818. Somersetshire, vol. iii. pp. 1146-1171. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Somersetshire, pp. 329-318, 471. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Somersetshire, vol. ii. pp. 187-228. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Somersetshire, pp. 285-293. AXBBID&E. Corporation Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports, p. 231. Hunt (Rev. William). On the Charters and Municipal Government of Azbridge. {Som. Archceol. . Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Staffordshire, vol. ii. p. 688. Davenport (Frances G-.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio, Note on Staffordshire Manorial Hist. , p. 57. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Bomano-British Remains. 1912. Staffordshire, p. 118. Whitaker (William). List of Books on the Geology of Staffordshire. (Brit. Assoc. Report, 1886, pp. 780-797.) Ward (John). Summary of Literature relating to the Geology, Mine- ralogy, and Palseontology of ITorth Staffordshire. (North Staffs. Field Club. Trans., vol. xxxiii. p. 72. 1898-99.) Additions. (Ibid. vol. xxxvi. pp. 94-97, 1902; vol. xxxix. pp. 129-132. 1905.) A List of Papers contributed to various Publications by John Ward (mainly on Staffordshire). (Ibid. vol. xli. pp. 45-47. 1907.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Stafford- shire. (.Tourn. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 156. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Staffordshire Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 259, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph. 1891, p. 23.) Mamnials. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 184. 1893.) Reptiles. (Ibid. p. 247. 18931. Pishes. (Ibid. p. 258. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. StaffordsHire, pp. 257-261. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Staflfordshire, pp. 178-180. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Staffordshire, pp. 173, 219-220, 239. Upcott (William). English Topo., 1818. Staffordshire, vol. lii. pp. 1172-1190, 1196-1197. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Staffordshire, pp. 319-353, 475. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Staffordshire, vol. ii. pp. 229-239. Bandinel (Bulljeley). Catal. of Boolcs bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Staffordshire, pp. 294-296. BILSTON. Lawley (George T.), A History of Bilston, a Record of its Archaeology, Ecclesiology, Bibliography, etc. Bilston, 1893. Bilston Books and Authors, pp. 195-216. BURTON-ON-TBENT. Black (W. H.). Ancient Charters relating to the Abbey and Town of Bnrton-on-Trent. (Brit. Arehceol. Assoc. Journ., vol. vii. pp. 421-428. 1852.) Knowles (T.). On Some Ancient Burton MSS. (Burton-on-Trent Nat. Hist. ^ Arehceol. Soc. Trans., vol. ii. pp. 90-108. 1892.) Some Documents from the Burton Parish Chest. (Ibid. vol. iii. pp. 261-264. 1897.) A Resume of the Hist, of the Burton-on-Trent Xat. Hist. & Arch»ol. Soc, by Frank E. Lott. (TraMS., vol. iii. pp. 191-204. 1897.) HANDSWORTH. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Handsworth Museum, vol. ii. p. 279. 240 A HANDBOOK TO STAFFORDSHIRE {continued). LICHFIELD. Borough Records, 1387, etc., at the G-uildhall, Xiichfield. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 74.) Dean and Chapter of Lichfield Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. 238. Diocesan Records, 1298, etc., at Lichfield. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 104.) A Catal. of the Printed Books and MSS. in the Library of the Cathedral Church of Lichfield. (Contains Lichfield and Staffordshire items.) London, 1888. Catal. of the IXuniments and SIS. Books pertaining to the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, — Analysis of the Magnum Registrum Album,— Catal. of the Muniments of the Lichfield Vicars. Compiled by J. Charles Cox, 1881-86. {William Salt Arehwol. Soc. Collections for a Hist, of Staffs., vol. vi. pt. ii. 1885.) The Statutes of the Cathedral Church of Lichfield analysed and in part translated (by F. S. Bolton). Stafford, 1871. Botfield (Beriah). ITotes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1849. Lichfield, pp. 259-267. Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Lichfield Museum, vol. ii. pp. 266, 330. Bicentenary of the Birth of Dr. Samuel Johnson, Lichfield, 1909. Official Guide. 1909. Catal. of Johnsonian Exhibits (Including some lent by Mr. A. M. Broadley, of Bradpole, Dorset) at the Exhibition, pp. 30-55. Courtney (W. P.). A Bibliography of SamuelJohnson. Oxford, 1915. SHENSTONE. A List of the Shenstone Charters contained in the ' Chartulary ' or ' Great Coucher Book ' of the Duchy of Lancaster in the Public Record Ofilce, by George Grazebrook, with notes by H. S, Grazebrook. ( William Salt Archceol. Soc. Collections for a Hist, of Staffs., vol. xvii. pp. 237-298. 1896.) TIXALL. Clifford (Sir Thomas). A Topog. and Hist. Description of the Parish of Tixall. Paris, 1817. Privately Printed. For a Biblio. Note on a Special Copy of this work, see John Martin's ' Biblio. Catal. of Privately Printed Books,' 1854, p. 235. WALSALL. Borough Records, -with Printed Index, at Town Hall, Walsall. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 40.) A Calendar of the Deeds and Documents belonging to the Corporation of Walsall, from the reign of King John to the end of James II., by Richard Sims. 1882. WEST BROMWIOH. Hackwood (Frederick W.). A Hist, of West Bromwich. Reprinted from the ' Midland Sun,' Apr. 1894-Aug. 1895. Birmingham, 1895. Biblio., pp. 117-118. WILLENHALL. Hackwood (Frederick W.). The Annals of Willenhall. Wolverhampton, 1908. Biblio., pp. 175-178. WOLVERHAMPTON . Lawley (George T.). The Biblio. of Wolverhampton. A Record of Local Books, Authors, and Booksellers. Bilston, 1890. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 241 STIRLINGSHIRE. Bibliotheca Stirliuensis. Supplementary to items in 'Stirling Notes and Queries.' 3 vols. 1883-86. (Tlu Stirling Antiqumy, vol. i. pp. 2-6. 1893.) Local Bibliography. By various compilers. (Ibid. vol. i. pp. 123-125 ; vol. ii. pp. 235-229; vol. iii. pp. 221-221; vol. iv. pp. 220-229, 273-280. 1893-1908.) Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Stirlingshire Collections. Edmondstone, Sir Archibald, at Col- zium 3rd Rep. p. xxiii. and App. pp. 407-108. Livingstone, Mr. T. Livingstone Fen- ton, at Westquarter 7th Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 732-735. Montrose, Duke of, at Buchanan 2nd Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 165-177 ; Castle 3rd Rep. p. xxi. and App. pp. 368-4.02. Records in Publio and Private Custody. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 132.) The following vforks have been published on the Burgh Records : — ' Charters and other Documents relating to the Royal Burgh of StirUng, 1124-1705,' compiled by Robert Renwick, Glasgow, 1884; and 'Extracts from the Records of the Royal Burgh of Stirling. 1519-1752, with Appendix, 1295-1752,' edited by Robert Renwick. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1887-89. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. v. 1897.) Stirlingshire, p. 135. Stirling, p. 398. Livingstone (Hatthew). Cruide to the Public Records of Scotland. Stirling- shire, pp. 128, 180. Turnbull (WiUiam B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Stirhngshire Registers, pp. 148-152. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Stirlingshire, p. 141. Anderson (Joseph) and Black (G-eo. P.). Reports on Local Museums in Scotland. Museum of the Smith Institute at Stirling. (Sac. of Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xxii. p. 354. 1888.) Bridge of Allan Museum. {Ibid. vol. xxii. p. 355. 1888.) Murray (David). 'Museums.' Glasgow. 1902. Biblio. Note on Bridge of Allan Museum, vol. iii. p. 97. Local Contributions of Antiq.uities, etc., to the Glasgow International Exhib. 1901. {The Stirling Antiquary, vol. iii. pp. 265-287. 1904.) Morris (John Bdward). Biblio. Notes on ' The Historians of Bannock- burn.' {Bannockburn, 1914, pp. 50-56.) Kerr (Eric Stair-). Stirling Castle in Poetry. {Stirling Castle : its Place in Scottish History, 1913, pp. 197-213.) Macintyre (A. C). Robert Leprevick, the first Stirling Printer. 30 copies only printed for Private Circulation, n.d. Edmoud (John Philip). Elegies and other Tracts issued on the Death of Henry, Prince of Wales (b. at Stirling Castle, 1594), 1612, with a List. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. vi. pp. 141-158. 1906.) Harvey (William). The Harp of Stirlingshire. Paisley, J 897. Pt. L Poets connected with the Shire by Birth or Residence. Pt. II. Ballads, Poems, and Songs connected with the Shire. Pt. III. Rhymes, etc., of Stirlingshire. Biblio. Notes on Falkirk Chapbooks. {Tlie Stirling Antiquary, vol. iv. pp. 320-229, 273-280. 1908.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Stirling- shire. {Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 235. 1874.) 242 A HANBBOOK TO STIRLINGSHIRE (continued). A Special Collection of Books owned by the Stirling Nat. Hist, and Archseol. Soc. is at the Stirling Public Library. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Uote on Stirlingsliire Birds. (Tlie Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 265, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 38.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 214. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Stirlingshire, pp. 411-112. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Stirlingshire, vol. ii. pp. 719-722. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Stirlingshire, p. 364. SUFFOLK. COFINGEB (WALTER, ARTHUR). COUNTY OF SUFFOLK; ITS HISTORY AS DISCLOSED BY EXISTING RECORDS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS, BEING MATERIALS FOR THE HIST. OF SUFFOLK. 6 vols. London, 1904-07. The sixth vol. is entitled :— Index Nominum et Locorum, being an Index of Persons and Places mentioned in Copinger's ' County of Suffolk, etc.,' completed by H. B. Copinger. Manchester, 1907. The work, which is parochially arranged, is a guide to the most important records of the County. Biblio. Notes and Lists of Authorities are in Intro- duction to vol. i. On a Scheme for Rendering the Charters and MSS. in the various Repositories available for County Purposes (including a description of compiling the aforesaid monumental work on the County of Suffolk). A Leaflet published by the Congress of Archseol. Societies in Union with the Soc. of Antiquaries, 3 July, 1907. The Manors of Suffolk. 7 vols. 1905-11. Vol. vii. contains 'Index of Holders of Manors,' pp. 285-405, and ' Indexes Rerum, Locorum, and Nominum ' to the work. Index of Articles, Contributions, Papers, iiublished in the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, vols, i.-ix., 1848 98, with Ust of Illustrations. Issued with vol. x. of the ' Proceedings ' of the Institute. Catal. of Books, KISS., etc., in the Library of the Suffolk Institute of Archeeology. {Proceedings of the Institute, vol. x. pp. 97-124. 1900.) Catal. of Books in the Reference Department of the Ipswich Free Library, compiled by Henry Ogle. Ipswich, 1906. Biblio. Notes on Suffolk Newspapers, pp. 3-4. Lists of Books, etc., relating to Suffolk, pp. 91-108. Hunt (William Powell). A Catal. of the Collection of Rare Books, MSS. and Illustrated Works relating to the Co. of Suffolk, formed by W. P. Hunt. To be sold by auction by Garrod and Turner, Ipswich, 17 Dec. 1873. Rix (Samuel Wilton). A Catal. of the Library of Samuel Wilton Rix, including Archaeological and Topographical Works, MSS., County Histories, and Local Collections, mostly relating to East Anglia. To be sold by Messrs. Spelman, at Beccles, Oct., 1894. Catal. of a Collection of Printed Books and MSS., illustrative of the History of the County of Suffolk, formed by William Stevenson Fitch, of Ipswich, including original Collections for each Hundred in the County, and a Series of Pictorial Illustrations, comprising nearly 4500 original drawings and engravings (in 32 vols.). Sold by Puttick & Simpson. London, 2 July, 1855. The Catal. is arranged according to ' Hundreds.' COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 243 SUFFOLK (contimced). Catal. of the Collection of Printed Books and MSS. of W. S. Fitch, for the most part illustrative of tlie Hist, of the County of Suffolk. Sold by Ross at Ipswich, 14, Sept., 1859. ' The Suffolk Collection,' at pp. 6-14.. Catal. of the Remaining Library of W. S. Titch, comprising Works relating to Suffolk, with his MS. Topographical Collections illustrative of the County, with Deeds, Charters, etc. Sold by Sotheby & Wilkinson, 29 Nov., 1859. Ashby (Rev. George). Collections for the Hist, of the County of Suffolk, made by the Rev. Cr. Ashby, with a list of headings. See ' Catal. of MSS., Charters, Books, etc., the property of Thomas Thorpe,' p. 9. Sold by Auction by Evans, Pall Mall, 2 Mar., 1826. Cflyde (John). Suffolk in the Xineteeuth Century. London, 1856. Chap. ix. Literary and Scientific Institutions, with notes on Suffolk Libraries, pp. 281-307. Descriptive Catal. of ' The Jackson Collection ' at the Sheffield Public Library, compiled by T. Walter Hall and A. H. Thomas. 19U. Suffolk items, pp. 206-246. Prospectuses of Works published by Authors living in the County of Suffolk, 1819-51. A Collection in the British Mus. Library, 10351. g. 21. Collections of Miscellaneous Papers, cuttings from Magazines, News- papers, etc., relating to the County of Suffolk, in the Library of the British Museum. (Formerly in the possession of D. E. Davy, of Ufford.) Suffolk Scarce Tracts, 1595-1684, in Library of Charles Crolding. A Biblio. List. 1873. Privately printed. Booth (W. K.). Suffolk Books, MSS., Illustrations, etc., including extra- illustrated copies of the County Histories. See List in ' Catal. of the Handford Lodge, Ipswich, Collection, formed by W. H. Booth,' pp. 57-60. Sold by Robert Bond & Sons, Ipswich, 23 Apr., 1906. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Suffolk, p. 104. Ipswich, pp. 262-264.. Bury St. Edmunds, pp. 182-184. Davenport (Prances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Suffolk Manorial Hist., pp. 57-58. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Suffolk, vol. ii. p. 689. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Suffolk, pp. 118-120. Catal. of Antiq,uities found principally in Bast Anglia, in the Norwich Castle Museum. Edited by Walter Rye. Compiled by Frank Leney. Norwich, 1909. Biblio., pp. ix.-x. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : George Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Suffolk Brasses, with a List, pp. 142, 179-182. A List of Monumental Brasses remaining in the Co. of Suffolk, 1903. By Edmund Farrer. With Biblio. References. Norwich, 1903. An Index to Suffolk Monumental Inscriptions in the Davy Collection, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29761. Suffolk Monumental Inscriptions. By Rev. T. W. Oswald-Hicks. {The Register of English Monumental Inscriptions, vol. ii. 1914.) I. Table of Printed Transcripts and where Printed, pp. 126-128. II. Table of Unprinted Transcripts and where Deposited, pp. 129-131. Suffolk Churchyard Inscriptions. A contribution towards a Biblio. of Inscriptions, Printed and in MSS. By Harleigh Oswald-Hicks. [In preparation,] 244 A HANDBOOK TO SUFFOLK {continued). Collection of Brass Rubbing's in tlie possession of the Suifolk Inst, of Arcliseology, with a List pf Brasses arranged under Counties. (Suff. Inst, of Archceol. Proc, vol. x. pp. 237-2;49. 1900.) Suffolk Archaeological Association. A small Collection of Papers, Circulars, etc. Ipswich, 1846. In the Brit. Mus. Library, 10351. g. 19. Frost's Drawings of Ipswich and Sketches in Suffolk, with a Memoir, and short descriptive notes on the principal Plates, edited by Frank Brown. 1895. Ford (James). Notices of Prints relating to Suffolk, extended by W. H. Booth, n.d. Collections of Water-Colour Brawings, Engravings, etc., illustrative of the Topographical, Biographical, and Domestic Hist, of the County of Suffolk, with lists, formed by W. S. Fitch, J. Pulhara, and others. See ante, p. 242. Hunt, pp. 27-30. A Collection of the Proposals for Publishing various ISngravings, Books, etc., relating to Suffolk, 1770-1845. In the Brit. Mus. Library, 1891. e. 2. (2). A Complete Catal. of Engraved Suffolk Portraits, with Notes, Bio- graphical, Historical, etc. Announced as 'in preparation,' 1914. Farrer (Edmund). Portraits in West Suffolk Houses. London, 1908. A Collective List, with detailed descriptions. Hunt (William Powell). MS. Catal. of Suffolk Portraits. See ante, p. 242. Hunt's Catal. p. 14. County Folk-Lore. Vol. I. Suffolk. Collected and edited by Lady E. C. Gordon, with introduction by Edward Clodd. With a list of Authorities. Folk-Lore Soc. Pubns. vol. xxxvii. 1895. AUnutt (W. H.). English Provincial Presses. Earliest Printing at Ipswich. 1547-48. {Bibliographica, vol. ii. pp. 33-35, 301. 1896.) Beck (F. Cr. M.). A New Ipswich Book of 1548. (The Library, New Ser., vol. X. pp. 86-89. 1909.) A Brief Description of the Art of Anastatic Printing and of the Uses to which it may be applied, as practised by S. H. Cowell, Ipswich. 1870. The Suffolk Garland, or a Collection of Poems, Songs, Tales, Ballads, Sonnets, etc. relative to that County, and illustrative of its Scenery, Places, etc. [Edited by the Rev. James Ford.] Ipswich, 1818. Suffolk Garland, 2 vols. (MS.) Collections of Ballads, Songs, etc., formed by the Bev. James Ford (Editor of the ' Suffolk Garland,' in 1818), with the additions made by Augustine Page, also the Papers in print and MS. Additions by W. S. Fitch, for the furtherance of a second edition of the 'Garland.' See ante p. 242. • Sale Catal. of Fitch's Library, 29 Nov. 1859,' p. 23. The Col- lections are now Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 23965-23966. Glyde (John). The New Suffolk Garland, a Miscellany of Anecdotes, Romantic Ballads, Descriptive Poems and Songs, Historical and Biographical Notices, etc. relating to the County of Suffolk. Ipswich, 1866. , Biblio. Notes on Suffolk Ballads. (East Anqlian, New Ser. vol. iv. pp. f)S, 335, 383; vol vi. pp. 56-59, 160, 176, 193, 1891-96.) Eyre (H. R.). Materials for a Hist, of Suffolk Theatres. (In Ipswich Free Library.) For some Ipswich Theatrical items from the Eyre Collection, see ante p. 243, ' Catal. of the Collection of W. H. Booth,' p. 60. A Collection of Ordinances, Acts of Parliament, and Bills relating to Suffolk. 5 vols. 1654-1817. In the Brit. Museum Library, 5805. d. 1-5. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 245 SUFFOLK (continued). Special Topographical Collections for Suffolk and East Anglia are in the Public Libraries at Ipswich and Yarmouth, and in the Library of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Suffolk Collections. Almack, Mr. Richard, at Melford ... 1st Rep. p. x. and App. p. 55. Bunbury, Sir Charles, at Bury ... 3rd Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 240-242. Guilford, Earl of, at Glemham Hall ... 17th Rep. p. 122; and Various Col- lections, vol. iv. pp. 175-190. HiU, Rev. T. S.,atThorington ... 10th Rep. p. 23, and App. IV. pp. 451-457. Sewell, Rev. W. H., at Yaxley ... 10th Rep. p. 26, and App. IV. pp. 463-466. ToUemache, Mr. John, at Helmingham Hall 1st Rep. p. X. and App. pp. 60-61. Aldeburgh Coi-poration 17th Rep. pp. 124-125, and Various Collections, vol. iv. pp. 279-312. Beccles Corporation Various CoOections, vol. vii. pp. 70-79. Bury St. Edmunds Corporation ... 14th Rep. p. 41, and App. VIII. pp. 121-158. Dunwich Corporation Various Collections, vol. vii. pp. 81-113. Eye Corporation 10th Rep. p. 26, and App. IV. pp. 513-536. Ipswich Corporation 9th Rep. pp. xi.-xiii. and App. I. pp. 922-262. Mendlesham Parish 5th Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 593-596. Orford Corporation ... 17th Rep. p. 123; and Various Col- lections, vol. iv. pp. 255-278. Southwold Corporation ... Various Collections, vol. vii. pp. 114-118. County Records, 1639, etc., with MS. Index, at tlie County Hall, Ipswicli, and at the Shire Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 24.) Davy's Collections for the Hist, of the County of Suffolk, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MSS. 19077-19241. A Series of nearly 160 vols, made by David E. Davy, of Ufford. Davy's Suffolk Collections. A verbatim Copy of a ' List of the MS. Material enumerated by D. E. Davy for a Hist, of Suffolk,' Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19172. By W. A. Copinger. (East Ant/Uun, Ser. 3, vol. viii. p. 373; vol. ix. pp. 8, 21, 56, 70, 88, 156. 1899-1901.) Jermyn's Collections for a General Hist, of the County of Suffolk, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MSS. 8168-8218, 17097, 17099. Suckling's Collections for Suffolk, in the Brit. Museum. Add. MSS. 18476-18478, 18480-18482. The Topography of Suffolk. References to MSS. in the Brit. Museum, by R. P. Sanderson. (East Anglian, Ser. 2, vol. iv. pp. 183-185, 262-266 ; vol. V. p. 361. 1892-94.) On MS. Collections relating to Suffolk in the Brit. Museum, by Edward Levien. (Brit. Archceol. Assoc. Jomm., vol. xxi. pp. 5-21. 1865.) MS. Collections relating' to the County of Suffolk, by S. W. Rix. (Ibid. vol. xxi. pp. 144-158. 1865.) Suffolk MSS. in the Brit. Museum. A List from the ' Catal. of Additions to MSS. in the Brit. Mus., 1906-10,' by R. F, BuUen. (East Anqlian Miscellany, 1913, pp. 87, 92.) 246 A HANDBOOK TO SUFFOLK (continued). A Descriptive Catal. of Ancient (SufFolk) Deeds in tlie Public Record Office, with an Index, by W. E. Layton. {Suff. Inst, of Archceol. Proe., vol. x. pp. 251-344, 399-413. 1900.) Also issued separately. Fitch (William Stevenson). Collections of MSS. relating to the Hist. of Suffolk. 28 vols. (In Ipswich Free Library.) Indices to Fitch's Materials for the Bleckbourne and Blything Hundreds, by Edward Cookson, are also in the same Library. Cookson (Edward). MS. Collections relating to Suffolk. See ante p. 242. ' Catal. of the Reference Department of the Ipswich Free Lib.' p. 107. Bibliotheca Martiuiana. Catal. of Library of the late Antiquary, Thomas Martin, of Palgrave, issued by Martin Booth and John Berry. (Contains numerous Suffolk MSS.) (Norf. Antig. Misc., vol. iii. pp. 394-401. 1887.) Memoirs of the Life of Thomas Martin, of Palgrave, in Suffolk, with an Account of the disposal and disposition of his large and valuable Collections of MSS., Printed Books, Papers, Pictures, etc., by John Fenn. 1784. ( Norfolk Archmology, vol. xv. pp. 233-236. 1904.) Tom Martin's MSS. List of MSS. formerly belonging to Tom Martin, the Palgrave Antiquary. (East Anglian Miscellany, 1914, pp. 49-50. Ford (Rev. Joseph). Collections of Portraits and Materials for the Parochial Hist, of Suffolk. 10 vols. See ' Catal. of MS. Library of Dawson Turner,' pp. 298, 299. Sold by Puttick and Simpson, June 1859. The Blois MSS. (In possession of the Suif. Inst, of Archaeology, formerly in the Library of Robert Hovenden.) 4 vols. By Rev. Edmund Farrer. (Suff. Inst. ofArchwol. Proc, vol. xiv. pp. 147-226. 1911.) The following are described : Vol. I. Pedigrees of Suffolk Families. Vol. II. Additional Pedigrees, & Index to Pedigrees. Vol. III. Church Notes, & Index to Church Notes. Vol. IV. A Suflfolk Armory. Coleman's Suffolk Deeds. A hst of those relating to Suifolk in the James Coleman Collection, by H. W. B. Wayman. (East Anglian, Set. 3, vol. xiii. pp. 328-329. 1910.) A Catal. of the Library of John Ives (Suffolk Herald, b. 1751, d. 1776), sold by Baker & Leigh, London, Mar. 3-10, 1777. (Includes important MSS., etc., relating to Suffolk.) Catal. of Ancient MSS., chiefly Antiquarian and Historical, including the valuable Collections of Sir Henry Spelman, collected by the Rev. Dr. Cox Macro, of Little Haugh (Norton), in the County of Suifolk. To be sold by Christie, Pall Mall, Feb. 1820. (Contains a few interesting Suffolk items.) These MSS. were privately purchased by Hudson Gurney, of Keswick Hall, Norwich, and Dawson Turner, of Yarmouth. Catal. of Suffolk Manorial Registers, Royal Grants, Deeds, etc., collected for the purpose of illustrating a Hist, of the County, by William Stevenson Fitch. Ipswich, 1843. Privately printed. Suffolk County Records, with a List of the Principal Records in the Custody of the Clerk of the Peace for Suffolk. (8uf. Inst, of Archceol. Proc, vol. XV. pp. 144-151. 1914.) Archdeaconry of Suffolk Records, 1525, etc., at the Registry, Ipswich. (Local Records Oomm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 124.) Records of Protestant Dissenters in Suffolk, with a List of Suffolk Non- Parochial Registers (before 1750) and Records. By V. B. Redstone. (East Anglian Miscellany, 1913, pp. 94, 96.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 247 SUFFOLK {continued). Trimeu (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the Britisli Counties. Suifolk. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 110. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. ITote on Suffolk Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 959. 1890; and reprinted in paraph., 1891, p. 24.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 184. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Suffolk, pp. 261-268. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Suffolk, pp. 180-182. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Suffolk, pp. 173, 220-222, 239. Upcott (William). English Topo., 1818. Suffolk, vol. ill. pp. 1191-1206. Smith (Alfred RusseU). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc., 1878. Suffolk, pp. 355-362, 475. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Suffolk, vol. ii. pp. 241-260. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough. 1814. Suffolk, pp. 297-.101. ALDEBURGH. Corporation Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports, p. 245. BEOCLES. Corporation Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. 245. Beccles Collections. A Collection of Papers in MS., comprising the raaterials towards a Hist, of Beccles. See ante p. 242. Rix (S.W.). Catal. of Library, 1894, pp. 25-30. BURY ST. EDMUNDS. Corporation Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports, p. 245. Borough Records, at Town Hall, Bury St. Edm.unds. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902. App. HI. p. 48.) Clarke (Sir Ernest). Bury Chroniclers of the Thirteenth Century. Re- printed frora the ' Bury Free Press.' 1905. Bartholomew (A. T.) and Gordon (Cosmo). On the Library at King Bdward VI. School, Bury St. Edmunds. (The Library, Ser. 3, vol. i. pp. 1-27, 329-331. 1910.) DUNWICH. Corporation Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Comra. Reports, p. 245. EYE. Corporation Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports, p. 245. Borough Records, 1575, etc., at Town Clerk's office. Eye. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902. App. HI. p. 56.J FRESTON . Index to Freston Parish Registers, 1538-1884. (Preston Parish Mag., ed. by Rev. C. R. Durrant, July, 1887-Oct. 1891.) IPSWICH. Corporation Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Comra. Reports, p. 245. List of Books specially relating to Ipswich, also a Collection of Water-color and Pencil Drawings, engravings, etc. , illustrative of the town of Ipswich. See ante p. 342. Hunt (W. P.). Catal. of Books, etc., relating to Suffolk, pp. 24-29. List of Books relating to Ipswich, see ante p. 242. ' Catal. of Books in the Ileference Department of the Ipswich Free Library,' 1906, pp. 100-105, 248 A HANDBOOK TO SUFFOLK {continued). Collections of Books and MSS. relating to Ipswicli. See ante p. S43. ' Catal. of a Collection of the Books, etc., of W. S. Fitch of Ipswich,' pp. 23-29. Books and MSS. relating to Ipswicli, containing many from the Hengrave Hall, the Charles Golding, and the Eyre Collections, and including an extra- illustrated copy of Clarke's ' Hist, of Ipswich,' extended to five vols. , with water- colour drawings, sketches, and a loose Index. See ante p. 243. 'Catal. of the Collection of W. H. Booth,' pp. 57-60. Glyde (John). Slaterials for a Hist, of Ipswich (18 vols.) — materials for a Hist, of Municipal Ipswich (2 vols. ) and Materials for a Parliamentary Hist, of Ipswich. (In Ipswich Free Lib.) See ante p. 242. ' Catal. of Books in the Ipswich Free Lib.,' pp. 101, 103. White (C. H. Bvelyn). The Ipswich ' Domesday ' Books, and especially concerning Percyrale's ' Crt. Domesday Book.' (Suff. Inst, of Archwol. Proc, vol. vi. pp. 195-219. 1888.) Redstone (Vincent B.). Ipswich Fort Books. (/Wcf. vol. xiv. pp. 238-242. 1911.) Murray (David). ' Museums.' Glasgow. 1904. Biblio. Note on Ipswich Museum, vol. ii. p. 297. Ogle (Henry). An Old Town Library (Ipswich). (The Lihran/ Assistant, vol. iv. pp. 141-145. 1904.) LONG MELFORD . Deedes (Cecil). Dr. Bisbie's MS. Collections for Iiong Melford. {Suf. Inst, of ArchcBol. Proc, vol. vii. pp. 78-90. 1891.) MENDLESHAM. Parish Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. 245. ORFORD. Corporation Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. 245. SOUTHWOLD. Corporation Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. 245. Borough Records, 1658, etc., with Printed Index, at the Town Hall, Southwold. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902. App. III. p. 70.) Wake (Robert). Southwold and its Vicinity, 1839. For a Note on an extra- illustrated copy of this work, with sketches by the Ipswich Artist, Henry Davy, and original letters, documents, etc., collected and arranged by W. P. Hunt, see ante p. 242. Hunt, p. 18. SUDBURY. Borough Records, 1340, etc., at Town Hall, Sudbury. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902. App. III. p. 70.) Calendar of the Muniments of the Borough of Sudbury. By Ethel Stokes and LiUan Redstone. (Suff. Inst, of Archceol. Proc, vol. xiii. pp. 259-310. 1909.) Early Sudbury Records. By Ethel Stokes. (/W(i. vol. xiv. pp. 105-109. 1912.) Records of the Sudbury Archdeaconry. By Vincent B. Redstone. I. Calendar of Register Returns. 1580-1640. II. Terriers and Surveys, with a Calendar. (Ibid. vol. xi. pp. 253-300. 1903.) THETFORD. [See Norfolk, p. 181.] WOODBRIDGE. Ford (James). MS. Collections of Materials towards a Hist, of Wood- bridge, 2 vols. (In Ipswich Free Library.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 249 SURREY. [The Entries under ' London ' should also be consulted for places regarded as being in the County of Surrey.] niiuet (William) and Courtney (Charles J.). A Catal. of the Collection of Works relating to the County of Surrey in the Minet Public Iiibrary (Camberwell), 1901. Supplement, 1910. List of Maps and Plans, pp. 131-133, and Supp. pp. 63-64. Index to the MS. Calendar of Deeds, 1512-1842, in the Minet Lib., pp. 134-142, and Supp. pp. 65-71. Additions to Works relating to the County of Surrey, 1910-1912. Stephenson (IVIiU). Catal. of Surrey Books and MSS. in the Lib. of the Surrey Archseol. Soo. {Surrey Archoeol. Soc. Collections, vol. a. pp. 1T3-204. 1891.) Also issued separately. General Index to vols. i. to xx. (1858-1907) of the Surrey Archaeological Collections. (Surrey Archasol. Soc.) Guildford, 1914. App, I. Classified List of Illustrations. App. II. Key to References to the Visitation Pedigrees. A Schedule of Antic^uities in the County of Surrey, by P. M. Johnston, and others. (Surrey Archseol. Soc.) Guildford, 1913. A summary of the specialised information contained in the principal County Histories, the Collections of the Surrey Archajol. Soc, and other works. The earliest dates of Parish Registers are given. Collections of MSS., Pictures, etc., in public and private custody are recorded. Manning (Owen) and Bray (William). Catal. of Books relating to the County, Or particular Parts of it, and List of Prints, Maps, Views, Portraits, Acts of Parliament, etc., relative to the County, in vol. iii. pp. 683-702, and App. pp. i.-viii., bcxxiv.-cvii. of 'The History and Anti- quities of the County of Surrey.' 3 vols. London, 1804-14. An extra-illustrated copy of Manning and Bray's 'History,' in 30 vols., formed by Richard Percival, Highbury Park, London, in 1847, is in the Lib. of the Brit. Museum. It is illustrated by upwards of six thousand drawings, prints, maps, plans, portraits, &c. The vols, have special title-pages, descriptive of the Collection, with names of Artists, etc. An Index to the Victoria History of the County of Surrey. London, 1914. Maiden (Henry BUiott). A History of Surrey. London, 1900. Biblio. of Some Books on Surrey, pp. 310-318. Coutts (H. T.). List of Books on Surrey in the Croydon Public Library. (The Reader's Index to the Croydon Public Libraries, vol. vi. pp. 133-140. 1904.) Bax (A. Biidley). List of Papers and Illustrations relating to the County of Surrey, contained in the 'Archseologia,' 1770-1897, the Archsso- logical Journal, 1845-1898, and the Journal of the Brit. Archseol. Assoc, 1845-1898. (Surrey Archceol. Soc. Collections, vol. xv. pp. 128-136. 1900.) Catal. of the extensive Collection of Original Colovired Drawings, Por- traits, Topographical Prints and Books illustrative of the County of Surrey made by Arthur Tyton. Sold by Evans, Pall Mall, 16 Nov. 1838. For a note on Tyton's Collection, sec Upcott's 'English Topography,' 1818, vol. ill. p. 1234. Collections of Surrey Prints in the Library of the Surrey Archseol. Soc. at Guildford. Photographic Survey and Record of Surrey. The Photographic Prints, etc. , are in the Reference Department of the Croydon Public Libraries. Dove (Patrick Bdward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. of Surrey, vol. ii. p. 690. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Surrey, pp. 120-122. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913, Biblio. Note on Surrey Brasses, with a List, pp. 142, 182-184. 250 A HANDBOOK TO SURREY (continued). A Iiist of Monumental Brasses in Surrey, compiled by Mill Stephenson. (Monumental Brass Soc. Tram., vol. vi. pp. 25T-295, 329-353, 377-398. 1913-14.) Also in Surrey Archaeol. Collections, vol. xxv. pp. 33-100 ; vol. xxvi. pp. 1-80 ; vol. xxvii. pp. 21-87. 1912-14.) G-ross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. v. 1897.) Surrey, p. 105. Guildford, pp. 251-253. Kingston-on-Thames, p. 268. Bavenport (Frances G-.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Surrey Manorial Hist. , p. 58. A List of Private Acts, etc., relating to the County of Surrey. Stevens and Sons, London, circa 1912. List of Acts of Parliament relating to Surrey. See ante p. 249. ' Catal. of Books in the Minet Public Lib. ,' pp. 76-126. Bolton (W.). The County of Surrey in Works of Fiction. (The Surrey Mag., vol. i. pp. 319-321. 1900.) The Printing Industry in Surrey. See 'A History of Surrey,' edited by H. E. Maiden, vol. ii. 1902, pp. 421-424. (Victoria County Histories.) Pierce (William). The Marprelate Press at East Molesey. See 'An Historical Introduction to the Marprelate Tracts,' 1908, p. 233. Allnutt (W. H.). English Provincial Presses. The Marprelate Press at East Molesey. (Bibliographica, vol. ii. pp. 174-175. 1896.) Flomer (Henry R.). G-. F. Hudson's Private Press at Tadworth Heath. (Same Private Presses of the Nineteenth Century, in ' TAe Library,' New Ser., vol. i. p. 427. 1900.) Baker (Alfred A. Bethune-). Surrey Bookplates. (The Home Counties Maq., vol. vii. pp. 116-123. 1905.) Special Topographical Collections for Surrey are at the Minet Public Library, Caraberwell, and in the Lib. of the Surrey Archeeol. Soc. at Guildford. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Surrey Collections. Hodgkin, Mr. J. Eliot, of Richmond ... 15th Rep. p. 41 and App. II. Midleton, Viscount 1st Rep. p. Ix. and App. p. 44. Molyneux, Mr. W. More, at Loseley Park 7th Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 596-680 ; 17th Rep. p. 12. Onslow, Earl of, at Clandon Park ... 14th Rep. pp. 29-31 and App. IX. pp. 458-524. Kingston-on-Thames Corporation ... 3rd Rep. p. xx. and App. pp. 331-333. County Records, 1690, etc., -writh MS. Indexes at the County Hall, Kingston-on-Thames. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. HI. p. 24.) Collections for Surrey by Richard Symmes [1670-1680] in the Brit. Museum. Add. MS. 6167. Topographical Notes for a Hist, of the County of Surrey by Dr. Gibson, in the Brit. Museum, arranged according to Hundreds. Add. MS. 23231. Index to a Calendar of Deeds concerning the County of Surrey contained in the Minet Public Library, Camberwell. 1914. This Index supersedes the one issued in the Catal. of Books in the Minet Library, see ante p. 249. Archdeaconry of Surrey Records, 1566, etc. (Local Records Comm. Ren., 1902, App. III. p. 118.) Index to the Monumental Inscriptions in Thorpe's ' Registrum RoiFense,' 1769. Privately printed by F. A. Crisp. 1885. The Diocese of Rochester comprises a part of Surrey. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 251 SURREY (continued). The Antiquary's List of Surrey Deeds and other Documents. Offered for Sale by F. Marcham, Tottenham. The parts were issued, with a continuous pagination, in order to form a volume for reference. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Surrey. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 73. 187y Q. V. (The Westmorland Note-Book, vol. i. pp. 58-59. 1888-89.) Biblio. Note on Kendal Periodicals. (Ibid. vol. i. pp. 285-286. 1889.) Bewick's Cuts in Eendal Printed Books. (Ibid. vol. i. p. 265. 1889.) Pollitt (Charles). Be Q'l^incey's Editorship of the ' Westmorland Gazette.' With selections from his work in that Journal from July, 1818, to Nov. 1819. Kendal, 1890. Ferguson (Richard Saul). Notes on Eendal Chap-Books and Eendal Printers. (Cumh. ^ Westm. Antiq. S[ Archwol. Soc. Trans., vol. xiv. pp. 78-80. 1897.) Catal. of a Collection of Books, Pamphlets and Prints relating to the Counties of Cumberland and Westmorland. Charles Thurnam & Sons, Carlisle [1913]. A List of Private Acts, etc. Westmorland. Stevens & Sons, London. 1913. List of Local Biographies of Westmorland Worthies in the ' Westmor- land Gazette,' for 1884-1886. (The Westmorland Note-Book, vol. i. pp. 310-312. 1888-89.) A Special Topographical Collection for Westmorland is in the Public Library at Lancaster. A Local Collection is in the Kendal Public Library. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Westmorland Collections. Bagot, Capt. Josceline F., at Levens 10th Rep. p. 16 and App. IV. pp. Hall 318-347. Browne, Mr. George, at Troutbeck ... 10th Rep. p. 17 and App. IV. pp. 347-358. le Fleming, Mr. S. H., at Rydal HaU 12th Rep. pp. 38-39 and App. VII. Lonsdale, Earl of, at Lowther Castle 13th Rep. pp. 32-35 and App. VII. Strickland, Mr. Walter C, of Sizergh Castle 5th Rep. p. ix. and App. pp. 329-332. Kendal Corporation 10th Rep. p. 16 and App. IV. pp. 299-318. County Records, 1661, etc., with MS. Index, at Eendal Town Hall. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 24.) Collections for Westmorland and Cumberland in the Cathedral Library of Carlisle. See 'Notes & Queries,' Ser. 8, vol. ix. p. 498. 1896, COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 276 WESTMORLAND (continued). Hill'i MS. Collections for Westmorland and Cumberland. List of Contents of the 9 vols. See ' A Notice of the late John Hill, of Bankfoot, and his West- morland MSS.' (Cumb. Sj: Westm. Antiq. &■ Archaol. Soc. Trans., vol. ix. pp. 14-28. 1888.) Duckett (Sir George). Westmorland, its Tenures, General History, and Post-mortem Inquests, exemplified in the Collection of Rawlinson, among the MSS. of the Bodleian Lib. (A brief Summary of the Contents of the Rawhnson MSS. relating to Westmorland.) I^Ibid. vol. iv. pp. 13-H. I8T9.) Whitehead (Henry). Westmorland Parish Registers, with a List. (Cumb. ^ Westm. Antiq. 4 Archwol. Soc. Trans., vol. xiii. pp. 125-141. 1895.) Ferguson (Richard Saul). An attempt to trace the missing Episcopal Registers of the See of Carlisle. {Ibid. vol. vii. pp. 295-299. 1884.) Wilson (James). Calendar of Charitable Trusts in the Diocese of Car- lisle, 1736-18G5, with a Table arranged under Parishes, giving objects of Deeds, and References where Copies are to be found. {Ibid. New Ser. vol. ii. pp. 348-379. 1903.) Whitaker (William). A List of Works relating to the Geology of Cum- berland and Westmorland. {Cumb. 4" Westm. Assoc. Trans., no. vii. pp. 13-39. 1882.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Westmor- land. [Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 182. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Westmorland Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 260, 1890, and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 25.) Mammals. (T'Ae.Zoo^wf, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 185. 1893.) Reptiles. (/6tW. p. 247. 1893.) Pishes. (iMrf. p. 258. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Westmorland, pp. 294-297. Gatfield (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Westmorland, pp. 187-188. Sims (Richard). Manual for the Genealogist. 1861. Westmorland, pp. 176, 224. Upcott (William). English Topo., 1818. Westmorland, vol. iii. pp. 1283-1285. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Westmorland, pp. 397-398. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Westmorland, vol. ii. pp. 311-314. Bandinel (Bulkelev). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough. 1814. Westmorland, pp. 312-B13. APPLEBY. Borough Records, 1179, etc., at the Town Hall, Appleby. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 46.) Rivington (C. R.). The Appleby Chained Books. {Cumb. 4' Westm. Antiq. i Archwol. Soc. Trans., vol. xi. pp. 271-278. 1891.) Hewitson (W.). The Appleby Charters. {Ibid. vol. xi. pp. 279-285. 1891.) INGS. Reade (Rev. George B. P.). The Ings Registers. {Ibid. New Ser. vol. xiii. pp. 79-84. 1913.) KENDAL. Corporation Records. See amte Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Borough Records, 1575, etc., at Kendal Town Hall. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. HI. p. 60.) Moser (G. E.). Kendal Parish Church Registers. {Cumb. 4 Westm. Antiq. f Archwol. Soc. Trans., vol. iii. pp. 49-63. 1878.) 276 A HANDBOOK TO WESTMORLAND {continued). Nicholson (Prancis). Kendal (Unitarian) Chapel and its Registers. {Ibid. New Ser. vol. v. pp. 172-181. 1905.) Severs (Joseph). A Sketch of the ' Kendal ITat. Hist. Society.' (The West- morland Nat. Hist. Record, vol. i. pp. 28-34.. 1888-89.) A Local Collection is in the Kendal Public Library. KIRKBY LONSDALE. Couder (Edward). The Kirkby Lonsdale Parish Registers, 1538-1812, with Biblio. Notes. (Cwmb. ^ Westm. Antiq. ^ Archceol. Soc. Trans., New Ser. vol. V. pp. 213-342. 1905.) ORTON. Nicholson (J. Holme). The Parish Registers of Orton, with Biblio. Notes. {Ibid. vol. xi. pp. 250-265. 1891.) WEXFORD. Coleman (James). Biblio. of the Counties of Waterford, Tipperary, and Wexford. (Waterford ^ South-East of Irel. Archceol. Soc. Journ., vol. x. pp. 323-328. 190T.) O'Hanlon (John). Index of Materials for the Hist. & Topography of Wexford in the Irish Ordnance Survey Records and in the Royal Irish Academy. {Kilkenny ^ South-East of Irel. Archceol. Soc. Journ., vol. iv. p. 392. 1857.) Dix (Ernest Reginald MeClintock). Early Printing in the South-East of Ireland. Wexford Printing, with a List, 1769-1325. (Waterford S[ South-East of Irel. Archceol. Soc. .Tourn., vol. xii. pp. 15-19. 1909.) Hore MSS. Biblio. Note on the Collections of Herbert Hore, of Pole- Hore, CO. Wexford, relating to Irish History and to County Wexford. (Soc. Antiq. Irel. Journ., vol. xxiii. p. 213. 1893.) Griffiths (George). Chronicles of the County Wexford. 1890. Biblio. Notes in Introduction. Wheeler (H. P. B.) and Broadley (A. HI.). The War in Wexford, l!r98. An Account of the Rebellion in the South of Ireland in 1798. London, 1910. Biblio. pp. 327-332. List of Wexford Municipal Records Printed. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. vi. p. 91. 1912.) Flood (W. K. Grattan). The Diocesan MSS. of Perns during the rule of Bishop Sweetman, 1745-1786. (Archivium Hibemicum, vol. ii. pp. 100- 105, Catholic Record Soc. of Irel. 1913.) A Chorographic Account of the Southern Fart of the County of Wexford, written 1684, by Robert Leigh, of Rosegarland, in that County. Edited by Herbert F. Hore. (Kilkenny ^ South-East of Irel. Archceol. Soc. Journ., vol. v. pp. 17-21, 451-467. 1858-59.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Wexford Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 216. 1893.) Reptiles. (Ibid. p. 251. 1893.) Fishes. (lUd. p. 263. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Tope, 1881. Wexford, pp. 142-443, Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Wexford, vol. 11. p. 820, COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. rtl WICKLOW. Coleman (James). Biblio. of the Counties of VTaterford, Tipperary, and Wexford; Kilkenny, Carlow, and Wicklow. (Waterford ^ Soutk-East of Irel. Ar§hceol. Soc. Jour., vol. xi. pp. 126-133. 1908.) O'Hanlon (John). Index of Materials for the Hist. & Topog^raphy of Wicklow in the Irish Ordnance Survey Records and in the Boyal Irish Academy. {Kilkenny ^ South-East of Irel. Arclueol. Soc. Journ., vol. Iv p. 424. 1857.) Hist. mSS. Comm. Report. Wicklow Collection. Malony, Rev. Michael, of Kilbride . . . 3rd Rep. p. x. and App. p. 432. Maffett (R. S.). The Roundwood Press, with a list, 1817-20. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. i. pp. 37-39 ; vol. iii. pp. 199-202. 1909-12.) See also supple- mental Note by E. R. McC. Dix at vol. i. p. 61. Macalister (R. A. Stewart). Studies in Irish Epig^raphy. 1897-1907. Biblio. Note on Wicklow Epigraphy. Pt. I. 1897. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Wicklow Birds. {Catal of Local Lists of British Birds, 1891, p. 42.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 216. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Biit. Tqpo., 1881. Wicklow. p. 443. Gough (Richard). Brit Topo., 1780. Wicklow, vol. 11. p. 821. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Goueh 1814. Wicklow, p. 383. WIGTOWNSHIRE. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. Wigftownshire Collection. McDouall, Col. James, at Logan ... 4th Rep. p. xxiii, and App. pp. 535-536. Livingstone (Matthew). G-nide to the Public Records of Scotland. 1905. Wigtownshire, pp. 129, 180. TurnbuU (William B.). Scottish Parochial Registers. 1849. List of Wigtownshire Registers, pp. 155-157. Black (George Fraser). Descriptive Catal. of Antiq,uities found in Ayr- shire and Wigtownshire. {Ayrshire and Galloway Archwol. Assoc. Col- lections, vol. vii. pp. 1-47. 1894.) Biblio. of Literature relating to Historical Monuments, etc., in Wig' townshire. See ' Fourth Report and Inventory of Monuments and Construe" tions in Galloway,' vol. i. Co. of Wigtown, 1912, pp. xiv.-xvi. Hist. Monuments [Scot.] Commission. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Wigtown- shire. {Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 234. 1874.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Wigtownshire Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 266. 1890; and reprinted in pamphl., 1891, p. 39.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Wigtownshire, pp. 412-413. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Wigtownshire, vol. ii. p. 733. WILTSHIRE. Catal. of the Hoare Library at Stourhead, co. Wilts, compiled by J. Bowyer Nichols. London, 1840. Wiltshire items, pp. 412-444 (includes Lists of Wiltshire Drawings, and details of the MS. Collections of Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Sir Thomas Phillipps, Rev. J. Collinson, John Aubrey, and others). A Chronological List of the Works of Sir R. C. Hoare, pp. xix.-xxv. An Account of the Museum of British Antiquities at Stourhead, by Sir R. C. Hoare, pp. 723-731. Catal. of the Paintings and Drawings at Stourhead, with a description of the Mansion, by Sir R. C. Hoare, pp. 733-754. 278 A HANDBOOK TO WILTSHIRE (continued). Some Notices of the Library at Stourhead, with descriptions of the MS. Collections of Sir Richard Hoare. By J. Bowyer Nichols. {Wilts. Archwol. i Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. ii. pp. 119-125. 1855.) See also notes on the Library in John Britton's ' Essay on Topographical Literature,' 1843, pp. viii.-ix. Hunter (Joseph). The Topographical Gatherings at Stourhead, 1825- 1833. (The Arclmeol. Inst. Salisbury Meeting, 1849, Mtmoirs, pp. 16-2T.) Murray (David). Biblio. Note on Stourhead Museum, etc. (' Mmeums,' Glasgow, 1902, vol. ii. p. 288.) Hoare (Sir Richard Colt). Hints on the Topography of Wilts., to which is appended Queries submitted with a view to promote a General History of the County. Salisbury, 1818. Privately Printed. Ten Copies only. The original MS. of Hoare's ' Wiltshire ' is in the possession of Mrs. Mackay, The Grange, Trowbridge. Repertorium Wiltunense ; printed with a View to facilitate Inquiry into the Topography and Biography of Wiltshire. Bath, 1821. Privately Printed. General Indexes to the Wiltshire Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Mag., vols. i. to viii. 1853-64; vols. ix. to xvi. 1865-76; vols. xvii. to xxiv. 1877-89; vols. xxv. to xxxii. 1890-1902. Issued by the ' Wilts. Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Soc' as part of the 'Mag.' Catal. of the Library of the Wilts. Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Society's Museum at Bevizes. 1894. Appendices issued in 1895, 1897, 1899. Wiltshire Books, Pamphlets, Portraits, Illustrations, etc. Lists, Reviews, etc., of Recent Publications relating to Wilts., or by Wilts. Authors. (Wilts. Archceol. Sf Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. xxvii. to date. 1894, etc. Catal. of the Collection of Drawings, Prints and Maps, in the Library of the Wilts. Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. at Devizes, compiled by W. Heward Bell and Rev. E. H. Goddard. Devizes, 1898. List of Original Documents, MSS. and Drawings relating to Wilts., presented to the Wilts. Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc, by Richard MuUings, of Stratton, near Cirencester. (Wilts. Archceol. Si Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. ii. pp. 392-396. 1855.) Britton (John). An Essay on Topographical Literature, its Province, Attributes, and varied Utility, with Accounts of the Sources, Objects, and Uses of National and Local Records, etc. London, 1843. The above was issued aa the first publication of the ' Wiltshire Topographical Society,' as an annexe to ' The Hist, of the Parish of Grittleton,' by the Rev. J. E. Jackson. The work has also the following title at the beginning, ' Essay on Topo- graphy, embracing a Review of the essential characteristics and utility of that Science :— Opinions of eminent Authors on the Subject: References to, and Accounts of the Sources and Authorities whence the most authentic information is to be obtained, with an Account of the Origin of the Record Commission and of its Publi- cation, etc' It contains valuable Biblio. Notes on MSS., Printed Books, Topographical Collections, Drawings, etc., relating to Wilts. Fifty copies were printed separately for presentation. Catal. of Books on Wiltshire. 1851. A List of Books, Maps, and Prints that have been published illustrative of the Topography of Wiltshire. (Tlie Beauties of Wiltshire, vol. iii. 1825, pp. 422-436.) Alphabetical List of Local Acts of Parliament. (Ibid. pp. 402-410.) Memoir of John Aubrey, P.R.S., embracing his Autobiographical Sketches, and an Account of his Works, etc. London, 1845. The Second publication of the ' Wilts. Topographical Society.' Brief descriptions and analysis of the MS. and Printed Works of John Aubrey at pp. 83-124. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 27d WILTSHIRE (continued). Britton (John). The Natural Hist, of Wiltshire, by John Aubrey. Edited and elucidated by notes by John Britton. London, 1847. The Third publication of the 'Wilts. Topographical Soc' Historical and Descriptive particulars of Aubrey's MSS. in Preface, p. v. An Address to ' The Wiltshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Inst.' (formerly The Wilts. Topog. Soc). 1849. Address at the inangfural meeting of the Wilts. Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. 1853, with Queries relating to Archseology and Nat. Hist, of Wilts. [Wilts. Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. i. pp. 4-5-55. 18S4.) The Auto-Biography of John Britton. 3 pts. London, 1849-1850. Pt. I. Personal and Literary Memoir of the Author (including Plans for a Hist. of Wilts, and suggestions for treatment of a County Hist., with Biblio. Notes on John Aubrey, H. P. Wyndham, Sir R. C. Hoare, William Cunnington, and others, pp. 449-459.) Pt. II. A Descriptive Account of the Literary Works of John Britton, from 1800 to 1849, by T. E. Jones. (Section I. is devoted to Wilts. Topography, and includes ' The Wiltshire Topographical Soc, its Hist, and Publications, 1843-47, with full descriptions.) Pt. III. (Appendix.) Bios., Archseol., and Critical Essays (including a Chrono- logical List of the Literary Works of John Britton, 1799-1806, pp. 185-192). Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Character of Henry Hatcher, author of 'The History of Salisbury.' (With Biblio. Notes, and an account of his controversy with R. Benson about the ' Hist, of Sahsbury,' written for Sir R. C. Hoare's ' Modern Wiltshire. ') Printed by John Britton to accompany his 'Auto-Biography.' London, 1847. Bowood and its Literary Associations, with Anecdotes of Bowles, Crabbe, and Moore. 1854. 25 copies only printed. Historical Account of Corsham House, with Catal. of the Cele- brated Pictures. 1806. memoir of John Britton, with a Classified List of his Literary Works, in Rev. J. E. Jackson's ' Kington St. Michael.' {Wilts. Archwol. ^ Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. iv. pp. 109-128. 1857.) See also Memoir of John Britton in Preface to his ' Beauties of Wiltshire,' vol. iii. 183S. Jackson (Rev. John Bdward). Address at the inaugural meeting of the Wilts. Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc, 1853, on the reasons for the formation of the Society, and on Wilts. Topography, with Biblio. Notes on Aubrey, Phillipps, Britton, Hoare, and others. {Wilts. Archceol. §■ Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. i. pp. 25-4-1. 1854.) The Topographical Collections of John Aubrey, 1659-170, collected and enlarged by Rev. J. E. Jackson. Wilts. Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. Devizes, 1862. Biblio. Notes in Introduction, Appendix of Deeds, pp. 419-444. Lost Volume of Aubrey's MSS. ' Hypomnemata Antiq.uaria B ; or, An Bssay towards the Description of Wiltshire.' ( Wilts. Archceol. Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. vii. pp. 76-80. 1860.) Memoir of John Aubrey, in ' Kington St. Michael.' {lUd, vol. iv. pp. 92-108. 1857.) Index to the ' Wiltshire Institutions ' as printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. (Ihid. vol. xxviii. pp. 210-235. 1895.) Jackson's Collections for Wilts. Bibliography in the Library of the Soc. of Antiquaries, London. 12 vols. For a description of some important Wilts, items at the Sale of Canon Jackson's Library by Hodgson, May 7-9, 1895, in London, see 'Wilts. Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Mag.,' vol. xxviii. pp. 197- 198. 1895. ^80 A HANDBOOK TO WILTSHIRE (continioed). Holgate (Clifford W.). A Proposed Bibliography of Wiltshire. {Wilts. Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. xxvi. pp. 331-241. 1893. Note on 'The Printing Press in the County of Wilts.,' pp. 233-236. Wilts. Bibliography. A Note. (Ibid. vol. xxviii. pp. 257-358. 1895.) The following Biblio. Lists are mentioned : — Catal. of Printed Books and PampMets relating to Wiltshire, in the Lib. of James Waylen. 1876. . . Henry Cunnington's Brief Alphabetical List of Books relating to Wiltshire. List of Books relating to Wiltshire, compiled by W. C. Kemm, of A.mesbTiry, with an Alphabetical Index by Canon J. E. Jackson. Bibliotheca Wiltonensis. 'The Wiltshire Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. are desirous of collecting materials for a complete List of Books, Tracts, or MS. Documents, relating to, or published in Wiltshire, or written by natives of the County.' See ' Wilts. Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Mag.,' vol. xi. p. 346. 1869. Wilkinson (Rev. John). On Parochial Histories (with special reference to Wilts.). (Wilts. Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. iii. pp. 57-67. 1856.) Parochial Histories of Wilts, and Dorset, with ' Heads of Informa- tion suggested for Parochial Histories.' (lUd. vol. iv. pp. 253-266. 1858.) A Collection of Wilts. Books, Prints, etc., was bequeathed to the Salisbury and South Wilts, and Blackmore Museum by Mr. Job Edwards of Amesbury. Extracts from ' The G-eutleman's Magazine,' relating to Wiltshire. ( Wilts. Notes (Jr Queries, vol. i. pp. 211, 265, 298, 363, 397, 443, 490, 543 ; vol. ii. pp. 18, 53, 116, 222. 1894-97.) Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Ilkt. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Wiltshire, p. 107. Salisbury, pp. 384-386. List of Salisbury Municipal Records Printed. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. II, vol. vi. p. 92. 1912.) Davenport (Frances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Wilts. Manorial Hist., pp. 59-61. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. Wilts., vol. ii. p. 693. Wyndham (Henry Fenmddocke). Wiltshire, extracted from Domesday Book, with Translation, with an Index, and with a Preface in which is included a Plan for a General Hist, of the County. Salisbury, 1788. Roman Remains in Wiltshire. A Biblio. List. [The Archceol. Review, vol. i. pp. 39-40. 1888.) Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Wilts., pp. 126-130. Harrison (W. Jerome). A Biblio. of the Great Stone Monuments of Wiltshire :—Stonehenge and Avebury, with other References. (Wilts. Archceol. S/; Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. xxxii. pp. 1-169. 1901.) Also issued separately. Goddard (B. H.). A List of Prehistoric, Roman, and Pagan Saxon Antiquities in the County of Wilts., arranged under Parishes, with references to publications where described. (Ibid. vol. xxxviii. pp. 153-378. 1913.) Smith (Rev. Alfred Charles). Guide to the British and Roman Anti- quities of the North Wiltshire Downs in a Hundred Square Miles round Abury, being a Key to the large Map of the above. Marlborough Coll. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1884. List of Wilts. Maps, pp. vii.-ix. List of Illustrations with Authorities, pp. xiii.-xv. Barclay (Edgar). Stonehenge and its Earth-Works. London, 1895. List of Authors on Stonehenge, in chronological order, pp. 131-149. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 281 WILTSHIRE (conthiued). Barclay (Edgar). The Ruined Temple : Stoneheng'e, its Hist, and a Short Account of Questions associated with it. London, 19U. List of Writers on Stonehenge, pp. 56-66. Long (William). Historical and other Notices of Stonehenge, from Henry of Huntingdon to the date of the publication of Sir K. C. Hoare's 'Ancient Wiltshire,' vol. i. 1812. (Wiltg. Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Mai/., vol. xvi. pp. 6-53. 18T6.) Upcott (William). Iiist of Books on Stonehenge and Avebury. {A Biblio. Account of Works on English Topography, 1818, vol. iii. pp. 1315-1329.) Murray (David). Biblio. Note on Salisbury Museums. (' Mu.ieums,' Glasgow, igo*, vol. iii. p. 156.) Catal. of AnticLuities in the Museum of the Wiltshire Archaeological and Nat. Hist. Soc. at Devizes. 2 pts. Devizes, 1896, 1911. Pt. I. com- prises the Stourhead Collection of Antiquities. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Wilts. Brasses, with a List, pp. 142, 186-187. Biblio. Notes of the Writings of James Waylen (the historian of Devizes, Marlborough, etc.). See Obituary Notice by E. H. Goddard, in 'Wilts. Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Mag.', vol. xxvii. pp. 301-308. 1894. A Biblio. List of the Writings of William Cunnington, F.G.S. (on the Geology, Archaeology, etc., of Wilts., etc.). See Obituary Notice in 'Wilts. Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Mag.', vol. xxxiv. pp. 325-32T. 1906. Biblio. Notes on William Cunnington and his MSS. and Drawings made for ' Ancient Wiltshire,' by Sir R. C. Hoare, are in John Britton's 'Auto-Biography,' Pt. I. pp. 468-473. Dartnell (Gr. B.) and Croddard (B. H.). A Biblio. of Works relating to Wilts., or illustrating its Dialect. {A Glossary of Words used in the County of Wiltshire, App. I. pp. 217-223.) English D'ialect Society. London, 1893. Chubb (Thomas). A Descriptive Catal. of the Printed Maps of Wiltshire from 1576 to 1885. {Wilts. Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. xxxvii. pp. 211-326. 1911.) Buckler (John). A Collection of Six Hundred and Ninety Water-Colour Drawings of Country Seats, Views, Churches, Monuments, and Antiquities of Wiltshire, executed for Sir Richard Colt Hoare. 1808-10. 10 vols. A List of the principal views was given in Catal. No. 336, March 1914, pp. 62-65, of Francis Edwards, Bookseller, London. See also a reference to this Collection in the ' Catal. of the Hoare Lib. at Stourhead,' p. 412. Haskins (Charles). The Salisbury Corporation Pictures and Plate, with introduction by Lionel Cust. Salisbury, 1910. A Catal. of some Portraits and other Prints having to do with the County of Wilts. Prom the Collection of Ambrose Tucker. Privately Printed. Salisbury, 1908. Jonrdain (M.). Literary Associations. (Memorials of Old Wiltshire, ed. by Alice Dryden, 1906, pp. 156-166.) Macdonald (Hugh). Some Literary Associations of Salisbury. (Book- Auction Records, vol. x. pt. i. pp. i.-viii. 1913.) Some Wiltshire Book-Plates. (Wilts. Notes £[ Queries, vol. ii. pp. 495-500. 1898.) A Special Topographical Collection for Wiltshire is in the Museum of the Wilts. Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. at Devizes. A HANDBOOK TO WILTSHIRE {continued). Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Wiltshire Collections. Ailesbury, Marquess of, at Savernake Arundell of Wardour, Lord, at Wardour Castle ... Bath, Marquess of, at Longleat Ley borne - Popham, Mr. F. W., at Littlecote Matcham, Miss M. Eyre, of Newhouse, Salisbury ... Morrison, Mr. Alfred, of Fonthill House Pembroke, Earl of, at Wilton House ... Radnor, Earl of, at Longford Castle, Salisbury Somerset, Duke of, at Maiden Bradley Story-Maskelyne, Mr. Neville, of Basset Down House, Swindon Wykeham-Martin, Mr. Cornwallis, of the Hill, Purton Sahsbury, Dean and Chapter of ,, Bishop of , , Corporation of Wiltshire Quarter-Sessions Records ISth Rep. pp. 18-21, and App. VIL pp. 152-306. 2nd Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 33-36. 3rd Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 180-202 ; 4th Rep. p. xi. and App. pp. 227- 251 ; 16th Rep. pp. 56-59, and vol. i. (1904); 17th Rep. pp. 35-45, and vol. ii. (1907). 16th Rep. pp. 79-86, and a vol. (1899). Various Collections, vol. vi. pp. 1-80, 1909. 9lh Rep. p. xvii. and App. II. pp. 406- 493. 9th Rep. p. xvi. and App. II. pp. 379- 384. 15th Rep. p. 35, and App. X. pp. 161- 172. 15th Rep. pp. 16-18, and App. VII. pp. 146-151. 10th Rep. p. 8, and App. IV. pp. 146- 152. Various Collections, vol. vi. pp. 297- 434. 1909. 1st Rep. App. pp. 90, 91 ; 16th Rep. p. 102 ; Various Collections, vol. i. pp. 338-388. 1901. 17th Rep. pp. 109-112; Various Col- lections, vol. iv. pp. 1-12. 1907. 17th Rep. pp. 122-124; Various Col- lections, vol. iv. pp. 191-254. 1907. 16th Rep. pp. 95-96; Various Col- lections, vol. i. pp. 67-176. 1901. pp. 67-176. County Records, at County Record Office, Devizes. (Local Records Comm. Rep.. 1903, App. V. p. 234.) Wiltshire Records in Public and Private Custody. {Ibid. 1902, App. III. p. 134.) The MSS. of the Wilts. Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. (Mainly copies of Documents, with descriptions, notes, etc. , of the Collection of Richard MuUings, presented to the Soc. by Mr. John MuUings. They are grouped according to Parishes.) {Wilts. Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. xxx, pp. 38, 126, 307; vol. xxxi. pp. 49, 135 ; vol. xxxv. p. 460 ; vol. xxxvi. pp. 90, 213, 439 ; vol. xxxvii. p. 1. 1898-1911.) List of Documents presented to the Wilts. Archssol. & ITat. Hist. Soc. by miss Kugrhes, of Bath. {Ibid. vol. xxxvi. pp. 439-447 ; vol. xxxvii. pp. 1-41. 1909-11.) Collections for Wilts, in the Brit. Museum. Add. Iiysons (Rev. S.). MS. 9459. XXpcott's Topog. Collections for Wilts, in the Brit. Museum. 15927. Add. MS. Aubrey's Collections for Wiltshire. 8 parts. 1821. Privately Printed for Sir Thomas Phillipps. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 283 WILTSHIRE (contin-ued). An JBnquiry into the Conduct of Edmond Malone concerning the MS. Papers of John Aubrey, in the Ashmolean museum, Oxford. [By J. Caulfield.] London, 1797. MS. Collections for Wiltshire in the Library of Sir Thomas Fhillipps. A List by the Rev. J. E. Jackson, extracted from the privately printed Catal. Pt. I. of the ' Bibliotheca Phillippsiana.' {Wilts. Archaol. ^ Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. i. pp. 97-104. 1854.) See also Wilts, entries in Sotheby's Sale Catal. of Lib. of Sir T. Phillipps, 2 May, 1903, pp. 158-160. Wiltshire Topography [1659- 1843]. With some Notes on the late Sir Thomas Phillipps and his Historical Collections for the Coimty. By Edward Tite. ( Wilts. Notes ^ Queries, vol. vi. pp. 145-101. 1908. ) MS. Collections for Wiltshire, by Thomas Gore. In Lib. of the Wilts. Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. Devizes. Wiltshire Charters, etc., in the Bodleian Library. (Calendar of Charters, etc., in the Bodl. Lib., ed. by "W. H. Turner and H. O. Coxe, pp. 584-588, 686. 1878.) Historical Bocuments in Wiltshire. A Memorandum by F. N. Rogers, Chairman of the Wilts. County Council Committee on Charities and Records, appeared in the ' Devizes Gazette,' 17 May, 1900. The Report gives a classified List of the various classes of Documents at the County Record Office, Devizes. The Tropenell Cartulary, being the Contents of an old Wiltshire Muni- ment Chest. Edited by J. Silvester Davies. 3 vols. Wilts. Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. 1908. See also article by J. Silvester Davies in ' Wilts. Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Mag.,' vol. xxxii. pp. 194-305, 1903, and 'Tropenell Memoranda,' in the same Magazine, vol. xxxvii. pp. 542-593, 1913, and vol. xxxviii. pp. 48-51, 1913. Schedule of Ancient Deeds discovered at Kingston House, Bradford, Wilts., with Indexes. By Rev. J. E. Jackson. {Wilts. Archceol. Sj; Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. i. pp. 379-395. 1854.) Salisbury Cathedral Records, 12th cent., etc., with MS. Index, at Salis- bury. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. HI. p. 114.) Dean and Chapter of Salisbury Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Charters and Documents illustrating the Hist, of the Cathedral, City, and Diocese of Salisbury in the 12th and 13th centuries, selected from the Capitular & Diocesan Registers by Rev. W illiam Rich Jones, and edited by W. Dunn Macray. London, 1891. [Rolls Series.] Index to Register of Sarum Charters, from the Inner Temple Library, 1822. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. 1830 ? Britton (John). List of Books, Bssays, and Prints that have been pub- lished relating to Salisbury Cathedral, also a List of Engraved Portraits of its Bishops. {Hist, and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salishury, 1814, pp. 109-113.) List of Old Deeds and Muniments [circa 1445-1720] relating to St. Nicholas' Hospital, in the Registry at Salisbury. (The Fifteenth Century Cartulary of St. Nicholas' Hospital, Salisbury, with other Records, ed. by Chr. Wordsworth, pp. 395-311.) Wilts. Record Soc. 1902. A Catal. of the Library of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury. (Catal. of MSS. by E. Maunde Thompson, Catal. of Books, by S. M. Lakin.) London, 1880. Botfield (Beriah). Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1849. Salisbury, pp. 405-416. 284 A HANDBOOK TO WILTSHIRE {continued). Plenderleath (Bev. W. C). On Some Curiosities and Statistics of Farisli Registers (with allusions to Wilts. Parish Kegisters). ( Wilts. Arcliceol. f Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. xvi. pp. 301-336. 1876.) Lists of Non-Farochial Registers and Records relating to Wilts., in the Custody of the Registrar-General. By A. Coleman. (Wilts. Archwol. ^- Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. xxviii. pp. 149-155. 1895.) Calendar of Enclosure Awards deposited at the County Record Room at Devizes, compiled by the Clerk of the Peace. Marlborough, 1900. Wiltshire Parochial Terriers, 1542-1836. A Complete List of Parishes for which Terriers exist in the Diocesan Registry at Salisbury, by C. W. Holgate. (Salisbury Diocesan Gazette, Aug. 1899.) Phillipps (Sir Thomas). Collections for Wiltshire, 1818. Printed for J. Agg, Evesham. — — — Collections for Wiltshire, 1819. Salisbury. Index to Feet of Fines for Wilts., from 1 Edw. III. [1326-7] to Richard III. [1483-5], from Lansdowne MS. 306. Privately Printed. Middle Hill. 1840 ? Index to Feet of Fines for Wilts., 1 Geo. I. [1714] to 11 Geo. II. [1737]. Privately Printed. Middle Hill. 1853. Index to Wilts. Visitation, 1623, with some additions. Privately Printed. London, 1831. Wilts. Close Rolls, ex HISS. Phillipps. A List. Privately Printed. Middle Hill? 1840? Lukis (Rev. William CoUings). Collections for the Parochial Histories of Wilts. 1861. Cartularies of Wiltshire Abbeys and Monasteries. Lists by Edward Kite, E. Margaret Thompson, and Christopher Wordsworth. (Wilts. Notes 4" Queries, vol. iv. pp. 229-230, 330-331 ; vol. v. pp. 233-236. 1903-06.) Whitaker (William). List of Books, Papers, Maps, etc., on the Geology, Mineralogy, and Palaeontology of Wiltshire. ( Wilts. Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. xiv. pp. 107-130. 1873.) Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Wiltshire. (Joum. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 70. 1874.) Preston (Rev. T. A.). The Flowering Plants of Wilts. Wilts. Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. 1888. List of Works, etc., quoted and referred to, pp. lix.-lxiii. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Wiltshire Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 260, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 25.) Mammals. (Tlie Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 185. 1893.) Reptiles. (Ibid. p. 248. 1893.) Fishes. (Ibid. p. 259. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Wilts., pp. 297-303. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Wilts., pp. 188-190. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Wilts., pp. 175, 224, 240-241. Upcott rVVilliam). English Topo., 1818. WUta., vol. ili. pp. 1286-1329. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Wilts., pp. 399-406, 480. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Wilts., vol. ii. pp. 315-384. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Wilts., pp. 314-317. CHIPPENHAM . Borough Records, 1320, etc., at Chippenham. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 50.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 285 WILTSHIRE (continued). Golduey (Frederick Hastings). Records of Cliippenliaiu relating to tlie Borough, 1554 to 1889, with references from the Charters, Deeds, and Documents in the Borough Chest London, 1889. List of Title Deeds, etc., relating to the Early Hist, of the Borough, pp. 292-298. DEVIZES. Borougli Records, from reign of King Stephen, with MS. Index at Town Hall, Devizes. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 54.) murray (David). Biblio. Note on Devizes Musetun. (' Museums,' Glasgow, 1904, vol. n. p. 206.) Reynolds (Stephen). Bihlio. of Works relating to Devizes and Neigh- bourhood. (Devizes and Roundabout, 1907, App. II.) LACOCK. Clark-Maxwell (W. Gr.). The Barliest Charters of the Abbey of Lacock. (Wilts. ArehcBol. ^ Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. xxxv. pp. 191-209. 1907.) LANGLEY BURRELL. A List of Briefs from the Register Books of Langley Burrell. (Wilts. Archceol. 4; Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. xxxvi. pp. 448-463. 1909.) LONGLBAT. Jackson (Rev. J. E.). The Literary Treasures of Longleat. (Ibid. vol. xv. pp. 337-348. 1875.) Boyle (Mary Louisa). Biographical Catal. of the Portraits at Longleat. London, 1881. See also ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. p. 282. MALMESBURY . Jackson (Rev. J. B.). List of Malmesbury Cartularies, Registers, etc., and where existing. (Wilts. Archceol. ^ Nat. Hist. Mag., vol. viii. pp. 49-50. 1863.) MARLBOROUGH . Wordsworth (Canon Christopher). Old Marlborough Landmarks. A Series of Papers in 'The Marlborough Times,' 1904. A complete List is in 'Wilts. Archseol. & Nat. Hist. Mag.' vol. xxxiii. p. 423. 1904. Among the items are the following : — No. 7. Full description of Paintings of Old Marlborough by George Maton. No. 8. A List of Water Colour Views and Drawings of Marlborough in the Wilts. AroheeoL & Nat. Hist. Society's Collection, in the Adderiey Library, and in possession of Mr. R. W. Merriman, with a List of Portraits in the Adderiey Library. No. U. A List of Ancient Bequests registered by the Corporation, and of Chantry Certificates. No. 15. A List of Engraved and Lithographed Views of Marlborough, chiefly from the Collections of H. Richardson, J. F. L. Hardy, and the Wilts. Archseol. Soc. No. 17. Notes on Dr. Maurice's Collection of Broadsides, etc., connected with the Elections of 1818, 1819, 1820, with a List. No. 21. Notes on the Registers, and of Memoranda to be found in the Register Books, etc. Brentnall (H. C.) and Carter (C. C). The Marlborough Country. Oxford, 1912, Biblio., pp. 166-167, 286 A HANDBOOK TO WILTSHIRE (continued). STANLEY. Bircli (Walter de Gray). Collections towards the Hist, of the Cistercian Abbey of Stanley, with texts of a Calendar of the Muniments, and of some unpublished Charters of the Abbey preserved in the British Museum. ( Wilts. Archaeol. ^ Nat. Hist. Magi., vol. xv. pp. 239-307. 187S.) STONEHEN&E . [See entries, pp. 280-281.] SWINDON . Borough of Swindon. Catal. of Rare and Valuable Works, Maps, Prints, etc., presented to Swindon, by Alderman James Powell, May, 1907. Swindon, 1907. WARMINSTER. MS. Collections and Notes on Hist, of Hundred of Warminster. Col- lected for Sir R. C. Hoare by H. Wansey. (In Lib. of Wilts. Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.) WILTON. Slow (Edward). Chronoloiry of Wilton, with Biblio. Notes and Lists of Borough Charters, Books relating to Wilton, Wilton Authors, etc. Wilton, 1903. Murray (David). Biblio. Note on the Collection at Wilton. {'Museums,' Glasgow, 1901. Vol. iii. p. 100.) Wilkinson (Nevile Bodwell). Wilton House Pictures, containing a full and complete Catal. and Description of the Three Hundred and Twenty Paintings which are now in the possession of the Earl of Pembroke and Mont- g ornery at his House at Wilton. With an Introduction by Sidney, Earl of embroke and Montgomery, A Hist, of Wilton House, and other Matters. 2 vols. London, 1907. Vol. i. App. II. Biblio. of the Wilton House Col- lection. Kite (Edward). Wilton House and its Literary Associations. ( Wilts. Notes f Queries, vol. v. pp. 433, 494., 529. 1907.) WORCESTERSHIRE. BIBLIOGKAPHT OF WOBCESTEBSHIRE. Published by the Wor- cestershire Historical Society. 3 parts. Oxford, 1898-1907. A further Part is announced for publication. Part I. Acts of Parliament relating to the County, 1224-5 - 1897. By John Richard Burton and Frank Shakespeare Pearson, 1898. Part II. A Classified Catal. of Books, and other Printed Matter relating to the County of Worcester, with descriptive and explanatory notes. By John Richard Burton. 1903. Contents : Account of John Oswen, the Earliest Printer in Worcs., with List of Books printed by him at Ipswich and Worcester [1548-1S53], pp. 1-13. Works relating to the County generally : — I. General Literature, exclusively relating to the County, pp. 14-107. II. General Literature, containing References to the County, pp. 108-152. III. A Collection of Works relating to the Geology of Worcs., 1684-1899, pp. 153- 216 (by G. R. Mills). Part III. Works relating to the Botany of Worcestershire, pp. ?17-2S2. Compiled by John Humphreys. 1907. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 287 WORCESTERSHIRE (continued). Nash (Treadway Russell). ' Collections for tke Hist, of Worcs.' 9 vols. & Supp. London, 1781-99. For a. Description of the work, with Lists of Portraits, Views, Engravings of Monuments, Pedigrees, etc., see ante ' BibHo. of Worcs.' Pt. II. pp. 58-66. An Index to Dr. Nash's ' Collections for a History of Worcestershire.' Compiled by John Amphlett, of Clent, with an Introduction. Worcs. Hist. Soc. Oxford, 1894-95. The Index was also Issued in fol., uniform with Nash's ' Collections.' An Account of Treadway Russell Nash, with Biblio. Notes, in Introduction, pp. v.-xliv. Index to Names of Persons, pp. 1-224. Index to Names of Places, pp. 225-335. Index of Engravings, Arms, Pedigrees, etc., pp. 337-352. Index to Domesday, pp. 353-358. Proposals for a County Hist, of Worcestershire. By J. W. Willis Bund. (Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports ^ Papers, vol. xxi. pp. 119-129. 1891.) Catal. of the Reference Department of the Worcester Public Library and Hastings Museum, compiled by Samuel Smith, 1887. Worcs. items, pp. 233-243. Additions are included in the ' slip ' Catal. in the Reference Library. Catal. of Books, Pamphlets, MSS., Pedigrees, Engravings, Drawings, Portraits, Maps, Plans, Acts of Parliament, etc., illustrative of the City and County of Worcester. Baton, Bookseller, Worcester, 1877. A similar Catal. issued in 1879. Indexes to the ' Reports and Papers of the Associated Architectural Societies, etc' (includes the ' Worcester Diocesan Archit. & Archseol. Soc' from vol. iii. 1854). Vols, i.-viii. (1850-66) ; vols, ix.-xiv. (1867-78) ; vols, xv.-xix. (1879-88) ; and vols, xx.-xxv. (1889-1900). Lincoln; 1867-1905. For a List of some of the Worcs. Papers in the ' Reports, ' see ante ' Biblio. of Worcs.' Pt. II. pp. 104-107. Worcestershire Historical Society. For Lists of Publications of the Soc, including Reprints of Early Registers, Records, Visitations, etc., see 'Annual Report ' of the Society. List of Worcs. Items in ' The Archaeol, Journ. of the Royal Archeeol. Institute,' vols, i.-xxv. 1844-1868. See antt ' Biblio. of Worcs.' Pt. II. pp. 85-87. List of Items relating to Worcs. in ' The Analyst.' 10 vols. London and Worcester, 1834-40. See ante 'Biblio. of Worcs.' Pt. II. pp. 70-72. List of the Chief References to Worcs. in 'The Midland Antiquary,' vol. i.-iv. 1881-87. London & Birmingham. See ante 'Biblio. of Worcs., Pt. II. pp. 143-144.. G-ross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. (Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. V. 1897.) Worcestershire, pp. 107-108. Worcester, pp. 421-423. Evesham, p. 231. Davenport (Prances G.). List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Worcs. Manorial Hist., pp. 61-62. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Worcs., pp. 130-131. Allies (Jabez). On the Ancient British, Roman, and Saxon Antiquities, and Polk-Lore of Worcestershire. Second edition. London, 1852. Descriptive Catal. of the Museum formed at Worcester during the Meeting of the Archaological Institute of Great Britain, July 1862, Edited by Albert Way. Worcester, 1862, 288 A HANDBOOK TO WORCESTERSHIRE {continued). Kurray (David). ' museums.' Glasgow, 1904. Biblio. Note on Worcester Museum, vol. iii. p. 279. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. of Worcs., vol. ii. p. 694. Bund (J. W. Willis). Domesday Book as far as it relates tQ Worcs. (Aisoo. Arehit. Soc. Reports S[ Papers, vol. xxi. pp. 353-270 ; vol. xxii. pp. 88- 108. 1892-93.) Kound (J. Horace). Index to tlie Worcestershire Domesday Survey, also 'Some Early Worcs. Surveys.' (The Victoria Hist, of Worcs., vol. i. pp. 334-340. 