MASONIC RECORDS 1717-1S94. JO FIN LANE, F.C.A., P.M. 1402, Torquay, Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies OF England. FROM THE BENNO LOEWY LIBRARY COLLECTED BY BENNO LOEWY 1854-1919 BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNlVERSfTY Cornell University Library HS390.G78 L26 1895 + Masonic records, 1717-1894: 3 1924 030 274 165 olin.anx Overs The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. DEDICATED, BY PERMISSION, TO i^.as.f, Cl^e pvinct of 2Bale0, E^ctB!., I.e., &c., ^c, 5rc,, ^c, M.W. GRAND MASTER. Masonic Records 1717— 1894: BEING LISTS OF ALL THE LODGES AT HOME AND ABROAD WARRANTED BY THE FOUR GRAND LODGES AND THE "UNITED GRAND LODGE" OF ENGLAND, WITH THEIR DATES OF CONSTITUTION, PLACES OF MEETING, ALTERATIONS IN NUMBERS, &c., &c., lEijjftiittng all tiit ILoiiflES on tijz lEnglt'slj Eegtgter for 189^, togetijer fcitij tJjost pnbiouglg on tijt l&all, gpett'allg arransEt in a SCafiuIat JForm to eijtbi at onj bkia all tlje ^umizxs taken ig eucli iLotfle tiurtng tfjE Succegsi&e ISnumerattong to Uje present late; ALSO PARTICULARS OF ALL LODGES HAVING SPECIAL PRIVILEGES, CENTENARY WARRANTS, &c., &c. TB£ SECOND EDIT/ON. JOHN LANE, PC. A., ^ (P.M. 1402, Torquay,) Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies of England ; WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY WILLIAM JAM.ES HUGH AN, Past Senior Grand Deacon of England. Published under the authority of the United Grand Lodge of England BY EDWARD LETCHWORTH, F.S.A., AS Grand Secretary. Hontron : FREEMASONS' HALL, GREAT QUEEN STREET, W.C. 1895. --/. iztH^ PRINTED BY BROS. M. C. PECK AND SON, lO MARKET PLACE, HULL. TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES, K.G., K.T., K.P., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G., ETC., ETC., ETC., ETC., MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTER OF THE UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND, THIS VOLUME OF "MASONIC RECORDS" IS (by his MOST GRACIOUS AND SPECIAL PERMISSION) RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS' MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT AND BROTHER TORQUA Y, ^th June iSgs- PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. PIGHT years ago the First Edition of " Masonic Records '' met with such a generous reception that it was very soon out of print. Since that period I have been collecting additional information, so that when a new edition should be required it might be as complete and accurate as possible. For this purpose particulars have been solicited from all quarters of the world, and every available means used, in order that the needed facts might, wherever practicable, be obtained from the original sources. In such instances as where Lodges had died out, it was most difficult to ascertain with certainty the particulars desired, and occasionally even repeated applications to officers of existing Lodges failed to elicit any reply whatever. I am aware that this is not a novel experience, but such apparent Masonic discourtesy is much to be regretted. Notwithstanding numerous disappointments, however, most generous and valuable assistance has been fraternally offered and utilized. To those Brethren who have devoted much time, and evinced an earnest desire to render all possible service, I tender my sincere and grateful thanks. Without such co-operation it would have been impossible to accumulate much of the additional matter which this Edition contains. Absolute perfection as to all details is, of course, unattainable, but neither time nor means have been spared to make the work as reliable and complete as the circumstances would permit. As my opportunities for personal investigation of Lodge records, actual minute books, and histories, became greater, so much the more were the old official records proved unreliable or incomplete ; — Calendars, Warrants, and other documents that were supposed to be correct, frequently proving to be altogether wrong or misleading. A more rigid examination, likewise, into the working and the results of the Act of 39 George III., c. 79 (I2th July 1799), convinced me that not a few Lodges that obtained high positions on the Roll, from 1800 to 18 12, by the acquisition of the Numbers, and perhaps in some cases of the Warrants, of dormant or extinct Lodges, were absolutely and entirely new organisations, having no connection whatever with the preceding Lodges whose Numbers or Warrants had, for some reason or other, been assigned to or obtained by them.* Hence, not only was an injury inflicted on older Lodges, in regard to precedence or priority of numbering, by the insertion of positively new Lodges high up on the Register, but some of these new bodies, probably through a lack of information, were granted Centenary Warrants many years prior to the period when, in accordance with the Book of Constitutions, they were actually in a position to apply for that privilege. * See my " Handy Book to the Study of the Lists of Lodges,'' p. 100, et seq. In illustration of this I may cite, as a sample of many similar instances, the " Lodge of Three Grand Principles," now No. 268, Dewsbury. . Recent researches, together with the publication of the History of the " Lodge of Fidelity," No. 289, Leeds, show, what I had elsewhere foreshadowed,* that the Lodge at Dewsbury never had any connection with the old London Lodge whose number (283) it was privileged to assume ; and that, although it received a Centenary Warrant dated 21st November 1872, its Centenary cannot be completed before the year 1904. The present Lodge had no existence until 26th January 1804, when it was " dedicated and consecrated " by the " Lodge of Fidelity," by virtue of a Dispensation from the Grand Lodge. Similar remarks might be used in relation to ''Nelson of the Nile Lodge," now No. 264, Batley, and the "Amphibious Lodge," now No. 258, Heckmondwike, both of which were " dedicated and consecrated" by the same "Lodge of Fidelity" on 27th May 1801 and 2nd May 1803 respectively, but in these two cases Centenary Warrants have not been issued. It is, however, a singular commentary on the '' fitness of things" to find that the foregoing three Lodges, constituted respectively in 1801, 1803, ^nd 1804, are much higher on the Official Register than the Lodge which — constituted in 1792 — was the active instrument or medium by which they obtained Masonic existence. As affording some clue to the then prevalent opinion that no neiv Lodge could be formed or constituted after the passing of the Act of 1799, before referred to, the following information, hitherto unpublished, is submitted : — Sir and Bro. — I am directed by the D.P.G.M. to acquaint you that he and the other Officers of the P.G.L. will be ready on Friday next, the 6th instant, to constitute your Lodge, for which purpose he requests the attendance of your Officers at the Feathers Inn at 12 o'clock on that day. The reason of his wishing this to be done so soon is that your Lodge may be registered in due time according to the late Act of Parliament, and the nth instant is the last day allowed for that purpose. To prevent any delay or confusion I have sent a messenger on purpose, by whom I shall be obliged for your answer. The D.P.G.M. will hold a Special Lodge on Friday, at which no other Business than the constituting your Lodge will be transacted. I am. Sir, j^our very obedient Servant and Brother, C. D. Henchman, P.G.S. Chester, 1st Sept. 1799. To Mr. James Kershaw, Secretary to the Lodge of Free Masons, Mottram, Manchester. Whatever was done, under the peculiar circumstances of the period referred to, seems to have been based upon the conviction that there was a necessity to do something ; but, not infrequently, the remedy proved worse than the evil it sought to remove. On this point, however, I need not now dilate, as it will be found treated at greater length in my " Handy Book to the Study of the Lists of Lodges." The lack of dates of Warrants for so many Lodges, from the year 181 3 onwards, is probably to be accounted for by the fact that for several years after the Union no proper Warrants were issued, neither the form of the document, nor the Seal, having been decided upon. In lieu of a Warrant it appears to have been the practice to issue a lithographed " Dispensation," signed by the Grand Master and the Grand Secretaries, under which Lodges might assemble and work until the regular official document should be sent. The Warrant, when transcribed, as a rule bore the same date as the Dispensation it was intended to supersede, the Dispensations, in most cases, being returned to the Grand Secretaries when no longer required. There is reason, however, for believing that some of the Lodges were defunct many years before their Warrants were prepared. " Centenary Warrants .and Jewels," p. Of the various errors into which one might easily be led by Official and other old Records and Calendars, I will cite a few only, as fair representatives of a large ijumber. Thus, "Serjeant Horstead, Norwich," described as the place of meeting of a Lodge (page 109), proved on investigation to be the " Recruiting Sergeant, at Horstead, Norfolk," a village seven miles distant from Norwich. The " White Hart, Melton," noted in the Engraved List of 1767, was actually an error, the Lodge never having removed from the " Ship at Faversham," where it was located from 1764 to 1782 (page 136). The " Lodge of True Friendship," now No. 160 (page 152), met, according to the Official Calendar, at the King's Head, Rochester, Kent, in 1801. (It removed from Stratford, Essex, in that year.) The Grand Lodge Registers, however, on a close examination, showed me that it never went to Rochester, but that the removal was to Rocliford, Essex, the latter part of the word " Rochester" having been erased, and " ford, Essex," written over the erasure. The " Crown and Cushion, Loseby Lane, Leicester," is named in the Lodge Warrant as the first place of meeting of " St. John's Lodge," now No. 279, but it is a fact that the Lodge never at any time met there, and was opened at the " Lion and Dolphin, in the Market Place." These examples must suffice, but they indicate some of the difficulties that were encountered in the attempt to produce an accurate account of the various Lodges and of their vicissitudes. A slight re-arrangement of the text of this Edition has been considered desirable, in order to obviate any possibility of its being misunderstood, but the general features and characteristics of the original work have been adhered to, each column containing the numbers distinguishing the Lodges of that particular enumeration ; e.g., under 1740 will be found all those 071 the Register in that year and down to the ennmera- tion of 175s, and which were in existence during the whole or any portion of that period. The Lodges on the English Register at the end of the year 1894 have their numbers in the column, and their names are distinguished in the second column by being printed in large type. The exact localities of the meeting places of the Lodges have been inserted whenever they could be satisfactorily ascertained, and the Dates of Constitution of many Lodges are now supplied in addition to the dates of Warrants. I have also been able to add the dates of Warrants of Confirmation, which are specially valuable in relation to the older Lodges, many of which, doubtless, had no formal document of any kind, but acted upon the personal " Constitution " of the Lodge by the Grand Master or his Deputy for the time being. The insertion of cross references to the Lodges under the earlier enumerations, where they would not otherwise follow on consecutively, will doubtless prove useful in the present volume, for finding any particular Lodge required by its number. Two additional Indexes have also been supplied, the one containing a list of all the Hotels, Taverns, Inns, Halls, or other Buildings in which Lodges in the London District have met ; the other comprising the Names oi all the Lodges noted in the text from the earliest period down to the year 1894. The preparation of these has involved months of labour, and it is hoped they will be found correspondingly useful. The work has been brought down to the close of the year 1894. All Foreign and Colonial Lodges that have appeared on the English Register, and that subsequently joined other Grand Bodies, have, as far as possible, been traced, and their present positions noted. The nomenclature of Towns and Places has been harmonized, and the orthography generally modernized, so as to avoid confusion, whilst fuller geographical particulars have been inserted in the Text. In the Preface to the Original Edition I inserted a Summary of the Lodges constituted by or under the sanction of the Grand Lodges. The following Table is corrected and brought down to the end of the year 1894, but it does not include any of the numerous Lodges constituted by Provincial Grand Masters abroad, which do not appear to have been returned to Grand Lodge for enrolment and registration. Many of these that I have been enabled to trace will be found in Part IV. (page 466), but they are omitted from the Text, and are likewise not included in this Summary, because they were never officially recognised or were not placed on the Register by either Grand Lodge. "Modern" Lodges on the Roll down to 1739 ... ... ... ... 230 placed on the Roll, 1740 — 175S ... ... ... ... 102 17SS— 1770 269 1770— 1780 144 „ „ 1780 — 1792 160 1792— 1813 180 "Athol" Lodges on the Roll, 1751 — 1813 "York" and "South of Trent" Lodges, 1761 — 1790 Total to date of the '' Union " Lodges Warranted by the "United Grand Lodge," 1814 — 1832 1832— 1863 1863— 1894 Total from 17 17 to 1894 Of these, 2078 were on the English Register at the end of 1894. The remainder (a) have ceased to work, (b) have united with other Lodges, or (c) have, in numerous instances, become constituent parts of other Grand Lodges. This Second Edition is published by the Grand Lodge of England, the recommendation of the Board of General Purposes to do so having been adopted at the Quarterly Communication held on 6th June 1894 (vide G.L. Proceedings, 1894, pp. 408-41 1). The absolute copyright and sole privilege of printing and publishing these "Masonic Records, 1717-1894," freely offered to and accepted by the Grand Lodge, has been regularly assigned and conveyed by me to Trustees " for the use and benefit of the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of England." The responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of the entire work, however, is mine alone, and I shall be glad to be informed of any errors that may be detected, as well as of any additional particulars which may have escaped my researches. 1085 521 14 1620 224 682 1569 409s TORQUA Y, ^th June i8i)S. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. ijOME explanation is doubtless due to the Masonic world for this attempt to bring together, in one volume, much that must be of enduring interest to the Craft. The necessity for such a work forced itself on me a few years since, in endeavouring to trace from the then available published works a connection between some old Lodges, which proved a task of considerable difficulty. Simply, therefore, for my personal use and future reference, I commenced a compilation of the Lists. The work grew apace, and, as month by month brought fresh materials, it became necessary for me to enlarge very considerably the original scheme. In these researches I have throughout had the valuable assistance and counsel of my very warm friend and brother, William James Hughan, and when at length a goodly mass of materials had been reduced to some degree of order, he advised me not to keep the MS. for my own personal use, but to have it printed for the information of our Cosmopolitan Fraternity ; and having impressed on me the desirability of presenting in one complete volume the " Masonic Records" which had taken so much labour to compile, and with the hope they would prove useful to the large and increasing number of Masonic Students, I decided to publish the work. To ensure completeness and accuracy, as far as possible, has been my constant aim, consequently anything and everything has been carefully examined that might in any way conduce to that end. I have availed myself of all the information that could be gleaned from Grand Lodge Registers and Minutes, Grand Lodge Proceedings, Warrants and Warrant Books, Engraved Lists, Calendars, Histories, Lodge Minutes, &c. &c., and so exhaustively has this been done, that there is not an Engraved List or Masonic Calendar known to be in existence in this country that has not been collated and carefully examined and compared by me in the preparation of this work. With regard to the arrangement of the subject matter, the plan adopted is that which, after mature consideration, exhibited the least difficulty. No arrangement of the Lists could be absolutely perfect, inasmuch as the Lists themselves are so irregular ; hence my decision to set forth, in numerical order, generally, every Lodge that had appeared in connection with the Grand Lodge since 17 17, giving all the known particulars as to dates of warrants, places of meeting, alterations in numbers, &c. &c., at one view, a plan which hitherto had never been attempted, and the magnitude of which I had not seriously con- templated. In presenting the results of such researches, it is probable that some explanations and statements may be given that do not harmonize with what has already been published by other Masonic writers. Of course I must, and do, take the entire responsibility for all these, believing there is no reason to fear the result of any legitimate criticism on the abstruse and intricate points involved. 2 lO At the very outset my task was rendered difficult in consequence of the absence of a great deal of material information, — which at one tinre existed, — as well as of the conflicting statements that have appeared from time to time in relation to many Lodges. It thus became absolutely essential to obtain access to every original source of information, so far as was possible, in order to arrive at the most trust- worthy and reliable conclusions. Of errors in Lists and Calendars, as well as in more recent works, there are not a few. Recitals appearing in modern Warrants are frequently not justified by actual facts ; Lodges that ceased to exist were retained on the Lists for many years, whilst other Lodges that ought to have appeared were never registered at all. By this latter remark I refer especially to many Lodges warranted by Provincial Grand Masters, notably in India and America, which Lodges were regularly formed and continuously worked for years without the slightest recognition by the Grand Lodge, simply because that Body was entirely ignorant of their existence, the Provincial Grand Masters having failed to make any return of them year after year. It is no part of my intention to give even a resuinS of the history of the formation of the Grand Lodges. That has been done by abler hands than mine, but I ought, perhaps, here briefly to refer to one of them, — the "Athol" or "Ancient" Grand Lodge, — for if my researches have resulted in nothing else, they certainly entitle me to claim the honour of settling the long-debated vexata quastio as to the date of the formation of that Grand Lodge, inasmuch as it was my good fortune, in prosecuting my investigations, to be the first to discover in "Morgan's Register," and subsequently to point out,* the Agreement or Declaration referring to the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the "Ancients," made "July the seventeenth. One "thousand seven hundred fifty and one, being the day on which the said Lodges met (at the Turk's Head "Tavern, in Greek Street, Soho) to revive the Ancient Craft," and also the three earliest Lists of Athol Lodges (contained in the same volume) which down to the period of my discovery had been entirely over- looked. I was also enabled to make known the fact, which had not, until then, been ascertained, that very early in the history of the "Ancients," namely, on 27th December, 1752, they adopted the method (instituted by the "Modern" Grand Lodge) of closing up the numbers occasioned by the erasure or "discontinuance" of two Lodges, numbered 7 and 10, "for disobedience of the 21st Rule." This was the only time they adopted such a course, their subsequent practice having been to re-issue the number of the Warrant of an old Lodge that had become extinct, either to an existing, or to an entirely new Lodge, on payment of a sum of money to the Charity.f The Warrants thus re-issued are distinguished in the text by one or more letters, as required, under the numbers. Of the lists of Athol Lodges, those copied from "Morgan's Register," and published now for the first time, are all that are known to be in existence prior to 1804. Lists were, however, compiled and published at least as early as 179S, the same being advertised in the Grand Lodge proceedings of iSth September, 1795, by Bro. Harper, Jeweller, Temple Bar, Fleet Street, "of whom may be had a Calendar for 1795, containing a List of the Lodges," &c. Similar announcements appear in iJ9^-7, &c., but no trace of * Freemason, 24th October, 1885, and 28th November, 1885. t "Grand Master or Deputy Grand Master to grant such Warrants as are vacant to such Lodges as apply for the same, giving preference "of choice to the senior Lodges respectively. ;^S <~,s. od. to be the established fee to the fund of Charity for taking out or renewing a " Senior Warrant." G.L. Min., c,th September, 1792. [ II ] either of such Lists can be found. Another List was advertised in the Grand Lodge proceedings of June, 1804, as "a correct List of the Lodges of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland," &c., (price one shilling and sixpence), and this has only been discovered bound up with the "Ahiman Rezon '' of 1804, published in Ireland in that year. This is the List frequently referred to in the text as the A.R. of 1804. Similar Lists were published with the A.R. of 1807 and 1813 (English editions), but it is impossible to pronounce them correct. My notes to the "Ancient " Lodges will clearly indicate how manifestly inaccu- rate these Lists are in many respects. Lodges that had ceased to exist last century were inserted in the Lists of 1804, 1807 and 1813, although the Grand Lodge officials had ample evidence that they had lapsed many years previously. Of the three Lists, that of 1807 may be considered the least faulty. The first List of Lodges under the Grand Lodge of the "Moderns" now known, was published in the year 1723. At that period, and for a few years later, the Lodges were not distinguished by numbers, but solely by their places of meeting, and if two Lodges happened (as was occasionally the case) to meet at the same place, they would be designated, for instance, as " Hoop and Griffin, Old Lodge," and " Hoop and Griffin, New Lodge," or again as " Swan, Long Acre, English Lodge," and " Swan, Long Acre, French Lodge," as the case might be. With the exception of those of 1725, two editions of which are preserved, no List is known until 1729, in which the Lodges to 1728 are consecutively numbered. It is very probable that several editions of the Engraved Lists were issued in each year. No. Ill of the Old Regulations requiring every Lodge to possess a copy. " The Master of each particular Lodge, or one of the Wardens, "or some other Brother by his Order, shall keep a Book containing their By-Laws, the names of their "Members, with a List of all the Lodges in Town, and the usual Times and Places of their forming, and "all their Transactions that are proper to be written."* Reference is also made to the Engraved Series in the following : — " III. In the Mastership of DALKEITH, a List of all the Lodges was engraven by " Brother John Pyne in a very small volume ; which is usually reprinted on the commencement of every " New Grand Master, and dispersed among the Brethren." f That there was a lack of exactitude in arranging and numbering the old Lists of Lodges will be manifest on looking carefully at the text. They were very much mixed up during the first enumeration of 1729-39, in many instances through foreign or provincial Lodges, warranted by Provincial Grand Masters, not havino- been promptly returned, and their registration fees paid to Grand Lodge, so that when they were received, the positions assigned them were not those to which they were entitled according to their dates of Constitution, but they had to remain so until other Lodges became extinct, or a new enumeration enabled the Grand Lodge authorities to rectify, to some extent, the former misplacements. This was the case also during the second enumeration, commenced in 1740, whereby the Registers of that period became not much better than their predecessors. The succeeding enumeration, which took place in 1755, is also faulty from the same causes. In fact, until 1770, the Lists of Lodges were anything but well or orderly arranged. With 1770, however, we get a little more regularity, the numbers harmonizing with the dates better than in any previous enumeration. This change in the numbers took place in February of that year. The next variation was made in 1780, as agreed to in Grand Lodge, 7th April, 1779, and advertised in the Grand Lodge proceedings of ist November, 1780. Some confusion has arisen by reason of certain * Anderson's Const., 1st edit., 1723, p. 59. t Anderson's Const., 2nd edit., 1738, p. 154. 12 alterations made in 1781, owing to which the numbers of all the Lodges from No. 85 were changed. Lodges 106 and 258 of 1770 were not carried forward in 1780, but were inserted in 1781, whilst Lodge 212 of 1780 was omitted in the latter year, so that 1781 practically became another enumeration, and thus, to secure accuracy, and to show all the Lodges on the Roll, with their then numbers, 1780 and 178 1 have been treated as quite distinct. The succeeding revision was agreed to on the i8th April, 1792, the Calendar for 1793, with the new numbers, being advertised in the Grand Lodge proceedings of 2 1st November, 1792. Necessarily a fresh list was required when the Union of the two rival Grand Lodges was consummated on 27th December, 18 13. This is known as the 18 14 List, but was issued for 18 1 5. It would have aided me materially, if the printed List, or the original Draft, containing both the old and new numbers were available, but every endeavour to trace them has failed. On loth January, 18 14, the Grand Lodge issued a Circular to all existing Lodges, wherein the new number by which each Lodge was thenceforth to be distinguished was specified, many of these new numbers appearing in the Grand Lodge proceedings of 2nd March in that year. Since the " Union " there have been two other changes, namely, in 1832 and 1863, the new numbers being given, for the first time, in the Grand Lodge Calendars for 1833 and 1864 respectively. To illustrate the want of uniformity in allotting the "Union" numbers to the "Ancients" and "Moderns," it may be desirable to quote paragraph VIII of the "Articles of Union between the two Grand Lodges of Freemasons of England," dated 2Sth November, 1813, and "solemnly signed, sealed, ratified, and confirmed " on 27th December following, namely, " The two first Lodges under each Grand " Lodge to draw a lot in the first place for priority ; and to which of the two the lot No. i shall fall, the " other to rank as No. 2, and all the others shall fall in alternately, that is, the Lodge which is No. 2 of "the Fraternity whose lot it shall be to draw No. i, shall rank as No. 3 in the United Grand Lodge, and "the other No. 2 shall rank as No. 4, and so on alternately through all the numbers respectively."* The work, however, was not proceeded with strictly on these lines, many Lodges not receiving the numbers to which, by virtue of this compact, they were entitled. Amongst others there may be mentioned numbers 40, 71, 1 19, and 315 of the "Ancients," and number 65 of the "Moderns," as reference to the text will clearly indicate. All the earlier published Lists of "Modern" Lodges were engraved, and for a complete record of them, as far as at present known, reference should be made to the Table prepared by Bro. Hughan.f No record of the appointment of any Engraver has been found, except of the last, made on 29th January, 1766, when " The R.W. Grand Master appointed Bro. William Cole, Engraver and Printer in Newgate Street, to be Printer of the List of Lodges." Probably on account of the expense incurred in altering or re-engraving the Plates, it became necessary to make the following regulation of 2 1 St November, 1724: — " It is the Grand Master's Order .... " That all Lodges that have or hereafter shall remove do forthwith send an account thereof to the Grand " Master," each Lodge so removing being required to pay Two shillings and sixpence to the Engraver appointed by the Society, and One shilling for alteration of Times of meeting. Hughan's Masonic Memorials, p. 24. t ^'* P^g^ 24. 13 Both the Engraved Lists published by Benjamin Cole in 1767, after William Cole was appointed Engraver, are somewhat inaccurate. The Lodge at Bsncoolen, No. 356, is altogether omitted. 362 is placed at 353, 353-5 are 354-6, 363 is numbered 362, and so on to the end, the last number in B. Cole's List being 381 instead of 382. Besides the difficulty experienced in interpreting the "Signs of the Houses," as engraved in the early Lists, which perhaps I have fairly overcome, my text differing in many instances from those who have preceded me, alterations made by me having been based on entries taken from Grand Lodge Records and other sources, apparently hitherto not consulted, a few curious slips made by the Engravers may be noted. Thus, No. 227 of 1740, which became No. 163 in 1756, meeting at the " White Hart in Shug Lane," London, in iy66-Gy, appears in the two Lists for 1768-69 as meeting at the "Three Tuns, Corn Street, Bristol," re-appearing at the "White Hart in Shug Lane," in 1770. The Lodge, however, never removed during those years, the mistake being made by the Engraver in wrongly using for No. 163 an alteration intended for No. 165, " Nag's Head, Wine Street, Bristol." This I have verified from the original minutes of the Bristol Lodge, which record its removal to the "Three Tuns, Corn Street," in March, 1768. A peculiar error also occurs in a List of 1766; in re-cutting one of the plates, the word "Preston" being erroneously substituted for " Prescot," then No. 172, now the " Lodge of Loyalty," No. 86- Again, in order to perpetuate the fact that a Lodge at Monmouth, No. 414 of 1768, had closed, the words "Ceased Meeting" are engraved on the List of 1773 : the only instance of the kind I have detected. In this connection may be mentioned a Lodge which has never appeared in any List until now, namely. No. 248, warranted on 7th June, 1754, at the " Fox, Castle Street, Southwark." It is written at the end of 1754 List, and struck through in ink, as was the custom in denoting Lodges erased. In the Grand Lodge Minutes of 27th June, 1754, the payment of £2 2s. od. for its Constitution is duly noted, but it seems to have collapsed almost immediately, for notwithstanding the date only is engraved in the 1755 List, no other particulars ever appear ; and being erased, it was necessarily omitted from the new List and Enumeration made in that year.* Although Engraved Lists for several years are now missing there is ample evidence, from other sources, that they were published and copied. Amongst these may be mentioned one published in "Masonry Dissected," 3rd edition, 1730, containing a List of 6"] Lodges (really down to 69, two being omitted), which was probably taken from the Engraved List of 1730. Another is in Dr. Richard Rawlinson's "Common Place Book" (Bodleian Library), containing the particulars of 116 Lodges existing in 1733. Smith's "Pocket Companion" has a List of 1734 similar to J. Pine's, save that Nos. 126 and 127 are omitted, and the " Pocket Companion," Dublin, 1735, has a similar re-print. The Register of Lodges published by Picart (1736), containing 129 Lodges to January, 1735, is evidently a copy of an early Engraved List of that year now missing.f During the years 1775-78 Calendars, containing Printed Lists of the Lodges were published, in addition to the Engraved Lists which they subsequently superseded, and these have continued down to * A similar instance may be noted of more recent date. Lodge 1245, warranted 8th December, 1868, never appears in any List, it Tiaving joined the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia immediately after its Constitution, and before the publication of the next Calendar. t All these have been re-printed by Bro. Hughan. 14 the present day. With the exception of that for 1816 (a copy of which cannot be traced), I have collated and compared the Lists in these no Calendars as well as in every Engraved List. And amongst other valuable works consulted, be mentioned Hughan's "Masonic Memorials," 1874, and "Masonic Register," 1878, Gould's " Four Old Lodges, and "AthoU Lodges," 1879, and his " History of Freemasonry," 1882-86 ; also the printed Proceedings of the Grand Lodges, ("Moderns" from 1771 to 1886, and "Ancients" from 1792 to 1813), together with all the numerous unofficial Lists of Lodges published from 1730. Amongst the various matters that have caused no little difficulty in arriving at accuracy in relation to the "Athol" Warrants, are the footnotes or references at the south-west corners. Each of these was intended to indicate (and in many instances they do so) the date of the first or original Warrant issued bearing the same number. But many of these early references are misleading. On 9th January, 1753, a Warrant was issued to a Lodge, No. 15, which lapsed about 1766. The same number (15) was, on 2nd April, 1813, granted to No. 131, the new Warrant referring to the date 2nd April, 1755, as if that were the date of its original formation. This has been perplexing to some of us who believed the first Warrant bore an earlier date. On making a particular examination of the Registers, I found the date given in the footnote on the Warrant was the date of the first entry in Vol. 2, Letter B, hence it may be safely inferred that the absence of "Morgan's Register" (Vol. i) led the Grand Lodge authorities to treat Vol. 2 as the starting point, for which reason these footnotes are in so many cases incorrect. On a careful comparison, I find many of the names of members entered in Vol. 2 are identical with those in " Morgan's Register." No. 24 is another instance. Warranted originally on 17th October, 1753, at Bristol, it lapsed about 1765. The number was re-issued to Canterbury on 24th March, 1806, the new Warrant stating " heretofore granted under date 7th April, 1755, and held at Bristol." This date is simply the first noted in Vol 2, Letter B, and does not indicate that of the original Warrant, the Lodge and members being continuous from 1753, in Vol. i, "Morgan's Register." Again, No. 36 was warranted 14th August, 1754, and lapsed about 1762. It was re-issued on 5th April, 1813, to Hastings, the footnote on the Warrant referring to 2nd April, 1755, which is merely the date of the first entry in Vol. 2, and not of the original Warrant, eight of the names of the members being the same as in Vol. i. No. 49, originally warranted 30th March, 1756, lapsed about 1773. The number was re-issued on 23rd January, 1812, to a Lodge at Bath (now the " Royal Sussex," No. 53), the year 1762 being noted on the Warrant as the original date of that number in Vol. 2, Letter B. This is incorrect, the Lodge not being mentioned in that volume at all, but it is in Vol. 4, where the first entry is dated September, 1762. These are a few instances of errors, out of many, that doubtless arose from the absence of " Morgan's Register." Similar causes may also have led to erroneous recitals in more recent Warrants. Thus, the Warrant of Confirmation, dated 12th March, 1832, of the "Royal York Lodge of Perseverance," now No. 7, recites the original Constitution of No. 4, on 17th July, 1751, at the "Sun Tavern, Ludgate Hill," Reference, however, to page 36 of the text, will show that the " Sun Tavern, Ludgate Hill," was the place of meeting of the second "Athol" Lodge, numbered 4, warranted on 6th September, 1769, the actual place of meeting of original No. 4 in 175 1, being the " Cannon, Water Lane, Fleet Street." 15 In illustration of the statement that Lodges were retained on the Lists in "Ahiman Rezon" of 1804, 1807 and 181 3 long after they had ceased to exist, the following, among many instances, are cited. No. 19, warranted isth May, 1753, was "declared vacant, null and void, for non-payment',' on 7th August, 1754, yet it appears in the 1813 List. No. 14, of nth December, 1752, ceased on 4th December, 1782, when its Warrant was delivered tip, but the List of 18 13 mentions it as "At a private room. Chancery Lane." No. 43, of 3rd December, 1755, was Cancelled Sth June, 1793, nevertheless in 1813 List it is said to be at the " Golden Lion, Butcher Row, Coventry," although it is vacant in 1807 List, and the 1804 edition declares it was " Cancelled by order of the Grand Lodge." No. 83, likewise, warranted 24th June, 1760, and Cancelled on 5th June, 1793, is retained in the Lists of 1804 and 1807. It will be readily understood that as there are no Lists of " Athol " or " Ancient " Lodges between 1755 and 1804 available, reliance has had to be placed on other sources for Lodge meeting places between 1755 and 1792, the printed proceedings of the Athol Grand Lodge being accessible only from the latter year. Lodges must have frequently changed their locations between 1755 and 1792, but many of these removals will doubtless never be ascertained. Another point worthy of note in regard to the Athol Lodges is that the number i was not assigned to any Lodge for several years after the formation of the Grand Lodge in 1751. It has hitherto been supposed, and declared, that the Lodge did not exist until 5th September, 1759, when the Grand Lodge minutes state that " the Grand Master's Lodge" was " proclaimed and took the first seat accordingly as No. I." Distinct references, however, are made in the Grand Lodge minutes of 2nd September, 1756, and 13th March, 1757, to its members, who were invariably Grand Officers. Now, whatever may have been the motive which induced the "Ancients " not to assign the first number to any Lodge at the formation of their Grand Lodge, it is evident that the number was assigned at least three years earlier than the date hitherto recorded. In reverting to the earlier Lodges formed by the " Moderns " a peculiar incident is noted respecting one of the Lodges that assisted in the formation of the Grand Lodge in 1717. For some reason the Lodo-e on 27th February, 172I (i.e. 1723) accepted a Warrant, and on this account, although previously No. 3 on the Roll, when the Lodges were numbered in order according to their dates, [circa 1729) the number 11 was assigned to it, whereby was lost not only its position as regards seniority, but its original and inherent privileges as one of the Time Immemorial Lodges. The matter is so clearly put in the " Constitutions" of 1738 that it may be well to re-produce it. " 10. Queen's Head in Knaves Acre. This was one of the four Lodges mention'd page 109, viz. the "Apple Tree Tavern, in Charles Street, Covent Garden, whose Constitution is immemorial : But after ■" they removed to the Queen's Head upon some Difference, the members that met came under a Nnv "Constitution, tho' they wanted it not, and it is therefore placed at this number."* Legislation became necessary at an early period in order to deal with Lodges that had ceased to exist, or, in the case of London Lodges, that did not attend the Quarterly Communications. Erasures * The number given to this Lodge was 11. The number 10 (quoted above) is from the List in " Anderson's Constitutions " of 1738, page 185, in which the then existing London Lodges only are numbered ; and at that period one Lodge had become vacant. 1 6 were, from that and other causes, very frequent, and Lodges once erased forfeited their position. Thus we read under date 24th February, 173^ (i73S) "That if any Lodge for the future, within the Bills of " mortality, shall not regularly meet for the space of one year, such Lodge shall be erased out of the Book "of Lodges, and in case they shall afterwards be desirous of meeting again as a Lodge they shall lose " their former Rank, and submit themselves to a new Constitution." Apparently this decision was acted upon in many cases, but some Lodges that had been erased were re-instated in their old positions. A distinct case of refusal to do this is recorded in the Grand Lodge minutes of i6th March, 1752, when No. 83, [formerly the Sun at Ludgate Street] " prayed to be restored. On debate, it was moved that the Law "made on the 24th day of February, 1734, might be read. And the same being read, and it thereby " appearing that a Lodge erased must lose its former rank, and submit to a new Constitution. Ordered " that the said petition be rejected." The discrepancy in the year just quoted, 1734 for 1735, leads me to state that the position assigned to many of the early Lodges was incorrect in consequence of a misinterpretation of the "Old Style" of denoting the dates from January to March in each year down to 1751. In England, for a long period, it was the custom to reckon the legal year from the 25th March in one year to the 24th March in the succeeding year, so that 5th February, 172^ really referred to S^h February, 1722, although technically 1721. By Act of Parliament (24 Geo. II., c. 23) the day immediately after 31st December, I75i,was designated ist January, 1752, and by the same Statute the day after Wednesday, 2nd September, 1752, was called the 14th, eleven days being omitted, and the " Old Style " discontinued from that date. Through an imperfect apprehension of the "Old Style" much irregularity was occasioned in the arrangement from time to time of the older Lists, as a reference to a few of them will prove. For example. Lodge No. 68, of 22nd January, 1729 (172I, "Anderson's Constitutions") was subsequently treated as of 1730, and was, in the enumeration of 1740, placed under Lodges of August and October, 1729, becoming then No. 70 instead of 60. In a similar manner Lodge No. no (now the " Strong Man Lodge," No. 45) was dated 2nd February, I73f. It became No. 98 in 1740, but in 1755 instead of taking its proper rank as No. 57, it was placed down to No. 68. The date, at one period correctly interpreted 2nd February, 1733. was subsequently misconstrued to mean 173!, and then 1734, which year is recited in the Lodge's Warrant of Confirmation, although it should unquestionably be 1733. Conversely to this, the very next Lodge warranted. No. iii, (which was also a London Lodge), dated 17th February, I73f, became No. 99 in 1740 and No. 57 in 17SS, but, unlike its predecessor, in 1770 its date was given as 1732 instead of 1733, and hence instead of being No. 48 it was raised to No. 39, a much higher position than was justified by its age. Instances like these might be multiplied, but sufficient has been said to show the facility with which errors might be perpetrated by those having a merely superficial acquaintance with the old Lists. No little confusion, moreover, has arisen in consequence of new Lodges, or Lodges warranted abroad, being put in the places of those that had died out or were erased. For instance, an entirely new Lodge at Wolverhampton paid the usual £2 2s. od. in 1768 for its Warrant, the number of which should have been 433, but influences operated to procure for it the number ^y which had then recently been vacated by a Gateshead Lodge, (No. 143, of 8th March, 173!) whereby this new Lodge, not warranted until sth Nov., [ 17 ] 1768, was thenceforward designated as of the date 8th March, 1735. Another example is " Solomon's Lodge, Charles Town, South Carolina," which under date of 1735, first appears in the List in 1760 as. No. 251. Two years later (1762) it was removed to the number 74 vacated by a Bristol Lodge of 12th November, 1735. Again, the Lodge at the "Three Tuns, Aldgate," dated 3rd May, 1738, does not appear in any List until 1766, when it is inserted at the number (102) vacated by a Lodge at St. Albans, In like manner three Lodges at Minorca, Nos, 213-5, dated 1750, are not on the Register until 1753, and on their erasure in 1767 their numbers are respectively taken by the " Second Lodge in Boston," of 15th February 1749, "Marble Head Lodge, Massachusetts Bay," of 25th March, 1760, and "New Haven Lodge, Connecticut," of 12th November, 1750. One other instance must suffice. The "Old Concord Lodge" (now No. 172) was constituted in 1764 as No. 324, and appeared in the Engraved Lists every year. Subsequently a Warrant (probably of Confirmation) was issued to it, dated 14th April, 1768, and in the enumeration of 1770, instead of bearing the number 263, to which its position and date of 1764 entitled it, the Lodge was placed down to the number 349, as of the year 1768, beneath no less than eighty-six Lodges then its juniors. In the face of the fact that the Lodge paid for its Constitution on 30th January, 1765, and that it was officially retained on the Engraved Lists every year, it is extremely puzzling to account for such a transposition. It should be remembered, in respect to England, that, until lately, Dispensations were occasionally granted enabling meetings to be held prior to the issue of the Warrant or to the Consecration of the Lodge. It is possible that some of the dates given in the te.xt, in reference to places to which Lodges have from time to time removed, may not be absolutely correct. I have only been able to deal with the information available, and necessarily and primarily have had to rely on the Grand Lodge Lists and Calendars ; especially has this been the case when Officers of Lodges to whom I have written for informa- tion have failed to comply with my request. Sometimes it has been necessary to modify the statements in the official records from actual and incontrovertible facts; e.£: the "Lodge of Hengist" (now No. 195), constituted at Christ Church, Hants, in 1770, is retained in the Calendars as at that place until i860, whereas it removed to Bournemouth on 9th May, 185 1. This omission to alter probably arose from neglect or delay in forwarding to Grand Lodge a certified copy of the minute authorizing the removal. A similar explanation may be given in relation to Lodges whose places of meeting do not altogether harmonize with the entries respecting them in the Grand Lodge Calendars. The " Modern " Lodges to which old numbers were re-issued, were not of course so numerous as those •of the "Ancients," but they were more than has been generally supposed, fully thirty being enumerated in the following pages. Appended to the text is a copious index to all the known places of meeting of London Lodges, and a ■Geographical Index to all other Cities, Towns or Places, mentioned throughout the work. The Index, i8 in its various parts and arrangements, will doubtless facilitate reference, and its utility will, I trust, be commensurate with the labour involved in its preparation.* It only remains for me, in conclusion, to express my deep gratitude to the numerous Brethren whose assistance has enabled me to make this undertaking more complete. To name them all would be difficult, yet I must particularize a few. First, my thanks are due to Colonel Shadwell H. Gierke, the Grand Secretary, for very kindly placing at my disposal all the Records in Grand Lodge, and in permitting me free access to them whenever needful, f To Bro. A. A. Pendlebury, Assistant Grand Secretary, for much assistance in reference to the old Warrant Books. To Bro. H. Sadler, for his valued attentions during my frequent visits to the Grand Lodge Library and Muniment Rooms, and for his prompt and intelligent replies to my numerous queries. To Bro. G. W. Speth, for a considerable amount of important information respecting Continental Lodges. To many Masonic Students at home and abroad, for their valued assistance, specially in their publication of Lodge Histories, which have been carefully consulted. To the Printers, Bros. M. C. Peck & Son, for the admirable manner in which they have succeeded in making a difficult work, typographically, as perfect as possible. And last of all, and chiefest, to my good friend, Bro. W. J. Hughan, not only for his wise counsel on many intricate and complex questions, but for freely and generously placing at my disposal the whole of his Masonic Library, and his unrivalled Masonic knowledge respecting old Lodges, and also in obtaining for me much suitable material for this work. In voluntarily offering to write the introduction, Bro. Hughan has considerably added to my former obligations, and I would fain entertain the hope that these " Masonic Records " may prove increasingly useful to the fraternity of which he is such a distinguished member. TORQUAY, 1st November, 1886. * Additiortal Indices are included in this Second Edition. — FiV,? Table of Contents. + My acknowledgments are likewise due to the present Grand Secretary, Bro. Edward Letchworth, for similar courtesy, and for his appreciation of my labours. INTRODUCTION. I N Introduction to a work of the magnitude and importance of Bro. John Lane's " Masonic Records " should certainly contain a brief allusion to the circumstances which led to the formation of the premier Grand Lodge, and the later Grand Lodges in England. To meet this view is the object I have set before me in the preparation of the following pages, as well as to describe the chief materials accessible for examination, which contain reliable particulars as to Lodge nomenclature, numeration, and location. There were at least four, but probably five or six, Lodges that took part in the inauguration of the Grand Lodge of England 1716-17. Dr. Anderson only acknowledges four, but a careful scrutiny of the earliest Engraved List, issued in 1723, points to the existence of five "Time Immemorial Lodges" being then on the Roll ; so that the declaration of the anonymous author of " Multa Faucis" (1763) that six were present on that auspicious occasion, is not without some slight corroboration. When and by whom these and other old Lodges were constituted cannot now be decided, but that they, or similar combinations of Freemasons, existed centuries before the Grand Lodge era, cannot be reasonably doubted. The term " Lodge " is met with so early as the fourteenth century, and actual records of Lodge assemblies in Great Britain are still preserved, dating from the year 1599, the succeeding century being especially rich in minutes descriptive of the initiation of " Geomatic," or non-operative members, many of whom were prominent and distinguished personages of that period. The Grand Lodge, therefore, did not introduce speculative Freemasonry, but simply gave it such an impetus that it rapidly obtained the ascendancy which has since been maintained and intensified as the years have rolled on ; the operative regime being gradually ignored and ultimately discarded. Though we are not aware how many independent Lodges were working in England immediately preceding and succeeding the establishment of the Grand Lodge, we know that there were several which so existed, the Rolls and other MSS. of their transactions being preserved in many instances, notably those of the old Lodge at York from 17 12 (earlier documents being entered in the inventory of 1779, but are now lost), of Alnwick from 1701, of Gateshead from 1725, and others, some of which never fraternized with the new Grand Lodge, whilst several eventually petitioned for and obtained Warrants. The first " Book of Constitutions," based in part on the " Old Charges " (of which some sixty copies still exist, varying from the 14th to the present century) was published in 1723, but contains no list of Lodges of any value ; the second edition of 1738, however, has particulars of a number down to the year of issue, chartered for England and abroad, so also the third edition of 1756, but not those of later years. The copies of 1767-76 and 1784 are useful for their registers of Lodges erased for disobedience of the Laws, &c. 20 There are also the " Returns " made to the Grand Lodge for some years, which possess a special interest from the fact that they recite the names of many of the early members, otherwise unknown to us, but these ceased to be made about 1730, and were not again sent until 1768. Then there are, beyond all others for accuracy and completeness, the Engraved Lists of Lodges, published by authority from 1723 to 1778 ; the "Signs" of the Houses in which the brethren assembled for Masonic purposes being curiously engraved therein, with the dates of constitution and other items of information ; the issues from the first to 1767 having an emblematical engraving (a new design appearing in 1740), and the "Coats of Arms" of the successive Grand Masters re-produced, with their respective Titles. The plates of Arms, &c., were continued to 1778, the "Signs" not being depicted, but only described after the year 1769. Information as to the size and character of these little and curious Registers may be obtained by consulting the Laws of the Grand Lodge for 1738, the chief plate of the one for 1738 having been utilized in that volume, or my Re-production of the 1734 List. Full particulars of all Lists, whether engraved or otherwise, official and private, will be found in Bro. John Lane's " Handy Book to the Study of the Lists of Lodges" (1889). A new and beautiful design was introduced by Benjamin Cole in the year 1767, but was not sub- sequently used. From 1770 the names of the Grand Officers and Provincial Grand Masters were added. These Registers were altered to the month of issue, sometimes three or four different editions being published in a single year, so that unless all these are examined, places of meeting and other particulars may pass unrecorded. Copies of these invaluable and scarce Registers are widely distributed, some — believed to be unique — being domiciled in the United States. Wherever located, so far as possible, they have been examined and laid under contribution for this great work, the exceptions being so few and unimportant as not to call for particularization. Those for 1723 and 1744 were engraved by Eman : Bowen ; 1725 to 1741 by John Pine; Benjamin Cole succeeding as engraver down to 1^66-7. A change then occurred, owing to the supercession of Benjamin by William Cole, who also published his Lists from 1766, and from 1768 enjoyed an uninterrupted monopoly until the series was ended. Copies of 1723 and 1725 (two editions) have been exactly re-produced in the "Masonic Records," the later edition of 1725 being also given in fac-simile from the only impression known, which was in the possession of General Pike, of Washington, U.S.A., who fraternally granted that privilege. In 1775-6 the "Company of Stationers" published a Masonic Calendar, followed by the Grand Lodge in 1777, which custom has been continued down to the current year, the present convenient size being adopted from 1815. The editions published during the last few years give much more information* than their predecessors, and are simply invaluable. These have been issued slightly in advance for each year, as with Calendars generally, whilst the Engraved Lists were published during the years indicated on the Dedication page. Sometimes, however, the plate of one year was made to do duty for an early edition of the following year, which arrangement is easily detected by an examination of the dates of origin of the latest Lodges enrolled. 21 It is much to be regretted that a complete set of these Registers is not to be traced, those for 1724, 1726-8, 1730-3, 1735, 1742-3, 1746-9, and 1759, being most unfortunately missing, whilst of the Calendars 1775-1894, the issue for 1816, though printed, published and sold in due course, cannot be found. Save this one year (1816) all the Calendars are comfortably housed in the Grand Lodge Library. Of the Engraved Lists, so far known, I append particulars of the owners, with information as to their contents, corrected to the present date, and with the anticipation that other editions will be discovered, and duly announced in like manner for the benefit of all concerned. In 1725, the venerable Lodge at York started the " Grand Lodge of all England" in that City, which had a very chequered experience down to the last decade of the eighteenth century. All the Lodges warranted by its authority did not number a dozen, none being granted out of Cheshire, Lancashire, and Yorkshire, with the exception of its Charter or Deputation to the " Grand Lodge of England, South of the River Trent," in 1779, which was sanctioned by many members of the "Lodge of Antiquity" (who for some ten years withdrew from the premier Grand Lodge), and which established two subordinates, all being located in London. On the breach being healed, this mushroom Grand Lodge and its Lodges collapsed, and certain brethren of the old Lodge returned to their allegiance. The only veritable " York Masons " therefore, were those connected with Lodges under the banner of the York organization, and hence, when it became extinct, the term ceased to be employed, and neither before 1790 nor since, has it ever correctly described any but those Lodges and members aforesaid. The real rival to the Grand Lodge of England was constituted July 17, 1751, and has long been known by the short title of the "Ancients" or " Athol Masons" (the latter designation being due to the 3rd and 4th Dukes of Athol having been Grand Masters). This organization was possibly started, in part, because of the severe measures adopted by the Regular Grand Lodge towards recalcitrant and impecunious Lodges, or in part, as some think, in consequence of certain variations made in the customs of the Craft, particularly objected to by the Operative section. The new body became very popular, and in a few years was no mean competitor; its prototype, and senior but less pretentious organization, having also to contend against the introduction of the " Royal Arch," which was warmly supported, though not originated, by the " Ancients," who became known as the Grand Lodge of " Four Degrees," thus (for a time only) placing the parent Society at a disadvantage. The " Ancients " issued Warrants in England and in Foreign parts, particularly in America, their descendants to this day being frequently, but erroneously, termed " Ancient York Masons." Official Lists of their Lodges were published late last century, as well as in 1804, 1807, and 1813, but only those for the years noted have been identified. These occasional publications, the printed proceedings of both Societies, the Engraved Lists and Calendars, unofficial publications, and the Records, Registers and Treasurers' Books of Lodges, Provincial Grand Lodges, and Grand Lodges, besides Metropolitan and Local Newspapers, have constituted the chief sources from which the following laborious and exhaustive work, concerning the thousands of Lodges chartered from 1721 to 1894, in both hemispheres, has been compiled. 22 The " Ancients " after having established many Lodges and Provincial Grand Lodges, having also obtained the recognition of the Grand Lodges of Ireland and Scotland, and the almost unanimous support of the Grand Lodges in America, were averse to becoming absorbed, and so rejected all overtures tendered by the "Moderns" for the promotion of peace and harmony during the early part of this century, until the services of H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, who became their Grand Master, were enlisted. It was then well nigh impossible for Masonic rivalry to continue between two Bodies about to be presided over by Princes of the Royal Blood, so that eventually the unhappy differences were forgotten, and the " United Grand Lodge of England" was formed, to the great joy of both sections of the Fraternity. The famous " Articles of Union " were finally adopted on December 27th, 1813, having been duly signed by H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, and H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, as Grand Masters of the two organizations, with six other brethren who represented the " Moderns" and " Ancients" on November 25th of that year. Rule VIII. of the "Articles of Union," provided that the two first Lodges under each Grand Lodge should draw a lot in the first place for priority. The ballot being in favour of the " Ancients," their "Grand Master's Lodge" became No. i on the revised Roll, the "Lodge of Antiquity" of the Regular Grand Lodge taking the 2nd position. No. 2 of the " Ancients ' in the same order taking No. 3, and the second of the "Time Immemorial" Lodges becoming No. 4. For two such old Lodges to accept lower positions on the United Roll than their age entitled them, says much for the truly Masonic spirit of their members, who, to promote peace and harmony, consented to their juniors taking precedence of Lodges in existence prior to the formation of the premier Grand Lodge. When certain numbers were vacant on the one Roll, though filled in on the other, the latter Lodges were allotted numbers in sequence, until both Lodges had similar numerical positions to arrange for, hence there will be found, at times, two or more Lodges in succession of the rival organizations, e.g. 20 to 22, and 36 to 38, and other instances. In 1874-8, I published "Masonic Memorials of the Union," and the "Masonic Register of Lodges," which contained Lists of the Lodges on the Roll in December 18 13, with their numbers then and since. The year 1879 witnessed the advent of two remarkable works by the Masonic Archaeologist, Bro. R. F. Gould, entitled the " Four Old Lodges " and " Atholl Lodges," in which are printed copies of the Lists of Lodges under the various enumerations from 1729 to 1792, and of those warranted by the "Ancients." As, liowever, the former publication, valuable as it is, dealt generally only with one issue of one Engraved List or Calendar under each alteration of the numbers, — usually the latest, — the numerous and important alterations during each successive numeration were left unrecorded. In several instances Lodges appeared and disappeared, or were allotted higher numbers, which were thus necessarily unnoticed, and could not be otherwise, unless (as Bro. Lane has done) by re-producing the whole of the changes, of whatever character, made from 1729 to the present time. It is now possible to see at a glance all the varied experiences of each Lodge, as respects numeration, location, and other points of interest ; the method adopted being such as to render the intricate details of Lodge life easily understood, and traced with almost absolute certainty, commendable perspicuity, and with the greatest possible despatch. 23 The Medals referred to are those permitted by the " Constitutions " of the United Grand Lodge, and granted by the M.W. Grand Master for the time being. T he " Freemasons' Hall Medal " was instituted in 1780, the Master of each Lodge so honoured (in consequence of financial aid to the Building Fund) having the privilege to wear a circular Medal, suspended from the arms of the ofiScial Square. There are now only thirteen Lodges in the Metropolitan District and four in the Provinces enjoying this distinction. The " Royal " and other " Special " Medals have been granted to certain Lodges by reason of their antiquity, or other prominent characteristics. Centenary Jewels were of a special design prior to 1867, but from that year an uniform pattern has been adopted. From the " Red Apron Lodges," eighteen in number, are annually elected the Grand Stewards, who are presented to the Grand Master for approval and then enter on their duties. There are now over 200 Lodges that have proved their continuous working for a century and more, a few having completed and celebrated their sesqui-centennials. Many valuable particulars of these centenary decorations or souvenirs are to be found in Bro. John Lane's " Centenary Warrants and Jewels" (1891) ; and the official calendars of the Grand Lodge (published annually) give a complete list of the Lodges entitled to such distinction. Having had an intimate knowledge of the " Masonic Records'' throughout its several stages, I have no hesitation in declaring that the Volume is a monument of perseverance, research, and fidelity, and well deserves the hearty support and lasting gratitude of the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, for whom Bro. Lane has so assiduously and faithfully laboured. C>Vn^^^M a^4A^^Lj^^ a^ For " Table of the Engraved Lists of Lodges 1723-78," see next page. [ 24 ] 1770 do. 1771 1772 1773 do. 1774 1775 1776 do. do. 1777 do. 1778 do. TABLE OF THE ENGRAVED LISTS OF LODGES, A.D. 1723 to A.D. 1778. Year. Kngraver. Numeration. Last Number and Date. Owner. 1723 1724 1725 do. 1729 1734 1736 do. 1737 do. 1738 1739 Eman. Bowen do. John Pine do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1728-9 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1723 27th March, 1724 25th March, 1725 (circa) September, 1725 54 (citcaj November, 1728 128 ... 5th November, 1734 142 ... l6th April, 1736 152 ... 31st December, 1736 160 ... 20th April, 1737 163 ... 2ist September, 1737 171 ... 28th March, 1738 185 ... 28th April, 1739 ■ Grand Lodge of England do. Library Supreme Council, 33°, U.S.A. (S.J.) Grand Lodge of England James Newton, Bolton E. T. Carson, Cincinnati, U.S.A. Grand Lodge of England General Lawrence, Boston, U.S.A. Enoch Terry Carson Grand Lodge of England and E. T. Carson Grand Lodge of England 1740 174I 1744 1745 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 John Pine do. Eman. Bowen Benjamin Cole do. do. do. do. do. do. 1740 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 181 ... 31st March, 1740 189 ... 14th April, 1741 195 ... 20th March, 1744 196 ... 20th March, 1744 § 202 ... 5th May, 1749 t 212 ... 29th August, 1751 + 212 ... 29th August, 1751 227 ... 5th March, 1753 247 ... 13th May, 1754 269 (ctrca)']\mt 1755 § Grand Lodge of England and Asher Barfield, London Grand Lodge of England do. do. do. do. do. • do. do. do. 1756 do. 1757 do. 1758 1760 1761 1762 do. 1763 do. 1764 do. do. do. 1765 do. 1766 do. do. 1767 do. do. do. do. do. 1768 do. 1769 do. Benjamin Cole do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. William Cole do. Benjamin Cole do. William Cole Benjamin Cole William Cole do. do. do. do. do. I7SS do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 212 ... 26th February, 1756 215 ... 23rd September, 1756 217 ... 2nd December, 1756 223 ... 23rd March, 1757 234 ... 24th March, 1758 252 ... 24th August, 1759 262 ... 8th May, 1761 273 ... 23rd February, 1762 291 ... 2nd November, 1762 294 ... 17th March, 1763 304 ... 8th September, 1763 307 ... 28th November, 1763 309 ... l8th January, 1764 313 ... 4th April, 1764 318 ... r6th August, 1764 327 ... nth December, 1764 340 ... 19th April, 1765 351 ... 2ist December, 1765 380 ... 4th December, 1766 382 ... 19th December, 1766 364 ... i8th April, 1766 381 T 19th December, 1766 384 ... 1 6th February, 17675 386 IT 16th March, 1767 391 (circa) April, 1767 405 ... 15th September, 1767 416 ... 8th February, 17685 423 ... 23rd April, 1768 444 ••■ 26th April, 1769 X 446 ... 28th June, 1769 Grand Lodge of New York Grand Lodge of England do. do. do. do. do. and G.L. Massachusetts, U.S.A. do. British Museum Grand Lodge of England Worcester Masonic Library Grand Lodge of England Worcester Masonic Library Royal Cumberland Lodge, No. 41, Bath Grand Lodge of England and E. T. Carson Grand Lodge of England. ( Two copies] do. ( Imperfect) do. Worcester Masonic Library Enoch Terry Carson Grand Lodge of England Michael Charles Peck, Hull Thomas Francis, Havant, and G. L. of Iowa, U.S.A. John Lane, Torquay G.L. of Eng., G.L. of Scot., & Wm. Watson, Leeds G.L. of England, and Probity Lodge, No. 61, Halifax Enoch Terry Carson Grand Lodge of England do. ( Two copies) St. John the Baptist Lodge, No. 39, Exeter William Cole do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1770 do. 402 ... 20th September, 1770 406 (circa) December, 1770 414 428 448 460 474 479 494 496 499 504 1st 4th 23rd 29th 22nd 25th 1st nth 1 6th 26th 509 (circa) 510 ... I2th 511 (circa) June, April, April, November, November, March, July, June, December, April, December, May, May, 1771 1772 1773 § 1773 1774 1775 1776 1776 1776 1777 1777 1778 1778 Grand Lodge of England ( Worcester Masonic Library \ John E. Le Feuvre, Southampton ( Grand Lodge of Iowa and E. T. Carson Grand Lodge of England do. ( Two copies) do. and John Lane, Torquay do. Grand Lodge of Iowa. {Bower Collection) Grand Lodge of England. ( Tivo copies) G.L. of Eng. ( Two copies) & Worcester Masonic Library do. John Lane, Torquay Grand Lodge of England. ( Two copies) York Lodge, No. 236, York G.L. of Eng. ( Two copies) & Worcester Masonic Library Enoch Terry Carson § Foreign Lodges frequently bear earlier dates than the numbers indicate. t Numbered 143 in error. Really 202 as stated. X The Dedication plate cA previous year has been utilized. II One number less by error of the Engraver. MASONIC RECORDS. PART I. "The Grand Lodge of ALL England," held at York. PART II. " The Grand Lodge of England, South of the River Trent." PART III. {a) " The Grand Lodge of England." {b) " The Grand Lodge of England, according to the Old Institutions." (c) "The United Grand Lodge of England." PART IV. Lodges Constituted or Warranted abroad, but never registered in the Books of the Grand Lodge. PART V. Index. 26 PART I. "THE GRAND LODGE OF A.X.L ENGLAND, held at York," formed from a Time Immemorial Lodge in 1725. Ceased about 1792. NAME OF LODGE. PLACES OF MEETING. Date of Constitution. French Lodge, No. 1. Druidical Lodge, ( called No. 1O0. ( Grand Lodge of England Fortitude. YORK. — Yorkshire [Time Immemorial.] This Private Lodge became a g)ran& Jlobge, and met at Merchants' Hall, in the City of York, on 27 Dec. 1725. It continued to meet until about 1740, when both the Grand Lodge and the Private Lodge became dormant. They were revived at the House of Mr. Henry Howard, in Lendall, in the said City, 17 March, 1761. There is no evidence of its existence after 1792. The following Lodges were warranted by this Grand Lodge : — Punch Bowl, York, Yorkshire , A Lodge in the City of York, Yorkshire Turk's Head, Scarborough, Yorkshire [Last record pre- served is dated 30 August, 1768] Royal Oak, Ripon, Yorkshire Crown, Knaresborougrh, Yorkshire [Was working in 1777] Duke of Devonshire, Maeelesfleld, Cheshire At Hovingham, Yorkshire At Snainton, near Malton, Yorkshire Botherham, Yorkshire South of the River Trent, London The Sun, Hollinwood, Lancashire ... 10 June, 1762. [Date unknown.] 19 August, 1762. 31 July, 1769. 30 October, 1769. 24 September, 1770. 29 May, 1773. 14 December, 1778. 22 December, 1778. 29 March, 1779. 27 November, 1790. [ 27 ] PART II. "THE GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND, South of the River Trent," London. Chartered by the GRAND LODGE OF ALL ENGLAND, held at YORK, on 29 March, 1779. It collapsed in 1789. NAME OF LODGE. PLACES OF MEETING. Date of Constitution. Lodge of Antiquity Queen's Arms Tavern, St. Paul's Church Yard, London Time Immemorial. [Seceded from the T.I. Lodge of that name] No. 1, Perfect Observance Mitre Tavern, 'Fleet Street, London 15 November, 1779. No. 2, Perseverance and Triumph Queen's Head Tavern, Holborn, London 9 August, 1779. 28 CRAND MASTER. ^, ,, A Lift of die Regular Lod ge5 cu COTVSTTTUTED '/iI/MaHOT^S. Churchyard KiavesAcre Weftminfter ^ Broivnlow Street Holbori Ivy la Ne-wgate ' ftreet Silver ftreet jnthe 5trand Tir/iTlhmday "^' liStjEriOiun rruiut, tUdan/ateUlrtet — ^ 1 Oiarring^Crol Kmg-rhreet "Westminfter Fleet -ftreet ,C^ in the . Strand ^Jhij, of jSouthamph fh-cct Covent-Garder S^Gilcs.'5 QiarnngGx)ii Fiih-fh-eet Hill So udiTvark Thuneia., xe^ry /. e,vcryC?lffneA in the .Strand ^¥^^^^^^^ VW GarcMarket s^mit Chancery lane in ei/ifh South- fide of S*; Pauls behind Uie. Rov-al Exchaiwe Cavendilh Ih:eet in Bloom giuir)' Mc e-Gai< SrPauLs ChuiTch-yard CrcatQucen ftreet '■ThurvcUw ^* Brewers ftreee al Exchange mcvayTTWUh Tower-ftreet At Edgwordb. At AcTon PaRMall Third- ■^Wldnej ^Aur^fOOi/ in^ Strand PrinceCs Jlreet IDrurv-X-ane . Without Temple Barr Fifh-ftreet Hill. King-ftreet \\istminfret Yorkftreet Cov'^Garden tn^lHiri 27' firJCT'rydai/ P5 ■Wfurth. ■ near Teirtpie Barr Ciare'Khre e t near ClareMarket Tottenham CourtRoad S.'^Martin I>ane -KiChmoiid * in 9pve f'J.'ya/-. in. e i/^f^TTlifnth City- o£ iBath — ClUrof Briftol City-of S^orwich City of Cinches ter rvj Cit3^ of Chefter City of ThirxifniTndau imveryWimtdi, f/urdfrydajf) "TfUJi Fulh Fleetffci-eet am Corl^ , Great Wad-fireet . fc^iKbun ^hirdSfiierdav 'rear ^n "^ Fleet ftreet Hennetta Street; Eaft-flreet Greenwich /a/tJaXii^ri^ Hollis -ftreet Oxfordijuan; foru-tAiitfirnii m.afe/yT/b'Uli S': Martins Lane The Comer at Hemmg-iiB,OTv NLaldesiXdoie Gav: G-ardeu Brentforci Little Queen iireet Holborn ^^ mcmA yi<:.cnd- eMiyTniniA fir^t7> ^-. fff^TflirncA 9ij-.^ ffOird. m every • ■^/T^tmln ?vv/^A//c<^jy "■y ■/TlrniA "KewBeltoii ilreet/o-o/- lyonyAcre ,52Vndrewi ftreet/i Sold hy I. Pine, Engraver, over-a^ainst Little Brittain end in PriiUedfor &> Sold by I. Pine, Engraver, over-against Little Brittain end in Aldersgate Street. A Idersgate .Street. [Copied from the Engraved List in the Library of Grand Lodge, London.] Copied from 2^fac-simile of Engraved List belonging to General Albert Pike, Washington, U.S.A.] [kngraved signs.] I 1 11 [engraved signs.] "I Goose and Gridiron St. Pauls Church-yard I *I Goose and Gridiron St. Pauls Church-yard II Queen's Head Knaves Acre 2 II Queen's Head Knaves Acre 2 Queen's Head Turn stile 3 2 Green Lettice Brownlow Street Holborn 3 Horn Westminster 4 S 3 Horn Westminster 4 King's Head Ivy lane 6 4 King's Head Ivy lane 19 Griffin Newgate street 7 8 9 19 5 Griffin Newgate street 5 Three Compasses . . Silver street Three Compasses . . Silver street 9 Fountain Tavern , , in the Strand 10 9 Fountain Tavern . . in the Strand Rose and Crown . . King-street Westminster II Rose and Crown . , King-street Westminster Greyhound . , Fleet-street 12 24 Globe Tavern Fleet-street 24 Rummer Tavern . . Charring Cross 13 14 Rummer Tavern . . Charring Cross Half Moon in the Strand 15 16 Half Moon . . in the Strand Bedford's Head . . Southampton street Covent-Garden 17 18 Bedford's Head Southampton street Covent-Garden Castle Tavern St Giles's •9 Castle Tavern St Giles's Cardigan's Head . . Charring Cross 20 Cardigan's Head . . Charring Cross Swan Tavern Fish-street Hill 21 Swan Tavern Fish-street Hill 15 Bull's Head Southwark 22 15 Bull's Head Southwark 13 Anchor Dutchy-lane in the Strand 23 13 Anchor Dutchy-lane in the Strand Bajjtist's Head Chancery lane 24 Baptist's Head Chancery lane Sun Tavern Clare Market 25 Sun Tavern Clare Market 23 Sun . . South-side of St. Pauls 26 23 Sun . . . , . . South-side of St. Pauls 7 Crown behind the Royal Exchange 27 7 Crown behind the Royal Exchange Three Tuns Newgate street 28 Three Tuns Newgate street Denmark's Head . . Cavendish street 29 Denmark's Head . . Cavendish street 17 Bull's Head Vere-street 30 17 Buffalo in Bloomsbury 12 Crown Bow Lane 31 12 Globe Tavern Moore-Gate King's Arms St. Pauls Church-yard 32 King's Arms St. Pauls Church-yard 14 Queen's Head Lion Great Queen street 33 14 Queen's Head Great Queen street 10 Brewers street 34 35 10 Lion Brewers street 18 Ship behind ye Royal Exchange 36 18 Ship behind ye Royal Exchange 20 Dolphin . Tower-street 37 20 Dolphin Tower-street 8 Duke of Chandos's Arms . . At Edgworth 38 8 Duke of Chandos's Arms . . At Edgworth Crown At Acton 39 Crown At Acton King's Head Pall Mall 40 King's Head Pall Mall Dick's Coffee House by ye new Church in ye Strand 41 Dick's Coffee House by ye new Church in ye Strand Ship without Temple Barr 42 Ship without Temple Barr 21 Nag's Head Princess street by Drury I^ane 43 21 Nag's Head Princess street by Drury Lane 22 Ship Fish-street Hill 44 22 Ship Fish-street Hill Bell Tavern King-street Westminster 45 Bell Tavern King-street Westminster Star and Garter York street Govt- Garden 46 Star and Garter York street Covt. Garden Blue Boar . . near Shoe lane Fleet street 47 26 Devil Tavern near Temple Barr Fleet street 48 26 Devil Tavern near Temple Barr Fleet street 6 Tom's Coffee House Clare street near Clare Market 49 6 Tom's Coffee House Clare street near Clare Market 16 Red Lion . . Tottenham Court Road 5° 16 Red Lion . . Tottenham Court Road 27 Crown and Sceptres St. Martins Lane 51 27 Crown and Sceptres St. Martins Lane Red Lion . . Richmond in Surry 52 Red Lion , . Richmond in Surry 28 Queen's Head City of Bath 53 28 Queen's Head City of Bath 29 Nag's Head City of Bristol 54 29 Nag's Head City of Bristol 30 Maid's Head City of Norwich 55 30 Maid's Head City of Norwich 31 Swan . , City of Chichester 56 31 Swan City of Chichester City of Chester 57 Sun!.. City of Chester Bridg street 32 City of Chester 58 32 Spread Eagle City of Chester Castle street Masons Arms Fulham 59 Masons Arms Fulham White Lion Wytch street near Drury Lane 60 Leg Tavern Fleet street Black Posts Cock-pit Court Great Wild-street 61 Black Posts ■ Cock-pit Court Great. Wild-street 25 Swan East-street Greenwich 62 25 Swan East-street Greenwich Queen's Head HoUis-street Oxford-square 63 Queen's Head HoUis-street Oxford-square 39 Fleece Fleet street 64 39 Fleece Fleet street Crown and Harp . . St. Martins Lane 65 Crown and Harji . . St. Martins Lane 37 Rummer . . Henrietta Street 66 37 Rummer Henrietta street Solomon's Temple The Corner of Castle-street & Heming's 67 Solomon's Temple The Corner of Castle-street & Heming's Globe Bridges street [Row 68 Lebeck's Head Maiden Lane Covt. Garden [Row Red Lion . . Brentford 69 70 71 Red Lion . . Brentford 41 42 Hand and Apple Tree King Henry's Head Little Queen street Holborn St Andrews Street near ye Seven Dials * Nos. on 1729 List. 72 38 Blew Posts . . Deveraux Court 73 74 Mitre Reding t In this space in the Grand Lodge List of 1725 is written " Ditto [i.e. Queen's 43 Free Masons Coffee House New Belton street near Long Acre Cov'- Garden Dean Street Sohoe Watergate Street City of Chester Head,] Temple, Barr, Philo-Musiccs et Architectum Soctetas. Every other Thursday Jro7n St. John Baptist." 75 76 77 40 44 33 Mitre Tavern Golden Lion Castle and Falcon , . IT The numbers in this central column are not in the Lists. I give them merely to indicate the position of the [ 31 ] LIST OF LODGES (Ancients) in 1 751 — 1752. Copied from the First Athol Register [Morgan's] in Grand Lodge, London. Time Warranted. No. of Lodge. July 17'h 1751 2 3 4 5 6 Turks head Greek Street Soho now the Rising Sun Suffolk Street Haymarket Criple, Little Britain Cannon, Water lane. Fleet Str'- Plaister= Arms, Grays Inn Lane Globe, Bridges St'- Covant Gard"- 29'h 7 Fountain, Monmouth St, 7 Dials Feby I. 52 10 Dukes Head Winfeild St Spittle Jany 30 . 9 Ship & Anch"^- Quaker St J ^^'Ids 29 . 8 Temple & Sun, Sheer Lane Temple Bar June 12 II 2 4 Thistle & Crown, Church Court Strand Removed to the Rising Sun in Suffolk str'- Haymarket Temple & Sun, Sheer lane, Temp^- Bar Septr 15- 52 12 5 2 Vernon, B : Gate Str'- without Horse Shoe on Ludgate Hill Thistle & Crown, Church Court Strand Nov 4th 52 14 Carlisle Arms Q"^ Str'- Soho Nov 13 . 13 Mitre, Broadwall, Southwark Dec-- 7 52 15 Marshalsea Tap House Dec"- II 16 Plaisterers Arms Little G^ Inn Lane [ 32 ] LIST OF LODGES (Ancients) 1752— 1754. Copied from the First Athol Register in Grand Lodge, London. Dec. 27* 1752. Anno Lap. 5752. Grand Lodge in due Form assembled at the Five Bells Tavern, in Wich Street, Strand London. Br. Tho=- Blower, Masf- of (then) No 8 in the Chair. Order'd the Members of No. 7 and 10 shoud be discontinued in this Book for their disobedience of the 21'' Rule of the Grand. And the following be the true List and Numbers of all the Antient Regular Lodges in and about London. Anno Lap. 5752 — 5752. Time Constid- Numr. Where held. * July 17'h 1751 2 3 Thistle & Crown, Church Court, Strand ... Crown, in St Pauls Churchyard King's Head Hewitts Court, Strand • 4 Temple & Sun, Shire lane, T: B. Red Hart in Shoe lane now at the Bed- ford Arms Bedford Court, C. Garden. • 5 Shoe, Ludgate Hill ... Now at the Red Lyon, Dirty lane, Long Acre 6 Globe in Bridges Str' O- Card"- Brown Bear in the Strand,now at theRose and Crown, Clare Court, Drury Lane Jany 29. 1752 7 Temple & Sun, Shire lane, T: B Angel Inn, Wich street, Do. 3° 8 Vernon B: Gate Str'- June 12 9 Thistle & Crown, Ch Court Sf^- Sep 15 10 Vernon, B. Gate Str'- Nov 13 II Mitre, Broad wall S"wark Nov 4 12 Carlisle Arms Q : Str' Soho... Now at the White Hart, Shug lane, now at the White Swan New Street Covent Garden Dec 7 13 Marshalsea Tap House Now at the Tigers Head, in the Borough, at the Black Bull Do. II 14 Plaisterers little G^- Inn Lane Thistle an Crown, Church Court, Strand, now at the Turks head. East str'. Red Lyon Sq 14 now at the Crown in Crown Court, fleet street Jany 9- I7S3 IS Kings Head. Mary !e Bone Str'- Jany lo- 1753 16 K & Queen, Caple st. Mch 13- 17 Scots Arms, Hay Market Now at the White Hart, Shug lane, 13 Cantons, now at the Dorset's Head Villier street, 17, now at the Star & Garter, St Martins lane May 4 18 Vernon, Bp. Gate street 3 Suggar Loaves in St John's Street Spittalfields, now Bull & Butcher, Rg Fair 15 19 Fountain in Monmouth Str' 7 Dials George, Broad St Giles's July 9 20 Hampshire Hog, Goswell Str' 10 21 The one Tun in the Strand Now at the Cheshire Cheese, Savoy Alley 12 22 King's Head, little Suffolk street Bull's head, St. Martin's Lane Ocf 10 23 White Lyon, Hemings Rowe George, Piccadilly, at the P. Wales head Castle Str' L. Acre. Octo 17 24 Edenh Castle, Marsh Sf Bristol 2S Unicorn ; West str'- Laffords Gate, Do ... Now at the three Indian Kings, small Street, Bristol Nov 8 26 Rosemerry Branch, R'^merry lane 9 27 P. Wale's head, Capel street, Do Nov IS 28 29 Royal Oak, Charring Cross George, Piccadilly Jany 7- 54 30 Goat, Pa v'd Alley St Jas'^- market 9 31 P. of W. head. Butcher Rowe, Tower Hill ... Feb 18. 1754 32 Black Horse, Boswell Court, Strand Now at the Craven's Head, Drury Lane Mar 13 33 Star and Garter, Strand Api 18 34 Star and Garter, Panton Str'- Hy Mark'- ... 19 35 King's Bench Prison ... Aug' 14 36 Blue Ball, Horse Alley moor fields No at the Red Cross in the Minories 19 37 Red Cow, Holywell Street, Strand * This column was evidently left by the compiler of the List to record future places of meeting, and was so used. 33 LIST OF LODGES (Ancients) 1755—1757. Copied from the First Athol Register in Grand Lodge, London. A List of Lodges, June 24th, 1755 — 5755. No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 At the King's Head, Hewitt's Court, Strand Crown, St Pauls Church Yard Swan and Cross keys Long Acre Red Lyon, Dirty lane Do. King's Arms, Holywell str' Strand 2 Blue posts, Cockpit Alley, Drury lane Vernon, Bishop Gate Street Vernon, Bis : Gate Street Mitre, Broad wall, Southwark Black Bull in the Borough Crown, Crown Court, Fleet Street Thisde and Crown, Swallow Street Two Brewers, Mid : Holborn Hampshire hog, Goswell street Cheshire Cheese, Savoy hill. Strand Bull's head, St Martins lane Prince of Wale's head, Castle str' Long Acre Edinburgh Castle Marsh street Bristol 3 Indian kings small street Do. Prince of Wales's head. Rag Fair Scotts Arms, Haymarket Prince of Wales's head. Butcher Row Tower hill Wooll pack Langley Street Long Acre 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 King's Bench Prison Red Lyon Jewin street Const Ocf 6. 1755 Cons'!- Junei8.i755 St Anns Church & Mitre in Manchester Aug 20'h- Nov Dec Dec Dec 19 3 17 27 1755 Cock, Bridge street Warrington Honywood's Reg'- Coventry 175s Nottingham 55 Bristol t Const Feby 11 1756 Cross Keys Bear str' Leicester fields Con. 24 Feb 1756 Crown Crown Court Fleet street Con. lo'i^of March 1756 Horse Shoe & last, St James's street Mch 30'h May 13"^ May 19'h May i9'l> Kings Head, Drury Lane Plough in St Martins Lane Liverpool General Stuart's Regiment Apr. 13th 1757 Worcester Punch Bowl, Peck Lane Nottingham Note.— This List appears to have been commenced on 24 June, 1755, and continued to No. 37. The subsequent entries were made at different periods, and are, as will be seen, very incomplete, t " Bristol " in the manuscript is an error. It should have been " Liverpool." 34 ROLL OF LODGES, 1717 Note. — The dates at the head of the several columns are the years of the different "Enumerations" of the Lodges. 1729, 1740, 1755, 1770, 1780, 1731, and 1792) indicate the Enumerations of the premier Grand Lodge. The letter A denotes the Enumeration of the '^Ancients" or Athol Grand Lod«e. The dates 1814, 1832, and 1863 are those of the successive Enumerations under the United Grand Lodge of England. The first column contains the number of every Lodge at present on. the English Register. Name of Lodge Stewards' Lodge. Grand Stewards' Lodge, 1792. special Medal {1735). Frecntasons' Hall Medal C1781). Crimson Aprons &= Collars. Grand Master's Lodge, Named in 1759. Special Medal (1832). Red Apron Lodge. The West India and American Lodge, 1761. Lodge of Antiquity, 1770. A ^^ Masters* Lodge** (1760-69). Royal Medal (1812). Jewels of Gold. Red Apron Lodge. Places of Meeting Shakespeare's Head, Covent Garden, London 1735 Bedford's Head, Southampton Street, Covent Garden, ,, 1744 Shakespeare's Head, Covent Garden, n 1750 Bedford's Head, Southampton Street, Covent Garden, ,r 1753 Horn Tavern, Fleet Street, u 1761 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, m 1777 This Lodge was "placed at the Head of the List by orderof the Grand Lodge " without a number, 18 April 1792. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, n 1865 [Place unhi!07on] London 1756 Revived 16 December 1787. London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, n 1787 Crown and Anchor Tavern, Strand, n 1789 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1 8 1 7 Freemasons' Hall, « „ 1865 Freemasons' Tavern, ti i? 1880 Goose and Gridiron, St. Paul's Churchyard, LondOD 1717 King's Arms, St. Paul's Churchyard, n 1729 Paul's Head, Ludgate Street, n 1734 Horn and Feathers, Doctors' Commons, n 1736 King's or Queen's Arms, St. Paul's Churchyard, ,, 1736 Mitre, Fleet Street, „ 1769 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 178 1 United with Harodim Lodge ^ No. 467 [No. 558 0/ March 1790], in 1794. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, n 1865 Crown, Parker's Lane [now Parker's Street], Lincolns Inn Fields, London 1717 Queen's Head, Turnstile, Holborn, n 1723 Green Lettice, Brownlow St., Holborn, 1, 1725 Rose and Rummer, Furnival's Inn, 1, n 1727 Rose and Buffalo, n n „ 1729 Bull and Gate, m „ „ 17^0 Crossed out 0/ List in 1736, Turk's Head, Greek Street, Soho, London 1751 Rising Sun, Suffolk Street, Haymarket, n 1752 Thistle & Crown, Church Court, Strand, n 1752 King's Head, Hewitt's Court, Strand, 11 1754 One Tun, in the Strand, n 1769 Declared vacant ^ June 1783. No. 2 (A) -was purchased hy No, 32 (A) on 21 Feb. 1784 for ;£6 6^. od. " The Lodge No. 2 being declared vacant, the Lodge No. 32 having Warrant lately stolen from them, offered Li^ 6j. od. for No. 2." G. Com., ^ June 1783. Date of Warrant or Constitution 25 June 1735 Centenary Warrant 17 Feb. 1883- 13 Aug. 1759 Centenary Warrant, 31 May 1869. [1691] T.I. This date is from Engraved List, 1729 No. I of the Four Old Lodges. [1712] T.I. This date is from Engraved List, 1729 No. 2 of the Four Old Lodges. 17 July 1751 1729 117 B 1740 115 175s 70 1770 60 1780 47 1781 47 1792 A 1814 1832 1863 1 1 [ 35 ] i894 Name of Lodge Lodge of Fidelity, Named in 1816. Old Horn Lodge, 1767- Somerset House Lodge, 1774- Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge, 1828. Freemasons* Hall Medal (1781). special Medal (1858). Red Aproii Lodge. St. George's Lodge, 1820. St. George's and Corner Stone Lodge, 1843. Red Apron Lodge. Lodge of Friendship 10 March 1767. Freewasons* Hall Medal (1783). Red Apron Lodge. Places of Meeting Black Horse, Boswell Court, Carey Street, London 1754 Craven's Head, Drury Lane, m 1754 Wool Pack, Langley St., Long Acre, n 1755 Cheshire Cheese, Criitched Friars, n 1784 Ship, Tower Street, „ 1785 Rum Puncheon, Old Street, n 1804 Beckford's Head, n 1, 1805 Jerusalem Coffee House, Clerkenwell, n 1806 Crown Tavern, Clerkenwell Green, n 181 1 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, m 1841 Freemasons' Hall, n ,1 1S65 Rummer and Grapes, Channel Row, Westminster, London 1717 Horn Tavern, Westminster, before >i 1723 Krased ^ April 1747. Restored \ Sept. 1751. Horn Tavern, Westminster, .1 1751 Fleece, Tothill Street, ,, h 1767 King's Arms, New Palace Yard, m ip 1771 Turk's Head, Gerrard Street, Soho, n 1773 United with ^^ Somerset House Lodge," No. 2Tg [No. 279 i7/'22 May 1762], 10 Jan. 1774. Adelphi Tavern, Strand, n 1775 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1778 United with " Royal Inverness Lodge," No. 64S [(7/"i8i4], 25 Novendier 1828. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, it 1865 Cripple, Little Britain, Crown, St. Paul's Churchyard, London 1751 „ 1752 Ceased to meet regularly in tlie latter end of 1751. (G.L. Min.J Last entry 7 December 1757. [Place tinkiiowii] London Weavers' Arms, Pelham St. , Spitalfields, n No. 55 {A) purchased No. 3 (A) on 6 June i7S9i/<"' iC'i 14^- ^d. George and Vulture, Lower Shadwell, Half-way House, Stepney, George Tav. , Commercial Rd. , Stepney, Earl Grey, Mile End Road, George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, United with " Corner Stone Lodge^^ No. 37, \_No. 63 Moderns, of'j.^ Feb. 1730], 6 Dec. 1843. Piazza Coffee House, Covent Garden, Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, Freemasons' Hall, 11 1756 1759 1789 1806 1807 1836 1839 1850 1865 [Place nnknoxtinl London 1 721 Three Cranes, Poultry, 11 1723 Blank in 1725 List. Three Cranes, Poultry, n 1729 Ship, behind the Royal Exchange, n 1 731 Bell, Nicholas Lane, 11 173^ Crown, behind the Royal Exchange, .• 1739 Erased 25 March 1745. London \_Place tmknowji\ King's Head, Ivy Lane, Swan, Hampstead, No. 79 [o/z-j June 1731], united'with this Lodge in 1733. Shakespeare'sHead, Lit. Marlborough St. George & Dragon, Grafton Street, Soho, Sun and Punch Bowl, High Holborn, Thatched House Tavern, St. James's St., Star and Garter, New Bond Street, Thatched House Tavern, St. James's St., Willis's Rooms, King St. , St. James's Sq. Criterion, Piccadilly, 1721 1723 1730 1736 1751 1761 1767 1770 1777 1862 1890 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 18 Feb. 1754 and 26 Feb. 1784 Centenary Warrant, 24 April 1878. T.L No. 4 of the Four Old Lodges. Centenary Warrant, 22 Dec. 1883. 17 July 1751 2 Aug. 1756 and 6 June 1759 Warrant of Consolidation and Confirmation, 6 Dec. 1843. 11 July 1721 17 Jan. 1721 [17 Jan. 1720/1, Const. 1738]. Warrant of Confirmation, I Feb. 1886. 1729 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 32 2 B 55 3 B [ 36 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Hope, 1828. Royal York Lodge of PePseveFanee, 1832. British Lodge, Named in 1770. Jewels of Gold. Red Ajiron Lodge. Places of Meeting. Cannon, Water Lane, Fleet Street, London 1 75' Temple & Svm, Sheer Lane, Temple Bar, ., 1752 Red Llart, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, 1, 1 753 Bedford Arms, Bedford Court, Covent Garden, >i 1754 Swan and Cross Keys, Long Acre, n 1755 Lapsed about 1765. Last payment ^Juiic 1765. Sun Tavern, Ludgate Hill, London 1769 " Revived " by 14 members of No. 144 (A) which still continued. Mitre Tavern, Fleet Street, George, opposite the Church, Piccadilly, Orange [or Lemon] Tree, Haymarket, George, opposite the Church, Piccadilly, Hibernia Coffee House, Leicester Square Ax & Gate, Downing St., Westminster, Ship, Swallow Street, Bell, Leicester Fields, King's Arms, St. Alhan's Street, White Lion, Hemniing's Row, St. Martin's Lane, Percy Arms, Church Court, Strand, Crown and Thistle, Chandois Street, Albion, Beak Street, Regent Street, United with " Royal York Lodge of Per- severance^" No. 409 [iV(7. 493 0/ 7 May 1776], 12 .March [832. George and Hlue Hoar, Holborn, Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, Freemasons' Hall, n The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, Lapsed in 1761. Last entry 21 Jan. : [Place unknownl 761. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 17 July 1751 1778 1788 1797 1798 1802 1802 1803 1805 1806 1807 i8o'< 1828 1829 1832 1833 1865 6 Sept. 1769 Warrant of Renewal 29 Sept. 1774. Warrant of Consolidation and Confirmation, 12 March 1832. Centenary Warrant {Special Jewel), 22 May 1862. 729 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 4 B [Place iiiiknowii] LondOn Tom's Coffee House, Clare Street, near Clare Market, n Coach and Horses, Maddox Street, Hanover Square, ir Braund's Head, New Bond Street, n Crown and Rolls, Chancery Lane, n Crown, High Street, St. (iiles', n King's Arms, Oxford Street, n Sun, Curzon Street, Mayfair, n Mill's Coffee House, Gerrard St., Soho, „ George, Wardour Street, Soho, n Castle, Jermyn Street, Piccadilly, n White Horse, King St., Golden Square, n Nag's Head, Carnaby Square, n Burlington Arms, Old Burlington Street, n St. James' Tavern, Marylebone Street, Golden Square, n Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n Freemasons' Hall, n n Plaisterers' Arms, Little Gray's Inn Lane, London Horse Shoe, Ludgate Hill, n Red Lion, Dirty Lane, Long Acre, n 1722 1723 1730 '733 1757 1770 1773 1775 1776 178 1782 1783 1794 1798 1807 1810 1865 1751 1752 1754 London 1762 Lapsed about 1766. Last entry January 1766. 19 Jan. 1722 [ig Jan. iTiili, Const. 1738J. Warrant of Confirmation, 19 Dec. 1815. Centenary Warrant, 3 March 1869. 17 July 1751 22 Dee. 1762 5 A 5 B [ 37 ] 1894 Name of Lodge. Albion Lodge, Named in 1822. 10 Tyrian Lodge, 1768. Westminster and Keystone Lodge, 1792. Union Lodge, 1734- Places of Meeting. [Place iitiknmun'] London 1769 L. Dernwtt purchased Ko. 5 (A) in 1769 /or £5 5i. od. Castle Eating House, St. Micliael's Alley, Covnhill, „ 1774 Antwerp Tavern, Tliveadneedle Street, .1 1792 Sun, Foster Lane, Cheapside, n 1794 White Horse, Hartholomew Lane, Koyal Exchange, 1, 1796 Crown Tavern, Stationers' Court, Lud- gate Hill, „ 1S02 Abercrombie Tavern, Lombard Street, n 1804 Virginia Coffee House, Cornhill, n 1808 Antwerp Tavern, Threadneedle Street, ir 1812 King's Head Tavern, Kencliurch Street m 1818 Hercules Pillars, Great Queen Street, n 1822 St. Ann's Coffee Uo., Dean St., Soho, ,1 1825 Coach & Horses Tavern, New Compton Street, Soho, ,1 1827 Bedford Head 'I'avern, Maiden Lane, Covent CJarden, h 1828 l'.ell Tavern, Pall Mall, „ 1834 Unicorn, Jerniyn Street, Piccadilly, 1 1839 Star and Garter Tavern, Pall Mall n 1844 Union, Marylebone Street, Golden Sq. n 1847 Kreeniasons'Tavern,GreatQueenStreet, n 1849 Freemasons' Hall, n n 1865 Freemasons' Tavern, 1, m 1872 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, n 1874 Freemasons'Tavern, GreatQueenStreet, li 1877 Freemasons' Hall, m m 1878 Date of Warrant or Constitution. [Plact tin/inoztm'] London Crown, behind the Royal Exchange, Rummer, Queen Street, Cheapside King's Arms, 'I'ower Street, Seven Dials Tower, Tower Street, tp Fox and Goose, King Street, n Angel, St. Mary-le-Bonne, Talbot, Tottenham Court Road, Carlisle Arms, Queen Street, Soho, Greyhound, New Compton St., Soho, Angel Inn, St. Giles' Church, Coach & Horses, Frith Street, Soho, Horn Tavern, New Palace Yard, Westminster, Thatched House Tavern, St. James St., Old King's Arms Tav., New Palace Yd. Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, Freemasons' Hall, n 1722 1723 1729 1740 1753 1758 1766 1767 1781 1785 1786 1790 1792 179S 1799 1809 1865 {Place unknowii] London Duke of Chandoi-s's Arms, Edgw orth, fi " Edgeware " in Const. 1767, p. 203. Devil Tav^tm, within Temple Bar, >i Daniel's Coffee Ho., without Temple Barn King's Arms Tavern, Temple Bar, n Erased 4 April 1744. 1722 1723 1729 1735 1739 Globe, Bridges Street, Covent Garden, London 175' Brown Bear, Strand, m 1752 Rose and Crown, Clare Court, Drury Lane, n 1753 Lapsed in 1754, Last entry, Aug, 1753. 17 May 1769 Renewal Warrant. 30 June 1774. Names of members in 1774 are the same as in 1769, and pay- ments are continuous. Centenary Warrant {^Special Jcuief), 24 April 1857. 1729 1740 ■755 1770 1780 I78I 1792 I8I4 1832 1863 28 Jan. 1722 [28 Jan 1721/2, Const. 1738]. Warrant of Confirmation, 22 April 1822. Centenary Warrant {Special J eiveDy 2 May 1 360. 25 April 1722 17 July 1751 10 10 10 6 A [ 38 ] 1 894 11 Name of Lodge. Enoch Lodge, Named in 1819. 12 Lodge of Fortitude, 1768. Lodge of Fortitude and Old Cumberland, 1818. A " Masters' Lodge," 1803 — 1813. Places of Meeting. Red Cow, Holywell St., Strand, London 1754 Kp. 37 {Pi) purchased i\'fj. 6 ^^for £j is., 2 OcL 1754. King's Anns, Holywell Street, Strand, n 1755 Admiral Vernon, 114 Bishopsgate St., witliout, II 1770 King&Queen, Distaff Lane, Old Change n 1772 Bricklayers'Arms, Bristol St. HIaclsfriars 11 1776 Acorn Tavern, Upper Thames Street, m 17 Horn 'i'avern. Doctors' Commons, n 1793 Bricklayers' Arms, Earl Street, St. Andrews-by-lhe-VVardrobe, m 1797 Manchester Arms, BakerSt. Manchester Square, n 1799 The Goat, Stafford Street, Old Bond St. n 1800 Jacob's Well, CharlesSt.ManchesterSq. n 1801 Old Crown Tavern, Swallow Street, 11 1812 Jacob'sWell, CharlesSt.ManchesterSq. n 1816 Vernon's Head, North Aiidley Street, 11 1819 Merlin's Cave, South Audley Street, n 1826 Red Lion, Old Cavendish Street, Oxford Street, n 1830 Blue Posts, Charlotte St. Rathbone PI., .1 1831 Green Man, Berwick Street, St. James's, ,, 1837 Beattie's Hotel, GeorgeSt. HanoverSq. m 1840 Royal Hotel, Covent Garden, m 1841 Freemasons'TavenijGreatQueenSlreet, n 1S42 Freemasons' Hall, n m 1865 See page 40. 39- Date of Warrant or Constitution. 19 Aug. 1754 and 18 June 1755 [The Warrant of 1755 marks the com- pletion of the pur- chase agreed to 2 October 1754]. Centenary Warrant i^Special jewel), 19 July 1855. Apple Tree Tavern, Cliarles Street, Covent tJarden, London Queen's Head, Knaves Acre, Waidour Street, n George and Dragon, Portland Street, Oxford Market, Swan, Portland Street, Oxford Mkt. Fish & Bell, Charles St. Soho Square, Roe Buck, Oxford Street, King's ArmsTav. OldComptonSt. Soho Mill's Coffee House, Gerrard St. Soho, The Wrekin, Broad Court, Long Acre, Freemasons'Tavern, Great Queen Street, United with " Old Cuntbe^lartd Lodffc,^' No. 119 [No. 225 e/"24 Fell. 1753], ?'« 1818. Union Tavern, John Street, Oxford St. Shakespeare Tavern, Great Russell St. Covent Garden, British Coffee House, Cockspur Street, Quadrant Hotel, Quadrant, Regent St. Freemasons'Tavern, Great Queen Street, Freemasons' Hall, n Ship &Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall Street, 1717 1723 1740 1742 1750 1769 1793 179S 1803 1818 1821 1826 1827 1829 1865 Fountain, Monmouth Street, Dials, Seven London 1751 Erased 27 December 1752, for disobedience of 21st Rjile. Temple & Sun, Sheer Lane, Temple Bar, Angel Inn, Wych Street, St. Clements, Two Blue Posts, Cockpit Alley, DruryLa. 1 Declared vacant 27 December 1783. On T June 1787, No. 7 (A) is said to have heenp-antedtoBro. Agar, of No. 81 (A), for £6 6s. od. to the Charity, but the trans- action could not have been completed, as it •was again agreed to be sold in June 1788 . London 1752 1754 I7SS May 1722 25 Nov. 1722 27 Feb. 1723 [27 Feb. 1722/3 17383. No 3 of the Four Old Lodges. This Lodge ■was the Third on Lists to 1729. Its Mem- bers accepted a "Constitution" from Grand Lodge 27 Feb. 7723, by reason of which it became No. II in the enum- eration of 1729. Warrant of Confir- mation, 13 Nov. 1826 Centenary Warrant, 26 April 1876. 29 July 1751 29 Jan. 1752 Became No. 7, 27 December 1752. 1729 740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 37 A 6 B 1814 11 1832 11 1863 11 9 10 11 8 9 10 12 12 12 8 A 7 B 39 1 894 13 14 15 Name of Lodge. Union Waterloo Lodge, Named in 1826. Tuscan Lodge, 1777. Lodge of St. Mary-le-Bonne, 1791. Tuscan Lodge, again, 1815. Red Apron Lodse, Kent Lodge, Named in 1820. Places of Meeting. Royal Avtillei-y, Salutation, lieresftird Squai-e, Woolwich, London 1761 Ko. 86 fA) purchased Ko. 7 (A) for £5 ss- od.j \june 1788. Royal Mortar, Beresford Sq., Woolwich, i> 1792 Salutation Tavern, n ,1 n 1792 Prince of Wales Tavern, ,, „ 1795 Salutation Tavern, Beresford Sq. ip m 1S04 Star and Garter, Powis Street, n n iSofi Royal Oak, IMulgrave Place, p, pp 1807 Lord Whitworth Tavern, pp pp 1813 Ordnance Arms, Beresford Square pp pp 1814 Shakespeare Tavern, Powis Street, pp pp 181 Fortune of VVai", Thomas Street, pp pp 1819 Red Lion, Mulgrave Place, ip ,p 1822 BarracksTav., Woolwich Common pp pp 1825 United with Nos. 288 and 418 [A'^p?. 230 (A) o/i^J-une 1785, and No. 328 (A) ^23 Nov, iSio], I December 1826. GeorgelV.Tav. Rectory PI. Woolwich, pi 1830 Red Lion Tavern, Mulgrave PI., pp pp King's Arms Tavern, Frances St., pp pp 1837 Queen's Arms Tavern, Burrage Rd. IP ip 1839 King's Arms Tavern, Frances St., pp pp 1856 Freemasons' Tavein, Dock Yard, pp pp 1858 Masonic Hall, William Street, pp pp Freemasons' Hall, Mount Pleasant, Plumstead, Kent St. George and Dragon [" The George "] Charing Cross, London 1723 The Lion, Brewers St., Golden Squai-e, pp 1725 King's Arms, New Bond Street, ip 1730 Erased 25 Mar. 1745. Restored 7 Mar. 1748. King's Arms, New Bond Street, pp 1748 Erased 23 Jan. 1764. Restored 23 April i-j6^. King's Arms, New Bond Street, pp 1764 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, pp 1776 Three Tuns Tavern, Strand, pp 17S9 Unitedwith ^^Lod^e of St. Mary-le-Bonne^" No. 108 [No. 231 o/s Nov. 1773], 25 March 1791. Cavendish Square Coffee House, pp 1791 Manchester Coffee Ho., Manchester Sq., pp 1799 Erased 12 Feb. i8oa. Restored g April 1800. Marylebone Coffee House, Lower Titchfield Street, pp 1802 Stratford Coffee House, Oxford Street, pi 181 Freemasons' Tavein, Great Queen Street, pp 1819 Freemasons' Plall, tp pp 1865 Ship and Anchor, Quaker Street, Spitaifieids, London 1752 Vernon, Bishopsgate Street Without, pp 1752 Sign of the City of Norwich, pi 1758 Coopers' Arms, Kent St., Southwark, pp 1776 King Alfred's Head, Union Street, Bishopsgate Street, pp 1788 White Horse,. St. John's Street, pp 1789 Rose & Crown, Booth St., Spitaifieids, ,, 1793 Three Jolly Weavers, pp pp 1798 Coach & Horses, Brick Lane, pp p, 1799 Phoenix, Brick Lane, ip ip 1799 Castle, Quaker Street, pi pp 1802 Grey Eagle, Eagle Street, n pi 1802 Golden Hart, Phcenix Street, ip p. 1805 Star, Wilkes Street, pp n 1821 White Hart, Abchurch Lane, ip 1836 Ship, Camden Street, Islington, pi 1838 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, ip 1840 Old Commodore, Montague Street, Whitechapel, 11 1844 Gerard's Hall Hotel, Basing Lane, n 1846 Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, ip 185 1 ThreeTunsTavern,HighSt. Southwark, pp 1852 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, 11 1S69 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, p. 1873 6 March 1761 and 4 June 1788 W. M. 0/ No. 86 stated to G. L, that understanding thi ii''arrant 0/ No. 7 was dormant^ they would give £^ ss od. Agreed to. G.L.Min. 4 June 1788. Warrant of Confirm.-ition and Consoliidation, I December 1826. Centenary Warrant, 25 Aug. 1886. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 25 Nov. 1722 Warrant of Confirmation, 21 December 1824. Centenary Warrant, 9 May 1873. 30 Jan. 1752 Became No. 8 27 December 1752. Warrant renewed 17 May 1758. Centenary Warrant {.Special Jewel), 20 May 1858. 1729 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 86 7 c I»I4 13 1832 13 1863 13 10 14 14 14 9 A 8 B 15 15 15 40 1 894 16 Name of Lodge. Ionic Lodge, 1768. United Lodge of Ionic and Prudence, 1800. Royal Alpha Lodge, 1824. Royal Medal, 1844. Albion Lodge, from 1832. Places or Meeting. London Fountain I'avern, Strand, One Tun, Nol)le Street, Falcon Square Red Cross, i5arbican, Mitre, Mitre Street, witliin Aldgate, Sun, Milk Street, Honey Lane Market, Crown, Leadenliall Street, Running Hoise, David St., BerkeleySq. White Horse, n m Running Horse, m it King's Arms, Lower Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, Coacli & Horses, Dover .St., Piccadilly, United wiih " Lodge 0/ Pi-iidence and Peter," No. 6g [No. 183 0^26 June 1740], in 1800. Malpas Arms, Charles St. Grosvenor Sq. Tower Coffee House, New Bond Street Malpas Arms, CharlesSt. GrusvenorSq. Worcester Coffee House, Oxford Street The Union Tavern, John St., n Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, United with ^^ Alpha Lod^e," No. 43 [No. 76 ('/1730], in 1823, and with " Royal Lodge,'^ No. 210 [Ao. 313 0/ 4 April 1764], tit 1824. King's Arms Assembly Rooms, Kensington, Guillion's Hotel, Albemarle Street, Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, Clarendon Hotel, New Bond Street, St. James' Hotel, Piccadilly, Willis's Rooms, King St., St. James's Sq. Hotel Metropole, Northumberland Avenue, 1722 1723 172S 1737 1745 1748 1755 1762 1768 1779 178 179S 1804 1808 ig 1810 181 1822 1S24 1856 1857 1861 1867 Duke's Head, Winfield Street, Spitaltields, London 1752 Erased 27 Deceinher \-j'^n,foy disobedience of ■ Rtile. Thistle & Crown, Church Court, Strand, London 1752 *' Declared vacajtt, null and void," /or noft-payjitent 7 Augttst tj^^. Blaitk in 1755 List. Plougb, St. Martin's Lane, London 1756 No. 50 {.PC) ptt7-chased No. g (A) i7t 1757. Lapsed abotit \']ti. Last entty March 1761. [Place unknown'\ London 1771 No. g (A) was purchased by S . G. ]V . Clarke and others, Jbr £s 5^- °d. iti ifji. Lapsed, and Warrant delivered up, 3 Sept. ijTj. ^^ Insnjjficient Bletnhers,'^ G. L. Mitt. Fourth Battalion Regiment of Royal Artillepy, New York, U. s. America St. John's, Newfoundland, N. America No. 213 iX) ptirchased No. 9 (A) 20 December 1787, fo^ £>S S^' °d. to the Charity. Fourth Battalion Regiment of Royal Artillepy, Woolwich, London Bro. Ward's House, Quebec, Canada Officers' Mess Rooms, DaupliinBarracks, n i> Frank's Tavern, n n ^' Sevcj-ed con?iection/rotn G. L, of New Yorkin 1783, and retired 7vith the English Army o?t the Ev'actiation of the City." {Hist. G. L. New i'ork, p. xxxvii.) Contimiedon English Register tintil 1870. Joined G. L. of Canada 27 Dec. i86g. Now No. 2 on Reg. of G. L. of Quebec. 1781 1783 1787 1789 1790 1790 1791 Date of Warrant or Constitution. May 1722 Warrant of Confirmation, 1 January 1881. 1 Feb. 1752 12 June 1752 Became No. g 27 December 1752. 13 May 1756 17 April 1771 3 July 1781 Constituted at New York, 18 Oct. 1781. 20 Dec. 1787 Warrant of Rene'wal as a Civil Lodge, 27 January 1829. Centenary Warrant {Special Jewel) ^ 3 April 1862. 1729 [740 I7SS 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832. 863 16 16 16 10 A 11 A 9 B 50 A 9 c 9 D 213 A 9 E 17 17 17 41 l894 18 Name of Lodge. Dundfee Arms Lodge. 1770. Old Dundee Lodge, 1835- 19 Royal Athelstan Lodge, Named in 1816. Places of Meeting. London Ship, Bartholomew Lane, Crown, Bow Lane, Cheapside, Globe Tavern, Moore Gate, Three Tuns, Swithins Alley, Thread- needle Street, Castle, Drury Lane, Crown, Shadwell, Crown, New Crane, Wapping, Dundee Arms, Wapping New Stairs, Private Room, Red Lion St., Wapping, George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, Alders, Mark Lane, George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, 1723 1725 1725 1727 1733 1739 •739 1747 1764 1821 1826 1835 1846 1876 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 27 Mar. 1723 [March 1722/3 Const. 1738]. Warrant of Confirmation, 5 June 1839. Centenary Warrant {special Jetvel), 24 June 1863. Vernon,BishopsgateStreetWithout, London 1752 Lapsed about 1768. Last entry in Register Dec. 1763. Attended G.L. xo. June 1767. 15 Sept. 1752 Became No. lo, 27 December 1752. Ship, in the Strand, London 1769 Removal confirmed by Grand Comtnittee 6 Dec. 1775, bnt place of Removal not mentioned. ^iiS Griffin, Villiers Street, York Buildings n 1790 City ofHereford, Litchfield Street, Soho, « 1791 Red Lion, Cross Lane, Long Acre, n 1792 No. 15Q CA) purchased No. 10 (A) /or £^ 5J. od. 7 March 1792. " No. 10 granted and rernved to the Brothers of No. iS9 for £^ 5s. od." G.L. Min. 7 March 1792, Bedford Arms, Charlotte Street, Bedford Square, n 1793 Crown, Seven Dials, n 1796 Coachmakers' Arms, Long Acre, n 1803 Butchers' Arms, Clements Lane, Clare Market, m 1803 Golden Lion, Cross Street, Long Acre, „ 1804 Golden Anchor, m " " 1809 King's Arms, High Holborn, n 1810 King's Head, n " 1811 Angel Inn, High Street, Bloomsbury, 11 1812 Fitzroy Coffee House, Fitzroy Street, Bedford Square, " 1829 George and Blue Boar, Holborn, 11 1834 King's Head, Museum Street, n 1835 Fitzroy Hotel, Fitzroy Street, Bedford Square, i' '835 Percy Hotel, Rathbone Place, n 1837 George and Blue Boar, Holborn, 11 1839 London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, 11 1 851 Clarence Hotel, Aldersgate Street, n 1851 George and Blue Boar, Holborn, ir 1852 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, ir 1862 Inns of Court Hotel, Holborn, 11 1867 City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, n 1868 London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, n 1876 Mansion House Station Restaurant, n 1876 Criterion, Piccadilly, " 1876 Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Holborn, m 1877 City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, n 1878 1729 12 1740 1755 1770 17S0 1781 1792 1814 18 1832 18 1863 18 12 A 10 B 27 Feb. 1769 and 7 Mar. 1792 Centenary Warrant, 19 Nov. 1868. 159 A 10 c 19 19 19 42 i894 Name of Lodge. 20 Kentish Lodge of Antiquity, 1781. Royal Kent Lodge of Antiquity, 1819. A " Masters' Lodge," I738-39- Places of Meeting. St. David's Lodge, Anchor, Dutchy Lane, Strand, London 1723 Fountain, in the Strand, n 173' l^edford Arms, Covent Garden, u 1733 TwoBlackPosts,MaidenLa., Gov. Garden II 1736 SunTheatre, Clare Market Cofifee House, m 1737 Theatre Coffee House, Bridges Street, u 1738 Bury's Coffee House, 11 n 173^ Cock & LionTavern, St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill, ^ >i 174° Blossom's Inn, Lawrence Lane, Cheap- side, " 1741 Boar's Head, Garter & Crown, Finch La. .■ 1744 Blossom's Inn, Lawrence Lane, Cheap- side, II 1744 Queen's Head,Red Cat La., Chatham./c'eKi' 1748 Bunch of Grapes, n I75' Globe Tavern, Globe Lane, n 1763 Mitre Tavern, h m 1767 Post Office, High Street, n 177° Sun Tavern, n 11 179° Mitre Tavern, Globe Lane, 11 1820 Sun Tavern, High Street, n 1822 United uiith '■^ Lodge of Unanimity,'' No. 729 {^qf-^ijan. t82t], in 1828. Sun Hotel, High Street, m 1879 Mitre, Broadwall, Upper Ground, South wjrV Lond Date of Warrant or Constitution. 28 Mar. 1723 Warrant of Confirmation, i6 September 1787. Warrant of Confirmation, 1820. [Date quite illegible] Centenary Warrant, 30 June 1873. wark. London 1752 Blank in 1755 List. Last entry inRegister, Dec. 1763. Vacant 7 March 1787. (C-i. Min.) Queen's Head, Great Queen Street, London 1723 Turk's Head, South St., Wandsworth, m 1753 King's Arms, High Street, n 11 1757 Erased 20 Nov. 1782. Restored \-^ Feb. 1788. King's Arms, High Street, Wandsworth, n 1 788 Erased again 3 March 1830. Carlisle Arms, Queen Street, Soho, London 1752 White Hart, Shug Lane, " 1753 White Swan, New St., Covent Garden, u 1753 ^'- Declared vacant, null and void' for non-payment, 7 August 1754. Blank in 1755 List. Bear's Paw, London 1756 No. 54 (A) purchased No. 12 CA) for £i iS. od., I December 1756. Cross Keys, Bear St., Leicester Fields, n 1757 Ship, in the Strand, 11 I77I Lapsed before 1 7 8 1 . 1781, Aug. 15, " Leave granted to a Brother, formerly of No. 12, now extinct, to join another Lodge, he having been in the country where no Lodge was held."— G.Z. Min. Bull's Head, Southwark, LondOn I7f3 Rummer, St. Mary Overys[St. Saviour's] ,_„ Churchyard, Southwark, n 1739 Bull's Head, Southwark, n 1 741 Swan, West Smithfield, n 1751 Blue Anchor, Rosemary Lane, 11 1755 Anchor and Hope, Aldgate Ward Coffee House, Leadenhall Street, m 1763 Three Tuns, Aldgate, n 1764 Cross Keysi Henrietta Street, Cov.Gardenii 1764 Anchor and Hope, Aldgate Ward Coffee House, Leadenhall Street, n 1765 Three Crowns, East Smithfield, n 1766 Two Brewers, St. Catherine's, Wapping.ii 1775 Erased 24 April 1776. 13 Nov. 1752 Became No. ii, 27 December 1752. 30 Mar. 1723 1729 1740 1755 1770 13 12 10 10 1780 10 1781 10 1792 10 1814 20 1832 20 1863 20 4 Nov. 1752 Became No. 12, 27 December 1752. 14 June 1756 and 1 Dee. 1756 13 A 11 B 14 13 11 11 11 11 11 21 14 A 12 B 54 A 12 c 1 April 1723 15 14 12 12 [ 43 ] i894 21 Name of Lodge. Mourning Bush Lodge, Named in 1769. Lodge of Emulation, 1783- FreemcLSons' Halt Medal (1783). Red Apron Lodge, French Lodge, 1737- Anchor and Baptist's Head Lodge, 1767. Places of Meeting. Red Lion, Tottenham Court Road, London 1723 Goat, at the foot of the Ilaymarket, n 1730 Bedford Court Coffee House, Bedford Court, Covent Garden, n 1734 Private Room, Red Lion St., liolborn, u 1735 Turk's Head, Fleet Street, „ 1736 Cross Keys, corner of St. Martin's Lane, n 1736 Le Guerre Tavern, n n 1738 St. Martin's, „ n 1738 Turk's Head, Temple Bar, n 1738 Bedford Arms, Covent Garden, n 1739 Erased 21 Noi'emher 1745. Ben's Coffee House, New Bond St., London 1723 Bull's Head, Vere Street, h 1725 Buffalo, in Bloomsbuiy, it 1725 Buffalo and Gaiter, in Bloomsbury, n 1729 Crown, St. Giles's, h 1731 Shakespeare's Head, Covent G.irden, n 1736 [Blank in 1737-38 Lists], Crown, St. Giles's, n 1739 Shakespeare's Head, Covent Garden, ti 1739 Bearand Rummer, Gerrard Street, Soho, it 1741 Erased 21 Noveniber 1745. Ship, behind the Royal Exchange, London 1723 St. Paul's Head, Ludgate Street, n 1727 Crown, Ludgate Hill, n 1729 Sun, Holborn, n 1736 Erased 25 March 1745. Griffin, Newgate Street, London 1723 Green Dragon, Snow Hill, ti 1728 Crown Tavern, n ti 173^ Queen's Arms, Newgate Street, n 1732 Mourning Bush Tavern, Aldersgate St., n 1735 Feathers Tavern, Cheapside, n 1765 Paul's Head Tavern, Cateaton Street, n 1769 United with " Lod^e 0/ Emulation," No. 255 [No. 390, 0/ II April 1767J, October 1780. AntwerpTavern,ThreadneedIe Street, n 1800 Georgeand Vulture T.avern, Cornhill, n 1815 London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, it 1845 The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, n 18 Dolphin, in Tower Street, London 1723 Swan, Long Acre, ti 173° ■Vine, II 11 1744 Erased 25 March 1745. Nag's Head, Princes Street, Drury Lane, Anchor and Baptist's Head, Chancery Lane, Crown and Rolls, Chancery Lane, Erased 10 April 1782. London 1723 I, 1730 II 1767 Marshalsea Tap House, Marshal- sea, Southwark, London 1752 Tiger's Head, Borough, n 1753 Black Bull, 11 II 1754 Last entry December 1757. Declared vacant 6 December 1758. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 3 April 1723 1723 3 April 1723, is given in the Constitutions (German) 1743. 5 May 1723 15 May 1723 Warrant of Confirmationj 15 March i8to. Centenary Warrant, 16 Jan. 1872. 12 June 1723 4 Aug. 1723 7 Dec. 1752 Became No. 13, 27 Dec. 1752, [729 1740 I7SS 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 16 15 17 16 18 17 19 18 13 13 12 12 12 22 21 21 20 19 21 20 14 14 13 13 15 A 13 B 44 1 894 22 Name of Lodge. Neptune Lodge, Named in 1 83 1. Greenwich Lodge, 1764. Fraternal Lodge, 1784. Fraternal Lodge, 23 Globe Lodge, Named in 1768. Red Apron Lod^e, Places of Meeting. Deptford, London i7S7 No. 64 (A) ngjeed to purchase No. 13 (A) 6 Dec. iTs^,/or £-2 2s. od. Com- pleted 18 July 1759- GriflSn, Rack Lane, Deptford, n 1759 Roman Eagle, Church Street, ir n 1775 George Tavern, Grove Street, ir p 17^3 King's Arms, King's Yard Gate, n n 17^4 George Tavern, Grove Street, n n 1793 Noah's Ark, n " 1793 Bombay Castle, Grove Street, ir n 1794 Noah's Ark, u n 1794 Griffin, Back Lane, n n 1795 Noah's Ark, n u 1795 Bombay Castle, Grove Street, n n 1796 Garrick's Head, 11 n 1796 Ship l^ombay Castle, Grove St., n n 1797 JoUySailor, RotherhitheKd. Rotherhithe i. 1801 Royal Oak, 1. n 1805 Bunch of Grapes, n n 1808 Ship, 11 11 iS Neptune, Neptune Street, n n 1810 Noah's Ark, n n 1823 Black Boy Tavern, Wapping, 11 1826 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, n 1837 King's Head Tavern, Poultry, 11 1850 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, m 1854 Radley's Hotel, Bridge St., Blackfriars, 11 1855 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, n 1871 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 14 Dee. 1757 18 July 1759 Warrant of Confirmation, October 1835. Centenary Warrant (^Special Jewel), 12 Nov. 1864. London Ship, Fish Street Hill, Swan, Fish Street Hill, Bull's Head, Gracechurch Street, Dog Tavern, Billingsgate, Three Tuns, n White 1 -ion, nr Execution Dock, Wapping Ship, l-)utt Lane, Deptford, Griffin, Back Tane, ir Royal Magazine, East Lane, Greenwich, Golden Anchor, Ballast Key, East Greenwich, Mitre, Church Street, Greenwich, Greyhound Inn, Stockwell St., n Mitre Tavern, Church St., n Lapsed in 1803. The Minute Booh of this Greeitivich Lodge to 1803 is in the possession of Lodge No. 20%, at Dews- bury. 1723 1731 1737 1738 1741 1743 1745 1746 1754 1756 1775 1793 1797 Assembly Rooms, King's Arms, Erased 4 Decemhei Deal, Kent 1803 I8I4 , 1822. Plaisterers' Arms, Little Gray's Inn Lane, London 1752 Thistle & Crown, Church Court, Strand n 1753 Turk's Head, East St., Red LionSq., w 1754 Crown, Crown Court, Fleet Street, 11 1755 No. T4 (A) refused to pay to G. L. 5 December 1770. Lapsed, and Warrant delivered up 4 December 1782. Half Moon, Cheapside, London 1723 Sun, South side of S. Paul's Churchyard n 1725 Half Moon, Cheapside, n 1726 Bell, Noble Street, Falcon Square, n 1755 Salutatfon, Gray Friars, Newgate Street n 1757 Fountain, Snow Hill, n 1762 Globe Tavern, Fleet Street, n 1766 Crown and Rolls, Chancery Lane, n 1768 Globe Tavern, Fleet Street, n 1792 White Hart Tavern, Holborn, n 1793 Freemasons' Tavern, Great QueenStreet, n 1815 Freemasons' Hall, n 11 1865 11 Sept. 1723 1803 11 Dee. 1752 Became No. 14, 27 Dec. 1752. 18 Sept. 1723 Warrant of Confirmation, 1828. [Day and month not in Warrant]. Centenary Warrant {Special Jewel), L19 Aug.] 1864. 1729 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 64 A 13 c 23 22 1863 22 22 21 15 15 14 14 13 A 13 B 24 16 A 14 B 23 22 16 16 15 15 14 25 23 23 [ 45 ] i894 Name of Lodge. 24 Athol Lodge. Neweastle-upon- Tyne Lodge, 1814. Places of Meeting. United Traders' todge, 1768. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Crown, near Cripplegate, London 1723 [ Blank in 1725 Lists] . Bedford's Head, Southampton Street, Covent Garden, n 17^9 Crown, without Cripplegate, n 1730 White Swan & Royal Oak, Whitecross St n 1734 Hull's Head & Three Tuns, Newgate St n 1748 Griffin, [Green Dragon], Fleet Street, n 1748 Dog Tavern, Garlick Hill, Thames St., n 1752 Erased 17 Nov. 1760. Restored ahout 1763. White .Swan, Whitecross Street, n 1763 White Swan, Bunhill Row, Moorfields, n 1773 Erased again 28 April 1775. King's Head, Marylebone Street, Golden Square, London I7S3 Thistle and Crown, Swallow Street, n 1755 Last entry Sept. 1765. Lapsed about 1766. Star and Garter, NeWCastle-Upon-TynC, Northiivibc-rland 1805 Half Moon Tavern, Bigg Market, n 1806 Masons'Hall, liell'sCourt,NewgateSt. n l8ir Warrant of No. 15 (A) granted to No. t3i (A) 2 April 1813, iji lieu of War- rant of No. 131 returned. United with St. Nicholas Lodge, No. 261 (.Moderns) {No. 378 ofig Nov. 1766], ijt 1814. Masons' Hall, Ridley Court, Groat Market, 11 1825 Nag's Head Inn, Butcher Bank, n 1832 Three Tuns Yard, Cloth Market, n 1835 Corn Exchange Hotel Yard, n ti 1836 Freemasons' Hall, Nelson Street, ,1 1837 „ Blackett Street, n 1S53 „ Grainger St. West ,r 187 „ Shakespeare St., n 1893 [Place till known] London 1723 Swan, East Street, Greenwich, ,1 1725 Mitre, Church Street, 11 King's Head, n Punch Bowl & Ladle, London St. n Lubec, 11 " White Horse, Wheeler Street, Spitalfields Greyhound, Lamb Street, n laue Coat Boy, Newgate Street, Ben Jonson's Head, Little Britain, St. John's Gate, St. John's Lane, Clerkenwell, Blue Lion & Ball, Gray's Inn Passage, Red Lion Square, Red Horse, Old Bond Street, Pewter Platter, Cross St., HattonGarden London Punch House, Ludgate Hill, Jacob's Ladder, New London Tavern, Cheapside, United with the " United City Lodge" No.H [No. t8o, of 16 Jan. 1740), gFei. 1791- Bolt and Tun, Silver Street, Fleet St., Erased 12 Febi-uary 1800. 20 Oct. 1723 [Nov. 1723. Eng. List, 1729]. 9 Jan. 1753 24 Sept. 1805 2 April 1813 Centenary Warrant, 25 Feb. 1870. 1729 1740 24 23 24 Dee. 1723 1729 1730 1733 1734 1736 1739 1741 1743 1743 1751 1759 1761 1781 1788 1795 25 '755 17 770 17 24 The Old Devil at Temple Bar, London 1724 King's Arms, Strand, ir 1728 White Swan & Royal Oak, Whitecross St., „ 1733 Brett's Coffee House, Charles Street, St. James's Square, 11 1734 Key and Garter, Pall Mall, ,1 1734 Dog Tavern, St. James's Market, n 1739 Erased 21 Nove7nber 1745. 25 Mar. 1724 26 18 1780 [781 1792 1814 1832 1863 15 B 131 B 15 c 26 24 24 18 16 16 25 15 [ 46 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Blue Posts, near Middle Lane, Holborn, London 1724 CrownandSceptres, St. Martin's Lane, ii 1725 Forrest's Coffee House, Charing Cross, n 1735 Erased 25 March 1745. Queen's Head, Cheap Street, Bath, Somersetshire 1724 Erased in 1736. Nag's Head, Wine Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire 1724 Erased in 1736. King and Queen, Capel Street, Rosemary Lane, London 1753 " Declared vacant^ null and void " for non-payment^ 7 August 1754. Date ofWarrant or Constitution. 27 Mar. 1724 25 Robert Burns Lodge, Named in 1820. Angel Lodge, 1758. Tuns Lodge, 1758. Thatehed House Lodge, 1762. White Swan Lodge, 1778. Lodge of St. John. [Place unknown] London i757 1724 1724 729 1740 175s 1770 1780 1781 [792 1814 1832 1863 27 26 28 29 Lapsed about 1760. Last payment 3 Sept. 1760. Queen's He'ad, Crown Court, Princes Street, Soho, London 1810 Edinburgh Castle, New Church, Strand „ 1812 Hercules Pillars, Great Queen Street, m 1814 King's Arms, Tichbourne Street, n 1819 Private Room, 12 Maiy-le- Bone Street, n 1820 Feathers, Duke Street, St. James's, 1. 1822 King's Head Tavern, Marylebone Street, Golden Square, " 1823 Kent& Sussex Hotel,Jermyn St, Piccadilly,! 1835 Biitannia Tavern, Berwick Street, Soho, 1, 1837 Harp Tavern, Jermyn Street, Piccadilly, n \i Unicorn Tavern, tr n n 1841 British Coffee House, Cockspur Street, n iS Freemasons'Tavern, GreatQueen Street, n 1846 Freemasons' Hall, u " 1865 Maid's Head, Cook Row [now Magdalen Street], Norwich, Norfolk 1724 Three Tuns, London Lane, Norwich 1736 Angel Tavern, Market Place, rr 1745 Maid's Head, Cook Row, n 1755 Angel Inn, Market Place, n 1756 Three Tuns, London Lane, 11 175^ Thatched House, Upper Westwick St., St. Lawrence Parish, n 1 762 White Swan, Upper Market Street, St. Peter's, " I77S Erased 10 February i8og. Swan, East Street, ChiehCSter, Sussex 1724 Dolphin, West Street, m 1734 White Horse, South Street, 1, 1738 Dolphin, West Street, 11 175° Erased in 1769. " No Lodge therefor -zo years*' — E7ig. List, i7'59. Spread Eagle, Castle Street, Chester, Cheshire 1724 Pied Bull, Northgate Street, Chester 1729 Spread Eagle, Castle Lane, m 173^ Union Arms, Bridges Street, n 174° Erased in 1755. 10 Jan. 1753 April 1757 10 July 1810 1724 16 B 16 c 16 D 27 25 25 30 27 19 19 17 17 16 ,17 July 1724 Is said to have been certainly in existence in 1695. 1724 31 28 20 32 29 47 iS94 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Antiquity, Places of Meeting. Castle and Falcon, Watergate Street, Chester, Cheshire 1724 Crown & Mitre, Northgate Street, Chester 1736 Erased in 1739. Bay-Nag's Head and Star, Dark Gate, CarmaPthen, Carmarthenshire 1 724 Kunch of Grapes, Carmarthen 1733 Erased 29 November 1754. Scot's Arms, Haymarket, London 1753 White Hart, Shiig Lane, n 1753 Thirteen Cantons, n 1753 Dorset Head, Villiers St. , York B'ld'gs, n 1 754 Star and Garter, St. Martin's Lane, n 1754 Two Brewers, Mid Holborn, n 1755 Lajised about 1771. No entry after Dec. 1770. East India Arms, High Street, GospOPt, Hampshire 1729 Two Posts, Broad Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire 1736 Vine, Lombard Street, Portsmouth 1738 Three Tuns, 109 High Street, >, 1752 E}-asedin error 2j ApritiTj-^' Re-instated itt 1774. King's Arms, 94 High Street, Portsmouth 1790 Three Tuns, 109 m m 1794 George Inn, 31 ir ti 1799 Mitre Tavern, Butcher Row, PoPtsea, Hampshire 1804 Erased again 5 September 183S. Angel, Moody St., Congleton, Cheshire 1729 Red Lion, High Street, Congleton 173 Erased 29 November 1754. Rummer, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London 1725 Cross Keys, Henrietta Street, n 1727 Three Tuns, Wood Street, n 1729 Three Kings, Spitalfields, 1. 1731 Sash & Cocoa Tree, Upper Moorfields, n 1732 Erased 14 April 1746. Vernon, Bishopsgate St. Without, London 1753 Three Sugar Loaves, St. John's Street, Spitalfields, " I754 Bull and Butcher, Rag Fair, 1 1754 Lapsed in 1755. " Master of No. 18 declared he, nor the members of his Lodge, No. 18, would contribute to Grand Fund, nor attend Grand Lodge for the future."— (G.L. Min.'j 2 April 1755. Seventeenth Regiment of Foot A Lodge appears in Ahiman Rezons of 1804, 1807 and 1813 under this Title as No. 18, without any location. After very careful investigation, it does not appear to have ever been on the English Roil. There are no entries or references to it in Grand Lodge Registers. In the Ahiman Rezon of 1804, under Pennsylvania, the Local No. 18 is "British 17th Regiment of Foot." This No. 18 existed in America in 1779 and 1786, and was called Unity Lodge" in 17th British Regiment. Theie was a "Unity Lodge" in the same Regiment warranted in 1771 as No. 16B on the Scotch Register, and probably the Lodge alluded to in the Ahiman Rezon IS the Scotch Lodge, which had taken the local Pennsylvania Warrant No. 18. - Vide Proc. G.L. of Penfi'a, p. 60. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1724 1724 13 Map. 1753 1724 Constituted 27 Feb. 1726. Warrant of Confirmation, 1823. 1724 July 1724 1729 33 34 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 30 17 35 31 21 20 18 18 17 28 26 36 37 32 33 4 May 1753 18 A 18 B L 48 J 1894 26 Name of Lodge. Castle Lodge, 1770. Castle Lodge of Harmony, 1776. Freemasons' Hall Medal (1781). Red Apron Lodge. Places of .Meeting. ^Masters' Lodge,' i738-3'3- Lodge of Philanthropy, 1788. Blue Posts, Devereux Court, without Temple Bar, London Swan, Tottenham High Cross, Ware Kd., n Three Tuns & Bull's Head, Cheapside, n Goat, Eagle Court, Strand, n Sun, Hooper's Sq., Goodman's Fields, n Three Kings, Minories, 11 Marshal and Anchor, Minories, n Anchor and Hope, Little Minories, n Swan and Rummer, Finch Lane, n Castle Tavern, Lombard Street, n White Lion, Cornhill, n George & Dragon, Ironmonger Lane, m Crown, Bow Lane, Cheapside, n United with " Lodge of Harmony, No. 389 \_No. 453, of 1'] Oct. 1769], in 1776. Horn Tavern, Doctors' C'ommons, m Piazza Coffee House, Covent Garden, m Thatched House Tavern, St. James's St., n Westminster Palace Hotel, Victoria Street, Westminster, n Willis's Rooms, KingSt., St. James's Sq., n Savoy Hotel, Victoria Embankment, n 1725 1727 17.33 1736 1739 1741 1744 1744 174S •75' 1763 1766 1768 1776 1827 1847 1862 1865 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 22 Jan. 1725 Warrant of Confirmation, I June 1826. Centenary Warrant, II March 1879. Fountain, Monmouth Street, Seven Dials, London 1753 George, Broad St. Giles's, Holborn, n 1754 " Declared vacant, null and void' for non-payment, 7 August 1754. Swan and Rummer, Finch Lane, London 1726 Swan, Exchange Alley, Cornhill, 11 1730 Swan and Rummer, Finch Lane, ' n 1731 Swan and Rummer, Bartholomew Lane,ii 1739 United with No. 47 \^No. 53 (7/^1728], in 1743. Ship, behind the Royal Exchange, n 1745 Pope's Head, Pope's Head Alley, Cornhill, ci 1751 Lapsed. Queen's Head, High Street, Stoekton-Upon-Tees, Durham 1756 Black Lion, High Street, Stockton-upon-Tees 1773 Their Hall, Masons' Court, n '796 Erased 5 September 1838. Hampshire Hog, Goswell Street, London 1753 Lapsed about 1756. No. 20 (A) ivas purchased by some jnembers of No. 276 (A)yi'?';^5 5^. od., 26 Sept. 1792. Freemasons' Tavern, Sir Thomas's Buildings, Liverpool, Lancashire 1792 Private Lodge Room, Liverpool 1794 Lancaster Tavern, Harrington Street, n 1796 Crown and Anchor, Pall Mall, n 1797 Butt Tavern, Sir Thomas's Buildings, n 1799 Freemasons' Hall, Bold Street, .. 1800 York Hotel, Williamson Square, n 181 Neptune Hotel, Clayton Square, m 1820 Erased 5 June 1822. N.B. — No. 31 of 1814, although era.sed, appears on the Roll of 1832, with the same number, 31. 15 May 1753 2 Feb. 1726 \i.e. 1725-6] 2 Dee. 1756 9 July 1753 1729 1740 '755 1770 1780 38 34 22 21 19 [781 19 1792 18 1814 29 1832 27 1863 26 19 39 35 23 A 23 B 22 20 20 19 30 28 20 A 26 Sept. 1792 20 B 31 31 49 1 894 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Cordiality, 1796. 27 28 Egyptian Lodge, Named in 1839. King's Arms Lodge, Named in 1742. Old King's Arms Lodge, 1779. RedA^ron Lodge (to 1852). Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Mitre Tavern, Covent Garden, London 1725 Rummer, Paternoster Row, n 1728 St. Paul's Head, Ludgate Street, u 1729 Sun, St. Paul's Churchyard, n 1737 Sun, Ludgate Street, 11 1748 Globe, Fleet Street, n 1768 Talbot, Gray's Inn Lane, n 1795 Chancery Coffee Hou«e, Southampton Buildings, Holborn, n 179^ White Hart, Holborn, u 1799 Swan Tavern, Broadway, Walham Green, n 1800 Erased 3 March 1830. Hand and Apple Tree, Little Queen Street, Holborn, London 1725 King's Arms, Westminster, n 1 728 Vine, High Holborn, n 1729 Erased in 1737. King Henry's Head [Henry VIH], Great St. Andrew's Street, Seven Dials, London 172S Blank 1730 — 1732. Salutation, Billingsgate, n 1733 Angel and Crown, Whitechapel, n 173^ '^ Not attended since 28 June 1738." {M.S. on List, 1741.) Erased 24 June 1742. One Tun, in the Strand, London 1753 Cheshire Cheese, Savoy Hill [Alley], Strand, " '754 Last entry Dec. 1763. A ttended G. L. June 1767. Lapsed about 1768. Black Horse, Boswell Court, Carey Street, London 1811 Castle, Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Crown, Essex Street, Strand, Coopers' Arms, Cow Cross, West Smithtield, George, Brook Street, Holborn, Exeter Hall Hotel, Strand, Old Ship Tavern, Chichester Rents, Chancery Lane, George & Blue Boar Tavern, Holborn, Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, 1812 1813 1820 1825 1845 1850 1853 1863 April 1725 10 May 1725 25 May 1725 10 July 1753 17 June 1811 1729 1740 40 36 I7S5 24 1770 23 1780 [781 21 21 1792 20 1814 32 1832 1863 41 42 37 21 A 21 B 33 29 27 Freemasons' Coffee House, New Belton Street, near Long Acre, London 1725 Rose, at Marylebone [Mary-le-Bone], n 1728 Cross Keys, Henrietta St. Covent Gardemi 1731 King's Arms, Strand, " 1733 United with No. 95 [No. 107 ^/ 12 Dec. 1732], 24 /km 1742. Cannon, Charing Cross, " 1742 Bear & Rummer, Gerrard Street, Soho, n 174° Pon's Coffee House, Castle Street, Leicester Fields, " 175^ Cross Keys, Henrietta St. Covent Gardenn 1765 Pon's Coffee House, Castle Street, Leicester Fields, " I773 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1777 Surrey Tavern, Surrey Street, Strand, 11 1789 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, 11 179° Freemasons' Hall, n " 1865 25 May 1725 Warrant of Conlirmation, 21 March 1822. Centenary Warrant, 3 June 1S68. 43 38 25 24 22 22 21 34 30 28 so 1894 Name of Lodge. 29 St. Alban's Lodge Named in 1771. Freemasons^ Hall Medal (1781). Red Apron Lodge. The First Lodge warrant- ed or constituted in Foreign parts by the Grand Lodge of England. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Golden Lion, Dean Street, Soho, London 1725 Swan, Grafton Street, Soho, ir 1728 Swan, Long Acre, " 173° Mitre, King Street, Westminster, n 174° Erased 4 April 1744. Magpie, without Bishopsgate, London 1727 White Hart, without Bishopsgate, n 1730 Erased in 1737. Mount's Coffee House, Grosvenor St., near Hanover Square, London 1727 Erased 22 December 1748. Three Crowns, Stoke Newington, London 1728 White Lion, Aldersgate Street, n 1735 SaUitation, Newgate Street, m 173 Globe, Fleet Street, n 1738 Erased g April 1743. King's Head, Chapel Street, SalfOPd, Lancashire 1727 Erased 29 November 1754. King's Head, Little Suffolk Street, London 1753 Bull's Head, St. Martin's Lane, m 1754 Removal of No. 22 confirmed by G. Com. 4 Sept. and 4 Dec. 1771, but places of meeting not mentioned. Lapsed about 1775. See page 48. Castle & Leg Tavern, Holborn, LondOn 1728 Bunch of Grapes, Urury Lane, n 1736 Low's Coffee House, Panton Street, Hayraarket, 11 1737 Fisher's Coffee House, New Burlington Gardens, m 1738 Leicester Coffee Ho. , Leicester Fields, m 1739 St. Alban's Tavern, St. Alban's Street, h 1741 Prince of Orange, Jermyn St., Piccadilly,ii 1772 Thatched House Tavern, St. James's St. m 1773 Baxter's Tavern, Dover St., "Piccadilly, « 1787 Thomas's Tavern, ir n m J 792 Thatched House Tavern, St. James's St. n 1S08 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, m 1810 London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, ir 1854 The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, n 1867 French Arms [Three Fleur de Luces], St. Bernard's Street, "^sAvV^, Spain 1728 Founded by the Duke of Wharton in his own apartments in Madrid, 1728. Erased^'] March 1768. Now " Matriteuse Lodge^" No. i, on Reg. of Grand National Orient of Spain. Green Lettice, Brownlow Street, Holborn, London 172S Lapsed in ttz^. See page 52. 1729 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 Sept. 1725 19 Jan. 1726 12 Jan. 1727 9 Aug. 1727 1727 12 July 1753 26 Sept. 1792 31 Jan. 1728 [31 Jan. 1727/8. Const. 1738] Warrant of Confirmation, II January, 1827. Centenary Warrant {Special Jevjel). [Said to bear same date, but there is no evidence of its existence]. 44 39 45 46 47 41 40 48 42 22 49 43 26 25 23 23 22 35 31 32 29 15 Feb. 1728 Applied for Warrant 17 April 1728. Warrant granted ig March T729. 15 April 1728 Nov. 1728 50 44 27 51 A 51 B •[ SI J 1894 Name of Lodge. 30 United Mariners Lodge, Named in 1794. Places of Meeting. Queen Elizabeth's Head, Pitfield Street, Hoxton, London 1729 RedLion& Hall, Red Lion St., Holboni,ip 1733 Star and Garter, St. Martin's Lane, n 1738 Earl Cardigan [Cardigan's Head], Charing Cross, n 1739 Globe, in tlie Strand, u 1742 Krased 9 April 1743. Wool Pack, Marlcet Place, Warwick, Wanvickshire 172S JLrased 29 November 1754. Bishopsgate Coffee House, Bishopsgate i^treet, London 1728 Admitted to G. L. 28 Nov. 1728, Working previously but not constituted. G.L. Mill. Hoop and Griffin, Leadenhall Street, Rose, Cheapside, 1731 1739 United 7vith No, 35 iNo, 39 ofi Feb. 1725], in 1743. Surrendered W'arrant 8 February 1743. Rose&Crown, Greek Street, Soho, London 1728 Horse and Dolphin, Maxfield Street, near St. Ann's, m 1737 Prince of Wales's Head, King St., Soho .1 1737 Royal Oak, Great Earl St., Seven Dials, m 1738 Erased 21 November 1745. White Lion, Hemming's Row, St. Martin's Lane, London 1753 The George, Piccadilly, " 1754 Prince of Waleb's Head, Castle Street, Long Acre, " '754 Feathers, Angel Court, Storey's Gate, Westminster, " 1768 Removal of No. 23 confirmed by Grand Com. 4 Sept. 1771, place not mentioned. Probably another removal in 1773 on account of the " land- lord of the house they met in having sold the warrant to another house, he wanting the money due to him." — i.Steiuard's Min.) Lapsed about 1776-77. Rosemary Branch, Rosemary Lane, London 1777 Halifax Anns, Mile End, New 'I'own, 11 17 Ship& Whale, WappingWall, Wappingn 1787 King's Arms, Gi'een Bank, Wapping, m 1788 Bricklayers' Arms, Dock Head, Bermondsey, " 1807 Horse-lay-down, Fair Street, Tooley St., n 1810 White Lion, Elephant Stairs, Rolherhithe n 1812 Red Lion, " " 181S WhiteLion, ElephantStairs, n n 1819 The Hope, Bethnal Green Road, n 1823 fJial, Long Alley, Moorfields, n 1827 Coopers' Arms, Crown Street, Finsbury,ri 1834 Chequers, Providence Row, ir ti 1S36 White Hart Tavern, Bishopsg;ate Street, „ 1856 Three Tuns Tavern, HighSt. Southwark, 1. 1858 International Hotel, London Bridge, m n 1865 George Hotel, Aldermaubury, 11 1867 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, t. 1871 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 15 April 1728 22 April 1728 1728 1728 10 Oct. 1753 1729 57 1740 45 1755 1770 1780 [781 1792 1814 1832 1863 52 53 46 47 54 48 23 A 23 June 1777 Centenary Warrant {Special Jewel)-, 20 October 1863. 23 B 36 33 30 52 1 894 Name of Lodge. Richmond Lodge, 1734- Lodge of Attention, 1781 31 Places of Meeting. United Industrious Lodge, Named in 181 9. Gibraltar Lodge. St. John's Lodge, 176 Mother Lodge of St. John 1785- Date of Warrant or Constitution. Red Lion, Red Lion St. Richmond, London 1728 Diilie of Loi rain, Siiffollt Street, n 173 Rnmmer, Henrietta St., Covent Garden, n 1734 Fountain, Fleet Street, " 173^ Old Man's Coffee House, Charing Cross n 1738 Golden Sugar Loaf, Great Queen Street m 1741 Rising Sun, Suffolk Street, n 1746 Baptist's Head, Old Bailey, " 1753 Red Cow, West Smithfield, n 1756 The Crown, Little Cranbourne Alley, n 1764 Nott's Coffee House, Butcher Row, Temple Bar, " 1779 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 178 Erased 12 April 1797. Crown & Anchor, Short's Gardens, Drury Lane, London I728| Crown & Anchor, KingSt., Seven Dials, n 1737 Count Munich, Queen Street, Golden Sq. n 1 743 Czar of Muscovy's Head, Tower Street, n 1747 Half Moon & Seven Stars, Park Street, Grosvenor Square, 11 '74^ George and Dragon, Piccadilly, ir 1753 Masons' Arms, Abington Buildings, Old Palace Yard, Westminster, n 1754 Golden Horse Shoe, Cannon Street in the Mint, Southwark, m 1755 Wool Pack, Lombard Street in the Mint, Southwark, m 175^ Queen's Head, RedCrossSt., Southwark,,, 1759 Red Cross Inn, Borough High Street, Southwark, " 1 761 White Swan, Elephant Stairs, Rotherhilhe,, 1766 Erased 28 April 1775. See page 51- Edinburgh Castle, Marsh Street, Bristol, Glouccstct shire 1753 Last payment Dec. 1763. Lapsed about I'jds- In Ahiman Rezon. 1804, No. 24 (A) is stated to be at the "Bull Inn, Bristol," but the Lodge had then ceased to meet for nearly 40 years. Marquis of Granby, Lamb I^ane, Canterbury, Kent 1806 Eight Bells, King Street, Canterbury 1806 Guildhall Tavern, High Street, „ 18 Eight Bells, King Street, ,, 1810 White Lion Inn, St. George's Street, n 18 Griffin Inn, St. Peter's Street, ,, l8n Ordnance Arms Inn \^Hnkno%un\ i, 1812 Saracen's Head, Burgate Street, „ 1813 United wit/i " Industrious Lodge, " No. 416, (Moderns) {No. 498, 0/ 28 A^ovember 1776], 8 April 1819. King's Head Inn, High Street, „ 1834 Guildhall Tavern, „ 1, iS Mermaid Inn, St. Margaret Street, „ 1852 Freemasons' Tavern, „ ,r 1856 Guildhall Concert Room, High Street, „ i86b Masonic Rooms, 38 St. Peter's Street, ,, iS Masonic Temple, 38 St. Peter's Street, „ iS The Rock, Gibraltar, (Malaga), Spain 1728 Lodge at Gibraltar is referred to in G. L. Min. 10 May 1727. Deputation to constitute 9 March 1728/9. Last payment 1800. Lapsed before tJie Union 1813. '729 1740 '755 1770 1780 1781 1728 55 49 1728 56 15 April 1728 17 Oet. 1753 28 26 24 24 1792 23 1814 1832 1S63 50 29 27 57 24 Mar. 1806 Centenary Warrant, i6 Dec. 1878. Nov. 1728 9 March, 1729 Warrants of Confir- mation, 12 Mar. 1785, and 22 Nov. 1786. 24 A 24 B 37 34 31 61 B 51 30 28 25 25 24 [ S3 ] i894 Name of Lodge. 32 Places of Meeting. Crown, Corn Market, OxfOFd, Oxfordshire 1729 8 Aug. 1729 Erased in 1736. Three Tuns, Globe Street, ScaPbOPOUgh, Yorkshire 1729 27 Aug. 1729 Vipont's Long Room, Sandside, Scarborough 1738 Three Tuns, Globe Street, n 1740 ILrased 29 November 1754. Ancient and Amicable Lodge. St. George's Lodge of Harmony, 1 814. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1729 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 58 59 52 Duke's Head, Tuesday Market Place, Lynn Regis, Norfolk 1729 White Lion, Grass Market, [now Norfolk Street], Lynn Regis 1735 Called " Red Lion " in 1759. Erased i February 1786. Three Tuns, Billingsgate, London 1729 St. George & Dragon, St. Mary Axe, n 1737 Erased 21 November 1745. Restored i, Sept. 1751. St. George & Dragon, St. Mary Axe, n 1751 Omitted from List by request's Februaryi-a^ {Coftst. 1784), but was retained in Engraved Lists to 1762. — {ist Edition.) Unicorn, West Street, Lafford's Gate, Bristol, Gloucestershire 1753 Three Indian Kings, Small Street, Bristol 1754 Declared vacant 5 December 1759. Crown and Thistle, South Side, Old Dock, Liverpool, Lancashire Ijb^ Lapsed previous to 1782. " No. 4S Liverpool to revive No. 25, -mhichhas been dormant some time. G.L. Min. 4 Sept. 1782. Angel, King Street, Liverpool, Lancashire 1786 Formed by Members of No. 45 (A). Bro. Hannah's, Tarleton Street, Liverpool 1794 George Tavern, Upper Pitt Street, 1. 1806 St. George's Hotel, Everton, Lancashire 1815 StarandGarter Tavern, ParadiseStreet, Liverpool 1818 Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Place, n 1826 King's Arms, Cateaton Street, London 1729 Fountain, Snow Hill, " 1730 Horn Tavern, Fleet Street, n I75i Erased 27 July 1762. See page 55. 1 Oct. 1729 22 Jan. 1729 70 53 31 29 26 26 60 54 32 17 Oct, 1753 25 A 27 Dee. 1764 25 B 30 May 1786 Warrant of Confirmation, II Feb. 1836. Centenary Warrant 30 May 1886. 24 Jan. 1729 16 Jan. 1730 25 c 38 35 32 61 55 33 62 [ 54 ] Name of Lodge. Castle Lodge, 1786. Corner Stone Lodge, Places of Meeting. Bricklayers' Arms, Barbican, London The Rose, Cheapside, u Boar's Head, West Smithfield, n Globe and Sceptres, Old Jewry, 11 Swan, Holywell Street, Shoreditch, n Pewter Platter, White Lion Yard, Norton Folgate, II King of Prussia, Anchor Street, Bethnal Green, 11 Castle, Quaker Street, Spitalfields, u White Horse, Wheeler Street, n it Castle, Quaker Street, n m Crown, Holywell Lane, Shoreditch, 11 Erased T^ Nov. 1783. Restored 11 Feb, 1784. Eight Bells, Red Lion "Street, Spitalfields, m White Swan,ManselSt. Goodman's fields ii Ship Tavern, Water Lane, Tower Street, i. Angel, John Street, Minories, 11 United with " British Social Lodge, No. •z-zi {No. 332, o/'zg January 1765I, in 1821. Hercules' Tavern, Threadneedle Street, 1 Queen's Arms Tavern, Cheapside, 1 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, 1 King's Head Tavern, Poultry, 1 Radley's Hotel, Bridge Street, Blackfriarsi Erased 7 Jttne 1854. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1730 1732 1738 1739 1746 1751 1767 1769 1772 1774 1779 1784 1786 1813 1821 1821 1823 1836 1S50 185 26 Jan. 1730 Warrant of Confirmation, 8 April 1812. Warrant of Confirmation and Consolidation, 22 May 1822. Rosemary Branch, Rosemary Lane, London 1753 Declared*^ vacant, null and void," for non-payment, 7 August 1754. Nag's Head, North Street, TauntOn, Somersetshire 1771 Lapsed long before the Union. Is however in Ahiman Rezon of 1804, 1807, and 1813, but no payments are recordedin the Registers. London 1730 Bear and Harrow, Butcher Row, Temple Bar, Bacchus & Grapes, Gravel Street, ITatton Garden, n 1736 ilasons' Arms, Maddox St., Hanover Sq. n 1739 Erased 9 April t-j^^. Reinstated 1744. Peacock, King Street, St. James's Square h 1748 Albemarle, Dover Street, Piccadilly, u 1761 Lord Arron's Anns, New Bond Street, n 1769 Sun Tavern, Great Pultcney St. Golden Sq.M 1782 Black Horse, Dean Street, Soho, n 1783 Thatched House Tavern, St. James's St. m 17S9 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1810 Piazza Coffee Llouse, Covent Garden, n 1818 United with ^^ St. George's Lodge," No. 5 [No. 3, A^icients, of 2 Augttst 1756J, 6 December 1%^,-^. Prince William, Charing Cross, London 1730 Rose Tavern, without Temple Bar, n 1732 Erased in 1736. St. Rook's Hill [Roche Hill], about five miles N. of ChicliesteP, Sussex 1 730 " Meet only once a year — Tiie^.dayin F..^s[er Week. Constituted in the Reign of Julius Caesar." Eng, List. Erased (as No. 57) 29 Noiwmber 1754, but was continued in Lists to 1756. ^^Constitution vacated,'^ List 1757. Red Lion, High Street, Canterbury, A'ot^ 1730 Erased iq November 1754. 1729 8 Nov. 1753 Circa 1771 71 1740 65 1755 39 1770' 30 1780 27 1781 27 1792 25 1814 39 1832 36 1863 26 A 26 B 26 Feb. 1730 63 or 25 Mar. 1730 The latter Date appears in Lists from 1740 only. Warrant of Confirmation, 25 April 1823. 6 Mar. 1730 1730 No Date in List.s. 3 April 1730 56 34 31 28 28 26 40 37 64 65 57 35 66 58 [ ss ] 1894 33 Name of Lodge. * Masters^ Lodge,' 1736-39- ' Masters Lodge,' 1753-75- Prince Edwin's Lodge. Gateshead Union Lodge, 1817. Britannie Lodge Named in 1 774. Freemasons Hall Medal (-1783). No place of meeting in Lists for 1827-1831. Resumed work 10 April 1855, after being dormant about four years. Places of Meeting. Dick's Coffee House, Gravel Street, Hatton Garden, London 1730 Castle, St. Giles's, n 1733 Blank 1737. Castle, St. Giles's, n 1738 Erased 9 April T743. Golden Spikes, Bridges Street, Hampstead, London 1730 Vine, Long Acre, m 1733 " Not attended since 12 Dec. 1739 " Eng. List, 1741. Erased 24 June 1742. King Henry VHIth's Head, Fleet Street, LondOn 1730 Sarazons [Saracens], near Seven Dials, n 1733 Bacchus, Bloomsbury Market, n 1733 Shakespear's Head, London Spa, Clerkenwell, n 1746 Red Cross, Barbican, w 1748 (Called Red Lion, Barbican, in Const. 