iiillllll ipiNt: '^I'^HMtfliMiiuiiiHJNiiiHHiiiiHHi'^itiHittmimtSMmiuiimtlhM^ Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924003982968 iomrtl Urnvmitg pilratg THE GIFT OF J^^S-^U^ .^ c^(\3uo,^. P^O-i-^-vrj-i \^ A^'s\c ft Cornell University Library TJ 1218.H33 Machine building for profit, and the Har 3 1924 003 982 968 MACHINL BUILDING FOR PROFIT AND THE HARTNL5S FLAT TURRLT LATHL 'WM' \^Mi JAML5 HARTNL55 JONLS & LAM50N MACHINL COMPANY 5PRINGFILLD, VLRMONT, U.S.A. 1909 Copyright, 1909, by Jones & Lamson Machine Company MACHINL BUILDING FOR PROFIT AND THL HARTNE55 FLAT TURRET LATHE CONTENTS SECTION I MACHINE BUILDINC FOR PROFIT Economics .... Psycholog)' Birds' Eye View Financial Hazard . Specialization a Necessity Superiority of the Imperfect Largest Proiit per Dollar Invested Principles of Lathe Design Strength and Accuracy of Control Evolution from Whittling to Turning Control of Work and Tool Reduction of Stresses No-clearance and Sharp Edge Tool Chip Breaking Quick Reset of Cutters . Turret Lathe Design Multi-cutter Box Tool and Boring Bar vs. Independent Control by Strength of Entire Machine Control of Path of Cutter through Metal Superiority of Single Slide Scheme of Design Observation of Running Machines \'iews from Various Points .... Importance of Adaptability Extracts from Evolutio?i of the Machine Shop Pages I I I I 17 19 22 26 31 39 39 40 42 46 48 S3 S3 S9 59 63 67.83 75 83 CONTENTS SECTION II THE HARTXKSS FLAT TURRET LATHE Our Record — Introduction — Method of Selling Brief Outline of Machine \\'orking Range Illustrated . Illustrations of Bar Work Illustrations of Chuck Work . Descriptions of Bar Work Equipment Automatic Chuck and Roller Feed Turners and Chip Breaking Turner Automatic Screw Cutting Die I )escription of Machine with Chucking Equipment Examples of Work Automatic Screw Thread Chasing Tool Summary and Distinctive Claims . Details of ( )utfits of Bar Equipment .... 204 Details of Outfits for Chucking Work .... 205 Plans and Floor Space Required . Electric or Covmtershaft 1 )rive Directions for " Setting Up" and Running A'iews of Plants and Traveling Directions Pages 100 104 no 1 12 166 121 121 128 152 161 166 170 139 206 207 208 208 217 -52 MACHINE, BUILDING -^ FOR PROFIT 6>; PSYCHOLOGY HE navigator in preparing for a voyage carefully examines each of his instruments. He must know the present error of his chronometer and its rate of change, and its general reliability as indicated by its past record. He must also know errors in his compasses for each point, and he should have the fullest information regarding the degree of reliability of every other means on which his success depends ; and, last but not least, he must accurately determine his starting point or point of departure. In taking up the subject before us we will do well to follow his example. In doing so, our task will be to examine two principal elements : one, the means on which we depend for interpreting the information that is available ; and the other, the source and character of the information. The means may be considered analogous to the navigator's instruments, and is no less a thing than the brain or mental machinery; and the information is simply the world about us as seen in the existing things, such as machinery, methods, popular notions, text-books, etc., all of which may be classed as environment, and may be considered as analogous to the charts and other publications of our worthy example. MACHINE BUILDINXr FOR PROFIT Like the mariner, we must determine the degree of rehabihty of all these sources of information and our means for interpreting observed facts. W^hen we have ascertained this we will know what allowance to make from the " observed " to get the actual facts. \\ ith this knowledge we will be able to accurately determine both our starting point and best course. The importance of considering our minds will be seen when we realize that every new fact taken in must conform to the ideas which we retain. Contradicting ideas are not assimilated. Only one of them is actually accepted. The ideas already possessed are not easily dislodged. Even when to the objective reasoning they seem false, they frequently continue to control our actions. Since we are loaded with the popular ideas which we have absorbed from our environment, it will be well for us to begin by critically examining our environment and the process by which ideas have been taken in. This will enable us to put out some of the erroneous views, and thus prepare the mind for a more ready acceptance of what otherwise would be barred out as contradictory. \\"e shall not go deeply into the psychology of our subject. It will not be necessary to go contrary to or beyond the well-known facts. We shall not try to locate the man or refer to him as the ego or inner man. We shall simply say that we know that luc can cause our brains to think on any subject, and we can use our senses to collect information regarding any chosen subject. Our senses and mental faculties can be directed to consider one element in a business, and for the moment be unmindful of the many other elements. In other words, we can to a certain extent manage our mental processes. Just as a horse can be managed, so may we manage our brains. A driver may carefully control the expenditure of energy and the course traveled, or he may ECONOMICS throw the reins over the dash and allow the horse to go his own gait and route. A faster pace will not be advocated, for the present ii;ait is over-strenuous ; we hope, howex'er, to point out a way b)- which good results may be obtained with moderate effort. If, in the past, the brain has been found wanting, its failure should not be attributed to lack of power, or any other cause, until we have seen how it has been operated. Under some conditions its interpretations are abso- lutely correct ; in fact, under all conditions that would be called fair in testing other kinds of mechanism. Unfortunately, these conditions have not always existed. Opinions regarding important matters have been formed when accurate mentation has been impossible. Our mental processes are infallible when the problem is siniple, and may be correct when com- plex, providing sufficient time is allowed for reliable operation. Two plus two equals four to every normal adult's mind. We agree on such simple sums and many more difficult, but we begin to have " opinions " when we undertake problems in which there are too many elements for us to "take in" and weigh. Although there is a great difference between the capacities of the various minds for mathematical and other problems, the facts remain that each mind has its natural limit of working range or capacity, and that it cannot be trusted for accurate work beyond its normal working capacity. If the thinking machine is pushed beyond its normal capacity, it becomes untrustworthy. This faulty action would not be of great consequence if we would disregard the conclusions which it has reached under such condi- tions. But unfortunately we go on clinging to these '3 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT opinions, "set notions" and "convictions" just the same as if the process had been infaUible. These opinions constitute our view-point or knowl- edge, and we govern ourselves accordingly in the management of our affairs. Just as we possess the " fixed opinions," " set notions,' etc., regarding the greater problems of life, so we possess a million of set notions regarding the best form of machinery and best methods of conducting a manu- facturing business. Many of these notions ha\-e been acquired without careful thought. They have just been absorbed from our experience and environment. In some cases we may have assumed that someone has previously gi\en the matter proper consideration, and that the existing conditions are the result of their conclusions. As a matter of fact, many of the conditions now existing in the machine shop are the result of allowing old practices to continue after conditions have changed, and this has taken place without the attention of anyone. There is no desire to belittle the opinions of others; in fact, we must depend on others for most of our opinions; but there are so many things that have been left to " others," apparently by everybody, that it is well for us to do some independent thinking, especially on our own immediate problems, and cast a glance at least at some of our notions, just to see if they bear proof of having been thoughtfully produced, or unthinkingly allowed to take form. We can neither regulate the complexity of our environment nor the number of problems which we must settle within a given time, but we can improve the conditions very much by avoiding over-concentration on unimportant details. The brain's best time and energy should be reserved for our own immediate problems ; it should not be hampered by details of others. 14 ECONflMICS The \'arit)us officers of a machinery building organi- zation should know the ins and outs of the thinking machine on which the)' depend for guidance. With such knowledge each brain will gi\'c the greatest results, and without such knowledge the best lorain may be untrust worth)'. One of the important characteristics of the mind is its tendency to lose sight of everything except the subject in mind. One danger is dodged by jumping into another which we ha.\c not seen. Both dangers were plainly in sight to anyone who had not concentrated on one of them. In the regular every-day business life, we seem to have ample time to consider each problem, but in reality our great length of time is offset by a greater number of elements to consider, and a profounder effect of long- continued teaching or moulding of our environment. For years engineers have concentrated energies on the steam engine of the reciprocating type. The master minds have made important improvements in the design, and man)- have given up their entire existence to the science of anal)'zing the effects of each variation in conditions of working the steam. Our text-books, our teaching, our observation, all concentrated our attention on this t)'pe. For some reason Gustav De Laval and C. A. Parsons broke away from this spell, and we haxe the steam turbine engine. These two individuals are endowed with master minds, but the task of producing the turbines was probably no greater than the task of others in improving the reciprocating type. In one case a great step has been taken ; in the other, we have an example of men of undoubted ability laboring hard for entire lifetimes with relatively small gain. This example applies to more than the inventors' world. It has many parallels in the cold business MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT management of a manufactory or one of its departments. Business management requires the same kind of reason- ing and getting awa)' from the spell of environment. But this phase we shall consider later under another head. The point to be brought out here is the effect of the spell of environment in magnifying the importance of existing views and methods, and the deceptive part this trusty brain plays in binding us to unnecessarily hard work. The tendency of the mind to see only one thing at a time, is at once most valuable and most menacing. It is valuable because it enables us to forget all but one subject, when we wish to concentrate our energies ; and it is most menacing when this concentration is continued too long, to the neglect of other subjects. One example of the unreliability of the normal mind is its proneness to accept as true almost any statement that is repeatedly uttered. Advertisers know this. We rebel when they overwork the method, but nevertheless the main fact is true, that we are swayed by reiterated statements. This peculiarity of the mind to be influenced by repeatedly uttered thoughts is only an example of the many ways in which our en^'ironment affects our views. Our political and social views usually conform to those of our family or section of the country and world. We generallv accept as good and right almost any long-existing condition of affairs. Of course, we may dissent more or less, but the normal man does not get very far away from the effects of his environment. Another characteristic of the mind is its inclination to concentrate on some apparently self-selected subject of the most trivial nature. This concentration may not be consciously entered into ; it may not appear to be intense, but it partially or wholly inhibits the view of other i6 KCONOMK.'S subjects. It usuall)' magnifies the subject in mind and makes all others appear very small or of little consequence. All this may seem very tri\-ial and of little signific- ance to the man in the machine shop or office, but it is not tri\ial. If the principle is understood and used it will reduce the effort required for a given result. All will assent to the importance of the subject ; some ma)' agree with the statements, but it must be borne in mind that no good results will come from simply agreeing. In fact, there seems to be good reason for believing that the mere mental acceptance of a truth does not constitute useful knowledge. The mental acceptance vmdoubtedly precedes the full useful assimilation of the facts, but it does not produce a change in the actions until it is fully assimilated. The unsuccessful may know as much as the successful — the difference is in their use of their knowledge. In the succeeding chapters an effort will be made to indicate some of the important points to be considered. There will be no attempt to tell anything new. The main object is to urge action along lines that are known to all to be the best and to do so b)' stating well-known facts in a way that will give the fundamental principles due proportion without eclipsing any important phase. BIRDS' EYE VIEW- RELEASE FROM THE SPELL OF ENVIROXAIENT We can get a birds' eye view of our field by imagin- ing a view-point of an entire stranger. If we, as a stranger, should enter any of our representative machinery building plants, we should do so with a profoundly respectful mental attitude. We would undoubtedly show a full appreciation of the fact that the machine shop has been a means for betterment 17 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT of all the conditions of life. W'e would know that the printing presses, the machinery for agriculture, our looms, and, in fact, everything that is a machine, or the product of a machine, is the direct result of the work of the machine shop ; that without the machine shop there would be no printing, no machine-made cloth, no machine- formed wood, no mechanical means for transportation ; in fact, none of the material things that ha\'e made the last century a record breaker. With such knowledge, our respectful, yea worshipful, attitude would seem most fitting. It is not for us to say one word to detract from the credit due to these makers of machinery. Even in seeing the results of their labor accredited to others, we know that it is so well marked with the real builders name, that they can continue their work of making history, apparentl)' disregarding the fact that the world's laurels go to others. Our profound admiration for the machinist would not be lessened by our knowledge that the machinist deals with ideals only when the)' are practical ; that " heaven born inventors "' have no chance for success if lacking in earthly knowledge ; that the engineer deals in material things, and must make things "go." The engineer may have his ideals, but they must stand the test of reduction to practice. In the machine shop the material and practical tests are applied to every ideal. No beautiful theory can live without some other characteristic than beauty. All of these facts would not disturb us. We would still be deeply impressed by the real material greatness of the machinery building world. As a stranger we might be interested to know the prime motive which established the business. By inquiry we might find several reasons : Man's natural industry- — his desire to make a machine of some kind, iS ECONOMICS ov to build up a large business for the glory of it, or from some altruistic moti\'L'S, — and it is possible, yea probable, that we would discover the ruling incentive to be the desire for the so-called worldly gain ; but whatever might ha\-e been the motive, we would know that it could not succeed without correct economic management. The birds' eye view then would reveal the importance of the economic side ; that in order to carry out any plan based on any of the \'arious incentives, the problem of profit and loss must not take second place. It would seem childish to make such commonplace statements if the facts before us were not so full of proof that many of the officers, foremen and workmen, as well as owners, sometimes forget this important fact. It is neither necessary nor desirable that every one should take an active part in the general man- agement of the business, but since various workmen, foremen and officers are the real authorities who decide the character of the machine equipment of a plant and the general methods of work, it is necessary from the profit and loss side of the question that all should know something more about this question than is generall}- known. FINANCIAL HAZARD The money invested in a business is secure if the management is active on the best lines for the time. The best plan of management cannot be obtained from history. The vast store of data of correct practice of former times will not serve the purpose. A record of the practice of even the last decade is inadequate, for rules of the game are continually changing. The investment in a machine building plant and business is not wholly protected by fire-proof buildings 19 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT and ultra-conservative management. The security must be protected by conducting the business on profitable lines. Safeguarding the money tied up in machinery ecjuipment and buildings is important but should not lessen the consideration of elements which have to do with the expense of operating. A plant and business is useless when not in motion, and when under headway requires money. Money must be poured into it steadily. The amount every year generally equals the total capital in the business. Much time and energy have been consumed in careful consideration of the cost of the plant, but not enough thought has been given to the money tied up in the business in other ways. SOME OF THE CONDITIONS THAT AFFECT THE HAZARD The hazard of investment is enhanced because the investors are inclined to be over-sanguine in starting in or in considering any new move. Frequently the investors do not understand the practical side. The practical men do not understand the financial, and even when financial and practical men combine, the combination of their knowledge is not perfect. There are man)' important elements omitted. There is alwa)'s a feeling that now we have arrived at a time when it will pay well to go deeply into greatest refinement in shading the last mill of the last cent on labor cost of this or that piece, by the introduction of some marvelous line of machine tools. This is a case where Hope triumphs over Experience ; for surely the world is not 3'et finished. There are a few changes that must yet be made. ECONOMICS All the machines are not yet to the last stage of perfection ! If we stake our faith on this or that as a "sure thing," we ma}' discover some fine morning that our " sure thing" is a back number. Of course, we know that under some conditions we can continue to make and sell a thing that is a back number man)- years, providing we keep up our organized work for new business ; bvit this period should be used in getting ready for a change; it should not be frittered away. Much time is required to get out a new product or to modify the old. The perfect machine may be the one that is to be tried next ^\'eek, or one that has been running a few weeks or months or years. The optimist thinks it is his own machine, and the pessimist that it is the machine built by his competitors. The capital invested in the business is not safe if such erroneous notions are allowed to affect the management. Perhaps it is the beneficent law of nature that people are slow to reject back numbers. Surely it has saved many a wreck in the past among builders of machinery, although it has undoubtedly been rather disastrous for the users of the back numbers, and equally beneficial to any of their competitors who may have been non-users of said back numbers. Danger also lurks in pessimism, whether it relates to the character of the product or the permanency of the market. When we are over-sanguine we are inclined to forget what we have been taught by experience. Experience has taught us that the only perfect machine is the one we do not fully know. The kind of forgetfulness that produces the optimist is preferable to that which produces the pessimist, but neither produces the true view. MACHINE liUILDIXC FOR PROFIT If in the past we have found it desirable to make changes in our machine design and method of manufac- ture, it is probable that we will do so again. The "perfect" machine will be found wanting in some respects, and alterations will be necessary ; there- fore, the business will be more secure if all moves are made with this fact in mind. THE GREAT VALUE OF SPECIALIZATION THE HAZARD OF DISSIPATION OF ENERGIES r We find two extreme types of men in the optimist and pessimist. Either one is better than the man who vacillates between these extremes. Over-confidence in one's own product is not wholly bad, and, if it induces an adherence to that one thing to the exclusion of other schemes, it may bring good results even if the scheme is niore or less faulty. A faultily designed machine, well made, may be better than a poorly made machine of good design. It takes practice to produce good work, and the sticking to it gives the practice. In the pessimist we have one who is ever-ready to lose faith in it as soon as he finds it is faulty. This procedure leads to dodging from pillar to post, and frequently from the frying pan into the fire.- The wavering faith in any one machine generally results in the addition of one after another and the retention of all. This proceeding dissipates the attention, and no one machine receives the development that comes from undivided attention. But whether the lack of constancy tends toward a variety of types or an unnecessary increase in number of sizes; of a given machine, it is invariably excused by the assertion that there is not enough business in a lesser number. This statement is frequently made, when it is ]'.(;( iN( ).\i ii;s common knowledge that there are from six to fift\' makers who are making the same range. Monc)' invested in a machinery buikhng plant is not \'erv safe if there is a tendency to sc|uander the energies over too man\' problems. We ha\e seen that there is a tendency to increase the number of machines manufactured, which is due to the readiness with which the ax'crage man accepts a new machine as better than the old. He knows the faults of the old, and he does not know all of the faults of the new. The manufacture of a great Aariet\- of machines in response to a demand by the selling organization of a company is a relic of other days. Our notions about methods for selling must be changed over to fit the modern scheme. They must be kept up-to-date. There are some very successful large companies which turn out a large varietA', but even the large companies are trying to reduce their line of machinery, and to " specialize." Their success will depend on whether they lead or follow in ef^cient specialization. The survival of the fittest will eliminate all, except- ing specialists or groups of specialists. The largest plants may continue by concentrating a battery of specialists on both the business and mechanical side of each subject, the necessary degree of subdivision depending on the competition, for the combined force on one given machine must be the largest in order to be the most efificient. The great variety or full line of machines seems to be a necessity from the mercantile point of view, but it is a woeful handicap to progress and profit to the manufac- turing plant. The market conditions must be met, but it is best to know the disastrous effect of making just one more size or another line. 23 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT The entire cost of conducting a macliine building business may be lowered by simply continuing along with the same men. This applies to the entire organization, from the workmen to the salesmen. Changes should be made to keep up a wholesome spirit of progress. Men should be advanced from position to position as the opportunities afford and their endowments allow. Others unfortunately must be dropped out from the organization ; but both the advancements and the weeding out must be carefully considered. AMBITION MANIA Advancements cannot be made to meet the require- ments of this age of over-stimulated ambition. We preach that every boy born in this country may stand an equal chance for every position from the Presidency down. Young men are told to study and qualify for great things. This is good kind of preaching — it is the kind that should be heeded, — but in some instances it is taken into the mind as meaning that every one is endowed for this or that great position. Then the ambition becomes the predominating idea, and the work of preparation is secondary. Then the individual fails to measure up his own qualifications. Then he becomes obsessed with an idea of his fitness for things greater than nature ever intended ; thus he gets beyond a condition of usefulness to an organization, and should be dropped out with the disgruntled. It is one of the tragedies of life that we should try to prevent, but should never postpone. Ambition should exist, but it should not be the sole qualification for promotion. 24 ECONOMICS The management's chief business should be to. take men as they are found on eartli ; mould as much as possible, and place each one where he will accomplish the best results for both the ori^'anization and the individual. Barring the disgruntled, the uncongenial and the habitually inattentive, almost all men may be and should be profitabh' employed, the prime requisite being reason- abh- close attention to business. The thoughts must not habitually wander away from the work. The intrigue disappears when the management cjuits looking for it, and assures everybod)-, by the general method of conducting the business, that there will be no chance to oust this or that man; that each man will be retained in his place if he will but give reasonable application to the general interest of the organization and the particular work of his office. The management does not " manage " if it per- petually changes its men. It should bolster up the man who lacks self-confidence ; it should puncture false ambitions, and it should use men as they are found in the organization. It should not be inclined to " go back on " a man who has blundered or who has been found lacking in understanding. It should not be over-ready to embrace a stranger just because his faults are not known. The financial hazard of a business enterprise is greatly minimized by using men as they are found, and properly placing them at work or in ofiices for which they are qualified. MACHINE BUILDING KOR PROFIT SUPERIORITY OF THE IMPERFECT FINANCIAL HAZARD DUE TO LACK OF CONFIDENCE IN PRODUCT What has been said regarding the optimist, the pessimist and the vacillating man, from the designing and manufacturing point of view of a machine business, applies with ecjual force to the business organization. The business is pushed forward by men who have confidence in the project and in the product. If these men lose their faith in their own business, they not only lose their usefulness as pushers and managers, but they become drags on the industry, and remain so until restored to normality. The hazard of investment is greatly increased by such conditions. Instances without number have been observed in which men who have been successful have become unsuccessful through loss of confidence due to acquiring the " dangerous half-knowledge." The man who has acquired the dangerous half- knowledge should take a post-graduate course in some institution where men are treated by all the most powerful agencies known to science. There may be no institution of this kind in existence, but the great need \\ill doubtless bring the establishment of many. The men who have lost faith in their own machinery should be told that no compan)- can survive the effects of weak-kneed advocates. Any company is better for a certain amount of aggressive competition. An\- company can stand more or less opposition from its friends the enemy, but no company can continue to exist under the blighting effects of one who has lost his confidence. The post-graduate course for restoration of the near- wise man should include educational means of all kinds. 26 ECONOMICS The means should be especially adapted to the need of each St violent or patient. There should be a phonograph in each room, which should work all night and all day. This machine should repeat over and over a few short sentences like the following: " The only perfect machine is the one you do not know^" " Study the machines offered by your competitors, just to get the same degree of knowledge of the 'other' machines — not for the purpose of slandering or even mentioning — but just to restore your confidence in the relative value of your own machine." " Don't try to get back your belief that your own machine is perfect — that has gone forever — only look at the other machines and learn that your own is the best." This kind of confidence will not be as exuberant but it will have efficiency in the cold gray world in which you are to again try your strength. CONFIDENCE IN EXISTING THINGS The new confidence acquired by this treatment is born of a knowledge of the superiority of existing things — things that may not be perfect but are nevertheless best. This treatment will forcibly impress on the mind that every machine requires a complete organization, which combines and includes the inventor, the business managers, the manufacturing officers, and last, but not least, the men who do things, the workers in every department, and on every detail of the work necessary for the construction, shipment, and operation of the product. The inventor may have had almost complete knowl- edge regarding the best way to make each part, just how each fit should be made, and just how the machine should 27 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT be operated under each combination of conditions, but it is more probable that the inventor never had all this wonderful knowledge. If he knew all this, it would be of value providing he had some perfect wa}' of imparting his knowledge to each individual worker. We know, however, that this is impos- sible, e\'en with the most thoroughly organized companies. It takes years to get each piece made as it should be made, even with no change of design, and this is not accomplished by any other process than continuous practice, which is only acquired by making these pieces. The quality and speed of production increase with this experience, and are not acquired without it. The art of assembling and operation of the machine is developed in the same way. There are other means that facihtate, but nothing that takes the place of practice. The knowledge of the machine must be not only in the inventor's head ; it is not even enough to have it thoroughly known by all the officers, including foremen. It must be patiently transmitted to the real workers. A wonderful invention is only of material value when it has been in active use long enough for many men to have acquired knowledge regarding it, and skill in production of its various parts, assembling and operating. It may have a prospective value, and that may be something salable, but the point to be made clear is, that real material ^•alue of an invention is not realized till it is used. To have it used requires more than the inventor's vision, and more than the drawings and specifications ; it must be given form and use. A machine is a combination of the original idea with many subsequent ideas which have been added to it by continuous application. These subsequent ideas are supplied by the men who do things, who make and use the machine. These ideas do not show in the general ■ design, but they are there in fact. They represent ideas ECONO.