T 71 7f igjmmll ^mvmii^ ^ihm^ BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND" THE GIFT OF Heiirg W. Sage 1891 P[.^% 4^G 2^t^Q 9724 3 ^S CD : rS N) ^1 J^ "^ ^^^=,s a><= — ^ — ■ (U o| 03 — ^ '_^ 2. ~ - m •< C m (j}==k < ~^ - ~ XTbe ^ubor J^aceimile ^eyts fmgna Date of earliest known original edition .... 1607 [B.M. 643, c. 25.) Reproduced in Facsimile IQ13 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER Jinpa 1607 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXIII 5 |i\.-Lnb'|DU 1607 This facsimile is from an original copy now in the British Museum Library dated 1607. The play would seem to have been popular, as other editions appeared circa 1610, in 1617, 1622, 1632 and 1657. The anonymity of authorship has not been satisfactorily solved. By an obvious mistake it was at one tim,e ascribed to Antony Brewer (q.v. D.N.B.). By tradition Oliver Cromwell was said to have performed the part of Tactus in the play at Cambridge. This reproduction from, the original copy has been well and satisfactorily carried out. JOHN S. FARMER. ■%*-^' LiNGVAi Or Tbe Combat of the Tongue, And the fiu&%Sejnrcs For Supemritj* A pleafant Comoedie, '',)»« ^: ='W *'^'. " " " I J. ! ' 'v. I- AT LONDON Trinted by G^EiUyfor Si mm Waterfon» i6oy. X ^ TitJtyH,, LINGVA. I Drammatis Pcifcnar. LlNGVA. _ CCoMOFDVJ. AvDiTvs, ^Tragaedv^s. Mendac lo, Lin GVAhisPage. T AC TVS. OlFACT-VS. ^ Od ok ^Tobacco, L VMEN, J C OE L V M. ViSYS ■— ■ ■ —-— — <^Terra. 'Heravldry, ■CoLOK. GvsTvs.— .-^ _SBacchvs.C«R>» XBeere, Apetitvs aParafitc. PHANTASTES, Hevres iSjPhant ASiTEs hisPage. Crapvia, GvsTvs hisfoUowcr. COMMTNIS SeMSVS. Memoria. . Anamne$tes,Memorie hisPagc. SOMM vs. Psence. Perfon* quarum msntio tantum fit. J •' ' ^Veritas. \, Arc as I A. Verit A s, O B L I V I O. "^ ■»' »> "■ •The Scene is M I c r o c o jMvsinaGroue. The Time,from morning till night. A a Prologue. o: ProloguCii ^Pt Mufc dejtrihes no Loiters pa(?iefty rNo wretthedVitheti fie 'vnthriftieSotmc : No crAUfUgfubtile \N\\Q}:c^er JhamUjfe BAV^d&i, Norftubborne C lo wnc,<7r dAring P ar afite, 2^0 lying ScruanCj^r Wife,I humbly do commit/ ■_ vj Let them buc hcare and iudgc,Iwifh no more. * A V D Should they but know thy rafh prcfumption. They would correii: it ill the fharpefl: fort .• . . ' *■ j Good i^w<(? w'hatScnfehaftthoutobcaSenfc^ . ■ ' Since from the firft foundation of the woild, . i We ncuer were accounted more then hue J . Yet you forfoth,an idle prating Danic, A3. Would r W^fd faille incicafe the iiumber,and yp-ftart |^;s# To our high fcatcsjdcckin^ your babiingfclfe ' -? ? With vfurpt titles of oar djgnitic. L I N G, An idle prating dametknow,fond dtuUtut, Records affimie my title tml as good, - : ,;■■ < . .• As his amongft the fiue is counted beft. A V D. Z^»«(r«/« confefle the £ruth-,th*art woiKto li^ L 1 N G. I fay fo too, therefore I do not lyeJ • Bucnowfpiteofyoualllfpeakethetiath.' ' " ' ' Ybufiuc^ongvsfubieiSls tyrannize; .e Making the faaed name ofcommonfcnlc/ .-:i; I A doake to couer your enormities: .• . . ' .; Hecbcarcstherule,hec'siudgebutiudgcihfljll, - f As bee's infbimed by your falfeeuidcDce -^ ^ > :ri t ' So that a plantifc cannot h'aueaccciflc, " ' : . : ', ; But through yoivgate^eeheares^butwhac^oughtcls ./ But that thy crafty eares to him conuaiey / /[And all hee fees is by proud Fi/iu fhewtd him : . , . : : r 1 And what hce touches is by TmShs hand; o 'i^.'"> .', . And fmells Iknow.butt through OlfnHuixaXsi i ' ; ; » -. -T ^ ^«/?«/beginnstohimwhaterehetaftts: .j By thcfe quaint tricks free paflage hath bccnc bard ^ ^ ^ That I could neuer cqoallyDCC heard, . i . ! i But wcIl^s well^ . ^^[) iKvj nff .- : i AvD. jL»«_^«<« thy feeble fexe, ';. . Hath hither-towitb-hcld my ready hands, V That longd to pluckc that nimbleinftiument. \ LiNO.OhorribleingratitaidePthatthou, \ That thou ofaU the tcfjlOhouldft threaten me ^ \ Who by my mcanefrtdocciuft as many tongues, -^ \ As iW/'Wwdofeth lands betwixt his afmcs: : " [. The ancient Hiarpe cdg'd toungc whetted againft her maifter, Thofc puffing lungs , thofc tceth^thofe dropfie lippcs, That fcalding throate, thofe noftlirilfs full of ire/ , Thy pallatyiropcr inttruments of ipeech , -Like to the winged chanters of the wood, ■Vttring nought els but i^le fiflementsi Tunes without fenfe,wotds inarticulate : Had necre bee.ie able to'haue abuf'd me thus. Words are thy Childrcn,but of my begetting. / Ling. Perfidious Liar,how can J endure thcc^ Cal'ftmy vnfpotted ch^ityjnC^cftion.'^, ,^ . Ocouldl.vfe thcBieathmiiirtiJgcrfpcndis^ ,, I'de make thee knowe..^^ A V D. Heauens lookeon rr^ diflreffe," Defend me fiom this rayling vipercflc ; Forifl ftay her words fnarpe vinigai/- '..j ",' . ';'' Will ftet me through*. Z'-'»f''/«,Imuft be gohe: ' J heare one cal ijjc more then earneffly, Fxit AuditM, Lin G.'WSy the loud cannoning of thundcr-boults, Screeking of Wolucs,houling of tortur'd Ghofts , Purfue thee Ifhll^d fill tliy amazed eares With cold aftonifhment and horrid feares f . ' ' ' ' how thefe fcnfes mufflic common fenfe | . And morc,and more with pleafingobiciftsftriuc, - To dull his iudgement, and preuert his will ■' • • Totheirbe-heftsjwho were he notfo wrapt * ■ ■'•■ n''i 1 the duf kie doudes of their darke pollicies, .■Would ncuer fufFer right to fuffer wronge,- • Fie LingHit wile thou now degenerate : % 1 LIN or A. Art not a womanjdooft not loue reuenge,' Delightful! fpeechesjfwcetpcrfwafions I haue this long time vfd to get my I'ighty • My nght'.thatis,tomakethcSenIesfixe; And haue both name and power with the reft. Oft hauc I feafoned fauoric periods, . With fugred words,to delude GkJImi tafte, •And oft cmbelifht my entreatiucphrafe With fmelling flowres of vernant Rhetoriqu<^ •Limming and flafhtng it with various Dyes, To draw proud Vtfus to mc by the eyes : •And oft perfum'd my petitory ftilc. With Ciuet-fpeachjtentrap 0^3«/ Nofc, And clad my felfc in Silken Eloquence, -To allure the nicer touch of Taiitts hand, But all's becom e lott labour,and my caufc Is IHU procraftinatedi fhereforc now. Hence yee bafc ofF-fpring of a broken mindc, •Supple intrcatics and fmooth flatteries : ■Go kifle the loue-fick'lippcs of puling Guls, That ftill their Braine to quench their loucsdifJain^ , Go guild the tongues of Bawdes and Parafites, Come not within my thoughts. But thou Dcceipt, - ,, Brcake vp the pleafurc of my Brim-full brcft, Enrich my minde with fubiile pollicies. Well then He gocj whither ? nay whatknow I ? And dojin faith Iwill.the deuill know=s what;^ What if I fet them all at variance/^ Andfoobteinc tofpcakcjitmuftbefo. . c- It mufhbe fojbut how ? there lyes the point : How? t hus: tut this deuife will neuer prouc, Auf^ment it fo, 'twill be too foone dcfcridcy Or Ib.nor fo, 'tis too too dangerous, . /. , ^ Pifh,noneofchcfe/whatifItakcthi8COurfe?h»? ,^ ,^ ^hy there it gocs,good,good.moftexcellcnti^ - -■ .. ,■. He that will cacchEelesmuftdirturbe the floud; -^ -The Chickin's hatcht ifaith,for th cy are proud, ■ . | And foone will take a caufc of difagrccmcnc, ACfc ^ Winti a'ltiir' rV m LING FA. ACTVS.t. SCENA.2: Me'ndACIOj attired in x Taffktafatg of a light coUtir chdftgc* - ''• able, like an ordinary f age ^GloMeSyHampsr, ■^' LinGva. Mendacio. I . -) L I N G. I fee the hcauens nurfe my new-borne deuifc. For loc my Page Afendacio comes alreadyj To tile and Buniifli that I hammerd ouy . Neucr in better time cJT/,^»«rf:«c, '-' What haft thou done ? Men. Done, yes long agoe. , Lin G. IllpolllblctlioulTiouIdft difpatchfofoone?. j Men. Madame, 1 had no Iboner told T/^(-^^'.'J•,that Gtijt!. s would faine fpeake with hiln : But I fpicJ (y;/w,<7/iy/«/ and thereftj And ferucd them all with fauce of feuefalllycs, \.»- Now the lait Senfc 1 fpake with was OlfaElu;, ' ' \ Who hauing fmelt the meaning ofmy meflage. Straight blew his nofc,and quickly: puft me hither. But in the whirlc-winde of his furious blafl-. Had not by chance a Cobweb held me faft, Mendacio had beenc with you long ere this. Ling. Witnefle this lye, Mendacio s with me now, ; But firra out of icfting will they come ? ' Mend, Yes ant^'t like your Ladyfhipprcfently: ' j •Hci e may you haut. mc prefl: to flatter them. Ling. He flatter no fuch proud Companions, Twill doe no good,therefoic I am determined To le.iue fuch bafencffe, M E N. Then Ihall I turne and bid them ftay at home. L I NG. Noy for their comming hither to this grouc> ( ' ■Shall be a meancs to funher my deuife, - - ^ Therefore I pray thccyIf4j', M E N D, I warrant youj You need not feare/o long as I am with, you. He goes oMt,4ndcomes infrefentlj^ What coulour is the Robe ? Ling. Therr is but one. Mendacie gaingfurntt ini)4n, M E N. The Key Madam, the Key. L I N G- By fMue how forgetful] i»fuddaine fpeed. Hcre.takeit,runne. Mbn, Qebehereiflftantly,. Exit AdkHJach, ACT.x. SCENE 3* * ■ ■ ■ Lin g, Whilome this Crownc and gorg^ou»^emament, Werethegreat prize, for which fiue Orators, Withthe/harpe weapons of their tongues contended: . But aU their fpeechej were fo equall wrought, And a-like gratious.that if his were witty His was as wife ; the thirds faire eloquence Did pararcll thefourths-firmcgrauitie. The lafts good eefture kept theBallanceeucn With all the rcftjfo that the (harped eye. And moft iudicious cenforcould not iudge "To whonj,the hanging viftory (liodlid ra% • Therefore with one confent they all agreed, To LING r A, To offer yp both Crowne and Rbbc to me, A» the chicfe patronefle of their profdlion, ■Which heretofore I holily haue kept, /Like to a mifers goldjto looke on oneir, ■ Butnowlle put chemto a better vie. And venter bothjin hope to ———«• ACLi. SCENA.4. Mendacj'o, Ltnova. M E K D .Haue I not hied me Madam } looke you here^ What (hall be done with thefc temptations ? ^ I N G. They fay a golden Ball, * Bred enmitie betwixt t&ee Goddefles,- So Ihall this Oownc be author of debate^ BctwuctfiueScnfcs. MiNX).WherefliallitheIaide? = Ling. There,there,thctc,'tis 'well,fo,rq,fo, M 1 N D - A Crown's a ple^^ng baite to Looke vpoo> ' f he aaftidl Foxc will hardly fcapc this trap. Ling. Come lets vs away,and leaue it to the chance. M E N s. Nay radier let me ftand dofe hae>abouts, Andfeetheeuent. Ling. DoXo, and if they doubt How it came thete,faine them fomepritty fable* How that fome God r— *• . Mend. Tut,tut,tutJ[et me alone»- I that haue fained fo many hundtedGodsy Can eafily forge fome fable for the tume: Whift Madame,away,away,you fright the F©wl^ T'.ififw comes hard byjlooke you« LiNG.Ifthefbrcertaine? >. ; Mend. Yes, yes, yes, 'tis hiv o J .;: :■ L I N G, *Ti8 he indcd, ; ' Exit linttm,^ . - • ;4v . ■- "■ ■■ , ^'»" B » ACT. LINCrA, ACT. I. SCEN. J. T A C T V S , f >« << Jlar\e coloured Sattin mantle 'oMer 4 f dire offilke 'Btifes , a Garland of "Baj/es ntixt with vhite and red Reft s, vp«n /? l>Lcke Grogaram , a Faukhiiin, rvrtHght Jleenes, 'Suf- kins.^c, Mendacio. Tactvs, " •M E N, Now chaft 'Pww** grant my netts to hold, 3 T A c T. The blaftirig Child-hood of the checrcfull morac Is almoft growne a youth and oucr-climbcs Yonder gilt Eaflernehillsjabout which timej G«/?«s molt earneftly importund me, ' ■ -i' 5 .j'j <., To meete him here aboutSjwhat caufe I know not. , ;. Men, You Ihall do fhortly to your coft I hope. ' T A c T.Sure by the Sunne it fhould be nine a clocke, U; -Men. WhataftarTgaaer, will youneerelookedowhe?^- T A c,T. Cleere is the Sunne and bicwe tbc Rrniamtnt, Me thinkes the heaueps do fmilc. • Tatiftsfnegi^th , f%: — i>~- M E N. At thy niiHiap. To lopke fo high and ftumblc in a trap, Tadus Pumbhth at the Ro^e/at^dCte^. \ Tag. High thoughts hairt«-^p^f^ fe«eil''li^a w^ liii »!«^«"forit. T AC T./Wf^w^ alls mine ownejhcres none to cry haltcs "" mV n. When I am gone. Bxit Mendacie. . ACT. I, SCER ^. Tactvs ftlus: - Tact.T<«S«^ thy fneczingfomewhat did portend^ ' Was euer man fo fortunate as I ? Tobreakehis fhinnes atfuchaftumblingBlocfc. Rofes and Bales packe hence;this Crowne and Robe, ' MyBrowesandBodiedrclcs-andinuefts, ■• How gallantly it fitts me/uretheflaue, Meafurd my head that wrought this Coronet. They lie that fay Corapleftions cannot change: My Bloud's ei^obled, and I am traniform d, - ! VntothefawcdteEnpci'ofaKine|' . Me thinkfl here my noble Parafifes - - Stiling me f-%£; ':i ' T A c T. Oij^flw as thou loucft come m* neercm^ fthoi) '0 1 F. Why«rt thou hatching e^'ith'art fcard t« briMikc T AC T. Touch me not kaftthoi^. chance to bicalft^^ 1& 6i.F.Whatsthitvndcrihee? '; i i : , Tact. Iftbou meddle ivith race Itaot vtteclj Tndoa& » ' OtF.Whymanwhataylesthee? , ,:'i-j.;rg^^ Tact, Let me alone andJIe tell thei^' /}•;•/]« /^ -: ,/ Latdy I came ftom fine Frntufles houfc. a ' - j r ,"{ , OiF Solbelecueforthar'tveiyfixjiifli. -u / Tact. Nofoonerhadlpartcdoutofdoow^' But vpl held my hands before my face; *- ' '%^- _saKti«.- / To (hcild mine eyes from th* lights pcrcing beames, When I protcft 1 law the Suftne as decie, •TTirough thcfc my palmes as through a profpc(Si;iu« NoiriaruciIe,forwhcn 1 beheld my fingers: I fawc tny fingers necretranftbnn'd to glaflc, /Opening my breaft,my Breaft wasUke a windowe, •Through v»nich I plainely did pcrceiue my hcaru In whofe two Concaues I difccmd my thoughts, Confiifdly lodged in great miiliitudes. ^O L I. Ha,ha,ha,ha»why this is excellent, A/fli?