1756). Erased 28 April 1775. See page 53. Prince of Wales's Head, Capel Street, Rosemary Lane, London 1753 Prince of Wales's Head, Rag Fair, n 1755 Warrant delivered up, 2 March 1774. [Place unknown'\ . GatOShoad, Durham 1813 Black Bull Inn, High Street, Gateshead 1817 United -with " Lodge of Union," No. 376 [A'i?. 456 {^Moderns), of 16 October 1773], 24 November 1817, but not noted in G.L, Register. Erased 5 DeceTnber 1827. Rainbow Coffee House, York Buildings, London Gun, Suffolk Street, 1. Gun, Charing Cross, n Bowling Green, Putney, n Castle, II M White Lion, High Street, Putney, n Erasedz-^ April -iqTi, but reinstated soon afterwards. Thatched House Tavern, St. James's St. Star and Garter, Pall Mall, Thatched House Tavern, St. James's St, Willis's Rooms, King St. , St. James's Sq- Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, Freemasons' Hall, 11 1730 1739 1741 1746 1758 1765 1774 1783 1802 1859 1862 1865 Saracen's Head, High Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire 1730 Erased 17 Nov. 1760, but kept in Lists until 1st Edition, 1762. The George [St. George and Dragon], Northampton, Northamptonshire 1 730 Erased 29 November 1754. See page 54. Date of Warrant or Constitution 16 April 1730 28 April 1730 22 May 1730 1 Oct. 1729 9 Nov. 1753 2 April 1813 17 July 1730 Warrant of Confirmation, 7 January 1840. Centenary Warrant, 21 January 1870. 1729 67 68 69 70 75 7 Sept. 1730 73 16 Jan. 1730 1730 [740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 59 60 61 36 32 27 A 27 B 41 62 37 33 .29 29 27 42 38 33 63 38 62 64 71 65 39 [ 56 ] i894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. University Lodge. The First Lodge to adopt a distinctive Title. Harmony Lodge. ' Masters Lodge^^ 1736-39. Well Disposed Lodge, 1779. Alpha Lodge, 1814. Union Lodge, Named in 1814. Date of Warrant or Constitution. East India Arms, Fovt William, Calcutta, Bengal, India 1 730 " Copy Deputation sent to Fort William in Bengal to constitute a Lodge, dated 6 Feb. 1728/9." G. L.Min. Erased in 1756. See page 55. Bear and Harrow, Butcher Row, Temple Bar, London 1730 Erased in 1736, See page 55. Royal Oak, Charing Cross, London 1753 Lapsed in 1755. Coast of Halifax, Nova Seotia, w. America Is in Ahiman Rezon of 1807 at tiiis Number, but is not found on English Register. Probably refers to No. 28 on Provincial Register of Nova Scotia. Gibraltar, (Malaga), Spain Is in Ahiman Rezon of 1813 at this Number, but does not appear in the Minutes or Registers. May refer to a Lodge at Gibraltar in 28th Regiment. White Bear, King Street, Golden Square, London 173° Queen's Head, Old Bailey, n 1735 The Rose, Fleet Lane, n h 174 Fountain, I.udgate Hill, n 1747 Fox, Castle Street, Park, Southwark, n 1755 Old Magpie, Bishopsgate Street, m 1763 The Cock, Waltham Abbe.y, Essex 1779 Kensington Palace, Kensington, London 1814 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1818 United ■with " United Lodge of Ionic &' Prudence" No. 16 \_No. q of May 1722], in [823. 1730 7 Sept. 1730 14 Dee. 1730 17 July 1730 15 Nov. 1753 No Date No Date 1729 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1014 1832 See page 58. Fountain, Bury St. Edmunds [St. Edmondsbury], Suffolk 173: Erased in 1739. George, Piccadilly, Last entry Dec. 1753. London 1753 Lapsed in 1755. Castle Inn, Sandown, Deal, Kent 1812 Crown Inn, Beach Street, n 1820 Royal Oak Inn, m 1823 Crown Inn, Beech Street, n 1830 Erased 5 September 1838. The Castle, HighStreet,Highgate, London 173' Incorporated milh Lodge held at the Swan in Hampstead [No. 4, of 17 January 1721] in 1733- A Lodge, numbered 79, appears in the Pocket Companion, Dublin, 1735, at "The Hoop, in Water Street, in Philadelphia." There is no evidence of the existence of such a Lodge on the English Registers. 72 73 74 75 66 40 1730 28 A 28 B 28 76 67 41 34 30 30 28 43 11 Jan. 1731 1731 15 Nov. 1753 4 Jan. 1812 77 78 29 A 29 B 44 39 27 June 1731 79 A [ 57 ] i894. Name of Lodge. Windmill Lodge, 1767. Ship Lodge, 1772. Lodge of Fortitude, 1784. Lodge of Fortitude. Places of Meeting. Two Angels and Crown, Little St. Martin's Lane, London Cameron's Coffee House, Bury Street, St. James's, n Griffin, Snow Hill, „ Bull's Head, Whitechapel Bar, n Swan, Fish Street Hill, ,1 Mitre, Mitre Street, Aldgate, „ Sun, Fish Street Hill, ., Windmill, Rosemary Lane, n Ship and Compass, East Smithfield, n Hamburg Arms, n ,1 Crown and Thistle, n n Lapsed. Last entry 8 Feh. i8oS. 1735 1739 1740 174' 1748 1751 1753 1754 1772 1782 1795 Star, Burnham, Essex 1809 Erased in 1830. Angel, Barn Street [now Derby Street], Maeelesfleld, Cheshire 1 73 1 Erased in 1769. Crown, PrujeanCourt, Old Bailey, London 1731 Three Tuns, Newgate Street, n 1731 Salutation, m ir 1741 Erased 22 Decetnber 1748. Golden Fleece, Churchgate Street, BUFy St. Edmunds [St. Edmondsbury], .Sm^o/zJ 1731 Erased 29 November 1754. See page 58. Daniel's Coffee House, Lombard Street, London 1731 1733 1734 1736 1741 «743 175 1752 1753 1755 Freeman's Coffee House, Cheapside, Sun, behind the Royal Exchange, Old Antwerp Tavern, m Old Star, Coleman Street, Ship, behind the Royal Exchange, Cross Keys, in Cornhill, King's Head Tavern, Fenchurch Street, Paul's Head Tavern, Cateaton Street, Half Moon, Cheapside, Erased in 1761. King's Arms, Russell Street, Covent Garden, London 1732 The Fountain, Borough of South wark, ti 1 736 Erased in 1738. Goat, Paved Alley, St. James's Market, London 1754 Scot's Arms, Haymarket, n 1755 Lapsed about 1760. Island of St. EustatiUS, West Indies 1813 Is only mentioned in Ahiman Rezon 0/1813. ' Very doubtful if it ever existed^ there being no Entry in Minutes or Registers. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1735 Warrant of ConiirmaLion, 25 March 1809. 10 April 1809 1731 21 Oct. 1731 1 Nov. 1731 17 Dee. 1731 23 Dee. 1731 24 Jan. 1732 7 Jan. 1754 No Date 1729 79 B 1740 68 1755 42 1770 35 1780 31 1781 31 1792 29 A 1814 1832 1863 29 B 45 80 82 69 70 43 81 83 84 71 72 73 44 45 85 30 A 30 B [ 58 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Economy, 1774 Sociable Lodge, 11777. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Jerusalem Lodge, 1769. A " Masters^ Lodge^ 1739- Black Lion, Jockey Fields, Gray's Inn, London 173 Apple Tree, Leather Lane, Holborn, n 174: Cherry Tree, n 11 n 1747 Salutation and Cat, Newgate Street, n 175' Horn Tavern, Doctors' Commons, 11 177^ Queen's Arms Tavernj Newgate Street, n 1775 Blue Anclior, George St., Foster Lane, n 177^ Horn Tavern, Doctors' Commons, 11 1782 Antwerp Tavern, Threadneedle Street, 11 1 800 Stock Exchange Coffee House, n 11 li Queen's Arms Tavern, Cheapside, u 1814 Antwerp Tavern, Threadneedle Street, n 1816 Erased in 1832. King's Arms, St. Margaret's Hill, Southwark, London 1732 , Erased s May 17S7' Restored 31 October\qsi' King's Arrhs, St. Margaret's Hill, Southwark, n 1757 King's Head, Borough High St., , I n 1768 Erased again 12 April 1780. Three Tuns, West Smithfield, London 1731 St. John Jerusalem, St. John's Street, Clerkenwell, n 1759 NewJerusalemTav. Rosamond Rovjr 11 n 1771 Erased 12 ApHl 17S0. New King's Arms, Market Place, Leigh, Lancashire 1732 Erased in 1768. ' Bell and Raven, Rotten Row, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire 1732 Erased 29 Novefnber 1754. King's Head in the Butcher Row, Paris (Seine, Isle de France), France 1732 Au Louis D'Argent, dans la Rue de Boucherie, a Paris, 1734 A I'Hotel de Bussy, Rue de Bussy, a Paris 1736 A la Ville de Tonnerre, Rue des Boucheries, a Paris, 1738 Erased 2^ Janttary 1768. {Probably joined the G. L. of France in 1738], Black Boy and Sugar Loaf, Stanhope Street, Clare Market, London 1732 Rummer and Horse Shoe, Drury Lane, n 1733 Dog, at Richmond, n 1739 King's Head, St. Paul's Churchyard, u 1740 Erased 21 Novetnber 1745. 11 Jan. 1731 Sun, Fleet Street, Feathers, Chandois Street, Three Tuns, Grosvenor Street, Erased 9 April 1743. See page 61. London 1732 " 1739 ,1 1740 1729 77 2 Feb. 1732 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 74 46 36 32 32 30 46 86 17 Dee. 1731 22 Feb. 1732 28 Mar. 1732 3 April 1732 90 83 75 47 37 72 44 38 87 88 11 April 1732 12 April 1732 25 May 1732 76 77 78 48 49 89 79 91 92 80 81 [ 59 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Union French Lodge, I739- See page 6i. Oxford Arms, Ludgate Street, London 1732 Sun, Ludgate Street, fi 1740 Erased 22 December 1748. See page 61. White Horse, Tavern Street, Ipswieh, Suffolk 1732 Erased in 1754, Date of Warrant or Constitution. See page 63. Prince Eugene's Coffee House, St. Alban's Street, London 1732 DuleinberT.-]^2. Prince of Orange's Head, Milk Street, St. Saviour's Dock, Southwark, London 1733 Castle Inn, Market Place, KlngSton- On-ThameS, Surrey 1736 King's Arms, Great Wild Street, London 1738 Fountain, Snow Hill, n 1739 Erased-zi November t-j^e,. Hamburg [Free City], Lower Saxony, Germany 1733 Appears to have lapsed^ and to haze been re-warranted 23 October 1740. See No. iig ofi-jsS enumeration. [Place uiihimun'] London 1755 Feathers, Oxford Road [Street], n 1759 Lapsed in 1762. Swan, Great Brook Street, Birmingham, Wanuickshire 1733 King's Head, New Street, Birmingham 1764 Freemasons' Tavern, Steelhouse Lane, 11 1784 Shakespeare Tavern, New Street, n 17S6 White Horse, Steelhouse Lane, m 1816 Shakespeare Tavern, Steelhouse Lane, n 1818 King's Head, Worcester Street, ir 1832 Pump Tavern, Bull Ring, n 1834 Private Room, Temple Road, n 1836 Stork Hotel, Old Square, n 1837 Swan Inn, Church Street, n iS " Union Hotel, Union Street, n 1 841 Masonic Hall, New Street, n 1869 1 Aug. 1733 1733 27 Dee. 1733 1733 1733 1733 6 Oct. 1755 [729 1740 118 103 755 61 1770 51 1780 40 1781 40 1792 37 1814 57 1832 50 1863 42 119 104 62 120 121 105 63 52 122 123 106 107 1 Aug. 1733 Warrants of Confir- mation, 2 Feb. 1767. and 23 August 1824. Centenary Warrant {^Special Jewel), 5 Dec. 1864. 124 108 A 38 125 109 64 53 41 41 38 58 51 43 66 i894 Name of Lodge. 44 Lodge of Friendship Named in 1814. Royal Exchange Lodge 1735- St. John's Lodge, No. 1. 1792. Merchants' Lodge, 1792. Places of Meeting. St. Ann's Chui-ch and Mitre, Cathedral Yard, ManehestSF, Lancashire 1755 Renewed at ike Black-a-Moor's Head [Black Prince], Old Churchyavd, Manchestef, 1775 Cancelled 5 June 1793. Queen's Head, Old Churchyard, ManeheSteF, Lancashire 1795 Reneived and Revived on recommendation of Nos. 275 (A) and 278 (A). " Revived and granted to Bro. Watson and others, late of No. 39. Old Warrant to be transmitted previous to revival.'' {G. L. Min. 4 March 1795. Lapsed again shortly ajteruiards. Horse Shoes, Old Shambles, Manchester, Lancashire 1803 White Hart Tavern, Sugar Lane, Manchester 1812 Fox, JacUson's Row, u 181 King, Oldham Street, u 1819 Admiral Duncan, Oldham Street, n 1819 Sherwood Inn, Temple Street, Chorlton upon Medloek, Lancashire 1826 Sawyer's Arms, High Street, Manchester 1827 Bull's Head Inn, Union Street, n 1830 Pack Horse, Bridge Street, n 1837 Freemasons' Hall, Cross Street, n 1845 Spread Eagle Hotel, Church Street, ir 1847 Freemasons' Tavern, Bridge Street, n 1850 Mosley Arms Hotel, Piccadilly, n 1851 Private Room, No. n Qtiay Street, « 1853 Waterloo Hotel, Piccadilly, n 1854 MasonicRooms, 74Cro3sSt. Chambers, ■. i860 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street, h 1865 Albion Hotel, Piccadilly, it 1882 Bunch of Grapes Tavern, State St., Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. of America 1733 Royal Exchange Tavern, kept by Bro. Luke Vardy, King Street, Boston 1735 At Bro. Andrew Halliburton's, n 1738 Assembly House, Orange Tree Lane, m 1792 United witii No. 88 " 2nd Lodge in Boston " [No. 141, 0/ 15 February 1749], 7 Feb. 1783, obtaining a new Warrant/roni the English Prov. G. L.o/Mass. Was kept on our Register until 1813, but passed from English jurisdiction when the St. John's Prov. G. Lodge joined the Massachusetts G. L. 5 March 1792. Now No. I on Reg. of G. L. of Massachusetts. The Cock, Bridge Street, Warrington, LaiicasJiire 1755 Last entry Dec. 1755. Lapsed in 1756. The List in Ahiman Rezon 1804 gives this number both at "The Cock, Warrington,'' and "Royal Artillery," Quebec. Merchant's Coffee House, Quebec, (Lower Canada) \_C.E.\ Quebec 1790 No. 265 {Pi) purchased No. 40 (A) in Dec, ijgi,for £S 5S- oii- Royal Artillery, Quebec 1804 \Place 7tot statci{\ n 1814 Lapsed about 1824. Erased ^ June 1862. The Union Number for this Lodge should have been No. 60. It seems however to have been placed lower down the list, as were several other Lodges, without any apparent reason. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 18 June 1755 25 March 1775 4 March 1795 23 Feb. 1803 Warrant of Confirmation, 29 June 1835. 30 July 1733 Constituted 31 August J733. 20 Aug, 1755 Dee. 1790 Reconstituted 13 June 1791. 1729 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 39 A 39 B 39 c 59 52 44 126 110 65 54 42 42 39 40 A 265 40 B 77 68 C 67 ] 1894 45 Name OF Lodge. Strong Man Lodge Named in 1813. Places of Meeting. Valenciennes, (Nord, Flandie), France 1733 Never paid anything ; was kept on the Register until 1S13, but the Lodge cannot be traced. Duke of Marlborough's Head, Petticoat Lane. Whitechapel, London 1734 Grapes, BlackraoorStreet,ClareMarket, m 1742 Dolphin & French Horn, Crutched Friars, n 1743 Erased 21 November 1745. Masons' Arms, PembrokeStreet, Plymouth Dock [now Devonport], Devonshire 1735 This is noted in Engraved Lists, from 1735 to 1762, as at " Plymouth." The St. James' Evening Post, of April 8th, 1735, in a Report of the pro- ceedings of its Constitution, shows the Lodge to have been formed at " Plymouth Dock." The G.L. Minute Book has the Entry also, " Masons' Arms, Plymouth Dock," on 31 Mar. 1735. Harnstaple Inn, Princes St., PlymouthDock 1763 Oxford Inn, Fore Street, n 1766 Erased 5 February 1777. Fifty-seventh Regiment of Foot {^Honywooti's Regimenf) 1755 Was at ChaHesburgj Canada, 1761. Appears in Akiittati Rezon o/'iSo4 and 1807, but there are no Ejtiries in Registers after i-js^. Mincher's Windmill Inn, Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex 1812 Erased i?l 1823. Crown and Mitre, Labour-in-Vain Hill, London Rummer and Mitre, Labour-in-Vain Hill, Old Fish Street, Ship Coffee House, near the Hermitage Bridge, " Samson and Lion, East Smithfield, m Strong Man, it m White Swan, Mansel Street, Goodman's Fields, II White Hart Tavern, Hishopsgate Street, n Swan Tavern, Fish Street Hill, m Coach and Horses, St. John's Square, n Mourning Bush Tavern, Aldersgate St., n Hole-in-the-Wall, Great Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, n Three Tuns, Chancery Lane, n Crown Tavern, Clerkenwell Green, m Falcon Tavern, Fetter Lane, n Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, 11 Old Jerusalem Tavern, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, " Masons Hall, Masons'A venue, Basinghall Street, " Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, n 1733 '733 1733 I75> 1764 1813 1816 1823 1827 1831 1834 1837 1845 1848 1867 1870 1874 1891 [Place unknown'] Coventry, Warwickshire 1755 Lapsed about 1757. Last entry 16 Feb. 1757. Is however noted at " Broadgate, Coventry," in Ahiman Rezon of 1804. Fortieth Regiment of Foot Was at Quebec in 1759, and at Montreal in 1760. No. 42 appears with this description " In the Fortieth Regiment," in Ahiman Rezon of 1813, but there is no evidence of its existence in G. L. Minute Books or Registers. 1759 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1733 5 Nov. 1734 26 Jan. 1735 7 Sept. 1755 25 May 1812 2 Feb. 1733 Warrant of Confirmation 3 Nov. 1814. Centenary Warrant, 15 Nov. 1878. 19 Nov. 1755 1759 1729 127 1740 111 1755 66 1770 55 1780 43 1781 43 1792 40 1814 1832 [863 128 112 129 113 67 56 41 A 41 A 110 98 68 57 44 44 41 60 61 53 45 42 A 42 B 68 1 894 Name of Lodge. 46 47 Union Lodge of Freedom and Ease, 1792. Old Union Lodge, 1816. Freemason!:' Hall Medal (1783). Red Apron Lodge, A "Masters' Lodge," 1738-39. Newstead Lodge, Named in 1825. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Fountain, Pipewell-gate, Gateshead, Durham 1736 Erased T-T J^ovember -i-j^o, but reinstated. Erased again 'Z'j January 1768. The Swan, Higli Green, Wolvephampton, Staffordshire 1768 Paid £'2 2S. od. to purchase the vacant No. 77, in 1768, following the procedure of the Ancients. Erased t February 1811. [/'/«« 7iH/«wzf;?;], Coventry, Warimckshire 1755 Golden Lion, Butclier Row, Coventry 1773 Cancelled 5 June 1793. In List of 1794 and in the Ahiman Rezon of 1804 it is said, " Cancelled by order of the Grand Lodge," yet it reappears in List of 1813, at the " Golden Lion " ; a palpable error. The Mitre, Mint Street, Soulhwark, London 1735 Bell, Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street, n 1738 Old Magpie, Without Bishopsgate, 11 174 King's Head, near the Watchhouse, High Holborn, ti 1752 Coach and Horses, High Holborn, ir 17^9 AppleTree, Warner St., Cold Bath Fields, 11 1781 Bell, Exeter Street, Strand, 1, 1782 Coal HoleTav., Fountain Court, Strand, n 1786 In 1790 it was resolved to unite with No. 131 [No. 263 of 17 June 1755], and a meeting of the united Lodges is recorded in the Minutes of No. 13T. They afterwards became disjoined, but No. 46 kept the joint title. Surrey Tavern, Surrey Street, Strand, n 1796 Crown and Anchor Tavern, Stiand, n 1800 King's Head Tavern, Poultiy, it 1821 Perseverance Tavern, Somers Town, it 1826 Guildhall Coffee House, Gresham Street,ir 1828 Castle & Falcon Tavern , A Idersgate Street, 1. 1 829 Radley's Hotel, Bridge St., Blackfriars, .. 1832 City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, ir 1870 Westminster Palace Hotel, Victoria St., u 1877 Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Holborn, u 1878 Ship & Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall Street, u 18 See page 34. 8 March 1736 Is 8 March 1735, in most Lists, but clearly an error. Real Date is 8 Mar. 1735-6. 5 Nov. 1768 Holland 1735 The Hague, Doubtless the Lodge known in Dutch Masonic History, established 24 Oct. 1735, afterwards known as " Lodge Le VCriiable Zble." It soon became dormant, but was revived in 1744, and with other Lodges formed the G. L. of the Netherlands in 1756. Erased in 1769. \Place unkiwianl, Nottingham, Notthighavishire 1755 Red Lion, Climber Street, Nollingham 1763 Leg of Mutton, Sandy Lane, n 1792 Kingstone Arms, Parliament Street, n 1794 New tJeorge Inn, 11 n 1799 Milton's Head Inn, ir n 1806 Crown and Cushion, Market Street, 11 1832 News House, St. James's Street, n 1834 Poultry Hotel, The Poultry, n 1840 Castle and Falcon, Warser Gate, n 1843 Assembly Rooms, Low Pavement, m 1844 Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, u 1877 Caxton Rooms, Long Row, 11 1880 Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, n 1881 3 Dee. 1755 1729 1740 755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 143 127 77 A 77 B 58 45 45 42 43 11 June 1735 Warrant of Confirmation, 7 June 1826. Centenary Warrant {^to wear Special Jewel, grantedin 1835), II June 1878. 25 June 1735 1735 17 Dee. 1755 Revived & restored to all its former privileges 7 March 1792. Warrant of Confirmation, , 15 Jan. 1763. Centenary Warrant {Special Jewel), 16 May 1863. 1 130 114 69 59 46 46 43 62 54 46 117 B 131 115 70 60 47 47 116 71 44 63 55 47 [ 69 ] 1 894 48 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Industry, Named in 1776. Dates from about 1717. Has Minutes of 1725. Lisbon Lodge Places of Meeting. [Place nnkno'.im'\ Winlaton, Durham Two Fencers, Swalwell, n Dorothy Jones, Dorotliy Jones's in Swalwell Masons' Arms, Swalwell Rose and Crown, ti New Inn, n Rose and Crown, n Half Moon Tnn, High Street, Gateshead, Durhavi 1845 Black Bull Inn, High Street, Gateshead Queen's Head Inn, n n Grey Horse Inn, n n Masonic Hall, West Street, n Private Rooms, 34 Denmark Street, n Masonic Hall, Jackson Street, n 1725 1735 1766 1772 1777 1S02 1837 1853 1853 1856 1869 1877 1882 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 24 June 1735 Warrants of Confirmation, I Oct. 1771, and 12 March 1845. Centenary Warrant, 30 Aug. 1867. TheCastle, Aubigny, (Cher, Berry), France 1735 Probably joined the G. L. of France in 1738. Erased 27 January 1768. Sun, Old Round Court, Strand, London 1735 White Bear, Strand, 1. 1 738 Lapsed about 1743. Masons' Arms, Salop Road, Oswestry, Shropshire T744 Erased 29 November 1754. Lisbon, (Estremadura), Foriugal 1735 Erased in 1755. The Lodge however, if then in existence, must have been closed when King John V issued his Edict against the Craft in 1743. Lord Weymouth's Arms, WaPminsteP, Wiltshire 1735 Erased 29 November 1754. Blue Anchor [or Anchor and CockJ, in Cock Lane, Snow Hill, London 1735 Queen Elizabeth's Head, Hicks's Hal], St. John's Street, Windmill Inn, St. John's Street, White Bear, Old Broad Street, Warrant surrendered ■zi December 1748. 12 Aug. 1735 26 Aug. 1735 1744 17 April 1735 1729 132 1739 1742 1746 133 134 1740 117 135 1755 72 118 119 A 119 B 120 73 1735 30 Oct. 1735 136 138 1770 1780 1781 1792 61 48 48 44 1814 64 1832 56 48 121 122 [Place unknown'], Liverpool, Lancashire 1755 No. 45 (A) took No. 25 (A) 30 Mav 1786. The IVarrant 0/ No. 4S (A) having been delivered up to G. Lodge in 1785. " No. 45, Liverpool, to revive No. 23, which has been dormant some time." G. L. Min. 4 Sept. 1782. Cal. 1800 says, " Formerly at the Bird-in-Hand, Castle Ditch (delivered up to the Grand Lodge). Notwithstanding this, No. 45 appears in Ahiman Rezon 1804, as at the " Bird-in-Hand, Liverpool. It is not in Ahiman Rezon 1807, whilst in Ahiman Rezon 1813, it is noted " Formerly at Liverpool, but withdrawn.'' Rummer, High Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire 1735 Fountain, n n '754 Erased in 1757- In Mas. Mag., May 1871, it is stated " Constitution lost 1759." From their original Minute Book, which I have examined, it is evident the members met as late as 1761. 27 Dee. 1755 12 Nov. 1735 137 45 123 74 A 70 Name of Lodge. Solomon's Lodge. 49 Gihon Lodge, Named in 1819. Solomon's Lodge. No. 1 Named in 1776. Places of Meeting. Charles Town [Charleston], South Carolina, U. S. of America 1735 Not in Lists until 1760, andin 1762 was placed at the number 74, vacated by the preceding Bristol Lodge. Made no payments after 1781, but was kept on the Roll until iZ-i-^. The Lodge must have passed from the English jurisdiction on the formation of the G. L. of South Carolina (Ancients), 24 March 1787. Now No. I on Reg. of G. L. of South Carolina. Cross Keys, Bear Street, Leicester Fields, London 1756 Continuous payments /rom 1756 to March 1761, when they cease. Lapsed about 1761. The George, George Stairs, Thomas Street, Southwark, London 1810 Bunch of Grapes, Gainsford Street, Horselydown, u 1816 Antigallican, Tooley Street, Southwark, n 1817 Catherine Wheel, Union Street, n n 1819 Three Tuns, St. Margaret's Hill, Borough, n 1821 New York Coffee House, Sweeting's Alley, Cornhill, „ 1826 Three Tuns,St. M argaret's Hill, Borough, n 1832 Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, „ 1837 London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, n 1861 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, n 1867 Savannah, Georgia, U. s. of America 1735 Stated to have been opened at Augusta, Georgia, U.S.A. 1781 Tavern kept by Mr. Child, Whittaker Street, Savannah, prior to 1799 Masonic Hall, Whittaker Street, Savannah 1799 In the Calendars from 1807-1813, this Lodge is erroneously called "Solomon's Lodge, Charles Town, South Carolina," but is correctly indexed in the same Calendars under " Georgia. It made no payments after 1781, but was kept on the Roll until tZt^. The Lodge must have passed from the English jurisdiction on the formation of the G. L. of Georgia, 16 Dec. 1786. Now No. I on Reg. of G. L. of Georgia. Ashley's London Punch House, Ludgate Hill, Erased 22 December 1748. London 1736 Crown, Crown Court, Fleet Street, London 1756 Declared vacant t June 1758. Red Lion, Eyes [now Sunderland Street], Maeelesfleld, Cheshire 1764 New Angel, Market Place, Macclesfield 1793 '* Feb. 1791, received information from Maccles- field that in 1790, No. 47 took a * Modern ' Con- stitution." — G. L. Min. (See No. 545 of 19 June 1780.) Lodge 47 (A) however made payments to G. Lodge as late as 1794, shortly after which date the Warrant was ret7trtied. It is endorsed " Transferred to sundry Brothers to convene at Hinckley." Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1735 11 Feb. 1756 26 Nov. 1810 1735 1 March 1736 24 Feb. 1756 30 Jan. 1764 1729 1740 I7SS 1770 1780 1781 [792 1814 1832 1863 251 74 B 62 49 49 45 46 A 46 B 65 57 49 139 124 75 63 50 50 46 140 125 47 A 47 B n Name of Lodge. 50 Knights of Malta Lodge, Named in 1828 or earlier. 51 Angel Lodge, Named in 1819. Gothic Lodge, 1772- 52 King's Head Lodge. Union Lodge, Named in 18 17. Places of Meeting. Prince of Wales' Tavern, Rugby Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire George Inn, Market Place, Barley Sheaf, Bond Street, Half Moon, Stockwell Head, Barley Sheaf, Bond Street, Castle Inn, Regent Street, Barley Sheaf, Bond Street, Union Inn, The Borough, New Inn, Castle Street, Globe Inn, Station Road, Bull's Head Inn, Market Place, Crown Inn, Castle Street, Town Hall, Marketplace, Plough Inn, Stockwell Road, Town Hall, Market Place, George Hotel, n St. George's Hall, n Hinckley 1803 1806 1807 1826 1828 Ig 1837 184 1842 1851 1853 1854 1858 1866 1870 1873 18" Date of Warrant or Constitution. March 1803 Warrant of Confirmation, 20 April 1820. Three Cups Hotel, High Street, Colchester, Essex 1736 The Angel Inn, High Street, Colchester 1753 Three Cups Hotel, n n 18 See page 68. Fountain, The Mount, Shrewsbury, Shropshire 1736 Erased 29 Nmiemher 1754. Blank 1755. Green Man, Hill's Lane, Shrewsbury 1756 Erased again i-j January" fj6Z, Greyhound, Lamb St., Spitalfields, London 1736 Mermaid Tavern, Hackney, n 1745 Rising Sun, Fashion Street, Spitalfields, ,1 1746 Erased 5 May 1757. Restored 3T October 1757. Rising Sun, Fashion Street, Spitalfields, ,1 1757 May Bush, Shoreditch, n 1772 Swan, Shoreditch, n 1775 Erased 12 April 1780. Three Crowns, WeymOUth and MelCOmbe Regis, Dorsetshire 1736 [Melcombe Regis is part of Weymouth.] Erased 29 November 1754. Horse Shoe and Last, St. James's Street, London 1756 Lctst entry in Register Dec. 1764. Attended G. L, II /uneij6j. Lapsed about 1768. Amsterdam, Holland This only appears in the List in Ahiman Rezon of 1813, as "Constituted in Amsterdam," but nothing is known of it. There are no entries respecting it in Minute Books or Registers. King'sHead, Market PI., Norwich,Wo?->/,4 1736 United with, and took the name qf^^ Union Lodge,*' No. 236 {No. 357, ^1765], in 1817. Gate House Tavern, Tombland, Norwich 1814 Angel Inn, Market Place, ci 1817 Assembly Rooms, Theatre Plain, 11 l8r Chapel Field House, n 1819 Assembly Rooms, Theatre Plain, u 1820 Angel Inn, Market Place, ir 1831 Norfolk Hotel, St. Giles Street, r, 1840 Masonic Rooms, 47 St. Giles Street, u 1887 [1735-36] 1736 Warrant of Confirmation, 24 June 1777. Centenary Warrant, 21 Oct. 1871. 8 March 1736 16 April 1736 11 June 1736 1729 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1736 10 Mar. 1756 No Date 24 June 1736 Warrant of Confirmation, 23 Dec. 1819. Centenary Warrant, 15 Feb. 1878. 47 c 1814 66 1832 [863 58 50 141 143 142 144 126 127 128 129 76 77 78 79 64 51 51 47 67 59 51 65 145 130 48 A 48 B 146 131 80 66 52 52 48 68 60 52 72 i894 Name of Lodge. 53 Royal Sussex Lodge Named in 1818. Lodge of St. George de rObservanee, 1777. Places or Meeting. St. George and Dragon, Tithe Bam Street, LiveppOOl, Lancashire 1736 Custom House, by the Old Dock, Liverpool 1756 African Coffee House, n 1772 Erased in 1775. London 1756 King's Head, Drury I^ane,' Lapsed in 1773. The Warrant having be.en irregularly sold. (G. L. Min. IS Dec. 1773). Bladud's Head Inn, Broad Street, Bath, Somersetshire Date of Warrant or Constitution Gloucester Inn,Southgate, Falstaff Inn \jmkiiowii\. Greyhound Inn, High Street, Masonic Hall, York Street, White Lion Inn, High Street, New Lodge Room, York Street, Masonic Hall, Corridor, PI York Street, II Corridor, Britannia Inn, Larkhill, Masonic Hall, Corridor, Pelican Inn, Walcot Street, Masonic Hall, Corridor, Private Room, 12 Chatham Row, Amery's (Christopher) Hotel, Market Place, Commercial Hotel, High Street, Private Room, 35 Brook Street, Amery's Hotel, Market Place, Masonic Hall, Corridor, Amery's Hotel, Market Place, Masonic Hall, Corridor, II Old Orchard Street, Bath 1812 1812 1816 1817 1826 1831 1834 1837 If 1842 1844 1844 1845 1845 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1857 ir - i: 1866 Sun, Fish Street Hill, London 1736 Bell, Nicholas Lane, n 1740 Bell, Little Eastcheap, .1 1742 Cock&Lion, St. Michael's Alley, Cornhilln 1746 Salutation, Nicholas Lane, n 1759 Boar's Head, Eastcheap, n 1762 Orange Tree, Bloomsbury Square, n 1766 Globe Tavern, Great Titchfield Street, n 1768 Erased 28 April 1775. Restored 1^ April 1776. Globe Tavern, Great Titchfield Street, n I776 Erased'] April \']?,\. Reinstated tj Nov. 1784. Bedford Coffee House, Covent Garden, n 17 Erased again 12 February 1794. King's Arms, Edgebaston Street, BiPmlngham, Warwickshire 1736 St. George and Dragon, Digbeth Street, Birmingham 1739 Rose, Edgebaston Street, n 1746 The Swan, High Green, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire 1766 Erased in 1772. See page 40. [Place unknown] Plymouth, Devonshire 1763 Lapsed shortly after it was Constituted, It appears however in the List of 1799 as at " Freemasons' Tavern, near Dock Yard," and in the Ahiman Rezons of 1804, 1807, and 1813, as at " Freemasons' Tavern, Plymouth," but there is no entry respecting it in the Registers after 31 Dec. I763- 25 June 1736 30 Mar. 1756 23 Jan. 1812 1729 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 147 132 81 67 49 A 49 B 69 61 53 16 Aug. 1736 Warrant of Confirmation, 25 August 1787. 20 Sept. 1736 13 May 1756 31 Dec. 1763 148 133 82 68 53 53 49 149 134 83 69 50 A 50 B [ 73 ] i894 54 55 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Hope, Named in i8i8. Constitutional Lodge, Named in 1773. A " Masters* Lodge" 1738- Places of Meeting. Master Mason, Tin Street, Roehdale, Lancashire 1813 The Lower Anchor, Packer Street, Rochdale 1814 Spread Eagle Inn, Cheetham Street, n 1819 Yorkshire Grey, Beer Lane, Thames Street, London King's Arms, Lombard Street, n Queen's Arms, Cateaton Street, n IJell, Friday Street, Cheapside, n HalfMoon, m h Devil Tavern, Temple Bar, m May Bush, Shoieditch, tp Greyhound, Nevif Compton Street, Soho,ii Greyhound, Kensington Square, Kensington, m Two Sawyers, Marylebone Lane, 11 Srased 20 November 1782, but reinstated. King's Arms, Moor Street, Soho Square,!! Greyh«und, Kensington Sq. , Kensington, u Crown, Oxford Street, !i Old Crorfn and Cushion, Lambeth Marsh, Lambeth, !i Swan, Narrow Wall, Lambeth, !! Brunswick Arms, Brunswick Street, Blackfriars Koad, i! Crown, Narrow Wall, Lambeth, i! Hetty's Chop House, Strand, i! Bird in Hand, Garden Kow,LondonRoad, n The Feathers, Waterloo Koad, n Rockingham Arms, New Kent Road, i! Fleece, Commercial Road, Lambeth, ,1 Proctor'sHotel,WeslminsterHridgeri 1757 The Master's House (on his birthday), u 1757 Swan, Watergate Street, w 1757 Master's House (E. Orme), NorthgateSt.n 1759 Swan, Watergate Street, n 1759 Coach and Horses, Watergate Street, n 1763 Assembly Rooms, in the Exchange, n 1767 Coach and Horses, Northgate Street, 11 1767 Feathers' Inn, Bridge Street, it I7ii5 Erased! February i'jZ6. Reinstated'] Aprili'jZj. Feathers' Inn, Bridge Street, Chester 1787 Albion Hotel, Lower Bridge Street, n 1824 Royal Hotel, Eastgate Street, n 1827 Erased again 5 September 1738. Red Rampant Lion, High St., St. AlbanS, Hertfordshire 1739 Woolpack, London Road, St. Albans 1740 Erased 24 July i7S5. Three Tuns, Jewry Street, Aldgate, London 1766 Three Crowns, East Smithfield, n 1769 Although dated 3 May 1738, this Lodge does not appear in the Lists until 1766, when it was placed between Nos. loi and 103, taking the place vacated by the Lodge at St. Albans. Erased in 1769. King'sHead, Market Place,Romford,A«fj; 1739 Sun and Rummer, Romford 1741 Red Lion, HornehUFCh, Essex 1754 Erased in 1769. White Hart, Porters Street, Newport Market, London 175^ Lapsed about 1770. Private Room, HaveFfoMweSt, Pembrokeshire 1818 Blue Boar Inn, Dew Street, Haverfordwest " New Inn, Upper Market Street, n * * Records lost, dates of removal unknown. Erased s March 1828. St. Mary's Street, St. John, Island of Antigua, West Indies 1739 St. John, Antigua 1770 Was kept on List until 1813, but paid nothing after 1781. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1 Feb. 1739 10 Feb. 1739 3 May 1738 13 March 1739 23 Dee. 1756 23 Jan. 1812 1729 1740 1755 1770 1780 180 167 101 78 62 1781 62 1792 58 1814 80 1832 71 1863 181 168 102 102 B 182 169 103 14 March 1739 59 A 59 B 81 170 104 79 63 63 59 8o 1894 Name of Lodge. 60 Lodge of Peace and Harmony, Named in 1789. Red Apron Lodge. 61 Places of Meeting. White Horse, Bloomsbury Market, London 1739 Horse Shoe and Magpie, Fleet Street, n 1739 Shipand Cardigan's Head, CharingCross,ir 1741 Cough's Coffee House, Haymarket, n 1742 Royal Standard, Leicester Fields, n 1744 Erased 21 November 1745. Stone Masons' Arms, Great Fish Street, WOFCeStBF, Worcestershire 1 757 Appears in Ahiman Rezons of 1804 and 1813, at " Masons' Arms, Worcester," but it ceased to exist shortly after its constitution. Is not in A.R. 1807. 20 March 1739 Spurn and Humber Lodge. St. John the Baptist Lodge, 1767. Lodge of Probity, 1795- Date of Warrant or Constitution. 16 March 1757 Angel and Crown, Crispin Street, Spitalfields, London 1738 Three Tuns, without Bishopsgate, n I749| Black Dog, Shoreditch, pi 1753 White Dog, Widegate Alley, Bishopsgate Street, n 1757 Helmet, Bishopsgate Street, ir 1758 Three Tuns, Jewry Street, Aldgate, n 1761 Crown Tavern, Leadenhall Street, n 1762 Crown, Princes Street, Lothbury, n 1769 George, Great Eastcheap, n 1782 London Stone Tavern, Cannon Street, n 1791 Swan Tavern, Fish Street Hill, pi 1797 White Horse, Friday Street, Cheapside,pi 1800 Guildhall Coffee House, Gresham Street, p. 1803 Antwerp Tavern, Threadneedle Street, pp 1805 Bay Tree Tavern, St. Swithin's Lane, pp London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, pi 1835 Ship and Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall St., p, 1876 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, n 1876 Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Holborn, pp 1878 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, pi i Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street,ip 1878 p, Hall, pp pp 1879 PI Tavern, ii n 1879 Hall, p PI 1882 3 May 1738 " Permission granted by Lord Carnarvon G.M. 28 April 1738. Warrant of Confirmation, 18 January 1884. \_PIace 747iknocon'\ Vacant same year. London 1757 1729 [740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 183 171 60 172 158 96 80 64 64 60 82 72 60 Richardson's Crown and Anchor, Silver Street, Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire 1811 Freemasons' Hall, Lower Burgess Street, Great Grimsby 1812 Erased in 1823. Black Bull, Copper St., Halifax, Yorkshire 173S Rose and Crown, Swine Market, Halifax 1762 White Swan, Skircoat Green, n 1763 Rose and Crown, Swine Market, ip 1763 Old Cock, II IP 1765 Union Cross, Old Market, ,1 1782 Bath Tavern, Lily Lane, pp 1795 Union Cross, Old Market, u 1796 Old Cock Inn, Swine Market, n iS Masonic Hall, St. John's Place, n iS 16 March 1757 26 Feb. 1811 See page 75. Punch Bowl, Peck Lane, Nottingham. Nottingliavisliire 1757 White Lion, Carlton Road, Nottingham, afo«^ 1 760 This Lodge accepted a "Modern " Warrant, No. 292, in 1763. The old Warrant was dormant in 1792, yet the Lodge is said to be at the " Bunch of Grapes, Nottingham^" in Ahiman Rezon of 1804, and " Nottingham " m Ahiman Rezon 1807 ; clearly a mistake. In the Calendar for 1800 it is described as " Bunch of Grapes, Park Lane (dormant)." 1 Aug. 1738 Constituted 12 July 1738. A " Duplicate " Warrant issued in 1765- Centenary Warrant, 13 August 1885. 30 Sept. 1805 13 April 1757 61 A 61 B 176 162 97 81 65 65 61 83 84 73 61 74 62 A 8i 1894 Name of Lodge. 62 Social Lodge, Named in 1814. Court House Lodge. The Great Lodge, 1744. 63 St. Mary's Lodge, Named in 1816. Places of Meeting. Swan Inn, Deansgate, Manchester, Lancashire 181 Old Churchyard Tavern, Old Churchyard, Manchester 1812 Castle Inn, Deansgate, m 1816 Standley Arms, Sackville Street, n 182 Boar's Head, Hyde Cross, n 1824 Commercial Tavern, Market Street, n 1827 Crown and Thistle, Old Church Street, n 1829 Commercial Tavern, Market Street, n 1830 Crown and Thistle, Old Church Street, ti 183 1 St. John's Tavern, Old Churchyard, 1, 1839 Town Hall Buildings, King Street, n 1845 Freemasons' Hall, Cross Street, n 1845 Queen's Hotel, Piccadilly, n 1847 Palatine Hotel, Victoria Street, n 185 1 Royal Hotel, Mosley Street, m 1852 Queen's Hotel, Piccadilly, n 1856 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 16 Feb. 1811 St. John, Island of Antigua, West indies 1738 This Lodge appears in writing at end of 1739 list without any number. It was kept on the Roll down to 1813, Irut made no returns after 1790. White Hart, Bow, London 1757 1766, March 19. " No. 63 to pay lawful demands to Bro. Fielding at his house, and then remove where they think convenient." Stewards^ L. Min. Three Crowns, Old Jewry, London 1789 Queen's Arms Tavern, Cheapside n 179^ Queen's Head, Bird in Hand Court, Cheapside, n 179^ King's Arms, Shoreditch, n 1793 Queen's Arms, Crown Court, High Street, Wapping, n 1794 Glasgow Arms, Wapping, n 1797 King of Denmark's Head, n n 1801 St. Andrew's Tavern, n « 1802 Inverness Arms, n n 1802 Ship and Punch Bowl, n 11 1802 Black Boy, ir n 1803 White Swan, Wapping Dock, n m 1815 Coffee House, Shadwell Dock, 1, 1815 Northumberland Arms, Shadwell Dock, u 1816 Sir John Barleycorn, Thomas Street, Whitechapel Road, n 1819 Britannia, George PL, St. George's East, u 1823 New York Coffee House, Sweeting's Alley, Cornhill, n 1826 Harris's Hotel, Parliament Street, n 1831 Proctor'sHotel,WestminsterBridgeRoad,i, 1832 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1834 Freemasons' Hall, ir n 1865 22 Nov. 1738 14 April 1757 Centenary Warrant ^Special Jeiuel), 14 April 1857. [729 1740 >7SS 1770 1780 1 781 [792 62 B 1814 85 1832 75 1863 62 164 98 82 66 66 62 63 86 76 63 Flowerpot, Bishopsgate Street, London 1739 " Never attended since the Constitution.'' 1741 List. "" 165, Flowerpot, Bishopsgate Street, erased for not attending the G.M. in Q.C., pursuant to notice." G. L~ Mifi.j 24 June 1742. Erased 9 April 1743. 19 Jan. 1739 178 B 165 A 11 82 64 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Fortitude, Named in 1772. Denmark Lodge, 1770. United City Lodge, 1778. The Mother Lodge, Named in 1766. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Golden Lion, Salford, Lancashire 1739 9 Jan. 1739 This Lodge appears to have been constituted by the Prov. G M., but not returned to G. Lodge at the time. Hence it is not in the Lists until 1744, when it was given the place and number of the vacant No. 165. Hare and Hounds, Parsonage Lane, ManehesteP, Lancashire 1744 Tlie Fox, near St. Ann's Square, Manchester I7S3 White Horse, Hanging Ditch, n 178 Higher Turk's Head, Shude Hill, .r 180 King, Oldham Street, ,1 1810 Woolpack, Bridge Street, n 1816 Sun, Queen Street, n 1818 North British Volunteer, Deansgate, u 1821 Commercial Tavern, Brown Street, m 1828 Free Vintners, Fish Market, n 1832 Spread Eagle, Church Street, n 1833 Gibraltar Hotel, Pall Mall, „ 1S34 Craven Heifer, Miller Street, n 1839 Nag's Head, Hanover Street, n if Pack Horse Inn, OpenshaW, Lancashire 1S41 Mill Horse, Old Road, Chsetham, n 1842 Spread Eagle Hotel, Hanging Ditch, ManehesteP 1843 Freemasons' Hall, Cross Street, n 1845 Lord Nelson, Ringley Bpidge, Lancashire \l Tim Bobbin Inn, MilnrOW, n 1847 Commercial Inn, m 1857 Queen's Hotel, Piccadilly, Manchester i860 Spread Eagle, Gracechurch Street, London 1 740 Post Boy, Sherborne Lane, Lombard St. , n 1742 King's Head Tavern, Poultry, n 1746 Nag's Head Tavern, Leadenhall Street, 11 1769 Denmark Tavern, Aldgate, n 1770 Crown and Magpie, Whitechapel, n 1771 India Warehouses, Fenchurch Street, n 1778 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, n 178S United tijith the " United Traders^ Lod^e" No. 16 [No. 25 o/2\ Dec. 1723], in 1791. Krased r^ Fcbntary 1791. Provincial Warrant of Confirmation, I May 1772. Centenary Warrant, 25 Feb. t88o. 1729 1740 1755 1770 1780 165 B 99 83 67 1781 67 [792 63 1814 87 1832 77 [863 64 16 Jan. 1740 Is dated 1739 in some Lists, but really was 16 Jan. 1739-40. See page 44. IPiace imkiwivii] Birmingham, Waiwickshire 1764 Lapsed shortly after Constitution. Made no returns after 1764. It appears however in the Ahiman Rezon, as at "George Inn, Birmingham," in 1804, " Blrmhigham *' only, in 1807, and" Digbeth, Birmingham," in 1813. There seems to be no justification for these entries. Duke of Cumberland, Harbour Street, Whitstable, Kent 1813 Erased^ December 1827. Kingston (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, 1 West Indies 1739 Called " No. i " in 1773. Cease to meet 1796. Was kept on the Roll until 1813, but paid nothing after 1791. King's Head, Butchers'" Row, Portsmouth Common [now Portsea], Hampshire 1739 Erased 14 February 1758. 14 Dee. 1757 19 Dee. 1764 4 June 1813 14 April 1739 24 April 1739 180 112 84 68 68 64 A 64 B 64 c 88 182 105 85 69 69 64 184 172 106 [ 83 ] i894 Name of Lodge. No. I of Nova Scotia. No. 2 of Nova Scotia. Lodge of Sincerity, 1779. A '■^Masters' Lodge" 1799-1813. No.' 3 of Nova Scotia. Lodge of Peace and Plenty, 1786. A "Masters' Lodge," 1792-1813. Places of Meeting. British Coffee House, Coclispur Street, Ciiaring Cross, London 1739 Erased 25 March 174s- Provincial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, at Pontac's, Halifax, (Halifax), Nova Seotia, North America 1757 Lapsed be/ore the Union ^1813. See page 78. Black Bull, New Road, Spalding', Lincolnshire 1 739 Erased ^^ November 1754. Rowe Barge, George Street, Halifax, (Halifax), 'Sov^SeotiZ., North America l-JSI L apsed he/ore 1813. Red Bull, Charles Court, Strand, London 1739 Thistle & Crown, Denmark Court, Strand,ii 1741 Crown&Ball, Playhouse Yard, Blackfriars,ii 1751 Green Man, Berwick Street, Soho, n 1777 Red Lion, Parliament Street, n 1779 Star & Garter^ King Street, Westminster, h 1783 Ship, StoneyLane, TooIeySt., Southwarku 1784 Green Man, m m n 1788 Joiners' and Feltmakers' Arms, Joiners' Street, Southwark, n 1792 Bermondsey Spa, Bermondsey, n 1798 Canterbury Arms, Dean St., Southwark, n 1801 Plymouth Arms, Mill Lane, Tooley St., 11 1807 The Bull, Bull Court, 1, n 1812 Spread Eagle, Mill Lane, m n 1817 Erased 3 March 1830, but ceased working cdjout 1820. King's Airms, George Street, Halifax, (Halifax), Nova Scotia, North America 1757 Lapsed before 1813. Axe and Gate, King Street, Westminster, London 1739 One Tun, Strand, ii 1751 Hoop & Grapes, Coventry St. , Haymarket, n 1754 King's Arms, Wellclose Square, n 1756 White Swan, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, ,1 1756 East India Arms, John Street, Blacks- fields, Horsleydown, 11 175^ Red Lion, HorsleydownLane, Tooley St. , n 177^ New Two Giants, St. John's, Southwark, n 1802 Anchor and Castle, Tooley Street, n 1811 Erased -^ March 1830, but made no returns a/teriZi.^. {Place iinknowti] Portsmouth, Hampshire 1758 Lapsed about 1762. Appears in Ahiman Rezon of 1804, as at " Portsmouth," in error. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 28 April 1739 27 Dee. 1757 Warrant renewed 2 June 1784. 21 June 1739 22 June 1739 27 Dee. 1757 29 Aug. 1739 27 Dec. 1757 8 Oct. 1739 15 Feb. 1758 1729 1740 175s 1770 1780 1781 1792 I»I4 1832 1863 185 173 65 174 107 86 70 70 65 186 175 66 187 176 108 87 71 71 66 89 67 188 177 109 88 72 72 67 90 68 A [ 84 ] i894 65 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution 1729 1740 175s 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 Lodge of Prosperity, Named in 1832. 66 Grenadiers' Lodge. Philanthropic Lodge, 1770- White Horse, Hare Street, Bethnal Green, London 1810 Cock& Magpie, Wilson St., FinsburySq.,Ti 181 Angel & Crown, Crispin St., Spitalfields,ii 1815 Spotted Horse, High Street, Shoreditch,ii 1824 Angel&Crown, CrispinSt.,Spitalfields, ic 1826 Grapes, Little Paternoster Row, ir n 1832 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, n li Duke of Sussex, Thrawl Street, Spitalfields, n iS Queen's Arms, Commercial Street, Whitechapel. n 1846 Square and Compasses, Norton Folgate,ii 1847 Blade Bone Tavern, Betlinal Green Road, n 1849 Sun Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, n 1850 Horns Tavern, No. I Hackney Road, .1 1852 Earl of Durham, Murray St., Hoxton, n 1854 Wenlock Arms, Wenlock Road, City Road, m 1855 White Hart Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, ,1 1855 Freemasons' Club, 23 Little Bell Alley, Moorgate Street, n 1863 Rosemary Branch Tavern, Hoxton, 11 1863 Masons' Arms Tavern, Masons' Avenue, Basinghall Street, n 1 Jolly Anglers, Bath Street, Old Street, m 1866 George Hotel, Aldermanbury, n 1866 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, n 1 London 1739 6 June 1810 May Fair, Sun and Falcon, Down Street, Hyde Park Corner, 1 Running Horse, n 1 Horse Grenadier, n 1 King's Arms and One Tun, n 1 White Swan, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, 1 Pytt's Head, May Fair, Albemarle Arms, South Audley Street, Berkeley Arms, John St. , Berkeley Square Coach and Horses, Frith Street, Soho, Cleveland Arms, Great Quebec Street, Portland Square, King's Arms, Lower Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, Manchester Coffee House, Manchester Street, Manchester Square, Globe Tavern, Great Titchfield Street, Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, Freemasons' Hall, n 68 B 91 78 65 1744 1 745 1750 1755 1764 1764 1764 1789 1790 1793 1795 1799 181' 181 1865 25 Oct. 1739 Warrant of Confirmation, II February 1818. Centenary Warrant, 5 July 1875- Wheatsheaf, Gallowtree Gate, Leicester, Leicestershire iTi9 Lapsed. Erased 4 April 1744. Red Bull, Long Lane, West Smithfield, London i753 White Bear, Aldersgate Street, n 1755 Red Bull, Long Lane, West Smithfield, n 1756 Horse & Groom, nr Leather Lane, Holbornn 1 761 Bell Inn, opposite Fetter Lane, 11 1762 Turk's Head, Drury Lane, 11 1764 Angeland Porter, Golden Lane, Barbican, n 1765 Queen's Head, Gray's Inn Gate, Holbornn 1765 Erased 2,^ October 1781. 189 178 110 89 73 73 68 92 79 66 7 Dec. 1739 1753 See page 82. 16 Jan. 1740 179 A 179 B 111 90 74 74 180 112 i894 Name of Lodge. Lodge Perfect Union of Strangers. 67 Lodge of Prudence, 1774- United Lodge of Prudence and Peter, 1793- Lodge of Prudence and Peter, 1794- A "Masters' Lodge,'" 1792-99. Pythagoric Lodge, 1769, or earlier. The 3rd Lodge, 174°- Tlie 1st Lodge of Bengal, 1773- Lodge Star in the East, Named in 1790. Places of Meeting. Private Room, Lausanne, in the Canton of Berne [now in the Canton of Vaud], Switzerland 1740 Declared itself a Grand Lodge. Was closed by the State 3 March 1743. Erased from English List in 1769. White I.ion, High Street, BanbUFy, Oxjordshire 1740 Three Lions [Oxford Arms], Banbury 1741 Erased 27 January 1768. See page 82. Philadelphia (Piiiiadelpliia), Pennsylvania, U.S. of America 1758 Appears in Ahiman Rezon of 1813, but surrendered its Warrant, and took a new one from the Prov. G.L. of Pennsylvania, 10 February 1780. It is not mentioned in Ahiman Rezon of 1804 or 1807. Now No. 2 on Reg. of G. L. of Pennsylvania. White Swan, Little St. Andrew's Street, Seven Dials, London 1740 St. George and Dragon, Castle Street, Leicester Fields, n 1742 DukeWilliam'sHead[DukeofCiimber- land],St. Martin's .St. , Leicester Square, M 1748 The Ship, James .Street, Covent Garden, n 1752 Griffin, Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, it 1774 United with " .9^. Petet^s Lodge" No. 327 \No. 499, o/\t Dec. 1776], in 1793. Bell, Upper Mount Street, Grosvenor Sq. ,11 1 793 Griffin, Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, m 1794 Bell, Upper Mount Street, Grosvenor Sq., n 1795 Old Chesterfield Arms, Shepherd's Market, May Fair, >i 1797 Unitediuith " Ionic Lodge " No. 8 [No. g, 0/ May 1722], in 1800, ajidwas Erased 12 February 1800. Red Lion, Tower Street, Bristol, Gloncestcrshire 1 740 Mourning Btish Tavern, Corn Street, Bristol 1756 Fountain, High Street, n 1766 Erased -zZ A pril ZT]s- Reiiistaied\^ Nov, 1776. Bull Tavern, High Street, Bristol 1776 Erased again 9 April 1783. Lebeck's Head, Catherine Street, Strand, London 174° Three Tuns, HoughtonSt.,ClareMarket, „ 1742 United mith No. 102 \_No. 114, o/i-i, May 1733], and surrendered its Warrant 26 February 1745. " Constitution resigned." MS. on 1744 List. [Place unknmvn'] Calcutta, Bengal, India 1740 Not in Lists until 1750. " It was ordered that the Lodge called the Third Lodge at Calcutta in the East Indies, at their request, be enrolled in the List of Regular Lodges, agreeable to the date of their Constitution." G. L. Min.f 16 Dec. 1747. Hare Street, Calcutta 1835 Freemasons' Hall, 55 Bentinck Street, n 1862 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 2 Feb. 1740 31 March 1740 14 April 1739 7 June 1758 26 June 1740 10 July 1740 4 Nov. 1740 16 April 1740 Warrant of Confirmation, 3 Nov. 1813. [Recites Warrant of 24 June 1740]. Centenary Warrant {Special Jewel) t 187 113 181 182 114 69 183 115 91 75 75 69 184 116 92 76 76 185 A 185 B 117 93 77 77 70 93 80 67 86 1894 Name of Lodge. St. George's Lodge, 1802. 68 St. Michael's Lodge. Luttmann Lodge, 1740. Lodge Absalom, 174s- Tyrian Lodge, 1770 Places of Meeting. Royal Mariners' Lodge, TS09. Royal Clarence Lodge of Mariners, Royal Clarence Lodge, 1849. White Bear, Hide Hill, Berwick-On- Tweed, Northuinberland 1758 Angel Inn, High Street, Berwick-on-Tweed 1774 White Bear, Hide Hill, 11 1788 Angel Inn, High Street, n 1794 King's Arms, Hide Hill, n 1796 Angel Inn, High Street, n 1799 Erased 5 Deceiuher 1827. {^Piace unhwwn'\ Birmingham, Warwickshire 175^ Lapsed about 1760, but appears in Ahiman Rezon of 1804 and 1813, as at " Red Lion, Birmingham," and in 1807 " Birmingham " only. See page 93. Bridgetown, Island of Barbados, West Indies 1740 Freemasons' Hall, Bridgetown 1772 See No. 132 of 30 October 1818. 19 July 1758 Warrant of Renewal, 26 Feb. 1788. See page 85. Hamburg [Free City], Lower Saxony, Germany 1740 The English Tavern, Hamburg 1745 Bunch of Grapes, Decker Street, n 1758 This Lodge is stated to be a successor, without a lapse, of No. 124 of 1733. See page 65. Joined the Strict Observance, -^ojanjiary 1765, became dormant 1768. Was Erased/rom Euetish List in 1769. Joined the renewed English Prov. G. L. in 1782, which became an Independent G. L. in 1811. See No. 506 o/^^ August T786. St. George and Dragon, Tangier Street, Whitehaven, Cumberland 1741 Erased ^-^ January 1768. Ship and Castle, High Street, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire 1 74 Three Cranes, High Street, Haverfordwest 1766 Erased 23 April 1773. Eleventh Regiment of Foot Lapsed about 1767. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 6 Dee. 1758 28 Nov. 1813 12 March 1740 2 Feb. 1740 23 Oct. 1740 1758 \^Place unknovitil Sheffield, Yorkshire 1 772 Lapsed shortly aftej wards. Freemasons' Hall, Paradise Square, ShelBeld, Yorkshire 1776 I^afsed about 1788, but appears in Aiiiman Rezo7i ^1804 and 1807. Talbot Inn, Redcliff Hill, Bristol, Gloucestershire Some Members of No. 162 (A) paid {.^ 5s. od. to acquire No. 72 in 1807. Mulberry Tree, Broad Street, Bristol Talbot Inn, Redcliff Hill, „ Castle and Ball, Lower Castle Street, n Freemasons' Hall, Bridge Street, n Freemasons' Hall, Park Street, ir 1807 1810 1816 18 1872 19 March 1741 14 April 1741 15 Nov. 1758 23 Sept. 1772 6 Sept. 1776 14 Sept. 1807 Warrant of Confirmation, 21 Aug. 1824. 1740 '755 1770 1780 [781 1792 186 187 108 B 118 94 78 78 71 119 188 189 120 121 95 70 1814 94 1832 71 A 71 B 72 A 72 B 72 c 72 D 95 81 [ 87 ] i894 Name of Lodge. 69 Old French Lodge, 1758. Lodge of Unity, 1777. AbifTs Lodge, 1814- Places of Meeting. IIoop& Grapes, Greek St., Soho, London 1742 Hoop&Grapes, CoventrySt., Haymarket,ii King's Arms, Wellclose Square, n Hoop&Grapes, CoventrySt. , Haymarket,ii White Swan, Grafton Street, Soho, m Two Chairmen, Little Warwick Street, Charing Cross, n The Tower, New Bond Street, m Two Chairmen, Charing Cross, n Horse and Dolphin, St. Martin's Street, Leicester Square, 11 Barn, St. Martin's Lane, n Repository Coffee House, Little St. Martin's Lane, n Porcupine, Newport St. , Newport Market, n Thistle and Crown, Suffolk Street, n Anchor and Vine, Uuckingham Court, Charing Cross, n Duke's Court, St. Martin's Lane, n Star & Garter Tavern, St. Martin's Lane, n Coach and Horses, Castle Street, Leicester Square, n Black Prince, Chandois Street, St. Martin's Lane, n Garrick'sHead, Bow St., Covent Garden,.! Lord Cochrane, Spring Gardens, Charing Cross, n Wheatsheaf Tavern, Strand, n Two Angels and Crown, Little St. Martin's Lane, n Percy Arms, Church Court, Strand, n Shakespeare Tavern, Great Russell Street, Covent Garden, n Ship Tavern, GateSt., Lincoln's InnFieldsii Essex Head, Essex Street, Strand, m George and Dragon, Greek Street, n Bedford Head, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, " London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, m Innsof Court Hotel, Lincoln's Inn Fields,ii Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1743 1756 1757 1758 1764 1777 17K1 1785 1794 1795 1800 1802 1803 1805 1807 1808 1810 1812 1813 1818 1824 1826 183 1 1S33 1833 1836 1876 13 April 1742 Warrant of Confirmation, 24 April 1824. Centenary Warrant, 22 Dec. 1868. [Place unkii(rwii'\ Reading, Beikshire 1759 Lapsed shortly aftei wards. [Place unknown'] Reading, Berkshire 1771 Is mentioned in Calendar for 1800 and in Ahiman Rezon of 1804 as at the " Dolphin, Reading," but the Lodge had lapsed about 1775. Petition from a former Member of No. 73 rejected, " the Lodge having not contributed for some time past to the fund of Charity." G. L. Min., 21 Jan. 1779. White Hart Tavern, Church Street, j I Framlingham, Suffolk 1808 i " White Hart " in Register. " White Lion " in G. L. Pro. 1809. Bell Inn, High Street, Saxmundham, Sufolk 18 1 1 Krased in 1832. Old Road, Island of St. Christopher, West Indies 1742 Not in Lists until 1756. Erased in 1813. 740 1755 190 122 [770 96 1780 79 1781 79 1792 72 1814 96 1832 82 1863 69 17 Jan. 1759 20 Dee. 1771 2 June 1808 73 A 73 B 73 o 97 17 June 1742 123 97 80 80 73 88 Name of Lodge. 70 St. John's Lodge, Named in 1807. Removed 6 August 1828. St. John the Baptist Lodge, 1828-1858. St. John's Lodge, Union Lodge. Port Royal Lodge. Lodge St. George. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. In His Majesty's Third Regiment of Foot, Castle Inn, CastleSt., Exeter, /'ctw"/^"^ 1 759 Coach and Horses, Paris Street, Exeter 1771 George Inn, North Street, n 1793 Oat Sheaf, Fore Street, n 1809 Bull Inn, Goldsmith Street, n 1814 Elephant Inn, North Street, n 1818 Half MooTi Inn, High Street, 1. 1820 Star Inn, St. John's Bow, Fore Street, n 1824 Golden Ball, Mary Arches Street, 11 1825 York Inn, High Street, EaSt StOnehOUSe, Devonshire 1828 Commei-cial Hotel, Old Town Street, Plymouth, Devonshire 1828 Custom House Tavern, Parade, Plymouth 1836 Commercial Hotel, Old Town Street, ti 1839 IVlasonic Hall, Union Street, m 1857 St. John's Masonic Hall, Courtenay St.,-, i860 H uyshe Masonic Temple, Princess Place, n 1 866 Masonic Rooms, 193 Union Street, 11 Freemasons' Hall, I Princess Square, n FFankfopt-on-the-Main [Free City], Germany 1742 Incorrectly called " Union of Ang;els" in Lists 1742-1769. In Grand Lodge Minutes is designated " Two Angels and Broken Bones.'' It became independent of England in 1782, but returned to tlie English rule from 1789 to 1823, when it became a Memijer of tlie Eclectic Union. It should have 7'emained on the English Register vniil 1823, but xvas taken off in 1813. It hoivevey reappeared iu 1822 as No. 96-74, and iv as finally erased in 1823. Still exists under the Mother Lodge of the Eclectic Union. Three Horse Shoes, Corn Square, Leominster, Herefmdshire 1742 Erased IT January 1768. Port Royal (Port Royal, Surrey), Jamaica, West indies 1742 Erased in 1772. The Angel and Crown, Dolgelly, Merionethshire 1 743 Erased 12 April 1780. Emperor's Court, Hamburg, [Free City], Germany 1743 Joined the Strict Observance, 30 January 1765, •was erased from English List in 1769. Joined the renewed English Prov. G, L. in 1782, which be- came an Independent G. L. in 1811. See No. 507, ^24 August 1786. White Lion, Broad Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire 1 744 Bull, High Street, Bristol 1756 " No Lodge for many years.'' MS., 1766. Erased iu 1766. Seventy-second Regiment of Foot i7S9 Lapsed about 1764. The Stewards' Lodge Min. of 24 January 1778, state that " the Regiment was disbanded," but the Lodge continued in Ahiman Rezon Lists of 1804, 1807, and 1813. 21 March 1759 Warrant of Renewal, II Nov, 1771. Centenary Warrant {Special Jewel), 24 March 1863. 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 74 1814 98 1832 83 1863 70 17 June 1742 (Date of Constitution). "Warrant dated 8 Feb. 1743. II Oct. 1742 1742 17 Sept. 1743 24 Sept. 1743 192 124 98 81 81 74 191 193 125 126 20 March 1744 18 March 1769 194 196 127 99 100 128 195 129 75 A [ 89 ] 71 Name of Lodge. Pplnee George Lodge. Lodge Zerubabel, Called " New Lodge " only in Engraved Lists. 72 Lodge of Unity, Named in i8ii. " Dormant five years." F.Q.R.t 1850. Royal Jubilee Lodge Named in 1813. Places of Meeting. Swan, King Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire 1 761 N'o. 8t? (A) took No. 75 (A) in 1764. Lapsed about April 1765. George Town (Winyaw), South Carolina, U.S. of America 1743 Not in Lists until 1760. Erased in 1813. Copenhagen (Zealand), Seceders from No 1743-4. Joined Denmark 1745 Formed by Seceders from No. 204, under dispensation in 1743-4. Joined the Strict Observance in May 1765. Erased from English Roll in 1769. After varied fortunes amalgamated with " St. Martin's Lodge," No. 204, and a Lodge " Frederick," constituted by Strict Observance in 17S8, under the name of " Zerubabel and Frederick of Crowned Hope." Passed to G. L. of Denmark, on its foundation, in 1792. Still exists on the Register of G. L. of Denmark. St. Jago de la Vega [now Spanish Town], (St. Catherine, Middlesex), Jamaica, IVest Indies Not in List until 1751. Erased in 1773. 1746 \_Place unknown'] Shrewsbury, Shropshire 1759 Lapsed shortly afterwards- Is in each of the Ahiman Rezons, 1804, 1807, and 1813, in error, as at the '" Green Man, Shrewsbury.'* The Bear, Market Place, Norwich, Norfolk 1750 The Angel, 11 it 1766 Queen's Head, Aele, Norfolk 1785 Erased 10 February 1790. Reinstated 13 April 1791. Queen's Head, Acle 1 791 The Bear, Bridgefoot, Southtown, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk 1791 Wrestler's Inn, Great Yarmouth 1805 Nelson's Hotel, n 1806 Half Moon, Market Place, 1. 1808 Duke's Head, n 1812 George and Dragon, High Street, Lowestoft, Suffolk 1814 Queen's Head, High Street, Lowestoft 1821 Crown Hotel, n ir 1854 Suffolk Hotel, London Road, n 1857 Masonic Hall, m " 1873 \Place unknown"] Last entry 3 Bee. 1783. London 1759 Lapsed about 1784. Golden Ijon, Great Prescot Street, Goodman's Fields, London 1810 King's Head Tavern, Fenchurch Street, „ 181 1 Excise Coffee House, Old Broad Street, „ 1813 Three Lords, Minories, n 1814 Golden Hind, Little Moorfields, m 1817 Dial, Long Alley, Moorfields, n 1819 Robin Hood, Holborn, m 1821 Hole-in-the-Wall, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, n 1822 Crown & Barley Mow, Gray's Inn Lane, ir 1823 Paul's Head, Paul Street, Finsbury, m 1829 Hercules Pillars, Great Queen Street, n 1835 Crown Tavern, Stationers' Court, Ludgate Hill, n 1836 Green Man and Bell, Dark House Lane, Lower Thames Street, n 1837 Gerard's Hall Hotel, Basing Lane, n 1842 Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, ir 1851 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, 1, 1852 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 21 Jan. 1761 1743 26 Oct. 1745 29 April 1746 5 Sept. 1759 9 May 1747 Warrant of Confirmation, 8 March 1810. Centenary Warrant, 25 Sept. 1879. 5 June 1759 15 Oet. 1810 1740 I7SS 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 85 75 197 247 130 101 82 82 75 208 131 102 76 198 132 103 83 83 76 99 84 71 77 A 77 B 100 85 72 12 L 90 ] 1894 Name of Lodge. A New Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Island of St. EuStatiUS [Dutch Island], West Indies 1747 Not in List until 1755. Krasedin 1813. The George, Church I.ane, KingSton-upon-Hull, Yorkshire 1759 Lapsed about 1761. It appears, in error, in Ahiman Rezon of 1804 and 1813, but not in 1807. Union Coffee House, Market Place, Norwich, Norfolk 1749 Not in Lists until 1750, and then as No. 140, but having been placed too high was altered to No. 199 in 1752, that number being blank in the Lists of T750 and 1751. Maid's Head, Cook Row, Norwich 1750 King's Head, Market Place, n 1757 Maid's Head, Cook Row, n 1757 Angel, Market Place, m 1796 Erased 10 February 1B09. King George III. Lodge, 1821. Prince George Lodge, 178.. Freemasons' Hall Medal (1783). 6 June 1747 3 Sept. 1759 5 Jan. 1748 Constituted 18 Oct. 1749. .Spring Clock, Beach Street and High Street, GospOFt, Hampshire Theatre Tavern, High Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire West India and Quebec Tavern, Broad .Street, Portsmouth Dolphin Tavern, High Street, n Crown Inn, High Street, « Quebec Tavern, Broad Street, n King's Arms, Grand Parade, 11 Falstaff Tavern, Bath Square, it Anchor and Hope Tavern, St. George's Square, Portsea, Hampshire Three Tuns, 94 High Street, Portsmouth Isle of Man, Broad Street, n Wheatsheaf, Ordnance Row, Portsea Erased and Warrant returned 13 June 1832. 1759 1779 179 1795 1797 1799 1800 1806 1819 182 1825 1828 5 Sept. 1759 Warrant of Renewal 30 Aug. 1780. [740 268 140 B 199 1755 133 136 770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 104 84 84 105 85 85 Pope's Head, Pike Street, Plymouth, Devonshire 1748 Not in List until 1751. Prince George, Foxhole Key, Plymouth 1763 * Erased 12 April 1780, consequently not in List of that year. Reinstated inij^z, thus making an alteration in the numbers in 1781. Prince George, Foxhole Key, Plymouth 1781 Fountain Tavern, Grand Parade, n 1797 Guildhall, High Street, n 1806 Erased $ Match 1828. Mitre, Woolster Street, Plymouth, Devonshire 1748 N.B. — In the " Constitutions " of 1756, the numbers of the above two Lodges are transposed, viz., " 203-134 Mitre, Plymouth, 15 June 1748 ; 200-135 Bishop's Head, Plymouth, 1 May 1748. ' Nos. 200, 201, and 202 were numbered 141, 142, and 143 immediately following igg in the Engraved List of 1750. The error was corrected in 1751. Erased in 1758. See page 92. 1 May 1748 203 15 June 1748 31 March 1749 200 201 77 78 78 79 101 134 135 137 106 86 79 102 [ 91 ] i894 Name of Lodge. 73 Lodge of Eleusinian Mysteries, 1822. Mount Lebanon Lodge, • Named in 1818. No. 1 Lodge. St. John's Lodge, No. 2. - 2nd Lodge in Boston, 1768. Places of Meeting. See page 92. See page 90. See page 92. Upper Ship Inn, Duke Street, Reading, Berkshire 1759 Lapsed about ij6^, but appears as at the " Ship, Duke Street," in Cat. 1800, and in Ahiman Rezon of 1804 and 1813, as at *' The Ship, Reading." Is not in Ahiman Rezon 1807. Green Dragon, Cockey Lane, NOPWich, Norfolk 1750 The Guild, Colegate Street, Norwich 1752 Three Tuns, St. Peter's Mancroft, n 1756 Rampant Horse Tavern, Rampant Horse Street, ,, 1759 The Sun, St. Peter's Mancroft, tr 1763 PrinceofWales,S. John's, Madder Mkt,ii 1773 Bear and Ragged Staff, fisher's Lane, n 1775 Red Cow, Cow Hill, St. Giles, 1, 1785 Castle and Lion, White Lion Street, n 1795 Labour in Vain, Gaol Hill, n 1797 Horse and Groom, Castle Street, w 1800 Church Stile, Upper Market Street, >i 1S05 lilack Hull, Magdalen Street, n 1810 Freemasons' Tavern, Elm Hill, n 1822 Greyhound Inn, Surrey Street, 11 1831 Last Minutes 23/««£'i834. Last payment March 1835. Erased X June \%s?f [Place unknownl London 1760 King's Head, James St., Covent Garden, n 1780 Sun, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, n 1792 Bull, Devonshire Street, Bishopsgate St. ,11 1792 Angel, City Road, 11 1794 Cheshire Cheese, Spitalfields Market, n 1795 Red Lion, Old Street, .. 1799 Tobit's Dog, St. Paul's Churchyard, n 1802 Coach and Horses, Aldersgate Street, n 1806 Spread Eagle, Whiteeross Street, ir 1808 Btdl and Ram, Old Street, m 1817 St. Luke's Tavern, Old Street, <\ 1818 Jolly Anglers, Bath Street, Old Street, „ 1825 Shakespeare's Head, Percival Street, Clerkenwell, n 1826 Roebuck, Great DoverStreet, Southwark, 11 1830 Coach and Horses, Northumberland Alley, Fenchurch Street, " 1835 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, n .1837 Hope Tavern, Banner Street, St. Luke's, ir 1839' Hercules Tavern, Lead enhall Street, n 1841 Green Man Tav.,Tooley St.,Southwarl^,M 1843 Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge,!! i! 1862 Green Man Tavern, Tooley Street, i! i! 1865 Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, !i !i 1867 MinOFCa (Balearic Islands), Spain 1750 Not in List until 1753. Minorca was under English rule from 1708-1758, and from 1763-1782. Erased in 1767, Royal Exchange, BostOn, Massachusetts, U.S. ofAvierica 1749 Not in List until 1768. British Coffee House, King Street, Boston 1768 Unitedwitk "St. JohtCs Lodge^ No. i," theji No. 42 {^No. 126, of-io July 1733], 7 February 1783, but was kept on our Register until 1813. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 5 May 1749 1 May 1748 9 Oet. 1749 13 Oet. 1759 1740 202 203 204 175s 138 139 [770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 9 Jan. 1750 Warrant of Confirmation, I August 1822. 29 Feb. 1760 Duplicate Warrant, 27 Dec. 1794. Centenary Warrant, II June 1877. 9 Feb. 1750 15 Feb. 1749 80 205 140 107 86 87 80 103 86 81 104 87 73 213 141 A 141 B 108 87 88 81 92 i894 Name of Lodge. No. 1. Lodge of Orange. St. Martin's Lodge, Named 13 January 1745. 74 Athol Lodge, Named in 1811. No. 2 Lodge. Marble Head Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Spanish Town, one of the Virgin Islands, fVest Indies 1760 Lapsed shortly after C onstztution^ hut appears (jn error) inAhimanRezonsof^%o\, 1807 and iZt-i. Halifax (Halifax), Nova Scotia, North America 1749 Not in List until 1770. prased in 1813. Black Bear, Sidney Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire 1 749 Sun, Trinity Street, Cambridge 1762 King's Head Inn, Sidney Street, n 1770 Black Bull Inn, Trumpington Street, m 1772 Black Bear, Sidney Street, n 1779 Erased 2 February 1785. 31 March 1749 City of Rotterdam, Holland 1749 Did not join G. L q/HoUa/id. Must have died about 1756. Erasedfrom English Register in 1769. Copenhagen (Zealand), Denmark 1743 See Note to Lodge " Zerubabel," page 89. Not in our List until 1751. Erased in 1769, but had previotcsly {May 1765) joined the Strict Observance, Unicorn, Hillgate, StOCkport, Cheshire 1760 Talbot, Brinksway, Stockport 1760 Bowling Green, Teviotdale, n 1766 White Lion, Underbank, n 1767 Talbot, Brinksway, n 177 Bro. Spencer's, n 1773 Widow Brook's, HeatOnNorriS,Zfl«(rai/^/re 1784 Red Lion, Heaton Lane, StOCkport 1791 Cancelled 5 June 1793. It nevertheless appears as at " Red Lion, Stockport," in Ahiman Rezon of 1804 and 1807. Swan, Great Brook Street, Birmingham, Warwickshire 1811 Cup, Stafford Street, Birmingham 1812 King's Head Inn, Worcester Street, n 1831 Cup, Stafford Street, n 1832 Shepherd & Shepherdess, Old Cross St. ,11 1835 While Hart Inn, Digbeth, n 1851 Masonic Hall, Severn Street, n 1859 Minorca (Balearic Islands), Spain 1750 Not in List until 1753. See page 91, Erased in 1767. Marble Head, Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, U.S. of America \1(iQ Not in List until 1768. Date in List is stated to be 25 May 1750, but the later date appears to be correct according^ to the American Records. A Renewal of Constitution, dated 14 January 1778, refers to the " Original Charter '' of March 25, 1760. Was kept on our Register until 1813, hut had become part of the G. L. of Massachusetts, 5 March 1792. 21 May 1760 1749 5 May 1749 9 Oct. 1749 Constituted II November 1743. 24 June 1760 Said to have been founded i Jan. 1759. 16 July 1811 23 May 1750 25 March 1760 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 82 109 88 89 82 201 137 110 89 90 202 138 204 139 83 A 83 B 105 88 74 214 142 A 142 B 111 90 91 83 [ 93 ] i894 Name of Lodge. United Lodge of Friendship. Clarence Lodge, 1809. No. 3 Lodge. New Haven Lodge, Also called Hiram, No. j Swaffham New Lodge. PLA.CES OF Meeting. [P/ace unknown] BviStol, G/ouces/ersh'fi 1761 Hull Tavern, High Street, Bristol 1768 Lapsed about iTjo. Is in Cal. o/i%oo and in Ahiman Rezon ^1804. Chequers Tavern, High Street and London Road, SevenoakS, Kent 1806 Lapsed before 1813. Private Room, Fowey, Cornwall 1 813 This Lodge should have been numbered 95 at the Union ; the reason for its being placed lower down on the Roll is not manifest. Erased 5 March 1828. Sandy Point, Island of St. Christopher, West Indies 1750 Erased in 1822, See page 89. Minorca ( Balearic Islands), Not in List until 1753. See page gi. Erased in 1767. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 21 Jan. 1761 26 March 1806 28 [Nov.] 1813 28 Dec, 1813, in Register, which was after date of Union, and could not be correct. 20 July 1750 Warrant of Confirmation, 23 November 1S08. 21 Jan. 1761 Spain 1750 24 June 1750 New Haven (New Haven Bay), Connecticut, U.S. of America 1750 House of JehielTuttle, New Haven, '27 Dec. 1750 Golden Lion, 11 1768 Not in List until 1768. Was kept on our Register until 1813, hut left our Jurisdiction on the formation of the G. L, of Con7iecticut^ B Jjcly 1789. Now No. I on Reg. of G. L. of Connecticut. See page 39. Hole in the Wall, Hole in the Wall Lane, Norwich, Norfolk 175 The Unicorn, Norwich 1756 Golden Key, Haymarket, St. Peter's Mancroft, n 1763 King and Miller, St. Bennet, n 1765 Waggon and Horses, Tombland, n 1773 Swan with two Necks, St. Martin at Oak, Oak Street, .. 1774 Wax Candle, St. John's Madder Market, m 1776 Unicorn, m h m 1782 Unicorn, Coslany Street, St. Mary's, n 1792 Greenland Fishery, Coslany Street, n 1799 White Horse, Haymarket, n 1805 Lapsed in 1805. Greyhound Inn, Market Place, SwafTham, Norfolk 1805 No returns or payments after 1813. Erased 5 December 1827. See page 89. The Sun and 13 Cantons, Great Pulteney Street, Golden Square, London 175^ Not in List until 1756. Crown and Anchor, Strand, n 1759 Erased 23 April 1773. 12 Nov. 1750 6 Mar. 1761 12 Feb. 1751 740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 84 A 84 B 71 B 106 206 215 144 143 A 143 B 112 91 92 84 107 85 113 92 93 85 86 207 145 114 93 94 86 A 1805 29 April 1746 26 Feb. 1751 Is dated 26 Feb. 1756 in 1756^ List, 26 Feb. 1755 in Lists 1757 to 1763, and 26 Feb. 1751 in Lists from, 1766. 86 B 108 208 212 115 94 i894 Name of Lodge. Good Intent Lodge. 75 76 Lodge of Love and HonouF, Named in 1773. Freemasons' Hall Medal (1783). Lodge of Economy, Named in 1816. 77 Friendly Lodge, 1824. Lodge of Friendship, 1827. No. 1, Philadelphia. Places of Meeting. Lodge of Freedom, Named in 1789. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1740 I7SS 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 Leicester" Militia, Leicestershire 1761 Lapsed ahout 1764. Salutation Inn, Beast Market, Stamford, Nortliaiiiptonshire 1S03 [Part of Stamford is in Lincolnshire.] Erased 5 December 1827. King's Arms, Market Strand, Falmoutil, Cornwall 175 Royal Standard, \iinhiowri\ Falmouth 1782 King's Arms, Market Strand, " 1799 Royal Hotel, Market Street, m 1820 Freemasons' Hall, Church Street, •\ \i Bakers' Arms, High Street, WinchesteF, Havipshire 1 76 1 City Arms, High Street, Winchester 1801 King's Head Inn, Minster Street, n 1806 Sun Inn, in the Square, w li Marquis of Granby Inn, High Street, n 1815 Globe Inn, n 11 1828 White Hart Inn, m m 1831 Black Swan Hotel, n it 1854 BallRoom, George Hotel (Installation), m 1865 Black Swan Hotel, High Street, .1 1865 Masonic Hall, Parchment Street, 11 1867 The Angel, Market Place, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk 175 The Little Angel, South Quay, Great Yarmouth 1785 Half Moon, Market Place, m 1787 Star Tavern, Hall Quay, m 1789 Three Tuns, Bridge St., Southtown, n 1794 Star Tavern, Hall Quay, n 1806 Bowling Green Inn, Chapel Fields, Norwich, Norfolk 1823 Norfolk Hotel, St. Giles Street, Norwich 1824 Erased in 1831. Warrant surrendered^ Philadelphia (Philadelphia), Pennsylvania, U.S. of America \-](ii Appears to have had 3 Warrants ; the first sent by ship and taken by the French; the second [date unknown] said to have been lost ; the third, dated 20 June 1764. *' Closed for er'er" as reg;ards English jurisdiction, on 26 Sept. 1786, when it became part of the G. E. of Pennsylvajtia. 29 May 1761 1 May 1803 20 May 1751 Warrants of Confirmation, 28 Feb. T781 and 10 Jan, 1825. Centenary Warrant, 13 May 1869. 29 May 1761 Warrant of Renewal, 7 April 1801; original having been burnt. Centenary Warrant {Special Jewel) , 9 May 1862. 87 A 87 B 109 209 146 116 94 95 87 110 89 75 88 111 90 76 King's Head, West St., Gravesend, Kent Pelican \j.inknouiii\, Gravesend Crown and Anchor, High Street, n Pope's Head, West Street, n White Hart, High Street, „ St. George's Inn, Queen Street, m Rum Puncheon Tavern, West Street, i. Dormant for about 12 years. Re-opened 19 June 1838 Talbot Hotel, West Street, Gravesend Clarendon Hotel, East Street, n Wate's Hotel, Milton Place, Milton, next Gravesend Town Hall, High Street, Gravesend Clarendon Hotel, East Street, 11 Old Falcon Hotel, n 11 Town Hall, High Street. New Falcon Hotel, West Street, n 6 June 1751 Constituted 27 Oct. 1751. 15 July 1761 and 20 June 1764 210 147 117 95 96 88 112 89 1751 1789 1792 1793 1820 1823 1829 1851 i8S3 1859 18' 1878 1881 1882 8 June 1751 Warrant of Confirmation, 5 June 1847. Centenary Warrant, 25 May 1870. Duplicate C.W., 3 Sept. i8go. 211 148 118 96 97 89 113 91 77 95 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places o¥ Meetincx. Sea Captains' Lodge, Named in 1756. No. 4 Lodge. St. John's Lodge. Thirty-third Regiment of Foot 1761 Was at New Yorlt (New York), 6^^. of America 1783 Aug. 5, 1783. Presented Warrant of 19 Au^. 1761 to G.L. of New York, and acknowledged their jurisdiction.— i/zj<. G.L. of New York, p. 16. Last entry in Register 24 April 1793. Lapsed about 1794. Thirty-third Regiment of Foot, Fort William, Calcutta, Bengal, India 1798 In 180Z tlie members took a Local Warrant from Prov. G.L. of Madras as Lodge Unity and Friendship, No. 7 Local. No entry after 1798. " Warrant regranted and sent to Fort William,*' (G.Z. Reg.") but appears in Ahiman Rezon 1804-1807, " East Indies," and 1813 " Pitt Fort, Chatham." St. Andrew's Cross, Hermitage, Wapping, London 1751 Salutation Tavern, Billingsgate, n 1761 King's Head Tavern, Fenchurch .Street, n 1762 Nag's Head Tavern, Leadenhall Street, n 1773 Erased 12 February 1794. See page 91. See page 92. See page 93. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 19 Aug. 1761 11 April 1798 Minorca (Balearic Islands), Not in List until 1753. See page 91. E7'asedin 1767. Spain 1 75 1 1740 17SS 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 90 A 90 B King's Arms, Helston, Cornwall 1752 Erased in 1774. \^Place unknown'] Leicester, Leice-riershire 1 76 Crown and Thistle, I.oseby Lane, Leicester 1775 Leather Bottle, Churchgate, n 1775 Recruiting Serjeant, St. Nicholas Square,ii 1793 George Inn, Haymarket, ti 1801 Erased in 1821. Bridgetown, Island of Barbados, West Indies 1752 Not in List until 1755. Erased in 1813. See No. 132 of 30 October 1818. Bell Tavern, without Aldgate, LondOn 175 Three Tuns, Gracechurch Street, n 1754 Ship Tavern, Leadenhall Street, n 1755 Erased in 1768. Charles Town [Charleston], South Carolina, U.S. of America 1761 No Returns after 1765. If in existence, it would have passed from English Register on formation of G. L. of South Carolina (Ancients), 24 March 1787. It is, however, in Ahiman Rezon 1813, but not in 1804 or 1807. 29 Aug. 1751 g.Feb. 1750 23 May 1750 24 June 1750 26 Nov. 1751 14 April 1752 26 Sept. 1761 Warrant of Renewal, 2 Nov. 1775. 212 213 214 215 216 217 149 119 97 98 90 150 151 120 91 114 23 April 1752 13 July 1752 260 152 218 153 121 98 99 91 10 Oct. 1761 92 [ 96 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. George Lodge, 1784. Imperial George Lodge, 1801. 78 79 Imperial George Lodge. Pythagorean Lodge Named in 1828. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Fleece, Well Court, Queen Street, Cheapside, London Rainbow Coffee House, Coinhill, n Porcupine, Newport St., Newport Market n King's Head, IJroad St. Giles's, n George, corner of Maggot's Court, Piccadilly, n George, corner of George Court, Piccadilly II King's Arms, Old Conipton Street, Soho, n Rose and Crown, Downing Street, Westminster, 11 Erased 12 February 1800. Reinstated'] May 1800. Newmarket Carriage, Colonnade, Guildford Street, Russell Square, London Guildford Arms, Guildford St., Russell Sq..i Lapsed about 1801. 1752 1754 1757 1758 1759 1776 1782 1784 1800 1801 Sufifield Arms, Long Street, Middleton, Lancashire 1805 Hare & Hounds, Rochdale Road, Middleton 1807 White Hart, 11 n 1839 Black Bull Inn, ti n 184 Assheton Arms Hotel, Long Street, n 185 SevenStars.Boscawen St., Truro, Cornwall 1752 Masons' Arms, Old Bridge Street, Truro 1752 King's Head, Boscawen Street, n 1759 Erased in 1769. Chandernagore (Chief French Settlement), Bengal, India 1752 [** Chardenagore " In Eng. Lists.] Erased 10 February 1790. \_Place un/inoinnl London 176 Greenwich, n 17^3 Warrant Cancelled 5 March iin,/or no7i-payinent of Dues. London 1813 M 1820 Mitre Tavern, Church Street, Greenwich, Black Bull, Lewisham, Duke's Head, Dartmouth Row, Blackheath, n 1823 Greyhound Tavern, Stockwell Street, Greenwich, n 1828 Prince of Orange, Greenwich Road, Greenwich, n 1836 Globe Tavern, Royal Hill, 11 n i Lecture Hall, n n n 1866 Ship Tavern, n n m 1869 Madras (Chingleput), 3Iadras, India 1752 Erased in 1799. "Memo. September, 1790. Prov. G.Lo. Madras, in the return of their Lodges, mention the Stewards' Lodge and the Lodge of Perfect Unanimity, which they call No. i, and both of which appear to have been established about 1786, when Masonry was revived on the Coast, but no account of them sent home, altho' there had been of subsequent Lodges, therefore in order to make the general numbers correspond with the Provincial numbers, in erasing the old Madras Lodges which had ceased to meet during the war, No. 102 has been reserved for their Stewards Lodge, and No. 233 for their Lodge of Perfect Unanimity, No. i on the Coast." [Extracted frovi G. L. Warrant Book, g Nov. 1885. J.L.] 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 21 Aug. 1752 1805 Warrant of Confirmation, 24 June 1852. Centenary Warrant, 3 Oct. 1876. 22 Sept. 1752 Constituted 12 Aug. 1752. 1752 27 Oct. 1761 Warrant of Renewal, II April 1775. 18 March 1813 1752 219 154 122 99 100 92 A 92 B 115 92 78 220 155 221 156 123 100 101 93 A 93 B 116 93 79 222 157 124 101 102 A 97 iS94 80 Name of Lodge. The Stewards' Lodge. Named " Orange Lodge " in a Certificate of 1802 from Colombo. St. John's Lodge. St. Peter's Lodge. Old Cumberland Lodge, 1773- Places of Meeting. Freemasons' Hall f'low the Pantheon], (Chingleput) Madras, Madras, India 1786 Ceased to meet in 1801. Jewels handed over to Lodge Perfect Unanimity in 1803. Erased 4 June 1862, havhig been extinct 60 years. The Hague, Holland 1752 No trace of this Lodge in Dhick Masonic History. Erased in 1769. Fifty-first Regiment 1761 Last Entiy in Register I78t. Appears on the List ill Ahiinan Rezon 1804. Masons' Arms, Union Street, Sunderland, Durham 1806 Union Tavern, Vine Street, Siuiderland 1806 Masons' Arms, Union Street, n 1806 Admiral Lord Nelson, High Street, 11 1806 Duke of Wellington, Vine Street, ti 1813 Queen's Head, Queen Street, ir 1820 Dolphin Inn, High Street, fi 1822 Peacock, High Street, Bishop WearmOUth, Durham 1824 Londonderry Arms, High Street, Bishop Wearmouth 1831 Golden Lion Hotel, High St., Sunderland 1843 George Hotel, n m 1847 Saddle Inn, „ il 1850 Fox and Goose Inn, n n 1853 Balh Hotel, Moor Street, n 1854 Phoenix Hall, Queen Street, East, „ 1855 Queen's Hotel, Fawcett Street, .1 1862 Masonic Hall, Park Tev., Toward Rd.,p, 1870 Bridgetown, island of Barbados, IVe.'t Indies 1752 Not on List until 1755. Erased in 1813. See No. 132 of 30 October 1818. Black Moor's Head, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire 1753 Erased 14 February 1758. Royal Exchange, St. Gregory, Norwich Norfolk 1 76 1 Declared Vacant for irregularity in 1762. Is however in Ahiman Rezon Lists 1804 and 1813, but not in 1807. Lion and Goat, Grosvenor Street, LondOn Red Lion, DavidStreet, Berkeley Square,M King and Queen, Oxford Street, ir Red Lion, Old CavendishSt., Oxford St.,ii White Lion, near Berners Street, n n King's Arms Tavern, Marylebone Street, Golden Square, m United -with ^^ Lodge of Fortitude" No. 12 {_No. II, of '^1 Feb. 1733], in 1818. 1753 1779 1783 1792 1797 1812 [Place jinknow7i\ Last entry Sept. 1765. London 1762 Lapsed about 1767. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1786 1752 21 Oct. 1761 18 Dee. 1805 Constituted 4 January t8o6. 16 Dee. 1752 7 Jan. 1753 21 Oct, 1761 24 Feb. 1753 1740 '755 1770 223 261 224 225 158 159 160 161 3 March 1762 1780 125 1781 102 B 102 126 103 104 1792 93 t8i4 117 [832 94 1863 103 94 A 94 B 118 95 80 94 95 95 119 96 A 13 [ 98 ] 81 Name of Lodge. Pilots' Lodge. DoFie Lodge, Foundation Lodge, Named in 1776. 82 83 Foundation Lodge. United Lodge of Prudence, Named in 1786. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. New Commercial Inn, High Street, Aldeburgh, Suffolk 1812 Permission to remove to Bull Inn, Woodbridge, Endorsed on Warrant, i January 1824. Private Room, Doric I'lace, Woodbridge, Suffolk 1824 Burton's Coffee House, Crane Court, Peter's Hill, near Doctors' Commons, London BlueLast, Salisbury Square, FleetStreet, „ Harrow, pi m ir Crown and Horseshoe, corner of Bartlet's Buildings, Holborn, ci Freemasons' Coffee House, CJreat Queen Street, ii Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, ii White Hart Tavern, Holborn, n King's ArmsTav., BurrSt.,neartheTowerri Blacksmiths' Arms Tavern, I^ower East Smithfield, " Crown Tavern, Stationers' Court, Ludgate Hill, m Lapsed about 1806. 1753 1759 1759 1762 1775 1783 1800 1 80s 13 Jan. 1812 5 March 1753 740 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 96 B 1814 120 1832 96 1863 81 226 162 127 104 105 96 A Lamb Inn, Sheep Market, AbingdOn, Berkshire 1807 Sheldon's Hotel, High Street, Cheltenham, Gloucestershv e 1817 Freemasons' Hall, Portland St., Cheltenham 1823 Star, Norfolk Street, Lynn Regis, Norfolk 1762 [May] 1807 Warrant of Confirmation, I July 1817. Centenary Warrant {Special J ewe I) ^ 19 May 1864. 17 March 1762 No entry after 1762. Ll It however appears i't A Jil, but jwt in 1807. f>sed shortly afterguards. nail Rezon i8o^andi8j^y London Angel, Piccadilly, White Hart, Shug lane. Royal Standard, Piccadilly, Pontefract Castle, Paddington, George, George Street, Grosvenor Square, Coachmakers' Arms, Tottenham Court Rd Griffin, Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, Queen's Head, Beak Street, Swallow St., Horse Grenadier, near North Audley Stieet, Oxford Street, Black Dog, St. James's Market, Wheatsheaf Tavern, Rathbone Place, Boar and Castle Inn, Oxford Street, King's Head, Cumberland St. , Oxford St. , Horse and Groom, Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, White Lion, Oxford .Street, George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, The Albion Tavern, Alder.sgate Street, 1753 1766 1772 1776 1781 1784 1786 17S9 1790 1798 1800 1803 1810 1814 1817 182 1822 Army, Elizabeth Castle, Jersey, Channel Islands 1762 Lapsed about 1763, hut is kept on the List in A himan Rezon 0/^1804 afid 1807. 5 March 1753 Warrant of Confirmation, 12 April 1821. 17 March 1762 96 B 121 97 82 97 227 163 128 105 106 97 122 98 83 98 99 1 894 84 Name of Lodge. Doyle's Lodge of Fellowship, Named in i8o5. Sea Captains' Lodge, 1773- Dillon Lodge, 1779- Lodge of Perfect Friendship, 1767- Temple Lodge, 1772- Lodge of St. Mary-le-Bonne, 1787. Places of Meeting. Duke of York Tavern, Rohais Road, Guernsey, Channel Islands 1806 No. 336 (A) purchased No. 98 (A) for ;^2i, on 14 September 1807. Crown and Anchor Tavern, Guernsey Grover's Hotel, Payne's Hotel, Coles's Hotel, Market Place, Private Rooms (of Mr. Collins), College Rooms, Berthelot Street, Assembly Rooms, Market Place, Masonic Rooms, States Arcade, Coles's Hotel, Market Place, Gardner's Hotel, n Assembly Rooms, « Masonic Hall, Berthelot Street, Masonic Hall, Court Place, United with " Hammond Lodge," No. 568 [No 829, o/t-S Oct. 1849], 14 Dec. 1864. Havelock Place, Victoria Road, Masonic Hall, Court Place, 1S07 l8l2 181 1820 1821 1826 1826 1839 1842 iS 1844 1845 1852 1870 1871 Lily Tavern, Guernsey, Channel Islands 1753 Erased i7t 1812. Warrant forfeited. Exchange Tavern, Corn Street, Bristol, Gloui:estersh ire 1752 Nag's Head, Wine Street, Bristol 1756 Three Tuns, Corn Street, 1. 1768 Erased 12 Felirnary 1780. Queen's Head, Great Queen Street, London 1 753 " Not met since June 1754." MS., 1756. Erased s May ITS! ■ Reinstated it October i-j^T. Queen's Head, Great Queen Street, London 1757 The Vine, High Holborn, n 1762 Buffalo Tavern, Bloomsbury, n 1773 Rose, Threadneedle Street, n 1779 Erased 12 February 1780. Three Crowns, Notts Square, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire 1753 Red l.ion. Market Street, Carmarthen 1758 Shakespear, m h J 7^6 Red Lion, i. « 1772 Erased 5 February 1777. Queen's Head, Holies Street, Cavendish Square, London 1753 King's Head, Balsover St., Cavendish Sq., n 1755 It Princes Street, n n 1759 Cavendish Square Coffee House, m h 1790 United with" Tuscan Lodge" No. 7 [No. 10, of2S November T-Tii^, 25 March 1791. [Place unknown] Norwieh, Norfolk 1762 Warrant was delivered up in 1762, but subsequently renewed. It was however finally ca7tcelled 4 fune TT]T,for divers misdemeanours. G. L. Min. Notwithstanding this, the Lodge is noted as at " Prince's Inn, George Street, Norwich," in Ahiman Rezon 1804, and at "St. Giles's, Norwich," in Ahiman Rezon 1813, but is not in 1807 List. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 6 Sept. 1806 Constituted 22 Sept. 1806. 14 Sept. 1807 10 May 1753 22 Aug. 1753 Met in November I7.';2- 23 Oct. 1753 19 Oct. 1753 Constituted 24 Oct. 1753. 5 Nov. 1753 March 1762 1740 228 229 230 240 231 1755 164 165 166 167 168 1770 129 130 131 132 133 [780 106 107 1781 107 108 1792 98 336 A 98 B 1814 1832 [863 123 99 84 99 lOO 1894 85 Name of Lodge. Faithful Ledge, Named in 1796, 86 Evangelists' Lodge. Lodge La Bien Aimee. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Castle and Lion, White T.ion Lane, Norwich, Norfolk 1753 Bell, Church Stile, St. Peter's Mancroft, Norwich 1763 The Bear, Market Place, 1. 1768 Church Stile, Upper Market Street, St. Peter's Mancroft, m 177° The Jolly Dyers' [or Jolly Farmers'] Tavern, Castle Meadow, u' 1790 Blue Bell, Hog Hill [now Orford Hill], n 179' Fountain, Brigg's Lane, n 179^ Vauxhall Gardens, Vauxhall Street, n 1796 Buff Coat, Buff Coat Lane, St Michael at Thorn, m 1 799 Moon and Stars, Coslany Street, n 1805 Tuns Tavern, Market Place, n 1822 Bull Inn, Magdalen Street, 11 1825 Tuns Tavern, Mai ket Place, n 1847 Waterloo Tavern, Market Place, n 1849 Swan Hotel, Thoroughfare St., Harleston Norfolk 1854 Exchange Rooms, Exchange St., Harleston 1854 Swan Hotel, Thoroughfare Street, it 1867 1740 1755 1770 1780 1781 [792 Lodge of Loyalty, Named in 1801. Shakespeare's Head, Sawclose, Bath, Somersetshire Lapsed soon after Constitution {Last entry July 1763), but it appears^ in error, in Ahiman Rezons of I'iai, and 1813. 762 Island of Antigua, Island of Montseprat, Erased in 1813. West Indies 175 1777 10 Nov. 1753 Centenary Warrant, 25 Sept. 1879. Amsterdam, Holland 1753 Joined G-i-and Lod^e of Holland in I7.';7, bid was kept on our liegister until 1769. Now No. X on Reg. of G. L. of Holland. Bedford Man of War, Kent'St., Portsmouth Common [now Portsea], Hampshire 1762 There are no records of this Lodge after 1762. It appears in Ahiman Rezon of 1804, as both "Ship Bedford, Plymouth," (Devonshire), and " Bedford Mill, Portsmouth," and in Ahiman Rezon of 1807, it is " Portsmouth, Hants." Fifth Battalion Royal Artillery, Capt. W. G. Eliot's Company, EaStbOUPne, Sussex 1812 Ditto, at Brompton, Kent 1814 II Royal Oak, Mulgrave Place, Woolwich, London 1816' II Fortune of War, Thomas Street, Woolwich, II 1S19 Lrased in 1823. Rose and Crown, PreSCOt, Lancashire 1753 Royal Oak, Market Place, Prescot 1767 Legs of Alan, Church Street, n 1787 Green Dragon, Atherton Street, h 1801 Royal Hotel, High Street, n 1853 Assembly Rooms, m m 1873 King's Arms Hotel, Market Place, m 1S74 Crown Hotel, Kemble Street, n 1880 King's Arms Hotel, Market Place, n iS 19 May 1762 10 Nov. 1753 30 Nov. 1753 232 169 134 108 109 99 1814 124 1832 100 1863 85 100 24 March 1762 233 234 170 171 135 109 110 100 101 A 15 Feb. 1812 Opened 13 March 1812. 20 Dec, 1753 " Deputation to Constitute." Centenary Warrant {Special Jewel), 24 August 1865. 101 B 125 235 172 136 110 111 101 126 101 86 lOI 1894 Singular Ancient Lodge. Name of Lodge. St. Paul's Lodge. Marlborough Lodge, ' 1770. 87 Druids' Lodge of Love and Liberality, Named in 1774. Places of Meeting. Vitruvian Lodge, Named in 1823. Amsterdam, Holland 1762 No Records lifter T.-j^ii, and like No. 48 (A) it a.^J'ears in Ahiinan Rezon 0/ 1813 inithout miy justification. The Royal Exchange, Borough of Nopfolk, Virginia, U.S. of America 1753 Was ke/i on our Register until 1813, The G. L. of Virginia was formed 13 October 1778. Now No. I on Reg. of G. L. of Virginia. Speight's Town, Island of Barbados, West Indies Not in List until 1755. Erased 17 November 1760. 754 King's Arms, Tower Hill, London 1754 White Hart, Mansel Street, Goodman's Fields, II 1756 Erased 2^ January ij6^. Reinstated "^t. October \-]b^. Crown, Holywell T.ane, Shoreditch, London 1764 Bowl and Pin, Thames Street, \, 1770 Finally Erased in 1771. The Ship, Harewood Bridge, HareWOOd, Yorkshire Lapsed in 1783- Last entry i March 1783. Is mentioned as at same place in Ahiman Rezons of 3804 and 1813, not in 1807. 762 [Place nn known'] Redruth, Cornwall IT e,/^ Private Room, Fore Street, n 1766 London Inn, n n 1777 Pearce's Hotel, n n 1817 Foss's Hotel, n m 1824 Erased 5 September 1838. 754 762 772 I'rown Bear, Lemon Street, Goodman's Fields, London Erased zf July ^•j6'2. Bunch of Grapes, Chatham, f^ent Mitre, Globe Lane, Chatham Lapsed about i77g, hutis mentioned in Ahiman Rezon of 1804, as at "* Bunch of Grapes, Chatham," in error. " Formerly at the Mitre." Cal. 1800. Is not in Ahiman Rezon j?o7. Constitution, Drury Lane, London 1810 Harlequin, n 11 1811 Crown, Woburn Street, Russell Square, Hercules Pillars, Great Queen Street, Freemasons' 'I'avern, 11 Northumberland Arms, Noithumberland .Street, .Strand, Spread Eagle, l.imehouse Causeway,' Limehouse, Crown Tavern, Vine Street, Lambeth, White llart Tavern, CollegeStreet, m Mitre Tavern, Palace Rdad, 11 White Hart Tavern, CollegeStreet, n South London Masonic Hall, Belvedere Road, Lambeth, White Hart 'I'avern, Belvedere Road, Lambeth, Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, Date of Warrant or Constitution 18 Nov. 1762 22 Dee. 1753 31 Jan. 1754 9 Feb. 1754 I8l2 l8l2 1822 1827 1830 1831 1849 1862 1864 .1879 1762 14 Feb. 1754 18 Feb. 1754 8 Dee. 1762 740 175s 1770 1780 [781 1792 1814 1832 i863' 102 236 173 137 111 112 102 262 237 174 175 138 103 253 176 139 112 113 103 127 102 241 177 104 A 18 May 1810 104 B 128 103 87 I02 1894 Name of Lodge. Freemasons' Hall Medal (1783). Phoenix Lodge. Lodge of Harmony and Industry, Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Mitre, Union .Street, Westminster, London 1754 2 March 1754 I^ose & Crown, Crown St., m n 177° Mitre & Dove, King Street, n n 1798 Last entry in Register 9 May 1797. Lapsed shortly afterwards. King'sHead, Ipswich Street, StOWmarket, Suffolk 1802 While Hart Inn, Crown Street, Stowmarket 1805 WTiite Horse Inn, Stowupland Street, n 1813 White Hart Inn, Crown Street, n 1829 White Horse Inn, Stowupland Street, n 1830 Erased in 1838. Warrant returned. .See page 103. Ship, Water Lane, Sheffield, Yorkshire 1762 Never made any Returns^ and i/e^e]nber 1776. Sun and Sexton, Whitehaven, Cumberland \-](>Z " Sun and Septer," in Warrant. Square and Compasses, Old Quay, Whitehaven 1785 Scales, Market Place, n 1794 Private Lodge Room, Bardywell Lane, n 1799 Masons' Arms, Brick Street, n 1800 Square and Compasses, Old Quay, it 1802 King's Arms, Market Place, n 1803 Golden Lion, Lowther Street, u 1804 Mrs. Sheridan's, Isle of Man Packet House, Quay, 11 1805 Duke of AthoU, in the Ginns, n . 1805 Warrant withdrawnfor Unmasonic Conduct 1806. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1755 1770 27 Dee. 1768 26 March 1768 Centenary Warrant, 9 Feb. 1871. 16 Jan. 1769 224 1780 180 [781 181 1792 1814 1832 1863 155 188 137 118 1768 1809 17 June 1769 28 May 1762 28 May 1762 18 May 1768 225 181 182 155 156 A 156 B 189 226 182 1S3 156 280 281 227 228 167 A 128 l894 119 Name of Lodge. Sun, Square and Compasses Lodge. Royal Navy Lodge, Named in 1776. Union Lodge. Lodge of Friendship, Named in 1773. Lodge of Seven United Brethren. "La Lege des Freres Reunis." Prince of Brunswick's Lodge. Lodge of Inhabitants. Places of Meeting. George Inn, Tangier Street, WMtehaVen, Cumberland 1807 Swan Inn, Scotch Street, Whitehaven 1808 Swan with Two Necks, King Street, m 1808 Blue Bell, Tangier Street, 11 1809 Three Tuns, Strand Street, n 181 1 Blue Anchor, West Street, n 1812 Three Tuns, Strand Street, n 1816 Horse and Farrier, n 1817 Blue Bell, Tangier Street, n 1822 Crown and Mitre Inn, Quay Street, n 1829 Buck's Head Inn, Market Place, n 1842 Steam Packet Inn, West Strand, n 1846 Grapes Inn, New Street, n 1850 Black Lion Hotel, King Street, n 1852 Freemasons' Hall, College Street, u 1859 The Three Kings, Beach Street, Deal, Kent 1762 East India Arms, 11 n 1765 Three Kings' Inn, tr n 1783 Royal Exchange Inn, n n 1799 Lodge Room, n 1803 Walmer Castle Inn, High Street, n 1804 Black Bull Inn, 1, „ 1808 Royal Oak Inn, Oak Street, u 1809 JLrascd 4 December 1822. The Castle, London Road, Isle'WOFth, Middlesex 1769 The Feathers, Richmond, London 1771 Lapsed about r-j-]^. " Feathers dormant sometime," irj^ 1794, and is in the Ahiman Rezon 1804, as at,,*' Feathers, Richmond." Is Blank in Ahiman Rezon 1807. Old Ivy Bush, King Street, CaPmaPthen, Carmarthenshire 181 1 White Lion Inn, Queen Street, Carmarthen 181 2 Union Hall Inn, Quay Street, n 1813 White Lion Hotel, Queen Street, n 1814 White Lion and Royal Hotel, Queen Street, n 1822 Erased 3 June 1829. Duke's Head, Tuesday Market Place, Lynn Regis, Norfolk 1762 Crown Tavern, Church Street, Lynn Regis 1786 Globe Inn, King Street, n 1812 Crown Tavern, Church Street, n 1819 Coffee House, Tuesday Market Place, n 1821 Shakespeare Tavern, King Street, u 1825 Erased s September 1838. Amsterdam, Holland 1752 Nothing more is Icnown of this Lodge. It was erased in 1769. See page 41 Prince of Brunswick's Head, Blackfriars Road, London 1805 Blue Last, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, n 1807 Crown and Sugar Loaf, Fleet Street, n 1811 Mitre Tavern, Ely Passage, Hatton Garden, n 1814 Not in Lists after 1825. Erased 3 Marcli 1830. Gibraltar (Malaga), Spain 1762 No payment after -lZqo. Erased in 1813. Date of Warrant or Constitution. See page 122. 14 Mareli 1807 Centenary Warrant, 19 Feb. i88s- 8 June 1762 1755 282 31 Jan. 1769 9 July 1811 Constituted 15 July 1811. 9 June 1762 16 June 1762 27 Feb. 1769 18 Dee. 1805 12 July 1762 13 Jan. 1761 283 284 285 231 1770 229 230 1780 183 184 286 1781 184 185 185 186 159 1792 1814 1832 157 B 190 138 1863 119 157 158 191 158 A 158 B 192 193 139 159 A 159 B 194 129 l894 Virtutes et Artis Amici. Name of Lodge. 120 Hiram Lodge. Falladian Lodge, Named in 1767. St. Paul's Lodge. The Doop to Virtue, Name altered in Lists to The Door to Eternity, in 1793. Places of Meeting. Half Moon, Westgate, Otley, Yorkshire 1762 Krased in 1769. Amsterdam, Holland 1762 Erased in 1769. Had previously joined the G. L. of Holland, and died out in 1777. Green Dragon, Portland Square, Workington, Cumberland 1762 Erased 28 April 1775. Queen of Hungary's Head, St. Benedict Street, St. Swithin's, NOFWich, Norfolk 1769 Golden Anchor, in tlie Market, Norwicli 1787 Wliite Horse, Market Place, i, 1789 179T, Sept. 22. Stewards' Lodge recommended No. 160 to be cancelled for irregularities. 1792, March 7, No. 160 was restored to all its former privileges. It "apostatized," i.e. joined the " Moderns," in 1792, and was Cancelled s June 1793. G. L. Min, Angel Inn, Narrow Bridge Street, PeteFbOFOUgh, Northamptonshire 1S02 No Entry in Registers after 1802, but is in Ahiman Rezon of 1804 and 1807. Red Lion Inn, Commercial Street, Pontypool, Monmouthshire 1812 Erased in 1830. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 16 Aug. 1762 16 Sept. 1762 28 Sept. 1762 22 MaFeh 1769 Renewal Warrant, 3 Sept. 1787. See page 107. White Hart, Broad Street, HCFefOFd, Herefordshire 1 762 Hereford 1764 1776 1788 1806 1818 1837 1865 1870 Green Dragon, Broad .Street, Swan and Falcon \unknown'\. Bowling Green, Bewell Street, City Arms Hotel, Broad Street, Bowling Green, Bewell Street, Green Dragon Hotel, Broad Street, Mitre Hotel, n Green Dragon Hotel, u Vine, Lombard Street, PoFtSmOUth, Hampshire 1762 King's Arms Inn, Grand Parade, Portsmouth 1767 Erased 23 April 1773. George, George Yard, Whitechapel, London 1769 Removal of No. 161 confirmed, but place of removal not stated, 1771. \_Place unknown'] Woolwich, Lapsed about 1775. 1774 Private Room, Monk Wearmouth, Durham 1812 Erased s March 1828. Hildesheim, Hanover, Germany 1762 Not in List until \']^^,/roni whtch it was erased in- 1813. The Lodge was warranted by the Prov. G. L. of Hamburg, and closed in 1765. Was re-constituted in 1786 by the Prov. G. L. of Frankfort. Ceased to be an English Lodge on joining the Berlin G. L, Royal York, in 1802. Became again an English Lodge, as a daughter of the Prov. G. L. of Hanover, in 1814, and finally left our jurisdiction when that Prov. G. L. declared itself independent in 1828. Now named " Porch of the Temple of Light,*' on the Reg. of G. L. Royal York of Friendship, Berlin. 17 5 June 1802 13 June 1812 15 April 1755 12 Oct. 1762 Centenary Warrant {Special Jewel)^ 3 Sept. 1862. I7SS 287 288 289 1770 232 1780 1781 2 Nov. 1762 22 May 1769 290 291 26 Dec. 1812 27 Dec. 1762 233 234 186 312 235 1792 160 A 160 B 187 160 1814 160 195 c 1832 1863 140 187 188 161 161 A 196 141 120 161 B 197 I30 1 894 Name of Lodge. Jerusalem Lodge, Named in 1814. Places of Meeting. Union Lodge, Named in 1787. 121 St. George's Lodge, Named in 1792. Mount Sinai Lodge, Mulberry Tree Tavern, Broad Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire 1 769 Little Tower, Broad Quay, Bristol 1 789 The Druid, Old Market Place, n 1792 Ben Jonson's [;(«&«««], " 1795 Duke of Devon's Head, Temple Street, n 1796 Private Rooms, Bridewell Lane, 11 1805 Mulberry Tree Tavern, Broad Street, n 1806 Artichoke Tavern, St. Augustine's Bank, n 1813 Mulberry Tree Tavern, Broad Street, 11 1814 Freemasons' Hall, Broad Quay, h 1818 Erased in 1829. Punch Bowl, Peck Lane, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire 1763 Formerly under Athol Warrant, No. 62 (A), page 80. The Union, Peck Lane, Nottingham 1764 The Feathers, Market Place, n 1766 White Horse, Barker Gate, u 1778 Flying Horse, The Poultry, m 1787 White Lion, Carlton Road, n 1792 Thurland Hall, Thurland Street, 1. 1807 " Warrant surrendered to G.M." Erased in iZiZ. St. George [Georgetown], Island of Grenada, West indies 1769 St. George's [Georgetown], Grenada 1804 Lapsedin 1813. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1769 Warrant of Renewal 21 Aug. 1789. Mount Sinai Lodge. St. Marie's Lodge. University Lodge. Lodge of Amity, Named in 1780. Lodge of Regularity. The Ship, Quay Street, PenzanCe, Cornwall 181 3 Union Hotel, Chapel Street, Penzance 1816 Three Tuns Hotel, Green Market, 11 1817 Union Hotel, Chapel Street, n 1821 Masonic Hall, Public Buildings, n 1867 Saxe Gotha [now Columbia], South Carolina, U.S. of America 1763 Erasedfrom List in 1813. G.L. of South Carolina (Ancients) formed 24 March 1787. Sun Inn, Trinity Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire 1763 Erased 12 April 1780. Crown Inn, High Street, Rochester, Kent 1763 Erased 27 January 1768. Black Bull, Market Place, Hexham, Northumberland 1763 Erased 5 February 1777, Ifui subsequently reinstated. Bush Inn, Hall Garth, Hexham 1780 Erased a^^ain, to February 1790. Bear's Paw, Main Street, Frodsham, Cheshire 1770 Last entry 1793. Lapsed about 1794, but is retained in each List in Ahiman Rezon 1804, 1807, and 1813. St. John's Hall, Black River, Musqueta Shore, Musqueta Coast, Central America 1763 Was retained on List until 1813, and then erased. 31 Jan. 1763 1 Nov. 1769 21 Dee. 1813 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 162 1814 198 1832 1863 292 236 188 189 162 199 8 Feb. 1763 1 March 1763 17 March 1768 8 March 1763 163 A 163 B 200 142 121 299 293 237 238 189 190 163 294 295 239 190 191 7 March 1770 8 March 1763 164 300 240 191 192 164 131 Lodge of Perfect Union. A *' Masiers* Lodge^^' 1764-72. 123 Name of Lodge. Derbyshire Lodge. Lennox Lodge, Named in 1799- Lodge of True Friendship, Named in 1777. Lodge of Patience, Named in 1820. Places of Meeting. White Hart, High Street, Chippenham, Wiltshire 1763 Krased 23 April iTJ'i. Ship Tavern, Long Lane, Bermondsey, London 1770 Removal confirmed 18 April 1772, and 6 December 1775 ; places not recorded. G. Com, Lapsed, and Warrant delivered up In G.L., 24 June 1776. King's Head Inn, Market Place, Buxton, Derbyshire 1810 Crow and Harpur's Arms Inn, Marl^et Square, Longnor, Staffordshire 1842 Erased 7 March. 1866. Freemasons' Arms, Bargate, Richmond, Yorkshire 1763 Blue Bell, Market Place, Richmond 1769 Old Black Bull, Market Place, n 1784 Dainty Davy, n n 1804 King's Head Hotel, n n 1831 Freemasons' Hall, Newbiggin, n 1870 Black Bear, East Street, Havant, Hampshire 1763 Erased 27 January 1768, but is in 1769 List, N.B. — At the end of Engraved List of 1763, there appears another entry, No. 305, "At Havant, Hams," but it is not continued, and is, I infer, a duplicate entry of this Lodge. See page 130. See page 130. Silver Lion, Middle Row, DoveP, Kent 1763 King's Head, Clarence Place, m 1765 The City of London, n 1766 Erased 23 April 1773. Subsequently reinstated. King's Head, Clarence Place, Dover 1775 Private Room, Bulwark Street, n 1777 Erased a^ain 7 April 1784. Reitistated 12 April 1786. Private Room, Bulwark Street, Dover 1786 Eijtally erased 18 Ap?it 1792. Private Room, Stubbington, near Titchfield, Hampshire 1 763 Described as " Hubbington, near Litchfield," in Engraved List of 1764. Erased in 1773. Seven Stars, Bridge End, St. ThomaS the Apostle, near ExeteP, Devonshire 1 763 Erased in 1769. Queen of Hungary's Head, St. Benedict Street, Norwich, Norfolk 1770 Dolphin, Coslany Street, St. Michael's, Norwich 1787 Dolphin, St. Mary's, u 1794 Wild Man, St. Andrew's Steps, rr 1803 King's Head Inn, Market Place, n 1814 Waggon and Horses, Tombland, n 1816 Cabinet Makers' Arms, Redwell Street, St. Michael-at-Plea, n 1831 Warrant returned. Erased iti 1845. Date of Warrant or Constitution. May 1763 18 April 1770 12 Nov. 1810 4 May 1763 Constituted I May 1763. Centenary Warrant, 8 Oct. 1878. 1763 8 Feb. 1763 8 March 1763 2 Aug. 1763 6 Aug. 1763 10 Aug. 1763 10 Aug. 1770 Renewal Warrant 3 Sept. 1787. 1755 296 1770 241 1780 [781 1792 1832 1863 165 A 165 B 297 242 192 193 165 201 202 143 144 122 123 298 299 300 301 243 193 194 302 244 303 166 203 145 132 Name of Lodge. 124 Marquis of Granby Lodge, Named in 1782. Places of Meeting. 125 126 Lodge of Amity. Prinee Edwin's Lodge, Named in 1 82 1. Lodge of Silent Temple, Named in 1807. Ancient York Lodge. St. Andrew's Lodge, Named in 1786. Marquis of Granby, Sadler Street, Dupham, Durham Met without Warrant, 24 June 1738, at the Bird and Bush, Sadler Street, met once at Bro. C. Schaffe's house, Framwell- gate, 15 January 1745-6, then at the Bird and Bush again until 25 February 1746-7, when it met at the Shoulder of Mutton, Claypath ; during the remainder of 1747 it was held at the Fox, in Claypath. Returned to the Bird and Bush from 1748 until 1763, when the name of the House was changed to the Marquis of Granby. The Castle, Duncow Lane, Durham 1768 Private Koom, Bro. Nicholson's, Old Elvit, n 1781 Private Room, Bro. Richardby's, n m 179^ Lodge Room, Chapel Passage, n n :8ii Freemasons' Hall, n it 1869 Trowel and Hammer, St. Stephen's Gate, Norwich, Norfolk 1770 City of York, St. Michael at Coslany, Norwich 1787 Ship Inn, High Street, Blakeney, Norfolk 1801 Marked " Dormant " in Address Book, about 1805-7, Ijtt is kept on the List ujttil 1813. The Haul-over, up the River Belise, Bay Of Honduras (Honduras), Central America 1763 St. George's Quay, Bay of Honduras 1776 Erased in 18 13. The Pelican, Walcot Street, Bath, Somersetskire 1771 Warrant returned 'z^ September y"]-]-^. Red Lion Inn, Market Street, Duke's Head Inn, n King's Head Inn, n Private Hall, Bank Street, White Hart Hotel, High Street, Bank Buildings, Bank Street, Hythe, Kent 1807 1808 1812 1823 1837 I88I The Hall, Blucher Street, Burnley, Lancashire 1763 White Bull, Manchester Road, Burnley 1770 The Thorn, St. James's Street, Cross Keys Inn, Cheapside, Royal Oak, Curzon Street, Cross Keys Inn, Cheapside, Exchange Hotel, Nicholas Street, Bull Hotel, Manchester Road, 1788 1807 1827 1835 1879 1886 U.S. of America 1771 Boston 1772 Boston, Massachusetts, Mr. Alexander's Battery, " Read a Letter from Lodge No. 169, held at Boston, complaining against the proceedings of the P.G. M. of Boston, held under the Grand Lodge of Scotland." A thol G.L. Min. 7 Sept. 1774. Left Boston in 1776 and went to New York. It took part in the formation of the G. L. of New York, 5 December 1782. Assembly Hall at Roubalets, New York (New York), U.S. of America 1776 It retained the number 169 until 3 June 1789, when it was assigned the rank of No. 5. In 1819, became No. 7, and so continued until 1827, when its Warrant was surrendered to G. L. of New York. // continued on the English Lists in AhiTnan Rezon down to 1813. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 8 Sept. 1763 Constituted 19 Sept. 1763. Centenary Warrant {Special J ewe I) , II July 1863. 1770 Warrant of Renewal, 3 Sept. 1787. 21 Sept. 1763 9 April 1771 13 March 1807 on Warrant of 9 April 1771. 9 Oct. 1763 Centenary Warrant, 2 April 1874. 13 July 1771 '755 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 304 245 194 195 166 204 146 124 167 309 246 195 196 167 168 A 168 B 205 147 125 305 247 196 197 168 206 148 126 169 133 1894 Name of Lodge. Union Lodge. 127 Union Lodge. Hibernian Lodge, Royal Meeklenburgh Lodge, Places of Meeting. Private Room, Bell Lane, Spitalfields, London 1763 Coopers' Arms, Camomile Street, Bishopsgate Street, n 1765 Ben Jonson's Head, Goodman's Yard, Great Minories, n 1767 The Sieve, Little Minories, 11 1772 Marquis of Granby, St. Catherine's, near the Tower, n 1780 Erased 7 April 1784. Reinstated 17 Ninieinber 1784. Marquis of Granby, St. Catherine's, near the Tower, m i 784 Rose and Crown, St. Catherine's Street (near the Tower), n 1788 Angel and Crown, Crispin Street, Spitalfields, ., 1793 Erasedii Febntary 1800. Reinstated ^ April iBoo. Rose and Crown, Booth Street, Spitalfields, n 1802 Lapsed about 1811. Duke's Htad, The Parade, Margate, Kent 1813 Royal Hotel, Cecil Square, Margate 1827 Crown and Anchor, Zion Place, 11 1835 Bro. Wood's Bathing Rooms, High Street, m 1837 Britannia Hotel, Fore Street, n 1838 Wood's Bathing Rooms, High Street, u 1838 Oporto House, Cecil Square, 11 1839 Lodge Rooms, i Cecil Street, n 1844 fi 4 Churchfield Place, 11 1846 Duke's Head Hotel, The Parade, n 1847 London Hotel, Hawley Square, n 1848 King's Head Hotel, High Street, n 1852 Freemasons' Hall, 97 High Street, n 1875 King's Head Hotel, High Street, n 1891 Masonic Temple, New Cross Street, 1? 1895 Third Regiment of Foot, or BnfFs, Castle Inn, in the City of ExCter, Devonshire 1771 Last entry Dec. 1792. Lapsed about -lj^-^. 2nd Battalion Fifty-second Regiment, Ashford, Kent 1 80 1 At Dover, Kent 1801 1st Battalion Ninety-sixth Regiment 1804 Is noted as "Ninety-fifth Regiment" in Ahiman Rezon 1804, " g6th Regiment, Antigua," in Ahiman Rezon 1807, and "96th Regiment, St. Croix," in Ahiman Rezon 1813. Must Jiave Lapsed be/ore 1813. Crown, High Street, Wigton, Cumberland 1813 Is designated " Crown, Wigan, Lancashire," in G. L. Proceedings^ i Dec. 1813, in error. Erased 5 March 1828. Hermione and Active Frigate, corner of Compton Street, St. Ann's, London 1763 The Cock, New Street, St. James's, Westminster, n 1767 Red Lion, Hyde Park Corner, >i 1770 Barley Mow, Piccadilly, n 1777 Bricklayers' Arms, High Street, CrOydOn, ^«rrej 1784 White Lion Inn, £ ], Croydon 1786 Green Dragon, High Street, n 1796 Erased 10 February 1809. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 7 Nov. 1763 I7SS 306 1770 248 1780 197 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 198 169 A March 1813 Warrant of Confirmation, 30 April 1822. Centenary "Warrant [.Special Jewel)^ 25 July 1863. 9 Nov. 1771 Constituted 23 Dec. 1771. 31 March 1801 [1804] 6 Nov. 1813 28 Nov. 1763 169 B 207 149 127 170 A 170 B 170 c 170 D 208 307 249 198 199 170 [ 134 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. '755 1770 1780 1781 1792 A 1814 1832 1863 Lodge of Perfect Friendship, 1767- Saracen's Head, High Street, ChelmsfOFd, Essex 1764 Erased 10 April i-j^-z. 18 Jan. 1764 308 250 199 200 •• •• •• •■ See page 132. 21 Sept. 1763 309 •• ■• •• ■• •• •• •■ ■• Falcon, East Street, GFavesend, Kent 1764 4 March 1764 310 Erased 27 January 1768. Prince George, Hanging Ditch, ManchesteF, Lancashire ITJ\ Spread Eagle, Chapel Street, Salford, Lancashire 1771 11 Nov. 1771 .. .. .. .. 171 A .. .. . , Warrant cancelled sjune 1793, the Lodge having taJten a " Modern " Constitutioii, 128 Prinee Edwin's Lodge, Named in 1817. Bridge Inn, Bolton Street, BUFy, Lancashire 1803 11 Nov. 1803 •• •• •• 171 B 209 150 128 The New Lodge. Royal Lodge, Horn Tavern, Westminster, London 1764 Thatched House Tavern, St. James's Street, n 1767 4 AprU 1764 313 251 200 201 171 210 •■ •• Named in 1767. United with '■^ Alpha Lodge," No. 16 [XO' 9, of May 1722], in 1824. Royal Edwin Lodge. Probably met at the George Inn, George Court, Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire 1764 Erased 12 April 17B0. See page 129. Ram Inn, Chipping NOFtOn, Oxfordshire 1 77 1 White Lion, High Street, Banbupy, Oxfordshire 1794 The Cock, Cornhill, Banbury 1801 Last entry 10 August i8or, but is in the Lists in Aliiman Rezon 1804, 1807, aw^iSis. 6 April 1764 27 Dee. 1762 5 June 1771 311 312 252 •• •• •• 172 •• •• •• La Sagesse St. Andrew. At the Grenadoes, island of Grenada or Grenadines, West indies 1764 Not in List until 1766. Erased in 1813. 1 May 1764 347 253 201 202 172 •• .. •• Vitruvlan Lodge, Named in 1767. King's Head, High Street, RosS, Herefordshire 1764 Swan and Falcon, Ross 1767 Erased 23 April 1773. 3 May 1764 314 254 ■• •• •• •■ St. George's Lodge. Fountain Inn, East Street, TauntOn, Somersetshire 1764 Erased 9 April 1783. 13 July 1764 315 255 202 203 •• •• •• •• •• Provincial Grand Lodge. Minorca (Balearic Islands), Spain 1772 Lapsed about iji-L, but is continued in Lists of i8©4, 1807, and 1813. The second English occupation of the Island was from 1763-1782. 17 April 1772 •• •• •• •• •• 173 •• •• I3S i894 129 130 131 Name of Lodge. Union Lodge, Named in 1797. Royal Gloucester Lodge, Named in 1792, in " Modern " Warrant. St. Nicholas' Lodge, Named in 1784. Mount Olive Lodge, 1799. Lodge of Fortitude, 1826. Places of Meeting. The Swan, All Hallows Lane, Kendal, IVestmoreland Rose and Crown, Stricklandgate, White Lion, n White Hart, Highgate, Commercial Inn, n White Hart, " Golden Lion, Market Place, White Horse, Stricklandgate, Crown Inn, 11 Elephant Inn, n Masons' Arms, Stramongate, White Horse, Stricklandgate, Horse and Rainbow Inn, Highgate, Mechanics' Institute, n Town Hall, n Masonic Rooms, Kent Street, II Albert Buildings, Masonic Hall, 12 Stramongate, Masonic Rooms, St. George's Hall, Kendal 1764 1774 1779 1797 1804 i8o5 1808 1809 1818 1823 1826 183s 1841 1863 1864 1865 1865 1865 1880 Vine Tavern, High Street, Southampton, Havipshire 1772 The Lodge accepted a ' Modem ' Warrant also in 1792, and worked under both Constitutions until the Union. See No. 503 of 5 August 1792. Freemasons' Hall, East Street, Southampton 1792 Private Rooms, 30 East Street, n 1814 Freemasons' Hall, Bugle Street, n 1823 II Albion Place, n 1880 Three Crowns, Harwich, Essex 1764 Half Moon, St. Austin's Lane, Harwich 1768 The Globe, King's Quay Street, n 1771 The Swan, Stones Green, Great Oakley, n 1777 Erased 9 April 1783. Reinstated 17 Nov. 1784. The Swan, Stones Green, Great Oakley, Harwich 1784 Erased again is April 1795. Sixty-Seventh Regiment of Foot, Island of Grenada, West Indies Constituted at Mitre Tavern, Globe Lane, Chatham, Kent. At Richmond Heights, Island of Grenada, At Martinique, West indies " Transferred from the 67th Reeiiment to the Royal Cornish Miners, at Dover, " 1807. Royal Regiment of Cornish Miners, Ordnance Arms, 'QQV%V,JCenl 1772 1792 1799 Dover Wexfoi'd, Ireland Tifperary, Ireland Hampshire Falmouth, Cornwall Truro, Cornwall Truro At Hoveling Boat, II Enniscorthy, II Cahir, M Hilsea, II Pendennis Castle II \_Place tinknown\ Exeter Inn, Old Bridge Street, Western Inn, Kenwyn Street, New Inn, n Dolphin Inn, Quay Street, Fighting Cocks, n Golden Lion, Calenick Street, St. Clement's Inn, St. Clement Street, Ship Inn, West Bridge, Queen's Head, 11 Bear Inn, Old Bridge Street, Turk's Head, High Cross, Eveleigh's Hope Inn, St. Clement Street, Globe Inn, Francis Street, Masonic Rooms, High Cross, M Hall, 1 1 Quay Street, I, II Old Bridge Street, 1807 1811 1811 l8[2 1813 1814 1814 1816 1820 1820 1826 1826 1833 1834 ■839 1840 1840 1844 1848 1852 1863 1863 1887 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 31 July 1764 Warrant of Confirmation, II June 1877. Centenary Warrant, 10 July 1885. 22 April 1772 Constituted 4 Feb. 1772, Centenary Warrant, 16 April 1872. 9 Aug. 1764 6 July 1772 Military Warrant exchanged for Civil Warrant, 2 Dec. 1826. Centenary Warrant, 31 July 1873. 1755 316 1770 256 1780 203 1781 204 1792 173 1814 1832 [863 211 151 129 174 212 152 130 317 257 204 205 174 175 213 153 131 [ 136 ] i894 132 Name of Lodge. 133 Lodge of Unity, Named in 1782. Mopiah Lodge, Named in 1775. Lodge of Harmony, Named in 1 79 1. Salutation Lodge. Lodge of Constitutional Attachment, Named in 1794. Places of Meeting. Crown, Buckland, Lymington, Hampshire 1764 Nag's Head, High Street, Lymington 1764 White Halt Hotel, Market Place, RingWOOd, Hampshire 1777 * Erased 12 April 1780, and omitted from 1780 List and Numeration. Re-inserted in List of 1781, causing another change in the numbers of all the subsequent Lodges of that Enumeration. White Hart Hotel, now designated Masonic Hall, Ringwood 1781 First Regiment Yorkshire Militia, King's Head Inn, Change Alley, Sheffield, Yorkshire 1772 Star and Garter, Nessgate, York, Yorkshire 1775 Lapsed about 1777, but is in Ahiman Rezon List of 1804 and 18 13. Not in Ahiman Rezon 1807. Ship Inn, Market Place, Red Lion, Aspringe Street, Ship Inn, Market Place, Two Breweis Inn, Court Street, Ship Hotel, Market Place, Sun Inn, West Street, Ship Hotel, Market Place, The Institute, East Street, Ship Hotel, Market Place, The Institute, East Street, Freemasons' Hall, School Walk, Faversham Kent 1764 Faversham i7«3 et, n It (1 1799 1804 1820 ri i8.S,S n 1S44 ri 186Q ri 1872 1887 Private Lodge Room, Green Island (Hanover, Cornwall), Jamaica, West Indies 1772 No records after Nov. 1773, but is continued in Ahiman Rezon 1804, 1807, and 1813. Salutation Inn, Fore Street, Topsham, Devojishire 1764 Erased by mistake s February 1777. Reinstated i.i April T-Tj-J. Finally erased 6 February 1811. Raven Inn, High Street, Kidderminster, Worcestershire 1772 Lapsed ahoict iT^i. Is, however, in Cal. 1800 and in Ahiman Rezon 1804 (as No. 107), ^and in Ahiman Rezon 1813, but not in 1807. Private Room, Snow's Fields, Southwark, London 1764 Globe, St. Saviour's Churchyard, Southwark, n 1766 King's Arms, St. Margaret's Hill, n n 1770 Three Tuns, n n ir 1771 Horseshoe and Magpie, Worcester Street, Park, Southwark, „ 1771 Mitre, Tooley Street, Southwark, n 1794 Flying Horse, Blackman Street, Southwark, n 1798 Wheatsheaf, Lombard Street, n n 1810 London Bridge, Maze Pond, n n 181 1 Golden Anchor, Park Street, n ,, 1816 Twelve Bells, St. Saviour's Churchyard, Southwark, n 1818 County Terrace Tavern, New Kent Road, ,1 1819 Anchor Tavern, Bankside, Southwark, n 1820 Artichoke, Newington Causeway, Newington, n 1821 Erased 3 Marcii 1830. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 16 Aug. 1764 Centenary Warrant, II June 1877. 14 Oct. 1772 28 Aug. 1764 Centenary Warrant, 3 May 1879. 22 Oet. 1772 30 Aug. 1764 10 Nov. 1772 23 Oet. 1764 1755 318 1770 258 1780 1781 206 1792 175 1814 214 1832 154 1863 132 176 319 259 205 207 176 215 155 133 177 320 260 206 208 177 178 321 261 207 209 178 216 137 i894 Name of Lodge. St, David's Lodge, Named in 1773. 134 135 Philhapmonic Lodge, Named in 1774. Caledonian Lodge, Freemasons' Hall Medal (.781). Lodge Of Perpetual Friendship, Named in 1778. Places of Meeting. Marquis of Granby, BePWick-On-Tweed, Northumberland 1772 King's Arms, Hide Hill, Berwick-on-Tweed 1772 Gibraltar Tavern, Marygate, n '794 King's Arms, Hide Hill, m 1797 Angel Inn, High Street, n 1799 Gibraltar Tavern, Marygate, n 1800 King's Head Inn, Church Street, 1, iSoo Red Lion Inn, High Street, ti 1802 Erased 5 March 1828. Club Inn, Wisbech, Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire 1764 Red Lion Inn, North Brink, Wisbech 1774 Bell Inn, Lower Hill Street, n 1783 Red Lion Inn, North Brink, n 1793 Erased 6 February 1811. Fountain, Hilsea (near Portsmouth), Hampshite 1764 " Helsey " in Engraved List. " Hilsey Barracks," in MS. end of 1764 List. Erased in 1767. See page 160. Cross Inn, Cornmarket Street, OxfOFd, Oxfordshire 1 773 Lapsed about 1776. Crossinn, Cornmarket Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire 1792 Star Inn, Market Place, Oxford 1794 Lapsed about 1802. Is however in each of the Lists in Ahiman Rezon 1804, 1807, and 1813. Half Moon Tavern, Cheapside, London 1764 Founded by Members of Athol Lodge, No. in. King's Head Tavern, Poultry, n 1785 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1787 Globe Tavern, Fleet Street, ir 1788 Half Moon Tavern, Gracechurch Street, n 1789 Guildhall Coffee House, Gresham Street, n 1795 Globe Tavern, Fleet Street, n 1797 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1804 Anderton's Coffee House, Fleet Street, 11 1805 Horn Tavern, Doctors' Commons, n 1825 Anderton's Coffee House, Fleet Street, m 1828 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, ti 1831 Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, n 1845 London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, n 1846 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, n 1847 Ship and Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall Street, ir 1855 Private Room, City of Stockholm (Svealand), Sweden 1773 Constituted at Globe Tavern, Fleet Street, London. No Records after 1790. Is in List of 1794 and also in Ahiman Rezon 1804, 1807, and 1813. Swan Inn, Cornhill, BrldgWateP, Somersetshire 1764 Erased ig Nov. 1783. Reinstated 11 February 1784. Swan Inn, Cornhill, Bridgwater 1784 Lamb Inn, High Street, n 1790 Clarence Hotel, High Street, ,1 1866 18 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 16 Nov. 1772 Constituted 29 April T773, but met previously. 23 Oct. 1764 7 Nov. 1764 1764 25 Feb. 1773 2 April 1792 15 Nov. 1764 Warrant of Confirmation, 16 March 1857. Centenary Warrant {Special Jewel). 24 July 1863. 1755 322 323 324 325 14 July 1773 1770 262 263 1780 208 209 1781 1792 1814 1832 179 217 210 179 180 A 180 B 211 180 218 156 134 4 Dee. 1764 Centenary Warrant, 22 Dec. 1868. 326 181 264 210 212 181 219 137 135 [ 138 ] 1894 136 Name of Lodge. Great Lodge. City Lodge, Named in 1776, Lodge of St. John the Evangehst, 1786. Royal Theatric Covent Garden Lodge, 1810. Lodge of Good Report, 1836. French Lodge, In 1766. Places of Meeting. Rose and Crown, Mill Street, Dock Head, Bermondsey, London 1764 Three Compasses, Free School Street, Horsleydown, n 1768 Brown Bear, Lemon Street, Goodman's Fields, m 1770 Erased 23 April I'j'j'i. George and Dragon, Queen Street, Milton (next Sittingbourne), Kent 1764 Rose, High Street, SittingbOUPne, Kent 1767 Erased in 1773. Crown Inn, Market Place, Swaffham, Norfolk 1764 Erased 13 April 1791. King of Sweden, Wapping Dock, Wapping, London 1765 The Angel, John Street, Minories, n 1769 India Warehouses, Fenchurch Street, m 1776 Erased in 1781, thus causing another change in the numeration of that year, Private Lodge Room, Roseau, Island of Dominica, West Indies 1773 Warrant not sent. The fees having been paid by G. Sec. Dickey^ luere returned to hiin 16 Dec. i.Tj'j. {iMin. G. Stew. Lodge). '' Warrants of 182 and igi had never been called for after they had been ordered." Notwithstanding such definite evidence, the number is continued in the Lists in Ahiman Rezon 1804, f8o7, and 1813, as at " Freemasons' Hall, Dominica." Wheatsheaf, Hand Court, Holborn, London 1765 Dolphin and Horse Shoe, Lamb's Conduit Passage, Red Liou Street, Holborn, n 1765 Blue Lion and Ball, Red Lion Passage, Red Lion Square, n 1770 Crown, Leigh Street, Red Lion Square, n 1782 Trumpet, King Street, Bloomsbury, m 1784 King's Arms, Grafton Street, Hoho, h 1786 Stanhope Arms, Oxenden Street, ITaymarket, n 1789 Northumberland Arms, Goodge Street, Tottenham Court Road, ri 1791 Two Blue Posts, Charlotte St., Rathbone Place, n 1794 Erased 12 February 1800. Reinstated g April 1800. Boar and Castle Tavern, Oxford Street, n 1803 Sun, Newman Street, ir n 1805 Feathers, Flart Street, Covent Garden, n l8lo Gordon Hotel, James Street, ir n 1826 Cyder Cellars, Maiden Lane, n ir 1S30 Joy's Hotel, n n 1834 Grand Hotel, n n 1837 Piazza Coffee House, h (p 1843 Radley's Hotel, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, n 1849 City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, u 1869 Ship and Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall Street, ti 1876 Inns of Court Hotel, Lincoln's Inn Fields, n 1877 The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, n 1894 Old Bell Savage, Bell Savage Yard, Ludgate Hill, London 1765 The Fountain, Ludgate Hill, .. 1766 Horn Tavern, Doctors' Commons, n 1769 Erased in 1775. " Struck 0^." Capt. Philip Webdell's Company in the Royal Regiment of Artillery, Constituted at Red Lion, East Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire 1773 Last Register 1781. Lapsed about 1782. " Found by Letter from Mr. B. Roper, Stationer, of Gosport, that Warrant was then vacant, and applied by'him to revive it." G. L. Reg., Jan. ijiT. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 11 Dec. 1764 14 Dee. 1764 17 Dee. 1764 8 Jan. 1765 26 Aug, 1773 22 Jan. 1765 Warrant of Confirmation, 26 May 18 ID. Centenary Warrant, ig Nov. 1869. 29 Jan. 1765 1755 327 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 265 328 329 330 266 267 268 211 212 213 182 334 269 213 214 182 220 158 136 331 270 4 Nov. 1773 183 A 139 Name of Lodge. Boar's Head Lodge, 1766. No Name in Lists 1770-85. Lodge of Happiness, 1786. British Social Lodge, 1791. Tuscan Lodge, 1769. Lusitanian Lodge, Freemasons^ Halt Medal 179^ Erased 12 February 1800. Reinstated 9 April 1800. Ram Inn, West Smithfield, u 1801 Edinburgh Castle, Strand, n 1809 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 181 1 No Returns after 1814. Erased 3 March T830. See page 138. Crown Inn, Sheep Street, BicesteP, Oxfordshire 1774 There is no record of this Lodge after 5 March 1774, and no evidence of its existence has been traced. It appears in_ the Ahiman Rezon of 1804 and 1813, but not in 1807. It received a new number at the Union, although not entitled to it, and was erased from the Roll in 1815. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 19 Feb. 1803 29 Jan. 1765 7 Dec. 1773 29 Jan. 1765 22 Jan. 1765 5 March 1774 '755 1770 1780 1781 1792 183 B ISI4 221 1832 1863 332 271 214 215 183 222 184 333 272 215 216 184 223 334 185 224 I40 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Operative Masons' Lodge. Royal Jubilee Lodge, 1810. A " Masters' Lodge" 1781-1809. St. John's Lodge. Gothic Lodge, 1782. Gothic and Westminster Volunteer Lodge, 1800. Gothic Lodge again, l80T. " A Masters' Lodge" 1801-S. Freemasons' Hall Medal (1783). Gothic Lodge, 137 Lodge of Amity, Named in 1799. Corinthian Lodge. Black Horse and Dolphin, Mansfield Street, Soiio, London 1765 The George, Wardour Street, Soho, n 1765 Cannon, i'ortland Koad, Marylebone, n 1781 White Lion, near Kerners Street, Oxford Street,. r 1799 Clarendon Hotel, New Bond Street, m 1810 Huntley's Cofi'ee House, Leicester Square, n 1813 No returns since ^'iii,. Erased March 1830. St. John's (St. John's), Newfoundland, North America 1774 London Tavein, St. John's, Newfoundland 1796 Erased in 1859. George [George and Dragon], ShugLane, London 1765 1767 1782 1787 1792 1800 Black Horse, Shug Lane, Adam and Lve, Bowling Street, Dean's Yard, Westminster, Crown, Tufton Street, Westminster, Suttling House, Foot Guards, Whitehall, George, Grafton Street, Soho, Lapsed about 1805. Three Cups Tavern, Church St., Harwich, Essex i Erased 5 March 1828. The Bell, Brecon, Brecknockshire 1765 Erased in 1769. 1st Battalion Eoyal Artillery, Constituted at Mitre Inn, Globe Lane, Chatham, Kent 1 No records after ^TJ7, but is in Ahiman Rezon 1804, as " Sixth Battalion of Royal Artillery," and in Ahiman Rezon 1807, as " First Batt. Royal Artillery." 774 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 13 March 1765 24 March 1774 22 March 1765 9th Battalion Royal Artillery, Gibraltar (Malaga), Spain 1812 Revived at Gibraltar. G. L, Reg. At Canterbury, Kent 1812 .1 Sandgate, " 1812 rr Hythe, M 1813 No payments after 1814. Erased in 1822. Lion and Lamb Inn, Thames Street, Poole, Dorsetshire 1765 Old Antelope Inn, New Street, Poole 1772 Private Room, Thames Street, h 1806 Erased % Sept. 1838. Reinstated 5 Dec. 1838. Masonic Hall, Thames Street, n 1862 Masonic Hall, Market Street, n 1881 Black Bull Inn, Market Place, Settle, Yorkshire 1774 Last entry zZ April ■L'ns. Lapsed about tj-jS. Is in Ahiman Rezon 1804 and 1813, but not in Ahiman Rezon 1807. Wliite Hart, Strand, London 1765 Crown, St. Dunstan's Passage, Fleet Street, m 1784 White Hart, Great Windmill Street, n 1786 Carpenters' Arms, John Street, Tottenham Court Road, n 179° Cock and Bottle, Upper Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, n 1792 Tiger, Wells Street, Oxford Street, ,, 1795 WhiteHorse,TottenhamStreet, Rathbone Place, n 1797 White Hart, Chancery Lane, u 1798 Sun, Clements Inn Foregate, Strand, n 1800 Lapsed in 1806. 1755 335 336 25 March 1806 1765 28 April 1774 25 May 1812 1 April 1765 Centenary Warrant {^Special Jeiuet)^ i6 May 1865. 7 June 1774 16 April 1765 339 337 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 273 216 217 185 225 186 226 159 274 217 218 186 A 186 B 227 338 187 A 187 B 228 275 218 219 187 229 160 137 188 276 219 220 188 A HI 1894 139 Name of Lodge. Corinthian and Constitutional Lodge. All Saints' Lodge. Rose and Crown Lodge. Tontine Lodge, 1786. Britannia Lodg-e, 1795- La discrete Imperiale. Places of Meeting. Golden Lion, High Street, Honiton, Devonshire 1806 Bakers' Arms Inn, High Street, Honiton 181 1 Erased 3 June 1829. Childers, Goose I.ane [now Brunswick Street], Maeelesfleld, Cheshire 1774 Golden Lion, Mill Street, Macclesfield 1794 Lodge dissohted . " Warrant returned on the dissolution of the Lodge at Macclesjield." G.L. Reg. 7 July 1801. Black Bull Inn, High Street, WOOleP, Northuniherland 1 802 Blue Bell Inn, High Street, Wooler 1806 Black Bull Inn, n n 1806 Anchor Inn, n n 1812 Sun Inn, n u 1833 Erased 7 May 1866. Rose & Crown, High Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire 1765 Old King's Head, Change Alley, Sheffield 1777 Rose and Crown, High Street, n 1784 Tontine Hotel, Haymarket, n 1786 Private Room, Paradise Square, n 1798 Falstaff Inn, The Wicker, „ 1811 Music Hall, Surrey Street, n 1825 Black Rock Inn, Castle Street, n 1826 Angel Inn, Angel Street, n 1827 Falstaff Inn, The Wicker, „ 1828 Private Room, Carver Street, n 1835 Private Room, 5 Tudor Street, d 1837 Spread Eagle Inn, Fargate, n 1838 Music Hall, Surrey Street, n 1841 Freemasons' Hall, Surrey Street, n 1861 New Masonic Hall, n n 1877 Charles Town [Charleston], South Carolina, U.S. of America 1774 No Records after 13 April 17S2, but is noted in Ahiman Rezon 1804, 1807, and 1813, the two latter respectively as "City Tavern, Charleston," and "Ancient York Lodge, Charleston, South Carolina." AlOSt (East Flanders), Belgium 1765 Was continued on English Register until 1813. Paid nothing after 1781. All Lodges in Flanders and Belgium (except three in Brussels) were closed by the Emperor of Austria in 1786. Rose and Crown, Rose and Crown Yard, High Street, Coventry, Warwickshire 1765 White Horse, Pepper Lane, Coventry 1770 Black Bull, High Street, .. 1774 Last meeting 8 Oct. 1777. Erased 12 April 1780. Sixty-flfth Regiment of Foot Warrant never issued. Fees having been paid by G. Sec. Dickey J were repaid to him. 16 Dec. 1777. Stewards' Lo. Min, " Warrants of 182 and 191 had never been called for after they had been ordered." Yet the 65th Regiment is credited with having this number, 191, in the Ahiman Rezon of 1804 and 1807. 1774 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 23 Sept. 1806 7 June 1774 13 Dee. 1802 19 April 1765 Centenary Warrant {^Special Jewel), 4 March 1865. 30 Sept. 1774 5 June 1765 ^0 June 1765 Constituted 10 Oct. 1765. 3 Oet. 1774 I7S5 1770 1780 1781 1792 188 B 1814 230 1832 1863 189 A 189 B 231 161 138 340 277 220 221 189 232 162 139 190 341 278 221 222 190 342 279 191 A 142 i894 Name of Lodge. 140 Waterloo Lodge, 1818. St. George's Lodge, Named in 1777. 141 Lodge of Friendship and Justice. Lodge of Faith, Named in 1818. Places of Meeting. Seventy-ninth Regiment of Foot, Weely Barracks, Colehester, 1st Battalion Ninety-flrst Regiment Seventy-ninth Regiment Erased 5 September 1838. Essex 18 18 Queen's Head, Chelsea, London 1765 Red Lion, Oxford Huildings, Oxford Street, n 1776 Two Chairmen, David Street, Berkeley Square, n 1779 Stratford Coffee House, Oxford Street, n 1787 White Lion, near Berners Street, Oxford Street, n 1794 The Castle, Lewisham Road, Deptford, 11 1796 King's Head, near Victualling Office, n 11 1799 Britannia Tavern, Grove Street, n n 1802 Evelyn Arms, Victualling Place, n n 1804 Red Lion, King Street, 11 n 1807 Windmill, Lower Roacl, n n 1808 Mitre, Broadway, n n 1816 Private Room, King Street, n n 1818 Mitre, Deptford Bridge, n n 1822 Fountain Inn, Broadway, n m 1823 Fishing Smack, King Street, n m 1824 Trinity Arms, Church Street, ti n 1 825 White Swan, High Street, n n 1831 Lord Duncan Tavern, Broadway, n 11 1S37 Mitre, Deptford Bridge, n n 1838 Royal Albert Tavern, New Cross Road, n n 1850 Greyhound Tavern, Stockwell St., Greenwich, n 1851 Yacht Tavern, Crane Street, n n 1853 Trafalgar Tavern, Park Row, n n 1855 Globe, Royal Hill, „ „ 1858 Lecture Hall, Royal Hill, i, n 1863 Trafalgar Hotel, Park Row, ,. n 1868 Ship Hotel, Church Street, 11 n 1892 Red Lion, Lion Street, Rye, Sussex 1765 Private Room, BUPWash, Sussex 1784 Lapsed about 1784. George Inn, Lamberhurst Street, LambePhUFSt, Kent 1785 Erased 13 February 1788. Royal Mortar, Beresford Square, Woolwich, London 1774 Man in the Moon, Vine Street, Piccadilly, n 1786 Chequers, Abingdon Street, Westminster, n 17S7 Queen's Head, Bow Street, Covent Garden, n 1792 Brown Bear, Bloomsbury, ti 1793 George, High Street, Bloomsbury, it 1794 Black-a-Moor's Head, Exeter Street, Strand, n 1794 White Hart, Chichester Rents, Chancery Lane, n 1796 Queen of Bohemia, Wych St., St. Clements, n 1798 George, Long Acre, n 1 799 Castle, Jermyn Street, Piccadilly, n i8oi Castle, Quaker Street, SjDitalfields, ti 1802 Dalby's, Newport Street, Newport Market, n 1803 King's Arms, St. Martin's Court, n 1803 Three Tuns, Chichester Rents, Chancery Lane, 1, 1806 King's Arms, Chelsea Bridge, Chelsea, n 1808 Blue Anchor, York Street, Westminster, n 181 1 The Bell, York Street, „ „ 1812 Duke of York, Jew's Row, Chelsea, m 1818 Grosvenor Arms, Belgrave Place, Pimlico, h 1821 Goat Tavern, n „ 1823 Gun Tavern, Lupus Street, n m 1825 Flask Tavern, Ebury Street, h h 1831 Gun Tavern, Lupus Street, n n 1833 Feathers Tavern, n ,, 1846 Windsor Castle, Vauxhall Road, n u 1847 Gun Tavern, Lupus Street, n n 1848 Windsor Castle, Vauxhall Road, n n 1857 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, ,1 1858 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, n 1859 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 13 Feb. 1808 29 June 1765 Warrant of Confirmation, T5 April 1850. Centenary Warrant (^Special Jewel), 19 Dec. 1865. 10 July 1765 1785 8 Nov. 1774 Centenary Warrant, II June 1877. 1755 343 344 1770 280 281 1780 222 1781 223 223 224 A 224 B 1792 A 1814 [832 1863 191 B 191 233 234 163 164 140 192 235 165 141 143 142 Name of Lodge. Union Lodge, Named in i8og. Saint Thomas's Lodge, Named in 1815. Royal Edwin Lodge, Named in 1767. A '* Masters' Lodge^" 1767. Lodge of Perseverance. Places of Meeting. Blue Boar, NOFWieh, Norfolk 1765 Three Tuns, St. Martin's-at-Oak, Norwich 1776 Three Tuns Inn, ThOPpe St. Andrew, Norfolk 1783 Black Horse, Tombland, NoFWich 178;^ Gate House Tavern, Tombland, m 1799 Angel Inn, Market Place, n 1817 United with No. 68 \^No. 146 o/z^June 1736] in 1817. Angel and Crown, Maiden Lane, Wood St., London 1775 Northumberland Arms, Great Russell Street, Covent Garden, n 1775 Bell, Cecil Court, St. Martin's Lane, ,1 1776 Globe, in the Strand, m 1779 Horse Shoe, Jermyn Street, Piccadilly, ,1 1786 Chequers, St. Margaret's Churchyard, Westminster, n 17^7 Stanhope Arms, Oxenden Street, Haymarket, n 1787 Shakespeare, Oxenden Street, n n 1788 Royal Standard Tavern, Leicester Fields, n 1788 Two Blue Posts, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, n 1788 Griffin, Villiers Street, York Buildings, n 1789 Suttling Mouse, Foot Guards, Whitehall, „ 1794 Crown, Broadway, Tothill Street, Westminster, m 1799 Suttling House, Foot Guards, Whitehall, m 1799 Coal Hole, Strand, 1, 1803 Suttling House, Foot Guards, Whitehall, „ 1804 Prince and Princess, Gravel Lane, Blackfriars, n 181 1 Three Compasses, King Street, Golden Square, n 1812 Hole-in-the-Wall, Fleet Street, „ 1817 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Broad St., Golden Square, n 1820- Shakespeare Tavern, Great Russell Street, n 1824 Crown Tavern, Museum Street, n 1825 Garrick's Head, Bow Street, Covent Garden, n 1825 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1826 Crown Tavern, Museum Street, m 1826 Museum Tavern, it ir 1827 Bedford Head Tavern, Maiden Lane, Covent (Jarden, 11 1829 Fitzroy Hotel, Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place,ii 1831 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1 831 Radley's Hotel, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, 11 l86l Caledonian Hotel, Adelphi, Strand, n 187 1 City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, n 1873 Willis's Rooms, King Street, St. James's Square, 11 1874 City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, n 1875 Ship and Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall Street, n 1891 Sun, Norwich Street, Fakenham, Norfolk 1765 Red Lion, Market Place, Fakenham 1766 White Hart, White Hart St., ThetfOFd, Norfolk 1782 Angel, Angel Hill, BuFy St. EdmundS, Suffolk 1789 Six Bells, Chequer Square, Bury St. Edmunds 1803 Erased in 1829. " Lodge dissolved and/umiture sold." Amsterdam, Erased in 1769. The Ship, Fore Street, Queen's Head, Fore Street, St. Holland 1765 Ives, Cornwall 1765 1777 Erased i February 1786. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1765 11 May 1775 Centenary Warrant, 20 Nov. 1875. 30 Sept. 1765 Constituted 30 Dec. 1765. 1765 16 July 1765 1755 357 1770 282 17S0 224 1781 225 1792 192 1814 236 1832 1863 193 237 166 142 358 283 225 226 193 238 359 360 284 226 227 144 l894 Name ok Lodge. 143 Middlesex Lodge, Named in 1824. 144 St. Luke's Lodge, Named in 1786. 145 Lodge of Prudent Brethren, Named in 1817. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Coach and Horses, Duke Street, St. James's, London i77S White Hart Tavern, Holborn, i. 1775 Six Cans, Little Turnstile, Holborn, n 1788 King's Arms, Ely Place, n " 17^9 White Hart, Holborn, 1, n 179' King's Arms, Ely Place, n n 179^ Roebuck, High Holborn, n 1793 Coach and Horses, High Holborn, 1. 1795 Pitt's Head, Old Bailey, 1. 1795 Castle, Greenhill Rents, West Smithfield, ,1 1797 White Swan, Uraham's Buildings, Chancery Lane, " 1797 Coopers' Arms, West Street, West Smithfield, n 1798 Pewter Platter, Cross Street, Hatton Garden, 1. 1808 Crown and Anchor, Fleet Market, Ludgate Hill,ii 1809 The George, Brook Street, Holborn, n 1813 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1824 Thatched House Tavern, St. James's Street, n 1851 The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, 1. 1862 Lodge No. 1, Maryland, The Flask, Ebury Square, Chelsea, London 1765 Duke's Head, Robinson's Lane, n n 177° Don Saltero's Coffee House, Cheyne Walk, n n I7'56 Orange Coffee House, Queen Street,ii n 1808 Phoenix, Smith Street, 11 " 1813 Six Bells, King's Road, ., 1. 1817 Red House, College Street, r u 1818 White Horse, Church Street, n " 1819 Wellington, South Street, h m 1823 White Hart Inn, King's Road, 11 n 1827 Stag Tavern, Fulham Road, -n 11 1838 Black Lion, King's Road, n m 1839 Builders' Arms, Russell Street, n n 1S43 Commercial HallTavern,King'sRoadip n 1858 Pier Hotel, Cheyne Walk, n h 1863 Masons' Hall, Masons' Avenue, BasinghallStreetn 1871 Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, n 1877 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, n 1880 Bedford Head, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, London 177s Robin Hood, Great Windmill St., Haymarket, n 1789 Globe, Market, Pall Mall, m 1792 CrownTavern,St. Dunstan'sPassage, Fleet St., n 1794 Hole in the Wall, Fleet Street, n 1800 Lapsed about 1805. Ship, Brick Lane, Bethnal Green, London 1806 Red Lion and Spread Eagle, High Street, Whitechapel, n 1819 Duke of Clarence, Commercial Road, St. George's East, n 1822 Duke's Head, Commercial Road, St. George's East, M 1826 King's Head, Commercial Road, St. George's East, M 1829 Coach and Horses, Northumberland Alley, Fenchurch Street, n 1832 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, n 1840 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1845 Freemasons' Hall, 11 n 1867 Joppa (Baltimore), Maryland, U.S. of America 1765 No Returns after 1781, butwas kept on English Register until 1813. It had, however, taken a new Warrant, No. 35, from the G. L. of Pennsylvania (A) 16 February 1782. See page 134. 10 Oct. 1775 17 July 1765 Centenary Warrant, 21 Jan. 1870. 1755 345 14 Dee. 1775 1806 (By Endorsement on Warrant of 14 Dec. 177s). Centenary Warrant 10 Nov. 1875. 1770 285 780 227 1781 228 8 Aug. 1765 Constituted 21 Nov. 1765. 1 May 1764 346 347 286 228 1792 194 194 195 A 1814 239 240 195 B 229 195 1832 167 168 241 169 145 1863 143 144 [ 145 ] i894 146 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Antiquity, Named in 1803. Dormant April 1789 to Dec. 1792. Lodge of Perfect Friendship, Named in 1768 or earlier. Royal York Lodge of Perfect Friendship, 1817. Lodge of Love and Unity, Named in 1814. Lodge No. 1. Union Lodge, 1807. Places of Meeting. Fox Inn, Market Place, Leigh, Lancashire 177^ Crown Inn, Deansgate, Bolton, Lancashire 1786 Private Koom, Thweat Street, Bolton 1793 Black Horse Inn, Black Horse Street, n 1793 Weavers' Arms Inn, Bradshawgate, n 1802 Four Horse Shoes Inn, Deansgate, u 1812 Rising Sun Inn, Church Street [now Church I'lank], M 1816 One Horse Shoe Inn, Market Place, n 1855 Bull's Head Inn, Bradshawgate, 11 1861 Masonic Hall, Silverwell Street, it 1887 Shakespeare's Head, Sawclose, Bath, Somersetshire 1765 Greyhound and Shakespeare Inn, High St., Bath 1767 Three Tuns Inn, Stall Street, i. 177^ Angel Inn, Westgate Street, n 1779 White Hart Inn, Stall Street, m 1781 White Lion Inn, High Street, p. 1803 Greyhound Inn, n ci 1816 Freemasons' Hall, York Street, n 1819 White Lion Inn, High Street, n 1824 Erasedby order of the G. i., in coiisequence of internal discord, I December 1B24. N.B. — Although erased, No. 243 of 1814 was placed on the Roll of 1832, with the same number, but without any description. First Royal Lancashire Militia, Canteen, Dover, Kent 1776 Lapsed about 1778. Is noted at " Scarborough Castle, Kent," in Cal. of -lZoo. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 24 June 1776 Centenary Warrant, i8 Oct. 1878. 20 Sept. 1765 1755 1770 1780 1781 1792 196 1814 242 1832 1863 170 146 348 287 229 230 196 243 243 24 June 1776 First Royal Lancashire Militia, Dover, Kent 1805 2 Feb. 1805 At Plymouth, Devonshire 1806 Lapsed iJi 1806. Third Regiment of Dragoons, Exeter, Devonshire 1806 " Transferred to the 3rd Regiment of Dragoons at Exeter, not permitted to assemble or meet by the Col. of said last mentioned Regiment." G. L. Reg. North Hants Militia, Pendennis Castle, Falmouth, Cornwall 1808 North Hants Militia, London Inn, Market Street, Falmouth 1809 Navy Tavern, The Quay, h 1 8 10 Fountain Tavern, Market Street, fi 1820 King's Arms Hotel, Market Strand, n 1826 Erased 5 September 1838. Town of St. Helary [St. Heliers], Jersey, Chattitel Islands 1765 Erased imi^i- Last payment lioy. See page 147. See page 147. Fox and Goose, King Street, Seven Dials, London 1777 Lapsed about 1778. 1806 29 Aug. 1808 197 A 197 B 197 c 197 D 244 171 1765 7 Dee. 1765 21 Dee. 1765 20 Jan. 1777 349 350 351 288 230 231 197 198 A 19 [ 146 ] i894 147 Name of Lodge. 148 Lodge of Justice, Named in 1828. Lodge of Lights, Named in 1806. 149 150 Lodge of Peace, Named in 1822. Lodge No, 1. Lodge Perfect Unanimity, Named in 1790. No. 1 Coast of Coromandel. Lodge No. 2. Lodge No. 3. Places of Meeting. West London Militia, Baptist Head, St. John's I.ane, West Smithfield, LondOn 1801 West London Militia, Greenwich, n 1801 11 White Swan, Whitecross St., M 1802 IP Deptford, n 1806 Jolly Potters, Church Street, Deptford „ 1806 Trinity Arms, n n n 1828 Royal Albert Tavern, New Cross Road, n 11 1853 White Swan, High Street, n 11 1862 The Fleece [h«/;«otwk], WaPPington, Lancashire 1765 Lingham's Coffee House \unknown\ Warrington 1769 Woolpack, Bold Street, n 1770 The Swan, Bridge Street, n 1786 Golden Fleece, Buttermarket Street, ci 1801 Golden Horse Shoe and Grapes, Horse Market Street, n l8o5 Bear's Paw, Buttermarket Street, n 1820 George Inn, Bridge Street, n 1836 Bull Inn [!«;i«om«], n 1 840 Nag's Head Hotel, Sankey Street, n 1843 Blackburn Arms Hotel, Corn Market, n i860 Masonic Rooms, Sankey Street, n 1863 Austin Chambers, Bold Street, n 1893 The Cock Inn, Shambles Street, Bapnsley, Yorkshire 1777 Ceased Txiorking about 1778, but is noted in List in Akiman Rezouj 1804. Travellers' Rest, Dawgreen, DeWSbUFy, Yorkshire 1804 Lapsed, and furniture disposed of, 1815. Woolpack, Honley, near Huddersfield, Yorkshire 1820 Golden Fleece, Station Street, Meltham, n 1826 Rose and Crown, Market Place, Meltham 1856 Masonic Rooms, Market Place, n 1863 Masonic Hall, Wessenden Road, n 1882 Madras (Chingieput), Not in List until 1766. Madras, India 1 765 Lapsed prior to T786. Freemasons' Hall, Madras (Chingieput), Madras, India 1786 Not in List until 1790. Formed from Members of Athol Lo. 152, No. i Provincial (p. 126). See note on page 96 in reference to this Lodge. Pantheon, House in Spen Tank, Pantheon, College Hall, Masonic Hall, Beach, Mr. Williams' House, Mount Road, Cotgrave Hotel, Vepery, Masonic Hall, Vepery, II Mount Road, Madras 1800 1802 1803 1826 1840 1856 1861 1878 1884 Madras (Chingieput), Madras, India 1765 Not in List until 1766. Erased 9 February 1791. Madras (Chingieput), Madras, India 1765 Not in List until 1766. Erased^ February 1791. Vine Inn, Salisbury, Wiltshire 1777 Last Entry ^lan. 1782. Lapsed about 1784. 1792, June. "Received this Warrant by the Coach in answer to our Circular Letter of this year (Vacant)." G,L. Reg. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1 Jan. 1801 On Warrant of 20 Jan. 1777. 8 Nov. 1765 Warrant of Confirmation, 6 Feb. 1863. Centenary Warrant {Special lewei) , 9 March 1865. 1 April 1777 28 March 1804 20 July 1820 Warrant of Confirmation, I June 1821. 1765 7 Oct. 1786 Warrant of Confirmation, 3 Feb. 1869. Centenary Warrant, 8 March 1886. 1765 1765 9 July 1777 I7SS 352 353 1770 289 290 [780 231 232 354 355 291 292 1781 232 233 234 233 A 233 B 234 235 1792 1814 1832 1S63 198 B 245 172 147 198 246 173 148 199 A 199 B 199 o 247 174 149 199 248 175 150 200 A 147 i894 151 152 Name of Lodge. Veetis Ancient Lodge, 1 80s. Albany Lodge, 1816. Lodge No. 1. Red Cross Lodge. 