\riCS as to proper fit of this or that part, of the advantage of easing this or that bearing at this or tliat place. They represent the accumulation of the ideas regarding proper tension for each adjustment, and thousands of other points that may or may not have been anticipated by the inx'cntor, and probably could never have been known by any other process than that worked out by actual thought combined with experience in the construction and use of the in\ention. After receiving this treatment, one would go forth with a knowledge that the inventor, the officers, and mayhap the foreman, taken all together, do not and can- not make a successful machine or business witliout this supplemental work or ideas that come from actual work of all workers. This new kind of knowledge should not take away a man's courage; on the contrary, it gives him true sense of value of existing, " going " things. With this knowl- edge he can confidently and earnestly push a machine that is the product of a good organization. He will know the great value of much experience and practice of each of the man\f men in the organization. He will neither kill the business by half-hearted endorsement, nor increase the hazard of investment by urging this or that modifica- tion, or by this or that machine being added to the line already too great. The in\ention, the organization, the proper direction of the business, are essential to success, but without that organization which is only obtained by actual, thoughtful experience of the men who do things, all the knowledge and industry of the leaders are utterly useless. This new kind of confidence, gained by this treat- ment, is the kind that has the greater faith in the existing and running things than in the claims for something that has not had the development of practice. It is the confidence that knows that the right fundamental ideas 29 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT and the policy of " sticking to one thing " will accomplish the best results. This is not a doctrine of optimism that holds there is no inferior machine. The " best " implies the existence of the inferior. In nearly all lines there are many grades from the best to the \\'orst, but the loss of faith in the relative value of a machine is most commonly due to a lack of full knowledge of the other types, and it is this kind of loss of courage, confidence, or whatever it may be, that this chapter is intended to offset. pr()(;ress should be made— but with full knowledge (3f eacts New schemes or new in\'entions may be full of promise but cannot be realized without the various elements which include the man and his persistent industr\' in organizing as well as inventing — in manu- facturing and selling as well as promoting. Belief in the superiority of existing things is not a barrier to real progress; it is not a submission to the spell of environment. It is simply an appreciation of an important fact. Progress should be made subject to this fore-knowledge. The spell of environment that should be exorcised away is not the spirit of progress — it is the group of fvinda- mentally erroneous ideas regarding values of \'arious methods of manufacture, general conduct of business and principles of machine design. Here are a few of the errors : Anything new must be good. " Tinker & Change Machine Tool Company are bringing out a new model. It's a wonder worker." [Said company seldom make two lots alike.] " Experience in manufacture and use of a new machine is of value, but not essential to its success." ECONOMICS " The talk of profit of a business should be in whispers. It is against the welfare of the workers." [As if good wages or salaries could be paid by an unprofit- able enterprise.] "The idea that specialization of the processes for producing machines is harmful to the machinist trade because it tends to simplify and make less difiicult the production of certain kinds of work." [As if it were to the ad\antage of the machinist to be forced to work with poor implements, when in other plants, cities and countries, good tools are being furnished to each man — tools which enable each man to do the best work of which he is capable in the most favorable circumstances — methods of specialization which take the ordinary work away from the extra good workman and supply him with high-class work wholly, making his return the greatest, and making it possible to pay him good wages. As if it were possible to pay good wages when good men are required to do medium work, and all men on account of inferior tools are handicapped in their production. As if these questions of profit were not of vital interest to e\'ery worker and officer, as well as owners.] The group of persisting erroneous ideas regarding machine design is so large and so strong that a summary would fail to serve any good purpose ; there- fore, no attempt will be made here to even outline these ideas, but some of these will be fully treated in some of the later chapters. It is hoped that each reader will make an effort to get laack to nature in surveying the field. LARGEST PROFIT PER DOLLAR INVESTED One of the most satisfactory policies of management is that which tends toward getting the best return or profit per dollar of investment. MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT We shall not refer to the quality of the product, the design, or any other elements which affect the good name and standing of the business, for it goes without saying that no business can be maintained where these are disregarded, but the point to be brought out here is that, these things being equal, the best scheme of management for profit is one that puts the capital where it will do the most good. The above statement is one with which all will agree, but strangely enough there has been a tendency to tie up capital in ways that actually throttle the output of the entire business. Furthermore, this is frequently done by increasing the portion of the investment that is irrevocably tied to the existing product, thus not only reducing the earning power of each dollar invested, but also increasing the hazard by tying the capital to the present product which soon may be unsuited to the market demand. One of the most common errors in this respect is the one that regards the reduction of the labor cost as the paramount consideration. Reduction in labor cost has been the war cry. The labor bill has been talked about so much that it has seemed to become the whole thing. A man who declares that the labor cost per piece is not the most important element is at once branded as an advocate of old-fashioned methods. It is needless to give assurance that there is no intention to disregard the labor cost. The net cost per piece is a very important element, but it should neither eclipse the question of profit per dollar invested, nor the risk of the capital tied up. What is the gain if the means for reduction of the net labor cost reduces the profit more than the saving in labor? If doing so results in an actual loss of profit, why is it done.? ECONOMICS We can readily see that the over-hopeful managers may disregard the risk of the money invested, but we cannot see why the relative importance, or rather unim- portance, of the labor cost should be so disregarded. The machinery usually called " machine tools " determines the more or less fixed character of the plant. There is a constant change being made in its character, but the controlling spirit may be right or wrong from the economic standpoint. It is in these changes that the scheme of manage- ment has a chance to greatly affect the earning power of the entire business. If too large a proportion of the total available capital is tied up in the machine equipment, the business is handi- capped. There is a right amount which bears a certain relation to the total required to carry on the enterprise. With a given amount of capital for machine tool equipment, the output of the plant will be seriously throttled if the net cost of labor per piece machined is allowed to become the controlling element. At the present time the various machine tools which are being offered for a given class of work are very unlike when compared on the basis of output per dollar of their cost. This is no standard of measure that bars out any particular type. It seems to hit both the new and the old. For instance, it hits the automatic lathes on large work because their output in this line of work is low. Such machines are usually installed on account of the saving, or apparent saving, in the labor cost of machining — the mistake being made by overlooking the throttling effect of using up the capital available in low- efificiency machines. Such reduction in the total plant output makes a reduction in the profit that is frequently many times the size of the saving in labor. 33 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT The standard engine lathe is also a low-efficiency machine when measured by the foregoing standard. It has one redeeming feature, however, that is not possessed by the automatic machines: it does not require a lot of special tools. It is an adaptable machine, while the automatic is an inadaptable, when its special tools are considered. With the highly specialized automatic turret lathe, and the all-around utility tool, the engine lathe, both barred out, it will be seen that the net labor cost may be low or high with the low-efficiency machines. Therefore, this standard of measure should not be considered as tied to either high or low labor cost. The practice of disregarding the profit, when con- sidering changes in machine tool equipment, is the natural outgrowth of the separation of the mechanical and the business departments. The changes in the equipment are usually deter- mined by the mechanical department, and this is done with particular regard for the quality of work and the cost per piece. The relation between the profit and the net labor cost is not considered. The cost of the product of the average plant may be divided into three nearly equal parts: the material, the labor and the burden; or, in four equal parts, if a reason- able interest charge is made for the use of the capital invested. The material is the iron, steel and other material that enters into the construction of the machine, and it is taken in the condition in which it usually comes to the machine shop. The burden includes all expenses and salaries necessary for the maintenance of the business. About one-half the amount paid for labor goes to the men who run the machine tools. Therefore, the cost of 34 ECONOMICS machining is either one-sixth or one-eighth of the total cost. On top of the net cost of the product there should be a profit. If it is not there, the sooner something happens the better. If it is there, then it is proportioned to the volume of the output. Therefore, both the size of the output and the labor cost should be kept in mind. The size of the profit per unit of output is not generally known to the mechanical departments, but if it is not known, there is no reason for their being unin- formed as to the importance of large output for cost of the plant. It is needless to say that there is undoubtedly a place for the automatic turret lathe and the standard engine lathe, but we wish to emphasize that both are frequently misplaced. We all know that ultimately automatic machines will replace many or all of the hand-operated machines, and that there will be very few operations beyond the reach of the automatic machines ; but in the present state of the art and crudity of design, the so-called automatics are ill-adapted to meet the economic requirements excepting on small work of manu- facturing, which is generally outside of the machinery- building equipment. The automatic has its field in the duplication of small pieces which are required in endless numbers. Either an increase in the size of the work, or a reduction of number of pieces, changes the work from automatic to hand-operated turret lathe or engine lathe. The dividing line will be more definitely understood when we have considered a few of the elements which enter into the problem. The engine lathe is for work under 20 inches diameter, in the laboratory, the small tool room, the frontier machine shop, or small machine shop, and it is MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT the proper machine for larger work, which it shares with the vertical boring mill. This division of work leaves out the principal lathe work under 20 inches in diameter in the average machine- building plant. The effect of using the automatic beyond its present field not only increases the capital tied up in machine tools for a given output, but it also ties up an extra amount of capital in stock in process of construction. CAPITAL IN STOCK IN PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTION The amount of capital tied up in raw material, supplies, stock in process and finished product should not be greater than that which is necessary to get the greatest output per dollar of investment. In the machinery-building world there is no such thing as a steady, long-lived demand for any machine, hence the proposition to build a locomotive or an automobile or printing press by methods employed in watch or sewing machine manufacture, is entirely ill-timed at least. For this reason the stock in process must not be considered insufficient if it appears to be on the hand-to- mouth plan. The dividing line between excessive and insufificient stock must be drawn in each individual case. Raw material should be purchased in reasonable quantities, with due regard to the price which varies with quantities, but there should always be a regard for the amount of capital used for this purpose. Any excess is that much risked unnecessarily in the business. There should be a constant supply of material throughout the entire work. The stock in process should flow through the plant in a rapid, thin stream, but with 36 ECONOMICS no greater quantity than absolutely necessary to insure a steady supply for all of the workers, including the assembling and selling workers. An excessive stock of this or that piece, or of all pieces, means that much capital idle, and it also tends to slackness of management. Frequently it is the outcome of carelessness. A plant will run without management if given lati- tude in the amount of stock carried in raw material, in work in process, and in finished product. No great care need be taken in purchase of material or in putting in the shop orders. Just hurry forward the stock that " happens " to be " out," and at the same time allow the accumulation of the unneeded stock to go on unchecked. It is no uncommon sight to see this all going on under the same management. Immense storerooms for keeping finished stock are shown with pride, unmindful of the fact that every dollar's worth of unnecessary stock on the shelves in the stock room, every dollar's worth of unnecessary work in the plant, represents idle money and faulty management. If this money is to be retained in the business, it should be put into changing over the system to one which will conform to the plan of putting the money where it will bring the best return. The excessive stock in process is an outcome of blind progressiveness — the blindness that fails to see that there is as much money tied up in stock in process and in finished product as there is in the entire machinery equipment. An adaptable equipment facilitates keeping down the amount tied up in stock in process. The modern plant should take advantage of these modern methods 37 MACHIXE BUILDING FOR PROFIT and machines which tend toward profitable use of capital. Such machines are highly developed and true to the controlling ideal of adaptability and largest out- put per dollar of investment. 38 LO-mmi II J 1 II fL II JT. II ir 11 ST ij IT II TT n T T || 11. i | 11 [| fri rr zjLir CONTROL OF WORK AND TOOL STRENGTH OF MACHINE HE implement used in building ma- chinery should be the best when measured by the following standard: a. The machine should have the greatest efficiency in turning out work when measured by the output per dollar invested in the machine. d. It should produce the work at a reasonably low labor cost (but under no pretext should a machine be used that throttles the output or effects its savings in labor at the greater loss of profit), c. It should be con- veniently adaptable to present and probable future needs. d. It should be conveniently operable. .;•. Its product should be true in shape and size. /. It should con- veniently set for duplicate work. The requirements should be fulfilled under the existing conditions. These conditions include the quality and quantity of work, the characteristics of workmen and present conditions of plant. We will now consider some of the elements which are essential in a machine to bring it within the foregoing standard. The lathe, of course, is nothing more than an implement which has evolved from the simple implements of the stone and copper age, and the early days of the 39 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT present iron age. It has not reached a state of perfection in design. Tlie evolution is still going on under the effect of changing conditions and with the aid of greater skill and knowledge of man. The general trend of the evolution is forward towards a better implement, but some of our changes have been retrograde. Backward steps, when recognized, have tended to make conservative people still more inert. Hence, we have today many examples of implements ranging from the good old style but obsolete machine to the one built to meet the present-day conditions. The edge tools, such as knives and chisels, were in use before the introduction of machines. These were guided and pushed through the material by hand. Other edge tools were used in the form of the axe and the hammer-driven chisel, but we shall confine our attention to the development of the tools which were pushed with a fairly steady motion. These tools took a longer or more continuous shaA'ing than the axe or hammer-driven chisel, and this process of taking a continuous shaving is the one that has evolved into the turning process of the present lathe. In its original and simplest form it is whittling or carving. The shaving taken by this process, although more continuous than the chip of axe or driven chisel, is nevertheless short compared with the possible shaving or chip of the lathe. We speak of "chip" of the axe or lathe tool and " shaving " of a sharp knife. Shaving, perhaps, primarily conveys the impression of a thin cutting, that is, a cutting that is thin compared with other cuttings, but it is also used to express a continuous chip or cutting regardless of its thickness in relation to other cuttings, for it is always a shaving when compared with the work from which it has been taken. 40 PRINCIPLES OF LATHE DESICN In St) far as chip means a short cutting, and a shaving a comparatively continuous cutting, these terms are full of significance. Generally speaking, all cuttings should be taken off in thick, continuous shavings, and never in short, broken or crushed chips. Chips are the product of either intermittent action or blunt tools which crush instead of cut. In whittling, the edge of the cutter is forced and guided through the work by hand. Generally the work is held in one hand and the knife in the other hand. The skill and strength with which the cutting edge is impelled determine the output or efficiency of the man and implement taken as a whole. The efficiency of the whittling process is very low, because the shavings are taken intermittently and under no accurate control as to depth. The w^ork is reduced to coiTCct size by continuing to remove shaving after shaving till the required size has been produced. This is necessary even in grainless material, because it is beyond the strength and skill of man to control the edge with satisfactory accuracy. Machines were devised to obtain a better control of the w^ork and implement. These machines made it possible to take a continuous instead of the intermittent shaving; furthermore, they controlled work and cutter so unyieldingly that the cutting edge could be forced along a path that would remove all, or nearly all, in one cut, instead of taking many cuts. The only reason for taking more than one cut was the lack of strength of driving power or the frailness of the machine or the work, or the unsatisfactory surface left by heavy cutting. We have reviewed the evolution of the machine for turning for the purpose of setting forth the real object of the lathe. It is another attempt to get back to first 41 >rACHIXE BUILDINC FOR PROFIT principles in order to see the subject unhampered by our knowledge of lathe design. By the foregoing analysis we may deduce that a lathe is nothing more than a conveniently operable machine for imparting and controlling the motion of the work and tool so as to cause the tool edge to pass along a true path, cutting light or heavy chips with the least flinching or deviation from the desired path, so that the piece of work will be given the desired size and shape. Heretofore any means for such control was con- sidered satisfactory without much regard for the time required to produce an accurately machined piece of work, but today the time required to produce a given result is one of the chief measures of value of a lathe. It must give accurate results quickly. Since the accuracy or quality of product, and the speed or quantity of output, are more or less intercon- vertible, it will be understood that the best machine is the one that gives the greatest output of satisfactory product. The convenience of controlling the operation of the machine, including getting requisite speeds and feeds, will be considered elsewhere. We will now consider the means for obtaining the largest accurate output. The largest output recjuires the kind of cutting that will remove the metal quickly — the limiting elements being the heat generated by cutting, which is more or less in proportion to the metal removed ; the lack of stability of the machine for control of work and tool, and the frailness of the work. Just as the earliest lathes were made to furnish a more exact and stronger control of the cutting edge, so each succeeding machine has been built for effecting a gain in this direction. The accuracy of the control of the path of the tool through the metal depends on the accuracy of the machine. 42 PRINCIPLKS OF LATHE DESK IN' The N'clocity witli which it is capable of removing the metal with a given degree of accuracy depends on the strength of the machine, the power of its drive, and the character of the cutting edges. In the process of whittling, only sharp edges were used because the strength of the unaided hand and arm were comparatively low. Keen tools were also used in hand-turning in the lathe, but the blunt-edge tools came into existence with the slide rest lathe. The slide rest provided an accurate guide for the cutting tool along the rectilineal lines and gave a com- paratively unflinching control of the position of the tool in the work, that is, the control was considered unflinching when compared with the control of hand turning ; but as lathes continued to evolve, the demand for higher efficiency in quantity of output without a lowering of the standard of quality became imperative, and the entire lathe grew into a machine for still better control. So that the lathes of today are very much stronger than the early slide rest, and just as these lathes are better than the earlier forms so there is a difference today between these modern lathes. The comparative control of the work and tool remains one of the real principal measures by which machines should be valued. Although the art of lathe design is still in a crude stage, the problem for introducing improvements is not as simple as it might appear on the surface. For instance, a lathe cannot be strengthened by merely increasing the size of its parts. These cannot be increased indefinitely any more than it is possible to strengthen a bridge by increased weight of its parts. The stiffer control comes almost wholly by improve- ment in design, but, notwithstanding the crudity of the art at present, the difficulty of improving control seems to become greater each succeeding step. 43 -MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT In all such work we must maintain or improve quality and increase the quantity of output of product, the convenience of manipulation, and we must maintain or improve all other features that make a lathe that " pays," that is, the design must be one that will be best when measured by the economic conditions of today. These conditions must be met both in building and using the lathe. Regarding the stability of control, we have found all lathes lacking on the average run of work. Of course, a lathe designed for turning fiy-wheels would not be lacking in strength when working on some frail shell, but such extremes should not obscure the actual conditions of the regular run of work in which the lack of control of the path of the tool edge through the metal is due mostly to the weakness of the machine. In the use of the terms strength and weakness, in reference to tool and work control, there is no intention to imply general frailty or lightness of the machine. On the contrary, the heaviest machines for a given class of work are frequently the most unreliable, and, in many cases, they are actually the weakest. The weakness may be due to faulty design — it may be in only one of the links that connect the work and tool — it may be a slide which is too frail to hold its gibs, or one that is provided with gibs which do not take the stress squarely, or a slide which must take its load at a disadvantage. Great weight, and especially when coupled with great swing, in a lathe usually means a corresponding weakness not strength, and great swing always means unreliability for precise control. Strength of control means that strength which keeps the tool following a true path, with the very slightest devia- tion each side of that true path. A heavy machine, or a lathe of large capacity, may be capable of taking a cut ten 44 I'RINCIPLES OF I.ATHE DESIGN times larger than any cut that can l^e taken by a smaller machine, and yet it may be greatly inferior in control of path of tool within the fine limits of deviation. The heavy lathe does not begin to resist the deviation of the tool from the true path till it has gone vevy wide of the perfect line. Nevertheless its capacit)' to take the bigger chips has gi\'en it the reputation of being the stronger machine. The big machine does not possess the unflinching strength — it flinches excessively before all the slackness of its joints has been taken up by the stress, and it flinches also from no other cause than its long-distance control, due to its greater swing or perhaps faulty design. It seems impossible to provide the necessary movenients of the work and tool in relation to each other without the introduction of joints or parts which yield under stress on the average run of work. Other features being equal, the best machines are those which give the best control of the cutting tool in the metal for a given result. Machines made exclusively for heavy turning might have great strength of control over work and tool and yet be entirely unsuited to turning frail work in which the element of convenience of manipulation is of great importance, but for a given class of work and a given convenience of operation, the best control of the tool and work is seldom good enough. It is invariably less than it should be. The deviation of the cutting edge from the desired path leaves its evidence on the finished product. In turning a shaft, for instance, the stress of cutting may be sufficient to spring both the lathe and the work. If either or both are sprung under the cutting stress, the depth of tool will vary with the variation in cutting stress. The amount of change of position may be less than .0001 of an inch and yet produce a marked irregular appearance 45 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT of the work. If it is greater, then the size produced is unacceptable. Usually the finished surface has an unsatisfactory appearance because the tool has fed irregularly ; not that the feeding mechanism has worked intermittently but that the springing carriage has allowed the tool to alternately ride and dig. Work produced under such conditions usually costs from two to three times as much as it should cost, because the unevenness of cut has produced a surface very much inferior to the surface which would have been produced by a regular feed of two or three times the thickness. There are many other elements that point to the importance of good control- — durability of cutting edge is one of the foremost. But when all these points have been considered we have gone no further than to discover that lathes should be measured and valued inversely as they yield or flinch in control of path of cutting edge through the metal. Since there is no such thing as infinite stability of control, we must measure the extent of flinch or yield for a given result. This strength of control is dependent on the margin of strength of machine above its working stresses. REDUCTION OF STRESSES There are two ways of increasing this margin of strength : a, by strengthening the machine ; d, by reducing the stresses for a given result. Lathes have been developed along the lines of the first scheme with more or less disregard for the second, because there seemed to be no practical way to reduce the stresses. \A' e have seen that lathes cannot be strengthened by the mere addition of more metal, and that the only 46 PRINCII'LKS OF LATHE DESIGN wa)' for improvement in this respect is to correct the design. This may be accomphshed by eHmination of un- necessary features, such as unused shdes and joints in the connection between the work and tool ; also by obtaining the necessary motion between the tool and work by slides having best-known proportions and located in the least objectionable places. Examples of such construction are set forth in other chapters, so that it is unnecessary to make further reference to the special forms of design by which this strengthening has been accomplished, excepting to say it is what we call a " single slide " scheme of design. This scheme has been called " single slide " in order to differen- tiate it from the prevailing form of tool carriage, which may properly be designated the multi-slide scheme of design. The multi-slide scheme of design is made up by putting one slide on another ; sometimes two, but oftener three sliding joints between the tool and the bed. The stability of the single slide and the frailty and instability of the multi-slide are clearly explained on page 67. The next step towards better control of work and tool has been taken by reducing the cutting stress for a given result. A reduction of working stresses is equal to strength- ening the machine. It would be a great and perhaps an impossible accomplishment to double the strength of some of our modern lathes, but it does not seem so marvelous to get the same results by reduction of the cutting stresses, for that is at least conceivable. Attempts to greatly strengthen existing machines have tended towards the use of means that have been extremely objectionable on account of greater cost, clumsiness, and lack of durability. 47 MACHINE r.UILDINt; FOR PROFIT The importance of the reduction of the cutting stresses has been recognized, but it doubtless seemed to be sometliing unattainable. The cutting angle and general form of cutting edges have been varied each side of the present accepted shapes, and always with the same result of driving the experimenter back to the orthodox forms. Therefore, any suggestion to use more acute cutting edges has been considered impractical. Not that there would not be a reduction in stresses, but that acute edges have not been found durable in cutting metal. That our orthodox cutting tools are all too blunt, and that superior results are now obtainable by the use of acute cutting edges is all clearly set forth on page 128 ct seq. The leading characteristic of the acute edge tool is that it works with a minimum or no clearance. Since the advent of the slide rest lathe the turning tool has had " clearance." That is, its under-face or flank has not been allowed to rub on the metal. In the process of whittling, both sides of the knife rub ; the chip rubs on one side and the work on the other, but a cutting tool held in a machine — like a slide rest lathe — is not allowed to rub or ride on the work; it must take the stress of the chip on one side, and the other must stand clear on the work, only touching at the extreme edge. The one-sided stress has led to the use of very blunt cutting edges. The present orthodox cutting angles vary from 60 to 85 degrees, and the most durable and efficient for stock reduction at high speed are approxi- mately 70 degrees. Since the process of turning has grown out of the whittling process, the foregoing statements of angle of cutting edges seem to indicate a devolution instead of an evolution. The retrograde step in the development of cutting edges has been more than offset by the progress in steel making and in machine design. 