CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM The Supt. of J^ocuments Cornell University Library G670 1871 .P76 + Scientific results of the United States 3 1924 029 881 095 olin Overs ; tf> V, Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. UNITED STATES N-AVY DEPARTMENT. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS USITEl) STATES AECTIC EXPEDITION. STEAMER POLARIS, C. F. HALL COMMANDING. VOL. I. PHYSICAL OBSERVATIONS EMIL BESSELS, CIIIEI' 01' XIIH SCIENTIFIC DlSrAUTMEXT, UNITED STATUS AKCTIC EXPIfDmOX. WAS n IN G TON: GOVERNMENT FEINTING OEFICE, 18 7 6. V ^Y^TT^ f\.\^s^^t National Academy of Sciences, WasJdngton, D. C, March 10, 1875. Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith the fii'st volume of the report of the scientific results of the " Expedition to the North Pole," prepared by Dr. Emil Bessels, under the direction of the National Academy of Sciences, in accordance with the law of Congress. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, A JOSEPH HBNEY, President National Academy of Sciences. Hon. George M. Robeson, Secretary of the Ifavy. Washington, D. 0., Blarch 1, 1875. Sir: Having been ordered by the Secretary of the Navy to report to you the scieutiflc results of the late Uuited States Arctic Expedition, I herewith submit the first volume of the report, containing the "Physical Observations." Some portions of the volume have been prepared in a somewhat hasty manner, in order to render the information collected immediately available for the use of the English expedition about to be dispatched to the same regions. But as in most cases the complete original records are also published, such further use can be made of them as may be desirable. I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, &c., EMIL BESSELS, Chief of Scientific Department United States Arctic Expedition. Prof. Joseph Henry, LL. D., President of the National Academy of Sciences. CONTENTS. HVDROGBAPHY I Page Passage ; 2 Condition of the ice 5 Density and temperature of the sea and remarks on currents g Tides at Polaris Bay. Introductory j9 Record 21 Determination of half-tide level 3g Effect of changes in the atmospheric pressure upon the half-tide level 42 Effect of the wind upon the half-tide level 4(; Effect of the moon's and sun's declination on the variation of the half-tide level 49 Reduction of tides 52 Semi-mensual inequality g5 Age of the tide 7j Effect of changes in the moon's parallax on the eemi-mensual inequality in time and height 72 Effect of changes in the moon's declination ou the semi-mensual inequality in time and height 76 Sun's declination effect pi Diurnal inequality gj Separation of the resultant tide-wave into its component parts g3 Investigation of the form of the tide-waves 83 Progress of the tidal wave 535 Temperatueb of the air : Record and discussion of observations made at Polaris Bay. Introductory 1 Description of station and observatory 1 Description of instruments 4 Comparison of thermometers 4 Record... 9 Maxima and minima observed 19 Daily means of temperature 19 Hourly means of temperature 20, Annual fluctuation of temperature at Polaris Bay 20 Change of mean temperature with the latitude 23 Diurnal fluctuation of temperature at Polaris Bay 26 Diurnal fluctuation of temperature during seasons at Polaris Bay 29 Analytical elements and expressions used in computation 32 Comparison of computed and observed values 34 Thermic wind-rose 35 Table of corrections 38 Temperature of the air at Polaris House. Inti-odnctory : 39 Record 40 Maxima and minima observed 47 Daily means of temperature at Polaris House 47 Hourly means of temperature at Polaris House 48 Annual fluctuation of temperature at Polaris House 48 Diurnal fluctuation 49 Diurnal fluctuation during seasons.. 50 Analytical elements and expressions used in computation.. 51 Comparison of computed and observed values , , 53 Yin CONTENTS. Page, Temperature op the aii{— Continued. Thermic wind-rose 54 Table of corrections 56 HVGROMETRICAL OBSERVATIONS : , Record and discussion of observations at Polaris Bay. Introductory 1 Eecord 4 Daily and hourly means of force of vapor 53 Annual fluctuation of force of vapor ^ = 54 Diurnal fluctuation of force of vapor £5 Comparison of computed and observed values of force of vapor, (seasons) .'. 57 Analytical elements and expressions used in computation of diurnal fluctuation of force of vapor 57 Comparison of computed and observed values^ (months) - fiO Table of corrections 02 Daily and hourly means of relative humidity 63 Annual fluctuation of relative humidity 64 Diurnal fluctuatiou of relative humidity 66 Diurnal fluctuatiou of relative humidity during seasons 68 Analytical elements and expressions used in computation 71 Comparison of computed and observed values 73 Atmic wind-rose of Polaris Bay 75 Table of corrections 76 Daily and hourly means of dew-poiut 77 Annual fluctuation of dew-point 7ri Dinrnal fluctuation of dew-point 79 Diurnal fluctuation of dew-poiut duriug seasons 80 Analytical elements and expressions used in computation 84 Comparison of computed and observed values 87 Dirtereuoe between temperatures of the air aud of dew-poiut 1)0 Table of corrections . ;(;{ Hygromotrical observat ions at Polaris House 1)5 Kocord 96 Daily and hourly means of force of vapor 13-2 Auuual fluctuatiou of force of vapor I33 Diurnal flnctuatiou of force of vapor .'. . . 134 Analytical elements and expressions used in computation 13(5 Comparison of computed and observed values I37 Table of corrections > ; I39 Daily aud hourly pieans of relatix'o humidity ] 40 Auuual fluctuation of relative humidity j4^ Diurnal fluctuation of relative humidity 14-2 Analytical elements and expressions used in computation 445 Comparison of computed and observed values 445 Atmic wind-rose „ 447 Table of corrections w 443 Daily and hourly means of dew-poiut 449 Annual fluctuation of dew-point 45Q Diurnal fluctuation of dew-point and temperature of the air 454 Analytical elements and expressions used in computation 454 Comparison of computed aud observed values 1 455 Table of corrections 4r,7 Atmospheric precipitation. Introductory , 45g Record of atmospheric precipitation at Polaris Bay ■ 459 Condensed result of precipitation at Polaris Bay ^ 4(;q Deposits of hoar frosts and ice-crystals at Polaris Bay 4(30 Record of atmospheric preci4)itation at Polaris House 4gl Condensed result of 4)recipitatiou at Polaris House 41;.) Comparison of atmospheric precipitation at Polaris Bay aud Polaris House 4(32 Atjiosi'Hbric pressure: Eecord and discussion of observations at Polaris Bay. Introductory 4 Record r. Daily and hourly means of atmospheric pressure ly Auuual fluctuatiou of atmospheric pressure 49 Annual fluctuation corrected for force of vapor , ^;0 Annual fluctuation of atmospheric pressure at various stations 01 CONTENTS. ix . Page. Atmospheric rKESSURE— Continued. Diurnal fluctuation of atmosplieric pressure at Polaris Bay 21 Dinrnal fluctuation, corrected for force of vapor .-. 21 Diurnal fluctuation of atmospheric pressure at various stations 24 Baric wind-rose of Polaris Bay 25 Table of corrections 27 Record of discussion of observations made at Polaris House. • Introductory 29 Eecord ?jq Daily and hourly means of atmospheric pressure 39 Aunual fluctuation of atmospheric pressure 40 Annual fluctuation, corrected for force of vapor : '. 40 Diurnal fluctuation of atmospheric pressure 40 Diurnal fluctuation, corrected for force of vapor 42 Baric wind-rose 42 Table of corrections 43 Winds : Record and discussion of winds at Polaris Bay. Introductory 1 Eecord 4 Analysis of winds at Polaris Bay 35 Duration of storms 37 Record and discussion of winds at Polaris House. Introductory 39 Record 40 Analysis of winds at Polaris House 61 Duration of storms 65 Rotation of storms 65 Rotation of winds at Polaris Bay 66 Rotation of winds at Polaris House 67 Rotation of winds at various other stations ._ 68 Solar radiation : Solar radiation at Polaris Bay. Introductory 1 Record 4 Solar radiation at Polaris House. Introductory 41 Record 42 Recapitulation T^ Results J , 80 Terrestrial RADiATiOisr : Record and discussion of observations at Polaris Bay ." 1 Record of observations made at Polaris House 7 Discussion of observations made at Polaris House 25 Face of the sky and state or weather : Face of the sky and state of weather at Polaris Bay. Introductorj' 1 Eecord 4 Recapitulation 64 Face of the sky and state of weather at Polaris House 65 Eecord .^ ,. 66 Eecapitulation 108 Observations on ozone : Observations made at Polaris Bay and Polaris House. Introductory 1 Eecord of observations at Polaris Bay 4 Eecord of observations at Polaris House 8 Eemarks on above 12 Meteorological observations taken at sea : . ■ Meteorological observations taken during the passage 1 ' Meteorological observations at Newman's Bay 9 Discussion of the observations taken at Newmau's Bay 12 Meteorological observations during drift of ice-floe party 15 Meteorological record kept during retreat of expedition from Polaris House to Melville Bay 19 Meteorological observations on board whaling-steamer Arctic. Introductory 215 Meteorological observations in Baffin Bay..., ^ 24 Meteorological observations in Prince Eegent Inlet • 28 Meteorological observations in Baffi n Bay 36 Meteorological observations in Davis Strait 'i9 Meteorological observations in the North Atlantic 44 ii X CONTENTS. MUTEOROI.OGICAL OBSERVATIONS TAKEN AT SEA — ContillUecl. Rocapitiilation 48 Temperature 43 Atmospheric pressure 50 Winds .'. 51 Hygroraetrlcal observatious 52 Face of tliesty 53 Solar radiation ; 54 C'lIROXOMETER JOURNAL: Introductory 1 Journal 4 Astronomical observations : Introductory 1 Observations for latitude 7 Observations for time and longitude 37 Longitndeof Polaris House ^ ; 58 Penddldm experiments : Pendulum experiments made at Polaris Bay. lutrodnctory 1 Record of vibrations 5 Method of reduction. Temperature of pendulum 37 Chronometer comparisons ^ 45 Reduction 49 ■ Pendulum experiments made at Polaris House. Introductory 71 Record of vibrations 72 Formula} and method of reduction 88 Chronometer comparison _ pg Reduction qq Recapitulation of results _ gg Magnetic observations and list op auroras: Introductory ^ Observations and results of magnetic declinations 4 List of auroras /■ PsvcmtOMETRICAL tables : Introductory _ , Tables ' 4 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. HYDKOGRAriiy : Page. Chart showing the tracks and discoveries, (in pocket.) • Chart of co-tidal lines S6 I. Else and fall of tides at Polaris Bay 86 II. Rise and fall of tides at Polaris Bay 86 III. Diurnal inequality in height, high water and low water 86 IV. Diurnal inequality in height, high water and low water 86 V. Lunitidal intervals, high water 86 VI. Lunitidal intervals, low water 86 VII. Diurnal inequality in time, high water 86 VIII. Diurnal inequality in time, low water 86 IX. Separation of the diurnal and semi-diurnal wave 86 Temi'eraturb op the air : I. Plan of ohservatory at Polaris Bay .56 II. Ground plan of observatory at Polaris Bay 56 HVGKOMETRICAL OBSERVATION : Tension of vapor in English inches 16"3 WOOD-CUTS. Hydisography : Vignette of the Polaris ■ 1 Semi-mensual ineqxiality in time 68 Semi-mensual inequality of height 70 Semi-mensual inequality of mean level 71 Form of spring and neap tide waves 84 Temperature op the air : Sketch of thermometer-hox 4 Annual fluctuation of temperature at Polaris Bay -• 22 Diurnal range of temperature at Polaris Bay 27 Diurnal fluctuation of temperature at Polaris Bay ^0 Diurnal fluctuation of temperature at Polaris Bay 50 Hygrometrical observations: Diurnal fluctuation of force of vapor at Polaris Bay 55 Annual fluctuation of relative humidity at Polaris Bay 65 Diurnal fluctuation of relative humidity at Polaris Bay 66 Diurnal fluctuation of relative humidity and force of vapor, during spriug, Polaris Bay 67 Diurnal fluctuation of relative humidity and force of vapor, during summer, Polaris Bay 68 Dinrnal fluctuation of relative humidity and force of vapor, during autumn, Polaris Bay 69 Diurnal fluctuation of relative humidity and force of vapor, during winter, Polaris Bay TO Diurnal fluctuation of temperature of the air and dew-point, during spriug, Polaris Bay 81 Diurnal fluctuation of temperature of the air and dew-point, during summer, Polaris Bay 82 Dinrnal llnctuatlou of temperature of the air and dow-point, during autumn, Polaris Bay 8:J Diurnal fluctuation of temperature of the air aud dew-point, during winter, Polaris Bay 84 Diurnal fluctuation of force of vapor, winter, half year, at Polaris House 134 Diurnal fluctuation of relative humidity, winter, half year, at Polaris Honso 1-12 Diurnal flnctuatiou of force of vapor and relative humidity during winter, at Polaris House 143 Uiurual fluctuation of force of vapor and relative humidity during spring, at Polaris House IM Diurnal fluctuation of temperature of the air and dewpoiut, winter, at Polaris House 152 Diurnal fluctuation of temperature of the air and dew point, spriug, at Polaris House 153 Xll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Atjiosphkric pressukb : • Annual fluctuation of atmospheric pressure at Polaris Bay 20 Diurnal fluctuation of atmospheric pressure at Polaris Bay 2:} Baric wind-rose of Pol aris Bay 26 Diurnal fluctuation of atmospheric pressure at Polaris House — 41 Obsers'ed and computed velocities of wind at Polaris House 36 Solar radiation : Black-bulb tlierraoineters . ; .'. 1 Chronometer journal : Diagram showing position of box-chrouonieter in cabin of steamship Polaris 1 Pendulum experiments : The Hayes pendulum 1 Cross-section of observatory showing pendulum and telescope 2 Diagram showing fastening of lower portion of pendulura-caso 3 EEEATA. Atmospheric Pressure : Page 40, line 21, read "April " instead of "May." Page 40, line 22, read "SOi"- 2109, during April," instead of " 29™' 9341 during November." Page 40, line 28, omit " wliicli is not at all likely." Face of the Sky and State of Weather : Page 64, line 17, read " mostly " instead of " nearly entirely." Pendulum Experiments : Page 2, line .3, read " very nearly " instead of " exactly." Pago 3, line 3, read " test " instead of " tell." Psychrometrioal Tables : Page 3, line 24, read " BCnOMOrATEALIlLIH " instead of " BCnOMOrATEAl.ia." HYDROGRAPHY. 1 H l[YI)ROGllArilY. PASSAGE. The Polai The United States steamer Polaris, a fore- topsail scboouer of tbreo luuidred and eigbty- seveu tons, commaiuled by tbe late 0. F. Hall, left the Washington uavy-yard at 12'' 30"" p. ni., Jnne 10, 1S71, bonud for Brooklyn, where she dropped anchor June 1-1 at 7'' 30™ a. m. After having been made ready for sea she left this port the evening of the 29th, making New London Harbor the following morning, where she remained nntil July 3. Making sail at day-break she left the harbor, and, after having passed Eave Eock at 5'' 20'", shaped her coarse ^^ for Now Foundland, reaching St. John's Har- -r;^S bor near noon July 11, where she remained _^_"^ till the 19th. -^^^—^^ Thefirst port made in Greenland was Fiskor- naes, in latitude 03° 5' N., longitude 55° 32'. 3 \V., where the vessel dropped anchor in the afternoon of July 27, and remained till day-break July 29. Goastingaloug the steep cliffs, Holsteinburg, in latitude 66° 57' N., longitude o3^ o3'.7 W., was reached on July 31 at 10'' a. ni. Thence she started agaiu August 3 at 2'' p. ni., arriving, 21 hours later, at Goodhavu, in latitnde 69° 14:'.7 N., longitude 53^ 31' ^V. Here she had to await the arrival of the United States steamer Congress, a supply-vessel dispatched from New York. Having coaled up and taken the stores on board, she left Goodhava August 13 at 2" p. m. and dropped anchor at Upernivik, in latitude 72'= 46' N., longitude 56° 2' W., the following day at 11"^ 30"" p. m. She put to sea agaiu ou the 21st at 8'' 30'" p. m., reached Kingigtok Island at 11'' p. m., where she stopped for two hour^, and then she made her way to Tassiussak, latitude 73^ 21' N., longitude 50° 5'.7 W., dropi)ing anchor at 5'' 30'" a. m. ou the 22d. Leaving this place, the most northern settlement of white men ou the globe, at 2'' 15'" p. m. ou the 21:th, her course was shaped to the westward across Melville Bay. With the exception of a number of bergs scarcely any ice was met with, and at noon the uoxt day she found lierself in latitude 75'^ 56' N., longitude 09° 20'. 5 W., passing Conical Eock at a distance of about 13 miles at about 1'' p. m. aud Cape Dudley Digges one hour later. At eight in the evening Granville Bay was opened, aud at 9'' the vessel was surrounded by broken ice, through which she steamed without any difiiculty, passing Fitz Clarence Eock at IL'' 10'". Her position at noon ou the 27th of August was latitude 77- 51^ N., loiigitude 73° 11' W., and at 3'' p. ni . she doubled Cape Alexander, thus eutering Smith Sound. At 4'' 37'" Port Foulke was passed, at 0'' 50™ Cairn Point, aud at eight in the evening she fouud herself abreast of Van Eensselaer Harbor, shaping her course more to the northward and heading for CapeFrazer, a prominent land- mark ou the east coast of Griunell Land, which was doubled at 8'' 30"' a. m. August 2S, after a boat had landed to examine a sm.all bight in the coast. Her position on the same day at noon was latitude 80=^3' N., longitude 69° 28' W. Half an hour later Cape Norton Shaw, tlie south cape of Scoresby Bay, was sighted, and at 2'' 30'" she doubled Cape McClintock. Following the trend of the coast at an average distauc^e of from 8 to 10 miles she passed between Hans Island, latitude 4 HYDROGEAPHY. 80° 48' N., aud the main land at V2" 30'" a. m., August 29. As a dense fog was settling, the vessel was made fast to an ice-floe at about 8"^ a. ip., and when it began to clear toward noon she was cast off again, A meridian altitude of the sun placed her in latitude 81° 20' N. (longitude 64° 34' W.), which was the northernmost position determined astronomically at sea. From here Eobeson Channel appeared to be land-locked toward the north, but steaming on for about 5 miles the land toward the east and west began to recede, aud the channel was opened again. The atmos- phere being most of the time hazy or obscured by dense fog, the vessel steamed north at an aver- age speed of about 6 knots, keeping somewhat nearer to the east coast of the channel than to the west coast, and passing but little ice. As the fog grew denser and denser, and as considerable ice appeared, she was made fast to an ice-field about C miles in length at 9'' 35"' a. m. August 30, where she remained till 7'' 15'" in the evening. At 8'' 55" a boat crossed over to a little bay, now known as Eepulse Harbor, but was prevented from landing by the swift tidal current. As it was growing thicker the vessel was moored to a floe at 11'' 30'" p. m., getting under way once more at C' a. m., on the 31st. At 7'" 50" she had to be made fast again on account of fog, and when it cleared toward 9 o'clock she was under steam again. In the course of the afternoon another attempt was made to land at Eepulse Harbor, which proved more successful ; but as the little bight was filled with ice, and as it was open to the north winds, it was not considered to be fit for an anchorage. Since the pack north of Eepulse Harbor apparently stretched across the channel, the vessel was headed west, when she found herself in latitude 82° 16' N., longitude 00° 3' W., with the intention to attempt to get north along the coast of Griunell Land. Dense fog prevailing after 5 o'clock, she was made fast to a floe at 5'' 30", where she had to remain till 9'' 25" the next morning (September l),but scarcely had she been under way for 35 minutes when it grew thick again, and she had to be tied up once more, getting beset a short time afterward when the tide began to run flood. It continued to be more or less foggy until the evening of September 4, the vessel drifting apparently south during the whole time she was made fast to the floe. When it cleared, at about 8'' p. m., the remainder of theprovisions that had been previously lauded on the floe was taken on board again ; the vessel was cast off at 8^ 45'" and stood in for the east coast of the channel. At 12'' 30" a. m., September 4, she anchored in Polaris Bay, in latitude 81° 36'.4 N., longitude 02° 15' W., in thirteen fathoms of water, under the protection of a large berg and some grounded ice, named Thank God Harbor, where she was prepared for winter-quarters. As a place of such character can scarcely be termed a harbor, since the iceberg, named Providence Berg, broke to pieces under our own eyes, and as the fragments are very likely dissipated by this time, we are perforce compelled to adopt the name Polaris Bay as the only one applicable to the permanent features of the locality. A heavy gale from the northeast broke the ice on November 20, and, setting it adrift, the ves- sel swung to her anchor and against the berg in question, which latter, in the course of the wi)itor, was pressed farther and farther toward the shore. The Polaris, lying between the two and resting on a projecting tongue of the berg, heeled over at every low tide, sometimes as much as thirty degrees. The perpetual strain thus produced started her stem aud sprang a kak, which crippled all further progress of the expedition. During the latter part of June, 1872, the Polaris was sawed out and bore up for home August 12. In making her way through Kennedy Channel she got beset three days later, and drifting south to about latitude 8° 1' N., longitude 75° W., the ice round her suddenly parted during the night of October 15. While iq, this rather precarious position, a portion of her crew and most of her provisions were landed on the floe, to which she was moored. Under the combined influence of a strong southwest gale and a swift tidal current she parted her hawsers aud got separated from the portion of the crew that had been landed on the floe. The following morning she found herself north of her previous position, almost abreast of Life-boat Cove, where she was beaclied, in latitude 78° 23'.4 N., longitude 72o 51' W. In the spring of 1873 two boats were built of a por- tion of her timber, and leaving Polaris House June 3 the fourteen survivors were picked up by the Scotch whaling-ship Eavenscraig on the 23d in the vicinity of Cape York. After having beeii able to get clear of the ice of Melville Bay, the Eavenscraig crossed over to the west side of Baffin Bay, and in steaming through Lancaster Sound she fell in with the whaling-ship Arctic, from Dun-- CONDITION OF THE ICE. 5 dee, on July 7. A portion of the officers and crew of the Pohiris was transferred to Captain Adams's vessel, and afterward, when Captain Allen met the Intrepid, the officer in command of the latter kindly took another portion on board. The track of the Arctic, as far as it refers to the meteorological observations taken on board of this vessel, is laid down on the map accom- panying this volume. CONDITION OF THE ICE. A critical examination of the history of arctic exploration demonstrates the fact that the scope of the different discoveries made by means of vessels is in inverse proportion to the extent of the ice toward the region of departure, while that of sledge-traveling is governed almost solely by the condition of the ice, whether smooth or hummocky, stationary or drifting, compact or intersected by lanes of open water. It will furthermore be seen that the extent of the ice is not only subject to great changes daring the different seasons of one and the same year, but that it also varies in different years, according to the normal or anomalous march of the temperature of the lo- cality in question, to the direction of the prevailing winds in the vicinity, and to other influences • only partly known, and whose study would well repay for the time spent in their investigation. As we propose to give some results relating to this subject in the secoud volume of this publi- cation, where we shall dwell more in detail on the glacial system of Greenland, and of the arctic region in general, we shall limit ourselves here to the observations made during the expedition. In steaming north, after having left Tassiussak, the first pack was met with between 11'' and 12'' p. m., August 27, in about latitude 79° 3' N., longitude 72° W., stretching apparently across the sound. Following a lead, the vessel soon found herself in tolerably clear water, extend- ing along the coast of G-rinnell Land. After having passed the eightieth parallel the quantity of ice diminished, and but very few bergs were seen north of this latitude. Duriug the forenoon of August 20 some old floes made their appearance, to one of which the vessel w;is made fast for sev- eral hours on account of dense fog. Having been unmoored, she steamed north again, meeting- larger quantities of ice only occasionally, till she found herself north of latitude 82°, when she IVU in with heavy fields and high hummocks, intersected by minor lanes of water, and stretching across Eobeson Channel near- latitude 82° 16' N. From the deck of the vessel the barrier appeared more or less solid, but dense clouds of frost-smoke hung to the north of it, and from the crow's- nest a considerable body of open water could be seen. As it seems, Eobeson Channel, Hall's Basin, Kennedy Channel, Smith Sound, and Smith Strait are never entirely frozen over ; at least, it was always possible to detect open water in one or the other direction, both during our stay at Polaris Bay and at Polaris House. If we take tlie prevailing direction and force of the wind into consideration, and if we relnember that the different channels above mentioned are narrow, and, comparatively speaking, very deep, thus giving occa- sion to a swift tidal current, we can scarcely expect anything else. During the winter and spring of 1871-72 the only stationary ice near our winter-quarters was found along the shore, extending in a narrow belt from a few miles north of Cape Lupton, along the shores of Polaris Bay, to the mouth of Petermann's Fjord, and growing very hummocky near Cape Lucie Marie. South of Cape Morton, along the northwest coast of Petermann's Peninsula, it was found a little smoother in April, 1872, although intersecteil by lanes of water, while there was scarcely an ice-foot along John Brown Coast, and a traveling party, trying to reach Cape Constitution, was stopped by opeu water, and had to return, xis far as the observations made at Polaris Bay and Newman Bay go, the ice in the channel was adrift during the greatest portion of the time ; it was stationary only on a few occasions, during March, when the temperature was low, and when there was not much wind. Owing to the combined action of currents and winds, the ice forming in deep channels, flanked by steep shores, will always be found hummocky; and, indeed, that of Eobeson Channel and Hall's Basin was of the worst description. It was rougher than that of Smith Straits, the bad condition of which prevents the natives living near Cape Alexander from crossing the strait, scarcely 30 miles wide, and from communicating with the Eskimos inhabitating the region of Bllesmere Land, near Cape Isabella. It would lead us too far to give a detailed account of the condition of the ice during the time spent at the winter-quarters of the expedition. It will be sufficient to state that, during spring 6 HYDROGEAPHY. and summer of 1872, the sea ia Hall's Basiu and Eobeson Channel was in such a condition that, during the navigable season, the lanes of open water intersecting the ice were scarcely wide enough to permit a boat to be launched, while they were too numerous and the ice too rough to encourage sledge-traveling. In Hall's Basin the drift of the ice was in most instances southerly, accelerated by northeast winds and the flood-tide, which runs stronger than the ebb. The influence of the latter is less marked, and it was only wheu the returning ebb was accompanied by southerly winds that the ice drifted with the same velocity in a northerly direction as in the opposite one. During the stay of the boat-party at Newman's Bay the prevailing direction of the drift was likewise southerly, with the exception of a few occasions during the time of spring-tides, when a slow motion in the opposite direction could be noticed for a few hours at a time. • In a number of instances a strong westerly set was observed during the latter part of June and during July. While it was apparently calm, the ice could be seen to drift in great quantities from Polaris Bay to the coast of Grinnell Land, disappearing, as it seemed, in Lady Franklin Bay. As the set was so strong, and as the same ice was never seen to return, these observations led to the supposition that the bay in question was actually a strait. This view is supported by the observations made from the height of Polaris promontory, whence Mount Grinnell could be seen to be isolated from the main land, looking like an island, behind which an ice-horizon could plainly be distinguished. During the latter part of the summer of 1872 the condition of the ice was less favorable to navigation than during the preceding year. As stated before, the Polaris, when on her way home, was beset in Kennedy Channel, and drifted out of Smith Strait. From the 16th of August till the- middleof September lanes of open water of greater or less extent could be noticed almost daily along the coast of Grinnell Land, but it was impossible to reach them with the vessel. The pres- ence of open water along the west coast of a channel swept by a southerly current appears to be rather abnormal, as, according to theory, we might reasonably expect the contrary. The observa- tions on hand that might throw some light on this subject are, unfortunately, too few to enable us to ofier an explanation, but we shall see hereafter that the open water cannot have been pro- duced by high temperatures of the sea, as the latter were never much above the freezing-jjoint. The only possible assumption we can make is that the depth of the water, along the coast is more considerable than in the middle of the channel. In this manner the current would attain a greater velocity near the shore. It would carry the ice south as far as Cape Frazer, where the coast takes a more westerly trend, and where an accumulation along the shore is prevented by causes that are too obvious to be dwelt upon. We shall now consider in brief the condition of the ice in Smith Sound, based on observations made during our stay at Polaris House, from October, 1872, till June, 1873. A glance at the map accompanying this volume will show that the position of our second winter-quarters is but a few miles north of Port Foulke, the harbor of the Hayes expedition in 1860 and 1861, and the state of the ice in our case was very similar to that observed by Hayes ten years before; Smith Strait and a portion of Smith Sound being partly open during the greater portion of the winter and spring. If we are justified iu drawing conclusions in regard to the state of the ice in Kennedy Channel, or perhaps Hall's. Basin, from the motion of the ice in Smith Sound, we might judge that there must have existed a solid barrier stretching somewhere across one of these straits, as with scarcely any exception southerly winds would block the sound while northeasters would produce much open water. If this barrier did not exist, then the areaof ice carried north by the southerly (mostly southwest) winds must have either been greater at the time than the area of open water, or we might suppose that the winds north of Smith Sound blew from such a direction at the time as to counteract the influence of the southwest winds, under the force of which the ice drifted north. The open water found by Hayes during 1860 and 1801. was attributed by Petermauu * to the influence of the Gulf Stream; but we shall demonstrate hereafter that there is nothing whatever to support this view; that there is not the slightest trace of a warm current in the vicinity of Smith Sound; infact, that theonly permanent current existing there is setting south. Anycurrentsin the opposite direction, as mentioned by luglefield and others, are nierely produced by the flood- » Dr. A. Petermana : Das Noerdliohste Land der Ei-,le. Petermauu's Geogr. Mittheiluugeii, April, 1867, p^Ise^ CONDITION OF THE ICE. 7 tide, or perhaps by the difference that might exist at certain times between the specific gravity of water of Baffin Bay and that of Smith Sound. Before going any further we false occasion to repeat that the open water found in Smith Sound and north of this region is solely due to the effect of the winds and to the considerable depth of the narrow channels, giving origin to swift tidal currents. Had the meteorological observations made by the Hayes expedition been published when Peter- niann wrote the paper alluded to, the learned geographer would never have been tempted to show that the Gulf Stream sweeps the eastern shores of Smith Sound. It only remains now to give a short descri]jtion of the ice as found during the journey of the boat- party from Polaris House to Melville Bay. At the same time we think it advisable to dwell awhile on our observations made in regard to this subject in Lancaster Sound and vicinity, when on board the Arctic. The latter can be done very briefly, as the bihourly meteorological observa- tions made on board that vessel (compare the chapter " Meteorological Observations taken at Sea," p. 24) contain all the details that can be desired. When the boats left Polaris House June 3, 1873, they coasted at a distance of fronP 1 to 4 miles from the shore in clear water, meeting floating hummocks only occasionally, although the pack was in sight nearly all the time to the west. In regard to the condition of the latter, it is scarcely possible to pass any opinion, as ice sighted from a distance may appear as a sftlid barrier, while in reality it may be intersected by numerous lanes of open water, through which vessels can pass without any difficulty. Arriving at Cape Saumarez the solid land-floe was met with stretching in the meridian of this cape almost as far south as Northumberland Island. To the northwest of this island and of Hakluyt Island, a considerable pack had accumulated, through which the boats had to force their way in order to effect a landing on Hakluyt. Owing to the ice that blocked the strait running about northeast and southwest between these two islands, and to the pack that had accumulated to the south of them, the progress was very slow, and the boats were detained from the evening of June 4 until the morning of the 12th, when the ice dispersed. Between 8'' and 9^^ p. m. of this day Blackwood Point was reached, the boats meeting more or less loose ice during the whole of their passage, the most being encountered off Whale Sound, which was still covered by the solid floe, which stretchccl from a little north of Cape Parry along the shore and across Booth Sound to Blackwood Point. For about 8 miles South of this latter locality the coast was perfectly clear of ice, beyond which the fast land-floe was encountered stretching to the north westernmost extremity of Sounders Island and then in the direction of the meridian to the eastern portion of the north coast of Wolstenholme Island, while Dalrymple Eock was accessible. The floe appeared again at the southeast point of Wolstenholme, stretching southwest to about longitude 72° 5'. As the boats' track from Wolsten- holme Island to Cape York led always along the margin of the land-floe, a glance at the map will show how far the latter, which was very level, extended from the coast. Concerning the region of Lancaster Sound and vicinity, the season of 1873 must be termed a very favorable one to navigation. During July and the first half of August there was scarcely enough ice in Lancaster Sound to prevent a vessel from sailing anywhere between longitudes 80° and 90° W. The only unbroken floe-ice met with stretched across the month of Admiralty Inlet, while Prince Regent Inlet was open enough to permit the Arctic almost to reach latitude 72° N. When off Pond's Inlet, July 14 and 15, the fast land-floe could be noticed to extend from a short dis- tance south of Cape Burney to Cape Bowen ; but we learned afterward that some vessels of the whaling-fleet found the mouth of the inlet clear at the beginning of August. On the 18th of this month the Arctic was in latitude 72° 43' N., longitude 69° 24' W., working south through more or less ice, a short distance east from the land-floe, which extended from Cape Adair to Agnes Mon- ument in the shape of a belt, from 8 to 15 miles wide on the average. The river Clyde seemed to be open, but the floe was met with again at Cape Hewett, extending along the whole coast to a short distance south of Cape Kater. On the 25th the vessel steamed north through loose ice until the 30th, and when in latitude 71° 32' N., longitude 66° W., her course was shaped westerly; she had to force her way through heavy ice, gaining the open water at about noon the next day. The last ice seen during the rest of the passage was a huge berg met with at midnight of the 31st in about latitude 70o. 5 N., longitude 61°. 3 W. 8 ^ HYDEOGEAPHY. DENSITY AND TEMPERATURE OP THE SEA-WATER AND EEMARJiS ON CDEEENTS. Density and tempemiure.-Froui the day the expedition left the United States a series of obser- vations was begun to determine the density of the sea, and, in connection with these observations, the temperature of the water was measured likewise. The observations in question were taken more frequently than the meteorological observations proper, and were made at more or less irregu- lar intervals, according to the opportunities offered. After having crossed the arctic circle, tne density of the water was determined at least every other hour, and when near the ice or among the same, or when the vessel crossed alternate bands of cold and warm water, the observations were taken more frequently, sometimes as often as every ten minutes. The instruments used were very delicate hydrometers, made expressly for the expedition by Mr. Tagliabue, of New York. They were graduated from 0.990 to 1.050, giving direct indications to the third decimal, and as the length of each division was about 0.35 centimeters, the fourth deci- mal «ould easily be estimated with accuracy. The readings were taken on board the vessel, and although the cylinder into which the hydrometer was immersed, when in use, was not suspended on gimbals, as might have been done, the accuracy of the readings was scarcely affected, as there is usually byt little swell among the ice. In order to eliminate the iniiuence of capilarity, the observer in reading off sighted the scale of the hydrometer below the surface of the water, which was done repeatedlv, and the mean of several readings taken, which never differed as much from each other as to amount to a whole unit in the fourth decimal. We were satisfied to measure the temperature of the water but once, that is imme> h '3 Depth. i) S '5 a, m Remarks. a a o CD c3 fcO a 'i a o 02 a Aug. 12 Aug. 13 8i> p. m. 9 10 U a. m. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 fR 9 10 11 o 32.7 31.5, 31.6 30.7 30.8 30.6 30.6 31.8 36.1 36.5 34.1 37.2 40.6 39.4 38.8 36.6 o 31.2 31. 5 1. 0222 1. 0206 Heavy pack. Do. Do. Do. CoDsiderable ice. Do. Do. Do. Heavy pack. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 30.9 31.0 31.4 31.0 30.8 30.7 30.9 30.8 30.8 30.7 30.0 30.6 30.4 30.5 1. 0265 1. 0249 1. 0265 1. 0249 1. 0260 1. 0244 69 33.1 1. 0259 1. 0243 »Dio Zweite Deutsche Nordpolfahrt, in den Jahreu, 1869 und 1870. Leipzig, 1874. Zweiter Band, Zweite Abtheil- ung, p. 078. As our manuscript was already finished, and partly in the hands of the printer, -when this volume was published, ■we could not make as extensive use of it as we might have done under other circumstances. SrECIFIO GRAVITY AND TEMPBRATUEE. Table — Uoutiiiuecl. 9 Date. 3 4 5 6 / , 8 y 10 11 Noon. I'' p. m. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 a. m. 1 2 3 4 5 6 H 9 10 11 Noon. 1'' p. m. 2 3 4 5 (i 7 H 9 10 11 a. TO. 1 2 3 4 11 o 37.9 42.9 44.6 43.1 39.3 33.2 33.5 33. 8 32.6 32. 7 31.4 31.6 30.6 30. 8 33.6 31.8 31.5 32.6 34.4 37.0 34. 8 36.4 36.7 36.6 o 30.8 30.8 .30.4 30.9 31.0 31.0 30.9 30.6 30.4 30.5 30.6 30.0 2'J. 8 29.6 29.8 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.3 30.1 30.0 30.8 30.7 .30.1 1.0263 1. 0247 o Heavy pack. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. D.I. D... Do. Do. Do. D(i. Do. Do. 1. 0255 1. 0239 1. 0258 1.0242 *203 6 18 30 50 32.8 31.3 31.7 .32.0 32. 1 1. 0281 1. 0255 1.0258 1. 0261 1. 0261 1. 0205 1. 0239 1. 0242 1. 0245 1. 0245 'i.'0235' i.'()2i9' 1. 0252 1. 0236 Do Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Du. Do. Considerable ice. Do. But little ice. Do. Pack ice. Do. But little ice. Do. Do. Very h eavy pack. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Heavy pack. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. But little ice. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Considerable ice. Do 1. 0256 1.0241 37.4 35.8 34. S 35. (i 35. 2 34.4 35.3 35.1 35.9 35.9 35.2 33.4 32.9 29.6 29.9 30.8 30. 9 29.6 29.7 31.2 31.1 30.2 31.0 31.6 31.5 1. 0256 1. 0241 1. 0262 1. 0246 1. 0261 1. 0245 - 31.6 30. 29.8 29.7 29.8 1.0252 1. 0236 30.4 31.4 32.2 33.6 34.0 34.4 39.8 36.6 37.3 35.8 35.4 35.2 34.9 37.1 36.6 36.1 34.6 33.6 33.0 32.3 33.7 32.1 32.7 33.4 36.1 30.0 30.0 29.8 29.9 30.4 29.8 29.8 32.0 31.4 31.5 30.4 30. 3 30.3 30.4 30.2 31.7 30.8 30.5 30.6 30.8 30.5 30.7 30.0 30.4 30.7 1. 0240 1. 0230 1. 0242 1. 0226 Aug. 16 1. 0263 1. 0247 1. 0254 1. 0238 Do. 1. 0261 1. 0245 Do Do. Do. Do. 1. 0252 1. 0236 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1. 0250 1. 0234 3 H * Souudiiij; of 20:j fathoms doubtful, as tJie line was too liuavy compared with the lead. 10 HYDEOGEAPHY. Table— Gonimued. i 5 Surface of the sea. Specific gravity re- duced. Depth. Specific gravity re- duced. Kemarks. Date. 6 a 1 1-1 '5) a 3 a 6 E-i a a CD CO '5 a a [Z3 3 c3 fD a Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 21 o ' 79 43 o ' 70 04 nil p. m. 9 10 11 a. m. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noou. C 36.4 36.4 33.0 34.6 33.9 34.3 34.4 34.1 33. 3 33.3 34.3 36. 2 35.7 36.2 35.5 35. 4 36.1 ■ 30.1 'if) '? 1.0270 1.0254 : Heavy pack. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Po. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ■ D.. Do. Do. Do. Do. D.). Do. Do. Do. • Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 29.9 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.0 29.7 29.7 29.8 30.1 29 '► 1. 0272 1. 0256 1. 0275 1. 0259 , . ...... 1 1 30.9 30.6 30.0 30 3 1. 0288 1. 0272 30.5 1. 0299 1. 0288 79 42 70 39 2 3 4 5 (i 7 8 9 10 u a. m. 1 2 3. 4 5 6 7 8 y 10 11.30 11.40 11.50 Noou. O'l 10 p. m 36.6 36.8 36.3 41.6 37.9 35. 5 34.2 33.2 32. 7 31.9 33. 7 33. 6 34.1 32.6 32.8 33.8 34.4 36.1 38.2 42.9 46.9 42.7 30.7 30.7 30.3 30.4 30.1 29.8 29.8 30.0 30.1 30.1 30.1 30.2 29.9 29.7 29.9 29.6 30.3 31.1 30. 6 30. 9 31 3 'i.6242 i.'0226' 1. 0253 1. 0237 1. 0253 1. 0237 79 39 70 17 69 10 69 02 1. 0234 1.0218 30.7 10 20 30 40 50 62 74. HO 10 • 94 (Bottom. .34. 1 31.9 32. 1 31.6 31.9 32. 35. 2 31.4 34.0 32.0 1. 0263 1. 0266 1. 0269 1. 0272 1.0261 1. 0262 1. 0281 1. 0272 1. 0264 1. 0285 1. 0247 1. 0250 1. 0253 1. 0256 1. 0245 1. 0246 1. 0265 1.0256 1. 0248 1. 0269 20 30 40 50 3 30 8 a. ra. 9 10 11 Noon. 7'i p. m. 8 a. m. 9 10 11 Noon. 11' p. m. 4 42. 3 30.2 1. 0242 1.0226 Auh^2J Aug. 25 79 37 79 36 36.7 38.0 39.9 38.5 31.1 31.3 30.9 31.0 1.0184 1.0168 36.' 4' 37.6 41.8 43.4 38.4 41.3 36.6 35. H 32. 1 30.3 30. 30.1 30.3 30. 6 31.0 31.2 31 3 1. 0252 1. 0259 1. 0236 1. 0243 83 30.8 1. 0279 1. 0263 1.0143 1.0129 31. 2 31.3 1. 0235 1. 0219 . SPECIFIC GEAVITY AND TEMPERATURE. Taftfe— Continued. 11 1 § s o a; Surface of the sea. o Deptli. a, CD ■ Remarks. Date. 6 "5 0) & ■ o CM W d o CO i a H o •■a • 03 Aug. 2.5 Q ' o / 69 01 69 01 6 7 H 9 10 11 a. m. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . 11 Noon. 1" p. m. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. 11 a. m. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. 1'' p. 111. 2 3 A I 6 7 8 9 10 11 a. m. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o 31.6 31.4 .30.0 28.7 28. .5 27.6 26.1 25.6 25.6 26.6 27.8 25.8 26.5 27.6 29.1 30.8 31.2 32.5 33.1 32.6 33.3 34.6 34.9 35. 35.4 35.6 33.9 34.6 31.6 31. 5 31.2 31.6 30.0 29.6 29.4 28.8 30.6 32.0 33.4 35. 6 35.4 36.6 37.7 39.6 38.4 40.0 39.3 39.0 39.6 40.0 35. 4 30.5 29.6 28.7 27.9 27.6 27.6 29.6 28.6 27. 5 27.8 29.7 29. 8 32.6 33.6 o 30.6 30.6 30.3 30.1 30. 29.8 30.1 30.2 30.2 30.1 30.2 29.3 29.6 29.3 29.4 30.9 30.0 30.1 30.9 29.9 30.1 30.1 29.9 o Heavy pack. Dp. Dr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Coupidurable ice Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Heavy pack. Do. Do. Do. Do. Di-). D... D... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. D(-. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Di. Do. Do. Do. 1. 0253 1. 0237 Aug. 2(; 1. 0259 1 . 0243 1. 0249 1. 0233 i 1.0203 1.0187 Ang. 27 Aug. 28 79 36 79 36 1. 0247 1.0231 30.2 30.3 1. 0244 1. 0228 30.3 30.3 30.2 30.1 30. 1 . 30.0 29.6 29.6 29.7 29.9 1. 0213 1. 0197 1. 0230 1.0214 29.9 30. 2 30.1 30.3 30.3 31.4 31.1 30.6 30.6 31. 1 30.9 31.0 30.1 31.4 31.1 30.9 30.8 30.9 30. 2 30.5 30.4 30.4 31.1 30 3 1. 0214 1.0188 1. 0175 1. 01,59 1.0195 1.0179 91 30.1 1. 0286 1. 0270 1. 0194 1.0178 1. 0222 1. 0206 1.0194 1. 0178 30.5 30.5 31.1 31.3 . - . 1 1.0198 1.0182 12 HYDROGEAPHY. TciMe — Continued. . Date. c3 o 1^ a ■3 o 9 ct ^ t-i H Surface of the sea. i, >> I'd '3 CD ft Depth. N beg 1'=' '3 Oh Remarks. a la S o W 'S g o £ c E- a Specific gravity. Aug. 28 o / 79 36 O ' 69 09 10'' a. m. 11 Noon. Ill p. m. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 o 35.4 34.9 38.9 40. 3 40.3 41.3 39.5 40.0 35.6 33. 5 32.1 31.4 29.8 29.8 o 31.0 31.4 31.4 31.8 31.6 32.6 32.5 32.5 32.3 32. 1 31.3 31 5 o Heavy pack. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. -Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1. 0126 1.0110 . . . 1. 0124 1.0108 1.0123 1.0117 31 3 31.2 Taking the mean of the specific gravities, as measured at tbe surface of tie sea in tbe region traversed between latitudes 81° and 79o.4 H"., and longitudes 62° and 70o.8 W., from August 12 to August 28, we obtain the value 1.02155, being rather less than what we should expect to find a pri- ori/ This discrepancy appears less striking if we talje into consideration the time during which the above observations were made, and remembering, furthermore, that they were all made in a rather nagrrow channel while the vessel was surrounded by ice, we can scarcely expect anything else. As during the period of time over which the above observations extend, the mean temperature of the air was only on two days a few tenths of a degree bslovv the freezing-point, it was warm enough daring the rest of the time to melt portions of the ice siirroandiug ths v»es3el ; and hence we find the specific gravity of the sea to decrease. If we calculate the daily means we obtain the values given in the column of specific gravities, opposite to which the number of observations will be found. Date. Specific gravity. ^ . o w o o Date. Specific gravity. O OJ a- AufTust 12 1. 02060 1. 02450 1. 02380 1. 02370 1. 02350 1. 02540 1. 02563 1 6 6 6 2 1 6 August 21 1. 02270 1. 02020 1. 02070 1.02198 1. 01836 1.01502 3 2 4 6 5 6 13 14 15 IG 19 20 23 25 26 27 28 The highest mean of the series is that of August 20, namely, 1.02563, while the lowest is 1.01502, derived from the observations taken August 28. The absolute maximum density of the water of Smith Sound determined in any case was found at noon on August 20, amounting to 1.0288. On examining the observations made during each of the above-named days separately, we per- ceive that the specific gravity of the sea is subject to considerable changes, which become more striking if we consider that, in some instances, the vessel scarcely changed her position during 24 hours. Supposing the sky to be clear, and the temperature of the air to be above the freezing, point, we might reasonably expect that the maximum density of the ice-covered sea would be attained some time after the occurrence of the minimum temperature of the day, and vice versa. A closer EEMAEKS ON CUEEENTS. 13 examinatioa of tbe above observations demonstrates, however, that in some cases the specific gravity was greater in the course of the afternoon than during the night, when the temperature of the air had reached its minimum; for instance, on August 20, when the density gradually increased from midnight till noon. It will be easy to perceive that irregularities of this kind are either due to currents, to the change of the tide, to the influence of the wind, or to a combination of these three causes. We shall demonstrate hereafter that two tidal waves meet near Cape Frazer, one coming from the north and the other from' the south. In the former instance the lighter water from Eobeson Channel and Hall's Basin and in the latter the heavier water from BafQus Bay will flow towards the region in question, where the greater portion of our observations were made, and most likely the irregularities will be partly due to this circumstance. The observations on record that might be used to demonstrate the change of the specific gravity of the sea-water with the depth are but few in number, and are, in consequence of this, of but little value. The following table will show how they run : Date. Surface. Depth. Difference. Date. Surface. Depth. Difference. Fatli. Path. August 1.3 1. 0-244 09 1.0243 —0. 0001 August 21 1. 0226 40 1. 0256 +0. 0030 13.... 1.0-24-2 203 1. 0265 -j-0. 0023 21 1. 0226 50 1. 0245 +0.0019 13.... 1. 0242 6 1. 0239 —0. 0003 21 1.0226 62 1. 0246 +0. 0020 13.... 1. 0242 18 1. 0242 ±0.0000 21 1. 0226 74 1.0265 +0. 0039 13.... 1. 0242 30 1.0261 +0. 0019 21 1. 0226 86 1. 0256 H-0. 0020 13.... 1. 0242 50 1. 0261 +0. 0019 21 1. 0226 10 1. 0248 +0. 0022 21.... 1. 0226 10 1.0247 +0. 0021 21 1. 0226 94 1. 0269 +0. 0043 21.... 1.0226 20 1. 0250 +0. 0024 23 1. 0236 83 1. 0279 +0.0043 21.... 1. 0226 30 1. 0253 -\-0. 0027 27 1.0178 91 1. 0286 +0.0101 In general, the above values are in conformity with theory, as we perceive the specific gravity to increase with increasing depth ; but it would require a much more extensive series of observations to show whether the discrepancies, as shown by the above table, are produced by undtr-currents, or whether the observations indicating a less specific gravity with increasing depth are at fault. We scarcely think the latter to be the case, as great care was always taken in bringing up the water-bottle, the valves of which were in perfect working order all the time. Currents. — If we examine the current-system of Davis Strait and vicinity in its latest repre- sentation on Berghaus' Chart of the World, which embodies an admirable amount of details in the most elegant manner, we perceive the west coast of Greenland to be swept by a warm current. This warm current is represented as part of the Gulf Stream, consisting principally of two branches, the westernmost crossing the parallel of Cape Farewell between longitude 50° and 60° W., while the other sweeps the northwest coast of Iceland, whence it takes a westerly and southerly direction, and passing round Cape Farewell it joins the branch first mentioned. Sweeping the west coast of Greenland, it can be traced to Cape York, whence it sets west toward the entrance of Jones Sound, taking a southerly direction near Coburg Island, and disappearing near Lancaster Sound, from which we notice a cold current to issue, sweeping the shores of Bafiiu Land and Cumberland. In setting south it is joined by another cold current issuing from Hudson Strait, and, desiguated as Labrador Current, continues its way along this coast. In addition to these two main currents, we notice two subordinate cold ones, one running across Davis Strait, near the 70th parallel, while the other, a branch of the East Greenland ice- stream, runs along the southwest coast of Greenland, between the latter and the warm current before mentioned, to about the Arctic Circle, one of its branches joining the Labrador Current near latitude 60°. The materials on which the direction and velocity of these currents are based are derived from different sources, most of which are given in Petermann's elaborate paper on the Gulf Stream,* but evidently some portions were laid down by theory only. It may be advisable, before going any further, to investigate briefly how much reliance can be placed in general in current-observations, made under ordinary circumstances in the arctic seas. * Der Golfstrom uud Standpuniit der therraometrischeu Kenntuias des Nordatlantischeu Oceans und Laudgebietes m Jahre 1870 von A. Potermann. Geograph. Mittheilungen, Vol. XVI, 1870, Heft 6 uud 7. 14 HYDEOGRAPHY. The vessels cruising in these waters are either discovery-ships, whalers, or a few trading-ves- sels of the Danish Commercial Company visiting annually the settlements on West Greenland. With but a few exceptions, the discovery-ships are usually under strict orders to make certain points, and are, in such cases, not allowed to deviate from their course or to stop to make investi- gations ; while the whalers, after they reach the ice, scarcely take any astronomical observa- tions for determining their position, and invariably leave their log-line on the reel until they have again reached lower latitudes. If a discovery-ship is not bound by orders, her commander may then always have a certain aim which he can follow and to which he will make everything else sub- ordinate; and unless this aim be the study of the physics of the sea, we can scarcely expect any accurate observations of this kind. Cases like the latter are of rather rare occurrence, and there are but a few on record, the intention of the commanders of arctic explofing-vessels being in most instances to make such dis- coveries as would most strike the public mind. Unfortunately, however, the public cares very littJe whether a current sets north, south, east, or west, and this is one of the reasons that the number of reliable observations is so small. This small number was only made because nothing else could be done at the time, or because they had to be made, the vessel being beset in the ice, and at its mercy. But even if a vessel starts purposely to make the observations in question, she will, in a great many instances, have to encounter physical obstacles that render the observations less reli- able, and often it will be quite impossible to make any. The direction and velocity of currents are usually obtained by taking the difference between the position of the vessel, as found by dead reckoning, and the position as determined by astro- nomical observation : a less common method is that of making actual expeiiments which require considerable time and care. Owing to unavoidable errors of the dead reckoning, the former mode is far from accurate under ordinary circumstances, and it decreases in value if the vessel has to make her way through" ice, when the log is rendered almost useless, and when she has to change her course so frequently that in some instances it is almost impossible to keep an accurate reck- oning. Those observations obtained when the vessel is beset in the ice and drifting are more valuable ; but it is only under favorable circumstances that they give an accurate idea of the true velocity and direction of the current. If there are bergs scattered through the pack, the direction and velocity of the surface-current, as determined by two astronomical observations, may be consider- ably affected by undercurrents acting on the submerged parts of the icebergs. If there is any wind blowing, it will act on the exposed portion of the berg as on a sail, and thus in many instances solely determine both the rate and direction of the drift. The latter may also be greatly affected by the action of the tide, especially if the vessel is beset in a narrow channel. It is easy to perceive that if we were to examine critically the different observations on record we should have to reject a large number, while others would be of very little value, as in many cases it is quite impossible to determine how much of the drift is due to a permanent surface-cur- rent, how much to the tide, to the wind, or to undercurrents. The value of the few observations made by the expedition, and recorded hereafter, is very small, and we propose to deduce nothing more than general results. We shall first consider the drift of the vessel through Kennedy Channel and Smith Sound, based on the following table compiled from the log by Mr. Bryan : Date. a a ^ o 1-1 "Si WIND. 0'' to & a. m. 6'' a. in. to noou. Noon to 6'' p. m. ^ 6" p. m. to OK Aug. 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 o / 80 Od O / Midnight. Light wintls SW... Light breeze NE. 80 01 79 59 79 57 79 44 79 41 "69'56' 70 19 6 a. m Noon Noou 6 a. m 6 15. m Fresh breeze N .. Light breeze N Calms Light breeze N. Light hreeze N cuere:n^ts. Table — Continued. 15 Date. Latitude north. 3 4^ a P o Time of ob- servatioD. WIND. Oil to 6'i a. m. e"! a. m. to noon. Noou to 6'i p. m. 61 p. m. to Qi. Vug. 19 - 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 ■ 29 30 31 Sept. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 / O / Lit^ht breeze N Light wind S. and SW. Light breeze N. 79 42 79 42 79 39 70 39 70 17? Noon Light wind S WindSW At 4 p. ra., light breeze N. Noon Light airs and calm.'- Fresh tireeze SW. up to 4 p. m., then calms and light airs. 8 a. ni., light breeze S. Fresh breeze SW. 79 37 79 37 79 36 79 36 79 36 79 36 69 10 69 07 Noon 6 p. m 6 a. m Calms Noon Noon Light breeze SW . Light breeze E. Light wind S. Liglit breeze SW . . Light breeze S Calms Light winds E. 79 36 79 34 79 35 69 09 69 01 Noon and 6 p. m. Noou and 6 p. m. Light wiuds IS - Light breeze E Calms , . ... Cjilms , . ... Calms . Calms ..._-. Light breeze S Light airs SW - . Calms and light winds S. Liglit puffs from several points. Light airs SW. and - calms. Fresh breeze SW .. - Light wind SW. until evening, then from the N. Light airs N Light airs SW Light winds SW... Fresh breeze SW. 79 34 79 33 5 79 33 ) 79 32 79 32 68 56 ^68 59 68 59 Noon and 4 p. m. Noon ( Noon and I 4 p. m. Noon and 4 p. m. Light winds SW. Calm all the af- ternoon. Lio-ht winds SW.. . Light breeze N Fresh breeze N. Light breeze N. Light breeze N. Fresh breeze N. Light wind N. 79 30 69 22 Noon and 5 p. m. Fresh breeze N. un- til late iu after- noon. Litrht wind N . Calm Light breeze N Light breeze N Fresh breeze N 79 27 Noon Fresh breeze N. . Fresh wind N 79 "^5' In after- noon by double altitudes. NoDU and afternoon. Fresh breeze N Fresh breeze N 79 21 70 06 Calm Light breeze S. Fresh wind S Light breeze S 79 20 Noon Light airs and calms Light breeze NE... Light wind NE Light breeze N Light breeze S Light breeze N. 79 19 Noon Liglit breeze NE... Light breeze N Fresh breeze N Calms Fresh breeze N., continued all the afternoon. ' Breeze N., con- tinued all the afternoon. Lightairs N - Tji "^ht breeze N Light breeze NE. 79 06 70 40 Noon Light .wind NE., continued during afternoon. Light wind NE Light breeze S., continued dur- ing afternoon. 16 HYDEOGEAPHY. TaUe — Gontinued. Date. -a Si o .as WIND. 0^ to Gh a. m. 6'' a. m. to noon. Noon to G'' p. m. ' 6' p. m. to 0>>. .^ept.26 27 28 29 30 Oct. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 O / ; Light breeze S Lin-ht winds SW... Fresh breeze SW. .. Light wind WSW. Strong breeze SW. Fresh breeze W . . . . Light wind 'NE Fresh breeze NE . . . Calms Light wind SW. . Fresh breeze N. E., all through afternoon. Light wind NE.. Light airs from theN. 79 02 79 00 78 59 78 58 70 45 Noon Noon At llj P- in. b y stars. Noon Calm Light airs NE. Light breeze NE. Lifht breeze NE. Light airs and calms Light breeze NE.. . Calms and light putts from N. Light airs N. and NE. , Fresh breeze NE Light breeze S. and calm. Light breeze S. .. Calms ... Fresh wind N Calms Calms. Light breeze NE. Fresh breeze NE. 78 57 Noon 78 48 Noon Light airs and calms Light airs NE Light airs NE Fresh breeze NE - 78 28 Noon Fresh breeze NE Strong breeze from theNE. Fresh breeze W Gall' from SE. or SW. Fresh breeze N Light wind SE .... Early in morning windshifted-to NW. Fresh breeze SE . Wind light. As the meteorological observations made during the latter part of August, 1872, are lost, the notes on the winds, contained iu the above table, must necessarily be of a very general nature, so that they will only show whether the wind might have accelerated the drift or not, without furnish, ing the means of determining the approximate rate of acceleration, which iniglit have been deduced with reasonable accuracy if the anemometric observations were on hand. From midnight of August 1-1, when the vessel got beset, till the evening of the 18tli, between latitudes 80° 2' and 79° 41' the mean direction of the drift was almost SW., or more accurately S. 12° W. Between the 14th and 16th it was either calm or light winds were blowing from NE., SW. and from S., most liliely too light to affect the drift, the rate of which during the two days in que^' tion was 5 miles, decreasing to 1 mile during the following 48 hours, and rising to 14.4 between the 17th and 18th. This latter velocity is the greatest on record, and as ^fresh northerly breezes were experienced during the time we may reasonably suppose that they accelerated the rate of the current, the more so as its direction remained the same as during the three preceding days. Most likely this increased velocity is also partly due to the action of the spring-tide, the moon being full at 81' 53".2 on the 18th, and as a rule the set of the flood was experienced to be stronger than that of the ebb, the former being southerly. During the afternoon of the 18th a prime vertical observa- tion was obtained, so that the position of the vessel could be fixed as accurately as the low altitude of the sun permitted. At 6^' p. m. she found herself in latitude 79° 41' N., longitude 70° 19' W., and from this time during the following 48 hours the direction of the drift suddenly changed to about W. 17° N., the velocity decreasing to about 2.3 miles. Between noon of the 20th and noon of the 21st the direction changed again, it being almost due SB., the velocity having increased but slightly, auil all the wind recorded during this time being from the north. Another change of both direction and velocity took place between the 21st and 23d, the former becoming E. 9© S., and the latter having increased from 3 to 6.5 miles, while the resulting direction of the wind during this time was almost at right angles to the set of the current. CUEEBNTS. 17 While up to this time the rate of the current was never less than 1 mile during 2i hours, we see it to decrease to almost one-half of this velocity during the period from August 23 to Septem- ber 6, the wind being very light during the whole time with the exception of two instances when fresh breezes from SW. are recorded. The whole difference of latitude made during this fortnight was only 5 miles, the direction of the set being very variable and apparently quite independent of the wind. This rather remarkable change will most likely find its explanation in the action of the tide. .We shall see hereafter that the tidal wave is propagated from the north to Polaris Bay, while it reaches Yan Reus.selaer Har- bor, which is the northernmost station in Smith Sound where tidal observations have been made, from the opposite direction. It is evident that the two waves must meet somewhere between these two stations ; and until actual observations prove the contrary, we shall look for the line of junction between latitudes 79° 30' and 79° 37', where the drift of the vessel was reduced to a minimum. Between September 6 and 8, the direction of the set was about W. 10° S., the rate increasiug again to 2.5 mile.s and remaining the same until the lith, although the rasultiag direction changed to almost SW., the wind being north during the greater portion of the tims. From the latter day to October 2 the direction was nearer to that of the meridian than iu any of the other instances, the velocity decreasing from 2.5 miles to 1.5, becoming as small as 1 mile between September 21 and October 2. Xhe vessel contiuuing to drift toward the followeJ its trenl very closely from the 8th till the 13th, the velocity increasing to 8.5 miles, most likely accelerated by the wind, which was from the northeast. The last observation on record is a meridian altitude of the sun, taken on the 12th, and placing the ship in latitude 78° 2S' X., about 6 miles off Gape Ilatherton. " Increasing her distance from the shore, as a glance at t-he map will show, she began to drift to the west side of the channel, taking a somewhat northerly direction, partly caused by a fresh breeze from north- east, which finally changed into a southwest gale. Toward evening she was carried north to the vicinity of Life-boat Cove, at the rate of at least 3 miles an hour ; but most likely this speed was not only due to the influence of the wind, but also, and perhaps priaoipally, to the flood-current, it being the time of spriug-tide. In the sauie latitude, a little to the eastward of our position, Inglefleld experienced a northerly set of 72 miles,* which we do not hesitate to assign to the same cause, as a permanent current o : such a velocity does not exist at this place. In spring, 1873, when traveling from Polaris House to the Eskimo settlement, Sorfalik, where we remained a short time, we paid special attention to the motion of the ice, which, during the time of slack-water, was invariably toward the south. The same direction of the set, only at a greater rate, could be noticed when the tide was ebbing; while, when it rose, the ice drifted in the opposite direction at a speed of about 4 miles an hour. From the preceding observations it becomes evident that the resulting direction of the current i.s southerly, even between Port Foalke and O.iirn Point, wliere Petermann supposed the exist- ence of a branch of the Gulf Stream. That there is no warm current north of Cairn Point may be seen from the observations on the temperature of the sea as measured hourly or at greater intervals, and given at the commencement of this chapter, from which is derived the following table, giving both the mean temperatnre of the sea and that of the air, together with their differences, for the period from August 12 to August 29, when the vessel was between latitudes 81° 5' and 79= 6' i^.: S o -J 1 Date. 1^ D.-2 D* 12 p. ni . . 29.5 8 a. m.. 29.3 11 l>. in.. 29.4 2 p. in . . 29. 2 8 a. m - . 29.0 7 a. m.. 29. 6 p. HI.. 29.0 1 11. m.. 29.8 is « 29.5 29. .') 29.0 29. 2 28. •25. 2 27.0 29.0 38.0 Dale. June 11 12 13 14 15 15 15 15 15 Time. ft. 3 p. m 2 p. m 3 p. in 1 p. m 5 a. m 10 a.m 12 ii. Ill 2 p, in 4 p. ui o 30. 29.7 30.2 :ui.4 31.0 31.5 32. 31.(1 31.5 39 ;> 38 .2 Date. Jniio 15 l(i 17 18 18 19 20 21 Tin; ft. ti )>. m . 2 |). 111. 3 p. lu - (> a. 111. 8 p. Ill . 12 a. lu- 8 p. ni . 11 p. m. 3 a 32. 29. 4 29. Ii 30. 1 30. 29. 8 29.3 29. 38.0 30.7 30.5 34.0 32. 8 31.2 2>^. 3 As the temperature of the sea was either at that of the freeziugpoint of fresh water, or even below 32° F., as shown by the above table, the existence of the Gulf Stream along the shore between Cape York and Polaris House is quite out of the question. But might not a warm cur- rent enter Smith Sound westward of the track of the boats 5 To this question we can positively answer, no, for we fouud the temperature of the sea in no instance above 31°. 6 when crossing from Cape York to the coast of North Devon, during the first part of July. Had there been any traces of a warm current, we should have found them beyond doubt, as we usually took observations every hour, or even as often as every half-hour, when the color of the water showed any changes. According to these observations, the Gulf Stream does not extend north of latitude 75° 5', but how far it reaches cannot yet be stated, as our own meteorological observations bearing upon this' subject are lost, and the material thus far published is scarcely sufficient to settle this question definitely. In McCliiitock's Meteorological Observations t we find the following remark made on the 7th of July, 1857, the Fox being in latitude GOo G' X., longitude 15° 1' W.: "The temperature of the sea-surface vaiicd fjoni 50° to 01° during the day. At noon the following day the position, by observation, was 10' to NE. of the dead reckoning. The yacht, therefore, was probably on the northeru limits of the Gulf Stream." An examination of the same register shows, however, that afterward higher temperatures were noted till the vessel had passed the ]>arallel of Uperni\ik when the water again became colder. Some manuscript observations, kindly furnished by Captain von Otter of the Swedish navy, seem to indicate the same conditions; and until we shall have some more comi)lete data, we shall hold the opinion that the Gulf Stream does not enter Melville Bay. In order to solve the Gnlf-Stream question in a satisfactory manner, the observations on the temperature of the sea ought to be .accompanied by determinations of the specific gravity of the water, because in many instances the high"tempcrature alone isnotsufBcient to jirovethe existence of the Gulf Stream. We have shown that there is no warm current entering Smith Sound, and still we found that on several occasions the teniiierature of the water at Polaris Bay was astonish- ingly high. On the 2d of August, at 3'> p. m., we measured 51o,9 along the shore, a little south of our anchorage and opposite a ravine named the Second Ravine, but at the san.e time the water was almost fresh. * The track may lie fonnd ou the aocoinpauying map, anil the pesitioiis as taken dni-iiig the time are given in the chapter coiitainiiif; the astronomical observations. t Fourth number of Meteorological Pajiers published by authority of the ll;iar(l of Trade, 18ii0. Luidoii : Eyre and Spottiswoode, 18i!ii, p. 4. cueee:nits. 19 We made similar observations along the Greenland coast between Disco Island and Uper- nivik, and in every instance we noticed that these warm spots were almost destitute of animal life, which was abundant where the percentage of salt was normal. It is easy to perceive how and where this high temperature is communicated to the water. The rest of the observations on record that might tend to complete our knowledge of the system of currents do not contain anything new ; they merely help to prove what others prov^ed before, namely, a southerly set in Baffin Bay and Davis Strait. The following table coutains the approximate rate of the current, deduced from the observa- tions taken by Mr. Meyer during the drift of the floe party. As there were but four observations for longitude taken then, we used, in some instances, a graphic process to approximate the velocity more closely. In doing so, we were guided by the general trend of the coast and the prevailing direction of the wind, to which the drift seems to be mostly due : DiUe. L 11 1 i 1 11 d e north. it ^ c "^ Drift ill 24 hours. Date. o 1 £ 1—1 :— 1 Drift ill 24 bour.s. Oct. 15 Dec. 7 Jim. 5 20 27 Feb. 5 Mar. 12 14 17 22 25 O ' 78 10 74 04 72 07 70 02 69 32 68 50 64 32 64 19 63 47 62 56 61 59 o / 75 00 67 53 60 41 60 01 60 03 Miles. O ' Mar 31 .59 41 O ' 23 4.9 5.2 ■ 8.5 4.3 i 4.7 : 7.4 6.5 10.7 10.2 19.0 April 4 9 a 2 13 14 15 16 21 2(; 29 56 47 55 51 55 35 55 23 55 13 54 .58 54 27 53 57 53 30 53 04 43.5 11.2 5.3 12.0 10.0' 15.0 31.0 6.0 5.4 8.6 TIDAL OBSERVATIONS AT POLARIS BAY. The regular tidal observations made at Polaris Bay, and recorded hereafter, were commenced November 6, 1871, and continued, with the exception of a tew omissions, occasioned by pliysical obstacles beyond our control, until Juue 6, 1872, thus comprising a period of about seven lunations. It was our intention, at tirst, to continue the observations till we left our winter-quarters, but as over half of the ship's crew was absent on a boat journey during Juue and July, and as the ice supporting the tide-gauge began to decay about the middle of Juue, the observations had to be discontinued. The gauge used, and represented in the following diagram, was of the most simple construc- tion, and performed admirably, as au eximination of the record will show. It was mounted over a square hole cut through the ice near the vessel, about a quarter of a mile from sliore, where the tide-wave had free access. It consisted of a pulley and rope supported by a tripod. The rope, to which a wooden scale was fastened, divided into feet and inches, was carried through a block attached to the tripod. One end of the rope was anchored to the i»ottom by three thirty-two pound shot, and a counterpoise was attached to the other end to keep the rope properly stretched. 20 HYDEOGRAPHY. The apparatus was frequently tested by taking series of scale-readings, with corresponding soundings, a number of wliicb may be found in the following table : Soundings, with corresponding gauge readings. Date. Time. Gange- I'oacliDg. h. I'fCt. Dec. 19 8 p. ra.. (i.75 21 8 11. m.. 6. i.Vi 2'> 8 p. in.. li. 00 ^r> 8 p. m.. 5. 00 2i; 8 p. ni.. 4.37 27 8 p. m.. 3.71 SonudiDg. Feet. 71.75 71.50 71. U8 70.00 69.50 69.00 Date. Dec. 28 29 31 Jan. 1 2 3 Time. h. 8 p. m.. 8p.m.. 8 p. in.. 8 p. m.. 8 p. m.. 8 p. m.. Gange- reading. Feet. 3.62 3.75 4.00 4.08 5. 33 5.79 Sounding. Feet. 68. 75 Gf*. 83 69. 17 69. 92 70. 67 71.08 Date. Time. Gauge- reading. h. Feet. Jan. 4 8 p. m.. ■ 6.67 5 8 p. ni . . 6.50 6 8 p. ni.. 6.58 / 8 p. m . . 6.29 8 8 i>. m . . 5.96 Sounding. Feet. 72.37 72.46 72.54 72.17 71.33 It will be seen that the greater portion of the observations was taken hourly ; in some instances, however, the readings were taken half-hourly, or near the turn of the tide" at intervals of ten min- utes. As there was scarcely ever any perceptible swell amid the ice, the scale could be read off to a fraction of an inch. The gauge being too far distant from the observatory to permit of the scientific members of tbe expedition taking the observations without much inconvenience, the readings were taken by two of the seamen, H. Siemens and H. Hobby, who were relieved from the regular duty and devoted themselves with great zeal and, care to their task. The observations were controlled and transcribed by the writer every evening, when the time-piece, made use of in taking the readings, was also compared, and set if found necessary. It is supposed that none of the following observa- tions were taken more than two minutes earlier or later than recorded. TIDAL OBSEEVATIONS. 21 Date. NOVEMBER, 1871. Time. 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 13 14 Feet. Ivclien. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. 0'' 3 00.0 3 03.0 3 07.5 4 06.0 4 05.0 5 01.0 5 08.5 6 03.5 6 02.0 1 3 01.0 2 11.5 3 00.0 3 0.5.0 3 04.0 4 05.5 4 10.0 5 11.0 6 03.0 2 3 02.5 2 - 08.0 2 07.5 2 08.0 2 04.0 2 08.5 3 07.0 4 10.0 5 07.0 3 3 0.-). 5 2 07.5 2 02.0 2 03.5 1 06.0 1 07.0 2 01.0 3 04. 5 4 02.5 4 4 06.0 2 09.0 o 01.0 1 10.5 1 00.0 10.5 09.0 1 10.0 2 08. 5 4 09.0 3 00.0 2 04.0 2 00.0 1 00.0 07.0 00.0 07.5 1 01.5 6 4 09.5 3 04.0 2 11.0 2 07.5 1 0,5.0 11.5 05.0 03.0 03.0 7 4 08.0 3 08.0 3 05.0 3 06.0 2 03.5 1 09.0 09.0 0,5.0 04.0 8 4 07.5 3 08.0 3 11.0 4 03.0 3 0.5.5 2 08.5 2 00.0 1 04.0 08.5 9 4 05.5 3 07.0 4 02.5 4 10.5 4 05.0 4 00.5 3 05.5 2 10.0 1 11.0 10 3 00.0 3 06.0 4 04.0 5 02. 5 00.5 5 01.0 4 11.5 4 06.0 3 10.0 11 10.0 3 03.0 4 00.0 5 00.0 5 03.0 5 08.0 6 00.0 6 00.0 5 03.0 Noon. 2 09.0 2 11.0 3 09.0 4 04.0 4 09.0 4 08.0 6 04.25 6 10.0 6 03.0 1" 2 09.0 2 07.0 3 05.0 3 07.0 3 11.0 4 10.5 5 10.0 6 11.0 6 08.5 2 2 09.0 2 07.0 2 11.0 2 08.5 2 09.0 3 07.5 4 08.0 6 01.5 6 05. 5 3 3 00. 2 0.5.0 2 06.5 2 02. 5 2 00.0 2 07.0 3 04.0 4 11.0 5 03.0 4 3 05. 5 2 08.0 2 06.0 1 10.5 1 06.0 2 04.5 2 01.0 3 02.5 3 11.0 5 3 10.5 3 01.0 2 09.0 1 04.0 9 04.5 1 03.5 2 01.5 2 00.0 6 4 03.0 3 09.0 3 03.5 3 0.5.5 1 07.0 2 04.5 1 01.5 1 05.0 1 06.0 7 4 07.0 4 03.0 4 05.0 3 03.5 2 06.0 2 04.5 1 06.5 1 04.0 1 02.0 8 4 08.5 4 08.0 4 06.5 5 02.5 3 09.0 3 00.0 2 05.0 2 00.0 1 05.0 9 4 08.5 4 09.0 4 11.5 4 08.5 4 02.0 3 11.0 3 04.0 2 03.5 10 4 03.0 4 07.5 4 03.5 5 05.0 5 04.0 5 02.0 4 11.5 4 06.0 3 05.0 11 3 08.0 4 02.0 5 06.0 5 02.0 5 05.75 5 09.0 6 00.0 5 07.5 4 07.0 Date. NO\ ^EMl • 3ER, 1871. DECEMBER, 1871. Time. 15 16 ir IS 19 20 21 3 4 /''fei. Inches. Feet Inches. Zfeef. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Ot^ 5 05.5 4 08.0 4 02.0 3 05.0 3 00.0 3 03.0 2 11.0 3 11.5 4 02.0 1 5 10.0 5 06.0 5 01.0 4 01. 3 04.0 3 02.0 2 07.0 4 07.0 4 08.5 2 5 07.5 5 08.0 5 07.5 4 07.0 3 09.0 3 04.0 2 04.5 5 00.0 5 01.5 3 4 09.0 5 04.0 5 07.5 4 11.0 4 03.5 3 • 07.5 2 06.0 5 03.5 5 05.0 4 5 6 3 1 1 04.0 10.0 08.0 4 3 1 04.0 00.0 - 09.0 5 4 3 00.0 01.0 00.0 4 4 3 11.0 07.0 11.0 4 4 4 07.0 06.0 0.3.0 4 4 4 00.0 03.0 07.5 5 4 4 03.5 11.0 01.5 5 5 5 08.0 07.5 Oi.O 7 8 9 10 1 2 04.0 04.0 01.0 07.0 .1 11. 09. 11.0 11.0 2 1 1 1 00.0 06.0 04.0 08.0 3 2 2 2 00.5 05.5 00.5 00.0 3 3 3 2 11. 5 05.0 00.0 07.5 4 4 3 3 0.5.0 02.0 09.5 03.0 3 3 2 3 ' 07.0 02.0 11.0 00.0 4 4 4 3 07.5 02.5 00.0 09.5 11 Noon. 4 00.0 06.0 3 4 05.0 11.5 2 3 07.0 08.0 2 3 04.0 00.0 2 2 06.5 09.0 2 2 11.0 06.0 3 4 04.5 01.5 3 4 11.5 05. 5 li' a 3 . 4 5 6 7 6 6 6 4 3 2 1 05.5 07.0 00.0 10.0 06.0 04.0 07.0 6 6 6 6 5 3 3 00.5 07.5 09.0 02.0 01.0 11.5 00.0 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 09.0 08.0 02.0 01.5 07.5 09.5 11.0 3 4 5 5 5 5 4 03.0 08.0 0.5.0 11.0 11.0 05.5 11.0 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 02.0 09.0 05.0 01.0 0.5.5 08.0 08.0 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 06.0 07.0 00.0 08.0 03.0 10.0 02.0 4 5 6 6 6 5 5 11.0 07.5 00.0 02. 