1804-1813. Lodge of Virtue, 1832. Places of Meeting. Castle and Banner, Hunny Hill, Carisbrook, Newport, IsU of Wight, Hampshire Red Lion Inn, St. James's Square, Fountain Inn, Sea Street, Tontine Inn, South Street, Three Tuns, Holyrood Street, Green Dragon Hotel, Pyle Street, Star Inn, St. James's Street, Masonic Rooms, 48 Pyle Street, Masonic Hall, Lugley Street, Newport 1801 1806 1815 1816 1821 1836 1843 1846 Beneoolen (Bencooien), Island of Sumatra, East Indies 1765 Not in List until 1766. Last payment 1797. Erasedin 1813. See page 143. See page 143. See page 143. See page 143. New Inn, Melksham, Wiltshire 1765 King's Arms, Melksham 1771 Erased 28 April 177S. The Cock Inn, Chester Road, Stretford, near Manchester, Lancashire 1777 Lapsed aioui 1782. " Donnant " in List qfiTj^. This Lodge is said to liave been also No. 204 (A), but in error, and there is no evidence that this Warrant was subsequently taken by No. 278 (A), as some have stated. Moseley Arms, Shude Hill, Manchester, Lancashire 1796 Weavers Arms, Lee St., Oldham Road, Manchester 1797 Swan with Two Necks, Withy Grove, n 1799 Lord Nelson, Castle Fields, ic 18 10 Sir Sidney Smith, Port Street, n 18 12 The Fleece, Shude Hill, n 1814 Royal Oak, Jersey Street, n 1817 Weavers Arms, Lee Street, Oldham Road, n 1 821 Beehive, Jersey Street, n 1822 Richard III., James Street, Thomas Street, n 1826 Red Lion, Bradford Street, . n 1828 Man in the Moon, Smithfield Market, n 1839 Garratt Road Inn, Garratt Road, 11 1840 Pack Horse Inn, Bridge Street, ir 1842 Town Hall Buildings, King Street, n 1845 Freemasons' Hall, Cross Street, n 1845 Queen's Hotel, Piccadilly, it 1847 Albion Hotel, Piccadilly, » 1852 Waterloo Hotel, Piccadilly, n 1854 Cross Street Chambers, Cross Street, n 1857 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street, ti 1864 Tortola and Beef Island, Virgin Islands, West Indies 1765 Erasedin 1813. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 8 May 1801 (On Warrant of 9 July 1777.) 1765 1765 30 Sept. 1765 1765 16 July 1765 7 Dee. 1765 27 July 1777 30 Dee. 1796 21 Dee. 1765 1755 356 357 358 359 360 350 351 1770 293 294 295 1780 235 236 1781 236 237 1792 200 201 200 B 201 A 201 B 1814 1832 1863 249 176 151 250 177 152 [ hb ] 153 Name of Lodge. Inhabitants' Lodge, Named in 1804. 154 Lodge of Unanimity Named in 1777. Freemasons' Hall Medal (1784). Lodge of Love and Unity, Named in 1813. 155 Scientific Lodge. Lodge of Perseverance. English Lodge. Places of Meeting. In His Majesty's Ordnance, in tiie Garrison of Gibraltar, (Malaga), Spain 1777 "A Stationary, and not a Military Lodge." G. L. Reg. Crown and Anchor, Gibraltar 1815 Glyn's Buildings, n i860 Three Anchors' CofJee House, Main Street, n 1863 6 Engineers' Lane, ti 1866 Garrison Library, n 1869 19 Bell I.ane, n 1874 32 Engineers' Lane, n 1876 Masonic Hall, Armstrong Buildings, n 1877 George and Crown, Kirkgate, Wakefield, Black Bull Inn, Westgate, Masonic Hall, Thornhill Street, II Zetland Street, New Masonic Hall, Zetland Street, Yorkshire 1766 Wakefield 1793 II 1846 II i860 II 1881 Canteen, Garrison of Dover, Dover Castle, Dover, Ke7it 1777 Swan Inn, Dover Pier, Dover 1793 King's Head, Clarence Place, n 1806 Ordnance Arms Tavern, Queen Street, n 1807 Hoveling Boat, n 1809 Royal Oak Inn, Oxenden Street, n 1823 Erased in 1837. King's Arms Punch House, Shad Thames, London 1766 Lapsed about 1806. George Inn, Market Square, Crewkerne, Somersetshire 1807 Erased in 1827. St. Augustine, Florida, U.S. of America 1778 " Returned to the late G. Sec, the fees of Warrant No. 204, it not being received at St. Augustines." G. Stew. Min., z.^ Jan7iary 1780. Legs of Man, Fishergate, Preston, Lancashire 1803 The Warrant of 27 July 1777, Cock, at Stretford, No, (A), was reissued to this Lodge in 1803, as No. 204. was an error, as No. 204 was never at Stretford. 201 This Preston Swan Inn, New Street, Golden Cross, Lancaster Road, Roast Beef Inn, Friargate, Joiners' Arms, Lord Street, Three Tuns Inn, North Road, Castle Inn, Market Place, Boar's Head Inn, Friargate, Rifleman, Water Street, Legs of Man Inn, Fishergate, Horse Shoe Inn, Church Street, Town Hall Buildings, Fishergate, Royal Hotel, Dale Street, Liverpool, Lancashire 1852 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool 1858 1804 1812 1817 1820 1821 1825 1827 1832 1834 1 841 1851 Bordeaux (Gironde, Guienne), France 1732 " Have met since the year 1732." Eng, Lists. Although constituted in 1732 the Lodge was not in Lists until 1766. Its last payment was in 1788. Joined the Grand Orient 0/ France in 1803, hut ivas retained on English Register until 1813. It still preserves, as part of its title, its last English number. Now named Lodge " Anglaise No. 204," on Reg. of G. Orient of France. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 18 Nov. 1777 Had a Warrant of Confirmation, 10 July 1877, the original warrant having been lost, but it has since been recovered. [Centenary Warrant {^Special Jewel), I Oct. 1S62. Cancelled in 1S77]. Centenary Warrant, 18 Nov. 1877. 15 Feb. 1766 Centenary Warrant, 5 Dec. 1877. 12 Dee. 1777 22 Feb. 1766 13 Aug. 1807 3 Jan. 1778 19 Oet. 1803 8 March 1766 Constituted 27 April 1732. 755 361 362 1770 296 297 363 298 1780 237 238 239 [781 238 239 240 1792 202 203 A 203 B 204 1832 202 251 178 153 252 179 154 203 253 180 254 204 A 204 B 255 181 155 [ 149 ] i«94 156 157 Name of Lodge. Harmony Lodge, Named in 1814. Operative Lodge. Bedford Lodge, 1784. Was an Operative Lodge much earlier. Is mentioned as **in reputable circumstances about the years 1739 and 1740." Rosicruczan, Jan. 1876. Lodge of Friendship. Named in 1775. L'Immortalite de L'Ordre. [A French Lodge.] Assyrian Lodge, Named in 1770. Places of Meeting. Dolphin Inn, High Street, New Shoreham, Sussex 1 766 Erased in 1775. " Struck off." Half Moon Tavern, Cheapside, London 1778 Delivered up Warranty 6 June 1781. InsuJ^cieni Members. Marl(i Valiant Soldier, Without Southgate, Exeter 1769 Erased 9 Febi nary 1791. Marquis of Granby, ShcerneSS, Kent 1778 Masons' Arms, Sheerness 1792 Warrant delivered yp 7 Septeinber 1795, Bell and Lion, High Street, SheerneSS, Kent 1797 In Barracks, High Street, Blue Town, Sheerness 1799 Masons' Arms, ,, iSoo Marquis of Granby's Head, The Garrison, n 1801 Wliite Horse, High Street, Blue Town, „ 1802 Marquis of Granby's Head, The Garrison, n 1802 Bell and Lion, High Street, Blue Town, „ 1804 Red Lion, „ „ „ 1804 In Barracks, m n ,1 1805 Bell and Lion, n n n 1807 Freemasons' Hall, Mile Town, „ 181 1 Their own Room, Blue Town, „ 1813 II Mile Town, „ 1820 Swan Inn, High Street, Blue Town, „ 1827 Fountain Hotel, West Street, Blue Town, n 1828 Britannia Inn, High Street, Mile Town, „ 1839 Royal Hotel, Broadway, n „ 1843 Wellington Inn, High Street, n „ 1847 Fountain Hotel, West Street, Blue Town, „ 1850 Masonic Hall, Mile Town, „ 1857 Masonic Rooms, Victoria Hall, Broadway, n 1876 Britannia Hotel, High Street, Mile Town, „ 1883 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 6 Aug. 1766 26 July 1766 9 Sept. 1766 10 Sept. 1766 20 June 1778 16 Sept. 1766 13 March 1783 8 Oet. 1766 16 June 1766 31 Oet. 1766 25 Sept. 1778 4 Dee. 1797 [Works with Warrant of 1778.] 1755 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 1770 307 308 309 310 311 1780 243 244 245 1781 244 245 A 245 B 246 1792 1814 1832 206 206 258 207 A 207 B 259 184 158 151 1 894 159 Name of Lodge. Star Lodge, Named in 1779. Brunswick Lodge, Named in 1834. St. Nicholas' Lodge. Slon Lodge. Places of Meeting. The Star, Watergate Street, Chester", Cheshire 1766 Elephant and Castle, Northgate Street, Chester 1779 Coach and Horses Inn, ,1 1, 1792 Rrased 13 April 1796. Square and Compasses, WOFkington, Cumberland 1772 " Returned the Fees of Warrant No. 2 (sic) Workington, to the late Gr. Sec. Jones, he not having received the money from that Lodge." G. Stew. L. Min. zy July 1782. Is stated in List of 1794 and in Cal. 1800 as at " Herrington Harbour." Crown and Cushion, Plymouth Doek [now DevonpOPt], Devonshire 1802 London Inn, Fore Street, Plymouth Dock 1802 Half Moon Tavern, Pembroke Street, m 1807 Ehoenix Inn, Fore Street, n 1808 Military Arms Tavern, Fore Street, n 1817 White Lion, King Street, n 1821 Phoenix Inn, ir .. 1822 Prince William Henry, Cumberland Street, n 1823 Market House Inn, Market Street, DevonpOFt 1827 Clarence Inn, Catherine Street, n 1829 Market House Inn, Market Street, u 1830 Commercial Inn, Fore Street, m 1831 Masonic Rooms, 62 St. Aubyn Street, n 1835 St. George's Hall, Emma Place, East StOnehOUSe, Devonshire 1 854 Brunswick Masonic Hall, Union St., Plymouth, Devonshire 1855 Metham Masonic Hall, Caroline Place, East Stonehouse 1869 Masonic Hall, Union Street, Plymouth 1877 Ebrington Masonic Hall, Phoenix Place, Hobart Street, East Stonehouse 1880 Private Room at Bro. Fife's, Castle Garth, Neweastle-Upon-Tyne, Northumberland 1767 White Hart, Cloth Market, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1795 Scotch Arms, Newgate Street, n 1801 Chancellor's Head, Newgate Street, n 1806 United with No. 26 (A) [0/2^ Sept. 1805] in i8i.t. 4th Battalion Royal AFtilleFy, Gibraltar, (Malaga), Spain 1779 A^o Records afte> 1779. Staffordshire Regiment of Militia, Windsor, Berkshire 1801 No. 327 (A) acquired No. 209 (A) in 1803. King's Own Stafford Militia, At Windsor, Berkshire 1803 „ Dover, Kent 1803 M Windsor, Berkshire 1804 11 Weymouth, Dorsetshire 1804 II Crown, Prescot Street, Windsor, Berkshire 1805 II Chichester, Sussex 1812 Erased i n 1787 Horse and Groom, Heath Street, n n 1794 Yorkshire Grey, Yorkshire Grey Yard, Hampstead, 11 1794 Long Room, Well Walk, n » 1795 Yorkshire Grey, Yorkshire Grey Yard, n n 1795 Long Room, Well Walk, n n 1795 Flask Tavern, Flask Walk, 11 n 1796 Horse and Groom, Heath Street, n n 1805 Black Boy and Stile, High Street, n n 1807 Holly Bush Tavern, Holly Mount, n 11 1808 Castle Tavern, Hampstead Heath, n n 1826 Holly Bush Tavern, Holly Mount, n 11 1832 Jack Straw's Castle, Hampstead Heath, n n 1886 Royal George, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, Channtl Islands 1784 Ship and Castle, 11 Guernsey 1796 Private Lodge Room, n n 1802 St. Blair's, High Street, » 1803 Private Room, Horn Street, m 1807 M Hautville, n 1825 Henley's Rooms, " 1830 Cole's Hotel, Market Place, 1. 1837 School Room, Berthelot Street, n 1847 Masonic Hall, Court Place, n 1852 I Havelock Place, Victoria Road, 11 1870 Masonic Hall, Court Place, n 1871 St. Julian's Hall, St. Julian's Avenue, m 1882 Masonic Temple, Le Marchant Street, ir 1883 City of Rotterdam, Holland \^(>^ Retained on Register until i^x^, and then erased. Still exists on Reg. of G. Orient of the Netherlands. Bayley's English Hotel, Ostend (West Flanders), Belgium 1784 Kept on Lists in Ahiman Rezon 1804, 180^, and 1813 ; hut no records after 1788. Could not have existed after 1795, when G. Orient of France ruled in Belgium. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1 Aug. 1767 1 March 1784 1755 400 5 Aug. 1767 Centenary Warrant, lo Oct. i868. 10 March 1784 Centenary Warrant, 31 Jan. 1884. 21 Aug. 1767 10 March 1784 1770 335 1780 261 401 402 336 337 1781 1792 262 220 262 263 263 264 221 222 221 1814 277 1832 1863 278 196 167 222 279 197 168 223 [ IS8 ] 1894- Name of Lodge. Royal White Hart Lodge, Musicians' Lodge, Named in 1776. 169 Lodge of Amity. Lodge of Amity. Lodge of Temperance. Named in 1816. Lodge of Amity. Places of Meeting. Halifax (Halifax), North Carolina, U.S. of America 1767 Kept on Registeruntil iZi-i. G. L. of North Carolina was formed g Dec. 1787. Now No. 2 on Reg. of G. L. of Noith Carolina. Crown and Anchor, Tnrnagain Lane, Snow Hill, London 1767 Erased 12 April 1780. Castle Hotel, New Quay, Dartmouth, Devonshire 1767 Erased 5 Eebruary 1777. Scales, Market Lane, Lichfield, Staffordshire 1784 1784, March 29. " Warrant No. 220 filled up for the City of Lichfield. The D.G.M. remarked, .should have been No. 224, whilst the G. Sec. had insisted that the last mentioned number should be 220 and no other, he having laid it bye for the Masonsat Lichfield, who had their Jewels marked with that number. Resolved that No. 220 should have been dated previous to No. 221, &c." G. L. Min. In consequence of the dispute, a New Warrant wai issued. In Ahiman Rezon 1804 and 1813 it appears as at Lichfield, but is not in Ahiman Rezon 1807. Justice in the Mint, Southwark, London 1767 Sussex Cofifee House, West Smithfield, u 1770 Lapsed about 1772. Coopers' Inn, PreStOn, Lancashire 1779 White Horse, Friargate, Preston 1783 Last Registry at Preston 21 January r794. Old Star Inn, Skipton Road, Steeton-in- Craven, Yorkshire 18 10 Erased e^ March 1828. Black Horse, Coventrj' Street, near the Haymarket, London 1 784 Peacock, Clare Market, ,1 1 789 The George, Liverpool Road, Hoxton, n 1793 Weavers' Arms, Sanders' Gardens, Hoxton, ir 1794 Green Dragon, Botolph Alley, Eastcheap, ,1 1795 King's Head, Little Eastcheap, ,, 1758 George, East Harding Street, Shoe Lane, n 1799 Golden Lion, Warwick Place, Holborn, m 1800 Northumberland Arms, Clerkenwell, ,1 1800 Red Lion, City Road, ,, 1802 Northumberland Arms, Clerkenwell, n 1804 Jolly Coopers, Clerkenwell Green, „ 1806 Shakespeare's Head, Percival Street, Clerkenwell, p, 1810 Grotto, Southampton Buildings, Holborn, n 1822 Shakespeare's Head, Percival Street, Clerkenwell, ,, 1824 King's Arms, Barbican, „ 1830 King's Arms, Aldersgate Street, „ 1834 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, „ 1841 King's Head Tavern, Poultry, „ 1851 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, „ 1854 Plough Tavern, Plough Road, Rotherhithe, „ 1856 White Swan, High Street, Deptford, „ 1867 Private Room, CantOn (Quang-tung), China 1767 Erased in 1813. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 21 Aug. 1767 1755 1770 403 11 Sept. 1767 15 Sept. 1767 10 March 1784 and 1 April 1784 404 405 18 Oct. 1767 1779 1810 4 May 1784 Centenary Warrant, 14 March 1884. 1767 338 1780 264 339 340 406 341 A 341 B 407 [781 265 1792 223 265 266 342 266 1814 1832 1863 220 A 224 224 A 224 B 267 225 225 280 281 198 169 159 1 894 170 171 Name of Lodge. All Souls' Lodge. All Souls' Lodge. Cornubian Lodge. Lodge of Contentment. Lodge of Amity, Named in i8i6. Places of Meeting. King's Arms, King Street, Gieenwicli, London 1784 Lapsed before 1789. [Place utiknoivn'], Greenwich, London 1789 Royal Magazine, East Lane, Greenwich, n 1799 Blue Anchor [iinkitoivn], n n 1804 Lord Nelson's Head, East Lane, n m 1805 Ship and Sailor, Garden Stairs, Church Street, Greenwich, m 1806 Red Lion, Greenwich Road, Greenwich, 11 1812 Lord Hood's Arms, King Street, n n 1822 Mitre Tavern, Church Street, n 11 1825 Erased in 1828. St. John's Hall, TivertOn, Devonshire 1767 Vine Tavern, Gold Street, Tiverton 1767 Phoenix Inn, Eore Street, n [ ] Lapsed, Last Registry 16 March 1798. King's Head Inn, East St., WeymOUth, Dorsetshire 1804 Royal Hotel, Gloster Place, Weymouth 181 1 Masonic Hall, Frederick Place, n 1816 George, George Yard, Lombard Street, London 1767 The Ship, Leadenhall Street, n 177° Erased in 1775. Plymouth and Devonport Inn, Exeter Street, LauneestOn, Cornwall 1767 Erased 9 April 1783. General Wolfe, Plymouth Dock [now DeVOnpOPt], Devonshire 1783 Erased i February 1786. Ship Centurion, Holywell St., Shoreditch, LondOn 1784 Anchor and Crown, New Rag Fair, Upper East Smithfield, ,1 1787 Three Crowns, East Smithfield, n 1789 Marlborough Head, Fox Lane, Lower Shadwell,ri 1792 Three Crowns, East Smithfield, 11 1796 Golden Lion, Goodman Street, n 1799 George, High Street, Lower Shadwell, ti 1803 Waterman's Arms, Wapping, n 1807 North Country Sailor, n 11 1808 St. Luke's Head, Old Street, n 1809 Star, Star Street, Shadwell, n 1809 Sun and Sawyers, High Street, Poplar, n iSii White Swan, Wapping Dock, Wapping, n 1811 Golden Key, Church Street, Bethnal Green, n 1812 Ship, Norton Folgate, i' 1813 Ship and Bells, Ratcliff Highway, n 1814 Grave Morris, Whhechapel, n 1815 Northumberland Arms, Shadwell Dock, n 1817 Pitt's Head, Broad Street, Ratcliff, ,1 1821 City of Quebec, St. James's Stairs, Shadwell, 1, 1823 Duke of Wellington, Brook Street, Ratcliff, n 1825 Ship, Shadwell, n 1827 White Hart Inn, Borough, u 1830 Crown and Cushion, London Wall, n 1831 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, n 1837 Crown and Sceptre Tavern, Greenwich, u 1838 Ship Hotel, Royal Hill, i> „ 1858 London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, n 1862 Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, n 1867 Ship Hotel, Royal Hill, Greenwich, n 1870 Ship and Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall Street, m 1892 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 29 June 1784 26 Dee. 1789 24 Oct. 1767 Constituted 2 Nov. 1767. 16 June 1804 Warrant of Confirmation, 23 March 1866. Centenary Warrant, 7 Sept. 1867. 27 Nov. 1767 15 Dee. 1767 1783 1 Nov. 1784 Centenary Warrant, 31 Jan. 1885. 1755 408 409 410 1770 343 344 345 1780 267 268 1781 268 269 A 269 B 1792 226 A 226 B A 226 A 226 8 227 1814 1832 1863 282 283 199 170 284 200 171 i6o 1894 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Liberty, Named in 1770. Lodge of Friendship, Lodge of Friendship. Lodge of St, Amphibalus 172 Places of Meeting. Lodge of Concord, 1776, Operative Masons' Lodge, 1816. Old Concord Lodge, 1820. Fir Tvee, near Whitechapel Church, Whitechapel, London 1767 Castle, Long Alley, Moorfields, ip 1769 River LeeTav., Limehouse Bridge, Limehouse.n 1770 Lapsed. Green Man Inn, Great Ilford, London 1776 Angel, 11 11 1782 Golden Lion, High Street, 'RamiOi^^, Essex 1784 Angel, 'Great Ilford, London 1786 Erased 11 February 1789. Bull Inn, North Street, Barking, Essex 1807 Erased 3 March 1830. Private Room, St. Albans, Hertfordshire 1767 Lodge Room, London Colney, n 1775 Erased iZ April r']']'] . ^^ Struck off. Co7isiiiution returned," White Lion, Church Street, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire 1768 Erased 28 April 1775. See page i6i. Bahama Islands, West indies 1785 " Granted and sent to Bahama Islands, Dec. 1785.'' Lapsed shortly ofterTnards, No Returns. North Devon Militia, In North Devon Militia Gosport, Hampshire 1812 1814 Described as " North Hants Militia," G. L. Pro. 2 Dec. 1812. " Erratum in last quarterly Report. For No. 228, North Hants Militia, Gosport, read North Devon Militia." G. L. Pro. 3 March 1813. Erased 30 August 1821. Pon's Coffee House, Castle .Street, Leicester Fields, London 1764 Is in Lists for 1765 to 1768, between the Nos. 323 and 325 (7 Nov. and 15 Nov. 1764), without date. In 1769 the year *' 1768 " is inserted, and hence in the new enumeration of 1770, the Lodge was put considerably out of its proper place, with- out any_ apparent reason, inasmuch as its Constitution was duly paid for, 30 Jan. 1765. Swan, New Street, Covent Garden, London 1771 Globe Tavern, Strand, „ 1790 Two Angels & Crown, Little St. Martin's Lane,ii 1792 White Lion, High Street, Bloomsbury, n 1794 Two Angels & Crown, Little St. Martin's Lane,ir 1808 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, ,1 1812 Two Angels & Crown, Little St. Martin's Lane,ii 1814 Coach and Horses, New Compton Street, Soho,ii 1816 Vernon's Head, North Audley Street, 1, 1820 Burlington Arms, Old Burlington Street, m 1825 Bazaar Coffee House, King St., Portman Square, u 1826 Albemarle Arms, South Audley Street, 1, 1830 Fitzroy Hotel, Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place, n 183 1 Phcenix, Princes Street, Cavendish Square, n 1834 Albion, Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, n 1836 Grand Hotel, Covent Garden, 1, 1839 Vernon's Head, North Audley Street, n 1843 Malpas Arras, Charles St., Grosvenor Square, n 1845 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1847 Freemasons' Hall, ,1 „ 1865 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 15 Dee. 1767 1776 1807 21 Dee. 1767 8 Jan. 1768 27 Jan. 1768 2 March 1785 31 Oct. 1812 1755 411 412 413 414 1764 14 April 1768 Centenary Warrant, 4 Nov. 1873. 324 1770 346 A 346 B 347 348 349 1780 269 270 1781 270 271 1792 227 A 227 B 228 228 A 228 B 1814 1832 1863 285 286 287 201 172 i6i 1894 Name of Lodge. Dominica Union Lodge. Mona Lodge, Named In 1784. Builders' Lodge. Union Lodge. 9tli Lodge of India. Srd Lodge of India, 1773- La Vietoire. ' Le Victorie," 1768-78. Places of Meeting. Sun Lodge of Perpetual Friendship. Roseau, Island of Dominica, Lapsed about 1790. West Indies 1785 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Lord Boston's Arms, Boston Street, Holyhead, Anglesey 1768 Eagle and Child, Market Street, Holyhead 1769 King's Head, n » 1784 Erased 10 April 1799. Monmouth, Monmouthshire 1768 Erased in 1773. " Ceased Meeting" Engraved on List. Duke of Northumberland's Head, Mile End, Old Town, White Lion, Shadwell Market, London 1768 1769 ^'■Joined the Sun Lodged' MS. 1775 List. Erased 13 November itj6. See page 156. Marlborough Coffee House, Marlborough Street, London 1768 Union Coffee House, Piccadilly, m 1769 Erased in 1774. Patna (Bihar), Bengal, India 1768 Not in List until 1770. Erased 10 February 1790. First Battalion Royal ArtlUeFy, Gibraltar (Malaga), Spain 1785 Was at New Brunswiek, North America 1789 Ordnance Arms, Beresford Square, Woolwich, London 1792 New Barracks Tavern, Woolwich Common, Woolwich, 11 1794 Red Lion, Mulgrave JPlace, Woolwich, n 1802 Shakespeare's Coffee House, Powis St., n n 1808 Edinburgh Castle, Samuel Street, n n 1809 Barracks Tavern, Woolwich Common, n n 1810 Red Lion, Mulgrave Place, 11 n 1814 Royal Oak, n n n 1815 General Abercrombie, Artillery Place, n n 1819 Red Lion, Mulgrave Place, it m 1821 United with No. 13 [No. 86 (A) 0/6 March 1761], I December 1826. 16 May 1785 25 Jan. 1768 27 Jan. 1768 8 Feb, 1768 24 June 1767 5 March 1768 11 March 1768 25 June 1785 1755 1770 1780 781 1792 1814 1832 1863 229 415 414 416 417 418 350 351 352 271 272 229 353 354 272 273 230 288 City of Rotterdam, Holland 1768 No return since 1781. Was kept on Register until 1813. Does not appear to have joined the G.L. of Holland. Castle Inn, Market Place, KingStOn-Upon- Thames, Surrey 1768 Erased 28 April 1775. Sun [no trace of locality], Brlstol, Gloucestershire 1768 Erased inx'j^Z. ^^ A complaint. Sold their Constn," MS. on 1768 List. See page 163. Sun, Ludgate Street, Crown and Anchor, New Street Square, Shoe Lane, Erased 12 April 1780. London 1768 1771 17 March 1768 24 March 1768 28 March 1768 July 1768 9 April 1768 419 420 421 A 421 B 422 355 273 274 230 356 357 21 l62 1894 173 174 175 Name of Lodge. Phoenix Lodge, Named in 1828. [Ceased working from 1792 to March 1803.] Lodge of Sineepity A ^^ Masters' Lodge i^ 1793-95- Jerusalem Lodge. East Medina Lodge, Named in 1818. Places of Meeting. Swan Inn, Blackman Street, Southwark, London 1785 Griffin, Church Street, ,1 n 1789 Cadogan Arms, Sloane Street, Chelsea, n 1803 Three Compasses, High Holborn, n 1804 Olive Branch, Gray's Inn Lane, m 1806 Three Cups, Bedford Street, Red Lion Square, n 1807 The George, Brook Street, Holborn, n 1809 Wheatsheaf, Hand Court, 11 ir 1828 Piazza Coffee House, Covent Garden, n 1837 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, m 1840 Freemasons' Hall, n n 1865 Golden Anchor, Artichoke Lane, Virginia Street, London 1768 White Lion, Princes Stairs, Rotherhithe, n 1784 Old Bull's Head, Rotherhithe St., Bermondsey,ii 1785 White Lion, Princes Stairs, Rotherhithe, 11 1788 Jamaica House, Rotherhithe St., Bermondsey, n 1790 Red Lion, Horsleydown Lane, n 1796 Gregorian Arms, Jamaica Road, Bermondsey, ip 1796 Ship on the Wall, Bermondsey, n 1800 lion and Castle, Cherry Garden Stairs, Bermondsey, n 1801 Jamaica House Tavern, Bermondsey, ir 1814 King's Arms, Elephant Stairs, Rotherhithe, n 1837 Angel, Platform, n >i 1838 Private Room, 144 High Street, Wapping, ir 1839 White Swan, Wapping Dock, n m 1840 Tower Shades, Tower Hill, n 1841 Green Man and Bell, Dark House Lane, Lower Thames Street, n 1841 London and St. Katherine's Dock Hotel, Upper East Smithfield, n 1845 Crooked Billet Tavern, Tower Hill, „ 1848 Cheshire Cheese Tavern, Crutched Friars, n 1S56 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, n 1869 Rupert Street, Leicester Fields, London White Hart, Berwick Street, Soho, 1, Cross Keys Tavern, End of St. Martin's Lane, Strand, King's Arms, High Holborn, Sugar Loaf, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Horseshoe and Magpie, Holies Street, Clare Market, King Street Coffee House, Golden Square, Erased 19 Novejjiber 1783. 768 1770 1772 1774 1778 1778 1779 Reeton's Hanoverian Brigade, New Yoplc (New York), U.S. of America l-]%(> Never j/tade a Return. Is notedin Akiman Rezon 1804, 1807, and 1813. Bugle Inn, The Esplanade, Ryde, Isle of Wight, Hampshire Yelfs Hotel [Ryde Hotel], Union Street, Ryde Vine Inn, Castle Street, „ Yelfs Hotel, Union Street, „ Erased 5 March 1828, hut reinstated. Private Room, 5 Brigstock Terrace, Pier Hotel [site of Bugle Inn], The Esplanade, Free School, Melville Street, Town Hall, Lind Street, Sheridan's Hotel, Union Street, Pier Hotel, The Esplanade, Town Hall, Lind Street, Pier Hotel, The Esplanade, Masonic Hall, John Street, 1813 1817 1819 1819 1830 1831 1831 1831 1835 1836 1844 1844 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 26 Sept. 1785 23 April 1768 Warrant of Confirmation,- 26 Dec. 1849. Centenary Warrant, t6 Dec. i86q. 12 May 1768 1786 8 Sept, 1813 Constituted 26 Oct. 1813. 1755 1770 1780 [781 1792 231 1814 289 1832 202 1863 173 423 358 274 275 231 290 203 174 424 359 275 276 232 A 232 B 291 204 175 [ i63 ] 1894 176 177 178 Name of Lodge. Caveae Lodge, Named in 1778. Domatie Lodge. Constant Union. 10th Lodge of India. 4th Lodge of Bengal, 1773- Union Lodge. Ancient Royal Areh Lodge, I78S- Lodge of Antiquity, 1841. Places of Meeting. Windsor Castle Tavern, King Street, Hammersmith, London 1768 Bell and Anchor, Hammersmith, n 1772 Angel, King Street West, r n 1786 Coffee House, Broadway, n n 1823 Windsor Castle Tavern, King Street, 11 n 1833 Royal Sussex Hotel, Broadway, n n 1836 Belland Anchor, Hammersmith Road, u n 1839 Anderson's Hotel, Kensington, n 1849 Star and Garter Hotel, Kew Bridge, Ealing, 11 1856 Crown and Sceptre Tavern, Greenwich, n 1862 Radley's Hotel, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, m 1866 Westminster Palace Hotel, Westminster, n 1872 The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, !■ 1874 Kingston (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, W^st Indies 1 786 Lafsed shortly a/terwards, but is noted in Ahinian Kezon 1804, 1807, and 1813. It dropped off the Jamaica Roll before 1795. Twenty-foupth Regiment of Foot (General Cornwallis), GibFaltaP (Malaga), Spain 1768 Was kept on the List until 1813, but never paid anything. Ship Tavern, Little Turnstile, Holborn, London 1785 Met from 21 December 1785, by dispensation, as a Lodge of Operative Masons. French Horn, High Holborn, n 1787 Sun, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, n 1787 Plough, Queen Street, Bloomsbury, n 1790 Robin Hood, Gray's Inn Lane, n 1791 Pea Hen, Gray's Inn Lane, n 1791 Six Cans, Little Turnstile, Holborn, „ 1791 Coach and Horses, High Holborn, n 1800 Hercules Pillars, Great Queen Street, n 1813 Dover Castle, Weymouth Mews, Portland Place,ii 1819 The George, Brook Street, Holborn, 11 1820 Half Moon & Stars, Stanhope St. , Clare Market, ,1 1 832 Red Lion, Houghton Street, n n 1833 Pewter Platter, Charles Street, Hatton Garden, n 1837 Green Dragon, Fleet Street, n 1844 Falcon Tavern, Fetter Lane, n 1845 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, u 1864 Ghent (East Flanders), Belgium 1768 Was kept on Register until 1813, but the Emperor of Austria closed all L-jdges in Belgium and Flanders, except three in Brussels, in 1786. At the Factory at BuPdwan, Bengal, India 1768 Took the place of Lodge at Bristol, No. 42;, then vacant, in 1768, and was put in its proper position in 1770. Erased 10 February 1790. . Island of St. Christophep, Erased in 1769. West Indies 1768 Castle Inn, High Street [now Marlborough College], MaPlbOPOUgh, Wiltshire 1768 Erased 5 February 1777. Queen's Head, Market Place, Wigan, Lancashire 1786 Eagle and Child Inn, Standishgate, Wigan 1852 Royal Hotel (same place, name altered), n 1867 Masonic Hall, Leader's Buildings, King Street, i, 1877 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 21 May 1768 Centenary Warnint, 3 Nov. 1868. 7 Feb. 1786 11 June 1768 7 Feb. 1786 Constituted 21 Dec. 1785. Centenary Warrant, 8 Feb. 1886. July 1768 July 1768 July 1768 July 1768 26 May 1786 Constituted 21 June 1786. Centenary Warrant, 26 May 1886. 1755 425 1770 360 1780 276 1781 277 1792 232 1814 292 1832 205 1863 176 233 426 361 277 278 233 234 293 206 177 427 421 B 362 363 278 279 279 234 280 428 429 364 235 294 207 178 [ i64 ] 1894 Name of Lodge. Godolphln Lodge, Named in 1783. 179 Manchester Lodge, Named in 1777. Hirsel Lodge, Named in 1814. Lodge of Perfect Union, Lodge of Unanimity, Named in 1818. Loge L'Esperance. Places of Meeting. St. Mary's Island, Seilly Islands, Cornwall 1768 Erased 3 December 185T. King's Arms, Blaclcwall, Erased in 1776. London 1768 Chafles Town [Charleston], South Carolina, U.S. of America 1786 No entry after 1786. G. L. of South Carolina (Ancients) was formed 24 March 1787. Retained on Lists in Ahiinan Rezon 1804, 1807, rtwff 1813. Grange Inn, Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London Crown, Essex Street, Strand, h Two Brewers, Wych Street, St. Clements, n Swan, Butcher Row, Temple Bar, n Crown, St. Dunstan's Pa.ssage, Fleet Street, n Nott's Coffee House, Butcher Yard, Temple Bar,ii Maidenhead, Ram Court, Fleet Street, n Sun, Clement's Inn Foregate, Strand, n Salutation Tavern, Newgate Street, n Globe Tavern, Fleet Street, n Horn Tavern, Doctors' Commons, n Hope and Mitre Tavern, Fleet Street, n Crown and Anchor Tavern, Strand, m King of Prussia, Fair Street, Horsleydown, n Brown Bear Tavern, Bridge St., Southwark, n White Horse, Union Street, m m Tire Pheasant, Stangate, Lambeth, 11 Brown Bear, Bridge Street, Southwark, n Falcon Tavern, Fetter Lane, n Old Red Lion, Bridge Street, Lambeth, n Albion Tavern, Surrey Street, Warwick Square, Pimlico, n Gun Tavern, Lupus Street, Pimlico, n Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, n 1768 1774 1777 1783 1789 1793 1797 1800 1809 1813 1814 1817 1818 1830 1835 1837 1846 1855 1856 1857 Seventeenth Regiment of Foot, Chatham, Kent 1787 Lapsed ahout 1792, hut is in Ahiman Rezon 1804 and 1807. Berwickshire Regiment of Militia, Woodbridge, Suffolk 1811 No Entries after 1814. Erased in 1820. In His Sicilian Majesty's Regiment of Foot, Naples (Naples), Italy \'jb% Was retained on tlie Engli-sh Register until 1813. It had, however, affiliated with the National G. L. of the Two Sicilies in 1776, and in all probability expired about 1783. Swan with Two Necks, Water Street, Chorley, Joiners' Arms, Market Street, King's Arms, Bolton Street, Joiners' Arms, Market Street, Angel Inn \iinkn(nvn\ Red Lion, Market Street, Erased $ September 1838. Turk's Head, Gerrard Street, Soho, London 1768 King's Head, n n ,, 1770 Turk's Head, n n n 1777 King's Arms, Grafton Street, n ,, 1778 Thatched House Tavern, St. James's Street, m 1785 United with " Loge des Amis Rejaiis,*' No. no {No. 254, of 14 December 1754I, in 1799. Date of 'Warrant or Constitution. 13 July 1768 13 Sept. 1768 26 May 1786 30 Oct. 1768 Warrant of Confirmation, 29 June 1835. Centenary "Warrant, 14 Nov. 1868. 24 Jan. 1787 28 Mareli 1811 Lancashire 1787 17 Feb. 1787 Chorley 1797 II 1806 Constituted I March 1787. II 1807 II 1814 II 1818 1768 175s 430 431 432 433 1768 434 1770 865 366 367 368 369 [780 280 281 282 1781 281 282 283 283 1792 235 236 237 284 238 236 237 A 237 B 238 1814 1832 1863 295 208 296 209 179 297 298 210 [ i6s ] 1894 180 Name of Lodge. St. James' Union Lodge, Named in 1817. 181 Queen Charlotte's Lodge, 1780. Universal Lodge, 1798. Koyal Grove Lodge, Named in 1816. Sun Lodge. Places of Meeting. Bull's Head, Princes Street, Westminster, London 1787 Star and Garter, Old Palace Yard, n n 1787 King's Head, lews Row, Chelsea, n 1789 Orange Coffee House, Queen Street, 11 n 1793 Rose and Crown, Sloane Street, n 11 1793 King's Arms, Sloane Square, n pi 1800 Cross Keys, Battersea Bridge Road, Kattersea, n 1800 II Lawrence Street, Chelsea, n l8oi II Sloane Street, n n 1802 M Lawrence Street, n n 1805 King's Head, Wooden Bridge, n n 1812 The Goat, Pall Mall, 11 1814 Union Tavern, Jerm'yn Street, Piccadilly, n 1815 Red Lion, Old Cavendish Street, Oxford Street, h 1824 United with'"- Lodge of Good Intent" No. 479 {No. 477, 0/^0 Aug. 1785], in 1826. Old Chesterfield Arms, Shepherds' Market, Mayfair, n 1826 Red Lion, Old Cavendish Street, Oxford Street,.. 1829 Golden Lion, Wardour Street, Soho, n 1831 Green Man, Berwick Street, n m 1833 Royal Oak, York Street, Marylebone, n 1842 Lord High Admiral, New Church Street, m .. 1845 Westmorland Arms, George St. , Portman Square, n 1 847 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1857 Freemasons' Hall, n n 1865 Coachmakers' Arms, Noble Street, Falcon Square, London 1768 Castle and Falcon Tavern, Aldersgate Street, n 1 77S Queen's Arms, Newgate .Street, n 1780 Coachmakers' Arms, Noble Street, Falcon Sq.,M 1781 White Bear, Basinghall Street, n 1 788 Coachmakers' Arms, Hosier Lane, West Smithfield, n 1790 Ashley's London Punch House, Ludgate Hill, n 1795 Gun Tavern, Mile End, n 1798 Rose and Bell, Bankside, Southwark, m 1801 St. John's Head, Holland St., Blackfriars Road, n 1804 Gentleman and Porter, New Street Square, Shoe Lane, n 1807 Swan Tavern, Fish Street Hill, n 18 10 Queen's Arms Tavern, Cheapside, n 1828 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, n 1834 White Conduit Tavern, Barnsbury Road, Pentonville, n 1843 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, n 1848 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1850 Freemasons' Hall, n n 1865 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent St., 11 1893 The Pheasant, Stangate, Lambeth, London 1787 Last Entry June 1790. Jolly, Miller, Mill Bank St., Westminster, London 1790 King's Arms, Abingdon Street, n n 1793 Marquis of Granby, Vine Street, n n 1796 Star and Garter, Old Palace Yard, ti n i 797 Holme's King's Arms, New Round Court, Strand, n 1798 Axe and Gate, Downing Street, Westminster, n 1799 George Tavern, Drury Lane, n 1800 Percy Arms, Church Court, Strand, n 1801 George Tavern, Drury Lane, 11 1803 Globe, South Molton Street, Oxford Street, 1, 1805 Coach and Horses, Brewer St., Golden Square,ii 1805 Lord Cochrane, Spring Gardens, Charing Cross, 1. 18 10 Queen's Head, Crown Court, Princes St., Soho,M 1813 Three Doves, Berwick Street, n n 1827 Green Man, 11 ti n 1830 Erased -2 March 1836. Flushing (Province ofZealand), Holland 1769 Erasedin 1813. Nothing Tnore is known of the Lodge. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 9 March 1787 Centenary Warrant, 2 Jan. 1888. 1755 1770 1780 26 Nov. 1768 Constituted 30 Nov. 1768. Centenary Warrant, 26 Nov. 1868. 10 Oct. 1787 1 Dee. 1790 3 Feb. 1769 485 486 370 371 1781 1792 239 1814 299 1832 211 1863 180 284 285 285 286 239 240 240 A 240 B 300 212 181 301 213 1 66 1894 183 184 Name of Lodge. St. John's Lodge, Named in 1814. Lodge of Hope. Lodge of Hope. Named in 1793. Lodge of Happiness. Named in 1780. Lodge of Unity, Named in 1770. Royal IVIarine Lodge, 1819. Globe Lodge, 1820. United Globe Lodge, 1824. United Chatham Lodge, 1825. United Chatham Lodge of Benevolence, 1845. Royal George Lodge. Places of Meeting. Royal Regiment of Artillery, Quebec, Lower Canada^ Qitehec 17S8 Merchants' Coffee House, n 1791 British Coffee House, n 1792 Masonic Hall, h 1814 Erased in 1870. Canada heca?ne an Independent G. L. x^July 1858. Now No. 3 on Reg. of G. L. of Quebec. Queen's Head, Marylebone, London 1769 Erasedin t.-jj\. Three Tuns, HighSt., StOUFbrldge, Worcestershire 1775 Crown, High Street, Stourbridge 1793 Star Inn, n m 1801 Crown, II II 1802 Erased^ March 1828. White Lion and Frying Pan, Southwark, London 1769 Maze Pond Punch House, Maze Pond, I r n 1777 Saracen's Head, Camomile St., Bishopsgate St. ,11 1779 Ship Tavern, Ratcliff Cross, n 1780 Erased 10 April 1782. Exeter Inn, Fore St., Teignmouth, Dei-onshire 1769 Is noted as at same place in all G. L. Calendars to 1785, but in List published byR. Trewman, Exeter, 1777, it is stated to meet at the " Globe Inn, Teignmouth." Erased i February T786. White Swan, facing Old Gravel Lane, Ratcliff Highway, London 1769 Erased {^^ Struck off") in tj-js- Nassau (New Providence), Bahama Islands, West Indies 1787 Webster's Tavern, Nassau 1794 Freemasons' Hall, ,1 1804 No Returns after 1814. Erased in 1828. London Ship Tavern, Ratcliff Cross, Vine Tavern, Broad Street, Ratcliff, King Henry'sHead, Red Lion St. , Whitechapel, White Horse Inn, Friday Street, Cheapside, New London Tavern, n Horn Tavern, Doctors' Commons, Two Blue Posts, Charlotte St., Rathbone Place Horn Tavern, Doctors' Commons, George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, Gerard's Hall Tavern, Basinghall Street, London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, Ship and Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall Street, Crown and Thistle, High Street, Chatham, Kent Mitre Tavern, Globe Lane, Chatham Globe Tavern, u ,, Chest Arms Tavern, High Street, „ United with*' Hoyat Marine Lodge,'' No. 328 [No. 260 (A) ^15 Dec. 1812], and also with " Lodge 0/ Harmony^ No. 403 {No. 318 (A) o/2i Feb. 1799], in 1824. Castle Tavern, High Street, Chatham Sun Tavern, u ,, City Coffee Llouse, High Street, Rochester, LCent Chest Arms Tavern, ,1 Chatham Sun Tavern, 1, ,, Army and Navy Llotel, The Brook, „ Golden Lion Inn, High St, Old Brompton, Kent Assembly Rooms, Westcourt Street, Old Brompton Masonic Temple, Park St.,NewBrompton,/£'^K/ 1769 1779 1782 1804 1806 1807 1831 1837 1839 1851 1851 1876 17S7 1803 1808 1819 1824 1825 1837 1838 1840 1852 1856 1870 1889 [Place unknown] 'SQ'WtOTl k\i\iOt, Devonshire 1769 Oxford Inn, Bank Street, Newton Abbot 1802 Lapsed about 1803. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 22 Oct. 1787 Constituted at Quebec, 30 May 1788. Warrant of Confirmation, 24 June 1852. 6 Feb. 1769 1775 1 March 1769 24 March 1769 4 April 1769 29 Nov. 1787 11 April 1769 Warrant of Confirmation, 13 May 1816. Centenary Warrant, 22 April 1881. 13 Dec. 1787 Warrant of Confirmation and Consolidation, 17 April 1824. Another Warrant of Confirmation, 24 July 1833. Centenary Warrant, 14 Feb. 1888. 20 April 1769 442 '755 437 438 439 440 441 1770 1780 372 A 372 B 373 374 375 376 377 286 287 288 289 290 291 .781 1792 287 288 289 290 241 242 243 A 1814 1832 1863 241 302 214 182 303 242 304 305 216 183 243 306 216 184 [ i67 ] 185 186 Name of Lodge. Royal George Lodge. Lodge of Tranquillity, Named in 1816. Beaufort Lodge. Britannia Lodge of Industry. 1819. Lodge of Industry, 1821. Warrant suspended 23 Nov. 1808, "for having entered, passed, and raised a Black- Places of Meeting. George Inn, South Street, Bridport, Doisetshire 1804 Greyhound, East Street, Bridport 1820 Erased in 1832. Anacreon Coffee House, Great Russell St., London 1787 Golden Lion, Fore Street, n 1789 Ipswich Arms, Lower Thames Street, i> 1790 Mail Loach, Sherborne Lane, Lombard Street, n 1 791 Rose, Rose Alley, Bishopsgate Street, n 1791 Rose and Crown, n n 1792 White Hart and Lamb, n n 1793 White Horse, Bartholomew Lane, Royal Exchange, n 1793 Anacreon Coffee House, Great Russell Street, n 1794 White Horse, Bartholomew Lane, Royal Exchange,* ti 1794 Crown and Anchor, Leadenhall Street, n 1795 Dolphin, Ludgate Hill, 11 1797 Ipswich Arms, Lower Thames Street, it 1799 -Ship and Star, Minories, 11 1807 Angel, John Street, Minories, u 1810 White Hart, Abchurch Lane, n 1825 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, n 1836 Piazza Coffee House, Covent Garden, ir 1841 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1847 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, n 1849 Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, 11 1855 Radley's Hotel, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, n i860 City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, n 1 87 1 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, n 1877 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, n 1878 Star Tavern, Cross St. , Swansea, Glamorganshire 1796 Mackworth Arms, Wind Street, Swansea 1797 Lamb Inn, High Street, n 1801 Erased 10 February 1809. Black Friar, Playhouse Yard, Blackfriars, London 1788 George and Crown, Broad Street, Bloomsbury, n 1789 Duke's Head, Phoenix Alley, Long Acre, n 1791 Black Horse, Boswell Court, Carey Street, 11 1792 Phoenix Court, Long Acre, n 1793 Grapes, Wardour Street, Soho, n 1793 Sun, Great Windmill Street, Haymarket, n 1794 Bull and Ram, Old Street, n 1795 Britannia, Golden Lane, Barbican, n 1798 White .Swan, Whitecross Street, 11 1803 Clare Court, Drury Lane, n 1804 White Swan, Whitecross Street, h 1805 Britannia, Golden Lane, Barbican, n 1806 St. Luke's Head, Old Street, „ 1 8 10 Princess Royal, Paul Street, Finsbury, 11 181 1 Bell, Noble Street, Falcon Square, n 1815 The Britannia, Hoxton Street, Hoxton, n l8l5 Duke of Gloucester, Seabright Street, Bethnal Green, n 1825 Panther, Hope Town, Bethnal Green Road, n 1827 Sun, Great Sutton Street, Clerkenwell, w 1830 Britannia, Golden Lane, Barbican, n 1 831 I^ock and Key, West Smithfield Road, 11 1833 Ship Tavern, Little Turnstile, Holborn, n 1834 Hercules Pillars, Great Queen Street, n 1838 Grand Hotel, Covent Garden, 11 1839 Three Tuns, Chancery Lane, n 1841 Grand Hotel, Covent Garden, n 1843 Northumberland Arms, (Jreat Russell Street, Covent Garden. n 1844 Round Table Tavern, St. Martin's Court, Leicester Square, n 1846 Swan Tavern and Lord Dover Hotel, Hungerford Market, \\ 1848 Dick's Coffee House, Fleet Street, n 1855 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, n 1866 Mason's Hall, Mason's Avenue, Basinghall St.,ii 1872 2 Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, 11 1875 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, n 1878 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 23 Feb. 1804 20 Dee. 1787 Constituted same day Centenary Warrant, 23 March 18S8. 24 April 1769 15 Jan. 1788 Centenary Warrant, 16 Jan. 1888. 1755 443 1770 378 1780 291 1781 292 1792 243 B 244 244 1814 307 308 218 1832 217 245 309 1863 185 219 186 1 68 1894 Name of Lodge. Well Chosen Lodge. Lodge of Freedom. Lodge of Virtue. Freemasons' Hall Medal 187 Benevolent Lodge, Named in 1804. Inflexible Lodge, Named in 1786. Places of Meeting. Naples (Naples), Italy \'](ii) In 1776 it affiliated with tlie National G. L, of the Two Sicilies ; and probably ceased about 1783. Was not erased from English Register until 1813. [Place unknown'] Dudley, Worcestershire 1 788 Hen and Chickens, Castle Street and New Street, Dudley 1790 Green Dragon, King Street, n 1812 (Ireen Dragon, Park Lane, Tipton, Staffordshire 1813 Erased 5 March 182S. Lodge of Hospitality, Old Sea Captains' Lodge of Hospitality, 1805. Royal Sussex Lodge of Hospitality, 1814. Saddlers' Arms, Stall Street, Bath, Somersetshire Queen's Head Tavern, Cheap Street, York House, York Buildings, White Lion, Market Place, Bird Cage Tavern \iinknow}t\y Gloucester Inn, Southgate Street, Argyle Coffee House, Argyle Street, Castle Inn, Northgate Street, Freemasons' Hall, York Street, Erased in 1831. Bath 1769 1775 1783 1788 1799 1801 1806 1809 1819 St. John's (St. John's), Newfoundland, North America 1788 London Tavern, St. John's, Neviffoundland 1796 Last paytncnt iZi^. Erased iniZ^i. King's Head, High Street, Merton, London 1769 Nag's Head, Upper Green, Mitcham, m 1773 White Hart, Broadway, n n 1786 Erased^ Eebruary 1811. Seventy-sixth Regiment, Chatham Barracks, Chatham, Kent 1788 At the East Indies 1802 At Lincoln, Lincolnshire 1804 II Nottingham, Nottinghamshire 1806 11 Jersey, Channel islands 1807 II Ipswieh, Suffolk 1810 n Fermoy, Cork, Ireland 181 1 In the Seventy-sixth Regiment 181 3 Erased 5 March 1828. Shakespeare Tavern, King Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire 1 769 Lamb Inn, Broadraead, Bristol 177 1 Old Crow, College Green, Goat, on the Quay, Assembly Coffee House, on the Quay, George Inn, Castle Street, Unitcdwith " Sea Captains* Lodge," No. 445 {q/i'jZz), 17 August 1788. Bush Tavern, Corn Street, London Inn and Talbot Tavern, Bath Street, Freemasons' Hall, Broad Quay, II Bridge Street, 11 Park Street, 1773 1777 1785 1786 1788 1796 i8r3 1818 1872 Bacchus, King Street, Halifax, Yorkshire 1769 Erased 9 April 1783. Town or Garrison of St. John's (St. John's), Newfoundland, North America 1788 Lapsed in 1804. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 26 April 1769 26 Feb. 1788 6 June 1769 Mareh 1788 28 June 1769 25 March 1788 12 Aug. 1769 Warrant of Confirmation, 24 Dec, 1819. Centenary Warrant, 3 June 1874. 1755 444 445 446 447 18 Aug. 1769 31 March 1788 1770 379 380 381 382 1780 292 293 294 295 448 383 1781 293 294 295 296 1792 245 246 247 248 246 247 248 1814 1832 310 311 312 220 313 296 297 249 A 314 221 187 [ i69 ] 1894 Name of Lodge. Prinee Edwin's Lodge, Named in 1806. St. Peter's Lodge, Named in 1791. Plaeentia Lodge, Named in 1806. Britannia Lodge. No. 1 Sweden. Phoenix Lodge. No. 2, Sweden. St. George's Lodge. No. 3, Sweden, Places of Meeting. Wliite Hart Inn, Thorofare, Woodbridge, A'^oA 1804 Horse and Groom, Melton Street, Melton, > 1876 Sussex Hall, Hanover Street, m 1892 Collegiate Hall, Church Street (Centenary), h 1894 Sussex Hall, Hanover Street, n 1894 Queen'sHead, Gray's Inn Gate, Holborn, London 1772 Half Moon, Holborn, Bow Street, Covent Garden, Erased in 1775. Reinstated 12 November ^'j']-]. Merryfield's Wine Vaults, Bow Street, C^ovent Garden, Duke of York, Great Marylebone Street, Hampshire Hog, corner of Piccadilly, Swan Inn, Borough, Southwark, Globe Tavern, St. Saviour's Churchyard, n Pavior's Arms, Blue Gate Fields, Ratcliff Highway, George Inn, Back Lane, St. George's East, King's Head Tavern, Upper Street, Islington, j^apsed about 1803. 1773 1774 1777 1779 1783 1784 1785 1787 1792 1793 George and Dragon Inn, Town End, DeWSbury, Yorkshire 1804 Private Room [iinhiown'], Dewsbury 1806 Groom and Saddle Inn, Market Place, m 1808 Savin's Arms, near Parish Church, ThOPnhlU, Yorkshire 1 816 White Lion, Market Place, DewsbUPy 1832 Masonic Flail (formerly Sunday School), Long Causeway, 1, 1 844 [New] Masonic Hall, Long Causeway, ,1 1867 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 10 May 1794 [Register had date T2 or 16 Aug. 1793, altered to ip May 1794]- 1772 10 May 1794 Centenary Warrant, IT May 1894. 1770 435 21 Nov. 1772 26 Jan. 1804 Warrant of Confirmation, lo Feb. T804. Centenary Wairant, 21 Nov. 1872. 1780 342 1781 1792 1814 282 356 1832 249 1863 343 282 283 357 250 207 436 343 344 283 A 283 B 358 251 208 [ 183 ] i894 Name of Lodge. 209 Etonian Lodge. Royal Edmund Lodge. Union Lodge. Union Lodge. Lodge of Fortitude. Lodge of Liberty. 5th Lodge of Bengal. Places of Meeting. Ninth Regiment of Dragoons, Maeelesfleld, Cheshire 1794 In G. Sec. Lei,lie's Book, this record appears ; — " Mar. i8og. Not met for 10 years, norany Return since Warrant granted." It is however retained in the Ahiinan Rezoji Lists q/" 1804, 1807 (as at ^^ Limerick, Ireland,") and 1813. Crown& Cushion, HighSt., 'Eton, J?;;!/^"'^^^//"/;;?-^ 18 13 Swan Inn, Thames Street, WindSOF, Berkshire 1825 New Inn, Park Street, Windsor 1854 Adelaide Hotel, King's Road, n 1867 Masonic Hall, St. Alban's Street, 11 1874 Town Hall, High Street, 11 1893 [Place unhw^vn'] Bupy St. EdmundS, Suffolk 1772 Six Bells, Chequer Square, Bury St. Edmunds 1800 Angel Inn, Angel Hill, n 1809 The Lodge, having been reduced to one Member, was declared, by the Board 0/ General Purposes, not to exist in 1853- Seventeenth Regiment Light Dragoons, near Netley Church, Netley, Hampshire 1794 At Canterbury, Kent 1 799 II Southampton, Hampshire 1799 II Liehfleld, Stafordskire 1801 II Manchester, Lancashire 1803 II Surat, ' Giizcrat, Bombay, India 1812 In Seventeenth Regiment Light Dragoons 1814 Erased in 1828. Venice (Venezia), Italy 1772 Supposed to have existed to 1785, when it must have been suppressed by a Decree of the Senate. Was kept on English Register until 1813. Bridgetown, Island of Barbados, West indies 1794 Erased in 1828. Verona (Venezia), Italy 1772 Erased in 1813. See note to No, 438 above. Parade Coffee House, The Parade, Jersey, Channel Islands 1794 Army and Navy Hotel, Cross Street, Jersey 1 798 Union Hotel, Royal Square, St. Heliers, n 1812 Erased in 1832. " Warrant returned" King's Arms, Vauxhall, London 1772 Three Jolly Ciardeners, Lambeth Butts, Lambeth, h i777 Lion and Lamb, Princes Street, Lambeth, n 1779 King's Arms, Vauxhall, n 1786 King of Prussia, near Sadler's Wells, Islington, 11 1793 Half Moon, West Smithfield, n 1794 Erased 10 April 1799. Dacca, Bengal, India 1771 Erased XQ February 1790. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 27 May 1794 13 July 1813 1772 Sept. 1794 27 Nov. 1772 3 Oct. 1794 28 Nov. 1772 3 Oct. 1794 5 Dee. 1772 1770 437 438 439 440 1780 344 345 846 347 .781 345 346 347 1792 284 285 286 1814 1832 1863 284 A 284 B 359 252 209 360 253 285 361 286 362 348 287 1771 441 348 349 287 363 [ i84 ] 1894 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Amity. No. 5, Provincial. 6th Lodge of Bengal. 3rd Lodge of Bengal. 1793- Lodge of Unanimity, Named in 1793. 210 7th Lodge of Bengal. 8th Lodge of Bengal. 9th Lodge of Bengal. Union Lodge. No. 6, Provincial, from 1773. Beaufort Lodge. No. 7, Provincial, from T773. Duke of Athol Lodge, Named in 1804. Zion Lodge, No. 1. No. 7, Provincial. Union Lodge. Places of Meeting. Freemasons' Hall, Kingston (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, West Indies 1795 " Warrant delivered up some years past." Return/ront P.G.L., 1816. Erased i December 1830. Calcutta, Bengal, India 1771 Was formerly No. 12 of Bengal, which number was changed locally to No. 9 on 24 December 1787. Constituted in Calcutta in 1771, consisting of Artizans ; had ceased to meet for so Ions a time that it became extinct. Some former Members applied for and obtained a New Constitution containing a clause reciting the date of the first Constitution, from which it was to take its rank. Letter to C.L., 6 Feb. 1788. Is stated to have been extinct about 1808. Erased in 1817. With the First Brigade, Erased 10 February 1790. With the Third Brigade, Erased 10 February 1790. With the Second Brigade, Erased 10 February 1790. India 1 772 India 1772 India 1772 Kingston (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, West Indies 1773 Erased 20 IVoventber 1782. Kingston (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, West Indies 1773 Erased 20 No^'ember 1782. Royal Archer, Dale St., Manchester, Lancashire 1795 Waggon and Horses, Thomas Street, Manchester 1795 Crown and Thistle, Old Churchyard, n 1798 White Lion, Toad's Lane, n 1799 Crown and Cushion, Deansgate, n 1801 Fox and Grapes, Old Shambles, n 1804 Old Sawyers' Arms, High Street, n 1806 Fox Tavern, Cockpit Hill, n 1813 Old Soldier, Ashton Road, Denton, Lancashire 1823 Nottingham Castle, Stockport Road, Denton 1853 Bowling Green Hotel, Manchester Road, n 1875 Detroit, Michigan, U.S. of America 1764 Not in List until 1773, and then designated "Lodge at Detroit, in Canada," with date "1773." Michigan was under French Rule until 1763, and under Great Britain from 1763 to 1796. The Lodge jvas retained on Ejiglish Rttgister until 1813, b7tt surrendered its Warrant, and took a New Warrant from G. L. of New York, 3 Sept. 1806. Now No. I on Reg. of G. L. of Michigan. [Place unknown'], TauntOn, Somersetshire 1773 Erased 7 April 1784. 1771 Renewal of Constitution (Prov. Warrant only) 6 Feb. 1787. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 4 Feb. 1795 1772 1772 1772 23 April 1773 23 April 1773 21 March 1795 24 April 1764 7 June 1773 1770 1780 [781 1792 1814 1832 1863 288 364 442 349 350 288 365 443 444 445 446 447 350 351 352 353 354 351 352 353 354 355 289 366 254 210 448 355 356 289 449 356 357 [ 185 ] Name of Lodge. 211 St. Michael's Lodge, Named in 1804. Apollo Lodge. Phcenix Lodge. Hiram Lodge, Named in 1819. Lodge of Jehosaphat. Freemasons' Hall Medal (1781). Lodge of Jehosaphat. Places of Meeting. Dundee Arms, Nightingale Lane, Wapping, London 1795 [Private Room] East Smithfield, n 1804 Bull's Head, Dean Street, Soho, 11 1807 King's Arms Tavern, Old Compton St., Soho, n 1808 Crab Tree, Tottenham Court Road, n 1809 Angel, High Street, Bloomsbury, n 1810 White Hart, Tottenham Court Road, n 1813 Coach and Horses, New Compton Street, Soho, 1, 1814 Princes Street Coffee House, Princes St., Soho,ii i8i5 Cock, Grafton Street, Soho, n 1819 Three Tuns Tavern, Fetter Lane, n 1822 Burlington Arms, Old Burlington Street, n 1825 Wheatsheaf, Rathbone Place, n 1827 Blue Posts, Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place, 1. 1829 Three Compasses, Kensington, m 1829 Two Chairmen, Davies Street, Berkeley Square, n 1832 King's Head, Old Compton Street, Soho, n 1832 George and Blue Boar, Holborn, n 1834 The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, m i860 George Inn, Coney Street, Nicholson's Coffee House, Merchants' Hall, Fossgate, York, Yorkshire 1773 York 1776 I. 1781 Came to ait end early in this Century^ hut took a number at the Union. Private Room, 14 High Street, HuU, Yorkshire 1817 Freemasons' Hall, Mytongate, Hull 1828 Ship Inn, Lowgate, 11 1829 Private Room, 7 High Street, n 1831 Warrant returned toG.L. ii November 1835. It is endorsed '^ Returnedjrotn Hull, now 368." Erased in 1836. In Garrison, Chatham, Kent 1795 Hotel Barracks, Dock Road, Chatham 1800 Albany Barracks, Parkhurst, NewpOPt, Isle of Wight, Hampshire 1802 Star Inn, St. James's Street, Newport 1815 Castle and Banner, Ilunning Hill, Carisbrook, 11 1823 Erased i March 1828. Bull, High Street, BplstOl, Gloucestershire 1773 White Hart Inn and Tavern, Broad Street, Bristol 1775 Rummer Tavern, High Street, n 17^5 White Lion, Broad Street, n 1796 George Inn, Shlpehampton, Gloucestershire 1794 (i meeting only, 24 June.) Rummer Tavern, High Street, Bristol 1794 Last Register 18 March 1795. Lapsed about 1797. Swan, Market Street, Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire 1799 Erased 10 February 1809. Fleece Tavern, Chester Gate, StOekpOFt, Cheshire 1795 Pack Horse, Market Place, Stockport 1801 Queen's Head, Underbank, n 1801 Crown and Anchor, Bridge Street, u 1802 Queen's Head, Underbank, n 1805 Lapsed about 1807. 24 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 11 Sept. 1795 31 July 1773 Constituted 3 Aug. 1773. 21 Oct. 1817 Constituted 21 July 1817. 1770 450 28 Sept. 1795 14 Aug. 1773 1780 357 1781 358 451 [26 Feb.] 1799 20 Nov. 1795 1792 290 290 1814 367 368 A 1832 1863 255 211 358 359 291 A 291 368 B 369 256 291 B 292 A 1 86 1894. Name of Lodge. 212 Euphrates Lodge. 10th Lodge of Bengal. Lodge Anchor and Hope. 6th Lodge of Bengal, 1793- 4th Lodge of Bengal, 1814. Chosen Friends' Lodge. (in a pamphlet of 1827). Lodge Humility with Fortitude, 1792- 1 1th Lodge of Bengal, 1773- 5th Lodge of Bengal, 1793- Rising Sun Lodge. Places of Meeting. West London Militia, Duke of Kent, Point Hill, Royal Hill, Greenwich, London 1812 At Princess Royal, Paul Street, Finsbury, n 1813 11 Bunhill Row, Moorfields, 11 1814 „ Bull and Ram, Old Street, ,p 1817 „ St. Luke's Head, Old Street, n 1818 London Militia, White Swan, Bunhill Row, Moorfields, n 1821 At Hope Tavern, Banner Street, St. Luke's, 11 1822 II White Swan, Bunhill Row, Moorfields, m 1824 Dukeof Sussex, Haggerston Road, Haggerston, n 1834 White Hart Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, n 1850 Masons' Hall, Masons' Avenue, Basinghall St.,i, 1863 George Hotel, Aldermanbury, n 1867 Masons' Hall, Masons' Avenue, Basinghall St.,ii 1870 Holborn Restaurant, Holborn, 11 1886 Muxadavad [or Murshidabad], Bengal, India 1773 With the Third Brigade at CawnpOPe (Allahabad), N.W. Provinces, India 1792 " Mem ; — Oct. 1793. By the Return of the Prov. G. Lodge of Bengal, dated i March 1793, there appears ' the Lodge of the Anchor and Hope, in Calcutta, 6th Lodge of Bengal,' but of the constituting of which no account was sent home, and by the said return it appears that the Lodge_ No. 292 with the 3rd Brigade at Cawnpore, does not exist ; it is therefore now taken out of the List, and the Lodge of the Anchor and Hope placed against No. 292 to make the general List of Lodges correspond with the Provincial List of Bengal." G.L. Warrant Book. Calcutta, Bengal, India 1793 This Lodge iDas on the Roll until 1816 and then erased. It applied for and obtained a Warrant of the Ancients, No. 325 (A) of I October 1801, but fell into abeyance shortly afterwards. See page 198. Division of Artifleers, in Garrison, Elizabeth Castle, Jersey, Channel Islands 1795 Lapsed about 1801. Vine Inn, Alphington Street, St. Thomas, Exeter, Devonshire 1803 Courtenay Arms, StarcroSS, 11 1825 Fort William, Calcutta, Bengal, India 1773 Ceased to exist about the time of the war in the Carnatic, but was constituted anew 27 December 1784, and re-constituted ro December 1785, as No. 14 (local). The number 14 was changed to No. 11, and a new Constitution granted, 24 December 1787. Seceded and took Athol Warrant No. 317 (A) of 11 April 1798, so ought to have been erased, but was kept on our Register until 1817. See page 195. Rising Sun, Northgate Street, Chester, Cheshire 1773 Erased i February 1786. Reinstated 7 April %']Zj. Rinally erased g February 1791. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 16 Oct. 1812 Warrant of Renewal as a Civil and Stationary Lodge, 29 June 1835. 1773 New Constitution granted by Prov. G.M. 24 Nov. 1786. 1793 24 Dee; 1795 21 May 1803 1773 Re-warranted 27 December 1784, 10 December, 1785, & 24 December, 1787, 1770 452 453 1780 359 360 21 Sept. 1773 454 361 1 781 360 361 362 1792 292 A 292 B 293 292 B 293 A 293 B 1814 1832 1863 370 257 212 371 372 373 [ i87 ] 1894 Name ok Lodge. 213 Lodge of PeFseveranee, Named in 1817. 214 St. John's Lodge. Lodge of Hope, 1816. Lodge of Hope and Unity, 1824- Romford Lodge, 1845. Lodge of Hope and Unity, again, 1852. Union Lodge, Named in 1779. Union Lodge, Named in 1804. Places of Meeting. Turlcey Cocli, Elm Hill, St. Simonds, NOFWieh, Norfolk 1795 City of Norwich, St. Stephen's Plain, All Saints, Norwich 1 801 The Cock, Rampant Horse Street, n 1805 CityofNorwich, St. Stephen's Plain, All Saints,ri 1806 Wild Man, Bedford Street, ,1 1808 CityofNorwich, St. Stephen's Plain, All Saints,ii 1812 Angel Inn, St. Stephen's Street, n 1813 Masonic Tavern, Elm Hill, 1, 1837 Crown and Angel, St. Stephen's Street, n 1847 Excise Coffee House, Lower Goat Lane, .1 1850 Barleycorn, Orford Hill, n 1851 Masonic Tavern, Elm Hill, n 1852 Maid's Head, Wensum Street [now Magdalen Street], St. Simons', n 1854 Cabinetmakers' Arms, St. Michael's, n 1854 Lamb Inn, Haymarket, m 1856 Rampant Horse Hotel, Rampant Horse St., n 1859 Masonic Hall, Theatre Plain, n 1861 Rampant Horse Hotel, Rampant Horse St., n 1865 Masonic Hall, Theatre Plain, n 1866 Norfolk Hotel, St. Giles's Street, n 1872 Rampant Horse Hotel, St. Stephen's Street, n 1873 Masonic Hall, Theatre Plain, 11 1874 Lamb Hotel, Haymarket, ir 1876 Rampant Horse Hotel, St. Stephen's Street, n 1877 Mas. Rooms, 23, now 47, St. Giles's Street, i. 1879 Newmarket, Cambridgeshire 1773 Erased 9 April 1794. Ship, Bridge Yard, Tooley St., Southwark, London 1795 Spread Eagle, cr n it 1800 Black Horse, Fishmonger Alley, Fenchurch St. ,11 1806 Black Horse, High Street, Southwark n 1807 Pitt's Head, Grange Road, Bermondsey, n 1807 Wheatsheaf, Thames Street, n 1808 Paul Pindar's Head, Bishopsgate Street, m 1808 Windmill and Bell, RomfOFd, Essex 1809 Cock and Bell, Market Place, Romford 1811 Windmill and Bell, n 1814 Cock and Hell, Market Place, n 1816 White Hart Inn, Hare Street, n 1824 White Hart Hotel, High St., BrentWOOd, Essex 1877 [Place imhiown] Gateshead, Durham 1773 Private Room, Hillgate, Gateshead 1779 Blue Bell, Bridge Street, m 1794 Goat Inn, Bottle Bank, 11 181 1 Black Bull, High Street, n 1817 Joined '^Prince Edwins Lodge" No. 41 \_No. 27, Ancients^ of 2 April 1813], 24 Nov. 1817. Infortnaiion apparently not /laving been communicated to Grand Lodge ^ botk Lodges remained on the Register until ^ December 1827, when tiiey were erased. Bull's Head, Bank Top, Manchester, Lancashire 1796 Duke of York, Green Street, Manchester 1799 Bay Malton, Cockpit Hill, n 1801 White Hart, Sugar Lane, n 1804 The Angel, Deansgate, if 1806 Robin Hood, New Cross, n 1806 Edinburgh Castle, Blossom Street, m 1810 Earl Howe, Bengal Street, n 181 1 Crown and Anchor, Port Street, it 1813 Lord Nelson, Thorneybrow, n 1816 Weavers' Arms, Lee Street, m 1818 Clock Face, Oldham Road, ti 1823 Duke of Cumberland, Cumberland Street, ti 1825 SaddleInn,Blackfriar3 Street, Salford, Lancashire 1829 Legs of Man, Portland Street, Manchester 1832 Black Lion, Chapel Street, Salford 1833 Erased i June 1836. In Ahiman Rezon 1813, No.s. 295 (A) and 296 (A) are transposed, in error. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 24 Dee. 1795 Warrant of Confirmation, 8 Feb. 1876. Subsequently returned, the original Warrant having been found. 1773 3 Nov. 1795 16 Oct. 1773 Constituted 8 Nov. 1773. 26 Jan. 1796 1770 1780 1781 1792 294 1814 374 1832 258 1863 213 455 362 363 294 295 375 259 214 456 363 364 296 376 296 377 260 i894 Name of Lodge. Williamsburg Lodge. 215 Lodge of Commeree, Named in 1832. Botetourt Lodge, Lodge of Unanimity. Lodge Frederick. 216 Lodge of Concord, 1804. Harmonic Lodge, 1819. [Dormant 1830-1838.] Places of Meeting. Williamsburg' (Gloucester), Virginia, U.S. of America 1773 Was kefit on English Register until 1813. G. L. of Virginia luas/orjned 13 October 1778. Sun, Cockpit Hill, Manchester, Lancashire 1796 Cannon, Cannon Street, Manchester 1797 Sun, Thornby Row, n 1799 Wheatsheaf, High Street, n 1802 Admiral Nelson's Head, New Cross, n 1803 Balloon Inn, Balloon Street, n 1803 Crown and Cushion, Deansgate, n 1803 Bay Malton, Cockpit Hill, n 1804 White Hart, Sugar Lane, pt 1807 Bay Malton, Cockpit Hill, n 1808 The Grapes, John Street, n 1809 Prince of Wales, Miller Street, n 181 3 Church Tavern, Old Churchyard, u 1816 Lord Nelson, Shude Hill, „ 1818 Sir Sidney Smith, Newton Street, n 1823 Sir Sidney Smith, Port Street, n 1826 Jolly Angler, Green Street, _ n 1828 Commercial Inn, Manchester Road, Haslingden, Lancashire 1831 Botetourt (Gloucester), Virginia, U.S. of America 1773 Was retained on our Register until 1813. The G. L. of Virginia, was formed 13 October 1778. West Middlesex Militia, Dover, Kent 1796 No Records after 1796. 1st Battalion, Eighty-flfth Regiment, Jersey, Channel fslands l8oi At Stoney Hill (Surrey), Jamaica, West Lndies 1803 Kent 1809 Devonshire 1810 Kent 1812 1813 1814 West Indies 1845 Brabourne Lees Barracks, M Ottery St. Mary, Ti Hythe, .1 Brabourne Lees In the Eighty-fifth Regiment Was at St. Vincent's, 773 Warrant returned by order of Commanding Ojfficer^ 3 A ugust 1846, andLodge erased. CaSSel, Hesse-Cassel, Germany Constituted on the part of England by the Royal York. Closed by Electoral Edict in 1794, but remained on English Register until 1813. Merlin's Cave, Mersey St., Liverpool, Lancashire 1796 American Hotel, Wapping, Liverpool 1800 Merlin's Cave, Mersey Street, n 1800 Peggy's Tavern, Ijver Street, n 1801 Ward's Castle Tavern, Lord Street, n 1804 Preston's Circus Hotel, Christian Street, 11 1819 Star, Williamson Square, n 1827 Blue Bell, London Road, n 1838 Rainbow Hotel, Williamson Square, 11 1838 Clayton Hotel, Clayton Square, m 1847 Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Place, n 1847 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 6 Nov. 1773 26 Jan. 1796 6 Nov. 1773 9 Feb. 1796 1 Jan. 1801 1770 457 458 1780 364 365 1781 365 366 1792 296 297 297 13 Aug. 1773 Registered in London, 19 Nov. 1774. 22 April 1796 459 366 367 298 298 A 298 B 1814 1832 1863 378 261 215 379 262 299 380 263 216 [ 189 ] i894 217 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Good Friends. Lodge of Stability, Named in 1816. 218 Lodge of Liberty and Sincerity. Freemasons' Hall Medal (1786;. Lodge of Liberty and Sincerity. Provincial Grand Lodge, No. 1. 219 Lodge True Friendship No. 1 of Bengal, 1797. 3rd Lodge of Bengal, 1818. Lodge of Prudence, Named in 1783. Places of Meeting. Roseau, island of Dominica, Erased in 1813. West Indies IJT^ Crown, near St. Dunstan's Passage, Fleet Street, London 1797 Bell and Crown, Holborn, ti 1799 Brewers' Arms, Upper Thames Street, „ 1799 Crown, Essex Street, Strand, „ 1802 White Hart, Chancery Lane, 1, 1803 Three Tuns, West Smithfield, „ 1803 Britannia, Little Britain, „ 1804 Paul Pindar's Head, Bishopsgate Street, n 1807 Weavers' Arms, Brown's Lane, Spitalfields, n 1808 Anchor, Bishopsgate Street, n 1809 White Hart, „ „ 18 10 Saracen's Head, Camomile St., Bishopsgate St.,i, 1810 White Hart, Bell Yard, Gracechurch Street,, n 1819 Anchor, St. Mary at Hill, Tower Street, „ 1822 Crown and Cushion, London Wall, n 1833 Hambro' Coffee Plouse, Water Lane, Tower Street, „ 1836 Bay Tree Tavern, St. Swithin's Lane, n 1838 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, ,1 1841 Green Dragon, Bishopsgate Street, n 1855 Bank of Friendship Tavern, Bancroft Place, Mile End, „ 1864 George Hotel, Aldermanbury, „ 1866 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, „ 1869 [Place unknown] 'SviAg'VfSitQV, Somersetshire 1774 Crown Inn, St. Mary Street, Bridgwater 1788 Last Register at Bridgwater 30 May 1800. Lapsed about 1Z01, Market House Inn, Fore Street, Wellington, Somersetshire 1804 Erased $ March 1828. Masons' Hall, Port Royal Street, Kingston (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, West Indies 1796 Erased in 1813. The " Union " number 383, which would have been taken by this Lodge, if active, was assigned to No. 315 (A), by which the sequence was broken. There is no evidence that No. 315 (A) took No. 301 (A) in 1813. Calcutta, Bengal, India 1797 United with ^^ Aurora Lodge" No. 816 {of 2-^ June 1814], 17 August 1830. Freemasons' Hall, 55 Bentinck Street, Calcutta 1862 Punch Bowl, Boot and Shoe, Pied Bull Inn, Bridge Street, Lord Nelson, Bradshawgate, White Horse, Market Street, Lord Nelson, Bradshawgate, Leigh, Lancashire 1774 Leigh 1783 ir 1809 „ I8I5 II 1822 1835 Queen's Hotel, Rise Lane, Todmordcn, Lancashire 1 847 Masonic Hall, Old Market Place, Todmorden 1862 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 29 Nov. 1773 1 March 1797 1770 460 1780 367 1781 368 19 Feb. 1774 [21 Feb.] 1804 1 June 1796 27 Dee. 1797 24 Feb. 1774 Centenary Warrant, II June 1877. 461 462 368 369 1792 1814 1832 1863 299 300 381 264 217 369 370 300 A 300 B 301 382 301 315 B 383 265 218 384 266 219 I go Name of Lodge. Royal Military Lodge. 220 Loge Parfaite Egalite Lyonnese. Lodge of Harmony, Named in 1819. Unity Lodge, No. 2. 221 St. John's Lodge, Named in 1807. Places of Meeting. Crown and Anchor, High St. , Woolwich, London 1774 New Barracks Tavern, Woolwich Common, n 1775 Crown and Anchor, High Street, Woolwich, n 1778 Ship Tavern, George Street, m n 1780 Erased il February 1784. Three Old Tongues, Pearl Street, Spitalfields, London 1774 Erased 12 April 1780. Brown Cow, Lord Street, Liverpool, Lancashire 1796 Ferguson's Neptune Coffee House, Old Hall Street, Liverpool 1799 Kneen's, John Street, n 1800 Lewis's, Richmond Street, h 1800 Waggon and Horses, College Street, n 1802 Coach and Horses, n n i8c6 Coghlan's, Sir Thomas's Buildings, 11 1806 Lord Nelson, Lord Nelson Street, n 1808 Thrown Cow, Lord Street, m 1S09 Birmingham Tavern, Cross Street, n 1809 Quay's Inn, King Street, n 1811 Shakespear Tavern, Liver Street, n 1S13 Vine Tavern, Pitt Street, pi 1816 Magpie and Stump, Key Street, n 1822 Robin Hood, Great Cross Hall Street, n 1823 Masonic Rooms, Mercer Street, n 1823 Vine, Pitt Street, n 1824 Punch Bowl, Bachelor Street, n 1825 Nag's Head, Cockspur Street, n 1826 Private Rooms, Mary Hone [Mary-la-Bonne], tp 1S30 Union Tavern, Sir Thomas's Buildings, n 1831 Travellers' Rest, Scotland Road, n 1834 Haymarket Tavern, Haymarket, n 183S York Hotel, Williamson Square, n 1839 George and Vulture Hotel, Houghton Street, n 1842 Grapes Inn, Milk Street, n 1S47 Woolton Hotel, Mueh WooltOn, Lancashire 1852 Wellington Hotel, Wellington Street, Garston, Lancashire 1857 Gaiston Hotel, St. Mary's Road, Garston 1872 Wellington Plotel, Wellington Street, n 187S Garston Hotel, St. Mary's" Road, 11 1881 Savannah, Georgia, U.S. of America 1774 Was kepi on English Register until 1813. TJie G. L. of Georgia ivas forjned 16 Dec. 1786. Hand and Banner, Deansgate, Bolton, Lancashire i'j')'] Lord Nelson, Derby Street, Bolton 1800 Millstone, Deansgate, ir 1802 Four Horse Shoes, Deansgate, 11 1802 Elephant and Castle [Bank Street], 11 1805 Four Horse Shoes, Deansgate, n 1809 Weavers' Arms, Bradshawgate, ip 1810 The Volunteer, pi ip 1811 Four Horse Shoes, Deansgate, ip 1812 The Volunteer, Bradshawgate, pp 1816 Two Mill Stones, Crown Street, pp 1820 Prince William, Bradshawgate, pp 1825 Private Room, Little Bolton, pp 1826 Four Horse Shoes, Deansgate, ,p 1828 Wheatsheaf Inn, Bank Street, pp 1837 Legs of Man Inn, Chuichgate, pp 1846 Commercial Hotel, Town Hall Square, pi 1856 Freemasons' Hall, Silverwell Street, pp 1887 19 March 1774 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 18 April 1774 27 Dee. 1796 1774 15 March 1797 Constituted 20 April 1797. 1770 463 1780 370 1781 371 1792 1814 1832 1863 464 302 385 267 220 465 371 372 302 303 386 268 221 igi 1894 222 223 Name of Lodge. Lodge of the Nine Muses, No. 1. Inhabitants' Lodge, Named in 1803. Lodge of the Muse Urania, No. 2. St. Andrew's Lodge, 1806. St. Andrew's Lodge East, 1816. St. Andrew's Lodge, again, 1863. Lodge of Beliona, No. 3. Royal Invalids' Lodge, 1801. Lodge of Charity, 1809. Places of Meeting. St. Petersburg (St. Petersbm-g), Russia 1774 These 5 Russian Lodges, No. 466 to 470, warranted by the Prov. G. L. of Russia, joined the National Grand Lodge in 1776. If they lasted long enough they must have been extinguished, by command of the Empress, in 1794. If these Lodges were subsequently re-opened they could not have survived the final decree of Alexander in 1822, which is still in force. Erased frovi English Register in 1813. Prince of Wales' Head, Woolwich, London 1797 Kfeemasons' Hall, Rectory Place, Woolwich, n 1803 Salutation, Beresford Square, u n 1804 The Fortune of War, Thomas Street, m u 1809 Erased 5 March 1828. St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), See Remarks on No. 466, ante. Erased fro^i English Register in 1813. Russia 1774 London Bell, Thames Street, Blue Anchor, Upper East Smithfield St. Andrew's, Hermitage, Wapping, Coopers' Arms, Lower East .Smithfield, King's Head, Bakers Row, Whitechapel Road, Northumberland Arms, Hh.idwell Dock, King Harry's Head, Red l.ion St., Whitechapel, Red Lion and Spread Eagle, High Street, Whitechapel, King's Arm's, Aldersgate Street, Vine Inn, Bishopsgate Street, George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, Inns of Court Hotel, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London Masonic Club, loi Queen Victoria St., Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Holborn, The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, 1797 1799 1802 1808 1816 1817 1819 1821 1829 1833 1837 1852 1876 St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), .See Remarks on No. 466, ante. Erased from English Register in 1813. Russia 1774 Prince George, Plymouth Dock [now Devonport], Devonshire 1797 Hambro' Arms, St. Mawes, Cornwall 1797 Earl Howe, Clowen Lane, Plymouth Dock I799 Last Meeting 19 Nov. 1799. Welcome Home Sailor, Plymouth Doek [now Devonport], Devonshire 1799 Warrant purchased by '* Royal Invalids' Corps," Dec. 1799. Fountain Tavern, Grand Parade, Plymouth, Devonshire 1800 Fishing Smack, South Side Street, Plymouth 1804 Crown and Anchor, Barbican, m 1804 Fountain Tavern, Grand Parade, n 1805 Frankfort Inn, Frankfort Street, n 1806 Salutation Inn, Higher Batter Street, n 1808 Fountain Tavern, Grand Parade, n 1812 Queen's Head Tavern, Parade, n 1818 Lodge Rooms, 2 Prospect Buildings, Millbay, h 1823 Lamb Inn, Treville Street, n 1828 Freemasons' Hall, Cornwall Street, u 1829 Treeby's School Room, Tavistock Place, \\ 1832 Golden Fleece, East Street, m 1833 King's Arms Hotel, Briton Side, m 1856 Masonic Rooms, 193 Union Street, n 1861 Freemasons' Hall, l Princess Square, n 1888 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1774 2 May 1797 1774 17 Aug. 1797 1774 7 Sept. 1797 Constituted 22 Sept. 1797. 27 Dee. 1799 1770 466 467 468 1780 372 373 374 1781 373 374 375 1792 303 304 305 1814 1832 1863 304 305 306 A 306 B 387 388 269 222 389 270 223 192 i894 224 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Mars, No. 4. St. George's Lodge, 1797. Atlantic Phoenix Lodge 1847. Lodge of the Muse Clio, No. 5. Concord Lodge, Named in 1803. 225 St. Bede's Lodge. St. Luke's Lodge. Places of Meeting. Yassy [or Jassy] (Moldavia), See Remarks on No. 466, ante. Erased fro7n English Register in 1813. Russia ITU House of Bro. Trott, Flatts Village, Island of Bermuda, West Indies 1797 Freemasons' Hall, St. George'S, St. George's Island, Bermuda 1801 Masonic Rooms, Reid Street, Hamilton, n 1810 Freemasons' Hall, n Hamilton 1848 Coffee House, n 1850 Town Hall, „ 1850 Freemasons' Hall, Reid Street, 11 1850 Moscow (Moscow), See Remarks on No. 466, ante. Erased fro7n English Register in 1813. Russia 1774 Oisten's Town, island of Barbados, West indies 1797 Temple, Bridgetown, Barbados 1803 Oisten's Town, n 1813 Temple, Bridgetown, •^ 1817 Erased 2 December 1829. King of Prussia, South Shields, Durham 1774 Black Lion, South Shields 1788 Wheatsheaf, Market Place, Morpeth, NortJiumlierland 1 789 Private Room, Morpeth 1793 Spread Eagle, Castle Square, n 1795 Masonic Rooms, Herbert's Buildings, u 1805 Erased in 1815. Fifty-second Regiment of Foot 1797 2nd Battalion, Eighty-flfth Regiment, Jersey, Channel Islands 1801 At Newport, IsU of Wight, Hamfsliire 1801 M Portsmouth, ir 1801 Lapsed about i3o2. I can trace no evidence of a transfer of this Warrant from 52nd to 85th Regiment. A recital in the next Warrant of 20 Oct. 1803, that " No. 309 was first installed in 80th Regt. of Foot, loth Oct. 1797," does not appear to he borne out by the records, the entries in the Register being continuous from 1797 to August 1801. See page no. Westminster Militia, ColChester, Essex 1804 Duke of York, Woodbridge St., Ipswich, Suffollc 1805 Bear and Crown Inn, Westgate Street, Ipswich 1806 Great White Horse Inn, Tavern Street, n 1809 White Hart Inn, Lawrance Lane, n 1810 Great White Horse Inn, Tavern Street, n 181 1 Admiral's Head, St. Margaret's Street, n i8l6 United with '^ Lodge 0/ Perfect Friendship" No. 480 [No. 479 <2^23 Sept. 1785], n/une 1820. Coach and Horses Hotel, Brook Street, Ipswich 1837 Cock and Pie, Upper Brook Street, n 1841 Coach and Horses Hotel, Brook Street, n 1856 Masonic Hall, Brook Street, n 1877 Golden Lion Hotel, Cornhill, n 1878 Freemasons' Hall, Soane Street, n 1879 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1774 9 Aug. 1797 1774 27 Sept. 1797 7 May 1774 27 Sept. 1797 20 Oct. 1803 20 Oct. 1804 [Works under the Warrant of 20 Oct. 1803.] 1770 469 470 471 1780 375 376 377 1781 376 377 378 1792 306 307 308 307 308 309 A 309 B 309 c 1814 390 391 392 1832 271 393 272 1863 224 225 [ 193 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 226 Lodge of Harmony. Benevolent Lodge. Lodge of Harmony. Loge des Amis Reunis. Lodge of Benevolence. Durnovarian Lodge. Helvetiek Union Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Three Crowns Tavern, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands 1774 Last payment 1783. Erased {Warrant forfeited) in 1812. Wild Man, Middleham, Yorkshire 1774 Erased 13 February 1788. Sun Inn, Thomas Street, Monk Wearmouth Shore, Durham 1774 Erased 10 Fehrtiary 1790. Turlc's Head, Gerrard Street, Soho, London 1774 Erased^ February 1777. Private Rooms, 1 1 Paradise Street, Blaekburn, Lancashire 1798 Wheatsheaf, Darwen Street, Blackburn 1799 Masons' Arms, Northgate, 11 1801 Angel Inn, King Street, 11 1803 Castle Inn, Market Street, n 1803 King's Arms, Northgate, ir 1810 Cross Keys, Blakely Moor, 11 1824 Swan Inn, Astley Gate, n 1838 Red Lion Inn, Halifax Road, LittleborOUgh, Lancashire 1845 King's Arms, High East Street, Dorehester, Dorsetshire 1775 Royal Oak, High West Street, Dorchester 1785 Antelope Inn, Cornhill, 1, 1799 Erased! Decejnber 1830. Sixth or Innlskilling Dragoons, Romford, Essex 1797 At Bristol, Gloucestershire 1801 II Lewes, Sussex i8o5 II York, Yorkshire 1807 II Edinburgh, RlidlotMan, Scotland 1808 11 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland 181 1 In 6th or Inniskilling Regiment of Dragoons 1814 Erased in 1837, Paul's Head Tavern, Cateaton Street, London 1775 Erased 10 April 1782. Reinstated 13 April 1791. Ship Tavern, Leadenhall Street, n 1791 Erased again 15 April 1795. Prince of Wales's Feneible Cavalry 1798 No Records after 1798. In Ahiman Rezon 1804, it is said to be at " Manchester," and in Ahiman Rezon 1807, is designated "Princess of Wales's Feneible Cavalry." 1774 1 Nov. 1774 25 22 Nov. 1774 24 Nov. 1774 31 Oct. 1797 Constituted I March 1798. 1770 1780 1781 1792 I814 1832 1863 472 473 378 379 379 380 309 474 380 381 475 310 394 273 226 23 Jan, 1775 18 Dee. 1797 476 381 382 310 395 311 396 274 23 Jan. 1775 12 Feb. 1798 477 382 383 311 312 A 194 1 894 Name of Lodge. 227 lonie Lodgre, Named in 1825. Sun and Sector Lodge, Named in 1814. Loge St. Jean de la Nouvelle Esperance. 228 Lodge of United Strength, Named in 1817. True and Faithful Lodge. True and Faithful Lodge. Places of Meeting. Fortune of War, Thomas St., Woolwich, London 18 10 Shakespeare Tavern, Powis Street, m ir l8li Ordnance Arms, Heresford Square, n n 1812 Golden Anchor, Church Street, m fi 1817 Coopers' Arms, High Street, n n 1820 White Swan, The Village, Old Charlton, Kent 1825 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, London 1835 King's Head Tavern, Poultry, n 1851 Ship and Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall Street, ir 1854 The Criterion, Piccadilly, n 1893 Sun and Sector, WoPklngton, Cumberland \T]/i, Mrs. Mary Messenger's, Workington 1784 Green Dragon, Portland Square, n 17S5 Erased i March 1828. Eleventh Regiment of Foot, Norwich, Norfolk 1798 At St. Pierre, Island of Martinique, West Indies 1807 Lapsed before the Union, Turin (Piedmont), Italy 1775 If this Lodge lived, and did not join one of the many Sardinian G. Lodges, it must have been crushed by the Royal Edict of 20 May 1794. It luas, however^ on English Register until 1813. Green Dragon, Paradise Row, Chelsea, London 1798 Five Bells, Chelsea, n 1803 Tuns, Moor Street, Soho Square, n 1805 Saddler's Arms, Swallow Street, n 1809 Artichoke, Lower Marsh, Lambeth, n 1821 Gun, Lambeth Road, Lambeth, 11 1822 Red Lion, Parliament Street, n 1824 Shakespeare's Head, Covent Garden, pi 1825 New Exchange Coffee House, Strand, n 1826 Furnival's Inn Coffee House, Holborn, n 1828 Salisbury Tavern, Bear Street, Leicester Square,ii 1829 Princes Head Tavern, Princes St., Westminster, n 1832 Crown, York Street, n 11 1836 Two Brewers, Stretton Grounds, !i n 1841 Gun Tavern, Lupus Street, Pimlico, n 1843 Old Jerusalem Tavern, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, n 1857 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, 11 1877 Rose Inn, High Street, Dartford, Kent 1775 Granby's Head, High Street, Dartford 1779 White Bear, High Street, West Mailing, Kent 1787 Lapsed about 1803. Rose and Crown, High Street, Sudbury, Suffolk 1805 Erased 3 December 1851. Lisbon (Estremadura), Portugal 1798 Last Record 19 January 1799. See page 189. 19 Feb. 1798 25 March 1775 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 25 April 1810 22 April 1774 19 March 1798 13 June 1775 1805 11 April 1798 27 Dee. 1797 1770 1780 1781 1792 1814 1832 [863 312 B 397 275 227 478 383 384 312 398 313 479 384 385 313 314 399 276 228 480 385 386 314 A 314 B 400 277 315 A 315 B 195 i894 229 Name of Lodge. Grenadiers' Lodge. Royal Lebanon Lodge, Named in 1804. 12th Lodge of Bengal, 1773- 4th Lodge of Bengal, 1793- Lodge St. George in the East, Named in 1792. Lodge True Friendship, 1793- Lodge True Friendship. No. 2. Lodge Humility with Fortitude. 4th Lodge of Bengal, 1820. Green Island Lodge, No. S. Jamaica. Lodge of Justice. Lodge of Harmony, Named in 1823. Lodge of Lueea, Named in 1780. No. 9, Jamaica, also called Hanover Lodge. Places op Meeting. Savannah, Georgia, U.S. of America 1775 Was kept on English Register until 1813. G. L. of Georgia was formed 1^ December 1786. Boothall Inn, Westgate Street, GlOUCesteP, Gloucestershire 1799 Bell Inn, Southgate Street, Gloucester 1817 Private Rooms, New Inn Lane, n 1 82 1 Erased 5 December 1838. With the Third Brigade, in Garrison, Fort William, Calcutta, Bengal, India 1773 Was at Berhampore (Murshidabad), India 1788 Received a New Constitution on 24 December 1787, as No. 10 (Local). Lapsed about 179B. Members of No. 10, who could not go to Berhampore, obtained another Warrant, No. 12 (local), which was reported by Prov. G. L. to G. L., 28 Oct. 1788. Calcutta, Bengal, India 1788 Lodge No. 12 (local) seems to have taken the name "True Friendship," at the end of last Century, when the original " True Friendship," No. 10 (local), had died out. " True Friendship, No. 2," secededfrom the Modems, and took Athol IVarrant No. 2^s,it Deceinieri-m. Seepage 189. Royal Artillery, Fort William, Calcutta, Bengal, India 1798 Seceded from the Moderns. See No. 293, page 186. Fort William, Calcutta 1820 Freemasons' Hall, 55 Bentinck Street, ,1 1862 Green Island (Hanover, Cornwall), Jamaica, West Indies 1775 Erased in 1813. Turk's Head, Turk's Head Yard, PreStOn, Lancashire I77S King's Arms, Church Street, Preston 1779 Erased February 1780. Reinstated 12 April 1780. Erased again 17 November 1784. The Harrow, Old BFOmpton, Kent 1799 Lord Nelson, Wood Street, Old Brompton 1816 Queen's Head, High Street, n 1823 Uniiedwith " Globe Lodge," No. 306 \_No. 243 (A) ^13 Dec. 1787], in 1824. Lucea (Hanover, Cornwall), Jamaica, West Indies I77S Erased in 1813. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1775 18 Jan. 1799 1773 New Constitution 24 December 1787. 1770 1780 481 386 1781 387 1792 315 1814 1832 1863 316 401 278 482 387 388 316 A 24 July 1788 11 April 1798 Warrants of Confirmation, 22 September 1821, and 18 August 1859. 1775 28 Dee. 1775 28 Feb. 1799 "Warrant of Confirmation, 29 April 1S23. 1775 316 B 317 402 279 229 483 484 388 389 389 317 390 318 403 485 390 391 318 [ 196 ] Name of Lodge. Sociable Lodge, No. 10, Jamaica. Union Lodge, No. 11, Jamaica. 230 Lodge of Fidelity, Named in 1817. Union Lodge, No. 12, Jamaica. Temple Lodge. Argyle Lodge, Named in 1818. Places of Meeting. Spanish Town (St. Catherine, Middlesex), Jamaica, i-i^<--st inJies 1775 Erased 20 November 1782. Date of Warrant or Constitution. In Garrison, Calcutta, Bengal^ India 1799 The page in G. L. Register is blank, excepting the number "31c)." "No. I Calcutta, No. 319 upon the English Registry, "is noted in G. L. Proc, 6 March 1799. As No. 315 (A) was No. I of Bengal, it would appear that this number was entered in error. It is not in Ahiman Rezon 1804 or 1807, but Ahiman Rezon 1813 has "Lisbon" for No. 319, which again seems to have been intended for No. 315. The reason for its having a " Union " number is not manifest. Freemasons' Hall, St. George Street, Savanna-la- Mar (Westmoreland, Cornwall), Jamaica, West Indies 1775 Erased in 1813. Acorn Tav., Rotherhithe St., Rotherhithe, London 1799 Lapsed in i8og. Transferred to Kingsand in 1810. The Hotel, Kingsand (Cawsand), Cormvall, 1810 Commercial Inn, Old Town Street, Plymouth, Devonshire 18 1 7 Pope's Head Inn, Southside Street, Plymouth 1818 Bedford Hotel, Old Town, „ 1820 Commercial Hotel, n ir 1821 Salutation Inn, Fore Street, Topsham, Devonshire 1828 Angel Hotel, Fore Street, TivertOn, u 1831 Freemasons' Hall, Tiverton 1834 Private Room, Cumberland Ope, DeVOnpOPt. Devonshire i860 Private Room, 33 Fore Street, Devonport i85i Private Room, 54 Chapel Street, u 1S62 Ebrington Masonic Hall, Granby Street, m 1879 Island of CuPaSOa, IVcsl Indies 1775 Detroit, " in Canada," now in Michigan, U.S, 0/ America 1778 Erased in 1813. Duke William, King St., BplStOl, Gloucestershire 1776 Bath Chair, on the Quay, Bristol 1779 Erased 17 November 1784. Nlnety-flpst Regiment, Cape Town, Cape Colony, Souih Africa 1800 At AshfoPd Barracks, Ashford, Kent iSo6 11 Fermoy Barracks, Cork, Ireland 1807 II Deal, Kent 1809 II Ramsgate, Kent 1810 II Ordnance Arms, Canterbury, Kent 181 1 II New Brorapton, Kent 1S12 In the Ninety-first Regiment 1814 Erased 5 March 1828. 1775 1799 1775 2 May 1799 10 Aug. 1810 [Has the above Warrant of 2 May I799-] 1770 486 487 / / —4755 1780 391 392 1781 392 393 488 6 Feb. 1776 27 Aug. 1800 489 393 1792 319 394 319 320 A 320 B 1814 1832 1863 404 405 280 230 320 394 395 321 406 197 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1770 1780 1781 1792 A 1814 1832 1863 231 St. Andrew's Lodge. Coach and Horses, Little Queen Ann Street East, Marylebone, London 1776 28 Feb. 1776 490 395 396 321 407 281 231 Half Moon, Chipstone Street, Marylebone, m 1777 ^^arrant of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Hroad Street, Golden Sq.,11 1781 Confirmation, Bell, St. James's Market, n 1784 I June 1829. Robin Hood, Charles Street, St. James's Sq., n 1789 Centenary Warrant, Black Dog, St. James's Market, 11 1800 13 Dec. 1875. St. James's Tavern, Marylebone St. , Golden Sq. , n 1806 Wheatsheaf, in the Strand, n 1807 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, h 1809 While Lion, Oxford Street, 11 1810 King's Head, Cumberland Street, Oxford St., !■ 1811 Union Tavern, Union Street, Blackfriars, n 1812 Three Tuns 'i'avern, I'etter Lane, it 1813 Cannon Coffee House, Cockspur Street, n 1819 Old Betty's Coffee House, Strand, n 1822 Queen's Arms Tavern, St. James's Street, n 1824 Man in the Moon, Vine Street, Piccadilly, n 1825 British Coffee House, Cockspur Street, it 1826 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, m 1827 Exeter Arms, I'^arl Street, Lisson Grove, n 1829 The (Jrand Hotel, Covent Garden, n 1839 I'iazza Coffee House, n m 1S45 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1847 Freemasons' Hall, ii n 1865 Lodge of Harmony. White Horse, Baldock, Hertfordshire Erased 7 p'ebrjtary 1787. Seventy-eighth Regiment, Fort William, Calcutta, Bengal, India In the Seventy-eighth Regiment Erased i December 1830. 1776 180I 1814 March 1776 12 March 1801 491 396 397 •• 322 408 •• King's Arms Lodge, 1776. King's Arms, Kew Green, Kevv, London Golden Fleece, Old Palace Yard, n 1776 1779 7 May 1776 492 397 398 322 409 Lodge of Perseverance, Westminster Aims, Tothill St., Westminster, n 1790 1779. Royal York Lodge of Perseverance, In the Coldstream Regiment of Guards, n 1793 to 1S21 1793- Blue Anchor, York Street, Westminster, 11 Suttling House, Horse (Juards, Whitehall, n Admiral Vernon's Head, North Audley Street, „ The Crown Tavern, Museum Street, n Furnival's Inn Coffee House, Holborn, n Wood's Hotel, Furnival's Inn, Holborn, 11 United miih " Lodge of Hope," No. 7 INo. 4 (A) of 6 Sept. 1769], 12 Maj-ch 1832. 1797 1798 1S22 1826 1828 1829 Weymouth Lodge. Good's Rooms, WeymOUth, Dorsetshire Erased 23 November 1785. 1776 6 June 1776 493 398 399 •• •• 232 Marine Lodge. Calcutta, Bengal, India Freemasons' Hall, 55 Bentinck Street, Calcutta 180I 1879 4 March 1801 Warrant of Confirmation, • • • • • • 323 410 282 232 Sth Lodge of Bengal, 1817. Is stated to have been in existence as a Modern Lodge about 1769, and to have seceded in 1801. The Modern Lodge 4 Julyji846. In abeyance from Dec. 1843 does not appear on English Register, although it was on the to June 1845, and from Dec. 1849 Provincial. See List in Part IV. ~ oDec. 1852. Lodge of Concord. Star Inn, High St., Southampton, Hampshire Guildhall, High Street, Southampton Not in Engraved List of 1775, butat the end thereof the date is written " i July 1775," and in T776 List, the date, which was engraved 1776, is altered in MS. to 1775. Erased ill 1813. 1775 1782 1 July 1775 494 399 400 323 ' * [ 198 ] 1 894 233 234 Name of Lodge. Somerset Lodge, i8oi. Prince Alfred Lodge, 1862. Royal Oak Lodge, Lodge of Unity. Anchor & Hope Lodge. 6th Lodge of Bengal, 1817. Placed in abeyance 31 Dec. 1849. Dormant a long time prior to 26 October 1871. Lodge of Honour, Named in 1784. Freemasons' Hall Medal (1783). Industrious Lodge Places of Meeting. Young's, Sandy Point, Somerset, St. George'.s Island, Bermuda, Wi-sl indies 1801 Formed by Members of " Moderns," No. 507, of 2 Oct. 1792. Sussex Hall, Somerset Bridge, St. George's Island, Bermuda 1813 Masonic Hall, MangFOVe Bay, Somerset Island, II 184S Royal Oak, Kirkgate, Ripon, Yorkshire 1776 Minster Inn, Cathedral Yard, Ripon 1809 Erased^ March 1828. King's Head, Head Gate, ColchestCP, Essex 1776 Red Lion, High Street, Colchester 1784 Erased g February 1791. Calcutta, Bengal, India 1 80 1 This Lodge is stated to have seceded profit iite Moderns {No. 292) in 1801, dnd to have fallen into abeyance shortly afterwards. It was probably resuscitated under its Modem Constitu- tion, as its present Warrant of Confirmation granted in 1844 (as No. 284), refers to the original Warrant, No. 292 of 1793. See page 186. There are no traces of any payments from this Lodge between 1810 and 1840. Ice House, Howrah, Bengal, India i860 Salt Golah Lane, Calcutta 1862 Ice House, Howrah 1863 Freemasons' Hall, 55 Bentinck Street, Calcutta 1871 Coopers' Arms, Stretton Grounds, Westminster, London 1776 Blue Anchor, St. Ermin's Hill, Westminster, n 1790 The Bell, York Street, 11 n 1793 White Horse Tav. , Buckingham Gate, Pimlico, n 1802 Bull and Axe, John Street, Oxford Street, n 1807 King's Arms Tavern, High Street, Kensington, n 181 1 Erased in 1822. In Garrison, Sydney, Sydney Island, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, North America 1801 Erased in 1832. The Fleece, The Parade, Canterbury, Kent 1776 King's Head Inn, High Street, Canterbury 1783 United with No. 37 \_No. 24 Ancietits, of 2^ March 1806], 8 Afril 1819. Cambridge Regiment of Militia Lapsed and Warrant endorsed, '* Transferred to be held, Staffordshire Regt. of Militia, Windsor." See page 151. 1799 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 28 Sept. 1801 Warrant of Confirmation, 17 Oct. 1844. 22 June 1776 496 1770 11 June 1776 1 Oet. 1801 Warrant of Confirmation, 30 April 1844. 16 Oct. 1776 1 Oet. 1801 28 Nov. 1776 28 Feb. 1799 26 April 1801 496 497 498 1780 400 401 402 403 [781 401 402 403 404 1792 324 325 326 324 325 326 327 A 327 B 1814 1832 411 283 1863 233 412 413 284 234 414 415 416 [ 199 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Etruscan Lodge. St. Peter's Lodge. Olive Lodge. Royal Marine Lodge. Lodge of Unanimity, Named in 1779. 235 Lodge of United Friendship, Named in 1780. Lodge of the Nine Muses. Freemasons^ Hall Medal (1781). Places of Meeting. Bridge Tnn, Lord Street, Etrupia, Staffordshire 1803 Talbot Inn, Stoke-Upon-Tpent, 11 1807 Erased in 1847. Bunch of Grapes, King Street, St. James's Square, London 1776 Star and Garter, Pall Mall, n 1779 Bell, St. James's Market, n 1783 Star and "Garter, Pall Mall, 1, 1784 launch of Grapes, King Street, St. James's Sq.,11 1786 Bell, Upper Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, h 1790 United with'' Lodge o/F?ntdence" No. 69 \_No. 183, 0/ z6 June 1740], in 1793. Royal George Hotel, Aldepney, Channel Islands 1802 Lapsed and IVarrant returned 13 August 1810. " Warrant giiien up and trans/erred to the Royal Marines.^' Lodge Room, Barracks, Woolwich, London 1810 Earl of Warwick, Warwick Street, Woolwich, n 1813 Fortune of War, Thomas Street, n 11 1813 Britannia, Henry Street, n n 1816 Prince Regent, King Street, 11 n 1820 United •with No. 13 [No. 86 (A) 0/6 March 1761], I December \?,7&. Queen's Head, King Street, Penrith, Cumberland 1776 Black Bull, Corn Market, Penrith 1783 King of Prussia, Angel Lane, n 1788 Erased 6 February 181 1. 6th Battalion, Royal AFtlllepy, Colombo, Ceylon, East Indies 1802 Erased i December 1 830. Falcon Tavern, East Street, GPavesend, Kent 1776 New Inn, Milton Road, Gravesend 1806 Three Pigeons Inn [or Three Doves], The Hill, Northfleet, Kent 1812 Leather Bottle Inn, corner of Old and New London Roads, Northfleet 1813 Market Inn, Marketfield, n 1816 Last payment 1824. Erased in 1832. Lisbon (Estremadura), Portugal [1803] The G. L. Register is Blank where this Lodge should have been recorded. But the Index says " 330 Lisbon, page 245, given to Mr. Burdwood." There is no entry at page 245, nor any entry between Nos. 329 and 331 in G. L. Register. It appears in Ahiman Rezon 1813, but there are no Records. Thatched House Tavern, St. James's St., London 1777 United with^^ Lodge of Rural Friendship " No. 350 \^No. 436 (?/i78o], in 1796. Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, London 1821 Clarendon Hotel, New Bond Street, h 1864 St. James's Hotel, Piccadilly, n 1873 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1874 Queen's Hotel, Cork Street, Old Bond Street, 11 1874 Long's Hotel, Old Bond Street, n 1875 Willis's Rooms, King Street, St. James's Sq., n 1877 Grand Hotel, Charing Cross, n 1890 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1803 16 Dee. 1776 13 July 1802 23 Nov. 1810 On Warrant of 13 July 1802. 1776 2 Dec. 1802 1776 [1803] 25 March 1777 Centenary Warrant. 6 April 1877. 1770 499 500 501 502 1780 404 405 406 407 178: 405 406 407 408 1792 327 c 327 328 329 330 328 A 328 B 329 330 [814 1832 ■ 863 417 285 418 419 420 421 286 235 200 Name of Lodge. St. Michael's Lodge. Mount Horeb Lodge. 236 Union Lodge, 1777- York Lodge, 1870. Two Parallel Lodge, Named in 1816. Social Lodge. Social Lodge. Knoll Lodge, 1777. Gnoll Lodge, 1784. Freemasons' Hall Medal (1781). Places of Meeting. \_Placc unknowii] Marazion, Cornwall iTjy Star Inn, near Market House, Marazion 17S6 Erased lo February 1790. Bridgetown, island of Barbados, West Indies iS Erased 2 December 1829. Lockwood's Coffee House, Micklegate, York, Yorkshire I'jy'y Theatre Coffee House, Petergate, York 1786 House of l!ro. Coultate, n 1789 Golden l,ion,Thursday Market, St. Sampson's Sq. ,11 1790 Provincial G. Lodge Room, Blake Street, n 1821 Falcon Hotel, Micklegate, ir 1824 York Hotel, St. Helen's Square, n 1838 Elephant and Castle Hotel, Skeldergate, m 1842 Merchants' Hall, Fossgate, n 1848 Old Masonic Hall, Blake Street, „ 1854 Poor Law Board Room, Museum Street, m 1862 Masonic Hall, Duncombe Place, n 1863 2nd Battalion, Fifty-eighth Regiment, Jersey, Channel Islands 1805 At Lisbon (Estremadura), Portugal 181 1 11 Hastings, Sussex 1813 Second Battalion Fifty-eighth Regiment 1814 Last return 1815. Erased in 1823. N.B. — Athol Lodge, No. 36, of 5 April 1813, was constituted under this Warrant, at Hastings, on 12 May 1813. Horn, High Street, White Hart, Bocking End, Last Register 1-^ June 1791. Braintree, Essex 1777 Boeking, Essex 1784 Lapsed about 1798. Blue Boar, Silver Street, Maldon, Essex 1802 Erased^ March 1828. Ninety-second Regiment 1805 At Weely Barracks, Colehester, Essex 1807 11 Canterbury, Kent 1810 In the Ninety-second Regiment 1813 Erased in 1832. Angel Inn, Angel Street, Neath, Glamorganshire 1777 Ship and Castle, The Parade, Neath 1784 Last Register ^^i■]. Lapsed about 1790. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1777 9 Feb. 1804 July 1777 Constituted 7 July 1777- Dispensation dated 20 June 1777, the date of first meeting. The Engraved Lists. however, have the date 26 April 1777, in error. Centenary Warrant, 10 July 1877. 26 March 1805 9 June 1777 12 Aug. 1802 8 April 1805 20 Sept. 1777 1770 503 504 505 506 1780 408 409 410 411 1781 409 410 411 412 1792 331 332 A 332 B 333 A 1814 1832 1863 331 422 423 287 236 332 424 425 333 426 201 i894 237 Name of Lodge. Indefatigable Lodge. Lodge of Harmony. Royal Marine Lodge. Impregnable Lodge. Places of Meeting. Plume of Feathers, Wind Stieet, Swansea, Glamorganshire Fountain Inn, Strand, Tiger Inn, n Mackworlh Arms, Wind Street, Camlnian Hotel, Buriows, Macliwortli Arms, Wind Street, Fountajn Inn, Strand, Bush^Inn, lligli Sti'eet, Assembly Ifooms, Cambrian Place, Cameion Arms, High Street, Bush Inn, n Cameron Arms, High Street, Camijrian Coffee House, Fisher Street, Mr. Young's, 55 Wind Street, Assembly Rooms, Cambrian Place, Mackworth Hotel, Wind Street, Masonic Hall, Caer Street, Swansea 1800 1805 1805 1810 1813 1816 1817 1817 1836 1840 1841 1846 1848 1849 1850 1871 1871 King's Arms, §t. Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands 1805' McDougald's Head, iMarket Place, Guernsey 1805 King's Arms, St. Peter Port, " 1806 Erased 3 June 1829. Island of NeviS, West Indies 1776 Erased in 1813. 2nd Battalion Eighteenth Royal Irish Regiment of Foot, Jersey, channel Islands 1806 At Island of Curagoa, West Indies 1808 ir Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire about 1809 " Warrant to be given up by order of the Commandant." Noted as " Wiihdraiim " in Ahima7i Reson 1813. Sixth or Inniskilling Regiment of Dragoons i777 Last payment 1804. Does not appear in Lists after 1813. See page 99. Golden Marine Inn, East StonehOUSe, Devonshire Marine Barracks, Barrack Street, East Stonehouse Golden Marine Inn, Gillett's Hotel, Buckingham Arms, Buckingham Place, Navy Inn, High Street, Golden Marine Inn, Buckingham Arms, Buckingham Place, Swan Inn, St. Andrew's Street, Commercial Inn, Newport Street, Erased i December 1830. Date of Warrant or Constitution. ' Sept. 1800 Warrant of Confirmation, 8 May 1805. Centenary Warrant, 25 Jan. 1878. 1808 1808 1809 1810 181I 1813 1813 1814 1815 1818 New Inn, Harnet Street, Sandwlch, Kent 1777 New Rose Inn, Strand Street, Sandwich 1786 Erased 13 April 1796, 26 26 Aug. 1805 28 Nov. 1776 18 Feb. 1806 1770 507 18 Dee. 1777 6 Sept. 1806 April 1808 1780 412 [781 413 508 413 1792 333 B 334 334 335 1K14 1832 1863 427 288 237 428 414 335 429 .1777 509 414 336 A 336 B 415 336 430 202 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Unity. Is called " Lodge of Amity " " Lodge of Unity " in Ahiman Rezon 1807. Lodge of Good Fellowship, Named in 1780, St. Peter's Lodge. Northumberland Lodge. Mariners' Lodge, Lodge of Independence. Places of Meeting. At Bi'o. Giiillard's Duke of York Tavern, Rohais Road, GxX&VnSBY, Chattnel Islands 1S06 Freemasons' Arms, St. Peter Port, Guernsey 1812 Erased 5 Ma.?'ch 1828. Messina (Sicily), Italy 1778 Was retain£d on English Register7tntil xZi-^, but must have died out in consequence of Rc°al Edict, circa 1783. White Lion, Church Street, Woolwich, London 1778 Bell, Bell Watergate, n n 1780 White Horse and Star, Lower Woolwich Road, Woolwich, n 1783 Erased i February 1786. Black Bull, Boroughlligh St., Southwark, London 1778 Erased 2 February 1785. 1st Battalion Fourteenth Regiment, Calcutta, Bengal, India 1807 First Battalion Fourteenth Regiment of Foot 1813 Erased, " Warrant returned," in 1832. Beehive, Marketplace, AlnWielC, Northumberland 1779 Private Room, Nag's Head, Fenkle Street, Alnwick 1789 Erased 5 March 1828. Crown Tavern, Leadenhall Street, White Bear, Basinghall Street, Erased 20 November 1782. London 1779 1781 Eleventh Light Dragoons, Cork, Cork, Ireland 1807 At Clonmel, Tlpperary, » 1808 M Dublin, Dublin, M 1809 II Weymouth, Dorsetshire 18 10 " Warrant returned by order of the Commandant." Cancelled 22 October 1810. Swan, Ratcliff Highway, London 1779 Porters, Cooper's Row, Tower Hill, n 1780 White Bear, Basinghall Street, 11 1 78 1 Saracen's Head, Camomile St., Bishopsgate St.,ii 1784 Seven Stars, Rosemary Lane, u 1785 Three Kings, Minories, n 1788 Vine Tavern, Broad Street, Ratcliff, m 1790 Erasedii April 1797. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 6 Sept. 1806 Constituted 25 Sept. t8o6. 12 May 1778 1778 25 Nov. 1778 9 June 1807 24 March 1779 1770 510 511 512 513 18 June 1779 11 July 1807 7 Aug. 1779 1780 415 416 417 418 514 419 420 515 [781 416 417 418 419 420 1792 1814 1832 1863 337 431 337 338 432 338 433 421 339 339 203 1 894 238 239 Name of Lodge. Pilgrim Lodge. special Jewel, Red Apron Lodge, ijo 1834.) Works in the German Language. Lodge of Harmony. Lodge of Fortitude. Lodge of Love and Unity. All Saints' Lodge. Friendly Lodge Called Trinity Lodge in Calendars 1814-16, No. 3 Provincial, 1816. Lodge of George, 1787- Lodge of St. George, 1792- Lodge of Friendship, Named in 1822. Places of Meeting. 2nd Battalion Thlrty-fouFth Regiment of Foot, Ceylon, East indies 1807 Warranted for Ceylon, but the Regiment could scarcely have been there, as the Warrant is endorsed " at Bandon, 25 Nov. 1807." At Bandon, Cork, Ireland 1807 M Clonmel, Tipperary, n 1807 II Jersey, Channel islands 1808 Second Battalion Thirty-fourth Regiment 18 13 Erased in 1832. Mitre Tavern, Fleet Street, London 1779 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, 1? 1780 Globe Tavern, Fleet Street, n 1788 New London Tavern, Cheapside, h 1789 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1 791 London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, n 1802 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1804 London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, 11 1816 George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, n 1824 Ship and Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall Street, h 185 i London Masonic Club, loi Queen Victoria St.,ri 1876 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, 11 1879 St. Heliers, Jersey, Channel islands 1809 Erasedy " Warrant returned " Nozemlier iZyz. Bell Inn, Week Street, Maidstone, Kent 1779 Haunch of Venison Inn, High Street, Maidstone 1805 Erased s H^arcii 1828. Private Room, Dover, Kent 1779 Chequers Inn, Dover 1786 Britannia Coffee House, m 1788 Erased j8 Ap7 il 1792. Private Room, RothbUFy, Northumberland 1779 Erased i February iy86. Kingston (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, West Indies 1809 Masons' Hall, Church Street, Kingston [ ] II Port Royal Street, n [ ] Freemasons' Hall, Harbour Street, n 1846 II Hanover Street, n 1857 First Regiment of Dragoon Guards Last payment xjt^z. Erased iniZiz- 1780 4th Garrison Battalion, Pier Barracks, Jersey, Channel Islands 1809 At George and Dragon, Jersey 18 10 I, Barracks, Amherst, Guernsey, C/«a«»f//j/3«rfj 1812 Lyme Packet, Quay Street, Guernsey 1822 Own Room, Le Marchant Street, ir 1824 Erased in 1832. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 15 Sept. 1807 25 Aug. 1779 Centenary Warrant, II March 1879. 31 Jan. 1809 26 Aug. 1779 1779 26 Oet. 1779 31 Jan. 1809 10 Jan. 1780 31 Aug. 1809 Warranted as u Civil Lodge, 19 May i8t6. 1770 1780 1781 1792 340 1814 434 1832 1S63 516 421 422 340 435 289 238 341 517 518 422 423 423 424 341 436 437 290 519 424 425 342 438 291 239 520 425 426 342 343 439 204 Name of Lodge. 240 St. Hild's Lodge. St. Hilda's Lodge, 1849. " Carned on regularly for a few years, but declined gradu- ally till the month of March 1785) when the Brethren ceased to meet." F. Mag. 1794. Neptune Lodge. 241 Merehants' Lodge. Phoenix Lodge of Honour and Prudence. No. 5 Gibraltar. Lodge of Liebau. Union Lodge, No. 1. Places of Meeting. Golden Lion Hotel, King Street, South Shields, Du7'hanL 1780 Freemasons' Arms, Market Place, South Shields 1794 Golden Lion Hotel, King Street, 11 1822 Hope Tavern, Bank Top, n 1822 Crown and Anchor, Commerce Street, n 1823 Golden Lion Hotel, King Street, n 1S24 Crown and Anchor, Commerce Street, n 1824 Golden Lion Hotel, King Street, n 1827 Central Hall, Chapter Row, n 1861 Freemasons' Hall, Fowler Street, m 1863 Freemasons' Hall, Ingham Street, ti 1884 Penang (Prince of Wales' Island) Malay Peninsula, East Indies Is stated to have become extinct in 1S19. Revived in 1825 and again dormant in 1846. Erased 4 June 1862. Golden I^ion, Dale Street, Liverpool, Lancashire Shakespeare Tavern, Sir Thomas' Buildings, Liverpool Star and Garter Tavern, Paradise Street, n Punch Bowl, King Street, n Nile Tavern, Marshall Street, n George Tavern, Upper Pitt Street, ir William the 4th Hotel, Williamson Square, it Concert Inn, Concert Street, Castle Inn, Clayton Square, Brunswick Hotel, Hanover Street, Wellington Hotel, Dale Street, Royal Hotel, 11 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, 1780 1787 1792 1809 1816 1822 1832 1836 1838 1839 1849 1851 Red Lion Hotel, Boscawen St., TrUFO, Cornwall 1780 Erased 13 February 1788. Fourth Battalion Royal AFtillery, Gibraltar (Malaga), Spain 1809 At Canterbury, Kent 1810 11 Sandwich, .. 1812 11 Sandgate, ti 1812 M King's Head, St. Mary's Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire 1812 Fourth Battalion Royal Artillery 1814 " .Vo. 5 Gib. sailed Xor Portugal 1812." G.L, Reg. Erased in 1827. Russia 1780 Joined National G.L. Liebau, Courland, Warranted by Prov. G.L. of Russia, J77S. Was kept on Register until 1813, hut cojild not have existed after prohibition by the Empress in 1794, or at most thejinat decree by Alexander in 1822. Island of Curagoa, Erased 4 June 1862. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 15 March 1780 Constituted 19 March 1780. Centenary Warrant, 25 Feb. i83o. 6 Sept. 1809 25 March 1780 Centenary Warrant, 12 March 1880. 1 Jan. 1779 In Prov. Warrant. Date in Grand Lodge is I Jan. 1780. 6 Nov. 1809 West Indies 1809 1770 1780 [781 1792 1814 1832 1863 521 426 427 343 440 292 240 344 441 293 522 427 428 344 442 294 241 523 428 429 345 443 1780 Naples (Naples), Italy 1780 Was on English Register until 1813, but probably died out, in consequence 0/ Royal Edicts, circa 1783. 1809 6 March 1780 524 429 430 345 346 444 295 525 430 431 346 205 242 243 Name of Lodge. Officers' Lodge. St. Michael's Lodge. Durham Faithful Lodge, Named in 1835. St. George's Lodge. Loyalty Lodge. Alfred Lodge. Lodge of Charity, Named in 1813. Lodge of Rural Friendship. Places of Meeting. Second Battalion Foupteenth Regiment, Fort William, Calcutta, Bfiigal, India 1810 Second Battalion Fourteenth Regiment 18 14 Blank in 1832 List, bui received the new minihcr, " Warrant returned 29 October 1832." Private Room, Alnwiek, Northiimberlatid 1 780 Erased 4 April 1798. Sixty-eighth Regiment Light Infantry, Gibraltar (Malaga), Spain 1810 At Hythe, Kent 1810 II Lewes, Sussex 181 1 rr Brabourne Lees Barracks, Kent 18:2 11 Duke's Head, Market Street, Hythe 181 3 Sixty-eighth Regiment 18 14 Krased in i B44. Red Lion [New Street], DoneaSter, Yorkshire 1780 Town Hall (Council Chamber), Doncaster 1782 School Room in the Churchyard, n 1797 Council Chamber, n 1800 New Town Hall, French Gate, ,. 1848 Victoria Rooms, n 1866 Town Hall, French Gate, m 1873 Masonic Rooms, Nether Hall Road, i> 1884 Private Room, Guernsey, channel Islands 1810 Cole's Hotel, Market Street, Guernsey 1828 Assembly Rooms, Market -Place, n 1844 Private Rooms, Victoria Road, n 1854 Masonic Hall, Court Place, n 1858 St. Julian's Hall, St. JuHan's Avenue, n 1882 Masonic Temple, Le Marchant Street, n 1883 Swan and Talbot Inn, Low Street, Wetherby, Yorkshire 1781 Erased \-z April 1797. Jersey Division Royal Military Artificers, St. Hehers, Jersey, Channel Islands 18 10 Freemasons' Tavern, Peter St., St. Hehers, Jersey 1813 Green Dragon, ti n 1817 Deal's Hotel, " " 1818 Erased 5 March 1828. See page 206. See page 206. Angel Tavern, Upper Fore St., Edmonton, London 1780 Long Room, Well Walk, Hampstead, Rouelle's Tavern, Chelsea, Bedford Coffee House, Covent Garden, United with " Lodge of the Nine Muses" No. o/z^ March ^tj'j'\, in 1796. 1, 1788 If 1790 1' 1794 330 [No. 502 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1780 1781 1792 6 July 1810 347 1814 445 1S32 296 1863 1780 22 June 1810 431 432 347 348 446 297 11 July 1780 Constituted 4 July 1780 (Lo, History). Centenary Wairant, 16 Aug. 1880. 432 433 348 447 298 242 18 Aug. 1810 349 448 299 243 23 Dec. 1780 Constituted 3 Feb. 1781. 21 Aug. 1810 433 434 349 350 449 1780 1780 1780 434 435 436 435 350 206 1894 244 Name of Lodge. Veterans' Lodge, Named in 1814. [Rodney Lodge. Farmers' Lodge, 1812. Yapborough Lodge, 1857. Lodge of Friendship. St. George's Lodge, Named in 1830, Lodge of Reformation, 1781. Lodge of Moral Reform, Cape of Good Hope Lodge. Union Lodge, 1818. La Loggia della Verita. Places of Meeting. 1st Battalion Royal Veterans, Languaid Fort, HaPWieh, Essex 1810 At Three Cups Inn, Church Street, Harwich 1812 11 Wliite Hart Inn, George Street, u 1824 Erased in 1833. Bull and Sun Inn, Mytorgate, Kingston-upon- HuU, Yorkshire 17S1 Freemasons' Hall, Jlytongate, Kingston-upon-Hull 1800 Is blank in Calendars from 1831, but was assigned a new number in 1832. Last Meeting 8 December 1820. Erased 5 SepteinberiZ'^B. [Place unknowtt], Dalston, Erased 7 February 1787. Cumberland 1780 Prince of Wales, near the Church, Grouville, Jersey, Channel Islands 1812 Kent Coffee House, Market St., St. Heliers, Jersey 1832 Exeter Inn, Queen Street, n .1 1849 Queen'sAssembly Rooms, Belmont Rd.,M n 1852 Freemasons' Hall, Grove Place, n n 1853 Exeter Inn, Queen Street, n ^^ i860 Masonic Temple, Stopford Road, n m 1866 Private Room, rear of Castle Hotel, Dartmouth, Devonshire 1780 Erased 3 December 1851. 1st Battalion Fifth Regiment of Foot, Gibraltar (Malaga), Spain 1 812 At Fermoy, Cork, Ireland 1812 In the Fifth Regiment of Foot 1814 In the Fifth or Northumberland Fusileers 1836 Erased in 1862. Crown, Depiford, London Bricklayers' Arms, Flagon Row, Deptford, Bee Hive, n ir Gun Tavern, u Roman Eagle, Church Street, ir New Cross Tav., New Cross Road, New Cross, Erased -1, March 1830. 1781 I791 1794 1795 1810 1813 loth Battalion Royal Artillery, Cape Town, Cape Colony, South Africa 1812 Erased in 1851. Naples (Naples), Italy 1781 Was retained on English Ref;ister until iZi-i,, but probably died out (circa) 1783, in consequence of Royal Edicts. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 11 Oct. 1810 1781 1780 S Jan. 1812 1780 434 1781 436 437 1780 23 Jan. 1812 1781 10 Aug. 1812 Warrant of Confirmation, paid for 1825. 1781 435 1792 1814 [832 1863 351 450 300 351 451 301 438 439 352 353 352 452 302 244 353 453 454 303 304 455 354 456 305 440 354 207 1894. Name of Lodge. 245 Meehanies' Lodge. Hiram's Lodge. St. George's East York Militia Lodge. 246 Royal Union Lodge. Lodge of Science. Places of Meeting. Grapes Hotel, New Street, .St. Commercial Tavern, Albion Hotel, Turk's Head, I.e Motte Street, Freemasons' Hall, Grove Place, Masonic Hall, Museum Street, Masonic Temple, Stopford Road, Heliers, Jersey, Channel Islands St. Heliers, Jersey Three Lords, Minories, Three Kings, n Queen Elizabeth's Head, Whitechapel Road, Crown and Thistle, Tower Hill, Swan Tavern, .Swan Street, Minories, Sugar Loaf, Great St. Helen's, Ship Tavern, Leadenhall Street, Crown Tavern, Mitre Court, Aldgate, Crown, Little Duke's Place, Swan Tavern, Swan Street, Minories, Crown and Magpie Tavern, Whitechapel, New London Tavern, Cheapside, Ship Tavern, Leadenhall Street, Queen's Arms, Newgate Street, Queen's Arms, Cheapside, Erased i,'^ Warrant returned") 12 March 1832, 18.3 1816 183s 1840 1853 1857 1865 London 1781 1783 1785 1786 1787 1791 1796 1797 1797 1798 1802 1806 1813 1829 1831 3rd Company or loth Battalion Boyal ArtillePy [Capt. Adams' or loth Company], Gibraltar (Malaga), Spain 1813 At King's Head, St. Mary's Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire 1813 Tenth Battalion Royal Artillery 1814 Erased in 1821. Golden Ball, Toll Gavel, Beverley, Yorkshire the Head Quarters of the East Riding Regiment of York Militia 1782 Black Bull, Lairgate, Beverley 1792 At Beeeles, Suffolk iy<)i Erased 3 June 1829. King's Head Inn, Market Place, Cirencester, Gloucestershire Fleece Inn, High St., Cheltenham, Regent Hotel, Regent .Street, Wellington Hotel, High Street, Private Room, 8 Portland Street, Wellington Hotel, High Street, Regent Hotel, Regent Street, Masonic Hall, Portland Street, Lamb Hotel, High Street, Promenade Rooms, Regent Street, Brunswick Hotel, High Street, Plough Hotel, 11 Royal Hotel, n Freemasons' Hall, Portland Street, 18.3 1822 Cheltenham 1825 1827 1827 1827 1827 1830 1843 1843 1844 1848 1850 1854 [Place unknown'] Salisbury, Wiltshire 1782 Parade Coffee House, The Parade, Salisbury 1786 Spread Eagle Inn, ,, 1796 Erased 25 November 1801. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 29 April 1813 355 457 306 245 1781 441 355 458 16 July 1813 356 459 1782 Cons. 25 Feb. 1782. 442 356 460 29 July 1813 Warrant of Removal from D.P.G.M., 30 March 1822. 357 461 307 246 1782 443 357 208 247 248 249 Name of Lodge. Union Lodge. Old British and Ligurian Lodge. Sea Captains' Lodge. Volubian Lodge of Regularity and Reputation. Lodge of Chosen Friends. Mount Sinai Lodge. Places of Meeting. George Town, Demerara, British Guiana, South America 1 813 Freemasons' Hall, George Town, Demerara 1881 Genoa (Genoa), Italy 1782 Was kcfit 071 English R egisteruniil iZr-^, liiit prohahty ceased before 1805, when Genoa was annexed to France. Three Tuns, Corn Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire 17S2 This Lodge is a revival or continuation of No. 229 of 1753, erased in 1778, The Lodge continued working, and minutes are in existence of 1781. The Q.C. of 20 Nov. 1782, notes a payment for " Renewal of Constitution." See page 99. Bush Tavern, Corn Street, Bristol 1784 UnitedwHh'^ Lodge 0/ Hospitality " No, 296 {^No, 447 0/ 12 Augnst 1769J, 17 August 1788. [Place unknotaii'] Falmouth, Cornwall 1782 Erased 10 February 1790. Private Room, St. Pierre, Island of Martinique, West Indies 18 1 3 Erased in 1823, Warrant returned n6 lanuary 1^2^. St. John, Island of AntigUa, West Indies 1782 Last payment 1794. Was on Register down to 1813, but does not appear afterguards. True Love and Unity Private Room, King Stieet, Brixham, X'^rwzJ/^/rf 1782 Lodffe Freemasons' Plall, Bolton Street, Brixham 1801 ^ p. Church Street, „ 1886 Lodge of Peace, Joy, and Brotherly Love. Mariners' Lodge. King's Arms, Broad Street, Penryn, Cornwall 1782 Erased 10 February i8og. Mariner's Compass, Nevf Dock, Liverpool, Lancashire 17S3 Shakespear Tavem, Sir Thomas's Buildings, Liverpool 179° Mariner's Compass, New Dock, n 1792 Swan, Byrom Street, „ 1798 Shakespear Tavern, Sir Thomas's Buildings, n 1803 Nile Tavern, Marshall Street, ,1 1808 Trafalgar Inn, Dale Street, „ 1811 Original Fleece Inn, n „ 1812 Freemasons' Tavern, Sir Thomas's Buildings, n 1813 Friendship Tavern, „ ,, 1814 Union, Tavern, „ „ 1822 Grapes Inn, Hood Street, „ 1823 Circus Hotel, Christian Street, „ 1827 Star Inn, Williamson Square, „ 1828 Shakespear Tavern, Sir Thomas's Buildings, n 1837 Fleece, Old Hall Street, „ 1838 Crane Hotel, Vincent Street, „ 1839 York Hotel, Williamson Square, n 1841 Bear's Paw, Tichbonie Street, „ 1848 Quadrant Hotel, Lime Street, „ 1S50 Hanck's Buildings, 42 Duke Street, n 1855 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, n 1858 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1781 1792 ibi4 1832 28 July 1813 1782 358 462 308 1863 247 1782 444 445 358 1782 12 Oct. 1813 446 359 463 1782 20 Jan. 1782 Centenary Warrant, 9 Feb. 1882. 1782 1 March 1783 Centenary Warrant 28 July 1883. 447 448 449 450 359 360 361 362 464 465 309 248 466 310 249 [ 209 ] Name of Lodge. Minerva Lodge. Worked under Dispensation in 1782. Lodge of Good Intention. Union Lodge. Loyal Lodge. Apollo Lodge. Places of Meeting. Lodge of Placentia. Holmesdale Lodge of Freedom and Friendship. Harmonic Lodge. Royal Cumberland Lodge. Freemasons' Hall Medal (1786). African Lodge. Masons' Arms, Chapel Lane, Masonic Hall, Prince .Street, II Dagger Lane, Hull, Yorkshire 1782 Hull 1802 1, 1874 (Same Hall, but different entrance.) In the North or Second Regiment of Devon Militia, Globe Inn, St. Mary's Churchyard, Exeter, Devonshire 1783 2nd Devon Militia, Barnstaple, II 1783 /F<2.t '* adjourned to Crockemviell " under Nev} Warrajit in 1806. Crockernwell, near Exeter, Devonshire No payment after 1807. Erased in 1823. 806 Globe Inn [Freemasons' Arms], Cross Street, Barnstaple, Devo?ishire 1783 King's Arms Inn, High Street, Barnstaple 1798 Freemasons' Hall, Cross Street, n 1828 Assembly Rooms, Boutport Street, n 1843 Masonic Hall (Queen Anne's Walk), Castle Street, n 1868 Angel Yard, High Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire 1783 Parade Coffee House, The Parade, Salisbury 1789 Assembly Rooms, High Street, n 1812 Spread Eagle Inn, 11 1817 Erased 5 March T828. Placentia (Placentia), Newfoundland, North America 1784 Erased in 1813. Bell Inn, Bell Street, ReigatO, Surrey 1784 Erased 4 April 1798. Bush Inn, High Street, Dudley, Worcestershire 1784 Dudley Arms Hotel, Market Street, Dudley 1802 Talbot Inn, Wolverhampton Street, n 1816 Erased^ December 1827. Reinstated 1828. Commercial Inn, Wolverhampton Street, ti 1828 Saracen's Head [now Freemasons' Tavern], Stone Street, n 1832 Bear Inn, Union Street, Bath, Somersetshire 1784 United with No. 39 \_No. 113 ofii, May 1733], in 1786. Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. of America 1784 Lastpayment 1797. Erascdin 1813. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 15 Sept. 1783 Constituted 8 Oct. 1783. Centenary Warrant, 28 Sept. 1883. 1783 1 Feb. 1806 23 Aug. 1783 Cons. 23 Sept. 1783. Centenary Warrant, 24 July 1883. 1783 1781 451 452 453 454 1792 363 364 A 364 B 365 1814 1832 1863 467 311 250 468 469 312 251 366 470 1784 1784 23 July 1784 1784 458 455 456 457 29 Sept. 1784 367 368 369 471 313 252 459 370 27 210 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Truth. Raby Lodge. Royal Gloucester Lodge, Freemasons' Hall Medal (1786). Lodge of Concord, Named in 1789. Lodge of Concord. Loge La Parfaite Amitie. St. John's Lodge, No. 15 Provincial. Barry Lodge, No. 17 Provincial. Rainsford Lodge, No. 18 Provincial. Tyrian Lodge. Places of Meeting. Cricketers, Richmond Green, Richmond, London 1784 Crown, Richmond Road, Twickenham, Middlesex 1787 Cricketers, Richmond Green, Richmond, London 1793 Erased 5 March 1828. Raby Castle Inn, Main St., StaindFOp, Durham 1784 Erased 4 April 1798. Bell Inn, Southgate Street, Gloucester, Gloucestershire 1 785 Upper George Tavern, Westgate St., Gloucester 1802 Erased 3 December 1851. Old King's Arms, Fore Street, Plymouth Dock [now DeVOnpOPt], Devonshire 1784 Freemasons' Inn, Chapel St., East StonehOUSe, Devonshire 1799 Lapsed about 1800. Crown Inn, The Quay, IlfraCOmbe, Devonshire 1802 Sutton's Hotel, Market Street, Ilfracombe l8i2 Erased s March 1828. Avignon {Vaucluse, Comitat d'Avignon), Langitedoc^ France 1785 Probably identical with a Grand Orient "Loge La Parfaite Union," of 13 Feb. 1785. Cannot have existed as an English Lodge after the 1789 Revolution^ but was retained on Register until 1813. In the Block House, Miehilimacinac, subse- quently known as MackinaW [formerly in Canada'], Michigan, U.S. of America 1782 Erased in 1813. Thipty-foupth Regiment, Quebec, Lower Canada, Quebec 1783 At OsweStPy, Shropshire \1%%, ,1 Trumpet Inn, Mardol, Shpewsbupy, n T788 Erased in 1813. Fopty-fourth Regiment, Quebec, Lower Canada, Quebec Erased in 1813. Bunch of Grapes, Marketplace, DePby, Derbyshire George Inn, Sadler Gate, New Inn, Bridge Gate, George Inn, Sadler Gate, King's Arms Tavern, St. Mary's Gate, Talbot Inn, Iron Gate, Tiger and Commercial Inn, Corn Market, Talbot Inn, Iron Gate, Tiger Inn, Corn Market, Royal Hotel, Victoria Street, King's Head Hotel, Corn Market, Bell Hotel, Sadler Gate, St. James's Hotel, St. James's Street, Masonic Hall, Gower Street, Derby [784 178S 17S6 1823 1823 1825 1826 1832 1837 1838 1839 1863 1868 1872 1875 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 28 Oct. 1784 6 Nov. 1784 10 Jan. 1785 Cons. Jan. or Feb. 1785, by Dunckerley. 1 Aug. 1784 1802 16 Feb. 1785 1782 Prov. Warrant. Cons. 15 Nov. 1784. 1783 Prov. Warrant. Cons. 15 Nov. 1784. 12 Sept. 1784 Prov. Warrant. Cons. IS Nov. 1784. 26 Mapch 1785 Centenary Warrant, 26 March 1885. 1781 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 1792 1814 1832 1863 371 472 372 373 473 314 374 A 374 B 375 474 376 377 378 379 475 315 253 211 1 894 Name of Lodge. Loge L'Egalite. 254 Trinity Lodge. Temple Lodge. Lodge of Unanimity. 255 Lodge of Harmony. Freemasons* Hall Medal. (1786). Dormant many years prior to 1801. Lodge of St. George. Thanet Lodge. Lodge of Good Intent. Places of Meeting. Coach and Horses, Frith Street, Soho King's Head, Gerrard Street, n King's Arms, Grafton Street, n Coach and Horses, Frith Street, n London 1785 „ 1787 11 1790 „ 1791 United ivith^^ Ancient French Lodge,^' No. no \_No. 254 ^14 December 1754], in 1793. Harbour Grace (Conception), Newfoundland, North America 1785 Erased in 1813. Golden Lion, Butcher Row, Coventry, Warwickshire 1785 Bull and Anchor, Bishop Street, Coventry 1S04 Spotted Dog, Bull Ring, n 1806 The George, Little Park Street, n 1808 Castle Inn, Broadgate, n 1824 Craven Arms Hotel, High Street, n 1876 Plume of Feathers, Wine Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire 1785 Lamb Inn, Broadmead, Bristol 1785 Erased^ Febi~uary 1791. Swan Inn, Sadler Street, WellS, Somersetshire 1785 Private Room, ., Wells 1 791 White Hart Inn, 1, i' 1797 Mitre Inn, n n 1798 Erasedio February 1809. Toy Inn, Hampton Court, Middlesex 1785 Private Room, Hampton Court 1790 Toy Inn, n 1801 Red Lion Inn, Thames St., Hampton, Middlesex 1818 Greyhound, George Street, Richmond, London 1828 White Hart, Thames Street, Windsor, Berkshire 1785 Erased in 1813. Parade Hotel, The Parade, Margate, Kent 1785 Liverpool Arms, Charlotte Square, Margate 1826 Erased^ " Warrant surrendered" 12 May 1829. Ship Tavern, Leadenhall Street, London 1785 Crown and Anchor Tavern, Leadenhall Street, n 1S09 Ship Tavern, 11 n 1813 Black Bull, Chapel Street, Westminster, n 1818 Adam and Eve, Bowling Street, n n 1823 Old Chesterfield Arms, Shepherds' Market, Mayfair, n 1824 United to " St. James's Union Lodge" No, 299 ]^No, 239 (A) of^ March 1787], in 1826. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 6 April 1785 30 April 1785 4 May 1785 Centenary Warrant, z June 1885. 1786 30 May 1785 2 June 1785 Centenary Warrant, 3 June 1885. 5 July 1785 18 Aug. 1785 20 Aug. 1785 Warrant of Confirmation, 20 April 1822. 1781 469 1792 380 1814 1832 1863 470 471 381 382 476 316 254 472 473 383, 474 384 477 317 255 475 476 385 386 478 477 387 479 [ 212 ] Name of Lodge. Whitchurch Lodge. Lodge of Perfect Friendship Places of Meeting. 256 Lodge of Unions. 257 Industrious Lodge. Lodge of Independence, Lodge of Benevolence. St. Margaret's Lodge. Lodge of Friendship and Sincerity. Phoenix Lodge. White Lion, Watergate Street, WhitChUFCh, Shropshire 1785 Erased 1$ November 1801. Green Man, The Quay, Ipswieh, Suffolk 1785 Private Room, Carr Street, Ipswich 1786 King's Head, King Street, m 1789 liell Inn, Bell Lane (Stoke Hamlet), m 1807 United with ^^ St. Luke's Lodge," No. 393 [No. 309 (A) of 20 Oct. 1804], i^June 1820. Fox, Castle St., in the Park, Southwark, London 1785 Red Lion, Borough, South-n-ark, m i79° Spread Eagle, Pratt Street, Lambeth, n 1792 King's Arms, Bowling Street, Westminster, n 181 7 Two Chairmen, Davies Street, Berkeley Square, n 1823 Mandford Arms, Boston Street, Dorset Square, n 1827 Red Lion, Old Cavendish Street, Oxford Street,it 1828 The Crown, „ ,■ 11 1 829 Blue Posts, Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place, m 1830 Proctor's Hotel, Westminster Bridge Road, rt 1832 Turk's Head [Wright's Hotel], Strand, 11 1840 Westminster Hotel, Westminster Bridge Road, 1. 1842 Exeter Hall Hotel, Strand, 1. 1845 New Inn, Westminster Bridge Road, n 1847 George and Blue Boar, Holborn, ti 1848 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1851 Freemasons' Llall, n pi 1865 Castle and Falcon, Watergate Street, Chester, Cheshire 1785 Pied Bull Inn, Northgate Street, Chester 1803 Coach and Horses, 11 11 1816 Old Nag's Head, Foregate Street, n 1820 Erased 5 March 1828. Antelope Inn, Greenhill, ShePbome, Dorsetshire 1786 Erased ^ April 1798. Rose and Crown, Dartmouth Street, Westminster, London 1786 Erased 13 April 1796. Red Lion Inn, Church Lane, ShaftesbUPy, Dor.'^etshire 1786 Last payment 1816. Erased in 1828. George Tavern, 31 High Street, PoFtsmOUth, Hampshire 1786 Private Room (probably Blue Anchor), Portsmouth 1794 Fountain Tavern, 56 High Street, n 1800 George Hotel, 31 High Street, n 1814 King's Arms Inn, Grand Parade, n 1820 Private Room (late the Crown Inn), High St.,ii 1824 Masonic Rooms, 1 10 High Street, n 1841 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 25 Aug. 1785 23 Sept. 1785 6 Oet. 1785 The Warrant having been issued without a Date, the date of Con- stitution, 30 Oct. 1785, was subsequently in- serted in it. 6 Oct. 178s, is the date in G.L. Warrant Book. Centenary Warrant, 31 Oct. 1885. 1781 478 479 1792 388 389 1814 1832 1863 480 1785 Cons. 27 Dec. 1785. 31 March 1786 5 April 1786 3 May 1786 20 May 1786 Cons. 7 Feb. 1786. Centenary Warrant, 20 May 1886. 480 390 481 318 256 481 391 482 482 392 483 393 484 394 483 485 395 484 319 257 213 i894 Name of Lodge. Lodge of the Black Bear. St. John's Lodge. Carnatic Military Lodge, No. 2 Local. No. 2, Coast of Coromandel, 1790. Hiram's Lodge. Lodge of Good-Will. Lodge of Sincerity. Lodge of Harmony. Snowdon Lodge. Places of Meeting. City of HanOVeP (Hanovev), Genuaiiy 1786 Warranted 27 May 1774, by National G. L. of Germany at Berlin. Seceded to G. L. ofRatisbon, and re-warranted by it ig Feb. 1785. In May 1786 again constituted under England. Joined the Three Globes G.L. of Berlin in 1806. Returned to English Prov. G.L. of Hanover in iSog, but ceased to be English from 1828. Was erased from Register in 1813, but replaced in 1821 as No. *484-396, and was again erased in 1827. Now on Reg. of G.L. Royal York at Berlin. Golden Cross, High Street, BPOmSgPOVe, Worcestershi7'e 1786 Star and Garter, High Street, DroitWich, Worcestershire 1 802 Erased 6 February 1811. Areot (North Afcot), Vellore (North Arcot), Fort St. George, House in Puisewakum, Madras, India 1784 Madras 1790 Madras 1804 Madras 181 1 Erased in 1813, but united with " St. Andrew''s Lodge^'' No. t Local, under designation of ^'' St. Andrews Union Lodge " [No. 590 o/'i799], 13 /uljr 1814. 4th Brigade of Army, at Futty Ghur [FutehgUFh] (Allahabad), JV. IV. Provinces, India 1786 Prov. G.L. reported on 6 Feb. 1788, that this Lodge either never did work, or had then ceased to exist. Erased 12 February 1794. Gibraltar (Malaga), Spain 1786 Erased ifi 1813. Private Room, Braintree, Essex 1786 Bull, Church Street, Braintree 1788 Private Koom, n 1792 Erased (" Broke up "). Warrant returned 7 lune 1823. Buck i' th' Vine, Wallgate, Ring of Bells, Millgate, Royal Oak, m Wigan, Lancashire 1786 Wigan 1813 „ 1823 Erased 5 March 1828, but is stated to exist and work as a Spurious Lodge, meeting at the King's Head in the Market Place. Golden Lion, Moor Street, Ormsklrk, Lancashire 1786 The Ship, Moor Street, Ormskirk 1796 Talbot, Atighton Street, 11 1802 Swan Inn, Burscough Street, n 1809 Erased^ September 1838. The Sportsman, Castle Street, Carnarvon, Carnarvonshire Erased 10 February i8og. 1786 Date of iWarrant or Constitution. 24 May 1786 (Have met since 1774. G. L. Cat.) 11 July 1786 12 Oet. 1786 Cons. November T7S4. 4 Dee. 1786 22 Nov. 1786 3 Nov. 1786 The Warrant bears date 3 Nov. 1787, ap- parently an error. It is clearly 1786 in G.L. Warrant Book. 30 Nov. 1786 12 Dee. 1786 25 Dee. 1786 I78I 1792 1814 1832 1863 486 396 487 397 •• •• 488 398 •• •• 489 399 490 400 •• •• •• 491 401 485 ■• •• 492 402 486 •• 493 403 487 320 494 404 •• 214 i«94 258 Name of Lodge. Lodge of St. Charles, or Charles of the Rue-Wreath. Maekworth Lodge. St. Matthew's Lodge. Amphibious Lodge. Amphibious Lodge. Newtonian Lodge. Royal Navy Lodge. Lodge of Trade and Navigation. Lodge of Unity. Lodge of Unity. Places of Meeting. HildSburghaUSen, (Saxe-Meiningen), Germany 1787 Was kept on Register until 1813. Though warranted by England it acted from the first as an independent Grand Lodge, and is so still, owing allegiance to no Grand Lodge, but forming, with four others in Germany, the " Union of the Five Independent Lodges." YPlace utiknowii] Cowbridge, Glamorganshire 1787 Erased iS Aj>7-il 1792. George Inn, George Street, BartOn-upon- HumbeP, Lincolnshire 1787 Erased 3 December 1851. Marine Barracks, East StonehOUSe, Devonshire 1787 Is said to have been warranted 15 June 1786, and constituted at Suttling House, Marine Barracks, Stonehouse, 22 August J 786. Last Register T October I'j^i. L,apsed about iZoo, Shears Inn, Halifax Road, High Town, Yorkshire 1803 White Hart, Gomersal Lane, High Town 1809 Shears Inn, Halifax Road, ir 181 1 Bull's Head, Listing Lane, Little GomePSal, Yorkshire 1813 White Hart, Gomersal Lane, High ToWn 1816 Globe Inn, Huddersfield Road, Millbridge, Yorkshire 1824 Freemasons' Hall, Market St., Hecltmondwike, Yorkshire 1850 Elephant & Castle, High St., Knaresborough, Yorkshire 1785 Not in List until 1787. Erased 3 December 1851. Sea Horse Tavern, Sea Horse Street, GOSpOFt, Hampshire 1 787 Erased 12 February 1794. New Eagle and Child, High Street, Northwich, Cheshire 1786 Not in List until 1787. Erased 5 March T828. Three Crowns Inn, Bread Market Street, Lichfield, Staffordshi7-6 1787 Last Register 21 Sept. 1806. Lapsed about 1809. White Horse Inn, Town End, Longnor, Staffordshire 1811 Erased 3 June 1829. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 7 Feb. 1787 20 MaFeh 1787 20 March 1787 Cons. 21 Sept. 1787. 15 June 1787 2 May 1803 (Has the above Warrant of IS June 1787). 22 Jan. 1785 10 June 1787 5 Sept. 1786 24 July 1787 25 July 1811 1781 495 496 497 498 499 1792 405 406 407 A 407 B , 1814 1832 1863 488 321 408 500 501 502 409 410 411 A 411 B 490 491 492 322 258 323 [ 2IS ] i894 259 Name of Lodge. Prinee of Wales' Lodge. Royal Medal, from 1787. Red Apron Lodge f 1816). Garter-blue edging to Aprons worn by the Members. Lodge Astrea. Royal Denbigh Lodge. Lodge Absalom. Lodge of St. George. Lodge Emanuel. Lodge Ferdinande Caroline. Places of Meeting. Thatched House Tavern, St. James's St., London 1787 Star and Garter, Pall Mall, ,, 1789 Thatched House Tavern, St. James's Street, n 1802 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, fi 1831 Thatched House Tavern, St. James's Street, it 1842 Willis's Rooms, King Street, St. James's Square,ii 1842 Thatched House Tavern, St. James's Street, m 1843 Westminster Palace Hotel, Victoria Street, Westminster, n 1862 Willis's Rooms, King Street, St. James's Square, m 1865 Hotel Metropole, Northumberland Avenue, n 1891 Riga (IJvonia), Russia, with permission to assemble in the Duchy of CoUFland, Russia 1785 Warranted by English Prov. G.L. of Russia. Joined National G.L. in 1776. Must have been exthtguished by contitiand 0/ the Ejnpress in 1794, if then existing, but was not erased from English Register until 1813. [Constituted at] The Feathers, Chester, Cheshire 1787 Red Lion, Denbigh, Denbighshire 1787 Crown Inn, Hall Square, Denbigh 1788 Erased t February 1811. Hamburg [Free City] (Saxony), Germany 1786 Have met since 1740. G.L. Cal. Reconstituted by English Prov. G.L. of Hamburg on its revival in 1786. G.L. of Hamburg became independent in 1811. Retained on English Register nntil 1813. Now on Reg. of G.L. of Hamburg. .See No. 119, page 86. Hamburg [Free City] (Saxony), G.L. Cal. Germany 1786 Have met since 1743. Reconstituted by English Prov. G.L. of Hamburg on its revival in 1786. Erased in 1813. Now on Reg. of G.L. of Hamburg. See No. 128, page 88. Hamburg [Free City] (Saxony), Germany 1786 Have met since 1774. G.L. Cal. Constituted by Prov. G.L. of Hamburg when an inde- pendent Strict Observance G.L., and came under our jurisdiction on the revival of the English Prov. G.L. in 1786. Erased in 1813. Now on Reg. of G.L. of Hamburg. Hamburg [Free City] (Saxony), Germany 1786 Have met since T 776. G.L. Cal. Constituted by Prov. G.L. of Hamburg when an inde- pendent _ Strict Observance G.L., and came under our jurisdiction on the revival of the English Prov. G.L. in 1786. Erased in 1813. Now on Reg. of G.L. of Hamburg. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 20 Aug. 1787 Cons. 16 April 1787. Centenary Warrant, I January 1891. 1781 503 1792 412 1814 493 1832 324 1863 259 21 Aug. 1787 Cons. 4 Jan. 1785. 504 413 5 Aug. 1787 Cons. 6 Aug. 1787. 24 Aug. 1786 505 414 506 415 24 Aug. 1786 507 416 24 Aug. 1786 508 417 24 Aug. 1786 509 418 2l6 1894 Name of Lodge. 260 Lodge of Perfect. Harmony. Named in 1790. No. 3, Coast of Coromandel. 179°- Lodge of Social Friendship. No. 4, Coast of CoromandeL Lodge of the Roek, 1818. No. 5, Coast of CoromandeL Lodge of Social Friendship, Named in 1790. No. 6, Coast of Coromandel, to j8o6. No. 4 after that year. Prince of Wales' Lodge. Places of Meeting. Lodge of Hope. St. Paul's Lodge, No. 10 Provincial to 1785. No. 4, 1786-1797. Lodge of Unity. Coast of COFOmandel (Chingleput), Madras, India 1786 St. Thomas' Mount (Chingleput), Madras 1790 Masonic Hall, SePingapatam (Mysore Native State), Madras 1803 Erased in 1813. Coast of Coromandel (Chingleput), Madras, India 1787 Gaol Street, Black Town, Madras 1803 Dispossessed of its \Vnrra71t ajid suspended Au^. 1804. Triehinopoly (Trichinopoly), Madras, India 1816 Took the returned Warrant of " Perfect Harmony," No. 3, Coast of Coromandel. Avenue Road, Trichinopoly 1879 Coast of Coromandel (Chingleput), Madras, India 1787 Trichinopoly (Trichinopoly), Madras 1790 " Dormant " in 1806. JUrased in 1813. Coast of Coromandel (Chingleput), Madras, India 1787 St. Thomas' Mount (Chingleput), Madras 1790 Fort St. George, Madras 1820 Egmore Road, n 1848 Ceased to work about 1855. Erased 4 Iun£ 1862. White Lion, Lord Street, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire 1787 White Hart, Lord Street, Gainsborough 1793 Private Room, Jerrem's Buildings, Southolme, Gainsborough 1803 Lapsed. Became dormant, and Warrant purchased by Masons of Sleaford. Old White Hart, Southgate, SleafOFd, Lincolnshire i8lS Erased s March 1828. Montreal (Montreal), Lo-wer Canada, Quebec 1770 Not in List until 1787. Took an Athol Prov. G.L. Warrant, No. 12 Lower Canada, I May 1797. See No. 782 of 1814 enumeration. Lapsed in i-]^'] , Erased in i^i-^. N.B. — Lodges 515 to 521 were reported by the Prov. G.M. to G.L. on 24 October 1787, as having been constituted. Dates of Warrants were not sent. In the Regiment of Anholt-Zerbst, Quebec, Lower Canada, Quebec 1 780 Not in List until 1787. See above. Erased in 1813. Fort William Henry, (formerly in Canada), now in State of New York, U.S. 0/ America 1764 At the Head of Lake George, near present Town of Caldwell. Not in List until 1787. See above. Erased in 1813. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1786 1787 27 Dee. 1816 Warrant of Confirmationj 29 Sept. 1874. 1787 1787 28 Nov. 1787 Cons. 17 Dec. 1787. 1818 8 Nov. 1770 1781 1792 510 511 512 513 514 515 1780 1764 516 517 419 420 A 420 B 421 422 423 424 425 1814 1832 1863 494 325 260 495 326 496 A 496 B 426 [ 217 ] 1 894 Namb of Lodge. St. James' Lodge, No. 14 Ppovinelal. Select Lodge, No. 16 Provincial. New Oswegatchie Lodge, No. 7 Provincial. 261 St. John's Lodge, No. 19 Provincial. Pythagorean Lodge. Wiltshire Lodge. Lodge of Unanimity. Lodge of Unanimity and Sincerity, 1797. 262 Salopian Lodge. Places of Meeting. Cataraqui [now Kingston] (Frontenac), Upper Canada, Ontario 1787 Cataraqui appears on old maps as the name of Lake Ontario, and its outlet Iroauois River. Not in List until 17B7. See note on page 2t6. Lapsedin z-i^-i. Erased in i^i-i. Montreal (Montreal), Lower Canada, Quebec 1782 Not in List until 1787. See note on page 216. Lapsed in ij^2. Erased in zBi^. House of Adiel Sherwood, midway between Brock- ville and Sherwood, NeW Oswegatcllie [formerly in Canada], ElizabetiltOWn [now Broekville], (Leeds), New York, U.S. of America 1786 Not in List until 1787. See note on page 216. Warranted by P.G.M. CollinSj of Quebec, and known as the New Oswegatchie — the Indian term for the Elackwater Rivei at Ogdensburgh. Erased in 1813. Freemasons' Hall, Niagara, (Lincoln), Upper Canada, Ontario 1785 Not in List until 1787- See note on page 216. Masonic Hall, East End of Town, Niagara 179 1 Erased in 1813. Castle Tavern, Hill Street, Richmond, London 178S Erased 9 Aprit 1794. Black Swan, Market Place, DevizeS, Wiltshire 17 Erased 6 February 1811. Swan Inn, Ditton Street, Ilminstor, Somersetshire 1788 George Inn, North Street, Ilminster 1793 London Inn, East St., Taunton, Somersetshire 1797 Private Room, Mr. Bates', North Street, Taunton 1729 New Inn \unknowr{\, 11 1806 Market House, Market Place, m 1817 London Inn, East Street, u 1818 Sweet's Hotel, Castle Green, n 1834 Fackrell's Hotel, i. " 1840 Giles's Hotel, n " 1846 Clarke's Hotel, „ t, 1863 Masonic liall. The Crescent, 11 1879 The Fox, Princess St., Shrewsbury, Shropshire 1788 Trumpet Inn, Hill's Lane, Mardol, Shrewsbury 1801 - • ■ n 1813 II 1814 II 1814 1, 1816 M 1827 1835 II 1838 II 1840 II 1843 1857 1857 1859 Tl 1870 ,1 1887 It 1888 II 1892 Britannia Inn, Mardol, Unicorn Inn, Wj'le Cop, Raven and Bell, Wyle Cop, Crown Inn, St. Mary's Street, Fox Inn, Princess Street, Raven Inn, Castle Street, Lion Hotel, Wyle Cop, Masonic Hall, High Street, Raven and Bell Inn, Wyle Cop, Lion Hotel, Wyle Cop, Raven and Bell Inn, Wyle Cop, Raven Hotel, Castle Street, Lion Hotel, Wyle Cop, Music Plall, The Square, Vaughan's Mansion, College Hill, Music Hall, The Square, Date of Warrant or Constitution. 12 May 1787 Aug. 1782 1786 1785 23 Feb. 1788 1 March 1788 7 March 1788 Centenary Warrant, 7 May i888. I781 518 519 520 521 522 1792 427 428 429 430 431 523 432 524 13 May 1788 Cons. 10 Sept. 1788. Centenary Warrant, 14 May 1888. 1814 433 1832 1863 497 327 525 434 261 498 328 262 28 2l8 Name of Lodge. 263 Bank of England Lodge. A ^^ Masters' Lodge " 1802-13. 264 Lodge of Honour and Perseverance. Nelson of the Nile Lodge. Philanthropic Lodge. Dulce of York's Lodge. 265 The Milnes Lodge, 1788. Royal Yorkshire Lodge, 1788. Old Globe Lodge. Places of Meeting. Guildhall Coffee House, Gresham St., London 1788 Ship Tavern, Long Lane, Bemiondsey, n 1799 The Horns, Bermondsey Square, 11 1802 The Horns, Gutter Lane, Cheapside, ir 1817 Goose and Gridiron, St. Paul's Churchyard, n 1S20 Horn Tavern, Doctors' Commons, m 1821 Radley's Hotel, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, m 1832 The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, n 1871 Ship Inn, Market Place, CockermOUth, Cujnberland 1788 Lapsed about 1800. Black Bull Tnn, Commercial Road, Batlcy, Yorkshire 1801 Black Bull Inn, East Thorpe, Mirfleld, « 1816 Freemasons' Arms, Hopton, Mirfield 1818 Three Nuns' Inn, Huddersfield Road, m 1822 Bull and Butcher, Wellington Street, Batley 1832 Bridge Hotel, Carlinghow, Bradford Road, n 1843 Wilton Arms, Commercial Street, n 1845 Masonic Hall, Park Road, n 1866 Bull Inn, Hall Street, Melford, Suffolk 1788 Cock and Bell Inn, Hall Street, Melford 1796 Swan Inn, n n 1819 Cock and Bell Inn, n n 1837 Erased 3 December 1851. Black Boy Inn, French Gate, DoncasteP, Yorkshire 1788 White Bear Inn, Hall Gate, Doncaster 1793 King's Arms, St. Sepulchre Gate, n 1804 Elm Tree, Main Street, Bingley, Yorkshire 1807 Erased ^ Dec. 1822. Subsequently reinstated. Erased again 5 March 1828. DevonshireArms,ChurchSt.,Keighley, Yorkshire 1788 Lord Rodney, Church Street, Keighley 1801 Private Room, Rodney Yard, ir 1836 Freemasons' Hall, Church Street, u 1862 Private Room, n n 1865 11 Cook Lane, it 1868 Masonic Hall, Low Street, m 1873 Masonic Hall, Hanover Street, 11 1875 Old Globe Inn, Globe Street, Scarborough, YorJishire : In consequence of the Prov. G.L. demanding dues, the members appeared to have ceased to work under this Warrant and to have taken one under the " Ancients." See No. 267 (A) of 5 March 1791 (page 176). Made no returns after 1791, andwas erased to April 1799. Appears to have had the number 504 assigned to it, in error, in 1814. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 24 June 1788 1781 526 1792 435 1814 499 1832 329 1863 263 5 July 1788 527 27 l«ay 1801 436 A 436 B 500 330 264 1 Aug. 1788 528 437 501 331 23 Aug. 1788 Cons. 9 Aug. 1788. 529 438 502 23 Aug. 1788 Cons. 9 Aug. 17S8. Centenary Warvantj 22 Aug. 1888. 530 439 503 332 265 23 Aug. 1788 Cons. IS Feb. 1788. 531 440 504 219 Name of Lodge. 266 Lodge of Napthali. 267 268 269 Lodge of Unity. Lodge of Union, Named in 1792. Lodge of Fidelity. Egerton Lodge. Places of Meeting. Spread Eagle, Chapel St., SalfOPd, Lancashire Red Lion, Chapel Stieet, Salford New Market Inn, Smithfield Market, Manchester, Lancashire Crown Inn, Booth St., Fountain St., Manchester Dog Tavern, Deansgate, ti The Volunteer, Union Square, BuFy, Lancashire Hope and Anchor, Bolton Street, Bury Masons' Arms, Whitefleld, near Manchester, Lancashire Bridge Inn, Heap Bridge, near Bury, L.ancashire Brunswick Hotel, Bridge St., HeyWOOd, n Private Room, York Street, Heywood Masonic Rooms, Church Street, n iMasonic Rooms, Market Place, n Navigation Inn, Manchester Street, n Freemasons' Arms Hotel, Market Place, 11 Dog Tavern, Deansgate, Manchester, Lancashire Royal Oak, Market Street Lane, Manchester Falstaff Tavern, Market Place, n Trumpet Tavern, Back Square, n Trumpet Tavern, Shude Hill, n Dog and Partridge, Deansgate, n Queen's Arms, Chapel Street, Salford, Lancashire 1791 1792 1S03 1816 1830 ■833 1842 1858 1867 1872 1874 1879 Manchester White Lion, Deansgate, Boar's Head, Hyde Cross, Wheatsheaf, Angel Street, Crown, Deansgate, Dog Inn, Deansgate, n Freemasons' Tavern, Bridge Street, n Macclesfield Arms Hotel, Jordan Gate, Maeclesfleld, Cheshire Hulme, Lancashire Manchester i7»S 1790 1797 1801 1804 l8l2 i8j6 1826 1831 1836 1839 1841 1843 1844 Elackmoor's Head, Old Churchyard, Manchester, Lancashire 1788 St. John's Tavern, Smithy Door, Manchester 1792 Crown and Thistle, Old Churchyard, n 1803 Falstaff Tavern, Market Place, i. 1807 Dog Tavern, Deansgate, n 1813 Bush Inn, 11 n 1817 North British Volunteer, n n 1819 Devonshire Arms, Newhouse Hill, MellOF, Derbyshire 1822 Wellington Arms, Mellor Moor End, Mellor 1834 Duke of Sussex, ip n 1838 Shuttle Inn, Compstall Bridge, LudWOFth, Derbyshire 1840 Queen's Arms Inn, George St., AshtOn-Under- Lyne, Lancashire i860 Thorn Inn, St. James' Street, Burnley, Lancashire 1788 Britannia Inn, Lord Street, Blackburn, " 1837 Angel Inn, King Street, Blackburn 1849 White Bull Hotel, Church Street, 1, 1872 Old Bull Hotel, 1, n 1881 Coach and Horses, High Street, Whitchurch, Shropshire 1789 Red Lion Inn, High Street, Whitchurch 1793 Erased 23 November 1801. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1781 1792 1814 1832 22 Sept. 1788 Cons. 22 Sept. 1788. 532 441 505 333 1863 266 26 Sept. 1788 533 442 506 334 267 27 Sept. 1788 Centenary Warrant, 22 Nov. 1888. 534 443 507 335 268 30 Sept. 1788 Cons. 2 Oct. 1788. Centenary Warrant, 29 Sept. 1888. 535 444 508 336 269 1 Jan. 1789 536 445 Xame of Lodge. Lodge of Unity. St. John's Lodge of Secrecy and Harmony. Country Stewards' Lodge. Lodge of Faith and Friendship. Koyal Lodge of Faith and Friendship, iSoS. New Brunswicli Lodge. Cambrian Lodge. Royal Clarence Lodge. Lodge of Harmony. Lodge of Harmony. Places of Meeting. Beneficent Lodge. Star and Garter, Pall Mall, London 17S9 It is noted that the Warrant for this Lodge wa-^ not mads out until February' 1792. Erased 12 Fehruary 1800. DantziC (West Prussia), Germany 17S9 Seceded from English Rule 8 March 1790. U"ij, hayiiieni 1825. Ej-ased in 1832. White Hart Tavern, Holborn, London 1790 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, „ 1791 Unitedwith " Lodge of Antiquity " No i [T*./., No. 1 of the Four Old Lodges^, in 1794. Dolphin Inn, West Street, Chichester, Sussex 1790 Lapsed before 1800. Fountain Inn [now Bridge Inn] (Entrance to Bridge), Shoreham, Sussex iSoo No payment after 1825. Erased in 1832. George Hotel, Marketplace, Frome, Somersetshire 1 790 Erased 5 September 1838. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 6 Nov. 1789 Warrant of Confirmation, 18 Jan. 1839. Centenary Warrant, 7 Nov. 1889. 1 Dee. 1789 Centenary Warrant, 2 Jan. 1890. 22 Aug. 1789 Cons. 2 Sept. 1789. Centenary Warrant, 22 Aug. 1889. 8 March 1789 15 Dee. 1789 Warrants of Confirma- tion in 1817 and 8 Dec. 1825. Centenary Warrant, 2 May 1892. 5 Feb. 1790 1816 Warrant of Confirmation II March 1824. March 1790 11 May 1790 Nov. 1800 2 June 1790 Warrant of Confirmation, 23 Sept. 1822. 1781 552 553 554 1792 461 462 555 556 557 1814 517 518 463 519 344 1832 1863 342 275 343 464 465 466 558 659 560 520 345 276 277 278 521 A 467 468 A 468 B 469 521 B 522 523 346 223 Name of Lodge. Corinthian Lodge. 279 St. John's Lodge. Lodge Apchiraedes of the Three Tracing Boards. Lodge of the Three Arrows. Lodge of Constancy. Lodge of the Rising Sun. Lodge of the Temple of True Concord. Places of Meeting. Wing Tavern, Part of Old Town Hall, Newapk- upon-Trent, NoUingham shire 1790 Rutland Arms, Barnby Gate, Newark-upon-Trent 1791 Ram Inn, Castle Gate, n '794 Last /taytneitt i&^^. Erased in 1851. Lion and Dolphin, Market Place, Leicester, Leicestershire 1790 1801 1810 1816 1817 1821 Three Cranes Inn, Gallowtree Gate, Leicester \Yhite Si\an Inn, Market Place, n Three Cranes Inn, Gallowtree Gate, n George Inn, Haymarket, n Bell Hotel, Humberstone Gate, n Lodge met (by Dispensation) [to lay foundation stone of a church] at Queen's Head Inn, Coleorton, 5 July 1825. Freemasons' Hall, Halford Street, Leicester 1859 AltenbUPg' (Saxe-Altenburg), Germany 1789 Constituted 3T January 1742, by Lodge Minerva of the Three Palms, Leipzig. Joined the National Grand Lodge in Berlin in 1755, resumed independence in 1785, joined the Frankfort Grand Lodge in 1788, and on the revival of the English Prov. G.L., came under English rule in 1789. Resumed its independence in 1793. Was retained on English Register until 1813. Is now owing allegiance to no Grand Lodge, but forms with four others in Germany, the " Union of the Five Independent Lodges. " NuFnbeFg' (Bavaria), Gervwny 1790 Constituted 12 March 1790, by Prov. G.L. of Frankfort. Was erased in 1813, hut did not leave our jurisdictio/i until 1823. Was apparently replaced on the Roll in 1815. See No. 671 of that year. Is still a Member of the G.L. of Eclectic Union of Frankfort. AiX-la-Chapelle (Rhenish Prussia), Germany 1789 Warranted 15 Sept. 1778, by Strict Observance Lodge of Wetzlar, joined Frankfort in 1783, and was registered in 1789, by the revived Prov. G. L. of Frankfort. Suspendedin 1794. Re-constituted by G. Orient of France in 1799, when it should have been dropped from English Register, butwas not erased until 1813. On 5 May 1814, amalgamated with Lodge "Concord" (warranted by G. Orient of France, 3 August 1799), under Ihenameof" Constancy and Concord," and, on the cession of Aix-la-Chapelle to Prussia, affiliated with the G.L. of the Three Globes, Berlin, 7 March 1816, under which G.L. it still works. Kempten (Swabia), Germany 1789 Constituted i Jan. 1787, by G.L. of Frankfort. Came under English rule with the revived Prov. G. L. of Frankfort in 1789. Died out during the French War^ circa 1793, hut was tiot erased until 1813. Cassel (Hesse-Cassel), Germany 1789 Constituted by G.L. of Frankfort, 6 Nov. 1784. Retjistered under England in 1789. Closed by Electoral Decree against Freemasonry in 1794. Was kept on English Register until 1813. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 5 June 1790 31 Aug. 1790 Cons. II Nov. 1790. Warrant of Confirmation, 26 April 1820. Centenary Warrant, 30 Aug. 1890. 1789 12 March 1790 1789 1789 1789 1781 561 1792 470 1814 524 1832 347 1863 562 471 525 348 279 563 472 564 473 565 474 566 475 567 476 [ 224 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1781 1792 1814 1832 1863 Lodge Charles of Unity. Carlsruhe (Baden), Germany Constituted on 13 May 1785, by the Eclectic and Frankfort Lodge of same name at Mannheim. Warranted by G.L. of Frankfort (Eclectic Union), 26 Oct. 1786. Registered in London, on revival of Prov. G.L. of Frankfort, in 1789. In i8og became the quasi G.L. of Baden, and was closed by decree of the Grand Duke of Baden, in 1813. Erased/rovi English Register in 1813. 1789 1789 568 477 Lodge of Perfect Equality, Creyfeld (Rhenish Prussia), Germany 1789 1789 569 478 or, Lodge of Aurora of Constituted by G.L. of Frankfort, 9 Nov. 1788. Registered Perfect Equality. under England in 1789. Re-constituted by G. Orient of France in 1806, and died out in 1818. It retnained on our Register until 1813. Lodge Astrea of the Ulm (Wurtemberg), Germany 1790 14 June 1790 570 479 , , Three Elms. Closed by Edict of King of Wurtemburg, loDec. 1810. Erased/rom Register in 1813. Lodge St. Charles of the Ratisbon (Bavaria), Germany 1790 1790 571 480 Red Tower. Its existence is believed to have been of very short duration. There are no traces even of its having ever existed. Was retained on English List until 1813. Lodge Solid Friendship. Triehinopoly (Trichinopoly), Madras, India 1789 1790 572 481 No. 7 Coast of Coromandel. St. Thomas' Mount (Chingleput), Madras Ceased to work about 1798. Erased in 1813. 1794 Cons. 6 July 1789. Lodge of Benevolence, Red Lion, Heaton Lane, Stoekport, Cheshire 1790 21 Sept. 1790 573 482 Named in 1793. Erased g April 1800. 280 Worcester Lodge. Rein Deer Inn, Meal Cheapen Street, Worcester, Worcestershire 1790 9 Oct. 1790 574 483 526 349 280 Star and Garter, Foregate Street, Worcester 1797 Interim Warrant, Rein Deer Tavern, Meal Cheapen Street, n 1 801 2 Oct. 1790. Masonic Hall, Bell Hotel, Broad Street, n 1842 Cons. 19 May 1791. Masonic Hall, 95 High Street, „ 1876 Centenary Warrant, 9 Oct. 1890. 281 Lodge of Fortitude. Golden Shovel, Penny Street, Lancaster, Lancashire 1790 13 Nov. 1789 575 484 527 350 281 White Horse, Church Street, Lancaster 1807 A Provincial Warrant, White Lion, Penny Street, n 1816 which bears the number Bro. Seward's Private Room, Sun Street, h 1824 559- Golden Shovel, Penny Street, if 1825 Centenary Warrant, White Lion, n „ 1S3I 13 Nov. 1889. Freemasons' Arms, 11 „ 1836 Sun Inn, Church Street, n 1838 Old Sir Simon's Hotel, Market Street, „ 1849 Royal Oak Hotel, n „ 1855 Assembly Rooms, King Street, ti 1859 Masonic Rooms, Athenreum, St. Leonard's Gate, 11 1861 Masonic Hall [formerly Queen's Head], Church Street, „ 1885 Silurian Lodge. Sun Inn, Duke Street, Kington, Herefordshire King's Head Inn, Church Street, Kington About i8oT the Lodge separated, and divided the funds amongst its members. The Lodge furniture was sold in the year 1804 by the Treasurer to a person in Ludlow for ;^22 los. od. Lapsed about 1801. 179I 1794 25 Jan. 1791 Cons. ID March 1791. 576 485 A •• •• [ 225 ] i894 Name of Lodge. 282 283 Mercian Lodge. Lodge of Friendship. Bedford Lodge. Lodge of Amity. Places of Meeting. Lodge of the Silent Temple. Doric Lodge. St. John's Lodge. Shakespeare Lodge. Angel Inn, Broad Street, LudloW, Shropshire 1805 Erased in 1832. GibraltaF (Malaga), Spain 1791 Last payment 1800. Erased in 1813. Duke of Bedford's House [now site of Bedford Hotel], Bedford Square, TaviStOCk, Devonshire 1791 King's Arms, Market Street, Tavistock 1791 Private Room, St. Matthew's Street, n 1799 King's Arms, Market Street, ,1 1809 Private Room, St. Matthew's Street, .1 1816 Exeter Inn, Lower Back Street, n 1825 Bedford Hotel, Bedford Square, 1? 1849 The Abbey, Bedford Square, n 1853 Masonic Hall, 84 West Street, n 1894 White Swan Inn, Yorkshire Street, Rochdale, Lancashire 1 791 New Inn, Bury Road, Haslingden, n 1817 Private Room, High Street, Haslingden 1819 Bull's Head Inn, Church Street, n 1823 Swan Hotel, Market Place, n 1873 Grey Mare Hotel, Regent Street, „ 1889 Aberystwith, Cardiganshire 1791 Erased 12 April 1797. Hildesheim (Hanover), Germany 1791 Warranted by Prov. G.L. of Hanover in 1791, and seceded to G.L. of the Three Globes, Berlin, in 1802, and has never been under English jurisdiction since. // was revKnjed front Register in 1813, but reinstated in 1821, as No. *530-490. Was finally erased in 1826. Now (and .since 1868) on Reg. of G.L. Royal York. George Inn, High St. Ship Inn, Watergate, Grantham, Lincolnshire 1 79 1 Grantham 1794 George and Dragon Tavern, Weaman St., White Horse, Steelhouse Lane, The Chapel, Great Charles Street, Freemasons' Tavern, Steelhouse Lane, Erased in 1837. 29 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 19 Feb. 1805 13 April 1791 10 Aug. 1791 Cons. 2T Sept. 1791. Warrant of Confirmation. 14 July 1839. The Doric Lodge at Grantham was era.<;ed from the list^ of Provincial Lodges by command of the Prov. G.M. for having ceased to meet or refused to comply with the laws of the Prov. G.L. — P.G.L. Minutes, 13 June 1796. The erasure was advertised in the Stam/ord Mej-cury, 23 May 1796. Erased by G.L. 4 April 1798. The Talbot, Henley-in-APden, Warwickshire 1791 Lapsed about 1804- St. George's Tavern, High Street, Birmingham, Warwickshire 1811 Shakespeare Tavern, New Street, Birmingham 1814 1815 1818 1820 1823 10 June 1791 Centenary Warrant, 9 June 1 891. 29 Sept. 1791 1791 1781 577 578 579 580 1792 485 B 486 487 488 489 1814 1832 1863 528 529 351 282 530 352 283 581 490 1 Oct. 1791 Cons. 13 Oct. 1791. 15 Oct. 1791 14 Jan. 1811 582 530 * 491 583 492 A 492 B 531 353 226 1 894 Name of Lodge. Loyal and Prudent Lodge. Lodge of Love and Harmony. Places of Meeting. North Nottinghamshire Lodge. Phoenix Lodge. Phcenix Lodge. Lodge of St. George. Rawdon Lodge. Faithful Lodge. Lodge of Prudence. [Place unknown] Leeds, Yorkshire 1790 Star and Garter Inn, Call Lane, Leeds 1797 Golden Lion Inn, Briggate, n 1820 House of Bro. Scarborough, Bishopgate Street,ii 1825 Last Mimlies 14 Oct. 1825. Last payment 1826. Erasedin 1832. Bridgetown, Island of Barbados, West indies 1791 Constituted as a Stewards' Lodge. Erased in 1813. Bulam, West Coast of Africa 1792 Erased 171 1813. White Hart Inn, The Square, RetfOPd, Nottinghamshire 1792 Old Town Hall, The Square, Retford 1793 Crown Inn, Chapel Gate, n 1797 Last Register 9 Aug. 1793. Lapsed about 1803. King's Head, Carlton Road, Worksop, Nottinghamshire 1 804 Lapsed about 1808. Crown Inn, Moorgate St., RotheFham, Yorkshire 180S College Inn, College Street, Rotherham 1822 Erased 5 September 1838. White Swan, Liddell Street, NOPth Shields, Northumberland 1792 Commercial Hotel, Howard Street, North Shields 1825 Erased in 1834. Between the Lakes [Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron], met in Log House, King Street, opposite Princes Street, YOPk [now TOFOntO], (York), Upper Canada, Ontario 1790 Lapsed lEoo. Erased in i8ij. Becatne in 1800 No. 13 on Reg. of Montreal and Three Rivers. Bideford, Newfoundland Inn, Quay, Erased in 1823. Devonshire 1792 Bideford i8oi Three Tuns, Market Hill, HalOSWOPth, Suffolk 1792 Erased 4 April 1798. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 19 Mareli 1790 1791 25 Feb. 1792 21 March 1792 1804 22 July 1808 7 April 1792 15 June 1792 Dispensation 1790. 23 April 1792 Cons. 23 May 1792. 23 July 1792 I78I 1792 1814 1832 1863 584 493 532 •• ■• 585 494 ■• 586 495 •• •■ •• 587 496 A 496 B •• 496 c 533 354 ■• 588 497 498 499 500 534 535 355 ■■ 227 l894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1792 1814 1832 1863 284 Shakespeare Lodge, Little White Swan, Upper Market, St. Peter's Mancroft, Named in 1797. Norwich, Norfolk 1792 Two Necked Swan, Market Place, St. Peter's Mancroft, Norwich 1792 Man and Moon, Dake Street, St. Mary's, n 1796 Chequers, All Saints' Green, n 1796 In ■war'wiekshire Regiment of Militia 1797 28 July 1792 Centenary Warrant, 28 July 1892. 501 536 356 284 At Gravesend, Kent 1797 H Chelmsford, Essex 1799 11 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland 1800 11 Drogheda, Louth, Ireland 1800 11 Colchester, Essex 1800 II Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk iSoo M Huntingdon, Huntingdonshire 1800 II Stilton, II 1800 II Norman Cross, n 1800 II Ips'wieh, Suffolk 1801 II Colchester, Essex 1802 II Warwick, Wanvickshire 1808 Griffin Inn, Corn Market, Warwick 1808 Bull's Head Inn, West Street, Westgate, 11 1830 Warwick Aims Hotel, High Street, n 1849 Masonic Rooms, High Street, n 1862 285 Lodge of Love and Honour. Bell Inn, Market Place, Shepton Mallet, Somersetshire 1792 George Inn, 11 Shepton Mallet 1805 Bell Inn, n " 1814 George Inn, h " 1819 Crown Inn, Longbridge, 11 1819 George Inn, Market Place, n 1824 . Crown Inn, Longbridge, n 1828 George Inn, Market Place, " 1834 Black Swan, m " 1837 Private Room, Castle Court, n 1837 Private Room, High Street, n 1841 George and Black Swan, Market Place, „ 1843 Freemasons' Hall (part of Hotel), Market Place, „ 1845 4 June 1792 Cons. 9 Oct. 1792. Centenary Warrant, 25 July 1892. 502 537 357 285 Royal Gloucester Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, East St., Southampton, Hampshire 1792 Is stated to have worked also under an Ancient Warrant No. 174 (A), see page 135. It " agreed to drop the Modern Constitution, 27 June 1798," but was retained on the Roll, taking a new number and name at the *' Union." It was not removedfro7n tlie List until 1822. 5 Aug. 1792 Cons. 17 Sept. 1792, by Dunckerley. 503 538 •• •• 286 Samaritan Lodge. Devonshire Arms, Church Street, Keighley, Yorkshire 1792 House of Bro. C. Tatham, Keighley 1799 Red Lion Inn, Manchester Road, Accrlngton, Lancashire 1814 Green Man Inn, Yorkshire Street, Bacup, n 1837 4 July 1792 Centenary Warrant, 4 July 1892. 504 539 358 286 Philanthropic Lodge. Red Lion, High Street, Sklpton, Yorkshire 1792 Devonshire Arms, High Street, Skipton 1794 Hole-in-the-Wall, n " 1802 Erased 3 December 1851. 11 July 1792 505 540 359 •• Lodge of the Three Graces. Seven Stars, Main Street, Barnoldswick-in-Craven, Yorkshire 1792 25 Sept. 1792 506 VIA %Al\^\^*Ju Lapsed about i8oz. A Lodge of the Three Black Bull Inn, Main Street, HaWOrth, Yorkshire 1806 7 July 1806 506 541 Graces. King's Arms, u Haworth 1821 Erased 4 December 1822. B 228 i894 Name of Lodge. Bermuda Lodge. 287 Noah's Ark Lodge. Beneficent Lodge. Lodge of Unanimity, 1792. Places of Meeting. Urania Lodge. St. James' Lodge. Apollo Lodge. 288 Lodge of Harmony. 289 Lodge of Fidelity. Masons' Hall, Somerset Bridge, St. George's Island, Bermudas, iVest Indies 1793 Somerset, Somerset Island, Bermudas 1797 Being under the " Moderns " the Lodge was not recognised by the other Bermuda Lodges. The Members therefore applied for and obtained an " Ancient " Warrant, No. 324 (A) of 28 Sept. t8oi, and ceased working under the older one, but was not erased fro7n List until 1813. Canal Coffee House, Middlewich, Cheshire 1792 King's Arms, High Street, Middlewich 1797 Erased ^ Decembe? 1851. Stoekport, Cheshire Stockport The Sun, Market Place, The Anchor, Park Street, King's Head, Teviotdale, Pack Horse Inn, Market Place, Neptune Inn, Mersey Street, Castle Inn, Market Place, Grove Inn, Lord Street, Dog and Partridge Inn, Church Gate, Wellington Bridge Inn, Wellington Road, Dog and Partridge Inn, Church Gate, White Lion Hotel, Great Under bank, Mechanics' Institute, Wellington Road [Centenary], White Lion Hotel, Great Underbank, 1791 1791 1794 1794 1832 1834 1S41 1842 1847 1852 1885 1892 1892 Angel Inn, Glanford Brigg [now Brigg], Lincolnshire 1792 Lapsed about 1801. New King's Head Hotel, Mercer Row, Louth, Lincolnshire 1803 Lapsed about 1809. Freemasons' Tavern, Victoria Street, Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire I Si I The Louth Warrant was purchased by Grimsby Masons for £i los. Freemasons' Hall, Lower Burgess Street, Great Grimsby 1813 Masonic Hall, Bull Ring Lane, „ 1829 Last payvte7it 1829. Warrant returned in 1834. Erased in 1835. The Angel Inn, Yorkshire Street, BaCUp, Lancashire 1792 Black Dog Inn, Church Street, Newehurell, n 1795 Black Dog, Town Gate, Haslingden, u 1804 New Inn, Bury Road, Haslingden 1805 Private Room, „ 1808 White Hart Inn, Old Market Place, Todmorden, Lancashire 1817 Masonic Hall, Old Market Place, Todmorden 1862 Old George Inn, Briggate, Leeds, Yorkshire 1792 Private Room, Bro, White's, Kirkgate, Leeds 1794 Bro. Hodgson's Academy, Upperhead Row, „ 1794 White Horse Inn, Boar Lane, „ 1795 Old George Inn, Briggate, „ 1798 Saddle Inn, Briggate, „ 1802 Old Fleece Inn, Briggate, „ 1803 Old Crown Inn, Kirkgate, „ 1813 Star and Garter, Call Lane, „ 1819 Masonic Hall, Sterne's Buildings, „ 1821 II Park Cross Street, „ 1850 11 Great George Street, ,1 1865 II Carlton Hill, „ 1872 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 2 Oct. 1792 Cons. 2 Jan. 1793. 27 April 1792 12 July 1792 Cons. 24 March 1791. Centenary Warrant, 12 July 1892. 20 Get. 1792 [17 July] 1803 1811 1792 1814 1832 1863 507 508 509 542 543 360 361 287 13 Get. 1792 Centenary Warrant, 13 Oct. 1892. 24 Sept. 1792 Cons. I Oct. 1792, Warrant of Confirmation (Provincial), 10 Dec. 1806. Centenary Warrant, 23 Sept. 1892. 510 A 510 B 510 c 544 362 511 545 363 288 512 546 364 289 229 1 894 290 Name of Lodge. 291 292 White Hart Lodge. St. John the Evangelist Lodge, 1804. White Hart Lodge, 1812. HuddGFsfleld Lodge, 1822. Union Soho Lodge. Union Lodge. Cambridge New Lodge. Lodge School of Plato, 1822. Shakespeare Lodge. Rural Philanthropic Lodge. Lodge of Sincerity, Named in 1797- 293 Scarsdale Lodge. King's Friends' Lodge. Places of Meeting. White Hart Inn, Cloth Hall Street, Huddersfleld, Yorkshire 1 793 Swan Inn, Kirkgate, Huddersfield 1806 W hite Hart Inn, Cloth Hall Street, it 181 1 George Inn, in the Fields, n 1816 White Hart Inn, Cloth Hall Street, ,, 1 818 The Pack Horse Inn, Kirkgate, n 1822 White Hart Inn, Cloth Hall Street, „ 1823 Zetland Hotel, Zetland Street, „ 1856 Masonic Elall, South Parade, n 1865 HandSWOrth, Staprdshire 1793 " vSoho, Staffordshire," in Warrant. Lapsed about 1794. Rose, Edgbaston Street, Birmingham, Warwickshire 1795 Shakespear Tavern, New Street, Birmingham 1808 New Inn, Broomsgrove Street, n 1816 Rainbow Inn, Bordesley, h 1818 Last payjnent xZi-^. Erased iniS^^. Red Lion Hotel, Petty Gary, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire 1793 Erased 7 September 1859. White Lion, Henley Street, Stratford-On-Avon, Warwickshire 1793 Erased 10 April 1799. Highbridge Inn, Huntspill, Somersetshire 1793 Lamb Inn, TauntOn, n 1798 Highbridge Inn, Huntspill, n 1798 Railway Hotel, Market Street, Highbridge, n 1859 The Gastle, Lord Street, Liverpool, Lancashire York Hotel, Williamson Square, Liverpool Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Place, „ Welling's Hotel, Newington Bridge, n Royal Hotel, Dale Street, n Imperial Hotel, St. John's Lane, u Stork Hotel, Queen Square, n Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Place, n Masonic Hall, Hope Street, n Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Place, m Masonic Hall, Hope Street, m Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Place, n Angel Inn, Market Place, Falcon Inn, Low Pavement, Angel Inn, Market Place, Erased^ September 1838 Chesterfield, Derbyshire Chesterfield 1793 1802 1831 1838 1839 1844 1845 1847 i860 1881 i88s 1891 1793 1814 1817 Three Pigeons, Welch Row, Talbot Inn, Out Market, Lamb Inn, Hospital Street, Crown Inn, High Street, Lamb Hotel, Hospital Street, Nantwich, Cheshire 1793 Nantwich 1798 ir 1816 11 1859 11 1863 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1 Jan. 1793 Cons, 27 March 1793. Warrant of Confirmation 22 April 1822. Centenary Warnant, 2 Jan. 1893. 1792 1814 1832 1863 513 547 365 290 10 Jan. 1793 1795 25 Jan. 1793 1 Feb. 1793 Cons. 4 June 1793. 21 Jan. 1793 Cons. 3 Feb. 1793. 16 Feb. 1793 Centenary Warrant, 16 Feb. 1893. 5 March 1793 14 March 1793 Centenary Warrant, 14 March 1893. 514 A 514 B 54S 515 516 517 549 366 550 367 291 518 551 368 292 519 552 369 520 553 370 293 230 294 295 296 Name of Lodge. Union Lodge. St. John's Lodge of Friendship. Friendly Brothers' Lodge. Lodge of Urbanity. Constitutional Lodge. Lodge of Union. Combepmere Lodge of Union, 1846. Royal Brunswick Lodge. 8th Lodge of Bengal, 1792. Lodge of Sincere Friendship, 1819. Lodge of Mars. 9th Lodge of Bengal, 1793. Places of Meeting. Cornwall (Glengarry), upper Canada, Ontario 1790 Not ill List until T793. Erased in 1813. Montreal (Montreal), Lower Canada, Quebec 1 791 Not in List until ijg^. Erased in 1813. Roebuck, High Street, Neweastle-under-Lyme, Sta£ordshire 1793 Jl^-ased 25 NoTcntber 180T. Bear Inn, High Street, Wincanton, Somersetshire 1793 Erased 10 February i8og. Golden Ball, Toll Gavel, BeVerley, Yorkshire 1793 Tiger Inn, North Bar Street, Beverley 1793 House of Bro. J. Tuting, North Bar Street, n 1848 Assembly Rooms, Norwood, w 1849 Masonic Hall, Register Square, n 1886 The Childers, Goose I,ane [now Brunswick Street], Maeelesfleld, Cheshire 1793 Unicorn Inn, Market Place, Macclesfield 1815 Hen and Chickens, Barn Street, ti 1817 Golden Lion, Mill Street, „ 1818 Unicorn Inn, Unicorn Gateway, Market Place, n 1822 Childers Inn, Brunswick Street, h 183 i Macclesfield Arms Hotel, Jordan Gate, n 1857 Royal Oak, King Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire 1793 Crown and Shakespeare Tavern, Sycamore St., Sheffield 1798 The Ball Inn, Campo Lane, n 1800 Angel Inn, Angel Street, ,1 1816 Freemasons' Tavern, Queen Street, m 1818 Falstaff Inn, The Wicker, „ 1819 George and Dragon, Market Place, n 1819 Black Rock Inn, Castle Street, „ 1S25 Falstaff Inn, The Wicker, „ 1834 Spread Eagle Inn, Fargate, 1, 1838 Black Rock Inn, Castle Street, n 1839 Assembly Rooms, Norfolk Street, n 1844 Music Hall, Surrey Street, n 1848 Freemasons' Hall, Surrey Street, n 1861 II [New Hall], „ „ 1877 N. IF. Provinces, India 1792 Chunar (Mirzapur), Was extinct in 1813, so did not receive a new number in 1814. Was replaced on the Roll in i8ig, taking the number, 567, of a Lodge then Vacant. Last payment 1829. Placed in abeyance 27 Dec. 1850. Erased 6 July 1853. Cawnpore (Allahabad), N.W. Provinces, India 1793 Erased in 1813. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1790 18 March 1791 10 April 1793 10 April 1793 6 March 1793 Cons. 17 June 1793. Centenary Warrant, 3 June T893. 24 June 1793 Cons. 7 March 1793. Centenary Warrant, 24 June 1893. 8 July 1793 Cons. 10 July 1793. Centenary Warrant, 7 July 1893. 12 Nov. 1792 Warrant of Confirmationj 1837- 1792 521 522 523 524 19 Feb. 1793 1814 1832 1863 525 554 526 527 628 529 371 294 555 372 295 556 373 296 567 B 381 231 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1792 1814 1832 1863 297 Witham Lodge. Rein Deer Inn, High Street, Lincoln, Lincolnsliire 1794 Green Dragon Inn, Saltergate, Lincoln 18 14 Private Room, White Swan Yard, High Street, « 1817 White Hart Inn, Above Hill, „ 1835 Lion Hotel, High Street, „ 1836 City Arms, High Street, m 1838 Masonic Hall, Saltergate, n 1842 County Club Hotel, Castle Hill, „ 1845 Coffee Rooms, No. 8, The Bail," „ 184S Great Northern Hotel, High Street, n 1853 Masonic Hall, Grantham Street, n 1854 IP Newland Street, n 1872 Masonic Rooms, Mint Street, m 1888 Masonic Hall, n pp 1894 23 Sept. 1793 Cons. 22 Feb. 1794. 530 557 374 297 Lodge of Unity. Half Moon, Market Place, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk 1793 Bear Inn, Bridge Foot, Southtown, "V'armouth 181 1 Erased -^ June 1829. 7 Oct. 1793 531 558 •• 298 Lodge of Harmony. Unicorn Inn, Sandy Lane, Royton, Lancashire 1793 Blue Ball, Yorkshire Street, Rochdale, " 1794 Flying Horse Inn, Packer Street, Rochdale 1825 Grapes Inn (Tweedale's Hotel), Baillie Street, n 1844 WeUington Hotel, Drake Street, p. 1850 Grapes Inn (Tweedale's Hotel), Baillie Street, n 1852 Waterloo House, Drake Street, n 1857 Masonic Rooms, 54 Cheetham Street, pp 1857 IP 23 Ann Street, corner of Drake St., 11 1859 PI 160 Drake Street, ip 1S86 7 Dec. 1793 Cons. 5 Dec. 1793. Centenary Warrant, 7 Dec. 1893. 532 559 375 298 Royal Edward Lodge. Red Lion Inn, Broad Street, LeOminSter, Herefordshire 1793 Erased 5 March 1828. 19 Nov. 1793 533 560 Lodge of St. John. The Grapes, Higher Church St., Lancaster, Lancashire 1793 Erased 10 February 1809. 20 Dee. 1793 534 •• •• •• 299 Lodge of Emulation. Rose Inn, High Street, Dartford, Kent 1793 Marquis of Granby, High Street, Dartford 1793 Rose Inn, High Street, n 1796 Long Room, Old Market House, High Street, ip 1815 Bull Inn, High Street, pi 1817 George and Bull, High Street, pi 1820 Market House, High Street, n 1828 Bull Hotel, High Street, ip 1839 4 Jan. 1794 Cons. 5 June 1793. Centenary Warrant, 3 Jan. 1893. 535 561 376 299 300 Lodge of Minerva. King'sArms, Old St., Ashton-Under-LynC, Lancashire 1794 Globe Tavern, Stamford Street, Ashton-under-Lyne 1809 Commercial Hotel, Old Street, ip 1844 Swan Inn, Stamford Street, pi 1S58 Globe Inn, Stamford Street, pp 1864 Pitt and Nelson Hotel, Old Street, „ 1864 26 Dec. 1793 Cons. I Jan. 1794. Centenary Warrant, 1 Jan. 1894. 536 562 377 300 301 Apollo Lodge. Town Hall, AleestCr, Warwickshire 1794 Angel Hotel, Alcester 1794 Swan Hotel, n 1849 Town Hall, p. 1885 26 Feb. 1794 Cons. 30 July 1794. Warrant of Confirmation, I June 1863, but original Warrant recently found after being lost over 40 years. Centenary Warrant, 23 April 1894. 537 563 378 301 Lodge of Unity and Friendship. New Bear Inn, Bradford-On-Avon, Wiltshire 1794 White Lion, New Town, Bradford-on-Avon 1817 31 May 1794 538 564 •• •• Last payment 1806. Erased in 1832. [ 232 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1792 1814 1832 1863 302 Lodge of Hope. Talbot Inn, Kiikgnte, Bradford, Yorkshire Duke of York, Westgate, liradford 1794 1794 23 March 1794 Cons. 29 March 1794. 539 565 379 302 Bowling Gieen Inn, Bridge Street, New Inn, Tyrrel Street, 1796 1818 Centenary Warrant, 7 Mav 1804.. Bowling Green Inn, Bridge Street, 1819 / "■^"■J' J-"yi|-« New Inn, Tyrrel Street, 1822 Masonic Hall, Duke Street, off Darley Street, 1828 M Godwin Street, 1839 II Market Place, 1861 II Rawson Square, Darley Street, 1876 303 Benevolent Lodge. " Sometime in abeyance." Re-opened ii Jan. 1859. F'. Mag. Newfoundland Fishery, Strand, TeignmOUth, Devonshire Private Room, Teignmouth Public Rooms, The Den, n New Quay Inn, New Quay, 11 1794 1802 1820 1828 25 March 1794 Cons. I May 1794. Centenary Warrant, I May 1894. 540 566 380 303 Plalf Moon Inn, Holland Road, 1 1828 Private Room, 1 1831 Exeter Inn, Fore Street, i 1833 Devon [or Courtenay] Arms, Strand, 1 1834 Pilot Boat Inn, Strand, 1 1842 Devon Arms, Strand, 1 1842 New Quay Inn, New Quay, ? 1846 Railway Hotel, Station Road, 1 1850 Assembly Rooms, The Den, i 1859 Masonic Hall, Holland Road, 1 1868 In Royal Regiment of Cheshire Militia, 1794 16 Aug. 1794 541 567 Last payment -L^oo. Erased in iZiZ. A See page 230. 12 Nov. 1792 •• 567 B 381 ■■ 304 Philanthropic Lodge. Crown Inn, Kirkgate, LeedS, Yorkshire Bull and Mouth Hotel, Briggate, Leeds White Hart Inn, Cross Parish, n 1794 1796 1798 21 Aug. 1794 Provincial Dispensation. 21 Aug. 1799 G.L. Warrant. 542 568 382 304 Talbot Inn, back of Shambles, n 1801 Golden Fleece Inn, Ebenezer Street [Cross Street], n 1802 Talbot Inn, back of Shambles, n 1802 Cons. 25 Aug. 1794. Old Crown Inn, Kirkgate, n 1806 Centenary Warrant, Talbot Inn, back of Shambles, u 1809 25 Aug. 1894. Old Crown Inn, Kirkgate, n 1810 White Swan Inn, Market Place, n 1812 Golden Fleece Inn, Ebenezer Street [Cross Street], n 1833 Corn Exchange Hotel, near top of Briggate, n 1842 Three Legs Inn, Call Lane, n 1844 Masonic Hall, Sterne's Buildings, Briggate, n 1848 Harrison's Arms, Harrison Street, n 1849 Private Rooms, 15 Commercial Street, n 1855 II I Bond Street, ,1 i860 Masonic Hall, Great George Street, n 1865 Crown Inn, High Street, Nantwich, Cheshire 1794 1 Aug. 1794 543 Erased TO February 1809. 305 Apollo Lodge. White Swan, Small Gate Street, BeceleS, Suffolk King's Head Inn, New Market Place, Beccles White Lion Inn, Small Gale Street, n King's Head Inn, New Market Place, m White Lion Inn, Small Gate Street, n Masons' Hall, n n White Lion Hotel, 11 ,1 1794 1801 1804 183s 1854 1865 1877 22 July 1794 544 569 383 305 Town Hall, „ tl 1885 233 1 894 Name of Lodge. Lodge of St. Winifred. 306 Alfred Lodge. St, Bartholomew's Lodge. Lodge of Peace and Good Neighbourhood. Loyal Halifax Lodge. 307 Lodge of Prince Frederick. Lodge of Prince George. 308 Lodge of Prince George. Places of Meeting. King's Head, High Street, Holywell, Flinlshire 1795 Old Antelope, Well Street, Holywell 1802 Erased -i June 1829. Private Room, Bro. W. Hodgson's Academy, Upperhead Row, Leeds, Yorkshire 1795 Private Room, Richmond Hill, Leeds 1798 Huck Inn, Call Lane End, n 1800 Private Room, n 1804 Old Crown Inn, Kirkgate, n 1807 White Hart Inn, Briggate, n 1826 Scarborough Hotel, Bishopgate Street, n 1838 Commercial Hotel, Upper Albion Street, n 1847 Griffin Inn, West Bar, „ 1847 Masonic Rooms, 23 Albion Street, n 1862 Masonic Hall, Kelsall Street, 11 1875 M Great George Street, it 1889 White Lion, Coleshill Street, Fazeley, Staffordshire Three Tuns, High St., Sutton Coldfleld, Warwickshire Erased 5 March 1828. 795 803 Wynnstay, Denbighshire 1795 Erased 25 November 1801. Reinstated 24 November 1802. Eagles Inn, High Street, Wrexham, Denbighshire 1802 Erased again 10 February i8og. Ring of Bells, Upper Kirkgate, Halifax, Yorkshire 1 796 Sun, Woolshops, Halifax 1798 Rose and Crown, Cheapside, n 1803 Lapsed about 1806. Stag's Head Inn, Main Street, Heptonstall, Yorkshire 1809 White Horse Hotel, Lees Yard, Hebden Bridge, m 1822 Masonic Rooms, New Road, Hebden Bridge 1890 White Lion Inn, Main Street, King's Arms, n White Lion Inn, n HaWOrth, Yorkshire 1796 Haworth 1802 II 1809 Members of '* Prince George " Lodge^ Haworth^ ttnited with " Lodge of the Three Graces" at Haworth [No. 506, ofj July 1806], and sold their Warrant and Furniture. Freemasons' Arms, Bottoms, Private Room, Underbank Hall, Station House Hotel, Bottoms, Stansfield, Yorkshire 1812 Stansfield 1837 Eastwood, Yorkshire 1852 30 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 5 April 1795 27 April 1795 6 Aug. 1795 1 Oct. 1795 28 Jan. 1796 1792 545 546 547 548 549 A 17 July 1809 18 Feb. 1796 Cons. 2 March 1796. 1814 570 571 572 1832 1863 384 306 549 B 550 A 13 Dee. 1812 Warrant of Confirmation 2 Dec. 1818. 573 385 307 550 574 B 386 308 234 Name of Lodge. 309 Lodge of Harmony. 310 311 Perfect Lodge. Lodge of Strict Benevolence. Lodge of Strict Benevolence. Vectis Lodge of Peace and Concord. Union Lodge. Ebenezer Lodge, South Saxon Lodge. Places of Meeting. GospOPt, Hampshire Gosport Fountain Inn, High Street, Dolphin Inn, North Street, Crown Inn, u h Fountain Tavern, High Street, n India Arms Inn, n m Crown Inn, North Street, m Black Bear Inn, North Cross Street, n Roebuck Tavern, High Street, ii Town Hall, n >i Fountain Tavern, m n India Arms Inn, ir n Red Lion Inn, Slarket Row, n Black Bear Tavern, North Cross Street, n White Lion Tavern, North Street, ir Coal Exchange, High Street, n Star Inn, n h Crown Inn, North Street, ir Red Lion Hotel, West Street, FaPeham, Hampshire Masonic Rooms, 31 West Street, Fareham 1796 1798 1801 1803 1807 1809 1810 iSii 1814 1817 1822 1823 1826 1836 1840 1842 1843 1852 White Horse and Star, Lower Woolwich Road, Woolwich, London 1796 Royal Artillery Hotel, Woolwich Common, Woolwich, n 1804 King's Arms Hotel and Tavern, Frances Street, ir n 1814 Lasi payment 1^06. Erased in 1822. Maid's Head, Tuesday Market Place, King's Lynn, Norfolk 1796 Lapsed about 1803. Vine Inn, Old Market, Wisbeeh, Cambridgeshire 1S05 Spread Eagle, Bridge Street, Wisbech 1810 Last payment \Zz.-i. Erased in 1825. Wheatsheaf Inn, St. Thomas's Square, NewpOPt, I. of Wight, Hampshire 1 796 Freemasons' Hall, Town Hall, High Street, Newport 1804 Warrant returned forwant of Members, Erased ^ Jan. 1838. Grapes Inn, Scotch Street, Carlisle, Cumkrlatid iy<)() Pack Horse Inn, P.ack Horse Lane, English St., Carlisle 1798 King's Head, Fisher Street, „ 1803 Angel Inn, English Street, „ 1834 Pine Apple Inn, n ,, 1840 United with " Victoria Lodge" No. 882 \.ofiq October 1852], 10 October 1855, Light Horseman Inn, Rickergate, Carlisle 1858 Old King's Head, Rosemary Lane, n 1859 Masonic Rooms, Barwise Court, English Street, n 1862 Freemasons' Hall, Castle Street, m i865 Crown Inn, Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire 1796 George Inn, Pateley Bridge 1810 Erased 1^ December 1822. .Star Inn, High Street, Freemasons' Hall, ITigh Street, Eastern Tower of the Castle, Castle Gate Street, Star Inn, High Street, Eastern Tower of the Castle, Castle Gate Street, At Bro. Butcher's, High Street, Crown Inn, n Freemasons' Hall, High Street, New 11 n Lewes, Sussex 1 796 Lewes 1797 11 1817 „ 1821 1. 1821 II 1852 M 1854 II 1857 II 1872 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 8 Appil 1796 14 Jan. 1796 Cons. 10 Nov. 1796. 14 Appil 1796 Con.';. 25 April 1796. 14 Mapeh 1805 23 May 1796 30 July 1796 Was at Carlisle, work- ing under a Scotch Warrant, No. 216, from 6 February 1786. 5 Aug. 1796 15 Oct. 1796 Cons. 30 Nov. 1796. Special Warrant, 7 March 1801, constituting the South Saxon Lodge " the Provincial Grand Lodge of the County of Sussex." 1792 551 1814 575 1832 387 1863 309 552 576 553 A 553 B 554 555 577 578 579 388 389 310 556 557 580 581 390 311 [ 235 ] •894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1792 1814 1832 1863 Lodge of Harmony. Dudley's Coffee House, George Street, TamWOrth, Staffordshire 1796 Erased 10 February i8og. 5 Nov. 1796 558 •• Lodge of Unanimity and Fort MarlboFough, Island of Sumatra, East huiies 1796 1796 559 Industry. Erased in 1813. No. 2 (Local). Ppestonian Lodge of King's Arms, High Street, Gray's Thurroek [now Perfect Friendsliip. Grays], Essex 1797 Erased 5 March 1828. 18 Feb. 1797 560 582 ' • 312 Lion Lodge. Golden Lion, Golden Lion Bank, Whitby, Yorkshire 1797 Freemasons' Tavern, Baxtergate, Whitby 1813 Angel Inn, m ,, 1815 Masonic Hall, John Street, West Cliff, „ 1859 14 Jan. 1797 Cons. 30 Jan. 1797. 561 583 391 312 Lodge Ferdinand of tlie Hamburg [Free City] (Saxony), Germany 1795 15 Jan. 1795 562 Roclc. Was constituted in 1787 by Prince Karl of Hesse, under the Strict Observance, and Warranted as an English Lodge by the Prov. G.L. of Hamburg in 1795. Seceded in 1811, when Hamburg declared itself an independent G.L. Erased from English Register in 1813. Still on Reg. of G.L. of Hamburg. Norwich Theatrical Lodge. Waggon and Horses, Tom bland, Norwich, Norfolk 1797 Angel, Market Place, Norwich 1800 Erased i March 1828. 20 June 1797 563 584 •• •• 313 Lodge of United Two Necked Swan, Market Place, Great Yarmouth, Friends. Norfolk 1797 Shakespeare Tavern, King Street, Great Yarmouth 1799 Three Cranes Tavern, South Quay, n 1803 Ship Tavern, Middlegate Street, u 1810 Tuns Tavern, Bridge Street, Southtown, n 1816 Star Tavern, Hall Quay, „ 1818 Masonic Hall, Paved Row (Row 108), n 1824 Star Hotel, Hall Quay, „ 1840 Duke's Head Hotel, Hall Quay, it 1869 Victoria Hotel, Marine Parade, n 188 1 Royal Assembly Rooms, Albert Square, n 1891 20 June 1797 564 585 392 313 314 Lodge of Peace and Unity. The Cock, PrestOn, Zawcof&V^ 1797 Green Man, Lord Street, Preston 1808 12 Sept. 1797 Cons. 28 Sept. 1797. 565 586 393 314 Shakespeare Tavern, Straight Shambles, 1 1810 Boar's Head, Friargate, , 1816 Theatre Tavern, Fishergate, 1 1819 Horse Shoe, Church Street, 1 1822 Mitre Tavern, Fishergate, 1 1837 Town Hall Buildings, Fishergate, , 1849 Mitre Inn, Fishergate, 1 1854 Stanley Arms Hotel, Lancaster Road, , 1862 Literary Institute, Cross Street, , 1863 MiHtia Mess Rooms, Starkie Street, , 1868 Bull Hotel, Church Street, , 1878 Militia Mess Rooms, Starkie Street, 1880 Bull Hotel, Church Street, ■ 1881 Militia Mess Rooms, Starkie Street, , 1885 [ 236 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 315 Royal Cinque Port Lodge. Royal York Lodge, 1823. Places of Meeting. Social Lodge. Lodge of Philanthropists. Jacob's Lodge. Lodge of Truth. 316 Lodge of Attention. Lodge of Innocence and Morality. Lodge of Unity, Peace, and Concord. No. 9 Coast of Coromandel. Lodge of Unity, Peace, and Concord. Old Tree Inn, Broad Street, SeafOPd, Sussex 1797 Pelham Arms Inn, Pelham Arms Yard, Seaford i8oi Private Room, n 1803 Old Tree Inn, Broad Street, 11 1822 Royal York Hotel, Old Steine, Brighton, Sussex 1823 Freemasons' Hall, St. James's Street, Brighton 1824 Tiernej' Arms, Edward Street, 11 1826 New Ship Tavern, Ship Street, 11 1828 Artichoke Inn, William Street, n 1830 Golden Cross, Princes Street, n T835 Castle Inn, Castle Street, " 1841 White Horse Hotel, East Street, n 1853 Old Ship Hotel, King's Road, u 1855 Royal Pavilion, Pavilion Parade, n 1868 Hoop Inn, Sidney Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire 1797 E7ased 10 February i8og. James Town, Island of St. Helena, West Coast of Africa 1798 Last Jtayntent 1807. Krasedin 1832. Surat (Guzerat), Bombay, India 1798 Erased in 1813. Royal Oak Inn, Harbour Street, Ramsgate, Kent 1798 Erased 5 December i^-zj, but is not in Lists after 1821. First Regiment of Life Guards, Prince of Wales' Coffee House, Exeter Street, Sloane Street, London 1798 At Cadogan Arms, Sloane Street, Chelsea, n 1807 ti King's Head, Knightsbridge, n 1816 Erased ( Warrant returned) in 1850. Star Inn, Norfolk Street, Lynn, Norfolk 1798 Green Dragon, Grass Market [now Norfolk Street], Lynn 1801 Erased in 1823. Lamb Inn, Erased in 1832. Hindon, Wiltshire 1798 Madras (Chingleput), Madras, India 1798 1808 Suspended/or uninasonic conduct., First Royal Regiment, Wallajahbad (Chingleput), Madras, India Called " Royal Scots Regiment," from 1871. At Fort St. George, Madras (Chingleput), Madras 1809 M Hyderabad (Hyderabad, Deccan), „ 1810 II Triehinopoly (Triclmopoly), „ 18:2 11 Bangalore (Mysore Native State), „ 1814 11 Seeunderabad (Hyderabad, Deccan), „ 1814 II Hyderabad (Hyderabad, Deccan), „ 1817 11 Areot (North Arcot), „ igjg 11 Wallajahbad (Chingleput), „ 1819 Left Madras District about 1824. I. Island of Malta 11 Ootacamund (Coimbatore), Madras II Wellington (Neilgherry Hills), ,1 1855 1893 1893 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 28 Sept. 1797 Warrn.nt of Confirmation granted in 1823, bearing same date as original, which had been lost, but has since been found. 30 Dec. 1797 27 Jan. 1798 29 May 1798 3 Sept. 1798 28 Aug. 1798 28 Sept. 1798 30 Oct. 1798 1798 1808 Warrant of Confirmation, 1833- 1792 1814 1832 1863 566 587 394 315 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 A 574 B 588 589 590 591 592 395 593 396 316 237 Name of Lodge. Allman's Lodge. 317 Mariners' Lodge. Lodge of the Three Grand Principles. Lodge of Industry. Lodge of Prudence and Industry. Lodge of Affability. 318 Lodge of Reason. True and Faithful Lodge. Lodge of Harmony. Places of Meeting. Rose and Crown, Northgate, AlmOnbUFy, Yorkshire 1799 Woolpack Inn, High Street, Almonbuiy 1801 Erased ^ December 1S22. Reinstated in 1825. Woolpack Inn, High Street, Almonbury 1S25 Finally erased in 1832. Rose and Crown Inn, New Street, Selby, Yorkshire 1799 Last Meeting ^ September 1807. Erased ^ December 1822. Golden Lion, Market Street, Penryn, Cornwall 1799 Erased ^ September 1838. Hand and Bottle, Mill Street, BpidgnOFth, Shropshire 1799 Raven Inn, Whitburn Street, Bridgnorth 1800 Erased i June 1853. George Inn, Fore Street, Chard, Somersetshire 1799 Angel Inn, .1 Chard 1808 Freennasons' Hall, Fore Street, n 1812 Erased, Warrant returned, December iZ'i\. Golden Lion, Deansgate, The King, Oldham Street, Waggon and Horses, Thomas Street, Robin Hood, Newton Lane, Blackfriars Inn, Blackfriars Street, Town Hall Tavern, Tib Lane, Crown and Mitre, Spear Street, Blackfriars Inn, I3Iackfriars Street, Hare and Hounds, Deansgate, White Lion, n Fleece Inn, Bloom Street, Hussar, Portland Street, Pack Horse Inn, Bridge Street, Cross Street Chambers, Cross Street, Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street, Manchester, Lancashire 1 799 Manchester 1800 1804 I8l2 1822 1827 1829 1831 1837 1842 1846 1847 1849 i860 1865 Saracen's Hotel, High Street, AshfOFd, Kent 1799 Is stated to have been a Military Lodge. Erased 6 February 1811. Cornwall Regiment of Feneible Light Dragoons 1799 Angel Inn, Coinagehall Street, HelStOn, Cornwall 1800 Masonic Rooms, Cross Street, Helston 1867 Freemasons' Hall, n n 1880 In Royal Westminster Regiment Of Middlesex Militia, Swan Inn, Hastings, Sussex 1799 Private Room, High Street, Hastings 1803 Swan Inn, n u 1808 Anchor Inn, George Street, u 1814 Crown Inn, All Saints Street, n 1817 United with " Derwent Lodge" No. 54 \_No. 36, Ancients, of 5 April 1813], 29 Decejnber 1B17. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 9 Feb. 1799 14 May 1799 21 April 1799 June 1799 25 March 1799 28 May 1799 18 March 1799 1 April 1799 Warrant of Confirmation 29 April 1841. 1 July 1799 1792 575 1814 594 1832 1863 576 577 578 579 695 596 597 598 397 398 580 599 399 317 581 582 600 400 318 583 601 A [ 238 ] 319 320 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Fellowship. New Forest Lodge. Lodge of Loyalty. Lodge Gunther of the Standing Lion. Lodge Charles Augustus. Places of Meeting. St. Andrew's Union Lodge. No. 10 Coast of Coromandel. See below. White Hart Inn, High Street, Winchester, Hampshire 1799 Lnpsed about 1808. Private Room, Town Quay, Nag's Head, High Street, Masonic Hall, Quay Street, Bugle Hotel, High Street, Lymington, Hampshire 1814 Lymington 1823 1835 1879 Robin Hood, Mottram Moor, Mottram-ln- Longdendale, Cheshire 1798 Stag, Marlcet Street, Mottram-in-Longdendale 1816 Court Room, Marliet Place, n 1824 Angel Inn, ir n 1828 White Hart, Market Street, n 1829 Masonic Rooms, Junction Inn, Marlcet Street, ir 1835 Island of Minorca (Balearic Islands), Spain 1800 The English occupation of the Island for the third time lasted from 179S to 1802, when the Lodge must have lapsed. It was kepi on Register until 1813. In Regiment of Loyal Surrey Rangers, Halifax (Halifax), Nova Scotia, North America 1800 Erased in 1813. Rudolstadt (Schwartzburg-Rudolstadt), Germany 1801 Self constituted, 21 Sept. 17S5. Joined Frankfort (Eclectic Union), 27 Nov. 1785, became dormant, but was revived in 1793. Joined the Prov. G.L. of Hamburg, i Jan. 1801. Ceased to be under English Rule when Hamburg became independent in i8ti. Ceased luorking through lack of Members in 1829. Was erased from Unglish Register in 1813. Alstaedt (Hanover), Germany 1801 Constituted by English Prov. G.L. of Hamburg, 15 Nov. 1801. Was closed in 1803. Not erased from English Register until 1813. Nineteenth Regiment of Foot, Madras, (Chingleput), Madras, India 1799 At Point de Galle, Ceylon, East Indies 1 801 11 Trineomalee, Ceylon 1804 11 Colombo, „ :8o8 n Quilon (Travancore), Madras, India 1809 n Madras, India 1810 M Colombo, Ceylon 1811 " Trineomalee, „ 1817 u Madras, India 1821 Erased in 1813, but was reinstated in the place of the then vacant Lodge, No. 601, in 1822. Finally erased in 1832, United in 1823 with "St. Patrick's Lodge " [Local Warrant, 28 Dec. 1812I, Fort St. George, Madras, forming " St. Andrew's and St. Patrick's Union Lodge." Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1799 12 Nov. 1799 1814 1792 1814 1832 1863 601 B 10 Oct. 1799 Cons, in 1798. [Minutes of 24 Oct. 1798.] 1 Jan. 1800 5 Feb. 1800 1 Jan. 1801 Have met since 1787. G.L. Cal. 15 Nov. 1801 1799 584 A 584 602 B 585 586 587 588 589 590 401 319 603 601 B 402 320 239 1894. Name of Lodge. Lodge of Philanthropists. No. 11 Coast of Coromandel. Lodge of the Golden Hart. Globe Lodge. Lodge of the Three Stars. Warren Lodge. St. Peter's Lodge. Lodge of the Crowned Serpent. Places of Meeting. In Seoteh Brigade [94th Foot], Fort St. George, Madras (Chingleput), Madras, India 1801 Triehinopoly (Trichinopoly), Madras 1805 94th Reg., TriLhinopoly, becomes No. 6 after this date. Local List, 1806. Erased in 1813. Oldenburg (Oldenburg), Germany 1801 Const. 6 Oct. 1801, bj' Prov. G. Lodge at Hamburg."' G.L. Warrant Book, Was first con.stituted by National G.L. of Germany, Berlin, 26 March 1766. Seceded 4 Nov. 1801. Re-constituted by English Prov. G.L. of Hamburg, in 1801. Left our jurisdiction when Hamburg became independent in 1811. Erased in 1813. Still exists on Reg. of G.L. of Hamburg. Lubeek [Free City], Germany 1801 " Const. 74 Sept. 1801, by the Prov. G.L. of Hamburg." G,L. Warrant Book. Constituted by the German Prov. G.L. of Hamburg under the National G.L. of Germany, 21 October 1799. Re-constituted by English Prov. G.L. of Hamburg, 14 Sept. 1801 or 1803. Erased from English Register in 1813. Still exists on Reg. of G.L. of Hamburg. Rostock (Mecklenburg-Schwerin), Germany 1802 Warranted by Grand Lodge of Three Globes, Berlin, to June 1760. In 1766 went over to the Strict Observance until t7S2, when it ceased work. In 1799 it was revived by Prince Carl of Sudermania. In 1802 joined the English Prov. G.L. of Hamburg, and left our jurisdiction with that G.L. in iBii. Erased in 18 13. Still exists on Reg. of G.L. of Hamburg. Milton's Head Inn, Milton Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire Greyhound, Castle Gate, Green Dragon, Park Street, George and Dragon, North .Street, Green Dragon, Park Street, Peacock, Warsergate, Talbot, Erased 5 March 1828. 802 Nottingham 1805 1808 11 1810 1811 1. 1813 M I817 Angel Inn, Narrow Bridge Street, Peterborough, Northamptonshire 1802 Private Room [site of Swan Inn], Swanspool, Peterborough 1812 Greyhound, Market Place, n 1814 Private Room over the Minster Gateway, ir 1820 Windmill Inn, Market Place, n 1822 Erased^ March 1828. There are minutes in existence to 6 November 1828, and, notwith- standing erasure, the Lodge continued to meet until 1834. GoerlitZ (Prussian Silesia), Germany 1804 Constituted by the Strict Observance, 13 January 1764. In 1783 seceded to G.L. of Ratisbon, split into two Lodges, but reunited 8 May 1803. Re-constitnted by English Prov. G.L. of Hamburg, 26 January 1804. Seceded, and joined the G.L. of Saxony, in 1811. Re-constituted by G.L. Royal York, 7 June 1816. Erased from English Reg. in 1813. Now on Reg. of G.L. Royal York at Berlin. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 28 Dee. 1801 1792 591 1814 1832 1863 6 Oet. 1801 Have met since 1776. G.L. Cal. 592 14 Sept. 1801 Have met since 1796. G.L. Cal. 593 1802 594 16 Nov. 1802 595 604 23 Dee. 1802 596 605 26 Jan. 1804 Have met since 1764. G.L. Cal. 597 240 i894 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Apollo. 321 Lodge of Unity. 322 Lodge of Peace. 323 Lodge of Concord. 324 Moira Lodge. 325 La Loge de rAmitie des Freres Reunis. La Loge de I'Heureuse Reunion. St. John's Lodge. 326 Moira Lodge. Moira Lodge of Honoup, 1887. Places of Meeting. Leipzig (Saxony), Germany 1805 Formed in 1800. Warranted by G.L. of Ratisbon in 1801, as " Apollo of the Three Acacias." Joined English Prov. G.L. of Hamburg, 13 April 1805. Seceded and joined the G.L. of Saxony 11 October 1815. Was erased from English Register in 1813. Now on Reg. of G.L. of Saxony. Unicorn Inn, Hillgate, Angel, Market Place, Arden Arms, Millgate, Unicorn Inn, Plillgate, Union Tavern, Vernon Bridge, Unicorn Inn, Hillgate, Wellington Inn, Wellington Road, Crewe Arms Hotel, Railway Station, Stockport, Cheshire 1806 Stockport 1816 II 1819 II 1821 1831 I, 1837 M 1839 Crewe, Cheshire 1850 Crown and Mitre, King St. East, StOCkpOPt, Cheshire 1806 Coach and Horses, New Bridge Lane, Red Bull, Hillgate, Royal Oak, n Union Tavern, Vernon Bridge, Concert Tavern, m Vernon Arms Hotel, Vernon Street, Bulkeley Arms Hotel, Warren Street, Vernon Arms Hotel, Vernon Street, Bulkeley Arms Hotel, Warren Street, Stockport 8l0 1820 1822 1830 1837 1838 1863 1881 1893 Queen's Head, Little Underbank, StOCkport, Cheshire 1806 Nelson Inn, Wellington Road, Stockport 1829 Golden Ball Tavern, Millgate, 11 1831 Freemasons' Arms Tavern \unknown\, n 1835 Golden Ball Tavern, Millgate, n 1836 Florist Hotel, Shaw Heath, 11 1877 New Inn, Old Street, Stalybridge, Lancashire 1806 Eagle Inn, Stamford Street, n Cheshire 1820 Church Inn, Huddersfiekl Road, Stalybridge 1843 Eagle Inn, Stamford Street, 11 1845 Wellington Inn, Caroline Street, n 1868 Port au Prince, Island of Hayti, Erased in 1824. Aux Cayes, Island of Hayti, Erased in 1824. West Indies 1809 West Indies 1809 Bull's Head, Church Street, Eccles, Lancashire 1809 Duke of York Inn, Church Street, Eccles 181 1 Golden Lion, ' n 1822 Golden Key, m 1828 Rose and Crown Inn, Broad St., Pendleton, Lancashire 1S56 Freemasons' Hall, Islington Square, Salford, 11 1864 Masonic Hall, Adelphi House, Adelphi Street, Salford 1880 Bush Tavern, Corn Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire 1S09 Freemasons' Hall, Broad Quay, Bristol 1813 11 Bridge Street, ,1 1818 I, Park Street, „ 1872 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 13 April 1805 1 Oct. 1806 Cons. 21 Dec. 1806, 1 Oct. 1806 Cons. 21 Dec. 1806. 1 Oct. 1806 Cons. 21 Dec. 1806. 1 Oct. 1806 1792 598 599 600 601 602 5 April 1809 5 April 1809 5 April 1809 Cons. 27 March i8ag. 5 April 1809 ist Minutes, 19 Sept. 1809. Warrant assigned of No. 170. 603 1814 1832 1863 606 403 321 607 404 322 608 405 323 609 406 324 610 604 611 605 606 612 407 325 613 408 326 241 Name of I.odge. Wigton St. John's Lodge. Called " St. John's Lodge " only in Cal. iSig — 1837. Phoenician Lodge. St. Andrew's Lodge of Moral Reformation. "St. Andrew's Lodge" only from iSto. Orange Lodge. Mariners' Lodge. Lodge of Hapmony. Lodge of Unity. Lodge of Tempepanee and Morality. Doyle's Lodge of Fellowship. St. John's Lodge, Named in 1812. Made no returns from Dec. 1838 to Sept. 1846. Places of Meeting. King's Arms, Market Square, Half Moon Inn, High Street, Lion and Lamb Inn, High Street, Wigton, Cumberland 1807 Wigton 1832 „ 1836 White Hart Inn, Fore Street, Cullompton, Devonshire 1S09 Erased s March 1828. Pack Horse Inn and Freemasons' Tavern, Whitmore Street, WhittleSCa, Cambridgeshire 1809 George and Star Inn, Market Hill, Whittlesea 1813 Erased ^ March 1828. Guernsey, Channel islands 1809 " Formerly acting under an Athol Warrant." G.L. Warrant Book. See Athol No. 116, page 108. Erased 3 June 1829. Guernsey, Channel Islands 1809 " Formerly acting under an Athol Warrant." G.L. Warrant Book. See Athol No. 222, page 157. Erased 3 June 1829. Guernsey, Channel Islands 1809 " Formerly acting under an Athol Warrant." G.L. Warrant Book. See Athol No. 334, page 2or. Erased 3 lune 1829. Guernsey, Channel islands \% " Formerly acting under an Athol Warrant." G.L. Warrant Book. See Athol No. 337, pae:e2202. Erased -^June r82g. Green Dragon, Market LavingtOn, Wiltshire i8 Erased 3 December rSsi. Guernsey, Cha/inel Islands 1810 See Athol No. 336, page 99. Last payment in i8t2. Erased in 1821. The above five Guernsey Lodges appear to be duplicates. It will be seen they were put on the List with precisely the same names as those warranted by the Athol G.L. {^Piace unknown'] Torquay, Freemasons' Hall, Fleet Street, Royal Hotel, Strand, London Inn, Fleet Street, Union Hotel, Union Street, Freemasons' Hall, Temperance Street, London Hotel, Fleet Street, Freemasons' Hall, Park Street, Devonshire 1810 Torquay 18 19 PI 1827 1833 1836 II 1840 i8S3 II 1858 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 21 April 1809 Under Dispensation from 1807. Warrant assigned of No. 244. 21 April 1809 Warrant assigned of No. 291. 21 April 1809 Warrant assigned of No. 361. 8 May 1809 8 May 1809 8 May 1809 8 May 1809 10 May 1809 Warrant assigned of No. 383. 8 March 1810 8 March 1810 Warrant assigned of No. 404. 1792 607 608 609 610 611 612 i»i4 614 615 616 617 618 619 613 620 614, 615 1832 409 1863 327 621 622 410 616 623 411 328 242 Name of Lodge. 329 Lodge of Brotherly Love. Places of Meeting. 330 Royal Cornwall Lodge. One and All Lodgre, 1830. Lodge of Union. 331 332 Phoenix Lodge of Honor and Prudence. Dormant 1838-1847. Topridzonian Lodge. Lodge of Virtue and Silence. Lodge of Loyalty. St. David's Lodge of Perfect Friendship. Lodge of Friendship. MartOek, Somersetshire 1810 Martock Yeovil, Somersetshire Yeovil George Inn, Church Street, While Hart Inn, Church Street, House of Bro. Cave, Mermaid Inn, High Street, Private Rooms, Vicarage Street, Three Choughs' Hotel, Hendford Masonic Hall, n In Royal Cornwall Regiment of Militia At George Inn, Stratford, London White Horse, Bow Road, Bow, 11 Exeter Inn, KingSbridge, Devonshire Enniskillen, Castlebar, Mallow, King's Head, Bishop Street, Queen's Head, Town Arms Hotel, Fore Street, Private Rooms, 11 Masonic Hall, Turf Street, Fermaytagk, Irelajid IMayo^ ri Cork, II PortSea, Hampshire Bodmin, Cornwall Bodmin 1814 1S19 1819 1820 1827 1894 I»IO 1810 1810 1810 1811 1812 1813 1813 1814 1825 Blue Anchor Tavern, St. George's Square, Portsea, Hatnpshire 1810 Anchor and Hope Tavern, St. George's Square, Portsea 1819 Mitre Tavern, Butchers Row, n 1822 Erased i^W arrant returned) 2Z Jajiuary 1836. Red Lion Hotel, Boscawen Street, Private Room, 13 Pydar Street, Masonic Rooms, High Cross, Masonic Hall, Quay Street, Truro, Cornwall 1810 Truro 1851 „ 1859 Cape Coast Castle, Gold Coast, West Coast of Africa iSlo Erased ^ June 1862, Shoulder of Mutton Inn, High Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk 181 1 White Lion Inn, m Hadleigh 1826 Guernsey, Chamiel islands 1810 See Athol No. 349, page 205. Erased, " Warrant returned" in 1829. King's Arms Inn, Priory Street, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire 181 1 Ivy Bush Inn, King Street, Carmarthen 1812 Union Hall Inn, Quay Street, n 1814 Erased in 1822. N.B. — Owing to an error in numeration, both the "Lodge of Loyalty " and "St. David's Lodge of Perpetual Friendship" were numbered 623. Swan, East Street, ChlChesteP, .S/wj-f;!: 181 1 Is said to have met at the " Fleece," East Street, Chichester, a short time, whilst the Swan was being rebuilt. United with ^^ Lodge of Harmony " No. 52 [A't?. 35, Ancients, of 12 March 1812], in 1828. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 8 March 1810 Warrant assigned of No. 534. 8 March 1810 Warrant assigned of No. 543- Cons. i8 May i8io. Civil Warrant 12 July 1830. 8 March 1810 Warrant assigned of No. 524. 11 April 1810 Warrant assigned of No. 548. Cons. 25 June 1810. 11 April 1810 1 March 1811 Warrant assigned of No. 414. 17 June 1810 1 March 1811 Warrant assigned of No. 432. 15 March 1811 Warrant assigned of No. s8i. 1792 617 1S14 624 1832 412 1863 329 618 625 413 330 619 626 414 620 627 415 331 621 622 623 628 629 630 416 417 332 623 631 624 632 [ 243 ] 1 894 333 334 335 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Virtue & Honour. Union York Lodge. Lodge of Contentment and British Union. Royal Preston Lodge. British Lodge. St. Jolin's Lodge. Lodge of Rectitude. 336 Lodge of Benevolence. 337 Royal George Lodge. Lodge of Candour. Places of Meeting. King's Arms Inn, High Street, TotnCS, Devonshire i8ii Erased s December 1827. Second Regiment of West York Militia 1811 At York, Yorkshire 1818 " Warrant returned." Erased in 1820. Island of Curagoa, West Indies 181 1 Erased in 1820. Cross Axes Inn, St. John's Street, Preston, Lancashire 181 1 Prince Albert Hotel, Watling Street Road, Fulwood, Lancashire 1861 Royal Garrison Hotel, n Fulwood 1867 Castle Hotel, Market Place, Preston 1875 Militia Mess Rooms, Starkie Street, 11 1887 Castle Hotel, Market Place, .. 1892 Cape Town (Cape), Cape Colony, Masonic Temple, Roeland Street, Sonth Africa 181 1 Cape Town 1856 %^~ " By an error in numbering, the ' Lodge of Loyalty,' Guernsey, and ' St. David's Lodge,' Carmarthen, are both 623, and No. 630 is omitted, the Lodge of Loyalty having refused to take that number." MS. in G.L. Cat., 1812. White Hart Hotel, High Street, Guildford, Surrey 1812 Erased 5 December 1827. Crown Inn, Market Place, King's Arms, New Crown Inn, Market Place, Bear Inn, Bank Street, King's Arms, Queen's Head Inn, Bear Inn, King's Arras Inn, Queen's Head Inn, Methuen Arms, Westbury, Wiltshire 1812 Melksham, n 1817 Melksham 1822 11 1825 II 1827 Box, Wiltshire 1829 Box 1833 Monkton Farleigh, Wiltshire 1840 Box 1856 Corsham, Wiltshire 1859 Stag's Head [now Norfolk Arms], Marple Bridge, Cheshire 1809 Bull's Head, Marple, n 1815 Jolly Sailor Inn, Marple 1843 Freemasons' Inn and Tavern [now Commercial Inn], High week Street, NeWtOn Bushel, Devonshire 1812 Erased i December 1830. Bell Inn, Delph, in Saddleworth, Yorkshire 1812 Swan Inn, DobcrOSS, ir 1853 Commercial Inn, Commercial Square, UppermiU, n 1861 Masonic Hall, High Street, Brownhill Vale, UppermiU 1881 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1 May 1811 Warrant assigned of No. 42. 1 May 1811 Warrant assigned of No. 177. 15 June 1811 15 June 1811 Warrant assigned of No. 567. 9 Aug. 1811 12 Feb. 1812 Warrant assigned of No. 78. 12 Feb. 1812 Warrant assigned of No. i6. 12 Feb. 1812 Cons. 24 June i8og. Warrant assigned of No. 179. 12 Feb. 1812 Warrant assigned of No. 247, Warrant of Confirmation. 30 March 1825. 12 Feb. 1812 635 Warrant assigned of No. 328. Cons. 25 Dec. 1812. 1792 1S14 1832 1863 625 626 627 628 633 634 635 636 418 333 629 630 631 632 637 419 334 638 639 420 335 633 640 421 336 634 641 642 422 337 244 i894 Name of Lodge. 338 339 Lodge of Perseverance. Vitpuvian Lodge. 340 341 La Loge les Freres Reunis. Royal Sussex Lodge. Lodge of Onanimity. The last Lodge warranted by the Premier Grand Lodge, " Moderns." Royal Inverness Lodge. The first Lodge warranted by the United Grand Lodge of England. Alfred Lodge. Places of Meeting. Wellington Lodge. Lodge of Fortitude, Named in iSig. Royal Chartley Lodge of Fortitude, 1833. Half Moon Inn, Market Place, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk 18 1 2 Erased 5 March 1828. George Inn, Gloucester Road, "^0%^, Herefordshire 1813 King's Head Inn, High Street, Ross 1818 Swan Hotel, Edde Cross Street, 11 1830 Royal Hotel, near St. Mary's Church, 11 1843 Kingston (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, West Indies 1813 Erased in 1832. Mermaid Tavern, Mare Street, Hackney, London 1814 Erased -^ March 1830. King of Prussia, Angel Lane, Penrith, Cumberland 1813 Old Crown Inn, King Street, Penrith 1850 Private Room, King Street, n 1850 New Crown Hotel, Crown Square, n 1853 Gray's Inn Coffee House, Gray's Inn Gale, Holborn, London 1814 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, ii 1815 Argyle Rooms, Regent Street, ii 1824 United with " Somerset House Lodge-,'' No. 4 {T.l,, No. 4 0/ tlte Four Old Lodges^ 25 NovemterrZ^^. Ship Inn, Ship Street, Wheatsheaf Inn, Ship Street, St. Golden Cross Inn, Corn Maiket, Angel Inn, High Street, Ship Inn, Ship Street, Maidenhead Inn, Turl Street, Masonic Hall, Alfred Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire 1814 Aldate's, Oxford 1818 1819 1820 1820 1822 1832 Crown Inn, High Street, Erased in 1B22. Rochester, Ji^ent 1814 Private Room, Rye, Sussex 1814 London Trader Inn, Mermaid Street, Rye 1823 Queen's Head Inn, Landgate, m 1836 Lamb Inn, n h 1837 Union Inn, East Street, u 1844 Crown Inn, Ferry Road, n 1856 Cinque Port Arms Hotel, Cinque Port Street, n 1858 George Hotel, High Street, 11 1890 White Lion, Lichfield Road, Forbridge, Stafford, Staffordshire 1 814 Three Tuns, Goalgate Street, Stafford 1818 Shire Hall, Market Square, ci 1836 Three Tuns, Goalgate Street, n 1837 Grand Junction Inn, Newport Road, 11 1838 Greyhound Inn, County Road, 11 1840 Cock Inn, Eastgate Street, n 1840 White Hart Inn, Eastgate Street, n 1844 Star Hotel, Market Square, n 1846 Last meeting 24 Sept. 1847. Erased in 1850, Date of Warrant or Constitution. 12 Feb. 1812 Warrant assigned of No. 253. 1813 Warrant of Confirmation. 31 December 1821. 1813 1813 Cons. 27 Oct. 1S14. Oct. 1813 Warrant of Confirmation; g February 1828. 1814 Cons. 2 Feb. 1815. 16 Feb. 1814 Cons. 27 April 1814. 1814 25 April 1814 1792 636 637 1814 643 644 1832 1863 423 338 638 639 640 645 646 647 424 339 648 649 425 340 650 651 426 341 29 June 1814 652 427 245 1 894 342 Name of Lodge. Royal Sussex Lodge. 343 Lodge of Concord. 344 Lodge of Faith. Royal Augustus Lodge. Jedediah Lodge. St. John's Lodge, 1820. Philanthropic Lodge. 345 Lodge of Perseverance. Places of Meeting. Koyal Onl<, College Street, Portsea, Hampshire White Hart Tavern, Queen Street, Portsea Duke of Clarence 'I'avern, n n King's Arms Inn, m m Mitre Tavern, Hutchers Row, 11 St. George's Rooms, St. George's Square, \\ Kent Rooms, Kent Street, 11 Athenjeum, Bishop Street, n Masonic Rooms, 19 Ordnance Row, i' Masonic Hall, St. George's Square, 11 Freemasons' Hall, 79 Commercial Road, LandpOFt, Hiiinpshire Golden Rail, New Street, 'J'urk's Head, Turk's Head Yard, Corporation Arms, I.ime Street, John of Groat, Avenham Lane, Royal Oak, St. John's Street, White Horse Inn, Friargate, Stanley Arms Inn, Lancaster Road, King's Arms Inn, Church Street, Stanley Arms Inn, Lanca.ster Road, King's Arms Inn, Church Street, Militia Mess Rooms, Starkie Street, Bull Hotel, Church Street, Preston, Lancashire Preston 1814 1817 1823 1826 1834 1839 1841 184s 1850 1852 1880 1814 1814 1833 1834 1836 1840 1854 1862 1868 1869 187s Woolpack Inn, Stand Lane, PilkingtOn, Lancashire 1814 White Swan Inn, n Pilkington 1827 Ram's Head Inn, n 11 1829 Bull's Head [nn. Church Street, Radcliff, Lancashire 1841 Crown and Thistle Inn, Monmouth, Momnouthshire 1S15 King's Head Inn, Agincourt Square, Monmouth 1816 Erased i Decejnber 1830, Crown Inn, Church Street, Talbot Inn, Derby Street, Plough Inn, St. Edward Street, Red Lion, Market Place, Swan Inn, St. Edward Street, Leek, Staffordshire 18 14 Leek 181 5 M 1819 „ 1820 1833 Three Crowns Inn, Breadmarket Street, Lichfield, Staffordshire 1833 Guildhall, Bore Street, Lichfield 1843 Erased in 1850. King's Head Inn, Cross Street, Abcrgavenny, Monmouthshire 1815 Angel Inn, Cross Street, Abergavenny 1818 Erased 5 March 1828. Duke of York Inn, Darwen St., Blackburn, Lancashire 1815 St. John's Tavern, Union Street, Blackburn 1823 Old Bull Hotel, Church Street, n 1854 Cock Inn, Cornhill, BanbUFy, Oxfordshire 1815 Erased s March 1828. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 25 Aug. 1814 1814 653 1832 428 1863 342 30 Dee. 1814 654 429 343 30 Dec. 1814 Cons. 23 Dec. 1814. 655 430 344 2 Jan. 1815 Cons. 22 April 1815. 31 Dee. 1814 656 657 431 27 Dec. 1814 Disp. for 12 months. 27 Feb. 1815 22 March 1815 (Dispensation). 658 659 660 432 345 C 246 ] 1894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1814 1832 1863 Lodge of the Five Orders. Private Room, Salisbury, Wiltshire 1815 Erased 5 March 1828. 21 April 1815 (Dispensation). 661 ■• ■■ Lodge of the Three Mallets. Naumberg (Prussian Saxony), Germany 1815 Closed 25 September i8ig, hut not erased frovi List until 1832. 10 June 1815 662 Salamanca Lodge. Fifth Regiment Dragoon Guards 1815 Erased 5 March 1S28. In the Royal Monmouth Militia 1815 Erased in 1822. 30 June 1815 (Dispensation). 10 July 1815 (Dispensation). 663 664 •■ •• Lodge of Honour and Friendship. Private Room, Greyhound, Marlcet Place, Blandford, Dorsetshire 1 81 5 Last Minutes 5 March 1824. Erased s September 1838. 18 July 1815 Cons. 25 Aug. 1815. 665 433 •• 346 Lodge of United Brethren. Freemasons' Arms, Balderston, Lancashire 1815 Milestone Inn, Mellor, 1. 1819 Royal OakInn,LongsightRoad,Clayton-le-Dale, r. 1855 Windmill Inn, High Road, Samlesbury, 11 1878 Grosvenor Hotel, Market Place, Blackburn, n 1884 15 Oct. 1815 666 434 346 Logia de la Esperanza. Spain 181S No place named in Registers or Calendars. " Spain " only is stated in the G.L. Address Book 1820-24. Erased in 1832. 1815 667 •• 34.7 Noah's Ark Lodge. Red Cow, Dudley St., Wolverhampton, Staffordshire 1815 Golden Lion, Salop Street, Wolverhampton 1819 King's Arms, Swan Bank, Bilston, Staffordshire 1828 Na\ igation Hotel, Park Lane, TiptOH, .1 1853 Waggon and Horses Inn, Dudley Road, Tipton 1872 Star Hotel, Bloomfield Road, n 1880 Waggon and Horses Hotel, Great Bridge, n 1893 27 Nov. 1815 668 435 347 Lodge of Archlmides. Gera (Reuss, Upper Saxony), Germany 1806 Constituted by L. Archimides of the Three Tracing Boards, Altenburg, 26 October 1804. Re-warranted by English Prov. G.L. of Hamburg, 30 April 1806. Did not appear on our Register until 1815. When the G.L. of Hamburg declared itself independent Archimides did not join it, but has continued to the present time as an Independent Lodge, one of the five in Germany, Erased in 1832. 30 Oet. 1806 669 348 St. John's Lodge. Swan Inn, Church Street, Chowbcnt, near Leigh, Lancashire 181 5 King's Head Inn, Market Place, Chowbent 1818 Star and Garter, The Square, Tyldesloy, Lancashire 1825 Boar's Head Inn, Elliott Street, Tyldesley 1831 Bowling Green, Market Street, Halshaw Moor [now Farnworth], Lancashire 1833 Corn Mill Inn [unknown], BoltOn, Lancashire 1834 Three Tuns Inn, Moor Lane, Bolton 1836 Commercial Inn, Town Hall Square, n 1838 Bull's Head Inn, Bradshawgate, n 1839 Lord CoUingwood, Deansgate, n 1841 Three Tuns Inn, Moor Lane, m 1842 Rising Sun Inn, Church Bank, n 1873 Bull's Head Inn, Bradshawgate, 11 1874 Masonic Hall, Silverwell Street, 11 1887 8 Dee. 1815 670 436 348 247 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1814 1832 1863 Lodge of the Three Arrows. Nurnberg (Bavaria), Germany 1815 See former reference to this Lodge, page 223. Re-placed on the Koll in 1815, but not in List until i8t8. Being one of the Lodges that formed the Independent G.L. of Frankfort, in 1822, it should have been then erased, but was kept on the List until 183T. Is still working under the G.L. of Eclectic Union, Frankfort. 1815 671 •• •• Royal Sussex Lodge. King's Arms, Market Place, NewbuPy, Berkshire 1815 Globe Inn, Bridge Street, Newbury 1819 Last Return 1818. Erased <, March 1828. 19 Nov. 1815 (Dispensation). 672 349 Lodge of St. John and St. Paul. Hope Tavern, Strada Mezzodi, Valetta, Malta 1815 Masonic Hall, 86 Strada Mercante, n n 1818 n 43 Strada Zaccaria, n n 1849 M loStradaMaggazini, Floriana,Tr n 1852 Private House, Piazza Regina, n n 1852 Masonic Plall, 43 Strada Zaccaria, h m 1859 M 27 Strada Stretta, u 1, 1870 27 Nov. 1815 Cons. IS April 1815. [Warrant arrived 5 April 1819]. 673 437 349 Lord Dundas's Lodge. North York Militia 1815 " For want of Members, considered dormant." Erased in 1843. 22 July 1815 674 438 •• 350 Lodge of Charity. Admiral Nelson, Rlnglsy Bridge, Lancashire 1816 Railway Inn, StOneclOUgh, n 1847 Grapes Hotel, Stoneclough 1862 Church Hotel, Church Road, Kearsley, Lancashire 1889 Railway Hotel, Egerton Road, Moses (iate, Farnworth (near Bolton), n 1891 17 June 1816 (Dispensation). Cons. 23 May r8i6. 675 439 350 Lodge of Faith and Loyalty. Port Louis, Mauritius, East Coast of Africa 1816 Erased \ December tZ-^o. 1816 676 •■ Minden Lodge. Named in 1820. Fifty-first Regiment of Foot 1816 Erased ( Warrant returned) in 1843. 15 July 1816 677 440 •■ Lodge of True Friendship. St Michael's Mount Inn, Crowan, Cornwall i%ie, House of Bro. Pool, Crowan 1816 Last Records 28 Bee. 1819. Erased 5 Ma7'ch 1828. 23 July 1816 (Dispensation by G.M.) Cons. 19 May 1815. 678 •• •• Welland Lodge. Talbot Inn, Bridge Street, Spalding, Lincolnshire 1816 Erased 5 September 1838. August 1816 (Dispensation). 679 441 Faithful Lodge. Black Horse Hotel, Mill Street, Kidderminster, Worcestershire 18 16 Wheatsheaf Inn, Worcester Street, Kidderminster 1819 Freemasons' Tavern, Bromsgrove Street, if 1824 Talbot Hotel, Worcester Street, „ 1824 Erased in 1844. 20 Oct. 1816 680 442 Waterloo Lodge. Thirty-third Regiment of Foot 1816 Erased -^ June 1829. 23 Nov. 1816 (Dispensation). 681 •■ [ 248 ] i894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1814 1832 1863 Holy Temple Lodge. Globe Inn, Main Street, LoilgtOWn, Citmberland 1816 Erased s March 1828. 25 Nov. 1816 (Dispensation). 682 ■• St. Michael's Lodge. Iloward's Arms Hotel, Front Street, Brampton, Cumberland 1816 Erased 5 September 1838. 25 Nov. 1816 (Dispensation). 683 443 Loge zur Aufgehenden Morgenrothe. " Of the Nascent Dawn." Frank fOFt-On-the-Main [Free City], Germany 1817 Originally constituted by G.O. of France, 17 August 1807. Admitted Jews. After French left was unrecognised by other Lodges, and formally applied to England for Constitution. The Constitution of this Lodge in Frankfort's territory was the chief cause of our Prov. G.L. there declaring itself Independent in 1822. Joined the Eclectic Union G.L., ID January 1S73, the Jewish question having been settled. The last Lodge in Germany to own English jurisdiction. Erased in 1873. 30 April 1817 684 444 351 Lodge Oriental Star. 7th Lodge of Bengal. Noacally (Tipperah), ^ Bengal, India 1814 Not in List until 1817. Warrant returned to Prov. G.L. 21 June 1821, the Lodge having ceased to work. Was not erased until 1828. 21 April 1814 685 •■ •• Phoenix Lodge. No. 19 Ppovincial. Port Royal (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, West Indies 1816 Erased in 1832. 1817 At work in t8i6. 686 •• Lodge of Constantia. [Gibraltar (Malaga), spain-\ 1817 No place mentioned in any List, but is put under " Gibraltar " in G.L. Address Book, 1820-24. Erased in 1832. Ninetieth Regiment of Foot 1817 Erased in 1824. 1817 7 July 1817 (Dispensation). 687 688 Orthes Lodge, Named in 1820, Sixth Regiment of Foot 1817 Known as the 6th Royal First Warwickshire Regiment from 1S32. Made no retitr?ts after 1869. Erased in iSgo. 7 July 1817 ("Dispensation). Warrants of Confirma- tion, 12 Dec. 1837, and 1B62. 689 445 352 353 Royal Sussex Lodge. Mitre Inn, The Cross, Repton, Derbyshire 1817 Masonic Tavern, Boot Inn, Brook End, Repton 1831 Swan Hotel, Bridge End, Winshill, Derbyshire 1869 Masonic Hall, Union Street, BuFton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire 1886 Masonic Hall, The Institute, Mount Street, WinshiU 1888 8 Sept. 1817 Cons. 24 Sept. 1817. 690 446 353 354 Sussex Lodge. No. 25 Provincial. Sussex Hall, Harbour Street, Kingston (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, West Indies 1816 Glenlyon Lodge Rooms, King Street, Kingston 1846 Sussex Hall, Harbour Street, w 1850 11 Port Royal Street, „ 1875 cr Hanover Street, n 1877 1 July 1816 Warrants of Confirma- tion, 22 October 1831, and 17 September 1875. 691 447 354 Clare Lodge. Spanish Town (St. Catherine's, Middlesex), Jamaica, West Indies 1816 Ceased to meet in 1822. Erased in 1832. 1816 692 ■• •• Athol Lodge. No. 7 Provincial. Lueea (Hanover, Cornwall), Jamaica, West Indies 1816 Erased ^ lune 1862. 1816 Prov. Warrant, 1 October 1820. Warrant of Confirmation 31 May 1828. 693 448 ■• [ 249 ] i894 Name of Lobge. 355 Seville Lodge. Civil Lodge on Local Register. No. 10 Provincial. Duke of York Lodge. No. 12 Provincial. Concord Lodge. No. 13 Provincial. Cornwall Lodge. No. 23 Provincial. Union Lodge. Lege la Reunion des Coeurs. Loge Parfaite Sineerite des Coeurs Reunis. Lodge of Harmony and Friendship. Lodge of Emulation. Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation, 1819. Lodge of Mercy and Truth. Albuera Lodge. Places of Meeting. St. Ann's Bay (St. Ann's, Middlesex), Jamaiea, West Indies iSl6 Erased i^ June 1862. Falmouth (Trelawney, Cornwall), Jamaica, Westlndies 1816 Krased in 1832. Spanish Town (St. Catherine's, Middlesex), Jamaica, West Indies 1816 Erased in 1832, but reinstated in List 0/1835 ^^ 449 ■^• Finally erased 4 June 1862. Montego Bay (St. James's, Cornwall), Jamaica, West Indies iSlJ Erased ^June 1862. Note. — Nos. 692 to 697 were reported to G.L., 15 October 1816. Trinity (Conception), Newfoundland, North America 1S17 Erased in 1S59. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1816 1816 1816 20 Jan. 1815 Prov. Warrant. Warrant of Confirmation 1824. 21 Sept. 1817 Jeremle, Island of Haytl, Erased in 1824. Jaemel, island of Hayti, Erased in 18 West Indies 181 7 West Indies 1817 1814 694 695 1832 449 1863 696 449 B 697 450 The Chequers [Main Street], Maresfleld, Sussex 1818 Freemasons' Hall, n Maresfield 1820 Private Room, Uckfield, Sussex 1823 Original Freemasons' Hall, High Street, LeWCS, 11 1827 Erased 3 December 1851. Goddard Arms Hotel, High Street, Swlndon, Wiltshire 1818 Masonic Hall, Victoria Street, Swindon 1875 Rose and Crownlnn.HighSt., Evesham, Worcestershire 1818 Crown Inn, High Street, Evesham 1819 Cross Keys, u n 1824 Ship Inn, ir PePShOPC, Worcestershire 1826 Cross Keys, n Evesham 1826 Ship Inn, n Pepshope 1827 Coach and Horses Inn, Bridge Street, n 1827 Cross Keys, High Street, Evesham 1827 Ceased 9 November 183T. Erased in 1833. 1817 1817 20 April 1818 Disp. by G.M. 698 699 700 701 461 452 28 April 1818 Cons. II May 1818. Warrant of Confirmation 10 February 1894. 13 May 1818 Disp. by G.M. 702 703 453 454 355 Fifty-seventh Regiment Erased in 1824. 32 13 May 1818 704 250 i894 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Harmony. Lodge of Hope. Wellington Lodge. 356 Harmonie Lodge. Jubilee Medal. Lodge of Virtue and Honour. Lodge of Benevolence. 357 358 Apollo Lodge. Apollo University Lodge. 1820. Loyalty Lodge. 359 Lodge of Peace & Harmony. " Dormant for many years," prior to removal to Slairley. Places of Meeting. George Inn, King Street, Knutsford, Cheshire 1818 Duke of Wellington, King Street, Knutsford 1819 Golden Lion, Market Place, n 1831 Lord Eldon, Tatton Street, u 1833 Last Meeting 15 October 1839. Erased 3 December 1851. Berne (Berne), Swilzcrlaiid 1 Constituted by G.O. of France, 14 Sept, 1803. Re-warranted by England in 1818, and made a Provincial G. Lodge until 22 April 1822, when it res\imed work as a private Lodge under the National G. Lodge. It should have then been removed from our Register, but was not erased ujitil 1846. Now on Reg. of G.L. " Alpina." established 1844. Beaufort Arms, Beaufort Square, ChepstOW, Monmouthshire 1818 Bell Inn, Chepstow 1820 Erased in 1837. Warrant surrendered for want 0/ Members. Island of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, West indies i8i8 Masonic Hall, Island of St. Thomas 1862 Masonic Temple, n 1873 No. 10 Wimmel Skafts Gade, n 1874 No. 9 11 „ 1882 George Inn, Axminster, Devonshire 1818 Erased i December 1830. Private Room, Sherborne, Dorsetshire 1818 Grand Jury Room, Town Hall, Half Moon St., Sherborne 1845 " Not 7net since 1851. " Erased 7 September 1859. Star Hotel, Corn Market, Q'S.^OVdi,' Oxfordshire 1819 Angel Inn, High Street, Oxford 1829 Maidenhead Inn, Turl Street, n 1832 Masonic Hall, Alfred Street, ,1 1833 University Masonic Hall, Frewin Court, n 1865 Masonic Hall, Lodge Point, Ireland Island, Bermudas, West indies 1817 Met under Dispensation from Prov. G.L. of Bermuda, 6 May 1817. Warrant received from England, 2 July 1820. Masonic Hall, North side of Island, Ireland Island 1857 Prince Alfred Lodge Room, Mangrove Bay, Somerset Island 1862 Masonic Hall, North side of Ireland Island 1863 New Masonic Hall (on same site), n 1876 White Swan, Market Place, White Hart, „ Star Inn, Cherville Street, White Horse Inn, Market Place, Crown Inn, High Street, Romsey, Hampshire 1819 Romsey 1821 II 1829 II 1841 Shirley, Hampshire 1855 Freemasons' Hall, Bugle Street, Southampton, 11 1859 II Albion Place, Southampton Date of Warrant or Constitution. 16 June 1818 Disp. by G.M. 26 July 1818 30 Oct. 1818 1818 Jubilee Warrant, 29 Aug. 1868. 19 Oct. 1818 30 Nov. 1818 28 Dee. 1818 Cons. 19 Feb. i8ig. 1819 Warrant of Confirmation, 16 August 1829. 6 Oct. 1819 1814 1832 1863 705 455 706 456 707 708 457 458 356 709 710 459 711 460 357 712 461 358 713 462 359 251 J 894 360 Name of Lodge. 361 362 363 Pomfret Lodge. Ordnance Lodge. Loge les Amis en Captivite. Lodge of Providence. Lodge of Industry. Doric Lodge. Royal Sussex Lodge, Freetown Lodge of Good Intent. Keystone Lodge. British Constitutional Lodge. Lodge of Fortitude and Perseverance. Lodge of Sympathy. Places of Meeting. Fountain Inn, Silver Street, Northampton, Northamptonshire 1819 Peacock Inn, Market Square, Northampton 1822 Saracen's Head Inn, Abingdon Street, Green Dragon Inn, Bearward Street, Ram Hotel, Sheep Street, George Hotel, George Row, Masonic Hall, Abingdon Street, II Princes Street, In Garrison, Gibraltar (Malaga), Warrant surrendered in 1826. 1826 1829 183I 1840 1875 1890 Spain 1819 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 16 Oct. 1819 Malta Erased in 1823. 1819 Black Dog Inn, West Street, Havant, Hampshire 1819 Bear Inn, East Street, Havant 1825 Black Dog Inn, West Street, n 1827 Erased { Warrant returned) in 1834. Hare and Hounds, Stockport Road, Gee CrOSS, Cheshire 1819 Grapes Inn, Stockport Road, Gee Cross 1822 Norfolk Arms Hotel, Market Place, Hyde, Cheshire 1842 Angel Inn, High Street, Grantham, Lincolnshire 1820 Granby Inn, Market Place, Grantham 1820 Private Room, Quay Street, 1, 1837 11 High Street, St. Peter's Hill, n 1841 Steyne Hotel, Marine Parade, Worthing, Sussex 1820 Private Room, Marine Place, Worthing 1827 Erased 5 SepteTtiher 1838. Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Coast of Africa 1820 Erased ^ June i86z. New Hall Inn, Dake of Wellington, Bay Horse Inn, New Inn, Red Lion, Samlesbury, Lancashire 1820 Walton-le-dale, n 1825 Faeit, " 1852 Whitworth, n 1858 Whitworth 1883 Bay of Honduras (Honduras), Erased \ June 1862, Central America 1820 Eightieth Regiment of Foot 1813 At Cannanore (Malabar), Madras, India 1813 11 Quilon (Travancore), Madras 1817 In the Eightieth Regiment of Foot, 1820 Last Return, 1828. Erased (^Warrant returned) 21 N071. 1837. Star Inn, Market Street, WottOn-Under-EdgO, Gloucestershire 1821 Last Return, 1824. Erased in 1832. 6 Oet. 1819 6 Oet. 1819 13 Dec. 1819 Cons. I March i8ig. 29 Feb. 1820 Cons. 13 May i8ig. 22 Jan. 1820 Cons. Sept. 1820. Warrant of Confirmation, 10 Dec. 1890. 30 March 1820 28 April 1820 29 May 1820 19 June 1820 27 Dec. 1813 Local Warrant. 20 June 1820 G.L Warrant. 21 March 1821 1814 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 1832 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 252 i894 Name of Lodge. 364 Cambrian Lodge. Dormant 1833-1843. 366 Good Hope Lodge. Hope Lodge, 1830. St. David's Lodge. Lodge of Unanimity. Royal Sussex Lodge. St. George's Lodge of Unanimity and Fidelity. St. George's Lodge. 367 Lodge of Probity and Freedom. Lodge Soerates zur Standhaftiglseit. i.e. " Socrates of Constancy." Places of Meeting. White Hart, Duck Street, Eagle Inn, Wind Street, Castle Inn, The Parade, New Rooms at Castle Hotel, Masonic Hall, Queen Street, Neath, Glamorganshire 1821 Neath 1826 11 1832 Cape Town (Cape), Cape Colony, Erased ii January 1878 South Africa 1821 Milford and Waterford Coffee House, Hakin, Milford, Pembrokeshire 1820 Lord Nelson Hotel, Hamilton Terrace, Milford 1824 Masonic Hall, n 11 1883 King's Head, High Street, Rochester, Ke)ii 1821 Sun Tavern, High Street, Chatham, n 1824 United with ^^ Royal Kent Lod^e of Antiquity " No. 20 [i\^," No. 383 [No. 315 (A) of 27 Dec. 1797], 17 August 1830. Grahamstown (Albany) Cape Colony, South Africa 1828 The Temple, Hill Street, Grahamstown 1875 Bombay, Bombay, India 1828 Went over to G.L. of Scotland when Sir J. Bums was appointed Prov. G.M. (Scottish). Is now No. 351 on Reg. of G.L. of Scotland. Erased 4 June 1862. Masonic Hall, Rollstone -Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire 1828 Masonic Hall, Crane Street, Salisbury 1831 Erased ^ Sepiemler 1838. Sydney (Cumberland), Lodge Room, Royal Hotel, Freemasons' Hall, Clarence Street, 11 York Street, Erased 5 Decetnher 1888. Nov. No. 3 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. New South Wales 182S Sydney 1833 „ i860 ., i860 Charlottetown (Queen's), Prince Edward Island, North America 1827 Bro. John Robinson's, Kent Street, Charlottetown 1828 Mr. John Anderson's, ir n 1835 DorviaiU about 1837. Erased 3, June iZ^j'z. Freemasons' Hall, Allahabad, (Allahabad), N. IK Protnnces, India 1825 Not in List until 1828. In Regiment of Bengal Artillery, Bengal, India 1814 Not in List until 1828. Dum Dum, Calcutta, Dum Dum, Freemasons' Hall, Cossitollah, Freemasons' Hall, 55 Bentinck Street, Bengal, India 1814 Bengal 1 851 1852 Calcutta 1854 I, 1880 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 23 June 1827 23 June 1814 Prov. Warrant. 6 Oct. 1827 G-L. Warrant. 3 Jan. 1828 Warrant of Confirmation 4 April 1873. 16 April 1828 16 April 1828 21 June 1828 Jubilee Warrant, 25 May 1878. 25 Aug. 1828 Con.s. 26 Aug. 1827. 26 Oct. 1825 Prov. Warrant. 21 Aug. 1828 G.L. Warrant. Warrants of Confirma- tion, in 1839, and ii Julyi88i. 12 July 1814 Prov. Warrant. 27 Aug. 1828 G.L. Warrant. Warrant of Confirmation, 15 October 1849. I8I4 1832 815 544 816 •• 817 545 818 546 819 547 820 548 821 549 822 650 823 551 1863 388 389 390 391 392 [ 26z J 1894 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Sincerity. Hastings Lodge of Amity and Independence. Lodge Humanity with Courage. " A Military Lodge." 393 St. David's Lodge. 394 Southampton Lodge. 395 Guy's Lodge. Union Lodge. No. 1 Athol Provincial. Virgin Lodge. No. 2 Athol Provincial. Artillery Lodge, 1786. Virgin Lodge again, iSoo. Temple Lodge. No. 7 Athol Provincial, Places of Meeting. CawnpOFB (Allahabad), iV. W. Provinces, Iiuiia 1S19 Not in List until zS^S. Erased in 185S. Allahabad (Allahabad), N.W. Provinces, India 1S22 Not in List until 1828. Erasedin 1838. George Town [Penang], Malay Peninsula, East Indies 1822 Not in List until 1828. Struck out 0/ Calendar \Zi^t <^nd next Lodge hiserted with same tiumbcr. Berwick Arms, High Street, BePWiek-On-Tweed, A'orthiimberland 182S Hen and Chicl 1843 Masonic Hall, Water Street, n 1857 Large's Hall, Queen Street, 11 1867 Erased :H June 1875. Now No. I on Reg. of G.L. of Prince Edward's Island. Newport (Hants), Nova Seotia, Erased 4 June 1862. Halifax (Halifax), Nova Seotia, Masonic Hall, Barrington Street North America 181 2 North America 1815 Halifax 1S29 Casper Arenbuig's, Lincoln Street, Lunenburg (Lunenburg), Nova ScOtia, North America 1822 Robert Mooiiey's, Fox Street, Lunenburg 1824 George W. Oxner's, Cornwallis Street, Joseph Rudolf's, King Street, H. H. Jost's, Lincoln Street, George W. Oxner's, Cornwallis Street, Erased 1 Sejrt. 1869. Now No. 4 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Sfrotia. 1837 1842 1850 1863 Windsor (Hants), Nova Seotia, North America 1821 Erased /^ June 1862. Rawdon (Hants), Nova Seotia, North America 1823 Erased 4 June 1862. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 3 Mareh 1785 Prov. Warrant. 10 Mareh 1829 G.L. Warrant. 19 May 1785 Prov. Warrant. 10 Mareh 1829 G.L. Warrant. 9 Oet. 1797 Prov. Warrant. 10 Mareh 1829 G.L. Warrant. IS14 1 Nov. 1812 Prov. Warrant. 10 March 1829 G.L. Warrant. 2 July 1815 Prov. Warrant. 10 Mareh 1829 G.L. Warrant. 4 April 1821 Prov. Warrant. Cons. 8 March 1822. 10 Mareh 1829 G.L. Warrant. 24 Oet. 1821 Prov, Warrant. 10 March 1829 G.L. Warrant. 26 Mareh 1823 Prov. Warrant. 10 March 1829 G.L. Warrant. 831 832 833 1832 560 561 562 834 835 836 1863 397 563 564 398 565 837 838 566 567 399 [ 265 ] i894 40i 402 Name of Lodge. Colchester Union Lodge. No. 48 Athol Ppovlnelal. Cumberland Harmony Lodge. No. 51 Athol Provincial. Albion Lodge. No. 52 Athol Provincial. Royal Albion Lodge. No. 53 Athol Provincial. Formerly 95th Regiment. St. Mary's Lodge. No. 55 Athol Provincial. Rising Sun Lodge. No. 56 Athol Provincial. Lodge KUvirinning in the East. Royal Forest Lodge. Royal Sussex Lodge, United Seaforth Lodge. Places of Meeting. Mason Hall, Bible Hill, TruFO (Colchester), Nova Scotia, North America 1823 Eawdon (Hants), Nova Scotia 1850 Ceased to meet about 1831. Erased 4 June 1862. Amherst (Cumberland), Nova Scotia, North America 1825 Erased 4 June 1862. Bro. Welch's Inn, Church Street, Saint John (Saint John), New Brunswick, North America 1826 Masonic Hall, King Street, Saint John 1832 Bragg's Long Room, Cross Street, 11 1837 St. John Hotel, King Street, n 1840 St. Stephen's Hall, King Square, n 1852 Bro. Marshall's Hall, Princess Street, n 1854 Judge Ritchie's Building, n 11 1856 Surrendered Warrant i Nov, 1867. Erased 9 April 1869. Now No. I on Reg. of G.L. of New Brunswick, Halifax (Halifax), Nova Scotia, North America 1826 In the First Battalion Rifle Brigade 1839 Erased 4 June 1862. Digby (Digby), Nova Scotia, North America 1827 Erased 4 June 1862. Became No. 6 on G.L. Nova Scotia. Now extinct. Londonderry (Colchester), Nova Scotia, North America 1828 Erased i, June 1862. Note. — Nos. 8zg to 844 were not in Lists until 1829. Wellington Square, Calcutta, Bengal, India 1826 Not in List until 1829. No Returns after jZ^j. Erased in 1845. Hark to Bounty Inn, Slaidburn, Yorkshire 1829 Exchange Rooms, Smithy Row, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire 1829 Assembly Rooms, Lower Pavement, Nottingham 1850 George Hotel [George IV], George Street, n 1855 Bridgetown, Island of Barbados, Erased in 1842. 34 West Indies 1829 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 8 April 1823 Prov. Warrant. 10 March 1829 G.L. Warrant. 30 Aug. 1825 Prov. Warrant. 10 March 1829 G.L. Warrant. 30 Nov. 1825 Prov. Warrant. Cons. 23 Jan. 1826. 10 March 1829 G.L. Warrant. 1814 839 840 841 8 March 1826 Prov. Warrant. 10 March 1829 G.L. Warrant. 20 Sept. 1827 Prov. Warrant. 10 March 1829 G.L. Warrant. 4 March 1828 Prov. Warrant. 10 March 1829 G.L. Warrant. 23 Dec. 1826 Prov. Warrant. 15 April 1829 G.L. Warrant. 22 April 1829 Cons. 18 Aug. 1829. 5 May 1829 Cons. 5 Dec. 1829. 26 Aug. 1829 1832 568 569 570 842 1863 400 571 843 572 844 845 573 574 846 847 575 401 576 402 848 577 266 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1814 1832 1863 403 Hertford Lodge. Salisbury Arms Hotel, Fore St., Hertford, Hertfordshire 1829 Town Hall, Market Place, Hertford 1831 31 Aug. 1829 Cons. 8 Sept. 1829. 849 578 403 Lodge of Coneopd. Three Tuns Inn, Fore Street, TrowbridgC, Wiltshire 1829 Erased 3 December 1851. 31 Aug. 1829 850 579 404 Bamborough Lodge. Watford Lodge, 1833. Spread Eagle, Market Place, Watford, Hertfordshire 1829 Assembly Room, Essex Arms, High Street, Watford 1830 Freemasons' Hall, High Street, n 1836 Clarendon Hotel, Station Road, n 1871 Essex Arms, High Street, n 1873 Freemasons' Hall, High Street, 11 1874 26 Oct. 1829 Cons. 13 Nov. 1829. 851 580 404 Lodge of Love and Harmony. Combermere Lodge of Love and Harmony, 1832. Navigation Inn, New Road, Winsford, near OveP, Cheshire 1830 Erased 3 December 1851. 22 Dee. 1830 852 581 •• Oxford Light Infantry Lodge. Fifty-seeond Regiment of Foot, Halifax (Halifax), Nova ScOtia, North America 1827 In the Fifty-second Regiment 1832 Erased 4 June 1862. 10 Jan. 1827 Prov. Warrant, 22 Dee. 1830 G.L. Warrant. 853 582 •• St. George's Lodge. Red Lion Inn, High Street, Berwiek-On-Twecd, Northmnberland 1830 Erased^ September 1838. 23 Dee. 1830 854 583 •• Lodge of Economy. Royal Oak Inn, Market Place, Garstang, Lancashire 1830 Eagle and Child Inn, High Street, Garstang 1842 Erased 1 June 1853. 21 Get. 1830 855 584 •■ 405 Philanthropic Lodge. Royal Philanthropic Lodge, 1836. Suspended 1841-1849. Masonic Temple, Mount Moriah, Port Of Spain (St. George's), Island of Trinidad, West Indies 1 83 1 Masonic Temple, Duke Street, Port of Spain 1840 ir Mount Zion, ,, 1851 11 Duke Street, „ 1872 11 St. Ann's Road, „ 1875 11 Richmond Street, n 1894 29 March 1831 856 585 405 406 Northern Counties Lodge. King's Head, Blackett Street, Neweastle-Upon-Tyne, Northumberland 1831 Freemasons' Hall, Bell's Court, Newgate Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1837 Masonic Hall, Maple Street, „ 1871 20 April 1831 857 586 406 Olive Union Lodge. Bull Inn, Bull Ring, Horncastle, Lincolnshire 1830 Worked under Dispensation from Prov. G.M. 17 December 1830. Last Return June 1843. Erased in 1847. 20 April 1831 858 587 ■■ [ 26; ] 1 894 407 Name of Lodge. Union of Malta Lodge, 408 409 Royal Sussex Lodge. Lodge of Unanimity. Lodge of the Three Graces. Stortford Lodge. 410 Grove Lodge. 411 Commercial Lodge. Holy Temple Lodge. 413 Lodge Hope. 414 Lodge of Union. Places of Meeting. Suburb of Burmola, Valetta, Malta 1832 Senglea, Valetta, n 1843 10 Strada Maggazini, Floriana, n 1847 Masonic Hall, 43 Strada Zaccaria, Valetta, n 1859 M 78 Strada Forni, n n 1862 11 27 Strada Stretta, n n 1870 Belize, Honduras, Central America 183 1 Erased 4 June 1862. Norfolk Hotel, St. Giles' Street, Norwlch, Norfolk 1831 Erased 3 December 1851. Black Bull Inn, Main Street, Masonic Rooms, n HaWOrth, Yorkshire 1831 Haworth 1835 Crown Hotel, HockeriU, Hertfordshire 183 1 George Hotel, North Street, Blshop'S StOrtford, Hertfordshire 1836 Chequers Hotel, North Street, Bishop's Stortford 1875 Queen Adelaide, Ewell, Surrey 1832 Spring Hotel, Ewell 1839 Sun Hotel, Market Place, KlngSton-On-ThameS, Surrey 1882 Spring Hotel, . Ewell 1889 \_Place unknowrC] Nottingham, Nottinghamshire 1832 George IV. Inn, George Street, Nottingham 1837 No. 30 Exchange Rooms, Smithy Row, n 1844 Flying Horse Hotel, The Poultry, ,1 1847 George Hotel, George Street, m 1880 Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, ,1 1881 Graham Arms, Main Street, Swan Inn; Main Street, Wheatsheaf Inn, Main Street, Graham Arms, n Wheatsheaf Hotel, n Swan Inn, ir Warrant returned. Erased initqo. LongtOWn, Cumberland 1833 Longtown 1849 185s 1858 i860 Meerut (Meerut), N.W. Provinces, India 1833 Unitedivith " Zetland Lodge" No. 792 \of q August 1847I in August iSsi. Freemasons' Hall, Hill Street, Meerut 1881 Wheat Rick Inn, London Street, Beading, Berkshire 1833 Upper Ship Hotel, Duke Street, Reading 1834 Woolpack Hotel, Broad Street, n 1836 Masonic Hall, The Hospitium, Reading Abbey, n 1837 Masonic Hall, Grey Friars Road, u i860 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 17 June 1831 17 June 1831 15 Aug. 1831 24 Aug. 1831 22 Oct. 1831 Cons. 27 Dec. 1831. 30 Jan. 1832 Warrant of Confirmation, 16 May 1893. 16 April 1832 25 Feb. 1833 28 May 1833 21 May 1833 I8I4 1832 1863 859 588 407 860 589 861 590 862 591 408 863 592 409 864 593 410 865 594 411 •• 595 412 •• 596 413 597 414 268 i894 Name of Lodge. 415 Lodge Orion in the West. Not at work from 1843 to 1859. Gold Coast Lodge of St. John. Clarence Lodge. St. John's Lodge. 416 LIndsey Lodge. Surrey Lodge. In abeyance 1842-1856. Lodge of Friendship. 417 Lodge of Faith and Unanimity. 418 Menturia Lodge. Places of Meeting. Bombay Horse Artillery, Poena (Poona), Bombay, India : Warranted by Prov. G.L. of Coast of Coromandel, 14 August 1823, at Poona, but never returned to Grand Lodge. In 1830 it was discovered that the Lodge was not on the English Register. :823 Masonic Hall, Poona 1859 Cape Coast Castle, Gold Coast, West Coast of Africa 1833 Never made any returns. Erased 4 J^tne 1862. Sandy Point, Island of St. Christopher, West Indies 1833 Old Road, island of St. Christopher 1837 Erased in i860. Saugor (Jubbulpore), Central Provinces, India 1833 Resuscitated 28 Dec. 1846, after having been dormant for six years. Erased in. 1858, Madame Metcalfe's House, Walkergate, Louth, Lincolnshire 1833 Warrant reUtrned. Erased in 1840. White Hart Inn, Market Place, Swan Inn, High Street, Public Hall, High Street, Reigate, Surrey 1834 Reigate 1857 1862 George Inn, HockeriU, Hertfordshire 1834 Warrant surrendered to Prov. G.M., A ugnst 1851. Erased in 1851. King's Arms Inn, High East Street, Dorehester, Dorsetshire 1834 Masonic Hall, West Bank Street [now Princes Street], Dorchester 1834 Mail Coach Inn, North Square, h 1853 Town Hall, „ 1855 Lodge Room, High East Street, ti 1S56 Masonic Plall, Princes Street, ,1 1861 Albion Inn, Albion Street, Hanley, Staffordshire 1834 Shakespeare Inn, Stafford Street, Hanley 184 1 Albion Inn, Albion Street, 11 1846 Sea Lion, High Street, n 1850 Albion Inn, Albion Street, n 1853 Masonic Hall, High Street, n 1853 Saracen's Head Inn, Stafford Street, n 1855 Masons' Arms, North Street, m 1856 Saracen's Head Hotel, Stafford Street, n i860 Mechanics' Institute, Pall Mall, 11 1862 Masonic Hall, Cheapside, n 1880 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1832 1863 14 Aug. 1823 Prov, Warrant. 19 July 1833 G.L. Warrant. 19 July 1833 19 July 1833 15 Oet. 1833 Warrant of Confirmation in 1848. 15 Oet. 1833 4 Jan. 1834 Cons. 15 Jan. 1834. 9 April 1834 9 April 1834 Cons. 25 April 1834. 18 July 1834 Cons. 22 Oct. 1834. 598 415 599 600 601 602 603 416 604 605 417 606 418 [ 269 ] Name of Lodge. 419 St. Peter's Lodge. Rancliffe Lodge. True Bpotheps' Lodge. 421 Loyal Lodge of Industry. 422 Trent Lodge. Yarborough Lodge, 1849. Bayons Lodge. South Australian Lodge of Friendship. Lodge of Friendship, 1871. Places of Meeting. Star and Garter Hotel, Victoria St., Wolverhampton, Stajordshire 1834 Assembly Rooms, Queen Street, Wolverhampton 1844 Star and Garter Hotel, Victoria Street, 11 1852 Swan Hotel, Queen Square, n 1862 Star and Garter Hotel, Victoria Street, m 1871 King's Head, High St., LoUghborOUgh, Leicestershire 1834 Last Meeting i Feb. 1848. Erased xj-une 1853. Dinapore (Bihar), Bengal, India 1834 Revived 22 Sept. 1847, " after having been dormant ten years." Erased in 1865. Ring of Bells, Duke Street, Southmolton, Devonshire 1835 Masonic Hall, m Southmolton 1836 George Inn, Broad Street, m 1842 Freemasons' Hall, New Road, n 1S47 Half Moon Inn, Hickman Street, GainsborOUgh, Lincolnshire 1834 Private Rooms, Jerrem's Street, Gainsborough 1836 Masonic Hall, Market Place, n 1872 White Hart Inn, King St., Market Easen, Lincolnshire 1834 Erased-^ December 1851. No. 7 John Street, Adelphi, London Black's Hotel, Franklin Street, Adelaide (Adelaide), South Anstralia Port Lincoln Hotel, West Terrace, Adelaide Turf Hotel, Waymouth Street, m Lambert's Auction Rooms, Hindley Street, n Freemasons' Tavern, Pirie Street, n Masonic Hall, Morphett Street and North Terrace, n Prince of Wales Hotel, An^as Street, « Masonic Rooms, King William Street, n London Inn, Flinders Street, m Prince of Wales Hotel, Angas Street, n Masonic Hall, Rundle Street, n Freemasons' Tavern, Pirie Street, n United with" Lodge of Concord," No. 677 Wo. 975, of 6 May 1S56], sS October iS6g, and with "Albert Lodge," No. 927 \.No. 1229, of 22 Aug. 1862], 2 December iS*^- 1834 1838 1838 1838 1843 1844 1853 1857 1862 1863 1864 1866 i86q Prince Alfired Hotel, King William Street, Freemasons' Hall, Flinders Street, Clarence Hotel, King William Street, Alfred Masonic Hall, Waymouth Street, Eagle Chambers, King William Street, Freemasons' Hall, Flinders Street, Erased 3 Jifne 1885. Now No. I on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. Adelaide 1869 11 1S69 1871 11 1872 „ 1875 M 1881 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 18 July 1834 Cons. 6 Oct. 1834. 1832 607 1863 419 19 July 1834 Cons. 9 Dec. 1834. 11 Sept. 1834 608 609 420 11 Sept. 1834 Cons. 14 Feb. 1835. 610 421 29 Sept. 1834 Cons, ti Aug. 1834. 29 Sept. 1834 611 422 612 22 Get. 1834 Cons, same day. First Meeting In Adelaide, II Aug. 1838. 613 423 2/0 1 894 424 425 426 428 429 Name of Lodge. Borough Lodge. Cestrian Lodge. Orphan Lodge. Shakespeare Lodge. Wear Lodge. Lodge Oriental Star. Lodge of Sincerity. Royal Navy Lodge. 430 Neilgherry Lodge. Lodge Faith, Hope, and Charity, 1849. Lodge of Fidelity. Places of Meeting. Goat Inn, Bottle Bank, Half Moon Inn, High Street, Grey Horse, it Black Bull Inn, High Street, Queen's Arms Inn, Goat Inn, Bottle Bank, Black Bull Inn, High Street, Grey Horse Inn, m Masonic Hall, West Street, Masonic Rooms, Half Moon Lane, Gateshead, Durham 1834 Gateshead 1843 184s 1846 1850 1852 1853 1857 1869 1877 Royal Hotel, Eastgate Street, Green Dragon Hotel, 11 Com Exchange, n Green Dragon Hotel, ,1 Grosvenor Hotel, n Masonic Hall, Queen Street, Chester, Cheshire 1835 Chester 1863 I, 1864 .1 1864 11 1866 „ 1883 Rua de Malta Cavallos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America 1835 Erased 4 June 1862. Town Hall, Market Place, Spilsby, Lincolnshire 1835 Masonic Hall, Hundleby Road, Spilsby 1885 Lambton Arms, Front Street, CheSter-le-Street, Durham 1835 Erased 2 March 1864. Cannanore (Malabar), Erased i^ June 1862. Madras, India 1830 Angel Hotel, Bull Ring, High St., Northwich, Cheshire 1836 Cinque Port Arms, King Street, Royal Hotel, Harbour Street, Castle Tavern, n Freemasons' Tavern, High Street, Royal Hotel, Harbour Street, Ramsgate, Kent 1835 Ramsgate 1839 1843 II 1846 1856 Ootaeamund (Coimbatore, Nilgiri Hills), Madras, India 1830 Erased ^ June 1862. White Hart Inn, Flowery Field, Old Road, Newton Moor, Cheshire 183s Queen's Arms, Wharf Street, Dukinfleld, n 1867 Astley Arms, Chapel Hill, Dukinfield 1881 Wheatsheaf Hotel, Stamford St., Ashton-Under-Lyne, Lancashire 1885 Pitt and Nelson Hotel, Old Street, Ashton-under-Lyne 1887 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 29 Oct. 1834 Cons, 27 Nov. 1834. 17 Dee. 1834 Cons. 9 Jan. 1835. 17 Dee. 1834 12 May 1835 Cons. II June 1835. 15 July 1835 Cons. 22 Sept. 1835. 1 Oet. 1835 Cons, about 1830. 3 Oct. 1835 Cons. 15 Sept. 1836. 12 Oet. 1835 23 Dee. 1835 Cons, about 1830. 23 Dec. 1835 1832 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 1863 424 623 425 426 427 428 429 430 [ 2/1 ] 1 894 431 Name of Lodge. St. George's Lodge. 432 Abbey Lodge. Staffordshire Knot Lodge. 433 434 Lodge of Hope. St. John's Lodge. No. 13 Coast of Coromandel. 435 Sussex Lodge. Salisbury Lodge. Ivanhoe Lodge. Places of Meeting. White Lion, Liddell Street, North Shields, Northiimierland 1836 Freemasons' Tavern, Saddle Inn, Norfolk Street, North Shields 1837 Granby Hotel, Tyne Street, n 1841 George Tavern, King Street, n 1852 Granby Hotel, Tyne Street, n 1852 Albion Tavern, Norfolk Street, n 1854 George Tavern, King Street, n 1854 Commercial Hotel, Howard Street, !■ 1858 Freemasons' Hall, Norfolk Street, n 1859 Castle Inn, Market Place, Nuneaton, Warwickshire 1836 Newdegate Arms, Newdegate Square, Nuneaton 1844 Half Moon Inn, Abbey Street, n 1846 Newdegate Arms, Newdegate Square, n 1853 Shire Hall, Market Square, George Hotel, m Three Tuns, Goalgate Street, Swan Hotel, Greengate Street, Albion Tavern, u Three Tuns, Goalgate Street, Last Meeting 15 Oct. 1839. Anchor and Hope, Waterside, Swan Inn, High Street, Stafford, Staffordshire 1836 Stafford 1837 „ 1837 „ 1838 „ 1838 „ 1838 Erased 3 Decejnber 1851. Brightlingsea, Essex 1836 Brightlingsea i860 Colombo, Ceylon, East indies 1822 Formed by Members of " St. Andrew's Union'' Lodge, No. 10 Local [see page 238], at Colombo, who on 19 Aug. iSiS petitioned the Prov. G.L. for a Warrant, which was granted on 23 Sept. i8tB. Warrant dated 16 Aug. 1822. Not on Register until 1836. Seeunderabad (Hyderabad, Deccan), India. 1823 Freemasons' Hall, Seeunderabad i860 Neemueh (Indore), Last payment 1840. Central India 1836 Erased in 1858. Falcon Inn, High Road, Waltham CrOSS, Hertfordshire 1836 New Inn, Sun Street, Waltham Abbey, ii 1843 King's Head, Market Place, Enfield, Middlesex 1847 Private Rooms, 71 Dean Street, Soho, LondOn 1856 Blanchard's Restaurant, Beak Street, Regent Street, m 1872 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, 11 1873 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, 11 1875 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, 11 1878 Royal Hotel, near the Baths, Ashby-de-la-ZoUCh, Leicestershire 1836 Closed in due form and adjourned sine die, 7 October 1841. Erased 3 December 1851. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 23 Dee. 1835 Cons. 9 May 1836. 5 Jan. 1836 5 Jan. 1836 Cons. 2 July 1836. 8 Jan. 1836 16 Aug. 1822 Prov. Warrant. Cons. 30 Aug. 1822. Warrant of Confirmation i9Mayi863. 17 Mareh 1836 31 March 1836 Cons, 8 June 1836. 1832 624 1863 431 625 432 626 627 628 433 434 629 630 435 16 April 1836 Cons. 30 May 1836. 631 2/2 i894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1832 1863 St. John's Lodge. Mallard House, King Street, Saint Jolin (Saint John), No. 29 Athol Provincial. New BrunSWielc, Noith America Bro. Hitchcock's House, King Street, Saint John Cody's Coffee House, King Street and Prince William Street, 11 Mallard House, King Street, n Bro. Morse's House, Horsfield Street, 11 Bro. Lockhart's House, Union Street and Smyth St.,ii Bro. Macpherson's House, King Street and Cross St., n Masonic Hall, King Street and Charlotte Street, n Union Hall, Dock Street, n St. John Hotel, King Street and Charlotte Street, 1. Bro. Marshall's Building, Princess Street and Sidney Street, n Judge Ritchie's Building, Street, n Erased g April i86g. Now No. 2 on Reg. of G.L. of New Brunswick. 1802 1 80s 1S08 1813 1814 1818 1822 1824 1842 1846 1851 1856 18 Dec. 1801 Prov. Warrant. 23 April 1836 G.L. Warrant. Cons. 5 April 1802. 632 436 Hibernia Lodge. Eighty-nintli Regiment of Foot, Quilon (Travancore), Madras^ India 1822 4 Oct. 1822 633 .. Not in List until 1836. Prov. Warrant. Erased in 1844. Lodge Social and Military Virtues Madras (Chingleput), Madras, India 1817 27 Dee. 1817 634 In 46th Regiment. Not in List until 1836. Prov. Warrant. No. 7 Local. No. 5 Local in 1821. Went to Ceylon [date uncertain], and was extinct before the Warrant from G.L. of England arrived in rS36. Erased i,Iune 1862. Lodge Universal Charity, Madras (Chingleput), Madras, India Not in List until 1836. This appears to be a Duplication of the Lodge " Universal Charity," of 7 May 1811, and should not have been put on the List again in 1836. [See page 221.] Erased ^lufie 1862. [ ] 635 •• Lodge Honour and Humanity Madras (Chingleput), Madras, India 1819 7 July 1819 636 In 13th Light Dragoons. Not in List until 1836. Prov. Warrant. No. 13 Coast of Coromandel. Erased 4 June 1862. Lodge Military and Social Poonamallee (Chingleput), Madras, India 1820 27 Dec. 1820 637 Friendship. Not in List until 1836. Ceased to work in 1821. Erased 4 Jtcne 1862. Prov. Warrant. Taprobane Lodge. Ceylon, East indies Madras (Chingleput), Madras, India Not in List until 1836. Erased 4 June 1862. 1822 1836 June 1822 Prov. Warrant. 638 ■• Corinthian Lodge Cannanore (Malabar), Madras, India 1823 26 Sept. 1823 639 In 7th Regiment Native Infantry. Madras (Chingleput), Madras Not in List until 1836. Erased 4 June 1862. N.B.— The foregoing Seven Lodges were placed on List in 1836. There is no record of their having received G.L. Warrants. 1836 Prov. Warrant. 437 Lodge of Science. Red Lion Inn, Bourton, Dorsetshire National School Room, Wincanton, Somersetshire Masonic Hall, Church Street, Wincanton 1836 1870 1872 13 Aug. 1836 640 437 273 i894 438 439 440 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Harmony. Seientifle Lodge. St. George's Lodge. No. 10 Ppov. Reg. of Montreal and William Henry. 441 Anchor and Hope Lodge. Lodge of Three Grand Principles. 442 St. Peter's Lodge. Lodge Freedom and Fraternity. Lodge Light of the North. 443 Royal Victoria Lodge. 444 Lodge of Union. Places of Meeting. Cawnpore (Allahabad), Civil Lines, Masonic Hall, N. W. Provinces, India 1834 Cawnpore 1879 Private Room, CullingWOrth, Yorkshire 1836 Masonic Rooms, Fleece Inn, Main Street, Bingley, Yorkshire 1839 Mack's Hotel, 304 Notre Dame Street, Montreal (Montreal), Canada East, Quebec 1828 Freemasons' Hall, Notre Dame Street and Dalhousie Square, Montreal 185 1 Mack's Hotel, 304 Notre Dame Street, n 1852 Masonic Chambers, n n n 1862 Masonic Hall, Place D'Armes, h 1876 M 359 Notre Dame Street, m 1883 Oddfellows' Hall, 662§ Craig Street, ,r 1883 II 249§ St. James's Street, 11 1885 II 251 ,1 II 1888 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 23 Aug. 1836 Cons. 18 Dec. 1834. Warrant of Confirmation. 12 Feb. 1862. 27 Sept. 1836 Cons, same day. 20 Oct. 1836 Cons, in 1828. Warrant of Confirmation, II Sept. 1870. Swan Hotel, WOOre, Shropshire 1836 Erased 1 Ju7ie 1853. House of Commons, Hills Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire 1 836 Blue Boar Inn, Trinity Street, Red Bull Inn, Sidney Street, Half Moon Inn, Trumpington Street, Bird Bolt Inn, St. Andrew's Street, Red Lion Hotel, Petty Cury, Cambridge 1840 1846 1852 1857 1859 1832 2 Dee. 1836 10 Dee. 1836 Windmill Inn, Market Place, Peterborough, Northamptonshire 1837 Angel Inn, Narrow Bridge Street, Peterborough J838 Crown Hotel, Bridge Street, Fletton, n 1852 Wenlworth Hotel, Wentworth Street, n 1853 Masonic Hall, Lincoln Road, n 1863 19 Dee. 1836 Cons. 14 Jan. 1837. Warrant of Confirmation I January 1855. Agra (Agra), N. W. Pro^'inces, India 1837 23 June 1837 Filially closed 27 December iB^-j. Erased in 1858. Kurnaul (Delhi), Ptmjab, India 1837 " The abolition of this Station has actually destroyed this excellent Lodge." F.Q.R. 1843. Erased 271 1852. Masonic Hall, Ncw Providenco, Bahama Islands, West Indies 1837 Public Buildings, New Providence 1846 Freemasons' Hall, Bay Street, Nassau, n 1862 Clifford's Arms Hotel, Fore St., Chudleigh, Devonshire 1837 Courtenay Arms Hotel, StarcrOSS, n 1849 23 June 1837 23 June 1837 23 June 1837 Cons. 25 Sept. 1837. 641 642 438 439 643 440 644 645 441 646 442 647 648 649 443 650 444 35 274 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1832 1863 Operative Lodge. Deva Lodge, 1839. Old Nag's Head, Foregate Street, Chester, Cheshire 1S37 Lodge Room, Bridge Street, Chester 1839 Hop-pole Inn, Foregate Street, n 1839 Blossom Inn, Foregate Street, n 1847 White Lion Hotel, Northgate Street, 1, 1S53 Erased 3 December 1856. 23 June 1837 651 445 Lodge of Fidelity. Talbot Inn, High Street, TowCesteP, Northamptonshire 1837 Pomfret Hotel, High Street, Towcester 1862 25 July 1837 Cons. 28 Aug. 1837. 652 445 446 Benevolent Lodge. Swan Lodge of Benevolence, 1838. Benevolent Lodge, again, 1842. Swan Inn, Sadler Street, Wells, Somersetshire 1837 Town Hall, Market Place, Wells 1839 Vicar's Hall, The Vicar's Close, i. 1892 2 MaFeh 1837 Cons. 6 April 1837. 653 446 Pythagoras Lodge. Island of Corcyra, COFfu, Ionian IslCS, Greece 1S37 Casa Dandolo, St. Dametrio, Corfu 1874 Erased 6 June 1894. Warrant returned. 9 Oct. 1837 654 447 Royal Alpha Lodge. Angel Hotel, High Street, GuildfOFd, Surrey 1837 Erased i June 1853. 3 Dee. 1837 655 •• 448 Loyal Ancient St. James' Lodge. St. James' Lodge, 1861. Private Room, ThOFntOn (near Bradford), Yorkshire 1838 Bridge Tavern, Northgate, Halifax, r, 1857 Talbot Hotel, Woolshops, Halifax l86i Masonic Hall, St. John's Place, n 1S69 17 MaFeh 1838 656 448 449 Cecil Lodge. Sun Hotel, Sun Street, Hitehin, Hertfordshire 1838 19 MaFch 1838 Cons. 19 May 1838. 657 449 Marquis of Gpanby Lodge. Marquis of Granby, Main St., Cotmanhay, Derbyshire 1838 Sun Inn, Market Place, EastWOOd, Nottinghamshire 1842 Erased $ June 1861. 21 MaFeh 1838 Cons. 24 Sept. 1838. 658 •• 450 CoFnubian Lodge. White Hart Hotel, Foundry Square, Hayle, Cornwall 1848 Freemasons' Hall, n Hayle 1873 " This Lodge was constituted in form this 31st day of July A.L. 5848, A.D. 1848, and was delayed till this time in consequence of several of the petitioners having removed from the neighbourhood." Memo, on Warrant. 24 MaFeh 1838 Cons. 31 July 1848. 659 450 451 Sutherland Lodge. Legs of Man Inn, Market Place, BUFSlem, Staffordshire 1838 George Inn, Waterloo Road, Burslem 1843 Town Hall, Market Place, „ 1857 16 Aug. 1838 660 451 452 FredeFiek: Lodge of Unity. Greyhound Llotel, High Street, CFOydon, Surrey 1838 Swan, Thames Ditton, „ 1857 Prince of Wales' Hotel, East Molesey, n i860 Melbourne Hotel, Manor Road, CaFShalton, n 1S64 Railway Hotel, George Street, East CFOydon, m 1868 Station Hotel, High Street, SuttOH, i> 1871 Greyhound Hotel, High Street, Croydon, n 1877 Masonic Hall, n „ „ 1881 25 May 1838 Cons, same day. V 661 452 [ 275 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Confidence. 453 Chigwell Lodge. 454 Doric Lodge. St. John's Lodge of Colombo. 455 Lodge of Perseverance. Union Lodge of Barnard Castle. Lodge of St, John. West Norfolk Lodge. Named in 1842. 456 Foresters' Lodge. Places of Meeting. Angel Inn, Bridge Street, Ship Inn, High Street, Bell Inn, Halstead, Essex 1838 Halstead 1849 Castle Hedingham, Essex 1850 JLrased 3 December 1856. King's Head Inn, Chigwell Road, Chigwell, Essex 183S Castle Inn, Woodford Green, WooafOFd, u 1869 Royal Forest Hotel, Epping Forest, CMngfOFd, 11 1879 Kamptee (Nagpur), Central Provinces, India 1S30 Opened under a Local or Prov. Warrant 26 Aug. 1830. Erased 4 June 1862. Colombo, Ceylon, Kandy, Masonic Hall, Kandy, 35 Ward Street, n East Indies 18 Ceylon 18 White Hart Inn, Market Place, Kettering, Northamptonshire 1838 Peacock Inn, Lower Street, Kettering 1840 George Hotel, Sheep Street, New Inn, Market Place, Freemasons' Hall, Dalkeith Place, Assembly Rooms, n Freemasons' Hall, n 1844 i8so 1851 1893 1893 Turk's Head Inn, Market Place, Barnard CaStle, Durham 1838 Erased ^ June 1861. Nash's Inn, George Street, Parramatta (Cumberland), New South Wales 1838 Masonic Hall, York Street, Sydney (Cumberland), Ne2v South Wales 1854 Woolpack Hotel, George Street, Parramatta 1855 Erased ^ June 1862. Fifty-fourth Regiment, Madras (Chingleput), Madras, India 1829 Warrant was granted and registered 16 December 1838, but not issued and dated until 17 July 1842. It bears an Endorsement " Lodge constituted by Dispensation of Prov. G.M. for Madras, I May i8zg." " Broke up in 1840.'' Erased 4 June 1862. Black Swan Inn, Market St., UttOXOter, Staprdshire 1838 Red Lion Inn, Market Place, Uttoxeter 1840 Town Hall, High Street, 11 1859 Red Lion Inn, Market Place, n 1862 White Hart Hotel, Carter Street, n 1864 Town Hall, High Street, n 1891 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 16 Aug. 1838 16 Aug. 1838 Cons. 22 Aug. 1838. 26 Aug. 1838 27 Aug. 1838 29 Sept. 1838 18 Nov. 1838 18 Dec. 1838 Cons. 24 June 1838. 1 May 1829 Local Warrant. 16 Dec. 1838 G.L. Warrant. 21 Dee. 1838 Cons. 27 Dec. 1838. 1832 1863 662 663 453 664 665 454 666 455 667 668 669 670 456 [ 276 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 457 458 Loyal Monmouth Lodge. Aire and Caldei? Lodge. Places of Meeting. 459 460 461 Himalayan Bpotherhood Lodge. Sutherland Lodge of Unity. Lodge of Fortitude. 462 Bank Terrace Lodge. Savile Lodge. St. Alban's Lodge. 463 Edmonton Lodge. East Surrey Lodge of Concord. Lodge of Verity. Bell Inn, Church Street, Monmouth, Monmouthshire 1839 Freemasons' Hall, The Parade, Monmouth 1841 Lowther Arms, Aire Street, Goole, Yorkshire 1839 Sydney Hotel, „ Goole 1848 Private Rooms, 4 Ouse Street, n 1872 Masonic Rooms, Market Hall, Boothferry Road, ir 1883 Lowther Hotel, Aire Street, n 1891 Exchange Buildings, Chapel Street, u 1893 21 Dee. 1838 Cons, 16 Jan. 1839. Warrant of Confirmation, 10 March 1841. 26 March 1839 Cons. 12 July 1839. Warrant of Confirmation, 18 Feb. 1891. Simla (Hirsar), Benmore Chota Simla, New Town Hall, Punjab, India 1838 Simla 1874 „ 1886 Castle Hotel, High Street, Ncwcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire 1 839 Duke of Sussex, Victoria Street, NewtOn Moor, Cheshire 1839 Queen's Arms, Victoria Street, Newton Moor 1S55 White Hart Hotel, Old Road, 11 1880 Commercial Hotel, Commercial Brow, n 1885 Haigreaves Arms Hotel, Manchester Road, Accrington, Lancashire 1839 Adelphi Hotel, Dock Street, Leeds, Yorkshire 1839 Erased "i December 1851. Town Hall, St. Peter Street, St. AlbanS, Hertfordshire 1839 Turf Hotel, Chequer Street, St. Albans 1839 Erased i June 1853. Angel Inn, Upper Fore Street, Edmonton, London 1839 Erased 3 December 1851. Greyhound Inn, High Street, Carshalton, Surrey 1839 Ship Inn, „ Croydon, u 1842 Greyhound Hotel, n Croydon 1847 Kings Arms Hotel, Catherine Street, n 1884 Greyhound Hotel, High Street, n 1884 Victoria Tavern, Middle Street, Blpon, Yorkshire 1839 Mr. Stevenson's, n Ripon 1846 Erased 3 December 1B56. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 26 March 1839 26 March 1839 Cons. 26 July 1839. 26 March 1839 10 April 1839 Cons. 20 Sept. 1B39. 10 April 1839 Cons. 15 May 1839. 22 April 1839 Cons. 26 July 1839. 26 April 1839 Cons. 18 May 1839. 3 May 1839 Opened u/d in May 1839, Cons. 8 July 1839. 14 July 1839 Cons. 18 Oct. 1839. 1832 1863 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 [ 277 ] Name of Lodge. 464 Lodge of Fellowship. Cambrian Lodge. 465 Lodge of Good WilL Lodge Armenia. Trelawney Lodge. 466 Lodge of Merit. 467 TudOF Lodge. 468 Lodge of Light. 469 Hundred of Elloe Lodge. Places of Meeting. New Amsterdam (Bei-bice), British Guiana, South America 1839 Erased 4 June 1862. Mariners' Inn, Mariners' Square, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire 1S40 Castle Hotel, Castle Square, Haverfordwest 1854 Mariners' Hotel, Mariners' Square, ir 1866 Masonic Hall, Picton Place, h 1872 Bellary(Bellary), Masonic Hall, Infantry Road, Armenia Street, Madras (Chingleput), Erased 4 June 1862. Madras, India 1837 Bellary 1883 liladras, India 1837 Falmouth (Trelawney, Cornwall), Jamaica, West Indies 1 840 Erased 4 June 1862. Peacock Inn, Market Square, Northampton, Morthamptonshi7'e 1 840 Angel Hotel, Bridge Street, Northampton 1842 Ram Hotel, Sheep Street, n 1846 Talbot Hotel, New Street, Oundle, Northamptonshire 1856 Dolphin Hotel, Oundle 1862 Lodge Rooms, St. Martin's, Stamford, Northamptonshire 1S65 George Hotel, 71 St. Martin's, Stamford 1868 Temple Inn, Waterhead Mill, Saddleworth, Yorkshire 1841 Red Lion Inn, Bottom of the Moor, Oldham, Lancashire 1857 Red Lion Inn, Mumps, Oldham 1872 Freemasons' Hall, Union Street, n 1881 Red Lion Hotel, Bottom of the Moor, n 1884 Freemasons' Hall, Union Street, n 1S86 Athenaeum Rooms, Temple Row, Birmingham, Warwickshire 1840 Dee's Royal Hotel, Temple Row, Birmingham 1842 Hen and Chickens Hotel, New Street, n 1868 Great Western Hotel, Monmouth Street, m 1878 White Hart Inn, Market Place, Spalding, Lincolnshire 1840 Town Hall, Hall Place, Spalding 1841 Masonic Hall, New Road, n 1842 White Hart Assembly Rooms, Market Place, n 1850 Masonic Hall, Bank Passage, n 1851 Old Turret, Sheep Market, n 1856 Masonic Rooms, London Road, n 1868 Masonic Hall, Pinchbeck Street, n 1880 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 5 Aug. 1839 23 Sept. 1839 Cons. 27 Jan. 1840. 13 Sept. 1837 Prov. Warrant. 9 Jan. 1840 G.L. Warrant. 6 Oct. 1837 Prov. Warrant. 9 Jan. 1840 G.L. Warrant, 9 Jan. 1840 9 Jan. 1840 Cons. 24 June 1840. 9 Jan, 1840 Cons. TO Feb. 1841. 10 March 1840 20 March 1840 Cons. 19 Feb. 1840. 1832 682 683 1863 464 684 685 465 686 687 466 688 467 689 468 690 469 [ 278 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Virtue and Science. Albion Lodge. 471 Silurian Lodge. 472 Lodge of Friendship and Sincerity. Royal Clarence Lodge. 473 Faithful Lodge. Lodge of Australia Felix. 475 476 Bedfordshire Lodge of St. John the Baptist. St. Peter's Lodge. Places of Meeting. Pine Apple Inn, Vaudrey Street, Stalybridge, Cheshire iS Freemasons' Arms, High Street, Stalybridge iS Last payvient 1841. Erased in 1847. Mrs. Chisholm's Hotel, Provost Street, New GlaSgOW (Pictou), Nova Scotia, North America 1838 Donald Forbes, Provost Street, New Glasgow 1855 Mr. McKaracher's, Archimedes Street, n 1862 Machinic Hall, n 1862 McKenzie's Hall, Forbes Street, n 1865 Erased I September i86g. Now No. 5 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Scotia. Westgate Hotel, Commercial Street, Newport, Monmouthshire 1 84 1 Council Chamber, Town Hall, Newport 1843 Westgate Hotel, Commercial Street, n 1843 Masonic Hall, High Street, ip 1 846 Masonic Hall, Great Dock Street, n 1856 Town Hall, High Street, Shaftesbury, Dorsetshire 1841 Grosvenor Arms Hotel, The Commons, Shaftesbury 1867 Town Hall, High Street, „ 1868 Wellington Inn, High Street, Bruton, Somersetshire 1841 Private Room, n Bruton 1843 Last Meeting 27 July 1851. Erased in 1853. Warrant returned. Swan with Two Necks, St. Martin's Lane, Birmingham, Warwickshire 1841 Vauxhall Tavern, Vauxhall, Birmingham 1845 Clarendon Hotel, Temple Street, n 1854 Assembly Rooms, Old Square, fi 1856 Masonic Rooms, New Hall Street, tp 1858 Masonic Hall, New Street, ip 1869 Mr. Purve's Large Room, Collins Street, Melbourne (Bourke), Victoria 1840 Masonic Lodge Rooms, Melbourne i860 St. Patrick's Hall, Bourke Street, ,p 1862 Masonic Hall, Lonsdale Street, pi 1869 Freemasons' Hall, Collins Street East, pp 1886 Erased ^ June 1889. Now No, I on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. George Hotel, George Street, Private Room, Park Street, Town Hall, George Street, Luton, Bedfordshire 1841 Luton 1842 Ivy Bush Plotel, Spilman Street, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire 1841 Napier Honse, Spilman Street, Carmarthen 1874 Ivy Bush Royal Hotel, Spilman Street, pp 1885 Napier House, pt „ 1889 Masonic Hall, 37 Spilman Street, .p 1889 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 14 April 1840 30 April 1840 Cons. 30 Nov. 1838. 3 Aug. 1840 Cons. I Dec. 1841. 17 Get. 1840 Cons. II Feb. 1841. 2 Nov. 1840 Cons. 6 April 1841. 25 Jan. 1841 Cons. 18 March 1841. 2 April 1841 Cons. March 1840. Warrant of Confirmation, 5 December 1843. 4 April 1841 Cons. 29 July 1841. 26 April 1841 Cons. 14 Sept. 1841. 1832 691 1863 692 470 693 471 694 695 472 696 473 697 474 698 475 699 476 [ 279 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Faith, Hope, and Charity. 477 Mersey Lodge. 478 Churchill Lodge. Dormant several years. Re-established 27 June 1850. St. John's Lodge. Royal Sussex Lodge. Sussex Lodge. 481 St. Peter's Lodge. 482 St. James' Lodge. St. George's Lodge. Places of Meeting. London Hotel, Royal Oak, Oxenden Street, Erased in 1850. Dover, A'enl 1 84 1 Dover 1844 Market Inn, Market Street, Birkenhead, Clushire 1841 Angel Hotel, Beckwith Street, Birkenhead 1853 Masonic Rooms, i Hamilton Square, it 1861 Masonic Chambers, 55 Argyle Street, n 1873 II 9 Hamilton Street, m 1880 Red Lion Inn, Waterside, Henley-On-Thames, Oxfordshire 1 84 1 Masonic Hall, Alfred Street, Oxford, m 1851 Harcourt Arms Inn, NunehaiH, 11 1852 Masonic Hall, Alfred Street, Oxford, n 1858 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Erased 4 June 1862. South America 1841 Masonic Hall, Harrington Street, Halifax (Halifax), Nova Scotia, North America 1841 Erased i September i86g. Now No. 6 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Scotia, Weedon's Buildings, Dorchester Road, DorchestCr (Westmorland), New BPUnSWiCk, North America 1840 Kinnear's Hotel, Market Square, Dorchester 1842 Mechanics' Institute, Mechanic Street, n 1847 Erased \ June 1862. Reinstated 2 June 1863. Mechanics' Institute, Mechanic Street, Dorchester 1863 Erased again 9 Aprit i86g. Now No. 4 on Reg. of G.L. of New Brunswick. Ship Inn, St. Peter's Quay, NeWCastle-upon-Tyne, Northum.berland 1 842 William the Fourth Inn, St. Peter's Quay, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1845 Hope and Anchor Inn, Catterick's Buildings, Shields Road, Byker, Northumherland 1849 Freemasons' Hall, Bell's Court, Newgate Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1869 Masonic Hall, Maple Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1872 Crockett's Hotel, " Hen Inn," Holyhead Road, HandSWOrth, Staffordshire 1842 New Inn [Crockett's Hotel re-named], Handsworth 1856 Masonic Rooms, Wretham Road, n 1879 Queen's Hotel, Curzon St., Birmingham, Warwickshire 1842 Erased in 1847. Never Registered any MeiTibers. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 26 April 1841 26 April 1841 Cons. Sept. 1841. 26 April 1841 Cons. II June 1841. 6 July 1841 22 Sept. 1841 5 March 1842 Cons, in 1840. 5 March 1842 Cons, 28 June 1842. 6 March 1842 Cons. 25 April 1842. 29 March 1842 1832 1863 700 701 477 702 478 703 704 479 705 480 706 481 707 482 708 280 Name of Lodge. 483 Lodge of Sympathy. Bangalore Cantonment Lodge. 484 Lodge of Faith. 485 Perth Lodge. Western Australia Lodge, 1844. Lodge of St. John, 1845. Lodge Amity. 486 Lodge of Honour and Friendship. Lodge St. John. 487 Friendly Lodge. Portsmouth Lodge. 488 St. Helena Lodge. Places of Meeting. l.itemiy Institute, Claiendon Hotel, East Street, Wate's Hotel, Milton Place, Town Hall, High Street, Clarendon Hotel, East Street, Old Falcon Irfotel, n New Falcon Hotel, West Street, Old Falcon Hotel, East Street, New Falcon Hotel, West Street, Royal Clarendon Hotel, East Street, Milton, next Gravesend, Kent Gravesend Milton Gravesend 1842 185. ■853 1859 1880 1890 Bangalore (Mysore, Native State), Madras, India 1840 Ceased to meet, through paucity of members, in 1848. Re-opened 185T. In abeyance same year and never revived. Erased 4 Jttne 1862. Horse and Jockey, Church Street, Newton-le- WillOWS, Lancashire 1842 Gerard's Arms Hotel, Gerard Street, Ashton-in- Makerfleld, Lancashire 1845 Lodge Room, Perth (Perth), Western Amtralia 1842 Masonic Hall, Hay Street, Perth 1869 United with " Perth Lodge of Unity " No's^"^ \_No. 753, ofi May 1845], in 1879. Masonic Hall, Howick Street, Perth 1881 Bridgetown, Island of Barbados, West indies 1842 Closed " during pleasure " by Bro. James Fraser in 1847 or 1848, re-opened by him about five years afterward ; finally closed and warrant returned toG.L. about 1854. Erased 4 June 1862. Assembly Rooms, West Street, Blandford, Dorsetshire 1842 Erased 1 December i^^t.^ Calcutta, Scotch Masonic Hall, 10 Sudder Street, Freemasons' Hall, 48 Cossitollah, Plassy Gate, Fort William, Bengal, India 1842 Calcutta 1862 M 1865 M 1873 King's Head Inn, Market Hill, Barnsley, Yorkshire 1842 Erased 3 December 1851. Quebec Hotel, Broad Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire 1843 Lodge Rooms, 36 High Street, Portsmouth 1844 11 136 M „ 1851 Masonic Hall, St. Mary Street, u 1861 ri Highbury Street, „ 1879 James Town, Island of St. Helena, West Coast of Africa Masonic Hall, Napoleon Street, James Town, St. Helena 1845 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 29 March 1842 Cons, 22 June 1842. 7 July 1842 Cons. 20 Jan. 1840. 7 July 1842 Cons. 27 Oct. 1842. 20 Aug. 1842 7 Sept. 1842 8 Sept. 1842 8 Sept. 1842 Warrants of Confirmation I Jan, 1874 and 14 April 1887. 1 Oet. 1842 27 Feb, 1843 Cons. T2 April 1843. 6 April 1843 Duplicate Warrant _ 3 May 1845. ' Original Papers lost.' 1832 1863 709 483 710 711 712 484 485 713 714 715 486 716 717 487 718 488 28l 1894 489 Name of Lodge. Lodge of Benevolence. 491 492 Goderich Union Lodge, Kindred Hope Lodge. Royal Sussex Lodge. St. John's Lodge. Places of Meeting.. 493 Royal Lebanon Lodge. 494 495 Lodge of Virtue and Honour. North Hants Lodge. Wakefield Lodge, 496 497 Lodge of Peace and Harmony. Social Friendship Lodge. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Piivate Room [late Commercial Reading Room], Bideford, Devonshire 1843 Newroundland Hotel, The Quay, Bideford, prior to 1S73 Masonic Rooms, g Grenville Street, Bideford 1874 Masonic Hall, Bridgeland Street, „ 18S0 New Masonic Hall, n ir 1894 Goderich (Huron), Canada West, Ontario 1843 Erased^ Warrant retltmed, 5 October 1870. Nusseerabad (Myminsingh), Bengal, Imlia 1843 III abeyance 21 March 1849. Erased in 1853. Hotel de Paris, Jersey, Chxnnel Islands 1843 Masonic Hall, Museum Street, Jersey 1846 Masonic Temple, Stopford Road, n 1865 Friendly Alley, Nevis Street, St. John, Island of Antigua, West Indies 1843 Reagan's Alley, St. Mary's Street, St. John, Antigua 1847 Cvntis's House, Thames Street, n n 1850 W. H. Davey's House, n n n 1858 Masonic Temple, Nevis Street, n n 1S76 Freemasons' Plall, Eastgate Street, Gloucester, Gloucestershire 1844 Booth Hall Hotel, Westgate Street, Gloucester i860 Lower George Inn, n n 1862 Spread Eagle Hotel, Northgate Street, i860 11 1863 I, 1880 II i8qi Temperance Hall, Telegraph Street, Moncton (Westmoreland), New Brunswick, North America 1853 Robertson's Hall, Main Street, Moncton i860 Erased 9 April 1S69. Now No. 23 on Reg. of G.L. of New Brunswick. Crumpsall Hotel, Waterloo Street, Lower Crumpsall, Crumpsall, Lancashire 1855 Mile House Hotel, Old Road, Cheetnam, m 1859 Masonic Lodge Rooms, Cross St., Manchester, 11 1862 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street, Manchester 1872 Akyab (Arakan), Masonic Hall, British Burma, East Indies 1855 Akyab 1881 Grand Bay, Turk's Island, Bahama Islands, West Indies 1855 Masonic Hall, Grand Turk, Turk's Island 1856 Masonic Temple, Queen Street, Grand Turk, n 1888 Constituted at St. John's Lodge Rooms, Quebec (Quebec), Canada East, Quebec 1855 Erased, Warrant returned, 8 December 1870. Gagetown (Queen's), New Brunswick, A^'OT-z/i^/wr/cfl 1855 Never constituted, consequent on the death of the Brother named as W.M. in the Warrant, and no other Brother being available for the office. Erased i, June 1862. Queen's Head Hotel, Kermode Street, Adelaide (Adelaide), South Australia 1854 Masonic Hall, North Terrace, Adelaide 1858 Queen's Head Hotel, Kermode Street, ,1 1863 Huntsman's Hotel, O'Connell Street, n 1864 Dover Castle Hotel, Archer Street, n 1873 Freemasons' Hall, Flinders Street, it 1882 Erased 3 June 1885. Now No. 8 on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. Waterloo (Shefford), Erased 4 June i Now No. 18 on Reg. of G.L. of Quebec Canada East, Quebec 1855 Town Hall, Church Street, Pier Hotel, The Quay, Great Eastern Hotel, The Quay, Harwich, Essex 1855 Harwich 1862 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Feb. 1855 [" Day" blank in Warrant.] Cons. I June 1855. Feb. 1855 ["Day " blank in Warrant.] Cons. 27 Jan. 1853. 22 Feb. 1855 22 Feb. 1855 22 Feb. 1855 Warrant of Confirmation 28 August 1877. 3 March 1855 Cons. 17 July 1855. 23 April 1855 23 April 1855 Cons. 6 Dec. 1854. 23 April 1855 5 May 1855 Cons. June 1855. 1832 926 1863 643 927 644 928 645 929 930 646 647 931 932 648 933 649 934 935 650 [ 303 ] Name of Lodge. Brecknock Lodge. Holme Valley Lodge. Hoyle Lodge. Igualdad Lodge. Peveril of the Peak Lodge. Zetland Lodge of Australia. Cambrian Lodge of Australia, Wellington Lodge. Great Western Lodge. Hadoe Lodge. Erie Lodge. Consecon Lodge. Places of Meeting. Castle Hotel, Castle Street, Bpeeon, Breckitockshin 185S Swan Hotel, Ship Street, Brecon 1856 Town Hall, High Street, „ 1862 Masonic Hall, Castle Hotel, Castle Street, u 1870 Victoria Hotel, Lane End, HolmfiPtll, Yorkshire 1857 La Colle (Huntingdon), Canada East, Quebec 1855 Erased ^Jurte 1862. Island of Curasoa, 72 Wharf Matley, 1 10 El Amparo, Cerra, Otrabando, Villa Belvedere Street, m 375 Graven Street, n West Indies 1885 Curacoa 1878 „' 1881 II 1892 II 1894 Crown Hotel, Market Street, Masonic Hall, Union Road, New Mills, Derbyshire 1855 New Mills 1894 Freemasons' Hall, York Street, Sydney (Cumberland), A'eio South IVales 185S Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 9 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Freemasons' Hall, York Street, Sydney (Cumberland), i\V» South Wales 1855 Erased $ December i333. Xow Xo. 10 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Chatham (Kent), Canada JVcst, Ontario 1853 Erased, U'arranl returned, 2j .'W':\-mh'r iS^y. Now No. 46 on Reg. of G.L. of Canada in Ontario. Windsor (Essex), Canada West, Ontario 1854 Erased, 1t'arra»f returned, 23 ^^ifz-ember 1357. Now No. 47 on Reg. of G.L. of CaJiada in Ontario. MadOC (Hastings), Canada IJ'ls/, Ontario 1854 E?\ist:J, U\jrrai:i returned, 27 Xoziiiiher 1357. Now No. 48 on Reg. of G.L. of Canada in Ontario. MOFpeth (Kent), Canada JI'cs/, Ontario 1S54 Erased, iFarraiit reiurtud, 27 Xc^.c>':b€r 1357. Became No. 49 on Reg. of G.L. of Canada, but is not now ^vorking. Consecon (Prince Edward), Canaia Wist, Ontario 1S54 Erased, IVarraut returned, 27 Xuh-*- 1S57. Now No. 50 on Reg. of G.L. of Canada in Ontario. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 14 May 1885 Cons. 28 July 1855. 7 June 1855 Cons. I July 1857. 28 June 1855 10 July 1855 13 July 1855 31 July 1855 Cons. 13 Feb. 1855. 31 July 1855 Cons. 3 Feb. 1855. 27 Jan. 1853 Prov. Warrant. 20 Aug. 1855 G.L. Warrant. 24 April 1854 Prov. Warrant. 20 Aug. 1855 G.L. Warrant. 24 April 1854 Prov, Warrant. 20 Aug. 1855 G.L. Warrant. 24 April 1854 Prov. Warrant. 20 Aug. 1855 G.L. Warrant. 15 May 1854 Prov. Warrant, 20 Aug. 1855 G.L. Warrant. 1832 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 1863 651 652 653 654 655 656 304 1 894 Name of Lodge. PLA.CES OF Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1832 1863 Corinthian Lodge. Stanley Mills (Peel), Canada West, Ontario 1854 Erased^ Warrant returned^ i-j November 1857. Became No. 51 on Reg. of G.L. of Canada, but is not now working. 19 June 1854 Prov. Warrant. 20 Aug. 1855 G.L. Warrant. 948 •• MerriekviUe Lodge. MerriekviUe (Grenville), Canada West, Ontario 1854 Erased, Warrant returned, 27 N(yiiember iZST • Now No. 55 on Reg. of G.L. of Canada in Ontario. 17 July 1854 Prov. Warrant. 20 Aug. 1855 G.L. Warrant. 949 ■• Victoria Lodge. Port Sarnia (Lambton), Canada West, Ontario 1854 Erased, Wni-rant returned, 27 November zZsi^ Now No. 56 on Reg. of G.L. of Canada in Ontario. 19 July 1854 Prov. Warrant. 20 Aug, 1855 G.L. Warrant. 950 •• North Gowep Lodge, North Gower Corners (Carleton), Canada West, Ontario 1854 Erased, Warrant returned, 27 Noz'einber 1857. Became No. 57 on Reg. of G.L. of Canada, but is not now working. 29 Aug, 1854 Prov. Warrant. 20 Aug, 1855 G.L. Warrant. 951 •• Doric Lodge. Ottawa (Carleton), Canada West, Ontario 1855 Erased, Warrant returned, 27 November 1857. Now No. 58 on Reg. of G.L. of Canada in Ontario. 17 Feb, 1855 Prov. Warrant. 20 Aug, 1855 G.L. Warrant. 952 ■• Corinthian Lodge, Ottawa (Carleton), Canada West, Ontario 1855 Erased, Warrant returned, 27 November 1857. Became No. 59 on Reg. of G.L. of Canada, but is not now working. 1 May 1855 Prov. Warrant. 20 Aug, 1855 G.L. Warrant. 953 •• Acacia Lodge. Hamilton (Wentworth), Canada West, Ontario 1855 Erased, Warrant reiuj-ned, 23 November jZ^t. Now No. 61 on Reg. of G.L. of Canada in Ontario. 11 July 1855 Prov. Warrant. 20 Aug, 1855 G.L. Warrant. 954 •• 657 Canonbupy Lodge. Canonbury Tavern, St. Mary's Road, Canonbury, London 1856 Maxell's Hotel, West Strand, „ 1866 Radley's Hotel, Bridge .Street, Blackfriars, „ 1871 The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, „ 1872 Holborn Restaurant, Holborn, „ 1892 25 Sept. 1855 Cons. 22 Feb. 1856. 955 657 Lodge of Victoria. Ballarat (Grenville), Victoria 1855 Exchange Hotel, Bridge Street, Ballarat 1862 United with " Yarrowee Lodge," No. 713 \No. 1015 ^25 August 1857], in i86g. 25 Sept. 1855 956 658 659 Blagdon Lodge, Ridley's Arms Hotel, Northumberland Street, Blyth, Nortlnimberland 1856 Station Hotel, Church Street, Blyth 1869 Ridley's Arms Hotel, Northumberland Street, n 1872 Mechanics' Institute, Bridge Street, ,; 1884 Masonic Hall, Beaconsfield Street, n 1894 19 Dee. 1855 Cons. 9 Jan. 1856. 957 659 660 Camalodunum Lodge. Talbot Hotel, Yorkersgate, Malton, Yorkshire 1856 Freemasons' Hall, n Malton 1857 25 Jan. 1856 Cons. 18 March 1856. 958 660 661 Faweett Lodge. Lord Seaham Inn, North Terrace, Soaham HaPbOUr, Dtirham 1856 King's Arms Inn, North Terrace, Seaham Harbour 1873 Masonic Hall, North Road, n 1874 25 Jan. 1856 Cons. 27 March 1856. 959 661 [ 305 ] i894 662 Name of Lodge. Dartmouth Lodge. 663 Wiltshire Lodge of Fidelity. Alley Lodge. 665 666 667 670 671 Montagu Lodge. Lodge of Benevolence. Alliance Lodge. Howard Lodge. Star in the West Lodge. Mount Egmont Lodge. Prince of Wales' Lodge. Southern Cross Lodge. Places of Meeting. Dartmouth Arms Hotel, High Street, WcSt Bromwich, Staffordshire 1856 Britannia Inn, Owen Street, Tipton, n 1856 (Consecration.) Dartmouth Arms Hotel, High Street, West Bpomwlch 1856 Masonic Rooms, Paradise Street, " 1881 Masonic Hall, Edward Street, n 1890 ]?ear Hotel, Market Place, Town Hall, St. John Street, Masonic Hall, Morris Lane, Devizes, Wiltshire 1856 Devizes 1857 1882 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 25 Jan. 1856 Cons. 27 Feb. 1856. Porter's Hall, Water Street, Upper Mills (St. Stephen's Parish, Charlotte), New BrunswlCk, North America 1855 Erased 9 April 1869. Now No. 14 on Reg. of G.L. of New Brunswick. Royal Lion Hotel, Broad St., Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire 1856 Duchy Hotel, Fore Street, Ppincetown, Devonshire 1856 Private Room, n Princetown 1869 Prince of Wales' Hotel, Fore Street, 11 1879 Wesleyan School Room, New London Road, u 1884 Masonic Rooms, Roby, Lancashire 1856 Stanley Arms Hotel, Roby Road, Roby 1859 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, Lancashire 1868 Temperance Hall, Puljlic Road, HiUsborOUgh (Albert), New Brunswick, North America 1855 Erased g April 1869. Now No. IS on Reg. of G.L. of New Brunswick. Curtis's House, Thames Street, St. John, Island of Antigua, West Indies 1856 W. H. Davey's House, Thames Street, St. John, Antigua 1858 Mrs. Rhode's House, North Street, n n 1859 Erased in 1891. " Extinct" Lodge Room, Devon Street, NCW Plymouth, (Taranaki), Taranaki, New Zealand 1856 Masonic Hall, Robe Street, New Plymouth 1865 Thomas's Arms Hotel, Thomas Street, Llanelly, Carmarthenshire 1855 Masonic Hall, Old Road, Llanelly 1874 PernambueO (Recife), Brazil, South America 1856 Rua do Trapixe, Pernambuco i860 No. 15 Pra9a de Corpo Santo, n 1862 No. 7 Rua do Tropiche, n 1867 Last Return 1871. Erased 6 June 1894. 39 26 Feb. 1856 Cons. 18 April 1856. 26 Feb, 1856 Cons. 5 Aug. 1855. 26 Feb. 1856 11 March 1856 Cons. 14 July 1856. 4 April 1856 Cons. 6 May 1856. 4 April 1856 Cons. 12 April 1855. 4 April 1856 1832 1863 4 April 1856 11 April 1856 Cons. 30 April 1856. 25 April 1856 960 662 961 663 962 963 964 664 665 666 965 667 966 668 967 669 968 969 970 670 671 672 [ 306 ] i894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1832 1863 673 St. John's Lodge. Private Rooms, 95 Park Lane, Liverpool, Lancashire 1856 Caledonian Hotel, Duke Street, Liverpool 1858 Royal Mersey Yacht Hotel, 90 Duke Street, n 1861 Masonic Hall, 22 Plope Street, n 1874 25 Appil 1856 Cons. 26 May 1856. 971 673 Lodge Astrea. Tliayetmyo (Pegu), British Burma, East Indies 1856 Erased 14 October j%T2. 25 Appil 1856 972 674 Lodge Ramsay. Rawal Pindi and Murree (Rawalpindi), Punjab, India 1856 Erased T,o January 1864. 6 May 1856 Cons. 8 Jan. 1856. 973 675 Lodge Light of the North. FeFOZepOPe (Umballa), Punjab, India 1865 Erased 30 January 1 864. 6 May 1856 Cons. Feb. 1856. 974 676 Lodge of Concord. Masonic Hall, North Terrace, Adelaide (Adelaide), South Australia 1856 Masonic Hall, King William Street, Adelaide 1862 Prince of Wales' Hotel, Angas Street, n 1864 Masonic Hall, Rundle Street, n 1866 Freemasons' Tavern, Pirie Street, Angas Street, n 1869 Prince Alfred Hotel, King William Street, n 1869 6 May 1856 975 677 United with " Lodge 0/ Friendship," No. 423 [No, 613 o/^'Z October 1834], 28 October 1869. 678 Earl Ellesmere Lodge. Bowling Green Inn, Market St., FaPnwOPth, Za/fcaj-^M-i? 1856 Church Hotel, Church Road, Kearsley, FarnWOPth 1S64 6 May 1856 Cons. 8 Oct. 1856. 976 678 Simeoe Lodge. Simeoe (Norfolk), Canada West, Ontario 1856 Erased, Warrant returited, 27 Noveifiber 1857. Became No. 63 on Reg. of G.L. of Canada, but is not now working. 10 May 1856 977 •■ Durham Lodge. Newcastle (Durham), Canada West, Ontario 1856 Erased, Warrant returned, 27 November 1857. Now No. 66 on Reg. of G.L. of Canada in Ontario. 10 May 1856 978 679 St. David's Lodge. Queen's Hotel, Canon Street, Aberdape, Glamorganshire 1856 Black Lion Hotel, Commercial Place, ■« Aberdare 1870 Masonic Hall, Canon Street, „ 1880 16 May 1856 Cons. 18 June 1856. 979 679 680 Sefton Lodge, Litherland Hotel, LithePland [now WateplOO], Lancashire 1856 Queen's Hotel, The Parade, Waterloo 1858 Masonic Temple, 22 Hope St., 'LvjQV'^QOi, Lancashiie 1864 Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Place, Liverpool 1874 28 June 1856 980 680 681 SeaFsdale Lodge. Star Inn, Market Place, ChestePfleld, Derbyshire 1856 Masonic Hall, near Angel Hotel, Market Place, Chesterfield 1857 Masonic Hall, Saltergate, n 1877 30 June 1856 Cons, lo Sept. 1856. 981 681 [ 307 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitutiim. 1832 1S63 Mariners' Lodge. Granville (Annapolis), Nova Scotia, North America 1856 Erased 30 May 1868. 4 Aug. 1856 982 682 683 Isea Lodge. Masonic Hall, Dcjck Street, Newport, Monmouthshire 1856 23 Aug. 1856 Cons. 30 Dec. 1856. 983 683 Lodge Triune Brotherhood. SubathU (Hirsar), Punjab, India 1856 Kasauli (Hirsar), Punjab 1862 Dugshai (Hirsar), ,. 1863 Erasedin \Z%6. '^Extinct" 23 Sept. 1856 Cons. 13 Aug. 1856. 984 684 685 Northumberland Lodge. Assembly Rooms, Westgate Road, Neweastle-upon- Tyne, Northumberland 1856 23 Sept. 1856 985 685 686 Jerusalem Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Bridge Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire 1856 „ Park Street, Bristol 1872 10 Oct. 1856 Cons. 21 Nov. 185C. 986 686 Fordyce Lodge King William's Town (King William's Town), Cape Colony, Soitth Africa 1856 Warrant returned ■i'^ October iZ^o, Erased in ^Z6i. 19 Nov. 1856 987 •• 687 Oriental Lodge. Baltzer's Hotel, No. 373 Grand Rue, Pera, Constantinople, Turkey 1857 4 Rue Tepe, Bashi, Constantinople 1869 Masonic Temple, Place Comondo, Pera, n 1872 Freemasons' Hall, Francis Memorial, Galata, n 1-879 25 Nov. 1856 Cons. 7 Aug. 1857. 988 687 Lodge of Charity. Lodge Room, LaunCCStOn (Cornwall), Tasmania 1856 Erased 19 July 1864. 25 Nov. 1856 989 688 689 Waitemata Lodge. Ara Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, Princes Street, Auckland (Eden), New Zealand 1855 Lodge Room, William Denny Hotel, Auckland 1855 Ara Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, Princes Street, ti 1858 Freemasons' Hall, n " 1881 3 Dec. 1856 Cons. 6 Sept. 1855. 990 689 Newcastle Lodge of Concord. Newcastle (Northumberland), New South Wales 1856 Erased 19 January 1S74. 3 Dec. 1856 991 690 Lodge of Faith. Lodge Rooms, Launceston (Cornwall), Tasmania 1855 Cornwall Hotel, Launceston 1862 Criterion Hotel, Campbell Town (Somerset), Tasmania i88l Erased 3 September i8go. Warrant returned. 3 Dec. 1856 .Cons. Dec. 1855. Under Disp. from Sydney, N.S.W. 992 691 Mount Alexander Lodge. Imperial Hotel, Castlcmalne (Talbot), Victoria 1856 Criterion Hall, Castlemaine 1863 Erased 5 June iS8g. Now No. 8 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 3 Dec. 1856 993 692 [ 3o8 ] 1894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1832 1863 Union Lodge. Masonic Hall, Barrington Street, Halifax ( Halifax), Nova SeOtia, North America 1855 Erased i September i86g. Now No. i3 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Scotia. 3 Dee. 1856 Cons. Jan. 1855. 994 693 694 Oakley Lodge. Black Boy Hotel, Church St., BasingStoke, Hampshire 1857 Masonic Hall, Winchester Street, Basingstoke 1865 11 Church Street, n 1869 „ Sarum Hill, „ 1885 26 Jan. 1857 Cons. 3 Aug. 1S57. 995 694 St. Teilo Lodge. Cawdor Arms Hotel, Rhosmaen Street, LlandilO, Carmarthenshire 1857 Erased 4 September 1868. 11 Feb. 1857 Cons. 26 June 1857. 996 695 696 St. Bartholomew Lodge. Dartmouth Arms Hotel, Holyhead Road, Wednesbupy, Staffordshire 1857 Anchor Hotel, Holyhead Road, Wednesbury 1876 4 Mapch 1857 Cons. 18 Nov. 1857. 997 696 697 United Lodge. Town Hall, High Street, ColchesteP, Essex 1857 (Consecration.) George Hotel, High Street, Colchester 1857 4 Mapch 1857 Cons. 8 June 1857. 998 697 698 Byde Lodge. Masonic Hall, John St., Ryde, Isle of Wight, Hampshire 1857 5 Mareh 1857 Cons, 25 March 1857. 999 698 699 Boseawen Lodge. Britannia Hotel, Fore Street, ChaeewatOP, Cornwall 1857 Masonic Hall, „ Chacewater 1878 16 March 1857 Cons. 24 May 1857. 1000 699 Stirling Lodge. StiPling (Hastings), Canada West, Ontario 1857 Erased, Warrant returned, 27 Novetnier 1857. Now No. 69 on Reg. of G.L. of Canada in Ontario. 16 Appil 1857 1001 •• 700 Nelson Lodge. Gun Tavern, New Road, Woolwich, London 1857 Red Lion, Mulgrave Place, n n 1857 Masonic Hall, William Street, Woolwich, „ 1867 Masonic Hall, Plumstead, Ke7it 1889 16 AppU 1857 Cons. 30 June 1857. 1002 700 Nopthumberland Lodge. Masonic Hall, Pleasant St., Newcastle (Northumberland), New BrunSWiek, North America 1857 Erased g Aprit i86g. Now No. 17 on Reg. of G.L. of New Brunswick. 16 AppU 1857 Cons. 10 March 1857. 1003 701 702 Shepbome Lodge. , Royal George Hotel, King St., StPOUd, Gloucestershire 1857 Subscription Rooms, George Street, Stroud 1873 19 April 1857 1004 702 703 Clifton Lodge. Railway Hotel, Talbot Road, Blackpool, Lancashire 1857 Clifton Arms Hotel, Central Beach, Blackpool i860 Royal Hotel, Central Beach, 11 1880 County and Lane End Hotel, Central Beach, it 1888 Clifton Arms Hotel, ir " 1892 29 Appil 1857 1005 703 [ 309 ] Name of Lodge. 704 Camden Lodgre. 705 Tongariro Lodge. 706 Florence Nightingale Lodge. 707 708 709 St. Mary's Lodge. Carnarvon Lodge. Invieta Lodge of Ashford. 710 Pleiades Lodge. 711 712 Lodge of Good Will. Lindsey Lodge. Places of Meeting. Assembly Rooms Tavern, Kentish Town Road, Kentish Town, London 1857 Brcacknock Tavern, Camden Road Villas, Kentish Town, n i860 York and .\lbany, Gloucester Gate, Regent's Park, n 1861 Lamb Hotel, Metropolitan Cattle Market, Caledonian Road, Islington, n 1862 York and Albany, Gloucester Gate, Regent's Park, n 1870 Bull and Gate Tavern, Kentish Town Road, Kentish Town, 11 1873 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, n 1880 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, n 1883 Rutland Hotel, Victoria Avenue, Wanganul (Wanganui), Wellington, New Zealand 1857 Had a Dispensation to work for two years, 30 June 1857. Warrant not issued until March 1862. Freemasons' Hall, Harrison Place, New Masonic Hall, n Wanganui 1868 1884 Town Hall, Woolwich, London 1857 Crown and Anchor Hotel, High Street, Woolwich, „ 1857 Freemasons' Tavern, Dock Yard, Station Road, n 11 1858 Masonic Hall, William Street, m n i860 Royal Mortar Hotel, Beresford Square, n n 1893 Bull Hotel, East Street, Masonic Hall, ir Bridport, Dorsetshire 1857 Bridport 1882 Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court Bridge, Hampton Court, Middlesex 1857 Assembly Rooms, High Street, George Hotel, n Assembly Rooms, n Corn Exchange, Queen Street, Bank Street Hall, Bank Street, Auction Mart, The Plains, Seven Stars Hotel, The Plains, Masonic Hall, Mill Lane, Ashford, Kent 1857 Ashford 1857 11 1859 II 1861 1877 Totnes, Devonshire 1857 Totnes i860 II 1864 Private Room, St. Mary's Terrace, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth), Cape Colony, South Africa 1858 Masonic Temple, Parliament Street, Port Elizabeth 1863 Public Buildings, Mercer Row, Masonic Rooms, Upgate, Masonic Hall, Rosemary Lane, Louth, Lincolnshire 1857 Louth 1859 11 1861 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 29 April 1857 Cons. 16 June 1857. 30 June 1857 Cons. 7 Oct. 1857. 18 June 1857 Cons. 4 Aug. 1857. 18 June 1857 Cons. 23 July 1857. 18 June 1857 Cons. 16 July 1857. 4 July 1857 Cons. 2 Sept. 1857. 23 July 1857 Cons. 21 Oct. 1857. Warrant of Confirmation 7 February i860. 30 July 1857 Cons. 24 June 1858. 30 July 1857 Cons. II Sept. 1857. 1832 1006 1863 704 1007 705 1008 706 1009 707 1010 1011 708 709 1012 710 1013 1014 711 712 3IO 1 894 Name of Lodge. Yarrowee Lodge. Yarra Yarra Lodge. 715 Panmure Lodge. Mount Franklin Lodge of Hiram. Ballarat Lodge. Boroondapa Lodge. Lodge of Peace. 720 Panmure Lodge. 721 Lodge of Independence. Places of Meeting. George Hotel, Lydiaid Street, Ballarat (r,renviUe), Victoria 1857 Unicorn Hotel, Sturt Street, Ballarat 1869 United with " Lodge of Victoria^'' No. 658 \No. gs^o/i^ September 1875], " Ballarat Lodge ^" No. 717 [No. 1019 of -z October 1857], and " United Tradesmen s Lodge" No. 744 \_No. 1046 of rj May 1S58], i?i 1869. British Queen Hotel, Ballarat 1870 Masonic Hall, Camp Street, n 1873 Erased ^ June ^&Sg. Now No. 10 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Golden Gate Hotel, Clarendon Street, Emerald Hill [now South Melbourne] (Bourke), Victoria 1857 Myrtle Hotel, Emerald Hill [now South Melbourne] 1870 Golden Gate Hotel, Clarendon Street, 11 1884 Erased ^ June 1889. Now No. II on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Pembury Tavern, 90 Amhurst Road East, Lower Clapton, London 1857 George Hotel, Aldermanbury, n 1866 City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, n 1870 Masonic Hall, Daylesford (Talbot), Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 12 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Ballarat (Grenville), Victoria 1857 Victoria 1857 United with^^ Varroivee Lodge,^^ No. 713 \_No. 1015 ^25 August 1857], in 1869. Lodge Rooms, Hawthorn (Bourl, 1880 Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court Bridge, Hampton Court, Middlesex 1883 King's Arms Hotel, South Gate Street, Launceston, Cornwall i860 Launceston 1876 Masonic Hall, Tamar Terrace, Buenos Ayres (Buenos Ayres), Argentine Republic, South America 1 859 Erased 11 October 1872. Admiral Napier Hotel, Lonsdale Street East, Richmond (Bourke), Victoria 1859 Masonic Hall, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne (Bourke), Victoria 1869 Freemasons' Hall, Richmond 1879 Lafsed before 1886. Erased 5 June 1889. Chapman's Hotel, Central Market, Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire 1859 Masonic HIall, Bull Ring Lane, Great Grimsby 1861 ti Osborne Street, " 1877 Lodge Room, Tarrangower [now Maldon] (Talbot), Victoria 1859 Masonic Hall, Tarrangower [now Maldon] 1863 Erased s June 1889. Now No. 24 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 19 March 1859 Cons. 23 Aug. 1859. 19 March 1859 Cons. 18 June 1859. 23 March 1859 Cons. 7 May 1859. Warrant of ConfirmatioHj 6 April 1879. 6 April 1859 Cons. 20 July 1859. 14 April 1859 Cons. 16 June 1859. 27 April 1859 Cons. 24 May 1B59. 16 May 1859 Cons. 17 Jan. 1S60. 16 May 1859 Cons. 18 Oct. 1859. 2 June 1859 Cons. 13 Sept. 1859. 15 June 1859 Cons. 29 Sept. 1859. 20 June 1859 1832 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1863 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 [ 3i8 ] Name of Lodge. 794 795 796 797 802 803 804 Warden Lodge. St. John's Lodge. North Australian Lodge. Hauley Lodge. Zetland Lodge. Cpeswick Havilah Lodge. Depwent Lodge. South Esk Lodge, 1883. Pacific Lodge. Lodge of Repose. St. Andrew's Lodge. Carnarvon Lodge. Hamilton Lodge. Places of Meeting. Town Hall or Moot Hall, Mill Street, Sutton Coldfleld, Wai"wickshire 1859 Royal Hotel, High Street, Sutton Coldfield 1869 Town Hall, High Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire 1859 Orkney Arms Hotel, Maidenhead Bridge, Maidenhead 1859 Ray Mead Hotel, Riverside, n 1875 Freemasons' Hall, Albert Street, Brisbane (Stanley, Moreton), Queensland 1 859 Masonic Hall, Upper Albert Street, Brisbane 1862 Masonic Hall, Alice Street, n 1887 Private Room, rear of Castle Hotel, Dartmouth, Devonshire i860 Hauley Hall (Old Mayoralty House), Lower Street, Dartmouth 1862 Junction Hotel, Kyneton (Dalhousie), Victoria 1859 Oddfellows' Hall, Kyneton 1869 Masonic Hall, n 1881 Manchester Unity Hall, „ 1885 £.rased ^ Jitne i88g. Now No. 25 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Anthony's American Hotel, CreSWick (Talbot), Victoria 1859 F.'-a^'et' ^Jnne iSSg. Now No. 26 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. New Norfolk (Buckingham), Tasmania 1859 Council Chamber, Evandale (Cornwall), p, 1883 Erased 3 Sejilember i8go. Now on Reg. of G.L. of Tasmania. Freemasons' Hall, Collins Street, Hobart (Buckingham), Tasmania i860 Bastian's Bird-in-hand Hotel, Argyle Street, Hobart 1861 Freemasons' Hall, Collins Street, m 1872 11 Murray .Street, n 1881 Erased 3 Septeviber 1890. Now No. s on Reg. of G.L. of Tasmania. King's Head Hotel, Corn Market, Derby, Derbyshire i860 Bell Hotel, Sadler Gate, Derby 1867 St, James's Hotel, St. James's Street, „ 1872 Masonic Hall, Cower Street, „ 1879 Swan Hotel, High Street, BiggleSWade, Bedfordshire i860 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 20 June 1859 Cons. lo Oct. 1859. 10 July 1859 Cons. 25 Oct. [859. 17 Aug. 1859 Cons. 13 July 1859. 9 Sept. 1859 Cons. Sept. i860. 21 Sept. 1859 Cons. 22 Feb. 1859. 1832 Black Dog Inn, West Street, Town Hall, East Street, Masonic Hall, Waterloo Road, Havant, Hampshire i860 Havant 1875 n 1876 Adelaide Street, Spanish Town (St. Catherine, Middlesex), Jamaica, West Indies i860 Erased 5 June 1870. 21 Sept. 1859 Cons. 13 June 1859. 13 Oct, 1859 Dispensation in 1859 for 12 months. Warrant sent 19 Oct. 1861 13 Oct. 1859 Dispensation in 1859 for 12 months. Cons. T3 June i860. Warrant sent 17 Jan. 186 27 Oet. 1859 Cons. 16 Feb. i860. 6 Dee. 1859 Cons. 17 Jan. i36o. 8 Dee. 1859 Cons. 3 Jan. i860. 8 Jan. 1860 Cons. 31 May i860. 1096 1097 1098 1099 1863 794 795 796 797 1100 798 1101 799 1102 800 1103 801 1104 802 1105 803 1106 804 1107 805 [ 319 ] Name of Lodge. Homer Lodge. Cabbell Lodge. Salisbury Lodge. Lodge of United Good Fellowship Craven Lodge. Yarborough Lodge. Eden Valley Lodge. New Concord Lodge. Parrett and Axe Lodge. Blair Lodge. Royd's Lodge. Robert Burns Lodge of Australia. Places of Meeting. English Club, Smyrna, Turkey in Asia Rlinor i860 Masonic Hall, Medjidieh .Street, Smyrna 1879 Englisli Club, „ 1883 Masonic Hall, Frank Street, ir 1884 English Club, „ 1886 Star Inn, Haymarket, St. Peter of Mancroft, Norwich, Norfolk 1860 Masonic Hall, Theatre Plain, Norwich 1861 Lamb Hotel, Haymarket, ir 1876 Rampant Horse Hotel, Rampant Horse Street, n 1877 Masonic Rooms, 23, now 47, St. Giles Street, n 1879 Kay's Hotel, Petitcodiac Road, Salisbury (Westminster), New Brunswick, North America 1858 Private Room, Telegraph Street, Salisbury 1864 II Petitcodiac Street, 11 1866 Warrant surrendered 5 Nov. 1867. Erased g April 1869. Now No. 20 on Reg. of G.L. of New Brunswick. Rose and Crown Hotel, Market Place, Wisbech, Cambrulpeshire i860 Devonshire Hotel, Newmarket St., Skipton, Yorkshire i860 Victoria Buildings, Belmont Street, Skipton 1890 Old Ship Hotel, King's Road, Brighton, Sussex i860 Royal Pavilion, Pavilion Parade, Brighton 1872 King's Head Hotel, Bridge St., Appleby, Westmorland i860 Private Room, Market Place, Appleby 1879 Erased t^Wari ant returned) ag July 1890. Rosemary Branch Tavern, Shepparton Road, Hoxton, London i860 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, n 1878 Assembly Rooms, George Hotel, Market Square, Crewkerne, Somersetshire i860 Town Hall, Market Place, Crewkerne '1887 Raglan Hotel, Embden Street, Hulme (near Manchester), Lancashire 1S60 25 Jan. 1860 Cons. 7 Aug. i860. Warrant of Confirmation, 2 Dec. 1884. 