>»j hiinl(^e can find no fault wKh thee ^ 3Thouft m Jcc a paffing liuc e^»<«/*««>/ And decide the QiKltion much difputcd; Betwixt the ■': Stuffcit with wooIljthcacxMne agiaine and fctdi/Ki, O L F.Ha^a,ha,thou It be laught but of cafe St coimt^nancii Tact. Icarcnot/oitmuftbcjOrlcannotftirre, . i O L F. I had bell leauc troubling him he's obftinat^j^Vrinidl I leaue ■jovk ) but aboue all things take, heed Infiter fees you not, for if h^ doe heele nere make watec in a (iue / againe|thotik' ferue his turne fo fit^o carry his water vnto •i/S-fcnUpHs «, Farci* well Vrinall,Farevyell. T AC T. Spcake not fo lowd,the founds inough to cradc m^ What is he gone ? I an Vrinall, ha,ha,ha, I protell I might haue had my face wa(ht finely, if he had meant toabufe me: laa Vrinau,ha,ha,ha, go to, Vrinallyou hauefcapt a&re fcouring^ well He awa^ , and get me to mine owne houfc , there He lode 3vpmy fclfe faft, playing the Chimick, augmenting this one Crowne to troopes of Angels', ittcomei OHerc/tM infuddenlja^i^eJ, fow«»;i, . :*r' ' Theres more wayes to the wood then one. tfetfersff^gan^ ; f r at the ether doorejtHt retHrnet againe i» b^ What more Diuils to affright me ? : ' ODiabolo,G/w/?«/ conies here to vexe me. ■■'' I .So that I poort wretch , am like t Shittle-cock betwixt tW9 ' Battledores. If I runnc there, Uifits beates me to SeilUy Ifhere, / then (?*/?«/ blowes me to C#?7W*f. • --' -Neftune hath fworne my hope Ihall fuffer flupwrack, ^ Whatfhalllfty? -Tj, Mine Viinal's too thin to bidcthc futy of f«ch ftoraM» a» «IWK. !jii::.±,ia^.» ....^ii.^— -»iiS!UiiIli:^ji;i«Baij; - ._ 'i. LiNGrJ. ACf.i. SCEN. 8. V I s V S, in 4 Garlitud of "Bajies mixt r»Uh white And TtiRtfn, alight cohuredTag^atamMitle flriped with fiiHer t and fringd vpongreenefilke 'BafeSy 'Buskini.^c. G V s T V s in the fume fafhionf'iijfcriug onclj in eoUnr^ TACTVSiintt c truer of the Stage, Visvs, GvsTVI. Tactvi. •V I S. GhJIms good day. G V s T, I cannot hauc a bad, •Meeting fo fairc an ewfw as your fdfc. T A c T. Shall I ? wilt ptouc ? ha ? well 'tis bed to venture, TaHMsfutj on the robet. G^ s T. Saw you notTaths, Ifliould fpeake with hina, Tac t. Perchance fo,afodaine lye hath befthick, V X s That face is his.or clfc mine eye's dcceiu'd, Whyhownowr/»f7«',whatfogorgious? i G V s T. Where didft diou get thcfc faire habiliments ? Tact. Stand back I charge you is you lode your liues. By Siix, the fitfl that touchcth tne fliall dye. V 1 s. I can difcerne no wcaponi,will he kill vs ? Tact. Kill you ? not I,but come nor necre the you had bcft. Vis, Why,ait thou mad ? Tact. Friends as you loucyour liucs, Venture not once to come within my reach. G V s T. Why doft threaten fo ? T A c T, I do not threaten^but in pure loue aduife y ou for the Darenotto touch me, but hence flic a pacc> (beft, •Addc wings vnto your feete and faue your liues. Vis. Why what's the matter TaBus prethe tell me ? Tact. If you will needs leopard your liuci fo long, Ashearethe roundofmyamazednefle, Then for your better fafcrie ibmd afidc, G V s T. How full of ceremonicsffure he le coniure; For fuch like Robes /l/'«.^''»'?«svfe to wcare. • •V 1 s. He fe^ the end though he fhould vnlock HcU : C And i Aiid Tct th'infet nail hagges at liberties •T A c T. How rafli is ffuh bnbiddcn aitnes to mfli ' It was my chancep chance moft mifcfable, , ' ToyalkeEhatwaythatt6p/j'/w?»4k^ ■" '; ' ' ■ G V s T, Ybii HTieiric Crmi^ 3 Ikde Towne Hard by. T A c T. I fay Cntminjr, (billed t'Jiir*;*, A Tovvnc which dorh,and alwaies Kath beloncrd, ' ' '' *• 1 Chiefcly toScholl«"rs:f40in^Q;^Wi'»rfwallcSj'' ' s ' I law a man camertcalLng craixliy» . . 3 Apparelled m "tliis Vcfturfe v^^Kfcfc I wear(?,'^ '' ' f , ' But feeing me eft-fooaes,hc tooke his heclej, , ' ^ ' ] And threw his gannentirom him alllxihafl:^ " '"' , i Which i percqiiiine to be richJy 'w rouelxt. ' ;;;;<-': i 1 ooKe ic me vp : But good now get yoii gone, ' „■ - , ;Wam*d ^y my kanaes^and Icape my milerie, I V I s. fknow no dangei*,lemc thcfe circumftances. ^'. • \ TAc.Nofooncrhadlputitohmyback, ', '\, . But fuddainlynune.eycs began to di4Ti, ' [ ,.. My iojnts wise forehand all my body biirne '.''.,' '' '"" '^^^ F •With moflij«eftiuc.torturc,and at length, " " • ''-^ . It was too cmdcntjl had caught the plague. \ V I s. The plague,away good ^w/?*/ lets be gon Bewailc his death and audi deftiaies^ ■-■ - - " ^ That i ^!^.ii3ajhi-«i*'i. That Hues, and hughes your fooleries to rcAfne, But whcr's tny Crownc, oh here : I well deferuc, Thus to be crowned foriwo great viiitories.ha,ha,ha, Vi/fu take care my corps be well interr'd : Co make my tombc,and write vpon the ftone. Here Ijss the Senfe, that Ipnggnld tkem all^ with afalff pUgUfjattdfAincdfririAll, ACT. I. SCENE. 9. AvDi TVS. Tactv s. Ave. jT/J^/i^jT^ff^J. , , . n- 1 T A c Olupitfr.'tis Aaditus.ai['s iflardjl doubt the Ihc knauC .Um fo farrc;but yet Jlc grope himilfow now Earcs,what make you here, ha? -. ,. Ave. Nay,what maVe you hcre,I prayiwhat were you taUc^ be cuea now,of an Afle,& a Crowne,& aii Vrinall,& a plague? T A c. A plague on you, what I? A v d, Oh,what you. T A c, 0,1 had well nigh forgof.nothiiig-,but 1 lay — AvD.Wbat? .V, . r , f t 1 * T AThat if a nun(do vou markc nr)beuig fick of the^lague Ydo you fee fir.) had a z,z, hati^an, (this cold troubles me , It makes me cough fomtimej exti-eam'y .) had a Fr^nc/, Crown e, (fir you ynderftand mc) lying by him, and (come hither, come hither> would not bcflow i penfc^do yon hearc; to buy an v- rinall(do you matkc mc)to cary his water to the Phifitia,(han) A VD. What of all this? - ' , r r 1 TA.Tfay fuch aoncwas a very Afcfhis wasaljvfcto Ipcak tomyfclfe,whe 1 amalor.cjbut ^/^«Vff./,whcn fiiail wechcatea^ new fet of finging-books.'or thViolsjot the cofort of Inrtrumcts, Av.This was not al,for I heard maio of a tombc,& an epitaph. T A c .Truc,tnie,T made my fcUc mcry with this Epitaph.vpon fuch afoolcstombc thus a;i.hus,thus,plaguc brought this m^, (foh 1 hauc forgottcr.)o thus plague brought this man(fo,{o,{o) ynto his burial! becaufe bccaule,bccaufe,(hcm,hem) becaufche ■ would not buy an vi i nall,comc,coiTC ^x J».'«; ,flial! ^^ e he i c dice play, the Lycrnr--ay, or the U^i -•*■.;? n:all wc, or the Cornet, of 'f.ny Muficke,! am grcady rcu'iucd when 1 hcarc, A V D. T.St4sJah\t:s,t\i\% will not leruc, 1 hcird alljyou hau« sa found a Crownc. : youjno.you hauc not. C 2. ACT.. -■rj . .f^-U', ACT,!. SQEK.mma, Tactvs. Avditvs^ Viirf, GvSTVS, MEKt-ATSO* Ta CT.Pcacc,peacc,faith peace, come hethcr,hat^k«; thee good nowe„ " A V D. I cannot hold I muft needcs telli T A c T, O do not,do not , do not, come hethcr,will youbcc afooie? V I s. Had he not wings vpon his feetc and fhoulders ? Men. Yes,yes and a fine wand in his hand, CurioaHy wrapped with a paire of fnakcs. Tact. Will halfe content you,pi(h twilnereb^knownc, G V s T. My iife,twas Mercury, M E N D. I do not knowe his name but this Tam fure his hat had wings vp'ont. V I s, Doubtles twas hejbut fay my Boy.what did he? M E N D, Firft I beheld him houering in the aire, •And then downe ftoupiug, with a hundred gires: ' , . His feetehefixedoncJJ^e««r C^f/>Ws»,' ' , From whence he flew and lighted on that plaine, 'And with difdainefull fieps foone glided thecher; Whether ariued, he fuddcnly yefoulds A gorgeous Robcjandglittcrirfg ornament, ;■->■• • And lay§ them all,vpon that htllocke: '.'■'" This done he wafts his wand,tooke wing againe, And in a moment vanifht out of fight; , \^th that mine eies gan flarCjand heaitgrew cold. And aU my quiuering ioynts with fweat bedewd; My heeles my thought had wings as well as his, And fo a\way I runnc, but by the way; I met a man as I thought comming thether, G V s T. What markes had he ? M E H D. He had a great - — what this is he, this is he, Vis.WhatZ«^w? G V s T. This was the plauge vest him fo, , Ta^m your Qraue gapcstfor yoU|atc you rcadyt , 1 1 Nor A, } V I s. Since you muft ncedes die, do as others do, r i Leauc all your goods behind you ; bequeath the ! Crownc and Robe,to your executors, I yr A c T. No f iich mattcrvj 4ike the Egiptiari Knights, ! For the more ftate, wilbe buried in them. I Vis. Come,comc dcliuer : ftjMsfnatcheth the crewHf and fees letters graHtH in it. Tact. What will you take my purfe from me? V Vis. No but a Crownejthats iull more then your owne. Ha,whatsthis?tis a very finall hand, ' VVhatlnfoiptionisthis? j Heesfthejiuethdtprouet himfdfethehejfj \ ShailhaHe hisTempiesmth this Coronet hle^, j This Crownc is mine, and mine this garment is,- ! For ihauealwaiesbeene accounted belt. ! Tact. Next after mee,I as your felfc at any time ; bdidcs I i found it firft,thereforetis mine . ■ j G V s T. Ncitha of youres, but mine as much as both, ) AVD. Andmine thcmoftofany ofyouall/* ■ • j Vis. Giuc me it or els ~ -— . ■ ' Tact. He make you late repent it ■■■■■« .7 - f G V $ T. Prcfumptious as you ate - — — ^ r; vi' ji'^ A V D. Spite of your teeth Mend. Neuer till now a ha it workes a pace, Vifits I know tis yoursyand y et^me thinkesf ^ a^W;>«/ yoti Ihoiild hauc feme challenge to it; But that your title TaElns is fo good: Giflus I would fweare the Coronet were yours,- ' ' Whst will you all go braulc about a trifle.'' yiewebutthcpl,cafjantcoartof cJJ/ycrofa/w,', Ift not great pitty to be rent with wai res,-* Ift not a fhame, to (taine wit h brinifli teares, • • 7 r Thefmiling checkesofeuer-cheercfuUpcacc^v - ,. 1 Ift not farrebetter to hue quietly/^ Thcnbroyleinfuryofdiflention,« > ■ ; •. Giue me the Crowne^yelfhall not difagrce, -..:.;::/;,•'■■ If I can plpafc you ; He play Taris part, . -. - And,moft impartiaJl iudge the controuerfia , , , ' C 3. A>»» V / «awi«ww'»«»!»9WPWw LI NOV A. 5 •V I s . S aucc-b.ox gbe mcd«Ue with ymr Ladies fanne, '/ and prate not hece. : • ,^:r/,>" •. w^ ir:,')''j ; M E N D. I fpcike not for my felfe , but for my Coumries fafc V I Si Sirra be ttill, . ', (commo(Ulie.) Mend. Nay and you be fo hot,the dcuill pan you, lleto 0//ry. . ! ' . : " h . I^igh?$ mote aduantagCjthen an hoft of foldiars. Exettnt «mniu - Finis. A£l:.( ^rinii, . ,, . -, Adtus^iv: Scenai. ' : AFriTITVS. Along lunt Ra>r-!>m«jfiflj«]» in 4 Soffidtfrt ' M E N D. I long tp fee thofehot-fpur fenfes at it.they fay the* haue gallant prepafatioHS , and not vnlikcly/or moft of the fol- dicrs are ready inAnnes fincc She laftfcild fought againft their: yearcly enemy McUager,^ hiiwifc /*;M/»*;thaj)Goo'queith«?h' •foflcfht them that no peace catv hold iiheqa. But had *w^ifij^> lc4gir- beene ficke, and ^cr. M E N D. Ah heres a youth (hike naught at a uench , but old dog at a ticncher,atall fquire at a fquace table. -Ap i". Buc now my good mafters mull pardoji mec , I am net forihelr femicCjfor theirferuice is without feruice, and indeed tiieir feruice is :oo hoft for my diet. But what? If 1 bee not my Me but ojily thW be my fpirit that wanders vp anddownejand Jpp^M'ss be Kild in the Canip.UcD.iuill he is as foone.-ifowej ^ that pofiTible'tut tut I know I am,!;-' I am .^rprf^rw , and aliue •too,by this TnfaUlble token, that I f?c!e my fdfe hung7. •M B M D. Thou mightfi hauetaken a better tokei: of thy felfe, -byknowingthouaitafoole. ' i A ? P. Wd the though T mademy fellow fouldicrs admire the •beauty ofinybacke^& wonder at the nimb'cnes cfnryhee'es, yetriowwillatfafcie'athome.rellin what dangers they are a- •broadjjle fpeakc nothing bur guns , and glauci, and ftaues.and •phalangcsj&fquadrons, and bai!Jcadre,,am'aiifc:adocSjpalire- -does blankepoint dept, coUi:terpc.ir:t;COi.nter rci.r'e.iaHies and . •lies,raladoc5,tarantantaras,rar:tajra atara,hey (adonc.j MEND.Imuiltakethe lire out or" liis nu^u h or hc''c ncre A P P, But aboue all t le bee lire or. my kncui to thank? the, o eat — — — ~ MsyuU-io I iiKcUJ-.tin, ''m E N D. Who am I, who am ( .who I ? (your fide. A p p. By thcbloud-flaiad faiichionof Manors- -I :mon M E N D. Why,who am I ? A P V. Are you afouldicr ? Mind. No. ■ •A ' P. Then you are maifler HdliiQ the Bcar-hcard, r M • N P. No^no,hc J dead, A ^ I*/ » LIN0Fj4. A P P. Or ghlono the ^tty Seriant.or Delphim the Vintcr,ot els I know you not^for thefc are all my acquaintance. Men, Would I v. ere hangd if I be any of thele. A p p. What McndMh [ by the faith of a Knight thou art welcome; I muft borrow thy Whecftonc to fharpea the edge? ot my martiall complements. M E N. 6y the faith of a Knight ] what a pox , where are thy Spurres ? App. Ineed nofpurres,IrideIike Pegtfuson a winged horfe, on afwift Gennec,my Boy,calIed fcare. Men. What fliouldft thou rcare in the wanes ? hce*« net a good fouldicr that hath not a good ftomack. A P.P.Ojbuttheftinkeofpowderfpoilcs Appetitut (komicV^ and then thou knowft when 'tis gonCj Afpetitus is dead, there- fore I very manfully drew my fword , and flourifht it brauely /about mine earcs,kift,and finding my felfchurr, moft manfully •ranneaway. ("field, M E N. AU heart indecd.for thou ran'ft like a Hart out of the It fecmes then the Scnfcs mcane to fight it out. Ap p. land out-fight themfelues I tninkc, and all about a trU flc,a paltrie bable,found I know not where. Men. Thou art decciued , they fight for more then that , a thing called fuperioritie , of which the Crowne is but an Embleme. App. LMendacio hang this fuperioritie , Crowne meeno Crowne but 'Bacchus Crowne of Rofes,giue me no Sceptetjbut •a fat Cfpons legge , to (hew that I am the great King of H»h- •j^4r«i!;thcrefore 1 prethee talke no more of rt'ate-mitters,but in briefe , tell mce my little