48 PRINCIPLKS OF I.ATME DESIGN Tlie subject of steel making and process of harden- ing for the production of enduring cutting edges is outside of our province, but cannot be passed over without reference to the great advancement that has been made through the work of Messrs. Taylor and White in the discovery of the Taylor -White process of hardening steel. When we realize the greatness of this discovery, we shall see that it is almost without parallel in our generation in effect on costs of metal cutting. It has doubled the output of thousands on thousands of machine tools with scarcely no outlay. That it has also shown many tools too weak in driving power and has called for more powerful machines does not lessen its economic value to the world, for the fact still remains that all existing machines may be " speeded up " to get a very much greater output. This is an ideal example of man's rising superior to the spell of environment, for every one knew that all steels should never be heated above a certain uncertain low heat called cherry red. These men discovered that phenomenal results could be attained in the treatment of certain steels by going contrary to all the practice and teaching of this enlightened age, and they acted on their knowledge. They accomplished a very great result. Others may have known as much and probably did try this process earlier — but how utterly valueless is this unused knowledge. This digression at this point has the double object of paying tribute to the joint inventors, Mr. Fred W. Taylor and Maunsel White, and to emphasize the fact that some of our knowledge regarding machine design may be of the same kind that we had regarding the proper treatment of steel. But even with the great advance in endurance of cutting edge due to the foregoing discovery, and the 49 MACHINE BL'ILDIXC; FOR PROFIT greater strength of machine tools which has been steadily advanced, we have still retained the blunt cutting edges, and it is all due to the departure from the fundamental principles of whittling in \\'hich the cutting edge received a fairly ecjual pressure on each side instead of the wholh' one-sided pressure of the present metal cutting process. Many attempts have been made to get away from this unbalanced stress, but with no good results. Our notions regarding the subject of clearance have been erroneous. Notwithstanding the fact that it is common knowledge that an uncleared taper tap or die — such as pipe-thread tools — cuts with not only no clearance, but with an absolute negative clearance, and that until recent years all solid taps and dies have worked without clear- ance, we have gone on obsessed with the spell that cutting tools must have clearance. We have modified the design of certain parts of our machine tools with more or less freedom, and certain other parts have been left unchanged. The lathe head- stock has been immovably affixed to the main bed casting, regardless of the weakness entailed by this very strong link. The means for chasing screw threads on chucking work has been kept true to the design, which was made for cutting all kinds of long screws, unmindful of the unsuitability of this means for chuck work ; and in the same way we ha\'e gone on affixing the cutting tool to the carriage, regardless of the fact that it should be free to assume any angular position required to allow its under-face to rub or ride on the work so as to eliminate the one-sided stress on cutting edge. A cutting edge should be under absolute control of the carriage, both as to depth and thickness of cut, but it should also be free to swivel on a center line coincident with its edge. 5° TRINCirLKS OF LATHE UESIC.N This floating or swiveling allows the tool to work without clearance, and it prevents its acquiring the destructive " negative " clearance. The mere statement of this fact is enough at this time. Reference to the descriptive matter on pages 130 to 141 will make clear the method of holding cutter. The point to be borne in mind is that our orthodox cutting angles of 70 degrees are no longer necessary for this class of work. The cutters having cutting angles varying from 55 down to 45 degrees, give a marked stress reduction. The failure of previous attempts to work with little or no clearance has been due to the rigid mounting which has not allowed the cutter to conform to the surface of the metal from which the chip has been taken. When a tool has been ground and set with minimum clearance, a very slight wear takes away its clearance and leaves a rubbing area of the tool in contact with the surface of the solid metal. This area is so small in comparison with the abrading stress that it quickly scores and becomes rough, and passes rapidly from a no-clearance to a negative clearance ; that is, it becomes worn to an angle leaning in the opposite direction to the clearance angle, so that the edge does not remove the metal clear of the under part of the tool, hence the under face of the tool must burnish or crowd the surface of the metal back. This condition, of course, will last but a very short time at any normal cutting speed. If not arrested, it is quickly followed by worse trouble. It is not generally known that the dulling of a tool in cutting metal is mostly due to its loss of clearance. The other changes in the top slope of the cutting edge against which the chip bears has much less or no effect on the life of the cutting edge. When by chance or otherwise a rigidly mounted tool has been set with no clearance, it will give fairly 51 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT good results for a time, providing its area of rubbing contact is sufificient to prevent scoring or abrading. The exact angular position of the face must correspond with the angular advance of the feed. This may be approximated by ordinary means on work of small diameter and rank feed, like J 8-inch feed on ^-inch or 3-^ -inch, and even on finer feed, or work a trifle larger, if the feed is not positive ; /. e., a yielding feed like a fluid pressure or slip-motion mechanical feed, but then the slight wear of the tool face reduces the rate of advance, and the adjustment of angle to each change of diameter does not lend itself to a generally satisfactory tool. The floating or swiveling tool makes it possible to run any desired rate of feed and on any diameter without special attention to the position for the cutter tends to assume the correct position in which it holds its face against the wall of metal from which the chip is being severed ; the face it presents having ample area to withstand a reasonable amount of rubbing or riding contact without abrasion. In practice, a newly sharpened tool usually starts with either a very slight clearance or no clearance, but in either case as it wears it swings around so as never to acquire a negative clearance. As already indicated, the no-clearance scheme makes possible the more , acute cutting edges, and although excellent results have been obtained with angles from 45 down to 30 degrees, yet on account of the character of the chip produced, it has been advisable to use angles between 45 and 50 or 55 degrees for the turning tools used for turning bar work up to 3 inches diameter. Rigidly mounted tools have lacked durability when ground at angles sharper than 65 degrees, but this refers to working the average run of tough machinery steels. The softer steels have been less destructive to these cutting edges, but there has been another barrier to reducing the working stresses by the acute tool. 52 PRlNXirLES OF LATHK Dl'lSICN The lack of durability was enough, but it would not have prevented the use of such tools on certain metals and kind of work if it was not for the troublesome chip produced. In automatic machines and even in hand- operated machines the tools are usually made blunt enough to produce a broken or crushed chip. All beautiful ideals must stand aside in the face of the troubles incident to a snarling mass of wire-like chips that become entangled with every part of the machine. The constant attention is more than can be given, even if the bulkiness of chips is not objectionable. Some manufacturers of machine tools are so unmindful of the troublesome nature of such chips, that they even illustrate some favorite turning tool in a wreath of curling chips. The early experiments with the acute tool developed the need of a chip breaker. Briefly, it consists of two obstructions placed in the path of the chip which cause the chip to be bent beyond its breaking limit. The chips produced occupy comparativeh' small space, as they lie compactly in nearly flat strips seldom more than two inches long. THE EFFECT OF QUICK RE-SET TOOLS ON THE OUTPUT CUTTING SPEEDS The velocity of travel of the cutting edge through the metal is called the "cutting speed." It is usually expressed in feet per minute, and varies from 8 to 200 feet per minute in ordinary turning operations. With all other conditions unchanged, the variation may be said to be almost directly dependent on the size of the chip, or, in other words, the change in cutting speed does not change the weight of chips removable. S3 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT Slow speeds must be run for thick and deep chips, and high speeds may be run for the hght cuts, an exception to this being in bar work where tlie depth of the cut makes a reduction of from 25 to 75 per cent in diameter. This difference in diameter does not make a corresponding difference in cutting speed. For all such work the speed may be said to be affected by feed only. This does not seem reasonable, but it is borne out by data obtained under the thoroughly scientific obser- vations of Dr. Nicholson and Mr. Frederick W. Taylor.* The unreasonableness of this relation of speeds to weight of metal may be wholly due to misconception of the real process of metal cutting. If the metal in the chip were undisturbed, just merely severed from the parent stock, then the finer chips would truly represent more work than the coarse chips, and it would seem that a cutting tool would remove the largest quantity of metal if it were not required to cut it into such fine pieces; but we know that the metal in the chip is greatly changed by the orthodox cutting tools. These tools are so blunt that they crush and push the metal instead of plowing or wedging it away. And since the crushing process is just as thorough in the thick chips, there may be nearly as much work done in one case as the other. The fact remains that with other conditions unchanged the cutting speed is substantially as to the quantity of metal removed where the depth of cut is slight compared with the diameter of the work. Now let us see what are the other conditions that affect the cutting speed. These may be stated as follows: a. The character of the work ; namely, the accuracy as to size, shape and condition of surface. The quality of the metal to be cut. The quantity of pieces to be made. * See Lathe Design for High and Low Speeds, by Nicholson and Smith, published by Longsman & Co., New York and London; also Art of Cutting Metals in the transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 54 PRINCIPLES OF LATHE DESIGN b. The quality, condition and shape of the cutting edge. c. The quantity and quahty of a hcjuid cooling and kibricating medium. d. The stability of control of machine in forcing the tool undeviatingly along a path as nearly true as possible in order to minimize the edge-destroying lateral vibration that is ever present in the so-called standard machines and orthodox blunt tools. e. The practical period of endurance of the cutting edge. This period may vary lo or 20 minutes in rough turning with quickly renewable tools, to one or more weeks in accurate duplication of work with tools which are not conveniently renewable. In machine tool design many of these variants may be altered. We have shown how the stability of control may be improved by stronger machines and lesser cutting stresses. And we will now see what determines the period of endurance and how this affects the cutting speed. In turret lathe work, a tool should endure a sufificient length of time to allow it to complete two or more pieces in order to get the advantage of the accurate duplication for which the turret lathe is primarily designed. The length of the period beyond this point is varied according to the time required to put a sharp tool in the place of a dull one. The degree of convenience with which this change may be made, with minimum loss of time and spoiled work, directly affects the period of endurance. This period should not include the time required for grinding in resharpening the tool, because there should be a good supply of sharp tools constantly on hand. The cost and time of regrinding must not be disregarded and should be comparatively low, but 55 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT whether it is included in the time required to replace a dull tool with a sharp one, the fact remains that this cost in time and cost of keeping sharja cutters on hand has a bearing in determining the cutting speed. For instance, if resharpening of cutters requires a long, slow grinding operation each time and an occasional reforging, then a relatively slow speed is chosen in order to get a long period of endurance. In resetting, the tool must be restored to the exact position of the former tool. The importance of the exactness of return should not be overlooked. The standard engine lathe tool post provides a very convenient means for exchange of tools, but it does not put the sharp tool in the exact previous position of the tool removed. The engine lathe tool post is satisfactory for return of tool to substantially the correct place, but this is not the fulfillment of the condition which affects the cutting speed, for it is the total time consumed in accurately replacing a new edge. The newly set edge must be in correct position, both for production of correct diameter and shoulder position. If this process requires the cut-and-try adjustment of both tool and feed stops, then the change is dreaded by the operator, and he will run very slow speeds just to put off as long as possible the time of change. This not only reduces the speed and output, but on account of the inconvenience of exchange of tools the dull edge is allowed to run too long ; that is, the quality of the work is not as easily kept up ; for what would be considered passable in one case would not be tolerated in the other. If a new cutting tool can be quickly substituted for the dull tool, then the period may be short. In fact, the practical and economic period is mostly determined by this one element. 56 PRINCIPLES OF LATHE DESIGN For this reason a means for providing a quick change of cutters without loss of size produced is of great \'alue, for it makes practical the use of the high cutting speeds that ha\'e relatively short periods of endurance. If a dull cutting tool may be taken out and a sharp tool put in its place within a period of less than one minvite without loss of " size," a much shorter period of duration may be chosen than when the resetting requires from lo to 30 minutes, with more or less unsatisfactory product turned out during the " cut-and-try " method of settmg. With the usual trouble and inconvenience of resetting tools in a turret lathe, it is customary to run speeds so slowly that a change of tools is not required oftener than once in 10 to 50 hours. The work turned out during the resetting process is barely passable, which is worse than wholly unfit, for the "barely passable" work is generally a source of trouble. The output of many existing machine tools is only 50 per cent of what it would be with a scheme of quick, accurate resetting of tools. Cutter holders or tool posts now in general use seem to have been made with special regard for conven- ience of reclamping the tool in the approximately correct position, at a disregard of the total time taken in complete, accurate return, also a disregard for the damaged work turned out b)' the cut-and-try process of restoring edge to correct position. This may seem to be an insignificant matter, but when we see that a little thing like a modified tool holder can take on the value of an entire machine, we realize its full significance. Doubling the cutting speed without change of other conditions or loss of quality of work constitutes doubling the output of both man and the machine. 57 MACHINE BUILDIXG FOR PROFIT To obtain this result in all turning operations seems to be beyond the attainable at present, but a very ideal scheme for this purpose is shown in the turner for bar work shown on pages 128 et seq. JLXULUJLm I I t i II r r iL TT II IT i j ' r r | | rr ii tt |i iz ii ?g |[ t t ii rr ii j t i i n i n i | | r r u it ii jt ii j ^ Trrr-m-i-n-TT li ix -rnj-n-onr rf-irYT-rr-f: LATHE WORK GENERAL SURVEY OF MEANS AND METHODS AND EFFECTS IN INDIVIDUALS AND PLANTS HE standard engine lathe of the present day represents the highest development of the hand and power controlled slide rest machine for full range of work known as lathe work. Originally the small screws below i^-inch diameter were turned out by the lathe, but now these small pieces are known as screw machine work, and are made almost exclusively by the various forms of automatic screw machines, and, in a sense, such pieces cannot now be considered as lathe work. This scheme of using special machines for a certain limited range of work commenced with the smallest work, and is now encroaching on larger work each year, the present working range of such machines in some instances being as high as 48 inches in diameter. Among the special machines the turret lathes predominate. The turret lathes have been developed along two separate lines of design : one line has clung to the use of multi-cutter tools, having a double support, such as the box tool for screw machine work, and the more or less complicated cutter heads for chucking work. This scheme 59 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT of design uses " made-up " tools in which the cutters are fitted firmly into fixed positions in the box tool for bar work and in a suitable head for chuck work, the position of the cutters being arranged so that they cut simul- taneously — at least, they all finish their cut at the same time, although the cutters having the long cut start first and determine the time required for the combined cut. The two supports for these tools Ipeing, first, the shank or base by which the tool proper is attached to the tool carriage or turret of a lathe; and, second, a support for the outer end, which takes bearing directly on the work as in the box tool back rest, or in the work or chuck or spindle nose, as in the use of boring bar cutter heads. The second line of development has been in machines for using single cutters, under independent control of the machine, without a second support in or on the work- Each scheme has its natural field in which it should be used and beyond which it is only used at a loss. The machine developed for the first cannot use the second method, but the machine having independent control can use either or both as the work may warrant. The dimensions, the quantity, the quality, the permanence of the demand, the time in which the work is to be executed, and the uses to which the work is to be put, all of these elements must be considered in order to determine which is the best means and method. The advantage of box tools and multi-cutter heads is that they make a convenient means of accurate duplica- tion and are the most suitable for automatic machines. These tools are the best for small work below ^- inch diameter on bar work and below 3 inches on chuck work, but they lack of convenience of quick regrind and reset of cutters, and their lack of adjustability makes them unprofitable on larger work. The automatic machines have an excuse for con- tinuing to use these tools above their natural range for 60 Tl^RRET LATHE DESIGN hand machines, for their use reduces the necessary motions and compHcation of the automatic. But the excuse for their use in the hand-operated machines beyond the small work is not one that is very flattering to the machine. They are used there because the machine is lacking in strength of independent control of the work and tool. Within the field of lathe work these multi-cutter tools are invariably a barrier to flexibility. The least adaptable turret lathe is the one which, on account of its frailty, is dependent on the so-called box tools or mvilti-cutter tools, having cutters in fixed positions, with little or no range of adjustment for diameter or shoulder lengths. The box tools for bar work, and the multi-cutter heads for chuck work, usually have the advantage of a double support — one end supported by the turret, and the other taking bearing on the work or chuck. The double support may be advantageously used on some kinds of work, but the machine should be capable of controlling the work and tools independent of such support. The best machine is the one that gives the stiffest independent control of work and tool. The made-up tools are the expensive kind, both in first cost and maintenance. Since the maintenance cost is so great, the box tools are run at comparatively slow speeds, particularly on the larger limits of their working range. The box tool scheme of working has been carried to work up to 2 and 3 inches in diameter for bar work, and in chuck work the principle is exemplified in the multi-cutter heads for both inside and outside work. The lack of adjustability of the multi-cutter tool makes it necessary to have one box tool or cutter head for nearly every piece of work. This causes endless delay in getting out new work and fills the tool room with a large stock of " back numbers " of these tools. 61 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT The attempts to make multi-cutter tools adjustable have resulted in designs too frail for accurate work. There seems to be only one good way to make a box tool or multi-cutter tool, and that gives a rigid seat on a good holder, with little or no adjustment. These tools are distinctly screw machine tools, and should not be used for the larger work of the turret lathe. Their use on turret lathes has undoubtedly been brought about by the designer of the turret lathe thinking that the success of these tools on small work would probably be duplicated on large work, apparently forgetting that on account of the greater amount of stock to be removed by each tool on each piece on large work it is necessary to sharpen and reset cutters very often, and that the cutters of the multi-cutter heads are not suitable for frequent grinding and resetting. Some of the other practical barriers to extending the use of multi-cutter tools to large work will be understood when we remember that the multi-cutter tool or box tool carries a number of cutters, each to perform a certain operation. Some of the cutters have longer cuts to take than others, and, since they must all travel together, the cutter having the longest cut begins first, and then the other cutters engage in their turn, the one having the shortest cut engaging last; then all the tools are cutting during the period covered by the shortest cut. In turret lathe work the action of one tool is always more or less disturbed by the engagement of other tools. Hence the surface of the work produced by the tool having the long cut will show changes at each point which marked the engagement of other tools. Such troubles are easily overcome in small, slender work, and sometimes in larger work, providing it is short, but there are too many difficulties encountered in extending this multi-cutter tool scheme to larger work. 62 TURRET LATHE DESIGN The scheme of having two or more tools held in fixed relation to each other is good when it is so designed as to overcome the faults set forth. It is making no confession to say that even the best turret control is lacking in desired accuracy. The most accurate are those designed with due regard to the importance of index control combined with slide control. At this time we will only consider the turret's connection to its slide, including its bearings and means for locking it in each one of its working positions, leaving the subject of slide to be discussed later. The turret should be provided with an accurate center bearing in its slide, and should be gibbed snugly down to a seat of large diameter on the slide. The seat should extend directly under the tools if possible, and the locking pin should also be directly under the working tool. Manv turret seats arc too small in diameter. In many turret lathes the turret is too small, the tools overhang with no adequate support from the turret seat, and so far out beyond the locking pin that the working strains on the locking pin are from two to four times that received bv the tool, — and of course the yielding of the pin is so much greater, furthermore since the pin is nearer the center of the turret, the tool springs or jumps from two to four times the distance yielded by the pin. In such lathes the turret seat is not under the tool, the turret is seldom gibbed to its seat, and the center bearing of the turret on the slide is invariably made large for the purpose of getting a ratchet turning wheel on the lower side of the slide. A large bearing has its place in the machinery world, but it should not be used for a turret center or any other piece that must be accurately indexed with a single index locking pin. The position of the index pin should be the most favorable obtainable. It should not be required to control 63 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT a cutting tool which has a leverage over it. The direct strains of cutting are all that the mechanism should be required to withstand, for be it remembered that it is this index pin on which we depend for the accurate return of each tool to its working position, and it has not only to bear the shock of arresting the turret but it must un- yieldingly resist the working thrusts which would tend to change the turret position. The machine should be built for best possible tool control, with means for using the multi-cutter tool scheme when desirable, but it should not be tied to it for all work. The multi-cutter should not be made up in a sepa- rate head which overhangs in space ; it should not be presented to the work at arm's length. The scheme of using several cutters clamped in fixed relation should include the use of common-sense cutters. Such cutters should be niounted directly on the top of a plate-shaped turret, conveniently adjustable in relation to each other, and rigidly presented to the work by a machine which has been designed to maintain the best control of the work and tools. It will not do to think a turret machine is like a drill press in which there is little or no chance of stiffly controlling the lateral position of the tool point. Nearly every piece of work requires some operation which calls for firm, independent control of the work and-tool. Even in using box tool the cut should have the truest possible start. This point of independent control of work and tool must be realized before it is possible to decide between the various methods and machines. It is perfectly harmless to talk about best methods of mounting a floating reamer or screw cutting die, or even a multi-cutter tool head like the box tool, but this should not be considered as the whole question. It only relates to these individual tools. The view of the whole 64 TURRET LATIIK DKSICN problem brings out the absolute necessity of firm, inde- pendent control of work and tool in order to obtain true work, and that this independent control is recjuired by some operation on almost e\ery piece of work. Independent control of the work and tool means that the position of the cutter in the work is under the independent control of the machine. This control is only obtained by proper design of the entire machine, includ- ing its chuck and tools. Any weak point in the machine, any weak member, any excessive overhang, or, in fact, any indirect or bad designing constitute a weak link in the chain, and no big links in the chain will offset this weakness. It requires the most direct designing from the work through the chuck, the spindle, the spindle bearings, the headstock, the bed, the slides, the turret and the tool holder to the \'ery cutting edge of the tool. .Any weakness at any one of these points makes it necessar\- to support the tool in or on the work, or chuck, or spindle, and limits the machine to work in which accuracy of concentricity and straightness is unimportant. A machine for turret lathe work should have the best control of work and tool. All machines have some degree of control, but there is a vast difference between the strongest and the w^eakest. This difference is not revealed by the scales. A hea\-y machine may be the weakest. In comparing machines there has been a tendency to weigh up their good and bad points, and give them the rating of their average. Perhaps this is a good method in estimating the character of men, and in some features of machines, but when it comes to the control of the tool in relation to the work, regardless of the varying stress from light cut to heavy cut, then the machine must be rated according to its weakest point, just the same as a chain. 65 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT The turret lathe is a machine for control of tool under stress of work, and its value is not greater than its reliability in this respect. One of these joints is the turret's connection to the saddle, which allows it to turn on the saddle to present any one of its tools, and the other joint is the slide's connection to the lathe bed by which the entire carriage is movable on the bed. The turret's connection to the slide is for the purpose of allowing a rotary motion to the turret for presenting any one of its tools to the work. This motion is arrested by an indexing mechanism which should lock the turret in any of the working positions, with maximum precision and security. Let us see what are the ideal conditions for a cutting tool, and then see how near the present mechanism ap- proaches the ideal. A cutting tool passing through metal should be under an unquivering control — its path should be as true as possible. Any lateral quivering is destructive to the cutting edge. Actual work does not destroy the cutting edge. The tool becomes dull because there is a side motion across its edge. Actual work under ideal conditions actually sharpens a dull tool, or maintains a proper edge on a sharp tool. The ideal control of the path of the cutting edge of a tool through metal, as in turning, is probably unattain- able, but we can get much nearer to it than the general practice. In turning, as in lathe work, it is necessary to rotate the work on an axis, and move the cutter in relation to that axis either longitudinally or laterally, or both, for length or diameter cuts. To provide the most unyielding control of the path of the tool through the metal it is necessary to control 66 TURRET LATHE DESK IN both the work and the tool in order to maintain correct relation of these to each other. So far as concerns the durability of the cutting edge there need be no great attempt to regulate with precision the path of the edge through the metal. It is only necessary to allow it to find its own way with the least amount of lateral control — just provide the necessary support under the edge — but we must also consider the final form of the work ; this requires the precision of control of the path of the edge through the metal to insure the removal of only the superfluous stock, leaving the finished surface of the work true as to roundness, diameter and length. To obtain this precision of control of the path of the tool edge through the rotating work, it is necessary to provide connections of maximum strength between the work and the tool, and to provide in these connections means for changing at will the relative position of the work and tool point. This is usually accomplished by sliding joints for both the diametrical and longitudinal relations; the sliding joints called slides, carriages, tool block slides, monkey blocks, etc., must be made for convenient hand and power control, as well as rigidity and precision. In addition to these slides there must be the rotating joint, and the means for securely holding the work to the rotating member, and for securel)' holding the tool to the last member of the slides ; furthermore, in turret lathes, there must be the turret interposed between, which will present any one of a series of tools. THE SUPERIORITY OF THE "SINGLE SLIDE" DESIGN The importance of stability and reliability of an mdependent control of work and tool has been stated in foregoing chapters. In this chapter we will consider the 67 MACHINE I5UILDIXG FOR PROFIT relati\'e values of the single slide and the multi-slide scheme of control. In order to facilitate analysis we shall consider these two schemes as applied to chucking work in which there is little or no opportunity to allow the tool to be supported directly on the work. Not that this feature is not of paramount value in the bar working machine, but since turners with back rests are used in the bar work, the value of independent control is not so apparent. It is, in fact, as essential in bar work as in chuck work. In both cases the A'alue of the machine is dependent on the degree of machine (independent) control. But it is easier to follow the stresses of the chucking machine in which the work is wholly supported by one member and the tool bv another member of the machine. In order to still further limit the subject we shall consider machines for chuck work under 20 inches in diameter. The work includes turning and facing accurately to dimensions. The work must be securely held by the chuck, at the same time projecting beyond the chuck jaws so that all, or nearly all, the turning can be done at one chucking. The problem is to rotate the work at any one of a gi\'en range of speeds, and to provide a means for holding and presenting certain tools at certain pre- determined positions and feeds. The problem of rotation involves, first, a stiff and true spindle to which the work is connected by some means, usually a chuck or face plate. The work should become practically a part of the spindle, rotating truly with it. The means for rotating the spindle should have ample power, and be so arranged that the operator can instantly obtain any desired speed while running. 68 TURRET TATHK DESICN The spindle and the tools should be so mounted in relation to each other that any one of the tools or groups thereof may be accuratel)' brought into engagement with the rotating work under the most absolute control. For the purpose of producing duplicate pieces of work there should be the most accurate system of inde- pendent stops, to which each tool or group thereof may be absolutely returned to a predetermined position. An intermittently rota table tool holder is the usual means for successively bringing the tools into working position. It may not be the best means, but it is one that is used by all turret machines. It is made in \'arious forms which we need not consider separate from the entire nrachine. It is enough to say that some means must be employed for the successive presentation of the various tools to the work, or the work successi\ely to the \'arious tools. We have then the tools carried by an intermittently rotatable tool holder, and tlie work carried by a rotating spindle. Now there must be provided means for feeding the tools or the work, or both, so that there is a relatix-e motion of the working tool to the work, by which cylindrical turning, also facing, may be done. The usual way of stating this is to say that the tools should be given cross and length feeds and adjustments, but this is misleading, for it obscures the fact that these motions are in relation to the work, not in relation to the bed of the machine. These two motions of travel with all their adjust- ments and stops should be obtained by the most reliable means. There must be the strongest possible connection between the spindle bearings and the tool-carrying turret. It will not do to have a weak joint between these two members. We must have a joint where the tool holder turns to present the tools successivel)', and, of course, the spindle bearing also forms a joint. 69 MACHINE BUILDINC, FOR PROFIT In order to get the length and diametrical travel there is usually provided a length slide and a cross slide. These joints should be so made and so located that the relative motion of the work and tool may be obtained with the minimum weakening of the connection between the work and tool. In making an ideal sliding joint in a machine tool there should be sufficient metal in both members of the slide to unyieldingly back up the sliding surface. The two members of a sliding surface may be called the outside and inside members. The outside member embraces and surrounds the lips of the inside member, the inside form of the outside slide being a close fit to the outside form on the inside member. The fit of one member to the other is made adjustable by means of gibs. These gibs are adjusted so as to allow one member to slide on the other. In other words, the outside slide is adjusted a trifle larger than the inside slide. This difference in size constitutes a loose joint. There must be two of these loose joints ; one for length and one for cross feed. One of the greatest problems in machine tool design is to provide the necessary relative travel of work and tool without weakness. The process of turning brings a variety of stresses which tend to vary the position of the tool to the work. These stresses in turret lathes vary from a few pounds to six or more tons, and the direction of line of force is not alwa)-s exactly determinable. The means for controlling the position of the tool ^in the work must be the most rigid constructions, so that there will be a minimum change in the relation of the tool to the work when the stress varies from light to heavy cut. This control must be the most absolute, both for accuracy of the work and for the durability of the cutting edge of the tool. 70 TURRET LATHE UESICN The cutting edge of the tool is quickly destroyed by side stress due to quivering under cut. The design of these two important slides should have paramount consideration. First, as to ideal section, with faces at right angles to line of thrusts, and, second, as to proportion or shape by which both members of the slide are of the stiffest possible section. If these members are made of ample dimensions and correct proportions, then there will be only the looseness of one member over the other that will make uncertain the position of tool point, for let it be borne in mind that the looseness of this sliding member must always be reckoned as one of the features that detract from the accuracy of the position of the tool in relation to the work. The a\'erage operator will say that he sets the gibs up closely, taking up all the slack, and that there is no looseness in the slide. As a matter of fact, he does adjust the gibs up closely, but then the adjustment is not unyielding. The gibs are yieldingly held against inner slide by the frail outer slide. This yielding of frail sliding members is the most disturbing kind of an uncertainty, for the tool under cut will spring away from its work in proportion to the stress, which in ordinary practice is constantly varying. For this reason both members of the slide should be of dimensions which most unyieldingly hold their form under the varying stress. Since the outer slide must lip over and embrace the inner slide, its section should have as nearly as may be the form of a C-clamp. A mere glance at the end view of any slide will quickly reveal its character. The next question to be settled is, where shall these sHdes be located? Of course, both must be between the tool and the spindle bearings. 