1901.) niacklin (Herbert Walter). ItIonum.ental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Worcs. Brasses, with a List, p. 187. Cotton (William A.). Extracts from tlie ' Calendars of State Papers ' having: reference to the Hist, of the City and County of Worcester [1S47-1667]. Reprinted from the ' Bromsgrove Messenger.' Leach (Arthur F.). Documents illustrating Early Education in Wor- cester, A.D. 685 to 1700. Worcs. Hist. Soc. 1913. (A Collection em- bracing all Records.) Worcestershire Exhibition, 1882. Catalogue. Compiled by R. W. Binns and C. M. Downes. Worcester, 1882. List of Portraits, pp. 3-30. List of Local Views, Charters, etc., pp. 31-69. Reports on the various Sections. Historical Section, by Walter de Gray Birch ; Exhibits of Autographs, by Rev. F. Hopkinson ; Exhibits of Pre- historic, etc. , Relics, by A. H. Winnington-Ingram. Worcester, 1883. See also a note on the Historical Section, in ' The Midland Antiquary,' vol. i. pp. 81-89. 1882. A Collection of Slaps, Views, Portraits, and other Illustrations of Worcestershire. 3 vols. Presented to Birmingham Free Library by R. W. Boodle. Woof (Biichard). Biographical Notes of the Portraits preserved in the Guildhall, Worcester. Worcester, n.d. Chambers (John). Biographical Illustrations of Worcs., to which is added a List of Living Authors of the County. 1820. Burton (John Kichard). Early Worcestershire Printers and Books. (Assoc. Arehit. Soc. Reports S( Papers, vol. xxiv. pp. 197-213. 1897.) See also ante p. 286, ' Biblio. of Worcs.,' Pt. IL, for an 'Account of John Oswen, the Earliest Printer in Worcs.' Allnutt (W. H.). English Provincial Presses. Earliest Printing at Worcester, 1548-1553. (Bibliographica, vol. ii. pp. 36-41. 1896.) Berkeley (Mrs. R.). A Sketch of Early Provincial Journalism. [BiWio. Notes on Worcs. Newspapers, etc.] (Assoc. Arehit. Soc. Reports and Papers, vol. xxiv. pp. 550-573. 1898.) The Oldest English Newspaper. ' Berrow's Worcester Journal.' [An Account of its Origin, etc.] Reprinted from ' Berrow's Worcester Journal,' Jan. 4, 1890. Second edition, with Supplementary Notes. Worcestei', 1890. Plomer (Henry R.). The Private Press of Sir Thomas Phillipps at Middle Hill, Worcs. (Some Private Presses of the Nineteenth Cmtury, in 'The Library,' New Ser. vol. i. pp. 414-417. 1900.) Lowndes (William Thomas). List of Privately Printed Publications of the Middle Hill Press of Sir Thomas Phillipps. (Tlu Bibliographers" Manual, 1864, vol, iv. pp. 1856-1858, and Appendix, pp. 225-237.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 289 WORCESTERSHIRE (continued). The Middle Kill Press. A Short Catal. of some of Sir T. Phillipps' Privately Printed Works. [By T. Fitz-Roy Fenwick.] London, 1886. A List of Books and Articles printed for Sir Thomas Phillipps, and chiefly at his private Printing Press at Middle Hill, Worcs., between 1817 and 1858. (Notes and Queries, Ser. 2, vol. vi. pp. 389-391. 1858.) Martin (John), The Middle Hill Press, with a List. (A Bihlio. Catal. of Books Privately Printed. 1834., pp. 441-458.) Bihliotheca Phillippsiana. Catal. of Printed Books, Middle Kill (The Seat of Sir Thomas Phillipps) with Supplements, 182T-4.8. Special Topographical Collections for Worcs. are at the Worcester Cathedral Lib. and in the Worcester Public Lib. Special Local Collections are in the Public Libraries at Evesham, Kidderminster, and Malvern. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Worcestershire Collections. Coventry, Earl of, at Croome Court ... 1st Rep. p. x. and App. p. 31. Berington, Mr. Chai-les M., at Little Malvern Court 2nd Rep. p. xii. and App. p. 73. Hopkinson, Rev. Francis, at Malvern Wells 3rd Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 261-267. Lechmere, Sir Edmund A. H. , of Rhydd Court, Upton-on-Severn 5th Rep. p. viii. and App. pp. 299-304. Lloyd, Mr. S. Zachary, of Areley Hall, 10th Rep. p. 20, and App. iV. pp. 444- nr. Stourport 450. Lyttelton, Lord, at Hagley Hall ... 2nd Rep. p. xi. and App. pp. 36-39. Winnington, Sir Thomas, at Stanford Court 1st Rep. p. X. and App. pp. 53-55. Worcester, St. Andrew's 8th Rep. App. p. 638. Dean and Chapter of 14th Rep. pp. 44,45, and App. VIII. pp. 165-203. Bishop's Registry 14th Rep. p. 45, and App. VIII. pp. 204-205. County Records 16th Rep. pp. 100-101. Various Col- lections, vol. i. pp. 282-326. 1901. County Records, 1596, etc., at the Shire Hall, Worcester. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 134.) Records in Public and Private Custody. (Ibid. 1902, App. III. p. 134.) Borough of Worcester Records, Rich. I., etc., with printed Catal., at the Town Hall, Worcester. (Ihid. 1902, App. III. p. 40.) Catal. of MS. Records and Printed Books in the Library of the Corpo- ration of Worcester, with an Appendix of Local Records not in the Custody of the Corporation. By Richard Woof. Worcester, 1874. Worcestershire County Records. Division I. Documents relating to Quarter Sessions. Calendar of the Quarter Sessions Papers. Vol. I. 1591-1643. Compiled for the Records and Charities Committee, by J. W. Wilhs Bund. Worcester, 1900. Also issued by the 'Worcs. Hist. Soc' Original Charters relating to the City of Worcester, in possession of the Dean and Chapter, and by them preserved in the Cathedral Lib. Edited for the 'Worcs. Hist. Soc' by J. Harvey Bloom. 1909. Biblio. Notes on the Peeds in ' Introduction.' 290 A HANDBOOK TO WORCESTERSHIRE {continued).' Habington's MS. Collections for Worcestersliire are in Viscount Cobham's Library at Hagley Hall ; Library of the British Museum, Harl. MS. 2205 ; Library of the Soc. of Antiquaries, MSS. Nos. U3-148. See descriptions of these Collections in the Life of Thomas Habineton, prefixed to 'A Survey of Worcestershire by Thomas Habington,' edited for the ' Worcs. Hist. Soc' by John Amphlett, of Clent, 1S95. See also Introduction to Nash's ' Worcestershire,' and the Preface to Valentine Green's ' Hist, of 'Worcester,' for accounts of the history of Habington'a MSS. after his death. For a List of the Habington material in the Lib. of the Soc. of Antiq. see Sir Henry Ellis's ' Catal. of the MSS. Soc. Ant' pp. 18-49. For a note on Ihe vol. in the Bodleian Lib. belonging to Jesus Coll. Oxfoi'd, entitled 'Habington Manuscripts,' see pp. 22-23 of Amphlett s Life of Thomas Habington aforementioned. Frattinton's MS. Collections for 'VSTorcs. in the Iiib. of the Soc. of Anti- quaries. 61 vols, consisting of Pedigrees, Lists of Clergy, etc., and General Index of Names. Descriptive Catal. of the Charters and Muniments of the Lyttelton Family, in the possession of Viscount Cobham, at Kagfley Hall, Worcs., with Introduction, Notes, and Index, by Isaac H. Jeayes. London, 1893. See also ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. The Kyre Fark Charters, by the permission and with the assistance of Mrs. Baldwyu-Childe. Edited for the Worcs. Hist. Soc. by John Amphlett, of Clent. Oxford, 1905. IToake (John). Descriptive Notes on Worcs. MS. Collections. (Worcester- shire Nuggets, by John Noake, 1889, pp. 233-265.) Worcestershire MSS. Descriptions of the Dineley MSS., the Jeffries MSS., the Townsend MSS., and others. (Notes ^ Queries for Worcs., by John Noake, 1856, pp. 135-166.) Fhillipps (Sir Thomas). Topographical, Genealogical, and Miscellaneous Collections for Worcs. See ' Bibliotheca Phillippica,' Sotheby's Sale Catal., 2 May 1903, pp. 161-163. Indexes to the 'Visitations of Worcestershire, 1569 and 1684. Compiled by Sir Thomas Fhillipps to serve for Nash's ' Collections for the Hist, of Worcs. ' Middle Hill, 1838. Index to the Fedes Fiuium for Worcestershire [1649-1714], Impensis Dni Thomse Fhillipps. Ex Zincographia Appelana, 1853. An Index to Worcestershire Fines, 1649-11714. Edited by John Amphlett for the Worcs. Hist. Soc. Oxford, 1896. Index Fedum Fininm pro Com. Wigorn ab 1 Edw. III. ad Hen. VI. Impensis Dni T. F. Bart. Privately Printed. Cheltenham, 1865. Botfleld (Beriah). Kotes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1849. Worcester, pp. 491-501. Local Ecclesiastical Records of jthe Diocese of Birmingham. (Worces- tershire, etc.) Report presente to the Bishop of Birmingham, June, 1911, with List of Registers, etc. 1911. A Digest of the Farish Registers within the Diocese of Worcester, previous to 1812, together with a Table of the Bishops' Transcripts now in existence in Edgar Tower, Worcester, previous to 1700. [Index to the Bishops' Transcripts, compiled by John Amphlett.] Birmingham, 1899. List of Worcester Diocesan Registers, 1268-1559, Hen. III. to Elizabeth. App. V. pp. ccxlvi.-ccxlvii. of ' Register of Bishop Godfrey Giffard,' 1268- 1301. Edited for ' Worcs. Hist. Soc' by J. W. WiUis Bund. 2 vols. 1902. The Register of the Diocese of Worcester during the Vacancy of the See, usually called ' Registrum Sede Vacante,' 1301-1435. (A Calendar of the Contents of the Register.) Edited for ' Worcs. Hist. Soc' by J. W. Willis Bund. Oxford, 1893-97, COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 291 WORCESTERSHIRE {continued). Noake (John). Parish Records of the City of Worcester, with Biblio. Notes on the Registers. (Notes ^ Queries, for Wares., by John Noake, 1856, pp. 1-73.) Urwick (William). List of Non-Parochial Registers and Records for Worcs., at Somerset House. (Nonconformity in Worcester, by Wm. Urwick, 189T, pp. 186-191.) Catal. of DISS, preserved in the Chapter Library of Worcester Cathedral, with a List of MSS. formerly belonging to the Library, now in other Libraries, compiled by Rev. John Kestall Floyer, and edited and revised by Sidney Graves Hamilton. Worcs. Hist. Soc. 1906. Ployer (John Kest&U). The Mediaeval Library of the Benedictine Priory of St. Mary, in Worcester Cathedral Church. (Archaeoloqia, vol. Iviii. pp. 561-5T0. 1902.) The Early Monastic Writers of Worcester, with a List of Writers connected with Worcester Monasteries. (Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports ^ Papers, vol. XXV. pp. 146-164. 1899.) Accounts of the Priory of Worcester, A.B. 1521-2. Edited by Rev. Canon James Maurice Wilson, and a Catal. of the Rolls of the Obedientiaries, prepared by Rev. J. Harvey Bloom. Worcs. Hist. Soc. Oxford, 1907. Wilson (Canon James Maurice). The Library of Printed Books in Worcester Cathedral. (The Library, Ser. 3, vol. ii. pp. 1-33. 1911.) Also issued separately. Introductory Notes on some of the Ancient MSS. now shown in Worcester Cathedral. (Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports S( Papers, vol. xxxi. pp. 577-584. 1913.) On Two Fragments of Geometrical Treatises found in Worcester Cathedral Library. (Ibid. vol. xxx. pp. 167-172. 1909.) Birch (Walter de Oray). The Anglo-Saxon Charters of Worcester Cathe- dral, with a Calendar. (Brit. Archaeol. Assoc. Journ., vol. xxxviii. pp. 24-53. 1882.) Kooper (John H.). On Some Documents Restored to the Dean and Chapter of Worcester. (Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports 4' Papers, vol. xiii. pp. 276-280. 1876.) See also ' Brit. Archaeol. Assoc. Journ.', vol. xxxii. pp. 210-214. 1876. Bloom (J. Harvey). Catal. of certain Rolls in the Archives of the Dean and Chapter of Worcester. (Worcs. Hist. Soc. Collectanea, 1912, pp. 91-136.) Charters from St. Swithun's, Worcester. [A Calendar.] (Ibid. pp. 1-67.) Duckworth (Thomas). Biblio. of Natural History, with Special Reference to Works of Local Interest. (Worcs. Naturalists' Club Trans., vol. iv. pp. 12-20. 1908.) Whitaker (William). List of Works on the Geology, Mineralogy, and Palaeontology of Worcs. (Brit. Assoc. 55th Report, 1885, pp. 797-806.) List of Works relating to the Geology of Worcs., 1684-1899. See ante p. 286 'Biblio. of Worcs.', Part H. Sect. III. pp. 153-216. Trimen (Henry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Worcs. (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 155. 1874.) Amphlett (John) and Rea (Carleton). The Botany of Worcestershire. Birmingham, 1909. Biblio. Notes, with List of Books referred to, pp. xx.-xxxlii. See also ante p. 286 ' Biblio. of Worcs.', Part HI. Works relating to the Botany of Worcs., by John Humphreys. 292 A HANDBOOK TO WORCESTERSHIRE {continued). Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Worcs. Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 261, 1890; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 26.) Mammals. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 186. 1893.) Reptiles. {Ibid. p. 248. 1893.) Pishes. {Ibid. p. 259. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Worcs., pp. 303-308. Gatfleld (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Worcs., pp. 190-191. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Worcs., pp. 176, 224-225, 241. Upcott (William). English Topo., 1818. Worcs., vol. iii. pp. 1330-1350. Smith (Alfred Kussell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Worcs., pp. 407-413, 480. Gough (Richard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Worcs., vol. ii. pp. 385-394. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Worcs., pp. 318-319. BBWDLBY. Borough Records, Bdw. IT. etc., at Town Clerk's Office, Bewdley. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 48.) BOSOOBEL. [For items relating to Boscobel, and the Battle of Worcester, see under Shrop- shire, p. 221.] CLENT. Amphlett (John). The Parochial Records of Clent, {The Midland Antiquai-y, vol. iii. pp. 49-54. 1884.) DBOITWICH. Borongh Records, 1275, etc., with MS. Catalognes, at Town Kail, Sroitwich. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 190-2, App. III. p. 56.) DUDLEY. Blocksidge (B.). Dudley Parish Registers from the Earliest Period, described, tabulated, and illustrated. Dudley, 1894. RoUason (Arthur A.). The Old ITon-Parochial Registers of Dudley, with Index Xominum. Dudley, 1899. EVESHAM. Borough Records, at Town Hall, Evesham. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 56.) HAGLEY. Hoare (Sir R. Colt). A Catal. of the Pictures and Portraits at Hagley Hall. (A MS.) See ' Catal. of the Hoare Lib. at Stourhead,' 1840, p. 446. HALES OWEN. Roth (H. Ling). Biblio. and Chronology of Hales Owen. {Index 8oc. Occasional Index, Ho. 11. 1887.) KIDDERMINSTER. Borough Records, H02, etc., at Town Hall, Kidderminster. {Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 60.) MALVERN (GREAT). Nott (James). Some of the Anticiuities of 'Moche Malverne' (Great Malvern). Malvern, 1885. Biblio. Notes on the 'Scudamore Papers,' the Parish Registers, etc., with Lists. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 293 YORKSHIRE. BOYNE (WILLIAM). THE TORESHIRE LIBRARY: A BIBLIO- QRAFHICAL ACCOUNT OF BOOKS ON TOPOGRAPHY, TRACTS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, BIO&RAPKY, SPAWS, OEOLOOY, BOTANY, MAPS, VIEWS, PORTRAITS, AND MIS- CELLANEOUS LITERATURE, RELATING TO THE COUNTY OF YORK, with Collectious and Notes on the Boohs and Authors. London, 1869. Catal. of a Collection of Historical and Topographical Works and Civil War Tracts, relating to the County of York, Tracts concerning Sir Thomas Fairfax, also Sermons and other Works connected with the County, in the Library of Edward Hailstone, at Horton Hall. Bradford, 1858. Privately Printed. The Hailstone Collection was bequeathed to the Minster Library at York in 1891. In the ' Catal. of the Printed Books in the Lib. of the Dean and Chapter of York,' by James Raine. 1896, it is stated that 'a large series of Books, etc., will be catalogued with the Hailstone Collection.' See a note on this Collection by James Raine in the ' Obituary Notice of Edward Hailstone ' by G. W. Tomlinson In ' Yorks. Archeeol. & Topog. Journ.,' vol. xi. pp. 204-207. 1891. Catal. of the Second Portion of the Library of Edward Hailstone, of Walton Hall, Wakefield, sold by Sotheby's, 23 Apr. 1891. Yorks. items, pp. 185-193, 200, 202. Many of the Yorkshire pamphlets, etc., from this Sale are now in the Lib. of the Brit. Museum. List of Books in the Local Collection of the City of York Public Library, relating to the City and County of York. 1912. Part I. Classified List. Part II. York Printed Books. Part III. Photographs, Engravings, etc. Part IV. Author List. Catal. of the Books and Pamphlets relating to Yorkshire, in the Central Reference Library, Bradford. 1892. Yorkshire Bibliographer, edited by Joseph Horsfall Turner. Vol. I. Bingley, 1888. Contains much Biblio. information, including an unfinished Biblio. of Yorks. Authors and Places (A— Ayton), at pp. 1-26, 34-56, 73-89, 111-122, 140-145, arranged alphabetically, also Notices of New Books (mostly Yorks. Publications). A Biblio. entitled ' Ten Thousand Yorkshire Books,' by J. Horsfall Turner, was compiled and announced, but not published. Macmichael (J. Kolden). The Biblio. of Yorkshire (A— Boroughbridge). (Torks. Notes i' Queries, ed. by Chas. F. Forshaw. Supp. vol. 4, 5. 1907-08.) Ross (Frederick). ' Biographia et Bibliographia Eboracenses.' This work was announced as ' ready for publication,' and was stated to consist of thousands of names of persons and book-titles, the result of thirty years' research. See 'Yorks. County Mag.' vol. i. pp. 20-21, 1891. A complete Biblio. of Yorks. books was under consideration by the ' Yorks. Archeeol. Soc' about 1892. Hotten (John Camden). Biblio. Account of nearly 1500 curious and rare Books, Tracts, MSS. and Engravings relating to the History and Topography of Yorkshire, collected by Mr. Hotten, with numerous descriptive Notes, etc. 1863. Index of the Papers contained in Vols. I. to XVII. of the 'Journal,' and of the ' Excursions,' ISGT to 1303, of the Yorkshire Archeeological Society. Compiled by William F. Lawton. Leeds, n. d. 294 A HANDBOOK TO YORKSHIRE (continued). Catalogues of the Library of the Yorks. Archseol. Soc, 1897, 1901, and 1909. Leeds, 1898-1909. Catal. of MSS. in the Library of the Torks. Archeeol. Soc, 1912, compiled by W. T. Lancaster. Leeds, 1912. The bulk of the MSS. was bequeathed to the Soc. by Sir Thomas Brooke (a large proportion of them came from the Lib. of Sir Thomas Phillipps, at Middle Hill, Worcs.). The following Collections of MSS. are described in the Catal. : Thoresby, Fairfax, Woodhead, Beckwith, Dade, Radcliffe, Hunter, Paver, and others. The Torks. Archeeol. Soc. An Account of its Origfin in 1863 and of its Progress from that date to 1913. By S. J. Chadwick. (Yorka. Archeeol. Journ. vol. xxiii. pp. 1-91. 1914.) Contains a Classified List of Selected Articles in the ' Journal,' and Lists of the Publications, and Excursion Programmes of the ' Society,' pp. 39-44. The Kuddersfield Archssol. and Topographical Assoc, (afterwards the Yorks. Archnol. Soc), founded in 1864. An Account of the Assoc, 1864-70, by Sir Thomas Brooke. (Yorks. Archeeol. Journ., vol. xvi. pp. 327- 237. 1901. Bradford Historical and Anti^. Soc. A Record of the Work of the Soc, with List of Papers read before the Soc, 1878-1911, and a List of Excursions, also a Rough Index of the chief Papers printed in ' The Bradford Antiquary,' 1881-1910. (Tlis Bradford Antiquary, NewSer. vol. iii. pp. 458-4<>6. 1911.) A ' R^sum^ of the Society's Operations since 1883, with List of Papers read since Dec. 1880,' by William Cudworth, appeared in vol. ii. pp. 98-101. 1892. Catal. of the Books, DISS., etc., belonging to the Bradford Hist, and Antiq. Soc. Bradford, 1886. Indexes to the Reports and Papers of the Associated Architectural Societies, etc. (includes the Yorkshire Architectural Society. Vols. i.-viii. (1850-66); vols, ix.-xiv. (1867-78); vols, xv.-xix. (1879-88); and vols. XX.-XXV. (1889-1900). Lincoln, 1867-1905. General Index of the First Six Volumes of the 'Miscellanea,' being vols. ii. iv. iz. xi. xv. and xzii. of the Publications of the Thoresby Soc, compiled by James Singleton. (Publications, vol. xxii. pp. 409-421. 1915.) Catal. of Books in the Lib. of the Mechanics' Inst., Wakefield. 1895. Yorks. Books, pp. 110-114. Supp. Catal. 1911. Yorks. Books, pp. 45-48. A Consolidated Index to Paver's Marriage Licenses (1567 to 1630). [Printed in the ' Yorks. Archaol. 4" Topog. Journ.' vols. vii. ix.-xiv. xvi. xvii. XX.] Yorks. Archeeol. Soc. Extra Series, vol. ii. 1912. Index to Articles on Yorkshire County Families, in ' Leeds Mercury ' Supplement, 1885-90. (Bradford Ptib. Lib. Catal. of Books, etc., relating to Yorks. 1892, p. 38.) Stansfeld (John). Sale Catal. of the valuable Lib. of John Stansfeld, of Leeds, comprising a Collection of Yorks. Topography, a Collection of Yorks. Illustrations, in 10 vols, and a valuable Series of MSS. relating to Yorks. known as the 'Walker Collection,' in 60 vols. Sold by Sotheby's, London, 13-15 June, 1898. Yorks. items, pp. 4T-S4, 58-63, 65-69. Brobke (Thomas). A Catal. of the MSS. and Printed Books, collected by Thomas Brooke, and preserved at Armitage Bridge House, near Huddersfield. 2 vols. London, 1891. Privately Printed. Yorks. items, pp. 709-717 and passim. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 295 YORKSHIRE (contintied). Burton (John). A Scheme and Proposals, in order to form a Society for Compiling a complete Civil and Natural Hist, of the Antient and Present State of Yorkshire, with a Chorographical and Topographical Description thereof, to this is added, as a Specimen, part of the History, etc. of the Parish of Hemingbrough. The above is appended to Burton's ' Monastioon Eboraoense, and the Eoolesiastical Hist, of \orks,' 17S8, pp. 426-i48. The preface to the latter work contains Bibho. Notes on various Yorks. Collections, and a Catal. of the Records at York consulted by the Author. Johnston (STathaniel). Enquiries for information towards the illus- tratinif and compleating the Anticiuities and Natural Hist, of Torks. A single-sheet. London ? 1685 ? Copies are in the Brit. Mns. Lib. at 816 m. 16 (44) and Lansd. MS. 889. For the Y'orks. Collections of Nathaniel Johnston In the possession of Mr. Bacon Frank, at Campsall Hall, see 17th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. p. 188. See also a note at p. 126 of Freemantle's ' Biblio. of Sheffield,' 1911. Smythe (John). Catal. of the MSS., Printed Books, of the Hist, and Antiq,uities, Medals, Coins, Portraits, Topographical Engravings and Drawings, Charts, Maps and Surveys, relating to the Co. of Tork, in the Collection of John Smythe, at Heath, Pontefract. 1809. Ross (Frederick). Yorkshire in the ' Archaeologia.' A List of Yorks. Con- tributions to the Journal. {Old Yorkshire, ed. by Wm. Smith, voj. i. pp. 56-66 ; vol. iii. pp. 37-48. 1881-82.) Yorkshire Authors and the Royal Society. A List of Yorks. Con- tributions to the ' Philosophical Transactions.' (Ibid. vol. i. pp. 46-56 ; vol. iii. pp. 48-49. 1881-82.) Yorkshire in the ' Monasticon.' A brief Abstract of the Contents of Dugdale's ' Monasticon ' relating to Yorks., by R. V. Taylor. {Ibid. vol. iv. pp. 259-260. 1883.) Index to the Visitation of the County of York, 1665-66, hy William Bugdale, compiled by Sir George John Arraytage. London, 1873. Auden (George A.). Historical and Scientific Survey of York and Dis- trict. Prepared for the 7Sth Meeting of the Brit. Assoc. 1906. York, 1906. Among the Biblio. items are : — The Minster Library, by Rev. Canon Watson, pp. 243-245. Notes on the more important Historical MSS. in Public Custody in the City of York, pp. 246-247. Biblio. of the Churches of York, p. 137. Biblio. of the Merchant Adventurers of York, p. 227. Widdrington (Sir Thomas). Analecta Bboracensia, or Some Bemayues of the Ancient City of York. Edited by Caesar Caine. 1897. .Some Account of the ' Analecta Eboracensia,' pp. vii-xix. Life of the Author, with Biblio. Notes, pp. xx.-xxxiii. Drake (Francis). Bboracum, or the Hist, and Antictuities of the City of York. London, 1736. Biblio. Notes in Preface on Camden, Dodsworth, James Torr, and others. A ' Memoir of Francis Drake,' by Robert Davies, is in 'Yorks. Archaeol. & Topog. Journ.', vol. iii. pp. 33 54. 1875. Joseph Horsfall Turner. Biographical Notice, with a Biblio. {The Bradford Ant iguary. New Ser. Pt. xviii. pp. 194-198. 1915.) Turner's Collection of Yorks Books, Pamphlets, etc., left to the Belle Vue Public Library at Halifax, ' Horsfall Turner Section.' Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol V. 1897.) Yorks., pp. 108-110. York, pp. 427-430. Bradford, pp. 173-174. Halifax, p. 253. Hull, pp. 359-361. Leeds, p. 273. Sheffield, pp. 388-389. 296 A HANDBOOK TO YORKSHIRE {continued). Davenport (Frances 6.)- ^ist of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 1894. Biblio. Note on Yorks. Manorial Hist. pp. 62-64. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains. 1912. Torks., pp. 131-136. Price (John B.). Roman Remains in Yorks. A Biblio. List. {The Arohwol. Review, vol. ii. pp. 337-342. 1889.) Catal. of Anticiuities exhibited at the Annual Meeting of the Archeeol. Institute at York, 1846. {Memoirs, etc., of the Archeeol. Inst., Fori,. 1846, pp. 1-S5.) Kand-Book to the Antiq.nities in the Grounds and Museum of the Yorks. Philos. Soc, by Charles Wellbeloved. Seventh Edn. York, 1881. Catal. of the Bateman Collection of Antiquities in the Sheffield Public Museum. By Elijah Howarth. London, 1899. Murray (David). Biblio. Note on Museums at York. (' Museums,' Glasgow, 1904, vol. iii. pp. 283-284.) Dove (Patrick Bdward). Domesday Studies. 1891. Domesday Biblio. of Yorks., vol. ii. p. 695.) Keyser (Charles B.). List of References to Books with notices of Norman Doorways in Yorkshire. [Arranged under Churches, etc.] Appendix to ' The Norman Doorways of Yorkshire.' (Memorials of Old Yorkshire, ed. by T. M. Fallow, 1909, pp. 211-219.) Old York Views and Worthies Bxhibition, 1905. A Handbook, with a Preface by J. SoUoway. 1905. Sheppard (Thomas). Descriptions of Lord Burleigh's MS. Chart of Bast Yorks. and of Early Maps of Bast Yorks. {The Lost Towns of the Yorks. Coast. London, 1913, pp. 207-238.) Bast Yorks. History in Plan and Chart. {£!ast Ruling Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. xix. 1919.) Speed's Map of Yorkshire, 1627. A Biblio. Note. {The Yorks. County Mag. vol. i. pp. 1-8. 1891.) Turner (J. Korsfall). Yorkshire Place Names, as recorded in the Yorks. Domesday Book, 1086, comprising all the References to Places in the Three Ridings. Bingley. [1900.] Moorman (P. W.). The Place-Names of the West Riding of Yorks. The Thoresby Soc. , vol. xviii. Leeds, 1910. Biblio. pp. xlix-liv. Cfoodall (Armitage). Place-Names of South-West Yorks. (Cambridge Archaeol. and Ethnological Series.) Cambridge, 1913, and Revised edn. 1914. Biblio. pp. 46-51. Federer (Charles A.). A Biblio. of Yorks. Dialect Literature. ( Ycrrks. Dialect Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 86-114. 1900.) Yorks. Dialect Soc. Some Work for the Society. A suggested scheme as a basis on which to carry out the objects of the Society, by J. Horsfall Turner, with Biblio. references. (Yorks. Dialect Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 34-40. 1898.) County Polk-Lore, vol. ii. Examples of Printed Polk-Lore concerning the North Riding of Yorkshire, York, and the Ainsty. Edited by Mrs. Gutch. Folk-Lore Soc. London, 1901. List of Authorities, pp. xxiii-xxxix. County Folk-Lore, vol. vi. Printed Extracts— East Riding of Yorkshire. Edited by Mrs. Gutch. Folk-Lore Soc. London, 1913. List of Sources, pp. xix-xxvii. Page (W. G. B.). Biblio. of Folk-Speech of Yorkshire. (The Folk-Speech of East Yorks., by John Nicholson, 1889, pp. 97-100.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 297 YORKSHIRE {continued). Davies (Robert). A Memoir of the York Press, with Notices of Authors, Printers, and Stationers, in the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Cen- turies. Westminster, 1868. Suff (E. Oordon). The Printers, Stationers, and Bookbinders of Tork wp to 1600, with a List of Books printed at York, or for Sale in York, before 1600. (BibUo. Soc. Tram., vol. v. pp. 8T-108. 1899.) Notes on a Book Printed at York in 1579. (Edinburgh Bihlio. Soc. Pubns., vol. iii. pp. 133-136. 1899.) AUnutt (W. H.). Bnglisb. Provincial Presses. Earliest Printing' at York. (Bibliographica, vol. ii. pp. 26-97, 282-286. 1896.) The Printing Press in Yorkshire j List of Places, with dates of introduction of Printing, and Biblio. Notes, by Chas. A. Federer, Simeon Rayner, and others. (The Yorks. Mag., vol. ii. pp. 388, 336,384, 432. 1873.) There are also Notes in vol. iii. Scruton (WiUiam). Early Yorkshire Journalism. ('Leeds Mercury'' Sup- plement, 19 May, 1883.) Yorkshire Journalism in 1802. (The Yorkshireman, 19 May and 2 June, 1877.) Qent (Thomas). The Life of Thomas Gent, Printer, of York, written by himself. London, 1832. Sobson (Austin). Thos. G-ent, Printer. (E'u/hteenth Century Vignettes, Ser. III. 1896, pp. 104-133.) Boss (Frederick). Thomas Gent, Printer, York, with a Iiist of his Writings. (Old Yorkshire, ed. by Wm. Smith, vol. v. pp. 90-96. 1886. ) Clephan (James). The Early Press of York. Bibho. Notes. (Monthly Chron. North-Country Lore and Legend, vol. i. pp. 459-462. 1887.) Blackett (P.). Yorkshire Typographers and the Early Press of York. [1880 ?) A Contribution to a Newspaper. Yorkshire Printer-Authors. Joseph Richardson, Anthony Hewitson, and Abraham Kolroyd. (Yorkshire Bibliographer, ed. by J. Horsfall Turner, vol. i. pp. 159-160, 181-190, 227-329. 1888.) Kolroyd (Abraham). Old Books and Old Authors of Yorks. I. Csedraon, the Saxon Poet of Whitby, pp. 235-240. II. Thos. Gent, Printer, of York, with a list of Books printed and pub- lished by him, pp. 411-415, 444-448. (The Yorks. Mag. vol. i. 1872.) Dibdin (Thomas Frognall). Books, Booksellers, Bookbinders, etc., at York. (Northern Tour, 1838, vol. i. pp. 166-230.) Wood (Butler). The Bradford Newspaper Press. (The Bradford Antiquary, New Ser., vol. iii. pp. 49-67. 1907.) Scruton (WiUiam). The First Bradford Newspaper (the ' Bradford Courier '). (The Yorkshireman, 1 Sept. 1887.) Extinct Bradford Magazines, etc. (Yorkshire Bibliographer, ed. by J. Horsfall Turner, vol. i. pp. 105-110. 1888.) Early Bradford Printers. [A Biblio. Note on the ' Nicholsons,' by W. S.] (llie Bradford Antiquary, New Ser., vol. iv. p. 116. 1914.) Page (W. G. B.). Notes on Hull Authors, Booksellers, Printers, and Stationers, etc. (Book-Auction Records, vol. vi. pt. i. pp. i.-vii. 1908.) List [typewritten] of Printers in Hull having been established since before 40 years ago. 1905. (In the Blades Library at the St. Bride's Foundation, London.) 298 A HANDBOOK TO YORKSHIRE {contimued). Hand (Thomas W.). The Leeds Booksellers, Fruiters, and Libraries. {Book-Auction Records, vol. viii. pt. 2, pp. xxxiii.-xxxix. 1911.) Old Leeds Printers and Booksellers. A Catal. of Books and Pamphlets, printed in Leeds before 1800. [Announced for publication about 1879.] Petty (W.). Leeds Printers of Pifty Tears Ago. {Federation of Maater Printers' Souvenir, 1906.) The Private Printing Press of Sir George Reresby Sitwell at Scar- borough. Several important works were printed at this press in 1889-1901. List of Publications of John Cole of Scarborough. See ' Sale Catal. of J. Walter K. Eyton's Library of Privately Printed Books,' Sotheby's, 1848, pp. 49-50, and also John Martin's ' Biblio. Catal. of Books Privately Printed,' 1834, pp. 271-272. Bibliotheca Coleiana, a Catal. of the Collection of Books, the Private Property of John Cole, of Scarborough, comprising illustrated copies of all works of which he is the Author, etc. Scarborough, 1829. James Montgomery, the Poet, and his connection with Sheffield News- papers, Printing, etc. See ' Memoirs of the Life and Writings of James Montgomery,' by John Holland and James Everett. 7 vols. London, 1854-36. A History of the 'Sheffield Independent,' from 1319 to 1892. (Seventy- three years of Progress.) Sheffield, 1892. Porter (W. S.). Old Sheffield Newspapers. A Lecture. (The Hunter Archceol. Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 110-111. 1914.) Hester (Giles). ITevill Simmons, Bookseller and Publisher. With Notices of Literature connected with Old Sheffield. London, 1893. See also ' Who was NevlU Simmons ? ' by Henry Jackson, in ' Notes and Queries,' 31 Jan. 1863. A Yorkshire Magazine of the last Century. (The Yorkshire Mag. 1786.) (The Yorkshire Mag., vol. i. pp. 268-270, 354-358. 1872.) Faterson (Alexander). Yorkshire Journalism, Past and Present. Barnsley, 1901. Taylor (Richard Vickerman). Yorkshire ITovels and Novelists. Con- tributed to ' The Yorkshire Weekly Post.' Kalliwell-Phillipps (J. O.). The Yorkshire Anthology, a Collection of Ancient and Modern Ballads, Poems and Songs relating to the County of York. London, 1851. Kolroyd (Abraham). A Garland of Poetry; by Yorkshire Authors, or relating to Yorks., with Biog. Notes. Saltaire, 1873. A List of Yorkshire Ballads and Songs. (Old Yorkshire, ed. by Wm. Smith, vol. v. pp. 99-105. 1884.) Holroyd's Collection of Yorkshire Ballads, with some remarks on Ballad Lore, by W. J. Kaye, and a Life of Abraham Holroyd, by William Scruton. With Biog. & Biblio. Notes. Edited by Chas. F. Forshaw. London, 1892. Turner (J. Horsfall). Yorkshire Anthology : Ballads and Songs, Ancient and Modern, covering a Period of a Thousand Years of Yorks. History in Verse, with Notes, Bibliographical, Biographical, Topographical, Dialectic, etc., and quaint & original illustrations. Bingley, 1901. Four vols, were compiled, but only one was issued. Ingledew (C. J. Davison). The Ballads and Songs of Yorkshire, transcribed from private MSS., rare Broadsides, and scarce publications. London, 1860. Newsam (William C). The Poets of Yorkshire, comprising Sketches of their Lives, etc. London, 1845. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 299 YORKSHIRE {continued). Axon (William E. A.). The Ballads and Songs of Yorkshire. (Manchester Literary Club. Proc, 1873-74, pp. 57-60.) Orainge (William). The Foets and Poetry of Yorks., with Biog. Notes, etc. 2 vols. Wakefield, 1868. Andrews (William). Kodern Yorkshire Poets, with Biog. & Critical Notes. Hull, 1885. Federer (Charles A.). Yorkshire Chap-Books. First Series. London, 1889. Biblio. Notes in Introduction. Sketch of Life of Thomas Gent, pp. 10-23. Ballads, Chapbooks, Broadsides, etc., relating to Yorkshire, 1803-67. A Collection of the Publications of J. Kcndrew, of York, and others, is in the Brit. Mus. Library, 1870, c. 3. Fowler (Joseph Thomas). Bihlio. ITotes on ' Ballets ' in Kipon Minster Iiibrary. (Yorks. Archmol. ^ Topog. Journ., vol. xi. pp. 300-201. 1891.) Forshaw (Charles F.). John Hartley: Poet and Author (Author of ' Yorkshire Ditties,' etc.). An Appreciation. Bradford, 1909. Kowe (J. Hambley). Yorkshire Almanacks. A Lecture before the Bradford Hist. & Antiq. Soc, 10 Feb. 1915. Camidge (William). Iioyal York. Coronations and Proclamations in York, from the Says of the Romans. 1902. Richard Naylor, the last of the Corporation Bellmen. [1893.] Schedule of Broadside Royal Proclamations of King Charles I., in the possession of Godfrey Wentworth, Esq., of Woolley Park, near Wakefield. 1887. War Ballads and Broadsides of Previous Wars, 1779-1795. By H. Ling Roth and J. T. JoUey. {Bankfield Museum Notes, Ser. 2, no. 5. 1915.) A Selection from the Collections of F. A. Leyland, in Bankfield Museum, Halifax, mostly printed in Halifax. Stuart (J. A. Brskine). The Literary Shrines of Yorkshire — The Literary Pilgrim in the Dales. London, 1892. The Venerable Francis Wrangham, F.R.S., Archdeacon of the Bast Riding of the Coujity of York. A Memoir, with a list of his publications, and a brief note on his Printing. [1830.] For lists of his works, mostly privately printed, see ' Sale Catal. of Lib. of Archdeacon Wrangham,' First Portion, 12 July, 1843, pp. 149-151. Second Portion, 29 Nov., 1843; pp. 151-150, and 'Diet. Nat. Biog.' art. Wrangham. Cooper (T. P.). Literary Associations of the City of York. (Book-Auction Records, vol. x. pt. 3. 1913.) Morrell (William Wilberforce). A Public Library for York. A Letter to the Lord Mayor of York. York, 1891. Oilson (J. P.) The Library of Henry Savile, of Banke. With the Catalogue. (Biblio. Sec. Trans., vol. ix. pp. 127-210. 1908.) A List of Private Acts, etc., relating to the County of Yorkshire. Stevens and Sons. London, n.d. circa 1912. Special Topographical Collections for Yorkshire are in the Public Libraries at Bradford, Brighouse, Dewsbury, Huddersfield, Leeds, Sheffield (the Jackson Collection), Wakefield, and York, also in the Dean and Chapter Library at York (the Hailstone Collection) and in the Library of the Yorks. Archeeol. Soc. at Leeds. Special Local Collections are in the Public Libraries at Bradford, Dewsbury, Halifax, Leeds, Wakefield, and York. 300 A HANDBOOK TO YORKSHIRE {continued). Kist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Carlisle, Earl of, at Castle Howard ... Cathcart, Earl, at Thornton-le-Street Cooke, Mr. P. B. Davies, at Owston Hall, near Doncaster Devonshire, Duke of, at Bolton Abbey- Darwin, Mr. Francis, of Creskeld Effingham, Earl of Fawkes, Mr. Ayseough, at Farnley Hall Frank, Mr. F. Bacon, atCampsall Hall Graham, Sir Reginald Hailstone, Mr. Edward, at Walton Hall, near Wakefield ... Harford, Mrs., at Holme Hall Harvey, Mr. John, at Finningley Park Herries, Lord, at Everingham Park ... Ingilby, Sir Henry, at Ripley Castle ... Lawson, Sir John, at Brough Hall ... Leeds, Duke of, at Hornby Castle ... Meadley, Mr. Cornelius Ridgway, Mr. Matthew, of Dewsbury Ripon, Marquess of, at Studley Royal Wentworth, Mrs., at Woolley Park ... Wilson, Sir Matthew, at Eshton Hall Wharncliffe, Earl of, at Belmont, Perth- shire Wombwell, Sir George, at Newburgh Priory Zetland, Earl of York Corporation of Dean and Chapter of Company of Merchant Adven- turers Yorkshire, Philosophical Society West Riding Sessions Rolls ... North Riding Sessions Rolls ... Torksliire Collections. 15th Rep. pp. 27-30. and App. VL 2nd Rep. p. x. and App. pp. 24-30. 6th Rep. p. XV. and App. pp. 418, 426. 3rd Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 36-45. 11th Rep. p. 23, and App. VII. pp. 90-93. 3rd Rep. p. xv. and App. p. 223. 7th Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 509-511. 5th Rep. p. x. ; 6th Rep. p. xiv. and App. pp. 448-465 ; 17th Rep. p. 188. 5th Rep. p. xi. ; 6th Rep. p. xii. and App. pp. 322-344. 8th Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 636, 637. 16th Rep. p. 108; Various Collections, vol. ii. pp. 348-366. 1st Rep. p. X. and App. pp. 62-63 ; 2nd Rep. App. pp. 89-91. 1st Rep. p. xi. and App. p. 45. 5th Rep. p. X. ; 6th Rep. p. xiii. and App. pp. 352-395. 3rd Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 255, 256 ; 4th Rep. p. XV. and App. p. 367 ; 5th Rep. p. viii. and App. pp. 305-307. 11th Rep. pp. 11-13, and App. VII. pp. 1-58. 1st Rep. App. p. 110. 4th Rep. App. p. 404. 5th Rep. p. vii. and App. p. 294 ; 6th Rep. p. xi. and App. pp. 243-250. 16th Rep. pp. 109-110; Various Collec- tions, vol. ii. pp. 367-432. 3rd Rep. p. xviii. and App. pp. 293-300. 3rd Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 224-226 ; 4th Rep. p. xxiii. and App. p. 518 ; 5th Rep. p. XX. and App. pp. 621, 622. 16th Rep. pp. 103-104; Various Collec- tions, vol. ii. pp. 1-226. (1903.) 1st Rep. p. xi. and App. p. 44. 1st Rep. App. pp. 108-110. 1st Rep. App. p. 97. 1st Rep. App. p. 110. 1st Rep. App. p. 110. 9th Rep. p. xvi. and App. I. pp. 324-.S29. 9th Rep. p. xvi. and App. I. pp. 324-329. 2nd Rep. p. xiii. and App. p. 109. 16th Rep. pp. 91-93, and vol. (1900). 8th Rep. p. xvi. and App. pp. 269-276. Ampleforth, St. Lawrence's College Beverley Corporation Pontefract Corporation County Records, 1637, etc., with MS. Indexes, at the Court House, Northallerton, and at the County Hall, Wakefield. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 26.) Borough of York Records, 12th cent., etc., with MS. Index, at the Guild- hall, York. {Ibid. App. III. p. 42.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 301 YORKSHIRE (continued). Jeaffreson (J. Cordy). MSS. of West Riding of Torks. A List of Bolls, Registers, etc., at Wakefield, 1880. (Yorks. Archceol. ^ Topog. Journ. vol. vili. pp. 163-174 1884.) MSS. of the North Riding of Torks. A List of Documents at Northallerton, 1881. {Ibid. vol. viii. pp. 175-178. 1884.) Registry of Seeds relating to the West Riding of Yorks,, at Wakefield, II. and III. Anne. See S. R. Scargill-Bird, ' Guide to Documents in the Public Record Office," 1908, p. 23. Registry of Deeds for the East Riding of Yorks., at Beverley, VI. Anne. {Ibid. p. 23.) Registry of Deeds for the North Riding of Yorks., at Northallerton, VIII. Geo. II. (Ihid. p. 24.) Report of a Committee of Solicitors in the West Riding respecting the Indexes kept at the Register Ofiice, Wakefield. 1831. Meek (Ernest E.). Registration of Deeds and Wills. Are the Registries worth preserving? A Paper read before the 'York Law Students' Soc.', Jan. 1884.) A Bill for the Fuhlick Registering of all Deeds, Wills, etc., within the North Riding. [17—]. Report of an Inspection of the Records of the Commission of Sewers for Hatfield Chase, Oct. 1913. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1914, vol. ii. pt. 2, p. 166.) See also ' The Stovin MS.' (Drainage of the Level of Hatfield Chase), by Charles Jackson, in 'Yorks. Archaeol. & Topog. Journ.', vol. vii. pp. 194-238. 1882.) Catal. of the Charters, House Books, Accounts, Freemen's Rolls, Oild Ordinances, and other Old Records and Documents belonging to the Corporation of York, together vpith a Report on their Renovation. Compiled by WiUiam Giles, Deputy Town Clerk, 1912. Parrer (WiUiam). Early Yorkshire Charters, being a Collection of Docu- ments anterior to the Thirteenth Century, made from the Public Records, Monastic Chartularies, Roger Dods worth's MSS., and other available sources. Edinburgh, 1914-15. The work is to be in 4 vols. Vols. i. and ii. only as yet published. A List of the Charters is at the beginning of each vol., and Biblio. Note in Preface to vol. i. Descriptive Catal. of the Charters, Rolls, Deeds, Pedigrees, Pamphlets, Newspapers, Monumental Inscriptions, Maps, and Miscellaneous Papers, forming 'The Jackson Collection,' at the Sheffield Public Reference Library. Compiled by T. Walter Hall and A. Hermann Thomas. Sheffield, 1914. Yorks. items, pp. 1-104. Catal. of the Charters, Deeds and MSS. in the Public Reference Lib. at ' Sheffield, prepared by T. Walter Hall. Sheffield, 1912. App. Schedule of Deeds in the 'Leader Collection.' Dodsworth's MS. Collections in the Bodleian Library relating to Yorks. Bodl. Lib. MSS. 4143-5105. Collections relating to the County of York, consisting of extracts from the Dodsworth MSS., etc. By Henry Paget. Brit. Museum, Add. MS. 26737. List of the Dodsworth MSS. in the Bodleian Library. By Samuel Mar- gerison. {Old Yorkshire, ed. by Wm. Smith, vol. iii. pp. 181-185. 1883, 302 A HANDBOOK TO YORKSHIRE {continued). Index of Persons and Places in the First Seven Volumes of the Dods- worth mSS., compiled by W. H. Turner. Privately printed for the Bodleian Lib. Oxford, 1879. This Index continued in MS. for a further portion of the Collection by W. F. Thurland. For an account of this Collection, see Macray, 'Annals of the Bodleian,' 1890, pp. 137-139. For a Catal. of the MSS., see Bernard's 'Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum Angl. et Hib., 1697, pp. 187-933. Synopsis of the Contents of the Dodsworth. DISS., with an Account of Bodsworth's Life and Labours, by Joseph Hunter. (Report of the Record Commission of 1837.) Reprinted with two other Indexes in 1838 as a separate work. Paver's MS. Collections in the British Museum relating to Tories. Add. MSS. 29644-29703. 60 vols. Brooke's MS. Collections relating^ to Torks. in the College of Arms, London. MSS. I.C.B. Warburton's MS. Collections relating to Torks. in the British Museum, Lansd. MSS. 899-901, 908-919. Warburton's Account of his MSS. relating to Torkshire. Brit. Museum Lansd. MS. 1219, fol. 111. List of MSS. relating to Torks. in the Lansdowne Collection at the British Museum. By Samuel Margerison. (Old Yorkshire, ed. by Wm. Smith, vol. iii. pp. 174-181. 1882.) Hnnter's MS. Collections relating to Torks. in the British Museum (Add. MSS. 24436-24630, 25459-25483) and in Leeds Public Library. Hunter's Collections for a Hist, of South Torkshire ; in the Brit. Museum, Add. MS. 24439. A Brief Memoir of the late Joseph Hunter, F.S.A., with a Descriptive Catal. of his principal separate Publications, and Contributions to the ' Archaeologia.' [By Sylvester Hunter.] Privately Printed. London, 1861. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A., the Historian of Hallamshire, with a List of his Principal Works and MS. Collections. (The Hunter Archwol. Soc, Trans., vol. i. pp. 13-17. 1914.) List of MSS. relating to Torks. in the Cottonian Collection at the British Museum. By Samuel Margerison. (Old Yorkshire, ed. by Wm. Smith, vol. iv. pp. 244-250. 1883.) List of MSS. relating to Torks. among the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum. By Samuel Margerison. (Ibid. vol. ii. pp. 174-183. 1881.) List of Torkshire MSS. in various places. By Richard Vickerman Taylor. (Ibid. vol. ii. pp. 183-184. 1881.) Collections relating to Torks., by Charles Devon. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 24831-24833. Torr's Torkshire Collections at Tork, made between 1670 and 1687 from the Archbishops' Registers. (In Custody of the Dean and Chapter at the Minster Lib., York.) A Catal. of James Torr's MSS. relating to the Hist, and Antiquities of Torks. Brit. Museum, Lansd. MS. 889. Burton Constable MSS. A Collection of MSS. illustrating the various Branches of the Hist, of Torks. from 1066 to 1760, collected by John Burton, M.D., Author of ' Monasticon Eboracense.' 42 vols. For a list of this Collection, see pp. 10-12 of the ' Sale Catal. of the Burton Constable MSS.,' collected by William Constable. Sold by Sotheby's, 21-26 June 1889, and see also List of the Contents Of vols, in Gough's 'Brit. Topography,' vol. ii. 1780, pp. 408-416. For other Yorks. MSS. see pp. S9-62. H'or • Memoir of John Burton ' (b. 1710, d. 1771), by Robert Da vies, see ' Yorks. ArchEeol. & Topog. Joiirn.,' vol. ii, pp. 403-440. 1873, COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 303 YORKSHIRE {continued). Walker Collection of Genealogical, Antiquarian and Historical DISS. relating to Torks., compiled, or collected, by Edward Johnston Walker, of Halifax. 60 vols. For a list, see ' Sale Catal. of the Lib. of John Stansfeld, of Leeds,' 1898, ante p. 294. Hunter (Joseph). A ISXemoir of the Collection of Charters, and other Documentary matters, illustrative of the Topography and History of England, hut especially of the County of York, made by John Wilson, of Bromhead, between 1735 and 1783, also a Schedule of the Deeds which relate to the Estate of Bromhead and to the Wilsons. With a Prefatory Letter to Wilson's Yorks. Deeds, 184.3. See ' A Memoir of the Wilsons of Bromhead,' by the Rev. Joseph Hunter, 1824, in ' Yorks. Archaeol. & Topog. Journ.,' vol. v. pp. 64-68, 111-125. 18T9. See also Wilson's Yorkshire Deeds, in the Brit. Museum, Add. MS. 24467. M'Call (Hardy Bertram). Calendar of the Historical MSS. of R. H. Frior-Wandesforde, ISscl., preserved at Castlecomer House, co. Kil- kenny, in ' Story of the Wandesforde Family, of Kirklington and Castle- comer.' London. 1904. App. Ft. L pp. lTl-330. (Mostly Yorks. Deeds. ) A Iledieaval Index (in Custody of the Dean and Chapter) of the Charters and Muniments of the Dean and Chapter of York. For Hist. MSS. Comm. Report on the Dean and Chapter Records, see ante p. 300. Raine (James). The Historians of the Church of York and its Arch- bishops. 3 vols. (Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain.) London, 1879-94. Biblio. Notes in Prefaces to vols. i. & ii. The Records of the Northern Convocation, edited by the Dean of Durham. {Surtees Soc. Pubns., vol. cxiii. 1907.) Report on the Convocation Records of the Province of York, by the Rev. W. D. Macray, App. pp. ciii.-cv. Botfield (Beriah). Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1849. York, pp. 502-537. Taylor (Richard Vickerman). List of Old Yorkshire Church Registers, in chronological order. {Old Yorkshire, ed. by Wm. Smith, vol. iii. pp. 188- 190. 1882.) Norcliffe (Charles Best). Lists of Bast Riding, North Riding, & West Riding Registers. {Ibid. vol. v. pp. 247-250. 1884.) James (Slontague R.). The Catal. of the Library of the Augustinian Priars at York, now first edited from the MS. at Trinity Coll. Dublin. {John Willis Clark Memorial Volvme, Cambridge, 1909, pp. 2-96.) Brode (T. Ainsworth). The Old Parish Account Books of St. John the Evangelist, York. {Assoc. Archit. Soc. Reports 4' Papers, pp. 304-322. 1907.) Stevenson (W. H.). Yorkshire Surveys and other Eleventh-Century Documents in the York Gospels. {The English Hist. Rev., vol. xxvii. pp. 1-25. 1912.) Dale (Bryan). Non-Parochial Registers in Yorks. {The Bradford Anti- quary, New Ser. vol. i. pp. 447-469. 1900.) Also in 'Congregational Hist. Soc. Trans.,' vol. i. pp. 5-25. 1901. Macklin (Herbert Walter). Monumental Brasses. London : Geo. Allen & Co., 1913. Biblio. Note on Yorks. Brasses, with a List, pp. 142, 188-190.) Churchyard Inscriptions in Yorkshire. List of Transcriptions and where to be found. (A Leaflet.) Yorks. Archaeol. Soc. 1913. Yorks. Monumental Inscriptions. A List of 84 Transcripts Printed and in MS. {The Register of English Monumental Inscriptions, vol. ii. pp. 89-93. 1914.) Compiled by T. W. Oswald-Hicks from the preceding List. 304 A HANDBOOK TO YORKSHIRE {continued). HiBt. of the Torks. Geol. & Polyteclinic Soc, 1837-87, with Biog. Notices of some of its Members, by James W. Davis. ( Yorka. Oeol. ^ PoJy. Soc. Proc. vol. X. 1889.) Classified Index of tte Proceedings of the Torks. Oeol. & Poly. Soc, vols, i.-xiv. 1839-1902, by W. Lower Carter. (Ibid. vol. xv. pp. 96-153. 1903.) Classified Index of the Transactions of the Leeds Geol. Assoc, vols, i.-xiv. 1883-1908. (Tmn^. o/«A« Soc, vol. xiv. pp. 59-67. 1908.) Sheppard (Thomas), list of Papers referring to the Geology, etc., of the East of Torks. and Horth Iiincolnshire, which have been published during 1895-1898. (Hull Geol. Soc. Trans., vol. iii. pp. 25-27; vol. iv. pp. 37-39 ; vol. v. pp. 27-28. 1895-1900.) Biblio. of Papers and Records published with respect to the Geology and Palaeontology of the North of England, 1902-1908. (Yorks. Naturaluts Union. Trans., 1908.) Lists for 1884 to 1901 appeared in ' The Naturalist,' for 1885 to 1903. List of Papers, Maps, etc., relating to the Erosion of the Kolder- ness Coast, and to changes in the Kumber Estuary. (Hull Oeol. Soc. Trans., vol. vi. pp. 43-57. 1906.) Strangways (C. Pox-). Biblio. of Yorks. Geology, 1534-1914. (C. Fox- Strangways Memorial volume.) Edited by Thomas Sheppard, with considerable additions. (Yorks. Geol. and Poly. Soc. Proc, vol. xviii. 1915.) Davis (James William). Summary of Geological Literature relating to Torks. (Ibid. vols, vi.-ix., xi., xii. 1874-90.) List of Memoirs, Papers, etc., by James William Davis [principally on Torks. Geology]. See Obituary Notice in ' Yorks. Geol. & Poly. Soc. Proc' vol. xii. pp. 319-334. 1894. List of Memoirs and Papers by Dr. W. Crawford Williamson (a Torks. Naturalist), b. 1816, d. 1896. See Obituary Notice in ' Yorks. Geol. & Poly. Soc. Proc.,' vol. xiii. pp. 95-111. 1895. Harker (Alfred). List of the Principal Publications dealing with the Petrology of the English Lake District. {Yorks. Geol. ^ Poly. Soc. Proc, vol. xiv. pp. 494-496. 1902.) Cnttriss (S. W.). The Torkshire Caves. Biblio. 1781-1903. {Ibid. vol. XV. pp. 293-304. 1904.) Whitaker (William). Biblio. of Torks. Geology. {Illustrations of the Geology of Yorks., by John Phillips and R. Etheridge, 1875.) Davis (James W.) and Lees (P. A.). Biblio. on Geology and Physical Geography of West Torks. (Physical Geography Sj; Botanical Topography of West Yorks. 1880.) See also the same compilers' Biblio. (1674-1876) "in ' West Yorkshire, an account of its Geology, etc.,' 1878, pp. xiii.-xl. Marr (John Edward) and Tiddemann (R. H.). Biblio. of the Geology of the West of Torkshire.) (Geology, 1891.) Beid (Clement). Biblio. of the Geology of Holderness. (Memoirs of the Geol. Survey of England Sj; Wales, 1885, pp. 163-170.) Biblio. of Geology of Sheffield and District. (Brit. Assoc. Handbook and Guide to Sheffield, 1910, pp. 399-404.) Trimen (Kenry). Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties. Torks, (Journ. of Botany, vol. xii. p. 180. 1874.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 305 YORKSHIRE {continued). Baker (John Oilbert). Ust of Authorities for details of the Topography of Plants in 'North Yorkshire; Studies in its Botany, Geology, etc' 1863. App. B. pp. 34.1-344. Robinson (James Fraser). Biblio. of the Flora of the East Riding^, in ' The Flora of the East Riding of Yorkshire.' London, 1902. Biblio. Notes in Introduction, and a List at pp. 55-56. Lees (Frederick A.) Biblio. of West Yorkshire Botany, 1548-1885, in ' The Flora of West Yorkshire,' 1888, pp. 85-100, 815-818. (Yorks. Naturalists' Union.) Nelson (T. H.). The Birds of Torks. 9 vols. London, 1907. Biblio., vol. ii., pp. 776-777. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Yorks. Birds. {The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xiv. p. 361, 1890 ; and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 36). Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. p. 186, 1893.) Reptiles. {lUd. p. 248, 1893.) Fishes. (Ildd. p. 259. 1893.) Anderson (John P.). Book of Brit. Topo., 1881. Yorks., pp. 308-333. Gatfleia (George). Guide to Heraldry. 1892. Yorks., pp. 191-199. Sims (Richard). Manual. 1861. Yorks., pp. 176, 223-226, 241. Upcott (William). English Topo., 1818. Yorks., vol. iii. pp. 1351-1426, 1500. Smith (Alfred Russell). Catal. of Topo. Tracts, etc. 1878. Yorks., pp. 416-436, 481-482. Gough (Eichard). Brit. Topo., 1780. Yorks., vol. ii. pp. 395-478. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catal. of Books bequeathed to Bodleian Lib. by Richard Gough, 1814. Yorks., pp. 320-329. ACKWORTH . Nodal (John Howard). The Biblio., Biogr^aphy, and Topography of Ackworth School. Manchester, 1889. AGBRIGG. Raine (James). On the Materials for the Topography of the Wapentake of Agbrigg. {Yorks. Archceol. ^ Topog. Journ., vol. i. pp. 13-33. 1870.) Hopkinson (John). MS. Collections for the Hist, of Agbrigg, at Eshton Hall, and at the Brit. Museum (from Heath Hall). ALDBOROUGH. Lyell (Arthur H.). Biblio. of Roman Remains at Aldborough. {Biblio. List of Romano-British Remains, 1913, p. 133.) BARNSLEY. Biblio. of Barnsley Iiiterature. In preparation. To be issued by the Barnsley Public Lib. Committee. BEVERLEY. Corporation Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, p. 300. Catal. of a Selection from the Muniments of the Corporation of Beverley. {The Yorks. County Mag. vol. i. pp. 316-317. 1891.) See also ' Beverley Town Documents,' ed. by Arthur F. Leach. Selden Soc. Pubu., vol. xiv. London. 1900. Brown (William). Socum.ents from the Record Office relating to Beverley. {East Riding Antiq. Soc, vol. v. pp. 35-49.) 306 A HANDBOOK TO YORKSHIRE (continued). Printed and MS. Collections relatingf to Beverley, including a memoranda of Books and MSS. Brit. Mus. Lansd. MS. 896. Collection of MS. and Printed Matter relating to Beverley. 20 vols. See 'Catal. of Lib. of Edward Hailstone,' Second Portion. Sold by Sothebys 23 April, 1891, p. 22. BRADFORD. Dickons (James Norton). A Catal. of Books, Pamphlets, etc., pnblished at Bradford. Privately Printed. Bradford, 1895. The Appendix contains Lists of Acts of Parliament, Corporation Reports and Papers, Hymn Books published at Bradford, Magazines and Newspapers, Reports of various Institutions, List of Hailstone MSS., etc. Biblio. Notes on Bradford Printers and Printing, Booksellers, Newspapers, etc., in Prefatory Note. Empsall (T. T.) and Federer (C. A.). Biblio. of Bradford and STeiglibour- liood, being a List of Books, Pamphlets, etc., by Authors, natives of or con- nected with the District. {The Bradford Antiquary; vol. i. pp. 39-44, 98-101, 154,-159, 204-209, 2T9-284 ; vol. ii. pp. 9-14, 102-105, 148-155, 329-334, 256-259. 1881-95.) List of MSS. relating to Bradford and District formed by Samuel Hail- stone, purchaied at the Edward Hailstone Sale, and presented to the Bradford Free Lib. See Dickons. Catal. of Books, etc., pp. 222-233. Catal. of tbe Books, MSS., etc., belonging to tke Bradford Historical and Antiquarian Soc. Bradford, 1886. One of the aims of the Soc. is the acquirement and conservation of Local Documents, Books, Plans, Genealogical Charts, etc. Bradford Books, etc., in the Bradford Public Lib. See ' Catal. of the Books and Pamphlets relating to Yorks., in the Central Reference Lib.,' 1892, pp. 5-17. A Collection of Books, Prints, and MSS. was bequeathed by J. Norton Dickons to the Library. It is rich in Civil War Tracts, and Books, etc., relating to Yorks. Topography. An Account of the Boiling Hall Museum, Bradford. (The Museums Journ., vol. XV. pp. 157-161. 1915.) Broadsides, Portraits, Maps, Bookplates, Docu- ments, etc., relating to Bradford are among the Objects exhibited. Speight (Harry). The Bradford Manor Court Rolls. (The Bradford Anti- quary, New Ser. vol. iii. pp. 185-199. 1909.) Federer (Charles A.). Torkshire Bibliography. — William Scoresby, Juu., 1?89-1857. 1887. A complete account of Scoresby's writings, whether pubhshed at Bradford or elsewhere, with a List. William Cudworth. Obituary Hotice and Biblio. {The Bradford Antiquary, New Ser. vol. iii. pp. 94-95. 1907.) Bailey (Samuel Oldfield). Plans of Bradford, with additions by the Editor. (The Bradford Antiquary, New Ser. vol. ii. pp. 225-231. 1903.) See also ' An Old Bradford Plan,' by W. Scruton, in vol. iii. p. 368. 1911. BRETTON. Hunter (Joseph). Catal. of the Library of the Priory of Bretton. 1831. DARLINGTON. Borough Records, at the Town Hall, Darlington. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 52.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 307 YORKSHIRE (continited). DONCASTEB. Borough Records, 1194, etc., at the Mansion. House, Doncaster. (Local Records Oomm. Rep.. 1902, App. III. p. 54.) A Calendar to the Records of the Borough of Doncaster. 4 vols. 1899-1903. ECCLESFIELD. Collections for a Hist, of the Parish of Ecclesfield, by Joseph Hunter, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24438. Preemantle (William Thomas). The Rev. Alfred Gatty, D.D. (Vicar of Ecclesfield). A Biblio. (The Hunter Archceol. Soc. Trans., yoI. i. pp. 81-83, 1914.) E8HT0N. Catal. of the Library Collected by Miss Prances Mary Richardson Currer, at Eshton Hall, Craven, Yorks., by C. J. Stewart. Privately Printed. The principal portion of the Library was sold by Sotheby's, 30 July, 1862. HALIFAX. Turner (J. Horsfall). Halifax Books and Authors. A Series of Articles on the Books written by Natives and Residents, Ancient and Modern, of the Parish of Halifax, with Notices of their Authors and of the Local Printers, etc. Re- printed from the ' Brighouse News.' Privately Printed. Bradford, 1906. Crossland (Charles). Halifax Bibliography and Authors. (Halifax Antiq, Soc. Papers, 1909, pp. 317-346; 1910, pp. 273-295 ; 1911, pp. 253-268 ; 1913, pp. 25-72 ; 1913, pp. 45-75 ; 1914, pp. 23-60.) Catal. of Books, etc., of the Halifax Antiquarian Soc. (Ibid. 1904^05, pp. 149-150.) Savage (Henry Edwin), Dean of Lichfield. Some Local Gleanings from the Bookstalls. [With Biblio. Notes.] {Ibid. 1912, pp. 201-214.) Hanson (T. W.). ' Edwards of Halifax.' A Pamily of Booksellers, Collectors, and Bookbinders. (Ibid. 1912, pp. 141-200.) Rouse (E. P.). Old Halifax Circulating Library, 1768-1866. (Ibid. 1911, pp. 45-59.) Hanson (T. W.). John Brearcliffe, the Antiquary. (Ibid. 1907, pp. 213-243 ; 1908, pp. 321-348.) Walker Collection of Genealogical, Antiquarian and Historical MSS. relating to Halifax. See ante p. 303. Walker (Walter James). Chapters on the Early Registers of Halifax Parish Church, from the local archaeological Collection of Edward Johnston Walker, with Biblio. Notes on the Histories of Halifax. 1885. Murray (David). Biblio. Note on Halifax Museums. (' Museums,' Glasgow, 1904, vol. ii. p. 275.) Exhibitions of Books, Pictures, Prints, and Curios of Local Antiquarian Interest, by the Halifax Antiq. Soc. in 1904 & 1905. (Halifax Antiq. Soc. Papers, 1904-05, pp. 1-2, 151-156.) Cox (J. L.) Halifax Directories. (Ibid. 1914, pp. 271-282.) HOLDERNESS. Holmes (L.). Alphabetical List of Parish Registers in the Seigniory of Holderness. (Old Yorkshire, ed. by Wm. Smith, vol. iv. p. 355. 1883.) 308 A HANDBOOK TO YORKSHIRE {continued). HUDDERSFIELD. Boroug'Ii Records, at Town Hall, Huddersfield. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 44.) HULL. Bonltec (W. Consitt). Hull Bibliography. A few pages only issued as a specimen. For a reference to this work, see ' Yorkshire Bibliographer,' ed. by J. Horsfall Turner, vol. i. p. 13. 1888. Page (William Cr. B.). Biblio. of Hull. A Catal. of Books, Pamphlets, Music, and articles by Local Authors, for the years 1880-1881, 1887, 1888, and 1889. Reprinted from the ' Weekly Express.' Hull, 1883-91. The Biblio. was only issued for the above years, the one for 1887 appeared in ' The Hull and East Riding Portfolio.' The compiler intends to continue the Biblio. to date. For ' Notes on Hull Authors, etc.,' see ante p. 297. Catal. of Hull Books and Pamphlets in the Wilberforce Historical Museum at Hull. [Nearly ready for pubhcation.] Frost (Charles). Address to the Literary & Fhilos. Society at Hull (com- prising a Literary Hist, of the Town). Hull, 1831. Corlass (Reginald W.). Sketches of Hull Authors. Hull, 1879. Eingston-on-Hull. Borough Records, Bdw. I., etc., with KS. Index, at the Town Hall, Hull. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 34.) ' Charters and Letters Patent granted to Kingston-upon-HuU,' translated by John Roberts Boyle, was printed for the Corporation in 1905. WooUey (William). A Collection of Statutes relating to the Town of Kingston-upon-HuU, the County of the same town, and the parish of Sculcoates, with a Chronological Table of Acts of Parliament, from the earliest period to the end of the reign of Geo. IV. London, 1830. Collections relating to the Hist, and Anticiuities of the Town of Kingston-upon-HuU. Brit. Museum. Lansd. MSS., 890, 891. Cook (John). Ancient Hull Deeds. (Old Yorkshire, ed. by Wm. Smith, vol. v. pp. 242-247. 1884.) Index and Notes of Searches relating to Eingston-on-Hull. Brit. Museum, Add. MS. 21343. Murray (David). Biblio. Note on Hull Museum. (' Museums,' Glasgow, 1904, vol. ii. p. 293.) Sheppard (Thomas). The Evolution of Kingston-upon-HuU, as shewn by its Plans. (A List of Plans, Views, etc., with descriptive notes.) Published for the Hull Corporation. 1911. Some Old Plans of Xingston-upon-HuU. (The Hull Quarterly, ed. by W. G. B. Page, vol. ii. pp. 169-170. 1885.) ILKLEY. CoUyer (Rev. Robert) and Turner (J. Horsfall). Biblio. of Ilkley, and Ben Rhydding, in ' Ilkley : Ancient and Modern.' Otley, 1885, pp. 277-282. Murray (David). Biblio. Note on Ilkley Museum. (' Museums,' Glasgow, 1904, vol. ii. p. 296.) • 5 ' KIRKBY MALHAM. Index Transcript of the Register of Kirkby Malham. (Presented to the Bradford Pubhc Library, by Rev. Edward Cookson, of Ipswich.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 309 YORKSHIRE (continued). KIBKLEES . A Catal. of the Muuiments at Kirklees [1200-1800] in the possession of Sir George J. Armytage. Privately Printed. London, 1900. KIRKSTALL. Stansfeld (John). List of Charters and other Documents relating to Eirkstall Abbey now in the Brit. Musenm. (Thoreshy Soc. Puhns., vol. ii. pp. 19-31. 1891.) KNARBSBOROUGH. Parkinson (Thomas). Lays and Leaves of the Forest. A Collection of Poems, and Historical, Genealogical, and Biographical Essays and Sketches relating chiefly to men and things connected with the Royal Forest of Knares- borough. 1882. Watson (Eric R.). Biblio. of the Trial of Eugene Aram, in ' Eugene Aram, his Life and Trial,' 1913. App. VL pp. 207-319. Biblio. Notes in Chap. L For descriptions of Eugene Aram relics exhibited at the ' Greenland Fishery Museum,' King's Lynn, see ' Guide to the Museum,' 1912, pp. 37-4.0. LEEDS. Extracts from the 'Leeds Mercury,' 1721-1729. (Thoreshy Soc. Puhns., vol. xxii. pp. 183-333. 1913.) Wilson (Edmund). Two Old Flans of Leeds. {Ihid. vol. ix. pp. 196-204. 1899.) See also 'A "Waterloo" Map of Leeds,' by E. Wilson, in vol. xi. pp. 281-288. 1904. Ford (John Rawlinson). Plan of Leeds, 1806. (Ihid. vol. xi. pp. 130-136, 1904.) See also 'Map of Leeds, 1781,' by Frank Gott, in vol. xv. pp. 46-47. 1909 ; and ' Thorp's Map of Leeds, 1819-21,' in vol. xv. p. 152. 1909. The Early Tears of the Leeds Library (the first Subscription Library in Leeds). Printed for the Editor. Leeds, 1879. MS. Collections relating to Leeds. Brit. Museum, Add. MS. 33770. Atkinson (D. K.). Ralph Thoreshy, the Topographer, his Town and Times. 2 vols. Leeds, 1885. Musseum Thoresbyanum ; or, a Catal. of the AnticLuities, and of the Natural and Artificial Rarities preserved in the Repository of Ralph Thoreshy, at Leeds, 1712 (including a Cat. of the MSS., Printed Books, etc.). Appended to Thoresby's 'Ducatus Leodiensis.' Second Edn. 1816. Edited by T. D. Whitaker. Murray (David). Biblio. Notes on Ralph Thoresby's Museum, Leeds. (' Mmewms,' Glasgow, 1904, vol. iii. p. 211. Biblio. Xote on Leeds Museum. (Ihid. vol. ii. p. 320.) PONTEFRAOT. Corporation Records. See ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. List of Fontefract Municipal Records Printed. (Notes and Queries, Ser. 11, vol. V. p. 478. 1912.) PUDSEY. Rayner (Simeon). Biblio. of Books, Pamphlets, etc., relating to Pudsey, including those issued from the Pudsey Press, in ■ The Hist, and Anti- quities of Pudsey,' pp. 177-184. Edited, with a" Memoir of Rayner, by William Smith. London, 1887. 310 A HANDBOOK TO YORKSHIRE {continued). RICHMOND. Borougli Records, letk cent., etc., with MS. List, at Richmond. (Lnml Recordt Comm. R*p., 1903, App. III. p. 68.) BIPON. Borough Records, at Town Kail, Ripon. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1903, App. III. p. 68.) Ripou Cathedral Records, 14th cent., etc., with MS. Catal., at Ripon. Xlbid. 1902, App. III. p. 114..) Fowler (Joseph Thomas). Ripon Minster Library and its Founder. (Dean Antony Higgin), with a List of MSS., Printed Books, Ballads, Broadsides, etc. (Yorhs. Archcsol. ^ Topog. Journ., vol. ii. pp. 371-402. 1873.) Botfield (Beriah). ITotes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1849. Ripon, pp. 384-389. Ripon Millenary, a Record of the Festival, also a Hist, of the City arranged under its Wakemen and Mayors from the year 1400. Ripon, 1892. Exhibition of Antiquities, etc., pp. 44-45. ROCHDALE. Records in Public and Private Custody. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. III. p. 138.) SCARBOROUGH. Baker (J. B.). Biblio. of Scarborough, in ' Hist, of Scarborough,' 1882, pp. 518-520. A Catal. of Charters, Corporate Transactions, Letters, Records, and other Documents, in the possession of the Corporation of Scarborough. 1893. Murray (David). Biblio. Note on Scarborough Museum. {' Mmeums,' Glasgow, 1904, vol. iii. p. 162.) SHEFFIELD. Preemantle (William Thomas). A Biblio. of Sheffield and Vicinity, Section I. to the end of 1700. Sheffield, 1911. Section II. is intended to cover 1701-1800 inclusive. See also ' Lib. Assoc. Record,' vol. xi. pp. 435-455, 1909, for a Paper on ' Our Local Bibliography,' by W. T. Freemantle. Curtis (E.) A Short Biblio. of the Hist, of Sheffield. (Historical Assoc. Leaflet, No. 25, June, 1911.) Catal. of the Sheffield Central Library, 1890. List of Books and Pamphlets relating to the Hist, of Sheffield, in Parts III. and IV. Derry (John), The Story of Sheffield. London, 1915. The Writers of Sheffield History, pp. 173-183. Notes on Sheffield Museums, Libraries, etc., pp. 271-284. MS. Collections in Sheffield Public Reference Lib. See ante p. 301. The ' Jackson Collection ' of Books, Charters, etc., relating to Sheffield, in the Public Ref. Library, Sheffield. See ante p. 301. 'De»criptive Catal. of the Charters,' etc., by T. W. Hall and A. H. Thomas. A Catal. of the Ancient Charters belonging to the Twelve Capital Burgesses and Commonalty of the Town and Parish of Sheffield, 1297-1654. By T. Walter HaU. Sheffield, 1913. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 311 YORKSHIRE (continued) Collections for a Hist, of Sheffield, by Joseph Hunter. Brit. Museum, Add. MSS. 24437, 24440. Murray (David). Biblio. ITote on Sheffield Mnsenms. ('itfM««M»w,' Glasgow, 1904, vol. iii. pp. 173-174.) SWINE. Suckett (Sir Oeorgre). Charters of the Priory of Swine in Kolderness [among the Rawlinson MSS. in the Bodleian], with a list of some in the Dodsworth Collection. {York^. Archwol. 4 Topog. Journ., vol. vi. pp. 113-124. 1881.) TODMORDEN. Kolden (Joshua). Township Records in the Todmorden District. (Halifax Antiq. Soe. Papers, 1908, pp. 1-32.) WAKEFIELD. Federer (Charles A.). Catal. of the Lib. of Wakefield Books in the possession of Charles Skidmore, of the Inner Temple [now at the City Library, Wakefield]. Privately Printed, 1897. Borough Records, at Town Kail, Wakefield. (Local Records Oomm. Report, 1902, App. III. p. 73.) WHITBY. Smales (Oideon). Whitby Authors and their Publications, with the titles of all the Books printed in Whitby, a.d. 670-1867. Whitby, 1867. ADDENDA. 315 ADDENDA. ABERDEENSHIRE. Johnstone (James Fowler Kellas). A Concise Biblio. of the Hist., Topo- grraphy, and Institutions of the Shires of Aberdeen, Banff, and Kincardine. {Aberdeen Univ. Studies, No. LXVI.) 1914. First published in 'Aberdeen Univ. Lib. Bull.,' vols. i. & ii. 1913-H. Thomson (James B.). Biblio. of Aberdeen. Kincardine, and Banff, 191S. ('Aberdeen Journal' Notes ^ Queries, vol. vi. pp. 68-71, 74-77. 1913.) A continuation of entry on p. 2. Aberdeen Public Library. Catal. of Local Collection to be found in the Reference Department. Edited by G. M. Eraser. Aberdeen, 1914. Anderson (Peter John). Aberdeen Friars, Bed, Black, White, Orey. A Preliminary Calendar of illustrative Documents, with a List of 'Accounts in Print of Scottish Friars,' 16-29-1909. (Univ. of Aberdeen Studies, No. XL.) Aberdeen, 1909. Inventory of Charters relating to the Blackfriars in Aberdeen. {Scottish Notes i Queries, vol. vii. pp. 120-121, 134-138. 1894.) Walker (George). Aberdeen Bibliographer's Manual. (Articles contributed to ' Aberdeen Herald,' 20 Nov. 1858 to 26 Mar. 1859.) Aberdeen, 1859. Aberdeen Awa', Sketches of its Men, Manners, and Customs, as delineated in Brown's Book-Stall, 1892-94. Aberdeen, 1897. Biblio. Notes on Aberdeen Printers, Booksellers, Publishers, Book-Sales, etc. passim. The Bards of Bon-Accord, 1375-1860. Aberdeen, 1887. A Biblio. of Local Poetry to 1860 is appended to the work. A few copies were separately printed. Leask (W. Keith). The Story of the University Magazine, 1836-1914, with Biblio. notes on Aberdeen and other University Magazines. {Aberdeen Univ. Rev., vol. ii. pp. 1-20. 1914.) Johnstone (J. F. Kellas). The Lost Aberdeen Theses, with lists. {Aberdeen Univ. Lib. Bulletin, vol. ii. pp. 739-751. 1915.) The 'Aberdeen Journal,' 1748-1897. Our 150th Tear. A unique Jour- nalistic Record. (From the ' Aberdeen Journal,' 5 Jan. 1897.) Aberdeen, 1897. Anderson (Peter John). Aberdeen References in the Privy Seal Regfister, 1498-1707. {Scottish Notes f Queries, Ser. 2, vol. v. pp. 101-103, 114-117. 1904.) Bulloch (John Malcolm). Biblio. and Iconography of all the Battalions, etc., of the Gordon Highlanders, 1794-1914, in ' Territorial Soldiering in the North-East of Scotland during 1759-1814,' pp. 397-441. New Spalding Club. Aberdeen, 1914. An Ideal for the University Library, (Aberdeen Univ. Lib. Bulletin, vol. i. pp. 249-25S. 1912.) Ballads Old and New, of Local and General Interest. Aberdeen, 188S. The Ballad Book. (With a Biogr»phia Leslyana, or Life of Charles Lesley, the Aberdeen Ballad-monger.) Edinburgh, 1827. Fraser (O. M.). Aberdeen Maps and Views. A List. (Scottish Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 2, vol. vii. pp. 25, 41, 69. 1905.) 316 A HANDBOOK TO ABERDEENSHIRE (contimied). Anderson (Peter John). MS. Maps of Aberdeen in the Brit. Museum. A List. (Scottish Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 2, vol. vi. pp. 186-187. 1905.) Aberdeen Almanacks. An extract from J. F. K. Johnstone's ' Concise Biblio. of Aberdeen, etc' (Abtrdeen Book Lover, vol. i. pp. 21-22. 1913.) PETERHEAD. Taylor (William Ji.). Biblio. of Peterhead Literature, 1593-1900, also Presidential Address on 'Peterhead Literature during the 19th cent.' (Buchan Field Clvh. JVaw*., vol. vi. 1901.) The Book of Buchan, a Scientific Treatise, in Six Sections, on the Natural History of Buchan, Prehistoric Man in Aberdeenshire, and the Hist, of the North-Bast in Ancient, Medieval and Modern Times, by Twenty-nine Contributors, edited and arranged by J. F. Tocher. Peterhead. The Buchan Club, 1910. Bibliographies are appended to each Section, at pp. 58, 96, 130, 246, 348, 443. Among the Chapter headings are the following : — Men of Literature in the North-Eaet during tbe Stuart Period, by James Mid- dleton, pp. 209-227. The Traditional Minstrelsy of Buchan (with lists of Ballads), by Gavin Greie, pp. 228-245. Men of Literature in the North-East in Modern Times, by James Middleton, pp. 377-387. Catal. of the Private Library of Peter Buchan, consisting of rare and curious Books and unpublished MSS., chiefly old Scottish Poetry, History, Antiquities, etc. To be sold 13 Apr. 1837 at William Smith's Sale-Rooms, Aberdeen. Aber- deen, 1837. (Contains some scarce Aberdeen items.) Pairley (John A.). Biblio. of the Works of Peter Buchan. (Buchan Field Club. Trans., vol. vii. 1903.) Buchan (Peter). Gleanings of Scotch, English, and Irish Scarce Old Ballads, many of them connected with Aberdeenshire. Peterhead, 1825. ANGLESEY. List of Anglesey Illustrations in the ' Archaologia Cambrensis,' 1884- 1900. See Alphabetical Index to ' Archseol. Camb.,' 1884-1900, by Francis Green, p. 97. ANTRIM. Crone (John S.). Ulster Bibliography. Antrim. (Ulster Journ. of Archceol., vol. xi. pp. 108-112, 163-167. 1905.) Diz (Ernest Reginald McClintock). The Earliest Belfast Printing. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. vi. pp. 157-158. 1915.) Early Belfast Printing. Biblio. Note. (Ulster Journ. of Archceol., vol. xii. pp. 44-45. 1906.) The Private Press at Suncairn, Belfast, 1850-1892. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. i. pp. 7-8, 25-26. 1909-10.) The Dunoairn Printing Press, Belfast. (Extract from Cotton's 'Typo- graphical Gazetteer,' Ser. II. pp. 62-63), with a List. (Ulster Journ. of Archceol., vol. xi. pp. 76-78. 1905.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 317 ANTRIM (continued). Toungr (B. M.). A Fori^ottea Belfast Evenings Faper. {Ibid. vol. iii. p. 201. 1897.) Biffger (Francis Joseph). 'The Northern Star.' {Ibid. vol. i. pp. 33-3,). 1894.) A brief item on ' Belfast Book Printing,' by F. J. Bigger, is at vol. ii. p. 210. 1896. Thomas Beggfs, an Antrim Foet ; and the Four Towns Book Club, with a Biblio. (Ibid. vol. viii. pp. 119-127. 1902.) A Sketch of the Magees, the famous Frinters and Joiirnalists in Belfast and Dublin. {Belfast Art Gallery, Quarterly Notes, No. xxxi. 1915.) Madden (Richard Robert). Biblio. Notes on Belfast Newspapers, in ' Hist, of Irish Periodical Literature,' 1867, vol. ii. pp. 207-235. The Belfast Booksellers. A Biblio. note. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. vi. pp. 5-7. 1914.) McCance (Stouppe). Biblio. Note on Greenisland Frinting. {Ibid. vol. vii. p. 7. 1915.) Bwart (Lavens M.). Belfast Maps. A Record of Flans of the Town, chronologically arranged. {Ulster .Tourn. of Archwol., vol. i. pp. 62-69, 99- 105. 1894-95.) Toung (Robert M.). Early Notices and Engraved Views of the Giants' Causeway, (/fiit?. vol. iii. pp. 40-49. 1896.) CARRICKFERGUS. Swanston CWilliam). Maps of Carrickfergus. {Ulster Journ. of Archwol., vol. ii. pp. 2-3. 1895.) Unpublished View of Carrickfergus. {Ibid. vol. v. pp. 1-4. 1898.) Notes on a Flan of Carrickfergus, temp. Elizabeth. {Ibid. Old Ser. vol. iii. pp. 276-291. 1855.) Davis (Thomas). Samuel McSkimmin, Historian of Carrickfergfus. (From 'The Nation,' 4 Mar. 1843.) {The Irish Booh Lover, vol. vi. pp. 85-87. 1915.) ARMAGH. Crone (John S.). Ulster Bibliography. Armagh. {Ulster Journ. of Archceol., vol. xiii. pp. 120-126. 1908.) Dix (Ernest Reginald McClintock). Ulster Bibliography. A List of Books and Famphlets printed in Armagh, with additions by Rev. W. T. Latimer and A. A. Campbell. {Ibid. vol. vi. p. 246 ; vol. vii. pp. 53-55, 57, 108 ; vol. viii. p. 24. 1900-02.) Frinting in Armagh, 1801-24, with a Iiist. {I'he Irish Book Lover, vol. iv. pp. 83-84. 1912.) The First Frinting Fresses in Armagh and Newry. ( Ulster Journ. of Archwol., vol. xvi. p. 46. 1910.) Frinting in Fortadown, with a List. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. vii. pp. 123-124. 1916.) Oarstin (John Ribton). List of Documents transferred from Armagh Diocesan Registry to the Fublic Record Oiiice, Dublin. {County Louth Archwol. Soc. Journ., vol. iii. pp. 347-356. 1915.) 318 A HANDBOOK TO AYRSHIRE. Fiulayson (James). Biblio. of the Writingrs of Robert Watt, Author of 'Bibliotheca Britannica,' 1824, b. at Stewarton, in 'An Account of the Life and Works of Dr. Robert Watt,' 1897, pp. 43-4.6. The MS. of the ' Bibl. Brit.', in 69 vols., is in the Paisley Free Lib. ALLOWAY. Memorial Catal. of the Burns Exhibition, 1896. Glasgow, 1898. Chrono- logical List of Dated Kditions of the Works of Burns, pp. 43T-450. Index of Writers on Robert Burns, pp. 451-454. BANFFSHIRE. Johnstone (James Fowler Kellas). A Concise Biblio. of the Hist., Topo- graphy, and Institutions of the Shires of Aberdeen, Banff, and Kincardine. See ante p. 315. Ramsay (Sir James H.). Bamff Charters, A.B. 1232-1703. Biblio. Sum- mary and Notes. Oxford, 1915. See also article by Sir Archibald Geikie, 'A Scottish Charter-Chest: The BamiF Charter,' in ' The Scottish Historical Rev.', vol. xiii. pp. 105-110. 1916. A List of the Publications of Dr. William Cramond, 1880-1907. {Scottish Notts ^ Qutries, Set. 2, vol. viii. pp. 154^156. 1907.) BEDFORDSHIRE. References to County Collections. Bedfordshire. {Oeneal. Queries S[ Memoranda, ed. by G. F. Tudor Sherwood, vol. i. pp. 88, 95-96 ; vol. ii. pp. 6-8. 1897-99.) BERKSHIRE. References to County Collections. Berkshire. {Geneal. Queries ^ Memo- randa, ed. by G. F. Tudor Sherwood, vol. ii. pp. 14-16, 23-24, 30-32. 1897-99.) Mores (Bdward Rowe). Parochial Queries for the County of Berks., 1759. See ' Sale Catal. of his Library,' p. 134. Sold by Paterson, London. 1779. Baker (Alfred a Bethune-). Berks Bookplates. {The Home Counties Mag., vol. vii. pp. 44-51. 1905.) Brain (John Alfred). Berkshire Ballads, and other Papers. Reading, 1904. BEADING. Whitaker (S. P.). Newspaper and other Sources for the Hist, of Reading, 1643-45. {The Reading Univ. Coll. Rev., vol. vi. pp. 215-227. 1914.) Bitchfield (P. H.). The Literature and Writers of Reading and the District. {ITie Library, vol. ii. pp. 401-420. 1890. Barfleld (S.). Lord Pingall's Cartulary of Reading Abbey (15th cent.). {The English Hist. Rev., vol. iii. pp. 113-125. 1888.) The Cartulary includes a Catal. of Books in the Library of the Abbey, which is printed in this article. See also pp. xlv.-l. of G. Laurence Gomme's Introduction to Macfarlane's ' Legend of Reading Abbey,' 1898. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 319 BERKSHIRE (continued). WINDSOR. Beport on Dean and Chapter of Windsor Records, by Reginald Lane Poole. (Hist. MS8. Comm. Reports of MSS. in various Collections, vol. vii. pp. 10-43. 19U.) Botfield (Beriah). Kotes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1849. Iiib. of Dean 8s Chapter of Windsor, pp. 484-490. BERWICKSHIRE. Black (George F.). Descriptive Catal. of Loan Collections of Prehistoric and other Antiquities from the Shires of Berwick, etc. See also p. 217. Biblio. of Historical Monuments in the Co. of Berwick, in ' Inventory of Monuments, etc' (Hist. Monuments (Scot.) Comm. 6th Rep., pp. x.-xii. 1915.) Revised issue. BRECKNOCKSHIRE. Jones (M. H.). The Trevecca IXSS. and Library. ( Welsh Biblio. Soc. Journ, , vol. i. pp. 1-16. 1910.) List of Brecknockshire Illustrations in the ' ArchsBologia Cambrensis,' 1884-1900. See Alphabetical Index to 'Archffiol. Camb.,' 1884-1900, by Francis Green, p. 97. Morgan (G. E. F.). Theophilus Jones, F.S.A. (the Historian of Brecknockshire). See Memoir in the 1898 reprint of ' Hist, of the Co. of Brecknock,' by Theophilus Jones, 1805-09. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. References to County Collections. Bucks. (Geneal. Queries ^ Memoranda, ed. by G. F. Tudor Sherwood, vol. ii. pp. 36-40. 