rafcall, how thou haft fpent thy time this many a day ? Men. Faith in feme credit fincc thou faw'ft me laft, App How fo^whcie ? M s N. Euery where ; in the Court your Gentlewomen hang me at their Apron firings, and that makes themanfwcrfo rea- . dily. In the Cittie I am honour'd like a God , none fo well ac- quainted with your tndcfmcn :your Lawyers all thcTcmie time hire me of my Lady^ur Gallants if they heaie my name abufcdjthey ftab for my i aEc; your Trauellers fo dote vpon me as j i-^-fc LIN or J, fj paffes ; O they haue good reafon, for 1 ha,uc carried them to , many a good tneale, vnaer the Countenance of my fairuliarityt ftty your Stacef-men haue oftentimes dofely coueied me vndec their tongues, to make their pollicies more currani^ As for old- men they challenge my Company by authority. f A ? P . I am exceeding glad of your great promotion. I MEND.Nowewhenlamdifpofedfcan Philophyitinthc ' Vniuei'fity,withthefubtileftofthcmall. y * /> A P P. I cannot be perfvvaded that /art acquainted with ^ •Schollers euer "fince thou weit preft to death in a Princ-houfe, y-M END. Nojwhy I was tht^m founder of the 5 . fefts of Pfay- lofophy except on of the Peripatetticks who accknowlcdge /t- r/^tf//«'(I coprefle)their great Grand-father. j' _ Ap;P.'I1iiOU.Boy/howis this pelfible? thou art but a Child ^ jBid there weiefeiSb of PKilofopby before thou wert borne. * . MEtJD. ^/'/»^f<>«/,thou|5niftakcrtme,IteUthcc,30oo.yeares ~ agoe was -^(f»4»Mj^r»tf//)as for Z>«ci4M I was his Genius^ Othofetwo BookesDr Vira hiflaria bowfoeuerthey|;9Ta> der his Mme, He be fwome I Vviit them eueiy title . A p P. Sure as I am Hungry thou'ft haue it for lying. Bitt baft •■ thou ruAed this latter time for want of excerdfe ? M E M D. Nothing^efle,! Old) coofefte I woulU fainc haue iog- gedi'/o)? and great thUkgs-head on t heir elbow(is, whenth^ > were about their Oironides, and as I remember Sir /0^ ^ildSi^ deftilli trauells , and a great part of the Decads were of tny^o* \ ing. But for di^^mrrorof Knighuhood , Beuu of SfiHthamfton^ fAlmertn oi Etm^d^ Amndis <£.^4iMle , Hhok de Burdeaux, Sit Gu^olfykrme^AfartM m4iffrellAtey'^^ifi'hoodfiarr4iMittMf Gerilieti ahd a thoufand fudi exqulHte monunients as thefejfto - doubt but th^ breath«« my bretfh TO and downc. ' '/-i^' A p p J>ownewards lie fwear c for the rs itinking lies in them, ,. >M s N, But what £bpi4d I light a Candle to the oii^t Suni;ie- ibine of my gjorious renowne,the whole world is full of ^^<-j». iirdfl/fanic. A P ip.' And fo it wilbe fo long as the world Is full of fame. '. ' Mend. But Siira, how haft thou done this long time? •. A p P. In as much rcojueft as thylelfe; lb begin \wth the Court as thou didft,Ilie with the Ladies all night,aiid thats the •rcafon they call for Cullies, and Cruellies, fo early before their opraieis,youv gallats ncuer fup,break-fafl,orBeaucr without me, M E N p. Thats falfe^tbr I hauc fccnc them catc with a full fto- macke. A P P. True , but bccaufc they know a Hcde thinge diiucs mec from thera , therefore in 'midft of mcate they prelent mee with •fome (liarpe faucc or a diHi of delicate Anchoues, or a Cauiare, to intice me backc againe, Aay more-your olde Sirs that hardly go -vvithout a propp, will walke a hiiie 6t two euery day to re- 3 new their accquamtance with me^ill for the Academic it is be- holding to mcc,for adding the eight ptouiftcc vntqxiobk H?/;- r/«rf/>»> ofthelibc-rall fcicnccs. M E N D.Whats that Iprethec. , A P p. Themoftdefiicd andtioftorsAileartof Cookerie, NowSirra intheCitty lam — ~-r-rft,,ft. '• Othe body of a Loufe, M E K D. What art a loufc in the Citty ? ■ - ~ Apt. Not a word more for yonder comes -TArfwi^^, and foiufibodifieirc, : . ' ' '-'■■'• '•• Mend. What a pox can rh.uitaftcs do ? ^ /;A P P. Worke amiradc ifhe wbuldprouewifc. ' •M-EN.Xishe indecclc.thcvilfftnupsyetthcfooleloucsmee . esccediiiglie but I care not for hb compasiy for if he once ^^ Nor eoKldJiffaire an augHrj afford, ^ * Then to condudelct him peruert latullHs his Komm foMt Aik //jtjffjw.thuSjthus. ■ -.J. ^■.WhichifIchaitMetoc»t,erel}Vntiey ■,: ,'/ ■y'Thi1ittU'>»<>rldllecoHqaerprcfe»tly. : ;• / a. Tis{>il!ie^ty,'^r^;^tc'Ihimtwasextcmporall, - HEy^WeM Sir^iit now for Mailtcr Immeratos loue-letter,. "PH.Sbiiic=necteigfl;H&cyfaithi; let him write thus* . ; ;. Da Moft Mbft/heart commxridiiig fact Gentlcwoman.eueti as theftone in /W»« called 5 fo does thy celeniaU orbeafnmilatmi^jey'e^lp^^ in pleafing wound n^yloue -darted heatt. ' ''^'If^' He V. But what trick fti;dllinuent for the coiijcluficn? / P K A. Pi/h any thing Loue will minifterlnke for the reft, ■ /-He that once begun well, hath halfe done^ let him begin againe ' anfl there's alio H E V. Mauffer gnllia fpoke for a new fa(hion,what for him? ^ PHA.'AfaiLionforWsfute — =let him button it downe the I • Heeue with foure elbowes,aEid fo make it the pure hciroglyphick \ ofafoole.» ! H E V. Nay then let me requeft one thing of you. j PHA.What's that Boy? by this faire hand thou fiialthaueit. I ' HEv^.Miltriffei'w/irr^w a Gentlewoman of my acquaintance I wifhtmetodeuifeheranewfccforfaerRufiFe,andaaoddctire^ 1 /7 ->, Iprayfirhelpemeoutwithit. I fi^rd P H A. Ah Boyfin my conceit it's a h^Nwd matter to performe, ! thefe women haue well nigh tired me, with deui&ig tires for ..^ theiTij and fet me at an nonplus for new fets $ theu: heads arc fo r ' light,& their cy es fo coy e,U)at 1 know not how to pleafe them, I H E V. I pray Sir, llic hath a bad face ,.and faine would haue I Xutors,Phantamcalland odde apparrell ', would perchance draw fomebodytolookeonher. ' P H A. If her face be nought,in my opinion,the more view it, • the worfe^bid her weaie the multitude of her defornuties vnder • a maske , till my leafure will fetue to deuife fome durable , and vnftained blufli of painting. H E Y. Veiy good Sir, P HA. Away then, hye thee againe,mcete me at the Court , within this houre at the fartheft. hxtt Heureps, Oh heaucnsjhow hauel beene troubled thefe latter timei with Womci],Fooles,Babes,Taylers,Poets,Swagperers,Guls,Ballad- makers, they hauealmoftdifrobedmeof aUthetoyes and tri- fles Icandeaife,wereitnotthatIpdtty thepoorcmuItiJudeof •Printers, thefe Sonnet-mangers (liould ftarue for conceits , for •all PfMHttiJici^ But tfacfepiilingLouers , Icanoot but laugh.a( ] f taem | . ■ ■ . ...J h in OVA. th«tni and thelrEncomions of their Miftrefles . They make fbr- footh her h'ayre of Gbld , her eyes of Diiam6n4, hser cfaeekes of Rofes^cr lippes of Rubies, her teeth of Pearle , and her whole bodyofluowsaridvvhcnthejr haue thusldold'her likcT*^- mniitMfitw Mil downe and worfliip her. Tfjche, thou haft laid a hard taske tpon tag fliouldtn , to inufcne ait euery ones aske, were it not that I refre(h my dubefle once a day with my moft AogcBcaUpterencei'twere vnpoflible for me to vndergait. ' . ACTVS.«. SCENA.3. Com htm I s S E n s v S^MgrMumMi um BUck^eluit c^feckf CiMfifTtii^SEKsys. Phantastes. C o H.S.,1 cannot ftay.I tett^u'tis mcHrethen time I were at Coinx^ know my foueraine P/j^i hath expef^ed me this hourc P H A. In eood tuDe,yoader o^nes CcmmoK-fenfe^ I imagine ftihbuld. bene by bis voice. \ * C o M.^. Cnue my couhfdl,teU mt what nlaner of man he is? can he entertaine a man into his iioufe , can he hold his Veluet ' Cap ia one han^ and vale his bonnet with'the other } knowes • he now to become a Scarlet gowne , hath he a paire of frefh ■polbathisdpore? P H Ajiee^s about fome ha(fy Scate-mattets,hetalkes ofpofts methinkes* Com;S. Canheepart a coujde of Dogges brawling in the ftreete? vyhy then choofehimAlayorypon my credit, bede proue a wife officer, Pv At Saue you htiy Lord , I haue attended your Idfure this houre. C o M S> FvcTpon'wfhat a toile haue I had to choofc them a ■Mayor yonder? there's a fuftie Cunier will haue this man: therei a Chandlor wipes his nofe on.his fleeue /and fv^nares ic •fliall not beefo.There'i) aMufterd^naker lodces #s keene as - Viaiger willhaue another : O diis many headed midtkud^ it'a ahard mattettopleafe them, D J P»A. -..•.^•^ LlJiGrA . P H A. Efpedally where the miilpf vdc;i?, fo wc|I headed But I pray you whctes UM& ■^<»«J7J!^3^*^^«« MPf^^^j^i Pfe fyfethatheisnothere.Y(! :..>;. fi..-^M r-Vi' ,;,•• C o m. S e n.. 'lis higKjtimchc yiftt at.qouji;,, I would, hc WOddtomC. .':''-\.h--'-^-.-'.v!:o\'\h-i--i-'.i.--':, . fatagomefKrred,xvithwhte'GrogftrAm^whtibeard;VelHtt- A N AM N E S T E s his T^AgiyXnAgrAM SattinfUte PttrpUy'Bttskjnt, a GarlMidef Bares AhdRoTm.'trjf'igim'iMlintig jfithott/;}tke hangmgMb»» 1 haue caldydu three or foure ''^;'S^SSISvcredyou^or^times,onfeinthe■n^ ^aUK;rell me^andile rWy^Oie^n^as } am ^ Geartem^J. >^-M;ncauoyQurtattle>a^y9Ucpm^atfirftIhadnorjpc, Xomuchbrcadiiavjunt. . .,j: ;i: ' ■ . ■ S A'tt Ll]S! G F.J\ . ' A N. 1 he truth is Sir , .th? firft tin)e yoii called , I heard you not, the lecond 1 vm]eiftqodyounot,the third I knew not vvhctheritwcreyouorno: the fuuith I could not tell where .you wcre,and that's there^aion 1 anfwercd fo fiiddeiiiy; ; M E M. Gee fina, ruiinc, fcekc cueiy vvheiCj 1 hauei loft my purfe fomc where A N. I go fir ; Go firra/ecke, lunnej hauc iofl,bring, here's a Dogges Wc with apoxe, fljall I beeitwayes yfde like a watcr- Spanniell. ExitAiWkw.r (oowvadayes. Com. Come good Maifler Regiftcrjl wonder you be lb late M EM . My good Lord,I remember)tl>ftt I kiiewjoiir Grand- fathet in this your place , and ,X rejptnibcr your Grand-fathers great Grand-fathers, Grand-fathers p.4ther«,Pather,y et in thofe daycslneuer leniember that any <(f tiieni <;oi)Jd f ay , that Regt- ftcT*tJHtmon euer l)j-okc,tJw I can hardly findo them-againe. ; .., , .,> ,, ,'. -,,;;■,; ( , , Ph. luviur, fupirer, rha4:thot^g}ittbijfeE!yes had bit none •but my felfcjdo Critticks tickle you yfaich ? Jij^E >|,yefy^ijiilivly : foflJjpy mpftkw^^of me forfocth , •how euery idle word is written in all the mufti'c moath-eittea AJk:}afcrip:s fhcft mall the old libraries: iij. cuetyGittiebc- •twixt £»^/rfWand 7^1-r.". i Co M.S EN. Indeed I hauc noted thefc times tO'affe£t,Anti- quitics, more then is requifite /i ii'lal ■:,■' i ' 'yh . . '■.■.•'M^Ml'HfPtfX'ihcimtht.a^i^Q? .^if,i.rMiin aifi iV:>w , and about tlic'vvarres. of rhvi':s,and the fiege of r^.i^j.che ,c w«» few ihiiigs committed to my charge, but thofe that were well wor- thy thc,pfffcruii>g»biit iww eujiry triJW Riuft bewmp.pcd.vpin iht volume of eiforart the head of his enemi^ they'le hold Yp his armes io teng till they haue beftowed three or foure pages in defcribing the gold hilts of his threatine Fauchion , Sothat in my Fande the reader may well wonder his aduerfarw ftabs him not,before he feikes,l«oreouer .they are become moft palpable flatterers alwaies beg^ng army gates for Inuention. Com. This is a great faiilt in a Cjhronologer to tume Pa- rafite: AnabTolute hiAoiylhouldbee infeateofnone,neithcr (hovid hee write any thing more then truth for friend^fhip^Qr lefTe for hate , but keepe hinifelfe equall and ciMaS^t in all i^ difcouife^ Sutforvs wemuH bee contented/or as OarhStiors inaeafe,fo muft the burthen of the cares of out offices vrge ts towaxeheauy. ^ P H. But not till our backes breake , fhid there was iftuer any fo haunted aslanv, this di^e there edmesaS^Kifteito my houfe,knocks at my dore^his errand bjcing afk'd,K>rfoth*^ aiw fwere was to borrowafure futeofconcdtesoutofmrwar- dropjto appairaile a (hewehe hiid inhand^and whatthinkeyou ^^ ^ is the plot ? : ' I ^ CoM.NayIknewnOt;forIam1ttdiiae^tuliined\vi&r«ch - toies. •■ • ■;■ ; ■ yf' '■'•'-;- -' * ■"!'•, PH.Meane-v<^iIehe's fomewKat sAqpuunce^ vntlilyou>&r [. he's bould to bring your perfonTpoa the fts^e. C o M. What nie?l cannot rBaiembier,that I was «uet tirought yponthedaget^ore. ' ' ' j PH.YesyouandyoujandmyfdfewidiiltnyPhantifticaQ > tridcs and hui^ors, but I trow I naue luted bttn wtA Fookrite, Itruftheele neuertfo^lemeuaine. I CoM.OtkiieiiOinai»en^vhenB(netdaKtocrad>K6tn«n inaikli6atir, .^ ■' < MfiM.Iremf«iWthewVvas.For'(t6%thtttiiI»)«l««iy '' laft being at 4thtm(lit is now^et me fee, aboutjTSoo. ,yeai« t gOfe)I was at a Cofltoiedie of -^«y?*^jfr4i«/malring, ( I fliaB TO- wu«ir/or^<«i5)The Arch-gouemorw,f at this tnflant.fuffers the pangs of deathj sis gafping for j 'Jbrcath,Willyouhaucall?'rBpoifneJ. ^^ E Pa-WfeM .-■:■ '-^ - : ,^^. ' , ■ ■ ^';y ■ y-''^ o •Ph. WhatPdthecary durft benfo told as make fuch a coa» •fe^on^ ha,what poifon ilt? L I N G, A golden Crownc. M E M.I miltake,or els GaUn in his bookc T>efanit4tttHetidtit commends gold as reftoratiue. • C o M. S E N. Lmgua cxpreffe your fclfe. .. .- M D s. Madam if you want bi each, lee me hclpc you out Li N G, I prechec do,do. Men. My Lord, the report is , that /Wcomminglate into this counti y, in this very place, left a Coronet with.this, jn- fcripuon,that thcbeftof chcfiuefhould hauc it, which the Sen- fcs thinking to belong vnto them—* Li n g. Challenge each other , and arc now ia arracs , and 'tlike your Lordfhip. C o M.S EN. I protcft it likes not mc. Li n g. Their battailes are not farrc hence rejdy rang d. C o M.S E N. Q monftrous prcfumption ? what fhall we do ? Mem. MyLotd , in your great Grand-fathers time, there .was I lemeinber fuch a breach amongft them , therefore i^ •Counfell is, that after his €xample,by the ftrengthof your;^a- ihoritie you conuen^ them before you. , \ . ' Com. tingna, go prelendyj command the ScnfcsTfon their alleacreance to our dread Soueraigne Qucene Phch,r,o difmilTe theirwmpanics, and pctfonally to appearc before me without any pretence trf'cxcufe. ' : ';; L I N o. 1 go my Lord, . « Ph. Butliae you Madam, T pray you let your Pages tongue walkcwithvsalit£lc,tiUyoureturneagainc. LlNCWithallmyhcart. Extt^f'i'*^ ACT. a. SCENE, (f.'