71 MACHINK BUILDINC; FOR PROFIT A question of this kind seldom gets a fair considera- tion because we are prone to follow precedent, notwith- standing the fact that we ma)- be working under new conditions. The most natural thing to do is to put both slides together in the form of a carriage like that of the good old engine lathe. But the engine lathe carriage was designed for other conditions, one of which was for the control of a tool for turning work held on centers. This rec[uired both motions for length and cross feed to be in a carriage that rode on the bed which formed the connection and base for both the head and foot center. In the present case we have new conditions. We ha\e a revoking tool holder which must accurately return each of its tools to a definite position with extreme nicety, and we have only chuck work to consider. It is useless to say that the headstock of a lathe should be fixed to the bed. The problem is to keep the relation of the work and tool correct, regardless of how it is obtained. Making the head fixed to the bed is simply strengthening one end of a clamp, while tlie remainder is made weaker for this gain, with a net result of reduction in strength of control. The slides should be located each in a plane as nearly in line with the thrust of the work as possible, with due regard for dimensions for strength and durability. In keeping the location of slides as nearly as possible to the plan of thrust, the swing of the machine must be kept as low as possible for the work under consideration. SLIDING JOINTS— GIBBINO A very important detail that is not so commonly recognized is the means for taking up slack in slides. The ordinary gibs and gib screws are adjusted till the TURRET l.ATlll'; I)I';S1GN slide is mo\ecl with difficulty; then they are let back just enough to allow the neccssar\' free mo\ement for convenience in operation. The screws and gibs in their normal adjustment are not under stress till the tool begins to work; then the slide is tilted o\'er or cramped to the limit of the slackness of the joint, plus the viclding of the gibs as the stress iiu'j'eases. The amount that orclinar)' gibbing will yield under the cutting stress adds greath' to the uncertainty of the maintenance of the position of the tool in the work, and since there is practicall\' no limit to the extent of this yielding, there is no knowing where the tool will stand in relation to the work under hea\'3' cut. For this reason it is not only necessary to have slides of proper section to stiffly resist springing and buckling, but the gibs and gib screws should be of ample dimensions and under stress to take up all the slackness before the stress of work is put on ; that there should be a metal -to -metal tension of the gib to its member so that it will be found firml)' seated and adjusted ready to take the stress of work when the slack of slide is taken up. These gibs should ha\'e this slack forcibly taken up by counter screws so that the slides may be adjusted to move freely, and yet with no more slackness in joint than necessary, and no yielding of the gibbing when under stress of work. STOPS The stops for cross travel determine the diameter produced by the tool, and the length stops determine the position of shoulder and thickness or length of the work, both of which are at times required to work with extreme accuracy. 73 MACHINE BL'ILUING FOR PROFIT Stops should arrest the travel positi\'ely. They should arrest the carriage at a point as nearly in line with the tool as possible — that their real ofifice is to arrest the tool. It is not enough to arrest the lower part of the carriage when the tool is carried at the upper part, for this only tilts the carriage up an indefinite amount, allow- ing the tool to advance after the other part of the carriage has been arrested. A glance at the stop mechanism of the average turret lathe will give a \'ery good clue to the standard of designing throughout the machine. First, see if a metal-to-metal abutment is intei"posed between the part of the carriage nearest the tool and a member that occupies a definite position in relation to the work. An ideal stop would take bearing against the chuck ; next best would be the spindle, but since these are impractical we must go back to the bed casting. But here the stop must be rigidly clamped to and practically a part of the bed so that it stands as an unyielding abutment against which the right part of the slide is arrested. The scheme of loose latches and triggers for disen- gaging feed motions lacks accuracy. The slide should be fed with a definite pressure firmly against the positive stop, and should remain there while the work continues to turn, until the tool has had an opportunity to make a smooth shoulder which has a definite and known position. This scheme of having positive stops directly in the top of the bed for the length slide and the cross travel will be found the most reliable. 74 IL,1.T-11 TTJOJ "^'t " 't II " II MUTT II rr II ir-tr'rc-w-TT-w~r,-!r-rcnr-rr-n--rr-n-cr^^ li u. II Lf ii ^-n-cr-TTtf ii t THE NEWLY INSTALLED MACHINE N observing a new machine in opera- tion, it is well to remember that the man running the machine is to be talcen into consideration. A new machine which has been in operation only a few weeks ma}' not show off to the best advantage. The operator is unused to the conditions, if not to both the machine and the work. A machine may have left the home plant in perfect health, and yet have been attacked l^y a long list of ailments when put in operation. All its bearings are new. Some of its bearings may run a trifle snug ; others may be free enough to run with thin oil and no grit, but in reality they may be too close to run under service, especially the strenuous service that is sometimes given a new machine. The machine does not ride in a parlor car to save its anatomy from the hard jolts of travel. There are no double windows in its car to keep out grit and dust. It rides in a freight car, and reaches its destination c()^'ered with cinders and sand. If the machine is dismantled and cleaned before start- ing, there is the chance of its being put together with its heart where its liver should be. On the other hand, if it is only half-cleaned before running, its bearings must show their ability at running with grit working through them. 75 MACHINE i;i'ILDIN(; FOR PROFIT If the machine li\'es through the grit troubles of the new bearings, it has \ct to survive tlie shoclcing experi- ences of breaking in the new man. "UNHANDY" MACHINES The new man may lia\e run a similar machine, or he ma\' ha\'e operated some entirely different machine, in an exceedingly satisfactory manner for several )-ears, but, nevertheless, he ma)' find this machine "awkward." Machines differ greatly as to the convenience with which they may be manipulated. But the machine with its le\'ers most conveniently located for mortals to operate will seem unhandy at first, especially to one who has a set of habits that fit another machine. The most unhandy machines are operated with apparent convenience by one who has acquired his skill through years of practice. The apparent handiness (or skill) can onl)' come by experience, hence the real quantitv of work which he can conveniently turn out cannot be determined the first month, although it ma)- give a fair basis for estimating his output. USE ONE TYPE ONLY IF POSSIBLE The fact that a new machine seems unhandy is strong argument in favor of continued use of one kind of macliinery, even if it has become a trifle inferior to the best. It ma)' be difficult to decide just where to dra\\' the line between progress and continued use of old-type machines. It certainly will not do to use methods that are too inefficient; on the other hand, this point of convenience with which men handle machines with which the)' are familiar must be kept constantly in mind. Frequently there are several "makes" of a certain kind of machine, all about on the same general standing. It is no uncommon sight to see one of each kind in use in a shop because the manager wishes to know which is best. 76 OHSER\'ATION OF RUNMNC MACHINI';S He would have obtained the better results b\' using all of one kind, even of the poorest machine, and sticking to the use of that one kind till he was ver\' sure it would pay to take the next step in the general march of progress. The workmen will e\'en then be handicapped if changed from one machine to another, for there is al\\a}'s a difference which reduces the output of a machine in a new man's hands, or the man's output if gix'en another machine, e\'en of the same "make." But when men must know the " ins " and " outs " of several different machines on the same class of work, there is an extra cost of work that must be paid, — and it is paid, whether it is shown up by cost cards in detail or only appears as unsatisfactor)^ product for which the wt)rkmen or machines are unjusth' blamed. In obser\'ing automatic or semi-automatic machines in operation with the object of determining their degree of usefulness on your own work, always remember the controlling points : The size of the work. The number of pieces of each kind. The frequency of changes in design of the machines into which these pieces go. The importance of profit as well as labor cost. Then see how many machines are running, and how many are stopped waiting for tools or work of their kind. See how many are producing a satisfactory amount of work. How many are turning out unfinished work, — work in which other operations are necessary, and which might have been completed in a hand machine, all in one operation. See how man)' machines are satisfactorily run hx one man. How many machines are running at 50 per cent efficiency or stopped altogether on account of chasing the will o' the wisp of low labor cost. 77 MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT See how much capital is tied up in these machines and in tlie extra stoclv of parts tliat is run through in order to use these machines. In the extra special tools, new and obsolete. In the force of tool makers employed to keep up the tools, when they should be free to build jigs, etc., for effecting greater savings elsewhere. In the number of extra buildings necessary to carry out this scheme. In fact, the extra capital that this scheine of auto- matic or semi-automatic ties vip in machinery, buildings, stock, tools, in order to effect a saving in labor cost that is frequently more than offset in loss of profit. Or, if there is only a certain amount of capital available for machine tools, buildings and stock in process, then see how much the output is throttled by use of the automatics or semi-automatics which require more floor space, nrore stock in process and more special tools. Do not take your ideal figures of output per machine, for the ideal is only realized in the beginning. After that the machines are adjusted to keep going at a much reduced output, on account of change in tools or work, and because it has been found better in the long run to give the automatic machine a slower pace, to save delays incident to resetting of new tools and to prevent turning out poor work. VIEWS FROM VARIOUS POINTS Nearly all chucking work under 20 inches in diameter (in lengths less than 1 2 inches), and bar work up to 3 inches in diameter and 36 inches long, is now within the range of the various turret lathes. The work coming within the range stated is still being turned out by various kinds of machines, from the 78 OBSERVATION OF RUNNING MACIIINIuS standard engine lathe to the semi-automatic and full automatic turret machines. The builder of the standard engine lathe thinks that the turret latlie has been used beyond its natural field, and that people will wake up some day to the advantage of the good, old, e\'er-ready engine lathe. The builders of the hand-operated turret lathe feel that their particular machine should be the one in almost universal use, because it gi\'es the most rapid production, accuratelv duplicates work (which the engine lathe could never do), and it is reasonably convenient for changing from one piece of work to another, and is the real machine for profit making because it turns out the largest product per dollar of first cost and at a reasonable low labor cost. The bviilders of the automatic or semi-automatic show the exceedingly small cost per piece of work when machines are operated in batteries, which they hold out as offsetting the greater first cost, lack of adaptability, extra money tied up in excess stock, as well as first cost of machines. The lathe builder calls attention to the fact that the turret lathes, and particularly the automatics, are more complicated and expensix'e, making the first cost and maintenance of the machines greater than that of the standard lathe. Some of the turret builders point out the great difference in cost of tools, both first cost and main- tenance. Some turret lathes have outfits of tools that are ready for almost any conceivable piece at any moment, and others are equipped with expensive, non-adjustable, or slightly adjustable, tools which must be made expressly for the work required. Generally speaking, the engine lathe should not be used for duplicating work. The automatic and semi- automatic are for small work in very large quantities with 79 MACHINE BUILDIXC, FOR PROFIT fairly positive assurance that there will be no immediate change in design. The hand-operated turret lathe should be used for all duplicate work where the permanenc)- of design is not absolutely assured, and where it is highly important to get out the work quickly when it is wanted, and to gi\-e the highest output per dollar of investment. The object of accurate duplication of the work is to insure lo\\- cost of assembling, and contribute to the reliable operation of the machine into which the product goes; hence it follows that the exact cost of production of the particular piece of work ma)' not be the most important point. In the usual process of turning in an engine lathe, or in turning the first piece in a turret lathe, much time is consumed in the " cut-and-try " method of adjusting the tool to the proper depth. In the turret lathe, after the tool is adjusted to correct position and the stops are set for that position, the tool may be accurately returned to same position for the next piece of work. The principal gain, then, of the turret lathe comes from its cutting out the loss of return of each tool to its proper position. In the engine lathe each tool is removed from the lathe as soon as its cut is finished. On some of the large work the cut to be taken l^y each tool may be so long that it is necessary to grind the tool for each cut. On such work the advocate for the engine lathe makes his reasonable claim that there is no need of a turret, and that the work is distinctly engine lathe work. The turret lathe builder will sa}' that the durability of a cutting edge is \'ery much greater when securely mounted, and that the turret lathe mounting of tools is far superior to the engine lathe carriage. So OBSERVATION OF RUNNING MACIIINKS ADAPTABLE EQUIPMENT IMPORTANCE OF GETTING THE WORK OUT N( )\V Frequently the real question is, how can we get results now ? What method, what machine, will begin at once to gi\'e us a desired quantity of accurately finished work? The product is required in order to get our product on the market at once. How can we get out these pieces of this new form within a gi\-en time ? The time element is frequently of vital importance when it comes to production of work. The question of getting results now brings out the importance of using adaptable machines. An adaptable machine is one that can be quickly adjusted for anv piece of work any time without delav of waiting for special tools, or the delay occasioned by inconvenient means of adjustment. The engine lathe is the most adaptable, but it is generally barred out on account of the slowness of pro- duction and inability to produce duplicate work. Business generally comes in waves ; good opportun- ities for a time, then a business lull. In good times the demand invariably exceeds the capacity to supply. The profit is made directly in proportion to the hustling capacity and duration of the good times. The volume of Avork turned out usually depends on the ability of a plant to produce the work civiickly when it is wanted. This condition demands a hustling equip- ment. The engine lathe is not for such service, and the semi-automatic and full automatics are barred out gener- ally on lack of adaptability as well as slow production. Another important element in considering kind of equipment is the changing character of the work. MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT Progressix'e designing is made impossible by an equipment of machines lacking adaptability. Progressive designing requires the get-there equip- ment as well as the adaptable equipment. A sluggish plant equipped with tools lacking adapt- ability is of little avail. LJJjm-ILJLLU I I II n I I UJLJIJiaJUl-IJJUJLJI_IIJLJV-lUJ--lLJJJLll I llJL-U-JLJlJljajLU-llJLLJL-lI-iUJ 'I'" I' 'f II '■ I' " II " " rT-TT~rr-n-rr ii ii ir ir u ii II it ii ir |] tr ii n II nr-Trrr II ^J il n II ii Tn-r-n-fT— TTTf TT-mr-t-r 11 ir-ir E know that a cutting tool will last almost indefinitely under some con- ditions, and under other conditions the edge seems quickly destroyed. The destruction of the cutting edge is not wholly due to the real work of separating material ; in fact, only a small amount of wear is due to the work. The greatest edge-destroying action is side motion or quix'ering, which in the most extreme cases may be heard and felt. It has been generally assumed that in absence of any marked quivering, such as would be called chattering, that the tool was free from this edge-destroying action. That this is erroneous will be clearly shown later on. Very few of the standard machine tools hold the work and tool with sufficient firmness of control to prevent this lateral trembling or quivering. Before passing this point, it should be explained that the meaning of lateral motion is that motion which is across the cutting edge of the tool, and not in the general direction of the cut. The keen cutting edge of a knife can be quickly destroyed by scraping the surface of a stick. But the knife edge is not lost in whittling, because there is no scraping — the cutting stress is equal on each side of edge. This is just as true of a cutting tool working in metal, for the lateral motion of the metal across the edge 83 MACHIXE BUILDIXG FOR PROFIT of the tool causes a side pressure against the edge wliere there is no backing, and causes its wearing away, whereas, when the work is moved against the edge firmly, in its true path only, the edge is free from side thrust. For the real work of cutting, the extreme edge is braced and sustained by the backing, and has great durabilit}'. Under correct conditions, the action of a heavy chip of steel on a properly proportioned tool occasionally wears a slight hollow just back of the edge instead of wearing away the edge. This action has been observed in the engine lathe, where it happens as a result of a balance of conditions which includes an amount of clear- ance of the tool that just equals the feed, and which allows the tool to steady itself by riding on the finished surface. This prevents the qui\'ering which would other- wise haAC rounded the edge before the chip could have had time to make an impression elsewhere. Experience has demonstrated that accurate control of work and tools not only adds to the durability of the tool and accuracy of the product, but this condition makes it possible to leave not only a true surface, but a smooth surface when taking a relatively large cut. Firm control makes it possible to use sharp cutting tools; that is, tools with slight clearance and plenty of rake, the rake being principally in the direction to make eas}- the flow of the metal from the largest part of the chip. W^e have all seen the other extreme where a blunt tool has been made to tear off metal in a powerful machine in ^\•hich the finished surface looked as if the metal had been pulled out by the roots. For the purpose of setting forth the common method of controlling both the work and the tools, it is necessary to call attention to the present scheme of work and tool carriages. In doing so it will be necessary to sav some unkind things about everybody's friend, the standard engine lathe; not that it is the standard engine lathe X4 "EVOLUTION OF iMACHINli SII(J]>" alone that is borne in mind, for remarks regarding this machine may be readily applied to other tool mountings. We recognize that the engine lathe has been the machine from which all of the wonderful mechanism of the age has come, and although in some respects it is felt that there are other machines of higher dexelopment, there is no machine designer so near the top of the ladder at present that he has any occasion to "holler for more ladder." From the time of the birth of the slide-rest lathe it has been customary to have the headstock rigidly affixed to or a part of the bed, and to get all of the relative motion between work and tool by mounting the cutting tool on the necessar)' slides. The first slide resting on the lathe bed is called the carriage. To the saddle of this carriage there is a tool-carrying slide which runs trans\'ersel)' to the travel of the carriage. In addition to this, it is frecjuently the practice to acid a swiveling slide for tra\'eling at anv desired angle, which has been called the compound rest. More than one-third of the lathes used today are provided with the three slides. A glance at the engine lathe carriage shows it to be of frail design. The guiding Vs of the bed, on which it rides and by which it is controlled, are a long distance from the point of the tool. The average carriage has four bearings on the shears. The front part of the carriage consists of a bridge which spans the distance between the two bearings on the front V. In the same way there is a bridge at the back that connects the two contacts on the back V. Now, from these bridges on the front and back Vs another bridge runs across, making the whole form in the shape of an H. This may seem an elementary description to the average lathe hand, but the object will appear later on. There are other types of carriage saddles. The H-shape are most reliable for very light cuts; and others, 8s MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT although uncertain in action in all cuts, are generally better for heavy cutting. There is no opportunity to make either the carriage or the tool mounted thereon of sufificient rigidity to ^\•ithstand working strains, nor of suitable section to properly hold their gibbing, which of course serves as a means of holding each slide to the surface on which it travels. We will assume that the bed of a standard engine lathe is all that it should be. We know that a single slide can be stiffly designed and secureh' gibbed to a piece having dimensions similar to the engine lathe bed ; that the limitations and troubles come in when it is necessary to cut away that slide, giving clearance here and there for the swing of a pulley or a large shaft and the addition of other slides, all of which must come within certain dimensions, regardless of the effect upon the stiffness. It is the engine lathe, with this great handicap, that is the very machine with which we have obtained our experiences and formed our opinions regarding the limitations of a cutting tool and the quality of work obtainable under the various cuts. No conception of the performance of a tool under heavy cut in a properly proportioned machine can be obtained by the performance of a tool in the engine lathe large enough to take a similar cut. The engine lathe takes its largest cut on work about one-third of its swing, and instead of the tool being controlled by guiding surfaces close to its maximum diameter of most efficient work, these guiding surfaces are three times as far off in a direct line, and many times farther off in the line followed by the metal supporting the tool. The extent of vibration of the tool point of lateral yielding is permitted, of course, by the stiffness of the carriage to resist the working strains at that point, and 86 'EVOLUTION OF MACHINE SHOP" as this stiffness is inversely as the square of the distance between the sliding base and the cutting tool point, it becomes apparent that a tool working at this handicap ma_\' be forced to crowd off the metal, but while doing so the cutting edge vibrates laterally, making it necessary to use onlv blunt tools, which add greatly to the "pulling- out-by-the-root " process of remo\'ing the metal, and although such lathes can be forced to push off the metal, there is an absence of the cvitting action that leaves a true and smooth surface. Furthermore, such lathes are \'er\- susceptible to chatter when taking light cuts such as a scraping broad tool, because a certain amount of pressure is required to take up all the slack of their parts and the spring due to long-distance control. This is not a case where the doctors disagree. Lathes are built by people who understand the work thoroughly, but thev are built to supply a certain demand that calls for a standard lathe known to every machinist, and it is necessary, in offering these lathes for sale, to give swing over both shears and carriage and price. It is apparent that the machine must be made to swing, say, i8 inches, for it is the custom to consider these diniensions in considering the price. They are, therefore, selling dimensions, and must not be reduced. Just as dolls are sold b)' the length, and when carried home will be found to lack the proportions of the real balj)', just so lathes are sold by dimensions that would be deceptive if this were a new subject. As it is, the machinist knows that he must have an 1 8-inch lathe to do lathe work on a 5-inch or 6-inch shaft. Many good results have been obtained in special forms of lathes for a given class of work that we are now to take as object lessons, and which may serve as pointers to indicate the direction of the development in machine shop evolution. In view of the foregoing, it would be safe to assume that the correct scheme is one MACHINE BUILDING FOR TROFIT that gets around the long-distance control and cob-house construction of slide on slide. The machine set forth gi\-es a control of work and tool that greatly reduces the tendency to chatter, and thereb\' makes possible the use of ideal tools for all cuts. Sharper tools with plentA' of rake for cutting the metal may be used, also broader tools for light and heavy cuts where chattering has been the limiting element. Chattering is caused by conditions that are funda- mentalh' objectionable. E\'ery boy knows that he can make a cane chatter along the sidewalk by pushing it ahead at a given angle, and that it will not chatter when dragged at same or any other angle. The draw-cut shaper astonished many by its wonderful performances of great stock-removing feats, and although this ma}- not be what is primarily wanted in a shaper, it may be cited as an example of the performance of a cutting tool under a pulling cut and non-chattering conditions. In the lathe, planer, standard shaper and boring mill there seems to be good reason for using the tool mounting that is equix-alent to the chattering cane. The expression, " cart before the horse," fits the case, but the plow before the horse would be a better analogy. In order to oi^^set the chattering tendency in machine tools of thirt)' years ago, a spring tool ^^'as used for finishing cuts which required a tool ha\'ing plenty of rake. Under the A'ar\'ing strains this tool would yield in opposite direction to its frail mounting; that is, it would spring away from the work under an increased strain, while the slide rests had a tendency to tip over towards the work, which would otherwise cause the tool to " duck in." The yielding of the tool would offset the chattering tendency. 88 "EVOLUTION OK MACHINE SHOT" This tendency to chatter has been partly met in present-da)' machines by making all these slides of stiffest form possible, so that it is no longer necessary to use the old-fashioned spring tool. But the fact remains, that although we ha\'e greatl\- reduced the chattering, we ha\'e A'ct the plow before the horse and the cane ahead of the bov ; that is, the tendency remains, and the conditions exist to a sufificient extent to necessitate the use of blunt tools for heav)' chips, and to greatl)' restrict the use of broad tools for forming, taper and irregular cuts. In order to get a^\•a\' from the cob-house scheme of design of slide on slide for the tool carriage, in this machine we mount the headstock on guide\\'ays running across the machine. In this scheme, of course, the head is gibbed directly to the bed, and since there are no additional slides to consider, it is possible, the same as in the case of the carriage, to adopt an ideal s\stem o^. gibbing and the stiffest possible design of frame, so that here we ha\'e a slide of an)' desirable shape gibbed directly to the bed. The conser\'ati\'e man frequently asks: How is it possible to return this head to its central position .? It is only necessary for us to call attention to the fact that for )'ears we ha\'e been turning the turret around to six different positions with a satisfactory accuracy, under conditions far more difficult to control than the ]3resent single direct slide ; and to furthermore state that we not only bring this cross slide with accuracy to its central position, but by an ideal scheme of stops it is possible to bring it to as many other positions as called for by the work with the same nicet)', and that these details are elsewhere described. The machine is provided with an equipment of standard tools which it holds under absolute control, and Sg MACHINE BUILDING FOR PROFIT it puts an end to the foreman's difficulties in getting out the class of work coming within its range, regardless of an)' changes there ma)' be made in the design or the number of pieces to be made; and it is safely described as the "any" machine; that is, it is ready any hour of any day to make any piece of any shape and a^iy quantity coming within its working dimensions, witli an accuracy and efficiency never before attained. This adaptability to all conditions not only gives a ready relief for the troubles of today, but it also makes progressive designing possible. Many important improvements in your product can be made without delay or expense if your machines are truly ready for turning every conceivable piece. CHANGING CHARACTER (.)F EC^UIPMENT We should consider a plant as a living, growing thing, ever changing for better or worse. It must not only be considered from a standpoint of present efficiencA' when compared \\ith other plants, but its growth in efficiencv must be keeping pace with the general progress. Slow growth, due to over-conservatism or lack of courage, ma)' result in a serious loss of relative position ; and, on the other hand, the forced growth sometimes causes a temporary discomfiture, clue to failure of organization to adapt itself to the new conditions. HOW TO KEEP A PLANT UP Although the efficiency of the plant as a whole makes the real value, it becomes necessary to consider the elements of its equipment when we wish to find the proper places for pruning and cultivation. Each process and each machine should be compared with the best obtainable today for the particular work. This does not mean the latest, but it does mean the best for the work 90 "EVOLUTION OF MACHINE SHOP" as it comes in this plant today and with some view of its probable nature tomorrow. A machine may be of any age so long as it is the most eflficient for the work required of it. But, just as a plant ma)' pass from a state of value to one of no value as a plant, so an individual machine may lose its real N'alue for a gi\'cn class of work. This transition from value to no value is generally due to the particular machine ha\'ing been superseded by something of much greater efificiency. This ma\' occur one )'ear or thirt}' }-ears after it has been installed. The process, then, of keeping a plant in permanently profitable condition requires the substitution of the effi- cient for the inefficient, and the natural place to begin is in that class of machinery in which the greatest difference exists between the best obtainable and that in use. If the recent progress has been made in planing machines, and the greatest saving can be effected by changes in the planer department, then let the progressive work take place there. If, on the other hand, no great advancement has been recently made in this art, but has been in machines for lathe work, then let the old planers run, and get the saving by correcting the lathe methods. The cost of new machinery to be put in each year cannot be stated in figures of percentage to total equip- ment, for it depends on the opportunities and necessities involved in the natural progress of the art. This cost at times adds no burden to the cost of running for the )'ear, for in some instances the saving effected during the year is greater than the first cost of installation, so that the real cost for introduction of some later-day machines may be counted only as time and mental energy involved in carefully considering the problem. If the description of this machine has made clear that it indicates the direction in which the evolution of 91 MACHINE BUILDINC FOR PROFIT the lathe is travehng, there is no one, from proprietor to machinist, who can afford to be indifferent to the subject. It is not safe for us to disregard important pointers