7 Feb. 1860 Cons. 19 April i860. Town Hall, Stretford Road, Hulme 1865 Masonic Rooms, Spring Gardens, Wardle, Lancashire i860 Sun Inn, Featherstall Road, LittleborOUgh, n 1885 Falcon Inn, Church Street, Littleborough 1892 Freemasons' Hall, York Street, Sydney (Cumberland), New South Wales i860 Erased^ December 1S8S, Now No. 21 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 7 Feb. 1860 Cons. 3 Aug. 1858. 10 Feb. 1860 Cons. II April i860. 14 Feb. 1860 Cons, s March i860. 18 Feb. 1860 Cons. 6 Sept. i860. 22 Feb. 1860 25 Feb. 1860 Cons. 23 March i860. 6 March 1860 Cons. lo July i860. 6 March 1860 Cons. 13 April i860. 10 March 1860 1832 1108 13 March 1860 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1863 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 [ 320 ] Name of Lodge. Philanthropic Lodge. Deutscher Bund Lodge, Lily Lodge of Richmond. King Hiram Lodge. Victoria Rifles' Lodge. Everton Lodge. Mount Calpe Lodge. Lodge Excelsior. Provineial Grand Officers' Lodge. St. John's Lodge. St. John's Lodge. Sydney Lodge. Places of Meeting. Angel Hotel, Cross St., Abergavenny, Monmouthshire i860 Masonic Hall, Lion Street, Abergavenny 1866 King's Hotel, Galata, Constantinople, Turkey i860 Kaltzer's Hotel, Pera, Constantinople 1862 No. 34 Azmali Medjid, Pera, ,., 1864 No. 373 Grand Rue, Pera, ic 1867 Efased ^ June 1884. Talbot Hotel, Hill Street, Richmond, London i860 White Cross Hotel, Waterside, Richmond, n 1861 Greyhound Hotel, George Street, n n 1866 James Campbell's Store, Country District, St. Eleanor's, (Prince's), Prince Edward Island, North America 1858 W. T. Hcmt's, Country District, St. Eleanor's 1872 Erased 24 June 1875. Now No. 3 on Reg. of G.L. of Prince Edward Island. Queen's Arms Hotel, High Road, Kilburn, London i860 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, it 1862 Freemasons' Hall, m m 1865 Clarence Hotel, Everton, Lancashire i860 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, u 1866 2nd Battalion Twelfth Regiment of Foot i860 Constituted at Tilbury's Royal Hotel, Aldershot, Hampshire^ was subsequently designated 2nd Battalion Suffolk Regiment. Made no Returns after 1863. Erased ^ Au^st i8go. F'reemasons' Hall, 55 Bentinck Street, Calcutta, Bengal, India i860 Erased 24 Marck 1880. Freemasons' Hall, 55 Bentinck Street, Calcutta, Bengal, India i860 Erased 12 Decemher 1864. Saw Inn, Mill Road, Batley Carr (near Dewsbury), Yorkshire i860 Masonic Temple, Ilalifax Road, DeWSbury 1865 Lodge Room, African Street, Grahamstown / (Albany), CapC Colony, South Africa i860 Waller's Rooms, Grahamstown 1869 Freemasons' Hall, Plight Street, n 1878 Masonic Temple, Hill Street, „ 1883 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 23 March 1860 Cons. 15 May i860. 30 March 1860 10 April 1860 Cons. lo May i860. 4 June 1860 Cons. 4 Oct. 185S. 4 June 1860 Cons. I Nov. i860. 13 June 1860 Cons. 27 July i860. 25 June 1860 Cons. 30 July i860. Black Plorse Hotel, High Street, SidCUp, Kent i860 6 July 1860 Cons. 15 May i860. 6 July 1860 21 July 1860 Cons. 1 Oct. 1866. 7 Aug. 1860 Cons. 29 Nov. i860. 17 Aug. 1860 Cons. 13 Nov. i860. 1832 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1863 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 1131 829 [ 321 ] 1 894 830 Name of Lodge. 832 833 834 836 837 838 839 840 Endeavour Lodge. British Oak Lodge. Lodge Victoria in Burma. Afan Lodge. Places of Meeting. Ranelagh Lodge. Lodge Stability. Lodge Liglit in Adjoodliia. De Grey and Ripon Lodge. Franlilin Lodge. Royal Gloueestersliire Lodge. Seientifie Lodge. Mauritius Lodge of Harmony. Old General Inn, descent Road, Queen's Arms, Wharf Street, Dukinfleld, Cheshire Dukinfield i860 1S74 Guraey's Hotel, Stratford Bridge, Stratford, London i860 Bank of Friendship Tavern, Bancroft Place, Mile End, ti 1867 Beaumont Hall, Beaumont Square, Mile End, n 1871 Erased ^ June 1874. Cantonment Lodge Room, Rangoon (Pegu), British Burma, East Indies 1S60 Masonic Temple, Budd's Road, Rangoon 1870 Walnut Tree Hotel, High Street, Aberavon, Glamorganshire i860 National School Rooms, Church Street, Aberavon 1862 Masons' Hall, Water Street, n 1874 Windsor Castle Hotel, King St., Hammersmith, London i860 Royal Sussex Hotel, Broadway, n n 1870 Clarendon Arms Hotel, n m m 1872 Bell and Anchor Hotel, West Kensington Gardens, n 1878 The Criterion, Piccadilly, ir 1880 Gonda (Oudh), N. W. Provinces, India i860 Erased 30 January 1 864. Masonic Hall, Fyzabad (Oudh), N. IT. Provinces, India i860 II Adjoodhia, Fyzabad 1880 No. 4 Civil Lines, n 1886 No. 2 Bungalow, Guptar Park, n 1892 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 25 Aug. 1860 Cons. i6 Oct. i860. 7 Sept. 1860 Cons. 17 Dec. i860. 26 Sept. 1860 Cons. 6 Feb. i860. Warrant ofConfirmation 2 March 1891, 29 Sept. 1860 Cons. 8 Nov. J 860. 5 Oet. 1860 Cons. 20 Nov. i860. Town Hall, The Sqnare, Ripon, Yorkshire i860 Peacock Hotel, Market Place, Boston, Lincolnshire i860 Beaufort House, College Green, Gloucester, Gloucestershire 1 861 Bell Hotel, Southgate Street, Gloucester 1866 National School Room, High Street, Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire i860 Cock Tavern, High Street, Stony Stratford 1861 Victoria Hotel, Church St., Wolverton,.5«c^'?'«.r''"'""''"'''^ '^62 British Lodge Rooms, Port Louis, Mauritius, East Coast of Africa 1861 Lodge Rooms of Lodge la Triple Esperance, Port I^uis 1864 Erased 17 January 1B68. 41 1832 1863 6 Oct. 1860 7 Oct. 1860 Cons. 5 May i860. 9 Oet. 1860 Cons. 26 Oct. i860. 18 Oet. 1860 Cons. 18 Dec. i860. 18 Oet. 1860 Cons. 12 April 1861. 25 Oct. 1860 Cons. 15 Dec. i860. 10 Nov. 1860 Cons. 16 Jan. 1861. 1132 1133 830 831: 1134 1135 1136 832 833 834 1137 1138 835 836 1139 1140 1141 1-142 837 838 839 840 1143 841 322 Name of Lodge. Mac Donnell Lodge. Heathcote Lodge. 844 Lodge of Otago. Kent Lodge of East CoUingwood. Kilraore Lodge. 847 FoFteseue Lodge. St. Luke's Lodge. St. George's Lodge. 850 851 St. Oswald Lodge. Worthing Lodge of Friendship. Places of Meeting. Pier Hotel Glenelg (Adelaide), The Institute, Erased 2 Jutte 1885. Now No. 10 on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. South Australia i860 Glenelg 1879 Masonic Hall, High Street, HeathCOte (Dalhousie), Victoria 1859 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 30 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Commercial Hotel, High Street, Dunedin (Taieri), Otago, New Zealand 1 860 Shamrock Hotel, Rattray Street, Dunedin 1862 Masonic Hall, Princes Street, m 1864 United with '* Hiram Lodge" No. -lii-j {.ofi'j August 1866], in 1871. Freemasons' Hall, Moray Place, Dunedin 1870 Dunedin Masonic Hall, Moray Place, n 1881 N.B. — A majority of members formed a New Lodge, now No. 7 on Reg, of G.L. of New Zealand. Grace Darling Hotel, Smith Street, CollingWOOd (Bourke), Victoria i860 Sir Robert Peel Hotel, Smith Street, CoUingwood 1866 Masonic Hall, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne (Bourke), Victoria 1875 Freemasons' Hall, Collins Street East, Melbourne 1886 Erased ^ June 1889. Now No. 31 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Venge's Hotel, Kilmore (Dalhousie), Victoria i860 Red Lion Hotel, Sydney Street, Kilmore 1862 Bro. Heath's, „ 1873 St. Andrew's Hall, ,, 1875 Masonic Hall, Sydney Street, n 1885 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 32 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Manor Assembly Rooms, High St., Honiton, Devonshire 1861 Dolphin Hotel, High Street, Honiton 1862' Private Rooms, Dowell's Lane, „ 1865 Masonic Hall, High Street, n 1873 Manor House, n 1, 1874 Masonic Hall, h „ 1880 Dum Dum, Fort William, Erased iz January 1881. Bengal, India i860 Calcutta, Bengal 1865 Lower Horton (King's), Nova Seotia, North America i860 Erased i September \Z6t^. N.B. — This is a DupHcate or Continuation of No. 832 of rg May 1785, warranted by G.L. 10 March 1829. See page 264. Board Room, Poor Law Union, AshbOUrne, Derbyshire 1S61 Assembly Rooms, Town Hall, Market Place, Ashbourne 1862 Town Hall, Chapel Road, Worthing, Sussex 1861 Steyne Assembly Rooms, Marine Place, Worthing 1868 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 16 Nov. 1860 Cons. T5 May i860. 27 Nov. 1860 Cons. IS July 1S59. 27 Nov. 1860 Cons. 29 Aug. i860. 27 Nov. 1860 27 Nov. 1860 Cons. 2 May i860. 27 Nov. 1860 Cons. 22 Jan. 1861. 5 Dec. 1860 Cons. 19 Oct. i860. II Dee. 1860 15 Dec. 1860 Cons. 4 Feb. t86i. 2 Jan. 1861 Cons. 4 April 1861. 1832 1863 1144 842 1145 1146 843 844 1147 845 1148 846 1149 847 1150 1151 848 849 1152 1153 850 851 323 Name of Lodge. Zetland Lodge. British Kaffrarian Lodge. Albert Lodge. Lodge of Sympathy. St. Matthew's Lodge. Restormel Lodge, 1880. St. Mark's Lodge. South Middlesex Lodge. sir Isaac Newton University Lodge. Isaac Newton University Lodge, 1862. Dalhousie Lodge. Finsbury Lodge. Whittington Lodge. Places of Meeting. Duke of Lancaster Inn, Browning Street and East Market Street, Salford, Lancashire iS6l Royal Veteran Inn, Stanley Street, Salford 1863 Albert Hotel, New Bailey Street, n 1871 Masonic Hall, 41 The Crescent, ti 1880 King William's Town (King William's Town), Cape Colony, South Africa 1861 Masonic Temple, Alexandra Road, King William's Town 1883 Duke of York Inn, ShaW (near Oldham), Za«irflj/^i>c 1861 Vine Tavern, Long Street, Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire 1 86 1 White Lion Hotel, Long Street, Wotton-under-Edge 1866 Swan Hotel, Market Street, n 1874 Talbot Hotel, North Street, Lostwithicl, Cor7vwaU 1861 Old Duchy Palace, Quay Street, Lostwithiel 1878 Horns Tavern, Kennington Park Road, Kennington, London i86i Duke of Edinburgh Tavern, Ferndale Road, Brixton, •■ 1870 Half Moon Tavern, Half Moon Lane, Heme Hill, u 1872 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, n 1875 Beaufort Hotel, North End, Fulham, London 1861 Red Lion Hotel, Petty Cury, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire 1861 Lodge Rooms, No. i Hobson's Passage, Cambridge 1863 „ No. 29J Green Street, n 1867 Red Lion Hotel, Petty Cury, ,1 1880 Masonic Hall, Corn Exchange Street, n 1893 Duke of Kent Hotel, Old Kent Road, London 1861 Falcon Hotel, Fetter Lane, 1, 1866 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, 1, 1867 Princeof Wales' Tavern, Banner St., St. Luke's, London 1861 Jolly Anglers, Bath Street, Old Street, "Rosemary Branch Tavern, Shepparton Road, Hoxton, London Tavern, Fenchurch Street, St. Botolph's Chambers, 191 Bishopsgate Street, Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street, 1869 1873 1880 1884 1892 Whittington Club House, Arundel St., Strand, London 1861 Masonic Union Club, 14 Bedford Row, ir 1865 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, „ 1868 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, ir 1877 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 3 Jan. 1861 Cons. Z4 Jan. iS6i. 12 Jan. 1861 Cons. 13 Nov. t86i.. 22 Jan. 1861 Cons. II April iS6i. 1 Feb. 1861 Cons. II April 1861. 1 Feb. 1861 Cons. 22 Oct. 1861. 12 Feb. 1861 Cons. 21 March 1861. 12 Feb. 1861 Cons. 22 April 1861. 20 Feb. 1861 Cons. 21 May 1861. 5 March 1861 Cons. II April 1861. 16 March 1861 Cons. 24 May 1861. 28 March 1861 Cons. 20 May 1861. 1832 1863 1154 852 1155 853 1156 854 1157 855 1158 856 1159 857 1160 858 1161 859 1162 860 1163 861 1164 862 - 324 1 894 Name of Lodge. 863 Lodge of Good Hope. Joppa Lodge. 865 Dalhousie Lodge. St. George's Lodge. 867 Prince of Wales' Lodge. Boyal Prince of Wales' Lodge, 1863. Balmain Lodge. 869 Gresham Lodge. Keith Lodge. 871 872 Royal Oak Lodge. Lewis Lodge. Places of Meeting. Lodge Rooms, St. Mavy's Terrace, PoFt Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth), Cape Colony, South Africa 1861 Masonic Temple, Parliament Street, Port Elizabeth 1863 Masonic Hotel, Roeland Street, Cape Town (Cape), Cape Colony, South Africa 1861 Goede Trouw Temple, Cape Town 1864 Joppa Hall, II 1878 Goede Trouw Temple, n 1879 Erased 25 January 1882. Red Lion Hotel, High Street, Town Hall, h HounslOW, Middlesex 1861 Hounslow 1862 Court House, Public Square, Georgetown (King's), Prince Edward Island, North America i86i Masonic Hall, Public Square, Georgetown 1863 Erased 24 Jttne 1875. Now No. 4 on Reg. of G.L. of Prince Edward Island. Royal Philanthropic Lodge Room, Mount Zion, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies 1861 United Brothers' Lodge Room, Mount Moriah, Port of Spain 1S68 Masonic Hall, 38 and 39 Duke Street, 11 1875 ti 38 and 39 Edward Street, 11 1881 IP 53 Park Street, n 1894 Rob Roy Inn, Adolphus Street, Balmain (Cumberland), New South Wales 1859 School of Arts, Darling Street, Balmain 1863 Erased s December 1888. Now No. 23 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Four Swans Hotel, Pligh Street, Waltham CrOSS, Hertfordshire 1 86 1 Cheshunt Great House, Cheshunt, n 1875 Mrs. Eraser's, Main Street, Albion Mines (Pictou), Nova Scotia, North America i860 Odd Fellows' Hall, Main Street, Pictou i860 Erased i September 1869. Now No. 23 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Scotia. Royal Oak Tavern, High Street, Deptford, White Swan Tavern, n n London 1861 1868 Masonic Hall, College St., Whitehaven, Cumberland 1861 ir Duke Street, Whitehaven 1871 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 4 April 1861 Cons. 4 July i86r. 4 April 1861 Cons. 24 Sept. 1861. 9 April 1861 Cons. 15 May i86i. 17 May 1861 Cons. 17 Sept. 1861. 17 May 1861 Cons. 20 Aug. 1861. 23 May 1861 Cons. 12 May 1859. 4 June 1861 Cons. 19 June t86i. 14 June 1861 Cons, 10 June i860. 14 June 1861 Cons. 28 Aug. 1861, 26 June 1861 Cons. 30 Sept. iS6r. 1832 1863 1165 863 1166 864 1167 865 1168 866 1169 867 1170 868 1171 869 1172 870 1173 1174 871 872 325 Name of Lodge. 873 874 876 877 879 880 882 Lodge of Industry. Holmesdale Lodge. Clare Lodge. Acacia Lodge. Royal Alfred Lodge. Lodge Star of Delhi. Peckham Lodge. Southwark Lodge, 1873. Star of the East Lodge. Lodge of Truth. Midland Lodge. Union Lodge. Places of Meeting. Private Pungalow, Masonic Hall, In the Old Fort, kotree (Sind), Bombay, India i86r Kotvee 1870 Hyderabad (Sind), Bombay 1875 Sussex Hotel, The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells, Kent 1862 MasonicHall, Pump Room, The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells 1879 Travellers' Rest Hotel, Clare (Stanley), South Australia i860 Temperance Hotel, Clare 1864 Clare Hall, ,, 1868 Institute Hall, n 1877 Erased 3 June 1885. Now No. 12 on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. 195 Calle Itazainge, Monte Video (Uruguay), South Aviei'ica 1862 31 Calle Colon, Monte Video 1872 153 Calle Soriano, n 1876 183 ,. „ 1879 240 Calle Quarem, n 1885 215 Calle San Jose, n 1888 School Room, Cattle Street, St. Heliers, Jersey, Channel Islands 1861 Royal Yacht Club Hotel, St. Heliers, Jersey 1862 Masonic Hall, Grove Place, n n 1862 Masonic Temple, Stopibrd Road, h u 1866 Delhi (Delhi), Punjab, India 186 1 Erased -^o January 181 Red Bull Inn, High Street, Peckham, London 1861 Edinburgh Castle Tavern, Peckham Rye, n 1863 Maismore Arms Tavern, Park Road, Peckham, h 1869 .Southwark Park Tavern, Southwark Park, n 1873 Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwrark, n 1884 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1832 1863 Island of Zante (Ionian Isles), Greece 1862 Odd Fellows' Hall, Wallace Street, BraidWOOd (St. Vincent), New South Wales i860 Erased 15 May 1879. Now No. 26 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Lodge Room, Church Square, GraaJf-ReinCt (Graaff-Reinet), Cape Colony, Sotith Africa 1862 Knysna Hotel, Knysna (Knysna), Cape Colony, South Africa 1862 Masonic Hall, Queen Street, Knysna 1863 Erased 5 Septeinher 1883. 10 July 1861 Cons. 28 Sept. 1861. 10 July 1861 Cons. 2B Feb. 1862. 7 Aug. 1861 Cons. 5 Dec. i860. Warrant of Confirmation, 16 Oct. 1877. 5 Sept. 1861 Cons. II Feb. 1862. 7 Sept. 1861 Cons. 29 Oct. 1861. 21 Sept. 1861 21 Sept. 1861 Cons. 14 Oct. 1861. Warrant of Confirmation, 3 Feb. 1869. 23 Sept. 1861 Cons. 4 March 1862. 28 Sept. 1861 Cons. 20 March i860. 2 Oct. 1861 Cons. 6 Aug. 1862. 2 Oct. 1861 Cons. 5 March 1862. 1175 1176 1177 873 874 875 1178 876 1179 877 1180 1181 878 879 1182 1183 880 881 1184 1185 882 883 [ 326 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1832 1863 884 Derwent Lodge. George [and Commercial] Hotel, Coldwell Street, WirltSWOPth, Derbyshire 1861 23 Oct. 1861 1186 884 St. George's Lodge. Farmers' Arms, High St., Merino (Normanby), Victoria 1861 St. George's Hall, High Street, Merino 1869 Commercial Hotel, n ir 188 1 Erased 5 J-une i88g. Now No. 33 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 24 Oct. 1861 1187 885 Zetland Lodge. Hall in J. D. Turner's Buildings, Main Street, Shediae (Westmoreland), New BmnSWiek, North America 1861 Erased g April i86g. Now No. 24 on Reg. of G.L. of New Brunswick. 30 Oet. 1861 Cons. 29 Jan. 1861. 1188 886 887 Leigh Lodge of Rifle Volunteers. Masonic Rooms, New Hall Street, Birmingham, Warwickshire 1 862 Masonic Hall, New Street, Birmingham 1869 1 Nov. 1861 Cons. 24 Jan. 1862. 1189 887 Lodge Faith, Hope, and Charitjf. House of T!ro. W. C. Capper, Dep. Com. of the District, Roy Bareilly (Oudh), N. W. Provinces, India 1861 Erased 2,0 January 1864. 4 Nov. 1861 Cons. 26 Aug. 1861, 1190 888 889 Dobie Lodge. GrifSn Hotel, Market Place, KingStOn-On-Thames, Surrey 1 86 1 Kingston Hotel, Richmond Road, Kingston-on-Thames 1893 7 Nov. 1861 Cons. 5 Dec. 1861. 1191 889 890 Hornsey Lodge. Albion Tavern, Albion Road, Stoke Newington, London 1861 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, n 1866 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, n 1879 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, n 1884 9 Nov. 1861 Cons. 18 Dec. 1861. 1192 890 891 Bulwer Lodge. Baltzer's Hotel, Pera, Constantinople, Turkey 1861 Masonic Temple, 374 Grand Rue, Pera, Constantinople 1868 Freemasons' Hall, Francis Memorial, Pera, n 1880 9 Nov. 1861 1193 891 892 Royal Edward Lodge. Royal Oak, South Street, Leomlnster, Herefordshire 1862 11 Nov. 1861 Con.s. 10 April 1862. 1194 892 893 Meridian Lodge. Coopers' Arms [afterwards Commercial Inn], New Street, Millbrook, Cornwall 1861 National School Room, New Street, Millbrook 1874 Masonic Hall, South Quay, n 1881 23 Nov. 1861 Cons. 20 Dec. 1861. 1195 893 Morning Star Lodge. Mornington Lodge, 1864. Sehnapper Point [now Mornington] (Mornington), Victoria 1861 Lapsed lie/ore 1882. Erased ^June 1889. 23 Nov. 1861 1196 894 St. Jolin's Lodge. Commercial Hotel, Warrnambool (Villiers), Victoria 1861 Masonic Hall, Warrnambool 1881 r Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 34 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 23 Nov. 1861 Cons. 19 March 1861. 1197 895 L 327 J 1894 Name of Lodge. 897 898 Lodge la Victoire. St. Helen's Lodge of Loyalty. Lodge Temperance in the East. Union Lodge. 900 901 St. George's Lodge. City of London Lodge. 902 903 904 Tower Hamlets Engineers' Lodge. BuFgoyne Lodge, 1869. GospoFt Lodge. Phoenix Lodge. 905 906 907 De GFey and Ripon Lodge. Royal Albert EdwaFd Lodge. Royal AlbeFt Lodge. Places of Meeting. English Club, Smyrna, Turkey in Asia Minor 1862 Warrant returned. , Erased 6 June 1 894. Fleece Hotel, Church Street, St. Helens, Lancashire 1 861 Masonic Chambers, Hall Street, St. Helens 1880 Assembly Rooms, 6 Newby Place, Poplar, London 1862 Lodge Room, New Westminster, British Columbia, North America 1 86 1 Masonic Hall, New Westminster 1868 Erased 1 May 1873. Now No. 9 on Reg. of G.L. of British Columbia. Swan Hotel, High Street, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire 1862 Town Hall, ti Tewkesbury 1862 Swan Hotel, ,1 \\ 1894 Freemasons' Club, 23 Little Bell Alley, Moorgate Street, London 1862 London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, n 1866 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, 11 1868 Ship and Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall Street, London 1862 Masons' Hall, Masons' Avenue, Basinghall Street, ti 1864 George Hotel, Aldermanbury, ti 1866 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, 11 1869 Star Hotel, High Street, India Arms Hotel, High Street, Gosport, Hampshire 1862 Gosport 1869 Prince of Wales' Hotel, Masbrough, Rotherham, Yorkshire 1862 Ship Hotel, Westgate, Rotherham 1864 Masonic Hall, Dominie Well Lane, n 1888 St. George's Hall, Effingham Street, ti 1894 Angel Hotel, High Street, Great Ilford, London 1862 Caledonian Hotel, Adelphi, Strand, ti 1873 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, n 1875 Lamb and Lark Inn, l^Q'y'K^2im., Somersetshire 1862 Crown and Anchor, Weston, near Bath, n 1867 Masonic Hall, Old Orchard Street, Bath, ti 1891 Westminster General Dispensary, 9 Gerrard Street, Soho, London 1862 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, n 1863 Freemasons' Hall, n ii 1865 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 27 Nov. 1861 Cons. 29 Jan. 1862. 27 Nov. 1861 Cons. 17 March 1862. 4 Dee. 1861 Cons. 2 April 1862. 16 Dee. 1861 Cons. 10 May 1861. 16 Dee. 1861 Cons. 24 April 1862. 23 Dee. 1861 Cons. 30 Jan. 1862. 27 Dee. 1861 Cons. 17 Feb. 1862. 27 Dee. 1861 Cons. 6 Jan. 1862. 6 Jan. 1862 Cons. 4 Feb. 1862. 9 Jan. 1862 Cons. 24 Feb. 1862. 16 Jan. 1862 Cons. 29 May 1862. 21 Jan. 1862 Cons. 9 April 1862. 1832 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1863 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 [ 328 ] Name of Lodge. 908 Prince of Wales' Lodge. Hume Lodge of Australia. St. Oswald Lodge. Royal Phcenix Lodge. Old Bock Lodge. Pattison Lodge. Phoenix Lodge. Aurora Lodge. Hartington Lodge. Cosmopolitan Lodge. Lodge Star in the East. Places of Meeting. Masonic Hall, Queen Street, Brisbane (Stanley, Moreton), Queensland 1861 Masonic Hall, Albert Street, Brisbane 1867 Freemasons' Hall, Alice Street, ir 1886 Exchange Hotel, Townsend Street, Albury (Goulburn), New South Wales 1862 Erased t.^ January 1874. Masonic Hall, Ropergate, Pontefract, Yorkshire 1862 New Masonic Hall, Ropergate, Pontefract 1894 St. Ann's Road, behind Portuguese Chapel, Port Of Spain (St. George's), Island of Trinidad, West indies 1862 Warrant returned 13 April 1869, but Restored 2% July i86g. Erased s March 1889. Warrant returned. Masonic Hall, St. Helena Lodge House, Napoleon Street, James Town, island of St. Helena, West Coastof Africa 1862 Freemasons' Arms, Bloomfield Road, Plumstead, Kent 1862 Lord Raglan Tavern, Burrage Road, Plumstead 1866 High School for Boys, Brook Hill, 1, 1882 Freemasons' Hall, Mount Pleasant, 1? 1888 Lodge Room, Port Royal (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, West indies 1863 Masonic Hall, Fisher's Row, Port Royal 1880 IngleWOOd (Gladstone), Royal Hotel, Brook Street, Erased 5 lune 1889. Now No. 35 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Victoria 1862 Inglewood 1879 Assembly Rooms, Diplock's Hotel, Terminus Road, Eastbourne, Sussex 1862 Anchor Hotel, Marine Parade, Eastbourne 1864 Albion Hotel, „ n 1873 Burlington Hotel, Grand Parade, n 1877 Albion Hotel, Marine Parade, „ 1884 Queen's Hotel, Grand Parade, n 1892 Bayswater Athena;um, Westbourne Grove, London 1862 Great Western Hotel, Craven Road, Paddington, 11 1862 City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, n 1868 RoomoveraStore, Hexagon, QueenstOWn(Queenstown), Cape Colony, South Africa 1863 Lodge Room, Cathcart Road, Queenstown 1867 Masonic Temple, Robinson Road, 11 1870 United with '^ St. George's Lodge" No. 2004 \ofi^June 1S83], in 1S94. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1832 1863 23 Jan. 1862 Cons. 5 Sept. 1861. 23 Jan. 1862 14 Feb. 1862 Cons. 7 April 1862. 18 Feb. 1862 Cons. 30 April 1862. 25 Feb. 1862 Cons. 16 June 1862, 28 March 1862 Cons. 21 May 1862. 14 April 1862 Con.s. 30 June 1863. 24 April 1862 30 April 1862 Cons. 10 Oct. 1862. 30 May 1862 Cons. 17 July 1862. 2 July 1862 Cons. 25 March 1863. 1210 908 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 [ 329 ] i894 Name of Lodge. 921 925 926 928 929 St. John's Lodge. Mountain Lodge of Bombala. Queensland Lodge. Lowpy Lodge. Westport Lodge. Welsford Lodge. Bedford Lodge. Mount Lodge. Albert Lodge. Lodge of Friendship. Waveney Lodge. Places of Meeting. House of Bro. A. F. Inglott, Alexandria, Egypt, North Africa 1862 Freemasons' Hall, Alexandria 1869 Erased 5 Aprit 1877. School of Arts, Bombala (Wellesley), New South Wales 1862 Erased 5 December 1888. Became No. igo on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Since lapsed. Lodge Room, Brisbane Street, Ipswich (Stanley, Moreton), Queensland 1861 Masonic Hall, Nicholas Street, Ipswich 1881 British American Hotel, Mount Alexander Road, WOOdend (Dalhousie), Victoria 1861 Devonshire Hotel, New Street, Brighton (Bourke), Victoria 1863 Royal Hotel, Esplanade, St. Kilda (Bourke), n 1867 M.U. Hall, Barkly Street, St. Kilda 1873 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 37 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Westport (Digby), Nova Seotia, North America 1861 Erased i September 1869. Became No. 25 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Scotia, but surrendered Warrant in 1884. Windsor (Hants), Nova Seotia, North America 1861 Erased i September 1869. Now No. 26 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Scotia. Masonic Rooms, New Hall Street, Birmingham, Warwickshire 1863 Masonic Hall, New Street, Birmingham 1869 St. Thomas' Mount (Chingleput), Madras, India 1862 Masonic Hall, St. Thomas' Mount 1883 Masonic Hall, Clarence Street, Adelaide (Adelaide), South Australia 1S62 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 12 July 1862 23 Aug. 1862 23 Aug. 1862 Cons. 19 June 1861. 23 Aug. 1862 Cons. 20 Dec. 1861. 1832 1863 23 Aug. 1862 Dispensation of Prov. G.M. z6 Feb. 1861. 23 Aug. 1862 Cons. 6 July 1861. Prince of Wales' Hotel, Angas Street, Adelaide 1865 United with "Lodge 0/ Friendship" No. ^-zilNo. 613 4/^22 October ^834!, 2 December i86g. Dolphin Hotel, High Street, Petersfleld, Hampshire 1863 Red Lion Hotel, College Street, Petersfield 1869 Masonic Hall, n n 1874 King's Head Hotel, Market Place, Bungay, Suffolk 1862 23 Aug. 1862 Cons. 21 June 1862. 23 Aug. 1862 1221 1222 1223 1224 23 Aug. 1862 [ 1227 Cons. 20 May 1863. 1225 1226 28 Aug. 1862 Cons. 27 Jan. 1863. 3 Sept. 1862 Cons. 29 Dec. 1862. 1228 1229 1230 1231 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 42 330 Name of Lodge. South Yarra Lodge. Dunedin Lodge. Leiehhardt Lodge. Doric Lodge. Lodge of Merit. Lodge of Harmony. Adair Lodge. New South Wales Volunteer Artillery Lodge. United Service Lodge of New South Wales, 1S76. Grosvenor Lodge. Pelham Lodge. Lodge of Philanthropy. Places of Meeting. New Bridge Hotel, Gardener's Creek Road, South Yarra (Bourke), Victoria 1861 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 38 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Shamrock Hotel, Rattray Street, Dunedin (Taieri), Otago, New Zealand 1862 Masonic Hall, Princes Street, Dunedin 1864 Freemasons' Hall, Moray Place, 11 1870 Dunedin Masonic Hall, Moray Place, n 1890 Rockhampton Hotel, Quay Street, Rockhampton (Ijvingstone, Port Curtis), Queensland 1862 Masonic Hall, East Street, Rockhampton 1882 EarlofEglington, Coborn New Road, Mile End, London 1862 Masons' Hall, Masons' Avenue, Basinghall Street, n 1867 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, ,1 1868 Derby Hotel, Bury New Road, Whiteflcld, Lancashire 1863 Masons' Arms Hotel, Bury New Road, Whitefield 1864 Church Inn, Church Lane, n 1872 Derby Hotel, Bury New Road, n 1876 Masons' Arms Hotel, it h 1893 Boat House Hotel, Oldfield Road, Salford, Lancashire 1863 Lodge Rooms, i Islington Square, Salford 1864 Masonic Hall, 19 Islington Square, n 1865 M Adelphi House, Adelphi Street, n 1880 Town Hall, The Esplanade, Aldeburgh, Suffolk 1862 White Lion Hotel, The Esplanade, Aldeburgh 1863 Freemasons' Hall, York Street, Sydney (Cumberland), New South Wales 1862 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 24 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Masonic Rooms, New Hall Street, Birmingham, Warwickshire 1862 Masonic Hall, New Street, Birmingham 1869 Corn Exchange, Potter St., WorlCSOP, Nottinghamshire 1863 Private Rooms, 94 Bridge Street, Worksop 1884 Ashley House, Gateford Road, n 1886 Masonic Hall, Newcastle Avenue, n 1888 Black Lion Hotel, High Street, Stoekton-On-Tees, Durham 1863 Freemasons' Hall, Wellington Road, Stockton-on-Tees 1870 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1832 1863 20 Sept. 1862 Cons. 22 Dec. 1861. 24 Sept. 1862 Cons. 2 Dec. 1862. 24 Sept. 1862 Cons. 23 Sept. 1862. 23 Oct. 1862 Cons. 10 Dec. 1862. 7 Nov. 1862 Cons. 5 Jan. 1863. 11 Nov. 1862 Cons. 23 Jan. 1863. 26 Nov. 1862 Cons. Dec. 1862. 5 Dee. 1862 Cons. 3 Feb. 1862. 5 Dee. 1862 Cons. 17 Dec. 1862. 5 Dee. 1862 Cons. 29 Jan. T863. 5 Dec. 1862 Cons. 26 Feb. 1863. 1232 930 1233 931 1234 1235 932 933 1236 934 1237 935 1238 1239 936 937 1240 1241 938 939 1242 940 331 Name of Lodge. De Tabley Lodge. Port Chalmers Marine Lodge. Lodge of Sincerity. Lodge Truth. Abbey Lodge. Strawberry Hill Lodge. Union Lodge. Lodge of St. Barnabas. Williamson Lodge. Hesketh Lodge. Prince of Wales' Lodge. St. John's Lodge. Places of Meeting. Royal George Hotel, King Street, Knutsford, Cheshire 1863 Custom House, Beach Street, Port Chalmers (Waikouaiti), Otago, New Zealand 1862 Masonic Hall, Wickliffe Terrace, Port Chalmers 1863 Masonic Hall, Theatre Plain, NorwiCh, Norfolk 1863 Norfolk Hotel, St. Giles Street, Norwich 1872 Masonic Hall, Theatre Plain, n 1874 Bell Hotel, Orford Hill, „ 1876 Masonic Rooms, 23, now 47, St. Giles Street, n 1879 Freemasons' Hall, Baboola Tank Road, Bombay Bovibay, India 1863 Freemasons' Hall, Clare Road, BycuUa, Bombay 1877 Council Chamber, The Abbey, Abingdon, Berkshire 1863 Grotto Hotel, Cross Deep, Twickenham, Middlesex 1863 Clarence Hotel, Park Road, Teddington, n 1882 Town Hall, High Street, Twickenham 1884 Clarence Hotel, Park Road, TeddingtOn 1886 Town Hall, High Street, Twickenham 1889 White Lion Hotel, Francis Terrace, Kadina (Daly), South Australia 1862 Gaskell's School Room, Station Street, Kadina 1882 Masonic Hall, Hay Street, n 1882 Erased 3 June 1885. Now No. 13 on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. Masonic Hall, Elephant and Castle Hotel, High Street, Linslade, Buckinghamshire 1863 Roy;il Hotel, North Bridge Street, Monk Wcarmouth, Durham 1863 St. Stephen's School Room, North Bridge Street, Monk Wearmouth 1879 Masonic Hall, 6 North Bridge Street, n 1889 Fleetwood Arms Hotel, Dock St., Fleetwood, Lancashire 1863 Crown Hotel, Dock Street, Fleetwood 1872 Royal Hotel, n n 1873 Crown Hotel, ti n 1885 Unicorn Hotel, Sheep Street, StOW-On-the-Wold, Gloucestershire 1863 Masonic Hall, Sheep Street, Stow-on-the-Wold 1870 ir Church Street, 11 1893 MasonicHall, Frank St., Smyrna, Turkey in Asia Minor 1863 Not worked since 1864. Erased^June 1894. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 17 Dec. 1862 Cons. 8 Jan. 1863. 22 Jan. 1863 Cons. 27 Nov. 1862. Warrant of Confirmation, 29 June 1880. 22 Jan. 1863 Cons. 25 Feb. 1863. 27 Jan. 1863 Cons. 5 Jan. 1863. 27 Jan. 1863 Cons. 30 April 1863. 17 Feb. 1863 Cons. 8 April 1863. 25 Feb. 1863 Cons. 3 Nov. 1862. 28 Feb. 1863 Cons. 18 May 1863. 4 March 1863 Cons. 15 April 1863. 4 March 1863 Cons. 4 March 1863. 4 March 1863 Cons. lo July 1863. 4 March 1863 1S32 1863 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 332 1 894 Name of Lodge. Widows' Friend Lodge. 954 St. Aubyn Lodge. 956 957 958 Lodge of Germania. Prince Alfred Lodge. Leigh Lodge. St. Aubln's Lodge. 959 Prlnee of Wales' Lodge. 960 Bute Lodge. Scotia Lodge. 962 Sun and Sector Lodge. Places of Meeting. Weymouth (Digby), Nova Scotia, Afe-rt ^/««nVa 1863 Erased i September 1889. Became No. 27 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Scotia, but surrendered Warrant in 1874. Brunswick Masonic Hall, Union Street, Plymouth, Devonshire 1863 Masonic Hall, Moon St., Morice Town, DeVOnport, Devonshire 1863 Ebrington Masonic Hall, Granby Street, Devonport 1879 Friendship Masonic Hall, ir n 1892 Masonic Hall, 40 Moon Street, Morice Town, m 1893 Freemasons' Hall, York Street, Sydney (Cumberland), Neui South Wales 1863 Erased ig January 1874. Lodge Room, Pletermarltzburg (Pietermaritzliurg), Natal, South Africa 1 863 Masonic Temple, Longmavket Street, Pietermaritzburg 1874 Literary Institute, Winchester Street, Pimlico, London 1863 The Wellington, St. James' Street, „ 1865 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, n 1866 Coudray's Hotel, St. Aubin, Jersey. Channel Islands 1863 Masonic Rooms, n Jersey 1863 Masonic Temple, Stopford Road, St. Heliers, m 1868 Golden Lion Hotel, Cornhill, Masonic Hall, Brook Street, Golden Lion Hotel, Cornhill, Freemasons' Hall, Soane Street, Ipswich, Suffolk 1863 Ipswich 1866 „ 1878 „ 1879 Masonic Hall, Bute Dock, Bute Town, Cardiff, Glamorganshire 1 863 Masonic Hall, 9 Working Street, Cardiff 1876 Handley Schaffner's Rooms, Canning (Kings), Nova Scotia, North America 1861 Sebastopol Hall, Canning 1S61 George E. Eaton's Rooms, „ 1862 II New Hall, „ 1863 D. D. Tupper's House, „ 1866 Freemasons' Hall, „ 1866 Erased i September i86g. Now No. 28 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Scotia. Green Dragon Hotel, Portland Square, WorklngtOn, Cumberland 1863 Masonic Rooms, Portland Square, Workington 1869 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 20 March 1863 26 March 1863 Cons. 17 April 1863. 26 March 1863 * 28 March 1863 31 March 1863 Cons. 5 May 1863. 31 March 1863 Cons. 6 May 1863. 4 April 1863 Cons. I June 1863. 13 April 1863 Cons. 30 June 1S63. 24 April 1863 Cons. 15 June 1861. 24 April 1863 Cons. 20 May 1863. 1832 1863 1255 953 1256 954 1257 1258 1259 955 956 957 1260 958 1261 959 1262 960 1263 961 1264 962 [ 333 ] Name of Lodge. Lodge of the Prince of Wales' Lodge. Zion Lodge. St. Edward's Lodge. Lodge of the Three Grand Principles. Lodge Emulation. Maybilry Lodge. St. Anne's Lodge. Trafalgar Lodge. St. Augustine Lodge. Royal Somerset Lodge. Pentalpha Lodge. Places of Meeting. Thirty-seventh Company of Royal Engineers 1863 Warrant ivjthdrnijun and/ee returned by order of the G.M., 22 Febriiary 1864. Liverpool (Queen's), Nova Scotia, North America 1863 Erased i September i86g. Now No. 29 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Scotia. Littlehale's Hotel, Main Street, SusseX (King's), New BrunSWiCls, Mart A America 1 863 Queen's Hotel, Queen Street, Sussex 1866 Erased 9 April 1869. Now No. 2T on Reg. of G.L. of New Brunswick. Literary Institute, Russell Street, Leelf, Staffordshire 1863 King's Arms Hotel, Broad Street, Penryn, Cornwall 1863 Temperance Rooms, Commercial Road, Penryn 1881 Masonic Hall, Quay Hill, n 1885 Lodge Room, Negapatam (Tanjore), Madras, India 1861 Worked under Local Warrant of 4 March i86r. Erased 26 February 1868. Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, London 1863 Freemasons' Hall, n u 1865 Inns of Court Hotel, Lincoln's Inn Fields, n 1876 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 24 April 1863 Cons, ig June 1S63. 30 April 1863 Ship Hotel, Mayoralty House, Masonic Hall, Fore Street, East Looe, Cornwall 1864 East Looe 1869 „ 1877 Crown Hotel, Commercial Street, Masonic Rooms, n Masonic Hall, St. James' Street, Batley, Yorhhire 1863 Batley 1870 ir 1890 Brewers' Arms, Northgate Street, Canterbury, /Cent 1863 Guildhall Hotel, High Street, Canterbury 1870 Masonic Rooms, 38 St. Peter's Street, n 1874 Masonic Temple, ir 11 1880 George Hotel, Market Place, Masonic Hall, Palmer Street, II North Parade, Frome, Somersetshire 1863 Frome 1869 IT 1891 Masonic Hall, Market Place, Bradford, Yorkshire 1863 Masonic Hall, Rawson Square, Darley Street, Bradford 1876 30 April 1863 Cons. 10 April 1863. 30 April 1863 Cons, 30 July 1863. 9 May 1863 Cons. 23 Sept. 1863, 1 June 186? 1 June 1863 Cons. 29 July 1863. 1 June 1863 Cons. 26 July 1864. 1 June 1863 Cons. 16 March 1865. 11 June 1863 Cons. 3 Nov. 1863. 11 June 1863 Cons. 29 Oct. 1863. 16 June 1863 Cons. 8 July 1863. 1832 1863 1265 963 1266 964 1267 965 1268 966 1269 967 1270 968 1271 969 1272 970 1273 971 1274 972 1275 973 1276 974 334 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 975 975 976 977 979 Rose of Denmark Lodge. Royal Clarence Lodge. Fowey Lodge. Eleusinian Lodge. Lodge of the Four Cardinal Virtues. Yass Lodge of Concord. Union Lodge of Berrima. Queen's Lodge. Alexandra Lodge. Mount Lebanon Lodge. White Hart Tavern, Barnes Terrace, Barnes, London 1863 Greyhound Hotel, George Street, Richmond, n 1879 Horns Tavern, Kennington Park Road, Kennington, 11 1890 Blue Ball Hotel, Coombe Street, Bruton, Somersetshire iS Ship Hotel, Trafalgar Square, Masonic Rooms, Church Street, Masonic Hall, Lostwithiel Street, ^lyfl&Y, Cornwall 1864 Fowey 1868 „ 1882 EpheSUS, Turkey in Asia Minor 1863 Not at vjork/or many years. Erased b June 1894. Mechanics' Institute, Town Hall, Earl Street, Crewe, Cheshire 1863 Crewe Arms Hotel, Railway Station, Crewe 1865 Royal Hotel, Nantwich Road, n 1877 Royal Hotel, Cooma Street, YaSS (King and Murray), New South Wales i860 Globe Hotel, Rossi Street, Yass 1863 Suspended in t866. Reconstructed 23 October 1885. Protestant Hall, Rossi Street, 11 1885 Erased 5 Decevther 1888. Now No. 27 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Lodge Rooms, Berrima (Camden), New South Wales 1862 Erased 5 Deceviber 1888. Became No. 28 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Closed in iB8g. Lodge Rooms, Penrith (Cumberland), New South Wales 1863 Beatson's Hotel, Penrith 1869 Lodge Rooms, Station Street, n 1884 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 29 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. School House, Port Hill (Prince's), Prince Edward Island, North America 1864 Masonic Hall, Port Hill 1865 Erased 24 Jttne 1875. Now No. 5 on Reg. of G.L. of Prince Edward Island. D. Roger's Store, Central Street, Summerslde (Prince's), Prince Edward Island, North America 1863 T. B. Hall's Store, Water Street, Summerside 1869 Masonic Hall, n " 1873 Erased 24 June 1875. Now No. 6 on Reg. of G.L. of Prince Edward Island. 3 July 1863 Cons. II Sept. 1863. 24 July 1863 Cons. 25 Aug. 1864, 24 July 1863 Cons. 2 Feb. 1864. 7 Aug. 1863 Cons. 4 Nov. 1863. 12 Aug. 1863 Cons. 17 Sept. 1863. 21 Aug. 1863 Cons. 18 July i860. 21 Aug. 1863 Cons. Ti June 1862. 21 Aug-. 1863 Cons. 5 Jan. 1863. 21 Aug. 1863 Cons. 28 Jan. 1864. 2 Sept. 1863 Cons. 5 Nov. 1863. 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 [ 335 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 985 985 986 988 989 990 991 992 993 995 996 Alexandra Lodge. Hesketh Lodge. EuFoka Lodge. Wahab or Benevolent Lodge. St. Paul's Lodge. Neyland Lodge. Tyne Lodge. St. Thomas' Lodge. Alexandra Lodge. Rangiora Lodge. Lodge of Furness. Sondes Lodge. Bull Hotel, Market Hill, Long SuttOn, Lincolnshire 1863 Masonic Rooms, Alexandra Hall, Holbeaeh, n 1874 Masonic Hall, Bridge Hotel, Sutton Bridge, n 1886 Grapes Inn, Town Road, CrOSton (near Preston), Lancashire 1863 Pleasant Creek [now Stawell] (Borung), Victoria 1862 Mechanics' Institute, Main Street, Stawell 1872 The Lyceum, n n 1881 Town Hall Hotel, ,1 n 1884 Erased 5 June i8Sg. Now No. 44 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. JuUunder (Trap-Sutlej States), Lodge Rooms, Sialkot, Masonic Lodge, The Mall, Punjab, India 1863 Punjab 1869 Sialkot 1883 Private House, Queen Street, Adelaide (Bedford), Cape Colony, South Africa 1863 Masonic Hall, Queen Street, Adelaide 1871 South Wales Hotel, New Mllford [now Neyland], Pembrokeshire 1864 Masonic Hall, Neyland 1892 Star Inn, Stephenson Street, WllllngtOn Quay, Northumberland 1863 Red Lion Hotel, Nelson Street, Willington Quay 1865 Masonic Hall, Gas House Lane, n 1870 „ Hall, Station Road, Wallsend-upon-Tyne, Northumberland 1891 Griffin Hotel, LowerBroughtonSt., Lower BrOUghtOn, Lancashire 1 864 Town Hall, Duke Street, Strangeways, Lower Kroughton 1866 Griffin Hotel, Lower Broughton Street, 11 1869 Midway Hotel, Stockport Road, Levenshulme, Lancashire 1863 Rangiora (Ashley), Canterbury, New Zealand 1862 Erased^ January 1881. Masonic Temple, Theatre St., UlverStOn, Lancashire 1864 King's Head Hotel, Norwich Street, EaSt Dereham, No7folk 1864 Assembly Rooms, Market Place, East Dereham 1874 Eagle Hotel, n n 1876 Masonic Hall, n 11 1883 Freemasons' Hall, Norwich Street, n 1893 2 Sept. 1863 CoHF. 21 Sept. 1863. 2 Oet. 1863 Cons. 17 Nov. 1863. 23 Oct. 1863 Cons. 24 June 1862. 23 Oet. 1863 Cons. 16 April 1863. 23 Oct. 1863 Cons. 4 May 1863. 5 Nov. 1863 Cons, 8 Nov. 1864. 10 Nov. 1863 Cons. 10 Dec. 1863. 11 Nov. 1863 Cons. 30 June 1864. 11 Nov. 1863 Cons, ig Dec. 1863. 22 Dee. 1863 Cons. I Jan. 1862. 22 Dee. 1863 Cons. 4 Feb. 1864. 22 Dee. 1863 Cons. 2 March 1864. 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 [ 336 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 Southern Cross Lodge. Welehpool Lodge. Robert Burns' Lodge. Priory Lodge. Harrogate and Claro Lodge. Skiddaw Lodge. Prince of Wales' Lodge. Athole Lodge. Zetland Lodge. Tregnllow Lodge. Howe and Charnwood Lodge. Places of Meeting. Freemasons' Hall, Tweed Street, InvereargiU (Southland), Otago, New Zealand 1864 Masonic Hall, Forth Street, InvereargiU 1873 Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 9 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Royal Oak Hotel, Broad Street, WelehpOOl, Montgomeryshire 1 864 Board Room, Railway Station, Welehpool 1867 Town Hall, King Street, Manchester, Lancashire 1864 Cross Street Chambers, Cross Street, Manchester 1864 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street, n 1865 Albion Hotel, Piccadilly, „ 1882 Ship Hotel, Lower Southend, Southend-on-Sea, Essex 1865 British School Room, High Street, Southend-on-Sea 1869 TerminusorMiddleton Hotel, near Railway Station, n 1870 Brunswick Hotel, West Park, Harrogate, Yorkshire 1864 Masonic Rooms, Princess Street, Harrogate 1865 M Parliament Street, . n 1867 Masonic Hall, Avenue Road, Victoria Avenue, n 1884 Court House Buildings, Main Street, CockermOUth, Cumberland 1864 Masonic Rooms, Market Place, Cockermouth 1866 ir Station Street, n 1877 Masonic Hall, Challoner Street, n 1885 Masonic Hall, Grove Place, Jersey, Channel Islands 1864 Masonic Temple, Stopford Road, Jersey 1865 Douglas Hotel, Market Place, Masonic Hall, Prospect Hill, II Loch Parade, Douglas, Isle of Man 1864 Douglas 1873 ,1 1879 King's Head Inn, Ross Road, Newent, Gloucestershire 1864 Bull Inn, Church Street, Newent 1868 Nelson Inn, Rudford, Gloucestershire 1875 Ram Hotel, Southgate Street, Gloucester, n 1878 Masonic Hall, n Gloucester 1880 New Inn Hotel, Northgate Street, n 1882 Bell Hotel, Southgate Street, n 1884 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 St. Day Hotel, Fore Street, Masonic Hall, n St. Day, Cornwall 1865 St. Day 1865 Bull's Head Hotel, High Street, LOUghbOrOUgh, Leicestershire 1864 12 Jan. 1864 Cons. 20 April 1864, 16 Jan. 1864 Cons. 31 March 1864. 22 Jan. 1864 Cons, 23 April 1864. 10 Feb. 1864 Cons. 2 May 1865. 10 Feb. 1864 Cons. 15 April 1864. 13 Feb. 1864 Cons. 15 March 1864. 13 Feb. 1864 Cons. 24 March 1864. 18 Feb. 1864 Cons. 13 April 1864. 18 Feb. 1864 Cons. 10 May 1864. 23 Feb. 1864 Cons. 21 Nov. 1865. 1 March 1864 Cons. 2 Oct. 1864. 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 [ 337 ] 1 894 1008 Name of Lodge. 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1016 1017 1018 1019 Royal St. Edmund's Lodge. Shakspere Lodge. Kingston Lodge. Richmond Lodge. Prince of Wales' Lodge. Places of Meeting. Bell Hotel, Corn Hill, Bury St. Edmunds, Suff-olk 1S64 Angel Hotel, Angel Hill, Dury St. Edmunds 1870 Masonic Hall, Chequer Square, n 1890 Town Hall Buildings, King St. , Manchester, Lancashire 1864 Cross Street Chambers, Cross Street, Manchester 1864 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street, 11 1865 Royal Station Hotel, Railway Station, Protestant Hall, Kingston Square, Masonic Hall, Worship Street, II Kingston Square, Hull, Yorkshire 1864 Hull 1867 M 1870 ,1 1888 Spread Eagle Hotel, Chapel Street, Salford, Lancashire 1864 Crown Hotel, Blackfriars Street, Salford 1873 Old Boar's Head, Corporation Street, Manchester, Lancashire 1884 Town Hall, Market Street, Derby Hotel, n Bury, Lancashire 1864 Bury 1864 Royal Victoria Lodge. Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, Lancashire 18 Dekran Lodge. St. George's Lodge. Elkington Lodge. fflonteflore Lodge. Shakespeare Lodge. Lodge of Sincerity. Masonic Hall, Frank St., Smyrna, Turkey in Asia Minor 1864 Warrant returned, Mrased 6 June 1894. Masonic Hal], Frank St., Smyrna, Turkey in Asia Minor 1865 Last return 1867. Erased 6 June 1894. Masonic Rooms, New Hall Street, Birmingham, Warwickshire 1864 Masonic Hall, New Street, Birmingham 1869 Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, London 1864 Freemasons' Hall, n 11 1865 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, n 1876 Masonic Hall, Salem Street, Bradford, Yorkshire 1864 M Rawson Square, Darley Street, Bradford 1884 The Old Rectory, Zetland Street, Wakefield, Yorkshire 1864 Freemasons' Hall, n Wakefield 1867 Bull Hotel, Westgate, u 1879 Masonic Hall, Zetland Street, 11 1880 New Masonic Hall, n n 1881 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 9 March 1864 Cons, ig May 1864. 10 March 1864 Cons. 23 April 1864. 12 March 1864 Cons. 27 April 1864. 14 April 1864 Cons. 16 June 1864. 14 April 1864 Cons. 23 June 1864. 27 April 1864 Cons. I June 1864. 27 April 1864 Cons. 12 Aug. 1864. 29 April 1864 Cons. 2 May 1865. 9 May 1864 Cons. 27 Sept. 1864. 9 May 1864 Cons. 27 July 1864. 12 May 1864 Cons. 15 June 1864. 12 May 1864 Cons. 22 June 1864. 1863 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 43 [ 338 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 1021 1022 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1030 1031 1032 Grange Lodge. Hartington Lodge. Rising Star Lodge. Namaqua Lodge. Lodge Of St. Peter. Lodge Star of the South. VietoFia Lodge of Hong Kong. Tuscan Lodge. Royal Alfred Lodge. Ascension Lodge. Egerton Lodge. Fletcher Lodge. Townley Paplcer Lodge. Places of Meeting. Victoria Hotel, Hamilton (l)undas and Normanby), Vic/oria 1864 Masonic Hall, Hamilton 1881 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 45 on Reg, of G.L. of Victoria. Royal Hotel, Strand, BaPFOW-in-FUFneSS, Lancashire 1864 Custom House Buildings, Hindpool Road, Barrow-in-Furness 1873 Masonic Hall, Abbey Road, m 1884 Lodge Rooms, East Burgher Street, Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein), Orange FfCC State, South Africa 1865 Masonic Buildings, Douglas Street, Bloemfontein 1868 Heath's Hotel, SpPingbolifontein (Namaqualand), Cape Colony, South Africa 18 Erased 21 March 1870. Masonic Hall, High Street, Maldon, Essex 1864 Lodge Rooms, Calle Mayo, Buenos AyFes (Buenos Ayres), Arcenline Republic, South America 1865 Lodge Rooms, 48 Calle Piedad, Buenos Ayres 1867 Masonic Temple, 482 Calle Cangalo, pi 1873 M 540 11 II 1883 II 1242 II M 1888 Freemasons' Hall, Zetland Street, Victoria, Hong Kong (Quang-tung), China 1864 Masonic Hall, Canton Road, Shanghai (Kiang-su), China 1864 11 The Bimd, Shanghai 1867 George Hotel, Market Place, AlfFCton, Derbyshire 18 Island of Ascension, West Coast of Africa 1865 IVarrnni returned 1867. Erased in 1B71. Chapel Plouse Inn, Wellington Road, Heaton Chapel, Lancashire 1865 George Hotel, Wellington Road, Heaton NOFFiS, n 1870 Masonic Rooms, New Hall Street, BiPmingham, Wanoiclishire 18 Masonic Hall, New Street, Birmingham 18 Howard's Arms Hotel, Whittle-le-Woods [now Whittle-SpPings], Lancashire iS Masonic Rooms, Town Hall, Market Street, ChOPlcy, Lancashire 18 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 19 May 1864 Cons. 26 May 1864. 31 May 1864 Cons. 12 July 1864. 31 May 1864 Cons. 4 Jan. 1865. 13 June 1864 13 June 1864 Cons. 20 July 1864. 6 Aug. 1864 Cons. 12 Jan. 1865. 13 Aug. 1864 Cons. 18 June 1864. 18 Aug. 1864 Cons. 18 June 1864. 13 Aug. 1864 Cons. 13 Dec. 1864. 17 Aug. 1864 Cons. 23 Jan. 1865. 26 Aug. 1864 Cons, 26 April 1865. 8 Sept. 1864 Cons. 7 Nov. 1864. 14 Sept. 1864 Cons. 23 Nov. 1864. 1863 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 339 1 894 Name of Lodge. 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1039 1040 1042 1043 1044 Fremantle Lodge. Eccleshill Lodge. Prinee of Wales' Lodge. Bowyer Lodge. Portland Lodge. Singleton Lodge of St. John. St. John's Lodge. Sykes Lodge. Areta (Virtue). ExeelsioF Lodge. Bangalore Lodge. New Wandsworth Lodge. Wandsworth Lodge, 1874. Places of Meeting. Lodge Rooms, Fremantle (Perth), Western Australia 1865 Odd Fellows' Hall, Fremantle 1869 Masonic Hall, Marine Terrace, n 1877 Freemasons' Hall, Leeds Road, EccleshiU (near Bradford), Yorkshire 1865 St. Mary's National Schoolroom, Everton Valley, Kirkdale, Lancashire 1864 Masonic Hall, Kirkdale Road, Kirkdale 1870 Skelmersdale Masonic Hall, Westminster Road, n 1878 White Hart Hotel, High Street, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire 1864 Masonic Hall, Albion Street, Chipping Norton 1867 Sailors' Bethel, Castletown, Portland, Dorsetshire 1865 Royal Breakwater Hotel, Castletown, Portland 1865 Masonic Hall (Portland Hall), Chiswell, 11 1879 Royal Hotel, Singleton (Northumberland), New South Wales 1864 Kxiinct in 1877. Erased "^x December 1887. Guildhall, Bore Street, George Hotel, Bird Street, Liehfleld, Staffordshire 1865 Lichfield 1865 Bell Hotel, Market Place, Driffield, Yorkshire 1864 Congregational School, Exchange Street, Driffield 1872 Masonic Hall, Chapel Lane, m 1876 Baltzer's Hotel, Grand Rue, Pera, Constantinople, Turkey 1864 Erased in iBgo. Philosophical Hall, Park Row, Leeds, Yorkshire 1865 Philanthropic Lodge Rooms, i Bond Street, Leeds 1865 Alfred Masonic Lodge Rooms, 23 Albion Street, u 1866 Masonic Hall, Great George Street, m 1867 Lodge Room, Bangalore (Mysore, Native State), Madras, India 1863 Freemasons' Hall, Primrose Road, Bangalore 1870 Freemasons' Hotel, Wandsworth Common, Wandsworth, London 1865 Spread Eagle Hotel, High Street, Wandsworth, Lecture Hall, St. John's Hill, n East Hill Hotel, Alma Road, n Town Hall, High Street, h East Hill Hotel, Alma Road, n 1879 1880 1883 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 17 Sept. 1864 Cons. 24 June 1865. 23 Sept. 1864 Cons. 10 March 1865. 26 Sept. 1864 Cons. 16 Nov. 1864. 4 Oet. 1864 Cons. 29 Nov. 1864. 20 Get. 1864 Cons. 21 June 1865. 25 Oet. 1864 Cons. 24 May 1864. 1 Nov. 1864 Cons. II Jan. 1865. 15 Oct. 1864 Cons. 21 Dec. 1864. 18 Nov. 1864 Cons. 19 Dec. 1864. 3 Dee. 1864 Cons. 4 Jan. 1865, 9 Dec. 1864 Cons. 24 June 1863. 9 Dee. 1864 Cons. 3 May 1865. 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 [ 340 J Name of Lodge. 1045 1046 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1055 1056 Stamford Lodge. St. Andrew's Lodge. Annapolis Royal Lodge. Canterbury Lodge. Western Star Lodge. Gundulph Lodge. Rowley Lodge. Callender Lodge. Lodge Phoenix. Soutliam Lodge. Derby Lodge. Victoria Lodge. Places of Meeting. Town Hall, Market Place, Altrineham, Cheshire iS Bush Hotel, Borough, Farnham, Surrey 1865 Annapolis (Annapolis), Nova Scotia, North America 1863 Erased i September 1869. Now No. 33 on Reg. of G.L. of Nov.i Scotia. Masonic Hall, Manchester Street, CliristChurch (Selwyn), Canterbury, New Zealand 1865 Bungalow, Cannanore (Malabar), Madras, India 1864 Bull Hotel, Pligh Street, King's Head Hotel, High Street, Guildhall (Installation), King's Head Hotel, High Street, Rochester, Kent 1865 Rochester 1869 i> 1894 I. 1894 Masonic Rooms, Athenfeum, St. Leonardgate, Lancaster, Lancashire 1865 Masonic Hall, Church Street, Lancaster 1885 Public Hall, Dickenson Road, Rusholme, Lancashire 1865 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street, Manchester, 11 1876 Masonic Rooms, 74a King Street, Manchester 1884 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street, .1 1891 Delhi (Delhi), Erased •z'] March 1873. Punjab, India 1864 Swan Inn, Swan Street, WilmslOW, Cheshire 1865 Railway Hotel, Railway Road, Wilmslow 187 1 Erased 6 March 1B78. Waterloo Llotel, Waterloo Road, Cheatham (near Manchester), Lancashire 1865 Knowsley Hotel, York Street, Cheetham 1870 Masonic Rooms, Bedford Street, n 1879 Victoria Hotel, Victoria Street, Manchester 1890 Sir John Cass Tavern, Victoria Park Road, Hackney, London 1865 George Hotel, Aldermanbury, if 1S66 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, 11 1870 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, ir 1879 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 20 Dee. 1864 Cons. I Oct. 1864. 20 Dec. 1864 Cons. 2 Feb. 1865. 22 Dee. 1864 Cons. 3 June 1863. 5 Jan. 1865 Cons. 6 Jan. 1865. 17 Jan. 1865 Cons. 2 Jan. 1864. 21 Jan. 1865 Cons. 25 March 1865. 21 Jan. 1865 Cons. 3 March 1865. 4 Feb. 1865 Cons. 8 April 1865. 7 Feb. 1865 Cons. 20 June 1864. 18 Feb. 1865 Cons. 18 April 1865. 1 March 1865 Cons. 13 April 1865. 4 March 1865 Cons. 22 April 1865, 1863 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 [ 341 ] 1 894 1060 1061 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 Name of Lodge. Loddon Lodge. Prince of Wales' Lodge. Echuca Lodge of Advancement. Mlllewa Lodge, i83i. Marmion Lodge. Lodge of Triumph. Lodge Star of India. Mailing Abbey Lodge. Borough Lodge. Alexandra Lodge. Roek of Gwalior Lodge. Royal Forest of Dean Lodge. Places of Meeting. Burke and Wills' Institute, FryerstOWn (Talbot), Victoria 1 863 Mechanics' Institute, Fryerstown 1 881 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 46 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Nash Street, Masonic Hall, Jamieson (Wonnangatta), Victoria 1864 Jamieson 188 1 Krased 5 June iSSg. Now No. 40 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Redman's Hotel, High St., Echuea (Rodney), Victoria 1865 Masonic Hall, IJickson Street, Echuca 1869 Mlllewa Club, High Street, n 1883 Masonic Hall, Dickson Street, n i885 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 47 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. White Horse Hotel, Silver Street, Tamworth, Staffordshire 1865 Masonic Rooms, 14 Church Street, Tamworth 1869 Market Hotel, Church Street, Lytham, Lancashire 1865 Freemasons' Hall, near Baboola Tank, Bombay (Bombay), Bombay, India 1865 Erased -^ February 1877. Bear Hotel, High Street, Masonic Hall, n West Mailing, Kent 1865 West Mailing 1893 Bull Hotel, Manchester Road, Burnley, Lancashire 1865 Lodge Room, Jubbulpore (Jubbuipore), Central Provinces, India 1S64 Freemasons' Hall, Jubbulpore 1881 Lodge Rooms, Morar (Gwalior), N. W. Provinces, India 1865 P^-eemasons' Hall, New Jhansi Road, Jhansi (Jhansi), N. W. Provinces, India 1886 Town Hall, Market Place, Coleford, Gloucestershire 1866 Speech House Hotel, Forest Of Dean, n 1866 Town Hall, Market Place, Coleford 1866 Speech House Hotel, Forest Of Dean 1867 Severn Bank Hotel, Church Street, Newnham-on- Severn, Glotues/ershire 1869 School Room, Station Road, Town Hall, High Street, Victoria Hotel, n Town Hall, n Newnham-on-Severn 1872 1875 1877 1883 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 25 March 1865 Cons. 5 Feb. 1863. 25 March 1865 Cons. 26 Feb. 1864. 25 March 1865 Cons. Feb. 1865. 13 April 1865 Cons. 13 June 1865. 22 April 1865 Cons. 14 June 1865. 26 April 1865 Cons. 3 Aug. 1865. 12 May 1865 Cons. 14 Aug. 1865, 12 May 1865 Cons. 6 July 1865. 30 May 1865 Cons. 8 Dec. 1864. 30 May 1865 Cons. 5 June 1865. Warrant of Confirmation, 24 Oct. 1887. 30 May 1865 Cons. 27 June 1866. 1863 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 342 1 894 1068 Name of Lodge. Bulwer Lodge of Cairo. 1069 United Brothers' Lodge. 1070 Starltie Lodge. 1071 Zetland Lodge. 1072 Aberystwith Lodge. 1073 Greta Lodge. 1074 Underley Lodge. 1075 St. Maughold Lodge. 1076 Capper Lodge. Places of Meeting. Lodge Rooms, Cairo, Egypt, North Africa 1 865 Masonic Hall, Ezbekieh, Cairo 1887 Masonic Rooms, near Opera Square, n 1891 Southsea Pier Hotel, Belle Vue Terrace, Southsea, Hampshire 1865 Castle Hotel, Castle Road and Kent Road, Southsea 1876 Royal Beach Mansions Hotel, South Parade, m 1882 Grosvenor Hotel, Osborne Road, n 18S4 Masonic Hall, Highbury St., Portsmouth, Hampshire 1885 Lodge Rooms, 12 North Albert Street, Fleetwood, Lancashire 1865 Royal Hotel, Dock Street, Fleetwood 1867 Britannia Hotel, Kirkham, Lancashire 1869 Black Horse Hotel, Preston Street, Kirkham 1871 Freemasons' Hall, East Bank Street, SOUthport, Lancashire 1 88 1 Masonic Hall, Lord Street, Southport 1889 Green Dragon Hotel, Fore Street, Masonic Hall, Alexandra Square, II Fore Street, Saltash, Cornwall 1865 Saltash 1868 M 1893 Belle Vue Royal Hotel, iNIarine Terrace, AbOrystWith, Cardiganshire 1865 Lion Royal Hotel, Gieat Darkgate, Aberystwitli 1884 Masonic Hall, Market Street, m 1891 Keswick Hotel, Station Square, KesWick, Ctmiberland 1S65 County C'ourt Room, Station Street, Keswick 1875 Station Hotel, ti ,1 1881 Keswick Hotel, Station Square, m 1S84 Royal Hotel, Main St., Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland 1865 Concert Hall, n Kirkby Lonsdale 1866 Masonic Rooms, Market Place, n 1871 II Fairbank, m 1891 Mitre Hotel, Parliament Street, Ramsey, Isle of Man 1865 Ramsey Grammar School, Waterloo Road, Ramsey 1866 Masonic Rooms, Neptune Street, n 1870 II Albert Street, ,1 1879 II Mona Street, n 1880 Masonic Hall, Water Street, u 1889 Marine Hotel, Victoria Dock, West Ham, Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, London 1865 II 1879 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 7 June 1865 Cons. 8 Feb. 1865. 1863 1068 5 July 1865 Cons. 28 Sept. 1865 1069 18 Aug. 1865 Cons. 14 Nov. 1865. 1070 19 Sept. 1865 Cons. 22 Nov. 1865. 1071 19 Sept. 1865 Cons. 30 Nov. 1865. 19 Get. 1865 Cons. 23 Nov. 1865. 1072 1073 19 Get. 1865 Cons. 29 Nov. 1865. 1074 19 Get. 1865 Cons. Dec. 1865. 1075 28 Get. 1865 Cons. 22 Nov. 1865. 1076 [ 343 ] 1 894 1077 Name of Lodge. Wilton Lodge. Alpine Lodge. Strathloddon Lodge. Duke of Sussex Lodge. Cooma Lodge. 1083 Hyde Clarke Lodge. Townley PaFkep Lodge. New Brunswick Lodge. 1085 Hartington Lodge. 1086 Walton Lodge. Places of Meeting. Red Lion Hotel, Roclidale Road, Blackley (near Manchester), Lancashire i866 Commercial Hotel, Wood'S Point (Wonnangatta), Victoria 1865 Lapsed before 1888. Erased 5 June i88g. Strathloddon Hotel, StPathloddon [now GuildfOPd] (Talbot), Victoria 1864 Lapsed before 1882. Erased sj'une 1889. St. Patrick's Hall, Bourke Street, Melbourne (Bourke), Victoria 1865 Masonic Hall, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 1871 Freemasons' Hall, Collins Street East, n 1886 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 43 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Cooma Hotel, Massey Street, Cooma (Beresford), New South IVales 1865 Australian Hotel, Sharp Street, Cooma 1873 Last Meeting 11 Aprit 1S81. Erased 5 December 1888. Alexandria, Egypt, Nort/i Africa 1865 Erased 14 December 1869. Albert Inn, Ashton New Road, Bradford (near Manchester), La7icashire 1866 Grey Mare, Ashton Old Road, liradford 1868 Stag Inn, Phillips Park Road, ir 1872 Mosley Hotel, Ashton New Road, Beswiek (near Manchester), Lancashire 1877 Brunswick Hotel, Piccadilly, Manchester, .. 1883 Grand Hotel, Aytoun Street, Portland Street, Manchester 1886 Judge Ritchie's Building, Princess Street, St. John (St. John), New Brunswick, North America 1866 Erased 9 Aprit 1869. Now No. 22 on Reg. of G.L. of New Brunswick. King's Head Hotel, Corn Market, Derby, Derbyshire 1866 Lodge Rooms, 11 St. Mary's Gate, JDerby 1868 Mechanics' Institute, Wardwick, m 1871 St. James' Hotel, St. James' Street, Corn Market, n 1872 Masonic Hall, Cower Street, h 1875 St. Mary's School Room, Everton Valley, KiPkdale (near Liverpool), Lancashire 1866 Queen's Arms, Walton Road, Kirkdale 1867 Masonic Hall, Kirkdale Road, n 1870 St. Lawrence Boys' School, Croyland Street, Westminster Road, n 1874 Skelmersdale Masonic Hall, Westminster Road, n 1878 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 17 Nov. 1865 Cons. 10 Jan. 1866. 24 Nov. 1865 Cons. 5 May 1865. 24 Nov. 1865 Cons. 21 Sept. 1864. 24 Nov. 1865 Cons. 25 Jan. 1865. 24 Nov. 1865 Cons. 28 Aug. 1865. 5 Dee. 1865 Cons. 30 June 1S65. 5 Dee. 1865 Cons. 25 April 1866. 5 Dee. 1865 Cons. 8 Feb. 1866. 5 Dee. 1865 Cons, 5 Feb. t866. 5 Dee. 1865 Cons. 17 Jan. 1866. 1863 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 344 Name of Lodge. 1087 1088 1089 Beaudesert Lodge. Royal Edward Lodge. De Shurland Lodge. Nanaimo Lodge. 1091 Erme Lodge. 1092 1093 Yokohama Lodge. Lodge Anchor of Hope. 1094 1095 1096 Temple Lodge. Lodge Greenlaw. Lord Warden Lodge. 1097 Lodge of St. Michael. Places of Meeting. Assembly Rooms, Corn Exchange, Lake Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire i866 White Hart Inn, Market St., Staly bridge, Lancashire i866 Commercial Inn, Melbourne Street, Stalybridg-e, Cheshire l868 Masonic Club, 89 Market Street, n Lancashire 1884 Fountain Hotel, West Street, Blue Town, Sheerness, Limt 1866 Masonic Hall, Commercial Street, Nanaimo (Vancouver's Island), British Columbia, Aorlh America 1865 Mrased i May 1873. Now No. 3 on Reg. of G.L. of British Columbia. Huyshe Masonic Temple, Home Park, Stoke Damerel, Dtvoushire 1866 (Consecration.) King's Arms Hotel, Fore Street, Ivybrldge, Devons/iire 1866 Erme House, Erme Road, Ivybridge 1875 Masonic Hall, Chapel Place, n 1885 Masonic Hall, Main Street, Yokohama (Niphon),y;7/a« 1866 Masonic Temple, 61 Hon Cho dori, Yokohama 1891 Lodge Rooms, Wellington, near Ootacamund (Coimbatore, Nilgiri Hills), Madras, India 1865 Military Barracks, Wellington 1874 The Depot, „ 1884 Masonic Temple, m 1887 M.TSonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, Lancasliire 1866 Lodge Rooms, TonghOO (Pegu), British Burma, East Indies 1868 Masonic Hall, Tonghoo 1870 Royal Standard Hotel, North Barrack Road, Walmer, Ivent 1866 Lord Warden Inn, North Barrack Road, Walmer 1867 I.eith Estate Office, The Strand, „ 1870 Lord Warden Hotel, North Barrack Road, m 1872 Public Rooms, Park Street, Deal, K'ent 1876 Lord Warden Hotel, North Barrack Road, Walmer 1879 St. George's Hall, Park Street, Deal 18S0 Foresters' Hall, North Barrack Road, Walmer 1893 St. George's liall. Park Street, Deal 1894 Private Rooms, Corn Exchange, Teme Street, Tenbury, Worcestershire 1866 Swan Hotel, Station Road, Tenbury 1866 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 14 Dee. 1865 Cons. 12 Feb. 1866. 19 Dee. 1865 Cons. 2 March 1666. 16 Jan. 1866 Cons. I March 1866. 16 Jan. 1866 Cons. 9 June 1865. 25 Jan. 1866 Cons. 30 Aug. 1866. 30 Jan. 1866 Cons. 26 June 1866. 24 Feb. 1866 Cons. 15 Sept. 1865. 24 Feb. 1866 Cons. IT April 1866. 24 Feb. 1866 Cons. 6 May 1868. Warrant of Confirmation, 28 August 1877. 28 Feb. 1866 Cons. 21 April 1866. 6 March 1866 Cons. 21 April 1866. 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 [ 345 ] i894 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 Name of Lodge. 1105 1106 1107 1108 1110 St. George's Lodge. Huyshe Lodge. Lodge of Emulation. Grey Friars' Lodge. Mirfleld Lodge. Lodge of the Isles. Harvey Lodge of Unity. Greeia Lodge. Star of Orissa Lodge. Cornwallis Lodge. Places of Meeting. Whapfedale Lodge. Royal Wharfedale Lodge, 1876. Thistle Lodge. Tyrian Lodge. Private Room, Temperance Ilall, Tredegar, Monmouthshire 1866 Masonic Hall, Morgan Street, Tredegar 1894 Huyslre Masonic Hall, Home Park, Stoke Damerel (near Devonpoit), Devonshire 1866 Freemasons' Hall, Baboola Tank Road, Bombay, Bovihay, India 1866 Freemasons' Hall, Clare Road, Byculla, Bombay 1881 Masonic Hall, Greyfriars Road, Beading, Berkshire 1866 Assembly Room, Easthorpe, near Black Bull Hotel, Mirfleld, Yorkshire 1 866 Masonic Hall, King Street, ■ Mirfleld 1887 Lodge Rooms, Port Blair, Andaman Islands, East Indies 1865 Erased ^ August 1885. Vine Hotel, Salter Street, Stafford, Staffordshire 1866 Never constituted. Warrant returned. Erased 21 April 1874. Lodge Rooms, Cairo, Egypt, North Africa 1866 Stiada Hotel du Nil, Cairo 1890 Masonic Hall, Ezbekieh, " 1891 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Lodge Rooms, Freemasons' Hall, Cuttaek (Orissa), Bengal, India 1864 Cuttack 1876 Belvedere Hotel, Station Road, Masonic Hall, Pier Road, Lullingstone Castle Hotel, Bull Hotel, The Parade, Private Room, Westgate, Masonic Rooms, Boroughgate, Belvedere, A'ent 1866 Erith, IT 1875 Swanley, n 1880 Chislehurst, n 1884 Otley, Yorkshire 1866 Otley 1876 Block House Mines, Cow Bay, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, North America 1866 Erased rij December 1869. Now No. 36 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Scotia. Lamb Hotel, Old Town, EastbOUrne, Sussex 1866 Anchor Hotel, Sea Side, • Eastbourne 1869 Lamb Hotel, Old Town, ,1 1869 Gilredge Hotel, Terminus Road, n 1875 6 Mareli 1866 Cons. 12 April 1866. 6 March 1866 Cons. 30 Aug. 1866. 10 March 1866 Cons. 27 April i366. 12 March 1866 Cons. 17 May 1866. 22 March 1866 Cons. I June 1866. 23 March 1866 Cons. 5 Aug. 1865. 31 March 1866 31 March 1866 Cons. 20 April 1866. 6 April 1866 Cons. 13 Dec. 1864. 14 April 1866 Cons. I June tR66. 18 April 1866 Cons. 4 June 1866. 25 April 1866 Cons. 9 Jan. 1866. 3 May 1866 Cons. 20 June 1S66. 1863 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 44 [ 346 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 1112 1113 1114 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 Waitaki Lodge. Vale of Avon Lodge. Shirley Lodge, 1875. Anglesea Lodge. Joppa Lodge. Alexandra Lodge. Victorian Naval and Military- Lodge. Excelsior Lodge. University Lodge. Oxford and Cambridge University Lodge, 1894. St. Bede's Lodge. Lodge of St. Milburga. Wear Valley Lodge. Corinth Lodge. Places of Meeting. Oamaru House, Thames Street, Oamaru (Waitaki), Olngo, New Zealand 1865 Masonic Hall, Itchin Street, Oamaru 1870 II Wansbeclc Street, 11 1883 IT Itchin Street, 1. 1886 Seceded. Erased hy District Grand Lodge^ 1894. Now No. II on Reg. ofG.L. of New Zealand. Greyhound Hotel, Salisbury Street, Fordingbridge, Hampshire 1 866 Masonic Hall, Oxford Street, Shirley, n 1875 Bull Hotel, Bulkeley Square, Llangefni, Anglesey 1866 Victoria Hotel, Bridge Street, Menai Bridge, n 1889 Corn Hall, Market Place, Falcenham, Norfolk 1866 Lodge Room, Rutherglen (Bogong), Victoria 1865 Star Hotel, 'Rutherglen 1881 Lapsed. Erased ^ J-une i^Zq. Ulster Hotel, Spring St. , Melbourne (Bourke), Victoria 1865 Swan Hotel, Gertrude Street, Fitzroy (Bourke), h 1867 Masonic Hall, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 1868 Freemasons' Hall, Collins Street East, m 1886 Erased s June i88g. Now No. 49 on Reg. of G.I>. of Victoria. Steam Packet Hotel, Williamstown (Bourke), Victoria 1865 United-ujith " Lodge of Industry " No. 746 [A'l?. 104S o/tj May 1858], in 1874. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1866 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Mechanics' Institute, Ellison Street, JarroW-on-Tyne, Ditrliaiii 1 866 Masonic Hall, Grange Road, Jarrow-on-Tyne 1882 Tontine Hotel, The Square, Ironbridge, Shropshire iS66 Assembly Rooms, The Wharfage, Ironbridge 1890 Tontine Hotel, The Square, „ 1892 Savings' Bank, Market Place, Bishop Auckland, Durham '\?i(>(> Talbot Hotel, Market Place, Bishop Auckland 1871 King's Arms Hotel, n ,1 1875 Masonic Hall, Silver Street, „ 1878 LodgeRooms,NagpOre(Nagpore),Ce«/ra/A-('OT>f«J,/««'M 1867 II Sitabuldee, Nagpore 1869 ,1 Takli, II 1878 Freemasons' Hall, Sitabuldee, " 1881 II 20 Commercial Road, n 1891 25 May 1866 Cons, 5 May 1865. 25 May 1866 Cons. 4 Oct. 1866. 24 May 1866 Cons. 24 Oct. 1866, 24 May 1866 Cons. II July 1866, 24 May 1866 Cons. 20 Jan. 1865. 24 May 1866 Cons. 21 March 1865. 24 May 1866 Cons. 5 Sept. 1865. 24 May 1866 Cons. 2 Nov. 1866. 5 June 1866 Cons. 7 Aug. 1866. 5 June 1866 Cons. 27 Nov. 1866. 2 July 1866 Cons. 6 Aug. 1866. 27 July 1866 Con.q. 8 June 1S67. 1863 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 [ 347 ] i894 Name of Lodge. 1124 1125 1126 1128 1129 1130 Lodge of Hope. Lodge of St. Oswald. St. Peter's Lodge. Oakwood Lodge. Hiram Lodge. Lodge of St. George. St. Chad's Lodge. Rutland Lodge. Leura Lodge. Gippsland Lodge. Zenith Lodge. Places of Meeting. Royal Rotel, Murrurundi (Brisbane), New South Wales i866 Erased 5 December i888. Now No. 30 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Masonic Rooms, Wynnstay Arms Hotel, Church Street, Oswestry, Shropshire 1866 Three Tuns Hotel, Fore Street, Tlverton, Devo7ishire 1866 Freemasons' Hall, n Tiverton 1867 Romiley Arms Hotel, Stockport Road, Romlley, Cheshire 1866 Stockdove Inn, Romiley Road, Romiley 1870 National Schools, near Romiley Road, n 1888 Masonic Hall, Princes Street, Dunedln (Taieri), Otago, New Zealand 1865 Masonic Hall, Moray Place, Dunedin 1867 United with " Lodge 0/ Otngo," No. 844 [No. 1146 0/2-] November i860], in 1871. McNickle's Store, Peel Street, Lawrenee (Tuapeka), Otago. New Zealand 1865 Commercial Hotel Assembly Rooms, Peel St., Lavirence 1866 Masonic Hall, Colonsay Street, m 1878 Roebuck Hotel, Yorkshire Street, Rochdale, Lancashire t866 George Hotel, High Street, MeltOIl MowbPay, Leicestershire 1866 Lodge Room, CampePdOWn (Hampden), Victoria 1865 Masonic Hall, Camperdown 1880 Erased 5 June i88g. Now No. 50 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Common School House, Raymond Street, Sale (Gippsland), Victoria 1865 Criterion Hotel, Macali.ster Street, Sale 1869 Masonic Hall, n n 1880 Erased sjune 1889. Now No. 51 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Odd Fellows' Hall, Myers Street, Sandhurst [now BendigO] (Bendigo), Victoria 1866 Masonic Hall, View Street, Sandhurst 1869 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 52 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 27 July 1866 Cons. 1 Jan. i366. 4 Aug, 1866 Cons. 5 Nov. 1866. 4 Aug. 1866 Cons. 5 Sept. i566. 14 Aug. 1866 Cons. 29 Sept. 1866. 17 Aug. 1866 Cons. Aug. 1865. 17 Aug. 1866 Cons. I Nov. 1865. 17 Aug. 1866 Cons. 23 Nov. 1866. 6 Sept. 1866 Cons, ig Oct. 1866. 6 Sept. 1866 Cons. 7 Sept. 1865. 6 Sept. 1866 Cons. 4 Oct. 1865. 6 Sept. 1866 Cons. 4 June 1866. 1863 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 [ 348 ] 1 894 1134 Name of Lodge. 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1143 1144 Newall Lodge. Lodge of ConeoM. Carew Lodge. Lodge of St. John. Devon Lodge. South Norwood Lodge. Ashton Lodge. Mid-Sussex Lodge. Colesberg Lodge. Royal Denbigh Lodge. Milton Lodge. Places of Meeting. Freemasons' Hall, Islington Square, Salford, Lancashire 1 866 Masonic Hall, Adelphi House, Adelphi Street, Salford i88o Freemasons' Hall, Cooper St., Manchester, Lancashire 1893 Royal Clarence Hotel, High Street, IlfraCOmbe, Devonshire 1866 Masonic Hall, Assembly Rooms, Coronation Terrace, Ilfracombe 1868 Victoria Hotel, High Street, r, 1885 Masonic Hall, 127 High Street, n 1S86 Mechanics' Institute, Tamar Street, Torpoint, Cornwall 1866 Good Templars' Lodge Room, Ferry Street, Torpoint 1873 Masonic Hall, Ferry Street, n 1876 Lodge Rooms, Timaru (Geraldine), Canterbury, A^eiv Zealand 1865 Freemasons' Hall, Timaru 1869 Masonic Hall, Church Street, n 1873 Queen's Hotel, Queen St., NeWtOn Abbot, Devonshire 1866 Masonic Hall, Devon Square, Newton Abbot 1868 Goat House Hotel, Penge Road, South Norwood, London 1866 Public Plall, Station Road, South Norwood, i, 1869 The Pavilion, South Norwood Park, h n 1887 George and Dragon Hotel, High St., Cheadle, Cheshire 1867 White Hart Hotel, High Street, Cheadle 1871 Victoria Hall, Lansdowne Street, Withington, Lancashire 1878 Midland Hotel, Lapwing Lane, Burton Road, Withington 1887 Reform Hall, Station Road, Heaton Moor, Lancashire 1890 Assembly Rooms, King's Head Hotel, The Carfax, Horsham, Stissex 1S67 Black Horse Hotel, Horsham 1894 Colesberg (Colesberg), Cape Colony, South Africa 1867 Erased 16 December 1872. Warrant returned, 1873. Council Chamber, Town Hall, Hall Square, Denbigh, Denbighshire 1867 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Burlington Hotel, Burlington Street, Ashton-Under- Lyne, Lancashire 1 867 Ryecroft Inn, Stockport Road, Commercial Hotel, Old Street, Blue Bell Hotel, Scotland Street, Wheatsheaf Hotel, Stamford Street, Ashton-under-Lyne 1870 187s 11 iSgi 11 1894 6 Sept. 1866 Cons. 3 Nov. 1866. 12 Sept. 1866 Cons. 15 Nov. 1866. 21 Sept. 1866 Cons. Nov. 1866. 18 Oct. 1866 Cons, g March 1866. 28 Sept. 1866 Cons. 28 Nov. 1866. 26 Oct. 1866 Cons. 15 Nov. 1866. 31 Oct. 1866 Cons. 23 Jan. 1867. 6 Nov. 1866 Cons. I Feb. 18S7. 5 Jan. 1867 Cons. 4 Dec. 1867. 5 Jan. 1867 Cons. 24 Oct. 1867. 9 Jan. 1867 Con.s. 4 March 1867, 1863 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 [ 349 ] Name of Lodge. 1145 1146 1147 1149 1150 1151 1152 1155 Lodge of Equality. De Moulham Lodge. St. David's Lodge. Palmepston Lodge. Dorlsing Lodge. Buckingham and Chandos Lodge. 1st Middlesex Artillery. St. Andrew's Lodge. Lodge of St. George. Orion Lodge. Places of Meeting. Red Lion Hotel, Manchester Road, AeCPington, Lancashire 1S67 Mowlem Institute, Tlie Parade, Swanage, Dorsetshire 1867 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper St., ManehesteP, Lancashire 1867 School of Arts, Victoria Street, Grafton (Clarence), A'cw South IVales 18 Masonic Rooms, Princes Street, Grafton 18 Krased 5 December i883. Now No. 31 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Red Lion Hotel, I^igh Street, Public Hall, West Street, Dorking, Surrey 1867 Dorking 1872 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Lodge of St. John and St. Paul. Excelsior Lodge. Egyptian Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1867 Town Hall, Fore Street, Tywardreath, Cornwall 1867 Masonic Hall, Station Road, Tywardreath 1876 Lodge Room, ^in^Z,^OVB, Malay Peninsula, East Lndies 1867 Masonic Hall, Coleman Street, Singapore 1881 Mechanics' Institute, Albert Street, Sebastopol (Grenville), Victoria 1864 Craig's Hotel, Lydiard Street, Ballarat(Grenville)', n 1S77 Orchestral Hall, Ballarat 1881 Unicorn Hotel, Sturt Street, n 1884 Masonic Hall, Camp Street, n 1885 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 53 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Alexandria, ' Egypt, North Africa 1867 Erased & December 1882. Sydney Arms, Lewisham Road, Deptford, London 1867 White Swan, High Street, „ ,1 1886 Crystal Palace, Palace Road, Sydenham, n 1893 Royal Crystal Palace Hotel, Upper Norwood, n 1894 Cairo, Egypt, North Africa 1867 Erased 6 December 1882. 9 Jan. 1867 Cons. 28 March 1867. 16 Jan. 1867 Cons. 21 March 1867. 16 Jan. 1867 Cons. I March 1867. 24 Jan. 1867 25 Jan. 1867 Cons. 22 March 1867. 31 Jan. 1867 Cons. 28 Feb. 1867. 2 Feb. 1867 Cons. 13 June 1867. 22 Feb. 1867 Cons. 22 June 1867. 22 Feb. 1867 Cons. 17 Aug. 1864. 22 Feb, 1867 5 Mareli 1867 Cons. 2 May 1867. 5 March 1867 Cons. 29 April 1867. 1863 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 3SO Name op Lodge. 1157 Zetland Lodge. 1158 Southern Star Lodge. 1159 1160 1161 Marquis of Dalhousie Lodge. Lodge Temperance & Benevolence. De Grey and Eipon Lodge. Places of Meeting. 1163 1164 1165 1166 Forteseue Lodge. Lodge of Emulation. Eliot Lodge. Lodge of Perseverance. Clarendon Lodge. 1167 Alnwick Lodge. English Masonic Hall, Alexandria, Egypt, North Africa 1867 Fleming Station, Ramleh, Egypt 1874 Masonic Hall, Alexandria 1878 German Club, Maison Ratib Pacha, Rue Attarin, n 1885 Old Masonic Hall, near European Hospital, n 1890 Montpelier Tavern, Montpelier Street, Walworth, London 1867 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, •■ 1878 Bridge Elouse Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, n 1879 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, Masonic Hall, 33 Golden Square, London 1867 „ 1882 Freemasons' Hail, 55 Bentinck Street, Calcutta, Bengal, India 1865 Corporation Inn, Tipping Street, ArdVPick, Lancashire 1867 Denmark Hotel, Lloyd Street, Greenheys, Mancliester, LancasJiire 1879 Brunswick Hotel, Piccadilly, Manchester 1881 Town Hall Buildings, 74a King Street, n 1886 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street, 11 1887 Lygon Arms Hotel, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire 1867 Erased 11. May i86g. Masonic Hall, Severn St., Birmingham, Warwickshire 1867 M New Street, Birmingham 1869 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Eliot Arms, Masonic Hall, St. German's, Cornwall 1867 St. German's 1870 Freemasons' Hall, Zetland Street, Victoria, Hong Kong, (Quang-tung), China 1867 Queen's Hotel, Market Place, Hyde, Cheshire 1867 Commercial Hotel, Manchester Road, Hyde 1887 Wellington Hotel, n " 1891 Queen's Hotel, n " 1894 Masonic Hall, Market Place, AlnwiCk, Northumberland 1867 „ Clayport Street, Alnwick 1877 M Prudhoe Street, " 1881 5 March 1867 Cons. 30 May 1867. 5 March 1867 Cons. 14 May 1867. 5 March 1867 Cons. 20 March 1867. 23 March 1867 Cons. 5 April 1865. 23 March 1867 Cons. 14 May 1867. 23 March 1867 Cons, lo Oct. 1867. 23 March 1867 Cons. 5 July 1867. 28 March 1867 Cons. 12 June 1867. 28 March 1867 Cons. 12 Feb. 1867. 28 March 1867 Cons. 22 Aug. 1867. 13 April 1867 Cons. 25 Oct. 1867. 1863 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 [ 351 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 1168 Lodge of Benevolence. Town Hall, Half Moon Street, Sherbome, Dorielshire 1867 Digby Hotel, Digby Road, Sherborne 18S4 Newland Hotel, Newland, >i 1889 3 May 1867 Cons. 27 Aug. 1867. 1168 United Lodge of Sydney. Freemasons' Hall, York St., Sydney, .Vra< South Wales 1866 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 32 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. 3 May 1867 Cons. 27 Dec. 1866. 1169 1170 St. George's Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Cooper St., Manchester, Lancashire 1867 10 May 1867 Cons. 37 July 1867. 1170 1171 Lagos Lodge. Lodge Rooms, LagOS, IVest Coast of Africa 1868 Masonic Hall, Broad Street, Lagos 1876 Rose Cottage, Marina, ,1 1879 Freemasons' Hall, Bangboske Street, n 1888 25 May 1867 Cons. 11 June 1868. 1171 Prince of Wales' Lodge. German Arms, Hahndorf (Adelaide), .Soerf/^ y4f«j-/7-a//3 1867 Oakfield Hotel, GaWler Street. Mount Barker (Hindmarsh), South Australia 1870 Mechanics' Institute, Gawler Street, Mount Barker 1876 Erased 3 June 1885. Now No. 14 on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. 25 May 1867 Cons. 4 Jan. 1867. 1172 Nopthepn Star Lodge. Leithfleld (Ashley), Canterbury, New Zealand 1867 Stated to have never been constituted. Erased 10 May 1881. 25 May 1867 1173 1174 • Pentangle Lodge. Sun Hotel, High- Street, Chatham, Kent 1867 27 May 1867 Cons. 2 July 1867. 1174 1175 Kennedy Lodge. Wills's Hotel, Herbert Street, Bowen (Herbert, North Kennedy), Qiieen'land 1865 Masonic Hall, Powell Street, Bowen 1880 27 May 1867 Cons. 26 April 1865. 1175 Rockliampton Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, East Street, Rockhampton (Livingstone, Port Curtis), Queensland 1866 Erased 23 May 1871. 27 May 1867 Cons, g April i£66. 1176 1177 Tenby Lodge. Gate House Hotel, High Street, Tenby, Pembrokeshire 1867 Masonic Hall, South Parade, Tenby 1880 5 June 1867 Cons. 27 July 1867. 1177 1178 Perfect Ashlar Lodge. Gregorian Arms, 96 Jamaica Road, Bermondsey, London 1867 Bridge House ITotel, London Bridge, Southwark, m 1875 13 June 1867 Cons. 3 Oct. 1867. 1178 1179 Rutland Lodge. Rutland Hotel, Bath Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire 1867 13 June 1867 Cons. i5 Oct. 1867. 1179 1180 Forward Lodge. Masonic Rooms, New Hall Street, Birmingham, Warwickshire 1867 Masonic Hall, New Street, ' Birmingham 1881 13 June 1867 Cons. 26 Sept. 1867. 1180 35^ Name of Lodge. 1181 1182 1184 1185 1186 1188 1189 De la Pole Lodge. Duke of Edinburgh Lodge. Phoenix Lodge. Abbey Lodge. Lewis Lodge. Vietoria Lodge. British Columbia Lodge. Alexandra Lodge. Eastern Star Lodge. Cobeguid Lodge. Places of Meeting. Darling Downs Lodge of Harmony. Pole Arms Hotel, Station Road, Seaton, Devonshire 1867 Masonic Hall, Station Road, Seaton 1885 Wright's Wavertree Coffee House, WavertreO, Lancashire 1867 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, " 1876 New Amsterdam (Berbice), British Guiana, South America 1867 Last Reinnis 1874. Erased^ June 1894. Great Hall of the Abbey, Masonic Rooms, 62 High Street, Masonic Hall, High Street, Battle, Sussex 1867 Battle 1867 „ 1869 Nightingale Tavern, Nightingale Lane, Wood Green, London 1867 King's Arms Hotel, High Street, Wood Green, n 1872 Masonic Hall, Queen Street, Brisbane (Stanley, Moreton), Queensland 1865 Masonic Hall, Albert Street, Brisbane 1867 Freemasons' Hall, Alice Street, 11 1886 Masonic Hall, Government Street, Victoria (Vancouver's Island), British Columbia, North America 1867 Erased Q December 1871. Became No. 5 on Reg. of G.L. of British Columbia, but amalgamated with " Victoria Lodge " (page 317), 3 May 1877, now known as " Victoria-Columbia Lodge," No. i, British Columbia. Doncaster Arms Hotel, Alexandra (Waipa), Auckland^ Neiv Zealand 1866 Alexandra Hotel, Alexandra 1873 Doncaster Arms Hotel, n 1878 Alexandra Hotel, n 1879 Doncaster Arms Hotel, 11 188 r Alexandra Hotel, rT 1885 Rear of Jamsetjee Hospital, Mazagon, Bombay, Bombay, India 1868 Masonic Hall, Clare Road, BycuUa, Bombay 1881 Cobequid Flail, Elm Street, TrurO (Colchester), Nova Scotia, A^orth America 1866 Erased 27 December 1869. Became No. 37 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Scotia, but surrendered Warrant 31 March 1881. Robinson's Store, Ruthven, ToOWOOmba (Aubigny, Darling Downs), Queensland 1867 Masonic Hall, Ruthven, Toowoomba 1869 Erased 29 September 1871. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 2 July 1867 Cons. 27 Sept. 1867. 2 July 1867 Cons, I Aug. 1867. 2 July 1867 Cons. 27 Nov, 1867, 10 July 1867 Cons. 29 Nov. 1867, 19 July 1867 Cons. 17 Aug. 1867. 26 July 1867 Cons. II July 1865. 26 July 1867 Cons. 21 April 1867. 2 Aug. 1867 Cons. 10 Aug. 1866. 9 Aug. 1867 Cons. 20 Jan. 1868. 14 Aug. 1867 Cons, ri Dec. 1866. 19 Aug". 1867 Cons. 9 Aug. 1867. 1863 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 [ 3S3 ] 1 894 1192 1193 Name of Lodge. 1194 1196 1197 1198 1199 1201 Inanda Lodge. DoFie Lodge. Villieps Lodge. Lake Lodge of Ophir. Urban Lodge. Nyanza Lodge. Pitt Maedonald Lodge. Lodge of Agriculture. Zetland Lodge. Eclectic Lodge. Lodge of Unity. Places of Meeting. Lodge Room, Verulam (Victoria), Natal, South Africa i868 The Hall, AvOCa i. m h 1873 King's Head Hotel, Market Place, Wymondham, Norfolk 1867 Church School Room, Church Street, Wymondham 1877 King's Head Hotel, Market Place, n 1881 White Hart Hotel, Market Street, n 1885 Northumberland Arms Hotel, The Square, IsleWOPtll, Middlesex 1867 Grotto Hotel, Cross Deep, Twiekenham, m 1871 Northumberland Arms Hotel, The Square, IsIeWOrth 1874 Albany Hotel, Station Yard, twiekenham 1879 Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court Bridge, Hampton CoUFt, Middlesex 1 893 Freemasons' Hall, corner of Marine Parade and Church Street, QueenstOWn (Lake), Otago, New Zealand Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 85 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Old Jerusalem Tavern, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London 1867 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, n 1879 Commercial School Room, Court Barton, IlminsteP, Somersetshire 1867 Royal George Hotel, North Street, Ilminster 1869 Masonic Hall, North Street, n 1886 Masonic Hall, Vepery, Madras (Chingleput), Madras, India 1867 Ship and Castle Inn, Congresbury, Somersetshire 1867 Assembly Rooms, Railway Hotel, Yatton, .. 1892 Masonic Hall, AlbcFton (Prince's), Prince Edward Island, North America 18 Erased 24 June 1875. Now No. 7 on Reg. of G.L. of Prince Edward Island. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1867 Shire Council Hall, Ireland Street, Bright (Delatite), Victoria 1867 Masonic Hall, Ireland Street, Bright 1879 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 54 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 45 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 24 Aug. 1867 Cons. 2 Nov. 1868. 24 Aug. 1867 Cons. 2 Oct. 1867. 5 Sept. 1867 Cons, s Oct. 1S67. 11 Sept. 1867 Cons. 18 July 1864. 11 Sept. 1867 Cons. 22 Oct. 1867. 19 Oct. 1867 Cons. 27 Dec. 1867. 25 Oct. 1867 Cons. 10 Sept. 1867. 1 Nov. 1867 Cons. II Dec. 1867. 6 Nov. 1867 Cons. 30 Jan. 1868. 18 Nov. 1867 Cons. 16 Dec. 1867. 26 Nov. 1867 Cons. 20 June 1867. 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 354 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 Eaglehawk Lodge. Catherine Reef Hotel, Eaglehawk (Bendigo), Victoria 1865 Camp Hotel, Eaglehawk 1869 Masonic Hall, u 1881 Erased s June i88g. Now No. 55 on Reg. ofG.L. of Victoria. 29 Nov. 1867 Cons. 15 June 1865. 1203 1204 Boyds' Lodge. Winter Promenade, Tovvnsend House, College Road, Malvern, Worcestershire 1867 Belle VUe Hotel, Belle Vue Terrace, Malvern 1868 Imperial Hotel, Avenue Road, n 1876 Masonic Hall, College Road, n 1879 7 Dee. 1867 Cons. 30 Dec. 1867. 1204 1205 Metham Lodge. St. George's Hall, Emma Place, East Stonehouse, Devonshire i858 Metham Masonic Hall, Caroline Place, East Stonehouse 1869 12 Dee. 1867 Cons. 18 Feb. 1868. 1205 1206 Cinque Ports Lodge. King's Arms, Strand Street, Sandwich, Kent 1868 Bell Hotel, „ Sandwich 1874 18 Dee. 1867 Cons. 3 March 1868. 1206 Mount Gambier Lodge. South Australia Hotel, Mount Gambler (Grey), South Australia. 1865 Mount Gambier Hotel, Mount Gambier 1873 Town Hall Chambers, „ 1883 Erased 3 June 1885. Now No. 3S on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. 31 Dee. 1867 Cons. 26 Dec. 1865. 1207 1208 Corinthian Lodge. Marine Assembly Rooms, Dover, Kent 1868 Royal Hotel, Clarence Place, Dover 1868 Freemasons' Hall, Snargate Street, n 1886 31 Dee. 1867 Cons. 17 Feb. 1868. 1208 1209 Lewises' Lodge. Royal Hotel, Harbour Street, Ramsgate, Kent 1S68 17 Jan. 1868 Cons. 17 Marcti 1868. 1209 1210 True Brotliers' Lodge. Lodge Rooms, Dinapore (Bihar), Bengal, India 1867 24 Jan. 1868 Cons. 16 Jan. 1867. 1210 1211 Goderieh Lodge. Alfred Lodge Rooms, Albion Street, Leeds, Yorkshire 1868 Masonic Hall, Great George Street, Leeds 1868 25 Jan. 1868 Cons. 2 March i863. 1211 1212 Elms Lodge. St. George's Hall, Emma Place, East StonehoUSe, Dezwnshire 1868 Huyshe Masonic Hall, Home Park, Stoke Damarel, near Devonport, Devonshire 1868 31 Jan. 1868 Cons. 18 Feb. i863. 1212 1213 Bridgewater Lodge. Bridgewater Hotel, Liverpool Road, Patricroft, Lancashire 1868 Cross Keys Hotel, Church Road, Eeeles, n 1872 Odd Fellows' Arms, Church Street, Eccles 1889 Cross Keys Hotel, Church Road, n 1894 8 Feb. 1868 Cons. 7 March 1868. 1213 355 Name of Lodge. 1214 Scarborough Lodge. Lodge Ravee. 1216 MaeDonald Lodge. 1218 1219 Lodge Star of Peace, Ppince Alfred Lodge. Strangeways Lodge. 1220 1221 1222 Solway Lodge. Defence Lodge. St. Kew Lodge. 1223 Amherst Lodge. Places of Meeting. Station Hotel, Station Road, Upper Soothill, Yorkshire i868 Wilton Arms, Commercial Street, Batlsy, n 1875 Scarborough Hall, Caledonia Road, Batley 1877 Station Hotel, Station Road, n 1886 Masonic Hall, Anarkullee, Lahore (Lahore), Pitnjah^ India I United with " Lod^e Hope and Perseverance^^' Nv. 782 {No. 1084 0/ II March 1859I 171 1887. Warrant returned 17 October 1887. Head Quarters of First Surrey Volunteer Rifles, Brunswick Road, Camberwell, LondOll 1868 Head Quarters of First Surrey Volunteer Rifles, Flodden Road, Camberwell, n 1875 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camlierwell New Road, Camberwell, n 1891 Ningpo (Che-Kiang), China iS Erased ^i April 1872. Commercial Hotel, Market Street, Mossley (near Manchester), Lancashire 1868 New Bridge Inn, Micklehurst, Mossley 1889 Assize Courts Hotel, Great Ducie Street, Strangeways, Manchester, Lancashire 1868 Dog and Partridge Hotel, Fennel Street, Manchester 1873 Ducie Arms, Strangeways, n 1875 Empire Hotel, Moreton Street, n 1876 Old Boar's Head, Corporation Street, h 1883 Masonic Rooms, 74a King Street, n 1884 Old Boar's Head, Corporation Street, n 1887 Albion Hotel, Essex Street, Silloth, Cuviberland 1868 Grapes Hotel, Market Place, Aspatria, n 1891 Masonic Hall, Aspatria 1892 Rooms of 2nd West York Engineer Volunteers, Grove House, Clay Pit Lane, Leeds, Yorkshire 1868 Fidelity Masonic Hall, Carlton Hill, Leeds 1872 Royal Assembly Rooms, HighSt., Weston-SUper-Mare, Somersetshire 1 868 Carnarvon Hall, York Hotel, Regent Street, Weston-super-Mare 1869 Masonic Hall, High Street, u 1872 Carnarvon Hall, York Hotel, Regent Street, n 1878 Masonic Hall, The Boulevards, ir 1881 King's Arms Hotel, Market Place, WCSterham, Kent 1868 Public Hall, High Street, Westerham 1870 King's Arms Hotel, Market Place, n 1870 Amherst Arms Hotel, London Road, Riverhead, Kent 1880 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 20 Feb. 1868 Cons. 21 May 1868. 27 Feb. 1868 Cons. 21 Jan. 1868. 13 March 1868 Cons. 29 April 1868. 13 March 1868 Cons. 29 Feb. 1868. 21 March 1868 Cons. 2 May 1868. 21 March 1868 Cons. 21 April 1868. 9 April 1868 Cons, 19 June 1868. 25 April 1868 Cons. I Dec. 1868. 27 April 1868 Cons. 7 July 1868. 6 May 1868 Cons. 6 Aug. 1868. 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 [ 356 ] 1 894 1224 1225 Name of Lodge. StouF Valley Lodge. Hindpool Lodge. Lodge La Concordia. Places of Meeting. 1227 Upton Lodge. 1228 Beaeontree Lodge. 1229 Pacifle Lodge of Hokitika. 1230 Barnard Lodge. 1231 1232 1233 Savile Lodge. Hereward Lodge. Greymouth Lodge. Masonic Hall, Market Hill, M North Street, Sudbury, Suffolk 1 8 Sudbury iS Queen's Hotel, Duke Street, HindpOOl [now Barrow-in-Furness], Lancashire 1 868 Hartington Hotel, Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness 1872 Masonic Hall, Abbey Road, n 1886 Lodge Rooms, Cairo, Egypt, North Africa 1 868 Sutherland House, Cairo 1883 New Masonic Hall, Ezbekieh, h 1887 Erased ^ June i8go. Spotted Dog Tavern, Upton Lane, Upton, London 1868 Three Nuns Hotel, High Street, Aldgate, m 1885 Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street, n 1894 Private Rooms, Leytonstone, London 1868 City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, n 1870 Private Room, Leytonstone, n 1870 Town Hall, Broadway, Stratford, 11 1 87 1 Red Lion Hotel, High Street, Leytonstone, n 1872 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, n 1885 Lodge Rooms, Hokltika (West Coast), Wesiland, New Zealand 1866 Masonic Hall, Revell Street, Hokitika 1881 King's Head Hotel, Market Place, Barnard Castle, Durham 1869 Witham Testimonial, Market Place, Barnard Castle 1871 Masonic Hall, Newgate Street, ti 1880 Royal Hotel, Briggate, Masonic Rooms, Northgate, Angel Hotel, Market Place, Elland, Yorkshire iS Elland 18 Bourn, Lincolnshire 1868 Albion Hotel, GreymOUth (Grey), Wcstland, Nnu Zealand 1868 Greymouth 1869 Gilmer's Buildings, Masonic Hall, Mackey Street, Kettle's Buildings, Masonic Hall, Tainui Street, Date of Warrant or Constitution. 15 May 1868 Con.s. 31 July 1868. 3 June 1868 Cons. i8 Aug. 1868. 5 June 1868 Cons. 25 Feb. 1868. 19 June 1868 Cons. 13 Aug. 1863. 8 July 1868 Cons. 9 Sept. 1868. 29 Aug. 1868 Cons. 8 Feb. 1S66. 29 Aug. 1868 Cons. 4 Feb. 1869. 29 Aug. 1868 Cons. 12 Nov. 1868. 29 Aug. 1868 Cons. 9 Nov. 1868. 29 Aug. 1868 Cons. 25 May 1868. New Warrant 14 November 1887. 1863 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 [ 357 "J 1894 Name of Lodge. 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1241 1242 1244 Tyrlan Youth Lodge. Phoenix Lodge of St. Ann. Marlborough Lodge of Unanimity, Enfield Lodge. Gooeh Lodge. Wentworth Lodge. Lodge of St. John. Totara Lodge. Tynwald Lodge. Lempriere Lodge. Marwood Lodge. Rothsay Lodge. Places of Meeting. Little Glace Bay, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, North America iS Left English Jurisdiction in i86g, but not erascd/roin List until \Vi-i,. Now No. 45 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Scotia. Crescent Hotel, The Crescent, Buxton, Derbyshire 1869 Old Court House, George Street, Uuxton 1870 Town Hall, Market Square, m 1889 Lodge Room, Blenheim (Marlborough), Marll>oroiif;h, New Zealand 1869 Club Hotel, Market Square, Blenheim 1885 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Court House, Church Street, Private Rooms, Market Place, George Hotel, Enfield Town, Enfield, AJu/,llesex 1868 Enfield 1879 ., 1880 Prince Alfred Hotel, South Road, Southall, MidUtesex 1868 Albany Hotel, Station Yard, Twickenham, 1. 1877 Town Plall, High Street, Twickenham 1887 Freemasons' Hall, Surrey Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire 1868 New Freemasons' Hall, Surrey Street, Sheffield 1877 Robin Hood Hotel, Strathalbyn (Hindmarsh), South Australia 1866 Freemasons' Hall, Strathalbyn 187 1 Erased jjune 1885. Now No. 15 on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. Exchange Hotel, Ross (Westland), Wesllaud, New Zealand 1868 Masonic Hall, Ross 1888 Masonic Rooms, St. James' Hall, Athol Street, Douglas, /j/^c/Vl/a» 1868 Masonic Hall, Loch Parade, Douglas 1878 Masonic Hall, Foord Street, Wahgunyah (Borung), Victoria 1868 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 56 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Red Lion Hotel, High Street, Freemasons' Hall, 11 RedCar, Yorkshire 1869 Redcar 1871 Bridgetown (Annapolis), Nova Scotia, North America 1866 Not in any Calendar. Erased i Septetjther 1869. Now No. 41 on Reg. of G.L. of Nova Scotia. 15 Sept. 1868 Cons. 28 Dec. 1868. 15 Sept. 1868 Cons. 25 Feb. 1869. 7 Oct. 1868 Cons. 16 Nov. i86q 10 Oct. 1868 Cons. I Dec. t868. 14 Oct. 1868 Cons. 9 Nov. 1868. 28 Oct. 1868 Cons. 7 Dec. i368. 3 Nov. 1868 Cons. I June 1866. 3 Nov. 1868 Cons. 14 Oct. 1868. 7 Nov. 1868 Cons. 9 Dec. 1868. 14 Nov. 1868 Cons. 18 Aug. 186S. 19 Nov. 1868 Cons. 2 Feb. 1869. 8 Dee. 1868 Cons. I Nov. 1866. 1863 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 [ 358 ] 1894 1246 Name of Lodge. 1247 1248 1249 1250 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 Holte Lodge. St. John's Lodge. Denison Lodge. Pioneer Lodge. Gilbert Greenall Lodge. True Brothers' Lodge. Duke of Edinburgh Lodge. Travellers' Lodge. Lodge Semper Fidelis. Dundas Lodge. Lodge of Fidelity. Grosvenor Lodge. Places of Meeting. Holte Hotel, Aston Lower Grounds, Aston, IVarwickshire 1869 Aquarium Assembly Rooms, Aston Lower Grounds, Aston 1884 Holte Hotel, Aston Lower Grounds, n 1886 ^'ictoria Hall, Victoria Road, n 1887 Huyshe Masonic Temple, Princess Place, Plymouth, DevoJtshire 1 869 Freemasons' Hall, i Princess Square, Plymouth 1888 Grand Hotel, St. Nicholas' Cliff, Scarborough, Yorkshire 1869 Masonic Hall, St. Nicholas' Cliff, Scarborough 1884 Masonic Hall, Duke Street, Gympie (March, Wide Bay District), Queensland 1869 Masonic Rooms, Sankey St., Warrington, Lancashire 1869 Lion Hotel, Bridge Street, Warrington 1893 Lawson's Buildings, Tryon (Queen's), Prince Edward Island, North America 1869 Lord's Buildings, Tryon 1870 Erased -2^ June 1875. Now No. 8 on Reg. of G. L. of Prince Edward Island. Royal Hotel, ffloonta (Daly), Smith Australia 1869 Friendly Societies' Hall, Moonta 1875 Masonic Hall, 1, 1876 Erased jjunc 1885. Now No. 16 on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. Queen's Hotel, Piccadilly,- Manchester, Lancashire 1869 Tuckers' Hall, Fore Street Hill, Exeter, Devonshire 1870 Freemasons' Hall, Gandy Street, Exeter 187S Huyshe Masonic Temple, Princess Place, Plymouth, Devonshire iS Freemasons' Plall, i Princess Square, l^lymouth 1 8 Bull Hotel, Marketplace, Poulton-le-Fylde, Z««raj/«>r 1869 Victoria Station, Metropolitan District Railway, Pimiico, London 1869 Caledonian Hotel, Adelphi, Strand, n 187 1 Westminster Palace Plotel, Victoria Street, n 1875 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, pi 1878 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 12 Dee. 1868 Cons. 29 Jan. 1869. 16 Dee. 1868 Con.s. 16 March 1869. 30 Dec. 1868 Cons. 26 Jan. i86g. 9 Jan. 1869 Cons. 24 March i86g, 16 Jan. 1869 Cons. 12 April 1869. 28 Jan. 1869 Cons. 23 June 1869. 30 Jan. 1869 Cons. 2 July 1S69. 3 Feb. 1869 Cons. 22 April i86g 17 Feb. 1869 Cons. 3 Jan. 1870. 24 Feb. 1869 Cons, 15 March 1869, 1 March 1869 Cons. 4 May 1869. 12 March 1869 Con.s. 24 April 1869. 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 [ 359 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 1258 1259 1260 1261 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 Kennard Lodge. Duke of EdinbuFgh Lodge. Hervey Lodge. John Hervey Lodge, 1879. Golden Rule Lodge. Mount Ida Lodge. Tentosama Lodge. Neptune Lodge. Vale of Catmos Lodge. Lodge of Honour and Friendship. Kenlis Lodge. Rangoon Lodge. Places of Meeting. Clarence Hotel, Clarence Street, Pontypool, AlonnLoiUhshirs 1869 Masonic Hall, High Street, Pontypool 1871 II George Street, u '879 New Globe Tavern, Bow Road, Mile End, London 1869 Cape of Good Hope Tavern, Commercial Road East, n 1874 Eastern Hotel, i West India Dock Road, n 1892 George Hotel, Walham Green, Fulham, London 1869 Iron Schoolroom, Moore Park, ir -,1 m 1870 Swan Hotel, Broadway, n n n 1872 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, n 1874 Great Western Hotel, Craven Road, Paddington, London 1869 Masons' Hall, Masons' Avenue, Basinghall Street, ,, 1871 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, n 1873 Empire Hotel, Leven Street, Naseby [formerly Mount Ida] (Maniototo), Olago, New Zealand 1868 Masonic Hall, Derwent Street, Naseby 1869 11 Leven Street, n 1891 Seceded. Erased hy District Grand Lodge 1894. Masonic Plall, Main Street, Yokohama (Niphon),ya/rt» 1869 Masonic Temple, 61 Hon Cho dori, Yokohama 189 1 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, Lancashire 18 Agricultural Hall, High Street, Oakham, Rutlandshire 1869 George Hotel, Market Place, Oakham 1877 Agricultural Hall, High Street, u 1887 Town Hall, Market Place, Masonic Hall, West Street, Blandford, Dorsetshire 1869 Blandford 1874 Cat Inn, Main Street, Egremont, Cumberland 1869 Odd Fellows' Hall, Main Street, Egremont 1872 Freemasons' Hall, Rangoon (Pegu), British Burma, East Jndies 18 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 12 March 1869 Con.s. 3 June i86g. 22 March 1869 Cons. 4 May 1869. 31 March 1869 Cons. 15 April 1869. 31 March 1869 Cons. 6 May 1869. 3 April 1869 Cons. 5 May i86S. 22 April 1869 Cons. 28 July i86g. 5 May 1869 Cons. II June i86g. 5 May 1869 Cons. 30 Sept. i86c 22 May 1869 Cons. 5 Oct. 1869. 22 May 1869 Con<;. 23 Nov. 1869. 31 May 1869 Cons. 13 March 1869. Warrant of Confirmation, II June 1891. 1863 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 [ 36o ] 1S94 1269 Name of Lodge. 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 Stanhope Lodge. Lodge Friendship and Harmony. Lodge of Friendship and Unity. Tregenna Lodge. St. Michael's Lodge. Earl of Durham Lodge. Star Lodge. Warren Lodge. Britannia Lodge. Burdett-Coutts Lodge. Indus Lodge. Places of Meeting. Thicket Hotel, Aiierley Road, Anerley, London 1869 Surrey Mnsonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, n 1881 Private Rooms, Egutpoorah [Igatpuri] (Nasik), Bombay^ India 1869 Freemasons' Hall, Egutpoorah 1874 JMeet at Deola (Indore), Bengal, for the four months of the rainy season. Town Hall, Market Street, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire 1869 Avon House, Kingston Road, Bradford-on-Avon 1887 Town Hall, Market Street, pi 1892 Masonic Hall, St. Andrew's Street, St. Ives, Co7-mvall 1870 Free Church Schools, The Butts, Sittingbourne, Kent 1869 Town Hall, High Street, Sittingbourne 1880 Masonic Hall, Albany Street, Park Road, n 1889 Lambton Anns Hotel, Front Street, Chester-Ie-Street, Durham 1869 Freemasons' Hall, Front Street, Chester-le-Street 1870 Marquis of Granby Tavern, New Cross Road, London 1869 Ship Hotel, Church Street, Greenwich, n 1872 Workmen's Institute, Tobin Street, Egremont, Cheshire 1869 Stanley Arms Hotel, Victoria Road, Seacombe, n 1870 Queen's Arms, Village, LiSCard, " 1878 Vienna Hall, Brighton Street, SeaCOmbe 1883 Seacombe Hotel, The Ferry, n 1886 Dunmore Town, Harbour Island, Bahama Islands, West Indies 1 869 Approach Tavern, Approach Road, Victoria Park, London 1869 London Tavern, Fenchurch Street, m 1890 Masonic Hall, Dera Ismail Khan (Derajat), Punjab, India 1 8 70 II Kohat (Derajat) Punjab 1883 Last Meeting, 22 Deceml>eri885. Erased, Warrant returned, 13 August 1890. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 31 May 1869 Cons. 17 July 1869. 5 June 1869 Cons. 28 Aug. 1869. Warrant of Confirmation, 3 April 1888. 16 June 1869 Cons. 27 Oct. 1869. 17 June 1869 Cons. 25 March 1870. 17 June 1869 Cons. 29 Sept. 1S69. 29 June 1869 Cons. 8 Sept. 1869. 29 June 1869 Cons. 3 Sept. i86g. 9 July 1869 Cons. 22 Oct. i86q, 16 July 1869 28 July 1869 Cons. 23 Sept. 1869. 20 Aug. 1869 Cons. 24 Jan. 1870. 1863 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 [ 36i ] 1894 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 Name of Lodge. 1286 1287 1288 1289 Walden Lodge. HiFam Lodge. Aneholme Lodge. KybuFn Lodge. Brent Lodge. 1285 Lodge Faith, Hope, and Charity. Bayons Lodge. Great Northern Lodge. Finsbury Parli Lodge. Rock Lodge. Prince Alfred Lodge. Places of Meeting. Rose and Ciowii Hotel, Market Place, SafTron Walden, Essex 18 Temperance Hotel, BuFln Bay, Newfoundland, North America 1870 Masonic Hall, Burin Bay 1876 Town Hall, Market Place, Foresters' Hall, Bridge Street, Masonic Rooms, Cary Lane, Brigg, Lincolnshire 1 869 Brigg 187 s „ 1880 Royal Hotel, West Street, Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire 1869 Masonic Rooms, Ryburn Buildings, Sowerby Bridge 1S74 Masonic Hall, Central Buildings, Town Hall Street, n 1876 II Eagle's Cliff, n 1893 Globe Hotel, Fore Street, Topsham, Devonshire 1870 Ootaeamund (Coimbatore, Nilgiri Plills), Madras, India 1869 Masonic Hall, Ootacamund 1891 Corn Exchange, Queen St., Market Rasen, Lincolnshire 1869 7 Oet. 1869 Cons. 2 Dec. 1869. Great Northern Plotel, Pancras Road, King's Cross, London 1870 Freemasons' Plall, Great Queen Street, n 1873 Finsbury Park Tavern, Seven Sisters Road, HoUoway, London 1870 Cock Tavern, Upper Street, Islington, Highbury, h 1879 Albert Rooms, i Nelson Place, Nelson Road, Roek Ferry, Cheshire 1869 Rock Ferry Hotel, Bedford Road, Rock Ferry 187 1 Bedford House, m h 1875 Rock Ferry Hotel, n n 1879 Masonic Chambers, 9 Hamilton Street, Birkenhead, Cheshire 1882 Rock Ferry Hotel, Bedford Road, ROCk Ferry 1883 Masonic Chambers, 9 Hamilton Street, Birkenhead 1886 Derby Hotel, Gertrude and Young Streets, Fitzroy (Bourke), Victoria 1868 Ballarat Tavern, Brunswick Street, Fitzroy 1881 Brunswick Hotel, Brunswick Street, n 1883 Freemasons' Hall, Collins Street East, Melbourne (Bourke), Victoria 1886 Erased 5 June i38g. Now No. 58 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 46 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 20 Aug. 1869 Cons. 16 Nov. i86q. 7 Sept. 1869 Cons. 3 Feb. 1870. 7 Sept. 1869 Cons. 25 Oct. 3869. 7 Sept. 1869 Cons. 19 Nov. 1869. 20 Sept. 1869 Cons. 31 May 1870. 24 Sept. 1869 Cons. 9 June i86g. 5 Nov. 1869 Cons. 6 Jan. 1870. 5 Nov. 1869 Cons. 5 Feb. 1870. 6 Nov. 1869 Cons. 3 Dec. 1869. 10 Nov. 1869 Cons. 19 Aug. 1868. 1863 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 [ 362 ] 1894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 Albert Edward Lodge. Lodge Rooms, Alexandra (Anglesea), Victoria 1869 Masonic Hall, Grant Street, Alexandra 1880 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 59 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 10 Nov. 1869 Cons. 23 July i86g. 1291 Standish Lodge. Odd Fellows' Hall, Chiltern (Bogong), Victoria 1869 Star Hotel, Chiltern 1881 Erased s June 1889. Now No. 60 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 12 Nov. 1869 Cons. 21 July 1869. 1292 1293 Burdett Lodge. Clarence Hotel, Park Road, Teddington, Middlesex 1870 Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court Bridge, Hampton Court, Middlesex 1870 19 Nov. 1869 Cons. 22 Jan. 1870. 1293 1294 St. Altaan's Lodge. Royal Hotel, Cleethorpe Road, Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire 1S70 19 Nov. 1869 Cons. 3 Feb. 1870. 1294 1295 Gooeh Lodge. Masonic Rooms, Queen's Royal Hotel, Station Road, New Swindon, Wiltshire 1870 27 Nov. 1869 Cons. 19 Feb. 1870. 1295 1296 Vale of Brislington Lodge. White Hart Inn, Brislington, Somersetshire 1870 27 Nov. 1869 Cons. 15 March 1870. 1296 1297 West Kent Lodge. Forest Hill Hotel, Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, London 1870 Crystal Palace, Palace Road, Sydenham, n 1879 1 Dee. 1869 Cons. 26 March 1870. 1297 1298 Royal Standard Lodge. Marquess Tavern, Canonbury Street, Islington, London 1870 Wellington Club, Upper Street, Islington, „ 1875 Cock Tavern, n „ Highbury, u 1887 1 Dee. 1869 Cons. 21 Feb. 1870. 1298 1299 Pembroke Lodge. West Derby Hotel, West Derby, Lancashire 1870 Shiel Park Hotel, Shiel Road, Liverpool, m 1890 10 Dee. 1869 Cons. 24 Feb. 1S70. 1299 1300 Angel Lodge, Lodge Rooms, Philippolis (Phiiippoiis), Orange Free State, South Africa 1869 1 Feb. 1870 Cons. 5 April 1S69. 1300 1301 Brighouse Lodge. Masonic Rooms, Bradford Road, BrighOUSe, Yorkshire 1870 1 Feb. 1870 Cons. 24 Sept. 1870. 1301 1302 De Warren Lodge. White Swan Hotel, Skircoat Creen, Halifax, Yorkshire 1870 De Warren Rooms, Thomas Street, Halifax 1S72 Masonic Rooms, Horton Street, n 1874 n White Swan Hotel, Skircoat Green, n 1875 1 Feb. 1870 Cons. II June 1870. 1302 1303 Pelham Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, High Street, LoweS, Sussex 1870 5 Feb. 1870 Cons. 22 April 1870. 1303 [ 363 ] 1 894 1304 1305 Name of Lodge. 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 Olive Union Lodge. St. Marylebone Lodge. St. John of Wapping Lodge. Lodge of St. John, 1883. Mooltan Lodge. Lodge Liglit of the North. Acacia Lodge. Harrow Lodge. Zetland Lodge. Lodge of St. Mary. Fermor Lodge. Acacia Lodge. Southern Cross Lodge. Places of Meeting. Bull Hotel, Bull Ring, HorncaStle, Lincolnshire 1870 Masonic Uall, Bank Street, Horncastle 1872 Eyre Arms Tavern, Finchley Road, St. John's Wood, London 1870 Langham Hotel, Portland Place, Marylebone, fi 1883 The Criterion, Piccadilly, n 1886 Gun Tavern, High Street, Wapping, Moorgate Hotel, Moorgate Street, City Arms Tavern, St. Mary Axe, Three Nuns Hotel, High Street, Aldgate, Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, Mooltan (Mooltan), Masonic Hall, II 14 Queen's Road, II 75 Jail Road, London 1S70 1880 Punjab, India 1869 Mooltan 1875 II 1881 11 1892 Ferozepore (Umballa), Ptmjab, India 1867 Masonic Hall, Bank Street, DalhOUSie, Funjab 1871 Sebright Arms Tavern, Alston Road, South Mimms, West Barnet, Middlesex 1870 Railway Hotel, by Station, Potter's Bar, n 1871 Prince Alfred Hotel, South Road, Southall, n 1874 ShipITotel,RiverBank,Halliford,nearShepperton, ,1 1877 Greyhound liotel. Park Gate, Hampton Court, n 1890 Railway Hotel, L. and N. W. Railway Station, Harrow, Middlesex 1870 King's Head Hotel, High Street, Harrow 1881 M.asonic Hall, Great George Street, Leeds, Yorkshire 1870 White Hart Hotel, Booking End, Bocking, Essex 1870 Masonic Hall, Wright Street, Southport, Lancashire 1870 Freemasons' Hall, East Bank Street, Southport 1S80 Bell Hotel, High Street, Bromley, Kent 1870 Masonic Hall, Ruthven, ToOWOOmba (Aubigny, Darling Downs), Queensland 1870 Masonic Hall, Neil, Toowoomba 1887 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 25 Feb. 1870 Cons. 26 April 1870. 3 March 1870 Cons. 13 April 1870. 3 March 1870 Cons. 13 April 1870. 18 March 1870 Cons. 31 Dec. i86g. 25 March 1870 Cons. 16 Oct. 1867. 11 April 1870 Cons. 7 Ma.y 1870. 11 April 1870 Cons. 7 May 1870. 26 April 1870 Cons. 4 June 1870. 21 May 1870 Cons. 13 Oct, 1870. 21 May 1870 Cons. 7 July 1870. 21 May 1870 Cons. T5 June 1870. 25 May 1870 Cons. 28 Feb. 1870. 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 [ 364 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 Stewart Lodge. Town Hall, St. Arnaud (Kara Kara), Victoria 1870 Masonic Hall, St. Arnaud 1880 Erased 5 Jttne 1889. Now No. 61 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 26 May 1870 Cons. 2T Jan. 1870. 1316 Union Lodge. Common School House, Main Street, BaiPnsdale (Tangil), Victoria 1 870 Masonic Hall, Main Street, Bairnsdale 1879 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 62 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 26 May 1870 Con>. 4 March 1870. 1317 United Lodge. Masonic Hall, Tarnagulla (Gladstone), Victoria 1869 Lapsed before 1888. Erased 5 June 1889. 20 June 1870 ♦ Cons. 24 Feb. 1869. 1318 1319 Lodge of Asaph. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1870 20 June 1870 Cons. 7 Nov. 1870. 1319 1320 Blaekheath Lodge. Crown Hotel, Tranquil Vale, Blaekheath, London 1871 Green Man Hotel, Dartmouth Row, n n 1878 Trafalgar Hotel, Park Row, Greenwich, n 1882 Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, m 1890 20 June 1870 Cons. 10 May 1871. 1320 1321 Emblematic Lodge. Tulse Hill Hotel, Norwood Road, Tulse Hill, London 1870 Horns Tavern, Kennington Park Road, Kennington, tp 1880 Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, n 1886 20 June 1870 Cons. 17 Nov, 1870. 1321 1322 Waverley Lodge. Church Inn, King Street, Higher-Hupst, near Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire 1870 Caledonian Inn, Warrington St., AshtOn-undOP-Lyne 1875 Queen's Arms Hotel, George Street, n 1878 20 June 1870 Cons, zo Sept. 1870. 1322 1323 Talbot Lodge. Masonic Rooms, Mackworth Hotel, Wind Street, Swansea, Glamorganshire 1870 20 June 1870 Cons. 8 Dec. 1870. 1323 1324 Okeover Lodge. Private Room, High Street, Elpley, Derbyshire 1870 Masonic Room, Market Hall, Market Place; Ripley 1882 20 June 1870 Cons. II Aug. 1870. 1324 1325 Stanley Lodge. Skelmersdale Masonic Hall, Kirkdale Road, Kirkdale, near Liverpool, Lancashire 1 87 1 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, 11 1877 20 June 1870 Cons. 27 April 1871. 1325 1326 Lebanon Lodge. Red Lion, Lion Square, Thames Street, Hampton, Middlesex 1870 Railway Hotel, High Street, Feltham, 1. 1883 27 June 1870 Cons. 16 July 1870. 1326 [ 36s ] 1894 Name of Lodge. 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 King Harold Lodge. Granite Lodge. Sphinx Lodge. St. Peter's Lodge. Aldershot Camp Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Britannia Hotel, High Street, Waltham New Town, Hei tfoidshire 1870 Four Swans Hotel, High Street, Waltham CrOSS, Hertfordshire 1884 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, Holborn Restaurant, Hoi born, London 1870 II 1804 Unity Lodge. Athelstan Lodge. Norman Lodge. Lindsay Lodge. Square and Compass Lodge. Anchor Lodge. Prince of Wales' Lodge. Stirling Castle Hotel, Church Street, Camberwell, London 1870 Hridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, m 1873 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, n 1875 Three Swans Hotel, Church St., Market Harborough, Leicestershire 1870 Masonic Hall, Victoria Road, Aldershot, Hampshire 1870 Royal Hotel, High Street, Aldershot 1871 Assembly Rooms, n m 1875 Royal Hotel, " " 1876 Assembly Rooms, n " 1878 Masonic Hall, Imperial Hotel, Barrack Road, n 1881 Assembly Rooms, High Street, Crediton, Devonshire 1870 Masonic Hall, Market Street, Crediton 1871 11 Union Road, n 1889 Town Hall, Atherstone, Waj-wickshire 1870 Freemasons' Hall, Old Elvet, Durham, Durham 1870 Masonic Hall, Leader's Buildings, King Street, Wigan, Lancashire 1870 Wynnstay Arms Hotel, High Street, Wrexham, Denbighshire 1 87 1 Masonic Rooms, Public Hall, Henblas Street, Wrexham 1876 Golden Lion Hotel, High Street, Northallerton, Yorkshire 1 871 Masonic Hall, High Street, Northallerton 1875 Masonic Hall, Auckland (Eden), Auckland, New Zealand 1871 Star Hotel, Auckland 1876 Masonic Hall, n 1878 4 July 1870 Cons. 27 Sept. 1870. 9 July 1870 Cons. 20 Aug. 1870. 9 July 1870 Cons. 15 Oct. 1870. 18 July 1870 Cons. 23 Sept. 1870. 19 Sept. 1870 Cons. II Nov. 187a. 19 Sept. 1870 Cons. 2 Nov. 1870. 25 Sept. 1870 Cons. 2 Dec. 1870. 25 Sept. 1870 Cons. 28 Nov. 1870. 25 Oct. 1870 Cons. 22 Nov. 1870. 4 Nov. 1870 Cons. 14 March 1871. 26 Nov. 1870 Cons. 23 March 1871. 7 Dec. 1870 Cons. 28 Sept. 1871. 1863 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 [ 366 ] Name of Lodge. 1339 Stoekwell Lodge. 1341 1342 Sion Lodge. United Service Lodge. Walker Lodge. 1343 St. John's Lodge. Nippon Lodge. 1345 1347 1348 Victoria Lodge. Bon Accord Lodge, Lorne Lodge. Ebury Lodge. 1349 Friars' Lodge. Places of Meeting. Duke of Edinbvirgh Hotel, Shepherds' Lane, Stoekwell, London 187 1 Half Moon Tavern, Half Moon Lane, Heme Hill, n 1873 Tulse Hill Hotel, Norwood Road, Tulse Hill, i> 1875 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, n 1877 Masonic Hall, Frank St., Smyrna, Turkey in Asia Minor 1871 IVarrant returned, Erased 6 June 1894. Freemasons' Hall, Zetland Street, Victoria, HongKong (Quang-tung), China 1870 Stack Hotel, Station Road, Walkcr-On-Tyne, No7-ihiunberland 1870 Hope and Anchor Inn, Catherine Buildings, Shields Road, Byker, Northumberland 1878 Freemasons' Hall, Grainger Street West, Newcastle- Upon-Tyne, Northumberland 18S0 Freemasons' Hall, Maple Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1892 H Shakespeare Street, n 1893 King's Arms Hotel, High Street, Grays, Essex 1871 Yedo Hotel, Tsukiji,YeddO [now TokiO](Niphon),y(7/a« 1871 Masonic Hall, 10 Minami Nabe Cho, Tokio 1875 Warrant surrendered. Erased 27 July 1883. Cross Keys Hotel, Church Road, ECClCS, Lancashire 1871 Oddfellows' Arms, Church Street, Eccles 1889 Cross Keys Hotel, Church Road, u 1891 Lodge Rooms, Aberdeen (Aberdeen), Cape Colony, South Africa 1 87 1 Erased ^ February 18S1. Station Hotel, High Street, Greyhound Hotel, High .Street, Sutton, Surrey 1871 Sutton 1874 Morpeth Arms Tavern, Ponsonby Street, Millbank, London 187 1 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, i, 1878 The Criterion, Piccadilly, n 1891 Cheshire Cheese Tavern, Crutched Friars, London 1S71 London Tavern, Fenchurch Street, n 1881 Ship and Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall Street, 11 1886 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 7 Dee. 1870 Cons. 2 Feb. 1871. 7 Dee. 1870 Cons. 4 March 1871. 7 Dee. 1870 Cons. 25 Oct. 1870. 7 Dee. 1870 Cons. 12 Dec. 1870. 7 Dee. 1870 Cons. 28 Feb. 1871. 7 Dee. 1870 Cons. 27 May 1871. 2 Jan. 1871 Cons. 15 Feb. 1871. 2 Jan. 1871 Cons. 24 May 1871. 16 Jan. 1871 Cons. 24 March 1871. 9 Feb. 1871 Cons. 16 Nov. 1871. 9 Feb. 1871 Cons, ig April 1871. 1863 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 [ 367 ] Name of Lodge. 1350 1351 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 Fermor Hesketh Lodge. St. Clement Danes Lodge. Lodge Chota Nagpore. Duke of Lancaster Lodge. Marquis of Lome Lodge. Star of the East Lodge. De Grey and Ripon Lodge. Toxteth Lodge, 1882. Cope Lodge. Torbay Lodge. Cyrus Lodge. Royal Arthur Lodge. Places of Meeting. Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, Lancashire 1871 County Hall, Pembroke Road, Bootle, " 1894 King's [lead Hotel, '265 Strand, St. CMement Danes, London 1871 The Palsgrave, 225 .Strand, n 1884 The Outer Temple, n 11 1887 The Duval, „ .• 1888 The Courts' Restaurant, n ir 1889 Holborn Restaurant, Holborn (temporary), n 1894 Lodge Rooms, Hazareebagh (Ramgarh), Bengal, India 1869 Masonic Temple, Hazareebagh 1879 Erased 6 September 1886. Masonic Temple, .^thenseum, St. Leonard's Gate, Lancaster, Lancashire 1 87 1 Masonic Hall, Church Street, Lancaster 1885 Masonic Rooms, Newton Street, II Hope Street, Leigh, Lancashire 1871 Leigh 18S0 Lodge Rooms, Cairo, Egypt, No7-lh Africa 1871 Near Hotel du Nil, Cairo 1876 Ezbekieh, near Shepherds' Hotel, n 1881 Sutherland House, n 1884 Masonic Hall, Ezbekieh, n 1888 140 North Hill Street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool, Lancashire 1871 80 North Hill Street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool 1S77 Queen's Hotel, Northenden Road, Sale, Cheshire 1871 brookland's Hotel, Marlsland Road, Brooklands, Sale 1874 Town Hall, Totnes Road, Paignton, Devonshire 1871 Masonic Hall, Park Road, Polsham, Paignton iSgi Freemasons' Hall, Mazagon, Bombay, Bombay, India 1871 ,1 Nesbit Lane, Bombay 1879 11 Clare Road, BycuUa, m 1881 Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, Kingston Road, Wimbledon, London 1871 Lecture Hall, Lingfield Road, Wimbledon, m 1875 Collegiate School, Worple Road, ir n 1884 Prince of Wales' Hotel, Hartfield Road, Wimbledon, .1 1SS6 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 9 Feb. 1871 Cons. 4 July 1871. 9 Feb. 1871 Cons. 4 May 1871. 16 March 1871 Cons. 27 Dec. 1869. 16 March 1871 Conb. 12 July 1871. 16 fflareh 1871 Cons. 31 May 1871. 27 March 1871 Cons. lo June 1871. 22 April 1871 Cons. 9 July 1871. 22 April 1871 Cons. 18 Sept. 1871. 26 May 1871 Cons. 3 Aug. 1871. 26 May 1871 Cons. 8 June 1871. 13 June 1871 Cons. 3 Aug. 1871. 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 [ 368 ] Name of Lodge. 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 H^66 1367 1369 1372 United Service Lodge. Royal Albert Edward Lodge. Tyndall Lodge. Earl of Zetland Lodge. Clapton Lodge. Highgate Lodge. Beaminster Manor Lodge. Northern Star Lodge. Bala Lodge. Bogong Lodge. Marangan Lodge. St. George's Lodge. Places of Meeting. Swan Hotel, Ridgway, Wimbledon, London 1871 Greyhoinid Hotel, George Street, Richmond, n 1873 Regent JVIasonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, n 1882 Town Hall, Station Road, Red Hill, Surrey 1872 Christian Association Rooms, Warwick Road, Red Hill 1872 Market Hall [Town Hall], Station Road, „ 1872 Town Hall, Broad Street, Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire 1871 St. Thomas's Hall, St. Thomas's Road, Hackney, Old Town Hall, Mare Street, Hackney, Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street, Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, London 1871 11 1872 ,. 1884 White Hart Hotel, Lower Clapton Road, Clapton, London 1871 City Arms Tavern, St. Mary Axe, u 1881 St. llotolph Chambers, 191 Bishopsgate Street, ir 1884 Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street, rr 1892 Gatehouse Hotel, High Street, Highgate, London 1871 Midland Grand Hotel, Euston Road, St. Pancras, n 1891 White Hart Hotel, Hogshill Street, Beaminster, Dorsetshire 1S72 Hope Town (Hope Town), Cape Colony, South Africa 1 87 1 Warrant returned 1875. Erased 19 September 1876. Plas Cech Hotel, High Street, Bala, Merionethshire 1872 Assembly Rooms, Yackandandah (Bogong), Victoria 1871 Lapsed before 1882. Erased 5 June i88g. Masonic Hall, Arundel St., Benalla (Delatite), Victoria 1871 Protestant Hall, Nunn Street, Benalla 1885 Erased ^June i88g. Now No. 64 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Lodge Rooms, Warwick (Merivale, Darling Downs), Queensland 1871 Town Hall, Balmain Street, Warwick 1887 Masonic Hall, Guy Street, 1. 18S9 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 13 June 1871 Cons. 9 Sept. 1871. 13 June 1871 Cons. 25 Jan. 1872. 3 July 1871 Cons. 22 Nov. 187T. 20 July 1871 Cons. 18 Nov. lEf/i. 20 July 1871 Cons. 20 Sept. 1871. 20 July 1871 Cons. 25 Sept. 1871. 3 Aug-. 1871 Cons. 10 Jan. 1B72. 27 Aug. 1871 27 Aug. 1871 Cons. 10 Jan. 1872. 27 Aug. 1871 Cons. 5 April 1871. 27 Aug. 1871 Cons. 2 Jan. 1871, 12 Sept. 1871 Cons. 29 June 1S71. 1863 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 [ 369 ] Name of Lodge. 1373 1374 1375 1376 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 St. Hubert Lodge. Sandeman Lodge. Arehitect Lodge. Lodge Astrsea. Westmoreland Lodge. Places of Meeting. Victoria Lodge, Marquess of Bipon Lodge. Skelmersdale Lodge. Kennington Lodge. Corinthian Lodge. Foresters' Hall, London Street, AndOVer, Hampshire 1872 Freemasons' Hall, Bridge Street, Andover 1873 Masonic Hall, Dum Dum, Bengal, India 1 87 1 Didsbury Hotel, Wilmslow Road, Dldsbury, Lancashire 1872 Town Hall, Lapwing Lane, Palatine Road, Withington, Lancashire 1882 Masonic Hall, High Lane, Chorlton-eum-Hardy, 11 1892 Lodge Room, Thayetmyo (Pegu), British Burma, East Indies 1 87 1 Masonic Hall, Thayetmyo 1884 Morgan's Bridge (Westmoreland, Cornwall), Jamaica, West indies 1872 East Street, Woodviiie, Savanna-la-Mar (Westmoreland, Cornwall), Jamaica 1873 Great George Street, Savanna-la-Mar 1891 Ceased to meet. Erased Ijy District Grajid Lodge 1894. Fortune, Fortune Bay, Newfoundland, North America 1872 Masonic Hall, Fortune Bay 1881 Masonic Hall, Archer Street, Darlington, Durham 1872 Blundell Arms Hotel, Great CrOSby, Lancashire 1872 Queen's Hotel, The Parade, Waterloo, n 1874 Seafield House, The Beach, Scaforth (Liverpool), 1, 1883 Lathom Hall, Lathom Avenue, Seaforth 1884 Surrey Tavern, Kennington Oval, Kennington, London 1872 Horns Tavern, Kennington Park Road, 1. w 1881 George Hotel, East Ferry Road, Cubitt Town, London 1872 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 Friends in Council Lodge. Masonic Hall, 33 Golden Square, Lodge of Equity. Gladsmuir Lodge. London 1872 Sims' Cross Hotel, Widnes Road, WidncS, Lancashire 1872 Commercial Hotel, Victoria Road, Widnes 1873 Alforde Chambers, Alforde Street, n 1878 Central Hotel, Victoria Road, n 1887 Red Lion Hotel, High Street, Chipping Barnet, Hertfordshire 1 87 1 22 Sept. 1871 Cons. 26 April 1872. 21 Oct. 1871 Cons. 26 March 1871. 21 Oct. 1871 Cons. 5 Jan. 1872. 21 Oct. 1871 9 Nov. 1871 Cons. I April 1872. 27 Nov. 1871 Cons. 24 Sept. 1872. 27 Nov. 1871 Cons. 4 April 1872. 27 Nov. 1871 Cons. 31 Jan. 1872. 16 Dee. 1871 Cons. 9 Feb. 1872. 16 Dee. 1871 Cons. 20 March 1872. 16 Dee. 1871 Cons. 3 June 1872. 16 Dec. 1871 Cons. 22 Feb. 1872. 16 Dee. 1871 Cons. 29 Dec. 1871. 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 47 L 370 J 1894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 1386 St. Hugh Lodge. Masonic Hall, Grantham Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire 1872 i> Newland Street, Lincoln 1873 Freemasons' Rooms, Mint Street, „ 1888 Masonic Hall, Mint Street, n 1895 16 Dee. 1871 Cons. 20 March 1872. 1386 1387 ChoFlton Lodge. Masonic Rooms, High Lane, Chorlton-CUm-Hardy, Lancashire 1872 Masonic Hall, High Lane, Chorlton-cum-hardy 1879 16 Dec. 1871 Cons. 2 March 1872. 1387 1388 Canynges Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Park Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire 1872 16 Dee. 1871 Cons. 2 March 1872. 1388 1389 Fenwiek Lodge. Masonic Hall, Park Terrace, Toward Road, Sunderland, Durham 1872 14 Feb. 1872 Cons. II Oct. 1872. 1389 1390 Whitwell Lodge. Masonic Hall, Holborn Hill, MiUom, Cumberland 1872 Salthouse Road, Millom 1885 20 Feb. 1872 Cons. 13 July 1872, 1390 1391 Commercial Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Halford St., Leicester, Leicestershire 1872 20 Feb. 1872 Cons. I April 1872. 1391 1392 EgeFton Lodge Stanley Arms Hotel, Stanley Street, Bury, Lancashire 1872 20 Feb. 1872 Cons. 31 July 1872. 1392 1393 Hamer Lodge. Breck Hotel, Breck Road, Liverpool, Lancashire 1873 Masonic Rooms, 2a Windermere Street, Liverpool 1873 Clarence Hotel, 92 Everton Road, n 1874 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, n 1876 29 Feb. 1872 Cons. II April 1873. 1393 1394 Jumna Lodge. Derriongunge, Delhi (Delhi), Punjab, India 1872 Lothian Road, Fort Delhi, Delhi 1881 Bank Road, near Cashmere Gate, n 1886 Lothian Road, n 1889 Cashmere Gate, „ 1892 15 March 1872 1394 1395 Wey Side Lodge, The School Room, Church Street, Woking Village, Old Woliing, Surrey 1872 Crown and Anchor Inn, Main Street, Woking Village, Old Woking 1877 Masonic Hall, Bath Road, Woking 1884 15 March 1872 Cons, 2 June 1872. 1395 Morning Star Lodge. Queen's Hotel, Queen St., NewtOn Abbot, Devonshire 1872 Masonic Rooms, 6 Market Terrace, Newton Abbot 1880 Erased 20 March 1884. 15 March 1872 Cons. 25 June 1S72. 1396 1397 Anerley Lodge. Thicket ITotel, Anerley Road, Anerley, London 1872 Crystal Palace, Palace Road, Sydenham, n 1890 Clarence Hall, Anerley Road, Anerley n 1891 23 March 1872 Cons. 22 Oct. 1872. 1397 1398 Baldwin Lodge. The Castle, Market Place, Dalton-in-FurneSS, Lancashire 1872 12 April 1872 Cons. 12 July 1872. 1398 [ 371 ] 1894 1399 Name of Lodge. 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 MarlboFough Lodge. Cupwen Lodge. Kising Sun Lodge. Jordan Lodge, West Lancashire Lodge. Saint Vincent Lodge. Southwell Lodge. Lodge Mayo. Lodge Star of the East. Stamford and Warrington Lodge. Cosmopolitan Lodge. St. Peter and St. Paul's Lodge. Lodge of Harmony. Places of Meeting. Bear Hotel, High Street, WoodStOCk, Oxfordshire 1872 Town Hall, Market Place, Woodstock 1874 King's Arms, Market Street, n 1874 Marlborough Arms, Oxford Street, n 1891 Masonic Hall, Church Road, Harrington, Cumberland 1872 School House, Church Road, Harrington 1886 Masonic Rooms, South Watt Street, WorkingtOn, Cumberland 1890 Masonic Hall, No. 81 Concession, Kobe (Niphon), _/a/aK 1872 Masonic Hall, Park Street, Torquay, Devonshire 1872 Commercial Hotel, Derby Street, Opmskirk, Lancashire 1872 Freemasons' Hall, Park Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire 1872 Saracen's Head Inn, Market Place, Southwell, NoUinghatnshire 1872 George Hotel, George Street, Nottingham, n 1880 Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham 1881 Trimulgherry (Hyderabad), Deccaii, India 1872 Freemasons' Hall, Secunderabad (Hyderabad), Deccan 1884 Baptist Chapel, Lennox Street, Maryborough (March, Wide Bay), Queensland 1871 Masonic Hall, Bazaar Street, Maryborough 1877 Stamford Rooms, Mottram Road, Staly bridge, Cheshire 1872 Bath Hotel, Grosvenor Street, Stalybridge 1878 Commercial Inn, Melbourne Street, n 1882 Masonic Club, 89 Market Street, 11 1884 Lodge Room, Vooruitzigt, near Pniel (Griqualand West), Cape Colony, South Africa 1872 The Temple, Jones Street, Kimberley (Kimberley), Sot it h Africa 1875 Masonic Temple, Dutoitspan Road, Kimberley 1890 Anchor Hotel, High Street, Newport Pagnel, Buckinghamshire 1872 Swan Hotel, High Street, Newport Pagnel 1874 Masonic Hall, Silver Street, n 1882 Lodge Rooms, Valparaiso (Valparaiso), Chili, South America 1872 II Calle Tubildad, Valparaiso 1875 II 19 Calle de la Victoria, n 1883 ,1 Calle Tubildad, n 1885 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 12 April 1872 Cons, ig June 1872. 12 April 1872 Con.';, 12 Nov. 1872. 30 April 1872 Cons. Oct. 1872. 13 June 1872 Cons. 22 Aug. 1872. 13 June 1872 Cons. 4 Sept. 1872. 13 June 1872 Cons. 24 Oct. 1872. 13 June 1872 Cons. 18 July 1872, 13 June 1872 Cons. 2 May 1872. 21 June 1872 Cons. II Sept. 1871. 21 June 1872 Cons. 13 July 1872. 28 June 1872 Cons. 5 Aug. 1872. 28 June 1872 Cons. 26 Aug. 1872. 28 June 1872 Cons. 21 Dec. 1872. 1863 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 [ 372 ] Name of Lodge. 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1420 1421 1422 La Logia de la Iberia. Lodge Mayo. Knole Lodge, Campbell Lodge. Faleon Lodge. Octahedron Lodge. Lodge of FFaternity. Ramleh Lodge. EaplISpeneer Lodge. Langthopne Lodge. Lodge Beauehamp. Places of Meeting. 7 Hill Road, St. John's Wood, Erased 4 A ugusi 1874. Rawal Pindi (Rawal Pindi), Masonic Hall, London 1872 Punjab, India 1872 Rawal Pindi 1 88 1 Uniiedivlth ^^ Rising Sun Lodge" No. iggs \.of-] March 1883], in 1890. Masonic Rooms, Literary Institute, London Road, Sevenoaks, Kent 1872 Royal Crown Hotel, London Road, Sevenoaks 1879 Old Assembly Rooms, m h 1883 St. Nicholas' Parish Room, n n 1885 Greyhound Hotel, Park Gate, Hampton CoUFt, Middlesex 1873 Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court Bridge, Hampton Court 1874 Lodge Room, Kirkgate, Masonic Hall, Castle Yard, ThiPSk, Yorkshire 1872 Thirsk 1874 Lodge Rooms, Klip Drift (Barkly West, Griqualand West), Cape Colony, South Africa 1872 Lodge Rooms, Barkly West (Barkly West, Griqualand West) 1880 Masonic Temple, Barkly West 1885 Freemasons' Hall, Wellington St., StOCkton-On-ToeS, Durham 1873 Fleming Station, Ramleh, Eygpt, North Africa 1873 Erased 6 Deceviher 18B2. Freemasons' Hotel, Wandsworth Common, Wandsworth, London 1873 Northcote Hotel, Battersea Rise, n 1874 Swan Hotel, Bridge Road, Battersea, n 1876 Craven Hotel, 45 Lavender Hill, n 1881 Albert Palace, Battersea Park, Battersea, n 18S6 Rock Tavern, Battereea Park Road, m n i888 White Lion Hotel, High Street, Putney, n 1889 Stanley Restaurant, Lavender Gardens, Lavender Hill, n 1894 Swan Hotel, Broadway, Stratford, Angel Hotel, High Street, Great Ilford, London 1872 ,1 1885 Lodge Rooms, RoOPkee (Saharunpur), N. W. Provinces, India 1872 Freemasons' Hall, Chapel Road, Roorkee 1882 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 27 July 1872 Cons. T2 Dec. 1872. 27 July 1872 Cons. 4 March 1872. 27 July 1872 Cons. 25 Sept. 1872. 27 July 1872 Cons. 8 March 1873. 27 July 1872 Cons. 17 Oct. 1872. 18 Sept. 1872 Cons. 4 Sept. 1872. 21 Oet. 1872 Cons. 3 April 1873. 21 Oet. 1872 Cons. 28 Jan. 1873. 2 Nov. 1872 Cons. 31 May 1873. 2 Nov. 1872 Cons. 12 Dec. 1872. 2 Nov. 1872 Cons. 2 April 1872. 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 [ 373 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1431 1432 1433 1434 Era Lodge. BFOwnrigg Lodge of Unity. Hyde PaFk^Lodge. The Great City Lodge. Percy Lodge. United Service Lodge. Albert Edward Prince of Wales' Lodge. Masterton Lodge. St. Alphege Lodge. Fitz-Alan Lodge. Doric Lodge. Nottinghamshire Lodge. King's Arms Hotel, Park Gate, Hampton Court, Middlesex 1873 Island Hotel, Tagg's Island, Hampton Court 1877 Albany Hotel, Station Yard, Twickenham, Middlesex 1879 Buckley Plall, Soldiers' Institute, Barrack Hill, Chatham, Kent 1872 King's Arms Hotel, Westcourt St., Old Brompton, n 1875 The Westbourne, No. i Craven Road, Paddington, London 1873 Date of Warrant or Constitution. City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, London 1873 Masonic Hall, Maple Street, NeWCastle-upon-TynC, Northumberland 1873 Deuchar's Buildings, Barras Bridge, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1894 Masonic Hall, St. Mary Street [now Highbury Street], Portsmouth, Hampshire 1873 Soldiers' Institute, High Street, Portsmouth 1875 Masonic Hall, Highbury Street, m 1877 Freemasons' Hall, 79 Commercial Road, Landport, Hampshire 1882 Masonic Hall, Dock Street, Newport, Monmouthshire 1873 Club Hotel, Bannister Street, Masterton (Wairarapa North), Wellington, New Zealand 1872 Masonic Hall, Bannister Street, Masterton 1879 Erased by District Grand Lodge 11 Jan. 1894. Confirmed by Grand Lodge 6 Sept. 1894. George Hotel, High Street, Solihull, Warwickshire 1873 Wynnstay Arms Hotel, Church Street, Oswestry, Shropshire 1873 Lodge Rooms, Chinkiang (Kiang-su), China 1873 Masonic Hall, No. 4, The Bund, Chinkiang 1881 George Hotel, George St. , Nottingham, Nottinghamshire 1 873 Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, ^ Nottingham 1881 11 Dee. 1872 Cons. I Feb. 1873. 11 Dee. 1872 Cons. 27 Dec. 1872. 17 Feb. 1873 Cons. 26 April 1873. 17 Feb. 1873 Cons. 3 May 1873. 17 Feb. 1873 Cons. 5 June 1873. 5 April 1873 Cons. 5 Aug. 1873. 5 April 1873 Cons. T Aug. 1873. 5 April 1873 Cons. 27 Dec. 1872. 5 April 1873 Cons. 10 Oct. 1873. 5 April 1873 Cons. 21 June 1873. 5 April 1873 Cons. 15 Dec. 1873. 19 April 1873 Cons. 16 Oct. 1873. 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 374 i894 1435 1436 1437 Name of Lodge. Annesley Lodge. Sandgate Lodge. Castle Lodge, 1892. Liberty of Havering Lodge. star in the West Lodge. 1439 Lodge Morning Star. 1440 Hamilton Lodge. 1441 Ivy Lodge. 1442 Lodge Sutlej. 1443 1444 Salem Lodge, Deccan Lodge. Places of Meeting. GeorgeHotel, George St., Nottingham, A'o/ft'«?/iawJ-/;«-« 1873 Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham 1881 Royal Kent Hotel, High Street, Masonic Hall, Broadway, Sandgate, Kent 1873 Sandgate 1876 Fox and Hounds Hotel, South Street, EomfOFd, Essex 1873 White Hart Hotel, Hare Street, Romford 1874 Rising Sun Hotel, South Street, n i88l Golden Lion Hotel, High Street, ,. 1889 Masonic Hall, Dalby (Aubigny, Darling Downs District), Queensland 1873 No Returiis after January-iZ-]^, Erased^ Warrant surrendered^ 24 March 1S91. Lodge Rooms, Dera Ghazi Khan (Derajat), Punjab^ India 1873 Lodge Rooms, Palumpore Kangra Valley (Kangra), Ptinjab 1876 Masonic Hall, Palumpore 1881 N.B. — The Lodge meets at Palumpore from November to April, and at Dharmsala (Kangra), Punjab^ from May to October. Ravensworth, Monk Street, Spanish Town (St. Catherine, Middlesex), Jamaica, IVfst Indies 1873 Lodge Rooms, 14 Martin Street, Spanish Town 1883 Windsor Castle Tavern, 199 Southwark Bridge Road, London 1873 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, m 1876 Lodge Rooms, Adamwahan (Mooltan), Punjab, India 1873 M Bhawalpore (Mooltan), Punjab 1874 IP AmritSar (Amritsar), II 1878 Freemasons' Hall, Rambagh Garden, Amritsar 1879 Town Hall, Lansdowne Place, Dawllsh, Devonshire 1873 Masonic Hall, The Bartons, Dawlish 1890 Lodge Rooms, Chudderghaut (Hyderabad), Deccan, India 1873 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 19 April 1873 Cons. 26 Sept. 1873. 19 April 1873 Cons. 24 June 1873. 23 April 1873 Cons. 30 June 1873. 25 April 1873 Cons. 8 April 1873. 3 May 1873 Cons. 27 Jan. 1873. 21 May 1873 Cons. 13 Nov. 1873. 26 May 1873 Cons. i6 July 1673. 6 June 1873 Con^. 3 Oct. 1373. 17 June 1873 Cons 28 Aug. 1873. 17 June 1873 Cons. 28 Aug. 1873. 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 [ 375 ] i894 1445 Name of Lodge. 1446 1447 1448 1449 1452 1453 1454 Ppinee Leopold Lodge. Mount Edgeumbe Lodge. St. Matthew's Lodge. Lodge Light in the Himalayas. Royal Military Lodge. Doric Lodge. St. John's Lodge. St. Margaret's Lodge. Paeifle Lodge of Reefton. Plantagenet Lodge. Wangaratta Lodge of St. John. Places of Meeting. Lord Stanley Tavern, Sandringham Road, Dalston, London 1873 Prince George Tavern, Parkholme Road, Dalston, n 1878 Mitford Tavern, Sandringham Road, n n 1878 City Arms Tavern, St. Mary Axe, n 1883 Three Nuns Hotel, High Street, Aldgate, n 1884 Swan Tavern, Bridge Road, Battersea, London 1873 Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, h iSSi Volunteers' Hall, Market Place, BaFton-upon- Humber, Lincolnshire 1 873 Masonic Hall, Brigg Road, Barton-upon-Humber 1875 Jehangeers Rooms, MUPPee (Rawal Pindi), Punjab, India 1873 Osiris Hall, Murree 1884 Jehangeer's Rooms, u 1890 St. George's Hall, St. George's St., CantePbUPy, Kent 1873 Guildhall Hotel, High Street, Canterbury 1873 Masonic Rooms, St. Peter's Street, m 1878 Masonic Temple, 38 St. Peter's Street, u 1880 Temple Hall, Hill End (Wellington), A;-7£) .SonM ffVifj 1S73 Closed about 1879. Erased s Decetttber 1888. Mechanics' Institute, Mudgee (Wellington), New South Wales 1872 Masonic Rooms, Mudgee 1887 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 38 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Masonic Hall, London Road, Royal Hotel, The Esplanade, Lowestoft, Suffolk 1873 Lowestoft 1894 Reefton Public Hall, Broadway, ReeftOn (Inanghua), Nelson, Neiv Zealand 1 873 Oddfellows' Hall (same building), Broadway, Keefton 1876 Masonic Hall, Shiel Street, u 1892 Lodge Room, Albany (Plantagenet), Western Australia 1S74 Freemasons' Hall, Albany 1879 Lodge Rooms, Wangaratta (Bogong, Delatjte, and Moira), Victoria 1872 Reid Street, Wangaratta 18S1 Erased s June 1S89. Now No. 66 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 5 July 1873 Cons. 4 Sept. 1873. 5 July 1873 Cons. 13 Sept. 1873. 31 July 1873 Cons. 20 Oct. 1873. 31 July 1873 Conb. 16 June 1873. 25 Aug. 1873 Cons. 4 Nov. 1873. 25 Aug. 1873 25 Aug. 1873 Cons. 25 Sept. 1872. 25 Aug. 1873 Cons. 27 Dec. 1873. 25 Aug. 1873 Cons. 7 July 1873. 18 Sept. 1873 Cons. 26 April 1874. 18 Sept. 1873 Cons. 23 Dec. 1372. 1863 1445 1446 1447 1448 144S 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 [ 376 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 Port Fairy Lodge. Bagshaw Lodge. Lodge of Truth. Ashbury Lodge. Thames Valley Lodge. Clausentum Lodge. Wharneliffe Lodge. Northern Star Lodge. Erasmus Wilson Lodge. Oekenden Lodge. Hova Eeelesia Lodge. Places of Meeting. Lodge Rooms, Belfast [now Port Fairy] (Villiers), Victoria 1873 Star of the West Hotel, Belfast 1881 Commercial Hotel, n 1884 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 67 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Bald Faced Stag Hotel, High Road, Buckhurst Hill, Essex 1873 Princes Hall, Princes Road, Buckhurst Hill 1877 Public Hall, High Road, Loughton, Essex 1884 Lamb Inn, Oldham Road, Manchester, Lmtcaskire 1873 Royal Archer, Dale Street, Manchester 1874 Conservative Club, Oldham Road, NeWton Heath (near Manchester) 1876 Wheatsheaf Hotel, High Street, Manchester 1889 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street (temporarily), n 1894 Wheatsheaf Hotel, High Street, „ 1894 Justice Birch Hotel, Hyde Road, West Gorton (near Manchester), Lancashire 1873 Ship Hotel, River Bank, HalUford (near Shepperton), Middlesex 1874 Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court Bridge, Hampton Court, Middlesex 1894 Woolston Inn, Portsmouth Road, WoolstOn, Hampshire 1873 Masonic Hall, Woodside Road, Woolston 1884 Rose and Crown Hotel, Market Place, Penistone, Yorkshire 1874 Lodge Rooms, Ferozepore (Umballa), Punjab, India 1873 Pier Hotel (off Main Road), Greenhithe, Kent 1874 Rosherville Hotel, Burch Road, Northfleet, n 1881 Old Falcon Hotel, East Street, GraveSCnd, n 1887 Talbot Hotel, Town, Cuckfleld, Sussex 1874 Assembly Rooms, Boltro Road, Hayward's Heath, n 1890 Talbot Hotel, Town, Cucltfleld 1894 Old Ship Hotel, King's Road, Brighton, Sussex 1874 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 18 Sept. 1873 Cons. 10 Jan. 1873. 18 Sept. 1873 Cons. 6 Nov. 1873. 18 Sept. 1873 Cons. 3 Dec. 1873. 18 Sept. 1873 Cons. 26 Nov. 1873. 25 Sept. 1873 Cons. 28 Feb. 1874. 25 Sept. 1873 Cons, ig Nov. 1873. 17 Oct. 1873 Cons. 3 Jan. 1874. 17 Oct. 1873 Cons. 4 Sept. 1873. 25 Oct. 1873 Cons. 25 April 1874. 25 Oct. 1873 Cons. II March 1874. 25 Oct. 1873 Cons. 8 April 1874. 1863 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 [ 377 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. • 1863 1467 1468 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 Wodehouse Lodge. Port Alfred Lodge. Meridian Lodge. Chiltern Lodge. Islington Lodge. Henley Lodge. Bootle Lodge. Lodge of Israel. Peekham Lodge. Blackpool Lodge. Sir Watkin Lodge. Masonic Temple, Gvey Street, Dordreeht (Wodehouse), Cape Colony, South Africa 1874 Bro. Hoyle's House, Kowie West, Port Alfred (Bathurst), Cape Colony, South Africa 1873 Bro. Beizant's Building, Kowie East, Port Alfred 1876 Bro. Pote's Building, Kowie West, n 1878 Masonic Rooms, n n 1881 Room behind Oriental Bank, Market Square, Cradoek (Cradock), Cape Colony, South Africa 1873 Government School Buildings, Bree Street, Cradock 1874 Freemasons' Hall, New Stochenstrom Street, n 1879 Town Hall, Chiltern, Dunstable, Bedfordshire 1874 Old Sugar Loaf Hotel, High Street, Dunstable 1881 Florence Street School Room, Florence Street, Islington, London 1873 Cock Tavern, Upper Street, Islington, Highbury, ■. 1874 Three Crowns Hotel, High Street, North Woolwich, London 1874 Molyneux's Assemljly Rooms, 80 Merton Road, Bootle, Lancashire 1874 Town Hall, Oriel Road, Bootle 1890 County Hall, Pembroke Road, n 1893 Masonic Hall, Severn St., Birmingham, Warwickshire 1874 Victory Tavern, Trafalgar Road, Old Kent Road, London 1874 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, n 1875 Clifton Arms Hotel, Central Beach, Blackpool, Lancashire 1874 County Hall, High Street, Market Hall, n Savings Bank, n Masonic Hall, 11 Mold, Flintshire 1874 Mold 1875 II 1876 I. 1877 17 Nov. 1873 Cons. 27 April 1874. 17 Nov. 1873 Cons. 15 Oct. 1873. 17 Nov. 1873 Cons. 26 Nov. 1873. 24 Nov. 1873 Cons. 20 Jan. 1874. 3 Dee. 1873 Cons. 21 Dec. 1B73. 3 Dee. 1873 Cons. 20 March 1874. 3 Dec. 1873 Cons, ig Feb. 1874. 3 Dec. 1873 Cons. 9 March 1874. 3 Dee. 1873 Cons. 17 Feb. 1874. 3 Dec. 1873 Cons. 22 May 1874, 13 Dee. 1873 Cons. 26 Feb 1874. 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 48 [ 378 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 1478 Longleat Lodge. Town Hall, Market Place, Warminster, Wiltshire 1874 1 Jan. 1874 Cons. 27 Feb. 1874. 1478 1479 Halsey Lodge. Town Hall, St. Peter Street, St. Albans, Hertfordshire 1874 1 Jan. 1874 Cons. 29 April 1874. 1479 1480 Turanganui Lodge, Lodge Room, Glsborne (Cook), Auckland, Nav Zealand 1874 Masonic Hall, Harris Street, Gisborne 1877 Porter's Hall, „ 1885 Masonic Hall, „ 1886 5 Jan. 1874 Cons. I June 1874. 1480 1481 Forest Lodge. Forest Inn, Wakefield (Waimea), Nelson, New Zealand 1874 Masonic Hall, Wakefield 1885 5 Jan. 1874 Cons. 24 June 1874. 1481 1482 Isle of Axholme Lodge. Masonic Hall, High Street, Y^-^V^QvVa., Lincolnshire 1874 Masonic Hall, „ CrOWle, ,1 1884 23 Jan. 1874 Cons. II May 1874. 1482 1483 St. John the Evangelist Lodge. Lodge Rooms, 73 N.I. Lines, Mian Mir (Lahore), Punjab, India 1873 Masonic Hall, Mian Mir 1886 23 Jan. 1874 Cons. 23 Dec. 1873. 1483 Lodge Energy and Fidelity. Lodge Rooms, Dehree-on-the-Sone (Benares), Central Jnnia, India 1874 6 Feb. 1874 1484 • Erased in 1880. Cons. 21 Feb. 1874. 1485 Lodge of Industry. Lodge Rooms, Nowlucka, Lahore (Lahore), Punjab, India 1873 Freemasons' Hall, Lodge Road, Anarkullee, Lahore 1879 6 Feb. 1874 Cons. 2 June 1873. 1485 1486 Duneombe Lodge. King's Arms Hotel, Fore St., Kingsbridge, De-jonshire 1874 Masonic Hall, Duneombe Street, Kingsbridge 1890 11 Feb. 1874 Cons. 16 April 1874. 1486 Lodge Pleiades. Private Bung.ilow, Sholapur (Sholapur), Bombay, India 1874 Erased 7 January 1881. 21 Feb. 1874 Cons. 5 Feb. 1874. 1487 1488 St. Eleth Lodge. Castle Hotel, Mona Street, Amlwch, Anglesey 1874 Elelh Inn, Amlwch 1S93 20 Mareh 1874 Cons. 3 Sept. 1874. 1488 1489 Marquess of Bipon Lodge. Metropolitan Society's Asylum, Ball's Pond Road, Islington, London 1874 Cock Tavern, Upper Street, Islington, Highbury, m 1887 Metropolitan Society's Asylum, Ball's Pond Road, Islington, n 1889 Cock Tavern, Upper Street, Islington, Highbury, n 1890 2 April 1874 Cons. 27 May 1874. 1489 [ 379 ] 1 894 1490 1491 1492 Name of Lodge. 1493 1494 1495 1496 1500 Lodge Pioneer. AthensBum Lodge. Alma Mater Lodge. Robin Hood Lodge. Felix Lodge. Arkwright Lodge. Trafford Lodge. Ripon Lodge. Zetland Lodge Star of Hope Lodge. Walpole Lodge. Places of Meeting. Lodge Rooms, Assensole (Burdwan), Bengal, India 1873 Masonic Hall, Durham Road, Assensole 1880 The Athenfeum, Camden Road, Islington, London 1874 The Criterion, Piccadilly, n 1893 Railway Hotel, Bletchley, Biukinghamshire 1874 University Arms Hotel, St. Andrew's .Street, Cambridge, CamhriJgesMre 1884 Red Lion Hotel, Petty Cury, Cambridge 1887 Isaac Newton University Masonic Hall, Corn Exchange Street, n 1894 Mechanics' Hall, Mansfield Road, EastWOOd, Noltitighanishire 1874 Sun Inn, Market Place, Eastwood 1874 Mechanics' Hall, Mansfield Road, n 1875 Clarence Hotel, Park Road, TeddingtOn, Middlesex 1874 Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court Bridge, Hampton CoUFt, Middlesex 1883 Bath Terrace Hotel, New Bath Hotel, Matloek Bath, Derbyshire 1874 Matlock Bath 1877 Northumberland Hotel, Chester Road, Old Trafford, Lancashire 1 874 Alexandra Hotel, Moss Lane East, MoSS Side, n 1876 Western Hotel, Great Western Side, Moss Side 1884 Lodge Room, Colesberg (Coiesberg), Cape Colony, Sonth Africa 1874 Erased 18 Novejuber 1878. Berrenge Street, Murraysburg (Murraysburg), Cape Colony, South Africa 1874 Erased 5 September 1883. Speight's Town, Island of Barbados, West Indies 1874 Never constituted. Warrant relumed 12 March 1875. Erased 16 March 1878. Assembly Rooms, Theatre Plain, NOPWiCh, Norfolk 1874 Bell Hotel, Orford Hill, Norwich 1876 Masonic Rooms, 23, now 47, St. Giles Street, m 1879 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 2 April 1874 Cons. 13 May 1873. 2 April 1874 Cons. 10 June 1874. 9 April 1874 Cons. 16 May 1874. 9 April 1874 Cons. 30 June 1874. 24 April 1874 Cons. 30 May 1874. 24 April 1874 Cons. 3 June 1874. 29 April 1874 Cons. 6 July 1874. 16 May 1874 Cons. 20 Feb. 1874. 16 May 1874 Cons. II Nov. 1874. 16 May 1874 3 June 1874 Cons. 10 Sept. 1874. 1863 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 [ 38o ] 1894 1501 Name of Lodge. Wycombe Lodge, 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 Lodge of IsraeL Francis Burdett Lodge. Sir Francis Burdett Lodge, 1882. Red Rose of Lancaster Lodge. Lodge of Emulation. Wliite Horse of Kent Lodge. Metropolitan Lodge. Sukkur Lodge. Madoc Lodge. Tumut Unity Lodge. 1511 1512 1513 Alexandra Lodge. Hemming Lodge. Friendly Lodge. Places of Meeting. Town Hall, High Street, High WyCOmbe, Buckivghamshire 1874 Lodge Rooms, South Bucks Auction Mart, Amersham Hill, High Wycombe 1888 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, Lancashire 1874 King's Arms, Hampton Hill, Middlesex 1874 Albany Hotel, Station Yard, Twickenliam, n 1875 Swan Hotel, Church Street, Padlliam, Lancashire 1875 Starkies Amis Hotel, Church Street, Padiham 1877 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, Lancashire 1874 Masonic Hall, 33 Golden Square, Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Holborn, London 1875 ,1 187S Metropolitan Club, 269 Pentonville Road, King's Cross, London 1874 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, >i 1877 Lodge Rooms, Masonic Hall, Sukkur (Sind), Bombay, India 1874 Sukkur 1881 Queen's Hotel, High St., PortmadOC, Carnarvonshire 1874 Masonic Hall, Bank Place, Portmadoc 1879 Lodge Rooms, Tumut (Buccleugh and Winyard), New South Wales 1874 Erased g December 1888. Now No. 39 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Masonic Hall, Wilton Terrace, Hornsea, Yorkshire \%']\ Red Lion Hotel, Lion Square, Thames Street, Hampton, Middlesex 1874 Greyhound Hotel, Park Gate, Hampton Court, n 1889 Temperance Hall, Pitt Street, Barnsley, Yorkshire 1874 King's Head Hotel, Market Hill, Barnsley 1874 Masonic Hall, Eastgate, " 1886 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 3 June 1874 Cons. I July 1874. 