189T-99.) Bucks. Churchyard Inscriptions. (Appendix A. to Report of Committee, vol. i. pp. 77-78.) List of Parishes, with particulars of Transcribers, if Printed, and where to be found. {The Reg. of English Monumental Inscriptions, vol. ii. pp. 26-31. 1913.) Cocks (Alfoed Keneage). Biblio. of Bells of Bucks., in ' Church Bells of Bucks.' London, 1897, pp. xiii.-xix. Baker (Alfred a Bethune-). Bucks. Bookplates. (The Hom^ Counties Mag., vol. vi. pp. 85-91. 1904.) BURNHAM. Williams (William H.). Burnham (Bucks.) Church Deeds. Privately Printed, 1913. List of Deeds in Prefatory Notice. ETON. Leigh (R. A. Austen). The Savile Types. (Etoniana, No. 2, pp. 17-22 ; No. 4, pp. 49-51. 1904-05.) Eton in Prose and Verse. An Anthology. Selected by Arthur Campbell Ainger. London. [1910.] A HANDBOOK TO BUTESHIRE. The Book of A.rran. Vol. I. Archaeology. Edited by J. A. Balfour. Vol. II. History and Folklore. Edited by W. M. Mackenzie. (The Arran Soc. of Glasgow), 1910-1*. Gaelic Songs of Arran, with Notes, vol. ii. pp. 314-350. List of Works on the Island of Arran, pp. 378-3T9. CAITHNESS. [See also Sutherlandshire, pp. 260-261.] Kowat (John). Iiist of Books, Fampklets, etc. relatiagr to Caithness. See Div. II. Literature, in ' The County of Caithness,' edited by John Home. Wick. 1907, pp. 205-248. Iiist of Books hy Caithuessian Authors, prepared for the Olasgow Caithness Literary Association. A series of Articles contributed to the ' Northern Ensign.' 1908. Caithness Geogfraphers. Address before the Glasgow Caithness Literary Assoc. (Reprinted from 'John O'Groat Journ.' Sept., 1912.) CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Shadwell (L. L.). Bnactments in Parliament specially concerning the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, etc. 1912. This work supersedes that by J. Griffiths, published in 1869. See p. 205. Graces, Documents, and other Papers in the UniTcrsity Registry, which concern the tTniversity Library. A Chronological List. Cambridge, 1870. James (Montague R.). Collections of MSS. at Cambridge. (The Sandars Lectures for 1903.) Cambridge, 1903. The Sources of Archbishop Parker's Collection of MSS., at Corpus Christi Coll., with a Reprint of the Catal. of Thomas Markaunt's Library. (Camh. Antiq. Soc. Octavo Pubns., No. xxxii. 1899.) Sinker (Robert). Biographical Notes on the Librarians of Trinity Coll. on Sir Edward Stanhope's Foundation. (Ibid. No. xxix. 1897.) Sayle (Charles). Annals of Cambridge Univ. Lib. [1278-1900]. (J/ie Uhrary, Ser. 3, vol. vi. pp. 38-T6, 14,5-182, 197-227, 308-345. 1915.) Gray (Arthur). The Priory of Saint Radegund, Cambridge. {Camh. Antiq. Soc. Octaoo Pubns., No. xxxi., 1898.) Catal. of Charters, pp. 74-144. Report on the Pepys MSS. preserved at Magdalene College, Cambridge, ByE. K. Purnell. (Hist. MSS. Coram. 1911.) ELY. Botfield (Beriah). Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1849. Ely, pp. 124-131. CARDIGANSHIRE. Evans (George Eyre). One Hundred Years of Printing at Aberystwyth. {The Aberystwyth Almanaek, 1909.) Aberystwyth, A.D. 1909. Centenary of the Introduction of Printing in 1809. Aberystwyth, 1909. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 321 CABDIGANSHIBE (continued). Samuel (David). Aberystwyth. Printers and Printing Houses. Aberyst- wyth, 1909. Cardigan Printer's Files, 1825-65. (SI. & W. "R. Thomas of Cardigan.) A Collection in the Nat. Lib. of Wales, including Broadsides, Election Litera- ture, etc. See ' Report of Council,' 1913, pp. 49-50. Vaughan (H. M.). The Hafod Press, and Colonel Thomas Johnes, Aiithor and Publisher. {Soc. of Cymmrodorlon. 2Varas., 1911-1-2, pp. 1-32.) List of Cardiganshire Illustrations in the ' Archaeologia Cambrensis,' 1884-1900. See Alphabetical Index to 'Archajol. Camb.,' 1884-1900, by Francis Green, p. 98. CARLOW. Coleman (James). Biblio. of the Counties of Waterford, Tipperary, and Wexford, Kilkenny, Carlow, and Wioklow. ( Waterford and South-East of Irel. Archceol. Soc. Journ., vol. xi. pp. 131-132. 1908.) Dix (Ernest Reginald McCliutock). Early Printing in the South-East of Ireland. Pt. 1. Carlow, 1778-1825. {Ibid. vol. ix. pp. 112-119. 1906.) Maffett (R. S.). Biblio. Note on Carlow Printing. {The Irish Book Lover. vol. vii. p. 6. 1915.) CARMARTHENSHIRE. Davies (John). Iiist of Books printed by John Boss at Carmarthen, 1763-1807. Welsh Biblio. Soc. (Announced for publication.) Iiist of Carmarthenshire Illustrations in the ' Archeeologia Cambrensis,' 1884-1900. See Alphabetical Index to ' Archseol. Camb.,' 1884-1900, by Francis Green, p. 98. List of Old Carmarthenshire Engravings in the Brit. Museum, by A. W. Matthews. (Carm. AntUj. Soc. Trans., vol. x. pp. 74-75. 1915.) Lists of Carmarthenshire Flea Rolls, Rentals, Surveys, etc., by A. W. Matthews. {Ihkl. vol. x. pp. 57-58, 86-87. 1915.) CARNARVONSHIRE. List of Carnarvonshire Illustrations in the ' Archseologia Cambrensis, 1884-1900. See Alphabetical Index to 'Archaeol. Camb.,' 1884.-1900, by Francis Green, p. 99. Public Record Office for Wales— The Case for Carnarvon. Carnarvon Borough Council. [1912.] CAVAN. Dix (Ernest Reginald McClintock). Ulster Bibliography. A List of Books, etc., printed in Cavan. {Ulster Journ. of ArchcBoL, vol. viii. pp. 23-24. 1902.) Printing in the Town of Cavan, 1790-1860. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. 1. pp. 83-84. 1910.) Printing in Cavan, 1801-1827, with a List. {Ibid. vol. iv. pp. 165-167. 1913.) 322 A HANDBOOK TO CHANNEL ISLANDS. Vallaiix (Camille). Ii'Avchipel de la Mauche. Paris, 1913. Biblio. des Livres et Cartes, pp. 34.9-253." Channel Islands Kscords. {Local Records Oomm. Rep., 1914, vol. li. pt. 2, pp. 75-77 ; vol. ii. pt. 3, pp. 74-79.) CHESHIRE. Local Biblio. of Cheshire, by W. H. AUnutt, J. P. Earwaker, and others. See ' Local Gleanings relating to Lanes. & Ches.' Edited by J. P. Earwaker. Vols. i. & ii. passim. 18T5-78. Oower (Foote). An Address to the Public relative to the proposed Hist. of Cheshire, dated Chelmsford, Feb. 1, 1772. Report on the Kecords on the County Palatine of Chester and the Co, of Flint. (Deputy Keeper's Report. I., 1840. Appendix, pp. 78-122.) Index to Inquisitions, Edward Ill.-Charles I., Counties of Chester and Flint. (/6(d. XXV. 1864. Appendix, pp. 32-60.) Cheshire Books and MSS. collected by Thomas Hughes, of Chester, with additions by T. Cann Hughes. A List of some of the items in the Collection. See ' Special Collections of Books in Lanes. & Cheshire,' by C. W. Sutton, 1900, p. 45. Plomer (Henry R.). A Chester Bookseller, 16G7-1700; Some of his Customers and the Books he sold them. (The Library, NewSer., vol. iv. pp. 373-383. 1903.) Zieigh (Bgerton). Ballads and Legends of Cheshire. London, 18C7. Botfield (Beriah). Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1819. Chester, pp. 55-73. Robson (John). On the Early Charters of St. Werburgh's in Chester. (Hist. Soc. of Lanes. ^ Cheshire. Trans., vol. xi. pp. 187-198. 1859.) CHURCH LAWTON. Renaud (Frank). Church Lawton Manor Records. An analysis of the contents of a bundle of Records. (Lanes. 4" Cheshire Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. v. pp. 19-63. 1887.) MACCLESFIELD. Biblio. Notes on Blacclesfield Books. By W. H. Allnutt, J. P. Earwaker, and others. (Local Gleanings for Lanes. ^ Cheshire, vol. i. pp. Ill, 120, 121, 127; vol. ii. p. 172. 1875-78.) STOCKPORT. Biblio. Notes on Stockport Books, by W. H. Allnutt, J. P. Earwaker, etc. (Ibid. vol. i. pp. 124, 137 ; vol. ii. pp. 172, 837. 1876-78.) Borough Records, 1464, etc., at Public museum, Stockport. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1902, App. IIL p. 40.) CLARE. Early Printing in Limerick and Enuis. (ITie Irish Book Lover, vol. iii. pp. 157-158. 1912.) O'Oormon and Steele's MS. Collections chiefly relating to the County of Clare. See ' Sale Catal. of the Lib. of Thomas Crofton Croker,' p. 33. Sold by Puttick & Simpson, 19 Dec. 1854. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 323 CONNAUGHT. [The Counties of Galway, Leitrim, Mayo, Roscommon, and Sligo, which comprise the Province of Connaught, should also be consulted.] Kelly (R. J.)- Some Connaught Literary Men. (The Irish Book Lover, \o\. vi. pp. 1-3. 19U.) CORK. Six (Ernest Reginald McClintock). A. Cork Bibliograpliical Puzzle. [A Note on the printing of Worth's Sermons.] (The Irish Book Lover, vol. i. pp. 128-129. 1910.) — Facsimile of an Early Cork Title-page. (Ibid. vol. iii. pp. 129-131. 1912.) Printing in Youglial, 1^70-1826, with a List. (Ihid. vol. iv. pp. 34-35. 1912.) MaiFett (K. S.). Cork Printing. A Biblio. Note. (Ibid. vol. vii. p. 45. 1915.) Bay (Rohert). The Business Cards of Printers, Publishers, and Book- sellers. (Cork Hist, cj Archwol. Soc. Journ., Ser. 2, vol. viii. pp. 95-103. 1902.) O'Dowd (D. J.). 'The Cork Magazine,' 1847-48. A Biblio. Note. (Ibid. vol. vi. pp. 125-127. 1915.) Madden (Richard Robert). Biblio. Kotes on Cork Newspapers, in ' Hist. of Irish Periodical Literature,' 1867, vol. ii. pp. 164-189. Three Memorable Cork Archseologists (John Windele, Richard Rolt Brash, and Richard Caulfield), with a List of Writings. (Cork Hist. ^ Arclueol. Sec. Journ., Ser. 2, vol. vi. pp. 32-47. 1900.) Lunham (T. A.). Memoir of the late Richard Caulfield, with a Biblio. List. (Roi/al Hist. S( Archceol. Assoc, of Ireh Journ., vol. xviii. pp. 171-175. 1887.) Memoir of the late Canon Kayman, with a Biblio. List. (Ibid. vol. xviii. pp. 165-170. 1887.) L«e (Philip G.). Robert Day, F.S.A., with a List of Contributions to the ' Cork Archaeol. Journ.', and the ' Journ. of the Roy. Soc. of Antiq. Irel.' (Cork Hist. ^Archceol. Soc. Journ., Ser. 2, vol. xx. pp. 109-11.'{. 1914. An Account of the Sale of the Library of Robert Day, of Myrtle Hill, Cork, is in ' The Irish Book Lover,' vol. vii. pp. 63-64. 1915. A List of Papers and Illustrations on the Antiq,uities of Youghal, which have appeared in the ' Journ. of the Roy. Soc. of Anti(i. Irel.' (Royal Soc. Antiq. Irel. Journ., vol. xxxiii. p. 344. 1903.) CORNWALL. List of Cornwall Illustrations in the ' Archeeologia Cambreusis,' 1834- 1900. See Alphabetical Index to ' Archaeol. Camb.,' 1884-1900, by Francis Green, p. 100. Index to Vols. I.-VI. of Cornwall Parish Registers. [Marriages], compiled by A. Terry Satterford. (Phillimore's Parish lleqisters. Index Series, vol. i. 1915.) Jenner (Henry). Thomas Hodgkin, Historian. (Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Soc. Ann. Report, New Ser., vol. ii. pp. 82-100. 1914.) Worth (Richard ITichoUs). The West Country Garland, selected from the Writings of the Poets of Devon and Cornwall, from the 15th to 19th century, with folk songs, etc. Plymouth, 1875. 324 A HANDBOOK TO CORNWALL {continued). Biblio. of the Works of Robert Stephen Hawker, in ' The Poetical Works of R. S. Haivker.' Edited, with a prefatory notice, by Alfred Wallis. London, 1899, pp. xxiii.-xxxi. A Collection of Broadsides, Sing^le-sheets, etc., printed at Kayle, mostly by J. O. Harris, circa 1841 to 1863. (In Brit. Mus. Library, 1876, f. 28.) A Collection of MSS. and Printed Books relating^ to Cornwall, including the MSS. collected by Sir Thomas Phillipps, and sold at his Sales [owned by Samuel H. Brooks, Levenshulme, Manchesterj. See ' Special Collections of Books in LancS. and Cheshire,' by C. W. Sutton. 1900, p. 37. Oliver (Bev. George). An Index to the ' Monasticou Dioecesis Exoni- ensis.' See under * Devonshire,' p. 45. PENZANCE. Lach-Szyrma (W. S.). Libraries of Penzance. (Th» Library Chron., vol. iii. pp. 169-173. 1886.) TRURO . Koor (A. P.). The Libraries of Trnro. (Tlie Library Chron. , vol. iii. pp. 105- 107. 1886.) SCILLY ISLES. List of Books relating^ to the Scilly Isles, by Ronald Dixon. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. iv. pp. 986-287. 1911.) CUMBERLAND. Botfield (Beriah). Xotes on the Cathedral Libraries of Bugland. 1849. Carlisle, pp. 49-54. Anderson (Robert). Cumberland Ballads, with Notes. Carlisle. 1805. A List of the various editions of Anderson's writings is given in the ' Biblio. List of Works on Dialects,' of the English Dialect Soc, 1877, p. 36. Dialogues, Poems, Songs, and Ballads, by various Writers, in the West- morland and Cximberland Dialects, now first collected. London, 1839. Sedgefteld (W. J.). The Place-KTames of Cumberland and Westmorland. Biblio. See under Westmorland, p. 274. Wilson (James). Calendar of Charitable Trusts in the Diocese of Car- lisle, 1736-1865. See under Westmorland, p. 275. OROSTHWAITE. Wilson (James). Charters of Crosthwaite. (Northern Notes & Queries, vol. i. pp. 79-83, 106-114, 145-152. 1906-07.) DENBIGHSHIRE; List of Denbighshire Illustra 1884-1900. See Alphabetical Francis Green, p. 101. Axon (W. B. A.). On the Seventeenth Century Ballad, entitled ' A Warning for all Murderers.' (rCymnwodor, vol. xxii. pp. 171-179. 1910.) List of Denbighshire Illustrations in the ' Archseologia Cambrensis,' 1884-1900. See Alphabetical Index to 'Archaeol. Camb.', 1884-1900, by Francis Green, p. 101. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 325 DERBYSHIRE. Descriptive Catal. of ' The Jackson Collection,' at the Sheffield Public Iiib. 1914. Berbyshire items, pp. 105-199. See ante under ' Yorkshire,' p. 301. Catal. of the Charters, etc., in the Public Ref. Lib. at Sheffield. 1913. The Library is rich in Deeds, etc., in respect to the Peak District and Derby- shire. See ante under ' Yorkshire,' p. 301. Joseph Hunter's Topo^aphical Collections for Derbyshire, in the Brit. Kuseum. See 'The Hunter Archseol. Soc. Trans.,' vol. i. p. 16. 1914'. Jeayes (Isaac Herbert). Descriptive Catal. of Charters and Xtuniments of R. W. Chandos-Pole at Radbourne Hall (circa 1170-1558). London, 1896. Descriptive Catal. of the Charters and Muniments of the Gresley Family, circa 1143-1676, in the possession of Sir Robert Gresley, at Drake- lowe. London, 1895. See also notes on the Muniments, etc., in ' The Gresleys of Drakelowe,' by Falconer Madan, in the ' William Salt Archaeol. Soc. Col- lections,' vol. xix. 1898. Jewitt (Llewellynn), The Ballads and Soughs of Derbyshire. London, 1867. Stronach {&.). The Chatsworth Library, its Treasures and Librarians. A Paper read before the 'Edinb. Biblio. Soc.,' 12 Nov. 1914. DEVONSHIRE. Devonshire Bibliogfraphy. The ' Devonshire Assoc' has appointed a Committee for the compilation of a Biblio. of Devon. See ' Report and Trans, of the Assoc.,' vol. xlvii. p. 19. 1915. Milles (Jeremiah), Dean of EKeter. Collections for a Hist, of Devon- shire. 20 vols. See ' Sale Catal. of his Library,' pp. 58-60. Sold by Sotheby's, 10 Apr., 1843. A set of ' Queries ' to elicit information for the Hist, was sent out by Milles soon after 1739, see 'Bib. Top. Brit.,' vol. i. p. 1. Tapley-Soper (H.). Some Recent Devonshire Literature. {Th« Devonian Year Book, 1915, pp. 137-138 ; 1916, pp. 107-108.) See also ante p. 41. William Henry Eearley Wright. A Biog. Notice. With a list of Wright's Contributions to West Country Literature, by R. E. Wellington. (Devon ^ Cornwall Notes ^ Queries, vol. viii. pp. 193-198. 1915.) Worth (Richard NichoUs^ The West Country Garland, selected from the Writings of the Poets of Devon and Cornwall, from the Fifteenth to the Nine- teenth Century. 1875. Report of an Inspection of the Admiralty, War Office, and Customs Records, at Plymouth, April 1911. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1914, vol. ii. pt. 2, pp. 187-188.) BARNSTAPLE. Account of Public Records of the Town of Barnstaple. {The Saturday Review, vol. xlvi. pp. 335-337. 14 Sept. 1878.) DARTMOOR. Biblio. of Dartmoor Prison, in 'The Diary of Benjamin F. Palmer.' The Acorn Club, Hartford, Conn. 1914, pp. xv.-'xvi. EXETER. Randolph (F. C. Kingeston), and others. The Bpiscopal Registers of the Diocese of Exeter. (Mainly Indices to the Contents of the Registers.) 10 vols. London, 1886-1915. The following Registers are fully Indexed :— Edmund Stafford, 1395-1419; Bronescombe, l'2a7-1280 ; Quivil, 1280-1291; Bytton, 1292-1307 ; Walter de SUpeldon, 1307-1326. 326 A HANDBOOK TO DEVONSHIRE (continued). List of Charters in the Cartulary of St. Nicholas Friory at Exeter. {Collectanea Toporj. ^ Geneal, vol. i. pp. 60-65, 184-189, 250-25-1., 3T-t-388. 1834.) Botfield (Beriah). Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1840. Exeter, pp. 132-158. TORQUAY. Roberts (William James). Literary Landmarks of Torciuay. London, 1905. DORSETSHIRE. Hutchins (John). 'Queries' circulated for his 'Hist, of Dorset,' 1739. See 'Bibl. Topog. Brit..' 1790, vol. i. p. 1, and also preface to the first edn. of ' History,' 17T4. Mayo (Charles Herbert). The Municipal Records of the Borough of Dorchester. Exeter, 1908. Gray (H. St. George). Index to ' Excavations in Cranborne Chase ' and ' King John's House, Tollard Royal.' Also a Memoir of General Pitt Rivers, and a Biblio. List of his Works, 1858-1900. See vol. v. of ' Excavations in Cranborne Chase, near Rushmore,' by A. H. L. Fox- Pitt-Rivers. 5 vols. Privately Printed, 1887-1903. Fry (Edward A.). The Augmentation Books (1650-1660) in Lambeth Falace Lib., with a Table of Contents. {Dorset Nat. Hist. § Antiq. Field Club. Proc, vol. xxxvi. pp. 48-105. 1915. DOWN. Crossle (Ph.). Frinters of Newry. {Newry Reporter, WW.) Maffett (B. S.). Frinting in Newry. A Biblio. Note. {Tlie Irish Book Lover, vol. vi. pp. 17-18. 1914.) See also a note by J. B. in vol. vii. p. 7. 1915.) Marshall (J. J.) and Reid (B.). Donaghadee Frinting. A Biblio. Note. {Ibid., vol. vii. p. 46. 1915.) DUBLIN. M'Cready (C. T.). Dublin Bibliography, Historical and Topographical. A List of Books relating to the City and Suburbs of Dublin. Dublin, 1893. A reprint of Appendix to ' Dublin Street Names, Dated and Explained.' Dix (Ernest Reginald McClintock). Dublin Frintsrs between 1619 and 1660. {Dublin Penny Journ., vol. ii. p. 104.) Notes of General Literature printed, etc., in Dublin in the 17th century. {Ibid. vol. ii. pp. 140, 167 ; vol. iii. p. 136.) Dublin Fublishing in 1663. {Irish Eccles. Gaz., 22 Dec. 1899.) Note on the 1664 edition of Book of Common Frayer. {Ibid.) Another XVIIth Century Dublin Frinted Frayer Book. {Ibid. 11 Nov. 1898.) Frinting Restrictions in Dublin in the First Quarter of the I7th century. {Ireland Illustrated, New Ser. vol. iv. no. 11, p. 598.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 327 DUBLIN (contimted). Six (Ernest Reginald McClintock). Dublin ITewspapers priov to 1701. {Irish Daily Independtnt, 18 & 20 Jan. 1905.) An Early 18th Century Broadside on Printing. (Royal Irish Acad. Proc, vol. xxvii. Sect. C, pp. 4.01-403. 1909. The Earliest Dublin editions of Shakespeare's Plays. (The Athencmm, 3 Feb. 1903.) Madden (Richard Robert). Biblio. Notes on Dublin ITewspapers, in ' Hist, of Irish Periodical Literature,' 1867, vols. i. & ii. passim. Collections of Dublin Books, lUCSS., Maps, Broadsides, etc. See 'Sale Catal. of the Literary Collections of William Monck Mason.' Sold by Sotheby's, 29 Mar. 1858. Catalogues of Dublin Booksellers. A Collection of John O'Daly's Catalogues in the National Lib. Dublin, and also in the Brit. Mus. Lib. London. See a note by E. R. McC. Dbc in ' The Irish Book Lover,' vol. vi. p. 42. 1914. The complete Dublin Catal. of Books, from the beginning of this century to the present time, with prices affixed and alphabetically classed. Luke White, Dublin, 1786. List of Dublin Corporation Records exhibited at meeting of Roy. Soc. of Antiquaries of Ireland, 11th Mar. 1891. By John Beveridge, Town Clerk. (Roy. Soc. Antiq. Irel. Proc, vol. xxi. pp. 431-425. 1891.) Stokes (Creorge Thomas). Dudley Loftus: A Dublin Antiquary of the lirth century. (Ihid. vol. xxi. pp. 17-30. 1890.) White (Kewport J. D.). An Account of Marsh's Library, Dublin. (The Library Assoc. Record, vol. i. pt. i. pp. 133-145. 1899.) McDonnell (Randal). The Story of Marsh's Library. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. vi. pp. 91-93. 1915.) Le Fanu (T. P.). Dean Swift's Library. (Roy. Soc. Antiq. Irel. Journ., vol. xxvi. pp. 113-121. 1896.). Keatinge (Charles T.). The Ouild of Cutlers, Painters-Stainers, and Stationers (with notes on Printing, etc.). (Ibid. vol. xxx. pp. 136-147. 1900.) Berry (Henry P.). The Records of the Dublin Gild of Merchants. (Ibid. vol. xxx. pp. 44-68. 1900.) The Records of the Feltmakers' Company of Dublin, 1687-1841, their Loss and Recovery. (Ibid. vol. xli. pp. 26-45. 1911.) Additions to List of ' Existing Records, etc., of the old Dublin City Gilds,' (End. vol. xli. pp. 45, 393. 1911.) See ante p. 52. DUMBARTONSHIRE. Macleod (Donald). Poets and Poetry of The Lennox. Dumbarton, n.d. [1889 ?] DUMFRIESSHIRE. Couper (W. J.). The Date of the ' Drumfries Mercury.' A Paper read before the Glasgow Biblio. Soc. Dumfries, 1915. Miller (Frank). The Poets of Dumfriesshire (with Biblio. Notes on Ballads, etc.). Glasgow, 1910. 328 A HANDBOOK TO DURHAM. [Entries under Northumberland should also be consulted.] RticI (Thomas). Codicum ItIaii.uscriptoi.-um Scclesies Cathedralis Dnuelm- ensis Cataloirus classicus, descriptus a Thoma Kud, cum Appendice. Edited by James Raine. Durham, 1825. Appendix, pp. 317-456. Manuscripts purchased by the Dean & Chapter of Durham at different periods since the completion of the preceding Catalogue. (Contains detailed hsts of the MS. Collections of Dr. Christopher Hunter, the Rev. Thomas Randall, and George Allan, of Darlington.) ' Rud compiled with much labour and learning, and with beautiful penman- ship, a Catal. of the MSS. at Durham Cathedral, which he completed at Northallerton on 15 Sept. 1737. It was printed for the Dean & Chapter under the editorship of the Rev. James Raine, and with an Appendix by him in 1825. To Rud, Raine owed much of the material embodied in the latter's " Catalogi veteres Librorum Ecclesiae Cathedralls Dunelm." ' — D. N. B. Durham Becords. Calendar of tlis Cursitors' Kecords, Chancery Enrol- ments. (Ann. Hep. Dep. Keeper of Public Records, xxxi. pp. 42-168 ; xxxii. App. I. pp. 264-330 ; xxxiii. pp. 43-210 ; xxxiv. pp. 1C3-264; xxxv. pp. 76-156. 1870-74.) Continued to 1617 in Reports, xxxvi., xxxvii., xl. Inventory and Iiists of Documents transferred from the County Palatine of Durham, pursuant to Warrant dated 17 ITot. 1868. (Ibid. XXX. pp. 44-98. 1869.) Keport by Sir T. Du^us Kardy on the Durham Records. (Ibid. xvi. pp. 44-93 ; xxix. pp. 104-112. 1855-68.) Botfield (Beriah). Ifotes on the Cathedral Libraries of Bnglaud. 1849. Durham, pp. 89-123. Sharp (Sir Cuthbert). The Bishoprick Garland, or a Collection of Legends, Song's, Ballads, etc., belongingr to the County of Durham. London, 1834. Hill (B. Rowland). A Sketch of the Life of Sir Cuthbert Sharp, with a Biblio. of his Writings. (Antiquities of Sunderland, vol. a. pp. 115-131. 1909.) Works relating to the County of Durham. See pp. 87-89 of the 'Sale Catal. of the Thomas Bell Library,' 1860, ante p. 189. Darlington Private Press. List of Tracts issued from the Private Press of George Allan, of Darlington, and of ' Allan ' MSS. relating to the County. See ' Sale Catal. of the Lib. of Leonard Lawrie Hartley (Third Portion).' Sold by Puttick & Simpson, London, 25 Apr. 1887, pp. 261-263. Wetherald's Printing Press at Sunderland. A brief note. (Sunderland Public Lib. Circular, vol. i. p. 244. 1901.) EDINBURGHSHIRE. Murray (David). David Laing, Antiquary and Bibliographer. Reprinted from ' The Scottish Hist. Rev.', vol. xi. pp. 345-369. 1914.) Glasgow, 1915. See also a Memoir of David Laing in John Small's edition of Laing's 'Select Remains of the Poetry of Scotland.' 1885. Report on the Laing MSS. preserved in the Univ. of Ddinburgh, by Rev. Henry Paton. Vol. i. 1914. (Hist. MSS. Coram.) Cuthbertsou (David). The Edinburgh University Library. An Account of its origin, with a description of its rarer Books and MSS. Edinburgh, 1910. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 329 EDINBURGHSHIRE {continued). Black (William). Eiogrraphical Ifoticss of some ZImiuent Edinburgh Librarians. (Lib. Assoc. Trans., Third Meeting, Edinb. 1880, pp. 30-48.) Small (John). Historical Account of tha Lib. of the Univ. of Edin- burgh. (Ibid. pp. 95-103.) Pairley (John A.). Biblio. of Robert Pergusson [b. at Edinb. 1750, d. mi.] (Glasffow Biblio. Soe. Records, vol. iii. pp. 115-155. 1915.) Oliphant (Margaret Ollphant). Annals of a Publishing House. William Blackwood and his Sons, their Magazine and Friends. 3 vols. Edin- burgh, 1897-98. The third vol. is by Mrs. Gerald Porter, and deals with John Blackwood. Chalmers (George). The Life of Thomas Buddiman, Librarian of the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. London, 1794.. Kerr (Robert). Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Correspondence of William Smellie, late Printer in Edinburgh. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 181 1. Johnstone (J. P. Bellas) and Cowan (William). Biblio. Notes on ' Peter Williamson's Press,' with a List. (Scottkh Notes f( Queries, vol. ix. pp. 29, 47. 1895.) Lawlor (Hugh Jackson). Notes on the Library of the Siuclairs of Bosslyn. (Soc. ofAntiq. Soc. Proc, vol. xxxii. pp. 90-120. 1898.) Whibley (Charles). The Library of an Old Scholar. (Drummoud of Hawthornden). (Blackvyood''s Edinburgh Mag., vol. clxvi. pp. 753-767. 1899.) Couper (W. J.). Andrew Symson, Preacher, Printer and Poet. (The Scottish Historical Review, vol. xiii. pp. 47-C7. 1915.) Sampson (B. A.). Biblio. of Books exhibited at the Napier Tercentenary Celebration, July 1914, with an Indez. (Memorial Volume, ed. by C. G. Knott, pp. 177-242.) Roy. Soc. of Edinb. 1915. Inventory of Original Socum.ents in the Archives of George Heriot's Hospital. Edinb., 1857. Stevenson (Thomas George). Edinburgh in the Olden Time displayed in a series of Sixty-three original Views between 1717 and 1828, with Lists and Descxiptive Notices. Edinburgh, 1880. RESTALRIG. Index to the Register of Burials in the Churchyard of Restalrig, 1728-1854, by Francis James Grant. (Scottish Record Soc. Pubns., Part xli. 1908.) ELGIN OR MORAY. Bee (Bev. Stephen). Biblio. of the Counties of Moray and Nairn. Aber- deen, 1916. ESSEX. Cole (William). John Nordeu's Map of Essex. (The Essex Naturalist, vol. i. pp. 41-45. 1887.) Avery (John). Christopher Sazton, Draughtsman of the oldest known Map of Essex. (Ibid. vol. xi. pp. 240-242. 1900.) Green (Joseph J.). Chapman and Andre's Map of Essex, 1777. (The Essex Review, vol. xix. pp. 78-88. 1910.) Baker (Alfred A. Bethune-). Essex Bookplates. (The Home Counties Mag., vol. V. pp. lTS-179. 1903.) 330 A HANDBOOK TO ESSEX {continued). The Old Parish Register Books (prior to 1813) of the Archdeaconry of Colchester. A revised and verified List for tlie 199 old Parishes of the Arch- t. Albans Cathedral, with a List. (Herts. Archmol. Soc. Trans., vol. v. p. 287. 1915.) The Parish Register Books (prior to 1813) of the Archdeaconry of St. Albans. A revised and verified List for the 132 old Parishes of the Archdeaconry. (Middx. ^ Herts. Notes |- Queries, vols, iii.-iv. Jan. 1897— Oct. 1898.) Classified Subject-Index to the ' Transactions ' of the Herts. ITat. Hist. Soc. for the 40 years, X875-1914. (Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., vol. XV. pp. 257-271. 1915.) ST. ALBANS. Page (William). List of MSS. relating to the Hist, of St. Albau's Abbey, in his ' St. Alban's Cathedral.' London, 1898, pp. 90-98. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Norris (Herbert E.). Huntingdonshire Almanacs, with a List. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 12, vol. i. pp. 5-8. 191S.) Huntingdon Civil War Tracts, with a List. (Ibid. Ser. 12, vol. i. pp. 86-87, 105-107. 1916.) The Witches of Warboys, a Biblio. Note. (Ibid. Ser. 12, vol. i. pp. 283, 304. 1916.; INVERNESS-SHIRE. Anderson (P. J.). A Concise Biblio. of the Hist., Topography and Institutions of the Biirgh, Parish, and Shire of Inverness. (Aberdeen University Lib. Bulletin, vol. ii. pp. 415-447, 575-594, 805-837 ; vol. iii. pp. 88-132, 222-269. 1914-16.) The Biblio. when completed will be recast and issued in separate form as one of the ' Aberdeen Univ. Studies.' COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 335 ISLE OF MAN. Booksellers and Newspapers in the Isle of Man. {The Bookseller, 15 Aug. 1882, pp. 689-690.) Ralfe (P. G.). Biblio. of Isle of Man Birds, in his ' Birds of the Isle of Man.' Edinb. 1905, pp. 287-289. KENT. Plomer (Henry B.). James Abree, Printer and Bookseller of Canter- bury. London, 1913. Hanimant (Walter). Crayford and its great Printer, Augustus Apple- garth. (Woolwich District Antiq. Soe. Re^:)., vol. xv. pp. 50-51. 1909.) Freeman (Roland). Kentish Poets, a Series of Writers in English Poetry, Natives, or Residents in Kent, with specimens of their Composi- tions, and some Account of their Lives and Writings. 2 vols. Canterbury, 1821. Odo of Cheriton Romances. See ' Catal. of Romances in the Dep. of MSS. in the Brit. Mus.', ed. by J. A. Herbert, 1910, vol. iii. pp. 50-78. Baker (Alfred A. Bethune-). Kent Bookplates. (The Home Counties Mag., vol. vii. pp. 202-211. 1905.) Churchill (Irene J.). A Handbook to Kent Records. (Kent Arehwological Soc.) 1915. A List of Somner's Posthumous MSS., now in the Library of Christ's Coll. Canterbury, in Somner's ' Treatise of Gavelkind.' 1726. CANTERBURY. Botfield (Beriah). Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1849. Canterbury, pp. 5-48. FAVBRSHAM. Catal. of Anglo-Saxon and other AnticLuities discovered at Faversham. 1873. GREENWICH. Montmorency (J. E. G. de). Early and Mediaeval Records of G-reenwich. (Greenwich Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 13-33. 1907.) Greenwich MSS. and Maps in the British Museum. A List. (Ibid. vol. 1. pp. 61-66. 1910.) Greenwich Records in the Record Office. (Ibid. vol. i. pp. 67-74. 1910. ROCHESTER. Botfield (Beriah). Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1849. Rochester, pp. 390-404. Rye (W. Brenchley). A Memorial of the Priory of St. Andrew at Rochester, with a Catal. of the Monastic MSS. A.D. 1202. (Reprinted from the ' Archaeologia Cantiana,' vol. iii.) Privately Printed, 1861. 336 A HANDBOOK TO KILDARE. Maffstt (K. S.)- Biblio. Note on Haas Printing'. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. vii. p. 6. 191S.) KILKENNY. Hist. DISS. Comm. Reports. Kilkenny Collection. Tighe, K. B., of Woodstock, co. Various Collections, vol. vi. pp. 4.35-437. Kilkenny 1909. Coleman (James). Biblio. of the Counties of Waterford, Tipperary, and Wexford j Kilkenny, Carlotv, and Wicklow. ( Waterford 4' South-East of Irel. Archwol, Soc. Journ., vol. xi. pp. 128-130. 1908.) Madden (Richard Robert). Siblio. Note on Kilkenny ITewspapers, in 'Hist, of Irish Periodical Literature,' 1867, vol. ii. pp. 236-24fl.) KINCARDINESHIRE. Johnstone (James Fowler Kellas). A Concise Biblio. of the Shires of Aberdeen, Banif, and Kincardine. See ante p. 31S. Bulloch (J. M.). Biblio. of Stonehaven Periodical Literature. (Scottish Notes i- Queries, vol. ii. pp. 60-61. 1888.) KING'S COUNTY. Dix (Ernest Reginald SlcClintock). Local Printing. Birr, 1^75-1892. (Leinster Reporter, 7 Sept. 1901 and 23 Aug. 1903.) ntacalister (R. A. Stewart). Materials for a Hist, of the Monastery of Clonmacnois. Appendix to ' Memorial Slabs of Clonmacnois," Dublin, 1909. LANARKSHIRE. Records of the Glasgow Biblio. Society. Vol. iii. Glasgow, 1914-15. Contents : Biblio. of ' Blind Harry's Wallace,' by Rev. J. F. Miller, pp. 1-95. Robert Sanders the Elder (Printer in Glasgow), by Rev. W. J. Couper, pp. 26-88. Robert Urie— Printer in Glasgow, with a Hand-List of Books printed by or for Robert Urie, by Hugh A. McLean, pp. 89-108. Biblio. of Deuglas- Moore, Poet and Bookseller, by William Sinclair, pp. 109-114. ^ *^^ Baird (Agnes). Review of the Historical & Topographical Works of James Cleland on Grlasgow, containing a detection of errors and mis- representations in his Works. Glasgow, 1830. Catal. of the Library of Thomas A. Mathieson, compiled by F. T. Barrett. Glasgow, 1891. Glasgow items, pp, 38-56. Notes as to Ancient Documents in Glasgow. 1856. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 337 LANARKSHIRE (continued). Hwing (J. O- A Great Scottisli Book-printinir Society— The Maitlaud CIuIj. a Paper read before the Glasgow Biblio. Soc. Norrie (Joseph). Stirling's: An Episode in Olasgow Library History. A Paper read before the Glasgow Biblio. Soc. Hotherwell Collection of Chap-Books. For BibUo. Notes on the Contents, see William Walker's ' Peter Buchan,' 1915, pp. 280-381. LANCASHIRE. Biblio. XTotes on Lancashire Books, Newspapers, Ballads, Songs, etc. (Local Notes & Queries from the ' 3[anchester Guardian,' 1874-76, passim.) Axon (William B. A.). Folk Song and Folk Speech of Lanes. On the Ballads and Songs of the County Palatine. Manchester. [1870.] Fishwick (Henry). Tim Bobbin. (John Collier.) With Biblio. Notes. (Rochdale Lit. ^- Scimt. Soc. 2Van«., vol. ii. pp. 78-95. 1890.) M. (W.). Liverpool's Printing Bi-Centenary. (The Liverpool Post, 5 July, 1912.) Hadley (W. W.). Rochdale XTewspapers. (Rochdale Lit. 4' Scient. Soc. Trans., vol. ix. pp. 8-24. 1908.) LEICESTERSHIRE. Peck (Francis). ' Queries ' for the Natural Hist. & Antiquities of Leicester and Rutland Shires. Single sheet. 1729. See ' Bibl. Topog. Brit.' 1790, vol. i. p. 1. Hist. MSS. Comm. Report. Leicestershire Collection. Merttens, F., of Rothley Temple, Leics., Various Collections, vol. vii. pp. and Bilton Rise, co. Warwick ... 376-388. 1914. Lyte (Sir H. Maxwell). The MSS. of the Duke of Rutland, preserved at Belvoir Castle. iLeics. Sj; Rutland Notes ^ Queries, vol. i. pp. 26-29. 1889.) See also ante Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. p. 136. List of Documents relating to the Archdeaconry of Leicester preserved in the Leicester Archdeaconry Registry. Appendix to Report of the Joint Committee of the Convocation of Canterbury on Local Eccles. Records, 1906, in 'The Chron. of Convocation,' 1906, no. III. LINCOLNSHIRE. Lincoln Diocese Documents, 1450-1544. Edited with Notes and Indexes, by Andrew Clark. [Early English Text Soc. ] London, 1914. List of Docu- ments, in Forewords. Thompson (Pishey). Topographical and Historical Notices of various Towns, Villages, etc., in the Co. of Lines. (Collections for a Topog. and Hist. Account of Boston, 1820. App. pp. 27-66). Waterfield (A. J.). The Literary Associations of Stam.ford. (The Rutland Mag., vol. iii. pp. 110-120. 1907.) The Numbering of the Volumes of the ' Stamford Itlercury.' (Notes and Queries, Ser. 11, vol. vii. pp. 365, 430, 471. 1913.) BRIGG. Sheppard (Thomas). Biblio. to article on ' The Pre-historic Boat from Brigg." (E. Riding Antiq. Soc. Trans., vol. xvii. pp. 52-54. 1910.) 338 A HANDBOOK TO LINLITHGOWSHIRE. Bisset (Alexander IS..). The Foets and Poetry of Linlithgowshire, an Anthology of the County. Paisley, 1896. LONDON. Fleuley (Ralph). A Iiist of the Chronicles of London, in his ' Six Town Chronicles of England,' Oxford, 1911, pp. 96-99. Report on TISS. of the Bishop of London, by Reginald Lane Poole. {H!st. MSS. Comni. Reports on MSS. in various Collections, vol. vii. pp. 1-9. 1914.) Deeds and Documents relating to London in the possession of the Sussex Archaeol. Soc. See ante under Sussex, p. S56. Catal. of the Maps, Flans, and Views of London collected by Frederick Grace, lent for exhibition in the South Kensington Museum, by John Gregory Grace. London, 1879. ARCHEOLOGY. Some Sluseums of Old London. A Series. 1. The Leverian Museum. By W. H. Mullens. (The Museums Journ., vol. xv. pp. 123-129. 1915.) CITY PARISHES. Davis (E. Jeffries). A List of Parochial Records of the City Parishesi in 'The Victoria Hist, of London,' vol. i. 1909, pp. 404-405. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Burtt (Joseph). Some Account of the Muniments of the Abbey of West- minster. (Archwol. Journ. of the Rmi. Archceol. Inst. vol. xxix. pp. 135-150. 1872.) J J IV Legg (J. Wickham). On an Inventory of the Vestry in Westminster Abbey in 1388. (Arnhaeologia, vol. lii. pp. 195-286. 1890.) BANK OF ENGLAND. Andreadds (A. M.). Biblio. of the Bank of Bugland, in his ' Hist, of the Bank of England, 1640-1903.' London, 1909, pp. 429-445. PRINTERS . Welch (Charles). Biblio. Note on London Printing, in 'The Victoria Hist. of Middlesex,' vol. ii. 1911, pp. 197-900. Peddie (R. A.). The St. Bride Typographical Lib.: its Methods and Classification. (The Library Assoc. Record, vol. xviii. pp. 235-258. 1916.) A Note by William Morris on his aims in founding' the JCelmscott Press, with a description of the Press, and a List of the Books printed thereat. 1898. The last book printed at the Press. LAMBETH. Botfield (Beriah). Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. 1849. Lambeth Palace Library, pp. 189-258. James (Montague R.). MSS. in the Library at Lambeth Palace. (Camb. Antiq. Soc. Octavo Pubns., no. xxxiii. 1900.) SOUTHVt^ARK. Report on Deeds and Documents relating to the Parish Property of St. Saviour, South wark. 1841. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 339 MIDDLESEX. TWICKENHAM. Merritt (E. Fercival). An Account of Descriptive Catalogues of Straw- berry Hill, and of Strawberry Hill Sale Catalogues, together with a Bibliography. Privately Printed. Boston, Mass. 1915. Journal of the Frinting-of&ce at Strawberry Hill, by Horace Walpole. (A MS. in the Waller Collection at Woodeote, Warwick.) See a note in ' Bodleian Quarterly Record,' vol. i. pp. 206-207. 1915. MONMOUTHSHIRE. Coxe (William). An Historical Tour in Honmouthsliire. London, 1801. A List of the principal Works consulted, pt. II. p. 4-3;?. A Digest of the Parish Registers within the Diocese of IilandafF pre- vious to 1836. (Comprises Monmouthshire.) See ante under ' Glamorgan- shire,' p. 73. Haines (William). Notes on Charles Heath, Printer, etc., of Monmouth. Reprinted from 'Monmouthshire Beacon,' 1908. A Collection of Prints and Drawings relating to the Co. of Monmouth, collected by John Proctor Eeles of Penarth, is in the National Library of Wales at Abeiystwyth. See ' Report of Council of the Library,' 1911, p. 10. MUNSTER. Art Catal. of the First Munster Exhibition, with notes by Robert Day. {Cork Hist. ^ Archceol. Soc. Journ., Ser. 2, vol. iv. pp. 308-317. 1898.) NAIRNSHIRE. Kee (Rev. Stephen). Biblio. of the Counties of Moray and Nairn. Aberdeen, 1916. NORFOLK. Blomefield (Francis). 'Queries' circulated for his 'Hist, of N'orfollc.' 1736. See ' Bibl. Topog. Brit.' 1790, vol. i. p. 1.) Rye (Walter). Norfolk Families. Pt. II. Index Nominum, being an Index to Christian Names and Surnames in the Work, by Charles Nowell. Norwich, 1915. An Appendix to Rye's Index to Norfolk Topography. [Rye's Norfolk Hand Lists, Ser. II. no. 1.] Norwich, 1916. References to all Printed Accounts of Roman Camps and Remains in Norfolk. [Ibid. Ser. I. no. 2.] Castles and Manor Houses from the Conquest to the present time. being references to all Printed Accounts. [Ibid, Ser. I. no. 3.] Stephen (George A.). Norfolk Celebrities. I. Horatio, Viscount Nelson. Biblio. (Norw. Public Lib. Readers' Guide, vol. iv. no. 4. July, 1915. II. Norfolk Artists. An Annotated Catal. of the Books, Pamphlets, and Articles relating to deceased Norfolk Artists, in the Norwich Public Lib. {Ibid. vol. iv. nos. 5 & 6. Sept. & Nov. 1915.) Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Norfolk Collections. Norfolk, Dulce of Various Collections, vol. vii. pp. 153-246. 1914. Thetford Corporation vol. vii. pp. 119-152. 1914. 340 A HANDBOOK TO NORFOLK (continued). Deeds and Documents relating to ITorwicli in tlie possession of the Sussex Arcliaeol. Soc. See ante under Sussex, p. 256. HOLKHAM. Koscoe (W.) Some Account of the Manuscript Library at Holkham, belougfing to T. W. Coke, Esq. (Boy. Soc. of Lit. Tram., vol. ii. pp. 352-379. 1831.) KING'S LYNN. Parkin (Charles). The Topography of Freebridge Hundred and Half, containing the Hist. & Antiquities of the Borough of King's Lynn. Lynn, 1762. An Kxtra-illustratefl copy enlarged by numerous water-colour drawings, engravings, etc., is in the Lib. of the Brit. Museum at 1853, d. 16. Ouide to the Contents of the Greenland Fishery Museum, King's Lynn. 1S12. (Lynn Views, Maps, Drawings, Antiquities, the Eugene Aram Relics, Lynn MSS., Scarce Lynn Books, Norfolk and Lynn Printing.) Nelson (Robert C). A Collection of Engravings, Drawings, Autographs, ITewspaper Cuttings, etc., relating to King's Lynn, formed prior to 1870. [In the Lib. of the Brit. Museum.] Rye (Walter). Index to Red Book of Lynn, [Typewritten.] 1915. THETFORD. Corporation Records, see ante Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. List of Books and Documents in the Peterborough Diocesan Registry, with introduction by A. P. Moore. Appendix to Third Report of the Joint Committee of the Convocation of Canterbury on Local Ec<^les. Records, 1910, in 'The Chron. of Convocation,' 1910, no. II. MOULTON. Madge (Sidney J.). Materials for a Hist, of Moulton, being a short chrono- logical summary of the Collections formed by S. J. Madgr. Northampton. [1903.] 25 copies only privately printed. NORTHUMBERLAND. Catal. of the MSS., Books, Roman and other Antiquities, belonging to the Soc. of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Privately printed. Newcastle, 1839. Anderton (Basil). Thomas Bewick, the Tyneside Engraver. {The Library, Ser. 3, vol. vi. pp. 365-384. ; vol. vii. pp. 1-17. 1915-16.) Also issued separately. Budge (E. A. T. Wallis). An Account of the Roman Antiquities preserved in the Museum at Chesters, Northumberland. Second edn. London, 1907. Chap. I. Antiquarian labours of John Clayton, F.S.A. ,, II. The Clayton Collection in the Museum at Chesters. ,, III. A List of the Papers contributed to 'Arcliaeologia Aoliana' by John Clayton, F.S.A., with Appendix 'A List of the Papers on the Anti- quities in the Museum at Chesters which have been contributed to ■ Archaeologia Aeliana ' by various writers. „ X. Ancient and Modern Authorities on the Roman Wall. Catal. of the Roman Antiquities in the Museum at Chesters. List of Water- Colour Drawings at Chesters. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 341 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Nottinglianisliiro Cou:aty Hecords. Notes and Extracts from the Notts. County Becords of fae 17th. csiit. Compiled by H. Hampton Copnall, with Biblio. Notes and Lists. [County Records Comm. of the Notts. County Council.] Nottingham, 1915. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. Nottinghamshire Collections. Lloyd, Sir Hervey Juckes, at Clifton Various Collections, vol. vii. pp. Hall, Nottingham 247-296, 389-433. 1914. Staunton, Mr. H. C, of Staunton, Notts — pp. 360-375. Notts. MSS., collected by William Constable. See Sale Catal. of the Burton Constable MSS., Sold by Sotheby's, 24-26 June, 1889, pp. 50-52. ORKNEY AND SHETLAND. A Short Biblio. of Orkney and Shatland, by Alfred W. Johnston. (The Rdiqiiary ^- Illustrated Archceol., vol. ii. p. 101. 1896.) See aLso ante p. 16, Mowat, Biblio. of Caithness, 1909. Records of the Earldom of Orkney, 1299-1614. Edited with introduction and notes by J. Storer Clouston. (Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubns., Ser. 2, vol. vii. 1914.) Jo. Ben's Description of Orkney, 1529. Biblio. Notes in Preface to Mac- farlane's 'Geog. Collections, etc.,' vol. iii. pp. vii.-xiii. See ante p. 201. OXFORDSHIRE. ' Indexes [in vol. iii.] to ' Survey ox the Antiquities of the City of Oxford composed in 1661-1666, by Anthony Wood,' edited by Andrew Clark. [Oxf. Hist. Soc] Oxford, 1899. Hawlinson (Richard). ' Queries ' circulated for a description of Oxford- shire. See ' Bibl. Topog. Brit.', vol. i. p. 1. Early Oxford College MSS. A rough List of Oxford College MSS. written before 1200. (The Bodleian Qnarterli/ Record, vol. i. pp. 157-163. 1915.) Bodleian Catalogues of the Seventeenth Century. Resume of Paper read before the Biblio. Soc. by Strickland Gibson. {Ibid. vol. i. pp. 298-232. 1915.) The Lives of those eminent Antiquaries John Leland, Thomas Hearne, and Anthony a Wood ; with an Authentick Account of their respec- tive Writings and Publications. 2 vols. Oxford, 1772. Christ Church, Oxford. An Anthology in Frose and Verse, selected by Arthur Hassall. London, 1911. Jeffery (Reginald W.). The Oxford Press, in 'The Victoria Hist, of Oxford- shire,' vol. ii. 1907, pp. 229-235. Index to the ' Transactions ' and ' Reports ' of the Oxfordshire Archseol. Soc, 1853-1915. (In ' Report' for 1915.) 342 A Handbook to PEMBROKESHIRE. Oweu (Henry). Calendar of the Public Records relatingf to Pembroke- shire. Vol. i. Haverford, 1204-1547. {Cymmrodorion Soc. Record Series, 1911.) Haverfordwest Books. Additions to List by T. L. Jones. ( WMi Biblio. Son. Journ., vol. i. p. 259. 1915.) ROSCOMMON. Dix (Ernest Keg'inald McCliiitockK Printing in Athlone in 19th cen- tury. {I'/ie Irish Jlook Lover, vol. vi. pp. 10(3-108. 1915.) Printing' in Soyle, with a Iiist. (Ibid. vol. vii. pp. 24-26. 1915.) RUTLANDSHIRE. Feck (Prancis). ' Queries ' for Kutlandshire. See ante p. 337. Hist. MSS. Comm. B>ep. Report on the AISS. of Allan Georife Finch, of Burley-on-the-Hill, vol. i. 1913. See also ante p. 218. SHROPSHIRE. Shropshire SSSS. (Church ITotes, Extracts from Pariah Registers, Records, Pedigrees, etc.), from Halston Iiibrary. See 'Sale Catal. of the Library (First Portion) of Leonard Lawrie Hartley,' sold by Puttick & Simpson, 12 June, 1885, pp. 164-165. Shropshire SIS. Collections by Hardwicke, of Bridgnorth. See Sale Catal. of the Library (Third Portion) of Leonard Lawrie Hartley, sold by Puttick & Simpson, 18 April, 1887, p. 286. Extracts from the Cartulary of St. Peter's Abbey at Shrewsbury, comprising an Index of the Charters. {Collectanea Topoq. et Geneal., 1834, vol. i. pp. 23-28, 190-196.) Thomas Jones, the Almanacer (of Shrewsbury, Printer, etc.). {Welsh Biblio. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 239-245. 1915.) SOMERSETSHIRE. Cassan (Stephen Hyde). List of Portraits of Bishops of Bath and Wells, in ' Lives of the Bishops of Bath and Wells.' London, 1829-30, pt. I. pp. 69-70. Hewitt (Ethel M.) Biblio. Note on Somerset Printing, in 'The Victoria Hist, of Somerset,' vol. ii. 1911, pp. 357-358. WELLS. Reynolds (Herbert Edward). Wells Cathedral : Its Poundation. Consti- tution, History, and Statutes, n.d. Biblio. Notes in Introduction, with List of Books in possession of the Dean and Chapter. COUNTY BIBIJOGRAPHY. 343 STAFFORDSHIRE. Index-Catal. of the Reference Department of the Wolverhampton Free Library. 1895. Sect. I. Local Section. (Staffs. & Wolverhampton Books), pp. 1-29. Whitfield (A. S.). William Henry Diiigrnan, Bihliog^raphy, 3.865-1012. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. xi. pp. 3T3-374. 1915.) SUFFOLK. MS. Collections for Suffolk, by Pord and others. See Sale Catal. of the I-ibrary fSecond Portion) of Leonard Lawrie Hartley, sold by Puttick & Simpson,' 3 May, 1886. IXnwin (George). Bihlio. Note on Suffolk Printing, in 'The Victoria Hist, of Suffolk,' vol. ii. 1907, pp. 288-289. SURREY. Giuseppi (Blontagxie S.). Biblio. Note on Surrey Printing, in 'The Victoria Hist, of Surrey,' vol. ii. 1907, pp. 491-424. LOSELEY. Calendar of the Iioseley MSS. [A. J. Kempe's work {see ante p. 251) has recently been supplemented by a valuable and well-arrangod Calendar (.so far only in the t.vpewrltten stage). The Loseley MSS, are well known to he of the highe.st historical value and contain a large number of documents connected with the Coimty and elsewhere.] SUSSEX. A Bookseller and Stationer's Shop-Bill. (Lewis Meryon, a Bookseller at Bye). Printed for Brash & Reid, Glasgow. 1810? Fhillipps (Sir Thomas). Battle Abbey MSS. Descriptive Account of the Collection of original Charters, and Muniments of the Abbey of Battle, together with Papers of the Browne and Webster families. 1835. HASTINGS. Cousins (Henry). Hastings of Bygone Days— and the Present. Hastings, 1911. (Contains Notes on Old Maps and Views of Hastings, with a List; a List of the Principal Guide Books, 1794-1812, and Biblio. Notes on Hastings and St. Leonards Newspapers.) TIPPERARY. Dix (Ernest Reginald McClintock). John Davis White and Cashel Printing, with a List of Books printed in Ca.shel in the 19th century. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. vi. pp. 193-197. 1915.) 344 A HANDBOOK TO TYRONE. Dix (Ernest Reginald racClintock). Printing in Strabane, 1825-1900, with a Iiist. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. vii. pp. 68-69. 1915.) ULSTER. McCauce (Sfcoupps). Some Old Ulster Song Eooks, with a List. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. vii. pp. 108-110. 1916.) WARWICKSHIRE. COVENTRY. Harris (IXary Dormer). The BSiSS. of Coventry. (Bristol S[ Glos. Archceol. Sac. Trans., vol. xxxvii. pp. 18T-193. 1914.) A Catal. of 350 Deeds relating to Coventry, by the same authoress, appeared in the 'Coventry Herald,' in 1912-14. A Local Collection to be called ' The Coventry and Warwickahire Library ' is being formed at the Coventry Public Library, but Is not yet cataloged. WATERFORD. Bix (Ernest Reginald McClintock). Printing in the City of Waterford in the Seventeenth Century. (Royal Irish Acad. Proc, vol. xxxii. sec. C. pp. 333-344. 1916.) See also pamphlet reprinted from the ' Waterford News.' Printing in Waterford in 17th. and 18th. Centuries. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. vii. pp. irO-172. 1916.) WILTSHIRE. Old Wiltshire ITewspapers. [Notes from the Centenary No. of ' The Wiltshire Gazette,' by Edward Kite.] (Wilti. Notes^ Queries, vol. viii. pp. 414-417. 1916.) The Centenary of 'The Wiltshire Gazette.' Centenary No. 1916. See review in ' The Wilts Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Mag.' vol. xxxix. p. 298. 1916. Richardson (Mrs. Herbert). The Old ' Salisbury Journal ' and Early Newspaper Enterprise in Salisbury. (In ' Salisbury, South Wilts and Blackmore Museum, 186t-1914; The Festival Book of Salisbury.' 1915. See also 'The Wilts Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Mag.' vol. xxxix. p. 285. 1916. Baker (Thomas Henry). Monumental Inscriptions and Heraldry in Salisbury Cathedral [Baker MSS. Collection]. Index by H. B. W. (Notes ib. of John Tricks Spalding, Nottingham. 5 vols. Exeter, 1912-13. Privately printed. Hotten (John Camden). A Hand-book to the Topog. and Family Hist. of Bngl. & Wales. London, n.d. Smith (Alfred Hussell). A Catal. o.' Ten Thousand Tracts and Fifty Thousand Prints and Dra-VTings, illustratii'ii' the Topography & Antiquities of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. Collected by V/illiam Upcott and John Russell Smith. London, 1878. Daaiell (Walter V.) and Hield (Frederick J.). Manual of Brit. Topo- graphy. A Catal. of County and Local Histories, etc. London, 1909. Sonnenschein (William Swan). The Best Books. 3rd edn. London, 1913. Pt. II. (includes Topography). Koare (Sir B,. C). A Catal. of Books relating to the Hist. & Topog. of Bngl., Wales, Scot., & Irel., at Stourhead, Wilts. 1813. 25 copies only printed. Catal. of the Koare Lib. at Stourhead, co. Wilts., compiled by J. Bowyer Nichols. London, 1840. Catal. of the Library in the Public Kecord Office, and Supplement. [Compiled by T. Craib.] Third Edition. London, 190-2, 1909. List of Topographical Works relating to Great Britain and Ireland, printed for official use, by the Library of the Public Record Office. 1907. List of Works relating to Sritish Genealogy and Local History. {Bulletin of the New York Public Lib., vol. xiv. 1910.) Also issued separately. / COUNTY BIBLIOGUAPHY. U1 Bililiotheca Fhillippica. Sale Catalogues of the Lilirary of Sir Thomas Fhillipps, of Middle Hill, Worcs., and Thirlestaine House, Cheltenham, containing Historical, Topographical, Genealogical, and other Books and MSS. Sold by Sotheby's. London. Ov/ The (oUowirfg are the dates of the variouF Sales:— I. Aug. 3, ISSfi; II. Jan. 22, 1S89 ; III. July 15, 1891; IV. Deo. 7. 1891; V. July 4, 1892; VI. Jmic 19, 1893; VII. Mav. 21, 1895; Vni. June 10, 1896; IX. May 17, 1897 ; X. .lune H, 1S93 ; XI. June 5, 1899; XII, Apr. 27, 1903; XIII. June 15, 1908; XIV. June 6, 1910; XV. Apr. 21, 1911; XVI. May 19, 1913. See a list of the first cloven sale.s in 'The Times,' Apr. 6, 1903. For other items relating to Sir Thomas Phillipps, see under ' Worcestershire,' pp. 289, 315. Sale Catal. of the Library cf Leonard Lawrie Hartley, of EXiddleton Xyas, Torks., and St. Leonards-on-Sea, containing au extensive collection of Topographical Books, MSS., Prints, Publications of Societies, etc. Compiled by J. Corbet Anderson. Sold by Puttick & Simpson, June 1-12, 1885 ; May 3^14, 1886 ; Apr. 18-27, 1887. The Topographical and Antiquarian Collections are arranged under Counties. Guide to the Victoria History of the Counties of England. By H. Arthur Doubleday and William Page. London [1912]. (Contains Lists of Eeoords In Public Depositories, arranged under Counties, pp. 49-120.) Indez to ' The Life and Times of Anthony Wood, Antiquary, of O^^ford, 1632-1695, described by himself.' Edited by Andrew Clark for the Oxford Hist. Soc. 5 vols. Oxford, 1891-1900. The Index is Index II. Topographical, in Vol. V. pp. 8.5-149, and ' England ' is arranged under Counties. Kawlinscn (Kichard). The English Topographer, or an Historical Account of all the Pieces that have been written relating to the Antiquities or Topo- graphical Description of any Part of England. London, 1720. (Contains quaint Biblio. and other information arranged under Counties.) TymMS (Samuel;. The Family Topographer. 7 vols. London, 1832-43. A useful and little-known work. Arranged under Counties. Nichols (John). Queries proposed with a -view of obtaining the most perfect Account of the Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland, with a list of Topographical Queries circulated by compilers of various County Histories. See ' Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica,' vol. i. 1780, pp. i.-xiv. A Catal. of Famphlets, Tracts, Froclamations, Sp3sches, etc., from 1506 to 1700 in the Library of the Honourable Soc. of Lincoln's Inn. London, 1908. Catal. of the Famphlets, Books, Newspapers, and HISS, relating to the Civil War, the Commonwealth, and Restoration, collected by George Thomason, 164:0-1661 [in the Brit. Mus. Library]. 2 vols. London, 1908. Catal. of the Library of the London Institution, systematically classed. 4 vols. London, 1835-1852. Vol. ii. is devoted to valuable Collections of Topog. Tracts and Pamphlets. Catal. of the Contents of Eighty 'Vols, of Antiquarian and Topographical Tracts at Stourhead, in ' Catal. of the Hoare Lib. at Stourhead,' compiled by J. Bowyer Nichols, 1840, pp. 106-119. Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Catal. of the Frinted Books at Kaigh Hall, Wigan. Compiled for James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of Crawford. 4 vols. 1910. Arber (Edward). The Term Catalogues, 1668-1711. 3 vols. London, 1903-06. Privately printed. Catal. of a Collection of Tracts illustrative of British History from the Accession of Chas. I. to the Fresent tim.e. Printed for John Stevenson. Edinburgh, 1837. 348 A HANDBOOK TO Wlieatley (Henry B.). Preliminary List of English Indexes, in his ' What is an Index?' London, 1879. (Index Soc. Pubn. I.) A General Index to tlis 'Gentleman's Mag'.', 1731-173S [compiled by Samuel Ayscough]. 2 vols. London, 178!); General Index, 1787- ISIS, with a prefatory introduction descriptive of the Hist, of the Mag., by John Nichols, and a List and Index to Plates, 1731-1818. 3 vols. London, 18i'l. An Index to the Biographical and Obitaary IToticss, 1731-1780, by R. H. Farrar. British Record Soc. (Index Soc. Pubns. vol. xv.). 1891. Ayscough. (Samuel). 1745-1804. For Notes on Indexes compiled by Ayscough, and others, see vol. i. under ' Ayscough,' in Allibone (S. A.), ' Crilical Dic- tionary of English Literature, etc.,' 1859-91. A General Index to the 'Annual Kegister,' 1758-1780. 3rd edn. London, 1799. General Index to Bodsley's Annual Register, vol. i.-lxi. 1758 1819. London, 182fi. 'Notes and Queries.' General Indexes to Series l.-'A. London, 1856-1910. Separate Indexes for each Series. The Camden Society, 1838-18S7. A Descriptive Catal. of the First Sories of the Works of the Soc, siting the nature of their principal Contents, the periods of Time to which they relate, their iMS. Sources, Authors, and Editors, with a Classified arrangement, and an Index. By John Gough Nichols. Second edn. London, 1872. A ' Catal. of the First Series, with a General Index' (A-Bau), unfinished, was issued in 1881. Contents of the Harleian Miscellany (12 vols. Iiondou, 1303-11), 'n'-ith an Index. Compiled at the Public Library, Sydney, N.S.W., 1885. Hazlitt (W. Carew). A General Index to Hazlitt's Handbook and his Biblio. Collections, 1867-1889, by G. J. Gray. London, 1893. British Record Society. The Index Library, 1890, etc. London. Sandys (Sir John Bdwin). Scholars, Antiquaries, and Bibliographers, with a Biblio., in ' The Cambridge Hist, of English Literature,' vol. xii. chap. xv. pp. 333-371, and pp. 479-523. 1915. Puller (Thomas). The Hist, of the Worthies of England, with Notes by J. Nichols. New edition. 2 vols. London, 1811. (The work has a County arrangement.) The Gentleman's Magazine Library; being a Classified Collection of the Chief Contents of the ' Gentleman's i\Iag.', from 1731 to 1868. Edited by G. Laurence Gomme. 30 vols. London, 1883-1905. Gross (Charles). The Sources and Literature of English Hist, from the earliest times to about 1485. Second edn. London, 1915. Chronological Tables of the Principal Chronicles, Biographies, etc., pp. 71^-718. Kail (Hubert). The Biblio. of English Official Historical Documents, with lists of Depositories, etc., in his ' Studies in English Official Historical Documents,' 1908, pp. 101-118. Gardiner (Samuel R.) and Mullinger (J. Bass). Introduction to the Study of English Hist. Third and Enlarged edition. London, 1894. List of Authorities, pp. 207-442. Gairdner (James). Early Chroniclers of Europe. England. London, 1879. Nicholas (Sir Nicholas Harris). Notitia Historica, containing Tables, Calendars and Miscellaneous Information, for the Use of Historians, Antiquarians, etc. London, 183)'. Turner (Dawson). Guide to the Historian, the Biographer, the Antiquary, etc. Yarmouth, 1848. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 349 A Select Biblio. for the Study, Sources, and Iiiterature of Snglish Itlediseval Economic History. Compiled by a Seminar of the London School of Economics. Edited by Hubert Hall. London, 1914-. Sloore (Margaret Findlay). Two Select Biographies of Medissval His- torical Study. I. A Classified List of Works relatincr to the Study of English Palaeography and Diplomatic. H. A Classified List of Works relating to English Manorial nud Agrarian History from the Earliest Times to IKOO. London, 1912. Sutherland (Alexander Hertdras). Collections in Illustration of Claren- don's 'Hist, of the IlebcUion ' and 'Ziife,' and Burnet's 'Own Times.' 61 vols, in elephant folio, containing 19iii Portraits, Views, etc. [In the Bodleian Library at Oxford.] A Printed Catal. in 3 vols, was issued in 1837 and a Supplement in 1838. See a note on the Collection in Macray's 'Annals,' pp. 333-333. Index to Articles, Hotes, Documents, and selected reviews of Books contained in vols, i.-xx. 1886-1905, of the 'English Historical Review.' London, 190G. Catal. of Parliamentary Papers, 1801-1900, with a few of earlier date. Supplement, 1901-10. P. S. King & Son. London. Index to the Local and Personal and Private Acts, 1798-1833. London, 1840. Index to Local Acts, consisting of Classified Lists of the Acts from 1801 to 1899. London. 1<)00. The Local and Private Acts, with an Index. Published at end of each Session. Index (MS.) to the Contents of Sir George Nayler's Private Acts of Parliament, 1733-1833, 37 vols, in the Guildhall Library, contained in each vol. See note in 'Genealogical Queries and Memoranda,' edited by G. F. Tudor Sherwood, vol. i. p. 21. 1899. A hst of the Pedigrees in the Collection is at pp. 21, 31, ,53, C2, 85. Firth (C. H.) and Bait (K. 3.). Indices to their 'Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnujn, 164:2-1660,' with chronological Tables, in vol. iii. 1911. Wheatley (Henry B.). Lists of Indexes to the Statutes (in his ' What is an Index?' 1879, pp. 9G-98). Indexes to the Journals of the Houses of Lords and Commons. (Ibid. pp. 98-99.) Indexes of Parliamentary Papers. (Ibid. pp. 99-101.) List of Places on the Inclosure Awards from 1757-1837. See App. I. 26th Report of Deputy Keeper of Public Records, 1865. List of Awards, from 1756-1853. See App. I. 27th Report of Deputy Keeper of Public Records, 1866. Andrews (Charles M.) and Davenport (Frances G.). Guide to the Manu- script Materials for the Hist, of the United States to 1783, in the Brit. Museum, in Minor London Archives, and in the Libraries of Oxford & Cambridge. Washington, 1908. (Carnegie Instn. Pubn., 90.) This work, with the next two items, contains valuable accounts of various important Collections, with lists of Catalogues, etc., which are accessible to the student either for EngUsh or American History. Andrews (Charles M.). Guide to the Materials for American Hist., to 1783, in the Public Record Office of Gt. Britain. 2 vols. Washington, 1913, 19U. (Carnegie Instn. Pubn., 90. A.) PauUin (Charles O.) and Paxson (Frederic L.). Guide to the Materials in London Archives for the Hist, of the United States since 1783. Washington, 1914. (Carnegie Instn. Pubn., 90. B.) 350 A HANDBOOK TO Biblio. of American Historical Societies, by A. P. Clark Griffin, in 'Annual Report of the Amer. Hist. Assoc, for 1905-07,' vol. ii. Washington, 1907. Adam (IHargaret I.), Swing (John) and Mnnro (James). Guide to the Principal Parliamentary Papers relating^ to the Bominions, 1812- 1911. Edinburgh, 1913. SUis (Sir Henry). A General Introduction to Domesday Book. 2 vols. London, 1833. Index of Tenants in the time of William tlie Conqueror who held their lands imme- diately from the King, ordinarily styled Tenants in Capite. Vol. i.-pp. 361-515. Index of Persons, Monasteries, etc., entered in Domesday Book as holding lands in the time of K. Edwd. the Confessor, and through later years anterior to the formation of the Survey. Vol. ii. pp. 1-273. Index of the Under-Tenanta of lands at the formation of the Domesday Survey. Vol. ii. pp. 276-116. Dove (Patrick Edward). Domesday Studies. London, 1891. Domesday Commemoration, 1886. Notes on the MSS. and Printed Books exhibited at the Public Record Office and the Brit. Museum, pp. 623-662. Domesday Bibliography. Edited by H. B. Wheatley, pp. 663-669. Inman (A. H.). Domesday and Peudal Statistics. London, 1900. Popula- tion Statistics at various Periods, in ' Epitome,' pp. xxxvi.-xxxvii. The Population of England in former times has also been dealt with by William Cunningham, Macanlay, Thorold Rogers, McCuUooh in his ' Statistical Dictionary,' William Denton in his ' England in the Fifteenth Century,' and others, as well as in the succeeding items. Abstract of the Population of the different Cotinties of Engfland at the close of the reign of William the Conqueror, as far as the same is actually recorded in the Domesday Survey. See ' A General Introduction to Domesday Book,' by Sir Henry Ellis, 1833, vol. ii. pp. 417-Sl-l. Beturn of the Population in 167G of the Parishes of the Province of Canterbury, over sixteen years of age. (A MS. in the William Salt Lib. at Stafford.) See a note in ' How to Write the Hist, of a Parish,' by J. Charles Cox, 1909, p. 207. Xiist of Towns and Counties with approximate population in 1337, according^ to the Poll Tax of 51. Edwd. III. See 'Subsidy Roll of 51 Edwd. HI.' by John Topham, in ' Archaeologia,' vol. vii. pp. 340-347. 1785. See also ' Remarks on the Population of English Cities, temp. Edw. IIL', by Thomas Amyot, in 'Archaeologia,' vol. xx. pp. 524^531. 1824. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the State, Custody, and Authenticity of Kegisters or Records of Births, etc., in England and Wales, other than the Parochial Registers. 1838. Index of Archaeological Papers, 1665-18S0. Edited by George Laurence Gomme. London, 1907. Indexes of Archseological Papers published in 1891, etc., issued separately for each year, edited by G. Laurence Gomme, Bernard Gomme, Allan Gomme and William Mai-tin. Godwin (Henry). The English Archssologist's Handbook. Oxford, 1867. Alphabetical List of Castles having Royal Licenses to fortify, granted 1256- 1478, pp. 233-251. Chronological Table of English Armour and Arms from the 11th to the 17th cent., pp. 252-268. Armitage (EUa S.). A Key to English Antiquities. Sheffield, 1897. Clinch (George). Handbook of British Antiquities. London, 1905. Lyell (Arthur H.). A Biblio. Iiist descriptive of Romano-British Archi- tectural Remains in Great Britain. Cambridge, 1912: Haverfield (P.). Roman Britain in 1913 and 1914. Biblio. of Publications. {The Britith Academy, Supp. Papers, II. and HI., 1914, 1915.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 351 Stuuiuary of Discoveries relating' to Roman Britain, with Biblio. notes. By F. Haverfield. {The Years WorJc in Classical Studies, 1906-07); by H B Walters. {Ibid. 1908-09) ; by F. A. Bruton. {Ibid. 1910, etc.) Evans (Sir Jobn). Tlie Ancient Sronze Implements, etc., of G-t. Brit. & Irel. London, 1881. ' England ' arranged under Counties in Geog. & Topog. Index. Tlie Ancient Stone Implements, etc., of Gt. Britain. Second edition. London, 1897. ' England ' arranged under Counties in Geog. & Topog. Index. Scheme for Recordings Ancient Defensive Eartliworks and Fortified Enclosures. 1903. Appendix II. 1905. Report of tlie Committee on Ancient Earthworks and Fortified Enclo- sures. Congress of Archseol. Societies, 1905, etc. With Biblio. lists of recent literature on the subject. Xemhle (J. M.). list of Anglo-Saxon Towns, Cities, and Boroughs mentioned in the 'Anglo-Saxon Chronicle,' in his 'Saxons in P'ngland,' 1876, vol. ii. pp. 551-558. Searle (William George). Ononiasticon Anglo-Sazonicum. A List of Anglo-Saxon Proper Names, etc. Cambridge, 1897. Biblio. of Works con- sulted, pp. xxxii.-lvii. Birch (Walter de Gray). An Index to all the Names of Persons and Places in the ' Cartularium Saxonicum,' 3 vols. 1883-99. London, 1899. Cunningham (William). List of Towns declared to be decayed in the time of Kenry VIII. See his ' Growth of English Industry and Commerce during the Early & Middle Ages,' 5th edn., 1910, p. 507. Sims (Richard). List of Towns of which DISS, exist in the Brit. Museum , in his 'Handbook to the Library of the Brit. Museum,' 185+, pp. 177-209. Karvey (Alfred). List of Castles in England and Wales, existing or known to have existed, in his 'Castles and Walled Towns of England.' London, 1911. See also Godwin's ' English Archaeologist's Handbook,' 1867, pp. 183-232. Clay (Rotha IXary). Tabulated List (arranged under Counties) of Medisval Hospitals in England, with Biblio., in her ' Mediaeval Hospitals of England,' 1909, pp. 277-34-2. Index to the ' Archaeological Journal ' of the Royal Archaeological Insti- tute of Great Britain, vols, i.-xxv. 1844-68. London, 1878. General Index to the ' Journal of the British Archaeological Association,' vols, i.-xxx. 1845-74; vols, xxxi.-xliii. 1875-86; and to 'Collectanea Archaeologica,' vols, i.-ii., etc. London, 1875, 1887. "An Index to the ' Axchaeologia,' vols. i.-l. 1 704 - 1887, published by the Soc. of Antiquaries of London. 1889. A General Index to. the ' Proceedings ' of the Soc. of Antiq., London, First Series, vols, i.-iv. 1843-58 (in vol. iv.). Second Series, vols, i.-xx. 1859-1905, with Classified List of Illustrations. London, 1908. Index to Engravings in the ' Proceedings ' of the Soc. of Antiq,., London. By Edward Peacock. London, 1885. (Index Soc. Occasional Indexes, No. 1.) Catal. of Printed Books in the Library of the Soc. of Antiq. London, 1887. Supplement, 1887-1899. London, 1899. Tear-Book of Scientific and Learned Societies of Gt. Brit. & Irel. London, 1884., etc. Issued yearly, and contains lists of the Contents of the Publications of various Societies. 352 A HANDBOOK TO A List of County Associations in Iiondon, by Rev. J. Leonard E. Hooppell, in Bernau's ' International Genealogical Directory.' Second edn. Second Supp., 1910, pp. xlvi.-xlviii. Murray (David). List of Museums in the United Kini^dom, with Biblio., in his ' Museums, their History, etc' 3 vols. Glasgow, 1904. Keyser (Charles £.). A List of Buildings in G-t. Brit. & Irel. having Mural and other Fainted Decorations, of dates prior to the latter part of the Sixteenth Century (with a County Classification). Third edn. London, 1883. Nelson (Philip). County Lists of Ancient Glass, in his 'Ancient Painted Glass in England, 1170-1500.' (The Antiquary's Books.) London, 1913, pp. 51-260. Dryden (Sir Henry). A Catal. of the Collection of Drawings, Plans, Notes on Churches, Houses, and various Archceol. matters made by the late Sir Henry B. L. Dryden, of Canons Ashby, Northants. Northampton, 1912. See ante, p. 184.. Boyne (William). Trade Tokens issued in the Seventeenth Century in England, Wales, and Ireland. New Edition, by G. C. Williamson. 3 vols. London, 1889-91. The Work is arranged according to Counties. Catal. of Seals in the Dep. of MSS. in the Brit. Museum. By Walter de Gray Birch. 6 vols. London, 1887-1900. The first 4- vols, deal with English, Scottish & Irish Seals, arranged under Places. Macklin (H. W.). Monumental Brasses, with a selected Biblio., & County Lists of Brasses remaining in the Churches of the United Kingdom. London, 1913. For Biblio. purposes this book supersedes the same author's ' The Brasses of England,' 1907. Haines (Herbert). A Manual of Monumental Brasses. 3 vols. Oxford, 1861. A List of Monumental Brasses in the Brit. Isles arranged under Counties, in vol. ii. pp. 1-242. List of Books on Sepulchral Monuments, Inscriptions, Obituaries, and Epitaphs. See Gatfield's ' Guide to English Heraldry,' 1892, pp. 231-239. The Register of English Monumental Inscriptions. Published by the English Monumental Inscriptions Soc. from 1911, contains County Lists of Transcripts. Monumental Brass Society. Transactions. 6 vols. 1887-1914. Lists of Brasses for Hampshire, Surrey, Derbyshire, Cambs., Essex, Hunts., Beds., and other Counties have appeared in the 'Transactions.' An Index of Places arranged according to Counties occurs in each volume. A List of Illustrations in Druitt's ' Costume on Brasses,' and Macklin's ' Brasses of England,' arranged topographically (under Counties). See 'Trans. Mon. Brass Soc.,' vol. v. pp. 235-241. 1909. Weever (John). Ancient Funerall Monuments within the United Monarchic of Great Britain. London, 1631. Bibliographies of the Lives of Antiquaries and Topographers. See ' The Cambridge Hist, of English Literature.' edited by A. W. Wai-d and A. K. Waller, vols, i.-xii. 1907-15, passim. Rye (Walter). A Short Antiquarian, etc.. Directory, in his ' Records and Record Searching,' pp. 180-192. Second edn. London, 1897. Similar lists are in ' A Select Biblio. of English Mediaeval Economic Hist.,' edited by Hubert Hall, 1914, pp. 272-283, and in 'The Sources and Literature of Engl. Hist.,' by Charles Gross, 1915, pp. 20-30. Quaritch (Bernard). Summary of an Address on 'The Great Learned Societies and Chief Printing Clubs of Gt. Brit. & Irel.' [Sette of Odd Volumes. Miscellany. No. xv.] London, 1886. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 353 De Mely (Fernsmd) and Bishop (Edmund). Bibliog'rapMe Qenerale des luventaires Imprimes. Paris, 1893. A valuable and little-known book. England is dealt with in vol. i. pp. 136-335, and vol. ii. pp. 335-370. Brand's Popular Antiq.iiitieB of Gt. Britain, largely extended and now first alphabetically arranged by W. Carew Hazlitt. 2 vols. Lonion, 1905. STorthall (G. F.). Bnglish Folk-Khymes. A Collection of Traditional Verses relatingf to Places and Persons, etc. (arranged under Counties). London, 1892. County FoUc-Iiore. Bzamples of Printed Follc-Lore. T vols. The Folk- Lore Soc. 1895-1914. Vol. 1. Gloucestershire, Suffolk, Leicestershire & Rutland. Vol. 2. N. R. of Yorkshire, etc. Vol. 3. Orkney & Shetland Islands. Vol. i. Northumberland. Vol. 0. Lincolnshire. Vol. G. E. R. of Yorkshire. Vol. 7. Fife, etc. Gomme (Alice Bertha). The Traditional Games of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with annotations. 9 vols. 1894-98. (In ' A Dictionary of British Folk- Lore,' edited by G. Laurence Gomrae.) Lists of Authorities arranged under Counties in both vols. A Biblio. Iiist of the Works that have been published, or are known to exist in MS. of the various;Dialects of England. Compiled by Members of the English Dialect Soc. and Edited by Walter W. Skeat and J. H. Nodal. London, 1877. Wright (Joseph). Biblio. of the Principal Books, UISS. etc. quoted, with an Index (arranged under Counties), in his 'English Dialect Dictionary,' vol. vi. 1905. Notestein (Wallace). Biblio. of Witchcraft Trials, etc. in England, in Appendices to his ' Hist, of Witchcraft from 1558 to 1718.' Amer. Hist. Assoc. Washington, 1911. Phillimore (W. P. W.). The Parish Historian: A short initial Guide for Writing, Printing, and Illustrating the Hist, of a Parish. London, 1905. Cox (J. Charles). How to Write the Hist, of a Parish. An outline Guide to Topog. Records, MSS. and Books. Fifth edn. London, 1909. Smith (Joshua Toulmin). The Parish, its Obligations and Powers, its Officers and their Duties. Second edn. London, 1857. Parish Records, pp. 4-88-541. Eden (Sir Frederick Morton). Parochial Reports (arranged under Counties) and Catal. of English Publications concerning the poor, in his 'State of the Poor.' 1797, vols. ii. & iii. Biblio. of Parish Kecords. In preparation by the Librarian of the London School of Economics, see 'Library Assoc. Record,' Aug. 1915. Gross (Charles). Biblio. of Guilds in England, in his ' The Gild Merchant,' Oxford, 1890, vol. 1. pp. 301-332. The second vol. is mainly a list of Towns in Gt. Britain, with documentary proofs of the existence and history of Guilds in each place. A Biblio. of Brit. Municipal Hist. {Harvard Hist. Studies, vol. v.) New York, 1897. List of Town Kecords of Gt. Britain. {The Amer. Hitt. Rev., vol. ii. pp. 191-200. 1896.) Gomme (G. Laurence). The Literature of Local Institutions. London, 1886. 354 A HANDBOOK TO Khodes (A.)- Lists of Municipal Records Printed. (Notes and Queries, Series 11, vol. ii. pp. 450, 529 ; vol. iii. p. 493; vol. iv. pp. 131, 390, 451 ; vol. v. pp. 73, 397, 352, 398, 478 ; vol. vi. p. 91. 1910-13.) Webb (Sidney and Beatrice). English. Ziocal G-overninent from the Bevo- Intion to the Municipal Corporations Act. 3 vols. London, 1906-08. (Biblio. footnotes.) Plower (Cyril Thomas). Public Works in Mediaeval Law. [Records relating to the maintenance of Roads, Bridges, etc., arranged under Counties.] Vol. i. (Beds. — Lines.) Selden Soc. London, 1915. Ballen (Dorothy). Biblio. of Koad-Making and Boads in the United Kingdom. London, 1914. Davenport (Prances 6.). A Classified List of Printed Original Materials for Bnglish Manorial and Agrarian History during the Middle Ages. (Radcliffe Coll. Monographs, No. 6.) Boston, U.S.A., 1894. Reports of the Royal Commission on Market Rights and Tolls. Parlia- mentary Papers. 1888, hii.-lv. ; 1889, xxxviii. ; 1890-91, xxxvii.-xli. 14 vols, in 17. Index to the Reports of the Commissioners for enc|,uiry concerning Charities in England and Wales. London, 1840. An Account of Public Charities in England and Wales, abridged from tlie Reports of the Commissioners on Charitable Foundations. London, 1826. (Arranged under Towns.) Hone (Nathaniel J.). Biblio. of Manorial Literature, in his 'The Manor and Manorial Records.' 2nd edn. London, 1912. App. IL pp. 312-336. List of Court Rolls in various Depositories. (Public Record Office, Brit. Museum, Lambeth Palace, and Bodleian Library.) {Ibid. App. L pp. 343-301.) The PuWic Rec. Oif. 'Lists & Indexes,' No. VL, does not include the Court Rolls kept there which are indexed in the foregoing list. Lists of Manor Court Rolls in Private Hands. Edited by Alfred L. Hardy, with introductions by Charles Greenwood and N. J. Hone. Pts. L-HL 1907-10. (The Manorial Society's Monographs.) A General Index is to be published. The Manorial Soc. is preparing a card-index to all the references to Manors and Manorial Documents in the Reports of the Hist. MSS. Comm. Phillipps (Sir Thomas). Indexes of Leases of Manors and Lands in England granted since the Reformation, annis 4 & 5 Edw. VI. 1832. Hearnshaw (P. J. C). List of Printed and Unprinted Court Rolls, in his ' Leet Jurisdiction in England,' 1908, pp. 156-100. (Southampton Record Soc. Pubns.) Matthews (George P.). Contemporary Index to Printed Parish (and Non- Parochial Registers), 1908 edition, with a Supplementary List of MS. Transcripts to be found in the Public Libraries of England and Wales. London, 1908. Marshall (George W.). Parish Registers : A List of those Printed, or of which MS. Copies exist in Public Collections, etc. London, 1900. Appendix, 1904. (Parish Register Soc. vols. xxx. and 1.) Burke (Arthur Meredyth). Key to the Ancient Parish Registers of England and Wales. London, 1908. Supplement, 1909. Cox (J. Charles). The Parish Registers of England. London, 1910. App. I. A List of some Bishops' Transcripts of Parish Registers whose dates are older than the Parish Registers, pp. 261-263. App. II. List of Parish Registers beginning in 1538, pp. 264-269. App. III. List of Parish Registers beginning in 1539, pp. 270-271. App. IV. List of Printed Parish Registers, pp. 272-282. COUNTY BIBLIOGllAPHY. 355 List of Episcopal and other Registers. See Stubbs, ' Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum,' 1897, pp. vii. xiii.-xvi. Crisp (Frederick A.). List of Parish Registers and other Genealogical Works, issued at the Private Press of F. A.C. London, 1899. Fhillimore (W. F. W.). Farish Registers, with suggestions for their Transcription. London, 1907. Index Series of Fhillimore's Farish Registers. London, 1915, etc. These Indexes are being issued County by County. Cornwall, vol. i. has appeared. Blagg (Thomas M.). Catal. of Fhillimore's Farish Register Series. London, 1913. A useful list with a County arrangement. Williams (John Foster). List of Early Churchwardens' Accounts, in his 'The Early Churchwardens' Accounts of Hampshire,' pp. Ixiii.-lxviii. Win- chester, 1913. Cox (J. Charles). Chron. List of Wardens' Accounts of the Sixteenth & Seventeenth Centuries, in his ' Churchwardens' Accounts,' pp. 44-52, 353. (The Antiquary's Books.) London, [1913]. Index to Wardens' Accounts, arranged under Counties. {Ibid. pp. 355-359.) Hutchins (B. L.). Lists of reprinted Farish and other Accounts, etc., of the 15th to 17th centxiries. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 9, vol. iv. pp. 301, 4.1-t, 452; vol. V. p. 63. 1899-1900.) Fhilipps (Elsbeth). A List of Frinted Churchwardens' Accounts. {The English Hist. Rev., vol. xv. pp. 335-341. 1900.) Report on the Transcription and Fublication of Farish Registers, etc., 1892, with lists of Farish Registers printed or in MS., etc. Reprint, 1896. Second Report, with Calendar of Registers printed and tran- scribed since the first Report of 1892. Congress of Archaeological Societies, 1896. List of MSS. formerly in the possession of Cathedrals, Monasteries, Colleges and Churches in Engl., Scot. & Irel., & now in the Bodleian Lib. See W. D. Macray, 'Annals of the Bodl. Lib. Oxford,' 1890, pp. 439-450. Ecclesiastical Records. First Report of the Joint Committee of the Convocation of Canterbury on the Collection and Custody of Local Ecclesiastical Records, 1905. (Issued in ' The Chronicle of Convocation,'' 1905, no. I.) Second Report, 1906. {Ibid. 1906, no. III.) Third Report, 1910. {Ibid. 1910, no. II.) Also issued separately. Shaw (William A.). A Hist, of the English Church during the Civil Wars and under the Commonwealth, 1640-1660. 2 vols. London, 1900. The information is largely under a County arrangement. Chronological List of Effigies of Anglican Bishops from 1547 to 1907 (with Biblio. references). See Appendix B, pp. 110-120, of Report of the Sub- committee of the Upper House of the Convocation of Canterbury on ' The Ornaments of the Church and its Ministers,' 1908. The latter Report also contains BibUo. references and authorities. Bond (Francis). Tables of Dedications of English Churches in Selected Counties, in his ' Dedications and Patron Saints of English Chm-ches,' pp. 203- 218. Oxford, 1914. The book has a Biblio. List of Books on Farish Registers, in Gatfield's ' Guide to Books on Heraldry,' 1892, pp. 227-239. The Registers of Frotestant Dissenters. Biblio. note by A. L. Humphreys. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 11, vol. x. pp. 30-31. 1914.) 356 A HANDBOOK TO Calendar and Description of the Monastic and other Chartnlaries in the Fnhlic Record Office. See Deputy-Keeper's Report, 1847, viii. App. II. pp. 135-166. Nichols (J. B.). List of Monastic Cartularies at present existing, or which are known to have existed since the Dissolution of Religious Houses. (Collect. Topog. et Oeneal, vol. i. pp. 73, 197, 399 ; vol. ii. pp. 102,400. 1834-35.) Lists of Monastic Chartularies. See Gross, ' Sources & Literature of English Hist. 1915, p. 493 ; Sims, ' Manual for the Genealogist,' 1856, pp. 14-28, and 'Handbook to Lib. of Brit. Mus..' 1854, pp. 210-220; ' Guide to the Victoria Hist, of the Counties of England,' 1912, pp. 49-120. Fhillipps (Sir Thomas). Index to Cartularies now, or formerly, existing since the Dissolution of Monasteries. Middle Hill Press, 1^39. Birch (Walter de Gray). Fasti Monastici Aevi Sazonici, or an alphabetical list of the Heads of Religious Houses in England previous to the Norman Conquest, etc. London, 1873. Clapham (Alfred W.). List of the principal Remains of the Augustinian Order in England, with Bihlio. References to the best published Flans, in his 'Lesnes Abbey, in the Parish of Erith, Kent.' App. C, pp. 82-84. (Woolwich Antiq. Soc.) London, 1915. Luard (Henry R.). Index and G-lossary to his 'Annales Monastici,' 1864-69, in vol. v. London, 1869. (Chronicles ^ Memorials of Ot. Brit. & Irel.) General Index to Dugdale's ' Monasticum Anglicauum,' in vol. vi. pt. III. pp. 1665J851, of New Edn. 1846, edited by John Caley, Sir Henry Ellis, & Rev. Bulkeley Bandinel. A Hand-Book of Bnglish Bcclesiology (with notes on English Churches, classified under Counties, in Appendix. [Ecclesiological, late Cambridge Camden Soc] London, 1847. Oasquet (Francis Aidan). List of Bnglish Religious Houses, in his ' English Monastic Life,' 1904, pp. 251-317. 2nd Edn. London, 1904. Keyser (Charles B.). A List of ITorman Tympana and Lintels, still or till recently existing in the Churches of Great Britain. London, 1904. (With a County classification and an alphabetical Catal., with Biblio. references.) Madge (Sidney J.). Comprehensive Biblio. on Bells, ' BibUotheca Cam- panalogica,' in his ' Moulton Church and its Bells,' 1895, pp. 78 -98. Cox (J. Charles) and Harvey (Alfred). List of Barly Lecterns, in their ' Enghsh Church Furniture,' 1907, pp. 80-81. List of Churches with Screens and Rood-lofts. {Ibid. pp. 101-143.) List of Fre -Reformation Fnlpits, Hour-Glasses and Stands, (ihid. pp. 148-159. ) List of the principal Church Fonts. (Ihid. pp. 185-231.) List of Stalls and Miseri- cords in Bnglish Churches. (Ibid. pp. 259-261.) List of Seats and Benches in Bnglish Churches. (Ibid. pp. 231-282.) The Lists are arranged under Counties. Biblio. references are interspersed in the descriptions of each. Stride (Bdward Brnest). A Biblio. of some Works relating to the Huguenot Refugees, whence they came, and where they settled. (Huguenot Soc. of London, Proc, vol. i. pp. 130-149. 1886.) Ten Tears' Work of the Catholic Record Soc, with List of Contents of vols, issued 1904-1914, and a short Classified List. By Rev. John H. Pollen. July, 1914. Crippen (T. G.). Barly Nonconformist Bibliography. (Congregational Hist. Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 44, 99, 171, 953, 410; vol. ii. pp. 61, 219, 432. 1901-06.) Biblio. of Congregational Church History. (Ibid. vol. ii. pp. 119-135, .337-338. 1905-06.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 357 Turner (O. Lyon). Original Records of Early ITonconforuiity under Persecution a,nd Indulgence. 3 vols. London, 1911-14. Vol. II. contains County Classification and Indexes. The Nonconformist's Uemorial, by Edmund Calamy. Second edition, by Samuel Palmer. 3 vols. London, 1802-03. The work has a County arrangement. List of Xronccnformist Academies, 1680-1770, appended to ' The Literature of Dissent,' by W. A. Shaw, in ' The Cambridge Hist, of Eng. Lit., vol. x. 1913, pp. 384-387. Evans (George Eyre). Vestiges of Protestant Bissent, being Lists of ministers, Sacramental Plate, Registers, Antiquities, etc. [with Biblio. Notes.] Liverpool 189T. 'The Seconde Parte of a Register,' being a Calendar of niSS. under that title intended for Publication by the Puritans about 1593, and now in Dr. Williams' Lib. London. Edited by Albert Peel, with a preface by C. H. Firth. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1915. Newman ( Josiah). The Quaker Records, in ' Some Special Studies in Genealogy,' pp. 37-65. (The Genealogist's Pocket Library, vol. i. 1908.) Devonshire House Index to Births, SEarriages and Deaths, of which any record is preserved by the Soc. of Friends from circa 1650 to the present time, with List of Registers at Devonshire House with date when earliest records commence. See ante ' The Quaker Records,' by Josiah Newman, 1908, pp. 39-44. Quaker Records. Being an Index to ' The Annual Monitor,' 1813-1892. Edited by Joseph J. Green. London, 1894. Besse (Joseph). A Collection of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers, etc. 1650-1689. 2 vols. London, 1753. Contains Lists of Deaths, etc. Smith (Joseph). A Descriptive Catal. of Priends' Books, or Books written by members of the Soc. of Friends. 2 vols. London, 1867. Supplement. London, 1893. List of Local Histories on SSethodism (arranged under Places), compiled chiefly by George Stampe from his Collection, with a Supplemental List of Local Methodist Histories in George Stamoe's Collection. (Wesley Hist. Sec. Proc, vol. i. pp. 3-14; vol. vi. pp. 70-74. 1*898, 1907.) Gatfield (George). Guide to Printed Books and MSS. relating to English and Foreign Heraldry and Genealogy. London, 1899. Marshall (George W.). The Genealogist's Guide. Guildford, 1903. Privately Printed. The 1893 edn. includes a ' List of Parish Registers, etc' Rye (Walter). Index to ' Records and Record Searching.' Second edition. London, 1897, pp. 193-253. In this Index are incorporated many references to subjects treated of in the works on the Public Records by Cooper, Sims, Thomas, Ewald, Phillimorc, and ScargiU-Bird, which are not dealt with in the book itself. Sims (Richard). Manual for the Genealogist. London, 1856. List of Family Chartularies, etc., pp. 28-29. The Classed Lists of Genealogical and Topographical MSS. in the Dep. of MSS. in the Brit. Museiim greatly amplify the items in this work. Classed Catal. of Printed Books on Heraldry in the National Art Library, South Kensington. London, 1901. Great Britain & Ireland, pp. 17-58. Catal. of WorkB on the Peerage and Baronetage of England, Scotland, and Ireland, in the Library of Sir Cha,rles George Young. London, 1827. Index to Burke's ' Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland ' [3 vols. 1843-49], comprising upwards of 100,000 names mentioned in the work. London, 1849. The Index was issued as part of vol. 3, and also separately. Index of Family Names in Burke's ' Landed Gentry,' 1363, in Bridger's ' Index to Pedigrees,' 1867, pp. 1 78-258. 358 A HANDBOOK TO Index to Pedigrees in Burke's ' Commoners,' originally prepared by George Ormerod (the Cheshire Historian) in 1840. Oxford, 1907. The Index serves for the editions of the work in 4 vols, issued in 1833, and the small-paper edn. of 1837. Phillimore (W. P. W.). How to Write the Hist, of a Family. A Guide for the Genealogist. London, 1887. Supplement, 1896. Contains useful Lists for England, Scotland, and Ireland. Pedigree Work. A Handbook for the Genealogist, with a New Date Book, 1066 to 1914. Second edn. London, 1914. The Family Charter Chest. Hints for the Preservation, Arrangement, and Calendaring of Family Muniments. London, 1905. The Family Historian. A Short initial guide for Writing, Printing, & Illustrating the Hist, of a Family. Part I. London, 1905. This was intended to replace the Author's ' How to Write the Hist, of a Family,' which had gone out of print. No other part was issued. Lea (James Henry). Genealogical Research in England, Scotland, and Ireland. A Handbook. Boston, Mass., 1906. Waters (Henry F.). Genealogical Gleanings in England. 3 vols. Boston, U.S.A., 1901, and New Ser. Pt. I. (A— Anyon). Salem, 1907. A full Index is contained in Vol. II. Bernau (Charles Allan). The International Genealogical Directory. Second edn. Walton-on-Thames, 1909, and Supplements I. -III. London, 1909-11. Pt. 1. is an Index of Names of Persons, with special lines of Research indicated in which they are interested. The First Supplement is ' An Index of Places,' by G. F. Tudor Sherwood, arranged under Counties. Sixteenth Century Marriages. (1538-1600.) Vol. I. London, 1911. Vol. II. not yet published. List of Parish Registers Indexed, pp. vii.-xvi. List of Parish Registers arranged imder Counties, pp. 333-335. The Genaalogist's Pocket Library. 8 vols. Walton-on-Thames. 1908-10. Vol. I. 1908. Chap. I. American Emigrants : How to Trace their English Ancestry, by Gerald Fothergill. Chap. II. The Quaker Records, by Josiah Newman. Vol. VIII. 1910. The Records of Naval Men, by Gerald Fothergill. Hitching (F. E. and S.). References to English Surnames in 1601 and 1602. Indexes with references to Surnames in Printed Registers of English Parishes. 2 Pts. Walton-on-Thames, 1910. London, 1911. Index of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, in English Parish Registers prior to 1837. The foregoing Index was formerly in the possession of Messrs. Stokes & Cox, Record Agents, of Chancery Lane, London, and contained about a million entries. It has now passed out of their hands. Foster (Joseph). Index to the Marriages of the Xohility and Gentry, 1650-1880 (Aa— Alexander), in ' Collectanea Genealogica,' Part IV. 1881. Indexes to Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1383- 1629. [The Index Library.] 6 vols. Brit. Record Soc. London. 1893-1912. Indexes to ' Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica.' London, 1B66, etc. Issued separately for each vol. An Index of Subjects contained in ' The Genealogist.' Kew Series. Vols, i.-xx. Exeter, 1905. Issued separately, and also as part of vol. xx. The Consolidated Index of the Soc. of Genealogists of London. The Index [in MS.] consists of about a million entries of Records of various kinds to which Sub-Committees, representing Parish Registers, Monumental Inscriptions, etc., and Members of the Soc. contribute from time to time. See ' Annual Reports of the Soc' COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 359 Index to ' Oeuealogical Queries and Memoranda,' edited by G. F. Tudor Sherwood. Vol 1. 1896-99. London, 1900. Indexes to the County Visitations iu th.e Iiibrasgr at Middle Hill, 1840, and to a few others in the Harl. MSS. Brit. Mus., the Bodl. Lib., and Queen's College, Oxford. By Sir Thomas Phillipps. Typis Medio-Montanis. 1841. Privately Printed. Sims (Richard). An Index to the Pedigrees and Arms contained in the Heralds' Visitations, etc. in the Brit. Museum. [Arranged under Counties.] London, 1849. Return of Owners of Iiand, England and Wales (exclusive of the Me- tropolis). 1873. (Arranged under Counties.) 2 vols. London, 1875. List of Unclaimed I)orm.ant Funds in Chancery, etc., with an Index. Issued as a Supplement to ' The London Gazette ' every three years. Records of Soldiers [at the War Office]. A Register of Soldiers' Services kept by Officers iu charge of Records, which brings together in one book a great mass of detail with regard to every soldier who serves in the Army, showing his age, date of enlistment, place of birth, military services, marriage, and other details, forming a complete compendium of his life while in the Army. See ' Second Rep. of Royal Comm. on Public Records,' 1914, IL pt. iii. p. 13. Venn (John and J. A.). List of College Admission Registers of the Univ. of Cambridge in introduction to ' The Book of Matriculations and Degrees,' a Catal. from 1544-1659. Cambridge, 1913. Roll of Attorneys-at-Law and Solicitors from circa 1200, in 17 vols., compiled by W. U. Richards. (In the Record Department of the Law Society). Munk (William). The Roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 1518-1825. 3 vols. Second Edition. London, 1878. Members of Parliament. Index to Return of the Names, etc. of every Member in each Parliament, from 1213 to 1885. Printed by order of the House of Commons. 1879 and 1891. Perrin (G. H.). Biblio. of Printed Navy Lists. See ' The Mariner's Mirror,' vol. i. pp. 257-264, 321-3-29. 1911. Fothergill (Gerald). The Records of Xaval Men. (The Genealogist's Pocket Library, ed. by C. A. Bernau, vol', viii. 1910.) Contains full information as to Indexed material, etc. relating to men of all grades in the Navy. Jackson (Sir George). Naval Commissioners from 1660-1760. A List, with Historical Notices by Sir G. F. Duckett. Privately Printed. Lewes, 1889. Return giving in Chronological order, a list of all Rnquiries made into Naval and Military Affairs since 1800, the Reports of which have been published as Parliamentary Papers. Ordered to be printed by the House of Commons, 12 Oct. 1908. Reports from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the State of the Public Records of the Kingdom, 4 July, 1800, with Table of Records, etc. systematically classed, pp. 519-667. Report from, the Commissioners appointed to execute the measures recommended by a Select Committee of the H. of Commons respect- ing the Public Records, with an Account of their Proceedings, 1800-1812. 5 June, 1812. Reports (1st, 2nd, with Appendices, etc.) from the Commissioners on the Public Records, 1800-1819. 2 vols. 1819. General Report of the Commissioners on the Public Records, with an Appendix and Index. 24 Feb. 1837. 360 A HANDBOOK TO Reprint of Statutes, Kules and Schedules governing' the disposal of Public Hecords, by destruction or otherwise, 1877-1913. For Official Use. H.M. Stationery Office, London, 1914. Catal. of English, Scottish, and Irish Record Publications, Reports of the Hist. IVISS. Comm. and the Annual Report of the Deputy Keepers of the Public Records, England and Ireland. H.M. Stationery Office, London. [Issued occasionally.] Index of Titles of Works contained in the ' Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland.' (Rolls Series.) London, 1853, etc. See Gross' ' Sources .and Literature of Eng. Hist.' 1915. App. C, pp. 704-711. Catal. of Works (other than Parliamentary Papers and Acts of Parlia- ment) published by H.M. Stationery OSice. London, Harrison & Sons, 1915. List of Record Works, with Index, pp. 65-104.. Reports of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records. Indez to the Printed Reports of Sir Francis Palgrave, 1840-61. London, 1865. Index to the Printed Reports of Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, 1862-78. London, 1880. Catal. of the Iiibrary of the House of Lords (exclusive of the Legal Section), by Edmund Gosse. London, 1908. App. I. Lists oJ Calendars of State Papers, Record Commission Pubns., Hist. MSS. Comm. ReportSj etc. App. II. List of tlie Peel Collection of Tracts. App. III. Catal. of Treaties. Catal. of Parliamentary Reports and a breviate of their Contents, arranged under Subjects, 1696-1834. London, 1836. Catal. of Papers, etc., printed by Order of the House of Commons, 1731- 1800. London, 1807. General Alphabetical Index to the Accounts and Papers, etc., printed by Order of the House of Commons, 1801 to 1852, 1852 to 1899, 1900-1909. London, 1863-1914. 3 vols. Soule (Charles C). Tear-Book Bibliography, with Tables. (Harvard Law Reineiv, vol. xiv. pp. 557-587. 1901.) Local Records Committee. Report on Existing Arrangements for the Collection and Cxistody of Local Records. H.M. Stationery Office. London. 190-2. Royal Commission on Public Records. Pirst Report of the Commission appointed to Inquire into and Report on the State of the Public Records and Local Records of a Public Nature cf England and Wales. Vol. I. 3pts. H.M. Stationery Office. 1913. A ' Biblio. of the Hist, of the Public Records ' is contained in App. XII. of vol. i. pt. 2, 1912. Second Report & Appendices. Vol. II. H.M. Stationery Office. 191-1-. Below are given a number of headings from the Second Report which are dealt with by the Commissioners in a manner most helpful to the student of local history. The pagination is in each case to the Appendix matter in Pt. II., bat much more will be found In the Report itself over and above what is specified below. The Third Part contains a useful Index to the whole. The Contents of the Commissioners' First Report dealing with Local Records, issued in 1912, will be found in this work embodied under Counties and Towns in the classified arrangement. The Second Report appeared while this book was in course of compilation. App. I. no. 3.— Replies to Questions addressed by the Commission to the several Courts, Registries, Government Departments, and Public Authorities which do not transmit Records to the I-'ublic Record Office. [These questions relate to the condition, etc, attached to research, etc., and as to existing Indexes to the various Records.] The Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House. Pp, 36-37^ Ely Diocesan Registry. Pp, 39-40. Vicar-General's Office, Doctors' Common.^. P. 41. General Register Office, Somerset House. Pp. 43-45. Royal Establishments and Public Offices, Pp. 47-68. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 361 App. I. no. 4.— List of Rooords in the GoTernmcnt House, Guernsey, and in the Government Office, St. Helier, Jersey. P. 75. App. I. no. 3.— Clasaifled List of Official Archives under tlie control of the Ciourts of Justice, Registries, Public Departments, Public Authorities, Trusts or Institutions, and the Dependencies of the English Crown. Pp. 87-90. App. II. no. 3.— Some Notes on the Ancient Ecclesiastical Records now deposited in the Principal Probate Registry. Pp. 92-93. App. II. no. 4.— Report of Inventories, Prerogative Court of Canterbury. By J. C. Challenor Smith. P. 93. App. II. no. 5.— Report (dated ISBoy on the Records of the ' Four Courts ' of the Diocese of London transferred to the Principal Probate Registry under the Probate and Divorce Court Acts of 1857. Pp. 93-'J6. [Contains a reference to the existence of 'A List of the Muniments in the Registry of the Lord Bishop of London in the Cathedral Church of .St. Paul,' about 1764. See p. 93.) App. II. no. 15.— A List of the diflTcrent kinds of Records belonging to the Vicar- General's Office and Court of Peculiars. P. 102. App. II. no. 20.— Note on the Records of the Lord Steward's Department of Hie Majesty's Household. P. 101. App. II. no. 33.— List of the Principal Military Record Offices, with a note on the duties of the officers in charge of Records. Pp. 123-124. App. II. no. 37.— A List of Books and Documents, etc., of a date prior to the 19th Century at the Inland Revenue Department. Pp. 127-128. App. II. no. .39.— A Short Summary of Record.s in the custody of and under the control of His Majesty's Office of Works, other than those in the Public Record Office. P. 128. App. II. no. 41.— Official Memorandum on the Custody of Public Records within Urban Areas. P. 129. App. II. no. 42.— List of the Chief Classes of Documents kept in the Record Room of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries at 3 St. James's Square. P. 129. App. III. no. 8.— Report of an Inspection of the Records of the Palatinate Courts at Preston and Lancaster. P. 141. App. III. no. 11.— Memorandum on the Custody of the Records of the Coroners' Courts. P. 143. App. III. no. 12.— Returns relating to the Custody of Coroners' Records [arranged under Counties). Pp. 145-163. App. III. no. 17.— Report of an Inspection by the Commission of the Records of the Guildhall, London. P. 164. App. III. no. 22.— Report of an Inspection by the Commission of the Records of the Lord Great Chamberlain's Office. P. 167. App. III. no. 23.- Reports of Inspections of the Records of the Ecclesiastical Courts at Lambeth Palace and St. Paul's Cathedral, Dec. 1912 and Jan. 1913. Pp. 167-168. App. III. nos. 27, 28.— Report of an Inspection of the Records of the General Register Office, Somerset House, Jan. 1913. Pp. 170-171. App. III. no. 29.— Report of an Inspection of the Records of the Lord Steward's Depart- ment (Buckingham Palace), Jan. 1911. P. 171. App. III. no. 32.— Reports on the Records of the Royal Almonry, the King's Body- Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard, the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at-Arms, the Coroner of the Verge, the MaslJer of the Buckhounds, the Groom of the Stole, and the Mistress of the Robes, July, 1913. Pp. 172-173. App. III. no. 44.— Reports of Inspections of the Records of the War Office (1910-13). Pp. 178-179. App. III. no. 48.— Reports of Inspections of the War Office Records at Dover (1911 13). P. 181. App. III. no. 49.— Reports of Inspections of the Records of the Admiralty. Pp. 182-lSl. App. III. no. 50.— Report upon and List of Records at Deptford Dockyard. Pp. 184-185. App. III. no. 52.— Report of an Inspection of the Records of the Admiralty and War Office, at Portsmouth (Jan. 1911). Pp. 185-187. App. III. no. 33.- Report of an Inspection of the Admiralty, War Office, and Customs Records at Plymouth [April 1911). Pp. 187-188. App. III. no. 51.— Report of Inspections of the Admiralty and War Office Records at Sheerness and Chatham (1911). Pp. 188-189. App. III. no. 64.— Reports of Inspections of the Records of the Office of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues (1910-11). P. 191. App. IIL no. T7.— Select Summary Lists of the Records of the Courts of Justice, Registries, Government Departments, and Public Institutions. Pp. 197-198. 362 A HANDBOOK TO App. III. no. 77.— Summary List of the Records prior to 1858 in the Strong-Room of the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House, and some m Room A. By J . W. X. Fincham. Pp. 199-204. /Bid.— Summary of the Records preserved in the General Register and Record Office of Shipping and Seamen (1912). P. 207. ibid.— Summary of the Records of the Privy Council Office. P. 209. /&mJ.— Summary Lists of War Office Records. Pp. 211-224. Jbid.— Summary Lists of Admiralty Records. Pp. 225-237. ibid.— Summary List of the Customs and Excise Records, including the Records of the local Excise Offices of the United Kingdom. Pp. 237-248. Ihid. - Summary Lists of the Records in the Cu.«tody of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues. Pp. 248-251. App. IV. no. 10.— List of Documents transferred to the Public Record Office from 1911 to the present time. Pp. 265-267. App. VI. no. 1. - Regulations concerning the admission of Literary Inquiries to the Principal Probate Registry at Somerset House. By F. W. X. Fincham. Pp. 287-288. App. VI. no. 2.— List of Calendars, Indexes, etc., prior to 1858 in the Literary Search Department at Somerset House. By F. W. X. Fincham. Pp. 288-290. App. VI. no. 4.— [Critical] Notes on the Literary Search Department at Somerset House. By Gerald Fothergill. Pp. 290-291. App. VI. no. 15. -Memorandum as to Searches by Solicitors at the Registrar-General's Office in connection with Proceedings in the Courts of Justice. Pp. 296-7. App. VI. no. 16.— List of Registers and Records of which the Originals or Certifled Copies are deposited in the Custody of the Reg. -Gen., Somerset House [states whether indexed or not]. Pp. 297-300. App. VI. no. 20. -List of Official Agents in England, Scotland, and Ireland, appointed for the Sale of Ordnance Survey Maps. Pp. 302-3. App. VI. no. 21. -Regulations concerning the Inspection of Boolcs and Documents Ijelonging to the various Departments of the Government, deposited in the Public Record Office, and open to public inspection. Pp. 303-304. App. VII. no. 1.— Memorandum on the Publication of the Admiralty Records, By C. H. Firth. P. 304. App. VIII. no. 1.— Tabular List of Archive Establishments, with Notes, etc., on the Officers having Custody of Records therein. Pp. 307-336. Hist. MSS. Commission. A Guide to the Keports on Collections of MSS. of Private Families, Corporations and Institutions 'in Qt. Brit. & Irel. Part I. Topographical. Report for Scotland and Ireland. London, 1914. Iiist of Reports issued, Names of Owners of IVISS. whose Collections have been reported on, and places of Deposit, with a Iiist of Collections reported on arranged under Counties. See Appendix to the 'Annual Reports.' Scargill-Bird (S. B.). A Guide to the various classes of Documents preserved in the F.B.O. Third edn. London, 1908. Catal. of the Library of the F.K.O. Third edition. London, 1902. Supple- ment, 1902-1908. London, 1909. [Compiled by T. Craib.] Fublic Record Office. Lists and Indexes [of Records preserved in the Public Record Office]. 1892, etc. For a List of Nos. i.-xl. see Gross, 'Sources & Literature of English Hist.,' 1915, pp. 81-82. 44 vols, have appeared, many containing a County classification. A complete list is given in the ' Catal. of Worlcs published by H.M. Stationery Office,' issued yearly, and which can be obtained gratis from the Printers. See aiite p. 360. Wedgwood (Josiah C). The ' Lists and Indexes ' of Records at the F.B.O. {William Salt ArchcBol. Soc, Collections for a Hist, of Staffs., 1912, pp. 209-259.) A Review of the first 34 vols. Mazwell-Lyte (Sir H. C). Catal. of MSS. and other Objects in the Museum of the F.R.O., with Notes. London, 1915. Martin (Charles Trice). The Record Interpreter. Second edn. London, 1910. ■Wright (Andrew). Court-Hand Restored, etc., with an Appendix containing the Names of Places in Gt. Brit. & Irel. Tenth edn., edited by Chiles Trice IVIartin. London, 1912. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 363 Classified Catal. of the HISS, in the British Illusenm. 108 vols. (In the Students' Room of the Dep. of MSS. at the Museum.) For a list of the divisions of the Catal. see antt p. 349. Andrews & Davenport, ' Guide to the MS. Materials, etc.,' 1908. pp. 6-7. Index to the Charters and Bolls in the Department of MSS. at the Brit. Museiun. Vol. I. (Index Locorum). By Henry John Ellis and Francis B. Bickley; Vol. II. (Religious Houses and other Corporations, and Index Locorum, 1882-1900). By Henry John Ellis. London, 1900, 1912. Annual Ketnrn to Parliament of the Brit. Museum. (Contains statements as to progress in the arrangement and description of the Collections, Lists of Acquisitions, to the various Departments, etc.) H.M. Stationery Office, London. List of Catalogues, Guide Books, and other Publications published by the Trustees of the Brit. Museum. [Gratis.] Guide to the use of the Keading Boom, British Museum, with lists of Catalogues of Books, Bibliographies, Maps, Newspapers, etc., and Synopsis of the Rules of the General Catal. of Printed Books. London, 1912. Turner (W. K.). Calendar of Charters & Bolls preserved in the Bodleian Lib. Oxford, 1878. For notes on this Work and the Author, see Macray's 'Annals of the Bodleian,' 1890, p. 392. Index to the Catal. of the Bawlinson MSS. in the Bodleian Lib., by W. Dunn Macray, in 'Catal. Cod. MSS. Bibl. Bodl.,' Part V. fasc. I., II. Oxon., 1862-78, pp. 565-592. Lists of Printed Catalogues of MSS. in European Languages in the Brit. Museum, the Bodl. Lib. at Oxford, the Canxbridge TJniv. Lib., etc. See ' Books in Manuscript,' by Falconer Madan, 1893, App. B, pp. 166-174.. Black (William Henry). Catal. of the Arundel MSS. in the Lib. of the Coll. of Arms. Privately Printed for Sir Charles Young. London, 1829. Two MS. Catalogues are in the Brit. Museum ; Lansd. MS. 689, and Hargrave MS. 497. See also note in John Martin's ' Biblio. Catal. of Books Privately Printed,' 1854, p. 384. Fiucham (P. W. X.). A rough List of all the Ancient Becords in the Strong Boom, Somerset House Probate Begistry. [For Official Use at Somerset House.] See Second Rep. Royal Comm. on Public Records, 1914, vol. ii. pt. 3, p. 51. Todd (H. J.). Catal. of the Archiepiscopal MSS. at Lambeth Palace. London, 1913. Marshall (George W. ). A Handbook to the Ancient Courts of Probate and Depositories of Wills. London, 1895. A List of the District Probate Registries of the High Court of Justice appears in the ' Law List' annually. Bartholomew (John George). The Cartography of England and Wales. A List of the Principal Maps and Atlases from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, in his ' Survey Atlas of England & Wales.' Edinburgh, 1903, pp. 25 27. The Survey Gazetteer of the British Isles, Topographical, Statis- tical and Commiercial. Edinburgh, 1914. Fordham (Sir Herbert G.). Studies in Carto-Bibliography, British and French, and in the Biblio. of Itineraries and Boad-Books. Oxford, 1914. British & Irish Itineraries & Road-Books, pp. 23-60. Descriptive Catalogues of Maps. Their arrangement and the details they should contain, pp. 92-118. An Itinerary of the 16th. cent. ' La Guide des Chemins d'Angleterre, by Jean Bernard. Paris, 1579, pp. 120-127. A Biblio. of Works of Reference relating to British & French Topography and Cartography, pp. 169-174. A HANDBOOK TO Fordham (Sir Herbert Q.). Descriptive Catalogues of Maps. {Biblio. Soc. Trans., vol. xi. pp. 135-164.. iyi2.) Notes on the Cartography of the Counties of England and Wales. Hertford, 1908. Notes on British & Irish Itineraries and Eoad-Books. Hertford, 1912. Koad-Books and Itineraries Bibliographically considered. [Re- printed from 'Trans, of the Biblio. Soc.,' vol. xiii.] 1916. Catal. of the Printed Maps, Charts and Plans in the Brit. Museum. 2 vols. London, 1885. An interleaved copy with additions up to date, in 46 vols, is in the Reading Room, and forms the present Catal. of Maps. Catal. of the MS. Maps, Charts & Plans, and of the Topographical Draw- ings in the Brit. Museum, by John Holmes. 3 vols. London, 1844-61. Catal. of Maps, Prints, Drawings, etc., in the King's Lib. of the Brit. Museum. London, 1829. Chubb (Thomas). A Descriptive List of Atlases of Great Britain and Ireland. [Ready for Publication.] General I:xdex to ' The Itinerary of John Leland, in or about 1535-1543,' in vol. V. pp. 345-352, ed. by Lucy Toulmin Smith. 5 vols. London, 1907-10. For a Biblio. of Leland, see Edvi'ard Burton's ' Life of John Leland ' (the First English Antiquary). London, 1896. Wesley's Journals. A complete and classified Inde:: (to suit all editions) of the Journals of the Eev. John Wesley, by Rev. Henry Skewes. London, 1872. Dictionary of the Parishes, Townships, Hamlets, etc., in England and Wales. London, 1879. Alphabetical List of Parishes and Places in England and Wales. H.M. Stationery Office. London, 1897. Itineraries and Tours. See ' General Catal. of Printed Books in the Lib. of the British Museum,' under England, pp. 1331-1347. Smith (Edward). Biblio. of Tours by Foreigners in England, in his ' Foreign Visitors in England,' 1889, pp. viii.-xvi. (The Book-Lover's Library, ed. by H. B. Wheatley.) Summary of the Publications of the Ordnance Survey of the United Eingdom, with Indexes to the Scale Maps, etc. London. [Issued annually. ] Ordnance Suwey of Great Britain : England and Wales. Indexes to the 1/2500 and 6-inch Scale Maps, and Small Specimens of different Maps published, [n.d.] Garlick (F. O.). MS. Catal. of the Richard Gough Collections of Xvlaps, Prints aizd Drawings, in the Bodleian Lib. at Oxford. Ellis (W. P.). Index to the Gough Prints and Drawings in the Bodl. Lib. at Oxford. [In preparation.] Catal. of Topographical Drawings and Prints, by John Buckler and others, illustrative of the Counties of England. See ' Catal. of the Hoare Lib. at Stourhead,' by J. B. Nichols, 1840, pp. 192-138. Topographical Index to measured Drawings of Architecttire which have appeared in the principal British Architectural Publications. H.M. Stationery Office. London, 1908. Lindsay (James Ludovic), Earl of Crawford. Handlist of Proclamations issued by Koyal and other Constitutional Authorities, 1714 1910, with an Index of Names and Places. (Bibliotheca Lindesiana, vol. viii.) Wigan, 1913. Privately Printed. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 365 Lindsay (James Ludovic), Earl of Crawford. Catal. of a Collection of Eng'lish Ballads of the I7th. and IStli. csntiiries printed for tlie most part in black letter. (Bihliotheca Lindesiana.) Aberdeen, 1890. Privately Printed. Contents. Ballads, in alphabetical order. List of Printers, Publishers, and Booksellers. General Index. Titles of Ballads in Thackeray's List. Titles of Ballads in the Huth and Euing Collections. Catal. of English Broadsides, ISOS-ISSIT, with Preface by Lord Crawford and Introduction by J. P. Edmond. (Bibliotheca Lindesiana.) Aberdeen, 1898. Privately Printed. [The student of local history has long seen the importance of studying single sheet literature and Ballad journalism so as to unearth any old Local Ballads, Garlands, Broadsides, etc., as well as more important and authoritative sheets such as Proclamations. These are of both topographical as well as historical and typo- graphical value, and from the time of Pepys and indeed earlier they have been collected with enthusiasm by the few. They reflect the opinions of the day upon special subjects or events. The Ballad and the Broadside were forerunners of the pamphlet. Under the headings of numerous counties, there are given in this work refer- ences to the literature of local Ballads, etc., but I think it necessary here under the General heading of 'England ' to refer to the various sources which exist for the study of street journalism and single local sheets in general. The pioneers of the study of this branch of our subject were the promoters of the Percy Society in 1840, and J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps who worked independently for many years. In 1S68, llobert Lemon issued his valuable 'Catal. of Prmted Broad,iides in the possession of the Soc. of Antiquaries,' and in 1S6S, the Ballad Society began the publication of the Roxburghe, the Bagford, and other Collections of Street Ballads; Frederick J. Furnivful, William Chappell, and E. F. llimbault being chiefly concerned in this admirable work, followed by J. V/. Kbsworth, who gp.\-e up the greater part of his life to it. There is no necessity to pursue the history of the subject further, except to allude to the muiiifiecnt and princely contributions made by the late Lord Crawford, references to whose chief publications are here given.] Steele (llobert Reynolds). Biblio. of Royal Proclamations of the Tvidor and Stuart Sovereigns, etc., 1435- 11714, vol. i. England and 'Wales, vol. ii. Scotland and Ireland. {liildiotheca Lindesiana, vols, v.-vi. 1910.) A most important section deals with Collections, and where preserved. Halliwell-Fhillipps (J. O.). A Catal. of Proclamations, Broadsides, Ballads, and Foems, presented to the Chatham Ziihrary, Manchester, by J. O. Halli-well. 1851. Privately Printed. —— A Catal. of Chapbooks, Garlands, and Popular Histories in the possession of J. O. Halliwell. 1849. The Ballad Society. Publications. 38 parts. London, 1868-1899. Certain sections of this magnificently edited series have Indices, but the General Index which Joseph Woodfall Ebsworth had prepared in part has never been com- pleted. The work as it stands is a monument of learning and curious local lore. The two final parts of the Roxburghe Ballads contain the most important notes for the researcher. Gray (Seorge John). A G-eneral Index to JSazlitt's ' Handbook ' and ' Biblio. Collections,' 1S6?-1S89. London, 1893. Newton (T. 'W.). Catal. of Old Ballads in the possession of Prederic Ouvry. London, 1877. Privately Printed. Catal. of Books in the Library of the Brit. Museum printed in England, etc., up to 1640. 3 vols. London, 1884.. See Index In vol. iii. under Ballads. For Collections of Ballads, see the General Cat. of Printed Books under ' Ballads. ' The Brit. Museum at one time considered the question of issiiing a complete Catal. of its BaUada (see article by J. Winter Jones in 'North British Review,' Nov. 1846). The Collections of Ballads in the Museum Include the Roxburghe and Bagford Collec- tions and several others. At present each Ballad is entered in the General Catal. under its title. 366 A HANDBOOK TO Fepys's Collection of Engrlish. Broadside Ballads at Magfdaleue CoUegfe, Cambridge. This is probably the largest Collection in existence outside B^ Brit. Museum. See ante under London, p. 161. ^ Smith (John Russell). A Catal. of an unique Collection of ancient Bnglish Broadside Ballads printed entirely in the Black Letter. London, 1856. This is known as the Euing Collection and is now in the Glasgow University Library. CoUmann (Herbert L.). Ballads and Broadsides, chiefly of the Eliza- bethan period, now in the Library at Britwell Court, Bucks. Koxburghe Club. 1912. Welsh (Charles). Catal. of English and American Chap-books and Broad- side Ballads in Harvard College Lib., Cambridge, mass. (Harvard Univ. Lib. Biblio. Collections, No. Ivi. 1905.) Symonds (K.), Brown (Arthur), and Coze (H. O.). Catal. of the Douce Collection in the Bodleian Lib. at Oxford. 1840. See Macray's < Annals,' 1890, p. 328. For details of Ballads, Chapbooks, etc., in the Anthony Wood Collection in the Bodleian, see Introduction to ' The Life and Times of Anthony Wood,' by Andrew Clark, vol. i. Ellis (Frederick Startridge) and Hazlitt (W. Carew). Catal. of the Huth Library. 5 vols. London, 1880. List of the Collection of Ballads, vol. i. pp. 85-105. Lilly (Joseph). Catal. of a Collection of Ballads and Broadsides printed between 1559 and 1597. London, 1867. Daniel (George). An Elizabethan Garland, being a descriptive Catal. of Seventy Black Letter Ballads printed between 1559 and 1597, in the possession of George Daniel of Canonbury. London, 1856. This was Daniel's private issue of the Catal. published by Lilly, 1867. Only 25 copies printed. Collier (John Payne). A Collection of Old Ballads anterior to the reign of Charles I. Percy Society. London, 1840. The Bagford Ballads. Edited by J. W. Ebsworth. 2 vols. The Ballad Soc, 1876-78. and Supplement, 1880. See also 'John Bagford & his Collections,' by W. Y. Fletcher (Biblio. Soc, vol. iv.), and 'On the Track of John Bagford,' (Biblio. Soc, vol. iv.). Evans (Thomas). Old Ballads, historical and narrative, with some of modern date, etc. New Edition, revised and enlarged by Robert Harding Evans. 4) vols. London, 1810. Catal. of the Books, Tracts, Ballads, Prints, etc., of William Hone. Sold by Henry Southgate & Co., London, 25 Feb. 1843. The Ballads, Tracts, etc., collected by Hone for forming 'The Every Day Book.' Grant (Prancis). Catal. of the extraordinary Collection of Broadsides, Proclamations, Black Letter Ballads, etc., of the late Col. Francis Grant. Sold by Sotheby's, 9 May, 1900. Popular Ballads of the Olden Time, selected and edited by Frank Siduwick Series I.-III. London, 1903-06. List of Books for Ballad Study (a. The Literary Hist, of Ballads ; h. Collec- tions of Ballads), pp. lii.-liv. Dixon (J. H.). Ancient Poems, Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of England. [Percy Soc] London, 1846. Kodgkin (John Eliot). Catal. of Historical Broadsides, with an Index, in his ' Rariora,' 1903, vol. iii. pp. 1-161. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 367 Catalogues of Newspapers in the Library of the Brit. Itluseum. These Catalogues are in four divisions, as follows :— London and Suburbs, England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, arranged under Places, with an Index to the Titles in each division. Iiist of Newspapers, 1641-1663, in the Thomason Collection at the Brit. Mnseum, in ' Catal. of the Thomason Collection,' 1908, vol. ii. pp. 371- 446. See ante p. 347. Catal. of a Collection of Barly Newspapers, etc., in the Bodleian Lib. at Oxford, formed by John Thomas Hope, compiled by J. H. Burn. Oxford, 1865. See a note on the Collection in Macray's 'Annals of the Bodleian,' 1890, pp. 375-376. A Chronological List of Barly Newspapers, 1640, etc., in ' Life of Thomas Ruddiman, Librarian of Advocates' Lib., Edinburgh,' by George Chalmers. London, 1794. App. VI. pp. 404-442. Williams (Joseph Batterson). Catal. of Periodicals, Newspapers, etc., from 1641 to 1666, in his ' Hist, of English Journalism to the Foundation of the Gazette.' London, 1908. The Beginnings of Bnglish Journalism, with a Biblio., in 'The Cambridge Hist, of English Literature,' vol. vii. 1911, pp. 343-365, 494-503. Ellis & Elvey's Catal. of Early Newspapers, etc. No. 156. London, 1914-15. List of Existing Newspapers & Periodicals of the 17th. and 18th. centuries, arranged chronologically, in 'Willing's Press Guide,' 1916, pp. 419-420. A Dictionary of Printers and Booksellers in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of Foreign Printers of English Books, 1557-1640. By H. G. Aldis, Robert Bowes, E. R. McC. Dix. General Editor, R. B. McKerrow. Biblio. Soc. London, 1910. AUnutt (W. K.). Bnglish Provincial Presses, with Biblio. Notes. {Bibliographica, vol. ii. pp. 23, 150, 276. 1896.) Mr. AUnutt's Collections and Notes relating to Printing are in the Greenwood Library of Bibliography at the Mancliester Public Library. Notes on the Introduction of Printing-Fresses into the smaller Towns of England and Wales, after 1750, to the end of the IStn cent. {The Library, New Ser. vol. ii. pp. 242-259. 1901.) Notes on Printers and Printing in the Provincial Towns of England and Wales. Oxford, 1878. London, 1879. Martin (John). A Biblio, Catal. of Books Privately Printed. 2 vols. London, 1834, and Second Edition, 1854. An interleaved copy in the Brit. Mus. Lib. has MS. notes by the Author. List of Catalogues of English Book-Sales, 1676-1900, now in the British museum. London, 1915. List of Catalogues of Books and MSS. sold by Auction, Booksellers and Library Catalogues. See ' Bibliotheca Lindesiana.' Catal. of the Printed Books at Haigh Hall, co. Lanes., 1910, cols. 1450-1502. A General List of Provincial Booksellers (arranged under Towns). {Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 10, vol. v. pp. 141, 183, 242, 415 ; Ser. 11, vol. i. pp. 304, 363 ; vol. ii. pp. 52, 112. 1906-10.) 368 A HANDBOOK TO SCOTLAND. List of Works in the Hew York Public Lib. relatinir to Scotland, compiled by George F. Black. (New York Public Lib. Bulletin, vol. xviii. 1914.) The List includes articles in Magazines and in publications oil learned Societies. It has since its periodical issue been greatly enlarged, and is now reissued in 1 vol. with an Index. Creneral Catal. of Printed Books in tlie Library of the Brit. Museum. 'Scotland.' A separate vol. containing works that are not entered in the General Cat. under the authors' names or elsewhere, and comprising ofEcial and anonymous publications, etc. A Key to the arrangement and an Index to Subheadings is at the beginning of the vol. Terry (Charles Sanford). A Catal. of the Publications of Scottish Historical and Kindred Clubs and Societies, and of the volumes relative to Scottish Hist, issued by H.M. Stationery Oifice, 1780-1908, with a subject index. Glasgow, 1909. Also issued as 'Aberdeen University Studies.' No. xxxix. 1909. An Index to the Papers relating to Scotland, described or calen- dared in the Hist. MSS. Comm. Bieports. Glasgow, 1908. Index volume to ' The Hist, of Scotland,' by John Hill Burton. (Second edition. S vols. Bdinb. 1873.) Edinb. 1873. Index to [the First edition and to the Second edition of thej ' Hist, of Scotland,' by Patrick Praser Tytler. Edinb. 1850. Both indexes were issued in 1850. Index to ' Caledonia, or an Historical Sc Topographical Account of I7orth Britain,' by George Chalmers. [7 vols. Paisley, 1837-1902.] Paisley, 1909. A List of Books relating to Scotland and the Scots, preserved in the Kefereucs Department of the Wigan Public Lib., by H. T. Folkard. Wigan, 1910. Brown (Peter Hume). Hist, of Scotland to the present time. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1911. Biblio. vol. i. pp. 322-328; vol. ii. pp. 359-366; vol. iii. pp. 387-394. Catal. of the Printed Books in the Sig'net Lib., Edinburgh. 2 pts. Supplement and List of MSS. Edinb. 1871-82. Second Supp. 1882-87, with a Subject Index to the whole Catal. 1891. List of Books added, 1388-1911. Edinb. 1889-1913. Catal. of the Printed Books in the Lib. of the Faculty of Advocates. 7 vols. Edinb. 1863-79. Catal. of Books in the Lib. of the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow, with Index of Subjects, by John Muir. Glasgow, 1903. For books on Scotland generally, see Index of Subjects, pp. 1008-1018. Sibbald (Sir BiObert). An Account of the Writers, antient and modern, Printed, and MSS. not Printed, which treat of the Description of North-Britain, called Scotland, as it was of old, and is now at present, with a Catal. of the Mapps, Prospects, etc. Edinb. 1710. (In 'A Collection of several Treatises in Folio concerning Scotland, etc.,' by Sibbald, 1739.) For Notes on Sibbald's Collections in the Advocates' Library, see ' Macfarlane's Geographical Collections,' ed. by Sir Arthur Mitchell, vol. ii. pp. vi.-li. Scottish Hist. Soc. 1907. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 869 Sibbald (Sir Robert.) An Advertisement and General Queries for the Description of Scotland, 1682. {The Bannatyne Miscellany, vol. iii. pp. 369-380.) The Bannatyne Club. Edinb. 1855. General Index and Index of Illustrations to the Proceedings of the Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland, vols, i.-xxiv. 1851-90. Edinb. 1893. Smellie (William). An Historical Account of the Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland. (Arcliceologia Scotica, vol. 1. pp. iii.-xxxiii. 1792.) Scottish Exhibition of National History, Art, and Industry, Glasgow, 1911. Palace of History. Catal. of Exhibits (Portraits, Sir Walter Scott Literature. Ramsay Literature, Burns MSS., Burghal Deeds, Maps, etc.). Glasgow, 1911. Catal. of Antiquities, Works of Art, and Historical Relics, exhibited at the Meeting of the Archaeol. Inst, of Gt. Brit, at Edinburgh, 1856. Compiled by Albert Way. Edinb. 1859. Notices relative to the Bannatyne Club, including Critiques on some of its Publications. Edited by James Maidment. Edinb. 1836. 50 copies only printed for private circulation . Bannatyniana. Catal. of the Privately Printed Publications of the Bannatyne Club from 1823 to 1848, with an Introductory Note and Illustrative Notes by Thomas George Stevenson. Edinb. 18-18. Catal. of the Books printed for the Bannatyne Club since its institu- tion in 1823. Edinb. 1867. Catal. of Books printed for the Abbotsford Club since its institution in 1833. Edinb. 1866. A Great Scottish Book-printing Society: The Maitland Club. A Paper by J. W. Ewing read before the Glasgow Bib. Soc, Feb. 1915. Stuart (John). Notices of the Spalding Club, with the Annual Reports, Lists of Members and Works printed for the Club, 1839-71. Edinb. 1871. Lyman (Alice). Reading List on Scotland. {New York Slate Lib. Bull., No. 113. 1907.) Bibliotheca Historica, Scotica, Curiosa et Rarissima. Descriptive Catal. of Interesting, Curious and Rare Books, pertaining chiefly to the Hist., Anti- quities, Topography, and Poetry of Scotland, including the largest Collection in Scotland of the Privately Printed Books issued by various Literary Societies. On Sale by Thomas George Stevenson. Edinburgh, n.d. A valuable store o( Biblio. information. Laing (William). Supplement to a Catal. of Books connected with the Hist. & Literature of Scotland, on sale by William Laing. Edinburgh, 1819. See 'Glasgow Courier,' 31 May, 1832. 'At its date probably the best record in existence of early Scottish Literature.'— David Murray. Catal. of the Lib. of David Constable, containing an extraordinary assemblage of rare and curious Books and IlltSS. 22 days' Sale at Edinburgh, 1828. Catal. of the Lib. of William Barclay David Donald TurnbuU, consisting of Books on English and Scottish Topography, etc. Sold by C. B. Tait and T. Nisbet, Edinburgh, 12 Nov. 1851. Catal. of the Lib. of David Laing, comprising an extraordinary Collection of Works by Scottish Writers and relating to Scotland, Sold by Sotheby's, 1 Dec. 1879, 5 Ap. 1880, 20 July 1880, 21 Feb. 1881. The Laing Collection of MSS. chiefly relating to Scotland is in the Edinburgh Univ. Lib, 370 A HANDBOOK TO List of Communications to the Soc. of AuticL- of Scot, by David Laing. (Soc. Ant. Scot. Proc, vol. xiii. pp. 6-16. 1879.) De Kely (Fernand) and Bishop (Sdmuud). A List of Scotch Inventories, in their ' Biblio. Gen. des Inventaires Impriraes,' Paris, 1892, pp. 74-86. Catal. of the Library at Abbotsford, compiled by John George Cochrane, with a Preface by John Gibson Lockhart. [The Maitland Club.] Edinb. 1838. A group of works on Scottish Hist., pp. 1-23. Collections of Ballads and Songs, pp. 32, 57, 156, 288. Inventories of Ecclesiastical Records of JTorth-S! astern Scotland, compiled by the Church Records Committee of the Council of the New Spalding Club. {The Miscellany of the New Spalding Cluh, vol. 1. pp. 163-356. 1890.) Turubnll (W. B. D. D.). Fragmenta Scoto-Monastica. memoir of what has been already done, and what Materials exist towards the formation of a Scotish Monasticon. Edinburgh, 1842. List of Scottish Monastic Chartnlaries. See Sims' ' Manual for the Genea- logist,' 1856, p. 98. See also ante p. 356. Leith (William Forbes). Fre-Reformation Scholars in Scotland in the XVIth. Century. Their Writings, etc., with a Biblio., and a list of Graduates from 1500 to 1560. Glasgow, 1915. Biblio., pp. 23-98. Index to Biblio., pp. 154>-155. Biblio. des Livres publics a Faris et a Lyon par les Savants ^cossais refugies en France au XVI^ siecle. Paris, 1912. Bellesheim (Alphons). Hist, of the Catholic Church of Scotland. 4 vols. Edinb. 1887-90. List of Authorities, vol. i. pp. xxi.-xxxiv. Law (Thomas Graves). The Biblio. of the Lives of Two Scottish Capucins, John Forbes and George Leslie, both named in religion ' Archangel.' (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. i. no. 3. 1891.) Handbook and Index to the Frincipal Acts of Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, 1843-68. Edinb. 1869. Cowan (William). The Biblio. of the Book of Common Order of the Church of Scotland. {Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol i. no. ^. 1891.) A Biblio. of the Book of Common Order and Fsalm ^ook of the Church of Scotland, 1556-1644. (Ibid. vol. x. pp. 53-100. 1913.) Johnston (John C). Biblio. of the Scottish Covenant, In his ' Treasury of the Scottish Covenant,' 1887. Mackinlay (James M.). Ancient Church Dedications in Scotland. 2 vols. Edinb. 19)0^14. Biblio. vol. i. pp. ix.-xxiii. ; vol. ii. pp. ix.-xxxvi. Bvans (Creorge Byre). Vestiges of Frotestant Dissent, being Lists of Ministers, Sacramental Plate, Registers, Antiquities, etc. [With Biblio. Notes.] Liverpool, 1897. Scotland, pp. 267-271. Murray (David). Scottish Collectors and Scottish Museums, in his 'Museums.' Glasgow, 1904, vol. i. pp. 151-169. Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions of Scotland. Reports and Inventories. Edinb. 1909, etc. Allen (John Romilly) and Anderson (Joseph). The Barly Christian Monuments of Scotland. A Classified, Illustrated, Descriptive List of the Monuments, with an analysis of their symbolism, etc. {I'he Rhind Lectures for 1892. 3pts. [Soc. Antiq. Scot] Edinb. 1903. List of Books of Reference in pt. ii. pp. 415-419. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 371 Black (George F.). Catal. of tlie ITatioual Museum of Antiquities of Scotland. [Soc. Antiq. Scot.] Edinb. 1893. Edmond (John Philip). Biblio. of the Sculptured Stones of Scotland. {The Antiq. May. ^ Bibliographer, vol. iii. pp. 18S-189. 1883.) Allen (John Komilly). List of Boohs and Papers relating to cup-marked Stones in Scotland, etc. (Son. Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xvi. pp. 139-143. 1882. List of Works on Scottish Numismatics. (New York Public Lib. Bull., vol. xvlii. pp. 1379-1382. 1914, and in enlarged re-issue, ' A List of Works relating to Scotland,' 1916, pp. 737-730.) Laing (Henry). Descriptive Catal. of Impressions from Ancient Scottish Seals, embracing a period from 1094 to the Commonwealth, taken from original Charters, etc. preserved in public and private archives. Edinb. 1850. Supplemental Bescriptive Catal. from 1150 to the 18th. cent. Edinb. 1866. Thomson (Thomas). A Collection of Inventories and other Hecords of the Koyal Wardrobe and Jewel-House, and of the Artillery and Munitions, in someof the Royal Castles, 1488-1606. Privately printed. Edinb. 1815. Mackinlay (James XIL.). Biblio. of Place-Names of Scotland, in his ' Influence of the Pre-Reformation Church on Scottish Place-Names.' Edinb. 1904, pp. vii.-xvii. List of Books on the Place-Names of Scotland. (New York Public Lib. Bull., vol. xviii. pp. 944-947. 1914, and in enlarged re-issue, 'A List of Works relating to Scotland,' 1916, pp. 425-428.) Kogan (Edmund). Onomasticon Goedelicum Locorum et Trihuum Hiberniae et Scotiae. An Index, with identifications, to the Gaelic Names of Places and Tribes. Dublin, 1910. List of MS. and Printed Sources, pp. xi.-xiv. List of Books on Scottish Polk-Lore. (New York Public Lib. Bull., vol. xviii. pp. 1382-1402. 1914, and in enlarged re-issue, ' A List of Wo7-ks relating to Scotland,' 1916, pp. 731-750.) Hackinlay (James M.). ' Folk Lore of Scottish Lochs and Springs.' Glasgow, 1893, Biblio. pp. ix.-xii. Ferguson (John). Biblio. Notes on the Witchcraft Literature of Scot- land, with a List. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. m. pp. 31-12i: 1897.) A Short Biblio. of the Border Gypsies. (Gt/ij.iy ^ Polk-Lore Gazette, vol. i. p. 133. 1912.) List of Scottish Criminal and other Trials. (New York Public Lib. Bull., vol. xviii. pp. 1295-1311. 1914, and in enlarged re-issue, 'A List of Works relating to Scotland,' 1916, pp. 643-659.) Nodal (J. H.). Biblio. of the Scottish Dialects, in ' A Biblio. List of Works illustrative of the various Dialects of England, compiled by Members of the English Dialect Soc' 1877, pp. 133-154. Maidment (James). Scotish Ballads and Songs, Historical and Tradi- tionary. 2 vols. (With Biblio. notes.) Edinb. 1868. Macmath (William). The Biblio. of Scottish Ballads in MS. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. i. no. 3. 1891-92.) The Ballad MSS. of Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe and James Skene of Rubislaw. (Ibid. vol. i. no. 18. 1893-94.) Oeddie (William). A Biblio. of Middle Scots Poets. (The Scottish Text Soc. Pubns. vol. Ixi.) Edinb. 1912, 372 A HANDBOOK TO Olen (Joliu). Biblio. of IXSS. and Printed Works relatingf to Early Scottish, melodies, in his ' Early Scottish Melodies,' Edinb. 1900, pp. xi.-xvi. Watt (Iiauchlan. Maclean). Scottish Iiife and Poetry. London, 1913. List of Notable MSS. referred to, pp. 499-500. Biblio. pp. 501-503. List of Scottish ChapTlooks. {New York Public Lib. Bulletin, vol. xviii. pp. 1576-1593. 19] 4, and in enlarged re-issue, 'A List of Works relating to Scotland,' 1916, pp. 773-895.) Harvey (William). Scottish Chapbook Iiiteratnre. Paisley, 1903. List of Chapbooks, pp. 145-147. Watkins (James Hutton). Early Scottish Ballads, {Glasgow Archwol. 8oc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 438-485. 1868.) The Sempill Ballates, a Series of Historical, Political and Satirical Scotish Poems, ascribed to Robert Sempill, 15G!r-1583, with descrip- tive and Biblio. Notes and Preface by Thomas George Stevenson. Edinb. 1872. Fraser (John). The Hnmorons Chap-books of Scotland. 2 pts. New York, 1873. Decennial Indexes to the Services of Heirs [recorded in Chancery] in Scotland, 1700-1859. 4 vols. H.M. Stationery Office. Edinb. 1863-89. For 1S46-1699, see ' Inquisitionum ad Capellam Regis Retornatanim Abbreviatio.' [Record Commission.] 3 vols. London, 1811-16. Indices with County arrangement in vol. iii. Annual Indexes to the Services of Heirs in Scotland, 1860, etc. H.M. Stationery Office. Edinb. 1871, etc. [In progress.] Paul (Sir James Balfour). A Biblio. of Scottish Family Histories. [In course of compilation.] Index Volume to ' The Scots Peerage,' edited by Sir James Balfour Paul (8 vols. Edinb. 1904-11), compiled by Mrs. Alexander Stuart. Edinb. 1914. Catal. of MSS. relating to Crenealogy and Heraldry in the Lib. of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh. Preface by W. B. D. Turnbull. London, 1853. Ten copies only printed. Compiled exclusively for W. B. D. Turnbull and Sir Charles George Young, Garter King-at-Arms. Iiist of Books on the Heraldry, Blazonry and Seals of Scotland. (Nm York Public Lib. Bull., vol. xviii. pp. 1153-1157. 1914, and in enlarged re- issue, ' A List of Works relating to Scotland,' 1916, pp. 554-558.) List of Books on Scottish Genealogy, (7M. vol. xviii. pp. 1157-1333. 1914, and in enlarged re-issue, 'A List of Works relating to Scotland,' 1916, pp. 558-634.) List of Books on Scottish Surnames. {Ibid. vol. xviii. pp. 1157-1158. 1914, and in enlarged re-issue, 'A last of Works relatimt) to Scotland,' 1916, pp. 558-559.) Grant (Francis James). Index to Genealogies, Birth briefs, and Funeral Escutcheons recorded in the Lyon Office, Edinburgh. (Scottish Record Soe. Pubns., Pt. xl.) Edinb. 1908. Stevenson (John Home). Heraldry in Scotland. 3 vols. Glasgow, 1914. The Records of Early Practice, in vol. i. pp. 103-134. Murdoch (Robert). Biblio. of Works on the Stewart and Stuart Families. (Scottish Notes ^ Queries, Ser. 3, vol. viii. pp. 113-114, 171. 1907.) An Index of Places mentioned in Bernau's 'Genealogical Directory' [includes the Scotch Counties], by Geo. F. T. Sherwood. See the First Supplement to the Second edition of the ' International Genealogical Directory,' 1909. List of Works on Clan History. By Peter John Anderson. (Scottish Notes f Queries, vol. v. pp. 135, 126 ; Ser, 3, vol. i. pp. 190, 191. 1893-1900.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. sn Biblio. of Clan Literature, by Robert Murdoch (afterwards R. Murdoch- Lawrance), with Notes. {Scottish Notes and Queries, Ser. 2, vol. viii. pp. 183- 185. 1907 ; Aberdeen Journal Notes and Queries, vol. i. p. 137 ; vol. li. pp. 116, 203 ; vol. iv. pp. 133, 139 ; vol. v. pp. 192, 197, 245 ; vol. vi. pp. 196, 203, 209 ; vol. vil. pp. 130, 137, 269, 278. 1908-11.) List of Books on Clan History, Tartans, Arms, Regimental Histories, etc. {New York Public Lib. Bull., vol. xviii. pp. 947-953. 1914, and in enlarged re-issue, ' A List of Worlcs relating to Scotland,' 1916, pp. 428-434.) Douglas (Loudon XKI.). The Kilt. A manual of Scottish National Dress, with a Biblio. of Scottish Dress. Edinb. 1914. Scott (John). A Biblio. of Printed Documents and Books relating to the Scottish Company, commonly called the Darien Company. Revised by George P. Johnston. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. yi. pp. 19-70. 1904.) Additions and Corrections, by G. P. Johnston. {Ibid. vol. vi. pp. 159-179. 1906.) Dunbar (Sir Archibald Hamilton). Scottish Kings. A Revised Chrono- logy of Scottish Hist., 1005-1625. Edinb. 1899. List of Authors, Books, Chronicles, etc., referred to, pp. 381-392. Second edn. 1906, pp. 389-4.01. Terry (Charles Sanford). A Biblio. of Jacobite History, 1689-1788, in his ' The Rising of 1745, with a Biblio. ' London, 1903. Wyckoff (Charles Trumen). Feudal Relations between the Kings of Engl, and Scot, under the early Flantagenets. [Univ. of Chicago.] Chicago, 1897. Biblio., pp. 155-159. A List of Persons concerned in the Rebellion, 1746, with a Preface by the Earl of Rosebery, and annotations by Walter Macleod. (Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubns., vol. vii. 1890.) The List is arranged according to Districts. Scott (John). A Biblio. of Works relating to Slary, Queen of Scots, 1544-1700. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. ii. 1^96.) An extensive and interesting Collection of Books and MSS. from the 16th. to 19th. centuries, in ' Catal. of the Lib. of John Scott,' sold by Auction, 27 March, 1905, pp. 141-182. Includes the greater portion of the Items lu the preceding Biblio. of Mary, Queen of Soots, and some that are not entered there. Law (Thomas Graves). Mary Stewart. Biblio. of the Period. (In ' Cambridge Modern Hist.,' vol. iii. pp, 810-815. 1904.) Cameron (James). Pirst Provisional Handlist of Proclamations. Diary, Queen of Scots. 14 Dec. 1542-24 July 1567. (Bibliotheca Lindesiana.) Aberdeen, 1891. Steele (Robert Reynolds). Biblio. of Royal Proclamations of the Tudor and Stuart Sovereigns, etc., 1485-1714, vol. ii. Scotland. (Bibliotheca Lindesiana.) Oxford, 1910. Robertson (William). An Index drawn up about 1629 to Charters granted by Scottish Kings, between 1309 and 1413, with a description of the ancient Records of Scotland in 1292, with Indexes. Edinb. 1798. General Index to ' The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, 1124-1707.' 11 vols. 1814-75. H.M. Gen. Register House, Edinburgh. 1875. Return of the Names of every Member returned to Parliament [Parlia- ments and Estates of Scotland, 1357-1707.J 4 vols. 1878-91. Shearer (John E.). Old Maps and Map Makers of Scotland. A complete Hist, of the Cartography of Scotland. Stirling, 1905. Harker (Alfred). On Some Old Maps [of Scotland]. (The Scottish Moun- taineering Club Journ., vol. xiii. pp. 273-281, 310-320; vol. xiv. pp. 18-25. 1915-16.) '6l4> A HANDBOOK TO Douglas (William). Note on Old Scottish Maps. (Ibid. vol. ii. pp. 283-284. 1893.) Catal. of the County Maps and Town Plans of the Ordnance Survey of Scotland, to Jan. 190S. H.M. Stationery Office, London. Cameron (James). A Biblio. of Slezer's 'Theatrum Scotise,' with an Analytical Table of the Plates, by W. Johnston. (Edinh. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. iii. pp. 141-147. 1899.) See also a note on 'Papers relating to the Theatrum Scotiae,' and other Works in the Register House, in Livingstone's ' Guide to the Pubhc Records of Scotland,' 1905, p. 203. Papers relating to the ' Theatrum ScotiES,' and ' History and Present State of Scotland,' hy Capt. John Slezer, 1693-170?, with lists of Plates and Contents in various editions. {2'he Bannatyne Miscellany, vol. ii. pp. 307-34,4.) The Bannatyne Club. Edinb. 1836. Papers relative to Captain John Slezer, in ' Analecta Scotia.' Edinb. 1834, vol. vii. pp. 47-51. Jamieson (John). Life of Slezer, in Jamieson's edition of the 'Theatrum Scotise.' London, 1874, pp. vii.-xv. Papers relating to the Geographical description. Maps and Charts of Scotland, by John Adair, Greographer for the Kingdom of Scotland, 1686-1723. (The Bannatyne Miscellany, vol. ii. pp. 347-388.) The Bannatyne Club. Edinb. 1836. Geographical Collections relating to Scotland made by Walter Macfar- lane, edited by Sir Arthur Mitchell and James Toshach Clark. 3 vols. [Scottish Hist. Soc. Pubns., vols, li.-liii.] Edinb. 1906-08. The Prefaces contain Biblio. notes on the Collections of Macfarlane and Sibbald, with lists, etc. Macbain (Alexander). Ptolemy's Geography of Scotland. {Gaelic Soc. of Inverness. Trans., vol. xviii. pp. 267-288. 1894.) Cash (C. G.). The First Topographical Survey of Scotland, with Biblio. notes on Maps, etc. ('The Scottish Geoff. Mag., vol. xvii. pp. 399-414. 1901.) MS. Maps by Pont, the Gordons, and Adair in the Advocates' Lib., Edinb., with Biblio. of Maps. (Ibid. vol. xxiii. pp. 574-592. 1907.) Bartholomew (J. G.). A Biblio. of the Cartography of Scotland, from the earliest times to present date, in ' The Royal Scottish Geographical Society's Atlas of Scotland,' 1895, pp. 16-18. Mitchell (Sir Arthur). A List of Travels, Tours, Journeys, Voyages, etc., relating to Scotland. (Soc. Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xxxv. pp. 431-638. 1901.) Supplementary List, with Index. (Ibid. vol. xxxix. pp. 500-527. 1906.) Second and final Supplementary List, with an Index. (Ibid. vol. xliv. pp. 390-405. 1910.) See also ' Early Travellers in Scotland, 1295-1689,' Edinb. 1891, and its Supplement, ' Tours in Scotland, 1677 and 1681,' Edinb. 1892, both edited by P. Hume Brown. Leyden (John). Journal of a Tour in the Highlands and Western Islands of Scotland in 1800, with a Bibho. of Dr. John Leyden, by James Sinton. Edinb. 1903. Index to the ' Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal,' vols. i.-z. 1890- 1909, compiled by William Garden & James A. Parker. Edinb. 1911. Catal. of the Western Scottish Possils, compiled by James Armstrong, John Young, and David Robertson. [Brit. Assoc. Glasgow meeting.! Glasgow, 1876. Biblio. pp. 25-28, 93-98, 153-156. Aldis (Harry G.). A List of Books printed in Scotland before 1700, including those printed furth of the Realm for Scottish Booksellers, with brief notes on the Printers and Stationers. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. vii. 1904.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. ms Aldis (Harry Gt.). Scottisli Bibliography. {The Scottish Review, vol. xxix. pp. 101-115. 1897.) Dickson (Robert) and Ediuond (John Philip). Annals of Scottish Printing, from the Introduction of the Art in 1S07 to the beginning of the ITth. century. Cambridge, 1890. Dickson (Robert). Introduction of Printing into Scotland. Aberdeen. 1885. Who was Scotland's first Printer. London, 1881. Duff (E. Gordon). The Two First Books printed in the Scottish Language. (Edinh. Bihlio. Soc. Pubns., vol. i. no. 3. 1893.) Clark (J. T.). Notes on Early Printing in Scotland, 1507-1600. (Librm-y Assoc. Trans. Third Meeting, 1880, pp. 22-29.) Wilson (Robert). Notes on the Introduction of Printing into Scotland. (Hawick Archceol. Soc. Trans., 1913, pp. 95-27.) Johnstone (J. F. Eellas). The Introduction of Printing into Scotland re-studied. A Paper read before the Bdinb. Bibho. Soc, Mar. 191S. Lee (John). Memorial of the Bible Societies in Scotland, with the Additional Memorial on Printing and Importing the Bibles and Lists of the various editions of the Bible printed in Scotland. 2 vols. Edinb. 1824-26. These vols, contain much information relating to Early Scottish Printers. They were issued in connection with the dispute between the King's Printers for Scotland and the Bible Societies, as to the right of the latter to introduce and sell Bibles printed in England. Information anent His Blajesties Printers in Scotland. By Robert and James Bryson against Robert Toung, Printer to Charles I. {Spottiswoode Miscellany, 1844, vol. i. pp. 295-302.) Answers for James Anderson, HisMajestys Printer, and Agnes Campbell, his Mother, to the Petition of Robert Saunders, Printer in Glasgow. [Illustrates the history of the Press in the Reign of Charles II.] (Ibid. vol. i. pp. 303-310.) Conper (William James). Scottish Rebel Printers. Privately Printed. Edinburgh, 1912. Blaikie (Walter Biggar). The Printers to Prince Charles Edward in 1745. (The Scottish Typographical Circular, Apr. 1901.) Mackay (.Xneas J. G.). A Short Note on the Local Presses of Scotland, etc. (Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. iii. pp. 33-35. 1899.) Macleod (Robert D.). The Early Scottish Typefounders. (Scottish Library Assoc. 12 May, 1909.) Cameron (Alexander). Oldest Printed Gaelic Books, in his 'Reliquiae Celticae,' 1894, vol. ii. pp. 524-532. Documents relative to the Printers of some Early Scottish Newspapers, etc., 1G86-1705. (Miscellany of the Maitland Club, vol. ii. 1840, pp. 227-280.) Wallace (W.). Early Scottish Journalists and Journalism. Stirling, 1899. Cockburn (James D.). Beginnings of the Scottish Newspaper Press. (The Scottish Review, vol. xviii. pp. 366-377 ; vol. xxi. pp. 399-419. 1891-93.) The Earliest Scottish Newspaper. An Account of the ' Mercurius Cale- donius.' (Good Words, vol. xlii. pp. 58-63. 1901.) Catal. of Scotch Newspapers in the British Museum, arranged under Places, with a^ Index of Titles. A List>of Scotch Newspapers is in Chalmers' 'Life of Thomas Ruddiman,' 1794, pp. 441-442. Alexander Russell of the ' Scotsman.' A Collection of Obituary Notices. Privately Printed. Edinb. 1876. 376 A HANDBOOK TO Uivea (G. W.). The Biblio. of 'The Scots Magazine.' (The Library, vol. x. p. 310. 1898.) Robertson (Joseph). Sketch of the Hist, of Scottish Almanacs. Reprinted , from Oliver & Boyd's ' New Edinb. Aim.,' 1838, pp. 454-457. {Scottish Notes ^ Queries, vol. x. pp. 145-147. 1897.) List of Scottish Booksellers and of Scottish Book Auctions. See Nichols, 'Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century,' vol. iii. 1813, pp. 689-693, and also ' Notes and Queries,' Ser. 11, vol. i. p. 423, vol. ii. pp. 170, 418. 1910. Cameron (James). A Biblio. of Scottish Theatrical Literature. {Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Pubns., vol. i. no. 4. 1892.) Supplement. (Ibid. vol. i. no. 24. isg*..) Hist. MSS. Commission. A Guide to the Keports on Collections of MSS- of Private Families, Corporations, and Institutions in Gt. Brit. & Irel. Part I. Topographical. Report for Scotland and Ireland. London, 1914. Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland in the Public Record Office, London, 1108-1509. Edited by Joseph Bain. 4 vols. H.M. Register House. Edinb. 1881-88. Calendar of Letters and Papers relating to the Affairs of the Borders of Bngland and Scotland, preserved in the Public Record Office, London, 1560-1603. Edited by Joseph Bain. 2 vols. Edinb. 1894-96. Calendar of the State Papers relating to Scotland and Diary, Queen of Scots, 1547-1603, preserved in the Public Record Office, the British Museum, and elsewhere in Bngland. Edited by Joseph Bain and William K. Boyd. 9 vols. [1517-1588]. Edinb. 1898-1915. Calendar of the State Papers relating to Scotland in the Public Record Office, London. By Markham J. Thorpe. 2 vols. London, 1858. Report from the Select Contmittee appointed to inquire into the State of the Public Records of the Kingdom. 1800. Scotland, pp. 393-495, 657-667. Annual Reports of the Deputy Clerk Register of Scotland [on General Records, Local Registries, etc.]. Edinb. 1807-1868. Livingstone (Matthew). Guide to the Public Records of Scotland deposited in H.M. General Register House, Edinburgh. Edinb. 1905. Bryce (William Moir). Handbook of Records in H.M. General Register House. 1885. Privately Printed. Johnson (J. Bolam). The Scottish Records, in ' The Genealogist's Pocket Library,' ed. by C. A. Bernau, vol. iii. pp. 39-97. 1908. Xlescriptive Catal. of the State Papers and other Historical Documents preserved in the Archives at Hamilton Palace, 1309-1759. {Miscellany of the Maitland Club, vol. iv. pp. 59-208. 1847.) See also ' Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep.', xi. App. VI. 1887. Campbell (Duncan). The Bxcheq.uer Rolls of Scotland. (Gaelic Soc. of Inverness. Trans., vol. xxii. pp. 210-233. 1900.) ITotices of Original TJnprinted Documents preserved in the Office of the Queen's Remembrancer and Chapter-House, Westminster, illustrative of the Hist, of Scotland. Edited by Joseph Stevenson. [Maitland Club.] 1842. Parliamentary Records of Scotland in the General Register House, Edinburgh, 1244-1569. Vol. i. only published. 1804. Palgrave (Sir Prancis). Documents and Records illustrating the Hist, of Scotland, preserved in the Treasury of the Exchequer. (Record Com- mission.) 1837. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 377 Teulet (Alexandre). Inventaire Chronologique des Documents relatifs a I'Kistoire d'Ecosse, conserves anx Archives du Royaume a Paris. [Abbotsfoid Club.] Bdinb. 1839. Fapiers de iltat, etc. de I'l^cosse an XVI^ Siecle, tires des Biblio- theques de France, publies pour le Bannatyne Club d'Edimbourg. 3 vols. Paris, 1852-60. Table A^hab^tique des Noras de Personnes, de Lieux et de Matiferes coiitenus dans les Trois Volumes. Paris [1859]. Robertson (William). An Index, drawn up about the year 1629, of many Records of Charters, g'ranted by the different Sovereigns of Scotland between the years 1309 and 1413, most of which Records have been long missing. Edinb. 1798. Livingstone (Matthew). A Calendar of Charters and other Writs relating to Lands or Benefices in Scotland, in possession of the Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland. (Soc. Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. xli. pp. 303-392. 1907.) Laing (David). A Note on the subject of Protocol Books as connected with Public Records. (Ibid. vol. li. pp. 350-353. 1859.) Innes (Cosmo). ITotes of some MSS. in English Libraries examined while preparing the materials for the 'National MSS. of Scotland.' (Ibid. vol. vil. pp. 362-371. 1870.) Reid (Alexander George). Note as to the Recovery of Three Volumes of the MS. Collections of Scottish Antiquities of Robert Riddell, of Friars Carse and Glenriddell. (Ibid. vol. xxx. pp. 222-324. 1896.) Grant (Francis James). Charter Chest of the Barldom of Dundonald, 1219-1672. (Scottish Record Soc. Pubns., Part L. 1910.) Scottish Burgh Records Society. The Soc. has Calendared and Indexed large quantities of Scottish Records, and issued printed Indexes from 1868 onwards. See 'Complete List of Publications, 1868-1911,' in last vol. published. Index to Extracts from the Records of the Convention of the Royal Burghs of Scotland, 1295-1738. Edinb. 1890. Records of the Scottish Universities. By Peter John Anderson. I. St. Andrews, II. Glasgow, III. Aberdeen, IV. Edinburgh. (Scottish Motes 6[ Queries, vol. v. pp. 162-163. 1892.) The New Club. Founded in Paisley in 1877 to print a series of Works illustrative of the Antiquities, History, Literature, Poetry, Bibliography, and Topography of Scotland in former times. For a List of Publications see ' A List of Works relating to Scotland' (New York Public Lib.), 1916, p. 12. Keith (Theodora). Commercial Relations of England and Scotland, 1603- 1707. [Girton CoUege Studies. No. I.] Camb. 1910. Biblio. pp. 207-210. Biblio. of Scottish Economic History. (Historical Assoc, of Scot. Pamphlet, No. V.) 1914.. TurnbuU (W. B. D. D.). Memoranda of the State of the Parochial Registers of Scotland. [Arranged under Counties.] Edinb. 1849. Dundas (W. Pitt). Detailed List of the Old Parochial Registers of Scotland. Edinb. 1872. Seton (George). Sketch of the History and imperfect Condition of the Parochial Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in Scotland. Edinb. 1854. Cleland (James). Letter to the Duke of Hamilton respecting the Paro- chial Registers of Scotland. Glasgow, 1834. 378 A HANDBOOK TO Iiist of Paris]]. Registers in Scotland. {Northern Notes and Queries, vol. i. pp. 89-90, 130-131 i vol. iil. pp. S7-S8, 143-145 ; The Scottish Antiquary, vol. vlii. pp. 175-179. 1888-94.) Maxwell (Sir Herbert E.). The Early Chronicles relating to Scotland. Glasgow, 1912. Anderson (Alan O.). Scottish Annals from English Chroniclers, A.D. 500 to 1286. London, 1908. Table of References, pp. ix.-xiii. Skene (William Forbes). Notice of the existing JUESS. of Forduu's ' Scotichronicoa.' {Soo. Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. viil. pp. 239-256. 1871.) Additional ITotice of the MS. of Fordun's Chronicle. (Ibid. vol. ix. pp. 13-24. 1873.) Notice of an early MS. of Fordun's Chronicle, the property of Alexander Pringle, of Whytbant. [Ibid. vol. a. pp. 27-30. 1875.) See also David Murray's 'The Black Book of Paisley, and other MSS. of the " Scotichronicon. " ' 1885. Amours (Francis Joseph). Editions and MSS. of ' Wyntoun's Cronykil.' {Philos. Soc. of Glasgow, Proc, vol. xxxiii. pp. 219-231. 1902.) Also appeared in ' The Original Chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun,' ed. by F. J. Amours, vol. i. pp. xliii.-lxvii. Scottish Text Soc, vol. Ixiii. 1914. Craigie (William A.). The St. Andrews MS. of Wyntoun's Chronicle. (Anglia. Halle-a-S. vol. xx. pp. 363-380. 1898.) Wyntoun's ' Original Chronicle.' (The Scottish Review, vol. xxx. pp. 33-54. 1897.) Law (Thomas Graves). Biblio. of John Major and his Disciples (David Cranstoun, George Lokert, William Manderston and Robert Caubraith), in ' A Hist, of Greater Britain, as well England as Scotland,' compdled by John Major, 1521, with Notes by Archibald Constable and Life by JEneas J. G. Mackay [Scottish Hist. Soc. vol. x.]. Edinb. 1892. Giles (Peter). The Earliest Scottish Literature. (In 'The Cambridge Hist, of Enghsh Literature,' vol. ii. pp. 100-132. 1908.) Catalogue of Scottish Writers. Edited by James Maidment. Edinb. 1833. Ferguson (John). Biblio. of the 'Nobilis Scotus ' of William Davissou [b. about 1593, d. about 1669] in his * Bibliotheca Chemica,' 1906, vol. i. pp. 200-201. Finlayson (James). Biblio. of Peter Lowe, Founder of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, in his ' Account of the Life and Works of Maister Peter Lowe.' Glasgow, 1889. Biblio. of Sylvester Rattray (Physician in Glasgow, fl. 1650-1666) published in ' Janus,' Amsterdam, 1900. Biblio. of Barbour's ' Bruce,' in Walter W. Skeat's edn. of ' The Bruce,' pub- lished by ' The Scottish Text Soc' 2 vols. 1894. See also ' Scottish Notes & Queries,' vol. ix. p. 34. 1895. Hewison (James King). Biblio. of Ninian Winzet (1518-1592) in his edition of ' Certain "Tractates, etc by Ninian Winzett.' Vol. i. Introduction, p. Ixxv. [Scottish Text Soc] 2 vols. Edinb. 1888-90. Hutcheson (Thomas S.). Bibliotheca Wallasiana. List of the various Works relating to Sir William Wallace from 1488 to 1858. Glasgow, 1858. Laing (David). A few Remarks on the Portraits of Sir William Wallace. (Soc. Antiq. Scot. Proc, vol. ii. pp. 308-313. 1859.) Biblio. of Robert Baillie, in his ' Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie, Principal of the Univ. of Glasgow, 1637-1662. [Bannatyne Club.] Edinb. 1841. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. S79 Murray (David). Biblio. of George Buchanan, in ' George Buchanan. Glasgow Quatercentenary Studies, 1906,' edited with a Preface by George Neilson. Glasgow, 1907. See also ' George Buchanan : A Memorial, 1506- 1906,' by various Writers, compiled and edited by D. A. Millar. St. Andrews, 1907. Tlie Scot Abroad and the Biblio. of his Writings. (Records of the Glasgow Biblio. Soc, vol. i. pp. 59-65. 1914.) See also Chap. I. pp. 1-130, of ' The Scot abroad,' by John Hill Burton, 1864., on ' The Scholar and the Author.' Innes (Cosmo). Memoir of Thomas Thomson, Advocate. The Bannatyne Club. Edinb. 1854. List of Thomson's Works, pp. 248-251. Index to the First, Second, and Third Series of the Trans, of the High- land and Agricultural Soc. of Scotland from 1799 to 1865. Edinb. 1869 ; Index to the Fourth Series, 1866-88. Edinb. 1888 ; Index to the Fifth Series, 1889-1909 (in 3 pts.). Edinb. 1896-1910. 880 A HANDBOOK TO IRELAND. List of Works in the New Tork Public Lib. relating' to Ireland, tlie Irish Lang-aage and Literature, etc. (New York Public Lib. Bull. vol. ix. pp. 90-104, 124-144, 159-184, 201-229, 249-280. 1905.) Also issued separately. The list includes articles in Magazines and publications of learned Societies. Shirley (Xlvelyu Philip). Catal. of the Library at Lough Fea, in illustra- tion of the Hist, and Antiquities of Ireland. London, 1872. Privately printed. Best (Richard Irvine). Biblio. of Irish Philology and of Printed Irish Literature. [National Library of Ireland.] Dublin, 1913. Of Topographical as well as Philological value. King (Jeremiah). King's Irish Biblio. A Subject Cruide to Irish Books. (Pt. I. of ' Irish Researches.') London, 1903. Casaide (Seamus ua). Bibliographies of Irish Subjects. A Classified List of Bibliographies, arranged under Subject, Author, and Reference. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. iii. pp. 22-23. 1911.) Biblio. of Histories of Irish Counties and Towns. (Arranged under places.) By WiUiam MacArthur. {Notes and Queries, Ser. 11, vol. xi. pp. 103, 183, 315; vol. xii. pp. 24, 210, 276, 375; Ser. 12, vol. i. p. 422; vol. ii. pp. 32, 141. 1915-16.) Lowdermilk (W. H.). Bibliotheca Kibernica. A Collection of scarce and valuable works on Ireland and the Irish People. Washington, U.S.A. 1890 ? Dix (B. H. IXcClintock). Irish Bibliography. The TJse and Need of its Study. {Dublin Penny Journ. New Ser. vol. i. pp. 200, 217. 1902.) Irish Librarians and Irish Bibliography. (An Leabharlann — The Library.) Dublin, vol. i. no. 1. Jan. 1905.) Irish Pirated Bditions. {Ibid. vol. ii. no. 1, p. 67. 