of this character; and there can be httle profit or benefit accruing to anyone knowing these facts wlio fails to act according])'. The foreman should strenuously ad- \'ocate what he knows to be true. The superintendent's reputation suffers if he does not advise on correct lines, and the proprietor's profits, to say nothing about the depreciation of his permanent investinent, will seriously suffer if he continues to use inferior machines. It is not enough to know that machines in operation were built yesterday; it must be known that they are of the correct type, for with so many machines offered for a given class of work, each machine cannot be the best ; some one is better than all the others. It is not within the scope of this chapter to answer all of the questions that will come to the mind of the man who has given this matter much serious thought and has heard claims for the old t)'pe reiterated. Each important point will be fully treated in the most fitting place. The foregoing pages present onlv a few of the many indications of direction of the evolution of the machine shop. THE PERSONAL VIEW Under this heading we wish to bring out the effect of the evolution on the interest of the indi\'idual — not as an owner, but as an earner of a salary or wage : First by stating the real value of an earning power of an individual; then by indicating its relative permanency and means for its protection and betterment. The salary or pay received in return for services has a greater significance than a mere exchange of money for brain energy. It is an indisputable tribute to the 92 "EVOLUTION OF MACHINE SHOP" genuine worth of the individual. This is valued by every intelligent worker regardless of his wealth, for, although tribute is sometimes falsely given in words, it is seldom falsely paid in cash. The value of this remuneration as an evidence of real worth is not all, for it has a monetary value which should not be disregarded. On a 4 per cent interest earning basis each $100 earned per year indicates a value of $2500; hence $1000 earned per year is worth ^25,000, and $2000 per )'ear is worth $50,000 to the recipient. This is real ^'alue, with a security in some respects better than a more easily negotiable principal which the possessor might be beguiled into exchanging for some hazardous investment. Since this earning power has this value, let us see on what basis it stands. Is it secure regardless of the possessor's indifference ? Or, is it something to be guarded ? Success in management of a business or department may give a good name and a good professional standing, but it must be remembered that there may be a doubt regarding the footing of professional standing and good name of each individual in responsible position. Toda\''s standing is based on yesterday's action, and tomorrow's position will be the result of the decisions of today. The correct course for today ma)- not be very clear, but it is safe to conclude that there is no safety in standing still, for that surely results in losing one's position in the race. One \\'ay to make or protect a good name is to be on the right side of questions relating to progressive development. No credit or good comes from weakK- suggesting the adoption of this or that method, or resorting to the " I-told-you-so " attitude. Real results come from strenuous and tireless insistence upon an action which you believe is best, 93 MACHINE KUILDING FOR PROFIT It may be that the plant will be carried along by the combined work of all without it becoming necessary for you to conspicuously push for some reform, and, as a result of such combined work, the whole scheme may for many years continue to furnish comfortable conditions for you; or, if not, perhaps some other opening may be found in some other establishment, and all this may happen without your playing the painful part of a reformer; but probably inaction now will not result in any such favorable future. Man)' of the important actions may be tested without greatly jeopardizing an individual's name; for instance, a maker of a device or machine may make a claim that he can effect an important saving in the cost of your work, and stands ready to demonstrate, without cost to your company, and without placing you on record as endorsing his views — there is small chance of mistake. Let him demonstrate or fail, and let him abide by the result. It is his own proposition. You will indorse it if it is a success, but if it is not, you will not want that machine standing in your plant, for it would be there as a continual evidence of somebody's blunder. Whatever policy you follow in the management of your own personal interests, it is safe to state that a careful consideration of each new phase of problems is absolutely necessary to enable you to hold your own, to say nothing about advancement. The problems of machine shop management are affected by the evolution of its machinery as much, if not more, than any other element. All new growth is not of a kind that may be of service to you ; in fact, much that is new is inferior to the old. In this book is set forth a machine built on new lines. It is one of the new things that affects machine shop values. If it is a good machine, it gives its users 94 ''EVOLUTION OF MACHINE SHOP" an advantage over others. If it is not a good machine, the advantage goes to the non-users. It has been on the market in its present form since March of 1904. It is an outgrowth of the original Flat Turret which held undisputed supremacy since 1891. There are thousands of both the original and the present machines in operation. The original machine was abandoned by its makers for this new type. This may only indicate that they consider the new more profitable; but even so, a machine cannot be profitable to the builder if it is not a profitable investment for the user. In addition to your being able to see a plant exclusively devoted to its manufacture (and many of the machines may be seen in active use in other plants), you ha\'e in this problem that extra chance of proof offered l^^' the builder to demonstrate its value on your own work, in your own plant, in the hands of your own men, without cost to you, and without your indorsement until it has there shown its value. The foregoing pointers do not include an important element, and one that must be settled by your own decision, namely: Is this machine the best of its kind? There may be a dozen machines that would effect a saving on some of your work, but in making each move see to it that it is the best. Your own future depends on your judgment in such matters. In this book you will find some of the important points to be kept in mind in considering such questions. 95 THE HARTNL55 FLAT TURRET LATHL ■^si lOrr — W'c made tlie first turret macliine having" I \J _) ^ meclianism foi-autoniaticallx' turnin_L( the turret. iS^S — W'c produced the ])reseiit form cif h\'^h turret with sul^stantiahN' the turret-turnin^L;' mechanism now in unu'ersal use. 1S70 — ( )ne of tile links in tlie cliain of e\'ohition, sht>\vii\n' -111 automatic clnick. i,S,S2 — The th'st clutcli back-j^eared machine. i.S,S6 — The same 111 more sxaumetrical form. iSc)o — The first re\-()l\in;^ roher feed i>Sc)i — The first Flat Turret I.athe. i,Sc)i — Tile first C|uick-openin;j; turner. i,Sg6 — lujuipped with the lead controlling screw- cutting clie. 1904 — The first Mat Turret Lathe with cross slid- ing liead. 1906 — lujuipped witli tlie turret chasing tool. 1909 — lu|uipped with chip-breaking turner. IIAKTNKSS FIAT Tl' K R F/ I, \riIK IXTRODUC TORY This section contains dcs- cri]3tion of the Flat Turix't Lathe l)rou_L:;ht up-to-date — to inchicle full information re_L;"ai'cl- ino' chi|i-breakin_L!,' turner and other new featiux-s. In oi'der to avoid an abstract and wearisome description, fre- t|uent reference has been made to other machine tools, but throughout the whole it is hoped there will be found a spirit (_)f fairness and an exactness of utterance. Our aim has been to ax'oid tlie discourtes)' of mak- ing e.\tra\agant or superficial statements to those who are seeking mformaticm of a definite character. Since the introduction of the Mat Turret Lathe in iSc)i, it has had a steadiK' increasing sale and a corre- sponding de\'el(.)])ment. For man\' \'ears our entire ])lant lias been exclusu'eh' devoted to the manufacture of tliis lathe and its equip- ment of t(.)ols, and we ha\'e en]o\ed the reputation of being the onh' machine tool builder making onK' one machine, and that m onh' one size. We now oi^ei" the machine m two sizes for both bar and chucking work. An important change in its a])peai"ance was made m i()04 when the new cross sliding head was introduced, but the lathe was the same old machine taking on an outward sliaj^e that conformed to the natural growth and de\"elo[:)ment. (>l:r method of sellino OUR METHOD OF SELLING We sell only to the user, and have no otlier a^^ents or offices than tlrose given on page 99 for the various countries named. In the United States and Great Britain we have our own trax'eling representatives, whose time is wholh' devoted to the Flat Turret Lathe. A personal inspection of your work by a specialist thoroughl)' \ersed in this branch of lathe work ma)' be had within one or two days by wiring us, pro\'ided )our plant is located in the British Isles or in the manufactur- ing States bordering on or east of the Mississippi and north of North Carolina and Tennessee. , Since we have our representatives in this field, you are placed under no obligations to us by making a recjuest for such an inspection and report or proposition. There can be no uncertainty about price, for we quote a fixed price only, and anyone may know our prices. We make free deliveries to nearly all points, and send without charge an operator to instruct your workmen in the use of the machine, thus relieving you of all respon- sibility, except that you agree to accept and pay for the machine and ecjuipment if we fulfill our agreement. The Flat Turret Lathe is made by no other maker in America. There are over 5000 now running; there- fore, there is -no uncertainty about this being the machine. It is either called the Hartness Flat Turret or the Jones & Lamson Flat Turret. The present machine is pro- tected by many patents in America, England, Germany and other countries. Jones & Lamson Machine Company Springfield, Vermont, U. S. A., and 97, Queen Victoria Street, London, England >°3 IIARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE BRIEF OUTLINE OF HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE WITH CROSS SLIDING HEADSTOCK Machine tool designers have constantly before them the problem of getting greatest convenience of inanipu- lation and working range combined with an unflinching control of the work and tools. The firmness of control comes first and should be as nearly ideal as it is possible to obtain ; after that, any extension of working range is not objectionable — on the contrary, it is highly desirable, to meet the ever-changing conditions of the work on which machine tools are used. The F"lat Turret Lathe development has been kept true to the high ideal of firmness of control regardless of alluring advantages of great working range that might have been obtained by a departure from what was known to be the best scheme of imflinching control. For a dozen years this machine was restricted to work below two inches in diameter, and although occasionally used with special tools for chuck work its distinctive and undisputed domain was under two inches. During that time there was an important class of work known as chuck work, which was either retained by the engine lathe or by a lathe having some of the features of both the engine lathe and the turret lathe. These engine - lathe - turret - lathes either used a turret mounted on an engine lathe carriage or \\'ere pro- vided with an auxiliar)' engine lathe carriage on which was mounted a small revolving tool holder; the object l^eing to get the advantage of combined cross and length motions and feeds. All such schemes, however, sacrificed firmness of control for working range and convenience, and all resorted to the use of a double slide tool support in some of its man)- forms. 104 BRIEF OUTLINE The inherent weaknesses of the double shde tool support as used in the engine lathe, brass lathe and other machine tools is fully set forth in the more complete story which precedes the catalog section of this book, so that here it is onh' necessary to say that accurate work is obtained from such machines only at the expense of eternal ^'igilance of the lathe hand; for such machines are unreliable both in control of the tool in operation and in the return of the tool to its former position for the purpose of doing duplicate work. The cross sliding head marks an important step in lathe design, for it extends the domain of the turret lathe over an important field of work without resorting to the use of the unreliable double slide tool carriage or any other scheme that would weaken the firm control that has been the Flat Turret Lathe's leading characteristic. Now, the second point in the Flat Turret Lathe's characteristics is that it requires no special tools ; its tools are of the adaptable kind — not special — just standard and always ready for any kind of work. In extending the field of operation its original convenience of adjust- ment to various kinds of work and the convenience of manipulation have been maintained. The directness of design as exemplifred in the flat turret and cross sliding head features is to be found in the thousand-and-one other features of this machine, any one of which will well repay a careful consideration — for instance, just as we furnished the first and are now furnishing the only screw cutting die in which its cutting lead is not a matter of chance, just so we have pushed forward the art of cutting screw threads of relatively large diameter and short length by a turret chasing tool. Following our introduction of this novel means of cutting quickly a true screw thread on chuck work, we now present the next important de\'elopment in the chip-breaking turner for bar work and a modification in 105 HAkTM'SS [''LAT I'lKKl'/l" I.ATIll-; tllf (■ c'haii Icadi luickin_n- oLittit (if tools which use sharp-ccl,^X'cl ciuick- .l;x" cutters, wlucli ha\'c c\ol\-ccl out of our cxj^crinicnt n_L;" to tile production of the new turner, riiese shar]) edi^e tools ha\e increased the efficienc\' of the machnie on l)oth chuck or l^ar work. Tlic chip-lM'eaku\n' tiu'nei' and tile sliarj) edi;"e cliuckmg tools mark an imp(_)i-tant epoch in tlie Mat Turret Lathe dcN'elopment. The maclune as a whole continues tC) be preenunentK' the leadin_u; turret lathe for lathe work as it is foiuid m the machine sliop todaw X 24-iln;li rial l^nn^^t l.atlie witli <"ros> Sliclint;' lU-ad, |in|>|H--d f(ir Bar Wurk 1 06 I M !■ \ L'4 I I )l 'I'Kli l-DK l;.\lv W (>UK 2 X 24-\nt h Flat Turret I.atlit-. witli iro^s Sliding Iliad. I'a| in|>|).Hl f made in two sizes, and ma\- he furnished watli an ec|ui|)nient of tools for either bar work or ciniek work, or a doul)le equipment for botli Ixar and elniek work. 'I lie smaller maclime, sliown al)o\'e and on pi-eeedin^i^" ixi,i(e, is ealled the 2 .\ 24-inch, and when ec|uip])ed with the automatic die (.)utfit of tools it tuiais nearl\- ex'erv conceix'able shape under dimension of 2^_^_ inches diam- eter and 24 inches of len_L!,-th. 'hhe hole throuL(h the spmdle is now made 2 3 RKIN<; KWCi: IMIK l;\l< WOUK [-^J ' (r^^ n -M t ^5 01- l-'.xanipltjs indii.atiiig WMrkinsj; rari^^t:; and iharai.tt-r <>^ wdrk ci.'xerfd l"i\- hod' maLliiiics. ll'nr LhuLkiiig rangt; and tlii"t;ad ehasing, set ))a!j;es idi to 20^) nART\i;sS FLAT TLKKK-I' I.ATHE sami'm:s ov i;ak \\'('KK T>ar Work. (Pieces made from lonu; ])ar of stDrk) IIARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE MULTI-STOP AND DOUBLE TURNERS Fig. I illustrates the advantage of the double stop for each position of the turret, and the multi-adjustment of each turner. This piece has six finished diameters and six shoulders, and is turned by only two turners, which, of course, occupy only t^\■o positions on the turret. This not only leaves the remaining positions free for other tools, but it saves the operator the time and energy required to run the turret slide back each time. All this is obtained without complication, and with- out introducing any features that are annoying when not in use. In addition to the double stop for each of the six positions of the turret, we have an extra stop, consisting of a pin which may be dropped into any one of the six Fig. I holes at the rear of turret slide. This makes it possible to borrow five extra stops for any one of the tools, and gives to this tool seven length or shoulder stops, and leaves one stop for each of the remaining tools. The illustrations, Figs. 2 and 3, give examples of what one tool can do in this machine on chuck work, when we take advantage of the seven length stops and the seven shoulder stops of the cross-feed head. Of course, in general practice three or four stops for one tool are all that will be needed, but since the modern cutting steels have greater durability, there is nothing lost by giving each tool all the work it can do. Outer face and all shoulders and diameters accurately finished to independent stops by one tool. When rough- ing and finishing cuts are required, the roughing tool can be set near enough to use the same stops that are 114 MULTI-STOr AND DOUBLE TURNKRS Fig. 2 accurately set for the finishing tool. When an extra tool is used to give a roughing cut it is set as indicated by dotted lines in Figs. 2 and 3. We find it difficult to illustrate all of the classes of work that can be turned out by this machine, but a little thought will suggest many forms that may be readily handled in bar and chucking work, both steel and iron, on account of the many provisions for bringing both turret and cross slide up to fixed stops, either by power feed or bv hand. HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE TURRET DESCRIPTION The turret is a flat circular plate ; it is mounted on a low carriage containing controlling mechanism. The connections of the turret to the carriage, and the carriage to the lathe bed, are the most direct and rigid, affording absolute control of the cutting tools. The turret is accurately surfaced to its seat on the carriage by scraping, and securely held down on that seat b)' an annular gib. In the same manner the carriage is fitted to the Vs of the bed ; the gibs pass under the outside edge of the bed. The index pin is located directly under the working tool and so close to it that there can be no lost motion between the tool and the locking pin. The turret is turned automatically to each position the instant the tool clears the work on its backward travel, and it is so arranged that by raising and lowering trip screws near the center of the turret, it may be turned to three, four or five of the six places without making any other stops. A simple, accurate stop mechanism for the turret slide provides twelve independently adjustable stops, two for each of the six positions of the turret, or any other division required by the operator. Tho. feeding mechanism ior the turret slide and the cross-feeding head receives its power through a speed- varying device which is under the convenient control of the hand wheel at head end of bed. One revolution of this wheel gives the full range of feeds, from drilling feed of loo-per-inch to coarse turning feed of lo-per-inch, and every intermediate feed. A spring tore weighing device on the feed rod gives the pulling power of this feed mechanism a known value. This device yields at a certain predetermined pressure. In operation the carriage is fed forward until it reaches one of the stops, against which it is held by this pressure till disengaged by the operator. Arresting the ii6 ITRKI'rr Dl'SCKI I'lli >\ feed without releasing the carriage gi\es tlie tool a cliance to accurateU' face tlie shoulder, lea\'ing a smooth surface mstead of the ragged face lett when caia-iage is I'eleasecl under full cut. It has been the practice heretofore to arrange the ])Ositi\'e stop a thirt\'-secontl of an inch bexoncl the knock-off for the feed, and in the usual operation of a machine of this kind the feed knocks off, and then the turret slide, released, iumi)s back, and the tool digs in, cutting a slight groove just back of the shoulder. Wdien t)n WLirk re(|uirmg exact shoulder distances oi' suKjothly- tinished shoulders, the operator brings the slide against the [)()sitive stop, holding it there with as nearh' as possible miiform ])ressm"e until the turner has sureK' faced its full length. In the present machine the turret is alwa\s fed against the ])ositi\e stop and held tliere with a uniform pressure, insurmg the most acciu'ate re suits for shoulder leny'th. 117 IIAKTNKSS KIAF Tl KKI-.T IAT1II-: CROSS SLIDIXCi :a\) The cli^tincti\x- tcatiire of tlif orii^nnal Mat I uiTct LatliL- \\a> tile flat, })latL-->hai)L-d tool hoklL-rfrom wliich tile lathe took it> name. TIk' oi-i_o-inal work-holding' head- -^tork ]josscs^fd man\- di>tin(;tivc featuix's, such as the automatit' ohuck and roller feed, but it contained the now neark" obsolete cone ])ulle\' clrixe and back L;"ear sclieme. In the present machine we ha\e comljined an ideal scheme of s]K*ed i'e_^'ulation with man\' other desn"able features. The Lross-feedmn" featm-e of the head ,^"rew out of our desire to L;-et the l^est form of self-contained speed \-ariat(.)r. Aftei' tr\'ini;" se\ei'al combinations and posi- tions, we found it best to aia'ani^'e all the shaftmg and ;j,"eai'inL; in a horizontal jdane, so that the lower half of CKOSS SI.IDINC lll'wM) thc^c 1'uiiiiiiil;' pails t'oiikl ])v siiliiiicn^cd iii oil t(i insure prrlLTt lul triratiDn. I Ills (.k'tcniiim.'cl llu' adoption of a sliallow pan- shapccl Iranic tor tht- hradstock, into which were ]dacerl all tlic clutches and ])carings, inckidm;^' main spindle hearings. The natural form of bed for holding this headstock made the \va\- open to gix'e the headstock a crt)ss tra\'ek whicli we had long realized was a most desirable featinv, as shown loy our earliei' patents. A most fortimate comljination was the result. We not onl\' obtained a most compact and synunetncal machine, but m one machine we succeeded in getting l-iracticalK' all ot the features made desiralde b\" {jresent- da\' conditions. The sliding headstock is se( ureh' gikhecl to guide- wa\'s running across the machiiK', thus gix'ing the work- caiTA'ing spindle a cross feed relatu'e to the turret, or, in HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE Other words, providing a cross feed for each tool. The value of this feature is not only for chuck work, but for many other kinds of work. The single drive receives power at a constant speed and in one direction, and all of the changes for variation and direction of speed are obtained by clutches and gears between the power-receiving shaft and the spindle. Since the pulley receiving the power is driven at a constant speed, it may be belted to cojintershaft above or to a constant-speed electric 7notor. No controller is necessary, only a starting box, and since we do not vary the motor speed, it is not necessary to provide a motor four times the nominal size to compensate for loss of power due to reduced speed. Since we use belt connec- tion, any kind of motor may be used, thus avoiding the delay incident to getting a given type of motor. The new high-speed steels tax the running bearings of a machine to their limit, and to meet this we have used bronze bearings for the driving shafts, and all of these bearings get a continual shower of oil when running, for they are enclosed in the chamber formed by the shallow pan-shaped headstock and its lid. The cross sliding head is provided with ten stops carried in a revolving holder, which is turned at will by the operator. These stops positively arrest the travel of the head. The power feed mechanism feeds the head till it reaches one of these stops and then holds it there against the stop till released by hand. The feeding pressure which is exerted against the stop is always the same. In order to get the same uniformity when the head is moved against the stop by hand there is provided a sensitive indicator which shows the operator when he has exerted sufficient force. CIirCK [■()R 11. \R WORK CHUCK SODr ?'JTER Si.CLVE /■ND AljJU^.TINC, ' Qi ImF< »uiiJia^^^^WaL RLfvlOVINC Ji'/v: AUTOMATIC CIirCK FOR ilAR WORK TliL" autoinatic chuck and i-ollcr fcccl handle tlic roii^^h l:)ar> of round, sc|uafc, octa,L:;on, hc.\a_i;'on and flat stock, prcscntini;" a new Icni^lli and ^L;a"i|)|)in_i;" it wliilc the niaclime is running". 'I lie automatic cliuck is one of tlie essential features of tiTe macldne in its e(|iu])nient fortuiaiini;' work from full leni^ths of bai's. Its sti'on_L( and un\'ieldin_^" ^'rip ;_i;i\'cs a n;^ad presentation ot the work, which is ol paramount importance. 1 he ]aws arc of unbreakable form and ma\' be rcadiU' made for an\' si/e or shape of material withm the spindle's ca]Kicit\'. All sizes, from 2'_,.-inch down tii O-inch m the 2 \ 24-inch machine, and from ^''T'h down to i-inch m the 3 x 36-inch machine, and an\' of the abi)\'e-mentioned shapes, ma\' be held b\- the jaws furnished m automatic die outfits of tool^,. Special attention is called to the superior construc- tion of this chuck for handlin_i;" rou_L;h l)ai"s of stock. This chuck is used in connection wath the roller feed, which is descriljed on the follow'in_L;^ P'^K*-'- IIAKTNKSS l-LA'l' TUKRET I.ATIIE ROLLI'R VliVA) FOR I'.AR WORK 1 he nilk-r tcccl i> u^ud in fonncrtion with tlit' auto- matic chuck for the purpose of fccclin^L;" tlic l)ar of woi'k tl"irou_L;'h tlu' cliuck while tlie latlie is runuinii;. Tliis of course i> onl\- in operation wlien tlie cluick is open and is soleK' for the |)ui"pose of presenting a new length of work. Tile lexer that opens the chuck also actuates the plungei- that stai'ts the feeding motion of the rolls. 1 he roller feed shell is secureK' atfi.xed to the end of the spmclle and of coui'se rexoKes witli the spmdle and the woi'k. 1 he outer end of the roller feed is proxided with sci"o!l chuck for holding the bar of stock in centi'al |.)( )>iti( 111 in the sj^indle. Knlltr Fifd Rol.l.KR ]'l':i;i> I'liK \:.\K \\llKI^ The rolls arc held in roll carriers wliicli provide a liearinj^ on each side of the rolls. I'he dri\-ing ^cars are double, there l)ein^n" a \v<_>rm "■ear on each end of each roll shaft; these, in turn, are drix'en by hjur worms, tlie mounting being so arran^'ed that the work is ec|ualized between each member. The roller feed is the outgrowtli of the original re\'ol\'ing roller feed which we introduced in 18S9; the present scheme of gearing has been in continuoirs use since 1S90; the only changes Inave been those resulting from long use and natural evolution. This is not onl\- tlie original jjut it is the only one that has been continuously manufactured for any considerable number of years. AKi M-.s^ I I. AT TI"KR1:T LATlir, TLirnt- r l> TIRXINC, TOOLS ( )nc turner of this kind in lmcIi outfit I) for bar work. TuiMicr k! lias tlic full working' i"an!j;e (_)f the niacliinc and iiia\' be used on sizes down to .^^-inch oi" less. The I'oller back rest and chij^-lireakin^L;' turners do not go lielow -"^^-incb. Turner 1! is not a high-speed tuiaier foi' it has no anti-friotion back rest; it is, howe\'er, a desirable addition to the outfit on account of its general ada])tabilit\" for nnusual condition>. it is pro\-ided with a double adjustment for both the cutter and ]ydck rest, l)ut it has kjst none of its original con\enience and siinplRutw and nia\' now be used for turning onl\- one diameter without an\- incoiiA'cnience from extra adjustments. We retain oui' means foi' ciuickU' \\-ithdrawin^' tlie cutter and back rest so that the turner can pass o\-er a lartrc diameter. 124 TURNING TOOLS The cutter is rough i-inch by i/2-inch high-speed steel, is held in the pivoted tool block of forged steel, which in turn is accurately fitted to the hollow frame. The adjustment of the cutter is effected l^y two screws arranged side-by-side. These screws take bearing against cams on cam-shaft, which is controlled by a handle similar to that used in a machinist's bench vise. These cams are diametrically opposite, so that either may be brought into action by a half turn of the handle. The back rests are controlled b)' a double latch in order to obtain the double adjustment. The hollow frame serves as a conduit for the oil which enters the base of the frame through the turret. The oblong opening in the frame over the cutting tool delivers a large, slowly-moving stream of oil directly on the cutting edge. 125 IIARTM'.SS FLAT TL" RKET l.ATIll': Ri iHlt 'rurnf r. Mi )del 1 1 k()i.Li-:R 'I'urni-:r I he roller tui'iicr is ])i"()\"idcd with roller hack rest instead of the \' hai;k rest used m the re^^nilar turner. ( )ne of these turners is furnished with each machine ec|iu]:)ped with outfit for Ijar work (outfit I )). It has twd independent adjustments for turniiiL;" two sizes. It ma\' he (|uickl\' o])ened to pass o\-er a lar;j;e diameter and instanth' closed to either of the two sizes for which it has been set. Tile rolls u^a\ be set to precede or follow the cutter. It turns either to or from the chuck. Its rolls run on strai^^'ht headless ])ins hardened and j^'i'ound. I hese pins are held b\' a rocker insurin^u; an axis in parallelism with work. All adjustments are con\'enientl\' made and are the most direct and umieldmir m resistance of workiiiLT strains. 126 CROSS SI IDI'-. W'li TDOI, ir()|,|)l';i< ll..l( CROSS SLII)1<: AND TOOL H()LI)l':k The turret rro^s slide is made \'er\- compact. The slidii\!4" tool block is closeh' fitted and ^y;ibbcd to the base, which is bolted secureh' to the turret. /\ Ioi^l:; lexer and a small pinion furnish means for feecliiv^ the cross slide tools. The slidin_^" surface is so close to the work that its shV>Tt necessar\' amount of looseness is ne\'er i(reater at the tool p(.>int. This slide is used as a cut-off, also for holdii\n" broad tool, especially when the latter is to be used near the outer end of a long' and slender jjiece. For such broad tool work on a slender shaft a supporting Ijushmg is fitted to the hole in upright. 