-"^^ p H Hot youths,! proteft.faw you thofe warUke prcparadons? M EN. Lately my Lords,! fpidc into the Armie,- •Butoh/tis farrc beyondmyreachof wit Srfeengthofvtterance,todefcr,bcthe.rforces. , CoM^SM4.Goto.rpcakewhatthouc«ft MEN p. Vpon the right handof a fpattous HOI, proud i'(/i«initffl»aUcthapm(raat army, ^ 3to .^ LI NOV A, Three thoufandRglcsltrong^whorc valiant Captainc, ! 3s /«« LI NOV A. Tnus haulng tooke my pleafure with thofc fightj, - By the fame pet I went vp.l difccaded. (geaie?)> C o M.S B N. Well Slrra to what purpofe teuds this Stcatx* K( B N D. None know dircitly,but I thinkcit is, •T intrappe the E3igles,whe!i the BattaQes ioyae, P H. Who takes r4il«/ his parte ? Mfi N t). Vnder the ftandard of thrice har<^ tkH^tf Thricevaliaiit 9'»,'?'*^»lc5dcs his warlike foKcs; An-^ndlci miltstiiieofdefpcrateAp'esj ■ Fiue hundred Mannafects and long-caild Monkees: AU trained ep the field,and nimble Gunners. 'f^'n^ P H Imnigiae theres old i n a fting aniongftthem;methink» ^ a handhiU of ndttes would turhe them ^ out of their Souldien r^ coatcs. ■\- ^ ■■ ' Men. Ramparts bfPaftie-crud and fortes of pies, " i) Entiench'd with dtftics full of Cuftard ftuffe.- Hath G«/?«^ made } and planted orditiance, Strange ordinance ; Cannons of lidlowe canes; Whole pouder's Rapc-feed^charged with Turnip iliot; M E M. I Renien^ber ia the Country of Vtopia^they vfc no o- thet land of Artillery. Co M.S B M, But whats become of 0^5*/? <^iA a N p„ He pollitickly leanes jto neither par^ ftt ftands betwixt the camps as at rcceite: Kauing great wine his Pioncrs tfe cntrendi them. -• fT»'H.In nw fooUfli immigina'tlpn Olfniiit ; is ve^ like the God^ deflc of viCTory that ncuer takes any part but the ConquSrers, Mend,, And in the woods he placedfccretly , - Two hutxfred couple ofhounds and hungry Maftiffs: •Andore his head houer at his commaunde, •A cloud of Vultures, which or*c fpred the lighf, Makingamght before the day be done: Rjt to what end not knowncbut fcard of all. P H. I conicaure hec intends to fee -hemfight,and after the. 1 battaile to fcede his Doggcs,' Hoggs and Vultures vpon the murdrcd caicafes. ^ '• ■ „ i ' ' V, ' Me n. My 4 1 thinkethcfurisof thqir An^er will not bes^ ; bedicGtt*>ehcMcaag^3f£»«£«4/orothc*wifeinsnycootrite. :-\ ■ & «», jjjgy %^x> f^ -! L INGVA. theyfliould haue beenc here crthis : with yourZ. good li- king vec'lc attend vpon you to fee the feild for more certainty. /It fnalbcfojComcMaifter %egifter lets wallcc. Exeunt omnrs. Tims, hSi. fecHndi, A<51 J. Sccna. I. ANA.ForibothO^/wwftiutthe dorevpon me I could come no fooner,ha ? is he not here? O excellent IWould I were hangd but I lookt for a found rappe on the pate, and that made me be- fore hand to lift vp this excu(e for a Bucldei^I know hee's not ^t ^ court/or here i« his purfe^without which warwit t h cres no co- ming thithcr,whercfote now iAnamnt^tf {port thy felfe a little, whilcthou art out of the prifon of his company , What fhall I do? by my troth anatomize his purfe in his abknce, Plutus fend thcrfc bfc Jewells in it, that I may finely geld it of the ftones — ^ The'b'cft furc lies in the bottome — poxt ont^crcs nothing b ut a company of worme eaten papers ; what^ms ? Memorandum i^ thatMaiftet Prodigt owes mee foure thoufand pounds and that his lands arc in pawnc for it: Memorandum that I owcj^^that hee — owes?tis well theoldeOaue hath fomecaie of his crcdit,'to whom owes he trow I? that I owe :^«4>»«f/?<'j?What mc?I nc- uer lent him any«hi«lfe ; ha this is good, thcrs fom-tbing com- ming to mc,morc then I look'd for. Come on, what \{{f Memo- randum that I owe tn^namn-fies—'Z breeching; I faith Sir I .will cafcyou of , that pairacnt, (^He rendes the hill) Memoran . dum that when 1 was a childe Rohujio tript vp my hcelcs at foot-balcwhat aReucngfull dizard's this? ACT. 3. SCEN, 2. Mendacio. IVith Cufhimi vnder hu armes^tripps vp Anani- neAes heele/. Mendacio, Anamnbjtes, Ana. Hownovf? E 3 Mew, M M B s ij^ NcHshiagbUtUy y^Hiiwppn the Quflypp Sirj how fo? A N. A,;Noth«ig but lay thp Cufliion vpou you Sir ? M E *{'r. Wi^at my Imle iV//w ? by this foote I ^i foiy I riiif- ' tooke thee. ■ , i , A s VVhal my little Men} by this hand it gricucs me I tooke thee fo rifrht. But Siira whither with thefe Cudwons? M 6 N. I'oiay them here that the ludges may fic ibftly Icaft my Ladic LmiteN.Pifh,Wnow"anot ? flieefucth for the tidcof a Scnfe^s well Ai the reftchat beafc the nameofthc Pentarchf. A N. WiU Common fenfe and my M#«ylcaue thdr affaires dJdetfemMnCthatCohtroikriie? '•---''■''■- ;• '■■■''■ > j*; ''lC(^A:Triiii'«l«iheart«ddj . • ' An. Battiinhc tell which difcrues bcft^tf ^'^^''^^J'^^jf^, . -^ •M.N.Nonotonlv;foreufryfenfemd^Afccibeh^^^^^^^ that U his houfe wiere he perfon^es bfc dayhe duty,^^^^^ thebbiea and the Inftrument,myLo1^can with grcareafedilr cemf their place and dignities, . ; •• thy mafter wil be here Ihortiy .But how ift my httle Rogue? me t^: LINGVA, juidthcfewords^rubn'eBby, Come Sirra,quick,qukk,quick,are :as faiiailiar with him as theCough, ncucrout ons mouth. Men. Alack alack poorc Rogue, I fee my fortunes arc better. My LadJc loucs me exceedingly ; fl:sc's alwaies kiffirg mee, fo that(I tell thcc NifnjAileiidactos ncuer from betwixt herlippes. An. Nor- out of CMsmoriei mouth ■ but in a wojfc fort,al- V waies cxcercifing my fturaps and which is more ,^hcn hec faV^ /

,ox fuch like. ^ E N. I cannot thinke fuch fellowes haue to do with Oblinio fincethey neiier got any thing to forget. AN.Againe,theie prodigal! fwagercys that are fcjmuch boud to / ^ ... -f. -W P W M ■■J.t.^.l lP .I ill i^ ii» , i« l LINorji. .'their CreditorHif they haue butoricGsdflc about £hein,tViey*le •fpenditin WincvponbW*»». /- ' M E N. To what purpofc I prethce ? ^ (cares. - -AN.Onclyinlippe hcdewafhthcm in the Lethe ofthdr MEN.WhythcnnoinAncaresibrthee. - .).■ ^A N A. Yes a .company of Audious Paper-iwomie» iod leAne ''• <\ Schollcrs,and'niggairdlyfcrapingVfurer$,acatroupc9f heart, eating eniu6u$perrons,and thofe cancker^lomacktrpiceQiil creatures , that fumiHivp common place^bboket-Mritb: other mens fauttsr /The time hath b&oe in thofegolden:(iaj^s,when SatHrne reigned; that if a man receiu d a 'beneHtof anoUier , h was ptefentiyi feat for toputhiraanmiadeofit^biitnov^-in'' thefe Iron afcetr-hoohes, faue your friends life , and Vklimo ^ be more faMliacvvitb him then yoii.> -;"•- hi; ii ; -j^i ■ ,•/' ■ •- •■, ■■ ■• ■-,:. ■•, • •^>:),lv/- ■-■■ . ■■■'■:.' ACTVS.j. SCENA.3. / .. HBVB.ESXS. Mbi^s: AJ^AMNESrSS. . ■ ■ , • , ■'\ < ■ HETR.^A^wM^f/notatCourtJiftpoffib^rftisthcftrahgeft onou^^^ \-: LtNGVui. fricnc!s,ready to importune you in my behalfe , I fiiould haue fo many Rctoricianj, Logitians, Lawy ers and which is more, fo many Women to attend mce,that this Groaue would hard- ly contemc the Company jwhciefotc to auoidc the tediouf- neffe I wilUay the whole caufc vppon thctippcofmincownc tongue. C o m; S E M. Be aj bricfc as the neccdity of our fiiort time ~ requires. Ling. My Lord , though the Imhecill tas of my feeble fexcjiHight drawc mee backc, from this Tnbunall ,with the hubenis to wit Timoris and the ^Atettis TpidoriSjnotyi'wh^inA' ing bceing fo faircly led on with the gratioui iwiiiKua of your iHfltJfiittaS'iiistiif'ov*t:EffecMllj fa afpnmentefpurd' conglifpreni di necejpta mia pungent e, I will without the hclpc of Orators, commit the tetam falutem of myaftion to the VolHtabilitnti 7S* ytituKiitey xiyur, vtbieh { autc veflre bonne playfeur) I Will 6" nifli with more then Lacenica Ireuitate. ^C o. S E.Whats this.' here's a Gallcmaufry of fpeech indeed. ' Mem. I remember about the yearc 1602. many vred this skew kind of language. Which in my opinion is not much vii'" ! like 'the tMn^Platonj the Sonne ot Lagtts , King of tA^gypt^ brougbtfbra rpcAacle^haUewhite halfeblackc. Com. S EN. 1 am perfwaded thefe fame language makers hauc the very quality ofcoldc in their wit,thatheczcih all Hf- ; ' »*y«^^»f(*// languages together , congealing Englifli Tynne, ' . Grzcian Goldt Roniame Latine all in a Irmpe. . ,..d P HA. Or rather in my imagination like your Fantafticall ^ 'J !^ Gulls Apparelljwearins; a Spanifb Felt, a French Doblet, a ;- *-^; GranadoStockirrg,aDutcbSlop,anItalianCloake, with a \ i^ . ' L o M. Se N. Well, leaue your toying , we cantiotpluck the „ leaft fethcr from the (oft wing oi timi. . Theifore Ltngua go on , : * but in atnorc formall manner, you know an ingenions Oratio ' /^muftneyther fwellaboue the Bankeswiihinfolent words. nor r*^: cceepe too Challow in theiord, with vulgtr termes , but run «•• ' ^ 'quaUy,finooth,& cheerefuU, through the en the Harpc , while fhc fange about fome foure yeares aftcrthe Goc. tcntion betwixt /ipai/o and P4», and a little before the excori- ation of yi/^rZ/rf/. An. Bvthefame token the Riucr <^/;>/>«/, at that time pur- «£uinghis Deloucd'^^/^'"robatioii belt fpokea)h3dbeencaU » -togither vi^.ibli.'hel , her will vnpeform:d,heL- illuftriaiis decdes varenoutued hid not the filucr ^'o^jud of my «""?J^J, ^^ LINGVA, fillcnUe- >y ^ •nicntfpeedc , A P p. Atyour Lordflirps plcafure. F.xit ^rprti'm.f M E M. I Remember that I forgot my fpeitacles, I left them in the 3 4 9. page of H//A Chronidcs , where hcc tells a great wonder of a multitude of Mife which had almoft deftroved the Country , but that there refoited a gr^t mi^hcieflightof Ovvlcsjthat diftroyed tlien\, 1»amaejles rcada thefe Articles dif- tin6Hy. / «. I'. Ar. Ak Tnprifitis wee accnfe Lin^na of higli tifcifoii , lanJ facnledge,againft the moft. honorable Com i»^-w^aS£H'of life teis jfof vn Jer pretence, of profitin<^ the people with ti'artf- latioos , llicc hath moft vilyc proftituted the bardf mifttaicS ' ' Fj of ^ i of vnkHOWQc Languages to the prophane eares of the vul- gar. P H AN. This is as much as to make a newhelltnthcvpper world/or In Hell they /ay ,4Uxa»Jer is no better then a Cob- lcr,and nowc by thefe tranQations eUcrjr Cdblei j$ as familiar with A/fATrfW^r as he that wrote hislifc. * ■ " 2 art. A NAM. Item that, flie hath wrongfully imprifoned a Ladie called r«r«r«j/. 3 . art. Item^that flie's a wii-chjuid exccfcifcth her tongueia exercifmes. , '^ 4. art. Itcm^that flic's a common whoie^nd l6tscue»one lie with her. J. art. Item, that fl^ee raijcs on men in Authotity.depra- uing riieir Honours, with bitter lefts and tauntes.axdihat iicsaBackbyter/cttingftrifc betwixt Bofome ftiencls. dart. ItciTvthat flice lends wiues weapons to fight againft - their huf bands. - ' - 7. art. ltem.that fliee maintaines a waine of prating petty focgers ,.prouling Suranets, fmooth tongu d bawdes , anldle Empcricb > hiingty Parafites , Ncwes-carriets , langlers , and fiich like idle GompanionSjthat delude the Commanalty. 8. art. Itcin^that (he madtRhctonque wanton, Logick'eto baKe, Aftronomy to lie. p.art. Item^thatflie is an incontinent TeUfalc. •(Rjj. \ ~^o. art. Item (which is the laft and worft ) that fliee« *aA5)'oman in «uery refpeftjand for thcfi: caufei not to bee admitted to the dignitie of a Seiife . That thefe Articles oi bee ti;ue wee pawQe our honors > and fubcribe out names . X.Ftfits. /^.Olf^SiMt, C o M. S E N. £»«f «4 thefe bee flifcwde allegations , and as I thinke vn-aijfwerable, I will deferrethe ludgemeut of your caufc till I haue fitiiflied the contention of the Senfes. Ling Your Lordfliips muft beobeycd,Buc as forthcmincA ^gm^tcfulljand perfidious wretches. Com, C M.S. Good words become you better,you"may depart If youwilljtillwcfcndfoiyou. A»am»efieixunne,icmcmh'etVi-' Jus, tis time he were ready. A N A M. I go. {Exit A N A m: f / redit ) he flaycy here expco j tingysur Lordibips^pIeafutC. ACTVS.3. SCENA.(5. \ A Pti£f caryinga Scutchion argent charged with an Eagle difplaj' edfrefer^theny\£\s%vithaFantieefTeacocksfe:herjyiiext i Lumen »»;/» aCrotvneofBayeSjanda Shield with a bright j SuHite in it^apfarrelled in Tifffte,then a Tage hearing a Shield i tefare Coelum, clad in Kzurc Tajfata , dimpled with St arte:, A (^rowne ofStarrcs on his head , and a Scarf e reftmtling the j Zodiack^iuerthwart the Shoulders.; next a page clad ingreene Vfith a ternflriall Globe before Terra , in a greene Veluet gowne \ fiucke with branches,andfioniers, a Crowne of Turrets vpon her \ J^ headfin herhandaKej,. then a Herauld leading in hit htind \ ' ' QiAovet clad in changeable Cilkf, with a Rainbor*e out of a Cloud \ ' . on her headJaH a 'So/^Vifus cMarJhallcth his Jbew about the \ Stage,andfrefewts it before the 'Bench, \ 1 Visvs. Lvmen. CoEivM. Phanta^. j Com.Sens. Memorie, ^ / . ■ I Vis. Loc here the obic(5VthatdcIight| the fight, , . thtl^oodlicft obieds that man s heart can vviflu ' : For all things that the Orbc firlt moueabl c, Wrappes in the circuit e of his largc-ihctcht armcs , j Are fubied to the power of Z/'^yw.f eyes, j That you may know what profit light doth bring, Note Z,«»«fw words.ihat fpcakcs next follow ing. LvMEN.Z,»>/;(,thefaireGrand-childtothegIor>iouiSnnnCj ' Opening the cafcments of the Rofic morne, ; Makes the abafhed heauens fooije to diun, \ Thcvglydarkneflcit cmbrac'dbcfornc,* j And at his firllappearanceputs toflight, ■ The vonoft reliqucs of the Hell-boinc night:! Thw i This heau nly flieild foone as it is difplaide, ?iifmaycs the vices that abhorre the liaht,^ ^.j o waiideicrs by Sea and Land giucs aide ' ^ ^r:f^^/ .Conquers ^WpkjFjiecomfortcthaffi-ight; * j Rowlcth dull Idleneflc,andftarts foft fleepc/ And all the world to daily labour keepcs. This a true looking glafle impartiall. Where Beauties felf"e,her felfc doth beautiEcj I With natiuchue,notattifici all, j . Difcouerine falfehood,opening veritie, •The dayes bright eye colours diftin6tion, lufl: iudge of meafure and proportion. The onelymeanes by which each mortalleye, j Sends meffengers to the wide finnament, Thaf to the longing foiilc brings prefently «4.1**^ High contemplation and deepe wonderment. " '" By which afpirementflie her wings difplaies. And "her felt'e thither whence flie came vprail^#- -P H. What blew thing's that, that's dappled Co with St^jse. Vis.Hereprefentstheheau'n. , 'v P H. In my conceit it were pritty , if hee thundred when hce Vis. Then none could vn Jcrftand him. (fpcakes. C OE i.Tropickfo!