1906.) Ireland and the Irish. A Catal. of Works relating to Ireland in the Reference Department of the Wigan Public Lib. Wigan, 1896. Quarterly Supplement of Irish Bibliography, afterwards Quarterly Biblio. of Irish Literature, etc. In ' The Irish Book Lover,' edited by J. S. Crone, vol. i. no. iv. etc. 1909, etc. Power (John). Bibliotheca Hibernica. A Manual of Irish Literature, being a list of all Writings by Irishmen, and Persons enjoying preferment or office in Ireland, and also of Works relating to Ireland, printed in other parts, from the Invention of Printing to the present time, with Biog. notices, Biblio. remarks. Critical Notices, Collations of the rarer articles, to which is prefixed a dissertation on early Printing in Ireland. Dublin, 1865. Irish Literary Inquirer, or Notes on Authors, Books, and Printing in Ireland, Biographical and Bibliographical, Notices of Rare Books. Memoranda of Printing in Ireland, Biographical Notes of Irish Writers, etc. Conducted by John Power. No. 1-4. July 1865— April 1866. London. For a note on John Power and his Biblio. works. See 'The Irish Book Lover.' vol. i. pp. 2-4. 1909. O'Keilly (Edward). A Chronological Account of nearly Pour Hundred Irish Writers, commencing with the earliest account of Irish History and carried down to 1750, vrith a descriptive Catal. of such of their Works as are still extant, etc. (Ibemo-Celtic ISoc. Trans, vol. i. pt. i. Dublin, 1820.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 381 ■ Kistoricns.' The Best Hundred Irish Books, with annotated Index. Reprinted from the ' Freeman's Journal.' [1886.] Blacker (Beaver Henry). Contributions towards a Bibliotheca Hihernica (Irish Eccles. Gazette. No. 1, etc. 1875, etc.) Ware (Sir James). The Hist, of the Writers of Ireland, with an Account of all the Works they published, written in Latin, translated, revised, and continued down to the beginning of the present century, by Walter Harris. Dublin, 1764. Brown (Stephen James). A G-uide to Books on Ireland. Vol. i. Prose Literature, Poetry, Music, and Plays. Dublin, 1912. Vols. ii. and iii. are not yet issued. See also 'The Irish Book Lover,' vol. i. pp. 81-82, 102-104. 1910. Irish Books in the Library of the Brit. Museum. A separate vol. of the ' Catal. of Printed Books ' is devoted to ' Ireland,' and contains publications of a miscellaneous character which are not entered elsewhere under the Authors' names. A Key to the arrangement is at the beginning of the vol. with an Index of Sub-headings. Due (E. R. McClintock). Sug'irestions for Irish Book Collectors. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. i. pp. 144-146. 1910.) Irish Bookbinding. Primary Introduction to its Study. {Dublin Penny Joum. New Ser. vol. i. p. 344. 1903.) Early Book Auctions in Ireland. {The Irish Literary Inquirer, ed. by John Power, no. iii. pp. 29-30. 1865.) Sale-Catal. of the Iiibrary of Thomas Crofton Croker, relating' to Irish History, etc. [Collections of MSS., Historical Tracts, Ballad Literature, Broadsides, Prints, etc.] Sold by Puttick & Simpson, London, 18-20 Dec. 1854. Sale-Catal. of the Library of Denis K. Kelly, containing rare Books and MSS. on the History, Antiquities, etc. of Ireland. Sold by John Fleming Jones, Dublin, 28 Oct. 1875. Sale-Catal. of the Library of Dr. Thomas Willis, senior, containing a remarkable collection of MSS. Books, Maps, Ballads, etc. relating to Ireland. Sold by John Fleming Jones, Dublin, 22 Nov. 1876. Sale-Catal. of the Library of James Weale, relating to the Hist., Literature, and Antiquities of Ireland. [Collections of MSS. in the Irish Language, Proclamations, etc.] Sold by Evans, London, 5-11 Feb. 1840. Weale's ' Collectanea Hibernica Historico- Bibliographica ' was included in the sale ; see entry with descriptive note at p. 53. Great Irish Book Collectors, with notes on the sales of their Libraries. No. I. Dr. John Murphy, Bishop of Cork ; No, II. William Chadwick Neligan ; No. III. WiUiam Horatio Crawford ; No. IV. Sheffield Grace ; No. V. Canon Jeremiah Murphy; No. VI. William Monck Mason; No. VII. Dr. Sheehan, Bishop of Waterford. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. vii. pp. 1-3, 21-23, 38-39, 59-60, 89-90, 107-108, 125-136, 180-181. 1915-16.) The Henry Bradshaw Irish Collection, presented to the Camb. Univ. Lib. in 1870 and 1886 by Henry Bradshaw. {Cambridge University Lib. Bulletin, Extra Series, 1909.) 'A fuU Catal. of the whole Collection is in preparation,' June, 1909. See a note in ' The Irish Book Lover,' vol. i. pp. 134-135. 1910. Mason (W. Shaw). Bibliotheca Hibernicana, 1820, or a Descriptive Catal. of a Select Irish Library, collected for the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel. Dublin, 1823. Privately printed. For a Biblio. Note on the above see ' The Irish Book Lover,' vol. vii. pp. 117-118. 1916. Halliday (Bernard). Catal. of a Special Collection of Books on Ireland, and a remarkable collection of original MSS. and Deeds from 1500 to 1850, relating to the principal families of Ireland, mostly from the collection of Rev, J. Graves. Leicester, 1904, 382 A HANDBOOK TO The Kaliday Pamphlets. A Biblio. Note on the Collection formed by Charles Haliday, presented to the Royal Irish Academy. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. vii. pp. 121-122. 1916.) A Collection of Catalo^es of Irish Books, MSS., Maps, etc. on Sale hy John O'Daly and by Thomas Connolly, Booksellers in Dublin, 1854- 1876. (In the Library of the Brit. Museum.) A Iiist of Irish Booksellers. (Notes ^ Queries, Ser, 11, vol. i. p. 424. 1910.) Arbois de Jubainville (Henri d'). Bssai d'un Catal. de la Litterature Epiciiie de I'Irlaude, pr^c^d^ d'une ^tude sur les manuscrits en langue Irlandaise conserves dans les lies Britanniques et sur le continent. Paris, 1883. Knll (Eleanor). A Text Book of Irish literature. 2 vols. Dublin, 1906, 08. Biblio. vol. ii. pp. 237-346. Catal. of the Literary Collections and original Compositions of William Monck Mason, in the department of Irish History and Oeneral Philology, with a descriptive note. [Comprises Books, MSS., Newspapers, Maps, Broadsides, etc.] Sold by Sotheby's, 29-31 Mar. 1858. See an account of WiUiam Monck Mason and his Library in ' The Irish Book Lover,' vol. vii. pp. 12S-126. 1916. Catal. of the Sixth and Final Portion of the Lib. of Br. John Murphy, Bishop of Cork. Sold by Sotheby's, 18 Dec, 1848. The Irish items are in this portion. The Library was described as 'the largest ever formed by a private individual.' Mackinnon (Donald). A Descriptive Catal. of Gaelic MSS. in the Advocates' Iiib., Edinburgh, and elsewhere in Scotland. Edinb., 1912. ITutt (Alfi-ed). Ossiau and Ossianic Literature. (Popular Studies in Mythology, etc.. No. III.) London, 1899. Biblio Appendix, pp. 51-54. Biblio. of Irish Tales, Sagas, etc. See ante p. 380. Best's ' Biblio. of Irish Philology, etc.', 1913, pp. 78-126. Brown (Stephen James). A Reader's Guide to Irish Fiction. London, 1910. Also an edition, Dublin, 1910. Ireland in Fiction. A Guide to Irish ITovels, Tales, Romances, and Folk-Lore. 1916. An expansion of the preceding work. Maxwell (Constantia). A Brief Biblio. of Irish History. Dublin, 1911. Morris (William O'Connor). Ireland, 1494-1905, revised by Robert Dunlop. [Camb. Hist. Series.] Cambridge, 1909. Biblio. (arranged under periods) pp. 389-403. D' Alton (Edward A.). Hist, of Ireland, from the earliest times to the present day. 3 vols. Dublin, 1903-10. Biblio. vol. ii. pp. 571-576. Condon (J.). A Short Biblio. of Irish History. (An Leahharlann—The Library, Dublin, vol. i. no. 1, Jan. 1905.) Steele (Robert Reynolds). Biblio. of Royal Proclamations of the Tudor and Stuart Sovereigns, etc., 1485-1714. Vol. II. Ireland. (Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Oxford, 1910. For a Chronological List of Irish Proclamations from 1618-1875, see infra p. 385, Reports of the Dep. Keeper of Public Records in Ireland. Gilbert (Sir John Thomas). The Historic Literature of Ireland. An Essay on the Publications of the Irish Archaeol. Soc. Reprinted from the 'Irish Quarterly Review.' Dubhn, 1851. O'Curry (Eugene). Lectures on the MS. Materials of Ancient Irish History, delivered at the Catholic Univ. of Ireland, in 1855 and 1856. Dublin, 1861. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 383 Nicolson CWilliam), Bisiop of Derry. The Irish Historical Library pointing at most of the Authors and Records in Print and Manuscript, which may be serviceable to the compilers of a general Hist, of Ireland. Dubhn, 1724. Dnnlop (Robert). Ireland to the Settlement of Ulster. From beginning of 16th cent, to 1611, Biblio. (The Camhridge Modern Hist. vol. iii. pp. 852-859 1904) ; Ireland from the Plantation of Ulster to the Cromwellian Settle- ment (1611-1659), Biblio. (Ibid. vol. iv. pp. 913-918. 1906) ; Ireland from the Hestoration to the Act of Resumption (ISeO-iyoO), Biblio. (Ibid vol. V. pp. 829-837. 1908) ; Ireland from lVOO-1789, Biblio. (Ibid. vol. vi. pp. 913-924. 1909); Ireland and the Home Rule Movement, Biblio. (Ibid. vol. xii. pp. 856-862. 1910.) Joyce (Patrick Weston). A Social History of Ancient Ireland. 2 vols. London, 1903. List of Authorities consulted, vol. ii. pp. 585-609. Chapters xii.-xv. in vol. i. deal with Irish Literature, Ecclesiastical and Religious Writings, Annals, Histories, and Genealogies, and Historical and Romantic Tales. Murray (Alice Efie). A Hist, of the Commercial and Financial Relations between England and Ireland. London, 1903. Biblio. pp. 445-467. Index to the Transactions of the Royal Irish Acad, from 1786 to the present time, compiled and published in London, 1813, by Nicholas Carlisle. Index to Vols, i.-vii. 1836-61 of the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Acad. [In 'Proceedings,' vol. vii. 1862.] Compiled by WiUiam Reeves, Bishop of Down and Connor and Dromore. List of Papers published in the Transactions, Cunningham Memoirs, and Irish MSS. Series, of the Roy. Irish Acad., 1786-1886. Compiled by Robert Macalister. 1887. Index to the Serial Publications of the Royal Irish Academy (Trans- actions, Proceedings, Cunningham Memoirs, Todd Lecture Series, and Irish MSS. Series) from 1786 to 1906. Dublin, 1912. Douglas (John M.). Sir Charles Gavan Duffy. A Biblio. [The Irish Booh Lover, vol. vii. pp. 177-180 ; vol. viii. p. 17. 1916.) Index to the Journ. of the Royal Soc. of Antiquaries of Ireland, vols. i. to xix. 1849-1889. [Forms vol. xx. of 'Journal.'] Dublin, 1902. Index to the Journ. vols, xxi.-xl. 1891-1910. DubUn, 1915. A Descriptive Catal. of the Antiquities, etc., in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy. By Sir W. R. W. Wilde. 2 pts. Dublin, 1857-61. Hints and Queries, intended to promote the Preservation of Antiquities, and the Collection and Arrangement of Information on the subject of Local History and Truditions. Published by the Kilkenny and South- East of Ireland Archaeol. Soc. Dublin, 1858, Catal. of a Collection of Antiquities formed by Thomas Crofton Croker. London, 1854. Westropp (Thomas Johnson). Address on the Progress of Irish Archae- ology, with Biblio. references. (Soc. Antiq. Irel. Jov/m.,\o\. xlvi. pp. 2-26. 1916.) Wakeman (W. P.). Statement of his Services to Irish Archaeology, with lists of articles contributed to various publications. (Roy- Hist. ^ Archwol. Soo. of Irel. Journ., vol. xviii. pp. 486-490. 1888.) Consolidated Index of Surnames and Place-ITames in the Journ. of the Assoc, for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead, Ireland, vols. i. to vii. 1888-1909, compiled by Miss Vigors and Mrs. Peirce G. Mahony. Dublin, 1914. Martin (William Gregory Wood). Pagan Ireland, an Archaeol. Sketch : a Handbook of Irish Pre-Christian Antiquities. London, 1895. Biblio. of Papers and Works on Irish Pre-Christian Archaeology (arranged by Subjects and Authors), pp. 595-655, 384 A HANDBOOK TO Martin (William Crregory Wood). Traces of the Elder Paiths of Ireland. 2 vols. London, 1902. Biblio. of Papers and Works on Irish Pre-Christian Archaeology and Folklore (arranged by Subjects and Authors), vol. ii. pp. 329-422. Macalister (R. A. Stewart). Studies in Irish Epigraphy. 3 pts. London, 1897-1907. Fetrie (George). Christian Inscriptions in the Irish Language. Edited by M. Stokes, with Biblio. and Hist. Notes. 2 vols. [Roy. Hist. & Archaeol. Assoc, of Irel.] Dublin, 1872, 78. Atkinson (George ISIouncey). Some account of Ancient Irish Treatises on Ogham writing. (Hist, and Archwol. Assoc, of Irel. Jonm., vol. xiii. pp. 202-23G. 1874. Bihlio. of Books on Ancient Irish Inscriptions. See ante p. 380, Best's 'Biblio. of Irish Philology, etc.', 1913, pp. S4-S6. Catal. of Georgian Houses in Ireland, arranged under Counties, with autho- rities, etc. [The Georgian Soc] (Records of \ith cent. Domestic Architecture, etc., in Ireland, vol. v. App. pp. 81-107. 1913.) Joyce (Patrick Weston). The Origin and Hist, of Irish ITames of Places. 3 vols. Dublin, 1870-1913. Vol. iii. is a List of Place-Names with their Irish forms and translations, alphabetically arranged. List of Books on Place Names. See ante p. 380, Best's ' Biblio. of Irish Philology, etc.', 1913, pp. 19-21. Hogan (Edmund). Onomasticon Goedelicum Locorum et Trihuum Hiberniae et Scotiae. Dublin, 1910. See ante under Scotland, p. 371. O'Bonoghue (David James). Feis Ceoil, 1899. Catal. of the Musical Loan Exhibition held in the ITat. Library and Nat. Museum, Dublin, May, 1899. Dubhn, 1899. 'A nearly complete Biblio. of Collections of Irish Music' Skey (William). The Heraldic Calendar; a list of the Nobility and Gentry whose Arms are registered, and Pedigrees recorded in the Herald's Office in Ireland. Dublin, 1846. An Index to the Marriages in 'Walker's Hibernian Mag.', 1771 to 1812, by Henry Farrar, with an Appendix from the Notes of Sir Arthur Vicars, of the Births, Marriages, and Deaths in the 'Anthologia Hibernica,' 1793 and 1794. 2 vols. 1897. Biblio. of Irish Family History. (The Irish Booh Lover, vol. v. pp. 110-112, 151-152. 19)4.) List of Books on Personal Names. See ante p. 380, Best's ' Biblio. of Irish Philology, etc.', 1913, pp. 17-19. Matheson (Sir Robert Edwin). Special Report on Surnames in Ireland, with Notes as to numerical strength, derivation, ethnology, & distribution, based on information from the Indexes of the Gen. Reg. Office. Dublin, 1909. Originally issued as an Appendix to the 29th. Rep. of the Reg. -Gen. for Irel. ■ Varieties and Synonymes of Surnames and Christian Names in Ireland, for the guidance of Registration Officers, & the Public in searching the Indexes of Births, Deaths, & Marriages, with Lists. Dublin, 1890. List of Names of Irish Biographies in the ' D. N. B.', Second Supplement, vols, i.-iii. (The Irish Booh Lover, vol. iii. pp. 205-207; vol. iv. pp. 80-82, 116-117. 1912-13.) Register of Historical Portraits [connected with Ireland]. Edited by Rev. James Graves. (ICilkenny 4' South-East of Irel. Archceol. Soc. Joum., vol. V. pp. 232-238; vol. vii. pp." 138-140. 1858-62.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 385 Bellesheim (Alphons). Geschiohte der Katholischeii Kirche in Irland. 3 vols. Mainz, 1890-91. Each vol. has a good Bibho. List of Irish Monastic Chartularies. See Sims' ' Manual for the Genealogist, et«.', 1856, p. 27. Evans {Qeoxge Eyre). Vestiges of Protestant Dissent, being Lists of Ministers, Sacramental Plate, Registers, Antiquities, etc. [With Biblio. Notes.] Liverpool, 1897. Ireland, pp. 373-306. The Historian of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (The Bev. William Thomas Latimer), with a Biblio. by A. A. Campbell. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. vi. pp. 173-173. 1915.) Irish Quaker Records, dating from about 1650, are preserved at 6 Eustace St. Dublin (Miss Edith Webb, Registering Officer). Irish Record Commission. Reports [1st to 15th, 1810-35] from the Com- missioners respecting the Public Records of Ireland, with Supplements and Appendices. 3 vols. London, 1813-29. A Classified Schedule and General Inventory of the Plea RoUs, Pipe Rolls, Books of Reference, etc. in the Record Tower, Dublin Castle. (8th Rep. 1819, Supp. pp. 79-150.) A Catal. of the Contents of the Parliamentary Record OfBce, Record Tower Dublin Castle. {Ibid. pp. 153-216.) Catal. of Books and Papers in the State Paper Room, Record Tower, Dublin Castle. {Ibid. pp. 220-246.) Catal. of the Reports and Schedules of the Court of Claims in the Surveyor General's Office, Record Tower, Dublin Castle. {Ibid. pp. 248-300.) A Press Catal. of the Records and other Public Documents in the Auditor General's Office, Dublin Castle. {Ibid. pp. 302-352.) Inventory of the Statute and other Rolls, etc. in the Rolls Office, Four Courts, DubUn. {Ibid. -pT?. 35t-520.) A Classified Schedule and General Inventory of the Memoranda and other Rolls etc. in the Chief Remembrancer's Office, Four Courts, Dublin. {Ibid. pp. 522-626.) Classified Schedule of the Contents of the Quit Rent Office in the Customs House, DubUu. {Ibid. pp. 627-632.) Report and Inventory of the Contents of the Prerogative Office, Dublin. {Ibid. pp. 633-637.) Index of Persons in the Grants under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, with Index of the Baronies, Towns, and Liberties in the respective Counties. (County arrangement.) (15th Rep. 1825, App. I. pp. 329-340.) Index Nominum to the Original Certificates of the Court of Claims in the Rolls Office of the Court of Chancery In Ireland. {Ibid. App. II. pp. 341-347.) Index Nominum and Locorum to Inrolments of the Certificates for Adventurers Soldiers, etc. in the Office of the Chief Remembrancer of the Exchequer, Dublin. Compiled by Thomas TyrreU. {Ibid. App. IV. pp. 403-521.) Index Nominum and Locorum to the Inrolments of the Decrees of Innocents in the Oifioe of the Chief Rem.embrancer of the Exchequer. {Ibid. App. V. pp. 526-575.) Index Nominum and Locorum to the Inrolments of the Connaught Certificates in the Office of the Chief Remembrancer of the Exchequer. {Ibid. App. VI. pp. 580-609.) Index Nominum and Locorum to the Adjudications in favour of the (1649) Officers, preserved in the Office of the Chief Remembrancer of the Exchequer. {Ibid. App. VII. pp. 616-647.) Repertory to MS. vols, in the Record Tower, Dublin Castle, with Indexes of Names of Persons and Places. {Ibid. pp. 648-694.) Reports of the Deputy Keeper of Public Records in Ireland. Dublin, 1869, etc. Index to ReporU l.-V. (in 5th Rep.), VL-X. (in 10th Rep.), XI.-XV. (in ISth Rep.), XVI.-XX. (in 20th Rep.), XXL-XXV. (in 25th Rep.), XXVL-XXX. (in 30th Rep.), XXXL-XL. (in 40th Rep.). Reports of Sir J. Bernard Burke. (1st and later Reports, 1869, etc.) Index to Deeds in CoUeotion of Records of Edward Litton. (2nd Rep. 1870, App. III. Schedule of the Records of the Law Exchequer, Equity Exchequer Records, etc. (2nd Rep. 1870, App. III.) 386 A HANDBOOK TO Calendar of ' Fiants ' of Hen. VIII. with Index. (7th Rep. 1875, App. X.) Bdw. VI. with Index. (8th Rep. 1876, App. IX.) Philip and Mary, with Index. (9th Rep. 1877, App. IV.) „ ElizabethdlthRep. 1879, App. III. :12th Rep. 1880, App. v.; 13th Bep. 1881, App. IV. ; 15th Rep., 1883, App. I. ; 16th Rep. 1884, App. II. ; 17th Rep. 1885, App. IV. ; 18th Rep. 1886, App. VI.). Index A-C (21st Rep. 1889, App. III.), D-Z (22nd Rep. 1890, App. VI.). Index to the ' Llher Munernm Publicorum Hibernias ' [compiled by Rowley Lascelles, 1812-301. 2 vols. 1852 (9th Rep. 1877, App. III.). See also a Biblio. note, pp. 6-7 of the same Report. An Index of the Decrees abstracted of the Court of Claimes for the Tryall of Innocents, 1662-1663. (19th Rep. 1887, App. pp. 8i-87.) Index to Calendar of Christ Church Deeds, 1174 to 1684, contained in Appendices to the 20th, 23rd, and 24th Reports. (27th Rep. 1895, App.) Report on Insolvency Records. (22nd Rep. 1890, App. IV.) Catal. of Proclamations from 1618 to 1875. (22nd Rep. 1890, App. V. ; 23rd Rep. 1891, App. II. ; 24th Rep. 1892, App. V.) Report on Bankruptcy Records, 1772-1857. (23rd Rep. 1891, App. I.) 1857-1872. (26th Rep. 1894, App. II.) Schedule of Records of the Manor of St. Sepulchre, Dublin. (21th Rep. 1892 App. VI.) Table of Contents of the Red Book— Exchequer. (IMd. App. VII.) Report on the Karlv Plea Rolls to 51 Bdw. HI. with a Catal. of Justiciary and other RoUs. (26th Rep. 1894, App. III. ; 28th Rep. 1896, App. II.) Index to the Act or Grant Books, and to Original WUls of the Dioc. of Dublin, 1275-1800. (»6th Rep. 1894, App. IV.) Index, etc. 1800-58. (30th Rep. 1898, App.) Correc- tions to Addenda in 26th Rep. (31st Rep. 1899, App. I. pp. 39-88.) Table of the Parochial Records of Ireland, distinguishing the several Parishes, etc. the Records of which are at the P.R.O., Dublin, from those which are in the Local Custodies, corrected to May, 1896. (28th Rep. 1896, App. II.) Reports on MSS. purchased at Sale of Sir Thomas Phillipps' Library. (30th Rep. 1898, App. I.) Reports on Records of the Clerks of the Crown and Peace. (32nd Rep. 1900, App. Reports on the Books of the Treasury and Accounting Departments of Irel. (33rd Rep. 1901, App. II.) List of Original Barony Maps of the Down Survey formerly in the Headfort Collection. (34th Rep. 1902, App. I.) Report on Registers of Irregular Marriages, 1799-1844. (Ibid. App. II.) List of Classes of Records found in sacks from former Record OiHce in Custom House. (35th Rep. 1903, App. I.) Catal. of Accounts on the Pipe Rolls of the Irish Exchequer, Hen. III. to Ix. Kdw. III. (35th Rep. 1903, to 39th, 1907 ; 42nd, 1911, to 4tth, 1912.) Report on Records transferred from former Landed Estates Record Office. (40th Rep. 1908, App. I.) List of Parishes for which Registers of Baptisms are preserved in the Record Office. (41st Rep. 1909, App. I.) List of Parishes for which Returns to Visitations supply defloiencies in Parish Registers. {Ibid. App. II.) List of Deeds deposited by Edward J. French. (43rd Rep. 1912, App. 1.) Calendar of Docnmeuts relating to Ireland in the Public Record Office, London, 1171-130?. Edited by H. S. Sweetman and G. F. Handcock. [Rolls Series.] 5 vols. London, I87S-86. Reports from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the State of the Public Records of the Kingdom, 1800. (Reports to House of Commons, 1800, vol. xv.) Collections of Records in Dublin and elsewhere. (Local Records Comm. Bep. 1902, App. III. pp. 102, 256, 286.) Hist. lUCSS. Comm. A Guide to the Reports on Collections of MSS. of Private Families, Corporations and Institutions in Crt. Brit. & Irel. Pt. I. Topographical. London, 1914, COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 387 An Acconiit of the ProceediuEfs taken for the Recovery, Arrangfement, and Preservation of the Public Records of Ireland. (Tk» Monthly Museum, Dublin, vol. i. pp. 397-399 ; vol. ii. pp. 140-142. 1814) List of Books containingr Facsimiles of Irish MSS. See ante p. 380. Best's ' Biblio. of Irish Philology, etc.', 1913, pp. 63-68. Oilbert (Sir John T.). Record Revelations. A Letter on the Public Records of Ireland and on the ' Calendars of Patent and Close Rolls of Chancery in Ireland,' recently published. London, 1863. Record Revelations Resumed. A Letter on statements in Parliament on the Public Records of Ireland, and on the ' Calendars of Patent and Close Rolls of Chancery in Ireland,' lately published. By an Irish Archivist. London, 1864. On the History, Position, and Treatment of the Public Records of Ireland. By an Irish Archivist. Second edition. London, 1864. The two previous entries are included in this work. English Commissioners and Irish Records. A Letter in reference to the publication of ' The Calendars of the Patent and Close Rolls of Ireland,' By an Irish Archivist. London, 1865. Account of Facsimiles of ITatioual MSS. of Ireland, to 1719. London, 1884. The Introductions to the ' Facsimiles of the National MSS. of Ireland,' ed. by Sir J. T. Gilbert. Dublin, 1874-84. (4 vols, in 5 pts.) are republished in this work. Bihlio. of the Works of Sir John Thomas Gilbert, Irish Historian and Archivist, in his ' Life,' by Lady Gilbert, 1905, App. XV. pp. 445-448. Lhwyd (Edward). A Catal. of Irish MSS. in his ' Archeeologia Britan- nica, vol. i. pp. 435-436. Oxford, 1707. O'Crrady (Standish Hayes). Catal. [Classified] of the Irish MSS. in the British Museum. London [1894]. The Catal. was not completed. Flower (Robin E. W.). The Irish MSS. in the British Museum. {Philo- logical Sob. Trans., 1911-14, pp. 118-122.) Calendar of the Carew MSS. preserved in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth, 1515-1600. Edited by J. S. Brewer and William Bullen. 6 vols. London, 1867-69. Report upon the Carte and Carew Papers in the Bodleian and Lambeth Libraries, 1863, by Sir Thos. Duifus Hardy and J. S. Brewer. London, 1864. Catal. of Irish MSS. and such as relate to Irish Affairs, in the Lambeth Palace Lib. {The Monthly Museum, Dublin, vol. i. pp. 440-441. 1814.) Abbott (Thomas Eingrsmill). Catal. of the MSS. in the Lib. of Trinity College, Dublin. Dublin, 1900. Index to Irish MSS., pp. 583-592. Todd (James Henthorn). On the Irish MSS. in the Bodleian, Oxford. {Eoy. Irish Acad. Proc, vol. v. pp. 162-176. 1853.) Kardiman (James). Ancient Irish Deeds and Writings from the 12th to the 17th Century. DubUn, 1826. O'Donovan (John). The Lost and Missing Irish Manuscripts. (Ulster Joum. ofArchwol., vol. ix. pp. 16-28. 1861.) O'Conor (Charles). Bibliotheca MS. Stowensis. A descriptive Catal. of the MSS. in the Stowe Library. 3 vols. Buckingham, 1818-19. MSS. in the Irish Language, vol. i. pp. 21-207. MSS. relating to Ireland, vol. i. pp. 207-290. Bibliotheca Phillippica. List of Irish MSS. and other items from the Sale of the Lib. of Sir Thomas PhiUipps, June, 1910, and Apr. 1911. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. i. pp. 164-165 ; vol. iii. pp. 10-11. 1910-11.) 388 A HANDBOOK TO John B' Alton's MS. Collections relating to Ireland. Biblio. Notes by William MacArthur and others. {Ibid. vol. vii. pp. 75, 101, 116. 1915-16.) Kore SISS. Biblio. Note on Collections of IVISS. relating to Irish Hist. See ante under Wexford, p. 276. Feddie (Robert Alexander). ItlSS. relating to Ireland in the Libraries of Prance. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. i. pp. 86-87. 1910.) Bindon (S. H.). Catal. of the MSS. relating to Ireland in the Burgundian Lib. at Brussels. (Roj/. Irish Acad. Proc. , vol. Hi. pp. iiltl-502. 1847.) Catal. of maps and Flans relating to Ireland in H.M. State Paper Ofice, Whitehall, London. (Ulster Journ. of ArchmoL, vol. iii. pp. 273- 276. 1855.) Notes on Old Irish Maps. (Ibid. vol. iv. pp. 118-137. 1856.) Hore (Herbert P.). Notes on a Facsimile of an Ancient Map of Leiz, Ofaly, Irry, etc., in the Brit. Museum. (Kilkenny and South-East of Irel. Arohceol. Soc. Journ., vol. vii. pp. 345-372. 1863.) Orpen (Ooddard H.). Ptolemy's Map of Ireland. (Soo. Antiq. Irel. Journ., vol. xxiv. pp. 115-128. 1894.) Westropp (Thomas J.). Barly Italian Maps of Ireland from 1300 to 1600, with lists. (Eoyal Irish. Acad. Proc, vol. xxx. Sect. C, pp. 361-428. 1913.) Suulop (Robert). Sixteenth-Century Maps of Ireland [in the Brit. Mus., P.R.O., Trinity Coll. Dublin, and elsewhere]. (Ena. Hist. Rev., vol. xx. pp. 309-337. 1905.) Corry (Somerset H. Lowry), Barl of Belmore. Descriptive Notes on the Irish Historical Atlas, 1609. Belfast, 1903. Hardiman (James). A Catal. of Maps, Charts, Plans, etc., in the Lib. of Trinity Coll. (Royal Irish Acad. Trans., vol. xiv. pt. 2, pp. 57-77. 1825.) Petty (Sir William). The Hist, of the Survey of Ireland, commonly called 'The Bown Survey.' Edited by T. A. Larcom. [Irish Archseol. Soc] Dublin, 1851. For an Account of the Irish Ordnance Survey, see an article on Eugene O'Curry, by Rev. Timothy Lee, in ' Limerick Field Club Journ.', vol. i. no. iii. 1899. A Catal. of the Maps of the ' Bown Survey ' (arranged under Counties) and the Barony Maps copied by General Vallancey. (In Srd Aim. Rep. on the Public Records of Irel., 1813, Supp. pp. 502-539.) For accounts of the Maps of the ' Down Survey,' made by Sir William Petty, and the Barony Maps of Gen. Vallancey, see 'The Monthly Museum,' Dublin, vol. i. p. 489 ; vol. ii. p. 141. 1814. O'Hanlon (John). A General Index of the Ordnance Survey Records of Irish Counties. (8oe. Antiq. Irel. Journ., vol. iv.-ix. ^as«jm, 1856-67.) Biblio. of Irish Surveys (Counties), by ' Lector.' (Dublin Penny Joum., 31 Jan. 1903.) Anderson (John Parker). Biblio. to 'Arthur Young's Tour in Ireland during the years 1776-1779,' edited with Introduction and Notes by Arthur W. Hutton, 1891, vol. ii. pp. 349-374. Catal. of the County Maps and Town Plans and other Publications of Ireland of the Ordnance Survey of the United Kingdom to Jan. 1908. London, 1908. Maps of Ireland. See Lists in ' Sale Catal. of the Lib. of William Monck Mason,' 29. Mar. 1858, pp. 71, etc., and in 'Catal. of the Lib. of Dr. Thomas Willis,' sold by John Fleming Jones, Dublin, 22 Nov. 1876, pp. 99-105. See ante pp. 381, 383. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 389 Dix (E. B. McClintock). A List of Irish Towns and Dates of Earliest Printing in Each. London, 1903. Second edition. Dublin, 1909. (Irish Biblio. Pamphlets, no. vi.) Dates of Earliest Printing in Irish. Towns. {The Irish Book Lovtr, vol. vii. pp. 110-111. 1916.) Irish Provincial Printing prior to 1701. {The Library, New Ser. vol. ii. pp. 341-348. 1901.) Provincial Printing in Ireland. A Series of Lists. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. iv. etc., 1913, etc.): List of Irish Books, 15!71-1820. (In 'An Claidheamh Soluis' [a newspaper]. DubUn, Jan.-Apr. 1904.) An Early Eighteenth-century Broadside on Printing. (Boy. Irish Aead. Proe., vol. xxvii. Sect. C, pp. 401-403. 1909.) and Casaide (Seamus ua). List of Books, Pamphlets, etc., printed wholly, or partly, in Irish, from the Earliest period to 1820. Dublin, 1905. New and enlarged edition. Dublin, 1913. E. R. McC. Dix and the History of Irish Printing. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. vi. pp. 124-125. 1915.) See also 'The Library World,' vol. xvii. pp. 196-19T. 1915. Gilbert (Sir John T.). Irish Bibliography. Edited with Introduction, Notes and Appendices, by E. R. McC. Dix, with lists of 16th. and 17th. cent, books and printers. {Boy. Irish Acad. Proc, vol. xxv. sect. C, pp. 117-142. 1904.) Reprinted in Lady Gilbert's 'Life of Sir J. T. Gilbert,' 1905, pp. 437-442. > ' f F Casaide (Seamus ua). Biblio. of Local [Irish] Printing. A Table giving Towns, Periods, & references to PubUcations where Lists have appeared. {The Irish Book Lover, vol. ii. pp. 4-6. 1910.) Peddie (Robert A.). Biblio. of Irish Printing; A List of Books, Pamphlets, and Articles on Printing, in the Typographical Lib. of the St. Bride Founda- tion, London. {Ibid. vol. ii. pp, 51-53. 1911.) Plomer (Henry R.). Ireland and Secret Printing. {Ihid. vol. i. pp. 27-28. 1909.) See also notes by Dix and others, at pp. 7, 116, ISO, 169. Lennox (P. J.) Early Printing in Ireland. Washington, U.S.A. Reprinted from 'The Catholic University Bulletin,' vol. xv. nos. 3 & 4. 1909. Reed (Talbot Baines). Rough List of Books printed in the Irish Character and Language. (The Celtic Mag., \o\.-x.. -p^p. &%i-6%6. 1885.) Bradshaw (Henry). Printing in the Irish Character. Letters to T. B. Reed. (Biblio. Begister, No. I. pp. 6-13 ; No. II. pp. 23-29. 1905.) Printing in^Ireland. {Brit. ^ Col. Printer, vol. xiii. p. 259. 1884.) On Printing in Ireland. A Speech before the ' Lib. Assoc. ' at Trinity Coll., Dublin, 1884, reproduced from the 'Freeman's Journal,' 3 Oct. 1884, with a note by E. R. McC. Dix, and a Biog. note by John S. Crone. Madden (Richard Robert). The Hist, of Irish Periodical Literature from the end of the 17th to the middle of the 19th century. 2 vols. London, 1867. Dix (E. R. McClintock). Rare Ephemeral Magazines of the 18th cent. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. i. pp. 71-73. 1910.) The First Irish Papers. A Biblio. Note. (Ibid. vol. iv. pp. 97-98. 1913.) See also a note on pp. 61-62 of the same vol. Biblio. of Irish Newspapers, 1660-1700. (Irish 18-20 Jan., 1905.) 390 A HANDBOOK TO Power (John). List of Irish Periodical Publications (chiefly Literary), from 1729 to the present time. London, 1866. Reprinted from ' Notes and Queries,' Ser. 3, vol. ix. pp. 173, 231, 316, 342, 1866, and ' The Irish Literary Inquirer,' No. IV. pp. 45-52, 1866, with additions and corrections. Irish Newspapers in the British Museum. A Printed Catal. arranged under Towns, with an Index of Titles, is in the Reading Room. Evans (Edward). Historical and Bihliogfraphlcal Account of Almanacks, Directories, etc., published in Ireland from the 16th cent. Dubhn, 1897. Lynch (Patrick). An Historical Account of Irish Almanacks. {The Irish Magazine, Dublin, 1810, pp. 330, 378, 476, 524; 1811, p. 36.) Casaide (Seamus ua). Irish Almanacks. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. iii. pp. 128-129. 1912.) O'Donopfhue (David James). The Poets of Ireland. A Biographical and Bibliographical Directory of Irish Writers of English Verse. Dublin, 1912. Dix (E. B. IMcClintock). Irish Song Books in the Royal Irish Academy, {The Irish Book Lover, vol. ii. pp. 81-83. 1911.) Irish Chap Books, Song Books, and Ballads. {lUd. vol. ii, pp. 33-35. 1910.) Historical Ballad Poetry of Ireland. Arranged by M. J. Brown, with an Introduction by Stephen J. Brown. London, 1912. Davis (Thomas). 'A Ballad Hist, of Ireland,' and 'Ballad Poetry of Ireland,' in ' Prose Writings of Thomas Davis,' with an introduction by T. W. Rolleston, London [n.d.], pp. 192-207. Colum (Padraic). Broad-Sheet Ballads, being a Collection of Irish Popular Songs, with an Introduction by P. C. Dublin, 1913. Irish Chap Books. By John J. Marshall. (The Irish Book Lover, vol. i. pp. 157-159. 1910.) The Harvard Chap Books. A Biblio. Note on the Irish items in the 'Catal. of the Chap Books and Broadsides,' in the Lib. of Harvard Univ. (Ibid. vol. ii. pp. 35-36. 1910.) Denny (K. L. L.). Anglo-Irish Genealogy. [With Biblio. Notes.] A Paper read before the Soc. of Genealogists of London, May, 1916. Prazer (William). List of Works on Irish IKusic. (Notes and Queries, Ser. 7, vol. iv. p. 510. 1887.) Praeger (B. Lloyd). A Biblio. of Irish Glacial and Post-Glacial Geology, with a Key Index arranged under Counties. (Belfast Naturalists' Field Club. Proc, App. vol. ii. no. 6, 1895-96, 'Systematic Lists,' vol. ii. pp. 237-316.) Biblio. of Irish Topographical Botany. (Eoy. Irish Academy. Proc, Set. iii. vol. vii. pp. xcix-cxlvii. 1901.) Christy (Miller). Biblio. Note on Irish Birds. (The Zoologist, Ser. III. vol. xiv. p. 266, 1890, and reprinted in pamph., 1891, p. 40.) Mammals. (The Zoologist, Ser. III. vol. xvii. p. 215. 1893.) Reptiles. (Ibid. p. 251. 1893. Pishes. (lUd. p. 262. 1893.) COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 391 WALES. Blackwell (Henry). Bibliography of Welsh Bibliographies. [Announced for publication.] Biblio. of Welsh Books published in America. [In active preparation.] See 'The Publishers' Weekly,' New York, 5 Apr. 1913, p. 1333. Rowlands (William). Cambrian Bibliography : containing an Account of the Books printed in the Welsh Language, or relating to Wales, from 1546 to the end of the Eighteenth Century, with Biog. Notices. Edited and enlarged by Daniel Silvan Evans. Llanidloes, 1869. Williams (Moses). Catal. of all the Books, mostly printed, in the Welsh Language. London, 1717. The book is in Welsh. An interleaved copy in the Brit. Museum has notes and additions. See also the List of Welsh Books in ' Y Gwyliedydd ' (Bala), Dec. 1831. Cardiff Free Libraries. Catal. of Printed Literature in the Welsh Department. By John Ballinger and James Ifano Jones. Cardiff, 1898. Recent additions to the Welsh Department. ' A Record of Current Literature in Wales or relating to Wales,' 1909, etc., in 'The Cardiff Libraries ' Review, vol. 1. No. i, etc. Jan. 1910, etc. University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. A Catal. of Welsh Books, Books relating to Wales, Books written by Welshmen, Books relating to Celtic Literature, etc. Aberystwyth, 1897. Swansea Public Libraries. Catal. of Welsh Books, with English and other Literature relating to Wales and Celtic Countries. Ft. I. Authors. Pt. II. Subjects. Compiled by D. Rhys Phillips. Swansea, 1911. Blackwell (Henry). Biblio. of Local and County Histories relating to Wales and Monmouth. {Old Welsh Chips, vol. i. 1888, pp. 138-145, 171-181, 198-216,234-230.) For a note on a proposed Biblio. of Wales by Charles Ashton, see ' Bye-Gones, vol. xiii. p. 215. 1895. The National Library of Wales. Bibliotheca Celtica. A Register of Publications relating to Wales and the Celtic Peoples and Languages for 1909, etc. Aberystwyth, 1910, etc. Issued annually. Catal. of the Cambrian Books at Crlen-Aber, Chester, 1500-1799, not mentioned in the ' Cambrian Bibliography.' Compiled by Enoch Gibbon R. Salisbury. Carnarvon, 1874. Catal. of Welsh Books, Books on Wales, and Books by Welshmen, 1800-1862, at Glan Aber, Chester. Carnarvon, 1880? Hotten (John Camden). Bibliographical Account of nearly one thousand Books, Tracts, etc., relating to the Hist, and Topography of North and South Wales. London, 1863. Biblio. of Wales. A Record of Books in Welsh, or relating to Wales, 1899-1911. Nos. 1 to 14, Apr. 1900-June, 1903, issued in 'The Public Library Journal,' Cardiff. Nos. IS to 29, Sept. 1903— Sept. 1912, issued separately. Archseologia Cambrensis.' An Alphabetical Index to the First Four Series, 1846-1881. By D. Rowland Thomas. London, 1892. An Alphabetical Index to the Fifth Series, 1884-1900. Compiled by Francis Green. London, 1902. A HANDBOOK TO Index to 'Bye-Gones, relating' to Wales and the Border Counties.' Vols. I. to VII. 1871-1885. Compiled by G. H. Brierley. Oswestry and Wrexham, 1887. Index to the Fnhlications of the Hon. Soc. of Cymmrodorion from 1877 to 1912. Supplement to 'Trans.' of the Soc. 1911-12, pp. 1-59. List of Books in the Library of the Hon. Soc. of Cymmrodorion, catalogued by Dr. Alfred Daniell. Supplement to ' Trans.' of the Soc. 1901-02. Mee (Arthur). Wales and the Border in ' Notes and Queries.' (Bye-Oones, New Ser. vol. xi. pp. 2, 25, 49, 63, 77, 138, 215, 242, 254, 269 ; vol. xii. pp. 9, 33, 76, 80, 85, 96, 99, 130, 138, 243, 247, 272, 294 ; vol. xlii. pp. 10, SO, 52, 69, 74, 79, 84, 125, 129, 141, 155. 1909-14.) Foole (Bdwin). Sale ot the Library of Edward Breese, F.S.A. of Fort- madoc. Sold by Sotheby's, 31 May, 1888. Descriptive notes on the Welsh Books. {Old Welsh Chips, vol. i. 1888, pp. 231, 253, 292, 329.) Index to Welsh Periodicals. Compiled by Rev. David Davies and T. C. Evans (' Cadrawd '.) See ' The Journ. of the Welsh Biblio. Soc' vol. i. pp. 195, 255. 1914-15.) Lewis (Bdward Arthur). A Biblio. Xote on some of the Printed and MS. Sources of the IffedieTal Hist, of the Welsh Boroughs. (Welsh Biblio. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 65-75. 1911.) Skeel (Caroline A. J.). The Council in the Marches of Wales. A Study in Local Government during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. [Girton College Studies, II.] London, 1904. List of Authorities, pp. vii.-xvi. See also Miss Skeel's article in ' English Historical Rev.' Jan. 1915. Davies (John Humphreys). Bibliography and its Aims. A Paper read at the Second Meeting of the Cymmrodorion Section of the National Eisteddfod, with a view of promoting the objects of the proposed ' Welsh Bibliographical Society.' See Report of the Meeting held at Swansea, 1907. Barly Welsh Bibliography. {Soc. of Cymmrodorion. Trans., Sess. 1897-98, pp. 1-22.) The Ideal of a Welsh National Library. I. By Sir John Williams ; II. By Sir Isambard Owen; III. By Sir Marchant Williams. {Ibid. 1903-04, pp. 84-99.) Ballinger (John). The National Library of Wales in Relation to other Libraries and Institutions. {Welsh Biblio. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 33-42. 1911.) '^'^ The National Library of Wales. Charter of Incorporation and Report on the Progress of the Library, to March, 1909. Oswestry, 1909. Report on the Library of Sir John WUliams, pp. 33-38. Beport on the Hengwrt and Peniarth MSS. pp. 26-26, 4J-51. Reports on tbe Progress of the Library, from April, 1909, etc. Aberystwyth, 1911, etc. «^ Sir John Williams's Collection of Prints, Drawings, etc. relatins to Wales. (Report, 1911, p. 9.) 1Q11 ,mt^ °" Welsh Books and MSS. presented by Sir John WUliams. (Reports, 1909, Report on the Ty Cooh (near Carnarvon) Collection of Edward Humphrey Owen [mamly Books, MSS. etc. relating to North Wales]. (Report, 1911, App. pp. U-25 ) Bibho. Notes on MSS., Books, etc. presented to the Library, Lists of Welsh Newspapers, Periodicals, etc. [arranged under Counties]. (Reports, 1909, 1911, 1913.) Catal. of a Selection of MSS. and Books from Sir John Williams' Library, exhibited July and August, 1909. Aberystwyth, 1909. Stephens (Thomas). The Literature of the Kymry. Second edition. Edited by Daniel Silvan Evans, with Life of Stephens by B. T. Williams. London, 1876. List of Collections of Cambrian MSS., pp. 335-338. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. S9S Frys (Bobert John). Kist. of Welsh Literature, 1300-1650. Liverpool [1885]. The book is in Welsh. Willcius (Charles). The Kist. of the Literature of Wales from 1300 to 1650. Cardiff, 1884. Chap. IV. MS. Collections of Wales, List o£ Hengwrt MSS., lolo MSS., Civil War Literature, etc. Ashton (Charles). Hist, of Welsh Literature, 1651-1850. Liverpool [1893]. The book is in Welsh. Special Bibliographies. No. I. Dr. Lewis Edwards, of Bala [b. 1809, d. 1887]. Compiled by James Ifano Jones. (The Cardiff Libraries' Rev., vol. i. pp. 37-41. 1910.) No. II. David Jones, of Llangan [b. 1736, d. 1810]. (lUd. vol. 1. pp. 94-96 ; vol. ii. pp. 9-13. 1910-11.) Balling^er (John). Vicar Frichard. (Rees Prichard, Vicar of Llandovery, b. 1579, d. 1644. Author of ' Canwyll y Cymry.') A. Study in Welsh Bibliography. ( F Cymmrodor, vol. xiii. pp. 1-7S. 1899.) Biblio. of Quaker Literature in the English Language relating to Wales. (Tr«/«ft£i6Ko. /Soc. /oMra., vol. i. pp. 203-225. 1914.) John ap John and Early Becords of Friends in Wales. Compiled by William Gregory Norris. (Friends' Hist. Soc. Journal Supplement, No. 6, 1907.) A Biblio. of Welsh Calvinistic Methodism. By John Humphreys Davies and others. (Cahinistic Meth. Hist. Soc. Joum., vol. i. pp. 3-9. 1916.) Evans (George Byre). Vestiges of Frotestant Dissent, being Lists of Ministers, Sacramental Flate, Begisters, Antiquities, etc. [With Biblio. Notes.] Liverpool, 1897. Wales, pp. 307-325. Fhillips (D. Bhys). The Bomantic Kist. of the Monastic Libraries of Wales from the Fifth to the Sixteenth Centuries. (Reprinted, with additions, from the 'Library Assoc. Record,' July & Aug. 1912. Swansea, 1912.) Davies (John Kumphreys). Welsh Book Collectors. I. Rev. Owen Jones. II. Richard Williams. III. Rev. Robert Williams. ( Welsh Biblio. Soc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 17-20, 56-57, 142-145. 1910-13.) Vaughan (Kerbert M.). Old Book Flates of West Wales. (West Wales Historical Records, Hist. Soc. of West Wales, vol. iv. pp. 177-192. 1914.) Catal. of Halliwell's (the Shakesperian Scholar) very curious Collection of Books on North Wales. [London.] 1861. National Museum of Wales. Catal. of an Exhibition of Welsh Topo- graphical Frints, from Drawings made during the 18th. and 19th. centuries, held June-Oct. 1915. Compiled by Isaac J. Williams. 1915. Handbook to the Exhibition of Welsh Anticiuities, June-Oct. 1913. Cardiff, 1913. Catal. of Historical Works and Historical Novels relating to Wales. (Cardiff Library Rev. Special List.) Cardiff, 1909. National Library of Wales. Catal. of Tracts of the Civil War and Commonwealth Feriod relating to Wales and the Borders. (Index Locorum at end.) Aberystwyth, 1911. Evans (Howell T.\ Wales and the Wars of the Boses. Cambridge, 1915. List of Original Authorities, pp. 231-234. Fhillips (D. Bhys). A Select Biblio. of Owen Glyndwr. (Glyndwr Quin- centenary, 1415-1915. Welsh BibUo. Soc. 1915. Banks (Bichard William). On the Welsh Becords in the time of the Black Frince. (ArcJiceoL Cambremit, Ser. IV. vol. iv. pp. 157-188. 1873.) 394 A HANDBOOK TO Phillimore (Egerton). The Publication of Welsli Historical Records. (Y Cymmrodor, vol. xi. pp. 133-175. 1892.) Lloyd (John Edward). The Organisation of Welsh Historical and A.rchseol. Research. {8oc. of Oymmrodorion, Trans., 1910-11, pp. 116-124.) Bosanciuet (Robert Carr). The Organization of Welsh Historical and Archaol. Research. {Ibid. 1910-11, pp. 135-129.) Pirth (Charles Harding). Suggestions for the Study of Welsh History. {Ibid. 1914-1915, pp. 1-10.) Williams (Moses). Proposals for printing by subscription a Collection of Writings in the Welsh Tongue, to the beginning of the Sixteenth Century. July 31, 1719. [With a specimen page.] London. Williams (Edward). Prospectus of Collections for a new History of Wales, consisting of Historical Documents from Ancient Welsh HSS. 1819. See 'Recollections, etc., of Edward Williams,' by Elijah Waring, 1850, pp. 177-185. Lhwyd (Edward). Parochial Q'^^eries in order to a Creographical Dic- tionary, and ITatural History, etc. of Wales, [n.d.] The ' Queries ' were printed at lengtli in ' Arch. Camb.' 1857, pp. 260-264. See also ' Parochialia,' being a Summarv of Answers to 'Parochial Queries in order to a Geo- graphical Dictionary, etc., of Wales.' Pts. I. -III. Edited by Rupert H. Morris, and issued by the 'Cambrian Archeeol. Assoc' as Supplements to ' Archaeologia Cam- brensis.' 1909-11. See also ' Some Incidents in the Lite of Edward Lhwyd,' by Richard Ellis, in 'Soc. of Oymmrodorion. Trans.', 1906-7, pp. 1-51. Evans (E. Vincent). List of Books written by Sir John Rhys, with Bibliographical details. {Soc. of Oymmrodorion. Trans., 1914-15, pp. 243- 246.) Evans (George Eyre). Aberystwyth, 1909, Centenary of the Introduction of Printing in 1809. Exhibition of Books, Portraits, Relics, etc. in the Public Library, June-Sept. 1909. Aberystwyth, 1909. Ashton (Charles). The Old Welsh Printers. See articles (in Welsh) in ' Y Geninen,' vol. ix. pp. 240-244 ; vol. x. pp. 19-24. 1891-92. Quaritch (Bernard). ITames of Printers and Publishers of Welsh Books. {Y Cymmrodor, vol. v. pp. 159-160. 1882.) See also vol. vii. pp. 230-332. 1886. Lloyd (Howel William). Welsh Books printed Abroad in the 16th. and 17th. Centuries and their Authors. (Ibid. vol. iv. pp. 25-69. 1881.) Also issued separately. Parry (Slorris). List of the Welsh Books printed at Chester from 1713 onwards. [Announced for publication by Welsh Biblio. Soc] Catal. of Welsh Newspapers in the British Museum. [Arranged under Towns with an Index of Titles.] Newspapers before 1700 are not included in the Catal., but are entered under the heading ' Periodical Publications.' Jones (T. M.). Literature of my Country, or a Hist, of ITewspapers and Welsh Periodicals in Wales, America, Australia, etc. Holywell, 1893. [The book is in Welsh.] Davies (John Humphreys). A Biblio. of Welsh Ballads printed in the 18th. century. Issued by the Hon. Soc. of Cymmrodorion and the Welsh Biblio. Soc. London, 1911. A Collection of Ballads, etc. made by J. D. Lewis, of Llandyssul, is in the Nat. Lib. of Wales at Aberystwyth. They are printed in 30 different Towns in Wales by 45 different Printers. See Report of Council of Nat. Lib. of Wales, 1913, p. 57. See also ' Catal. of Printed Literature in the Welsh Department of the Cardiff Free Libraries,' by John Ballinger and James Ifano Jones, 1898, under Ballads and Fugitive Pieces, pp. 26-35. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 395 Poole (Edwin). List of Novels relatingf to Wales. (Old Welsh Chips, vol. i. 1888, pp. 69, 159-165, 247-248.) Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports on MSS. in tlie Welsl Language, by J. Gweno- gvryn Evans. Vol. I. pt. I. 1898. Mostyn Hall, co. Flint. (Lord Mostyn.) „ pt. II. 1899. Peniarth, Towyn, etc. (W. R. M. Wynne.) Vol. II. pt. I. 1903. Jesus College, Oxford. Free Library, Cardiff. Havod. Wrexham. Llanwrin. Merthyr. Aberddr. „ pt. II. 1903. Plas Llan Stephan. Free Library, Cardiff. ,, pt. III. 1805. Panton. Cwrtmawr. „ pt. IV. 1910. The British Museum. Reports from the Select Committee appointed to int^uire into the State of the Public Records of the Kingdom. (Reports to House of Commons, 1800, vol. XV.) Valuable for Accounts of the Welsh County Records. General Report of the Commissioners on the Public Records, with an Appendix and Index. (Reports to House of Commons, vol. xxxiv. pt. 2. 1837.) Supplements the Account of Welsh Oonnty Records in the 1800 Report. Black (William Henry). Report on a Survey and Examination of the Records of the Courts of Session and Excheq[,uer of the County Palatine of Chester and the Courts of Great Sessions of the Principality of Wales. See 1st Rep. of Dep. Keeper of the Public Records, 1840, App. pp. 78-122. Memorandum on the Records of the Crown Lordships or IVIanors in Wales and Monmouthshire. (Local Records Comm. Rep., 1914, vol. ii. pt. 2, pp. 259-260. Roberts (Charles). Lists of the Welsh Records, Books, etc. See 20th Rep. Dep. Keeper of the Public Records, 1859, App. pp. 160-183, and 21st Rep. 1860, p. 26. Turner (Peter). Calendars and Lists of Welsh Records, in ' Reports of the Dep. Keeper of the Public Records,' from the 20th Rep., 1859, onwards. Catalogues of Welsh MSS. [References to Catalogues in various Publications.] {Bye-Oones, Ser. II. vol. i. pp. 282-383. 1889.) Roberts (Richard Arthur). The Public Records relating to Wales. (Soc. of Cymmrodorion. Y Cymmrodor, vol. x. pp. 157-206. 1890.) Birch (Walter de Gray). Notes on the importance of preserving the Records and Literary Antic[uities of Wales, as illustrated by some recent publications. {Brit. Archmol. Assoc. Journ., New Ser. vol i. pp. 25-48. 1895.) Pollock (Sir Frederick). The Use of Local Records, with an Appendix, ' Welsh Local Records : Details and Classified Topographical List,' by Hubert Hall. (Soe. of Cymmrodorion. Trans., 1914-15, pp. 11-42.) The Appendices are grouped under the following headings : (a) Details of Welsh Local Records. I. Definition of the Title. II. Differentiation of Welsh Local Records. III. Classification of Welsh Local Records. IV. General Comparison between Welsh and English Records. V. Printed Works relating to Welsh Local Records. VI. Conclusions as to the present Condition and future Disposal of Welsh Local Records. (6) A Classified Topographical List of the Local Records of Wales and Monmouthshire. I. Public Records in Local Custody. II. Local Records in Public Custody. m. Local Records of a Semi-PubUc Kature. 396 A HANDBOOK TO Xiewis (John Herbert). On the Importance of a National Collection of Public Dociuuents for Wales, with a rough List of the classes of documents suggested for preservation in the National Lib. of Wales. ( Welsh Biblio. 8oc. Journ., vol. i. pp. 9T-113. 1912.) Also issued separately. The List is re- printed in ' Report ' of the Council of the Nat. Lib. of Wales, 1913, pp. 19-25. Catal. of Welsh MSS. in North Wales. By Miss Angharad Llwyd. {Cymmn rodorion Soc. Trans., vol. ii. pp. 36-58. 1828.) Catal. of Welsh MSS. in North Wales. By Aneurin Owen. (Ibid. vol. ii. pp. 400-418. 1843.) Teatman (John Pym). Welsh Records. (Archwol. Camh., Ser. 5, vol. xvii. pp. 2T7-293; Ser. 6, vol. i. pp. 126-132. 1900-01.) MSS. relating to Wales. (Ihid. New Ser. vol. i. pp. 65-66. 1850.) Account of Welsh Collections in Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. (Ihid. Ser. 4, vol. ix. pp. 66, 141, 325, 302 ; vol. x. p. 304. 1878-79.) Old Records on Wales and the Marches, temp. Edwd. I.-III. A Short List, by ' Cambrensis.' (Bye-Oones, Ser. 2, vol. i. pp. 477-478. 1890.) Banks (Richard William). On the Early Charters to Towns in South Wales. (Arch/sol. Camb., Ser. 4, vol. ix. pp. 81-101. 1878.) Taylor (Henry). The First Welsh Municipal Charters. (Ibid. Ser. 5, vol. ix. pp. 102-119. 1892.) Owen (Edward). Catal. of MSS. relating to Wales in the British Museum. Cymmrodorion Soc. Record Ser., No. IV. 1900.) Pts. I.-III. issued. Pt. IV. expected to complete the work. Welsh Records and Welsh MSS. in the Brit. Museum. (Archceol. Camb., Ser. 3, vol. i. pp. 247-249. 1855.) MSS. of the Rev. Edward Llwyd, including an Account of the Collection of Sir W. W. Wynn, a List of MSS. lost, etc. (Cymmrodorion Soc. Trans., vol. i. pp. 173-176. 1822.) A Catal. of the Myryrian MSS. belonging to the Cymmrodorion (the Owen Jones Collection). Compiled by W. Owen Pughe. (Ibid. vol. i. pp. 177-202. 1822.) Coleman Seeds. Documents relating to Wales (about 950) collected by James Coleman, in the Nat. Iiib. of Wales, at Aberystwyth. See Report of CouncU of Nat. Lib. of Wales, 1911, p. 36. Welsh Records in Paris. Edited, with an Introduction, etc. by Thomas Matthews. Carmarthen, 1910. See also ' Welsh Records in Foreign Libraries,' by Thomas Matthews In Cardiif Naturalists' Soc. Rep. and Trans.,' vol. xlili. pp. 20-31. 1910. Hall (Hubert). The Foreign Aspect of the Welsh Records. ( Y Cymmrodor, vol. xxii. pp. 1-21. 1910.) The Diplomatics of Welsh Records, with List of Repositories of Welsh Records, a Classification of Welsh Records, etc. (Soc. of Cymmrodorion. Trans., 1900-1901, pp. 40-52.) Collections of Browne Willis relating to the Four Welsh Cathedrals, in the Bodleian Lib. See Macray, ' Annals of the Bodl. Lib. Oxford.' 1890, p. 259. List of Welsh Monastic Chartularies. See Richard Sims' ' Manual for the Genealogist, etc. 1856, p. 27. Williams (Edward). A Short Review of the Present State of Welsh MSS. Merthyr, 1836. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 397 Thomas (D. Lleufer). Biblio. List of Works relating to Welsh. Agri- culture and Land Tenure, Appendix to ' Minutes, etc. of the Royal Comm. on Land in Wales, etc.' S vols. London, 1894>-96. Whitaker (William.) List of Works on the Geology, Mineralogry, and Falseontology of Wales [to end of 1873]. British Association. 1880. For Additions up to 1896, see Report of the Royal Comm. on Land in Wales and Monmouthshire. Cantrill (Thomas Croshee). Oeological Biblio. of South Wales and Mon- mouthshire, in ' Memoirs of the Geol. Survey, — The Country around Cardiff.' 1903, and Appendices compiled by O. T. Jones in ' Memoirs, — The Country around Swansea.' 1907. Christy (Miller). Biblio. Notes on Welsh Mammals, Reptiles, and Fishes. (The Zoologist, Ser. 3, vol. xvii. pp. 185, 247, 258. 1893.) Forrest (Herbert Bdward). ' The Vertebrate Fauna of North Wales.' London, 1907. Biblio. pp. xliii.-li. List of the Principal Subject-Headings. ACTS OF PAELIAMBNT. ALMANACKS. BALLADS. BOOKSELLERS. BROADSIDES. CHAPBOOKS. FOLK-LORE. MAPS AND PLANS. MONASTIC ORDERS. NEWSPAPERS, Etc. place-names. printing, proclamations, registers- Episcopal. Parish. Non-Parochial. INDEX. 399 Abbotsford, Catal. of Lib. at, 370. See also Scott, Sir Walter. Abbotsford Club. See Edinburgh. Abbott, Thomas KingsmiU, 5S, 387. Aberdare, Glam. Printing, 331. Welsh MSS. at, 395. AberdeensMre (and Aberdeen), 1-4, 315-316. Aberdeen ' Breviary,' 61. Almanacks, 1, 316. Anderson Lib. Aberdeen, 2. Ballads, 3, 315, 316. Booksellers, 2, 315. Dean and Chapter, 4. Franciscan Convent, Aberdeen, 3. Friars and Hospital, Aberdeen, 4. Friars, 315. Historians, 2. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports, 3. Libraries, 2, 315. Maps, etc. 2, 315, 316. Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1. Museums, 2, 3. Natural Science, 4. Newspapers, etc. 2, 315. Poetry, 2, 315. Printing, 3, 315. Records. Burgh, 1, 3. Ecclesiastical, 1. Universities. Bibllo. 1. University of Aberdeen. Acts of Pari. 2. Magazine, 315. Hlst.MSS.Comm. Quatercentenary, 1. Rep. 3. Records, 1, 377. Library, 1, 2, 315. Theses, 1, 315. Aberdeen, Earl of. See Haddo House. Aberdona, Clackmannanshire, MSS. at, 29. Abergavenny, Marquess of. See Bridge Castle, Sussex. Abergeldie, Aberdeen, MSS. at, 3. Aberystwyth. Biblio. 21. Nat. Lib. of Wales. Aberdare Print- Coleman Deeds, 396. ers' Files, 331. Flints Hist. CoUec- Ballads (Welsh), tion, 330. 394. Reports, etc. 392. 'Blbliotheca Cel- Welsh Public Docu- tlca,' 391. ments, 396. Civil War Tracts, Aberystwyth (continued). Printing, 320, 321, 394. Univ. College of Wales. Catal. of Welsh Books, 391. Abingdon, Berkshire. Biblio. 12. Borough Records, 11, 12. Hospital of Christ, 11. Printing, 12. Aboyne Castle, Aberdeen, MSS. at, 3. Abram, William Alexander, 115, 119, 132. Abree, James, Printer at Canterbury, 335. Abury, Wilts. 280. Achill, CO. Mayo, 167. Ackworth School, Yorks. 305. Acton Beynald, Salop, 186, 223. Acts of Parliament. England. 349, 350. Scotland, 373. Ireland, 385. Aberdeenshire, 2. London, 149, Birmingham, 267. Middlesex, 169. Bradford (Yorlcs.), Northants, 182, 184, 308. 185, 187. Cambridge TJniver- Northumberland, sity, 320. 191. Cheshire, 26. Oxford University, Cumberland, 35. 205, 320. Derbyshire, 38. Peterborough, 185. Durham, 55. Rutland, 219. Essex, 63. Shropshire, 222, 238. Exeter, 45. Staffordshire, 222, Herefordshire, 85,86 238. HuU, 308. Suffolk, 214. Kent, 95, 96. Surrey, 249, 250. Kincardineshire, Sussex, 254. 106. Westmorland, 274. Lancashire, 119. Wiltshire, 278. Leicestershire, 136. Worcestershire,286, Lincolnshire, 142. 287. Liverpool, 127. Yorkshire, 299. Adair, John, 374. Adam, Margaret I. 350. Adams, Maxwell, 40, 45. Orion, 128. Adamson, E. K. 196. Adderley Library. See Marlborough. Addison, Joseph, 149. Adlam, William, 229. Adnitt, Henry W. 222. Advocates' Library. See Edinburgh. 400 A HANDBOOK TO Agas, Ralph, 157, 306. Agbrigrg, Yorks. 305. Agecroft Hall, Lanes. 123. Ailesbiiry, Marq,uess of. See Saver- nake, Wilts. Ailsa, Marciness of. See Culzean Castle, Ayrshire. Ainger, Arthur Campbell, 319. AinsUe, Miss, of Berwick-on-Tweed, 194. Ainsworth, Henry, 118. Aird, Andrew, IIS. Airlie, Earl of. See Cortachy Castle, Forfarshire. Aitken, O. A. 106, 149. P. Henderson, 113. Alberbtiry, Shropshire, 225. College, Alcester, co. Warw. 266. Alchiu, William Turner, 152. Aldborongh, Yorks. 305. Aldebnrgh. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 245. Aldis, Harry Oidney. Printing in Scot- Diet, of Printers, land, 67, 374. etc. 158 367. ThomaBFinlason,58. The Book Trade, Glasgow Printers, etc 159. etc. 111. Scottish Bibles, 375. Alexander, William. Colls, for Kent, 98. Algar, Jabez, 180. Allan, Oeorge, of Darlington, 54, 55, 196, 328. Robert Henry, 55. Allen, Edward Heron-, 259. Francis J. 231. John, junr. 85. John Romilly, 370, 371. Ralph, 235. Thomas, 148. Allibone, Samuel Austin, 348. Allies, Jabez, 287. Allison, Sir Robert Andrew, 35. Allnutt, William Henry. English Provincial Printing, 367. Printing. Abingdon, 12. Exeter, 45. Bristol, 78. Fawsley, 188. Cambridge, 18. Gateshead, 192. Canterbury, 96. Ipswich, 244. Cheshire, 27, 322. Lancashre. 115, 125. £aBtMolesey,2S0. Manchester, 128. Essex, 63. Newcastle, 192. Eton, 16. Norwich, 175. Allnutt, William Henry. Printing (continued). Oxford, 204. Tavistock, 46. Preston, Lanes. 132. Wigan, 134. St. Albans, 90. Worcester, 288. Shrewsbury, 222. York, 297. Stonor, 204. Alloa House, Clackmannanshire, MSS. at, 29. museum, 29. AUoway, Ayrshire, 7, 318. Alltyrodyn, Cardiganshire, MSS. at, 21. Almack, Richard. See Long Melford, Suffolk. Almanacks, 38. Aberdare, 331. Royston, 88. Scotland, 376. Shrewsbury, 342. Shropshire, 222. Staffordshire, 238. Yorkshire, 299. Aberdeen, 316. Birmingham, 267. Dublin, 51, Ireland, 390. Oxford, 204, 208. Alnwick. Biblio. 196. Castle, MSS. at, 150, 194. Municipal History, 191. Museum, 196. Printing, 192, 193, 196. Althorp, Northants, 129, 188. Alwiugton, Devon. Records, 43. America. Chapbooks, 367. History, 349, 350. Ames, Joseph, 158, 159. Amesbury, Wilts. 280. Amours, Francis Joseph, 378. Amphlett, James, 222. John, of Clent, 287, 290, 291, 292. Ampleforth, Yorks. St. Lawrence's Coll. 300. Amyot, Thomas, 350. ■ Analyst,' The, 287. Ancaster, Earl of. See Grimsthorpe, Lines. Anderson, Alan O. 378. Oeorge, Printer at Glasgow, 110. James, Printer at Edinburgh, 111, 375. James Uaitland, 330. John, 4, 60. John Corbet, 347. John Parker, 4, 346, 388, «< passim. Joseph, and Allen (John Ro- milly). Early Christian Monuments of Scotland 370. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 401 Anderson (Joseph.), and Black (George P.) Reports on Local Muaeums in Scotland, 3, et passim. Peter John. Aberdeen items, 1, GlasgowUniv. Peri- 315, 316. odicals, 113, Clan History, 372. Inverness Biblio. Ecclesiastical Re- 33. Burns, Robert, 7, 318, 369. Burrell, Sir William, 255, 256. Burrows, J. C. 84. Montagu, 204. Burton, Edward, 364. Frederick Slerryweatlier, 144. John, 395, 302. John Hill, 57, 368, 379. John Richard, 286, 288. Burton Agnes, Yorks. Deeds, 56, 195. Burton Constable, Yorks. MSS. 302, 341. Burton Hall, Lines. 144. Burton Manor, Staffs. MSS. at, 238. Burton-on-Trent. Abbey, 239. Nat. Hist. & Archseol. Soe. 239. Burtt, Joseph, 103, 151, 338. Bury, Lanes. 124. Bury, Seager, 149. Bury St. Bdmnnds. Municipal History, 243. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 245. Corporation Records, 247. K. Edw. VL School, 247. Bute, Marquess of. See Mountstuart, Rothesay. Buteshire (and Bute), 16, 320. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 16. Burgh Records, 16. Registers, 16. Natural Science, 16. ' The Book of Arran,' 320. Butler, E. Cuthbert, 235. G. Slade, 252. Miss R. P. 332. Samuel, Bp. of Lichfield, 225. Bntterworth, Edwin, 131. James, 124, 131. Buxted Park, Sussex, Portraits at, 255. Buxton, Miss. See Shadwell Court, Norfolk. ' Bye-Gones, relating to Wales, etc' Index, 392. Byrom, John, 115. Byron, Lord, 149, 197. Bytton, Thomas de, Bp. of Exeter, 325. Cabot, Sebastian. Biblio. 78. Cadbury Castle, Somerset, 235. Cadell, Henry Mowbray, 261. ' Cadrawd.' See Evans, T. C. Ceadmon, 297. Caerleon, Mon. Museum, 171. Caerwent, Mon. 171. Cahers of Co. Clare, The, 30. Caine, Csesar, 295. W. Ralph Hall, 94. Cairns, Rev. James, 53. Caithness-shire (and Caithness), 16, 17, 260, 320. See also Sutherland- shire. Authors, 260, 320. Geographers, 320. Hist. Monuments, 16. Natural Science, 17. Registers, 16. Witchcraft, 16, 261. Calamy, Edmund, 357. Calder House, Edinburghshire, MSS. at, 60. Caley, John, 356. Calthorpe, Lord, 1 49. Camberwell. See London. ' Cambreusis.' Old Welsh Records, 396. Cambridgeshire (and Cambridge), 17-21, 320. Brasses, 18, 352. Cambridge Antiquarian See. 18. Biblio. 17. Bookbinders, 19. Booksellers, 18. Caricatures, 18. Colleges. Documents, 17. Hist. MSS. Comm. Repts. 19, 20. Corpus Christi Coll. 258, 320. Magdalene CoU. 156, 161, 320, 366. Trinity Coll. 320. Corporation. mst. MSS. Comm. Rep. 19. Friars (Franciscan), 20. Geology, 20. Libraries, 17, 18. Maps and Plans, 18, 19. Museums, 18. Portraits, 18. Printing, 18, 19, 160. St. Radegund's Priory, 320. Stationers, 19. University. Acts of Parliament, 205, 320. Biblio. 17. College Adm. Registers, 359. 412 A HANDBOOK TO Cambridgfeshire (and Cambridge), Cambridge {continued). University Library. Books Printed on Vellum, 17. John Willis Clark Collection, 17. Annals, 1278-1900, 320. Documents in Registry, 320. List of Printed Catalogues, 363. Harry Bradshaw Irish CJoUection, 381. University Press, 18, 19. University Registry. List of Documents, 17, 320. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 20. Depositories of Records, 20. Domesday Biblio. 18. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, 19, 20. Manorial History, 18. Maps, 19. Municipal History, 18. Romano-Brit. Remains, 18. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard Univer- sity. Chapbooks, 366, 390. Camden, William, 295. Camden Society. Pubns. etc. 348. Cameron, Alexander, 375. Biblio. of Peter Biblio. of Slezer, 374. Buohan, L Biblio. of Scottish Handlist of Pro- Theatrical Liter- clamations, 373. ature, 376. Camidge, William, 299. Camoys, Iiord. See Stonor Park, Oxon. Campbell, Agnes, 111, 375. A. Albert. Strabane Litera- Armagh Biblio. 262, ture, etc. 262. 263, 317. Omagh Printing, Biblio. of Rev. W.T. 262. Latimer, 385. Duncan, 376. Hugh P. 260. Sir Hugh Hume-, 13. Campbeltown Declaration, 6, 108. Campion, Father, 204. Campkin, Henry, 252. Campsall Hall, Yorks, MSS. at, 295, 300. Cannons, H. Q. T. 162. Canons Ashby, Northants. MSS. at, 184, 186. Canterbury. Bookseller, 335. Borough Records, 97, 99, 100. Libraries, 100. Map, 100. Museums, 100. Printing, 96, 335, Canterbury Cathedral. Christ Church Lib. 100. Ecclesiastical Records, 97, 100. Library, 335. Christ's Coll. Lib. 335. Holy Cross, Westgate, 100. St. Augustine's Monastery, 100. Canterbury Convocation. Rep. on Eccles. Records, 340. Canterbury Prerogative Court, 358, 361. Cantrill, Thomas Crosbee, 397. Capes, William W. 86. Caprington Castle, Ayrshire, 68. Carberry Tower, Musselburgh. MSS. at, 60. CardiiF. Borough Records, 73. Free Library. Catal. of Welsh Books, 171, 391. MSS. 73, 395. Museum, 73, National Museum of Wales, 393. Cardiganshire, 21, 320, 321. Archdeaconry of Cardigan, 21. Pedigrees, 21. Printing, 320, 321. Registers, 21. Romano-Brit. Remains, 21. Carew, Oeorge Henry Warrington. See Crowcombe Court, Somerset. Carew MSS. 387. Carisbrooke, I. of Wight. Parish MSS. 80. Carlisle. Ballads, 37. Municipal Records, 36. Museums, 36. TuUie House (Free Library), 34, 3«,273. Cathedral. Library, 274, 324. Records, 36. Diocese of. Archdeaconry Records, 36. Chapter Library, 37. Charitable Trusts, 275, 324. Dean and Chapter MSS. 36. Diocesan Registry, 36. Episcopal Registers, 36, 275. St. Cuthbert's, 36. St. Mary's, 36. Carlisle, Earl of. See Castle Howard* Yorks. Carlisle, Nicholas, 383. Carlow, 22, 321. Printing, 22, 321, COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 413 Carmarthenshire (and Carmarthen), 22, 23, 321. Antiquarian Society, 23. Carmarthen Booksellers, 23. Borough Records, 22. Diocesan Registry, 22, 211. Printing, 23, 321. Carmarthen Castle, 22. Churches, 22. Engravings, 321. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports, 22. Map, 23. Natural Science, 23. Non-Parochial Registers, 23. Pedigrees, 2-2. Romano-Brit. Remains, 23. Worthies, 23. Carnarvonshire (and Carnarvon), 23, 321. Carnarvon Borough Records, 23. Natural Science, 23. Romano-Brit. Remains, 23. Carpenter, Rev. Nathaniel, 42. Carr, John Wesley, 200. Carr-EUison, Ralph, 191. John Ralph. See Dunston Hill, CO. Durham. Carreglwyd, MSS. at, 4. CarrickfergUB. Maps, etc. 317. Records, 5. Carrick-on-Suir, Tipperary. Printing, 261. Carrie, W. L. 59. Carrigan, Rev. William, 105. Carrington, W. A. 39. Carrow Abbey, Norfolk, 174, 176. Carte, Thomas. Carte Papers, 3S7. Carter, Clement Cyril, 285. Isaac, Printer at Newcastle Emlyn, etc. 23. William Powler, 266. William Lower, 304. Carton, Maynooth, MSS. at, 105. Cartwright, William, 221. Casaide, Seamus Ua (James Cassedy). Clonmel Printing, Notes on Denis 261. M'Namara, 272. Works published Some Editions of by Patrick Lynch, O'Sullivan's Mis- 261. cellany, 272. Carrick • on - Siiir Bibliographies on Printing, 261. Irish Subjects, A Scarce Tipperary 380. Journal, 261. Biblio. of Local Irish Some Irish Publica- Printing, 389. tiona In Ulster, Irish Almanacks, 263. 390. Casaide, SeamnsUa (James Cassedy), and Dix (E. R. SlcClintock). List of Books Printed in Irish, 389. Case, Robert K. 117. Cash, C. Q. 374. Cashel, Tipperary. Printing, 261, 343. Cathedral, 262. Cassan, Stephen Hyde, 333, 342. Cassedy, James. See Casaide (Seamus Ua). Cassiobury Park, Herts. MSS. at, 334. Castlecomer House, co. Kilkenny, 303. Castle Forbes, co. Aberdeen, MSS. at, 3. CO. Longford, MSS. at, 165. Castle Hill, South Molton, Devon. MSS. at, 43. Castle Howard, Yorks. MSS. at, 300. Castle Menzies, Perthshire, MSS. at, 213. Cathcart, Earl. See Thornton - le - Street, Yorks. Catholic Record Soc. 356. Catholic University of Ireland, 382. Catnach, James, 161, 193. Caubraith, Robert, 378. Caulfield, J. 283. — Richard, 30, 31, 323. Cavan, 23. Epigraphy, 23. Printing, 263, 321. Cave, C. J. P. 333. Cavers, Roxburghshire, MSS. at, 218. Cavis-Brown, Rev. John, 260. Cawdor Castle, Nairnshire, MSS. at, 173. Caxton Celebration, 158. Chadwick, John Xurse, 174. Samuel Joseph, 294. Challenor, Bromley, 12. Chalmers, Alexander, 135. George, 329, 367, 368. James, 146. Chambers, George F. 258. John, 288. Chamney, W. 105. Chancellor, E. Beresford, 252. Chandler, R. H. 104. Chandos-Pole, R. W. 325. Chandos-Pole-Gell, H. See Hopton Hall, Derbyshire. 414 A HANDBOOK TO See also Channel Islands, 24, i Guernsey and Jersey. Chanter, John Roberts, 33, 43, 44. Chapbooks. See also Ballads. America, 366. England, 365. Scotland, 373. Ireland, 390. Banbury, 204. Notts. 199. Cumberland, 31, 35. Oxford, 208. Durham, 193. Shropshire, 223. Falkirk, 241. Somerset, 230. Glasgow, 108,110,112. Tewkesbury, 331. Kendal, 274. Warrington, 134. 1 Lancashire, 118. Waterford, 272. Motherwell, 337. Weatmoriand, 34, Newcastle, 191. 35. Northants, 183, 185. Yorks. 299. Northumb. 193. Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire, 49. Chapman, Frank Robert, 31. John, 329. Robert, 253. Walter, 61. Chappell, William, 161. Charlemont, Earl of, Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 52. Charles II. 331. Charles Edward, Prince, 375. Charles, Dr. T. 103. Charlestown, nr. Ardee,co. Louth, 166, Charlton Konse, Kent, MSS. at, 97. Charlton Mackrel, Somerset, MSS. at, 331. Charnley, Emerson, 193. Chart's Edge, Kent, 95. Chatham, Kent, Catal. of Books on, 103. Chatsworth Lib. Derbyshire, 335. Chatterton, Thomas, 78. Chaucer, 149. Chatincy, Sir Henry, 87. Family of, 89. Cheddar, Somerset. Corporation Records, 231. Wookey Hole Caves, 335. Cheetham, F. K. 133. Chelmsford. County Records, 64. Museum, 66. Chelsea. See London. Cheltenham. Coll. Mus. 78. Pub. Lib. 78. ChecLuers Court, Bucks. MSS. at, 14. Cheriton, Kent, 335. Cherry, J. L. 186. Chertsey Abbey, Surrey, 251. Cheshire (and Chester), 24-29, 333. See also Lancashire. Acts of Parliament, 26. Antiquities, 34, 37. Archaeology, 26, 37. Authors, 25. Ballads, 322. Brasses, 37. Chester Bookseller, A, 333. Castle Records, 28. Cathedral Lib. 333. Records, 28. Corporation Records, 27. Diocesan Records, 28. Episcopal Registry, 28. Grosvenor Museum, 27, 28. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 27. Printing, 37, 394. St. Werburgh's Charters, 322. Chester and N. Wales Archaeol. Soc. 26. Chester in Patent Rolls, 28, 127. Coal-mining Records, 121. County Collections, 35, 37, 38. County Records, 37, 38, 323, 395. Domesday Biblio. etc. 27, 28. Exchequer Depositions, 38. Hist. Soc. of Lanes. & Cheshire, 26, 116. Lanes. & Cheshire Antiq. Soc. 26, 116. Libraries, 36, 118. Maps, 36. Printing, 37, 119, 394. Provincial Assembly, 26. Record Soc. of Lanes. & Cheshire, 117. Registers (Non-Parochial), 26. Romano-Brit. Remains, 27. Chesshyre, Sir John, 26. Chester. See Cheshire. Chester, Joseph Lemuel, 144. Chesterfield, Borough Records, 40. Chesterfield, Philip, Earl of, 39. Chesters, Northumb. Museum, 340. Chetham, Humphrey, 139, 133. Chetham Society. See Manchester. Chichester. Archseol. Inst. Meeting, 1853, 253. Borough Records, 358. Cathedral, 258. Diocesan Records, 355, 258. Episcopal Registers, 257, 258. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 415 Chichester, Earl of. See Stanmer Park, Sussex. Chicken, Rnpert Cecil, 198. Chicksands, Beds. MSS. at, 9. Priory, 9. Chillingtou Manor House, Kent, 103. See also Maidstone. Chiugford, Epping Forest Museum, 66. Chippenham, Borough Records, 984> 385. Chipping Norton, Oxon. 310. Chipping Wycomhe. See Wycombe. Chirhnry, Salop, 936. Chirk Castle, Denbighshire, MSS. at, 37. Chisenhale-Marsh, T. See Gaynes Park, Essex. Chiswick, Middlesex, 169. Cholmondeley, Reginald. See Con- dover Hall, Salop. Chorley, Charles, 31. Christchnrch, Hants. Borough Re- cords, 81. Christie, James, 155. Richard Copley, 118, 119. Christy, Robert Miller. Catal. of Local Lists The Rev. John of Brit. Birds, Ouseley, 65. Mammals, etc. 4, Essex Printing, etc. et passim. 330. Chubb, Thomas. Gloucestershire 'Wiltshire Maps, Maps, 75. 281. Somersetshire Atlases of Gt. Brit. Maps, 231. & Irel. 364. Chudleigh, Devon, Caverns, 44. Church, Charles Marcus, 337. Churchill, Irene Josephine, 335. Church Iiangton, Leics. 138. Church Lawton, Cheshire, 333. Churchyard, Thomas, 333. Cinq,ue Ports, Records, 101, 357. Cirencester. Bingham Public Lib. 78. Booksellers, 78, 333. Municipal Hist. 75. Museum, 78. Newspapers, 339. Printing, 78, 331, 332. Romano-Brit. Remains, 78. Cistercians, See Monastic Orders. Lincoln Diocese Documents, 337. Wood's Survey of Oxford, 341. Clackmannanshire, 39. Collections, 29. Folk-Lore, 107. Records, 39. Registers, 29. Clake Collection in Bristol Public Lib. 78. Clandon Park, Surrey, MSS. at, 350. Clapham, Alfred W. 356. Clare, .30, 323. MS. Collections, 322. Newspapers, 30. Printing, 322. Clare, John, 186. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Lord, 349. Clark, Andrew. The Shirburn Bal- lads, 204. A Bodleian Guide, etc. 206. Life and Times of Anthony Wood, 208, 347. Rev. Andrew, 63. Charles, 63. George Thomas, 73. Godfrey L. 73. James Toshach, 201, 374, 375. John Willis, 17, 19. Clark-Maxwell, W. G. 226, 385. Clarke, Sir Ernest, 247. George, 185. G. R. Printer at Ipswich, 248. William Kelson, 11. Clarke-Thornhill, T. B. See Rush- ton Hall, Northants. Claverton Manor, Somerset, MSS at, 231. Clay, Rotha Mary, 351. Claydon House, Bucks. MSS. at, 14. Clayton, John, 340. Sir William.. See Harleyford, Bucks. Clease, R. S. 324. Cleeve Abbey, Somerset, 335. Clegg, James, 128. Cleish, Kinross-shire, 107. Cleland, James, 336, 377. Clent, Worcs. 392. Clephan, James, 191, 194, 297. Clevedon, Somerset, 77. Clifford, Sir Thomas, 340. 416 A HANDBOOK TO Clifton Antiquarian Club, 77. Clifton Hall, Notts. MSS. at, 341. Clinoli, George, 350. Clitheroe, Lanes. Borough Records, 124. Honor of, 124. Clitherow, W. J. Stracey, 169. Clodd, Edward, 344. Clonalis, Roscommon, MSS. at, 916. Cloumacnois Monastery, King's Co. 336. Clonmel, Tipperary, Printing, 23, 261. Clopton, CO. Warwick, 270. Clonston, J. Storer, 341. Cloyne, co. Cork, Parochial Records, 31. Clun, Salop, 236. Clutterbuck, Robert, 87. Rev. Robert Hawley, 333. Clyst St. George, Devon, MSS. at, 43. Coal Trade, 189. Coates, Sir Edward Feethant, 156. Cobham, Bishop, 206. Viscount, 290. Cobham Hall, Kent, 100. Cochno, Dumbartonshire, MSS. at, 53. Cochrane, John George, 370. Cock, Alfred, 163. Frederick William, 95. Cockburn, James D. 375. Cockcroft, J. 85. Cockerell, Sydney C. 157, 178. Cocks, Alfred Heneage, 319. Coffin, J. R. Fine. See Portledge, Devon. Coke, Thomas William, 1st Earl of Leicester, 340. Coke MSS. at Melbourne, Derbyshire, 38, 40. Colchester. Archdeaconry Records, 65. Registers, 330. Borough Records, 65. Castle, 65. Court Rolls, 65, 330. Harsnett Library, 66. Museum, 66. Public Library, 63, 65. Romano-Brit. Remains, 65. Colchester, Lord, 149, 255. Cole, John, of Scarborough, 398. John, 183. Cole, Robert Eden George, 143. Rev. William, MS. Collections, 15, 19, 20, 92, 143. William. Norden's Map of Essex, 329. Coleman, A. of Wootton Bassett, Wilts. 384. James. Carlow Biblio. 321. Longford Biblio. Clare Biblio. 30. 165. Connaught Biblio. Louth Biblio. 165. 30. Mayo Biblio. 166. Cork Historical Meath Biblio. 167. MSS. 31. Roscommon Biblio. Cork Library in 216. 1801 & 1820, 31. Sllgo Biblio. 227. Galway Biblio. 72. Tipperary Biblio. Kerry Biblio. 104. 261. Kilkenny. Waterford. Biblio. 336. Biblio. 271. Printing, 106. Printing, 271. Leitrim Biblio. 139. Westmeath Biblio. Limerick. 272. Biblio. 139. Wexford Biblio. Early Printed 276. Books, 139. Wicklow Biblio. Historical Docu- 277. ments, 140. James, Bookseller. Deeds. Northumber. 194. Cambridgesh. 20. Suffolk, 246. Durham, 66. Welsh, 396. Coleraine, Printing, 165, 263. Coleridge, Ernest Hartley, 236. Samuel Taylor, 236. ' Collectanea Archeeologica,' Index, 351. Collier, John (Tim Bobbin), 119,337. John Fayne, 160, 366. Collins, William, 86. Collinson, Rev. John. Index to 'Hist, of Wilts. MS. CoUeo- Somerset,' 229. tions, 277. CoUis, Mrs. of Leicester, 136. CoUmann, Herbert Ji. 161, 366. CoUyer, Rev. Robert, 308. Colman, Jeremiah James, 174, 180. Colum, Fadraic, 390. Colzium, Stirhngshire, MSS. at, 241. Combe Abbey, co. Warw. 266. Comber, H. 353. Compton Flace, Sussex, 355. Compton Verney, co. Warw. 366. Conder, Edward, 76, 376. Condon, J. Biblio. of Irish History, 382. Condover Hall, Salop, MSS. at, 223. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 417 Congletou, Cheshire, Borough Records, 39. Congress of Arclieeol. Societies, 351, 365. Conmey, F. J. 51. Connauglit, 30, 333. Certificates, 385. Literary Men, 323. Connolly, Thomas, Dublin Bookseller, 382. Constable, Archibald, 59, 378. David, 369. Thomas, 59. WiUiam, 302, 341. Conway, Municipal Records, 23. Cook, C. P. 254. John, 308. Cooke, Edward William (R.A.), 157. John Henry, 24, 25, 76. Richard, 95. Cookson, Kev. Edward, of Ipswich, 246, 308. Cooper, Oeorge Miles, 257. Canon James Hughes, 258. Joseph, 253. Thomas P. 299. William Durraut, 169, 254. Cope, Mrs. John Hantenville, 1 0. Kev. Sir William Henry, 80. See also Bramshill, Hants. Copinger, Harold Bernard, 242. Walter Arthur. Hist. MSS. relating County of Suflfolk, to 00. Cork, 31. itsHistory,etc.212. The Priory Press, Davy's Suffolk Col- Manohester, 130. lections, 245. Copnall, Henry Hampton, 341. Corbet, Richard. See Market Dray- ton, Salop. Sir Walter Orlando. See Acton Reynald, Salop. Corbridge, James, 181. Cork (County and City), 30, 31, 323. Booksellers, 323. Collections, 31. Corporation MSS. 31. Epigraphy, 30. Historical MSS. 31. Library, 31. Literature, 30. Newspapers, etc. 323. Parochial Records, 31. Printing, 30, 333. Corlass, Reginald Walter, 308. Cornforth, W. 156. Corns, Albert R. 141. Cornwall, 31-34, 323, 324. BaUads, 32, 41. Brasses, 33. Collections, 32. Cornish MSS. Soc. 33. Domesday Biblio. 32. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, 32. Manorial History, 33. Maps, 31. Parish Registers, 323. Portraits, 31, 32, 43. Roman-Brit. Remains, 32. Roy. Inst, of Cornwall, 31. The Stanneries, 32. Corry, Somerset R. Lowry-. See Belmore, Earl of. Corsham House, Wilts. 279. Cortachy Castle, Forfarshire, MSS. at, 69. Cosgrave, E. MacDowel, 51. Cossey (Costessey) Hall, Norfolk, MSS. at, 177. Cotgreave, Alfred, 149. Cotteswold Club, Library of, 331. Cotton, Sir Robert, 92. R. W. 43. William A. 288. Conch, Thomas Quiller, 31. Coughton Court, co. Warwick, MSS. at, 11, 265. Couper, Rev. William James. Biblio. o£ the Camp- The Campbeltown beltown Declara- Declaration, 1685, tion, 6. 108. The Edinburgh Biblio. of Glasgow Periodical Press, Periodical Press, 57. 110. Biblio. of Edinb. Origins of Glasgow PeriodicalLitera- Printir^, 111. ture, 57. Eobert Sanders, James Watson, Glasgow Printer, King's Printer, 111,336. etc. 59. The Date of the Scottish Rebel 'Drumfries Mer- Printers, 59, 375. cury,' 327. The MiUers of Had- Andrew Symson, dington, etc. 68, Printer, etc. 329. 79. Courtney, Charles J. 249. William Prideaux. A Register of Na- Biblio. of Samuel tional Biblio. 7. Johnson, 240. and Boase (George C.) Biblio. Cornubiensis, 31. Cousins, Henry, 343. Coutts, Henry T. 249. 418 A HANDBOOK TO Coventry. Biblio. 263, 264. Borough Records, 266, 269. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 266. MSS. of, 344. Maps, 268. Municipal History, 264. Printing, 269. Public Library, 344. St. Mary's Hall, 269. Coventry, Earl of. See Croome Court, Worcs. Cowan, Henry, 332. William. U. F. Church CoU. The Holyrood Press, Lib. Edinb. 58. 59. Andro Hart and his Early Views, etc. Press, 58. ot Edinb. 61. Biblio. of 'Book of Peter Williamson's Common Order,' Press, 329. 69, 370. Cowell, Peter, 125, 126. S. H. of Ipswich, 344. Cowper, Countess. See Wrest Park, Beds. Earl. See Melbourne, Derby- shire. Henry Swainson. An ArchsBol. Suryey of Cumberland, etc. 35, 273. An Archseol. Survey of Lanes. North-of- the-Sands, 120. Hawkshead, its History, etc. 12i. Joseph meadows, 100, 101. Cox, Captain, of Coventry, 265. Bev. Jolin The WoUey MSS, 38. Cal. of Derbyshire Records, 38. Notes on Derbysh. Churches, 39. Tithes in the Peak, 39. Estates of Earl of Chesterfield, 39. Early Deeds of Rep- ton School, 40. Charles. Northampton Boro' Records, 187. Lichfield Muni- ments, etc. 240. How to write the Hist, of a Parish, 353. The Parish Regis- ters of England, 354. Churchwardens' Accounts, 355. and Harvey (Alfred). English Church Furniture, 356. James Iionsdale, 307. Coze, Henry Octavius. Memoir of, 206. Cal. of Bod. Lib. Catal. of MSS. of Charters, 207. Oxford Colleges, Catal. of Douce Col- 209. lection, 366. William, 339. Cozens, Walter, 100. Crabbe, Rev. George, 181, 279. Crace, Frederick, 156. Crace Colleetion, 164. Crace, John Gregory, 156. Craib, Theodore, 346, 362. Craigarogan. Four Towns Book Club, 317. Craighall, Perthshire, MSS. at, 313. Craigie, William Alexander, 378. Cramond, William, 8, 318. Cranborne Chase, Dorset, 3{6. Cranstoun, David, 378. Craster, Herbert HenryEdmund, 195. Crathes Castle, Kincardineshire, MSS. at, 107. Craven. Yorks. .307. Crawford, William Horatio, 381. Crawford and Balcarres (James Ludovic Iiindsay), 26th Earl of. Hist. MSS. Comm. Catal. of Collection Rep. on MSS. at of Bnerllsh Bal- Dunecht, 3. lads, 161, 365. Collections present- Handlist of Procla- ed to Wigan Free mations, 3S4. Lib. 134. Catal. of English Catal. of Printed Broadsides, 365. Books at Haigh Biblio. of Royal Pro- HaU, 147, 347. clamatlons, 365, 373, 382. Crawford Priory, Fifeshire, MSS. at, 68. Crawfurd, George, 215. Crawhall, Joseph, 193. Crayford, Kent. Printing, 335. Crediton Dlinster, Devon. 