1 he tool holder furnishes con\'enient means for holding drill chucks, reamers, taps, etc. 127 IIAKTNKSS FIAT TIKKKT LATHP: 12S \\iH ( if tuiaiL'i' clcsi^'n. Iiiacllw its hlav fcatuix's ai'c : A i'( luncl-lx ittniiiccl cutter tliat swix'cls so as to i^t-t tlic uleal ])ositioii of the- fxtrcnic cciL^e m the metal. This cutter can hv acl]ustecl to cut without clearance or an exceeclinL!;l\' small ai\n'le ot clearance. The cutter has an acute ecl^^x' of 50 (:lei;a'ees instead of the standard 70 (k\L:;rees. The cutter recjuires wrx" little i^rinchiiL;' to sliarpen its cdL!;e. A dull cutter can be c[uickl\' and accuratel\' replaced h\ a shai']) one. CHIP BREAKING TURNER Turner adjusted to large diameter of work Turner adjusted to small diameter of work 131 HAKTNESS FLAT TL'RRET LATHE Back view from back of machine (turner) Adjustments are provided b}^ wliich the turner may be set to turn four different diameters on each piece of work. In other words, it is equivalent to four turners with- out occupying four turret positions. A compensator provides a means for offsetting slight wear of tool point and slight difference in size produced bv putting in a newly sharpened cutter. Directly back of the cutting edge is a chip breaker. The rolls in roller backs take a flat face contact on work instead of the usual periphery or wheel-like bearing. These end thrust rolls present a most unyielding support for the work. 132 ciiir i;rkakin(; turnicr Back Rests Each of tliese features has an important effect on the quaHty and quantity of output, but perhaps the sharp- edge cutter — one that can cut without clearance — is of greatest interest. Heretofore all turning and planing tools have been given clearance. Notwithstanding the steady advance along all other lines of design there has been no change in the real position of the extreme edge of a cutting- tool in the metal. All tools have been tipped up so as to scrape off the chip. This position of the cutting edge in the metal has been considered necessary. The angle at which the under-face stands away from the work from which the cliip is scraped is called "clearance angle." It has varied from 1 5 down to 3 or 4 degrees, with the average practice of about 8 or 10 degrees. All shapes of tool noses from the round nose to the sharp-cornered side tool have l^een made, yet in all these tools the real working condition of the edge in the metal has not been changed. The tool has always taken its stress wholly one-sided. The chip has borne on one side of the edge, and the edge has had no support or ^33 HARTXESS FLAT TURRET LATHE corresponding pressure from the other side ; therefore it has had to be made of sufificient lateral strength to with- stand this one-sided stress. This has made it necessary to abandon thin edges or acute edges such as would be naturally chosen for cutting. In designing the present turner, an effort was made to "get back to nature" by considering the stresses and conditions at the extreme edge. This attempt resulted in the following conclusions : The blunt edge tools of standard practice (70 degrees cutting angle) should only be used for turning cast-iron and for rough-turning steel. For turret lathe bar work the best results can be obtained by a tool having a real cutting or wedge shape edge — one that actualh* cuts and plows the chip away from the stock. The wedge-like cutting edge should be allowed to act like a wedge; that is, to ride on the surface of the metal from which the chip was being lifted and wedged away. Bv allowing the under-face of the edge to ride on the surface of the work, it is supported directly under the chip stress. Thus the cutting edge is relieved of the one- sided stress to which it is subjected when set in the orthodox "clearance" or scraping position. In other words, the consideration of the conditions of the cutting edge in the metal led to the conclusion that, for the work under consideration, the time-honored practice of gi\'ing a tool clearance and a blunt scraping edge was not the best. The first experiments obtained astonishing results with tools down to 30 degrees of cutting angle, but the chips were so troublesome that it nearly led to abandoning the whole scheme. It is true that in exceptional cases the cutting angles of tools for steels have ranged all the way from 45 to 60 degrees for extremely soft steel, and from 60 to 90 degrees 134 CHIP HRKAKINCi TURNER for medium and tough steels, and for brass work in unstal^le lathes from 90 to 1 10 degrees, but the tendency of the standard pi-actice has been to drift back to an acute angle of at least 70 degrees for nearly all purposes. One of the barriers to the use of the more acute angles has been the troublesome nature of the tough chips produced, and the other has been the lack of durability of the cutting edge. Both of these barriers have been removed by the present design. The tough chips hax'C been broken into short pieces, and the new position of the cutting edge in the metal has rendered it more durable. TROUBLESOME CHIPS The lathe hand dislikes a stringy, curling mass of chips almost as much as he dreads the perpetual menace of the fire-balls thrown off by blunt tools at high speeds. The curling, continuous chips are sometimes used to illustrate the ideal cutting condition, but they make just one impression on the lathe hand who has encoun- tered them at the high cutting speed. The illustration of a turner or a lathe with one or two beautiful curls of chip arranged in wreath or scroll may be pleasing to the artist's eye, but it is a reminder of trouble to the lathe hand. A picture of the same turner or machine under the one mile's length of beautiful chips (which would be produced in one or two hours' time at 100 or 50 feet per minute), would not be so pretty, but it would be truer to life. THE "SHARPEDGE" CUTTER The chip-breaking turner uses a cutter having an acute edge. It is a knife-like blade that is always ground 135 HAKTiXHSS FLAT TURRET LATHE to certain fixed angles. No special talent or special facilities are required for grinding it, but it should always be ground to directions found on pages 235 to 237 to insure the best results both as to speed and quick change of cutters. A macliine-formed cutter has been adopted in preference to the rough steel cutter of other turners — the object being to get the advantage of quick reset and least grinding. Heretofore the machine-formed cutters have only been used in inadaptable holders and were run at slow speeds to save trouble of renewal. The rough bar steel cutter, which is so dear to the hearts of most of us, requires much grinding for sharpen- ing, and it cannot be quickly reset with the precision necessar^• for satisfactorv duplication. THE SWIVEL MOUNTINC; The present cutter has a round bottom which allows it to swing around a few degrees so as to allow its under- face to ride flath' against the face of the work, and to gradualh' change its angular position to compensate for an unequal wearing away of the face of the tool. This swinging does not materially change the location of the extreme edge, for the cutter s\\'ings on a center line that follows nearly the line of the edge. Therefore, the depth of the cut and the advance of the edge in cutting are both under absolute control, while the cutter is more or less free to swing to any angle that may be necessary to insure an ideal position of the extreme edge in the metal. The tool has been called a no-clearance tool, but it would perhaps be more fitting to call it a no-negati\e- clearance. It will cut without clearance, with its face rubbing flatly against the shoulder from which the chip ■36 CHIP BRKAKINC TURNER is being taken, or it may be set to cut with extremely slight clearance. The tendenc)' of the cutter is to swing into the no-clearance position, but the stress of cut usually holds it in its seat wherever it happens to stand in beginning the cut. But if there is an excessive rubbing contact on the so-called clearance face, the tool swings slightly to relie\-e this stress. This allowing the cutting edge to take bearing on each side of its face — wliich in reality is the condition when it is cutting with extremely slight clearance or no-clearance — has made it possible to use more acute cutting edges than heretofore, for it has greatly reduced or wholly balanced the one-sided stress of the orthodox tool, and it has wholly eliminated the quivering incident to forming the chips under the usual intermittent flow. CHIP BREAKING Probably the use of sharp edges for very soft steels would have been more general if it had not been for the already-mentioned troublesome nature of the chips. Long, curling and wirelike chips are a torment to the average man. The sharp cutter of the chip-breaking turner produces a very tough chip, but the chip passes directly into a diverter or controller that breaks it into short pieces. The chip produced is a flat or slightly curved chip which occupies very little space. Thus the two barriers to the use of a sharp tool have been removed. The thin edge has been made durable by allowing it to ride on the metal from which it is cutting the chip, thus eliminating the destructive one-sided pressure and lateral quivering, and the tough chip is no longer troublesome because it is now broken into short lengths. 137 HARTXESS FLAT TURRET LATHE LEAST GRINDIXC; AND NO FORGING The cutter used in this turner requires no reforging, and since it is comparatively slender it recjuires very little grinding for maintaining its edge. The shape of its cutting end is always ground the same, with the excep- tion that the top slope may be varied from 55 down to 45 degrees of cutting angle, but for best results on average work with 50-degree top slope. QUICK RESETTING The cutter is always set in its holder against a locating stop, so that a dull tool may be quickly and accuratel)' replaced by a sharp tool, with minimum effect on the size produced. The locating stop makes the new tool take the position of the preceding cutter with a very slight error. A compensator is provided to cjuickly and nicely offset any slight error. MULTI-SIZE ADJUSTMENTS One of the distinctive characteristics of all of the Flat Turret Lathe turners is their multi-adjustment, by which each turner can be used for more than one size. Previous types (Nos. B and H) are provided with adjustment that ma)' be set for producing two sizes, while the present turner ma)' be used for four different sizes. It is therefore almost a turret in itself. The extra adjustments are of such simple nature that they add no expense to the first cost and are not in the way if not required lay the work. The advantage, however, of the quadruple size turning turner will be readily recognized. The compensator previously mentioned is a valuable adjunct to the multi-size producing scheme, for it is obvious that a slight wear of the tool point, as well as a 138 SUMMARY AND DISTINCTIVK (,'1.AIMS failure to accurately return the sharp tool to the previous position of a dull tool, would necessitate the readjustment of the four adjusting screws in the absence of this aux- iliary adjustment. The importance of Cjuick resetting, minimum grind and no forging will be realized when we remember that we run a cutting tool as fast as we can consistently with the time lost in exchanging and sharpening cutters and in restoring a new tool in the exact position of an old one without loss of size. The cjuick reset to exact position, therefore, becomes the nieans for making higher cutting speeds practical in actual work. It does not increase the cutting speed for a stunt performance on one piece of work, but it does increase the actual running speed and output. BACK RESTS The back rests are also unicjue — they present nearly a fiat face to the work instead of the usual wheel periph- eral contact of former roller back rest. The face rolls and holders present a strong resistance to the cutting stresses, and are practically unyielding in this respect ; and, last but not least, they lend themselves admirably to the multi-size adjusting features. SUMMARY AND DISTINCTIVE CLAIMS THE CUTTER A cutter that is wedge shape, and not blunt. It cuts and does not crush, crowd, or scrape the metal away. Its sharp edge is durable because it is not subjected to one-sided stress. It works with a minimum or no clearance. 139 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET EATIIK Its riding contact pre\'ents lateral quivering. It cannot acqviire a negative clearance. It can be c}uickly reset. It requires the least grinding and no forging. Sharp edge, with durability, and without trouble- some chips. THE CHIPS Flat chips that lie compactly in small space. No curling, snarling bunch of string)- chips. No fire-balls of hot chunks of crushed metal being shot out in all directions, to the continual menace of the lathe hand. All chips are de]3osited in one place, and lie flatlv in position dropped. Each turner is a veritable turret in itself, for it ma)- be used to turn four different cuts one after the other \\'ithout turning the turret, each of the four sizes having independent adjustments, which may be adjusted without disturbing the others. In addition to the independent adjustments, there is an auxiliary adjustment which may be used to compensate for the slight wear of the tool point, or to offset the slight change in size by inserting a new tool. The compensator restores the tool point position so that the main independent adjustment need not be disturbed after being once adjusted to a piece of work. Quick resetting scheme provides for a quick and accurate return of tool to position, greatly reducing the interval of idleness of machine due to exchanging a dull cutter for a sharp one, and greatly increasing the practical cutting speeds; not the stunt performance, but the actual running speed and actual output. The disc roller back rests provide the most unyield- ing support and a convenient means for the quadruple adjustment. SUMMARY ANJ) DISTINCTIVE CLAIMS The multi-adjustment may be used for four different sizes on one piece of work ; or, if the character of the work requires onl)- one or two diameters produced l)y this turner, the other adjustments may he used for special or repair jobs. In other cases, where one machine is kept running on two or three different pieces, the adjustments may be left undisturbed till required again. It is a distinctly adaptable as well as the most reliable size producing turner. The chip-breaking turner is offered with the feeling that it represents another one of those moves by which we ha\'e kept the Flat Turret Lathe preeminently the leader. This turner may be used on any old or new Flat Turret Lathe. The mvilti-adjustments of the turners combined with the extra turret slide stops, greatly increase the working range and con\'enience, and reduce the total turret travel. Oil or cutting solution flows through the turret and turner frames, thus doing away with the troublesome oil pipes. The liquid flows direct! v on the tool point without attention. THE AUTOMATIC CHUCK The automatic chuck grips square, round or hexagon bars of rough or smooth stock, and the roller feed works equally well on all shapes. THE LATHE The Flat Turret Lathe has the advantage of the development that comes from specialization. Over 5500 of these lathes have been built, the first 2500 being with fixed heads and for bar work exclusively. 141 HARTXESS FLAT TURRET LATHE The last 3000 have had cross sUding heads, and have been used both for bar and chucking work. It is the only lathe having a cross sliding head. All others must resort to mounting the turret on two slides in order to get the same movements; hence, It is the onh' turret lathe ha\'ing length and cross feeds for each tool without resorting to the double slide turret support. The only turret lathe built on the single slide principle. The single slide principle gives the most accurate, powerful and convenient control of work and tools. The single slide control makes it possible to accurately control each tool; first, as to its exact position in the metal while cutting; second, as to length of the cut to insure correct shoulder length as well as diameter; and third, for the most precise return of each tool for accurate duplication. (Multi-slide does not give an unyielding control of work and tool. It does not furnish a means by which diameters or shoulder lengths can be accurately duplicated. Its stop mechanism does not accurately arrest or locate the tool in relation to the work. It only arrests a remote corner of a frail slide or pile of slides. Therefore, the o-reatest value of the machine as a machine is not realized by the multi-slide, but it is attained by the single slide scheme of design.) The precision of the stop mechanism is due to the scheme by which the slide is always fed firml)' against a positive stop with an accurately measured pressure. This insures accurate shoulder lengths. The stops are located relatively near the line of thrust, and not at some remote position which in arresting the slide throws it around, causing the tool to change its position in the work. The flat turret gives the most natural tool support, both from jDoint of security and convenience in grouping. 142 SUMMARY AND DISTINCTIVE CLAIMS Combined with the cross sHcling head, it makes possible the use of the simplest tools for chuck work. These tools are simply clamped to the top of the turret or to convenient holders mounted thereon. But in all cases, the tools are so held that they overhang their support onh' the extent required by the work. There is no intermediate cross slide on the bed over which all of the tools must project in order to reach the work. MULTI-ADJUSTMENTS FOR EACH POSITION AN]) TOOL On account of the dozen turret slide stops and the ten cross slide stops any one of the chucking tools may be used for producing a number of diameters. MULTI-STOPS The turret slide is provided with tweK'e stops which ma)' be used in any desired order. They may all be con- trolled by the turret, or a few of them may be operated b)* hand, thus making it possible to use two for each position of the turret, these being automatically selected by the turret and auxiliary lever ; or one for each position, leaving the other stops to be used as desired, even to using seven for one position and one each for the other five positions. There are ten stops for cross sliding head under control of the operator. SCREW CUT'ITNC; Screw cutting for bar work is done b)' the only lead controlling die. Screw cutting for chuck work is done by the only turret chasing tool. The turret chasing tool accurately and quickly cuts a thread that is absolutely true with the other cuts taken at same holding. 143 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE SPEED CONTROL By CDmbinations of friction clutches and ratchets the whole nine changes are obtained by only two levers. Each lever controls two friction clutches. When Ijoth are out of engagement a ratchet picks up the motion and carries it along. Hence three speeds are actually under control of each lever, the slowest of the three being the ratchet which engages \\'hen the friction clutches are free. Gears, clutches and bearings for the spindle and its drive are encased in a shallow, pan-shaped head, with lower edges of gears immersed in oil to insure perfect lubrication. ECONOMIC SUMMARY AND CLAIMS It is the machine to use in building machinery for profit. Consider these points and determine on what scheme of management your moves will be made. The cost of machining your work probably stands at one-half the shop's labor cost, and your labor cost stands at one-third the total cost of your finished product, when sold, accepted, paid for. Thus your machining, such as lathe work, planing and milling work, amounts to one-sixth the total cost. You wish to get out the largest output per dollar invested in your business. The output is limited to vour capacity for machining your parts. Here are some cardinal points which we consider good : Put vour capital where it will do the most good in getting out work when it is wanted. Don't extend the use of machines which lack adapt- ability. Machines which lack adaptability make it 144 KCONOMIC SUMMAKV AN]) CLAIMS necessary to run the work through the plant in excessi\'ely large lots. This ties up money where it is useless. Such machines are usually run on excessive lots or are standing idle awaiting new tools. On the other hand, do not increase your old style lathes when you can handle the work with turret machines. The output of new (old style) lathes is very low per dollar of in\estment and very high per dollar of labor cost per piece. Such lathes cannot duplicate work ; hence, their product causes endless trouble when it reaches the setting-up or assembling department. Don't tie up too much of your capital in low- efficiency machines. Don't try turret attachments on an engine lathe. They are weak and unreliable makeshifts. The standard lathe is not adapted for use of turret tool-holder. The most popular automatics are not " adaptable," and do not give good output per dollar of investment. The song of exceedingly low labor cost includes no reference to the lot of obsolete tools in tool room, which were made for other work ; nor the excessive size of lots that are run through just because the machines cannot be changed over from one kind to another; nor reference to the money tied up in excessive stock of finished pieces in stock room that must wait six or more months before use; nor the fact that a change in line of work leaves a lot of these parts a dead loss on your hands; nor the fact that their scheme of duplication does not always duplicate, on account of use of overhanging tools; nor the excessive cost of assembling, entailed bv work that is not true. Remember that your profit is made by getting out the work when it is wanted, and as it is wanted. That your capacit)' for machining the parts deter- mines your total capacity. 145 HAKTXESS FLAT TURRET T.ATHE That if you tie up your capital in machine tools which cannot get out the product quickly, you have cut down )'our capacity to get out work under pressure of good business. Remember, too, that your profit or dividend per dollar of investment is \'ery low, or minus, if your equip- ment is low in efRciency. Your capacity to get out the work, and especially your capacity to get out an extra amount of work, is what makes your profit. Buy more Flat Turret Lathes, for they give you the largest output per dollar of investment ; also a low cost of work and an accurate duplication. In buying turret machinery remember that any machine that requires a lot of special tools for your work will require a lot more when there is a slight change in your work. Such machines cannot be changed from one kind of work to another without weeks and sometimes months of delay or previous notice. The expensive tools which you buy with such machines will be obsolete in a short time — if you doubt it, go into your own or some other plant where such machines have been used a few years and see the obsolete tools. If the "just as good" turret machine is said to possess a standard set of tools, look sharp as to the character of those tools ; they are weak and unreliable under stress or the)' are very inconvenient in adjustment, or both. You will be told that we use many machines of this or that " make " in our own works. It may be economy for us to use many and yet very wasteful for you to do so, for we are lathe-work specialists, and must know how the various lathes perform under every-day conditions. Regarding the use of many different kinds of machines, we think it is very bad practice to use more 146 ECONOMIC SUMMARY AND (CLAIMS kinds of machines than necessan'. Our reason for doing so does not fit other builders. If one kind gives satisfactory results as to output per dollar of cost of the lathe and low cost of work, with accurate duplication, then stick to that one kind even if it is not our machine, or the best, providing it " gets there." The introduction of many kinds of lathes into a plant causes endless and needless expense. It is hard enough to break men into running one kind, without having several kinds. The loss due to failure of men to understand the machines is greater than appears at first glance. Of course, if your present equipment is not right, or if you have a variety of machines, with no desire to increase the kind in use, then strike out and get the best, but don't decide till you ha\'e carefully considered the facts herein set forth. It is a fairly unbiassed story of the turret lathe, and it describes the present Flat Turret Lathe, which is the result of many ^-ears of continuous application of our entire plant and energies to this one machine. The first Flat Turret Lathe was shipped in '91. It soon became our sole product. Our present guess is that this machine will be kept a leader for man\' years to come. In considering "tuning" up your plant by correcting your lathe methods, bear in mind that the Jones & Lamson Machine Company is a compan)- of lathe-work specialists. The Flat Turret Lathe has the lead in cost-reducing duplication of work and large output per dollar of cost. Just now the air is reverberating with the wild note of the low labor cost enthusiast — who would have manu- facturers throttle their output by putting their capital for machine tools in low-output machines. What good can come from a system that would reduce the cost of machining per piece, 99.9 per cent, if 147 HARTNKSS FLAT TURRET LATHE said reduction were obtained by machines of such low efficiency that the available capital for machine tools would not get out one-tenth the required work ? These are extravagant figures to illustrate the point. The output of your plant when business is good de- termines )'our profit. Your output cannot be larger than your capacity to machine your work — in fact, the capacity to machine the work usually determines the output. Is your business to be throttled by the use of low- output machines, or do you want to get out the work when it is wanted? To offset the profit in good times we have the idleness of capital in dull times. This loss is enough when the capital is in high-efficiency machines. Don't be deceived by the song of the enthusiast, of saving last fraction of cent of labor cost. He usually does it by expensive, short-lived, frail, inadaptable tools which become obsolete with change of work. His machines when in use a few months average to be found idle too much of the time. Go through your own or other plants with this thought in mind. If you have reached the point where you are convinced that the kind of machine you want is the " adaptable " turret lathe, hand operated, because you want to get out anv piece any time, and get it out in large or small lots — (yet )-ou are bewildered by the claims made for the "just as good" machines) — let us give you a few pointers which will make it possible for you to settle the question in your own mind, without the un- settling advice of our friends the enemy. If )-ou cannot see a sample of each machine running (and by the way, the other macliines are hard to find), then take the cut of each machine — see how readily you can pick out the original machine — the one that was designed on the natural lines, and then see the other that was compelled to take the next best way. ]4S ECONOMIC SUMMARV AND CLAIMS The original accomplishes its ends by the simplest and most direct means. It has the fewest levers; it uses the most substantial tt)ols with the least overhang of work or tools ; it has business lines, and not fussy accumulation of parts; it is not built on the frail " slide upon slide " scheme of design ; its stops are where they will most accurately arrest the cutting tool — not at the lowermost corner of carriage apron. The Flat Turret Lathe has had the benefit of not only the first choice of means to the ends desired, but also a thousand and one minor but important developments of detail that come only by continuous application and exclusive devotion to just one thing, by the entire force and organization of a company. Don't forget the importance of each workman in our plant knowing by experience how to make the best machine. It is faintly rumored that our gentle friends the enemy on the other side of the Atlantic have murmured overmuch regarding the fundamental principles in machine design, particularly that which declares that a machine designed for two kinds cannot be as good as one built for one kind, regardless of the other ; that the machine built to cover both is probably weak on both. Our record for the seventeen years proves we agree with this general principle, but let us see how it fits present conditions, and let us see how our machine as either a bar- working or a chuck -working machine compares with other machines, which are alleged to have been built expressly for each class. Before considering our machine let us call attention to the fact that our friends the enemy (on the other side of the Atlantic, remember) make a great variety of machines, and it is barely possible that our concentration HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE on one machine may make that one machine better for each of two classes of work than it would be possible for us or these friends to cover these two classes by independent machines, providing our energies were simultaneously being dissipated over a long list of other inachines. The aforesaid murmuring is aimed at our machine which is built with cross sliding head because it is offered for either bar or chuck work, or both bar and chuck work. But facts are facts. It was originally designed exclusively for bar work and has been developed as a machine for bar work from the \-er\' first. It ^\'as the original and only turret machine for bar work up to twenty-four inches long, and has from the first been known as the 2 x 24 Flat Turret Lathe. It has enjoyed a constant growth since the year of 1 89 1, and it was the outgrowth of the original automat- ically turning capstan, or turret head screw machines of which this company was the first builder in America, and probably in the world. The first machines were built by us in 1 85 5. The present machine was originally designed, and for thirteen years was made and sold, for bar work only. The development in every detail for such work was just what would be expected when we say that we devoted our entire energies and plant to this one machine which, during the first thirteen years, was made in one size only. In 1904 we brought out our cross sliding head, which made a slight change in the outward appearance of the original machine, but it still possessed all of the original features for good. We knew that the sliding head was not necessary on all kinds of bar ^\■c)rk, but we also knew that bar work merges into chuck work in such a way that it is not objectionable, to say the least, to have an opportunity to give each tool the benefit of the slide which the head affords. 150 ECON(.)^^IC SUMMARY AND CLAIMS No one will deny the supremacy of our lathe as a bar working machine. Thev only say the cross sliding head is unnecessary expense on a bar machine — but we will ex- plain the expense quickly after we haye stated that eyery- one admits the cross sliding head the correct principle and makes the best machine for chuck work. Hence we get indorsed on both bar and chuck work — only criticised for making a machine with cross sliding head, in that it is an unnecessary expense, and which the buyer must pay for. Well, let us see about this expense : Here is an outside confession : we are by record and by habit of thought believers and practicers of the extreme art of manufacturing one thing. Our record shows that we were the only American, and probably the only lathe- building company in the world, that built for many years only one machine, and that in only one size. We did that because we could make more money doing so. That is a confession, isn't it.? Well, incidentally we were able to produce a better machine both in design and workman- ship than our friends the enemy, who have generally been a long wa\' behind us, just simply because they continue to squander their energies over a long line of machinery. Now, we believe that sticking to one thing gets the best results for both manufacturer and buyer. It was that which had something to do with our deciding to make our machine with same head for both purposes. The manufacturer of many machines can't appreciate our attitude. We believed, and still believe, that we can manufacture all machines alike cheaper than we could leave off a few dollars' worth of parts for this or that order. Then a shorter way of saying the same thing, or of proving it, is that there is no machine on the market that comes anywhere near our machine for value or output per dollar of cost. In other words, our machine is actually the cheapest, notwithstanding the talk about the needless expense of the cross sliding head on the bar machine. 151 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE A Group of Hartness Automatic Dies 152 AUTOMATIC SCREW DIE DIE-CUT SCREW THREADS In the original development of the turret lathe for accurate lathe work, the greatest obstacle to our progress was the means then employed for cutting and measuring screws. Die-cut threads were never correct in lead, and seldom of good shape. Lathe-cut or chased threads were found to have an error in lead averaging h of an inch in 1 2 inches when cut by new lathes, and much greater error when produced b\' old lathes. On account of errors in lead and shape, neither the die nor lathe-cut screws could be iTieasured. The so-called screw gage used would tell how a screw would " feel " in a hole of the same length as the gage, but would never tell how it fitted. The die which is the subject of the following description has a lead error of less than i^ in 18 inches ; it produces a shape of thread accurate beyond measure, making it possible for the first time to measure screw threads by the use of the ordinary micrometer, ring or snap gage. The introduction of this die in 1894 marked a most important step in the advancement of accurate machine construction. A full explanation of the present form follows, making very clear how such results are obtained. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Hartness automatic die, shown on preceding page, is made in four sizes, viz.. No. i, for cutting screw threads from #2 inch to yi inch in diameter; No. 4, for screw threads from % inch to i;^ inches in diameter; No. 6, for screw threads from 3-^ inch to 2 inches in diameter; and No. 9 for screw threads from i^ to 3 inches diameter. 153 HAKTXKSS FLAT TURRET LATHE Right or left-hand chasers are supplied as required for cutting United States Standard, W'hitworth Standard, \^, Acme and pipe threads; also, the various fine threads in customary use. It was designed expressly for the Flat Turret Lathe, but may be used in any of the existing screw machines or turret lathes by change of shank. It opens automatically when the travel of its holder or shank is retarded. The cam for controlling the chasers takes bearing directly over and very close to the cutting strains, hence there is no chance for the chaser to get away from its work by canting or tipping. This insures straight work, which is seldom obtained from other automatic dies. The connection between the shank and the bod)- of the die is a double universal joint, allowing the die to assume any position required by the work. This connection remains perfectly flexible under the greatest torsional strain of cutting, and provides a compensation for the slight but important change of alignment that takes place in all turret machines as soon as a die begins to cut. The latch pin which holds the cam in close adjust- ment is provided with two latch surfaces, one for a roughing cut and the other for a finishing cut. Turning the latch half way around changes it from one to the other without disturbing the principal adjustment for size. With this feature smooth screw threads can be cut when the lead is very coarse. It is seldom used on standard threads below i inch in diameter. E\'cry part of the die is made either from open- hearth or tool steel, the lathe work being done exclu- si^'ely on the Flat Turret Lathe, and all other operations by special machinery. It is perfectly interchangeable throughout. 154 AUTOMATIC SCREW J)[E LEAD CONTROLLIXC; KKATIJRE The process of forming tlie chaser teeth is such that the front or working teeth have an ideal cutting clearance, while the back teeth have no clearance, but, instead, take bearing on the work a trifle back of the face of the chaser, forming substantially a lead nut which rides on the thread produced by the front teeth, thus governing the lead of the screw. These chaser teeth are formed by special milling machines provided with means for recording to a nicety all angles and positions of approach of work to cutters, so that an absolute knowledge of the clearance and con- tact of each tooth is possessed. Each chaser is milled separately, insuring a perfect interchangeability. The milling cutters used are 2}^ inches in diameter, regardless of the size of the screw to be cut by the chasers. These cutters are formed in backing-oi¥ lathes and possess '55 IIAKTXESS FLAT TURRET LATHE an ideal clearance. When in use the faces ol: their cutting teeth are ground frequentl}', thus maintaining the correct degree of rake and a keen cutting edge; they take a clean cut without any of the burnishing or rubbing action which always accompanies the bobbing or tapping of dies. The importance of this feature is appreciated after the dies have returned from the hardening process. Since the metal in the chaser teeth has been undisturbed by the cutting process, and only the extreme edge hardened, leaving the soft back very near the edge, no appreciable change of form takes place. In the process of hardening other dies the compressed or burnished metal — which has Llartness Automatic Die No. 4 and its parts 156 AUTOMATIC SCRKW DIE been sc[ueezed into shape by the bobbing or tapping action — is quick to assume a more natural position, and this results in a distorted die. Our method does not depend on the accuracy of the lead screw of a lathe in which hobs, taps and mills for producing dies are made, neither is it affected by the change in hardening such tools. All other methods have at least the errors of two hardenings and one lead screw. We correct in the milling machine all errors excepting the final hardening of the chaser, which takes place under such ideal con- ditions that we cut a practically perfect screw. The error in lead is less than ih in i8 inches in screws of standard pitch, and, when cutting threads of fine pitches, a proportionate accuracy of lead is maintained. To obtain a full appreciation of the comparative minuteness of this error it is only necessary to measure with a good scale the lead of the best taps on the market, the lead screws of engine lathes, and the screws cut by other dies, any of which will show errors from four to ten times as great. In view of these facts, we consider our die practically perfect in its lead-controlling features. 