^rcs;theEquinoftiall, The Zodiaclcjpoles.and line Edipticall, The Nadorjfenith,and Anomalies, II - TheAzim»thandEphimerides, t - , / Starres,Orbcs,sind Plannets,with their motions, Tlie Orientall Regradations, ; Excentricks,Epicydes,and— and — and — ^ P H. How now VifMsis yoar heauen at a ftay ? Oris it his M)tut trepidationis that makes him ftammcr: 4 pray you /'/c»»9'"7fet him agate againe. ^ i u M E M I remember when litptter made Amphitrio Cuckold, and lay with his wife 4lc)neM, Ccehm was in this takwgtor three dayes fpace.and flood ftill iuft like him at a «»«?//«. Com'se N. LeaiicraJ» ^ A 1 LINGVA, In Scxtile,Trinc,and Quadrate.which cfiFofts Wonders on earch;alio the Oblique pavt Ol" fig .efjthac make che day both long and fliort, Tlie Conftellauons, riling Cofmicall, Setting ot Starrcs,Chroiiicke,and Hcliacall, In the Onzon or Mcridionall, And all the skill in deepe Aftronomie, •Is to the foule deviued by the eye, P H A. VifHs you haue made Coelnm a hcauenly fpccch , paft earthly capacitie , it had beene as good for him hec had thua- ^ drcd. Bui: 1 pray yon who taueht him I'pcake and vfe no aition,- \ mc thiiikc it had becne excellent to haue turn'd round about -<^ in his fpeech. ZJif. Hce hath fo many motions hec knowes ftot which to ' begin withall. / P H. Nay rather it feemes hcc's of Copernicus opifuon , and ' that makes him (tund (Hll. ' .; Jerracomestoth»miiiftsto.lbaHeaa Oedipus affure yourfclfe, "4. lets hcare it once againe. _ k •.. Bo Y. What diing i s that Sir.tc^ j » .i.- t ' ' .PHAN.ThiifiicUk»otty£«r^«4^vvhyiTnrLord»Ithink Woman , lor firft a Woroa« is nothmgof her leUc, and a- ■■:n it's a eai'ie llee is likcft a man of any thing. *CoM.SiN.ButwhcremjsihevnbIce? PHA.Iiieuerything,mpccnilnncs,mfoJIy.- ^ffBoy. ;;, , He V. In Ptidc,Deceir,Pintins,Ly-m5. Cogging, Coyaes, - ^^ ^l;^'2i^'inmaxiy mo fc,ch vices : Now hcmay wellfay, thfleftfideam.nsrightfidcis. foracrofle wifcj..» alwayes conrary to her husblnd , euer ^ontradiftms what hce wi- • •Lthfor,liketothevcrfein;^/^«W/,^f''«««ft ^M E Viyelh^''^m nsle, Dindtne noUe volo^ P K A. Lighter 8hen a feather, doth any man ^ make qucfli" on of that.' , <■ /^ ■• n M H M. They ncede not, for I rcmeniQcr I faw a Cardinall wci<»h the once , & the Woman was found 5. gray ncs lighter. «5oM. SEN.Tisftransc J fori hauc fcenc Gcntlewcmca wcarc Feathers oftcntimescan they caniehcauicr thinjjs thctt thenriclucs? M E M. O fir, I remember, til their onely delight to do fo. CoM.S EN. But how apply you the laftverlc, it (ills no pi ace Sir.? P H A Dy my faith.that fpoyles all the former , lor ^hcfc far— din?aUe$ take vp all the roome now a daycj, tii not a woman quethonleffc, Hull I be put downe with a Riddle firrah , f/(?«- rf/;j fearch the corners of your conceit, and find it mc quickly, H E V. Hay "i«jKJ»,'i-'{»«e' « I haue it , tis a mans face in a loo- king Glaffe. P H A N. My Lord^is fo indeed t , Sirrha lets fee it, for do you fee my right eye here? • - ' Com SiN.Whstofyoureye? P H, O Lord, fir, this kind of frownc it excellent, efpcciallf whan tis fvyeetned with fuch apleafing fmile, C O H. S E . Phautaftes. P H A. O Sir my left eie is my right in the glaflejdo you fee? by thefelips ray garters hang fo ireately,niy Gloues & flioces hccome my hands and fceie fo well ; Heurefts tic my fliooes firings with a new knot ; this point was fcarfe weJl truft,— fo, tis«xccllcnt. — ^-Looking-glafres were a pafsing inuentio, -.1 protcft the fitted bookes for Lad ies to ftudy on — — Mem. Take hccde you fall not in loue with your fclfe Pham* talfes,3il:tmem\3Ct^i Anamnesiet who waft that died of the -looking difeafe? •A N, Foifooth Nardfflu,hy the fame token he was tum'd to a Datfadill,& at he died for loue of himfclfe»fo if you rcmeber there was an old ill-fauou' ed,predouf jiofed, babbcr-lipt. bee- tle-browed, Blcere-eyd,nouch-eard flauethat jookinghioio felfc by chance in a Glafli , died for pjue hate, P H. 6y she lip of my - 1 could Jiue and die with this facCo C o,S B. Fie fie Phantaftcs, fo efFeminatc for fhamc Icauc oBJ LI NOV A, ^AOourobicAs I muft needs fay arc admirable if the houfcfc ijiftrumcnt bee anfwcrablcjetts here thereforcinbreifcvout delcnption » ' V 1 s. Vndci- the fore-hcad of mount CWa«; With fourefaire roomes thofc lodgings are contriucd. •Foure goodly roomes in forme moftfphcricall, Clofing each other hke the heaucniyorbcs: ' " , The firftwhercof.of Natures fubftance wrought. As a ftrange raoate the other to defende^. ! Is trained moueaWe by Art diuiue: ! Stirring the whole compa(f^urc of the rcfl, i. The fecond chamber is moilcurioufly fi Compofed of bumiHit, and tranfparcnt borne, P H A N, That's a matter of nothuig J I haue knowne many I hauefuch bed-chambers. .■'- 'V M E M.It may be fojfor I remember being once in the towncs ' Library , I read fuch a thing, in their grcatc book e of raonu- j mcnts called, ComucopiajOr rather their copia-Cornu. Vi s.Thcthird'saleflerroome ofpureftglaiTc, » I . The fourth's fmallcftjbutpafrcth all the former, ' In worth of matter built moft liimptuoufly: With walls tranfparcnt of pure Chriilalinc, } This the foulcs mirrour and the bodies guide, \ Loues Cabinet, bright beacons of the Realmc, ♦- Cafemcnts of light ,quiuer of Cupids (hafts: Wherein I fit and immediatly receiuc, TI^c 'f'ff/f/ of things corporcall, Keeping contir^uall watch and centinellji Leaft fonainc hurt inuads our yl/»fr»c'vould haue done pafling well , thofe motions in my immaginauon are very delightful], V J S.I was loath to trouble your honours with fuchtoics^ neither could I prouidc them in fo fliort a tiinc.' . C o M.S E N. Wc v^ill confidcryour worth , meane.whilc wcc difmiflcyou, Vifus lendes hit fiorve ahoHt theflage, *' aridfogiiethoMftvithit, ACT. 3. SCEN. fW/w-*. AvDiTvs-. &e. • A V D. Hcarke, hearkc, hcarke. hcarl£e,peacc,peace, O peace: O fw ectCj admirable, Swanlike heaUcnly , hcarke , O moft mcl- litluous firaine , O what a p!ca£int doafe was there , O full,moft delicate. ^ C o M.S J N.How now 'Tb/attafleiyVi tyfuditus mad ? P H A >ir Let him alone, his mjoiicall head is alwai^ full of oii wotchcts. AvB. Did you matke the dainty dtyuing of the 1 aft pointe^ an excellent irn^ heauens fiddle, ^cl7pL":«tSU.ftdanccnothi«gbutth^^^^^ f^ZifTma^y do youheare this hannony of the fpheares ? "^ Vt - 't ^vA hilt 1 remember about (ome 4000. m.bcr P.n>is the treble ran 1 w y ^ ^^^, . lat wc iieuet markCAt. M * rcmu" *. < ^^^^ that wciieuet marl ■-.ja.-- !-•■ LINGVJ. j^euer heard the I'oringc of the fall of Nibts, bccaufc the noifc is fo familiar rnto them* C o M.S E N.Haue you no other obic£ts to iudgc by, then thcfc AvD.Thisislherareftandmoft cxquifite, . (//«aV/«j? Moftfphericall,diuinc,ajngdicall, But fince yourdtillerearcs cannotpeicciue it: May it pleafeyour LordOiipto with draw your felfe, Vnto this neighjboring groue, there fli-ill you feef , How the fwcetctrcble,o{ the chirping birds, And thcfoft ftirringofthe mooucd leaues^ Running delightful! defcant to the founds Of the bafc murmuring of die bubling brookc , Becomes aconfort of good infhumerits. Whiktwenty babHng ccchoes round aboutc, 0]Aofthcftonyco|icaueofthcirraouthf'» K^re the vanilh't mufickc of each cloife. And fill your cares M-wJth redoubled pleafurc, C o M.S 1 N. I will tvalkc with you ycry wilUngly/or I growe wcajy of fating. CotneMaifter ]f^'^i/?fr,andMaifter PhantapSf Bnis.h.dt.'^.. ' Exemt omnes. ■ >■;"?■ ■M^i^ Sccna. I. MrNDATio. Ahamnestes. Hevresis; ^ Men, Prcthejc,.iV^»» , bee perfwadcdj '^ not better go to » fta^cbenftayJitrfcforafray? , , , , /-a-, ANAiA f^?docft thinkc^W«V«/ wil make the Judges alealti" Mew. iFailht, whylhouldhc carrythem to his houle els? ^> ANA.WhyfiriatohcavcafGtortwooffongSjflidhisban- ^ets arc nothing but fifk all foil, foil, follf.lle teach thee wit boy,ncucr go meeto a mulitions houfe for Junkets , vn'cfTe thy ftomake lies in thme caics ; for there is noriiing but commen- ding this fongs delicate aire, that niotefts dainty airc,this fon- nets fwecte aiic,that madrigalli melting aire, this dirgclfe y mourDf ill! airc,this Church airc.that Chamber aure, French aire, £^g/tjh aire , /w/mw airev^^liy Lad , they bccputcChamajIioni, they feedc only vpon the aire^ fc.j!i<,rjfc*ti«».*^r>aj.*-- ' ....J LiNQVA. Mem. Cham ritons ? He be fwornc foitjc of your Fidlcts be rather Ci.n nels , for by thcirgDoJ-wilis ttiey wUl ncucrkaue citing. A M A.Trae,aad good rcafoa/or the/ do nothing all £hc day but rtcctch and grace t'leirfnall guts j but 6, yondcrs the Ape Hmrefis : let me go I prethcc. Men. Nay gooi-now itay alittle^et's fcehij hmnor. H E V. I leciio rcafon to the co.icrary, for we fee the quintef- fcncc of Wine will conucrt \Yaccr into Wine; why/therefore fliould not the Elixar 9f gold curne lead into pure golj? MHN,Ha,ha,ha,hi, he t$ turned ChimcJcfirra, itfcc«csfi» byhistalke. H E y. But how Hiill I deuife to blow the fire of Becche- coalcs, with a continuall aad equall blaA ? ha ? I wJi hiue my bello wcs drmen with a whcele , whiw whecic Ihall bee a feltc moucr. I . • . " Aha. Here's old turning , thefe Chimicl^^ feeking to turnc Lead into Gold.turne away all their ownc Siluer, H E T. And my wheele lliill be Geometrically proportioned into 7. or 9, concaue incircleJ acmes , wheiein I will put equall poifcs,hai,hai,hai,''«.{n«*,'i^{M«a,Ihaueit,Ihaucit,IhaHeit. Men. Hmrejl!} H B V. But what's be!l to containe the Quick-filuer ? ha ? Ana, Do you remember your promife tit:4refi } H E V. It m'il not be Yron , for Q^ijck-filucr ii the tyrant of Mettles and will foonc fret it. ^S h.Hrtrefis ? HcH'-efu} H E V R, N ir BraTe, nor Copper , nor MsL^in, nor Minerall, «vfiij£^,iuf»l*, 1 haueit.I haucitjit muft be, A N A. You haue indeed firra, and thus much more then yott looked for. (/«.*;'/'*.) Heurefis4«i/Anamnefte thontu fight, M E N, You fhall not fight, but if you will alwayes difagrec, fee vs haue words and no bloAXi ; Heitrffis ,vihzt reafon haae you to fall out with him ? H E V Becaufe he is alwaies abufing mc , aui takes therpper hand of me euery where. , , ' An A. And ii-4». L r i^G rA. Ana And why noc fina ? I am thy better \n any place. H E V. Hauc I becnc cue Author ot'the feauen hbcrall Scien- ccs.and coiil'equcntly of all learning ? hauc J becne the patron of all iMcchanicall deuifcs,to be thy inferiour r I tell thee Anam- neftts ihou haft not fo, much as apouit but thou art beholding to me for it. Ana. Good,good, but what had your inuention beene, hut formyrcniembra.ice: I canproucthif thou bclly-fprung in- uention , aK the m jft improHtab.'e member in the world , for cuer/ince thou weit borne thoti hail beene a bloudy murthe< rcr, and thus I prouc it : In the quiet ycares of Satarne ( I re- member Inpiter was then but in his fwath-bands) thou rentcft the bowels of the earth, & broughtsfgold to light5whofe beau- i tie(like Hellen)(n al the world by the caresjhen vpo that thou foundeft out Iron, and putteft weapons in their hands , and now in the laft populous aoc,thou taugh'ft a Icab-rtiin fiier, the hcllifli inuention of pouder and gunncs. He vCaJ'ftit hellilhPthoulieftitistheadmirable'ftinucn- tion of all others, for wheteas others imitate nature,this excells nature her felfe. Mem, True for a Cannon will kill as many at one fhot , as v i 7"/)«»^fr doth commonly at twenty. ,, j Ana, Therefore jnore murthering art thou then the light ! bolt. ' j Hev. But to flicwe the ftrength of my concejte , I hauc '\ found out a meanes to withftand the ftroke of themoftvio- J lent culuering:JWf»rf.T/r!d,hcaucnjcatth,fea, and ayre,returne£othe ; miiliapen houfe of Chaos , chcnthe leaft vacuvm be found in ' the V Iliac lie. r^i .s-tJ ■^'^ '^ ^' ^-^^ bullet and drop-flionnoft impetuoufly from the "^ fierie thiDatc of the Culuerlng , ( but 6 ftiange) nofooner camcthcy nccrethcAdimantinthecordc, but they wcreall aricltcd by fthe Sargent of Nature, and houercd in the ayre round about it,til! they had loft the fo-ce of their motion, daf- pingthcmfclucsclofeto-theStonein moftlouelymiAilCrjand not any one flew to endanger themarkc, fomuch did they re- member their dury to nature^ that they forgot the erraiid they •werefentof. A N A, This is a veiy artificiall lye, 1 M B N. N*ni belceue it,for I law it, and which is more,I haue praftifed this deuifc often : once when 1 had a quarrell with one of my Lady Veritas naked knaues ,and had pointed him the field, 1 conuaide into the heart of my Buckler an Adamant, and when we met,I dre w.a'i the fojmes of his Rapier,whether foeuerhce intended them, or howfoeuer I guided minearaie, pointed ftill to the midft of my buckler, fo that by this meanes, ] hurt the Knauc mortaIly,and my felfe came away vnt6ucht,to the wonder of all the beholders. Ana. Sirrayou Ipeake Metaphorically, becaufe thy wittq CMcnitcio alwayes drawes mens obietf,afattchi- en C^c, then Camttdm in a light cothured-greene taffata robe, ■ftlk»fi^cki»gs, pumps, gloues. ^c, CO'M-M VNIS Sens V S,Me{i10RY,Ph AN TASTES, H E V R E S I Sj A N A M N E S T E S. &C. C o-M. They had fomc reafon that held the foulc a harmony, for it rs greatly dchghtcd with muficque.hbkefaft wee weaie. r J'-T / tyed by tiie earestothe confort of voiced pj(wd«; but all is I but a little pleafuvCjVvhat proficabic obiefts hath he? P HA. Your I cares will teach you prefently , for nowe hee i* comming, thaj: fellowc-in the b.iyes mee thinkes I fhould hauC ' i knowri nim; 6 tis Comedw^Ui fo,-^ut he is become now a daicr •' feme thing humorous , and too too j'S^atyricall , vp and downe, like his great grand-father A ''/?ff/'^-iw/ . A N, Thcfe two my Lord C^mtdas and Tragedas, Myfellewesboth^bothjtwins.butfovnlikej : As birth to death, wedcling to funerall- I For this that rears him felfe in bufkins quainte, i Isplcafantatthefirrt,pToudinthemidft: ; Stately in all, and bitter death at end. : That in the pumpes doth frowne at firft acquaintance I . Treble the mid(l:,but in the e>id concludes, ; Cloafingvpallwithafwcetecataftrophc)?. V m' ^ ;. V ■ This giauc and fad diiiiaifte wich brini!]