i; :fl' tffjJr''irr'Y''*^ i i ' Cornell University Library LD357.7 1920 + 1845-1920 The Diamond jubilee. 3 1924 030 628 436 olin Oven The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924030628436 B. E. B. BAYIjOE Pioneer statesman, jurist, man of affairs, preacher; founder of Baylor University at Independence, 1845. 1845-1920 The Diamond Jubilee A Record > OF The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary OF THE FOUNDING OF BAYLOR UNIVERSITY PREPARED BY HENRY TRANTHAM FOR THE UNIVERSITY THE BAYLOR UNIVERSITY PRESS 1921 CONTENTS PORTRAIT OF R. E. B. BAYLOR .- FRONTISPIECE FOREWORD Page 7 TO BAYLOR— 1845-1920 : Judd Mortimer Lewis Page 11 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF BAYLOR UNIVERSITY: Mrs. E. W. Provence Page 13 RETROSPECT— Poem Page 24 THE BACCALAUREATE SERMON: Rev. Geo. W. McDaniel, D.D Page 26 HISTORICAL ADDRESS— The Founders of Baylor University : Rev. Rufus W. Weaver, D.D ......Page 34 THE BROWNING BENEFIT: Readings by Edwin Markham, Nicholas Vachel Lind- say, Judd Mortimer Lewis, and Harriet Monroe. Presentation of The Clasped Hands of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning Page 44 LECTURE— Vers Libre and Imagism: Miss Amy Lowell Page 48 UNVEILING OF THE JOHN S. TANNER MONUMENT.... Page 51 FORWARD !— Poem Page 58 ANNUAL UNVEILING OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: Address by Royston C. Crane, '84 ....Page 62 Address by Richard A. Burleson, '90 Page 73 ADDRESSES : Oscar H. Cooper, LL.D., President of Baylor Uni ver- sity, 1899-1902 Page 82 James Hamilton Lewis, Former United States Senator i, from Illinois , Page 85 6 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE THE JUBILEE CHORUS— "The Passion according to St. Matthew," by Bach: Director Severin Frank and Baylor University Choral Club - Page 88 "PINAFORE"— Comic Opera in Two Acts, by Sullivan : Director Severin Frank and Students of Baylor Uni- versity Page 89 HISTORICAL PAGEANT— "Baylor the Deliverer": Presented by the Departments of English and Expres- sion of Baylor University - Page 89 THE PRESIDENT'S RECEPTION ..Page 93 THE PRESIDENT'S DINNER Page 95 THE DIAMOND JUBILEE LUNCHEON..... Page 97 THE BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Page 100 THE GRADUATION EXERCISES: Address by Hon. Albert S. Burleson, Postmaster-Gen- eral, Representing the President of the United States. .Page 105 Address by Rev. Geo. W. Truett, D.D Page 110 Announcements Page 118 Conferring of Degrees Page 121 MISCELLANEOUS: Literary Society Notes Page 149 Class Activities Page 152 Campus Notes Page 155 Acknowledgment Page 162 Echoes Page 162 Registration Page 174 Baylor University Directory Page 182 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 7 FOREWORD The celebration in June, 1920, of the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of Baylor University at Waco was an event of more than usual interest to educators of the Southwest and, indeed, of the entire country. Founded by Baptist pioneers under the Republic of Texas, the institution has had an important part in the advancement of culture in our once picturesque and ever-developing commonwealth. From small beginnings at the rural village of Independence in Washington County, the original foundation has expanded with the growth of the State and of the great Christian brother- hood whose influence has invariably been enlisted in the cause of religious and political liberty. In the year 1861 President Rufus C. Burleson, accompanied by the faculty and many of the students of the University, removed to Waco and there established Waco University on the foundations of the Waco Classical School, a local institution until that time presided over by the Honorable, and later Judge, John C. West. The original foundation was maintained with ever-increasing difficulty by its trustees for a quarter of a century. Dr. George W. Baines was its president in the trying years of 1861-1862. Dr. William Carey Crane as- sumed the presidency in 1862 and by heroic labor kept the name of Baylor alive until the time of his death, which occurred early in the year 1885. In January, 1886, Dr. Reddin Andrews, who had meanwhile succeeded to the presidency at Independence, came to Waco with the remnant of the student-body and joined forces with President Burleson and Waco Uni- versity. The present charter and name of "Baylor University at Waco" were obtained later in the year 1886. The foundation now includes the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Law*, the School of Music, the School of Education, and the Departments of Agriculture* and Jour- nalism* at Waco, together with the Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy, the School of Nursing, and the Sanitarium** at Dallas. Baylor University at Waco, through its descent from the older "Waco University," claims the distinction of having been the first college of the South, and the second college of the world, to admit women on equal terms with men to all academic privileges. The enrollment in all departments during the session of 1919-20 was 2095. Under the virile leadership of Samuel Palmer Brooks, A.M., LL.D., its president since 1902, Baylor University has justi- fied in a remarkable degree the comprehensive ideals of its founders, who *Establishea September, 1920. **The Baptist Memorial Sanitarium became a part of Baylor Tjiiiversity December lith, 1920. See page 8, 8 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE in 1845 formally signified their purpose "to found a Baptist university in Texas upon a plan so broad that the requirements of existing conditions will be fully met, and that will be susceptible of enlargement and develop- ment to meet the demands of all ages to come." The motto which em- blazons its seal, "Pro ecclesia, pro Texana," is being realized in the lives of thousands of men and women who have gone forth from its halls with profounder conceptions of citizenship and loftier visions of service. The recent Diamond Jubilee was made the occasion for assembling a great number of representative men from institutions of higher learning in various sections of the country. Yale, Chicago, Leland Stanford, Van- derbilt, Virginia, Brown, Tulane, Wake Forest, Richmond, and many other distant universities responded to the invitation to name official represen- tatives for the celebration. Honorary degrees were conferred upon an unusually large number of men and women of widely-varying intellectual and artistic pursuits. A unique feature of the Commencement exercises was the conferring of the baccalaureate degree upon the surviving graduates of the two parent institutions of which the present Baylor is the offspring. More than one hundred men and women, many of them rugged survivors of the pioneer days, marched loyally in the Commencement procession and received the diploma awarded by the University "to emphasize the continuity of its corporate life and to strengthen the bonds of union among its sons and daughters." Also forming a part of the processional were the faculty and graduating class of the Baylor College of Medicine, who came from Dallas to have a share in the Jubilee celebration. At the Commencement exercises on Wednesday morning, June 16th, announcement was made by the President of the University that $300,000 had been donated by the General Education Board as its contribution to the Baylor endowment fund, on the condition that the University itself should raise $600,000 for that purpose. President Brooks was able to say that Baylor's part had already been subscribed, and that the General Education Board had meanwhile set apart $15,000 per annum to be applied to teachers' salaries during the next two years. Announcement was also made by President Brooks that, in view of the contemplated consolidation* of the boards of trustees of Baylor University *This plan was approved by the Baptist General Convention of Texas in session at El Paso November 12th, 1920, and the consolidation was effected by the joint and separate action of the boards in a meeting held at Dallas on December 14th, 1920. The newly con- stituted Board of Trustees of Baylor University will consist of twenty-one members, of whom ten are to be resident in McLennan County, seven in Dallas County, and four in other parts of the State of Texas. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 9 and of the Baptist Memorial Sanitarium of Dallas, there was good reason to expect a substantial donation from the General Education Board for the promotion of the work of the College of Medicine, the College of Pharmacy, the College of Dentistry, and the Scfiool of Nursing at Dallas. The further announcement was made by Mr. R. E. Burt, of Dallas, Chair- man of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, that a sum equivalent to five per cent of an invested capital of $1,000,000 had been appropriated for the current needs of the Baylor College of Medicine and its affiliated branches until such time as the permanent endowment of the College of Medicine should equal or exceed one million dollars. The University aims, through this book, to preserve in accessible form a record of the more important events of the Diamond Jubilee celebration. All public addresses have been reported textually. The transactions of the Alumni Association and class and society reunions are reported with as much detail as space will permit. Functions or entertainments of a special character have been described with brevity. Space has been allotted to "Campus Notes," of a personal nature but thought to be of general interest. Effort has been made to give to the book, as far as practicable, the form of a connected story of the entire Jubilee program. Thanks are due to Mrs. E. W. Provence, of Waco, for the historical sketch of Baylor University, which is printed as the introduction to the volume. Mrs. Provence's paper, originally published by the University last spring, formed a part of the handsome Diamond Jubilee invitation which was sent out by the University to other institutions. The editor wishes to express to Miss Amy Lowell his grateful apprecia- tion for permission to print her poem, "Madonna of the Evening Flowers," which will be found on page 49. Acknowledgment is also due to the Mac- millan Company, holders of the copyright. The cartoon, "They Grew Up Together," first appeared in ihe Dallas Morning News. Mr. John Francis Knott, the cartoonist, has graciously consented to its republication in the Jubilee Book. Waco, Texas, Dec. 29th, 1920. H. T. 10 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE ^^^^'^•^^m%^-'Sg^;g_ IVIED WALLS OF BAYLOR BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 11 BAYLOR, 1845-1920 To me the ivied walls of Baylor rise As misty walls rise out of rosy dreams ; Then they grow strong and solid in my eyes, Catch and hold tight the dawning's tinted gleams; And, though three-quarters of a century Have touched those walls with loving lingering. They are as young — as always young — to me As the new dawn or the first calls of spring. For she is old with youth. A splendid age ! The sounds of youthful feet are in her halls ; The hands of youth have turned her every page; The voice of youth across her campus calls; So she grows old with youth. And sweet and strong With Christian faith of many years long gone, As brave and splendid as a marching song! As sweet as love, her face turned to the dawn. Strong men and splendid women have come through Her halls and taken what she had to give, And in their thousands, straight and strong and true. Have lived and taught the whole world how to live : To walk in Christian ways, with tenderness; To go, hands out in helping, with a smile : So they have climbed life's pathways to success ; So they have gone the only ways worth while. And so to me those ivied walls arise Symbols of service, strongly built and true: When wearied with life's tasks I turn my eyes To those strong walls for inspiration new. God's in His heaven. Many years are gone — Wiped out — as foot-prints are upon a strand; But learning, love, and faith shall still go on. Long as the ivied walls of Baylor stand. . — Judd Mortimer Lewis. 12 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE HENBY L. GBAVES The first President of Baylor University. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 13 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY: AN HISTORICAL SKETCH By Mrs. E. W. Provence. The history of an institution for higher education is characterized by the development of the State it serves. Baylor University, founded in 1845 and chartered under the Republic of Texas, has a history as replete with heroic endeavor and significant achievements as has the Lone Star State of whose life it has been so great a part. On the seventh of October, 1841, at a meeting of the Union Baptist Association at Travis, Austin County, Texas, "The Texas Education Society" was formed with the purpose of establishing a Baptist University in Texas. The Mexican invasion under General WoU, and conditions incident thereto, made it impossible for this organization to function until 1845, when at its second session held at La Grange, a resolution was adopted "to found a Baptist University in Texas upon a plan so broad that the requirements of existing conditions would be fully met, and that would be susceptible of enlargement and develop- ment to meet the demands of all ages to come." Rev. William M. Tryoij and Judge R. E. B. Baylor were appointed a committee to prepare a charter for the institution and to secure its passage by the Congress of the Repub- lic of Texas. This charter was applied for and issued by the Ninth Con- gress of the Republic of Texas on the first of February, 1845, at Washing- ton-on-the-Brazos. It provided for a Board of Trustees consisting of sixteen persons, a Preparatory Department, and a Female Department ; and any other features the board should deem wise. The institution was named Baylor University for Judge R. E. B. Baylor, who was made first president of the Board of Trustees. It then became necessary to locate the university. The towns of Travis, Grimes Prairie, Huntsville, and Independence made competitive bids for the new school. One bid which was typical of the other bids and indicative of the conditions of those pioneer days was : "One section of land One yoke of oxen Five head of cattle One cow and calf One bay mare One bale of cotton Twenty days' hauling Two hundred dollars cash." - The town of Independence, Washington County, located on, the main Stage Road leading from Houston to Austin, was the successful competitor, and on the eighth day of May, 1846, the Preparatory Department of Baylor University opened, with twenty-four students, in charge of Professor Henry F. Gillette, who was the only teacher until October of the same year. The Board of Trustees had previously engaged Rev. Henry L. Graves, D.D., LL.D., as president of the institution. On the fourth day of February, 1847, he arrived at Independence and assumed the duties of President of Baylor University, which office he filled until 1851. The beginning of Baylor University was modest, but the purpose was high, and the influence of Baylor in the development of an intellectual and moral citizenship was soon generally recognized. One incident of more than usual interest is the fact that Lawrence S. Ross rode on horseback from Waco to Independence to become a student of Baylor. He afterward distinguished himself in Indian campaigns upon the border, and rose to the rank of Brigadier- 14 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE GEOEGE W. BATNES Beloved President of Baylor University at Independence, 1861- '62. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 15 WILLIAM CAREY CRANE Devoted minister of the gospel; brilliant scholar; public-spirited citizen; gentleman of the old school; President of Baylor University at Independence, 1862-1885. 16 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE RUFUS C. BURLESON Flaming evangel of Christian education in Texas; patriot; preacher; orator; guide and inspirer of youth; President of Baylor University at Independence, 1851-1861; of Waco University, 1861-1885; of Baylor University at Waco, 1886-1897. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 17 General in the War Between the States ; later he became Governor of Texas for two terms, and died while President of the Texas A. & M. College. In 1851 Dr. Graves resigned the presidency of Baylor and was succeeded by Rev. Rufus C. Burleson, D.D., LL.D. Under Dr. Burleson's administra- tion Baylor at Independence reached its greatest peri:d of prosperity. In 1856 a Department of Law was opened under the management of Hon. Royal P. Wheeler of the Supreme Court of Texas, assisted *y Hon. John Sayles, Capt. W. P. Rodgers, and Judge R. E. B. Baylor, with an occasional lecture by Judge J. D. McAdoo. From this law school came many of Texas' ablest lawyers and statesmen. It was discontinued during the Civil War, reopened in 1886, and discontinued again after a few years ; and now at the seventy-fifth anniversary of Baylor's founding the Board of Trus- tees have authorized the re-opening of this department. In 1861 Dr. Burleson resigned as president of Baylor University and removed with his family to Waco, where he became President of the Waco Classical School, changing its name to Waco University, the first co-educa- tional school in the South, and the second in America. This school was under the direction of the Trinity River Association, a Baptist organiza- tion, and in 1868 passed under the control of the Baptist General Associa- tion. It did a. signal service in the educational life of Texas and enjoyed a merited success. After Dr. Burleson's resignation from Baylor University, Rev. George W.. Baines, Sr., served as president one year, being succeeded by Rev. Wil- liam Carey Crane, D.D., LL.D., who served until his death in 1885. He was sucgeeded by Rev. Reddin Andrews, D.D., who served as president until Baylor University was moved to Waco in 1886. When Baylor University was located at Independence in 1845, it was in the midst of a highly refined and religious community, but in the course of human events immigration brought to that section of the State a class of people who cared little for Baylor or its precepts. Independence had no li-ailroad connections and it became expedient to move the institution. Waco" University at Waco, under the direction of the Baptist General Asso- ciationj and Baylor University at Independence, under the direction of the Baptist State Convention, were united and named "Baylor University at Waco;" and as the two denominational organizations consolidated under the name of "The Baptist General Convention of Texas," Baylor University was placed,- and has since remained, under the control of that body. Baylor opened in 1886 with 337 students and two years later had an enroUmeht of 412. This year 2095 have matriculated for courses in this institution. ' Dr. Burleson served as president until 1897, at which time he was made •President Emeritus and relieved of the active duties of the presidency. He was succeeded by Professor J. C. Lattimore as Chairman of the Faculty. Oscar H. Cooper, LL.D., became president in 1899 and served until 1902, at which time he was suceSeded by Samuel Palmer Brooks, A.M., LL.D., who is the present incumbent. In 1903 the Board of Trustees of Baylor University took over the School of Medicine, which had been organized at Dallas in 1900 and was known as the Medical Department of the University of Dallas. That institution is now the Baylor University College of Medicine and is an integral and co-ordinate part of the University. It has clinical advantages that surpass those of any other medical college in the State, the work it does is superior, and its graduates are a tremendous asset to the Southwest. 18 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE REDDIN ANDREWS, P.D., LL.D. Eloquent ).rouchcr; able scholar; high-minded gentleman; President of Baylor University at Independence, is.s.l; Vice-President of Baylor University at Waco 1886. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 19 OSCAE H. COOPER, Ph.D., LL.D. Discriminating scholar; eloquent speaker; constructive thinker; judicious builder; President of Baylor University, 1899-1902. 20 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE In 1905 a theological seminary was added, but in 1907, upon recom- mendation of the Board of Trustees and by vote of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, it was separated from the University. It became "The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary" and in 1910 removed to Fort Worth, where it is doing a glorious work in its mission of training men and women to "carry on" the Gospel of Christ. In 1918 the Board of Trustees of Baylor University purchased the build- ing formerly occupied by the Medical College of Southern Methodist Uni- versity in Dallas to be used for a College of Dentistry. The first year the enrollment was 128. It is the only recognized College of Dentistry between New Orleans and the Pacific Coast south of St. Louis and Kansas City. Thus Baylor University is fulfilling the mission of a real university in giving to the world intelligent men and women, equipped with training and high ideals, to promote the educational, social, economic, political, and religious status of their own and other nations. Baylor's contribution to public education in Texas is marked and out- standing. Baylor antedates by thirty-seven years the State University. History states that Dr. Burleson, more than any other one man, inspired the Governor and Legislature to inaugurate the University at the time it was inaugurated. Because he was a staunch believer in public schools he was appointed special agent and lecturer for the "Peabody Fund" in Texas in 1878. Without salary he traveled and lectured in 116 counties, wrote to every mayor in Texas, urging the people of all religious and political creeds "to unite on one common platform and make our free schools a glorious success and an inestimable blessing to all Texas." In his quarterly report, Dr. Barnas Sears, general agent of the "Peabody Fund," says of him: "Dr. Burleson has crossed every river and prairie from the Gulf of Mexico to the Red River, and from the Sabine to the Rio Grande, in the interest of public education." He was instrumental in the founding, by the State, of the "Sam Houston Normal Institution" for the training of public school teachers. He was chief promoter and organizer of the "Texas State Teachers' Association." While serving the Baptist denomination and Baylor University for forty-six years he gave his time and his inheri- tance to building up the public educational systeni in Texas which he regarded as being "the most potent promoter of Texas' morality, unity, happiness, prosperity, and freedom." Dr. Burleson was not the only Bay- lor president who worked for the advancement of public school education ; for indeed Crane, Reddin Andrews, Lattimore, Cooper, and Brooks have been prominently identified with this work. And there is hardly a school in the State, rural or urban, including the great State schools for higher education, but that at some time has felt the quickening power of a Baylor graduate, either as teacher or executive. A sketch of Baylor University's history would be incomplete without mention of its war record. Four times has it shared with its country the perils of war. In the days of its infancy "The Mexican War" made great inroads upon the man-power of the State, curtailing the enrollment of the school to an alarming degree. In the Civil War Baylor University furnished its full contingent to the Confederacy. President Burleson and nine faculty members, together with many students from both Baylor University at Independence and Waco University at Waco, saw service. Many of them rose to prominence and high rank; many made the "supreme sacrifice." In 1862 military training was inaugurated, but it was not until 1892 that a regular army officer, in the person of Lieut. Beaumont B. Buck, BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 21 SAMUEL PALMEE BEOOKS, A.M., LL.D. Master of assemblies; Christian statesman; organizer of the Greater Baylor; man among men; President of Baylor University since 1902. 22 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE was secured as commandant. Military training was continued until 1902 when the difficulty of securing commandants made it necessary to discon- tinue it. In the "Spanish-American War" Baylor University gave its full quota to its country's service. And in the "Great War" the record of Baylor men and women everywhere was one of patriotism and loyalty. From private to the rank of general alumni of Baylor University saw service over-seas. As Red Cross and Y. W. C. A. workers Baylor women were found at home and abroad. The Baylor unit of the American Red Cross won honor and distinction for the service it rendered at the "front." At the time the Armistice was signed the students at Waco and at Dallas were enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps. As glorious as Baylor University's past has been, its future bids fair to be even more glorious. The successful "Seventy-five Million Campaign" conducted by Southern Baptists makes it possible t^ have the buildings Baylor most needs. There is now under course of construction a modern, fire-proof building for men to cost approximately a third of a million dollars. It is the first unit of a number cf such buildings for men, the others to be constructed as necessity demands. Plans have been drawn for a similar building for women, and for a men's gymnasium ; both of these buildings will be begun in the imme- diate future. The Board of Trustees have authorized the re-opening of the Department of Law, and the inauguration of a Department in Business Administration ; a Department in Agriculture and a course in Journalism will be added next fall. To be used in connection with the Department of Agriculture a splendid farm has been purchased. The Baylor University College of Medicine in Dallas will receive its quota from the funds raised by the Baptists. Big plans are under way to make it one of the seven large medical centers of America. The purpose of Baylor University is the same as that of the invincible men who founded it: "To meet fully the requirements of existing condi- tions and to be susceptible of enlargement and development to meet the demands of all ages to come." BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 23 PAT MOEEIS NEFF GrEtduate of Baylor University, 1894; President of the Board of Trustees of Baylor XJniversity since 1909; elected Governor of Texas, November 2, 1920. 24 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE RETROSPECT To Baylor, Tryon, Crane and Burleson, The vanguard of that goodly host which came Forth from the East, like Magi moving on By night, lured ever westward by the fame Of Him whose beacon was a single star. The Star of Bethlehem of Old Judaea — Fit symbol of that vision seen afar By those who came and builded here An Empire which men call the Lone Star State : To these our prophets and our pioneers Who, great in faith, yet knew not they were great, "^^S;; We pay the tribute of the gathering years. Baylor moves ever on: no storm can overwhelm While stalwart Brooks shall hold and guide the helm ! H. T. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 25 GBOEGE W. MeDANIEL, D.D., LL.D. Alumnus of Baylor University; eloquent preacher of the Gospel of Christ; beloved pastor of the First Baptist Church of Richmond, Virginia. 26 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE THE BACCALAUREATE SERMON Delivered on Sunday Morning, June 13th, by the Eev. George W. McDaniel, D.D., of Richmond, Virginia. The public exercises of the Diamond Jubilee Commencement of Baylor University were formally inaugurated with religious services on the morn- ing of Sunday, June 13th. Surrounded by towering oaks and elms, rugged survivors of an earlier day, an immense arbor had been erected in the University Park (known to present and former students as "Minglewjod") just north of the picturesque Waco Creek. A congregation estimated at four thousand persons comfortably filled this auditorium some time before the hour appointed for the opening hymn. Promptly at 11 o'clock the audience rose and joined in singing the majestic Coronation hymn. After the invocation by the Rev. H. F. Vermillion, of El Paso, and general an- nouncements by the President of the University, the Rev. 0. E. Bryan, of Louisville, Kentucky, read the lesson of the day, the first chapter of the Gospel of St. John. The Baccalaureate Sermon was then delivered by the Rev. Geo. W. McDaniel, D.D., of Richmond, Virginia, a member of the class of 1898. In his very person irradiating health and sweetness and sanity, Dr. McDaniel most appropriately selected as his text John 1 :48, and as his theme, "Seeing the Best." His clear tenor voice, carrying to the farthest recesses of the wide-flung pavilion, his commanding appearance, and his pmooth-flowing diction immediately won the sympathetic attention of the audience, who followed him eagerly as step by step he elaborated his argument. Upon the conclusion of the sermon the benediction was pronounced by the Rev. T. V. Neal, D.D., of Dallas. Dr. McDaniel's sermon follows : A striking personality sounded forth a startling message from the region of the Jordan. Multitudes flocked to hear him. Many became his disciples. The .S:mhedrin, sitting at Jerusalem near by, took cognizance of the new preacher. As the supreme ecclesiasticEil court of the Jews it was their prerogative to inquire into the doctrine aud deeds of the Baptist. They appointed a committee to investigate and report. With all the conscious dignity of a senatorial committee they set about their task, except that instead of sum- moning John to them they went to him. John's career pivoted on that investigation. Jesus has just emerged successfully from a forty days' battle where Satan threw his forces against three lines of the Saviour's character. Now, John is to fight his battle. The temptation of Jesus is followed im- mediately by the temptation of John; Satan the opponent in one, the Sanhedihi the op- ponent in the other; three proposals to Jesus and three questions to John. The preaching of John had made a profound and varied impression. It was surmised that ho was the Christ. The inquisitors asked him: "Who art thou?" PTere was John's testing tim.e. Should he grasp an hpnor which was n^ his? The masses were wild with BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 27 enthusiasm and ready to support his claims. With a commendable candor which cut straight through he answered, "I am not the Christ." With a bluntness, indicative of growing impatience, ho denied that he was Elijah or the prophet. With a humility becoming the equal of any born of women he professed to bs only a voice. That voice called attention to One in the midst, the latchet of Whose shoe he felt unworthy to unloose. The next day, and the next, John directed his followers to Jesus. Two went with him. One of these found and brought his brother. On the morrow Jesus and his three com- panions were returning from Judaea to Galilee. They met Philip who lived in the same town as the sons of Jonas. One word from the Master enlisted Philip and he quickly found his friend from Cana and sought to enlist him. Thus did Christianity begin in the ardent attachment and personal evangelism of a few young men. The genesis of the American foreign missionary enterprise is analogous- However, scepticism and prejudice were encountered straightway. Philip's faith was instantaneous, unquestioning, practical. He believed Moses wrote the Pentateuch and that he had come to know the one who was the heart of Moses' books, Jesus the son of Joseph, of the town of Nazareth. The young convert was not proficient in the diplomacy in which Paul afterwards excelled, and the mention of Nazareth aroused all the prejudice of Nathaniel. "Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?" speaks a volume of community rivalry. Cana was five miles- distant and the two communities were com- petitors. Among the tensest situations I ever witnessed was a contest between two com- munities ten miles apart, over the location of the county seat. They were a, thousand miles separated in sympathy. Residents of one would say no good about the other. You have known the spirit of Nathaniel, the disposition to berate' a near-by town because it competed for trade or rivalled in influence. Whispering tongues had spread suspicion and suggested scandal until the very word ' ' Nazareth ' ' was a synonym for impurity and corruption. Neither in the Old Testa- ment nor in Josephus is there anything discreditable to Nazareth. True, all Galileans were despised for want of culture, rude dialect, and contact with the Gentiles. The Jews regarded them as the Athenians did the Boeotians. But Nathaniel himself is a Galilean and he heaps reproach upon Nazareth in particular. Baseless evil rumors had reached his ears and were too eagerly accredited. Gossip needs no foundation in fact. The most popular indoor exercise with some people is gossip. Jesus saw this cabined, cribbed soul coming to Him and exclaimed: "Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile-" Jesus was no flatterer. His compliments were never fulsome. The surprised sceptic replied; "Whence knowest thou me?" and then Jesus spoke the words of the text and the following context. Jesus was not prejudiced against Nathaniel because of Nathaniel's derision of His community or distrust of Himself. Therein lies the breadth of our Saviour. Some can never think well nor sneak kindly of one who has ventured to criticise them adversely. I knew in Baylor a student who took a mortal dislike to the Literary Society critic who, in the friendly discharge of his duty, mentioned that the speaker mispronounced ' ' subtle ' ' and "horizon". During two years, that criticism rankled in his bosom until the egotist returned to the narrow confines of his birth-place to spend an unhonored, unknown life. Oh, Jesus was so great that He harbored no prejudice. Hatred of sin had He! Righteous indignation against wrong? Yes! But His white soul was never stained by littleness, prejudice, enmity. Himself the faultless one, He was forbearing with the faulty. Jesus overlooked Nathaniel's fault. We never hear from Him a hint of Nathaniel's blunder. On the other hand He honors Nathaniel with membership in His college of Apostles. This incident between our Saviour and Nathaniel suggests three thoughts which I would impress upon this vast audience, and especially upon these graduates. 28 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 1. Jesus saw the best in Nathaniel. ' ' An Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile. ' ' A son of Israel, not a son of Jacob. The ' 'Supplanter" is dead; the "prince" who pre- vails survives. By character as well as by birth, an Israelite- Underneath the uninvit- ing exterior there lay a guileless nature. His guilelessness is seen in that he makes no mock repudiation of the character attributed to him. He has none of the pride that "apes humility". "What a penetrating eye Jesus had for the best in this man! The preceding context illustrates the same truth: "And when Jesus beheld him, he said. Thou art Simon (a hearer) the son of Jona; thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by intrepretation, a stone." You see this rude, unlettered, volatile, passionate, impulsive, fickle fisherman. Surely he is unpromising, if not irapossibl;. Oh, no! Jesus looks through the flesh to the heart. This man has in him tremendous latent powers, before liini limitless possibilities. His rudeness is ruggedness. His unlettered mind is the retentive scroll on which the Holy Spirit can write a gospel for Mark, and two Epistles. Hia volatility contains elements destined to become a fixed substance which no heat can change. His passionate nature is the very one to call three thousand souls to repentance and life under one sermon. His impulsiveness will take the initiative Avhen naen or" initiative are essential. His fickleness will become fixedness. Jesus saw a powerful preacher, a convincing writer, a conspicuous leader and a heroic martyr in this bundle of contradictory humanity that stood before Him. Yonder, at the northern end of the sea of Galilee, sits a (lublican, collecting taxes. His very business is disreputable, and he is, perhaps, no better than his trade. No orthodox Jew will have any social contact with him. Jesus jaasses that way- His search- ing eyes behold wonders in that personality. He sees u hospitable host, a faithful friend, a correct chronicler, an ardent apostle, and calls Matthew to fol'ow Him. Go south to the upper end of the other sea of the gospels. At that gateway from the East sits another dishonest tax collector. His stature is small, his heart is hard, his coffers are filled with ill-gotten gain. Judaism sees nothing inviting in Zaccheus. It has no message for him. Jesus enters Jericho! Ever on the alert for the good in man and for evoking the best. He casts his eye up the tree and calls the curious to conscientious- ness, the robber to restitution, the sinner to salvation. This habit of seeing the best in people, even in the worst people, was so fixed in Jesus that infidels have charged Him with favoritism to publicans and harlots. Ah, they fail to fathom the depth of Christ's nature or to intrcpret the meaning of His mission. He was the divine one who knew "what was in man;" He came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. The results justified His course. F. W. Eobertson comments that Jesus always viewed human beings as salvable. That is the point of the parables in Luke fifteen. A lost coin is of no value, but a lost coin that can be found is valuable. The quest gives zest. So with the lost sheep and the wandering boy; the interest centers in the possibility of recovery- Rabbi Ben Ezra's assurance, that God sees us as we are and values us not by a list of things done, is comforting. ' ' But all the world 's coarse thumb And finger failed to plumb Thoughts hardly to be packed Into a narrow act, Fancies that broke through language and escaped. All I could never be. All men ignored in me. This, I was worth to God, whose wheel the pitcher shaped." 2. Jesus saw Nathaniel at his best. "When thou wast under the fig-tree, I saw the(^"— saw thee in meditation and prayer. Augustine heard the famous "Telle, lego" under a fig-tree. Jesus read Nathaniel's heart, understood his problem, judged hin< BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 29 not by Nathaniel's harsh judgment 6f Him, but by Nathaniel's best hour of devotion. Nathaniel knew instantly that Christ perceived what his heart had been and he was con- vinced and converted. " Eabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art King of Israel." Jesus had faith in man. Now, faith is more than trust, confidence, reliance; it is an attitude of the whole nature. It speaks with the authority of conviction. There flashes from it light which long and labored processes of argument could not show. Nathaniel saw the light and leaped to greet it. Blessed be God, that He judges us by our best and not by our worst. David, a man of many' faults, was commended of God because he purposed in his heart to build a temple unto the Lord. God took the thought for the deed. Surely this is our hope of heaven. For "Lord, if thou shouldst mark iniquity, who could stand!" This attitude is the antithesis of Pharisaism. It is the essence of Christianity and wherever exhibited it wins even as Jesus Von Nathaniel. The application of this principle, the spirit of looking for the best in our' fe'llow-man, would reconstruct some individuals and some churches. Fault-finding would die in an atmosphere of commendation. Pastors would preach with uncommon power and live with fresh joy. Weak anc erring Chris- tians — mark you, not hypocrites, but Christians — would discover a new strength in the confidence and cheer of their stronger brethren. Apply this principle to examinations and you revolutionize the system of grades and graduations. Sometimes a teacher grades with a view of "flunking". President Mac- Cracken, in his inaugural address at Vassar's fiftieth anniversary, 1915, related the prac- tice of one who was dean in a northern college. Calling a student to his office the dean said: "Jim, Professor Blank has bet me thirty dollars that you will be dropped from college before commencement- I have taken up his bet; the stakes are in that drawer. Am I going to lose that money?" Jim's response vindicated the dean's faith. Now, I could not approve betting under any circumstances, but I do endorse the irresisti- ble confidence the dean had in Jim. Several years ago a young man whose class standing was high went on his final examination in history. His distinguished father was to deliver the commencement address four days later. Just before entering the examination room the son received a telegram. "Wire me result of your last examination. Should you fail I shall not fill my engagement." The telegram unnerved the splendid student. His father's ap- prehension seized him. For the first time in four years he was "rattled" on examina- tion. For one hour his mind was blank. For the second hour it was a confused mass of incoherent, unrelated knowledge. Two hours and a half passed before he began to write. One hour reniained for the long examination. Time was up. Most of his class- mates had handed in their papers and gone. He asked for more time. The considerate professor granted thirty minutes. As his less accurate and scholarly room-mate handed in his paper and left the room the professor followed him. ' ' What is the trouble with M — ? He knows this subject and should have no difficulty with this examination." The young man replied, "Yes, he knows it better than any man in the class," and then told about the telegram. Five minutes before the extra time had expired the professor stepped to M — 's desk. "Mr. M — , wire your father that you have made this subject with distinction." "No, Professor, I have made a wretched failure and you will' never pass me on this paper." "Pass you! You have already passed. I tell you, wire your father. ' ' I should like to have been that teacher. He had ■ a heart and he knew. A few years later the brilliant young man died of tuberculosis in' the mountains of the West. He had broken his health in the pursuit of knowledge. But for the intervention of a Christ-like teacher he had died sooner of a broken heart. S. Jesus promised Nathaniel the best. "Thou shalt see greater things than these." With a faint allusion to Jacob's ladder, and" with the first use of a phrase he was fond of repeating: "Verily, verily, I say unto you. Hereafter ye shall see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man." Directly, Nathaniel wit- 30 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE nessed in his home town that beginning of miracles when the "conscious water saw its God and blushed." Thence onward his wondering and admiring eyes beheld such mir- acles as neither Moses nor Elijah nor Elisha ever wrought. His Master spoke to fever and it was cooled, touched leprosy and it was healed, rebuked demons and they were harm- less, put clay as eollyrium on sightless eyes and they saw, commanded the winds and waves and they obeyed, multiplied a few loaves and fishes and thousands were fed, summoned from the realms of the dead a ruler 's daughter, a widow 's son, and a brother beloved, and they responded. These in particular. In general, Nathaniel saw Jesus bridge the gulf between the righteous God and rebel- lious man; saw the mediator of the new covenant stand with one hand in the hand of the Father and the other hand in the hand of the sinner and effect reconciliation; saw mercy and truth meet together, righteousness and peace kiss each other in Christ who reunited earth and heaven. Our Saviour is the medium through which God's message of love is communicated to sinful man; the only stairway by which man ascends to the stars. Nathaniel lost his fig-tree but his compensation was immeasurable — Heaven open; the angels of God; the Son of Man. Eeminiseences have their place; also their peril. Thej- may force us to face the wrong way, backwards. Jesus turned Nathaniel's face to the future. "No more should he live within the limits of a faith born of past experience, but in the unlimited latitudes of a faith born of a future hope." A Baylor graduate summered in Virginia. She heard over and over the names, Washington, Jefferson, Marshall, Madison, Monroe, lee, names with which to charm. She thought the people bound by the spell of the past- She sought to break that spell for those who would read and she wrote "The Tyranny of Heroes." Jesus did not discount. He commanded Nathaniel's jiast; but, oh, the hours to come were pregnant with the supremest good. Destiny depends on whether the best is behind you or is yet to be. "Dead leaves and feathers rot In last year's nests: The winged brood Elown thence, new dwellings plan; The serf of his own past is not a man. ' ' We have done now with the interpretation of the conversation of Jesus and Nathaniel and hasten to draw three lessons appropriate to these young men and women who in a few days quit these academic shades and scenes. First, there is some good in every one. Total depravity does not mean as bad as can b?, but poisoned through and through. None is utterly depraved. A pastoral experience of twenty years gives me assurance to say I have never known a human being devoid of all good. We are too prone to think evil; too reluctant to think well of people. Politicians whom the rash denounce as fiddling while the world burns; Sabbath-breakers who appear to fear not God nor regard their fellow-men; law-violators who obey only those laws which are convenient or profitable to them; worldlings who spend and dance and carouse as in the days before the flood; gam- blers who defraud without conscience and waste without remedy; opposers of the truth who deride religion and defame Christians — all of these, I say, are made of the same common stuff as ourselves and are proper objects of gospel address. Esiieeially is there likely to be good undetected by you in one with whom you may differ. Two men quarrelled in my city and parted, declaring they would speak never again. One was a business man; the other a shrewd lawyer whom the business man thought incapable of a noble impulse or a tender emotion. The city attorney, their mutual friend, an esteemed public official and devout Christian, died. The two men met at the funeral. As the remains were conveyed from the house of God the business man saw the lawyer wipe tears from his eyes. "What, he weeps! I never believed he had a heart. But ho had. Those are not crocodile tears. They are tears of sorrow over the dead, of sympathy for the living." Approaching the lawyer with extended hand, he said: "Let's be friends. Life is too short for hatred. You are a better man than I thought," And they were friends again. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 31 Second, the residuum of good responds to the kindly touch. Love is the hammer that breaks the heart of stone- Kindness is the deed that kills enmity. Eemember Androcles and tlie l.'inie lion. By those woai)ons— tender and spiritual— Christ has won His way over mountains and seas of opposition. By them we are to bring all people under glad obedience to His sway. "Down in the human heart, crushed by the tempter, Feelings lie buried that Grace can restore; Touched by a. loving word, wakened by kiiidness. Cords that were broken will vibrate ouee more." The chief executive of a state east of the Mississippi outraged the moral sense of the best i)eople of the commonwealth. He got started wrong on one moral issue and went wrong on all. He retired from office most cordially disliked by the ministers and des- pised by laymen. From bad he went to worse and ended in a city jail- A Presbyterian minister, moved with comp:;ssion, wrote the troubled, disgraced man a note expressive of sympathy, interest, and prayers. That note opened a fountain in the prisoner's soul, hitherto sealed. Till then, he did not believe there was a minister in the world who cared for him. At least one felt for his family, wanted to help, and hoped for him. . He replied in a letter stained with tears of gratitude. He would yet be a man. He would apjireciate a visit if the preacher did not think him fallen too low. The pastor visited him in prison, told him of the redemption in Christ, cited the conversion, call, and consecration of Paul, and bade the desperate man look up and hope. He looked up and was saved. Thence began a career of undoing the things he had done. No man on this continent surpassed him in the logic he hurled against the legalized liquor traffic. We may all well cultivate the spirit of that Presbyterian minister. "There are spots that bear no flowers, Not because the soil is bad; But no summer 's genial showers Ever make their bosoms glad. Better have an act that 's kindly Sometimes treated with disdain. Than by judging others blindly Doom the innocent to pain. ' ' The third lesson is: always look for the best. I am greatly concerned that you young l^eople shall take the right attitude towards life. Your happiness and usefulness, in large measure, will be decided by your attitude. Eemember Androcles and the lame lion. Let me remind you of two literary characters, with whom your recent studies have made you familiar, and adnioni'sh you by the contrast to take the cheerful view of life. Edgar Allan Poe was master of the technique of verse and excelled all English writers since Milton in both the. great forms of expression, prose and poetry. Tennyson ranks him with Catullus, the most melodious of the Latins, and Heine, the most tuneful of the Germans. Poe had a fatal faculty for fault-finding that alienated friends, em- bittered opponents, and colored all his literary criticism. An idolater of ambition, blinded by self-coneeit to his own mistakes, he could see little good in contemporary writings. Longfellow, he stigmatized a jilagiarist, Hawthorne, a literary robber, Bryant, mostly, a fool, Emerson, an imitator, and Carlyle, an ass. Poor Poe, he mistook his vial of prussic acid for his inkstand. His attitude was wrong — wrong towards his fellowman and towards God. Thus his life was unhappy and his death miserable. He saw his beautiful Annabelle Lee starve and die on a bed of straw in Eichmond. His rancorous denunciation broke up every friendship. He became a wanderer in Philadelphia, New York, and Baltimore. Clad as a beggar in soiled and tattered garments he was found unconscious in a place of disreputable resort and taken to a hospital where he expired after uttering, "Lord, help my poor soul." In all his life there is no other record of- God 's existence. Thou child of genius, thou pampered youth, thou spoiled of women, we trust the Christ who heard the penitent's cry on the cross, heard thy last and only prayer and granted thee mercy. How we wish that through thy brief and brilliant life, 32 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE beside which ever sat a demon that snatched the cup of happiness from thy hand when thou wast about to drink, thou hadst known the grace of Him who revealed the father- heart of God and saw good even in bigoted Xathaniel. Contrast with Poe that other poet born and reared under southern skies — Sidney Lanier, tlie poetical musician. Both lives were short and pathetic. Poe died at forty, after a fruitless battle with drink and opium. Lanier died at thirty-nine, after a hope- less battle with consumption. How beautiful Lanier's attitude towards life! Found starved and frozen in the hold of a ship and fed and warmed to life, he asked for his flute and soon a yell of joy came up from the shivering soldiers down below as the liquid music of color, warmth, and hope told them their comrade was alive. Prom the plains of Texas, in search of health, he wrote his wife: "I have a steadfast firmament of blue, in which all clouds soon dissolve." Poe's dominant note was sadness; Lanier's joy. Poe was enveloped in cloud and gloom; Lanier breathed a joyful and hopeful air. Poe for- gave no mistakes in another, and saw no beauty in Christ that he should desire Him; Lanier, in lines incisive with interpretation and luminous with thought, forgave the faults of those from Buddha to Tennyson and presents the picture of Him whom Nathaniel called the Son of God. "But Thee, but Thee, sovereign Seer of time, But Thee, O poet's Poet, Wisdom's Tongue, But Thee, O man 's best Man, O love 's best Love, O perfect life in perfect labor writ, all men's Comrade, Servant, King, or Priest, — What if or yet, what mole, what flaw, what lapse, What least defect or shadow of defect. What rumor, tattled by ."ai enemy. Of inference loose, what lack of grace. Even in torture 's grasp, or sleep 's, or death 's, — Oh, what ainiss may I forgive in Thee, Jesus, good Paragon, thou Crystal Christ*?" Because Lanier saw the best, conceived life as joyful duty, believed in the beauty of holiness and the holiness of beauty, HE could dictate ' ' Sunrise ' ' with a raging fever of 104 degrees and WE can read every line he wrote without u blush. My closing thought is about our Alma Mater. How grandly her history illustrates my text and theme. When this vast domain of the West was the hunting-ground of Indians, the rendezvous of desperadoes, and the pasture-land of the buffalo, William Tryon and E. E. B. Baylor, men who in honor preferred each the other, saw a Christian college in a sovereign state. Rufus C. Burleson knelt upon the sands of Galveston when he landed from Alabama and prayed, "Oh God, give mo Texas for Jesus or I die!" On the walla of the old chapel — the memories of which would overwhelm me did I give them play — he inscribed "Pro Ecclesia, pro Texana." He saw buildings that were not, and heralded them in the catalog. B. H. Carroll, facile princeps inter jinres, saw in the raw young preachers of Baylor the material for a, great school of the Prophets and the leaders of a strong evangelical and evangelistic denomination. What they saw in vision we behold in reality. The institution they founded or fostered lias been functioning for Christ for seventy-five years. What Christ did for Nathaniel, Baylor has done for thousands of crude and ignorant young men and women. She has been another Michael Angelo seeing the buried glory of art in the unsightly mass of stone and with mallet and chisel carving a beautiful angel. She saw in a green, gawky, blue-eyed East-Texas boy an erudite scholar, apt teacher, and forceful preacher, and behold John S. Tanner. She saw in a large, full-grown, backward, laboring man, a versatile speaker, sagacious statesman, and able administrator, and behold S. P. Brooks. She saw in an earnest, poor, young school-teacher a devoted pastor, valiant leader, and peerless preacher, and behold George W. Truott. If she has done less for the rest of us, it is only because the material was less promising or the response less com|)lctc. She has largely made us what we are. She will endure while time lasts. Until Christ comes the second time without sin unto salvation, she will fulfill her mission of making redeemed, world-visioned Christian manhood and womanhood. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 35 EUFUS W. WEAVER, D.D., LL.D. Distinguished preacher and editor} President of Mercer ITniversitj'. 34 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE HISTORICAL ADDRESS— THE FOUNDERS OF BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Delivered by the Rev. Rufus W. Weaver, D.D., on Sunday Evening, June the Thirteenth. The historical address of the Rev. Rufus W. Weaver, D.D., President of Mercer University, Macon, Georgia, was heard with profound attention by a large audience assembled in the spacious auditorium of the First Baptist Church on Sunday evening, June 13th. Dr. Weaver is eminently fitted by training, by temperament, by experience, and, most happily, by his present connection with Georgia's historic college, to tell the story of those Baptist missionaries who came to Texas in the stirring days of the Republic and in 1845 founded Baylor University. It was William Tryon, an alumnus of Mercer University, who first conceived the idea of an institution of higher learning to be established under Baptist auspices in the young and struggling Republic of Texas. The actual founding of Baylor University at Independence was the work, mainly, of two men, William Tryon and R. E. B. Baylor. The circumstances of its naming, long since familiar to the sons and daughters of Baylor, furnish a remarkable commentary upon the conception of service held by the fathers of Baylor, who, in honor preferring one another, labored only for the glory of God and the salvation of their people. Dr. Weaver's manuscript, based upon extensive research, gives a vivid account of the vicissitudes of missionary service on the frontier in the early 'forties and, more especially, of the career, of William Tryon. The text is printed in full in the following pages: "1 sent you to reap that whereon j'e hiive not labored. Others' li'ave labored and ye are entered into their labor." (John 4:38.) As the chosen representative of Morcer TTniversity, and as the Superintendent of Chris- tian Education in the State of Georgia, 1 bring to this congregation so closely identified with Baylor University, and to the friends and former students of the institution who have gathered here, the hearty congratulations of the Baptists of your sister state. We recognize that Texas has the largest area of any commonwealth west of the ia:ississippi River, and with becoming modesty we call your attention to the fact that Georgia has the largest area of any commonwealth east of the Mississippi River. We naturally expect- to find in these two great southern states a large Baptist membership. The figures cannot be given accurately because we are growing so fast that a daily report would be necessary' to tell how many we are. Four years ago you had in Texas 6.52,056 Baptists, and at the same time we l»ad in Georgia 731,842 Baptists. Today we have in my adopted state nearly one-tenth of all the Baptists of the world, over three-quarters of a million. Four hundred thousand of these are of the shouting \-ariety with dark complexion, and over 350,000 of them are Scotch-Irish in descent, and Calvinistic in doctrine, now co-operating for the extension of our Baptist faith as never before in our history. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 35 In Hallowed Remembrance of William M. Try on The Spiritual Foundei of Baylor University this page is inscribed S6 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE The people of Georgia are bound to the people of Texas by many sacred memories and hallowed associations. The men who were massacred at Goliad under the gallant Colonel Fannin were Georgians who had come to Texas to fight for the liberties of your people. President Mirabeau B. Lamar, who shares with Gen. Sam Houston the glory of your inde- pendence, and who became the second president of the Texas Republic, was also a Geor- gian. In 1915 the Governor of your State declared that there were living within the bounds of Texas 800,000 people who either had come from Georgia or who had descended from parents who had come from Georgia. We feel that we have an equity of at least twenty per cent in every Texas celebration. Mercer University has given to Texas at least one Governor, K. B. Hubbard, of illustri- ous memory; also your most distinguished scholar in tlie realm of church* history. Professor A. H. Newman, while the State of Georgia boasts that on her soil and in the historic town of Milledgeville, then the state capital, was born Baylor University's greatest President, Samuel Palmer Brooks. In referring to Mercer University I should have included the name of Dr. J. B. Gambrell, who took a postgraduate course at Mercer University as presi- aent of the institution, and his friends fully recognize the fact that from the time that he completed that course a new era of denominational usefulness for him began. Dr. George W. Truett, whose name is intimately associated with Baylor University, entered upon his educational career as the principal of Hiawassee Institute in Towns County, Georgia, and his experience as the head of this school led him to appreciate the need of thorough college education which he acquired at Baylor University. And what shall 1 more say, for the time will fail me if 1 tell of Brown, of Chandler, of Chase, of Davant, of Dyer, of Everett, of Ivey, of Maxwell, of MoConnell, of Smith, of Spalding, of Vaughan, all graduates of Mercer University, who chose Texas for their field of labor. Many scores of Georgia preachers have helped you to evangelize and to baptisticize this great commonwealth. The name of President Eufus C. Burleson is associated with the early history of Baylor University and with the institution which for many years bore the name of Waco Univer- sity, the two being united under his administration as Bajlor University at Waco. No man in Texas Ba^jtist history was in a better position to inform us regarding the founders of Baylor University. I quote from an article written by Dr. Burleson in the American Baptist Register for 1851. Referring to Baylor University he says: "This institution is under the control of the Texas Baptist Convention, its affairs being directed by the Board of Trustees elected by that body. It was originated chiefly through the instrumentality of the lamented William Tryon, one of the earliest missionaries to Texas. It bears the name of the Hon. and Rev. R. E. B. Baylor, formerly a Congressman from Alabama, and for many years an eloquent Baptist preacher, a distinguished judge, and a very liberal supporter of the institution. The financial affairs have been and are conducted by Rev. James Huckins with great ability and untiring energy. ' ' In this brief statement three names are brought together to whom must be rightfully given the credit for the establishment of this splendid institution. Dr. Burleson declares that William M. Tryon was the chief instrumentality. During the past year I have devoted considerable time to the study of original documents relative to William M. Tryon. Dr. Eby in his book on "Christianity and Education," a work which I cannot too highly commend, says in speaking of the Texas Union Baptist Association which inaugurated the movement to found a Baptist institution. ' ' The three leading spirits in that body were William M. Tryon, a native of New York; Rev. James Huckins, a native of New Hamp-. shire; and the Hon. R. E. B. Baylor, a native of Kentucky, eminent as a U. 8. Congress- man, as a learned' jurist and Baptist preacher. ' ' The statement which is historically true would imply that these three men coming from different states met in Texas and decided to establish this institution. Many a historical statement accurate in every detail fails to give the background, social currents, and creative ideas which make possible the historic event. In the search for truth, these merit consideration. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 37 Who was W. M. Tryon? Why is he recognized as the chief agency in founding Baylor University? Where did he gain the coiiception, and how was he inspired to plan the insti- tution whose charter he wrote and over whose board of trustees he presided! Answers to these inquiries bring into our survey another state, another institution, and u, new and illuminating setting. The inspiration which led to the organization of Southern Baptists may be traced' to Luther Rice, seeking to band the Baptists together on this continent for the support of the foreign mission enterprise. His labors were apostolic. He traveled far and wide. Much of his ministry was spent in the South Atlantic States. He found in these states men like Furman, Mercer and Sherwood, ready to carry out his plans and to further his program. The organized life of the Baptists of Georgia dates back to a period less than one hundred and fifty years ago. Their development during the early decades of the nine- teenth century was rapid and thorough-going. Plans for a college were considered before any institution under Baptist auspices had been created in any other southern state. Fearing competition with the State University, the Georgia Legislature refused the Bap- tists of the state a charter for their school. In 1818 there came a frail young man named Sherwood, born in New York, a graduate of Union College, aud a student of Andover Theological Seminary, studying Hebrew under the celebrated Moses Stuart. The name of Jesse Mercer, like that of R. B. B. Baylor in Texas, is associated with various enterprises in Georgia, but the organizing mind, the inspiring agency, the real executive who planned, was Adiel Sherwood, the founder of the Georgia Baptist Convention, of Mercer University, the first professor of sacred literature in Mercer University, and the protagonist of Christian education throughout the South. Adiel Sherwood introduced the resolution which led to the founding of Mercer Institute at Penfield, Ga., a school in which manual labor, theological instruction, and classical training were combined. It was named for Jesse Mercer upon practically the same ground that this institution was named for Judge Baylor. Jesse Mercer had married the widow of a very rich Jew named Captain Simons. He was in a position to give more largely than any other of its friends. Though born in North Carolina he was recognized as the foremost Baptist preacher of the state, and was accepted as the Baptist leader of Georgia. Jesse Mercer was deeply interested in the academy which bore his name. The following is an extract of a letter written by him to Dr. Brantley, who was then editing the Chris- tian Index in Philadelphia: "Washington, Ga., February 13, 1883. Brother Brantley: I attended the meeting of the Board of our Convention at the Mercer Institute on the 5th inst. It will be pleasing to some of your readers to hear how the school has commenced. It was opened on the second Monday in January with twenty-two pupils, but when we were assembled with it there were over thirty (thirty was the number of limitation for the first term), but the pressing applications were likely to make it several over. We admitted two beneficiaries of good commendation and promise in addition to those on account previously. One of these was a young Brother Tryon, under license from the church in Augusta, late from New York, well spoken of for piety and talent. ' ' This is the first record which Baptist history gives us of Wm. M. Tryon, who may be justly called the founder of Baylor University. There were five beneficiaries during this first year of the Institute. Fifteen years later three of them were dead, among them ' ' Elder W. M. Tryon. ' ' At the first meeting he made a favorable impression upon Jesse Mercer: "Good commendation and promise; well spoken of for piety and talent." William M. Tryon remained as a student at Mercer Institute for nearly four years, aud retained an association with the Institute even after it became Mercer University. Dur- ing this period he was given the aid then bestowed upon ministerial beneficiaries. He was a man of pleasing address, untiring energy, and highly appreciative of the value of Christian education. Adiel Sherwood, who loved with Paul-like tenderness the younger 38 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE inen in the ministry, selected W. M. Tryon during 1837 to present the pressing financial needs of Columbian College, founded by Tjuther Kice in "Washington, D. C. Adiel Sher- wood resigned from the faculty of Mercer University to give himself to the saving of this important institution, and the two men whom he chose to aid him in the southern states were William J. Harlee and William M. Tryon. The year 1837 is a significant year in the history of Southern Baptists. Mercer Insti- tute became Mercer University, giving three years of academic work and the first two yeats of the college course. One hundred thousand dollars was secured for buildings and endowment. Adiel Sherwood, assisted by Brethren Tryon and Harlee, announced that he had raised sufficient money to pay the entire indebtedness upon Columbian College. At the beginning of this year in publishing the engagement of William M. Tryon to represent this institution in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, Dr. Sherwood commends him "to the kind regards of the friends of literature with whom he may sojourn not only as an agent as above, bv.t as a good minister of Jesus Christ." During this same year William Carey Crane, President of Baylor University from 1862 to 1885, came to Georgia to enter upon his teaching career as co-principal of the Classical School at Talbotton, Ga. He was one of the best equipped men in our state, having re- ceived both his A. B. and A. M. degrees at Columbian College. He pursued literary and theological studies for three and one-half years in Madison University and the Theological Seminary at Hamilton, New York. Among his instructors were Thomas J. Conant, Asahel C. Kendrick and Barnas Sears. Immediately upon his arrival in Georgia he began to write for the Christian Index, the general subject being "Collegiate education as bearing upon Baptist influence." He expressed himself with heroic frankness regarding the conflict which then was raging in Georgia between the jjrogressive element which favored mis- sions, education and Sunday Schools, and the anti-effort movement represented by the old school Baptists who were then in the majority. He says, "The prejudices which are found in this state chiefly against the benevolent schemes of today whose aim is the evangelizing of the world are not the only causes of painful reflection when considering the condition of our denomination. This can be traced to the character and the influence of the ministers; where the minister is illiterate, bigoted and ignorant, there the people are illiterate, bigoted and ignorant." The independence of Texas was won in 1836. A year later a meeting was held in Hous- ton, Texas, to consider the chaotic religious condition which then existed, the Eepublic being over-run by ministers from the United States who may not have been "run out" but whose record must have been sadly out of harmony with their profession. There were many claiming to be ministers whose lives were so dissipajted, so profane, so licentious, that this company of ministers meeting in Houston. Texas, organized the Ecclesiastical Committee of Vigilance for Texas. During this year the tide of emigrants from the United States set in towards Texas. Thousands were pouring in from the States. A news note from Little Eock, Arkansas, in describing this influx of emigrants, says: "The majority of them appear to be men of intelligence and wealth." The years between 1838 and 1840 were spent by Rev. Wm. Tryon largely in Alabama, where for awhile he served as pastor of the church at Irvi^iton, and much of his time was devoted to visiting far and wide the Baptist churches of Alabama and Georgia. The American Baptist Home Mission Society, in view of the increasing attention given to t}\e abolition of slavery, found it necessary to send into the southern states financial agents who were out of sympathy with the abolition views. .of the majority of northern Baptipts. The man who was selected for work in Georgia was Rev. J. E. Huckins, as Eby indicates, a native of New Hampshire, and a man of some education. He entered upon his visitation of the churches in Georgia, commended through theOhristian Index by Jesse Mercer on the basis of his bearing letters of recommendation from brethren whom Jesse Mercer knew and loved, and des.-ribed as "a brother oif good preacjhing talent and asso- ciated with the South in regard to the fanatical principles of northern abolitionism." He probably came to Georgia in 1838. His stay in Georgia must have covered about two BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 39 years. Apparently he was engaged as financial agent at the time that he was requested by the American Baptist Home Mission Society to become their missionary to Texas. On November 2, 1839, J. R. Huckins, writing from Washington, Georgia, thanks the Baptists of the state for their treatment of him during his stay, and commends them for their great liberality to the cause of Home Missions, and for the Christian hospitality and kindness which they have uniformly bestowed upon him. In January of the year following he writes of the beginning of his work at Gaheston, where soon after his arrival he baptized a prominent citizen, Gail Borden, and wife. On November 24, 1841, Hucluns attended the Union Baptist Association three miles east of Eutterville. There was formed a Texas Home Mission Society, auxiliary to the American Baptist Home Mission Society, and a Texas Baptist Education Society with a view of establishing an academic and theological institution. Just six months before Huckins had organized the First Baptist Church of Houston with sixteen members, and soon after led in the organization of the Union Association with three churches, the pastors of which were Cox, Baylor and Davis. There is no material extant which throws light upon the reasons that led William Jl. Tryon to be selected for the work in Texas. Huckins and Trvon no doubt were frequently thrown together, one raising funds for Home Missions and the other for Christian Educa- tion. Tryon was the outstanding figure in the little group of ministers trained at Mercer Instiiute. He had the intellectual equipment, the practical missionary training, and the denominational outlook which fitted him to become the interpreter of our Baptist faith and the leader of our Baptist cause in the Republic of Texas. The spirit of Adiel Sher- wood, scholar, seer, creator of denominational institutions, dwelt in his student W. M. Tryon: Everywhere this young man went, he made his argument for Christian Education and for the institutions for which he was appealing, Mercer Institute, Columbian College, and the Southern Baptist College, which later merged into Mercer University. Whatever may have been the cause for his going to Texas, we find that W. M. Tryon arrived in Washington County in February, 1841. The town was then six years old. Five years before, the declaration of Texan independence was drawn up by Texans assembled at this place. The Baptist church was soon after the arrival of Tryon reorganized and a revival begun. He tells of the immersion of twenty-four at a very impressive service held after night, the beautiful river reflecting the silvery rays of the full moon, the stillness of the night, interrupted only by strains of sacred melody, echoed by the dark forest, and borne far upon the bosom of the winding waters. He writes back to the President of Mercer University, saying: "The Lord is still pouring out His spirit ujion Texas," and recites the unusual conditions relating to the establishing of the Baptist church at Milam, Texas. Huckins tells of a wonderful revival in Washington led by Brethren Tryon and Baylor, continuing for an extended period, during the time of which "every kind of business was laid aside, vice left the place and the whole population were to be found in the house of prayer crying for mercy. Some of the most desperate men in theconntrj' were there before God pleading for pardon." Toward the close of 1841 Tryon settles the ciuestion which he had been very seriously considering of making Texas his permanent home and devoting his life to the upbuilding of our Baptist cause in the young republic. Dr. Benjamin M. Hill, Corresponding Secretary of the American Baptist Home Mission Society, made this year the following announce- ment: "Brother William M. Tryon, our missionary in Texas, has decided, the Lord willing, to settle permanently in that republic. It is necessary, however, in making the arrange- ment for that purpose to spend a few weeks in Alabama where he formerly resided. During that period he will act as circumstances will permit as our agent in Alabama and Georgia. Our brethren and friends there will undoubtedly receive him with open arms. Early the following year W. M. Tryon rJBturns to Texas. He writes from New Orleans January 7, 1842, to the editor of the Christian Index: "Brother Stokes: Today, the Lord willing, I leave by the steamship Neptune for Galveston, Texas, with the expectation of 40 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE there s]ieuding the remainder of my days. I have not taken this step without many struggles. It is difficult to leave friends, more difficult to leave those who are not only friends but Christian friends, still more difficult, as you are no doubt aware, to leave brethren in the ministry with whom you have labored. Yes, my native land, I leave thee, all the scenes I love so well, friends, connections, happy country." Eeturning to his work which had for its center Washington, Texas, Tryon writes on Aug'.'.st 7, 1842: " Notwithstai^ding the commotions which have of late so much distracted this republic, 1 am happy in being permitted to transmit another report of an uninter- rupted quarter of ministerial labor, and am pleased to have it in my power to communicate th-it the feverish state of the public mind which has operated so deleteriously to the religious interest of this country is cooling off, and has ceased to exert its enervating influence upon our public assemblies for worship which are now as numerous and in some instances marked by as deep seriousness as upon last year. "Among those whom I have recently baptized is Eli Mercer, cousin of the late Jesse Mercer, and son of the late Thomas Mercer, who closed his ministerial labors in Missis- sippi. With the exception of Brother Buffington, the missionary of our society, we have not one efficient Baptist minister who devotes himself exclusively to the work of the ministry in all Eastern Texas. ' ' Oh, let the mission in which I am engaged, and the feeble instrument who enjoys a place among the laborers of the Home Mission Society in this republic share in your prayers and in those of all the people of God. ' ' The reference to the death of Jesse Mercer, whom Tryon knew and loved so tenderly, calls to mind the fact that in his will he left $2500.00 for the American Baptist Homo Mission Societj' to l)o used for their oiierations in Texas. I doubt not that during this eventful year the support of Brethren Tryon, Huckins and Buffington came from the legacy of Jesse Mercer. Following the organization of Baylor University at Independence, Texas, in 1845, our Georgia records re^■eal little relative to the work of W. M. Tryon. A tract which has come into my hands entitled, ' ' A Profitable Permanent Investment, ' ' written by Mr. J. N. Eayzor, tells of an appeal written by William M. Tryon for more missionaries in Texas. A copy of this appeal fell into the hands of a young ministerial student who was on the eve of graduation at Covington, Kentucky, and when he read it he raised his eyes heavenward and exclaimed: "This day I consecrate my life to Texas!" After his graduation he applied for work in Texas and was sent as a missionary pastor to Gonzales, but before reaching Texas this station had been supplied, and the beloved William Tryon had fallen a, victim of yellow fever at Houston, and had gone home to his reward. When this young missionary, then twenty-four years of age, stepped off an ocean steamer at Galveston in 1848, he knelt upon the sands of the seashore and exclaimed: "Oh, God, give me Texas for Jesus ere I die!" Thus there came to this imperial commonwealth Rufus G. Burleson to take up the work which William M. Tryon had laid down, to become the distinguished President of Baylor University, and to develop this institution until it is now recognized as the greatest and the best of its type supported by Southern Baptists. The mantle of William Tryon fell upon E. C. Burleson. In 1851 the American Baptist Register contained an account of conditions in Georgia written by Billington M. Sanders, the first president of Mercer University, in which the following statement is made: "Among the first pupils of Mercer University were five young ]nen preiiaring for the ministry, four of them beneficiaries. All of them have since been eminently useful in their respective fields of labor. Three of them have already entered into rest, among whom is numbered Elder W. M. Tryon, the lamented late ErBSi-< I dent of the Baptist Convention of the State of Texas." .:iO .Rigio'O The points of contact between Baylor University and Mercer Uniy ergity uilsfet myi;hy;l'HMlil extend over a period of three quarters of a century. The man ( itIoTwiibin t niore' tfia'£iTiCiiy>T. other the credit for founding this institution mustbel gi^.ei!ili*ffl9iai lstnd!fat''wl!i'6''St)e!ii1iSfbt'|i"'' BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 41 years of study and gav« another year to the presentation of the claims of Mercer Insti- tute merging into Mercer University. Your distinguished president, Dr. Broolis, born within thirty-five miles of Mercer University, recently told me that the planning of his sainted mother centered about his attending Mercer University, and had he not come from Georgia to Texas he would have been a student in Mercer University. In presenting the congratulations of Mercer University, have I not the historic founda- tion for giving to you, not the good wishes of a sister institution, but the love and the benediction of a mother? Is it not true that in a very real sense Baylor University is a daughter of Mercer University? Dr. Burleson, who knew perhaps better than anyone else, was firmly convinced regarding W. M. Tryon being the moving force in creating this institution. How often did he tell the story of the writing of the charter, every word of which was penned by W. M. Tryon, and when read by Judge Baylor was approved without a single change. When Judge Baylor suggested that the blank which remained to be filled in with the name of the institution should be Tryon, and that the institution should be called Tryon University, this young man with true Mercerian modesty said, ' ' No, let us call it Baylor University." As Adiel Sherwood hid himself behind Jesse Mercer in Georgia, so W. M. Tryon hid himself behind E. E. B. Baylor. We need to be reminded now of the words of the Master, "Others have labored, and ye are entered into their labors. ' ' One obligation rests upon the generations that enjoy the benefits of the sacrifices of those who have gone before — to cherish the memory of those who labored and to make a record of their sacrifices and their achievements. May I give to you the reasons for believing that W. M. Tryon really made possible Baylor University in 1845, and that Judge Baylor and Eev. J. B. Huckins must assume the relation of faithful lieutenants co-operating in a whole-hearted way? When James E. Huckins reached Texas, he had come from a state in which an enthusi- astic and successful campaign had just been consummated, in which over $100,000.00 had been raised for the establishing of a Baptist school of college grade which now bears the name of Mercer University. At the same time there was being carried on in that state a successful campaign for Columbian College. The Baptist leaders throughout Georgia were discussing education more than any other subject, and the people were giving to education with a generosity that they did not show to any other cause. The progressive Baptists of Georgia in 1836-37 set themselves deliberately to the overthrow of ignorance in the Baptist pulpits of the state. Mr. Huckins became convinced regarding the necessity of an institution of college grade as an essential factor in the development of the Baptist cause. Therefore he kd at once upon his arrival here in the organization of a domestic Mission Society and an Education Society. When W. M. Tryon reached Texas, his work was largely evangelistic and missionary; but for seven years he had been a student in a Baptist school or engaged in making speeches and raising money for Baptist schools. He probably was the leading protagonist of Christian Education among the younger men in the South.. He had made his reputation in three states as the champion of our Baptist schools. He was familiar with their organ- izations, with their curricula, and with the advantages that came to the denomination through their establishment. 1 believe that the spirit of Tryon permeated the Baptists of Texas in 1845 and strengthened their hands to lay the foundation of this great in- stitution. W. M. Tryon was a modest man. He declined to have this institution named for him. Dr. Benedict in his history says that Brother Tryon furnished more available historical data regarding Texas than he had received from all other sources combined, but there is practically nothing in the report that Tryon made regarding himself. He was a man of poetry and sentiment. These qualities appear in the letters which he wrote to his friends in Georgia. He was a courageous and industrious worker in the vineyard of his Master. He took long and perilous journeys. He faced fearlessly desperate men, and he preached everywhere the Gospel with power, 42 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE ■ No man can esca^ie the influence of a purpose which for an extended period has dom- inated his thinldng and his activities. The educational enterprise had had ascendency in the mind of W. ii. Tryon for years, and wlien he came to Texas it was only natural that all of his splendid powers should have been directed toward the establishing in Texas of an institution similar to the one which he called his Alma Mater, to whose president he frequently wrote, and to whose Missionary Society he sent this message: "When you pray for Burmah do not forget Texas. We need twenty missionaries at once, and I am praying that some of you may hear the call of Texas. ' ' I am not so much concerned about the men whose names are connected with institutions that live through the centuries as I am about those who made the .institutions possible, whose names are not so frequently heard, and whose work is so often forgotten. Adiel Sherwood touched the life of William Tryon and William Tryon touched the lives of the Texas Baptists in the early days of the republic, and Baylor University was born. 1 love to think as I review the Baptist miracle of the tweutieth century Avhich we call "The 75 Million (.'anipaigu, "' that Adiel Sherwood reached through William M. Tryon and Baylor Ijniversity to touch L. B. Scarborough and awoke in him the passion of the missionary and the educator; that the spirit of William j\r. Tryon,, Mercer's modest son, through Baylor University touched George. W. Truett and gave him }iower as he plead upon the steps of our National Capi'tol a few weeks ago for a League of Nations; that the spirit of William M. Tryon reaching through Baylor University is touching today the president of this institution, a son of Georgia, insiiiring him to build for the Southwest the Greater Baj'lor University which in all the departments of human knowledge shall link together the finest culture with the truest evangelistic fervor, and shall make the University the realization of the dream of the Bnptist patriots of Texas who, having won for themselves religious liberty, dedicated themselves to the task of evangelizing the world through rear- ing an institution from whose torch should shine forever the light that giveth liberty and thereby enlighteneth the world, the Light of the Gospel of the Son of God. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 43 EDWJN MARKHAM Dean of American Poets. Author of "The Man With the Hoe. JUDD MORTIMER LEWIS Tlie Poet Laureate of Texas; sweet sinaer of home and childhood. NICHOLAS VACHEL LINDSAY Remarkable lyrist; a pathfinder in the realm of literature. Author of "The Chinese Nightingale." HARRIET MONROE Editor of "Poetry;" poet of nature and of art. Author of the ' ' Columbian Ode. ' ' 44 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 1/1 THE BROWNING BENEFIT An AH Artists' Program by Visiting Poets and Literary Men and Women; Presentation of "Clasped Hands," the Gift of Miss Lillian Whiting, of New York: Carroll Chapel, Monday Morning, June the Fourteenth. Through the devoted efforts of Dr. A. J. Armstrong, head of the Depart- ment of English, the library of the University has been enriched by a large and valuable collection of books and other literary remains of Robert Browning. Among these is the wonderful portrait of the poet, executed by the poet's son, Robert Barrett Browning, and procured for the Univer- sity through the enterprise of Dr. Armstrong and the graduating class of 1919. The collection was further enriched in 1920 by the accession cf the original bronze cast of the Clasped Hands of Elizabeth Barrett and Rabert Browning, which was generously presented to the University by Miss Lillian Whiting of New York. Appropriate exercises had been planned for the presentation ceremony, which had been announced as an "All Artists' Benefit" for the Baylor Browning Collection. The occasion was rendered notable by the presence of four representative American poets — Mr. Edwin Markham, Mr. Vachel Lindsay, Mr. Judd Mortimer Lewis, and Miss Harriet Monroe — who gave freely of their art to a large and responsive audience. Mr. Lewis, known to millions as the "Poet Laureate of Texas," and well beloved wherever he is known, read several of his poems on childhood — that theme nearest his big father-heart. In "Little Human Blossoms" and "The Old Wash Place," Mr. Lewis brought tears to many eyes unac- customed to weep; then, in a twinkling, in "When a Feller's in Love," he exhibited the versatility of his art by an appeal of a very different kind. His tuneful poem, "Baylor: 1845-1920," will be found facing page — of this volume. Mr. Nicholas Vachel Lindsay, most active and original of American poets, chose as the vehicle for his unusual technique his brilliant phantasy, "The Chinese Nightingale." The weird Oriental melody of this remark- able composition, the uniqueness of its imagery, and the altogether inimit- able minstrelsy of the reader combined to produce an effect both subtle and profound. Miss Harriet Monroe, of Chicago, editor of Poetry and author of the Columbian Ode commemorating the opening of the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893, touched a responsive chord when she read selections from poems inspired by the advent of spring in the Carolina POETRAIT OF ROBERT BROWNING By Robert Barrett Browning — Presented to Baylor University by the Class of 1919. 46 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE mountains. Her dialogue sketch depicting Western Carolina "mountain- eer" traits was also fully appreciated by the audience. Miss Monroe's proficiency in the dialect was remarkable. Mr. Edwin Markham, known, through his "Man With the Hoe," wher- ever the English language is spoken, arid venerated as the dean of Ameri- can poets, read a number of his subtle quatrains and, in more sombre vein, "A Look Into the Gulf;" then several short poems inspired years ago by the childish gambols of his little son, Virgil, whom the now aged father described as an "abbreviated omnipresence." By special request of the audience "enforced" by President Brooks, Mr. Markham, with modest reluctance but with perfect good-nature, read his immortal "Man With the Hoe." Mr. Markham's wide and varied experience of the world-^ as lawyer, school-teacher, and blacksmith, it is rumored — animates his work with a natural human charm which "brings Parnassus down" to the level of a yearning and suffering world. His patriarchal appearance, relieved by the irrepressible twinkle of the jet-black eye, bespeaks a rich, ripe, and lovable personality. Upon the conclusion of the readings, Mr. Markham, representing the donor, Miss Whiting, who could not be present, formally presented the "Clapped Hands of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning" to President Brooks, who accepted the gift on behalf of the University. President Brooks in his response paid a generous tribute to the zeal of Dr. Arm- strong, whose untiring efforts had made this happy occasion possible. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 47 Ai[Y LOWELL Most scholarly of American poets; distinguished exponent of vers libre; author of "Sword Blades and Poppy Seed," "A Dome of Many-Colored Glass," "Men, Women and Ghosts," "Can Grande's Castle," etc. 48 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE LECTURE: VERS LIBRE AND IMAGISM By Miss Amy Lowell, English Lecture Rooms, Tuesday Afternoon, June the Fifteenth. On the afternoon of Tuesday, June 15th, at 3 o'clock, an eager audience thronged the commodious lecture-rooms of the Department of English to render homage to the genius of Miss Amy Lowell, the foremost American exponent of the "new poetry." Mr. Edwin Markham in presenting the speaker characterized her as the most scho'arly of American poets, and Miss Lowell ably sustained this reputation in the highly technical exposi- tion of the theory and method of poetics with which she favored her audi- ence. Miss Lowell enlivened her lecture with readings illustrative of the range, intensity, and daring of her genius. In all the poetic f jrms in which she has applied her talents — lyrics, images, narratives, and "polyphonic prose" — she has achieved remarkable effects. It may also be said that her skill as a reader is only less remarkable than the cleverness and ver- satility of her literary craftsmanship. In her choice of images Miss Lowell often hits upon an attribute which seems at first bizarre but which, upon close examination, reveals form or color with unexpected clearness and truth. Also her "word-craft" is quite extraordinary. This is as it should be, for what, asks Miss Lowell, is poetry but "created beauty?" Miss Lowell's literary method — let all Philistines make up their minds that she has one, and a rigorous one, too — does not deliberately reject conven- tions, but rather deliberately creates them. The function of poetry is not simply to "point a moral or adorn a tale." Vers libre and all the rest of her repertory^ (and more than one form may be used in a single compo- sition) are employed by Miss Lowell with the sole object of discovering the beauty which is Truth and the truth which is Beauty. This is what Miss Lowell means by "created beauty." In the form commonly known as vers libre, the poet constructs poems in "unrhymed cadences" based upon "organic rhythm" — i. e., the rhythm of the speaking voice — rather than upon some arbitrary metrical arrange- ment or theory. The added range affords opportunity to strike out, natur- ally and with ringing force, a phrase or image expressive of "white-hot emotion" "headed up" in the scul of the poet. Miss Lowell read, among other poems and "narratives" selected from her published work, "Patterns," "A Bather," "At the Cross Roads," and "Madonna of the Evening Flowers." The last named, which especially delighted the audience, and which many regard as Miss Lowell's most perfect technical creation, is reprinted here by the kind permission of the author: BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 49 MADONNA OF THE EVENING FLOWERS All day long I have been working, Now I am tired. I call: "Where are you?" But there is only the oak-tree rustling in the wind. The house is very quiet, The sun shines in on your books. On your scissors and thimble just put down. But you are not there. Suddenly I am lonely: Where are you? I go about searching. Then I see you. Standing under a spire of pale blue larkspur. With a basket of roses on your arm. You are cool, like silver. And you smile. I think the Canterbury bells are playing little tunes. You tell me that the peonies need spraying. That the columbines have overrun all bounds. That the pyrus japonica should be cut back and roupded. You tell me these things. But I look at you, heart of silver. White heart-flame of polished silver. Burning beneath the blue steeples of the larkspur, And I long to kneel instantly at your feet. While all about us peal the loud, sweet Te Deums of the Canterbury bells. Copyrighted by The Macmillan Co. 50 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE JOHN S. TANNER Beloved preacher and teaidicr; iiidcfal ij^ahle worker for Baylor. He lived and died in the way of service: his example inspires Baylor still. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 51 THE JOHN S. TANNER MEMORIAL EXERCISES Held at Oakwood Cemetery on Tuesday Morning, June IStli, at 9 O'clock. Of peculiar significance to an earlier generation of Baylor students were the exercises on the occasion of the unveiling of the John S. Tanner monu- ment. The energetic Christian character of this good man, the literally unconquerable zeal with which, as student, teacher, and preacher, he worked during the twelve years of his connection with the institution, have become a part of the rich tradition of Baylor University. Many of the former colleagues, students, and contemporaries of Professor Tanner, together with the surviving members of his family and numerous friends of the University, gathered in Oakwcod Cemetery in the early morning of June 15th to do honor to his memory. There, grouped about the marble shaft recently erected in grateful remembrance by the University, these devoted friends heard the story of John S. Tanner's life told in beau- tiful and appealing language by the Rev. W. B. Glass, D.D., now a mis- sionary to China, who as a student-pastor in Baylor University knew Dr. Tanner intimately and loved him well. The ceremonies were opened with the following prayer by President J. L. Ward, of Decatur College: We thank Thee, our Heavenly Father, that it is always our privilege to seek Thy presence and Thy blessing, and we thank Thee for this occasion which has brought us together to honor the memory of one who blessed the lives of so many of us present, and whose work continues, though he was called from the walks of life many years ago. We thank Thee for the life of John S. Tanner, an inspiration to every young man who came in touch with him while he lived, a blessing to all to whom he ministered and whom he taught, and we pray that those of us gathered here to pay tribute to his memory may receive new inspiration as we turn away from this sacred spot, this place of earth that contains his dust, to face the duties and problems which he faced and which he did so much to solve. Bless those who have in any way contributed to the erection of this monument that marks the resting-place of him who was the friend of all and an especial blessing to the young. Bless him who is to speak to us upon this occasion, who himself received inspiration from the life and teachings of the departed one and who has accomplished so much in a far- away land for the glory of God. Give to us all Thy presence and Thy blessing upon this occasion, we ask for Jesus' sake. Amen. President Brooks then said: My friends: As is known to you, and particularly those of you who are connected with the University, Dr. A. J. Armstrong has done much for our entertainment and for our cultural advantage and advancement. 52 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE He never knew John S. Tanner, and yet nobody works on the campus nor in the halls of Baylor without being influenced by John S. Tanner. Dr. Armstrong caught that incomparable spirit and sought to do honor to the memory of our good long-time friend who died so young. It was through his leadership and suggestion and by the recitations of our dis- tinguished visitors yesterday that this monument is made possible. We have the honor and the pleasure of having Professor Tanner's two brothers here; alsD here this morning are his children, two daughters and a son — the eldest daughter, a graduate of the University last year; the other, Mrs. Aura Steubing of Gonzales, with her little boy, and John S. Tanner, the son, who has completed his sophomore year in the institution this session. It is fitting that they be here, their mother and father alike having given their lives to a common cause. Mrs. Tanner, the mother of these Tanner children, lies buried in far-away Brazil. We have selected Dr. W. B. Glass of China, who lived in the home of Professor Tanner when a student, and who by chance is here attending the festivities at the University, to speak briefly in memory of our good friend whom we seek to honor today. Dr. W. B. Glass. Dr. Glass's remarks were as follows: It was with feelings of the deepest appreciation towards the authorities of the institution that I received the req[uest to speak upon this occasion. It is with feelings of the deepest emotion this morning that I come to speak of my dead friend and teacher. It has been my privilege in life to have had many teachers, and many great and good teachers, but I have never touched the life of any man who I believe has put the iron and blood in my own heart and life so much as the brief friendship and acquaintance that I had with Professor John S. Tanner. I think of him this morning, as I come to speak to you, first of all as one of the manliest men I ever knew. I shall never forget when in the autumn of 1897 I came to matriculate in Baylor University as a student, on Sunday afternoon before the matriculation on Monday morn- ing there was a rehgious service held in the old chapel. The students there gathered together for the purpose of an inspirational meeting to draw the new students out, especially into the religious life of the school. There a tall, pale-faced young man stood up whom I supposed to be a Freshman like myself and began to speak. He hadn't spoken many sentences until I saw that he was not a Freshman but perhaps a Senior, because he knew too much about the institution. I went away that afternoon without learning that he was not a student, until I was assigned to one of the professors the next morning for my matriculation and the making out of my schedule, and this same man was John S. Tanner, and I knew him from that time. He had the highest ideals of manhood. There was absolutely nothing small in all his thinking and his ideals. He seemed to me to do more to inspire young men to be real men than almost any other man I have ever known. I can only speak of this briefly. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 53 It was my privilege, also, as has already been said by Dr. Brooks, to know Professor Tanner in his home, and in speaking of him as a man I should like to mention briefly his family life. How beautiful it was ! And these little children as they were then, who stand here men and women today, I nursed in my lap many times. And Miss Aleph used to come out with her little silver cup when I was milking the cow and reach it through a crack of the fence and ask me for a cup of milk. I loved the child ; I love her still. I love her for her own sake and for her own ac^^omplishments, but I love her also for the memory of that sainted father. Oh, how he loved his children! There was no getting around the family discipline. If Aleph needed to go into the closet for a little private interview, she went. The discipline of the home was firm but, oh, how loving it was ! How the wife and how every one leaned upon that man ! Those of us who had the privilege of living in that home, how we looked to him for advice and counsel in everything! Perhaps the most outstanding thing in the life of Professor Tanner was his ability as a teacher. Now, students are always just students — I mean they are just pupils, and no matter how old a man or woman becomes, when they enter the class room as students, that same boyish spirit, you know, gets hold of them again, the desire to shirk a little bit, to get just as little off the teacher as possible and to let the teacher get just as little out of them as possible. There was one man in the institution under whom I think no student ever undertook to shirk his work more than one time. Stern? Yes. A great many of the students were afraid of him; and yet for those who came to know him, he was the most sympathetic, the most tender. I remember when I was going through the struggle to decide my call to the foreign mission field, I was greatly exercised, and it took me some days to reach a decision about that matter ; and during those days my school work was sadly neglected. I found it impossible to prepare my lessons. I didn't wish to say anything about it to anybody until the matter was settled in my own heart. Two days in succession Professor Tanner called upon me to recite and I failed. The second day he rebuked me severely before the class. When the class was dismissed he called me up by his desk and he said, "Look here. Glass, you haven't been doing me this way before and I am sorry to rebuke you before the class ; but if there is any- thing wrong now and there is' any excuse for this, I would like to know it, and if there isn't, then it is time for you to go to work." I couldn't keep my secret from him any longer. I sat down by the desk at his invitation and began to tell him about the struggle through which I was passing. He wasn't an emotional man, and yet when I told him that I supposed I would yield and that I must go to the foreign mission field, he reached out both of those great, brawny hands of his and took hold of my hand, and, with the tears streaming down his face, he said, "Thank God, I have prayed for it every day for two years." There was his sternness and there was his 54 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE sympathy and his love and his readiness to forgive. But there was no "fooling" with him as a teacher. Oh, how he made us work! The very best in effort, in ideals, in everything, he seemed to be iable to draw out, and even those who had little ambition for themselves — somehow he seemed to know how to put it into them and make them work. I come now to speak of him briefly as a minister of Jesus Christ. John S. Tanner was a great student of the Bible. He knew much about the Biblical languages, New Testament Greek and Hebrew and all of it, but I shall never forget or cease to be grateful for the course in English Bible that I had under Dr. Tanner. What an inspiration it was! In all of these years since those days, twelve of them spent in teaching the Old Testament in the Chinese language, I find myself going back almost at the preparation for every recitation to the notes that I took from John S. Tanner in that class-room as we studied under his direction with quite a number of these that I see before me today. I say I shall never — ^what- ever other attainments or information I may gather about the Old Testa- ment Department and use in my work in the theological seminary out yonder, I believe that the firmest foundation, the broadest principles, the truest principles of interpretation that I shall ever have, I received in the class-room under the instruction of our friend. Not only was he a great student of the Bible, but he was a great preacher. Oh, how I remember his sermons in the chapel ! How they inspired us ! His chapel talks were always sermons, brief, pointed, illuminating, inspiring. I have never for- gotten the last sermon he ever preached. It had come to pass that two or three of the students together with Dr. Tanner had been assigned to do the preaching in the University Chapel on Sunday evenings. On this special Sunday evening we were entering into a revival. The pastor, I believe, cf the First Baptist Church, was to conduct the revival but he could not be there that evening and some one else was to preach. I was in Professor Tanner's home. The question of who should speak had not been settled. He insisted that I go. In his presence I could never consent to do anything that it was possible for him to do. And I remember, as he finally consented to lead the service that night, we walked from his little home down on Seventh Street up through the back way to .the chapel as the students were there gathering for the service. He put his hand in my arm and he said, "Glass, isn't it a shame that two preachers, disciples of Jesus Christ, could sit quibbling for a half hour as we have been doing over who should preach ? Ought we not to esteem it the highest privilege to have an opportunity to speak a word for Jesus Christ?" And I shall never forget how he preached that evening in the chapel the last time that he ever lifted up his voice. I remember how his church members in East Waco, at Kerens, and at Hubbard City loved him. It was my privilege to preach for him in each of these places, several times at Hubbard City before and after his death, and I know how they loved him, it seemed, as almost no people could ever love a pastor ! How sympathetic, Jxow inspir- BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 55 ing, how untiring in his efforts for their best interest, to lead them out to do the great things in the Kingdom of God. He was a wonderful preach- er and a great pastor. One of the last things that Professor Tanner ever did in Baylor Univer- sity was to witness the organization of the foreign mission band. We didn't call it a volunteer band at first. Growing out of this meeting in which he preached his last sermon there came the organization of a band of volunteers for the foreign mission field. We had met in the old Bible class-room, just a little band, fourteen of us, I believe. After the formal organization had been completed, Professor Tanner, though not quite well at that time, was present in that meeting. When everything else had been attended to we called upon Professor Tanner to lead us in the closing prayer and I shall never forget how he prayed that day. After thanking God for leading these young men and young women to give their lives to the foreign mission cause, telling God how he had prayed and how he had striven to put these thoughts and these principles in their minds in the class-room; and then, as he stood there, his last sentence was, I think, if not exactly, in effect just this: "And now, oh,, God, my Heavenly Father, whether I live long or die soon, grant unto me that I shall live in the lives of these men and women." It was only a short time until our hearts were shocked as the telephone message came down to old Maggie Houston Hall saying that Professor Tanner was dead. A number of us hastened up to his home, and when the undertakers were through, quite a number, some of them here today, gathered in the room around the body of our friend; and that last prayer of that man came back with such tremendous force that we joined hands around his dead body and I called to mind this last prayer and said, "Men, it is up to us to answer that prayer." And there we bowed our heads and prayed that God would make us worthy of him who had so striven and given his life that he might put the stuff of man- hood and the highest ideals of the Christian preacher before us ever,. that we might live to fulfill those ideals and to do what God, in His wisdom and His mercy, had denied him the privilege of doing, to carry on his work in building the Kingdom cf God at home and to the uttermost parts of the earth. Again I say that it is with the deepest emotions and feelings of gratitude that I come to speak these words to the memory of him whom we all loved, every one who knew him; and I would pass that prayer on today. Time and time again it has come to me out yonder on the mission fields : "Oh, God, always help me to stand for the things that my friend and my teacher stood for." May God's blessing be upon all young people whom he loved, and enable us to live the life that he lived, for of him it could be said, perhaps as of few others, "For me to live is Christ." President Brooks, with evident emotion, then said: If I were to follow my feelings I would speak myself, but the time and the occasion do not allow. I had the honor to be asked to write the inscrip- tion for the monument, and I sought in a very few words to tell my 56 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE thoughts with respect to my good friend, John S. Tanner. I have asked Rev. R. E. Bell, who also lived in Professor Tanner's home at the same time with Brother Glass, who knew him- intimately and loved him much, to close these exercises in prayer. R. E. Bell, Pastor of the Church at Decatur. The prayer of Mr. Bell was conceived in these words : Our Heavenly Father: We thank Thee for the life and career of the man whose memory we honor today. We thank Thee that our lives were blessed by knowing him and that though dead, he yet speaketh, and that his spirit thrills cur hearts today. We thank Thee for the lessons of noble manhood, of consecrated, Christian living and heroic endeavor that we learned frcm him. We thank Thee for the blessings that come to us from every memory of his noble life, and as today we stand where his dust sleeps, we thank Thee again that for a few brief years Thou didst give us to know him and didst give him that power to bring Thy blessing into the hearts of men. And now, our Father, we pray that Thou wilt bless his children whom we love. May the Holy Spirit be their keeper and our in- spiration. We pray for Thy blessing upon the men and women who join here today in honoring his memory and who rejoice that they ever knew him. Let Thy blessings be upon us to make this another occasion on which we dedicate our lives afresh to the work to which this noble man gave his life, and let us honor him by carrying the flag that fell from his hands all too soon, carrying that banner on to the heights that he saw, that he dreamed about, and that he wanted to plant that banner on. Oh, our God, let us by this new memory — refreshed memory of that imperial manhood, of that unconquered will, except conquered by Thee; let us, our Father, catch afresh the spirit that made him great and go out anew to those battles that call so loudly today to real men and women. Forgive our sins and let Thy benediction abide upon every heart in this holy pres- ence and lead us on to Thy glory, for Christ's sake. Amen. The monument bears this inscription prepared by President Brooks, for some years a friend and colleague of Dr. Tanner: Erected by BAYLOR UNIVERSITY In Loving Memory of JOHN S. TANNER 1869-1901 Diligent Student, Profound Scholar, University Professor, Preacher of Righteousness, Christian Gentleman LOVER OF TRUTH He Lives Yet in Baylor University BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 57 58 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE FORWARD! I gazed upon the sepulchre of one Whose life was ended ere it well began, And as I gazed I thought of work begun — The common lot of struggling, erring man — Begun yet uncompleted: but anon There came to me the stirring words of hope, "Although the worker dies, the work goes on" — Saying of Luther's; neither Church nor Pope, Nor principalities, nor powers could daunt That stout defender of the human soul. The soldier, battle-wracked and bleeding, gaunt With stress of struggle, rallies to the goal And carries on. The sun shall never set While Joshua leads ; the cause must triumph yet ! H. T. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 59 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Addresses by Eoyston C. Crane, '84, and Richard A. Burleson, '90: Carroll Chapel, Tuesday Morning, June the Fifteenth. In the absence of the President of the Association, Mr. John B. Fisher, of Waco, who, because of illness, could not attend the meeting, the first vice-president, the Rev. H. C. Gleiss, of Detroit, Michigan, took the chair and called on the Rev. C. E. Maddry, D.D., of Austin, to lead the opening prayer. After the reading of the minutes of the last meeting and the transaction of other unfinished business, the Dean of the University pre- sented the Class of 1920 for formal induction into the Association. Representing the class, Mr. H. L. Hunt, of Decatur, spoke as follows : Ladies and Gentlemen of Baylor University Alumni Association: In behalf of the Class of 1920 we wish to express our appreciation of the fact that we have been allowed or rather that we have worked up the privilege of graduating at such a time in the history of Baylor University. For the past four years we have looked forward to this time as the greatest event of our lives and although, as Dean Spencer pointed out and as every other person present will state, naturally we think that our class is the best, we believe that we are also peculiarly fortunate in the fact that we have been allowed to graduate at this great period of Baylor's history. We believe that as a class we have a heritage that has not been given to other classes ; we have had the privilege of this year seeing the Class of 1920 get a grasp and a vision of what Baylor University is to be. Since the war we have seen Baylor's new program come forward. We believe, as we have gone through the past year and planned for the Jubilee which has materialized, that during this time we have got a vision of the Baylor of the future; and it is our purpose, Mr. President and ladies and gentlemen of the Alumni Association — for although we are young, we have cast aside the swaddling- clothes of our student days and are stepping out full-grown into the Alumni Association — it is our fixed purpose and foremost desire to make ourselves known as members of this organization; wherever you find a member of the Class of 1920 we hope that there you will find an individual that will be giving his best to this institution. As a unit we come to you; we are willing now to try to return to Baylor University what she has given to us; we have been receiving and now we wish to place ourselves in a posi- tion of giving. So, Mr. President, we come to you as a unit to fight and work for Baylor. I thank you. (Applause.) Upon the request of the chairman the Rev. L. R. Scarborough, D.D., responded with a brief speech of welcome in the following words: 60 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Mr. Chairman: It gives me pleasure, as the appointee of the president, to welcome this Class of 1920 into the work of this Association. I judge that this class enjoys the distinction of being the largest class Baylor has ever had. Of the nearly twenty thousand students who have gone out from Baylor you enjoy the further distinction of coming into the Alumni Association at the greatest hour in Baylor's history. You come in also, I judge, as mem- bers of the largest alumni association in Texas and in the Southwest. I judge that Baylor has the largest student-body and the largest alumni association of any institution in the Southwest; we all know that today is Baylor's greatest day up to now, and that it faces the greatest opportunity now that it has ever faced; so in behalf of the Association I welcome you to the greatest fellowship in intellectual and religious life there is in the Southwest. You are come to be loyal to all Baylor is and what Baylor stands for, and that covers the whole gamut of good. To be loyal to Baylor means to be loyal to all that is good and to all that makes for the uplift of humanity and, the glory of Gcd. And it gives me pleasure to appoint you, the youngest class of recent comers, into this glorious Association, whose blood runs hot and whose emotions are the most greatly stirred and whose life is the youngest and whose graduation comes nearest to Baylor's great day — I say, it gives me pleasure to appoint you to be the leaders, the vanguard, in making Baylor's coming day the greatest possible; a greater Baylor University for a greater Texas, a great- er world, and a greater Christianity. You are the vanguard to lead it in that great task ; may you live up to the responsibilities of your task and be worthy of all that Baylor has given you and all that Baylor offers you! (Applause.) The annual report of the treasurer of the Association and that of the Rufus C. Burleson Fellowship Committee were then presented to the Association. The chairman in presenting the speakers of the day, Messrs. Royston C. Crane, of Sweetwater, and Richard A. Burleson, of Dallas, referred happily to the memories of former days. His brother, he said, had studied with Judge Crane under the latter's father. Dr. William Carey Crane, the beloved president of Baylor University at Independence. The chairman himself had been a classmate of Mr. Richard A. ("Dick") Burleson and with him had sat at the feet of Mr. Burleson's father. Dr. Rufus C. Bur- leson. He therefore expressed the liveliest pleasure in introducing the two speakers invited to address the Association on this occasion. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 61 EOYSTON C. CRANE Graduate of Baylor University at Independence, 18S4; son of the late William Carey Crane, President of Baylor University. 62 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Thus announced, Mr. Crane delivered the following address:* Fellow-Alumni of Baylor University, Ladies and Gentlemen: When the charter of Baylor University was granted in February, 1845, Dr. Wm. Carey Crane had been pastor of the First Baptist Church in Montgomery, Ala., and was then pastor of the First Baptist Church in Columbus, Miss. Dr. Eufus C. Burleson, about ten years younger, was then teaching a school in the vicinity of Columbus, and preparing himself to attend the Western Baptist Theological Institute at Covington, Ky., which has been dead many years. They were good friends; and as Dr. Crane was already conceded to be a finished scholar and theologian. Dr. Burleson took satisfaction in the contact with him, as shown by letters in my possession. On June 8th, 1845, Dr. Crane preached the ordination sermon at Starkville, Miss., when Dr. Burleson was ordained to the ministry, and his name was then signed to Dr. Bur- leson's credentials that sent him forth as a minister of the Gospel. Then Dr. Burleson went away to school for n time, and their lives separated until they met again in Texas during the troublous days of the War between the States. From 1851 until 1861 Dr. Burleson had been President of Baylor University at Inde- pendence, and, through his great energy and power of organization in the field, had ad- vanced Baylor to the place where, at the beginning of the war, it was probably the largest and best, and best known school in the State. At least such have been frequently claimed to be the facts in the case. He was preceded in that position by Dr. Henry L. Graves, a graduate of the University of North Carolina and of the Hamilton Theological Seminary of New York, who was the first jiresident of the Texas Baptist State Convention, and who altogether occupied that place for sixteen years. At the beginning of 1861 Dr. Burleson was President of Baylor University at Independ- ence and Dr. Horace Clark was principal of the female department of that institution. The lowering clouds of war and the plight of a school -sought to be established there, now brought Waco on the scene. A few years before the War of Secession Trinity Baptist Association had caused to be chartered and located at Waco the Waco Classical School, and of this school Judge John C. West — still living here — became principal and resigned as such on January 21, 1861. His daughter, Decca Lamar West, in a. published historical sketch a few years since, stated that its doors were closed at the outbreali of the war. Dr. Burleson 's Life states that the trustees of the school on February 4; 1861, elected Dr. Burleson and his entire faculty at Baylor to come to Waco and take charge of this school; that Dr. Burleson came to Waco and conferred with its trustees on April 15, 1861, and that thereafter their resignations were tendered to the trustees of Baylor University in June, 1861. Baylor University was then under the direct auspices of the Texas Baptist State Con- vention, and its trustees were under the control of the Texas Baptist Educational Society, an adjunct of that Convention. The charter of Waco Classical School provided that it should be under the patronage of Trinity Baptist Afsociation. And Trinity Bajitist Association was'evidently in affiliation with the Texas Bajitist State Convention, as that Convention met at Waco in- 1859 and 1862, Dr. Burleson being elected vice-president of it at its session at Waco in 1862. Following the resignation of Dr. Burleson and the entire teaching force of the school, Dr. George W. Baines was elected President of Baylor University and assigned the hercu- lean task of organizing a teaching force and keeping things together during the vicissi- tudes incident to the local situation and to the war conditions, when all boys capable of bearing arms were required in defense of their country. "Considerations of space forbid the publication in full of Judge Crane's address. The editor, however, has endeavored to present the main arguments comjiletely and to preserve, as far as practicable, the continuity of the discourse. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 63 Under less trying circumstances, many schools over the country closed their doors never to open them again. This was the situation in Baptist affairs and in Baylor University when Dr.- Crane came to Texas in the summer of 1863, and at first tentatively accepted the pastorate of the First Baptist Church at Houston, and afterwards allowed himself to be overpersuaded into becoming President of Baylor University. Cathcart's Baptist Encyclopaedia states that he was born in Virginia and educated in Columbian College, District of Columbia, and Madison University, New York and that his "opportunities had enabled him to become a profound scholar, ranking among the most useful, laborious, and able Baptists in the Southern States." He had been president of several colleges and universities in Mississippi and Louisiana. He and Senators Jefferson Davis and Henry S. Foote were the first three men to deliver the annual addresses at the University of Mississippi. He had been twelve years Sec- tary of the Southern Baptist Convention; had been president of the Baptist State Con- ventions of Mississippi and Louisiana, and had filled high positions in the state organiza- tions of both Odd Fellows and Masons ia those states. By special invitation he had addressed the Legislature of the State of Mississippi. Dr. J. W. D. Creath, whom he had known as a boy at school in Eichmond College, is probably more responsible than any other one man for the fact that he ever became connected with Baylor University. His original arrangement with the trustees was that he should have a salary of $3,000 and a residence; expenses of removal, and all the corn and pork needed for one year. Of the $3,000 he received from the trustees $42 and collected to the amount of $1,700, inclusive of four acres of land, a year or two afterwards. He received all of the corn, part of the pork, and all of the moving expenses. He hauled his goods and chattels through the Confederate lines from Shreveport, and I have all of his original passports. Dr. Burleson, remembering his old Mississippi friend, in August, 1863, wrote him a very cordial letter welcoming him to Texas as pastor of the church at Houston of which he had been pastor in 1851 when he resigned to become President of Baylor. But upon learn- ing a short time afterwards that Dr. Crane was to become President of Baylor University at Independence, he wrote him another letter advising that Baylor University was dead and that his labors there would be fruitless. It had been circulated far and wide, in Texas and out of Texas, that Baylor University at Independence was dead; and again that it had been removed to Waco. When you stop and consider the lack of railroads and telegraphs at that time; the fact that the war was on and the slowness of the mails in those stage-coach days, and the difficulties of inter-communication, you may get some idea of the disastrous effect such reports would have on Baylor University, and of the difficulty of correcting them and living them down. I must confess to you today my belief that if Dr. Crane had had any adequate concep- tion of the real conditions existing in Texas at the time, and the character of the fight that was to be waged against Baylor University, and the personal equations, and the elements of personal ambitions that were to enter into the long struggle, he could not have been induced to accept the place that he assumed, and Baptist history in Texas might in that ease have been differently written. But as it is, the facts should be confronted and accepted as they unfolded themselves. At the outbreak of the war, the main building of Baylor University had been built of rock to the second story, where it remained until about 1881; and Dr. Burleson had just finished, at his own expense, a large three-story octagonal building for a boarding-house, built almost entirely of cedar. Two two-story rock buildings had been erected, and these several buildings, with $20,000 subscribed for endowment, constituted the plant of Baylor University when Dr. Burleson severed his connection with the school at Independence. The M BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE BUILDINGS OF "OLD BAYLOR" AT INDEPENDENCE BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 65 trustees settled with him in full when he left, reimbursing him for the agreed value of his investment in the building mentioned by crediting him with a debt owed the institution, paying him some cash, and conveying to him over 3,(100 acres of land at $1 an acre. You will understand that when Dr. Crane ciimc to Tex.'is the Texas Baptist State Con- vention was state-wide and occupied all parts of the State for its purposes — that is, all settled portions. The Baptist General Association did not come on the scene as a rival state-wide insti- tution until 1868. [The speaker then cited in ©xtenso facts in sujiport of tlie contention that an enlarge- ment and building program, includiug the famous "old cedar building" projected by Dr. Burleson, had been definitely undertaken and prosecuted after the main line of the Hous- ton and Texas Central Railroad and the Austin branch of that rond had been constructed — the former passing through Navasota, 18 miles from Independence on the east, and the latter through Brenham, 12 miles from Inde[iendence on the west. At that time (shortly before the outbreak of the War between the States) the noiirest railroad point to Waco was Millican, the then northern terminus of the Houston and Texas Central Railroad. Waco's first railroad, a "spur" of this line, was built about 1S72. Jndeiicndence, therefore, until 1872, was much nearer to both lines of the Houston and Texas (Central Railroad than was Waco to either. The speaker also recalled that it was Washington-on-the-Brazos, not Independence, which had rejected a proposition of the Houston and Texas Central Rail- road Company to furnish a bonus of $10,000 for the construction of its line by that town — with the result that the road was built six miles to the cast and Navasota came into existence. There was no evidence to show that Independence had ever had an opportunity to get either this, the main line, or its western branch. — Ed.] In 1868 the Baptist General Association, including the territory of Waco Association and what had been Trinity Association, was organized with Dr. Burleson as one of its chief factors and officers. We then had two state conventions, one operating in South, Southwest, and Northwest Texas, and the other in North, Northeast, and Central Texas for the most part. Under the control and under the ausjiices of the Texas Baptist State Convention was Baylor University for males and Baylor College for females located at Independence; and under the control and under the auspices of the Baptist General Association of Texas was Waco University, a co-educational institution. [The speaker at this point introduced statistics for the period 18G1-18S4 to show that the enrollment- of Baylor University at Independence, together with that of Baylor College (chartered in 1867 and, with Baylor University, u.ndor the control of the Baptist State Convention), was practically the same as the enrollment of the co-cducational Waco University (under the control of the Baptist General Association of Texas.) — Ed.] The main building of Baylor at Independence, which had been for several years under course of construction, after having been halted by the war in 1861, was so far completed that the commencement exereisds were held in it in June, 1884, as a result of Dr. Crane's ceaseless and untiring efforts in that behalf. In the meantime the Santa Fe Railway had built one line within five miles of Inde- pendence and another about eight miles from it. In view of these things, it is not very surprising to me that Dr. Crane did not see before he died, that "Baylor University at Independence had Southern Convention, in the State Con- vention, and in other organizations. It would be pleasant to sketch the traits of the good man whose habitual benevolence and purity of character secured the gratitude of students, attracted around him a host of friends, and made for himself a record which will be an inspiration to all Who knew him. .Many of the men who were educated and developed into usefulness in life have passed judgments upon him as teacher and school man capable of arousing those he came into contact with and developing them educationally and morally to their highest capacity- From the time he was a youth at college he religiously kept a diary and a record of the various events entering into his everyday life; and he kept this up until the day that he went to bed in his last illness. From an examination of this personal and contemporary data, I can tell you time, place, and text of every sermon he ever preached (and he aver- BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 71 aged over 100 a year); I can tell you how many couples he married, and their namea and the dates of the ceremonies; I can tell you the number of discourses, addresses, etc., he delivered, together with the times and places of their delivery; and I can tell you the amount of money he annually received for his services — from all sources — and in Texas this was usually most pitifully meager. For instance, during the last half year of his life — 1884 — besides teaching seven and one-half hours a day in the class-room, he paid fifty-two pastoral visits, preached one hun- dred and seven sermons — including sermons at Baltimore, Dallas, Tyler, Waxahachie, and Lancaster; married three couples; attended nine funerals; delivered two Masonic corner- stone addresses — at the Court House at Belton and at Brenham — and raised over $4,500 for Baylor University, mostly for the completion of the main building, besides writing several hundred letters, keeping all books and accounts of the institution, writing numer- ous articles for the press, and performing numerous other duties. Only by system could he have gotten along in the performance of the many tasks he turned oft'; and only by having a well-trained and disciplined mind could he keep sweet and fit for the higher duties he was constantly performing, and not be soured by the drudgery of many of his duties. But he kept close to his Maker, and for many years before his death, he systematically read each year the entire Bible through. But when his time came, he lay down to rest like a tired child. Ten days before he died, he made this entry in his diary: "Received the sad intelli- gence of the death of my brother Andrew Fuller Crane — and I alone remain of my mother Lydia Dorset Crane's children. * * * "We are passing away. Are we prepared? Mine has been the hardest lot. Afar from blood relations, among strangers, and often among enemies open or concealed, faced by difficulties, misunderstood and misrepresented, my lot has been a hard one. My father's example has ever been in my memory. I have made some sad mistakes and have erred in times and ways numberless. God grant that the re- mainder of my days maj' be free from error and sin; that success may crown my last exertions to do good, secure comfort for my family and success to my children. To this end may God grant me grace and enable me faithfully to discharge every duty and live in accordance with His will." I have not felt at liberty to say much that I would like to say in the interest of a correct record; and I have traveled rather unbeaten paths, basing what I have said on materials in my possession. But viewing Dr. Crane 's life as a whole, facing him as he penned one of his last prayers to his Maker, considering how he loved Baylor, and labored, and spent his life that it might be spared and become great; how he gave his life for education, religion, and the cause of humanity and its uplift, who shall say what shall be his reward in the hereafter, or what recognition shall be given him by those of us who live after him? Who shall undertake to measure and place bounds on the good he did? Who shall undertake to say to what extent he is due credit for the fact that Baylor University lived during the trying years of his connection with it, and stands today in God's sunlight in. magnificent manhood? Who shall undertake ta say how much or how little credit is due him for the memories and the greatness of the present day Baylor, and for the fact that we are permitted to gather here this week for this great anA inspiring occasion — her seventy-fifth birthday? In behalf of his memory; in behalf of the faets and the years of his life which he' un- selfishly spent for Baylor; in behalf of the hundreds of his old students — living and dead — who were helped to better and higher lives by having come in contact with him; in behalf of many men and women, living and gone before, who knew him and loved him for his worth, and his work's sake, I claim a share in the fact that Baylor is now beyond the breakers and the storms that tried his soul; and is now, thanks to those who have been at the helm for the last quarter century, on higker and ifiirmer ground and is cele- brating this great occasion- 72 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE EICHAED A. BUELESON Graduate of Baylor University at "Waeo, 18S0; son of the late Eufus C. Burleson, President of Baylor University. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 73 Mr. Richard A. Burleson's speech was as follows : In notifying im- that I would be expected to say something on this great occasion, the committee very kindly added, "Select your own subject and say it in your own way." They still assigned me no easy task, for as we meet to celebrate Baylor's Diamond Anniversary, and to take part in these Jubilee ceremonies, there is much to say, and so many are to talk that no speaker feels like taking up much time. I believe, though, the camera man has the only easy job left, as he goes forth taking a snap-shot at everything and everybody. So I will follow him and take a few snap- shots at Baylor's Past, Present, and Future; explaining the pictures, with personal recol- lections and events, told mo by those active in Baylor's great past and her glorious present. The heroic deeds of Texas pioneers, in freeing this fair land of Indians and Mexicans, can never be forgotten. Alamo, Goliad, and San Jacinto will live forever. But the battles these early pioneers waged against sin and ignorance were equally well fought; and the deeds of the early missionaries and educators of Texas were not excelled' by Bowie, Crockett, Bonham, Fannin, and Houston. In this last great battle the hundred Baptists, then in Texas, were heroes in the strife. Early in 1841 they had an Educational Society, organized at the suggestion of Eev. Wm. M. Tryon, and under the direction of Judg^ E. E.B. Baylor. This society did valiant work in keeping the educational fires burning, with Judge Baylor as its active president and the Eev. Mr. Tryon, the great pioneer Baptist preacher, as its vice-president. Both were men of great influence and usefulness, and both equally Interested in Texas Baptist educational work. They found that 1845 was the opportune time to start a Bap- tist school, and a charter was to be applied for. Here was staged the first Baptist educational "scrap" in Texas; for Judge Baylor wanted the infant wonder to be named Tryon University, and Mr. Tryon wanted it named Baylor "University. A majority vote of the committee finally named it Baylor University. The distinguished man for whom Baylor was named was a great statesman, an able jurist, an eloquent preaclier, a liberal donor, and a leader in every good work. He made the first $1,000 donation given to education in Texas, was the first presi- dent of the Educational Society, and was elected president of the first Baptist Convention ever held in Texas. And while holding the first court ever held in Waco, he preached the first sermon ever heard here. How fitting that Waco and Texas, a great school and a grateful people should ever honor and cherish his memory! Though never married, he will ever be a fond parent to the boys and girls of Baylor. After a useful life of 82 years, he died in 1873, being buried on the old Baylor campus at Independence. The old Baylor property having been bought in by the Catholics, Mrs. Elli Moore Town- send led in the noble work of removing the remains of Judge Baylor to a more suitable lo- cation and now they rest on the beautiful campus of Baylor Female College at Belton, having been placed there in 1917 by a committee of which Dr. J. M. Carroll was chairman. On February 1st, 184.5, Anson Jones, President of the Eepublic of Texas, approved and signed the document that gave corporate existence to Baylor University, an institution that has ever stood first in everything for the good of Texas and humanity. After exciting and competitive bidding, Baylor University was first located at Inde- pendence, her bid being $7,925, several thousand ahead of her nearest rival. While none of these bids was in cash, it was legal tender in those days— land a.t 75o an acre and oth6r things equally high. The main asset from Independence was a two-story frame buUding, ready to move into; and this was the home of Baylor for several years, amply housing both the male and female departments, 74 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE In 1846 Dr. Henry L. Graves was elected the first presidentl of Baylor; the auspicious opening with 24 students was increased that year to 70. The five years of heroic effort Dr. Graves* gave to Baylor will ever be remembered- It seemed a hard, thankless task; for, as several writers say, "It was a perpetual strug- gle for existence. ' ' But through the undaunted courage and matchless faith of the foundation builders of Baylor, great and lasting good was accomplished. While Pastor Tryon's arduous labors at Houston and his sacrificing efforts at Baylor University were being richly rewarded, he fell a victim to yellow fever, and was called to his heavenly home in 1847. It is remarkable how events crowd in and the great panorama of God's plan unfolds. But as we see it now, how fitting that my father, then only 27 years old, and just ready to commence his gi-eat life work for Texas, should be selected as the successor to the great Tryon, and as such successor exhibit the same zeal for Christian education, and be the same true friend to Baylor University that Tryon had been! He never for once thought that anything was in store for him but a Texas Baptist pastorate. GEAVE OF JUDGE E. E. B. BAYLOR AT INDEPENDENCE But as his church work grow, and his influence over the state grew greater, it seemed that the troubles and perplexities of the young Baylor grew more and more acute. The United States Census of 1850 gave Texas only 154,000 white population, Galveston, Houston, and San Antonio being the large cities. The center of population was well es- tablished in South Texas. Central and North Texas were little heard of, East Texas was just getting on the map, and West Texas was a wilderness. With such a small population to draw from, and education not being popular then, we wonder now how Dr. Graves accomplished what he did, but understand why he should become weary in well doing and in 1851 tender his resignation. These were dark days for Baylor; I have often heard my father tell about those trouble- some times; and about the committee coming to him and with entreaties asking, "Won't you come aboard and save the sinking ship?" He finally gave up his great work at Houston and accepted the greater and harder work of directing the destinies of Baylor. Soon a new era dawned, buildings and equipment were added, and the halls of Baylor were full and overflowing. New courses of study were added and Baylor University was recognized everywhere as the great school of Texas and the South. The London Times had Baylor University catalogued at this time among the leading jchopls of America; she h£|,d £|,ttained national recognition. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 75 But alas, alas, dark days will come to all of us and great schools will have their troubles. After ten years of greatest prosperity and usefulness, the storm-clouds of petty jeal- ousies, and that old question, ' ^Which one of us shall be the greatest?" began to appear. The captain of Baylor's ship could have steered her by this modern Scylla and Charyb- dis, but a more vital question arose. The H. & T. G. railroad was just starting north and west out of Houston. The western line, with Austin as its objective, wanted to go through Independence, as the first home of Baylor University was a beautiful location, surrounded by a rich country, and, with railroad facilities, would have made a great city. Often have I heard Father tell about trying to induce the people of old Independence to give the land and the little money required to get the railroad, but they would not. Father's prophecy of what Independence would be without railroads and his expressed determination to find another field of labor and a more suitable place to found a greater Baptist university had no effect. ., The railroad missed Independence some fifteen miles, built up the flourishing city of Brenhiim, and, as predicted, Independence has become u deserted place; the old Baylor buildings have long since moulded in decay, their last use being for a negro Catholic school, the Catholics having acquired the property in 1889. Many tender memories and interesting events could be told about the old days at In- dependence; but I must not make these snap-shots a whole picture-show, and will pass on. It will be of interest to add that on one of Father's frequent friendly visits to Baylor, while he was still pastor at Houston, he became much impressed with the grace, dignity, and educational attainments of a, Baylor girl, and his interest in Baylor increased. You can imagine how happy he was, when holding a meeting at Baylor, for this young lady to become interested in his sermons, and through his teaching to accept Christ as her Saviour. No doubt when he accepted the captaincy of Baylor's sinking ship, he had one guiding star, aud knew one young life worth living for. And so it was, after two years of approving smiles, the young president of Baylor was rewarded with the heart and hand of Miss Georgia Jenkins. She was his equal partner in every great achievement for Baylor, and stood by him for nearly fifty years, always doing more than her part; and from personal knowledge of her self-sacrificing spirit and hearty co-operation, I know that my father could not have ac- complished what he did, if it had not been for my mother. Her unceasing work for Baylor started immediately on return from the wedding trip to New Orleans. The Baylor trustees and many school-boy boarders greeted the young bride for her first meal as Mrs. President Burleson, Judge Baylor, in closing his toast to the young bride, said, "Sister Burleson, improvement on this meal is almost impossible, but may you be spared many, many years of usefulness. ' ' Mother has often said that Dr. B. H. Carroll, one of her ' ' star ' ' boarders of that early time, did not then promise to be a great preacher and the distinguished founder of a theological seminary. Father's prophecy about the decline of Independence, and the hopeless task of found- ing a great school there, was certainly correct, for from 1861 to 1886 the center of pop- ulation shifted from South to Central Texas, and all great Baptist enterprises prospered accordingly. After his resignation was accepted at Independence, Father visited Waco, at the earnest . request of old friends, they assuring him that Waco was the logical location for a great Baptist university. At this time, 1861, the Civil War clouds were rapidly gathering; in fact, Father, coming direct through the country on horseback, beat the stage to Waco, with the first news of the fall of Fort Sumter. 76 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE They were equally interested in the war news and with the prospect of Waco becoming the seat of a great Baptist university. On, this trip all necessary plans and promises were made for the opening of Waco Uni- versity the following September. After settling up financial affairs at Independence, and with money from his father's estate, and with what his wife had, my father reached Waco with $18,000 in cash, which was a fortune in those days. He knew then that land investments would make him a millionaire; but he never regretted investing his money in the boys and girls of Texas; and the great results achieved tell how well the money was spent. He often said, ' ' I have given my life and every dollar I could for education in Texas, and I wish I had another life to give. ' ' Every preparation was made by Waco for receiving President Burleson and his faculty. School enthusiasm had been kept up by the Waco Classical School, ably pre- sided over by Judge John C. West, still a distinguished and honored citizen of Waco. Judge West's law practice was demanding all of his time, and he was glad to see his school merged into Waco University. Father promised the people of Waco to fill every building they would erect, and Dr. Brooks is still carrying out that solemn promise. Waco University never made a backward step, as far as I know, but went forward, conquering every obstacle and laying deep and broad the foundation of a great university. After twenty-five years of success unparalleled by any school, she was glad to share her happy home, receive her elder brother, and answer to the magic name of Baylor. These twenty-five years were days and nights of ceaseless work; but no general was ever more ably assisted than Father by the faithful trustees and the able faculties that surrounded him. It would be a hard task to select the best teacher in old Waco University. Would it be Dr. Richard Burleson, who was the able, active and efficient vice-president till his death in 1879? Or would it be Prof. Albert Boggess, Prof. Strother, Prof. Long, Prof. Harris, Prof. Franklin, or some of the many others that we loved so well? They never shirked n duty, and deserve the love and reverence we bestow to their memory. I believei. that Prof. Strother is the only one of the old guard left; we wait not till his death to tell of his great talents, for as an all-around teacher, and as a mental arith- metic teacher in particular, he never had an equal. May his last days be. his happiest! Oh, how proud we were of the old buildings and grounds, the great school events, and our literary societies! I shall never forget when I was ushered into the mighty assembly and took the sol- emn vows that made me a Philomathesian. To this day I love not the Sophies less, but the Philos more. I know no difference in my love for the Calliopeans and the B. C- B.'s. My wife was a member of one, and the other name is enough for me. Baylor now has a college paper, "The Lariat," and I am sure the editors rope, every item of news, but many here remember our old college paper, "The Guardian and Young Texan." Father gave it this name in honor of Miss Emma Oulberlson, who was a guar dian angel in his sight; and also she was at that time charming a wild young Texan, who is now our distinguished Postmaster-General. Passing over many interesting pictures, I will say that Waco University kept on in her rapid march; new buildings, equipment, and teachers were constantly added, and she was the equal of any school in the land. Waco University was the first co-educational school in the South, the second in America, and she established the fact that co-education was a great success. Many of the leading schools were adopting her great plans and policies, BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 77 Texas had long been known as a "grave-yard" for schools and colleges, but Waco University had stood the test for twenty-five long years; her foundations being laid deep and broad and cemented by the labors of faithful workers. Plans were being laid for larger buildings and more spacious grounds, which were badly needed. But at this time, 1885, the great Unification Movement was sweeping over Texas. The two great Baptist general bodies had been consolidated, also the great Baptist papers, and now the effort was to unify and consolidate the two Baptist schools, Baylor University at Independence and Waco University. Finally a committee of eighty met at Temple, Dec. 10th, 1885, and agreed on plans satisfactory to all concerned. And on Jan. 1st, 1886, Dr. Eeddin Andrews gave up his work as President of Baylor University at Independence and came to Waco to enter on his duties as vice-president of the consolidated school. Dr. Andrews and the four stu- dents (Stanton, Garrett, Hammon and Mueller) that accompanied him were joyfully received by the large Waco student body- The people of Texas now had a school, a name, a faculty, with a combined history of worthy deeds accomplished, around which all could gather and work — a place where the rich could plant his money and the young could seek knowledge, both knowing that a bright future was assured, and that the school was on a foundation and had a backing good for all time. Baylor University at Waco has grown by leaps and bounds; every year has been one of advancement. The worthy example of George and F. L. Carroll will be rapidly followed with money for buildings, equipment, and endowment. Already the Baptists have set aside from their Seventy-five Million Fund one mil- lion for Baylor at Waco, and half a million for the Baylor University College of Medicine at Dallas. The Boys' Dormitory on Dutton Street will soon be finished; a Girls' Dormitory will be built by Waco; other stately buildings will soon add to Baylor's usefulness. Yes, the Library, the Museum, the athletic, and, in fact, every department in Baylor is now touched as if by a magic hand, and she is just getting well started. But as I think of Baylor's beautiful campus, surrounding her magnificent buildings, my mind rests on the life-size statue of him who gavOi his life for Baylor; and of that day, when near his heavenly home, he asked us to turn his bed, so he could see Baylor once more. As Baylor was his constant thought, her advancement his dream, and as he wanted to see Baylor while death's chilly hand was upon him, how fitting that loving friends should have erected the statue! Our family will ever hold in fond remembrance those who took such an active part in erecting this monument to his memory. The Past of Baylor has been grand; her Present is glorious, without an obstacle in the way of her usefulness; and it takes no prophet to predict her Future: it is assured. Just let those now in charge build on the plans and policies, and see the visions of the early foundation builders of Baylor; and all will be well. The great Medical Department and Colleges of Dentistry and Pharmacy at Dallas will be associated with the Baptist Memorial Sanitarium, and will soon attain national recognition as a great medical center. Build up again your Law Department; the best lawyers Texas ever produced came from the old halls of Baylor. You will have to hurry, if you ever equal in importance the old Commercial Department, also the theological course for preachers. With the new departments of Agriculture, Journalism, and Engineering added, the contemplated additions made to her Literary and Fine Arts Departments, and especially with the money in hand to back it all up, Baylor's future could not be brighter. ..78 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Great things are in store for Baylor; long may her green and gold flag wave, and, in the words of heroes gone before, "They will look down from the Jasper Walla of the Eternal City and say. Well done, well done-" But in the mighty march of Baylor's progress and prosperity, what can we, her alumni and old students, do? We all want to do our part, be it ever so small. In the first place, let us remember, we owe Baylor love, respect, and kind words. She, as a loving mother, has done her part in directing us; and let us in return ever speak good words for Baylor; let us send oTir children and all others that we' can to Baylor; let us aid with financial and other gifts, and in short do everything possible that will add to Baylor 's glory and usefulness. Another thing, let us develop the Baylor Spirit. Let us be Baylor boosters and let us stand together. If a Baylor man or woman gets into trouble, go to their help. If one wants to fly to the North Pole or take a submarine trip to Europe, help start him- And if a political bee should buzz in the gold and green cap of a Baylor man, whoop him up, and always vote the Baylor ticket straight, from constable to president. In this epnnection, I will tell one little incident of interest. You, all knew Dr. B. H. Carroll,- aS' a great preacher and theologian; but this audience will agree with me that he was a great political prophet. For in addressing the graduating class of 1894, I>r. Carroll turned to our distinguished friend, Pat Neff, told him in very complimentary words how much he appreciated his speech, and then turning to the audience, said: "t predict Pat Neff will be governor of Texas some day." Father joined in a hearty amen to Dr- Carroll 's, pre(iietion, and told how, in 18-57, he had made the same' true prediction about Baylor's beloved son. Governor Sul Eoss, the best governor Texas ever had. And while the Eoss administration was the most brilliant Texas ever saw, and its influ- ence for good the greatest, hear my prediction: the Neff administration will be, its equal in all things, and then some. I have already taken up too much of your valuable time, and in closing! will say: While Bayjor's Past is grand, her Present glorious, and her Future as bright as the noonday siin, let us not sit idly by thinking there is nothing we can do. But let us stand for what Baylor has stood for these seventy-five years. Let u3 rally 'round her great leaders and keep her standards high. And let us remember the battle against sin and ignorance is not finished yet; though Baylor men and women are nobly doing their part all over this old world, still there is much yet for us to do. Let us be not like dumb driven cattle, but let us be heroes and heroines in the strife! BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 79 Upon the conclusion of Mr. Burleson's speech, at the suggestion of Pres- ident Brooks the audience extended a hearty personal welcome to the venerable Mrs. Rufus C. Burleson, who rose and bowed her acknowledg- ments amid prolonged applause. Professor J. T. Strother, who is affectionately remembered by hundreds of students of the olden time, was similarly honored by the Association. Upon nomination of the comniittee appointed for the purpose, the fol- lowing officers for the ensuing year were elected by acclamation : President of the Association, James R. Jenkins. First Vice-President, Thomas S. Henderson. Second Vice-President, H. H. Hamilton. Third Vice-President, Mrs. Margaret Vera Harris. Secretary, Miss Grace Jenkins. Treasurer, Albert Boggess. Executive Committee: D. K. Martin, Chairman; John B. Fisher, E. W. Crouch, Mrs. Mary McCauIey Maxwell, Mrs. T. H. Claypool. The chairman then presented Professor A. G. Flowers, dean of the newly organized Baylor College of Law, who spoke extemporaneously as follows : I beg your pardon for detaining you. Baylor has been great in the past, it is wonderful today, but in the coming years it is to be greater than all others which we know anything about. I am privileged with the great work of establishing the Law Department in this institution and I want you people, as you go back home, to think about us as we shall start to build Christian lawyers, men who have so much to do with the welfare and development of our state and of our nation. No man, according to my view, is more important to our national life than the Christian lawyer,. He goes into the innermost secrets of family life, he goes into the public places, he leads men and he teaches men. And so we want to build in Baylor the greatest legal institution in all this Southland and perhaps the greatest legal institution in all this great nation of which we are a little part. (Applause). Will you all help as you go to your homes; tell your boys that in Baylor we are going to build Christian lawyers, to the end that our state, our denomination, our nation may be greater than she now is. (Applause) . Pursuant to a suggestion made by Dr. J. M. Carroll, the members of the Alumni Association present were introduced in groups representing quin- quennial periods beginning with 1854 and continuing down to 1895. Among these were General Felix H. Robertson, '54 ; Leigh Burleson, '68 ; Colonel . Charles J. Crane, '69 ; Mrs. Celeste Patton Edmondson, '73 ; Dr. George W. Baines, '74; Dr. W. B. Bagby, '75; Hon. Thomas S. Henderson, '77, and many another distinguished alumnus of Baylor. 80 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE The chairman then, dwelling with feeling upon the associations of his student days, introduced the president-elect, Mr. James R. Jenkins, of Waco, Class of 1911, who, upon taking the chair, spoke briefly as follows : Ladies and Gentlemen : This is indeed a great honor, to be elected pres- ident of the Alumni Association of the oldest institution of higher educa- tion in Texas and of the greatest institution in its far-reaching influence in the South or Southwest. I appreciate it more than I can expect to express. I hope — as I hear these speeches here this morning I think oyer the past seventy-five years as depicted to us in these speeches, and see what Baylor has done, how it has each year stepped forward a little further along and advanced each year over what it was the year before — I hope that in this year, the seventy-sixth year of its history, we shall be able to make longer steps forward in an educational and in a Christian way. This institution has meant more to Texas and to the Ssuth than probably any other institution in the South in its far-reaching influence, and I hope under my administration for the year to come it will not be different from what it has been in the past except that we shall progress more rapidly, as we ought, and as we have been doing, as time has gone on. And now, since we are all bound together with the chains, the links of which have been forged in the Baylor laboratories and welded together in the Baylor class-rooms, as we all are members or links in that chain, may we realize that to break one of these links would mean a broken chain; and may each class that is represented by a link in that chain remember that it has a responsibility and that it must come up to that responsibility and do its Alma Mater the honor of putting it before the people, keeping the Baylor spirit up in that class, and thus the Baylor spirit up in Texas'. And at each commencement let us realize that our decenhial classes are always honored for that year, and those decennial classes, especially the last decennial class, should come back in large numbers and honor the institution as it is seeking to honor them; and next year may the class of 1911, of which I am proud to be a member, come back as well as the class of 1901 and 1891 and so on back, and let us have reunions here equal to the one we have had this year, which, of course, has been larger than heretofore; and may we, whenever our Alma Mater calls on us as a class or as individuals, come up to its expectations, for in that way we will push Baylor forward in a way in which she has never gone forward before. I thank you most heartily and I crave the hearty co-operation of every member of the Alumni Association and of the present student-body, in making this year the best year in Baylor's alumni history. (Applause) . The Association then adjourned. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 81 JAMES HAMILTON LEWIS Former United States Senator from Illinois; stalwart Democratic Statesman. 82 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE ADDRESSES BY OSCAR H. COOPER, LL.D., FORMER PRESIDENT OF BAYLOR UNIVERSITY, AND EX-SENATOR JAMES HAMILTON LEWIS, OF ILLINOIS Carroll Field, Tuesday Evening, Jvme the Fifteenth- The addresses of Dr. Oscar H. Cooper, President of Baylor University from 1899 to 1902, and Ex-Senator James Hamilton Lewis, of Illinois, were delivered on Tuesday evening to a large and attentive audience which occupied the grandstand, the improvized open-air seats, and the grassy slope near the southwest corner of Carroll Athletic Field. Midway between the grandstand and the large platform, erected for the action of the Baylor Historical Pageant, the speakers' stand had been installed. The calmness of a starry summer night, with the subdued thrill of expectancy which possessed the audience, combined to give a unique character to the occa- sion, as if the real meaning of Baylor's Diamond Jubilee were in that moment fully revealed. Both speakers were thoroughly en rapport with the audience and rose to lofty heights of eloquence as they dwelt upon Baylor's contribution to culture in the past and emphasized her manifold responsibilities for the future. Promptly at 8 o'clock President Brooks introduced Dr. Cooper in the following terms: Ladies and Gentlemen: We readily understood that you would want to see the pageant which would be put on at the close of these addresses, but we thought you would like to see and hear these two illustrious gentlemen. Dr. 0. H. Cooper was for three years the president of this institution and under his administration in a brief time probably more material progress was made than in any other like period of its history ; and he knows that I have often said on many a platform words most complimentary and true with respect to himself. I have now the pleasure of introducing to you Dr. 0. H. Cooper, long a resident of Texas, prominent in all of its public af- fairs, a citizen of high repute, and loved of all who know him. Dr; 0. H. Cooper. (Applause) . '-''■ Dr. Cooper's address was conceived in the following words : ?' Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen: It does not make very much difference what 1 say tonight, for my presence hero and your presence here give about all the significance to this occasion that I could give it. But 1 desire, in the first place, to express my keen appreciation of the higli honor that was done me by President Brooks and the Committee on Arrangements in inviting mo to be x>resont and participate in the ceremonies of this memorable occasion in the Iiistory of this great institution. 'J'wenty-one years ago, at tlie solicitation of the Board of Trustees of Baylor Univer- sity, 1 accepted the presidency of this institution, realizing its potential greatness and having caught something of -.i vision of its possible achievements if the influences which had radiated from this institution in the past years could be correlated and conserved and its influence further projected into the life of our state. And, as President Brooks BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 83 has so kindly said, it was my privilege during three years, in collaboration with the Faculty, with the Board of Trustees, and with the constituency of Baylor University, to accomplish some things that were worth doing in the life of this instituion. I suppose from what President Brooks has said it will be in order for me to recapitulate in just a few sentences some of the matters which come back to my memory as I think back over those years that I spent in the service of Ihis institution. I recall, Mr. President, that one of our earliest achievements here was that we secured recognition from the east- ern universities of the Baylor degree, so that me.i taking the bachelor's degi-ee from Bay- lor University would be accepted in the eastern universities on iirscisely the same footing as the graduates of the eastern universities. I recall the additions lo the faculty that we found it practicable to make even in the first year and the extensions that we made in the faculty during the second and the third years by which the standard of scholarship in Baylor came to be recognized in Texas as equal to that of any institution at that time in operation in this state. 1 recall, too, that on the financial side we changed the account of the first year from a deficit, the income being twenty-three thousand do lars and tlu^ outgo nearly thirty thou- sand, to a surplus of fifteen hundred dollars in the second year, and to a surjilus of about the same amount in the third year, the income in the meantime having increased nearly two and a half -fold. During these years and during that tim? i recall the fact, too, that the student-body had doubled in numbers and that the value of this |ilant, which was carried on the books by the Eegistrar and the Treasurer at two hundred thousand dollars in 1899, was valued at four hundred thousand dollars in 1902. I had some part, and I am glad as I look back upon those years that I had the privilege of rendering some service to this great institution during those years; but, ladies and gentlemen, I believe that one of the most significant services that I was able to render to this institution was of a personal and official character. I count this service which I rendered to Baylor University in the matter of which I am to speak in r, momont, along with two or three other things that 1 have been privileged to do in the nearly half century of my work in education in- Texas and in the United States, as one of the outstanding facts of permanent interest. One of these things which I was permitted to do before I came to Baylor was tu kindle the .consciousness of public opinion in Texas to the necessity and th? practicability of the organization of the University of Texas, to which I devoted nearly a year of my life and in which I had the opportunity to write the bill which was adopted in 1881 and which became the foundation on wliich the present organization of the University of Texas was consummated. I speak of this as a matter of simple justice and as a matter of historical fact. The other thought which I projected, to some extent, into the consciousness of Ameri- can education, was the thought projected in 1891 at the meeting of the Department of Superintendents of the National Educational Association, meeting at Philadelphia, at which time I called upon the universities of America to undertake the work of profes- sionalizing educational service in this nation of ours by the organization in the universi- ties which had the power to effect this organization, of schools of education — graduate schools of education, co-ordinate with the departments of law, of medicine, of theology, and of engineering- This idea projected at that time was endorsed and advocated at that meeting by Nicholas Murray Butler, by Stanley Hall, by Jeff Prince of the Massachusetts Board of Education, by Dr. Williams of Cornell; and Professor, now President, Butler made the statement, in that meeting, as I was telling Dr. Lovett tonight — is has been brought back afresh to my mind by this discussion — Nicholas Murray Butler made the statement in that meeting that Columbia University would do just that thing just as soon as the money was forthcoming and that Harvard intended to move in the same direction; and my own Alma Mater, after the lapse of nearly thirty years, as it came into the possession of the Sterling millions, the eighteen millions of dollars bequeathed to it a year or two ago by J. S. Sterling of the Class of 1884, has now moved on to the 84 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE projection and organization of a graduate school of education, which when it is com- pleted will realize the idea which came to me out of contact with educational conditions in the field here in Texas, where I found education largely in the hands of the Philis- tines and largely against some of the best tendencies that should exist in education; and we shall see in this country, as institutions gain in resources and gain in power, the uni- versities of America undertaking the work of professionalizing — really professionalizing — the work of education throughout the length and breadth of every state. Now, Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, I wish to congratulate you upon the realiza- tion in growing measure of the visions which we had back in those years. The thoughts that we had about what Baylor could become are being gloriously realized. Baylor seemed to me then, and it seems to me now, potentially, in many respects the most powerful in- stitution in this great state of ours; I bar none. I see Texas paying tribute to Baylor. 1 see the nation paying tribute to Baylor. I see the awakening consciousness among the alumni of this institution of what Baylor signifies to the denomination, to the state, to the nation, and to the world. And I say to you, ladies and gentlemen, sons and daughters and former students of Baylor, gi-aduates of Baylor, of whom I have the honor to count myself also as one; I say to you that the future of this institution is in the hands of the men and women upon whom it impresses its ideals and who are" the living epistles of this institution in every community and city, in every state and land in the world. You will carry the fame and the power of this institution clear around the world, if it is ever carried so. The function of the higher education is to select and train the superior youth of our land for leadership in Christian Democracy. The ancient charter of Yale declared its aim to be " to fit men for public service in church and in civil state. ' ' In the two cen- turies that have elapsed life has immeasurably widened; and with the broadening of life there has come an expansion of the demands that are made upon the higher education for training in leadership, and the selective and the distinctive and the integrating func- tion of institutions of higher learning is today to select youths superior mentally, physic- ally, and morally and to train them for leadership in all the varied activities that modern life may demand of culture. The fundamental problem is education, sound education- Sound education is more fundamental than war, for when men shall have been trained in character and life into the ideals of democracy and good will, wars will cease, and they will not cease until then. Democracy and good will are the supreme ideals of the human race. Democracy is the form and it will fail unless it is animated by the inner, vitalizing spirit of good will. Good will is the dynamic that resolves every problem of life, individual, social, national, international, governmental. Good will finds its ulti- mate solutions of the problems of life in processes as widely varying as philanthropy and commerce, world congresses and world missions, world leagues of peace, and even in world wars. It finds its great objectives in the welfare of the whole race, and it is with the utmost sincerity, and it thrills my soul to say it, that I believe that Baylor University, with its three-quarters of a century of history, permeated and glorified by the finest and strongest and noblest spirit of this imperial State in which we live, is loyal to these ideals, democracy and good will. (Applause). It is ours and yours to maintain these ideals and to transmit them enhanced by a clearer realization of their significance to the world to those who will come after us. Ladies and Gentlemen: I repeat it is a great pleasure for me to be here and now I want to add just this last word: this is to Baylor. I don't know that I shall ever speak here again. Two years from now I expect to attend the fiftieth reunion of my college class at Yale and in human probabilities the opportunity that I shall have to give any sort of message to this mighty host, of the flower of Texas is now. Do not think that these men and women who are here about you are all of Baylor. Do not think that t(he present living alumni and ex-students are all of Baylor. There is another Baylor that includes them; it includes the thousands of men and women who, in the years past, have BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 85 wrought faithfully and sacrificed generously in order that this institution might live and become great. They sleep, many of them in forgotten, some in unforgotten graves. Some of their bodies rest beneath the lilies of France, but their souls are present and counted in the life of this institution. I see them as they rise rank on rank, and I see too in that invisible host the good and the great who have contributed to human welfare in every age of the world, and they say to you: "Work, work mightily, work ever without rest, ever without haste, without rest. ' ' They bid you to trust in yourself, to trust in God to trust in your fellow-man, and they call you to be brave. ' ' All in eternity stillness. Eyes do regard you: Here is all fullness, ye brave, to reward you: Labor. Trust, and fear not." May Baylor's present be but the promise of a greater future, whinh shall thrill and advance education and educators, not in Texas only, but clear round the world, and may her work continue to grow till Christ shall come again. (Applause). President Brooks, characterizing the second speaker of the evening as "one of the most remarkable men in the United States," presented the Hon. James Hamilton Lewis, who spoke as follows: Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen: You who are of this accommodating audience, I fear you will have some trouble to hear the little I may say. I was so unfortunate in my coming as to fall afoul a re-attack of a trouble that has persecuted me from the time I had the misfortune to be torpedoed in the sea as I returned with my command of men, and having been caught unfortunately at Kansas City in a rain-storm, you gather from my voice that I am suffering much from the effects of it. But if you can be so kind as to be patient with me a little while and try to maintain a quiet that will aid me in avoiding an unnecessary strain upon my voice, I will, for the little that I shall say, reach you, 1 feel quite sure, after some few seconds- I am greatly in debt to your university, to your faculty, and to this splendid man who is at the head for the honor you have done me in allowing me to come to this great school and be a part of this Jubilee Celebration. I have no doubt that in the State from whence 1 come there are many representatives of your institution; of course I know of the man}' thousands who represent the faith for which your university stands. Therefore, if I am a stranger, as I must be, to your people individually, I do not feel strange to the pur- poses of your school nor am I ignorant of the glory of your history. I heard with charmed delight the splendid address of this eminent ex-president, as I listened to his detail of the achievements of this university. And while I accord to him the glory that surely his exertions in behalf of this institution entitle him to, I am. pleased, however, to echo his references to your present president and to speak of the high renown President Brooks has in the great Middle West for which I speak. And while I am not here to presume to enter a suggestion of politics which touch the sovereign State of Texas, this much I can say, that it is the opinion of the great West from whence I come that if the condition shall ever arise where Texas shall so honor itself by placing President Brooks in the United States Senate, it will honor the country as it will honor Texas. (Applause). 1 may pause here to say that I was very much attracted by the note which came to me from your president in his invitation that I come and make a brief address, and today he has found it agreeable to remind me again of this duty. I then realized what the president had in his mind. He knew that I had been of the body of the United States Senate where there was neither beginning nor ending (laughter), and without some ad- monition I would again fulfill th? scripture of yesterdaj^, todaj^, tomorrow, and forever. (Laughter), 86 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Now, ladies and gentlemen, will you give me the privilege to make you a suggestion; it is all that the purpose of my rising shall be used for. I want in a practical way to leave a thought that is very strongly in my mind, and ask that you shall consider it when 1 shall have departed, for the very seriousness with which it greatly impresses me. Your university is all that the eminent speaker preceding me has depicted; youf past all that he has glowingly described; your future that which he prophesied. But I remind you, and you who have traveled in the campus of the Bologna University in Italy will re- member, that there flies a banner out in the front of the door where, as the classes move out, they are confronted with the insignia and the ensign reading "What is it all for?" This university is uot content that it shall merely have letters of learning. Texas cannot be satisfied that Baylor shall merely serve to be enlisted as one of the greatest universi- ties of learning in the splendid South or in the unparalleled America. Christianity, repre- sented by the great Ba^jtist Church, surely is not solaced in the reflection only that it is a great representative Christian school. The problems of life are practical. You have before you the question, "What is it all fori" And there never was a time when this interrogatory so faced you with such solemnity as in the hour when under these silvery stars, with the bending heavens above you this night in this solemn gathering where this arena is soon to present a pageant of the beginning of your undertaking, here you have to solve what never before was with your fathers, and pray God may ne'ver have to be borne of the children who shall come after you. Yours tonight is a new world. All of the precedents of the past are strangers to your tomorrow's guidance. There is written in no history in all the anuals anywhere to be found a record of the event su(Bh as has preceded you nor any solution presented among all mankind in any of the civil- izations gone that can be used as a precedent for your guidance. The world is a new" one. Surely in the words of the Eevelation you can say, "And I beheld a new earth!" The distinguished speaker preceding me referred to the great ascendency of the new spirit of democracy for which your people are to stand and represent. When this America moved out to the great abounding world to entrench and execute these great principles for which this republic was founded on earth, it did so under the specific promise, sir, that no consideration of other man's land, no selfish dream of the appropriation of others' property, no hope for the private enhancement of governmental riches, inspired us to our undertaking. Those noble souls of Baylor to which my distinguished friend referred, who may sleep beneath the lilies of France and whose souls are above us and whose spirits sanctify this gathering tonight under the heavens where they rest; these gave all they had, as those with them gave all the sacrifice they presented, to the noble object of the elevation of mankind and to higher and more glorious purposes than mere private selfish acquisition or governmental enrichment- Still, citizens of Texas, you who are my fellow citizens of America, do you realize that the England, which was one of the fighting allies with your United States, has broadened and, as you find it, is not the England for which you went to war? This Britain has now as the result of the conflict moved its empire into territory that exceeds anew in its limits the full length of the United States of America with Alaska combined. A new population added to hers exceeding all the popula- tion of the United States of America with a hundred and twenty thousand still more added. Do you realize what we face? These people are not educated either to the theories of the British government, the ideals of English liberty, or the doctrines of British juris- prudence.,. Have you paused to consider that France has added, as a result of this con- flict to which your country made its great contribution, a territory exceeding all Texas, Missouri, and Arkansas combined, and this with a population three times the size of the empire State of Texas? Do you realize that Italy has moved out into a new field of pursuit, and that Belgium, with a new spirit of conquest, instead of bearing a sense of gratitude to America for the splendid principles which we sent forth on our banners of sacrifice, is turning to the old, with their ancient feuds, with their ancient doctrines of despotism, representing the mere theory of the enhancement of their land, the multiplica^ BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 87 tion of their area, and snatch and grab of territory, and the suppression of peoples? In the Orient, of which we have here at this college tonight some splendid representatives in the noble missionaries I have had the honor to meet here at the splendid board of hos- t)itality of President Brooks tonight— they will speak to you of the thing to which 1 make bare passing allusion— Japan, whose gates were closed until Perry struck the lock, forced the spring, and entered America within her highways, has risen gradually until she has become a power, when in this last war she became a gi-eat instrument and at the close of it chose such parts of China as serve her object. Japan gives the world to under- stand that she purposes to duplicate America in South America by turning to China and creating in the East an Asiatic Monroe Doctrine which shall be dominated by Japan's mil- itary government; turning their eyes to the Unite'd States, demanding equality of citizen- ship as they will with our own people here in America, and then asking of England and France, the late allies, that they demand of the United States that the Asiatics shall come here upon the exact terms the Frenchman and the Englishman or the Britisher is allowed. With these communications before you, with these demands surely confronting you, citi- zens of Texas, 1 propound to you your situation. America is soon to be surrounded with every ally she had of Europe, filled with a jealousy of our superiority, envious of the high position we occupy in finance, the rivals of us in all the world's affairs, beholding us in the superiority of our intelligence, the magnanimity of our character, the standard of our citizenship. "We will note them as opponents, no longer in thanks or gratitude, but with the spirit of opposition in every field of encounter throughout the world. Oh, then they' may lay again the sentiment of demand upon America, which she cannot yield to without a sacrifice of her institutions and theories, and which if yielded to would be a destruction of the domestic and religious policies of the United States of America. Then with this circle about you and this sure fate that is to surround you, what shall be your tomorrowl! Which way, citizens of America, shall you solve it? If you prepare to meet these advances by army and navy, they must be of such a quality as shall bankrupt busi- ness, pauperize labor, make a slave and serf of every toiler, while it creates revolt and rebellion in every human being who lives then under the myth of freedom. If you shall assume to do that, you but become a competitor in the orgy of death, in the march of destruction. Surely Baylor answers me and says, "Sir, we are a Baptist college, we belong to the religion of John; he taught these." Then say I, "What then shall be that which you shall teach these students as they go out?" It must be the other, that there shall be a creed of such friendship with all of the other nations of the earth that may present the doctrines of unity of conduct based on a harmony of religion, of just inter- mingling and reciprocity, of fairness, of mutual international justice, and that by this all may see that all may be blessed, and that in the welfare of that universal blessing, in the great struggles and unified cause to the, welfare of the world, under the theory of what Baylor stands for, we shall avoid these conflicts, which, ever resting only upon competition of commerce, or contention of military power, are inevitably before the United States to confront. Then I leave you as I propose to, you the situation as I see it, as an addition to the able speech and splendid premises of this distinguished ex-pro- fessor and president, and I say to you tonight in Texas, as a citizen of Illinois and servant of my people of a common country: it is by such universities as Baylor, with the stand- ards she represents, the splendid kindred for which she speaks, the nobility that is to be born of what she stands for in Christ, that the future of all of these lands is to be solved and settled by the theory of peace and justice and love among mankind in the nations of the earth, to the object that we shall know war no more and that we shall enjoy jus- tice under the heavens as ordained with the religion of Baylor University. (Applause). And whatever may be your theories of politics, whatever may be your doctrines of gov- ernment or, just now, the reply to these problems in your solution of statecraft, I can leave you saying that I know on your banners there will be written one ensign under which you will march to whatever solution you shall accept, and on that shall be written, "For the honor of Baylor and the glory of Texas," Thank God. 88 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE "THE PASSION ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW," BY BACH. Diamond Jubilee Chorus, Directed by Severin Frank: Carroll Chapel, Monday Evening, June the Fourteenth The untiring efforts of Director Severin Frank, of Business Manager Burt, and of the two hundred members of the Jubilee Choral Club were rewarded by an audience which taxed the capacity of Carroll Chapel on the evening of Monday, June 14th, when "The Passion according to St. Matthew," by Bach, was most effectively rendered. The success of this performance was the more gratifying because this extremely difficult composition had never before been sung by an American college chorus; and the rendition of the entire oratorio by the Baylor Choral Club was the first attempted by any chorus in the South. The familiar episodes of the' Passion of Our Lord, recorded with such poignant simplicity in Matthew's Gospel — the announcement of the be- trayal and crucifixion to the disciples at the Last Supper; the conspiracy of the rulers with Judas; the agony in Gethsemane; the coming of the band of soldiers to the garden ; the kiss of betrayal ; the denial of Peter ; the scene in the Court of Caiaphas; Christ before Pilate; the scourging; the march to Calvary ; and the final agony of the cross — were vividly pre- sented in recitative form by the soloists, all artists of ability. The choral work bore evidence of long and patient training and study on the part of both director and performers, and the audience was especially pleased by the work of the two hundred young singers. The recitative parts were sung by the following artists : Mrs. T. M. Bishop Mr. Ivar Skougaard Miss Mabel Daniel Mr. A. C. Upleger Miss Ruby Evans Mr. Estes Wilbanks Miss Eula Lee Trice Mr. C. B. Stephenson Miss Lucile Capt Mr. Harley Smith Miss Esther Barro, as accompanist, sustained her high reputation as a pianist. Preliminary to the presentation of the Passion, Miss Orpa Mayo, a post-graduate pupil of Professor Frank, played with exquisite feeling Chopin's piano concerto in E Minor. Professor Anton Navratil, Baylor's distinguished virtuoso, thrilled the audience with his brilliant interpreta- tion of the violin concerto of Mendelssohn, BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 89 "H. M. S. PINAFORE, OR THE LASS WHO LOVED A SAILOR" Comic Opera, by Gilbert and Sullivan. Presented by Director Frank and Students of the University: Carroll Chapel, Tuesday Evening, June the Fifteenth. A very large and enthusiastic audience witnessed the presentation by Baylor students, under the direction of Professor Severin Frank, of the rollicking Gilbert and Sullivan opera, "H. M. S. Pinafore." This airy com- position, with its kaleidoscopic coloring, rapidly moving action, and lilting tunes, quite captivated the jolly audience. The success of the performance was due in no small measure to the capable efforts of Mrs. Howard Mann, who arranged the costuming and staging of the opera and directed the action, and to the business tact and energy displayed by Mr. Joseph H. Burt, of Dallas, who launched the production. The cast of characters was as follows : The Captain Mr. Crutcher Cole The Captain's Daughter, Josephine Miss Euby Evans Sir Joseph Porter, Commander of the Queen's Navy Mr. W. S. Cochran Balph, a, Sailor Mr. Bobert S. Pool Cousin Hebe, the Captain's Cousin Miss Katie Claire Rogers Little Buttercup Miss Isabel Stallings Dick Dead-Bye Mr. Ivar Skougaard The Boatswain Mr. Victor Koon The Boatswain's Mate Mr. J. E. Towle Director Frank and the performers were ably assisted by Miss Esther Barro, pianist, whose clever work as accompanist contributed largely to the success of the opera. HISTORICAL PAGEANT: "BAYLOR THE DELIVERER" Presented by the Departmeaits of English and Expression of Bayloi University: Carroll Field, Tuesday Eveming, June the Fifteenth. The historical pageant, "Baylor the Deliverer," was presented on Carroll Field upon the conclusion of the addresses of Dr. Cooper and Senator Lewis. The arduous work of planning the performance, designing the stage settings, assigning the parts, and training the nearly one hundred performers in their roles was undertaken and successfully accomplished by Miss Agnes Myrtle Thompson, head of the Department of Expression in Baylor University, assisted by Miss Esther Leary, also of the Depart- ment of Expression. All parts were taken by undergraduates of Baylor. The "book," written by Miss Mary Jo Nabors, a student of Baylor Uni- versity, portrays in dramatic form the vicissitudes of Baptist educa- tional endeavor in the early days of desperate struggle against the h^rsh 90 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE forces of nature and of man, and exhibits the steady progress of Christian education from primeval darkness into the light of the better day at which Baylor has now arrived. The close attention of the large audience throughout the difficult rendi- tion of the Pageant bore eloquent testimony to the success of the per- formance. Following is a reprint of the introduction to the Pageant "Book." Mythology tells of a white man, known as the Fair God, who came to this Southwest and taught the early inhabitants the arts of civilization. When he had completed his task, he sailed away to his own country. But the fruits of his teachings resulted in highly cultured tribes for many generations. The coming of the barbarians from the North did much to destroy these races, and after a while, only remnants of the finer tribes were left. History informs us that early explorers in the part of the Southwest now known as Texas found nearly fifty tribes of Indians who had a considerable degree of civilization. These bands were known as the Tejas Indians, and it is from their name that "Texas" is derived. The opening pantomime shows the sun temple of the Fair God. Progress and his attendants, the Years-to-Come, are grouped about the altar. The white man calls upon the Sun-god for fire with which to light the torch of Progress. After his appeal is answered. Progress is given the torch, and sets out with his train to awaken the Southwest. Texas in the beginning — a stately female figure, seated on throne — watches with great pleasure the merry-making of her hand-maidens. Progress appears on the scene, and offers his services as "the Bearer of the Light of Truth." But no sooner is Progress welcomed by Texas than Ignorance, with his kindred spirits, steals in upon them, dashes the torch of Progress to the ground, and casts an evil spell over the scene, which cannot be broken until a deliverer comes. Texas Indians of the various tribes are gathered together for their annual ceremony at the Temple of the Sacred Fire. The High Priest, the great Chenesi, is aided in performing rites by an Indian maiden, who appeals to the Sun to reflect its light and heat in her mirror, so that the altar may continue to furnish fire for her people. Just as the ceremony is ended, a messenger rushes in and tells the people of the coming of the white man. Confusion reigns, and the Indians appeal to their War-god for aid. A figure, personifying the Spirit of Conquest, appears above them, and the savages withdraw in terror. In 1687, Moranget, an associate of La Salle, is sent with a party to search for Duhaut, Liotot, Niki and Saget, who have gone to recover food which the party had previously buried. A quarrel takes place between Moranget BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 91 and Duhaut, which results in the death of Moranget, Niki and Saget. The remaining men also plan to kill La Salle, and when he arrives with Father Anatase and an Indian guide he is shot from ambush. The founding of the first mission in Texas by the Spanish represents the effort of that period of conquest. The Indians, charmed by the impos- ing scene, for a time respond to the work of the Spaniards. But the shackles of conquest, as interpreted by the figure on the stage above, cause the Indians to revolt, and the white men are driven away. The coming of the pioneers, and the granting of Austin's petition at San Antonio, marks another epoch in the development of the country. At the appearance of the settlers the evil spirits begin to lose their power, and Texas reaches out to the pioneers as being a possible means of delivery from Ignorance. But the time is not yet ripe. After the passing of the pioneers, State Education with attendant sym- bolic features, offers herself to Texas, but her influence is not strong enough to break the spell. Finally, Christian Education comes to the court of Texas, and offers her young son. Instantly the spell is broken; Texas rises to receive her gift, the torch of Progress is relighted, and Ignorance and his evil spirits are driven from the court by the hand-maidens of Texas. The youth is knighted, called Baylor, and is charged to "teach the people love, faith, and obedience; to lead an unconquerable army of trained Christians, who shall march forth into the morning to Service." Three important events in the growth of Baylor are represented by three floats. The granting of the charter; the admittance of women to the school ; and the uniting of the schools at Independence and Waco. Modern Baylor is presented in the form of tableaux, which show the different departments, represented by well-known pictures, figures, or incidents. Texas under six flags is presented by the Wheel of Time, whose spokes are composed of the colors of those flags. The three figures on pedestals are Victory, Peace, and Memory. This tableau is in honor of the Baylor students who took part in the great World War. The last episode, "The Light of the World," is symbolic of the task which Baylor must perform in the future. The influence and service of that "unconquerable army of trained Christians" must be felt not only in Texas, but throughout the whole world. 92 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 'A GLIMPSE OF TH^ GREEN ANp GQLp' BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 9^ THE PRESIDENT'S RECEPTION Held on the Campus from 5:30 to 7:30, Tuesday Afternoon, June the Fifteenth.. The President's Reception, held beneath the trees on the campus and favored by Texas weather at its best, was attended by many distinguished guests of the University, by the trustees and faculty of the University and their families, by members of the graduating class of the year, and by a large number of friends from Waco and elsewhere. Here was symbolized the spirit of the home-coming ; here were renewed associations interrupted by months or by years ; here the Diamond Jubilee found its most appropri- ate setting. After "running the gauntlet" of the long line of welcoming friends, the guests and "home-comers" scattered into groups and held improm.ptu receptions until the lengthening shadows recalled them to the evening's engagements. Among the many hundreds who enjoyed the gracious hospitality of President and Mrs. Brooks may be mentioned: Postmaster-General Albert S. Burleson, former Senator James Hamilton Lewis, of Illinois; the Hon. Cato Sells, United States Commissioner for Indian Affairs; Chancellor James H. Kirkland, of Vanderbilt University; President Lee R. Scarborough, of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; President F. W. Boatwright, of Richmond College; President W. B. Bizzell, of the A. & M. College of Texas; President Edgar Odell Lovett, of the Rice Institute; Mrs. Rufus C. Burleson; Mr. Edwin Mark- ham; Miss Amy Lowell; Professor George Henry Nettleton, of Yale Col- lege; Mr. Nicholas Vachel Lindsay; Dr. J. B. Cranfill; President Charles E. Brewer, of Meredith College; Miss Harriet Monroe; President Rufus W. Weaver, of Mercer University ; Mr. Judd Mortimer Lewis ; Miss Mar- jorie Augusta Lewis ; Dr. George W. McDaniel. 94 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE GEORGIA BURLESON HALL BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 95 THE PRESIDENT'S DINNER Georgia Burleson Hall, Tuesday Evening, June the Fifteenth. The President's Dinner, tendered to the honor guests of the University, was an elaborate collation served in the large dining-room of Georgia Burleson Hall on Tuesday evening, June 15th. No formal program was enacted, but the large number of distinguished visitors enjoyed in fullest measure the unconstrained hospitality of President and Mrs. Brooks so graciously extended on behalf of the University. Assisting President and Mrs. Brooks in doing honor to the visitors were several members of the Baylor faculty and their wives and a number of friends from the city of Waco. Following is the list of guests: Dr. Eugeue Perry AUdrodge, Ijittle Eoek, Arkansas. Bev. Matthew Thomas Andrews, Temple, Texas. Dr. Wallace Bassett, Dallas, Texas. Dr. Harry Yandell Benedict, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. President Charles MeTyeire Bishop, Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas. Pres. Frederick William Boatwright, Eichmond College, Eichmond, Virginia. Pres. Francis Marion Bralley, College of Industrial Arts, Denton, Texas. Pres. Charles Edward Brewer, Meredith College, Ealeigh, North Carolina. Eev. Oscar Eugene Bryan, Louisville, Kentucky. Hon. Albert Sidney Burleson, Postmaster-General, Washington, D. C. Eev. Samuel Hape Campbell, Tyler, Texas. Pres. James William Cantwell, A. & M. College, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Eev. Charles Chauncey Carroll, New Orleans, La. Dr. Thomas Stone Clyce, Austin College, Sherman, Texas. Eev. Edward Lyon Compere, Shawnee, Oklahoma. Eev. Walter Thomas Conner, Fort Worth, Texas. Pres. Claybrook Cottingham, Louisiana College, Pineville, La. Dr. James Britton Cranfill, Dallas, Texas. Bev. Austin Crouch, Jonesboro, Arkansas. Pres. Charles Ernest Dicken, Ouachita College, Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Prof. David Edgar Pogle, Georgetown College, Georgetown, Kentucky. Prof. C. H. Gifford, Washington, D. C. Eev. Henry Crete Gleiss, Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Baron de Kalb Gray, Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Eobert Thomas Hill, Dallas, Texas. Pres. Samuel Lee Hornbeak, Trinity University, Waxahaehie, Texas. Mr. Isaac Herbert Kempner, Galveston, Texas. Eev. William Bell Kendall, Paris, Texas. Mr. Justin Ford Kimball, Dallas, Texas. Chancellor James Hampton Kirkland, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Mr. John Francis Knott, Dallas, Texas. Senator James Hamilton Lewis, Chicago, Illinois. Mr. Judd Mortimer Lewis, Houston, Texas. Mr. Nicholas Vachel Lindsay, Springfield, 111. Pres. Edgar Odell Lovett, Eice Institute, Houston, Texas. 96 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Miss Amy Lowell, Brookline, Massachusetts. Dr. George White McDaniel, Eiehmoiid, Virginia. Eev. Charles Edward Maddry, Austin, Texas. Mr. Edwin Markham, West New Brighton, Staten Island, New York. Prof. John Calvin Metcalf, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. Miss Harriet Monroe, Chicago, Illinois- Mr. Hight C. Moore, Nashville, Tennessee. Prof. George Henry Nettleton, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.- Rev. John Wesley Newbrough, Harlingen, Texas. Prof. Albert Henry Newman, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Prof. Lula Pace, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Eev. William Alexander Pool, Mansfield, Texas. Dr. John Eichard Sampey, Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. Eev. William Eugene Sallce, Waco, Texas. Dr. Bacon Saunders, Fort Worth, Texas. Hon. Cato Sells, Washington, D. C. Dr. Bernard Washington Spilman, Kinston, North Carolina. Mr. Joseph J. Taylor, Dallas, Texas. Prof. Ernest Gale Townsend, Baylor College, Belton, Texas. Dr. George Washington Truett, Dallas, Texas. Dr. Isaac Jacobus Van Ness, Nashville, Tennessee. Eev. Henry Pranklin Vermillion, Baptist Sanatorium, El Paso, Texas. Pres. Eufus Washington Weaver, Mercer University, Macon, Georgia. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 97 THE DIAMOND JUBILEE LUNCHEON Given by Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Armstrong on behalf of the Department of English and Hon- oring the Visiting Poets, Messrs. Markham, Lindsay, and Lewis and Misses Lowell and Monroe: Hotel Raleigh, Tuesday, June the Fifteenth. To honor the poets and other artists several informal luncheons and dinners were arranged by Dr. Armstrong, head of the Department of English, by the literary societies, and by the faculty and friends of the University. The formal Diamond Jubilee Luncheon, given by the Depart- ment of English, through Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong, in honor of the visiting poets — Messrs. Markham, Lindsay, and Lewis, and Misses Lowell and Monroe — was held in the Gold Room of the Hotel Raleigh on Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Invited by Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong to assist in doing honor to the poets were a number of the other guests of the Uni- versity, leading patrons of art and literature from the city of Waco, Presi- dent and Mrs. Brooks, and several members of the University faculty. Mr. Lindsay read in his eccentric lyrical style "General Booth Enters Heaven," and Mr. J. A. Lomax, of the University of Texas, read from his popular collection of Cowboy Songs. Two of Mr. Markham's poems, set to music by Mr. Irl Allison and Miss Lois Sanders, former students of Baylor, were effectively rendered by the young artists. For the especial delectation of the visitors a number of familiar negro folk melodies were sung by a well-trained double quartet from Paul Quinn College, a local institution for negroes. Among those present for this luncheon, besides the honorees, were: H. C. Gifford, editor of The Drama and able dramatic critic; George Henry Nettleton, professor of English in Yale College, scholar and critic of dramatic literature; John Calvin Metcalf, Professor of English in the University of Virginia, critic and author of well-known texts and antholo- gies in English and American literature; Joseph J. Taylor, of the Dallas Morning News, who, as "State Press," is perhaps the most widely known paragrapher and "column" writer in the South; Hight C. Moore, of Nash- ville, Tennessee, warmly esteemed by all Southern Baptists as editor and author ; and John Francis Knott, of the Dallas Morning News, a cartoonist of national distinction. Other guests were: Mr. Judd Mortimer Lewis, Poet and Editor, Houston, Texas. Mr. Nicolas Vaehel Lindsay, Poet, Springfield, Illinois. Miss Amy Lowell, Poet, Brooldine, Massachusetts. Mr. Edwin Markham, Poet, West New Brighton, Staten Island^ New York. Miss Harriet Monroe, Poet, Editor of "Poetry," Chicago, Illinois. Mr. Irl Allison, Dean of Music, Rusk Junior College, Eusk, Texas. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Mrs. Irl Allison, Eusk, Texas. Dr. A. J. Armstrong, Professor of English, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Mrs. A. J. Armstrong, Waco, Texas. Dr. K. H. Aynesworth, Physician, Waco, Texas. Mrs.K. PI. Aynesworth, Waco, Texas. Mrs- Carle W. Baker, Poet, Nacogdoches, Texas. Mr. W. M. Briscoe, Professor of French, Baylor University, Waco. Mrs. W. M. Briscoe, Waco. Mrs. S. P. Brooks, Waco. Dr. W. E. Bryson, Professor of French, Texas Christian University, Ft. Worth. Miss Miriam Buck, Instructor, Baylor- University, Waco- Mr. J. Plomer Caskey, Instructor, Baylor University, Waco. Mrs. J. Homer Caskey, Waco. Mr. Wm. Boy Christian, Editor Waco News-Tribune, Waco. Mrs. Wm. Koy Christian, Waco. Dr. J. M. Dawson, Pastor First Baptist Church, Waco. Mrs. J- M. Dawson, Waco. Miss Kate Edmond, Journalist, Waco. Mr. Mordis Falkner, Orchardist, Waco. Mrs. Mordis Falkner, Waco. Dr. David Edgar Fogle, Professor of French, Georgetown College, George- town, Kentucky. Mrs. H. P. Gamble, President New Orleans Federated Women's Clubs, New Orleans, La. Mrs. J. T. Harrington, Waco. Mr. J- E. Hawkins, Instructor, Baylor University, Waco. Mrs. J. E. Hawkins, Waco. Miss Marjorie Lewis, Houston, Texas. Dr. J. A. Lomax, Professor of English, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Dr. Edgar O. Lovett, President Eieo Institute, Houston, Texas. Dr. George W. McDaniel, Pastor First Baptist Church, Eiehmond, Va. Mrs. George W- McDaniel, Eiehmond, Va. Mr. George W. McLendon, Merchant, Waco. Mrs. George W. McLendon, Waco. Miss Liilie Martin, Instructor, Baylor University, Waco. Mr. L. J. Mills, Instructor, Baylor University, Waco. Mrs. L. J. Mills, Waco. Mr. E- E. Nash, Jr., Merchant, Waco. Mr. Pat M. Netl, Attorney, Waco. Mr. E. W. Provence, Business Manager, Baylor University, Waco. Mrs. E. W. Provence, Waco. Mrs. Harold Eussell, Brookline, Mass. Mr. Junius Eussell, Merchant, Orange, Texas. Mrs. Junius Eussell, Orange, Texas- Miss Lois Sanders, Musician, Mart, Texas. Dr. Eufus W. Weaver, President Mercer University, Macon, Georgia. Miss Flora Wells, Instructor, Baylor University, Waco. Miss Decca Lamar West, Vice-President Texas Federation of Women's Clubs. Dr. W. O. Wilkes, Physician, Waco, Texas. Mrs. W. 0. Wilkes, Waco. Mrs. Mattie D. Willis, Musician, Waco- BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 99 EDWARD H. CAEY, M.D., LL.D., P.A.O.S. Dean of Baylor University College of Medicine 100 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE THE BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE For the first time in the history of the University the members of the graduating classes of the Baylor College of Medicine and its associated branches journeyed from Dallas to Waco to receive their diplomas. Headed by Dean E. H. Gary and the members of the several faculties, the "Medics" occupied a distinguished place in the Commencement Processional on Wednesday morning. Under the capable leadership of Dean Cary, the College of Medicine has made remarkable progress in recent years. It is designated by the American Medical Association as a "Class A" institution and is performing a valuable service in equipping young men and young women for the medical, dental, pharmaceutical, and nursing professions. The consolidation of the Medical College with the Baptist Memorial Sani- tarium* and the adoption of the policy of the "closed staff" mark an epoch in the history of this important branch of Baylor University. President Brooks and Dean Cary have spared no effort to bring about a closer affiliation between the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Medicine. The organization last year of the "Pre-Medical" course in the College of Arts and Sciences was designed to encourage young men working towards academic degrees to make judicious choice of courses approved by the authorities of medical colleges throughout the country. Under this arrangement a young man may count two years of medical preparation towards the baccalaureate degree while at the same time satis- fying the minimum requirement for admission to medical college. On Tuesday evening, June 15th, at the Hotel Raleigh, Dean Cary tendered an elaborate banquet to his colleagues of the medical faculty and to the members of the graduating class. In proposing a toast to the Pre- Medical Class of the University, Dean Cary emphasized the progress of the Medical College and described the new building now in course of construc- tion. The citizens of Dallas, he said, had subscribed $500,000 as their contribution towards the project of enlargement now in contemplation. If present plans for the endowment of the institution were fully realized, the Medical College would in the near future offer facilities scarcely to be equaled in the entire South. Mr. Charles Shumway, responding on behalf of the "Pre-Medics," ex- pressed appreciation of the opportunities already extended to the pros- pective student by the College of Medicine — a Texas institution deserving of the loyal support of all forward-looking young men of the Southwest and, most of all, of the Pre-Medical Class of Baylor University at Waco. Dr. E. F. Cudmore, of New York City, representing the students and ex-students of the College of Medicine, referred most happily to the sterling qualities of Dean Cary as gentleman and scholar and reviewed in some detail the constructive work which had been done by him in recent years. *This consolidation was effected December 14th, 1920. See page 8 of iutroduotion. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 101 Dr. Kelly F. Cox, of Canton, Texas, pronounced an eloquent encomium upon the personality of Dean Cary and the success which had already at- tended his labors — a success which, notable as it was, marked only the beginning of greater things in store for an institution uniquely favored alike in its location and in the spirit of service which animated its entire staff. Dr. 0. C. Bradbury, head of the Department of Zoology in Baylor Uni- versity at Waco, spoke of the physician's relation to society and the bound- less opportunities it offers either for good or for harm. Dr. Bradbury, speaking as a layman, made a quiet but very effective appeal to the younger members of the medical profession to keep always before them the highest conception of the doctor's mission in the world. 102 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE ^^ ^.^^f CEEEK SCENE ON THE CAMPUS BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 103 COMMENCEMENT DAY Addresses Tjy the Hon. Alliert S. Burleson, Postmaster-General of the United States, and the Kev. George W. Truett, D.D. — Annual Announcements by the President of the University — Conferring of Degrees; Wednesday Morning, June the Sixteenth. At 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning, June 16th, an imposing academic parade began to form in the corridors of the Main Building, in the Science Hall, in Brooks Hall, and under the trees on the North Campus. Just at 9 :40 the processional, led by the Baylor Band, began to move. Marching in full academic regalia were the speakers of the day ; the fifty-seven dis- tinguished men and women invited to receive honorary degres ; the special representatives of other institutions of higher learning ; the graduates, one hundred and fifteen in number, of "Old Baylor" and of Waco University who had responded to the invitation to receive the baccalaureate degree; the trustees, president, and faculties of the University ; and the graduating classes of the year. Representing the citizenry of Waco were Mayor Mc- CuUough and the city commissioners and large delegations from the Cham- ber of Commerce, the Young Men's Business League, the Rotary Club, and the Lions' Club. Circling the great quadrangle, then moving along Fifth Street to a point just beyond the bridge of Waco Creek; next skirting the north bank of the creek — the marching sections filed into Minglewood Park and occu- pied the places reserved for them in the spacious pavilion erected for the occasion. At 10 :05 o'clock President Brooks rose and, bespeaking the sympathetic co-operation of the audience in carrying out an unusually elaborate pro- gram, presented the Rev. Bernard W. Spilman, D.D., of North Carolina, who pronounced the invocation in the following words : Our Heavenly Father : Deeply grateful to Thee for every blessing which comes from Thy bountiful hand, we come today thanking Thee for this oc- casion; we come, our Heavenly Father, thanking Thee for this bright, beautiful, sunshiny day ; we thank Thee for this institution and all that it has meant through all the years ; we thank thee for the men and women who have wrought well here, and we pray, our Heavenly Father, as we gather here today, that Thou wilt bless us, direct us, and guide us; and may all that this institution stands for and all that it does be for Thy glory and for the advancement of Thy kingdom on this earth, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. "Our Baylor" was then sung by the University Choral Club, the audience joining heartily in the chorus. 