5 02. 5 11.0 04.0 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 01.5 08.5 03. 5 09. 5 11.0 10.5 07.5 8 9 1 1 05.0 11.0 2 2 05.0 04.0 3 2 01.5 08.5 4 3 01.0 05.0 5 4 03.0 08.0 5 4 01.0 09.0 4 4 09.0 03.5 6 5 02.5 06.5 10 2 09.0 2 08.0 2 07.0 3 00.0 4 01.0 4 02.0 3 11.5 4 11.0 11 3 10.0 3 05.0 2 11.0 2 10.5 3 07.0 3 06.0 3 11.5 4 08.0 22 HYDROGRAPHY. • Date. DECEMBER, 1871. Time. 5 6 T § 9 10 11 13 13 Feet. Jnc/jes. Feet. Inches. Feet. Incites. Feel. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Fett. Inches. Feet. Inches. Oi> 4 08.0 4 03.5 3 09.5 4 05.0 5 04.0 6 03.5 7 04.0 8 01.0 8 01.5 1 4 09.0 4 00.5 3 04.5 3 07.0 4 07.0 5 02.0 6 04.0 7 05. 8 01.5 2 5 02.0 4 01.0 3 01.5 3 00.0 3 08.0 4 00.0 5 00.0 6 02.0 7 04.0 3 5 06.5 4 04.5 3 03.5 2 10.5 2 11.5 3 03.5 3 O-i.S 4 06.0 6 01.0 4« 5 10.5 4 11.5 3 08.5 3 00.0 2 04.5 2 08.0 2 09.5 3 10.0 4 00.0 5 6 00.0 5 03.0 4 03.0 3 06.5 3 05.0 2 09.0 2 04.0 2 04.0 3 02.0 6 5 11.0 5 05.0 4 10.0 4 02.0 4 07.0 3 0.5.5 9 05.0 2 03.5 2 06.5 7 5 08.0 5 06.0 5 03.5 5 00.0 5 01.0 4 04.5 3 03.5 2 02.5 2 06.0 8 5 03.0 5 04.0 5 06.0 5 10.0 6 03.0 5 05.0 4 10.0 3 09.0 3 02.0 9 4 10.0 5 00.0 5 Oo.O 6 03.0 7 00.0 6 09.5 6 02.0 5 03.0 4 07.0 10 4 06.5 4 07.0 5 03.0 6 03.0 7 05.0 7 08.4 7 09.0 6 11.0 6 01.0 11 4 05.5 4 04.0 4 09.5 5 10.0 7 02.5 8 00.0 8 06.0 8 02.5 7 07.5 Noon. 4 04.0 4 00.0 4 04.0 5 01.0 6 07. 5 7 07.5 8 06.5 8 10. 25 8 09.5 l'- 4 08.5 3 10.0 3 11.0 4 05.0 5 08.5 6 07.5 7 10.5 8 07.0 9 02.0 2 5 01.0 4 01.0 3 08.0 3 11.5 4 07.5 5 07.0 6 10.0 7 09.5 8 10.0 3 5 08.5 4 03.0 3 08.5 3 08.0 4 (10.0 4 08.0 5 06.0 6 09.0 7 10.0 4 6 02.0 4 10.0 4 01.0 3 08.5 3 09.0 4 00.0 4 05.0 5 04.0 6 04.0 5 6 07.75 5 04.0 4 08.0 4 02.0 3 11.5 3 09.0 3 09.0 4 01.5 5 07.0 6 6 09. 25 5 08.0 5 04.0 4 10.0 4 07.0 4 00.0 3 07.5 3 07.5 4 03.0 7 6 08.75 6 00.0 5 11.0 5 10.0 5 06.0 4 10.0 4 03.0 3 07.5 3 08.0 8 6 02.5 6 00.0 6 02.0 6 04.0 6 06.0 6 00.0 5 05.0 4 04.4 ^ 11.0 9 5 07.0 5 10.0 6 03.0 6 11.5 7 03.0 6 11.0 6 07.5 5 07.0 4 09.0 10 4 11.0 5 03.5 5 11.0 6 10.5 7 06.0 6 06.0 7 06.0 6 08.0 5 10.0 11 4 05.0 5 06.5 5 02.5 6 04.0 7 02.0 7 08.0 8 01.0 8 01.1 7 00.0 Date. DECEMBER, 1871. * Time. 14 15 16 17 1§ 19 30 21 23 Feet. Inches. Feet. Indies. Feet. Inches. Feci. Inches. Ffic*. Inches. Feet. Indies. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Oh 7 09.5 7 00.0 5 0.5.0 3 07.0 3 01.0 3 06.0 4 01.0 4 06.5 5 00.0 1 8 Oti.O 7 06. 6 04.0 4 06.0 3 08.0 3 07.5 3 10.5 4 00.0 4 03.5 2 8 00.0 7 09. 5 6 10.5 5 04. 5 4 05.5 4 04.0 3 11.0 3 09.0 3 08.0 S 7 00.0 7 07.0 6 11.5 5 09.5 5 01.0 4 09. 5 4 03.5 3 09.5 3 05.0 4 5 07.5 6 08.0 6 06.0 5 10.5 5 05.0 5 02.0 4 10.0 4 00.0 3 05.5 5 ■4 01.0 5 04.5 5 06.5 5 05. 5 05.5 5 07.5 5 05.0 4 04.5 3 11.5 fi 2 10.0 3 H.O 4 06.0 4 06.5 5 05.0 5 09.0 5 08.5 5 ■ 01.5 4 05.0 7 2 04.0 2 11.5 3 04.0 3 06.0 4 07.5 5 09.0 5 11.5 5 06. 5 5 03.5 ■8 2 05. 5 2 08.0 2 06.5 2 07.0 4 00.0 5 0.5.5 6 00. 02.0 5 11.5 9 3 04.5 3 00.0 2 04.0 2 02.0 3 04.5 4 10.5 5 08.5 6 03.0 6 06.0 10 4 07.0 3 10.0 2 06.5 2 02.0 3 01.0 4 04.0 5 04.0 6 00.5 6 07.5 11 6 03.0 5 04.5 3 06.5 2 06.0 3 00.0 4 01. 4 11.0 5 08.5 6 06.0 Noon. 7 07.5 6 03.5 4 07.0 ... . 3 02.0 4 00.5 4 06.5 5 02.0 5 11.0 11- 8 06.0 7 07.5 5 10.0 3 09. 4 03.0 4 06. 4 08.0 04. 5 4 07.0 07. 2 8 08.5 8 10.0 6 08.0 4 06. 4 os! 4 04! 4 3 8 03.5 8 05.5 7 01.5 5 07! 5 5 02^0 4 07.5 4 4 03. 5 4 4 ■ 02! 5 01.0 4 7 04.5 .7 10.0 7 03.0 "e" ' 'oe.'cV 6 02'. 5 6 00! 5 02! 5 05! 5 5 5 11.5 6 09.0 6 07. 5 6 04.0 6 06.0 6 07.0 5 10.0 5 01.0 4 04.0 6 4 09.5 5 06.0 5 07.0 5 11.0 6 07.0 7 00.0 6 04.5 .5 06.0 5 00.0 7 4 02.0 4 05.0 4 06.0 5 01.0 6 04.0 7 00.0 6 08.0 6 01.0 5 07.0 8- 3 05.0 3 10.0 3 06.0 4 O'i.5 5 09.0 6 09.0 6 08.5 6 05.5 6 00.0 9 3 07.0 3 07.0 2 11.0 3 05.0 4 10.5 6 00.0 6 04.0 6 07.5 6 05.5 10 4 06.0 3 08.0 2 08. 5 3 00.0 4 02.0 5 04.0 5 10.0 6 04.5 6 07.0 11 5 08.0 4 05.0 2 10.0 2 11.0 3 08.0 4 08.0 5 02.5 5 09.5 6 02.5 TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 23 Date. DECEMBER, 1871. Time. 23 24 25 26 27 2§ 29 30 31 Feel. . lnc\\e.s. Feel. Inches. Feel. Inches. Feet. Indies. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. 01" 5 Of). 5 6 04.5 6 09.0 7 02. 5 7 02.0 6 10.0 6 04.0 5 11.5 5 04.5 1 4 08.0 5 08.0 6 01.0 6 09.0 7 00.0 6 08.5 6 07.5 6 07.5 6 01.5 o 4 00.0 4 10.5 5 04.0 5 10.0 6 05.0 6 06.0 6 09.0 6 09.5 6 06.5 •3 3 05. 4 02.0 4 06.0 4 08.5 5 07.0 5 08.5 6 03.0 6 04.5 6 07.5 4 3 04.5 3 06.5 3 06.5 3 09.0 4 03.5 4 08.5 5 02.5 5 08.5 6 02.5 5 3 06.0 3 05.0 3 01.0 3 02.0 3 0,5.0 3 06.0 4 00.0 4 09.5 5 04.5 6 4 00.0 3 06.5 3 .01.5 3 00.0 3 00.0 2 10.0 3 01.0 3 08.0 4 03.5 7 4 05.0 4 03.5 3 06.5 3 01.5 2 11.5 2 07.5 2 06.5 3 00.0 3 04.0 8 5 04.0 5 00.0 4 05. 5 3 06.5 3 06.0 2 11.5 2 07.5 2 09.5 2 10.5 9 6 01.0 6 00.0 5 06.5 4 07. 5 4 03. 5 3 10.0 3 02.5 2 11. 5 2 11.0 1() 6 07.0 7 00.0 6 07.5 6 00.5 5 07.0 4 08.0 4 00.5 3 10.0 3 02.5 11 6 08. 5 7 05. 7 04.5 7 01.5 6 04.5 6 03.0 5 03.5 4 08.5 4 01.5 Nuon. 6 05. 7 04.5 7 08.5 7 06.5 7 04.5 7 02.5 6 05.5 6 00.0 5 02.5 11' 5 09. 5 6 10.0 7 06.5 7 08.1 7 07.5 7 09.0 7 05.5 7 02.0 6 02.5 2 5 01.0 6 00.0 6 09. •7 01.0 7 04.5 7 09.0 7 09. 5 7 06. 5 7 00.0 3 4 04.5 5 01.5 5 10.0 6 02.0 6 07.0 7 02.5 7 05.5 7 07.0 7 05.5 4 4 01.5 4 03. 5 4 10.0 5 02.0 5 06. 5 6 04.0 6 07.5 7 01.0 7 04.5 ,5 4 03.0 3 11.0 4 01.0 4 03.5 4 06.0 5 08.0 5 07.0 6 02.0 6 08.0 6 4 03.5 3 11.5 3 09.0 3 10.0 3 09.0 4 04.5 5 02.0 5 02. 5 5 08. 5 7 5 00.0 4 07.0 4 01.0 3 09.0 3 07.0 3 10.0 3 11.0 4 03. 4 09. 5 8 5 11.0 5 06.0 5 00.0 4 04.5 . 3 08.5 3 07.5 3 09.0 3 08.0 4 00.0 9 6 07.5 6 01.0 5 11. 5 5 03.0 4 05,5 4 03.0 3 10.0 3 07.0 3 07.0 10 7 00. 6 08.5 6 08.0 6 02.0 5 05.0 4 11.0 4 0,5.5 4 00.0 3 07.0 11 6 11.5 6 10.5 7 01.0 6 10.0 6 02.5 5 08.5 5 03.0 4 07.0 4 01.0 Date. JANUARY, 1 B72. Time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 § h. Feet. Indies. Fei'l. 'Indies. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. Inc hes. Feet. Inches. Feet. Indies. 0.00 4 11.5 4 OB.O 4 00.5 3 07. 7E > 3 10.6 4 0.0 4 05.0 5 06. 25 0.30 5 04.5 4 10.0 4 02.0 3 08.0 3 09.0 3 9.0 3 11.5 5 00.0 1.00 5 08.5 5 02.0 4 06.5 3 10.5 3 08.0 3 6.5 3 07.5 4 06.0 1.30 6 01.0 5 06.5 4 10. 5 4 02.0 3 08.5 3 5.0 3 04.0 4 01.25 2.00 6 03. 5 5 10.5 5 02.0 4 05.5 3 10.5 3 4.6 3 OZ.O 3 07.0 2.30 6 05.5 6 01.5 5 05.5 4 09.6 4 01.0 3 5.0 3 00.3 3 02.0 3.00 6 06.0 6 04.0 5 09.5 5 01.0 4 '04.5 3 6. 75 2 11.6 2 10.5 3.30 6 05. 6 6 04.5 5 11.5 5 04.6 4 08.6 3 8.6 3 00.3 2 09.0 4.00 6 04.5 6 05.0 6 02. 5 07.5 5 00.3 4 c 0.0 3 01.0 2 08. 75 4.30 G 01.5 6 01.75 6 02.6 5 09. 7; > 5 04.5 4 fl 4.0 3 0.3.0 2 09.66 5.00 5 08. 5 6 02.5 6 OkJ. 6 5 11. 7{ ) 5 07.3 4 r(.3 3 06.0 3 00. 5 5.30 5 04.5 5 11.75 6 01.6 6 00.6 5 09.5 5 0.5 3 11.0 3 04.0 6.00 5 10. 6 5 07.0 5 11.25 6 01.6 6 00. 5 4.75 4 04.6 3 09.0 fi. 30 4 04.5 .5 ■ Oi.O 5 08.0 6 01.5 6 01.0 5 8.0 4 10.0 4 01.5 7.00 3 11.5 4 10.0 5 03.5 6 00.0 6 01.5 5 1.0 5 03.6 4 09.5 7.30 3 07.0 4 05.0 4 03.0 5 09.0 6 01.3 6 1.5 5 08.6 5 03. 66 8.00 3 03.5 4 01.5 4 04.5 5 05.0 6 00.0 6 3.0 6 00.6 6 11.00 8.30 3 02.5 3 10.5 4 03. 75 5 03.0 5 10.0 6 ;i. 75 6 04.0 6 04.63 9.00 3 01.6 3 08.5 4 01.5 4 11.5 5 08. 3 6 3. 75 6 06. 3 6 10. 33 9.30 3 02.25 3 07.0 4 00. 25 4 09.0 5 05. 2 6 3.0 6 07.5 7 04.75 10. 00 3 04. 25 3 07.0 3 11.0 4 06.5 5 04.0 6 )1.5 6 07.0 7 07.0 10. 30 3 07.25 3 08.0 3 10.5 4 05. 5 01.7 5 1.75 6 06.6 7 07.75 11.00 3 11.5 3 10.75 3 10. 5 4 04.5 4 10.5 5 )9. 6 03.7 7 0?.25 11.30 4 03. 25 4 03.5 3 11.5 . 4 03.7 5 4 08.0 5 )B.O 6 02.0 7 05.0 !>4 nVDEOGUAPJlV. Dati' Time. I). :!i) 1. 110 1. :io 'J, (H) •J. :;() :',. (HI :!, :',ii 4. (Ill 4.;;(i o. (Id ',. ;i(i Vk ihi (;. ;!n 7. (HI 7. ;;ii H. 00 H, :t(i ;i. (Id 9. :i(i 10. (Id Id. :'.(i 11. (HI 11. 30 FitI. 4 Inches. Tl. (I 04. d d-*. di. r, OC. 5 11. -2: (11. i!." dii. (1 04.(1 0:i, 00. ii;i. .') 04.. 5 (111. Oil. d Fri'l. 4 4 (11. (1 5 d ;. ."> 4 dd. .^> 4 10..'. 4 (111. 7."i 4 00. d 4 11. d :{ 0-i.i) 3 Inch I W>. 10. 01. 07. 10. o:;. d-'. 11. 01. 01. 01. 11. 07, 04. 07. 07. 04. 11. 07. d4. 01. 00. 10. 11. Datu Tllllr 10 JANUARY, 1872. F,:,'l. 4 4 4 4 (1 4 (1 4 5 3 ■' Inches. 01. i:} 04. i: 0-. -i:) 00. 0.5. O'J. (J 01. 75 04. .5 Oii. 7.5 0-. •>:> 09. ■>-,' 09. ( I (J-'. 'J.'i Oil. 'J.'.' 03. 7.'. 0(1. .') 09. .5 0.'.. 00. .-. 0-'. 03..'. 00. 4 09. ;', 07.(3 Feci. 4 4 4 4 4 iichf 04. 04. OC. 07. 111. 01. 0.'.. 09. 00. (14. (Hi. 07. ((■-. 09. 99. (17. III. 10. (lO. 01. 09. 0.'.. 01. Fed. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 (i :', ;", r, r, 4 ■' 1 Inches. d.'.. ■_'.'. 03. 7.'. d-i. r. ■ (13. 03. . 5 II.'.. ;'} IIS. (I Id. -.'3 (11. .3 0.'.. 0.-. ■,'.-, 11.3 0.'. 3 0.3. 3 (13. OC. OC. 03. 3 113.. (1 11. d 00. 73 01.3 OS. .3 04. 3 I'cel. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 11 JANUARY, 1872. 12 13 11 (|i> 1 4 (i s 9 Id 11 .\i.oli 1'' Id 11 Feel. Iiirhes. <; (i<;. d 3 07. (I I 03.0 3 04. ■> 07. (ill ■i 113.3 3' 10. 3 o (19.(1 3 (HI. (I C I 03. 7 03.3 s lid. '^3 9 , (II. (I 7 113. 3 C 03. (I 3 , II -J. 3 4 , (i.';3 3 ' (19.(1 3 (IS. (I 4 01. (I .3 1 (i.l. C O-i. 3 7 01.3 7 (HI. 73 Fe, t. C 4 Illehe OC. ' 00, ; (1,;. : . .0 . Cli 11. 01, 11. 00, (lli, 114. OS. (Hi. 07. 11. 03. lie. 0,;, 04, 04, 04, Illehes. 02. 10. 3 07. 7: (13. 3 (14, (1 o:',, 3 (13, 3 03,0 IIS. I) 111, d dl.7, 113, (I IIS, II U.7: 03.0 04. 7: (17.0 07.1!; (IS. ir 03. 2; 0-i. .3 10.0 04. 11.0 l.> Feel. Inches. Feel. Inelies. Ferl. Invh.x. F 'I'l. Inel e.. F,el. 7 (IS, 3 7 03,0 01,3 'J 04,0 3 IHI, (1 4 (13 II ,-, :: (li. d 1 11,0 2 01, d i 112 (1 4 ■> Id. ■J 01.0 1 10. > (14 ,-, :i 4 111. (1 3 110, ■> (HI. (1 > 02 .-, •> (19. 4 (13. 23 ;; 01. (1 } 09 '> 7 (11, (1 5 11.0 4 (Hi. 3 ! 11 3 ry (Hi, (1 / OC. (1 r. 02. 3 3 02 (1 4 8 09, 33 8 (11,3 7 (Hi. j i IIS (1 u ,S 03, s d(i, (1 s (13, 3 7 09 2.. li " 1,0 7 11,73 8 (11.3 -: 02 7 .5 11,0 (1 10, 3 7 Oii. ' 7 11 3 7 4 Of). 23 3 03,, 5 (i 03.2,' ; 11 23 7 '.', (13,-0 4 nil, (1 4 10.3 'j 09 (1 c 00, II 3 (111, 3 OS, 3 4 (IS r :, 0,!, Id, 23 >) 11 (1 i (17 (1 4 1 (1... (1 3 01,3 '> f 09.0 ; (HI .3 ,. d-i, II 4 01.0 3 1 00. 3 ; dd d •> 6 do. 23 3 0(1. .3 4 03.0 ' OC (I v» 7 8 I'-eel. Inches. I'WI. Inches 5 OS, 7 7 02. 23 r 04.7 C OS, 73 f, 03.0 r. 03,73 4 OJ. f. d'.l, 73 4 (Mi. 3 03,, 4 03.0 4 09, 73 4 03. 4 03, 3 11.3 4 01.0 :; 11.3 3 11. (1 4 ■ on. (1 3 10.5 4 02. 3 3 11.0 4 (Hi. 3 4 do. 23 4 10. (1 4 02. .3 r. 02, 23 4 (IS. r (Hi, 3 .3 01 . 7, 11.3 3 OC, 3 c (13. 3 .3 11 3 (I 03.73 li 04, c (17.3 G 09, c OS, 73 G 11.3 (i OH, 3 7 01.23 (i (Hi, 3 7 01.3 r, 113,73 7 01. 11.0 •• 111. 16 17 Inches. Fnl. 07, (Hi 11. (HI. (11. Ineh.'s. (Hi. 07. 03. 3 01.3 03. 04, I'l el. nil. Ill, (IS (17, 04. (Hi. OS. OS. 01. 03 (14. (12. (M. 11. 11. (17. C 07, (i OS. 23 00, C 1(1, (I I I. C (17.3 (Hi. 3 (Mi. 3 (14.3 10. d III. (1 03. (1 07, 23 07,3 lis, 3 01.0 11.0 IneUes I 11,0 (17, 1 03,, 73 dd, (I (Hi, 23 I 10, d (IS (19, 14 14 13 IS IG 13. 1 02, 3 02. 3 09, 3 01.3 02. 3 03, 3 (HI. (I 04 V.-, 03 3 IIS 3 OG d (13. II 11 r TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. _'0 n.itt Time. JANUARY, 1872. I§ 19 ao -21 a a 23 24 25 2« /■;,/. Inrlns. I'lrl. Itirln.s. I'r.l lH,h,.S /■Vr/ l.U'l,,'.. F,rl. IlN'hlS. Far [iirlies. /•', (1. [llcll:.s. F<,i. Iiirhrs. Fnl /»r/,r.v. 01' 'J 10. .) 11.7.". :'. 10. 4 Illl. f, Oli. .-. ll 01.-1 1 0.^ 1) 7 Oli It.-i I ■i 110. II ',' 111..-. :i 11.'.. 11.0 4 o;i .-, .-> 00 II t i 0,1 II 7 0.-| 7 n.-, fi 'J ■' II.,. r, :i Oil. ;i 0.'. .'. ;! Oil, y.-. 4 Hi. -J.-, 4 10. .-. , i 117 7." ll It- .-, (i 10 7.-, ;i 4 nil. ilii .! O:!. 7.'. :i 111!. 1..-. 11'^. -.-. 4 0-'. ( (17 ..; 1 1 ,- :, 00. 4 4 IIS. II ;t 00. (ii; :! 07.11 :i 04..-. II, i. nil :i ii;.-j.^.' : i ' o;i 4 07. r. 4 ns n •' •> 01.11 4 II-'. .■. 4 00. .'. :! 07. :! Oli. 7.-. :i 114. .-. : ; 04. :> M U.7.-, :i II-' 'J.-, ll ■' ii:;. u 4 1 17 . .■. 4 ml .1 4 ll-J. ;! 11.0 :i 0., :. : i , o:! :. :{ 07 .-, :{ 01. 7.-1 ' • 1 iij. or 4 10. Illl .". 01.0 4 111. Mil 4 Oli ■>:< 11.11 : i 07.0 :! It- -J., :! On ".-) > 4 111. Oli 4 u. .-. .. ll."i. 1 on. II r, 04. .-. 1 00. i . 0.-|. 4 04. -J.-, n 04. .-1 4 ii:i 'i 4 11.0 .. 00.0 1 00. Oli G ii:!. .S .-, 10. ; . Oil..-, 04 Oil 4 n-. III :'■ lii.O 4 Oli. 7.', .-. ii;. 7.') 04.0 7 00 07 1 i OS. -J.- 11 0- 11 III mi 11 :i Oil. '.>"i 4 02. .-. .'> O.'.. 'J.'. It:!. .-. 7 o;; ■_'.-. - 117. OS -J.-) (i I'S ;.,:; Xiiou :! ll.>. :i 111. .-. ."i 01. 00. II 7 0-'. v!.'. 111.-'. ^ ii:i 7.-1 Il'.l. I" .! 0,'). tit; ■.i 00. II 4 o; 7.'i 00.11 07. 7."i 7 DO. ; s HI. It ,^ 0.-,. < 01. n ■J :f IH. :) ;! ii:i. 1 0:i7;. 4 10. .-, r, 10. -.'.-I Ii 04.0 II., 7." ,^ 01. < on It ■ ' 4 o:',. 5 :i 10. 4 01..-. 4 Ii4. ■.'.-. .s 01.. -| .-. 0.!..-, ! 0.-,. 7 o:!. 7 It.;. 0(1 1 4 111..'. 4 ii:;. 1 Ol'. 4 II1..-I 4 07.:. 4 Il.i. .-| iM.ii: fi 01 Ii 01.0 • 1 ••> ii:i. .> 1 00. 4 II.-.. 7.-. 4 o-j. .-, 4 Oii. I 00 . 07 4 11.11 n . n ll ;) Ii.l. 7.1 :. 01..-. 4 111.7.-. 4 0,-<. II 4 II-. ;; 11..-. Oil. 4 1 . .-. 4 it-j n / •> O'J. 'J-i • . 04. Ti :. 1. r, oi.'.'.- 01.:. 4 o:!. :. -i 114.11 4 on n 117. n ^ .> 04. nil .1 it... .. r. 0-. II 07. .-. 111. .-. 00.0 '' . 11.11 4 nil n ■; on .-. 'J 4 1 1-. .. 04. -J.") .■l 0.-..'-. 00. 1..-, .", ii;i 10. II n:; 7.-, ■; 10. 111 :! 11.. -> 4 11.0 .'. I.t-. 01..-. 07. II Ii If.' .-. 1 II-. II ll n-. -J.-, -, 11 ■' 114.:. 4 o:!. 't 01.0 (III. II 07. "j:. Ii 07..-. 7 Illl. 7.- Ii 11..-, ■'' n.i. 7.-. Kate Time JANUARY, 1872. FEBRUARY, 1872. 27 28 29 30 31 F. Oli 0-.'. 111. Oli. no 10..-. 10.(1 , o-.'. .-. 01.7:1 If.'. ^);(7t(.s'. /•(', / Inclu-^. Fid InrJics. /■■(•(■/ I urlu'^. l'\ii [in-hes. /■;,/ IlH-lus. /■■, , / Illrh,^ hfi In, Ins Ol.iill r-j IIS. ,-, mi. 4 00. .-, ;i no. 7.-1 ii 0.; n If.t .-, 00. n Ii II.-,. 7: 11.-). :. Oil. 4 Il.i. n it.'i 07 7.-, IIS. 'J.i 11 in. .-) 7 nil. II 1'.-.. "J.-i .-, n.-,. 1 1 4 III. n 0.1 :, 0-,'. '.'.-, ll 10. 7: / 0:!. ll 11.11 111..-, .) 1 1 . .-| 4 oj 00 0"J. (i ] 01. lit 01.0 Ii 10..-. 1 00. n 6 11.:. 00. :> 0) 11 n.-|. 04,0 1 Ii It-. .-, 111..-, 4 10 00.:. 0.-. :. lis. :! 10.0 4 111. n ,. ' lis. ,", 10. Ii iM on II 01., -1 •J 11. 10. ■.'.-. 4 OS. 4 10..-. Ii 11:; 11 I 04. 11 01.0 .) 07. n :i n:!. 7.-, 00. .-. 4 01.:. .-, 10.0 It.-.. 11 no ;: 10. -j: no. -J,-. •> If,'. .-, 00. II H 04. 04.0 ;! mi. O.i. 7.-. 4 n:!. 10.0 114 II 04. .-. no .-, OS. ■.>: I n-'. •.'• 4 o;i. ■.'.-. 13 n;i. :>, 00. (1 o;i. .-1 1 07 7.-| 0- "j.-i 00. .'. ., II.-.. I 4 0.-.. 4 00. :! 10. .-1 4 00. 111! 0:; :> 00.0 ll 10. II ll 07. .-, II.-,. .-, 4 0- 7) 4 0:!. .-1 4 1 1 ; . .-| 4 10..-, 0.-). 7 01.. =i 7 117. Ii It:!. :> .-, 07. 4 00. 7.- 4 11.00 4 0- o-.i. .-) s on. n 7 10. Ii 11.:. It:!, n .-. 114. .-. .-, 0.-]. .-, 4 Il'.l. :i 00. -'.-1 7 mi. 7 ns. -J.-, 7 If,', n It-, n Ii (to. :. .") 11.0 ."", n,'. liti 0.-.. (i mi. ■.'.- 7 on. n ll 10.7.-1 Ii OS. Ii 0.-.. .'. 11 Oii. ii,i .-| If.'. 7: :l It:!. :!:; Ii 00. ll n;'. I) 11.-1. .-. 00. .-. Oli. II nil n ' If.' .-. 4 :! ifj II n.'i. :;:; 4 I 11.0 00. 4 ii:i.O If,'. -!.- ll 04.0 0-. .-. ii li no. ■,': o-j. :, 04 .-l 0-. oil. 00. :! If.'. .-. 0.-.. :i 04. .-) 4 0,-. .-, ,-) 07. II 01. 0,-.. .-> :i 117. n ■A 04.0 :i 01. ■->.-, ;i 11.0 4 10. lili 5 If.t. It on.-.'.-. 4 Illl. II 3 10. ... If,'. 11 3 0.3. 4 ii:i. 'J.-, 4 11 .-, ill I'l; HYDKOGUArUV. I);il< Tim HI u N 11)11 II' 10 11 9 10 11 FEBRUARY, 1872. 10 11 I :i •I 1 (I (I I mill X (I-.', .'i (IS.O 01. (II.O 07.. --J or,, 11 0- o:; Oi'> II."). -if. o-j. (),<. (II. u (17. (I o;i. liCi o:;. (ii 07. (II. -J.".! 07. 7.^ (II.O (1-1. (I I ov. (111. 5 4 Date. Tilllr. 11 Frrl. Oh :; 1 ", -> 5 i; (■) 7 4 s • ) ; O'.l. (I (i;i. .5 o:;.o (l:;. 04. (I O'.l. 5 ( i,s. f) 11.0 10.0 04..'. 04.:;:; on. (io 11.0 07.. 5 os.T.'i 10. 5 11. /'Vr/. Iltrlll 04. Fill. O-J. 0!). 11. o:!. 01. 10. 00. O'.l. 04. 0.5. 07. O-J. OJ. OS. 01. 00. 0(1. 10. 10. o:;. 0(1. (1 4 r, r :;:; H (1 ,S (I s 7 ;■■) 11 Iliclli 01. OS. (II. o:;. OS. o:;. o:!. 00. o:;. OJ. II.'.. 00. 00. O'.l. OS. 11. (IS. 01. 00. 10. OS. (i;i. o:;. 0(1. (; iiii III OS. 0(1. OS. 01. 11. 0(1. 11. 0(1. 1(1. 01. 04. 10. 07. (10. 0(1. (i:;. OJ. on. OJ. 0(1. ( 1(1. 07. o:;. II.'). la Frrl. hirhrs. .5 ' III.:;:; G I ll.(j(i 7 07. -J.') 7 07.75 Frrl. 4 (1 10.0 (1 5 4 00. 00.0 4 •> OS. (1 3 *> 01.0 J .> OJ. J ') 10.0 *J 4 01.5 5 O'J. 5 4 7 01. 5 r> s (Ml. 7 s 01.0 7 7 07. II 7 n 04.5 I'i 4 11.(1(1 f) ;; 05. J5 4 •> 07. ;j '> 04 . J ') 117. 7.' J 3 05. 2 llllhcK. 07.75 11.0 10.11 01.5 (IS. Oo. (I OS. 1. (id 05.75 (IJ. 05.33 OJ. (Mi. 10. 00. 0(1. 01.0 OS. 0(1.75 (i:;. OJ. 75 (IS. J5 0(1. 75 11. 5 FEBRUARY, 1872. 15 IG 17 1 Frrl. 1 (1 Illrllis. o:;. 5 04.0 03. 10.0 01.5 01. O'.l. (I 11.5 00. 75 0(i. 03. 75 04. J5 11.75 10.0 O'.l. 05. 75 00.75 1(1. (15. J5 O'.l. 10.5 00. 5 0(1. :;:; o:j. 75 Frrl. Illrlir.1. 05. 00.0 07. o:;. J5 OS. 5 10.(1(1! 00.5 04.5 O'.l. 5 O-J. 10. J5 (10.25 1(1.0 01. (IS 5 i.i:;.0 OS. 10.5 10. :;:; 0(1. (I 11.75 04. -J5 10. 0(1.5 I'rrl.l Ilirhl 1§ Firl. 05. 5 oi;. 7: 11.5 05.0 00. 05.0 07.5 (IS. 5 07.5 04.0 01. 10.5 OS. ''5 OS. (1(1' OJ. 0(1. J5 10.-J5| 01.0 04.0 ' (1(1. 05. OJ. 5 10. J5| 05. :;:; 19 Jllrlir.i. OJ. 5 00. 5 10. 5 II J. 07. :;:' 11.5 04.5 0(1. IIC). 05. (1( OJ. 00. (I OS. 05. 5 04. 5 05. 5 07. m 10. 00.5 01.5 00. 75 11.75 (IS. 75 o:i. 25 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Iiirhr-^. 10. 5 07.5 (1(1. 05.0 05.5 07. II 10.5 o:;. 5 1 10. 01.0 03. OJ. 25 11.0 0(1. j: 00. -J5 07. 05. 25 05. 5 07. 5 0(1. 01.0 00. II 10. 00. 5 20 21 Fcii. 5 4 4 4 llirhi 05, 10. 04. 00. 00. 10. 04. 11. OS. 07. 10. 00. 10. 01. 05. 10. Oil. 05. OS. 1 1 J. OS. 00. o:;. 111. Fn-I. 5 5 4 3 ;■; 4 llirlirs. OS. 5 OJ. 04. (I 10.5 07. II 0(1. 05, OJ. 0(1. 5 Oil. 04. (I 07. OJ. J." 11. 5 03. 05. 7." (10. (I 01.5 o:;. 05.0 01. 110.-25 04.0 08. 25 Feel. llirhr«. 5 IIS, 5 OJ. 05 4 o:;. 5 ?, 0(1. 2 O'J. 5 '> 05.25 ■J 05. -> (IS. 5 3 05.0 4 OS. f, 07.5 (; 05. 6 OS.'O <; 0(1. 6 00. 4 10.0 3 0',). 5 3 01.5 2 10. m 3 00. 5 3 OS. 4 01). 5 5 05. 5 6 00. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 27 D;it. FEBRUARY, 1872. 23 •il 26 27 2S 29 r\ri. /iIcIhs. /'•«/. //R'Ar.s. /■■ 01. 1) li 1 r, 11.11 I'l u:'.. :;:; 7 .> T) 01. -i: r, O.S. lill <' ;! 4 nil. (1 4 10. 11 4 ;', III).;') :i OS, 4 .", .) Il.'i. V) l,)Sj;r, I'i •) ll'J. II ') o:i. :i 7 •J ii:;. L'.'i •J o-.'.or. ■J s INI. 11 ■ > 1)7. :; 1) 4 o-'.r. ;; U.S. :; 10 .', IM.'J.". r 00. .', U i; II.'.. .'> ll o;;. (1 Noun. V 00.0 7 01). ;'> H 1" i; U.iir 7 04..-. S .( (i i !).'>. 7 02. ,s ;i ,", 04.-.'.' Ci ();i. 7 4 4 1)2. r. 4 11..'. 11 f, ;i ty.K-27 10. r, .', 11 ■J ii,~ .'i :i 1 1)0.0 4 7 '^ 00.;, 1)4.0 ~ OS. (W nil. ;i 10. -, •' on. 4 10 r, 00. c, r, no. r 11 ■"' 11.0 no. I'l Hale 0)' 1 O 10 11 Niii>ii. 1'' Firr. d 10 11 /rli-his. 10.0 n-.'. 01. 11.0 11.0 I).-,. II o.'i. ns. 10. ;'. 11.0 01.;'. 00.0 o:!. 1)2.0 i)l.;-> ns ;'. no..-, 0(1.0 0(1 07 04 0;'i O.s 1)7 /■'«■/. II no. .', OS. 7;" OS. n 04. f) Ol! .', 1 nii.O 11.0 1 00. 1) 1 11.0 ;; 02. .', 4 11. Gl 04.0 0'.). (H). 011.71 nil. .', 04.0 11. n 1)2.2: 01.0 ().',. I).',. on. C' I„rh, 00. 01. 11. 00. 10. 00. III). 00. 01. 11. 02. 09. 00. 1)7. 0(1. 00. 114. 01. 01. 04. 0;-,. 01. 1)1. 02. Fill. Iiiclicx. 112.0 Oil..-, (111. II 10. r> IIS. o:!. 02. 07.0 07. 01.0 00.0 III. r, 117..''. 04. 0.',. .-, nil. 00. 07. .^ 02. ;-, n:!. nil. o:i. n 01. 0.-,. F 01.0 or,. ;; 04. I) 07. 4 10. IIS, ,', 10. r> 02, II OS, 7. on, (I 10, 112, Oil, 10. c, ■* IK!, 1 )7 , ;', 00, .', 114. 00. :> IIS, I) 1 11.0 0;'., ;-, 1 OS. 04.0 2 01. I) 07. .', ;i 00. 1) Fa I. 4 [llrhcK. Oll.O 00. I) 11.0 nil. 01. (].',. OI..-> oil, ;', (111, I) 02. .-i 04. 01..-, 111!. 0.'). 02.0 lO I'lTl. II (1 o;!, 2;',' r. 00, 5 4 011.5 2 11..-. 1 os.O 1) u.o 10. llirh 00. Ol! 00 or. 11 OS U 10 0.-). 10.0 oil. ;-. U.O 10.0 Oil. ;', 02.0 10. ;-, 04. 1) 00. .-. OS..-, 04..-) OS. oil. .-. i).'..r, 07 11 MARCH, 1872. 12 hlrh. 10. on. n:!. 00. on. 1 no. O'l. i 04. 07. 00. oil. (III. 10. 00. 07. 04. 10. ();'.. 1 ml, . 1)4, 0(1, 11 o:!. 13 14 00.0 07.0 11.7% ! 10. I 00. :!;i o:!. I) OS. ;-, 10. .-. 07.0 10.;-, 11. oii.o (IS, 00, I) 02, ;-, 02,0 1,.-, 00. 02. :!:i 02. 00.0 (ID. .-> 00. .', o.-i. Frvl.\ llirllrs. !-' ■A 01.0 o; r. 1 01. 4 o.'-.. 4 10. ;", 0.-.. r OJ. ;. 10.0 1 :; I (i;i ii :! Ov!. or.. 1'. ;; O'.l. O'.l. .5 4 02. !■> T) 01. .5 ' 00. 5 11.0 •,' i 4 (Kl. IJ 04.0 04. -J.- \\ 0,-. ■A 04. ■A 0,-.. J :; 11.0 4 OH. 5 02. .5 ;; ! -1 ' 07..-. i; 07. 7.-, ! ' o:i. 7: ;> O.i. • > 10. •> 07. .-. •,> 1 0. ;'. 0.-.. 4 00. 5 4 '} 110.11 4 00 ;-> 04.7.-, ;; o:!. '1 o(;. .-. ') 00. 7r. • > 00. '2 o.i. O 07. 5 :, i)->.^> I 04. ; 07.01' 1 J 07. ■1 00. .-. 1 10. .-. 1 0(5..-. 1 0.-,. 1 00. i; (I-.'..-. I 0(i. 4 0-,'. 4 01. •) 0-. ,'. ') 01. 1 or.. 1 01.. '5 00. 5 7 r. 00. 4 07.0 4 oi;. 4 07. ;j 02. ,-. '> 07. r. 1 on. 1 o:i 00. s 4 ow. .^ I 07.0 4 ' 10.0 :> 01.. S :! oil. r. w 00,0 ■J 10. 2 02. :i 1 OJ. ;i 1 ■ 0.^,0 4 0(1. CO I ! 10. r, r 00. 4 0'.. -if. 4 00.0 I 01.0 0.-,. ■i 00.0 10 4 1 o-j. ■-'.^ 4 05.0 4 1 11. T) .5 OS. 4 OH, r. f, 01. -. r 01..'} 4 OH. :, 4 01. r. U ;i ' 10..-, 4 01..-. 4 OH.,-. 07. .- 04,0 (1;-). f) OJ. r. .-. OJ. .'•) 5 04.5 Nn,HI. ri o;i. :! 10.0 4 ' 0.-.. f, 0_'. ,5 ;-, o:'.. r, 00.0 r> 00. ,1 o:!. 2,5 o;!. 11' :i 1 11. :! 00. , 4 01. h 4 07. ,'i 4 OJ. ■"' o;;. ", 0-'. ,c (i o:i. 00 05.25 4 0-j. r> :i 07., 'j ! 10. .-, 1 0^.0 4 00. 4 0.1. 4 OJ. ;-. 07. 7.. 5 OJ. :• 4 00. .-. ;i 07. .S i o;). •>:< H Ii7. A 04. .''. ;i 02. ■A 07.0 4 (II. 4 OH. 4 4 07. :; OH. 5 ; O'J. ;! 00. '2 0,H. >> 03.0,0. 2 07. >_> OJ. ■A 02. 5 f, 4 o;, r> O'J. r, ! O'J. .5 ■i 00. r.ii '> o:!. 1 011.7.-. 1 10.0 1 07. 1 OJ. i; 4 07.;-. ■A 11.0 ! 10. 3 OH. 7;- • ) or.. 1 oil. 7.-. 1 .0(1.0 1 00. 7.5 11,0 7 4 0.-,. -. 4 00. 4 00. :^ 4 00. 01..-. ■J OA. r, 1 1,7. .S 1 01.:'.;; 07.75 s 4 00. s. 4 00. .T 4 o:!. 4 04..-. ■A oil. ,-. :; 00.0 '2 07. & I 10. 1 02. 'J :'. 07 . 4 00. .5 1 4 00. r, 4 OH. .-. 4 0.-.. .-. :i 11.0 ;! OJ. r. :■, 00. 5 ,J 04. 11) ;[ 04.0 3 11.0 4 07. 4 11.00 4 11. 7r, 4 IJH. .-. 4 OH.O 4 (i;i. :> 11.0 11 ■' 0-J. ;i 06. .5 4 00. 4 10.0 '"' 01. r. .5 o:i. I.I r, 0.-.. '.) 02. 5 ■' 04.25 MARCH, 1872. 26 27 2§ (i A {\ 1 1 s 1 10 ;■; 11 5 Ii 1 7 s J 1 10 A 11 4 o:'.. J 00. 01.11 01.0 OH, (I 04. 05. 5 01.5 05. 5 (15. OJ. 7; 0:10 04.(1 10. 5 07.7, 07. 5 01. 00. o:'.. :3, OJ. (I 10 OJ. 0( 00.5 00.5 /;. F,H. {lichee. OJ. 5 05. 5 00.0 OJ. 05. 7.' 00. OJ. 5 01. 25 00.5 OJ. 2;i 01. 06. 07. 0( 05. 5 07.0 00. OJ. 01.5 (l-H. 5 10.0 07. 5 01.5 O'A. 7r 11.0 /-'<■ Oli. 25 2 0:5.0 2 04. 5 3 00. 5 3 10. 31 APRIL, 1872. 05. 5 4 00. 5 02. f, OH. II r, 07.0 4 04.0 4 01.0 !■> 04.0 !■> 02.0 1 07. 1 OO. 25 o OJ. 05. OH. 07. 11. 00. 11. 01. OH, 07, 00, Firl. Iliv.hi-fi. OJ. 5 1 10. oil. 5 04.0 07.0 04. 5 11.5 01.7,- 04. 10.0 OH. 10. I 04. 2r 00. 00.0 11.0 00. 11.5 0(i. on. 5 00. 05.0 01.0 01. /, /lirhl'S. Fell. 05. or. •> 01. 00 ,> 11.0 .. 00. 5 01.25 4 01.0(i 4 10.0 4 0:i. f, OJ. ;» 04. 5 4 02. 4 01.5 3 02.0 3 05. 5 3 Oil. 5 3 01.25 3 04. 25 3 or,. 5 3 00. 5 4 o;>. (;o 4 10. 5 4 04. 4 10. :{ 0(5.5 •' fiiiheii. 05. 5 07.0 11. 5 00. 5 01. (I (k;. 7,' 11,5 01.0 01.0 07. 5 02. 7;- 011. 7." 05. 0( o:!. 5 04.0 05. 07. 5 11.5 03. 7;- 05. 7." 05. 7.- 04. 11.0 05. 5 F,tI. 1 liclles. ; :', 00. ■i OH. 5 '■> OH.O 2 10.5 3 05. O 11.5 4 0... 5 f, 00. 5 05. 5 06.0 04. 4 11.0 4 o:!. :i 07.5 3 o:;. 3 01.5 3 01.75 3 04.25 A 11.0 05. (I U.O 02.0 00.0 07. 5 TIDAL OBSEEVATIONS. 29 APRIL. 1872. 10 [■hi. 1 I' t,lrl,f 1(1. ■-'.', (1^. ,"> I)."). .". ii;. ■,':i 1(1. r. 1 1^. r> (i-i. .'. (I.',. (I (i;;. II ii;;. II (14. CC. U.(i(i, u.-jr,' (i:!. ') i; 11..'. 11.(1 (l(i. (!'.). I) (17. '.Ti (Id. Ii (11. II (14. .'l (1,^. II (1 iKi. (ill. hirlu ii;i. (M. (111. (I!». 117. (I'.l. (17. (l.'i. 111. mi. (Id. 11. ii:'.. 11. 11. d.'.. 11. d'.i. ii:;. II.'.. III. (IS. nil. II'-!. Frrl. ii (1 1 n 1 1 1 1 :! 4 Inch. 11. 11. II. 11.'.. dl. Id. 111. 01. 117. (III. 11. dl. dti. IK'i. 10. (i:!. (i:!. 11. (14. (i;!. d;i. dl. /•v,/. () i; Date. Time. 13 /■Vr . Iiiclu'y. \ O" ;". 11. .". 1 .) lid. (i ') .'. ll'.l. 3 (", 01.11 4 (". do. u f) .■"t 1 11.'...', (i 4 (j.s, d 14 l> APRIL, 1872. 17 Id 11 Noon. II' 2 ;! 4 5 G 7 10 11 d'J. ■J.",; 01.11 07.0 ll'.l. ."> d.'i. :. d-i. .'. ]0.7rJ 11... (id! 07.7:.' 06. 11.0 i 01.5 O-J. (■>(■.' 07.::!:.; III..") 0.'.. 7: 11.0 Fell. 4 Imh.s. 0(i. :. 04, 7.-, il-J. d (HI. d 111.-.': d.i.o d-j.d (17.0 11..'. d.'., 7.". IK!. .5 (l."..0 d;i. 7.: 04..'. 111. 00.7.". 01.7:'. 11.;". (14.0 (IS. 01. CO 00. 05. II (10. :. IVrl. Im-ll.x. d-i. :. Mil. d III. d 111. d II.'. .'. 0:!. -.''i dl. II d.i. ■,': (i:i. (Hi 111. d (i(i. II 04..'. O.'i. .'. 0.1. :'.:: 01.-'.'. o:!.(i(i 0.'.. :") (i."..(i(i II-.'. :. Id. d d.'.. 7.^1 II.'.. d IIS.O ll;l. Fill. Iin-I„s. 11:1. .'. 01.:. 0.'.. .'. 0:1. :. (i-j. :. (1 i. (I IIS.O /■Vr/. [iK-li 01. OS. 01. 04. IIS dl (1. (i: 01 0- 0: 01 0,- 11 (K 0( 0; .0 .. .0 .0 .0 0(1. 7: dl. (1 d-.'. .". 4 ii-j. ■-'.'.' 4 117. (1 4 Id. .'. 4 11.:. 1 11..". 4 (10. 4 0:1. .'. :', U. (1 :i or,..'-) :', 04. :', 11:1. 7: .! (14,7:. ;! 07.0 :! 10.0 4 01. 4 01..') I 01.. 5 I (111. :! OS. 7.'. FrrI [nvlieK. 114. -j: 10.7: IIS. d IIS. .", I i-j. :. OS. II 07. 01.11 04. 7: 0: IH. .'. Hi. :. n:;. r> 10. d lis. d (H. ") 1.0 10. .''. 07. .'Ti oil. (1 07 . :'. 10.5 ll-.>. 75 IIS. Feci. (i (i [ticlw^. 11. 5 09. 5 11.5 ii:;. 5 01.(1 00. 5 05. 07. lie. d nil. :',, o-i. 11 117.0 lis. 5 0(i. OS. 5 ll-J. 11.5 115. 5 d'J. 5 II-.'. d 11.5 05.0 (Hi. 00. 75 11 12 Fcrl. Inches. 01. -^5 I'ccl. 4 07. (i(i IKi. (1 117. :;:: 115. 00. lii: 05. (17.7: no. 117. 10.0 115.0 11.0 j 04.0 ' 01. cr. ii:i. :i 11.0 ■) 07. 11 i OS. (1 1 0;'.. 5 1 1.5 ■J 0-J. 5 •'. 1. liichc.i 05.5 IKi. 5 11:;. 5 04. 75 10.5 05. 5 10. -.'5 05. d II-.'. 5 01. :i:; IKi. 5 (14. 75 05. 5 0:!. 5 07.5 11.5 05. 75 or,. 5 05. 5 05. 10.0 O'.l. 0-.'. 11.0 l)!i [iicli 05. 01. nil. (III. ni. IH. 01. 01. II-'. II. 115, no 7,r IK! 1(1 7: 00 5 11 02 ■t^ 07 00 n 0:1 IK! 00 75 19 20 21 Fed. !„chc 01. II IIS. 0,!. 11-.'. 04.-.' U.5 117. 5 IK!. OS. 5 00. ll.O ( 15. 5 OS. II U.o (!■:'. OS. Ill OS. -.w 00. 75 OS. 05. 5 01.0 04.5 04. 5 F,cl. llichc :; 11 ( ;! (15. ( •' IIS. 1 11. I lis. 1 117. 01. .> 10. ;; 11:1. 4 07, r (L', r» 05. f, 02. 4 05, ;; 0(i. !■» 05, 1 10, 1 ' IIS, 1 OS, 07, •?, 05. 4 115. 5 01. 5 05, Feci. r I Inches. 111. 11 07. (iii IIS, d lis. ■.'5 dl.d 10. d 11.5 (IS, II (10.11 10. 5 00. (I-J, 5 0-2, 5 115, 5 0:1. (iii 111,0 01,5 07.11 llii, 75 11,75 110.75 (K!. 02. 75 Oil. 30 IIYDlMHiUArriY. Date. APRIL, 1872. Till' •i3 rm. /;/r/,r,v. Irrl. Il/cll)'.^ (ll' (; (10. 7 1..-, 1 r> 110. fi 7 00. - 4 Dii, :, 0'2. 7f) 1 Oil. 7 04. 4 'J III. II o 10.7 f, 1 nil. II 1 Oil. Ti (; I 117, 1 o.%. 7 7 'j no. fi 1 111. 9 1 O-j. .") 00. (1 '» II,-. II 10. 10 7, (i,~. (1 ,', 00. U (■> iii;. II r 11.11 «)ii. i; IIS. s i; 0.-). .S 11' (; III. II o:'.. 7 ~ :! II'.'. Oil. f) ■'' 1. 10.7 4 ■> no. Ti ■> 0.-,. .S r> 1 07. 1 O-J. c 1 III.O II 07. .'') 7 1 III. -jr, II OS. (1 4 11. y.') O'l. 5 1 07. II 01. 111 r, 10. LT) 1 0.",. 11 i; U.f. r. Oil. 'it ■Hi '*7 t»N aj> r,ri. Ji,rl,(«. r,',i. 1 Hfh/'s. rwi. hirhrs. 1 '•<■,! I lichis. hirl. /llclict nil. 11 O.'i. .■> r. 07.11 1 0.',. 7:., :i OS. 1 1 07. n 11 11. (ill 04. .'. r. 07. ■.'.'. 4 u.:. ,-, 11.0 (1 OS. on. fi nil. ■jfi .''i 111..'. 4 OS. n r OS. •::, r 11.0 (1 n:i. (I r. 0-.'. •> ;; o:i. r. 1 0:l. [: 1 11.0 r 110.7.". (1 00. '^ 111. (1 ■J Oil. r, ;; 00. r, 1 III..". .5 0.'.. .''1 1 oil..'') 1 OS. fi ■! o:;. :', 0-,'. II I in. -J 1 1. -j:. 1 0-.'. 1 III..". .) iiii.7ri :i 111..'-, 1 07. .-> I 0.-,. 1 il-i. s I no. ') no. '' 111. II •J 0.'.. 1 OS. 1 n.".. .". "J 01. 4 O--'. II ;; or.. ■j 1 17 . .^ ■i ll'J. I 0--'. .-> .'"> n.',. II r, 01. :i 111.5 :; ll-J. ■> nil. II 11 ii:i. fi r, 11.0 1 in. 2.''i I 0:1..''. ;! on. II no. :, 04.. ^ :, nil. r, 01. 4 n.-.. II r, 11.11 (1 lllf. (1 :, 11.. 5 r, 07. -.T. .", 01. II 1 1 17 . .^ r. o::. II r, n.''i. r, IIS. r> 01.0 :i 111.0 Oil. r. I III. r 01. r. .") 0:;. II 1 07. •J iii.r. 1 oil. ' 1 117.7 00. 111. 7r. 1 07. (1 •J 0-'..". ;; 0-. II o:;. .'> II ii:i.7.-. (1 07. 2') 1 no •'.") 'J 07.. ''1 Oil. .'> n.'.. (iC n 04. 1 n.u \ 1 111..". •i 0-,'. 'Jfi 1 o:i. ■_'.', n 07.7.'. ' 11.:. 1 00. :i '- IIS. (1 ') 07. :> 1 OS. r, 1 no. \^ 1 07. -J r, Oil. -J.-. 4 O.""). 01. '_' no. 't 01. (I Frrl. 30 II. II. 10. no. nil. nil. n-J. II.".. (111. (II. OS. 0'-'. 07. 10. Oil. 04. 07. III. nil. III. 111. :! 4 II lllrh 0(1..' 01..' Oil.-, n on. 7.'. n:;. 'jr. 11:1. -i.'. nil. ,■• o."i. r. 1 1.0 10 01 n;: (1 (III 04 r> Oil (II II 0:1 f, (II II 0.-. f, Oil r. 0'-' -,: Oil Pj on .". lJ;ilr. TillK!. Ill' 1 H 9 in 11 Norm. II' 111 11 MAY, 1872. l',Tl. Ilirh n.". .-, on ■-'.-. II II (II 7.'. 0:. II OS III ,r, II-,' :, nl (IS (I (11 .-, 00 .-, III .-, 1(1 :, 111 r. II .-, Oj (1 or. ijr 10 ■-'•" 0;! Ill (1 (i;i (I in (1 III n Jllrlir.t. 11.11 IIS. 5 117. n (IS. .'', ni.r, nil. r. IIS. n 0:',. II 00. '2: 1 1.1. -.'r: ni.7." 00. ■.'.' |0. 01. 7r IIS. ■;." 00..'', 07..'') nil. n n';.7." OS. fi 10. 00. ()( 10. ::; 0.'.. :i: lurl. III. II II'.'. II 07.7!', n,-,. II nil. .'". I I'i. ". no. 10.:'. 07. 'J:', (III. II nil. II O'J. II 07.0 0-'. .'. 11.0 01.7.'. O'J. (10 o.'i. ;'. 00.11 10. r. OS. .', n.'. .'', I 1 iii'ht'^. (II. II IIS. II II.".. 'j:. 117.7.'. 111. II ni.r, n:l. -J.". 00. 77. 0.'.. 2.', 111. II nil. II IIS. n 1 17 . .'. 117. r, 1 1 . :'. 10. n 111..'', in. 7.'. 111.7.'. ll'J. .", 10..', nil. II I hi, ■hi' lis. ' 111. I no. ( ns, ' ni.( 11.; 01.' O'J. .' 0.",. : 07. ( 11:1. ( II.-.. ( /■'-r/. llH'lui n I . ', (IS. ( (IS. I O.'i. I Of,. I 'II. I III.' no. i nil. ( 117. ; 0-. 7 07'. ' (I.-,. ( in.i /''rW. 11 4 I III hcK. ■ (17. on (111. (10 (II. III.-'.". n I 1 01..". I no. ■J 111. II i! oj, 1 111. n ;j io.o 1 III. I O'J. 1 0.''.. ;-, 1 no. (I lliclir in.- in. 7 ll'J. ; II.. 01. 111. no.: (17. I 10.' • } nil. .'') nil. ij.-. I III. •J n,".. y."", 1 00. (1 1 Oil, r. 1 (H. .'■> 1 (I-, .'7 2 07. II ■J n,'., (1 ;', II. n II.''.. IK .-, 01. (1 1 I OS, ,". (1 no. II .-. Oil, II II n.-.. 7.-1 04..-. 01..'. (1 0.'., 'J7 .". O'J. 7.'., -, Oil, T. :i III. n I no. n •> II.'.. 'J7, :i II.-.. -j: 1 n:,. 1 11..'. (1 11.7: 1 0:',. ."", 1 01..'-, 1 (II..'', -J (III.O 1 ns,.'-, :i (1,1. 'J Ill, I ol..-, 1 01. r. 00. II .-, (l.'l. (11 n llirht'S 07, II 00. .'. 07 , ,"> Oil. n 07. (I III 7, n.'",. II 01 (1 0:! r 01 7, (II II II.'. II 0:1 ij. 07 III II 0,', ■J 00 7 1(1 .- 11 • ) 07 ■> 00 r, nil n Oil .-, 117 r. TIDAL OBSEia ATIONS. 31 Dati Tiiiii.' MAY, 1872. 10 11 la 13 14 15 Fnl. fnvlufy. I'rcl. j„rl r.w 01' ■> 03. ."> 5 07. .> 1 7 01.:.- () 07 II ■J / 01, ■,'.'. 7 00 ■_>. (> 0(3. 7f (i 10 :, 4 7) 0(i. 11 01 .') r. 4 04.5 .', O-J .', c. ■ > 03. r, 4 (HI r, / •2 Ii7. i> (i:; .", s ') 00. •> 10 .) t) :; 00. 3 0(1 1(1 :i 1 1 . -S' 3 00 ■J. n 4 11. n 4 ll.'l N..UI1. r> 10. -, .', U3 u i'' (i 04. r. f, 111 r> •J (•> O.'i. '> ti 01 ;, 3 ■"> 11.0 .", 11 f, 4 4 10. ,", o;i 1) ;.) OS. -2:, 4 02 7 <; ■J OS. ;! O-J f, 7 ■J O-J. ■J OS s ■J 01. ■,'.'. •J 04 ■J 'J -J 0{;. ■^ 00 f, lu 3 04.0 :; O'i 11 4 0.">. .5 4 (HI i\',l. 01. 01.0 (is.O 00. 04.0 07.0 07. II O'.l. (J o-.'. 10. .-> 01.7, O'J. 7 (II (IJ. 7.' 03.0 00.2.' 00. 04. Hi 07. 7." o:'.. 5 o:'.. 0( 117. .') O:'.. .') 4 (I 02. 00. OS. (10.0 00. 07 . .■> 00 03 07 03 02 (10 (I 00. 00 07. ^^ (Ill 33 02 TT) 01 T, 07. 7.''. 10 04 (j O'J 5 07 /'m7. 3 4 11. [iichc o.">. : 02. ( 00. : (13. ; 0.'.. ■ (.14. ; 11.: 1.: 10.- 0.'>. : 02. : 02. ( (i.'i. : 11. ( o:!. : (.17 . ' OS. ( 00. : 02. : O'J. ( 04. 1 00.: 11.: 0(J. ( /■'<■(•/. [iiulies. o;;. r. (IS. 7.- 02. 7.'i 07, .'i 11..'. 11.0 00. 7.''i 04.:. 11..'. 10..". o,'>. 2,'. 04. .") 01. r, 02. (.1 0.">. 0-. 10.7. 00. 0( 01.0 11. 0( 07. 2, 'i 16 17 Firl. [. O.'i. 01. 11. (I 10.7.'. 00. o'l. OS, .', 02. 07. 2:'. 111..'. 00. 11.00 ( 17 . 2.-. 0(1. .'. 07. 02. 2.'. 11.7,'. 11.0 (^0.2.'. (i:;. .') 07. 11.0 00.7.'. (12. .'i 10. 2.'. 07. 03. J.'. /-'it/. fiich 00, 10, u;i 01 00 00 00 10 (Jl 11 07 on (.!.'. 00 0- 07 0!l 02 07 00 O'J 0.'> 02 00 18 Illvh 04 11 OS 01). 2.') 0,s. ,') 0,'.. .'. 00. 07 . ."> 00. 01. r. 11..'. 00. O'J.;;:; 11.0 0.'.. 01.2.'. 01. Oi .0 .0 0(1. 7:'. OJ. (l."..0 00.7.'. 10. 00. Liat,(- MAY, 1872. Time. 19 O'l 1 2 3 1 .„... O'J. .'> (11. 3 0.). 7.'. 10 11 ' 4 Xodii. 4 I'l ;i ?> 1 4 1 r 1 1 7 s 9 10 11 ;]2 IIYDKOGEAPJIY. Date. Tini<; h. lit. (i. 4U 6. .■() 7. (Ill 7. 10 7.'.'ll 7. HO S. 00 w. :;ii 9. 00 !i. :io 10. 00 10. :;o 11.00 11. 10 11. -JO ll.iiii 11. Ill 11, no 12. Oil 12. 10 12.20 12. :!o 12. W 12. r,o Dale. h. in. 0. 4(1 0. no 1. no 1. 10 1. 20 l.iiO 1. Ill 1. r>o 2. 00 2.11.1 2. 20 2. :io :.!. 00 :;. :;ii 1.00 4. :;ii r>. DO ',. :;ii li. nil (i. ::o 11.40 i;. .no 7. 00 7. 10 23 Tim a;j I'rrl. ri,vh,„. h . )n . 02. 9 1. no oy. 7 1. 10 0.',. (i 1.2(1 01 i. 1 i.:;o 07. 2 2. 00 09. (. 2. :io 02. ') :;. 00 Oil. :!. :!0 04. U 4. 00 00. i.::o 00.7.'". .n. 00 (1.2.-, fi. :;o 0(i.-s 5. Ill OS. :! .n. .no 119. S (1. nil 11. :t (1. 10 00. 7 i>. 20 01.4 (1. :iii 02. (i. 4(1 02.(1 (1. no 02. 9 7.00 112. 9 7. 10 112. 9 7.20 02.75 7. :'.o /•<•(•/. Iiicht'^. (12.0 ni.2n 00. (I 10. 7n 04. 7n 09.0 11. n 01. n 04. n 1 17 . n on. n 07.(1(1 07. ;i:i on. :;:: (14. n 04. o:!. 7n Tiir:. S. 00 s. :io 9. no 9. :io 10.00 10. ISO 11.00 11. :i(i 23 MAY, 1872. Time hWI. /llrJirs. 2 01.0 2 I 09. 7.' :i I 0(1. n 1 I 04.0 n 01. n 10. n (1 117. 7 I 02. •II 2. ::(i . 0( :;. :;(i 4.00 4. :i(i n. 00 n. ::n (1. (/o .May 21. Oil. 01!. (11!. 01. (in. 0(1. ( 7. (1(1, 0. no 0. 10 0.20 (I. :;(i (I. 40 n. nn 1. 00 1.10 1.20 l.l'.O 1. 10 i..nn 2. (.10 (17. n OS, 5 09. 2n 10. i(.). 7n 11. n 11.0 11.0 10. 7n in. n 09. 07. 7n (Ml. 10 20 ::n 40 nn 7. nn 7. 10 7. 2(1 7. ::(i 7. 10 7. no s. 00 s. :io 9. 00 9. :;n in. no /■'.-/. /,„■/„ 7 I no.: (1 on. ■ n 09.1 4 I u.- 4 I 04.; :i , 0-.. •; (19. n IIS. 7 0.-. n (17. (111. 7 no. 7. (Ill n 0(1. n nil. 7: (17. 21 OS, 21 09. 21 10. n o:;. 21 09. II nil. 21 11.0 aii i! Till I'WI I ' liH'hrs. IIS, n 09. 2n 10. 10. 7n 11. 2n 11. n 11. 7n 11. 7n 11. 2n 10. 2n 09. 5 OS. II 112. n 117. 2n' 11. n 112. 2n II. 11.7, on. 00. 10.21 09.71 09. IIS, •_>." n 7 2(1 7. lln 7. 40 7. nn S. (Ill s. 10 S. ■_'(! s. ;;ii 9. 00 9. 110 10. no 10. nil 11.110 12. (Ill 12.1111 1. nil 1.10 1.211 Mill 1. 10 L.nn 2. 00 2. in 25 Fni. Iiirlir OS, I 07.- 07.1 07. : II-. I n-'. ; IIS. ; 10.- on. I nil. :' 01.1 (IS. ■. 02.1 119. 1 ii:;. ( 117. ■ 10. 1 11.1 no. I 00.2 (.10. ,- 00. 7 on. n in). 1 Time. . 211 .HO .40 .nil . 00 . 110 . nn , no , nil no 00 itn 00 10 20 nil 40 no 00 10 20 no on no 25 MAY, 1872. Time. no on nil 00 no 40 .'(I 00 10 20 IK I 40 no . 00 . 10 . 20 . no .00 .nil . on . no . on .no . 00 25 'I'll 21 Tim l-hl. 21 /)/c/lr,v. Oil. 01. (I 0(1. 2.- 11.21 02. 2.' on. on. 2 on. n: on. n ».':. nil on. (12. 2 01. 1 11. s 10. (IS. n (17. 2 10.2 01. n (II. (HI. n II. n nn. 10. (l(i .no .40 , nn 7. 00 7. 10 7.20 7. no 7.40 7.. no S. 00 S. 10 s. -JO s. no 9. 00 9. no 10.00 111. nn 1 L 00 Frii. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 tllrll,'.s 07. 0(1, 2 on. s on 7n on. n on. n on. s oil. n 07.5 09.0 10. n 11.. s 01. s 07. 25 on. 7n 01. 7n 11. nn OS. on. ■.■,:>. 0. 00 0. no on. (1(1. 2« I Tim,.. 26 hull 11. 10. 09. 07. on. In In. 112. 0(i l-is. 01. 0(1. (II. 09, OS, (17. (17. 07. 07. 07. 07. 07. 09. (11 0(J //. in. I'nI. ; fnclifs. i Ii. III. r)rl [ln:h(H li. III. 111.00 n 01. 7n n. '.'.{i 7 02. n 111. no ■ n 10. n 4.00 (1 09. II 12, 00 11.00 4 0(1. n 4.11(1 (1 112, 5 i n \y,'>. '.'>:' n. no n (1(1. n 1. on 5 '\i) ,\ 1 1. n on. n 1.40 Ma.v 2 1. (i. 00 4 0.00 0. nil 1. 00 1. 10 1.20 .1. no 1.4(1 2. 00 2. 10 2. 20 2. no 2.40 2. no n. no n. 10 li,2(l nil, 2.' 117, 2.- 112. on. ni.n on. 7n 0(1. 2n 07. 07. n 07. n 07. n 07.5 07.25 0(1. 7n (111. on. 04.0 (1. no 7. 00 7. no 7. 40 7. no s. 00 S. 10 s. 211 s, no s, 40 s, no 9. 00 9. 10 9. 2(1 9, no 10,00 10, no 11.00 (H. n (1 1. 7n 11.7.' 10. ;: 10. -j; (i9. n 09. 2." no. 2.n 09. 21, 09. 2.', 09. n 10.0 11.0 00. 01. on. n 10.5 1.5 2.00 2. 10 2. 20 2. no 2. 40 2. no n. nil n. 10 n. 20 n. no 4. 00 n. 00 n. no (>. 00 (1. no 7. 00 Frri. 4 fnrlir.i. 10. on. 75 09. 5 01. nn 01.5 (15. (Ill 25 Oil 00 Oli. 7; 07.1 07. n 07. 0(1. s 00 •>;, 05 .5 04 (1() Oli 10 on 7.5 OS :■,:] no 05 m 10. (15. TIDAL OByEllYATIONS. ■ >o Date. Time MAY, 1872. 26 Time Time. h. m. '2. (10 2.10 Tiiiio. ?i. m. Fret 3. :!0 3. -10 27 06.0 1, 1-i. ;!0 0-J. ' 1.00 i[:lV 27 5 07. 7.-I 1.30 5 ! ."i 01.0 2. 00 5 4 Oii, r, 2 20 5 :_! 11. r. 2. 30 5 :; o.'>, -.■■ 2. 40 5 3 01.2.1 2. fiO f) ^» il.7r.i 3.00 r, 9 10. 7:",' 3. 10 5 2 10.0 3. 20 o Time. 27 Time. 28 K''^ Inches. 2 10. .■) Jlav 2.^ 0.00 0. ;!0 1.00 1 . 30 2.00 2.30 3. 00 3.10 3. 20 3. 30 3. 40 3. .50 4. 00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4., "SO .5. 00 5. 30 3 03.33 3 w. 4 04. 7.'> 4 11.0 5 0.">. .') 5 10.75 6 ■ 03.0 6 04.0 (i 04. 5 6 or>. 5 6 00. 6 00.25 6 0(1. 5 6 0(1. 5 (') 00. 5 6 00. 25 6 0(i.75 6 05. C, 04. 25 6 01.0 li. m. fret. 6.00 5 G. 30 5 7.00 4 7.30 4 S. 00 ■-> s. 30 3 9. (X) 3 9.10 O 9.20 2 9.30 o 9.40 2 9.50 k> 10.00 2 10. 10 2 10. 20 2 10. 3,0 o 10. 40 o 10.50 o 11.00 2 11.30 2 12. 00 3 12. 30 ;•• 1.00 3 1. 3(J 4 III cites. os.O 03. 25 09. 25 04.5 10.0 05. 01.0 11.75 10. 75 10. 09.5 00.0 OH. 5 (>■■?. 25 08.75 Ort. 25 0^.25 OH. 25 OS. 75 10. 5 01.0 04.0 o.-f. 2 00.0 Date. Time. MAY, 1872. Time. 28 Time. 29 29 Time. 29 ft. HI. Feet. 2, 00 4 2.30 4 3.00 4 3.10 • 5 3. 20 5 3. :!0 5 3. 40 5 3. 50 5 4.00 5 4.10 5 4.20 4.30 5 4.40 5 4.50 5 5.00 5 5.30 4 (i.OO 4 6.30 4 7.00 3 7. 30 3 8.00 3 b. 30 2 9.00 •t 9.30 M Fnl. Inches. 02:7:1 /■')■('/. Feet. May 2;). 00 2 07.0 iO 2 11.0 10 1. 25 !l) :; o;t. 00 4 0;!. 25 !0 4 0~ (1 H) 5 01.21 ',0 05. I) 00 5 OH. 5 10 5 o;i. 75 20 5 10. 25 h. m. Feet. 6. 30 4 7. 00 4 7.30 4 H. 00 4 S.30 3 9.00 3 9. 30 3 10. 00 3 10.30 11.00 -2 11.10 2 11.20 11. 30 11.40 11. .50 Time. iMay 30. ] 0. 00 2 07.2 0. 10 2 07. 2 0.20 07. 5 0. 30 .) 07. 75 0. 40 2 OH. 5 0.50 2 09. /i. m. 1.00 1. 30 2.00 2. 30 3.00 3,. 30 4. 00 4.30 5.00 5. 30 5. 40 5. .50 6.00 (i. 10 (i.20 6. 30 (i, 40 6.50 7.00 7.10 7.20 7.30 8.00 8. 30 30 F,rt. 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 Indies. 10.0 01.0 04.5 0-. 5 00.25 05. 00. 5 01. 75 05. 07,75 OH. OH. 5 09.0 09. 25 09. 5 00. 5 00.5 00.5 09. 25 00. OH. 5 07.75 05. 01.0 t) H 34 HYDKOGRAPHY. Date. MAY, 1872. JUNE, 1872. Time. 30 i Time. j 30 Tioie. 31 Time. 31 Time, 1 Time. 1 h. m. /•' ■rt. ' III! lies. h m. Frcl. Iiirlns. h.m. Feel. Indies. h. in. Feet. Inches. k. m. Feet. i 1 Inches, i h. m. , Feet. : Inches. 'J. 00 4 00. 4. 00 3 07. Noon. 3 01.5 Noon. 3 05. 5 0.00 3 10. 75,: Noon. 4 00, 7:i 0. :')it 4 i 04.5 4. 30 3 10.5 0. 30 2 10. 75 0.30 3 02.25 0. 30 3 00. 0. 30 3 00, 10. 00 4 00.0 5.00 4 01.5 1 . 00 2 10. l.OO- 2 11,75 1.00 3 03. B 1.00 3 03. 10. 30 ^ 7.5 5. 30 4 05. 5 1.30 *J 09.5 1.30 2 10.0 1. 30 3 01.0 1.30 3 00.0 11.00 ! 04. 5 ' li. 00 4 07. 75 2.00 2 10. 2.00 2 09.0 2.00 2 11.75:' 2.00 2 OS. 33 11.30 i ' 00.75 0.10 4 00. 2. 3,0 3 00. 75 2. 30 2 09.0 2.30 2 11.0 ' 2.30 06. 25 11.11) ; i ' 00. 0. 20 4 10.0 3. 00 ;; 04. 5 3. 00 2 09. 5 3.00 2 11.0 V 3.00 2 0.5.33 11.51) 2 11.0 0.3,0 4 10. 5 3.30 ;> OS. 5 3.30 •J 11,5 3,. 30 3 ■ 01.75!' 3.30 2 05. 5 l->. CO 2 10.3 G, 40 4 11.0 4.00 4 00.5 4.00 3 02. 4.00 3 i 05.5 : 4.00 2 06. 5 1:2.10 2 1 09. f> 0.50 4 11.5 4.30 i 4 01.0 4.30 3 05. 5 4. 30 10.25:1 4.30 2 09. 5 12.20 2 ( ,1.3, 7.00 4 11.75 5.00 4 10.5 5. 00 3 09.5 5.00 4 03.0 5.00 3 01.0 ,' 12.30 2 ; l);i. ; 7. 10 f, 00. 3, 5.30 r, 03,. 25 5. 30 4 01. 25 5. 30 4 OS. , 5.30 3 06. 