3 June 1874 Cons. 12 Oct. 1874. 3 June 1874 Cons. II Nov. 1874. 3 June 1874 Cons. 20 Jan. 1S75. 22 June 1874 Cons, g Sept. 1874. 14 July 1874 Cons. II Feb. 1875. 14 July 1874 Cons. 28 Sept. 1874. 24 July 1874 Cons. 30 May 1874. 24 Aug". 1874 Cons. 29 Oct. 1874. 24 Aug. 1874 Cons. 2 March 1874. 24 Aug. 1874 Cons. T2 Dec. 1874, 24 Aug. 1874 Cons. 15 Oct. 1874. 24 Aug. 1874 Cons. 10 Dec. 1874. 1863 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 [ 381 ] 1514 1515 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 Name of Lodge. Thornhill Lodge. Bertie Lodge. St. Lawrence Lodge. Pembroke Lodge. Warrant said to have been in abeyance until 30 Sept. 1881. St. John the Baptist Lodge. Albert Edward Lodge. Earl Shrewsbury Lodge. Wellington Lodge. Olieana Lodge. St. Mary Magdalen Lodge. Duke of Connaught Lodge. Places of Meeting. Masonic Rooms, IJearn House, Dearn Fold, Thomas Street, Lindley (near Huddersfield), Yorkshire 1874 Masonic Hall, New Hey Road, Lindley 1879 University Masonic Hall, Frewin Court, Oxford, Oxfordshire 1874 Masonic Hall, Alfred Street, Oxford 1874 Swan Hotel, High Street, Alton, Hampshire 1874 Warrant never taken up, Mrased 11 August 1878. Lodge Room, Sorell ( Pembroke), Tasmania 1874 Parsonage House, George Town (Dorset), n 18S1 Miners' Arms Hotel, Lefroy n n 1882 Ryland's Hotel, Lefroy 1S83 Miners' Arms Hotel, ,1 1884 Masonic Hall, n 1889 Erased 3 September 1890. Now on Reg. of G.L. of Tasmania. Cornish Arms Hotel, BrunSWlell (Bourke), Victoria 1874 Masonic Hall, Brunswick 1881 Erased sjuiie i88g. Now No. 78 on Reg. of G.L. ofVictoria. Albion Hotel, Whalley Road, ClaytOn-le-MoorS (near Accrington), Lancashire 1875 Public Rooms, Wolverhampton Road, CannOCk, Staffordshire 1874 Local Board Offices, Church Street, Cannock 1881 Masonic Hall, Boulcott Street, Wellington (Hutt), New Zealand 1875 Crescent Hotel, Brook Stieet, Ilkley, Yorkshire 1875 Masonic Hall, The College, Queen's Road, Ilkley 1879 Masonic Rooms, The Crescent, Brook Street, n 1880 Ship Hotel, Church Street, Greenwich, London 1875 Regent Masonic Plall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, Sisters' Tavern, Pownall Road, Haggerston, London 1875 Havelock Tavern, Albion Road, Dalston, it 1877 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, n 1880 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 24 Aug. 1874 Cons. II Dec. 1874. 20 Oct. 1874 Cons. 6 Nov. 1874. 20 Oct. 1874 21 Nov. 1874 21 Nov. 1874 Cons. I June 1874. 21 Nov. 1874 Cons. 25 Feb. 1875. 21 Nov. 1874 Cons. 28 Nov. 1874. 18 Dee. 1874 Cons. 23 April 1875. 18 Dee. 1874 Cons. lo Feb. 1875. 26 Dee. 1874 Cons. 7 April 1875. 26 Dee. 1874 Cons. 29 Jan, 1875. 1863 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 [ 382 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 1526 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1536 Mount Everest Lodge. Lodge St. GeoFge-in-the-East. Shaftesbury Lodge. Fort Lodge. Duke of Cornwall Lodge. Eden Lodge. Chislehurst Lodge. Beetive Lodge. Marlborough Lodge of Loyalty. Lodge of Loyalty, i88i. Concord Lodge. Mauritius Lodge of Harmony. United Military Lodge. Places of Meeting. Lodge Room, Darjeeling (Northern Bengal), Bengal, India 1874 Town Hall, Darjeeling 1880 Masonic Rooms, 11 1881 Erased 6 September 1886. Lodge Rooms, Jamalpore (Mymensingh), Bengal, India 1874 Freemasons' Hall, Princes Road, Jamalpore 1891 Shaftesbury Hall, Shaftesbury Park, Battersea, London 1874 Never constituted. Warrant ca7tceUed by the Pro G.M. Erased iZ August 1877. Red Lion Hotel, Red Lion Square, Newquay, Cornwall 1875 Masonic Hall, Gover Lane, Newquay 1880 Red Lion Hotel, Fore Street, St. Columb, Cornwall 1875 Masonic Hall, Victoria Street, St. Columb 1877 Rising Sun Hotel, Karangahape Road, Newton, Auckland (Eden), Auckland, New Zealand 1S78 Masonic Hall, Karangahape Road, Newton, Auckland 1879 Majority of Members formed No. 20 on Re^. of G.L. of New Zealand 23 June i8gi. Bull Hotel, The Parade, ChiSlehUFSt, Kent 1875 White Hart Hotel, High Street, Bromley, n 1894 Masonic Rooms, 32 English Street, Carlisle, Cuinl/erland 1875 County Hotel, Court Square, Carlisle 1890 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Town Hall, High Street, Masonic Hall, ir Marlborough, Wiltshire 1876 Marlborough 1S88 George Inn, Bury New Road, PreStWich, Lancashire 1875 Local Board Rooms, Chester Bank, Bury New Road, Prestwich 1878 Lodge Rooms, Port Louis, Mauritius, £ast Coast of Africa 1S75 French Masonic Temple, Port Louis, Mauritius 18S3 Last returns 1884. Erased 6 June 1894. Sir Robert Peel Tavern, Anglesea Hill, Plumstead, Kent 1875 Lord Raglan Tavern, Burrage Road, Plumstead 1879 Freemasons' Hall, Mount Pleasant, n 18S9 26 Dee. 1874 Cons. Oct. 1874. 26 Dec. 1874 Cons. 20 Nov. 1874. 26 Dee. 1874 15 Jan. 1875 Cons. 2 Nov. 1875. 16 Jan. 1875 Cons. 17 Aug. 1875. 13 Feb. 1875 Cons. 17 July 1878. 13 Feb. 1875 Cons. II June 1875. 13 Feb. 1875 Cons. 23 April 1875. 13 Feb. 1875 Cons. 23 May 1876. 13 Feb. 1875 Cons. 24 June 1875. 13 Feb. 1875 Cons. 10 June 1875. 22 Feb, 1875 Cons. 2 July 1875. 1863 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 [ 383 ] i894 1537 Name of Lodge. 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 St. Petep Westmlnstei? Lodge. St. Martin's-le-Gpand Lodge. Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge. Chaucer Lodge. Alexandra Palace Lodge. Leglolium Lodge. Rosslyn Lodge. Mount Edgeumbe Lodge. Baildon Lodge. Charters Towers Lodge. Liverpool Lodge. Britannia Lodge. Places of Meeting. Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, London 1875 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, m 1876 The Criterion, Piccadilly, n 1880 Masons' Hall, Masons' Avenue, Basinghall Street, London 1875 The London Tavern, Fleet Street, it 1877 Guildhall Tavern, Greiham Street, n 1880 Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street, n 1884 Holborn Restaurant, Holborn, ir l88g Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, London 1875 Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, London 1875 Alexandra Palace, Alexandra Park, Muswell Hill, London 1875 Imperial Hotel, Holborn Viaduct, Holborn, n 1883 Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Holborn, ,, 1888 Masonic Hall, Carlton Street, CastlefOPd, Yorkshire 1875 George and Dragon Hotel, Bridge Street, Castleford 1880 Masonic Room, Bank Street, n 1881 Masonic Hall, Carlton Street, n 1887 Town Hall, Market Place, DunmOW, Essex 1875 Saracen's Head Hotel, Market Place, Dunmow 1879 Masonic Hall, Fore Street, Camborne, Cornwall 1875 Angel Inn, Northgate, Masonic Rooms, Northgate, Baildon, Yorkshire 1875 Baildon 1876 Lodge Rooms, Charters Towers ( Davenport, North Kennedy District), Queensland 1875 Masonic Hall, Charters Towers 1886 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, Lancashire 1875 Lodge Room, Wellington (Paarl), Cape Colony, ^outh Africa 1875 Erased 25 October 1882. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 15 April 1875 Cons. 19 July 1875. 15 April 1875 Cons. 21 July 1875. 15 April 1875 Cons. 14 July 1875. 15 April 1875 Cons. 2 July 1875. 16 April 1875 Cons. 17 July 1875. 16 April 1875 Cons. 30 Aug. 1875. 16 April 1875 Cons. 27 Oct. 1875. 13 May 1875 Cons. 3 Nov. 1875. 13 May 1875 Cons. 17 Aug. 1875. 13 May 1875 Cons. 23 March 1875, 13 May 1875 Cons. 14 July 1875. 13 May 1875 Cons. 4 May 1875. 1863 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 [ 384 ] 1 894 1549 1550 Name of Lodge. 1551 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 Abereorn Lodge. Lodge of Prudence. Lodge of Charity. Lodge of Tranquillity. Lodge Light of the South. Maekay Lodge. Royal Prince of Wales' Lodge. Addiseombe Lodge. Albert Edward Lodge. Duke of Connaught Lodge. New Cross Lodge. Places of Meeting. Abereorn Arms Hotel, Stanmore Hill, Great Stanmore, Middlesex 1875 Huyshe Masonic Temple, Princess Place, Plymouth, Devonshire 187S Freemasons' Hall, i Princess Square, Plymouth 1888 Masonic Hall, New Street, Birmingham, Warwickshire 1875 Freemasons' Hall, York Street, Sydney (Cumberland), New South Wales 1875 Erased $ December 1S88. Now No. 42 on Reg. of G.L, of New South Wales. National Pank Buildings, Calle Libertad, Rosario de Santa Fe (Santa Fe), Aigentine Republic, South America 1876 135 Calle Comercio, Rosario de Santa Fe 1880 138 11 M 1889 525 p. PI 1891 Oddfellows' Hall, Sydney Street, Mackay (Carlisle, South Kennedy District), Queensland 1875 Masonic Hall, Wood Street, Mackay 1880 Penang (Prince of Wales Island), Malay Peninsula, East Indies 1875 Freemasons' Hall, Penang l88l Alma Tavern, Lower Addiseombe Road, AddiSCOmbe, Sttrrey 1875 Surrey Club House, Wellesley Road, West Croydon, Surrey 1877 Station Hotel, Wellesley Road, West Croydon 1878 Harewood House, 96 High Street, Croydon, Surrey 1879 White Hart Hotel, Fore St., Hexham, NortMimberland 1875 Bush Inn, Hall Garth, Hexham 1877 Black Bull, Market Place, » 1879 Masonic Hall, Hall Garth, ,p 1884 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, London 1875 New Cross Public Hall, Lewisham Road, New Cross, London 1876 Ship Hotel, Church Street, Greenwich, pi 1885 Portland Hotel, 77 London Street, pi pp 1888 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 14 May 1875 Cons. 26 June 1875. 14 May 1875 Cons. 23 June 1875. 3 June 1875 Cons. 20 Aug. 1875. 3 June 1875 Cons. II March 1875. 5 July 1875 Cons. 9 Dec. 1876. 5 July 1875 Cons. 24 June 1S75. 5 July 1875 Cons. 4 Dec. 1B75. 13 July 1875 Cons. 31 Aug. 1875. 19 July 1875 Cons. 30 Sept. 1875. 23 July 1875 Cons. 14 Oct, 1875. 23 July 1875 Cons. 2 Feb. 1876. 1863 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 [ 385 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 1560 Albert Edward Lodge. 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 Moreeambe Lodge. Homfpay Lodge. City of Westminster Lodge. St. John's Lodge. Earl of Chester Lodge. Ellington Lodge. Elliot Lodge. Cumberland Lodge. 1570 1571 1572 1573 Glen Innes Lodge. Prince Arthur Lodge. Leopold Lodge. Carnarvon Lodge. Caradoc Lodge. Places of Meeting. Freemasons' Hall, Halford St., hGlGesteP, l-eic^s/ersA/re 1875 North Western Hotel, Main Road, Morecambe, Lancashire 1875 Local Board Office, Morecambe Street, Morecamlje 1876 Masonic Hall, Edward Street, n 1877 King's Arms Hotel, The Crescent, u 1884 Masonic Hall, High Street, Risea, Monmouthshire 1875 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent St., London 1875 Prince of Wales' Hotel, St. John's, Woking Village, Surrey 1875 Masonic Hall, Bath Road, Woklng, n 1892 Masonic Hall, Church Green, Lymm, Cheshire 1875 Bell Hotel, King Street, Town Hall, High Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire 1875 Maidenhead 1881 Railway Hotel, High Street, Feltham, Middlesex 1875 LodgeRooms,LiverpOOl(Cumberland), A'«OTi(7«tt Wales 1874 Royal Hotel, Liverpool 1880 Town Hall, h 1884 Royal Hotel, n 1885 Closed in 188S. Erased 5 December 1888. Lodge Rooms, Ferguson Street, Glen InneS (Gough), New South Wales 1875 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 44 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Leipsic House, 80 North Hill Street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool, Lancashire 1875 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool 1881 Woolpack Tavern, BermondseySt., Bermondsey, LondOn 1875 Gregorian Arms, Jamaica Road, n n 1879 Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, 11 1881 The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, London 1875 Masonic Hall, Caer Street, Swansea, Glamorganshire 1876 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 23 July 1875 Cons, g Nov. 1875. 11 Aug, 1875 Cons. 26 Oct. 1875. 14 Aug. 1875 Cons. 15 Oct. 1875. 14 Aug. 1875 Cons. 29 Oct, 1875. 8 Sept. 1875 Cons. 9 Nov. 1B75. 13 Sept. 1875 Cons. 18 Nov. 1875. 16 Sept. 1875 Cons. TO Nov. 1875. 1 Oet. 1875 1567 Cons. 6 Nov. 1875. 1 Oet. 1875 Cons. 4 Nov. 1874. 1 Oet. 1875 Cons. 3 Feb. 1875. 1 Oet. 1875 Cons. 24 Nov. 1875. 8 Oet. 1875 Cons. 7 Dec. 1875. 8 Oet. 1875 Cons. 4 Dec. 1875. 8 Oet. 1875 Cons. 7 Feb. 1876. 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 49 [ 386 ] 1 894 1574 Name of Lodge. 1575 1576 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 Richard Giddy Lodge. Clive Lodge. Dee Lodge. Victoria Lodge. Merlin Lodge, St. James' Lodge. Cranbourne Lodge. Alexandra Lodge. Llanidloes Lodge. Corbet Lodge. Lodge Loyalty and Charity. Royal Commemoration Lodge. Places of Meeting. Kreemasons' Hall, Kimberley (Kimberley, Giiqualand West), Cape Colony, Soulh Africa 1876 Masonic Temple, Dutoltspan Road, Kimberley 1890 Corbet Arms Hotel, High Street, Market DraytOn, Shropshire 1876 Raven Hotel, Queen Street, Market Drayton 1892 Union Hotel, The Esplanade, ParlcgatC, Cheshire 1876 Masonic Hall, Munroe Street, NapieP (Hawke's Fay), Hawke's Bay, New Zealand 1 876 Erased by District Grand Lodge 11 Jan. 1894. Confirjned by Grand Lodge 6 Sept. 1894. Now No. 21 on Reg. ofG.L. of New Zealand. New Inn Hotel, Taff St., Pontypridd, Glamorganshire 1876 Masonic Hall, Court House Street, Pontypridd 1887 liell Inn, Enfield Highway, George Hotel, Enfield Town, Red Lion Hotel, Enfield, Middlesex 1876 Enfield 1877 Hatfield, Hertfordshire 1876 Lodge Room, Somerset East (Somerset East), Cape Colony, iV72(rt 4/?-z(-a: 1876 Masonic Hall, Somerset East 1886 Trewythen Arms Hotel, Great Oak Street, Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire 1 876 Corbet Arms Hotel, Corbet Square, Towyn, Merionethshire 1877 Masonic Rooms, White Hall Hotel, Corbet Square, Towyn 1882 Star and Garter Hotel, Kew Bridge, Ealing, London 1876 Star and Garter Hotel, Lower Richmond Road, Putney, London 1876 Fox and Hounds Hotel, Upper Richmond Road, Putney, " 1878 White Lion Hotel, High Street, Putney, n 1888 Holborn Restaurant, Holborn, m 1894 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 8 Oet. 1875 Cons. 23 March 1876. 23 Oet. 1875 Cons. 29 Aug. 1876. 23 Oet. 1875 Cons. 3 Feb. 1876. 23 Oet. 1875 Cons. 14 Feb. 1876. 23 Oet. 1875 Cons. 27 April 1876. 10 Nov. 1875 Cons. 21 Jan. 1876. 20 Nov. 1875 Cons. 29 March 1876. 20 Nov. 1875 Cons. 17 Jan. 1876. 20 Nov. 1875 Cons. 8 June 1876. 25 Nov. 1875 Cons. 12 Sept. 1877. 8 Dee. 1875 Cons. 19 Feb. 1876. 8 Dec. 1875 Cons. 21 March 1876. 1863 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 [ 387 ] 1 894 1586 1587 1588 Name of Lodge. 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 Upper Norwood Lodge. St. Giles' Lodge. Prinee Leopold Lodge. St. Dunstan's Lodge. Southern Cross Lodge. Studholme Lodge. Abbey Lodge. Boyal Naval College Lodge. Cedewain Lodge. Endeavour Lodge. Townsville Lodge. Places of Meeting. White Hart Hotel, Church Road, Upper Norwood, London 1876 Royal Oak Hotel, High Street, Cheadle, Staffordshire 1875 The Bank, Bank Street, Cheadle 1886 Angel Inn, Chester Road, Stretford, Lancashire 1876 Masonic Rooms, Herbert Street, Stretford 1877 Masonic Hall, King Street, ir 1884 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, London 1876 Lodge Rooms, Cuyler Street, Ultenhage (Uitenhage), Cape Colony, Somh Africa 1877 Masonic Hall, Market Street, Uitenhage 1881 Southampton Hotel, by Surbiton Station, Surblton, Surrey 1876 Masonic Hall, 33 Golden Square, London 1881 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, n 1888 Suffolk Hotel, Butter Market, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk 1876 Masonic Hall, Chequer Street, Bury St. Edmunds 1889 Royal Naval College, King William Street, Greenwich, London 1876 Ship Hotel, Church Street and King William Street, Greenwich, cp 1877 Public Rooms, Broad St. , V^&fJtQ-^-a., Monlgomeryshire 1876 Masonic Building, Milford Road, Newtown 1880 Public Rooms, Broad Street, n 1881 Masonic Temple, Milford Road, n 1890 Lodge Rooms, Furneaux Street, CooktOWn (Banks, Cook District), Queensland 1875 Masonic Hall, Helen Street, Cooktown 1880 Old Council Chamber, Melton Hill, TownSVille (Elphinstone, North Kennedy District), Queensland 1875 Mrs. Major's Hall, Flinders Street, Townsville 1876 Mrs. Morris's Hall, Sturt Street East, 11 1885 Masonic Hall, Sturt Street West, 11 1889 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 8 Dee. 1875 Cons. 16 Feb. 1876. 8 Dee. 1875 Cons. 17 May 1876. 8 Dee. 1875 Cons. 2 March 1S76. 8 Dee. 1875 Cons. 18 Feb. 1876. 8 Dee. 1875 Cons. 28 Feb. 1877. 13 Dee. 1875 Cons. 31 Jan. 1876. 13 Dee. 1875 Cons, ig Feb. 1876, 29 Dee. 1875 Cons. 22 Feb. 1876. 18 Jan. 1876 Cons. 9 June 1876. 18 Jan. 1876 Cons. 21 Oct. 1875. Warrant of Confirmation, 12 May 1891. 18 Jan. 1876 Cons. 13 Oct. 1875. 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 1597 Musgpave Lodge. Angel and Crown Hotel, High St., Staines, Middlesex 1876 School Room, Thames Street, Staines 1882 Greyhound Hotel, I'ark Gate, Hampton Court, Middlesex 1887 18 Jan. 1876 Cons. II March 1876. 1597 1598 Ley Spring Lodge. Red Lion Hotel, High Street, Leytonstone, London 1876 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, m 1885 25 Feb. 1876 Cons. 15 April 1876. 1598 1599 Skelmersdale Lodge. Masons' Hall, Masons' Avenue, Basinghall St., London 1876 Ship and Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall Street, i, 1887 25 Feb. 1876 Cons. 7 April 1876. 1599 1600 Hamilton Lodge. Masonic Rooms, Market Place, AlfOPd, Lincolnshire 1876 Masonic Hall, Chapel Street, Alford 1881 25 Feb. 1876 Cons. 30 March 1876. 1600 1601 Ravensbourne Lodge. Board of Works Offices, Catford Bridge, Lewisham, London 1876 25 Feb. 1876 Cons. 28 April 1876. 1601 1602 Sip Hugh Myddleton Lodge. Agricultural Hall, Upper Street, Islington, London 1876 25 Feb. 1876 Cons. 29 June 1876. 1602 1603 Woreestep Lodge. Lodge Room, High Street, WOPCesteP (Worcester), Cape Colony, South Africa 1876 25 Feb. 1876 Cons. 8 Nov. 1876. 1603 1604 Wandepops' Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1876 25 Feb. 1876 Cons. 28 March 1876. 1604 1605 De la Pole Lodge. Masonic Rooms, 58 Charlotte Street, Hull, Yorkshire 1876 Masonic Hall, Kingston Square, Hull 1888 25 Feb. 1876 Cons. 4 Oct. 1876. 1605 Lodge of Industry. Private Bungalow, Deesa (North Guzerat), Bombay, India 1875 Erased 7 March 1881. 9 Mapch 1876 Cons. 9 Sept. 1875. 1606 1607 Lodge of Loyalty. Alexandra Palace, Alexandra Park, Muswell Hill, London 1876 London Tavern, Fenchurch Street, n 1882 30 Mapeh 1876 Cons. 18 May 1876. 1607 1608 Kilburn Lodge. Queen's Arms Hotel, High Road, Kilburn, London 1876 Blanchard's Restaurant, Beak Street, Regent Street, 11 1894 26 Appil 1876 Cons. 3 Oct. 1876. Warrant of Confirmation, 6 Jan. 1891, 1608 1609 Liverpool Dpamatie Lodge. Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, Lancashire 1876 26 Appil 1876 Cons. 16 June 1876. 1609 L 389 1894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 1610 NoPthern Bar Lodge. Masonic Hall, 33 Golden Square, London 1876 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, fi 1877 Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Holborn, n 1878 Masonic Hall, 33 Golden Square, n l88t Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, n 1885 26 April 1876 Cons. 13 May 1876. 1610 1611 Eboraeum Lodge. Queen's Hotel, Micklegate, YOFk, Yorkshire 1876 Masonic Hall, St. Saviourgate, York 1885 26 April 1876 Cons. 7 Aug. 1876. 1611 1612 West Middlesex Lodge. Ealing Institute, Uxbridge Road, Ealing, London 1876 I.yric Hall, Broadway, n n 1883 Vestry Hall, Kanelagh Road, .. " 1888 Municipal Buildings, UxbridgeRoad, n n 1889 26 April 1876 Cons. IS July 1876. 1612 1613 Cripplegate Lodge. The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, London 1876 26 April 1876 Cons. 24 June 1876. 1613 1614 Covent GaFden Lodge. Clunn's Hotel, Covent Garden, London 1877 Ashley's Hotel, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, n 1878 The Criterion, Piccadilly, n 1880 26 April 1876 Cons. 13 Feb. 1877. 1614 1615 Bayard Lodge. Masonic Hall, 33 Golden Square, London 1876 26 April 1876 Cons. 17 May 1876. 1615 1616 Lodge of Friendship and Harmony. Oatland's Park Hotel, WeybridgC, Surrey 1876 1 May 1876 Cons. 20 June 1876. 1616 Aparima Lodge. Great Western Hotel, off Main Road, RivSPton (Wallace), Southland, Otago, New Zealand 1876 Old Masonic Hall, Havelock Street, Riverton 1876 New Masonic Hall, n n 1883 Erased by District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 77 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. 9 May 1876 Cons. 12 April 1876. 1617 1618 Handyside Lodge. Zetland Hotel, BritanniaTerrace, Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Yorkshire 1876 Queen's Hotel, Station Square, Saltburn-by-the-Sea 1885 9 May 1876 Cons. 3 Aug. 1876. 1618 1619 Saekville Lodge. Crown Hotel, High Street, East Grinstead, Sussex 1876 Masonic Rooms, n East Grinstead 1885 Crown Hotel, ir 11 1892 9 May 1876 Cons. II July 1876. 1619 1620 Marlborough Lodge. Derby Hall, West Derby Road, Tue Broolt (near Liverpool), Lancashire 1876 20 May 1876 Cons. 13 Sept. 1876. 1620 1621 Castle Lodge. Crown Hotel, High Street, Bridgnorth, Shropshire 1876 30 May 1876 Cons. 25 Aug. 1876. 1621 [ 390 ] Name of Lodge. 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 Rose Lodge. West Smithfleld Lodge. Eeeleston Lodge. Tpedegap Lodge. Hotspur Lodge. Royal Kensington Lodge. Tyrian Lodge. United Lodge. St. Mieliael's Lodge. St. Andrew's Lodge. Stuart Lodge. Avon Lodge. Places of Meeting. Sinrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Cambeiwell, London 1876 New Market Hotel, King Street, Snow Hill, West Smithfieid, London 1876 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, m 1881 Grosvenor Hall, Ebury Square, Pimlico, The Criterion, Piccadilly, Royal Hotel, Mile End Road, London Tavern, Fenchurch Street, London 1876 M I88I London 1876 ,1 1884 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Central Hall, Market Place, Blyth, Northvtnherland 1876 Masonic Hall, Maple Street, NeWCaStle-Upon-Tyne, Northumberland 1876 Grand Assembly Rooms, Banas Bridge, Newcastle-upon- Tyne 1892 freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1876 Archer's Plall, Perry Street, Bundaborg (Cook, Wide Bay), Queensland 1876 Masonic Hall, Woongarra Street, Bundabeig 1884 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1876 Castle Hotel, Broad Gate, Coventry, Warwickshire 1877 Queen's Hotel, Hertford Street, Coventry 1880 St. Andrew's Hall, Priory Street, Duke's Plead, n Gorleston, Sitffoik 1876 Gorleston 1893 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, London 1877 Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, n 1883 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, n 1886 Blackstock Hotel, Upper Brook St., Ciiorlton-upon- MedlOClc, Lancashire 1876 Corporation Lin, Tipping Street, Ardwiclt, n 1877 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street, Manchester, m 1877 Royal Hotel, Lloyd Street, CllOrltOn-upon-MedlOCk 1877 Denmark Hotel, Lloyd Street, .. 1878 Wheatsheaf Hotel, High Street, Manchester 1889 13 June 1876 Cons. 7 Oct. 1876. 13 June 1876 Cons. 14 Sept. 1876. 13 June 1876 Cons. 16 Aug. 1876. 13 June 1876 Cons. 30 Aug. 1876. 13 June 1876 Cons. 28 Sept. 1876. 13 June 1876 Cons. II Aug. 1876. 28 June 1876 Cons. 14 Sept. 1876. 4 July 1876 Cons. 20 July 1876. 4 July 1876 Cons. 29 Jan. 1877. 4 July 1876 Cons. 13 Nov. 1876. 13 July 1876 Cons. 24 March 1877. 13 July 1876 Cons. 22 Dec. 1876, 1863 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 L 391 ] 1894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 1634 Starkie Lodge, Railway Hotel, Bridge St., RamsbOttOm, Lancashire 1876 The Grants Arms Hotel, Market Place, Ram.sbottom 1S82 13 July 1876 Cons. 27 Dec. 1876. 1634 1635 Canterbury Lodge. Masonic Hall, 33 Golden Square, London 1876 13 July 1876 Cons. 2 Nov. T876. 1635 1636 St. Cecilia Lodge. Royal Pavilion, Pavilion Parade, Brighton, Sussex 1876 21 July 1876 Cons. 20 Dec. 1876, 1636 1637 Lodge of Unity. De Burgh Hotel, West DraytOn, Middlesex 1876 Abercorn Arms Hotel, Stanmore Hill, Great Stanmore, Middlesex 1879 Railway Hotel, L. and N.W. Railway, Harrow Station, Middlesex 1884 . 7 Aug. 1876 Cons. 28 Oct. 1876. 1637 1638 Brownrigg Lodge. Swan Hotel, Thames Ditton, Szn-rey 1876 Sun Hotel, Marketplace, Kingston-on-Thames, n 1880 9 Aug. 1876 Cons. 20 Sept. 1876. 1638 1639 Watling Street Lodge. Cock Hotel, High Street, Stony Stratford, Buckiughanishire 1876 24 Aug. 1876 Cons, 23 Oct. 1876. 1639 Amatole Lodge. Lodge Rooms, Alice (Victoria East), Cape Colony, South Africa 1877 Erased. Warrant returned 22 December 1886. 24 Aug. 1876 Cons. 28 Feb. 1877. 1640 1641 Criehton Lodge. Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberweii, London 1876 8 Sept. 1876 Cons. It Nov. 1876. 1641 1642 Earl of Carnarvon Lodge. Ladbroke Hall, Ladbroke Grove Road, Notting Hill, London 1876 8 Sept. 1876 Cons. 4 Nov. 1876. 1642 1643 Perseverance Lodge. Station Hotel, Station Road, Hebburn-On-Tyne, Durham 1876 Masonic Hall, Carr Street, Hebburn-on-Tyne 1877 8 Sept. 1876 Cons. 13 Dec. 1876. 1643 1644 Alma Mater Lodge. Masonic Hall, New Street, Birmingham, Wai-coickshire 1877 3 Oct. 1876 Cons, ig Jan. 1877. 1644 1645 Colne Valley Lodge. Lewisham Arms, Lewisham Road, Slaithwaite, Yorkshire 1876 Masonic Hall, Britannia Road, Slaithwaite 1880 3 Oct. 1876 Cons. 23 Dec. 1876. 1645 1646 Sir Donald McLean Lodge. The Institute, Raleigh [now Waltara] (Taranaki), Taranakiy New Zealand 1877 11 Oct. 1876 Cons. 27 Feb. 1877. 1646 392 1894 1647 Name of Lodge. 1648 1649 1650 1655 1656 Star of the North Lodge. Prince of Wales' Lodge. Lodge Berar. Rose of Raby Lodge. Lodge of Progress. Inverell Lodge, Prince of Wales' Lodge. St. Leonard's Samaritan Lodge. Corinthian Lodge. Wolsey Lodge. Places of Meeting. Lodge Rooms, Whangarei (Whangarei), Masonic Hall, Auckland^ Niw Zealand 1876 Whangarei 1 881 Private Rooms, 69 Little Ilorton Lane, Bradford, Yorkshire 1876 Masonic Hall, Salem Street, Bradford 1877 11 Rawson Square, Darley Street, n 1884 Lodge Rooms, Budneira (Amraoti, East Berar), Bombay, India 1876 Lodge Rooms, AmraOti (Amraoti, East Berar) 1890 Sergeant Minty's House, Amraoti 1892 Local Board Offices, n 1892 Bro. Galloway's House, n 1892 Local Board Offices, m 1892 Masonic Hall, n 1893 Scarth Memorial Hall, Main St., Staindrop, Durliam 1877 Lodge Rooms, SOUthbridge (Selwyn), Canterbury, New Zealand 1875 Masonic Hall, St. John Street, Southbridge 1885 Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 22 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Masonic Rooms, Inverell (Gough), New Soutit Wales 1876 Erased 5 December t888. Now No. 48 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Freemasons' Hall, York Street, Sydney (Cumberland), New Soiit/i Wales 1876 Erased 5 Decernler iS88. Now No. 49 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Lodge Rooms, St. Leonards (near Sydney) (Cumberland), New Sotitii Wales 1876 Oddfellows' Hall, St. Leonards 1881 Masonic Hall, North Shore, n 1884 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 50 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Masonic Hall, Queen Street, Thames [now GrahamstOWn], Auckland, New Zealand 1876 White Hart Hotel, High Street, Hampton Wick, Middlesex 1877 Rose and Crown Hotel, Upper Teddington Road, Hampton Wick 1885 Greyhound Plotel, Park Gate, Hampton Court, Middlesex 1889 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 16 Oct. 1876 Cons. 27 Sept. 1876. 16 Oct. 1876 Cons. 22 Dec. 1876. 30 Oct. 1876 Cons, in 1876. 10 Nov. 1876 Cons. 20 March 1877. 10 Nov. 1876 Cons. 16 Nov. 1875. 23 Nov. 1876 Cons. 24 June 1876. 23 Nov. 1876 Cons. I Sept. 1876. 23 Nov. 1876 Cons. I Aug. 1876. 23 Nov. 1876 Cons, 16 Nov. 1876. 22 Nov. 1876 Cons. 17 Feb. 1877. 1863 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 [ 393 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 1657 Aldersgate Lodge. 1658 Skelmersdale Lodge. 1659 Fidelity Lodge. 1660 Arleedon Lodge. 1661 Newton Lodge. 1662 Beaeonsfleld Lodge. 1663 Hartismere Lodge. 1664 Gosfortli Lodge. 1665 Natalia Lodge. Akaroa Lodge. Hutt Lodge. 1668 Samson Lodge. 1669 Boyal Leopold Lodge. Places of Meeting. Castle and Falcon Hotel, Aldersgate Street, London 1877 The Albion Tavern, „ n 1885 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, London 1877 Orange Hall, off Church Street, Grand Bank, Newfoundland, North America 1878 Freemasons' Hall, Main St., FrizlngtOn, Cumberland 1877 Savings' Bank, Lombard Street, Newark-upon-TrCnt, Nottinghamshire 1877 Masonic Hall, Market Place, Newark-upon-Trent 1894 The Chequers, Marsh Street, Walthamstow, London 1877 Corn Exchange, Broad Street, Eye, Suffolk 1877 Masonic Hall, White Lion Hotel, Broad Street, Eye 1877 Brandling Arms Inn, 33 High Street, GOSfOPth, Northumberland 1877 Freemasons' Hall, 54 High Street, Gosforth 1879 Masonic Temple, Longmarket St., Pietepmarltzburg (Pietermaritzburg), Natal, South Africa 1877 Lodge Room, AkaFOa (Akaroa), Canterbury, New Zealand 1876 Erased 27 February 1884. House of Bro. G. E. Barton, LoweP Hutt(Hutt), Wellington, New Zealand 1877 Erased 7 May 1886. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1877 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, u 1881 Date pf Warrant or Constitution. Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, London 1877 13 Dee. 1876 Con.s. 29 Jan. 1877. 13 Dee. 1876 Cons. 9 March 1877. 13 Dee. 1876 Cons. 20 Dec. 1878. 13 Dee. 1876 Cons. 3 April 1877. 13 Dee. 1876 Cons. 24 May 1877. 13 Dee. 1876 Co^^.. 24 Feb. 1877. 13 Jan. 1877 Cons. 17 Oct. 1877. 13 Jan. 1877 Cons. 9 March 1877. 23 Jan. 1877 Cons. 4 April 1877. 24 Jan. 1877 Cons. 17 April 1876. 7 Feb. 1877 Cons. 15 Feb. 1877. 20 Feb. 1877 Cons. 18 April 1877. 20 Feb. 1877 Cons. 7 April 1877. 1863 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 50 [ 394 ] Name of Lodge. 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 Adelphi Lodge. Mizpah Lodge. Mornington Lodge. Langton Lodge. Welcome Lodge, 1S91. Caradoe Lodge. Ancient Briton Lodge. St. Nicholas' Lodge. Crusaders' Lodge. Tonbridge Lodge. Medway Lodge, 1885. Henry Muggeridge Lodge. Comet Lodge. Places of Meeting. Crichton Club, 4 Adelphi Terrace, Strand, Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen btreet, The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, London 1877 „ 1882 London 1877 Eagle Tavern, Woodford Road, Snaresbrook, London 1877 London Tavern, Fenchurch Street, m 18S0 Imperial Hotel, Holborn Viaduct, Holborn, n 1884 Holborn Viaduct Hotel, m h ir 1S86 London Masonic Club, loi Queen Victoria St., London 1877 Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Holborn, n 1881 Town Hall, Wellington Road, Rhyl, F'.int shire 1877 Masonic Hall, Sussex Street, Rhyl 1880 Rhyl and County Club Buildings, Market Street, n 1894 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, Lancashire 1877 Freemasons' Hall, Grainger Street West, NeWCastle- Upon-Tyne, Northumherland 1877 Central Masonic Hall, Shakespeare Street, Newcastle- upon-Tyne 1893 Old Jerusalem Tavern, St. Johns Gate, Clerkenwell, London 1877 New Market Hotel, King Street, Snow Hill, West Smithfield, „ 1879 Imperial Hotel, Holborn Viaduct, Holborn, n 1880 Cock Tavern, Upper Street, Islington, Highbury, n 1888 Old Town Hall, High Street, Tunbridge, Kent 1877 New Public Hall, „ Tunbridge 1878 Masonic Rooms, Old Town Hall, High Street, n 1879 Prince George Hotel, Parkholme Road, Dalston, London 1879 Masons' Hall, Masons' Avenue, Basinghall Street, ,r 1880 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, ,, 1S89 Drafting Office, Railway Department, DingO (Humboldt, Leichhardt District), Queensland 1877 Masonic Hall, Dingo 1877 Lodge Rooms, ComCtVille (Denison, Leichhardt District), Queensland 1878 11 Emerald (Denison, Leichhardt), n 1879 PI BogantUngan (Plantagenet, Leichhardt), Queensland 1881 M PineHill(Melyando,SouthKennedy), „ 1883 ir Jericho (Tambo, Mitchell), „ 1885 Offices of Bro. H. G. Eccles, Barcaldine (Rodney, Mitchell), Queensland 1886 Masonic Hall, Barcaldine 1886 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 20 Feb. 1877 Cons 21 April 1877. 20 Feb. 1877 Cons. 27 March 1S77. 20 Feb. 1877 Cons. I May 1877. 20 Feb. 1877 Cons. 17 May 1877. 20 Feb. 1877 Cons. 3 Aug. 1877. 20 Feb. 1877 Cons. 16 April 1877. 20 Feb. 1877 Cons. 17 May 1877. 6 March 1877 Cons. 13 June 1877. Warrant of Confirmation, 20 Feb. 18S4. 6 March 1877 Cons. 30 May 1877. 6 March 1877 Cons, ig May 1877. 6 March 1877 Cons. 30 Jan. 1877. 1863 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 [ 395 ] 1 894 1681 Name of Lodge. 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 Londesborough Lodge. Tamworth Lodge. Geraldton Lodge. Carnapvon Lodge. Guelph Lodge. Paxton Lodge. Rothesay Lodge. Buxton Lodge. Lazar Lodge. Phoenix Lodge. Quadratic Lodge. Places of Meeting. Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent St., London 1877 Odd Fellows' Hall, Fitzroy Street, TamwOFth (Inglis), New South Wales 1876 Masonic Hall, Peel Street, Tamworth 1884 Extinct about 1886. Erased 5 December 1886. H. Gray and Co.'s Stores, facing the Street, Marine Terrace, Gefaldton (Victoria District), Western Australia 1 877 H. Gray's Stores, adjoining Club Hotel, Marine Terrace, Geraldton 1878 G. Bastin's Store, Marine Terrace, Masonic Hall, n Oddfellows' Hall, Fitzgerald Street, Club Hotel, Marine Terrace, Freemasons' Hall, Augustus Street, 1878 1879 1887 1888 1891 Court House, Richmond (Pietermaritzburg), Natal, South Africa 1877 Masonic Temple, Richmond 1886 Red Lion Hotel, High Street, Leytonstone, London 1877 Town Hall, Leyton Road, Leyton, fi 1883 Crystal Palace, Palace Road, Sydenham, London 1877 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, m 1881 Inns of Court Hotel, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London 1877 St. James' Hall, Piccadilly, .. 1885 Frascati Restaurant, 32 Oxford Street, n 1893 Palace Hotel, Station Road, Buxton, Derbyshire 1877 Good Templars', Hall, Main Street, Kumapa (Westland), Wcstland, New Zealand 1 877 Public Hall, Main Street, Kumara 1879 Masonic Hall, n n 1885 Adelphi Hall, Seddon Street, m 1892 Theatre Royal, 11 11 1894 Masonic Hall, Palmerston Street, Westport (BuUer), Westland, New Zealand 1877 Masonic Hall, Russell Street, Westport 1893 Greyhound Hotel, Park Gate, Hampton CoUFt, Middlesex 1877 Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court Bridge, Hampton Court 1884 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 6 MaFch 1877 Cons. 7 June 1877. 23 MaFch 1877 Cons. 21 Dec. 1876. 1 May 1877 Cons. 18 Oct. 1877. 1 May 1877 Cons. 31 July 1877. 1 May 1877 Cons. 23 June 1877. 1 May 1877 Cons. 30 June 1877. 1 May 1877 Cons. 27 July 1877. 1 May 1877 Cons. 12 Sept. 1S77. 1 May 1877 Cons. 29 Jan. 1877. 1 May 1877 Cons. 22 June 1S77, 1 May 1877 Cons. 4 July 1877. 1863 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 [ 396 ] Name of Lodge. 1692 1693 1694 1695 Hervey Lodge. Kingsland Lodge. Imperial Lodge. New Finsbury Park Lodge. 1696 1697 1698 1702 1703 Lodge of Friendship. Lodge of Hospitality. Lodge Unity. Wannon Lodge. Walhalla Lodge. Lodge of Sincerity. Sub-Urban Lodge. Windrush Lodge. Places of Meeting. George Hotel, Main Street, White flart Hotel, High Street, Hayes, Kent 1877 Bromley, " 1884 Jolly Farmers, Southgate Road, Islington, London 1877 Cock Tavern, Upper Street, Islington, Highbury, n 1882 Cadogan Hotel, Sloane Street, Chelsea, London 1877 Pier Hotel, Oakley Street, i> n 1879 Cloot's Restaurant, 24 Victoria Street, Westminster, n 1890 Finsbury Park Tavern, Seven Sisters Road, HoUoway, London 1877 Alexandra Palace, Alexandra Park, Muswell Hill, m 1879 Cock Tavern, Upper Street, Islington, Highbury, n 1883 Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Holborn, ti 1892 Lodge Rooms, Government Street, Port LouiS, Mauritius, East Coast of Africa 1877 II Corderie Street, Port'Louis 1885 II 7 Prince Regent Street, 11 1889 Royal Hotel, Main Road, WaterfOOt, Lancashire 1877 Masonic Hall, Allahabad (Allahabad), N. W. Provinces, India 1876 Lodge Room, Coleraine (Dundas), Shire Hall, Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 68 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Victoria 1875 Coleraine 1880 Lodge Room, Walhalla (Tanjil, Gippsland), Victoria 1876 Masonic Hall, Walhalla 1885 Erased s June 1889. Now No. 69 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Bridge Hotel, Dandenong ( Bourke and Mornington), Victoria 1877 Lapsed before 1882. Erased 5 June 1889. Abercorn Arms Hotel, Stanmore Hill, Great Stanmore, Middlesex 1877 Corn Exchange, Market Place, Witney, Oxfordshire 1877 Town Hall, ,1 Witney 1878 Corn Exchange, u n 1882 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1 May 1877 Cons. 26 June 1877. 1 May 1877 Cons. 7 Aug. 1877. 11 June 1877 Cons. 14 Nov. 1877. 11 June 1877 Cons. 27 Sept. 1877. 11 June 1877 Cons. II Oct. i?77. 11 June 1877 Cons. 30 Nov. 1877. 11 June 1877 Cons. 31 Aug. 1876. 11 June 1877 Cons. 18 Aug. 1875. 11 June 1877 Cons. 26 July 1876. 11 June 1877 11 June 1877 Cons. 19 Oct. 1877. 11 June 1877 Cons. 21 Dec. 1877. 1863 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 [ 397 ] 1 894 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 Name of Lodge. 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 Anchor Lodge. Prince of Wales' Lodge. Orpheus Lodge. Eleanor Lodge. Plucknett Lodge. Aryan Lodge. Bemuera Lodge. Rodney Lodge. St. John's Lodge. Wilbraham Lodge. Albert Edward Lodge. Arthur John Brogden Lodge. Places of Meeting. Bridge House Hotel, London Rridge, Southwark, London 1877 Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Holborn, n 1879 City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, n 1881 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, m 1891 India Arms Hotel, High Street, Gosport, Hampshire 1877 Date of Warrant or Constitution. .1863 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, Holborn Restaurant, Holborn, London 1877 „ 1886 Angel Hotel, Upper Fore Street, Edmonton, London 1877 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, „ 1880 Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street, n 1886 Railway Hotel, Ballard's Lane, Finchley, London 1877 Bald Faced Stag, East End, .1 n 1 88 1 Woodside Hall, Woodside Park, North Finchley, n 1894 Freemasons' Hall, Nesbit Road, Byculla, Bombay, Bombay, India 1 878 Freemasons' Hall, Clare Road, Byculla, Bombay 1881 Newmarket Hotel, Newmarket (Eden), Auckland, New Zealand 1877 Masonic Hall, Remuera (Eden), Auckland 1881 Warkworth Hotel, WarkWOrth (Rodney), Auckland, New Zealand 1877 Freemasons' Hall, Warkworth 1884 Freemasons' Hall, Grainger Street West, NeWCastle- Upon-Tyne, Northumberland 1877 Central Masonic Hall, Shakespeare Street, Newcastle- upon-Tyne 1893 Walton Institute, Sefton Road, WaltOn-On-the-Hill, Laucashire 1877 Black Horse Hotel, 284 County Road, Walton-on-the-Hill 1886 Duke of York Hotel, London Road, York Town, Surrey 1877 Cambridge Hotel, n Camberley, n 1884 Duke of York Hotel, n York To wn 1892 Masonic Hall, Main Street, Grange-over-Sands, Lancashire 1877 11 June 1877 Cons. 14 Nov. 1877. 11 June 1877 Cons, ig Oct. 1877. 11 June 1877 Cons. 18 Aug. 1877. 11 June 1877 Cons. 5 Sept. T877. 11 June 1877 Cons. 22 Sept. 1877. 11 June 1877 Cons. 5 March 1878. 11 June 1877 Cons. II April 1877. 11 June 1877 Cons. 3 May 1877. 11 June 1877 Cons. 13 Nov. 1877. 11 June 1877 Cons. 6 Oct. 1877. 11 June 1877 Cons. 2 Oct. 1877. 10 July 1877 Cons. 26 Sept. 1877. 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 [ 398 ] Name ok Lodge. 1716 1717 1718 1719 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 All Saints' Lodg^e. Lodge of Ancient Carthage. Centurion Lodge. Evening Star Lodge. Greytown Lodge. United Manawatu Lodge. Excelsior Lodge. St. George's Lodge. Kaisir-i-Hind Lodge. Douglas Lodge. Gordon Lodg-e. Tenterfleld Lodge. Places of Meeting. Town Hall, High Street, Poplar, London 1877 Board of Works Offices, 117 High Street, Poplar, n 1888 House of the Senior Warden, TuniS, North Africa 1877 Masonic Hall, Strada si Ali Azuz, Tunis 1877 The London Tavern, Fleet Street, London 1877 Imperial Hotel, Holborn Viaduct, Holborn, n 1879 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, n 1881 Inns of Court Hotel, Lincoln's Inn Fields, n 1884 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1877 Lodge Room, GreytOWn North (Wairarapa), Wellingtoti^ New Zealand 1877 Working Men's Institute, Greytown North 1885 Erased hy District Grand Lodge 11 January 1894. Confiriued by Grand Lodge 6 September 1894. Now No. 74 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Lodge Room, PalmerStOn North (Oroua), Wellington, New Zealand 1877 Masonic Hall, Main Street, Palmerston North 1881 II Broad Street, h 1892 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, Church Institute, DagShai, rtwjab, India 1877 Dagshai 1881 (Consecration.) Commercial Hotel, Town Hall Square, Masonic Hall, Silverwell Street, Bolton, Lancashire 1877 Bolton 1877 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, London 1877 Ancient College Gateway, near the Church, Maidstone, Kent 1877 Assembly Rooms, Sudley Road, Victoria Hotel, Aldwick Road, Assembly Rooms, Linden Road, Bognor, Sussex 1878 Bognor 1885 „ 1886 Masonic Rooms, High Street, Tenterfleld (Clive), New South Wales 1877 Erased s December 1888. Now No. 55 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. 13 July 1877 Cons. 21 Sept. 1877. 13 July 1877 Cons. 6 Sept. 1877. Warrant of Confirmation, 13 June 1887. 13 July 1877 Cons. 31 Oct. 1877. 13 July 1877 Cons. 28 Aug. 1877. 9 Aug. 1877 Cons. 24 Aug. 1877. 9 Aug. 1877 Cons. 23 April 1877. 28 Aug'. 1877 Cons. 5 July 1877. 28 Aug. 1877 Cons. 15 Nov. 1877. 4 Sept. 1877 Cons. 29 Nov. 1877. 4 Sept. 1877 Cons. 9 Nov. 1877. 8 Nov. 1877 Cons. 13 March 1878. 8 Nov. 1877 1863 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 [ 399 ] i894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 1728 Temple Bar Lodg'e. The London Tavern, Fleet Street, London 1878 Anclerton's Hotel, n f. 1879 8 Nov. 1877 Cons. 4 Jan. 1878. 1728 1729 Skelmersdale Lodge. Masonic Temple, Longmarket St., PietcrmaritzbUFg (Pietermaritzburg), Natal, South. Africa 1878 8 Nov. 1877 Cons. 18 Feb. 1878. 1729 1730 Urmston Lodge. Lord Nelson Hotel, Stretford Road, Urmston, Lancashire 1878 Victoria Hotel, Station Road, Urmston 1887 8 Nov. 1877 Cons. 10 Jan. 1878. 1730 1731 Cholmeley Lodge. AlexandraPalace,AlexandraPark, MuswellHill, London 1878 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, n 1883 8 Nov. 1877 Cons. 9 Jan, 1878. 1731 1732 King's Cross Lodge. Metropolitan Club, 269 Pentonville Road, Kings Cross, London 1878 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, ,. 1879 8 Nov. 1877 Cons. 30 Jan. 1878. 1732 1733 Sunbury Lodge. Magpie Hotel, Thames Street, SunbUFy, Middlesex 1878 Assembly Rooms, n Sunbury 1893 5 Dee. 1877 Cons. 9 March 1878. 1733 1734 Trinity Lodge. Golden Lion Hotel, Market Place, Raylelgh, Essex 1878 5 Dec. 1877 Cons, ig March 1878. 1734 1735 Carnarvon Lodge. Joppa Hall, Cape Town (Cape), Cape Colony, South Africa 1877 British Temple, Cape Town 1882 The Temple, St. John's Street, „ 1889 5 Dee. 1877 Cons. 30 Nov. 1877. 1735 1736 St. John's Lodge. St. John's Rooms, King's Cross St., Halifax, Yorkshire 1878 6 Feb. 1878 Cons. 18 April 1878. 1736 1737 Winchester Lodge. Lodge Rooms, Winchester (Geraldine), Canterbury, New Zealand 1877 Masonic Hall, Winchester 1882 6 Feb. 1878 Cons. 3 Sept. 1877. 1737 1738 Lodge Excelsior in Khandesh. Masonic Hall, Tapli Road, BhUSa-Wal (Khandesh), Bombay, India 1878 15 Feb. 1878 Cons. 12 Jan. 1878. 1738 1739 Carnarvon Lodge. Board Rooms, ChUFCh Grcslcy, Derbyshire 1878 Masonic Rooms, Church Gresley 1881 „ Town Hall, Market Place, Swadlincote, Derbyshire 1888 15 Feb. 1878 Cons. 2 May 1878. 1739 1740 Southern Cross Lodge. Lodge Rooms, City of CordOVa (Cordova), Argentine Republic, South America 1878 22 Feb. 1878 Cons, g Aug, 1878. 1740 [ 400 ] Name of Lodge. Montgomerie Lodge. Lodge of Concord. Lodge of Perseverance. Royal Savoy Lodge. Farringdon Without Lodge. Lodge Fraternity and Perseverance. Transvaal Lodge. Castle Martin Lodge. Palmerston Lodge. Coleridge Lodge. Palm Lodge. Ogmore Lodge. Places of Meeting. King's Head Hotel, Mere Street, Diss, NorfoUi 1878 Masonic Rooms, New Street, Roseau, Island of Dominica, West Indies 1S78 Erased in tZ?!']. Warrant returned. Imperial Hotel, Holborn Viaduct, Holborn, London 1878 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, „ 1886 Ashley's Hotel, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London 1878 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, n 1881 The Criterion, Piccadilly, n 1893 Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Holborn, London 1878 Lodge Rooms, Benares (Benares), N. W. Provinces, India 1877 Manda House, Dithori Mehal, Benares 1892 17/32 Sikraur Ward, i. 1894 Lodge Rooms, Pretoria (Transvaal), South African Republic, South Africa 1878 Masonic Temple, Pretoria 1881 Assembly Rooms, Main St., Pembroke, Pembrokeshire 1878 Bro. John Keen's House, Copinsha Street, PalmerstOn South (Waihemo), Otago, New Zealand 1877 Masonic Hall, Auskery Street, Palmerston South 1877 Lodge Rooms, Copinsha Street, n 1883 Masonic Hall, Auskery Street, n 1886 Seceded. Erasedhy District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 26 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Sandringham House, Marine Parade, Clevedon, Somersetshire 1878 Royal Hotel [The Hill Top], Clevedon 1881 Regent House, Hill Road, m 1883 Public Hall, Albert Road, m 1888 Masonic Rooms, BaSSCin (Pegu), British Burma, East Indies 1879 Erased 13 December 1883. Wyndham Arms Hotel, Dunraven Place, Bridgend, Glamorganshire 1878 Masonic Hall, Adare Street, Bridgend 1892 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 22 Feb. 1878 Cons. 9 May 1878. 22 Feb. 1878 Cons. 30 Aug. 1878. 14 March 1878 Cons. 22 June 1878. 14 March 1878 Cons. 14 May 1878. 14 March 1878 Cons. 9 May 1878. 14 March 1878 Cons. Dec. T877. 14 March 1878 Cons. 13 June 1878. 3 April 1878 Cons. 21 Nov. 1878. 3 April 1878 Cons. 13 Feb. 1877. 3 April 1878 Cons. 17 Aug. 1878. 3 April 1878 Cons. II Jan. 1879. 24 April 1878 Cons. 2 July 1878. 1863 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 [ 401 1 894 Name of Lodge. 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1760 1763 Lodge of Obedience. Windsor Lodge. Eldon Lodge. Kirkdale Lodge. King Henry the Eighth Lodge. Southern Cross Lodge. Areas Lodge. Leopold Lodge. Empress of India Lodge. Goulburn Lodge of Australia. St. IMary's Lodge. Places of Meeting. School Room, North Lane, Olcehampton, Devonshire 1878 White Hart Hotel, The Parade, Okehampton 1878 Penarth Hotel, Penarth, Glainorgnnshire 1878 Masonic Hall, Windsor Road, Penarth 1879 II Lansdowne, Plymouth Road, n 1889 Windsor Masonic Hall, Station Approach, .1 1894 Pier Refreshment Hall, Royal Hotel, Portishead, Somersetshire 1878 Portishead 1878 Skelmersdale Masonic Hall, Westminster Road, Kirlcdale (near Liverpool), Lancashire 1878 Town Hall, High Street, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire 1878 Lodge Rooms, Palameottah{Tinnevelly), Madras, India 1877 II Tutieopin n fi " 1879 II Palamcottah m n n 1881 Extinct. Erased in r^Zg. Masonic Hall, LaUFa (Victoria), South Australia 1878 The Institute, Laura 1881 Erased 3 June 1885. Now No. 22 on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. Masonic Hall, rear of Old Globe Hotel, Globe Street, SearbOFOUgh, Yorkshire 1878 II Londesborough Rooms, Westborough, Scarborough 188 I 11 St. Nicholas' Cliff, n 1884 Lodge Rooms, WoOllahFa (Cumberland), New South Wales 1878 Masonic Hall, WooUahra 1886 Oddfellows' Hall, n 1887 Erased 5 Decetnber 1888. Now No. 57 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Lodge Rooms, GOUlbUFn (Argyle), New South Wales 1878 Protestant Hall, Market Street, Goulburn 1883 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 58 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Town Hall, High Street, Masonic Hall, n 51 Thame, Oxfordshire 1878 Thame 1880 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 24 April 1878 Cons. 26 Aug. 187S. 24 April 1878 Cons. 15 July 1878. 22 May 1878 Cons. 3 Sept. 1878. 22 May 1878 Cons. 8 Nov. 1B78. 22 May 1878 Cons. 15 June 1878. 22 May 1878 Cons. 17 July 1877. 22 May 1878 Cons. 22 Feb. 1878. 22 May 1878 Cons. 12 Sept. 1878. 22 May 1878 22 May 1878 Cons. 17 April 1878. 29 May 1878 Cons. 5 Dec. 1878. 1863 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 [ 402 J 1894 1764 1765 Name of Lodge. 1766 1767 Eleanor Cross Lodge. Trinity College Lodge. St. Leonard Lodge. Kensington Lodge. 1768 1769 1770 1772 1773 1774 Lodge of Progress, Clarendon Lodge. Vale of White Horse Lodge. Jamaica Lodge. Pimlieo Lodge. Albert Victor Lodge. Mellor Lodge. 1775 Leopold Lodge. Places of Meeting. Masonic Hall, Abingdon Street, Northampton, Northamptonshire 1878 II Princes Street, Northampton 1890 Masonic Rooms, 61 Weymouth Street, Great Portland Street, London 1878 Masonic Rooms, 13 Mandeville Place, Wigmore St., n 1881 Town Hall, Old Street, Shoreditch, London 1878 Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street, m 1893 Courtfield Hotel, Earl's Court Road, Kensington, London 1878 South Kensington Hotel, Queen's Gate Terrace, South Kensington, u 1882 Kensington Hotel, Russell Gardens, Kensington, n 1885 Ladbroke Hall, Ladbroke Grove Road, Netting Hill, ir l886 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1878 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, London 1878 Old Savings' Bank, Gloucester Street, Farlngdon, Berkshire 1878 Freemasons' Hall, Hanover Street, Kingston (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, IVest Indies 1879 Ceased to work about 1890. Warrant surrendered to District G,L. Morpeth Arms Tavern, Ponsonby St., Millbank, London iS Victoria Mansions Restaurant, Victoria Street, Westminster, ,, tS Town Hall, Broad Street, Pendleton, Lancashire 1878 Guide Bridge and Railway Hotel, Audenshaw Road, Audenshaw, Lancashire 1878 Red Lion Inn, Hooley Hill, Audenshaw 1881 Corporation Arms, Stockport Road, Ashton-under- Lyne, Lancashire 1886 Masonic Rooms, Blackburn Road, Church (near Accrington), Lancashire 1878 Commercial Hotel, Blackburn Road, Church 1883 29 May 1878 Cons. 17 Sept. 1878. 25 June 1878 Cons. 25 Sept. 1878. 25 June 1878 Cons. 22 Oct. 1878. 25 June 1878 Cons. 20 Sept. 1878. 25 June 1878 Cons. 17 Oct. 1R78. 25 June 1878 Cons. 24 Sept. 1878. 25 June 1878 Cons. 31 Oct. 1878. 25 June 1878 Cons. 28 Jan. 1879. 25 June 1878 Cons. 3 Oct. 1878. 25 June 1878 Cons. 23 Oct. 1878. 25 June 1878 Cons. 26 Sept. 1878. ■863 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 25 June 1878 Cons. 24 Oct. 1878. 1775 [ 403 ] i«94 1776 Name of Lodge. 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1787 Landport Lodge. Royal Hanover Lodge. Southern Cross Lodge. Ivanhoe Lodge. Albert Edward Lodge. Ionic Lodge of Amoy. Machen Lodge. Albert Edward Lodge. Lodge Hiram. An Installed Masters' Lodge. St. Petroe Lodge. Wlmmera Lodge. Grenville Lodge. Places of Meeting. Masonic Hall, Highbury St., Portsmouth, Ifampskin 1878 Lodge Rooms, Herbert Street, Landport, h 1878 Masonic Hall, St. George's Square, Portsea, n 1879 Freemasons' Hall, 79 Commercial Road, Landport 1880 Town Hall, High Street, HounslOW, Middlesex 1878 Albany Hotel, Station Yard, Twickenham, m 1879 Town Hall, High Street, Twickenham 1884 Government School Rooms, Harrismith (Harrismith), Orange Free State, Souik Africa 1879 Good Templars' Hall, Harrismith 1888 Masonic Hall, 11 1891 Freemasons' Hall, Surrey Street, Shcffleld, Yorkshire 1878 Freemasons' Hall, Bugle St., Southampton, Hmnpshire 1878 II Albion Place, Southampton 1880 Masonic Hall, Kulangsoo, Amoy (Fo-ki-en), China 1878 Swan Hotel, High Street, ColCShill, Warwickshire 1878 Freemasons' Hall, Fitzwilliam Street, Huddersfleld, Yorkshire 1878 Queen's Hotel, Market Street, Huddersfleld 1881 Freemasons' Hall, Fitzwilliam Street, n 1883 Freemasons' Hall, Clare Road, BycuUa, Bombay, Bombay, India 1879 Masonic Hall, Church Street, PadStOW, Cornwall 1879 Club Hotel, Wilson Street, Horsham (Borung), Victoria 1877 Court House, Pynsent, Horsham 1878 Ireland's Offices, Nelson Street, n 1881 White Hart Hotel, Firebrace Street, 11 1884 Masonic Hall, McLachlan Street, n 1885 Erased 5 June i88g. Now No. 70 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Town Hall, Market Square, Buckingham, Buckinghamshire 1 880 Masonic Hall, High Street, Buckingham 1890 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 15 Aug. 1878 Cons. 27 Nov. 1878. 15 Aug. 1878 Cons, ti Oct. 1878. 15 Aug. 1878 Cons. 24 June 1879. 20 Aug. 1878 Cons. 29 Oct. 1878. 10 Sept. 1878 Cons. 13 Dec. 1878. 10 Sept. 1878 Cons. 21 Sept. 1878. 8 Oct. 1878 Cons. 27 Nov. 1878. 8 Oct. 1878 Cons. 12 Dec. 1878. 8 Oct. 1878 Cons. 26 March 1879. Warrant of Confirmation, 5 April 1887. 18 Oet. 1878 Cons. 21 Nov. 1879. 29 Oet. 1878 Cons, ig Sept. 1877. 29 Oct. 1878 Cons. 29 Jan. 1880. 1863 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 [ 404 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1797 1798 Hepvey Lodge. Dbique Lodge. Old England Lodge. Creaton Lodge. Tudop Lodge. Sip Charles Bright Lodge. De Vere Lodge. Combermere Lodge. Balranald Lodge. South Down Lodge. Zion Lodge. Places of Meeting. Freemasons' Plall, St. Ann's Road, behind Portuguese Chapel, PoPt Of Spain, Trinidad, West indies 1879 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, LondOn 1879 The Criterion, Piccadilly, n 1 89 1 Masonic Hall, Luna Road, Thornton Heath, London 1879 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1879 Masonic Hall, Tudor House, High Street, HaPbOPne, Slalfordshire 1879 The Institute, Station Road, Harborne 1892 Clarence Hotel, Park Road, Teddlngton, Middlesex 1879 The Council Chamber, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire 1879 Caxton Rooms, Long Row, Nottingham 1879 Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, n 1881 Church of England School House, Olive Street, AlbUPy (Goulburn), New South Wales 1878 Odd Fellows' Hall, Kiewa Street, Albury 1878 Rrased ^ Decetntier 1888. Now No. 61 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Lodge Rooms, Balranald (Caims), New South Wales 1878 Masonic Hall, Balranald 1884 Erased 5 December 1888. Became No. 70 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales, but now extinct. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Music Room, New Road, Sussex Hotel, n Music Room, n Sussex Hotel, n New Inn, High Street, Hupstpieppolnt, Susssx 1879 Hurstpierpoint 1879 1881 .1 1881 ,1 1883 Hulme Town Hall, Stretford Road, Hulme (near Manchester), Lancashire 1879 Town Hall Buildings, 74a King Street, ManchesteP 1884 Grand Hotel, Aytoun Street, " 189: 15 Nov. 1878 Cons. 8 March 1879. 15 Nov. 1878 Con.s. 21 Jan. 1879. 15 Nov. 1878 Cons. 22 May 1879. 15 Nov. 1878 Cons. 10 Feb. 1879. 15 Nov. 1878 Cons. 12 May 1879. 26 Nov. 1878 Cons. 22 Feb. 1879. 4 Dee. 1878 Cons. 3 March 1879. 4 Dee. 1878 Cons. 30 July 1878. 4 Dee. 1878 16 Dee. 1878 Cons. 25 Feb. 1879. 21 Dee. 1878 Cons. 12 May 1879. 1863 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 [ 405 ] 1 894 1799 Name of Lodge. Arnold Lodge. 1800 Memorial Lodge. 1801 St. George's Lodge. 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 Vernon Lodge. Cornhill Lodge. Coborn Lodge. Bromley St. Leonard Lodge. Corinthian Lodge of Amoy. Loyal Wye Lodge. Suffleld Lodge. Lodge Fidelis. Coromandel Lodge. Places of Meeting. Assembly Rooms, Marine Hotel, Marine Parade, Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex 1879 Portobello Hotel, High Street, Walton-on-the-Naze 1884 Clifton Hotel, Marine Parade, n 1888 Marine Hotel, fi n 1892 Lodge Rooms, King William's Town (King William's Town), Cape Colony, south Africa 1879 Masonic Temple, King William's Town 1884 Foresters' Hall, Dargaville (Hobson), Auckland, New Zealand 1878 Masonic Hall, Dargaville 1886 Court Room, n 1889 Freemasons' Hall, Victoria Street, 11 1890 Exchange Buildings, Town Hall Passage, Retford, Nottinghamshire 1879 New City Club, George Yard, Lombard Street, London 1879 London Tavern, Fenchurch Street, n 1880 Cafe Monico, Regent Circus, Piccadilly, 11 1894 Bow Vestry Hall, Fairfield Road, Bow, London 1879 Black Swan, 148 Bow Road, Bromley, London 1879 Vestry Hall, Bow Road, 1? ri 1881 Masonic Hall, Kulangsoo, Amoy (Fo-ki-en), China 1878 Lion Hotel, Broad Street, Builth, Brecknockshire 1879 Freemasons' Hall, Market Street, Builth 1883 Angel Hotel, Angel Street, North Walsham, Norfolk 1879 Masonic Hall, Court Place, Guernsey, Channel Islands 1879 St. Julian's Hall, St. Julian's Avenue, Guernsey 1882 Masonic Temple, Le Marchant Street, n 1883 Lodge Room, COCanada (Rajahmundry, East Coast), Madras, India 1878 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 21 Dee. 1878 Cons. 7 May 1879. 21 Dee. 1878 Cons. 22 April 1879. 1 Jan. 1879 Cons. 20 June 1878. Warrant of Confirmation, 21 July i8go. 1 Jan. 1879 Cons. 7 March 1879. 18 Jan. 1879 Cons. i3 March 1879. 18 Jan. 1879 Cons. 17 Feb. 1879. 18 Jan. 1879 Cons. 4 M.irch 1879. 18 Jan. 1879 Cons. I Dec. 1878. 4 Feb. 1879 Cons. 29 April 1879. 4 Feb. 1879 Cons. 16 Sept. 1879. 4 Feb. 1879 Cons. 28 April 1879. 24 Feb. 1879 Cons, in 1878. 1863 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 L 406 ] 1894 1811 Name of Lodge. Somerset Lodge. Heretaunga Lodge. Abereorn Lodge. 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 Wopsley Lodge. Penge Lodge. Victoria Park Lodge. St. Andrew's Lodge. Clapham Lodge. Governor Jepvois Lodge. :1820 Sir Thomas Wliite Lodge. Places of Meeting. Somerset Hotel, Ashburton (Ashburton), Canterbury, New Zealand 1877 Masonic Hall, Tancred Street, Ashburton 1886 United with " St. John's Lodge" No. 1858 \_of^s February 1880], Victoria Masonic Hall, Munroe Street, Napier, Nawke's Bay, Neiv Zealand 1 878 Railway Hotel, Omahu Road, Hastings, Hawke's Bay 1879 Masonic Hall, St. Aubyn Street, Hastings 1879 Erased by District Grand Lodge ti January 1894, Confirmed by Grand Lodge 6 September 1894. Now No. 73 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Victoria Masonic Hall, Munroe Street, Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand 1878 Oddfellows' Hall, Kenilworth Street, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay 1879 House of W. Rathbone, Great North Road, Waipawa 1880 Masonic Hall, Kenilworth Street, n 1883 Erased by District Grand Lodge ii January 1894. Confirmed by Grajid Lodge 6 September 1894. Now No. 30 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Court House, Worsley, iMncashire 1880 Thicket Hotel, Anerley Road, Anerley, London 1879 Queen's Hotel, Victoria Park Road, Hackney, London 1879 London Tavern, Fenchurch Street, n 1888 Cambridge Hotel, South Shoebury, ShoeburyneSS, Essex 1879 AlexandraHoteI,ClaphamCommon(SouthSide), London 1879 Grosvenor Hotel, Buckingham Palace Road, „ 1880 Army and Navy Hotel, Victoria St., Westminster, n 1883 Windsor Hotel, n m h 1887 The Criterion, Piccadilly, „ 1888 Howe's Assembly Rooms, Port Pirie (Victoria), South Azistralia 1878 Erased 3 June 1885. Now " Pirie Lodge," No. 24 on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. London Masonic Club, 101 Queen Victoria St., LOndon 1879 Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Holborn, n 1881 Holborn Restaurant, n n 1889 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 24 Feb. 1879 Cons, in 1877. 24 Feb. 1879 Cons. 27 Dec. 1878. 24 Feb. 1879 Cons. 27 Dec. 1878. 24 Feb. 1879 Cons. 17 Feb. 1880. 11 March 1879 Cons. 5 July 1879. 11 March 1879 Cons. 25 July 1879. 11 March 1879 Cons. 22 July 1879. 6 AprU 1879 Cons. 24 June 1879. 6 April 1879 Cons. 7 Dec. 1878. 6 April 1879 Cons. 6 June 1879. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 [ 407 ] i894 Name of Lodge. 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 Atlingworth Lodge. St. Quintin's Lodge. Royal Clarence Lodge. Buffalo Lodge. Peak Downs Lodge. Parthenon Lodge. Alliance Lodge. Shepherd's Bush Lodge. Burrell Lodge. Castlereagh Lodge. Victoria Lodge. Places of Meeting. Royal Pavilion, Pavilion Parade, Brighton, Sussex 1879 Bear Hotel, High .Street, COWbrldgB, Glamorganshire 1879 Half Moon Hotel, High Street, Masonic Hall, Cavendish Lane, Clare, Suffolk 1879 Clare 1880 Masonic Temple, Fleet Street, East London (East London), Cape Colony, SoiUh Africa 1879 Masonic Temple, Albany Street, East London 1888 Lodge Rooms, Copperfield (Clermont, Leichhardt), Queensland 1879 Town Hall, Clermont (Clermont, Leichhardt) 1882 Catherine Wheel Hotel, High Street, Greyhound Hotel, 11 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, Egham, Surrey 1879 Croydon, n 1884 London 1879 Richmond Hotel, Shepherd's Bush Road, London 1879 Athenseum, Godolphin Road, Shepherd's Bush, n 1880 Olympia, Hammersmith Road, Kensington, 11 1887 Ladbroke Hall, Ladbroke Grove Koad, Netting Hill, „ 1890 Bush Hotel, Shepherd's Bush Green, n 1891 Town Hall, East Street, Shoreham, Sussex 1879 Royal Geoige Hotel, High Street, .Shoreham 1879 Buckingham Arms Hotel, Buckingham Road, m 1889 Royal Pavilion, Pavilion Parade, Brighton, Sussex 1890 Lodge Room, COOnamble (Leichhardt), Ne^siSouth Wales 1879 Mechanics' Institute, Coonamble 1886 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 72 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Oddfellows' Hall, Liverpool Road, Ashfield (Cumberland), New South Wales 1879 Town Hall, Liverpool Road, Ashfield 1881 School of Arts, n n 1885 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 73 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 6 April 1879 Con.s. 17 July 1879. 28 April 1879 Cons. 21 Aug. 1879. 28 April 1879 Cons. 23 July 1879. 28 April 1879 Cons. 26 Aug. 1^(79. 28 April 1879 Cons. 13 Oct. 1879. 28 April 1879 Cons. 28 May 1879. 28 May 1879 Cons. 30 July 1879. 28 May 1879 Cons. 22 Sept. 1879. 28 May 1879 Cons. 2 Aug. 1879. 28 May 1879 28 May 1879 Cons. 28 April 1879. 1863 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 [ 4o8 J Name of Lodge. 1832 Charles Warren Lodge. 1833 1834 St. Keyna Lodge. Duke of Connaught Lodge. 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 William Kingston Lodge. Lodge Collegium Fabrorum. Lullingstone Lodge. Tudor Lodge of Rifle Volunteers. Duke of Cornwall Lodge. Wellington Lodge. Lodge Mysore. 1842 St. Leonards Lodge. 1843 Rohilla Star Lodge. Places of Meeting. Good Templars' Hall, Dutoitspan [now Beaeonsfleld] ( Kimberley, Gviqualand West), Cape Colony, South Africa 1879 Masonic Hall, Beaeonsfield 1881 Masonic Temple, Kimberley (Kimberley) 1890 Lamb and Lark Hotel, Keynsham, Somersetshire 1S79 Assembly Rooms (now Esplanade Hotel), Clarence Esplanade, Southsea, Hampshire 1879 Masonic Hall, St. George's Square, Portsea, 11 1879 Freemasons' Hall, 79 Commercial Road, Landport, n 1880 Masonic Hall, Goletta, TuniS, North Africa 1879 Erased in 1890. Extinct. Sussex Hall, Hanover Street, Kingston (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, West Indies 1879 Lion Hotel, Farningham, Kent 1879 Masonic Hall, Dartford Road, Wilmington (near Dartford), Kent 1883 Star and Garter Hotel, Victoria St., Wolverhampton, Staffordshire 1879 Drill Hall, Stafford Street, Wolverhampton 1889 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1879 LodgeRooms,BunbUFy (Wellington), Western Australia 1879 Lodge Rooms, Mysore (Mysore, Native State), Madras, India 1 879 Sooba Rajur's Bungalow, Mysore 1881 Masonic Hall, „ i8go Royal Concert Hall, Warrior Square, St. Leonards-On- Sea, Sussex 1879 Gensing Hall, London Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea 1885 Saxon Chambers, n n 1889 Lodge Rooms, Bareilly (Rohilcund), A'.W. Provinces, India 1878 Freemasons' Hall, Bareilly 1883 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 28 May 1879 Cons. 24 June 1879. 9 June 1879 Cons. 5 Aug. 1879. 9 June 1879 Cons. 9 Aug. 1879. 3 July 1879 Cons. 21 June 1879. 3 July 1879 Cons. 2 Dec. 1879. 16 July 1879 Cons. I Dec. 1879. 16 July 1879 Cons. 7 Oct. 1879. 16 July 1879 Cons. 30 Aug. 1879. 23 Aug. 1879 23 Aug. 1879 Cons. April 1878. 23 Aug. 1879 Cons. 21 Nov. 1879. 10 Sept. 1879 Cons. 5 Nov. 1878. 1863 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 [ 409 ] 1 894 Name ok Lodge. Richmond River Lodge. 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 Lodge St. George. Plioenix Lodge. EbFington Lodge. Ferrum Lodge. Royal Leek Lodge. Raphael Lodge. Ewell Lodge. Forest Lodge. Caxton Lodge. Weald of Kent Lodge. St, Maurice Lodge. Places of Meeting. Masonic Hall, Molesworth Street, Lismore (Rous), New South Wales 1879 Protestant Hall, Magellan Street, Lismore 1885 Erased z December 1888. Now No. 77 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Lodge Rooms, Newcastle (Northumberland), New South Wales 1879 Masonic Hall, Newcastle 1886 Erased s Decetnber 1888. Now No. 78 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Protestant Hall, William Street, Bathurst (Bathurst), New South Wales 1879 Masonic Hall, Russell Street, Bathurst 1883 Erased 5 December r888. Now No. 79 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Ebrington Masonic Hall, Phoenix Place, East Stonehouse, Devonshire 1880 Masonic Hall, Marton Road, Middlesbrough, Yorkshire 1880 Penrhyn Arms Hotel, BangOr, Carnarvonshire 1880 Masonic Hall, High Street, Bangor 1883 Masonic Hall, Gregory Street, Roma (Waldegrave, Maronoa District), Queensland 1879 Glyn Arms Hotel, Ewell, Surrey 1879 Sun Hotel, Market Place, Kingston-on-Thames, .1 1882 Town Hall, Market Place, Mansfleld, Nottinghamshire 1880 Swan Hotel, Church Street, Mansfield 1880 Town Hall, Market Place, 11 1887 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1880 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 10 Sept. 1879 Cons. 30 April 1879. Woolpack Hotel, High Street, Tentcrdcn, Kent 1880 Borough Auction Rooms, High Street, Tenterden 1882 White Lion Hotel, ,. n 1891 Working Men's Hall, PlymptOn, Devonshire 1880 10 Sept. 1879 Cons. I July 1879. 10 Sept. 1879 Cons. 7 May 1879. 10 Oet. 1879 Cons. 13 Jan. 1880. 10 Oct. 1879 Cons. 21 Jan. 1880. 7 Nov. 1879 Cons. 13 Feb. 1880. 7 Nov. 1879 Cons. 3 May 1879. 7 Nov. 1879 Cons. 20 Dec. 1879. 13 Nov. 1879 Cons. 9 Feb. i8?o. 1863 10 Jan. 1880 Cons. 3 June 1880. 14 Jan. 1880 Cons. 19 May 1880. 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 21 Nov. 1879 1853 Cons. 17 Jan. 1880. 1854 1855 52 [ 410 ] i894 Name of Lodge. 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1865 St. George's Lodge. South Rakaia Lodge. St. John's Lodge. Lodge Prudentia. Phoenix Lodge. Clapemont Lodge. Stpanton Lodge. Ppiopy Lodge. Western Polynesia Lodge. Lodge True Freemasonry. Seafopth Lodge. Places of Meeting. Lodge Rooms, Temuka (Geraldine), Canterbury, New Zealand 1878 Odd Fellows' Hall, Temuka 1885 Edward Lee's Room, n 1888 Masonic Rooms, n 1889 Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 29 on Reg. ofG.L. of New Zealand. Lodge Room, South Rakaia (Ashburton), Canterbury, New Zealand 1879 Masonic Hall, South Rakaia 1885 Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1S94. Now No. 31 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Lodge Room, AshhurtOn (Ashburton), Canterbury, New Zealand 1879 Masonic Hall, Tancred Street, Ashburton 1885 United with " Somerset Lodge,'^ No. 1811 [^24 February 1879] Holland Street, Negapatam (Tanjore,), Madras, India 1879 Lodge Room, Main Street, Simon's Town (Cape), Cape Colony, South Africa 1 880 Masonic Temple, Main Street, Simon's Town 1892 School Rooms, Park Road, Esher, Surrey i88o Crown Hotel, London Street, Chertsey, n 1885 Masonic Hall, Harewood House, 96 High Street, Croydon, .Sarrfj/ 1889 Freemasons' Hall, Upper Church St. , West Hartlepool, Durham 1880 Masonic Hall, Hart Road, West Hartlepool 1893 Priory School, Percy Park Road, Tynemouth, Nortluimberland 1 880 Freemasons' Hall, Grand Hotel, Sea Banks, Tynemouth 1882 Masonic Temple, Noumea, NewCaledonia,^?M/ra/(?«a 1880 Erased 5 December i888. Now No. 86 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Masonic Hall, Saidpur (Rangpur), Bengal, India 1880 Sherpore Club, Cabul, Afghanistan, Asia 1883 Lodge dosed on abandonment 0/ ttic Station. Warrant returned Erased 10 October 1881, Date of Warrant or Constitution. 25 Feb. 1880 Cons. II Dec. 1878. 25 Feb. 1880 Cons. 2 April 1879. 25 Feb. 1880 Cons. I July 1879. 25 Feb. 1880 Cons. 21 Feb. 1879. 25 Feb. 1880 Cons. 14 Jan. 1880. 25 Feb. 1880 Cons. 29 June 1880. 1 June 1880 Cons, n Dec. 1880. 1 June 1880 Cons. 29 Oct. 1880. 1 June 1880 Cons. 12 Aug. 1880. 2 June 1880 Cons. 19 Feb. 1880. 3 June 1880 Cons. 9 Jan. 1880. 1863 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 [ 411 ] i894 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 Name of Lodge. 1874 Umvoti Lodge. Unity Lodg-e. Sandown Lodge. Lodge Kumaon. Gostling Murray Lodge. For 8th Batt. Middlesex Rifles. St. Margaret's Lodge. United Service Lodge. Leehmere Lodge. Hercules Lodge. Flinders Lodge. Ashley Lodge. 1878 Northern Light Lodge. Places of Meeting. Hessle Lodge, GreytOWn (Umvoti), Natal, South Africa l88o Freemasons' Hall, Okes Stfeet, Greytown 1882 Freemasons' Hall, Union Stveet, Oldham, Lancashire 1880 Royal Pier Hotel, Esplanade, SandOWn, Isle of Wight, Hampshire 1880 Masonic Hall, Wilkes Road, Sandown 1881 Masonic Hall, NainiTal{Kumaon), N. W. Provinces, India 1880 Town Hall, High Street, HounslOW, Middlesex 1880 St. Mark's School, Brighton Road, Surbiton, Surrey 1880 Maple Hall, Maple Road, Surbiton 1887 Sussex Hall, Hanover Street, Kingston (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, West Indies 1880 Ceased to meet i88g. Warrant surrendered to District G.M. Masonic Hall, Mill St., Kidderminster, Worcestershire 1881 Bremner and Washer's Hall, Suffolk Street, Tapanui Tuapeka), Otago, New Zealand 1880 Hercules Masonic Hall, Tapanui 1882 Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 36 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Flinders Hotel, Port AugUSta (Frome), South Australia 1879 Church of England School Room, Port Augusta 1882 Erased 3 June 1885. Now No. 25 on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. Masonic Hall, North Street, Rangiora (Ashley), Catiterbury, New Zealand 1880 Masonic Hall, Percival Street, Rangiora 1883 Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 28 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Masonic Hall, Kawa Kawa (Bay of Islands), Auckland, New Zealand 1880 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 8 June 1880 Cons. I Sept. iS8o. 10 June 1880 Cons. 2 Aug. 1880. 18 June 1880 Cons. 22 Sept. t83o. 12 July 1880 Cons. 19 June t88o. 3 Aug. 1880 Cons. 23 Oct. 1880. 3 Aug. 1880 Cons. 9 Oct. 1880. 3 Aug. 1880 Cons. 6 Dec. 1880. 3 Aug. 1880 Cons. 23 Feb. 1881. 3 Aug. 1880 Cons. 20 May 1880. 3 Aug. 1880 Cons. 21 June 1879. 16 Aug. 1880 Cons. 12 Sept. 1878. 1863 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 16 Aug. 1880 Cons. 23 Sept. 1880. 1878 [ 412 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 1879 1879 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1889 Lord Warkworth Lodge. Goulburn Valley Lodge of St. George. Neptune Lodge. St. John's Lodge of Rochester. William of Wykeham Lodge. Chine Lodge. Torridge Lodge. St. John's Lodge. St. Hilda Lodge. St. John's Lodge. St. Andrew's Lodge. Assembly Rooms, Market Place, Alnwick, Northumberland 1881 (Consecration.) Green's Buildings, High Street, Amble, m 1881 Masonic Hall, n Amble 1889 Shire Hall, SheppaPton (Moira), Victoria 1878 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 73 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Sydney Hotel, William Street, Melbourne (Bourke), Victoria 1879 Masonic Hall, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 1881 Freemasons' Hall, Collins Street East, n 1886 Erased 5 Jnne i88g. Now No. 74 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. ShireHall, Mackay Street, Rochester (Bendigo), Victoria 1879 Masonic Hall, ir Rochester 1887 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 75 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoiia. Masonic Hall, Parchment St., Winchester, Hampshire 1880 Daish's Hotel, High Street, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, Hampshire l88l New Institute, Grange Road, Shanklin 1881 Masonic Hall, East Cliff Road, „ 1881; Market Hall, South St., Great Torpington, Devonshire 1881 Lodge Rooms, Kokstad (Griqualand East), Cape Colony, South Africa 1 88 1 George Hotel, High Street, Wallingford, Berkshire 1881 Temperance Hall, St. Mary Street, Wallingford 1888 Lamb Hotel, High Street, „ igg2 Club Hotel, Fitzherbert Street, Featherston {Wairarapa South), Wellington, New Zealand 1880 Royal Hotel, Wellington i88i Masonic Hall, Wakefield Street, „ 1882 Erased by District Grand Lodge ir January iSg^. Confirmed by Grand Lodge 6 September 1894. Now No. 37 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Good Templars' Hall, Bedford (Bedford), Cape Colony, South Africa 1881 Masonic Hall, Bedford 1892 16 Aug. 1880 Cons. T3 Jan. i88t. 16 Aug. 1880 Cons. 9 Oct. 1S78. 16 Aug. 1880 Con.s. 19 May 1879. 16 Aug. 1880 Cons. 12 June 1S79. 21 Sept. 1880 Cons. 13 Dec. 1880. 21 Sept. 1880 Cons. 7 March 1881. 14 Oet. 1880 Cons. 27 Jan. iSBi. 14 Oct. 1880 Cons. 6 July 1881. 17 Dec. 1880 Cons. 14 Feb. 1881. 17 Dee. 1880 Cons. 20 Aug. 1880. 17 Dee. 1880 Cons. 17 June 1881. 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 [ 413 ] Name of Lodge. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1899 1900 1901 Broad Arrow Lodge. St. Ambrose Lodge. Wallington Lodge. Lumley Lodge. Hersehel Lodge. Thames Lodge. Audley Lodge. Citadel Lodge. Central Australia Lodge. Wellesley Lodge. Montague Guest Lodge. Selwyn Lodge. Places of Meeting. Masonic Hall, Water Streel, St. George's (St. George's Island), Bermudas, West Indies l88l Baron's Coiut Hotel, Earl's ("ourt, Kensington, London i88i St. James's Hall, Piccadilly, i> 1892 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Public Hall, High Street, Station Hotel, 11 Carshalton, Surrey 1 88 1 Sutton, II 1894 Estate Offices, Roman Bank, SkegneSS, Lincolnshire 1881 The Library, Lumley Road, Skegness 1883 Estate Offices, Roman Bank, n 1886 Mechanics' Institute, Church Road, SlOUgh, Buckinghamshixe 1881 Liverd's Room, High Street, Slough 1881 Masonic Rooms, n n 1882 Masonic Hall, Leopold Institute, High Street, m 1888 Masonic Rooms, Water Side, Hcnley-On-ThameS, Oxfordshire 1 881 Town Hall, Market Square, Newport, Shropshire 1881 Victoria Hall, St. Mary's Street, Newport 1887 Town Hall, Market Square, n 1891 Railway Hotel, L. & N.W. Railway, HarrOW Station, Middlesex 1 88 1 Lodge Rooms, Mitchell Street, Bourke (Cowper), New South Wales 1879 Masonic Hall, corner of Glen and Merlin Streets, Bourke 1886 Erased s December 1888. Now No. 88 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Wellington College Hotel, near Wellington College Station, SandllUrst, Berkshire 1881 Inns of Court Hotel, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London 1881 East Dulwich Hotel, Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, London 1881 Montpelier Hotel, Choumert Road, Peckham, m 1894 17 Dee. 1880 Cons. 7 April 1881. 17 Dee. 1880 Cons. 21 Jan. 1881. 17 Dee. 1880 Con.s. 17 March iS8i. 15 Feb. 1881 Cons. 21 April iS8i. 15 Feb. 1881 Cons. 14 Sept. 1881. 15 Feb. 1881 Cons. 9 June t88i. 15 Feb. 1881 Cons. 20 May 1881. 15 Feb. 1881 Cons. 14 May i88r. 19 March 1881 Cons. II Nov. 1-879, 19 March 1881 Cons. 21 April 1881. 19 March 1881 Cons. 6 July i38i. 19 March 1881 Cons. 21 April iS8l. 1863 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 [ 414 ] 1 894 1902 1903 Name of Lodge. 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 St. Cuthbert Lodge. Prinee Edward of Saxe Weimar Lodge. Rangitikei Lodge. Prince Alfred Lodge. John Miller Lodge. Notre Dame Lodge. Cholmondeley Lodge. Carnarvon Lodge. Shadwell Gierke Lodge. Lodge de la Pre. Fooehow Lodge. Places of Meeting. King's Arms Hotel [Main Street], Bedlington, Northumberland l88l Lecture Hall, Soldiers' Institute, High Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire l88l Masonic Hall, Highbury Street, Portsmouth l88l Town Hall, High Street, Bulls (Rangitikei), Wellington, New Zealand i8So Masonic Hall, High Street, Bulls 1885 Erased by District Grand Lodge ii Jntivary 1894. Coitfirniedhy Grattd Lodge 6 Septejnber 1894. Now No. 38 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. School Hall, Railway Street, Petersham (Cumberland), New South Wales 1879 Town Hall, Petersham 1881 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 94 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Black Town, Royapooram, Madras (Chingleput), Madras, India 1880 Biden House, Royapooram, Madras 1884 Macartooms Rooms, Esplanade, Black Town, m 1886 No. 15 Popham's Broadway, 1. m 1887 Masonic Hall, Main Road, Royapooram, >i 1889 Masonic Hall, Bett's Cove, Newfoundland, North America 1879 Masonic Hall, Nipper's Harbour, Newfoundland 1886 M Little Bay Mines, n 1888 Commercial Hotel, Main Street, Frodsham, Cheshire 1881 Masonic Hall, Conservative Club, Main St., Frodsham 1893 Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire 1881 Ladbroke Hall, Ladbroke Grove Road, Notting Hill, London 1882 Masonic Hall, 8a Red I^ion Square, ,i 1883 Mark Masons' Hall, Great Queen Street, m 1890 Masonic Hall, Abingdon Street, Northampton, Northamptonshire 1 88 1 Masonic Hall, Princes Street, Northampton 1890 Date of Warrant or Constitution. The Parsonage, Masonic Hall, Fooehow (Fo-ki-en), China 1881 Fooehow 1883 19 March 1881 Cons. 23 June 1881. 19 March 1881 Cons. 25 May 1881. 19 March 1881 Cons. 25 Oct. 1880. 19 March 1881 Cons. 2 Nov. 1879. 19 March 1881 Cons. 22 Dec. 1880. 22 April 1881 Cons. 3 April 1879. 22 April 1881 Cons. 27 Aug. 18S1. 22 April 1881 Cons. 17 Oct. 1881. 22 April 1881 Cons. 25 Nov. 1882 22 April 1881 Cons. 26 July 1881. 25 May 1881 Cons. i8. March i88i. 1863 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 [ 415 ] 1 894 1913 1914 Name of Lodge. 1915 1916 1917 1920 1922 1923 Faith Lodge. St. Thomas' Lodge. Graystone Lodge. Conyers Lodge. Ionic Lodge. Lincoln Lodge. Malvern Lodge. Eupydiee Lodge. Victoria Lodge. Earl of Lathom Lodge. United Brethi-en Lodge. Places of Meeting. Lodge Rooms, SaharanpUP (Saharanpur), N. W. Provinces, India i S National Schools, Liverpool Road, KidsgrOVe, Staffordshire 1882 Harecastle Hotel, Liverpool Road, Kidsgrove 1882 Foresters' Hall, Oxford Street, Whltstable, Kent 1881 Lodge Room, Sydenham (Selwyn), Canterbury, New Zealand 1880 Masonic Hall, Sandyford Street, Sydenham 1885 Lodge Room, Leeston (Selwyn), Canterbnrv, New Zealand 1879 Masonic Hall, Leeston, Canterbury 1885 Lodge Rooms, Lincoln (Selwyn), Canterbury, New Zealand 1 880 Masonic Hall, Lincoln 1885 Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 33 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Lodge Room, Kowai PaSS (Selwyn), Canterbury, New Zealand 1 880 Schoolroom, Springfield (Selwyn), Canterbury 1883 Lodge Room, Kowai Pass 1888 Schoolroom, Springfield 1890 Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 35 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Oak Hotel, Grove Street, SurbitOn, Surrey 1881 Fox and Hounds Hotel, Portsmouth Street, Surbiton 1883 The Institute, Air Street, JamCStOWn (Victoria), Soicth Australia 18 Erased 3 June 1885. Now No. 26 on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. Greyhound Hotel, Streatham Common, Streatham, London 1881 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, " 1886 3 Strada Carmine, St. Julian's, Malta 1881 Beaconsfield House, Villa Gzira, Sliema, w 1883 Masonic Hall, 27 Strada Stretta, Valetta, ,1 1892 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 25 May 1881 Con-s. 3 Feb. 1881. 25 May 1881 Cons. 17 Sept. 1882, 25 May 1881 Cons. 28 July 1881. 25 May 1881 Cons. 15 Dec. 1880. 25 May 1881 Cons. 19 Dec. 1879. 25 May 1881 Cons. 20 March 1880. 25 May 1881 Cons. 15 Sept. 1880. 25 May 1881 Cons. 28 June 1881. 25 May 1881 Cons. 26 Aug. 1881. 12 July 1881 Cons. 29 Sept. 1881. 12 July 1881 Cons. 23 Dec. 1881. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 [ 4i6 ] Name of Lodge. 1924 1926 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 Wlekham Lodge. Lodge of Concord, Wayfarers' Lodge. Victory Lodge, Gallery Lodge. Mozart Lodge. Opotiki Lodge. Lodge of Fiji. Whitworth Lodge. Kingston Lodge. Lodge of Concord. Star of Africa Lodge. Places of Meeting. St. Peter's Hall, Wickham Park, Brockley, London l88i Lodge Room, Papanui (Selwyn), Cantei-bury, New Zealand 1 88 1 Masonic Hall, Papanui i886 Seceded, Erased hy District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 39 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Masonic Hall, 27 Strada Stretta, Valetta, Malta 1881 Lodge Rooms, Trafalgar Square, NelSOn (Waimea), Nelson, New Zealand 1 88 1 Masonic Hall, Collingwood Street, Nelson 1886 Seceded in 1892. Now No. 40 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Brixton Hall, Acre Lane, Brixton, Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, London 1881 II 1890 Masonic Hall, Harewood House, High Street, Croydon, Surrey 1 88 1 Greyhound Hotel, High Street, Croydon 1885 Settlers Hall, Opotiki (Whakatane), Auckland, New Zealand 1881 Opotiki Hotel, Opotiki 1885 Freemasons' Hall, n 1892 Lodge Room, Suva, Viti LeVU, Fiji, Australasia 1881 Good Templars' Hall, Suva, Viti Levu 1887 North Eastern Hotel, Clarence Street, Spennymoor, Durham 1881 Freemasons' Hall, Dundas Street, Spennymoor 1887 Sussex Hall, Hanover Street, Kingston (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, West Indies l88l The Institute, TerOWie (Kimberley), South Australia 1881 Erased-^ June 1885. Now No. 27 on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. Jagersfontein (Fauresmith), Orange Free State, Soiith Africa 1 88 1 247 Fauresmith Street, Jagersfontein 1882 Erased 'Zf^Juty 1886. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 12 July 1881 Cons. 22 Oct. 1881. 12 July 1881 Cons. 15 March 1881. 12 July 1881 Cons. 27 May 1881. 12 July 1881 Cons. 24 May i88t. 12 July 1881 Cons. 13 Aug. 1881. 12 July 1881 Cons. 12 Aug. 1881. 12 July 1881 Cons. 3 June 1881. 12 July 1881 Cons. 29 Sept, 1881. 8 Aug. 1881 Cons. 29 Sept. 1881. 8 Aug. 1881 Cons. 29 June 1881. 8 Aug. 1881 Cons. 15 July 1881. 8 Aug. 1881 Cons. 7 Sept. i88i. 1863 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 [ 417 ] i894 Name of Lodge. 1936 1937 1938 1839 1941 1942 1946 Star of Agra Lodge. Addington Lodge. St. Blaize Lodge. White Hope Lodge. Feilding Lodge. Saint Augustine's Lodge. Minerva Lodge. Parramatta St. George Lodge. Glebe Lodge. Cobap Lodge. Beaufort West Lodge. Places of Meeting. 13 Drummond Road, Agra (Agra), N. W. Provinces, India 1881 Alexandra Hotel, AddingtOn (Durban), Natal, South Africa 1 88 1 Masonic Hall, Point Road, Addington 1882 Lodge Room, Mossel Bay (Mossel Bay), Cape Colony, South Africa 1881 Masonic Hall, Mossel Bay 1892 Masonic Temple, Market Square, TaPkastad (Cradock), Cape Colony, South Africa 1882 Denbigh Hotel, Feilding (Oroua), Wellington, New Zealand 188 1 Masonic Hall, Feilding 1883 Foresters' Hall, Bowen Street, n 1886 Erased by District Grand Lodge i^ January 1894. Conjirmedhy Grand Lodge 6 Septemher 1894. Now No. 41 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Shrewsbury Arms Hotel, Market Street, Rugeley, Staffordshire 1882 Town Hall, Anson Street, Rugeley 1882 Shrewsbury Arms Hotel, Market Street, m 1885 Public Hall, High Street and Church Street, Fenton, Staffordshire 1882 Over John Ferguson's Printing Establishment, Church St., Parramatta (Cumberland), New South Wales 1881 Masonic Hall, George Street, Parramatta 1884 Erased 5 Deceviber 1888. Now No. 95 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales, Town Hall, St. John's Road, Glebe (Cumberland), New South Wales 1 88 1 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 96 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Court House Cobar (Robinson), New South Wales 1881 Masonic Hall, Cobar 1886 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 97 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Lodge Room, Beaufort West (Beaulbrt West), Cape Colony, South Africa 1882 53 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 8 Aug. 1881 Cons. 27 July 1881. 30 Aug. 1881 Cons. 7 Dec. 1881. 1 Sept. 1881 Cons. 8 Aug. i83i. 25 Oct. 1881 Cons. 13 March 1882. 25 Oet. 1881 Cons. 29 July 1S81. 25 Oct. 1881 Cons, II April 1882. 25 Oet. 1881 CoHb. 22 Feb. 1882. 25 Oet. 1881 Cons. 10 May 1881. 25 Oet. 1881 Cons. 18 July i88t. 25 Oct. 1881 Cons. 12 July 1881. 25 Oct. 1881 Cons, s April 1882. 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 [ 4i8 ] 1894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 1947 Stanford Lodge. Town Hall, Church Road, Hove, near Brighton, Sussex 1882 3 Nov. 1881 Cons. 15 Dec. 1882. 1947 1948 Hardman Lodge. Queen's Arms, Burnley Road, Rawtenstall, Lancashire 1882 3 Nov. 1881 Cons. 2 March 1882. 1948 1949 Brixton Lodge. Brixton Hall, Acre Lane, Brixton, London 1882 Horns Tavern, Kennington Park Road, Kennington, n 1890 16 Nov. 1881 Cons. 7 Jan. 1882. 1949 1950 Southgate Lodge. Railway Hotel, Friern Barnet Road, New Southgate, London 1882 16 Nov. 1881 Cons. 19 Jan. 1882. 1950 1951 Union Lodge. Masonic Hall, Municipal Buildings, Tien-tsin (Pe-che-Iee), Chi?!a 1881 16 Nov. 1881 Cons. 7 Oct. 1S81. 1951 1952 High Peak Lodge. Town Hall, Market Street, Chapel-en-Ie-Frith, Derbyshire 1882 16 Nov. 1881 Cons. 13 Feb. 1882. 1952 1953 Lodge Ppudenee and Industry. Masonic Hall, George Hotel, Fore Street, Chard, Somersetshire 1882 23 Nov. 1881 Cons. 19 April 1882. 1953 1954 Moleswopth Lodge. Lee's Assembly Rooms, Molesworth St., Wadebridge, Cornwall 1883 Bonney's Assembly Rooms, n Wadebridge 1S88 Lee's I. „ „ 1891 Masonic Hall, Trevanion Road, 1, 1892 9 Feb. 1882 Cons. 8 Feb. 1883. 1964 1955 Freetown Lodge. Lodge Rooms, Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Coast of Africa 18S2 Masonic Hall, Freetown 1892 9 Feb. 1882 1955 Reunion Lodge. Lodge Rooms, Blenheim (Marlborough), Marlborough, New Zealand 1S82 Erased 26 Sepie^nber 1884. 9 Feb. 1882 Cons. 26 June 1882. 1956 1957 Grove Lodge. Norbury Church Schools, Buxton Road, Hazel Grove, Cheshire 1882 Cock Inn, London Road, Hazel Grove 1882 9 Feb. 1882 Cons. 22 May 1882. 1957 1958 Hundred of Bosmere Lodge. Lodge of St. George, 1894. Masonic Hall, Waterloo Road, Havant, Hampshire 1882 Masonic Hall, St. George's Square, PortSea, n 1891 9 Feb. 1882 Cons. 29 Aug. 1882. 1958 Phoenix Lodge. Masonic Hall, Akaroa (Akaroa), Canterbury, New Zealand 1881 Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 43 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. 9 Feb. 1882 Cons. 16 Nov. i88t. 1959 [ 419 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 1960 Stewart Lodge. Rawal Pindi and Murree (Rawal Pindi), Punjab, India 1881 Special permission to meet in Murree in Summer. Masonic Hall, Rawal Pindi 1881 Osiris Hall, Murree 1882 Masonic Hall, Rawal Pindi 1893 Jehanger's Rooms, Murree 1893 Osiris Hall, „ 1894 9 Feb. 1882 Cons. 27 Dec. 1881. 1960 Punjab Northern Lodge. Jlielum (Rawal Pindi), Punjab, India 1882 9 Feb. 1882 1961 Jhelum Lodge, 1883. Closed on removal of large Government Engineering Works, which were formerly there. Last Meeting 18 Inly 1886. Erased in 1887. Cons. 2 Jan. 1882. 1962 London Rifle Brigade Lodge. Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, London 1882 8 March 1882 Cons. Ti May 1882. 1962 1963 Duke of Albany Lodge. Masonic Hall, Shaftesbury Park, Battersea, London 1882 Albert Palace, Battersea Park, „ 1885 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, n 1888 8 March 1882 Cons. 4 May 18S2. 1963 1964 Clerkenwell Lodge. Holborn Viaduct Hotel, Holborn, London 1882 8 March 1882 Cons. 15 April 1882. 1964 1965 Eastes Lodge. Bell Hotel, High Street, Bromley, ICent 1882 Parish Rooms, West Street, Bromley 1882 23 March 1882 Cons. 17 May 1882. 1965 1966 Lodge of Fidelity and Sincerity. Town Hall, Fore Street, Wellington, Somersetshire 1882 Masonic Hall, Mantle Street, Wellington 1882 28 March 1882 Cons. 13 June 1882. 1966 1967 Beacon Court Lodge. Military Gymnasium, Wood St., OldBromptOn, Kent 1882 Ghuznee Fort Hotel, Arden Street, Gillingham, New Brompton 1882 4 April 1882 Cons. 28 June 1882. 1967 Duke of Manchester Lodge. Masonic Hall, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria 1881 Freemasons' Hall, Collins Street East, Melbourne 1886 Erased s Iiine i88g. Now No. 75 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 4 May 1882 Cons. 14 Aug. 1881. 1968 1969 Waldeek Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1882 4 May 1882 Cons. 10 July 1882. 1969 1970 Ha,drian Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Fowler St., South Shields, Durham 1882 n Ingham Street, South Shields 1885 4 May 1882 Cons. 15 Sept. 1882. 1970 1971 Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge. Masonic Hall, Barrack Road [now Grosvenor Road], Aldershot, Hamphire 1882 10 June 1882 Cons. 22 Aug. 1882. 1971 [ 420 ] i894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 Urania Lodge, Lodge Rooms, WiUowmore (Willowmore), Cape Colony, South Africa 1882 Masonic Temple, Willowmore 1885 Ceased to work. Warrant retur?ied 1894. 21 June 1882 Cons. 11 Nov. 1882. 1972 1973 Saye and Sele Lodge. Essenden House, Picardy Road, Belvedere, Ketit 1882 Masonic Rooms, Royal Alfred Inscitute, Belvedere Park, Belvedere 1884 21 June 1882 Cons. 26 July 1882. 1973 1974 St. Mary Abbott's Lodge. Town Hall, High Street, Kensington, London 1882 Bailey's Hotel, Gloucester Road, Kensington, n 1889 25 July 1882 Cons. 10 Aug. 1882. 1974 1975 Charles Egan Lodge. Court House, Elliott Road, Umtata (Tembuland, now Trans Kei Territory), Cape ColOny, South Africa 1882 Masonic Hall, Freer Street, Umtata 1883 18 Aug. 1882 Cons. Aug. 1882. 1975 1976 Umlazi Lodge. Palmiet Hotel, PinetOWn (Durban), Natal, .$"1"'//; Africa 1883 Masonic Hall, Pinetown 1892 New Town Hall, Bellalr, Natal 1894 30 Aug. 1882 Cons. 3 Jan. 1883. 1976 1977 Blaekwater Lodge. Public Hall, High Street, Maldon, Essex 1883 White Horse Hotel, High Street, Maldon 1883 Blue Boar Hotel, Silver Street, n 1883 30 Sept. 1882 Cons. 20 June 1883. 1977 1978 St. George Lodge. Masonic Hall, Ellie Street, Herberton (Cardwell, North Kennedy), Queensland 1882 30 Sept. 1882 Cons. 15 April 18S2. 1978 Lodge of Fidelity. Masonic Hall, York Street, Sydney (Cumberland), New South Wales 1882 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. loi on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. 21 Oet. 1882 Cons. 16 March 1882. 1979 Prince of Wales' Lodge. Eaton's Hotel, Bridge Street, Muswellbrook (Durham), New South Wales 1882 Erased ^ December 1888. Now No. 102 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. 21 Oet. 1882 Cons. II Jan. 1882. 1980 1981 Arnold Lodge. Bell Hotel, Bell Road, EaSt Molesey, Surrey 1882 Castle Hotel, Bridge Road, East Molesey 1888 21 Oet. 1882 Cons. 20 Dec. 1882. 1981 1982 Greenwood Lodge. Town Hall, Ashley Road, Epsom, Surrey 1883 Spread Eagle Hotel, High Street, Epsom 1883 Public Hall, High Street, „ 1883 11 Hill Road, SuttOn, Surrey 1891 21 Oet. 1882 Cons. 28 July 1883. 1982 1983 Martyn Lodge. Town Hall, Market Place, Southwold, Suffolk 1882 21 Oet. 1882 Cons. 18 Dec. 1882. 1983 L 421 ] 1894 Name of Lodge. 1984 Earl of Clapendon Lodge. 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Lodge Light in Assam. Honor- Oak Lodge. Strand Lodge. Mawddaeh Lodge. Stirling Lodge. Hampshire Lodge of Emulation. An Installed Masters' Lodge. Agrieola Lodge. Tennant Lodge. Wolseley Lodge. Malwa Lodge. Rising Star Lodge. 1996 Priory Lodge of Aeton. Places of Meeting. Town Hall, Watford, Hertfordshire 1882 Freemasons' Hall, High Street, Watford 1883 Lodge Room, Sibsagur (Assam), Bengal, India 18 Moore Park Hotel, Wood Vale, Honor Oak, London 1883 White Swan Hotel, Westow Hill, Upper Norwood, n 1886 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Ashley's Hotel, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, The Criterion, Piccadilly, London 1883 „ 1884 St. Ann's Buildings, High St., BarmOUth, Merionethshire 1883 Masonic Hall, Llyndy, Barmouth 1885 Market Hall, Main Street, Cleator Moor, Cumberland 1883 Freemasons' Hall, 79 Commercial Road, Landport, Hampshire 1883 Queen's Hotel, Micklegate, Private Room, 3 Peter Lane, Masonic Hall, Castlegate, York, Yorkihire 18 York 18 Masonic Hall, 9 Working St., Cardiff, Glamorganshire 1883 Town Hall, King Street, Manchester, Lancashire 1883 School Rooms, Corporation Street, Manchester 1883 Town Hall Buildings, 74a King Street, n ' 1884 Trevelyan Hotel, Corporation Street, n 1892 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street, 11 1894 Masonic Hall, MhOW (Indore), Central Provinces, India 1882 Masonic Hall, In Cantonments, Rawal Pindi (Rawal Pindi), Punjab, India 1883 Masonic Hall, West Ridge, Rawal Pindi 1887 United with " Mayo Lodge," No. 1413 \of '2-1 July 1872] in 1890. Royal Oak Assembly Rooms, High St., Acton, London 1883 Berrymead Priory, High Street, Acton, n 1888 30 Oet. 1882 Cons. 13 Dec. 1S82. 30 Oet. 1882 Cons. 30 March 1S83. 14 Dee. 1882 Cons. 3 Feb. 1883. 14 Dee. 1882 Cons. 14 Feb. 1883. 14 Dee. 1882 Cons. 6 M.-irch 1883. 6 Jan. 1883 Cons. 7 April 1883 20 Feb. 1883 Cons. T2 April 1883. 20 Feb. 1883 Cons. 10 Oct. 1883. 20 Feb. 1883 Cons. 28 March 1883. 7 Mareh 1883 Cons. Oct. 1882. 7 Mareh 1883 Cons. 3 Jan. 1883. 24 Mareh 1883 Cons. 3 May 1883. 1863 6 Jan. 1883 1989 Cons. 21 March 1883. 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 [ 422 ] 1894 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Name of Lodge. 2005 2006 2007 John Carpenter Lodge. Lodge Light in Tirhoot. Devon Lodge. Earl of Mornington Lodge. Narberth Lodge. Princess Royal Lodge. Albion Lodge. St. George's Lodge. Brooke Lodge. Tilbury Lodge. Amberley Lodge. Hiram Lodge. Places of Meeting. The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, LondOn 1883 The Institute, Somastipore (Bihar), Bengal, India 1883 Freemasons' Hall, MoZUfferpore (Bihar), Bengal 1893 No. 40 Bungalow, Jullunder (Trans-Sutlej States), Punjab, India 18 Masonic Hall, 33 Golden Square, London 1883 II 8a Red Lion Square, n 1885 Holborn Restaurant, Holborn, n 1887 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, n 1892 Rutzen Hotel, Market Street, Narberth, Pe?nbrokeshire 1883 Masonic Rooms, n Narberth 1891 Masonic Hall, Wallaroo (Daly), South Australia 1882 Erased 3 lune 1885. Now No. 29 on Reg. of G.L. of South Australia. Odd Fellows' Hall, DeVOnport (Waitemata), Auckland, New Zealand 1883 Seceded viqo. Now No. 45 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Masonic Temple, QueenStOWn (Queenstown), Cape Colony, South Africa 1883 United witli Lodge " Star in the East," No. 918 \_Nij. 1220 of 2 July i8f52], in 1894. Royal Forest Hotel, Epping Forest, Chingford, Essex 18 Engineers' Office, Works, Tilbury DockS, Essex 1884 King's Arms Hotel, High Street, Grays, n 1885 Tilbury Hotel, Tilbury DOCkS 1886 Royal Hotel, Riverside, Purfleet, Essex 1892 Lodge Rooms, Amberley (Ashley), Canterbury, New Zealand 1882 Church Schoolroom, Amberley 1885 Masonic Hall, ' „ 1892 Commercial Hotel, Main South Road, Green Island (Taieri), Otago, New Zealand 1883 St. Peter's Schoolroom, Cargill Road, Caversham (Taieri), Otago 1885 MasonicHall, Cargill Road, South Dunedin n n 1888 Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 46 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 24 March 1883 Cons. II May 1883. 12 April 1883 Cons. 6 Aug. 1883. 31 May 1883 Cons. 12 Feb. 1883. 2 June 1883 Cons. 19 Dec. 1883. 31 May 1883 Cons. 19 Dec. 1883. 8 June 1883 Cons. 7 July 1882. 8 June 1883 Cons. 30 April 1883. 15 June 1883 Cons. 17 Oct. 1S83. 28 June 1883 Cons. 6 May 1884. 28 June 1883 Cons. i6 Jan. 1884. 24 July 1883 Cons. 30 May 1882. 24 July 1883 Cons, z Aug. 1883. 1863 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 [ 423 ] i894 . Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 Victoria Lodge. Town Hall, Burwood Road, Hawthorn (Bourke), Victoria 1882 St. Columb's School, Burwood Road, Hawthorn 1885 Erased 5 Jwie 1889. Now No. 82 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 24 July 1883 Cons. 18 July 1882. 2009 Warpion's Lodge. Union Club Hotel, Colac (Polwarth), Victoria 1882 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No, 83 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 24 July 1883 Cons. 22 Sept. 1S82. 2010 Marma Lodge. Club Hotel, Murtoa (Borung), Victoria 1882 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 84 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 24 July 1883 Cons. 7 Marcli 1882. 2011 2012 Chiswiek Lodge. Bolton Hotel, Duke's Road, Chiswiek, London 1883 Star and Garter Hotel, Kew Riidge, Ealing, n 1886 Criterion Restaurant, Piccadilly, n 1894 24 July 1883 Cons. 16 Nov. 1883. 2012 2013 Star of Southern China Lodge. Lodge Room, Canton (Quang-tung), China 1883 16 Aug. 1883 Cons. 3 March 1883. 2013 Alplia Lodge. Church School Rooms, Cambridge (Waikato), Auckland, New Zealand 1883 Seceded in 1892. Now No. 81 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. 16 Aug. 1883 Cons. II June 1883. 2014 2015 Tokio Lodge. Private House, II YamatoYashiki, Tokio (Niphon),yfl/rtK 1883 Private l^ooms, Hikawa Cho Akasaka, TOkio 1885 Geographical Society's Hall, 19 Nishi Konya Cho, n 1886 16 Aug. 1883 Cons. 28 April 1883. 2015 2016 Shalden Lodge. Crown Hotel, High Street, Alton, Hampshire 1883 Assembly Rooms, 11 Alton 1885 19 Oct. 1883 Cons. 12 Dec. 1883. 2016 2017 Duke of Portland Lodge. Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire 1883 19 Oet. 1883 Cons. 20 Dec. 1883. 2017 2018 Lodge Nipal. Freemasons' Hall, Gorakhpur (Allahabad), N. W. Provinces, India 1883 19 Oet. 1883 Cons. 25 Aug. 1883. 2018 2019 Crook Lodge. Private Room, Queen Street, CrOOk, Durham 1884 Freemasons' Hall, Church Street, Crook 1890 19 Oet. 1883 Cons. 5 March 1884. 2019 2020 St. Botolph's Lodge. The Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, London 1884 14 Nov. 1883 Cons. 4 Jan. 1884. 2020 [ 424 J 1894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2021 Queen's Westminster Lodge. Masonic Hall, 8a Red Lion Square, London 1883 Holborn Restaurant, Ilolborn, n 1888 14 Nov. 1883 Cons. 21 Dec. 1883. 2021 2022 Haven Lodge. Lyric Hall, Broadway, Ealing, London 1884 Public Buildings, Uxbridge Road, Ealing, n 1894 14 Nov. 1883 Cons. 8 Jan. 1884. 2022 Royal Albert Lodge. Lodge Room, Eslc Bank (Cook), New South Walts 1882 Protestant Hall, Esk Bank 1886 Erased 5 December 1888. Joined No. 638 Scotland and No. 621 England in forming and now is No. 8 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. 22 Dee. 1883 Cons. I June 1882. 2023 2024 Raymond Thrupp Lodge. Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court Bridge, Hampton Court, Middlesex 1884 22 Dee. 1883 Cons. 4 March 1884. 2024 2025 Lodge of St. George. St. George's Hall, Emma Place, East Stonehouse, Devonshire 1884 Freemasons' Hall, i Princess Square, Plymouth, m 1891 22 Dee. 1883 Cons. 23 April 1884. 2025 Rylstone Prince of Wales' Lodge. Temperance Hall, Cox Street, Rylstone (Roxburgh), New South Wales 1 883 Lapsed. Erased 5 December 1888. 22 Dee. 1883 Cons. 21 March 1883. 2026 Orient Lodge. Town Hall, King Street, NewtOWn (Cumberland), New South Wales 1882 Erased =^ December '18S8. Became No. no on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales, but has since united with No. 10. 22 Dee. 1883 Cons. 5 Oct. 1882. 2027 2028 Granite Lodge. Narborough Hotel, Station Street, NarborOUgh, Leicestershire 1884 22 Dee. 1883 Cons. 14 Feb. 1884. 2028 2029 Lodge of King Solomon. Masonic Hall, 33 Golden Square, London 1884 II • 8a Red Lion Square, n 1884 Mark Masons' Hall, Great Queen Street, n 1894 31 Jan. 1884 Cons. 31 May 1884. 2029 2030 Abbey Lodge. The Town Hall, Caxton Street, Westminster, London 1884 31 Jan. 1884 Cons. ID March 1884. 2030 2031 Carnatie Lodge. Old Masonic Hall, Mount Road, Madras (Cliingleput), Madras, India 1883 31 Jan. 1884 Cons. 27 Oct. 1883. 2031 [ 425 ] 1 894 2032* 2033 2034 2035 Name of Lodge. 2036 Richmond Lodge. University of London Lodge. Masefleld Lodge. Beaumont Lodge. Waitohi Lodge. Places of Meeting. Station Hotel, Kew Road, Richmond, London iS Greyhound Hotel, George Street, Richmond, n l8 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1884 Moseley and Balsall Heath Institute, Alcester Road, Moseley, Worcestershire 1S84 Royal Hotel, Dean Road, George Inn, George Street, Masonic Hall, Shelley Road, Kipkburton, Yorkshire 1884 Kirkburton 1887 II i88q 2037 2038 Lodge Prinsep. Portcullis Lodge. 2039 LondondCFry Lodge. 2041 2042 2043 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 Warde Lodge. West Kent Volunteer Lodge. Apollo Lodge. Kendriek Lodge. Seymour Lodge. George Hotel, High Street, Picton (Marlborough), Marlborough, New Zealand 1884 Masonic Hall, Devon Street, Picton 1889 17 Tel Kalghat Road, HoWPah (Calcutta), Bengal, India 1884 25 M II Howrah 1890 Town Hall, Langport, Somersetshire 1884 Langport Arms Hotel, Langport 1884 St. Mary's Chapel, The Hill, " 1891 Assembly Hall, Fawcett Street, Sunderland, Durham 1884 Young Men's Christian Association Rooms, John Street, Sunderland 1884 Masonic Hall, Park Terrace, Toward Road, n 1887 Crown Hotel, London Road, Westcrham, Kent 1884 Warrant never taken m>. Cancelled 7 January 18S8. Masonic Hall, Dartford Road, Wilmington, Kent 18 M Mount Pleasant, PlumStCad, 11 iS Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, Lancashire 1884 Masonic Hall, Greyfriars Road, Reading, Berkshire 1884 Royal Hotel, Seymour (AngleseyandDalhousie), Victoria 1883 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 87 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 31 Jan. 1884 Cons. 24 March 1884. 31 Jan. 1884 Cons. 14 May 1884. 15 Feb. 1884 Cons. 6 May 1884. 15 Feb. 1884 Cons. 8 May 1884. 14 March 1884 Cons. 15 Sept. 1884. 14 March 1884 Cons. i3 June 1884. 14 March 1884 Cons. I July 1884. 14 March 1884 Cons. 30 Aug. 18B4. 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 14 March 1884 14 March 1884 Cons. 21 March 1884. 14 March 1884 Cons. 30 June 1884. 14 March 1884 Cons. 2 Oct. 1884. 14 March 1884 Cons. 21 June 18S3. 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 54 [ 426 ] i894 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 Name of Lodge. 2054 Wharton Lodge. Robinson Lodge. Beekenham Lodge. Henry Levander Lodge. Elian Vannin Lodge. St. Trinian's Lodge. Springsure Lodge. Douglas Lodge. Ngamotu Lodge. Wilson-Iles Lodge. Rose of Sharon Lodge. Alexandra Lodge. Mount Victoria Lodge. Places of Meeting. White Hart Hotel, Church End, Willesden, London i8 Freemasons' Hall, Brewer .Street, Maidstone, Kent 1884 Bell Hotel, Week Street, Maidstone 1886 Freemasons' Hall, Brewer Street, n 1892 Public Hall, Bromley Road, Beekenham, London 18 Railway Hotel, L. & N.W. Railway, HaPPOW Station, Middlesex 18 Masonic Hall, Loch Parade, Douglas, Isle of Man 18 Masonic Hall, Loch Parade, Tio\x.%[3&, Isle of Man 1884 Lodge Room, SprlngSUPe (Denison, Leichhardt District), Queensland 1 883 Divisional Hall, Springsure 1886 Masonic Hall, Grant Street, Port Douglas (Nares, Cook District), Queensland 1883 Masonic Hall, Robe Street, New Plymouth (Taranaki), Tai-anaki, New Zealand 18 Erased by District Grand Lodge 11 January 1894. Conjirmed by Grand Lodge 6 Septevtber 1894. Now No. 48 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Four Swans Hotel, High Street, Waltham CroSS, Hertfordshire 1884 Swan Hotel, High Street, RiekmanSWOFth, m 1887 Freemasons' Hall, York Street, Sydney (Cumberland), New South Wales 1883 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 116 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Masonic Rooms, Junee (Clarendon), New South Wales 1884 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. u; on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Lodge Rooms, Mount Victoria (Cook), New South Wales 1884 Masonic Rooms, Blue Mountains, Mount Victoria 1887 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 118 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 24 April 1884 Cons. 29 July 1884. 24 April 1884 Cons. 7 Nov. 18B4. 24 April 1884 Cons. 22 July 1884. 24 April 1884 Cons. 21 July 1884. 22 May 1884 Cons. I Nov. 1884. 22 May 1884 Cons. 3 Nov. 1884. 22 May 1884 Cons. 6 July 1883. 22 May 1884 Cons. 20 Nov. 1883. 22 May 1884 Cons. 22 Jan. 1884. 22 May 1884 Cons. 23 July 1884. 2 Aug. 1884 Cons. 17 Sept. 18S3. 2 Aug. 1884 Cons. 3 March 1884. 2 Aug. 1884 Cons. 2 Feb. 1884. 1863 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 [ 427 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Rose Lodge. 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2067 2068 2069 St. Mark's Lodge. La France Lodge. Lodge Fidelity. Lodge Victory. St. Osyth's Priory Lodge. Smith Child Lodge. Cosmopolitan Lodge. Morning Star of Stawell Lodge. Prince Leopold Lodge. Portsmouth Temperance Lodge. Lodge of Prudence. Lodge of Peace. Places of Meeting. Masonic Hall, Moore Street, Vegetable Creek [now Emmaville] (Gough), New South Wales 1883 Erased 5 Decninber 1888. Now No. 119 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. White Hart Hotel, Belvedere Road, Carterton (Wairarapa), Wellington, New Zealand 18 Institute Rooms, Library Street, Carterton 18 Masonic Hall, m m 18 Erased by District Grand Lodge 11 January 1894. Confirmed by Grand Lodge 6 September 1894. Now No. 53 on Reg. of G. L. of New Zealand. RegentMasonicHall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, London 1884 Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, Ranikhet (Almora), Bengal, India iS Ranikhet 18 Masonic Hall, Futchgurh (Allahabad), N. W. Provinces, India 1 8 Public Hall, Pier Avenue, Clacton-On-Sea, Essex iS Royal Hotel, n Clacton-on-Sea iS Town Hall, High Street, Tunstall, Staffordshire 1884 Grammar School, Queenseliff (Grant), Victoria 1883 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 96 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Town Hall Hotel, Stawell (Borung), Victoria 1883 Erased s J'une 1889. Now No. 95 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Masonic Hall, Duke Street, Gympie (March), Queensland 1884 Soldiers' Institute, High Street, Portsmouth. Hampshire 1885 Speedwell Hotel, Commercial Road, Landport, n 1890 Masonic Hall, Great George Street, Leeds, Yorkshire 18 House of Bro. Hopkins, Armidale Street, Uralla (Sandon), New South Wales 1882 Masonic Hall, Maitland Street, Uralla 1884 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 120 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 5 Aug. 1884 Cons. 26 Sept. 1S83. 5 Aug. 1884 Cons. 13 May 1884. 5 Aug. 1884 Cons. 20 Oct. 1884. 5 Aug. 1884 Cons. 9 May 1884. 5 Aug. 1884 Cons, z June 1384. 5 Aug. 1884 Cons. IT Nov. 1884. 5 Aug. 1884 Cons. 8 Oct. 1884. 16 Oct. 1884 Cons. 13 Sept. 1883. 16 Oct. 1884 Cons. 17 Aug. 1883. 16 Oct. 1884 Cons. 13 Aug. i8?4. 16 Oct. 1884 Cons, t6 Feb. 1885. 16 Oct. 1884 Cons. 8 Nov. 1884. 4 Nov. 1884 Cons. 7 Feb. 1882. 1863 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 [ 428 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 Lodge of Emulation. Freemasons' Hall, York Street, Sydney (Citmberland), New South Wales 1883 Erased 5 December 188B. Now No. 121 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. 4 Nov. 1884 Cons. 20 Dec, 1883. 2071 2072 Zelandla Lodge. Masonic Hall, WhangaPOa (Whangaroa), Auckland, New Zealand 1884 4 Nov. 1884 Cons. 15 May 1884. 2072 2073 Duke of Albany Lodge. Odd Fellows' Hall, Helcnsville (Waitemata), Auckland, Nrio Zealand 1884 4 Nov. 1884 Cons. 2 Sept. 1884. 2073 2074 St. ClaiF Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, 79 Commercial Road, LandpOFt, Hampshire 1885 11 Nov. 1884 Cons. 28 April 1885. 2074 Lodge Moorabin. Masonic Rooms, Wilcannia (Young), New South Wales 1883 Erased 5 December 188S. Now No. 122 on Reg. of G.I,, of New South Wales. 28 Nov. 1884 Con.s. 31 March 1883. 2075 2076 Quatuop CoFonati Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1886 28 Nov. 1884 Cons. 12 Jan. 1886. 2076 2077 Epping Lodge. Cock Hotel, High Street, Epping, Essex 1885 Royal Forest Hotel, Epping Forest, ChingfOPd 1892 28 Nov. 1884 Cons. Jan. 1885. 2077 2078 St. Lawrence Lodge. Mission House, Winterton'Road, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire 1885 Masonic Hall, Manley Street, Scunthorpe 1886 28 Nov. 1884 Cons. 10 Feb. 1B85. 2078 Romsey Lodge. Court House, Romsey (Bourke), Victoria 1883 Mechanics' Institute, Romsey 1887 Erased ^ June 1889. Now No. 97 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 8 Dee. 1884 Cons. II Dec. 1883. 2079 Clarke Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne (Bourke), Victoria 1885 Freemasons' Hall, Collins Street East, Melbourne 1886 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 98 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 3 Dee. 1884 Cons. sMayiS&5. 2080 2081 Lodge of the Golden Fleeee. Freemasons' Hall, Halford St., LeieestOF, Leicestershire 1885 3 Dee. 1884 Cons. 16 Feb. 1885. 2081 2082 Phoenix Lodge of Namaqualand. Lodge Room, O'oklep (Namaqualand), Cape Colony, South Africa 1885 School Room, O'okiep 1892 31 Jan. 1885 Cons. 28 Aug. 1885. • 2082 Ballina Lodge. Masonic Hall, Ballina (Rous), New South Wales 1882 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 112 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. 31 Jan. 1885 Cons. I July 1882. 2083 [ 429 ] 1 894 2084 Name of Lodge. 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 Biggarsberg Unity Lodge. Tweed Lodge. Daere Lodge. Eleetrie Lodge. Cango Lodge. Frere Lodge. Hammersmith Lodge, Castleberg Lodge. Frontier Lodge. 2094 2095 -Lodge Star of Rajpootana. Elthorne & Middlesex Lodge. Caterham Lodge. Places of Meeting. Masonic Temple, Dundee (Klip Rivei), Natal, . South Africa iS Junction Hotel, Tumbulgum (Tweed River, Rous), New South Wales 1885 Masonic Hall, Tumbulgum 1886 Erased 5 Decettiher 1888. Now No. 136 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Assembly Rooms, High St., Stevenage, Heilfordshire 1885 Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court Bridge, Hampton Court, Middlesex 1 885 Lodge Room, OudtShOOrn (Oudtshoorn), Cape Colony, South Africa 1885 Public Offices, Oudtshoorn 1892 Lodge Room, Aliwal North (Aliwal North), Cape Colony, South Africa 1884 Masonic 11 all. Queen's Terrace, Aliwal North 1889 Vestry Hall, Broadway, Hammersmith, London 1885 Ashfield Hotel, Duke Street, Settle, Yorkshire iS Court House, Robinson Street, Cathcart (Queenstown), Cape Colony, South Africa 1885 Perk's Buildings, Brownlee Street, Cathcart 1885 BtU's Store, Main Street, n 1890 Perk's Buildings, Brownlee Street, 11 1890 Masonic Hall, Market Square, 11 1891 Private Bungalow, NuSSeerabad [Nasirabad] (Khandeish), Bombay, India iS Srased. " Extinct.'* Warrant returned 15 Juty 1891. Town Hall, High Street, HounslOW, Middlesex 1885 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, London 1892 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Drill Hall, Stafford Road, Masonic Hall, Stafford Road, Caterham, Surrey 1885 Caterham 1890 31 Jan. 1885 Cons. 16 June 1885. 31 Jan. 1885 Cons. 7 April 1885. 31 Jan. 1885 Cons. 27 June 1885. 31 Jan. 1885 Cons. 9 May 1885. 31 Jan. 1885 Cons. 8 April 1885. 6 Feb. 1885 Cons. 4 Dec. 1884. 14 March 1885 Cons. 9 April 1885. 14 March 1885 Cons. II May 1865. 14 March 1885 Cons. 12 June 1885. 14 March 1885 Con.s. 12 Feb. 1885. 6 April 1885 Cons. II July 1885. 6 April 1885 Cons. 23 May 1885. 1863 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 [ 430 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 2096 2097 2098 2099 2101 2104 2105 2107 George Price Lodge. Newcastle Lodge. Hariesden Lodge. Ethelbert Lodge. Cama Lodge, Bramston Beach Lodge. Lodge of St. John. Bungendore Lodge of Australia. Whitwell Lodge. Cama Lodge. Elopupa Lodge. Etheldreda Lodge. Places of Meeting. Greyhound Hotel, High Street, Public Hall, George Street, Croydon, Surrey 1885 Croydon 1892 Masonic Temple, Scott Street, Newcastle (Klip River), Natal, South Africa 1885 National Schools, Station Road, Hariesden, London 1885 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Victoria Hotel, High Street, Masonic Rooms, Beach Street, Heme Bay, Kent 1885 Heme Bay 1886 Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court Bridge, Hampton Court, Middlesex 1885 Lodge never constiticicd under this Warranty ■which was cancelled July 1885. See No. 2105. Public Hall, Bridge Street, Masonic Hall, South Street, Godalming, Surrey 1885 Godalming 1886 Volunteer Hall, Gordon Road, Mosgiel (Taieri), Otago, New Zealand 1885 Oddfellows' Hall, Gordon Road, Mosgiel 1886 Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 84 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. MasonicRooms, Bungendore(Murray),A'rai5«/rt Wales iS Erased 5 December 1888. Became No. 137 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales, but was closed prior to 1893. Freemasons' Hall, Wellington St., StOCkton-On-TeCS, Durham 1885 Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court Bridge, Hampton Court, Middlesex 1885 Greyhound Hotel, Park Gate, Hampton Court 1890 Elopura, North Borneo, Borneo, East indies 1885 Lodge never constitued, the petitioners having left before the Lodge could be opened. Erased 2 January 1888. Jockey Club, High Street, Newmarket, Cambridgeshire 1885 White Hart Hotel, High Street, Newmarket 1885 6 April 1885 Cons. 27 May 1885. 2 May 1885 Cons. 16 June 1885. 2 May 1885 Cons. 8 June 1885. 2 May 1885 Cons. 9 July 1885. 2 May 1885 2 May 1885 Cons. 5 June 1885. 10 July 1885 Cons. 9 April 18S5. 10 July 1885 Cons. 18 April 1885. 10 July 1885 Cons. 10 Oct. 1885. 13 Aug. 1885 Cons. t6 Dec. 1885. 13 Aug. 1885 13 Aug. 1885 Cons. T2 Nov. 1885. 1863 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 [ 431 ] 1 894 2108 2109 Name of Lodge. 2113 2114 2118 Empire Lodge. Prince Edward Lodge. Aurora Lodge, Hunters' Hill Lodge. Gordon Lodge. Umzimkulu Lodge. Lodge of Prudenee. Waikouaiti Lodge. Umberumberka Lodge. Lachlan Lodge. York Lodge. Places of Meeting. The Criterion, Piccadilly, London 1885 Assembly Hall, Conservative Club, Station Road, Heaton Moor, Lancashire 1886 Freemasons' Hall, York Street, Sydney (Cumberland), New South Wales 1885 Krased 5 December 1888. Now No. 138 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. School of Arts, Hunters' Hill (Cumberland), New South Wales 1885 Masonic Rooms, Hunters' Hill 1887 Erased 5 December i 888. Now No. 139 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Town Hall, Mount Alexander Road, Essendon (Bourke), Victoria 1886 Freemasons' Hall, Collins Street East, Melbourne n 1886 Masonic Hall, Maribyrnong Road, Moonee Ponds, n 1887 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 99 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoiia. Masonic Temple, Union Ridge, UmzlmkulU (Griqualand East), Cape Colony, South Africa 1885 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, Lancashire iS Borough Council Chambers, Collins Street, Waikouaiti, Otago, New Zealand 1885 County Council Chambers, Main North Road, Waikouaiti 1887 Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 57 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Masonic Rooms, SllvertOn ( Barrier Range), New South Wales 1885 Erased s December j8S^. Now No. 141 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Masonic Rooms, COWra (Bathurst), New South Wales 1885 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 142 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Masonic Rooms, York (York), Western Australia 1886 n Avon Terrace, York 1889 II Joaqujna Street, n 1892 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 13 Aug. 1885 Cons. 24 Nov. 1885. 13 Aug. 1885 Cons. 23 Jan. 1886. 19 Aug. 1885 Cons. 29 July 1885. 19 Aug. 1885 Cons. 21 Sept. 1885. 31 Get. 1885 Cons. II Feb. j886. 31 Get. 1885 Cons. 16 May 1885. 31 Get. 1885 Cons. 7 Jan. 1886. 31 Get. 1885 Cons. 23 June 1885. 31 Get. 1885 Cons. 3 April 1885. 31 Get. 1885 Cons. 25 Sept. 1885. 31 Get. 1885 Cons. 23 March 1886. 1863 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 [ 432 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2119 General Gordon Lodge. Masonic Hall, Alice Street, Brisbane (Stanley, Moreton), Queensland 1885 31 Oct. 1885 Cons. 3 Aug. 1885. 2119 2120 Abbey Lodge. Masonic Hal), St. Ann's Hill Road, Chertsey, Sumy 1886 31 Oct. 1886 Cons. g.MarchiSse. 2120 2121 Lodge Triune Brotherhood. Kasauli (Hirsar), Ptmjab, India 1885 31 Oct. 1885 Cons. 23 July 1885. 2121 Kerang Lodge. Alger's Hotel, Kerang (Gunbower), Victoria 1884 Mechanics' Institute, Kerang 1887 Erased 5 Jvne 1889. Now No. 100 on Reg. o'f G.L. of Victoria. 10 Nov. 1885 Cons. II Sept. 1884. 2122 Gippsland Forest Lodge. Masonic Hall, Warragul (Buln-Buln), Victoria 1884 E7-ased 5 June 1889. Now No. loi on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 10 Nov. 1885 Cons. 12 Sept. 1884. .2123 Earl of Carnarvon Lodge. Earl of Zetland Hotel, Stanley Street, CollingWOOd (Bourke), Victoria 1884 Erased 5 Jnne 1889. Now No. 102 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. [lOlNov. 1885 Cons. 23 Sept. 1884. 2124 Yarrawonga Lodge of St. David. 1 State School House, YarraWOnga (Moira), Victoria 1885 Masonic Hall, Yarrawonga 1885 Erased 5 June i88g. Now No. 103 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 10 Nov. 1885 Cons. 2 Jan. 1885. 2125 Rupertswood Lodge. Mechanics' Institute, Numurkah (Moira), Victoria 1885 Erased 5 June 1889, Now No. 104 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 10 Nov. 1885 Cons. 27 Feb. 1885. 2126 2127 Drury Lane Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1886 Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, n 1886 10 Nov. 1885 Cons. 25 Jan. 1886. 2127 2128 United Northern Counties Lodge. Masonic Hall, 8a Red Lion Square, LondOn 1885 Inns of Court Hotel, Holbbrn, 1, 1888 10 Nov. 1885 Cons. 14 Dec. 1885. 2128 2129 Dorothy Vernon Lodge. Haddon Hall, Haddon Road, Bakewell, Derbyshire 1887 Castle and Commercial Hotel, Bridge Street, Bakewell 1887 Rutland Arms Hotel, The Square, „ 1887 Town Hall, n ,1 1890 10 Nov. 1885 Cons. 26 May 1887. 2129 2130 Keith Guild Lodge. Matatiele Lodge, 1890. Court House, Matatiele (Griqualand East), Cape Colony, South Africa 1885 12 Dee. 1885 Cons. 19 Nov. 1885. 2130 [ 433 ] Name of Lodge. 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 Bpownlow Lodge. Egerton Lodge. Swan of Avon Lodge. WilbepfoFce Lodge. Constance Lodge. St. Michael's Lodge. Ruapehu Lodge. Lodge Franklin. Gregory Lodge. Huguenot Lodge. Burnaby Lodge. Lowan Lodge. Places of Meeting. Town Hall, The Square, Ellesmcre, Shropshire l8 The Institute, Tobin Street, EgPCmont, Cheshire l8 Seacombe Hotel, Victoria Place, SeaCOmbe, n l8 Union Club, Chapel Lane, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire i886 Masonic Rooms, 55 Charlotte Street, HuU, Yorkshire 1886 Masonic Hall, St. Luke Street, Hull 1890 Masonic Hall, Sherburn Terrace, Consett, Durham 18 The Great Hall, Bishop'S StOrtford, Hertfordshire 1886 Chequers Hotel, North Street, Bishop's Stortford 1886 Foresters' Hall, Broadway Street, MaFton (Rangitikei), Wellington, New Zealand 1885 Protestant Hall, Pukekohe (Manukau), Auckland, New Zealand 1885 Masonic Hall, Pukekohe 1887 A majority of members formed No. 58 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand in 1890, retaining the original Warrant. Odd Fellows' Hall, Lake Street, Cairns (Nares, Cook District), Queensland 1886 Divisional Board Hall, Esplanade, Cairns 1888 Masonic Hall, Lake Street, " 1888 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 12 Dee. 1885 Cons. 4 Jan 1886. 12 Dee. 1885 Cons. 6 April 1886. 12 Dec. 1885 Cons. 12 Feb. 1886. 12 Dee. 1885 Cons. 2g Jan. 1886. 15 Jan. 1886 Cons. 7 April 1886. 15 Jan. 1886 Cons. 24 March iS36. 15 Jan. 1886 Cons. 15 Jan. 1885. 6 Feb. 1886 Cons. 26 June 1885. The Criterion, Piccadilly, London 1886 Masonic Hall, Donald (Kara Kara), Victoria 1886 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 106 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Masonic Hall, NMU (Lowan), Victoria 1886 Erased 5 June i88g. Now No. 107 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 55 1863 6 Feb. 1886 Cons. 19 April 1886. 6 Feb. 1886 Cons. 10 May 1886, 2 March 1886 Cons. 15 Jan. 1886. 2 MaFCh 1886 Cons. 20 Nov. j886. 2131 2132 2133 2134 I 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 [ 434 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 Orient Lodge of Lilydale. Slate School, Lilydale (Evelyn), Fic/ona i886 Masonic Hall, Lilydale i886 Erased 5 June i38g. Now No. 108 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 2 March 1886 Cons. 23 Feb. 1B86. 2143 2144 De Tatton Lodge. Parochial Schools, near the Church, Bowdon, Cheshire 1886 Griffin Hotel, „ Bowdon 1888 Parochial School Room, ir n 1888 Stamford Arms Hotel, n h 1891 Town ILall, Market Place, AltPincham, Chtshire 1893 30 March 1886 Cons. 6 Sept. 1886, 2144 2145 Lodge Justice. Upper floor of Institute, AbU Road (Rajpootana), Bombay, India 1886 30 March 1886 Cons. 23 Feb. 1886. 2145 2146 Supbiton Lodge. Maple Hall, Maple Road, Surbiton, Surrey 1886 30 March 1886 Cons. iB May 1886. 2146 2147 Grays Valley Lodge. The Institute, High Street, St. Mary Cray, Kent 1886 30 March 1886 Cons. 24 June 1886. 2147 2148 Walsingham Lodge. Masonic Hall, Dartford Road, Wilmington (near Dartford), Kent 1886 30 March 1886 Cons. 29 May 1886. 2148 2149 Gordon Lodge. Masonic Hall, Cheapside, Hanley, Staffordshire 1886 30 March 1886 Cons. 4 May i836. 2149 2150 Tivoli Lodge. Tivoli Restaurant, 68 and 69 Strand, London :886 Frascati Restaurant, 32 Oxford Street, m 1892 2 April 1886 Cons. 25 May i8S6. 2150 Lord Carrington Lodge. ^^ School of Arts, Wallsend (Northumberland), New South Wales 1886 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 149 on ^^g- of G.L. of New South Wales. 2 April 1886 Cons. 20 April 1886. 2151 Duke of Connaught Lodge. Court House, Richmond (Cumberland), New South Wales 1886 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 150 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales 2 April 1886 Cons. 22 Jan. 1886. 2152 2153 Lodge of Hope. Thorngate Memorial Hall, Town Hall, GospOPt, Hampshire 1886 India Arms Hotel, High Street, Gosport 1886 2 April 1886 Cons. 12 May 1886. 2153 2154 Joshua Nunn Lodge. George Hotel, High Street, Halstcad, Essex 1886 2 April 1886 Cons. 7 Aug. 1886. 2154 L 435 ] Name of Lodge. 2155 2156 2157 2158 2162 2163 2164 2165 Makerfleld Lodge. Arthur Sullivan Lodge. St. Mark's College Lodge. Boscombe Lodge. Cappington Lodge. Windsor Social Lodge. John Williams Lodge. Tyrrell Leith Lodge. Jersey Lodge. St. German's Lodge. St. George's Lodge. Places of Meeting. Town Hall, NeWtOn-le-WlllOWS, Lancashire l8 Pied Bull Hotel, High Street, Newton-le-Willows i8 Memorial Hall, Albert Square, Manchester, Lancashire i886 Masonic Rooms, 74a King Street, Manchester 1886 Old Boar's Head Hotel, Corporation Street, n 1887 Victoria Mansions Restaurant, Victoria Street, Westminster, London 1886 ?Iolborn Restaurant, Holborn, n 1887 Hengistbourne Club, Boscombe, Bournemouth, Hampshire 1886 Private Rooms, 3 Carnarvon Crescent, Boscombe, Bournemouth 1887 Hengistbourne Club, Boscombe, n 1892 Masonic Rooms, Kogarah (Cumberland), New South Wales 1886 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 151 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Court House, Court Street, Windsor (Cumberland), New South Wales 18 Erased s December 1888. Now No. 152 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Council Chamber, Eandwlck (Cumberland), New South Wales 18 Masonic Hall, Randwick 18 Erased 5 December t888. Now No. 148 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Masonic Hall, Lamp, Baroda (Guzerat), Bombay, India 1886 Coffee Tavern, Southall, Middlesex 1886 Railway Hotel, near Great Western Station, Southall 1889 Centenary Hall, Athol Street, Peel Castle Hotel, Market Place, Peel, Isle of Man 1886 Peel 1886 Freemasons' Hall, Howick Street, Perth (Perth), Western Australia 1 885 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 8 April 1886 Cons. 17 July t886. 28 April 1886 Cons. 28 June 1886. 28 April 1886 Cons. 29 Oct. 1886. 28 April 1886 Cons. 18 June 1886. 1 86 J 2155 2156 2157 27 May 1886 'Cons. 21 April 1886. 27 May 1886 Cons. 6 March i8S6. 27 May 1886 Cons. 2o March 1886. 27 May 1886 Cons. 27 April 1886. 27 May 1886 Cons. 23 Sept. 1886. 27 May 1886 Cons. 28 Sept. 1886. 2 June 1886 Cons. 9 Sept. 1886. 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 [ 436 ] Name of Lodge. 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 Cotehele Lodge. Star of the West Lodge. Derby Alleroft Lodge. Osborne Lodge. St. George Lodge. Burwood Lodge. Molong Lodge. Loyalty Lodge. Ionic Lodge. Austral Lodge. Lord Carrington Lodge. Places of MEExrNG. Masonic Hall, Fore Street, Calstock, Cornwall l8 Divisional Board Hall, Gray Street, Hughenden (Douglas, Burke District), Queensland iS Masonic Hall, Gray Street, Hughenden i8 The Athenaeum, Camden Road, Islington, London iS Midland Grand Hotel, Euston Road, St. Pancras, n i8 Medina Cottage, The Parade, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, Hampshire i8 Masonic Hall, Medina Road, East Cowes i8 Freemasons' Hall, ColombO, Ceylon, East Indies i8 School of Arts, Conder Street, BurWOOd (Cumberland), New South Wales 1 8 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 153 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Freemasons' Hotel, Watson Street, Molong (Ashburnham), New South Wales 1886 Er-ased s December 1888. Now No. 154 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Club House Hotel, Sheridan Street, Gundagai (Clarendon), New South Wales 18 Bro. Archer's Cottage, Horner Street, Gundagai 18 Erased 5 December 1S88. Now No. 155 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Mechanics' Institute, Tungamah (Moira), Victoria i885 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. log on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Freemasons' Hall, Collins Street East, Melbourne (Bourke), Victoria 1886 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 110 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Cricketers' Arms Hotel, Brunswick Street, North Fitzroy (Bourke), Victoria 1886 Ballarat Tavern, Brunswick Street, North Fitzroy 188S Ei-ased 5 June iS8g. Now No. Ill on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 25 June 1886 Cons i8 April 1887. 14 July 1886 Opened 22 March i88( 23 July 1886 Cons. 2 Nov. 1886. 4 Aug. 1886 Cons. 15 Nov. iS36. 4 Aug. 1886 Cons. 1 Nov. 1886. 4 Aug. 1886 Cons. 3 July 1886. 4 Aug. 1886 Cons. II Aug. 1886, 4 Aug. 1886 Cons. 29 June 1886. 20 Oet. 1886 Cons, ig Jan. 1886. 20 Oct. 1886 20 Oet. 1886 Cons. 29 March 1886. 1863 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 C 437 ] 1894 Name of Lodges. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 North Suburban Lodge. Ruahine Lodge. adfr Paddington Ionic Lodge. Lodge of Harmony. Unity Lodge. Sterndale Bennett Lodge. Koyal Hampton Court Lodge. Royal Victorian Jubilee Lodge. Ardwiek Lodge. Striguil Lodge. Adur Lodge. Lodge Kerala. Ashburton Lodge. Carlton Hall, Princes Street, North Carlton (Bourke), Victoria iS Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 172 on Reg. of G.L. of Victori.1. Lodge Room, Vogel Street, Woodville (Waipawa), Hawke's Bay, New Zealand 1 886 Masonic Hall, Woodville 1889 Erased by District Grand Lodge 11 January 7894. ConJirTtied hy Grafid Lodge 6 September 1894. Now No. 80 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Odd Fellows' Hall, Woollahra (Cumberland), New South Wales 1886 Erased 5 December i8y8. Now No. 181 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Public Hall, OtahuhU (Manukau), Aucklaml, New Zealand 1886 Masonic Hall, Otahuhu 1892 Good Templars' Hall, Gray Street, Knysna (Knysna), Cape Colony, South Africa 1 886 Freemasons' Hall, Gray Street, Knysna 1893 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, London 1886 Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court Bridge, Hampton Court, Middlesex 1887 Tilbury Hotel, Tilbury DockS, Essex 1887 Royal Forest Hotel, Epping Forest, Chmgford, n 1888 Phoenix Hotel, near Railway Station, Rainham, m 1893 Midland Hotel, Midland Street, Ardwiek, Lancashire 1887 Clarence Hotel, Piccadilly, Manchester, " 1894 Masonic Hall, Nelson Street, ChepstOW, Monmouthshire 1887 Assembly Rooms, High Street, Henfleld, Sussex 1887 Calicut (Malabar), Madras, India 1886 Commercial Hotel, North St., Ashburton, Devonshire 1887 Masonic Hall, Chuley Road, Ashburton 1890 20 Oct. 1886 Cons. 2 June 1886. 20 Oct. 1886 Cons. 13 July 1886. 20 Oct. 1886 20 Oct. 1886 Cons. 15 June i8S6. 20 Oet. 1886 Cons, under Prov. Warrant 23 April 1886. 5 Nov. 1886 Cons. 16 Dec. 1886. 30 Nov. 1886 Cons. 29 Jan. 1887. 30 Nov, 1886 Cons. 30 April 1887. 30 Nov. 1886 Cons. 14 May 1887. 30 Nov. 1886 Cons. 13 May 1887. 30 Nov. 1886 Cons. 18 Feb. 1887. 18 Dee. 1886] Cons. i5 Oct. 1886. 18 Dee. 1886 Cons. 14 April 1S87. 1863 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 [ 438 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2200 2201 2202 2203 Savage Club Lodg-e. Anglo-Amepiean Lodge. Highbury Lodge. Queen's Jubilee Lodge. Golden Bay Lodge. Military Jubilee Lodge. Victoria Lodge. Spencer Walpole Temperance Lodge. Beresford Lodge. Jubilee Lodge. Pantiles Lodge. Earl of Sussex Lodge. Regent's Park Lodge. Farnborough and North Camp Lodge. Places or Meeting. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London i8 Date of Warrant or Constitution. The Criterion, Piccadilly, London 18S7 Cock Tavern, Upper St., Islington, Highbury, London 1887 Lord Nelson Inn, Manchester Road, Nelson, Lancashire 1887 Odd Fellows' Hall, Takaka (Collingwood), Nelson, New Zealand 1 887 Masonic Hall, Takaka 1888 Freemasons' Hall, Snargate Street, Dover, K'ent iS Masonic Hall, Spry Street, Bridgetown, Island of Barbados, West indies 1887 Masonic Hall, Loch Parade, Douglas, Isle of Man 1887 18 March 1887 Cons. 17 May 1887. Athenaeum Hall, Dulwich Hill, Petersham (Cumberland), New South Wales 1887 Erased 5 December i888. Now No. 161 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Church of England School Rooms, Main Street, MittagOng (Camden), New South Wales 1886 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 162 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Masonic Hall, Pump Room, The Paritiles, Tunbridge Wells, Kent 1887 Royal Pavilion, Pavilion Parade, Brighton, Sussex 1887 Yorli and Albany Hotel, Gloucester Gate, Regent's Park, London 1887 Queen's Hotel, North Camp, Farnborough, .ffizw/J/^i^ 1887 Assembly Rooms, Farnborough Station, Farnborough 1893 18 Dec. 1886 Cons. 18 Jan. 1887. 18 Dec. 1886 Cons. 24 March 1887. 2 Feb. 1887 Cons. 14 March 1887. 16 Feb. 1887 Cons. 28 April 1887. 16 Feb. 1887 Cons. 15 June 1S87. 16 Feb. 1887 Cons. I April 1887. 18 March 1887 Cons. 14 Jan. 1887. 18 March 1887 Cons. 15 Jan. 1887. 18 March 1887 Cons. 16 Dec. 1886. 1 April 1887 Cons. II May 1887. 1 April 1887 Cons. 15 July 1887. 1 April 1887 Cons. 16 May 1887. 5 May 1887 Cons. 14 Oct. 1887. 1863 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 [ 439 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 Poulett Lodge. Lodge Rooms, Wynyapd (Wellington), Tasmania 1S87 Erased 3 September 1890. Now on Reg. of G.L. of Tasmania. 5 May 1887 Cons. 19 April 1887. 2204 2205 Pegasus Lodge. Clarendon Hotel, East Street, Gravesend, Kent 1887 New Falcon Hotel, West Street, Gravesend 1888 15 June 1887 Cons. 27 July 1887. 2205 2206 Hendon Lodge. Welsh Harp, Hendon, London 1887 Midland Grand Hotel, Euston Road, St. Pancras, n 1894 15 June 1887 Cons. 30 July 1887. 2206 2207 Blaekall Lodge. Masonic Hall, Short Street, Blackall (Tambo, Mitchell District), Queensland 1887 21 June 1887 Con.s. 17 May 1887. 2207 2208 Horsa Lodge. Masonic Hall, St. Michael's Rise, Bournemouth, Hampshire 1887 21 June 1887 Cons. 18 Oct. 1887. 2208 Brighton Lodge. Town Hall, Brighton (Bourke), Victoria 1886 Erased ^ June 1889. Now No. 120 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 21 June 1887 Con.s. 26 July 1886. 2209 Star of the East Lodge of Omeo. Mechanics' Institute, OmeO (Benambra), Victoria 1886 Erased <^ June 1889. Now No. 116 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 21 June 1887 Cons. 20 Oct. 1886. 2210 Albert Victor Lodge. Albert Hall, Queen's Parade, CliftOn Hill, [near Melbourne] (Bourke), Victoria 1887 Erased ^ June i88g. Now No. 117 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 21 June 1887 Cons. 18 June 1887. 2211 Rupanyup Lodge. Good Templars' Hall, Rupanyup (Borung), Victoria 1887 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 118 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 21 June 1887 2212 Daylesford Lodge of St. George. Town Hall, Vincent Street, Daylesford (Talbot), Victoria 1887 Erased s June 1889. Now No. 119 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 21 June 1887 Cons. 29 April 1887. 2213 2214 Josiah Wedgwood Lodge. Wesleyan Schools, Lord Street, EtrUFia, Staffordshire 1887 14 July 1887 Cons. 30 Aug. 1887. 2214 5215 Anfleld Lodge. Eaton Hall, Brick Road, Liverpool, Lancashire 1887 Sandon Hotel, Anfleld [near LiverpoolJ, 11 1889 14 Sept. 1887 Cons. 24 Nov. 18S7. 2215 [ 440 ] iS94 2216 2217 2218 2219 Xame of Lodge. Places of Meeting. 2221 2222 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 Egerton Lodge. Windermere Lodge. Riekmansworth Lodge. Lodge Mandalay. Albion Lodge. Te Awamutu Lodge. Frederiek West Lodge. Monaro Lodge. Fairfield Lodge. Perak Jubilee Lodge. St. David's Lodge. White Horse Lodge. Dene Lodge. Unitarian School Room, Swinton [near Manchester], Lancashire 1 887 Bull's Head Inn, Swinton 1887 Central Buildings, Crescent Road, Windermere, Westmorland 18S7 Masonic Rooms, Old Road, Windermere 1893 Swan Hotel, High St., RiekmanSWOrth, Hertfordshire 1887 Mandalay (Upper Burma), Masonic Hall, Burma, East hidies 1887 Mandalay tSSg Woodstock (Cape), Cape Colony, Sottth Africa 1887 Erased hy District Grand Lod^e 29 March 1894. Confimtedby Grattd Lodge 6 Sepieynber 1894. Mission Room, Te AwamutU (Waipa), Auckland, Xeio Zealand 18S7 Castle Hotel, Bridge Road, East Molesey, Surrey 1887 Church of England School Room, off Commissioner Street, Cooma (Reresford), Ne-^- SotUh Wales 1887 Lodge Room, Royal Hotel, Lambie Street, Cooma 188S Erased 5 Dece7uber\^Z^, Now No. 164 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. The Pavilion, Recreation Ground, Long EatOn, Derbyshire 1 88 7 Taiping (Perak), Malay Peninsula, East Indies 1887 Masonic Hall, Taiping 1892 And at BatU, Gajah in Kinta (Perak) 1894 Local Board Office Buildings, High Street, Rhymney, Monmouthshire 1888 Masonic Hall, Briitton Road, Westbury, Wiltshire 1887 King's Arms Hotel, COOkham, Berkshire 1887 Private Rooms, ^Yinter Hill, COOkham Dene, ir 1891 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 14 Sept. 1887 Cons. 27 Oct. 1887. 14 Sept. 1887 Cons. 22 Oct. 1887. 14 Sept. 1887 Cons. t6 Xov. 1SS7. 14 Sept. 1887 Cons. 20 July 1887. 14 Sept. 1887 Cons. 13 Oct. 18S7. 14 Sept. 1887 Cons. 6 June 1837. 14 Sept. 1887 Cons. 20 Dec. 1887. 14 Sept. 1887 Cons. 10 Aug. 1887. 14 Sept. 1887 Cons, ro Nov. iSSj. 14 Sept. 1887 14 Sept. 1887 Cons. 19 April iSSS. 14 Sept. 1887 Cons. 13 Oct. 1887. 14 Sept. 1887 Cons, 12 Nov. 1887. IS63 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 [ 441 ] i894 Name of Lodge. 2229 Lathom Lodge. Centennial Lodge. 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 Talbot Lodge. Stella Lodge. Old Westminsters' Lodge. Onslow Lodge. Port Curtis Lodge. Kaikoura Lodge. 2237 2238 2239 2240 Earl of Leicester Lodge. Rewa Lodge of Viti. Norman Lodge. Arrow Lodge. Places of Meeting. Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Place, Liverpool, Lancashire 1887 Militia Mess Rooms, Starkie Street, Preston, n 1890 Masonic Hall, Lord Street, SouthpOFt, n 1892 Masonic Hall, York Street, Sydney (Cumberland), New South Wales 1887 Erased 5 December 18B8. Now No. i6g on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. Talbot House School, Talbot Road, Old Trafford, Stretford, Lancashire 1 887 Local Board Offices. Talbot Road, Old Trafford, Stretford 1891 Lodge Rooms, Vryburg, British Beehuanaland, South Africa 1886 Masonic Temple, Vryburg 1888 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, London 1888 Constitutional Hall, High Street, Guildford, Surrey 1888 St. Nicholas' Parish Hall, Bury Fields, Guildford 1890 Oddfellows' Hall, Goondoon Street, Gladstone (Clinton, Port Curtis District), Queensland 1887 Masonic Hall, Goondoon Street, Gladstone 1890 Court House, Kaikoura (Kaikoura), Marlborough, New Zealand 1887 School Rooms, Kaikoura 1890 Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1S94. Now No. 60 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Masonic Hall, New Hall, Club's Lane, West End, Wells next the Sea, Norfolk iS NaUSOri, Rewa, Viti Levu, Fifi Islands, Australasia 18 Divisional Board Hall, Landsborough St., Normanton (Normanton, Burke District), Queensland 1888 Burton House Hotel, Mill St., KingtOn, Herefordshire iS Date of Warrant or Constitution. 14 Sept. 1887 Cons. 30 Nov. 1887. 15 Oet. 1887 Cons. 23 Sept. 1887. 22 Oet. 1887 Cons. 17 Dec. 1887. 31 Oet. 1887 Cons. 3 Dec. 1886. 31 Oct. 1887 Cons. 20 Jan. i883. 9 Nov. 1887 Cons. 24 Jan. 1888, 9 Nov. 1887 Cons. 26 Sept. 1887 5 Dec. 1887 Cons. 12 May 1887 9 Dee. 1887 Cons. 5 March i88£ 13 Dee. 1887 28 Dec. 1887 Cons. 22 March 1888. 1863 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 28 Dec. 1887 2239 Cons. i6 May 1888. 2240 56 [ 442 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2241 CoFdwaineF Ward Lodge. City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, London l888 6 Jan. 1888 Cons. 10 April 1888. 2241 2242 Tyssen-Amherst Lodge. Amhurst Club House, Amhurst Road, Stoke Newington, London i888 6 Jan. 1888 Cons. 9 June 18S8. 2242 2243 Argonauts Lodge. Cromwell Hall, Putney Bridge Road, Putney, London l888 Putney Constitutional Club, Lower Richmond Road, Putney, „ 1893 6 Jan. 1888 Cons. 12 March 1888. 2243 2244 Cowper and Newton Lodge. Masonic Rooms, High Street, Olney, Buckinghamshire 1S88 10 Jan. 1888 Cons. 9 Feb. 1888. 2244 Advance Lodge. Masonic Hall, BPUnnePton (Grey), Westland, New Zealand 1887 Seceded hi 1892. Now No. 61 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. 25 June 1888 Cons. 1 Dec. 18S7. 2245 2246 Cyclist Lodge. Castle Hotel, Bridge Road, East Molesey, Siirrey 1888 14 Feb. 1888 Cons. 10 March 1888. 2246 Albert Lodge. Mechanics' Institute, Bank Street, South Melbourne (Bourke), Victoria 1886 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 123 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 14 Feb. 1888 Cons. 11 Oct. 18B6. 2247 Shakespeare Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Collins Street East, Melbourne (Bourke), Victoria 1887 Erased 5 June 1889. Now No. 124 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 14 Feb. 1888 Cons. 6 April 1887. 2248 Jubilee Lodge. State School, Cemetery Street, RushWOrth (Rodney), Victoria 1887 Erased ^June 1889. Now No. 125 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 14 Feb. 1888 Cons. 8 July 1887. 2249 Caulfleld Lodge. Caulfield Club Hotel, Caulfleld (Bourke), Victoria 1887 Erased 5 June iB8g. Now No. 126 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 14 Feb. 1888 Cons. t6 Aug. 1887. 2250 Alberton Lodge. Mechanics' Institute, Port Albert (Buln Buln), Victoria 1S87 Erased s June 1889. Now No. 127 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 14 Feb. 1888 Cons. 5 Oct. 1887. 2251 2252 Eoeky Park Lodge. Masonic Temple, Robinson Street, BaPkly EaSt (Barkly East), Cape Colony, South Africa 1888 24 Feb. 1888 Cons. 6 June 1888. 2252 [ 443 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2253 St. Michael's Lodge. Masonic Hall, Spry Street, Bridgetown, Island of Barbados, West indies 1 888 Masonic Hall, Belleville Road, Bridgetown 1893 17 March 1888 Cons. 15 May 1888. 2253 Waratah Lodge. Northumberland Hall, Turton Road, Waratah (Northumberland), New South Wales 1888 Erased 5 December 1888. Now No. 170 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. 27 March 1888 Cons. 3 Feb. i838. 2254 2255 Philbriek Lodge. Royal Forest Hotel, Epping Forest, Chingford, Essex 1888 1 May 1888 Cons. 23 July i838. 2255 2256 Warner Lodge. Royal Forest Hotel, Epping Forest, Chlngford, Essex 1888 1 May 1888 Cons. 16 July 1888. 2256 2257 Powell Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Park Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire 1888 1 May 1888 Cons. 28 May 1888. 2257 2258 Western Distriet United Service Lodge. St. George's Hall, Emma Place, East Stonehouse, Devonshire 1888 Masonic Hall, Caroline Place, East Stonehouse 1888 1 May 1888 Cons. 2 July 1888. 2258 2259 St. Nicholas Lodge. Peace Hall, Market Place, Thorne, Yorkshire 1888 1 May 1888 Cons. 25 July 1888. 2259 2260 Ridley Lodge. Masonic Hall, Maple Street, NeWCastlC-Upon-Tyne, Northumberland 1888 Deuchar's Buildings, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1890 New Assembly Rooms, Barras Bridge, n 1894 3 May 1888 Cons. 31 Aug. 1888. 2260 2261 Armitage Lodge. Masonic Rooms, Market Street, Milnsbridge, Yorkshire 1888 18 May 1888 Cons. 8 Nov. 1888. 2261 2262 Dagmar Lodge. Angler's Rest Hotel, Bell Weir Lock, Wraysbury, Buckinghamshire 1888 18 May 1888 Cons. 5 July 1888. 2262 2263 St. Leonard's Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Surrey Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire 1888 18 May 1888 Cons. 21 July 1888. 2263 2264 Chough Lodge. City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, London 1888 18 May 1888 Cons. 8 Oct. 1888. 2264 2265 Barnato Lodge. Cock Tavern, Upper St., Islington, Highbury, London 1888 Cafe Monico, Regent Circus, Piccadilly, n 1891 18 May 1888 Cons. 28 June iS88. 2265 2266 Cator Lodge. Railway Hotel, High Street, Beckenham, London 1888 Public Hall, Bromley Road, „ n 1890 18 May 1888 Cons. 3 July 1888. 2266 [ 444 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2267 Laidley Lodge. Victoiia Hall, Spicer Street, Laidley (Churchill, Moreton), Queensland l888 9 June 1888 Cons. 20 March 1888. 2267 2268 Hallamshire Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Surrey Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire l888 15 June 1888 Cons. 3 Oct. 1888. 2268 2269 Peace Lodge. Masonic Hall, King Street, Wlgan, Lancashire i888 14 June 1888 Cons. 22 Oct. 188B. 2269 Carnarvon Lodge. Grand Hotel, Bong Bong Street, BoWPal (Camden), Neil) South Wales 1 888 Association Hall, Boolwey Street, Bowral i888 Erased 5 December i888. Now No. 172 on Reg.of G.L. of New South Wales. 20 June 1888 Cons. 28 May 1888. 2270 2271 St. Pancras Lodge. Midland Grand Hotel, Euston Road, St. Pancras, London 1888 10 July 1888 Cons. 4 Aug. 1888. 2271 2272 Rye Lodge. Peckham Public Hall, Rye Lane, Peckham, London 1888 10 July 1888 Cons. 22 Oct. 1888. 2272 Natimuk Lodge. House of Bro. J. C. W. Bretag, Natlmuk (Lowan), Victoria 1 887 Masonic Hall, High Road, Natimuk 1889 Erased 5 June i8Rg. Now No. 129 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 23 July 1888 Cons. 21 Dec. 1887. 2273 Werrigap Lodge. Commercial Hotel, WarPaeknabeal(Borung), Victoria 1888 Erased 5 Jitne iSfp. Now No. 128 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 23 July 1888 - Cons. 8 March 1888. 2274 St. John's Lodge. Town Hall, Leichhardt (Cumberland), New South Wales 1888 Erased 5 December i888. Now No. 174 on Reg. of G.L. of New South Wales. 23 July 1888 2275 Barrier Lodge. Masonic Hotel, Beryl Street, Bpoken Hill (Yancowenna), New South Wales 1888 Erased 5 Decejtiber 1888. Now No. 173 on Reg. of G.L, of New South Wales. 23 July 1888 Cons. 22 June 1888. 2276 2277 St. Paul's Lodge. Masonic Rooms, II Blondell Street, LimaSSOl, Island of Cyprus 1888 1 Aug. 1888 Cons. 21 Nov. 1S88. 2277 2278 Kingswood Lodge. Plough Inn, '^^Xv&&, Hertfordshire 1889 Crown Hotel, Broxboupne, >i 1891 25 Aug. 1888 Cons. 4 Feb. 1889. 2278 [ 445 ] 1 894 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 Name of Lodge. 2288 2289 2290 2291 Thornham Lodge. St. John's Lodge. Lodge of Emulation. Lodge of Harmony. Euston Lodge. Smyth Lodge. Eden Lodge. Albion Lodge. Lodge Mokoreta. Lodge Sitapur. Blundellsands Lodge. Faipfleld Lodge. West Ham Abbey Lodge. Duke of Brunswick Lodge. Places of Meeting. St. Paul's National Schools, Chapel Croft, RoytOH, Lancashire iS Halfway House, Thornham, ii iS Old School House, The Barracks, SaUgOP (Jubbulpore), Central Provinces, India 1 888 Freemasons' Hall, Howick Street, PePth (Perth), Western Australia 1 8 Masonic Hall, Fpemantle (Perth), Western Australia iS New Inn, High Street, St. NeotS, Huntingiionshire l8 Masonic Hall, Osborne Street, Great GPlmsby, Lincolnshire i8 Masonic Rooms, Portland Square, WOPkington, Cumberland iS Albion Public Hall, Sandgate Road, Albion (Stanley, Moreton District), Queensland i8 Oddfellows' Hall, Wyndham (Southland), Otago, New Zealand i8 Seceded. Erased hy District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 63 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Freemasons' Hall, 34 Mall Road, SltapUP (Oudh), N. W, Provinces, India 18 Alexandra Assembly Rooms, College Road, Great Crosby, Lancashire 18 14 Fairfield St., FaiPfleld, near Liverpool, Lancashire 18 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Town Hall, Broadway, Stratford, London 1889 Temperance Hall, Sydney Street, BPUnSWiCk (Bourke), Victoria 18 Erased 5 JuTie 1889. Now No. 132 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. 27 Aug. 1888 Cons. 28 Nov. 1888. 27 Aug. 1888 Cons. 7 Sept. 1888. 27 Aug. 1888 Cons. 18 Dec. 188S. 28 Aug. 1888 Cons. 4 Jan. 1889. 11 Sept. 1888 Cons, 12 March 1880, 26 Sept. 1888 Cons. 14 Nov. 1888. 26 Sept. 1888 Cons. 30 Oct. 1888. 1 Get. 1888 Cons. 20 Aug. 1888. 4 Get. 1888 9 Get. 1888 Cons. 28 July 18S8. 9 Get. 1888 Cons. 15 Feb. 1889. 1 Nov. 1888 Cons. 8 Feb. 1889. 22 Nov. 1888 Cons. 10 Jan. 1889. 23 Nov. 1888 Cons. 16 Jan. 1888. 