104 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE ALBEET SIDNEY BURLESON Graduate of "Waco University, 1881; Postmaster-General of the United States; Personal Eepresentative of President Wilson at the Baylor Diamond Jubilee. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 105 In presenting the first speaker of the day, the Hon. Albert Sidney Bur- leson, Postmaster-General of the United States, President Brooks said: This occasion has brought to us many men representing many institu- tions. We have thought sufficiently highly of ourselves to covet" the best gifts that our country contains and we are honored this morning by having a representative of the President of the United States, which representa- tive is an honored graduate of this institution, the Postmaster-General of the United States. (Applause). I present Albert Sidney Burleson. (Applause) . Mr. Burleson's speech was an earnest plea for loyalty to the great prin- ciples for which America went to war and, in particular, to the peerless leader of world democracy who, though bowed down beneath the weight of burdens too great for m:rtal man and finally stricken by severe illness, yet undaunted, still summons the soldiers of democracy's army of peace to "hold the line." Mr. Burleson's address, as reported stenographically, was as follows: Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen: I need not say that it is a source of great pleasure to me, but also that I foel highly hon- ored that the privilege has been given to me to participate in the Diamond Jubilee of Bay- lor University, which had its origin during the days of the RejHiblie of Texas. It has been thirty-nine years since I finished my academic course at this institution and passed into the outer world to grapple with the affairs of ordinary life. T have been fairly busy and'today was the first opportunity that I have had to again place my feet upon univer- sity ground. I have been tremendously impressed by the improvements in its physical properties. I have been told that improvements just as great have taken place in its internal arrangements and organization. This progress, this development demonstrates that your able and distinguished President, Dr. Brooks (applause), is a worthy successor of Doctors Crane, Cooper, and Burleson (applause), who directed the affairs of this great institution with such signal ability for so many years. What a flood of recollection surged through my memory as I walked through the "Uni- versity grounds this morning! How well do I remember the many times that I have heard the venerable Dr. Burleson boast in a modest way that he had been the president of an educational institution of the first class longer than any other man in America save Dr. Francis Wayland of Brown University. (Applause). How often have T heard him boast in a modest way of the progressiveness of this institution, that it was the sec- ond institution in the world that had adopted the policy of co-education of the sexes. How many times have I heard the venerable doctor voice his aspirations for the con- tinued growth, development, and advancement of his beloved State and of this institution which was always nearest his heart. How many, many times have I heard him send up his earnest prayers that the young men and the young women who went out from its doors would so live as to promote the cause of Christianity and. the general welfare of mankind. How many times have I heard Mm picture his ideals, holding up his visions to the voung student-body, admonishing them at all times that good works alone could bring happiness and provide the only sure foundation for real progress and advancement. 1 remember well the occasion of my graduation-the doctor had a pet or favorite theory that ideals, great ideals alone, were worth while in this world, and when I had finished my academic course he insisted upon the selection as a subject for my gi-aduat- ing thesis a theme that would lend itself to the exposition of this favorite theory of his. 106 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE He wanted me to select as the subject of my graduating thesis this: "The Two Graves at St. Helena. ' ' Now, as a matter of fact, I had been quite weak in Greek and the venerable doctor had been quite liberal in his markings in order that I might get my degree. (Laughter). I wanted to gratify him; he insisted; I yielded. I labored hard. You will recall that the great Bonaparte was at one time buried at St. Helena, and Dr". Burleson labored under the impression that Dr. Adoniram Judson had also been buried there; as a matter of fact, he died at sea and was buried at sea nearby. But the sub- ject was taken; the thesis was written; but frankly, I have always had my doubts whether the conclusions I deduced were thoroughly sound when based upon the premises I accepted as true. (Laughter). But recently, after the great World War, I am inclined to believe that the venerable doctor was right: that ideals at last are all that is worth while. Dr. Judson had been a great Missionary Baptist; his life had been one of self- sacrifice, self-denial, arduous labor. He had undertaken the task of the general ediica- tion and uplift and Christianization of the East Indians. He had laboriously set about it, devoting years of time to the work; he had made a Burmese dictionary. He was a man of great ideals; he was a man of vision; he was a man of the noblest purposes and the highest aspirations. The venerable Dr. Burleson firmly believed that those ideals would exert a greater influence in the end upon the affairs of the world than all the military achievements of Napoleon, or all that he accomplished in this world, though he had promulgated a code of laws wonderful in their way, the Code Napoleon, which admittedly exerted an influence up'on the jurisprudence of the entire world. In 1914 — I will attempt to give you the reasons why I am changing my mind — in 1914 the whole world was at peace, comparatively speaking, when suddenly at Serajevo in the Austrian province of Bosnia, a crack-brained Serbian student, whose name the world has forgotten, shot the Crown Prince of Austria, whose name I have forgotten. (Laugh- ter). William the Second, who harbored in his bosom an ambition to exercise autocratic sway over the entire world, seized upon the incident as the psychological occasion for the beginning of his activities. Within a short while this spark or this flash from tlia student's pistol had ignited a conflagi'ation of war which swept within its scope not only all cf Europe, save a few small countries, but nearly all of Asia and Africa. And after three years of war what a condition confronted the world! The Central Powers, occu- pying a corridor through Europe and extending into Asia, b,' reason of the wonderful advantages this corridor afforded for the mobilization of their armies, had had success after success. Eussia was down and out; Enmania was upon her knees begging for terms; and Great Britain, Prance, and Italy, sorely distresuoj, if not iiv dire extremity, could see ahead nothing but defeat. At this juncture — and 1 will not discuss the reasons why; suffice it to say because of the fact that the honor, the dignity, the liberty of the Amer- ican people were in jeopardy — our own beloved country entered the contest. When the step had been taken, what a tremendous problem confronted the American people! When the tocsin of war was sounded, every loyal man, woman, and child within these broad domains readily responded. The Allies were without food, the Allies lacked certain mili- tary supplies essential for the prosecution of their military campaign; the Allies were lacking in man-power to check the on-rushing horde of the Hun, who was threatening the capital of Prance. Immediately responding to the necessities of the occasion, women from one end of this country to the other in the remote regions, entered upon a policy of conservation of food in order that a surplus might be brought about to supply the needs of the Allied Armies. Over night, as it were, the great industries of this country were converted from a peace basis to a war basis, and every man from the age of eighteen, every American from the age of eighteen to thirty-one, was called to the colors. You remember well this tense period of preparation. You will recall that at that time Mr. Lloyd George announced that it was a race between von Hindenburg and Wilson, von Hindenburg to win the war before America could place her troops upon Prench soil; BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 107 Wilson to fortify the w.^keniug lines of the Allien before vou Hindenbur^ eonkl W he wa. (Applause). After a few months the preliminary trainin Tf t "lleTeln IT r'a^ITile t? ': ^V"'' '""' *'''" '''' "''"''- l-sentecritself of t^l.^t g an army thiee thousan.l nnles across the seas. Noted scientists said that it could not be done. You reme.nber how the ery went up then of ''Ships, ships, more ships ''-H tor these purposes of transportation. More ships were bnilt in the East and in th Wes and rn the South of this country than were ever known to have been built with a HI flaged in the day-time and darkened at night, freighted with the precious lives of the Amencan soldier-boys, with engines working at high pressure in order to increase the swrttness of their pace, moved first tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands, and finally two million men across the sea. During these voyages every American soldier was praying that he could get to the front before it was too late to turn the tide and every father and mother in America was praying that those precious lives might be saved from destruction by the accursed assassin of the sea, the German submarine, which could be counted by the hundreds lying in wait. In the meantime the line of battle extending from Alsace-Lorraine to the English Channel, was being pressed closer and closer to Paris. The Briton, with his back to the wall, was dying by the thousands in order that victory should not come to the hosts of autocracy. The American soldier was placed in what might be termed tlie second line of defense; and then the tense period of the late Summer of 1918 arrived; the advance had been made until the roar of the cannon could be plainly heard in Paris; more than a million of her citizens had Va- cated the city and moved to places of protection and safety; the o.fficial documents had been gathered together pre])aratory to removal of the seat of government. The supreme hour had come; the test was to be made whether the German Army could drive a wedge between the French Army and the British, leaving an open way to Paris. Dm-- ing this time the French soldiers, war-worn and weary, who had sacrificed their lives by the millions, were forced to recede before the Prussian Army. They were filing back and passing behind, and the American line became not only the first line but the last line of defense. (Applause). Picture to yourselves, if you can, what was transpiring there. The night before the great thrust was to be made, the first and second lieutenants passed down the line and touched each soldier upon the shoulder asking him the question, "Will you hold the line, will you hold the line?"— and on the 18th day of July, with the Prussian Guard in front, those crack troops of the German Empire which had never known defeat, moved upon the American line at Chateau Thierry. The shrieking of shells and the roar of cannon were heard. Gas shells by the thousands were exploded and on came the German Army, determined because the crucial point had been reached, determined that it would win. Finally the smoke of battle rolled away and there stood the remnant of the American Army holding the line. (Applause). Then came the period of aggres- sion; over the top tliey went, through Bellcau Wood and the Argonne, and finally, the Germans having sued for peace through your own President, the terms were laid down, assented to by all the great powers, and the one point in which America was interested was the fact that there should be a Covenant or o. League of Nations to prevent future wars. (Applause). Let us take an account for just a second. On the 11th day of the eleventh month, 1918, the Armistice was granted and the war was practically at an end — theoretically at an end. What did it cost"? According to the gi-eat statisticians of Europe who are in a position to know, nine million, nine hundred and ninety-eight thousand, seven hundred and seventy-one men had died; twenty million, nine hundred and odd thousand had suffered wounds upon their bodies; and the peoples of the world had burdened themselves with an expenditure and an indebtedness that aggregated two hundred and three billions of dollars. My God! should such a horrible catastrophe ever be permitted to be repeated? But worse than that, just before this war ended Germany had established a gun seventy 108 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE miles from Paris, in March of 1918, I think; day after day, week after week, month after month, tremendous shells weighing tons were hurled into that helpless city, destroy- ing her buildings and her people by the thousands. Worse than that, out of the labora- tories of the chemists and the test-rooms of the engineers had come gases and poisons, or the formulas for gases and poisons and explosives, so much more powerful than any that had ever been used, that the use of them would amount to annihilation, not only of armies but of whole peoples themselves. They had actually devised means for dis- seminating a contagion of pestilential diseases. Should there be a recurrence of tjiese horrors? The President went to Europe. There he encountered the great men, representative of all the great countries of the world. What a difficult problem confronted him! Deal- ing with racial antagonisms a century old, confronted by selfish economic aspirations upon the part of certain countries that they felt they could not yield, how nearly impossible was his task; and yet within five months' time he induced all tliesc conflicting elements to agree upon a treaty of peace which embodied a covenant of nations guaranteeing against a recurrence of war- (Applause). He brought it to America. As a matter of fact, he was entitled to be met with acclaims of congratulation and gratification upon the part of the people of America. (Applause). But instead he found that partisanship had been placed above love of humanity, had been enthroned in the place of patriotism. He found that duty — duty to the people of the whole world, had been subordinated to envy, jealousy, malice, and hatred. He submitted the treaty. It was held in the com- mittee-room for three months and then reported, and the endless commoneed; and then he carried the cause for which he stood to the American people. Speaking through the North, swinging across the Pacific Slope, and on his return — and the ways of Providence are indeed inscrutable — he was stricken at Wichita. He returned at once to the Capital broken in body, because he had said on his tour that he was willing to die if necessary in order that there should be no recurrence of war. (Applause). Stricken in body, but with unclouded vision and undaunted sjjirit, he still holds the line. (Loud apidause). Eecently at the "rent City upon the Lakes a roar of protest and opposition has been heard- Within a few days in the Citv of the Golden West upon the far Pacific an answer will be made, and then it is for you to decide. No longer can this great President of ours hold the lino, but he can summon to his aid every God-fearing man and every Chris- tian woman who loves humanity, who prefers peace and continued happiness to selfish isolation; he calls you to his aid. He touches you vipon the shoulder and asks of eaoh of you the question, "Will you hold the line?" (Applause). I believe I know what the answer will be. And when that answer is given it will be a complete vindication of the theory of my venerable old relative, that high ideals are all that are worth while in this world. (Applause). Because if the h)};h ideals of Woodrow Wilson are to prevail, there will never be again upon this earth a recurrence of war- (Applause). And if that can be brought about, permit me to say that it will exert a wider influence upon the affairs of the world, and a far more extended and prolonged influence, than all the military vic- tories that have ever taken place in the history of the world. If that can take place, it will have been worth the price of the nine million lives and of the two hundred billions of treasure. It is for you and those like you to determine this issue, and it is a simple issue. It cannot be disguised, it cannot be evaded. The issue is: will the great American govern- ment, will the American people express their willingness to engage in a compact with other nations to ptrevent war? Mr. President, I bring to you from the President of the United States cordial greeting. He directs me to express to you his sincere wish that this great institution over which you preside may continue to grow in power and in influence, lo the end that, through all its work, tlie advancement of civilization, the promotion of the cause of Cliristianity, the betterment of mankind, and the glory of our God who shapes and directs us in all pur actions may be assured. I thank you. (Ajsplause). BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 109 GEORGE W. TEUETT, D.D., LL.D. Graduate of Baylor University, 1897; apostle of civil and religious liberty; incomparable preacher of the gospel of Christ; Baylor's best beloved son. 110 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Upon the conclusion of the address of Mr. Burleson, President Brooks said in presenting the Rev. George W. Truett, D.D.: Ladies and Gentlemen : There is only one George Truett. He is a gradu- ate of this institution and the high compliment is paid him, as I have said on another occasion, that every man who ever knew him claimed to be his intimate friend, for Truett so conducted himself towards all mankind as to leave that rightful impression. (Applause). Dr. George W. Truett. (Applause) . Dr. Truett, known, either personally or through his world-wide reputa- tion as a valiant soldier of Christ, to every person in the great audience, and loved and honored as he is known, spoke ■with the authority that is vouchsafed only to those who have a cause "worth living for and worth dying for" — and who are possessed of the sublime courage of such a cause. His speech was a passionate call to service — service to sustain the tottering social order; service to preserve and propagate the great principles of Christian living and dying which poets and preachers and teachers of every age and every clime for twenty centuries have inscribed upon the banners of civilization; service to speed the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven among men. Following is the text of Dr. Truett's speech: President Brooks and Honor-Guests of Ba3']or; Fellow-Students of Baylor and Ladies and Gentlemen: The drama of history has grown apace and brought us to this crowning hour. Three generations of Baylor men and women are gnthcrcd here today to do honor to their be- loved Alma Mater, and to pledge her ;niow the most grateful loyalty and the most un- swerving co-operation in all the plans that she has for today and may have through the long tomorrow. Great-grandparents are here, together with their great-grandchildren, all alike members of our Baylor family. It is an occasion to awaken emotion in all our hearts too deep for words. One wonders today if out of that long line of noble Baylor presidents and teachers and trustees who have been gathered unto the Yonderland, one wonders if their spirits are not near us this very hour, the spirits of Burleson and Crane and Carroll and their contemporaries; one wonders if tliey are not now looking on us, and if so, certainly they are in joyful fellowship with this occasion. "In every street, the shadows meet, Of Destiny, whose hands conceal The moulds of Pate that shape the .State, And make or mar the common weal. "Around 1 see the jiowers that lie, I stand by emjiire's primal springs, And princes meet in every street And hear the tread of uncrowned kings." The story of the founding and growing of Baylor Uni\ersity will forever I'onstitute one of the most thrilling epics in the history of educiitional institutions. One thinks of two scriptures as we are here assembled: "The little one has become a thousand," and "The handful of corn on the top of the mountain shal-:es like Lebanon." It is indeed a happy event for us all as we are today giitliered in this college family reunion, that there are now assembled with us here so many of the direct descendants and relatives of departed Baylor presidents and teachers and trustees. One would like to pause IS BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE m and pay tribute to an army of them, one by one, but the limitations of an hour like th.= will riot allow. Quite confident am I that this vast Baylor family would have me express tor us all our profound gi-atitude that two sons of two of Baylor's long-time presidents are here with us today, Richard A. Burleson, and Eoyston G. Crane. (Applause). Dr. Brooks: Colonel Crane also. Dr. Truett: Yes, Colonel Crane also. Prof. Pool: And George W. Baines, n son of another president. Dr. Truett: Yes, Dr. Baines also. A host of cherished names could I call, if the limits of this hour allowed. This large Baylor family is stirred with emotion very deep that Postmaster-General Burleson, one of the kinsmen of the man who was longest the presi- dent of this institution, comes to us today with the earnestly sympathetic message from himself and from President Wilson. (Applause). And certainly all this company of Baylor men and women, from the oldest grandfather to the youngest grandchild, would have' me say that our gratitude is deeper than any words we can voice, that we have yet with us that gentle woman, who, for well-nigh two generations, has been spoken of by the great army of Baylor men and women as "Aunt Georgia," the queenly wife of Eufus C. Bur- leson. (Applause). Wherever there is a Baylor man or woman in all the world today, the old' mother here, Baylor, would send to him or her the most affectionate greetings. Pellow-students of Baylor: The past challengingly calls to us, as we assemble on this historic occasion. The present is inexorably bound up with the past. We do well to take the long look backward, ever and anon, as well as the long look forward. Such long look will give us patience and poise and courage and fearlessness and faith. The ancient Hebrews, that mighty and resourceful race, never wearied of taking the backward look, and of chanting the virtues of their mighty dead, of talking about Moses, and Joshua, and Samuel, and Elijah, and David, and Solomon. And when the chiefest man of all the Christian centuries, namely the Apostle Paul, came to speak about the past, he wrote it down that he was moved inspiringly by the memory of the dead who had been gone for some fourteen hundred years. Baylor's past impressively calls to us today. As it was the task of the fathers to create, so it becomes the children's to preserve and perpetuate. The early history of Texas and of Baylor University is one of the most romantic chapters that has ever been written, or will be written, in the annals of American life. Faithfully has it been said: "A nation ashamed of its ancestry will be despised by its posterity." Whittier has pictured those earlier days for us: "We cross the prairies, as of old The Pilgrims crossed the sea. To make the West, as they the East, The homestead of the free." Cold is the heart and incapable is it of worthiest emotion, if it is not moved by the recital of the struggles and sacrifices and self-denials of the early men and women in Texas, who laid the foundations for Baylor University, and for the imperial commonwealth of Texas. The pioneer is ever an interesting and a challenging character. He is a path- finder. He blazes the way through the wilderness. He puts the plow to the unturned sod, and the axe to the forests where sound of axe has never before been heard. TJie Texas jiioneer was one of America's most important men. Side by side with his Bible lay his rifle, and if reports are to be credited, he was about as handy with one as with the other, in those early days, as he needed to be. The early population of Texas was one of the most virile and constructive that ever set foot in any new land. If you have taken the time to trace the history of those epochal days you have observed that along with the coming of men and women from all parts of our country there came to Texas in those early days many men and women of rare culture and education. It was out of minds and hearts like those that Baylor University was born and has been transmitted to this goodly hour. Where would you find men of larger significance in a country's life than 112 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Tryon, Huckins, and Baylor? Where would you find statesmen of more significance in building deeply and well a nation's life than Sam Houston and certain contemporaries in those early days gathered about him? Where would you find a soldier more important in serving civilization's weal than General Ed. Burleson, (applause) and the heroes of the Alamo and Goliad and San Jacinto? We do well, fellow-students of Baylor, to hark back, in a day like this, to the mighty days and deeds of our immortal and beloved dead. In the language of another: "God sifted a whole nation that he might send choice grain into the wilderness. ' ' Baylor's past imposes upon the present weighty and solemn obligations. The past and the present are bound inexorably together. The nations stand together in one unbroken solidarity. One generation sows and another reaps. ' ' Others have labored and ye are entered into their labors." David may gather the materials with care and toil to build the noble temple about which he dreams, but his son, Solomon, must take up the task unfinished by his father. And so the men and women of the present are to take up the tasks and heritages brought to us from the past, transmitted to us by the fathers, and we are to "carry on" as becometh men and women upon whom has come such a weighty heritage. There are certain ideals that have always characterized this oldest institution of our imperial State, and here today are we to be highly resolved that these ideals and tradi- tions shall not be lost, shall not be lowered, but shall be curried forward and made more enduring with every passing day. Every Baylor man and woman instantly calls to mind two or three of the outstanding ideals and traditions of the dear old school. Baylor University stands forever for the aristocracy of service. Nor does she have patience at all with snobbishness from any quarter. A man is a man for a' that. If you will go through her boarding halls and ob- serve certain young men waiting on their comrades, that by such ministry they may con- tinue in the old school to the end of their college day, you will find that these same men who thus minister to their comrades are as honored as their comrades, and share with them everywhere, in achievement and praise, from all the estates of this historic univer- sity. (Applause). There is only one aristocracy that is worth while at all and that is the aristocracy of service. The test of life is service. It was the Great Master's test. "By their fruits you shall know them." What the world wants is service. Its wounds cannot be staunched except by service. Its ignorance cannot be dispelled except by service. Its wrongs cannot be righted, its injustices corrected, its grievances redressed, except by service. And Baylor, through all her years, stands in the expression of her culture, her education, for the highest and worthiest and most uplifting service. And through these years Baylor has unwaveringly contended for the highest expression of patriotism, for love of country, for proper devotion to one's state. "Pro Ecclesia, pro Texana! " What Baylor man or woman has not heard that sounded in the ear a thousand times? Patriotism is one of the highest passions that stirs the human heart, and has been from the day long gone when the weeping captives sat down beside the rivers of Babylon and vowed to one another that they never would forget Jerusalem. Baylor Uni- versity has ever sounded out the note in the ears of her every student: "Go out and see to it that your community, your commonwealth, and your country are disenthralled from every evil thing and are lifted to the highest plane of citizenship and the worthiest ex- pression of service." What a passion has been kindled in the hearts of Baylor men through all the years, the passion for country, for home, for native land, for the highest weal of the social order everywhere! Baylor students can well understand that cry of Eupert Brooke, in the Great War: "If I should die, think only this of me, that there's some corner of a foreign field, that is forever England." Greece had her representative of patriotism, Aristides; Judaea had her David; Rome had her Agricola; Carthage had her Hannibal; lOngland had her Hampden; America had her Washington; and Texas had her Sam Houston and General Burleson and the heroes of the Alamo and Goliad and San Jacinto. (Applause). BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 113 I must remind you, my fellow-students, that worthy patriotism costs — costs in time and in thought and in sacrificial service. And it behooves college men and women more than any other class to set themselves to the high task of being the highest and worthiest kind of patriots. 'Tis a reproach to the college man's education and to himself if he shall allow the affairs of state to go dragging in the mire, whereas, if his voice were lifted and his championship put forth, the highest things might be enthroned in human society every- where. (Applause). The most important matter for a democracy is the right kind of leadership. And if we shall not get such leadership from our colleges and universities, from men and women who have been trained and disciplined and advised concerning the fundamental problems of history and the principles of government and of all life, disastrous must be the results to the entire social order. If college men are willing to sit idly by and receive their education and gloat over it as the miser gloats over his gold, if they are willing for incompetent politicians, for soap-box orators, for those long-haired persons with dandruff on their collars and all sorts of half-baked reforms in their heads, for doctrinaire social reformers to harass and hai'angue the people with half-baked theories, then they must see consequences to their own country and to their own homes to the last degree disas- trous. (Applause). I must affirm in this presence today that the most commanding call in American life this hour is for her college men and women to get into the big game of life and see to it that the right things are enthroned in the social order everywhere. Eighteousness, and that alone, exalteth a nation; righteousness in all relations. "In righteousness shalt thou be established. ' ' The law of national stability is unchangeable. There can be no substitutes for righteousness. Without it, civilization is built on the shifting sands. "Woe unto thee, oh, land, when thy king is a child!" That was the old Hebrew proverb, and the meaning of such proverb is immediately evident to us all. Woe to that country when its leaders, whether in state or church, are incompetent men, untrained men, unprepared men! The college has the task of training the leadership of the land, both for church and for state, and likewise of training the future leadership of the land in the realm of business. Doesn't it matter what principles obtain in the realm of busi- ness? Democracy this hour has two outstanding enemies. On the one hand is the auto- cratic capitalist who has not had an idea for long years, above the thought that his busi- ness is for himself, without any regard to the high implications of business for his fellow- men. And the other enemy to democracy is the violent agitator, with his half-baked theories, who goes to and fro denouncing and pulling down, without offering anything patriotic or constructive in its stead. (Applause). It is for the college man to come on the scene and to see to it that democracy is intelligent, and that it is impassioned with the highest motives and the loftiest ideals. Two contending ideas are in the world, and have been in the world through the long years: the idea of democracy and the idea of autocracy. On the one hand is the idea of the worth of the one man, find him where you will, and the duty of crowning him with his inalienable rights. Over against that idea is the idea of autocracy, that a few may have the rest of us in, their vest-pockets, and pass down to us such privileges and powers as in their superior thinking they may deem safe for us. These two ideas have been in conflict through the long centuries, and 'tis one mission of the college to see to it that democracy faithfully conserves the rights of the common man, his inalienable, indefeasible, God-given rights. Thus democracy and autocracy have met on many a field of battle through the long centuries. In the recent World War, to which General Burleson has made such earnest and patriotic references— democracy and autocracy met on a world-scale. In the beginning of the twentieth century, autocracy dared to crawl out of its ugly lair, and proposed to substitute the doctrine of the jungle for the doctrine of human brotherhood. The issue was squarely joined, and through long years, enacting the ghastliest drama of death that 114 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE this earth has ever seen. There was nothing for democracy to do but to join issues and hold the line in that incomparable contest, until autocracy was certified once for all that it must go back to the ugly lair from which it came and never dare to put up its oppres- sive head in the earth again. (Applause). We said throughout that conflict, said it in every nook and corner of America, that some things in the world are worth dying for. Very well, if they are worth dying for they are worth living for. ' ' Though love repine and reason chafe. There comes a voice without reply, 'Tis man's perdition to be safe. When for the truth he ought to die." We said some things are worth dying for, and our boys, bonnie and brave, heard it from Ocean to Ocean, and from the Lakes to the Gulf, and they went forth under the glow and inspiration of that great truth. What are some of the things worth dying for? You know them before I speak of them. The sanctity of womanhood is worth dying for. (Applause). The safety of childhood is worth dying for. The integrity of one's country is worth dying for. The majesty of righteousness is worth dying for. And, please God, the freedom and honor of the United States of America are worth dying for! (I du:! applause). High over all nations is humanity. The demands of peace call for patriotism just as challengingly as the days of war, and we are now to seek to bring back to the days of peace, throughout the social order everywhere, that sacrificial spirit of patriotism that we carried to the world war, which turned the battle back from the gate. The home is to be exalted; the school is to be exalted; public education is to be exalted; a free press is to be exalted; the courts and the ballot-box and ail the proper agencies for the admin- istration of law and order are to be exalted; and on every hand the worth of man, the rights and duties of the individual, all the relations that should obtain in human society should receive at our hands the worthiest exaltation. What boots it that a country has crops of cotton outmeasuring any she has ever had before? That her ships of commerce whiten all the seas? That her banks are glutted with gold, if the country forgets that high over all is humanity? Emerson's test of civilization is the true one, namely, ' ' the kind of men that a country turns out. ' ' Civil- ization in America, or anywhere else, is a dismal failure, if it puts banks and cotton and stocks and bonds above humanity. And therefore the great issue that recently called the world into that mortal combat is not j'ct concluded. We are dealing with the heritage of that frightful war, and must deal with it for many a day to follow this. Let us go in all our dealings, with the highest notes of righteousness and the highest -notes for the welfare of humanity. Let our poets honored and noble, our Mr. Markham here with us, and all the rest, keep on singing for us about brotherhood: "The crest and crowning of all good. Life 's final star Is Brotherhood. For this will bring again to earth Her long-lost poesy and mirth. Will send new light on every face, A kingly power upon the race. And till it comes we men are slaves And travel downward to the dust of graves. Then clear the way, then, clear the way! Blind creeds and kings have had their day. Break the dead branches from the path — Our hope is in the aftermath; Our hope is in heroic men, Star-led, to build the world again. To this event the ages ran — Make way for Brotherhood, make way for Man!" BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 115 That solemn and most effective phrase of the President of the Nation is not to be lost sight of in these days of ours, "the mandate of the dead." How shall they sleep who fell on Flanders Field, if we go back to the old basis of selfish rivalry and contention? That other gifted poet, Mr. Noyes, prayerfully voices the yearnings of our hearts: "Make firm, O God, the peace our dead have won! For folly shakes the tinsel on its head And points us back to darkness and to hell. Cackling, 'Beware of visions,' while our dead Still cry, 'It was for visions that we fell.' "They never knew the game of secret power, All that this earth can give they thrust aside: They crowded all their youth into an hour. And for one fleeting dream of right they died. Oh, if we fail them in that awful trust. How should we meet those voices from the dust?" The crowning ideal for Baylor University through the long years has been her devotion to the Christian religion. Without apology or hesitation, Baylor has everywhere held forth the ideal and sounded out the contention that religion is the ultimate factor in , civilization, the determining factor in civilization, and that without Christianity, civiliza- tion, sooner or later, must collapse and crumble and die. Her building is on Christ who is the light and life and hope and righteousness of a needy world. "In Him all things consist." The supreme problem of the whole world is the problem of religion. Africa made more progress in a dozen years under the Christian leadership of Livingstone than it had made in a thousaiid years before. Surely, the whole world must now discern that irreligion is the world's one peril, that disobedience to God is inevitably the way of decay and death. Erskine, the eminent English author and jurist, states the case just as it is, when he says: "Depend upon it, the world could not be held together without morals, nor can morals maintain their station in the human heart without religion. " It is not sur- prising that Maeaulay wrote: "Whoever does anything to depreciate Christianity is guilty of high treason against the civilization of mankind." Yesterday, today, and tomorrow would Baylor sound out the clear and supreme note that no people can ignore God and live, that civilization to be abiding and worthy must be built on Him who is the one mediator between God and men. Baylor 's past and present are bound up with the future in mighty obligations- We owe a great debt to the past, and likewise do we owe a great debt to the future. We are to seek to preserve undimmed those ideals, and to hold forth faithfully those contentions that have entered with such remarkable meaning into the life of Baylor, and of the State, and of the Southwest, and into the regions far beyond. What shall I say to my fellow-students of today about Baylor's tomorrow! Here at her shrine today we are all to pledge ourselves anew that we will go forth to care for her in the meaningful tomorrow, with all the devotion and ability of our lives. We are to see to it that when buildings and lands and equipments and endowments are needed, we will, to the last limit of our might, provide them whenever Baylor makes her call upon us. We have only to open our eyes to see that even now a half-dozen buildings are needed on this historic campus. There is urgently needed a building for the men 's dormitory — happily it is going up; a new building likewise for the women is imperiously needed; a building for the law school, to be begun the next session, is needed; indeed, building after building, for administration, for teaching, for the expression of the multi- form life of the great school, are manifestly needed, and needed now. Lands in every direction about this campus are needed, and needed now. Largely increased salaries for these valiant teachers are needed "now, and more teachers are needed now, to care for the growing interests that gather about the dear old school. These teachers, God bless them, for they, without the thought of money, have labored here with the passion of mission- aries and the forecast of statesmen, have lived practically on bread and water, to hold up in Texas and in Baylor's life the highest ideals both for church and for state. (Ap- 116 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE plause). In the next ten years, my fellow-students, Baylor should have several million dollars of endowment. Let us do our utmost to provide it. (Applause). Happy are we who live elsewhere than in this favored Waeo community to pay tribute to Waco, the habitat of this noble school. I would remind you, my fellow-citizens of Waeo, that every time the word reaches us that you are counselling and working for the betterment of Baylor, a thrill of gratitude stirs in all our hearts. Our joyful belief is that this central city of the State, this Athens of our commonwealth, will see to it that Baylor's cry and call are forever heeded by all the ran.ks and classes and callings in Waco's noble citizenship. (Applause). And I would remind you that a hundred miles away, yonder in the good city of Dallas, where Baylor has her several scientific schools, in that chief city of the Southwest — I suppose no living man would dare say otherwise (laughter and applause) — that virile city joins hands with Waeo and says: "Let us all see to it that Baylor's scientific schools, side by side with her other schools, shall keep step in the passing years in that way that will make fpr the highest human good and for the glory of God." (Applause). Let the denomination charged primarily with the care of this institution give her all the support that such an institution demands. Let the denomination put heart and prayer and lo^e and gifts and life into the institution, without ceasing, and she shall have occa- sion to reap from her sowing in ten thousand blessed ways. Happy am I to speak congratulatory words from the old Baylor men and women to the new Baylor men and women, to the army that shall be welcomed this day into our happy Baylor family. My fellow-students of the later days, you have come to the most critical and challenging days that civilization ever saw, to the most spacious and responsible hours that men and women have ever faced. You will need to keep your ideals before you clearly, and you will need to have your lives faithfully linked with the Great Teacher and Saviour and Master of men, with all trustfulness and devotion, if you meet the in- comparable days that now challenge you. Changes of every kind are coming with almost lightning-like rapidity, changes social, commercial, industrial, political, governmental, educational, moral and religious. The World "War has changed the educational center of the world. No longer is the educational center of the world to stay in Europe, where through the centuries such center has been. But now and henceforth, the educational center of the world is to be in our free and glorious America. (Applause). Let our students of colleges of yesterday and those of today see to it that these institutions are crowned and carried forward with all those ideals and principles that make for the highest and best for humanity everywhere. As of old, Pericles of Athens used to summon the yonng men about him and take them to the graves of the mighty dead and there pledge them they would be true to the memories and deeds of their fathers, even so let the Baylor men and women of yesterday and today here gathered at the old mother's shrine jjledge one another, and pledge Baylor anew, that for all the days to come, Baylor and Texas and the church and the state and the home shall have our best loyalty and service. Faith of our fathers! living still In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword: how our hearts beat high with joy Whene'er we hear that glorious word! Faith of our fathers! holy faith! We will be true to thee till death! Our fathers, chained in prisons dark. Were still in heart and conscience free: How sweet would be their children's faith, ' If they, like them, could die for thee! Faith of our fathers! holy faith! We will be true to thee till death! Faith of our fathers! we will love Both friend and foe in all our strife: And preach thee, too, as love knows how, By kindly words and virtuous life: Faith of our fathers! holy faith! We will be true to thee till death! BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 117 WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT Ex-President of the United States. 118 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CONFERRING OF DEGREES Upon the conclusion of the address of Dr. Truett, President Brooks pro- ceeded to confer degrees upon the unprecedentedly large number of candi- dates. An industrious statistician is authority for the statement that President Brooks made sixty-two speeches in the course of the Commence- ment exercises: it required no statistical demonstration to convince the audience that Baylor's President fairly surpassed himself in the quality as well as in the quantity of his utterances under circumstances which would tax the capacity of the strongest man. To speak for nearly two hours without notes en subjects as widely different as the Baylor endowment and the Chinese poetry of Mr. Lindsay— and to speak with pith and cogency on each of these— was a feat scarcely if ever equaled by a public speaker. As it is manifestly impracticable to give a separate review of each of the "sixty-two" speeches, the annual announcements of President Brooks and the brief and pointed speeches delivered by him in the conferring of de- grees are reproduced verbatim from the notes of the official stenographer. The report is as follows : Dr. Brooks : Some time ago, in April in fact. Judge Taft was our guest in the Chapel, made an address, and received the degree of Doctor of Laws at the hands of the University. It was regarded then, and he was so told, that it should be scheduled as of today ; his name, therefore, occurs in the program which you hold in your hands. I have some telegrams which I am not going to read but merely refer to. A. P. Schofield, of Mississippi, wires his congratulations and regrets that he cannot be here. Mrs. Emma Burleson Rcdney from New Mexico sends a telegram of similar effect. Mr. Hal A. Buckner wired from Amarillo that he hoped to come. I am glad to see that he is here. I have a letter from Big Spring signed by all of the Baylor students there, particularly addressed to me and to the Class of 1871. It is notable that of the persons who had accepted degrees, like these to my right of the other years, 1845-1886, two were called to their Heavenly reward after giving us their promise to be present. I have another message, a cable- gram from Brazil: "Greetings from Brazil" — signed by Edwards, Staton, Ingram, Bagby, Carroll. These names have a meaning to us. C. P. Morris, Prescott, Arizona, sends greetings. Rabbi Henry Cohen, whom we had invited to be present on this occasion from Galveston, a learned and hon- ored citizen of Galveston and of this State, found he could not come but sends us greetings from New York. Suffer this announcement: It is known that Baylor University, along with every other institution in the land, represented by these men here and 0,11 th§ rest who are not here, went at once to New York to see the General BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 119 Education Board, just as soon as it was found that Mr. Rockefeller had given a great Christmas gift for raising the salaries of teachers. I am delighted to say that, whereas we didn't get as much as we had hoped (laughter), they did give us $300,000, on a basis that we would raise six hundred thousand ; and, praise Gcd, our part is already subscribed ! (Ap- plause) . They also have given fifteen thousand dollars per annum for two years, which amount has been applied to the salaries of the .teachers be- ginning with the ensuing year. (Applause). I do not betray any secret — it is well known and the newspapers have handled it — that the Medical School at Dallas has also asked for a large sum. There is absolutely no promise that any such sum will ever be given. Let the newspapers make that clear. But Dr. Buttrick and Dr. Flexner and the Secretary, Mr. Arnett, did come to Dallas and spend two days, did have Dr. Truett and me in a little dinner, did invite us, with Dr. J. T. Har- rington, to spend a week in Johns Hopkins, did invite us as their guests on to New York, and did talk to us in a most interesting manner — and never promised a cent! (Laughter). Let that be clear. But we have done a number of things that look to progress, whether we get any money from New York or not. If it is good to do the thing because they may give us money, it is good to do it whether they give us any or not; therefore we are going forward. (Applause). And this institution here and the Sani- tarium at Dallas in all probability will be united under one board. This is not done, reporters, but in all probability will be done as soon as the Con- vention meets in El Paso, and I do know that the people who have this institution at heart have the institutions in Dallas at heart; and I now on your behalf pledge you — and, as I know, I can pledge my colleagues at Dallas — for a faithful effort in building a creditable institution in Dallas for all time to come for Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy. (Applause) . There was held in the city here yesterday a meeting of the Executive Board, and Mr. R. E. Burt, the president thereof, was asked to read an official document which has to do with the promotion of our work in Dallas, pending any gift that may come or may not. Mr. Burt will read at once. Mr. Burt: Mr. President, it affords me great pleasure to carry out the wishes of our Board. The following resolutions were unanimously passed by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, at a meeting held in Waco on June 15th, 1920 : WHEEEAS, the Baylor University College of Medicine located at Dallas has made steady and successful progress through the past years of its history, and is now on the eve of a much more rapid and greater development, both in its internal organization and expansive building program, and WHEEEAS, the Board of Trustees of the Texas Baptist Memorial Sanitarium and of Baylor University have unanimously adopted resolutions looking to the organic consolida- tion of the Hospital with the Greater Medical Center, under charter of the University, recommending to the Baptist General Convention of Texas that such consolidation be legally accomplished at its next session, and which recommendation will undoubtedly be approved by the Convention, and 120 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE ■ WHEREAS, it lias become the fixed purpose of the Baptist General Convention of Texas through its Executive Board to support the management of Baylor University in perfecting plans for the expansion of its Medical Center at Dallas on a scope equal to any in America, as rapidly as science, and men, and money can accomplish the same, and WHEREAS, it is important that the more than two million dollars going to the Greater Medical Center from Tjxas sources shall be expended for the most part in buildings and equipment, some of which must begin at once, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to have added regular current income assured for the pur- pose of further orgaiaizing and strengthening the staff for the next session and thereafter, that the work may be carried on ip accordance with our high obligation both to God and liumanity, while permanent endowment funds are being accumulated, and WHEREAS, the strong financial position now occupied by our Convention and its Ex- ecutive Board by virtue of an annual cash income of approximately three million dollars, together with ou.r large banking credit, will justify us in doing so, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Committee of the Board of Di- rectors of the Baptist General Convention of Texas that we set aside a sum equal to five per cent on an invested endowment of one million dollars payable annually to the Trustees of Baylor University College of Medicine until such time as the accumulated invested endowment from various sources, favorable to medical education, shall equal or exceed one million dollars, or until it shall become manifest that such income from our Convention Board is no longer necessary to carry out the well defined and fixed pur- pose of the Baptist General Convention of Texas to permanently maintain and immedi- ately enlarge and develop to the highest point of scientific efficiency and service the Baylor University College of Medicine located at Dallas, Texas. Finally, we designate and appoint the Chairman of our Board of Directors and of our Executive Committee, Mr. R. E. Burt, to present these resolutions to the President, Trus- tees, Faculty, and friends of Baylor University as a concrete expression of our participa- tion in the present Diamond Jubilee Celebration. It gives me great pleasure, Mr. President, to present to you this gift from the Baptists of Texas. Dr. E. G. Townsend : Mr. President. President Brooks: Dr. Townsend. Dr. Townsend : I make a motion that the psople of this audience express their hearty approval of this act of our Executive Board by rising to their fe:t. (Audience rises and applauds). BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 121 CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN ARTS AND SCIENCES President Brooks: Now, ladies and gentlemen: You have been very gracious through the exercises; some of you are intolerably hot — some of us have on more clothes than we usually wear (laughter) — but be good to us and we will let you go just as quickly as we can. These are our honored guests, and this is our last work of the year, and we want to confer the degrees decently and in order. By your help, if we can, as the preachers say, have liberty, we will do it. (Laughter) . Mr. Neff : Mr. President, this group of students have completed their work in the Department of Fine Arts, and I am directed by the Board of Trustees of Baylor University to present them to you for the diplomas to which they are entitled. President Brooks: Come forward promptly as I call your names and receive the proper authority that you are a graduate. Winnie Lee Eice, Sanger, Voice. Eula Lee Trice, Waco, Voice. P.uby Evans, Bowie, Piano. Jessie Dell Haney, Waco, Piano. Mrs. John Nash, Waco, Piano. Irene White, Carbon, Piano. Mary Elizabeth Willett, Waco, Piano. Esther Barro Eodriguez, San Antonio. BACHELOR OF ARTS Mr. Neff : Mr. President, as President of the Board of Trustees of this institution, I am directed to present to you this splendid group of young womanhood and young manhood, each one of whom is entitled to receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts. President Brooks: Young ladies and gentlemen: I congratulate you upon having completed the prescribed course for the degree as indicated by the President of the Board. By competent authority issued to Baylor University I have pleasure in now publicly conferring upon each of you as you come forward the degree of Bachelor of Arts and admitting you to all the rights and privileges that pertain to that degree wherever in the world you may go. Will you kindly come forward promptly one after another? Anne Carline Alexander, Waco. William Harvey Andrew, Lampasas. Modrel M. Ballard, Waco- T. Paul Barron, Midland. Norvell Carlton Belk, Kirbyville. Paul Carlyle Bell, Austin. Vivian Bell, Palacios. Ernest A. Bernhausen, Eiesel. Truman C. Bigham, Gatesville. Early Virginia Bobo, Ehome. Tom C. Bobo, Ehome. Aurelia Emma Brooks, Waco. Joseph Henry Burt, Dallas. DeWitt Talmadge Byrom, Anchorage. Eaymond W. Casstephens, Alvarado. Oscar Jack Chastain, Troup- Sallie Christian, Elm Mott. William Allen Clark, Greenville. Eobert N. Cluck, Oglesby. William S, Cochran, Livingston, Mildred Coit, Eenner. Estelle Dansby, Port Worth. Lelia Virginia Davis, Nacogdoches. Willie Davis, Waco. Wilma Elizabeth Davis, Waco. Frances Lucile Davison, Hubbard. Everett T. Dawson, Maypearl. Elmer 0. Deering, Kerrville. Jesse Allen Derrick, Madill, Okla- Bessie Jue Dobbins, Granbury. Olen C- Emery, Denton. Eoy Parker Eastland, Waco. Mary Lakin Fannin, Waco. Holland Cleveland Filgo, Lancaster. Burney Pearl Flaniken, "VVaco. Myrle Katherine Fleming, Waco. Mildred Amelia Foster, Dallas. Jesse E. Franklin, Floresville. Claire Galbraith, Honey Grove. Ira V. Garison, Bani^eri^, 122 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE E. Jones Goode, Plainview. Oiia Kay Gorman, Winnsboro. Marcellus A. Griffith, Mansfield. Agnes Griswold, Waco. Mary Katharine Harrison, Eiesel. Annie Nora Hill, Dawson. Laura Hill, Waco. Herschiel Lawrence Hunt, Deeatur. Albert Lane Ingram, Waco. George Pendleton Isbell, Waco. Grace Hasseltine Jenkins, Waco. David A. Jones, Waco. Geraldine Jones, Gainesville. John Calvin Jones, Moody. Paul Theron Jones, Waco. William Mannie Joslin, Amarillo. Herman W. Kilman, Greenville. Joseph Hamilton Lambert, Dallas. Grace Dexter Layton, Nacogdoches. Willie Green Layton, Nacogdoches. Hosea H. Lewis, Irene. Euth Lipscomb, Eoclqjort- Annie Merriman Long, Snyder. William Eoss McAdanis, Lorena. Sue Blanche McDavid, Henderson. Mary Elizabeth McLane, Cameron. Edward Washington McMillan, Waco. Margaret Martin, Morgan. AUene Miller, Eoyse City. Orsby Burt Miller, Eoyse City. J. Prank Murrell, Commerce. Mary Joe Nabors, Winnsboro. Lura Bess Birdwell Newton, Waco. John A. Norris, Austin. Anita O'Neal, Elk City, Okla. Edna Belle O'Neal, Elk City, Okla. Eobert Hood Perry, Belton. Annie Elizabeth Pritchett, Waco.