157 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR USING If the lead of the work produced does not correspond to the nut into whicli it is fitted, do not condemn the die, but measure the lead of both the work and the taps with a scale, providing you can get both in length of 4 or 6 inches. It is practically impossible to make taps that will lead accurately on account of varying results in hardening. This element of uncertainty is eliminated 158 AUTOMATIC. SCREW DIE in tliis die, as explained in tlie preceding pages. The error in lead of taps is usually so great that it is plainly visible on i or i ^i inches of length. A scale placed on tops of teeth will show at the even inches the error, and at the I ^ -inch graduations if the pitch is an even number to the inch. Fifty per cent of the taps now in use should be discarded. When you order new taps ask the maker to select taps of good lead, and, if necessary, pay an extra price for getting the cream. It will be worth it if you want good work. Measure the diameter of the taps and see that there are no burrs or fins in bottom of thread to spoil shape of thread in the work. The so-called thread gages, in the form of a circular nut, though nicely finished and hardened pieces of steel with an internal thread, are very misleading. All that has been said in the foregoing regarding the impossibility of making correct lead dies is equally true of these gages. Furthermore, such gages wear in directions for which an adjustment cannot be made. A more unreliable gage could hardly be invented. 159 IIARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE The three distinct dimensions of a screw thread should be measured separate!)'. The shape and lead should be measured when the die is made ; in other words, the die should cut a correct shape and lead ; then the third dimension, the diameter, should be measured when the die commences on a lot of screws, and occa- sionally thereafter. The thread may be measured by the ordinary micrometer, snap or ring gage, taking the diameter at the top of the thread. As the die becomes badly worn, the lead should be measured occasionally. This can be done by cutting a thread 6 or 12 inches long and measuring it with a good scale, remembering that all scales may " look alike " and yet not be the same in length ; hence, get a good scale. The various forms of screw lead-measuring devices may be used with economy of time and material, but such gages should be handled with special care and occasionally compared by the foregoing method. 160 ■^ I t rr U_ T i X 7 ^ II " l [ " II I t II r r jL T n i tt m i i f rtr ii rt |i i z. -ii TrirTT ii i t ii t t ii r t i i t i. ii tt m tt i[ JT-rcy; m II u n n II TT II iT-ir-n- -TT-ir^T-Tr~rT-TrnrT-TT--TT-nr-n-TT-TT--Tr-rrTT-TT-Tr-f^^ original Flat Turret UST as the Latlie was equipped with an outfit of conveniently adjustable tools for Ijar work, so now, with the present machine, we have provided a unix-ersal outfit of tools for chuck work. The many illustrations of chuck- ing tools and conditions under which they work will carry conviction that we have not fallen short of our established record, to use only the most practical and efficient tools, held under the most rigid control, and in i6i HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE The Flat Turret Lathe at work, showing the convenience of control and the stability of tool support 162 CHUCKINO LATHE conveniently adjustable holders. When we say chuck work, we do not mean merely the process of boring a rough hole in a piece of work to be reamed elsewhere, and after that to have the piece pushed on an arbor and turned in some other machine, but we mean finishing the work shown by our accompanying sketches, in which every possible cut is taken that can be taken, and still lea\'e means for holding the piece. Just as in the past we restricted our working dimensions to a 2-inch spindle hole, so now in this machine we restrict our chucking swing to 12 and 14 inches; but in doing so we furnish a machine that cannot be ec[ualed by any other machine. The simplicity of our entire scheme makes it possible to retain for our entire range of work our claim made for the original machine, \'iz., we can make one piece quicker than it is possible to make it in an engine lathe, and if two pieces or more are required, our system of stops makes a convenient and quick means for accurate duplication. The ten stops for the cross-feed head, combined with the dozen stops for the turret, and the turning and boring tools, all of the simplest and stiffest construction, make this machine read)' to begin work as soon as it is supplied with the driving power. It is not only read)' to begin work on the work for which it may have been purchased, but it is supplied with a set of tools that will take care of any similar piece any hour or any day in the future ; and, notwithstanding this vmiversality, adapta- bility and efficiency, our tools and work are brought together under the most rigid control and under ideal conditions never before attained in a lathe. All the shears and running surfaces are protected from the dust of cast-iron, so that the machine may be used for either steel work in which oil is used, or for cast-iron chucking. 163 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE 164 CHUCK WORK 165 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE Showing simple arrangement of tools for producing parts of cone friction clutches, broad tools being used for short taper surfaces. This also shows one method of accurately chucking for second operation — a central plug being used for centering the piece. 1 66 (■HICK WOK K '^r *;^ Samples of work fur \vhi(_h tliu nuu.liine shown im opposite pau;e is adjusted 167 UAirrNKSS FIAT TlRKI'/l" LAPIIK 1 68 CIUXK \V(IKK Thf t'X;llll|Jk■^ (il rhiick work, slinwii mi |);iu;l-s 166 to JO^, in- Llusi\L', indicate tlic \M)i'kin;j; raiiL^c (if niii" luarhine willi its slaiidai'cl c(|iii|iniL'in iif tiKiU, Willi llu' (_'xrc|.)tiiin nf llu- ( lia^iiiL; altai liinciU, all nt tin- wdik ^ll(J\\ll may be aciuratelN- ami (|uickl\- |)i'(i( lured with oui' (Jiiiekin^; oiitlit, and (inh" an necasidiial extra aiimr. or |)ail, that uill lie readih apiiaieiit In" liKikiiiL; (i\er the i ut^. 0.J HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE AUTOMATIC SCREW CHASING TOOL The automatic turret chasing tool is for cutting screw threads on chuck work. It cuts screws of any diameter from iij^ down to 2% inches in cUameter for internal screws, and about i inch for external threads, and any length under 4 inches. It consists of a compact tool which is rigidly bolted to the top of the turret. This tool contains a 2-inch sliding cutter bar and a small lead screw with automatic devices for engaging and disengaging the nut. There is also a small rod which furnishes a rotary connection between main spindle of lathe and the lead screw. In use the cutter bar carries the cutter or chaser back and forth over the work automaticalh', while the operator's onh' duty is to regulate depth of cut by feeding cross sliding head the requisite distance each trip of the tool. This chasing tool greatly extends the working range of the turret lathe, for it is now possible to include that class of chuck work which was formerly retained by the lathe on account of its ha\ing a screw thread. Much of this work has been distincth' turret lathe work, but on account of the turret lathe having no accurate means of completing all operations, including the screw threading, it has been necessary to have all the work done on the engine lathe. But now, with this feature, the chuck work with screw threads may ha\'e the advantage of the most rapid and accurate scheme of screw cutting, combined with the unflinching tool control and other features for accurate duplication, that may be found in this turret lathe. An extra lead screw, with nut, is recjuired for each lead, but one set will cut any diameter and either right or left-hand screws. 170 AUTOMATIC SCKi;\V CirASINC. The al)(i\x' cut sliows tlic chasini^^ tool in workin;^ (ipcration (sonic of tlic otlicr tools ha\'t' been rcnio\x'cl to gi\x' a fullci- \ic\\ ). The main castin,n" nia\- be bolted st|uare for pai-allel screws, or at an\' an^^le for taper sci'ews. A remo\al)le ke\' fits slot ill turret top for hol(lii\L;" tool in |)osition for jjarallel threads. A chaser-shaped cutter ]ia\'in,L;' sex'eral cuttin;.^ teeth is furnished foi" I'. S., \', and Whitworth threads, Ijut we i-ecoiiunend the use of sin_L;"le-])ouit cutters for scpiai'e and Acme standards ; also for all threads tliat must lam full close to a shoulder. The i^reat ach'antaj^e of this attacliment is ui its l^roducing a sci'ew thread winch is known to be abso- lutel}' tiaie with the other cuts that lia\e been taken at same settin_L;, and, notwithstandiiiL;' its rapid operation, its accurac\' exceeds the ]jroduct (A the a\'era;.4e eiiL;"ine lathe. 171 , y, vr TUKRKT l.ATUK 172 'I'iifse tiii'L-e \ii_'\\s III the chasiiiL,' V>o\ slmw its use lur thrt-e different kinds of work. In the top picture on opposite pa^e it is cutting an inside s( rew lliread and tlie Ifjwer cut illustrates the tool in position for chasing an outside thread. 173 HARTXESS FLAT TURRET LATHE Samples of Chuck Wurk 174 CHUCK WORK Samples of Chuck Work 175 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET I,ATHE Samples of Chuck Work ; ^ 1 : U "; - :, 1 ;> ■ '-■■'■ ---■^--'i^?^'^-^^^^^^^ ^"^A^i 4 "^^i^Cll" §jjF' 1 iC \5 ?,^ A. 176 CHUCK WORK Samples of Chuck Work 177 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE Samples of Chuck Work Samples of Bar Work 178 CHUCK WORK Samples of Bar Work Samples of Bar or Chuck Work 179 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE Samples of Chuck Work I So (D O) CO CL (Ji CQ Tl Q) (Q CD CHUCK WORK CAST IRON FINISHED IN 8 MINUTES THREE JAWED CHUCK Finished in One Operation \y'i, ''* CAST IRON FINISHED IN 8 MINUTES THREE JAWED CHUCK Finished in One Operation 183 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE w? I CAST IRON FINISHED IN 9 MINUTES THREE JAWED CH Finished in One Operation Finislied in One Operation 184 CHUCK WORK MACHINE STEEL FORGING FINISHED ALL OVER IN 39 MINUTES ^ - 1 1 -<7— u c \ o o \ S 1 THREE JAWED CHUCK Finished in Two Operations — First Operation AUTOMATIC CHUCK Finislied in Two Operations — Second Operation i8s HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE li'M— -fiff- K s.q FOUR JAWED CHUCK Finished in Two Operations — First Operation AUTOMATIC CHUCK Finislied in Two Operations — Second Operation 1 86 CHUCK WORK -* 1 t I BRONZE FINISHED ALL OVER IN 18 MINUTES V rf ^a \\p J I'i — .... ^ H D W h ^ ^ D THREE JAWED CHUCK Finished in Two Operations — First Operation FACE PLATE Finished in Two Operations — Second Operation 1 87 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE BRONZE FINISHED ALL OVER IN 12 MINUTES THREE JAWED CHUCK Finished in Two Operations — First Operation FACE PLATE Finished in Two Operations — Second Operation CHUCK WORK Finished ill Two Operations — First Operation Finished in Two Operations — Second Operation HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE r^, FINISHED ALL OVER THREE JAWED CHUCK / r- Finished in Two Operations — First Operation Finished in Two Operations — Second Operation 190 CHUCK WORK u-a-V-^ ;i:,- m FINISHED ALL OVER THREE JAWED CHUCK Finished in Two Operations — First Operation Finished in Two Operations — Second Operation 191 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE - X ,> ,^^ ^SPECIAL ' 1' ' '^. Finished in Two Operations — Second Operation 199 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE ■& l>i STEEL FORGING FINISHED IN 1 9 MINUTES '"^ THREE JAV.ED CHUCK Finished in T^o ( >|)erations — First Operation FACE PLATE Finished in Two Operations — Second Operation CHUCK WORK THREE JAWED CHUCK Finished in Two Operations — First Operation Finisliedin Two Operations — Second Operation HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE Itl ■ 5 S » •~Ay^ : CAST IRON FINISHED ALL OVER z'in. THREE JAWED CHUCK / , Finished in Two Operations — First Operation FACE PLATE { 1 I I ] 1 ~"^-J Finished in Two Operations — Second Operation CHUCK WORK 'H't>rH^-^*i T"" .1 CAST IRON FINISHED IN £4. MINUTFS THREE JAWED CHUCK Finished in Two Operations — First Operation Finished in Two Operations — Second Operation 203 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE DETAILS OF OUTFIT OF TOOLS FOR BAR \\'ORIC UP TO 2X-INCH BAR The Machine One 2 x 24-inch Flat Turret Lathe, cross-feed head, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ single drive, four tool holders, three stock supports, oil pump and piping, friction countershaft, cast-iron table for holding tools, etc., and suitable wrenches. Parts for Handling the Bar of Stock Automatic chuck and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ roller feed. Fifteen sets of jaws for chuck, holding all sizes from ^^ inch to 2^ inches in diameter, inclusive. Turning; Tools * '"e chip breaking turner (Model K) with four — independent adjustments for each back rest and cutter. One double size turning roller back rest turner (Model H) and one Model B turner without roller rests — all adjustable to sizes from 2 i/_j^ inches down. One cross slide for holding cutting-off and forming tools. One pointing tool, one centering tool, one drill chuck. Screw Thread Cutting One i 'jl-inch automatic (opening) die, with 15 sets of chasers for cutting all U. S. S. threads ^s inch to i '4^ inches in diameter, inclusive, b)' sixteenths. All the above may be briefly described as 2 x 24-iiicli Flat Turret Lathe, with the automatic die outfit {outfit D). DETAILS OF -2 X :i4-IXCH FLAT TURRET L.\THE WITH CHUCKINO OUTFIT FOR WORK UP TO 12 INCHES DIAMETER The Machine One 2 x 24 by 12-inch swing Flat Turret Lathe, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cross-feed head, single dri\e, four tool holders, oil pump and piping, friction countershaft, cast-iron table for holding tools, etc., and suitable wrenches. Chucking Tools *'ne 12-inch face plate, with hook bolts and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ clamp blocks. One 12-inch 3-jawed scroll chuck with two sets 3-step jaws for in and outside gripping, one set long-necked jaws for inside gripping, and one set soft blank jaws that may be turned to fit any special form. Four tool blt-icks. (^h^e combiuation tool plate with clamp blocks. One dozen outside turning cutters. Se\ en inside boring and turning cutters. Two I ^ -inch round boring bars with four cutters. (Jne 3Y"jy-inch round boring bar. Two scjuare cutter bars with two cutters. (Jnc extension drill support, with four sockets for standard taper shanks. All the above may be briefly described as the 2 x 24-inch Flat Turret Lathe, with chucking outfit (outfit C). For chuck work requiring chased threads the turret chasing tool should be added to chucking outfit. It should have one set of lead screw, nut and cutter for each pitch. 204 KfJUIPMENT FOR 2 X L'4 LATIIK DOUBLE OUTI'Tr FOR BAR AND CHUCK WORK; l-OR BAR WORK UP TO -1% IXCHKS DIAMKI'ER AND 24 INCHES IN LEN(;TH AND CHUCK WORK UP TO THE 12 INCH SWUNG CAPACITY The Machine ^^^ne 2 x 24-inch Elat 'I'urret Lathe, cross-feed head, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ single drive, four tool holders, three stock supports, oil pump and piping, friction countershaft, cast-iron table for holding tools, etc., and suitable wrenches. Parts for Handling the Bar of Stock Automatic chuck and ^=^=^^=^=^==^^^=^=^^==^^^^=^^==^^^^=^= roller feed. Fifteen sets of jaws for chuck, holding all sizes from J^ inch to 2^ inches in diameter, inclusive. Turning Tools ' 'ne chip breaking turner (Model K) with four ~ independent adjustments for each back rest and cutter. One double size turning roller back rest turner ("Model H) and one Model B turner without roller rests — all adjustable to sizes from 2]^ inches down. One cross slide for holding cutting-off and forming tools. One pointing tool, one centering tool, one drill chuck. Screw Thread Cutting <'ne 154; -inch automatic (opening) die, ~ with 15 sets of chasers for cutting all U. S. S. threads 3/^ inch to i J4 inches in diameter, inclusive, by sixteenths. Chucking Tools • '"e 12-inch face plate, with hook bolts and clamp blocks. One 12-inch 3-jawed scroll chuck with two sets 3-step jaws for in and outside gripping, one set long- necked jaws for inside gripping, and one set soft blank jaws that may be turned to fit any special form. Four tool blocks. One combination tool plate with clamp blocks. < )ne dozen outside turning cutters. Seven inside boring and turning cutters. Two I j^ -inch round boring bars with four cutters. One 3^''g-inch round cutter bar for turning and boring. Two square cutter bars with two cutters. One extension drill support with four sockets for standard taper shanks. All the above may be briefly described as 2 .\ 24-inch Flat Turret Lathe, with automatic die and chucking outfits (outfits D and C). For chuck work requiring chased threads, the turret chasing tool should be added to the chucking outfit. It should have one set of lead screw, nut and cutter for each pitch. 205 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE DETAILS OF OUTFIT OF TOOLS FOR BAR WORK HANDLING FULL LENGTH BARS UP TO 3 INCHES DIAMETER— TURNING ALL DIAMETERS UP TO 3 INCHES AND THREADING UP TO 2 INCHES DIAMETER The Machine One 3 x 36-inch Flat Turret Lathe, cross-feed head, ^^^^^^^^^^^^ single drive, four tool holders, three stock supports, oil pump and piping, friction countershaft, cast-iron table for holding tools, etc., and suitable wrenches. Parts for HandHng the Bar of Stock Automatic chuck and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ roller feed. Seven- teen sets of jaws for chuck, holding all sizes from i inch to 3 inches in diameter, inclusive. Turninp; Tools One chip breaking turner (Model K) with four - independent adjustments for each back rest and cutter. One double size turning roller back rest turner (Model H) and one Model B turner without roller rests — all adjustable to sizes from 3 inches down. One cross slide for holding cutting-off and forming tools. One pointing tool, one centering tool, one drill chuck. Screw Thread Cutting One 2-inch automatic (opening) die, with ^ 9 sets of chasers for cutting all U. S. S. threads i inch to 2 inches in diameter, inclusive, by eighths. All the above may be briefly described as 3 x 36-inch Flat Turret Lathe, with the automatic die outfit (outfit D). DETAILS OF 3 X 36TNCH FLAT TURRET LATHE CHUCK- ING OUTFIT FOR WORK UP TO 14 INCHES DIAMETER The Machine One 3x36 by 14-inch swing Flat Turret Lathe, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cross-feed head, single drive, four tool holders, oil pump and piping, friction countershaft, cast-iron table for holding tools, etc., and suitable wrenches. Chucking Tools One 14-inch face plate, with hook bolts and = clamp blocks. One 14-inch 3-j awed scroll chuck with two sets 3-step jaws for in and outside gripping, one set long- necked jaws for inside gripping, and one set soft blank jaws that may be turned to fit any special form. Four tool blocks. One combination tool plate with clamp blocks. One dozen outside turning cutters. Seven inside boring and turning cutters. Two I ^ -inch round boring bars Avith four cutters. One 3YV-inch round boring bar. Two square cutter bars with two cutters. One extension drill support, with four sockets for standard taper shanks. All the above may be briefly described as the 3 x 36-inch Flat Turret Lathe, with chucking outfit {outfit C). For chuck work requiring chased threads the turret chasing tool should be added to chucking outfit. It should have one set of lead screw, nut and cutter for each pitch. 206 E(JUIPMENT FOR ?, X 36 LATHE DOUBLE OUTFIT FOR BAR WORK UP TO 3 INCHES DIAMETER AND 36 INCHES IN LENGTH AND CHUCK WORK UP TO 14TNCH SWING CAPACITY The Machine One 3 x 36-inch Flat Turret Lathe, cross-feed ■ head, single drive, four tool holders, three stock supports, oil pump and piping, friction countershaft, cast-iron table for holding tools, etc., and suitable wrenches. Parts for HandHng the Bar of Stock Automatic chuck and ^^=^=^=^=^^^=^==^^^^^^=^^=^==^ roller feed. Seven- teen sets of jaws for chuck, holding all sizes from i inch to 3 inches in diameter, inclusive. Turnine; Tools One chip breaking turner (Model K) with four ■ independent adjustments for each back rest and cutter. One double size turning roller back rest turner (Model H) and one Model B turner without roller rests — all adjustable to sizes from 3 inches down. One cross slide for holding cutting-off and forming tools. One pointing tool, one centering tool, one drill chuck. Screw Thread Cutting One 2-inch automatic (opening) die, ^ with 9 sets of chasers for cutting all U. S. S. threads i inch to 2 inches in diameter, inclusive, by eighths. Chucking Tools One 14-inch face plate, with hook bolts and =^ clamp blocks. ()ne 14-inch 3-jawed scroll chuck with two sets 3-step jaws for in and outside gripping, one set long- necked jaws for inside gripping, and one set soft blank jaws that may be turned to fit any special form. Four tool blocks. One combination tool plate with clamp blocks. One dozen outside turning cutters. Seven inside boring and turning cutters. Two I ^ -inch round boring bars with four cutters. One 3j-''5-inch round cutter bar for turning and boring. Two square cutter bars with two cutters. One extension drill support with four sockets for standard taper shanks. All the above may be briefly described as 3 x 36-inch Flat Turret Lathe, with automatic die and chucking outfits (outfits 1) and C). For chuck work requiring chased threads, the turret chasing tool should be added to the chucking outfit. It should have one set of lead screw, nut and cutter for each pitch. 207 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE ^ .B ^ " -^ OJ -^ _ M ^ O nj o ^ .X o c 'z, ■" Ji ^ ^ oj rt - ^ e t3 60 S B ?; M bo 208 ELECTRIC DRIVE PLAN cu ^ ■u OJ 4=1 ^ r- ■^ rt ■^ rt S CD OJ (1) ^ j:^ rt rt C ^ G OJ ilT -r! u ■J J r^ QJ "Tl "^ C/J X) ■:ij ^IJ ^ OJ <"! oi +L f^ OJ -^ 7-, ^ bjj '5 ^ O rt " — -C o r-" bn bn rf ^ o i; 0) •/,■ CI, bo r. ^ ■„ -^ ^ C " S V .g 5 S £ 3 i3 '- ,lj c c o .2 'S c "* " Tj rt O ^ ^ .C '^ O o 'f cd -71 ^ y -^ Ti -d OJ rf OJ ■0 209 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE (01^ — I H-16- M - 10':; -: -M myi^— t ■^ v^ H: m=^j^ - Ki%\ ■r'3- THE LOCATION OF THESE HOLES I MAY VARY V^ INCH ' m- Plan for Setting up 2 x 24-inch Flat Turret Lathe with Countershaft Three stock supports are furnished and should be located as shown in cut on page 208 CDL'NTERSHAFT DRIVE PLAN lOM" m- ^ fe W a RP.Mi^ 460 p. lOk-f- —46!^ P.M. —20* [ J.-VXl i-S^aW y _iki □ THE LOCATION OF THESE HOLES MAY VARY )^ INCH. Plan for Setting up 3 x 36-inch Flat Turret Latlie witli Countersliaft Three stock supports are furnished and should be located as shown in cut on page 209 HARTXESS FLAT TURRET LATHE SPECIAL ELECTRIC DRIVE WITH MOTOR ATTACHED TO MACHINE The regular machine is driven by an electric motor as shown on pages 208 and 209. This special electric drive is intended to meet the demand for motor attached to machine. This scheme of dri\'e requires a special leg having a face to which the motor may be bolted ; otherwise the machine is the same as regular. We are prepared to furnish motor or to furnish machine with special leg of the dimension given below, to which the purchaser ma)' attach motor. The latter method generalh' is saving in time. It is onl)- necessary to see that the motor selected will go in the space provided on leg. This is only furnished on special order clearh' stating that motor leg is preferred. SI'I'CI \l, I'l'.A'IT KES si'i-xiAL M':.vri;kj<;s 'Vhv opi'ii-Mclc liinicf is ( H-casiDiialK iisL'd tor spi'cial work, lia\'mn' shoi-t cut ol i'\cr J '_|. and under 3 iiiclK-s in the 2 \ 24-ni(;h ladic, and (i\'cr :; and under 4 nulu's ui tile 3 \ 3()-UKh niaeliuie^. < >nl\ reciininiended lor tak- u}'f liLilit taits. I leiX'w ith is sh( )wn the centermn" tool, toi- dnllin^L;" ('enters ni work loi' Lj,"rindinL;' or()tliei" |)ui'|)( >ses. I)\' cai'e- ful ad]u>tnient of two of the back re>ts just a little nearer the center than the thu'd I'est aljsoluteh' true cell teian^L;" can be d( me. C\-liU rilli; 1 ui. The clutch tap holder is u>ed U>v holdiiiL;" a ta].) ai^ainst tuiaiiiiu; until it has tapped to a desired depth, at A wliicli point the carria_L;\' is stopped, caiisinii," the clutches to jnill apart and allowing!," the tap to rotate with the work until spindle isrewrsed for sci"ewing it out. •-'lutch Tap lluldur HARTXESS FLAT •rVKRET LArUE OPERATOR'S SKCTION 215 "SETTING UP" AND OPERATING OLT the machine to the floor before putting on the belt. Do not adjust the position of the machine to tlie running of the belt. Set the machine true with the countershaft or main line h\ dropping clown a plumb bob from each end of the shaft. Since plumb bobs are not in the kit of ever)- machinist, an inch nut or an)' weight on the end of a string thrown over the shaft will answer. The countershaft should line up perfectly with the shaft from which the power is received, and it should be perfectly level. It should be well oiled before starting and examined after it has run fifteen minutes to see if any of the bearings are warm. After the machine has been set parallel with the counter the lag screws should be put through the legs into the floor, but should not be screwed down until after the machine is leveled. As the bed rests on three points and is flexibly connected to one pair of legs, the leveling of the machine is not done in the usual way. When the level is placed across the Vs of the lathe bed and is found to be a little high on one side, drive the wedges under the edge of the leg at head end. Do not try to change it by wedging up under the back leg, for it is not con- nected to the bed by the usual means, but only serves as 317 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE a pivotal support. Wedging under this leg will only raise or lower this end of the machine. Care should, however, be taken to ha\'e this leg stand on a fairly level spot. Now place the le\'el on one of the Vs lengthwise and wedge up carefully until both ends of the machine are ecjual in height. Locate the stock supports as indicated in the draw- ings and adjust them for height by placing a bar of stock in the machine and slowly revoh'ing it. If the countershaft clutch slips, screw up the two small nuts at the rim of friction and slightly turn each the same amount. The speed should be exactly 800 revolutions per minute. If this speed is not as pre- scribed, the table of sizes of work for which the various speeds are intended will be of no value. This table is furnished for ready reference in a suitable frame with each machine. Do not put your belts on too tight at first. It is much easier to lace the belt two or three times while it is stretching than it is to get a new bearing running smoothly after it has been roughened up by the belts being too tight. All new bearings should be frequently oiled and run with care. Lubrication Oil in Headstock. Put five gallons of lubricating oil in the case of the sliding head. The lightest or thinnest oil is the best. There is an overflow hole drilled at the proper level in the back of the head case. The oil should always be kept up to this level — if the oil is allowed to get too low there is sure to be trouble. Cooling Solution or Lard-Oil. If the machine is to be used in working steel, the reservoir in pan should be filled with either good No. i lard-oil or a mixture of lard-oil with borax and water — about 10 or 11 g-allons are required. &'- DIRECTIONS The chan|j;L' from the carbon to the so-called hij^-h speed steels has effected the problem of cuttintr solution. Lard-oil is undoubtedly the best and only cutting oil for tools made of carbon tool steel, and perhaps for all tools taking a broad cut, like a forming tool, but there is much e\'idence of the superiority of a borax solution made of one pound of borax to seven gallons of hot water mixed with one gallon of lard-oil. The cjuantity of borax should be the least that will make the water and oil mix. This quantit)- \'aries with different waters (hard or soft) and vmfortunately with different lard (?) oils, depend- ing on the proportion of lard-oil to the adulterant and the quality of the adulterant. But a safe mixture in the usual circumstances ma)' be made in accordance with the above formula. A convenient amount ma)- be mixed in a 50-gallon barrel which will take 7 pounds of borax with water heated to 100 or iio degrees. The borax is better than sal soda, which has hereto- fore been used for making a cutting solution known as soda water. The objection to an excess of either borax, or sal soda, is that it cuts away the lubricant from the sliding surfaces, and causes an excessi\'e wearing away of the sliding surfaces between the turret and the saddle, and the saddle and bed. If borax water is used instead of clear lard -oil, provision should be made for a daih' supply of a good quantity of oil (preferably lard-oil) to the turret seat and carriage slide ; otherwise, these surfaces will rapidly w^ear down. Lard-oil is preferred for lubricating the turret and carriage-slides, because the oil on the slides is washed away and becomes mixed with the cutting solution, and the increase of percentage of lard-oil in the cutting 219 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE solution improves the quality- of the solution, whereas other oils ha\-e the ad\'erse effect. Borax water and soda water compounds both ha\'e a common characteristic which seems to cause a wearing awa\- of the clearance-face of the tool. This face of a worn tool looks as if it had been lapped ; that is, a tool loses its clearance quicker \\ith soda or borax water than with lard-oil straight, and a tool refuses to cut because its under-face has been worn to a slighth' negative clearance, whereas the tool dulled by cutting with lard-oil has a crumbled edge which has grown into a negati^'e clearance. The cooling qualities of borax water are \'ery much greater than that of lard-oil. It is, of course, much cheaper than straight lard-oil, for the cjuantitv of oil and borax per gallon is relatively inexpensive. To Start the Machine on Bar Work, begin on some \'ery simple work. Suppose the diameter of the head is i if and the body i ^^ inches, that the total length is 6 inches, and that the piece must be finished all over. Get a bar of i ^j-inch stock. See that it is fairly straight and free from short kinks and that there is no burr of any size on either end. If the bar has been cut off in the shear the burr should be hanimered down. The large adjusting collar under the sleeve should be screwed back to open the chuck and forward to close it. Now remove the bushing from the spindle, for this is onlv used for smaller bars than i inch, and would not adinit the 1%-inch bar. It is necessar)- to let back the rolls in the roller feed in order to remove this bushing. After this is clone push the bar through the stock supports into the spindle and through the chuck until the end projects about %-inch beyond the face of the chuck. Adjust the jaws at the back of the roller feed till they are about y'l-inch loose on the stock. Adjust the chuck DlKECTKiNS till it requires much force to thrust the chuck lc\-(jr to the left. The rolls of the roller feed should be set down against the bar till each spring is raised a trifle. Now, the next thing is to determine the speed to be run. This can be clone b)' the use of the table or by experience. Turn the turret around until the cross slide comes in working position, set the cut-off tool, and trim off the rough end of the bar. Before turning to the next place set the sto]3. See directions for adjusting the stops on page 223. No. i is the stop for the cross slide. Next move the " back stop " up close and clamp it. Run the turret back against it till it turns to the next position ; next loosen the back stop again and push it back till the end of the swinging " stock stop " measures a distance equal to the length of the work, which is 6 inches, plus the width of the cut-off tool, which we will call tV-inch. That is, the stock stop should be swung up into place, and the turret should push the back stop until the length between the end of the bar in the chuck and the end of the stock stop is equal to 6t\ inches ; then clamp the back stop firmh'. Now open the chuck and hold the lever to the right until the roller feed pushes the bar out against the stop, then forcibly close the chuck. Turn the turret to turner. Now use the turner carefully and without the back rest till the cutter is adjusted to size. This must be done on the first piece by use of calipers or any other gauge; take off about ^/^-inch chip each time while roughing, and allow it to run on about 54-inch. After the end has been reduced to i % inches, adjust the back rest, have it follow the tool and bear on the i J^-inch size, then throw in the feed by the lever on the front of the apron near the pilot wheel. Let this cut run up the required distance and adjust the feed stop for this tool. Before running back withdraw the tool by pulling the small cam lever towards you. Run back the turret HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE until it brings the next tool into position, and adjust this tool for turning the head of the piece ; the head may be turned without the use of the back rest. Now the end of the piece ma)' be shaped l^y the pointing tool held in one of the tool holders. The screw cutting comes next. Directions for using the automatic die will be found on pages 244 to 247. The next oper- ation is rounding the head, which may be done b}' an offset tool in the back tool post of cross slide, or it may be done b)' putting a crowning tool in place of the cut-off tool and then having the cut-off tool work from the back post of cross slide. B\ using the former instead of the latter an additional tool may be set in the back post for shaving the under-side of the head. This, however, is not often necessary. Then cut the piece from the bar and proceed to run off the required number. If but one piece is desired it is not necessary to set any of the stops. These stops were set only for the benefit of more rapid production of the other pieces wanted. In starting the turner on a piece of this pro- portion do not throw in the feed until the edge of the back rest is started on the work ; it should be fed thus far by hand. The fine feed should be used with a chip of this kind, but if the tool is beveled slightly the medium feed can be used. If the Bar is Crooked and the end runs out too much to true up, the piece may be partly severed from the bar — enough to weaken it so that it can be bent to run true. The Jaws May be Used on Work a Trifle Larger, but never on smaller diameters than are marked on the jaws. For instance, the i%-inch jaws will hold ill, but will not hold iif. The latter size must be held by the 1 34-inch jaws. DIRECTIONS Hexagon Stock is held Idv the same jaws that hold round and sqviare by removing one of the jaws and inserting spacers that will hold the jaws in place for taking bearing on three sides of the stock. Round stock may be held in the jaws as arranged for holding hexagon or square, but