1863 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 [ 446 ] Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1S63 2293 2294 2295 2297 2298 2299 2300 2302 Sandiford Lodge. WavertFee Lodge. SeaFisbpiek Lodge. United Service Lodge. Harding Lodge. Southern Cfoss Lodge. Mount CuFPie Lodge. Aorangi Lodge. Fortitude Lodge. St. Mary's Lodge. Trentliam Lodge. Mooroopna Lodge. St. Jolin's School, Malmsbury (Dalliousie), Victoria iS Erased 5 June i88g. Now No. 133 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria. Coflfee House, Clnucli Road, WavePtree, Lancashire 18 Masonic Hall, Lord Street, SouthpOPt, Lancashire 1889 Freemasons' Hall, Cameron Street, Launceston (Cornwall), Tasmania 1889 Erased 3 Sepieiither 1890. Now on Reg. of G.L. of Tasmania. Court House, Hampton Street, RoebOUPne (N.W. Coast), Wcslern Australia iS Palameottah (Tinnevelly), Madras, Lndia iS Successor to No. 1758 0/ 1878. Sec page 401. Kokstad(GriqualandEast), Cape Colony, 5'mM Africa 18S9 Masonic Temple, Kokstad 1892 Masonic Hall, Boulcott Street, Wellington (Mutt), Wellington, New Zealand iS Atlienseum Hall, Barrow Street, Bluff (Southland), Olago, K'c-io Zealand 1 8S9 Seceded. Erased by District Grand Lodge 1894. Now No. 64 on Reg. of G.L. of New Zealand. Assembly Rooms, Market Place, Southwell, Notlitighatnshire 1890 Commercial Hotel, High Street, TPentham (Bourke), Victoria 1 888 E?-ascd 5 June 1889. Now No. 130 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria, AtheiiEeum, MoOrOOpna (Rodney), Victoria 1% Erased 5 J%tne i88g. Now No. 131 on Reg. of G.L. of Victoria, 23 Nov. 1888 Cons. 26 July 1888. 6 Dee. 1888 Cons. 25 March 1885 6 Dee. 1888 Cons. 9 .March 1889. 11 Dee. 1888 Cons. 3 May 1888. 19 Dee. 1888 Cons, ig Aug. 1889. 8 Jan. 1889 Cons. 29 Sept. 1888, 17 Jan. 1889 Cons. gMay iS8g. 14 Feb. 1889 Cons. =3 Nov. 1888. 14 Feb. 1889 Cons. j6 Jan. i88g. 14 Feb. 1889 Cons. 19 June 1890. 21 Feb. 1889 Cons. T2 Sept. 1888. 21 Feb. 1889 Cons. 25 Sept. 1888. 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 [ 447 ] 1 894 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 Name of Lodge. 2311 Stoup Lodge. Toowong Lodge. Friendship Lodge. Viator Lodge. George Gardner Lodge. London Scottish Rifles' Lodge. Saint Alkmund Lodge. 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 London Irish Rifles' Lodge. Johannesberg Lodge. El Dorado Lodge. Royal Albert Lodge. Princes Lodge. Bisley Lodge. Places of Meeting. Bank Street Hall, Bank Street, Ashford, Kent l8 School of Arts, Sherwood Road, ToOWOng (Stanley, Moreton), Queensland Masonic Hall, Leslie Terrace, Ajmere (Rajputana), Bombay, India l8 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, London 1889 Village Hall, Datchct, Buckinghamshire 1889 Christopher Hotel, High Street, Eton, n i8gi Masonic Hall, 8a Red Lion Square, Mark Masons' Hall, Great Queen Street, The Criterion, Piccadilly, London 1889 11 1891 11 1892 Town Hall, High Street, Whitchurch, Shropshire 1S89 Fox and Goose Hotel, Green End Street, Whitchurch 1889 Victoria Hotel, High Street, n 1893 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 18 Masonic Temple, Rissilt Street, Johannesberg (Heidelberg), South African Republic, South Africa 1890 Masonic Rooms, River Street, ZeerUSt (Marico), South African Republic, South Africa 1 892 Klerksdorp (Potchefstroom), South African Republic, South Africa 1889 693 Kantoor Street, Klerksdorp 1892 Deaf and Dumb Institution, Princes Road, Liverpool, Lancashire 18 National School, Bisley Green, Masonic Hall, Bath Road, Bisley, Surrey 1889 Woking, ri 1892 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 21 Feb. 1889 Cons. II April 1889. 29 Feb. 1889 Cons. 9 Jan. 1889.' 27 Feb. 1889 Cons. 24 Nov. i88g. 18 April 1889 Cons. I June 1889. 18 April 1889 Cons. X3 May 1889. 18 April 1889 Cons. 2 JMay 1889. 18 April 1889 Cons. 6 June 1889. 24 May 1889 Cons. i6 Nov. 1889. 24 May 1889 Cons. 24 March i8go. 24 May 1889 Cons. 3 Feb. 1892. 24 May 1889 Cons. 8 Oct. 1889. 24 May 1889 Cons. 27 Aug. 1889. 17 June 1889 Cons. 25 Sept. i88g. 1863 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 [ 448 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2318 Lennox Browne Lodge. The Roebuck Hotel, High Road, Buckhurst Hill, £isex 1889 25 June 1889 Cons. 15 July 18S9. 2318 2319 Sects Lodge. Scottish Corporation Hall, Crane Court, Fleet Street, London 1889 27 June 1889 Cons. 27 July 1889. 2319 2320 St. Martin's Lodge. Church Inn, Castleton, near Manchester, Lancashire 1889 23 July 1889 Cons. 23 Oct. 1889. 2320 2321 Aeacia Lodge. Masonic Hall, Rawson Square, Darley Street, Bradford, Yorkshire 1889 23 July 1889 Cons. 28 Sept. 1889. 2321 2322 East Lancashire Centurion Lodge. Drill Hall, Ardwick Green [Headquarters of 5th (Ardwick) V. H. Manchester Regiment], Manchester, Lancashire 1889 Victoria Hotel, Victoria Street, Manchester 1890 23 July 1889 Cons. 15 Nov. 1889. 2322 2323 Bushey Hall Lodge. The Hall, Bushey, Hertfordshire 1889 16 Aug. 1889 Cons. 2 Nov. 1889. 2323 2324 Horwich Lodge. Public Hall, Lee Lane, Horwich, LancasJiire 1889 Bridge Hotel, Church Street, Horwich 1889 Crown Hotel, Chorley New Road, n 1891 Bridge Hotel, Church Street, n 1893 21 Aug. 1889 Cons. 8 Nov. 18S9. 2324 2325 Rose of Lancaster Lodge. Masonic Hall, Lord Street, Southport, Laticashire 1889 21 Aug. 1889 Cons. 21 Nov. 1889. 2325 2326 Wigan Lodge. Masonic Hall, King Street, Wigan, Lancashire 1890 21 Aug. 1889 Cons. 12 April 1890, 2326 2327 St. Oswin Lodge. Grand Hotel, Sea Banks, Tynemouth, Northumberland 1889 Masonic Hall, Norfolk Street, North Shields, 11 1889 4 Sept. 1889 Cons. 18 Nov. 1889. 2327 2328 Albert Victor Lodge. Masonic Hall, St. Saviourgate, York, Yorkshire 1889 12 Sept. 1889 Cons. 26 Nov. 1889. 2328 : 2329 Victoria Lodge ^ Masonic Temple, 1242 Calle Cangallo, BuenOS AyreS (Buenos Ayres), Argentine Republic, South America 1890 28 Sept. 1889 Cons. 10 Jan. i8go. 2329 , 2330 St. Lawrence Lodge. Masonic Rooms, New Inn, Church Lane, Pudscy, Yorkshire 1889 28 Sept. 1889 Cons. 17 Dec. 1889. 2330 ; 1 2331 Ravenscroft Lodge. Red Lion Hotel, High Street, Chipping Barnet, Hertfordshixe 1889 28 Sept. 1889 2331 r Cons. 17 Dec. 1889. [ 449 ] i894 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 Name of Lodge. Borough of Greenwich Lodge. Quetta Lodge. Jersey Lodge. Cycling and Athletic Lodge. Shadwell Gierke Lodge. Places of Meeting. Read Lodge. 2338 Aramac Lodge. 2339 2340 2341 2342 Mistley Lodge. Lodge Ganges. Clemency Lodge. Easterford Lodge. Masonic Rooms, William IV. Hotel, Trafalgar Road, Greenwich, London iS Lodge Rooms, Quetta (Sarawan), BclOOChiStan, Asia 1889 St. Edburg's Hall, near Railway Station, Bicester, Oxfordshire i8go Masonic Hall, Market Hill, Licester 1895 Coffee House, Church Road, Wavertrec, Lancashire 1890 Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Place, Liverpool, fi 1893 George Town, Penang, Malay Peninsula, East Indies 1890 Masonic Hall, George Town, Penang 1892 Market Street, Kwala Lumpur, Selangor, Malay Peninsula, East Indies 1889 Clarke Street, Kwala Lumpur, Selangor 1889 Lodge Rooms, Lodge Street, AramaC (Rodney, Mitchell District), Queensland 1889 Masonic Hall, Burt Street, Aramac 1892 Public Hall, High Street, Manningtrce, Essex 1890 White Hart Hotel, High Street, Manningtree 1890 Lodge Room, Cawnpore (Allahabad), N. W. Provinces, India 1 890 Freemasons' Hall, Union Street, Oldham, Lancashire 1890 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Public Hall, High Street, Angel Hotel, n Felix Hall (Special), Angel Hotel, High Street, Masonic Temple, n Kelvedon, Essex 1890 Kelvedon 1890 11 1893 1893 4 Oct. 1889 Cons. II Dec. i88g 20 Nov. 1889 Cons. 8 Dec. 1889. 28 Nov. 1889 Cons. 10 March 1890. 28 Nov. 1889 Cons. 18 Feb. i8go. 28 Nov. 1889 Cons. 2 May 1S90. 29 Nov. 1889 Cons. 21 Oct. 1889. 29 Nov. 1889 Cons. 12 Sept. 1889. 5 Dec. 1889 Cons. 12 March 1890. 12 Dec. 1889 Opened 27 Jan. 1890. 20 Dec. 1889 Cons. 6 March 1890. 28 Dee. 1889 Cons. i6 March 1890. 2343 2344 Sir William Harpur Lodge. Albert Lodge. Assembly Rooms, Harpur Street, Bedford, Bedfordshire 1890 School of Arts, Scarborough Street, Southport (Ward, Moreton), Queensland iS 30 Dec. 1889 Cons. 27 Feb. i8go. 2 Jan. 1890 Cons. II Oct. 1889. 1863 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 57 C 450 ] 1894 Name of Lodge. 2345 Duke of Fife Lodge. 2346 WaFFant OffleeFs' Lodge. 2347 GFafton Lodge. 2348 Lombardian Lodge. 2349 West LaneashiFe CentuFy Lodge. 2350 Corinthian Lodge. 2351 EFmine Lodge. 2352 Universities' Lodge. 2353 BFOxbouFne Lodge. 2354 HeidelbuFg Lodge. 2355 ChantFey Lodge. 2356 Lodge Pandyan. 2357 Bappy Lodge. 2358 Lodge of Mona. Places of Meeting. Alexandra Hotel, Clapham Common {South Side), London 1890 Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, fi 1894 Alexandra Hotel, Clapham Common, n 1894 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1890 Blanchard's Restaurant, Beak St., Regent St., London 1890 Ship and Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall Street, London 1890 Imperial Hotel, South Shore, BlacIcpOOl, Lancashire 1890 South Shore Hydropathic Establishment, Blackpool 1890 Masonic Hall, South Shore, n 1893 Pennington Memorial School, Market Street, Hindley, Lancashire i8go Bird i' th' hand Hotel, Wigan Road, Hindley 1890 County Assembly Rooms, Bailgate, Lincoln, Lincolnshiie 1890 Masonic Hall, Old Elvet, DuPham, Durham 1890 Crown Hotel, BPOXboUFne, Hertfordshire 1890 Hadley Hotel, Hadley Road, Hadley, New Bapnet, Hertfordshire 1 894 Lodge Rooms, HeidelbuPg (Heidelburg), South African Republic, South Africa 1890 Licensed Victuallers' Institution Buildings, Abbeydale Road, DOFO, Derbyshire 1890 Palace Street, MadUPa (Madura), Madras, India 1890 Royal Hotel, Barry Road, CadOXton, Glamorganshire 1890 Masonic Hall, Hope Street, CaStletOWn, Isle of Man 1892 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 7 Jan. 1890 Cons. 14 April 1890. 7 Jan. 1890 Cons. 27 March 1890. 8 Jan. 1890 Cons. 12 March 1890. 8 Jan. 1890 Cons. 28 March i8go. 21 Jan. 1890 Cons. 16 April i8go. 21 Jan. 1890 Cons. 8 March 1890. 21 Jan. 1890 Cons. 21 April 1890, 25 Jan. 1890 Cons. 22 Feb. iSoo. 10 Feb. 1890 Cons. 22 April 1890. 10 Feb. 1890 Cons. 15 Sept. 1890. 21 Mapeli 1890 Cons. 30 July 1890. 15 Appil 1890 Cons. 1 Feb. 1S90. 15 Appil 1890 Cons. II Sept. i8go. 15 April 1890 Cons. 10 March 1892. 1S63 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 3358 [ 451 ] Name of Lodge. 2359 2360 2361 Doric Lodge. Victoria Lodge. Crieklewood Lodge. 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 Bloomsbury Rifles' Lodge. Minnehalia Minstrel Lodge. Twillingate Lodge. Thomas Barnett Feltham Lodge. Winton Lodge, 1892. Etheridge Lodge. 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 Ravenswood Lodge. Alan Lodge. Cornish Lodge. Albert Victor Lodge. An Installed Masters' Lodge. Felix Lodge. Places of Meeting. Conservative Club, Barlow Moor Road, Didsbury, Lancashire 1R90 Didsbury Hotel, Wilmslow Road, Didsbury 1890 Freemasons' Hall, East Bank Street, Southport, Lancashire 1890 Crown Hotel, Edgeware Road, Crieklewood, Kilburn, London 1890 Frascati Restaurant, 32 Oxford Street, ir 1894 Headquarters of Bloomsbury Rifles [19th Middlesex], Chenies Street, London 1890 Victoria Hotel, Victoria Street, Deansgate, Manchester, Lancashire iS Masonic Rooms, TwiUingate, Newfoundland, North America 1890 Water Supply Offices, Vindex Street, Winton (Ayrshire, Gregory North), Queensland 1890 Miners' Institute, Dean Street, Durham (Gilbert, Cook District), Queensland 1890 Masonic Hall, Low Street, Georgetown (Gilbert), Queensland 1891 Freudenberg's Hall, Macrossan Street, RavenSWOOd (Gladstone, North Kennedy), Queensland 1890 Queen's Hotel, Wilmslow Road, Alderley Edge, Cheshire i8go Mark Masons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1890 Freemasons' Hall, Lodge Road, Anarkullee, Lahore (Lahore), Punjab., India 1890 Bath Hotel, Felixstowe, Suffolk 1890 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 15 April 1890 Cons. 21 June 1890. 15 April 1890 Cons. 7 July 1890. 1 May 1890 Cons. 18 July 1890. 1 May 1890 Cons. 9 July i8go. 1 May 1890 Cons. 30 July 1890. 1 May 1890 Cons. 30 Oct. 1890. 6 May 1890 Cons. 24 June 1890. 7 May 1890 Cons. 2 June 1890. 8 May 1890 Cons. 16 May i8go. 8 May 1890 Cons. 6 Aug. 1890. 16 May 1890 Cons, ig June i8go. 16 May 1890 Cons. 12 April 1890. 4 June 1890 Cons. 10 Nov. 1800. 1S63 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 [ 452 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2372 James Terry Lodge. Cheshunt Hall, Crossbrook Street, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire 1890 Four Swans Hotel, High St., Waltham CroSS, .1 1893 15 July 1890 Cons. 29 Sept. iSgo. 2372 2373 Hardwiek Lodge. Scarsdale Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, Saltergate, Chesterfield, Derbyshire 1891 Star Hotel, Market Place, Chesterfield 1891 Masonic Hall, Saltergate, n 1892 6 Aug. 1890 Cons. 18 March j8gi. 2373 2374 William Sliurmup Lodge. Shurmur Lodge, 1895. Royal Forest Hotel, Epping Forest, Chingford, Essex 1890 6 Aug. 1890 Cons. 24 Nov. 1890. 2374 2375 Hllbre Lodge. Masonic Hall, Market Hall, Market Street, Hoylake, Cheshire 1890 13 Aug. 1890 Cons. 18 Oct. 1890. 2375 2376 Capnarvon Lodge. Eagle and Child Inn, Church Road, Leyland, Lancashire 1890 13 Aug. 1890 Cons. 12 Dec. 1890. 2376 2377 Royal Connaught Lodge. Masonic Hall, in Fort Ahmednagar (Ahmednagar and Nassick), Bombay, India 1890 20 Aug. 1890 Cons. 5 Aug. i8go. 2377 2378 Fenwiek Lodge. Masonic Hall, Logan Road, WooUoongabba, South Brisbane (Stanley, Moreton), Queeiisland 1890 20 Aug, 1890 Cons. 12 May 1890. 2378 2379 Woodstock Lodge. Woodstock (Cape), Cape Colony, South Africa 1890 26 Aug. 1890 Cons. 29 Sept. iSgo. 2379 2380 Beneventa Lodge. Wheatsheaf Hotel, Sheaf Street, Daventry, Northamptonshire 1 89 1 17 Sept. 1890 Cons. 27 Feb. 1891. 2380 2381 Bushey Park Lodge. Greyhound Hotel, Park Gate, Hampton COUrt, Middlesex 1890 17 Sept. 1890 Cons. 8 Nov. 1890. 2381 2382 Loyal Hay Lodge. Masonic Hall, High Town, Hay, BrechwcksJiire 1890 17 Sept. 1890 Cons. 25 Nov. 1890. 2382 2383 Henry B. Loeh Lodge. Masonic Rooms, Beaeonsfleld (Kimberley, Griqualand West), Cape Colony, South Africa 1890 Union Temple, Beaconsfield 1892 24 Sept. 1890 Cons. 8 Dec. i8go. 2383 2384 Miteham Lodge. Vestry Hall, Lower Green, Lower Miteham, LondOn 1890 14 Nov. 1890 Cons. 13 Dec. 1890. 2384 2385 Godson Lodge. Talbot Hotel, Oldbury, Worcestershire 1S91 14 Nov. 1890 Cons. 11 March 1891. 2385 [ 453 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 2386 Clarence Lodge. 2387 Manchester Dramatic Lodge. 2388 Lodge of Harmony. 2389 Avondale Lodge. 2390 Exmoor Lodge. 2391 Orde-Powlett Lodge. 2392 Victoria Lodge. 2393 Charleville Lodge. 2394 Galen Lodge. 2395 Avondale Lodge. 2396 Bishopsgate Lodge. 2397 Columbia Lodge. 2398 Holborn Lodge. 2399 Ordnance Lodge. In Ordnance and Transport Corps. Places of Meeting. Masonic Hall, Queen Street, Chester, Cheshire \i Freemasons' Hall, Cooper St., Manchester, Lancashire 1891 Albion Hotel, I'iccadilly, Manchester 1893 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street, if 1895 Court House, Commerce Street, Stutterhelm (Stutterheim), Cape Colony, SotUh Africa 1890 Masonic Temple, Hill Street, Stutterheim 1891 Town Hall, High Street, Middlewich, Cheshire 1891 King's Arms Hotel, High Street, Middlewich 1891 Town Hal], The Avenue, Minehead, Somersetshire 1891 Freemasons' Hall, Marton Road, MiddlCSbrOUgh, Yorkshire 1891 Masonic Hall, AcCra, Gold Coast, West Coast of Africa 1891 Masonic Rooms, CharleviUe (Orrery, Warrego), Queensland i8go Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, LondOn 1891 Clarence Rooms, Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, London 1 89 1 Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street, London 1891 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, London 1891 The Criterion, Piccadilly, • n 1892 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Holborn Restaurant, Holborn, London 1891 Freemasons' Hall, Mount Pleasant, Plumstead [A'««^], London 1891 21 Nov. 1890 Cons, ig Jan. 1891. 1 Dec. 1890 Cons. 27 April 1891. 10 Dee. 1890 Cons. 7 Nov, 1890. 17 Jan. 1891 Cons. 6 April 1891, 17 Jan. 1891 Cons. 26 May 1891. 25 Jan. 1891 Cons. 15 April 1891. 4 Feb. 1891 Cons. 22 Oct. i8go, 12 Feb. 1891 Cons. 25 March 1891. 13 Feb. 1891 Cons. 4 June 1891. 14 Feb. 1891 Cons. 27 April 1891. 16 Feb. 1891 Cons. 19 March 1891. 17 Feb. 1891 Cons. 7 April 1891. 23 March 1891 Cons. 22 April 1891. 1863 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 25 Jan. 1891 2392 Cons. 2 Dec. 1891. 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 L 454 ] Name of Lodge. 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 Brentford Lodge. Klip River County Lodge. St. George's Lodge. Borneo Lodge of Harmony. Lord Charles Beresford Lodge. In Chatham Division of Royal Marines. lonie Lodge. Amatole Lodge. Hieks-Beaeh Lodge. Places of Meeting. 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 Hampstead Lodge. Woodgrange Lodge. Eseulapius Lodge. Clarence and Avondale Lodge. Ashfleld Lodge. Castle Assembly Rooms, High Street, Brentford, LondOn 1891 Masonic Rooms, Ladysmith (KHp River), Natal, South Africa 189 1 Masonic Rooms, Larnaca Road, Larnaca, Island of Cyprus 1 89 1 Masonic Hall, 278 CoUinson Road, Sandakan, British North Boriuo, East Indies 1893 Prince of Wales' Hotel, Railway Street, Chatham, Kent 1891 Sun Hotel, High Street, Chatham 1894 Masonic Chambers, Hall Street, St. Helens, Lancashire 1891 Masonic Rooms, Alice (Victoria East), Cape Colony, South Africa 1891 Subscription Rooms, George St., Stroud, Gioticestershire 1891 Imperial Hotel, Station Road, Stroud 1891 Badbrook Hall (Festival), „ 1893 Imperial Hotel, Station Road, n 1894 Hampstead Conservatoire, Eton Avenue, South Hampstead, London 1891 Vestry Hall, Haverstock Hill, n 1894 Princess Alice Hotel, Romford Road, Forest Gate, London 1891 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, London 1891 Masonic Hall, Red Lion Hotel, High Street, Leytonstone, London 1891 Town Hall, Albert Square, SuttOn-in-Ashfleld, Nottinghamshire 1891 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 23 March 1891 Cons. 25 May 1891. 3 April 1891 Cons. 10 July 1891. 1 May 1891 Cons. 14 Nov. i8gi. 1 May 1891 Cons. 3 March 1893. 6 May 1891 Cons. 7 June i8gi. 1 June 1891 Cons. 6 Oct. 1891. 1 June 1891 Cons. 22 Aug. 1891. 1 July 1891 Cons. 17 Nov, 1891. 8 July 1891 Cons. 27 Oct. 1891. 9 July 1891 Cons. 3 Sept. 1891. 9 July 1891 Cons. 2 Oct. i8gi. 10 July 1891 Cons. 5 Oct. 1891. 25 July 1891 Cons. 21 Oct. 1891. 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 L 455 ] 1894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2413 Trinity Lodge, Masonic Hall, Lake Street, Caims (Nares, Cook District), Queensland 1891 18 Sept. 1891 Cons. 24 July 1891. 2413 2414 Wyehwood Lodge. Private Rooms, Sheep Street, Burford, Oxfordshire 1892 Masonic Hall, n Burford 1892 18 Sept. 1891 Cons. 23 Jan. 1892. 2414 2415 Tristram Lodge. Sunday School Rooms, Main Street, ShildOn, Durham 1891 Masonic Hall, Main Street, Shildon 1892 26 Sept. 1891 Cons. 27 Nov. T891. 2415 2416 Hiram Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1891 5 Nov. 1891 Cons. 30 Nov. i8gi. 2416 2417 Bolingbroke Lodge. Stanley Hall, Cairns Road, Northcote Road, Battersea, London 1892 St. Mark's School, Battersea Rise, " 1892 Municipal Buildings, Lavender Hill, " 1894 5 Nov. 1891 Cons. 6 Jan 1892. 2417 2418 Hedworth Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Ingham St., SOUth Shields, Durham 1891 9 Nov. 1891 Cons. 17 Dec. 1891. 2418 2419 Hope Lodge Protestant Hall, Warwick Street, Allora (Merivale, Darling Downs), Queensland 1891 12 Nov. 1891 Cons. 11 Sept. 1891. 2419 2420 Ferdinand de Rothschild Lodge. Five Arrows, High St., Waddesdon, Buckinghamshire 1892 16 Jan. 1892 Cons. 30 May 1892. 2420 2421 Carrington Lodge. Crown Hotel, High St., KrSiG¥%\i.2SSi, Bicckinghamshire 1892 British Schools [Installation], Amersham 1893 Crown Hotel, High Street, " 1893 22 Jan. 1892 Cons. 30 April 1892. 2421 2422 Ebbisham Lodge. King's Head Hotel, High Street, EpSOm, Surrey 1892 15 Feb. 1892 Cons. 9 May 1892. 2422 2423 St. Mark's Lodge. Hare and Hounds Hotel, High Street, Connah'S Quay, Flintshire 1892 MasonicHall, Bank Buildings, High Street, Connah's Quay 1894 9 March 1892 Cons. 8 Aug. 1892. 2423 2424 St. Stephen's Lodge, Green Man Assembly Rooms, Dartmouth Row, Blackheath, London 1892 9 March 1892 Cons. 9 May 1892. 2424 2425 Eeelesburne Lodge, Endowed Schools, King Street, Duffleld, Derbyshire 1892 White Hart Hotel, Town Street, Duffield 1892 8 April 1892 Cons. 5 Sept. 1892. 2425 [ 456 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2426 2426 Wood Green Lodge. Fishmongers' Arms Hotel, High Street, Wood Green, London 1892 11 April 1892 Cons. 23 May 1892, 2427 Hampden Lodge. Hampden House, Phoenix Street, St. Pancras, London 1892 11 April 1892 Cons. 18 July 1892. 2427 2428 Grace Dieu Lodge. Masonic Hall, adjoining Railway Hotel, Coalville, Leicestershire 1892 3 June 1892 Cons. i6 Nov. 1892, 2428 2429 Lodge of Research. Freemasons' Hall, Halford St., Leicester, Leicestershire 1892 3 June 1892 Cons. 26 Oct. 1892. 2429 2430 Runnymede Lodge. Angler's Rest Hotel, Bell Weir Lock, Wraysbury, Bttckiiighainshire 1892 3 June 1892 Cons. II July 1892. 2430 2431 Kingsley Lodge. Masonic Hall, Princes Street, Northampton, Nortliatyiptonshire 1S92 3 June 1892 Cons. 24 Oct. 1892. 2431 2432 Sir Walter Raleigh Lodge. Inns of Court Plotel, Holborn, London 1892 3 June 1892 Cons. 28 July 1892. 2432 2433 Minerva Lodge. Masonic Chambers, 9 Hamilton Street, Birkenhead, Clieshire 1892 10 June 1892 Con.s. 7 Sept. 1892. 2433 2434 Anderida Lodge. Town Hall, Mead's Road, EastbOUrne, Sussex 1892 Queen's Hotel, Grand Parade, Eastbourne 1892 4 July 1892 Cons. 19 Oct. 1892. 2434 2435 Wineslai Lodge. Bell Hotel, Market Square, WinslOW, Buckinghamshire 1892 3 Aug. 1892 Cons. 3 Oct. 1892. 2435 2436 Ligonier Lodge. Masonic Rooms, Muttra (Muttra), N. W. Provinces, Lndia 1892 6 Aug. 1892 Cons. 9 March 1892. 2436 2437 Downshire Lodge. Town Hall, Market Place, Wokingham, Berkshire 1892 11 Aug. 1892 Cons. 17 Sept. 1892. 2437 2438 Lodge Faith. Masonic Rooms, Humby Vernacular School, Manora {Karachi, Sind), Bombay, India 1892 24 Aug. 1892 Cons. 28 Sept. 1892. 2438 2439 Mount Everest Lodge. Masonic Rooms, Darjeeling (Northern Bengal), Bengal, Lizdia 1892 7 Sept. 1892 Cons. 18 May 1892. 2439 2440 Lodge Invieta. Masonic Rooms, Chakrata, N. W. Provinces, India 1892 7 Sept. 1892 Cons. 12 Aug. 1892. 2440 [ 457 ] i894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2441 2442 2443 -2444 Thomas Jones Lodge. St. Clement's Lodge. Albany Lodge. Noel Lodge. Lodge Reunlpn. Freemasons' Hall, 55 Bentinck Street, Calcutta, Bengal, India 1S93 Bell Hotel, High Street, Leigh, Essex 1892 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 Lodge Nripendra Narayan. Palatine Lodge. Bradstow Lodge. Duke of York Lodge. Loxfield Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Albany (Plantagenet), Western Australia 1892 St. James's Hall, .St. James's Road, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey 1892 Masonic Rooms, Blenheim (Marlborough), Marlborough, New Zealand 1892 Erased in 1893. Warrant returiied unused. Lodge Rooms, Cooch Behar (Northern Bengal), Bengal, ia 1893 2451 2452 2453 Charles Blakeway Lodge. Lodge of Unity. Duke of York Lodge. Palatine Hotel, Hunt's B?.nk, Victoria Road, ■ Manchester, Lancashire 1893 Masonic Hall, Alexandra Road, Broadstairs, Kent 1892 Palatine Hotel, Hunt's Bank, Victoria Road, Manchester, Lancashire 1893 Public Hall, High Street, Uckfleld, Sussex 1893 Assembly Rooms, Maiden's Head Hotel, High Street, Uckfield 1893 Masonic Temple, Stamford Street, EngCObO (Tembuland), Cape ColOny, Sozith Africa 1893 Freemasons' Hall, Howick Street, Perth (Perth), Western Australia 1892 7 Sept. 1892 Cons. 19 Jan. 1893. 7 Sept. 1892 Cons. 10 Dec. 1892. 14 Sept. 1892 Cons. 4 Jan. 1892. 14 Sept. 1892 Cons. 24 Oct. 1892. 20 Sept. 1892 24 Sept. 1892 10 Oct. 1892 Con^ 20 Jan. 1893. 21 Oct. 1892 Cons. 15 Dec. 1892. 5 Nov. 1892 Cons. 23 Feb. 1893. 5 Nov. 1892 Cons. 2 March 1893 5 Nov. 1892 Cons. 12 May 1S93. 7 Nov. 1892 Cons. 5 Sept. 1893. Masonic Hall, 9 Working St., Cardiff, Glamorganshire 1895 21 NOV. 1892 58 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 [ 458 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2454 Guildhall School of Music Lodge. Holborn Restaurant, Holborn, London 1893 1 Dee. 1892 Cons. 13 Feb. 1893. 2454 2455 St. Martin's Lodge. St. Martin's Town Hall, Charing Cross, London 1893 1 Dec. 1892 Cons. 16 Jan. 1893. 2455 2456 Chancery Bar Lodge. The Hall of Lincoln's Inn, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London 1893 7 Dee. 1892 Cons. 28 Nov. 1893. 2456 2457 St. Anne's Lodge. New Mission Room, St. George's Road, St. Anne'S-On-the-Sea, Lancashire 1893 Masonic Rooms, T Garden Street, St. Anne's-on-the-Sea 1893 Masonic Hall, Orchard Road, n 1894 14 Dee. 1892 Cons. 27 Feb. 1893. 2457 2458 Eton Lodge. Christopher Hotel, High Street, Eton, Buckinghamshire 1893 14 Dec. 1892 Cons. 7 Jan. 1893. 2458 2459 Quilmes Lodge. Masonic Hall, Calle Sarmiento, QuilmeS, Argentine Republic, South America 1893 2 Jan. 1893 Cons. 19 April 1893. 2459 2460 Ascot Lodge. Royal Hotel, Ascot Heath, AsCOt, Berkshire 1893 12 Jan. 1893 Cons. 25 March 1893. 2460 2461 Duguza Lodge. Masonic Rooms, Stanger, Natal, Sotith Africa 1893 12 Jan. 1893 2461 2462 Clarence Lodge. Masonic Hall, Hart Road, Wcst HartlcpOOl, Durham 1893 24 Jan. 1893 Cons. 25 July 1893. 2462 2463 Bootle-Wilbraham Lodge. Village Hall, Knotty Ash (West Derby), Lancashire 1893 24 Jan. 1893 Cons. 23 March 1893. 2463 2464 Longsight Lodge. Club House, Birch Lane, Longsight, Lancashire 1893 1 Feb. 1893 Cons. 2 Aug. 1893. 2464 2465 Trident Lodge. Masonic Hall, Mangrove Bay, Somerset Island, Bermuda Islands, West indies 1893 10 Feb. 1893 Cons. 22 May 1893. 2465 2466 Cheerybles Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1893 10 Feb. 1893 Cons. 19 May 1893. 2466 2467 Pickwick Lodge. Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, London 1893 10 Feb. 1893 Cons. 13 June 1S93. 2467 2468 St. John's Lodge. Masonic Hall, Loch Parade, Douglas, Isle of Man 1895 10 Feb. 1893 2468 2469 Hortus Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1893 18 Feb. 1893 Cons. 27 April 1893. 2469 [ 459 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. 2470 Telegraph Cable Lodge. 2471 Avon Lodge. 2472 Walthamstow Lodge. 2473 Molesey Lodge. 2474 HatheFton Lodge. 2475 Border Lodge. 2476 Ubique Lodge. 2477 Colne Lodge. 2478 Gold Fields' Lodge. 2479 Rhodesia Lodge. 2480 Boksburg Lodge. 2481 Jeppestown Lodge. 2482 Duchess of York Lodge. 2483 Hadrian Lodge. Places of Meeting. Ship and Turtle Tavern, Leadenhall Street, London Masonic Rooms, Northam, Western Australia 1893 Masonic Hall, Chequers Hotel, High Street, Walthamstow, London 1893 Castle Hotel, Bridge Road, East Molesey, Surrey 1893 Date of Warrant or Constitution. 18 Feb. 1893 Cons. 30 May 1893. 22 March 1893 17 April 1893 Cons. 31 July 1893. 19 April 1893 Cons. 3 June 1893. Stork Hotel, Leicester Square, Walsall, Staffordshire 1893 25 April 1893 Cons. 28 Sept. 1893. White Hart Hotel, London Road, Blackwater, Hampshire 1893 Masonic Rooms, Barrackpore, Bengal, India 1893 Old Board Schools, High Street, Wyvenhoe, Essex 1893 Greyhound Inn, High Street, Wyvenhoe 1893 Stock Exchange Hall, Johannesburg (Heidelberg), South African Republic, South Africa 1893 Masonic Hall, Johannesburg 1894 Masonic Hall, Salisbury, Mashonaland, South Africa 1893 Landrost's Court Room, Boksburg (Heidelberg), South African Republic, South Africa 1893 Masonic Temple, JeppeStOWn, South African Republic, South Africa 1893 Victoria Hotel, Victoria Street, Manchester, Lancashire 1893 Drill Hall, Pevensey, Sussex 1893 Corporation Arms, Westham, near Pevensey, ir 1893 1863 29 April 1893 Cons. ID Oct. 1893. 29 April 1893 Cons. 25 Feb. 1893. 29 April 1893 Cons. 24 Oct. 1893. 17 May 1893 Cons. 14 Oct. 1^93. 17 May 1893 17 May 1893 Cons. 4 Nov. 1893. 17 May 1893 Cons. 26 Aug. 1893. 23 June 1893 Cons. 13 Sept. 1893. 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 30 June 1893 2483 Cons. 13 Sept. 1893. 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 [ 460 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2484 Second Middlesex Artillery Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London 1893 18 Aug. 1893 Cons. 9 Oct. 1893. 2484 2485 Zoutpansberg Liberty Lodge. Masonic Hall, Pietersburg (Zoutpansberg), South African Republic, South Africa 1893 21 Aug. 1893 Cons. 29 Nov. 1893. 2485 2486 Franklin Lodge. Lodge Rooms, Hebron (Barkiy West), Cape Colony, South Africa 1894 Lodge Rooms, Windearton (Barkiy West), Cafe Colony 1894 23 Aug. 1893 Cons. 22 Feb. 1894. 2486 2487 St. Michael's Lodge. Assembly Rooms, Crown Hotel, High Street, StOne, Staffordshire 1893 28 Aug. 1893 Cons. 29 Sept. 1893. 2487 2488 Eccentric Lodge. Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, London 1893 The Criterion, Piccadilly, n 1894 18 Sept. 1893 Cons. 20 Oct. 1893. 2488 2489 Willesden Lodge. St. Andrew's School, High Road, Willesden Green, Willesden, London 1893 18 Sept. 1893 Cons. 13 Nov. 1893. 2489 2490 Ampthill Lodge. White Hart Hotel, High Street, Ampthill, Bedfordshire 1894 12 Oet. 1893 Cons. 22 June 1894. 2490 2491 White Rose of York Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Surrey Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire 1893 12 Oct. 1893 Cons. 27 Nov. 1893, 2491 2492 Concordia Lodge. Red Lion Hotel, Lee Common, WendOVer, Buckinghamshire 1894 15 Nov. 1893 Cons. 29 Jan. 1894. 2492 2493 Vale of Eden Lodge. Tufton Arms Hotel, Boroughgate, Appleby, Westmorland 1894 14 Dec. 1893 Cons. 30 March 1894. 2493 2494 Humber Installed Masters' Lodge. Freemasons' Hall, Osborne Street, Hull, Yorkshire 1894 14 Dec. 1893 Cons. 2 Feb. 1894. 2494 2495 Goodacre Lodge. County Hall, Pembroke Road, Bootle, Lancashire 1894 14 Dec. 1893 Cons. 16 April 1894. 2495 2496 Wirral Lodge. Claughton Music Hall, Claughton Road, Birkenhead, Cheshire 1894 14 Dec. 1893 Cons. 8 Feb. 1894. 2496 [ 46i ] 1894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2497 Carville Lodge. • Grand Assembly Rooms, College Road, Bavras Bridge, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland 1894 Masonic Hall, Station Road, Wallsend-Upon-Tyne, Northumberland 1894 14 Dee. 1893 Cons. 25 July 1S94. 2497 2498 Germiston Lodge. Masonic Rooms, Germlston (Transvaal), South African Republic, South Africa 1894 14 Dee. 1893 Cons. 2 June 1894. 2498 2499 North Kent Lodge. Masonic Rooms, Bexlcy Heath, Kent 1895 26 Jan. 1894 Cons. 2 Feb. 1895. 2499 2500 Old Boys' Lodge. Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, London 1894 Montrose College, Brixton Hill [Special], n 1894 Guildhall Tavern, Gresham Street, n 1894 7 Feb. 1894 Cons. 13 March 1894. 2500 2501 Ixion Lodge. Roebuck Hotel, High Road, Buckhurst Hill, Essex 1894 7 Feb. 1894 Cons. 30 April 1894. 2501 2502 Gatwiek Lodge. Chequers Hotel, Horlcy, Surrey 1894 7 Feb. 1894 Cons. 21 Feb. 1894. 2502 2503 Cleveland Lodge. Masonic Hall, Flinders Street, TownSViUe (Elphinstone, North Kennedy), Queensland 1893 7 Feb. 1894 Cons. 28 Sept. 1893. 2503 2504 Earl of Warwick Lodge. Roebuck Hotel, High Road, BuckhuPSt Hill, Essex 1894 6 March 1894 Cons. 11 April 1894. 2504 2505 County Palatine Lodge. Town Hall, Weld Road, BiPkdalC, Lancashire 1894 Palace Hotel, ,1 Birkdale 1894 21 March 1894 Cons. 6 July 1894. 2505 2506 St. George's Lodge. Masonic Hall, Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Coast of Africa 1895 21 March 1894 Cons. 22 Feb. 1895. 2506 2507 Zuriel Lodge. Masonic Rooms, Naraingunge (Dacca District), Bengal, India 1894 21 March 1894 Cons. 17 March 1894. 2507 2508 Thomas Railing Lodge. Victoria Hotel, Station Road, Chingford, Essex 1894 3 April 1894 Cons. I May 1894. 2508 2509 Barnet Lodge. Assembly Hall, Lytton Road, New Barnet [Herts], London 1894 26 April 1894 Cons. 28 May 1894. 2509 2510 Meteor Lodge. Pastoralists' Hall, Longreach (Cumberland), Queensland 1894 5 May 1894 Cons. 21 Sept. 1894. 2510 [ 462 ] 1 894 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 Name of Lodge. St. John-at-Haekney Lodge. Fulham Lodge. Sip Walter St. John Lodge. City Lodge. Ixopo Lodge. Ermelo Lodge. St. John's Lodge. Charles Edward Keyser Lodge. Moore-Keys Lodge. Places of Meeting. 2520 Prince of Wales' Lodge. 2521 2522 2523 2524 Noel-Money Lodge. Star of Bethlehem Lodge. Boll Call Lodge. Train-Bands Lodge. Old Town Hall, Mare Street, Hackney, London 1894 Town Hall, Broadway, Walham Green, Fulham, London 1894 Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, Camberwell, London iS Alexandra Hotel, Dale Street, Liverpool, Lancashire 1894 Lodge Rooms, StuartstOWn (Ixopo, Pietermaritzburg), Natal, South Africa 1894 No. 37 Kerkstraat, ErmelO (Ermelo), South African Republic, South Africa 1894 64 Calle Laprida, Lomas de Zamora, Argentine Republic, South America 1894 Bull Hotel, High Street, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire 1894 Sussex Hall, Hanover Street, Kingston (Kingston, Surrey), Jamaica, West Indies 1894 Grand Assembly Rooms, College Road, Barras Bridge, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland 1894 (Consecration.) Central Masonic Hall, Pilgrim St., Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1894 Oatlands Park Hotel, Weybridge, Surrey 1894 Masonic Rooms, Bethlehem (Bethlehem), Orange Free State, South Africa 1894 Oddfellows' Hall, Hanworth Road, HounslOW, Middlesex 1894 Date of Warrant or Constitution. Finsbury Barracks, City Road, London 1894 5 May 1894 Cons. 15 June 1894. 5 May 1894 Cons. II June 1894. 5 May 1894 Cons. 28 June 1894. 15 May 1894 Cons. 26 July 1894. 15 May 1894 Cons. 16 April 1894. 15 May 1894 15 May 1894 Cons. 2 Aug. 1894. 23 May 1894 Cons. 25 June 1894. 26 May 1894 Cons. 20 Sept. 1894. 6 June 1894 Cons. 25 July 1894 6 June 1894 Cons. 2 Oct. 1894. 6 June 1894 Cons. 28 Nov. 1S94. 8 June 1894 Cons. 10 July 1S94. 20 June 1894 Cons. II July 1894. 1863 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 [ 463 ] ■i894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2525 Thupston Lodge. Waterhead Hotel, Monk-Coniston, Lancashire 1894 2 July 1894 Cons. 7 Sept. 1894. 2525 2526 Irrawaddy Lodge. Masonic Room, Myingyan, Burma, East Indies 1894 6 July 1894 Cons. 18 June 1894. 2526 2527 Lodge Dhawar. Masonic Rooms, Dhawar, Bombay, India 1894 12 July 1894 Cons. I Sept. 1894. 2527 2528 Lancastrian Lodge. Frascati Restaurant, 32 Oxford Street, London 1894 18 July 1894 Cons. 10 Oct. 1894. 2528 2529 Abbey Lodge. AssemblyRooms, AccringtonRoad, Whalley, iawf^aj/i/Ve 1894 Whalley Arms Hotel, King Street, Whalley 1894 18 July 1894 Cons. 26 Sept. 1894. 2529 2530 Shirley Woolmer Lodge . St. John's Hall, High Street, SidCUp, Kent 1894 21 Aug. 1894 Cons. 12 Dec. 1894. 2530 2531 Lodge Khan Bahadur B. Rajkotwalla. Masonic Hall, Karachi (Sind), Bombay, India 1894 9 Oct. 1894 Cons. 17 Nov. 1894. 2531 2532 Lodge St. Geofge. Masonic Hall, Madras (Chingleput), Madras, India 1894 9 Oct. 1894 Cons. 4 Aug. 1894. 2532 2533 Fitzwilliam Lodge. Masonic Hall, Boroughbury, Peterborough, Northamptonshire 1895 11 Oct. 1894 Cons. 21 Feb. 1895. 2533 . 2534 Austral Lodge. Masonic Rooms, Mafeking, British Beehuanaland, South Africa 1894 18 Oct. 1894 2534 •2535 Lodge Fellowship. Frascati Restaurant, 32 Oxford Street, London 1894 22 Oct. 1894 Cons. 17 Dec. 1B94. 2535 2536 Staines Lodge. Town Hall, Market Place, StainCS, Middlesex 1895 21 Nov. 1894 Cons. 30 Jan. 1895. 2536 2537 St. George's Lodge. Masonic Hall, Cape Town (Cape), Cape Colony, South Africa 1894 21 Nov. 1894 2537 2538 Metropolitan Lodge. British Temple, CapeJTown (Cape), Cape Colony, South Africa 1894 21 Nov. 1894 2538 [ 464 ] 1 894 Name of Lodge. Places of Meeting. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1863 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 Roodepoopt Lodge. Ember Lodge. St. Andrew's Lodge. Gatton Lodge. Coolgapdie Lodge. Masonic Rooms, RoodepOOFt, South African Republic, South Africa 1895 Castle Hotel, Bridge Road, EaSt Molesey, Surrey 1895 National Schools, AvonmOUth, Gloucestershire 1895 Masonic Hall, Meadow Street, Avonmouth 1895 Masonic Rooms, Gatton (Churchill and Cavendish), Queensland 1894 Masonic Rooms, CoolgaPdie (Yilgarn District), Western Australia 1894 1 Dec. 1894 Cons. 16 Feb. 1895. 5 Dee. 1894 Cons. 11 Jan. 1895. 5 Dee. 1894 Cons. 29 Jan. 1895. 12 Dee. 1894 Cons. 21 Sept. 1894. 18 Dec. 1894 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 ERRATUM. Page 143, Royal Edwin Lodge, No. 358 — Omit "Sun, Norwich Street," and read " R&d Lion, Market Place, 1765.' PART IV. Lodges Constituted or Warranted Abroad, but never Registered in the Books of Grand Lodge. A great many Lodges appear to have been Warranted or Constituted during the latter part of the last and the early part of the present century by or under the authority of Provincial Grand Masters residing abroad, but of the constitution of which no trace can be found on the Grand Lodge Registers. It is absolutely certain that most, if not all, of these Lodges were never reported by the Provincial Grand Masters or their Officers to the Grand Lodge, and that no returns were ever made, or contributions sent, by any of them to the supreme authority, according to the requirements of the Book of Constitutions. The following Lists contain particulars of such Lodges as appear to have been Warranted or Constituted by Provincial Grand Masters or Provincial Grand Lodges holding their authority from one or the other of the rival Grand Lodges of England. There are indications of the existence of many other Lodges, not included in these Lists, but sufficient evidence to justify their inclusion is not obtainable, and without such evidence it is impossible accurately to state that they were of English origin. It will be obvious that these Lists may not include all such Lodges, even of English origin, nor yet those whose members acted upon the doctrine of " inherent right," and formed or constituted themselves into Lodges independent of any superior authority, for doubtless there were many of both classes of whose existence no traces, sufficient for identification and inclusion in these Lists, can now be found. Lodges warranted for England by other Grand Bodies are necessarily beyond the scope of this work. Amongst such Lodges, however, the following, warranted by the Grand Lodge of Ireland, may be mentioned, namely, " No. 148, Norwich, England," of the year 1745, and " No. 247, Middle Temple, London," held at the King's Head, corner of Chancery Lane, and probably constituted there on 8th May 1754. Nos. 290 and 458, also on the Irish Roll, were warranted for " Castletown, Isle of Man," and " Douglas, Isle of Man," respectively, as appears by the List of Lodges appended to the Ahiman Rezon (Dublin) of 1804. In addition to the foregoing several French Lodges met in various parts of England, whose members consisted chiefly of French prisoners of war. L— EUROPE. Name or Number of Lodge. Place of Meeting, &c. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Origin. GIBRALTAR. No. 2, Provincial. In the Royal AptilleFy. \ No. 3, Provincial. In the 100th Regiment of Foot. No. 4, Provincial. No. 5, Provincial. No. 6, Provincial. No. 7, Provincial. In the 108th Regiment of Foot. In the Royal Aptillcpy. In the 28th Regiment of Foot. In the 70th Regiment of Foot. ' Provincial Grand Lodge of Gibraltar (Ancients), No. 220, Warranted 25 January, 1786. [See page 156]. No. 8, Provincial. In the 90th Regiment of Foot. No. 9, Provincial. In the 28th Regiment of Foot. / 59 [ 466 ] II.— ASIA. Name (ir Numbkr of Lodge. Place of Meeting, &c. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Origin. INDIA. First Battalion, Second Regiment, Madras, Madras 17 April 1779 Athol Prov. G. Committee. St. Thomas' Mount (Chlngleput), Madras 25 April 1779 Athol Prov. G. Committee. Surrendered its Local Warrant in 1786 and became " Lodge Perfect Harmony," No. 3 Provincial [p. 216I. Lodge of Amity, Bombay (Bombay), Bombay Prior to 1787 Prov. G.L. Bombay. Stewards' Lodge. Calcutta, Bengal Abolished 27 December i8ig. 24 June 1786 Prov. G.L. Bengal. Marine Lodge. Calcutta, Bengal Seceded from the " Moderns,'" circa 1799, and subsequently took an " Ancient " Warrant, No. 323, of 4 March 1801 [p. 197]. Circa 1794 Prov. G.L. Bengal. Lodge Strength and Beauty. Vellore (North Arcot), Madras 1 August 1795 Prov. G.L. Madras. No. 8a, Local. Wairant returned to Provincial Grand Lodge in 1806. Lodge Unity and Friendship. No. 8b, Local. In Thirty-third Regiment of Foot, At Vellore (North Arcot), Madras 1S03 II Bellary (liellary), „ 1804 II Seeunderabad (Hyderabad), Deccan 1806 The Regiment had a Warrant, No. 90 " Ancient.-?," of 11 April T798, and the iVIembers were under the impression, during the whole of their stay in India, that they were still under the Athol regime. They never found out their mistake, but returned to England, taking up their old number, go, again at Chatham, in 1810. 27 Dee. 1803 Prov. G.L. Madras. Lodge Travancore Union. Quilon (Travancore), Madras 24 June 1806 Prov. G.L. Madras. No. 10, Coast of Coromandel. Lodge St. Andrew. Chepauk, Madras 4 April 1810 Prov. G.L. Madras. No. 6, Local. United with " Carnatic .Military Lodge," No. 2, as "St. Andrew's Union Lodge," No. 2, 20 March 1814. Lodge United Friendship. No. 5, Local. In the Sixteenth Regiment Native Infantry, Madras, Madras Warrant returned to Prov. G.L. 31 March 1819. 24 April 1812 Prov. G.L. Madras. Lodge St. Patrick. Fort St. George, Madras (Chingleput), Madras 28 Dec. 1812 Prov. G.L. Madras. No. II, Local. United with '* St. Andrew's Union Lodge " in 1823. Warrant returned to Prov. G.L. 24 June 1823. St. David's Lodge. In the Thirtieth Regiment, Madras, Madras 27 Dec. 1813 Prov. G.L. Madras. No. 13, Local. Warrant returned to Prov. G.L. 24 June 1819. [ 467 J Name or Numbkr of Lodge. Place of Meeting, &c. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Origin. Moira Lodge Friendship and Fidelity. Calcutta, Bengal Ceased about June 1821. 8 Nov. 1813 Prov. G.L. Bengal. Northern Star Lodge. Barrackpore, Bengal 18 July 1816 Prov. G.L. Bengal. Lodge of Harmony. No. 1 2, Coast of Coromandel. Trineomalee, Csydon 27 Dee. 1817 Prov. G.L. Madras. United Lodge of Friendship. Cawnpore (Allahabad), N. W. Provinces 13 June 1821 Prov. G.L. Bengal. St. Patrick's Lodge. No. 8, Local. Madras (Madras), Madras 15 July 1821 Prov, G.L. Madras. Lodge Humanity with Courage. A Military Lodge. George Town, Penang, Malay Peninsula July 1822 Prov. G.L. Bengal. Lodge of Amity St. John's. Poena (Poona), Bombay 30 Jan. 1824 Prov. G.L. Bombay. Lodge Kilwinning in the West. Nusseerabad (Mymingsing), Bengal 20 Oct. 1824 Prov. G.L. Bengal. Larkin's Lodge of Union and Brotherly Love. Dinapore (Bihar), Bengal Ceased in 1827. 20 Oct. 1824 Prov. G.L. Bengal. Lodge South Eastern Star of Light and Liberty. Arracan, British Burma Never Constituted, although Warranted. 26 Oct. 1825 Prov. G.L. Bengal. Tuscan Lodge. Malacca, Malay Peninsula 26 Oct. 1825 Prov. G.L. Bengal. Royal George Lodge. Bombay (Bombay), Bombay 9 Dee. 1825 Prov. G.L. Bombay. Lodge Union and Perseverance. Agra (Agra), N. W. Provinces 23 Oct. 1826 Prov. G.L. Bengal. Hibernia and Union Lodge. In the Eighty-ninth Regiment of Foot, Madras 26 August 1838 Prov. G.L. Madras. No. II, Local. St. Thomas' Mount (Chingleput), Madras [unknown] Prov. G.L. Madras. Vizagapatam (Circar), Madras [unknown] Prov. G.L. Madras. [ 468 ] III.— BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Name or Number of Lodge. Place of Meeting, &c. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Origin. CANADA EAST [Lower Canada], QUEBEC. An Army Lodge. In Expedition against Canada 13 April 1759 Prov. G.L. Boston (Mass.). Stewards' or Select Lodge. Quebec, Quebec 1759 Quebec, Quebec 1762 Prov. G.L. Boston. A Military Lodge. Montreal, Montreal 1765 A Military Lodge. Quebec, Quebec 1766 Deputy Provineial Grand Montreal, Montreal 20 Dec. 1767 Lodge. A Military Lodge. Quebec, Quebec 1769 Prov. G.L. Quebec. No. 8, Provincial. A Military Lodge. Quebec, Quebec 1770 Prov. G.L. Quebec. No. 9, Provincial. Unity Lodge. Sorel, Richelieu 27 Jan. 1781 Prov. G.L. Quebec. No. 13, Provincial. Grand Stewards' Lodge. Quebec, Quebec 22 June 1792 Athol Prov. G.L, [ 469 ] Name or Number of Lodge, Place of Meeting, &c. Royal Rose Lodge. No. 2, Provincial. No. 4, Provincial. Richelieu Lodge. No. 6, Provincial. Lodge of Fidelity. No. 7, Provincial. Select Surveyors' Lodge. No. 9, Provincial. Chambly Lodge. No. II, Provincial. St. Andrew's Lodge. No. 13, Provincial. Rural Lodge. No. 15, Provincial. St. George's Lodge. No. 16, Provincial. Lodge of Friendship. No. 18, Provincial. Pythagorean Lodge. No. 21, Provincial. Loge les Bon Freres du Canada. No. 23, Provincial. Waterloo Lodge. No. 24, Provincial. Rural Mark Lodge. No. 27, Provincial. Seventh Regiment of Foot, Richelieu [now Sorel], Richelieu Second Battalion Sixtieth Regiment Richelieu [now Sorel], Richelieu Seventh Regiment of Foot, Quebec, Quebec Quebec, Quebec Was at Phillipsburg (Mississquoi Bay) in 1795 1. Cook's Corner (St. Armand) in 1810 Building and Warrant burnt about January 1812. Chambly, Chambly River Duchesne, on Ottawa River, afterwards moved to St. Andrew's Erased in 1808. Ascot, near Lennoxville Three Rivers, Eaton Chambly, St. Maurice Quebec, Three Rivers, Chambly Quebec St. Maurice Charleston (Township of Hatley), Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1792 {circa July] 1792 1793 January 1793 [May] 1793 1795 1800 1805 25 Dec. 1809 1813 1816 24 June 1816 1816 1824 Origin. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G. L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L, Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L, [ 470 ] Name or Nujiber of Lodge. Provincial Grand Masters' Lodge. No. I, Provincial. Queen's Rangers' Lodge. No. jA, Provincial. No. 3B, Provincial. No. 5, Provincial. No. 8, Provincial. No. 9, Provincial. No. II, Provincial. No. 12, Provincial. No. 14, Provincial. Adonhiram Lodge. No. 18, Provincial. No. 20, Provincial. Glengarry Lodge. No. I, Provincial. Royal Edward Lodge. No. 5, Provincial. Place of Meeting, &c. CANADA WEST [Upper Canada], ONTARIO. Freemasons' Hall, Niagara, Lmcobt Barracks, Niagara, Lincoln York Barracks, Old Fort, York [now TorOntO], York Lapsed in 1800. Cornwall, Glengarry Ceased ahoitt 1S17. Edwardsburg, near Prescott, Grenville At the Old Mercer Cottage, corner of Bay and Wellington Streets, York [now TorontO], York Bertie (Fort Erie), Welland Mohawk Village, Grand River (Township of Brant), Brant Lanty Shannon's House, Stamford, Welland Lee's Tavern, Fingal Road, SouthWOld, Elgin Amherstberg, Lapsed in 1812. Essex Cornwall, Glengarry The foregoing are ten out of twenty Lodges warranted by Wm. Jarvis, Prov. G.M. (Athol) of Upper Canada, between 1704 and 1804. The other ten Lodges found their way on the English Register in 1822, when Simon McGillivray was Prov. G.M. [See pages 255 and 256-1 In Second Battalion Royal Canadians at Glengarry, Glengarry Edwardsburg, Grenville It is singular that both the Prov. G.L. of Upper and Lower Canada should have issued a Warrant for this town, and that both should bear the same number, 5. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 1794 1794 1794 1796 179- 179- 179- 179- 179- 179- Origix. 1792 Nov. 1792 Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. of Lower Canada. Athol Prov. G.L. of Lcnoer Canada. [ 471 ] Name or Number of Lodge. Hiram Lodge. No. 17, Provincial. St. George's Lodge. No. 19, Provincial. Sion Lodge. No. 21, Provincial. Solomon's Lodge. No. 22, Provincial. Hiram Yorli Lodge. No. 23, Provincial. Midian Lodge. No. 31, Provincial. Orphans' Friend Lodge. No. 34, Provincial. Eastern Star Lodge. No. 37, Provincial. Union Lodge. No. 38, Provincial. Lodge of Fortitude. No. 42, Provincial. Place of Meeting, &c. NEW BRUNSWICK. House of Bro. John Kirk, Parp Town [now Saint Jolin], Saint John Under Dispensation i Sept. 1784. Warrant revoked 7 Sept. 1796. House of Bro. Nathaniel Underhill, Maugerville, Sunbliry Removed to BurtOn in 181 1 Made returns to 1827 and closed shortly afterwards. Masons' Hall, Kingston, Kings Removed to Sussex Vale [Kin^s) in 1799 Dissolved in 1825. House of Bro. Ephraim Betts, FrederietOn, York The Records state that " the Warrant was pronounced insufficient '' by the United G.L. of England. Ceased early in 1S29. House of Cornelius Ackerman, FrederietOn, York Ceased about iSoo. House of Bro. Silas Raymond, Kingston, Kings TP Bro. Abel English, Kingston 1S22 Tp Bro. Constant L. Perkins, pp 1828 pp Bro. Da\id Wetmore, Jr., tp 1837 A New Lodge of same name, including some Members of the old Lodge, was warranted by G.L. of Englapid t8 May 1846. [See page St. Stephen's, Charlotte Last records 31 August 1825. Flouse of Bro. John Lannen, St. Andrew's, Charlotte Last records 23 October 1833. House of Bro. Morris, Horsfield .Street, Saint John, Saint John Masonic Hall, King and Charlotte Streets, Saint John 1824 Ceased about 1831. Russell's Rooms, Miramichi, Northumberland Date of Warrant or Constitution. 6 Dee. 1786 7 August 1789 15 August 1792 15 August 1792 Cons. 3 Oct. 1792. 6 March 1793 Cons. 9 Feb. 1794. 27 May 1805 Cons. 12 Sept. 1805. 26 Oet. 1809 Cons. 14 Dec. 1809. 29 August 1814 Cons. 22 Nov. 1S14. 7 Sept. 1814 Cons. 27 Sept. 1814. 27 August 1819 Origin. Athol Prov. G.L. of Nova Scotia. Athol Prov. G.L. of Nova Scotia. Athol Prov. G. L. of Nova Scotia. Athol Prov. G.L. of Nova Scotia. Athol Prov. G.L. of Nova Scotia. Athol Prov. G.L. of Nova Scotia. Athol Prov. G.L. of Nova Scotia. Athol Prov. G.L. of Nova Scotia. Athol Prov. G.L. of Nova Scotia. Athol Prov. G.L. of Nova Scotia. [ 472 ] Name or Numbkr of Lodge. Place of Meeting, &c. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Origin. St. Lawrence Lodge. No. 43, Provincial. House of Bro. Thomas Graham, Rlchlbucto, Northumberland Made returns to 1826. 1 August 1820 Athol Prov. G.L. of Nova Scotia. Morning' Star Lodge. No. 46, Provincial. Woodstock, Carleton Ceased about 1830. 29 May 1822 Athol Prov. G.L. of Nova Scotia. Golden Rule Lodge. Hopewell, Westmorland 29 June 1824 Athol Prov. G.L. of No. 50, Provincial. On 24 Sept. 1828 declined to accept a Warrant from the G.L, of England. Worked until 1S33. Nova Scotia. ¥ NEWFOUNDLAND. A Lodge. St. John's, St. John's 1746 Prov. G.L. Boston. Second Lodge. St. John's, St. John's NOVA SCOTIA. 1766 Prov. G.L. Boston. A Lodge. Annapolis, Annapolis [Stated to be] 1738 Prov. G.L. Boston. Second Lodge. Annapolis, Annapolis 1751 Prov. G.L. Boston. An Army Lodge. Twenty-eighth Regiment of Foot, Louisbourg, Cape Breton 13 Nov. 1758 Prov. G.L. Boston. Parr Lodge. Shelburne, Shelburne 29 Sept. 1784 Athol Prov. G.L. No. 3, Provincial. Solomon's Lodge. Shelburne, Shelburne 29 Sept. 1784 Athol Prov. G.L. No. 5, Provincial. Digby Lodge. Digby, Digby 29 Sept. 1784 Athol Prov. G.L. No. 6, Provincial. Hiram Lodge. Sheet Harbour, Halifax 18 Oct. 1784 Athol Prov. G.L. No. 8, Provincial. Chester Lodge. Chester, Lunenburg 27 Dee. 1784 Athol Prov. G.L. No. 9, Provincial. Concord Lodge. Cumberland, Cumberland 29 Sept. 1785 Athol Prov. G.L. No. 12, Provincial. [ 473 ] Name or Numbkr of Lodge. Windsor Lodge. No. 13, Provincial. Walmsley Lodge. No. 14, Provincial. Cornwallis Lodge. No. 15, Provincial. Harmony Lodge. No. 16, Provincial. Koyal Navy Lodge. No. 18, Provincial. Union Lodge. No. 20, Provincial. Royal Nova Scotia Lodge. No. 24, Provincial. A Military Lodge. Annapolis Royal Lodge. No. 25, Provincial. Hibernia Lodge. No. 27, Provincial. Harmony Lodge. No. 28, Provincial. (Successor to No. 16, Provincial). Trinity Lodge. No. 30, Provincial. Wentworth Lodge. No. 32, Provincial. Royal Welsh Fusiliers Lodge. No. 33, Provincial. New Caledonian Lodge. No. 35, Provincial. Musquodoboit Lodge. No. 40, Provincial. Regent Lodge. No. 41, Provincial. Concord Lodge. No. 49, Provincial. Pl.\ce of Meeting, &c. Windsor, Pietou, Hants Pietou Cornwallis, King's Warrant returned in x8og. Sydney, Inverness, Cape Breton Warrant cancelled 1798. Golden Ball, Halifax, Sissiboo, Halifax, Annapolis, Liverpool, Sydney, Halifax, Yarmouth, Halifax, Pietou, Musquodoboit, Dorchester, Harrington, Halifax Digby Halifax Queen's Inverness, Cafe Breton Halifax Yarmouth Halifax Pietou Halifax Antigonish Shelburne Date of Warrant or Constitution. 3 Sept. 1785 7 Dee. 1785 15 April 1786 6 Sept. 1786 17 March 1787 2 June 1790 9 Jan. 1794 27 Jan. 1795 5 Dec. 1798 27 August 1800 5 August 1803 27 May 1805 Origin Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov G.L. Athol Prov G.L. 26 Jan. 1810 28 July 1816 6 August 1816 6 Sept. 1823 Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. 15 July 1809 Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. Athol Prov. G.L. 60 L 474 IV.— UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Name or Number of Lodge. Place ob' Meeting, &c. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Origin. CONNECTICUT. New London Ceased before 1789 12 Jan. 1753 Prov. G.L. Boston. St. John's Lodge. Middleton 4 Feb. 1754 Prov. G.L. Boston. St. John's Lodge. Hartford 1762 Prov. G.L. Boston. St. John's Lodge. Fairfield, afterwards at Bridpopt 1762 Prov. G.L. New York. Union Lodge. Greenwich 18 Nov. 1764 Prov. G. L. New York. St. John's Lodge. Norwalk Now No. 6 on Reg. of G.L. of Connecticut. 23 May 1765 Prov. G. L. New York. Waterbury 1765 Prov. G.L. Boston. St. John's Lodge. Stpatford Now No. 3 on Reg. of G. L- of Connecticut. 22 April 1766 Prov. G.L. New York. Compass Lodge. Wallingford 28 April 1769 Prov. G.L. Boston. Norwich 1769 St. Alban's Lodge. Guildford 10 July 1771 Prov. G.L. Boston. American Union Lodge. It A 1 the Connecticut Line t Roxbury, Massachusetts 1776 1 New York New York 1777 Mrs. Sanford's, Reading, Connecticut 1779 Robinson's House, NclSOn Point, New York 1779 Moore's Quarter, West Point, 1. 1779 Preston's, in MorristOWn, NeT.ii Jersey 1779 Rol)inson's House, NelSOn Point, New York 1780 Connecticut Huts, Connecticut 1780 Bloclc House, Verplanck'S Point, New York 1782 West Point, m 1783 Marietta, Ohio 1790 15 Feb. 1776 Prov. G.L. New York. Union Lodge. D anbury 23 March 1780 Prov. G.L. Boston. [ 47S ] Name or Number of Lodge. No. 5, Provincial. No. 14, Provincial. No. iSb, Provincial. No. 33, Provincial. No. 44, Provincial. Place of Meeting, &c. DELAWARE. Cantwell's Bridge Christiana Ferry [afterwards called Wilmington] Dover, Kent New Castle and Christiana Bridge Authorized to meet at these places in alternate years. Duck Creek Cross Roads No. 42, Provincial, afterwards called Hiram Lodge. GEORGIA. Savannah MAINE. Falmouth [afterwards called Portland] It is stated that this Warrant was never acted upon. Falmouth [now Portland] MARYLAND. Annapolis, -^""^ Armuid Co. Said to have worked in Dec. i-+t). No trace after 1764. Port Tobacco, Leonardtown, Charles St. Mary's May have had an earlier e-tistence. Records date from 6 June 1759 to 2 June 1762. Talbot Court House, Talbot Date of Warrant or Constitution. 24 June 1765 27 Dec. 1769 26 August 1775 3 April 1780 24 June 1785 Origin. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. 29 Oct. 1784 Prov. G.L. Pennsj'lvania. 20 March 1762 Prov. G.L. Boston. 30 March 1769 12 August 1750 prior to 1759 circa 1759 prior to 1763 Prov. G.L. Boston. Prov. G.L. Boston. Prov. G.L. Boston. Prov. G.L. Boston. Prov. G.L. Boston. [ 476 ] Name or Numbkr of Lodge. Place of Meeting, &c. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Origin. No. 6, Provincial. GeOPgetOWn, on Sassafrass River, Kent Became No. i on Reg. of G.L. of Maryland 1787, but ceased in 1793. 23 May 1766 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. No. 7, Provincial. Chestertown, Kent Became No. 1 on Reg. of G.L. of Maryland. Ceased in 1794. 1766 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. No. 15, Provincial. Fell's Point, Baltimore Now No. 3 on Reg. of G.L. of Maryland (" Washington Lodge.") 28 June 1770 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. No. 16, Provincial. Baltimore, Baltimore Became No. 20 on Reg. of G.L. of Maryland in 1795. Ceased in 1796. 21 Sept. 1770 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. No. 17, Provincial. Chester Mills, QueenstOWn, Queen Anne's Became No. 4 on Reg. of G.L. of Maryland. Ceased about 1792. 16 Sept. 1773 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. No. 27, Provincial. In the Maryland Line 4 April 1780 Prov. G.L. I'ennsylvania. A Military Lodge. No. 29, Provincial. Cambridge, Dorchester Became No. 5 on Reg. of G.L. of Maryland. Ceased about 1792. [circa May] 1780 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. No. 34, Provincial. Talbot Court House [now Easton], Talbot Became No. 6 on Reg. of G.L. of Maryland. Ceased about 1794. 2 July 1781 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. No. 35, Provincial. Joppa, Baltimore [now Har/ord] Met at Harford-Town, Joppa, and Bel-Air, in same county until 8 May 1794, then took a Warrant, No. 14, from G.L. of Mary- land. Became dormant in a few years. Is stated to have been "revived" in j8ii as "Mount Ararat Lodge" which is still in exi.stence. 1 Feb. 1782 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. No. 37, Provincial. Princess Anne, Somerset Became No. 7 on Reg. of G.L. of Maryland. Ceased about 1793. MASSACHUSETTS. 23 Dee. 1782 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Masters' Lodge. Boston, Boston 2 Jan. 1738 Prov. G.L. Boston ThiFd Lodge. Boston, Boston 1750 Prov. G.L. Boston. Fourth Lodge. Rising Sun, BoSton, Boston 1772 Prov. G.L. Boston. L 477 J Name or Number of Lodge. Place of Meeting, &c. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Origin. Salem 1766 Prov. G.L. Boston. Newbury 17 July 1766 Prov. G.L. Boston. Sherburne 1771 Prov. G.L. Boston. MICHIGAN. Zion Lodge. " No. lo, Canada." Detroit Closed 24 June 1807. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 7 Sept. 1794 Prov. G.L. Canada. Holy and Exquisite Lodge of St. John. Portsmouth NEW JERSEY. 24 June 1735-6 Prov. G.L. Boston. St. John's Lodge. Rising Sun Tavern, Newark 13 May 1761 Prov. G.L. New York. Temple Lodge. Elizabethtown 24 June 1762 Prov. G.L. Boston. St. John's Lodge. Princeton 27 Dee. 1763 Prov. G.L. Boston. No. lo, Provincial. Basltinridge 1767 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. No. 23, Provincial. Middleton, Monmouth 29 Dee. 1779 Prov, G.L. Pennsylvania. No. 32, Provincial. Burlington 26 March 1781 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Lodge No. 2. Third Battalion New Jersey Volunteers 18 May 1782 Prov. G.L. New York. No. 36, Provincial. In the New Jersey Brigade Surrendered 27 December 1784. 2 Sept. 1782 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. No. 31, Provincial. In the New Jersey Line 17 June 1784 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. [ 478 ] Name or Number of Lodge. Place of Meeting, &c. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Origin. NEW YORK. Lodge No. I. New York, New York circa 1739 t An Army Lodge. In Expedition to CrOWn Point, Essex 13 May 1756 Prov. G.L. Boston. Lake George Lodge. Lake George (South of Crown Point) 8 April 1757 Prov. G.L. Boston. Temple Lodge. Fountain Tavern, New York, New York prior to December 1758 Prov. G.L. New York. Crown Point Lodge. Crown Point, Essex earlier than 13 April 1759 Prov. G.L. Boston. St. John's Independent Royal Areh Lodge. New York, New York Met at 9 Nassau Street, New York, in 17S4. Became No. 8, and is now No. -^^ on Reg. of G.L. of New York. 15 Dee. 1760 Prov. G.L. New York. Fifty-fifth Regiment, Crown Point, Essex 12 March 1762 Prov. G.L. Boston. Crown Point, Essex 1763 Prov. G.L. Boston. Crown Point, Essex 1764 Prov. G.L. Boston. Union Lodge. Albany, Albany 21 Feb. 1765 Prov. G.L. New York. St. Patrick's Lodge. Jolmston Hall, JohnstOn (Moh:iwlc Valley), Fulton Now No. 4 on Reg. of G.L. of New York. 23 May 1766 Prov. G.L. New York. Trinity Lodge. Masons' Arms in tlie Fields, New York, New York 24 June 1767 Prov. G.L. New York. [ 479 ] Name or Number of Lodge. Union Lodge. King Solomon's Lodge. No. 7. Hiram Lodge. Masters' Lodge. No. 2. King David's Lodge. Place of Meeting, &c. Solomon's Lodge. Si on Lodge. ("Ancient" Masons.) St. George's Lodge. ;St. John's Regimental Lodge. ,Sion [or Zion] Lodge. Masons' Arms in the Fields, New York, A'ra/ York Masons' Arms in the Fields, New York, Neiv York New York, New York Lodge Street, Albany, Albany Now No. 5 on Reg. of G.L. of New York. New York, Xew York Remained at New York until 1780, when the Master took the Warrant to Newport, Rhode Island. Poughkeepsie, DiU chess Became No. 5 on Reg. of G.L. of New York in 1800, and wa.s No. 6 in 1819. Ceased about 1829. New York, New York Met at House of Widow de la Montaigne 24 June 1777. Met at The Globes, near the City Hall 29 Dec. 1777. Schenectady, Schenectady Had a Dispensation 21 June 1774, and a second 13 December T774, the " Warrant not being ready." Now No. 6 on Reg. of G.L. of New York. Attached to the United States Battalion during the American War Was at ClarkStOWn at the close of the War. In 1789 a Lodge was held under its Warrant at Warwick (Orange County), New York Fifty-seventh Regiment, New York, New York Date of Warrant or Constitution. prior to 28 Dec. 1767 prior to 28 Dec. 1767 circa DCC. 1767 5 March 1768 17 Feb. 1769 18 April 1771 1773 14 Sept. 1774 24 July 1775 16 June 1780 Origin'. Prov. G.L. New York. Prov. G. L. New York. Prov. G. L. New York. Prov. G.L. New York. Prov. G.I^. New York. Prov. .G.L. New York. Athol Prov. G.L. New York. Prov. G.L. New York. Prov. G.L. New York. Athol Prov. G. L. New Y'ork. [ 48o ] Name or Numbkr of Lodge. First Lodge. A Military Lodge. No. 20, Provincia.1. St. John's Lodge. No. 2. St. John's Lodge. No. 3. Royal Edwin Lodge. No. 4. Domoek Lodge, afterwards Johnston Caswell Lodge. No. 5. [Nos. 6 and 7 are unknown.] Royal William Lodge. No. 8. Union Lodge. Place of Meeting, &c. NORTH CAROLINA. In Pitt County, In North Carolina Pitt New Berne, Craven Now No. 3 on Reg. of G.L. of North Carolina. St. John's Lodge. Tun Lodge. No. 3. Kinston, Windsor, Warrenton Winton, Fayetteville, Blandford, Old Cove, Salisbury, Lenoir Bertie Hertford Cttmherland Bute Rowan PENNSYLVANIA. Tun or Sun Tavern, Water Street, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Afterwards called tlie Hoop Tavern, Water Street. [This Lodge is supposed by some authorities to be the Lodge No. 116 (79] in Smith's Pocket Companion, Dublin, 1735 ; but there is no evidence. See page 56.] Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Philadelphia Lodge Alley, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Date of Warrant or Constitution. circa 1766 1779 1771 1771 nrca 1775 1777 circa 1781-7 date uncertain, but younger than the " Koyal William Lodge." 1730 1734 Origin. Prov. G.L. Boston. I'rov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov, G.L. North Carolina Prov. G.L. North Carolina. Prov. G.L. North Carolina. Prov. G.L. North Carolina. Prov. G.L. North Carolina. Prov. G.L. Boston. 5 Sept. 1749 Prov. G.L. Boston. 1753 [ 481 ] Name or Number of Lodge. No. 3, Provincial. No. 4, Provincial. No. 8, Provincial. No. 9A, Provincial. No. IIA, Provincial. No. I2B, Provincial. No. 13, Provincial. Unity Lodge. No. 1 8, Provincial. No. 19, Provincial. Lodge Pepseveranee. No. 21, Provincial. No. 22, Provincial. No. 24, Provincial. No. 25, Provincial. No. 26, Provincial. No. 28, Provincial. No. 9B, Provincial. No. 29, Provincial. Place of Meeting, &c. Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Borough of Lancaster, Philadelphia Surrendered 8 December 1779. Newtown, Bucks Bucks Date of Warrant or Constitution. 20 Oct. 1767 28 Dee. 1772 24 June 1766 1767-8 17 Aug. 1768 Philadelphia, Philadelphia In Seventeenth British Regiment of Foot, Was at Shelburne in 1786 Apparently in Ahiman Rezon of 1804 in error [see page 47]. In the Pennsylvania Artillery Lower Paxton, Sunbury, Lancaster Northumierland Vll- 29 July 1779 Origin. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania, Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. 1779 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Reading, Bristol, Carlisle, Berks Bucks Cumberland 18 May 1779 4 Oet. 1779 4 Oet. 1779 26 Jan. 1780 15 March 1780 19 March 1780 In the Pennsylvania Line Philadelphia, In the Pennsylvania Line Surrendered 24 December 1784. Philadelphia 1780 3 August 1780 4 August 1780 Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. 61 [ 482 ] Name or Number of Lodge. No. 31, Provincial. No. I IB, Provincial. No. 43, Provincial. No. 45, Provincial. No. 47, Provincial. A Masters' Lodge. St. GeoFge's Lodge. Marine Lodge. No. 27B, Provincial. No. 38, Provincial. St. Andrew's Lodge. No. 40, Provincial. Dorchester Lodge. No. 12, Quebec Prov. Place of Meeting, &c. Norristown, Montgomery Halfway House, London GfOVO ToWnShip, Chester Lancaster, Pittsburgh, Reading, Lancaster Allegheny Berks RHODE ISLAND. Newport Newport SOUTH CAROLINA. Harp and Crovi'n, Charleston Dorchester Charleston Charleston Charleston Charleston Winnsborough VERMONT. Vergennes Now No. I on Reg. of G.L. of Vermont. Date of Warrant or Constitution. 26 March 1781 16 Feb. 1782 21 April 1785 27 Dee. 1785 27 Dec. 1785 24 Dec. 1749 20 March 1759 1735 prior to 1754 22 Dec. 1766 [date unknown] 23 Dee. 1782 12 July 1783 27 Dec. 1785 Origin. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. I'rov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Boston. Prov. G.L. Boston. Prov. G.L. Boston. Prov. G.L. South Carolina. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G. L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. 5 May 1791 Prov. G.L. Canada. [ 483 ] Name or Number of I^odge. Virginia Lodge. No. 12, Provincial. St. Tammany Lodge. No. 39, Provincial. No. 41, Provincial. Place of Meeting, &c. VIRGINIA. In Virginia Wineliester Hampton Alexandria, Portsmouth Fairfax v.— SOUTH AMERICA. DUTCH GUIANA. Surinam VI.— WEST INDIES. ANTIGUA. Island of Antigua BARBADOS. Bridgetown, island of Barbados Date of Warrant or Constitution. prior to 1766 4 Oet. 1768 6 Nov. 1773 3 Feb. 1783 26 June 1784 Origin. Prov. G.L. Boston. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. 1761 1738 Prov. G.L. Boston. 1766 [ 484 ] Name or Number of Lodge. Seville Lodge. No. 6, Provincial. St. Andrew's Lodge. No. 7, Provincial. JeFusalem Lodge. Sociable Lodge. No. 6, Provincial. Dnion Lodge. No. 9, Provincial. Falmouth Lodge. No. II, Provincial. Athol Lodge. No. 14, Provincial. Union Lodge. No. 15, Provincial. St. Elizabeth Lodge. No. 16, Provincial. United Civilians' Lodge (or Civil Lodge). No. 17, Provincial. Boyal Eygptian Lodge. No. 18, Provincial. Royal St. Jago Lodge. No. 22, Provincial. St. John's Royal Lodge. No. 24, Provincial. In York Light Infantry. Place of Meeting, &c. No. 46, Provincial. JAMAICA. Loughlands (St. Ann's), Halfway Tree (St. Andrew's), Kingston (Kingston), Middlesex Surrey Surrey IL,^.. VI: -V Kingston (Kingston), ^- [VOVAl-, -i ^^ (jT/W Sitrrey Savanna-la-Mar (Westmoreland), Cornwall Rio Bueno Bay (Trelawney), Kingston (Kingston), Chapleton (Clarendon), Black River (St. Elizabeth), Port Royal (Kingston), Cornwall Surrey Middlesex Cornwall Surrey Military Encampment, Upcamp (St. Andrew's), Surrey Spanish Town (St. Catherine's), Stoney Hill (St. Andrew's), Middlesex Surrey ST. CHRISTOPHER. Island of St. Christopher ST. DOMINGO. Date of Warrant or Constitution. Cape Frangois, Island of St. Domingo prior to 1784 prior to 1784 prior to 1784 circa 1799 circa 1799 1799-1800 1799-1800 1799-1800 1799-1800 1799-1800 1810 circa 1816 1816 1766 Origin. 3 Feb. 1786 Prov. G. L. Jamaica. Prov. G. L. Jamaica. Prov. G. L, Jamaica. Prov. G.L. Jamaica. Prov. G.L. Jamaica. Prov. G.L. Jamaica. Prov. G.L. Jamaica. Prov. G.L. Jamaica. Prov. G.L. Jamaica. Prov. G.L. Jamaica. Prov. G.I-. Jamaica. Prov. G.L. Jamaica. Prov. G.L. Jamaica. Prov. G.L. Pennsylvania. PART V. INDEX. I. London— List of Roads, Streets, &c. 11. London— List of Hotels, Taverns, Halls, &c. HL England and Wales, with Channel islands. Isle of Man, Malta, and Cyprus. IV. Naval and Military Lodges. V. Europe (remainder of). VI. Asia. VII. Africa. VIII. America. IX. West India Islands. X. Australasia. XI. Alphabetical List of Names of Lodges. Note. — The figures within Parentheses indicate two or more Lodges on the same page. I.— LONDON. List of Roads, Streets, c-'^r. Abchurch Lane, 39, 167 Abington Buildings, Westminster, 52 M Street, 142, 165 Acre Lane, Hrixton, 416, 418 Acton, 29, 30 (2), 421 Adelphi, Strand, 143, 269, 327, 358 M Terrace, Strand, 394 ' Admiralty, facing Charing Cross, 109 Air Street (see also Regent Street), 105, 113 Albemarle Street, 40 Albion Koad, Dalslon, 381 M Stoke Newington, 326 Aldermanbury 51, 84, 171, 172, 186, 189, 310, " 327> 340 Aldersgate Street, 36, 41, 43, 50 (2), 63, 67, 68, 76, 84, 91, 98, 103, 106, 109, H 113. "4, 137. i3«. '39. 144. 158, 159, 163, 165, 170, 185, 191, 218, 304, 385, 389, 393, „ 394, 422, 423 Aldgate, 40, 42, 57, 79, 80, 82, 95, 157, 170, 177, M 181, 207, 356, 363, 375 11 (Without), 95 Alexandra Park, Muswell Hill, 383, 388, 396, 399 Alma Road, Wandsworth, 339 Amhurst Road, .Stoke Newington, 442 11 East, Lower Clapton, 310 Anchor Street, Bethnal Green, 54 Anerley Road, Anerley, 315, 360, 370, 406 Angel Court, Storey's Gate, Westminster, 51 11 Street, St. Martin's-le-Grand, 156 Approach Road, Victoria Park, 360 Argyle Street, Oxford Street, 116 Arlington Street, Piccadilly, 116 Artichoke Lane, Virginia Street, 157, 162, 174 Artillery Lane, Bishopsgate Street, 172 n Place, Woolwich, 161 Arundel Street, Strand, 29, 323 Audley Street (North), 38, 98, 109, 160, 197 t, (South), 38, 62, 84, 160 Back Hill, Hatton Garden, 173 M Lane, Ueptford, 44 (2) II II St. George's East, 182 Baker Street, Manchester Square, 38 Baker's Row, Whitechapel Road, 191 Balham, 310 Ballard's l.ane, Finchley, 397 Ballast Key, East Greenwich, 44 Ball's Pond Road, Islington, 378 Balsover Street, Cavendish Square, 99 Bancroft Place, Mile End, 189, 321 Bankside, Southwark, 136, 165 Banner Street, St. Luke's, 91, 186, 323 Barbican, Aldersgate Street, 40, 54, 55, 84, 103, II .1 107, IS«. 167, 169, 11 .1 179 Barnes Terrace, Barnes, 334 Barnsbury Road, Pentonville, 165 Bartholomew Lane, Royal Exchange, 29, 37, 41, 48, 74. 77. II II 11 167 Bartlet's Buildings, Holborn, 98 Basing Lane, Bread Street, 39, 89, 171 Basinghall Street, 67, 84, 139, 144, 165, 166, II 167, 186, 202 (2), 327, 330, " 359. 383, 388, 394 Bath Street, Cold Bath Fields, 117 11 Old Street, St. Luke's, 84, 91, 323 Battersea, 165, 372, 375, 382, 419, 455 M Bridge Road, 165 11 Park, 372, 419 M Park Road, 372 Battersea Rise, 372, 455 Battle Bridge, Tooley Street, 156, 173 Beak Street, Regent Street, 36, 98, 271, 388, 450 Bear Street, Leicester Fields, Leicester Square, 33. 42. 70, 194 Beaumont Square, Mile End, 321 Beckenham, 426, 443 Bedford Court, Covent Garden, 32, 36, 43 II Row, Red Lion Street, 323 II Square, 41, 73 II Street, Covent Garden, 119, 154 II 11 Red Lion Square, 162 Beer Lane, Thames Street, 73 Belgrave Place, Pinilico, 142 Bell Alley (Little), Moorgate Street, 84, 327 II Court, Fenchurch Street, 181 M Lane, Spitalfields, 133 II V\'ater Gate, Woolwich, 202 II Yard, Gracechurch Street, 189 11 Savage Yard, Ludgate Hill, 138 Belton Street (New), Long Acre, 30, 49 Belvedere Road, Lambeth, loi Bennet Street, Rathbone Place, 105 II Southwark, 152 Beresford Square, Woolwich, 39, 142, 161, 191, M II 194, 309 Berkeley Square, 40, 84, 97, iii, 142, 185, 212 Bermondsey, 51, 83, 103, 131, 138, 156, 162, 187, 218, 315, 35t, 385 II Square, 218 II Street, 156, 385 Berners Street, Oxford Street, 97, 140, 142 Berwick Street, St. James's, 38, 119 II Soho, 46, 83, 104, 162, 165 (2) Bethlem, see Old Bethlem Bethnal Green, 54, 84, 144, 159, 167 M Road, 51, 84, 167, 170 I.— London. [ 486 ] Billingsgate, 44, 49, 53. 95. '52. '73 Bird-in-Hand Court, Cheapside, 81 Bishopsgate Street, 33 (2), 39, 41 {2), 43, 51 (2), „ 56,67,75,80,81,84,87,91, 107, 109, 133, 139, 154, 155. 156, 166 (2), 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 177, 181, 186, 187, „ 189, igr, 202, 203, 323, 368, (Without), 31, 32(3), 33(2), 3*5. 39. 41. 47. SO. Ti .r 61, 68, 74, 80 Bkckfriars, 38, 44, 54, 68, 78, 83, 106, 113, 138, 143, 163, 167 (2), 171, 172, 181, 197, ,r 218, 304 ,1 Bridge, 152 Koad, 73, 78, 128, 152, 156, 165, 179 Blackheath, 96, 364, 455 Blackmail Street, Southwark, 136, 157, 162, 173 Blackmoor Street, Clare Market, 67 Blacksfields, Horsleydown, 83 Blackwall, 113, 164, 174 Blomfield Street, London Wall, 157 Bloomsbury, 30, 41, 43, 61, 73, 99, 107, 138, 142, 155, 160, 163, 167, 170, 172, 175, 185 „ Market, 55, 80, 116 It Square, 72 Blow Bladder Street, Cheapside, 76 Blue Gate Fields, Ratclifif Highway, 182 Bond Street (New), 29, 35, 36, 39, 40, 43, 54, 75, „ 87, 125, 140, 199 (Old), 38, 45, 75. 107. 113. 199 Booth Street, Spitalfields, 39, 133 Borough [see also Southwark), 32 (2), 33, 43, 57, „ „ 70, 159, 182, 212 Borough High Street, Southwark, 52, 58, 202 Boston Street, Dorset Square, 212 Boswell Court, Carey Street, Strand, 32, 35, 49, It II II 167 Botolph Alley, Eastcheap, 158 Bow, 81, 242, 405 PI Lane, Cheapside, 30, 41, 48, 155 II Road, Bow, 242 II 11 Bromley, 405 II II Mile End, 359 II II Stratford, 152 I, Street, Covent Garden, 87, 105, 117, 142, II 11 M 143, 182 Bowling Street, Westminster, 140, 211, 212 Braham's Buildings, Chancery Lane, 144 Brentford, 30 (2), 454 I, (New), 76 Brewer Street, Golden Square, 30 (2), 39, 64, II 105, 165 Brick Lane, Spitalfields, Bethnal Green, 39, 144, 171, 173 Bridge Road, Battersea, 372, 375 Bridge Street, Blackfriars, 44, 54, 68, 78, 106, 138, 143, 163, 167, .1 11 II 171. 181, 218, 304 ,1 ,1 Lambeth, 164 II M Southwark, 164 II Yard, Tooley Street, Southwark, 187 Bridges Street, Covent Garden, 30, 31, 32, 37, II " 42, 64 II Hampstead, 55 Bridgewater Square, Barbican, 169 Bristol Street, Blackfriars, 38 Brixton, 310, 323, 416, 418, 453 ,1 Hill, 461 Broad Court, Long Acre, 38 Broad Street (Old), 69, 89 II Bloomsbury, 167 II Golden Square, 116, 143, 197 II RatclifF, 159, 166, 202 II Buildings, Old Bethlem, 77 Broad St. Giles's, Holborn, 32, 48, 96 Broadwall, Upper Ground, Southwark, 31, 32, " " 33. 42. II II 152 Broadway, Deptford, 106, 142, 181, 290 II Ealing, 389, 424 II Hammersmith, 163, 321, 429 Broadway, Mitcham, 168 ,1 Stratford, 152, 356, 372, 445 II Tothill Street, Westminster, 143 I, Walham Green, 49, 359, 462 Brockley, 416 II Lane, Deptford, 290 Bromley, 405 II Road, I'eckenham, 426, 443 Brompton, 139 Brook Street (Lower), Grosvenor Square, 40, 84, I, 11 II 105,111 ,1 (Upper), I. 140 II ■ Holborn, 49, 144, 162, 163 ,1 Ratclifif, 159 Brownlow Street, Holborn, 30, 34, 50 Brown's Lane, East Sniithfield, 174 „ Spitalfields, 75, 189 Brunswick Road, Camberwell, 355 I. Street, Blackfriars Road, 73 Buckingham Court, Charing Cross, 87 M Gate, Pimlico, 198 II Palace Road, 406 Budge Row, Watling Street, 76 Bull Court, Tooley Street, 83 Bunhill Row, Moorfields, 45, 186 Burdett Road, Limehouse, 316 BurHngton Gardens (New), 50 II Street (New), 113 I, (Old), 36, 160, 185 Burr Street, near the Tower, 60, 78, 98 Burrage Road, Woolwich, 39 Bury Street, St. James's, 57, 78 Bush Lane (Little), Cannon Street, 77 Butcher Hall Lane, Newgate Street, 156 Butcher Row, Temple Bar, 52, 54, 56, 59, 64 (2), II II 102, 164, 173 I, Tower Hill, 32, 33, 59 Butcher Yard, Temple Bar, 164 Butt Lane, Deptford, 44 Cairns Road, Northcote Road, Battersea, 455 Caledonian Road, Islington, 309 Camberwell, 283, 323, 350, 355, 360, 365, 366, 374, 377. 383. 384. 390 (2), 391, II 393 (2), 395, 415, 419. 437, 462 II New Road, (see Camberwell) Camden Road, Islington, 379, 436 II Street, n 39 Camomile Street, Bishopsgate Street, 133, 166, 171, 189, 11 II 202 Campden Street, Kensington, 284 Cannon Row, Westminster, 77 Street, 41 (2), 68, 73, 77, 80, 138, 143, ,1 II 149, 156, 167, 172, 174, 181, 290, I. 310, 315, 328, 356, 373, 397, 442, ,1 11 443 II II Mint, Southwark, 52 Canonbury, 304 11 Street, Islington, 362 Capel Street, Rosemary Lane, 32 (2), 46, 55 Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 35, 49, 164, II II 167 Carnaby Square, Carnaby Street, 36 Carter Lane, Doctors' Commons, 77, 103, 155 Castle Street, Leicester Fields, Leicester Square, 49, 85, 87, 160 Long Acre, 30 (2), 32, 33, 51, 73 II Park, Southwark, 56, 103, 212 Cateaton Street, Cheapside, 43, 53, 57, 73 (2), 74, n II 154. 193 Catford Bridge, Lewisham, 290, 388 Catherine Street, Strand, 64, 85 Catherine Wheel Alley, Bishopsgate Street, 171 Cavendish Square, Oxford Street, 39, 99, 113, II II 11 154, 160 II Street, ,1 29, 30 (2), ,1 II (Old), 38, 97, 113, 165, 212 Caxton Street, Westminster, 424 Cecil Court, St. Martin's Lane, 143 Chancery Lane, 29, 30 (2), 36, 43, 44, 49, 67, 139, II 140, 142, 144, 167, 189, 465 Chandois [Chandos] Street, St. Martin's Lane, 36, 58, 87, no Channel Row, Palace Yard, Westminster, 35, 77 Chapel Street, Westminster, 211 II (Great), Soho, 156 Charing Cross, 29 (4), 30 (4), 32, 39, 46, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 59 (2), 65, 77, 78, II 00,83,87,105,109,116,165,199, 458 Charles Court, .Strand, 83 11 Street, Covent Garden, 38 11 II CJrosvenor Square, 40, 160 II II Hatton Garden, 163 M 11 Manchester Square, 38 II 11 Soho Square, 38, 122 II II St. James's Square, 45, 197 II II Westminster, 109 Charlotte Street, Bedford Square, 47, 73 II Rathbone Place, 38, 138, 143, " II 160, 166, 175, II II 185, 212 Cheapside, 29, 37 (2), 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57. 58. 73. 74, 76, 80, 81, 96, 109, 121, 122, 137, 149 (2), 155, 165, 166, M 169, 171, 172, 177, 203, 207, 218 Chelsea, 60, 142 (2), 144, 152, 162, 165, 194, " 205, 236, 396 II Bridge, Chelsea, 142 Chenies Street, 451 Chequer Alley, Old Street, 1 73 II Court, Charing Cross, 78 Cherry Garden Stairs, Bermondsey, 162 Chestnut Grove, Balham, 310 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, 144 Chichester Rents, Chancery Lane, 49, 142 Chipstone Street, Marylebone, 197 Chiswell Street, Whitecross Street, 107 Chiswick, 423 Choumert Road, Peckham, 413 Christ Church, Southwark, 152 Christopher's Alley, Upper Moorfields, 103 Church Court, Strand, 31 (2), 32 (3), 34, 36, 40, 44. 87, 165, 175 II End, Willesden, 426 II Road, Upper Norwood, 299, 387 11 Row, Limehouse, 172 Church Street, Bethnal Green, 159 II Camberwell, 365 11 Chelsea, 144 II Deptford, 44, 106, 142, 146, 181, II II 206 II Greenwich, 44, 45, 96, 142, 159, 360, 381, 384, 387 11 Soho, 119 II Southwark, 162, 169 11 Spitalfields, 170, 171 II Woolwich, 105, 194, 202 II (New), Marylebone, 165 Cinnamon Street, Wapping, 1 74 City New Road, 139 11 Road, Finsbury, 84, 91, 158, 292, 462 Clapham Common, 406, 450 II Road, Stockwell, 310 Clapton, 368 II (Lower), 310 II Road (Lower), 368 Clare Court, Drury Lane, 32, 37, 167 II Market, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 29 (2), 30(4), II ,1 II 36, 4I> 42. 58. 64 (2). ,1 ,1 II 67, 85, 158, II M ,1 162, 163 u Street, Clare Market, 29, 30 (2), 36 Clements Inn Foregate, Strand, 140, 164 II Lane, Clare Market, 41 Clerkenwell, 29, 35, 45, 55, 58, 67, 77, 91, 158, 11 167, 170, 17s, 194, 353, 394 Green, 35, 67, 78, 158, 175 Clififord's Inn, 73 I, Passage, Fleet Street, 173 Coborn New Road, Mile End, 330 [ 487 ] I— London. Cock Lane, Snow Hill, 69 Cockpit Alley, Driiry Lane, 33, 38 ft Court, Great Wild Street, 30 (2) Cockspur Street, Pall Mall, 38, 46, 83, 149, 197 Cold liath Fields, 68, 117 Coldharbour Lane, Hrixton, 453 Coleman Street, 57, 61, 73 College Street, Chelsea, 144 n Lambeth, loi Colonnade, Guildford Street, 96 Commercial Road East, 290, 359 II II Lambeth, 73 n II Stepney, 35 II II St. George's East, 144 II Street, Whitechapel, 84 Compton Street, St. Ann's, 75, 133 (New),Soho, 37(2), 73, 160, 185 (Old), „ 38, 64, 96, 105, II II II 154, 185 Cooper's Row, Tower Hill, 202 Cork Street, Old bond Street, 199 Cornhill, 35, 37, 39, '4', 42. 43, 44, 48 (2), 54, II 57, 60, 61, 70, 72, 78, 81, 82, 84, 91, II 96, 98, 103, 106, 117, 137, 144, 152, 15s, 158, 159, 165, 166, :67, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174 (2), 177. 179, 181 (2), ,1 189, 191, 194, 203 Covent Garden, 29, 30 (6), 31, 32 (3), 34, 35, 36, 11 37 {■=■■)< 38 (2), 42 (3), 43 (2), .45, " 47, 48, 49(2), 52, 54, 57, 64(2), 72, 76, 78, 85, 87, 91, 105, 107, II 108, 113, 114, 117, 119, 138, 142, 143, 144, 149, 154 (2), 160, II 162, 167 (2), 173, 175, 182, 194, " 197, 205, 389, 400, 421 Coventry Street, Haymarket, 83, 87, 158 Cow Cross, West Smithfield, 49 Cranbourne Alley, I .eicester Fields, 1 1 1 I, (Little), 52 Crane Court, Fleet Street, 448 I, I, Peter's Hill, 98 II Street, Greenwich, 142 Craven Road, Paddington, 328, 359, 373 II Terrace, Upper Hyde Park Gardens, 312 Cricklewood, Kilburn, 451 Cripplegate, 29, 45, 103, 173 Crispin Street, Spitalfields, 62,80, 84, 133 Cross Lane, Long Acre, 41 II Street, n 41 II II Hatton Garden, 45, 144, 175 Crown Court, Fleet Street, 32, 33 (2), 44, 70 II II High Street, Wapping, 81 II II Princes Street, Soho, 46, 165 II Street, Finsbury, 51, 181 II II Westminster, 102, 149 Crutched Friars, 35, 67, 162, 169, 175, 366 Cubitt Town, 369 Cumberland Street, Oxford Street, 98, 197 Curzon Street, Mayfair, 36 Dalston, 375, 381, 394 Darkhouse Lane, Lower Thames Street, 8g, 162 Dartmouth Row, Blackheath, 96, 364, 455 II Street, Westminster, 212 David [Davies] Street, Berkeley Square, 40, 97, II I. II III, 142, II ,1 II 185, 212, Dean Street, Soho, 30, 37, 50, 54, 185, 271 II Southwark, 83 Dean's Yard, Westminster, 140 Denbigh Place, Pimlico, 313 Denmark Court, Strand, 83 Deptford, 44 (2), 106, 142, 146, 158, 181, 206, II 290, 324, 349 II Bridge, 142 ,1 Creek, 181 „ ,1 Bridge, 106 M Green, 181 Eevereux Court, without Temple Bar, 30, 48, 175 Devonshire Street, Uishopsgate Street, 91 Dirty Lane, Long Acre, 32, 33, 36 Distaff Lane, Old Change, 38 Dock Gate, Deptford, 106 II Head, Bermondsey, 51, 138 II Yard, Station Road. Woolwich, 39, 309 Doctors' Commons, 34, 38, 48, 58, 77, 98, 103 (2), 105, [37, 138, 155, 164, 11 166, 170, 218 Dorset Square, Westminster, 212 11 Street, Spitalfields, 61, 149 Dover Street, Piccadilly, 40, 50, 54 II (Great), Southwark, 91 Down Street, Hyde Park Corner, 84 Downing Street, Westminster, 36, 96, 165 Drury Lane, 29 (2), 30 (3), 32 (3), 33 (2), 35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 50, 52, 58, 72, 84, loi, II 119, 149, 165, 167, 432 Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, 109, 160 II St. James's, 46, 113, 144 Duke's Court, Bow Street, Covent Garden, 117 I. 11 St. Martin's Lane, 87 II Place (Little), 207 II Road, Chiswick, 423 Dulwich, 299 II (East), 413 Dunning's Alley, Uishopsgate Street Without, 74 Dutchy Lane, Strand, 29, 30 (2), 42 Eagle Court, Strand, 48 11 Street, Spitalfields, 39 Ealing, 163, 299, 313, 316, 386, 389, 423, 424 Earl Street, Lisson Grove, 197 II St. Andrew's by Wardrobe, 38, 157 11 (Great), Seven Dials, 51, 109, 156 II (Little), II 60 Earl's Court Road, Kensington, 402, 413 Eastcheap, 72, 122, 158, 173 II (Great), 80 (Little), 72, 158, 173 East Dulwich, 413 II End, Finchley, 397 II Ferry Road, Cubitt Town, 369 II Greenwich, 44 II Harding Street, Shoe Lane, 158 II India Road, Poplar, 113 II Lane, Greenwich, 44, 106, 159 I. Smithfield, Tower Hill, 42, 57, 67, 79, 159, II II " 171, 174, 179, 185 11 II (Lower), 75, 98, 171, 191 II " (Upper), 159, 162, 181, 191 II Street, Greenwich, 30 (2), 45 ,1 II Red Lion Square, 32, 44 Ebury Square, Chelsea, Pimlico, 144, 390 ■I Street, Pimlico, 142 Edgeware [Edgeworth], 29, 30 (2), 37 ,1 Road, 312 ,1 II Cricklewood, Kilburn, 451 Edmond's Court, Prince's Street, Soho, 107 Edmonton, 205, 276, 396 Elephant Stairs, Rotherhithe, 51, 52, 162 Ely Passage, Hatton Garden, 128 II Place, Holborn, 144 Essex Street, Strand, 49, 87, 164, 189 Eton Avenue, South Hampstead, 454 Euston Road, St. Pancras, 368, 436, 439, 444 Exchange Alley, Cornhill, 48 II (New), Strand, 77, 194 Execution Dock, Wapping, 44 Exeter Street, Sloane Street, 236 II Strand, 64, 68, 142 Fair Street, Horsleydown, TooleySt., 51, 156, 164 Fairfield Row, Bow, 405 Falcon Square, Aldersgate Street, 40, 44, 156, 11 II 165,167,172 Fashion Street, Spitalfields, 71 Fenchurch Street, 37, 57, 82, 89, gi, 95, 138, I, 144, 170, 175, 181, 187, 290, 323, 360, 366, 388, 390, 394, 405, 406 Ferndale Road, Brixton, 323 Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, 67, 84, 163, 164, 185, 197, 323 Finch Lane, Cornhill, 42, 48 (2), 74, 103 Finchley, 397 (North), 397 I, Road, St. John's Wood, 363 Finsbury, 51, 89, 139, 167, 179, 181, 186, 292 II Square, 84, 170, 172, 181 Fish Street (Old), 67, 76 Hill, 29 (2), 30 (4), 44, 57, 67, 72, II II 77, 80, 165 M (Old), 59, 76 Fishmonger Alley, Fenchurch Street, 187 Fitzroy Square, 116 IT Street, Bedford Square, 41 Flagon Row, Deptford, 206 Flask Walk, Hampstead, 157 Fleet Lane, Old bailey, 56 11 Market, Ludgate Hill, 65, 144 Fleet Street, 27, 29 (3), 30 (8), 31, 32, 33 (2), 34 (2), 36 (2), 4r, 43, 44 (2), 45 (2), 48, 49 (2), 50, 52, 53, 55, 58, 59, 64, 11 70, 76, 78, 80, 83, 89, 98, 102, 107, II 122, 128, 137 (2), 139, 140, 142, 143, 144 (2), 157, 163, 164, 167 (2), 173, 175, 179, '89, 197, 203, 222, " 284, 309, 313, 323 (2), 326, 327, 330, 340, 380, 381, 383, 387, 388, 394, 397, 398, 399 (2), 400, 416, " 419, 447, 448, 450, 458 Flodden Road, Camberwell, 355 Florence Street, Islington, 377 Foot Guards, Whitehall, 140, 143 Fore Street, Cripplegate, 167 II Lambeth, 177 II (Upper), Edmonton, 205, 276, 396 Forest Gate, 454 „ Hill, 362 Fort Street, Spitalfields, 172, 177 Foster Lane, Cheapside, 37, 58, 76, 172 Fountain Court, Strand, 68, 109, 149 Fox Lane, Lower Shadwell, 159 Frances Street, Woolwich, 39, 234 Free School Street, Horsleydown, 138 French Change, Seven Dials, 107 Friday Street, Cheapside, 73, 76, 80, 155, 166, II 11 169, 172 Friern Barnet Road, New Southgate, 418 Frith Street, Soho, 37, 84, 2U Fulham, 30 (2), 316, 323, 359, 462 M Road, Chelsea, 144, 152 Fulwood's Rents, High Holborn, 122, 152 Furnival's Inn, Holborn, 34, 194, 197 Gainsford Street, Horsleydown, 70 Garden Row, London Road, 73 II Stairs, Church Street, Greenwich, 159 Garhck Hill, Thames Street, 45 Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 64, 87, 89, 91, 152, 163, 172, 175 George Court, Piccadilly, 96 I, Place, St. George's East, 81 n Stairs, Thomas Street, Southwark, 70 11 Street, Foster Lane, 58, 76 I, II Grosvenor Square, 98 I, II Hanover Square, 38, 175 ,1 n Portman Square, 165 II II Richmond, 211, 320, 334, 368, 11 II II 425 II 11 Woolwich, 190 II Yard, Lombard Street, 159, 405 ,1 II Whitechapel, 129, 157 I.— London. [ 488 ] Gerrard Street, Soho, 35, 36, 38, 43, 49, 61, 76, „ „ 105, 164, 193, 211, 327 Giltspiir Street, Newgate Street, 155 Gloucester Gate, Regent's Park, 309, 438 ir Road, Kensington, 420 II Street, Queen's Square, 119 Godolphin Road, Shepherd's Bush, 407 Golden Lane, Barbican, 84, 103, 167, 179 I, Square, 36, 37, 39, 45, 46, 52, 54, 56, 61, " " 64, 77, 93, 97, 104, 105, 108, II II 109, 113 (2), 116, 117, 143, 154, 162, 165, 197, 350, 369, 380, " " 387. 389 (2)> 391, 422, 424 Goodge Street, Tottenham Court Road, 138 Goodman Street, 159 Goodman's Fields, Whitechapel, 48, 54, 60, 67, II n II 89, loi (2), 138, II II II 170 11 Yard, Great Minories, 133 Goswell Street, Aldersgate Street, 32, 33, 48 Gracechurch Street, 44, 82, 95, 137, 189 Grafton Street, Soho, 35, 50, 87, 105, 138, 140, 11 11 164, 185, 211 Grange Road, Bermondsey, 187 Gravel Lane, Blackfriars, 143 II 11 (Old), Ratcliff Highway, 166 II Street, Hatton Garden, 54, 55 Gray Friars, Newgate Street, 44 Gray's Inn, 58 Gate, Holborn, 84, 103, 182, 244 Lane, m 31, 49, 89, 122, 162, II II 163, 172 II (Little), 31, 32, 36, 44 Passage, Red Lion Square, 45 Great Chapel Street, Soho, 156 II Dover Street, Southwark, 91 11 Earl Street, Seven Dials, 51, 109, 156 II Eastcheap, 80 II Ilford, 160, 327, 372 II Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, 67, 173 11 Marylebone Street, 182 11 Minories. 133 11 Portland Street, 402 11 Prescot Street, Goodman's Fields, 89 11 Pulteney Street, Golden Square, 54, 93 II Quebec Street, Portland Square, 84 II Queen Street, 29, 30 (2), 34 (3), 35 (3), 36 (2), 37 (2). 38 (2), 39 (2), 40, II II 42, 44, 46, 49, 50, 52, 54, M II 55, 56, 60, 67, 78, 80, 81, II II 84, 89, 98, 99, loi, 105, II II 106, 107, 108, 113, 114, 121, ,1 137, 139, 142, 143, 144 (2), 11 11 149, 152, 154, 160, 162 (2), 11 .i 163, 165 (2), 167 (2), 170, 171, 175 (2), 177, 197, 199, II 11 203, 212, 215, 220, 222, 244, II II 271,287,288,320,323,326, II M 327 (2), 332, 333, 337,346, " 349, 350. 353 (2), 358, 359. II It 361, 364, 365, 388, 389, 390 (3). 393. 394. 397. 398, 400, II 11 402, 404, 408, 409, 414, 419, ,1 11 424, 425, 428, 432, 438, 447 11 II (2), 450, 451, 453, 455, 458 II II (2), 460 II Russell Street, Bloomsbury, 73 M M Covent Garden, 38, 76, 87, II II 11 113, 143, 11 II II 149, 167 II II II (2), 175 II St. Andrew's Street, Seven Dials, 30, 49, II II II 105,123 M St. Helen's, 157, 169, 170, i8l, 207 II Surrey Street, 73 II Sutton Street, Clerkenwell, 167, 170 II Titchfield Street, 72, 84 II Wild Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 30 (2), II II II 65(2) II Windmill Street, Haymarket, 77, 140, 144, II II II 167 Greek Street, Soho, 31, 34, 51, 59, 61, 62, 87 Green Bank, Wapping, 51, 171 Greenhill Rents, West Smithfield, 144 Greenwich, 30 (2), 44, 45, 96 (2), 106, 142, 146, II 149. 159 (3). 163, 186, 360, 364, 381, 384, 387, 449 II Road, Greenwich, 96, 159 Gresham Street, 39, 44, 51, 67, 68, 70, 74, 80, II 84, 137, 154, 162, 167, 194, 218, 220, 309, 319, 327, 340, 342, •I 356. 363. 368, 383. 402, 407, II 461 Grosvenor Road, Kensington, 284 II Square, 40, 52, 84, 85, 98, 105, 109, II II III, 140, 160, 199 II Street, near Hanover Square, 50, 58, 97 Grove Street, Deptford, 44, 142 Guildford Street, Russell .Square, 96 Gun Dock, Wapping, 60 ,1 Street, Artillery Lane, 172 Gutter Lane, Cheapside, 169, 2i8 Hackney, 71, 244, 340, 368, 406, 462 II Road, 84 Haggerston, 186, 381 II Road, Haggerston, 186 Half Moon Lane, Heme Hill, 323, 366 II Street, Piccadilly, 85, 98 Hammersmith, 163, 321, 429 II Koad, 163, 407 Hampstead, 35, 55, 157, 205 II Heath, 157 •I (South), 454 Hand Court, Holborn, 138, 162 Hanover Square, 36, 38, 50, 54, 175 Harding Street (East), Shoe Lane, 158 Hare Street, Bethnal Green, 84 Harlesden, 430 Harleyford Road, Kennington, 283 Hart Street, Covent Garden, 138 Hartfield Road, Wimbledon, 367 Hatton Garden, 45, 54, 55, 67, 122, 128, 144, 163, 170, 173 (2), 17s Haverstock Hill, 454 Hayes Wharf, Battle Bridge, Tooley Street, 156 Haymarket, 29, 31 (2), 32 (2), 33, 34, 36, 43, 47, 50, 57, 59, 62, 64, 80, 83, 87, 138, 143. 144. 150, 158, 167 Heath Street, Hampstead, 157 Hemming's Row, St. Martin's Lane, 30 (2), 32, II II 36, 51 Hendon, 439 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, 30 (2), 42, 47, 49. 52, 64, 78, " " "4, 389, 400, II II 421 Henry .Street, Woolwich, 199 Hermitage Bridge, Hermitage, 67 II Wapping, 95, 121, 191 Heme Hill, 323, 366 Hewitt's Court, Strand, 32, 33, 34, 123 High Bridge, Greenwich, 149 „ Holborn, 35, 41, 49, 64, 68, 73, 78, 99, 109, 122, 139, 144, 152 (2), 155, II II 162 (2), 163, 222 II Road, Kilburn, 320, 388 II II Tottenham, 107 II II VVillesden Green, 460 High Street, Acton, 421 Aldgate, 356, 363, 375 II Beckenham, 443 II Bloomsbury, 41, 142, 160, 185 II Borough (Southwark), 39, 51, 52, II II 58,172,187, II II 202, 315 II Brentford, 454 II Deptford, 142, 146, 158, iSl, 290, 324, 349 II Dulwich, 299 11 Great Ilford, 327, 372 II Hampstead, 157 High Street, Highgate, 56, 368 II Kensington, 198, 284, 420 n Lewisham, 290 Leytonstone, 356, 388, 395, 454 II Lower Shadweil, 159 II Merton, 168 11 North Woolwich, 377 11 Peckham, 325 II Poplar, 159, 174, 398 Putney, 55, 372, 386 11 St. Giles, 36 11 St. Giles in the Fields, 109 11 Shoreditch, 84 II Walthamstow, 459 II Wandsworth, 42, 292, 339 11 Wapping, 81, 162, 363 II Whitechapel, 144, 191 II Wood Green, 352, 456 II Woolwich, 190, 194, 309 Highbury, 361, 362, 377, 378, 394. 396 (2), 438, II 443 Highgate, 56, 368 Hill Koad, St. John's Wood, 372 II Street, Richmond, 217, 320 Holborn, 27, 29, 30 (2), 34, 36, 41, 43 (2), 44, 46. 48, 49 (3), 50 (2), 51. 58, 68, 74, II 80, 84, 89, 98, 103, 107, 113, 117, 122, ■I 138, 139, 144. 15°. 152 (2), 156, 158, M 162, 163, 167, 172, 173 (2), 175 (2), II 182, 185, 186, 189, 191, 194, 197, 212, 222 (2), 244, 304, 312, 365, 367, 380, 383 (2), 386, 389, 394 (3), 396, 397 (2^ II 398. 400 (2), 406, 419, 422, 424, 432, " 435. 453. 456, 458 II (High), see High Holborn (Mid), 33, 47 Holland Street, Blackfriars Road, 152, 165 Holies Street, Cavendish Square, 99, 113 II Clare Market, 64, 162 'Hollis Street, Oxford Square, 30 (2) HoUoway, 361, 396 Holly Mount, Hampstead, 157 Holywell Lane, Shoreditch, 54, loi, 170 II Mount, II no II Street, n 54, 159 II II Strand, 32, 33, 38 Honey Lane Market, Cheapside, 40, 76 Honor Oak, 421 Hooper's Square, Goodman's Fields, 48 Hope Town, Bethnal Green Road, 167 Horse Alley, Moorfields, 32, 63 ,1 Guards, Whitehall, 197 Horsleydown, Southwark, 70, 83, 138, 156, 164 II Lane, Southwark, 83, 162 Hosier Lane, West Smithfield, 165 Houghton Street, Clare iSIarket, 64, 85, 163 Hoxton, 51, 59, 61, 84, 158, 167, 170, 319, 323 II Market Place, 109 II Street, Hoxton, 167 11 Town, II 61 Hungerford Market, Strand, 167 Hyde Park Corner, 84, 133 II Gardens (Upper), 312 Ilford, or Great Ilford, i6o, 327, 372 Ironmonger Lane, Cheapside, 48, 73 Islington, 39, 64, 150, 182. 183, 309, 361, 362, 377, 378, 379. 388, 394, 396 (2), 436, II 438, 443 II (Lower), 64 Ivy Lane, 29, 30 (2), 35 Jamaica [Row] Road, Bermondsey, 162,3:5,351, 385 James Street, Covent Garden, 64, 85, 91, 138, 154 Jermyn Street, Piccadilly, 36, 37, 46, 50, 75, 108, 11 11 117, 142, 143, 165 [ 489 ] I.— London. Jewin Street, Aldersgate Street, 33, 63 Jewry, {see Old Jewry) 11 Street, Aldgate, 79, 80, 157, 177 Jew's Row, Chelsea, 142, 165 Jockey Fields, Gray's Inn, 58 John Street, Adelphi, 269 Berkeley Square, 84 Elacksfields 83 Fitzroy Square, 116 Minovies, 54, 138, 167, 181 Oxford Street, 38, 40, 198 Tottenham Court Road, 140 Joiners' Street, Southwark, 83 Kennlngton, 283, 323, 334, 364, 369, 418 II Lane (Upper), 283 11 Oval, 283, 369 I, Park Road, 283, 323, 334, 364, 369, 11 11 418 Kensington, 40, 56, 73, 163, 185, ig8, 284, 402, 11 407, 413, 420 II Gardens (West), 321 II Road, Kensington, 284 II (South). 402 # II Square, 73 Kent Road (New). 73, 136 ,1 (Old), 323, 377 II Street, Southwark, 39 Kentish Town, 75, 309 II Road, 309 Kew, 76, 197 II Bridge, Ealing, 163, 299, 313, 316, 386, 423 II Green, 76, 197 11 Road, Richmond, 425 Kilburn, 320, 388, 451 King Street, Bloomsbui-y, 107, 138, 155 II Deptford, 142, 181 ,1 Golden Square, 36, 56, 77, II3, I43, II II 162 II Greenwich. 159 (2) 11 Hammersmith, 163, 321 II Portman Square, 160 1, Seven Dials, 37, 52, 76, 78, 105, 116, M " 145 11 Snow Hill, 390, 394 II Soho, 51, 174 M St. James's Square, 35, 40, 48, 54, ii 55. 77.143. 199 II II (2), 215 ,1 Westminster, 29 (2), 30 (4), 50, 83 II I, (2), 102, 175 11 Woolwich, 199 II West, Hammersmith, 163 King William Street, Greenwich, 387 King's Arms Passage, Poultry, 121 II Cross, 361, 380, 399 11 Road, Chelsea, 144, 152 11 Yard Gate, Deptford, 44, 106 Kingston Road, Wimbledon, 367 Kirby Street (Great), Hatton Garden, 67, 173 Knaves Acre, Wardour Street, 29, 30 (2), 38 Knightsbridge, 236 Labour-in-Vain Hill, Old Fish Street, 67, 76 LadbrokeGroveRoad, Netting Hill, 391, 402, 407. 414 Lamb Street, Spitalfields, 45, 71 Lambeth, 73, loi, 103, 164, 165, 177. 103. 194. II 212 ., Butts, 183 Marsh, 73. 103. 194 ^. , , T , ^, ,1 Road, St. George's Fields, Lambeth, 179. 194 Lamb's Conduit Passage, Red Lion Sheet, 138 Langley Street, Long Acre, 33, 35 i 159 (2). 166, 167, (2). 193- 194. 202, 211, 327, 366, 388, Lavender Gardens, Lavender Hill, 372 Hill, 372, 455 Lawrence Lane, Cheapside, 42, 74. '77 II Street, Chelsea, 165 Leadenhall Street, 38, 40. 42, 51, 59, 68, 73, 75 II II (2), 80, 82, 91, 95 (2), 103, 106, 11 II 113, 117, 121, 122, 137, 138, " .1 139. 143^ II II 175, 181 M II 203. 207 II II 450. 459 " Market, 157 Leather Lane, Holborn. 58, 84, 173. 222 Leicester Fields, 33, 36. 42, 49. 50, 61, 64. 70, 80, II II 85. 105. III. 143, 160, 162 II Square. 36, 64, 85. 87, 140, 167, 194 Leigh Street, Red Lion Square. 138 Lemon Street. Goodman's Fields, loi, 138 Lewisham. 96, 290. 388 M Road, Deptford. 142. 290, 349 II M New Cross, 384 II II (Upper), Deptford, 290 Leyton Road, Leyton, 395 Leytonstone, 356, 388, 395, 454 Limehouse. 60, loi, 160, 172. 316 M Bridge. 160 M Causeway, 60, 101 II Hole. 172 Lincoln's Inn Fields,,73,87.89,91, II 98. 138. 152, 155. 162, 163, 164,172,175.191,333,395. 398,413.458 Lingfield Road, Wimbledon. 367 Lisle Street, Leicester Fields, 105 Lisson Grove. 197 Litchfield Street, Soho, 41 Little Bell Alley, Moorgate Street, 84, 327 Britain, 31, 35, 45, 64, 103. 189 Bush Lane, Cannon Street, 77 Cranbourne Alley, 52 Duke's Place, 207 Earl Street, Seven Dials, Eastcheap, 72, 158, 173 Gray's Inn Lane, 31, 32 Marlborough Street, 35 Minories, 48, 133 Moorfields, 89 Moorgate, 64 Paternoster Row, Spitalfields, 84 Pulteney Street, Golden Square. 117 Queen Ann Street East, Marylebone, 197 M Street, Holborn, 30, 49 St. Andrew's Street, Seven Dials, 85 St. Martin's Lane, 57, 87, 155, 160 Suffolk Street. 32, 50 Turnstile, Holborn. 117, 144, 163. 167, 172 Warwick Street, Charing Cross, 87 Windmill Street. 64, 154 Liverpool Road, Hoxton 158. 170 Street, 323, 356, 368 (2), 383, 397, 402, 453 Lombard Street, 37, 48, 57, 68, 73, 82, 159, 167, II 405 I, Mint, Southwark, 52, 136 London Bridge, Southwark, 39, 41, 51, 60, 61, ,1 II II 70. 89, 91, loi, 156, II M 11 167, 172, 181, 283, .1 II !• 315. 325. 350, 351. II II 364 (2), 365, 375, 383-385.390.397 II Road, St. George's Fields, 73 II Spa, Clerkenwell. 55 M Street, Greenwich. 45, 384 II II Ratcliff Highway, 174 II Wall, 157, 159, l". Long Acre, 30, 32 (2), 33 (4), 35, 36 (2), ,60 36. 44 38, 41. 43.49.50. 51, 55. 64. 77. 117. "9. II II 142, 154, 167 II Alley, Moorfields, 51, 89, 160 II Lane, Bermondsey, 103, 131, 218 II II West Smithfield, 84 Lords Cricket Ground, St. John's Wood, 312, 314 Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, 413 62 Lothbury, 80 Loughborough Park, Brixton, 310 Love Lane, .Shadwell, 174 Lower tirookStreet, GrosvenorSquare, 40, 84, 105, II II II III II Clapton, 310 II Clapton Road, Clapton, 368 II East Smithfield, 75, 98, 171, 191 II Green, Lbwer Mitcham, 452 II Islington, 64 II Marsh, Lambeth, 194 II Mitcham, 452 II Richmond Koad, Putney, 315, 386, 442 II Road, Deptford, 142 II Shadwell, 35, 159, 169 II Thames Street, 89. 156, 162, 167, 172 II Titchfield Street, 39 11 Water Gate, Deptford, 181 II Woolwich Koad, Woolwich. 202, 234 Ludgate Hill, 31, 32, 34, 36 (2), 37, 41, 43, 45, II 50, 56, 61, 65, 70 (2), 89, 98, 105, II 114, 121, 137, 138, 144, 159, 165, II II 167, 172, 173, 174, 181, 203, 327 1, Street, 29, 34, 43, 49, 59, 161 Luna Road, Thornton Heath, 404 Lupus Street, Pimlico, 142, 164, 194, 313 Lytton Road, New Barnet, 461 Maddox Street, Hanover Square, 36, 54 Maggot's Court, Piccadilly, 96 Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, 30, 37, 42, 76, 78, 87, 138, 143, 144, 173 II Wood Street, 143 Manchester Square, 38, 39, 84 II Street, Manchester Square, 84 Mandeville Place, Wigmore Street, 402 Mansel Street, Goodman's Fields, 54, 67, loi, 170 Mansfield Street, Soho, 140 Mansion House Station, 41, 109, 156 Mare Street, Hackney, 244, 368, 462 Margaret Street, Cavendisli Square, 154 Mark Lane, 41 Market, Pall Mall, 113, 144 II Lane, St. James's Market, 78 Marlborough Street, Oxford Road, 75, 161 (Little), 35 Marsh Street, Walthamstow, 393 Marshall Street, Golden Square, 104, 108 Marshalsea, Southwark, 31, 32, 43 Marylebone, 49, 140, 165, 166, 197, 363 II see St. Marylebone II Lane, Oxford Street, 73 II Street, Golden Square, 32, 36, 37, II II II 45, 46, 61, II II II 97, 104, 197 II II (Great), 182 Masons' Avenue, Basinghall Street, 67, 84, 144, II II 167,186,327, 330,359.383. II II 388, 394 Maxfield Street, near St. Ann's, 51 Mayfair, 36,84, 85, 165, 211 Maze Pond, Southwark, 136, 166 Mercers' Street, Long Acre, 119, 154 Merton, 168 Mid Holborn, 33, 47 Middle Lane, Holborn, 46 M Row, 11 29 II Temple, 465 Mile End, 165, 189, 321, 330, 359 M New Town, 51 II Old Town, 161 II Road, 35, 60, 113, 152, 390 Milk Street, Honey Lane Market, 40, 76 II . Southwark, 65 Mill Lane, Tooley Street, 83 11 Street, Bermondsey, 138 I.— London. 490 Millbank, Westminster, 366, 402 II Street, Westminster, 165 Minories, 32, 48, 54, 60, 63, 89, 138, 157, 167, 11 170, 171, 179, 181, 202, 207 (Great), 133 II (Little), 48, 133 Mint (The), Southwark, 52, 158 II Street, Southwark, 68 Mitcham, 168 II (Lower), 452 Mitre Court, Aldgate, 207 11 Street, n 40, 57, 157, 170 Melton Street (South), Oxford Street, 165 Monmouth Street, Seven Dials, 31, 32, 38, 48 Montague Street, Whitechapel, 39 Montpelier Street, Walworth, 350 Moor Street, Soho Square, 73, 107, 194 Moore Park, Walham Green, 359 Moorfields, 32, 45, 51, 63, 89, 160, iS6 (Little), 89 (Upper), 47, 59, 62, 103 Moorgate, 30, 41 II (Little), 64 II Street, 84, 177, 327, 363 Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, 84 II (Upper), II 85, 109, 199 Mulgrave Place, Woolwich, 39, 100, 161, 308 Murray Street, Hoxton, 84 Museum Street, 41, 143, 152, 197 Muswell Hill, 3S3, 388, 396, 399 Narrow Wall, Lambeth, 73 Neptune Street, Rotherhithe, 44 New Barnet, 461 Belton Street, Long Acre, 30, 49 Bond Street, 29, 35, 36, 39, 40, 43, 54, 75, II 87, 125, 140, 199 Brentford, 76 Burlington Gardens, 50 II Street, 113 Church, Strand, 29, 30 (2), 46, 64 II Street, Marylebone, 165 Compton Street, Soho, 37 (2), 73, 160, 185 Crane, Wapping, 41 Cross, 206, 384 IT Road, Deptford, 142, 146, 206, 360 Exchange, Strand, 77, 194 Kent Road, 73, 136 Palace Yard, Westminster, 35, 37 Rag Fair, Upper East Smithfield, 159 Road, Blackfriars Bridge, 152 ,1 (City), 139 II St. George's East, 181 II Woolwich, 308 Round Court, Strand, 165 Southgate, 418 Street, Covent Garden, 32, 42, 76, 108, 160 II St. James's, Westminster, 133 II Square, Shoe Lane, 139, 161, 165 Weston Street, Bermondsey, 315 Newby Place, Poplar, 327 Newcastle Street, Strand, 64 Newgate Street, 29, 30 (4), 43, 44, 45 (2), 50, 57, 58, 61, 75, 105, 139, 152, 155, II 156, 164, 165, 170, 173, 207, 222 Newington Butts, Newington, 169 I' Causeway, m 136 Newman Street, Oxford Street, 73, 138, 156 Newport Market, Gerrard Street, 64, 79, 87, 96, 11 II II 142, 173 II Street, Newport Market, 64, 87, 96, 142, " " II 173 Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street, 35, 61, 68, 72 Nightingale Lane, Wapping, 60, 174, 185 II 11 Wood Green, 352 Noble Street, Falcon Square, 40, 44, 156, 165, 11 11 167, 172 North Audley Street, 38, 98, 109, 160, 197 II End, Fulham, 323 ir Finchley, 397 II Woolwich, 377 Northampton Square, 222 Northcote Road, Battersea, 455 Northumberland Alley, Fenchurch Street, 91, 144 II Avenue, 40, 215 II Park, Tottenham, 314 II Street, Strand, lOI NortonFolgate,Bishopsgate Without, 54, 84, 149, 159 Norwood Road, Tulse Hill, 364,366 (South), 348 II (Upper), 299, 349, 387, 421 Notting Hill, 391, 402, 407, 414 Nottingham Court, Seven Dials, 78 Oakley Street, Chelsea, 396 Old Bailey, Ludgate Hill, 52, 56, 57, 144 II Bethlem, 77, 157, 169 11 Bond Street, 38, 45, 75, 107, 113, 199 II Broad Street, 69, 89 II Burlington Street, 36, 160, 185 II Cavendish Street, 38, 97, 113, 165, 212 11 Change, Cheapside, 38, 61 II Compton Street, Soho, 38, 64, 96, 105, 154, II II 11 185 II Fish Street, 67, 76 11 II Plill, Thames Street, 59, 76 II Gravel Lane, Ratcliff Highway, 166 1, Jewry, Poultry, 54, 73, 75, 81 II Kent Road, 323, 377 II Palace Yard, Westminster, 52, 165 (2), 197 II Round Court, Strand, 69 II Street, City Road, 35, 84, 91, 159, 167, 170, II II .1 173, 179, 186, 323 II II Hoxton, 6i II II Road, 61, 109 II II Shoreditch, 402 II II Square, 139 Orange Street, Bloomsbury, 61, 107 Oxenden Street, Haymarket, 13S, 143, 150 Oxford Buildings, Oxford Street, 142 II Market, n 38 II Road, sec Oxford Street 11 Square, 30 (2) II Street, 36, 38 (2), 39, 40, 65, 73 (2), 75, 11 II 97. 98, in, 113, u6, 117, 138, II II 140 (2), 142, 149, 156, 165 (2), II 197, 198, 212, 314, 395, 434, 451, II 463 (2) Paddington, 76, 98, 312, 32S, 359, 373 Page Green, Tottenham, 314 Palace Road, Lambeth, loi II M Sydenham, 313, 349, 362, 370, 395 II Yard (New), Westminster, 35, 37 'I " (Old), II 52, 165(2), 197 Pall Mall, 30(2), 37, 45, 55, 77, 1,3, 144, 165, II 199, 215, 220 Pancras Road, King's Cross, 361 Panton Street, Haymarket, 32, 50, 62 Paradise Row, Chelsea, 194 Park Road, Peckham, 325 II Row, Greenwich, 142, 364 II Southwark, 56, Ib3, 136, 212 II Street, Grosvenor Square, 52 II II Southwark, 1 36 Parker'sLane[Street],Lincoln'sInnFieIds, 34, 155 Parkholme Road, Dalston, 375, 394 Parliament Street, Westminster, 81, 83, 1 14, 194 Paternoster Row, Cheapside. 49. 75 II II (Little), Spitalfields, 84 Paul Street, Finsbury. 89. 139, 167, 179, 186 Paul's Head Court, Fenchurch Street, 170 Paved Alley, St. Jomes's Market, 32, 57 Pearl Street, Spitalfields, 190 Peckham, 325, 413, 444 II Rye, 325 Pelham Street, Spitalfields, 35, 62 Penge Road, South Norwood. 348 Penton Place, Kennington, 283 Pentonville, 165 II Road, King's Cross, 380, 399 Percival Street, Clerkenwell, 91, 158 Peter Street, Westminster, 154 Peter's Hill, Doctors' Commons, 98 Petticoat Lane, Whitechapel, 67 Phoenix Alley [Court], Long Acre, 77, 167 II Street, St. Pancras, 456 II II Spitalfields. 39 Piccadilly, 32 (2), 35, 36 (2), 37, 40, 41, 46, 50, 51, 52, 54, 56, 59, 65, 74, 75, 85, 96, II 98, 105, 108, 109, 113, 116, 117, 121, II 133, 142, 143, 156, 161, 165, 182, 194, 197. 199. 313. 32t, 363. 366, 379, 383. " 389. 390. 395- 400, 404, 405, 406, 413, II 421, 423, 431, 433, 438, 443, 447, 453, II 460 Pimlico, 65,142, 164, 194, 198, 313 332, 358,390 Pitfield Street, Hoxton, 51 Pitt Street, Ratcliff, 179 Platform, Rotherhithe, 162 Playhouse Yard, Blackfriars, 83, 113, 167 Plough Road, Rotherhithe, 158 Plumstead (and see Kent), 453 Point Hill, Royal Hill, (Jreenwich, 186 Ponsonby Street, Millbank, 366, 402 Pope's Head Alley, Cornhill, 48 Poplar, 113, 159, 174, 316, 327, 398 Porters Street, Newport Market, 79 Portland Place, Marylebone, 163, 363 II Road, II 140 II II Regent's Park, 173 II Square, 84 II Street, Oxford Market, 38 M II (Great), 402 Portman Square, 160, 165 Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 49, 98 Poultry, 29, 35, 44, 54, 68, 82, 121, 122, 137, 158, II 170, 194 Powis Street, Woolwich, 39, 161, 194 Pownall Road, Haggerston, 381 Pratt Street, Lambeth, 212 Prescot Street (Great), Goodman's Fields, 89 Princes Stairs, Rotherhithe, 162 Princes Street, Cavendish Square, 99, 113, 160 II Drury Lane, 29, 30 (2), 43 II Lambeth, 183 II Lothbury, 80 II Soho, 46, 107, 165, r77, 185 II Westminster, 165, 194 Prospect Row, Brompton, 139 Providence Row, Finsbury, 51 Prujean Court, Old Bailey, 57 Pulteney Street (Great), Golden Square, 54, 93 II (Little), II 117 Putney, 55, 315, 372, 3S6, 442 11 Bridge Road, 442 Quadrant, Regent Street, 38 Quaker Street, Spitalfields, 31, 39, 54, 142, 174 Quebec Street (Great), Portland Square, 84 Queen Ann Street East (Little), Marylebone, 197 II Street, Bloomsbury, 163, 172, 175 11 II Cheapside, 37, 96, 149, 155 II 11 Chelsea, 144, 165 II II Golden Square, 52, 113 " " Soho, 31, 32, 37, 42, 156 491 I— London. Queen Street (Great), see Great Queen Street II II (I-ittle), Holborn, 30, 49 II Victoria Street, 75, 191, 203, 394, 406 Queenhithe, 60, 76, 103 Queen's Gate Terrace, South Kensington. 402 II Square, 119 II Terrace, St. John's Wood, 314 Rag Fair, 32, 33, 47, 55 ^ ^ . ,^ ,j I, (New), Upper East Smilnfield, 159 Ram Court, Fleet Street, 164 Ranelagh Road, Ealing, 389 Ratcliff, 159, 166. '79, 202 II Cross, 166 (2), 171 ,1 Highway, 159, 166, 174, 182, 202 Rathbone Place, Oxford Street, 38, 41, 61, 98, II M 105, 116, 138, 11 II 140, 143, 160, 166, 17s, 185, ,1 II 212 Rectoiy Place, Woolwich. 39, 191 Red Cross Street, Southwark, 52 Red Lion Passage, Red Lion Square, 138 „ Square, Holborn, 32, 44, 45, 138, 162, ,1 II 414. 422, 424 (2), n II 432. 447 „ Street, Clerkenwell, 77 „ „ Holborn, 43, 51, 138, 150, 173 ,1 II Richmond, 52 I, II Spltalfields, 54 „ II Wapping, 41, 78 „ II Whitechapel, 166, 181, 191 Regent Circus, Piccadilly, 405, 443 „ Street, 36, 37, 38, 165, 244, 271, 337, „ 359, 366, 368, 38., 383, 385, 387, II 388, 389. 393, 395, 397, 398 (2), „ „ 399, 404, 422, 427, 429, 441, 450, II 453, 454, 460 Regent's Park, 173, 309. 438 Richmond, 30(2), 52, 58, 128, 210, 211, 217, 320, II 334, 368, 425 „ Green, 210 „ Road (Lower), Putney, 315, 386, 442 II 11 (Upper), II 386 Rider's Court, Cranbourne Alley, III Ridgway, Wimbledon, 368 Robinson's Lane, Chelsea, 144 Romford Road, Forest Gate, 454 Rosamond Row, Clerkenwell, 58 Rose Alley, Bishopsgate Street, 107, 167, 169, 171, 181 Rosemary Lane, Minorifes, 32 (2), 42, 46, 51, 54, 55, 57, 60, 61 (2), 202 Rotherhithe, 44, 5', 52, 158, 162, 196 11 Road, 44 II Street, Bermondsey, 162 I, II Rotherhithe, 196 Round Court (New), Strand, 165 „ (Old), .1 69 Royal Exchange, 29 (2), 30 (4), 35, 37 (2), 43, 48,57,74,77,122,167 11 Hill, Greenwich, 96, 142, 159, ISO Rupert Street, Leicester Fields, 162 Russell Court, Drury Lane, II9> 149 „ Gardens, Kensington, 402 ,1 Square, 96, loi „ Street, Chelsea, 144 „ ,1 Covent Garden, 57, 107 „ (Great), Bloomsbury, 73 „ „ Covent Garden, 38, 70, »7, ; II I. " "3, 143, 149, 167 ;; ;; n ■■ t^)''" Rye Lane, Peckham, 444 Sackville Street, Piccadilly, 75 Sadler's Wells. Islington, 183 St. Agnes-le-Clare, Hoxton. 59 Alban's Street. Pall Mall, 36. Jo, 59 Andrew's by the Wardrobe, 38, 157 II Cross, Hermitaee, 95, 121 II Street (Great), Seven Dials, 30, 49, II II II 11 105,123 II II (Little), II 85 Ann's, Soho, 51, 133 Catherine Court, 1<^^ Catherine's, Wapping, 42 II Street, near the Tower, 133 Clement Danes, 367 Clements, 38. 102. 121, 142, 164 II Church, Strand, 29, 175, 367 Dunstan's Passage, Fleet Street, 140, 144, 164, II II 189 Ermin's Hill, Westminster, 198 George's Church, Southwark, 103 11 East, 81, 144, 181, 182 II Fields, 152 (2), 179 Giles's, 29, 30 (2), 36, 43, 55 II in the Fields, 109 II (Broad), 32, 48, 96 II Church, 37 Helen's (Great\ 157, 169, 170, 181, 207 James's, 38, 46, 57, 78, 119, 144 II Market, 32, 45, 57, 61, 78, 98, 154, II II 197, 199 II Park, 59 II Place, Aldgate, 157, 181 11 ,1 Leadenhall Street, 181 II Square, 35, 40, 45, 48, 54, 55, 61, 77, 113, 143, 197, 199 (2), II II 215 II -Stairs, Shadwell, 159 Street, 33, 35, 37, 48, 5°, 54, 55, 71, II 11 75. 105, 108, 116, 134, 144, II II 149, 164, T97, 199, 215, 332 II Westminster, 133 John's Gate, Clerkenwell, 45, 67, 175, 194, II 353, 394 I 11 Hill, Wandsworth, 339 I 11 Lane, Clerkenwell, 45 I „ II West Smithfield, 146 I II Road, Hoxton, 170 I II Southwark, 83 I II Square, Clerkenwell, 67 11 Street, Clerkenwell, 58, 69, 76 , „ II Spitaltields, 32, 39, 47 „ „ West Smithfield, 157, 179 II Wapping, 29 ,1 Wood, 312, 314, 363, 372 Luke's, 91, 186, 323 Margaret's Churchyard, Westminster, 143 Hill, Southwark, 58, 70, 106, 136, 156 Martin's Court, Leicester Square, 167 „ 11 St. Martin's Lane, 142 „ Lane, 30 (4^ 32 (2), 33 (2), 36, 40, II 43^ 46, 47- 50, 51 (2), 75, 87, ,1 11 no, 112, 143, 162, 173 „ (Little), 57, 87, 155, 160 II Street, Leicester Square, 85, 87 Martin's-le-Grand, 156 Mary at Hill, Tower Street, 152, 173, 177, 189 „ Axe, 53, 60, 64, 157, 170, 363, 368, 375 ,1 Overy's Churchyard, Southwark, 42 „ Road, Canonbury, 304 Mary-le-Bone, 37 Michael's Alley, Cornhill, 37, 42, 61, 72 Pancras, 368, 436, 439, 444, 45^ Paul's Churchyard, 27, 29 (2), 30 (6), 32, 33, 34,35,44,49,58,61,65, „ 91, 139, 218 Saviour's Churchyard, Southwark, II Dock, Southwark, 65 Swithin's Lane, So, 189 Thomas's Road, Hackney, 368 II Street, Southwark, 156, 181 Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, 76, 98, 128 42, 136, 173, 182 Saltpetre Bank, Rosemary Lane, 61 Samuel Street, Woolwich, 161 Sanders' Gardens, Hoxton, 158 Sandringham Road, Dalston, 375 Savoy Hill [or Alley], Strand, 32, 33, 49 Seabright Street, Bethnal Green, 167 Seven Dials, 30, 31, 32, 37, 38, 41, 48, 49, S', II 52, 55, 60, 73, 76, 78, 85, 105, 107, II II 109, 116, 123, 145, 156 II Sisters' Road, HoUoway, 361, 396 Shad Thames, 148, 169 Shadwell, 41, 116, 157, 159, 171, 174, i79 II Dock, 81, 159, 191 II (Lower), 35. 159, 169 II Market, 116, 16 1 Shaftesbury Park, Battersea, 382, 419 Sheer {or Shire] Lane, Temple Bar, 31 (2), 32 (2), II 36, 38 Shepherd's Bush, 407 II II Green, 407 II II Road, 407 II Lane, Stockwell, 366 „ Market, Mayfair, 85, 165, 211 Shepparton Road, Hoxton, 319, 323 Sherborne Lane, Lombard Street, 82, 167 Sherrard Street, Golden Square, 104 Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, 29, 30, 32, 36, 83, 107, 139, 158, 161, 165, 17s Shoreditch, 54, 61, 71, 73, 80, 81, 84, loi, no, II 112, 159, 170, 402 Short's Gardens, Drury Lane, 52 Shug Lane, near Piccadilly, 32 (2), 42, 47, 98, II II 140 Silver Street, Fleet Street, 45 „ Golden Square, 29, 30 (2), 104, 109, 154 Sloane Square, Chelsea, 165 II Street, 162, 165, 236, 396 Smith Street, 144 Smithfield (East),- 42, 57, 67, 79, 159, 171, 174, 179, 185 II (Lower East), 75, 98, 171, 191 II Road (West), 167 II (Upper East), 159, 162, 181, 191 II (West), see West Smithfield Snaresbrook, 394 Snow Hill, Holborn, 43, 44, S3, 57, 65, 69, 75, 139(2), 158, 390, 394 Snow's Fields, Bermondsey, Southwark, 136, 181 Soho, 30, 31 (2), 32, 34, 35 (2), 36, 37 (2), 38, II 41, 42, 43, 46, 49, 50, 51, 54, 59, 61, 62, 64, 73, 76, 83, 84, 87, 96, 104, 105, 107, II 113, 119, 138, 140 (2), 154, 156, 160, 162, II 164, 165(2), 167, 174, 177, 185, 193, 211, II 271, 327 II Square, 38, 73, 107, 122, 194 Somers Town, 68 Somerset Street, Whitechapel, 170 South Audley Street, 38, 62, 84, 160 II Hampstead, 454 II Kensington, 402 M Molten Street, Oxford Street, 165 II Norwood, 348 „ II Park, 348 11 Street, Chelsea, 144 „ II Wandsworth, 42 Southampton Buildings, Holborn, 49, 74, 139, 158, 173 II Street, Covent Garden, 29, 30 (2), II II II 34,45,117 Southgate (New), 418 11 Road, Islington, 396 Southwark, 29, 30 (2), 31, 32, 33, 39, 41, 42 (2), 43, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 65, 68, 70, 74, 83 (2), 89, 91, loi, 103 (2), ,1 106, 136, 152, 156, 157, 158, 162, I, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 172, 173, ,1 181 (2), 182, 187, 202, 212, 283, II 315, 325, 350, 351, 364(2), 365, 375, 383, 385, 390, 397 II Bridge Road, 374 Park, 325 Spital Square, Spltalfields, 177 I.— London. 492 Spitalfields, 31 (2), 32, 35, 39, 40, 45, 47 (2), 54, 1, 60, 61, 62, 71, 75, 80, 84, 133, 142, " 149. 170, 171. 172, 173. 174. 177, II 189, 190, II Market, 91 Spread Eagle Court, Finch Lane, 74 Spring Garden l^lace, Stepney, 290 IT Gardens, Charing Cross, 87, 165 Stafford Street, Old Bond Street, 38 Stamford Bridge, Fulham, 316 Stangate, Lambeth, 164, 165 Stanhope Street, Clare Market, 58, 163 Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, 362 Star Street, Shadwell, 159, 179 Station Road, Harlesden, 430 IT South Norwood, 348 II Woolwich, 309 Stationers' Court, Ludgate Hill, 37, 89, 98, 174 Steel Yard, Thames Street, 77 Stepney, 35, 290 Stockwell, 310, 366 II Street, Greenwich, 44, 96, 142 Stoke Newington, 50, 326, 442 Stoney Lane, Tooley Street, 83 Storey's Gate, Westminster, 51 Strand, 29 (5), 30 (8), 31, 32 (9), 33 (3), 34 (2), 35, 36, 37. 38, 39, 40 (2), 41, 42 {2), 44, ,1 45, 46, 48, 49 (3), 51, 59, 61, 64 (3), 65, >i 68, 69, 73, 76, 77, 83 (2), 85, 87, 93, loi, II 105, 109, 115, 121, 123, 125, 139, 140, II 142, 143, 149 (2), 152, 160, 162, 164, II 165, 173, 174, 175, 189, 194, 197, 212, M 323. 327, 358, 367, 394> 434 II (West), 304 Stratford, 152, 242, 321, 356, 372, 445 II Bridge, Stratford, 321 Streatham Common, Streatham, 415 Stretton Grounds, Westminster, 194, 198 Suffolk Street, Haymarket, 31 (2), 34, 52, 55, 59, II IT 78, 87, 112 IT (Little), 32, 50 Surrey Street (Great), 73 II Strand, 49, 68 II Warwick Square, 164 Sutton Street (Great), Clerkenwell, 167, 170 Swallow Street, Piccadilly, 33, 36, 38, 45, 74, 98, II II 104, 113, 156, 194 Swan Street, Minories, 157, 170, 171, 181, 207 Sweeting's Alley, Cornhill, 70, 81, 106, 172 IT Rents, Threadneedle Street, 78 Swithin's Alley, Threadneedle Street, 41, 122 Sydenham, 313, 349, 362, 370, 395 Temple, 175 Temple Bar, 29 (2), 30 (4), 31 (2), 32 (2), 36, 37, 38, 43- 45, 48, 52, 54 (2), 56, 59, 61, 64 (3), 73, 102, 152, 164, 173, 175 Thames Street, 45, 60, 73, 77, loi, 152, 156, 187, IT 191 II (Lower), 89, 156, 162, 167, 172 (Upper), 38, 189 Thomas Street, Southwark, 70 II Whitechapel Road, 81 II Woolwich, 39, 100, 191, 194, igg Thornton Heath, 404 Thrawl Street, Spitalfields, 84 Threadneedle Street, 37, 41, 43, 54, 58, 61, 78, II 80, 99, 122, 139, 152, 172 Tichbourne Street, 46 Titchfield Street (Great), Marylebone, 72, 84 II (Lower), n 39 Tooley Street, Southwark, 51, 70, 83(2), 91, 136, II 11 156, 169, 187 Tothill Street, Westminster, 35, 143, 197 Tottenham, 107, 314 „ Court Road, 29, 30 (2), 37, 43, 73, „ 11 98, 138, 140, 185 Tottenham High Cross, Ware Road, 48 II Hall, Tottenham, 314 II Street, Rathbone Place, 140 Tower (near the), 60, 78, 98, 133 " Hill, 32, 33, 59, 60, loi, 152, 162, 175, II II 202, 207 II Street, 29, 30 (2), 35, 43, 52, 54, 61, 78 " (2), 152 (2), 171, 173, 181, 189 IT IT Seven Dials, 37, 60, 109 Trafalgar Road, Greenwich, 449 II Old Kent Road, 377 Tranquil Vale, Blackheath, 364 Tufton Street, Westminster, 140 Tulse Hill, 364, 366 Turnagain Lane, Snow Hill, 158 Turnstile, Holborn, 29, 30, 34 IT (Little), 117, 144, 163, 167, 172 Union Street, Bishopsgate Street, 39 II Blackfriars, 172, 197 II Southwark, 70, 164 II Westminster, 102, 149 Upper Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, 140 II East Smithfield, 159, 162, 181, 191 II Fore Street, Edmonton, 205, 276, 396 II Green, Mitcham, 168 II Ground, Southwark, 42, 152 II Hyde Park Gardens, 312 II Kennington Lane, 283 II Lewisham Road, Deptford, 290 11 Moorfields, 47, 59, 62, 103 11 Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, 85, 109, II •■ II 199 It Norwood, 299, 349, 387, 421 II Richmond Road, Putney, 386 II Street, Islington, 150, 182, 361, 362, 377, II II IT 378, 388, 394, 396 (2), IT IT ., 438, 443 II Thames Street, 38, 189 Upton Lane, Uptnn, 356 Uxbridge Road, Ealing, 389, 424 Vauxhall, 177, 183 II Road, Pimlico, 142 Vere Street, Oxford Street, 30, 43 Victoria Dock, West Ham, 342 II Embankment, 48 II Park, 360 II II Road, Hackney, 340, 406 II Street, Westminster, 48, 68, 144, 167, 215,358,383,396, II IT II 402, 406, 435 Victualling Office Square, Tower Hill, 175 II Place, Deptford, 142 Villiers Street, York Buildings, 32, 41, 47, 143 Vine Street, Lambeth, loi II Piccadilly, 142, 197 II Westminster, 165 Virginia Street, Ratcliff, 157, 162, 174 Walbrook, 6r Walham Green, Fulham, 49, 359, 462 Walthamstow, 393, 459 Walworth, 169, 350 II Road, Walworth, 169 Wandsworth, 42, 292, 339, 372 ,1 Common, 339, 372 Wapping, 29,41, 42, 44(2), 51, 60, 78, 81, 95, II 121, 138, 159, 162, 169, 171, 174, 185, '91, 363, I. Dock, 81, 138, 159, 162 II New Stairs, 41 II Old Stairs, 78 II Wall, 51, 169 Wardour Street, Soho, 36, 38, 64, 113, 140, 154, II II 165, 167, 177 Ware Road, 48 Warner Street, Cold Bath Fields, 68 Warwick Lane, Newgate Street, 139 II Place, Holborn, 158, 175 II Square, Pimlico, 164 IT Street, 62 II II Woolwich, 199 II II (Little), Charing Cross, 87 Water Gate (Lower), Deptford, 181 .1 Lane, Fleet Street, 31, 36, 157 II 11 Tower Street, 54, 78, 152, 171, 189 Waterloo Road, 73 Waterside, Richmond, 320 Watling Street, 76 Well Court, Queen Street, Cheapside, 96, 149 Well Walk, Hampstead, 157, 205 Wellclose Square, 83, 87, 157 Wells Street, Oxford Street, 140 Wenlock Road, City Road, 84 Wentworth Street, Spitalfields, 60 West Ham, 342 II India Dock Road, 359 II India Docks, Poplar, 316 II Kensington Gardens, 321 II Smithfield, 42, 49, 52, 54, 58, 74, 84, 139 II II (2), 144, 146, 157, 158, 165, 172, II IT 179, 183, 189, 390, 394 II 11 Road, 167 II Square, Southwark, 156 IT Strand, 304 II Street, West Smithfield, 144 Westbourne Grove, 328 11 Terrace, North, 312 Westminster, 29 (3), 30 (6), 35, 36, 37, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 77, 83 (2), 96, 102, 109, 133, 134, 140, 142, 143, 149, 154. 156, 163, 165 (2), 174, 175, 194, IT 197, 198, 211, 212 (2), 215, 396, 402, 406, 424, 435 II Bridge Road, 64, 73, 81, 103, 212 Weston Street (New), Bermondsey, 315 Westow Hill, Upper Norwood, 421 Weymouth Mews, Portland Place, 163 S IT Street, Great Portland Street, 402 Wheeler Street, Spitalfields, 45, 54, 62 White Lion Yard, Norton Folgate, 54, 149 Whitechapel, 39, 49, 60, 67, 75, 82, 84, 129, 144, " 157, '59, 160, 166, 170, 181, 191, IT 207 II Bar, 57 II Church, 160 II Road, 81, 170, 191, 207 Whitecross Street, 45 (2), 91, 107, 146, 167, 173 Wliitehall, 140, 143, 197 White's Yard, Rosemary Lane, 60 Wickham Park, Brockley, 416 Widegate Alley, Bishopsgate Street, 80 Wigmore Street, 402 Wild Street (Great), Lincoln's Inn Fields, 30 (2), II IT II 65 (2) Wilkes Street, Spitalfields, 39 Willesden, 426, 460 IT Green, 460 William Street, Woolwich, 39, 308, 309 Wilson Street, Finsbury Square, 84, 172 Wimbledon, 367, 368 Winchester Street, Little Moorgate, 64 II Pimlico, 332 Windmill Street (Great), Haymarket, 77, 14O, II II 144, 167 II (Little), 64, 154 Winfield Street, Spitalfields, 31, 40 Woburn Street, Russell Square, loi Wood Green, 352, 456 493 II. -London. Wood Street, Cheapside, 47, 61, 74, 143 Woolwich Common, 39, 161, 190, 234 York Bnildings, Strand, 41, 47, 55, 143 II Vale, Honor Oak, 421 11 Road (Lower), 202, 234 II Street, Covent Garden, 30 (2) Wooden Bridge, Chelsea, 165 (North), 377 II II Marylebone, 165 Woodford Road, Snaresl)rook, 394 Worcester Street, Park, Southwark, 136 II II St. James Square, 61 Woodside Park, North Finchley, 397 Worple Road, Wimbledon, 367 II II Westminster, 142, 194, 197, 198 Woolwich, 39, 40, 100, 105, 129, 142, i 61, 190, Wych Street, St. Clement's, 30, 32, 38, 121, 142, Yorkshire Grey Yard, Hampstead, 157 191, 194, 199, 202, 234, 308, 309 It 11 164 11.— LONDON. List of Hotels, Taverns, Halls, &=€. Abercrombie, Lombard Street, 37 II (Genl. ), Artillery Place, Woolwich, 161 Acorn, Rotherhithe Street, Rotherhithe, 196 II Upper Thames Street, 38 Active Frigate, see Hermione and Active Frigate Adam and Eve, Bowling St., Westminster, 140, 211 „ II Kensington Rd., Kensington, 284 Adelphi Tavern, Strand, 35 Admiral, see Lord High Admiral II Benbow, Golden Lane, Barbican, 179 II Vernon, 114 Bishopsgate Street, 31, 32 II ,1 -1 (3). 33 (2),3«. " 39.41, II II " 47 ,1 II North Audley Street, 38, 109, II II " >6o, 197 Agricultural Hall, Upper Street, Islington, 38S Albany Hotel, see York and Albany Albemarle, Dover Street, Piccadilly, 54 II Arms, South Audley Street, 84, 160 Albert, see Royal Albert II Palace, Battersea Park, Battersea, 372, 419 Albion, Albion Road, Stoke Newington, 326 ,1 Beak Street, Regent Street, 36 II Duke Street, CSrosvenor Square, 160 11 Surrey St., Warwick Square, Pimlico, 164 II Tavern, Aldersgate Street, 36, 43, 50, 98, 106, 109, 113, 114, 137, 138, 144, 159, 163, 170, 185, 191, 218, 304, 385, 389, 393> 394, 422, 423 Alders, Mark Lane, 41 Aldgate Ward Coffee House, Leadenhall Street, 42 Alexandra Hotel, Clapham Common (South Side), 406, 450 II Palace, Alexandra Park, Muswell Hill, 383, 388, 396, 399 Alfred, see King Alfred's Head Amhurst Club House, Amhurst Road, Stoke Newington, 442 Amphitheatre Coffee House, Newcastle Street, Strand, 64 Anacreon Coffee House, Great Russell Street, Covent Garden, 167 .Anchor, Bankside, Southwark, 136 II Bishopsgate Street, 189 II Dutchy Lane, Strand, 29, 30 (2), 42 „ St. Mary at Hill, Tower Street, 1 52, 1 73, ,1 .1 177, 189 „ see Bell and Anchor, Blue Anchor, Crown and Anchor, Golden Anchor, Hope and Anchor, Ship and Anchor Anchor and Baptist's Head, Chancery Lane, 43 II and Castle, Tooley Street, Southwark, 83 II and Cock, Cock Lane, Snow Hill, 69 II and Crown, New Rag Fair, Upper East Smithfield, 159 II and Hope, Green Hank, Wapping, 171 II II I .eadenhall Street, 42 II II 1 .ittle Minories, 48 II and Vine, Buckingham Court, Charing Cross, 87 Anderson's Hotel, Kensington, 163 Anderton's Coffee House, Fleet Street, 122, 137 II Hotel, Fleet Street, 41, 49, 89, 142, II II 11 144, 163, 164, 167, II II " 173, 189, 197, 284, 309, 313, 323 (2), II " " 326, 327. 330, 340, I, II II 380, 381, 387, 388, 394, 397, 399 (2), II II II 400, 416, 419, 447, II II I' 450, 458 Andrew's Cross, see St. Andrew's Cross Angel, Angel Street, St. Martin's-le-Grand, 156 II City Road, 91 II High Street, Bloomsbury, 41, 185 II II Great Ilford, 160, 327, 372 II John Street, Minories, 54, 138, 167, i8i II King Street West, Hammersmith, 163 II Piccadilly, 98 II Platform, Rotherhithe, 162 II St. Giles's Church, 37 II St. Mary-la- Bonne, 37 II Upper Fore St., Edmonton, 205, 276, 397 II Upper Ground, Southwark, 152 11 Wardour Street, Soho, 177 II Wych Street, St. Clement's, 32, 38 II and Crown, Catealon Street, 73 M II Crispin Street, Spitalfields, 80, 84, 133 „ II Maiden Lane, Wood St., 143 11 II St. Agnes-le-Clare, Hoxton, 59 II II Whitechapel, 49, 60 II and Porter, Golden Lion, Barbican, 84, 103 II and Sun, Strand, 152 Angels, see Two Angels and Crown Antigallican, Liraehouse Hole, Limehouse, 172 II Tooley Street, Southwark, 70 Anglers, see Jolly Anglers Antwerp (Old), behind Royal Exchange, 57 II Tavern, Threadneedle Street, 37, 43, 58, 11 II II 61, 80 Anvil, see Crown and Anvil Apple Tree Tavern, Charles St. , Covent Garden, 38 II Leather Lane, Holborn, 58 II Warner Street, Cold Bath Fields, 68 63 Apple Tree Tavern, see Hand and Apple Tree Approach Tav., Approach Rd. , Victoria Park, 360 Argyle Arms, Argyle Street, Oxford Street, 116 II Rooms, Regent Street, 244 Ark, sec Noah's Ark Army and Navy Hotel, Victoria Street, West- minster, 406 Arron's Arms, see Lord Arron's Arms Artichoke, Blackwall, 113 II Lower Marsh, Lambeth, 194 II Newington Causeway, Newington, 136 Ashby Castle, Northampton Square, 222 Ashley's Hotel, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, 389, 400, 421 II London Punch House, Ludgate Hill, 45, 70, 165 Assembly Hall, Lytton Road, New Barnet, 461 II Rooms, Dartmouth Row, Blackheath, 4SS 11 II High Street, Acton, 421 II II II Brentford, 454 ti II Newby Place, Poplar, 327 II II Tavern, Kentish Town Road, Kentish Town, 309 Athenseum, Camden Road, Islington, 379, 436 II Godolphin Rd., Shepherd's Bush, 407 II Westbourne Grove, 328 Axe, see Bull and Axe II and Gate, Downing Street, 36, 165 II II King Street, Westminster, 83 Bacchus, Bloomsbury Market, 55, 116 II Hoxton Town, Hoxton, 61 II Little Bush Lane, Cannon Street, 77 II and Grapes, Gravel Street, Hatton Garden, 54 Bailey's Hotel, Gloucester Road, Kensington, 420 Bald Faced Stag, East End, Finchley, 397 Balham Hotel, Chestnut Grove, Balham, 310 Ball, see Blue Lion and Ball, Crown and Ball, Lion and Ball, Red Lion and Ball Bank of Friendship Tavern, Bancroft Place, Mile End, 189, 321 Baptist's Head, Aldermanbury, 171 II Chancery Lane, 29, 30 (2), 139 II Old Bailey, 52 II St. John's Lane, West Smithfield, 146 II see Anchor and Baptist's Head II.— London. [ 494 ] Bar, see Horse Shoe and Leaping Bar, Leaping Bar Barleycorn, see Sir John Barleycorn Barley Mow, Piccadilly, 133 ir see Crown and Barley Mow Barn, St. Martin's Lane, 87 Baron's Court Hotel, Earl's Court, Kensington, 413 Barracks, Woolwich, 199 11 Tavern, Woolwich Common, Woolwich, 39. 161 Bath Coffee House, see Union and Bath Coffee House Baxter's Tavern, Dover Street, Piccadilly, 50 Bay Tree Tavern, St. Swithin's Lane, 80, 189 Bayswater Athenfeum, Westbourne Grove, 328 Bazaar Coffee House, King St., Portman Sq., 160 Bear, see Brown Bear, White Bear 11 and Harrow, Butcher Row, Temple Bar, 54, 56, 64 II and Rummer, Gerrard Street, Soho, 43, 49 II and Wheatsheaf, Lower Thames Street, 156, 172 Bear's Paw [ ], 42 Beattie's Hotel, George Street, Hanover Square, 38, 175 Beaufort Hotel, North End, Fulham, 323 Beaumont Hall, Beaumont Square, Mile End, 321 Beckford's Head, Old Street, 35 Bedford Arms, Bedford Court, Covent Garden, 32, 36 t, II Charlotte St., Bedford Sq., 41, 73 II 11 Covent Garden, 42, 43 M Coffee House, Covent Garden, 72, 205 ri Court Coffee House, Bedford Court, Covent Garden, 43 II Hotel, Henrietta Street, n 78 II Square Coffee House, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, 73 Bedford's Head, King Street, Bloomsbury, 155 II Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, 37, 76, 87, 143, 144, 173 II Southampton Street, Covent Garden, 29, 30 (2), 34, 45, 117 Bee Hive, Deptford Creek Bridge, lo5 II East Smithfield, 179 II Flagon Row, Deptford, 206 Bell, Aldgate, 95 II Battle Bridge, 173 II Bell Water Gate, Woolwich, 202 II Carter Lane, Doctors' Commons, 103, 155 II Cecil Street, St. Martin's Lane, 143 II Exeter Street, Strand, 68 II Fleet Street, 139 II Friday Street, Cheapside, 73, 76 II Holborn (opposite Fetter Lane), 84 II King Street, Westminster, 29, 30 (2) II Leicester Fields, 36 II Little Eastcheap, 72 II Nicholas Lane, 35, 68, 72 11 Noble Street, Falcon Square, 44, 167 ,1 Pall Mall, 37 11 St. James's Market, 197, 199 II Thames Street, 191 11 Upper Mount St., Grosvenor Square, 85, 199 II York Street, Westminster, 142, 198 11 see Blue Bell, Fish and Bell, Green Man and Bell, One Bell, Rose and Bell, Salmon and Bell n and Anchor, Hammersmith Road, Hammer- smith, 163 II II West Kensington Gardens, 321 II and Crown, Holborn, 189 II and Dragon, King Street, Golden Square, 77 11 11 II St. James n 77 Bell Savage, see Old Bell Savage Bells, see Five Bells, Six Bells, Eight Bells, Ten Bells, Twelve Bells Benbow, see Admiral Benbow Ben Jonson's Head, Goodman's Yard, Great Minories, 133 11 Little Britain, 45 II PelhamSt.,Spitalfields, 62 11 Shoe Lane, 175 Ben's Coffee House, New Bond Street, 29, 43 Berkeley Arm.?, John Street, Berkeley Square, 84 Bermondsey Spa, Bermondsey, 83 Berrymead Priory, High Street, Acton, 421 Berry's Coffee House, see Bury's Coffee House Betty's Chop House, Strand, 73 II Coffee House, see Old Betty's Coffee House Billet, see Crooked Billet Birdcage, Blackman Street, Southwark, 157 Bird-in-Hand, How Road, Stratford, 152 M Garden Row, London Road, 73 Bishop Blaize, Shoreditch, 112 Hishopsgate Coffee House, Bishopsgate Street, 51 Black Boy, Wapping, 44, 81 1! II and Cat, St. Catherine's Court, near the Tower, 157 11 and Stile, High Street, Hampstead, 157 II and Sugar Loaf, Stanhope Street, Clare Market, 58 Bull, Borough High Street, 32, 33, 43, 202 II Chapel Street, Westminster, 211 II Lewisham, 96 II St. John's St., West Smithfield, 179 Dog, Castle Street, Seven Dials, 73 II Shoreditch, 80 I. St. James's Market, 98, 197 Friar, Playhouse Yard, Blackfriars, 113, 167 Horse, Boswell Court, Carey Street, 32, 35, 11 M ,1 49,167 II Coventry Street, Haymarket, 158 II Dean Street, Soho, 54 II Fishmonger Alley, Fenchurch Street, 187 II High Street, Southwark, 187 II Oxenden Street, Haymarket, 150 II Shug Lane, near •, 140 II Strand (opposite Catherine St. ), 109 II Tower Hill, 60 II and Crown, Victualling Office Square, Tower Hill, 1 75 II and Dolphin, Mansfield Street, Soho, 140 Lion, Greenwich, 149 II Jockey Fields, Gray's Inn, 58 II King's Road, Chelsea, 144 II Russell Street, Covent Garden, 107 II Saltpetre Bank, Rosemary Lane, 61 Posts, Cockpit Court, Great Wild St., 30(2) II see Two Black Posts Prince, Chandois St., St. Martin's Lane, 87 Raven, Tooley Street, 156 Swan, Bow Road, Bromley, 405 II Brown's Lane, East Smithfield, 174 M II Spitalfields, 75 " Riders Court, Cranbourne Alley, Leicester Fields, 1 1 1 Blackamoor's Head, Exeter Street, Strand, 142 Blacksmith's Arms, Lower East Smithfield, 98, 1 71 Blade Bone Tavern, Bethnal Green Road, 84 Blaize, see Bishop lllaize Blanchard's Restaurant, Beak Street, Regent Street, 271, 388, 450 Blandford Arms, Boston Street, Dorset Square, 212 Blaney's Head, see Lord Blaney's Head Blossom's Inn, Lawrence Lane, Cheapside, 42, 74, 177 Blue Anchor, Bell Court, Fenchurch Street, 181 II Cock Lane, Snow Hill, 69 11 George Street, Foster Lane, 58, 76 11 Greenwich, 159 11 Rosemary Lane, 42 II St. Ermin's Hill, Westminster, 198 II Upper East Smithfield, 191 II York Street, Westminster, 142, 197 Bell, Horse Alley, Moorfields, 32, 63 Boar, Fleet Street (near Shoe Lane), 29, 30 II Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, 73 II Holborn (near Red Lion Street), 150 11 see George and Blue Boar Boar's Head, Exeter Street, Strand, 64 Coat Boy, Newgate Street, 45 Last, Holywell Mount, no II Ludgate Hill, 173 Blue Last, Salisbury Square, Fleet St., 76, 98, 128 11 Lion and Ball, Gray's Inn Passage, Red Lion Square, 45 n M II Red Lion Passage, Red Lion Square, 138 II Posts, Berwick Street, Soho, 104 II II Brewer Street, Golden Square, 64 II II Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place, 38, 138, 166, 185, 212 II II Devereux Court, without Temple Bar, 30, 48 11 II Fulwood s Rents, High Holborn, 122 II II Holborn (near Middle Lane), 29, 46 II II King Street, Golden Square, 113 II II Peter Street, Westminster, 154 11 II Southampton Buildings, Holborn, 74, II M M II i^j II II see Two Blue Posts Boar, see Blue Boar, George and Blue Boar II and Castle, Oxford Street, 98, 113, 13S II and Grove, King Street, Deptford, 181 Boar's Head, Eastchea]), 72, 122 II West Smithfield. 54, 139 11 see Blue Boar's Head II Garter, and Crown, Finch Lane, 42 Board of Works, Catford Bridge. Lewisham, 388 II High Street, Poplar, 398 Bohemia's Head, see Queen of Bohemia's Head Bolt and Tun, Silver Street, Fleet Street, 45 Bolton Hotel, Duke's Road, Chiswick, 423 Bombay Castle, see Ship Bombay Castle Bottle, see Cock and Bottle Bow Vestry Hall, Fairfield Road, Bow, 405 Bowl, see Punch Bowl and Ladle, Ship and Punch Bowl, Sun and Punch Bowl, Three Compasses and Punch Bowl II and Pin, Thames Street, loi Bowling Green, (Joodman's Fields, 60 II Putney, 55 Boy, see Black Boy, Black Boy and Cat, Black Boy and Sugar Loaf, Blue Coat Boy, Post Boy Branch, see Olive Branch, Rosemary Branch Braund's Head, New Bond Street, 36, 75 Breacknock Tavern, Camden Road Villas, Kentish Town, 309 Brett's Coffee House, Charles Street, St. James's Square, 45 Brewers, see Two Brewers II Arms, Upper Thames Street, 189 Bricklayers' Arms, Barbican, 54 II Bristol Street, Blackfriars, 38 11 Dock Head, Bermondsey, 51 II Duke St., Grosvenor Sq., 109 II Earl Street, St. Andrew's by the Wardrobe, 38, 157 11 Flagon Row, Deptford, 206 Bridge House Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, 39, 41, 60, 70, 89, 91, Id, 156, 167, 172, 181, 283, 315, 32s, 350, 3SI, 364 (2), 365, 375, 383, 385, 390, 397 Britannia, Berwick Street, Soho, 46 II George Place, St. George's East, 81 II Golden Lane, Barbican, 167 II Grove Street, Deptford, 142 II Henry Street, Woolwich, 199 11 Hoxton Street, Hoxton, 167 II James Street, Covent Garden, 154 II Little Britain, 189 British Coffee House, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, 38, 46, 83, 149, 197 Brixton Hall, Acre Lane, Brixton, 416, 418 Bromley Vestry Hall, Bow Road, Bromley, 405 Brown Bear, Bloomsbury, 142 II Bridge Street, Southwark, 164 II Lemon Street, Goodman's Fields, 101, 138 II Strand, 32, 37 II see White Bear (Strand) Brunswick Arms, Brunswick Street, Blackfriars Road, 73 Brunswick's Head, see Duchess of Brunswick's Head, Prince of Brunswick's Head 495 II.— London. Buffalo, Woomsbury, 30, 43, 99, 155, 170 II see Rose and Huffalo II and Garter, Bloomsbury, 43 Buffalo's Head, Finch I.ane, 74 II Oxford Street (corner Newman Street), 73 Builders' Arms, Russell Street, Chelsea, 144 Bull, Bull Court, Tooley Street, 83 „ Devonshire Street, Hishopsgate Street, 91 II High Street, Lewisham. 290 „ see Black Bull, Red Bull ,1 and Axe, John Street. Oxford Street, 198 ,1 and Butcher, Rag Fair [Rosemary Lane], 32.47 ,1 and Gate, Furnival's Inn, Holborn, 34 ,1 ,, Kentish Town Road, Kentish Town, 75, 309 ,1 and Ram, Old Street. 91. 167. 186 Bull's Head, Dean Street, Soho, 185 I, Gracechurch Street, 44 „ Little Windmill Street, near Hay- market, 154 II Princes Street, Westminster, 165 I, Southwark, 29, 30 (2), 42 „ St. Martin's Lane, 32, 33, 50 II Vere Street, Oxford Street, 30, 43 „ Whitechapel Bar, 57 „ see Old Bull's Head ,1 and Three Tuns, Cheapside, 48, 76 I, II Newgate Street, 45 Bunch of Grapes, Drury Lane, 50 I, Duke Street, St. James's Sq., 113 ,1 Gainsford St., Horsleydown, 70 II King Street, Soho, 174 „ II St.James'sSq.,199 II LimehouseHole,Limehouse, 172 „ Little St. Martin's Lane, 155 II Rotherhithe, 44 II see Grapes, Rose and Bunch of Grapes Burlington Arms, Old Burlington St., 36, 160, iSj Burton's Coffee House, Crane Court, Peter's Hill, Doctors' Commons, 98 Bury's Coffee House, Bridges Street, Covent Garden, 42 Bush, see Holly Bush, May Bush, Mourning Bush M Hotel, Shepherds' Bush Green, 407 Busy Body, Charing Cross, near Haymarket, 29 Butcher, see Bull and Butcher Butchers, j-gf Three Butchers, Three Jolly Butchers ,1 Arms, Clements Lane, Clare Market, 41 Cadogan Arms, Sloane Street, Chelsea, 162, 236 r, Hotel, II " 396 Cafe Monico, Regent Circus, Piccadilly, 405, 443 11 Royal, see Regent Masonic Hall Caledonian Hotel, Adelphi, Strand, 143, 327, 358 Camden, see Lord Camden M Road Villas, Kentish Town, 309 Camel, see Golden Camel ^ Cameron's Coffee House, Bury Street, St, James s, 57. 78 Campden Arms, Campden Street, Kensington, 284 Cannon, Charing Cross, see Gun „ Portland Road, Marylebone, 140 M Suffolk Street, see Gun M Water Lane, Fleet Street, 31, 36 ,1 Coffee House, Cockspur Street, 197 ,1 Street Hotel, see City Termmus Hotel, Cannon Street Canonbury Tavern, St. Mary's Rd., Canonbury, 304 Cans, see Six Cans „ 1, 1 o, Canterbury Arms, Dean Street, Southwark, 83 Cantons, see Sun and Thirteen Cantons, Thirteen Cantons Cape of Good Hope, Blackwall, 174 II Commercial Road East, 359 M Shadwell, 174 Cardigan's Head, Charing Cross, 29, 30 (2), 51, 59 11 see Ship and Cardigan's Head Carlisle Arms, Queen Street, Soho, 31, 32, 37, II II 11 II 42, 156 II Cathedral, Shoreditch, 61 Carpenters' Arms, John Street, Tottenham Court Road, 140 Carriage, see Newmarket Carriage Castle, Drury Lane, 29, 41 11 Greenhill Rents, West Smithfield, 144 II Hampstead Heath, Hampstead, 157 II Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, 114 •I High Street, Highgate, 56 II Hill Street, Richmond, 217 II Holborn, 152 II Jermyn Street, Piccadilly, 36, 142 II Lewisham Road, Deptford, 142 11 Lombard Street, 48 11 Long Alley, Moorfields, 160 II New Brentford, 76 II Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 49 II Putney, 55 II Quaker Street, Spitalfields, 39, 54, 142 I, St. Giles, 29, 30 (2), 55 11 see Ashby Castle, Anchor and Castle, Boar and Castle, Dover Castle, Edinburgh Castle, Lion and Castle, Pontefract Castle, Stirling Castle, Windsor Castle II Assembly Rooms, High St., Brentford, 454 II Eating House, St. Michael's Alley, Corn- hill, 37 II and Falcon, Aldersgate Street, 68, 165, 393 II and Leg, Holborn, 50 Cat, see Black Boy and Cat, Salutation and Cat Cathedral, see Carlisle Cathedral Catherine Wheel, Catherine Wheel Alley, Bishops- gate Street, 171 II Great Windmill Street, 77 II Union Street, Southwark, 70 Cave, see Merlin's Cave Caveac Tavern, Spread Eagle Court, Finch Lane, 74. «03 Cavendish Square Coffee House, Cavendish Square, 39. 99 Cellars, see Cyder Cellars Centurion, Broadway, Deptford, 181 II see Ship Centurion Chairmen, see Two Chairmen Chancery Coffee House, Southampton Buildings, Holborn, 49, 139 Chandois' Arms, see Duke of Chandois' Arms Chapman's Coffee House, Sackville Street, Piccadilly, 75 Cheese, see Cheshire Cheese, Old Cheshire Cheese Chequer Hotel, High Street, VValthamstow, 459 Chequers, Abingdon Street, Westminster, 142 II Chequer Court, Charing Cross, 78, 105 II Hayes Wharf, Battle Bridge, Tooley Street, 156 II Love Lane, Shadwell, 174 M Marsh Street, Walthamstow, 393 II Providence Row, Finsbury, 51 II St. Margaret's Churchyard, West- minster, 143 Cherry Tree, Leather Lane, Holborn, 58 Cheshire Cheese, Arundel Street, Strand, 29 II Crutched Friars, 35, 162, 366 II Savoy Hill [or Alley], Strand, 32, 33, 49 II Spitalfields Market, 91 II see Old Cheshire Cheese Chesterfield Arms, see Old Chesterfield Arms Chop House, see Betty's Chop House, Dolly's Chop House Cider Cellars, see Cyder Cellars City Arms, Blomfield Street, London Wall, 157 II II West Square, Southwark, 156 M II Tavern, St. Mary Axe, 363, 368, 375 Ti Club, see New City Club City of Durham, Swallow Street, 74 of Hereford, Lichfield Street, Soho, 41 of Norwich, Wentworth Street, Spitalfields, 39. 60 of Quebec, St. James's Stairs, Shadwell, 159 Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, 41 (2), 68, II II 73. 138, 143. II II 167, 172, 174, .1 II 181, 290, 310, 315. 328, 356, 373. 397. 442, II II 443 Clarence, see Duke of Clarence II Hall, Anerley Road, Anerley, 370 II Hotel, Aldersgate Street, 41 II Rooms, Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, 453 Clarendon Arms, Broadway, Hammersmith, 321 II II Upper Lewisham Road, Deptford, 290 II Hotel, Anerley Road, Anerley, 315 II II New Bond Street, 40, 140, 199 Clayton Arms, Kennington Oval, Kennington, 283 Cleveland Arms, Great Quebec Street, Portland Square, 84 Cloot's Restaurant, Victoria St., Westminster, 396 Clothworkers' Arms, Upper Moorfields, 62 Club, see New City Club, London Masonic Club Clunn's Hotel, Covent Garden, 389 Coach, see Mail Coach Coach and Horses, Aldersgate Street, 91 Brewer Street, Golden Sq., 165 Brick Lane, Spitalfields, 39 Castle Street, Leicester Sq. , 87 David Street, Berkeley Sq., Ill Dover Street, Piccadilly, 40 Duke Street, St. James's, 144 Frith Street, Soho, 37, 84, 211 High Holborn, 64, 68, 78, 144, II 152, 163 Little Queen Ann Street East, Marylebone, 197 Maddox St., Hanover Sq. , 36 New Burlington Street, 113 New Compton Street, Soho, 37, 160, i8s Northumberland Alley, Fenchurch Street, 91, 144 St. John's Square, 67 St. Martin's Lane, 173 Coachmakers' Arms, Hosier Lane, West Smith- field, 165 II Long Acre, 41, 64, 117 M Noble Street, Falcon Square, 156, 165, 172 II Tottenham Court Road, 98 Coal Hole, Fountain Court, Strand, 68, 109, 149 II II Strand, 143 11 Meters' Arms, Shadwell, 157 Cochrane, see Lord Cochrane Cock, Grafton Street, Soho, 185 II Jewry Street, Aldgate, 157 II Margaret Street, Cavendish .Square, 154 II New Street, St. James's, Westminster, 133 II Snow Hill, 139 II Upper Street, Islington,Highbury, 361, 362, n M " M 377. 378, II II II II 394, 396 II II II II (2), 438, II II II II 443 II and Bottle, Cannon Street, 156 II II Upper Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, 140 II and Lion, Lower East Smithfield, 75 II II St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill, 42, 61, 72 II and Magpie, Wilson Street, Finsbury Square, 84, 172 Cocoa Tree, see Sash and Cocoa Tree Coffee House, Broadway, Hammersmith, 163 II Shadwell Dock, 81 Collegiate School, Worple Road, Wimbledon, 367 Colosseum Hotel, Portland Rd., Regent's Park, 173 Commercial Coffee House, Poplar, 113 II.— London. [ 496 ] Commercial Hall Tavern, King's Rd., Chelsea, 144 Commodore, see Old Commodore Compass, see Ship and Compass Compasses, see Three Compasses, Three Com- passes and Punch Bowl Conduit, see White Conduit Constitution, Drury Lane, lot II Coffee House, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, 119, 154 Constitutional Club, Lower Richmond Road, Putney, 442 Coopers, see Jolly Coopers II Arms, Camomile St., Bishopsgate St., 133 II II Cow Cross, West Smithfield, 49 II II Crown Street, Finsbury, 51, 181 11 11 High Street, Woolwich, 194 II II Kent Street, Southwark, 39 II 11 Lower East .Smithfield, 191 II II Stretton Grounds, Westminster, 198 II II West Street, West Smithfield, 144 Count Munich, Queen Street, Golden Square, 52 County Terrace Tavern, New Kent Road, 136 Court Hotel (Baron's), Earl's Cc>urt, Kensington, 413 Courtfield Hotel, Earl's Court Rd., Kensington, 402 Courts' Restaurant, Strand, 367 Cow, see Red Cow Crab Tree, Tottenham Court Road, 185 Cranes, see Three Cranes Craven Arms, see Lord Craven's Arms II Hotel, Lavender Hill, 372 Craven's Head, Drury Lane, 32, 35 Crichton Club, 4 Adelphi Terrace, Strand, 394 Cricketers, London Street, Ratcliff Highway, 174 11 Richmond Green, Richmond, 210 Cripple, Little Britain, 31, 35, 103 Criterion, Piccadilly, 35, 41, 109, 156, 194, 321, " 363. 366, 379, 383. 389. 390, " 1' 400> 404. 406, 421, 423, 431, " " 433. 438, 447> 453. 460 Cromwell Hall, Putney Bridge Road, Putney, 442 Crooked Billet, St, Clement's Church, 175 II Tower Hill, 162 Cross, see Golden Cross, Red Cross, St. Andrew's Cioss, White Cross II Keys, Battersea Bridge Rd., Battersea, 165 11 11 Bear St., Leicester Fields, 33, 42, 70 11 II Comhill, 57 11 II Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, 42, 47, 49, 64 II 11 Lawrence Street, Chelsea, 165 II II Peter Street, Westminster, 154 II II St. Martin's Lane, Strand, 43, 162 11 11 Shad Thames, 169 II 11 Sloane Street, Chelsea, 165 II II see Swan and Cross Keys Crown, Acton, 29, 30 (2) II Back Hill, Hatton Garden, 173 II Bow Lane, Cheapside, 30, 41, 48, 155 II Bridgewater Square, Barbican, 169 II Broadway, Tothill St., Westminster, 143 II ■ Christopher's Alley, UpperMoorfields, 103 II Clerkenwell Green, Clerkenwell, 35, 67, 11 ti It ']i, 175 II Clifford's Inn Passage, 173 II Cripplegate (Without), 29, 45, 103 II Crown Court, Fleet St., 32, 33 (2), 44, 70 II Crown Street, Westminster, 149 M Deptford, 206 11 Edgeware Rd., Cricklewood, Kilburn, 451 II Essex Street, Strand, 49, 164, 189 .1 Fleet Market, Ludgate Hill, 65 II Great St. Andrew's St., Seven Dials, 105 II High Street, St. Giles in the Fields, 36, 109 11 Holywell Lane, Shoreditch, 54, loi 11 Leadenhall Street, 40, 80, 103, 202 11 Leigh Street, Red Lion Square, 138 61, 139, 218 Gordon Hotel, James Street, Covent Garden, 138 Gordon's Punch [orCoffee] House, New Exchange, Strand, 77 Cough's Coffee House, Haymarket, 80 Granby, see Marquis of Granby Grand Hotel, Charing Cross, 199 II Covent Garden, 138, 160, 167, 197 Grange Inn, Carey St., Lincoln's Inn Fields, 164 Grapes, Blackman Street, Clare Market, 67 II Little Paternoster Row, Spitalfields, 84 II St. Mary Axe, 157 II Wardour Street, Soho, 167 II .r^^ Bunch of Grapes, Hoop and Grapes, Rose and Bunch of Grapes, Rummer and Grapes Grave Morris, Whitechapel, 159 Gray's Inn Coffee House, Gray's Inn Gate, Holborn, 244 Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool St., 323, 356, 368, " (2) 383. 