33 12. 40 2 1 V r 7.20 r, 00.5 o.,oo r^ 07.0 0. 00 4 05.5 6. 00 5 01.0 B. 00 3 10.0 12. .50 2 OS. 3 7. 3,0 f, 00. 7.5 0. 30 5 10.0 (i. 30 4 09. B 0. 30 5 05. 5 6.30 4 03. 33 1. 00 2 ( ■^. 2 7.40 5 00. 7.00 5 11.75 7. 00 5 00. 75 7.00 5 09.0 7.00 4 OS. 75 1.10 2 ' OS. 5 7. 50 4 11.5 7. 30 6 03.75 7.30 5 03. 5 7.30 5 11.5 7.30 5 01. 75 1.20 2 1 s. 75 s. 00 4 09. S. 00 00. K. 00 5 04. s H. 00 6 01.0 H. 00 5 (111. 1.30 t 2 \ 1 .). 25 S. 30 4 07. 25 S.30 5 09. 75 s.30 5 1 15. 25 8. 30 fi 01.0 S. 3,0 : 5 09. 1.10 2 10. 0. 00 4 04. 9. 00 5 01 i. 5 9. 00 f, 05. !' 9. 00 C 00. 9.00 1 5 10. 33 1..50 2 D.s 0. 30 4 00.25 9. 30 , 5 02. 75 9. 30 f) 04.0 9.30 .5 10.0 9.3,0 1 5 11.0 , 2. 00 01). 10. (JO i 00. 10. OO ' 4 10. 5 10.00 5 0). : 10. 00 5 07.0 10. 0(J 5 10,5 2. :'.0 3 1)1. \\ 10. 30 ', 07. 2 ' 10. 30 4 04. 10. 30 4 09. 5 10. 30 5 03.0 10. 30 5 07.5 1 3 00 ) 1 1 2.5 i 11.00 ; 05. 5 11. 00 4 01.5 11.(10 4 Oi. 4 11.00 4 11.0 11. 00 5 1 05, 3.30 3 1 5.0 11.30 ■■ 03,. 11. 30 3 09. 11.30 4 02. 5 11.30 4 0,5.75 11.30 5 00. ! Date. JUNE, 1872. Time. o Time. 1 2 Ti lie. 3 Time. 3 Time. 4 h. )n. Fai. Inches. It. m. Feci. Indies. 1. III. 1 Feet. Inches. h. m. Feet. Inches. h. in. Feel. ! Inches. 0. 00 4 00.0 Noon. 5 05. 1.00 5 10. Noon. 5 OS, 75 0. 00 i 6 j 07. 25 0. 30 4 01.75 0.3,0 4 03. 3;; J. 30 5 05. 5 0. 30 r> 03.5 0.30 B ; 03.5 1. 00 3 10. i 1. 00 ■* 00.0 I. 00 : 4 11.75 1. 00 4 0-. 1.00 i 5 ! 09.0 \ 1.30 3 00. do!, 1.30 3 00. 5 ii 1.30 1 4 04. 1.30 4 00.5 1.30 5 04.0 2.00 3 03.25; 2. ot: : 3 01.0 ' ?. 00 , 4 00.0 2. 00 3 07.0 i; 2.00 4 09. i 2. 30 3. 01.75 2.30 2 09.35 2. 30 1 3 07. 2.30 2 09. 2. 30 4 00.5 3. 00 2 11.25 3.00 2 06.0 5.00 1 3 03. 3. 00 2 05. 5 3. 00 3 09. 25 3. 30 2 11.0 ! 3.30 2 05. 33, !. 30 j 3 00. 25i 3. 30 2 02. 3:, 3. 30 3 03. 4.00 2 10.5 4.01) 2 ' 03. 70 1. 00 ' 2 10. 7f 4.00 2 00.0 ' 4.00 3 00. 5 4. 30 '.', 01.0 ; 4.30 1 2 04. !. 3,0 i 2 10. 5 4.30 o 00.0 4.30 2 09. 75 5. 00 3> 05.5 ' 5. 00 1 •> 05. 75 ). 00 ! 2 11.7. 5. 00 2 00.33 5.00 2 0'9. 5. 30 W 00.25 5.30 «> i 09. 75 , ..30 3 02. 5 5. 30 2 01.5 ' 5.30 2 : 10.5 0. 00 4 02. 6. 00 "' i 01.0 ( i. 00 ' 3 oi;. 2." 0. 00 2 05. 0. 00 3 00. 0. :-!0 4 07.75 0.30 :i ! 07. 33 ;. 3(1 3 11.2 0. 30 2 09. : B. 30 ! 3 03.0 7. 00 .) 00. 75 7. 00 4 00. 1 '. 00 4 05. 2: 7. 00 03.0 li 7.00 3 OS. 75 7. 30 05.5 7.30 4 00. 33' ". 30 4 11.0 7.3,0 ;i 10. 7," 7, 30 4 03.5 y. 00 5 00.25 S. 00 r> 00.0 1 ^. 00 5 04. S. 00 4 05, 5 8. 00 4 OS. s. :!o 00.0 S. 311 r 05. 5 ^. 30 5 09. 5 H. 30 4 11.75 S, 3(1 5 02. 25 <). 00 02. ; 0. 00 r 1 10.0 1 1.00 6 01.0 9. 00 ,', or. 9. 00 5 06. 5 0. :-!o 02. 5 9. 30 B (J2. 1. 3,0 6 0,1 9. 30 B 07.0 9, 30 5 10. 5 10. 01) 02.5 10.00 11 (.)4. 1 1.00 05. 33, 10.00 6 06.0 10.00 (1 ' 02.0 10. 30 01.0 10.3,1) 05.0 1 1 ). 30 6 05. 7.5 10.30 07.5 10.3,0 6 05. 75 11.00 10.0 11.0(1 04. 33 ' 1 I. 00 03. 11.00 C OS. 75, 11.00 6 05. 5 11.30 ■' 00.0 11.30 6 02.5 i 1 I. 30 00. 11.30 6 08.33 11.30 6 04.0 TIDAL OBSEEYATIONS. oO Date. Time JUNE, 1872. Time. Time. Time. Time. h. III. Firl. lucllC'i. /(. m. Feel. Iiii'hi'>i. 7i. »i. FeeL Jiiclir.^. li. m. Feci. Iltrh,:.. It. in. Ftil. Jiirlii'^. Xixni. 6 O'J. 0. 00 t 01. 75 Xnoll. 6 00. 5 0.00 i 04.0 Xoijii, OS, II 0. :!(! 5 10. .') 0. 30 6 11. 5 0.30 6 05. 0.30 1 04.0 0. 30 (i OS 1. (H) i> 05. 5 1.00 6 05,5 1.00 6 02.0 1.00 7 o:',. 1.00 6 Oil i.:?o 4 10.5 l.:{o e 00.5 1. 30 5 OS. 5 1.30 6 11.0 1.30 6 02 2 00 4 o;j. 5 ■2. 00 .") 07.2: 2. 00 5 02. 2.00 6 05. 2. 00 5 00 •J. :!o ■,'. 50 4 10.75|, 2. 30 4 07.0 2. 30 5 10.5 2. 30 :> Oi .") :\. 00 :',. 00 4 05.5 1 3.00 4 00.0 3. 00 5 03, 3. 00 4 07 ■J") ;! :io o. ;'iO 4.00 3 3 00. 5 05. 5 3.30 4.00 3 05. 10.5 3. 30 4.00 4 4 07.0 00. 5 3. 30 4.00 4 3 00 0,'. • )-, 4.00 5 4 liO 4. :{0 5. 00 3 00. 25 10. 5 4. 30 5. 00 •> •> 04. 7.- 02. 4.30 5. 00 3 3 07, 02,75 4.30 5, 00 'J 11 07 5 fi. 00 1 11.5 5 5. ;!0 1 n.o 5. :',o 'J 00.5 ;| 5. 30 2 00. 5 5. 30 3 00.0 5.30 2 03 6. 00 o 00. 5 0.00 2 00. 7. 0. 00 2 00. 2r (i. 00 ^j 11.0 6.00 o 01 25 G. :!0 ■1 0:>. 5 0.30 3 .00.0 6.30 2 02. T. 0. 30 •) 11.0 (i. 30 >) 01 7. (10 2 OS. 7.00 3 04.0 7.00 2 05. 7, 00 3 01. 5 7.00 2 02 5 7 :'.o p, 0:!. 7. 30 3 OS. 5 |! 7.30 •2 10. 5 7.30 3 05, 7.30 2 (111 S. 110 3 OJ. 75 s. 00 4 03. S. 00 3 05, 2" s 00 3 10. S. 00 00 1 ,) s ;;o 4 05. s. 30 4 w. s. 30 3 11.5 8. 30 4 03. S. 30 03 7i5 00 01.0 0. 00 5 0:1. 0. 00 4 07, 0, 00 4 OS. ,-, 0. 00 •J 10 33 0. ;io 5 07. 5 0. 30 5 O--. 0.30 5 04, 0,30 ,) 02. 5 0, 30 4 Oil .") 10. 00 1) o;;. 10.00 6 00. 7.' 10. 00 5 00. 10. 00 5 0-, 10, 00 5 02 33 10. :!o 6 0-. 10. 50 6 o;!. 7.' 10. 30 6 o:!, 5 10. 30 6 01.0 10, 30 5 10 5 11.00 (') 11.0 11.00 6 03.0 II 11.00 (i 00. 11.00 (; 05. 2.' 11.00 (') 115 5 ll.:50 / 01.0 11.30 6 05.5 .1 |i 11.30 7 01.0 11.30 c ( 17 . 5 11.30 6 11 36 HYDIIOGEAPHY. DETEI13IINATI0N OP THE HALF- TIDE LEVJ^L. The balf-tide level,* which nudergoes smaller fluctuations than either the menu high-water or mean low-water level, and to which all heights should be referred, was determined by the follow- iug method, iu use at the United States Coast Survey Office : We first tabulated all the heights of the high water and low water in order of their occurrence and placed them iu the third column of the appended table. Then the mean reading of two suc- cessive high waters was placed in the fourth column, opposite the intermediate low water, and the mean reading of two successive low waters was phtced opposite the intermediate high water in the sixth column. The mean between two successive readings in' the fourth and sixth columns, respectively, was then again taken and placed in tiie fifth and the seventh columns, respectively, opposite the intermediate high water or low water. In this manner two mean values were ob- tained on each horizontal line, the mean of which constitute one half-tide level in column eiglit. By this process the diurnal and semi-diurnal inequality are nearly eUminated, and the sectional area of water above the half-tide level at high water will, on the average, corresj)oud to an equal sectional area of water below the half-tide level at low water. An inquiry into the reading of the half-tide level is especially important for the determination of the effect of both wind and atmospheric pressure, and also for the study of the eftect of changes in the moon's and sun's declination, as may be seen iiom some of the following ])aragraphs. Fur- thermore, the zero-point of the scale of the tide-gauge, may undergo changes, in which case the half- tide level readings will furnish a certain test on this point. The table made out in the manner abo\e stated runs as follows: Table sliowing the determination of the half-tide level for the whole nerieu of observations, from Novem- ber, 1871, to June, 187-!. ■:b tc * 'J D;ite. "r9 Mcaus. Means. ^ '-J Datu. ■f: ;^ Means. Meaus. -^ > rt J3 Ph S' Feel. S 1871. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feel. Feet. 1871. Feel. Feet. Feel. Feet. Feel. Nov. G H. 4. 7;t Nov. 15 H. 5.83 6.24 0. 75 : 3.49 C. L. 2.75 4.75 15 L. 0. 33 2.60 0.81 ■ 3.51 11 H. 4.71 4.47 2.69 3. 5.H 15 H. 6, 5.S 6. 16 0.87 1 3. .52 7 L. 2. (53 4.19 ... ' 2.61 3. 40 15 L. 1.42 6.12 0. 98 3. 55 / II. 3.(:7 4.20 2.52 3.36 16 II. 5.67 6.17 1.08 3.62 7 L. 2. 42 4.21 2.39 3. 311 16 L. 0.75 6.21 1.31 3.76 / H. 4.75 4.37 2, 25 i 3. 31 16 H. 6. 75 6.20 1.54 3.^7 « L. 2. O-f 4, 54 2 27 3. 40 16 L ■> 3;3 6 19 1 68 3 94 s H. 4.33 4.59 2.29 ' 3. 44 17 H. 5.63 6.04 i. 83 3.94 s L. 2. 50 4,04 2. 24 3. 44 17 L. 1. 33 5.90 1. 89 3. -9 s H. 4.;Mi 4. 85 2.19 1 3. 52 17 H. (!. 17 5.72 1.95 3.84 ;i L. 1. ss 5.06 ■ 2.03 3. 55 17 L. 2. 58 5. 54 2.12 3. S3 ;i H. 5.17 5.i8 1.88 3. 5:; 18 H. 4.92 5.48 2. 29 3. 9^ y L. 1..-S 5. 2'J ' 1.66 3.48 18 L. 2, 00 5, 42 2. 36 3. >9 9 H. 5.42 5.3i 1.44 1 0. 0^ 18 n. 5. 92 5. 33 2.44 •' 3.89 11) L. 1.00 5. 33 : 1.30 3. 32 IS L. 2. 88 5. 25 2.57 ! 3.91 10 11. 5. 25 5. 35 1.16 3. 2(: 19 H. 4. 5S 5.19 2.71 3.95 10 L. 1. 33 5.36 1.65 3. 21 19 L. 2. .54 5.12 2.78 3.95 10 H. 5. IS i 5.47 6.95 3.21 19 H. 5.67 5.14 2.85 3.99 11 L. 0. 5S 5. .57 1 ■'! 3 39 "0 L. II. 3.17 4.63 5. 15 2.84 ■ 3.99 2.83 3.93 11 H. 5. 07 .5.64 1.47 ; 3.56 20 5. 02 11 L. 2. 37 .5.71 1. 33 3. .52 2iJ L. 2. 50 4.90 2.64 3.77 11 12 H. L. o!oo 6.' 05' 5.88 1.18 0.87 3.153 3.46 20 21 11. L. 5.17 2. 3,8 2.44 12 13 li. L. H. 6. :!5 1. 13 0.29 '6.'32' 6.18 6. 46' 6.56 3.37 3.47 3. 57 Doc. 3 3 3 II. E. 11. 5 29 1 j 0.63 0.69 ' 2. 92 6.21 5.75 5. 84 3.44 , 4.64 i;! L. 0. 25 6.00 ' 0.74 ;'.. 67 3 L. 3. 9(; 5. 94 3.66 : 4.,-.0 13 H. (i. 'J2 6.59 0.79 3. 69 ■ 4 11. 5.67 (i. 12 3.87 4.99 13 L. 1.33 6.58 79 3 69 4 L. il. 3. 79 6. 92 6. 29 4.05 5.17 5. 3(1 14 II. (I. 25 6. 53 6.79 3.66 4 6. 38 4.23 14 L. 0. 25 6. 48 75 3 61 1 L. 11. 4.1 -.7 6 |i|l 6.46 X '^i; - A-i 14 H. 6.71 6.37 0.71 3. 54 5 6.42 4.50 5. 4(; 14 L. 1.17 0.27 : 0.73 3.5IJ 5 L. 4.33 6. 38 4.34 .5.36 •The hall-tiile level being derived from the means of mean',s i.s usually and proiiurly enough called the mean level, but as this latter term is also used otherwise, we prefer the term haU'-tiile level to avoid any miscouceptiou ot the term mean level. Iu the following discussions it will always tie referred to as the half-tide level, while the mean of two or more levels will be called the mean level simply. TIDAL OBSEEVATIOXS. Table slioichig the (letermination of the half-tide level, d'O. — Coiitimietl. 37 Date. Dec. 5 6 ti 1 t ii y y i» 9 10 10 lU 10 u 11 11 1-^ 1-2 Vi 12 i;i Vi v:, 13 14 14 14 14 1.:. i:. i.j 1.". It) Hi iij ii; 17 17 17 17 is 1-3 IS 19 19 19 19 •-'() •20 2U ■JJ ■J I •J I 21 ■J I H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H, L. H. L. PI. L. H. L. H. L. li. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. Means. MeaDS Fat. 6.77 4.04 ."i. fiO . ;!. (-;! i;. 00 ',. ... Vi I r.. .'.0 . ;'., 07 0. 27, . 2. SS 6. -jr. 3. 07 0. 96 Feci. t;. o:i Fivl. I Fai. 0. r.l I 4. IS 0. 19 :;. 'j:>, r^'iK' fi.'is .1. SI ;;. 40 Fat. 4.06 3." 44 . :J4 7. 4-J 7^50 2. 07 s. 00 3. 7.) 7. 07 s! .'i4 :'.. o;! S. OS 2. -Jl s! i:; ■J. r>o 9. 17 3. 07 s. ,"iO 2 it 3 s!71 3. 42 7.79 ■J. 67 6.-J3 ! 6.00 i'.'id 7.46 7.75 '7.'s3 s. 10 s.'31 s. 40 's.'49' y. 05 0. 00 3. 27 6.43 ', 3. -27 6.90 ; 3.02 7. 3,2 I 3. 06 7." 60 3.21 7.79 3.21 'i'.'ji :ibi '■'s'-il \ 2. 9S 's"39" '2"92 , 92 .48 S.74 L. 7.S9 PI. 6.96 L. 2. 3,3 7.10 H. 7 2.5 L. 2.71 0. 50 H. 5. SS L. 2.17 6.21 l-I. (;. 55 L. 2. 'J2 i;. 00 H. 5.46 L. 3. OU 6. 0.! H. 6. 5S L. 3. 511 6.16 H. .", 7 .", 4. 04 7. 00 3. sS . 6. 00 4.33 0.71 4. OU 6. 25 4. 29 0. 03 3. 42 0. I',3, 4. OS 0. .5S (i 7 1 4.13 5. 60 s.'si'l. 7.S9 7.' 10 6. 50 6'21 i;. 00 6. 0.! 6.16 6. 37 6.50 6. 35 S. 10 50 3. 06 3. 0« 3. 00 3.04 3. 12 2.95' u. ,/ 3.15 3.04 '3." 14 3. 21 '3.12 3."6i 2. 95 2. 92 2. 99 Feet. 5. Ci6 4.73 4. 61 4.. 59 4.60 4. 60 4.67 4. 76 4,S5 4..-S 4. 91; 5.11 5. 19 5. 3,11 5.41 5. 4s 5. 50 5. 4S .09 .70 .74 6. S3 6. 39 ii'.Vi 2.49 2.54 6.01 6. 09 6.27 0.44 "o.'iV 2. 96 3. 07 3.04 2.'94 2. 96 '3.' OS 3. 04 2.74 2. 50 3.10 3.'51 0. 4S 6. 44 6 iuj 6. 60 C 64' 6 S5 6.42 6.46 6. 53 6. 62 6. 62 (;. 75 3.96 4. 10 4. 16 4.14 3. S5 3'75' 3. SO 4.03 4.13 '4.' 15 4.00 3. SO 3.'74 3.74 '3."70' :,. so 5.91 5.94 5. SO 5. 05 .'i.i;o 5.00 5. 70 5. (U 5.47 4. 92 4.0s 4. 53 4.44 4. 36 4.33, 4. 3,S 4.4s 4.56 4.07 4.S4 5. OJ 5. 12 5.20 5. 26 5.26 5. 24 5. 29 5. 30 5! 19 5.21 5. IS 5.17 5. IS 5. 19 5. 25 5.31 Date ls7l. Dec. Jau. 24 24 24 20 21 i 20 26 2S 29 29 29 29 30 30 3,0 30 31 31 31 3,1 " 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 10 10 10 Means. Means. K. L. H. L. ir. L. pr. L. PL L. H. L. H. L. H. L. PI. L. PI. L. H. L. PI. L. PI. L. PI. L. PI. L. H. L. PI. L. II. L. PI. L. PI. L. II. h. H. L. ir. L. PI. L. IP. L. IL L. PI. L. II. L. PI. h. )I. L. II. D. II. L. H. L. II. L. PI. Feet. 7.00 3.42 7.42 3. 92 6. SS 3. OS 7.71 3. 75 7.21 3.00 7.67 3. 75 7. 17 2. 96 7.63 e. ^:i 2. 63 7.75 3.63 6. 75 2, 54 9 Feel. 7.21 7.15 7.'29 7. 41] 7." 44 7.42 7.40 7." 23 '7"29 /'■((■/. I Feel. 7.03 3.77 7. 18 : 3. 67 7,22 , 3.50 7.38 ' 3.41' 7. 45 3. 37 7. 43 3.'37" 7.41 3.3,5 7.31 i 3.27 3:75 7.29 6.79 2. 79 7.18 7.58 ... 3. 58 7.10 6.63 2. 88 7.04 7.46 3. 58 6. 98 6. 50 3. 13 0. 91 7. 26 ; 3. 10 7.'27 j'i'ilV 7.26 3.0s 7. 2S 3. 14 7.21 , 3.27 7.14 7." 07 7.' 01 0. 95 0. ^-9 3. 75 6.42 7'! 13 3.88 6.22 3. 88 6. 77 3. 64 0. 13 4.31 6. 75 3.67 6.13 4.21 6.50 3. 3,9 6.31 4. 29 6. 67 2, 97 6. 6i 3. 96 r,. 73 2. 73 7. 05 3. SS 7.13 2.40 9. 08 3. 0,7 7. 50 2. 47 5. 56 0. 87 6.77 6. 67 6.49 6. 45 6.' 44 6.44 6.31' 0. 40 6.49 6. 65 6. 68 7."i9 7. -.VJ 8. 10 8.' 32 3.1s 3. 35 3.44 Feet. 3.'72 3.46 3.' 39 3. 37 3. 36 3.31 3.' 19 3.12 3.11 I 3."ii 3"2l' 3.'23' 3.'2i 3."23' '3^29' 0,. ^2 3.60 6."72 !'3.'7:V 6.58 I 3. SS 0.47 I 3.76 6. 44 3. 97 6. 44 3. 99 0.37 3.94 6. 3,(; j 3. so r,. 45 ;!. S4 6.57 3.63 0. or, 3. 16 0. 93 3. 34 7. 29 3.' 30 7. 7.> 3. 17 8." 21 3,'o,'; 8.19 3.07 s. 10 I 2. 9,; I 3.40 1 3.76' r3;so' 3." 82 3. 9S 3. 9,; 3.87 3."73 3." 40 3. 3,2 3. 24 3. 12 3,. 07 3. 02 Feet. 5. 40 5. 46 5.42 5. 37 5. 36 5. 37 5. 39 5.43 5.41 5.41 5. 40 5. 39 5. 38 5.35 5. 29 5.21 5. IS 5. 20 5. 20 5. Is 5. 17 5. 19 5. 21 5 25 5! 25 i 5.20 i 5. 10 5. 15 5. 15 5. 14 5. 12 5.13 5. 15 .5. 15 5. 20 5. 21 5. 24 5. 23 5.21 .5. 16 5.11 5. l(i 5. 21 5. 21 5.21 5. 20 5. 16 5. 09 5. US 5. 11 5. 14 5. 11 5. 10 5. 10 5. 00 5. 04 5. 1 -I 5. 20, 5.30 5, 31 5. 10 5. (Jl 5.64 5. 0'.) 5. (i3 5. 5 I 38 HYDROGEAPHY. Table sliowimj the ilctermimiion of tJie half-tide Ici-cl, ilc— Coutiiuied. Date. 1ST2. ' J;m. 10 L. 11 11. 11 L. 10 L. 11 11. 11 L. 11 H. U L. 1-J H. IJ L. 1-^ 11. l-> L. l:! 11. Ki L. i:; H. i:i L. 14 11. 14 L. 14 11. 14 1.. ]r> H. i,-") L. ir, H. 15 L. 16 11. Ki L. Iti M. ii; L. 17 H. 17 L. 17 H. 1.^ L. I,s 11. IS L. IS H. 11) I.. Itl 11. 11) L. !'.) H. •Jll L. '-'(1 11. ■JO L. •-'() H. •-'1 L. •Jl H. •Jl L. 21 H. 2 "J L. >>.j 11 ')■> L. • )•> H. 2:i L. .>;^ H. •SA L. •J 4 H. 24 L. 24 H. 21 L. 2 .') H. 2'. L. 2'! H. -Jf, L. 2(i H. 2(i L. 21 i H. 21 i L. 27 11. 27 L. 27 H. 27 L. 2'S H. 2S L. 2H H. /■V(7. ;!, 4(i 7.71 2. i:'. :!. 00 7. 07 1. 'J2 S. f)!) 7. 17 1. s:! 7. 12 2.21 s. 17 :!. OO 7.00 2. c,:, 7.711 2. 02 0.42 0. .-:'. 2 02 0.21 :;. 42 r.. 48 2. SS 4. 00 3. 7.". r>.4o ■S. 21 4! 13 ■ 5.71 3.45 r.. 33 4.13 0.13 3. 55 7. 27 4. 50 6. 60 3. 3S ^7. 73 3. 96 6.67 3. 20 5. 10 4. 25 7. .".0 :!. o:') s. 12 4. 00 7.46 3. 02 5. OS 3. .54 0.06 ■7'. 63 i'. 60 2. OS 7.42 Fnl. S. 13 S. 24 8.0s .:• 83 7 . 06' i . ■5S 1 . : 16 :. 07 6. 1 12 6. 02" 5. 30 5 22 5 21 Tj 00 (i "02 6 70 6 "03' 7. 16 7. 20 7. lis 7.80 7."9(3' 7.04 Fitl. 8.19 8.' 23 8. 15 7.96 7. S(J 7.84 7.60 7.47 6. s5 6.48 6.17 5. 87 Meaus. 5. 20 5.21 5.41 5. 67 FM. 2. 79 2.56 2. 46 2. 34 2, 29 2. 48 2. 60 .87 12 3.11 3, 15 3. 15 3'3i 3.48 3.67 :;.'79 6. 12 1;. 40 6. 82 7.05 7.' 18 7,20 7. .59 7.29 7.16' 7. 05 . I 7. 85 7.04 7.41 7.' 23 7.11 7. ii' 3. 70 3.84 4.02 "3.' 94 '3.' 67 '3.'63 '3.'77 '3.94 li.'si "i'si '3.'28 "'i.'ili 2. Ob 2.45 h'.'zY Feet. 2. 88 2.68 2. 51 2.42 2. 30 2.31 2. 54 2.'7i 2,80 3.00 3.' 12 3.13 3. 40 3"57 3.73 '3." 79 s.'si 3.' 93 3*98 3. 80 3. (i5 '3." 70 3. 85 '3^88' s.'ee' 3.' 39' 3." 09' 2."73' 2.'50' 'i'ii' Feci. 5.51 5. 40 5, 46 5. 40 5. 30 5. 30 -). 17 5. 10 5. 07 5. 04 5.00 5.14 5. 16 5. 17 5. 15 5, 15 5. 15 5. OS 5. (Ill 4, 95 4. HI 1,75 4,0,7 4,0,6 4.0,5 4,57 4,49 4.43 4. 35 4.26 4. 22 4. 23 4. 26 4.30 4.44 4. 59 4.0,7 4.73 4, s:i 4.90 4. 90 5. 02 5. 15 5.31 5. 42 5. 40 5.49 5.48 5. 42 Date. 1872. Jan .46 .54 ' 5. H'.» I 5.91 5. 92 5. 88 5. 80 5.68 5. 58 5. 4 ; 5.31 5. 16 5.01 4.89 4.83 4.78 4.73 4.74 28 29 29 29 29 31) 30 30 311 31 31 31 31 1 1 1 1 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 n 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 h. H. L. II. L. II. 1.. 11, L. H. L. 11. h. II. Jj. II. L. H. L. 11. L. 11. 1.. II. L. 11. L. II. L. H. L. H. L. II. L. H. L. H. L. H. L, H. L. II. L. H. L. 11. L. II. L. II. L. II. L. II. L. II. L. II. L. It. L. H. Means. Meaus. Fal. Fal. L. 2, 67 7.16 11. 0,, 90 L. 2, 58 1 7. 45 11. 8, (HI h. 3, 21 7. 02 H. 1 7.25 Fret- 3,21 7.92 6.96 3. 33, 7. 17 3,. 10 6. 12 3,. 31 6. 67 ■■'3. 00 ■6. 3,0 ,1. 79 6.54 7. 30 7. 54 7.60 7.51 Feet. 2. 62 2. 89 3,21 Fevf. 2, 50 2.76 3. 05 3. 24 Feet. 4.83 4,96 5. 10 ,5. 21 5. 34 5. 40 .5.41 5. 3,9 05 12 07 5(1 511 31 00 00 67 31 40 50 (10 3.1 79 si 31 58 50 71 00 2.73 7.07 1. 83 8, 50 2, 50 7, 65 2. 08 8, 08 7^13 2. 17 7. 50 2. 56 6.51 2. 16 0, S8 2,61 6, 13 3. 3,1 6. 83, 7.44 7.00 6.79 6. .54 0. IS 0. 42 0. 43 0.42 6,47 6. 40 0. .50 6.93 ' 3,21 6,67 3.20 i 6. 51 I 3, 15 6. 45 3. 39 0. 13, 3. .52 0.43 3,90 6,41 6,64 6.63 6, 90 7. 39 s, 14 's.'2i' 8.08' Kbr 7.86 7.'60' '7.'3i 7. (J2 6.71 6. 5(j' "6.' is" 6. 45 0.40 4. 10 4. io 6. 48 6.46 6. 53 0. 64 7,4s 7, 77 7, 8(1 s. i'j' 8 22 8.15 7.07 7. 73 7. 40 '7.' if 6. ^(i 6. 6i 6. 49 'e'ii 4.00 3." 82' 3.63 3. 31 3,, (16 3,. 3,0 3.27 3.21 3,, 18 3.'27 3.' 4(3 3.71 4.(30 4.' is 4. 08 3. 91 2. 80 3.72 3. 46 3.19 2. 97 2. 84 2. 08 2, 56 2.'.56 ■y.'io 2. 2.5' 2,'36' 2." -is' 2. ie' 2. 29 2. 20 2. 2.5' 2." 36' 2, 51 2.'53' '■I'to' '3."3i' 2. ,50 ■i'is' 2. 33 2, lii' 2*32 2, 22 2'23' 2. 25 '2. 23 '2. 3i 2. 44 2. 52" 2. 75 3. U ■- — 5,29 5,17 5. 07 5, 00 4.94 4. S6 4, 83, 4,S8 4. 92 4. 94 4, 97 5, 07 5. 16 5, 21 5. 27 5. 3,0 5. 31 5.27 5. 24 5. 20 5.14 5.07 5.08 5. 05 4. 98 4,91 4. 92 4.94 4.97 5. 04 5. 06 5. 04 5. 02 5.06 5. 16 5. 22 5.10 5. 23 5, 22 5.27 5. 29 5, 26 5. 21 5.15 5, 12 5, 15 5. 13 5, 05 4,97 4.91 4.85 4. 81 4. 76 4.7 4. 69 4.61 4.. 5: 4. 62 4.7 4.81 4. 86 ' luterpolatcd. Tahle TIDAL OBSERVATIONS, shoiring the ddcrmination of the half-tide level, dw — Continued. 39 iio © ti: . ■^ Date 1S7- ), 6 Means. Means. Date. Means. Means. K Feet. Fee/. Fi'Cf. Ficl. Fal. Fict. Fvrf. 1S72, Feet. Feci. Fed. Feet. Feet. Frb. ir. L. :!.;!! : 6.36 4. 83 JIar. 10 H. 6. 27 6.)i4 0.58 3.61 Hi H. r,.s9 ! "e'.u 3.'.54 4. S3 10 L. 0. OS "c'.i'-i' 0.65 3. 72 Hi l(i L. H. /). 77 ~) '^'~ '1 "j"^ 4.7;! 4. 73 10 10 H. L. 7.30 1.38 (i. 84 6,90 0.73 1.04 •i. 97 ::::.. 'h'kv S.'i'ii '..'.... Hi L. :'..4(! 5.79" ...... 1 3.85 4. s-> U 11. li 50 6.S2 1.35 : 4.09 17 H. fi. 7 1 0.95 4.1)9 5.02 n L. 1.33 '6.'75" ! 1.35 4.05 ]7 L. 4. 72 6. 10 1.44 5. 27 11 H. 7.00 )i. S7 1. 35 4.11 17 H. 6.5(1 6.30 4. SI.) 5.50 11 L. 1. 38 6. 99 i.42 4.20 IS L. 4.SS (i. 50 y.m 5. 73 12 H. 6.98 7."o:V 'i.'is' 4. 25 IS H. 6. 50 6.41 0. li! 5.77 12 L. 1. .58 7.07 1.57 4. :!2 ]S IS L. H. 5.38 (i. 13 6.31 .5. 01' 5.66 5. .57 12 12 H. L. 7.17 1. 75 6." 85' 6. 96 1. 66 4. 31 4.31 '6,' 2.5' 4. 90 1 1.77 jy L. 4.42 6,19 4.66 5. 43 13 H. 6. 54 6, 76 1.87 : 4. :i2 19 H. (i.25 6.11 4. 43 5. 27 13 L. 2 00 6. ( il i 1 1.S6 4.26 19 L. 4.44 6.04 4.27' 5. 15 13 H. 6. 79 li. 54 1.85 4.20 19 H. 5. s:i 6'23' i.'ii' 5.17 13 L. 1.71 '6."4i' 1.86 4.14 ^0 L. H. 3.79 6.41 i.'ii' 5.26 5,31 14 11 H. 6.04 2. 04 6. 02 6. 22 'i.'sf i.'o:,' 4.04 3. '.)i 7.611 1 6." 52' 'i.'io" 21) L. 4.42 ' 6,62 'i.'o;!' 5.33 14 H. (i. 00 5. 93 2." 62" 3. 97 2U 11. 6.25 ;. j 6.52 :;, ;)i; | .5. 24 14 L, 2.00 5. S3, 2.18' 4.00 21 21 L. H. :!. 511 6. 41 i>. 6,7 5.04 4. SJ 15 15 H. L. 5.67 2.67 5. oi 5.42 2.' 33 2.49' 3.88 3. 75 1 i. 5S ■6.'27" '3."37' ..'.... 21 L. 3.25 r,, 13 ii.lO 4.62 15 H. 4. 35 4. '97 2. 65' 3.81 21 H. ,5. I>9 i 'e.'iiV S'> 4. 49 15 L. 2. Ii3 4, 92 2.8(1 3. 89 22 L. 2. 12 r,. IS ".'.... 2 74 4. 4(i l(i H. 5. 50 5. 17 3.06' 4.12 22 22 H. L. 6 67 , 6, 30 2. SI) (5.42 2, (i5 , 4.47 4. 50 16 16 L. H. 3,. 50 .5, 3i', 5.41 3.21 4.31 4. 35 ' •_>. 59 5. 3,4 3.' 3.5" 2:1 H. 6. 17 ' ; 6.50 ■).-,;; 1 . 4,51 16, L. 3, 21 5.27 3.42 4.34 2il L. 2. 17 : li. 5S 1 .."....[ 2."4S 4,53, 17 H. 5.21 ' .5.09 3.48 4. 29 2il L. 7 1)1) 2.71 (;.6r, 6. ri2 2.41 ! ■ 2.45 4. 5;! 4.. 56 17 17 H. il. 75 4,6,3 4 ;)•' ; 3. .50 4.21 4 09 i 1.76 ■i'.il 21 ir. (i, 33 6.76 2. 16 1.61 is L. 3.08 4,60 'i'l'l'is' 3. 99 24 L. 2,22 ■ 6.S5 1 2.47 4.66 IS 11. 4. 58 4.46 3. :;5 3. 90 24 n. 7,3s 7.05 2,47 4.76 IS L. 3. 63 4.:il ":!.'4i' 3. >. t :> 4.77' '■'>.':•[' 1.14 2.") L. 3. 3,s 1 ,S. 06 3.. 1.13 5. 54 19 ][. 4, .58 4. 95 :!.50 4. 22 20 211 H. L. 7.. 54 2. 5S 7. .50 7. 78 •> 9S 2.63, 5. 3s 5.07 20 20 L. H. 3. 25 5.67 5. 12 3.44' 4.2s 4.30 '5.' 22' 3. 3; 2ti H. 7.4(i 7. 2S 2.211 4. 78 20 L. 3. 50 .5.':'!2 '3."20' 4.26 26 27 L. H. 2.00 I 7.06 6. 1 ,7 2. 11 4. 5S 4. 46 20 21 H. L. 4. 97 2, .54 s.'irj' 5,2:1 '3."62' '•y.ii' 4.13 3.93 6.' 99 1.92' 27 L. 1.S5 6.92 1.79' 4. 35 21 H. Ty '.V.\ .5.'i9' 2. 39 3. 79 27 H. 7.17 v,.^r, 1.6,5 4,25 21 L. •J •_»"> 5. 2i', 2. 23," 3. 73 27 L. H. 1.4li (i. 79 (i, 42 i.'iii' i:i^ 21 II. L. 5! 13 1. >s ■5;3rl.^;^!. o'oo'i 3! 63 6.71 'l.'62" 2S L. 1.79 6.6,2 I l.lis 4. 15 22 11. 5. .50 ' 5. 3,9 'i.'.si';. ."."... 3,. 61 2S ]1. (i.s:; ' 6..-,- 1.73, 4, 15 2* L. 1.81 .5. 4(i 1. 73 3. .59 2S L. 1 . 67 ( i. 54 1.S3, 4. 19 2! H. 5. 42 5, 59 'i'ei' 3. (iO 29 H. (i. 25 .. 6. 39 1.94 4. 17 23, L. 1.42 '5."73' 'i.'r.i' 3. Ii3 29 L. 2. 21 6,25 ! 2.07 4.16 23 H. 6.04 5. SL l'.M\ 3. 63 29 ][. (i. 25 1 2.21 ' 4.23 23 L. 1. 50 5. 89 '{.'39' 3. (i 1 Mar. 29 li L. L. ■2,'Jl : 24 24 ir. 5. 75 1.13 'e.'oi' '5.'95" 1.31 'i.'2o' 3.63 3.61 6 (> H. L. li. OS 3,, 40 3.14 21 21 H. L. 6.27 1.06 6.09 li. 05 1.09' 3. 57 3. 45 5.66 , 2.92 4. '29' 6 11. .5 2.5 .5 73> 2.70 1 4,21 Q_- 11. 5. 92 'ii.'ii" 0.53 1 3. 33 7 L. 2. 1)9 5.79 2.41 1,10 2", L. 0. 00 6.' is' 1 0.43 3.30 7 H. 6 33, ' ; 5. 75 2. 12 3. 94 ',*■• ir. 6.44 6. 3,2 0.32 1 3. 3,2 7 L. 2.25 5.70 1.9s ■:,. S4 L. 0. 65 6.47 0. lii 3.51 7 H. 5. OS 5. 68 i.'siV 3.76 H. 6.50 li. 58 'o'sg' 3.73 H L. 1.42 , 5.6(; ! "i.'i'i.V 3,. 65 'H\ L. 1.13 6,. 69 'o.'9l' 3.80 H H. 6,25 ' 1 5.90 1.46 ;;. 6s *2;i H. 6. 8S 'acfj' 'o.'gi' 3.81 9 L. H. 1..5() 6.14 6.04 1 1 ::■>. 3. 74 '■2 it L. H. 0. 75 6. 50 6.69 'e.'ei' 6. 89 0. 92 3. so 3. 75 ti. 27 i. 21 1 3. 74 9 L. 0. 92 ■ li. :i9 i 1 1.10 '.'1. 7.) 'J7 L. 1. 04 h'.ii o.'si",' :3.7i) 9 ir. 6.75 6. 45 1. Ill) ' 3. 72 '2/ H. 6. 58 6.' 57' 'o.'siV 3.70 9 L. l.DS 6.51 1 0.79 3. 65 27 L. 0.63 6.60 0.91 3. 75 40 HYDROGEArHY. Tahle shoiviiir/ the (Ictcnnlnattoii of the half-fide level, Av. — Contiuned. Date. ! Means. Means. Date. 187-2. JIar. ■. A [ir. 2',» •~I'J 31) 31 31 31 31 1 1 1 2 6 I • > 9 9 9 II 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 l-I IS l-> 13 13 13 i:i 14 14 14 14 ^ ■ 'rA H. L. II. L. H. L. II. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. II. h. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. U. I L. H. L. H. L. II. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H.. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. Fed. (;. (hi 1. 33, 6. r,s (I. Hs (i.TiO 1.73 I ;.;')() 1.17 5. 00 •-!. ly- .3.14 3. 13 4.54 •>. 4(; .5. 0.-^ 3. 'i'J 4.4S •J. 67 5. r.o 3.13 ."). 17 -'. .30 6.19 ■>. 4'2 5.1.7 ■2. 13 6. .=,s '-'. 00 6.31 1.71 C. 97 1. (-0 li. 7S 1.63 7.29 1. ','9 0. 9-J 1. ■i.'i 7.13 0. 96 6. 90 1.0-= 6. S3 l.tiO G. 96 1.50 6.71 [ 0.96 6.64 1.65 6.33 1. 2 2 37 4. 15 4. l.^ 2. i7 4. ir. ''""".' 4.17 1 1.96 i.'7.5' 'i.'uV 1. 54 'i."3(y 'i.'ig' "i."o6' 'i."6.V i.'ii' 'i."24' 'i."26' 'i.'39' 1. 5S 4.20 4. 20 4. 211 4.21) 4. 25 4. 4 29 4 26 4 2:-! 4. 17 4. 10 4. 01; 5, 35 2. 98 1.81 2. 61"; y.'iii' 3. 00' 4. 1)1 3.96 4.02 4.06 1 4.0) i| 4. 01) 3.97 il 3.94 3. 93 11 3.95 3.97 i| 3. 98 4.00 4.01 4.03 May 15 15 15 15 16 16 k; 17 17 17 17 IS is IS IS 19 19 19 19 21) 21) 20 20 ^1 I 21 24 24 24 24 Moans. Means. Feet. 11. L. II. L. H. ].. II. L. It. L. II. L. H. I.. II. I.. II. L. II. L. H. I.. II. L. li. L. H. L. II. L. H. L. H. 23 I L. 3 ''^ 4 47 4 69 3. 3,5 4. 00 3. 07 4. 91; 3. 31 4. 13 3. 00 ", 13 'J. 79 29 ;■ 29 29 :'o 30 30 1 I 1 1 1 II. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. II. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. II. L. H. b. H. L. H. L. li. Jj. II. h. H. L. 4.25 2.17 5.01) i.(;9 4.38 1.65 5.41; 1.67 5. 42 1. s:! 6.21 1..56 6.00 1. 5S 6. 73 1.3:; 7. 38 1. 4s 6,. 46 0.6:! 6. 5s 1.10 6. 54 0. 29 6.97 1.17 6. 3S 0.31 6. 54 I 1. 23 .5.96 0.33 6.27 1. 4(i 5. (i7 ' 0. 9;; 6. 19 1.21 5. 33 i 1..53 5. 79 2.69 4. s:i 2.0s 5.27 4.46 2.41; .5.21 ' 4. 33 2. 58 •f. .52 2.51 ,). 05 2.42 Feet. 4.87 4. 58 4.'34 4.48 4. 54 '4'63 4.69 4.62 4. '(39 4.92 5.'44 5. Si 6. io d'fio' 7. 05 6. 92 6." 52' 6.56 6. 75' F.'et. I Feet. 5. 04 . 3. 02 Fed. 4.72 4. 46 4.'4i 4.'5i 3. 02 3.'6i' 3. 21 fi.'io 3.02 3,. 02 4.59 3.15 4.66 2. S9 4.6,6 2.4s 4.66 4. 80 1. 93 'i.')';7 5.18 5. 6:-! 5.'96' 6.'2.':' e.'fi" ! 6.99 1. C,i] i.'i.V i.'es'/ 1.57' i.'ii' 1.40' 6. 67 6. 46 6. 25 6. ii' 5.97' .5." 93' '5.'76' "i'r,';' 5.'3i' 5.'05' i'sii" 4.83' 'e.'i-y ...... i.'or,' 6.54 'o.'iiT 6.' 66' 6. 69' 6.71 0.73 6.57 "o."74' 6. 35 0.77' 6. 18 6.' 04' 5. 95 5.84 5. 66 5. 43" 5. is' 4. 96 i's.V 4.8)7 0.7 I). .89 i.'2i' 1. OS ! I 1. 37 ■i'ii '2" 38 2. 16 2.35 2.67 4.77 4. 85 4.92 5.10 5.28 5.40 5. ,52 2. 56 2.' 48 3.11 3. 20' 3,. 1 7 3, 02 2.69 2. 20 i.'si')' 'i.'i'ii';' i.70 1.'72 1.63 i.".5i l.'i:;' "i.'2.y 0. 9(j O.'fd' 6.7i' 0.73 '0.'75' "o'.iV '0.'.84' i.'o.V 1. 1.5" i."2:V 1.74' 2.' 2.5' 2.' 27' 2. 26 2. 5i' 2.' 70' 2. 6,4' 2. 52 2. 46' Feel. 4.03 3. 95 3. 80 3. 73 3. si 3.69 3.57 3.41 3.29 3. 24 3. 24 3. 29 ;:. 42 3. .57 3.1,9 '■'>. 77 3. s:i ■S. 90 3.94 4.0- 4. 24 4. 19 4.07 3. S9 3.74 3. 70 :',. 6: 3. 6' 3,. 73 3. 72 3.70 :',. 65 3.61 3. 56 3. 51 3.4s 3.47 3.47 3. 51 3. 5S 3. 54 3. 46 :',. 49 3. 51 3. 65 3.77 3. 7s 3. 7s 3. 66 3.56 3.56 3.61) 3.67 3.73, 3. 79 3. 7s 3. s;i 3.90 3. 94 3. 96 TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. dl Table showing the defc)-mi)iaiio)i of the half-tide level, t&c. — Continued. Date. May i» <) 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 1-2 I'J }•> l•^ 13 i:i i:', 13 14 14 14 14 l.S 15 15 If) .a H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. IT. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H, L. H. L. H. L,. H. L. H. L. H. L. Meaus. £eet. 6.00 'J '>'J •:. 44 i;. 44 1. s:i y.oo 1. m 6. 17 1. ;!:'. li. 35 1. K! 6.47 1.00 6. (U 1.50 6.48 0. 'M 6. 90 1.71 C. 44 1.13 7.04 ■J. OS li. 58 1.00 7. 15 2.50 6.40 •>. 10 i 7. O-i *J. 88 1 6. 13 •>. 88 5. -,2 ■J. 30 6, 00 ■2. •J3 5. 23 'J, .58 5' 44 3.17 4.07 ■>. 94 4.91; 3. 13 4.08 ■-'. 96 /'•«'/. /'>r/. ftc/. 5.71 ;>.) 5. 89 6. 00 2. 33 0. ii 0. 10 '2. 13 6. -J-J 6.-2:! 1 6.41 6.41 6. .55 6. 50 6.09 (;. 67 6.74 0. 'j:. (!. :'>'2 0.81 6.'8S 6. 80 6.41 6.48 6. .56 6. 0-J 6. 6S 6." 70" 6, 77 6. 84 6. H3 Meaus. Feet. •2. 3-2 ■2. 6i' i.77 i.'ei'' 1.33 '{.'•24" 1. 89 i.'oV 1. 58 i.'ii' i.'iV i.'24 i.':u' l.'4-2' i.'6o' i.84 •2.0.5' (;. .57 6,44 6. 13 5. 70 .5.' 61' 5. 33 5. 05' 4." si' 4. 5-2 4. 54 6. 77 •2. 30 6). 00 1;. 51 2. 49 2. 61 16 H. 5. 00 10 L. 2 92 4. 00 . 10 H. : 4.21 17 L. 2.79 4.. 54 ,. 17 H. ! 4. 88 17 L. 2. 6* 4.81 . 17 H. 18 L. , -2. .52 4.94 '. 18 H. 5. 13 18 L. 2. OS 4. 98 18 H. 4.83 19 L. 2.29 5.03 !. 19 H. 5.23 19 L. 1.'29 5. 15 19 H. .5.08 20 L. 1. (>9 ,5. '24 . •20 H. 5.40 6. 29 '5. 95 5.69 5.47 5.'i9' 4.93' 4. 67 4. 53 4. .57 4. 57 4.08 4. 88 4. 9(; 5. uo 5.09 5. 20 5.' 43' 2. 61 2. 59 2.21; •2.46' 2 S7 3. 05 3. 08 3,04' 2.94 2. 85 2.71 2 .57 •2." 30 2. 18 1.'79 1.49 1.30 I'WI. 4.01 4.11 4. 10 4.17 4. 15 4. 3. 3. 9." 1. 29 1. ;!8 1.5l' i.'fy i.94' 2. 17 2. 39 2. 61 2.60 2. 43 12 00 00 98 01 'M .15 3, 95 3. 94 3. 90 3. 90 3. 93 3. 99 4.01 4. 02 4.06 4. 12 4. 19 4. -'C 4.34 4.40 4. 44 4. 49 4. 53 4.. 57 4. 57 4. 56 4.50 4. 5:1 4.45 4. 3.7 4. 27 4.09 3.98 3. 94 2. 64 3. 99 4.03 2. 96 4.01 3.99 3.07 3. 94 Date. 1872. May 20 20 21 '21 21 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 2(> 2l'i 20> 26 27 27 28 28 •28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 1 June :;. 06 3. 79 I 3. 79 2.99 3.76 •2." 96" 3. / .5 3. 71 2. 78 3. 60 3.69 2. 64 3. 73 3.72 2.44 3. 69 •2.' -24' 3. 61' 1. 99 1.64 1.40 3. 59 3. 56 3.44 3.40 3. 34 3. 32 3.37 L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. 11. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. H. L. MeaTii /•>(•/. 0. 92 5. S6 1. 75 6. 19 1.17 7.04 ■2. 19 6.63 1.04 7.35 '2. 21 7. ^24 1. 2'.) 7.92 2. .54 1.46 7. 98 2.65 7.06 1.60 7. 63 2.77 6. 61 1.84 7.13 2.63 5. 86 Feet. 5. 63 0, 02 6.61 6.83" 6.99' 7. 29 7.' 58' 1. 92 6.54 2. C.) 5. 21 2. 15 6. 02 2. 75 4.81 2. 68 5.06 2. 79 6.06 7.60 7.' 63 7."^2' 7." 34' 7.12 6.87 6." 49' 6. '20 .5. st' 5. 61' 5.41 5. 30' h'.'i-i .5.' 56' 5.56' 5. 06 2. 92 5.94 (I 83 2. 44 6.37 5. 92 2 92 6.06 6. 21 2. 31 6.31 6.42 '2.88 6.45 6.48 2.00 6.60 6.73 2. 75 6.48 1.92 7.15 2.79 6.54 2.02 7.33 2. 92 6. 67 2. 08 6.60 6.81 6."84' 6.'93' '7.' 60 Meaus. 6.91 1.61 7.14' i.'6-2 7.' 44' {.75 T.'sg' 'i.'gi' 7. 62 2. 00 '7.'.58 i'.'oK 7.43 ! 2.12 '7.' '23 •2.' is' 6. 99 2. 30 6. 68 I 2. 23 6.35 I 2. '27 6. 04 .5.' 74' .5. 51 ,5.' 36' 5.' 36' 5.' 49' 5. 50 6.16 0'.'-22' 6.' 19' 'e.'ss' 6." 53' h'.m "e'.ii 6.83 2. 30 '2. 42 2.45 2. 00 2.02 's.'fV 2.'77' 2. 83 •2.' 08 2.GS •i'ei' '2.44 2. 37 2*33' 2. :35 6.89 I 2.40 '6.'97 I'i'iY '.WW.i'i'io Feet. Feel. Feet. 1. 32 5. 83 1.40 0.32 ; 1.41; ' I 1.56 6.72 : 1.68 1.65 i.'62' i.'eo' i."83' i.'tie' •2."6:V •log' 2. 15 2. 24 2. 27 2. 25 2. 29 '2."36' 2. 43 2.64 2. 08 2.' 7.5' 2."80' •2." 70' 2. 68 '2.65 2.' 60' '2.' 52 •i'ii 2, 35 •2.' 34' '2! 38' '2.' 44 '2." 48 3.47 3. .58 3.71 3.89 4. 09 4. -20 4. -24 4. 26 4.30 4.38 4.49 4.59 4.70 4.75 4.7s 4.81 4.83 4.81 4.80 4.78 4.75 4.71 4.68 4.15 4.57 4.46 4.37 4.31 4. -24 4.17 4.12 4.08 4. 02 3. 98 3. 98 4.01 3. 97 3.99 4.05 4.11 4.15 4.16 4.18 4. -29 4.35 4.42 4.53 4.45 4.; 4.40 4.46 4. 49 4.48 4.48 4.50 4.49 4.48 4.52 4.58 4.59 4.61 4.65 4.68 4.72 4.74. 6 H 42 HYDROGEAPHY. This ,4 1 EFFECT OF CHANGES IN THE ATMOSPHERIC PRESSUEE UPON THE HALF-TIDE LEVEL OF THE SEA. Both theory and observatiou prove that the atmospheric pressure exercises a considerable effect upon the half tide level of the sea. Supposing that, on a certain day, the atmospheric press- ure be the same at Polaris Bay and at otljer localities, situated a certain distance north and south of this place, and let the pressure increase at Polaris Bay while it remains the same at the other places, it is clear that the water in attempting to reach its equilibrium will flow off in the direction where the pressure is least, thus causing the half-tide level at Polaris Bay to fall. From the complex nature of cases of this kind it will be seen that the solution of such prob. lems is rather difiicult. In accordance with theory, observations made at different locali- ties demonstrate that a rise of the barometer is followed by a fall of the tide-level and vice versa* The results obtained vary, however, very considerably as to the ratio between rise and fall, ratio was found to be for — London, (Sir John Lubbock) 1 • ^ Liverpool, (Sir John Lubbock) . - - 1 : 11 Bristol, (Bunt) 1 : 13. Fiume, (Stahlberger) ._ ■ - • ■ 1 : 13. Port Leopold, (Sir J. C. Eoss) ^ 1 : 13 Petropaulowsky, (?) 1 : 13 Algiers, (Aime) .,..,.. 1 : 13. 1 Port Poulke (Oh. A. Schott) 1 : -4 (?) From the above compilation it would appear that the ratio 1 : 13, which is.nearly the same as that between the specific gravities of sea-water and mercury, is about a normal one. The result of our investigation depends entirely on the record of the barometer-readings as con. tained in the "Table for the reduction of tides, No. 1," to be given hereafter. The half-tide levels as deduced on the preceding pages were also transferred to that table to facilitate the reduction. The barometer-record given there is the mean of two readings: one taken about 1 hour before, the other 1 hour after, the epoch of high water or low water. We proceeded with the investigation as follows : First, we ascertained the mean barometric pressure for the series from all the tabulated readings, by summing up all the columns of barometric readings and finding the mean. The result for each separate month is given in Table A. Table A. Sums and average values of harometer-readi ngs for each month. Month. ■X' ' Number of read- ings. Average monthly a t m o 8 p h e r i c pressure. Novemberj 1871 Inches. 1603. 488 3.327. 548 :!572. 376 3227. 516 2900. 649 3473. 166 3603. 957 688, 592 53 112 120 108 96 115 120 23 Inches. 30. 2544 29.7102 29. 7698 29. 8844 30. 2151 30. 2014 30. 0329 29. 9388 December, L^71 January, 1872 February, 1872 March, 1872 April, 1W72 May, 1872 June, 1872 Sums 22397. 292 747 29. 9829 29i".9829 = mean of all the read ings. * Compare Az Irapaly a Fiumei Ob61ben irta Stahlberger Emil. Budapest, 1874. Kiadja a Kir. Magyar Term^s- zettudomauyi Tdrsulat. (The Tides at the Road of Fiume, by E. Stahlberger. Budapest, 1874. Royal Hungarian Society of Nat. Sciences), containing the latest and most careful investigation on this subject, derived from automatic records. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 43 The mean of all the readings is 29*".9829, that derived from the average monthly values being a small fraction higher, but as these latter values have different weights, we prefer to make use of the former only. The nest step was to separate the half tide levels into two groups of values correspond- ing to atmospheric pressures above and below the mean pressure of 29'°.9829. The difference between the mean height and the recorded height of the barometer was set down in another column oppo- site the corresponding half-tide level.* All the columns were finally added up and the means taken. Table B contains the result for each month separately : Table B, Half-tide levels correspo7iding to elevations above and depressions below the barometric mean 29'''.9829. Montli. November, 1871. December, 1871 - January, 1872.. . February, 1872 . March, 1872 April, 1872 May, 1872 June, 1872 Sums . Means. o 2 a 48 19 18 46 74 94 66 373 o a Feet. 172. 27 89.35 82.01 214. 06 284. 92 357. 22 254. 04 36.49 1, 490. 36 3. 9955 3 i g g" o , ■■^■^ -o a =» p 3 ^ O ;l- O . pL| r; -rH r- g o t- = O + Indies. \- 14. 149 h 4. 596 h 2. 732 h 9. 474 h 24.731 26. 990 19.418 0. 297 +102. 337 -f 0.2745 3 91 102 62 19 21 53 12 363 Means of half-tide levels and corresponding barometer elevation.s . Ditference . a2 Feet. 10.89 484. 58 535. 03 320. 64 73.99 37. 27 232. 49 54.15 1,804.09 4. 9679 3. 9955 + 0.9724 a i s tc , I .S «'° 're) a 2 o o g ? 0) § Indies. — 0. 074 — 35. 390 — 28. 023 — 20. 122 — 2.863 — 1. 869 — 13.544 — 0.915 -102. 800 — 0.2832 + 0. 2745 0. 5577 From the mean values of the above table it appears that a change of O'n.5577 in the height of the barometric column causes a change of 0''*.9724: in the half-tide level. This makes the ratio between rise of barometer and fall of level 1 : 17. J^ This result is probably affected by incidental irregularities in the variation of the half tide levels and mainly bj^ the wind, which, as is well known, not only affects the barometric column differently as it blows from different quarters, but which, by its mechanical force, also exerts a directly elevatitig or depressiug intlueuce upon the half-tide level. In looking over the half-tide-level readings, there is apparently a. break in the read- ings between November and December, 1871, aud likewise after February, 1872. A careful compari- son of the barometrical record aud that of the wind with the half tide level readings, however, tends to show that this is not actually the case, but that the real cause lies entirely in the change of the non-periodical effects during the different months. To support this view, we give for comparison in Table C the monthly average values of ;half tide levels taken from Table B, and the differences be- tween the average monthly barometric pressure and the mean value 29*^.9829 from Table A. The average declination of the moon for each month is also added, being taken from the tables accom- panying the discussion of the effect of the moon's declination on the variation of the half tide level. In the next column is given the monthly average level reduced to the mean barometric pressure of *In some instances it occurs that only the height of the barometer, or ouly the half-tide level, could be recorded in the '' Table for the reduction of tides, No. 1." In such cases these single values were not taken into account in the separa- tion of values, thereby producing the difl'ereuce in the number of values enumerated in this and in the preceding table. 44 HYDEOGRAPHY. 1^9"'.; I8L".), using the ratio 1:17.4. The last colunm contains the difterences between this reduced level and the level J:".44, which latteri s the average level during calrus, redacted to the average press- ure of liy'".;tS2!l. Table C. Monthly average half-tide levels and corresponding haromttric der l°'Z'-' ■sag oj a> g .s a . =^ §3 3 1 « a a '^ J3 Diff. betw level, 4". thereduc Month. o a Monthly half-tide li 2 5 g Average tiim of t ° for each 0^ O -^ s Feci. Fn-I. Feet. Noveml)er, 1871 51 3.60 -fO. 2724 15, 1 4.07 -0.37 December, 1871 110 f). 22 —0,27 IS 15.5 4. 75 +0.31 .laiuiai'y, 1872 120 5.14 -_0. ■jpj'^ 14.3 4.77 +0.33 I'lliniai'v, 1M72 108 4. 9.', — 0. 097('> 15.3 4.78 +0. 34 March, 1W72 93 3.91 -f 0. 2:'.2l 1 5. 5 4.31 —0.13 April, 1H72 Wb 3.87 +0.2194 16.7 4. 25 —0. 19 May, 1>^72 119 20 4.09 4. .'■.:! +0. or,ii9 —0. U4;;2 15. 2 15. 2 4.18 4.46 4. 45 —0.26 +0.02 Means ±.00 The relation between the changes in the height of the barometric column and the half-tide level is expressed very strikingly in the above table. The half-tide levels for November and December differ by nearly equal amounts from the mean level of i^^A-i ; we likewise find the barometric elevation of the first month almost exactly equal to the depression in the second month. The mean of the two half-tide levels is 4«.41, differing but 0f*.03 from the average level 4".44. In every instance the half-tide levels corresponding to depressions of the barometric column are above 4f*.44, while those corresponding to elevations of the same are below 4".44. The results are unaffected by change in the moon's declination, as this is nearly the same for each month. The differences iu the last column change sign with the barometer values and apparently indi- cate that a variable ratio is required for each month to reduce them to a minimum. A part of these residuals, however, is traceable to uneliminated portions of the depressing or elevating influence of the wind, which in its average monthly effect seems to have gone hand in hand with the effect of the atmospheric pressure. But there is still another and very important fact not to be over- looked in this connection. While the ratio 1 : 17.4 may represent approximately enough the aver- age atmospheric pressure for the whole period, it does not follow by any means that it is a constant or even a nearly constant value. On the contrary, it is very clear that it must undergo considerable variations under different conditions. For instance, a great change of atmospheric pressure may, perhaps, produce very little or no effect on the half-tide level when the pre.ssure changes equally over a very large area of water at the same time, while the elVect of a smaller change of pressure, when confined to a comparatively small area, may be considerable. From this, it follows that it is not merely the high or low barometer which will cause a depression or elevation of the half-tide level, but that the amount of the effect will depend very largely on the difference of atmospheric pressure at the place of observation and at other localities not far distant. Evidently the con- dition of the ice is another factor affecting the action of the atmospheiic pressure. As we i)resumed the ratio 1 : 17.4 to be affected by the wind, we also investigated the pressure effect solely from the barometer-readings corresponding to the half-tide levels during calms. From 104 readings we find the average half-tide level to be 4Mi(i, corresponding to an average pressure of 3()">.