- Mary Vaughan Eagland, Gilmer. William Manor Eead, Waco. Carrie Eeese, Kerens. Johnnie B. Eeese, JSerens. Eobert J. Eeeves, Matador. Johir Eeese Eice, Decatur. Winnie Lee Eice, Sanger. Haskell Lafayette Eoach, Garland. Eosa Katherine Eoberson, Era. Jerome Kerby Eobertson, Frost. Eoss Martin Sams, Crockett. John Austin' Sanders, Wharton. Carl F. Schmidt, Eiesel. Andres Eodriguez Sendon, La Coruna, Spain. Pauline Shirley, Nacogdoches. Lida Smith, Pearsall. Lessie Spearman, Pittsburg. Harry Lee Spencer, Prairie Hill. William Thnrman Stanton, Yoakum. Louise Steel, Mercedes. John Leon Stone, Dubach, La. Leo L. Thomas, Waco. Floyd Brantley Thorn, Van Alstyne. Fannie Pauline Tirey, Maypearl. Fred Moore Truett, Waco- William Houston Walker, Shamrock. Verlie Odessa Wallace, Waco. Ernest A. White, Somerville. Faye Emory White, Carbon. Irene White, Carbon. Louise B. White, Henderson. L. G. Whitehorn, Waco. Glen Eric Wiley, Galveston, lelia Williamson, Gushing. How.nrd C. Wilson, Waco. Charlton Bean Wood, Waco. Furtene Carroll Wood, Waco. John Henry Wootters, Crockett. George William Young, Kemp. MASTER OF LITERATURE Mr. Neff: Mr. President, I am directed by the Board of Trustees to present to you Mrs. Margaret Royalty Edwards who is entitled to have conferred on her the degree of Master of Literature. President Brooks: Margaret Royalty Edwards, by the authority com- mitted to me as President of this institution I have the pleasure of con- ferring upon you the degree of Master of Literature. MASTER OF ARTS Mr. Neff: Mr. President: The Trustees of Baylor University have directed me as President of the Board to present to you this group of stu- dents who are entitled to have conferred on them in the name of Baylor University the degree of Master of Arts. President Brooks : Young ladies and gentlemen : You know, as does the faculty know, that this is not a graduate school, and yet there are many courses not taken by the Seniors or in the undergraduate department. But you, not being satisfied, and unable to go to the larger Eastern institu- BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 123 tions, have remained or come back to us; having pursued the prescribed course of the faculty, completing it as required. Now, by the authority committed to me as .President, I confer upon each of you the degree of Master of Arts and admit you to all the rights and privileges pertaining to this degree. John Archie Mclver, Moody. John W. Beaty, Denton. Odelin, Clark, Greenville. M. Luther Fergeson, Eoekdale. Charles A. Garrett, Waco. Ona Kay Gorman, Winnsboro. Paul Theron Jones, Waco. Walter Thomas Hillsman, Brownwood. Eobert Peck Neville, Waco. Harley Smith, Brownwood. Thomas Hendricks Taylor, Brownwood. Spencer Ernest Weaver, Santa Anna. GRADUATE IN PHARMACY Mr. Neff : Mr. President: Baylor University is proud today to have on the platform for the first time the graduates of the Departments of Sci- ences of Dallas; these five young men are entitled to have conferred on them the degree of Graduate in Pharmacy. (Presenting four young men and one young lady). (Laughter). President Brooks: Young gentlemen: (More laughter). President Brooks (Discovering the young lady) : What is co-education worth unless it works? I have very great pleasure, by the authority committed to me as President of this institution, my friends, to confer on each of you the degree of Graduate in Pharmacy and to admit each of you to the rights and privileges that pertain to this degree wherever you may go. Please come forward and I will give you your diplomas. William C. Cantrell, Dallas. Fred P- Graves, Hamilton. Ira D. Neeley, lola. Bryan N. Quinn, lola. Frema Shtofman, Dallas. I DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY Mr. Neff : Mr. President : I am sure this is a collection of young men. (Laughter). I would like to present them to you to confer on them the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery. President Brooks : I should have said a minute ago — ^but you laughed at the President of the Board and then laughed at me and I forgot to say it— that it is our pleasure and great honor to have the departments at Dallas come in a body, spending perfectly good time and coin of the realm, to honor this occasion. (Applause). And now, young gentlemen, having completed the prescribed course in the Department of Dentistry at Dallas, by the authority committed to this institution by the Commonwealth of Texas, and upon a unanimous recommendation of the Faculty of the De- partment of Dentistry, I confer upon each of you the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery and admit you to all the rights and privileges that pertain to this degree. Please come forward and receive your certificates or diplomas, 124 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Emmett E. Clement, Copperas Cove. Baily A. Phillips, Phoenix, Ariz. Rupert M. Coker, Paris. Phil F. Eosenstein, Dallas- Harry J. Howitz, Dallas. James H. Watkins, Enid, Okla. Carl B. MeKinney, Brownwood. Clyde W. Tetter, Paris. Harley L. Patterson, Bloomfield, Mo. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Mr. Nef f : Mr. President : Service is the law of life ; he lives most wlio serves best. The doctor, conscientious and efficient, is a ministering ange! of service, and in order that you may confer upon each of these the degree of Doctor of Medicine, I am directed by the Board of Trustees to present this group to you, as now they go forth in Baylor's name to uplift human- ity. (Applause) . President Brooks : It is my pleasure as President of this institution, my friends, by competent authority committed to. the institution and upon a unanimous recommendation of the Faculty of the College of Medicine, to confer upon each of you the degree of Doctor of Medicine and admit you to all the rights and privileges that pertain to this degree wherever in the world you may go. Please come forward and I will present the diplomas as you pass by. Cayetano E. Barrera, Mission. Charles L. Connor, Pittsburg, Pa. ; Gouverneur Hospital, New York, N. Y. Juan P. Cordero, Pottotan, P. I.; Philippine General Hospital, Manila, P. T. Kelly L. Cox, Canton; Post-Gradnate Hospital, New York, N. Y- Edward P. Cudmore, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Texas Baptist Sanitarium, Dallas. Bruce H. Davison, Tenaha; Texas Baptist Sanitarium, Dallas. Sim Driver, loja; Parkland Hospital, Dallas. Irby W. Fires, Childress; St. Joseph Hospital, Port Worth. Carl W. Fulbright, Doucette; Texas Baptist Sanitarium, Dallas. Vincent J. Gonzaga, Mureia, P. I.; Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis. Marcellus A. Griffith, Mansfield; St. Joseph Hospital, Port Worth. William E. Haley, Irving; St. Alexis Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. Joseph D. Hall, Einggold; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dexter H. Hardin, Dallas. Robert L. Harris, Fulshear; Navasota Sanitarium, Navasota. Irl E. Holeomb, Vernon; All Saints Hospital, Fort Worth. Cyrus W. Jamison, Stillwater, Okla.; Parkland Hospital, Dallas, Steven B. Longino, Sulphur Springs; Texas Baptist Sanitarium, Dallas. Robert E. Mann, Fort Worth; Parkland Hospital, Dallas. Fortunate M. Manzanero, St, Thomas, P. I,; Receiving Hospital, Detroit, Michigan. Warren E. Massey, Lett; Texas Baptist Sanitarium, Dallas. Robert L. Matteo, Muskegon, Mich.; St. Marv's Hospital, Milwaukee, Wi,=!. Charles C. McClurc, Jacksboro; Texas Bantist Sanitarium, Dallas. Oscar H. Miller, Goodnight; St. Vincent Plospital, Sherman. George E, Morris, Lawrence, Mass.; Mercy Hospital, Chicago, HI. Simeon I, Santayana, Unisan, P. I,; St, Peter's Hospital, Brooklyn N Y Ralph C, Smith, Sulphur Bluff; Parkland Hospital, Dallas. Claud li. Spencer, Mulberry, Tenn.; Parkland Hospital, Dallas. George T. Spencer, Angelica, N. Y. Bernardo Timbol, Angeles, P, I.; Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis, Tenn Jose C. Trotn, Mureia, P. I.; Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis Tenn Thomas E. Winford, Lynn, Ark.; All Saints Hospital, Fort Worth Sidney Winters, New Havep, Conn.; St. Raphael Hospital, New Haven, Conn BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 125 CONFERRING OF DEGREES ON "OLD GRADUATES" Mr. Neff : Mr. President: the Baylor of today gladly salutes the glories of the past, and I am directed by the Baylor Trustees of the Baylor of today to present to you these graduates of Waco University in order that you may confer upon them the degree of Bachelor of Arts of Baylor University. President Brooks: I would be glad if you v^ould hear this additional word to what the President of the Board has said : following a custom set for us by greater and older institutions, and not at all to depreciate the value of the degrees held by these persons given by the respective insti- tutions, Old Baylor at Independence from 1845 to 1886, and Old Waco from 1861 to 1886, but solely to add an additional testimony, we thought it would be rightful in this way to honor them. These are not honorary degrees but are given outright on merit. Some of them hold degrees of Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts, Science, Theol- ogy, etc., in addition to their old undergraduate degrees for which they worked in other years. Students of old Waco University, in recognition of these facts and by the authority committed to me as President of Baylor University, I confer upon each of you the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and I would be glad for you to come forward and receive a certificate thereof as you pass by. Francis Marion Allen, '79, Waco. John Edward Allen, '77, San Angelo. Pyreua Wayne Allen, '78, Waco. Eobort Lee Allen, '82, Waco. Laura Herring Bagby, '78, Los Angeles, Cal. William Buck Bagby, '75, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Louise Brown Baker, '74, Waco. Alfred Battle, '79, Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Mary West Beatty, Waco. Albert Ferdinand Beddoe, '79, Dallas. Lillie Dockery Bolton, '81, Waco. Lizzie Sessions Bonner, '77, Karen. Mamie Cole Boone, '74, Dallas. Lula Brigman, '85, Gatesville. Albert Jefferson Buchanan, '84, Bryan. Stella Allen Buchanan, '85, Bryan. Albert Sidney Burleson, '81, Washington, D. C. Josephine Corley Burleson, '70, Kosse. Leigh Burleson, '69, San Saba. Ella Allen Carpenter, '77, Mart. Hallie Harrison Carroll, '78, San Diego, Cal. Luella J. Chambers, '82, Santa Anna. Emma S. Culberson, '81, Waco. Margaret Eogers Damon, '73, Corsioana. Charles Davis Daniel, '85, El Paso. Carrie Eeese Been, '78, Austin. W. W. Dodd, '79, Beeville. James Franklin Duncan, '77,. Fort Worth. Estelle Wallace Dupree, '79, Waco. Eula McCrary Durland, '77, Denison. Celeste Patton Edmondson, '73, Austin. Carrie A. Eldridge, '85, DeQueen, Ark. Eosa Johnson Evans, '84, Waco. Jacob Moore Frazier, '76, Belton. John E. Frazier, '79, Fort Worth. .Lula Brooks Garrett, '85, Houston. William M. Garrett, '80, Edna. Exer Cochran George, '83, Walnut Springs. Isaac A. Goldstein, '76, Waco. Johnnie Johnson Hamlett, '81, Waco. Lottie Hair Haynie, '81, Navasota. Ada Henderson, '74, Cameron- Thomas Stalworth Henderson, '77, Cameron. Neva Titus Hughes, '85, Eoby. Emma Jane Humphreys, '77, Waco. Henry Alston Ivy, '84, Sherman. Jessie Speight Jenkins, '68, Waco. Young Sterling Jenkins, '71, Pasadena, Gal. Lou Holmesley Johnson, '85, San Angelo. George G. Kelly, '80, Wharton. Maggie Lee Kendrick, '84, Amarillo. Lula Anderson Kimbrough, '79, Orange, Calif. Mozelle Perry Kirksey, '72, Chicago, 111. Ermine Buck Lattimore, '85, Austin. Lula Lee Lednum, '83, Venus. Ella Frazier Little, '76, Austin. C. C. McCuUoch, '85, Chicago, 111. Mary MoCutcheon MeCampbell, '85, San Antonio. John Evans MoComb, '71, Van Alstyne. Sallie Linton McComb, '71, Van Alstyne. J. H. Martin, '85, Dallas. Emma Chambers Matthews, '82, Santa Anna. 126 BAYLOR UivflVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Eoline Brown Moore, '81, Eusk. Segur Burleson Moore, '70, Fort Worth. Hallie Burleson Morris, '83, Jaekson, Miss. Jonas William Moffett, '82, Abilene. Stephen H. Morrison, '85, Big Spring. John Wesley Newbrough, '84, Harlingen. William Carey O'Brien, '77, Groveton. Minnie Brown Poythress, '81, Dallas. Jefferson Davis Ray, '82, I'ort Worth. Emma Burleson Eodney, '82, Boswell, N. M. Archie Phelps Sehofield, '79, Gloster. Kate Parr Sherrill, '78, Houston. Sidney P. Skinner, '84, El Paso. Leonidas Ruffin Stroud, '80, Kaufman. Sue Wallace Tyler, '76, Belton. Annie Battle Wood, '81, Waco. Nina Jameson Wood, '85, Waco. William Allen Wood, Waco. Lina Cox Youngkin, Yoakum. Mr. Nef f : Mr. President : I present to you now the surviving graduates of the Old Bayl:r of Independence, in order that you may now confer upon them the honors of the new Baylor of Waco. President Brooks: By the authority committed to me as President of this University and for the reasons given just awhile ago, I have pleasure in conferring upon each of you the degree of Bachelor of Arts and admit- ting you to all the rights and privileges that pertain to that degree. Will you come forward? Laura Pettus Bass, '63, San Mareos. James Austin Bell, '76, Athens, Ga. Lewis Randolph Bryan, '77, Houston. James Milton Carroll, '77, San Antonio. Balfour D. Crane, '77, Fort Smith, Ark. Charles Judson Crane, '69, San Antonio. Eoyston C. Crane, '84, Sweetwater. James Alpheus Dickie, '60, Gatesville. Samuel Houston Dixon, '78, Austin. Tilman J. Dodson, '78, San Antonio. John T. Duncan, '77, La Grange. Jesse Shivers Eddins, '60, Ingram. Bowling Eldridge, '61, Brenham. William B. Garrett, '82, Austin. Samuel H. Goodlett, '77, Austin. Pannie Rogers Harris, '58, San Saba Theo. Heisig, '82, San Antonio. Dora Pettus Hobby, '58, Dallas. James R. Horn, '76, Madisonville. Warwick H. Jenkins, Waco. Sallie Curry Joynes, '63, McKinney. Abner G. Lipscomb, '78, Hempstead. John Arthur Mclntire, '82, Stockdale. Julia Harris Mclver, '66, Lake Village. Eugene B. Muse, '79, Dallas. Francis Marion Newman, '85, Brady.- Daniel Polk, '73, D'Hanis. Edwin Polk, '70, D'Hanis. Clement S. Robinson, '75, Austin. W. Seymour Rose, '80, Salado. William Sumner Smith, '81, Bellville. Herman C. Vose, '82, St. Louis. Caroline Mooney Willis, '56, Portland, Ore. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES 127 C. H. Gifford John Francis Knott Judd Mortimer Lewis Mr. Neff: Mr. President: Baylor is happy today. Not in all her splen- did history has there gathered on Baylor's platform such a group of dis- tinguished men and women, of posts and philosophers, of statesmen and sages and divines, as those who now occupy the platform. I am directed by the Board of Trustees to present to you this first group, and you are directed to confer on them the degree of Doctor of Literature. President Brooks: C. H. Gifford, citizen of Washington City; a man who is giving his life to literary criticism in the field of the drama, upon whom we are about now to confer an honorary degree : by virtue of your attainments in that field and by competent authority committed to me, I have the honor of conferring upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Literature and admitting you to all the rights and privileges that pertain to this degree. (Applause) . John Francis Knott, you speak a universal language; you are an artist whose paintings are copied in probably more magazines in America and elsewhere than those of any other cartoonist I know. (Applause). Your paintings, sir, throughout the war have won for you the praise of your fellow-citizens and I have heard it said many times, and have echoed it on many an occasion, that, in my judgment, no single man in Texas did more towards winning the war than the high and lofty cartoons you drew — never for fun, but always for a cause, the uplift of humanity — and now, by virtue of the authority committed to me as President of Baylor Univer- sity and in recognition of this versatility of yours, I confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Literature and admit you to all the rights and privi- leges that pertain to this degree. (Applause) . 128 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Judd Mortimer Lewis, born in New York; educated in the high schools and the print-shops; writer of a humorous column for many years in the Houston Post and now in the Houston Chronicle; writing some poetry like some other people, not of a very high grade, but the most of it of high character and shot through and through with a love of humanity. (Ap- plause). Sir, you, too, speak a universal language not attained in the universities or libraries of this country; it is the gift of God. Children would follow you into the Buffalo Bayou; they love you, they honor you; we all love you, and by virtue of our appreciation of this universal language to which I refer — doing S3 much, as you are doing, for the baby camp and for finding homes for little orphan children for whom your heart beats warm all the time — and in evidence of this I have pleasure in con- ferring upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Literature and admit- ting you to every right and privilege that pertains to this degree. (Applause) . Nicholas Vachel Lindsay Amy Lowell Edwin Markham Nicholas Vachel Lindsay, born in Illinois; educated in the high schools and Hiram College; singular poet you are, sir; you allow no bullet-moulds of the past to hold you. Who but you could have found a poem in William Jennings Bryan in a National Democratic Convention? (Applause). Who but you can find a poem that others will read in Barnum and Bailey's Circus and in the steam piano which you affectionately call "The Calli- ope?" Who but you can tramp across this country and find poetry in the rattle of the wheels of the passing train? Who but you can bring the language of the common people to all of us? In virtue of these attain- ments, recognized by Baylor, and by authority committed to me, I confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Literature and admit you to all the rights and privileges pertaining to it. (Applause) . BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 129 Amy Lowell, born in New England and proud of the fact; educated in private schools and in the library of your parents and by your own determi- nation; bearing a name honored and dear to the history of this country, noted for its scholars, statesmen, poets and preachers — by virtue of your versatility as a poet evidenced on our platform here, evidenced and re- echoed by your fellow scholars, we have pleasure in conferring upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Literature and admitting you to all the rights and privileges that pertain to this degree. (Applause) . Edwin Markham, born in Oregon ; reared in California ; educated on the farm, the sheep-ranch, the cow-ranch, the blacksmith-shop, and the San Jose Normal School, but always a student of Nature, finding God's voice in all the winds and waters about you — if you had never done anything else, we here would count it worthy for a man to live to have written the one poem that has made you famous around the world, "The Man With the Hoe." (Applause). But, in addition to that, you have shown your gifts as poet and are recognized as the Dean of Poets in this country, and, by your good will and gracious manner and the lofty ideals that you put in verse, you have won our esteem and Baylor seeks to add its mite: there- fore, by the authority of the Commonwealth of Texas, committed to the Trustees of this institution, and upon the unanimous recommendation of the Faculty, I, the President, confer upon you the honorary degree of Doc- tor of Literature and admit you to all the rights and privileges that per- tain to this degree. (Applause). John Calvin Metcalf Harriet Monroe Hight C. Moore John Calvin Metcalf, graduate of Georgetown College, Master of Arts of Harvard University, sometime professor in Georgetown College, in Rich- mond College, and now Professor of English in the University of Virginia ; honored by other institutions than this ; author, lecturer, and writer, con- 130 BAYLpR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE tributor to many magazines : the versatility of your character and your attainments have won our esteem and we seek to honor ourselves as we honor you this day with the degree of Doctor of Literature and admit you to every right and privilege pertaining to this degree. (Applause). Harriet Monroe, born, reared, and educated in Illinois ; the writer of the Columbian Ode sung at the Columbian Exposition, celebrating the four- hundredth anniversary of America's discovery; author, writer, poet; with courage in your heart and life and work, winning the esteem and fellow- ship of the business men about you, starting the Poetry Magazine and winning praise of scholars wherever it is read : in recognition of it, and on your own merit, I have pleasure by authority committed to me to confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Literature and admit you to every right and privilege pertaining thereto. (Applause) . Hight C. Moore, graduate of Wake Forest College; honorary Doctor of Divinity thereof; educated in the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary as a minister; sometime editor of the Biblical Recorder — but I say, sir, that your fame has come to us more as editor of Kind Words and Sunday School literature, written in that chaste speech that tells the truth and wins admiration: now by virtue of these attainments we confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Literature and ask for you every bless- ing that may come in the possession of that degree. (Applause) . George Henry Nettleton Joseph J. Taylor Eugene Perry Allclredge George Henry Nettleton, born in Boston; Bachelor of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy of Yale University; Professor of English in grand old Yale; recent director of the University Union in Paris, France, during the war, where through your guidance scholars of all the United States gathered and received your help and inspiration; loved and honored by your stu- dents : you are now honored by this institution with the degree of Doctor of Literature and admitted to every right and privilege that pertains to it. (Applause) . BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 131 Joseph J. Taylor, North Carolinian, now a Texan by choice; not daring to call yourself a scholar and yet reckoned by us as one ; not an economist as the books would say, but gifted in declaring the truth in financial writ- ings and daring criticisms; not a theologian and yet daring to interpret rightly and to speak truly as some theologians cannot do; not a poet and yet poetic, writing a column in the Dallas and Galveston NewB for nobody knows how long — and literally thousands have read it without knowing who made it — I honor you, sir, and am doing it by authority and am admit- ting you to every right and privilege that can come to one who holds the honorary degree of Doctor of Literature; and we do so with the highest pleasure. (Applause) . Mr. Neff : Mr. President, the Board of Trustees have directed me to present to you this group and say to you that you are authorized to confer upon each the degree of Doctor of Divinity. President Brooks : Eugene Perry Alldredga, citizen of Arkansas ; gradu- ate, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts, of Baylor University ; trained in theology for the Baptist ministry; pastor of many leading churches; the only minister in the Constitutional Convention for Arkansas, building f jr the rights of the people; now the Corresponding Secretary for Baptist Missions and Education in your State ; reckoned as a useful man — in recog- nition of these facts I have pleasure in conferring upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity and admitting you to every right and privi- lege that pertains to that degree. (Applause) . Matthew Thomas Andrews Wallace Bassett Oscar Eugene Bryan Matthew Thomas Andrews, citizen of Texas ; pastor at Temple and other leading churches; modest, quiet, courageous, dignified preacher of the Gospel, counting it worthy to serve all men, to study to be approved of God — in recognition of your modest and yet thorough-going attainments I have pleasure, by competent authority, of conferring upon you the hon- orary degree of Doctor of Divinity and admitting you to every right and privilege that pertains to that degree. (Applause). 132 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Wallace Bassett, pastor now of one of our leading churches; trained in college and seminary; pastor, evangelist in many pulpits; preacher of particular power to college students — in recognition of your versatility in this line, your scholarship, you real merit, I have the power, properly given to me, to confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity and admit you to all the rights and privileges that pertain to it. (Applause) . Oscar Eugene Bryan, citizen of Kentucky ; educated in Baylor University and the Southern Theological Seminary ; a man who has always counted it worthy to work all the time and to work hard; now the Corresponding Secretary for Baptist Missions and Education in your State and under whose leadership more cash has been paid in Kentucky towards the Seventy-five Million Campaign than in any other of the Southern States — in recognition of merit as well unique as full, I have the power to confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity and admit you to every right and privilege that pertains to it. (Applause). Samuel Hape Campbell Charles Chauiicey Carroll Edward Lyon Compere Samuel Hape Campbell, pastor of the Baptist Church at Tyler, Texas; you belong, sir, to that group of scholars whose lives have been reinforced by collegiate and theological education, counting it worthy to give your- self to others ; finding fame in the pulpit, particularly strong in teaching a class of men every Sunday of more than eight hundred — you, sir, are counted worthy on this platform for the degree of Doctor of Divinity and are here and now admitted to every right and privilege that pertains to it. (Applause) . Charles Chauncey Carroll, citizen of Louisiana ; born in Waco ; bearing a name illustrious and loved in Texas, and wherever Baptists abound, but not, indeed, sir, on the merit of your father but on your own as a graduate of Baylor University and trained in theology ; now professor in the Insti- BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 133 tute at New Orleans : by virtue of the authority committed to me as Presi- dent of this institution, I confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity and admit you to every right and privilege pertaining thereto. (Applause) . Edward Lyon Compere, citizen of Oklahoma and pastor of one of its leading churches; graduate of Baylor University; trained in theology; counting it worthy to work hard in the work that you have chosen: by virtue of the authority committed to me I have pleasure in conferring upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity and admitting you to all the rights and privileges that pertain to it. (Applause) . Walter Thomas Conner Austin Croueli Henry Crete Gleiss Walter Thomas Conner, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts of Baylor University; Master of Theology of Rochester Theological Seminary; a student diligent and hard; an individualist who thinks his own thoughts, who doesn't sneeze when his friends take snuff; and as a teacher counted more than worthy by those who study under you : by virtue of your varied efforts in Biblical studies, I confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity and admit you to all the rights and privileges that pertain to that degree. (Applause). Austin Crouch, citizen of Arkansas; pastor of many churches in many states ; graduate of Baylor University ; . always diligent ; a student and preacher of high merit ; a man whose character is above reproach, the high attainments of whose life appeal to us : in recognition thereof we here and now confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity and admit you to every right and privilege pertaining thereto. (Applause) . Henry Crete Gleiss, meeting you,^ sir, as I do now, and as I did thirty - two years a'go as a student, reminds me that times have changed. I never dreamed then that I should be competent or you worthy to receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. (Laughter and applause). But 134 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE what God can do with you and me is further proof to us that we should work in hope with others. We love you, sir, for your many attainments, for the virtue of your life, and the vigor of your labors as a student and leader of some of the leading churches in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and in Detroit, Michigan, with your work reinforced with a Bachelor's degree from Baylor and with the theological degree from Rochester ; and in recog- niticn thereof, I confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Divin- ity. (Applause) . William Bell Kendall Charles Edward Maddry John Wesley Newbrougli William Bell Kendall ; you, sir, have proved yourself of highest merit in every pastorate you have held. You have never quit a place but that they wanted you to stay longer; you never had to leave anywhere because of your wife's illness ! (Laughter) . As student, as pastor and preacher, as bearer of a name loved in this community, I here and now confer upon you, because of your knowledge in the studies of the Scriptures, the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. (Applause). Charles Edward Maddry, pastor of the University Baptist Church at Austin; loved by the professors and students of the University of Texas; preacher of power as evidenced by the revival you held in our institution; your work and worth reinforced by being a graduate of the University of North Carolina; trained in theology, trained in the ways of a modest life for that work: in recognition of your ministerial labors and your high character, the degree of Doctor of Divinity is conferred upon you and you are admitted to every right and privilege that pertains to it. (Applause) . John Wesley Newbrough, Harlingen, Texas. Sir, my heart is deeply touched as I greet you here. Our parents were neighbors, we were boys together; you went to College, I went the ways of the world; you lent an influence and shed a light that helped me to a better life. You have beeiv BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 135 true as minister, as missionary, and are reckoned now worthy for the degree of Doctor of Divinity on your high personal merit: ever at work, high and noble character, I c:nfer this degree and admit you to every right and privilege pertaining thereto. The second diploma is by virtue of your being a graduate of Waco University. (Applause) . William Alexander Pool William Eugene Sallee Bernard Washington Spilnian William Alexander Pool; long in the service of your Master; scholar, theologian, counting it worthy to work among the common people, giving your life to the things that were helpful, never seeking an easy time; reckoned withal by your fellow-men as a meritorious scholar in the :^eld of pulpit and pastoral usefulness — I now confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity and admit you to every right and privilege that pertains to this degree. (Applause) . William Eugene Sallee, missionary to China (Applause) : Your work, sir, has been reinforced by your being a college graduate and a theological- ly trained preacher; counting it worthy to give your life for the last four- teen years down in the ditch and degradation of a lowly people; counting it worthy for Christ's sake, not for self-glory — and yet by every message that comes to us from the far-off China, word is that you are faithful and true and scholarly: — in recognition thereof this institution confers upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. (Applause). Bernard Washington Spilman, graduate of Wake Forest College ; student of theology ; Doctor of Divinity of Stetson University ; author and writer, contributor to many journals of Biblical literature and Sunday School pedagogy ; known throughout the length and breadth of the Southern Bap- tist Convention as a man who holds to the truth and always for others — in recognition of your attainments I now confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. (Applause) , 136 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Ernest Gale Townsend Henry Franklin Vermillion William Newman Ainsworth Ernest Gale Townsend, Vice-President of Baylor College; Professor of Bible in Baylor College; whose life and influence have counted for many years for righteousness and the uplift of the womanhood of Texas — I knew you, sir, when you were a student; I have known you every year since. We went out the same day from the same platform, receiving diplomas frcm the same grand old man, the late President R. E. Burleson; and I here and now have a peculiar pleasure as your friend and classmate, but by virtue not of that but your own high attainments, of conferring upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. (Applause) . Henry Franklin Vermillion, graduate of Ouachita College; trained in theology; sometime President of the New Mexico Baptist Convention — but perhaps your greatest work has been in the making and developing, as superintendent, of the El Paso Sanitarium for Tubercular Patients — in recognition of your scholarship and your attainments in the ministry, by proper authority committed to me, I here and now confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. (Applause). Mr. Nef f : Mr. President, the Board of Trustees of Baylor have directed me to present to you this group in order that you may confer on each the degree of Doctor of Laws. President Brooks: William Newman Ainsworth, Bachelor of Arts of Emory College ; trained in theology for the Methodist ministry ; Doctor of Divinity, sometime President of Wesleyan College for Women — if I have been correctly informed the first institution having conferred upon a woman the degree of Bachelor of Arts — now a Bishop in the Methodist Chiirch: on your own merit as distinguished churchman and pulpiteer, I have the distinguished pleasure of conferring upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws, and admitting you to every right and privilege that pertains to that degree. (Applause). BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 137 Harry Yandell Benedict Charles Mi-Tycirc;' Bishop Frederick William Boatwright Harry Yandell Benedict, born in Kentucky; educated in the frontier districts of Texas ; Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in the University of Texas ; Doctor of Philosophy of Harvard University ; Professor of Math- ematics in the University and now Dean ; contributor to many mathemati- cal and scientific journals ; as I happen to know, speaking from the outside, loved by every student that ever knew you and by all the citizens of this State — in recognition of your many-sided attainments as a scholar and by virtue of the appreciation of one institution for another and as representa- tive of that, institution, I here and now confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws and admit you to every right and privilege that pertains to it. (Applause). Charles McTyeire Bishop, Bachelor and Master of Arts of Emory and Henry College ; trained as a theologian in the Methodist pulpit ; Doctor of Divinity of Centre College, Missouri — and now, sir, your attainments have called loudest to us as president of a neighboring institution. Southwestern University — you, sir, belong to that worthy class of men who can make bricks without straw, who can keep up high attainments against great odds, who merit the love and esteem of those who knOw you best : — now, there- fore, by virtue of your many attainments, and eminent in all, and for the kind feelings this institution has for you, by competent authority I confer upon you th6 honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. (Applause). Frederick William Boatwright, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts of Richmond College ; traveler and student in Europe ; student in the Uni- versities of Halle, Leipzig, and Paris; specialist in the field of modern languages : your attainments have come to us across the intervening space as president of that old-time and highly-loved institution, Richmond Col- lege; and in recognition of these your great attainments, eminent in every particular, I confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. (Applause) . 138 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Francis Marion Bralley Charks Edward Brewer James William Cantwell Francis Marion Bralley ; reared in the field of hard-knocks ; educated in public schools ; teacher in rural and town schools and superintendent of the county ; Superintendent of Education of the State of Texas ; Secretary of the Conference for Education in Texas; sometime professor in the Uni- versity of Texas in the Extension Department, but now President of the College of Industrial Arts on whose campus perhaps more young women come than to any other institution in the Southwest: you, sir, are a type of the individualist who thinks for himself, who works against many odds, who have stood out against many a difficulty, who won your spurs in the field of scholarship and attainments; and in recognition of that, by the authority committed to me, I have much pleasure in conferring upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. (Applause) . Charles Edward Brewer, Raleigh, North Carolina: you, sir, are a gradu- ate. Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts, of Wake Forest College; Doctor of Philosophy of Cornell University ; a graduate student in Johns Hopkins ; sometime Professor of Chemistry and Dean in Wake Forest College; but your attainments have come to us as highest, as President of Meredith College for women, by which work and in which field we think of you most highly: therefore by the authority committed to me as President of this institution, reinforced by the advice of the Faculty, I confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. (Applause) . James William Cantwell; prepared for college in Texas public schools; Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts of Baylor University ; teacher in the rural and small town schools, and superintendent of the city schools of Texarkana, Corsicana, and Fort Worth; now for many years President of the A. & M. College of Oklahoma — and, as I happen to know, success has BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 139 attended your labors — by virtue of our appreciation of your attainments and by the authority committed to me as President of this institution I confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws and admit you to every right and privilege that pertains to it. (Applause) . ThoiUHs Stone Clyce ('I;ivbrook Cottiiiti'luiiii Jainos Brittou (_'r:iiifill Th:mas Stone Clyce, Bachelor of Arts of King's College, Tennessee; trained for the Presbyterian ministry in the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary; Doctor of Divinity of the Southwestern Presby- terian University ; honorary Doctor of Laws of King's College ; President or Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly of America; but through the many years contemporary with the work I have done here, as I happen to remember. President of Austin College, a worthy institution : your work has been done in a worthy fashion and we are glad to give this feeble recognition of it by conferring upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. (Applause) . Claybrook Cottingham, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts of Rich- mond College ; sometime Professor of Greek in Louisiana College ; President of Louisiana Baptist Convention; now President of Louisiana College; be- longing to that group of hard-working college presidents making bricks without straw, and yet doing meritorious work that is putting your denom- ination and your efficiency upon the map in our neighboring State; in recognition of your versatility I confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Laws. (Applause) . James Britton Cranf ill ; I have no academic formula to recite over you. (Laughter). Born in Parker County, Texas, reared on the frontier, sur- rounded by prairie grass, buffaloes and wild Indians; educated in the patent medicine almanac, Webster's Blue Back, the Constitution of the United States, and the King James Version of the English Bible; soon a teacher in the public schools of Texas, yet quite soon a medical doctor by 140 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE virtue of a medical examination before the State Medical Examining Board of Texas ; soon the only national prohibitionist in all these parts as editor of the Gatesville Advance, and soon the editor and owner of the Baptist Standard for many years, perhaps the most influential denomina- tional paper in our ranks : you, sir, are versatile — contributor to magazines ; preacher, politician, nominated for Vice-President of the United States on the Prohibition ticket in 1892: I know of no place where you put your hands that you fail, and in recognition of this wonderful versatility we honor you in knowing that God never made another man like you as we give you this honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. (Laughter and ap- plause) . Charles Ernest Dieken David Edgar Fogle Baron De Kalb Gray Charles Ernest Dieken, Bachelor of ^ Arts of William Jewell College; Doctor of Divinity of Ouachita College ; preacher and pastor of high influ- ence — but it is as President of Ouachita College that your influence has counted for most as it has reached us — by the authority committed to me as President of this institution, I confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws and admit you to every right and privilege pertaining to it. (Applause) . David Edgar Fogle, graduate of Georgetown College; Master of Arts of Harvard University; traveler and student in European Universities; spe- cialist in modern languages; professor and dean in Georgetown College: there has been no man who has ever come from that institution to us but lias borne testimony of your high personal merit, scholarship, and dignity as student, scholar and man; and in recognition of your character and attainments the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws is conferred upon you and you are admitted to every right and privilege that pertains to it. (Applause) . BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 141 Baron De Kalb Gray, born in Mississippi, now a citizen of Georgia; Master of Arts of Mississippi College ; later President of Georgetown Col- lege; honorary Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Laws of Mississippi Col- lege — but your greatest work, in our judgment, as a denominational statesman and Christian gentleman has been as Secretary of the Home Mission Board, carrying the gospel to the peoples of all the Southland, in the mountain schools, in the slum-districts of the cities, in Cuba, and in Panama — by virtue of that statesmanship in religious education and re- ligious activity we now confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. (Applause) . Robert Thomas Hill Samuel Lee Hornbeak Justin Ford Kimball Robert Thomas Hill, born in Tennessee; graduate of Cornell University; since 1886 member of the United States Geological Survey; sometime Pro- fessor of Geology in the University of Texas, and State of Texas Geolo- gist: you, sir, are counted by those who are competent to speak as being possessed of a strong mind, analytic and synthetic ; you are regarded as the first Renaissance geologist of our time. (Applause) . You are reckoned as the real discoverer of the true Cretaceous formations, their sequence in the Texas and Arkansas region; you are known, sir, as a student of earth formations the wide world over. We count ourselves happy to be a party to lending our influence in honoring you as a scholar and scientist, and, therefore, by virtue of the authority committed to me, I confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws and admit you to every right and privilege that pertains thereto. (Applause). Samuel Lee Hornbeak, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts of Trinity University; Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Laws of Cumberland Uni- versity; Professor of Science in Trinity University twelve years; Presi- dent thereof since 1908; a quiet, noble, sincere, modest teacher, working 142 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE hard, always loved by your associates, respected and honored by all of your colleagues in service in Texas — by competent authority you are recognized here today for the degree of Doctor of Laws and admitted to every right and privilege pertaining to it. (Applause) . Justin Ford Kimball, graduate of Mount Lebanon College and of Baylor University ; teacher in the ranks of the public schools ; sometime superin- tendent of Navasota and Temple, at present Superintendent of the City Schools of Dallas, Texas; contributor to educational magazines; one time President of the Texas State Teachers' Association; honored in the field of pedagogy by all who know you : I now have pleasure in conferring upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws and admitting you to every right and privilege that pertains to it. (Applause). w m" "^Ipi 1 Ji ^HI^x^K^^^^v .James Hamjiton Kirkland Edsar Odell Lovett George White McDauiel James Hampton Kirkland, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts cf Wof- ford College, South Carolina; honorary Doctor of Civil Law of the Univer- sity of the South; honorary Doctor cf Laws in several of America's greatest universities ; sometime Professor of Latin and contributor thereto in Vanderbilt University; Chancellor of Vanderbilt University since 1892 — but, sir, of all your attainments, traveling in Europe, Doctor of Philoso- phy of Leipzig University, I suspect your greatest work is in the South where your fellow-collegians honor you as having done more probably than any other one man for high attainments and character and higher and loftier standards for true training in the secondary schools and small col- leges of our country — in recognition of these facts, by virtue of the author- ity committed to Baylor University by the State of Texas, I now, as Presi- dent, confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws and admit you to every right and privilege that pertains to it. (Applause). Edgar Odell Lovett, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts of Bethany College, West Virginia; Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Vir- BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 143 ginia; Doctor of Philosophy of Leipzig University; specialist in the field of astronomy; sometime Instructor in Astronomy in the University of Virginia; Professor of Astronomy in Princeton University — but, sir, your greatest attainments, in our judgment, have been in the field as President of Rice Institute, the only university in all the land that I know anything about that has more money than it can wisely use! (Laughter and ap- plause). For your individual merit as a scholar and teacher and gentle- man, by competent authority committed to me, I confer upon you now the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. George White McDaniel, graduate of Baylor University; graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; going to Virginia against the wishes of those who loved you most and yet quickly demonstrating that it was wise; you, sir, as a sort of Christian-like iconoclast have smashed many a golden idol in Virginia, but you have always maintained their love and respect as you have maintained ours. Through the years we have honored you as prince among gospel preachers ; as a citizen above reproach, giving your life bravely for the things that pertain to civic righteousness ; and by virtue of these attainments and the authority committed to me, I confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. (Applause) . John Eichard Sampey Bacon Saunders Cato Sells John Richard Sampey, Bachelor of Arts of Howard College ; graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; professor in that institution since 1892; for more than twenty-five years a member of the Sunday School International Committee, and at the present time its committee chairman ; scholar, interpreter, writer in the field of Old Testament Bibli- cal literature ; loved and honored by all who know you ; possessor of honor- ary degrees from other institutions ; by virtue of your many attainments— and you could prove by many here competent to advise that you are prob- ably the South's if not the nation's first scholar in the field of Hebrew 144 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE literature — I have pleasure, Dr. Sampey, in conferring upon you the hon- orary degree of Doctor of Laws and admitting you to every right that comes with that degree. (Applause). Bacon Saunders, citizen of Fort Worth; teacher of medicine; sometime Dean of the Medical School of Texas Christian University ; surgeon widely known throughout the Southwest; Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and, of course, graduate of several of the best medical institu- tions in this country ; for your high merit as a Christian gentleman, giving your life for the help of your fellow-man; for your scholarship and pro- fessional attainments and in recognition thereof, I have pleasure in con- ferring upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. (Applause). Cato Sells, born in Iowa; educated in Cornell College; soon an attorney for your own town and later mayor thereof; United States District Attor- ney for Iowa under appointment of President Cleveland; removed to Texas; banker and business man; rightfully prominent in the affairs of state in this country; soon national committeeman for the Democratic party from Texas when Mr. Wilson was elected; soon thereafter made Commissioner of Indian Affairs of the United States : I make no idle com- pliment, but it is the belief of some of us who have kept up with your movements that, presiding over as many clerks as perhaps any other de- partment in Washington, whose work is so delicate and difficult, dealing with a race where the problems are many and hard, you probably have done more for the uplift of the American Indian than any other single administration. (Applause). By virtue of your many attainments, Baylor University authorizes me to confer upon you the honorary degree of Doc- tor of Laws. Isaac Jacobus Van Ness Kufus Washington Weaver George Washino-ton Truett Isaac Jacobus Van Ness, born in New Jersey ; graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; sometime editor of the Christian Index; for many years a writer in the field of Sunday School literature and peda- BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 145 gogy; now Sunday School Secretary for the Southern Baptist Convention; preacher, writer, interpreter, and withal a sound business man whom men take into account with respect to matters that are business: for your versatile character in many fields and the high personal worth that we recognize in you, I confer upon you here and now the degree of Doctor of Laws. (Applause). Rufus Washington Weaver, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts of Wake Forest College; Master of Theology and Doctor of Theology of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Doctor of Divinity of Bethel College and Wake Forest College; sometime graduate student of Johns Hopkins University; pastor of many leading churches, north and south; sometime Adjunct Professor of Religious Education in Vanderbilt Uni- versity; sometime Educational Secretary for the Baptists of Tennessee— though I suspect that more than all these have been your labors in Mercer University: in recognition of the versatility of your character, I am now authorized to confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. (Applause) . George Washington Truett, born in North Carolina ; graduate of Baylor University; Doctor of Divinity of Baylor University; Financial Secretary of Baylor University for some time — and, as some of us know, those old buildings might have crumbled into dust except for your incomparable oratory that plead from the people their small earnings to pay it out of debt — elected President of Baylor University but declined : you have never allowed any work on earth to turn you away from the gospel, the ministry where God has honored your labors so long and so well. Preacher of power sought for by every pulpit in every land wherever you are known ; offered salaries beyond anything commensurately found in this State, and turning them all down for Texas ; honored as a preacher in this country and 'on the battle-fields of France ; a prince and royal ambassador, I hail you as Baylor's most loved graduate. (Applause). By virtue of the au- thority committed to me as President of this institution I confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws and admit you to every right and privilege that may pertain to this degree. (Loud and enthusiastic ap- plause) . James Hamilton Lewis, when God created man he never made another like you! (Applause). I say it to your credit. Versatile character; born in Virginia, educated in its University ; reared in Georgia, a practitioner of law in Savannah; removed to the Pacific Coast, and soon from Seattle, Washington, a member of Congress ; introducer of the first resolution to make Cuba free; removed to Chicago and soon a member of the United States Senate and leader on the floor of the Senate, an opponent worthy of the keenest steel of the finest masters on the other side of the house — you, sir, by virtue of the versatility of your character, your eminence in every field where you have worked, have found favor in the hearts of Baylor 146 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE James Hamilton Lewis Albert Sidney Burleson William Howard Ta(t University students and faculties, particularly as evidenced by your speech last night; and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Texas commit- ted to the Trustees of Baylor University, and in recognition of your versa- tile character as a speaker and writer in the field of political science, I confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws and admit you to every right and privilege that pertains to this degree. (Applause) . Albert Sidney Burleson, born in San Marcos, Texas ; bearing a name, sir, loved and honored in the annals of Texas history, both the Republic and the State, among men widely known as soldiers, scholars, preachers, statesmen and educators; yourself a graduate of this institution; a gradu- ate in law of the University of Texas ; sometime City Attorney of Austin ; sometime District Attorney of the 26th District at Austin; fourteen years a member of the United States Congress; now the Postmaster-General in an administration whose head has probably in the same length of time done more to popularize laws that are good for humanity than in any other like period in the history of man: in recognition of your own per- sonal worth and your own public service, I have here and now the right, committed to this institution by the State of Texas, and upon the recom- mendation of the faculty, to confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws and admit you to every right and privilege that pertains to this degree. You likewise had conferred upon you the degree of Bache- lor of Arts, being a member of the Class of '81, and both diplomas are now given to you. (Applause). Ladies and gentlemen : I want to thank you greatly for the cordiality with which you have stayed and gone through these exercises ; you have honored us highly; it is the first time in eighteen years that we have gone this much over twelve o'clock, but it seems to me for the Seventy-fifth BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 147 Anniversary we have a right to do what we please; we will try not to do it again until the Hundredth Anniversary ! (Applause) . Now, if you will rise I will ask President Bishop to pronounce a brief benediction and we will go our way. President Bishop: And may the peace of God which passeth all under- standing keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God and of his son Jesus Christ, our Lord, and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be upon you and remain with you always. Amen. Sub-joined is a list of universities and colleges officially represented at the Diamond Jubilee, together with the names of their representatives : 1634* Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., Edmund Thornton Miller, A.M., Ph.D- 1701 Yale University, New Haven, Conn., Eoyall E. Watkins. 