397, ,1 ,1 402, 453 11 Northern Hotel, Pancras Road, King's Cross, 361 11 Western Hotel, Craven Road, Paddington, 328, 359 Green Dragon, Bishopsgate Street, 181, 189 II II Botolph Alley, Eastcheap, 158 II II Fleet Street {see Griffin], 45, 163 II II High Street, Poplar, 174 II II Paradise Row, Chelsea, 194 II 11 Snow Hill \see Griffin], 43, 57 II II Spring Garden Place, Stepney, 290 II Gate, see King's Head and Green Gate II Lettice, Urownlow St., Holborn, 30, 34, 50 II Man, Berwick Street, Soho, 83 II 11 M St, James's, 38, 119, II II II II 165 (2) II II Dartmouth Row, Blackheath, 364, 455 II 11 Great Ilford, 160 II II Mansel Street, Goodman's Fields, 170 11 II Somerset Street, Whitechapel, 170 II II Tooley Street, Southwark, 83, 91 II II and Bell, Dark Plouse Lane, Lower Thames Street, 89, 162 Gregorian Arms, Jamaica Road, Bermondsey, 162, 315, 351, 38s Grenadier, see Horse Grenadier Grey, see Earl Grey, Yorkshire Grey II Eagle, Eagle Street, Spitalfields, 39 Greyhound, Fleet Street, 29, 30 II George St., Richmond, 211, 320, 334, 368, 425 II High Street, Dulwich, 299 II Kensington Square, Kensington, 73 II Lamb Street, Spitalfields, 45, 71 II New Compton Street, Soho, 37, 73 II Stockwell St., Greenwich, 44, 96, 142 II Strand, 59 II Streatham Common, Streatham, 415 Gridiron, see Goose and Gridiron Griffin, Back l^ne, Deptford, 44 (2) II Church Street, Southwark, 162 II Fleet Street \_see Green Dragon], 45, 163 II Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, 85, 98 II King's Yard Gate, Deptford, 106 Griffin, Newgate Street, 29, 30 (2), 43 II Snow Hill \see Green Dragon], 43, 57 II Villiers Street, York Buildings, 41, 143 II see Hoop and Griffin Groom, see Horse and Groom Grosvenor Arms, Belgrave Place, Pimlico, 142 M Hall, Ebury Square, n 390 II Hotel, Buckingham Palace Road, 406 Grotto, Southampton Buildings, Holborn, 158 Grove, see Boar and Grove Guildford Arms, Guildford St., Russell Square, 96 Guildhall Coffee House, GreshamSt. , 68, 74, 80, 11 11 II 137. 218, II II II 220 II Tavern, Gresham St., 39, 44, 51, 67, 70, " II II 80, 84. 154, 162, II II 167,194,309,319, 327,340,342,356, " ti 11 363.368,383,402, II II II 407,461 Guillion's Hotel, Albemarle Street, 40 Gun, Billingsgate, 152, 173 II Charing Cross, 49, 55, 77 II Deptford, 206 II High Street, Wapping, 363 II Jermyn Street, Piccadilly, 75 II Lambeth Road, St. George's Fields, Lambeth, 179, 194 II Lupus Street, Pimlico, 142, 164, 194, 313 II Mile End, 165 II New Road, Woolwich, 308 II Suffolk Street, 55 Gurney's Hotel, Stratford Bridge, Stratford, 321 Guy, Earl of Warwick, Gray's Inn Lane, 122 Guy's Head, St. Thomas's Street, Southwark, 156 Half Moon, Cheapside, 29, 44, 57, 73, 76, 105, ,1 137, 149 II Chipstone Street, Marylebone, 197 II Gracechurch .Street, 137 II Half Moon Lane, Heme Hill, 323, II II II II 366 II Holborn, 182 II Strand, 29, 30 (2) II West Smithfield, 183 II see 'I'hree Tuns and Half Moon . II and Stars, Stanhope Street, Clare- market, 163 II and Seven Stars, Park Street, Grosvenor Square, 52 Half Way House, St. George's Fields, 152 II Stepney, 35 Halifax Arms, Mile End New Town, 5 [ Hall of Lincoln's Inn, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 458 Hambro' Coffee House, Water Lane, Tower Street, 189 Hamburg Arms, East Smithfield, 57 Hampden House, Phoenix Street, St. Pancras, 456 Hampshire Hog, Goswell Street, 32, 33, 48 II Piccadilly (corner of), 182 Hampstead Conservatoire, Eton Avenue, South Hampstead, 454 Hand, see Bird in Hand II and Apple Tree, Little Queen Street, Holborn, 30, 49 Harlequin, Drury Lane, loi Harp, Jermyn Street, Piccadilly, 46 II see Crown and Harp, Welsh Harp Harris's Hotel, Parliament Street, 81 Harrow, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, 98 II Water Lane, n 157 II see Bear and Harrow Hart, see Golden Hart, Red Hart, Old White Hart, White Hart, White Hart and Lamb, White Hart and Prince of Wales' Arms Hatters, see Three Jolly Hatters 499 II. -London. Havelock Tavern, Albion Road, Dalston, 381 Haxell's Hotel, West Strand, 304 Headquarters of bloomsbury Rifles, Chenies Street, 451 Headquarters of First Surrey Volunteer Kifles, Brunswick Koad, Camberwell, 355 Headquarters of First Surrey Volunteer Kifles, Flodden Road, Camberwell, 355 Headquarters of Hon. Artillery Company, Fins- bury, 292 Helmet, Bishopsgate Street, 80 Henry VIII.'s Head, see King Henry VUI.'s Elead Hercules Pillars, Great Queen St., 37, 46, 89, loi, 11 II 154, 163, 167 11 Tavern, Leadenhall Street, 91 II II Threadneedle Street, 54, 139, M " II M 152, 172 Hereford, see City of Hereford Hermione and Active Frigate, Compton Street, St. Ann's, 133 Hibernia Coffee House, Leicester Square, 36 Hicks Hall, St. John Street, 69 High Admiral, see Lord High Admiral Hind, see Golden Hind Hive, see Bee Hive Hog, see Hampshire Hog, New Hog in the Pound Holborn Restaurant, Holborn, 186, 304, 312, 365, II " " 367, 383. 386, 397, II II II 406,422,424,435, " 'I I' 453.458 II Viaduct Hotel, Holborn, 41, 68, 80, 156, " " II '91. 380, 383, " 389, 394 (2), " " II 396, 397> 400, II II 406, 419 Hole in the Wall, Fleet Street, 143, 144, 179 11 Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 89 II Gloucester Street, Queen's Square, 119 II Great Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, 67, 173 Holly Bush, Holly Mount, Hampstead, 157 Holme's King's Arms, New Round Court, Strand, 16S Hood, see Lord Hood's Arms, Robin Hood Hoop, Fair Street, Horsleydown, 156 II see .Swan and Hoop M and Grapes, Coventry Street, Haymarket, 83.87 11 II Greek Street, Soho, 59, 87 M II St. Martin's Lane, 112 II and Griffin, Leadenhall Street, 51. 59 Hope, Banner Street, St. Luke's, 91, 186 M Bethnal Green Road, 51 II St. John's Street, West Smithfield, 157 11 see Anchor and Hope II and Anchor, Union Street, Blackfriars, 172 II and Mitre, Fleet Street, 164 Horn, see Dolphin and French Horn, French Horn 11 Tavern, Doctors' Commons, 38, 48, 58, II II .1 103, 105, I. II II 137, 138, II II II 155. '^4. II 11 II 166, 170, II II II 218 1. II Fleet Street, 34, 53, 105 II and Feathers, Carter Lane, Doctors' Commons, 34, 77 II II Wood Street, Cheapside, 61 Horns, Bermondsey Square, 218 II Gutter Lane, Cheapside, 169, 218 II Tavern, Hackney Road, 84 II II Kennington Park Road, Kennington, 283, 323, 334, 364, 369, 418 II Tavern, New Palace Yd. , Westminster, 37 II I, Westminster, 29, 30 (2), 35, 134 Horse, see Black Horse, Black Horse and Crown, Flying Horse, Red Horse, Running Horse, Spotted Horse, White Horse, White Horse and Star II and Dolphin, Maxfield Street, near St. Ann's, 51 Horse and Dolphin, St. Martin's Street, Leicester Square, 87 II Groom, Heath Street, Hampstead, 157 II II Holborn, near Leather Lane, 84 II II Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 98 II and Leaping Bar, Whitechapel, 157 II Grenadier, Hyde Park Corner, 84 II II Oxford Street, near North Audley Street, 98 Horse-lay-down, Fair Street, Tooley Street, 51 Horses, see Coach and Horses Horseshoe, Blow Bladder Street, Cheapside, 76 II Jermyn Street, Piccadilly, 108, 143 11 Ludgate Hill, 31, 32, 36 II see Crown and Horseshoe, Dolphin and Horseshoe, Golden Horse- shoe, Magpie and Horseshoe, Rummer and Horseshoe, Swan and Horseshoe II and Last, St. James's Street, 33, 71 11 and Magpie, Fleet Street, 80 II II Holies Street, Clare Market, 64, 162 II H Strand, 173 11 II Worcester Street, Park, Southwark, 136 Hotel Metropole, Northumberland Avenue, 40, II II II 215 Hounds, see Fox and Hounds Howard's Coffee House, St. James's Place, Leadenhall Street, 181 Hoy, see Timber Hoy Huntley's Coffee House, Leicester Square, 140 Imperial Hotel, Holborn Viaduct, 383, 394 (2), II II 398, 400 India Arms, see East India Arms II Warehouses, Fenchurch Street, 82, 138 Inns of Court Hotel, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Holborn, 41, 73, 87, 138, 155, 191, 333, 395. 398, 413. 432. 456 Institute, Uxbridge Road, Ealing, 389 II (Literary), Winchester St., Pimlico, 332 International Hotel, London Bridge, Southwark, Inverness Arms, Wapping, 60, 81 Ipswich Arms, Lower Thames Street, 167 Iron Schoolroom, Moore Park, Walham Green, 359 Ivy House, St. John's Road, Hoxton, 170 Jack of Newberry, Chiswell Street, Whitecross Street, 107 II Straw's Castle, Hampstead Heath, 157 Jacob's Ladder, New London Ta v., Cheapside, 45 II Well, Barbican, 107 II M Charles St. , Manchester Square, 38 II II Nightingale Lane, Wapping, 60 Jamaica House Tavern, Rotherhithe Street, Bermondsey, 162 II Tavern, West India Docks, Poplar, 316 James I. Head, see King James I. Head Jerusalem Coffee House, Clerkenwell, 35 II Tavern, Clerkenwell, if<^ New Jerusalem Tavern, Old Jerusalem Tavern John Barleycorn, see Sir John Barleycorn Johns, see Three Johns Joiners' and Feltmakers' Arms, Joiners' .Street, Southwark, 83 Jolly Anglers, Bath Street, Old Street, 84, 91, 323 II Butchers, see Three Jolly Butchers II Coopers, Clerkenwell Green, Clerkenwell, 158 Jolly Farmers, Southgate Road, Islington, 396 II Gardeners, see Three Jolly Gardeners II Hatters, see Three Jolly Hatters II Miller, Millbank Street, Westminster, 165 II Potters, Church Street, Deptford, 146 II Sailor, Rotherhithe Road, Rotherhithe, 44 •I Weavers, see Three Jolly Weavers Jonson's Head, see Ben Jonson's Head Joy's Hotel, Covent Garden, 138 Justice, in the Mint, Southwark, 158 Katharine Wheel, see Catherine Wheel Kensington Hotel, Russell Gardens, Kensington, 402 II Palace, Kensington, 56 Kent, see Duke of Kent II and Sussex Hotel, Great Surrey Street, 73 II II Jermyn St. ,Piccadilly,46 Key, see Golden Key, Lock and Key II and Garter, Pall Mall, 45 Keys, see Cross Keys. Swan and Cross Keys King Alfred's Head, Union St., Bishopsgate St., 39 II Harry's Head, Red Lion Street, Whitechapel, 181, 191 II Henry's Head, Red Lion St. .Whitechapel, 1 66 II Henry VIII. Head, Fleet Street, 55 II II Greac St. Andrew's St., Seven Dials, 30, 49 II James I. Head, Old Jewry, 75 King and Queen, Capel Street, Rosemary Lane, 32, 46, 61 II II Distafi' Lane, Old Change, 38 II 11 Oxford Street, 97 II of Denmark's Head, Wapping, 81 II II see Denmark's Head •I of Prussia, Anchor Street, Bethnal Green, 54 II II Fair Street, Horsleydown, 164 II II Sadler's Wells, Islington, 183 II of Sweden, Wapping Dock, Wapping, 138 II Street Coffee House, King Street, Golden Square, 162 Kings, see Three Kings King's Arms, Abingdon Street, Westminster, 165 Aldersgate Street, 158, 191 15arbican, 158 Bennet Street, Southwark, 152 Blackwall, 113, 164 Bowling Street, Westminster, 212 Broad Street Buildings, Old Bethlem, 77 Burr Street, near the Tower, 60, 98 Cateaton Street, 53, 74 Chelsea Bridge, Chelsea, 142 Compton Street, 75 Dorset Street, Spitalfields, 61 East Smithfield, 171 Elephant Stairs, Rotherhithe, 162 Ely Place, Holborn, 144 Frances Street, Woolwich, 39, 234 Grafton St., Soho, 105, 13S, 164, 2n Great Wild Street, 65 CJreen Bank, Wapping, 51 High Holborn, 41, 162 High St., Kensington, 40, 198, 284 II Wandsworth, 42 II Wood Green, 352 Holywell Street, Strand, 33, 38 Kew Green, Kew. 197 King Street, Greenwich, 159 King's Yard Gate, Deptford, 44 Leicester Square, 64 Lombard Street, 73 Lower Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, 40, 84, 105, in II.— London. 500 King's Aims, Liidgate Hill, 61 Marylebone Street, Golden Square, 61, 97, 104 Moor Street, Soho Square, 73 New Bond Street. 39, 125 New Palace Yard, Westminster, 35 New Round Court, Strand, 165 Nightingale Lane, Wapping, 60 Old Compton St., Soho, 38, 64, 96, 11 I, 105, 185 Oxford Street, 36 ' Piccadilly, 59 Queenhithe, 103 Russell Street, Covent Garden, 57 St. Alban's Street, 36 St. Margaret's Hill, Southwark, 58, 11 136 St. Martin's Court, Leicester Sq., 142 St. Paul's Churchyard, 29, 30(2), 34 Shoreditch, 81 Sloane Square, Chelsea, 165 Strand, 45, 49, 64 Temple Bar (Within), 37 Tichbourne Street, 46 Tower Hill, loi Tower St., Seven Dials, 37, 60, 109 Vauxhall, 183 Wellclose Square, 83, 87 Westminster, 49 see Old King's Arms Coffee House, Lower Brook Street, Giosvenor Square, m and One Tun, Hyde Park Corner, 84 Punch House, Shad, Thames, 148 Bench Prison, Southwaik, 32, 33, 62 Head, Bakers Row, Whitechapel Road, 191 M BalsoverStreet,Cavendish Square, 99 11 Borough High Street, Southwark, 58 M Broad St. Giles's, Holborn, 96 fi Chancery Lane, 465 11 Commercial Road, St. George's East, 144 Ti Cumberland St., Oxford St., 98, 197 II Deptford(nearVicluallingOffice),I42 II Drury Lane, 33, 72 11 Fenchurch Street, 37, 57, 89, 95, 175 II Gerrard Street, Soho, 105, 164, 211 11 Greenwich, 45 II Hampstead, 157 II Hewitt's Court, Strand, 32, 33, 34, 123 II High Holborn, 41, 68, 73, 139, 155, 222 II High Street, Merton, 168 II Ivy Lane, Newgate St., 29,30(2),35 II James Street, Covent Garden, 64, 91 II Jews Row, Chelsea, 165 11 Knightsbridge, 236 II Little Eastcheap, 158, 173 II II Suffolk Street, 32, 50 II Marylebone Street, Golden Square, 32, 45. 46 II Moorgate Street, 177 II Museum Street, Bloomsbury, 41 II Old Compton Street, Soho, 154, 185 II Pall Mall, 30 (2) II Poultry, 44, 54, 68, 82, 122, 137, 11 11 158, 170, 194 II Princes Street, Cavendish Square, 99 II St. John's Street, Clerkenwell, 76 11 St. Paul's Churchyard, 58 II Strand, 367 II Tower Street, 61, 78 II Upper Street, Islington, 150, 182 II Walworth Road, Walworth, 169 II Wooden Bridge, Chelsea, 165 11 andGreenGate, City New Road, 139 II Tavern and Coffee House, Upper Street, Islington, 150, 182 Knights of St. John Hotel, Queen's Terrace, St. John's Wood, 314 Ladbroke Hall, Ladbroke Grove Road, Notting Hill, 391, 402, 407, 414 Ladder, see Jacob's Ladder Lamb, see Lion and Lamb, White Hart and Lamb II Hotel, Caledonian Road, Lslington, 309 Langham Hotel, Portland Place, Marylebone, 363 Last, see Blue Last, Horseshoe and Last Le (iuerre 'I'avern, St. Martin's Lane, 43 Leaping Bar, New Road, Blackfriars Bridge, 152 II see Horse and Leaping Bar Leather Market Tavern, New Weston Street, Bermondsey, 315 Lebeck's Head, Catherine Street, Strand, 85 II Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, 30 II Strand, 59, 121 Lecture Hall, Lingfield Road, Wimbledon, 367 II Royal Hill, Greenwich, 96, 142 II St. John's Hill, Wandsworth, 339 Leg, see Castle and I .eg II Tavern, Fleet Street, 30, 59 Leicester Coffee House, Leicester Fields, 50 Lemon Tree, Haymarket, 36 Lettice, see Green Lettice Lewis's Coffee House, Air Street, Piccadilly, 105 Lion, Brewer Street, Golden Square, 30 (2), 39 II j« Black lion. Blue Lion and Ball, Cock and Lion, Golden Lion, Old Red Lion, Red Lion, Red Lion and Ball, Samson and Lion, White Lion, White Lion and Frying Pan II and Ball, see Blue Lion and Ball II and Castle, Cherry Gardens, Bermondsey, 162 II and Goat, (Jrosvenor Street, tianover Square, 97 11 and Lamb, Princes Street, Lambeth, 183 Literary Institute, Winchester St., Pimlico, 332 Loaf, see Black Boy and Sugar Loaf, Golden Sugar Loaf, Sugar Loaf Loaves, see Three Sugar Loaves Lock and Key, West Smithfield Road, 167 London, see City of London II and Southwark Bridge Tavern, Queen Street, Cheapside, 155 II and St. Katherine Dock Hotel, Upper East Smithfield, 162, 181 M Bridge, Maze Pond, Southwark, 136 II Bridge Punch House, London Bridge, 61 II Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, 34, 41, 50, II M II 70, 114, 121, " 137. 159, 172, 11 11 II 174, 181, 203, 327 II Masonic Club, loi Queen Victoria Street, 75> 191. 203, 394, 406 M 'Prentice, Old Street, Hoxton, 61 II Punch House, Ludgate Hill, 45, 70, 165 II Stone Tavern, Cannon Street, 80, 149 II Tavern, Bishopsgate St., 41 (2), 43, 75, II II 11 80, 87, 109, 154, 155, 156, 166, II 11 II 177, 191, 203 II M Fenchurch, Street, 290, 323, 360, II li II 366, 388, 390, II II II 394, 405, 406 II II (The), Fleet Street, 383, 398, 399 II II see New London Tavern Long Acre Coffee House, Long Acre, 117 II Room, Well Walk, Hampstead, 157, 205 Long's Hotel, Old Bond Street, 199 Longton Hotel, Sydenham, 313 Lord Arron's Arms, New Bond Street, 54 II Blaney's Head, Bow St., Covent Garden, 105 II Camden, Church Row, Limehouse, 172 II Cochrane, Spring Gardens, Charing Cross, 87, 16S II Craven's Arms, Marshall Street, Golden Square, 104, 108 II Dover, see Swan and Lord Dover II Duncan, Broadway, Deptford, 106, 142, II 11 11 181, 290 11 High Admiral, New Church Street, Marylebone, 165 II Hood's Arms, King Street, Greenwich, 159 II Nelson's Head, East Lane, Greenwich, 159 II Stanley Tavern, Sandringham Road, Dalston, 375 Lord Talbot'sHead, Cannon Row, Westminster, 77 II Whitworth Tavern, Woolwich, 39 Lords, see Three Lords II Hotel, Lord's Cricket Ground, St. John's Wood, 312, 314 Lorrame, see Duke of Lorraine Loughborough Hotel, Loughborough Park, Brixton, 310 Low's Coffee House, Panton St., Haymarket, , 50 Lubec, London Street, Greenwich, 45 Lyric Hall, Broadway, Ealing, 389, 424 Magazine, see Royal Magazine Magdalen Coffee House, St. George's Fields, 152 II Tavern, Old Fish Street Hill, 76 Magpie, Bishopsgate (Without), 50 II see Cock and Magpie, Crown and Magpie, Horseshoe and Magpie, New Magpie, Old Magpie Maidenhead, Ram Court, Fleet Street, 164 Mail Coach, Sherborne Lane, Lombard St., 167 Maismore Arms, Park Road, Peckham, 325 Malpas Arms, Charles Street, Grosvenor Square, 40, 160 Man, see Green Man, Strong Man 11 in the Moon, Vine St., Piccadilly, 142, 197 Manchester Arms, Baker Street, Manchester Square, 38 II Coffee House, Manchester Street, Manchester Square, 39, 84 Manor House, King's Road, Chelsea, 152 II Tavern, Penton Place, Kennington, 283 II II Westbourne Terrace North, Paddington, 312 Mansion House, Steel Yard, Thames Street, 77 II Station Restaurant, Queen Victoria Street, 41, 109, 156 Marine Hotel, Victoria Dock, West Ham, 342 Mark Masons' Hall, Great Queen St., 414, 424, 447) 451 Market Hotel, see New Market Hotel Marlborough Coffee House, Marlborough St., 161 Marlborough's Head, Fox Lane, Lower Shadwell, T, ■ '59 11 Petticoat Lane, Whitechapel, 67 Marquess Tavern, Canonbuiy St., Islington, 362 Marquis of Granby, New Cross Road, 360 II St. Catherine's, near Tower, 133 Southwark, near St. George's Square, 103 II Vine Street, Westminster, 165 Marshal and Anchor, Minories, 48 Marshalsea Tap House, Marshalsea, Southwark, 31. 32. 43 Marylebone Coffee House, Lower Titchfield St., 39 Masonic Club, see London Masonic Club II Hall, 33 Golden Square, 350, 369, 380, M II 387, 389 (2), 11 II II 391, 422, 424 11 II Luna Road, Thornton Heath, 404 M II Red Lion Square, 414, 422, 424(2), 11 II II 432, 447 II 11 Shaftesbury Park Battersea, 419 II II WilliamSt., Woolwich, 39, 308, 309 II II (South London), Belvedere Road, Lambeth, loi II Union Club, 14 Bedford Row, 323 Mason's Arms, Abington Buildings, Old Palace Yard, Westminster, 52 II II Fulham, 30 (2) II II King Street, Deptford, iSi II 11 Maddox St., Hanover Square, 54 SOI II.— London. Masons' Arms, Masons' Avenue, Basinghall St., 84 11 Hall, Masons' Avenue, Basinghall Street, 67, 144, 167, 186, 327, 330. 359. 383. 388, 394 May Bush, Shoreditch, 71, 73 11 Pole, Greenwich, 106 Maze Pond Punch House, Maze Pond, South- wark, 166 II 11 see London Bridge Maze Pond Mercers' Arms, Mercers' St., Long Acre, 119, 154 Merlin's Cave, South Audley Street, 38 Mermaid Tavern, Mare Street, Hackney, 7t, 244 Merryfield's Wine Vaults, Bow Street, Covent Garden, 182 Metropole, see Hotel Metropole Metropolitan Cattle Market, Caledonian Road, Islington, 309 II Club, 269 Pentonville Road, King's Cross, 380, 399 II Society's Asylum, Balls Pond Road, Islington, 378 Meuse Coffee House, 59 Midland Grand Hotel, Euston Road, St. Pancras, 368, 436, 439, 444 Miller, see Jolly Miller Mill's Coffee House, Gerrard St., Soho, 36, 38, 76 Mitford Tavern, Sandringham Kd., IJalston, 375 Mitre, Broadwall, Upper Ground, Southwark, 3i> 32> 33. 42. 152 ,1 Broadway, DejDtford, 142 II Church Street, Greenwich, 44, 45, 96, 159 II Covent (iarden, 30, 49 II Craven Terrace, Upper Hyde Park Gardens, 312 II Deptford Bridge, 142 M Ely Passage, Hatton Garden, 128 II Fleet Street, 27, 34, 36, 64, 203 II King Street, Westminster, 50 II Mint Street, Southwark, 68 II Mitre Street, Aldgate, 40, 57, 170 II Palace Road, Lambeth, loi II Tooley .Street, Southwark, 136 II Union Street, Westminster, 102, 149 II see Crown and Mitre, Hope and Mitre, Rummer and Mitre n and Dove, King Street, Westminster, 102 Montpelier Hotel, t houmert Road, Peckham, 413 11 Tavern, Montpelier St., Walworth, 350 Montrose College, Hrixton Hill, 461 Moon, see Half Moon, Man in the Moon, Three Tuns and Half Moon II and Stars, see Half Moon and Seven Stars Moore Park Hotel, \\ ood Vale, Honor Oak, 421 Moorgate Hotel, Moorgate Street, 363 Morpeth Arms, Ponsonby St., Millbank, 366, 402 Morrice Dancers, see Three Morrice Dancers Mount's Coffee House, Grosvenor Street, 50 MourningBushTavern,AldersgateSt., 43, 67, 139 Munich's Head, see Count Munich's Head , Municipal Buildings, Lavender Hill, 455 I, Uxbridge Road, Ealing, 389 Muscovy's Head, see Czar of Muscovy's Head Museum Tavern, Museum Street, Bloomsbuiy, 143 Nag's Head, Carnaby Square, 36 II Leadenhall Street, 82, 95, 122 ,1 Leather Lane, Holborn, 222 I, Princes Street, Drury Lane, 29, 30 „ II " (2), 43 „ South Audley Street, 62 ,1 Upper Green, Mitcham, 168 National Schools, Station Road, Harlesden, 430 Naval College, see Royal Naval College Navy Hotel, see Army and Navy Hotel Nelson's Head, see Lord Nelson's Head- Neptune, Neptune Street, Rotherhithe, 44 New Barracks Tavern, Woolwich Common, Woolwich, 161, 190 11 City Club, George Yard, Lombard St., 405 11 Cross Public Hall, Lewisham Road, New Cross, 384 II II Tav., New Cross Rd., New Cross, 206 II Crown, Blackman Street, Southwark, 173 11 Exchange Coffee House, Strand, 194 M Globe Tavern, Bow Road, Mile End, 359 11 II Mile End Road, 113 II Hog in the Pound, Oxford Street, III 11 Inn, Edgware Road, 312 11 II Westminster Bridge Road, 212 M Jerusalem Tavern, Rosamond Row, Clerkenwell 58 11 London Tavern, Cheapside, 45, 109, 166, II II II 203, 207 II Magpie, Bishopsgate (Without), 61 11 Market Hotel, King Street, Snow Hill, West Smithfield, 390, 394 II Two Giants, St. John's, Southwark, 83 II York Coffee House, Sweeting's Alley, Cornhill, 70, 81, 106, 172 Newberry, see Jack of Newberry Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Broad Street, Golden Square, 116, 143, 197 Newmarket Carriage, Colonnade, Guildford St., 96 Newton's Hotel, Great Surrey Street, 73 Nightingale Tavern, Nightingale Lane, Wood Green, 352 Noah's Ark, Deptford, 44 II French Change, .Seven Dials, 107 II Moor Street, Soho Square, 107 II Rotherhithe, 44 North Country .Sailor, Wapping, 159 Northcote Hotel, Battersea Rise, Battersea, 372 Northumberland Arms, Clerkenwell, 158 II II Goodge St., 'Tottenham Court Road, 138 II II Great Russell St., Covent Garden, 143, 149, 167 II II Gun .St., Artillery Lane, 172 II II Holland St., Blackfriars Road, 152 11 II Northumberland Street, Strand, loi II 11 Shadwell Dock, 81, 159, II II II 191 II Head, FortStreet, Spital Square, 172, 177 ,1 II Mile End, Old Town, 161 Norwich, see City of Norwich Nott's Coffee House, Butcher Row, Temple Bar, 52, 164 Oak, see Royal Oak, White Swan and Royal Oak Gates's Coffee House, Great AVild Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 65 Old Antwerp Tavern, see Antwerp Tavern II Bell Savage, Bell Savage Yard, Ludgate Hill, 138 II Betty's Coffee House, Strand, 197 Ti Bull's Head, Rotherhithe Street, 162 II Cheshire Cheese, Chelsea, 60 II Chesterfield Arms, Shepherds Market, Mayfair, 85, 165, 211 II Commodore, Montagu St., Whitechapel, 39 II Crown Tav., Swallow St., Piccadilly, 38, 113 II Crown and Cushion, Lambeth Marsh, Lambeth, 73 II Crown and Rolls, Chancery Lane, 139 M II see Crown and Rolls II Devil Tavern, see Devil Tavern II Jerusalem Tavern, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, 67, 175, 194, 353, 394 65 Old Kingf-s Arms, New Palace Yard, 37 II " Tower Street, Seven Dials, 60 II Man's Coffee House, Charing Cross, 52 II Magpie, Bishopsgate Street, 56, 68 II Red Lion, Bridge Street, Lambeth, 164 II Ship, Chichester Rents, Chancery Lane, 49 II Star, Coleman Street \see Star], 57 II .Swan, Butcher Row, Temple Bar, 173 II Tongues, see Three Old Tongues II Town Hall, Mare Street, Hackney, 368, 462 II Whitfe Hart, High Street, Southwark, 315 Olive Branch, Gray's Inn Lane, 162 Olympia, Hammersmith Road, Kensington, 407 One Hell, Fleet Street [see Hell], 139, 175 11 Tun, Noble Street, Falcon Square, 40 II 11 Strand, 32, 34, 49, 83 II II see King's Arms and One Tun Orange, see Prince of Orange M Coffee House, Queen St., Chelsea, 144, 165 II Tree, Hloomsbury Square, 72 II II Haymarket, 36 Ordnance Arms, Beresford Square, Woolwich, 39. 161, 194 Outer Temple (The), 225 Strand, 367 Oxford Arms, Church Street, Deptford, 181 II Ludgate Street, 59 Palace, see Albert Palace, Crystal Palace, Kensing- ton Palace Palsgrave (The), 225 Strand, 367 Panther, Hope 'Town, Bethnal Green Road, 167 Paris Coffee House, Suffolk St., Haymarket, 112 Parliament Coffee House, Parliament Street, 114 Parrot, Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street, 61 Paul Pindar's Head, Bishopsgate Street, 187, 189 Paul's Head, see St. Paul's Head Pavilion, South Norwood Park, South Norwood, 348 Pavior's Arms, Bluegate Fields, Ratcliff Highway, 182 II Swallow Street, 156 Paw, see Bear's Paw Peacock, Clare Market, 158 II King Street, St. James's Square, 54 II Minories, 157 II Whitecross Street, 107 Pea Hen, Gray's Inn Lane, 163, 172 Peckham Public Hall, Rye Lane, Peckham, 444 Peele's Coffee House, Fleet Street, 102 Pembury Tavern, Amhurst Road East, Lower Clapton, 310 Percy Arms, Church Court, Strand, 36, 87, 165, 17s 11 Coffee House, Rathbone Place, 61 II Hotel, II 41 Perseverance Tavern, Somers Town, 68 Pewter Platter, Charles St., Hatton Garden, 163 II Cross Street, n 45, 144 II White Lion Yard, Norton Folgate, S4. 149 Phoenix, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, 39, 171 II Princes St. , Cavendish Square, 1 13, 160 II Ratcliff Cross, 171 II Smith Street, Chelsea, 144 Pheasant, Stangate, Lambeth, 164, 165 Piazza Coffee House, Covent Garden, 35, 48, 54i II II 113, 138, 162, II 167, 197 Pier Hotel, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, 144 II Oakley Street, 11 396 Pilgrim Tavern, Upper Kennington Lane, Kennington, 283 Pillars, see Hercules Pillars Pin, see Bowl and Pin Pindar's Head, see Paul Pindar's Head Pitt's Head, Broad Street, Ratcliff, 159 II Grange Road, Bermondsey, 187 II Mayfair, 84 11 Old Bailey, 144 II.— London. 502 Plaisterer's Arms, Little Gray's Inn Lane, 31 (2), 11 tr 32, 36, 44 Platter, see Pewter Platter Plough, Plough Road, Rotherhithe, 158 II Queen Street, Hloomsbury, 163, 172, 175 II St. Martin's Lane, 30, 40 Plymouth Arms, Mill Lane, Tooley Street, 83 Pon's Coffee House, Castle Street, Leicester Fields, 49, 160 Pontefract Castle, Paddington, 98 Pope's Head, Pope's Head Alley, Cornhill, 48 Porcupine, Newgate Street, 173 11 Newport St., Newport Market, 64, 87, II II " '96,173 Porter, see Angel and Porter, Gentleman and Porter Porters, Cooper's Row, Tower Hill, 202 Portland Hotel, London Street, Greenwich, 384 Postboy, Sherborne Lane, Lombard Street, 82 Posts, see Black Posts, Blue Posts, Two Black Posts, Two Blue Posts Potters, see Jolly Potters Pound, see New Hog in the Pound 'Prentice, see London 'Prentice Prince and Princess, Gravel Lane, Blackfriars, 143 II of Brunswick's Head, Blackfriars Road, 128 II of Desau's Head, Chandois Street, St. Martin's Lane, no II Eugene's Coffee House, St. Albans St., 59 II George, Parkholme Road, Dalston, 375, 394 II of Orange, Greenwich Road, Greenwich, 96 ,1 II Jermyn Street, Piccadilly, 50 „ I, Head, Milk Street, St. Saviour's Dock, Southwark 65 II Regent, King Street, Woolwich, 199 II of Wales, Lisle Street, Leicester Field?, 105 II I, Coffee House, Exeter Street, Sloane Street, 236 II II Head, Butcher Row, Tower Hill, 32. 33. 59 II II II Capel Street, Rosemary Lane, 32, 55 II II II Castle Street, Long Acre, 32. 33. 51 I, M II King Street, Soho, 51 ,1 II II Rag Fair, Rosemary Lane, 33. 55 II II Hotel, Hartfield Road, \\'imbledon, 367 II I, Tav., Banner St., St. Luke's, 323 II II II Woolwich, 39, 191 I, II II see White Hart and Prince of Wales Arms 11 William, Charing Cross, 54 Prince's Head, n facingAdmiralty, 109 II Princess Street, Westminster, 194 Princess Alice Hotel, Romford Road, Forest Gate, 454 II Royal, Paul Street, Finsbury Square, 167, 179, 186 II St. Coffee House, Princess St., Soho, 185 Prison, see King's Bench Prison Proctor's Hotel, Westminster Bridge Road, 64, 73, II II Si, 212 Prussia, see King of Prussia Public Buildings, Uxbridge Road, Ealing, 424 II Hall, Bromley Road, Beckenham, 426, 443 II Lewisham Road, New Cross, 384 II Rye Lane, Peckham, 444 II Station Road, South Norwood, 348 Punch Bowl, see Ship and Punch Bowl, Sun and Punch Bowl, Three Compasses and Punch Bowl II and Ladle, London St. , Greenwich, 45 Punch House, see Ashley's London Punch House, Gordon's Punch House, King's Arms Punch House, London Punch House, London Bridge Punch House, Maze Pond Punch House Puncheon, see Rum Puncheon Putney Constitutional Hall, Lower Richmond Road, Putney, 442 Pytt's Head, see Pitt's Head Quadrant Hotel, Quadrant, Regent Street, 38 Quebec, see City of Quebec Queen (The), Holies St., Cavendish Square, 113 II II see King and Queen II Anne's Tavern, St. James's Street, 149 II of Bohemia's Head, Wych Street, St. Clement's, 121, 142 II Elizabeth's Head, Hicks Hall, St. John's Street, 69 II II Pitfield St., Hoxton, 51 II II Whitechapel Road, 207 Queenhithe Coffee House, Queenhithe, 60 Queen's Arms, Burrage Road, Woolwich, 39 II II Cateaton Street, 73 II II Cheapside, 54, 58, 81, 121, 165, II II II 171, 207 II II Commercial St., Whitechapel, 84 II II Crown Court, High Street, Wapping, 81 II II High Road, Kilburn, 320, 388 II II Newgate St., 43, 58, 61, 105, 165, II II 11 170, 207, 222 II II St. James's Street, 75, 197 II II St. Paul's Churchyard, 27, 34 11 Head, Bath St., Cold Bath Fields, 117 n II Beak Street, Swallow Street, 98 II II Bird-in-HandCourt,Cheapside,8i II II Bow Street, Covent Garden, 142 II II Chelsea, 60, 142 II 11 Crown Court, Prince's Street, Soho, 46, 165 II II Duke's Court, Bow Street, Covent Garden, 117 II II Gray's Inn Gate, Holborn, 84, 103, II II i< II 182 II II Gt. QueenSt , 29, 30(2), 42,99, 107 II II Holborn, 27, 175 II II Holies St., Cavendish Square, 99 II II HoUis St., Oxford Square, 30 (2) II II Knaves Acre, Wardour St., 29, 30 II II 11 II (2), 38 II II Leadenhall Market, 157 II II Little Pulteney Street, Golden Square, 117 II II Lower Islington, 64 II II Marylebone, i65 II II Old liailey, 56 II II Paternoster Row, 75 II 11 Queen Street, Golden Square, 1 13 II II Red Cross Street, Southwark, 52 II II Temple Bar, 30 II II Tower Hill, 175 II II Turnstile, Holborn, 29, 30, 34 II II Whitecross Street, Cripplegate, 173 11 Hotel, Cork Street, Old liond Street, 199 II 11 Victoria Park Road, Hackney, 406 Radley's Hotel, Bridge St., Blackfriars, 44, 54, 68, II II II 78, 106, II II II 138, 143, II II II 163, 167, II 11 11 171, 181, M II II 218, 304 Raglan, see Lord Raglan Railway Hotel, Ballard's Lane, Finchley. 397 II II Friern Barnet Road, New South- gate, 418 II 11 High Street, Beckenham, 443 II II Northumberland Park, Tottenham, 3 14 11 Tavern, Catford Bridge, Lewisham, 290 Rainbow, Fleet Street, near Temple Bar, 64 II Coffee House, Cornhill, 96 11 II York Buildings, 55 Ram, West Smithfield, 139 II see Bull and Ram Raven, see Black Raven Red Bull, Charles Court, Strand, 83 II High Street, Peckham, 325 II Long Lane, West Smithfield, 84 Cow, Holywell Street, Strand, 32, 38 II West Smithfield, 52 Cross, Barbican, 40, 55 II Borough High Street, Southwark, 52 II Minories, 32, 63 Hart, Shoe Lane, 32, 36 Horse, Old Bond Street, 45, 113 House, College Street, Chelsea, 144 Lion, Barbican, 55, 169 II Borough, Southwark, 212 II Brentford, 30 (2) II Butcher Hall Lane, Newgate St., 156 11 City Road, Finsbury, 158 II Cross Lane, Long Acre, 41 II David Street, Berkeley Square, 97 II Dirty Lane, Long Acre, 32, 33, 36 II Greenwich Road, Greenwich, 159 II High St., Leytonstone, 356, 388,395, II M II 454 M Holywell Lane, Shoreditch, 170 II Horsleydownl.ane, TooleySt. , 83, 162 II Houghton Street, Clare Market, 163 II Hyde Park Corner, 133 II Jewin .Street, Aklersgate Street, 33, 63 II King Street, Deptford, 142 II MulgravePlace, Woolwich, 39, 161,308 II Nottingham Court, Seven Dials, 78 II Old Bethlem, 157, 169 II Old Cavendish Street, Oxford Street, 38, 97, 113, 165, 212 ,1 Old Street, 91 II Oxford huildings, Oxford Street, 142 II Parliament Street, 83, 194 II Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell, 77 II II Richmond, 30(2), 52 M Rotherhithe, 51 II Tottenham Court Road, 29, 30(2), 43 II Warwick Place, Holborn, 175 II York Street, St. James's Square, 61 II see Old Red Lion II and Ball, Red Lion St., Holborn, 51 II and Spread Eagle, High Street, Whitechapel, 144, 191 Regent Masonic Hall, Cafe Royal, Regent Street, 37. if'5. 271, 337, 359, 366, 368, 381, 383, 3S5, 387, 389, 393. 395. 397. 398 (2), 399, 404, 422, 427, 429, 441, 453, 454. 460 Repository Coffee House, Little St. Martin's Lane, B7 Richmond Hotel, Shepherds I'aish Road, 407 Rising Sun, Air Street, Piccadilly, 113 II Fashion Street, Spitalfiekis, 71 II Stamford Bridge, Fulham, 316 II Suffolk St. , Haymarket, 3 1 (2), 34, 52 River Lee Tavern, Limehouse Bridge, l.imehouse, l6p Robin Hood, Butcher Row, Temple Bar, 102 II Charles St. , St. James's Square, 197 II Gray's Inn Lane, 163, 172 II Gt. Windmill St., Haymarket, 144 II Holborn, 89 Rock Tavern, Battersea Park Road, Battersea, 372 Rockingham Arms, New Kent Road, 73 II Newington Butts, Newington, 169 Roebuck, Great Dover Street, Southwark, 91 II High Holborn, 144 II High Street, Lewisham, 290 II Oxford Street, 38 Rolls, see Crown and Rolls, Old Crown and Rolls Roman Eagle, Church St., Deptford, 44, lo5, 206 Rose, Cheapside, 51, 54 11 Fleet Lane, Old Bailey, 56 M Marylebone, 49 II Rose Alley, Bishopsgate St., 107, 167, 169, M 11 II 171, 181 II Temple Bar (without), 54 II Threadneedle Street, 99 II and Bell, Bankside, Southwark, 165 [ 503 1 II. -London. Rose and Buffalo, Fuinival's Inn, Holboni, 34 I, and Bunch of Grapes, Snow's Fields, South wark, 181 II and Crown, Bishopsgate Street, 167 11 M Booth St., Spitalfields, 39, 133 n 11 Clare Court, Drury Lane, 32, 37 M II CrownSt, Westminster, 102, 149 II 11 Dartmouth Street, .. 212 II 11 Downing Street, n 96 II II Greek Street, Soho, 51 II I. Kew Green, Kew, 76 11 11 KingSt., Westminster, 29, 30(2) II 11 Mill Street, Dock Head, Bermondsey, 138 11 II Sloane Street, Chelsea, 165 II II St. Catherine Street, Tower, 133 11 II Thames Street, 152 II and Rummer, Furnival's Inn, Holborn, 34 II and Three Tuns, Little Earl Street, Seven Dials, 60 Rosemary Branch, Rosemary Lane, 32, 51, 54 II Shepparton Road, Hoxton, 84, 319, 323 Roiielle's Tavern, Chelsea, 205 Round Table Tavern, St. Martin's Court, Leicester Square, 167 Royal Albert Tavern, New Cross Road, Deptford, 142, 146 II Artillery Hotel, Woolwich Common, Woolwich, 234 II Crystal Palace Hotel, Church Street, Upper Norwood, 299, 349 II Hotel, Covent Garden, 38 II 11 Mile End Road, 390 .1 Magazine, East Lane, Greenwich, 44, 106, II II II II ^ 159 II Mortar, Beresford Sq., Woolwich, 39, 142, II 11 M II 309 11 Naval College, King William Street, Greenwich, 387 11 Oak, Charing Cross, 32, 56 II II Great Earl St., Seven Dials, 51, 109, II II II II 156 II II High Street, Acton, 421 11 II II Deptford, 324 II 11 Mulgrave Place, Woolwich, 39, 100, i. II M M 161 M II Rotherhithe, 44 II II Strand, 64 II II Vauxhall, 177 11 II York Street, Marylebone, 165 II 11 see White Swan and Royal Oak II Standard, Leicester Fields, 61, 64, 80, 143 II II Piccadilly, 98 II Sussex Hotel, Broadway, Hammersmith, 163, 321 II Tent, Silver Street, Golden Square, 109 n Vineyard, St. James Park, 59 Rum Puncheon, Old Street, 35, 179 Rummer, Charing Cross, 29, 30 {2), 59 11 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, 30 {2), 11 M 11 47. 52 II Labor-in-Vain Hill, Old Fish Street, 76 II Old Fish Street Hill, 59 II Paternoster Row, 49 II Queen Street, Cheapside, 37 II St. Mary Overy's Churchyard, Southwark, 42 11 see Bear and Rummer, Rose and Rummer, Swan and Rummer II and Grapes, Channel Row, West- minster, 35 II and Horseshoe, Drury Lane, 58 II and Mitre, Labor-in-Vain Hill, Old Fish Street, 67 Running Horse, Blackfriars Road, 152 II David Street, Berkeley Square, 40 II Hyde Park Corner, 84 Rustal's Coffee House, Sherrard Street, Golden Square, 104 Saddler's Arms, Swallow St., Piccadilly, 104, 194 Sailor, see Jolly Sailor, North Country Sailor, Ship and Sailor St. Alban's, St. Alban's Street, 50 St. Andrew's Cross, Hermitage, Wapping, 95, I2i 191 11 School, High Road, Willesden Green, 460 M Tavern, Wapping, 81 St. Ann's Coffee House, Dean Street, Soho, 37 St. Botolph's Chambers, 191 Bishopsgate Street, 323. 368 St. George and Dragon, Castle Street, Leicester Fields, 85 II Charing Cross, 29, 39 II St. Mary Axe, 53 II see George, George and Dragon St. James's Ilall, Piccadilly, 313, 395,413 M Hotel, II 40, 199 II Tavern, Marylebone Street, Golden Square, 36, 197 11 II St. James's Place, Aldgate, 157. 181 St. John, see Knights of St. John II Jerusalem, St. John's St., Clerkenwell, 58 M II ieejerusalem, Newjerusalem, Old Jerusalem St. John's Gate, St. John's Lane, Clerkenwell, 45 11 II Coffee House, St. John's Place, Clerkenwell, 29 ,1 Head.IIollandSt., Blackfriars Road, 165 St. Katherine's, see London and St. Catherine's Dock Hotel St. Luke's Head, Old Street, 159, 167, 170, 186 ■ I 11 Phoenix Alley, I^ong Acre, 77 11 Tavern, Old Street, 91 St. Mark's School, Hattersea Rise, 455 St. Martin's, St. Martin's Lane, 43 II Town Hall, Charing Cross, 458 St. Paul's Head, Cateaton St., 43, 57, 154, 193 II Doctors' Commons, 103 II Ludgate Street, 34, 43, 49 11 Paul Street, Finsbury, 89, 139 St. Peter's Hall, Wickham Park, Brockley, 416 St. Thomas's Hall, St. Thomas's Rd., Hackney, 368 Salisbury Tavern, Bear St., Leicester Square, 194 Salmon and Bell, Wheeler Street, Spitalfields, 62 Salutation, Keresford Square, Woolwich, 39, 191 II Billingsgate, 49, 95 II Budge Row, Watling Street, "6 II Grayfriars, Newgate Street, 44 11 Newgate Street, 50, 57, 75, 164 M Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street, 72 II and Cat, Newgate Street, 58 .Samson and Lion, East Sraithfield, 67 Saracen's, near Seven Dials, 55 II Head, Camomile Street, Bishopsgate Street, 166, 171, 189, 202 II II F'riday Street, Cheapside, 172 Sash and Cocoa Tree, Upper Moorfields, 47 Savage, see Old Hell Savage Savoy Hotel, Victoria Embankment, 48 Sawyers, see Sun and Sawyers, Two Sawyers Sceptre, see Crown and Sceptre, Globe and Sceptres School (Collegiate), WorpleRd., Wimbledon, 367 II (National), Station Road, Harlesden, 430 II (St. Andrew's), Willesden Green, 460 II (St. Mark's), Battersea Rise, 455 Schoolroom, Florence Street, Islington, 377 II (Iron), MoorePark, WalhamGreen, 359 Scottish Corporation Hall, Crane Court, Fleet Street, 448 Scot's Arms, Haymarket, 32, 33, 47, 57 II Hall, Blackfriars, 105 Seven Sisters, Page Green, Tottenham, 314 II Stars, Rosemary Lane, 202 II 11 Water Lane, Tower Street, 78 Seyd's Hotel, Finsbury Square, 181 Shaftesbury Hall, Shaftesbury Park, Battersea, 382 Shakespeare Tavern, Great Russell St., Covent Garden, 38, 76, 87, 1 13, 143, 175 ShakespeareTav., Marlborough St , Oxford Rd., 75 II Oxenden St., Haymarket, 143 M Powis St., Woolwich, 39, 194 Shakespeare's Coffee House, Powis St., Woolwich, 161 11 Head, Covent Garden, 34, 43, 114, II II II 194 II II Little Marlborough Street, 35 11 II London Spa, Clerkenwell, 55 II II Percival St., n 91, 158 Sheers, Chequer Alley, Old Street, 173 II see Ship and Sheers Ship, Bartholomew Lane, 29, 41 II Brick Lane, Bethnal Green, 144 II Bridge Yard, 'J'ooley St., Southwark, 187 II Butt Lane, Deptford, 44 11 Camden Street, Ishngton, 39 II Fish Street Hill, 29, 30 (2), 44 II Gate St., Lincoln's Inn Fields, 64, 87, 152 II George Street, Woolwich, 190 11 James Street, Covent Garden, 85 11 Leadenhall St., 75, 95, 122, 139, 159, 193, II II 207, 211 II Little Turnstile, Holborn, 117, 163, 167 II Long Lane, Bermondsey, 131, 218 II Norton Folgate, 159 II Ratcliff Cross, 166 ^2) II Rotherhithe, 44 II Royal Exchange, 29, 30 (2), 35, 43, 48, 57 II St. Mary Axe, 64 II Shadwell, 159 II Stoney Lane, Tooley Street, Southwark, 83 II Strand, 41, 42 II Swallow Street, Piccadilly, 36 II Temple Bar (without), 29, 30 (2), 61 II Tottenham, 107 II Tower Street, 35, 181 II Wardour Street, Soho, 154 II Water Lane, Tower Street, 54, 152, 171 II si^e Old Ship II Coffee House, near Hermitage Bridge, 67 II Hotel,.ChurchSt, , Greenwich, 142, 360, 381, 384, 387 II II Royal Hill, n 96, 159 II and Anchor, Gun Dock, Wapping, 60 II II Quaker St., Spitalfields, 31, 39 II and Bells, Ratcliff Highway, 159 II and Cardigan's Head, Charing Cross, 80 II and Compass, East Smithfield, 57 II and Dolphin, Temple Bar, 152 II and Punch Bowl, Wapping, 81 II and Sailor, Garden Stairs, Church Street, Greenwich, 159 II and Sheers, Shadwell. 171 II and Star, Miuories, 167 II and Sun, Shadwell, 174 M and Turtle, Leadenhall St., 38, 68, 73, 75, 80, II II II 106, 113, 117, :2i, 137, 138, 143, 159, II II II 166, 175, 181, 194, 203, 327, 366, 388, II II 11 450, 459 M and Whale, WappingWall, Wapping, 51, 169 II Bombay Castle, Grove Street, Deptford, 44 II Centurion, Holywell Street, Shoreditch, 159 II in Distress, Wardour Street, Soho, 64 II on the Wall, Bermondsey, 162 Shipwright's Arms, Deptford Green, Deptford, 181 Sieve, Little Minories, 133 Silver Tavern, Burdett Road, Limehouse, 316 Sir John Barleycorn, Thomas Street, Whitechapel Road, 81 II Cass Tavern, Victoria Park Road, Hackney, 340 II Falstaff, LowerWater Gate, Deptford, 181 II I, Old Street Road, 61 Sisters, see Seven Sisters II Tavern, Pownall Road, Haggerston, 381 Six Bells, King's Road, Chelsea, 144 11 Cans, Little Turnstile, Holborn, 144, 163, 172 Slaughter's Coffee House, St. Martin's Lane, 75 Smack, see Fishing Smack Solomon's Coffee House, Pimlico, 65 II.— London. [ S04 ] Solomon's Temple, corner of Castle Street, and Hemings Row, 30 (2) Somerset House, Strand, 125 South Kensington Hotel, Queen's Gate Terrace, South Kensington, 402 M London Masonic Hall, Belvedere Koad, Lambeth, loi Southwark Park 'I'avern, Southwark Park, South- wark, 325 Spies, see Two Spies Spikes, see Golden Spikes Spotted Dog, Upton Lane, Upton, 356 It Horse, High Street, Shoreditch, 84 Spread Eagle, Gracechurch Street, 82 11 ' High St., Wandsworth, 292, 339 II Limehouse Causeway, Limehouse, 60, loi 11 Mill Lane, Tuoley Street, 83 11 Pratt Street, Lambeth, 212 11 Tooley Street, Southwark, 187 11 Whitecross Street, 91 11 see Red Lion and Spread Eagle Square and Compasses, Norton Folgate, 84 Stag, Fulham Road, Chelsea, 144, 152 II see Bald Faced Stag Standard, see Royal Standard StanhopeArms, OxendenSt. ,Haymarket, 138, 143 Stanley, see Lord Stanley Tavern Hall, Cairns Road, Northcote Road, Battersea, 455 Restaurant, Lavender (hardens. Lavender Hill, 372 Star, Aldersgate Street, 103 Coleman Street, 57, 61, 73 Star Street, Shadwell, 159, 179 Wilkes Street, Spitalfields, 39 see Horse and Star, Old Star, Ship and Star, White Horse and Star and Garter, Kew Bridge, Ealing, 163, 299, 313. 316, 11 M 386, 423 King St., Westminster, 83, 175 Lower Richmond Road, Putney, 315. 386 New Bond Street, 35 Old Palace Yard, 165 (2) Paddington, 76 Pall Mall, 37, 55, 199, 215, 220 Panton St., Haymarket, 32, 62 Powis Street, Woolwich, 39 St. Martin's Lane, 32, 47, 51, 87 Strand, 32, 61 Whitechapel Road, 170 York St., Covent Garden, 30(2) Stars, see Half Moon and Stars, Seven Stars Station Hotel, Kew Road, Richmond, 425 Stirling Castle, Church Street, Camberwell, 365 Stock Exchange Coffee House, Threadneedle St., 58 Stratford Coffee House, Oxford Street, 39, 142 Strong Man, East Smithfield, 67 Sugar Loaf, Fleet Street, 76 II Gt.QueenSt., Lincoln's Inn Fields, 162 11 Gt. St. Helen's, St.MaryAxe, 157, 169, " 11 II 170, 181, 207 11 see Black Boy and Sugar Loaf, Crown and Sugar Loaf, Golden Sugar Loaf Sugar Loaves, see Three Sugar Loaves Sun, Aldersgate Street, 76 Bishopsgate Street, 84 Clare Market, 29, 30 (2) Clements Inn Foregate, Strand, 140, 164 Curzon Street, Mayfair, 36 Devereux Court, Temple Bar, 175 Fish Street Hill, 57, 72 Fleet Street, 58 Foster Lane, Cheapside, 37 Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 91 172, 163, 175 Great Pulteney Street, Golden Square, 54 Great Sutton Street, Clerkenwell, 167, 170 Great Windmill Street, Haymarket, 167 Holborn, 43 Hooper's Square, Goodman's Fields 48 Sun, Ludgate Hill, 36 11 Ludgate Street, 49, 59, 161 II Milk Street, Honey Lane Market, 40, 76 II Newman Street, Oxford Street, 138 II Old Round Court, Strand, 69 II Royal Exchange, 57 11 Shadwell, 1 16 II St. Paul's Churchyard, 30 {2), 44, 49, 65 ir Strand, 115 II Suffolk Street, Haymarket, 78 11 Winchester Street, Little Moorgate, 64 II see Angel and Sun, Rising Sun, Ship and ■Sun, Temple and Sun 11 and Falcon, Down St., Hyde Park Corner, 84 II and Punch Bowl, High llolborn, 35, 155 11 and Sawyers, High Street, Poplar, 159, 174 II aud Thirteen Cantons, Great Pulteney Street, Golden Square, 93 II Theatre Coffee House, Clare Market, 42 Surrey Club, Kennington Oval, Kennington, 283 II Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, 283, 323, 350. 355. 360. 365. 366, 374. 377, 3S3. 384- 390 (2), 391, 393 (2). 395. 415. 4 '9. 437. 462 II Tavern, Blackfriars Road, 78, 179 II II Kennington Oval, Kennington, 369 II II Surrey Street, Strand, 49, 68 II II and Coffee House, St. George's Fields, 179 II Theatre Coffee House, Blackfriars Rd., 156 Sussex, sec Duke of Sussex, Kent and Sussex Hotel. Koyal Sussex .Arms, Royal Sussex Hotel II Coffee House, West Smithfield, 158 Suttling House, Foot (Juards, Whitehall, 140, 143 II Horse Guards, Whitehall, 197 Swan, Blackman Street, Southwark, 162 II Borough, Southwark, 182 M Bridge Koad, Battersea, 372, 375 II Broadway, Stratford, 372 II II Walham Green 49, 359 II Butcher Row, Temple Bar, 64, 164 II Clapham Road, Stockwell, 310 II East Street, Greenwich, 30(2), 45 II Exchange Alley, Cornhill, 48 II Fish Street Hill, 29, 30 (2), 44, 57, 67, 77, II M 80, 165 II Grafton Street, Soho, 50 II Hampstead, 35 II Holywell Street, Shoreditch, 54 II Long Acre, 43, 50 M Ludgate Street. 29 II Narrow Wall, Lambeth, 73 II New Street, Covent Garden, 76, 108, 160 M New .Street Square, Shoe Lane, 139 II Oxford Koad [Oxford Street], 149 II Portland Street, Oxford Market, 38 11 Ratcliff Highway, 166, 202 II Ridgway, Wimbledon, 368 II Shoreditch, 71 11 Southwark, 74 II Strand, 65 II Swan Street, Minories, 170, 181, 207 II Tottenham High Cross, Ware Road, 48 11 Upper .Mount St., Grosvenor Square, 109 II West Smithfield, 42 II Westminster Bridge Road, 103 II see Black Swan, Old Swan, White Swan, White Swan and Royal Oak II and Cross Keys, Long Acre, 33, 36 II and Hoop, Cornhill, 174 II and Horseshoe, Little Britain, 64 II and Rummer, Bartholomew Lane, 48 11 II Finch Lane, 48 {2) II Tavern and Lord Dover Hotel, Hunger- ford Market, 167 Sweden, see King of Sweden Sydney Arms, Lewisham Road, Deptford, 290, 349 Table, see Round Table Tailor's Arms, Mitre Street, Aldgate, 157 Talbot, Gray's Inn Lane, 49 II Hill Street, Richmond, 320 II Strand, 76 II Tottenham Court Road, 37 Talbot's Head, see Lord Talbot's Head Temple, see Outer Temple, Solomon's Temple 11 and Sun, Sheer Lane, Temple Bar, 3' (2), 32(2), 36, 38 Ten Bells, Church Street, Spitalfields, 170, 171 Tent, see Royal Tent Thatched House Tav., St. James St., 35, 37, 48, " 50. 54, 55. " 'I II 105, 108, " M II 116, 134, " " M 144. 164, 11 11 II 199, 215 Theatre Coffee House, Bridges Street, Covent Garden, 42 II II Jift-Sun Theatre Coffee House, Surrey Theatre Coffee House II Royal, Drury Lane, 432 II Tavern, Goodmans Fields, 60 Thicket Hotel, Anerley Kd , Anerley, 360, 370, 406 Thirteen Cantons[King St., (loldenSquarel, 32,47 II see Sun and Thirteen Cantons Thistle, see Crown and Thistle II and Crown, Church Court, Strand, 31 (2), 32(3), ,1 34,40, II II II 44 11 II Denmark Court, Strand, 83 " 11 Russell Court, Drury Lane, 119, 149 II 11 Suffolk Street, Haymarket, 87 " II SwallowSt.,Piccadilly,33,45 Thomas's Tavern, Dover Street, Piccadilly, 50 Three Butchers, Warwick Lane, Newgate St., 139 II Compasses, Free School Street, Horsley- down, 138 II II High Holborn, 78, 162 II II Kensington, 185 II II King St., Golden Square, 143 II II Silver St., ,1 29,30(2) II II White's Yd, Rosemary Lane,6o II II and Punch Bowl, Silver Street, Golden Square, 104 II Cranes, Mile End Road, 152 II II Poultry, 29, 35 II Crowns, East Smithfield, 42, 79, 159 II 11 High Street, North Woolwich, 377 II II Old Jewry, 81 II II Stoke Xewington, 50 II Cups, Bedford Street, Red Lion Square, 162 II Doves, Berwick Street, Soho, 165 II Johns, Tooley Street, Southwark, 169 II Jolly Butchers, Hoxton Market Place, Old Street Road, 109 II II Gardeners, Lambeth Butts, Lambeth, 183 II II Hatters, Bermondsey Street, Bermondsey, 156 II II Weavers, Spitalfields, 39 II Kings, Minories, 48, 170, 202, 207 II II Orange Street, Bloomsbury, 61, 107 II II Spitalfields, 47 II Lords, Minories, 89, 157, 207 II Morrice Dancers, Old Change, 61 II Nuns, High Street, Aldgate, 356, 363, 375 11 Old Tongues, Pearl St., Spitalfields, 190 II Sugar Loaves, St. John's Street, 32, 47 II Tuns, Aldgate, 42 II 11 Billingsgate, 44, 53 II II Bishopsgate (Without), 80 II II Chancery Lane, 67, 167 11 II Chichester Rents, Chancery Lane, 142 II II Cross Street, Hatton Garden, 175 11 II Fetter Lane, 185, 197 II II Gracechurch Street, 95 11 II Grosvenor Street, 58 II II High Street, Southwark, 39, 51, 172^ [ SOS ] II. -London. Three Tuns, Houghton St., Clare Market, 64, 8$ " 11 Jewry St., Aldgate, 79, 80, 157, 177 „ II Newgate Street, 30 (2), 57 ,1 II Spitalfields, 75 „ II St. Margaret's Hill, Southwark, 70, 106, 136, 156 „ II Strand, 39 ,, M Swithin's Alley, Threadneedle St. ,'41 „ West Smithfield, 58, 189 I, II Wood Street, 47, 74 I, I, see Tuns, Rose and Three Tuns ,1 II and Bull's Head, Cheapside, 48, 76 „ II and Half Moon, Snow Hill, 75 Tiger, Wells Street, Oxford Street, 140 Tiger's Head, Borough, 32, 43 Timber Hoy, Deptford Creek, Deptford, 181 Tivoli Restaurant, 68 and 69 Strand, 434 Tobit's Dog, St. Paul's Churchyard, 91 Tom's Coffee House, Clare Street, Clare Market, 29, 30 (2), 36 Tongues, see Three Old Tongues Tower, New Bond Street, 87 I, Tower Street, Seven Dials, 37 I, Coffee House, New Bond Street, 40 ,1 Shades, Tower Hill, 162 Town Hall, Broadway, Stratford, 356, 445 „ IT Walham Green, Fulham, 462 I, Caxton Street, Westminster, 424 „ High Street, Kensington, 420 Poplar, 398 „ ,1 Wandsworth, 339 II Leyton Road, Leyton, 395 ,1 Limehouse, 316 „ Old Street, bhoreditch, 402 ,1 (St. Martin's) Charing Cross, 458 „ Woolwich, 309 „ (Old), Mare St., Hackney, 368, 462 Trafalgar, Park Row, Greenwich, 142, 364 Tree, see Apple Tree, Bay Tree, Crab Tree, Fir Tree, Lemon Tree, Orange Tree, Swan and Cocoa Tree Trinity Arms, Church Street, Deptford, 142, 146 Trumpet, King Street, liloomsbury, 138 Trumpeter, Crutched Friars, 175 Tulse Hill Hotel, Norwood Road, Tulse Hill, 364. 366 Tun, see Bolt and Tun, King's Arms and One Tun, One Tun Tuns, Moor Street, Soho Square, 194 „ see Roseand Three Tuns, Three Tuns, Three Tuns and Bull's Head, Three Tuns and Half Moon Turk's Head, Drury Lane, 84 „ East St., Red Lion Square, 32, 44 „ Fleet Street, 43 Qerrard St., Soho, 35, 61, 164, 193 „ Greek Street, Soho, 31, 34, 61, 62 11 King Street, Bloomsbury, 107, 155 I, South Street, Wandsworth, 42 „ Strand, 64, 212 I, Temple Bar, 43 Turtle, see Crown and Turtle Twelve Bells, St. Saviour's Churchyard, Southwark, 136 Two Ansrelsand Crown, Little St. Martin's Lane, 57, 87. 160 „ „ see Angel and Crown II Black Posts, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, 42, 76 „ „ see Black Posts ,1 Blue Posts, Arlington Street, Piccadilly, 116 „ „ Charlotte St., Rathbone Place, 38, 138, 166, 185, 212 „ „ Cockpit Alley, Drury Lane, 33, 38 „ „ Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, 78, 143 „ „ Old Bond Street, 75, 107 „ „ Tottenham Court Road, 73 „ ,1 see Blue Posts II Brewers, Mid Holbom, 33, 47 . „ „ St. Catherine's, Wapping, 42 II Stretton Grounds, Westmmster, 194 Two Brewers, Wych Street, St. Clement's, 164 II Chairmen, David [Davies] Street, Berkeley Square, 142, 185, 212 II 11 Little Warwick .Street, Charing Cross, 87 11 11 Wardour Street, Soho, 64 II Giants, Church Street, Southwark, 169 IT II see New Two Giants II Sawyers, Marylebone Lane, 73 II IT ■ Minories, 60 II Spies, King Street, Seven Dials, 105 Unicorn, Covent Garden, 64 II Jermyn Street, Piccadilly, 37, 46 Union and Bath Coffee House, Piccadilly, 75 Coffee House, Piccadilly, 121, 161 II Upper end of Haymarket, 59 Tavern, Jermyn Street, Piccadilly, 117, 165 II John Street, Oxford Street, 38, 40 II Marylebone St., Golden Square, 37 II Union Street, Blackfriars, 197 Vernon, see Admiral Vernon Vernon's Head, see Admiral Vernon Vestry Hall, Bow Road, Bromley, 405 Ti Broadway, Hammersmith, 429 II Fairfield Road, Bow, 405 II Haverstock Hill, 454 II Lower Green, Lower Mitcham, 452 II Ranelagh Road, Ealing, 389 Victoria Mansions Restaurant, Victoria Street, Westminster 402, 435 II Station, Metropolitan District Railway, Pimlico, 358 Victory, Trafalgar Road, Old Kent Road, 377 Vine, Bishopsgate Street, 191 II Broad Street, Ratcliff, 166, 202 II High Holborn, 49, 99, 109 11 King's Arms Passage, Poultry, 121 II Long Acre, 43, 55 II Minories, 157 II see Anchor and Vine Vineyard, see Royal Vineyard Virginia Coffee House, Cornhill, 37, 179 Vulture, see George and Vulture Wade's Arms, East India Road, Poplar, 113 Wales, see Prince of Wales Warwick, see Earl of Warwick Watchhouse (near the). High Holborn, 68 Waterman's Arms, Wapping, 159 Weavers, see Three Jolly Weavers 11 Arms, Brown's Lane, Spitalfields, 189 11 II Dorset Street, n 149 II II Mile End Road, 60 II II Pelham Street, Spitalfields, 35 II II Sanders' Gardens, Hoxton, 158 Well, see Jacob's Well Wellington, St. James's Street, 332 II South Street, Chelsea, 144 II see Duke of Wellington 11 Club, Upper Street, Islington, 362 66 Welsh Harp, Fulwood's Rents, High Holborn, 152 II Hendon, 439 Wenlock Arms, Wenlock Road, City Road, 84 Westbourne (The), Craven Road, Paddington, 373 Westminster Arms, Tothill St., Westminster, 197 II Chambers, Victoria St., 147, 167,383 II General Dispensary, Gerraid Street, Soho, 327 II Hall TaveiTi, Dunning's Alley, Bishopsgate Street, 74 II Hotel, Westminster Bridge Road, 212 II Palace Hotel, Victoria Street, West- minster, 48, 68, 156, 163, 174,215,358 Westmorland Arms, George St., Portman Sq., 165 Whale, see Ship and Whale Wheatsheaf, Hand Court, Holborn, 138, 162 Lambeth Marsh, Lambeth, 103 Lombard Street, Southwark, 136 Rathbone Place, 98, 116, 185 Strand, 87, 197 Thames Street, 187 see Bear and Wheatsheaf Wheel, see Catherine Wheel White Bear, Aldersgate Street, 84 Basinghall Street, 139, 165, 202 (2) King Street, Golden Square, 56 Old Broad Street, 69 Old Street Square, 139 Strand, 64, 69 see Brown Bear (Strand) Conduit Tavern, Pentonville, 165 Cross Hotel, Waterside, Richmond, 320 Dog, Widegate Alley, Bishopsgate St., 80 Hart, Abchurch Lane, 39, 167 II Barnes Terrace, Barnes, 334 II Bell Yard, Gracechurch Street, 189 II Belvedere Road, Lambeth, loi II Berwick Street, Soho, 162 11 Bethnal Green Road, 170 IT Bishopsgate St., 51, 67, 84, 139, II II 170, 186, 189 II IT (without), 50 II Borough, 159 II Bow, 81 II Broadway, Mitcham, 168 II Chancery Lane, 140, 189 II Chichester Rents, Chancery Lane, 142 II Church End, Willesden, 426 II TI Road, Upper Norwood, 387 II College Street, Lambeth, loi II Fore Street, n 177 II Foster Lane, Cheapside, 172 II Giltspur Street, Newgate Street, 155 11 Great Windmill Street, 140 II Holborn,44, 49, 98, 122, 144, 155,222 II King's Road, Chelsea, 144 II Lower Clapton Road, Clapton, 368 II Mansel Street, Goodman's Fields, loi II Porter's Street, Newport Market, 79 II Shug Lane, 32 (2), 42, 47, 98 II St. James's Street, 108 II St. Thomas Street, Southwark, 181 II Strand, 105, 140 II Tottenham Court Road, 185 II 11 Hall, Tottenham, 314 II (Old), High Street, Southwark, 315 II and Lamb, Bishopsgate Street, 167 II and Prince of Wales' Arms, Cranbourne Alley, Leicester Fields, III Horse, Bartholomew Lane, Royal Exchange, 37, 167 II Bloomsbury Market, 80 11 Bow Road, Bow, 242 TI Buckingham Gate, Pimlico, 198 II Church Street, Chelsea, 144 IT David Street, Berkeley Square, 40 >i Friday Street, Cheapside, 80, 155, II II TI 166, 169 II Hare Street, Bethnal Green, 84 II King Street, Golden Square, 36 n New Burlington Street, 113 II Piccadilly, 65, 74 II St. John's Street, Spitalfields, 39 III.— England and Wales. [ 506 ] White Horse, Tottenham St., Rathbone Place, 140 11 Union Street, Southvvarlc, 164 II Wheeler Street, Spitalfields, 45, 54 II and Star, Lower Woolwich Road, Woolwich, 202, 234 Lion, Aldersgate Street, 50 II Brick Lane, Spitaltields, 173 II Church Street, Woolwich, 105, 202 II Cornhill, 48 M Elephant Stairs, Rotherhithe, 51 II Execution Dock, Wapping, 44 II Hemming's Row, St. Martin's Lane, 32. 36, SI II High Street, Bloomsbury, 160 Putney, 55, 372, 386 II Oxford Street, 97, 98, 116, 117, 140, II M 142, 197 11 Princes Street, Rotherhithe, 162 II Shadwell Market, Shadwell, 116, 161 II Wych Street, near Drury Lane, 30 II and Frying Pan, Southwark, 166 Swan, Braham's Buildings, Chancery Lane, 144 11 Bunhill Row, Moorfields, 45, 186' II Chelsea, 60 r Cinnamon St., Wapping, 174 II Edmonds Court, Princes St., Soho, 107 II Elephant Stairs, Rotherhithe, 52 White Swan, Grafton Street, Soho, 87, 105 II II High St., Ueptford, 142, 146, 158, II 11 11 M 181, 290, 324, II M 11 II 349 II II Little St. Andrew's Street, Seven Dials, 85 II II Mansel St., Goodman's Fields, 54, 67 II 11 Mount St., Grosvenor Square, 84 11 II New Street, Covent Garden, 32, 42 Ti II RatclifiF Highway, 166, 202 II 11 Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, 83, 107 II II Strand, 64 M M Wapping Dock, Wapping, 81, 159, II II II II 162 II II Westow Hill, Upper Norwood, 421 II II Whitecross Street, 45, 146, 167 II II and Royal Oak, Whitecross St., 45(2) Whitechapel Court House, Whitechapel, 75 Whittington Club House, Arundel St., Strand, 323 Whitworth, see Lord VVhitworth Wickham Arms, Brockley Lane, Deptford, 290 William, see Duke William's Head, Prince William M IV. Hotel, Trafalgar Road, Greenwich, 449 Willis s Rooms, King St., St. James's, 35, 40,48, II II II 55, 143, II II II 199, 215 Windmill, Leather Lane, Holborn, 173 Windmill, Lower Road, Deptford, 142 II Rosemary Lane, 57, 60 II St. John'.'; Street, Clerkenwell, 69 Windsor Castle, King St., Hammersmith, 163,321 II II Southwark Bridge Road, 374 II II Vauxhall Road, Pimlico, 142 II Hotel, Victoria Street, Westminster, 406 Wood's Hotel, Furnival's Inn, Holbora, 197 Woodside Hall, Woodside Park, North Finchley, 397 Woolpack, Bermondsey Street, Bermondsey, 385 II Langley Street, Long Acre, 33, 35 II l.omliardSt. intheMint, Southwark, 52 Worcester Coffee House, Oxford Street, 40 Wrekin (The), Broad Court, Long Acre, 38 Wright's Hotel, Strand, 212 Yacht Tavern, Crane Street, Greenwich, 142 York, see Duke of York II and Albany Hotel, Gloucester Gate, Regent's Park, 309, 438 Yorkshire Grey, Beer Lane, Thames Street, 73 II Yorkshire Grey Yard, Hampstead, 157 III.— ENGLAND AND WALES. With Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Malta, and Cyprus. Note. — TAe heavy figures denote Military Lodges. Anglesey. Amlwch 378 Holyhead, 161, 296 Llangefni, 346 Menai Bridge, 346 Bedfordshire. Ampthill, 460 Bedford, 288, 449 Biggleswade, 318 Dunstable, 377 Leighton Buzzard, 344 Luton, 278 Berkshire. Abingdon, 98, 331 Ascot, 458 Cookham, 440 Cookham Dene, 440 Faringdon, 402 Maidenhead, 318, 385 Newbury, 247, 293 Reading, 30, 87 (2), 91, III, 267, 345, 425 Sandhurst, 413 Wallingford, 412 Windsor, 120, 151, 177, 183, 211, 315 Wokingham, 456 Brecknockshire. Brecon, 75, 140, 220, 303 Builth, 405 Hay, 452 Buckinghamshire. Amersham, 455 Aylesbury, 295 Bletchley, 379 Buckingham, 403 Datchet, 447 Eton, 183, 447, 458 High Wycombe, 380 Linslade, 331 Newport Pagnel, 371 Olney, 442 Slough, 413 Stony Stratford, 321, 391 Taplow, 300 Waddesdon, 455 Wendover, 460 Winslow, 456 Wolverton, 321 Wraysbuiy, 443, 456 Cambridge, 92, 103, 130, 323. 379 Cambridgeshire. 181, 229, 236, 273, Cambridgeshire— iwi/""*^!^. Ely, 118 Newmarket, 187, 430 Whittlesea, 241 Wisbech, 123, 137, 234, 319 Cardiganshire. Aberystwith, 225, 342 Carmarthenshire. Carmarthen, 47, 99, 12S, 242, 278 Llandilo, 308 Llanelly, 305 Carnarvonshire. Bangor, 261, 409 Carnarvon, 213, 297 Llandudno, 314 Portmadoc, 380 Cheshire. Alderley Edge, 451 Altrincham, 340, 434 Birkenhead, 279, 288, 297, 361, 456, 460 507 III— England and Wales. CheshiFe — continued. Tiowdon, 434 Cheadle, 348 Chester, 30 (5), 46, 47, 79, 109, in, 122, 151, II 170, 186, 212, 21S, 270, 274, 310, 453 Congleton, 47, 221, 287 Crewe, 240, 299, 334 Dukinfield, 106, 270, 321 Egremont, 360, 433 Frodsham, 130, 414 Oee Cross, 251 Hazel Grove, 418 Hoylake, 452 Hyde, 251, 350 Knutsford, 250, 331 Liscard, 297, 360 Lymm, 385 Macclesfield, 26, 57, 70, 141, 183, 219, 220, 230 Marple, 243 Marple Bridge, 243 Middlewich, 228, 453 Mottram-in-Longdendale, 119, 238 Nantwich, 229, 232 Nestoii, 170 Newton Moor, 270, 276 Northwich, 214, vjo Over, 266 Parkgate, 73, 386 Rock Ferry, 361 Romiley, 347 Runcorn, 314 Sale, 367 Sandbach, 254 Seacombe, 297, 360, 433 Stalybridge, 240, 278, 344, 371 Stockport, 92, 119, 176, 180, 185, 224, 228, 240(3) Wilmslow, 340 Winsford, 266 Cornwall. Bodmin, 242, 242 Callington, 291 Calstock, 436 Camborne, 383 Chacewater, 308 Crovi^an, 247 East Looe, 333 Falmouth, 94, 135, 145, 145, 182, 208 Fowey, 93, 334 Hayle, 274 Helston, 95, 237 Kingsand, 196 Launceston, 159, 317 Liskeard, 284 I.ostwithiel, 323 Marazion, 200 Millbrook, 326 Nevifquay, 382 Padstow, 403 I'enryn, 208, 237, 333 Penzance, 108, 130 Redruth, loi, 295 St. Austell, 281 St. Columb, 382 St. Day, 336 St. Germans, 350 St. Ives, 143, 360 St. Mawes, 191 Saltash, 342 Scilly Islands (St. Mary's), 164 Torpoint, 348 Truro, 96, 135, 13S, 204, 242 Tywardreath, 349 Wadebridge, 418 Cumberland. Aspatria, 355 Brampton, 248 Carlisle, 149, 178, 234, 297, 382 Cleator Moor, 421 Cockermouth, 170, 218, 336 Dalston, 206 Egremont, 359 Frizington, 393 Harrington, 371 Keswick, 342 Longtown, 248, 267 Mavyport, 257 Miliom, 370 Penrith, 199, 244 Silloth, 355 Whitehaven, 86, 123, 126, 127, 128, 155, 257, 324 Wigton, 133, 241 Workington, 129, 151, 194, 332, 371, 445 Denbighshire. Denbigh, 215, 348 Wrexham, 233, 365 Wynnstay, 176, 233 Derbyshire. Alfreton, 338 Ashbourne, 322 Kakewell, 432 Belper, 317 Buxton, 131, 357, 395 Chapel-en-le-Frith, 418 Chesterfield, 102, 229, 306, 452 Church Gresley, 399 Cotmanhay, 274 Derby, 61, 154, 210, 311, 318, 343 Dore, 450 Duffield, 455 Glossop, 300 Ilkeston, 351 Long Eaton, 440 Ludworth, 219 Matlock Bath, 379 Mellor, 219 New Mills, 303 Kepton, 248 Ripley, 364 Shipley Gate, 283 Swadlincote, 399 Winshill, 248 Wirksworth, 326 Devonshire. Appledore, 125 Ashburton, 437 Axminster, 250, 281 Barnstaple, 127, 209, 209 Bideford, 125, 226, 281 Brixham, 208 Budleigh Salterton, 257 Chudleigh, 273 Crediton, 118, 120, 365 Crockernwell, 209 CuUompton, 241 Dartmouth, 158, 206, 318 Dawlish, 374 Devonport, 67, 120, 139, 149, 151, 153, 155, 159, 169, 170, 177, 182, 191, 191, 196, 210, 332 Devonshire — continued. East Stonehouse, 88, 120, 126, 151, 153, 170, 201, 210, 214, 354 (2), 409, II 424, 443 Exeter, 63, 88, 124, 131, 133, 145, 150 (2), 155, ,1 186, 209, 358 Exmouth, 120, 153 Great Torrington, 412 Honiton, 141, 322 Ilfiacombe, 210, 348 Ivybridge, 344 Kingsbridge, 242, 378 Moreton-Hampstead, 115 Newton Abbot, 120, 166, 348, 370 Newton Bushel, 243 Okehampton, 401 Ottery St. Mary, 188, 201 Paignton, 180, 367 Plymouth, 72, 88, 90(2), 110, 118, 120, 125, 145, 149, 151, 155, 170, 177, 182, ,1 191, 196, 286, 332, 358 (2), 384, 424 Plymouth Dock, see Uevonport Plympton, 409 Princetown, 305 Roborough Down, 155 St. Thomas's, 131 Seaton, 352 Sidmouth, 115, 153 Southmolton, 269 Starcross, 186, 273 Stoke Damerel, 344, 345, 354 Stonehouse, see Hast Stonehouse Tavistock, 225 Teignmouth, 166, 232 Tiverton, 159, 196, 347 Topsham, 136, 196, 361 Torquay, 241, 371 Torrington, see Great Torrington Totnes, 155, 243, 309 Dorsetshire. Beaminster, 368 Blandford, 176, 246, 280, 359 Bourton, 272 Bridport, 167, 309 Chaidstock, 289 Dorchester, 174, 193, 268 Lyme Regis, 134, 305 M elcombe Regis, see Weymouth Poole, 140 Portland, 286, 339 Shaftesbury, 212, 278 Sherborne, 212, 250, 351 Swanage, 349 Wareham, 261 Weymouth, 71, 151, 159, 171, 174, 197, 202 Wimborne, 299 Durham. Barnard Castle, 120, 175, 260, 275, 356 Bishop Auckland, 346 Bishop Wearmouth, 97, 113 Chester-le-Street, 258, 270, 360 Consett, 433 Crook, 423 Darlington, 123, 369 Durham, 132, 365, 450 Gateshead, 55, 68, 69, 187, 270 Hartlepool, 287 Hartlepool, West, see West Hartlepool Hebburn-on-Tyne, 391 III.— England and Wales. [ 508 ] Durham — continued. Janow-on-TynL', 346 Monk Weavmouth, 129, 33 1 Monk Wearmouth Shore, 193 Seaham Harbour, 304 Shildon, 455 South Shields, 192, 204, 419, 455 Spennymoor, 416 Staindrop, 210, 392 Stockton-on-Tees, 48, 284, 330, 372, 430 Sunderland, 97, 110, no, 113, 370, 425 Swalwell, 69 West Hartlepool, 315, 410, 458 Winlaton, 69 Essex. Barking, 160 Booking, 200, 291, 363 Braintree, 74, 200, 213 Brentwood, 187 Brightlingsea, 105, 271 Buckhurst Hill, 376, 448, 461 (2) Burnham, 57, 288 Castle Hedingham, 275 Chelmsford, 67, 134, 155, 182, 222, 227 Chigwell, 27s Chingford, 275, 422, 428, 437, 443 (2), 452, 461 Clacton-on-Sea, 427 Colchester, 71, 105, 110,127, 142, 169, 192, 198, 200, 227, 308 Dunmow, 383 Epping, 428 Grays, 235, 366, 422 Grays Thurrock, see Grays Halstead, 275, 434 Harwich, 135, 140, 182, 206, 302 Hornchurch, 79 Ingatestone, 102 Kelvedon, 449 Leigh, 457 Loughton, 376 Maldon, 180, 200, 338, 420 Manningtree, 449 Purfleet, 422 Rainham, 437 Rayleigh, 399 Rochford, 152 Romford, 79, 160, 187, 193, 374 Saffron Walden, 361 Shoeburyness, 406 Southend-on-Sea, 336 Tilbury Docks, 422, 437 Waltham Abbey, 56 Walton-on-the-Naze, 405 Woodford, 275 Writtle, 102 Wyvenhoe, 459 Flintshire. Connah's Quay, 455 Holywell, 122, 233 Mold, 261, 377 Rhyl, 394 Aberavon, 321 Aberdare, 306 Bridgend, 62, 400 Cadoxton, 450 Caerphilly, 112 GlamorganshiFe . G:\diXaOVgBias\Ave— continued. Cardiff, 62, 104, 332, 421, 457 Cowbridge, 104, 214, 407 Merthyr Tydvil,' 123 Neath, 200, 252 Penarth, 401 Pontypridd, 386 Swansea, 167, 201, 364, 385 Gloucestershire. Avonmouth, 464 Berkeley, 220 Bristol, 30 (2), 32 (2), 33 (3), 46, 52, 53. 69, 85, M 86, 88, 93, 99, 108, IIS, "8, 121, 130, " 150. 153. 154- 155, 161, 168, 182, 185, 11 193, 196, 208, 211, 221, 240, 298, 307, M 370, 371, 443 Cheltenham, 98, 207 Chipping Campden, 350 Chipping Sodbury, 368 Cirencester, 207, 221, 295 Coleford, 341 Dursley, 315 Forest of Dean, 341 Gloucester, 77, 195, 210, 281, 321, 336 Minchinhampton, 221 Newent, 336 'Newnham-on-Severn, 341 Rudford, 336 Shirehampton, 185 Stow-on-the-Wold, 331 Stroud, 221, 308, 454 Tewkesbury, 77, 327 Wotton-under-Edge, 185, 251, 323 Hampshire. Aldershot, 286, 311, 313, 320, 365, 419 Alton, 381, 423 Andover, 369 Basingstoke, 308 Blacltwater, 459 Bournemouth, 174, 435, 439 Christchurch, 174 Cowes (East), I.W., 60, 436 Cowes (West), n 60 Eareham, 234 Farnborough, 438 Fordingbridge, 346 Gosport, 47, 90, 125, 126, 160, 182, 214, 234, 327. 397. 434 Havant, 131, 251, 318, 418 Flilsea, 135, 137 Landport, 245, 373, 403, 408, 421, 427, 428 I.ymington, 136, 238 Netley, 183 Newport, I.W., 147, 169, 185, 192, 234, 286 Petersfield, 252, 329 Portsea, 47, 82, 90, 100, 107, 118, 120, 123, 125, 155, 242, 242, 24s, 403, 408, 418 Portsmouth, 47, 83, 90, 111, 118, 129, 138, 192, „ 204, 207, 212, 280, 281, 286, 342, 373. 403. 414, 427 11 Common, see Portsea Ringwood, 136 Romsey, 250 Ryde, I. \V,, 162, 308 Sandown, I.W., 411 Shanklin, n 4I2 Shirley, 250, 346 Southampton, 135, 169, 183, 197, 227, 250, 263, " 317. 403 Southsea, 342, 408 'B.Siiapsla.ive— continued. Stubbington, 131 Ventnor, I. W., 290 Winchester, 94, 139, 155, 238, 412 Woolston, 376 Herefordshire. Hereford, 77, 129 Kington, 224, 441 Ledbury, 314 Leominster, 88, 231, 326 Ross, 134, 244 Hertfordshire. Baldock, 197 Berkhampstead, 283 Bishops Stortford, 267, 433 Broxbourne, 444, 450 Bushey, 448 Cheshunt, 324, 452 Chipping Barnet, 369, 448 Elstree, 444 Hatfield, 386 Hemel Hempstead, 401 Hertford, 266 Hitchin, 274 Hookerill, 267, 268 Ploddesdon, 462 London Colney, 160 New Barnet, 450 Kickmansworth, 426, 440 St. Albans, 79, 160, 276, 378 Stevenage, 429 Waltham Abbey, 271 Waltham Cross, 271, 324, 365, 426, 452 Waltham New Town, 365 Watford, 266, 42 1 Huntingdonshire. Huntingdon, 227, 257 Norman Cross, 227 St. Neots, 445 Stilton, 227 Kent. Ashford, 106, 133, 196, 237, 309, 447 Belvedere, 345, 420 '>'5 Bexley Heath, 461 Brabourne Lees, 188, 205 Broadstairs, 457 Bromley, 113 (2), 152, 363, 382, 396, 419 Brompton (New), 166, 196,419 (Old), 100, 166, 195, 373, 419 Canterbury, 52, 54, 121, 124, 139, 140, 183, 196, 198, 200, 204, 333, 37S Chatham, 42, 95, loi, 124, 135, 140, 153, 164, 166, 168, 169, 171, 173, 185, 252, 351.373,454 Chislehurst, 345, 382 Dartford, 194, 231 Deal, 44, 56, 128, 196, 317, 344 > [ 509 1 III.-England and Wales. Kent — continued. Dover, 123, 124, 125, I31, 133,135,145(2), 148, n 151, 155, 176, 188, 203, 279, 354, 438 Erith, 299, 345 Farningham, 408 Faversham, 107, 136 Folkestone, 125, 153, 291 Foots Cray, 105 Gravesend, 94, 134, 199, 227, 280, 376, 439 Greenhithe, 376 Hayes, 396 Heme Bay, 430 Hythe, 132, 140, 188, 205 Lamberhurst, 142 Maidstone, 106, 176, 203, 283, 398, 426 Mailing, see West Mailing Margate, 133, 211 Milton next Gravesend, 94, 280 Milton next Sitlingbourne, 138 Nevf Brompton, 166, 196, 419 Northfleet, 199, 376 Old Brompton, 100, 166, 195, 373, 419 Old Charlton, 194 Plumstead, 39, 308, 328, 382, 425, 453 Ramsgate, 102, 196, 236, 270, 354 Riverhead, 355 Rochester, 130, 166, 244, 252, 340 St. Mary Cray, 434 Sandgate, 140, 204, 299, 374 Sandwich, 2oi, 204, 354 Sevenoaks, 93, 372 Sheerness, 117, 150(2), 344 Sidcup, 320, 463 Sitlingbourne, 138, 360 Swanley, 345 Tenterden, 409 Tunbridge, 394 Tunbridge Wells, 325, 438 Walmer, 344 West Mailing, 194, 341 Westerham, 355, 425 Whitstable, 82, 415 Wilmington, 408, 425, 434 Wrotham, 181 Lancashire. Accrington, 227, 276, 349 Anfield, 439 Ardwick, 350, 390, 437 Ashton-in-Makerfield, 280 Ashton-under-Lyne, 219, 231, 270, 348, 364, 402 Audenshaw, 402 Bacup, 227, 228 Balderston, 246 Barrow-in-Furness, 338, 356 Beswick, 343 Birkdale, 461 Blackburn, 193, 219, 245, 246 Blackley, 343 Blackpool, 308, 377, 45° Bolton, 62, 145, 190. 246, 398 Bootle, 311, 367, 377. 460 Bradford, 343 Burnley, X32, 219, 252, 341 Bury, 65, 134, 171. 174. 219. 337. 37o Castleton, 448 Cheetham, 82, 302, 340 Chorley, 164, 311, 33^ Chorlton-cum-Hardy, 369, 370 Chorlton-upon-Medlock, 66, 390 Chowbent, 246 Church, 402 Clayton-le-Dale, 246 Clayton-le-Moors, 381 Clitheroe, 254 Colne, 125 Lancashire — continued. Croston, 335 Crumpsall, 302 Dalton-in-Furness, 370 Darwen, 260 Denton, 184 Didsbury, 369, 451 Eccles, 240, 354, 366 Everton, 53, 320 Facit, 251 Fairfield, 445 Farnworth, 246, 247, 306 Fleetwood, 260, 331, 342 Freckleton, 260 Fulwood, 243 Garstang, 266 Garston, 190 Grange-over-Sands, 397 Great Crosby, 369, 445 Halshaw Moor, see Farnworth Haslingden, 188, 225, 228 Heap Bridge, 219 Heaton Chapel, 338 Heaton Moor, 348, 431 Heaton Norris, 92, 338 Heywood, 219 Higher Hurst, 364 Hindley, 450 Hindpool, see Barrow-in-Furness HoUinwood, 26 Horwich, 448 Hulme, 219, 319, 404 Kearsley, 247, 306 Kirkdale, 339, 343, 364, 401 Kirkham, 260, 342 Knotty Ash, 458 Lancaster, 224, 231, 340, 367 Leigh, 58, 145, 189, 367 Levenshulme, 335 Leyland, 452 Litherland, see Waterloo Littleborough, 193, 319 Liverpool, 33 {2), 48, 53 (2), 69, 72, 73, 75 (2), 107, 110, 115, 148, 179, 188, 190, 204, 208, 229, 295, 305, 306 (2), 311, 317, 320, 337, 344, 352. 359, 362, 364, 367 (2), 370, 380 (2), 383, 38s, 388, 394, 425, 431, 439, 441, 447, 449. 462 Longsight, 458 Lower Broughton, 335 Lytham, 341 Manchester, 33, 66 (3), 76 (3), 81, 82, 105, 134, 147. 153. 171. 179, 180 (2), 183, 184, 187, 188, 219 (3), 221, 237, 301, 302, 336, 337 (2), 340 (2), 343, 348, 349, 35°. 351. 355. 358. 376, 390, II 404, 421, 435, 437, 448, 451, 453, 457 (2), 459 Mellor, 246 Middleton, 96 Milnrow, 82 Monk-Coniston, 463 Morecambe, 385 Mossley, 35 5 Moss Side, 379 Much Woolton, 190 Nelson, 438 Newchurch, 221, 228 Newton Heath, 376 Newton-le-Willows, 280, 435 Oldham, 61, 222, 277, 411, 449 Old Trafford, 379, 441 Openshaw, 82, 294 Ormskirk, 213, 293, 371 Oswaldtwistle, 260 Over Darwen, see Darwen Padiham, 252, 380 Patricroft, 354 Pendleton, 240, 402 Pilkington, 245 Poulton-le-Fylde, 358 Prescot, 100 67 'Ldiae2iSYivV6— continued. Preston, 124, 124, 148, 158, 195, 235, 243, 245, 11 286, 441 Prestwich, 382 Radcliff, 245 Kamsbottom, 391 Rawtenstall, 418 Ringley Bridge, 82, 247 Roby, 305 Rochdale, 73, 225, 231, 252, 347 Royton, 231, 445 Rusholme, 340 St. Anne's-on-the-Sea, 458 St. Helen's, 171, 327, 454 Salford, 50, 76, 82, 105, 134, 187, 219 (2), 240, " 301, 323, 330, 337, 348 Samlesbury, 246, 251 Seaforth, 369 Shaw, 323 Smallbridge, 252 Southport, 298, 342, 363, 441, 446, 448, 451 Stalybridge, see ' ' Cheshire " Stockport, see ' ' Cheshire " Stretford, 147, 387, 441 Stoneclough, 247 Swinton, 440 Thornham, 445 Todmorden, 189, 228 Tue Brook, 389 Tyldesley, 246 Ulverston, 335 Urmston, 399 Walton-le-dale, 251 Walton-on-the-Hill, 397 Wardle, 3 [9 Warrington, 33, 66, 146, 171, 358 Waterfoot, 396 Waterloo, 306, 369 Wavertree, 352, 446, 449 Werneth, 61 West Derby, 317, 362 West Gorton, 376 Whalley, 463 Whitefield, 219, 330 Whittle-le-Woods, see AATiittle-Springs Whittle-Springs, 338 Whitworth, 251 Widnes, 369 Wigan, 75, 163, 213, 365, 444, 448 Withington, 348, 369 Worsley, 406 Leicestepshire. Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 271, 316 Coalville, 456 Coleorton, 223 Hinckley, 71 Leicester, 84, 95, 104, 223, 285, 370, 385, 428, 456 Loughborough, 269, 336 Market Harborough, 365 Melton Mowbray, 347 Narborough, 424 Lincolnshire. Alford, 388 Barton-upon-Humber, 214, 375 Boston, 220, 295, 321 Bourn, 356 Brigg, 228, 288, 361 Crowle, 378 III.— England and Wales. [ Sio ] Lineolnshire —continued. Montgomeryshire. Northumberland— ««i'2«««i/ Epworth, 378 Llanidloes, 386 Tweedmouth, 115 Gainsborough, 216, 269 Newtown, 387 Tynemouth, 110, 410, 448 Glanford Brigg, see Brigg Welchpool, 121, 336 Walker-on-Tyne, 366 Grantham, 225, 251 Wallsend-upon-Tyne, 335, 461 Great Grimsby, 80, 228, 288, 317, 362, 445 Willington Quay, 335 Holbeach, 335 Wooler, 124, 141 Horncastle, 266, 363 Lincoln, 55, 77, 168, 231, 370, 450 Long Sutton, 335 NoFfolh:. Louth, 228, 268, 309 Market Rasen, 269, 361 New Sleaford, see Sleaford Acle, 89 Aylsham, 117 Nottinghamshire. Scunthorpe, 428 Skegness, 413 Sleaford, 216, 295 Spalding, 83, 247, 277 Blakeney, 116, 132 Coltishall, 117 Diss, 174, 400 East Dereham, 335 East Retford, see Retford Eastwood, 274, 379 Mansfield, 160, 293, 409 Newark-upon- Trent, 103, 223, 393 Nottingham, 33 (2), 68, 80, 97, 130, 168, 173, 239, 265, 267, 371, 373, 374, 404, Spilsby, 270 Sutton Bridge, 33S Fakenham, 143, 346 Great Yarmouth, 89, 94, I16, I19, 231 II 261 235 244. Harleston, 100 Horstead, 109 Hoveton St. John, 118 King's Lynn, see Lynn Regis Ludham, 118 414, 423 Retford, 226, 405 Southwell, 371, 446 Sutton-in-Ashfield, 454 Worksop, 226, 330 MerionethshiFe. Lynn (or Lynn Regis), 53, 98, 115, 121 II 236, 257, 259 , 128 234. Bala, 368 North Walsham, 118, 405 ' Barmouth, 42 1 Dolgelly, 88 Norwich, 30 (2), 46, 71, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94 11 99, TOO, 102, 109, 110, 116, 117, . 97. 124, Oxfordshire. Towyn, 386 129, 131, 132, 143, 182, 1S7, 194, 227, 235, 267, 319, 331, 379 46s Banbury, 85, 134, 245, 296 S waff ham, 93, 138 Bicester, 139, 449 Thetford, 143 Burford, 455 Thorpe St. Andrew, 143 Chipping Norton, 134, 339 Trowse, 116 Henley-on-Thames, 279, 413 Walsingham, 109 Nuneham, 279 Middlesex. Wells-next-the-Sea, 441 Wroxham, 117 Oxford, 53, 137 (2), 153, 171, 172,244,250,279, II 381 Enfield, 271, 357, 386 Feltham, 364, 385 Great Stanmore, 384, 391, 396 Wymondham, 353 Yarmouth, see Great Yarmouth Thame, 401 Witney, 396 Woodstock, 371 Halliford, 363, 376 Hampton, 211, 364, 380 Hampton Court, 211, 309, 316, 317, 353. 362, " " 363. 372, 373. 376. 379. 380, M 388, 392, 395, 424, 429, 430 Northamptonshire. Peinbrokeshire. " (2). 437, 452 Hampton Hill, 380 Daventry, 452 Haverfordwest, 79, 86, 277 Hampton Wick, 392 Kettering, 275 Milford (Milford Haven), 252 Harrow, 363 Northampton, 55, 220, 251, 277, 402, tH. 456 Narberth, 422 Harrow Station, 363, 391, 413, 426 Oundle, 277 New Milford, see Neyland Hounslow, 254, 324, 403, 411, 429, 462 Peterborough, 129, 239, 273, 463 Neyland, 335 Isleworth, 128, 353 Stamford, 94, 277 Pembroke, 290, 400 Potters Bar, 363 Thrapston, 297 Pembroke Dock, 259 Southall, 357, 363, 435 Towcester, 274 Tenby, 351 Staines, 316, 388, 463 Wellingborough, 312 Stanmore, see Great Stanmore Sunbury, 399 Teddington, 331, 362, 379, 404 Twickenham, 210, 317, 331, 353, 357, 403 Uxbridge, 104, 261 West Barnet, 363 373. 3S0. Rutlandshire. Northumberland. Oakham, 359 West Drayton, 391 Alnwick, 202, 205, 350, 412 Amble, 412 Bedlington, 414 Berwick-on-Tweed, 86, 137, 263, 266 Blanchland, 114 Blyth, 304, 390 Byker, 279, 366 Shropshire. Admaston, 297 Bridgnorth, 124, 176, 237, 389 Ellesmere, 433 Monmouthshire. Ford, ri9 Gosforth, 393 Ironbridge, 346 Ludlow, 225, 298 Abergavenny, 245, 320 Hexham, 130, 384 Market Drayton, 386 Chepstow, 250, 437 Morpeth, 123, 192, 301 Newport, 413 Monmouth, 161, 245, '276 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 45, no, 116, IS'. 182, Oswestry, 69, 176, 210, 347, 373 Newport, 112, 117, 278, 286, 307, 373 266, 279, 289, 307, 366, Shrewsbury, 71, 89, 126, 127, 210, 217 Pontypool, 129, 359 373. 390, 394. 397, 443, Wellington, 221, 297 Rhymney, 440 II 461, 462 Wem, 285 Risca, 385 North Shields, 114, 151, 226, 271, 448 Whitchurch, 212, 219, 447 Tredegar, 345 Rothbury, 203 Woore, 273 sir III— England and Wales. SomeFsetshire. Bath, 30 (2), 46, 63, 72, 100, 132, 14s, 168, 209, „ 260, 327 Bridgwater, 125, 137, 189 Brislington, 362 Bruton, 278, 334 Chard, 237, 41S Clevedon, 400 Congresbury, 353 Crewkerne, 148, 319 Dulverton, 76 Frome, 222, 333 •Glastonbury, 315 Highbridge, 229 Huntspill, 229 Ilminster, 217, 353 Keynsham, 327, 408 Langport, 425 Martock, 242 Minehead, 453 Portishead, 401 Shepton Mallet, 76, 227 Taunton, 54, 134, 184, 217, 229 Wellington, 189, 419 Wells, 211, 274 Weston, near Bath, 327 Weston-super-Mare, 355 Wincanton, 230, 272 Wiveliscombe, 76 Yatton, 353 Yeovil, 242 Staffordshire. Bilston, 246 Burslem, 114, 274 Burton-upon-Trent, 248, 300 ■Cannock, 381 Cheadle, 387 Etruria, 199, 439 Fazeley, 233 Fenton, 417 Handsworth, 229, 279 Hanley, III, 268, 434 Harborne, 404 Kidsgrove, 415 Lane End, 116, 221, 289 Leek, 245, 333 Lichfield, 155, 15S, 183, 214, 245, 339 Longnor, 131, 214 Longton, 289 ■Newcastle-under-Lyme, 104 (2), 156, 230, 276 Rugeley, 417 Stafford, 244, 271, 311, 345 Stoke-upon-Trent, 199, 301 Stone, 460 Tamworth, 235, 341 Tipton, 168, 246, 305 Tunstall, 427 Uttoxeter, 275 Walsall, 288, 459 Wednesbury, 308 West Bromwich, 305 Wolverhampton, 58, 68, 72, 114, 246, 269, 286, II 408 Suffolk. Aldeburgh, 98, 330 Beccles, 109, 207, 232 Bungay, 118, 329 Bury St. Edmunds, 56, 57, 62, 143. '53, 227, 337, 387 Suffolk — continued. Clare, 300, 407 Eye, 169, 284, 393 Felixstowe, 451 Framlingham, 87, 291 Gorleston, 390 Hadleigh, 242 Halesworth, 226, 262 Ipswich, 59, 124, 168, 174, 182, 192, 212, 227, " 259, 332 Lowestoft, 89, 104, 375 Melford, 218 Melton, 169 Newmarket, see "Cambridgeshire" Saxmundham, 87 Southwold, 291, 420 Stowmarket, 102, 284 Sudbury, 194, 300, 356 Woodbridge, 98, 164, 169 Surrey. Addiscombe, 384 Bialey, 447 Camberley, 397 Carshalton, 274, 276, 413 L'aterham, 429 Chertsey, 255, 410, 432 Croydon, 133,150, 274,276,384,407,410,416,430 Croydon (East), 274 Croydon (V\'est), 384 Dorking, 349 East Molesey, 274, 420, 440, 442, 459, 464 Egham, 407 Epsom, 173, 420, 455 Esher, 410 Ewell, 267, 409 Farnham, 340 Godalming, 430 Guildford, 174, 178, 243, 274, 3 16, 441 Horley, 461 Kingston-on-Thames, 65, 161, 267, 326, 391, 409, 457 Old Woking, 370 Red Hill, 368 Keigate, 209, 268 Surbiton, 387, 411, 415, 434 Sutton, 274, 366, 413, 420 Thames Ditton, 274, 391 Weybridge, 389, 462 Woking, 370, 385, 447 Woking Village, 385 York Town, 397 Sussex. Arundel, 74 Battle, 169, 352 Bognor, 398 Brighton, 220, 236, 259, 312, 319, 376, 391, 407 11 (2), 438 Burwash, 142 Chichester, 30 (2), 46, 54, 63, 74, 151, 222, 242 Cuckfield, 376 Eastbourne, 100, 328, 345, 456 East Grinstead, 389 Hastings, 63, 182, 200, 237 Hayward's Heath, 376 Henfield, 437 Horsham, 260, 348 Hove, 418 Sussex —continued. Hurstpierpoint, 404 Lewes, 149, 155, 193, 205, 234, 249, 362 Littlehampton, 74, 297 Maresfield, 249 New Shoreham, see Shoreham Pevensey, 459 Rye, 142, 244 St. Leonards-on-Sea, 408 Seaford, 236 Shoreham, 149, 222, 407 Uckfield, 249, 457 Westham, 459 Worthing, 251, 322 Warwiekshire. Alcester, 231 Aston, 358 Atherstone, 365 Birmingham, 65, 72, 82, 86, 92, iii, 125, 225, 229, 277, 278, 279, 295, 312, 326, 329, 330, 337, 338, 350. 351, 377, 384, 391 Coleshill, 403 Coventry, 33 {2), 67, 68, 141, 211, 311, 390 Henley-in-Arden, 225 Kenilworth, 150, 311 Leamington, 263 Nuneaton, 271 Rugby, 283 Solihull, 373 Stratford-on-Avon, 229, 316, 433 Sutton Coldfield, 233, 318 Warwick, 51, 227, 227, 292 Westmorland. Appleby, 319, 460 Kendal, 135 Kirkby Lonsdale, 342 Windermere, 440 Wiltshire. Box, 243 Bradford-on-Avon, 231, 360 Calne, 300 Chippenham, 131, 300 Corsham, 243 Devizes, 172, 177, 217, 305 Hindon, 236 Market Lavington, 241 Marlborough, 163, 182, 182, 382 Melksham, 147, 243 Monkton Farleigh, 243 New Swindon, 300, 362 Salisbury, 62, 106, 146, 207, 209, 246, 262, 295 Swindon, 249 Trowbridge, 266, 300 Warminster, 69, 172, 378 Westbury, 243, 440 IV.— Naval and Military Lodges. SI2 Woreestershire. Yorkshire- -continued. Yorkshire — continued. Bewdley, 103 Haworth, 227, 233, 267 Snainton, 26 Bromsgrove, 213, 291 Hebden Bridge, 233 Sowerby Bridge, 361 Droitwich, 213 Heckmondwike, 214 Stansfield, 233 Dudley, 168, 209, 282, 291, 293 Heptonstall, 233 Steeton-in-Craven, 158 Stokesley, 289 Evesham, 249 High Town, 214 Halesowen, 293 Holm firth, 303 Thirsk, 372 Kidderminster, 136, 247, 259, 282, 411 Honley, 146 Thome, 443 Malvern, 354 Hornsea, 380 Thornhill, 182 Moseley, 425 Hovingham, 26 Thornton, 274 Oldbury, 452 Howden, 300 Uppermill, 243 Pershore, 249 Huddersfield, 222, 229, 285 , 403 Upper Soothill, 355 Stourbridge, 65, 126, 166, 292 Hull, 75, 90, 110, 121, 123 , 154, 185, 206, 209, Wakefield, 148, 281, 337 Stourport, 291 „ 337, 388, 433, 460 Wetherby, 205 Tenbury, 344 Ilkley, 381 Whitby, 112, 178, 23s Worcester, 33, 80, 224, 287 Keighley, 218, 227 York, 26 (3), 122, 136, 185, 193, 200, 243, Kingston-upon-HuU, see Hi 11 M 389, 421, 448 Kirkburton, 425 Knaresborough, 26, 214 Leeds, 102, 122, 226, 228, 232. 233, 254, 276, Yorkshire. " 339. 354, 355. 363. 427 Lindley, 381 CHANNEL ISLANDS. Almonbury, 237 Baildon, 261, 383 Barnoldswick-in-Craven, 227 Barnsley, 146, 222, 280, 380 Little Gomersal 214 Malton, 304 Meltham, 146 Middleham, 193 Alderney, 199, 295 Guernsey, 99 (2), 108 (2), 122, 157, 193, II 202, 203, 205, 241 (5), 242, 292 Jersey, 98, 145, 168, 183, 186, 188, 192, II 201, 203 (2), 203, 205, 206, 207, ,1 291, 295, 325, 332, 336 201, .405 300, Batley, 218, 333, 355 Batley Carr, 320 Beverley, 207, 230 Middlesbrough, 297, 409, 453 Millbridge, 214 Milnsbridge, 443 281, Bingley, 218, 273 Mirfield, 218, 345 Bradford, 232, 286, 296, 333, 337, 392, 448 Morley, 260 Bridlington, 312 Northallerton, 365 Bridlington Quay, 312 Otley, 129, 345 ^ ISLE OF MAN. Brighouse, 260, 362 Pateley Bridge, 234 Castleford, 383 Penistone, 376 Castletown, 450, 465 Cleckheaton, 297, 313 Pontefract, 328 Douglas, 336, 357, 426 (2), 438, 458, 465 Cullingworth, 273 Pudsey, 448 Peel, 435 Dobcross, 119, 243 Redcar, 357 Ramsey, 342 Delph, 243 Richmond, 131 Dewsbury, 146, 182, 320 Ripen, 26, 198, 276, 321 Doncaster, 205, 218 Rotherham, 26, 226, 327 Driffield, 339 Saddleworth, 119, 277 CYPRUS, Island of Eastwood, 233 Saltburn-by-the-Sea, 3S9 Eccleshill, 339 Scarborough, 26, 53, 176, 218, 358, 401 Larnaca, 454 Elland, 356 Selby, 237, 292 Limasol, 444 Filey, 302 Settle, 140, 429 Gomersal, see Little Gomersal Sheffield, 86 (2), 89, 102, 136, 141, 15s, 230, Goole, 276 357. 403. 443. 444. 460 Guisbrough, 291 Shipley, 261 MALTA, Island of Halifax, 80, 154, 168, 222, 233, 274, 362, 399 Skipton, 221, 227, 319 Harewood, loi Slaidburn, 265 Malta, 220, 236, 247, 251, 267, 284, 286 , 415. Harrogate, 336 Slaithwaite, 391 II 416 IV.— NAVAL AND MILITARY LODGES, NAVAL LODGES. H.M.S. Canceaux, 127 II Guadaloupe, 125 11 Prince, 125 II Vanguard, 121 MILITARY LODGES. Cavalry. 1st Regiment Life Guards, 236 1st II Dragoon Guards, 203 Cavalry — continued. 3rd Regiment Dragoons, 145 5th I. Dragoon Guards, 246 6th II Dragoons (Inniskilling), 111,193,201 7th II Light Dragoons, 174 8th M Hussars, 255 9th 11 Dragoons, 183 nth II Light Dragoons, 106,202 13th II 11 272 17th If II 183 Cornwall Regiment of Fencible Light Dragoons, 237 Lord Ancram's Regiment of [nth] Dragoons, 106 Prince of Wales's Fencible Cavalry, 193 Artillery. Royal Artillery, 1st Battalion, 116, 140, 161 II 2nd II 124 II 4th 11 40, 151, 203, 204 11 5th II 100 II 6th II 140, 199 II 9th II 140 II loth 11 206, 207 11 [not stated], 39, 66, 166, 19S, " 465 (2) 4th Garrison Battalion, 203 Artillery (Halifax, N.S.), 263, 264 Bengal Artillery, 262 Bombay Horse Artillery, 268 SI3 v.- Europe. Artillery— cotttinueii. Capt. Adams' Company, 207 Capt. W. G. Eliot's Company, 100 Capt. P. Webdell's Company, 138 Ordnance and Transport Corps, 453 Pennsylvania Artillery, 481 Royal Horse Artillery, 127 Royal Train of Artillery, 174 Ubique Lodge, London, 404 Infantry. Coldstream Regiment of Guards, 197 1st or Royal Regiment (Royal Scots), 236 2nd Regiment Foot, 466 3rd 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th nth 1 2th 13th 14th 17th 1 8th 19th 23rd 24th 28th 30th 31st 33fd 34th 37th 40th 44th 45* 46th Soth Sist 52nd 54th 55th S7th 58th 60th 65th 67th 68th 70th 72nd 76th 78th 79th Soth 85th 89th 90th 91st 92nd 94th 133 206 248, 264 126, 469 (2) 106 139 86, 194 320 126 78, 202, 205, 286 47, 164, 481 201 238 169 163 465 (2), 472 466 313 95 (2), 247, 466 203, 210 33. 74. 281 67 210 178 272 106 (2) 97. 247 127, 133. 192, 266 27s 478 33. 67. 249. 479 200 469 141 135 205 46s 88 168 126, 197 142 192, 251 188, 192 272, 281, 467 248, 465 142, 196 200 239 Infantpy — continued. 95th Regiment Foot, 133, 265 96th II 11 133 looth II II 465 lo8th II 11 465 Army (Jersey), 98 1st Brigade (Bengal), 184 2nd II II 184 3rd II II 184, 186, 195 4th II (India), 213 Canada Expedition, 468 Carnatic Military Lodge, 213 Connecticut Line, 474 Cornwallis (General) Regiment (24th Foot), 163 East Surrey Regiment (31st Foot), 313 Garrison, Calcutta, 195, 196 II Chatham, 185 II Gibraltar, 251 II St. John's, Newfoundland, 168 11 Sydney, Cape Breton, 198 His Sicilian Majesty's Regiment of Foot, 164 Honywood's Regiment (57th Foot), 33, 67 King's Own Regiment (8th Foot), 106 Loyal Surrey Rangers, 238 Maryland Line, 476 Military Lodge, Ashford, 237 II Crown Point, New York, 478 11 East Stonehouse, 443 II P'oots Cray, 105 II George Town, Penang, 467 II Halifax, Nova Scotia, 473 (2) II Louisbourg, Cape Breton, 472 II Montreal, 468 II North Carolina, 480 II Quebec, 468 (3) II Upcamp, Jamaica, 484 Native Infantry, 7th Regiment, 272 11 i6th II 466 New Jersey Brigade, 477 II Line, 477 II Volunteers, 477 Northumberland Fusiliers (5th Foot), 206 Pennsylvania Line, 481 (2) Queen's Rangers, Niagara, 470 Recton's Hanoverian Brigade, New York, 162 Regiment, Anspach Berauth, New York, 154 Regiment of Anholt Zerbst, Canada, 216 Rifle Brigade, 265 Royal Canadians, 470 II Engineers (37th Company), 333 11 First Warwickshire Regiment, 248 II Invalids' Corps, 191 II Irish Fusiliers, 281 II Irish Regiment, 201 II Military Artificers, 186, 205 II Military Lodge, 190 II Nova Scotia, 473 II Scots Regiment, 236 II Veterans, 206 II Welsh Fusiliers, 169, 473 Scotch Brigade, 239 Stuart's (General) Regiment (37th Foot), 33, 74 Suffolk Regiment (12th Foot), 320 United States Battalion, 479 York Light Infantry, 484 Royal Marines. Royal Marines, in, 120, 171, 173, 199, 201,454 Militia. Berwickshire Regiment, 164 IS (Royal), 232 II 242 " 154 155 160, 209 145 Cambridge, Cheshire, n Cornwall, n Cumberland, n Devon (East), ist n Devon, (North),2ndii Hants (North), h King's Own Stafford Regiment, 151 Lancashire ist Royal, 145 (2) Lancashire 2nd n I lb Lancashire 3rd n 124 Leicester, 94 London (West), 146, 186 Middlesex (West), 188 Middlesex (Royal Westminster), 237 Monmouth (Royal), 246 Royal Cornish Miners, 13S Shropshire, 126 Staffordshire, 151 Warwickshire, 227 West London, 146, 186 West Middlesex, 188 Westminster, 192, 237 Wiltshire, 182 Yorkshire, ist Regiment, Yorkshire, 2nd Yorkshire, East Riding Regiment, 207 Yorkshire, North, 247 136 (West), 243 Volunteer Forces. Bloomsbury Rifles, 451 Gothic and Westminster Volunteers, 140 Leigh Rifle Volunteers, 326 London Irish Rifles, 447 London Rifle Brigade, 419 London Scottish Rifles, 447 Middlesex (ist) Artillery Volunteers, 349 Middlesex (2nd) n 460 Middlesex Rifles, 411 New South Wales Volunteer Artillery, 330 Queen's Westminster Rifles, 424 South Middlesex Rifles, 323 Surrey (ist) Rifles, 355 Tower Hamlets Engineers, 327 Victoria Rifles, 320 , West Kent Volunteers, 425 West York Engineers, 355 Wolverhampton Rifle Volunteers, 408 v.— EUROPE. Alost, 141 Ghent, 163 Mons, 171 Ostend, 157 Belgium. Denmark. Copenhagen, 89, 92 France. Aubigny, 69 Avignon, 210 Bordeaux, 148 Brest, 139 68 VI.-Asia. 514 'FVBXICB— continued. Grenoble, 154 Havre, 150 Havrincourt, 139 Marseilles, 107 Paris, 58 St. Amand, 139 Valenciennes, 67, 139 Germany. Aix-la-Chapelle, 223 Alstaedt, 238 Altenburg, 223 Berlin, 156 Brunswiclc, 173 Carlsruhe, 224 Cassel, 188, 223 Celle, 253 Creyfeld, 224 Dantzic, 220 Einbeck, 253 Frankfort-on-tlie-Main, 88, 248, 252 Gera, 246 Goerlitz, 239 Gottingen, 253 Hamburg, 65, 86, 88, 215 (4), 235 Hanover, iii, 213, 253 Hildesheim, 129, 225 Hildsburghausen, 214 Hoya, 253 Kempten, 223 Leipzig, 240 Lubeck, 239 Liineberg, 253 Marborough, 155 Mainz, 221 Munden, 254 Naumberg, 246 Nienberg, 254 NUrnberg, 223, 247, 253 Oldenburg, 239 Osterrode, 254 Ratisbon, 224 Rostock, 239 Rudolstadt, 238 Scliwerin, 104 Strasburg, 180 Ulm, 224 Greece. Corfu, Island of, 274, 286 Zante, m 325 Holland. Amsterdam, 71, 100, 101, 109, 112, 116, 128, „ 129, 143 Flushing, 165 Hague (The), 68, 97 Rotterdam, 92, 124, 157 (2), 161 Ireland. Athlone, 286 Bandon, 203 Cahir, 135 Castlebar, 242, 286 Clonmel, 203, 203 Cork, 202, 286 Drogheda, 227 DubUn, 139, 193, 202, 227, 286 Dundalk, 174 Enniscorthy, 135 Enniskillen, 242 Fermoy, 168, 196, 206, 286 Galway, 286 Ireland (not located), 155 Limerick, 286 Mallow. 242 Italy. Genoa, 208 Leghorn, 108, 118, 176 (2) Messina, 202 Naples, 164, 168, 204, 206 Turin, 194 Venice, 183 Verona, 183 Russia. Balaclava, 286 Courland, 204, 215 Helsingfors (Finland), 169 Liebau, 204 Moscow, 192 Riga, 215 St. Petersburg, 176, 191 (3) Sebastopol, 286 Yassy (or Jassy), 192 Scotland. Portugal. Lisbon, 69, 139, 194, 199, 200 Edinburgh, 193 Fort George, 116 Perth, 124, 182 Spain. Cadiz, 311 Gibraltar, 52, 56, 78, 106, 124, 124, 128, 140, 148, 151, 156, 161, 163, 204, 205, 11 206, 207, 213, 222, 225, 248, 251, 254, 313. 465 (8) Madrid, 50 Minorca, 91, 92, 93, 95, 108, 120, 134, 238 Port Mahon, 108 Spain (not located), 246 Sweden. Gothenberg, 169 Stockholm, 137, 169 (2) Berne, 250 Lausanne, 85 Switzerland. Turkey. Constantinople, 307, 320, 326, 339 Ephesus, 334 Smyrna, 319, 327, 331, 337 (2), 366 Yassy (or Jassy), see Russia VI.— ASIA. Afghanistan. Cabul, 410 Andaman Islands. Port Blair, 34S Aden, 286 Quetta, 449 Arabia. Belooehistan. British Borneo. Elopura, 430 Sandakan, 454 British Burma. Akyab, 302 Arracan, 467 Bassein, 400 Mandalay, 440 Maulmain, 289 Myingyan, 463 Rangoon, 299, 321, 359 Thayetmyo, 306, 369 Tonghoo, 344' British India, Bengal. Assensole, 379 Barrackpore, 459, 467 Bengal [not located_, 184 (3) Berhampore, 195 Euidwan, 163 Calcutta, 56, 85, 95, 122 (2), 124, 184, 186 (2), 189, 195, 19s (2), 196, 197, 197, 198, 202, 205, 262 (2), 265, 280, 283, 286, 320 (2), 322, 350, 457, 466 (2), 467 Chandernagore, 96 Cooch Behar, 457 Cuttack, 345 Dacca, 183, 314 , Darjeeling, 301, 382, 456 Dinapore, 269, 354, 467 Dura Dum, 262, 322, 369 SIS VI-Asia. British India, Bengal— confmued. British India, Madras. British India, Funiab—coniiinted. Fredericksnagore, 222 Hazareebagli, 367 Howrah, 198, 425 Jamalpore, 382 Mozufferpore, 422 Murshidabad, 186 Muxadavad, 186 Naraingunge, 461 Noacally, 248 Nusseerabad, 281, 467 Patna, 161 . Kanikhet, 286, 427 Saidpur, 410 Arcot, 213, 236 Bangalore, 236, 280, 339 Bellary, 277, 466 Calicut, 437 Cannanore, 251, 270, 272, 340 JuUunder, 300, 335, 422 Kasauli, 307, 432 Kohat, 360 Kurnaul, 273 Lahore, 316, 355, 378, 45' ChepauU, 466 Mian-Mir, 378 Coast of Coromandel, 216 (4) Mooltan, 363 Cocanada, 405 Murree, 306, 375, 419 Madras, 96, 97, 126, 146 (4), 154, 155, 213, 216 „ (2), 221, 236, 236, 238, 239, 272 (3), Palumpore, 374 Peshawar, 294 II 272 (2), 275, 277, 292, 353, 414, 424, „ 463, 466 (4), 467 Madura, 450 Rawal Pindi, 306, 372, 419, 421 Sialkot, 335 Simla, 276 Sibsagur, 421 yomastipore, 422 Mysore, 408 Negapatam, 333, 410 Ootacamund, 236, 270, 361 Palamcoltah, 401, 446 Poonamallee, 272 Quilon, 238, 251, 272, 466 St. Thomas' Mount, 216 (2), 224, 329, 466, 467 Seringapatam, 216 Trichinopoly, 216 (2), 224, 236, 239 Subathu, 307 Umballa, 292 Ceylon. British India, Bombay. Tuticorin, 401 Vellore, 213, 466 {2) Ceylon, 203, 272 Vizagapatam, 467 Colombo, 97, 199, 238, 271, 275, 436 Abu Road, 434 Wallajahbad, 236 Kandy, 275 Ahmednagar, 260, 452 Wellington, 236, 344 Point de Galle, 238 Ajmere, 447 Trincomalee, 238, 467 Amraoti, 392 Baroda, 435 Bhusasval, 399 Bombay, 119, 262, 290, 314 . 331. 341. 345. 352. " ' 367. 397> 403 466, 467 Budneira, 392 Deesa, 388 British India, North West Provinces. China. Dhawar, 463 Egutpooiah, 360 Hyderabad, 325 Kaira, 254 Karachi, 315, 463 Kotree, 325 Manora, 456 Nusseerabad, 429 Poona, 260, 268, 467 Sholapur, 378 Sukkur, 380 Sural, 183, 236 Agra, 273, 282, 285, 291, 417, 467 Allahabad, 262, 263, 396 Kareilly, 282, 408 Benares, 285, 400 Cawnpore, 186, 230, 263, 273, 286, 449, 467 Chakrata, 456 Chunar, 230 Futehguih, 213, 282, 427 Amoy, 403, 405 Canton, 158, 282, 423 Chinkiang, 373 Foochow, 414 Hong Kong, 282, 286, 338, 350, 366 Ningpo, 355 Shanghai, 282, 292, 338 Tien-tsin, 418 Fyzal)ad, 321 Gonda, 321 Gorakhpur, 423 Ihansi, 341 Lucknow, 286, 290 Meerut, 267, 288 Japan. Morar, 341 Mussoorie, 301 Kobe, 371 Muttra, 456 TOkid, 366, 423 Naini Tal, 411 Yeddo [now T61 39 , ,,. _ Kent of East ColUngwood, Colhngwood, Vict. , 322 „ Melbourne, FiWon'a, 322 Kentish of Antiquity, Chatham, 42 Kerala, Calicut, India, 437 Kerang, Kerang, Victoria, 432 Keys'.one, Facit, 251 II Samlesbury, 251 I, Walton-le-dale, 251 I, Whitworth, 251 Khan Bahadur B. Rajkotwalla, Karachi, India, 463 Khyber, Peshawar, India, 294 Kilburn, London, 388 Kilmore, Kilmore, Victoria, 322 ,. , „ Kilwinning in the East, Calcutta, India, 265, 283 Kilwinning in the West, Nusseerabad, India, 467 Kindred Hope, " , „^" 281 KinsDavid's, Newport, i?-^ II St. John, Antigua, West Indies, 208 Mount Victoria, M ount Victoria, New South Wales, 426 Mount Zion, Borelia, Canada, 298 Mountain of Bombala, Bombala, New South Wales, 329 Mourning Bush, London, 43 Mozart, Croydon, 416 Mundy Grove, Shipley Gate, 283 Murray, St. Andrew's, Catiuda, 258 Muse Clio, Moscow, Russia, 192 Muse Urania, St. Petersburg, Russia, 191 Musgrave, Hampton Court, 388 11 Staines, 388 Musicians', London, 158 Musquodoboit, Musquodoboit, Ncma Scotia, 473 Mysore, Mysore, India, 408 531 XI.- Names of Lodges. Namaqua, Springbokfontein, Soiith Africa, 338 Nanaimo, Nanaimo, British Columbia, 344 Napthali, Bury, 219 Ti Heap Uridge, 219 11 Heywoorl, 219 11 Manchester, 219 II Salford, 219 II Whitefield, 219 Narberth, Narberth, 422 Nascent Dawn, Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany, 248 Natalia, Pietermaritzburg, Sottth Africa, 393 Natimuk, Natimuk, Victoria, 444 Neilgherry, Ootacamund, India, 270 Nelson, Caldwell Manor, Canada, 258 II Clarenceville, Canada, 258 II London, 308 Nelson of the Nile, Batley, 218 II Mirfield, 218 Neptune, Liverpool, 359 II London, 44 II Melbourne, Victoria, 412 11 Penang, East Indies, 204, 294 New, Copenhagen, Daimark, 89 II London, 134 New Brunswick, Fredericton, Nezo Brunswick, 220 .1 St. John, II 343 New Caledonian, Pictou, Nova Scotia, 292, 473 New Concord, London, 319 New Cross, n 384 New Finsbury Park, London, 396 JNew Forest, Lymington, 238 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, (/.S.A.,6 Royal Forest, Slaidburn, 265 Royal Forest of Dean, Coleford, 341 II Forest of Dean, 341 II Newnham-on-Severn, 341 Royal Frederick, Rotterdam, Holland, 124 Royal George, Bombay, India, 467 II Bridport, 167 II Newton Abbot, 166 II Newton Bushel, 243 Royal Gloucester, Gloucester, 210 73 Royal Gloucester, Southampton, 135, 227 Royal Gloucestershire, Gloucester, 321 Royal Grove, London, 165 Royal Hampton Court, Hampton Court, 437 Royal Hanover, Hounslow, 403 ti Twickenham, 403 Royal Invalids', Devonport, igt 11 Plymouth, 191 Royal Inverness, London, 244 Royal Jubilee, n 89, 140 Royal Kensington, London, 390 Royal Kent of Antiquity, Chatham, 42 Royal Lancashire, Colne, 125 Royal Lebanon, Gloucester, 195, 281 Royal Leek, Bangor, 409 Royal Leopold, London, 393 Royal Marine, Chatham, 166, 173 II East Stonehouse, 201 11 London, 199 Royal Mariners', Bristol, 86 II London, 179 Royal Mecklenburgh, n 133 Royal Military, Canterbury, 375 11 London, 190 Royal Naval, n 78 Royal Naval College, London, 387 Royal Navy, Deal, 128 11 Gosport, 214 II Halifax, Nova Scotia, 473 II London, 78 11 Ramsgate, 270 Royal Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 473 Royal Oak, London, 324 II Ripon, 198 Royal of Faith and Friendship, Berkeley, 220 Royal Philanthropic, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies, 266 Royal Phoenix, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies, 328 Royal Preston, Fulwood, 243 II Preston, 243 Royal Prince of Wales, Penang, East Indies, 384 II Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies, 324 Royal Rose, Seventh Regiment (Canada), 469 Royal St. Edmunds, Bury St. Edmunds, 337 Royal St. Jago, Spanish Town, Jamaica, West Indies, 484 Royal Savoy, London, 400 Royal Somerset, Frome, 333 Royal Somerset House and Inverness, London, 35 Royal Standard, Dudley, 282 II Halifax, Nova Scotia, 264 II Kidderminster, 282 II London, 362 Royal Sussex, Bath, 72 11 Belize, Honduras, Central America, 267 M Burton-upon-Trent, 248 II Canton, China, 282 II Halifax, Nova Scotia, 279 II Hong Kong, China, 282 11 Jersey, Channel Islands, 281 II Landport, 245 II London, 244 II Newbury, 247 II Nottingham, 265 II Portsea, 245 II Repton, 248 II St. Vincent, West Indies, 252 II Shanghai, China, 282 n Winshill, 248 II Worthing, 251 Royal Sussex of Emulation, Swindon, 249 Royal Sussex of Hospitality, Bristol, 168 Royal Theatric Covent Garden, London, 138 Royal Trinity, San Fernando, Trinidad, West Indies, 293 Royal Victoria, Bahamas, « 273 II Kingstown, St. Vincent, West Indies, 284 II Liverpool, 337 I Royal Victorian Jubilee, Chingford, 437 XL— Names of Lodges. 534 Royal Victorian Jubilee, Rainham, 437 St. Andrew's, Sydney, Cape Breton, N.S., 282 St. George 's, Bermuda, West Indies, 192 11 Tilbury Docks, 437 II Toronto, Canada, 255 Berwick-on-Tweed, 86, 266 Royal Union, Cheltenham, 207 II Tywardreath, 349 Birmingham, 279 M Cirencester, 207 II Whittlesea, 241 Bolton, 398 II Uxbridge, 261 II York [now Toronto], Canada, 255 Burton, New Brunswick, 471 Royal Welsh Fusiliers, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 473 St. Andrews East, London, 191 Cape Town, South Afiica, 463 Royal Wharfedale, Otley, 345 St. Andrews of Cape Breton, Sydney, Chertsey. 255 Royal White Hart, Halifax, North Carolina, Cape Breton, N.S., 282 Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, 264 U.S.A., 158 St. Andrews of Moral Reformation, Whittlesea, 241 Dargaville, New Zealand, 405 Royal William, Winton, North Carolina, U.S.A., \ St. Andrew's Union, Nineteenth Regiment, Doncaster, 205 480 £ast Indies, 238 Dorchester, South Carolina, U. S.A., Royal York, Brighton, 236 St. Anne's, East Looe, 333 482 II Bristol, 221 II St. Anne's-on-the-Sea, 458 Exeter, 124 II Cirencester, 221 St. Ann's, Alderney, Channel Islands, 295 Hfth Regiment, 206 II Minchinhampton, 221 St. Aubin's, Jersey, 11 332 Freetown, Sierra Leone, 11 Stroud, 221 St. Aubyn, Devonport, 332 West Africa, 461 Royal York of Perfect Friendship, Bath, 145 II Plymouth, 332 George Town, Prince Edward Royal York of Perseverance, London, 36, 197 St. Augustine, Canterbury, 333 Island, 324 Royal York of the Friendship, Berlin, Germany, 156 II Christchurch, New Zealand, 298 Georgetown, Grenada, West Indies, Royal York of Union, Bristol, 153 St. Augustine's, Rugeley, 417 130, 178, 252 Royal Yorkshire, Keighley, 218 St. Barnabas, Linsdale, 331 Gothenburg, Sweden, 169 Royds, Littleborough, 319 St. Bartholomew's, Fazeley, 233 Horton, Nova Scotia, 264 II Malvern, 354 II Sutton Coldfield, 233 Kentville, n 264 II Wardle, 319 11 Wednesbury, 308 Larnaca, Island of Cyprus, 454 Ruahine, Woodville, New Zealand, 437 St. Bede's, Jarrow-on-Tyne, 346 London, 35, 142 Ruapehu, Marton, n 433 II Morpeth, 192 London, Canada, 298 Runnymede, Wraysbury, 456 II South Shields, 192 Lower Horton, Nova Scotia, 264, 322 Rupanyup, Rupanyup, Victoria, 439 St. Blaize, Mossel Bay, Cape Colony, 417 Manchester, 351 Rupertswood, Numurkah, n 432 St. Botolph's, Boston, 295 Maugerville, A'ew Brunswick, 471 Rural, Ascot, Canada, 469 II London, 423 Merino, Victoria, 326 II Chardstock, 289 M Sleaford, 295 Montreal, Canada, 273 Rural Friendship, London, 205 St. Cecilia, Brighton, 391 North Shields, 271 Rural Mark, Charleston, Canada, 469 St. Chad's, Rochdale, 347 Perth, Western Australia, 435 Rural Philanthropic, Highbridge, 229 St. Charles, Hildsburghausen, Germany, 2111, Queenstown, Cape Colony, 422 II Huntspill, 229 St. Charles de la Concord, Brunswick, m 173 St. Catherine's, Canada, 256, 288 II Taunton, 229 St. Charles of the Red Tower, Ratisbon, St. George, New Brunswick, 300 Rutland, Ilkeston, 351 Germany, 224 St. George's, Grenada, West Indies, 11 Melton Mowbray, 347 St. Clair, Landport, 428 130, 178, 252 Ryburn, Sowerby Bridge, 361 St. Clement Danes, London, 367 Schenectady, Ntio York, U.S. A. ,479 Ryde, Ryde, Isle of Wight, 308 St. Clement's, Leigh, 457 Smyrna, Asia Minor, 337 Rye, I-ondon, 444 St. Cuthberga, Wimborne, 299 Taunton, 134 Rylstone Prince of Wales', Rylstone, St. Cuthbert, Bedlington, 414 Temuka, New Zealand, 410 New South Wales, 424 St. Cuthbert's, Barnard Castle, 260 Tewkesbury, 327 11 Howden, 300 Three Rivers, Canada, 469 II Tweedmouth, 115 Tredegar, 345 St. Cybi, Holyhead, 296 Warwick, Queensland, 368 St. David's, Aberdare, 306 Windsor, 120, 177 II Bangor, 261 Wolfville, A'ova Scotia, 264 II Berwick-on-Tweed, 137, 263 St. George's and Corner Stone, London, 35 II Holywell, 122 St. George's East York Militia, Beverley, 207 Sackville, East Grinstead, 389 II London, 42, iii St. George's of Harmony, Liverpool, 53 Sagesse (de), Havre, France, 150 11 Madras, India, 466 St. George's of Unanimity and t idelity, St. Alban's, Birmingham, 125 II Manchester, 349 Petersfield, 252 11 Great Grimsby, 362 II Milford, 252 St. Germain, Selby, 292 II Guildford, Connecticut, U.S.A., 474 II Rhymney, 440 St. German's, Peel, Isle of Man, 435 II Leeds, 254 St. David's of Perfect Friendship, Carmarthen, 242 St. Giles', Cheadle, 387 It London, 50 St. Dunstan's, London, 387 St. Helena, James Town, St. Helena, II St. Albans, 276 St. Edward's, Leek, 333 South Africa, 280 St. Albany of the True Fire, Hoya, Germany, 253 St. Eleth, Amlwch, 378 St. Helen s, Hartlepool, 287 St. Alkmund, Whitchurch, 447 St. Elizabeth, Black River, Jamaica, St. Helen s of Loyalty, St. Helen's, 327 St. Alphege, Solihull, 373 West Indies, 484 St. Hilda, Wallingford, 412 St. Ambrose, London, 413 St, Francis, Smith's Falls, Canada, 289 St. Hilda' s, South Shields, 204 St. Amphibalus, London Colney, 160 St. George, Bombay, India, 290 St. Hild's 204 11 St. Albans, 160 II Colombo, Ceylon, East Indies, 436 St. Hubert, Anddver, 369 St. Andrew, Chepauk, India, 466 II Dragoon Guards, 203 St. Hugh, Lincoln, 370 11 Kamptee, n 282 11 DunoUy, Victoria, 313 St. James's, Bridgetown, Barbados, Westlndies,lig St. Andrew's, Avonmouth, 464 II East Stonehouse, 424 Cataraqui [Kingston], Canada, 217 ,1 Bedford, Cape Colony, 413 11 Gosfield, Canada, 298 Enfield, 386 „ Biggleswade, 318 ,1 Hamburg, Germany, 88, 213 Halifax, 274 II Chs.x\&%X.ovi,SouthCatolina, U.S.A., II Herberton, Queensland, 420 Handsworth, 279 482 II Lawrence, New Zealand, 347 London, 104, 315 II Farnham, 340 II Madras, India, 463 Louth, 228 n Gorleston, 390 II Newcastle, Neio South Wales, 409 Montego Bay, Jamaica, Westlndies,l7% II Halfway Tree, Jamaica, II North Shields, 226 Uxbridge, 104 West Indies 484 II Plymouth, 424 St. James's Union, London, 165 II Halifax, Nova Scotia, 127 II Portsea, 418 St. Jean de la Nouvelle Esperance, Turin, Italy, 194 II London, 191, 197 M St. a Croix, West Indies, 112 St. John, Bury, 171 ,1 New York, New York, U.S.A. 132 II Singapore, East Indies, 349 II Calcutta, Ifidia, 280 n Quebec, Canada, 126 II Windsor, 2H II Chichester, 46 II River Duchesne, Canada, 469 St. George de I'Observance, London, 72 II Lancaster, 231 II St. Andrew's, ti 258, 469 St. George in the East, Berhampore, India, 19S II London, 363 n St. Valier, 11 126 II Jamalpore, 11 382 II Manchester, 171 II Shoeburyness, 406 St. George of Bombay, Bombay, n 290 It Mosgiel, New Zealand, 430 [ 535 ] XI.-Names of Lodges. St. John, Parramatta, New South Wales, 275 M Perth, Western Australia, 280 11 St. Helen's, 171 IP Stockport, 119 ti Strathalbyn, South Australia, 357 ir Sydney, New South Wales, 275 II Timaru, New Zealand, 348 M Warrington, 171 St. John and St. Paul, Alexandria, Egypt, North Africa, 349 •I Erith, 299 11 Sandgate, 299 II Valetta, Malta, 247 St. John-at- Hackney, London, 462 St. John of Wapping, London, 363 St. John the Baptist, Brunswick, Victoria, 381 II East Stonehouse,'88 11 Exeter, 63 II Halifax, 80 II Penzance, 108 11 Plymouth, 88 St. John tlie Evangelist, Huddersfield, 229 II London, 138 11 Mian-Mir, India, 378 i^ St. John's, Admaston, 297 M Alexandria, Egypt, North Africa, 329 II Amherst, Canada, 256 II Antigua, West Indies, 281 n Ashburton, New Zealand, 410 11 Batley Carr, 320 II Bishop Wearmouth, 97 .i Bolton, 190, 246 II Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 66, 91 II Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies, tj^ II Bridport, Connecticut, U.S.A., 474 II Bromsgrove, 213 II Carleton Place, Canada, 289 II Charlotte Town, Prince Edward Island, 264 II Chowbent, 246 II Colombo, Ceylon, East Indies, 271 II Dewsbury, 320 II Douglas, Isle of Man'/^^% II Droitwich, 213 II Dursley, 315 II Eccles, 240 ,1 Exeter, 63, 88 II Fairfield, Connecticut, U.S. A,, 474 II Farnworth, 246 II Featherston, New Zealand, 412 II Gibraltar, Spain, 52, 124 II Grahamstown, Cape Colony, 320 II Grays, 366 II Guildford, 243 II Halifax, 399 II Halifax, No-va Scotia, 152 II Halshaw Moor, 246 II Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A., 474 II Henley-in-Arden, 225 II Kingston, Canada, 255 ii Kinston, North Carolina, U.S.A., 480 II Kokstad, Cape Colony, 412 M Leek, 245 II Leicester, 223 II Leichhardt, New South Wales, 444 II Lichfield, 245, 339 II Liverpool, 306 II Lomas de Zamora, South America, 462 II London, 106, 157 II Mackinaw, Michigan, U.S.A., 210 II Maidenhead, 318 ti Michilimacinac, Michigan, U.S. A., 210 II Middleton, Connecticut, U.S.A., 474 II Mudgee, New South Wales, 375 „ Newark, New fa-sey,- U.S.A., 477 ,1 New Berne, North Carolina, U.S.A., 480 „ Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 116, 397 „ Newmarket, 187 „ New York, New York, U.S.A., 117 „ Niagara, Canada, 217 „ Norwalk, Connecticut, U.S.A., 474 „ Pendleton, 240 St. John's, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 480 Plymouth, 88, 358 Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A., 477 FiovidencefPhode Island, U.S.A., 114 Quebec, Canada, 166 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America, 279 St. John, Antigua, West Indies, 281 St. John, New Brunswick, 272 St. John's, Newfoundland, 140, 293 Salford, 240 Saugor, India, 268, 445 Secunderabad, India, 271 Smyrna, Asia Minor, 331 Stratford, Connecticut, U.S.A., 474 Sunderland, 97 Torquay, 241 Townsend, Canada, 256 Tyldesley, 246 Warrnan-.bool, Victoria, 326 Wellington, 297 Wigton, 241 Windsor, 177 Woking, 385 Woking Village, 385 York Grand Kiver, Cajtada, 287 St. John's Independent Royal Arch, New York, New York, U.S.A., 478 St. John's of Colombo, Ceylon, East Indies, 275 St. John's of Friendship, Montreal, Canada, 230 11 Niagara, n 255 M Queenston, n 25S St. John's of Rochester, Rochester, Victoria, 412. St. John's of Secrecy and Harmony, Malta, 220 St. John's Regimental, U.S. Battalion, New York, U.S.A., 479 St. John's Royal, Stoney Hill, Jamaica, West Indies, 484 St. John's Royal Arch, Toronto, Canada, 255 St. Kew, Weston-super-Mare, 355 St. Keyna, Keynsham, 408 St. Kilda, St. Kilda, Victoria, 301 St. Lawrence, Alton, 381 II Montreal, Canada, 301 II Pudsey, 448 II Richibucto, New Brunswick, 472 11 Scunthorpe, 428 St. Leonard, London, 402 St. Leonard's, St. Leonards-on-Sea, 408 II Sheffield, 443 St. Leonard's Samaritan, St. Leonards, New South Wales, 392 St. Luke's, Calcutta, India, 322 II Colchester, 192 M Dum Dum, India, 322 M Ipswich, 192 II London, 144 St. Margaret's, n 212 II Lowestoft, 375 II Surbiton, 411 St. Mark's, Carterton, New Zealand, 427 II Connah's Quay, 455 II London, 323 II St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 285 II Saxe (jotha [Columbia], South Carolina, U.S.A., 130 St. Mark's College, London, 435 St. Martin's, Burslem, 114 II Castleton, 448 II Copenhagen, Denmark, 92 II Liskeard, 284 II London, 458 St. Martins-Ie-Grand, London, 383 St. Mary, Bocking, 363 St. Mary Abbot's, London, 420 St. Marylebone, n 363 St. Mary-le-Bonne, n 39, 99 St. Mary Magdalen, n 381 St. Mary's, Bridport, 309 M Digby, Nova Scotia, i(tt) II London, 81 II Port Maria, Jamaica, Westlndies, 115 St. Mary's, Southwell, 446 II Thame, 401 St. Matthew, Walsall, 288 St. Matthew's, Barton-upon-Humber, 214, 375 II 1 ostwithiel, 323 St. Maughold, Ramsay, Isle of Man, 342 St. Maurice, Plympton, 409 St. Michael, Tenbury, 344 St. Michael's, Alnwick, 205 11 Bishop's Stortford, 433 11 Brampton, 248 II Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies, 86, 103, 443 II Coventry, 390 II London, 185 II Marazion, 200 II Schwerin, Germany, 104 II Sittingbourne, 360 II Stone, 460 St. Milburga, Ironbiidge, 346 St. Nicholas', Harwich, 135 II Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 151, 394 II Thorne, 443 St. Oswald, Ashbourne, 322 II Oswestry, 347 II Pontefiact, 328 St. Oswin, North Shields, 448 II Tynemouth, 448 St. Osyth's Priory, Clacton-on-Sea, 427 St. Pancras, London, 444 St. Patrick's, Johnston, New York, U.S.A., 478 II Madras, India, 466, 467 II Quebec, Canada, 126 St. Paul's, Adelaide, Cape Colony, 335 II Birmingham, 65 II Limassol, Island of Cyprus, 444 II London, 174 II Monk Wearmouth, 129 II Montreal, Canada, 216, 258 II Speights Town, Barbados, West Indies, loi St. Peter, Maldon, 338 St. Peter and St. Paul's, Newport Pagnel. 371 St. Peter Westminster, London, 383 St. Peter's, Bridgetown, Barbados, Westlndies, 97 II Byker, 279 II Carmarthen, 278 II London, 169, 199, 202 11 Market Harborough, 365 II Montreal, Canada, 126 II Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 279 II Peterborough, 239, 273 II Tiverton, 347 II Wolverhampton, 269 St. Petroc, Padstow, 403 St. Quintin's, Cowbridge, 407 St. Stephen's, London, 455 St. Tammany, Hampton, Virginia, U.S.A., 483 St. Teilo, Llandilo, 308 St. Thomas', Kidsgrove, 415 II London, 143 II Lower Broughton, 335 St. Trinian's, Douglas, Isle of Man, 426 St. Tudno, Llandudno, 314 St. Vincent, Bristol, 371 St. Winifred, Holywell, 233 Salamanca, Fifth Dragoon Guards, 246 Salem, Dawlish, 374 Salisbury, Enfield, 271 II London, 271 II Salisbury, New Brunswick, 319 II Waltham Abbey, 271 II Waltham Cross, 271 Salopian, Shrewsbury, 217 Salopian of Charity, Shrewsbury, 126 Salutation, Topsham, 136 Samares, Jersey, Channel Islands, 29 1 Samaritan, Accrington, 227 II Bacup, 227 II Keighley, 227 II Sandbach, 254 Samson, London, 393 Sandeman, Dum Dum, India, 369 XI.— Names of Lodges. [ 536 ] Sandgate, Sandgate, 374 Sincerity, Devonport, 170 South Saxon, Lewes, 234 Sandiford, Malmesbury, Victoria, 446 II East Stonehouse, 170 South Suffolk, Clare, 300 Sandown, Sandown, 41 1 IT Liverpool, 229 II Sudbury, 300 Sandridge Marine, Port Melbourne, Victoria, 315 11 London, 83, 162 South Yarra, South Yarra, Victoria, 330 II Sandridge, Victoria, 315 II Northwich, 270 Southam, Wilmslow, 340 Sarum, Salisbury, 62 11 Norwich, 331 Southampton, Southampton, 263 Savage Club, London, 438 II Plymouth, 170 Southern Cross, Campbelltown, New South Savile, Elland, 356 II Wakefield, 337 Wales, 316 II Leeds, 276 11 Wigan, 213 II Cordova, South America, 399 Saye and Sele, Belvedere, 420 Singleton of St. John, Singleton, New South II Harrismith, South Africa, 403 Scarborough, Ratley, 355 Wales, 339 II Invercargill, New Zealand, 336 Upper Soothill, 355 Singular Ancient, Amsterdam, Holland, loi II Kaiapoi, n 314 Scarisbrick, Southport, 446 Sion, Fifty-seventh Regiment, New York, U.S.A., II Maldon, Victoria, 317 Scarsdale, Chesterfield, 229, 306 479 II Paiamcottah, India, 401, 446 School of Plato, Cambridge, 229 II Kingston, Niw Brunswick, 471 11 Pernambuco, Brazil, South Science, Bourton, 272 II New York, New York, U.S.A., 479 America, 305 II Salisbury, 207 II North Shields, 151 II Tarrangower, Victoria, 317 II Wincanton, 272 II Smyrna, Asia Minor, 366 II Toowoomba, Queensland, 363 Scientific, Bingley, 273 II Sussex Vale, A'eiv Brunswick, 471 II Tuticorin, India, 401 II Cambridge, 103 Sir Charles Bright, Teddington, 404 II Uitenhage, Cafe Colony, 387 II Crewkerne, 148 Sir Donald McLean, Raleigh, New Zealand, 391 Southern Star, London, 350 II CuUingworth, 273 II Waitara, New Zealand, 391 11 NcXson, New Zealand, 212 II Stony Stratford, 321 Sir Francis Burdett, Twickenham, 380 Southgate, London, 418 II Wolverton, 321 Sir Hugh Myddleton, London, 388 .Southwark, n 325 Scotia, Canning, Nova Scotia, 332 Sir John Hussey Delaval's, Ford, 119 Southwell, Nottingham, 371 Scots, London, 448 Sir Isaac Newton University, Cambridge, 323 II Southwell, 371 Sea Captains', Bristol, 99, 208 Sir Thomas White, London, 406 Sovereignty, Sovereignty, Cape Colony, 296 II Great Yarmouth, 119 Sir Walter Raleigh, n 456 Spencer Walpole Temperance, Douglas, Isle of II Liverpool, 107 Sir Walter St. John, ,1 462 Man, 438 II London, 95 Sir Watkin, Mold, 377 Sphinx, London, 365 II Sunderland, 113 Sir William Harpur, Bedford, 449 Springsure, Springsure, Queensland, 426 Seaforth, Cabul, Afghanistan, 410 Sitapur, Sitapur, India, 445 Spurn and H umber. Great Grimsby, 80 Second, Annapolis, Nova Scotia, 472 Skelmersdale, Great Crosby, 369 Square and Compass, Whitehaven, 127. II Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 91 " London, 388, 393 II Wrexham, 365 II St. John's, Newfoundland, 472 II Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 399 Stability, Gonda, India, 321 Second Middlesex Artillery, London, 460 II Seaforth, 369 II Hanley, in Sefton, Litherland, 306 II Waterloo, 369 II London, 189 II Liverpool, 306 Skiddaw, Cockermouth, 336 II Stourbridge, 292 II Waterloo, 306 Smith Child, Tunstall, 427 StafiFordshire Knot, Stafford, 271, 311 Segontium, Carnarvon, 297 Smyth, Great Grimsby, 445 Staines, Staines, 463 Select, Montreal, Canada, 217 Snowdon, Carnarvon, 213 Stamford, Altrincham, 340 II Quebec, n 127, 468 Sociable, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies, 484 Stamford and Warrington, Stalybridge, 371 Select Surveyors', Quebec, Canada, 469 II London, 58 Standish, Chiltern, Victoria, 362 Selena of the Three Towers, Luneberg, Germany, II Spanish Town, Jamaica, West Indies, 1^6 Stanford, Hove, 418 253 Social, Booking, 200 Stanhope, London, 360 Selwyn, London, 413 II Braintree, 200 Stanley, Kirkdale, 364 Semper Fidelis, Exeter, 358 II Cambridge, 236 II Liverpool, 364 II Worcester, 287 II Maldon, 200 Star, Chester, 151 Seven United Brethren, Amsterdam, Holland, 128 II Manchester, 81 II London, 360 Seville, I-oughlands, Jamaica, West Indies, 484 II Norwich, no Star in the East, Calcutta, India, 85 11 St. Ann's Bay, 11 11 249 Social and Military Virtues, Madras, India, 272 II Harwich, 302 Seymour, Seymour, Victm-ia, 425 Social Friendship, Coast of Coromandel, India, II Queenstown, Cafe Colony, 328 Shadwell Gierke, George Town, Penang, East 216(2) Star in the West, Dalby, Queensland, 374 Indies, 449 11 Eighty-ninth Regiment, 281 II St. John, Antigua, West Indies, 11 London, 414 II Madras, India, 216 (2) 3°S Shaftesbury, London, 382 II St. Thomas' Mount, /KiZ/a, 216 Star of Africa, Jagersfontein, South Africa, 416 Shakespeare, Birmingham, 225 Socrates, Huntingdon, 257 Star of Agra, Agra, India, 417 M Bradford, 337 Socrates of Constancy, Frankfort-on-the-Main, Star of Bethlehem, Bethlehem, South Africa, 462 II London, 114 Germany, 252 Star of Burma, Rangoon, Burma, East Indies, 299 II Melbourne, Victo)-ia, 442 Solid Friendship, St. Thomas' Mount, India, 224 Star of Delhi, Delhi, India, 325 II Spilsby, 270 II Trichinopoly, India, 224 Star of Hope, Agra, n 285 II Stratford-upon-Avon, 229 Solomon's, Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.A., 70 11 Speight's Town, Barbados, West II Warwick, 227 M Fredericton, New Brunswick, 285, 471 Indies, 379 II Warwickshire Militia, 227 11 New York, New York, U.S.A., 153 Star of India, Bombay, India, 341 Shakspere, Manchester, 337 II Poughkeepsie, n 479 Star of Orissa, Cuttack, n 345 Shalden, Alton, 423 II Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A., 70 Star of Peace, Ningpo, China, 355 Shefford, Waterloo, Canada, 302 II Shelburne, Nova Scotia, 472 Star of Rajpootana, Nusseerabad, India, 429 Shepherd's Bush, London, 407 Solway, Aspatria, 355 Star of Southern China, Canton, China, 423 Sherborne, Stroud, 308 II Silloth, 355 Star of the East, Cairo, Egypt, North Africa, 367 Ship, London, 57 Somerset, Ashburton, New Zealand, 406 II Maryborough, Queensland, 371 Ship Masters', Exeter, 150 II Bermuda, West Indies, 198 11 Zante, Greece, 325 Shirley, Shirley, 346 Somerset House, London, 35, 125 Star of the East of Omeo, Omeo, Victoria, 439 Shirley Woolmer, Hidcup, 463 Sondes, East Dereham, 335 Star of the North, Whangarei, New Zealand, 392 Shurmur, Chingford, 452 South Australian of Friendship, Adelaide, Star of the South, Buenos Ayres, South America, Silent Temple, Burnley, 132 South Australia, 269 338 II Hildesheim, Germany, 225 11 London, 269 Star of the West, Hughenden, Queensland, 436 Silurian, Kington, 224 South Down, Hurstpierpoint, 404 Starkie, Fleetwood, 342 11 Newport (Mon), 278 South Eastern Star of Light and Liberty, II Kirkham, 342 Simcoe, Simcoe, Canada, 306 Arracan, Burma, East Indies, 467 11 Ramsbottom, 391 Sincere Brotherly Love, Leghorn, Italy, 176 South Esk, Evandale, Tasmania, 318 II Southport, 342 Sincere Friend.ship, Chunar, India, 230 South Middlesex, London, 323 Stella, Vryburg, Sotilh Africa, 441 Sterndale Bennett, Londbn, 437 Sincerity, Cawnpore, India, 263 South Noi-wood, n 348 II Dandenong, Victoria, 396 South Rakaia, South Rakaia, N'ew Zealand, 410 Stewards', Calcutta, India, 466 537 XI.— Names of Lodges. Stewards', London, 34 II Madras, India, 97. II Quebec, Canada, 468 Stewart, Murree, India, 419 II Rawal Pindi, India, 419 II St. Arnaud, Victoria, 364- Stirling, Cleator Moor, 421 11 Stirling, Canada, 308 Stockwell, London, 366 Stoneleigh, Coventry, 311 11 Kenilworlh, 311 Stortford, Bishops Stortford, 267 11 Hockerill, 267 Stour, Ashford, 447 Stour Valley, Sudbury, 356 Strand, London, 421 Strangeways, Manchester, 355 Stranton, West Hartlepool, 410 Strathloddon, Guildford, Victoria, 343 ,1 Strathloddon, 11 343 Strawberry Hill, Teddington, 331 II Twickenham, 331 Strength and Beauty, Vellore, India, 466 Strict Benevolence, I.ynn, 234 11 Wisbech, 234 Strict Observance, Hamilton, Canada, 292 Striguil, Chepstow, 437 Strong Man, London, 67 Stuart, Bedford, 288 II London, 390 Studholme, n 387 11 Surbiton, 387 Sub-Url)an, Great Stanmore, 396 Suffield, North Walsham, 405 Sukkur, Sukkur, India, 380 Sun, Exmouth, 120 II Flushing, Holland, 165 II Newton Abbot, 120 Sun and Sector, Workington, 194, 332 Sun, Square, and Compasses, Whitehaven, 127, 128 Sun of Perpetual Friendship, Bristol, 161 Sunbury, Sunbury, 399 Surbiton, Surbiton, 434 Surrey, Reigate, 268 Surrey Masonic Hall, London, 383 Sussex, Brockville, Canada, 255 ,1 Charlotte T own , PrinceEdward Island, iKsZ ,1 Dorchester, New Brunswick, 279 II Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies, 248 ,r, Neemuch, India, 271 I, Newport, Nova Scotia, 264 II Quebec, Canada, 260 Sutherland, Burslem, 274 Sutherland of Unity, Newcastle-under-Lyme, 27b Sutlej, Adamwahan, India, yji^ II Amritsar, n 374 II Bhawalpore, 11 374 Swaffliam New, Swafifham, 93 Swan of Avon, Stratford-on-Avon, 433 Swan of Benevolence, Wells, 274 Sydney, Sidcup, 320 Sydney Samaritan, Sydney, New South Wales, 293 Sykes, Driffield, 339 Sympathy, Gravesend, 280 I, Milton, 280 „ Wotton-under-Edge, 251, 323 Talbot, Stretford, 441 ,1 Swansea, 364 Tamworth, Tamworth, 395 ,. Taprobane, Ceylon, East Indies, 272 I, Madras, India, 272 Tasmanian Union, Hobart, Tasmania, 287 Te Awamutu, Te Awamutu, Ne^ Zealand, 440 Tees, Stockton-on-Tees, 284 Telegraph Cable, London, 459 Temperance, Birmingham, 312 M. Bury, 174 II London, 158 Temperanceand Benevolence, Calcutta, India, 350 Temperance and Morality, Market Lavington, 241 Temperance in the East, London, 327 Temple, Bristol, 121, 196, 2U II Carmarthen, 99 II Chedebucto, Nova Scotia 263 II Elizabethtown, New Jersey, U.S.A., 477 11 Folkestone, 125, 291 II Guysborough, Nova Scotia, 263 II Liverpool, 344 II London, 117 II Manchester, Nma Scotia, 263 II New York, New York, U.S.A., 478 Temple Bar, London, 399 Tainple of Harmony, Osterrode, Germany, 254 Temple of True Concord, Cassel, n 223 Tenby, Tenby, 351 Tennant, Cardiff, 421 Tenterfield, Tenterfield, New South Wales, 398 Teutonia, Buenos Ayres, South America, 317 Thames, Henley-on-Thames, 413 Thames Valley, Halliford, 376 II Hampton Court, 376 Thanet, Margate, 211 Thatched House, Norwich, 46 The Isles, Port Blair, East Indies, 345 The Marches, Ludlow, 298 Third, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 476 Thistle, Amherstberg, Canada, 294 II Cow Bay, Cape Breton, N.S., 345 Thomas BarnettFeltham, Winton, Queensland, 4^1 Thomas Jones, Calcutta, India, 457 Thomas Railing, Chingford, 461 Thornham, Royton, 445 II Thornham, 445 ThornhilI,-Lindley, 381 Three Arrows, Nurnberg, Germany, 223, 247 Three Graces, Barnoldswick-in-Craven, 227 II Haworth, 227, 267 Three Grand Principles, Cambridge, 273 II Dewsbuiy, 182 II London, 182 II Penryn, 237, 333 II Thornhill, 182 Three Mallets, Naumberg, Germany, 246 Three Pillars, Rotterdam, Holland, 157 Three Stars, Rostock, Germany, 239 Thurlow, Belleville, Canada, 256 Thurston, Monk-Coniston, 463 Tilbury, Grays, 422 II Purfleet, 422 II Tilbury Docks, 422 Tivoli, London, 434 Tokio, ToVio, Japan, 423 Tonbridge, Tunbridge, 394 Tongariro, Wanganui, New Zealand, 309 Tontine, Sheffield, 141 Toowong, Toowong, Queensland, 447 Torbay, Paignton, 180, 367 Torridge, Great Torrington, 412 Torridzonian, Cape Coast C'astle, Gold Coast, ■ West Africa, 242 Totara, Ross, New Zealand, 357 Tower Hamlets Engineers', London, 327 Townley Parker, Beswick, 343 ,1 Bradford (Lane), 343 ,1 Chorley, 338 II Manchester, 343 I, Whittle-le- Woods, 338 II Whittle-Springs, 338 Townsville, Townsville, Queensland, 387 Toxteth, Liverpool, 367 Trade and Navigation, Northwich, 214, Batley, 333 II Brightlingsea, 105 II Colchester, 105 Trafford, Moss Side, 379 I, Old Trafford, 379 Train Bands', London, 462 Tranquillity, 11 167 74 Tranquillity, Manchester, 221 II Newchurch, 221 II Sydney, Ne^v South Wales, 384 Transvaal, Pretoria, South Africa, 400 Travancore Union, Quilon, India, 466 Travellers', Manchester, 358 Tredegar, London, 390 Tregenna, St. Ives, 360 Tregullow, St. Day, 336 Trelawney, Falmouth, Jamaica, West Indies, IT] Trent, Gainsborough, 269 II Trent, Canada, 298 Trentham, Trentham, Victoria, 446 Trident, Bermuda, West Indies, 458 Trinity, Cairns, Queensland, 455 II Coventry, 211 II Guildford, 178 II Halifax, INova Scotia, 473 II Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies, 203 ,1 New York, New York, U.S.A., 478 11 Rayleigh, 399 11 San Fernando, Trinidad, West Indies, 293 Trinity College, London, 402 Tristram, Shildon, 455 Triumph, Lytham, 341 Triune Brotherhood, Dugshai, India, 307 II Kasauli, n 307, 432 II Subathu, II 307 True and Faithful, Dartford, 194 II Fencible Light Dragoons, 237 II Helston, 237 II Sudbury, 194 II West Mailing, 194 True Briton, Perth, Canada, 257 True Brothers', Dinapore, India, 269, 354 II Tryon, Prince Edward Island, Ti^% True Freemasonry, Saidpur, India, 410 True Friendship, Bromley, 152 II Calcutta, India, 189, 19S (2) II Devizes, 172 II Crowan, 247 II Dover, 131 II Hounslow, 254 II London, 152 II Rochford, 152 True Love and Unity, Brixham, 208 Truth, Bombay, India, 331 II Braidwood, A'ew South Wales, 325 II First Life Guards, 236 II Huddersfield, 285 11 London, 154, 171, 210 II Manchester, 376 II Newton Heath, 376 II Twickenham, 210 Truth of North Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, 302 Tudor, Harborne, 404 II Oldham, 277 II Saddleworth, 277 Tudor of Rifle Volunteers, Wolverhampton, 408 Tumut Unity, Tumut, New South Wales, 380 Tun, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 480 Tuns, Norwich, 46 Turanganui, Gisborne, Nav Zealand, 378 Turk's Island Forth, Bahamas, West Indies, 302 Tuscan, London, 39, 139 II Malacca, East Indies, 467 II Shanghai, China, 338 Tweed, Tumbulgum, New South Wales, 429 Twelve Brothers', Portsea, 118 II Portsmouth, 118 M Southampton, 317 Twillingate, Twillingate, Neiofoundland, 451 Two Parallel, Fifty-eighth JS.egiment, 200 Tyndall, Chipping Sodbury, 368 Tyne, Wallsend-upon-Tyne, 335 II Willington Quay, 335 Tynwald, Douglas, Isle of Man, 357 Tyrian, Bundaberg, Queensland, 390 II Derby, 210 II Eastbourne, 345 II Haverfordwest, 86 II London, 37 XL— Names of Lodges. [ 538 ] Tyrian Youth, Little Glace Bay, Cafe Breton, Nova Scotia, 357 Tyrrell Leith, Baroda, India, 435 Tyssen-Amherst, London, 442 Ubique, Barrackpore, India, 459 11 London, 404 Umberumberka, Silverton, New South Wales, 43 1 Umlazi, Pinetown, South Africa, \2Qi Umvoti, Greytown, n 411 Umzimkulu, Umzimkulu, Cape Colony, 43 1 Unanimity, Bungay, 118 II Calcutta, India, 184 II Chatham, 252 II Chorley, 164 II Coltishall, 117 11 Dukinfield, 106 II Dover, 188 II Hoveton St. John, 118 II Ilminster, 217 II London, 182 II Ludham, 118 II Lyttleton, New Zealand, 297 II Manchester, 105 II North Walsham, 118 11 Norwich, 117, 267 II Penrith, 199, 244 II Preston, 124 II Rochester, 252 II Salford, 105 II Stockport, 228 WakeHeld, 148 II Wells, 211 II Wroxham, 117 Unanimity and Concord, Dapto, New South Wales, 299 II Wcllongong, New South Wales, 299 Unanimity and Industry, Sumatra, East Indies, 235 Unanimity and Sincerity, Taunton, 217 Underley, Kirkby Lonsdale, 342 Union, Albany, New York, U.S.A., 478 II Ancaster, Canada, 256 II Ashton-under-Lyne, 219 II Hairnsdale, Victoria, 364 II Barton, Canada, 256 II Bermudas, West Indies, 123 II Birmingham, 229 II Blandford, North Carolina, U.S.A., 480 II Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies, 183 II Bristol, 150, 153 II Cape Town, CaJ>e Colony, 206 II Carlisle, 234 II Carmarthen, 128 II Chapleton, Jamaica, West Indies, 484 II Charleston, SoiUh Carolina, U.S.A., 108 II Chichester, 63 I. Chudleigh, 273 II Cornwall, Canada, 230 II Crockernwell, 209 II Cura9oa, West Indies, 196, 204 II Danbury, Connecticut, U.S.A., 474 II Deal, 56 11 Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., 196 II Exeter, 63, 150 II ¥a.yet.tevi\\e. North Carolina, U.S.A.,n%o II Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany, 88 II Gateshead, 187 (I George Town, Demerara, South America, 208 11 Greenwich, Connecticut, U.S.A., 474 II Grimsby, Canada, 255 II Halifax, Nova Scotia, 263, 308 II Jersey, Channel Islands, 145 II Kadina, South Australia, 331 II Karachi, India, 315 II Kendal, 135 Union, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies, 172, 184 II Knysna, Cape Colony, 325 II London, 37, 121, 133, 156, 161 11 Lud worth, 219 II Lynn Kegis, 257 II Macclesfield, 230 II Manchester, 187, 2r9 II Margate, 133 II Mellor, 219 II Milltown, Neio Brunswick, 296 II Montreal, Canada, 257 II New Westminster, British Columbia, 327 II New York, New York, U.S.A., 479 II Norwich, 71, 143 II Nottingham, 130 II Old Cove, Salisbury, North Carolina, U.S.A., 480 II Portsea, 242 II Reading, 267 II Richmond Mills, Canada, 256 II St. Christopher, West Indies, 163 II St. Eustatia, n 180 II St. James, Jamaica, m 178 II St. John, New Brunswick, ^"Jl ,1 Salford, 187 II Salisbury, 262 II Savanna-la-Mar, Jamaica, West Indies, 196, 484 II Sissiboo, Nova Scotia, 473 II Starcross, 273 II Taunton, 184 II Tien-tsin, China, 418 ir Trinity, Newfoundland, 249 II Venice, Italy, 183 II York, 200 Union and Perseverance, Agra, India, 467 Union et Concordia, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies, 284 Union French, London, 59 Union Lanzarotina, Canary Island, WestAfrica,2^4 Union of Barnard Castle, Barnard Castle, 275 Union of Herrima, Berrima, New South Wales, 334 Union of Freedom and Ease, London, 68 Union of Malta, Malta, 267 Union of Portland, Portland, New Brunswick, 287 Union Soho, Handsworth, 229 Union Waterloo, London, 39 Union York, West York Militia, 243 Unions, London, 212 United, Carrying Place, Canada, 256 II Colchester, 308 II London, 390 II Tarnagulla, Victoria, 364 United Brethren, Balderston, 246 II Blackburn, 246 II Clayton-le-Dale, 246 M Malta, 415 II Mellor, 246 11 Samlesbury, 246 United Brothers', Portsmouth, 342 11 Southsea, 342 United Chatham, Chatham, 166 II Rochester, 166 United Chatham of Benevolence, Chatham, 166 United City, I^ondon, 82 United Civilians', Port Royal, Jamaica, West Indies, 484 United Friends, Great Yarmouth, 235 United Friendship, Gravesend, 199 II Northfleet, 199 11 Sixteenth Regiment N.I., India, 466 United Globe, Chatham, 166 United Good Fellowship, Wisbech, 319 United Industrious, Canterbury, 52 United Manawatu, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 398 United Mariners', London, 51 United Military, Plumstead, 382 United Northern Counties, London, 432 United of Friendship, Cawnpore, India, 467 II Fowey, 93 United of Good Fellowship, Lynn, 259 United of Ionic and Prudence, London, 40 United of Prudence, London, 98 United of Prudence and Peter, London, 85 United of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, 351 United Pilgrims, Loudon, 283 United Potters, Lane End, 116 United Pottery, n 116 United Seaforth, Barbados, West Indies, 265 United Service, Hong Kong, China, 366 II Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies, 411 II I-andport, 373 II Launceston, Tasmania, 446 II London, 368 II Portsmouth, 373 United Service of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, 330 United Strength, London, 194 United Traders', London, 45 United Tradesmens', Adelaide, South Australia, 294 II Ballarat, Victoria, 313 United Tradesmens' of Ballarat East, Ballarat, Victoria, 313 Unity, Allahabad, India, 396 11 Armidale, New South Wales, 296 II Bright, Victoria, 353 ii Colchester, 198 II Crediton, 118, 365 II Crewe, 240 II Dantzic, Germany, 220 II Fort William Henry, New York, U.S.A., 216 II Great Stanmore, 391 II Great Yarmouth, 89, 231 II Guernsey, Channel Islands, 202, 241 II Harrow Station, 391 II Hulme, 219 II Knysna, Cape Colony, 437 II Lichfield, 214 II London, 87, 156, 166 II Longnor, 214 II Lowestoft, 89 II Lunenberg, Nova Scotia, 264 II Macclesfield, 219 II Manchester, 180, 219 II Oldham, 61, 411 II Perth, Western Australia, 457 II Plymouth, 118 II Port Adelaide, South Australia, 296 II Ringwood, 136 II Salford, 219 II Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A., 190 II Seventeenth Regiment, 47, 481 II Sorel, Canada, 468 II Southport, 298 II Stockport, 240 II Wareham, 261 II Warwick, 292 II Werneth, 61 II West Drayton, 391 II Whitby, Canada, 289 Unity and Friendship, Hradford-on-Avon, 231 II Thirty-third Regiment, India, 95, 466 Unity and Prudence, Geelong, Victoria, 289 Unity Peace and Concord, First Royal Regiment (Royal Scots), 236 II Madras, India, 236 Universal, London, 165 Universal Charity, Madras, India, 221, 272 Universities', Durham, 450 University, Cambridge, 130- II London, 56, 346 University of London, London, 425 Upper Norwood, n 387 Upton, II 356 Urania, Glanford Brigg [Brigg], 228 II Willowmore, Cape Colony, 420 Urban, London, 353 Urbanity, Wincanton, 230 Urmston, Urmston, 399 Utility, London, 122 539 XI. -Names of Lodges. Vacation, London, 76 Vale of Avon, Fordingbridge, 346 Vale of Biislington, Biislington, 362 Vale of Catmos, Oakham, 359 Vale of Eden, Appleby, 460 Vale of White Horse, Faringdon, 402 Vectis Ancient, Newport, Isle of Wight, 147 Vectis of Peace and Concord, Newport, Isle of Wight, 234 Verita, Naples, Italy, 206 Verity, Ripon, 276 Vernon, Dudley, 291 II Retford, 405 II Stourport, 291 Veterans', Harwich, 206 Viator, London, 447 Victoire (La), Rotterdam, Holland, 161 M Smyrna, Asia Minor, 327 Victoria, Accra, West Africa, 453 II Ashfield, A'ew South Wales, 407 11 Ballarat, Victoria, 304 II Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies, 438 ,1 Brisbane, Queensland, 352 11 Buenos Ayres, South America, 448 II Carlisle, 297 II Eccles, 366 II Fortune Bay, Newfoundland, 369 II Hawthorn, P'ictoria, 423 II Jamestown, South Australia, 415 II Kingstown, St. Vincent, West Indies, 284 II London, 340 II Napier, A'ew Zealand, 386 It Port Sarnia, Canada, 304 ,1 Southport, 451 II Victoria, British Columbia, 317 Victoria in Burma, Rangoon, Burma, East Indies, 321 Victoria of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 338 Victoria Park, London, 406 Victoria Rifles', n 320 Victorian Naval and M ilitary, Fitzroy, Victoria, 346 II Melbourne, m 346 Victory, Futehgurh, India, 427 II Nelson, New Zealand, 416 Vigilance, Grenada, West Indies, 179 Villiers, Hampton Court, 353 II Isleworth, 353 II Twickenham, 353 Virgin, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 263 Virginia, [ ], Virginia, U.S.A., 483 Virtue, Bath, 168 II Constantinople, Turkey, 339 II Manchester, 147 II Reading, ill Virtue and Honour, Axminster, 250, 281 II Totnes, 243 Virtue and Science, Stalybridge, 278 Virtue and Silence, Hadleigh, 242 Virtutes et Artis Amici, Amsterdam, Holland, 129 Vitruvian, London, loi II Ross, 134, 244 Volubian of Regularity and Reputation, Falmouth, 208 Wahab, JuUunder, India, 335 II Sialkot, II 33s Waikouaiti, Waikouaiti, New Zealand, 431 Waitaki, Oamaru, 11 346 "Waltemata, Auckland, n 307 Waitohi, Picton, n 42S Wakefield, Wakefield, 281 Waldeck, London, 419 Walden, Saffron Walden, 361 Walhalla, Walhalla, Victoria, 396 Walker, Byker, 366 II Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 366 II Walker-on-Tyne, 366 Wallington, Carshalton, 413 II Sutton, 413 Walmsley, Pictou, Nova Scotia, 473 Walpole, Norwich, 379 Walsingham, Wilmington, 434 Walthamstow, London, 459 Walton, Kirkdale, 343 Wanderers', London, 388 Wandsworth, n 292, 339 Wangaratta of St. John, Wangaratta, Victoria,S75 Wannon, Coleraine, Victoria, 396 Waratah, Waratah, Neiu South Wales, 443 Warde, Westerham, 425 Warden, Sutton Coldfield, 318 Warner, Chingford, 443 Warrant Officers', London, 450 Warren, Egremont, 360 II Liscard, 360 II Nottingham, 239 II Seacombe, 360 Warrion's, Colac, Victoria, 422 Waterloo, Seventy-ninth Regiment, 142 II Thirty-third Regiment, 247 11 Three Rivers, Canada, 469 Watford, Watford, 266 Watling Street, Stony Stratford, 391 Waveney, Bungay, 329 Waverley, Ashton-under-Lyne, 364 11 Higher Hurst, 364 Wavertree, Wavertree, 446 Wayfarers', Malta, 416 Weald of Kent, Tenterden, 409 Wear, Chester-le-Street, 270 Wear Valley, liishop Auckland, 346 Welchpool, Welchpool, 336 Welcome, London, 394 Welland, Chippewa, Canada, 298 11 Spalding, 247 Well Chosen, Naples, Italy, 168 Well Disposed, I^ondon, 56 Wellesley, Sandhurst, 413 Wellington, Bunbury, Western Australia, 408 II Chatham, Canada, 303 M Chepstow, 250 11 Deal, 317 11 Guelph, Canada, 294 II London, 290 II Mudgee, Neiv South Wales, 312 II Rye, 244 II Wellington, New Zealand, 381 Wellington Persevering, Montreal, Canada, 258 Welsford, Windsor, Nova Scotia, 329 Wentworth, Sheffield, 357 II Wellingborough, 312 II Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, 473 Werrigar, Warracknabeal, Victoria, 444 West Ham Abbey, London, 445 West India and American, London, 34 West Kent, London, 362 West Kent Volunteer, Plumstead, 425 II Wilmington, 425 West Lancashire, Ormskirk, 371 West Lancashire Century, Blackpool, 450 West Middlesex, London, 389 West Norfolk, Fifty-fourth Regiment, 275 West Smithfield, London, 390 Westbourne, n 312 Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, 280 Western District United Service, East Stonehouse, 443 Westeln Light, Bolton, Canada, 256 II King, II 256 Western Polynesia, Noumea, New Caledonia, 410 Western Star, Cannanore, India, 340 Westminster and Keystone, London, 37 Westmoreland, Jamaica, West Indies, 369 Westport, Westport, Nova Scotia, 329 Weymouth, Weymouth, 197 Wey Side, Old Woking, 370 II Woking, 370 Wharfedale, Otley, 345 Wharncliffe, Penistone, 376 Wharton, London, 426 Whitchurch, Whitchurch, 212 White Hart, Huddersfield, 229 White Hope, Tarkastad, Cape Co:ony, 417 White Horse, Westbury, 440 White Horse of Kent, London, 380 White Rose of York, Sheffield, 460 White Swan, Norwich, 46 Whittington, London, 323 Whitwell, Millom, 370 II ' Stockton-on-Tees, 430 Whitworth, Spennymoor, 416 Wickham, London, 416 Widows' Friend, Weymouth, Nova Scotia, 332 Wigan, Wigan, 448 Wigton St. John's, Wigton, 241 Wilberforce, Hull, 433 Wilbraham, Walton-on-the-Hill, 397 Willesden, London, 460 William Kingston, Goletta, Tunis, North Africa, 408 William of Wykeham, Winchester, 412 William Preston, London, 315 William Shurmur, Chingford, 452 Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia, U.S.A., 188 Williamson, Monk Wearmouth, 331 Wilson-Isles, Rickmansworth, 426 II Waltham Cross, 426 Wilton, Blackley, 343 Wiltshire, Devizes, 217 Wiltshire of Fidelity, Devizes, 305 Wimmera, Horsham, Victoria, 403 Winchester, Winchester, New Zealand, 399 Windermere, Windermere, 440 Windmill, London, 57 Windrush, Witney, 396 Windsor, Penarth, 401 II Windsor, Nova Scotia, 473 Windsor Castle, Windsor, 315 Windsor Social, n New South Wales, 435 Wineslai, Winslow, 456 Winton, Winton, Queensland, 451 Wirral, Birkenhead, 460 Witham, Lincoln, 231 Wodehouse, Dordrecht, Cape Colony, 377 Wolseley, Manchester, 421 Wolsey, Hampton Court, 392 II Hampton Wick, 392 Wood Green, London, 456 Woodgrange, n 454 Woodstock, Woodstock, Cape Colony, 452 II II New Brunswick, 290 Worcester, Worcester, 224 11 II Cape Colony, 388 Worsley, Worsley, 406 Worthing of Friendship, Worthing, 322 Wrekin, Wellington (Shropshire)', 22i Wychwood, Burford, 455 Wycombe, High Wycombe, 380 Wynnstay, Oswestry, 176 II Wynnstay, 176 Yarborough, Brighton, 319 II Gainsborough, 269 II Jersey, Channel Islands, 206 II London, 290 II Manchester, 301 11 Salford, 301 II Ventnor, 290 Yarra Yarra, Emerald Hill, Victoria, 310 11 South Melbourne, n 310 Yarrawonga of St. David, Yarrawonga, Victoria, 432 XI.— Names of Lodges. S40 Yarrowee, Ballarat, Victoria, 310 Zetla nd, Alberton, Prince Ediaard Island, 353 Zetland, Salford, 323 Yass of Concord, Yass, New South Wales, 334 1 1 Alexandria, Egypt, North Africa, 350 II Saltash, 342 Yokohama, Yokohama, /apan, 344 , Birkenhead, 288 11 Shediac, New Brunswick, 326 York, York, 200 1 Cleckheaton, 297 II Singapore, East Indies, 284 11 II Western Australia, 431 i 1 Fort Reaufort, Cape Colony, 297 M Toronto, Canada, 288 1 Gloucester, 336 n Valetta, Malta, 284 1 Guisbrough, 291 Zetland in the East, Singapore, East Indies, 284 1 Hong Kong, China, 286 Zetland of Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, 1 Kyneton, Victoria, 318 303 1 Leeds, 363 Zion, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., 184, 477 1 Liverpool, Nova Scotia, 2,i)\ 11 Hulme, 404 1 London, 284 11 Manchester, 404 1 Meerut, India, 288 II Fifty-seventh Regiment, Nev) York, U.S.A., Zeal, London, 152 Zelandia, Whangaroa, Neia Zealand, 428 Zenith, Bendigo, Victoria, 347 1 Montreal, Canada, 282 479 1 Murraysburg, Cape Colony, 379 II Sussex, New Brunswick, 333 1 Newent, 336 Zoutpansberg Liberty, Pietersburg, South Africa, II Sandhurst, Victoria, 347 Zerubabel, Copenhagen, Denmark, 89 ' 1 Ramleh, Egypt, North Africa, 350 460 1 Rudlbrd, 336 Zuriel, Naraingunge, India, 461 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Adams, Herbert J., P.G.Sw.B. England. London Road, Enfield. Anderton, Edward D., P.M. 331. P.Prov.S.G.W. and Prov.G.Sec. Cornwall. Oakroyd, Falmouth. Armitage, Edward, P.M. 859, 1074, 1492. P.Prov.S.G.W. Cumberland and Westmorland. 63 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. Armstrong, Thomas John, P.M. 1626. Hawthorn Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Barnard, G. W. G., P.M. 943. Prov.G.Sec. iJorfolk. 4 Surrey Street, Norwich. Baskett, Samuel Russell, P.M. 329, 1367. P.Prov.G.R. Dorset. Evershot, near Dorchester. Beech, George, P.M. 887. Prov.G.Sec. Warwickshire. P.G.St.B. England. 37 Temple Street, Birmingham. Begemann, Dr. G. E. W. Prov.G.M. of Mecklenburg. Charlottenburg, near Berlin, Berlinerstrasse, 82 II. Bell, Seymour, P.M. 20 Eldon Square, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Bennett, Alfred B. P.Prov.S.G.D. East Lancashire. Victoria Club, Wellington Street, London. (Two Copies). Beever, Cyril Howard, P.M. 1375, W.M. 2363. 19 Ladybarn Road, Fallowfield, Manchester. Betts, Arthur, P.M. 1351. 2 Gray's Inn Place, London. Bevir, Harry, P.Prov.S.G.W. and Prov.G.Sec. Wiltshire. The Limekiln, Wootton Bassett. Bishop of Barrow-in-Furness, (The Rt. Rev.) G. Chaplain England. The Abbey, Carlisle. Bodenham, John. P. Prov.G.W. Staffordshire, and N. Wales, and Shropshire. P.A.G.D.C. England. Edgmond, Newport, Salop. Boulton, James, P.M. 28, 1058, 2291, 2442. P.Prov.S.G.D. Essex. Benttey House, 267 Romford Road, Forest Gate, London. Bourne, Robert W., P.M. 32, Hereford Square, South Kensington, London. Bowles, Major Fred. A., R.A., P.M. 1395, 1789, 1960. P.D.Dist.G.M. Punjab. P.Prov.S.G.W. Surrey. Darjeeling, India. Bramble, Lt.-Col. James R., F.S.A. D.Prov.G.M. Bristol. P.A.G.D.C. England. Cleeve House, Yatton, Somerset. Brittain, W. H., J.P., F.R.G.S., P.M. 139, 296, 1779. P.Prov.G.W. West Yorks. P.G.Sw.B. England. Storth Oaks, Sheffield. Brown, Vincent, J.W. 42. 213 Rochdale Road, Bury, Lancashire. Brown, William P. P.G.St.B. England. 3 Austin Friars, London. (Two Copies). Bruce, Alexander, Lodges 185, 772, S.C. Clyne House, PoUokshields, Glasgow. Bru ton, James, P.M. 839. Prov.S.G.W. Gloucestershire. Wotton, Gloucester. Carrick, William Lowther, P.M. 543, 2494. Stokesley, Yorkshire. Carson, Enoch Terry, P.M. 236. Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S. of America. Carson, Joe L., P.M. 891. Prov. J.G.D. Tyrone and Fermanagh. Enniskillen, Ireland. Case, Robert, P.M. 417. P. Prov. G. Treas. and Prov.G.Sec. Dorsetshire. Dorchester. Chadwick, John, P.M. 44. Prov.G.Sec. East Lancashire. P.G.Sw.B. England. 2 Cooper Street, Manchester. Cobham, Charles. P.Prov.G.Sup.Wks. Durham. The Shrubbery, Gravesend. Cobham, George Radcliffe, P.M. 20, 1343, 2205. P.Prov.G.Sup.Wks. Essex. I and 3 Edwin Street, Gravesend. Cock, William, P.M. 1597, 2024, 2272. P.Prov.S.G.D. Middlesex. 147 Qvieen's Road, Peckham, London. Cockburn, Brigade Surgeon J. Balfour, M.D., P.M. 84, 278, 1043, 1049. Prov. G.M. Guernsey and Alderney. Elm House, Guernsey. Cohu, Thomas, P.M. 192. Prov. J.G.W. Guernsey and Alderney. 61 High Street, Plaistow, London. CoUens, W. J., P.M. 766. 2 Gresham Buildings, Guildhall, London. Collins, Howard J., S.D. 587. (Jeneral Hospital, Birmingham. Cook, George, P.M. 820, Treas. 2346, 2484. 58 Spencer Street, Clerkenwell, London. Cookson, James, P.M. and Sec. 287. P.Prov.G.Treas. Cheshire. Field House, Stockport. Corrie, Alexander. Dist. G. Treas. Queensland. Couch, Richard Pearce, S.W. 121. Penzance, Cornwall. Crawley, W. J. Chetwode, LL.D., D.C.L., dr=