(is(i(i. If we reduce this level to the mean pressure of the scri(\s, 2!l'".(tsi>0, we obtain 4.f'2G + l.f'7 X 0.1037 = 4«.44, which coincides very nearly with the mean half-tide level of the whole series. We then separated the values as we did before into groups of barometer values above and below the mean of 30".0866. The results are given in detail in Table D. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 45 Table D. Efi'ct of changes in the atmos^jheric 2)ressure upon the half-tide level of the sea. [Compiled from tlie half-tide levels and baromoter-readiiigs recorded in the table for the reduction of tides, No. 1, for days of calnia.] For elevatious of barometer above 30" '.087. For elevations of barome ter above 30™.087. o c^ £ 1 ^ ^ -^ z ^ 1 y: .;^ c; ^ > -■ +^ 7^.0 It ! ,- "3 JJate. C ci ^ 5 = ~ 5 ,._j 6 J Date. Inches. 0.178 0. Hi.-. Feet. 3.40 3.31 1872— April 2 2 Indies. 0. 370 0. 288 0. 097 0. 029 0. 204 0. 1^9 0. 139 0.299 0.690 0.659 0.600 0.430 0. 220 0.439 0.441 Feet. 3. 82 3. 85 4. 03 3. 95 ^!. ■':^.> 3.87 3.83 3.69 3.24 3.24 3.29 3.42 ;'>. 67 3.47 3. 51 7 Total for November l'S71 — December 7 •i 0. 343 6.71 9 17 0. 183 4.60 17 18 1872— February 6 14 16 IR 0.118 0.104 0. o:il 0. 129 0. 042 0.156 0.131 0.075 0. 108 4.92 4.57 4.82 4.73 4.50 4.53 4.51 4.53 4.61 19 19 20 20 16 o-> 24..-. 26 >>;> ''"1 27 2'i 24 5.094 54. 73 Total for February 1872— March 8 1872— May 2 13 0. 894 41.72 0. 018 0.082 0.114 0. 397 0.322 0. 086 3. 94 3.97 3.94 3.72 3.61 3.71 0. 30'J 0. 246 0.113 0. 027 0. 088 0.050 0. 2.-".! 0. 394 0. 426 0. :i88 0. 32S 0. 350 0. 310 0. 330 0. 328 0. 310 0. 2S2 0. 328 3.68 3.75 3.72 3.98 4.00 4.08 3.81 3.75 3.70 3.75 3. 82 3.79 3.84 3.94 3.91 3.82 3.77 3.79 9 13 9 .• 17 18 14 19 21 19 26 Ti)talforMav 1.019 22. 89 27 27 27 28 Total of all the values .... Total number of observa tions 12. 422 199. 55 28 28 29 51 51 29 30 31 '^1 Mi^an values Total for March . 0. 2435 3. 913 4. 889 68. 90 For depressions of barome ter below 30 ■>.087. For depressions of barom etcr below 30 n.087. Date. o 2 5 t; d '7. 2 2 Fed. 4.80 5.17 .5.30 4.88 5.41 4.56 5.42 Date. * X S "-■ --' be-; Feet. 5.23 5.16 5. 16 5.08 5.14. .5.14 5.04 4. .59 .5. 4M 1871 December 3 ' ... Incllcf:. 0. 179 0.387 0. 487 0.130 0.441 0. 361 0. 675 Indies. 0.443 0. 499 0.390 0. 358 0.400 0.189 0.311 0. 137 0. 428 4 4 3 5 :. 8 5 9 6 18 7 13 24 Total for December 20 2.660 35. 54 23 46 HYDEOGEAPHY. Table D— Contiuued. For ilciiii'HMioiis of barometer below 30' '.087. For (Irpi'essions ol liaionu ter below 30' '.087. Date. Depression of liarometer be- low meau. J'\ci. 5.46 5.00 .5.07 1 >ate. 1872— May 3 3 - ^ f^ =- ^ ■;! 1 S Hi Q ^ Jndicfi. 0. 13,7 (1.159 (1.261 0. 012 0. 04(i 0, 015 0. 004 0.1.5(1 0. 4n9 0. 3,17 0. 372 Fvet. 3.96 4.01 4.11 3.95 3. 95 4 02 4.01 4.26 4.49 4.24 4. 30 1872— .lainiary 24 '^1 Inches. 0.459 0. 253 0. 343 T1 Total for .January 1872— Februaiv 8 'ill 4.210 61. 55 6 8 0. 358 0. 573, 0. 649 0. 396 5.116 5 31 5.39 5.15 8 9 10 "5 "5 •>•) Total for February 1872— Mareli 14 14 ... - 0-) 1. 976 211.91 Total for May 1H72— .luiu> 3 1. 880 45. 30 0. 063 0.009 0. 012 0. 041 '4. 00 3.97 3. 8;) 4.22 0. 134 (1. (13,6 0.061 0.111 0. (1(18 4.48 4, 52 4. ,59 4. 68 4.72 15 yo 4 5 0.125 16. 08 r 1872 — April 4 0.06,9 0. 113 0.107 0.142 0.145 0, 035 0. 060 0. 028 0. 201 0. 233 4.16 4.15 4.15 4.20 4.20 3.96 4.00 3. 93 4.09 4.20 0. 470 22. 99 4 Total of all the values Total number of observa- tious 5 12. 456 243. 47 5 9 10 53 53 11 13 13 0. 2350 4.594 1. 133 41.10 From tlie means of tbis table we obtain the following result: A cbaniic of (4".594:— 3f'.913) = 0".G81 in the half-tide level corresponds to a change of (0'".2435+0'".-!.jr>0)=0"'. 47.85 in the barometric column, thus making the ratio between and fall 1:1-1.2. This ratio may be considered nearly free from the effect of the wind, and as it approximates closely to the results found for a number of other places we consider it to be entitled to some confidence. EFFECT OP THE WIND UPON THE HALF-TIDE LEVEL. The non-periodioal changes in the half-tide level, l)esides being due to a change in the atmos- pheric jiressure, are also greatly affected by the direction and velocity of tlie ]irevailing wind. As the influence exerted liy the wiixd is entirely local, a glance at the chart will tell which winds are likely to raise the water at Polaris Bay and which would produce the contiary effect. It will be seen that the shores of Polaris Bay trend for about 25 nnles in a nearly northerly and southerly direction, curving out sliglitly to the westward about midway and at its northern and southern ends. The bay is thus entirely open to all the sea-winds, and it is but natural to suppose that the latter in sweeping through tl.o straits would drive the water before^ them. The changeable condition of the ice in the straits will, of course, modify the effect of the wind and during those seasons of the year when the ice is more compact the elfect of the wind upon the half-tide level is jirobabiy but very slight. It was our aim to obtain as approximate results as the nature and extent of the data at our disposal would permit. After a preliniiuary in\ cstigation we arrived at the conclusion that it would be ad\i:able to take the elfect of atmospheric pressure into account, as we lound that this effect could not be regarded even as nearly eliminated, when the num- ber of observations was small. The wind-record, as also the atmospheric pressures aud half-tide levels as given in the " Table for the reduction of tides, No. 1," served as the basis for this investigation. TIDAL OBSEEVATIOJfS. 47 The method pursued was as follows : The half-tide levels and atmospheric pressures were classed ioto nine i^rnups, corresponding to calms and to the winds from each of the four cardinal and from fonr intermediate points of the compass. We need scarcely mention that the recorded directions of the wind are the true directions. The velocity of the wind, in mdes per hour, and the number of observations were also set down The values of each group were then added and the mean takeu. The following preliminary table contains the result from each group for each mouth seiuirately. By this separation the dis- tribution of the wind duriug each mouth is made clear at a glance, while at the same time it serves as a means of controlling the correctness of the work, as it enables us to detect easily any serious errors in the sums of half-tide levels or atmospheric pressures. PreUminari/ table for the di'termtnation of the effect of the 2Pin(l ui)on the half-tide level. Months. Calms. North veinds. Northeast winds. Corresponding sums of — 7} o g < Velocities in miles. X 1 o ^o > ;2 X - X X ■'■J Atmospheric pressures. 00 d X "o o > X O =0 v., a o o S| a 1 Feet. Inches. Feet. Inchc)^. Fnt. IncJies. November, 1871. li,71 60. 517 .) 3.53 30.064 o 1 los. 43 908. 690 622 30 December, 1871. 40. 14 238. 219 8 4.44 30.3,31 30 1 iss. li,-, 1100. 188 475 37 January, 1872 .. 61. 5.-. 356. S34 12 34. 23 177. 3(;s 138 6 196,. 75 1129. 678 449 38 Fc'liruavv, 1^72 (.12. o:! 3!I0, 049 13 4.17 30.482 i 4 1 177.90 1107. Ii26 376, 37 :Mareli, 1872 .... s 1. ;t8 66(). 678 ''2 131. 43 992. 300 822 33 Apiil, 1872 1'."). 8:1 75li. 136 .)", 3. 81 30, 372 4 1 36.75 302. 715 216 10 .May, 1872 June, 1872 Total Means i;s, vj 22. '.I'j 510. 6u8 149. 965 17 124. 13 t^'M. 652 (.;67 30 1 ■ 443. U2 3129, 006 104 50. 18 29.-. 617 17> 10 964.04 6437.849 3, 627 215 4. 2G 30. 0866 5.02 29. ,8617, 18 4.48 29. 9435 17 November, 1871. December, 1^71 East vrin ds. S outheast winds. ■ South winds. 45. Dl 215. 52 392. 404 lisi. 1.52 67 ''.57 13 40 3,36 15. 76 30.310 5 89. 039 22 1 3 15. 13 ,S9 752 16 3 JanuarS", 1.^72 .. 103. 88 594. 476 ,^7 20 i;2. 0^ 358.955 40 12 10. 09 59. 837 / o Feliruarv, 1>72 . 160. !;t3 956. 3^7 130 ;[■> 35. 98 20>. 72'^ 21 1 20. 02 119. 4-2 10 4 Mareb, l.i72 .... 97. ui; 7.57.297 87 25 34. 06 273. 164 1 28 9 8. 09 60. 176 3 2 April, 1-72 lis. 28 904. 670 113 30 96. 30 755. 155 , 7:'. Of, May, 1872 31. 58 241.019 .^o 41. 52 332. 887 30 11 3.99 30. 023 i June, 1872 Total Means 13.71 89, 998 ,s 3 4.58 30. 278 2 1 786. 87 5120. 403 771 171 289. 06 204S. 23S 219 68 61. 90 389. 548 40 13 4.60 29. 9439 4.5 4. 25 30. 1208, 3 4. 76 29. 9965 3 November, 1871 . 4 unthwest i Tinds. West winds. N orthwest w inds. 15. 18 121.223 34 4 j December, 1871. 6(>. 81 387,008 239 13 10. 84 59, 340 28 ••> 15. 53 89. 301 6 • 3 January, 1872 . . 81.91 508. 645 78 17 32. 82 178. 127 16 6 24. 68 149. 577 5 5 February, 1872 . 53. 31 295. 550 112 10 10. 72 59, 127 7 2 9. 42 59. 889 7 March, 1872 .... 4.09 30. 293 2 1 3. 86 30. :!48 1 i April, 1872 23, 03 181. 156 102 6 22. 70 181. 273 20 6 43. 41 332. 149 35 11 May, 1S72 184. 15 1322. 756 282 44 21. 36 148.233 ; 10 5 15. ,54 120. 488 14 4 June, 1872 Total 26.56 179. 250 59 « 18. 00 119.846 18 4 9.13 59. 857 11 2 451. 00 2995. 588 906 100 120. 53 776. 239 101 26 121. 57 4.34 841. 609 111 28 4.51 29. 9559 9 4.64 29.8553 4 , 30. 0574 4 48 HYDEOGEAPHY. From tlje preceding table it will be seen that the average balf-tide levels for the different direetidiis of wind have unequal atmospheric pressures, and, therefore, the balf-tide level may, in one case, have too small and in another case too large a value compared with its value for a cer- tain standard pressure. For this standard pressure we adopt the mean value of all the pressures as found in the preceding investigation. This value is 29*°.9829, to which we reduce each average half-tide level by the formerly deduced ratio 1 : IT.Ji. The following table contains the average half-tide level and the barometric elevation above or depression below 29"'.9829 corresponding to it, for calms and for each direction of wind, and also the level reduced as explained above. The approximate average declination of the moon, which also affects the half-tide level, though to a small extent only, is added as a mean of correc- tion if such should be deemed necessary. TaUe .'Choiring the apj)roximate effect of the wind upon the half-tide level. Direction of the AAMnd. Average half- tide ' level. Corresponding average e 1 e v a - tion (+), or de- pression ( — ), of a t m o s p h e r i c pressure. Half-tide level re- duced to the mean pressnre of 29'".9S29 by the ratio 1 : 17.4. r "t^ ? < - < 15 17 15 15 15 16 15 17 )5 Ai3|ii oximate eli'ect of the wind on the h a 1 f - t i d e level. Average velocity of wind iu miles per hour. Kise. Feet. Fall. 104 10 215 171 66 13 100 21! 28 Fret. 4.26 5.02 4.48 4.60 4. 25 4. 76 4. 51 4.64 4.34 Inches. +0. 1038 —0. 1211 —0. 0393 —0. 03-^9 +0.1 ;m) +0. 0137 —0. 0269 —0. 1275 +0. 0746 lurt. 4.44 4.79 4.41 4, 53 4.49 4.78 4.46 4. 38 4.47 Feet. North 0. 33 0. (19 0. 05 0.34 0. 02 6.03 " 0. 03 "6." 66" 18 17 4.5 3 40 9 4 4 Northeast East Sniitheast South Southwest West Northwest The average balf-tide levels in the above table correspond nearly to t!ie moon's mean declina- tion of 15^.5, except for north and west winds, for which we applied a correction of 0'*.03 in accordance with the results obtained from the discussion of the variation of the half-tide level due to changes in the moon's declination. As a basis of comparison of the effect of the different winds we use the reduced average half- tide level on the days of calms. By taking the difference between this and each of the other reduced half-tide levels we obtain, at least approximately, the rise or fall of the half-tide level due to the effect of the wind. This effect is recorded in the above table iu the columns headed rise and fall ; the average velocity of the wind corresponding to this effect is given in the last column. The effect may be summed up as follows : Strong north and south winds appear to produce a rise in the half-tide level amounting to between 3'" and 4'". The weight of this result is small and a larger number of observations would probably somewhat change the amount of the effect. The depressing or elevating effect of the wind from the remaining directions is very small in each case, and owing to the comparatively limited number of observations hardly pronounced enough to permit of any definite conclusions being drawn. East winds appear to produce a rise of 0'".9, while west winds seem to have a contrary effect of nearly the same magnitude. For both these winds the average velocity was less than 5 miles per hour. The winds from XE. were the most prevailing, with an average velocity of 17 miles per hour, and apparently depressing the level by 0'°..3, this result possessing the largest weight. The month of Xovember, with only fourteen days of observations, shows comparatively the largest number of NE. winds, with a greater velocity than the average. For this month, as also for March, April, and May, the average velocity is considerably higher than for December, January, and February. This fact, in connection with the variation of the monthly barometric means, would seem to explain, in a large measure, the apparent breaks in the half- tide levels during November, 1871, as also iu March, 1872. To find the effect due to different velocities of the wind, our data are, of course, entirely inadequate ; neither was it possible to ascertain the effect for the different conditions of the ice. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 49 EFFECT OP THE MOON'S AND SUN'S DECLINATION ON THE VARIATION OF THE HALF-TIDE LEVEL. Accordiug to theory, the variation in the half-tide level as depeudiug on changes of the moon's and snn's declination can be expressed by the formula — A sin^ '-'m + B sin- (5a where S^ and S^ denote the declinations of the moon and sun respectively. The constants A and B are to be derived from observation, and they are greater near the equator and near the poles than in middle latitudes. Observations made at different places seem to confirm the depend- ence of a rise of the level on an increase of the moon's declination, irrespective of the sign of the latter. The variation in the half-tide level goes through its changes from zero to maximum declination, and the level will reach its lowest and highest values, respectively, at these epochs. Owing to the non-periodical effects on the half-tide level, produced by changes in the atmos- jiheric pressure and by the prevailing winds, which in many cases will exceed in magnitude the variation dependent on the declination itself, an inquiry into this subject with a view to test the correctness of theory, as compared with actual observation, can only give perfectly satisfactory results when the observations extend over a longer period of time than is the case with ours. Another difficultj' attending this investigation is that we have to deal with exceedingly small values ; the range of the variation amounting to a few inches only. Still, we may try to obtain an approximation to the true values, and as far as the result of our investigation is concerned it seems to be quite within the limits of reliability. The method used in this investigation is as follows : The half-tide levels for each day, made out as ex]jlained before, were summed up and the means taken. These mean values are given in the table at the end of this discussi(.)ii, together with the moon's declination for noon of each day, placed opposite the corresponding half-tide level. In some portions of the series an increase or decrease in the levels can be detected by mere inspec- tion of the table ; in other portions the variation is obscured by irregularities, produced by the non- periodical effects. To investigate the accordance of theory with observation, it is necessary to separate the half-tide levels into groups for different values of declination, and to see if the law of the increase or decrease of the resulting means of these groups corresponds to an expression of the form Z + A sin^ «„„ where Z denotes the half-tide level at zero declination, and the second term, A siu^ (Jmi the variation or difference between the levels at declination o„i and zero declination. After trying a separation of the levels into groups for declinations between 0^ and 5^, 5° and 10°, 10° and 15°, &c., we could not obtain a satisfactory result from the means of these groups, the number of values in each group being evidently too small to eliminate the non-periodical effects. To obtain as large a number of values in a group as possible we finally adopted the following- method : By adding all the columns of half-tide levels and dividing the sum by their number we found from 195 values the mean half-tide level L = i^^Aoi) to correspond to S^, = 15° 30'. This value of L appears to be perfectly reliable, and agrees with the mean of the high-water and low-water levels /h.6\) + ^.5j \ _ ^ft^g^ jjg deduced further on in the discussion of the semi-mensnal inequality in height. Next, we separated the levels into groups of values corresponding to declinations below and above the mean o„, = 15^^. 5. The resulting values are — From 90 values L = J:"..jG5, corresponding to S^ = 8° 06'. Fi'om 105 values L = 4".540, corresponding to '5„, = 21° 40'. In order to find the variation and its range we should know the values of the half-tide levels at the moon's zero and maximun declination. We found — From 15 values nearest to zero (5,„, L = 4*.319, corresponding to (?„ = 1° 30'. From 13 values nearest to max. d^„ L = 4". 690, corresponding to ~ Z,' ~ — •= i:^ Z^ r — o '^ c X - r. - c: — f^ o Fai. Fed. o O Q "^ o / Fed. Fed. 7--r(f. 00 4 I'l') -J-0.000 -f 0.001 1 30 4.:; 10 4. :'.l(i -1-0.004 -|-0. 003 15 ,^ Dt; 4. liC") 4. :!54 -f-0. 0.3II -1-0. 0:!0 -fO. Oil 90 ir> :io 4. 4,39 4. 4.30 -f 0.144 -f 0.141 -|-0. 003 195 •Zl 40 4. 540 4. ."i.-<3 -fO. •--,'.-, -f-0. 'jr,.- — 0. 043, 1U5 •J 4 r.,^ 4. 690 4. 0.'.;; -fo. ■:,-, -1-0. :i3s -1-0. 037 13 •J3 30 4. 079 -f 0. :;o4 In using for the deduction of Z and A only the three values for o\, = 8° C, l.j^ 30', and 21° 40', which have larger weight, we find the thre^ corresponding half-tide levels very closely represented by L = 4«.340 -f- 1".51 siii^ (',,1, the whole range of the variation amounting then to 0'''.2SO, and the largest difference to 0'^011 only. We made still another test. Assnming in conformity with the retardation of the tide, as found in tbe di.scussion of the semi-meusual inequality given hereafter, that the greatest effect does not take place at the time of the greatest force, but about 24 hours later, we also investigated the result by taking this retardation of the tide into account, in separat- ing the half-tide levels and using the declination at noon of the preceding day as corresponding to the half tide level on the day in question. The number of groups was the same as before, and In deducing the constants Z and A we used the mean values of all of the five groups. By means of the method previously used we found for the expression of the half-tide level — L = 4".344 -I- 1«.55 sin^ «,„. to render tli(- corrected values more reliable thau tbe v.tI lies given above. In trying to eliminate tbe ettect of attnos- pberic pressure, we gronped tbe barometer-readings in the same manner as tbe corresponding half-tide levels, with tbe intention of reducing the half-tide levels of each group tn a uniform or mean atmospheric pressure. Iq comparing the average atraospbcric pressures corresponding to the five values of (5m, we found the atmospheric pressure to decrease with increasing declination of tbe moon, the range of pressure bi-t\veeii zero and maximum declination amounting to a little o\ er ".1. Cousiilcring the high latitude of Polaris ISay, we have reason to .suppose that this result is merely acci- dental, the more so as tbe eticct of the moon on the atnuispbeiie pressure is scarcely perceptible at Paris, which is about 34- nearer to tbe equator than our arctic station. La Place deduced -j-^ millimeter from a series of observations made at Paris from i.>ctober I, lcl.3, to < letoljer 1, 1--23, but the probable error of this value is almost as great as the value itself {L 5 ^'h Fed. ^' o u " Yi O ' l\(1. re, 1. F,xt. 00 4';'!:m 4,:!44 4.:;i.". 1). 0(H) +0. OIU 1 wo —0.0 10 —0.01 1 1.". S 01 ! 4. :i',M I.:i74 + 0. O.MI +0. o:w + 0.0-J0 ss i:. :;it 4. 4r.o 1. 4.".r. +0. u.-. +0. Ul +0. UOI 10.". •,M :;t; 4..'>1'.' I.."i,'.4 +0. ic-^ +0. ■JRI — O.dl-.' 1M7 ■J I :^^ 4.017 4.0-Jil +0. :io:', +0. -.^o -j-O. |i-.'7 13 ■jr> ;ui 4.o:il +0. •JS7 The result from this lasl table is probably more reliable than that of the former. The ditfereuees between observed and eomputed values arise partly from the uneertainty of observation, and partly, from uneliminated portions of the I'onperiodieal effects and from the elfect of the sun's declination From all the results obtained we may eonebide with some contidenee tliat the actual range of vari atioii between zero aiul maximum decliuatioii amounts to \eiy little more or less than 3 inches. .Vt the same time the results of this invcstiuation amy serve as a criterion of the value of the observations, which, considering the dillicnlties attending tidal observations in high latitudes, are proved to be very reliable, as will also be seen from the results of our subseiiiieiit discussions. El'FlOCT or' CU VMir',.S l>f TUB SVN'S IIECLIN.VTION ON THE VAKIATION Or' TUB IIALB-TIDB Li;vKa.. .Vs may well be imagined, the elfeet of the sun's declination on the variation of the half tide level is still less than that of the moon, and therefore it is more dillicnlt to deduce, and would rcijuire a series of observations extending over a period of at least twelve nn.inths. For this reason the in\ cstigation'of this effect was omitted. In the expression of the sun's elfect B.siu-'r>s, the constant B is theoretically about ,', A. The range of the variation would therefore amount to 0'''.13 approximately. The process of investigation would be similar to that for determining the moon's cffecU The table used to determine the elfect of the moon's declination is as follows: Tabic for the determination o/' the ctt'eet of changes in the moons declination on the variation of the half-tide level Date Hale. Date. Pate. 1S7 1. /'■- (7. o S71. i;,i. o 1--7 lot. o 1-- 1. ; v< /. ^ \..v. 1 + 17.01 \. V. 1-,' a. 4;i 1 — 14.>1 Nov. IS :; ,^;f —10. -0 llee 4.04 + 4..-.1 - 1 :i :!4 1-.'. 70 la ;;. 0.. 10.40 10 :;.0(! l.-|. Sll 7 i.oe — 1.117 :; 1.'. IS 7. 70 1.-. 'A. .*)S •Jl. IS Uee. ■je a. 00 —11.04 +is.:u I.SO .'i. 'JO 0. 70 I'J. :!7 10 '.'."i 10 ; ;>. se ■J 1 . .M 1 4 .». "J'j 14. :!7 111 5. r.o i7.:io 11 ■' .'lO — 0. :'.o 17 ■'•" ",', . Ml •* .>. .'0 + 0.7-J u :>. ,'.0 — 'Ji. ;!0 52 ni'DKOGllArHY. Table for the determination of the cfect of changes in the moon's declination, ttx'.— Ooutiuued. ;, ^ =3 . a . 3 s > S 5 > 'r^ — > ''~, Z 1 u ;= 2 Date. "o c : 1 ^ « j Date. "a a o o <\ '^ 1>72. Feet. r. a ""s s 1 c o c Date. 1872. 'i Feci. '~~ -4-3 _o Date, \ 1S72.. Feet. - 4^ '= a c ^c 1S71. Dec. 12 i;i 5.09 5.88 —23.95 Jan. 2t •J1.7 1 25 5. (i3 5.88 +24.21 22, 4-'^ Mar. 12 13 4.30 4. 23, + 8. 95 13,,s7 Apr. 25 2(i 3. 67 3. 51 —20, 00 23. 32 14 5. .">8 2:'.. 70 20 5. .50 19,91 14 4.00 IS, 00 27 3. 52 25. 15 l.j 5. 49 2L.05 27 4,97 10,, 34 15 3.83 •J 1,37 2S 25. 26 16 17 4.S4 4 :is 17. 15 28 12. 42 29 4.77 5. 15 12,03 7,17 10 17 4.2S 4.19 i 23,, 09 24. 92 29 30 3. 75 3, 57 23, 78 20. 79 18 4.. 57 7.23 . 30 5. 39 + 1.93 ' 18 3.92 25, 02 JIa.v 1 3, 73, 16. 02 ID 5.04 — 1. S7 , 31 5, 13 — 3,, 49 19 4.11 1 23, 99 3. 86 11.02 20 5.21 + 3. 43 1 Feb. 1 8.4H , 2 4.f:'8 8, 88 20 4.24 21. S5 3 4.06 6. 12 21 5.21 4.71 ]3,9.-< 21 3,73 IS, 71 4 4. 12 — 0.41 22 5.19 13. 12 II 3 5.12 18, 30 >).» 3,61 14, 69 5 4.00 + 5. 23 23 5.29 17. !.-< 4 5. 28 22,01 23 3.02 9. 95 6 3. 95 10. 56 24 5.40 211.51 ,] 5. 12 24. 22 21 3. 50, + 4.0s i 3, 93 15.36 2,j 5. 40 22.95 il G 4. 90, 24,7.s 25 3 3,7 — 0. 91 s 4,06 19. 40 20 5. 40 24.:!S 7 5. 00 23.55 20, 3! 79 0.55 <) 4.30 22 52 27 5.31 24.71 8 5. 04 20, (;o 27 3.73 12.00 10 4.. 51 24. 50 2s 5. 19 2;i. 91 9 5. 14 10,43, 2S 3.83, 10.91 11 4. 56 25. 45 2'J 5. 21 22. 04 10 5, 21 11,29 29 3. 94 20.94 12 4.29 25. 17 30 5.19 19. 18 11 5, 12 — 5,08 30 3.87 23.79 13, 3. 97 23. 75 31 5.13 + 1.5.40 12 5. 02 + 0,05 31 3.7s 2.5.15 14 3. 99 21. 19 1S72. 13 4,79 5. 58 Apr. 1 3. 78 24.90 15 3.80 17. 89 Jan. 1 5.18 + 11.05 14 4. 62 10.70 2 3. 80 23, 04 16 3. 74 13. 70 2 5. 24 0.09 i 15 4.81 1 5. 2 1 3 4.06 19.70 17 3. 70 8. 85 3 5. 10) + 1), 75 1 16 4,78 19,04 4 4.15 15. .53 18 3. 63 + 3.50 4 5. 21 — 4. 70i : 17 5. 16 21, 98 5 4.18 10.11 ly 3.43 — 2.16 5 5.13 lo.L';'. |. 18 5. 08 23,, 94 4. 22 —4.44 20 3.44 7.91 6 5.11 15.35 I 19 5. 2(1 24, 83 7 4.27 +1. 30 21 3.89 13. 44 7 5.08 19.74 20 5. 23 24, 60 8 4, 09 0, 99 22 4. 25 18.38 8 5.33 22. 95 21 4.74 23, 22 9 3. 98 12, 20 23 4.54 22. 29 9 5.65 24.59 ,1 22 4.48 20. 79 10 4.01 16. 70 24 4. 79 24. 70 10 5.55 24. HI '1 23, 4. 53 17, 39 11 3. 95 20.4s 25 4.79 25. 50 11 5. 43 22.40 i| 24 4.74 13. 18 12 4.01 •'It '^'2 20, 4. 53 24. 44 12 5.21 IS, f^S 1 i5 5. 40 8. 33 13 4. 09 24! S7 27 4.35 21.76 13 5. 08 14.28 20 4.95 + 3,06 14 4.1s 25, 3,0 28 4,10 17.77 14 5.16 1 9. 03 27 4, 32 — 2, 42 15 3. 91 24, 09 29 3. 99 12. 88 If. 5.115 — 3.51 28 4,17 ! 7, .'^O 16 3. 70, 22, 92 30 4.05 7. 45 k; 4.74 + 1.9-' 29 4,18 13,09 17 3. s5 20,11 31 4.20 — 1. 79 17 4.43 7.22 Mar. 5 21.35 IS 3.72 10, 38 Jnue 1 4.44 + 3.84 18 4.31 12.04 ' 4, 25 22. 07 19 3. 39 11.4s 2 4. 43 9.21 19 4.31 1(>. 28 7 3.91 IS, 30 20 3,49 6.70 3 4, 49 14.11 20 4.70 19.80 : 8 3. 69 13. .50 21 3, 84 + 1.21 4 4.52 18. 34 21 5.01 22, k; 9 3.71 n. 07 ''2 4,09 — 4.54 • '' 4.(i3 21. 72 22 5.42 24. 14 10 3.77 — 2. 27 23 3,97 10, 23 C 4,73 +24. 09 23 5.41 +24.74 1 11 4.11 + 3.50 21 3.69 ^15, 51 EEDUOTION OP TIDES OBSEEVED AT POLAEIS BAY. In reducing the preceding original observations we made use of tlie United States Coast Sur- vey blanks, kindly furnished by the Superintendent of that Office. While the blanks for the sec- ond reduction were used unaltered, we made some changes in the last three columns of Xo. 1. The column headed " Duration of tide" was dropped, and the half-tide levels for low water substi- tuted. The triple column, giving the direction and velocity of the wind, the atmospheric pressure and the temperature, also underwent some changes by leaving out the temperature and sub- stituting the half-tide levels for high water, and instead of giving the state of the weather, as done in the origiual blank, we preferred to use the last column for the moon's parallax and declination. For further explanation we need only state that the time of the moon's meridian passage and of both high and low water is mean time throughout; that the lower transits of the moon are placed betweeu brackets, and that the lunitidal intervals depending upon the lower transits are distin- guished in the same manner. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 53 Table for the reduction of tides, 'Xo. l.— Showing the times of high and lo>r ivater, mid the heights of high and low water, together icith the moon's imssing the meridian of the place, the lunitidnl intervals, cOc. Date. Mean time of- Lumtidal in- terval. Height of- Low water. Hiirh watc Moou's- Wiud. Wind. h. Hi. h. h. m. Feci. Feet. 12 00 00 13 00 1 00 13 00 1 00 14 00 '2 00 15 00 2 30 15 00 3 30 16 30 4 00 18 30 6 00 19 00 3 30 16 30 4 00 17 00 5 00 18 00 7 00 19 30 S 30 21 00 9 30 21 00 10 00 22 00 11 00 23 00 is'ob 00 12 00 30 13 00 1 00 14 00 12 30 2 30 15 00 3 30 16 00 4 Oil 16 00 4 30 17 00 5 (10 16 30 5 00 1-i 00 6 00 19 00 6 00 19 00 7 30 20 (III 8 00 21 00 9 00 22 00 10 00 23 00 11 00 "'i'oo' 12 30 2 00 {12 03] 13 39 .[12 30 J 13 22 :[I3 :.'.»] 12 36 |[13 121 12 4S [13 24] 13 00 [13 K,-\ 12 09 [12 42] 12 1.-) [12 46] 12 17 [11 47] U 16 [11 44] U 12 i[ll 4(1] 10 39 ![10 30] 10 39 '[11 11] 10 13 [12 17] 11 21 [U 57] [18 0,!] 19 39 [19 45] 19 52 [19 .59] 19 36 [19 12] 19 18 [19 24] 19 00 [IS 05] 18 m [18 42] 18 15 [18 46] 17 17 [17 47] 17 46 [17 44] 17 12 [17 40] 17 09 [17 39] 17 09 [17 41] 17 13 4.79 4.71 3. 67 4. 75 4. 33 4.96 5.17 5.42 5. 25 5, 48 5. 67 6. 35 6. 29 6. 92 6. 25 6.71 5. 83 6.58 5. 67 2. 75 2. 63 2. 42 2. 08 2.50 1.88 1.8S 1.00 1. 33 0. 5S 2. ?u 0. 110 1.13 0. 25 i.;i3 0. 25 1.17 0. 33 1.42 0.75 2. 33 1.33 2. 5-1 2.0' I 2. s8 2. 54 Feet. Jiiclieft.'l Peer. !0. l:;(' 3.40: 3. 30i 3. 4(i 4J !o. 21; ;9. 95^ [IS 47] 17 51 [18 57] 4.43 5.17 3.17 2.50 9 00 22 00 10 00 23 30 [11 09 ]T 11 45 [10 .52]|[ 11 29 ,,[11 06] . I 11 -43 [ ■[12 20] 12 28 [ :[13 05] 13 12 [ iVi 18]: 12 24 [ i[12 .59]: 12 ::;', '[ [13 05]; 12 37 j[ 'ii3"(l7]'[ 12 37 I :[i2 o5];[ 12 OS ,[12 oo];[ 11 27 I [11 55] [ 16 39] 17 15 16 52] 17 59 18 06] IS 43 18 20] 18 58 18 35] 19 12 IS 48] 19 24 18 59]| 18 :'.:! 19 05] 18 37 19 07] 19 :'>7 18 35] 18 38 18 00] 17 27 17 55] 5. 29 6.21 5. 67 6. 92 6.00 6.77 5. 50 6.00 5.50 6. 25 6.25 2.92 3.96 3.79 4. 67 3. 52 3. 41- 3.47 3.07 3. (ill 3. (il 3. .5(1 3,51 3. 55 3. 7(i ;•>. 9( 3. 89 3 s;r 3.91 3. 95 '.'.). 99- 10. 25:' .4f: . uu . 5;',i . 39-! .IK .02: . 09'- . ;'.-'( . 37- . ;;9i . It;;' . 2H.| .391 . 421 ill. 137 ]•: E K I'; E E NE X1-: XE XE XE XK NE XE NE NK NK NE NE NE S\V s\v xi^: IlleJiet: II I 6 i'J 24 9 15 6 >2 1:3 ' 4.61 i9 ! I > '3 ! U II • I i 30.144 3. 58: . 140 3.3;;] .310 3. 3l| .25-. 3.44 30.111 3. 52'2;i. ;i5i 3. 53. 30, 06-1 3.21' . Il72. Jan. 1 ! 4 13 [li; 35; 2 i 4 57 {\1 Ki] 3. I 5 42 [ly 04] 4 ! li 27 |[ls 51] 5 I 7 15 ,[i;i 40] r. I H oij [20 34] 7 ' ',102 |[21 32] S ' JO 03 9 !"n (IS [23 41] 10 ' 12 14 11 [0 40] 13 \i 12 ' [1 4-'] 14 18 13, , [2 40] 15 13 14 [3 3S] 29 30 7/. m. 2 00 14 00 3 00 Ki 00 4 00 Ifi 00 5 110 18 00 i; 3,0 Ls 30 8 00 20 00 9 00 21 (10 10 00 22 00 U 00 2 2 00 11 00 23 00 12 00 U 30 13 00 30 13 00 30 13 3(1 2 00 14 (JO 2 OO 15 (HI 3 (JO 15 00 3, 00 11 ; 00 4 0(1 11) 3(1 4 45 17 00 i; 00 18 35 7 00 19 00 8 35 21 00 9 30 21 30 10 30 22 30 12 00 Wind, 14 15 IC 12 00 13, 00 1 00 14 00 2 00 15 (JO 3 00 00 3,(1 00 00 10 4 00 10 00 5 00 17 00 5 00 18 00 II 30 19 00 7 00 19 00 7 00 20 00 7 00 20 Oj w 00 21 Oil 8 00 21 30 Oil 2 2 30 9 45 2:', 00 1(1 35 23 30 11 30 "i"6ij' 13 00 2 00 14 35 3. 00 15 45 4 00 ■16 30 5 00 is 00 i; 00 IS 00 (i 00 19 00 7 00 20 00 8 00 21 00 9 0(1 A. m. I A. m. h. m. \ Feci. Fn-f. 8 00 I 11 2:', ' 17 23 I 7.79 : 2.(17 2100 no 52] [17 52] 8. s.; 3. .-„s 9 (HI 11 -w I 17 y.j I ,; i)i;; | ,_,;;;; 22 CIO [11 5) I [17 51]; 7.25 2.71 9 30 11 27 li; 57 i 5. S8 2. 17 2! 00 [11 01] [IS 01 I (1. ,55 I 2 92 11 00 11 30 ! 17 33 ' 5.411 I 3.0(1 p-i 1-^] I *•■■>- , 00 I 12 I'l [18 12] 5.75 3.50 12 00 [11 57] 17 49 . 7.(10 4.04 1 (JO ; 13 05 [18 271 (1.00 3. ss [12 43], 19 05^1 (1.71 4.33 13 22 [19 13] (1.25 4.00 [13, 01 ]■ 19 22 I (1.(13 I 4.29 13 30" [10 01] (1.(13 3.42 [13 171 19 :',:) I (1.58 j 4. (IS 13 .55 [19 17] (1.71 3.3- [12 WM' IS r,.-, 7.00 : 4.13 13 1(1 |[19 33, I 7.42 3.42 ![1> 47]' 19 10 I (1. ss I :i. ;i-i [is 47 I 3.(is j 13 23 I 19 23 i 7.71 [13 2:i][19 29]| 7,21 13 35 ! 10 35 ' 7,(17 I 3,75 [12 30]'|;i0 09]| 7. 17 I 2.93 12 45 is 45 I 7.(13 \ 3. ,5^ [11 50] [IS 20 I (1, .-3 I 2, 113 12 25 H :,:,' 7.7,-, [U 3(1] [17 30]! (1.75 12 (Ml is (Hi ' 7.7y [11 42]|[17 42]| (1.79 12 IS ) 18 IS ' 7.,-,s ' :i ,-,s [11 55] [K; 55 ]i 0.(13, ' 2. ss 11 3.' 18 0.' I 7.4(; ! 3.58 3, 0(1 2. 5 1 2, 79 [ 1 1 09] 11 47 [U 25] 11 33 [U 2 1] 11 IS [11 5(1] 12 OS l[12 09]' i 11 45" [12 55] 12 51 [12 5(1] [12 12 [17 00 1 IS 17- 17 10 1- 0.1 [17 1(1) 17 4- [17 2:l]i is"33' [1- 09 1 18 45' [IS 55], IS ,-,! [19 11], S] IS [13 25] 12 52 Ll2 19] 11 4(1 ,■12 14 1 11 42 [12 12] 11 42 [12 14] 11 47 [IS 3s], 18 57 [19 25]; 18 52 [18 19 1! 17 43 ris 1 ! I 17 4 2 [IS ]-]: 17 42 [is 14]i 17 47 (1. 50 7. 33 (1. 12 7,13 (1,22 (j, 77 C, 13 (5.75 (1.13 (1. 50 0.31 tl, (17 (1. (13 (1, 73 7,(15 7,13 9."('),s' 7, 50 8. r,G 7,71 8, 77 7, (17 S, 50 7, 17 7,42 ,13 . SS ,(14 .31 21 2. 40 3.(17 2. 4; 3, 40 2.13 '■',. 00 1.92 2. s,-, 1.^.! 2. 75 2^21 Fal. Fnrliex 5.47 29. s:l- KE 14 4.9. iO. 1.5(11 Ni: .'2 4. ,53 .3411' XK 31 4,30 ,290' Nl] IS 4. 3s 3,0. oo-j NK 4. 50 JO. 7211' (I 4.S4 20.4251 f;\\- 14 (1 5. 1-J 5.23 5. 2-i 5.21 5. 17 . 31 .4(1 5,4:; 5, 41 5. 3,0' 5.21 5.20 5. IS 5. 19, 5. 14 3S4, S\V 40 (1117' ,8\V 2? S73: 8\V 7 9113, X\V 3 912, K i II 1; 3 NK 2S NH 29 xp: 18 29,; xi: 10 521 SI-; 11 (11(1 X1-: 53:j xk 1:0 E 1; ]•: E 7 ]•: 3, 791 XE 7 7U XE I 5 (ll(i X\V 1 10 555| XP: ,12 1103 E (i2S' 4; , s 11 . (10/ .103 54 ( 701 . S31 1 15 l> 4 9 13 >0. (IIT E (i 11 4 5. 15 29.50., 5.21 .021 5. Id! 5. II, E E (1!! 00." XE 5SS 624,' XE .21 JO. 63o! E 5. 2(i'29.( 5. 09 . ; 5. 11 5. 1 1 5. Id' 5,04, 5,20 5,31 5,61 5, (10 5. li, 5. lol 5.(1) .5.14 8E 702 SW (1(14 SE I 4 7011 sr; i 3 9211 XE 1 7 92- E , 7 S13 K 2 787 SE 3 0-- !■: i 1 1101 K \ 4 512 XE 20 540 XE il3 654' Xi: s 7151 Xi: i 7 (115 XE 10 (173 xi; I I 77(1 (I 719' XE "22 5. 17|29. 70l| XE 24 Hi"li walcr. iloon's — Wind. -; Fvrl. rnr:lir-i'^ 5. (1(1 29, (Kill 5.61 .035' E !•: ".I.9SO NE 4.(1- 10.272 4. 41 . 33ll 4. 3:; 10. 152 4.-l-'29. 8.52 4.07 .5-, 5.0V .3sr 5.20 .5.2(1 5. 20 ,05 .81.- . 10, , is . Is, 2." , 4(i| 4 J 5, 41 5. 1(1' ,015 , 73(1 NE N XE XE E SW 8\V s s\v E E E 24 14 3.0 18. 6 ■i 10 4S(i, NB ,20; XE . 19S; .412 0.581 Vj SW 14 1(1 11 ,.57.,, E 3 .411 XE ,14 .4-^0 NB I 3 is. 1). -J.i' . 5. 1(1 . 5. 15 1 . 5. 12 29. .81.' . 874i .704 . 7S,I .1111 . 0(1; .(11(1 G 4. 20 5. 24 5:^3 3 5. 1 1 ' 2 5.21 5. 21 4 5. 16 15 29. (11 1[ . 6S3 . 6 17 .621 .591 . 0(111 . 57 1 .64(1 .69; .720' .687 .894 .97(.' 5, Mj . 89s 5,30' .78(J 5. 40i29. 76(1 5. 114:9.639 5.63 .4-s 5.53' .5431 . (1- . 14 • l«i . 0(1 E ,si-; ,s NE 8E K 1-: NE ' E j E ]•; ; NE 1-: XE 10 XE E (I SE I XE E !12 12 E 1 XE 23 NE 114 49 1(1 30 5. 17 . (123 .771 5. lO.JO. 62> XE NJ': X E W XE XE NE 30 (10. Oil:— 21.05 .5;), 13j-17,15 5s. -Jl — 12, 42 5(' 5 !- .S7 '^j^i S( + 1 !. 43 55 •>■ V' ■.48 51..57+13. 12 51.4i+17."ls' .1. 1( +2(1.51 54. 02 +22. 95 I 53+5+2!."3s" 5 1.9-1+21.71 51.09+23.91 5i.'-20,+22."64" 5 1.50, + 19. is 55.01 +15,46 55. ,53+11,05 56. 19 + (1.00 56,95 + 0.75 57. 81j— 4.76 r„s. 7:i'_iii.',i:V 59. (J3'-i5.'35" (1(1. 43— 19,"74' 61.03 —22.95 (Ji'iir, -2.1.59" (3i. 35 —24. 40 61.(31—22.40 60. 3- ;— 18. 8S 59.54 —14.2s 5S.55— 9.'(J3' TIDAL OBSEEYATIONS. 55 Table for the rcthic ti9ll / tide.s, Xo. 1. — Contiuued. 1 Date. 1872. Jan. 14 15 16 17 18 ! 19 20 22 24 25 26 a.s s| - h. m. 16 03 [4 27] 16 50 [5 131 17 35 [5 57] IS 19 Mean t irae of— Luuitidal iu- tei-val. Height of— Low water. High water. d. )^ r> 12 r ■ > IS 4 12 1 14 4 I 6 D :i(i 25 20 2 1 4 .) 6 2 12 19 11 :>2 :!7 25 6 4 4 4 1 3 4 6 IS 1 4 14 14 1(1 4 Iilo ou's — "tc h. m. 21 30 10 00 22 00 10 00 23 30 11 00 00 12 0(1 1 00 13 3D 2 DO 15 00 3 DO 16 00 4 00 17 00 5 00 18 00 (:i 00 18 00 6 00 19 00 7 00 20 00 7 00 29 00 S (J(.) 20 (KJ 8 00 21 00 9 ((0 21 45 9 30 22 (ID 10 00 ''2:\ 00 -11 00 D DO 12 00 1 00 14 00 2 30 15 00 4 00 16 45 5 00 17 30 6 0(1 18 DO (i 15 19 15 7 DO 19 45 8 00 20 15 8 fc 21 00 9 OO 22 00 Feet. 3.00 2. 65 2. 92 2.83 2. 92 3,. 35 "2^88' 3. 42 2 ss 3. 75 3.21 4.13 3. .15 4. 13 4:50 :-!. :!s 3. 96 4! 25 3. 63 4.00 3. 02 -.',. 54 2. 28 2 S3 2. 08 2. 67 '2 r».s 3.21 3.21 3. 33 3. 33 3. 10 3. 31 "3. 00 '3. 79 3. 25 4. .55 3. 65 4.67 3. 33 4.31 2. 96 3.67 2.46 3. 29 2 31 2.81 2. 31 2. 50 2. (.10 2. 73 1. 83 2. 50 2. 08 2! 17 2. 56 (D i Wind. "O CD j Wil Feci. Indies.] 5 15'29 7:i:i s;\v ^ 1. Tc ^ ^ ,-H <~ ci - cC! Ti h. m. 15 00 4 00 15 00 4 00 16 30 5 00 17 30 h. III. ]i. m. [U 22 1 [17 .52] Feet. 8. 17 Fa 1. 5. 15 litelns. 20 11:11 V. 6 11 3. 9 4 1 ■3 11 57 1 17 .57 7.00 [ID 33] [17 33,] 7.73 11 ID 1 17 10 6.42 [11 17] [IS 17] 6.83 11 25 ' 17 25 : 5.83 [11 33] ■ (;.21 11 41 [18 03] 5.25 [11 19] 17 41 1 5.48 .5.0-, .7.5s E 4.95' .s;lo s\V 4.751 ,93,0 NE 4. 66| .931 b\V 4.57 30.017 \V 5, 15 5,00 4,86 4, 67 4, 65 4. 49 .6S7, NE . 77:i: E .9(.I2 NW .9S2 NE 29.990 NW :1D D55 .SW .57. 61 — 3. 51 56.1X1+ 1.98 55. SS + 7. 22 [6 41]' 6 00 19 03, i IS 00 [7 25] 8 00 19 47 20 DO [s 10] 9 00 20 3,4 1 21 00 [s .57 ]| 10 .30 21 21 , 22 00 [9 46]| 11 15 22 11 23 00 4.43,3,0. 116' ,S\V ' 5 4.25 .277 S\V 1 9 4,23^ ,315 E 17 4.3,0:10,1011 iN'E 19 4,59 29,950 : 4.7:; .747' SW 4 4,9ili ,7i;2 XE 2 5.02 .7911 ,S\V 5 4, :i5| ,22Di ,S\V 4,22] .3191 S\V 4,26 ,279| NE 4, 4130, Os:)| NE 4, (i7 29. 711: SW 4. s:; . 76:: Si; 4,96 ,SD!l si; 5.15' ,797 SW 5, I'. ,572 \V 5.49 29.6(1:1 W 5.42 29.791 ",SE ' 5.46,: .6,2- 5. 6S JOil N 55.21+12,04 12 .57 [IS 19] [12 3,5] IS 27 13, 13, [18 35] [12 .50] 19 13 13, .56 [IS 50] [13 03,] 19 26 4. 9(j 5. 46 .5. 75 5. 71 6. 33 6. 13 54.(19+16.28 51.32+19. 8!l 54.09+22.46 13 51 [19 03] 7.27 [13, 14]l 19 39 1 6.60 5,31 ,(WI E 5,41; ,57(i W 2 .5 1 12 51 7 5:1.9:1+21.14 [10 36] 23 00 [11 2'>] 23 50 [i2"i5] 39 [13 03] 1 26 [13 49] 2 12 ri4 341 12 00 i2 30 30 13 00 1 00 13 30 1 30 14 00 2 00 14 15 2 45 15 00 3 00 15 00 3 45 16 00 4 30 16 30 *5 15 17 45 6 15 18 45 i3"49' [13, 24] 13 3D [13, 05] 13, ID [12 45] 12 51 [12 27] 12 34 [19 14] 19 49 [19 24] 19 00 [18 35] 19 10 [18 45] 19 21 7. 7.5 6. 67 8.10 7.50 8. .42 7.4(; 8. 08 5.481 .65'.! 5.32 ,72:1 5.54J .5 is 5. s:; .;i0D (J \x NW N N SE 54.02+24.74 54.'i3+21.21 5. 92 5. 80 r r w 5^31 .5.01 4. s:i . 173 . 907 29. yos 30. 013 . 121 .5. 91 ,40:1 N (ISO N 51. :{:!'+22. 4s SE 5 ,s :'i N ' 5 SI', 1 d 5.6.-: .sio NE 5. 46 . 943 SW 5.16 29.9611 Ni: 4, so .10, 0(1? NW 4.7- .113 8 4,74 :i(l, 10(1 NW 4, 96 29. .-(19 S 5.21 .06S SW 5,40 ,504 Ni; 5,39| .6:10 Ni; 5,29 ,672 NE 5,07 74 1 51,60+19,91 [17 57]! 6.96 18 34 7.63 54,97+16,34 [12 11] [18 11]^ 6.69 12 03 ' 17 4 s 7.42 4.7:: .114! S\V ' :! 4. s:;:{o. DID ,si: :! 5.10 29.75:; E 2 .5. :!4 ..599 ,S\V 2 5.41 .6D1 Ni: i 1 5. :!7 . 669 NE 16 5.17 .712: NE 1 5. oo:',o. s:ii .55.34+12.03 29 2 56' [15 18] 30 3 40 -[16 02] 31 4 24 [16 47] Feb. 1 i 5 10 [17 34] 2 5 5S [18 24 3 ; 6 .50 [19 IH [12 11] 12 04 [11 42] 11 2D [11 43] 11 3,6 [11 43] 11 20 [11 41] 11 47 [11 51] 11 55 [17 26] 6.90 18 04 ' s, 00 [17 42]; 7.25 18 05 , 7. 02 [17 2S]I 6.96 17 36 1 7. 17 ^^'■|t;:".: .56. :16+ 1.93 56.97— 3.49 [17 13] 17 50 [17 26] IS (12 ri7 3(ii 6. 42 6.67 •6. 3,0 6. 54 6. 33 6. 52 6.42 6. 50 6. 50 6. 33 4. so 2:1. su 4.SSJ .7S1 4. 94 2:1, 7:;6 NE NE E "e"' E 21 12 i r> 3 5 5 5 :! 4,94 ■ 4.s:i 4,92 4, 97 5, 16 5. 27 .S70 ,7.87 ,716 . 720 NE NE NE 57. 56 58. 34 — 8. 88 — i:i"98' .5,07 5,21 29. 696 . 676 .(HO; E (1771 E 59. 10—18. 30 4 , 7 46 1 8 00 [20 16] 20 00 5 8 47 1 9 00 [21 19] 21 00 6 9 51 i 10 00 [22 24 22 00 [12 42]ri8 id" 12 14 [18 42 [12 44] IS 44 12 13 [18 44] 5, :!D .[V'J E 5, 27 29,76s E 5,20:10.020 E 5,07' .(191 E 5. D5' .170 E 4.91 . ls(i E 5, 31 , 726' E 5,24 29,934; E 5, 14 :;o, 067. E 5,08; .142 S1-; 4.9- .201 SE 4,92 ,205 D 4,97:10,072 Si: 5, 06''O. 8S1 NE 59. 78 -22. 6i (10, 35—24,22 [12 41 19 13 6.96 12 09 [19 26] 6.31 [12 51]i 19 09 7.50 12 05 [19 00] 7.00 ' 19 05 [12 49]ri8 34 1! 7.79 60, 72— 24,7.s 10 11 10 55 1 11 15 [23 26] "3 (ID 4.94:10.113 E 3 5,(14 29.946 S 1 60, 85 —23, 55 11 57 ■i6'27] 12 56 [1 23.] 