44. Credland, William Robert, 117, 129. Creery, Olive, 72. Cregeen, Archibald, 94. Creskeld, Yorks. MSS. at, 300. Creswell, Samuel Francis, 199. Crippen, Thomas George, 356. Crisp, Frederick Arthur, 232, 355. Crofton, Henry Thomas, 116, 121. Croker, Thomas Crofton, 381, 383. Crondall, Hants. Records, 82. Crone, John Smyth. Ulster Biblio. Early Derry Print- Derry, Antrim, ing, 165. Down,Armagh, TheAchiUPress,167. Tyrone, 263. The Lough Fea Lib- 170. Antrim, 3ia Armagh, 317. Derry, 165. Down, 49. Tyrone, 262. rary, 17 The LedestonPress, 273. Biog.Note onHenry Bradshaw, 389. Croome Court, Worcs. MSS. at, 289. Cropper, Percy James, 199. Crosse, Col. Thomas Richard, 123. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 419 Crossing, William, 4S. Crossland, Charles, 307. Crossle, Francis Clements, 50. Philip, 326. Crossley, James, 116. Crosthwaite, Cumberland. Charters, 324. Crosthwaite, J. Fisher, 37. Peter, 37. Croston, James, 139. Crowcom.be Court, Somerset, MSS. at, 231. Crowland Abbey, Lines. 145, 189. Crown Point, Norwich, 174. Croydon. Johnson's History, 251. Public Lib. Surrey Books, 249. Cudworth, William, 294, 306. Culcheth Deeds, 123. CuUen, Banffshire. Burgh Records, 8. Culter Maynes Library, Lanarkshire, 112. Cnlzean Castle, Ayrshire, MSS. at, 6. Cumberland, 34-37, 324. See also Westmorland. Acts of Parliament, 35. Archaeol. Survey, 35. BaUads, 35, 324. RpoQcpc 35 County Collections, 35, 36, 374, 275. Dialect, 35, 273, 324. Domesday Biblio. 35. Ejected of 1662, 35, 274. Heraldry, 34, 35, 273. Manorial Hist. 35. Maps, 34. Natural Science, 36, 275. Place-names, 274, 324. Romano-Brit. Remains, 35. Cumberland & Westmorland Antiq. and Archaeol. Soc. Index to Trans- actions, etc. 35, 273. Cumberland & Westmorland Asso- ciation. Index to Transactions, 35, 273. Cnmming, John, 3. Cunningham, William, 149, 350, 351. Cunnington, Augustus, 62. Henry, 280. William, 279, 281. Cupar, Fife. Printing, 67. Burgh Records, 68. Currer, Frances Mary Richardson. 307. Cursiter, James Walls, 201. Curtis, E. 310. Curwen, John Flavel, 35, 273. Cust, Lionel, 15, 281. Cathbertson, David, 328. Cuttriss, S. W. 304. Cwrtmawr MSS. 395. Cymmrodorion. Catal.oftheMyvyrian MSS. 396. Cymmrodorion, Hon. Society of. Index to PubUcations, 392. Catal. of Library, 393. Dade, Rev. William, 294. Dale, Bryan, 303. Samuel, 330. Dalhousie, Earl of. See Brechin Castle, Forfarshire, and Panmure Castle, Forfarshire. Dalmahoy, Midlothian, MSS. at, 60. Dalrymple, Charles. See Newhailes, Edinburghshire. D' Alton, Edward A. 382. John, 166, 388. R. of Tipperary, 261. Dalton William Herbert, 62, 144. Dalyell, Sir R. A. O. See Binns (The), Linlithgowshire. Dancey, Charles Henry, 74. Daniel, Rev. Charles Henry Olive OivU War Pamph- The Daniel Press, lets, 206. Oxford, 203, 204. George, 366. John, Bookseller at Carmarthen, 23. Daniell, Dr. Alfred, 392. Walter Vernon, 149, 346. Danks, William, 100. Darlington. Borough Records, 306. Printing at BlackweU Grange, 55, 328. Dartmoor, Devon, 45. Biblio, 45. Hist. Documents, 45. Dartmoor Prison, Devon, 45. Biblio. 325. Dartmouth. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 43. Borough Records, 45. Earl of. See Patshull, Staffs. Dartnell, George Edward, 281. 420 A HANDBOOK TO Darwin, Francis. See Creskeld.Yorks. Daseut, Sir Georg^e Webbe, 150. Davenport, Frances Gardiner. List of Printed Materials for Manorial Hist. 354 et passim. ■ and Andrews (Charles M.) Guide to MS. Materials, United States History, 349. Daventry, Northants. Borough Records, 188. Davidson, James. Biblio. Devoniensis, 40. Collection at Athenaeum, Plymouth, 42. James Bridge, 44. Davies, Bev. David, S92. James, 86. J. Silvester, 383. Jolin. Books printed by John Ross, 321. John Humphreys. Biblio. and its Aims, Welsh Calvinistic 392. Methodism, 393. Eariy Welsh Biblio. Biblio. of Welsh 392. Ballads, 394. Welsh Book Collec- tors, 393. Robert, 295, 297, 302. B. E. 220. Bev. Thomas Lewis Owen, 83. Davies-Cooke, P. B. See Owston Hall, Yorks. Davis, B. Jeffries, 338. James William, 304. Bev. B. G. 80, 84. Thomas, 317, 390. Davison, William, Printer at Aln- wick, 196. Davisson, William, 378. Davy, David Blisha, 243, 245. Henry, 248. Bev. William. Printing'at Lustleigh. Devon, 46. Dawson, Charles, 259. George, 264. Mrs. M. L. 22. Thomas, 125. Day, Bobert, of Myrtle Hill, Cork, 333, 339. Deacon, Samuel, 184. Thomas, of Manchester, 130. Deedes, Cecil, 63, 84, 136, 248. Deering, Charles. Index to ' Nottinghamia Votus et Nova,' 198. Delafield, Thomas, 308, 210. Delamere House, Cheshire, MSS. at, 27. Delaval MSS. at Ford Castle, North- umberland, 194, 195. De La Warr, Barl. See Buckhurst, Kent. See Knole Park, Sevenoaks. De LTsle and Dudley, Lord, 98, 259. See also Penshurst, Kent. De Mely, Fernand, 353, 370. Denbigh, Earl of. See Newnham Pad- dox, Leics. Denbighshire, 37, 324. Ballad. 324. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 37. Municipal History, 37. Natural Science, 37. Romano-Brit. Remains, 37. Denham, Michael Aislabie, 54. Denny, Henry Lyttelton Lyster,390. Dent, Bobert K. 264, 268. Thomas, of Nottingham, 199. Denton MSS. 35. Deptford, Dockyard Records, 100, 361. St. Paul's Parish Records, 100. De Quincey, Thomas, 274. Derby. See Derbyshire. Derby, Barl of. See Knowsley Hall, Lanes. Derby, Thomas, 119. Derbyshire (and Derby), 37-40, 325. Acts of Parliament, 38. Angling, 199. Ballads, 325. Brasses, 38, 352. Churches, 39. County Collections, 38, 325. Derby Museum, 38. Domesday Biblio. 38. Fines, 38. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 38. Horn-books, 38. Manorial History, 38. Maps, 37. Municipal History, 38. Natural Science, 39. Pre-Norman Antiquities, 197. Printing, 38. Romano-Brit. Remains, 38. Visitation, 38. Derbyshire Archseol. and ITat. Hist. Soc. Index to Journal, 37. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 421 Derini:, Sir Edward, 99. Derley Abbey, Derbyshire, 40. de Bios, Lord, 50. Serry. See Londonderry. Derry, John, 310. T. B. 39. Desmond, Geraldine Earls of, 173. de Tabley, Iiord. See Tabley House, Cheshire. De Vaynes, Julia K. It. 99. Devizes. BibUo. 285. Borough Records, 285. County Record Office, 283, 284. Museum of Wilts. Archaeol. Soc. 278, 281, 985. Devon, Charles, 302. Devon, Earl of. See Po wderham Castle, Devon. Devonport. Biblio. 46. Devonshire, 40-46, 335-326. BaUads, 32, 40, 41, 325. Booksellers, 42. County Collections, 32, 41, 42, 43. Dialect, 43. Domesday Biblio. 42, 43. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 43. Libraries, 42. Literature, 41, 42, 335. Manorial History, 42. Monumental Inscriptions, 42. Municipal History, 42. Natural Science, 43, 44. Newspapers, etc. 41, 42. Parish Registers, 43. Poets, 325. Portraits, 42. Printers, 42. Romano-Brit. Remains, 43. Devonshire Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, etc. Presidential Addresses, 1882 and 1893, 41. Index and Guide to ' Reports & Trans.' 41. Biblio. of Devon, 325. Devonshire, Duke of. See Bolton Abbey, Yorks. See Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire. Dialect. England, 274, 353. Scotland, 371. Cumberland, 35, 273, Norfolk, 175, 324. Northumb. 191. Devonshire, 42. Westmorland, 273, Hawkshead 274, 324. (Lanes.) 124. Wiltshire, 281. Lancashire, 36, 117, Yorkshire, 296. 119. Dibdin, Thomas Frog^all. .3Sdes Althorpianee, Lee Priory Press, 96. 188. Lincoln Books, etc. Ames' ' Typog. An- 141. tiquitieSj 169. ' Lincolne Nosegay, AuchinleckPress,?. The,' 141. Darlington Pres8,55. Newcastle Books, Durham Books, etc. etc. 1^. 55. Peterborough Edinburgh Libra- Books, etc. 189. riea, etc. 68. Strawberry Hill Glasgow Libraries, Press, 170. etc. 112. York Books, etc. 297. Dicey, Cluer. Chapbooks, 183, 185. Press, 185. Dickens, Charles, 149. Dickinson, Francis Henry, 338, 237. Dickons, James ITorton, 306. Dickson, Robert. Introd. of Printing into Scotland, 3, 58, 375. Early Scottish Typography, 58. Who was Scotland's First Printer? 58, 375. and Edmond (John Philip). Annals of Scottish Printing, 68, 375. Thomas, 68. William Kirk. The Signet Library, Printed Catalogues Edinburgh, 67. of Advocates' Lib. 16th Cent. Books in 58. Advocates' Lib. The Advocates' Lib. 58. Edinb. 68. William Purdie, 113. Dictionary of National Biography. Irish Biographies, Shropshire 384. Authors, 222. Digby, G. Wingfield-. See Sherborne Castle, Dorset. Dilke, Sir Charles W. MSS. of, 150. Dillon, John, 114. Viscount, MSS. of, 207. Dineley, Thomas, 290. Directories. Birmingham, 267. Norfolk, 174. Ireland, 390. Wigan, 134. Newcastle, 198. Diss, Norfolk, 177. Ditchfield, Peter Hampson, 12, 132, 318. Diz, Ernest Reginald McClintock. Irish Provincial List of Irish Books, Printing prior to 1671-1820, 389. 1701, .'i89. Irish Book CoUec- Early Printing in tors, 381. the South-east of Irish Bookbinding, Ireland, 261. 381. Printing in some Irish Chapbooks, Irish Provincial Ballads, etc. 390. Towns, 18th cent. Irish Librarians, 216, 228, 272. etc. 380. Irish Bibliography, Irish Magazines, 380. 389. Introduction to Sir Biblio. of Irish John Gilbert's Newspapers, 389. 'Irish Biblio- Irish Pirated Edi- graphy,' 389, tions, 380, 422 A HANDBOOK TO Dix, Ernest Reginald McClintock, {continued) List of Irish Towns Dublin Broadsides, and Dates of Ear- Proclamations, liest Printing, 389. etc. 50, 327. E.arly 18th cent. Dublin Newspapers Broadside on and Magazines, Printing, 389. 51, 327. Irish Song Books in Dundalk and Gal- Eoy. Irish Acad. way Song Books, 390. 72, 166. Ulster Biblio- Kilkenny Procla- graphy, 263. mations, 106. Cork Ballads, 30. Limerick, Mona- Drogheda News- ghan, and Tralee papers, 165, 166. Newspapers, 104, Dublin Almanack, UO, 170. 51. Waterford Book- Dublin Booksellers, seUera, 271. Publishers, etc. 326,327. Printing, Articles on. Armagh, 6, 49, 263, Enniskillen, 67, 330. 317. Galway, 72. Athlone, 216, 342. HUlsborough, 263. Ballinasloe, 331. Kilkenny, 106. Belfast, 5, 316. Limerick, 139, 140. Birr, 107, 336. Londonderry, 165, Bonmahon, 271. 263. Boyle, 342. Loughrea, 72, 331. Carlow, 22, 321. Louth, 168. Carrick-on-Suir, Monaghan, 170, 263. 261. MuUingar, 272. Cashel, 261, 343. Munster, 30. Cavan, 263, 321. Newry, 49, 263, 317. Olonmel, 22, 261. Parsonstown. See Coleraine, 165, Birr. 263. Portadown, 317. Cork, 30, 323. Roscrea, 261. Derry. See Lon- Roundwood, 277. donderry. Sligo, 228. Downpatrick, Strabane, 262, 263, 263. 344. Drogheda, 165, Thurles, 281. 166. Tralee, 104. Dublin, 50, 51, 326, Trim, 167. 327. Tuam, 72, 331. Duncairn, 316. Tyrone, 262. Dundalk, 166. 'V^aterford, 271, 344. Dungannon, 262. Wexford, 276. Bnnis, 30. Youghal, 323. and the History of Irish Printing, 389. and others. 'A Dictionary of Printers, etc. in England, Scotland, and Ireland,' ed. by R. B. MoKerrow, 367. and Casaide (Seamus ua). List of Books printed in Irish, 389. Dizon, Jolin Henry, 366. Rev. Richard Watson, 37. Ronald, 324. Dohson, Henry Austin, 170, 234., 297. William. See Harland (John). William T. 59. Dod, Rev. John, of Fawsley, Northants. 183. Whitehall. See Llanerch, St. Asaph. Dodd, William, 193, 196. ' Dodsley's Annual Register.' Index, 348. Sodson, John George, 254. Dodsworth, Roger, 295, 301, 302. Dodsworth Collection, 311. Dogmersfield Fark, Hants. MSS. at, 80. Dolan, Dom John Crilbert, 235. Dolgelly, CO. Merioneth. Records, 167. Domesday Book, 350. See also Dove (Patrick Edward). Dom.inicans. See Monastic Orders. Donaghadee, co. Down. Printing, 326. Doncaster, Yorks. Borough Records, 307. Donegal, 47. Donne, Dr. John, 154. Donoughmore, Earl of, 261. Donybristle, Fifeshire, MSS. at, 68. Dor an, C. Gr. 30. Dorchester, Dorset. Borough Records, 49, 326. Municipal History, 47. Dormer, Clement Cottrell, 207. Dome, John, Bookseller in Oxford, 203, 204. Dornoch, Sutherlandshire. Burgh Re- cords, 360. Dorsetshire, 47-49, 326. Brasses, 47. Briefs, 48. Chained Books, 48. County Collections, 48. County Histories, 47, 280, 326. Domesday Biblio. 47. Dorset Articles in ' Downside Review,' 229. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 48. Manorial History, 47. Maps, 47. Municipal History, 47, 48. Natural Science, 48. Newspapers, 47. Pedigrees, 48. Printers, 47. Romano-Brit. Remains, 47. Statute Merchant Bonds, 48. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Clah. Index to ' Proceedings,' 47. Doubleday, Herbert Arthur, 347. William E. 324. Douce Collection, 366. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. Doudney, Rev. David Alfred, 271. Douglas, Isle of Man. Public Lib. 94. Dougrlas, Sir Oeorge, 210, 217, 219. James. See Cavers, Roxburgh- shire. John M. 383. Loudon Macqueen, 373. Robt. Bp. of Dunblane, 212. William, 374. Dovaston, John. See West Felton, Salop. Dove, Patrick Edward, Domesday Studies, 350 4t patsim. Dover. Ancient Libraries, 100. Borough Records, 100. Museum, 101. St. Martin's. Priory, 100. War OfSce Records at, 361. Dovercourt, Essex, 330. Dowden, John, 114. Dowie, JacoLueline, 72. Down, 49, 50, 326. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 50. The ' Down ' Survey, 386, 388. Natural Science, 50. Printing, 49, 50, 326. Dowues, Charles M. 288. Thomas, 147. Downing, William, 268. Thomas William, 269. Downpatrick, co. Down. Printing, 50, 263. Downside, St. Gregory's Monastery, 235. ' Downside Review.' Index, 235. Som. & Dorset Articles in, 47, 229. Drake, Francis, 41, 295. Drakelowe, Derbyshire, Charters, etc. at, 40, 325. Drayton, co. Warwick, 266, 270. Drayton, Michael, 63. Drayton House, Northants. MSS. at, 186. Dredge, Rev. John Ingle. A Few Sheaves of Biblio. of Dr. Saml. Devon Biblio. 40. Bolton, 118. Devon Booksellers Biblio. of Richard and Printers, 42. Bernard, 230. Drogheda, co. Louth. Newspapers, 165, 166. Printing, 165, 166. Drogheda, Marquess of. Abbey, co. Kildare. 423 See Moore Borough Records, Droitwich, Worcs. 292. Dropmore, Bucks. MSS. at, 14. Drought, G. Printer at Dublin, 51. Druitt, Herbert, 352. Drum Castle, co. Aberdeen, MSS. at, 3. Drnmlanrig Castle, co. Dumfries, MSS. at, 53, 149. Drummond, P. R. 212. William, of Hawthornden, 60, 329. Drummond-Moray, C. S. H. See Ar- doch, Perthshire. Drury, E. B. 141. Dryden, Alice, 184, 264, 265, 269, 281. Sir Henry Edward Iieigh, 184, 186,201,353. See also Canons Ashby, Northants. - John, 149. Dryden Collection(Orkney and Shet- land), 201. Dublin, 50-52, 326-327. Almanacs, 51. Booksellers, 327. Broadsides, 50, 327. Caricatures, 51. Castle Records, 385. Christ Church Cathedral, 386. City Guilds, 52, 327. College of Irish Franciscans, 52. Corporation Records, 327. Customs House, 385. Dean Swift's Lib. 327. Diocese of. Wills, 386. Dublin Collections, 52. Engravings, 51. Feltmakers' Company, 327. Four Courts, Records, 385. Franciscan Convent, 52. Gild of Merchants, 327. Guild of Cutlers, etc. 327. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 52. Jesuits' Archives, 52. Libraries, 51, 52. Manor of St. Sepulchre, 386. Marsh's Library, 52, 327. Museums, 51. National Lib. & Nat. Mus. 384. National Literary Soc. 51. Natural Science, 52. Newspapers, etc. 51, 327. Printing, 50, 51, 326, 327. 424 A HANDBOOK TO Dublin (continued). Proclamations, SO. Public Record Office, 317. Publishing, 326. Royal Irish Academy. Catal. of Anti- Hist. MSS. Comm. quities, 51, 383. Rep. 62. CharlemontMSS. Indexes to Publica- 52. tions,383. Dublin Colleo- Irish Song Books, tions, 52. 390. Haliday Collec- tion, 382. Roy. Soc. of Antiq. Irel. Index to 'Journal,' 383. St. Patrick's Cathedral, 52. See of, 52. Trinity Coll. Lib. Catol. of MSS. 52, Hist. MSS. Comm. 387. Rep. 52. Catal. of Maps, Index to Irish MSS. etc. 52, 388. 387. Dublin Collec- tions, 52. Ducarel, Andrew Coltee, 256. Duckett, Sir Oeorge Floyd, 257, 259, 275, 311, 359. Ducklingtou, Oxon. 307. Index to Registers, 310. Dnckworth, Thomas, 291. Dudley, Worcs. 293. Dudley, Howard, 254. Duff, Edward Gordon. Abp. Marsh's Lib. Introduction of Dublin, 52. Printing into Catal. of John Ry- England, 159. lands Lib. 129. Stationers in St. A Century of Eng- Paul's Church- liah Book Trade, yard, 160. 158. Printers, etc. of Printers, etc. of York, 297. Lond. & West- FirstBooks Printed minster, 159. in Scottish Lan- guage, 375. Duff House, Fife, MSS. at, 8. Duffy, Sir Charles Gavau. Biblio. 383. Dugan, C. Winston, 50. Dugdale, Sir William. ' Monasticon,' 295, 356. Warwickshire Collections, 266. Duignan, William Henry. Biblio. 343. Dukes, Thomas Farmer, 220, 224, 225. Dulwich. See London. Dumbartonshire (and Dumbarton), 53, 327. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 53. Natural Science, 53. Poets, etc. of The Lennox, 327. Registers, 53. Romano-Brit Remains, 53. Dumfriesshire (and Dumfries), 53, 54, 337. BaUads, 337. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, 53. Libraries, S3, 71. Maps, 53. Newspapers, 327. Natural Science, 54. Parish Registers, S3. Poets, 327. Rae Press, S3. Romano-Brit. Remains, 53. Dum.friesshire and Galloway Nat. Hist. & AnticL- Soc. 53, 71. Dun, Forfarshire, MSS. at, 70. Dunbar. Booksellers, 68. Burgh Records, 79. Dunbar, Sir Archibald Hamilton, 373. Dunblane, Abp. Leighton's Library, 212. Duncairn, co. Antrim, Printing Press at, 316. Duncan, A. & James, Glasgow Printers, 111. James, 71. William James, 111. Duncrub Castle, Perthshire, MSS. at, 213. Dundalk. co. Louth. Ballads, etc. 166. Charters, 166. Printing, 166. Dundas, James. See Dundas Castle, Linlithgowshire. Robert. See Arniston, Gore- bridge. W. Pitt, 377. Dundas Castle, Linlithgowshire, MSS. at, 146. Dundee. Albert Institute, 71. Burgh Records, 70. Corporation of Weavers, 70. Free Library, 71. Hospital, 70. Lib. of the Dominicans, 71. Museums, 71. Newspapers, etc. 71, 331. ' Old Dundee ' Collection, 71. Dundee, Viscount. See Grahame of Claverhouse. Dundonald, Earldom of, 377. Dunecht, Aberdeenshire, MSS. at, 3. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 425 Dunfermline. Biblio. 67. Booksellers, 68. Burgh Records, 68. Collections, 67. Printing, 68. Diinganuon, Tyrone. Printing, 263, 263. Dnngarvan, co. Waterford. Map. 272. Dunkin, Edward Hadlow Wise, 256. Dunlop, Robert, 382, 383, 388. Dunne, F. Plunket. See Brittas, Queen's Co. Du Noyer, Oeorge Victor, 272. Dunrobin, Sutherland. MSS. at, 238, 260. Duns, Berwickshire. County Council Records, 13. Museum, 13. Duns Castle, Berwickshire, MSS. at, 13, 210, 219. Dunster Castle, Somerset, MSS. at, 231. Dunston Hill, co. Durham, MSS. at, 194. Dunwich., Suffolk, Corporation Records, 245. Dupplin, Perthshire, MSS. at, 213. Duprey, Eugene, 24. Durham (County and City), 54-56, 328. Acts of Parliament, 55. Ballads and Chapbooks, 193. Booksellers, 55. Brasses, 55. Cathedral, Library, 55, 328. Records, 55, 328. Domesday Biblio. 55. Genealogy, etc. 54. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 55. Manorial History, 55. Municipal History, 55. Natural Science, 56. Non-Parochial Registers, 56. Palatinate Records, 28, 54, 55, 194, 328. Parish Registers, 56, 195. Printing, 55, 328. Romano-Brit. Remains, 55. Durrant, Rev. Christoplier Rawes, 247. Durrington, Sussex, 258. Duthy, John, 333. Duxbury, Lanes. 133. Dwnn, Lewis, 21, 22, 212. Dyer, Sir William Turner Thisel- ton, 169. Dymond, Robert, 43, 45, 46. Dysart House, Kirkcaldy, Fife, MSS. at, 68. Eaglescarnie, Haddingtonshire, MSS. at, 79. Eakin, J. H. 165. Ealing. See London. Eames, Wilberforce, 159 Earle, Joseph Sim, 65. Earwaker, John Parsons. The Four Handle Notes on Bolton and Holmes, 27. Bury Books, 124. Earwaker MS. Col- Notes on Manches- lection, 28. ter Books, 128. Deeds at East Hall, Early Booksellers of Cheshire, 29. Manchester, 130. Early Deeds of Manor of Manches- Lanos. & Che- ter Deeds. 131. shire, 122. Standish Family Charters, etc. at Deeds, 133. Ageoroft Hall, Local Biblio. of Lanes. 123. Cheshire, 322. Eastbourne. Guides, Printers, News- papers, Maps, etc. 858. East Dean, Sussex, 256. East Dereham, Norfolk, 180. East Hall, High Legh, Cheshire, Deeds at, 29. East Hendred, Berks. MSS. at, 10. East Herts. Archaeological Society, 87. East Lothian. See Haddingtonshire. Eastman, Rev. F. M. 185. East Molesey, Surrey, 250. Easton Lodge, Essex, 66. East Peckham, Kent, 98. East Sutton Park, Kent, MSS. at, 97. Eaton, Bookseller at Worcester, 287. Eaton Hall, Chester, MSS. at, 27. Eaton Hall, Congleton, Cheshire, MSS. at, 27. Eaton Hall, Warrington, Lanes. Charters, etc. at, 29. Ebsworth, Joseph Woodfall, 99, 161, 365, 366. Eoclesfield, Yorks. 307. Edburton, Sussex, 258. Eddowe's Journal, 222. Eden, Sir Prederick Morton, 353. Edge Hill, co. Warw. 269. Edgerston, Roxburghshire, MSS. at, 218. 426 A HANDBOOK TO EdiubiixgliBliire (and Edinburgh), S7-61, 328-329. Abbotsford Club. Publications, etc. 369, 377. Advocates' Library. 15th Cent. Books, Catal. of Printed 58. Books, 368. Hist. MSS. Sibbald's CoUee- Comm. Rep. 60. tions, 368. MSS. on Genea- MS. Maps, by Pont logy, etc. 60, 372. and others, 374. Scottish MSS. Catal. of Gaelic and Books, 61. MSS. 382. Thomas Ruddi- man.Llbrarian, 329, 367. Bannatyne Club. Publications, 369, 377. Book Clubs, 57. Booksellers, 57. Ch. of Scot. Library, 58. Crawford Library, 58. Directory of Edinb. 1773, 61. Edinburgh Circulating Library, 58. General Register House, Records at, 3T6. Heriot's Hospital, 61, 329. Libraries, 57, 58, 60, 329. Literary & Philos. Societies, 57. Lyon Office, 372. Museum, 61. Nat. Mus. of Antiq. of Scot. 61. Natural Science, 61. Newspapers, etc. 57. Plans and Views, 61, 329. Printing, 57, 58, 329. Protocol Books, 60, 61. Public Library, 58. Registers, 60. Romano-Brit. Remains, 61. Roman Catholic Bishop, Lib. of the, 60. Roy. Observatory Library, 58. Roy. Coll. of Physicians Library, 58. St. Mary's Cathedral Lib. 58. Scottish Burgh Records Soc. 377. Scottish Episcopal Church Lib. 58. Signet Library. Catal. of Printed Article on, by W. K. Books & MSS. Dickson, 57. 57, 368. 15th Cent. Books, 58. Soc. of Antiquaries of Scot. 369, 377. Stationers, 57. United Free Ch. Coll. Lib. 58. University Library. List of Printed Account of, by D. Catalogues, 58. Cuthbertson," 328. List of 15th Cent. Account of, by John Books, 58. Small, 329. Laing MSS. 60, Records of, by P. J. 328, 369. Anderson, 377. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 60. Ediugton Collection on Engraving', 192. Edis, Robert, Printer at Huntingdon, 90. Edmond, Jolin Philip. Aberdeen Printers Elegies on Death of and Printing, 3. Henry, Prince of Books Printed at Wales, 211. Aberdeen, 3. Introd. to ' Catal. of List of 15th Cent. Engl. Broadsides, Books in Signet etc/ 365. Lib. 58. Biblio. Sculptured Biblio.61eanings,58. Stones of Scot. Inventories of Edin- 371. burgh Printers, 59. and Biclcson (Bobert). Annals of Scottish Printing, 58, 375. Edmonds, Charles, 188, 189. Canon Walter John, 45. Edmondstone, Sir Archibald. See Colzium, Stirlingshire. Edwards, C. F. 234. Edward, 221. P. A. 80. P. E. 79. Job, of Amesbury, 280. Dr. Lewis, of Bala, 393. Edwards of Halifax, Bookseller, 307. Eeles, John Proctor, of Penarth, 339. Effingham, Earl of, 300. Egan, Patrick M. 271. Egerton, Sir Philip de H. Orey-. See Oulton Hall, Cheshire. Egerton - Warburton, Kowland Eyles. See Arley Hall, Cheshire. Eglinton Castle, Ayrshire, MSS. at, 6. Egmont, Earl of, MSS. of, 150, 255. Elger, Thomas Crwyn, 9. Elgin or Horay, 61, 62, 329. Ecclesiastical Records, 62. Elgin Museum, 62. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 61. Municipal History, 62. Natural Science, 62. Printing, 62. Records, 62. Registers, 62. Romano-Brit. Remains, 62. Sheriff Court of. 62. EUacombe, Kev. Henry Thomas, 232. See also Clyst St. George, Devon. EUesmere, Salop, 226. Ellesmere, Earl of. See Walkden, Lanes. Elliot, Henry Lettsom, 187. W. Prank, 329. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 427 Ellis, Alfred Shelley, 345. Rev. Frederic Robert, 222. Frederick Startridge, 366. Sir Henry, 290, 350, 358. Henry John, 363. Richard, 394. William Fatterson, 364. William Smith, 254, 255. Ellis and Elvey, Booksellers, 367. Elphinstone, Lord. See Carberry Tower, Musselburgh. Elstow, CO. Bedford. Biblio. 9. Elvetham, Hants. Catal. of Charters, 82. Norfolk Charters at, 178. Elvin, Rev. Charles Robert S. 104. Elworthy, Frederick Thomas, 228. Ely. Bishop of. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 20. Cathedral Library, 320. Records, 21. Dean and Chapter of. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 20. Diocesan Records, 31. Registry, 360. Sacrist Rolls, 21. Emly, Lord. See Tervoe, Limerick. Empsall, Thomas Thornton, 306. Empson, Charles William, 83. Enfield, William, 180. England (General), 346-367. Acts, Local and Personal, 349. Admiralty, 361, 362. Antiquities, 350-353. Archaeology, 350-352. Architecture, 364. Army, 359, 361. Ballads, 316, 365, 366. BeUs, 356. Biography, 348, 351. Bishops, 355. Board of Agriculture, 361. Book-Sales, 367. Booksellers, 365, 367. Brasses, 352. Bridges, 254. Broadsides, 365, 366. Castles, 350, 351. Chancery Funds, 359. Chapbooks, 365. Charities, 354. Chartularies, 356. Church of England, 355. Churches, 352, 355, 356. Churchwardens' Accounts, 355. England (G-eneral) continued. Civil War Tracts, etc. 347. Coroners' Records, 361. Customs, 362. Court Rolls, 354. Dialect, 353. Domesday Book, 350. Earthworks, 351. Ecclesiastical, 355, 361. Ecclesiology, 356. Emigration, 358. Epitaphs, 352. Excise Records, 362. Fisheries, 361. Folk- Lore, 353. Games, 353. Genealogy and Heraldry, 346, 347, 351, 355, 357-359. Glass (Painted), 352. Guilds, 353. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, 360, 362. History (English), 347-350. Hospitals (Mediaeval), 351. House of Commons, 349, 360. House of Lords, 150, 349, 360. Huguenots, 356. Inclosure Awards, 349. Indexes, 348-351. Inland Revenue Dept. 361. Inscriptions (Monumental), 352, 358. Institutions (Local), 353. Inventories, 353. Itineraries, Roads, etc. 354, 363. Law, 359, 362. Lord Chamberlain's Office, 361. Manorial History, 349, 354. Maps, 362-364. Markets, 354. Marriages, 358. Medicine, 359. Monasteries, 356, 363. Municipal History, 353, 354. Mural Decorations, 352. Museums, 352. Navy, 358, 362. Newspapers and Journalism, 162, 367. Nonconformity, 355-357, 364. Obituaries, 348, 352. Office of Works, 361. Ordnance Survey, 362, 364. Palaeography, 349. Pamphlets, Collections of, 347. Parishes, 353, 364. Pariiament, 349, 350, 359, 360. Pedigrees, 357-359. Place-Names, 362, 364. Poor, 353. Population, 350. Printing, 352, 365, 367. Privy CouncU Office, 362. 428 A HANDBOOK TO Ungland (General) continued. Proclamations, 347, 364-366. Puritans, 357. Quakers, 199, 257, 357, 358. Records (Ecclesiastical), 355, 361. (Local), 357, 360. (Public), 347, 357, 359-362. Registers (Episcopal), 355. (Parish), 354, 355-58. (Non-Parochial), 354, 355, 357. Registers of Births, 350, 357. Registrar-General's Office, 362. Roman Catholics, 356. Remains, 350, 351. Seals, 352. Shipping, 362. Societies (Learned), 351, 352. Stationery Office, 360. Statistics, 350. Surnames, 358. Topography, 346. Tours, 364. Towns, 351, 353. Trade Tokens, 352. Trials, 353. Visitations (County), 359. War Office, 361, 362. WiUs, 358, 360, 363. Witchcraft, 353. English, Henry Scale, 145, 189. English Dialect Society, 353. ' English Historical Review.' Index, 349. English Honumental Inscriptions See. 352. Ennis, co. Clare. Newspapers, 30. Printing, 30, 140, 322. Enniskillen, co. Fermanagh. Maps, 67. Municipal History, 67. Printing, 67, 330. Epping Porest Museum, Essex, 66. Erdeswicke, Sampson, 27, 238. Bridge Castle, Sussex, MSS. at, 255. Erskine - Murray, Hon. Mrs. Isa- bella. See Aberdona. Esdaile, George, 131, 133. Eshton Hall, Yorks. MSS. at, 300, 305. Library, 307. Essendon Place, Herts. 87. Essex, 62-67, 329-330. Acts of Parliament, 63. Anthology, 63. Biblio. Committee, 62, Essex (continued). Biography, 62. Bookplates, 329. Brasses, 63, 352. Church Bells, 63. County Collections, 64, 65. Domesday Biblio. 63. East Anglia in Fiction, 63. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, 64. Libraries, 63. Literature, 63. Manorial History, 63. Maps, 329. Mineral Springs, 67. Municipal History, 63. Natural Science, 66, 67. Newspapers, 330. Parish Registers, 330. PoU Books, 63. Printing, 63, 330. Roman Remains, 63. Views, etc. 65. Essex Archseological Society. Catal. of Library, 62. Index to ' Transactions,' 63. Essex CoUections in Library, 64. Essex, Earl of. See Cassiobury Park, Herts. ' Este.' Birmingham Maps, etc. 268. Eton and Eton College. Anthology, 319. Bibho. 15. Catal. of Library, 15. Enactments in Parliament, 205. Eton ' Chrysostom,' 15. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 14. Portraits, 15. Printing, 15, 319. Ettington Hall, co. Warwick, MSS. at, 265. Ettrict, Selkirkshire, Ballads, etc. 220. Euing, William, 110, 366. Eunson, Henry J. 187. Euren, A. D. 180. Evans, Alcwyn C. 22. Daniel Silvan, 391, 392. Sir Evan Vincent, 394. Edward, 390. George Eyre. Aberystwyth. Record of Prov. As- Printed Books, 21. sembly of Lanes. Printing, 320, 394. & Cheshire, 26, Cardiganshire. 121. A Personal Sur- Vestiges of Protest- vey, 21. ant Dissent, 357, Carmarthenshire 370, 385, 393. Worthies in 'D.N.B.'23. Howell Thomas, 393. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 429 Evans, Sir JoHn. Archeeol. Survey of Herts. 87. Anc. Bronze Implements, 351. Anc. Stone Implements, 351. John Gwenogyryn, 395. Lewis, of St. Albans, 87. Kobert Harding', 366. T. C. ('Cadrawd'), of Llan- gynwyd, Glam. 73, 392. — — - Thomas, 366. Everett, James, 398. Everingham Park, Yorks. MSS. at, 300. Evesham, Worcs. Abbey, 132. Borough Records, 292. Municipal History, 287. Evington, Leics. 138. Ewart, Lavens m. 317. Ewelme Hospital, Oxon. MSS. of, 207. Ewing, James Cameron, 7, 112, 337. J. W. 369. John, 350. William Creasy, 174. Exeter. Acts of Parliament, 45. Biblio. 45. Bishops of, 45. Cathedral Library, 45, 326. Diocese of. Records, 45. Episcopal Registers, 45, 76, 325. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 43. Registry, 34. Domesday, 45. Index to Printed Literature, 45. Libraries, 43, 45. Municipal Records, 45. Museum, 46. Newspapers, 41. Printing, 45. St. Nicholas Priory, 326. Ezeter, SlaroLness of. See Burghley House, Lines. Eye, Suffolk. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 245. Borough Records, 247. Eyes Family, Surveyors at Liverpool, 126. Eyre, George Edward Briscoe, 158. H. R. 244. Eyre Suffolk Collection, 248. Eyre-Hatcham, Miss M. See New- house, Wilts. Eyres' Warrington Press, 134. W. 134. Eyston, Charles John. See East Hendred, Berks. Eyton, Joseph Walter Xing, 7, et passim. Robert William, 143, 220, 221. Paiber, Reginald Stanley, 54, 77, 230. Fagel Collection of Maps, 52. Pahey, Rev. Jerome, 72. Fairfax, Sir Thomas, 293, 294. Fairholt, Frederick William, 153, 162. Fairley, John A. 4, 71, 108, 112, 316, 329. Falconer, Randle Wilbraham, 235. Falkiner, Caesar Litton, 72, 331. Falkirk Chapbooks, 241. Falmouth, Borough Records, 33. Fancourt, H. 156. Faringdon, Berks. MSS. of S. E. E. Bouverie-Pusey at, 10. Farnham, Dorset, Pitt- Rivers Museum, 47. Farnley Hall, Yorks. MSS. at, 300. Farquharson, Col. James. See Inver- cauld, CO. Aberdeen. Farrar, Henry, 384. Robert Henry, 348. Farrell, Frank James, 175. Farrer, Rev. Edmund, 243, 244, 246. William, 116, 124, 301. Faulkner, Charles, 209. Faversham, Kent. Antiquities, 335. Borough Records. 101. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 97. Fawcett, J. W. 54, 189. Fawkes, Rev. Ayscough. See Farnley Hall, Yorks. Fawsley, Northants. The Rev. John Dod, 183. Marprelate Printing at, 188. Fawsley Park, Northants, MSS. at, 186. Fearon, William Andrewes, 84. Federer, Charles Antoine. Biblio. of Yorks. Biblio. of Wijliam Dialect Lltera- Scoresby, 306. ture, 296. Blbho. of William Printing Press in Cudworth, 306. Yorkshire, 297. Catal, of Skidmore 8 Yorks. Chapbooks, Wakefield Books. 311. Biblio. of Bradford, etc. 306. 430 A HANDBOOK TO Pelbrigg Hall, Norfolk, MSS. at, 176. Fenland. Biblio. 21. Collection, 189. Great Level of the Fens, 19. Bedford Level, 144'. Fenn, Sir John, 178, 179, 246. Fenton, Kichard, 211. Fenwick, Georg^e Lee, 24. John, 196. T. Fitz-Roy, 289. Feret, Charles James, 163. Ferguson, John, 111, 371, 378. • Biichard Saul. Biblio. in 'Hiat. of Carlisle Municipal Cumberland,' 34. Records, 36. Oumb. References Missing Episcopal in 'Archaeol. Registers of Car- Aeliana,' 34, lisle, 36, 276. Heraldic Visita- Par. Registers of tions of Cumb. & St. Mary's & St. Westm. 34, 373. Cuthbert's, Car- Chapbooksin 'Bibl. lisle, 36. Jacksonlana,' 34, Registers of Kirk- 35. andrews - upon - The Denton MSS. Esk, 37. 35. Biblio. in 'Hist, of Biblio. of, 35. Westmorland.' Archaeol. Survey of 27,3. Cumb. etc. 35, 273. Kendal Chapbooks & Printers, 274. Fergfusson, James, 197. Bohert, 329. Fermanagh, 67, 330. Maps, 67. Municipal History, 67. Printing, 67, 330. Ferneyhough, Capt. 237. Ferns, Diocese of, 276. Ferrar, John, 140. Michael Lloyd, 92. Nicholas, 92. Family, 92. Persfield, Norfolk. Blomefield's Print- ing Press, 175. Fethard, Tipperary, 362. Fetherston, John, 269. ffarington, Miss. See Worden Hall, Lanes. Ffolkes, Sir W. H. B. See Hillington Hall, Norfolk. Field, Rev. Edmund, 255. Fielding, Rev. Cecil Henry, 102, 103. Fife, Duke of. See Duff House, Fife- shire. Fifeshire, 67-69, 330. County Collections, 67. Folk-Lore, 353. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports, 68. Maps, 67. Municipal History, 68. Natural Science, 68. Parish Registers, 68. Printing, 67. Romano-Brit. Remains, 67. Filkin, Richard, 251. Filmer, Sir Edmund. See East Sutton Park, Kent. Finch, Allan George. See Burley-on- the-Hill, CO. Rutland. George Henry. See Burley- on-the-Hill, co. Rutland. Fincham, F. W. X. 363. Finchley. See London. Fingall, Earl of. See Killeen Castle, CO. Meath. Fingall, Lord. Cartulary of Reading Abbey, 318. Finglas, co. Dublin, MSS. at, 52. Finlason, Thomas, Printer at Edin- burgh, 58. Finlayson, James, 318, 378. Finningley Park, Yorks. MSS. at, 300. Fintray, co. Aberdeen, Printing at, 3. Fintray House, co. Aberdeen, MSS. at, 3. Firth, Charles Harding, 349, 357, 394. John Benjamin, 207. Fisher, Rev. George W. 232. Thomas, 95, 2T0. Fishwick, Caroline, 38, 121. Henry, 115, 116, 118, 132, 132, 337. Fitch, Edward Arthur, 63. William Stevenson, 242-244, 346. Fittis, Robert Scott, 213. FitzGerald, Sir Gerald. See Thurn- ham Hall, Lanes. Fitz-Gibbon, A. 150. Fitzhardinge, Lord. See Berkeley Castle, Glos. FitzHerbert, Sir 'William. See Tis- sington, Derbyshire. Flavell, John, 45. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 431 Fleet, Cliarles, 353, 954. William, 254. Flemley, Ralph, 338. Tletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun, 79. Canon. James Slichael Jolin, 48. William George Bimock. Leicestershire Battle of Shrews- Documents, 137. bury Documents, Two Leics. Parish 224. Registers, 138. Shropshire Topo- Sonth Croxton Par- graphical MSS. ish Registers, 139. 224 MSS.in Shrewsbury Bibllo. of Battle- Public Lib. 220. field, 224. Shrewsbury Muni- Shropshire Regis- oipalRecords,2a4. ters, 225. — W. Younger, 208, 251, 366. Flenry, Cross, 125. Flintshire (and Flint), 69, 330. Henry Taylor Hist. Collection, 330. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports, 69. Illustrations in 'Arch. Camb.' 69. Monuments (Ancient), 330. Municipal History, 69. Natural Science, 69. Records, etc. 322. Romano-Brit. Remains, 69. Flodden Field, 191. Flood, W. H. Grattau, 51, 276. Floors Castle, Roxburghshire, MSS. at, 318. Flower, Cyril Thomas, 354. Rohin, E. W. 387. Floyer, Rev. John Eestell, 291. Pogerty, G. J. 139. Folds, G. Printer at Dublin, 51. Foljambe, F. J. Savile. See Osberton, Notts. Folkard, Henry Tennyson, 115, 116, 117, 134, 168, 368. Folkestone. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 97. Borough Records, 101. Folk-Lore. England, 353. Scotland, 371. Ireland, 382, 384. Arran, Island of ,320. Orkney & Shetland, Fifeshire, 353. 201, 353. Gloucester.3hire, Rutlandshire, 219, 353. 353. Leicestershire, 136, Shropshire, 223. 219, 353. Suffolk, 244, 353. Lincolnshire, 142, Yorkshire, 296, 353. 353. Worcesterehire, Northumberland, 287. 191, 353. Fonthill House, Wilts. MSS. at, 150, 282. Forbes, Lord. See Castle Forbes, co. Aberdeen. Forbes, John, A Scotch Capucin, 370. Sir William. See Fintray House, CO. Aberdeen. Ford, Rev. James, 244, 248, 343. John Rawlinson, 309. Rev. Joseph, 246. Robert, 213. William, Bookseller in Man- chester, 130. Ford Castle, Northumb. MSS. at, 194, 195. Fordham, Sir Herbert George. Cambridgeshire Studies in Carto- Maps, 19. Bibliography, 363. Hertfordshire Desc. Catal. of Maps, 87, 334. Maps, 364. On Local Museums, Cartography of the 88. Counties, 364. Maps of Great Level Brit. & Irish Itine- of the Fens, 144. raries, etc. 364. County Maps, etc. 334. Fordun, John of, 378. Fordwich, Kent. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 97. Corporation Records, 101. Forfarshire (and Forfar), 69-71, 331. County Records, 70. Ecclesiastical Records, 70. Hist. MSS. Comra. Rep. 69, 70. Municipal History, 70. Natural Science, 70. Newspapers, 331. Parish Registers, 70. Formby, Thomas, 26, 118. Forres, Elginshire, Burgh Records, 62. Forrest, Herbert Edward, 397. Forshaw, Charles F. 25, 293, 298, 299. Fortescue, Earl. See Castle Hill, Devon. Hon. George Matthew. See Dropmore, Bucks. John Bevill. See Dropmore, Bucks. Fortrose, Ross-shire, 217. Foster, Birket, 194. Charles Wilmer, 137, 144. John Ebenezer, 19. Joseph, 358. Joshua James, 47. Fothergill, Gerald, 358, 359. Fotheringhay, Northants. 188. 432 A HANDBOOK TO Foulis, Andrew, 109, 111. Robert, 109, 111. Toulis Exhibition, Glasgow, 1898, 109, 111. Pour Towns Book Club. See Craig- arogan. Fowler, G. Herbert, 9. Rev. Henry, 88. Dom John Clement, 2,^5. Joseph Thomas, 299, 310. Fox, Geo. Townshend, 196. — • Rita, 95. Fox-Pitt-Rivers, A. H. L. 326. Framfield, Sussex, 256. Francis, George Grant, 74. John Collins, 161. Franciscans. See Monastic Orders. Franctou, John, Printer at Dublin, SO, 51. Frank, F. Bacon. See Campsall Hall, Yorks. Frankland-Russell-Astley, Mrs. See Chequers Court, Bucks. Fraser, George M. 3, 315. John, 373. Fraser-lVIackintosh, Charles, 93. Frazer, William, 390. Freebridge, Norfolk, 340. Freeman, Henry William, 234. Rowland, 96, 335. Freemantle, William Thomas, 307, 310. Freeth, George, of Duporth, 31. French, Edward J. 386. Gilbert James, 133. Frere, George Edward. See Roydon Hall, Norfolk. Freshfield, Edwin, 152, 155. Freston, Suffolk, 247. Frewen, Col. See Brickwall, Sussex. Friend, Rev. Hilderic, 42. Friston, Sussex, 256. Frogmore Lodge, Berks. Printing Press at, 12. Frost, Charles, 244, 308. Fry, Edward Alexander, 232, 266, 326 Fulham. See London. Fuller, Rev. Ernest Adolphus, 78. Thomas, 348. FuUeylove, John, 135. Furner Brighton Collection, 258. Furnivall, Frederick James, 161, 265. Pyvie Castle, co. Aberdeen, MSS. at, 3. Gaelic Soc. of Inverness, 93. Gage, Iiord, Rep. on MSS. at Lewes, 255. Gainford, co. Durham, Parish Regis- ters, 56. Gainsborough, Lines. 145. Gairdner, James, 348. Galbraith, James Lachlan, 113. Gale, Roger, 146. Samuel, 146. Galen, Linacre's Edition of, 18. Galloway, 71. Bards, 71. Hist. Monuments, 71. Literature, 71. Maps, 71. Municipal History, 71. Topography, 71. Gal way (County and Town), 72, 331. Archseol. & Hist. Soc. 72. Exhibition— 1908, 72. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 72. Map, 72. Monuments, 72. Municipal History, 72. Printing, 72, 331. Property, 72. Queen's College, 72. Song Books, 72. University Coll. Lib. 72. Garden, William, 374. Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, 348. Gardner, John Edmund, 148, 156, 157. Garlick, F. O. 364. Garret, William, 193. Garstang, Lanes. 124. Garstin, John Ribton, 5, 6, 317. Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghorn, 118. Rev. William, 118. Gasquet, Francis Aidan, 356. Gatacre, E. Lloyd, 223. Gates, William G. 82. Gateshead. Printing, 192. Pubhcations, 196. Gatiield, George. Guide to Engl. Heraldry, 357 et passim. Gatty, Rev. Alfred, 307. Gawdy Papers, 177. Gaynes Park, Essex, MSS. at, 64, 65. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 433 Cteddie, William, 371. Geikie, Sir Archibald, 318. ' Genealogical Queries and Memo- randa,' Index, 359. ' Genealogist,' The, Index, 358. Gent, Thomas, Printer at York, 297, 299. ' Gentleman's Slagazine.' General Indexes, Shropehlre Prints, 348. 222. Essex References, Wiltshire Extracts, 63. 280. Oxfordshire Ex- tracts, 20i. ' Gentleman's magazine ' Library, 348. George, Thomas John, 185. William, 78, 332. Gerard, Ethel, 255. Thomas, of Trent, 49, 230. Gerish, William Blyth, 87, 88, 90. Gery, T. O. of Daventry, 184. Giant's Causeway, Ireland, 317. Gibb, John S. 58. Gibbon, Thomas, 178. Gibbons, Alfred, 31, 143. Gibbs, Arthur Ernest, 89, 90. Gibson, Dr. Surrey Topog. Notes, 250. Strickland, 205, 341. W. H. 192. William Sidney, 190. Gibson Collection of Burnsiana, 7. Gidden, Henry William, 82. Gidding (Little), Hunts. 92. Gifford, Godfrey, Bp. of Worcester, 390. Gilbert, Davies, 254. Henry march, 79. Owen, 80. Sir John JThomas. Calendar of Dublin HistorF, etc. of Irish Records, 50. Records, 387. Calendar of the English Commis- 'Liber Ruher,' sioners and Irish „.211. . ^ Records, 387. Historic Literature National MSS. of of Ireland, 382. Ireland, 387. Record Revela- Biblio. of Works of , tious, 387. 387. Record Revelations Irish Bibliography, Resumed, 387. 389. (Rosa niulholland) Lady. Calendar of Dublin Life of Sir J. T. Records, 50. Gilbert, 387. Walter B. 102. Giles, Dr. John Allen, 304. Peter, 378. William, 301. Gillow, Joseph, 119. Gilson, Julius Parnell, 399. Gimlette, Rev. Thomas, 272. Giraud, Francis P. 101. Giuseppi, Montague S. 343. Gladstone, Hugh Steuart, 53, 54, 71. Robert, 116, 131. Glamis Castle, Forfarshire. MSS. at, 70. Glamorganshire (and Glamorgan), 73, 74, 331. County Records, 73. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, 73. Illustrations in ' Archseol. Carabren- sis,' 73. Municipal History, 73. Natural Science, 73. Printing, 73, 331. Romano-Brit. Remains, 73. Glasgow. Academy of the Fine Arts, 109, 111. Arran Soc. of Glasgow, 320. Ballad Society, 112. Ballads, 110. Cathedral, 113, 114. Chapbooks, 108, 112. Clubs, 110. Corporation Records, 113, 114. County Council Records, 114. Directories, 110, 111. Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, 378. Faculty of Procurators' Library, 109, 368. Foulis Exhibition— 1898, 109, 111. Glasgow Biblio. Soc. 108, 109, 336. Caithness Literary Assoc. 320. International Exhib. 1888, 109. 1901, 241. Quatercentenary Studies, 379. Hist. MSS. Comm. Report, 113. Inst, of Accountants, 109. Libraries, 113. Maitland Club, 337, 369. Museums, 110. Nat. Hist. Society, 109. New Mitchell Library, 113. Newspapers, etc. 110, 111. 'Old Glasgow' Exhib. 1894, 109, 110. Philosophical Soc. 109, 113. Printing, 108-113, 336, 337. Scottish Exhib. of Nat. Hist. 1911, 369. 434 A HANDBOOK TO Olasgoyr {continued). Stirling's and Glasgow Public Lib. 109, 112, 113, 337. Topographical Collections, 113. University of. Gloucestersliire (and Gloucester) Records, 113, 377. Periodicals, 113. — Library. Collections, 113. Catalogues, 113. Biblio. of Robert Bamie, 378. MaoLehose Gif t,113. Ballads, 366. Hunterian Museum Lib. 113. Glasgow, Earl of. See Crawford Priory, Fifeshire. See Hawkhead, Renfrewshire. See Kelburne Castle, Ayrshire. Glasscock, Jolin Laybank, 89. Glastonbury, Somerset. Abbey, ?35. Borough Records, 235. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 231. Museum, 235. Glazebrook, Lanes. 132. Glemham Hall, SufFoik, MSS. at, 245. Glen, John, 372. Glen-Aber, Cheshire, 391. Glenalmond, Trinity College, MSS. at, 213. Gloucestershire (and Gloucester), 74.-78,331,332. Biography, 74, 75, 331. Bishops of Gloucester, 75. Borough Records, 75, 76. Brasses, 75. Brit. Archseol. Assoc. Congress, 147. Cathedral Library, 76, 332. Records, 76. Church Livings, 77. Civil War Tracts, 75. County Photographic Record, 74. Dean and Chapter Records, 75. Diocesan MSS. 332. Domesday Biblio. 75. Folk-Lore, 353. Genealogy, 75, 331. Hist. MSS. Coll. Reps. 75. Literature, 74. Manorial History, 75. Maps, 75. Mediaeval Libraries, 75. Municipal History, 75. Museum, 75. Natural Science, 77. Newspapers, 331. Parish Registers, 76. Poll Books, 75. Printing, 74, 75, 331, 332. Public Library, 74, 331. Romano-Brit. Remains, 75. Visitations, 76. Worthies, 75. Glover, John Kulbert, 188. Glyde, John, 175, 343, 244, 248. Glynde, Sussex, 258. Glyndwr, Owen, Biblio. of, 393. Goadby, Rev. J. Jackson, 185. Goddard, Rev. Sdward Hungerford, 278, 280, 281. Godfray, Humphrey Marett, 24. Godfrey, John Thomas, 198, 200. Godmanchester, Hunts. MSS. at The Holme, 91. Godwin, George Nelson, 79. Henry, 350. Gogarty, Rev. Thomas, 166. Gokewell, Lines. 145. Golding, Charles, 243, 248. Goldney, Frederick Hastings, 285. Golspie, Sutherlandshire, 260. Gomme, Alice Bertha, 353. Allan, 350. Bernard, 157, 350. Sir George Iiaurence. Literature of Local Introd. to ' Legend Institutions, 118, of Reading 353. Abbey,' 318. London Statutes, Index of Arohceol. 149. Papers, 350. Goodall, Armitage, 296. Goodfellow, J. Gumming, 217. Goodford, Charles Old, 236. Goodrest, Berks. MSS. at, 11. Goodrich-Freer, A. 85. Goodwin, Charles Wycliffe, 20. Gordon, 66. Gordon, Cosmo, 247. Lady E. C. 244. James, of Straloch, 374. Hugh mackay, of Abergeldie. See Abergeldie, co. Aberdeen. Robert, of Straloch, 374. W. Cosmo. See Fyvie Castle, CO. Aberdeen. Gordon, House of, 2. Gordon Castle, Banff. MSS. at, 8. Gordon-Cummiug, Sir William Gor- don. See Gordounstoun, Elgin. COUNTY IBIBLIOGRAPHY. ' Gordon Kigrhlanders,' 6iblio. of the, Granville, Rev. Roger, 43. 435 315. Gordoustouu, Elgin, MSS. at, 61. Gore, Thomas, 383. Gorhambtiry, Herts. MSS. at, 88. ' Gorleston Psalter,' 178. Gormanston Castle, co. Meath, MSS at, 167. Gorton, Lanes. 133. Gosse, Edmund, 360. Gott, Prank, 309. Goudhnrst, Kent, 101. Goudie, Gilbert, 60, 301. Gong^li, Henry, 11, 14. Biiohard. Berks. CoUootions in Bodl. Lib. 11. Biblio. of Lanark- shire, 109. Northamptonshire Topography, 183. Oxfordshire CoUeo- tions in Bodl. Lib. Book on ' British Topography,' 364 et passim. Catal. of Gough Collection in Bodl. Lib. 346. Index to Goxigh Prints, etc. in 208. Bodl. Lib. 361. Gongh-Calthorpe, P. H. 89, 178. Gould, Beatrice Mary, 63. Isaac Chalbley, 63. Isabel Lucy, 63. Goulding, Richard William, 145. Gower, Poote, 25, 322. Thomas, 25. Gowran, Kilkenny. Corporation Re- cords, 106. Grace, Sheffield, 381. Graham, Sougal, ' Skellat ' Bellman of Glasgow, 108, 112. Sir P. U. See Netherby, Cum- berland. M. 110. Sir Reginald, 300. Thomas Karkness, 58. Grahame of Claverhonse, Viscount Dundee, 70. Grainge, William, 299. Grauard, Earl of. See Castle Forbes, CO. Longford. Grange, Ernest L. 141, 144. Grant, Sir Archibald. See Mony- musk, CO. Aberdeen. Col. Prancis, 366. Prancis James, 329, 372, 377. James, Edinburgh Newspapers, 57. Glasgow Newspapers, 110. The Newspaper Press, 162. Graves, Rev. James, 105, 381, 384. Robert E. 188. Gravesend,Kent. Corporation Records, 101. Gray, Arthur, 320. George John. Index to Cole MSS. Brit. Museum, 15, 20, 92, 143. Cambridge Print- ers, Stationers, etc. 19. Biblio. Notes on .John Siberch, 18. Index to Hazlitt's Biblio. Collec- tions, 162, 348, 365. H. St. George, 230, 326. John P. of Cambridge, 19. W. Porbes, 213. Grazebrook, George,. 240. Henry Sydney, 0. Grazeley, Berks. 12. Gt. Totham Hall, Essex, Printing at, 63, 64. Greaves Parchments, The, 39. Gredington Hall, Flintshire, MSS. at, 69, 120. Green, Emanuel, 228, 230, 234. Prancis. 391. John Albert, 124. Joseph J. 329, 330, 357. Valentine, 290. Greenisland, co. Antrim, Printing at, 317. Greenland Pishery Museum. See King's Lynn. Greenlaw, Berwickshire, 13. Greenock Museum, Renfrewshire, 216. Greenwich, Kent. Biblio. 101. Maps, 335. Records, 335. Greenwood, Charles, 354. Gregory, Samuel, 148. Gregson, Matthew, 131, 122. Greig, Gavin, 316. Gresley, John Morewood, 238. Sir Robert, 40, 335. Gresley Pamily, 335. Griffin, A. P. Clark, 350. Griffith, Miss Conway. See Carieg- Iwyd. Edward, 91. 436 A HANDBOOK TO Griffiths, George, 276. John, Warden of Wadham Col- lege, 205. Grimm, S. H. ^55°. Grimsby, Lines. Borough Records, 14.2, 14S. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 142. Grimsthorpe, Lines. MSS. at, 142. Grinling', Charles Herbert, 104. Grittleton, Wilts. 378. Groat, Alexander G. 201. Grocyn, William, 204. Gross, Charles. Blblio. of Brit Blblio. of Guilds, Mun. Hist. 353 353. et passim. Sources & Litera- List of Town Re- ture of Engl. Hist, cords of Gt. Brit. 348. 353. Grove, Capt. S. See Taynton, Glos. GrowoU, Adolf, 159. Gnernsey, Island of. Documents in P.R.O. 24. Documents at Caen, 34. Catal. of Guille-AUfes Lib. 24. Government House Records, 361. Natural Science^ 24. Guild, J. Wyllie, 110. Guildford, Surrey. Municipal History, 250. Borough Records, 251. Guildhall Library. See London. Guilding, Rev. John Melville, 11. Guilford, Earl of. See Glemham Hall, Suffolk. Guille-AUes Lib. & Mus. See Guern- . sey. Gunn, Bev. Adam, 260. Gunner, William Henry, 84. Gunning, Sir Henry, 186. Gunther, R. W. T. 209. Gunton, Bev. Symon, 183, 189. Gippy. Henry, 120, 129. Gurney, Hudson, 246. J. H. See Keswick Hall, Nor- folk. Ournhill, James, 145. Gutch, Mrs. Eliza, 142, 296. Guthrie, John. See Guthry, Forfar- shire. Guthry, Forfarshire, MSS. at, 70. Gypsies (Scotch), 371. Habiugton, Thomas, 290. Hackett, Bichard, 130. Hackman, Alfred, 208. Hackney. See London. Hackwood, Frederick W. 240. Haddingtonshire (and Haddington), 79, 332. Booksellers, 79. County Council Records, 79. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 79. Natural Science, 79. Printing, 79. Registers, 79. Town Records, 79. Haddo House, co. Aberdeen, MSS. at, 3. Hadfield, Charles, 134. Hadleigh, Essex, 64. Hadley, W. W. 337. Hafod, Cardiganshire. Thomas Johnes Private Press, 21, 321. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. on MSS. at, 395. Hagley Hall, Worcs. MSS. at, 289, 290. Pictures and Portraits at, 292. Haigh Hall, Wigan. See Crawford and Balcarres, Earl of. Hailsham, Sussex, 256. Hailstone, Edward, 293, 300, 306. See also Horton Hall, Yorks. Samuel, 306. Hailstone Collection, 293. Haines, Herbert, 352. William, 170, 171, 339. Hales Owen, Worcs. Biblio. 292. Kaliday, Charles, 382. Halifax, Yorks. Antiquarian Society, 307. Bankfield Museum, 299. Belle Vue Public Lib. 295. Directories, 307. Municipal History, 295. Museums, 307. Old Halifax Circulating Lib. 307. Printers, 307. Hall, H. B. Wilton, 87, 88, 90, 334. Hubert. Blblio.ofEngl.Offlc. Topog. List of Hist. Documents, Welsh Records, 348. 395. Biblio. of Eng. Me- The Foreign As- dieeval Economic poets of Welsh Hist. 349, Records, 396. Soureesiand Litera- The Diplomatics of ture of Engl, Hist. Welsh Records, 352. 396. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 437 Hall, James, 38. Jolm Melland, 77. T. Walter. Catal. of Charters, Catal. of Ancient etc. in Sheffield Charters of Shef- Publio Lib. 301. field, 310. and Thomas (A. Hermann.). Desc Catal. of 'Jackson Collection' at Sheffield Public Lib. 141, 168, 175, 198, 218, 243, 264, 301, 310. Hallen, Arthur Washington Cor- nelius, 155. Halliday, Bernard, 381. HaUiwell, afterwards Halliwell- Fhillipps, James Orchard. MSS. in Plymouth Tracts in Lib. of Public Lib. 46. Capt. Cox of Cov- MunlcipalArchives entry, 265. of Dorset, 48. Stratford - on -Avon MunioipalArohives Records, 270. of Dorchester, 49. Lists of Books on Early Glasgow Pen- Shakespeare, 270. ny Merriments, Biblio. of Halliwell- etc. 112. Phillipps, 271. The Palatine An- The Yorkshire An- thology, 119. thology, 298. Catal. of Proclama- Catal. of Halliwell- tions, etc. 129, 365 Phillipps' Chap- FugitiveTracts,eto. books, 385. printed at Alder- Catal. of his Books mary Churchyrd. on South Wales, 162. 393. The Norfolk An- thology, 175. Halston, Shropshire, 395, 3^9. Halton, Cheshire, Sir John Chesshyre's Lib. 26. Halton Castle, Cheshire, Records at, 121. Halton, Honour of. Lanes. 191. Hain, Surrey, 959. Ham House, Surrey, 951. Hamilton, Duke of, 377. See also Hamilton Palace, Lanarkshire. Miss. See Barns and Cochno, Dumbartonshire. Sidney Graves, 991. William, of Bangouv, 146. Hamilton Palace, Lanarkshire. MSS. at, 113, 376. Hammant, Walter, 335. Hammond, John J. 48. Hamond, John, 19. Hampden, Lord, 954. Hamper, William, 968. Hampshire, 79-84, 333. See also Isle of Wight. Booksellers, 80. Brasses, 80, 333, 359. Churchwardens' Accounts, 81, 355. Hampshire {continued). Domesday Biblio. 80. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reps. 80. Index to ' Victoria ' History, 80. Manorial History, 80. MS. Collections, 81, 333. Municipal History, 80. Natural Science, 79, 81. New Forest Records, 81. Newspapers, 79, 80. Parish Registers, 81, 333. Printing, 80, 333. Romano-Brit. Remains, 80. Kampstead. See London, Hanbury, Frederick Janson, 99. William, 138. Hancock, Thomas W. 179. Hand, Thomas W. 998. Handcock, Gustavus Frederick, 386. Kandsworth, Staffs. Museum, 239. Hannen, Hon. Henry, 96. Hanson, T. W. 307. Harbin, Hiev. Hdward Harbin Bates, 42, 299, 230, 933. Karcourt, Lewis Vernon, 15. Hardiman, James. Catal. of Maps, etc. Hist, of Galway, 72. •Trinity Coll. 62, Anc. Irish Deeds, 388. etc. 387. Harding, William. Devon and Cornwall Collections, 32 43. Hardwick, Charles, 198. Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire. Report on MSS. at, 38. Catal. of Pictures at, 40. Hardwick Vicarage, co. Hereford, MSS. at, 86. Hardwicke, William, Shropshire Col- lections, 921, 994, 342. Hardy, Alfred L. 354. Dr. James, of Gateshead, 194, 195. John Francis Llewellyn, 985. Miss M. M. 109. Sir Thomas Duffus. Desc. of Close Bolls Rep. on Public Re- in Tower of Loud. cords, 360. 151. Rep. on Carte and Rep. on Durham Carew MSS. 387. Records, 328. Hardy, William John. Bedfordsh. County Middlesex County Records, 9. Records, 151, 168. Lineolnshire Muni- Stratford - on -Avon ments at Hcdsor. Gild Documents, 143. 270. Sir William, 121. 438 A HANDBOOK TO Hare, Theodore J. See Borden Wood, Hants.. Sir Thomas. See Stow Hall, Norfolk. Hare's Buckiughamshire CoUec- tion,4 . Harford, Mrs. See Holme Hall, Yorks. Harker, Alfred, 304, 3T3. Harland, John. ' In Memoriam,' by Clitheroe Charters, Rev. Brooke Her- etc. 121. ford, 118. Manchester Collec- Ballads, etc. of tanea, 128. Lanes. 119. Manor of Manohes- 'Mamecestre,' 121, ter Court Leet 128. Rolls, 131. and Dobson (Willia m) . Hist, of Preston Guild, 132. Harlech, co. Merioneth, 168. Harlech, Lord, 223. 'Harleian Miscellany,' List of Con- tents, 348. Harleyford, Bucks. MSS. at, 14. Harper, Malcolm McLachlan, 71. Harris, John O. Printer at Hayle, Cornwall, 324. Mary Dormer, 269, 344. Walter, 381. Harrison, Frederic, William. Early Maps of Cheshire, 26. Early Maps of Lanes. 119. An Archeeol. Survey of Lanes. 119. William. Biblio. of Isle of Man, 94. Old Historians of I. of Man, 94. William Jerome, 1T9, 280. W. H. 12. Harrod, Henry, 65, 181. Henry D. 227. William, 138, 146, 218. Harrow, Middlesex. Parish Registers, 169. Museum, 169. Harsnett Library. See Colchester. Hart, Andro, Printer at Edinburgh, 58. Horace, 204. Eev. Hichard, 177. William Henry, 155. Hartland, Devon. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 43. Hartlepool, Borough Records, 56. Hartley, John, -299. Leonard Lawrie, 328, 342, 343, 345, 347. Hartopp, Henry, 137-139. Hartshorne, Charles Henry, 161, 187. Hartwell, Bucks. Private Printing Press at, 14. Harvard University. See Cambridge, Mass. Harvey, Alfred, 351, 356. Francis, 15. John. See Ickwell Bury, Beds. and Finningley Park, Yorks. • William, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 194. William, Poets of Stirlingshire, 241. Falliirlc Chapboolcs, 241. Scottish Chapboolcs, 372. Harward, Samuel, 332. Harwich, Essex. Biblio. 330. Borough Records, 66. Haseley, Oxon, 210. Haselor, co. Warwick, 266. Haskins, Charles, 281. Haslewood, Joseph. Collection of Tewlcesbury Chapbooks, 332. Hassall, Arthur, 341. Hasted, Edward, 95, 97, 98. Hastings. Borough Records, 259. Castle, 259. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 255. Maps, 343. Newspapers, 343. Hatcher, Henry, 279. Hatfield, Herts. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 88, 334. Hatfield Chase, Yorks. 301. Hatherton, Lord. See Teddesley, Staffs. Havens, Miinson Aldrich, 170. Haverfield, Francis John, 86, 204, 206, 253, 350, 351. Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire. Printing, 211. Public Records, 342. Havergal, Rev. Francis Tehhs, 85, 86. Havod. See Hafod, COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 439 Hawick, Roxburghshire. Bibho. 217. Burgh Records, 218. Hawick Archseol. Soc. 217. Maps, 217. Museum, 217. Newspapers, 217. Kawker, Bobert Stephen, 324. Kawkes, Arthur John, Biblio. of Robert Owen, 172. Hawkesbury, Lord, 40, 255. Hawkhead, Renfrewshire, MSS. at, 215. Hawkins, Edward, 26. Robert S. 207. Hawkshead, Lanes. 121. Hawthornden, MSS. 60. Hay, George, 70. Robert Mordannt. See Duns Castle, Berwickshire. Hayle, Cornwall, Printing at, 324. Hayley, William, Dean of Chichester, 256. Kayman, Samuel, Canon of Cork, 323. Hazelgrove House, Somerset, MSS. at, 231. Hazlitt, William Carew. Biblio. of Pageants, Brand's Popular etc. 153. Antiquities, 353. Index to ' Hand- Catal. of the Huth book, ' 162, 348, 365. Library, 366. Headfort Collection, 386. Heal, Ambrose, 164. Heales, Al£ted, 252. Hearue, Thomas, 235, 341. Hearnshaw, F. J. C. 83, 354. Heath, Charles, Printer, etc. at Mon- mouth, 171, 339. Heath, Yorks. 295, 305. Heber, Richard. Library of, 141. Collection of Ballads, 161. Hebrides, 84-85. Islay Documents, 85. Maps of North Uist, 85. Natural Science, 85. Songs, 85. Hector, William, 216. Hediugham Castle, Essex, MSS. at, 64. Hedsor, Bucks. Lincolnshire MSS. at, 143. Heffer, R. 330. Kelmingham Hall, Suffolk, MSS. at, 245. Kelsby, Thomas, 27. Kemingbrough, Yorks. 295. Kemington Church, Derbyshire, 40. Hengrave Hall, Suffolk, 248. H«ngwrt MSS. See Peniavth, co. Merioneth. Hennessy, Rev. George X>eyden,154, 258. Henry of Huntingdon, 281. Henshall, Samuel, 95. Herbert, John Alexander, 225, 335. William, 158, 159. Herdman, Drawings of Liverpool, 126. Herefordshire (and Hereford), 85, 86, 333. Acts of Parliament, 85, 86. Archseol. Survey, 86. Cathedral Library, 76, 333. Records, 86. Corporation Records, 86. Domesday Biblio. 85. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reps. 86. Library of Grey Friars, 86. Manorial History, 85. Maps, 85. Municipal History, 85. Museum, 85. Natural Science, 86. Portraits, 85. Proclamations, 86. Public Library, 85, 333. Romano-Brit. Remains, 85. Woolhope Nat. Field Club, 85. Herford, Rev. Brooke, 118. — — - John and Eatherine, Printers at St. Albans and London, 334. Heriot, George, 61. Heme, Frank S. 136. Kerriard Park, Hants. MSS. at, 80. Herrick Portraits at Leicester, 135. Herries, Lord. See Everingham Park, Yorks. Herring, Paul, 197. Hertford, Marquess of, 265. Hertfordshire (and Hertford), 87-90, 334. Archseol. Survey, 87. Bookplates, 334. Borough Records, 89. Brasses 88. County Museum, 87, 88. County Records, 89. Domesday Bibho. 88. 440 A HANDBOOK TO Hertfoi'dshire (and Hertford) East Herts. Archseol. Soc. 87. Historians, 87. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reps. 88, 334 Historical Monuments, 88. Manorial History, 88. Maps, 87, 334. Monumental Inscriptions, 88. Municipal History, 88. Museums, 88. Natural History Soc. 334. Natural Science, 89. Portraits, 87. Printing, 334. Registers (Parish), 89, 334. (Non-Parochial), 89. Romano-Brit. Remains, 88. St. Andrew's Parish Registers, 89. Topog. Collections, 88. Keslop, Richard Oliver, 190, 191. Hester, Giles, 398. Heversham, Westmorland, 273. Hewett, John William, 204. Hewison, James King, 378. Hewitson, Anthony, Printer at York, 297. William, 275. Hewitt, Charles R. 31. Ethel M. 333, 342. Thomas, 31. Heyliu Collection, 78. Heyrick, Richard, 118. Heywood, Abel, 130. Thomas, 25, 116. Heywood, Lanes. 124. Hiatt, Charles, 223. Hicks, Harleigh Oswald-, 243. Rev. T. W. Oswald-, 243, 303. Higgin, Antony, Dean of Ripon, 310. Higham Ferrers, Northants. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 186. Corporation Records, 188. Highgate. See London. Highland and Agric. Soc. of Scot- land. Index to ' Trans.' 379. High Legh, Cheshire. See East Hall. High Wycombe. See Wycombe, Bucks. Hill, B. Rowland, 328. John, of Bankfoot, Westmor- land. MS. Collections for Cumb. & Westmor- land, 36, 275, Hill, Joseph, of Birmingham, 26 O'Dell Travers, 235. R. H. Ernest, 101. Rev. Thomas Smyth. See Thorington, Suffolk. William Henry, 109. ' William Hoel, Lord Berwick, 224. Hillington Hall, Norfolk, MSS. at, 176. Hills, Gordon Macdonald, 86. Hillsborough, co. Down, Printing at, 50, 263. Hilton, Robert, 204. Hiuchingbrook, Hunts. Portraits at, 91. Hiude, John Hodgson, 191. Hindley, Lanes. Leyland Free Lib. and Mus. 116, 124. John Leyland's Hindley Collection, 124. Hindley, Charles, 161, 193. Hinds, James Fitcairn, 34, 273. Hine, Richard, 48. Hingeston-Randolph, F. C. See Randolph. Hinton Waldrist lUanor, Berks. MSS. at, 10. Hirsel, The, Berwickshire, MSS. at, 13. Hinwick House, Beds. MSS. at, 9. Historic Society of Lanes, and Cheshire, 26, 116. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, passim. Guide to Reports, 150, 376, 386. List of Lanes, and Cheshire MS. Col- lections, 122. Papers relating to Scotland, 368. MSS. in Welsh Language, 395. Accounts of Welsh Collections in, 396. ' Historicus ' [R.BarryO'Brien],3Sl. Hitching, F. E. and S. 358. Hoare, Sir Richard Colt. Catal. of Lib. at Buckler's Wiltshire Stourhead, 277. 346. Notices of Lib. at Stourliead, 278. The Topographical Gatherings at Stourhead, 278. Hints on the Topog. of Wilts, 278. 'Repertorium Wil- tunense,' 278. Views, etc. 281. MS. Collections for Warminster, 286. Catal. of Pictures, etc. at Hagley Hall, 292. Catal. of Books on Hist, and Topo- graphy, 316. Catal. of Tracts,eto. at Stourhead, 3J7. Biblio. Notes on Sir Museum at Stour. R, C. Hoare, 279. head, 277, 281. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 441 Holilioxise, Edmund, Bishop of Nelson, N.Z. 231. Hodgkin, John Eliot, 250, 352, 366. Thomas, 191, 323. Hodgson, John, 190, 195. John Crawford, 190, 194. Hodson, Leonard J. 259. Kogan, Edmund, 371, 384. John, 106. Hogarth, William, 169. Hogg, Edward, 169. Holden, Joshua, 311. Holderness, Yorkshire. Maps, etc. on Erosion of Holderness Coast, 304. Biblio. of Geology of Holderness, 304. List of Registers in Seigniory of Hol- derness, 307. Charters of the Priory of Swine, 311. Kolgate, Clifford Wyndham, 84, 280, 284. Holkham, Norfolk. MSS. at, 176. Account of MS. Library at, 340. Holland, John, 298. W. R. 39. Hollar. Map of London, 157. Plans of Oxford, 206. Holies, G-ervase, 143. HoUingbury Copse, Brighton, 271. KoUinhead, John, 131. HoUina, Norman, 25, 115. HoUin worth, Richard, 118. HoUis, B. 146. Holmau, Rev. William, of Halstead. Collections for Essex, 65. Holme Hall, Yorks. MSS. at, 300. Holmes, John, 364. L. of Steeton, Yorks. 307. Handle, 27, 122. T. Scott, 233. Holroyd, Abraham, 297, 298. Holt, Emily S. 122. John, 127. Holyrood Press, 69. Home, Earl of. See Hirsel (The), Berwickshire. George, 68. Homme House, co. Hereford, MSS. at, 86. Hone, Nathaniel J. 11, 354. William, 366. Honeywood, IKichael, Dean of Lin- coln, 141, 144. Hon. Soc. of Cymmrodorion. See Cymmrodorion. Hood, Sir A. Acland. See St. Audries, Somersetshire. Hooper, John H. 291. Hooppell, Rev. J. Leonard E. 352. Hope, John Thomas, 367. Hope-Johnstone, J. J. See Raehills House, Dumfriesshire. Kopkinson, Rev. Francis. Report on Autographs, Worcs. Exhib. 1882, 288. See also Malvern Wells, Worcs. John, 88, 89, 123, 305. Hopton Hall, Derbyshire, MSS. at, 38. Hopwood, Charles Henry, 1 55. Hore, Herbert F. 276, 388. Hornby, St. John, 88. Hornby Castle, Yorks. MSS. at, 300. Horncastle, Lines. 145. Horncop, Westmorland, 273. Home, John, 320. Horton Hall, Yorks. 293. Horwood, Arthur R. 135. Hosiery, Blbllo. of, 198. Hossack, Garden M. 8, 62, 107. Hotchkis, Rev. Leonard, 220. Hothfield, Lord. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 97. Kotten, John Camden, 293, 346, 391, et passim. House of Commons. See England. House of Lords. See England. Hove, Sussex, 256. Kovenden, Robert, 246. Howard, III. M. 259. Howarth, Elijah, 296. Howell, Abraham, 172. Huck, Thomas W. 148. Huddersfield. Borough Records, 308. Huddersfield Archrool. and Topog. Soc. See Yorkshire Archseol. Society. Kuddesford, William, 208, 442 A HANDBOOK TO of Rev. T. Hugo, 229. Collections f orSom- ersetParishes,232. Charters, etc. of 01eeveAbber,235. Collections for Taunton, 236. Hudson, G. P. Printing Press at Tad- worth Heath, 250. J. Clare, 145. Williani, 179, 180. Hnggett, Bev. HiOgev, 96. Hughes, Edward, of Maidstone, 10-2. Miss, of Bath, 282. Thomas, of Chester, 25, 332. Thomas Cann, 25, 26, 28, 134, 323. Hugo, Bev. Thomas. The ' Liber Albus,' List of Publications 152. Cal. of West Hack- ney Records, 163. 'The Bewick Col- lector,' 192. Bewick's Wood- cuts, 192. Huguenots. Biblio. 356. Kulbert, Charles, 322. C. H. 222. Hull. Authors, 308. Biblio. 308. Borough Records, 308. Municipal History, 295. Museum, 308. Wilberforce Hist. Museum, 308. Plans, etc., 308. Hull, Eleanor, 382. Hulton, William Adam, 133. William Wilbraham Blathyn, MSS. at Hulton Park, Lanes. 120. Hume, David, of Godscroft, 57. Humphrey, Duke of Crloucester, 306, 207. Humphreys, Arthur Lee. Handbook to Som- Materials for Hist, ersetshire Par- of Wellington, ishes, 228. Somerset, 23S. Sources of Hist, for The Registers of Monmouth Re- Protestant Dis- bellion, 230. senters, 355. John, 286. Hunstanton, Norfolk, Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 177. Hunstanton Hall, Norfolk, Hist. MSS. Comra. Rep. 177. Hunt, A. Iieigh, 181. Thomas, Printer at Oxford, 203. — Bev. William, 328, 333, 234. William Powell, 243, 244, 248. Hunter, Andrew Alexander, 75. Christopher, 196, 338. Hunter, Joseph Weir, 138. Bev. Joseph. Connexion of Bath with Literature of Engl. 234. The Topog. Gather- ings at Stour- head, 278. MSS. in Lib. of Yorks. Archseol. Soc. 294. Synopsis of the Dodsworth MSS. 302. Yorkshire MS. Collectns. of, 302. Sylvester, 302. Memoir and Biblio, 302. John Wilson's Col- lection of Chart- ers, 303. Catal. of Lib. of Bretton Piiory, 306. Collections for Hist of Ecclesfleld,307 Collections for Hist, of Sheffield, 311. Topog. Collections for Derbysh. 325. Huntingdonshire (and Hunting- don), 90-93, 334. Almanacs, 334. Archdeaconry Records, 91. Book Clubs, 91. Book Collectors, 91. Bookplates, 91. Booksellers, 90, 91. Borough Records, 91. Brasses, 91, 352. Broadsides, 91. Circulating Libraries, 91. Civil "War Tracts, 334. Domesday Biblio. 91. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reps. 91. Manorial History, 91. Municipal History, 91. Natural Science, 92. Newspapers, 91. Poll Books, 91. Printers, 90, 91. Views, etc. 91. Huntly, Slarciuess of, 59. See also Aboyne Castle, Aberdeen. Hurdis, Bev. James, 354. Hurst, Herbert, 306. Hurstbourne Park, Hants. MSS. at, 80. Hussey, Arthur, 103. Hutcheson, Thomas S. 378. Hutchins, B. Leigh, 355. John, 47, 326. Huth, Henry, 184. Huth Library, 366. Hutton, Arthur WoUaston, 388. Laurence, 57. Matthew, 233. Stanley, pseud. (Albert Edward Tilling), 78. Hyde, Cheshire. Public Lib. 27. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 4<43 Hyett, jFrancis Adams. Catal. of Glouc. On First Bristol & MSS. in Brit. Glos. Printers, 78. Mus. 76. 'Annalia Dubren- Siiggestions for sia,' 332. County Biblio- Glouo. Coll. in Glos. graphics, 76. Public Lib. 331. and Bazeley, WiUiam. Bibliographer's Manual of Glouo. Litera- ture, 74, 77, 78. Chattertoniana, 78. and Austin, Roland. Supp. to Biblio. Manual of Glouc. Litera- ture, 331. Hythe, Kent. Corporation Records. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 97. Hosp. of St. Bartholomew. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 97. MSS. of Henry B. Mackeson at, 97. lago, Rev. WiUiam, 33. Ickwell Bury, Beds. MSS. at, 9, 88. Ilkley, Yorks. Biblio. 308. Museum, 308. Inderwick, Frederick Andrew, 155. ' Index Library,' 348. Ingilby, Sir Henry. See Ripley Castle, Yorks. Ingledew, C. J. Davison, 298. Ingoldmells, Lines. 145. Ing'ram, Thomas Allan, 104. Ings, Westmorland, 275. Inman, Alfred H. 350. Innerpeffray, Perthshire, 213. Inues, Cosmo, 377, 379. Inveraray, Argyllshire. Burgh Re- cords, 6. Inveraray Castle, Argyllshire, MSS. at, 5. Invercauld, co. Aberdeen, MSS. at, 3. Inverness-shire (and Inverness), 93, 334. Gaelic Society of Inverness, 93. Kirk-Session Records, 93. Maps, 93. Municipal History, 93. Museum, 93. Natural Science, 93. Newspapers, etc. 93. Parish Registers, 93. lolo MSS. 393. lona, Island of, Hebrides. 84. Ipswich. ' Domesday Books,' 348. Free Libraiy, 242, 244, 246-948. Handford Lodge, Suffolk Collection, 243, Ipswich (continued). Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 245. Ipswich Library, 248. Municipal History, 343, 248. Museum, 248. Port Books, 348. Printing, 24t, 286. Views, etc. 247. Ireland (General), 380-390. Almanacs, 390. Antiquities, 383. Archfeology, 383, 384. Assoc, for Preservation of Memorials of the Dead, 383. Ballads, 316, 381, 390. Biographies, 384. Book Auctions, 381. Bookbinding, 381. Book Collectors, 381. Booksellers, 367, 382. Broadsides, 381 , 382, 390. Chapbooks, 390. Chartularies, 385. Commerce, 383. Directories, 390. 'Down Survey,' 388, Ecclesiastical, 385. Epigraphy, 23, 384. Family History, 384. Fiction, 382. Folk-Lore, 382. 384. Gaehc MSS. 382. Genealogy, 384, 390. Georgian Houses, 384. Haliday Collection, 382. Henry Bradshaw Irish Collection, 381. Heraldry, 384. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reps. 386. History, 381, 382, 388. Home Rule Movement, 383. Inscriptions, 384. Irish Archaeol. Soc. 382. Irish Record Commission, 385. Itineraries, 363, 364. Librarians, 380. Literature, 380-382. Maps and Plans, 364, 381, 382, 388. Marriages, 386. Monasteries, 385. Music, 381, 384, 390. Natural Science, 390. Newspapers, etc. 51, 165, 367, 382, 389, 390. Nonconformity, 385' Ogham Writing, 384. Ossianic Literature, 382. Ordnance Survey Records, 388. Peel's Irish Collection, 381. Philology, 380, 382. 444 A HANDBOOK TO Ireland (Greueral) {continued). Place-Names, 383, 384.. Plays, 381. Poets and Poetry, 381, 390. Portraits, 384. Presbyterian Church, 385. Printing, 5, 22, 30, SO, 367, 380, 389. Proclamations, 365, 381, 382, 386. Protestant Dissent, 385. Quakers, 385. Records (Public), 385-38T. Registers (Parish), 386. (Non-Parochial), 385. Religion, 382, 383. Road-Books, 363, 364. Roman Catholic Church, 385. Roy. Irish Academy, 51, 52, 382, 383, 390. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Irel. 327, 383. Surnames, 383, 384. Surveys, 388. Tours, 388. Wills, 386. Writers, 380, 381, 383. Irry, Ireland, Ancient Map of, 388. Irvine, Alexander Forbes. See Drum Castle, CO. Aberdeen. James Thomas, 189. William Fergfusson, 116. Isacke, Richard, 41, 45. Isham, Sir Charles Edmund, 188, 189. See also Lamport Hall, Northants. Islay, Island of, Hebrides, 85. Isle of Lewis, Hebrides, 85. Isle of Man, 94, 335. Booksellers, 335. Collections, 94. Domesday Book, 94. Historians, 94. Literature, 94. Manx Society, 94. Natural Science, 94, 335. Newspapers, etc. 94, 335. Printing, 94. Records, 94. Isle of Skye, Hebrides, 85. Isle of Wight, 84, 333. See also Hamp- shire. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reps. 80. Index to Births, etc. of some Parishes, 84. Natural Science, 81, 84. Newport Parish Registers, 333. Printing at Beldornie, 84, 333. Records, 84. Romano- Brit. Remains, 84. Islington. See London. Ives, John, 178, 946. J., E. D 211. Jackson, Benjamin Daydon, 89. Edith, 163. Mrs. P. ITevill, 75. Sir George, 359. George, 63. Georgina P. 223. Henry, 298. ' John Edward. Hist, of Grittleton. Kington. St. Mi- 278. chael. 279. Address on Wilts. Index to Books on Topography, 279. Wilts. 280. Topog. Collections List of Sir Thos. of Aubrey, 279. Phillip ps' Wilts. Aubrey's Essay on OoUeotions, 283. Wilts. 279. Schedule of Deeds Memoir of Aubrey, at Kingston 279. House, 283. Index to ■ Wilts In- Literary Treasures stitutions,' 279. of Longleat, 285. Collections for List of Malmesbury Wilts. Biblio. 279. Cartularies, etc. 285. William. Anderson's Cum- Catal. of Jackson berland Ballads, CoUns. Carlisle 35. Free Lib. 273. Chapbooks in Jack- List of Books on son Colin. Car- English Dialects, lisle Free Lib. 35. 274. ' Jackson Collection,' at Sheiiield Pub- lic Library. Catal. of, by Hall Rutland items, and Thomas, 301. 218. Derbyshire Items, Sheffield items, 325. 310. Lines, items, lil. Yorkshire items Norfolk items, 301. 175. 'Jackson Collection,' at Warrington Library, Lanes. 133, 134. Jackson's ' Oxford Journal,' 205. Jaggard, William, 125, 270, 271. James, H. E. K. 211. John George Wallace, 79. Lemuel J. Hopkin, 171. Montague Rhodes. Catal. of MSS. Eton Catal. of Lib. Au- CoU. Lib. 15. gustinian Friars Lib. of Grey Friars at York, 303. of Hereford, 86. Collections of MSS. Anc. Libraries of atCambridge,320. Canterbury and MSS. at Corpus Dover, 100, 101. Ohristl Coll.Cam- Catal. of MSS. bridge, 320. Westminster MSS. in Lib. at Abbey, 155. Lambeth Palace 338. Jamieson, Alister William, 229. George Auldjo, 60. John, 374. COUNTY BIBLIOGKAPHY. 445 Jarvis, Daniel, 96. Jeaffreson, John Cordy. Index to'MSS. o£ MSS. of W. R. Borough of Lei- Yorks. at Wake- cester, 137. field, 301. Middlesex County MSS. of N. R. Records, 151, 168. Yorks. at North- Catal. of Books. allerton, 301. etc. at St. Mary's List of Southamp- Hall, Coventry, ton Charters, etc. 269. 333. Jeake, Samuel, 957. Jeans, George Edward, 14!^. Jeayes, Isaac Herbert. Catal. of Derby- Catal. of Charters, shire Charters, etc. at Hagley etc, 39. Hall, 290. Catal. of Charters, Catal. of Charters, etc. at Drake- etc.at Radbourne lowo, 40, 325. Hall, 325 Charters, etc. of Court Rolls of Col- Colchester, 65. Chester, 330. Catal. of Charters, etc. at Berkeley Castle, 76. Jedburgh, Roxburghshire. Museum, 217. Records, 218. Jeffcott, John Iffl. 94 Jefferies, C. T. 232. Jeffery, Reginald Welbury, 341. Jeffries, Henry. Worcestershire MSS. 290. Jekyll, Thomas, Essex MS. Collec- tions, 64, 65. Jelinger, Rev. Christopher, 42. Jenkins, Rev. Henry, 66. Rhys, 157. Jenkinson, Francis John Henry, 18, 19, 71. John, Printer at Huntingdon, 90. Jenner, Henry, 33, 323. Jermyn, Harry. Suffolk Collections, Slo. Jersey, 24. See also Channel Islands, and Guernsey. Biblio. 24. Gov. Records at St. Helier, 361. Maps, 24. Soc. Jersiaise, 24. Jersey, Earl of. See Osterley Park. Jervise, Andrew, 106. Jervoise, Francis Henry Tristram. See Herriard Park, Hants. Jesuits. See Monastic Orders. Jevington, Sussex, 256. Jewitt, Llewellynn, 325. John ap John, 393. Johnes, Thomas, of Hafod, Cardigan- shire, 21, 321. See also Hafod. Johnson, Croddard, 179. Joseph, 130. J. Bolam, 376. Dr. Samuel, 149, 240. Mrs. Thomas Fielding, 135. Johnson's History of Croydon, 251. Johnston, Alfred Wintle, 341. Arthur, Physician to James I. 2. - Charles Evelyn, 89. George P. First Book printed by James Ballan- tyne, 59, 218. John Scott's Biblio. of Darien Com- pany rev. by, 373. First Edition of Hume of Gods- croft, 57. loth Cent. Books in Crawford Lib. Edinb. 58. John C. of Dunoon, 370. Nathaniel, 295. Philip Malnwaring, 249. William. Biblio. of Arthur Table of Plates in Johnston, Physi- Biblio. of Slazer, cian to James 1. 2. 374. Johnstone, James Fowler Kellas. Biblio. of Shires of Biblio. of City of Aberdeen, Banff. ■ ■ - & Kincardine, 1, 7, 315. Biblio. Notes on Peter William- son's Press, 329. Aberdeen, 1. The Lost Aberdeen Theses, 315. Introd. of Printing into Scotland, 375 JoUey, John Thomas, 299. Jones, Rev. Charles William Fre- derick, 23. David, of Llangan, 393. • James Ifano. Catal. of Welsh Bks. Special (Welsh) CardiffF.Lib.171, Bibliographies, 215, 391. 393. John Winter, 365. John Fleming, 381. Josiah Thomas, Printer at Aberdare, 331. Rev. Morgan Hugh, 22, 319. ITathaniel. Directory of Glasgow, 110. Rev. Owen, Welsh Book Col- lector, 393, 396. Owen Thomas, 397. T. E. 279. T. Llechid, 342. T. M. 394. Theophilus, 319. 446 A HANDBOOK TO Jones, Thomas, Librarian of Chetham Lib. Manchester, 129. Thomas, Printer at Shrewsbury, 342. Rev. William Rich, 283. W. Roscoe, 127. Jourdain, Rev. Francis, 39. M. 264, 265, 281. Joyce, Patrick Weston, 383, 384. Julian, Mrs. Hester Forbes, Kaetz, Fetrus, Letter to John Siberch, 18. Kay, J. Taylor, 129. Eaye, Sir Richard, 200. Walter Jenkinson, 298. Kearney, William, 51. Eeatiuge, Charles T. 327. Keele, Staffs. Church Registers, 237. Keele Hall, Staffs. MSS. at, 238. Keir House, Perthshire, MSS. at, 213. Keith, Theodora, 377. Kelburne Castle, Ayrshire, MSS. at, 6. Kellawe, Richard de, Bp. of Durham, 56. Kelly, Denis Henry, 53, 381. Richard J. 3'23. William, 137. Kelmscott Fress, 338. Kelsall, John Edward, 81. Kelso, Roxburghshire. Museum, 217. Printing, 218. Kemble, John Mitchell, 351. Kemm, William Cove, of Amesbury, 280. Kemp, Robert. Norfolk Collections, 178. Kempe, Alfred John, 178^ 251. Kendal. Chapbooks, 274. Corporation Records, 274, 275. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 274. Municipal History, 273. Natural Hist. Soc. 276. Newspapers, etc. 274. Parish Church Registers, 275. Printers, 274. PubUc Library, 274. Unitarian Chapel, 276. Kendrev, James, Printer at York, 299. Kendrick, Dr. James, of Warrington, 134. J. junr. 133, 134. Eennedy-Erskine, A. J. See Dun, Forfarshire. Kensington. See London. Kent, 95-104, 335. Acts of Parliament, 95. Archaeology, 96. Archseol. Survey, 96. Assoc, of Men of Kent, 96. Bookplates, 335. Brasses, 97. County Collections, 97. Domesday Biblio. 97. Genealogy, 98. Historians, 95. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reps. 97. Manorial History, 97. Maps, 95, 96. Municipal Historj' 96. Natural Science, 99. Poets, 335. Printing, 96, 335. Records, 97, 98, 335. Registers, 98, 99. Romano-Brit. Remains, 97. Worthies, 98. Kent Archseological Society. Index to 'Archseo- Catal.ofjLib. atiChil- logiaCaiitiana,'95. lington House, 95. Catal. of Colleetions Calendar o( March- atMaidstone,95,9S ant Deeds, 99. Kent's Cavern, Torquay, 44. Kenyon, Lord. See Gredington Hall, Flintshire. Sir Frederick Creorge,2'35 . Robert Lloyd, 224. Kermode, Fhilip M. C. 94. Kerr, Eric Stair-, 241. Robert, 329. Kerrich, Thomas. Norfolk MSS. 173. Kerry, 104. Epigraphy, 104. Newspapers, etc. 104. Printing, 104. Kerry, Rev. Charles, 39, 40. Kershaw, Samuel Wayland, 98, 102, 256. Keswick, Cumberland. Crosthwaite Museum, 37. Keswick Hall, Norfolk, MSS. at, 176. Ketton, Robert William. See Fel- brigg Hall, Norfolk. Kew, Surrey, 352. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 447 Keynes, Geoffrey, 154. Keyser, Charles Edward, 296, 352, 356. Kibworth Earcoiirt, Leics. 187. Kidderminster, Worcs. 292. Kidson, J. H. 132. Kidwelly, co. Carmarthen, 22. Kilbride, co. Wicklow, 277. Kilconetuhar, Fifeshire, MSS. at, 68. Kildare (County and Town), 105, 336. Ballads, 105. Bookplates, 105. Epigraphy, 105. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reps. 105. Printing, 336. Kilkenny (County and Town), 105, 106, 336. Confederate Assembly, 105. Corporation Records, 105. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reps. 105, 336. Militia, 105. Municipal History, 106. Newspapers, 336. Printing, 106. Kilkenny and S.E. of Irel. Arcliseol. Soc. See Ireland, Roy. Soc. of Antiq. Kilkenny Castle, MSS. at, 105. Killeen Castle, co. Meath, MSS. at, 167. Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. Museum, 7. Kilmorey, Earl of. See Shavington, Salop. Kilpatrick, James A. 110. Kilsaran, co. Louth, 166. Kimbolton, Hunts. Printers, 92. Kimbolton Castle, Hunts. MSS. at, 91. Kincardineshire (and Kincardine), 106, 107, 336. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reps. 107. Magazines, 336. Maps, 106. Natural Science, 107. Registers, 107. Sheriff Court, 107. Kinellar, co. Aberdeen, MSS. at, 3. Kineton, co. Warwick, 266. King, Austin J. 234. Charles, 90. Henry William. Essex MS. Collections, 64. Morant and Astle MSS. 65. Notes on Barking Registers, Jeremiah. Irish Biblio. 104, 380. William, Abp. of Dublin. Hist. MSS. Coram, Bep. 52, King, Lt.-Col. W. Ross. See Kinellar, CO. Aberdeen. Kinghorn, Fifeshire. Burgh Records, 68. Kingsbridge, Devon. Ancient MSS. in Church, 46. King's County, Ireland, 107, 336. Epigraphy, 107. Hist. MSS. Comra. Rep. 107. Printing, 107, 336. Kingsford, Charles Lethbridge, 147. Kingsley, William, 208. King's Lynn, Norfolk. Greenland Fishery Museum, 309, 340. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 177. Index to ' Red Book ' of, 340. Printing, 340. Records, 181. Views, etc. 340. Kingsmill, Andrew. See Sydraonton Court, Hants. Kingsthorpe Church, Northants. 188. Kingston House, Bradford,Wilts. 283. Kingston Lacy, Dorset, MSS. at, 48 Kingston-on-Thames. Charters, 251. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 250. Municipal History, 250. Topog. Collection, 251. Kingston-upon-HuU. See Hull. Kington St. Michael, Wilts. 279. Kinnaird, Lord. See Rossie Priory, Perthshire. Kinnaird Castle, Forfarshire, MSS. at, 70. KinnouU, Earl of. See Dupplin, Perth- shire. Kinross-shire, 107, 108. Folk-Lore, 107. Maps, 107. Natural Science, 107, 108. Printing, 107. Registers, 107. Kirgate, Thomas, 170. Kirk, S. J. 198. Kirkandre ws-upon-Esk, Cumberland. 37. Kirkbride, nr. Dumfries. The Rae Press, 53. Kirkby, C. V. 135. T. P. 82. Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland, Parish Registers, 276. 448 A HANDBOOK TO Eirkby Malhaiu, Yorks. 308. Eirkoaldy, Fifeshire. Burgh Records, 68. KirkcouneU,Kirkcudbrightshire,MSS. at, 108. Eirkcudbrightsliire (and Kirkcud- bright), 108. Burgh Records, 108. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reps. 108. Historical Monuments, 71, 108. Museum, 108. Natural Science, 108. Registers, 108. Eirklees, Yorks. 309. Kirkliugton, Yorks. 303. Eirk Michael, Isle of Man, 94. Kirkpatrick, Jokn, 180. Kirkstall Abbey, Yorks. 309. Kirkwall. Borough and County Records, 201. Municipal History, 201. Kirrier, Cornwall, 32. Kitckin, George William, Dean of Durham, 83. Kite, Edward, 284, 286, 344. Kitton, Frederic George, 90. Enaresborougk Forest, Yorks. 309. Knightley, Sir Kainald. See Fawsley Park, Northants. Knocker, Edward, 100. Herbert Wheatley, 98. Enole Park, Kent, MSS. at, 97. Knott, Cargill Gilston, 339. Knowle, co. Warwick, 269. Knowles, T. 239. Knowsley Hall, Lanes. MSS. at, 94. Knox, John, 332. Kuerden [or Jackson], Richard, Lanes. Collections, 122. Kyre Park, Worcs. Charters, 290. 1., W. A. 220. Lace, Biblio. of, 198. Lach-Szyrma, W. S. 34, 324. Lacock Abbey, Wilts. 285. Laffan, Thomas, 262. Laing, David. Calendar of the List of MSS., etc., Laing Charters, in Laing CoUec- 60. tion, 60. Notices, etc., of Memoir of, by G. David Laing, by Goudie, 60. T. G. Stevenson, David Laing, by 60. David Murray, 60,328. Laing, David (c Account of Haw- thornden MSS., etc., 60. Works of Sir David Lyndsay, 67. Memoir of, by John SmaU, 328. Report on Laing MSS. 328. Laing's Edition of Works of John Knox, 332. Sale-Catal. of Li- brary of, 369. List of Communi- cations to Soc. Antiq. Scot, by, 370. A Note on Protocol Books, 377. Portraits of Sir William Wallace, 378. Biblio. of Robert BaiUie, 378. Henry, 371. William, Bookseller in Edin- burgh, 369. Lakin, Storer Marshall, 283. Lamb, Alexander C. of Dundee, 71. Charles, 149. John, Dean of Bristol, 20. Lambert, Mark, and Mark William, Engravers, 194. Lambeth Palace. See London. Lamington, Lanarkshire, MSS. at, 113. Lampeter, Cardiganshire. Local Museum, 21. Records, 21. Lamport Hall, Northants. MSS. at, 186. The Isham Books, 188, 189. Lanarkshire (and Lanark), 108-114, 336-337. See also Glasgow. Burgh Records, 114. County Council Records, 114. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, 113. Municipal History, 110. Natural Science, 114. Registers, 114. Romano-Brit. Remains, 110. Lancashire (and Lancaster), 115-134, 337. Acts of Parliament, 119. Antiquarian Societies, 118. Antiquities, 24. Archseol. Survey, 120. North-of-the-Sands, 35. Archaeology, 26. Authors, 116, 117. Ballads, 118, 119. 337. Archdeaconry of Lancaster Records, 125. Bookplates, 117. Bor. of Lancaster Records, 125. Brasses, 120. Broadsides, 118. Chapbooks, 118. Coal-mining Records, 121. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 449 Laucashire (and Lancaster) {contd.). Collections, 25, 27, 116, 120, 122, 123. Dialect, 35, IIT, 119. Domesday Biblio. 119. Duchy of Lancaster, 240. Exchequer Depositions, 28. Folk-Lore, 337. Historic Soc. of Lanes, and Cheshire, 26, 116. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, 120. Lanes. & Chesh. Antiq. Soc. 26, 116. Libraries, 26, 118, 119. Manorial History, 119. Maps, 125. Municipal History, 119. Natural Science, 123. Newspapers, 337. ' Old Lancaster ' Exhibition, 135. Palatinate Courts, 121, 361. Printers, 119. Provincial Assembly, 26, 121. Synod, 122. Record Soc. of Lanes, and Cheshire, 117. Records, 28, 120, 121. Registers (Parish), 122. (Non-Parochial), 26, 121. Romano-Brit. Remains, 120. Lancaster, William Thomas, 294. Lancing College, Sussex, 255. Lane, Charles, 42. Laneham, Robert, 264. Langford, John Alfred, 268. Langley Burrell, Wilts. 285. Laugport, Somerset, Corporation Records, 236. Langton, Robert, 119. Langton-by-Spilsby, Lines. 145. Lansdowne, Slarquess of, Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. on MSS. of, 150. Lapsley, Gaillard Thomas, 54. Lapworth, Charles, 267. Larcom, Sir Thomas Aiskew, 388. Larken, Arthur Staunton, 143, 144. Larking, J. W. 98. Lambert Blackwell, 95, 98, 99. Lascelles, Rowley, 386. Latham, H. 204. John, MS. Collections for Rom- sey, 81, 82. Latimer, John, 77. Rev. William Thomas. Newry Printing, 50. Additions to Dix's Downpatrick, 'Ulster Biblio. ' Printing, 50. 262, 263, 317. Hillsborough Print- Biog. Note and ing, SO. Biblio. of, 385. Lauder, Berwickshire, Burgh Records, 13. Lauderdale, Duke of. MSS., etc., at Ham House, Surrey, 251. Earl of. See Thirlestaine Castle, Berwickshire. Launceston, Cornwall. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 32. Borough Records, 33. Priory, 33. Laver, Henry, 64, 66. Law, Thomas Graves, 370, 373, 378. William, 256. Lawley, George T. 238-240. Lawlor, Hugh Jackson, 214, 329. Lawrance, Robert Murdoch, 372, 373. Lawson, Alexander, 330. Sir John. See Brough Hall, Yorks. T. Dillon, 72. Lawton, William P. 293. Layton, William Edward, 246. Lea, Edith, 134. James Henry, 358. Philip, 157. Leach, Arthur Francis, 288, 305. Leamington Spa, co. Warwick, Public Lib. 269. Lean, Vincent Stuckey, 78. Leask, W. Keith, 315. Lechmere, Sir Edmund Anthony Karley. See Rhydd Court, Worcs. Leconfield, Lord. See Petworth House, Sussex. ' Lector.' Biblio. of Irish Surveys, 388. Ledeston, Westmeath, Printing at, 273. Lee, Henry, 187. James Prince, Bp. of Man- chester, 115. Dr. John, 59, 375. John Edmund, 171. Joseph Henry. See Redbrook House, Fhntshire. Philip G. 323. Rev. Timothy, ot Croom, co. Limerick, 139, 388. Lee Priory Press, Kent, 96. Leeds. Booksellers, 298. Leeds Geol. Assoc. 304. 450 A HANDBOOK TO Leeds {eontinued). Leeds Library, 309. Leeds Museum, 309. Libraries, S98. Maps and Plans, 309. Municipal History, 395. Printers, 298. Ralph Thoresby's Museum, 309. Thoresby Soc. 294. Leeds, Dnke of. See Hornby Castle, Yorks. Leeds Castle, Kent, MSS. at, 97. Lees, Frederick A. 304, 305. J. Cameron, 93. Le Faun, Thomas FUlip, 337. Le Fleming, Stanley Hughes. See Rydal Hall, Westmorland. Lefroy, T. E. P. Rep. on MSS. of, 150. Legg, J. Wickham, 338. Legge, W. Keneage, 359. Legh, J. W. See Lyme Hall, Cheshire. Leicester, Earl of. See Holkham, Norfolk. Leicestershire (and Leicester), 135- 139, 337. Acts of Parliament, 136. Archdeaconry Registry, 337. Brasses, 136. Corporation Records, 136-138. County Collections, 136, 137. Domesday Biblio. 136. Folk-Lore, 136, 219, 353. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, 136, 337. Leics. Archit. & Archseol. Soc. 135. Libraries, 136. Manorial History, 136. Mayors of Leicester, 137. Municipal History, 136. Museimi, 136. Natural Science, 135, 138. Parish Documents, 137. Printing, etc. 136. Registers, 137, 138. Romano-Brit. Remains, 136. St. Nicholas' Church, Leicester, 138. Leigh, Lanes. Grammar Sch. Lib. 125. St. Mary's Church, 125. Leigh, Arthur G. 116. — Egerton, 322. James Wentworth, Dean of Hereford, 86. Lord, 265. Richard Arthur Austen, 319. Robert, 276. Leighton, Sir Baldwyn. See Loton Park, Salop. Robert, Archbishop of Glas- gow, 212. Stanley, 225, 227. See also Sweeny Hall, Salop. Leinster, Duke of. See Carton, May- nooth. Leinster, Province of, Ireland, 139. Lelth, James Forbes. See White- haugh, CO. Aberdeen. William Forbes, 370. Leitrim, 139. Ordnance Survey Records, 139. Leiz, Ireland, Ancient Map of, 388. Leland, John, 341, 364. Lemon, Robert, 161, 365. Le Neve, Oliver, of Witchingham, Norfolk, 178. Peter. Norfolk Collections, 173, 178, 179. Leney, Frank, 175, 243. Lenihan, Maurice, 140. Lennard, Sir Thomas Barrett-. See Belhus, Essex. Lennox, The [Ancient County of Scot- land], 327. Lennox, Patrick J. 389. Lenton Priory, Notts. 200. Leominster, co. Hereford. Borough Records, 86. Leprevick, Robert, Printer at Stir- ling, 241. Lerwick, Shetland Islands. Museum, 201. Le Schonix, Roach, 47. Lesley, Charles, Aberdeen Ballad- monger, 315. Leslie, George, a Scotch Capucin, 370. James Blenuerhassett, 166. Leslie House, Fifeshire, MSS. at, 68. Lesnes Abbey, Kent, 101, 356. L'Estrange, Rev. Guy William Carleton, 166. John, Norfolk Collection, 173. Le Strange, Hamon, 176. See also Hunstanton Hall, Norfolk. Lethaby, William Richardson, 154, 156, 157. Lett, Canon Henry William, 50. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 451 Levens Hall, Westmorland, MSS. at, 274. Lever, D'Arcy, 198. Levien, Edward, 43, 245. Lewes, Sussex. Archdeaconry of, 256. Castle Library, 253. Castle Museum, 253. MS. Collections, 259. Municipal History, 253. Newsmen, 254. Priory, 259. Lewis, Edward Arthur, 22, 392. George Bandall, 32. Harold, 234. Rev. John, of Margate, 96, 98. J. D. of Llandyssil, Cardigan- shire, 394. John Herbert, 396. Lewis, Isle of, Hebrides. See Isle of Lewis. Leyborne-Fopham, T. W. See Littlecote, Wilts. Leyden, John, 374. Leyland, Francis A. 299. John, 116, 134, 134. Leyton, Essex. Public Library, 62. Lhuyd or Llwyd, Edward, 208, 387, 394, 396. Lichfield. Borough Records, 240. Catal. of Books on, 264. Cathedral, 240. Cathedral Library, 240. Dean and Chapter. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 238. Diocesan Records, 340. Museum, 240. Liddel, Duncan, Biblio. 1. Lightfoot, William j. 102, 104. Lilly, Joseph, 366. Limerick (County and Town), 139, 140. Ballads, 140. The ' Black Book,' 140. Corporation Records, 140. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 140. Municipal History, 140. Newspapers, 139, 140. Philos. and Lit. Soc. 140. Printing, 139, 140, 322. Topog. Works, etc. on, 30, 139. Liuacre, Thomas, 18, 204. Lincolnshire (and Lincoln), 141-146, 337. Acts of Parliament, 142. Assize RoUs, 143. Bishop's Registry, 142. Brasses, 142. Broadsides, 141. Cathedral, 141, 14t. Civil War Tracts, etc. 141. Corporation Records, 142, 143. Dean and Chapter Records, 142. Diocesan Archit. Soc. 141. Diocesan Documents, 337. Domesday Biblio. 142. Episcopal Registers, 137. Exchequer Lay Subsidies, 143. Folk-Lore, 142, 353. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 142. Hugh, Bp. of Lincoln, 142. 'Jackson Collection,' Lines, items, 141. Libraries, 141. Lincoln Stock Library, 142. Lines. Topog. Soc. 142. Manorial Court RoUs, 143. Manorial History, 142. Maps, 141. Municipal History, 142, 143. Natural Science, 144, 145, 304. Probate Registry, 142. Registers, 144. Romano-Brit. Remains, 142. Topog. Collections, 142, 143. Lindfield, Sussex, 259. Lindores Abbey, Fifeshire, 68. Lindsay, James Ludovic. See Craw- ford, Earl of. Thomas M. 204. Lindsey, Earl of. See Uffington, Lines. Linen Industry, 5. Lingard, John, 132. Linlithgowshire (and Linlithgow), 146, 338. Burgh Records, 146. County Records, 146. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 146. Municipal Hist. 146. Natural Science, 146. Poets, 146, 338. Registers, 146. Linton, William Richardson, 39. Liskeard, Cornwall. Borough Records, 33. Littlecote, Wilts. MSS at, 282. Littlehaugh, Suffolk, 246. Littler, Edmund, 66, 152 A HANDBOOK TO Litton, Edward, 385. Liveing, Henry Creorge Downing, 82. Liverpool. Athenaeum, 126. ' Binns ' Collection, 119. Borough Records, 127. Court of Passage, 127. Directories, 126. Ecclesiastical Records, 128. Historical Exhibition, 126. Libraries, 125, 126. Lit. & Philos. Soc. 126. Liverpool in Patent, etc. Rolls, 28. Liverpool Library, 125, 126. Maps, 125, 126, 127. Municipal Government, 127. Museums, 12T. Newspapers, etc. 126. Printing, 337. Public Library, 122, 123. St. Peter's Church, 128. Topog. Collections, 128. University College Lib. 126. Vestry Books, 127. Livingstone, Xlattliew. Guide to Public Cal. of Charters. Records of Scot- etc. relating to land, 376, e( passim. Scot. 377. T. Livingstone Fenton-. See Westquarter, Stirlingshire. Llandaif, Glamorganshire. Cathedral Records, 73. Par. Registers of Diocese, 73. Llandyssil, Cardiganshire, 394. Llanelly, co. Carmarthen, Biblio. 23. Llanerch, St. Asaph, MSS. at, 69. Llangedwyu, co. Denbigh, 172. Llanover, co. Monmouth. The Llanover MSS. 171. Llanwrin, co. Montgomery, MSS. at, 395. Lloyd, Edward, of Trenevi'ith, 220, 225. Sir Harvey Juckes. See Chfton Hall, Notts. Howel William, 394. John Edward, 394. Sampson Zachary. See Areley Hall, Worcs. Llwyd, nciss Angharad, 396. Edward. See Lhuyd. Lochmaben, Dumfriesshire, 54. Lockhart, John Gibson, 370. Joseph C. 129. Loftns, Dudley, 3?7. Logan, Wigtownshire, MSS. at, 277. Loggan, David, 206. Lokert, George, 378. Lomberdale House, Derbyshire. Catal. of Museum, 37. London, 147-164, 338. Admiralty Records, 361, 362. Bakers' Hall, 153. Ballads, 161, 162. Bank of England, 155, 338. Bishopric of. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 338. Bookbinders, 159. Booksellers, 154, 158-162. Borough Records, 151. Brasses, 148. British Museum. Annual Return, 363. Ballads, 161. Book-Sales Cata- logues, 367. Books Printed in Engl, to 1610,363. Crace Collection, 136, 164. Catalogues, 363. Civil War Pam- phlets, 347. Irish Books, 381. MSS. 387. Newspapers,390. Library Hand- book, 351. London Books,147. MSS. 151. Newspaper8,162. MSS. American History, 349. MSS. Charters and Rolls, Index to, 363. Classified Catal. of, 363. Heralds' Visita- tions, 339. Maps, 156, 364. New8paper8,162,367, 375, 390, 394. Publications of, 363. Reading Room Guide, 363. Scotch Books, 368. Newspapers, 375. State Papers, 377. Shropshire Topog. MSS, 224, 225. Thomason Collec- tion, 347, 367. Topographical Books, 346. Catalogue of Welsh Newspapers, Seals, 352. 394. Catalogues of MSS. 395, 396. European MSS. 363. Buckingham Palace. Lord Steward's Dept. Records, 361. Camber well. Minet Public Lib. 249, 250. Camden Society. Pubns. 348. Caxton Celebration, 158. Chapbooks, 161, 162. Chelsea. Blbho. of, 163. Royal Hospital, 163. Chronicles of, 147, 338. Churches, 155. City Parishes, 338. Collectors, 156. College of Arms, 363. College of Physicians, 150, 359. Corporation, 148, 152, 153. Museum, 153, 154, 157. Records, 152. County Records, 151. Diocese of. Records of the ' Four Courts,' 361. Domesday Biblio. 148. Drapers' Hall, 157, COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 458 London {continued). Dulwich College, 163. Ealing. Geological Biblio. 163. Finchley. Parish Registers, 163. Frost of 1683-4, 162. Fulham. Biblio. 163. Guildhall Library. Catal, with addi- Calendars of, and tions to 1889, Reports on, Re- 148. cords, 152. Catal. of Exhib. Index to Sir G. Nay- atOpening,1872. ler's Private Acts 156, 157. of Pari. 349. Catalogues, Col- Roy. Comm. Rep. lections, etc. 163. on Records, 361. Guildhall Museum, 1S3, 154, 157. Hackney. Records of, 163. Catal. of Tyssen Lib. 163. Hampstead. Antiq. and Hist. Biblio, 163. Soc. 161. Hampstead Lib. Bell-Moor CoUec- 164. tion, 161. Hayraarket. A. M. Broadley's Collection on, 155. Highgate. Local Collections, 163, 164. Hist. MSS. Comra. Rep. 149, 150. Inner Temple Records, etc. 150, 155, 253. Inns of Court, 155. Ironmongers' Hall, 154. Islington. Biblio. 164. Kensington. Nat. Art Lib. 357. Turnpike, 168. Public Lib. 149. Lambeth Palace Library. Kentish Memor- Records of the anda, etc. 98. Eccles. Courts, HistMSaComm. 361. Rep. 150. Catal. of MSS. by Somerset MSS. Todd, 363. 232. Calendar of Carew Augmentation MSS. 387. Books, 326. Report on Carew Notes on, by Bot- MSS. 387. field, 338. Catal of Irish MSS. MSS, in, by M. R. etc. 387. James, 338. Leverian Museum, 338. Libraries, 162-163. Lincoln's Inn, and Library, 163, 347. Livery Companies, 153. Lond. & Middx. Archaeol. Soc. 147. London Bridge, 148, 157, 160. ' London Gazette.' Index, 147. London Institution. Library, 347. London Library, St. James's Sq. Subject-Index, 147. ■ London Topographical Record,' 157. Lord Chamberlain's Office, 151. Manorial History, 148. Maps, Plans, etc. 149, 154-156, 338. Metropolitan Water Board, 151. London {eontinutd). Middle Temple Records, 155. Monument, 148. Municipal History, 148. Museums, 154, 338. Nat. Art. Lib. S. Kensington, 357. Natural Science, 151. Newspapers, etc. 161, 162, 367. Pageants, 153, 162. Percy Society, 365. Piccadilly. A. M. Broadley's Collection on, 155. Printing. Printers, etc. St. Catnach and other Paul's Cathe- Ballad Printers, dral, 154. 161, 193. Index of Early Chapbooks, etc. London Print- printed in St. ers, 158, 169. Paul's Church- Printers, etc. to yard, etc. 162 1535, 159. Biblio. Note on Lon. Books destroyed don Printing, 338- in Great Fire, St. Bride Typo- 159. graphical Lib.338. Signs of Printers. Kelmscott Press, 161. 338. Public Record Office, 151. 'Lists&Indexos,' Catal. of MSS. etc. 238, 362. in Museum, 362. Catal. of Library, Guide to Classes of 346. 362. Documents, 362. List of Topog. Cal. of Scottish Works, 346. Documents, 376. Cal. of Monastic Cal. of Irish Docu- Chartularies, ments, 386 . etc. 366. Registers of Bap- List of Documnts. tisms, 386. transferred to, 362. Publishers, 158, 159. Queen Anne's Bounty Office, 150. Roman Cath. Chapter of, 150. Roman Remains, 154. Royal Exchange, 154. Royal Institution, 150. St. Botolph, Registers of, 155. St. Bride's Foundation Typographical Lib. 158, 159, 338, 389. St. Dunstan's-in-the-West. Wardmote Inquest Registers, 155. St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. Catal. of Books, etc. 164. St. Mary Bothaw. Records, 155. St. Michael, Wood St. Records, 155. St. Pancras. Collections, etc. 164. St. Paul's Cathedral, 154. Hist.MSS.Comm. Drawings, 164. Rep. 150. Reports onRecords, Records, etc. 154. 361. Library, 154. St. Stephen, Coleman St. Records, 155. St. Swithin, London Stone. Records 155. Signs, 157. Sion College, 163. Soane Museum, 147. 454 A HANDBOOK TO Loudon I Soc. of Antiquaries. Lincolnshire Col- Shropshire CoUeo- lection, HI. tions. 221. Indexes to Publi- Jackson's Wiltshire cations, U7, 351. Collections, 279. Catal. of Collec- Hablngton'sWoroB. tion o£ Broad- Collection, 290. sides, etc. 161. Prattinton'sWoros. Oxfordshire Colleo- Collection, 290. tion, 209. Catal. of Lib. 351. See also ' Archseologia,' and ' Col- lectanea Archaeologica. ' Soc. of Genealogists of Bedfordsh. Mon. Consolidatedlndex, Inscriptions, 9. 358. Somerset House. The Probate Reg- List of Calendars, istry, 360-363. etc. Lit Search Gen. Reg. Office, Dept. 362. 360, 361, 362. Notes on Literary Regultna. for Lit. Search Dept. 362. Inquiries, 362. Stationers' Company. Early Dublin Printers and, 60. Transcripts of Registers, 158. Records, etc. 160. Statutes, Private Acts, etc. 149. South wark. Roman Catholic Plans, Maps, etc. Bishopric, 150. 156. Southwk. Bridge, St. Saviour's, 338. 157. Streets, 155. Thames Conservancy, 151. Topographical Collections, 148, 149. Topog. Soc. of London, 157. Tower of London Records, 151, Trinity House Records, 150. Vicar-General's Office, 360, 361. Views, etc. 156, 157. Vintners' Company, 153. Visitation of, 1593. 154. War Office Records, 361, 362. Westminster. Archbishopric Palace, Early (Rom. Cath.) Plans of, 163. 150, 155. Plans, Maps, etc. Borough Records, 156. 163. Records at the CoUege of West- Guildhall, 15L minster, 205. Records at the Town Hall, 163. Westminster Abbey. Hiat. MSS. Catal. of MSS. 155. Comm. Rep. 150. Library, 155. Records, etc. 15i, Scottish Docu- 155, 269, 338. ments, etc. .376. Whitehall, 155. WilUams's (Dr.) Library, 150. Londonderry (County and City), 165, 263. Diocesan Lil)rary at Derry, 165. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 165. Municipal History, 165. Natural Science, 165. Newspapers, etc. 165, Londonderry (County and City) {continued) Printing, 165, 263. Records, etc. 165. Long, William, 281. Longford, 165. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 165. Irish Ordnance Survey, 165. Longford Castle, Wilts. MSS. at, 282. Longleat, Wilts. MSS. at, 283. Literary Treasures of, 285. Portraits at, 285. Longmate, Barak, 135. Long Melford, Suffolk, MS. Collec- tions, 245, 248. Longstaffe, William Hylton Dyer. Collection on Newcastle Printing, 192. Lonsdale, £arl of. See Lowther Castle, Westmorland, and Whitehaven Castle, Cumberland. Loseley Park, Surrey, MSS. at, 250, 851, 343. Lostwithiel, Cornwall. Borough Records, 33. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 32. Lothian (East). See Haddingtonshire. Lothian, niarq,uess of. See Blicking Hall, Norfolk. See Newbattle, Midlothian. Loton Park, Salop, MSS. at, 223. Lott, Frank E. 239. Loughborough, Leics. Parish Regis- ters, 138. Lough Fea, Monaghan. Account of Library, 170. Catal. of Library, 380. Loughrea, Galway, Printing at, 72,331. Louth, Ireland, 165, 166. Irish Ordnance Survey, 166. John D' Alton's MSS. 166. Newspapers, etc. 165, 166. Printing, 165, 166. Louth, Lincolnshire, Corporation Re- cords, 145. Louth Park Abbey, Lincolnshire, Chronicle of, 145. Lovell, Thomas, Printer at Hunting- ton, 90. Low, James O-. 71. W. 71. Lowdermilk, W. H. 380. Lowe, F. Pyndar, 145. Peter, 378. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 455 Lower, Marc Antony, 953, 951, SS9. Lowndes, O. A. See Barrington Hall, Essex. William Thomas, Bibliogra- pher's Manual, 7, et passim. Lowther Castle, Westmorland, MSS. at, 36, 274. Loyal House, Perthshire, MSS. at, 213. Luard, Henry Richards, 17, 356. Lncas, John, 134. Perceval, 257. Ludford House, nr. Ludlow, MSS. at, 223. Ludlow, Shropshire. Borough Records, 226, Municipal History, 221. Printing, 222. Lnkis, William Ceilings, 284. Lumby,«J. H. 28, 127. Lnnham, Thomas Ainslie, 323. Lustleigh, Devon. Private Printing Press at, 46. Luton, Bedfordshire, Local CoUection, 9. Luttrell, Oeorge Fownes. See Dun- ster Castle, Somerset. Luxmore, J. S. 37. Lydd, Kent, Corporation Records, 97, 102. Lyell, Arthur Henry, 9, et passim. Lyman, Alice, 369. Lyme Hall, Cheshire, MSS. at, 27. Lyme Regis, Dorset. Borough Records, 49. Municipal History, 47. Lymington, Hants. Borough Records, 82. Lynch, Patrick, Irish Almanacs, 390. Patrick, Printer at Carrick-on- Suir, CO. Tipperary, 261, Lyndsay, Sir David, Biblio. of Works of, 67. Lynn Regis, Norfolk. See King's Lynn. Lyons, John Charles, 273. Dr. Robert Dyer, of Dubhn, 52. Lysons, Rev. Samuel Hist, of London, 148. MSS. Collections : MS. Collections : Nottinghamshire, Lancashire, 122. 200. Leicestershire, Rutland, 218. 137. Shropshire, 225. Lincolnshire, U3. Somersetshire, Norfolk, 178. 232. Northants. 187. Staffordshire, 239. Northumb. 191. Wiltshire, 282. Lyte, Sir H. C. Kaxwell. MSS. of Corpora- MSS. at Belvoir tion of Bndg- Castle, 337. north, 226. Catal. of MSS. in MSS. of Corpora- Museum P.R.O. tion of Wenlook, 382. 227. Lyttelton, Lord. See Hagley Hall, Worcs. Lyttelton Family Documents, 290. M. W. 126, 337. Macalister, Robert, 383. Robert Alexander Stewart. Studies in Irish Hist, of Monastery Epigraphy, 384, at Clonmacnoie, et passim. King's Co. 336. MacArthur, William, 380, 388. Macartney, Lord. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 5. Macaulay, Col. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 231. Macbain, Alexander, 374. McBain, J. M. 70. MacCaffrey, James, 140. McCall, Hardy Bertram, 303. McCance, Stouppe, 317, 344. MacCarte, James, 166. MacCarthy, Rev. Bartholomew, 263. Macclesfield, Cheshire. Biblio. Notes on Local Books, 322. Borough Records, 29. Macclesfield, Barl of. The Shirburn Bal- Hist. MSS. Comm. lads in Lib. of, 204. Rep. 207. M'Cready, Christopher Teeling, 51, 326. Macdonald, Archibald, 85. Hugh, 281. William Rae, 57. McDonnell, Randal, 327. McDouall, Col. James. See Logan, Wigtownshire. McErlean, Rev. John, 72. Macfarlane, Charles, 318. Edward M, 209. Walter, 201, 374. MacFarlane, Malcolm, 260. Macfie, Robert Andrew Scott, 79. MacGeorge, Andrew, 111. MacGregor, George, 112. Macintyre, A. C. 241. P. 126. 456 A HANDBOOK TO Mackay, JSneas J. O. Fife and Kinross Hist, of Fife and Biblio. 67, 107. Kinross, 67, 107. Local Presses of Life of John Major, Scotland, 67, 375. 378. Angus, 16, 260. Charles, 163. John, 260. Mrs. of Trowbridge, Wilts. 278. William, 93. McKay, James, 132. Mackenzie, 'William Mackay, 320. McKerrow, Ronald Brunlees, 158, 159, 167. Mackeson, Henry B. See Hythe, Kent. Mackie, Charles, 175. W. 131. Mackinlay, James Murray, 370, 371. Mackinnon, Donald, 382. Macklin,Ker1}ert Walter. Monumental Brasses, 362, et passim. Maclauchlan, John, 71. McLean, Hugh Archibald, 110, 336. Sir John, 31, 122. MaclVehose, James, 110, 113. Macleod, Donald, 327. Flora A. 220. Robert D. 59, 111, 375. Walter, 373. Macmath, William, 371. Macmichael, J. Holden, 293. M'Namara, Denis, 272. Macray, William Dunn. Index to Catal. of Bep. on MSS. of, at AshmoleMSS.il, Ducklington, 207. 208. Catal. of Rawliuson Corporatn. of Read- MSS. 208, 363. ing MSS. 11. Reg. of St. Mary Early Grazeley Magd. Coll. Ox- Deeds, 12. ford, 209. Catal. of Selborne Index to Duckling- Charters, etc. 82. ton Registers, 210. Catal. of Hereford Salisbury Charters, Documents 86. etc. 283. Cal. of Brackley Rep. on Convoca- Deeds, 188. tion Records of Annals of the Bod- York, 303, leian,205. Rep. on Dioa of Coxa's Work at the Glouc. MSS. 332. Bodleian, 206. Macro, Cox, 246. McSkinimin, Samuel, 317. Macvean, Duncan, 111. Madan, Falconer. Biblio. of Oxford Accounts, etc. of Books, etc. 202. Oxford Press, 203. Chart of Oxford The Daniel Press at Printing, 202. WoroesterHouse, 203, 201. Madan, Falconer (continued). MS. Materials on Biblio. of Dr. Henry Oxford History, SachevereU, 203. 203. Annals of Erase- Summary Catal. of nose Coll. 205. Western MSS. in The Gresleys of Bodl. Lib. 203. Drakelowe, 325. The Daily Ledger of John Dorne,Book- seller, 203, 204. Madden, Sir Frederick. Note on Essex MS. Hampshire MS. Col- Collections, 65. lections of, 81 333. Richard Robert. Hist, of Irish Periodical Literature, 140, 271, 317, 323, 327, 336, 389. Maddison, Arthur Roland, 143-U5. Madeley, Shropshire, 222. Madeley, Charles, 25, 115, 116, 133. Madge, Francis Thomas, 83, 333. Sidney J. 76, 198, 340, 356. MafEett, Richard Samuel. The AchUl Press, Carlow Printg. 321. 167. Cork Printing, 323. The Lough Fea Lib. NewryPrinting,326. 170. Ballinasloe Print- The Roundwood ing, 336. Press, 277. Naas Printing, 33«. Magee's, Printers at Belfast and Dublin, 317. Mahony, Mrs. Feirce Grun, 383. Maiden Bradley, Wilts. MSS. at, 14, 32, 43, 282. Maidenhead, Berks. Borough Records, 12. Maidstone. Bentliff Art Gallery, 102. Borough Records, 102. Chillington House, 95, 98. Corpus Christ! Fraternity, 102. Museum, 95, 98, 102. Parish Registers, 102. Public Library, 102. Maidment, James, 57, 369, 371, 378. Mainwaring, Sir Fhilip Tatton. See Peover Hall, Cheshire. Maitland Club. See Glasgow. Majendie, Lewis A. See Hedingham Castle, Essex. Major, Joannes, Scotus, 378. Makinson, C. 133. Malahide Castle, Ireland, MSS. at, 52, 235. Malcolm, James Feller, 135. Maiden, Henry Elliott, 249. Maldon, Essex. Borough Records, 66. Malet, Sir Alexander. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 150. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY, Kalius, David. Coll. of Warwickshire Maps, 264. Malmesbnry, Wilts. 28S. Malone, Edmond, 983. Malony, Rev. Michael, 377. MalTorn (Oreat), Worcs. Parish Reg- isters, etc. 392. Malvern Court (Little), Worcs. MSS. at, 289. Malvern Wells Worcs. MSS. at, 289. Man, Isle of. See Isle of Man. Manchester. Biblio. 128. Booksellers, 129, ISO. Borough Records, 130. Broadsides, 128, 129. Cathedral Library, 130. Chetham Library, IIS, 120. Chethara Society, 25, 116. Clubs, etc. 128. Court Leet Records, 131. ■ Deeds, etc. 29. Directories, 128, 130. Ecclesiastical Records, 131. Free Reference Library, 116, 119. Harland's * Collectanea,' 128. John Rylands Library, 129, 188. Joint Architectural Comm. 120. Manchester Associations, etc. 128. Literary Club, 117, 128. Maps, 128, 130. Municipal Records, 130. Museums, etc. 130. Newspapers, etc. 128, 130. Owens College, 115, 139. Printing, 128, 130, 367. Proclamations, etc. 129. Public Libraries, 129, 367. Review Club, 128. Spenser Society, 117. Topog. Collections, 131. Manchester, Duke of. See Kimbolton Castle, Hunts. Manderston, William, 378. Mandley, James G. de T. 133. Mandy, W. H. 101, 104. Man^an, James Clarence, 173. Manningr, Charles Bobertson, 175, 177. Owen, 249. Percy, 209. Manorial Society, 354. Mansel-Pleydell, Rev. J. C. M. 89. Mantell, Gideon A. 253. Sir Thomas, 257. Manvers, Earl. Notts. Manx Society, 94. Maps and Flans. England, 363, 364. Scotland, 368, 373, Ireland, 364, 381, Aberdeenshire, 2, 315, 316. Banffshire, 2, 8. Bath, 234. Belfast, 317. Birmingham, 267, 268. Bristol, 78. Caithness, 16, 260. Cambridgesh. 17-19. Canterbury, 100. Carmarthensh. 23. Carrickfergus, 317. Channel Islnds. 322. Cheshire, 24-26. Cornwall, 31. Coventry, 268. Cumberland, 34. Derbyshire, 37. Dorsetshire, 47. Dublin, 52. Dumfries, 71. Dungarvan, 272. Durham, 54. Eastbourne, 258. Kdinburgh, 61. Bnniskillen, 67. Essex, 62, 63, 329. Fens, 144. Fermanagh, 67. Fifeshire, 67, 107. Galloway, 71. Galway, 72. Glasgow, 109, 110. Gloucestershire, 75. Greenwich, 335. Hastings, 343. Hawick, 217. Hebrides, 85. Herefordshire. 85. Hortfordsh. 87, 334. Heywood, 124. Hull, 308. Invemess-shire, 93. Irry, Ireland, 388. Jersey, 24. Kent, 95, 96. Kilkenny, 106. Kincardineshire, 106. King's Lynn, 340. 457 See Thoresby Park, 374. 382, 386, 388. Kinro^s-shire, 67, 107. Lancashire, 116, 119, 125. Leeds, 309. Leix, Ireland, 388. Linoolnsh, 141, 144. Liverpool, 125-127. London, 149, 154-157, 338 Louth, 166. Manchester,128, 130. Mayo, 167, Mearns, 106. Middlesex, 156, 168. Montgomerysh. 172. MourneMountaina, 50 Norfolk, 174, 176, 179, 180. Northants, 182, 183. Norwich,176,179,180. Nottinghamshire, 198 199 Ofaly, Ireland, 388. Orkney, 201. Oxford, 205, 206. Peeblesshire, 210. Perthshire. 212. Selsey, 260. Shetland, 201. Shropshire, 220, 2J2. Somersetsh. 231,236. Southampton, 83. Staffordshire, 237. Surrey, 249. Sussex, 252, 255. Sutherland, 16, 260. Thetford, 181. Tynemouth, 197. Waloot (Somerset), 236. Warwioksh. 263, 264. Waterford, 272. Wexford, 276. Wigan, 134. Wiltshire, 278, 281. Worcestershire,287, 288. Yorkshire, 295, 296, 301, 345. Mar and Eellie, Earl of. See Alloa House, Clackmannanshire. Marazion, Cornwall. Borough Records, 34. March, Henry CoUey, 132. Marcham, F. Bookseller, London, II, 251, 256. Marchant, Charles, 99. Marchmont House, Berwickshire, MSS. at. 13. 458 A HANDBOOK TO Margam. See Penrice and Margam Abbey. Margerison, Samuel, 301, SOS. Markannt, Thomas, 330. Market Drayton, Shropshire, MSS. of Richard Corbet at, 233. Market Harborongh, Leics. 138. Markham, diristoplier A. 185, 187. Marlborough, Wilts. 2S5. Adderley Library, 285. College Nat. Hist. Soc. 280. Marlborough, Duke of. See Blenheim Palace, Oxon. Marprelate Controversy, 183, 188, 250. Marr, John Edward, 304. Marsh, John Fitchett, 134. Marsh's Iiibrary. See Dublin. Marshall, David, 214. Edward Shearburu, 99. George W. List of Printed Pariah Registers, 354. Genealogist's Guide, 357. Handbook to Courts o( Probate, 363. John J. 326, 390. L. 164. Martin, Charles Trice, 155, 225, 362. John. Bibllo. Catal. of Books Privately Printed, 367, et passim. Miss M. T. 194, 195. Thomas, of Palgrave, 178, 179, William, 157, 350. William Gregory Wood, 383, 246. 384. Martock, Somersetshire, 236. Marwick, Sir James David, 114. Mary, Queen of Scots. Biblio. of Works on, 188, 373. Portraits, 61. Maryon- Wilson, Sir J. See Chariton House, Kent. Maseys Family, of Rixton, Lanes. 134. Mason, Thomas. Biblio. Notes on Zachary Boyd, 7. Catal. of Stirlings & Glasgow Public Lib. 109. Public & Private Libs, of Glasgow, 7, 112. Thomas. Catal. of St. Martin'fi-in-the-Fields Docu- ments, 161. William Monck, 327, 381, 382. William Shaw, 381. Massingberd, William Oswald, 144, 145. Masters, John Neve, 259. Matheaon, Sir Robert Edwin, 384. Mathews, Edward Robert ITorris, 78. Mathieson, Thomas A. 336. Maton, Oeorge, 285. Matthews, A. Weight, 9, 321. George P. 354. John Hobson, 73. Thomas, 396. Maurice, Dr. 285. Maxwell, Constantia, 382. Oeorge, 5. Sir Herbert Eustace, 53, 71, 378. Mrs. of Kirkconnell, Kirkcud- brightshire, 108. Maxwell-Stuart, H. C. See Traquair House, Peeblesshire. May, G. S. William, 136. Mayer, Joseph, 127. Mayo, 166, 167. Epigraphy, 167. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 166. Irish Ordnance Surv. Record, 166. Map, 167. Natural Science, 167. Printing, 167. Mayo, Charles Herbert, 47, 49, 326. Mayor, J. E. B. 93. Meadley, Cornelius, 300. Mearns, The, Kincardineshire, 106. Meath, 167. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 167. Irish Ordnance Surv. Record, 167. Printing, 167. Medland, Auctioneer at St. Neots, 91. Mee, Arthur, 392. John H. 254, 256. Meehan, B. fc J. F. Booksellers at Bath, 229, 334. Charles Patrick, 173. John Francis. Meehan Collec tion of Bath Prints, etc. 234. Meek, Ernest E. 301. Melbourne Hall, Derbyshire, MSS. at, 38, 40. Melcombe Regis, Dorset. Borough Records, 48, 49. Meldreth, Herts. 89. Melford (Long). See Long Melford, Suffolk. Mellor, Charles, 131. Melton Mowbray, Leics. 139. Mendlesham, Suffolk. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 245. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 459 Meusies, Sir Robert. See Castle Menzies, Perthshire. Kercator, 173. MerionethsMre, 167, 168. County Records, 167. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 167. Natural Science, 168. Romano-Brit. Remains, 168. Merly, Dorsetshire. Library of R. Willett, 49. Herridew, Johu, 364. Merrimau, Robert William, 985. Merritt, E. Percival, 339. Mertliyr Tydfil, co. Glamorgan. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 395. Merton Hall, Norfolk, MSS. at, 181. Merton Priory, Surrey. Records, 353. merttens, F. See Bilton Rise, co. Warwick, and Rothley Temple, co. Leics. Meryou, Iicwis, Bookseller at Rye, 343. Metcalfe, William Unsham, 315. Middle Hill, Worcs. PriTate Press of Sir Sale of Library, 347. ThomasPhillippB, Countr Visitations 288, 289, 345. in Library, 359. See also Phillipps (Sir Thomas). Middlesex, 168-170, 339. See also London. Acts of Parliament, 169. Brasses, 168. County Records, 151. County Record Soc. 151. Domesday Biblio. 168. Manorial History, 168. Maps, 156, 168. Municipal Records, 151, 168. Natural Science, 169. Printing, 169, 170. Middleton, James, 316. Midhurst, Sussex, MSS. of Miss Othen of, 355. ' Midland Antiquary,' 387. Midleton, Visconnt. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 350. Midlothian. See Edinburghshire. Mildmay, Sir H. See Dogmersfield Park, Hants. Capt. H. G. St. John-. See Hazelgrove House, Somerset Millar, Alexander H. 331. D. A. 379. J. H. 57. Millard, James Elwin, 81. Miller, Frank, 54, 337. Rev. John P. 336. Miller, Sydney Christie, 161. Samuel Henry, 31. Millers, The, Booksellers at Hadding- ton, Dunbar, and Dunfermline, 68, 79. Milles, Jeremiah, Dean of Exeter, 41, 335. Mills, Col. Dudley Acland, 34. Gerald Rusgrove, 386. Milman, William Henry, 163. Milne-Home, Col. David. See Wed- derburn Castle, Berwickshire. Milner, George, 117, 119. Milton, John, 149. Minet, William, 349. Minns, George William Walter, 83. Minto, John A. 313. 'Miscellanea Genealogica et Herald- ica,' 184, 358. Misterton, Leics. 139. Mitchell, Alexander, 93. Sir Arthur, 301, 368, 374. J. M. 109. John Oswald, 109. Mitton, Geraldine Edith, 156. Monaghan, 170. Irish Ordnance Surv. Record, 170. Municipal History, 170. Newspapers, 170. Printing, 170, 363. Monasterevin, Kildare, MSS. at Moore Abbey, 105. Monastic Orders. Aberdeen Friars. 'Fasti Monastici Cal. of Docu- Aevi Saxonici,' ments, etc. 315. 356. Augustinians. List Gasquet's ' English of Principal Re- Monastic Lite,' mains inEngland, 356. 356. Ireland, Biblio. of Cambridge Friars. Cath. Church in, MSS. in Vatican 385. Library, 20. Lnard's ' Annales Capucins, Lives of Monastici.'Index. Two Scottish, 370. 3t6. CatholicRecordSoc. Northamptonshire Publications, 356. Chartularies, 187. Chartularies, 187, Scotland, Biblio. of 356, 370, 385, 396. Cath. Church Cistercians. Abbey in, 370. of Stanley, Wilts. ' Fragmenta 286. Scoto-Monas- Dublin. Coll. of Irish tica," 370. Franciscans,52. Wales, Monastic Franciscan Con- Libraries of, 393. vent, 52. Worcester. Early Jesnits'Archives, Monastic Wn- 52. ters, 291. Dugdale's' Monasti- Lib. of Benedic- oonAnglicanum,' tine Priory, 291. Index, 356. Rolls of the Obe- Dnndee. Lib. of the dientiaries, 291, Dominicans, 71. 460 A HANDBOOK TO Monlioddo, Kincardineshire, MSS. at, 107. Mondton, Herbert, 109. Monday, Alfred James, 333. Money, Walter, 12. Money-Kyrle, Major. See Homme House, CO, Hereford. Moningfton, Walter de, 335. Moukland, G. 334. Monmouthsliire (and Monmouth), 170, 171, 339. Borough Records, 171. Brasses, 171. Geological BibUo. 397. List of Local Records, 395. Local and County Histories, 391. Monmouth Rebellion, 230. Natural Science, 171. Parish Registers. 339. Printing, 170, 171, 339. Romano-Brit. Remains, 171. Views, etc. 339. Monson, Iiord. Lib. at Burton Hall, 14.4. Montacute House, Somerset, MSS. at, 231. Montagru House, London, MSS. at, 149. Montagfu of Beaulieu, Lord. See Beaulieu, Hants. Montgomery, James, the Poet, 398. Montgomerysliire (and Montgom- ery), 171, 173. Archdeaconry of Montgomery, 172. County Records, 171. Hist. MSS. Comra. Rep. 171. Maps, 172. Natural Science, 172. Newspapers, 172. Parish Registers, 172. Portraits, 172. Powys-Land Club, 172. Powys-Land Mus. and Lib. 173. Romano- British Remains, 172. ' Monthly Chronicle of North- Country Lore, etc' 190. Montmorency, J. E. O. de, 335. Montrose, 70. Burgh Records, 71. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 70. Museum, 71. Periodicals, 71. Montrose, Duke of. See Buchanan Castle, Stirlingshire. Monumental Brasa Society, 353. 336. Monymusk, co. Aberdeen, MSS. at, 3. Moon, Zebedee, 63. Moor, Allen Page, Canon of Truro, 324. Moore, Alfred Fercival, 340. Arthur William, 94. Sugald, Bookseller at Glasgow, John, a Leicestershire Biblio- phile, 136. John, of Beckenhara, Kent, 193. Margaret Findlay, 349. Stuart Archibald, 45, 187. Thomas, Poet, 279. William, 146. Moore Family, of Bankhall, Lanes, and Liverpool, 28, 122, 123, 128. Moore Abbey, co. Kildare, MSS. at, 105. Moorman, Frederick William, 396. Morant, Fhilip. MS. Collections for Essex, 65. MS. Collections for Colchester, 65. Moray. See Elgin or Moray. Moray, Earl of. See Donybristle, Fife- shire. Mordaunt, Edward A. Baldwin, 131, 205. Morden, Robert. Plan of London, 157, More, Robert Jasper. See Shipton Hall, Salop. Sir Thomas, 163. More-Molyneux, James. MSS. at Loseley Park, Surrey, 251, 343. W. MSS. at Loseley Park, 350. More Church, Salop, 226. More Collection, 143. Mores, Edward Rowe, 318. Morfill, William Richard, 161. Morgan, Gwenllian B. F. 319. Sylvanus, 48. Thomas. Rep. on Montgomery shire Records, 171. William. Map of London, 157. Morice, John,87. Morisons of Perth, Printers, etc. 213. Morley, John Cooper, 116, 126. Morpeth, Northumberland. Authors, 197. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 197. Mechanics' Inst. Lib. 197. Municipal History, 191, 197. Morrell, William Wilberforce, 299. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 461 Morris, Edward Rowley, 171. George, 220, 225. John Edward, 241. Joseph, 220, 225. Rupert Hugh, 394. William, 338. William O'Connor, 382. Morrison, Alfred. See Fonthill House, WUts. Morton, Earl of. See Dalmahoy, Mid- lothian. Morton, Thomas ITaylor, 28, 123, 127. — Rev. William, 69. Moser, Greorge Edward, 275. Mostyn Hall, Flintshire, MSS. at, 69, 395. Motherwell, William. Chapbooks, etc. 113, 337. Mott, Albert Julius, 125. ■ — — Frederick Thompson, 138. Monle, Henry Joseph, 49. Moulton, Northants. 340. Mount-Edgcumhe, Devon, MSS. at,32. Mountstuart, Rothesay, MSS. at, 16, 149. Mourne Mountains, co. Down, 50. Mowat, John, 16, 260, 320. Moynagh, Stephen H. 166. Much Woolton, Lanes. 131. Mugford, W. E. 43. Muir, John, 109, 368. Ramsay, 127. Mullens, William Herbert, 333, 338. Mullinger, James Bass, 348. Mnllings, John, 282. Richard, 278, 282. Mullins, John Davis, 263, 267, 268. Mumby, Frank Arthur, 160. Muucaster Castle, Cumberland, MSS. at, 36. Mundy, Percy Charles Dryden, 186. Munich, Charles J. 164. Munk, William, 359. Munn, Philip Winchester, 81. Munro, James, 350. Muuster, 173, 339. First Munster Exhibition, 339. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 173. Irish MSS. of, 173, Munster (continued). Irish Ordnance Surv. Records, 173. Poetry, 173. Printing, 30. Murdoch, James Barclay, 110. Robert. See Lawrance (Robert Murdoch;. Murphy, Canon Jeremiah, 381. John, Bp. of Cork, 381, 382. Murray, A. Erskine. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 113. Alice Effie, 383. David. ' Museums : their History, etc.' 3 vols. 1904, 352, et passim. David Laing, Anti- quary & Biblio- grapher, 60, 328. Bibliography : its Scope and Meth- ods, 108, 109. GlaegowBihlio. Soc. Presidential Ad- dress, 108, 109. Robert & Andrew Foulls,etc.l09,lH. The Printing Press in Glasgow, 110. Katharine M. Marchioness of Printing in Glaa- gow,1638-1742,110. Some Early Gram- mars in Use in Scotland, 110. Chap-flooks issued at Glasgow, 112. A Plea for Stirling's Library, 113. The 'Black Book of Paisley,' 378. George Buchanan, 379 The 'Scot Abroad, and a Biblio. 379. Tullibardine, 212. Sir Patrick Keith. See Och- tertyre, Perthshire. R. of Galashiels, 217. Richard Paget, 233. Thomas, of Edinburgh, 71. Muschamp, Robert, 116. Musselburgh, Edinburghshire. Burgh Records, 61. Myddelton-Biddulph. See Chirk Castle, CO. Denbigh. Mytton, Rev. William, 225. Myvyrian MSS. 396. ITaas, CO. Kildare. Printing, 336. Nairnshire (and Nairn), 173, 339. Ecclesiastical Records, 173. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 173. Municipal History, 173. Registers, 173. Nail, John Greaves, 175, 181. Nanson, William, 36. Napier, John, of Merchiston. Biblio. ol Works of, Tercentenary 19U, 57. 329. Nash, Treadway Russell, 287, 290. National Library of Wales. See Wales, 462 A HANDBOOK TO ITational Musenin of Anticiuities of Scotland. See Scotland. National Museum of Wales. See Wales. Nayler, Sir George, 349. Naylor, Bicliard, Bellman at York, 399. Neath, Glamorganshire. Abbey Charters, etc. 74. Borough Records, etc. 74. Municipal History, 73. Negus, Samuel, 159. Neilson, George, 379. Neligan, William Chadwick, 381. Nelson, Horatio, Viscount. Biblio. 339. '- FhUip, 352. Robert C. 340. Thomas H. 305. Nene, The Biver, Biblio. of, 184. Netherby, Cumberland, MSS. at, 36. Nether Stowey, Somerset, 336. Neville Family, of Holt, 136. Hist. MSS. Comra. Rep. 199. Publishing, 199. Newbattle, Midlothian, MSS. at, 60. Newburgh Priory, Yorkshire, MSS. at, 300. Newbury, Berkshire. Parish Registers, 12. Newcastle Emlyn, co. Carmarthen. Printing Press, 23. Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs. 237. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Ballads, 190, 193. Booksellers, 191, 194. Borough Records, 195. Broadsides, 191. Chapbooks, 191. Lang Art Gallery & Mus. 191. Libraries, 54, 190, 192, 194. Lit. & Philos. See. 54, 190. Municipal History, 191. Municipal Records, 195, 196. Museums, 196. Newspapers, etc. 56, 191. Poll Books, 189. Printing, 191, 192, 193, 196. Public Library, 54, 190, 192, 194. Soc. of Antiquaries. Catal. of Library, 54, 190. Indexes to Pubns. 190. Biographies of Contributors, 190. History, 1813-1913, 190. Newcastle-upon-Tyne (continued). Soc. of Antiquaries (continued). Catal. of MSS. etc. 340. See also ' Archaeologia Aeliana.' Typographical Society, 189, 192. Views, etc. 189. Newenden, Kent, 104. New Forest, Hants. Records, 81. Newhailes, Edinburghshire, MSS. at, 60. Newhouse, Salisbury, MSS. at, 282. Newling, John, Canon of Lichfield, 220. Newman, Josiah, 357, 358. NewnhamFaddoz, Leics. MSS. at, 265. Newport, Isle of Wight. Parish Regis- ters 333. Newport, CO. Mayo, MSS. at, 166. New Bomney, Kent. Corporation Records, 97, 102. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 97. Newry, co. Down. Literary History, 50. Newspapers, 49. Printing, 49, 50, 263, 317, 326. Newsam, William Cartwright, 298. New Shoreham, Sussex, 256. Newspapers. See also Periodicals. England, 162, 367. Scotland, 57, 367, 375, 376. Ireland, 165, 367, 382, 389, 390. Wales, 367, 392, 394. Aberdare, 331. Hastings, 343. Aberdeen, 2, 315. Hawick, 217. Ashford (Kent), 96. Heywood, 124. Bath, 234. Huntingdonshire, Belfast, 4, 317. 91. Birmingham, 267, Inverness, 93. 268. Isle of Man, 94, 335. Bradford, 297, 306. Kendal, 274. Brighton, 254. Kent, 96. Bristol, 332. Kilkenny, 336. Cambridge, 18. Lancashire, 117, 337. Cirencester, 332. Leeds, 309. Clare, 30. Lewes, 254. Cork, 323. Leicestershire, 136. Derry, 165. Limerick, 139, 140. Devonshire, 42. Liverpool, 126. Dorsetshire, 47. London, 161, 162. •Drogheda, 165, 166. Londonderry, 165. Dublin, 51, 327. Louth, 165, 166. Dumfries, 327. Manchester, 128,130. Dundee, 331. Monaghan, 170. Eastbourne, 258. Montgomeryshire, Edinburgh, 57. 172. Ennis, 30. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Essex, 330. 56, 191. Exeter, 41. Newry, 49. Forfarshire, 331. Northamptonshire, Glamorganshire, 182, 184-186. 331. Nottinghamshire, Glasgow, 109, 111. 198. Gloucester, 331. Oxford, 205, 208. Hampshire, 79, 80, 83. Paisley 215. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. Newspapers {continued). Perthshire, 212. Strabane, 262. Preston (Lanes.), Suffolk, 242, 243. 132. Sussex, 2S4. Bochdale, 337. Tipperary, 261. St. Ives (Hunts.), 92. Tralee, 104. Salisbury, 344. Tynemouth, 197. Sheffield, 298. Warrington, 134. Shropshire, 222. Watertord, 271. Sligo, 228. Westmorland, 274. Southampton, 83. Wigan, 134. Staffordshire, 237, Wiltshire, 344. 238. Worcester8hire,288. Stamford, 141. Yorkshire, 297, 301. ITewton, Alfred William, 136. Ernest Edward, 164. Thomas William, 365. Newtown, Montgomeryshire, 179. New York Public Library. List of Works on Brit. Genealogy, etc. 346. List of Works on Scotland, 368. List of Works on Ireland, 380. Niblej, Gloucs. See Smyth (John). NichoU, John. MS. Collections for Essex, 64. NichoUs, Jasper, 33. James Fawckner, 332. Nichols, John, 59. Literary Anec- dotes, 59, 1S9, 162. Hist, of Leicester- shire, 135. Memoirs of, & List of Publications, 135. The Gentlemen's Society at Spald- ing, 146. Letters to John Ward, 135. Queries for account of Antiquities, etc. 347. Notes to edition of Fuller's 'Worth- ies,' 348. Hist, of Gentle- man's Mag. 348. John Bowyer. Hist. & Geneal. Notices of the Lib. Notes on North- at Stourhead, 278. ants, 184. List of Monastic Catal. of the Hoare Cartularies, etc. Lib. at Stourhead, 356. 277, 346, 347. John Gongfh. Notice of W. B. D. D. Turnbull, 60. Royal Processions, etc. in London, 153. Notices of the Stationers' Co. etc. 160. — — William Luke, 236. Nicholson, Edward Williams Byron, 206. Francis, 276. Frank C. 58. John, 296. J. Holme, 276. William Augustus, 179. W. A. of Lincoln, 142. Nicholsons, Printers at Bradford, 297. Niool, James, 3, Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Karris, 348. NicoUe, William, 24. Nicolson, William, Bp. of Derry, 383 Niddrie, Edinburghshire, MSS. at, 60. Nield, Frederick J. 346. Nigrhtingale, Benjamin, 35, 274. Joseph, 148. Niven, G. W. of Greenock, 376. Noake, John, 290, 291. Noble, John, 93. Nodal, John Howard. Collecs. of Books in Jackson Collection, Lanes. & Chesh. Warrington Lib. 25, 116. 133. Books, etc. by Mem- Bibllo. of Ackworth bers, Manchester School, 305. Lit. Club, 117. Joint-Editor of List Laucs.inFiotion,117. of Works on Dia- Gloss. of the Lanes. lect, 353, 371. Dialect, 119. Biblio. of the Soot- Manchester News- tish Dialects, 371. papers & Periodi- cals, 130. Nolan, Rev. Frederick. Private Press at Prittlewell, 64. John Philip, 72. Norcliffe, Charles Best, 303. Norden, John. Description of Hart- Map of London, 157. fordisihire, 87. Map of Essex, 329. Biography Sc Biblio. of, 87. Norfolk (and Norwich), 173-181, 339- 340. Antiquities, 173. Artists, 339. Ballads, 175. Biographies, 174. Brasses, 176. Castles, 339. Dialect, 175. Directories, 174. Domesday Biblio. 175. Families, 339. Genealogy, etc 177. Hist. MSS.Comm. Reps. 176, 177, 339. Index to Norfolk Topography, 339. ' Jackson ' Collection, Norfolk items, 175. Manorial History, 176. Maps, 174, 180. Municipal History, 176. Natural Science, 179. Norf. & Norwich Archaeol. Soc. 175. Norf. & Norwich Naturalists' Soc. 175. Norwich. Arderon's Collections, 180. Castle Museum, 175, 179, 180, 243. Cathedral Library, 180, 464 A HANDBOOK TO Norfolk (and ITorwicli) (continued). Norwich (continued). County Court Registry, 179. Deeds, 256, 340. Ecclesiastical Records, 177, 180. Free Library, 174. Municipal Records, 180. Museums, 180. Portraits, 180. Printing, 175. Public Library, 179, 3.S9. Records, 179-180. Rye MSS. 180. Topog. Collections, etc. 174. Pedigrees, 173, 174. Portraits, 174. Printing, 175, 340. Records in P.R.O. etc. 177. Romano-Brit. Remains, 175, 339. Topog. Collections, 173, 174, 176. Visitation of 1664, 176. Norfolk, Dnke of. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 339. Nor grate, Fr. 175. Norman, Philip, 147, 151, 157. William, 104. Norrie, Joseph, 337. William, 57. Norris, Anthony, 180. Herbert E. MS. Biblio. of Hun- tingdonshire, 90. Catal. of Hunting- donshire Books, 90. Booksellers & Print- ers of St. Ives, St. Neots, and Hun- tingdon, 90-93. Items on Hunting- donshire, 91. Kimbolton Printers, 92. Little Gidding Nun- nery pamphlet,92. Ramsey Printers, 92. Norwich MSS. 178, Notes on St. Ives Printing, etc. 92. Notes on St. Neots Printing, etc. 93. Biblio. of the Witches of War- boys, 93, 334. Notes on ' The Stam- ford Mercury ,'141. Northampton Newspaper His- tory, 186. Cirencester Book- sellers, etc. 332. Huntingdonshire Almanacs, etc.334. Eu^h, 230. William Gregory, 393. Norris Family, of Speke, Lanes. Lanes. MS. Collection, 122. North, Thomas, 138, 139. Northall, G. P. 353. Northallerton, Yorks. County Records at, 300, 301. Northampton, Marciness of. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 186, Northamptonshire (and Northamp- ton), 182-189, 340. Acte of Pariiament, 182, 184, 185. Archaeol. Survey, 185. Authors, 182. Bookplates, 186. Booksellers, 186. Brasses, 185. Caricatures, 186. Civil War Tracts, 182. County Records, 186. Domesday Biblio. 185. Ecclesiastical Records, 187, 340. Heraldry, 182. Historians, 182, 183. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reps. 186. Manorial History, 185. Maps, 182, 183. Municipal History, 185. Natural History Soc, 184. Natural Science, 187. Newspapers, 182, 184-186. Northampton. Architectural Soc. 184, 185. Booksellers, 186. Borough Records, 186, 187. Castle, 185. Dicey Press, 185. Museum, 185. Newspapers, 185. Public Library, 182-184, 186. Parish Registers, 187. Printing, 185, 186. Quakers, 182, 185. Romano-Brit. Remains, 185. Taylor's ' Bibliotheca Northantonen- sis,' etc. 182, 183. Topog. Collections, etc. 186. Visitation, 182. North Berwick, Haddingtonshire. Burgh Records, 79. Northleach, Gloucestershire. Sher- borne House, 76. Northleigh, Devon. 42. North TTist, Hebrides, 85. Northnmberland, 189-197, 340. Acts of Parliament, 191. Antiquities, etc. 340. BaUads, 189, 190, 193. Booksellers, 194. Brasses, 191. Chapbooks, 193. County History Committee, 190. County Records, 194, Dialect, 191. Folklore, 191, 353. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 194. Manorial History, 191. Municipal History, 191, COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 465 Northmnberland (continued). Natural Science, 195. Poll-Books, 189. Printing, 191, 196. Registers (Parish), 56, 195. (Non-Parochial), 56. Romano-Brit. Remains, 191. Topog. Collections, 194. Il'oirthTim'berlaiid, Dnke of. See Aln- wick Castle, Northumberland. Earls of, 189. Northwich, Cheshire. Public Library, 37. Norton, Suffolk, 346. Norwich, See Norfolk. Noseley, Leics. 139. 'Notes and Queries.' [London.] Indexes, 348. Welsh Items in, 392. Notestein, Wallace, 353. Nott, James, 299. Nottinghamshire (andNottingfham), 197-200, 341. Acts of Parliament, 199. Angling, 199. Ballads, 199. Bells, 198. Bookplates, 199. Brasses, 198. Chapbooks, 199. County Records, 200, 341. Directories, 197. Domesday Biblio. 198. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reps. 199, 341. Libraries, 197-199. Manorial History, 198. Maps, 198. Municipal History, 198. Natural Science, 200. Newspapers, 198. Nottingham. Artizans' Library, 199. Bookplates, 197, 199. Borough Records, 200. Bromley House Lib. 200. Church Congress Exhib. 198. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 199. Maps, 199. Museums, 198. Poets, 199. PoU-Books, 197. Portraits, 198. Pre-Norraan Antiquities, 197. Printing, 199. Quaker Tracts, 199. Romano-Brit. Remains, 198. Topog. Collections, 199. Nowell, Charles, 339. Numismatics. Scotland, 371. , Nunn, P. W. 101. Nutt, Alfred, 382. Nuttall. a. Clarke, 135. Oakham, Rutland. Lending Library, Obedientiaries. See Monastic Orders. O'Brien, Richard Barry ('Histori- cus'), 381. Ochtertyre, Perthshire, MSS. at, 213. Ockley, Surrey. Church Registers, etc. 252. O'Conor, Charles. 387. O'Conor Don, The. See ClonaUs, Ros- common. O'Curry, Eugene, 382, 388. O'Saly, John, Bookseller in Dublin, 327, 382. Odo of Cheriton, 335. O'Donnell, Sir Richard. See New- port, CO. Mayo. O'Sonoghne, David James. Ulster Poets and Catal. Musical Ex- Poetry, 263. hib. Dublin, 384. 'The Cork Maga- The Poets of Ire- zine,' 323. land, 390. O'Donovan, John, 387. Ofaly, Ireland, Map of, 388. Ogilhy, John. Map of London, 157. Ogle, Henry, 242, 248. O'Gormon. MS. Collections for co. Clare, 323. O'Grady, Standish Hayes, 387. O'Hanlon, John. Index to Irish Ordnance Survey Records, 388 et passim. Oldfield, Canon J. 209. Oldham, Lancashire. Biblio. 131. Borough Records, 131. Literary Club, 131. Local Collections, 131. Oldys, William, 149, 162. Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant, 329. Oliver Rev. George, of Exeter, 41, 45, .324. Oliver-Rutherfurd, William. See Edgerston, Roxburghshire. Omagh, CO. Tyrone, Printing at, 262. Onslow, Earl of. See Clandon Park, Surrey. Orange, James. Hist, of Nottingham, 197. 466 A HANDBOOK TO Ordish, Thomas rairman, 157. O'Reilly, Edward, 380. Pather T. A. of Dublin, o2. Oreston Caverns, nr. Plymouth, 44. Orford, Suffolk. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 245. Orford Hall, Warrington, MSS. at, 120. Orkney and Shetland, 201, 202, 341. Antiquities, 201. Dryden Collection, 201. Folk-Lore, 201, 353. Earldom of Orkney Records, 341. Municipal History, 201. Natural Science, 201, 202. Norwegian Documents, 201. Plans, etc. 201. Shetland Lit. & Sclent. Soc. 201. Shetland Registers, 201. Viking Club, 201. Orlebar, Richard, See Hinwick House, Bedfordshire. Orlestone, Kent. Parish Registers, 102. Ormerod, Greovge, 28, 358, Oliver, 133. William, 1 16. Ormonde, Marquess of. See Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny. Ormsby-Gore, J. B. See Brogyntyn, Salop. Ormskirk, Lanes. Collections, 131. O'Rorke, Terence, 228. Orpen, Ooddard H. 388. Orridge, Benjamin Broaden, 152. Orton, Westmorland. Parish Registers, 276. Osberton, Notts. MSS. at, 199. Osborn, Sir George. See Chicksands, Bedfordshire. Oscott, Warwickshire. St. Mary's Col- lege, 238, 266, 269. Ossianic Literature, 382. Ossory, Diocese of, Ireland, 105, 214. Osterley Park, Middlesex, MSS. at, 150. O'SuUivan, Timothy, 272. Oswen, John, Printer in Worcester, 286. Oswestry, Salop, 227. Borough Records, 227. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 923. Municipal History, 221, 237. Othen, Miss, of Midhurst, 255. Oulton Hall, Cheshire, MSS. at, 27. Ouseley, Rev. John. Essex Collections, 65. Ousley, Ralph, 140. Ouvry, Prederic, 365. Overall, Henry Charles, 152. William Henry. Indexes to the ' Reraembranoia,' 152. Early Maps of London, 156. Catal. of Exhib. at Guildhall, 1872, 157. Overton, Salop, MSS. at, 223. Overton, H. of London. Map of Not- tingham, 1714, 199. Owen, Aneurin, 167, 396. Bdward. Conway Municipal Records, 23. Catal. of MSS. on Wales in Brit. Mus. 396. Bdward Humphrey, 392. Geor^re, 311. Henry. List of Pembrokeshire Books, 211. Index to ' Fenton's Tour,' 211. George Owen's 'Desor. of Pembrokeshire,' 211. Cal. of Pembrokeshire Records, 342. Sir Isambard, 393. Rev. J. of Rochdale, 130. John. MSS. in Free Library, Manchester, 132. Mary Newill, 172. Robert, Socialist, Biblio. of, 172. Rev. Thomas William, 138. William. See Pughe (William Owen). Owens, John, the Founder of Owens Coll. Manchester, 129. See also Manchester, Owens College. Owston Hall, Yorks. MSS. at, 69, 300. Oxburgh, Norfolk, MSS. at, 176. Oxenfoord Castle, Dalkeith, MSS. at, 60. Oxfordshire (and Oxford), 202-210, 341. Archaeological Society, 341. Archaeological Soc. of N. Oxfordshire, 205. Brasses, 205. County Records, 207. Domesday Biblio. 205. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, 207. Manorial History, 205. Marriage Bonds, 209. Municipal History, 205. Records, 207. Natural Science, 209. Parish Registers, 204, 209. Romano-Brit. Remains, 305. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 467 Ozfordgliire {continued). Oxford. Acts of Parliament, 205. Almanacks, 204. Archdeaconry of, 209. Ashmolean Museum, 11, 208, 283. Bibllo. by Madan, 202. Bodleian Library. ' Annals,' by Mac- Dodsworth's Yorks. ray, 205. CoUns. 301, 302. Archdeaconry of Douce CoUeotion, Oxf. Records, 366. 209. Glouoesterahlr Re- AshmoleMSS. 11, ferences in, 76. 208. Gough Collection, Ashmolean Lib. 208, 346, SU. 266. Guide, by Andrew Ballard Colln.208. Clark, 206. Bindings, 205. Irish MSS. 387. Cal. of Charters & Librarians, 206. Rolls, 207, 363. Maps, etc. 364. Catal of Western Newspapers, 'Hope MSS. 203. Colin, of, 387. Catalogi Codi- Oxford Barbers' Co. cum MSS. 208. Records, 209. Catalogues, Ash- Oxford History, mole MSS. MS. Materials,203. 11, 208. Oxfordshire Refer- Tanner MSS. ences in, 208, 209. 208. 'PietasOxoniensis,' Rawlinson 206. MSS. 208. ' Quarterly Record,' MSS. 1698, by 206. Bernard, 208. Rawlinson Collec- Qough Collec- tious, 208, 363. tion, 346. Shropshire Topog. Gongh Maps, MSS. 224. etc. 364. Somersetshire Douce Collec- Documents, 232. tion, 366. Tanner MSS. 208. 'Hope 'Coll. of Tercentenary, 206. Newspapers, Turner's Oxford- 367. shire CoUns. 209. List of Printed. Welsh Cathedrals, 206. Collections, 396. ofl7thCent.341. Wiltshire Charters, European MSS. 283. List, 363. Wood's (Anthony k) Delafleld's Ox- Collections, 208. fordshire Col- lections, 208. Bookbinding, 205. Booksellers, 203, 204. Botanic Garden, 209. Christ Church Cathedral, 206, 209. Christ Church Hall, 206. Colleges. Catal. of MSS. in, Magdalen, 82, 188, 208, 209, 341. 203, 207, 209. All Souls', 154, Merton, 207. 209, 225. New, 207. BalUol, 205, 207. Oriel, 206, 207. Brasenose, 205. Pembroke, 207. Christ Church, Queen's, 80, 144, 207, 341. 359. Corpus Christi, St. John's, 207. 207. Trinity, 207. Exeter, 65, 207. University, 207. Jesus, 207, 395. Wadham, 207. Lincoln, 207. Worcester, 206, 207. Diocesan Records, 209. Historical Portraits, 206, Oxford {continued). Libraries, 205. Millenary Exhibition 1912, 205. Municipal History, 205, 207. Museums, 205. Oxford Barbers' Company, 209. Historical Society, 205. Movement, 205. Printing, 160, 202-204, 341. Public Library, 207. PubUshers, 202. University. Acts of Parliament, 205, 320. Archives, 209. Brass-Rubbing Soc. 205. University Press, 203, 204. Worcester House. The Daniel Press, 203, 204. P., M. A. 189. Page, Augustine, 244. J. T. 184. 'William. MSS. relating to St. Albans Abbey, 334. and Soubleday (H. A.). Guide to Victoria Hist, of Counties of England, 347. — and Hardy (W. J.). Bedfordshire County Records, 9. and Inderwick (P. A.). Cal. of Inner Temple Records, 155. — WilliamGeorgeB.896,297,308. Paget, Henry, 301. Painton, Harry, 204. Paisley, Renfrewshire. Free Library and Museum, 215, 318. Municipal History, 215, 216. The New Club, 377. Newspapers, 215. Palgrave, Suffolk, 178, 246. Palgrave, Sir Reginald Francis Bouce. Reports on Public ScottishDocuments Records, 360. and Records, 376. Palmer, Alfred Neobard, 37. Benjamin Pranklin, 325. John, 125. William Mortlock, 20, 89. Panmure Castle, Forfarshire, MSS. at, 69. Panshanger, Herts. Portraits at, 87. Panton, Paul, of Plas Gwyn, Anglesey. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. on Panton MSS. 395. Parish Registers. See Registers. Parker, George, 206. James, 235, 468 A HANDBOOK TO Parker, James Alexander, 374. Matthew, Abp. of Canterbury, 320. Farkes, D. Collections for Shropshire, 225. Parkham, Devon, MSS. at, 43. Parkin, Charles, 178, 340. Parkinson, John Lechmere. See Ludford House, nr. Ludlow, Salop. Rev. Stephen, 17. Thomas, 309. * Parliamentary Papers. Catal. of, 1801-1910, 349. Indexes of, etc. 349. Guide to, relating to the Dominions, etc. 350. Parry, Morris, 394. Parsons, Catharine, 20. Parsonstown. See Birr, King's County. Fassmore, W. B. 163. Paterson, Alexander, 298. W. J. S. 109. Faton, Kev. Henry, 328. James, 110. Patrick, Simon, Bp. of Ely, 189. FatshnllHouse, Wolverhampton, MSS. at, 238. Paul, Sir James Balfour, 372. Fanlliu, Charles Oscar, 349. Paver, William. Yorkshire MS. Col- lections, 294, 302. Pavey, William. Hampshire MS. Collections, 81. Paxson, Frederic Iiogfan, 349. Payne, Georgfe, 95, 96. Thomas, 186. Peach, H. H. 135. Robert E. M. 234. Peacock, Edward, 351. Mabel, 142. Peak, Derbyshire. Tithes, 39. Feake, Frederick, 136, 150. Fearce, Edwin, 228. Pearson, Edwin, 192, 204. Frank Shakespeare, 286. Howard S. 267, 268. Pease, John William. Bewick Collection at Newcastle, 192. Peck, Francis, 337, 342. Peddie, Robert Alexander. The Greek Type of ListofNorthiuuber- the Eton Chryso- land & Durham stom, 16. Books, etc. 189. Provincial Printers, Newcastle-upon- etc. Essex, 63. Tyne Printing, BibUo. to Webb's 192. Hist, of Trades The St. Bride Typo- Unionism, 119. graphical Lib. 338. Catal. of the Blades Irish MSS.in French Lib. 159. Libraries, 388. Index to Lond. & Biblio. of Irish Prov. Printers, Printing, 389. etc. 159. Peeblesshire (and Peebles), 210-211. Borough Records, 210. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reps. 210. Maps, 210. Municipal History, 210. Natural Science, 211. Peebles Museura, 211. Registers, 211. Romano-Brit. Remains, 211. Feel, Albert, 357. Sir Robert. Irish Collection, 360, 381. Feele, Edmund Cresswell, 224. Feet, Henry, 127, 128. William Henry, 160. Peg'ge, Samuel, 98. Pembroke and Montg'omery, Earl of. See Wilton House, Wiltshire. Pembrokeshire (and Pembroke), 211-212, 343. Bookplates, 211. Index to Fenton's ' Tour,' 211. Manorial History, 211. Natural Science, 212. Parish Registers, 211. Pedigrees, 21, 212. Pembroke Society, The, 211. Printing, 211. Public Records, 342. Romano-Brit. Remains, 211. Fendle Hill, Lanes. 133. Fenfold, H. 259. Pengelly, William, 44. Penheale, Cornwall. Private Printing Press, 32. Feniarth, co. Merioneth. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 167, 395. Hengwrt MSS. etc. 167, 392, 393. Portraits at, 173. Pennant, Thomas, 147. Penrice and Margam Abbey, Gla- morganshire. Catal. of MSS. 74, 331. Penrose, Cornwall, MSS. at. 32. Penryn, Cornwall. Borough Records, 34. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 469 Fenshurst, Keut. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 97. Ancient Deeds and Seals at, 98. Robertsbridge Abbey Documents at, 259. Fenwith, Cornwall, 33. Fenwortham, Lanes. 132. Fenzance, Cornwall. Borough Records, 34. Libraries, 324. Feover Hall, Cheshire, MSS. at, 2T. Fepys, Samuel. London Collection Collection of Bal- ot Prints, etc. 156. lads, 161, 366. 'Bibliotheoa Pepy- Rep. on MSS. at 8iana,' 159. Cambridge, 320. Ferceval, Charles Spencer, 259. Fercival, Bicliard, 164. Fercy Society. See London. Fercyrale, Kichard. Domesday Book of Ipswich, 248. Feriodicals. See also Newspapers. England, 367. Scotland, 376. Ireland, 51, 389. Wales, 392. Aberdeen, 2, 315. Kendal, 274. Arbroath, 70. Lancashire, 117. Birmingham, 267. Liverpool, 126. Bradford, 297, 306. London, 162. Cork, 323. Manchester, 128, 130. Devonshire, 41. Montrose, 71. Dublin, 51. Newcastle, 191. Dundee, 71. Northants, 186. Dungannon, 262. Oxford, 202. Edinburgh, 57. Perthshire, 212. Forfarshire, 70. Peterhead, 4. Glasgow, 109, 110, Somerset, 228. 113. Stonehaven, 336. Hampshire, 79. Strabane, 262. Inverness, 93. Yorkshire, 298. Isle of Man, 94. Ferriu, Cr. H. 359. Ferrins, Charles William Dyson, 178. Ferry, Marten, 146. Ferthshire (and Ferth), 212-214. Directories, 212. Ecclesiastieal Records, 214. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reps. 213. Maps, 212. Military, 218. Municipal History, 213, 314. Natural Science, 214. Newspapers, etc. 312. Parish Registers, 314. Perth. Burgh Records, 213, 214. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 213. King James's Hospital, 213. Lit. fit Antiq. Soc. 313. FerthsMre (and Ferth) Perth {continued), Museums, 313. Sandeman Gallery, 213. Sandeman Library, 313. Poets, 213. Printing, 212. Romano-Brit. Remains, 213. Soc. of Natural Science, 214. Topog. Collections, 213. Feter, Otho Bathurst, 33. Feterborough, 189. Abbey. Charters, etc. 189. Cathedral Library, 189. Dean and Chapter Records, 186. Diocesan Registry Documents, etc. 340. Fenland Collection, 189. Museum, 189. Public Library, 189. Soke of. Acts of Parliament, 185. Feterhead, Aberdeenshire. Arbuthnot Museum, 4. Biblio. 316. Burgh Records, 4. Periodicals, 4. Printing, 4. Fetersfield, Hants. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 80. Fetersham, Surrey, 252. Fetherbridge, Blary, 73. Fetrie, George, 384. Fetty, Wesley, 298. Sir William, 388. Fetworth House, Sussex, MSS. at, 255. Fety1;'s Collections for Sussex, 256. Fhelips, William. See Montacute House, Somerset. Fhelps, Johin Delafield, 74. Bev. William, 229, 232. Fbilipot, John. Memoir, 95. Collections for Kent, 98. Fhilipps, Elsbeth, 355. J.Iiloyd-, of Dale, co. Pembroke, 21, 212. Fhillimore, Egerton, 394. William Fhillimore Watts. The Parish His- How to Write the torian, 353. Hist, of a Family, Parish Registers & 358. their Transcrip- Pedigree Work, 358. tion, 353. The Family Charter Indexes to Parish Chest, 358. Register Series, The Family His- 355. torian, 358. Catal. of Parish Re- gister Series, 355. 470 A HANDBOOK TO Fhillipps, Sir Thomas. Battle Abbey MSS. etc. 343. Biblio. Notes on, 279. Carmarthensh. etc. Pedigrees, Index to, 212. Cartularies, Index to, 356. Cornwall Collec- tion, 324. County "Visitations, Index to, 359. Hertfordsh. Deeds, etc. 89. Irlsb MSS. 386, 387. Lincolnshire Books, 141. London, Index to Visitation of, 154. London, Index of Charters in Tower of, 151. Manors, Indexes of Leases of, 354. Middle Hill Press, See also Middle Hill, Worcs. Northants Monastic Cartularies, 187. Owen MSS. in Mid- dle Hill Lib. 211. Privately Printed Publications of, 345. Sale Catal. of Lib. 347. Sarum Charters, Index to, 283. Shropshire MSS. 220, 225. Trulegh Priory Charters, 103. Warwickshire Visi- tations, Index,266. "Welsh MSS. in Car- diff Free Lib. 71 Wiltshire Collec- tions, 277, 283, 284. Wiltshire Institu- tions, Index, 279. Worcestershire Col- lections, 290. Yorkshire MSS. etc. 294. of Wales, 393. Biblio. of Owen Glyndwr, 393. Phillips, DaTid Khys. Isaac Carter, Welsh Monastic Libraries Printer, 23. Catal. Swansea Public Lib. 391. George, 218. — ■ James, 211. — — Jos. of Stamford, 141. Sir Richard, 136. Thomas, 221. William, 221, 222, 22S. Piocope. MS. Collections for Lan- cashire, 122. Ficton, Sir James Allanson. Notices of Philos. & Biography of, 127. Lit. Soo. of Liver- pool, 126. Forged Maps, etc. of Liverpool, 126. Gleanings from Old Liverpool News- papers, 126. Hist, of the Liver- pool Directy. 126. Jam.es Allanson. Biog. of Sir J. A. Picton, 127. Fidgeon, Henry, 221. Fierce, William. Hist. In trod, to Marprelate Tracts, 188, 250. Pigott, John Hugh Smyth-, 229, 231. Filley, Walter. Collection for Here- fordshire, 333. Fink, John, IS. Finkerton, William. MS. Collection for Belfast, 5. Finner, Middlesex. Church Records, 169. Reports on Liver- pool Records, etc. 127. Notes on Liverpool Charters, 127. Report on ' Moore ' Charters, etc. 128. Fiper, A. Cecil, 254. Fitcalnie, Ross-shire, MSS. at, 217. Fittenweem, Fifeshire. Burgh Records, 69. Fitts, J. Printer at Seven Dials, London , 161. Flace-ITames. England, 362, 364. Scotland, 3T1. Ireland, 383, 384. Cumberland, 274, 334. Sussex, 2SS. Westmorland, 274. Yorkshire, 296. Flans. See Maps and Plans. Plas Iilan Stephan, co. Carmarthen. See "Williams (Sir John). Piatt, Edith M. 127. Flenderleath, Bev. William Charles, 284. Flomer, Henry Robert. Some Private Presses of the 19th Cent. :— Frogmore Lodge, Berks. 12. Thos. Johnes' Press at Haf od, 21. Chas. Clark's Press at Gt. Totham Hall, 63. Press of Rev. Fredk. Nolan at Prittle- well, 61. Utterson's Press at Beldornie House, 84. Sir B. Brydges' Press at Lee Priory, 96. Press of Dr. Giles at Bampton, 204. Press of G. F. Hud- son at Tadworth Heath, 250. Middle Hill Press of Sir T. PhiUipps, 288. John Francton, etc. 51. Records of Canter- bury, 100. Dictionary of Book- sellers & Printers, 158. The Booksellers of London Bridge, 160. The Long Shop in the Poultry, 160. The Protestant Press in Reign of Q, Mary, 271. Ireland and Secret Printing, 271, 389. A Chester Book- seller, 1667-1700, 322. Hertfordshire Printing, 334. James Abree, Printer at Canter- bury, 335. Plowden, William Francis. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. on MSS. at Plowden, 223. Plunxstead, Kent, 104. Plymouth, 46. Armada Commemoration, 41. Athenaeum, 42. Borough Records, 46. Government Records at, 32S. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 43. Plymouth Institution, 32, 42. Public Library, 41, 46. Pocock Brighton Collection, 258. Pole-Hore, co. Wexford, 276. Polkinghorne, Bennett Corcyra, 104. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 471 Poll Books. Essex, 63. Gloucestershire, 75. Hunts. 91. Northumberland, 189. Notts. 197. Warwickshire, 263. FoUard, Alfred William. A New Oxford Book of 1517, 203. John and Katharine Herf ord, Printers, 334. Pollen, John Hungerford, 356. FoUitt, Charles, 274. Pollock, Sir Frederick, 395. Pomfret, John. Bedfordshire Collec- tions, 9. Pout, Timothy, 374. Fontefract, Yorkshire. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 300. Municipal Records, 309. Poole, Edwin, 392, 395. Beg^inald Lane. Oxford University Archives, 209. Dean & Chapter of Windsor Records, 319. MSS. of Bishop of London, 338. Mrs. Reginald Ziane. Catal. of Oxford Portraits, 206. Pope, Alfred. Topog. & Chartology of Dorset, 47. Popham, P. W. leyhorne-. See Littlecote, Wilts. Fortadown, Armagh. Printing, 317. Fort Eliot, Cornwall, MSS. at, 32. Porter, Charles P. 18. Mrs. Gerald, 329. William Smith, 298. Fort Glasgow, Renfrewshire. Burgh Records, 216. ' Forthminster.' Borough Records, St. Ives, Cornwall, 34. Portland, Duke of. See Welbeck, Notts. Portledge, Devon, MSS. at, 43. Portsmouth. Admiralty Records, 81, 361. Biblio. 82. War Office Records, 81, 361. Portsmouth, Earl of. See Hurst- bourne Park, Hants. Fowderham Castle, Devon, MSS. at, 43. Powell, Rev. David Thomas. Essex CoUectns. 64. Norf. CoUectns. 178. Kent „ 100. Notts. „ 200. Leics. „ 137. Somerset „ 232. Lines. „ 143. Powell, Rev. Edward. Charters at Scarisbriok Hall, 123. Kumfrey, Printer at Dublin, 60. James. See Swindon. Walter. Birmingham Libraries, 268. Power, John. Index to 'Baker' MSS. at Cambridge, 20. John. List of Irish Periodicals, 51, 390. ' Bibliotheca Hibernlca,' 380. ' Irish Literary Inquirer,' 380, 390. Rev. Patrick, 271, 272. Fowis Castle, Welshpool, MSS. at, 171. Powysland Museum. See Welshpool. Foynter, James A. 234. Fraeger, Robert Iiloyd, 390. Prattinton's MS. Collections for Worcs. 290. Frendergast, John Patrick, 105. Frescott, Mrs. of Oxford Square, London. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. on MSS. of, 150. Preston, Lancashire. Borough Records, 132. Newspapers, 132. Palatinate Court, 121, 361. Parish Church, 132. Preston Guild, 132. Preston, Martin Inett, 197. Rev. Thomas Arthur, 284. Frestwich, Lancashire, 132. Pretty, Edward, 102. Price, Frederick George Hilton, 157. John Edward. Roman Remains in Essex, 63. Roman Remains in London, lo4. Roman Remains in Yorks. 296. Prichard, Rees, Vicar of Llandovery, 393. Frideauz, Robert W. of Dartmouth. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. on MSS. of, 43. William Francis. Note on Biblio. of London, 148. Kensington Turnpike Trust Plans, 158. John Bill, Queen's Printer, 222. Fridham. Drawings of Fonts in Somerset, 229. Pridmore, Schoolmaster at Tewin, Herts. 87. Prim, John G. A. 105, 106. Primrose. See Rosebery, Earl of. Fringle, Alexander, of Whytbank, Selkirkshire, 378. 472 A HANDBOOK TO Printing (and Private Printing Presses). England, 365, 36T. Scotland, 3, 57-59, 67, 159, 367, 374, 375. Ireland, 5, 22, 30, SO, 261, 367,380, 389. Wales, 23, 367, 394,. Aberdeenshire. Down. Aberdeen, 3, 315. Donaghadee, 326. Fintray, 3. Downpatrick, 60, Peterhead, i. 263. Antrim. Hillsborough, SO, Belfast, 4, 5, 316, ,.^263. ^„ „ „„ 317. Newry, 49, 50, 263, Duucairn, 316. ^ 317,326. Greenisland, 317. Dublin. Armagh. Dublin, 50, 61, 317, Armagh, 6, 19, 263, ^ 326,327. 317. Dumfriesshire. Newry, 317. Kirkbride, 53. Portadown, 317. Durham. Ayrshire. Darlington, 55, Auchinleck, 7. 328. Berkshire. Durham, 55. Abingdon, 12. &*H^l^?^'^!.l?So Frogmore 12 Sunderland, 328. Brecknockshire. Edinburghshire. Trevecca, 13. Edinburgh, 67-59, Buckinghamshire, xfimn' Eton, 15,319. fl-in R9 Hartwell, U. g J'U"' ^^■ Cambridgeshire Q^: Totham Hall, Cambridge, 18, 19, 63 64 „ 160. . Prittlewell, 64. Cardiganshire. Fermanagh. Aberystwyth, 320, Enniskillen, 87, 321. 330 gt4°o'asle^^- Fif-t-i- Carlow""'"'- i"^lSd?ews,69. p C-l°w. 22, 321 ^iZfLsloe, 331. Carmarthenshire^ Loughrea, 72, 331. Carmarthen, 22, Tuam, 72, 331. CavipV 321. G>reXe",f r- Cheshire. Gloucestershire. Chester, 27. Bristol, 77, 78, 332. Clare. Broad Campden, Ennis, 30, 322. 75. Cork. Cirencester, 78, Cork, 30, 323. ^p. 332. Youghai, 30. , Gloucester, 75. Cornwall. Haddingtonshire. Hayle, 324. Haddington, 79. Penheale, 32. Hampshire, 80, Cumberland. 333. CarUsle, 34. Hertfordshire. Penrith, 31. Ashendene, 88. Whitehaven, 34. st. Albans, 90, 334. Denbighshire. Huntingdonshire. Wrexham, 37. Huntingdon,90-91 Derbyshire, 38. Kimbolton, 92. Devonshire. Ramsey, 92. Barnstaple, 44. SP-Ji^^i' % ^- „, Exeter, 45. St. Neots, 90, 92, 93. Lustlelgh, 46. Isle of Man, 94,. Tavistock, 46. Isle of Wight. Dorset, 47. Beldornie, 84, 333 Printing (and Private Printing Presses) {continued). Kent. Kottinghamshire, Canterbury, 96, 197, 199. Soo. Oxfordshire Crayford, 335. Ramnt/it, ou Lee Priory, 96. Srm'20!^ *-^ry- .„, 204, 341. Tralee, 104. Stonor, 204. Kildare. Pembrokeshire. Naas, 336. Haverfordwest, Kilkenny, 106. 211. King's County. Perthshire. Birr or Parsons- Perth, 212. town, 107, 336. Roscommon. Kinross-shire. Athlone, 216, 342. Blairadam, 107. Boyle, 342. Lanarkshire. Rutland, 218. Gla.sgow, 108-112, Shropshire. ^ 336. Ludlow, 222. Lancashire. Madeley, 222. Bolton, 123. Shrewsbury, 222, Liverpool, 337. 342. Manchester, 128, Sligo, 228. ■nr^"' • _i ,o< Somersetshire. wfSn"^" Bath, 234. Leieeftersh!' 136. Staffordshire, 237. Limerick,139,140, ^^S^'Jg^''*^; 090 Stirling, 241. T I' 1 .. , =Q Suffolk. London, 154, 158- ipewich, 244, 286. 162, 193, 334, Surrey. 33S- , East Molesey, 250. Londonderry. Tad worth Heath, Coleraine,165,263. „ 250. Londonderry, 263. Sussex. Louth, 165, 166. Bishopstone, 254. Drogheda, 165,166. Eastbourne, 254, Mayo. ^.258. Aphill ifiT Glynde, 254. M^atti' HagwardsHeath, -.Trim, 167. Stanstead, 254. Middlesex. Worthing, 254. ^fm'^™^^^"'' Tipperary. M^if^l,!?; I'-n Carriok-on-Suir, Monagnan, 170, 26I. 263. Cash'el, 261,343. Monmouthshire. Clonmel, 22, 261. Monmouth, 170, S?^"?^'!?!- 171, 339. Thurles, 261. Raglan Castle,171 Tyrone. Norfolk. Dungannon, 262, FersBeld, 175. 263. King's Lynn, 340. Strabane, 262, 263, Norwich, 175. 344. Yarmouth, 175. Ulster, 263. Northants. Warwickshire. S?;Sh»^„H?' }^- Birmingham, 264, Nortnamptn. 185. net: a&j oeo XT^SU.^^'T^'i^^J Co^ntey,^,269. Northumberland. Lichfield, 264. Alnwick, 192, 193, Waterford. Berwick-on- ,§°?™f'''SP' Si" Tweed, 193. Waterford, 271, Newcastle-on- ,„ ***■ ^, Tyne, 191-193, Westmeath. 196. Ledeston, 273. Tynemouth, 197. MuUingar, 272. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 473 Printing (and Private Printing' Presses) (continued). Westmorland. Yorkshire. Kendal, 274. Bradford, 297, 306. Wcvfnrrl 97fi Halifax, 299, 307. ,,,.,' Hull, 297. Wicklow. Leeds, 298. Roundwood, 277. Pudsey, 309. Wiltshire, 280. gcartorough, 298. Wnrppetprsliirp Sheffleld, 298. ^^2 o5o ' Whitby, 311. 286, 288. York, 293, 297, 299. Prior-Wandesforde,Bichard Kenry, 303. Fritcliard, John £. 78. Prittlewell, Essex. Private Printing Press, 64. Proclamations. England, 147, 347, 364-366. Scotland, 365, 373. Ireland, 365, 381, 382, 386. Wales, 365. Dublin, 50. Hereford, 86. Kilkenny, 106. Lancashire, 129. Yorkshire, 299. Proctor, Robert, 15. Propert, Charles K. 64. Prosser, Bichard B. 265. Prothero, George Walter, 19. Prowse, Arthur Bancks, 42, 45. Pryor, Alfred Reginald, 89. Prys, Robert John, 393. Ptolemy. Yorkshire, circa Geog. of Scotld. 374. A.D. 420, 325. Map of Ireland, 388. Pudsey, Yorks. Biblio. 309. Pughe, William Owen. Catal. of MyvyrianMSS. etc. 396. Puleston, Sir Richard. See Worthen- bury, Flintshire. Rev. Sir Theophilus Gresley. See Worthenbury Rectory, Flintshire. Pulham, J. of Woodbridge, Suffolk, 244. Pnlling, Alexander, 147. Purton, Wiltshire, 283. Pyne, Rev. William. See Charlton Mackrell, Somerset. Qnakers. See England. Quantocks, Somerset, 236. Qnaritch, Bernard, 352, 394. Qneenborough, Kent. Municipal Re- cords, 102. Queen's County, Ireland, 214. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 214. Irish Ordnance Surv, Records, 214. Qnine, Rev. John, 94. Quinton, John, 174. Quivil, Peter, Bp. of Exeter, 325. Raban, Edward, Printer at Aberdeen, etc. 3, 58, 69. Radbourne Hall, Derbyshire. Catal. of Charters, etc. 325. Radcliffe, Richard Duncan, 123. William, 294. Radnor, Earl of. See Longford Castle, Wiltshire. Radnorshire, 215. Manorial History, 215. Municipal History, 215. Natural Science, 215. Romano-Brit. Remains, 215. Rae, Peter, Printer at Kirkbride and Dumfries, 53, 108. Raehills House, co. Dumfries, MSS. at, 53. Raffald, Elizabeth, 130. RafB.es, Sir Thomas Stamford. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. on MSS. of, 120. Raglan Castle, Private Printing Press at, 171. Raises, Robert, the Elder, 331. Raine, James. Memoir of Surtees, Materials for Topog. 54. of Agbrigg, 305. Catal. of Dean & Rud's Catal. MSS. Chapter Lib. Durham Cath. York, 293. Lib. 328. Historians of Catal. of Books, Church of York, Durham. Cath. 303. Lib. 328. Raines, Prancis Robert. Lancaehjre Collec- Biblio. of Chetham tions, 122. in 'Life,' 129. Rait, Robert Sangster, 349. Ralegh, Sir Walter. Biblio. of, etc. 41. Ralfe, P. G. 335. Rampini, Charles, 61, 173. Ramsay, Allan, 369. Sir James Kenry, 318. Ramsey, Hunts. Abbey MSS. 92. Printers, 92. Randall, Rev. Thomas, 328. Randolph, Prancis Charles Hinge- ston, 46, 325. Ranyard, Arthur Cowper. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. on MSS. of, 150. Rattray, Col. James. See Craighall, Perthshire. Sylvester, 378. 474 A HANDBOOK TO Kawlinson, Richard. 'The English Topographer,' 149, 347. Collections in Bodl. Lib. " " """ 311. Collections in Bodl. Lib. Oxf. 203, 208, 275, ' Queries ' for Desc. of Oxfordshire, 341. Bayner, Simeon, 397, 309. Baynham Hall, Norfolk, MSS. at, 177. Kea, Carleton, 991. Beade, George Edwin Fearsall, 375. Beading, Berks. 11, 13, 318. Ck)rporation MSS. 11, 12. Hist. MSS. Comrn. Rep. 11. Literary Associations, 12. Municipal Records, 10, 12. Museum, 12. Public Library, Berkshire Books in, 10. Reading Abbey, Cartulary of, 318. Becord Society of Iiancs. and Cheshire, 117. Bedhrook House, Flintshire, MSS. at, 223. Bedington, SliBS 11. 