1764 Brown University, Providence, K. 1., Grove Samuel Dow, A.M. 1819 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va., John Calvin Metcalf, A.M., Litt.D. 1834 The Tulane University of Louisiana, New Orleans, La., James E. Winston. 1845 Union University, Jackson, Tenn., George Martin Savage, A.M., LL.D. 1849 Austin College, Sherman, Thomas Stone Clyce, D.D., LL.D. 1868 University of California, Berkeley, Cal., Asa Crawford Chandler, Ph.D. 1869 Trinity University, Waxahachie, Samuel Lee Hornbeak, A.M., Ph.D., LL.D. 1872 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark., Harrison Hale, A.M., Ph.D. 1872 Southwestern University, Georgetown, Wesley Carroll Vaden. 1876 Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, College Station, William Bennett Bizzell, A.M., D.C.L. 1883 The University of Texas, Austin, Judge J. G. Townes, LL.D. 18S8 Ouachita College, Arkadelphia, Ark., Charles Ernest Dicken. 1891 Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford University, Cal., Albert Leon Gue- rard, B.A. 1894 Eusk College, Eusk, J. M. Cook, A.B. 1897 Decatur Baptist College, Decatur, J- L. Ward, A.M. 1900 Baylor University College of Dentistry, Dallas, Joseph S. Wright, D.D.S. 1903 College of Industrial Arts, Denton, Lee Monroe Ellison, A.B., M.A., Ph.D. 1903 Meridian College, Meridian, Mrs. Jennie Anderson Crow. 1905 University of Florida, Gainesville, Ela., M. D. Cody. 1908 Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Port Worth, L. E. Scarborough, D-D. 1912 Eice Institute, Houston, Edgar Odell Lovett, A.M., Ph.D., LL.D. *Date of founding. 148 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE GEORGE W. CARROLL yGIKNCE J I ALL BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 149 LITERARY SOCIETY NOTES The four literary societies, namely, the Philomathesian, the Calliopean, the Erisophian, and the Rufus C. Burleson, maintain in their work, as perhaps no other organization within the University, the continuity of the Baylor tradition. In recent years Baylor's representatives have sustained the reputation of their predecessors by winning repeatedly in intercollegi- ate debating. In the session of 1919-'20 Baylor's teams won two of the three intercollegiate contests scheduled, the two victories being over Wake Forest College — one at Waco and the other at Atlanta, Georgia — on the same day. In the annual June Debate between the Erisophian and Philomathesian Societies, held in Carroll Chapel on Saturday evening, June 12th, the de- cision was won by the "Philos" after a spirited discussion of the question : "Resolved, that the Monroe Doctrine, as developed and applied by the United States, should be abandoned as a part of our foreign policy." Representing the Erisophian Society and defending the affirmative were Messrs. G. D. Tyson and C. Y. Dossey, and contesting the question were Messrs. E. C. Wood and W. S. Garnett, the representatives of the Philoma- thesian Society. The judges of the contest were: Dr. F. M. Bralley, President of the College of Industrial Arts, Denton; Dr. S. L. Hornbeak, President of Trinity University, Waxahachie ; Dr. Robert E. Goodrich, Pastor of Austin Avenue Methodist Church, Waco; Dr. J. N. Renfro, Pastor of the First Methodist Church, Waco; and the Hon. Allan D. Sanford, Waco. Contributing greatly to the enthusiasm of the occasion were the young ladies of the Rufus C. Burleson Society, supporting their "brothers," the Erisophians, and of the Calliopean Society, cheering on the champions of the Philomathesians. Mr. George ("Kit") Rosborough led a delegation of the Historical Literary Society of Baylor College at Belton, who attended the debate and vigorously supported the Philomathesians and Calliopeans with their cheering. Appropriate exercises were arranged by all the societies to give welcome to returning members and to extend hospitality to the other guests of the University. On Monday afternoon the societies held reunions which had been planned as a part of the Diamond Jubilee celebration. The Philomathesians and Calliopeans assembled in the historic old chapel of the Main Building, where the following program was rendered: Song — America. Invocation — Rev. E. G. Townsend, D.D. Addresses of welcome — Yantis Robnett, President of the Philomathesian Society; Lelia Williamson, President of the Calliopean Society. Response — Rev. J. M. Dawson, D.D. Vocal Solo — A. Dickman. Piano Solo — Robert Markham. Vocal Solo— C. E. Wilbanks. 150 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE The Caskey "New Man's" medal for improvement in debating was then presented to the winner of the year, Mr. B. G. Holloway. Mr. George Rosborough, of Belton, most ardent of all "Philos," pre- sented the society with a gavel made of Brazilian redwood. Upon the conclusion of the program an informal reception was held. The Jubilee rally of the Erisophian and Rufus C. Burleson Societies was held in the University Library at three o'clock on Monday afternoon. With John Rice, President of the Erisophian Society, presiding, assisted by Miss Lessie Spearman, President of the R. C. B. Society, the following program was carried out: Vocal Solo — Frances Roberts. Addresses of welcome — John Rice and Lessie Spearman. Response — Rev. George W. McDaniel, D.D. Vocal Solo — C. B. Stephenson. Address — W. E. Matthews. Dr. J. M. Carroll, Dr. C. C. Carroll, and Dr. W. A. Hamlett, three Eriso- phians who have achieved eminence, responded to calls to address the societies and made brief but inspiring speeches. Among others present and entering heartily into the celebration were General Felix H. Robertson, of Crawford, Baylor's oldest living alumnus; Judge William Pierson, of Greenville ; Mr. I. A. Goldstein, of Waco ; Rev. J. L. Ward, of Decatur ; Rev. J. D. Aldredge, of Burleson; and Rev. L. L. Burkhalter, of Waco. After the formal exercises of the two society groups, a general reunion was held on the campus where refreshments were served to the many hundreds of students and alumni. The Baylor Students' Band, under the direction of Mr. Lyle Skinner, assisted in promoting the Jubilee spirit with a number of stirring selections. The Philomathesian and Calliopean Societies jointly arranged a dinner in honor of the visiting artists and literary men and women. This was given at the Hotel Raleigh on Monday evening of Commencement week. Toasts were proposed by Mr. Yantis Robnett and Miss Lelia Williamson representing the societies. Mr. Edwin Markham, who responded on behalf of the artists, quite captivated the students and guests with his drolleries. Mr. George Rosborough read a patriotic "Philo" poem and Miss Flossie Hindman gave an appropriate vocal selection. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 151 ATHLETIC VIEWS , ^ ' t^^ iw^v-:VS K^M^&fJ^SmW.:'^''- W^'J ■^- ) 1 -a-jr.-f*"''" '^^r^:a^av;p^ia»«ssa Athletic Building and Grandstand. The Bears in action. 152 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE CLASS ACTIVITIES An important factor in the progress of the University has been the con- structive endeavor of the class organizations. In recent years, outgoing graduates have bestowed upon their Alma Mater numerous material evi- dences of affection and loyaltj?. Among these may be mentioned: The large concrete campus-seat near the north entrance of the Carroll Library Building — presented by the Class of 1907. The handsome concrete seat and flower-urn facing the Main Building — the gift of the Class of 1916. The imposing gate at the Fifth Street entrance of Carroll Athletic Field — erected by the Class of 1917. The gorgeous green and gold stage curtain of the University chapel — designed and presented in 1919 by the Class of 1921. The priceless portrait of Robert Browning, by Robert Barrett Browning, which graces the Browning Alcove of the University Library — procured through the enterprise of Dr. A. J. Armstrong and added to the Baylor Browning Collection by the Class of 1919. The valuable installation of the historic Baylor bell on the campus just northwest of the Main Building — sponsored by the members of the Class of 1920 while in their Freshman year. The excellent Athletic Building, erected in 1915 at a cost of $10,000, was a project originated by the Alumni Association and sponsored by the class of that year, whose members contributed liberally of their means and in other ways assisted the University in bringing the enterprise to a suc- cessful issue. The Jubilee Class (1920) launched a movement in co-operation with the Alumni Association last year to erect a suitable fence along the Fifth Street side of Carroll Athletic Field, and subscribed $1,500 towards this worthy object. Other classes and individuals have contributed generously, and the work of construction was under way at the time of the Diamond Jubilee. The wall is to be of red brick and will be capped with a moulding of artificial stone. The handsome 1917 gate at the southeast corner of the field will be widened and adapted to the lines of the new wall — the original design and contour of the gate being preserved as nearly as pos- sible. The wall will be four hundred and eighty feet in length and will cost $7,500 to complete. The Class of 1920, now mustered into the Alumni As- sociation, will welcome further contributions. All members, except one, of the Class of 1877 attended the Diamond Jubilee. These now "aging" men and women had a really "youthful" good time when they forgathered on the campus on Monday afternoon of Com- mencement week. Prominent among the members of this class were : Dr. Jamss M. Carroll (Independence), John T. Duncan (Independence), Jones F. Duncan (Waco), Sam H. Goodlett (Independence), Thomas S. Hender- son (Waco), Mrs. Cordelia Allen Carpenter (Waco), Lewis R. Bryan (Inde- pendence), Mrs. Eula McCrary Durland (Waco), Mrs, Elizabeth Sessions Bonner (Waco). BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 153 Twenty-two members of the Class of 1912 revived the memories of undergraduate days with a luncheon in the Park on Tuesday, June 15th. The 'Thirteeners got together for a jolly picnic at the Fish Pond, a beautiful resort several miles from Waco. A large number of the returning members of the Class of 1917 held a reunion dinner at the Hotel Raleigh on Tuesday evening. A very enjoyable gathering was that of the boys and girls of 'Nineteen, who, as in that remote time when they were Seniors, "went on" a sunrise breakfast in Carroll Park near the University. Many other classes of former years got together for dinners, luncheons, picnics, or automobile drives, or simply enjoyed the modern luxury of the "open campus." Somewhat more formal was the reunion of the Class of 1914. Miss Clara Shell, the secretary of that enterprising organization, gives the following account of the Jubilee rally of the 'Fourteeners : " 'Present' was the response given by seventeen members of the Class of Nineteen Fourteen during Baylor's Jubilee Commencement. The occa- sion of special interest to the 'Fourteeners was the reunion breakfast which took place in the Gold Room of the Raleigh Hotel. In the absence of Mr. Bodenhamer, president of the permanent organization of the class, Mr. George Belew, better known as "Cheesy," consented to preside. The pro- gram for the social session was all the more enjoyable because it was of its own making; spontaneous relations of experiences, inquiries after absent classmates and friends, expressions of appreciation of classmates and class spirit, all tended to speed the too limited session to its close. "The business meeting that followed was not less gratifying. In this meeting Mr. Sparkman, chairman of the 'Fourteen Class Scholarship Com- mittee, reported that the class scholarship had become permanent and would be no further cause for worry or collection. The pleasure with which this report was received was manifest. "The same good spirit that saw one task completed saw another begun. A pledge of two hundred dollars was made toward the fund being raised by the Alumni Association to build a fence around Carroll Field. One hundred dollars of this amount was subscribed and paid by those present. "As the meeting drew to a close a spirit of protest seemed to pervade — protest against each one's going his own way and losing himself to his classmates and friends. Mrs. Armstrong gave voice to this protest in a motion that a bulletin be published each year in which our class interests may be centered. "Finally, but by no means least appropriate, a vote of appreciation was given Miss Una Robinson and her committee whose kindness made this happy occasion possible." Mr. J. Homer Caskey contributes the following account of the reunion of the Class of 1915: 154 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE "Thirty-four members of the Class of 1915 assembled for roll-call at the Hotel Raleigh on Tuesday morning of Commencement week. Coupled with each old familiar 'Present!' was a 'prophecy' typical of the forward- looking spirit of the class. Under the agreeable chaperonage of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. H. Park, the 'Fifteeners then motored out to the Fish Pond to enjoy a substantial breakfast of grape-fruit, bacon and eggs, coffee, and 'doughboys.' The old 'spirit' of the class was never more in evidence. Money was raised to meet the expense of placing a 1915 panel in the new wall of the Athletic Field. Provision was made for 'keeping in touch' through an official record to be published in 1922. This task was assumed by Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Coit (the 'Henry and Winnie' of former days). After several announcements of an 'interesting' nature, the group broke up, resolved to muster in full strength for the next home-coming." The editor is indebted to Miss Katherine Harrison for the "story" of the Class of 1920: "Since the celebration of Baylor's seventy-fifth anniversary was coinci- dent with the Commencement season, it is natural that the graduating class took an important part in the Diamond Jubilee exercises. Composed of nearly one hundred and fifty graduates from the College of Arts, besides a large number from the Medical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Colleges in Dallas, this 'Diamond Jubilee Class' is the largest ever graduated from the University, and their activities during Commencement week formed a fitting climax to their four years of academic work. "The members of the Senior Class, with their Commencement visitors, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Brooks at a delightful informal reception Saturday evening from six to eight, at the Brooks home on Speight Street. A pleasant hour was spent in meeting the guests of the various Seniors, and in enjoying the well-known hospitality of President and Mrs. Brooks. "The first appearance of the Seniors as a class, and in caps and gowns, occurred Sunday morning, June 13th, at the Baccalaureate sermon. This was delivered by Dr. Geo. W. McDaniel, of Richmond, Virginia, and is quoted elsewhere in this record. "The Senior Class exercises, held in Minglewood Park Monday afternoon, were interesting as a project worked out and presented entirely by the members of the 1920 class. It consisted of representations, in dramatic form, of the four years of their college life. The memorable events and escapades of Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years were enacted with all the enthusiasm of the original occurrences. This little drama, written and presented under the direction of Misses May Vaughan Ragland and Irene White of the Class of '20, and supervised by Miss Thompson of the Expression Department, was witnessed by a large audience of Baylor people and Jubilee visitors. "At the business meeting of the Baylor Alumni Association Tuesday morning, the Class of 1920 was formally received into that organization. After introductory speeches by President Brooks and Dean Spencer, the BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 155 vote was taken, and acknowledgment was made in the name of the class by Herschiel L. Hunt. At this meeting it was announced that the Class of 1920 had taken over the construction of a brick and concrete fence around the Athletic Field, a project which had been discussed by the Asso- ciation at a former meeting. Among the officers elected was Miss Grace Jenkins, of the Class of '20, who will hold the position of Secretary of the Association for the ensuing year. "Wednesday, June sixteenth, was the last and greatest day of the Jubilee and of Commencement, when in a temporary auditorium, erected in Mingle- wood Park, the final exercises and the granting of degrees took place. An account of the program of the day will be found elsewhere in this bulletin. The chief interest of the 1920 class was of course in the granting of diplo- mas. One hundred and twenty members of the Senior Class received the degree of Bachelor of Arts ; a large number of Master's degrees were also granted, and the graduates of the Baylor scientific schools were present to receive their degrees in Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy." CAMPUS NOTES An interested visitor at the Reunion was Mrs. Rufus C. Burleson. Still young for her years, Mrs. Burleson entered with zest into the Diamond Jubilee festivities. On Tuesday morning she had the pleasure of hearing the Alumni address delivered by her son, Richard A. Burleson, and, on Commencement day, of hearing the address of her kinsman, Postmaster- General Albert S. Burleson. Three generations of the Jenkins family were represented at the Diamond Jubilee. Judge W. H. Jenkins has served the University loyally as Presi- dent of the Board of Trustees and, latterly, as Secretary of the Board. As good friends and neighbors, Judge Jenkins and his family have endeared themselves to hundreds of students who have passed through Baylor dur- ing the past fifty years. Both Judge and Mrs. Jenkins received diplomas on Commencement day, being among the "old graduates" of the University. Two of their sons-in-law, George W. Truett and Eugene Sallee, were given honorary degrees by the University. The presence in Waco of Dr. William Buck Bagby, '75, in robust health after forty-one years of heroic service as a missionary to Brazil, was a cause for rejoicing to innumerable friends. For many, however, the joy of greeting this sturdy veteran was touched with sadness as they reflected upon the tragic taking off of that other pioneer of Brazilian missions Dr. Z C Taylor, who, with Mrs. Taylor, Miss Eschol Taylor, and the beloved Professor Rudolf Hoffmann, was swept away by the Corpus Christi hurri- cane on September 14th, 1919. Baylor always gives a hearty welcome to the Carrolls of Beaumont and Waco. The name of this family is writ large in the history of the Univer- sity The Carroll Chapel and Library Building, donated by F. L Carroll in 1901; the Science Building, given by George W. Carroll in the same 156 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE year; the Athletic Field, named for its donor, Lee Carroll; and the hand- some Carroll Park, facing the University grounds on Fifth Street and im- proved by the city largely through the munificence of Mrs. Ellen Carroll — these attest the fine liberality of the family and the affection they have for Baylor. Of the Carroll connection there were present at the Reunion : George W. Carroll, Charles M. Carroll, '11; George W. Carroll, Jr., ex-'14; Mrs. Alice Carroll Keith — all of Beaumont; Mrs. Minnie Carroll King, of Waco, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter King, Waco. Dr. Lee R. Scarborough, '95, President of Southwestern Baptist Theo- logical Seminary, was on the campus during the Reunion. Dr. Scar- borough's remarkable gifts as orator, administrator, and "Kingdom worker" are attested by the rapid growth of the great institution of which he is the directing head. The tremendous force of his personality is con- stantly being communicated to hundreds of young men and young women who go forth from the Seminary and the Training School to the uttermost parts of the earth as the messengers of a more intense and militant evan- gelism. His triumphant conduct of the Seventy-five Million Dollar Cam- paign last year has won for him international recognition as a Christian statesman. Baylor University is honored in and through him. Baylor University has no more loyal friends than the members of the "Clan Cranfill." Dr. J. B. Cranfill, of Dallas, has, throughout his long career, been prominently identified with every good work in which Texas Baptists have engaged. His robust Christian faith, his rugged yet genial humor, and his penetrating business judgment stamp him as a "character" — a man of marked personality, whose counsel is invaluable and whose support is inspiring. Dr. Cranfill's son, "Tom," '94-'98, as he is affection- ately remembered in Baylor circles, and his daughter. Miss Mabel, a dis- tinguished member of the Class of 1899, accompanied their father in his visit to Baylor during the Reunion. Dr. Cranfill received the degree of Doctor of Laws on Wednesday morning, June 16th. Prof. J. T. Strother, the oldest Baylor teacher now living, greatly de- lighted hundreds of his old students by attending the Alumni exercises and the President's reception. His friends were glad to see that, despite his eighty-three years. Professor Strother still enjoys good health and gives evidence of the old-time mental vigor. Judge Leigh Burleson, '69, son of Dr. Richard B. Burleson, a former vice-president of Waco University, was here from his home in San Saba. Forty years had passed since his last visit to his Alma Mater. Hon. William Pierson, '96, for many years District Judge at Greenville and recently nominated for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas, was a prominent Jubilee visitor. In his successful judicial career he has won distinction for himself and honor for Baylor. Mrs. Ermine Buck Lattimore, '85, happily represents her husband, Hon. 0. S. Lattimore, '87, at the Jubilee gathering. Judge Lattimore's duties BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 157 as Judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals at Austin prevented his attend- ance, much to the regret of his friends. Sidney P. Skinner, '84, able lawyer, State Senator, big cattleman, large capitalist, extensive traveler, and well-informed citizen, came all the way from his home in El Paso to greet his hundreds of Baylor friends formed during the last four decades. John Wesley Newbrough, '84, who spent many years as a missionary to Mexico, founded a school in that country, and then was compelled by revo- lution to abandon his cherished life-work there to preach to the Spanish- speaking people of Texas, seemed greatly to enjoy the Diamond Jubilee after years of residence south of the Rio Grande. Jesse Burgess Pool, '02, a banker of Sipe Springs, whom the oil discov- ery has greatly benefited, came for the entire celebration. His wife, a former Baylor student, nee Miss Donnie Miller, was also here greeting the friends of school days. John T. Duncan, of the famous Class of 1877, was a Jubilee visitor from La Grange. He is widely regarded as one of the ablest lawyers of the State. Mrs. Maggie Kendrick, '84, came from her beautiful home city on the plains, Amarillo, to attend the Diamond Jubilee and to meet the members of her famous class. Like all who bear the name of Kendrick, she has lived a life devoted to duty. J. P. Collier, '90, a prominent ranchman and wheat farmer of Adrian, was welcomed to the Jubilee not only by numerous relatives who were educated at Baylor, but also by great hosts of alumni and ex-students who rejoice to know of his successful career as a business man. Dr. William A. Wood, '85, than whom Baylor has no more cultured alum- nus, and Texas no more sterling citizen, was one of the happiest men in Waco as he greeted the friends of the olden time who came in such grati- flying numbers to the great Reunion. Dr. Wood's son, Eugene, was a prom- inent member of the graduating class of the year. Fred Roberts, 1900, now a successful business man and largely inter- ested in establishing a proper system for marketing farm products, was here from Corpus Christi. No jollier student or more ardent "Philo" ever attended Baylor. Hon. Finis E. Johnson, '95, a prominent lawyer of Cleburne and for several years County Attorney of Johnson County, was a delighted visitor to the Jubilee celebration. Albert J. Buchanan, '84, for many years editor of the Bryan Eagle, was here from the capital of Brazos County. His wife, who was Miss Stella Allen, of the Class of '85, was also a Jubilee visitor. Time has dealt lightly with this happy couple, who are now grandparents. 158 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE S. H. Morrison, '84, a leading lawyer of Big Spring, is a fine, up-standing representative of the great West Texas country. His many Baylor friends were glad to welcome this noble, pure-minded. Christian jurist. Texas has no better citizen than Sam Houston Morrison. It was a genuine pleasure to see I. A. Goldstein, '76, the merchant prince of Waco, heartily greeting his old friends among the Jubilee visitors. Sam H. Goodlett, '77, a prominent attorney of Austin, was on the campus greeting his classmates and other Baylor friends. His connection with some of the State departments at Austin has given him a wide acquaint- ance. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hamlett, '96, were among the youngest grand- parents at the Diamond Jubilee. The care-free, jovial Will Hamlett of student days has become an eloquent preacher, a profound logician, and an author of note. As pastor of the First Baptist Church of Austin he has had a remarkable ministry. Some of his old-time friends were heard to exclaim, "What a glorious task his wife has accomplished in and through him!" Mrs. Nina Jameson Wood, '85, wife of Dr. W. A. Wood, of Waco, greatly aided in extending courtesies to Jubilee visitors. Her beautiful home is often open to Baylor students and friends. Dan E. Graves, '95, a successful banker of Gatesville and for some years a trustee of Baylor University, greatly enjoyed the exercises of the Jubilee celebration, and was gladly met by his hundreds of friends in attendance. Few people who attended the Jubilee enjoyed the occasion more than did Mrs. Bettie Pool Doherty of Mansfield. She was a school-girl in Baylor with Mrs. T. H. Claypool and Miss Kate Griffith, and is one of her father's eight children who had measles in Baylor University! One of the most remarkable men in Texas is the honored Judge John C. West, whose home adjoining Minglewood Park on Dutton Street has been a picturesque landmark for sixty years. Judge West was Principal of the Waco Classical School when President Rufus C. Burleson came to Waco, and assisted largely in'planting Waco University upon the foundations of the old "Classical School." A distinguished member of Hood's immortal Texas Brigade in the War between the States and later an ornament of the local bar, Judge West has been a leader in all good works. Now, at the advanced age of eighty-six, he still takes the liveliest interest in public events; attends church regularly; and shows himself the best of "neigh- bors." Baylor University is proud to count him as its friend. The presence of Dr. J. M. Carroll on the campus during the five days of the Jubilee was the occasion for jovial greetings from hundreds of friends from Waco and throughout the State. Dr. Carroll's long residence in Waco is remembered with pleasure by the entire community. His re- markable gift of "good fellowship" seems only to increase with the passing years. As a graduate of "old Baylor," at Independence, Dr. Carroll re- ceived the baccalaureate diploma on Commencement day. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 159 Recalling the days of struggle at Independence, and yet symbolizing in his person the firm reunion of Baylor University, was Dr. George W. Baines of San Marcos. Son of the late Dr. George W. Baines, Sr., Dr. Baines is now a venerable man ; but his gentleness of spirit, his exemplary service as pastor and preacher, and his sweet Christian charity have kept him young in thought and in purpose. It is not often that two generations of a single family "graduate" to- gether. But even more unusual is it to see grandmother and grandson receive diplomas on the same platform and on the same day. Mrs. J. E. H. Mclver, of Caldwell, a graduate and later for many years a teacher of Baylor College at Independence, and her grandson, J. A. Mclver, of Moody, were the recipients of diplomas on Wednesday, June 16th. Mrs. Mclver was honored as a graduate of "old Baylor," and Mr. Mclver obtained the Master's degree. An interesting reunion was held by Dr. W. B. Bizzell, President of A. & M. College, Congressman Tom Connally, of Marlin and Waco, and Dr. Carl Lovelace, of Waco, who "went to war" together in 1898. Baylor's athletes honored their Alma Mater by returning in considerable numbers to share in the joys of home-coming. These favorite sons of the University received cordial greetings from old friends who recalled the heroic days when "Robbie's" "punting," or "Jack's" "broken field run- ning," or "Lucian's" famous "side-stepping," or "Theron's" incomparable "line bucking" brought victory to the Green and Gold. A few of the stars of former days who were on the campus during the week were : Tom Cranf ill, '94-'98, (captain of the first football team of Baylor University) ; Nelson Puett, '09; "Cap" Wilie, '09; T. P. Robinson, '11; John Fouts, '11; H. G. Isbill, '11; Hays, '11; W. A. ("Jack") Little, '12; 0. M. ("Slim") Harrell, '12; J. D. ("Ebb") Isaacks, '16; Floyd Fouts, '17; Harry Nigro, '17; Lucian Roach, '18; George Roach, '18; Theron Fouts, '19; John Reid, '19. During the Reunion, organization was effected of the Baylor "B" Association, with Dr. Carl Lovelace, '98, as President and Howard ("Yank") Wilson, '20, as Secretary. The Smiths of Baylor got together during the Reunion. The "Smith Club" of the University — a "going" under-graduate organization — acted as host for all returning alumni and alumnae "of the name of Smith." A "ripping" good time was had by Tom, Dick, Harry, and all the rest of the Clan Smith who were fortunate enough to be in attendance. Wake Forest College was well represented at the Diamond Jubilee. Among the Wake Forest Alumni who were present were: Dr. R. W. Weaver, President of Mercer University, Macon, Georgia; Dr. Charles E. Brewer, President of Meredith College, Raleigh, North Carolina; Dr. B. W. Spil- man. Corresponding Secretary of the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, Kinston, North Carolina; Dr. Hight C. Moore, Editor 160 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE of Kind Words, Atlanta, Georgia; Rev. William Alexander Pool, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Mansfield, Texas ; Rev. 0. L. Powers, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Wichita Falls; and Professor H. Trantham, a member of the faculty of the University. Richmond College was also worthily represented at the Reunion. Presi- dent F. W. Boatwright, who came to receive the degree of Doctor of Laws, was greeted by several of Richmond's alumni. Some of these were: Dr. A. J. Hall, Dean of the School of Education in Baylor University; E. W. Provence, Business Manager of Baylor University ; and Tarleton B. Taylor, a successful young merchant of Waco. Prominent among returning alumni were : J. W. Cantwell, '93, President of Oklahoma A. & M. College, StUlwater, Oklahoma. Col. Charles J. Crane, '69, son of the late William Carey Crane, United States Army, San Antonio. Judge Royston C. Crane, '84, another son of the late William Carey Crane, prominent lawyer of Sweetwater. Judge J. C. Townes, '67, Dean of the University of Texas Law School, Austin. Dr. W. B. Glass, '01, Hwanghien, Shantung, China. Rev. 0. E. Bryan, '06, Louisville, Kentucky. Rev. C. C. Carroll, '98, Professor of Systematic Theology in the Louisiana Biblical Institute, Natchitoches, Louisiana. Dr. A. F. Beddoe, '79, Dallas. Mrs. Celeste Edmondson, '73, Graham. Rev. H. C. Gleiss, '90, Detroit, Michigan. Rev. J. L. Ward, '87, President of Decatur College. Rev. E. G. Townsend, '93, Belton. Dr. T. V. Neal, who receiyed the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Bay- lor in 1919. Sam H. Goodlett, '77, Brenham. Rev. Theo. Heisig, '82, San Antonio. Rev. R. E. Bell, '01, Seymour. Rev. John A. Held, '96, Bryan. Mrs. Annie Jenkins Sallee, '97, Kaifeng, Honan, China. Dr. W. T. Conner, '06, Professor of Systematic Theology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth. Rev. John M. Price, '11, Professor of Religious Education, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth. Rev. Ben Rowland, '11, Yingtak, China. J. M. Cook, '14, President of Rusk Junior College. Paul C. Porter, '15, Dean of Baylor College, Belton. C. C. Hooper, '15, Business Manager, Baylor College, Belton. i^AYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 161 ■ '^M^iBkiMl^m'-^m "THEY GREW UP TOGETHER" (Cartoon by Knott in the Dallas Morning News) 162 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT The thanks of the University are extended to the merchants of the city for the beautiful decorations with which they honored the Jubilee; to the good citizens of Waco who generously threw open their homes for the accommodation of hundreds of visitors; to many churches of the city which adjourned their Sunday morning services in honor of the baccalaure- ate sermon at Baylor; and to the local press which faithfully reported the events of the Commencement day by day and bestowed eloquent praise upon the work of the University. ECHOES President Brooks, on behalf of the University, takes this opportunity to acknowledge the many hundreds of kind expressions that have come to him from, friends and guests of the institution, who by their presence con- tributed so largely to the success of the Diamond Jubilee. Following are a few excerpts from the many newspaper articles and letters which have been received: Our Baylor. (The Waco Times-Herald) Baylor University was chartered by the Republic of Texas. It has had many trying experiences, but, like the great oak, it has been strengthened by the opposing gales. Noble men and women have given gladly of their time and of their toil to make a success of this institution, and they did not give in vain, for their good work is manifest in thousands of lives. Oxford and Cambridge, Yale and Harvard, Princeton and Washington-Lee grew from tumble beginnings; no one of them, as Minerva from the brow of Jove, came full-panoplied into the great arena of human endeavor. And so with Baylor; it has grown slowly but steadily and is today one of the world's foren'ost educational institutions. This week has been set apart for celebratin,!; the school's seventy-fifth anniversary, and the occasion will be one of rejoicing for all who participate and of future good for the institution. ***** Baylor Celebrates. (The Waco News-Tribune) Baylor University, whose beginning dates back to the early days of Texas and whose progress is interwoven with the history of the Lone Star State, is celebrating her seventy-fifth anniversary this week. In the significance of the occasion, the number of prominent citizens of the country who are to be present and in the number of honorary degrees to be conferred, this is declared to be one of the greatest academic celebra- tions ever held in the Southwest. Waco feels justly proud of being the home of Baylor. Waco is glad to be the hostess city for the hundreds of loyal Baylor sons whose footsteps BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 163 Coronation of the Queen of May. -n K^ 3 f( i^i^hH Pil^ ^ ll L^^^^f ■ ' ^^h*»5ffli. ''^^ |hb^^^^ ^' ■^-ifcp^ Miss Mozelle Wells, Queen THE MAY FETE WAS A PART OF THE DIAMOND JUBILEE PROGRAM 164 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE turn toward their Alma Mater during the Diamond Jubilee. Thousands of visitors will be in the city during this week, and some of them the most distinguished of the land. This is more than an anniversary for Baylor; it is a milestone in the institution's progress. Baylor has had her struggles, and like all growing universities, will continue to have them, but with increased endowment and more funds for immediate expansion, she is entering upon a new era of growth. A modern boys' dormitory is under construction and other needed additions are planned. New departments scheduled include those of law, business, journalism, and agriculture. With the great Baylor Med- ical School at Dallas, the institution is a complete University — a remark- able educational plant. Waco is proud of the president of .Baylor, Dr. Samuel Palmer Brooks — a man of great moral strength, a man of broad human understanding, and a man strong and clean physically — a heroic Texan. Waco welcomes the sons of old Baylor. May their pilgrimage be an inspiration and one of the most pleasant events of their lives. * # * * * (George W. Truett, D.D., LIi.D., Pastor, First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas). Surely the Baylor Jubilee was an incomparable success. Such was the verdict of everybody. Your part on that historic day was successful be- yond all comparison or computation. Everybody had this feeling about you, and the universal opinion was and is, that the "Jubilee" has put Baylor on the map beyond anything ever dreamed of before, and that the occasion will probably be worth millions of dollars to Baylor. In the words of the militant Rupert Brooke, as he sailed for Gallipoli, "Now God be thanked who hath matched us with this hour!" ***** (L. E. Scarborough, D.D., President Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas). I congratulate you and Baylor upon the great Jubilee Commencement. It seems to me it was one of the greatest occasions I have ever seen in education. In my deepest soul I bless God for the great day into which Baylor has come; and I congratulate you upon the remarkable success of your presidency and leadership. I greatly rejoice in all that is coming to you personally and to Baylor through your magnificent management of the institution. « * # * ft (J. B. Cranfill, M.D„ D.D., LL.D., Dallas, Texas). Nothing like it (the Diamond Jubilee) has ever occurred within my knowledge in American annals, and I believe that you have the unique distinction of being the only college president who has staged a great event of that character. Everything went off in wonderful order. Your great administrative ability was never so much in evidence as upon that occa- sion, and the happy faculty you have, and which you displayed in the conferring of the honorary degrees, I have never seen excelled. On the BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE VIEWS OF THE ACADEMIC PROCESSIONAL 165 Line forming at Science Hall. Fine Arts girls leading. Procegsion . halting to reverse tlie order of maroli. 166 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE whole, the occasion was a memorable one, and, if God spares my life and yours, I hope that we shall meet on the same historic and sacred grounds at the Centennial of the organization of Baylor University. ***** (B. D. Gray, D.D., LL.D., Corresponding Secretary, Home Mission Board, Atlanta, Georgia). At my first opportunity I write to congratulate you on the splendid manner in which you conducted your recent Commencement exercises and especially in conferring the numerous degrees that day. The mere physi- cal feat of standing and talking for an hour or two showed you to be a man of tremendous physical power. But when it came to making remarks appropriate and felicitous to every person receiving a degree, it was simply marvelous. I covet your fine gifts in this respect. Let me congratulate you on the splendid leadership you are giving to your great school. Surely the Lord is with you and the great host of Texas Baptists are back of you. ***** (I. J. Van Ness, Corresponding Secretary, Baptist Sunday School Board, Nashville^ Tenn.) I am writing to express my appreciation of the occasion of which you allowed me to be a small part. It was really a great time and managed with a dignity which, I am sure, made everyone connected with it more appreciative of the honors which were bestowed. Your honor list was selected — leaving out my own case — ^with unusual discrimination and judg- ment. I wish for Baylor all possible things including that big endowment for the Medical School which I cannot help but believe is sure to come. ***** (Hon. Eoyston C. Crane, Attorney-at-Law, Sweetwater, Texas). I think everyone went away, as far as I could judge from expressions heard on every side, highly gratified. I heard a number of expressions to the effect that the best and most enjoyable part of the whole program was the little "gems" of presentation addresses to the several recipients of honorary degrees — they said they were great and that the President had shown rare talent in an unexpected direction. ***** (Charles E. Brewer, Ph.D., LL.D., President, Meredith CoUege, Raleigh, North Carolina). It was in every respect a most notable occasion and I congratulate you most heartily upon the fine way in which the whole affair was conducted. To one who has been accustomed to see commencements on a much smaller scale it was, indeed, an eye-opener. I was impressed particularly with the large number of alumni and alumnae who were returning for the occasion, as well as by the host of friends from all sections of the country who gathered to do honor to Baylor University. I was gratified to find in the number of residents and visitors quite a number of my old-time friends, and I am indebted to many of them for courtesies received during my stay. It is a great institution that you are conducting and I congratulate it most heartily upon the fact that a level-headed and far-seeing man is in control. I did not suppose that anyone would undertake the task that you BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE SOME OF BAYLOR'S OLDER SONS 167 Professor Wade Hill Pool, Chairman of the Jubilee Reception Committee. Dr. J. "W. Newbrough Dr. W. A. Fool Dr. S. M. Provence Dr. W. Eugene Sallee Dr. B. W. Spillman 168 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE carried through with such perfection on Wednesday morning, namely, pre- senting to the audience from memory and entirely without notes the sev- eral individuals receiving honorary degrees. It was a notable feat and received favorable comment from all who witnessed it. ***** (C. M. Bishop, D.D., LL.D., President, Southwestern University, G-eorgetown, Texas). I wish to express my very great appreciation of the honor done me and the courtesies rendered during your great Jubilee Commencement. It will give me pleasure so long as I live to recall that I had a part in so dis- tinguished an occasion. The part which you yourself played was one of the most remarkable exhibitions of mental alertness and of mastery of a program that I ever witnessed. I sincerely congratulate you upon your strength and versatility. The Commencement itself was a great academic event. Nothing so elaborate has occurred in Texas so far as I know. I believe the influence of it will tend to increase the dignity of all our college events, because in some measure we shall all seek to follow your example. (W. N. Ainsworth D.D., LL.D., Bishop, M. E. Church, South, Macon, Georgia). Permit me to express to you my appreciation of the exercises which you conducted at Baylor on Wednesday. It was, indeed, a notable occasion and reflected great credit upon the institution and your administration of its affairs. (S. L. Hornbeak, D.D., LL.D., President, Trinity University, Waxahachie, Texas). Allow me to congratulate you on the splendid success of your Diamond Jubilee. I believe that yours was the greatest Commencement occasion that has been held in Texas. You are to be congratulated on the splendid way in which you conducted the exercises. I desire to thank you most heartily for the honor you did me and the institution that I have served for many years. This honor is not only appreciated by the one upon whom it was bestowed but also by the fripnds of Trinity University. ***** (Mrs. Celeste Edmondson, Graham, Texas). The occasion was rejuvenating, educational, and inspirational; every feature of the program splendid and enjoyable; the weather ideal; and everyone seemed to enter into the Jubilee spirit. Many expressions of wonder and admiration at the versatility of President Brooks' memory when conferring the honorary degrees were heard; and the conception of the whole proceedings was wonderful. Thanks for the invitation and all the pleasure attending its acceptance, and for my Baylor degree which I shall treasure as second only to the one received in the heyday of youth. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE TWO VIEWS .OF THE COMMENCEMENT CEOWDS 169 President's Eeception Commencement exercises under th? arbor, 170 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE (Eoyall E. Watkins, Dallas, Texas). Allow me to thank you for the magnificent good time that I had while, visiting you during the recent Diamond Jubilee of Baylor University. And please allow me also to congratulate you upon your wonderful versatility in conferring the degrees upon the numerous distinguished visitors. I have been requested to make a detailed report to Yale University of the recent Commencement exercises of Baylor, and I am taking occasion to tell them it was almost a Yale affair, and I am particularly emphasizing the splendid work done by you. ***** (Oscar M. Marchman, M.D., Dallas, Texas). It was indeed an inspiring time and one that I should not have missed at any cost. I enjoyed immensely the fine addresses and the inspiration that I received when I listened to Dr. Cooper, Senator Lewis, Postmaster- General Burleson, and the most excellent address of Dr. Truett; I enjoyed no less the marvelous feast and the wonderful speeches that you delivered to the old graduates. They were humorous, inspiring, and full of good things, and enjoyed by all who heard them; and I wish to state to you that this was one of the most remarkable feats of mental gymnastics that I have had the pleasure of hearing in my whole life. ***** (Rev. John A. Held, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Bryan, Texas). I am rejoicing with you in the splendid success that you have made for this occasion. I also desire to add that I believe you have won for your- self distinction in the splendid manner in which you presented the various diplomas, both to the great and the near great. You not only did yourself credit but honor to the institution which you represent ; and as one of your friends I want to add my mite of praise to your deserved honors. May the Heavenly Father's blessings be with you and lead you from victory to victory ! ***** (A group of former Baylor Students, Big Spring, Texas). Greetings to Dr. Brooks, our classmates, and friends present at the Diamond Jubilee, from former Baylor students. Big Spring, Texas. We rejoice in the prosperity of dear Baylor and trust that her future may be greater than has been her glorious past. We are glad that three from our city can be with you. With all good wishes for a most happy occasion, (Signed) J^™^« T. Brooks Lula Belle Throop Ashley W. C. Garrett A. L. Wasson Clara R. Pool Mrs. Barbara Anderson Reagan Guion Pool B. Reagan Velma Lee Wasson Mrs. Berta Cunningham Beckett Belle S. Gary j. j. Hair Ruth Hatcher june 14th, 1920. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 171 SOME "CLOSE-UPS" DUEING THE ACADEMIC PROCESSIONAL Harriet Monroe Amy Lowell Judd Mortimer Lewis Dr. Geo. W. Truett Dr. J. Hamilton Lewis Dr. S. P. Brooks Dr. Albert Sidney Burleson 172 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE The full story of the great reunion of the Baylor family can never be told in words or committed to the printed page. The hundreds of meetings, expected and unexpected, on the campus, in the halls of the University, or in the hospitable homes of the city; the foregathering here beneath the oaks and elms of Baylor of friends whose lot in life had carried them far afield; the thrill of recognition through the haze of the gathering years; the appearance upon the old familiar scene of younger and brighter faces strongly reminiscent of the faces of other years — ^these, with a thousand little incidents, make up the sum of an epic which must remain untold except in the fond recollection of those who "came home." BiW Sim MBjMfi^ * ■nrr •rvw. — .'v. V^A-' 'i^ -■ faB^g ';^g! }eC im-. - » * '..••^•■.••''^1 f; i i- .■■V i ' •C. * r^ ^ if il t i i g^iiiii^jiy \Pi ^"^'-JS, K" "^B-^ 1^4 m m The above picture was not made during the Jubilee Commencement, but is inserted here for its historic value. Many will recognize Judge W. H. Jenkins at the left. The two men in the center of the picture are J. 0. Taylor of Breckenridge and his brother, Z. C. Taylor, long time missionary to Brazil, who was drowned in the Corpus Christi storm in 1919. The figure on the extreme right of the picture is Mr. I. A. Goldstein of Waco (deceased), a long time friend of Baylor University. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE - TWO VEWS OF THE CAMPUS FROM SCIENCE HALL 173 Dome of Library Tower of Georgia Burleson Hall Georgia Burleson Hall Main Building 174 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE REGISTRATION For the convenience of the very large number of Jubilee visitors, a Gen- eral Reception Committee, headed by Prof. W. H. Pool and generously assisted by committees of the Young Men's Business League and the Waco Chamber of Commerce, prepared a list of available places of residence, and, through the energetic labors of sub-committees of students and faculty members, maintained a bureau, which, under the able direction of Dr. W. T. Gooch, undertook to meet all incoming trains during the early days of the Jubilee and to assist visitors in finding suitable quarters for the period of their sojourn. For the further convenience of returning students and their friends, this bureau conducted a registration booth, where many hundreds entered their names or sought information regarding friends and classmates. The work of meeting the trains was assumed by the Freshman class; that of keeping the rolls was performed by the Sophomores; while the Juniors acted as guides in conducting visitors about the buildings and grounds. A wonderful spirit of co-operation and loyalty was exhibited by all these younger children of Baylor which elicited high praise from many delighted guests of the University. REGISTER OF EX-STUDENTS OF BAYLOR UNIVERSITY AND OF WACO UNIVERSITY This is not a record of all the ex-students who attended the Reunion; it includes only those who gave in their names to the committee in charge of registration. The names of graduates are starred. The names of ex-students not graduates are grouped according to the last year of residence in college. 1854 Felix H. Robertson, Crawford 1353 •Fannie Rogers Harris, San Saba 1860 B. L,. Aycock, Kountze *James A. Dickie, Gatesville 1365 Jeff D. Smith, Lexington 1866 *Julia Harris Mclver, Cald- well J. Speight Smith, Waco 1867 Julia Rush Powell, Waco 1868 Martha Rogers Bolton, Wharton W. H. Trent, Whitney 1869 ^Charles J. Crane, San An- tonio "Leigh Burleson, San Saba 1870 ♦Josephine Corley Burleson, San S'aba 1872 *Mozelle Perry Kirksey, Chi- cago, 111. 1873 *Celeste Patton Edmondson, Austin Ella Duvall Lancaster, jran- bury 1874 *Louise Brown Baker, Waco 'Mamie Cole Boone, Dallas Jennie Anderson Crow, Me- ridian R. M. Hardwick, Ada, Okla. Mittie Corley Hardwick, Ada, Okla. Bettie McCown Scott, Waco Sallie Seymour Smith, Cedar Hill Mattie Davis Willis, Waco 1875 *Wm. B. Bagby, Sao Paulo, Brazil Kate S. McKle, Corsicana Mrs. Theo Morris Nigro, Bel- ton Mrs. J. Wallace Riveire, Waco Ida Westmoreland Stewart, Waco Blanche Mullens Vaughan Corsicana 1876 *J. M. Frazier, Belton •I. A. Goldstein. Waco Bart Moore, Waco "Sue Wallace Tyler, Belton 1877 "Elizabeth Sessions Bonner, Waco *Lewis R. Bryan, Houston ■'Cordelia Allen Carpenter, Mart *James M. Carroll, San An- tonio Annie Vesoy Duncan, Ennis *.Tohn T. Demean. La Grange *Jones P. Duncan, Ft. Worth "Bula McCrary Durland Denison *Samuel H. Goodlett, Austin 'Thomas S. Henderson, Cam- eron *Bmma J. Humphreys, Waco Lewis R. Morgan, Houston 1878 "Pyrena Allen, Waco Mary L. West Beatty. Waco 'Samuel H. Dixon, Austin *M. C. H. Park, Waco •C. H. Wedemeyer, Greenville 1879 '■A. F. Beddoe. Dallas Alice Kendrick Brister, Waco 'Bstelle Wallace Dupree, Waco Annie P. Olenbusch, Waco 1880 Olive Mercer Buchanan, Waco Mrs. W. T. Compere, Dallas *\V. N. Garrett, Edna Alice Carroll Keith, Beau- mont. *W. £'. Rose. Salado E. G. L. Wiebusch, Waco 1881 'Emma S. Culberson, Waco 'Johnnie Johnson Hamlett, "\^'aco 1882 *Luella J. Chambers, Santa Anna •Theo Heisig, Beaumont BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 175 C. A. Mellroy, Nashville, Tenn. L. C. Puckett, Waco. 18S3 C. T. Curry, Marlin Minnie Carroll King, Waco *L,ula Lee Lednum, Venus Lillie N. Thomas Pepper Belton 1884 *A. J. Buchanan, Bryan *Royston C. Crane, Sweet- water Joseph H. Ellis, Cold Springs W. T. Garrett, Waco *Maggie L.ee Kendrick, Ama- rillo *S. H. Morrison, Big Spring *J. W. Newbrough, Harlingen Kaba Dann Seymour, Colum- bus *S. P. Slsinner, Bl Paso W. B. Skinner Kate Lattimore Spencer. Waco 1885 * Stella Allen Buchanan, Bryan *Charles D. Daniel, Waco *Carrie A. Bldridge, De Queen, Ark. *L.ula B. Garrett, Houston J. N. Langsford, Waxa- hachie *Ermine Buck !Lattimore, Austin *J. H. Martin, Dallas *P. M. Newman, Brady Mary Chappell Shaver, Chap- el Hill 'Nina Lynn Jameson Wood, Waco *W. A. Wood, Waco Mary Wortham Woodward, Waco 1886 *Miriam Buck, Waco Cogee Compere Crouch, Waco J. D. Johnson, Brownwood *W. C. Martin, Roby *Laura Puryear Pool, Waco *Dixie Wood, Waco 1887 J. R. Collier, Waco *Frances Sparks Downs, Waco Mrs. J. H. Morgan, Mt. Calm *Wade Hill Pool, Waco R. W. Sparks, Valley Mills 1883 Ellen Cornelius Caton, Waco *Rose King Pitzhugh, Waco •Ida Hawkins Smith, Co- manche L. Belle Sanders Williams, San Antonio 1889 *Hennie Hardin Davis, Waco *May Moore Rogers, Frank- fort, Ky. Hope Coker West, Devine 1890 *Lula E. Allen, Waco India Maloney Buchanan, Waco J. L. Burleson, Richland Springs *R. A. Burleson, Dallas *J. P. Collier, Adrian J. L. Gilliam, Mart S^^'^w ^^""^^ H'"' Dawson f T Yr. A- ^"«as, Waco A. J. Shgh, Waco 'Nora Johnson Standefer Waco 1891 Charles E. Dansby Ft Worth Mollie U. Garrett, Waco •J. B. Johnson, Waco •Minnie Kendrick, Waco •Ada Park Montgomery (Pi- ano), Waco 1892 Lillie Handle CoUier, Adrian •Jennie Ball Cyrus, Cleburne W. P. Griswold, Waco Ethel S. Higginbotham, Dub- lin Lizzie Gaines Dane, Waco •Martha Scarborough McDan- iel, Richmond, Va. J. W. McDavid, Henderson J. S. Presnall, Frost *L. R. Scarborough, Ft. Worth R. E. Smith, Waco 1893 •Mozelle Edmondson Avery, Mart •Samuel Palmer Brooks, Waco •J. W. Cantwell, Stillwater, Okla. Ida Hill Conger, China Springs Mrs. W. H. Forrester, Waco Annie Hardy Held, Bryan •Ruby D. Looney, Birming- ham, Ala. Mrs. W. G. Moran, Waco Elizabeth Morse Presnall, Frost •Bettie Gaines Sears, Hous- ton *E. G, Townsend, Belton 1894 •George W. Harris, Gatesville Hattie Coleman Hazelwood, Waco Inez Lacy Rogers, Henderson B. R. Wall, Grapevine H. E. White. Lancaster P. L. Wilson, Waxahachie 1895 Hal F. Buckner, Dallas Alice Bell Carroll (ExpresT sion), Beaumont Bettie Pool Doherty, Mans- field, La. C. K. Durham, Waco •Edna Brian Gamble, New Orleans, La. •Dan E. Graves, Gatesville Fannie A. Holmsley, Co- manche Laura Harrison Pierson, Dal- las Mary Leigh Burleson Price, Waco Eunice Wortham Renfro, Waco •Willie Culbertson Spann (Piano), Dallas •Eugene Wood, Eastland •Cora Warren Wood, East- land 1896 •Maude Brian Aynesworth (Piano), Waco •Leona Handle Boone (Voice and Piano), Dallas •F. E. Carroll, Beaumont •Tom Connally, Marlin •Alice Pierson Couch, Asper- mont •Faye Early Hamlett, Austin •W. A. Hamlett. Austin •John A. Held, Bryan Mamie B. Hurley, Sulphur Springs G. G. Pierson, Dallas •William Pierson, Greenville J. L. Ward, Decatur 1897 •Bertha Lattimore Butte, Austin •Nettle Williams Carroll (Piano), Natchitoches, La. John H. Dunlap, Brenham Mrs. C. K. Durham, Waco •James H. Eastland, Mineral Wells J. L. Lumpkin, Waco J. C. Murphrey, Waxahachie Birdie Cooper Purson, Dallas •Annie Jenkins Sallee, Kai- teng, China S. B. Spradley, Dallas •Burleson Staten, El Paso 1898 Beulah Spencer Cannon, Waco *C. C. Carroll, Natchitoches, La. •Claudia Robbins Claypool, Waco Tom B. Cranfill, Dallas E'stie A. Dupree, Shreveport, La. Jennie Whitehill Evans, Lo- rena Lela Wortham Granger, China Springs •Kate Griffith, Waco •William M. Jones, Farmers- ville Nora Sims Key, Denton •Mattie M. Kingsley, Garland •Carl Lovelace, Waco •George W. McDaniel, Rich- mond, Va. *R. D. Murphree, Garland Jessie May Curry Pierce, Plain view T. J. Slaughter, Killeen 1899 •Albert Boggess, Waco *E. L. Compere, Shawnee, Okla. J. S. Crosslin, Waco *L. Mabel Cranfill, Dallas •Austin Crouch, Jonesboro, Ark. Annie Duncan Gossett, Ft. Worth Mrs. S. W. Hughes, Brady •Pearl White Hardin, Dallas •Walter T. Hillsman, Brown- wood Justin F. Kimball. Dallas Mamie C. Lastinger, Waco R. B. Smith, Waco A. J. Taylor, Waco 1*76 BAYLOfl IINiVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 1900 PYank Galons, Frisco *Frank C. Davis, Ft. Deposit, Ala. Ella Yelvington Ely, B'elton *Margaret Greer Harris, Waco *Nat Harris, Waco *D. K. Martin, Itasca Bertha Connally Moore, Eddy Maude Cartwright Nash, Waco Clint Padgitt, Waco Donnie Miller Pool, Sipe Springs *Fred Roberts, Corpus Christi Addie Lee Saxon, Waco 1901 C. R. Battaile, Waco *R. E. Bell, Decatur Homer B. Fisher, Dallas *W. B. Glass, Hwanghian, China •Alta Jack, Waco Thad Jones, Hubbard *J. Mitchell Nash, Waco *Vara Hornor Odom, Waco Jesse Speight, MoKinney •J. B. Talley, Temple Mrs. Ralph Turner, Waco Edgar J. Vesey, Waco *Josh Wood, Waco 1902 Florence Bellah, D«catur Eva Lomax Denton, Dallas *Sara Kendall Irvine, Waco C. O. Jones, Moody *Osee Cook Jones (Piano), Farmersville •J. B. Pool, Slpe Springs Mrs. Wm. H. Rice, Decatur "Lillie Cowden Staten (Piano), El Paso Mrs. John H. Wood, Waco *0. M. Weatherby, Waco Vada Scott Wortham, Waco 1903 James P. Alexandeir, Waco Fannie D. Bryan, Louisville, Ky. *Nellie Buck, Waco *William G. Carroll, Dallas *Alpha Jeter Eastland, Min- eral Wells *Anise Carpenter Green, Mart *Annie Lou Boggess Kimball, Dallas "■O. A. Maxwell. Dallas •G. W. McDonald, Plainview *E. R. Nash, Jr., Waco *LiUdie Wood Pearson (Art), Waco Mrs. J. P. Reynolds, Dallas Emory Rhoads, Vernon Beulah Casey Talley, Temple 1904 W. M. Baines, San Antonio W. M. Harmon, Waco *0. C. Harrison, Seymour D. H. Loyless, Burleson Etta Baird Martin, Oglesby Evelyn McKie, Corsicana *Lucy Casey Patterson, Ce- leste *Lida Eatson Toland, Mart *Carrie E. Walker, Dallas *011ie Belle Barron Warren, Plainview 1905 •Joseph P. Boone, Dallas Edilee Brooks Fitzhugh, Wichita Falls *Martha Burke Brown, Powell Georgialine Morris Caroth- ers, Jackson, Miss. Ethel Grinstead Carroll, Beaumont P. Lee Carroll, Beaumont *E. S. Cornelius, Marble Falls *Minnie Sanders Curling, Bartlett 'Jessie Riley Falkner, Waco Bonnibell Hamlett Hall, Waco Abell D. Hardin, Dallas Sparks McKay, Eddy Alma Nash Mitchell, Waco "Louise Carpenter Spencer (Piano), Mart W. R. Talley, Temple 1906 "Eallie Lou Garrett Batson, Dallas *J. H. Baugh, Ballinger O. E. Bryan, Louis\-ille, Ky. *W. T. Conner, Ft. Worth Alvy R. Couch, Weinert Susie Isbell Dalton, Caddo Nona Diltz, Valley Mills *W. S. Donoho, Denton *Jessie Edwards Dressen (Ex- pression),. Waco *D'oyle L. Eastland, Waco *John B. Fisher, Waco *W. T. Gooch, Waco Mrs. J. E. Hargrove, Tyler •Marguerite Surratt Harrison, Seymour •C. A. McDonald, Stephenville Zella Webb Montgomery, Waco •Louise Higginbotham Nash, Waco Mary F'ondren Rumsey, El Paso J. E. Surratt, Sherman •Carroll Todd, Waxahachie Pearl Todd, Thrall Pearle Webb, Mart Una Walton Wilfong, Sanger •J. D. Willis, Waco Mary A. Bryan Wright, Waco 1907 J. L. Allen, Waco •Crate Dalton, Caddo L. H. Daniel, El Paso Mamie Andrews Daniels, B9,rtlett •Jessie Harrington Durham, Houston •Grace Dowery Gilliam (Ex- pression), Mart B. Hall, Pecos *J. W. Harrell, Waco •J. E. Hawkins, Waco Nina Crosslin Hughes, Clarksdale, Miss. •Gussie Bolton Kemper, Waco *L. L. Leggett. Corpus Christi •Ella Stubblefield Lovelace (Piano), Waco •Frances McMinn, Tyler O. W. Moore, Waxahachie •W. J. Nelson, Gorman •Wylie A. Parker, Dallas Taylor Reynolds, Amarillo George B. Rosborough, Bel- ton Maude Wortham Stewart, Waco •Prank B. Tirey, Waco •Thomas PI. Taylor, Brown- wood R. E. Watson, Waco Aline Rogers Weatherby, Waco 1908 Constance Allen, Hico Irene Reynolds Benham, Dallas D. C. Bland, Orange J. Frank Cheek, El Paso •V. B. Clark, Havana, Cuba •Scott Cotton, Waco Donniebel Jenkins Hatton, Daingerfield •Mrs. R. P. Plenry, Jr., (Ex- pression), Lancaster •Mabel Spencer Higginboth- am, Dallas •Hattie Hutton Hunt, Texar- kana. Ark. •Blanche Kendrick, Waco Ida Stamps King, Waco •Walter B. King, Waco •Emma Martin, Itasca *B. E. Masters, Greenville •Mary McCauley Maxwell, Waco Ora McBlro:^ MoReynolds, Coolidge Whit Rogers, Waco •Dora Garrett Sims, Waco Mary Spencer (Piano), Mart •W. B. Todd. Dallas •MoUie Collier Trantham (Art), Waco 1909 •Robbie May Burt Alexander (Expression), Dallas •lone Pegues Bramlette (Art), • Longview •Janet Baines Brockett, Ft. Worth Dolphus E. Compere. Dallas Mrs. Scott Cotton, Waco •Annie Daniel (Piano '06), Waco R. P. Henry, Jr., Lancaster •Lenore PuUiam Horner, Uvalde •S. Ross Jones, Waco W. L. Lackey, Waco Martha Jenkins Marchman, Dallas W. B. Patty, Plainview Nelson Puett. Breckenridge Alan C. Reed, New Orleans. La. W. W. Sliortal, Dallas J. Frank Solomon, Hebron 1910 Ora Barton Allen, Otto •B\'a Duncan Bishop (Voice), Waco •Rosa Marks Bruck, Crawford Belle Buchanan, Llano •Albert T. Coleman, Waco .\gnes Oakes Compere, Shreveport, La. *W. E. Compere, Shreveport, La. R. B. Cox, Kosse George A. Curlee, Pittsburg Lois Dillard, Midlothian Helen Douglas Dunn, Kemp *C. A. Gantt, Waco •J. H. Gooch, Mineral Wells •Lela Har\-ey, Valley Mills Alice Higginbotham Long, Dallas ' C. G. I-loward, Cisco Ruby Johnson, Hubbard •Cubflle Mosley, Waco Dolly Northcutt, Longview BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 177 *I. N. Odom, Waco Grace Young Payne, Moody Mrs. Alan C. Reed, New Or- leans, La. '*Bessie Robertson, Abilene *Mittie Newton Robertson, Moran "J. C. Rogers, Mart Annie Laurie Smith, Lexing- ton Verne Monday Smith, Long- view ■Harry Lee Spencer, Waco * Willie Dow Sullivan, Anson *Minnie Hayes Tidwell, Waco ''Henry Tirey, Waxahachie W. W. Todd, Waxahachie ■"Frank Wallace, Waco "Etta Hutton Wolverton, Mart 1911 *Agnes Arbuckle, Waco *Rosa Motfett Baugh, Bal- linger 'Marvin D. Bell, Dallas *H. S. Brindley, Maypearl *T. F. Bunkley, Temple 'Charles M. Carroll, Beau- mont "Quest C. Couch, San Antonio Mrs. Quest C. Couch, San Antonio "Zou Steele Daniel, Waco Dimple Davison Davis, Ft. Deposit, Ala. '-Zonetta Daniel Devine, Gal- veston Pearle Dobson, Jacksboro "Willie Belle Dromgoole, Waco *Bobbie Wood Bdmondson, Austin *Bess Ward Fouts, Dallas *John M. Fouts, Dallas "Alfred H. Fulbright, Pales- tine J. M. Hale, Stephenville Ruby Martin Harlan, Waco A. B. Hays, Stephenville *Sudie Morrison Hood (Piano), Coolidge •H. G. Isbill, McGregor * James R. Jenkins, Waco Irma Jones, Ross Mary Lawson, Speegleville Eula Lockwood, Moody Jesse McElroy, Coolidge "'J. A. Mclver, Moody W. P. Phillips, Hillsboro *J. M. Price, Ft. Worth Winnie Cain Reed, Houston *Thomas Payne Robinson, El- dorado Ruth Porter Rook, Waco *Ben Rowland, Yingtak, China *Lily Mcllroy Russell, Orange -'Maude Dillard Simmons, Mid- lothian ■•Earl B. Smyth, Mart "Bertie Harris Spencer, Waco *S. R. Spencer, Waco , L. G. Stewart, Mart *A. C. Strickland, Groesbeck *Lulu Strickland, Waco W. A. Todd, Gatesville Lula Crosby Walton, Gilmer R. J. Walton, McKinney J. S. Weaver, Blooming Grove "■Ruby Sessions Wiseman (Art), Dublin 1912 Gertrude Budaly Allen, Waco •W. S. Allen, Waco Elliott H. Barron, Midland '^Otsie Betts, Ft. Worth "Autie Marrs Brindley, May- pearl *Lilybel Brown, Rockwall ''F. H. Bunkley, Seymour "'Natalie Simpson Bunkley, Temple *E, M. Cooke, Georgetown •Moxie A. Craus, MoKinney Noma Crowder, Ft. Worth Jewel Rice Douglass, Sanger *Tom C. Dowell, McKinney Ruth Alexander Gipe, Moody "Margaret Terry Harrell, Waco "'Sim Hassler, Waco "Mattie Mae Harris Ingram, Ft. Worth "Homer O. Jennings, Marlin "John E. Lattimore, Waco *W. A. Little, Waco '*J. C. Mathis, Wichita Falls "Wright McClatchy, Olney "Mabel Thompson Mosley, Waco Mae Barron Mosley, San Saba "Mary Paxton Fender, Waco "Nora Powell, Anna "Rosalind Kyser Smyth, Mart Lake Ann Steele, Italy "Clyde H. Watkins, Wichita Falls Katherine Spencer Webb, Waco 1913 "Ruth Ray Adams, Dallas Ruth Buchanan, Waco "Leonard T. Burton, Temple "Watsie Nowlin Cain, Yoakum H. W. Clark, Waco *T. p. Cobb, Denton "Reba Rich Collins (Piano & Voice), Lovelady "Jessie Compere, Abilene R. L. Dudley, Houston Ivey Ewart Duncan, Pampa *S. W. Edge, Texarkana Minnie Lawrence Fagan, Waco •W. D. F'agan, Waco "W. M. Harrell, Houston "Carrie Pool Hickson, Rome, Ga. "Dunker Hudson, Waco "J. N. Hunt, Decatur Bffie Norwood Jones, Dallas •Louisville Marshall, Austin "Birdie Bettis McClain, Itasca , •J. H. McClain, Itasca "Essie Forrester O'Brien (Art), Waco "Charles W. Orrick, Hillsboro "William Porter, Hughes Springs "Mrs. William Porter, Hughes Springs "Wilmoth Frasher Powell (Voice), Gainesville "Ermine Halbert Ray (Violin), Waco C. O. Sanders, Dallas "Mamie Jenkins Shanklin, Dallas Lucile Murchison Skinner, Bryan Mrs. Ted Smith, West Mrs. Charles Tinsley, Abbott "Sudie Wier (Piano), Blanco Sue Cole White, Waco "Earl W. Wilson, Sudan "John E. Wolf, Palaclos "A. Grady Yates, Waco 1914 Mattie Claire Allen, Hico "Velma Smathers Allman (Piano), Waco Clo Robbins Barclay, Reagan "George H. Belew, Sipe Springs "W. O. Blount, Marks, Miss. Geraldine Gegenworth Bog- gess, Dallas ■'Woodfin Boggess, Dallas "Abbie Griffis Brown, Lorena "Henrietta Bruel (Piano), San Antonio Bessie Byrd Burleson, Dallas Floy Martin Chunn, Hubbard "Fred Clark, Beaumont Mrs. Fred Clark, Beaumont "J. M. Cook, Rusk Mozelle Holland Cook, Rusk Reba Lowry DuPriest. Mart Ethel Edwards, Ft. Worth Mrs. Bob Ford, Kerens McCall L. Gary, Big Spring "W. Carter Grinstead, Sipe Springs 'Eunice Jack, Burleson Mildred Smyth Josey, Beau- mont "J. A. Kidd, Desdemona Bertha Oliver, Waco Olive C. Pounds, Lubbock "S. Hendrix Rider, Wichita Falls "Una Robinsuii, Waco "Clara F. Shell, Port Lavaca Sammie Lane Tate, Waco "Hallie A. Walker (Art), Waco "Leslie D. Williams, Houston 1915 "John Quincy Adams, Dallas *H. E. Alexander, Hearne "Irl L. Allison, Rusk "Mary Archibald, Dallas "W. G. Barrett, Anson Carolyn Franks Braeter, Alice W. A. Bryan, Meridian "J. E. Burkhart, Jr., Houston "J. Homer Caskey, Waco "Roy Christian, Waco "Elizabeth Clay, Waco "Henry C. Colt, Waco "Winnie Warren Colt, Waco Olin C. Emory, Denton "Reba Funk, Bridgeport "Cassie Morgan Goodloe, Mt. Calm "Joseph W. Hale, Waco "Earl C. Hankamer, Sour Lake "L. C. Harlow, Waco "C. C. Hooper, Belton "George H. Jones, Nevada "Ina Jones, Waco "Dowd W. Jordan, Temple Lula Gbrin Joslin, Summer- ville Katie Lee Kennedy, Marlin "Catherine Lattimore, Waco "Frances McLaran, Waco Bonnie Belle Hicks Managan, Westlake, La. "James I. Mathews, Silsbee "Mary Edna Boothe Mitchell, Waco "A, E. Moon, Hillsboro *R. C. Morris, Waco "J. E. Morrow, Vernon "Helen Olenbusch, Waco *B. W. Orrick, Cedar Grove "J. Clyde Penrod, Wichita Falls 178 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE *Paul C. Porter, Belton Gladys Saylors, San Angelo *Juanlta Smith, "Waco Aura Tanner Steubing, Gon- zales *Brma Nola Voss (Piano), D 3,113. S *Blisha D. Walker, Elm Mott *Ijynn White, Teixarkana *Corre Ivey Williams, Hous- ton '-H. S. Woods, Mt. Calm Hull Youngblood, San An- tonio 1916 Geneva Avery, Waco *Mary Seymour Belew, Sipe Springs Rufie Turnipseed Brown, Grapevine J. Q. Chadwick, Waco Una Craft, Bastrop *C. D. Daniel, Jr., Waco ♦Margaret Royalty Edwards, Waco Mrs. Arthur Evans, Quanah *Cora Evans, Jonesboro John R. Francis, Ft. Worth Ruby Sykes Gillis, Waco Mamie Godwin, Orange ♦Blanche Groves, Bridgeport •E. D. Guthrie, Waco Laura Mildred Halbert, Waco *J. D. Isaaoks, Cleveland *Myra Jones, Nevada •Violet Underwood Jones, Nevada Beatrice Koepke, Bartlett Fred K. Mansell, Waco *Irene Marschall, Lilano Mrs. C. L. Mason, Coolidge *John W. McDavid, Jr., Hen- derson *Isla McElvain, Oglesby Arthur L,. Mitchell, Waco ♦Eunice Puett Moreau, Desde- mona J. M. Moreau, Desdemona ♦Elizabeth Nelson, Mt. Calm ♦Harry V. Nigro, Belton Rubye C. Patton, Amarillo Lorene M. Patty, Plainview ♦Everett E. Porter, Waco •Hattie Powell, Anna Mabel Falk Price, Ft. Worth Louise Reynolds, Dallas ♦Mettie Rodgers, Hico ♦Allie J. Rosamond, Burleson Margaret Sleeper Sames, La- redo ♦T. E. Sanderford, Belton ♦Edward H. Schloeman, Gatesville ♦Isabelle Smith Schloeman, Gatesville Sadie Spell Seale, Kerens *J. Wesley Smith, Jr., Allen ♦Norman St. Clair, San Be- nito ♦Herbert C. Taylor, Houston Frankie Waldrop, Sherman •Genevieve Warren, Palestine ♦Marie P. Willis, Parsons, Kansas *R.'N. Wilson, Waco Mrs. R. N. Wilson, Waco Mrs. J. K. Wood, Dallas 1917 *J. D. Aldredge, Burleson ♦Robert B. Alexander, Waco ♦Lena Austin, Godley ♦Joe Baines, Cleburne ♦Marianna Elder Baines, Cle- burne Mary Barclay, Woodville 'Mary Belle Pool Bell, Waco ♦Jtathleen Blackshear, Nava- sota ♦Euretha Bottom, Abbott Mattle Boyd, Gatesville •■'Hobert H. Brister, Crowley ♦Clara Louise Bruel (Violin), San Antonio Burl Bryan, Waco ♦Leonard L. Burkhalter, Waco ♦Louise Howard Cain (Piano), Mart Ruth Rogers Calvert, Belton ♦Estelle Coleman, Cameron ♦Luther A. Crane, Ft. Worth Guy J. Crosslin, Waco Nannie Eva Everett, Trenton, Tenn. Sidney R. Parrington, Dallas ♦Catherine Paust, Dublin Minnie Ferguson, Bryan ''Ployd F. Pouts, Houston ♦Leslie Van Sams Pouts, Greenville ♦James M. Garrett, Waco Maurina Griffis, Greenville Z. T. Huff, Plainview Lillian isaacks Cleveland ♦Speight Jenkins, Waco Thomas S. King, Hillsboro Edna McMickin, Beaumont D. T. McNeill, Waco Garfield S'. Moore, Kemp Carrie Morgan, Waco Zeha Maye Motley, HoUis, Okla. ♦Alilea Muldrow, Waco ♦Robert P. Neville, Washing- ton, D. C. ♦H. P. Newton, Georgetown, Ky. Arabella Odell, Ft. Worth Mrs. Mary Owen, Kerens Luna Lee Patton, Amarillo ♦W. H. Pool, Jr., Houston ♦Marie Porter, Oklahoma City, Okla. Pauline Rogers, Mart Mrs. John Roop, Waco Lois Sanders, Hillsboro Hall Shannon, Dallas ♦Marjorie Edna Sloan, Waco W. S. Starnes, Dallas Odessa Swindell Stewart, West ♦Bess Webber Tardy, Dallas ♦R. H. Tharp, Du Quoin, Ills. Mrs. W. C. Turner, Atoka, Okla. E. H. Vaden, Waco Lalla Creasey Ward, West H. W. Williams, Waco J. K. Wood, Dallas Ruby Hollifield Youngblood, San Antonio 1918 Mary Belle Alexander, Hous- ton ♦Gladys Allen, Waco ♦Mary B. Barron, Midland ♦Annie Rivers Bigham (Piano), Gatesville ♦Imogene Board, Waco Kate Bottom, Abbott ♦Conrad R. Bullock, Coolidge Mrs. Conrad R. Bullock, Cool- idge Alma Lou Cairnes, Coving- ton ♦Madge Carver, Parmersville ♦Helen Clay, Waco Bernice Compere, Abilene ''Mildred Danied, Honey Grove Bryan M. de Graffenried, Chilton E. B. Du Laney, Kaufman Churchill W. Duncan, Belton Hattie J. Everett, Trenton, Tenn. ♦Robert W. Evans, Waco ♦M. L. Pergeson, Thorndale Minnie Ferguson, Bryan ♦Frances Allison Ford, Waco Louise Foreman, Houston ♦Theron J. Pouts, Greenville ♦Charles A. Garrett, Waco ♦Elsie Martin Gray, Waxa- hachie ♦John B. Hayes, Stephenville ♦Miles B. Hays, Hillsboro ♦Pansy Jones, Newark ♦J. Weldon Jones, Quanah Susan Lanhim, Dallas Mary Prances La Rue, Ath- ens W. W. Looney, Dallas ♦Cornelia Marschall, Llano Mrs. Juddie Martin, Gorman Wayne McClain, Galveston ♦J. M. McDade, Houston William R. Moore, Sulphur Springs Karl H. Moore, Grandview ♦Harvey Carroll Morrow, Beaumont J. H. Nash, Waco Arabella Odell, Ft. Worth Lottie G. Parmer, Waco Mrs. B. S. Peek, Hubbard ♦Ruth Pittman, Grand Prairie ♦Clydine Pool, Victoria ♦Burr Powell, Anna Janette Rea, Lancaster ♦Lucian Roach, McGregor ♦Vera Sams, Gatesville Wiley Seale, Floresville Aletha Sleeper, Waco Nan Smith, Longview ♦Richard T. Spencer, Waco Mary Ruth Splawn, Decatur Allie Thompson, Corsicana William T. Tardy, Jr., Dal- las ♦Paul T. Thompson, Ft. Worth Zilpah Miller Townsend, Whitneiy ♦Minnie May Vance, Gates- ville ♦E. G. L. Wiebusch, Waco 1919 Mary Arnold, Dallas Charles B. Ball, Pt. Worth ♦Paul C. Bell, Austin ♦Estelle Barron, Waco Lorena Barry, Smithville Lillian Blum, Temple Zach Bobo, Rhome L. B. Boone, West Hortense Bradfield, Gilmer ♦Leila Brown, Dallas Madeline Burt, Gatesville Bernice Butt, Dexter Fannie Carroll, S'an Saba ♦J. D. Chalk, Houston ♦Bula Clarkson, Duncan, Okla. ♦Una May Coleman, Henrietta Vanita Cook, Mart ♦Nina Covington, Granger ♦Henry Craig, Hillsboro ♦Zilpah Craig, Hillsboro ♦Annie Crosier, Godley Gladys Duncan, Moody Terrell PauUtner, Whitney ♦Jessie Gilstrap, Wheelook BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 179 *Bdna Davis Glasscock, Waco •R. G. Gray, Caldwell ♦Robert A. Grundy, Memphis •J. B. Hargis, Dawson •Virginia Harris, Ft. Worth Reagan A. Hawthorne, Sea- govilla *John R. Jordan, Rockwall Elizabeth Dee, Brownwood *Ralph B. Managan, Westlake, Da. Vyra Fisher Managan, West- lake Da. Maggie Marrs, Mansfield *J. E. Marsh, Divingston *Jane McCuUoch, Waco *D. T. McDaniel, Granger •Louise McFarling, Tulia Catherine Meade, Waco *W. W. Melton, W^co George W. Moore, Waco •Mabel Moran, Waco Doris Morehead, McGregor •Vera Humphries Orrick, Ce- dar Grove •Dollie Padgitt Pierce. Troy Margaret Johnson Porter, Belton Alleyne Quicksall, Waco Ora Dee Rainer, Waco •Verlin Reeves, Matador •John B. Reid, Woodville Thelma Hike, Farraersville •John B. Rowan, Jacksonville "Una Belle Self, Crowell •Leo D. Sellars, Decatur Janet Selman, Jewett •A'eph Tanner, Gonzales "W. H. Townsend, Whitney Fred A. Turner, Waco Blonda Weatherby, Ector Grace Weaver, Dallas •Flora Eleanor Wells, Morgan •Alma Jewel Westerman, Floresville •Martha 'Youngblood, San An- tonio REGISTER OF VISITORS* Miss Erma Dee Adams, Gates- ville Mrs. J. D. Aldredge, Ft. Worth Mrs. James P. Alexander, Waco Miss Dorena Alexander, Me- ridian B. C. Allen, Coolidge Mrs. A. M. Anderson, Reagan Miss Mattie Anderson, Brady J. H. Andrew, Dampasas Mrs. J. H. Andrew, Dampasas Mrs. Gussie Rabb Andrews, West Point M. T. Andrews, Temple Mrs. M. T. Andrews, Temple Mrs. W. D. Anglin, Hamilton Miss Edna M. Aynesworth, Waco Mrs. C. E. Barrera, Mission E. V, Barrera, Mission Mrs. E. Barrera, Mission Mrs. J. H. Barron, Midland Mrs. Elizabeth Bastian, Whit- ney Rev. Wallace Bassett, Dallas Mrs. Wallace Bassett, Dallas Mrs. Maggie D. Bateman, Mart Miss Mary Bateman, Dittle Rock, Ark. Mrs. J. P. Baze, Brady Mrs. D. H. Baze, Dondon Miss Feme Da Nelle Bean, Waco Mrs. Jessie McBride Bell, Dal- las Dewitte Benton, Whitney P. W. Boatwright, Richmond, Virginia Mrs. I. Bodine, Cedar Hill Mrs. N. B. Boggess, Waco Mrs. H. W. Bolton, San Saba Miss Evelyn Bondurant, Waco Miss Helen Boone, Hillsboro J. P. Boone, Sr., Dallas Miss Carrie Bower, Whitney Miss Dorris D. Braly, Celeste Miss Myrtle Brazil, San Saba Miss Rosabel Breedlove, Abi- lene Charles E. Brewer, Raleigh, N. C. John W. Bridwell, Mineral WeUs Mrs. John W. Bridwell, Min- eral Wells Miss Flora Brown, San Saba Deo Bruck, Waco Mrs. R. C. Bruel, San Antonio Miss Ethelyn Stokes Burleson, Dallas Mrs. J. L. Burleson, Richland Springs J. D.. Burleson, Jr., Richland Springs Mrs. R. A. Burleson, San Saba Mrs. Rufus C. Burleson, Dal- R. B. Burt, Dallas Mrs, R. E. Burt, Dallas C. H, Burton, Shreveport, Da. D. B. Cain, Yoakum T. Anderson Caldwell, Dallas George T. Caldwell, Dallas Sam H. Campbell, Tyler George D. Canaday, Era IVIrs. W. E. Carkhuff, Waco Miss Dorothy Carroll, Natchi- toches, Da. Miss Evelyn Guyley Carroll George W, Carroll, Beaumont Miss Mary Edna Carroll, Natchitoches, La. E. H, Gary, Dallas Mrs. B. H. Gary, Dallas Miss D. J. Cathey, Gatesville Miss Margie Belle Chadwlck, Waco Mrs. Olive W. Chaffee, Ant- lers, Okla. Mrs. J. D. Chalk, Jr., Houston Asa C, Chandler, Houston Clarence Chandler, Waupaka, Wis. Mrs. Clarence Chandler, Wau- paka, Wis. R. W. Chastain, Ranger Mrs. H. W. Clark, Waco Mrs. V. B. Clark, Havana, Cuba Mrs. S. H. Clayton, Waco JVErs. S. P. Clement, Oklaunion Miss Ruth Clonch, Waco Thomas S. Clyce, Sherman Mrs. T. P. Cobb, Denton J. W. Cochran, Divingston Mrs.- J. W. Cochran, Diving- ston M. D. Cody, Gainesville, Fla. H. W. Coit, Renner Mrs. H. W. Coit, Renner Miss Ruby Coker, Quanah Mrs. B. V. Cole, Dallas Mrs. John A. Cole, Temple Cornelius A. Coleman, Waco Miss Daisy Collier, Caprock.. New Mexico Mrs. J. R. Collier, Waco Mrs. Claude Collins, Sterling City Mrs. J. N. CoIUer, Whitney Mrs. D. E. Compere, Dailas V aiois Compere, Dallas Harvey H. conger, China Bprings Mrs. M. b. Cooper, Waco Oscar H. Cooper, Abilene C. Cottingham, Pineville, Da. J. B. Cranlill, Dallas Mrs. Carrie (Jlilton Craus, McKinney Miss Marguerite Crawford, Center Mrs. Aline Whiteman Cross- lin, Waco Mrs. B. C. Curry, Marlin Mrs. Charles E. Dansby, Ft. Worth A. S. Davis, McGregor Mrs. A. B. Davis, McGregor Hugh B. Davis, Nacogdocnes Mrs. L. M. Davis, Waco Miss Lucretia A. Davis, Old- town, Maine Mrs. M. M. Davis, San An- tonio Matt Davis, Jr., San Antonio Mrs. Olivia Bridges Davis, Dallas Mrs. Ora B. Davis, San An- tonio Miss Ozelia Davis, Dallas Samuel T. Davis, Denton Mrs. S. R. Davis, Denton Mrs. Walter D. Davis, Nacog- doches Miss Betty Dawson, Graham J. H. Devine, Galveston Charles E. Dicken, Arkadel- phia. Ark. B. E. Dickie, Ft. Worth Miss Rosa Dow, Marlin J. V. Drisdale, Juno Mrs. C. F. Dumas, Waco k.', A. Dunn, Normangee Mrs. Alice B. Dupree, Shreve- port, Da. Mrs. Elbert Easley, Chilli- cothe Edward East, Coolidge Lee East, Coolidge James H. Eastland, Jr., Min- eral Wells Mrs. S. W. Edge, Texarkana Miss Mabel Elliott, POwell Miss Christine Bvers, Mc- Gregor W. J. Bvers, McGregor Mrs. Bettie Turner Faulkner, Whitney Mrs. M. L. Fergeson, Thorn- dala •Not ex-students of Baylor University. 180 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Mrs. J. G. Ferguson, Minden, La. Miss Nannie B. Ferguson, Waco Mrs. Holland C. Filgo, Lan- caster Mrs. A. C. Foster, Dallas Miss Adina Foster, Dallas Mrs. Ollie B. Poster, Wichita Falls Mrs. Andy Fowler, Duncan, Okla. D. A. Fowler, Jr., Duncan, Okla. Reeford Fowler, Duncan. Okla. William B. Frank, Dallas J'. B. Franklin, liallas Mrs. Fred Frasher, Gaines- ville Miss Metha Freyer, Crawford Miss Blanclie Garber, Ranger J. W. Gardner, Chilton Mrs. J. W. Gardner, Chilton clarence H. Gilford, Wash- ington, D. C. Mrs. Uthra C. Gilder, Gates- ville Mrs. W. B. Glass, Hwang- hian, China Mrs. J. D. Goldsmith, Cle- burne H. O. Gossett, Ft. Worth Mrs. T. H. Gray, Miami, Fla. C. J. Green, Mart Mrs. Dydia Gleiss Gronde, Miguel Mrs. Margaret B. Hamilton, Roswell, N. M. Mrs. Georgia O'Hara Handly, Waco Mrs. W. C. Handly, Waco .J. C. Haney, Waco Mrs. J. C. Haney, Waro Mrs. Jennie M. Hardy, Beiton Mrs. Mattie Brown Hargrove, Tyler Miss Ola Harper, Winters Miss Sammie Harper, Quanah George L. Harris, Waco Mrs. George L. Harris, Waco Mrs. Louise Burger Harris, Waco Mrs. W. H. Harris, Dallas Miss Frances Harrison, Valley Mills Mrs. Henry Harrison, Valley Mills Miss Louise Harrison, Valley Mills Roy W. Hatch, Eddy J. S. Hathcock, Otto Mrs. J. S. Hathcock, Otto W. R. Head, Dallas Mrs. Theo Heisig, Beaumont Mrs. T. S. Henderson, Cam- eron Miss Annie Hetherington, Reagan D. C. Hill, Eldorado Mrs. Ethel Hill, Valley Mills H. W. Hill, Valley Mills John C. Hill, Waco R. T. Hill, Dallas Mrs. R. T. Hill, Dallas M. E. Hindman, Ft. Worth Miss Carrie Hitchcock, Mar- lin Mrs. Abbie Ferguson Hobgood, Frisco H. F. Hood. Lancaster Miss Marion Louise Hopkins, Dallas Mrs. W. G. Hord, Gatesville Walter C. Hornaday, Dallas Mrs. C. A. Hornburg, Waco C. M. Hornburg, Waco L. C Hornburg, Waco Mrs. A. L. Ingram, Waco Miss Dagma isaacks, Cleve- land Mrs. IN. F. Isbell, Waco Mrs. Carrie JJ'. Isbill, Mc- Gregor B. Jay Jackson, Copperas cove Mrs. ts. Jay Jackson, Cop- peras Cove Mrs. JJ. J. Jenkins, Dainger- (ield Mrs. ixjuise B. Johnson, Cor- sicana Edwin ±i. Jones, Farmersville Mis3 Kuth Jones, Farmersville Mrs. Clarence ivelly, Waco J. I. Kendrick, Amarillo M. J>'. tiennedy, Greenville Kalph Killgore, Coolidge u. K. Kilman, Greenville Mrs. G. K, Kilman, Greenville iviiss EJmma C. King v*. C. ±iingsley. Garland james M. Kiriiland, Nashville Mrs. W. W. Knowies, Hico ciiiford Kornegay, Winters Mrs. Edwin B. Langdon, Waco Mrs. J. O. Lattimore, Waco Claude W. Lawson, Aleixander G. B. Layton, Nacogdoches Mrs. G. a. Layton, Nacog- doches Judd Mortimer Lewis, Hous- ton Miss Marjorie Augusta Lewis, Houston Miss Frankie Liliker, Bloom- ing Grove Miss Mary Long, Haskell Edgar Odell Lovett, Houston Miss Gladys Lowery, Mart Mrs. W. L. Lowery, Marc Charles E. Maddry, Austin Mrs. Charles B. Maddry, Aus- tin Miss Lucille Managan, West- lake, La. Mrs. W. E. Mansell, Waco Oscar M. Marchman, Dallas Miss Ruth Marrs, Mansfield Mrs. Alice K. Martin, Morgan Mrs. Mamie S. Matteo, Mus- kegon, Mich. Miss IViarguerite Maxey, Chilton E. L. Mayfield, Wetumka, Okla. Miss Gladys McClaren Mrs. Wright McClatchy, Olney Mrs. Wheeler McCord, Frost Miss Birdie McCrary, Calvert Miss Lucile McCrary, Waco Miss Annie W. McDavid, Hen- derson Mrs. Jonie H. McDonald, Plainview Mrs. Agnes Hayter McElroy, Coolidge Miss Evelyn McEJroy, Snow Hill, Ala. Mrs. Margery M. MoGee, Daingerfield J. B. McGinness Mrs. Alice McKinney, Dallas Miss Sarah McPherson, Cle- burne William J. Meyers, Dallas E. N. Miller, Perrin J. D. Miller, Royse City O. G. Miller, Chilton Miss Daisy Monroe, Waco Miss Geneva Monroe, Waco Miss Lorene Monzingo, Mag- nolia, Ark. Allen J. Moon, Abilene C. L'. Moore, Alvarado Hight C. Moore, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Karl H. Moore, Grand- view Mrs. Harris Mullin, Jr., Win- ters Miss Myra Murchison, Athens Miss Grace Nance, Kyle E. R. Nash, Sr., Waco Mrs. E. R. Nash, Sr., Waco uid N eal, Marlin Jack Neal, Marlin Mrs. W. D. Neal, Marlin Mrs. W. J. Nelson, Gorman George Henry Nettleton, New haven. Conn. Mrs. Alma Nichols, Waco Mrs. Bazil Noble Miss Verna Gates, Haskell Mrs. Christine B. Olson, Malo, Wash. J H. O'Neal, Elk City, Okla. Mrs. J. H. O'Neal, Elk City, Okla. Miss Hattie Belle Orrick, Hillsboro J. C. Orton, Nacogdoches Mrs. Lillie Bolton Outlar, Wharton Miss Zora Owings, San An- tonio Miss Hazel Owsley, Chicka- sha, Okla. J. G. Pai, Dallas Miss Leila Park, Waco Miss Ellen Parmer, Waco Mrs. Lizzie Parmer, Waco D. M. Parsons, Ft. Worth Anthon Paulson, Waco L. W. Payne, Jr., Austin Mrs. L. W. Payne, Jr., Austin I. N. Penick, Jackson, Tenn. Mrs. Florence W. Penrod, Wichita Palls Miss Coy Perry, Coolidge Mrs. A. G. Person, Uvalde C. Pessels, San Antonio Miss Jewell Phillips, Dallas Mrs. William P. Phillips, Hillsboro William H. Pierson, Grapevine Miss Mabel Pittillo, Crowell Edward Pitts, Cleburne R. B. Pitts, Cleburne Miss Jennie Pool, Mansfield W. A. Pool, Mansfield J, E. Porter, Waco Mrs. Margaret Potter, Waco 0. L. Powers, Wichita Falls Mrs. Regina Prade, Waco Mrs. L. G. Price, Austin S. M. Provence, Dallas Mrs. Frances Howard Puett, Breckenridge Miss Elizabeth Raytord, Hen- derson D. S. Reed, Bryan Mrs. J. B. Reese, Kerens Elbert Reeves, Matador M. F. Reid, McGregor Mrs. M. F. Reid, McGregor Warren Reid, McGregor 1. E. Reynolds, Ft. Worth Mrs. J. C. Reynolds, Moody Miss Mary Katherine Rey- nolds, Dallas Mrs. E. H. Rice, Waco Mrs. J. C. Rice, Sanger Miss Mary Richards, Whitney Mrs. I. Richardson, Dallas BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 181 Commemorative dates growing on the Campus. THE NEW ATHLETIC WALL AND GATES 182 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE N. O. Robbins, Jasper Jerome B. Robertson, Moran Arch Robinson, Bryan Mrs. Arch Robinson, Bryan Elbert L. Robinson, Bryan Mrs. J. A. D. Robinson, Bryan Miss Louise Robinson, Bryan Mrs. L. W. T. Robinson, Cle- burne Miss Reba Lou Robinson, Duncan, OWa. Mrs. Whitfield Rogers, "Waco Miss BUine Rouse, Vernon Mrs. Ben Rowland,' Yingtak, China Miss Nell Rowland, Ft. "Worth G. "W. Royalty, "Waco Mrs. Ella Harvey Russell, "Waco Mrs. Johnnie Lee Cooper Rus^ sell, "Waco Mrs. Sam Ryan, Jr., Waco Mrs. Virginia Ryan, "Waco W. E. Ryan, CleburnS "W. Eugene Sallee, Kaifeng, Honan, China Mrs. L. L. Sams, Crockett Rowe Lee Sams, Crockett Mrs. J. D. Sandefer, Abilene Mrs. Mabel Bolton Sanders, Houston Miss Susie Sanders Miss Mary Carolyn S'ansing, Steplienville Mrs. C. E. Saxon. "Waco Miss Euna Lee Scarborough, Ft. "Worth Mrs. J. Scheffa. Dallas Mrs. "W. B. Sohimmelpfennig. "Waco Miss Christine Sehuly, Dallas Miss Bettie Scott, Graham Mrs. Sadie Rose Scott, Waco O. W. Scurlock, Cleburne Miss Theryl Sensing, Whit- ney Miss Nell Frances Shipp, Ennis B. S. Shirley, Nacogdoches Mrs. B. S. Shirley, Nacog- doches Mrs. C. L. Shivers, Waco Miss Fannie Pearle Skinner, J. E.- Skinner, Waco T. J. •"Slaughter, Jr., Killeen W. M. Sleeper, Waco Mrs. W. M. Sleeper, WacO Miss Elizabeth Smith. Waco George Hunter Smith, Waco Mrs. Leah M. Smith, San Antonio Miss Mabel Smith, Gatesville Magus Fulton Smith, Pear- sail Mrs. Magus Fulton Smith, Pearsall Mrs. T. Ed Smith, Waco Mrs. T. Jeff Smith Twiford Smith, Pearsall Miss Dorothy Sparkman, Waco Mrs. F. C. S'parkman, Ster- ling Mrs. R. W. Sparks, Valley Mills Mrs. J. A. Spears, Nacog- doches Bernard W. Spilman, Kinston, N. C. Mrs. Prances Rogers Stegall, Waco W. S. Stephenson, Corpus Christi Claude Stone, Burleson J. T. Strother, Waco Mrs. W. R. Talley, Temple A. S. Tanner, Malakoff D. D. Tanner, Malakoff Miss Lucile Taylor, Haskell Miss Freda Telkany, Dallas J. H. Thomas, Goodnight Mrs. F. B. Thorn, Van Al- styne Mrs. Frank B'. Tirey, Waco J. G. Toland, Mart Mrs. E. G. Townsend, Belton G. W. Tyson, D'eoatur H. F. Vermillion, El Paso Miss Dona Walker, Brady, Okla. J. L. Walker, Waco Mrs. Mary Anderson Wallace, Waco Mrs. T. B. Wallace, Dallas Royall R. Watkins, Dallas Mrs. Louise Weaver, Bloom- ing Grove Mrs. Fred Webber, Dallas Mrs. Emma Gleiss Wede- meyer. Creek Miss Cora V. Wells, Waco Mrs. C. A. Westbrook, Lo- rena Mrs. C. W. White L. A. White, Carbon Mrs. Laura Gaston White, Lancaster W. P. White, Henderson Mrs. W. P. White, Henderson Mrs. Louis Wiebusoh, Waco Miss Edith Mae Williams J. M. Williamson, Gushing Mrs. J. M. Williamson, Cush- ing Mrs. W. R. Williamson, Lam- pasas Mrs. F. A. Winchell, Waco Miss Pearl Witt, McGregor Mrs. S. E. Witt, McGregoi Mrs. S. M. Witt, Moody Miss Fannie Maye Witten, Waxahachie Mrs. J. M. Womack, Waco Carroll Wood, Eastland Mrs. George E. Wood, Hen- derson Mrs. J. F. Wood, Waco Mrs. J. S. Wootters, Crockett Miss Edna Lucile Worden, Farmersville Miss Geraldine Wright, Stam- ford .T. S. Wright. Dallas Mrs. John W. Toung BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIRECTORY TRUSTEES W H Jenkins, A.B. Baylor University, Attorney Amicable Building, Waco Pat M. Neff, A.B., LL.B., Governor ot the State of Texas Austin E. R. Nash, President Nash-Robinson Co Waco J. T. Harrington. M.D., Amicable Building Waco Jno. F. Rowe, Broker, Amicable Building Waco J. R. Collier, Farmer Waco J. M. Dawson, A.B., D.D.. Pastor First Baptist Church Waco L. B. Smyth, Farmer and Banker, Amicable Building Waco J. M. Penland, President Waco Drug Company Waco Jno. B. Fisher, A.B., B.S., Hall & Fisher Tire Co Waco Geo. W. Truett, A.B., D.D., LL.D., First Baptist Church Dallas M. H. Wolf, Cotton Broker Dallas J. F. Parks Dallas CuUen F. Thomas. Attorney, Praetorian Bldg ..Dallas Charles R. Moore, President Austin Bros. Bridge Company Dallas R. B. Burt, Oil Producer Dallas Hal W. White, Banker and Farmer Ijancaster D. E. Graves, President Gatesville National Bank Gatesville Geo. W. Carroll, Broker Beaumont J. P. Crouch, Banker and Farmer McKinney Geo. W. Cowden, Stock Farmer Fort Worth BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 183 THE OLD TOWER THAT CLASSES HAVE FOTJGHT OVER THBOUGH THE YEABS 184 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE FACULTIES AND OFFICERS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS S. P. Brooks, A.M., LL.D President S. R. Spencer, A.B Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences E H Cary M.D D'ean of the College of Medicine and Pharmacy J. S. Wright, D.D.S Dean of the College of Dentistry ACADEMIC FACULTY Samuel Palmer Brooks, A.M., LD.D President Samuel Riley Spencer, A.B Dean of the College and Professor of Physics James Patterson Alexander, Li,.B Professor of Law William Sims Allen, A.M Professor of Secondary Education A. Joseph Armstrong. Ph.D Professor of English Language and Literature bra Clare Bradbury, Ph.D Professor of Zoology Frank B. Bridges Director of Athletics Walter Matthew Briscoe, A.B' Professor of French I^anguage and Literature Thomas Dudley Brooks, A.M., Professor of School Administration and Chairman of the School of Education. Felix Et-nant Buldain Professor of Spanish Literature Grove Samuel Dow, A.M Professor of Sociology James Walker Downer. Ph.D Professor of Latin Language and Literature Allen Gilbert Flowers, LL.B., LL.M Dean of the Department of Law Wilby T. Gooch, Ph D Professor of Chemistry Francis Gevrier Guittard, A.M Professor of History Arthur Jaclrson Hall. Ph.D - Professor of Psychology and Philosophy Nathaniel Harris. LL.M Professor of I^aw Joseph Elmer Hawkins, A.M Professor of German Jesse Breland .Tohnson, Ph.D Professor of Mathematics Albert Henry Newman, D.D., LL.D Professor of History Lula Pace, Ph.D Professor of Botany Wade Hill Pool. A.M Professor of Elementary Latin Agnes Myrtle Thompson - Professor of Public Speaking .Tosiah Blake Tidweil. A.M., D.D C. C. Slaughter Professor of Bible Henry Trantham, A.M Professor of Greek Ralnh V. Bangham. A.M Assistant Professor of Zoology J. Homer Caskey, A.M Assistant Professor of Enelish T. H. Claypool. A.M - - Assistant Profe=sir of Affriculture Kate Griffith. Ph.B Assistant Professor of French Jefferson Whitfield Harrell. Ph.B., A.M Assistant Professor of Mathematics George Winfield Harris. A.M Assistant Professor of Economics William A. .Tackson, A.M Assistant Professor of Political Science Edward B'. Mersereau, Ph.B Assistant Professor of German I.aurers Joseph Mills, A.M. Assistant Professor of English Paul C. Porter. A.M Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Physics Ellis H. Sparkman. A.M .^sistant Professor of Spanish Norvell C. Belk. A.B Instructor in History .Tames L. Brakefield, A.B - - Instructor in Cliemistry Miriam Buck. Ph.B Instructor in English P'ernand Cattelain, A B Instructor in French Adolphe Dickman, A.M Instructor in French Frances Earle -. Instructor in Physical Training .John J. George, A.B Instructor in English Eldred Douglas Haad, Th.M Instructor in Bible Esther Isabella Leary Instructor in Public Speaking Annie M. Long. A.B Instructor in Spanish Otis H. Miller. M..I Instructor in Journalism Henriette L. Moussiegt, A.B Instructor In French Andres Sendon, A.B' Instructor in Spanish Ralnh R. Wolf Instructor in Spanish and Assistant Coach SCHOOL OF MUSIC FACULTY Samuel Palmer Brooks, A.M., LL.D President of the University Clarence Chandler Pianoforte Severin Frank Pianoforte Albert Hodges Morehead ...- Voice" G. C. Morris Pianoforte and Pipe Organ Mrs. G. C. Morris Violin Anton Navratil Violin W. N. Payne Voice Lyle Skinner Band Director Ivar Skougaard Voice BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 185 186 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE BUSINESS OFFICERS AND ASSISTANTS Francis Marlon Allen, A.B., Registrar Mrs. T. H. Claypool, A.B., Superintendent Burleson -Brooks Hall Ethel Collins, Assistant Librarian Mary Helen Collins, Reference Librarian J. Leo Garrett, Head Bookkeeper and Cashier Winona Gause, B.S., Dietitian Burleson-Brooks Hall Mrs. J. W. Harrell, Manager of Susan Thornton Price Hall John Henry Johnson, Secretary to the President Mary Leach, Assistant in the Registrar's Office Ernest W. Provence, A.B., Business Manager of Baylor TJniversily Mrs. Jennie B. Handle, Assistant Superintendent Burleson-Brooks Hall and Head of Nursing Department John Kern Strecker, Librarian and Curator of the "Museum Mrs. W. L. Trice, Manager of Cafeteria Louise Edrington Willis, A.B., Assistant Registrar FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Officers of Administration Samuel Palmer Brooks, A.B., A.M., LL.D President of the University Walter Henrik Moursund, M.D., Acting Dean and Professor of Bacteriology & Clinical Pathology William J. Meyers Secretary and Registrar Faculty Raleigh W. Baird, A.B., M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine James Harvey Black, M.D. Professor of Preventive Medicine Frank D. Boyd, M.D., F.A.C.S. Professor of Rhinology and Laryngology George T. Caldwell, B'.A., M.A., Ph.D., M.D. Professor of Pathology Edward Henry Gary, M.D., LL.D., F.A.C.S. Professor of Ophthalmology and Oto-Lar- yngology Harold Medoris Doolittle, M.D., F.A.C.S. Professor of Surgery Elbert Dunlap, Ph.G., M.D., F.A.C.S. Professor of Gynecology Clarence Manning Grigsby, M.D. Professor of Medicine Garfield M. Hackler, M.D., F.A.C.S. Professor of Principles of Surgery Benjamin F. Hambleton, B.S., M.D., Professor of Pharmacology and Physio- logical Chemistry Calvin Richards Hannah, M.D. Professor of Obstetrics William W. Looney, M.D., Professor of Anatomy James M. Martin, M.D., Professor of Roentgenology Robert B. McBride, M.D., Professor of Applied Therapeutics Hugh Leslie Moore, A.B., M.D., Professor of Pediatrics Fred Terry Rogers, A.B., M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Physiology Charles McDaniel Rosser, M.D., F.A.C.S. Professor of Clinical Surgery Bacon Saunders. M.D., LL.D.. F.A.C.S. ■Professor of Theory and Practice of Surgery Jesse B. STielmire. B.A., M.D., F.A.C.S. Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology Andrew B. Small, M.D., F.A.C.S. Professor of Clinical Surgery James J. Terrill, M.D., Professor of Neuro-Psychiatry Cullen F. Thomas, LD.B., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence Harry G. Walcott. M.D., Professor of Gastro-Enterology Samuel Webb, M.D., F.A.C.S., Professor of Orthopedic Surgery Joseph W. B'ourland, M.D., Associate Professor of Obstetrics David W. Carter. Jr., A.B,, A.M.. M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine Charles W. Flynn. B.S., M.D., F.A.C.S., Associate Professor of Surgery John W. Gormley, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Medical Jurispru- dence Mark E. Lott, B.S., B.L., M.D., F.A.C.S., Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery Lee M. Nance, B.S., M.D., F.A.C.S., Associate Professor of Gynecology William W. Shortal, M.D., F.A.C.S. Associate Professor of Applied Anatomy and Instructor in Clinical Gynecology Homer Donald, B.S., M.D., Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine Alfred I. Folsom, A.B., M.D. Assistant Professor of Urology May Agnes Hopkins, B.S., M.D., Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Jack F. Perkins, M.D., Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Guy F. Witt, M.D., Assistant Professor of Neuro-Psychiatry Z. Bercovitz, A.B., M.S. Instructor in Physiology David L. B'ettison, M.D. Instructor in Ophthalmology and Oto- Laryngology William B'. Carroll, B.S., M.D., Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery Henry B. Decherd, M.D., Instructor in Ophthalmology and Oto- Laryngology J. Harold Dorman. Ph.G., M.D., Instructor in Clinical Surgery Robert Byrom Giles, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Medicine Ben H, Griffin, Ph.G., Instructor in Materia Medica and Applied Pharmacy Harry P. Harber, M.D., Instructor in Anatomy William D. Jones, M.D., Instructor in Ophthalmology and Oto- Laryngology George C. Kindley, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Medicine Benjamin Kinsell, M.D., Instructor in Dermatology and Syphilology Minnie L. Maffett, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Gynecology Charles R. Martin, M.D., Instructor in Roentgenology John G. McDaurin, M.D. Instructor in Clinical Medicine Frank H. Newton, A.B., M.D., Instructor in Clinical Surgery George F. O'Brien, A.B., Instructor in Pharmacology and Physio- logical Chemistry ' BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 187 BAYLOE UNIVBBSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, DALLAS, TEXAS 188 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE Harry R. Levy, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Medicine Oscar M. Marchman, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology Gordon B. McFarland, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Pediatrics Tate Miller, B.L., M.D., Assistant in Gastro-Bnterology Ramsey H. Moore, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Medicine John M. Neel, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Surgery Edward Randall, Jr., B.A., M.D.. Assistant in Clinical Medicine Marcus T. Seely, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Gynecology Hall Shannon, M.D., Assistant in Obstetrics Henry T. Smith, M. D., Assistant in Clinical Surgery Ralph A. Spence, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Pediatrics Archie R. Super, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Urology Lloyd C. Tittle, M.D., Assistant in Obstetrics Jay L. Touchstone, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Surgery Rex B. Van Dusen, B.S.. M.D.. Assistant in Clinical Urology Samuel D. Weaver, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Surgery Edward White, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Urology Henry M. Winans, A.B., M.D., Assistant in Clinical Medicine James G. Poe, M.D., Demonstrator of Anaesthesia Curtice Rosser, A.B., M.D., Instructor in Clinical Surgery John B. Smoot, M.D., F.A.C.S., Instructor in Clinical Surgery William T. White, A.B., M.D., Instructor in Clinical Surgery Marvin D. Bell, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Pathology Emmett Bruton, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Medicine Vida Canaday, M.D., Assistant in Bacteriology George L. Carlisle, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Medicine Marcus M. Carr, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Pediatrics Earl Carter, M.D., Assistant in Obstetrics Heni-y Clay, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Gynecology Robert W. Cowart, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Medicine Jewel Daughety, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Gynecology Ivan A. Estes, M.D., Assistant in Obstetrics William T\'. Fowler, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology Herbert F. Gammons, M.D. Assistant in Clinical Medicine Robert J. Gauldin, M.D. Assistant in Clinical Obstetrics Robert J. Glass, M.D., Assistant in Clinical Surgery Abell D. Hardin, M. D., Assistant in Clinical Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology W. Mood Knowles. M.D., Assistant in Clinical Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Officers of Administration S. p. Brooks, A.M., LL.D President of the University Joseph S. Wright, D.D.S Dean William J. Meyers Secretary and Registrar Faculty- Joseph S. Wright. D.D.S. , Dean, Charles R. Steward, Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry Professor of Chemistry and Metallurgy Arthur L. Nygard, D.D.S., Superintendent, William P. Delatield, D.D.S., Professor of Dental Pathology, Dental Professor of Oral Hygiene and Pyorrhea Materia Medioa and Therapeutics James G. Poe, M.D., Bush Jones, D.D.S., Professor of General Anaesthesia Professor of Dontal Ethics and Economics Ralph C. S'pence, M.D., Walter A. Grouws, D.D.S., Professor of Histology, Embryology and Professor of Crown and Bridge Biology Oscar E. Busby, D.D.S., Chas. L. Morey, D.D.S., Professor of Orthodontia and Comparative Lecturer on Dental Histology; Lecturer on Dental Anatomy Dental Jurisprudence Frank T. Rogers, M.D., Trim Houston, D.D.S., Professor of Physiology, General Materia Lecturer on Special Pathology Medica and Pharmacology Elna L. Martin, A.B., Arthur L. Nygard. D.D.S., Instructor in English Professor of Operative Dentistry James S. Hanry, A.B., Clyde W. Tetter, D.D.S., Instructor in Physics Assistant Professor of Operative Dentistry L S Barrett A B George T. Caldwell. A.M., Ph.D., M.D., Instructor' in 'Technical Drawing ^, /''"i^^^^r °^ Pathology Joseph S. Wright, D.D.S., Clyde W. Yetter, D.D.S. Prosthetic Dentistry Lecturer of Exordontia, Conductive An- Arthur L. Nygard, D.D.S., aesthesia Operative Dentistrv Walter H. Moursund, M.D., William D. LaTaste, D.D.S., Professor of Bacteriology and Hygiene Crown and Bridge Robert B. Giles M D., Clyde W. Yetter, D.D.S., Professor of Physical Diagnosis Operative Dentistrv James M. Martin, M.D., Oscar E. Busby, D.D.S., „,.,P''°f^S'"'x°' Raiiiofraphy Orthodontia William W. Looney, M.D., John W. Hyde, D.D.S., ^, /'■^r'?'",?' '^^^''i.T^ Prosthetic Technic Clyde W. ^ etter D.D.S. james Avann, D.D.S., Lecturer on Dental Anatomy Operative Technjq BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DIAMOND JUBILEE 18d l90 bayLor university diamond jubilee FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Officers of Administration S. P. Brooks, A.M., I>L.D President Edward H. Gary, M.D,. Li..D., P.A.C.S Acting Dean William J. Meyers Secretary and Registrar Faculty- Eugene Gustave Eberle, PJi.G., Pli.M., A.M., Clifton B. High, Ph.G., Professor of Theory and Practice of Phar- Professor of Biology macy John B. Casey, A.B., Chester A. Duncan, B.S., Phar.C, Phar.D., Instructor in Physiology Associate Professor of Theory and Prac- Fennie Hamlin Hood, A.E., tice of Pharmacy and Professor of Mate- Instructor in Pharmaceutical Latin ria Mediea .lames S. Henry, A.B., Charles Robert Steward. Ph.G., B.Sc. Instructor in Physics Professor of Chemistry Hilliard A. Hodnett, Ph.G., Rudolph E. Alff, Ph.G., B.S'C, Director of Dispensing Course Professor of Botany and Pharmacognosy