13 49 12 15 00 13 00 1 00 13 30 5. Dl; .790 NE 5.061 ,729' 23 14 :> 2 ,) 7 10 '"5.'02 5. 16 5, 10 5,22 5. 29 5! 21 5,12 5, 13 4,97 29, S16 SE 60,67—20.66 12 03 [12 3,3] 12 04 [12 07] 12 11 [11 46] 12 06 [11 42] 18 is 1 7.35 [18 48] 8.58 18 04 1 7.71 [18 22]| 8.75 18 11 ■ 7.67 [18 01] 8. .50 17 36 1 7.65 ri7 57T s 08 5:23 :549 5, 27 , 522 5,26 ,447 NE NE E 1-: . 70S ..501 . .5(51 .462 E NE NE SI-: 60,24— 16,, 43 59, .56— 11.29 [2 14] 2 00 14 3,0 : 14 00 5.15 .672' NE 5.15! ,6,41 NE .C,:)l\ E .621 NE. .67S NE ■'9 S67 V. 58. 72 — 5. 6.S 12 [3 03] 2 45 15 26 14 45 13 [3 49] 3 00 16 12 15 15 ;5.fl5' ,817i NE 3 4,9129.96- E 3 4,sl :;(I,(HI2 S\V 20 4.-; 3:111. 0.54 8 2 57.S(i;-j- 0.05 11 34 ;"l7 34"! 7.13 [11 26] [18 11] 7.50 4, 85:!0. 0:17 SW 4.76 30.103 E 56. S0+ 5. 5,s * lut ■rpolatiil. 56 HYDEOGEAPHY. Table for the reduction of tides, Xo. 1.— Coutiuued. (-1 Mean t line of — Luuitidal in- terval. Height of — Low water. d. High water. Moon's — .a h. in. 4 00 16 00 4 30 17 00 5 00 17 15 7 00 19 00 8 00 19 15 10 00 22 OO 11 00 22 00 11 00 23, 00 v/'n'o' . C3 ,3 Fat. 2. 46 2. 61 3. 3,1 3.31 3.77 3. 46 Win 3 ■ H AViud. y. ' ,5 ^ Date. c ^ 1 ' ^ i 1 ! g ' t ' .a 1 ^ 1 ^ V u^ So ^ '^ 1 3 i > :' 1: ; 6 E i 4 E 1 1 E 7 S 3 d a . 10 1 3 12 1^72. Feb. 14 15 16 It. 1)1. [4 35] 16 .57 [5 20 1 17 42 [(; 051 i>( oil 7i. 1)1. 9 3,0 22 30 10 00 23 00 11 CO 23, 45 1 ■ ' 15 It. m. ]t. VI. Ffcf. 11 4S 17 IS 1 (1. .54 [11 25],[17 55]! (' 11 33 , 17 1)3, , 6.13 [11 40]l[17 40]' (i. S3 11 18 1 17 IS ■ 5.89 [11 10]'[17 40]l 5.SS 12 31 j 1 5.71 no nwi 17 It; /: mi Feet. 4. 61 4.62 4. SI 4.83 4. 73 Inches. M). 205 .201 30 0''4 .'9. 943 30.237 ■111 11,- Feet. Indies. 4.69 30.164 4, 57 , 191 4,72 3,0,154 4.86 29.753 4.83,30,155 4 73 30 216 E E NW NE II 511.06+10.70 '.55.'35+l,5. 24 54. 7s +19. 04 17 , [6 .52] I'J 10 18 [7 40] 20 05 19 1 [8 30] •A) 55 5. 02 29, .''7 1 .8\V ' 6 54.3,9+21.98 4. 72 4. s< 4^42 4.44 3. 79 4. 42 3. 50 3. 25 2 42 ■y. 17 2.71 '2 '>' ' '2. 7 'J '.'>. i'i"^ '2 '>^ ± 00 1. s5 1.46 1.79 1. 67 2.21 5 '>7'.>i( (;-,.,! s\V '17 5. 50 3,0. 091 5.77, .0911 5. .57 30. 473 5. 27 29. 822 5. 17 . 62S 5.31' .514 5. 24 29. 801 4. 82 30. 003 4. 49 30. 142 4.47 .. ]]. S\V ' 14 2 1)0 ' 12 44 14 00 |[11 35] 3 15 , 13 55 Iti 15 [13 30] 4 15 ! 14 05 17 00 i[12 401 5 00 , 13 15 15 00 ;[12 50 5 00 - IS 11(1 i:i '20 [19 OSV (i. .r,!! 18 44": 0.13 [19 35 : 6.25 20 10 i 5. .-'3, [19 45] 7.00 20 05 ! 6.25 [19 40]^ 6. 5S 120 15 5.69 [18 501 5.6029.3,2(1 5.43 .63,0 5. 15 . SO] 5. 2(V .53,1 5.33,1 .63(1 5, 04:29. 897 4. 62,30. 102 4.46' 4. 50'3,0. 123 4.53' .24:; 4,56, .13,(1 4. 6(1 JO. 10- 4.9329.847 5. 331 , 43.- 5. .54 .3,34 5. 07 29.810 4. 5,- 30. 269 4. 3." . 3,02 4. 22 . 442 4. 15 . 4S- 4. 19 . 347 ,sw ,sw w 7 5 19 ■> s\v SW NE NE NE NE 7 5 7 4 18 47 54.1(1+23.94 54.'i(V+24.8i3 20 21 22 [9 20] 21 45 [10 10] 22 31 [10 .5S] SE ' 4 NE 111 NE |30 NE .... ', i N\V 4 NE 13 NE 14 ! E 4 E 4 NE '30 E ' 3 NE |,!0 NE :12 NE '20 NE '24 54. IS +24. 60 '54."3,-+23."22' 1 54.69+20.79 23 '[11 45]' 00 ! : 12 30 21 1 OS 1 (.1 15 [12 31], 13 00 25 54 ! 1 00 |[13 KIT 13 30 26 1 1 3,S 1 1 30 [14 OO] 14 00 27 2 23, 2 15 |[14 45] 14 15 2S , 3 US ' 2 31) ,[15 31] 15 00 6 15 [13 02;' 119 17]l (1.17 is 15 i 13 OS l,s 5: J I 7.00 6 30 |[12 301 [18 45] (1. :',3 19 00 : 12 .12" IS ,52 7.3,s 7 00 l[12 29V[18 2',)| 7.13 19 3,1) 1 12 36 1 IS 30 i S. 5s 7 30 |[12 14 J [is 14], 7.54 20 01) I 12 22 , 18 22 ' 7.46 S 00 [12 15]'[18 00]' C, (;7 20 45 1 11 52 1 IS 22 | 7. 17 S 3,0 ,[11 451 [17 45 ]i 6.42 21 00 11 52"'l 17 52 : (;. ,-3 4.5130. 21-- 4.53 .162 4. 61 .30. 195 4. 76 29. 944 5.15 .691 5. 52 . 245 5. 3- 29. 504 4.7s 30, 0-2 4,4(1 .307 4,25 .300 4, 17 . 551 4. 15 . 434 4. 17 30. 301 1 6 1 NE 1 12 8 4 ,SE 2 NE ' 9 NE 1 8 NE 1 17 N 4 NE 9 55.0(1+17.39 .55. 49+i3. is 55. 9.- + 8. 33 56. 43 + 3. 06 50.93— 2.42 57.41 — 7.89 20 ' 3 55 K; 20 ?, 00 9 15 [11 29;'[17 44] 6. 25 4.16 30. is;) NE 20 57.91-13.(19 Mar. 1 1 4 46 58 40 17 71 ■i[17 13] 2 5 40 ■ 1 58.87—21.45 [IS 0,-*; 1 ............ 3 ' 6 :;7 50 on' .0:1 f|7 1 i[19 07". 4 7 3,s 59 65 ''4 99 i[-2i) o;n i I 5 1 s 40 l[2I 11] 6 1 41 [22 11 7 10 40 [23, OS] 59. 89 -24. 35 10 30 23, 00 11 15 23 30 4 00 16 45 [13 19] 19 20 13 19 ;[19 341 6. 08 5. 25 3! 40 2. 00 2 25 h42 1. 50 0. 92 l.OS 0.08 1. 3s 1.33 1.38 1.58 1. 75 2. 00 1.71 2. 04 2.00 2.67 2. 63 3.50 4. 29 29. 886 :o. 040 NE 21 NE 5 NE 13 NE '26 Nl-1 22 29.939 4. 21 30. 150 3. 94 . 138 3. 76 30. 1S7 NE NE NE NE 16 28 13 28 59. 97 —22. 07 5 IM) l[13 04]! 19 19 ! 6.3,3 IS 00 i 12 50 |[19 49]' 5.08 5 3,0 i 1 IS f,n 1 4. lOj . 130 3.841 .1.53 3. 65 . 341 59. 85 —18. 36 S 11 35 , : 12 15 9 ' [0 01]i 00 12 26 12 30 ,59 54 _i:3 56 18 15 i; 00 19 00 6 45 19 00 7 45 20 UO 8 00 20 15 S 30 21 15 [13 07] [19 07] 6.25 12 25 1 IS o.-^ ' 6.04 [12 29] [IS .59]' 6.75 12 3,1 1 IS 11) , 6.27 [12 21] [IS 09] 7.30 !2 00 ]s 30 6.50 [12 21]'[18 211 7.00 11 5s 17 5S 6.98 [12 (J5][17 50] 7.17 12 12 1 17 42 6.54 [12 V.m^^ 04]' 6.79 3.74 3. 75 3. 65 !i 4. 20 4. 32 4.31 4.26 4.14 3. 9S 4. 00 3. 75 3.89 4.31 .403 . 33,3 30, 094 29, 909 29, 841 3(1,033 29, 84s , .591 29. 836 30. 012 .114 .024 . 059 30. 075 29. 964 E E 6 1 3. (is 30. 306 3. 74' . 3S4 3.72 30,200 3, 61 29. 952 3.78 .sll) 4. 09 , s-:-; 4.11 .973 4.25 .6.52 4.31 .4,-15 4.32 .767 4.20 29. 910 E NE NE NE SE NE NE E E 6 12 25 36 6 17 48 7 4 59.'03— ',8. 07" 10 ' [0 51] •I 13 15 11 I [1 39] 1 14 02 12 1 [2 25] 14 4S 13 [3 11] 15 34 1 1)0 13 15 1 15 14 00 2 00 14 30 3, 00 15 3,0 3 30 15 00 4 00 16 00 4 30 NE il6 NE 35 NE '22 NE (26 NE il8 NE |'l8 E I 4 E 7 , 58. 37 - 2. 27 "57.'(V2 +"3.'50' 56. 83 + 8. 95 56.'(i8'+i3.'87' 14 15 16 [3 57 16 21 [4 45] 17 09 [5 33] 9 15 11 56 1 17 41 1 6.04 21 30 [11 03] [17 33] 6.00 4. 04 30. 109! E 4 3.97, .07s, 55. 40 +18. 06 10 00 22 30 10 30 11 39 [11 15] 11 21 17 39 [17 45] 17 21 5. 67 4. 35 5. 50 ,8E NE 1 7 3. ,-s . oos 3.81 .070 4. 12 30. 005 ,s E NE 2 30 .54. ,87 +21. 37 54."4,8+03;69' r/nt^ I. PLAN OF THE O B S E R VAT O RY Scale-O.Sincli.tolfoot. ROOF. SHUTTER . SirUTTER OF EKD . ELE\!a.TION or SIDE. PL, AjV ELEVATIOIV OJf ^JE. DOOR , TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 57 Tahle for the reduction of tides, No. 1. — Ooutiuued. Date. 1 .^7-,>. Mar. 1(1 IT IS I'J 'JO 21 'J I 2i '-i'J ;!0 ;!i Apr. 1 2 -1 10 11 12 i:t 11 K. 10 3 g /t. m. 17 .'•.s [fi 2J] Ifj 4' [7 1-J] r,i :■>' [8 02] •.iO '27 [s r,i] 21 1.' L;i :w] ■22 02 •22 |[10 2.')] 22 4S [11 11] 21! :i:f [U .'•.(ij II 1 [12 41] 1 4 ]:! 2^ 1 .-^.2 [14 17] 2 12 [!.-> IIS] Mean time of- [Hi o:i] 4 :!2 [17 02] r, :i2 i [IS 02] :!;i [V.} o:!] 7 :'.i [20 oil] s :u [20 .^,'J] 9 2(i [21 52] 10 17 [22 41] U 0.^ L2:i 20] 11 .^.2 [0 ir,] 12 :is [1 on i:t •2:. [I -IS] U 12 [2 :!i;-i If) 00 [:i2ri ir> 40 [4 11] ir, ;;o [f, 1] 17 '''J [r. r.i] IS 10 [(i 44] I'J 08 to k. m. W :!0 .") :'.o 17 :!o 7 ;;o 20 :!o 9 45 21 4.5 10 l!-> 22 1.5 11 00 2:i 00 i'2 no 00 12 00 no 12 ;io 45 13 00 1 00 i l:; 15 1 :;o 14 00 2 00 OO :'.o 15 on 00 Oil 14 14 II) 00 5 00 17 30 7 :!5 10 :!n 8 45 21 00 10 00 22 00 10 :;ii 25 nn 11 15 00 12 00 30 13 (10 1 00 13 1.5 2 00 14 00 2 15 14 4 00 IC no 5 00 k; 3.0 fi 3.0 18 30 LuuitUliil in- terval. /(. m. 23 00 11 45 00 11 30 2 15 l(i 00 3 30 ii; 30 4 30 17 15 5 00 17 3,0 r> 45 IS 00 (i 00 IS 00 Ci 311 is 4.5 7 00 10 15 7 45 10 45 S 00 20 00 S 45 20 40 15 21 45 10 00 22 30 11 00 II 00 13 OO 1 3,0 15 15 3 15 K; 15 1 00 17 00 4 45 17 45 4: li. m. [10 57] 11 .32 [11 OS] 12 43 :[13 IS] 14 OS ![13 43] 13 4S ![13 21] 13 45 [13 21] 13 '.58 [13 35] I 13 12 l[12 40] 12 57 [12 40] 12 42 l[12 10]' 12 11 [12 02] 12 08 [U 43] I 11 IS ;[11 -22] 10 40 ![10 .57] 10 28 [10 5S] 10 2S [10 5S] 10 57 [12 32] 11 .51; ;[12 42] 12 '20 [13 01] 12 34 [12 38] 12 43, [12 34] /,'. m. [17 '27] 17 47 Hei"bt of — Feet. 5. 33 5. 21 4. 03 Frrl. 3.21 IS 15 1; 30 10 00 •y 15 VJ 15 7 30 20 no ^ 15 20 15 00 21 00 15 21 15 10 no '>•) 00 11 no ''"i 45 12 45 12 55 [12 31] 12 3S [12 15] 12 22 [12 111 12 35 [12 121 12 113 [11 30] 12 no [11] 11 41 [11 01] 11 21 [10 51; 1 11 3,1 [10 30] 12 11 [11 41;] [17 38] 10 43 [10 33] 20 2 [19 28] 20 03, [19 30] 20 nn [19 21] 10 2s [10 20] 19 12 [18 49] IS 27 [IS 54 1 18 27 [IS 19] IS 11 [18 17] 17 53 [17 43] 17 1: [17 37] 17 0; [17 12] 17 13, [10 .5S] 10 .5S [l(i 58] 17 '27 [17 .57 i 17 .50 [10 12] IS 14 [19 10 i 18 34 [19 OS] IS 'iS [10 04] IS 40 [IS 41-, 1 IS ;!,s LIS 45] IS :i7 [IS 14] IS 115 [IS 121 IS 113 I 17 30] IS on [17 3,1;] 17 '21; [17 01] 17 21 [k; 50] 17 31 [10 51] IS 20 4. .58 4.04 4. 90 4. ,58 5.07 4.97 5.33 5.13 5.' 50' 5.42 0. 04 5. 75 0. '27 5. 92 0.44 (;. 50 0. ss 0. 50 0. 5S 0.03 0.5s 0. .50 0. 511 0. 25 5.0,7 5 5S .5. no .5. 14 4.54 5. IIS 4. 4S 5.511 5. 17 0. 19 5. 07 0. 5S 0.31 0.97 0. 7S 7.29 0. 92 7.13 0.90 0. S3 0. 90 0.71 0. 04 1;, 33 0.40 5. 9G (;. OS 5. 05 5. 15 4.47 4. (19 4.00 3.0s 3,. 03 •■'.. 31 3. 75 3. 25 3. 50 2. 51 1.42 1. .50 1. 13 l.Oii II. 00 n. (;5 1.13, 0. 75 1.04 0. 03 1.33 II. SS 1.73 1.17 L .5S 2.07 2. OS 3. 13 2.45 3.20 2.07 3.13 2. 50 2.42 2. 13 2.00 1.71 1.00 I.e.-; 1.'20 1 . 25 0. 00 l.OS 1.00 1..5II 0.90 l.r,5 1.'20 •2.11 1.75 2. 5S '* lis 3.20 2. 07 3. 3,S 2. 07 Low water. Wind. Fret. 4.34 4.21 3. 90 3.80 4. 00 4.14 Incites. 29.941 30. 108 30. 368 . 34s .17r 30. lOS 4. '2.- 20. 841 4. 20 3. 93 3.73 3.63 3.59 3. 63 29. 970 30. 295 . 290 . 534 30. 592 3.01 3.01 3. 45 3,. 3,11 3. 54 3. 80 3. 80 ■■',. 70 3.82 3,. 94 3. ss 3.82 3.76 E 30. 667 . 080 .080 .4-27 . 440 .513, . 475 .415 .40( .417 . 40! . 30s . :!o: . 3,0; . 30S 30. 4 1^ 3. sv :!0. 4.5-, 3. S.". 3. 90 4. 00 4. 10 4. l."- 4. 15 4.20 10 04 0; 0'- 04 9; 3. 07 4.01 4.03 4.00 4. '20 4.21 4. 10 . 001 30.01- 29. 98- . Osi . 1.' .91!' .!•!'. 20. !»0-. 30. nsi '.ur, .IK . Ols . 060 .053 . 0511 .021 30.017 •29.9.50 .880 . 854 i\K !I57 ',0. 10:1 3. so 30. :',ll. 4:',0 NVV ]-: NK NE NE ^■E NE NE E K SE E E K E ,SE K SE N\V E E ]•: N\V 81'", SE N ]■] ,SE N\V E Si: SE i; SI-: sh; II ]•: 1: NW \v "1; Hitrh water. Fe4. 2v> +24. 92 4 : .54. '22 +'25. 02 54. 3f +2;.!. 0!l 30. i;'.'2 .7!ll .71!! . 5'.'i ; .:ir,o .4S1 . 4!)S .437 !415: . 3!)S' . 4 OS .415 . 3iin .451 .4 17 . 3,113, .184 .046 :;n. 11115 29. 974 . 99:i . 942 29. 927 SE NE 1: 1-: E E E ,SE SE SE NW SE NW E NW NW E , 1.02+21.S5 ..5. 03, + lS. 71 ,5.7,3 +14. 00' .50. 09 50. IV 57.24 57 ."76 58. 2'- .S. 87 + 9. !»5 4. 0; ~- 0.91 — 0. 55 —12.00 — 10. !n —20. 94 5!). IIS— 23,. 79 5!). 22—25. 15 59. 2: .'!!. illO ',11. nn!i . 172 .2111 . 101 . 052 . 027 .007 .001 .nl!i ;!. !ls'30. 1'/ 4.01 20. !M!I 4 n:; . !io:i 4.111 .S5-,. 4.23 2!i. !I00 4. 17'3,n. 025 4.03,1 .ISl ;•,. 7SI .:'.i;i :;.73,i .11- ;i. sil3n. 372 1-; si: E S1-; N'W n E E ]•: E SE E W E E Si; sw 1; N -24. 00 VJ. 25— 23. 01 .59. 14 5S. !)2 5S. on 58.21 -l!l.70 -111.11 57.04 57. Ill 50.42 55. SO 4.44 + 1.3,6 + 0. !l!l + i2;2ll' + 10."70' ,5. '25+'2n. 4S ■,1.7s +'23. '22 .54.4.- +'■4. J 5l.2il+25.:!0 "5 1.25+24.0,0 5 1. 12+'.'2.!l.' 8 H 58 IIYDEOGEAPHY. Table for iJic redaction of fhlcs, No. l._Coutiiuied. Date. L«7'->. Apv. 17 18 19 20 ■21 oo 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 Jlay 1 2 3 4 5 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 9 — Mean time of- Liinitidal in- terval. HeiRlit of- 7(. m. ' [7 ;!2]| 19 5.-, [8 IS], 20 41 [9 04ll 21 21 ; [9 49l' 22 11 1 [10 :!4] 22 5(; [11 191 23 4:-. [12 O-'l' 3:: [12 r.9i' 1 27 i [13 r.r.j i 24 [14 55] 3, 25 [15 5,;] 4 27 [10 5,s] 5 2^ [17 5S]i 27 [l;: 55]! [19 4^1' 8 i:'. [20 371' 9 01 [21 25] 9 48 [22 11] 10 33, [22 50] 11 IS [23 41] h. m. s :',ii 20 30 9 30 21 3" 10 00 22 30 11 00 23, 15 11 30 23. 30 12 110 Oil 12 15 30 13, 00 1 00 13 3,0 2 00 14 00 2 30 12 04 [0 28] 12 52 [1 10] 13 41 [2 00] 14 31 [2 .5(1] 15 21 [3 4(5] 10 12 [4 37] 17 01 [5 25] 17 48 [0 11] IS 34 [0 50] 19 IS [7 40] ','0 02 [8 21] 14 45 :'. 15 15 15 1 3,0 10 30 f) 3,0 18 30 7 00 20 00 8 00 21 00 9 30 .)•) 15 10 3,0 '>■; III) 11 00 ^M 30 11 30 00 12 00 30 12 45 1 00 13, 00 1 3,0 13, 30 00 14 00 '' :;o 14 45 30 15 00 4 15 l(i 1)11 4 30 17 30 7 00 19 45 7 00 20 00 8 30 It. m. 1 00 15 00 2 00 10 00 3 45 10 3,0 4 45 17 3,0 5 15 IS 01) 00 is 00 (; 00 IS 15 45 19 00 7 15 19 15 8 00 20 00 S 30 20 30 10 00 21 15 10 15 22 15 11 45 b ^ li. m. h. m 13 22 ;[ls 10] [12 .5^]' 19 52 13 35 i IS ^a] [13 12] 20 05 13 19 i[19 27] [13 2i;] 19 49 13 34 [19 41] [13, 20] 20 04 13 19 [19 20] [12 5i;]| 19 49 i fl9 20]' 13 04 i 19 04 [12 41] [IS 11] 12 3,2 : 18 :',2 [12 22,118 37] 12 27 18 27 [12 01] Ll8 10] 12 03 ' 17 48 [12 05], [18 05] 11 30 , 17 30 [11 35] I 17 35] 11 20 17 05 [11 19] [18 04] 10 48 I 10 48 [11 :!2 1[17 17] 11 02 I 10 47 [11 32] [17 47] 12 03 00 13 3,0 2 00 15 00 3 00 10 00 4 00 10 45 5 00 17 5 IS [12 12 [12 12 [12 13, [13 13 00 18 15 30 19 00 7 01) 19 00 7 45 19 45 8 00 20 15 9 00 20 30 9 45 21 30 10 30 22 00 11 45 23 3,0 13 3,0 1 3,0 15 00 3 00 05] 17 33 3,8 [18 351 12], IS ;>r 47 l[19 12] 53]j IS 47 14 [19 23] 05]| IS :,'J 12 I [19 20] [12 49]| 19 12 12 57 |[19 19] [12 34] I IS .57 ,[19 04] 12 42 1 18 4-2 [12 19]1[18 34] 12 2li ; is 20 [12 17]|[18 32] 12 OS j LS 08 [11 44]l[17 44] 11 49 I la 04 39] 29 3,9 44] 29 [11 24]l[17 11 29 I 1 [11 04]'[17 11 09 I 17 [ID 5;)ixii; 11 18 I 17 [10 a3]|[i(; 11 14 I 17 [10 35)|[10 35] 10 42 I 17 57 [11 19]j[17 19] 12 20 I [12 49]| IS .50 11 42 [18 34] [12 20]| 19 42 12 28 |[19 20] Feet. 4.90 4.13 5.13 4. 25 5, 00 4. 3,S 5. 40 5. 42 0. 21 0. 00 0. 73> C,'. 40 (i. 5S C. 54 0. 97 0. 3,8 0. 54 5. 90 0. 27 5. 07 0.19 5. 79 4.40 5. 21 4. 33 5 52 slo,'-, 0, 1)0 .5. 7 s 0. 44 6.00 0.47 0.35 0. 47 0. 04 0.48 0. 90 0.44 7.04 0. 58 7. 15 G. 40 7. 02 6.13 0.75 5. 52 0. DO 5. 23, 5!44 4.07 4.90 4.0,-* 5. 00 4.21 4. s,-^ 4.75 5.13 o 1-1 Low water. S n Feet. :;. 07 3.31 3. 00 2.79 2.17 1. 09 1.0,5 1.07 l.s:; 1.50 1. 58 1. 33 1. 4S 0. 03, 1. 10 0. 29 1.17 0. 3,1 1. 23, 0.33 1.40 0. 9C 1.21 1. 5:! 2.09 2. OS 2 25 2.40, 2. S8 2. 5S 2. .54 2.42 2. 22 •I 44 1. 83, 1. 90 1.33 1.83 1.00 1..50 0.9S 1.71 1.13 2. OS 1.00 2. 50 2.10 2. s8 2 3.5 2^88 2.30 2. 23, 2! .58 3, 17 2.94 3. 13 2.90 j 2. 92 2 7 9 I 2. 03 2 52 Wiud. F((f. riicTirs. 3, Sl-:',l). 3, 3. sol .20si loll 3.41 .220 .700 3. .57 , . 32.- 3.77! .240 3. 9-1 '",0.029 4. 2-1 ,29. 0,25 4.07'2!). 980 3. 71i30. 2:13 3.07, .307 3.7:;', .188 .257 !li'.H .420 . 520 . 402 .431 .313 .290 . 3o:'> 3.70 3.01 3. 51 1 3. 17 3,. 4;, 3. 51) 3.7.- 3.00 3. 50 30. 2sy . 07 30. ,73! . 1,10 30. 90,9. 17, . T-'l . 00! . 4. 01 29. 3.9.530. 3.94: . 3.90! . 3. 91) I . 4.02 . 4. 12 3,0, 4.20,29, 4.40! , 4.49 4.57' , 4. 50, 4.53 29 4. ;;7;!0 4,09 3.97 3. 99, 4. Ill 3.94 3!70:',0 191-1 151 is.-,' 127! 940, S2( ^:;^' 921 ;io,- 041 0,-> 111! 07-.' 027 9: ',7 701 07-- 58i OOo 721 11: i> 354 502 .50.' NE NE NE NE K NE NE NE NE NE N\V E NE NE NE 8^^' sw s\v s^Y 8\V . Ill E i-; E ^v w HE W E SW S\V il SE NE NW NE ,SE .SE E E NE NE !9 ,90 SW „-i SI-: 73' . 43> SW 09,3,0.481, E Ilish water. Wind. Moon's- OJ ^ Feet. 3 .57 :; 29 3 24 3 42 3 Ki 3 90 4 OS 4 19 3 89 3 70 3, 3 ( 15 50 ;» 4S ;[ 47 3 5,-' :! 40 3 51 3 77 ■;] 7,- 3 50 01 10 3 " /oo/u'-s. 30 291 254 571 7.5(- 740 517 27S 090 30 144 29 Si:; o 3.7; 3] 9 1 4.01 4. 10, 4. 1.- 4.0; 3. 9,- 3. 9." 1.541 I. Os;, .291 .21.- . 199 . 20.5 .-171 .54: . 431 . :!9; . :;9.' .:!2:, .l.-^l . 1S7| .119 . IS,-' 31). 10.-, 2;). 92S .702 .717 29. 909| :',o. ().",:;; 30.0751 SE .SE E E NVV S\\' SE S SW SW SE Ni: NE NK SE Si: si: SE E ]•: NE NE NE NE NE SE NE NE NE SW ■*^ ■^ « d X '- ^ r- t= g c: PI .:: a f~t 5. 08 5. 40 5.S6 6.19 7.' 04' 6. 63 7. 35 7.24 7. 92 7. 29 7. 98 7. 06 7.63 6. 61 7.13 5. 86 6. 54 5.21 6. 0-J 4.81 5.79 5.06 6. 06 5.06 6. S3 5. 92 6.21 6.42 6.4s 6. 73 6.48 7. 15 6. 54 7. 33 6.67 /'Vrf. 2. OS 2. 29 1. 29 1.69 0. 92 1. 75 1.17 2. 19 1.04 2.21 1.29 2. 54 1.46 2. 65 1. 60 2. 77 2. 63 1.92 2. 69 2. 15 2. 68 2. 79 2. 75 2. 92 2.44 2. 92 2. :il 2. 88 2. 00 2. 75 1.92 2.79 2. 02 2. 92 2.08 Low water. Wind. Feet 3.61 3.56 3.40 :I47 3.71 4. 09; 4.24i 4.301 4.49 4.7U, 4.7s; 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 02 3. 98 Inches. 30 41)9 524 56s 554 414 30 173 29 643 766 715 425 4. 83 4. 81,1 4. 75 4. 6S 4. 57 4. :!7 4. 24 4. 12 .45li .117 . 490, . 629^ .681j .724' .920 29. 969 30. 110 .188| 227 3. 97 30 191 4. 05 :io 070 4.15'29 954 4. 18, S72 4. 35' SI \?> 4. 53' 81 ;: 1 4. 35i s',17 4.46 901 4.48 917 4.50J29 995 4.4s :;o 051 4. 5s 0-J3 4. 61130 010 4. 15s -I'J 916 4.741 9;!1 29 848 E ?\'\V m E NE NE NE SW .S\V S\V 8\V SW «\V 8\V SW .8\V NK ,s\V SW sw" SE 8\V SW SW SW SW NW E s w E Ilioh water. Fci'l. Iiwlun 3. 59 30. 46." 3.44 3. :'.4 AVind. Moon't H . 3. .58 . 52(1 . 321 3. 89 30. 021 4.20 4.26 4. 3s 4. 50 4.75 4. si 4. SI 4.7s 4.71 4. 15 4.46 4.31 4. 17 4. 0- 3. US 4.0i 3. 99 4. 11 4.16 4.29 4.42 4. 45 4. 10 4. 19, 4.4S|' 4.49': 4.. 5:. SI-; SE SE A\' Si; KW 57. 5 — 2. 16 29.717 .786 .610 .1119 . 127 .420 . 4:!3 . 558 . 659 .671 29.9161 30. 114s . 138, . 190 .180 3,11.000 29. 943 .8651 905 9: '.6 ;o. 016; 30. 05l' 4. 59 4.6.5 4.72 NE NW NE NE E AV SW SW SW SW SW ■ SW SW S\\' SW SW SW SW SW SW S\\' SW w w E 30.1126 29.910 NW .989 29.825 NW .44— 7.91 59. 23 59. 89 -13. 44 -18. 38 i;o. 33,-22. 29 60.53,-21.76 60. 48 —25. 50 60. 20 —21.44 59. 74 59. 17 —21.76 —17.77 58. 53 — 12.88 57.89 — 7.45 57. 26 — 1.79 51;. 65 -1- 3. S4 56. 13 -f- 9.21 55. 64 55. 19 r.l.'si .54,49 +14.11 -fl8. 34' +21.72 +24. 09 60. HYDROGUArHY. Tabic for the reduction of futcs, Xo. i.—Shomnf/ the intcrral tK-iinen the time of the moon's upper and lower transits and the time of high and low irater ; and also the heights of high and low icaler. UI'PEK TEANSIT. li.m. ^:! II •2-1 15 14 3'J !:^c, (I OS r>i 26 IS 3H 3;l U4 52 10 II 2',» [OJiS] 57 2S /(. m. 12 17 12 (IS 12 15 11 4G 12 51 12 04 12 52 12 :!(; 12 :!4 12 42 12 22 12 27 12 2(i 12 OS 12 20 12 25 [12 2;!] 24 48 12 24 4^ .-' I'\rl. C. 25 S. 13 .71 .08 .71 7. 25 [7.1;i] 14. 14 7. 22 /(. III. 1 44 1 33 1 05 1 54 1 IS 30 1 20 1 41) 1 38 1 15 1 04 1 52 1 25 1 2', 1 41 1 11 1 211 £1JJ7J 2 56 1 28 li. III. 11 IG 11 27 12 25 12 01) 11 42 12 34 12 11 12 22 12 00 12 11 12 IIS 12 35 12 03, 11 49 11 50 12 03, [12 OS] 24 11 12 o; ,3 CO . 07 . IJ3 .07 .40 50 00 ;-!s 15 20 42 18 12 50 30 23, 02 4S 42 12 24 3,1 15 to 7.20 [7.2S|, 14. 4S I .21 30 2 30 [2 28] 2 29 li. m. 11 12 11 23 12 IS 11 42 12 03 12 04 12 00 11 .52 11 ns 12 12 11 IS 12 03 11 3,0 11 20 11 :',5 5.07 S . li. 7. 17 0. OS 0. 54 0.58 0. 04 5.00 7. 02 7. 00 >5 11 47 [11 40 L7 14.1 02 0-1]! 11 40 .03 30 III. 51 38 ''S 13 40 20 OS 34 00 49 25 21 19 3 2S [:■, 29] 6 5- ■- til li. m. 10 3.0 11 22 11 32 11 47 11 20 U ;!i 11 .52 11 .50 10 40 12 00 11 41 11 20 11 09 11 11 11 20 [11 •■^'] 22 53 3 29 11 to be l'n-\. 5. 03, 0.90 7.40 7. 42 7. 92 7. 13 0. s:! 0. 04 0.50 0.40 (i. OS 5.07 0. 75 0. 01 0. 07 [O.SS] 13 55 14 16 30 4 51 4 45 39 4 31 [4 31] 10 39 45 27 47 33 57 10 36 48 33 39 10 11 10 48 11 18 10 35 4. 92 6.21 5. 88 7.33 7.13 7.00 6.42 7.17 6. 54 6. 13 5. 07 5. 67 5. 85 5. 33 6.00 5. 80 11 20 I 6. 19 [11 12] [6.23] 12.42 4 31 I 11 16 6.21 16 15 31 47 31 24 42 35 10 42 09 5 29 5 2S 5 01 5 4S 5 18 . [5 31] 11 03 10 13 11 29 11 36 11 18 11 25 11 20 11 47 11 18 11 21 11 3,2 10 28 11 31 11 02 11 14 10 42 11 07 11 13 [11 15] 5 31 11 14 4. .58 0. 92 5.46 6.77 5.83 6.67 6. 54 5. S'J 5. .50 5.21 5. 00 5. 27 4.s:! 5. 44 4. 96 5.21 5. 03. I [5.82]' 11.45 5.73 32 31 [6 30] 13 01 30 13 39 11 21 11 43 12 19 13 05 12 OS 11 41 11 .55 12 31 12 43 10 57 12 11 12 03 12 21 i 11 14 4.71 4. 63 0. 77 5. 25 0. .52 5.71 4. .58 4.54 4.69 4.46 5.00 4.81 I--- IS 00 40 12 OS 5.3,4 I 15 I, 7 28 [11 50] [5.44] 17 !' [7 27] 23 58 11 .59 10. 7S 5. :',9 14 55 13 12 13 13 11 12 13 12 12 14 11 13 13 12 11 12 12 4. 75 G.OO 6.25 6. 25 6.50 4.96 5.75 6.50 6. 50 4.96 4.48 4.96 5. 13 4.33 4.SS 5.06 5.06 12 49 5.43 [12 34] [5.43] 11. 26 32 12 42 .5. 43 17 15 32 36 12 24 13 39 12 54 13 56 12 13 13 55 14 05 13 48 12 29 13 19 33 !oo .07 .17 .00 9 12 9 05 9 50 9 02 9 21 9 51 9 45 9 41 9 15 9 20 12 12 13 i:; 12 13 12 13 13 13 12 6.31 5.67 10 00 13 00 5. IS 11 45 12 15 6. 29 10 51 12 09 f). ?.'» 11 23 12 .!7 8. 08 ..... 10 23 12 3,7 7. P7 11 25 13 35 7.G7 10 37 13 23 7.71 11 08 12 52 7. 56 10 03 12 27 7.13 11 00 13 3,0 8.10 10 11 13 49 7. 75 11 50 13 10 8.42 10 55 12 05 7.00 11 .57 12 03 7. 35 10 34 13 20 0.07 11 22 13 08 7.00 10 40 12 .50 5. 08 11 3,5 12 25 6.04 --. . . 10 02 13 5S 5. 50 11 33 12 57 6.27 10 48 13 12 G. 04 11 05 12 55 G.78 TIDAL OBSEES ATIONS. (U Tahle/or the reduction of tidei<, No. 2. — Contiuued. UPPEK TKANSIT— (;..iitinucd. - ^ - J ~ .^ ^ ct :C ~ so a (t; be a rt tc o r' O o h- o ^ i T^ '-H ^ ^ .fl ^ S i .^ ^ ra c " il .2 ^ '■^ T' ^ a = rt ^ ^ O o a tf! ■^ ^ J -- I' 1 .1 r^ J _ -^ — . +- r— r^ „ ■ -f- -- —1 tl .- :c ■f> •- M yj • - to /-, .- bO o fl g <:; 6 O O ■= J aj o 6 'S -^ 6 o ■S'^ OJ o o ^ >5 ,) 111 13 14 f,. 78 10 11 13 10 0.21 11 i;: 12 32 C. 46 8 47 i 1-i i:: fi. -i:! ;i 18 13 l-> i;. 00 10 r,r, 13 04 6. 73, 11 IS 12 42 0. (U 8 :u rj :.;i 5. ;i-.' ',1 ;!-i l-> r,8 r.. 40 111 33 12 r>7 0. 35 11 i:i 12 47 (i. 63 '.1 It; 13 14 0. 4--i 10 -Jl 10 01 12 -.v.) 12 r>!i (i. 10 6.73 11 :;r» 12 40 7.33 1.3 IB 10 47 13 28 7. 15 8 -^8 13 or. 5 8;i ',1 -iii i:', IIS 6. 'JO 10 '-'7 i 13 no li 53i 18 11 *Jit 12 48 7. 00 k; [8 -iS]: k; r.r, [K! Uli] a; 11 [5.o;i] il.r,8 1>' [■J 31] [13 ii.->] [O.J.-,] 17 [10 31] [12 58] [li.71] 16 [11 2',*] 2-3 r.s [1-3 11] 25 21) [7.05] 14 11 n; 18 :-,7 •JO 13 1-3 43 33 20 r,8 25 58 13 24 34 8 'J 8 Vi uo 5. 7 'J i 13 117 ''•-■-' 10 '.'li 12 50 6. 02 11 -."J 12 44 7.07 ii2 1 LUWEI; TRANSIT. 14 40 40 15 27 31 01 51 41 15 08 50 28 40 00 28 1 21 4 00 4 59 4 35 4 27 4 02 4 17 4 3,5 4 45 4 03 1 14 J -,s 12 46 11 511 12 14 12 45 12 33 12 20 12 20 12 2 4 12 10 12 45 12 22 12 01 12 17 12 20 12 15 6). 02 6. 8:', 8. 77 7. 40. 8. 58 7.13 6. 75 7.30 6. 50 7.13 0. 58 0. 07 r.. 44 7. 02 6.67 12 23 10 10 30 11 no 11 51 11 01 11 25 S3 4 31 10 11 43, 11 43 11 25 11 15 10 57 11 01 11 3,2 10 23 11 21 11 12 6.17 5. 20 7. 2.5 6. 55 0.42 7. 73 0.00 0. 42 6.88 4. 35 0. 25 .5.05 5. 70 5. 23 0.54 6. 23 01 1 48 1 55 1 10 1 43 1 27 15 5 10 5 O.s 5 54 5 48 5 10 5 13 f) :"i7 5 34 5 20 5 33 5 02 5 04 5 25 5 45 31 11 47 12 on 12 30 12 12 12 20 12 11 12 07 12 14 12 21 12 02 12 14 12 12 12 05 11 44 12 02 12 08 11 11 10 52 11 00 12 12 11 20. 11 17 11 33 11 41 11 40 10 57 10 58 10 .50 10 30 11 32 10 35 11 30 11 15 0. 71 0. 17 0. 75 H. 50 6. oi; 0. 0.0 7! 54 7.00 6. 50 6. 83 0.71 6.54 6. 58 7. 08 2 16 .) 05 2 18 2 Ki 2 34 *> 14 ■■> 00 2 45 " •'2 00 50 47 11 44 11 55 11 42 12 14 12 11 11 40 12 15 U 45 12 05 11 43 11 30 11 35 11 24 11 04 11 28 6. .58 8.71 6. 70 8.38 6.00 8.50 6.07 6.42 7.17 6.03 6. 33, 0. 27 (;. 40. 6.13 7. 63 2 28 11 41; 7.04 5. 02 5. 67 6.00 6. 58 6. 22 6. 83 6.21 6. 30 0. 83, 5. 15 4.47 5 27 4! 07 6.02 16 6 27 6 13 6 40 6 33 6 01 6 51 6 41 r. 24 6 05 .52 6 02 6 44 6 11 6 56 6 3.6 30 12 03. 12 17 12 20 11 57 11 .50 12 00 11 10 11 51 11 10 12 08 11 08 10 58 11 40 12 05 11 10 12 40 11 54 11 50 4.70 5. 07 5. 50 7.00 6. 13 0. 13 5. 48 1;. 33 5. 88 0.50 4.63 5.14 4.00 5.21 4.08 4.21 5. 70 5 44 ! 211 ; 118 '. 05 ', 51 5 38 ! 18 i 03 ', 40 ? 3,1 i 11 ! 57 i OS ! 24 3 56 3 40 3 50 17 3 20 7 15 7 03 7 2.5 7 17 7 50 7 10 7 25 7 18 7 40 7 12 7 03 7 4S 7 40 11 40 10 52 11 55 11 00 11 22 11 42 11 42 11 20 11 20 12 10 11 03 11 22 11 30 11 10 10 ,50 11 15 11 27 12 3,0 11 57 13 05 12 43 13 01 12 .55 12 35 12 11 13 12 12 12 12 6. 75 8. 83 6] 63 6. 50 8.17 7. 50 6. 25 0. 79 0, 00 0.50 5. or. 0. 10 5. 52 7.13 12 18 12 211 12 07 12 34 3. 1.7 5.17 5. 50 71 03 31 46 42 (i. 13 4.04 5. 08 4.13 5. 52 4. 57 6.00 5. 4:; 62 IIYDEOGRAPHY. Tahlefor ilic rcduciion of tides, No. 3. — Coutiuueil. LOWER TKANSIT-Coiitimieil. c! ^ |- u ■- ^ ^ " h. m. r.\ r.'.i in 12 i:i iw 1:5 17 12 r)(; 12 5(1 u (13 12 44 i:j ;!() 13 43 13 24 12 42 13 01 13 12 12 53 13 00 12 (k; 12 51 13 (ii; ■a lurl. 4. 33 5.17 0. 25 (i. 58 (i. 0;-! 5.71 0, 13 (;. .50 5. s;i 4. W 4. !»7 5. 50 0. I'J 4.25 G. 00 4. .^:i (i. .'-3 6.21 5. 01) !< ^ en c; /;■ a <:; h. m. [) 30 'J 01 ',1 - r ;) ii7 1) 1!) ^_-~ ,3 rt bjl ■^ ^ J a t; "^ -^ c ^ — P 'is'fl ja e '^ .-' M IS 04 9 4 52 3G 11 j 3. 70 30 1 26 18 05 1. S'J /(. m. 17 12 17 23 18 IS 17 42 17 48 18 04 17 18 17 17 17 ;(> 18 03 17 36 17 20 17 30 30 2 20 , 17 44 [2 28]| [17 45] 4 .57 35 20 2 2'J 17 45 Fa 0. 2. 67 3. .5S 1.83 2.67 3.21 2. OS l.-!6 1.58 2.00 0.8S 1. 05 0. 33 2. 88 1.60 h. m. U 55 01 51 41 25 2() 45 OS 11 50 20 10 41 41 11 11 20 c: ^ 5 h. ■III. 12 42 12 05 13 20 12 30 12 10 13 05 12 40 12 30 13 07 12 40 12 40 12 31 12 41 12 10 12 :;i 12 34 12 41 Firl. .21 . 17 . .56 . .50 6. 25 7. 7.05 1.04 [2. 14] 4. 08 2. 04 !< 16 TIDAL OBSEEVATIONS. 63 Table for the reduction of tides, No. 2. — Coutiniied. TJPPEK TEANSIT-Cnutiimeil. h. m. 4 51 4 21 4 -M 4 :!9 4 27 4 12 4 20 4 31 [4 31 'J 02 4 31 8 24 K 21 H 0() s :!4 8 47 8 05 8 55 8 40 8 27 8 31 8 41 8 13 8 02 8 47 8 31 a " h. m. 17 09 17 15 16 57 is 17 IS 03 17 .57 17 10 17 :iii 17 18 17 03 17 39 17 13 17 21 k; 4s 17 3:; 17 10 17 24 [17 25] ..34 49 17 25 to Feet. 2.00 3. 96 2. 17 3. 75 3. ss 2. 65 2. 8:! 3! 10 2. 4li 3.31 2.67 1. .58 3. 29 1.53 2. 2:! 1! 92 2.71 L2.81] 2.76 19 19 19 18 19 19 20 20 19 20 18 19 is 19 19 18 30 1.88 24 2. 38 :i9 4.0s 54 2.97 26 4.13 13 2. 96 10 4.44 05 4.42 20 2 ss 03 3.50 44 2. 50 49 1. 69 47 2. 42 2S 2. OS 2s 1. 29 59 2 92 8 29 19 2' [8 2S] [19 17] :'.s 41 19 22 2.91 [2. 96] 16 15 31 16 IS 34 H. 111. 5 47 5 31 5 24 5 42 5 35 5 10 5 5S 5 42 5 09 5 5S 5 2-^ 5 01 5 4S 5 18 h. m. 17 13 17 59 17 36 17 4S 17 25 17 50 18 02 17 IS 17 21 17 47 16 .58 17 31 16 47 17 29 17 .57 17 22 [5 31] 11 03 31 17 31 [17 30] 35 01 17 31 -a 'p fco Feet. 2. 54 4.67 3. 00 3. 64 3. 35 3.00 3 '^.5 3>. 77 :'.. 50 3. 75 2.08 3. 3a 2. OS 3.17 3. 13 2. 15 3. 15 [3. 15 6.30 3. 1(: i^ li. m. 6 51 6 39 6 17 6 11 6 55 6 27 6 19 6 '>() G 29 6 47 6 33 6 19 6 27 6 34 1; 11 6 31 [6 :!(i] 13 01 6 3.0 li. m. 19 39 17 51 IS 43 17 19 19 05 18 33 17 41 is 10 17 46 19 43 17 27 IS 21; 17 33 IS .56 17 24 el. 6:! '. 50 04 .04 .33 67 .42 . 6.5 72 63 .46 . 35 4(i 92 2. 92 IS 19 [18 06] 3. 36 [3.44] 36 25 9 12 9 27 I 05 I 50 • 02 I 21 t 51 I 45 9 41 9 15 9 26 9 26 9 01 I 9 4s 9 32 9 16 9 26 [9 31] 18 19 IS IS 19 18 19 19 20 19 20 IS 20 IS 19 19 19 19 IS [19 17] 1.00 2.6,7 4. 13 ; 2^73 4.50 2.46 3.25 : 2.00 1 2. 25 2. 13 ! 1.(17 2. 44 1. 96 (t. 92 2. ss 2 56 i [2 63]; 9 29 i 19 IS 5 19 2 59 33 10 00 10 51 10 23 10 37 10 03 10 11 10 .55 10 31 10 40 10 02 10 4S 10 17 10 11 10 .56 10 33 10 21 10 01 10 47 10 2 [10 31] 20 5S 10 29- IS 12 19 00 IS 09 IS :i7 19 2:'. IS .57 19 49 19 05 19 26 IS 50 19 2S 19 12 18 2S 19 49 19 04 is .57 IS 39 18 59 18 43 6. so 19 02 [19 OS] 3S 10 19 05 3. 40 15 [17] li. m. 38 02 4S 3S 15 0;; 47 46 16 i!7 34 08 7 22 7 IS 7 00 7 41; 7 28 [7 27] 14 .55 zt ZJ ^ li. m. 19 52 18 58 19 12 19 <■;•> IS 4r> 18 '21 19 13 18 44 IS 44 20 23 17 .56 19 52 20 05 IS :'.s 19 42 18 30 IS 49 19 08 [18 .59J 38 07 19 0:1 ■el. .08 .13 1:1 .(.7 .31 [3.33] 6.61 3. :;i 00 46 96 31 S9 42 81 50 71 33 .;.:. 83. 17 79 2. 01 [2. 33] 18 16 11 15 11 23 11 25 11 OS II 00 11 50 11 .57 11 22 11 35 11 33 11 05 ll .52 11 43 11 IS 11 13 11 35 11 29 [11 29] 4. 34 2.17 11 29 18 15 19 37 19 35 is 52 19 00 19 10 18 18 18 53 IS 25 18 27 IS 40 IS 3S IS 32 1 Is 42 IS 42 IS 40 0. 25 2.21 3. 75 2. 47 IS 47 2. ( [is 46] [2.07] 37 33 4.13 18 47 2.06 17 15 16 10 LOWER TEAXSIT. 18 46 1.33 IS 20 2.63 18 14 3.01) IS 45 3. 02 IS 4S 2.50 18 29 2.79 1.17 \ 2 16 17 14 1.42 3, 20 3,. 67 2 05 17 55 3. 42 3 OS 2. 54 2 IS 17 42 2. 79 3. 05 2. S5 1 2 46 IS 14 2. 75 3 51 2. 2S 2 34 17 26 *' TlS 3 3S 2.08 2 14 18 01 2. 50 3 18 3,. 13 3. 00 3.. 21 64 IlYDROGKArnY. Tabic for the reihiclion of lidcsj Xa. 2. — L'ont.iiiiicil. a a o o f-'H 'Si ] I i ^ 1 ^ 1 g ■11 1^ 'z. f= '5 1^ ijiwia; 'i'i;.\ N'srr— r..ii( il 1! '1 ^^ S -f: 'g itnlril. 5 a ^ '5,5 S - t 9, i o H-i +- (rf i IS o;i l.:!s 1 10 IS 11 2. :',S 2 4.'. 17 1.'. 1.79 9 19 IS 11 2. 50 u IS I'J l.lii I :i9 IS 21 l.:!s 2 2". 17 r>o 1.7.'. 9 9.1 17 11 2. 2 1 U If. IS I.-, 0. or, 1 28 18 17 1.01 2 17 17 4:: 1.:;:: 9 11 IS 04 1.71 — (1 IH is :!7 1.10 1 01 18 1 1 1.00 2 ;!o 17 99 1.29 .1 .^.7 17 99 2. 00 (1 s:) 18 ii; 1.17 1 4S IS 12 0. 90 17 :ir. 1, 10 :; OS 17 97 1.79 (1 -irt IS :;■_> 1. 11! 1 :,:, IS nr, 1.2:; 2 00 17 99 2. 10 9, 21 17 :;o 1.75 10 IS 'J,-, 2. r. 1 1 10 17 11 l.Oll 2 r.i; 17 19 '' il.') 9 .50 IS 0! 1.21 (t 00 IS ir, 2. OS 1 i:; IS 112 2. 0.^ 2 47 17 :is '.'. 77 :; 10 10 11 2. :'iO 1 9 50 17 40 2. 09 '^.^ IS :u; \r< 2 2S 17 4.'. 9 29 17 9.9 2. 1 1 10 I.-, 1 2:; IS 1)-, 1. 98 2. 14 1.5 4 -il 17 :!',! 2. r,s f) 19 17 41 2. SS 27 IS 0;! ( 7 15 19 15 2.12 1 ;|| ic, :;:i 2. 92 :, (IS k; .v2 ::. 79 1:; IS 17 ;;. 17 7 09 IS .r,7 2. 9S 4 im; 17 r,i 2. 7 1 :, r,i IS 01; 1. :;:; 40 IS 20 ;i. s;! 7 25 18 95 9.07 4 r,;) IS 01 2. 92 r. 4s 18 12 :i. r>o ;;;! 18 27 ;i. 88 7 17 19 1:; 1. 00 4 :!r. 17 10 ;;. .SK r> 19 17 10 ;i. 8s (; (11 17 20 i.:;i 7 59 19 01 ::. 12 4 ^>l 17 ;!;; 2. 92 r. 1:! IS 17 ;i. ;i'j r.l IS 119 1.21 7 10 IS :,:, 1.29 .... . 4 02 17 'JS i>. :i:' r. .--,7 18 11:: 2. SS 11 IS l!l 2. SS 7 ■.'.5 is ;!;-. 9.21 4 47 17 ll! :!. :ti .". :;i 17 20 ;t. 79 21 17 :iO 4.r.r, 7 IS IS 12 4.07 4 :!ri 17 r,r, 2.01 .r, 2(1 17 10 :i.:ii .... 0.'. 17 10 ;i. 11; 7 40 19 95 1. 12 ..... 4 4r, 17 4;-, 2.0:; fi :;:! 17 27 ;i. 21 .-.2 19 OS 1. SS 7 12 19 9:! 9. :!1 4 o:'. 17 I'j 2, 2."i .'•i 02 10 :,H 2.07 22 17 ;'.s :!. OS 7 09 17 .57 5. 29 4 11 17 111 2. :is :> 04 10 .'-,0 2.07 1 02 10 .--.s :;. 1:! 7 92 18 28 9.00 4 r.H 17 17 2. 09 r, r,i 10 .M 2. 07 11 IS 11; ;i. 07 7 4s 19 12 2. 5 1 4 :i7 k; r,:; 2. .''iS r> fis 17 17 2. 2.'> .'..'. IS ;;.-, 2. SS 7 10 19 20 2. 52 4 4'.) 17 41 2. O'.l r. 4r, 10 :i.^ IS 00 2.9 1 2. 71") 11 .'■.0 17 19 IS :!i 2. 90 2. 7 1 1 7 2:; IS 52 2. 7 5 :, ;il 17 :!o :;. If. ;iO :!o IS 10 is 00 2. OS 9. M 17 15 4 :!1 17 Ii.-, 2 SI 15 10 7 27 IS 59 8 01 19 r,;i 2. Ul 9 ;;o 19 21 l.:i;; 1 10 2.". IS Of, 2.97 L-. 11 is IS 12 1.19, H 4S 11) I'i 9 01 IS .V.I :i. 7r> 10 :.:: 19 07 :;. 00 IS :',:. 9 o:! H I'i IS 4S ;!. 07 9 .'"i.'') 19 O.''. ;!. 7.^ '\ 10 1;', IS 17 ;;. (IS 11 01 19 29 9. 00 K 4;! 19 17 ;;. :'.s 9 27 19 :;:! :!. 12 i| 10 ;i:. 19 2.% :i. 07 11 51 19 09 2. 90 H :m 19 11 :i. 90 9 :'.2 IS .-,s :!. SS 1 10 :;i; 19 2 1 9. 29 1! 41 IS 11) 9. 10 8 10 is r,i) :;. 1.-. 9 40 19 14 :!. ;:s 1021 19 00 9. 29 18 :;5 9. 9,0 8 r,7 19 (i;; :i. r.r, 9 19 19 20 ;; ii7 10 10 IS .'-,1) 2. 12 11 21; IS ;;i 2. s 1 H k; is 1 1 i.:;i 9 20 19 10 ;;. .^0 10 ."-.s 19 17 2. 17 IS If. 2. 22 1 H ;«» 19 4r, :i. 79 9 11 19 :!i :!. 4(1 , 10 11 19 11) 2. 2.', 11 OS i;i 07 1,.50 8 l)-i 19 '2S :!. 2.''. ..... 9 ;;9 19 21 1 . SS 1 10 2.-, 19 20 \. 12 U 11 IS 49 1. 19 s r,i 19 ;!9 2. r. 1 9 r.2 19 08 2.00 ' 10 11 19 01 1.00 11 .5(1 IS ;',l 0. 00 8 (i:! 19 l-J :!. i:'. 9 04 19 41 l.or> 10 ;;i 19 2(; 1..^s 1 1 29 IS 40 1.29 8 r.'.i 19 ii; 2. 12 9 49 19 2(; l.s:; i 10 11 19 19 1.;;;: 11 19 is 41 1. IS 8 l.s 19 27 2. 17 9 2.". 19 20 l.s:; , 10 r,o 19 01 1.00 11 II IS ;',i 0. 9s H :i7 19 2:'. 2. 22 9 09 19 21 1.09 I'l 10 47 19 r.i 2. 19 11 41 IS 4 1 2.21 8 'j4 19 21 2.29 9 r<(\ 19 01 1.7r, l| 10 21 IS r,i 1.92 11 1! 18 49 2. 02 8 o;» 19 00 2. II 9 ;!9 IS ;io 2. 00 8 r,4 li» 21 2. :'.i IS 17 10 19 17 2.90 9 in 19 17 2.0;; 10 :;i 19 OS 11 29 IS 40 2. 07 10 TIDAL OBSEEYATIONS. 65 SEMI-MENSUAL INEQUALITY. The preceding "Tables for the reduction of tides, No. 2," contain all the observed lunitidal intervals and heights of high water and low water depending on the preceding upper and lower transits of the moon. The few interpolated values are marked by asterisks. None of the observed values were rejected. To obtain the values for the elucidation of the semimensual or half-mouthly inequality in tinae and height, all the columns in these tables were summed up and their means taken. The mean values for upper and lower transits corresponding to the same or nearly the same hours of transit were again added, separately, for high water and low water, and their average values found. These latter constitute the values of the semi-mensual inequality in time and height. They are given in the following tables for high water and low water separately in the third, sixth, and ninth columns. The means of the twelve values of intervals and heights are the corrected or mean establishments, and the mean heights of high water and low water, respectively. Semimenstial or half-monthly inequality in time and height of high tcater. Mean hour of moon's pper tran- Lunitidal interval de- Height of high water follow- i g t- transit. pendin g on- '5 Sr* $ 'S CO gta ~ 03 g 7.19 7.22 I 29 1 27 1 28 12 03 12 08 12 05 7.20 7. 28 7,24 2 30 2 28 2 29 11 47 11 46 11 46 7.02 7, 04 7.03 3 28 3 29 3 29 11 26 11 27 11 27 6.67 6. 88 6.78 4 31 4 31 4 31 11 20 11 12 U 16 6.19 6. 23 6.21 5 32 5 31 5 31 11 13 11 15 11 14 5. 63 5. 82 5.73 6 31 6 30 6 31 12 08 11 50 11 59 5.34 5.44 5.38 7 28 7 27 7 28 12 49 12 34 12 42 5.43 5.43 5.43 8 28 8 28 8 28 13 05 13 06 13 06 5. 89 5.69 5. 79 9 26 9 31 9 29 13 08 13 05 13 07 6. 20 6.25 6.23 10 27 10 31 10 29 13 00 12 58 12 .■•>9 6.53 6.71 6.62 11 29 11 29 11 29 12 48 12 41 12 45 7.09 7.05 7.07 Ml an establishn lent of high i 12 14 Mean ht high 1 jight of vater.. . 6.39 Semimensual or half-monthly inequality in time and height of loiv ivater. Mean hour of moon's transit. Mean hour of upper and lower tran- sit. Lunitidal interval de- pending on — Mean of Innitidal intervals depend- ing on upper and lower transits. Height of low water follow- ing the pre- ceding — Mean height of low- water depending on upper and lower transits. Upper. Lower. Upper tran- sit. Lower tran- sit. Upper transit. Lower transit. h. m. 29 1 29 2 29 3 28 4 31 5 32 6 31 7 28 8 29 9 26 10 27 11 29 h. m. 28 1 23 2 28 3 29 4 31 5 31 6 30 7 27 8 28 9 31 10 31 11 29 A. m. 28 1 26 2 29 3 29 4 31 5 31 6 30 7 28 8 29 9 29 10 29 11 29 7i. m. 18 25 18 06 17 44 17 35 17 24 17 31 18 19 19 08 19 27 19 18 19 02 18 47 h. m. 18 31 18 05 17 45 17 39 17 25 17 30 18 06 18 59 19 17 19 17 19 08 18 46 h. m. 18 28 18 05 17 45 17 37 17 25 17 31 18 12 19 03 19 22 19 18 19 05 18 4C Feet. 1.82 L81 1.94 2.16 2.71 3.15 3.36 3.28 2.91 2.56 2.01 2.06 Feet. 1.86 1.98 2.14 2.31 2.81 3.15 3.44 3.33 2.96 2.63 2.33 2.07 Feet. 1.84 1. 89 2. 04 2.24 2. 76 3.15 3.40 3.32 2.93 2.59 2.17 2.06 Me'^Ti pBtflhlishmfint. of low w ater 18 23 Mean height of 2.53 low T cater . .. 9 H (',(3 HYDEOGEAPHY, The reciipitalation of tbe results obtiiined so far from tlie preceding tables Is as follows: From 370 observed bigb waters and from :!S0 observed low waters we tind— Mean estublislimeiit of high water ^-' ^'J'" iMean establishment of low water -^'"^ -' Mean duration of the fall of the tides *J '_' :\Iean duration of the rise of the tides - - '' '■'• ■* Mean height of high water ' • 'J' Mean height of low water -.■>■! * Mean between mean high-water and low-water levels '"'■., "' ' = -i . 4() Mean rise and fall of the tide (1.39 — 2.5;; •' • ''^"'' Mean high-water springs ' • -"* Mean low-Avater springs 1 ' ^ Hence spring-tide range '' • Mean high-water neaps ' ■ '■ Mean low-water neaps * • ■* Iveap-tide range • ' " Highest high water in the whole series •' • '-'_ Lowest high \\ater in the whole series ' • '" Extreme Unctuatiou in high-water level .>..>(» Highest low water in the whole series . > . . >.^ Lowest low water in the whole series '* ■ '"* Extreme fluctuation iu low- water level ' ■ ■'■'^ ^Ve shall now jiroceed to the investigation of the semi-mensual inequality as deduced in the preceding tables. The inequality or variation of the intervals or heights during the semi-huiation is usually expressed by the differences between the mean establishments or mean heights and the intervals or heights for each hour of the moon's transit. According to the "wave them-y" (Eucyclopiedia IMetropolitana, article "Tides and ^Vaves, '' by G. P>. Airy), the semi-mensual inequality in time can be expressed by the formula — IS2 . sin 2 \m — s — a] ,,, tan 2 [.-;.] = - u; +S.^.J'2[>n-.lal ^'^ and that for the height by — 7(,= ± v'll?~-fa7+^> M3TB:, . COS '2[m^l^^\ (II) In equation I, the effect of the sun and uioon on the elevations of the tidal si>heroid is repre- sented by So and M^, respectively ; {m — s) if ex|)i'cssed in arc is the angular distance of the moon from tbe sun ; or it is the time which has elapsed since the moon has apparently passed tlie merid- ian of the place. is the angular distance of the pole of the tidal si)heroid from the moon. Tliis pole follows the moon at a certain distance or interval of time = «, which is to betV)nnd Irom ohser- vatiou. Tbe mean lunitidal interval or mean establishment i corresponds to an bonr-angle of the moon of [m — s] — 'I.. This angle a is called the angle of retardation, and from it the age of tlu' tide or the time elapsed between the moon's transit, which originated the tide, and the appearance of the tide itself, becomes known. Determination of the Constants for tlie Inequalities in Time. — From the preceding tables we found — Mean establishment of bigb water 12'' 14'" = /• Mean establishment of low water IS 23 =/. * Iu the iiivcstii,'atiim of tbe vaiiatiim of tlie lialf-tido level asdeiieiidiug ou tbe cbaiiges iu Ibe luoou's docliuatiou, wo found for tlic lueau half-tide level correspoudiug to the lueau decliuatiou of the moon the value 4".4ri".l, which dili'ors from the above by 0".001 only. TIDAL OBSERVATIOXS. 67 The angle a if expressed in time, is that hour-angle of the moon's transit which corresponds to the interpolated mean establishment or interval ; consequently, For high water, the mean establishment Vl^ 14™ corresponds to a transit of the moon at 0''.53™ = a For low water, the mean establishment IS'' 2o'" corresponds to a transit of the moon at 0''.42"'.G = a The values of S., and M.. are deduced theoretically from the greatest range of the inequality by making ^^ equal to the sine of the difference between the least and greatest lunitidal intervals. Practically, however, it is preferable to deduce the range of the inequality graphically, as the num- bers in the table are not free from incidental irregularities. The values thus found are — For high water, ^;- = sin ri''57'"l z= 0.4S862 = ^ For low water, -^^ = sin fl'^oS'"] = 0.49242 = -— ' M, L ^ 2.0307 Substituting the enuuiorated constants in equation I we have- For high water, tan 2 \0^ 121' 14™!=-- 0.4886 2 sin 2 ( m^ -s" - 53" 1 + 0.488(52 cos2(m^' — s sin 2 (»i^ — s^ — 53") ■53" 2.04U58 cos 2 (m^ 53™) For low water, tan 2 [0^ — 18*' 23'"]; 0.40242 sin ^(m^ — s^ — 42"'.6) ■ 1 + 0.49242 cos 2 (m'' - .s'' - 42'".(j) sin 2 {m^ — s^ — 42™.6) " 2.0307 + cos 2 {m'^ — s^ — 42™.0) With these formnhe we computed the semi-mensual inequalities in time to the nearest minute. The result is given in the following table, and also graphically in the annexed diagram. Semi-mensual iitcqnalify in time. FOR HIGH WATER. S '^' FOR LOW WATER. - '^- 'k Ineqi ality. s Inequality. - ~- ' — ;_ ^ *^ ^^ :_ — J- — ^ — r. r ~ .'^■ ^ ^ •r ; t X .< - h. Ml. m. i Q ft. m. a " ft. m. m. m. II. III. m. m. \ III. U -'-^ l-> 24 + 1(1 + t* +-i 2s 18 28 + 5 ! + 5 ±0 1 i^ Vi 0.') - 9 -11 +i 1 21^ 18 05 -18 -14 -4 •1 -"J 11 AC, — '^.^ -30 +•■2 2 2y 17 45 -38 -34 -4 :l ■i\\ 11 27 -47 -47 ±1' 3 2'J 17 37 -46 -47 + 1 4 31 11 u; — .".■^ — .1.^ ±0 4 31 17 25 —5^ -50 +1 .5 31 11 14 —60 —54 1) 5 31 17 31 —52 —51 —1 6 31 11 r.'