! teares, That light and qiiick.with wrinckle^laughtcr painted; Th.is dcalcs wich Nobles , Ki'igs /and Empciws: Full ofg eit feares,grcit Hopcs.grcit entcrpiifes, Thisother trades with mc.i oi" mcinc conditioni ^ ■ His proxfts flm:l,finill Hopes and dangers little, . This g(jrgeous ,broidcicd with iich fenceaccs: -1 h INGVA, That fairc and purflcd round with merriments # , Both vice dctei\and veitue bcautifie: By being deaths mirrour , and \\iz% lookino glaflc. Com. Salutem tarn primum a principio profit lam, Miht atcjHe VobiijfeQatores ntfhlto. P H A. PiHi, pilii this is a fpccch with no a(ftion,Icts here T e- R E N c E, cjHtd igttHrfacuim, C^c, : Com. ^id t^ititr faciam ? non earn ne nmc cjuidAm cum ac- cuforvltrof P H A. Phy,phy,phy,no more aiS^ion, lend me your bales, doe it thus. Qutd mi4tT.&c, (he afts it after the old kindc of Panto- w/>w»(r/^a£tion.) C o m.Se > . I flifild iudgc this adion Phantafles moft abfurd,vn- Ics we fliould come to a Comniedy, as gentlewomen to the co- mencemeatjOnly to f ec men fpeaic, Ph A. In my imagination it's excellent , for in this kindc the hand (you knowe)is haibingcrto the tongue and prouides the words a lodging in the eares of the Auditors. J, C o M. S E s.A'idn»s it IS nowc time you make vs acquainted with the quallity of thehoufc you kccpc in,forour bettcrhcalpe in judgement. * A VD.Vpon the fides of fail e mount Crf/Wj^j ..■.'' Haucltwohoufespaffinghumainc fkill: . ' Of fineft matter by dame nature wrought, >.; Whofelcarned fingers haue adoin'd the fame With gorgeous porches of fo lliange a forme, Thatthey command the padingers to flay. Ihedores whcrcof^nhofpitallity, ^. Nor day,nor nightmare fliut, but open wide, Gently inuite all commers;whercvpon, r „... ,, r- They arc named the ©pen cares of ^irf').-r/f«. '■• But leaft feme boulder found iTioiiId boldyrufli. And brcakc the rfife ccmp'--{|u' e ofthc vvorkc, The fkilfull builclcr wifely hath inraiipd, An citry frrm cnrh port with cui ions twines. And crookt Mcai;dcrs,hkethe labotinth, That 'Dcd-ilKt f rnfd to inclofc the Minotaurej At end wherecfis placed a collly port all: H 3 Kcfcmblirg ^'^""^ ' LINGUA. Rcfenibling much the figure of a drumrne, Granungflow entrance to a priuatcdofct: Where Jaily with a mallet in my hand, I fct and frame all words and founds that come, Vpon an Anuile.and fo make th^m fit| For the percwiuckling po©t«t that winding leades., From my clofe chamber to your Lordfliips cell. Thither do I chiefe lufticc of all accents, - 'PJyches next porter, \4tcroco[mes frontj r Learnings ritch trcaf:jre,bring difcipline, i:. Reafontjdifcourfc, knowledge of foraigneiftates, :>■■ Lowd fame of great Heroes vertuous deeds: The marrowe ot graue fpecches^nd thefl6wcrs| OfquickcftWits.neat lefts, ana pare Conceits,' . __ , And often times to cafe the heauy burthen, . :-. Gf goucrnmcnt,your Lordlhips fhouldei>bear|^ y I thither do conduce the pleafing NuptiallsJ Of fwceteft iuftrunients ,with heauenly noifc. If then iA^dttus.Uzac deferu'd the bcftj » Let him be dignified before the reft. C o M.S E N, Audit Hs^l am almoft a Skeptickc in this matterf fcarct knowing which way the ballancc of the caufc will dcdinq,, VWieuI haue heard the reft , I wiU difpatch iudgcmentimeanc while you may depart. , ,. „ AuJitui leads his fhiw ahoHtthefiaget a»d theti gees out. ACTVS.4. SCENA.j. iCommvnisSbnsvs, Mcmotia , Phantaftcs , Anaraneftes, Hcurcfis as before ,0\?xa.\i% inagirUndof fetterall f^wers,* faze before him , beAring his target , hisfie/dyctt , a hound ar. gett,twa -Bojes with cafltng bottells , and im with c^fors with incenfe , another with a vdnct cufhion fluck^ mth flowers, an other rvith a bafket ofhe.trbes , an other wtth a box of Ojnt^ w.'«f ,01f aftus le4ds them about , ^nd making obejfance frejents them before the bench, • „ i -^T%: I . B o Y . Your onely way to make a good pomander, is this^ Take an owncc of the purdi garden mould , denied and flce- pcd feauen daies in change of mothcrleffe rofe water , then ' rake the bctt Labdanum , Benioinc , both Storaxes , amber gieccc, ftt^iC iucr, and murke,incorporatc them together, and work them into what forme you pleafc ; thjs,if your breath bee not tooyaliantj will make you fmcll as fweeteas my Ladies doggc. P H A. This Boy it Hiould fcemc reprefcnts Odor^ hec is fo pcifctS a perfumer. O D o R. 1 do my Lord , andliaue at my cominand. The imell of flovvers^and Odoriferous diugs. Of oyntmcnts fwcete,a;id excellent perfumes. And Court-like waters, which if once you fmelJ, You in your heart would wiflys Jl'uppofef j That al! your Body were tr jnffoimed to Nofe. P H A. OlfaBn-i of all tIicSeiifes,yourobic£ts hauethe worft luck, they arc alwaies iarring with their contraries ; for none can weare Ciuet , but they arc iufpedted of a. proper badde fcnt, wl»«»*-theprouerbe fprings, hce fmclieth bdT,that doth of nothing fmell. ACT. 4. SCENA 4. The bench and Olfaftus as icfore yTohicco apparel/tJ in a uf- fata mantle , hir armss l/rover.e and nAkcA^'bttj kins made of the fillirig ofOficrs, hti nec'-e barejonn^ mth Indian Icafia^hitfac* brotrne pointed with bkwe ftrifes^tn hh nofefmna teeth , on hit ' head a painted rricker crowns, vith Tobacco pipes jet in it^flumes ,ef Tobacco Icaues y lead hy tno Indian b^jyes naked ,rt'ith tapers intheir havds^Tobacco boxes andpipcs kghtcd. l-'/iS-h c^ P H A-. Foh, foh, what a fmell is heare ? is this one of your dc- lightfuU obiedis? O L F. It is your onely fent in requcft Sir, C o M.S E N. What fieiy feliovvc is thai , which fmoakcs fo much in the mouth? OiF, r^'Stuiaitf.i^y--*-- ■=iktii:!av* . iM^«" ; V'^^rK^^ -■^ L I NorA. t: O I F.It is th< great and puiffant God of Tobacco.' T O B . L*io{h gueVATrth pufuer fhelvaro l"*ggo»y '. Oljiadt^nanj)u,lndi.cortilovra^gon, c Pha, Ha, ha, ha, ha, this in my opinion is the toague af the Antipodes, M E M,No I remetnber it very well , it was the language the Arcadians fpakc, that liued long before the M oone. C o M. S E N, What fignifiet it O^rfS^/ .' O L F. Thii is the mighty Empcrout Tobacco , King of Tri- nidado, that in being conqucred,conqucted all Europe,ia ma- king them pay tribute for their fmoalce. » ^- T o B. Erfronge itiglues tcnde htjingo^ DeUfUn flffcoth m4 pf* cocthinge. 1. F. Expellcr of Catarhe«, banifber of all agues,yoar guts onely faluc for the grecne wounds of a non plus, T o -B.-^lvhlcarnvtrcHy I parda parajide gratam, k^famil* mara, che 'Banko re(partera, cj'firara ? O L F. Sonne to the God Vulcan, and r Giucmethecrowneifldefcrucitbcft. ' OifaEiiu leades his cmpAtiy aim *ke Stagehand goes cut. A<:tVS. 4. SCENA. y. ' Gys, ■'ik ■ f^ !!r%i»„/7«^ hmGvA. G V s RtThtSIr ,biit Men now a dayes drinke often wheft thcybenot^rycibefideslcould notgetrcdhcaringsaflddri- ^ edncatestongucsfinoughtoapparcUhiniin. C o M . S E N. WKai neiier a fpeech of him. G V s. I put an OUntte of Umhkki in his mouth , and he« hathdmnlccicdowne. , , A p. Well done,Murcadinc and Egw ftand hot ; what but- »»• ter'd Claret ? go thy way thou had'ft bcft , for bhnd men that cannot fechow wickedly thou look'ft- how aow,whatfmaU thin fellow/ arc you here ? ha ? ,^ BoY.Bcereforfooth.becreforfooth. ,viit .« «i| A p. Bccrc f orfootb J get you gone to the bu«ery,«ll T caH foryou,'youarenoneof'54c.^«.attcndants,Iamfure,liccan. , not indure the fmell of Mault. Whercfi^s Cr.x I o wel ,well, is < thcMarch-pane broken? ill luck, ill lock, come hangt.^w ftand to fet\t together againe; ferae out fruiie there ;r£«^«- meat after Aples, away withit;D'fgeft.onfcrueoutchee^^^^ vwhat,bat a penny-worth, it is iutt the meafure of his nofctha fold it ? lambs wooll ; the meekeft meate m the world, \ will let any man fleece it. Snap-dragon there. . Mem. 01remcmberthi.d.fliwell,ifwasfirftmuentedby T/«^■«>'•/'*»'« withaU. , u j i -u PHllthinkenotfoif.«.rrJorwhenH.r.«/..hadfaU the flamm- Dragon of H#.rM w«h the Apples of that SrchaTScmalethisfietymMte.inmemory whereof hec '"^IrS-'^ctshcreyourde^riptbar: V Gvs.NearctothelowlybafcpfC.pW«» Myhoufeisplac*d,notniuchrnl.keaCaue; Yet archtabouc by wondrous workemanlhip, SSorMarblefay^^from/^.^bro«sht. ■ > OuerthUoredirealydotUcbne AfayrePcrcullisofcompacturcft^ong, . -' To Ltout all thattnay anoy the ftatc. "5'Mtbof^.^*^^^^^^^ ' ■' ■ ^ . 1^ ^ « L JK CVJ. Is fpred along board like a ply&nt tongue, At whkh Ihowcily fit, and tryall take, Oimeats aod drinkcs ncedefull and delegable s Twife eucry day do I prouifirn n* kc For the fumpticus kitchin'of the common wealth ; which once well boyl'd, is foonediftubuted/ To all the nicnibersjwcll re frc fliing theni With good fnpplic of ftrengtivrcnrvvirgfoode/ » Should I neglcft this muiing dillij^cuce , The body ofthc Real me wculdruinatcj • Your felfe my Lord with all your policies Atid wondrous wit, could act preferue yotirfel£;/ > Nor you Vhantajles, not yovi (J^emmrhi , Vfjche her felfe, were't not that 1 repay re HcE crazic houf* with props of nourimmenf, Would foone forfake vs : rorwhofe deasefi fakt Manyagrieuousoainehanelfuftain'd, J By bitter pills, and fowrcpurRations,- " \ Which if Ihadnavaliantlyabidden, - j She had beene long ere this departect/ • Since the whole ■i?/*V»'*f#/sw^ Imaintaine, Let niee asPrince,aboue theSeofes faigne. Co M. S HN, The reafons you vrec GhjIhs breed a new doubt whether it be b«tfcr to be commodious or ncceffary, the rcfo- lation whereof I refer to youriudgcmentjlicenfing you aieanc while J0 dcpatJ.(^»//« leads hisjhevn '^beuj^^eflage^^-goa CHt) ACTVS 4. SCeM <5, The hcHch M befoTf ; T A c T v? , ^ P^^, Mre him icArm hk 3cHtcheo»,aTorteife fables. T A c. Ready anonforfooth ? the Diuell fhe will Who would be toyl'd with wenches in a /hew * Co M.S- ^in fuch anger r^ff«.? whats ihc matter ? lAu TAc.My Lord,! had thoughtas other Senfcs did, - ^ By light ot obieas to hauc prou'd my worth • Wherefore confidering that of all the things,' 1 hat pieafc me moft, women are coiimcd cheefe/ , ■''. — ^^i^k&t^auS^^k r~ /^i LINGUA. I had thought tohauc rcpiefented in my (liew, The Qu eenc of pleafuie , Venus and her Sonne, Leading a Gcntletnan enamored, With his I wecte touching of his Miftiifle lippcs, And gentle griping of her tender hands. And ciiuers pleafant reUflies of'touch. Yet all contained in the bounds of chartity. P H A, T alius pi ^W I longto fee your obicfts. How comes it we haue lofl ihofc pretty fports. T A c. Thus 'tis, fiue- houres agoc I fee a douzen maides to attire a boy like a nizc Gentlcvvoraan : bui there is fuch doing with their looking-gla(res,pinning,vnpinaing/ettiDg,vnfeting, formings and conformings^ painting blew vaincs,and cbeckes, fuch ft.rre with Stickes and Combes, Cafcaoets , Oreilings; Pu ries, Falles,S qttares,Buskes,B o diei,ScatfFcs ,Neck -lacesjCjf* canets, Rebatocs, Borders, Tires, Fanncs , Palizadoes , Puffet« RufFes,Cuffes,Muffes,P^s(les,Fusnes,Partlets,Friflcts,Bandlcts, Fillets,Croflc£s,Pendulets,Amiilcts, Annulet$,Bcacelets, itnd fit many lets , that yet fliee is fcarfe dreft to thegtrdlc.:. and hOW there's fuch calling for Faidingaics,Kirtlcts,B^k»potQtt,'&0d^ tyes &c, thacXcaucn Pedlers {hops,nay all SturbndgeFiirCjwiU fcarfe furnifh her : a Ship is fooncr rigd by farre,thea a Gootie* woman made ready. /^H A. Tisftrange,that women being fo mutable, : ... Will heucr chang6 in changing their apparell ? Com.Se N.WdH<^tthcmpa{re;7'»/ «fincrcafe and additio to the fame , feeing it is moie excellent to mueat', then to aug- ment,! eftablifh you Vifus, the betta- of the two.and chicfc of 1^ the reft J in token whereof, Ibcftowevponyouthis crowne so wearc at your liberty. ■y /Vs J.Imofthumbly thankeyourLordOiips. ' C o M.S E K.But Icaft I fhouldfcemcto negleftyou (^udittitt I hearc chufe you to bee the Lords intelligencer to Tfuchee her ]^iaicfty,and you O/fa&Hf, we'beftow ?pon you chc^hiefe Preifl- iiood of /Mf rffct^Cjperpecually to offer inceiife in her maiefties temple. As foryou Ta&hs vpon your rcafoas akaged, I bcftowc Vpon you the roabs. Ta c t. I accept .itjnoft gratefully at yeuriuflhands,and will V tATcare it in the deare remembrance of your good Lordfhip. C o M.S E N, And laftly, Gufiai we eleS you T^/ifr/^f heronely tafter, and great putueior for all her dominions^ both by fca and landjin her reafme of /l/»f r(jc<7/)w^ G V s. Wethankeyour Lorcl(liip,and fcftw thefire,taftingtotfie water, by which fiuemeanes one- ly the vnderibnding is able to apprehend the knowledge of all Corporcall fiibftances ? wherefore w ee iudge you to bee no .Sen^t (rniply, onely thus much we ftom heficc forth pronounce, that all women for your fake fhall haue fix Sfifts, that is feeing, heating , tafting , fmcUing, touchii^ , and the laft and feminine fcnfe,the fenfe of fpeakin g, Gvs.IbefeechyourLordfbips and your afiftants,(the one- ly caufc of our friendfhip, ) to grace my tabic with your moft welcome prefcncc this night atfupper. A l3- o M.S E N. I am forry I cannot ftay with you,you know we may by no meanes omit our daicly attendance at the Court, therefore I praie you pardon vs. Gvs.lhopclfliall nothaugthe deniallatyour hands my Maifters, and you my Ladie Lingm , come let vs drownc all our anger in a bowle ofhippocras. Jllxttint Senfta omnes exteriores, N, Conje Maifter ^tf^7;/?