72. Bedruth, Cornwall, 34. Bedstone, Lilian, 248. Vincent Bur rough, 246, 248. Bee, Bev. Stephen, 329, 339. Beed, Talbot Baines. List of Books on Printers, etc. 169. John BaskervlUe, Printer, 265. List of Books printed in Irish, 389. Beeves, William, Bp. of Down. MS. Collection at Belfast^ 5. Memoir of Armagh Public Lib. 6. Index to Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 383. Begisters. [General.] England, 209, 354, 355, 358. Scotland, 370, 377, 378. Wales, 393. [Archdeaconry.] Colchester, 330. Leicester, 337. Lewes (Sussex), 256. [Episcopal.] Bath and Wells, 233. Birmingham, 238, Carlisle, 36, 275. Chichester, 257, 258. Exeter, 45, 76, 325. Lincoln, 137. Llandaff, 339. [manorial.] Suffolk, 246. [Karriage.] Berkshire, 10. [Kon-Parochial.] St. Albans, 90, 334. Sudbury (Suffolk), 248. London, 154. Rochester, 98, 103. St. DaTid's, 211. Salisbury, 283. Wells, 237. Worcestershire, 287,290. Yorkshire, 302. Scotland, 370. Berkshire, 10. Carmarthenshire, 23. Cheshire, 26. Begisters [ITon-Parochial] {contd.). Lancashire, 121. Sussex, 257. Northumb. 56. Wiltshire, 284. Shropshire, 225. Woroestershire,291. SufTolk, 246. Yorkshire, 303. [Parish.] Dudley, 292. Durham, 56. Hertfordshire, 89. Kendal, 276. Aberdeenshire, 3. Argyllshire, 5. Asnburnham (Sussex), 257. Ashmore (Dorset), 48. Ayrshire, 6. Banffshire, 8. Barking (Essex), 66. Bengeo (Herts.), 89. Berwick (Sussex), 257. Berwickshire, 13. Bristol (St. Nicholas Ch.), 332. Buteshire, 16. Caithness, 16. Cardiganshire, 21. Carlisle. St. Cuthbert's, 36. St. Mary's, 36. Clackmannansh. 29. Clent (Worcs.), 292. Cornwall, 33, 323. Croxton (South), Leics. 139. Devonshire, 43. Ducklington (Oxf.), 210. Dudley(Woros.),292. Dumbartonshire,53. Dumfriesshire, 53. Durham, 56, 195. Durrington (Sussex), 258. Edburton (Sussex), 258. Edinburghshire, 60. Elgin, 62. Essex, 330. Evington (Leics.), 138 Exeter, 45. Flfeshire, 68. Forfarshire, 70. Freston (Suffolk), 247. Frisby-ou-the- Wreake (Leics.), 138. Gainf ord (Durham), 56. Gainsborough, (Lines.), 145. Gloucestershire, 76. Glynde (Sussex),258. Haddingtonsh. 79. Halifax, 307. Hampshire, 81, 84. Harrow, 169. Hertford (St. Andrew), 89. Hertfordshire, 89, 334. Holdemess(Yorks.), 307. Ings (Westmor- land), 275. Inyemess-shire, 93. Isle of Man (Kirk Michael), 94. Isle of Wight, 84. Newport, 333. Keele (Staffs.), 237. Kendal, 275. Kent, 98, 99, 103. Kincardinesh, 107. Kinroes-shire, 107. Kirkandrews-upon- Esk (Cumber- land), 37. Kirkby Lonsdale, 276. Kirkby Malham (Yorks.), 308. Kirkcudbrightsh. 108. Knowle(co.Warw.), 269. Lanarkshire, 114. Lancashire, 122. Langley ■ Burrell (Wilts.), 286. Leicestershire, 137, 138. Lincolnshire, 144. LinUthgowsh. 146. Liverpool, 128. Llandlaff, 73. London. St. Botolph, Bishopsgate,155. St. Dunstan's-in- the-West, 155. Flnchley, 16a Loughborough, 138. Maidstone, 102. Malmesbury, 285. Malvern (Great),292. Market Har- borough, 138. Misterton (Leics.), 139. Monmouthsh. 339. Montgomerysh. 172. Nairnshire, 173. Newbury (Berks.), 12. Newenden (Kent), 104. Newport (Isle of Wight), 333. Northamptonsh.187. Northumberland, 56 195 Ockiey (Surrey), 252. Orkney, 201. Orlestone(Kent),102. Orton (Westmor- land), 276. Oxfordshire, 204,209. Peeblesshire, 211. Pembrokeshire, 211. Perthshire, 214. Pinner(Middx.),169. Renfrewshire, 216. Restalrig (Edin- burghihire), 329. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 475 Be^sters [Farisli] {continued). Ribohester(Lancs.), Warehorne (Kent), 132 '"' Rochdale, 132. Rochester, 98. Ross-shire, 217. Roxburghshire, 218. St. Andrews, 69. Saxelby(Leios.),139. Selkirkshire, 219. Shackerstone (Leics.), 138. Shetland, 201. Shropshire, 225, 342. Sonaerby (Leics.), 138. Somerset, 233. Stirlingshire, 241. Surrey, 249. Sussex, 256. Sutherlandsh. 260. Upton Bishop (co. 104. Warnham (Sussex). 2B0. Warwickshire, 266. Wellow (Hants.), 83. Welshpool, 172. Westmorland, 275. Westward (Cum- berland), 37. Wigtownshire, 277. Wiltshire. 284. Winchelsea, 260. Winchester, 84. Wivelsfield (Sussex), 260. Woolwich, 104. Worcester, 290, 291. Worcestershire,290, 291, 344, 345. Yorkshire, 303, 307. Jpti Hereford), 86. ' Begistrum Boffense.' Index to Monumental Inscriptions, 103. Beichel, Oswald Joseph, 43, 44. Beid, Alexander Oeorge, 377. Benjamin, 336. Clement, 257, 304. Bobert, 109. Bobert, Bookseller at Glasgow, 112. Beigate, Surrey. Borough Records, 252. Public Library, 953. Benaud, Frank, 322. Benfrewshire (and Benfrew), 215, 216. Burgh Records, 215. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reps. 215. Judicial Records, 216. Municipal History, 216. Natural Science, 216. Poets, 215. Registers, 216. Benishaw, Derbyshire. Almanacks at, 38. Benshaw, Walter Charles, 256. Benton, Berwickshire, MSS. at, 13. Benwick, Bobert, 109, 114, 341. Bepton, Derbyshire. Repton School, 40. St. Wystan's, 40. Bestalrig, Edinburghshire. Index to Reg. of Burials, 329. Betford (East), Notts. Borough Re- cords, 300. Beynolds. Herbert Bdward, 45, 342. Stephen, 385. Bhodes, Alfred, 153, 354. Bhydd Court, Worcs. MSS. at, 289. Bh^s, Sir John, 394. Bibchester, Lanes. Hist, of Parish, 132. Bice, Bobert Garraway, 260. Bichards, W. XJ. 359. Bichardson, Oeorge Bouchier, 196. Mrs. Herbert, 344. Joseph, Yorks. Printer-Author, 274, 297. Moses Aaron, 190, 193, 196. Thomas Miles, 196. William Henry, 12. Bichborough, Kent. Romano-Brit. Remains, 103. Bichmond, Surrey, 252. Filkin's ' Collectanea,' 251, 252. Collection of Views, etc. 253. Yorkshire. Borough Records, 310. Bichmond and Gordon, Duke of. See Gordon Castle, Banff. Bickwood, George, 63, 65. Bidden, John, 57. Bobert, of Friars Carse and Glenrlddell, 377. Bidgway, Matthew, 300. Biley, Henry Thomas, 152. Bimbault, Edward Francis, 162. Bingmer, Sussex. Parochial Docu- ments, 356, 359. Bipley Castle, Yorks. MSS. at, 300. Bipon. BaUads, 310. Borough Records, 310. Broadsides, 310. Cathedral Records, 310. Millenary, 310. Minster Library, 399, 310. Bipon, Marg,uess of. See Studley Royal, Yorkshire. Bisdon, Tristram, 42. Bitson, Joseph, 199. Bivington, Charles Bobert, 160, 375. Bix, Samuel Wilton, 243, 245. Bixton, Lanes. 133, 134. Boberts, Charles, 395. Henry David, 258. Bichard Arthur, 395. Bichard O. 255. 476 A HANDBOOK TO Boljerts, S. C. 19. William James, 326. William Jolm, 123, 131. Kobertsbridge Abbey, Sussex, 98, 259. Robertson, Alexander W. Biblio. of Aberdeen, Banff, and Kincar- dine, 2, 7, 106. Public Libraries of Aberdeen, 2. Catal. of Anderson Lib. at Woodside, 2. David, 109, 374. Joseph, 376. WUUam, 373, 377. W. A. Scott, 95, 96. Robin Hood. Collections on, 197, 199. Robinson, Charles John, 85. James Fraser, 305. John, 195. Joseph Armitagfe, 155. Robson, John, 25, 116, 322. Rochdale, 132. Biblio. 133. Local Collections, 132. Newspapers, 337. Parish Registers, 132. Records, 310. Rochester, 103. Archdeaconry Records, 103. Bridge. Warden's Records, 97. Cathedral Library, 335. Records, 103. Corporation Records, 97, 103. Diocese of. Parish Registers, 98. ' Registrum Roffense,' 103. St. Andrew's Priory, 335. Rockingham Castle, Northants. MSS. at, 183. Rocqiie, Jean. Plan of London, 158. Roebuck, William Denison, 187. Roeder, Charles, 130. Rogers, Francis Edward ITewmau, 283. James Edwin Thorold. 207, 350. John Jope. See Penrose, Com- William Henr jr, 83. Rollason, Arthur Adolphus, 293. RoUeston, Thomas William Hazen, 390. RoUo, Lord. See Duncrub Park, Perth- shire. Roman Wall, The, Biblio. of, 191, 340. Romney, Kent. Records, 101. wall. Romsey, Hants. Latham's Collections for, 81, 82. Abbey Records, 82. Rondeau, John Burton, 27. 115. Roots, George, 251. Roper, William Oliver, 125, 134. Ropley, Hants. Manor Charters, 82. Roscoe, William, 127, 340. Roscommon, 316, 342. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 216. Ordnance Survey Records, 316. Printing, 216, 342. Roscrea, Tipperary, Printing at, 261. Rosebery, Earl of (Archibald Philip Primrose), 373. Rosegarland, co. Wexford, 276. Ross. Ireland. Parochial etc. Records, 31. Ross, David Melville, 236. Frederick, 293, 295, 297. George. See Pitcalnie, Ross- shire. 321. John, Printer at Carmarthen, 23, Rosse, Earl of. See Birr Castle, King's County. Rossie Priory, Perthshire, MSS. at, 213. Rosslyn, Earl of. See Dysart House, Kirkcaldy, Fife. Ross-shire, 217. Burgh Records, 217. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 217. Natural Science, 217. Registers, 217. Roth, Henry Ling, 292, 299. Rothe, Robert. Register of Antiq. of Kilkenny, 105. Rothes, Countess of. See Leslie House, Fifeshire. Rothley Temple, Leics. MSS. at, 337. Round, James. See Birch Hall, Essex. John Horace, 62, 252, 256, 288. Roundell, Julia A. E. 251. Roundwood, Wicklow, Printing at, 277. Rouse, Edward Feake, 307. Routh, Harold Victor, 1 62. Rowat, William, 215. Rowe, Joseph Hambley, 299. Joshua Brooking, 41, 43, 46. Samuel, 46. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 477 Ilowiiigftoii, CO. Warwick, 369. Rowlands, William. Cambrian Biblio- graphy, 22, 391. Rozbur^lie, Dake of. See Floors Castle, Roxburghshire. Rox^nrsfbe Ballads, 161. Bozbnrghshire, 217, 218. Antiquities, 217. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 218. Municipal History, 217. Natural Science, 218. Parish Registers, 318. Romano-Brit. Remains, 217. Royal Arcliseological Institute of Chreat Britain. See Archaeological Institute, etc. Royal Institntion of Cornwall. See Cornwall. Royal Irisli Academy. See Dublin. Royal Society of Anticiuaries of Ire- land. See Dublin. Roydon Hall, Norfolk. MSS. at, 176. Royston, Herts. 88. Rnd, Tliomas, 328. Rudder, Samuel, Printer at Cirencester, 331. Ruddiman, Thomas, 329, 367. Rufford Abbey, Notts. MSS. at, 199. Rugby School. Biblio. Note on Museum, 269. Rusliton Hall, Northants. MSS. etc. at, 183, isa Russell, Alexander, 375. Charles Palmer, 234. John, 199. Rutherglen, Lanarkshire. Burgh Re- cords, 114. Rutland, 218, 219, 342. Acts of Parliament, 219. Domesday Biblio. 219. Folk-lore, 219. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reps. 318, 343. Manorial History, 219. Natural Science, 219. Printing, 918. Romano-Brit. Remains, 219. Topog. Collections, etc. 218. Rutland, Duke of. See Belvoir Castle, Leics. Ruyne Clifford, co. Warwick, 270. Ryan, Uichael J. 51. Rydal Hall, Westmorland. MSS. at, 36, 274. Ryde, Isle of Wight. Beldornie House, 84. Rye, Sussex. Borough Records, 259. Municipal History, 253. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 255. Lewis Meryon, Bookseller at, 343. Records of Port, 101. Rye, Francis, 178. Reginald Arthur, 162. Walter. Index to Norfolk Topography, 173. Appendix £o Index to Norf. Topo- graphy,' 339. Index to Norfolk Pedigrees, 173. Index Rerum to Norf. Antiquities. 173, 177. CaL of Topog. Books in Norw. F. Lib. 174. Catal. of Local Bio- graphies, 174. Catal. of Norf. Por- traits in Norw. F. Lib. 174. List of Contribu- tions to Periodi- cals by, 174. Index to Manors In Blomefleld's ' Nor- folk,' 174. The Norf. & Norw. Arohseol. Soc. 175. Catal. of Antiqui- ties Norw. Castle Mus. 175, 243. Glossy, of K. Anglia Words, 175. Ballads, Songs, and Rhymes, 175. ' Smith ' Collection of Norf. Prints, etc. 176. Catal. of Norf. and Norw. Maps, 176. Index to Ordnance Maps of Norfolk, 176. Cal. of Feet of Fines for Norfolk, 176. Index Nominum to Feetoi Fines, 176. Cal. of Norf. Fines Enrolled, 17a Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. on Gawdy Papers, 177. Index to Norfolk In- quisitions, 177. Catal. of Fifty Nor- folk MSS. in Lib. of, 177. Unpublished Mate- rial for Norfolk Hist. 177. Norfolk Genealogy & Heraldry, 177. Norfolk MSS. in Had. & Cott. Lib- raries, 177. Norfolk MSS. in P.R.0. 177. Index Nominum to Norf. Deeds En- rolled, 177. Le Neve's MSS. in Library of, 178. Introd. to Corre- spondence, etc. of Oliver Le Neve, 178. Norris MSS. In Lib- rary of, 178. Tom Martin's MSS. in Lib. of, 178. Gen.IndextoTopog. of Norwich, 179. Works relating to Norwich, 179. Indexes to Hudson & Tingey's ' Nor- wich Records,' 179, 180. Cal. of Norw. Deeds Enrolled, 180. Short Cal. of Norw. Deeds Enrolled, 180. Cal. of 1307-1341 of Norw. Deeds En- rolled, 180. Catal. of Norwich Corp. Documents, 180. Biblio. of the Broads, 181. Index Nominum to ' Norfolk Fami- lies,' 339. References to Ro- man Camps, etc. in Norf. 339. Ref ernes. toCastles, Manor Houses, etc. 339. Index to ' Red Book ' of Lynn, 340. A Short Antiquar- ian Directory, 352. Index to 'Records & Record Search- ing,' 357. 478 A HANDBOOK TO Rye, William BrencMey. Notes on J. R. Smith's ' Bibl. Cantiana,' 95. Eoohester Collections in Brit. Mus. of, 103. Memorial o( St. Andrew's Priory, Roches- ter, 335. Rye House, Herts. 88. Ryland, John William. Records of Rowington, 289. Rylands, John. See Manchester, John Rylands Library. Mrs. John, 129, 188. John Paul. Notes on Lanes. & Chesh. Bookplates, 117. List of Culcheth Deeds, 123. Thomas Glazehrook, 136. William Harry. Lanes. & Chesh. Heraldic Documents, 122. Booksellers and Stationers in Warrington, 131. Sacheverell, Dr. Henry, 303. Sackville, Iiord. See Knole, Kent. Mrs. Stopford. See Drayton House, Northants. Saffron Walden, Essex. Borough Records, 66. Local Authors, 330. Museum, 66. Lord Braybrooke's Museum, 66. Sage, Edward J. 64. St. Albans. Abbey, 90, 334. Archdeaconry. Parish Registers, 90, 334. Records, 90. Corporation Records, 89. Hertfordshire County Museum, 87, 88. Hist. MSS. Comm. Report, 88. Printing, 90, 334. Rev. H. Fowler's Papers relating to, 88. St. Albans & Herts. Archit. & Areheeol. Soc. 87, 334. St. Andrews, Fife. Colleges, 330. Printing, 69. University. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 68. Library, 69. Museum, 69. Quincentenary Festival, 1911, 330. Records, 69, 377. Wyntoun's Chronicle, 378. St. Asaph. Cathedral Library, 69. Records, 69. St. Andries, Somersetshire. MSS. at, 231. St. Barhe, Charles, 83, St. Bride's Foundation Typographi- cal Lib. See London. St. Croix, Rev. William Be, 358. St. David's, co. Pembroke. Cathedral Records, 311. St. G«rmans, Barl of. See Port Eliot, Cornwall. St. Giles, Dorset, MSS. at, 48. St. Helens, Lanes. Borough Records, 133. St. Hugh, Bp. of Lincoln, 143. St. Ives, Cornwall. Borough Records, 34. St. Ives, Huntingdonshire. Printers and Booksellers, 90, 93. St. Zilda, Hebrides, 85. St. Mary's Isle, Kirkcudbrightshire, MSS. at, 108. St. Neots, Huntingdonshire. Battle of, 93. Directory, 93. Printers and Booksellers, 90, 93, 93. St. Fancras. See London. Salehurst, Sussex, 359. Salford. Ancient Court Records, 133. Borough Records, 133. Charters, 131. Court Leet Records, 134. Municipal Records, 133. Museum, 133. Public Libraries, 129, 134. Salisbury. Bishop of. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 282. Cathedral. Charters, etc. 283. Monumental In- Library, 283. scriptions, etc.344. Records, 283. Charters, etc. 283. Corporation Pictures, Plate, etc. 381. Records, 383. Dean and Chapter. Hist. MSS. Conmi. Rep. 282. Records, 283. Diocese of. Charters, etc. 283. Municipal History, 280. Museums, 280, 381. Newspapers, 344. St. Nicholas' Hospital, 383. Salisbury & S. Wilts, and Blackmore Museums, 280. Salisbury, Edward, 102. Enoch Gibbon R. 323, 391. Marquess of. See Hatfield, Herts. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 479 ' Salopian Jotirnal,' S33. Salt, Thomas, 936. William, 237, 238. Saltasb, Cornwall. Borough Records, 34. Salter, Herbert Edward, 205. Salway, Joseph, 15S. Salwey, Alfred. See Overton, Salop. Salzmanu, Iionis Francis, 256. Sampson, John, 126. Ralph Allen, 329. Samuel, David, 321. Sandars, Samuel, 17. Sanders (or Saunders), Robert, Prin- ter at Glasgow, 111, 336, 37S. Sanderson, Roundell Palmer, 24>S. Thomas, 3i, 273. Sands, Harold, 100. Sandwich, Kent. Corporation Records, 97, 103. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 97. Sandys, Sir John Edwin, 348. Sargent, W. A. 272. Satterford, A. Terry, 323. Saunders, William Sedgwick, 157. Savage, Rev. Ernest Bickersteth, 94. Henry Edwin, Dean of Lich- field, 307. James. Hist, of Taunton, 229. Savernake, Wilts. MSS. at, 282. Savlle, Augustus W. See Rufford Abbey, Notts. Sir Henry. Printing Press at Ston, 15. Henry, of Banke, Yorkshire, 299. Sawbridgeworth, Herts. Dr. Charles Wade's Collections for, 90. Sawyer, Frederick Ernest, 252-254. Sayle, Charles, 320. Sazelby, Leics. 139. Saxton, Christopher, 329. Scarborough, Yorks. Biblio. 310. Corporation Records, 310. Museum, 310. Private Press of Sir G. R. Sitwell at, 298. Scargill-Bird, Samuel Robert, 362. Scarisbrick Hall, Lanes, Charters at, 123. Scarse, Charles Edward, 268. Scholes, James Christopher, 123. Scilly Islands. BibUo. 344. Scoresby, William, 306. Scotland, 368-379. Almanacs, 376. Archaeology, 369-371. Ballads, 110, 316, 370-372. Bible Societies, 59, 375. Book Auctions, 59, 376. Booksellers, 57-59, 68, 367, 374, 376. Chapbooks, 372. Chartularies, 370. Chronicles, 378. Church of Scotland, 370. Churches, 370. Clans, 372, 373. Clubs and Societies, 368, 369. Commerce, 377. Crime, 371. Darien Company, 373. Dialects, 371. Dress, 372. Ecclesiastical, 370, 377. Economic History, 377. Exchequer Rolls, 376. Exhib. of National Hist. 369. Family History, 372. Folk-Lore, 371. Fossils, 374. Free Church of Scotland, 370. Gaelic Books, 375. Gaelic Names, 371. Genealogy, 372. General Register House, 376. Geographical Collections, 374. Graduates, 370. Gypsies, 371. Heraldry, 372. Highland and Agricultural Soc. 379. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, 368, 376. History, 368, 369, 373, 376, 377. Inventories, 370, 371. Jacobites, 373, 375. Journalism, 375. Kings, 373, 377. Literature, 369, 378. Lochs and Springs, 371. Maps, 368, 373. Mary, Queen of Scots, 368, 373. Melodies, 372. Monasteries, 370. Monuments, Early Christian, 370. Mountaineering, 374. Museums, 370. Nat. Mus. of Antiq. of Scot. 61, 371. Newspapers, 57, 367, 375, 376, Nonconformity, 370, 480 A HANDBOOK TO Scotland {continued). Numismatics, 371. Ordnance Survey, 374. Parliaments, 373, 376. Peerage, 372. Place-Names, 371. Places, Index of, 372. Poets and Poetry, 371, 372. PrinUng, 3, 57-59, 67, 159, 367, 374, 375. Proclamations, 365, 373. Protocol Books, 377. Rebel Printing, 59. Records, Ecclesiastical, 370, 377. Public, 373, 376, 377. Registers, Non-Parochial, 370. Parochial, 377, 378. ReUcs, Exhibition of, 61. Roman Catholic Church in, 370. Roy. Comm. on Anc. & Hist. Monu- ments, 370. Scottish Burgh Records Soc. 377. Exhib. of National History, 369. Sculptured Stones, 371. Seals, 371, 372. Services of Heirs, 372. Soc. of Antiquaries of Scot. 57, 201, 369, 370, 377. Stationers, 57. Surnames, 372. Theatres, 376. Topography, 368, 369, 374. Tours, 374. Trials, 371. Universities, 374. University Libraries, 58, 69. Witchcraft, 371. Scott, Edward, 90. Geovge, 63. James William. Biblio. of Bdinb. Periodical Literature, 57. John. Biblio. of Mary, Queen of Scots, 188, 373. Biblio. of the Darien Company, 373. Catal. of Library of, 373. John Bussell, 52. Sir Walter. The Ballantyne Press and, 59. Literature in Scottish Exhib. Glasgow, 1911, 369. Catal. of Library at Abbotsf ord, 370. Scrnton, William, 397, 298, 306. Scndamore, John. The Scndamore Papers, 292. Seafield, Earl of. See CuUen House, Banffshire. Searle, William Qeovge, 351. Sedgrefield, Walter John, 274, 334. Sedgremoor, Battle of, 230. Selhome, Hants. Biblio. of Gilbert White, 82, 333. Priory Charters, etc. 82. Selby, Walford Saking'. Lanes. & Cheshire Records in P. R. 0. 28, 121. Norfolk References in P. R. 0. 177. Selkirk, Earl of. See St. Mary's Isle, Kirkcudbrightshire. Selkirkshire (and Selkirk), 219, 220. Antiquities, 319. BaUads, 220. Burgh Records, 219. County Records, 219. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 219. Municipal History, 219. Natural Science, 220. Poets, 220. Selsey, Sussex. Parochial Documents, 256. Selsey Bill, Historic, etc. 259. Maps, 260. Sempill, Kobert, 373. Sem,ple, David, 215. ' Sempronius,' 135, 138. Senat. ' Annals ' of See Ulster. Serel, Thomas, 331, 233. Seton, George, 377. Severs, Joseph, 276. Sewell, Kev. William Henry. See Yaxley, Suffolk. Seyer, Samuel, 77. Seymour, Kev. St. John Drelinconrt, 51, 262. Shackerstone, Leics. 138. Shaddick, H. G. Hastings, 41. Shadwell, Charles Lancelot, 65, 306. Lionel Lancelot, 90S, 320. Shadwell Court, Norfolk, MSS. at, 176. Shaftesbury, Dorset. Borough Records, 49. Municipal History, 47. Shaftesbury, Earl of. See St. Giles, Dorset. Shakespeare. Collections relating to, 264, 265, 270, 271. Biblio. of, by Jaggard, 270. Records, etc. of Stratford-on-Avon, 270. See also Stratford-on-Avon. Shand, William, 196. Sharp, Cecil James, 230. Sir Cuthbert, 55, 328. Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick, 371. — Reginald Robinson, 152. Richard Bowdler, 83. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 481 Shavingrton. Salop. MSS. at, 2S3. Catal. of Muniments of, 227. Shaw, Alfred Capel, 268. Rev. CS'eorge, U5. Oeorge Thomas, 126, 127. Giles, 116, 131. Isabella, 126. Stehbing, 238. William. Ulster Pidnters and Poets, 263. William Arthur. Provincial Synod of Hist, of Engl. Ch. Co. of Lancaster, 1640-1660, 355. 122. ListofNoncontorm- Manchester, Old & istAcademies.SST. New, 128. Shaw Kill, Chorley, Lanes. Deeds at, 123. Shearer, John £. 373. Sheehan, Richard Alphonsus, Bp. of Waterford, 30, 381. Sheffield, 310, 311. Biblio. 310. Booksellers, 298. Geology, 304. Hunter's Collections for, 311. Libraries, 310. Municipal History, 295. Museums, 310, 311. Newspapers. 298. Printing, 298. Public Museum, 296. Public Library, 301, 310, 325. Shelly, John, 42. Shenstone, Staffs. Charters in ' Gt. Coucher Book,' 240. Shenton, F. K. J. 83. Sheppard, Thomas. List of Works on Lines. Boulders, 141. Yorks. Maps, Plans, Charts, etc. 296. Biblio. of E. Yorks. [and N. Lines. Geo- logy, 304. Biblio. of North of England Geology, etc. 304. Biblio. of Erosion of Holderness Coast, 304. Sherborn, Charles Bavies, 82. Sherborne, Lord. The Wlnchoombe Cartularies, 332. Sherborn? Castle, Dorset, MSS. at, 48. Additions to ' Bib- lio. of Yorks. Geo- logy ' by Fox - Strangways, 304. Evolution of Kings- ton-iipon-HuU, 308. The Pre - historic Boat from Brigg, 337. Yorka.Contribution to Science, 345. Sherwood, George P. Tndor. County Collections References to Berk- for Berks. 10. shire Collections, Berks. Non - Paro- .318. chial Registers.lO. References to Bucks, and Oxon. Bucks. CoUeo- Marriage Bonds. tions, 319. 15, 209. Index of Places in Deeds relating to 'Int. Gcneal. I)i- Leics. 137. rectory,' 358, 372. Somerset Deeds, Index to ' Geneal. etc. 232. Queries & Memo- References to Bed- randa,' 359. fordshlre Collec- tions, 318. Shetland. See Orkney and Shetland. Shickle, Charles William, 236. Shindler, Thomas, 103. Shipman, James, 200. Shipton Hall, Salop, MSS. at, 223. Shirburn Castle, Oxon. The Shirburn Bal- MSS. at, 207. lads, 204. Shirley, Evelyn Philip. Library Catal. at MSS. at Ettington Lough Fea, 170, Hall, 265. 380. G. W, Old Public Libraries Peter Rae, Printer, in Dumfries, 53. 108. Shortt, Jonathan, 132. Shrewsbury. Battle of, 234. Borough Records, 223, 224. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 223. Loan Exhibition, 1898, 221. Municipal History, 221. Museum, 221. Printing, 222. Public Library, 220, 221, 225. St. Chad's Church, 225. St. Peter's Abbey, 342. Shrewsbury School, 225. Shropshire, 220-227, 342. Acts of Parliament, 222, 338. Almanacks, 222. Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. 220. Authors, 222. Ballads, 223. Bookplates, 222. Booksellers, 223. Chapbooks, 223. Domesday Biblio. 231. Folk-Lore, 223. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reps. 223. Literature, 223. Loan Exhibition, 1898, 221. Manorial History, 221. Maps, 220, 222. Monumental Brasses, 221. Municipal History, 221. 482 A HANDBOOK TO Shropshire {continued). Natural Science, 235. Newspapers, 222. Parish Registers, 225, 34.9. Pedigrees, 342. Portraits, 220. Printing, 222. Romano-Brit. Remains, 221. Shnm, Frederick, 233. Sibbald, Sir Bohert, 368, 369, 374. Siberch, John, Printer at Cambridge, 18, 19. Sibson, Rev. Edmund, 123. Sidgfwick, Frank, 366. Signet Library. See Edinburgh. Silchester, Hants. Romano-Brit. Re- mains, 82. Sim, Adam, Collection of Ballads, 112. Simco, John, 186. Simcoe, Kev. Henry Addington, 32. Simmons, Henry, 255. ITevill, Bookseller, etc. at Shef- field, 298. Simms, Rupert. ' Bibliotheca Staffordiensis,' 237. ' Nota Staffordiensis,' etc. 237. Simpkins, John Ewart, 107. Simpson, Jnstin, 146. William, 110. — William Sparrow, 154. Sims, Richard. Dover Records in Brit. Museum.lOO. Cal. of Walsall Cor- poration Deeds, etc. 240. Handbook to Lib. of Brit. Mus. 351. Manual for the Ge- nealogist, 357 et passim. Index to Pedigrees in Herald's visi- tations, 359. Sinclair, Alexander, 16. Sir John, of Ulbster, co. Caith- ness, 16. William, 336. Sinclairs of Rosslyn, 329. Singer, Samuel Weller, 204. Singleton, Hugh, 271. — James, 294. Sinker, Robert, 320. Sinton, James, 217, 374. Sitwell, Sir George Reresby, 38, 298. Sizergh Castle.Westmorland, MSS. at, 274. Skeat, Walter William, 353, 378. Skeel, Caroline A. J. 399. Skelly, George, 196. Skelmersdale, Lanes. 131. Skene, James, of Rubislaw, Aberdeen- shire, 371. William Forbes, 378. Skewes, Rev. Henry, 364. Skey, William, 384. Skidmore, Charles, 311. Skipton, Horace Fitt Kennedy, 92. Skrine, Henry Duncan. See Claver- ton Manor, Somerset. Skye, Isle of. See Isle of Skye. Slatter, Henry, 130. Slezer, Captain John, 374. Sligo (County and Town), 227-228. Municipal History, 228. Newspapers, 228. Ordnance Survey Records, 227. Printing, 228. Slow, Edward, 286. Slugg, Josiah Thomas, 130. Smail, Adam, 58, 111. Smales, Gideon, 311. Small, John, 328, 329. Smellie, William, Printer at Edin- burgh, 329, 369. Smith, Rev. Alfred Charles, 280. Alfred Russell. Catal. of Tracts, Prints, etc. on Topog. of England, etc. 346 et passim. Charles Roach, 154. Charlotte Fell-, 63. David Crawford, 212. Hdward. Biblio. of Tours by Foreigners in England, 364. George. CataL of Linen Hall Lib. Belfast, 6. George Charles Moore, 19. George Gregory, 85. Henry Ecroyd, 26, 116. Hubert, 221. John, Bookseller in Glasgow, 113, 114, John 361. Challenor Covington, John Edward, 163. Rev. John James, 20. John Russell. ' Bibliotheca Cantiana,' 95. Catal. of Tracts, Prints, etc. on Topog. of England, 346 et passim. Catal. of Broadside Ballads, 366. Joseph, 357. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 483 Smitli, Joseph John, of Lincoln, 141. Joshua Tonlmin, 353. IiUcyToulmin, 205, 364. Philip Vernon. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 150. Samuel, of Worcester, 287. Tom C. 139. William. ' Old Yorkshire,' 295. Memoir of Simeon Rayner, 309. William, of Aberdeen, 316. William, Printer at Kilkenny, 106. W. H. Notes on Lines. Par. Registers, 144. Smith Collection in Korwich Free Library, 176. Smyth, John, of Nibley, 76. Smythe, John, of Heath, Pontefract, 295. Snewiu, Hubert E. 258. Sneyd, Rev. Walter. See Keele Hall, Staffs. Societe Jersiaise, 24. Society of Antiq.uaries. See London, and also ' Archaeologia.' Society of Anticiuaries, Ireland. See Ireland. Society of Antiquaries, ITewcastle- upon-Tyne. See Newcastle-upon- Tyne, and also 'Archaeologia Aeliana.' Society of Antiquaries, Scotland. See Scotland. Society of Cymmrodorion. See Wales. Society of Genealogists. See London. Solemne (Solempne) Anthony de. Printer at Norwich, 176. Solloway, John, 296. Solly, George Edward, 48. Somerby, Leics. Parish Registers, 138. Somerby Hall, Lines. MSS. at, 142. Somerset, Suke of. See Maiden Brad- ley, Wilts. Somersetshire, 228-237, 342. Brasses, 230. Broadsides, 228. Chapbooks, 230. County Records, 231, 332. Domesday Biblio. 230. Folk-Songs, 230. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reps. 231-232. Libraries, 230. Manorial History, 230, Somersetshire (continusd). Maps, 231. Municipal History, 230. Natural Science, 233. Parish Registers, 233. Pedigrees, 232. Photographic Survey, 231. Poets, 236. Printing, 230, 342. Romano-Brit. Remains, 230. Sora. Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc. Indexes to ' Pro- Index to Brasses in oeedings,' 228. 'Prooeedings,'230. Catal. of Library, ' Walter ' Collection 229. in Museum, 230. Guide to Museum, 'Stradling' CoUec- 229. tion, 230. ' Norris ' Collec- ' Charles Tite ' Coi- tion, 230. lection, 229. Somerset Articles in ' Downside Re- view,' 47. Somerset Record Society. Publications, 230. Statute Merchant Bonds, 48. Topographical Collections, 231. Wills, 232. Somner, William. Collections for Kent, 98, 100, 335. Sonnenscheiu, William Swan, 346. Soule, Charles Carroll, 360. Southam, Herbert Robert Henry, 221. Southampton, 82, 83, 333. Borough Records, 82, 83. Charters, etc. 333. Court Leet Records, 83. Exhib. of Local Antiquities, 83. God's House at, 80, 207. Guide Books, '83. Hartley Institution, 80. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 80. Literature, 83. Local Collections, 83. Maps, 83. Newspaper, 83. Prints, etc. 83. Tudor House Museum, 83. Southcott, Joanna, 42. South Crozton, Leics. 139. Sonthesk, Earl of. See Kinnaird Castle, Forfarshire. Southport, Lanes. 133. South Shields. Borough Records, 56. Southward. See London. Southwell Minster. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 199. Southwick, Northants. 186. , Sussex, 256, 484 A HANDBOOK TO Sonthwold, Suffolk. Borough Records, S45, 348. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 245. Spalding', Lines. County Records at, 142. The Gentlemen's Soc. of, 146. Spalding, John Tricks, 346. Spalding Clnl]. Notices, Ann. Reports, etc. 369. New. Miscellany, 370. Sparke, Archibald. Tullle House Lib. • Bibliographia Bol- Carlisle, 34. toniensis,' 123. Index to ' Trans. ' Biblio. of Dialect Cumb. & Westm. Lit. of Cumb. etc. Antiq.Soo.35,273. 273. Henry Fish wick, 118. Speed, Jolin. Map of Carmarthenshire, 23. Map of Montgomeryshire, 172. Map of Yorkshire, 296. Speight, Harry, 306. Spelman, Sir Henry, 346. Spance, Charles James, 197. Spencer, Earl. Library of, 141, 188. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. IM. Spenser Society. See Manchester. Spiers, Walter Lewis, 155, 157. Spilsbury, William Holden, 163. Stacy, John, Printer at Clonmel, 261. Stafford, Edmund, Bp. of Exeter, 325. Lord. See Cossey (Costessy) HaU, Norfolk. Staffordshire (and Stafford), 237-210, 343. Acts of Parliament, 222, 238. Almanacks, 238. Domesday Biblio. 239. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 238. Manorial History, 239. Maps, 237. Natural Science, 239. Newspapers, 237, 238. N. Staffs. Archaeol. & Field Club, 238. Printing, 237. Romano-Brit. Remains, 239. Stafford Castle, 238. Topog. Collections, 238, 239. Wm. Salt Lib. Stafford, 224, 237, 350. Wm. Salt Archaeol. Soc. 237, 238. Stair, Earl of. See Oxenfoord Castle, Dalkeith. Stamford, Lines. Borough Records, 146. Literary Associations, 337. Newspapers, 14], 337, Stampe, George, 357. Standish. Lanes. 133. Stanford Court, Worcs. MSS. at, 289. Stanford Park, Leies. MSS. at, 136. Stanhope, Charles, Earl, 204. -— Sir Edward, 320. Stanley Abbey, Wilts. 286. Stanmer Park, Sussex, MSS. at, 255. Stanneries, The, Cornwall, Biblio. of, 32. Stanning, Joseph Heaton, 125. Stansfeld, John, 294, 303, 309. Stapeldou, Walter de, Bp. of Exeter, 325. Stapleton, Alfred, 199. Statfold, Staffs. 238. Statham, Samuel Percy Hammond, 100. Stationers. Cambridge, 19. Manchester, 130. Edinburgh, 57. Scotland, 57. Glasgow, 111. Warrington, 184. Hull, 297. York, 297. London, 50, 158-160. Staunton Warwickshire Collection, 264. Staunton Hall, Notts. MSS. of H. C. Staunton at, 341. Steele, Robert Reynolds. Biblio. of Royal Proclamations, etc. 365, 373, 382. Steinberger, Valentine, 72. Stephen, George Arthur, 179, 339. Stephens, Frederic George, 100, 193. Thomas, 393. William Richard Wood, Dean of Winchester, 83, 258. Stephenson, Mill, 249, 250. Stepney-Gulston, A. 22. Stevens, David M'Cluer, 251. Stevenson, C. Bernard, 198. ■ — — John, of Edinburgh, 347. John Home, 372. Joseph, 376. Thomas George. Biblio. of James 'Bibliotheca Histo- Maidment, 57. rioa, Scotica, etc.' Notices of David 369. Laing, 60. The Sempill 'Bal- Edinburgh in the lates,' 372. Olden Time, 329. William, 199. William Henry. Cal. of Gloa. Corporation Records, 76. Records of the Bor. of Nottingham, 200. Yorks. Surveys, etc. in the York Gospels, COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 485 Stewart, Charles J. 307. Capt. James, of AUtyrodyn, 122. See also AUtyrodyn, Cardiganshire. Sir M. R. Shaw-. MSS. of, at Greenock, 215. William, S3, 109, 111. Stewart Families, 372. Stewarton, Ayrshire, 318. Stirling, Miss JH. Eleanor. See Renton, Berwickshire. Walter, of Glasgow, 112. Stirling-Maxwell, Sir John Max- well. See Keir House, Perthshire. Stirling's and O-lasgow Public Lib- rary. See Glasgow. Stirlingshire (and Stirling), 241- 242. Ballads, 241. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 241. Municipal History, 241. Natural Science, 241. Poets, 241. Registers, 241. Romano-Brit. Remains, 241. Stirling. Burgh Records, 241. Castle, 241. Municipal History, 241. Nat. Hist. & Archseol. Soc. 242. ' Notes and Queries,' 241. Printing, 241. Smith Institute, 241. Topographical Collections, 242. Stockport, Cheshire. Biblio. Notes on Stockport Books, 322. Borough Records, 322. Stocks, John Edward, 138. Stoke Courcy, Somerset, 236. Stokes, Ethel, 248. George Thomas, 327. Henry Sewell, 31. Margaret, 384. Stokoe, John, 193. Stone, John M. of Blackheath, 101. Stonehaven, Kincardineshire, 336. Stonehenge, 280, 281. Stonehouse, Devon. Biblio. 46. Stouor Park, Oxon. MSS. at, 207. Private Printing at, 204. Stonor, Thomas Edward. 204. Stonyhnrst College, Lanes. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 120. Stoodley, Thomasin Albert, 146. Stornaway Public Library, 8S. Story-Maskelyne, Neville. See Bas- set Down House, Swindon. Stoarhead, Wilts. See Hoare (Sir Richard Colt). Stovin, George. The Stovin MS. 301. Stow, John, 147. Stow Hall, Norfolk, MSS. at, 176. Stowe, Bucks. MSS. at, 255, 387. Strabane, co. Tyrone. Newspapers, etc. 262. Printing, 262, 263, 344. Strachey, Sir Edward. See Sutton Court, Somerset. Stradling, W. 230. Strang, John, 1 10. Strangeman, James, 64. Strangways, Charles Edward 7oz-, 304. Stratford-on-Avon, 269-271. Guild of, 270. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 266. Municipal History, 264. Museum, 270, 271. Records, 270. Shakespeare Records, etc. 270, 271. Somerset Documents at, 232. Strathmore and Kinghorne, Earl of. See Glamis Castle, Forfarshire. Stratton, Wiltshire, 278. Straus, Ralph, 264. Strawberry Hill. See Twickenham. Streatfeild, Rev. Thomas History of Kent, 95. Collections for Kent, 98. Stretton, William, 200. Strickland, Walter C. See Sizergh Castle, Westmorland. Stride, Edward Ernest, 356. Stringer, Henry, 102. Stronach, George, 325. Strutt, Prederick, 37. Joseph, 135. Stuart, Alexander Charles. See Eaglescarnie, Haddingtonshire. J. A. Erskine, 299. John. Notices of the Spalding Club, etc. 369. Stuart Pamilies, 372. Stuart MSS. 11. Studley Royal, Yorkshire, MSS. at, 300. 486 A HANDBOOK TO Sucb, K. P. Printer at London, 161. Suckling, Bev. Alfred Inigo Fox. MS. Collections. Kent, 98. Berkshire, 11. Lancashire, 122. Cambridgesh. 20. Leicestershire, 137. Derbyshire, 38. Lincolnshire, 143. Essex, 64. Norfolk, 178. Hampshire, 81. Northants, 187. Huntingdonsh.92. SuiTolk, 245. Sudbury, Suffolk. Archdeaconry of, 948. Borough Records, 24S. Suffolk, 242-248, 343. Acts of Parliament, 244. Archdeaconry of, 246. Brasses, 243, 244. County Records, 245. Dissenters, 246. Domesday Biblio. 243. Folklore, 244, 353. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reps. 245. Libraries, 243. Manorial History, 242, 243^ Monumental Inscriptions, 343. Municipal History, 243. Natural Science, 247. Newspapers, 242. Portraits, 244. Printing, 343. Romano-Brit. Remains, 243. Suffolk Archaeol. Assoc. 244. Suffolk Inst, of Archaeol. 242, 244. Theatres, 244. Topographical Collections, 245, 343. Summers, William. Henry, 15. Sunderland, 56. Municipal History, 55. Museum, 56. Printing, 328. Public Library, 193. Sundorne, Shropshire. Deeds, 224. Surrenden, Kent. Library of Sir E. Dering at, 99. Surrey, 249-252, 343. Acts of Parhament, 250. Archdeaconry Records, 250. Bookplates, 250. Brasses, 249, 250, 353. County Records, 250. Domesday Biblio. 249. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reps. 350. Manorial History, 250. Maps, 349. Monumental Inscriptions, 350. Municipal History, 350. Natural Science, 251. Parish Registers, 249. Photographic Survey, 249. Printing, 250, 343. Surrey {continued). Romano-Brit Remains, 349. Surrey Archaeol. Soc. 249. Topographical Collections, 250. Surtees, Robert, 54. Sussex, 252-260, 343. Acts of Parhament, 254. Authors, 353. Ballads, 254. Brasses, 253. Bookselling, 343. County Records, 355. Domesday Biblio. 253. Drawings, etc. 355. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reps. 355. Manorial History, 353. Maps, 252, 255. Municipal History, 353. Natural Science, 253, 257. Newspapers, 254. Parish Registers, 256. Parliamentary Surveys, 256. Place-Names, 255. Poets, 353, 354. Printing, 254. Quaker Registers, 257. Romano-Brit. Remains, 253. Sheep-Shearing Songs, 254. Sussex Archaeol. Soc. Indexes to Collections, 252. Catal. of Library, 2.53. Conti'ibutions by W. D. Cooper, M. A. Lower, and others, 254. Cal. of Deeds, etc. 256, 338, 340. Sussex Scient. & Lit. Inst. 353. Topographical Collections, 356. Sutherland, Alexander Kendras, 349. Duke of. See Dunrobin, Suther- land. Sutherlandshire, 360, 261. County Records, 360. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 260. Maps, 16, 260. Natural Science, 361. Records, 16. Registers, 360. Witchcraft, 16, 261. Sutton, Albert, ' Bibliotheca Cestri- Biblio. etc. of James ensis,' 25. Butterworth, 124. 'Bibliotheca Lan- List of Works by castrensis,' 115. Manchester Prin- ters, 130. Charles William. Lanes. & Cheshire Special Collectns. in Archaeology, 26, Lanes. & Chesh. 116. 116. Lanes. County His- Index to Pubns. tories In Mane. Mane Lit. Club, Ref. Lib. 116. 117. List of Lanes. Some Early Lanes. Authors, 116. Authors, 117. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 487 Manchester, 129. Mane. Libraries & Booksellers, 129. Biblio. of Humphrey Chetham, 129. Biblio. Note on Thos. Deacon, 130 Sutton, Cliarles William, (contirmed). List of Writings of The Libraries of W. Thompson Watkin, 118. Richard Heyrick & Richard Hollin- worth, 118. Manchester Biblio. 1880-87, 128. Sutton Coldfield, Warwick, 271. Sutton Court, Somerset, MSS. at, 231. Swale, Jolin Henry, 119. Swann, John Hibbert. Biblio. of Lanes. & Cheshire Antiquities, 24, 115. History, etc. Manchester Lit. Club, 128. Swansea, 74. Charters, 74. Municipal History, 73. Museum, 74. Public Library. Catal. of Welsh Books, 391. Swanston, William, 317. Swanton, Ernest W. Brockton, 233. Sweeny Hall, Salop, MSS. at, 223. Sweetingf, Bev. Walter Sebenham, 184, 185, 187. Sweetman, Henry Savage, 386. Nicholas, Bp. of Ferns, 276. Swindon,Wilts. Powell Collection, 286. Swine Priory, Yorks. 311. Sydmonton Court, Hants. MSS. at, 12, 80, 83. Sydney, William, 42. Sykes, John, 196. Symmes, Richard, 250. Symonds, Capt. Frederick Cleave Loder-. See Hinton Waldrist Manor, Berks. Henry, 366. Sympson, Edward Blansel, 142, 146. Symson, Andrew, Preacher, Printer, and Poet, 329. T., J. B. Note on Biblio. of Perth, 212. Tabley House, Cheshire. MSS. at, 27. Tadworth Heath, Surrey. G. F. Hudson's Private Press at, 250. Talbot, miss, of Margam, 74. Talbot de Blalahide, Lord. See Malahide Castle, Ireland. Talley Abbey, co. Carmarthen. Docu- ments, etc. 22. Tancock, Bev. Osborne William, 89. Tanner, Thomas, Bishop of St. Asaph. Collections relating Catal. of Tanner to Norfolk, 173. MSS.in Bodleian, 208. Tapley-Soper, H. Some Recent Devon Literature, 41, 325. Exeter Printers, Booksellers & Libraries 45. Blog. Notice of W, H. K. Wright, 325 Taunton, Somerset, 236. Archdeaconry Records, 233. Castle. Lib. of Som. Archseol. Soc. 231. Som. Topog. Collections in Lib. 231. Catal. of Library, 229. Castle Museum. Guide, 229. ' Charles Tite ' Collection, 229. ' Walter ' Collection, 230. ' Norris ' Collection, 230, 'Stradling ' Collection, 230. 'Pigott' Collection, 231. Biblio. Note on, 236. Public Library. Local Collection, 231. Public Library Movement, 236. Tavistock, Devon, 46. Parish Records, 46. Printing, 46. Tawse, George, 59. Taylor, George. Memoir of Robert Surtees, 54 Henry. Ten Early Chester First Welsh Muni- Deeds, 28. cipal Charters, Flintshire Hist. 396. Collection, 330. James. The Sussex Garland, 254. John, of Bristol. Earliest Free Libraries of England, 78. John, of Northampton. ' Bibliotheca North- Tracts relating to antonensis.' 182, Northants, 183, 183. 184. Catal. of Special Antiquarian Collection on Memoranda, 183. Northants, 183. Northampton Book MS.Index to Topog. Circular, 183, 184. of Northants, 183. Biog. of John Tay- Cal. of Tresham lor, 183. Family Papers, Biblio. Reprints by, 18a 183, 184. Brington Charity Taylor Collection Estate Deeds, in Northampton etc. 183. P. Lib. 183, 184. Index Loeorum to BibUo. Note on the Baker's ' North- ' Northampton- amptonshire,' 183. shire Journ.' 186. Memorials of Rev. Northants. Charao- John Dod, 183. ters & Carica- tures, 186. John, the Younger, of North- ampton. Lectures on Hist. etc. of Northampton, 185. 488 A HANDBOOK TO Taylor, John William. . Biblio. of Northants. MoUusca, 187. Richard Vickerman. Yorkshire in the List of Yorkshire 'Mona3ticon,'295. Yorks. Novels and Novelists, 298. Silas, 330. William, !■. MSS. 302. List of Old Yorks. Church Regis- ters, 303. Biblio. of Peterhead Literature, 4, 316. Taynton, Gloucs. MSS. at, 75. Tedder, Henry Richard, 306. Teddealey, StaiFs. MSS. at, 338. Tempest, Mrs. Arthur Cecil, 134. Teniswood, C. G. H. 181. Tenterden, Kent. Corporation Re- cords, 97. 'Term' Catalogues, 158. Terry, Charles Sanford. The Aberdeen Index to Scottish Historians, 2. Pubns. of Scottish Historical Clubs, etc. 368. Papers in 'Hist. MSS. Comm. Re- Eorts,' 368. li Biblio. of Jacobite History, 373. Tervoe, Limerick. MSS, of Lord Emly at, 140. Teulet, Alexandre, 377. Tewin, Herts. 87. Tewkeshury, Gloucs. Municipal History, 75. Chapbooks, 332. Thackeray, Rev. Francis St. John, 15. William, 161. Thanet, Isle of, 96. Thetford, Norfolk. Maps and Plans of, 181. Corporation MSS. 339. Thin, James, 59. Thirlestaine Castle, Berwickshire. MSS. at, 13. Thomas, Arthur Hermann (and T. Walter Hall). Catal. of ' Jackson Collection ' at Sheffield, 301 et passim, c. a. m. Daniel Lleufer, 397. David Richard, Archdeacon of Montgomery, 172, 391. Ernest Chester, 205. M. Printer at Cardigan, 321. NorthcoteWhitridge,191,201. Philip Edward, 180. Thom,as, William. Hist, of Warwickshire,' 266. Index of Places in Dugdale's ' Warwick- shire,' 268. W. R. Printer at Cardigan, 321. Thomason Collection in the Brit, Museum, 347, 367. Thomlinson, Dr. Robert, 196. Thompson, Sir Edward Maunde, 283. E. Margaret, 284. Henry, 54, 189. James. Herrick Portraits at Leicester, 135. Notes on Leicester TownLibrary,136 Fishey, 337. Rolls of the Mayors of Leicester, 137. Archives of Boro' of Leicester, 137. Thoms, W. J. Memoir of William Oldys, 149, 162. Thomson, James Booth. Biblio. of Aberdeen Biblio. of Aberdeen, & North-Eastern Kincardine, and Pubns. 2. Banff, 315. Richard. Chronicles of London Bridge, 148, 160. Historical Charters of City of London, 152. Thomas. List of Protocol Books of Edinb. 60. Council Books, etc. of Haddington, 79. Inventories of Royal Wardrobe, etc. 371. Memoir of, 379. Thoresby, Ralph. Yorks. MS. Collections, 294. Life of, by D. H. Atkinson. 309. ' Museum Thoresbyanum,' 309. Ralph Thoresby'B Museum at Leeds, 309. Thoresby Society. Index to ' Miscel- lanea,' 294. Thoresby Park, Notts. MSS. at, 199. Thoringi;ou, Suffolk. MSS. at, 245. Thornhill, co. Dumfries. Museum, 54. Thornton-le-Street, Yorks. MSS. of Earl Cathcart at, 300. Thoroton, Robert. Biog. Notices of, 198. Thoroton Society. Catal. of Exhib. Nottingham, 198. Thorp, Map of Leeds, 309. Thorpe, Dr. John. MS. Collections for Kent, 98. ' Registrum RofFense,' 250. Markham John, 376. Thomas, Bookseller, London, 237, 256. Thresh, May, 67. Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas Wil- liam. See Coughton Court, co. War- wick. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 489 Throsby, John, 135. Thurland, William F. 309. Thnrles, Tipperary. Printing, 261. Thornam, Charles, and Sons, Carlisle. Catal. of Cumb. and Westmor. Books, 35, 274. Thurnham Hall, Lanes. MSS. at. 120. TicshuTst, Norman Frederic, 99. Tiddemann, Richard Hill, 301. Tierney, Rev. Mark Aloysins, 257. Tisfhe, Kenrick Bnnbury. Sec Wood- stock, CO. Kilkenny. Tillard, F. E. See Godmanchester, Hunts. Tilling, Albert Edward. See Hutton (Stanley). Tiltey Abbey, Essex, 66. Tim Bobbin. See Collier (John). Timmins, Samuel. Hist, of Warwick- shire, 263. Spec. Collections of Books in and near Birmingham, 263. Catal. of Books printed by John Baakerville, 265. Tingey, John Cottingham. Cal. of Deeds enrolled in Norfolk, 177. Old Birmingham Books. 267. Centenary of the Birmingham Lib- rary, 268. Maps or Plans of Birmingham, 268. (and William Hudson). MSS. Catal. of Records of Norwich, 179, 180. Tipperary (County and Town), 261- 262, 34.3. Epigraphy, 26«. Hist. MSS. Comra. Rep. 261. Ordnance Survey Records, 261. Printing, 261, 343. Tissington Hall, Derbyshire. at. 38. Titchfield Abbey, Hants. 83. Tite, Charles, 229. Edward, 283. Sir William, 154. Titheridge, W. H. W. 81. Tixall, Staflfordshire, 240. Tocher, James Fowler, 316. Todd, Henry John, 363. James Henthorn, 387. Todmorden, Yorks. 311. ToUard Royal, Wiltshire, King John's House Museum, 47, 326. Tollemache, John. See Helmingham Hall, Suffolk. Tomlinson, Oeorge William, 293. Tomson, David Richard, Printer at St. Neots, 93. Tong, Shropshire. Catal. of Lib. in Collegiate Church, 227. Tong College Documents, 227. Topham, John, 350. Torpichen, Lord. See Calder House, Edinburghshire. Torq.uay, Devon. Anstey's Cove Caverns, 44. Kent's Cavern, 44. Literary Landmarks of, 326. Torr, James. Biblio. Notes on, Yorkshire Collec- 295. tions, 302. Torrens, William Torrens MacCul- lagh. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 130. Torringrton, Great, Devon, 46. Totnes, Devon. 46. Borough Records, 46. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 43. Priory, 46. Worthies, 46. Tovey, Charles, 78. Towneley Hall, Lanes. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. on MSS. at, 120. Townlay Hall, Drogheda. MSS. at, 167. Townsend, Frederick, 81. Sir Henry. Worcestershire MSS. 290. Townshend, Marciuess. See Raynhani HaU, Norfolk. Towyn, co. Merioneth. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 395. Tractarianism. Biblio. of, 205. Trades Unionism. Biblio. of, 149. Trail, James William Helenus, 214. Train, Joseph, 94. Tralee, Kerry. Newspapers, 104. Printing, 104. Tra^uair House, Peeblesshire. MSS. at, 210. Treacher, L. 10. Trefdraeth, Anglesey. Archdeaconry of Bangor Records at, 23. Trefhedyn, co. Carmarthen. Printing at, 23. Trelawny, Sir John Salusbury-. MSS. at Trelawne, Cornwall, 32. Trench, Wilbraham FitzJohn, 73. Trenewith, Shropshire, 225. 490 A HANDBOOK TO Treuholme, Kev. Edward Craip, 84. Trent, Dorsetshire. Thomas Gerard of, 49, 230. Tresham Family. Cal. of Papers at Rushton Hall, 183. Trevecca, co. Brecknock. The Trevecca Press, 13. MSS. and Library, 319. Trim, co. Meath. Printing, 167. Trimen, Henry. Botanical Biblio. of the British Counties, 4, et passim. Tring, Herts. Museum, 90. Trommsdorff, Fanl, 26B. Tropenell Cartnlary, 383. Trossaclis, The, Perthshire, 313. Troup, Mrs. Frances B. Kose, 49. Troutbeck, Westmorland. MSS. of George Browne at, 274. Trower, Charles Francis, 356. Trnlegh Priory, Kent, 103. Truro, Cornwall. Borough Records, 34. Diocesan Records, 34. Libraries, 324. Tuam, Galway. Printing, 73, 331. Tucker, Ambrose, 381. Tudor, John B. 301. Tuite, James, 273. TuUibardine, Karchioness of. See Murray (Katharine M.). TuUie House. See Carlisle. Tullis, Robert & Q. S. Printers at Cupar, Fife, 67. Tunbridge Wells, 103. Tunstall, Marmaduke, 196. TurnbuU, William Barclay David Donald. Scottish Parochial Sale Catal. of Lib- Registers, 3, et rary of, 369. passim. "Fragmenta Scoto- MSS. on Genealogy, Monsistica,' 370. etc. in Advocates Memoranda on Par. Lib. 60, 372. Registers of Scot- Notice of, by John land, 377. Go ugh Nichols 60. Turner, Dawson. Copyof Blomefleld's MSS. purchased by, 'Norfolk 'in Lib. 246. of, 174. Guide to Historian, Catal. of Library Biographer, etc. of, 174, 246. 348. Gt. Yarmouth Col- lection in Brit. Mus. 181. Frederick Alfred, 169. George Lyon, 357. James. Collection relating to Heywood, Lanes. 124. Turner, Joseph Horsfall. Yorkshire Biblio- Yorks. Dialect So- grapher, 293, 297. oiety, 296. Biblio. of York- Yorkshire Antho- shire, 293. logy, 298. 'Ten Thousand Halifax Books and Yorkshire Books,' Authors, 307. 293. Biblio. of Ilkley Biog. Notice and and Ben Rhyd- Biblio. ot, 295. ding, 308. Yorkshire Place- Names, 296. Feter. Calendars of Welsh Records, 395. William Henry. Cal. of Charters, Turner'sCoUections etc. in the Bodl. for Oxfordshire in Lib. 207, 363. Bodl. Lib. 209. Selections from Re- Index to Dods worth cords of City of MSS. 302. Oxford, 207. Turton, Lanes. 133. Twickenham, Middlesex. Filkin's Collections for, 251. The Strawberry Hill Press, 169, 170, 339. Twyne, Brian, 209. Twysdeu, Sir Roger, 99. Twysden Family, of East Peckham, Kent, 98. Ty Coch, nr. Carnarvon. Welsh Books at, 392. Tygwyn-ar-Daf Abbey, co. Carmar- then, 22. Tyler, Bvau, Printer in Scotland, 57, 59. Tymms, Samuel, 347. Tynemouth, Northumberland. Local Collection, 197. Maps, 197. Newspapers, 197. Printing, 197. Public Libraries, 197. Public Library, 192. Tyneside Katuralists' Field Club, 195. Tyrone, 363, 344. Biblio. by John S. Crone, 262, 263. Ordnance Survey Records, 262. Printing, 262, 344. Tyrrell, Edward, 148. Thomas, 385. Tyssen, John Robert Daniel. Carmarthenshire Parliamentary Sur- Charters, etc. 22. veys of Sussex, CataL of Tyssen 256. Lib. Hackney, Lewes Priory Docu- 163. ments, 259. Tytler, Patrick Fraser, 368. Tytoa, Arthur, 349. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 491 Uffingtou, Lines. MSS. at, 143. Ufford, Suffolk, 245. Ulbster, Caithness, 16. 'Annals of Ulster,' Index to, 263. Biblio. by E. R. McDix, 263. BibUo. by J. S. Crone, 263. Poets, 263. Printing. 263. Song Books, 344. Underwood, Charles Frederick Weston. See Somerby Hall, Lines. University CoUegfe of Wales. See Aberystwyth. Unwin, George, 153, 343. Upcott, William. Biblio. Account of Works on English Topography, 281, 346 et passim. MS. Materials for Biblio. of London, 148. Sale-Catal. of Library of, 184, 204. Topographical Collections. Lancashire, 122. Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, 200. 137. Oxfordshire, 209. Lincolnshire, 143. Rutland, 218. Norfolk, 178. Shropshire, 225. Northants, 187. Somerset, 232. Northumber- Staffordshire, 239. land, 194. Wiltshire, 282. Upton Bishop, co. Hereford. Parish Records, etc. 86. Uticonium. See Wroxeter. Urie, Kobert, Printer at Glasgow, 110, 336. Urq.nhart, Alexander Reid, 212. Urwick, William, 291. Ushaw, Durham. College of St. Cuth- bert, 55. Ussher, Rev. Richard, 188. Uttersou, Edward Vernon, 84, 333. v., Q. 2T4. Valleneey, Charles, 388. Vallauz, Camille, 322. Vaughan, Henry Francis J. 227. Herbert SI. Old Book Plates of West Wales, 211, 393. The Haf od Press and Col. Thos. Johnes, 321. John, 84. Vanz, William Sandys Wright, 83. Venables, Rev. Edmund, 145. Venn, John, 359. John Archibald, 359. Vemey, Sir Harry. See Claydon House, Bucks. Vernon, Joshua John, 217. Verulam, Earl of. See Gorhambury, Herts. Vicars, Sir Arthur, 384. Vidler, J. W. C. 255. Vigors, Miss £. A. 383. Viking Club, 201. Vincent, William Thomas, 104. Vinycomb, John, 194. Visscher's ' View of Ziondon,' 157. Wade, Dr. Charles, 90. Wainwright, Thomas. Index to Devon Bridport Corpora- Mon. Inscrip- tion Records, etc. tions, 12. 49. The Barnstaple Records, 44. Waite, James E. 123. Wake, Robert, 248. Wakefield, Yorkshire, 311. Borough Records, 311. City Library, 311. County Records at, 301. Mechanics' Inst. Catal. of Books, 294. Register Office, 301. Registry of Deeds at, 301. Skidmore's Wakefield CoUection. 311. West Riding MSS. at, 301. Wakeman, Sir Ofley, 224. William Frederick, 383. Walcot, Somerset. Old Map of Parish, 236. Walcot, Rev. John. See Bitterley Court, Salop. Walcott, Mackenzie Edward Charles. Sources of Salopian Kalendar of Chi- Topography, 220. Chester Episcopal Registers of Registers, 257. Bishops of Chi- Statutes of Chi- chester, 257. Chester Cathe- dral, 258. Waldron, Sussex, 256. Wales (General), 391-397. See also Monmouthshire. Agriculture, 397. Antiquities, 171, 393. 'Archaeologia Cambrensis 'Index, 391. Archaeology, 394. Ballads, 394. ' Bibliotheca Celtica,' 391. Book Collectors, 393. Bookplates, 211, 393. 'Bye-Gones' Index, 393 Cathedrals, 396. Celtic Language, 391. Cbartularies, 396. 492 A HANDBOOK TO Wales (Oeneral) {continued). Civil War Tracts, 393. County Histories, 170, 391 Fiction, 393, 395. Hist. MSS. Coram. Reports, 395, 396. History, 393, 394. Land Tenure, 397. Libraries, 393. Literature, 171, 391-394. Manors, 171, 395. Maps, 363, 364.. Methodism (Calvinistic), 393. Monasteries, 393, 396. Municipal History, 392, 396. National Lib. of Wales, 391, 392, 396. Mus. of Wales, 393. Natural Science, 397. Newspapers and Periodicals, 367, 392, 394. Nonconformity, 393. ' Notes & Queries,' Wales in, 392. Printing, 23, 50, 367, 394. Proclamations, 365. Publishers, 394. Quakers, 393. Records (Local), 395. (Public), 393-396. Registers (Non-Parochial), 393. Society of Cymmrodorion, 392, 393. See also Cymmrodorion. Univ. Coll. of Wales. See Aberyst- wyth. Welsh Biblio. Society, 392. Welsh Books in Cardiff Free Lib. 171, 391. '- MSS. in CardiiF Free Lib. 73, 395. Books in Swansea Pub. Lib. 391. Walford, Edward, 62. Edwin Alfred, 269. WaUcden, Lanes. MSS. at. 120. Walker, Edward Johnston. Yorkshire Collections. 294, 303, 307. Oeorge. Aberdeen, ItsLiter- Aberdeen Awa'. atiire, etc. 2. The Bards of Bon- Aberdeen Biblio- Accord, 315. grapher's Man- ual, 315, Henry Bacheler, 257. John Wesley, 12. Kathleen, 28, 122. Walter James, 307. ' Walker's Hibernian Kagasine,' 384. Wallace, Albany, 254. Andrew, 111. Wallace, W. Early Scottish Journalists, etc. 375. Sir William. Biblio. of Blind List of Works re- Harry's Wallace, lating to, 378. 336. Portraits of, 878. Waller, William Chapman, 65, 66. Waller Collection of ' Walpoliana,' 339. Wallingford, Berks. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 11. Wallis, Alfred, 38, 324. Walmer, Kent. Records, 104. Walpole, Horace. The Strawberry Hill Press, 169, 170, 339. Walsall, Staffs. Borough Records, 240. Walter, K. Kensleigh. Collection in Taunton Castle Museum, 230. Walters, Henry Beauchamp, 63, 351. Rev. John, of Llandough, 73. Waltham Abbey, Essex. Monastic Library, 66. Plans, etc. 66. Walton Hall, Yorks. Lib. of Edward Hist. MSS. Comm, Hailstone at, 293. Bep. 300. Wanley, Humphrey, 206. Wansey, H. 286. Warboys, Hunts. Witches of, 93, 334. Warburton, John. Collections for Bedfordshire, 9. Sussex, 256. Cheshire, 27. Yorkshire, 302. Lancaster, 125. Ward, A. B. 159. Francis, Bookseller, etc. at Leicester, 136. James. Catal. of Books on Catal. of Notts. En- Notts, in Lib. of, gravings, Por- 197. traits, etc. 198. Catal. of Books on Notts. MSS. in Notts. Hist, Bib- Library of, 200. lio., etc. 197. John. Description of Cheltenham Coll. Mus. 78. John. Literature on Geology, etc. of N. Staffs. 239. John, of Hinckley, 135. Bev. Thomas, of Leamington, 266. Wardonr Castle, Wilts. MSS. at, 282. Ware, Sir James, 381. Warehorne, Kent. Church Registers etc. 104. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 493 Waring^, Elijah, 394. Warminster, Wilts. MS. Collections on, 286. Warner, Sir George Frederic, 163. Warnham, Sussex. Church Registers, etc. 260. Warrington, Lanes. 133, 134. Booksellers, etc. 134. Borough Records, 133. Chapbooks, 134. Municipal Museum, Catal. of Refer- ence Lib. 25, lis, 133. Book Rarities, 133. ' Jackson Collection,' 133, 134 Printing, 134. ' Warrington Guardian,' 134. Warton, Lanes. 134. Warwick, Earls of, 363, 266. Warwickshire (and Warwick), 263- 271, 344. Borough Records, 266. Brasses, 264. Civil War Tracts, 264. County Records, 266. ' Coventry and Warwickshire Library,' 344. Domesday Biblio, 264. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, 965. Maps, 263, 264. Municipal History, 264. Natural Science, 267. Poll Books, 263. Portraits, 264. Romano-Brit. Remains, 264. Special Collections of Books, 263. Staunton Warwickshire Collection, 264. Subsidy Roll of 1327. 266. Topographical Collections, 265. Views, etc. 268. Visitations, 266. Warwick Castle, 266. Washbourn, John. ' Bibliotheca Glou- cestrensis,' 75. Waterfield, Arthur J. 337. Waterford (Connty and City), 271, 272, 344. Ballads, 271, 272. Chapbooks, 272. Clerical Authors, 272. Coleman's Biblio. of, 271. Corporation Records, 272. Epigraphy, 272. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 272. Maps, 272. Municipal History, 272. Natural Science, 272. Ordnance Survey Records, 271, Waterford (County and City) (continued). Printing, 271, 344. St. John's Coll. Waterford, Irish MSS. in Lib. 272. Waterford, Louisa, Marchioness of. Marquess of. See Ford Castle, Northumb. Waters, Henry Pitzgilbert, 358. — Robert Edmund Chester, 221. William, 23. Watkin, Hugh Robert, 46. William Thompson, 26, 118. Watkins, James Kutton, 372. Watson, Arnold Thomas, 151, 168. Charles B. B. 57. Eric Russell, 309. E. W. 48. James, Printer at Edinburgh, 58, 59. John, Canon of York, 295. Rev. John. Lanes. & Cheshire MS. Collections, 122. Robert Spence, 190, 193. W. P. 61. Watt, Hugh Boyd, 82. James Crabb, 106. Lauchlan Maclean, 372. Robert. ' Bibliotheca Britan- Biblio. of, 318. nioa,' 215. William. Hist, of Aberdeen and BaniT, 2, 8. Watters, Patrick, 106. Watts, B. H. 234. Wauchope, Andrew. See Niddrie, Edinburghshire. Way, Albert. Catal. of Exhib. at Catal. of Museum Edinburgh, 1856, at Gloucester, 74. 61. 369. Catal. of Museum at Worcester, 287. Lewis, 254. Waylen, James, 280, 281. Wayman, Horace William Billing, 246. Weale, James, 381. Weatherley, Rev. Charles Thomas, 164. Weaver, Rev. Frederic William, 229- Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. Hist, of Trades English Local Unionism, U9, Snglish Local GoYernment, 351. 494 A HANDBOOK TO Webb, Kev. Thomas William. See Hardwick Vicarage, co. Hereford. Webster, John, Hist MSS. Comra. Rep. 3. Wedderbnm Castle, co. Berwick, MSS. at, 13. Wedgrn-ood, Josiah Clement, 362. Weever, John, 353. Weiteukampf, Frank, 169. Welbeck, Notts. MSS. at, 199. Welby, Alfred C. E. 143. Welch, Charles. Work of Lend. & Catal. of Lond. An- Middx. Archseol. tlquities in Guild- Soc. 147. hall Museum, 153. Notes on London St. Paul's Cath. & Municipal Lite- its Literary Aa- rature, 148, 152. aociations, 154. Hist, of the Monu- Ogilby & Morgan's ment, 148. Map of London, Biblio. of London 157. Livery Com- Hist, of the Station- panlea, 153. ers' Company, 160. Coat-Armour of The Guildhall Lib. London Livery and its Work, 163. Companies, 153. Biblio. Note on Lon- don Printing, 338. Welford, Richard. Records for Com- Early Newcastle pounding with Typography, 191. Royalists of Dur- Hist, of Newcastle ham, etc. 56, 195. & Gateshead, 196. Contributors to Art and ArohSBO- Lit. of SocAntiq. logy, 196. N.-on-Tyne, 190. WeUbeloved, Charles, 296. Wellingrton, Somerset, Materials for Hist, of, 236. Wellington, R. E. 325. Wellow, Hants. Index to Parish Re- gisters, 83. Wells, Somerset, 236, 237. Almshouses, 331. Archdeaconry of, 236. Bishops' Registry, 231. Cathedral. Dean & Chapter Statutes, 237. Records, 228, Early Architecture, 232 237. 237. HistMSS.Comm. Library, 237. Report, 232. History of, by H. E. Registers, etc. Reynolds, 342. 233, 236, 237. Corporation Records, 231, 236. Diocesan Records, 228, 231, 233, 333, 236 237 Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 231. Municipal History, 230. Wells, Charles, 78, 332. Welsh, Andrew, Printer at Limerick, 140, Welsh, Charles. Catal. of Chapbooks, etc. Harvard Col- lege, 366. Welsh Bibliographical Society. See Wales Welshpool, Montgomeryshire, 172. Borough Records, 172. County Records at, 171. Parish Registers, 172. Powysland Museum, 171, 173. Wem7SS,Itandolph Gordon Erskine-. MSS. at Wemyss Castle, Fifeshire, 68. Wenlock, Shropshire, 227. Corporation Records, 223, 227. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 223. Municipal History, 221. Priory, 227. Wentworth, Godfrey, 299. Mrs. See WooUey Park, Yorks. Were, Francis, 75. Wesley, John, Index to Journals of, 364. Wesselhaeft, F. 265. West Bromwich, Staffs. Biblio. of, 240. Westbnry, Northants. 188. Westcote, Thomas, Index to his 'View of Devon,' etc. 42. West Pelton, Shropshire, MSS. at, 223. West Firle, Sussex, Parish Documents, 256. West Ham Public Libraries, List of Books on London, 149. Westmeath, 272, 273. Biblio. of, by Coleman, 272. Ordnance Survey Records, 272. Printing, 372, 273. Westminster. See London. Westminster, Dnke of. See Eaton Hall, Cheshire. Westmorland, 27S-276. See also Cum- berland. Acts of Parliament. 274. Archaeol. Survey, 273. Biographies, 274. County Records, 274. Dialect, 273, 274, 324. Domesday Biblio. 273. Keeted of 1662, 274. Heraldic Visitations, 273. Heraldry, 273. Hill's MS. ColIecUons, 275. Hist. MSS. Comra. Rep. 274. Jackson Collection, 34. Municipal History, 273. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 495 Westmorland {continued). Natural Science, 275. Newspapers, 27i. Parish Registers, 375. Place-Names, 274. Romano-Brit. Remains, 373. Topographical Collections, S74. Westmorland, Earl of. See Ape- thorpe, Northants. Westciuarter, Stirlingshire. MSS. at, 241. Westropp, Thomas Johnson. The Cahera of Co. Clare, 30. Address on Irish Archseology, 383. Early Italian Maps of Ireland, 388. Westward, Cumberland. Parish Regis- ters, 37. Westwood, A. Printer at Cupar, Fife, 67. Wetherald, Printer at Sunderland, 328. Wexford, 276. Biblio. of, by Coleman, 276. Chorographic Account of, by Leigh, 976. Hore's MS. Collections, 276. Municipal Records, 276. Natural Science, 276. Ordnance Survey Records, 276. Printing, 276. War in Wexford, 1798, 276. Weymonth, Dorset, 49. Borough Records, 48, 49. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 48. Municipal History, 47. Whale, Rev. Thomas William, 43, 45. Whalley, Bev. Peter, 187. Wharncliffe, Earl of. See Belmont, Perthshire. Whatmore, A. W. 40. Wheatley, Henry Benjamin. Notes on Norden Preliminary List of and his Map of English Indexes, London, 158. 348. Rocque's Plan of 'What is an Index?' London, 158. Indexes in, 318, Samuel Pepys and 349i the World he Domesday Biblio. lived in, 161. 350, eJ passim. The StrawberryHUl Press, 170. Wheeler, Harold r. B. 276. Iiucy, 251. W. H. 144. Wheldon, J. Alfred, 123. Wheler, Robert Bell, 266, 270. Whibley, Charles, 329. Whistler, Rose Fuller, 257. Whitaker, John, 128. S. P. 318. T. D. 309. William. Geology of Cam- Books on Geology bridge, 20. of Warwickshire, Books on Geology, 267. etc. of Cheshire, Books on Geology 29. of Cumb.& West- Books on Geology mor. 275. of Hampshire, 81. Books, etc. on Geol- Biblio. of Woolwich ogy, etc. of Wilts, and W. Kent 284. Geology, 104. Books on Geology, Books on Geology etc. of Worcs. 291. of Lines. 144. Biblio. of Yorkshire Books on Geology Geology, 304. of Staffs. 239. Works on Geology, etc. of Wales, 397. Whitby, Yorkshire. Whitby Authors and Publications, 311. White, Charles Harold Evelyn, 176, 248. — - — Prancis Buchanan White, 214. ■ Gilbert, of Selborne. Biblio. of ' Hist, of Selborne,' 82. List of Bibliographies of, 82. Biblio. of Earlier Editions of, 333. Henry Eirke, 197. James George, 155. James Walter, 332. John Davis, of Cashel, 343. Luke, Bookseller at Dublin, 327. Newport John Davis, 52, 327. Whitehaugh, CO. Aberdeen. MSS. at, 3. Whitehaven Castle, Cumberland. MSS. at. 36. Whitehead, Henry, 275. James Thornely, 163. Joseph, 116. Whitfield, A. S. 343. Whitgfreave, Francis. See Burton Manor, Staffs. Whitley, T. W. 269. Whytbank, Selkirkshire, 378. Whyte, Henry, 260. John, 93. Wickenden, Joseph Frederic, 144. Wicklow, 277. Biblio. by Coleman, 277. Epigraphy, 277. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 277. Natural Science, 277. Ordnance Survey Records, 277. Printing, 277. Widdrington, Sir Thomas, 295. 496 A HANDBOOK TO Wigrau, Lanes. 134. Biblio. by H. T. Folkard, 134. Biblio. by Edith Lea, 134. Borough Records, 134. Directories, 134. Free Public Library. Lanes, and Cheshire MS. Collec- tions, 115. Lanes. Books, etc. in, 115. Local Books, etc. in, 134. Its Rise and Progress, 134. Books on Scotland in, 368. Books on Ireland in, 380. Haigh Hall. See Crawford and Bal- carres. Earl of. Local Collections, 134. Maps, 134. Newspapers, 134. Printing, 134. Wight, Isle of. See Isle of Wight. Wiglitiiiau, K., 117. Witrtownshire, 377. Antiquities, 277. Hist. MSS. Coram. Rep. 277. Historical Monuments, 277. Natural Science, 277. Parish Registers, 277. Records, 277. Wilbraham, O. P. See Delamere House, Cheshire. WUde, Sir William Kobert Wills, 51, 383. Wilding, William, 286. Wilkin?, Charles, 393. Wilkinson, Rev. John, 47, 280. Nevile Rodwell, 286. T. T., 119, 124. WUlenhall, Staffs. Biblio. 240. Willes, Mrs. See Goodrest, Berks. Willett, Ralph, 49. Williams, Benjamin Thomas, 392. Bev. Edward. MS. CoUectiona, Present State of 220, 224, 394. Welsh MSS. 396. Isaac J., 393. Sir John. MSS. at Plas Llan CoUection o£ Welsh Stephan, 22. Prints, etc. 392. The Ideal o( a Notes on his Welsh Welsh Nat. Li- Books, etc. in hrary, 392. Nat. Lib. of W. Bep. on Lib. of, in 392. Nat. Lib. of Wales. 392. John Foster. Churchwardens' Parish Registers, etc. of Winches- Accounts of Hampshire, 81, 355, Williams, Joseph Batterson. Hist of English Biblio. Note on Journnlism, 162, 'Berrow's Wore. 367. Journal," 3i4. Beginnings of Engl. Journalism, 367. Moses. Catal, of Books in Proposals for Print- Welsh Language, ing Writings in Weir -"■ 391. rash, 391. Richard. ' Topographicon ' of Biblio. Note on, Montgomery- 393. shire, 172. Robert, Canon of St. Asaph. Selections from Biblio. Note on, Hengwrt MSS. 393. 167. Thomas Webb. Gloue. Mediaeval Wells Cathedral Libraries, 75 Library, 237 Somerset Medifflval Libraries, 230 Sir Thomas Marchant. The Ideal of a Welsh Nat. Library, 392. William Rees. Lancashire Official Lists, 121. William H. Burnham (Bucks) Church Deeds, 319. Williamson, Br. Bdward. Cheshire MS. Collections, 37. Oeorge Chester, 353. Peter, Printerat Edinburgh, 61, 329. William Crawford, 304. Willis, Browne. MSS. in Bodl. iLib. Welsh Cath. Collec- Oxford, 14. tions in Bodl. Lib. 396. Robert. List of Cambridge Collections, etc. 19. Thomas. Sale-Catal. of Irish Books, MSS. etc. 381. Willoughby de Broke, Lord. Documents at Compton Verney, 266. Wills. Handbook to Anc. Courts of Probate, 363. Willson, Edward James, 141, 142. Wilmot, William, 211. Wilson, Albert. The Flora of West Lanes. 123. Charles Heath, 113. Sir Daniel, 61. Edmund. Two Old Plans of Leeds, 309. Rev. James. ter Archdea- conry, 84. Cal. of Deeds at Cal. of Dioc. of TuUie House, Carlisle Charit- Carlisle, 36. able Trusts, 275, Early Registers of 324, Westward, 37, COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 497 Wilson, James, Town Clerk of Hawick, 217. James Holbert, 156, 157. James Maurice, Canon of Worcester, 291. John, of Bromhead, Yorks. 303. John Dover, 188. Sir Matthew. See Eshton Hall, Yorks. Robert, the Historian of Hawick, 217 Robert Introduction of Printing into Scotland, 375. Rev. Sumner, 79. William. Early Literature of Flodden Field, 191. Rev. W. The Trossaclis in Literature, etc. 213. W. ElUot. James Wilson, Town Clerlt of Hawlcli, 217. William Forshaw. Hist, of the Atheneeum, Liverpool, 127. Wilton, Taunton, 229. WUtott, Wiltshire, 286. Chronology of, with Biblio. notes, 286. Wilton House, Wiltshire. Hist. MSS. Comm. Pictures at, Biblio. Rep. on MSS. of Collection, 286. 282. Literary Associa- Biblio. note on Col- tiona, 286. lection at, 286. Wiltshire, 277-286, 344. Abbeys, 284. Acts of Parliament, 278. Bookplates, 281. Brasses, 281. County Records, 282. Dialect, 281. Domesday Biblio. 280. Enclosure Awards, 284. Feet of Fines, 284. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, 282. Institutions, 279. Manorial History, 280. Maps, 278, 281. MS. Collections, 277. Mimicipal History, 280. Natural Science, 284. Newspapers, 344. Parochial Histories, 47, 280. Portraits, 281. Quarter-Sessions Records, 282. Registers (Parish), 284. (Non-Parochial), 284. Romano-Brit. Remains, 280. Terriers, 384. Topographical Collections, 281. Wiltshire {conti Views, 281. Wilts. Archseol. and Nat. Hist. Soc. Indexes to ' Magazine,' 278. Catal. of Lib. at Museum, 278. Catal. of Maps, Drawings, etc. in Lib. 278. List of ' Mullings' Collection, 278, 282. Address by John Britton, 18i9, 279. Address by John Britton, 1853, with ' Queries ' relating to Wilts. 279. Address by John Edward Jackson, 1863, on Wilts. Topography, 279. 'Bibliotheca Wiltonensis,' 280. Catal. of Antiquities in Museum, 281. MSS. of the Society, 282. Documents presented by Miss Hughes, 282. Wilts. County Council. Comm. on Charities and Records, 283. Wiltshire Topographical Society. Britten's Essay on Topog. Literature, 278. History and Publications, 279. Winchcombe, Glos. Cartularies, 332. Winchelsea, Sussex. Parish Registers, 260. Winchester, 83, 84, 333. Borough Records, 80, 83, 84. Brit. Archasol. Assoc. Congress, 147. Cathedral, 83, 84, 333. Records, 83, 84. Early Printed Bishopric Muni- Books in Lib. ments 84, 333. College, 84, 205, 333. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 80. ParishRegisters.etc. of Archdeaconry, 84. St. John's Hospital, 83. Winchester Long Rolls, 84. Windeatt, Edward, 45, 46. Windele, John, 323. Windle, Bertram Coghill Alan, 272. Windsor. Dean and Chapter Records, 12, 319. Lib. of Dean and Chapter, 319. Stuart MSS. at Windsor Castle, 11. Winnington, Sir Thomas. See Stan- ford Court, Worcs. Wiunington-Ingram, A. H. 288. Winship, George Parker. Cabot Biblio. 78. Winsor, Justin, 271. Winstanley, R. 25, 116. Winters, William, 66. Winzet, Ninian, Biblio. of, 378. Wisbech, Cambs. 21. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 20. Museum, 21. K K 498 A HANDBOOK TO Wise, Thomas James. Biblio. of George Biblio. of S. T. Henry Borrow, Coleridge, 238. 180. Witclicraft, 371. Witcliingliam, Norfolk, 178. Witham, Robert Maxwell. See Kirk- connell, Kircudbrightshire. Wivelsfield, Sussex. Parochial Re- cords, 260. Woburn, co. Bedford. MSS. of Duke of Bedford at, 9. Wodelioiise, Edmoud Kobert. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. on MSS. of, 80. Woking'ham, Berks. Borough Records, 13. Wolferstan, Samuel Pipe-, 238. Wolley. MS. Collections for Derby- shire, 38. Wolverhampton, Staffs. Biblio. of, 240. Catal. of Free Lib. Ref. Dept. 343. Wombwell, Sir Oeorg'e. See New- burgh Priory, Yorks. Wood, Alfred, Printer at Huntingdon, 91. Andrew Page, Printer at Hunt- ingdon, 91. Anthony, Antiquary, of Oxford. " iuryey of Anti- quities of Oxford,' 341. MS. Collections in Bodl. Lib. Oxf. 203, 208. Life and Times, by Andrew Clark, 208, 347, 366. Butler, 297. G. W. 94. Life of, 1772, 341. H. M. List of Parochial and Non-Parochial Registers of Durham and Northumb. 36, 195. Wood-Martin, William George, 228. Woodbridge, Suffolk. MS. Materials for Hist, of, 248. Woodchester Monastery, Glos. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 75. Woodcote, Warwickshire, 'Waller' Col- lection at, 339. Woodforde, Kev. A. J. See Ansford, Somerset. Woodhead, Abraham, 294. Woodnoth, John. Cheshire Collec- tions, 27. Woodruff, Rev. Charles Eveleigh, 100-102. Woodstock, Oxon. Borough Records, 210. Woodstock, CO. Kilkenny, MSS. at, 336. Woodward, Samuel. The Norfolk Topographer's Manual, 174. Woof, Richard, 288, 289. Wookey Hole, Somerset, 235. Woolgar, T. MS. Collections for Lewes, 259. Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club. Indexes to 'Trans.' 85. WooUey Park, Yorkshire, MSS. at, 300. Woolley, William, 308. Woolston Hall, Essex. Catal. of Lib- rary, 63. Woolwich, Kent, 104. Biblio. of, 104. Parish Registers, etc. 104. Woolwich District Antiq. Soc. 104. Worcestershire (and Worcester), 286-292, 344, 345. Acts of Parliament, 286. Biblio. by Wore. Hist. Soc. 286. Botany, 286. Brasses, 288. County Records, 289. Domesday Biblio. 287, 288. Ecclesiastical Records, 290. Education, 288. Exhibition, 1882, 288. Folk-Lore, 287. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports. 289. Manorial History, 287. Municipal History, 287. Natural Science, 286, 291. Newspapers, 288, 344. Printing, 286, 288, 389. Quarter-Sessions Papers, 289. Registers (Parish), 290, 344. (Non-Parochial), 291. Romano-Brit Remains, 287. Topographical Collections, 289. Visitations, 390. Worcester. Battle of, 231. Bishops' Registry, 289. Cathedral Charters, etc. 291. Library, 289-291. Corporation Library, 289. Dean and Chapter, 289, 391. Diocesan Archit. & Archseol. Soc. 287. Diocesan Registers, 290, 344. GuUdhall, 288. Monasteries, 291. Municipal History, 287. Museum, 388. COUUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 499 Worcestexshire (and Worcester) {continued). Worcester Icontinued). Newspapers, 344. Pub. Lib. & Hastings Museum, 387, 289. St. Andrew's Church, 289. St. Mary's Priory, 291. St. Swithin's Church, 291. Worcestershire Historical Society. Biblio. of Worcs. Index to Nash's 286. Colleotions,287, Publications, 287. Worden Hall, Lanes. MSS. at, 120. Wordswortli, Canon Christopher. Cartulary of St. Cartularies of Nicholas' Hosi). Wilts. Abbeys, Salisbury. 283. etc. 284. Old Marlborough Landmarks, 285. William, the Poet, 236. Worsley, James Edwardsou, 125. Worth, Bev. Edward, 323. Richard Nicholls. On Plymouth Mun. Anc. Topography of Cornwall, 32. Records, 4S. The Three Towns Bibliotheca, i6. Cal. of Tavistock Parish Records, 46. The West Country Garland, 323, 325. MS. Materials for Cornish Hist. 32. Notes on Printing in Devon, 42. Anc. Reported Topog. of Devon, 42. Cal. of Plymouth Mun. Records, 46. Worthenbury, Flintshire, MSS. at, 69. — Rectory, Fhntshire, MSS. at, 69. Worthing, Sussex. Sussex Maps in Reference Lib. 255. Worthington, Dr. John, 118. Wrangham, Francis, Archdeacon of York, 299. Wray, George Daniel, 26. Wren, Sir Christopher, 154. Wrest Park, Bedfordshire, MSS. at, 9. Wrexham, Denbighshire. Early Books Printed at, 37. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. on Welsh MSS. at, 395. Wright, Andrew, 362. Charles Theodore Hagberg. Sub ject-Index of London Library, 147. . James. Biblio. Note on Hist, of Rutland, 218. ' Joseph. Biblio. in 'Engl. Dialect Diet.' 353. Thomas. Exeter Municipal City of Canterbury Archives, 45. Archives, etc. 99. Records of Win- chester and South- ampton, 83. Wright, William Henry Kearley. Plymouth Public Devonian Litera- Lib. Index-Catal. ture, 41. Ref. Lib. 41. Armada Comme- A Plea for Devon moration, 41. Biblio. 41. Drake in Hist. Song, The Progress of and Story, 41. Devon Biblio. 41. Biog.Noticeof ,with Biblio. List, 325. Wrottesley, Lord, MSS. at Wrottesley, Staffs. 238. Wrozeter (Uriconinm), Salop. Biblio. List of Romano-Brit. Remains at 221, 227. Wyckoff, Charles Trumen, 373. Wycombe(or High Wycombe), Bucks. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 14. Municipal History, 14. State Papers relating to, 15. Borough Charters, 15. Wykeham-Martin, Cornwallis. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. on MSS. of, 282. Philip. See Leeds Castle, Kent. Wyman, Charles William Henry, 158. Wyndham, Henry Fenruddocke, 279, 280. Wynn, Sir Watkin Williams-, 396. Wynne, William Robert Maurice. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. on MSS. of, 395. W. W. E. 167, 168. See also Peniarth, co. Merioneth. Wynnstay, Denbighshire. Montgomeryshire Portraits at, 172. Wyntoun, Andrew of. See Andrew of Wyntoun. Yarmouth (Great), Norfolk. Borough Records, 181. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 177. Dawson Turner Collection, 181. Old Views, 181. Yarrow, Scotland, Ballads, etc. of, 220. Yaxley, Suffolk, MSS. at, 245. Yealmpton Caverns, Devon, 44. Year-Book Bibliography, 360. Yeatman, John Fym, 396. Yorkshire (and York), 293-311, 345. Acts of Parliament, 299. Almanacs, 299. Anthology, 298. Authors, 297. Ballads, 298, 299. Bibho. by William Boyne, 293. Biblio. by J. Horsfall Turner, 293. Biblio. by J. Holden Macmichael, 293. Brasses, 303. Brooke's Collections, 294, 302. 500 A HANDBOOK TO Yorkshire (and York) (continued). Burton's MS. CoUections, 302. Chapbooks, 299. Churchyard Inscriptions, 303. Civil War Tracts, 293. Convocation Records, 303. County Families, 394. County Records, 300. Devon's MS. Collections, 302. Dialect, 296. Dodsworth's MS. Collections, 301, 302. Domesday Bibho. 296. Folk-Lore, 296, 353. Hailstone Collection, 293. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, 300. Horsfall Turner Collection, 295. Hunter's MS. Collections, 302, 303. Jackson Collection, 301. John Camden Hotten Collection, 293. Literature, 299. Manorial History, 295. Maps, 293, 295, 296, 301. ' Merchant Adventurers,' 295, 300. Municipal History, 295. Natural Science, 304, 305. Newspapers, 297, 301. Parish Registers, 303. Paver's MS. Collections, 302. Place-Names, 296. Poets, 298, 299. Portraits, 293. Printing, 293, 297, 298. Proclamations, 299. Romano-Brit. Remains, 296. Science, 345. Sessions Rolls, 300. Smythe Collection, 295. Stansfeld Collection, 294. Topographical Collections, 293, 299. Torr's MS. Collections, 302. Visitation, 1665-66, 295. Walker's MS? Collection, 303. Warburton's MS. Collections, 302. York. Bookbinders, 297. Borough Records, 300. Cathedral Lib. 293, 295, 303. Yorkshire (and York) (eontinued). York {continued). Company of Merchant Adventurers, 395, 300. Dean and Chapter MSS. etc. 300, 303. Hist. MSS. Comm. Rep. 300. Law Students' Society, 301. Lib. of Augustinian Friars, 303. Municipal History, 295. Museums, 296. Printing, 293, 297. Public Library, 293. St. John the Evangelist, 303. Stationers, 297. Yorks. Archit. Soc. 294. Yorks. Archaeol. Soc. Index to 'Jour- Catal. of MSS. in nalj' 293. Lib. 294. Catal. of Library, Account of its 294. Origin and Pro- gress, 294. Yorks. Dialect Soc. 296. Yorks. Philosophical Soc. 296, 300. Yorks. Geol. & Polytechnic Soc. 304. Youghal, CO. Cork. Printing, 30, 323. Young, Arthur. BibUo. of ' Tour in Ireland,' 388. Sir Charles George, 357, 363, 372. John. Address on Hun- Catal. of Western terian Library, Scottish Fossils, 113. 374. Kobert, Printer to Charles I., 375. Robert Magill. Anc. Records of Early Notices of Carrickfergus, 5. Giant's Cause- A Forgotten Belfast way, 317." Evening Paper, 317. William. Glasgow Views, Maps, etc. 109. Zetland. See Orkney and Shetland. Zetland, Earl of. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports on MSS. of, 150, 300. COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHY. 501 ERRATA AND CORRIGENDA. Page 2. Bulloch. 'Chron. List of Aberdeen Newspapers, etc' For 1889 read 188T. Johnson. ' Biblio. of the Shires of Aberdeen, etc' For Johnson read Johnstone. Cust (Sir Lionel). ' Eton College Portraits.' For Sir Lionel read Lionel Henry, and add 1910 as date of book. Roberts (T. C.) The University Press. For T. C. Roberts read S. C. Roberts. 'Index to Trans, of Hist. Soc. of Lanes. & Cheshire.' For 1849-1909 read 1849-1900. Macalister (A. A. Stewart). 'Studies in Irish Epigraphy.' For A. A. Stewart read R. A. Stewart. ' Archdeaconry Court Records at Bodmin,' is by Rev. W. lago. ' Catal. of Books, etc. on Genealogy, etc. Central Public Libraries, New- castleHjn-Tyne. ' For Basil Anderson read Basil Anderton. AUnutt. ' English Provincial Presses. ' For Earliest Printing of Canter- bury read Earliest Printing at Canterbury. Orridge (B. R.) ' The Corporation of London and their Records.' For B. R. Orridge read B. B. Orridge. • ' Kempe's Heraldical & Historical Collections, etc' For Kempe read Kemp. Elliott (H. L.) 'The Parish Registers of Northampton, etc' For Elliott read Elliot. Gross (Charles). ' BibUo. of Brit. Municipal Hist.' For Brigton read Brighton. O'Dowd (D. J.) 'The Cork Magazine, etc' For O'Dowd read O'Donoghue, and for Ibid, read The Irish Book Lover. ' Records of the Glasgow Biblio. Soc' Biblio. of Douglas Moore. For Douglas read Dugald. Halliwell-Phillipps. 'A Catal. of Proclamations, etc. presented to the Chatham Lib. Manchester.' For Chatham Library read Chetham Library. ,,391. ■ Archaeologia Cambrensis.' An Alphabetical Index, etc. By D. Row- land Thomas. For D. Rowland Thomas read David Richard Thomas. „ 395. ' Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports on MSS. in the Welsh Language,' vol. ii. p. lii. 1805. Panton, Cwrtmawr. For 1805 read 1905. „ 403. Balfour, John Alexander, 320. Omitted from Index. '» T. " IS. »» 19. 1» 96. »» 30. »» 33. »» 54. »» 96. )» 152. ») 178. It 187. ,< 253. *» 323. » 336. »» 365. PRINTED BY STRANGEWAYS AND SONS, TOWER STREET, CAMBRIDGE CIRCUS, LONDON, W.C. ■ )(;'■'■ liiilil ; illlii li m?imm ■iiillli^li liiliii ;:j;):: -i',>l> lliiiiiilifli^:^-