.i —1.5 —20 +-"^ 6 30 1-^ 12 —11 —12 + 1 7 '^'* l-J 4-J +■-'- +31 —3 7 2> 19 03 + 40 +3- +■-' <^ ■'* 13 iir, +:<-2 +57 — 5 ,-i -j;! 10 22 +50 +50 +0 9 -i'J 13 07 +:,:! +5(i '> !» 29 19 18 +55 +55 ±0 10 'jll i-> :>'j + 4n +44 +1 10 2'J 19 05 +42 +42 ±0 11 i'J l-i 44 +:;(! +■-'7 +3 11 20 18 47 +24 +24 ±0 Mean . 12 14 Mean error.. . +•2.6 Mean . 18 23 Mean error. .. ±1.2 The result, especially that for the low-water inequalities, appears satisfactory, the largest dif- ferences being not more than 0"' and 4™, respectively. QS HYDEOGRAPHY. Semi-mensual inequality in time. For high water. For low water. 40 •20 + 10 ± —10 20 W 40 50 -60 ■■»■■■■■■■■»■ mHI ■■■■BiBiBKBHr--'«fifllaflBllkaRP""^BBliin88BB8BSBiffilBB SbSS ■BBBflaBBBBHSII ^f(9lHHHBn»''fr- ' IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBliBBB BBKr ■■■BBBBaHBSIE ' if ^fMBBBIS' * b jilBaiBB BI!TViBBBflBBrJBBB iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrBBklBBBBBBB.. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'JBBB^BBBBBBBI mr-94, HBBBB^BBBBB ~ BBBBBBBBBBSBI ^BBBBBi ■■BBBBBM IBBBBB JalBBBBB B'RViiiBflBBrJBBB A jIBBBBBBB HlBBiBBBBriBBB jBIBBBBB BUBBBBBBBBflBBB BBBBI BBBH BBBB BBBB " 4BE 4' ^ » * i mat J BBBBBBBBaaBBi jBBBBBI aSBBBBBBBBEBI jBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBIil bkbbbbbbbbbb: >. .«bbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbb BBlIBBBBBBBBBI .JBBBBBBBBinBBBBBBBBBBBriBBBB BflKflBBBBBBBBBvik JBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBB BBBB BBBklBBBBBBBBBMBHk. jflBBBBBBflBBiBOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBB VBBBBBBBBB'flBBBeuBBBBBBBB ■BBiBBBBBBBBBBBIiBBBBB BBBB BBBBk^BBBBBBBBIlBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBB ■BBKlBBBBflBBBriEBBBB BBBB BBBBVaBiBBBBI BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBaBBBBBBBUBBBBB BBBB 9BBBBKSiBBBS'iBBBBBBBB""B""""*BBBBBBnBiBBBBBi nBBflBg|BBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBiBBiBK«BiifiBBBBBBBBBBB saastoBBBiWKBffllfSnigHIII s >n. -t-60 50 40 30 'iO +10 ±0 —10 20 30 40 50 _60 Ou 1 9 10 11 01= Oh 1 2 3 5 6 9 10 11 Oh Determination of the Constants for the Inequality in Height.— In the expression for the inequal- ity in height as given in equation II, the value -^, or the ratio of the solar to the lunar tide, is M deduced from the observed mean high-water and low-water springs and neaps as follows : Mean high-water springs . Mean low- water springs. . Feet. = 7.24 = 1.84 Hence effect of moon and sun M3 + S3 = 5. 40 Mean high-water neaps = 5. 39 Mean low-water neaps _ = 3. 40 Hence effect of moon minus effect of sun, M3 — S3 — 1. 99 The sum and difference being given we obtain — M3 =5:^+199 =3« 695, and S3 = M2^^1:?i = i« 705 ; Hence the ratio ^^ = }^ = 0.4614. M3 3.695 This ratio is exceptionally large in comparison with the values of ^ deduced for other places: M3 however, it seems to be quite in accordance with the large time values of ^. The ratio deduced from the heights is usually smaller than that deduced from the times, which is also the case with our values, although the difference is not great. For the computation of the inequality in height of high water, S3 was made equal to half the difference between the observed mean high-water springs and high-water neaps, or— S3 = 1:2^=^9 ^0.925. With the ratio above found, we get, then — M3 = ^-^^^ = 2,0047. 0.4614 83^ = 0.8556, M3^ = 4.0192, 83^ + M3' = 4.8748, and 2. 83. M3= 3.7087. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 69 The augle of retardation a is determined from the heights by making « equal to that hour angle or value of (m— s)'\ which corresponds to the maximum height ; or, by taking for a that value of ((« — sV' — 6'^ which corresponds to the minimum height. It is best however, to take the mean of the values thus fouud, which in our case is 0'' 50"' = a. Substituting the constants determined above in equation II, we obtain for liigh water — 7i = + %/4.874S + 377087 T^To^'l ({mi'^fi')"-— 0'^ "56"') (A) where h ex^)resses the elevation of tlie pole of the tidal spheroid above a fixed level. In tlie coni])utation of the low-water iue(iaality in height, we take for S^ half the ditference between the mean low-water neaps and iou-water springs, which makes — 8^^ (3.40- 1.8 1)^ ^_-g. consequently, we obtain — . 31,= 0.78 1.6905 0.4614 S;,- = 0.C084, Mo- = 2.7227, S/ + M/ = 3.3331, and 2 S3 . -M3 = 2.5972. The angle of retardation a for low water was deduced in the same way as that for high water, and corresponds to 0"^ 48™ = a. Substituting these values in equation II, we have for the exxiression of the low-water inequality in height — hv=— V 3:3331 + 2.5972 cos 27(Hti' - s>') — 0'^ 48"^) (B) where /; represents the depression of the pole of the inverted tidal spheroid below a fixed level. AVith these two formula?, A and B, we computed the values of /;, and /ii. To obtain the inequality proper, the mean value of /i and/;,, of the two computed series, has to be found and subtracted from each single value of )i and /ij, respectively ; the ditference will be the corresponding inequality. The close agreement between observed and computed values is shown in the table given below, and also in the diagram. The largest difference between the observed and computed high- water and low- water inequality amounts to l"" only. Semi-mcnsual inequaliti/ inlieujlit. FOR HIGH WATER. ar time tran.sit. FOR LOW WATER. Observed eo mputed Obse rved Co mputed C-i >, c^ "-r //. \ ■^ ,t; -^ 'j: ."t; '' i ^ "B ^ " X ;:: -1-3 CC d ~' ~- = u C" II " ~ s = ~ II ~ — Fnl: Fcvf. ^ •"^ 1— 1 ^ "^ Feet. Tx. m. Fed. Fc, t. Feel. /(. m. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 2- 7. 2'2 +11.-3 +■>. 'J2 + 0.81 +0.02 2^ 1. S4 —0. 69 —2. 43 —0. 69 +0. 00 I •!< 7. -24 +0. -.-. +2.91 +0. -0 +0. 05 1 21; l.f^O —0.64 —2. 41 —0. (i7 +0. 03 2 -,'1) 7.03 +0.64 j_ ■> 7 ■ ', +0.02 +0. 02 2 29 2. 04 —0. 49 -2. 23 —0. 49 ±0.00 3 ■>[) G. 7f +11. 39 +2. 40 +0. 29 +0. 10 3 29 2. 24 —0 29 —1. 94 —0. 20 —0.09 4 :hi ti. -'1 —0. 1- +1.94 —0.17 —0. 01 4 31 2.76 +0. 23 —1. 55 +0. 19 +0.04 5 Ml ;■). / .) —0. 66 +1.4li — { 1. 1 ;.'! —(I. 01 5 31 3. 15 + 0. 02 -1.14 +0. 60 +0. 02 li 31 1 5. 39 —1.00 +1. 12 —0. 99 —0.01 30 3.40 +0.S7 —0. 88 +0. 80 +0.01 7 ■.'- r^. 43 —0. oc. + 1. 1.-. —0. 96 ±0, 00 7 "'S 3. 32 +0.S1 —0.94 +0. 80 +0. 01 8 •2--' 5. 7'J —0. 60 + 1. 52 —11.59 —0. 01 S 29 2. 93 +0. 40 —1.30 + 0.44 —0. 04 ;i 'ill 6. 23 —0.16 +2. 01 —0.10 —0.06 9 29 2.59 +0.06 -1.70 +0.04 +0. 02 10 2'J 6.62 + 0.23 +2. 43 +0. 32 —0. 09 10 29 2.17 —0.36 —2. 06 —0. 32 —0.04 11 2 error ^ '" = ± 0. 023 Note. — The third decimals are only approximate. AGE OP THE TIDE. The mean retard of the tide as deduced from the time inequalities is a = J (0'^ 53™ + 0'^ 42™.6) _ Qh 47m.8. The age of the tide is found by dividing this quantity a, expressed in minutes of time, by 48.8, (the mean separation in right ascension of the moon from the sun in a solar day.) This 4-7 8 gives for the age of the tide —^=0.9795 days, or 23.5 hours. The mean value of a from the 48.8 height inequalities is a = J (0^^ Se-" + 0^ 48"") = O'' 52 1.065 days, or 25.5 hours therefore the age of the tide is 52 48.8 The mean age therefore is — '- — + ^^-^ — 24.5 hours. 72 HYDROGRAPHY. EFFECT OF CHANGES IN THE MOON'S PARALLAX ON THE SEMI-MENSUAL INEQUALITY IN TIME AND HEIGHT. As the semi-mensual inequality deduced In the preceding discussion is not a constant value, but dependent on the varying declinations of the sun and moon, and on their distances from the earth, a certain correction will be required on that account. It has been fully proved by Mr. AVhewell, in accordance with the theoretical law, that this correction depends on the simple ratio between the moon's parallax and its mean value. In the investigation of this subject it \Yas found by others that the best results are obtained by making use of the parallax corre- sponding to ail ei)Och anterior to the time when the effect lakes i)lace, by the amount of the retard of the tide. We found the mean retard of the tides at Polaris Bay to be about 21 hours. The parallaxes were accordingly taken from the Nautical Almanac for a time earlier by i'4 hours tiian each corresponding high-water or low-water epoch of the series. The luuitidal intervals and heights were then classed for hours of moon's transit between ()'' and 1'', P' and 2'', &c., and the mean parallax for each hour found. The mean parallax for. the series from the values for each houi' is 57'.22 for both high water and low water. In order to obtain as many values as possi- ble in a group we separated the luuitidal intervals and heights for each hour into two groups only, viz, the values corresponding to parallaxes below and those above the mean value for each hour. The resulting means of the separated groups are given for time and height in Table A for high water, and in Table B for low water. For the sake of comparison we also give the values of the semi-mensual inequality in the middle groups of the tables. Table A. — For the determination of the effect of the moon'' s parallax on the semi-mensual inequaliti/ of high water. FOlt TIMJOS MiD llfllGIITS JF HIGH WATIC It. Average mean parallax = 55'.26. 57'.22. 59'.19. a "cs ^^ 02 13 |i m a .^j ■5i ' CD a t-t M-^ -s h y>^ *r- r- ■^ +^ rt §^ a ci M 0) c . o ^ a '?. ^ S r^ 4J .5 r- i: h g-5 1 "be 3 S 1 o a « a "5: ^ o .5 .^'^' s ■p ; 2 5 2« 9, K a J M .5 S'S l_ A. m. vA h^ 2; 1 ^ ^ h. m. /i. m. Feet / h. m. Feet. 1 h. m. A. m. Feel. / 26 12 30 7.14 55. 54 15 28 12 24 7. 22 57. 77 30 30 12 18 7.31 50, 99 15 128 12 14 7. 05 55. 67 16 1 28 12 05 7.24 .57.79 30 1 28 11 57 7.46 60.21 14 2 30 11 52 6.8H 55. 61 15 2 29 11 46 7.03 .57. 72 30 2 29 11 41 7.17 59.84 15 3 28 11 35 6.56 55.55 15 3 29 11 27 6.78 57.53 30 3 29 11 18 7.00 .59. 51 15 4 31 11 25 6.17 55.40 16 4 31 11 16 6.21 57. 25 31 4 30 11 07 6.26 59. 20 15 5 31 11 11 .5.68 .55. 04 17 5 31 U 14 5. 73 56. CH 32 5 31 11 17 5.77 ::,6. 49 15 6 31 12 04 5.11 55. 03 16 6 31 11 59 .5.39 56. 63 32 6 29 11 53 5. fiH 58. 22 16 7 :!2 12 54 5. 26 55. 04 17 7 28 12 42 5.43 56. 57 32 7 26 12 26 5. 62 58. 30 15 8 29 13 24 5.56 54. 93 17 8 28 13 06 5.79 56. (i2 33 8 27 12 45 6. 02 5.8. 41 16 9 27 13 18 6.10 .55. 08 15 9 29 13 07 6. 2:'. 57. 21 33 9 29 12 56 6.33 58. 97 18 10 2* 13 10 6.46 55. 24 17 10 29 12 .59 6.62 57. 34 34 10 30 12 48 6.76 59.44 17 11 28 12 56 6.95 55. 00 15 11 29 12 44 7.07 57.50 32 11 30 12 35 7.17 59. 68 17 Mean ) values S 12 23 6.24 55.26 Total, 191 Mean ) values \ 12 14 6.39 .57. 22 Total, 379 Mean > values ) 12 05 6.54 59.19 Total, ■I88 TIDAL OBSEEVATIONS. 73 Table B. — For deterDdnhuj the effect of the moon's imrcdlax on the semi-mensual inequality of low ivatey. FOR TIMES AND HEIGHTS OP LO-ff WATBR Mean parallax = 5E '.29. 57'.22. 59'.20. a o a X* a o a CO A Ha CO cj i-i > (E ^ 'i^ 4^ CE 0^ X 'V ^^S % a .g 9.a a ~ 2 ^ -. 4J a ■^a > F-t a " -3 '3 ! .a '5 £-3 ■n 3 CO '3 'ti a o ■ o "3 o s o 1^ « M o o ^ '^ h -12 o V o w 1^ Feet. S ?; J tn f^ 2q 7t. m. h^i E % » ft. m. ft. m. / h. m. 7i. m. Feet. h. m. Feet. 1 -i- 18 34 2.16 55. 54 15 28 18 28 1. »4 57. 77 30 29 18 21 1.51 59. 96 15 1 27 18 10 2.07 55. ,55 15 1 26 18 05 1.89 .57.80 30 1 30 )8 01 1.72 60.00 15 2 31 17 47 2.19 55. 60 15 2 20 17 45 2. 04 57. 70 30 2 28 17 44 l.>-2 59.78 15 3 28 17 39 2. 49 55.64 16 3 29 17 37 1 2 24 57.47 30 3 29 17 35 2. 06 59. 55 14 4 30 17 26 3.06 55.48 17 4 31 17 25 1 2.76 57. 13 31 4 31 17 24 2. ;'.9 59.12 14 ;> 31 17 28 3. 45 55. 03 17 5 31 17 31 o. 1" 56.60 32 5 29 17 34 2.81 58. 38 15 6 33 18 25 3.46 55.11 17 6 30 18 12 3.40 56. 58 32 6 28 17 57 3.34 58. 24 15 7 29 19 22 3.49 55.06 17 7 28 19 03 3. 32 56.60 32 7 25 18 43 3.15 58. 35 15 8 28 19 35 3.15 54.97 17 8 29 19 22 2. 93 56. 75 34 8 29 19 07 2. 72 58.54 17 9 29 19 29 2.79 55.13 15 9 20 19 IH 2.59 57. 30 33 9 27 19 08 2.43 59.10 18 10 26 19 14 2. 28 55.39 18 10 29 19 05 2. 17 57.41 34 10 31 18 54 2.02 59. 68 16 11 28 18 52 2. 39 55. 04 15 11 29 18 47 2. 06 57. 53 57. 22 32 Total, 380 11 31 18 40 1.78 59. 74 17 Mean ) value S 18 30 2.75 55. 29 Total, 194 Meau ? value J 18 23 2. 53 Mean ) value 5 18 16 2.31 59. 20 Total, 186 From the above tables it appears that the non-periodical effect of a change in the lunar paral- lax on the mean establishments and mean heights of high water and low water is very nearly expressed by the following formula^ : 12h 14™ — 4™.6 [P — 57'.22] for high-water establishments. 181^ 23"° — 3'".7 [P — 57'.22] for low-water establishments. 6".39 + 0".078 [P — 57'.22] for mean high-water heights. i;i .53 — 0Mi3 [P — .57'.22] for mean low-water heights. Or, in other words — (a.) For the times : As the parallax increases, the mean establishments decrease for high water on the average by nearly 4 '.6, and for low water by nearly 3'".7, for 1' of parallactic change. (b.) For the helqUn ; As tlie p^irallax iiioreases L', the mean heights of high water increase at the rate of nearly 0".078, while the mean heights of low water decrease at the rate of about O'^'.llS. The angle of retardation a, and, cousequently, the age of the tide, increases with an increase of parallax for times as well as for heights. The periodical effect on the semi-meusual inequality in time and height is exhibited in Tables O and D, which contain the differences or inequalities of each lunitidal interval or height from ite me? n value in the last horizontal lines of the preceding tables. 10 H 74 HYDROGKArHY. Table C—I'eriodical cfivt of the mooii's jxiraUa.r on the scmhmcnsuid timiualitji of high inder. ON THE TIMES OF HIGH WATEK. 1 ON THE HEIGHTS Ol- HIGH ^ ATEl Parall.i x = 2 X 59'.] Paralla 57'.'„ 2 r,.v.2(; r»7'.^ 9 55'.': 59'.19 at T. rj o O j^ O rt a o X a a o o s O o '/J =] >- a o 2 ti <« a o rt '^ +^ ft. ?)i. Feel. a o a 'S o o 3 o 5 2 Feel. )»,. ft. VI. m. ft. m. m. ft. «i. Fvel. ft. 2(i + 7 28 + 10 30 + 13 26 +0.90 2S +0. 8:! 30 +0.74 1 27 — it 1 28 — 9 1 28 — 8 1 27 0.81 1 28 0. 85 L 28 0.92 2 ;'.(! :u 2 2",l 28 2 29 24 2 30 O.M 2 29 0.61 2 29 0.63 ;i 28 48 3 29 47 3 29 47 3 2'^ +0. ;!2 3 29 + 0. 39 ;'. 29 +0.46 4 :il ri8 4 31 58 4 30 58 4 31 —0.07 4 31 —0.18 4 30 —0. 28 fi ;ii 72 r, 31 (iO f) 31 48 5 31 0..5(i 5 31, :> 31 0.77 c, ;ii — 19 (1 31 — 15 fi 29 — 12 fi 31 1.13 r, 31 1. 00 6 29 0. 8(i 7 :!2 + ^1 7 28 + 28 7 2(') + 21 7 :'2 (1 98 7 2« 0. 96 / 26 0. 92 H 2'.t m 8 28 ^>'~l 8 27 40 8 29 0.68 8 28 0.60 s 27 0. .52 ;• 27 .">."> 9 29 53 9 29 51 9 27 —0.14 9 29 —0.16 '-' 29 —0.21 10 28 47 10 29 45 10 30 43 10 28 +0. 22 10 29 --0. 23 10 30 +0. 22 11 28 + :',:', 11 29 + 30 11 30 + 30 11 28 +0.71 11 29 +0. 68 11 30 +0.63 Rauge. .. 133 113 109 Range. .. 2. O:! 1. 85 1.84 Table D. — Periodical effect of the moonls parnUa.v on the semi-mensual inequality of loiv water. ON THE TIMES OF LOW W VTKR. rrj . ON THE HEIGHTS OF LOW WATER Parallax = 9 Parallax =^ 55'. 29 57'.22 59'.20 57'.22 x 59'.20 t» ai 03 crj rn a a fl a ^ - o o o o f;,^ S-s t--v o ^ ki = +i ■ ^^ o 4J >_: S CO ^ a-3 » s a'S +^ a GO ■^ a X ^ O rt O 03 O ^ o ^ 5 Z ^ i X ^ w K H-< a ^.* w ►S ft. m. m. ft. m. ni. ft. m. ?». ft. in. Feel. ft. 7n. Fnl. ft. m. Feet. 27 + 4 28 + 5 29 + 5 27 —0. .59 28 —0. 69 29 -0.80 1 27 — 20 1 26 — 18 1 30 — 15 1 27 0.68 1 26 0. 64 1 30 0..59 2 31 43 2 29 38 2 28 32 2 31 0.56 2 29 ■ 0.49 <) 28 0. 49 3 28 51 3 29 46 3 29 41 3 28 —0.26 3 29 —0. 29 :! 29 —0.25 4 30 64 4 31 58 4 31 52 4 3U +0.31 4 ;;i +0. 23 4 31 +0.08 5 31 62 5 31 52 5 29 42 5 31 0. 70 5 31 0. 62 5 29 0.50 6 33 — 5 (! 30 — 11 6 28 — 19 6 :!3 0.71 6 :!0 0.87 6 28 1.03 7 29 + 52 7 28 + 40 7 25 + 27 7 29 0.74 7 28 0.81 7 o-^ 0.84 8 28 65 8 29 59 8 29 51 8 28 0. 4(1 .« 29 0.40 8 29 0.41 9 29 59 9 29 55 9 27 52 1 9 29 +0.01 9 29 +0. 06 9 27 +0. 12 10 26 44 10 29 42 10 31 38 lU 26 —0.47 10 29 —0. :',6 10 31 —0.29 11 28 + 22 11 29 + 24 11 31 + 21 11 2>i —0. 36 11 29 1 —0. 47 11 31 —0. 53 Rangu- - . 129 117 104 R:ilj;.;ci .. 1.42 1 56 1.83 The inequality ranges, as given in these tables, are the algebraical diflerences between the largest inequalities with opposite signs. They will differ somewhat from the true ranges on account of incidental irregularities in the numbers of the tables, and when deduced graphically the ranges TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 75 will probably be more approximate. The ranges appear to be governed by the following general law : ' (a.) For the tunes: As the parallax increases the ranges decrease both for high water and low water. (b.) For the heights : An increase of parallax appears to decrease the range of the high-water inequalities, while for low water the range will increase. The law respecting the ranges, as deduced from the tides at Port Poulke* (latitude 78° 18' ls\, longitude 73° W)., is the same as the above for high- water and low-water times and for high-water heights ; for low-water heights, however, the law is the reverse, although, as stated in the discus- sion, this result is not regarded as fully established. In the following table the periodical effect is also shown in form of a correction to be applied to the semi-mensual inequality in time and height, as deduced approximately from the ratio between the values, when P is below and above the mean parallax 57'. 22. The correction in the column headed " P = 57'.22 " has to be added to the semi-mensual inequality, which is also given in the table. The adjoining columu contains the approximate correction for each minute of parallactic increase or decrease, to be added to the semi-mensual inequality for P = 57'.22, the former with the upper the latter with the lower sign : Correction of the semi-mensual i)iequ(iUty in time and height for the periodical effect of changes in the moon's p<(ralh(.v. a: "a o o Kiu; HIGH water. FOE LOW WATER. (Correction of ;he semi-mensual Correction of the semi-mensual a O f-> .' Semi-mensual in- inequality — Semi-mensnal in- inequ ality — o"S equality iu— For each minute equality in — For each minute it For P = 57'.22. increase or de- crease of P= For P- - 57'.22. increase or de- rt crease of P^ a 'm c < Time. Height. m. Firf. 57',22 for— 57'.22 for— Time. Height. Time. Height. Time. Height. Time. Height. Time. Height. h. m. »n. Feii. m. Fed. m. Feet. m. Feet. Hi. Feet 30 +10 +0. 83 -1-1.5 ' —0.02 +2.7 : +0.038 + 5 —0.69 +1.6 +0.08 T2.9 TO. 147 1 30 - 9 0. 85 2,1 0.05 3.7 , 0.090 —18 0.64 1.2 0.05 2.0 0.081 2 30 28 0. 64 1,2 0.03 2.6 0.069 38 0,49 0.3 0.04 0,7 0.088 3 30 47 +o.:a 1,3 —0. 03 4.3 0.111 46 —0,29 +0.2 +0.03 1.0 0.110 4 30 7,H —0. 18 +0.1 +0.0(1 -=4.7 , 0.023 58 +0,23 +0.0 —0. 02 +0. 5 0.184 • 5 30 60 0.66 -0.9 +0. 01 --1.7 ' 0.026 52 0.62 -1.1 0.12 ±1.8 0.191 6 30 —15 1.00 2.0 0.10 +3. 4 j 0. 179 -11 0.87 5.7 0.02 T8.9 0. 035 7 30 +28 0. [If, 5.6 0,07 8.'6 ! 0.110 +40 0.81 7.4 0.06 11.9 0.103 8 30 52 0.60 —6.7 + 0, OH 11.2 0. 132 59 0.40 —3.7 —0.06 7.8 0.120 9 30 53 —0.16 ±0.0 +0,00 5.6 0, 059 55 +0.06 +0.4 +0.01 5.3 0.088 10 30 45 +0.23 +0.6 1 —0.01 5.3 0,070 42 —0.36 1.1 0.01 4.7 0.060 11 30 +30 +0. 68 +1.3 —0.01 +4.5 +0, 048 +24 —0.47 +0.8 +0.04 T2.6 T 0. 129 Mean ) values S +0. 6 +0.01 +4.6 +0, 080 —1.0 +0.0 T3.8 it TO. Ill From the above table it appears that the corrections for the times are positive or negative, according as the parallax decreases or increases, for all hours of transit, except for that between 5^^ and 6^, where the re\erse is the case. This exception does not appear to be due to in- cidental irregularity iu the numbers, as it is noticeable for both high-water and low-water times for the same hour of transit. The corrections for the high-water heights are positive, and those for low water heights negative, for all hours of transit for increasing, and the reverse for decreasing parallax. * Physical Observations in the Arctic Seas, by I. I. Hayes. Eeduced and discussed by Charles A. Schott. Smith- sonian Contributions to Knowledge, 196. Washington City, Smithsonian Institution, 1807, p. 104. 76 HYDROGRAPHY. The effect of clumges in the sim's parallax on the semi-nieiisual inequality is smaller than that of the moon", and, therefore, it is more difficult to trace. As no reliable results could be obtained from 80 short a series of observations as ours, this subject was not investigated. EFFECT OF CHANGES IN THE MOON'S DECLINATION ON THE SEMI-MENSUAL INEQUALITY IN TIME AND HEIGHT OF HIGH WATER AND OF LOW WATEi;. To obtain perfectly reliable results of the declination effect of the moon, a much loDger series of observations is needed than the one on hand. Our results, therefore, will only be approximate, especially those concerning the periodical effect or variation of the semimensual inequality for different values of declination. The method used in the iuvestigation of this effect is the same as for the jiarallactic effect. We first found the mean declination D for racli hour of transit, and then separated the lunitidal intervals and heights into two groups of values corresponding to D below and D above the mean declination for each hour of transit. The nnnjber of observations was too small to allow us to form more than two groups. The declinations were taken from the Nautical Almanac for a period earlier by 1.'4 hours, or by the amount of the age of the tide, than the corresponding time of high water or low water. No distinction was made in the tabulation between upper and lower transits, nor in regard to the sign of declination. Table A contains the resulting mean values for each hour of transit for the times and heights of high watei'; and Table B for those of low water. For conven- ience' sake, the lunitidal intervals and heights of the semi-mensual inequality are also given. Table A. — For the determination of the effect of the moonh declination on the semi-mensual inequality of high water. FOR TIMES AND HEIGHTS Oi- HIGH \\ ATHl!. o o a o A verage mean decliu ation = 1^.8 1.50.5. 21°.5. '& o ° §0 CO §° a ^ P o rt > a ^ > □ 2 a a .kj n decli each h iisit. > X a decli each h sit. > m o 4J .a ^H p p. fco ■E-^a O 6 a ca y c3 ■g .iP =« fe S 28 6. >S 8.7 13 12 24 7. 22 15. 4 30 12 22 7.48 20.4 17 1 30 1'2 11 6. S'J 7.4 13 12 05 7.24 15. 5 30 12 02 7.51 21.6 17 2 30 11 5.5 7.(11 8.5 14 11 46 7.03 15. 9 30 11 40 7.04 22.3 16 3 30 11 32 6. ;t;t 8.7 13 11 27 6.78 k;. 4 30 11 23 6.62 22. 4 17 4 30 11 32 6. 75 8.5 13 11 16 6.21 16.6 31 11 05 5.82 22.5 18 5 30 11 33 6.34 7. (J 12 11 14 5.73 Hi. 9 32 11 02 5. 3.5 22. 5 20 6 30 11 58 6.09 8. 8 14 11 59 5.39 16.0 32 11 59 4.85 21.6 18 7 30 12 44 5. HI 7.6 15 12 42 5.43 14.8 32 12 40 5.09 20.9 17 8 30 13 00 5. rtl) 7.8 16 1;! o(; 5. 79 14.9 33 13 13 5. 67 21.5 17 9 30 13 09 6.21 7.4 17 13 07 6. 23 14.0 33 i:: 03 6.24 21.0 10 30 12 48 6.41 6.7 15 12 59 6. 62 14.3 34 13 08 6.77 20 4 16 11 30 12 40 6.61 6.2 14 12 44 7.07 6.39 15. 7 32 12 49 7.43 20.6 19 18 Mean ) values 5 12 17.5 6.49 7.8 Total, 169 12 14 15.5 Total, 379 12 12.2 6.32 21.5 Total. 210 TIDAL OBSEEVATIONS. 77 Table B. — For the determination of the effect of the moon'.s dcelination on the semi-mensudl inequality of loir /cater. FOR TIMES AND HEIGHTS 01' LOW W^ LTER. a Average mean decliu ation = 8'-\l 15'-. 5. 2i:'.6. _ -._ - •-+- X . X _ 2: u ^ ^ ^ ^ '^ " a Z '5: > ti — 3 > w '~- > '■^ i^ — ^ H 3 ^ = i -S ^ s — « ^ "t^ ;i; -^ > -^ ■^ r^ > ;i; — > ■ij ^ s K 7; x ixil 4 ~ ."tn r^ ^ - '^ 'i 4 ^ - ® '5 ■3 ^ (M to ci -^ ri 'zi (S i ^ -c d t-t -r: C "- 3 ^ ^ 6 ZJ ■^ '^~ 4— '5 ^ ^ -^ 6 -< ^ " s :5 ►5 a r^ K J s iz h. m. h. m. Ftrt. o ft. »1. Feet. O ft. m. Feet. 30 IS 29 1.29 8.9 13 18 28 1.84 15.5 30 18 26 2. 25 20.5 17 1 30 IS 13 1.48 8.0 12 18 05 1.89 16.1 30 17 59 2. 17 21. 5 18 2 30 IT 50 1.92 7.4 12 17 45 2.04 15.9 30 17 40 2. 13 21.6 18 3 30 17 45 2. 37 9. 2 14 17 37 2.24 16.3 30 17 30 o •>•> 22. 5 16 4 30 17 35 3. 13 7 .5 13 17 25 2. 7() 16.0 31 ]7 17 2. 4S 22. 2 18 5 30 17 47 3. 52 s 7 14 17 31 3.15 16.4 :!2 17 l.S 2. -7 2-1 4 18 6 30 13 09 3.72 9^0 13 18 12 3. 40 15.6 32 18 14 3! 18 22. 3 19 7 30 19 00 3 29 8.1 16 19 03 3. 32 14.4 32 19 06 3. 37 2U. 7 16 s 30 19 17 2. 62 8.0 17 19 22 2.93 15.0 34 18 25 3. 24 21. 9 17 9 30 19 11 2. 22 6.9 16 19 18 2. 59 14.0 33 19 23 2. 94 20.6 17 10 30 18 5S l!53 7.0 16 19 05 2.17 14.4 34 19 12 2. 72 20. 9 18 11 30 18 37 1. i;s 8.9 15 18 47 2.06 15.9 32 18 54 2] 40 22. 17 Mean ) \'alue.s 5 18 24. -2 2. 40 8.1 Total, 171 18 23 15.5 Total, 380 18 22 2.66 21.6 Total, 209 The results for the non-periodical effect as expressed by the naean establishments and mean heights iu the preceding tables are as follows : («.) For the times : WIftn the moon's declination increases the mean intervals decrease for high ■water and for low water. The total decrease between zero and maximum declination is, approxi- mately, from 6 to 7 inches for high water, and 3 to 4 inches for low water. (b.) For the heights : An increase in the moon's declination ap^iears to be followed by a slight decrease in the mean lieiiilit.s of high water, and by an increase of about 5*"^ between zero and maximum declination in the meau heights of low water. (c.) For the angle of retardation or age of the tide ; By a graphical process we find that an increase of declination corresponds to a decrease in the angle of retardation a, for the times as well as for the heights of high water and low water. The decrease is nearly the same for the times of high water and low water, and amounts to about 5 minutes between D = 8° and 15^.5, and to about 4 minutes between D — 15°. 5 and -1°.5. Periodical effect : The periodical effect of changes in the moon's declination is exhibited in Tables C and D for high water and low water separately. The inequalities are the differences between each lunitidal interval and height and its meau value in the last horizontal line of each of the preceding tables. 78 HYDEOGRAPHY. Table (_',.— T'ci-ioflleal eifect of the mooch's (IcdinaUon on the semi-mensual iiieijiialltrj of high n-ater. FOR THE TI.MlvS OF IIIGir WATER. FOIi THE lIKKiTrr.S 01' III Gil WA ri;i:. Declination = Declination = 70.8. 1 15^.5. , 2r^.5, 7'=.8. ' 1.5'-.5. 21-.5. ft. })!. m. 'in. m. Feel. Feel. Feet. :!0 +11 + 10 ! + 10 +0. 39 +0. ^3 +1.16 1 30 — G — 9 — 10 0.40 0.85 1.19 2 :;o 22 28 •nj 0. 52 0. G4 0.72 3 30 4.-. , 47 49 0. 50 +0. 39 +0. 30 4 30 45 ! G7 +0. 20 1 —0. IH —0 .50 5 30 44 GO 70 —0. 15 0. GG 0. 97 G 30 —19 — 15 — 13 0.40 1.00 1. 47 7 30 +27 i + 28 + 28 0. G8 1 0.96 1. -^3 8 -.W 43 52 61 0. G(l ' (1. 60 0. 65 9 30 5'^ 53 51 0. 28 ' _0. 16 —0. 08 10 30 31 45 5G —0. (IH 1 +0.23 +0.45 11 30 +2;! + 31 + 37 +0. 12 +0. Gd + 1.11 Range. 97 113 131 1.20 1.85 2. 6(; Table D. — FciioiJicuJ effect of the moon^s declination on the semi men.'iual ineqnalitij of loir voter. .__ 1 FOR THE TIJIES OF LOW ^^ A IICI;. FOR THE HEK. IITS OF LOW WATER. Declination = = Declination = 8'"'.1. 1.5'^.5. 21''^. 6. 6'M. 15'^. 5. 2P.G. ft . w . m. m. »(. Feel. Feet. Feel. 30 + ^') + 5 + 4 —1.11 —0.69 -0.41' 1 30 — 11 — 18 — 23 0. 92 0. 64 0.49 2 30 34 ■j'"^ 42 0.48 0.49 0. 53 3 30 39 1 46 52 —0.01 —0. 29 0.44 4 30 49 5^' 65 +0. 73 +0. 23 —0.18 5 30 ;;7 , f,-> 64 1.12 0. G2 +0. 21 c 30 — 15 ' — 11 — 8 L32 0.87 0. .52 7 30 + 3,6 1 + 40 + 44 0. i-O 0. 81 0. 71 8 30 53 1 59 63 +0. 22 0.40 0. 58 9 30 47 i 55 61 —0. 1 8 +0. 06 0. 2.-: 10 31) 3,4 1 42 50 0.87 —0.36 +0. 06 11 30 + 13 \ + 24 + ^2 —0. 72 —0.47 — 0.2G Range. 102 1 117 128 2.43 1. 5G 1.24 The ranges as given in the last horizontal line of each table are merely the algebraical (liftereiici's: between the largest positive and negative inequality values in each column. From the above tables it becomes evident that — (rt.) For the times: An increase of the declination is followed by an increase in the range of high water and of low water ; the increase appearing to be larger for the former than for the latter. {b.) For the heifjhts: An increase of declination increases the range of high water while it decreases the range of low water. By comparing the above ranges with those of the parallactic effect we find* them to follow the contrary law, when both declination and parallax increase or decrease. Before closing this subject we will add the result of a second investigation of the declination effect, intended mainly as a check upon the first. The method we follosved was similar to the one used before, only that we .separated the lunitidal intervals and heights into three groups of values for declinations between 0^ and 12°, 12° and 21°, and 21° and 2.5^. As it would require too much space to print the complete tables, we merely give the condensed result in the following table of the mean intervals, mean heights, and ranges of inequality in time and height, to which we add the values of the first investigation to facilitate comparison. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 79 Talile of mean establishments, mean heights, and inequality ranges depencling on changes in the moon^s declination. FOR LOW WATER. h. m. Feet. }-2 17.7 6.50 12 17. .5 6.49 l-J 14.0 6. 39 1-2 13.7 (i. 3.-i 1-2 1-2. '2 li. :'.-2 12 1-2.0 6.34 103. 97 113 I lOs 131 i 139 , 1.12 1. 20 1.S5 1. 89 2. 6(1 3. 29 128 171 380 120 209 120 Ea.nge.sof iu- einuilify. 6.1 8.1 l."i. 5 16.8 21.6 23.5 18 25. 3 18 24.2 18 23.2 18 23,. 18 22. 18 21.7 ■^ i .-J s -= ^ Feet. )n. Feet. 2.30 109 2. 77 2.40 102 2. 43 .") --,!> 117 1. 5(; 101 1.64 2.66 2.84 128 143 1.24 1. .-i8 It is easy to perceive that tlie non-periodical effect increases or decreases very regularly as the declination changes, tlius showing that the values of the mean establishments and mean hei-hts of high water and low water lor the different values of D are reliable. The inequality ran:;es, which are iu every case the algebraical differences between the largest positive and negative values of each group appear less regular, except the ranges for high-water heights, which are more harmonious. The general law, however, may clearly l-e traced, viz, increasing declinaiion will increase the range of the time and height inequality, except iu the case of low-water beigiits, for which the law is reversed. This irregularity in the ranges is doubtless due to incidental irreg- ularities in the numbers from which the ranges are deduced and which would disajipear if the observations were extended o\er a longer period of time. The periodical effect on high-water and low-water times and heights is given in the tables below in the form of a correction to the Inuitidal intervals and heights of the semi-meusual inequality, so that the reader will find no difficulty iu constructing, from the values derived from the second investigation, tables of the same form as the preceding ones. The result of the first investigation is also given. Correction to the semi-mensual inequctlity in time for the e^fect of changes in the moon's declination. '3 3 o FOR HIGH W.VTEi; TIMES. FOR LOW-W ATER TniES. Averat; ■e declination = t^ Average decliua tion = o o .5^.9. 7". 8. 10°.8. 21-. 5. 23-.3. . 5 6.°1. SM. 16-. 8. 21C.6. o:";o 5 1- o' UT o « ^1, ^ ';■■ ^ ct 3_^ ~ rt c> L-; 1 z-t ~ -) t--. • ?! 1 -> — ^ ^ ^ 1 L" 1 ~ '—• 7 i 1 1 ~ r-1 1 ] Oi - 1 1 ! -.' o *> p. '- — o ^^ C! ^ ~ O : ^ ?! 7 — _^ +i ^* 4i 4^ ™ ^ ^ ^ - O <; " " " a -^ za " h-H . ^ — 1 m. rC ft. »i. in. m. m. m. III. ft. m. i m. III. m. m. ft. HI. 30 + 1 + 4 + 2 — 2 — 3 12 24 1 + 3 + 1 — 6 2 + 2 18 28 1 30 6 6 — 4 3 ± 12 05 8 ± 6 — 6 18 05 2 30 9 9 + 8 6 -12 11 46 9 'O + 3 5 17 17 45 3 30 15 5 — 4 4 10 11 27 16 ^, — 4 7 8 17 37 4 30 11 16 + 3 11 10 11 16 4 10 +13 8 13 17 25 5 30 15 +19 —12 16 11 14 18 +16 —13 17 17 31 6 30 3 — 1 + '^ ± —16 11 .-,9 1 '^ ^ — 3 •> + '2 — 8 18 12 7 30 + ^ + ^ —12 +13 12 42 3 + ' 3 + 1 19 03 8 30 —11 — 6 + 1 + ' 11 13 06 i -1 5 3 12 19 22 9 :;(.) + 3 2 —12 — 4 3 13 07 6 7 9 o 17 19 18 10 30 — o 11 + 1 + 9 o 12 59 8 7' — 5 7 14 19 05 11 30 — t' — 4 — o + 5 +11 12 44 —10 —10 ± + ' + 6 18 47 Meaus-. . + 3.6 + 3.0 — 0.3 — 1.9 — 2.0 12 14 + 2.2 + 1.1 — 0.2 — 1.1 — 1.4 18 23 80 HTDEOGEAPHY. Correction to the seml-meumal ineiiiialitt/ in height for the effect of changes in the moori's (hcUnation. FOR HIGTI-WATER HEIGHTS. ^ -^ Average declination: 5°. 9 h. m. Feet. U 30 +0. 42 1 30 0.42 2 30 0.4b 3 30 0.70 4 30 0.43 5 30 +0. O-i 6 30 —0.30 7 30 0.42 8 30 0.36 9 30 0. Irf 10 30 -0.13 11 30 +0. 23 Means. -- +0.11 7°. 8 Feet. +0.49 0.50 0. 62 0.60 +0.36 — 0. U5 0.30 0. 58 0. 50 — 0. IS + 11, 02 +0. 22 16°. 8 Feel. +0.64 0.68 0.76 +0. :W ^0. 27 0. 46 0.87 1.12 0. 85 —0. 03 +0. 44 +0. 58 iV\ 5 +0.10 I —0.01 Feet. +1.09 1,12 0. 65 +0.23 — 0. .57 1.04 1. 54 1.30 0. 72 —0. 15 +0. 38 + 1.04 —0. 07 23°. 3 P5 Feet. +1.51 1.44 0.66 +0.17 — 0. 54 1. 28 1.78 1. 53 0.64 —0. 24 +0.40 +1.32 FOR LOW-WATER HEIGHTS. a -0.04 Feet. 7. 22 7.24 7.03 6.78 6.21 .5.73 5. 3,9 5. 43 5. 79 6. 23 6. 62 7.07 Average declination := 6°. 1. 8°.l. 16°. 8. 21°. 6 23-\5 6.39 Feet. —1.42 1. IH 0.58 —0. 13 +0.56 0.83 1. 33 0.88 +0.02 —0. 43 1.13 —1.44 —0.19 Feet. — 1. 24 1. 05 0.61 —0.16 +0. 60 0.99 1.19 0.76 +0. 09 -0. 31 1.00 —0.85 —0. 13 I a Feet. —0.81 0.83 0. 39 — 0. 15 +0. 35 0.81 0.81 0. 45 0. 29 +0. 33 —0. 27 —0.73 Feel. Feii. Feet. -0. 28 +0. 25 1.84 0.36 —0. 02 1.89 0. -10 0.47 2.04 0.31 0.40 2. 24 — 0. 05 -0.16 2.76 +0.34 + 0.33 3.15 0.65 0. 45 3.40 0.84 1.11 3. 32 0.71 0.99 2.93 0.41 U.63 2.59 0.19 0.42 2.17 +0.13 +0.68 2.06 -0.01 -0.15 +0. 32 I 2. 53 J The values iu these tables are additive to the luuitidal intervals and heights of the semi-men- snal inequality for the respective hours of the moon's transit. For convenience' sake, the semi- mensual inequality is also added. As the periodical effect from so short a series can give but an approximation to the true result, the values for some hours of transit appear to be more or less irregular in the above table. By combining the values of the first and second investigation and taking the means, the resulting values would probably be more approximate. We also investigated the declination effect on the variation in the semi-mensual inequality of the average mean level between high water and low water. While we find that the average mean levels of the different groups increase by a small amount between zero and maximum declination, when D increases, the range of this inequality is a minimum for a mean value of D = 15°. 5 and increases when D is below or above 15o.5. The resulting average mean values of the levels for the different declination values and also the ranges of this inequality are shown in the appended table. For comparison we also add the result of a similar investigation with regard to the paral- lactic effect. Table of the average mean leveln between high-water and low-water heights for different values of declination and ranges of the .scmi-mensual inequality in these levels. For declination effect. Average declination = For parallactic effect. Average parallax = 6°. 8°. 15°.5. 16°.8. 21°.5. 23^4. Feet. 4. 597 55' .27. 57'.22. 59'.20. Average mean level. .. Feet. 4.440 Feet. 4.444 Feet. 4.463 1 Feet. Feet. 4.452 4.493 Average mean level . . . Feet. 4. 497 Feet. 4.463 Feet. 4.443 Eange of the semi-men- sual inequality 1.125 0.900 0.250 0.475 0.970 1. 665 Eangeof the semi-men- sual inequality 0.385 0.250 0.300 TIDAL OBSERTATIOXS. 81 THE SUN-.S DECLIXATIOX EFFKCT. ^ The same reason that prevented us from investigating tbe san'.s parallactic effect led as to omit the investigation of the effect of changes in the sun's declination on the semi-mensnal ineqiialitv. We merely limit ourselves to the statement that the sun's effect is much smaller than that of the moon, the correction amounting to from .V to a of that of a correspoiullug value of the moon's declination. DIUENAE INEQIJAEITY, The diurnal inequality in height and time is the difference in height and in the lunitidal inter- val between the morning and afternoon tides, respectively. This difference or irregularity being caused by the interference of two independeut waves called, on account of their periods of oscil- lation, the semi-diurnal and diurnal wa\'es, has been found to depend closely on the varying declina- tions of the moon and sun. This inequality goes through its changes in a semi-lunatiou, reaching its maximum at the epochs of the moon's greatest north or south declination and vanishing when her declination is zero. Practically, however, the epochs of maximum and minimum inequality do not, in most cases, coincide with the epochs of the moon's highest or zero declination, but are usually retarded. Diurnal Inequality in HeigM.— The diurnal inequality in height was made out by a graphical process in the following manner : First, the observed epochs and heights of high water and of low water were laid down as absciss* and ordinates on a sj^stem of lines drawn for this purpose on Plates I and II. To obtain the high water inequality the high waters next following the moon's upper transit and those next following the lower transits were connected by separate auxiliary lines. The vertical distances between these auxiliary lines were then plotted on a straight axis as abscissae on Plates III and IV, and their extremities connected by curves. The ordinates of these curves represent the values of the diurnal inequality in height of high water. To obtain the diurnal inequality in height of low water the same process was applied to the low waters. On Plates III and IV the low-water height inequality is shown below the high-water height inequality of each month. The vertical distances belonging to the high waters and low waters next following the moon's upper transit are counected by full lines, those belonging to the lower transit by broken ones. It must be remembered that in north latitudes the south transit of the moon is the upper, the north transit the lower one. The phases of the moon and the epochs of the moon's zero and maximum declination are also indicated on the plates. The diurnal inequality in height appears to be governed by the following rule : For north declination that high water or low water which follows the moon's upper transit, on the average after an interval of 12^- hours for the former and of ISJ, hours for the latter, will be the higher one of the two high waters or the two low waters of that day ; while if the moon's dec- lination be south it will be the lower one. This rule requires a certain correction, to be given here- after, as the epochs of the moon's zero declination and of the disappearance of the diurnal inequal- ity do not coincide. The same rule was found for the Port Fouike tides, but pro])erly for the high waters only, the diurnal inequality in height of low water presenting the anomaly of disappearing at about the time when the diurnal inequality in height of high water reaches its maximum value. We further find that a high low water is as a rule followed by a low high water,* with exceptions, however, at about the time of the moon's crossing the equator. For the coasts of Europe this rule is different, a high low water being usually followed also by a high high water. The diurnal inequality in the heights is very small, being less than half of that for Port Fouike and Van Rensselaer Harbor, which are the two next stations south of Polaris Bay where tides have been recorded. The inequality curves of our series are irregularly shaped lines, intersecting the axis near the epochs of the moon's zero declination. In conformity with the rule given above, the curves depending on upper transits fall above the axis, or their ordinates are positive, when the moon 's declination is north ; and they fall below the axis, or are negative, when it is south. The difference 'According to Koldewey the tides of Sabine Island show the same peculiarity. Compare "Die zweite dentsclie Nordpolarfahrt," vol. II, p. 662. 