^r fhall we w^c? MEM^Iprayyou ftay ali£tlc?Iet mee fee i^ha , ha , ha , Sa ha, - P M A. How naw Memory h merry ? what doe you trou- ble your fclfe withtwopalficsat once ?ftiaking, and laugh- ing. M E M= Tis a ftraiigc illhingthat men will fo confidcritlj^tfp- pofethemfclues againft f/4/w/ great ycare, - PHA,WhyQot.' Mem, Tis as true an opinron a$ nccde be ; for I remember it ▼erie readily now,that shistf^ 4<}coo. ycarcs agoe all wee weare in this ?etie place and yourLordfhip iiidgedtheveSiB fame cbntrouerfie , after the vprie fame manner , in sll refpeiis, and cercumAances ali^e, ' CoM.Tisvyondrousflrange, - A N A, By the fame lokctt you hdd youi StolFc ia your '**i^.''. LINGVA, right band, iufl: as you do now,and M' Thantajles flood won- df ing at yoifj'^aping as wide as you fee him. Ph. Ibiitldid not giueyouaboxc on the care firrah 49000. ycarcs ago, did I f ( fnappe ) A N A, I do not remember that Sir. PHA.This XxxntP tat oenvi tine month to come, lookc you faueyourcheekes belter. C o M. S E N. But what intertainmcnt had we at Court for our long (laying? Mem. Lets go. He tell you as we walke. PHAtlf I doe not feemepranker nowe,thenI didinthofc daye>)Ilebehang'd? Extmt omnes inttriores Senfm, manet Lingua. ACTVS 4. SCENA. 8. LlNGVA. MeNDATIO. L I N G.Why this is goodly common Senfes meanes, LiHgHajL\\o\x haft framed a perfefl comoedy They are all good friends, whom thou mad'ft enffliies j And I am hidfe a Senfe: a fweete peece of (cruicdf I promifeyouiifayreftep to preferment/ ' Was this the care and labour thou haft taken. To bring thy foes togeth er to a banket, . To loofe thy Crownc, and be deluded thus. Well now 1 fee my caufe is dcQjcrate, The iudgcments paft, fentenca irreuocable , Therefore lie be content and clap my hands, And giue a PUndite to their proceed ing W • Wiiat {hall I leaue my hate begun^mperfcft? So fowlyvanqui/ht by the fpitefull Senfes? ,,, .Ihalll the Hmbafradrcffc ol Gods and Men , That puld proud yW*- from hei brightfomefp*icare ; And iarkt Kpellos countenance with a word 1 Rayfing at pleafure ftormcs, and winds.apd earth-quakes, Bcottcrcrowcd/andbrcathtwithoutrcuenge? , y. "1 LING r J. Yet they,foifooth^afcflaucs^uft be preferred, " / i. And deck thenifelues with my right ornaments ^ • f ■ Doth the all-knowing l-hxbHs Ice this iliame Without rediefle? will not Heaucnshclpcmc? Then fliall Hell do it,my enchanting tongue Cah mount the skies,and in a moment fall/ From the Poic Artick to darkc iAcheron, ' lie make them know mine anger is not fpent, Lingua hath powei to hurt.and will to do it. c3ffW«'f«tfc,tolfe,t^e,totf.>bee gon oj ile fet^ee a- J^-ivLponvcjinawe-bonc.raw-boncrafcal /;>*,^/-»" SeTo \hen mydeuife is cleanefpoilea^^^^«'«/ Should haue bren;as th. bowle toprefent this -=f -^^h .S" fctand now Cr.^nU hath beaten himout of dores >. whatlhaU T Joe ? ^ If >' '' '-^'^ Crap. Away Sirra,Cci ff c a Kj ti ff. -gic. -■■ ^ ' A P P wS C~,2, weU,I haue deftmed better at ym l„„jIth'erfo Iwasthemany<.uknowefi.ftbroiig..youmto C.>tt^etcern,»-dyout'ga.tsthere,.ndyou.ay^.lke now in libcrtic at my ownc pleasure. M B N DWhy Bow now man, how now? how ift (conft not fpeakc/ A P P. LING F/i. A P P. Tiiih I am lilic a bag-pipe, that ncucr found's buE wben ^V.cbcIlieisfuI3. Mend Thou cmptic,and mmfx from a fcaO, A pp. From?. fiayJtel) thce,c55/f«rt'rfai7. Iain novv iuflhkc the Ewe thai gaucfucke to a wolfes whclpr. 1 hauc nurft vp my feUowe C'rafnU io loiigejthathcc'sgrov,nePaong tncuj^hco beate mc. Men c. And whither wilt thou go^now thou art banifh't out offerufcc? A ? P. Faish He traucll to fome Colkge or other in an Viii- ucriitie. M K N D. Why fo ? A p P. Bccaufe Appetitpu is well bcloucd among'ft Scho'Icrs, for there lean dine and fuppcwiih them fit rife againc a* good friends as we fate downc,ile thither qiicftionles, JVI E N D. Hear'ft thou ? giuc mc thy handjby this hand I loue shce; go toe then, thou ftial: not forfaJce thy niaillers thus,l fay '• thou flialt not. A P P. Alas I am vcric loth ; but how fliould 1 helpc it ? Men d. Why take this bottle of winCjComc on.go thy waies loshemagains. - , A P P. Ha,ha,hs,what good will this doc ? Mend This is the Ntpenthe that reconciles the God's : doe but let the Senfcs taftofit,andfearcnotjthcilelouc thee as well as eucr they did. A P P. I pray ihce where hadft it i^ M E KD. My Ladic gaue it nieto bring her; AIcycuy) ftale it from Behc for her : thou kaoweft there were fom iarrcs betwixt her and thy maifters , & with this drinkc V«f»rf in the eare^and tcll her of it. ' APP.Iwill,Iwill,IwiU,Adue,adue,aduc, ExitAffetu " ACTVS.y. SCENA.3. MEKi)ACIoy«/«/. Men. Why this is better then I could haucwiflitii;,- Fertune I thinke is falne in loue vjitfiTmc, A nfwcring fo right mine expeftation. By this time /4/y^r/>f is at the Tabl^, ' ' ' f And with a lowly Cringe prefents the Wine, To his oJ de Maiftcr Gttjhs; riow h e takes it, Awd drinkes perchance to LiftguaflieKraiidy ' • V 'j KiflcstheCup,butIecsnotdowneadrop, j^ And giucs it to the left; 'tis fweet,theilcfwallow it, ' " But when 'tis once defccndcd to the ftoniaik. And fends vp noifome vapours to the braine, 'Twill make them fwaggcrgallandy,the;le rage Moft ftrangely,or -■!/ ACT. y. SCENA. 6, Visvs. Appetitvs. Menbatio. ' V IS .0 that I could but findc the villainc Omu^ Ow« the villainc, that thus blinded mee. ', ' MEN.Whoisthis?;^y»«? A p. f;T;l; otherwife csliled Volyphemus. *^) ^ V I s; By heaucns bright Sunnc, the daycsmofi glorious ^ Kj ( That , Mj Tlulltgtitnetli all the world but 'Tohphemrl And by mync eye that once was anfwerabJB Vnto that Sunne,buc now's extinf^uillicd. M E N,H : can fee to fweare mcc thinUe!>? V I s. If I but once lay hands vpon the Hans, That thus hath rob'd m-c of my deaicft ie.wcH, !lc rend the Milcrcant into a ihoufand pecces. ^ And jn.-illi his trembling members "twixt my tc;Ui, Dnnkin2;his liue-warmc blood tgratifnc , The boylmg third of painc and furioufncfffj That thus exarperatcsi;reat'7Wrp/;f/Wf. . M E N 'Pray chcc A^pctum fee how hcc jralpes lot that hee WOuIdbelo5ithtofinde. Ap.What'$that?a(luinblin7,block? ■ V I s Tl-.cfc hands,that wluloni tore vp Rurdy Oakcs, A>nd rent thf reck ■ h^t d lih: out -Acu brames, Bothm fh: no!c-blifieofmy cj^Ute^^ Seruc n5W ( o milery ) fo no better vf(r, But for bad guides to my vnikiirull fectc. Neuetaccuaomcdthustobedircacd. M t N. As i am a rog-.r, he. wants r^othu^^b^t a wh«Ie,c. mA-e h.m the true p. (tare ol Fortune ; howfaia? what fhali vvcplay at blind -man-baffe with hnn; Tp I if thou wik, but firR ilc trie whether he can fee •' Vl's Find m. out 0«:..,fearch the rocks,>nd wood J, Tlic hillcs UHd dales, and all the Coaft i aJioymnj, >> Thatlm.vhauehim, andrems-.-emy wron-, A P V^ns rr.ee thmkes your eyes arc we 1 jnovigh, Vi./Wiiat'.hctthatc^jl«tnrer'/^? dolnnlc^w Ap,Tolnm'^fr'^^."'«,toh;m,tohiin. _,„,,., ^.„e M ;i There, rh.reA,o;.m.., he. C3me5, he comes, « are Wa:e,hcco:nc3/naJin,ha.lia. ^_^^^^ ft,n,v,i,s faHc-i doAnc. aiidfiufltl!, ACT. LTNGVA, ACT. 5. SCENE. 7. MeNDATIO. APPETITVS,TACTVS»'//Ar/?/'«f,ll)cclfcrue'thetiirnc, i.t^; A P J mufl findc y ou mcate^nd the Diuell finde you coerces . .Which is the next way ? Tag. Fallow the beaten parh.thou canfi: not miffc it . Tis a wide Caufie ihat conduftcth thither, An eafic traft and dou nc hill al! (he way. But if the b ackc Pfincc will not r„Ha,hal APP.Whatailesyou? Ave. Ha ! vvhatfaifl: thou ? App. Whohathabus'dyoathus? - A y i). Why do'ft thou whlfper thus ? Canft not fpeake out ? App, Saue me I had cicane forgotten? why areybu fo angry A/iudmsi '.,.:.'■ . - 4i^^-'l^': L ' . -Ave; r I r A V. Bite vs, who dare bite v$? A p . I tal kc >*; no bitting , I fay whats the matter betvveetie 0/fa^uf and yo^} A V. Will dlfaSlus bite mee? do if he dares, would he-would mccte me here according to his pr omif e : Mine cares are fom- what thicke of late, I pray thee fpeakc out lowder* A P. Ha ha ha ha this, is fine I'faith : ha, ha, ha. Heare you^ haue you lofl your cares at flipper, A V. Excellent chcare at flipper I confeffe it . • BJt when 'tis fawc'd with fowrc contentions, And breeds fuchquarrells^'tisintollcrable, • ,- '"^ A p Pifhjpilb this is my qucftion. Hath your fuppcrfpoili your hearing? A V. Hearing at flipper, tell not me of hearing •• But if thou faw ft OlfnElus^ bring mce to him. . • ' A p,l aske you whether you haiie loft your hearing ? A v.Odoftthoahearethcmring? what a griefeisthis.- 1' Thus to be deafe,and loofefuch harmony ? Wretched A»)y^now5iflialt thou neuerhcrit ; j : Thcpleafing changes that a well tun'd Corde, Of trowling bells, wjlTmakc, when they are true rungc A P. Hcec's a do indeed,, I thinke he is mad, as well as drunk ordcafe. A V D. Ha, what's that. A P* I fay you haiie made me hoarfe with fpeaking fo loude*^ A V D. Ha, what foy'ft thou of a creaking Crou'd J A P>I am hoarcd teilyou,and oiy head akes. A V. Oh I vnJerftand ihcc.' tfic arft croud was made of a. Tis true, the finding 6f a xlead hoife-head^ f hoi£:>hcaii Wasthefiiftinuemionotftringinftruments,; : ' .'uo Whence rofc the Gittcrme, Viall, and the Lute I Though others thinke the Lute was firildeuifd^ : In imitation ofaTortcflc back ■; ; v ; slii ;.-:i[ . . .i i -i WbofefinewesparchedbyApoljoVbcatniiSic'.v I I! /ivA fcchoed about the concaire of the ftiell) , • o;A' '-A Arid feeing the fiiorteft and fraalleft gaue fhrilleft foun^ They found out frets whoicfwectdiucrfity ; «{WcU couched by the skill-full iearocd fingers): _^iAm RaifethfoflrangeaiBultitudcofCorHesi ■ Which their opinion many do confirmc, Becaufc7Vi?Wa fignifyes a Lute. But if I by no ineancs» — — — — Ap. Nay if you begin to cridcke once/wee (hal ixuM'Iiaue done. C £xit KppefitHs and carries away hft^tm perforce ACT. J. SCEN.io. C R A P V I. A 4 fat bellied jlMttf clothed in n light vmU ofSarfnet, j- a^arlandofvifie-ltaues enhis hesd.&-c,Soii.m\siMa7HaH'. tie efblAcke Qihwekmlattne, dimne t» the foote suer tt dn/kie c», loured taffkta Coate , dttd a Crorvne efpoppj tops en his headg a company ofdarke cclouredftlkefcarfs in 6»e hand, a Otiace if • Peppejiuthe 0therfleanin^hu4ieiMVponAfilloT»«HQtV^i».t k JboHlaers, f C%h.SomntUyqpoASomHtu,tviettSomnUs,coTatipicti H\ SoM.Hei-ob,oh,areyoufurethcybefo?oho,bo,oho,hc|, j«r| waw ? • ' i What good can I do ? ou,hoh, bawe. ' j C R A. Why I tell you vnleffc you hclpe CSomnus^// Aww* audjleepes) Soft fonae of night; right hcyrc to Qyietheflc, Labours repofe, lifes Dcfl reftoratiue, Z)<|(?/?