if it is a trifle oval in section, an arrangement of jaws for hexagon is better. The Chuck should be wiped clean every time the jaws are changed, and should be kept well oiled. To remove the chuck from the spindle of the 3-inch machine it should be gripped on a short piece of 2-inch stock to which a lathe dog is fastened. By the use of a lever placed between the tail of the dog and the bar of stock, the chuck may be readily loosened. This also serves as a good means of screwing the chuck firmly against the collar when putting it on again. The chuck body of the 2-inch machine is part of the spindle and cannot be removed. The Roller Feed should be kept as clean as possible and well oiled. The bar of stock should be wiped free from grit and dirt before the bar is placed in the machine. The Turret Stops and How to Adjust Them. There are twelve feed stops for the turret, two for each position of the turret. These stops are numbered Ai and Bi for No. i turret position, and A2 and B2 for No. 2 turret position, and so on up to 6. The lever marked stop controller is arranged to lift out of position all of the A stops or all of the B stops, or both the A and B stops. When only one stop is required for each position of the turret, the stop controller is set to keep either the A or the B stops out of position, allowing the others to do the work. 223 HAKTXESS FLAT TURRET LATHE If more than two stops are required for any one position, then the extra stop pin at the back of the turret shde may be dropped into any one of the other five holes, thus borrowing one or more of the B stops not required bv the other tools. This extra stop scheme makes it possible to give one of the tools seven stops, if desired, and still lea\'e one stop for each of the other five tools. Each of the tweh'c stop bars is held in place while setting by the set screw directly over it, but these set screws should not be set down hard or depended upon for holding against the carriage feed. The stop binder at the side clamps all of the stops together, and should be set hard. The notched edge of the stops should be up when the stop is to arrest the forward motion of the carriage, and down when stop is to arrest niotion of carriage traveling awav from the chuck. The back stop ser\-es two purposes : first, it forms an abutment for the rack that turns the turret ; and, second, it determines the backward travel of the turret, and thus locates the stock stop which is attached to the turret carriage. The back stop should be set w'ith reference to the desired position of the stock stop, against which the bar of work strikes when a new length of work is being pushed out of the chuck. Care in setting the back stop will leave very little to be done in adjusting the screw at the end of the stock stop. TuRXKRs B AND H. The adjustments for the turning tools and for the back rests are provided with binder screws to prevent their moving after being once set. These screws are set up with a screw-dri\'er from the back of the turner. For all kinds of work set the tool so that the part of it that does the finishing is just a trifle ahead of the back rest. The tool should be so adjusted that the part that does the finishing \\'ill come exactly to 224 DIRECTIONS the center of the bar wlien the tool holder is swung in. The U\\) cams are diametrically opposite and side by side. The lever for turning the cams is like a machinist's vise handle. When one end is up one of the cams engages one of the adjusting screws, and when the other end of the handle is up the other cam is brought against the other adjusting screw. The Cutting Tool Used in the Turners B and H should be ground so as to leave a square shoulder. This form of cutting edge, with plenty of rake, or top slope, is the best for this service, although it is not the form of tool for work on which the back rests cannot be used. It is the best for producing true work because the cutting pressure which is to hold it into its chip is mostly end pressure on the work, and not radial — that is, no very great pressure is required to hold it into the proper depth to produce the desired diameter, hence a slight variation in depth of chip due to eccentricity of stock has little or no tendency to spring the work away from the tool. For this reason this tool may be depended upon for true work in taking long cuts, even when the stock runs a trifle crooked. The Cross Slide is arranged with stops for the front and back tools. The upright which supports the pinion shaft is bored out to receive bushings for supporting the work against the forming tool when it is necessary to use a broad tool near the end of a slender piece of work. Never Use a Drill that is Longer than is absolutely necessary. If the depth of the hole is to be great in proportion to its diameter, a short, stiff starting drill should be used to start a true hole. Never drill beyond the piece that is to be cut off, for after the piece 225 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE has been cut off and the bar run out to make another, it will be found that the end does not run exactly as it did when it was drilled into, and consequently the hole runs out. In some cases, where the mouth of the hole is to be larger, it does not make any difference, because the larger drill will true the hole, but generally it makes trouble that is difficult to overcome without the \^'aste of stock. The Stock-stop Screw must be lengthened out when drills are used, and the length of the extension should be equal to the length of the longest drill used. CHIP BREAKING TURNER How TO Set Tool. In putting in a newh* ground cutter, push it firmly against stop pin and then tighten inner clamp by nut on under-side of cutter holder. The tension on the clamp should be comparatively light. The clamp should be firmly held, but no tighter than can be conveniently set by the very short wrench by hand. The outer clamp serves to hold the cutter endwise as well as sidewise. This outer clamp is made slidable on the cutter holder so that the pin in it may drop into one of the notches in the top of the cutter for the purpose of holding the tool endwise against the stop pin and to resist the outward stress of cvitting. This outer clamp should be pressed inward as it is being gripped by its binding screw. This holds the pin firmly against the inner side of the notch in the top of the tool so that it is ready to resist anv tendency of the work to push the tool outward. The outward thrust is not as great with this kind of a cutter as with the round nose or blunt edge tools in common use, but it should be firmly and unyieldingly resisted. 226 DIRECTK )NS The clamp for this purpose is fitted to a rail to which it is gripped by the binding stress, so that although it is free to mo\'e when the screw is l(_)ose, it becomes fixed endwise when clamped. The tension of both of these clamps may be \'aried to suit conditions, but for general practice the tool should be clamped with sufficient firmness to a little more than equal the stress of cutting. The cutting stress alone presses the tool \'ery firmly in its seat, and the additional stress of the clamp only makes for stability of lateral control of the edge without undue restriction on the oscillatory freedom under actual working stress. The tool should be set with slight clearance when sharp — the oscillatory motion being simply to allow it to swing away from the shoulder of the cut when its edge has worn to the no-clearance condition and is tending toward the negatixe clearance. The screw marked " Clearance Control " may be adjusted while running. Do not set the screw up hard. If you wish the tool to work with no clearance, you may adjust it up slowly after the cut has been started. If vou adjust it too fast you will get a chip that will be of uneven thickness; that is, the tool will alternately "ride" and "dig." There is a nice position for ideal lamning which may be reached by adjustment, but the better way is to allow the tool to have the extremely slight clearance which its holder naturally gives it, and then let it run till by wear it has lost this clearance and has commenced its proper function by preventing a " Negati\'e " clearance. Adjustment of Cutting Tool. The diameter pro- duced by the cutting tool is controlled by the adjusting screws marked " Diameter Adjustments." There are four of these screws — one for each diameter to be produced. 227 IIARTXKSS FLAT TL'KKKT LATHE COMPENSATOR H,\N[)I,K AND HOLD- BAIK FOR IHE TOP Rl s I IMIS HANDLE IS 1 1 r:.ed from one s( KKW FO ANOTHER 1 O <,l F FHF-DIFFER- FN F ADJISI M TOP RE HOLDER BAIL OR LOOP WHICH SWINGS UNDER THE HEAD OF DL\METER CONTROL SCREW AND HOLDS THE COMPENSATOR SCREW POINT SECURELI AGAINSI THE I OP Of SAID DIAM- ETER CONTROL SCREW SWINGING LINK WHICH CON- NECTS THE CL'ITER BLOCK. TO ANV ONE OF THE FOUR DIAMETER Cf)N 1 ROL SCREWS. THIS LINK IS NOW IN POSH ION FOR Tl RNING A SMALL DIAM- ETER TOP REST HOLDER THE ROTARY TOP REST THE ROTARY LOWER REST LOWER REST HOLDER BACK REST OR STEADIES Chip Lrcaking i'anii In L^T-neral ]:)racticL\ tht- tuniL-r nia\- Ix- set foi' onlx" one nr two (lianiL'tcrs, l.)i.it if the woi-k needs nioi'e ruts than can l.)e taken b\" the other turret tools, tlien two or nioix' of these acl)ustnients ma\' lie broui;-ht mto ser\-iee. The conneetini4 arm or link is swuni;" from one screw- to anotlier as rec|uired b\' the work. An au.\ihar\' adjustment is pro\'ided to compensate for weaiani;" away of the tool point, or chancrt^ of position 2;S I>IK!'.("ri( )\S ni wii (. L 1 OK I l< ( ()\ I K!ll. SCKKW s t '\ I II OK ^'' n CLTTER ( COMPENSATOR FOR COMPF.NS ATING / FOR WEAR OF TOOL POINT HANDLE AND HOLD BACK FOR TOP RE- IM M ' 1 AND 2 )R ,( AND 4 Ol 1 I K *.l \MI' S( REW l-OR LI I 1 I K I His I'lN I'ROI's I HROIG HOL.t: IN I HI t. 1 \MP AND FN IFKS OM Ol 1 HF no"ix:hi s in I (H' (u CUTFHK II S (HM( I IS TO HOLD "I HK t I I M K INTO IFS CL I (I 1 FFR OLTFK C LAMP FOR CL ITE INNER CLAMP FOK CI FTE THIS ALSO SI K\Ks AS IHE L PPt R PARI Ol (. HIP BREAK c:ll \ran INNER CLAMP SCREW FOR HOLDIN(, CUTTER ADVANCE SCREW FOR REGULATING THE POSITION OF IHE CUTTING TOOL AHEAD OF I HE BACK REST TOP REST ADJUSTING SCREWS BINDER FOR ,t AND ( TOP REST SCREWS BINDER FOR 1 AND 2 TOP REST St-REW S ECCENTRIC LEVER FOR DRAWING THE CUTTER AWAY FROM THE WORK SO AS TO PREVENT SCRAICHING OR MARKING THE WORK IN RUNNING OFF AF'I FR (OMPLEFION OF CUT ( BOTH ARE CALLED "BACK RES F ■ OR ( STEADIES ■ BINDER SCREW S FOR S AND 4 LOWER RhST SCREWS BINDER SCREW FOK I AND 2 LOWER RFSI SCREWS TURRET GIB Hat. k \'it'\\ 1 't '1 iiniLT of tool point, clue to inittiiijj," in a sliarp tool. This acljustiii,^" >r]-L'w is oallcd tliu (M)iii|)e*nsator, for it furnishes a nican^ foi" off^L'ttnl_L!; this sliL:;ht rhani;X'. Vhi^ compensator is ])ro\"i(le(l with a pointer that should be nioved o\'er from tune to tune as the tool wears, or as reciuired b\' the posititni of a new eutter. The eonipeiisator thus l^ecoines a \'er\' (~on\'enient means for offsettiuLi" ehanires that would otherwise aftect IIAK"rNFSS FLAT TURRET LATIIK all uf the adjustments. Its propt'i" use, combined with care in ^^aanchny cutter, with point al\\a\> exactly j,;-inch hi^L;'li, makes possiljle the (|uick resettin^L;^ tliis makes it practical to ruiiniuL^" hi^Li;her cuttiuL;" speeds than would be practical if the resettinij; recpiired the usual amount of time and entailed the usual amount (»f poor or bad w< trk. OLTER CLAMP I N N t R (.LAMP; ALSO SERVES AS lOP HALF OF CHjJ^ CUTTER THRLIST PIN WHICH DROPS THHOICH ONE OF THE "TWO HOl.tS IN Ol TEK CLAMP AND DROPS INTO ONE OF THE NOrCHfc:S IN TOP OF (. LITER THEN THE CLAMP IS SLID IN TILL THE INNER END Oh THE (. L TIER MEETS THE MOf PIN ENTRANCE FOR < TO BREAKER STOP PIN H)K (.LrriER ACMNST WHK If THi (T'l lER IS PHh^SEO BY HAND IN sK niNCi Culler lUuLk I'.rfukcr Kennixed DIRECTIONS In turnint;- rough bars there is ahva\-s more or less difference in the cleptli of cut on opposite side of loar, due to the bar running " out." With the back rest too far away from the ]3(jsition directly opposite the cutting stress, ever\' time the heavy side comes to the tool, the bar springs awav, due to the slight bending of the bar, and the canting around of all the vieldable members of the machine. Therefore see to it that the relation of the back rest to the cutter is always properly adjusted by the ach'ance control screw. The Tension of the Back Rests against the work depends on the cutting stress. If the back rests are not properly adjusted, the work may run tapering. For instance, in taking a cut lyi inches in diameter, and sav S inches long, if the outer end is found to be larger than the part near the chuck, then it is safe to assume that the back rests have not been set up hard enough. On the other hand, if the work is larger at the chuck, the re\-erse may be true. The back rests should be adjusted for tension on a true diameter produced near the chuck. Of course, there are instances where this is impossible, but always remem- ber that the tension should be equal to the stress of the cut — this will give the top rest a little greater tension than the lower rest. The adjustment of the back rests is effected by the screws arranged around each back rest holder. All adjustment screws are provided with binder screws. In some instances one binder screw clamps two of the adjusting screws. Reference to illustration on page 229 will clearly show the function of each screw and binder. The cutter holder is seated into the main frame by a knuckle joint, and it is held firmly in this seat by a pin and binder plate on front of the turner. 233 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE The eccentric pin has a slotted head that makes it appear Hke a cheese-head screw, but this will not deceive anyone who has once known its function. The eccentric pin may be turned by a screw-driver till it firmly seats the knuckle of the tool holder into its socket in the frame. The binder screw for this eccentric pin is under the tool holder in the main casting, and faces the operator when the turner is in working position on the turret. The binder plate may be removed by releasing the binder screw and by pulling out the eccentric pin. Eccentric Pin. This pin is under the control of the eccentric lever at the back of the cutter holder. The connecting arm or link is connected to the cutter holder by an eccentric pin in order to provide a means for preventing the cutter scratching the work in running off after having completed its cut. The stream of oil or borax water flows through the hollow frame of the turner and emerges from a rectangular slot directly over the cutting edge. 234 DIRECTIONS THE "SHARPEDGE" CUTTER How TO Grind. The best results for quality and quantity of work can only be obtained b\' care in grinding the cutter. The cutter should be ground to the gage with a reasonable degree of precision. The important dimensions are shown in the illustra- tions on page 237. The height of the nose of the tool should alwa\'s be the same in order to get the advantage of a quick resetting of the cutter. This height should be rf-inch for all new lathes. If the center of the spindle is not exactly three or four inches abo\'e the top face of the turret, then the height of the tool nose may be made that much more or less. But al\va}s remember it should always be the same for all the cutters used in the lathe. It will be a very old lathe that will require any departure from the if-inch height of tool point. If all tools are ground accurately in this respect, there will be very little delay in exchanging tools for the purpose of getting a sharp tool quickly substituted for a dull tool. Alwa)'s grind the cutting edge from the H-inch up to the top edge of the tool, making the cutting edge 5 8 -inch long. The object of keeping the edge slanting clown toward the point is to reduce the end grinding which is necessary to carry the edge back far enough to restore the edge. If this front slope is made less than 18 degrees it only increases the amount of end grinding ; and of course a steeper angle, say of 20 degrees, will reduce the amount of grinding. The only objection to the steep angle is that it makes the cutting edge too short for cuts that are deeper than 5^ -inch. 235 n \i m:s- I'l AT TVKKI /!■ ATHl. riic cikI (if tlic tilt)] nIiouIcI Ik- cxacth' s(|uarL- witli tlic bnttoni and the tVont face. The CDrncr ma\' be I'ounded a trifle watli a hard oil-stone, and in extreme cases ma\' l)e n'i\en soine (h'ag, l)ut l)e\\are of tlie troubles of a tault\" dra,L;" — a \er\- sh^nht chan^'e makes a wast difference m sui'face of \voi"k. 1 he st|nare corner, oi' the one neai'est to s(|uare, finals the neai'est to straig'hf, l)ro\'iding back rests are set close to slionlder. Ihe sharpness of the edge should not lie neglected. The angle should fie 50 degrees. It ma\" be as much less as the material will work satisfactord\-, but it should not be more than 55 degrees. The form of the cliip Ijreaker makes it necessar\" to grind the to]) slope of the tool within certain limit>. These ma\' be roiighb' stated as King between 45 and SS degrees. CjrlmHnn Cjage — I'lill Si/e 236 |)Iki:l"i k )\s li llu' ^riiuliiii; L;a:;r shdiild l)r iDishiul. ihc ImIIi ,\\ iiil; illuslnil idms will ^ciM,' as ;\ L;ni(li.' Ii i ^|-iiuliii^. Tlu' use of llic ,s(|iiarr and lii'\cl inwlrai 1(11" will ikiI \ic iK-ia\ssar_\ In mic a( ( aisli mird In "-nndiiiL;. ■inj^ r . i ■ Sli.n-iiLHluc ■ ( 'lUU In. ! '-ii,, h •^. 'I'llL' c llllill,^ .llil^lr N I ,„ ^„ .Lf,.^^ •. iKw t-r nil iiL- lliaii ^c; (l(;L;rc-t^s ami nt-xtT If" diaii 45 (lct;n'.-s s"^ liriiid the nuse sfjuare In licitu.ni ami f ae e 237 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE If the tool is too blunt the chip will curl up and pass over the breaker, and if the tool is too sharp, say below 45 degrees, a stringy chip may cause trouble by going between the cutter and the chip breaker. FEEDS AND SPEEDS Meaning of " Feed." The rate of advance or traverse of the tool to each revolution of the work is expressed in parts of an inch. For instance, loo feed means that the tool advances Tio-inch per revolution of the work, and that the chip consecjuently is metal that was that thickness before it was severed from the work. Likewise, 20 feed indicates that the rate of travel has been ^V-inch per revolution, or 20 revolutions required to carry the tool one inch. The demand for accurate work tends toward the use of the finer feeds, and the demand for rapid output tends a trifle toward coarse feeds. The feed should always be coarse enough to take a steady cut ; feeds finer than 80 or 90 in lathes of 1 2 or more inches of swing frequently give an unsatisfactory surface due to the chip being too light to maintain a steadying effect. When the feed is too light, as in feeds, say of 100, in such lathes, the work has a surface which is produced by the mixture of scratches and burnished rings, for the tool point has alternately rubbed by riding and scratched by digging in. Therefore, the feed for all purposes should be heavy enough to get a continuous and steady cut. In the work under consideration, this is a feed between 60 and 80 per inch. The product is nearer straight and true from the finer feeds, providing the excessively fime feeds are not used. 238 DIRECTIONS The demand for rapid production generally makes it necessary to go to coarser feeds, and when the quality of the work will be satisfactory, then feeds may be used from 20 to 40 to advantage. But remember through it all that after the feed has been selected the speed must be run up as high as the tool will stand. The endurance of the turning tool should be at least two hours in the present machine. Forming tools or screw cutting dies must be run at much slower speeds. Meaning of "Cutting Speeds." Cutting speed means the speed at which cutting edge passes through the metal. It is expressed in feet per minute. In lathe work, the cutting speed may be determined ]3\' use of a Warner cut-meter or similar instrument, or by the use of a speed table which is usually furnished with each lathe. In absence of these, the speed may be calculated by multiplying the circumference of the work by the number of revolutions per minute, and divide by 1 2 to get it into feet. The circumference should be taken at the largest diameter of the cut for all work. In exact experiments the mean diameter is taken, but for turret lathe work the largest diameter gives the best means of comparison, for the depth of cut does not call for a reduction in speed, particularly on work below 3 inches in diameter where a cut, say of }4-inch deep, reduces the 2-inch to i-inch diameter, would give a cutting speed which would be very high if the mean diameter of i}4 inches was taken as a basis of determining the correct cutting speed. Furthermore, the cutters wear most at the part of the bar that travels the faster ; the point of the tool generally holds out the longest. The point of the tool wears off faster in cast-iron work than in steel, and of course it also is at a 239 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE disadvantage on the larger work, say above 3 and 4 inches in diameter. On the larger work the depth of cut is seldom sufficient to greatly reduce the cutting speed at the point. The scale on both cast-iron and steel has an iiTipor- tant effect, but it frequenth' is offset by other elements which make useless the attempts to make a direct comparison of cutting speed with and without scale. One of these elements in the turret lathe is the fact that in taking the first cut ( which encounters the scale ) the work is cold, whereas in taking the next cut the work is warm to begin with. The temperature of the work makes a material difference to the heat which must be carried off b\' the tool. Therefore, the cutting speed may safely be cal- culated from the speed of the largest diameter of the cut. The Effect of Rate of Feed on Rate of Speed. The cutting speed is generally stated to be directly affected by the size of the chip, but this does not apply to the a\'erage work under consideration. In the work of the Flat Turret Lathe the cutting speed is generally affected by the feed only — and not b}' the depth of the cut — but the feed must surely be considered, and occasionally the depth. If 50 feet per minute is the fastest cutting speed at which a tool will stand satisfactorily at 30 feed, then the same tool will run 100 feet per minute at 60 feed per inch. The speed should be up to a high standard, and always above 50 feet per minute, and with present steels speeds of from 50 to 150 are practical on average machinery steel. The exact statement of cutting speeds is impractical on account of the rapid progress that is being made in the art of making high-speed steels; but there is one safe rule, and that is, to run each tool up to its best 240 DIRECTIONS performance, and if that is too low, according to the latest information, see to it that _\'ou ^et the Ijcst steel. Do not let your product or Nour personal record be kept down by a poor piece of steel. Cutting tools are cheap and good reputations and output are valuable; hence it is well to know that yt)u are getting there at the proper speed. Many a careful man has become a marked man in his superior's e\-es just because he thought the cutting tool could not stand a higher speed. His experience may have fully warranted his conclusion, but he got his expe- rience with some " out-of-date " steel or a poorl\' hardened or poor piece of later steel. When personal records are so easily injured, when output is so easily increased, it behoo\es e\'erv man to give heed to the subject of speed and feeds. CfU;CKIXG OPERATIONS TiiK CiTTiNo Tools for Ciiuckixo Oi'erations, whether turning or boring, should ha\'e their rake or top slope sharp to the heaviest part of the chip. For instance, if a tool is to be used for facing a hub of a gear, the part that begins to cut first should be a sharp angle, so that the heaviest part of the chip should flow easily away, while that part of the tool that leax'cs its mark on the finished face should take a shearing cut or angular shaping cut, which leaves the smooth surface. Perhaps there is no more important point to be borne in mind by anyone wishing to know how to make the machine do its best work, than the cutting angles of the tools. In a general way everyone knows that a tool should ha\e the least amount of clearance and the Sfreatest amount of rake consistent with the wear of the tool, but the man who makes the best record is the one who puts it into practice. 241 IIARTXKSS FLAT TUKKF.T LATIIK I'njring TtM.l 'i'liL' next ]5()int i> that no tool should be ahowccl to project iKA'oncl its liolclcr oi- support more than is absoliitclx' iK'CL'ssar\-. After Inaxani;' ^'roiincl and set the tool pi'operK', see that it has a chip or feed coarse enoiij^'lT to keep It from losing' its ccIl^'c in niakniL;" thni chi])s — \-ou liaw made the tool not onl\" remox'e the metal, but cut it mto tine chips haxa'ni;" no special \'alue. l'.\'en weak lathes general 1\' do better work with a medium feed than a hue feed. It is not uncommon to see a \'ery tme fei'tl l3eii\Li," used in tiAiUL:," to turn an extra true piece of work, wath the onl\" residt that the tool does not lea\'e an e\'en surface. It alternateh' rides and " dii;"s in" wath a tine feed, when an e\'en, steadx' eait would ha\e been obtained b\" a medium feed. C'orntjrillg Tc.kiI 242 i)iKi';('i'i( i\s 1;li. k Fa. T.M.l ChattcriiiL;" frL't|iifntl\' occurs Ijccausc llic cliip is not lar^'c cnou^^^i to hold all the slack of sprin^an^^ parts. The (aire loi- (;liattering l^ fre(|uentl\- iiioi-e, not less, leecl. ( )f coui'se, chatterin^L;; ma\- be cau>e(l h\' a cut that is ju^t hea\'\- enou^L!;h to balance tlie wei^^Tt of the work and spindle, and tlien the shi^^ht necessar\- looseni'ss of spindle l)earinL;"s L^u'es the cliance for chatterinL;;. /\n old- tashionecl remed\' for tins is to tuiai the tool upside dowai to ^n'et the i^ressiu'e clowai on the woi'k. ChatteriuLi; is destructi\'e of the shar]) ed.^X' of the tool, and should not be tolerated. Pacing cuts nia\- be taken h\ the tools with round shanks, for tliese can be turned so as to ,L;'i\'e the desired rake for free cuttmo;. In facinii', make sure to take A -wwwwwf'untmmuiiwiii Facing Tool 243 IIAICIM-SS l-I.AT TIKKKT LATIIK ach'anta^^X' of tlic idinx-nicnt niean^ of clianL;"iii,L;" the sjx-ccl, tor a \-LT\; iiii])oitant I'ccluction in time ot op(jrati(.)n as well as the (luraljilit\- of tlu- tool nia\' Ik- effected l3\- keeping- the (;oi-rert euttinij,- s|3eed In' shifting- the lex'er onee or nioi-e times as tlie tool is iaittin;j,-. The failure to chan_^'e the speed in this \\a\' iin'oKes the seleetion of an axei-a^^-e speed whieh is to(.) fast at one pait of the cut and Turning Ti lol to(.) >1(_)\\- at the other extreme. The fast ciittniL^' destroA's the ed_^'e and makes a net loss of tmie when the L;aandin^^ and resettiiiL;" ;n'e mchided, and of coin-se the slow cuttniu; is also a needless loss which does not L;"et a correspt)ndiii_:j; dm'abilitv of cutter edL;X'. I'lll': AITOMATIC Dill Pc-r'iixo Cn\si:Ks ixto -nn-; l)ii:. ( )ne set of chasers nia\" lie i-emoxecl and another ])ut into place Iw sunph" withdraw in_n' the two kniu-lecl thunib-sta'ews whicit are located m a|)pro\unatel\' opjxisite positions on the cam holdei'. Aftei' these screws ha\e been withdrawn DIRECTIONS about one-quarter of an inch the cam holder may be remo\'ecl. In changing the chasers always see that the chaser grooves in the die are wiped out clean ; also that the interior of the cam holder and cam arc free from chips and dirt. Place the chasers in the respective groo\'es in the die bod)' by making the numbers on the chasers correspond to those on the body ; then slide them towards the center till they meet. Now put on the cam holder, and, after hax'ing pushed it as far back as possible with the chasers in this position, push each of the chasers out against the cam surface ; this will allow the cam holder to go back the full extent. Now see that the screws in the cam holder enter the holes in the spring collar. To Close and Adjust Size. To close the die, pull the handle with the thumb pressing genth' on the latch pin. Before adjusting the die for size see that the latch pin is in its notch and that the O. K. is uppermost; then turn the adjusting screw till the lines on the cam and chaser come together. This gives onlv an approximate adjust- ment ; the micrometer or thread gage should be tried on the work. A binder screw will be found to prevent accidental turning of the adjusting screw. Adjustino Cutting LENcrni. Now the die is ready to cut its thread, but it is yet necessary to adjust the stop which will determine the length of the thread. The stop which arrests the motion of the carriage is the one which determines the length of the thread, for \\-hen the die is cutting it is only necessary to retard the travel of its holder to cause it to fly open. If the thread is to be cut close to the shoulder the stop must be s(.) adjusted as to avoid all possibility of the chasers screwing against the shoulder. It is not safe to allow the chasers to get closer 245 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE to the shoulder than uV-inch. The die head travels forward i\-inch before opening after the carriage has been arrested. Roughing and Finishing Cuts. One cut is sufficient for all U. S. S. threads under i inch in diameter, under ordinary' conditions, but to obtain best results on larger dimensions, extra coarse pitch or very rough material, two cuts are necessary. The latch pin is made reversible for this purpose. It may be readily turned from one position to the other after it has been pulled out. The letters O. K. should be uppermost when the finishing cut is taken. The work should never be allowed to run back\\-ards in the die. Cutting Speeds for Screv/ Cutting. Do not run your work too fast. If the pitch is extra coarse or the work warm from previous operations, the speed of thread- ing should be proportionate!}- slower. Better half-speed than a trifle too fast. Do not turn the part to be threaded under size, for the line of travel of the die is governed at the top of the thread, without which the die is inclined to travel crooked or to wabble. To Resharpen the dies grinding must be done vei t>^''^^^''& \-s sparingly. Grind the least possible amount off the face; do the principal grinding in the throat of the die. This, of course, carries back the cutting edge into the die so far that it is impossible to cut close to a large shoulder. If the work requires cutting close to a small shoulder the chasers ma}' be ground back enough to admit that shoulder. Some grinding must be clone on the face of the die, as it wears back to the last threads, but it should be done with great care. In grinding the throat do not follow the curved lines of the teeth in order to obtain the correct clearance, for the teeth were produced by a 246 DIRECTIONS mill 2y^ inches in diameter; following this shape would give too much clearance. Don't change the angle of chamfer ; it is better to be guided by the wearing of the die. See that each chaser is ground an equal amount, either by gage or by bringing the teeth only to a cutting edge. Ordering Parts. The chaser and all other parts of the dies are made by special machinery, and are perfectly interchangeable ; any one of the standard chasers may be duplicated from stock, and special chasers on short notice, providing you give in your order all the letters and numbers appearing on the chaser. Chasers ma)' be sent by mail. When ordering other repair parts please use list number of piece given on pages 24S and 249 and always state size of die head. The head which has capacity for threads up to 3 inches diameter is called No. 9; the 2-inch capacity. No. 6; the i ^^-inch capacity, No. 4; and the ^-inch capacity. No. i. 247 IIAKTXESS FLAT TrKRKI' LATHK r V dj'^' /^. o -^ >0 ,*■ #* = ,y»^ It a " JT r --,}> «,t' ^ vO X >5 \ s-a, "^ K ''-- -4'^ I'AK'rS OF Al'TdMATIC TlIK 249 HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE X W X < W >-< t- N ro ro ' Tj- Lo I — I CI ci C U^N _ _ -H n r) PI n Tj -1" "J^vO ■xoo -'■=' J". . i-i-i ov^.,« -x* i cS ™''^"-.r-'S?rf? ^i-r^,: ^^T O r^ o > H o ■^ M M N ri (N-> ro ro Lo r-. o n ro 'I- i>. o -^^O O ro i-.i-.i-- hH M O - H- - (M vo q -r O r-^ — 1- KH lo - n N -i-\0' CO C" K- Tt- hH l-H CO tT) r-^ ij~.a; — c\ o h- 1- c-1 n Ln Lo CO "J-i ^ O (^ O-'OO CO ^ o o — >- <^> rn -^ O CO O O O ^ '- CI CI fO -t O O O O H- ^ « o "St" 1) J^\0 X--- r^c-■ ^o -> I— m' fo -4- i-n -, _- M f v-j r*-) r^ V3 r^ 1 O O *+ u-^ — ro -t'C ~ -1- cr fi oj _ HH I PI M r^j rO 'I- -t -t ^^-C CO O <"0 >. CO fl -1- ^vi ri r^ C^ n :/D i_ HH » CI Cl I -i= , ^^;P^;: 'ii:^m^ : 1 ^ ?r^-^ CO ,,''-' '^ o ,n>° CO s5o_~N^s^X^ P o- " r/- -M CO kD OJ ■^v M ro -t LO H ,_, M h- ri ro -t M l-i N ^K^x^-j*^to^-x5«^;-; ^ '^^^^^^ ^] ^ K'i^ -- rt J 'T3 ' OJ o QJ O Oh CO c/2 1 &. r. -ri 1 'V 1 :^ ^ (U t3 a; ix Ul -/ Ij O Lo O O u- O o o o -c = « ,_ c^ CO -^m:; 1-^ CO o ;- o o -- ■f. u ^ u '^ If} OJ *-■ ^o QJ OJ ti:-f bfj ry, _(L) :o HAKTNK.sS Kl.Ar Tl KRl/l" LATHI-, Vii.'W Mf (iiir L'])i>LT I'l^nil aiul Spriiiuht-ld Xillau I.Dwer Plant whert Maehint-.s are A^senil>led ^5^ X'lSITORS' DIRECTIONS TRAVELING DIRECTIONS FOR VISITORS Our plants are open to all. Springfield, Vermont, the home of the Flat Turret Lathe, is located near the Connecticut River just north of Bellows Falls. It is reached b\- a modern freight and passenger electric railway which connects with the Connecticut River Division of the Boston & Maine Railroad at Charlestown, New Hampshire. The electric railway cars meet all trains, including the midnight, and take the travelers directly to the office and works of the Jones & Lamson Machine Compan)-, which is located on the electric line three minutes' walk from the terminus. The Adnabrown Hotel, at the end of the railway, is, of course, ready to receive guests at an\' hour. Trax'elers from Boston come \ia the Fitchburg Division of the Boston & Maine Railroad through to Bellows Falls, at which junction they change cars to the Connecticut River l)i\'ision for an eight-mile ride north to Charlestown, where an electric car will be found awaiting the train. Visitors from New York come to Springfield, Massachusetts, over the New Haven Road, and change there to the Connecticut River trains, which run north through the beautiful Connecticut Valley to Charles- town, New Hampshire. In the summer season White Mountain trains run without change from New York through Charlestown. The trip takes six to eight hours from New York, and from four to four and one-half hours from Boston. Travelers from the West, if coming via the New York Central Railroad, generally continue to Springfield, Massachusetts, over the Boston & Albany Division or take the Fitchburg Railroad through the Hoosick Tunnel to Greenfield, Massachusetts, the junction with the Connecticut River Railroad. 253 r titA4tm»tttt1«