«»»/ carefull Nurfe, bloud s Comforter, Wits belpc, thoughts charme,the flay ot c>T/iVr(7«y3wtf, SweetJowwaiJcheefcfl enemy to Care: -My dcareft friend, lift vp^Wnmpifli head. Ope thy dull eyes, fhakc^B?ffi'is4rowfines, ^a* ' ' Rowfevpthyfelfe. , ^*' S o M N V Si O Crapnla, how now, bow now , oh oh howe whofe there? Cr^«/<:o/fer,' Will eftfooiie fall to ruincperpetuall, Vnltffe vourreadie helping Jiand recnrc them} Lately they banqueted at -^ " Loe heerc dcfci:t,how fhali thou lead thy daies, Wanting the fweetc Companion of thy life, ,' , But in darke forrowe and dull melancholic But ftaic? whofc this ? inhumane wretch : Bloud-chirftie mifcreant,is this thy handie worke ? To kill a woman, a harmelefle Ladic? Villaine prepare thy fclfedrawc.or ileflicaihrayfaucheoaia thy fides. There take the guerdon fit for murderers, ' ^HJihs offer t to rMnne at Samnut hut beeinf " . fiddiinlj ehitrmeifaltsafltefe. "S o M. Heer's iudi aftirre I ncuer kncwc the Senfesinfuch idiforder. Ling. Ha ,iia , ha ; Mmiuio , '^ind*cio ? See how Vifut hathbroke his fore-hcadagainfttheoakeyonder,ha,ha,ha, ha. S o M. Howe now? Is not LingHn bound fufficieatlie ? I haue more trouble to make one woman fleepe^then all the world be< fides they bcfo full of tattle. ' •^ ACT.5. SCEN.t4. , . SOMNVS,CRAPVI.A,(LlNGVA,VlSVS,Gv$TVS,)Avi- o I T V s,t>UlUng OLfACTy$i>jfthe »ofe, andOltACm rprhp»£.A.vpiTY s/fphee/iref. A V D. 0!i mine eares,mine eares,mine cares.' O L F..Oh my nofe.my nofe,my nofe. Crap. Leaue,leaue at length thefe bafc contcntions,0^c- j. ''^ ^*/ let him go? Li Olf. Lethimtlrftloofemynofc? CRAP.GDod ■fj»J«>«/gmeouer> A VD. He haue his life :h at fought to kill mee. S o M. Come, come He end this quartell , bind him fr^;*/^ . They binds them potht '4 ■#•■ ACT. m£ JMyfidcs,my raiacsimy liead^my raiiies,my head; My heart,my heartjmy Iiuer,niy liuer^oh, I burne,I burne.I bumcoh how I burner ^ Wkh fcorchiiig heat e of implacable fire, Xbttrne eitreame with flames vnfufFerable, - S o M, Sure hedoth but triehow to a(ft Hercules: T A c T. Is it this fhirt that boiles me thus ? oh heawcnSi. It fires me worfe, and heates more furioufly Then 7*w« dire thunderbolts; oh mifef able, Theybide lefTcpainethatbathein PA/^^f/wj Couldnot tlictfiptekingdomc of the world, jHeauen,earth and hell deftroie great Hercuhsf Couldnot the damned fprights of hatefull /»»ycs,yes,tis 4.p?»f«/;ifyougothatway,and looke about thofe thickets,ile go hither, and fearch this grouc, J doubt not but to finde him ? -^ SoM. Content. £xemt SoMms,'wMe^- *» tINGVA, Foi'a few fcrappeSjno,no,fuch words as theft, ' By7'/»'»ftal>bethe Tillalne, kill thefiauc : By the infcrnall hagges,Ilc hough the rogue. And paunch the rafcall that abufd me thus, * Such words as th«fe fitt e angry Appetite. Enter C R A P V L A, C R. A, Somnus, Stmms ^ come hcthcr, come hcther qtuclcly, hee'shcre,hcc'sbcrc. APP.Imarryis«bcfirra,whatofthat? bafe mifacant^Mn CRA.Ogcntlc4>;fW*/. {fula. <> A P P. You rauddy gulchc , dai-ft looke me in the face, while nunc eyes fparldc, with rcucngfull fire ? (• tifl',iufl i iiir,i«»ft -) " / L f' ^ CViA.GoodAp;etitus. I'^"-^ '—- A P P. Peace y«i^at bawfon,peace, ( tiff^t e ff^iifr^nr fiji) Seeft not this fatall engine of my wrath ? Villaine lie maule thee for thine old offences. And grinde thy bones t» powder with this pcflle: You when I had no weapons to defend me, Could beate mc out of dores ; but now prepare, Make thy felfc ready/or thou flialtjiot fcape. Thus doth the great reuengefull Appetite^ Vpon his fatte foe, wreake his wrathful] fpite, Appetitvs heaueth vp his cM to i>r4ine CKAVyth,butSouvvsinthetiK4nf, time, eatcbeth him Mind and hinds kttff} SoM.WhyhownowCr4^«/. ::r. All in a round together flcepc hkc friends> „.......J r K LI Nor- A. For there's no diffcience twixt the King and Clown^ The poore and rich,tlic beaucious and dcfonned^ Wrapc in the vailcof night,and bonds ofllecpc; Without whoit powre,and fv\ cetc dominion, OurUtc were Hell.and pleafurepaintulneflc/ • The Ihng of cnuie,andtheall Artificers, Moft humbly y edd to my dominion| • Without due rel!,nothing is durable. Loe thus doth SOnrnui conquer all the world With his nioft awfull wandjand halfe the yearc Raigncs ouer the beft and proudeft Empcrouts. Oncly the nui-flings of the Sifters nine, Rebels againft mc,fcorne ray great command : Andwhoi darkc night from her bcdcwy wuigs, Dvops neepiefilence to the eyes of all,t They onely wake,and v\ ith vnwearied toile, lal»>ur to finde the Via iaBea, That leads to the heauen of immortallitie; And by the loftie towringof their mmdc, Fleded with the feathers of a leained mule.^ Thefraife themfelues vnto the highcft pitch, Matiying bafeearth,andheauen in a thought , But thus I pimifh their rebellion, Ucirinduftric was neucr y^/'Tf r Lthlnc B««.toacepe^hcnwake|nd-J^^^^^^^^^^ * ACTVS». ACTVS.y. SCENA.iy: Thefiue Sen/a J. ingva, AppetitvS, alUfleepe] AndJreami>ig,l? H a n T as T E s,H e v k BSl i. A V D. So ho ^ocwood, fo ho Rocwood, Rocwcod^your Or- :gan,hay Chantci,Chantcr,bjr /?(3fe«jhcd-tyre it's a very decpc mouth d doggc , a moft admirable crie of hounds , looke here, aMinc,againe,there,thcre,there,ah ware counter. ^5? is- E)o yo" tee the full Mootie yonder.and not the man in it, why me thinkcs 'tis too, too euident , 1 fee his dogge very plainc,andlockcyou, mi^vnder his taile is a Thome bu(h ofFurres. Gvs. 'Twill make a fine tooth-pick : that Larkes heeic there, 6 do not burne it. ^ P H A. Boy, Hearejis , what think'ft thou I thinke , when I thinke nothing ? • HEv.Anditpleafeyoufir, I thinke you are deuifing how to anfwera man that askes you nothing. Pha. Wellgcrt boy J but yet thou miftookft it, for I was thinking of the conf^ancie of women, ( /Jpctitus fnccres alorvd. Beware firra , take heede , I doubt me thci e's fomc wild Boare lodged here about ? how now ? race thinkci thefe be the Sen- ses, ha ? in my conceit the elder brother of death has kid them. . T A c. Oh, oh, oh, I am ftabd, I am ftab'd, holde your hand, oh,oh;oh. P H A. How now ? doe they talke in their fleepc? arc they not awake Hettrefis ? H E V. No queftionlefle, they be all faft afleepe. G V s T. Eate not too many of thofe Apples , they bee very flatiue ? O L F. Foh/oh, beatc out this Doggc hearc, fob, was it you A^VD, In faith it was moft fwcetly winded, whofoeuer it was , the warble is veiy good, and the hornc iS excellent ? M 2 Tac, .-.iiii^jiiS F^', "1 I Tac. Put on man, put on, keepcyour head warme/tis cold. •P H A. Ha, ha,ha,ha,ft, Heureps, ftirre not firra. A p ^. Shut the dooie , thepotte runnes ouer , firra Cooke that will be a fwpetePaftie,ifyou nibble the venifonfo ? 1 G y s T. Say you fo, is a Marrow Pyc the Helena of mcates ? giuc mee^ , if I playe not Tarts hang mec, Boye a deane Trencher? 'A PP. Scrucvp,feruevp,this is a fatte Rabbet, would I might haue the maidcn-head of it, come giue me the fifh there, vvhohach medlcd with thefc maidcs ? ha ? O L E. Fie,{hut your Snuffers clofer for fhamc , 'tis the worft fincllthatcanbe. T A c. O the aampe, thecrampe, the crampe, my legge, my kgge. Lin G. I muft abroad prefcntly, reach mee> my bcft Neck- lace prcfcntly. P H A. Ah Z^'wf «<« arc you there ? A V D. Here take this Rope , jand lie hdpc the leader dofc ■with the fecondBell : Fie, fie, there is a goodly peak dcanc fcoilde. V 1 s. He lay my hfe that Gentlewoman is painted:wdl,well I know it,marke but her nofe, doe you not fee the comple6tion cracjc out, I niull confcflc 'tis a good piiihire. Tac. Ha,ha.ha, fie,I pray you Ieaue,you tickle ire fo,oh,ah, ha,ha,take away your hands Icannot indure, ah you tickle me, :di,ha,ha,ha,ah. , i u u Vis. Hai,rect,rett, rett, now bird, now, -looke about that bufh, fhc truft her thereabout, — here Ihe is, warewing Cater, Vs'arewing,auaunt. L I N G. Mum,mum,mum,mum. PHA.ft,firra,takcheedeyouwakehernot He V. I knowe fir Ihce is faft a flecpe , for her mouth is fliuttc. . , . . , ' - Ling. This 'lir, to venture vpon fuch vncettainties , to ^ loofc fo rich a Crowne to no end, well,well. p H A. Ha, ha, ha, weefhali here anon , where ^e^^^"^™ r ma{clen-beacl,(ft, boy , my Lord Vicegerent, and Maiftr Regi- fler are hard by, ninne quickly, tell them of this accident, wiib ^ them come fottly. ExitHeHrefis, Ling. UMendatio, neuer talkc farther , I doubt 'tis paft rc- coueiy, and my Robe likewiie, I fliall neuer haUe them againe, well.weli. Pha, How? her Crowne, and her Roabe, neuer recouer them ? hum , wa(i not faid to bee left by (JMcmsry ? ha ? I cone iecfture here's fome knauery— faftlockt with flecpe,in good faith. Was that Crowne and Garment yours Dngiut ? - L I N G, I marry were they,and that fome body hath felt,and . fliajl feele more, if I liue. P H A,0 ftrang€,/lie anfwers in her flcepe t o my queftion,but how comcthe Senfes to ftriue for it ? . / L I N tJ. Why, I laide ipyon purpofe in their way , that they ^f" / might fall together by the eares, / P"H A. What a ftrange thing is this ? ACT.?. SCENA. 18. ■ ' ! - ■ ' TheStnfeJfAP PhTirvs indL m Gv A ajlfepe, phantastes. ' c o m v. s e ns v s. ' Memoria. Anamnestes. P H A. ft;my Lordjibfdy , foftly, h cre's th e notableft peece of- treafondifcoueredjhow fay yoUj^»g«^.feta!lthe Senfes at ods, t. # flic hath confeft it to me in her lleepe. C o M. S E N. If^DoflibleMaifterHegifter? did yoif eucrknow any talke in their diepe ? M E M. I remember my Lord many haucdone fo very oft,but women aie troubled, efpccially with this talking difeafe , many of them haue I heard anfwer in their dreames, and tell what they did all day awake. A N A M. By the fame token,therc was a wanton maide, that being askt by her Moth'^, what fuch a one did with her fo lat« onenightinfuch aroome, {heprefentlyfaid,that~~ •{ M EM. Peace you iKldc rake hell, is luch a ieft fittc for this , " ] company, no more I fay firra, i Mj Pha. ~\\ P H A. My Lord will you belicue your ownc cares , you fiiall hcarc her anfw t:rc me, as directly and trucly as may be. LtngKa^ what did you with the Crownc and garments. Ling. He tell thee Mendach. Pha. Shcc thinkcs m^endacio {pczkes to her , markc nowe,markc howe trucly fhcc will a'^Avcre : what fay you Ma- dame? L I N G.I fay Phantafifiis afooliflitranlparcntgull; ameere fanatick nupfon,in my immaglnation not worthic to fit as alud- gcs affirtant. C o M.S E N. Ha , ha , ha , howe truely and dire5Uy flice an- fwercs. f^ Pha. FawjfaWjHic dreames now,fl\e knowcs not what flieo faics, I trie her once againe: Madame? what temedie can you bauc foryour greate lofles ? ,* L I N G, O are you come ^^crafa ? weIcome,welcome , boy reach a Cufliion,nt downe good C^crafia:! am fo beholding to you/your potion wrought cxceedinglicjthe fenfes were fo mad, did not you fee how they raged about the woods? C o M.S E N.Hum, ^crafM} is -^crafM. her confederate? my life that witch hath wrought fomevillany, ■ - ■ • Lingua rifeth in herjleept,and rva/kfth^ how's this ? is fhec a flcepe ? hauc yoU fccnc one walkc thuj before ? M E M. tt is a very common thinge , I hauc feene many fickc of the Peripatetick difeafe. A N A. By the fame token my Lord, I knewe one that went abroad in his fleepe , bent his bowe , fhot at a Magpie, kild her , fetcht his arrowc,camc home , lockt the doorc$,and went to bed againe. C o M.S E N. What fliouid be the reafon of it? M E M. 1 remember Sc-dUg.-r told mee the reafon once . as I thinkc thus: The nerucs that carric the raouing faculty Jrom the braincs, to the thighcs, legges, fectc, and armes , are wider farrc then the other neaics, whcrfore they are not fo eafily ftopt with the yapours of flcepc,but are night .ind dale ready to pcr- forrae what fancy iTiali command them. Com, ffmm^tXM C M. Sen. It may bee fo , but Vhantaftes enquire more P H A. What did yon with the potion Acr^/JW made yon ; ''''* L I N. Gauc it to the Senfcs, and made them as madde as"^ well, I> I cannot recouer it- — . Ictitgoe. Ilenotlcauethem thus. She lies downe againe. Go M. Sen. Boy a wake the Scnfes there, A N. Hoe, hoc, Audit uf, vp, vp,fo hoe, O/fa&w haue at your nofr, vp Vifu^, gnftiu, Taflut,vp : What can you not fcelc a pinch ? haue at you with a pinne. T A c. Oh, you (lab mc,oh, C OM. S E n.TaBut, know you how you came hither: T A c .No njy Lord, not I, this I remember, Wc Tiip't with gufluj, and had wine good Acre, Whereof I thinke I taflcd hberally. Amongft the I eft, wee drunkc a compofition. Of a woR dcUicate, and pleafant reUilTi, That made our braynes, fomewhat irregular. ACT. /, SCEN. ip. The Senfes tmakey LiNGVA ^yZ^-f/xr, C o M M V N l $ SSNSVS Memory, Phantastes, Anamn-estes, Hby- REsis rfr<«W»5 Crap VIA. Hey. My Lord, here's a fat raf call was lurking in a bufli* Tcry fufpitioufly , his name he faycs is Crapula. Com.Sen. Sirrah, fpcake quickly what youknoweof thefe troubles, Cr A, Nothing my Lord, but that the Senfes were madde, and that Sommts at my requeft layd them afleepe, in hope to rccouerthem, C o M. S E. Why then tis too euident , hcrtjia at Lingua s re- quefl, bewitcht the Senfei, wake her quickly Heurefn. L I NiHeigh ho, out alas, aye mee, where am I i how camel here i where am I? aht gOMj -x_:j LtjNG VA, ^o M.ScN. Z;/v?/Mlookcnot fo ftfangcly vpon themat- ter,«j'pn h.iuc coiifcRin your flecpe , that with a Crowne, and aRoilK',voiihiue difturb'dthc Senfcs,vfing a crafty hcipe to enrage them, can you deny n ? CiN. Aye mec, raoft mifcrablc wretch , I befccch your Lorddiip forgiue me. Com, Sen No,nO;tisafaii!tvnpardonab!c, (titidnfftlts mfh CMemorf) P H A N. In my conceipt Lingua , you fliould fcalc vp your lippcs, wh«nyoiigo to bed, thefe Feminine ton'ucj bcfoglibbc. * C o M. S E N. Vifw, Tariw, and the reft, our former fcntence concetnmg you , wee confirmc as irreuocable', and cftablidi the Crowne to you Vifw, and the Roabe to you TaElmhuim for you lAngua. ~' L 1 N. Let mec haueminc ownc,howfoeucr you determine, Ibcfecchyou. Com. Sen. That may not bee, yourgood* arc fallen into our hands, my fcntence cannot bee recall'd, youmayfce, thofc that feckc what is not theirs, oftentimes loofc what's ■thcjr ownc : Therefore Lingua grauntine you your life,r commityouto clofeprifon, m (?«/?«/ his houfc, and charo-e yo\xG»Jlhs,xo keepe her vnder the cuftody of two ftronjt doores, and eucry day till /he come to So.ycarcs of age,fcc ;.' Trie if the friendly opfortunitiey ofyourgood-vpiU^AndgraihusfUuditie, With the thrice weUcme murmure itjh^llheefe'. Can begge this frifonerfrom the bands ofj^e^t, Ypon the Plaudite, AppHTit^s awafecsy and runnes in after A »a mm« st s s* F I N IS. A