11 H 82 nYDEOGEAPHY. between the avenme rauge of the high-water aud low-water inequality is very small, the mean uiaxinuim range anionnting, by measurement of the eurves. for both high and low water to about 1 foot. This small range appears to be quite in conformity with the tidal theories, according to which the iuequality is small in high latitudes. The interval between the epochs of the moon's zero declinations and the epochs of disappearance of the diurnal inequality in height is exhibited iu the following table : Ti(hlc slioiri)ig the epochs iclien the diurnal inequality in height reinishes, and also the intervals between these ejjoelis and those cf the moon's :eri> deelination. The (linroal inequality iu Interval — iliion's /cv'> dee iua- lieigbt vanishes — timi. inoau time, Polaris Bay. For b igh For low For liiuh For low Tvater. w-ater water. +1^1 19" y\-ater. —•2^1 13" .' 1-71. -Nov. ii'i •21" Xov. ll'i 14" Nov. 7' OS"? Dee. 7 117 Dee. 04 Dec. 6 0-2 +1 21 —1 05 Pee. 19 •211 1 lee. -22 04 Dec. 19 0^2 +2 0«' -0 IS l>7-.>.— .Inn. ?, l.'i Jan. s 1^ Jan. 3 06 +•'' U3 —0 09 Jan. ir, ii:i 1 Jan. '20 O:! Jan. IG 14 + 4 00 +0 11 •Tan. "0 •21 ; Feb. 4 211 Jan. ;U 114 +4 '^'1 +u 07 Fel.. I-,' 1-2 Feb. IS 05 Feb. 14 14 +5 17 +•-' 02 Fell '^7 01 Fell •'(; 11 —0 14 Mar. Ill ■21 Mar. 14 IC Mar. 10 13 +:5 19 — IIS Mai-. -2.-. 1 1< Mar. ■2;i 2:1 .Mar. 2.5 ■j.j +i 15 +u 14 \vr. 7 0(1 Apr. y 0.-> Apr. 6 13 +1 23. —0 17 \\>i. '21 17 Apr. -i-i U Apr. 19 10 +0 •20 .1 n7 May 4 14 May .". 21 May 2 12 +1 07 02 Mav 19 n:'. May 211 06 May 17 02 +1 03 '2 01 May :U '20 , Juue ^2 22 May 30 .!.> +•-' 02 —0 .lO Jlean i ■iU +'i •23 —0 17 The average retard or interval from IJL semi-lauations is 2.9 days for the high-water inequality. The low-water inequality presents the anomaly that the intervals are confined to about two days before aud two days after the epochs of tlie moon's zero declination. Thus for high water the min- imum inequality happens on the average!.'. 9 daysa/Ter and for low water 17 hours before the epoch of minimum force.* ^Ve are not aware of similar results for other places, but we believe that at Kur- rachee, India, from three years of observation the maximum of the diurnal tide has been found to take place before the maximum of the force. According to Sir J. Lubbock, the lunar component of the diurnal inequality can be expressed by the formula, o^ = sin 2 S^, where S^ denotes the declination of the moon and a constant to be determined from observation. In our case the small range and the complex form of the inequality curve make its mathematical representation from so short a series unreliable, ami therefore of little value. The average form of the diurnal inequality curve, freed more or less from all incidental irregularities, is probably nearly enough expressed by the formula — ()], = 14.."> sin 2 ^m for high water, and ,\ = 13.05 sin 2 S^ for low water. Diiu"nal Inequality in Time. — The diurnal iuequality in time has been made out on Plates Y aud YI in a manner similar to that for the height inequaMty. The lunitidal intervals were laid down " For Van Rensselaer Harbor the diurnal inequality in height of high water disappears on the average 1.6 days and for Fort Foulke 1.9 days after the epoch of the moon's zero deelination. For the latter place the apparent retard of the inequality in height of low water is on the average 9.8 days, this long retardation being explained as the eft'eet of interference of the diurnal with the semi-diurnal wave, but we do not believe that such an exphanation could apply to our case. If we were to deduce the intervals given in the above table that now h.ive a negative sign, throughout, from the preceding epoch of the moon's zero declination, we shoirld obtain a retardation extending not only over the whole period of a semi-lunation, but it would, in one instance, be at least two days longer. This explanation might be plausible if the tides observed at Polaris Bay were produced by the same wave as those at Van Keusselaer Harbor aud at Port Fonlke; but a comparison of the cotidal hours of the three places conclusively shows that the two tidal waves are propagated from entirely different directions. TIDAL or.SKKVATK)^.^. 83 as oriliiiates, with the time of the eorrespoiuliiig' mooirs transits as abscissa'. Tiie hinitidal iiiter- \als ileiiending on upper transits are distinguished by full lines, those depeuding on lower transits by broken ones. The vertieal distances betwetMi these two lines are plotted on an axis like tlie height ineqnal ities, and couneeted by eurves. Plate A'll represents tlie time ineiiuality for the high waters and riate VIII that for the low waters of the whole series. The time inecjuality as reiiresL-nteil on the plates apftears to follow no well-delined law. Sadden ehanges from high to tow \alaes. ami from positive to negative ones, oeeur st'\eral times in suei^'ssion. The epoelis of disa[>i)earanee of liie inequality are very variable, and appear for higli water to be eontined to between 3.3 days after and 1.1 days before the moon's zero deelinatiou, representing in this respeet the same anouudy as the height iueqaality of low water. The average aeeeleration of the epoeh of disappearanee amounts for the high-water inequality to about l.D days. The low-water inequality epoeh varies fiom 1. 1 days after to 1.-3 days before the moon's zero deeliuatiou. The average retard is 2.1 da\s. whieh is nearly the same as for the height inequality of high water. The average maximum ranges of this inequality are very nearly alike for high water and low water, being about 1^ 13'" for the former aud P ;•" for the latter. SETAKATIOX dF THI-: KKsfLaWNT TIDK AY AVE INTO ITS COMrOXEXT PAlM's. The eomponud tidal wave, as is well known, consists of a eombiuation of the semi-diurnal and diurnal waves, The former has. on an average, half a lunar day for its period from low water to low water, while the latter, whieh depends for its height ehietly ou the deeliuatiou of the moon, goes through its changes from low water to low water in about a solar day, and produces the diur- nal inequality iu the heights and times of the tides. In order to study these two waves, the resnltaut tidal wave, as observed, has to be separated into its two eomponent waves, whieh may either be tlone ana1> tieally or by means of the graphic proeess devised by L. F. Pourtalcs. As the former treatment involves too mueh labor, we made use of the latter. The result derived iu this manner is given ou Plate IX. where the series from January 1 to January S. aud from May '2'2 to June ti, l^JTi', are represented. We [inr[iosely chose these series because they are the most accurate aud complete ones, consisting mostly of half-hourly obscrsa- tions or of readings takeu at intervals of 10 minutes near the turn of the tide. The observed or resultant wave is indicated by a broken aud dotted line, and the semi-diurnal and diurnal waves by full lines, the latter being shown below the two former. It appears as a very low wave of ineg- ular shape, with a maximum rauge of about 13 inches, which is considerably less than the range of the diurnal wave observed either at Port Foulke or at N'au liensselaer Harbor. The relation betweeu the declination of the moou and the diurnal wave is shown clearly in the series from ]May '2'2 to June 0, the sjiriug and neap tides heing marked by a slight ditiereuce in heiuht. The irregu- larity of the diurnal wave and its small range render a detailed iuvestiuation of its lorm very difti- cult, aud, as the scries of obsei\'ations is slunt. the result would be perfectly unreliable. For this reason we limited ourselves merely to the in^ estig ition of the form of the resultant spring and neap tide waves. INVESTIGATION OF TllK FOKil OF THE TIDE AVAA K>. The tide wave being the result of the action of periodic forces, its form, aside from non-peri- odical disturbances, ought to correspond very closely to the laws governing the action of such forces. Iu the followiug we give the results of ouriuvestigation of the form of the two most prominent waves iu each seiui-lunation, namely, of the spring and neap tide waves: The spring aud neap tides, that is. the hourly observed heights of the tide occurring about one day after new and full moou, aud the heights of those occurring about one day after the first and last quarter of the moon, as also those of' the tide preceding and followiug each spring and neap tide, were extracted from the whole series. These tides were next clas^ed for springs and neaps separately into groups corresiHnidiug to tides of equal i^eriods of time from low water to low water, A tide having its low water, for instance, at 7'' 30'" a. m. aud the succeeding low water at 7'' p. m., its period would be classed as i^ aud 11'' ; a tide having its low water at V>" a. m. and the next low water at o^ 30'" p. m,, its period was set dowu as ll'^ aud P'; a tide having its low water 84 HYDROGRAPHY. at r> 15'" p. 111. and tlic following low water at 1" 45'" a. m., its period wa.s couutcd f and IL"' and i^, &c. The lioml.v lieigbts ot eacli group, as also for the fractional hours at the beginning and end of eaeli period, were then added up and their mean values found. The mean values of each group were then thrown iuto curves, the heights being laid down as ordiiiates and the correspond- ing times as abscissie. The period from low water to low water in each curve was then divided into IL' equal parts and the height corresponding to each was carefully measured off with the scale used in the construction of the curves.* The 13 equidistant ordinates from each curve were then set down in 13 columns, and each column added up and its mean value taken. For the mean ordinates of the siiring-tide wave from 41' observed tides we obtained the following values: IMX;, li'vSl, 3".L'7, 4".51), .-y.97, C".91, 7".32, C".95, oM)7,'4^55, 3\27, 2".32, 2".02; and for the neap tide wave froai 30 observed tides : ;;".23, ;;".4(), 3".81, ¥'.36, 4".".»0, 5^29, 5'U2, 5^31, 4'-'.89, 4f'.34, 3".82, 3".49, 3".30. Apul.ving to these values Bessel's well-known function of the action of periodic forces, the siiriiig-tide wave will be found closely represented by the expression — h = (2".(l'.» + lf>.93) + 2".0(!4 siu (0 + 270'3 02') + 0".035 sin {2 O + 85° 16') and the iiea[) tide wave by — /( = (1M3 + 3" .23) 4- 1".0.j8 sin (d -f 209;' .".O') -f O'^'.OIS sin (2 + 144° 47'.) For these e(]uatious the period from low water to low water is conceived to correspond to 360° of phase; for 12 equidistant observations of heights between the two low waters the angle increases therefore successively fiom 0° to 30°, 60° ... . 300°, 330°, 300°. As the difference of level between the two low waters is less than 1"' in each of the two waves, the constants in the above equations were comjiuted directly from the numbers representing the mean ordinates of the waves, after subtracting from each ordinate 1".93 and .")''.23, respectively. For the computation of the ordinates these values have again to be added, and appear, therefore, in the first term of each equation. For Van Rensselear Harbor the corresponding expressions for the form of these two waves are for the spring-tide wave — ■ h = ,5".83 + rj".58 siu {0 + 278°) + 0".20 sin (2 d + 281°) and for the neap-tide wave — /(. = 2".42 + 2".25 sin (0 + 269°) + 0".09 sin (2 + 290°.) For the form of the diurnal and seini-diurnal waves observed at Port Foulke the following expressions were found : for the diurnal wave — /( = 1".50 -I- 1".56 sin {0 + 270°) + 0^08 siu (2 ^ -f 135°) and for the semi diurnal wave — /( = 3".7.5 + 3". 79 sin [d + 275°) + 0'''.21 siu (2 ^ -|- 194o.) The agreement between the observed values and those computed by means of our formula is shown in the table given hereafter and also in the annexed diagram. Ohserved and compitted ralueH for the form of the spring and neap tide loaves. Phase. For tbe spriug-tide wave. For the neap-tide wave. Observed. Computed. Difference, Observed. Computed. Difference. 0-C. c 30 60 90 120 150 ISO 210 240 270 300 330 360 Feet. 1. 93 2. 31 4.59 5.97 6. 91 6. 95 5.97 4. .'.5 3. 27 2. 33 2.02 Feet. F\jet. 1.99 — 0. (IC, 2. :;:', — o. 02 3. 27 -J-0. 00 4. .59 -J-0. 00 ■5. 93 -f 0. 04 6. 94 —0. 03 7. 32 1 -1-0. 00 6. 95 iO. 00 .5. ;k! -1-0.04 4. .5S , _o. 03 3. 27 -J-0. 00 2. 32 1 -1-0. 01 1. 09 -1-0. 03 Feet. 3. 23 3.40 3.81 4.36 4.90 5. 29 5. 42 .5. 31 4.89 4.34 3. 82 3. 49 3. 30 Feet. 3.31 3.43 3.81 4.35 4.89 .5.29 5. 43 5. 27 4.88 4.35 3.84 3. 46 3. 31 Feet. —0.08 —0.03 ±0.00 -fO.Ol -1-0. 01 -1-0.00 —0.01 -fO. 04 -fO.Ol —0.01 —0.02 -1-0.03 —0.01 ' In using this method, the scale employed should be large enough to allow of measuring the ordinates accuratelv within 0".01. ^ TIDAL OBSERVATIONS. 85 Xc:!]!.' It appears tbat the two slopes iu each wave are very nearly syiumetrica], which is quite io accordauce with the durations of the rise and fall of the tide, as these differ very little, the rise occupying but C minutes longer than the fall. PROGRESS OP THE TIDAL AVAYE. Having diseussed thus far the tides of Polaris Bay, it only remains to iuvesti.gate from which direction the tidal wave is propagated to the locality in tiaestion ; whether it is the Atlantic wave entering Davis Strait or a wave traveling along the east and north coasts of Greenland; whether it originates in the Polar Sea, or whether it comes from the Pacific Ocean through Bering Strait. Evidently, the wave reaching Polaris Bay cannot be propagated through Davis Strait, as an examination of the following table will readily show : the different localities given there being all situated on the west coast of Greenland, and arranged according to increasing latitude. LoDgitude west of Greenwich. Mean estatlisb- ment — Range of- Cotidal hour — LocalitT. o o h. m. (ill O.'l 46 05 ;'. 04 r.2 00 ! 50 05 3 20 66 56 53 42 3 35 Jnlianshaab | Frederickshaab } Holsteinborg Whalefish Island ' 6^ 59 5:1 13 Godhavn 69 12 53 28 Upernivik 72 47 '}*'< 03 Wolstenholm Souuil ' 76 33 68 5i; Port Foulke j 7-18 73 00 Van Rensselaer Harbor.! 7s 37 711 5:1 Polaris Bay I -137 6144 3 33 3 34 44 1\. m. h. VI. 4 56 ."S no . . . (; 20 8 05 I 8 50 I 10 50 I 10 ."- 11 14 17 9., 11 43 17 48 12 14 i 1- 23 Feet. 7. 00 Feet. 5. 00 9. 25 7.00? 5. 00 4.90 1. 'JO h. ;i 'J 11 12 14 15 15 16 15 m. 51 01 42 •">.") 06 12 12 43 04 56 h. III. 12 50 10. 00 7 50 7 50 -.00 7. 50 9. 90 10. 80 5.40 21 27 21 .56 21 52 It will be seen that there exists a regular progress of the wave in a northerly direction between Jnlianshaab and Tan lieusselaer Harbor, the cotidal hour of the former station being 7'' .51™, that of the latter 16*^ 01™, and the difference of latitude between the two places about IS degrees. As he cotidal hour of Polaris Bay, situated ISO nautical miles north of Van Eensselaer Harbor, is 8 minutes earlier than that of the more southern station, it is easy to perceive that the two localities must necessarilv be under the influence of different waves. 86 HYDKOGEAPHY. IJiiriug our stay iu Greenlaud we were led to the belief that the tidal wave- reachiug Tolari.s Bay was coming from the Pacific Oceau through Bering Strait; but when, after our return, we could compare the literature ou this subject we soon found this to be an erroneous conclusion. In order to show that the wave in question cannot be a derivative of the Bering Strait tide, it will be sufBcieut to state that the latter is a simple lunar semi-diurnal tide- As uj) to this time we do not know positively whether there is an extensive body of water around the pole, where a tidal wave might originate, we may be allowed to conclude that the wave reaching Polaris Bay is an Atlantic wave, progressing along the eastern and northern coasts of Greenland. In support of this view we give the following table, containing the result of the tidal observations made in Kast Greenland duriug the second German expedition under Captain Kol- dewey. Locality. Nnkarbik Eleanor Bay Caije Broer Ruys . Jackson Island. .. Sabine Island Pendulum Island. Cape Philip Broke Cape Biirgen Latitude north. 63 24 73 27 73 28 73 54 74 32 74 37 74 56 75 26 Longitude west. 42 02 25 03 20 04 20 00 18 29 17 39 17 59 Date. 1870.— Apr. 12 Aug. 13 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Mean establish- ment — Of high water. h. m. 4 00 3 2'J 13 31 2 26 1869.— Aug. 28 Aug. 29 1870.— July 24 July 25 July 27 July 28 July 29 2 38 14 56 3 05 21 13 9 14 11 16 23 26 12 30 1 00 Of low water. h. m. 6 00 21 24 19 48 8 46 20 58 3 15 30 30 18 00 Else and fall. Feci. 2. 00 3.04 3.22 2.85 2.49 2.66 2.06 2.54 Cotidal hour. h. 9)1. (i 30 10 45 10 .51 11 03 11 14 11 21 11 28 12 07 The accompanying map, based on the results given above and ou others derived from various sources, shows the approximate cotidal lines of the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans and of the Arctic Seas. A comparison of this representation with others of earlier date, where no use had been made of the Greenland observations, will show that we had to modify the course of our lines considerably in order to satisfy the different observations. The lines north of latitude 81° are purely hypothetical and were merely put in to show the probable correctness of our view that the Polaris Bay wave rounds Greenland before it reaches this place. The heavy line running across Smith Sound represents the approximate place of junction of the two Atlantic waves, and we suppose that the one entering through Davis Strait does not affect that portion of the Sound which is shaded by vertical lines on our map. Tidal Observations. RISE AiSB TALL or TIDE. RISE AWD FALL OF TIDE. Plate I. Tidal Observations TIISE Ai^D.TALL OF TIDE. JRISEand. TAXL OF TIDE, Plate H TiDAL Observations. DIUB.NAL INEQUALITY m HEIGHT. H^VT&L^T DIUB.NAL INEQUALITY IN HEIGHT. H>\^&L^: Plate n. lO J I 12 13 14 15 16 3 2] •J 3 ■-'l -r~r r' Itf.^ -3-f»- ^ o plf IS 111'' N-^ 1^ :)) o -I n — i — c lo 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 33 24 ^1 1 I 25 28* J^tf" =-e- tiP- I ' ' ' r 30 31 HRt^PRVATIONS UlUKNAL INEQUALITY IS HEIGHT. H.w: &LW 1 J 2 3 !< '? G 7 ! ■ 1 n u K) 11 -ill la 13 14 13 If) 17 i i J 18 1 1 1 IJ) zo 21 23 i 3;i L-4 .111 2.5 — r-1-T— 27 1 i 1 28 , MARCH I87i '7'r T 1 1 1 * t' ! ' ! D • A G ti'V- ■ H^.W.-^ ~~,_._^ .^-—^ ^---_ ! _-— — ■ o — -— — _^ 1 — ^ L.W. s". 1 II 1 -0-- ^_ T^TT - -' ^-^ 1 ^'"^^^ _-lp-g f APRIl- • y H.W. . I ^ e — • t.W. — e 1 S ~- 1 1 1 -tf* May ___, • r 3 o i i 1 1 • A -*i jiy(^^^ __ — ,-'- „_--'- -0-p _lpl J L.W. e 4-. i i 1 V 1 June yi=^^==^f^ i 1 >^£1^_^__— o,. *i't ; -~--_H^w. i -o- E '^ — — ' ^ --- \ - *li\ £ L.W. i 1 -J'- a 1' r'^'T ; ■ 1 1 i II j : ' i ' 4 ^ 1 i 1 1 ! ] -L^-L- 1 1 • \ i 1 1 ~M-'- |._L4_L_ ^qzn^ :ziq=^ i 1 no - 1 M ^ 21 1 j ^2 ?3 24 ! j, i 25 ! 1 1 26 1 1 1 u7 28 1 ;( ■I r; (.; iS t> lO 11 12 1 13 ii 15 UlURNAL INEQUALITY IN HEIGHT. HK&LK plajuv; Ti D A L Observations. LUI^ITIDAL INTERVALS. RW. T 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 lO 11 12 13 M IB 10 17 I 18 I I I I I I I 13 21 ■j;3 I 24 I ! ' ■ I I 25 2«> TTT 28 Enn 31 1 TTT LLLJ_L1 zr lO TTT 11 rEEur 13 HI 15 m EEI 17 IS TTT 19 20 ITT 23 TTZr TTTTT TTT TT rr rr w Nov.* 1871 c B G) Dec. 1^:- .^ ,.^-^' iff wfe J AN. 1872 € ^ O Feb. ^ ttt^ 3 =0 13^ ^ / ...--'" ^.-- ^- March € i^ G) (^Ti D O ^ ^ to Jv \ K^ May t^: ^ G' G June T5" ■^^ ■p -^ «^ TTT rr i ! I I I I •4 5 TT lO I i I 13 I M I M I TTi 14 15 16 lf» m 20 TTTr TT TTT 24 nr 25 XEI 26 TTT 28 TTT TI zn IT TT 30 31 nr lO TTT 11 th 13 11 15 TTT 16 m 17 18 19 ECTj 20 TTT S3 24. LUITI TIDAL INTERVALS. H.^V: PlateT. u 13 14 15 16 17 I 18 19 21 m 32 HI 23 I 34 nihil 25 2« m 28 m m 2;> 30 IT 31 1 H 13 B H m 17 18 19 20 21 2, . ' r 1 1 ; i t ! 1 1 1 ^ • — -"' Q r i L.w. ? 1 ~ ^ 1 1 ® >^z — ; 2) • € — e 1 :j grcTZ T""" - t ■_-___ j • ^ G • A € h— 1 2h 1 S lit" |.if -1 — ] — [ — ■ \ 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i-r-T— i 1 ' 1 1 i '1 1 1 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 r'l 1 H =I=P= Ijf' 1 1 ■ - » ^, lO 11 12 13 i-t ^ 1 ^ 15 16 ' '1 ■ ]7 18 13 zo 31 1 22 S3 1 1 24. t 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 — Tidal Observations SEPARATION or the DIURI^AL ai^d SEMI - DIURNAL WAVE TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR. It A RECORD AND DISCUSSION OF TEMPERATURES AT POLARIS RAY. Although we entered our winter-quarters during the latter part of Sei)teniher, 1871, we were unable to begin the regular hourly LDeteorological observations before November 6th, because no hands could be spared to finish the observatory, which had been set n[) on shore a few days after we had anchored at Polaris Bay. DESCRIPTION OF STATION AND OBSERVATORY. The observatory was a small building, situated in latitude 81° 36'. 4 north, longitude 62^ 15' west of Gri enwich, and adjusted in the meridian as nearly as could be done. It was placed .'U feet above the mean sea-level on a nearly level plateau, consisting of a grey, slaty, Silurian limestone, entirely covered with drift of the same material and of primitive rock. This plateau, deeply intersected by ravines, stretches from north to south. Its length is about 10 miles, its average breadth about 4, as a glance at the map will show. Toward the north it is bounded by mountains varying in alti- tude from 900 to 1,200 feet, which gradually slope to the eastward into a chain of hills not over 400 feet high. The mountains bordering its southern limit rise to an altitude of a little over 2,000 feet. The observatory, a plan of which is given on Plate I of this chapter, was made at tlie New York navy-yard a short time previous to the sailing of the expedition. It was built of half-inch pine plank, and could be taken down and put together in a very short time. Its length was 10 feet, its width 8 feet, and its greatest height 8.5 feet. The roof had a slope of about 33 degrees, and was provided with four shutters, two on each side. The door was about 4.8 feet high. Origi- nally the little building had no window, as the latter was not deemed necessary on account of the absence of the sun during the winter. Early in spring a square hole of about 1 foot by 1^ was cut through the roof and covered with a pane of glass. As soon as there was sufficient snow the whole building was banked in with a wall about 3 feet in thickness, as represented on the ground-plan (Plate II). For further protection against wind and low temperatures, a tunnel of snow-blocks was built leading to the door, and at the same time to the two magnetic huts containing the declino- meter and dip circle (see Plate II). In order to afford sufficient jnotection to the thermometers without depriving them of the free circulation of air, they were put up in a louver- boarded box, 6 feet high, 3 feet wide, and 1.8 feet deep. This box was fastened to the eastern wall of the observatory by means of strong iron brack- ets, leaving a space of a little more than 2 feet between it and the wall (Plate II). In anticipation of heavy snow-drifts, usually interfering with accurate observations, the thermometers were sus- 4 TBMPBRATUEB OF THE AIR pended on a oatro revolving round a perpendicular axis lastcned in tlie vvnUn- of tlio box, as shown in the accompanying sketch. The bulbs of the instruments, suspended iS, feet above the ground, were all on the same level. IXHTiajiMENTS. The expedition was supplied with the following instruments, all graduated according to Fahrenheit's scale, viz: 10 spiritthermonieters (standard), by L. Casella, London. 10 mercurial thermometers (standard), by L. Casella, London. 1 mercurial thermometer (standard), by James (hcen, New York. 1 metallic thermometer, by (Jasella. 3 mercurial psychrometers, 1 by Green, 2 by Casella. 1 spirit-psychrometer, by Casella. 1 maximum thermometer (spirit), by Green. 1 maximum thermometer (mercurial), by Casella. 3 minimum thermometers (spirit), '2 l5y GrecTi, 1 l)y Casella. 3 black-bnlb thermometers, in vac-im, by Casella. 1 black-bulb thermometer, free, by Casella. 1 black-bulb thermometer, iree (s])irit), by Green. COMPARISONS OF THERMOMETERS AT THE TEMPERATURE OF MELTING ICE. As the comparisons taken at Polaris Lay were lost during th(^ wreelc, we give anothei' set of readings taken at Polaris House, October .il, 1.S7-!. The instruments were susitended over a bucket filled with lumps of melting ice, in which the bulbs of the thermometers were immersed. The readings were taken at the intervals specified in the first column, headed "Time". AT POLARIS BAY. Time, Oct. 31, 1872. DESIci.N'ATIoN OF THERMOMETEKS. \6 CO T-H Mercurial psychro- ineter A. p <5 S x' nial maxinmm ther- mometer. o a 5 c a \ s. o Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. o 33.1 33. 33.0 33.0 33.0 32. 8 ;!2. 9 32. 8 o r^ ■x In vacuo. Free. h, m. 1.30 a. m 36 a. m 42 a. ni 48 a. m . - o 32. 32. 32. 32. 32. 32. 32. 32. 32. 1 32. 1 32.1 32. 32. 32.0 32.0 32.0 o 32, 3 32. 4 32. 3 32. 1 32. 1 32.0 32.0 32. 32. 5 32. 2 32. 1 32. 1 32. 32. 32.0 3.2. o 32.7 32.5 32. 3 32.2 32.2 32. 2 32. 2 32.2 o 32. 8 32, 8 32. 8 32.7 32.7 32. 7 32. 7 32. 7 o 32. .-1 32.4 32. 31. .^1 31. .T 31.3 31.3 31. 3 o 32. (i 32.6 32.5 32.4 33.0 33. 1) 32. H 32.7 o 32.0 32. 31. 9 31.8 31.8 31. S 31.8 31. n 52a.m 2 00 a m 32.4 1 32.6 32.3 1 32.5 32. 3, 32. 5 32.3 32.5 6 a. m 12 a. m 32. 32. 32. 1 32. 1 32. 3 32.7 32.9 31.7 32.4 32.7 31. 8 Correction ! 1 T 0.0 =F 0.0 — 0.1 — 0.1 — 0.3 — 0.7 — 0. 9 -f 0. 3 — 0. 4 - 0. 7 + 0.2 In order to sbow tbat the inde.x-correction of the instruineuts had undergone no material change daring seven mouths, we give another set of comparisons, also taken at Polaris House, May 1, 1873, immediately after the regular meteorological observations had been discontinued. IJESKiNATION OF THEKMOMETERS. c i "z. ^ C .^ ^ Q t- 0, t-. >-' . 3 ^ £.< a 5 Time, May 1, 1873. o -A c ^ p O; 5? ■z a S 3 = ^ - 2 g t~. 3 .^ rt 7i S f^ -T rt ^ W • ■11 Dry. Wet. Dry. o Wet. o Dry. Wet. ■V '■Ti In vacuo. Free. o o o o o o o o 6.00 a.m 32.2 32.1 32.4 32. 32. 5 32. 8 33.0 31.6 32.7 33.0 31.9 6. 5 a. m 32. 32.1 32.4 32. 32.5 32.7 33. 31.5 32. 7 32. 9 31.9 10 a. m 32.0 32.0 32. 2 32. 32. 4 32. 7 32. 9 31.5 32.6 32. 9 31.8 15 a. m 32. 32.0 32. 32. 32. 3 32.7 : 32.9 31.5 32. 4 32. 8 31.8 20 a. m 32.0 32. 32.0 32.0 32. 32. 32. 3,2. 32.2 32. 2 32.7 32.7 32.9 32. 9 31.5 31.5 32. 3 32.3 32. 7 33.7 31.8 31.8 25a.m Mean Correction 32.0 32. 32.1 32. 32. 3 32.7 ! 32.9 31.5 3,2. 5 32. 6 31.8 =F 0.0 ■f 0.0 — 0.1 ^ n. — 0. 3 — 0.7 -0.9 -f 0.5 — 0.5 — 0.6 -t- 0.2 « By comparing the corrections derived from the two sets of observations it will be seen that the greatest difference does not exceed 0o.2, consequently the results can be relied upon. 6 TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR COMPARISONS AT OTHER TEMPERATURES. Altlioiigh tlie psychrotnetric ohseivatioiis were taken hourly, we still eonsidered it better not to make use of the readiuss of the dry bulb U> obtain the temperature of tlie air, as the indica- tions of this instrument are always more or less influenced I)y the evaimration taking place at the surface of the wet-bulb thermometer. Therefore a mercurial standard, (by Green,) which had been carefully coaipared by Mr. Meyer with the naval standard at Washington, was read for this pur- pose. Its correction was found by him to be —0°A. This instrument was an excellent .me, but unfortunately was broken .luiing the disaster in October, 1S7L'. All the observations of tempera- ture at Polaris House were taken with one of Oasella's standards, the corrections of which had been determined at Polaris Bay, and we're afterwards found in one of the meteorological note books. The table of comparisons runs thus: Tcniperaturcbv Casclla's iner- cniial staiid- Correctiou. Number of observatioiiH. atxl, N<». l:>7*ir). c o + 45 —0.6 6 43 —0. 7 8 40 —0.5 5 36 —0.2 3 ;!2 ±0.0 6 2r> ±0.0 8 20 —0.1 12 15 —0.2 13 10 —0. 3 10 fj ■—0.3 7 ±0.0 —0.3 4 — 5 —0.5 8 —10 —0.4 8 —15 —0.5 14 —22 —0.4 14 —25 -0.5 12 ^28 —0.5 16 —30 —0.5 16 — 32 —0.5 16 —34 —0.5 16 —36 —0. 5 14 —38 . —0.5 16 The following table contains the results of various thermometer-comparisons made during the winter of 1872 to 1873. In order to eliminate the influence of the wind on the bulbs of tlie instru- ments, the thermometers were immersed in glass jars filled with absolute alcohol, or in some in- stances with pure chloroform : Desigiiatiou of tbermometer. Mercurial psycbroujeter A, dry bnlli wet bnlb Mercurial psyrlirometer B, dry Uulli wet bulb Spirit-]i.sycl]70uietcr, dry bulb wet bulb ...'... Mercurial maximum Spirit minimum Sralc, -f- 45'-' to + 3.5°. Corr. o ±0.0 — 0. 2 —0. 2 —0.3 —0.7 — 0. +0. :', -0.3 No. of Scale, + 35'^ to 4 30°. Scale, + -.'AP to -I- 25°. r, iINO. ot li ,, No. of Corr. ' , r Corr. , obs. obs. Scale, + 2.V-'to + 20o. Corr. o —0.1 —0.2 —0.1 —0.3 —0.7 —0.9 +0.3 —0. 5 No. of obs. AT POLARIS BAY. Gompariso7is — Continued. • 7 Designation of thermometer. Scale, + 20° to + 15°. Scale, + 15" to + 10°. Scale, + 10° to + 5°. Scale, + 5° to + 0°. Corr. No. of obs. Corr. No. of obs Corr. No. of obs. Corr. No. of obs. Mercurial psyclirometer A, dry bulb wet bulb Mercurial psychrometer B, dry bulb wet bulb Spirit psychrometer, dry bulb wet bulb o —0.1 -0.2 -0.1 —0.3 —0.7 —0.9 +0.3 —0.5 8 8 9 9 14 14 10 10 o —0.2 —0.2 —0.2 —0.5 —0.8 —0.9 +0.5 —0.4 8 8 10 10 15 15 10 10 —0.3 —0.2 —0.2 —0.4 —0.8 —0. 9 +0. 5 -0.4 8 8 12 12 13 13 7 7 o —0.3 —0.2 —0.2 —0.5 —0.8 —0 9 +0.5 - —0.4 8 8 11 11 16 16 9 9 Mercurial maximum Designation of thermometer. Scale, ± 0° to — 5°. Scale, — 5° to — 10°. Scale, — 10° to — 15°. Scale — 15° to - -20°. Corr. No. of obs. Corr. No. of obs. Corr. No. of obs. Corr. No. of obs. Mercurial psychrometer A, dry bulb wet bulb Mercurial psychrometer B, dry bulb wet bulb o —0.5 +0.0 —0.4 —0.3 —0.6 —0.8 +0.9 —0.8 14 14 14 14 14 14 6 9 o —0.5 —0.3 —0.4 -0.4 —0.6 —0.8 +0.9 —0.8 10 11 10 9 11 13 16 8 o —0.6 —0.3 —0.6 —0.3 —0.6 -0.7 +0.9 —0.7 11 11 9 9 17 17 10 13 o -0.6 —0.3 —0.5 —0. 3 —0.6 —0.8 +0.7 -0.9 10 7 9 9 11 11 8 4 Designation of thermometer. Scale, — 20° to — 25°. Scale, — 25° to — 30°. Scale, -30° to — 35°. Scale, — 35° to — 40°. Corr. No. of obs. Corr. No. of obs. Corr. No. of obs. Corr. No. of obs. Mercurial psychrometer A, dry bulb wet bulb Mercurial psychrometer B, dry bulb wet bulb Spirit psychrometer, dry bulb o —0.3 —0.5 -0.8 —1.2 —0.8 —0.9 +0.0 —0.7 11 11 14 12 19 19 10 16 o -^.6 —0.6 —1.0 —1.2 . —0.7 —0.9 +0.9 —1.0 9 9 9 10 17 18 16 16 o —0.8 —0.6 —0.9 —1.8 —0.8 —0.9 +1.5 —1.8 13 12 12 12 18 18 12 14 o —0.8 —1.2 —1.5 —2.2 —0.7 —0.8 +2.7 —2.3 9 8 8 8 14 14 9 9 Mercurial maximum Spirit minimum The following pages contain the corrected temperatures. In order to get a complete year, we made use of some hourly observations, comprising the period from August 12 to August 31, 1872, which, however, were not taken at Polaris Bay, but while the vessel was beset in Smith's Sound. From September 1 to November 6, 1871, we have only three observations a day, extracted partly from the log-book, partly from some blanks (Form 4), as issued by the United States Army Signal- Service (division of telegrams and reports for the benetit of commerce). These blank^s, which had been filled by Mr. Meyer, were found on board the ship after the separation from the ice-party had taken place. The observations were taken 30 minntes later than their recorded time. The minutes have been omitted in the record given hereafter, in order to avoid unnecessary figures. Up to JSTovember 6, 1871, all the observations were taken by Mr. Meyer and the writer, re- lieving each other in eight-hour watches. From this date to January 18, 1872, Mr. Meyer observed sixteen hours and the writer but eight. After the 18th of January, Joseph Mauch, an intelligent seaman, who had been well trained in taking observations, began to stand an eight-hour watch, so that the twenty-four hours were equally divided between Messrs. Meyer, Mauch, and the writer, 8 TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR During tlie time of the boat-journey north, when Mr. Meyer and the writer were absent from the shii), the observations were taken by Messrs. Bryan and Mauch. During the seven months spent at Polaris House, Mr. Bryan observed eight hours a day and the writer sixteen. From November 1st to November 16th Mr. Bryan's place was sui)plied by Mr. Mauch, and during the s[)ring, when the writer was absent on several occasions, Noah Hayes as- sisted most materially in taking the observations. All the general remarks made in reference to the record of temperature apply equally well to the rest of the meteorological observations, unless stated otherwise. The sun disappeared October 17, 1871, and reappeared February 28, 1872, although the faint twilight-arch, the altitude of which was 3° 16' on December 6th at noon, was visible during the whole period of darkness. AT POLAKIS BAY. 9 NOVEMBER, 1871. Time. Oi- 1 il 10 11 11^ o 3 4 9 10 11 -•24.0 I -2:? U -2-1. -16.0 +1.1 -12. 6 -20 -20. -2.'. -12.2 . - . 1 1 -24.0 -211.3 , -21.0 -15.5 - 1.1 +12. 11. 11. 111. 10. 12. 12. 14. 14. 14. 14. 1.".. 14. 14. +l:i. +12.7 12.7 11. 1 111. - 10. y. 7 10. 2 10. s 11.1 ;i. i; ;i. y. 5 y. 5 10. 10. 10. 11. 11. 11. +12. tl2. 1 11.1 7. 1 4.4 1.7 0. li G. (i (i. 5 4.0 1.0 2. ',1 -.4 >. li 0. + 4. (i 11. (i Means. -17.00 -21. l.=> s. 4 -. y 0. .- + 9. - y. fi 111. 6 11.7 12.4 11.0 12. 5 12. 9 12.7 12. 5 l:J. 1 i:-;. li 11. y 11.4 -.4 7.6 y. 6 10 +10. 7 10.7 12.2 12.5 12. -A 12. 6 13.1 13. 1 11. li 12. -^ 11. y 10. .■< 10. y 11 12 H. 11. y. 5 11.6 10. I.I +11.1 >. ^. 1 7. li 0. 6.6 (i. 6 7.1 7.6 7.4 + .■^. 1 I + (. ( 0.6 1. .0 ,1 , y .4 .0 1.6 4.1 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.9 +1.0 -0.1 +0. 9 1.7 +i.y +2.4 3.1 2.6 3.7 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.6 4. 6 4.6 5.5 5.4 6.4 6. 1. +11. +1.9 +0.4 -3. 9 5. 6 7. 2 6.i 5. 2 4.6 4.1 3.4 7. 8 7.1 5.4 ij.6 y. II H. 4 -21.2.-. -ly. r,2 ~. 14 +111. 2;i +10. 4-J + 6. +11.01 + y. yii +3.23 +4.23 -5 14 7.9 6.7 6.1 6.2 6.4 5. 2 6.2 6.1 6.7 y. 2 10.9 10. 9 10. 4 10.4 11.4 11.4 11.9 11.4 11.8 12.4 12. 4 •12. 4 15 -12. 4 11.9 14.4 15.4 17.4 13. 9 l.'i. 4 15. 1 14.8 13.4 11.8 12. 2 12. 2 12.0 14.4 15.4 15. 4 111.4 17.7 15. 4 17.4 111. 5 16. 5 -16.4 ■ 15. 7 14.4 1 3. 9 13.4 13. 2 13.4 12. 5 11.0 10.1 10. 8 12. 2 y. y 111. 1 10. 9 8.4 0. 9 7.9 6.0 6.2 4.9 4. 1 H. 3.4 9.24 -14.- NOVEMBER, 1871. Time. 1 10 u I'' 3 4 10 11 ML-an 17 3.1 3.4 1.2 6.0 5. ."■ 6.9 6.4 4.4 3.4 2.4 0.9 -0.4 +1.1 1.1 1.5 1.6 1.6 + 1.4 -2. 95 1§ +0. - 0.6 0.6 0. ? 1.5 0.5 0. 5 +0.6 -0.4 0.1 -0.4 +1.4 0.4 0.9 +0.6 -1.4 3.4 1.:-; -II. 2 +0. 6 19 - 3. - 3.4 4.1 4.6 6.4 6.4 9. 1 9.1 10.3 10.4 -10. 4 !20 9.4 9. 7 10.4 10. y 11.7 21 22 23 21 -10. 4 -20. -10. 9 -11. 1 -13.4 Jl.O -2. -17.0 -19.5 -21.4 -2 1.0 I -24.0 -22. 4 . . .. \ 21.4 2:;. 4 2;l.9 . . 22. 4 22. 4 -ly. -21.3 -22. 4 22. 9 22. 9 23^ 4 211. 6 2:;. 9 23. 9 24. 1 24.4 24.5 25. 4 26. 2 211.4 25. 4 25. 3 24! 1 25. 3 24. 4 1-.4 19! 5 -1-. 4 26 -1>. 6 19.4 19. 8 20. (i 21.9 23 4 21.9 • 211. 2 19.4 19. 4 20. 17.6 17.4 17 16.7 15. 4 15. 6 16. > 16.4 17.4 17.4 1-.4 19. 4 -1^. 4 27 -18.9 18. 4 18.5 18. 5 19. 4 19. 9 22. 3 24. 1 24. 7 25. 9 25. 4 4 4 4 4 >:.">. 24. 24, 23 22. 6 21.4 21.4 21.4 25. 8 211. 7 17.6 -19. 4 28 -19. 6 19.4 20. 2 20. 3 20. 9 16. 6 15.4 11.9 9. 5 6.4 5.6 5.4 4.4 3.4 1.6 5.4 4.4 -1.4 7. 4 29 30 Means -11.2 -0. 45 - 9. -15.00 -10.711 -1-. 40 -2ii. 12 1-- 50 -l-.6y -21. + 4. 6 +0.6 '- 1.2 1.3 1.4 5^4 4.4 5.3 5. 3 4.8 4.6 9.4 9 4 1 10. s 11. .) ■ 11. 4 10. 1 7^ 9 >. 4 9. 9 .63 .63 . 63. . 62 . .56 . 63 .^. 63 .^. Ii3> 8. 6:'. s. n:\ .-. 63 8. 63 8. 62 8. ii2 8. (1:1 -s. 61! .-. 63 8. 63 8. lili -8. 64 2 T A 10 TEMPEEATDRE OF THE AIE DECEMBER, 1871. Time. Oh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1) 10 11 Noon. li> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U Means -10.4 12.4 11. 6 11.2 11.3 ID. r, 12. .'. i:i. (i 14.2 14,4 11. I l.^>. 2 17.0 If^. 1 19.1 In. 9 Ir^. 7 1^:. 4 1-S. 17.8 17, .5 17.3 16.0 -14. 9 -13. 11.8 10.2 8.7 ,S, K .''). 9 5.7 7.3 8. 2 8.1 8.7 9. 3 10.0 10.9 11.9 11.8 11.7 11.6 11.4 11.3 11.2 11. 2 lU. 8 -10. 4 -15. 14 - 9.99 9.7 9.2 9.3 9. (i ^s ' 'J 5 10. 5 10. 4 10. f) 11. 4 11.7 12.4 12. 4 12.4 13.4 12.7 12.0 12.0 12.4 12.4 11.4 10.4 -10. 1 -9. 4 7.4 7.6 6.9 7. 3 7.4 6.9 6.4 6.6 ii. 4 6.4 6.4 (). (i 6.0 6. 6 r>. 4 4.2 -2. 4 + 8. 6 11.6 13. 9 l:i. 9 16. 3 l.'i. 6 14. 9 14.4 12.9 12.3 10. (J .5.4 4.4 3.4 1.7 + 1.4 - 0.3 1.0 3. 5.2 4.4 4.4 -4.4 - 4.8 5.4 5. 4.7 3.9 3.4 2. 9 1.4 4.4 6.8 7.6 9. 2 9.4 9. 6 9.4 10. 4 10. 9 12. 4 12.4 1 2. 8 14.7 17,4 18.6 -18. 4 -15. 4 16. 4 17.2 17. :! 19.-1 20. 2 22. 4 21.3 19. 21.4 23. 4 211. 4 21. 8 21.4 211, S 1~. 4 19. 4 20.2 22. 4 2-1. -I 21,7 -17, 4 24,4 2 -1^5 24, w 25, 22,4 22, 6 24. 2 22, 7 2(1,4 22, 4 -23. 4 -21.2 22. 4 21). 4 21,7 22. 5 22. 8 ')•} s 22. (i y-> ■' 22. 4 .!2. 3 22. 4 i2. 4 211.4 22. 4 19. 1 23. 2 16.6 22. 1 16,0 12, 6 11.4 10. 4 7.4 6. 5 - 1.1) + 2.4 3.4 •> r + 4.4 10 + 2. 6 ;;. « 2, 6 2,7 8.5 6.5 10. U 10. 5 111.9 rt. (I 6.9 3. (; ].G 2.6 2.6 2. 6 +6,8 -0,7 1.2 1.2 1.2 3.2 2.4 -5. 4 -10. 95 11 2,4 1,4 2.0 2.4 2. 2 12 6.8 4.3 3.6 7.4 9.4 7.6. 11, 11, 11, 10, 10.4 12, 2 14, 2 14.2 14.2 -14. 2 12 -13. 6 13. 4 13. 2 13.6 14.3 14.2 13.4 12.0 11.4 11.2 11.2 11.4 14.4 17.5 17.2 18.4 18.6 19.4 19.7 18.9 18. 16.8 I 17.4 -17.2 13 -6. 50l + 6,09- 8.95' -20,26 -13,73+ 2.98- 7,95, -15.2: -14,6 15, 6 14.4 14.1 15. 1 14.8 16.1 15. 4 11.7 14.9 14,4 15. 4 15. 3 16. 2 16. 2 14.4 15. i; 16. 2 15.9 14 - 8. 9 !0. 4 10.9 9.0 8. 5 8.2 7 -J 7.2 7. 1 8.7 6.9 8.6 10.7 11.4 11.4 11.4 12.0 11.4 1,5, 4 14,1 14,7 12, 4 14.6 11.4 12, 4 11,3 14,1 - 9, 9 -13. 4 15 -12.4 13. 9 10. 9 14.7 13.2 13. 3 15, 2 17.6 16. 16. 14. 15. 14. 2 14.1 15. 4 13, (i 13,6 1.^,4 17.8 17.6 16. w 17.4 17.4 -16.4 16 v; 16 1 14. 4 15. •> ' 16 -14.4 17.4 13. 5 14.6 14.7 15. 5 17.(1 17.0 16.7 16.7 17.1 17. I 17.4 17.8 18.1 18.1 1,^. :', 18,4 18,1 17.7 17.4 17.4 17.6 ■17.4 -14.52-10.60 -15.24 1-16,89 DECEMBER, 1871. 24 -29. 29. 30. 30. 29. 26 24. 25 -18, 22 22 2.4 26.9 2,-'. 4 26.6 29. 2 30.0 29. 6 28.4 31. 4 30.4 3;',. 4 31.9 29 22. 4 24.6 22. 2 21. 2 21.7 21.5 21.4 21.9 24, 4 19. 4 -19.2 -17. 5 26 -21.2 2(1.9 21.4 21.4 21.3 23. 1 23. 4 23, (-; 22, 1 21.3 21,4 20, 2 19, M 21,8 20. 4 1,^.6 19.1 22. 4 2:!. 4 26. 4 26. 4 28.4 24.6 24. 5 27.8 24. 6 24. 3 21.3 21.2 2(1.7 21.2 21.4 26. 1 24.4 27.0 27.4 27. 1 24.2 25. 4 25.6 25. 9 25, 4 26,4 2.^. 1 -27.9 7(.l, -24. 92 -211. 2§ 31 I). 6 5.6 5 ;i 6.7 '9.6 .4 27. 4 31.6 19! 4 16.4 16. 2 16. 2 16. 15.9 15. 9 16. 7 17.6 -18. 4 29 -19. 1 19. 9 26. 21.3 •2'J 2:1 4 2-> ;i 21 s 24 1 (■>■> 4 1^ 6 20 I) 17 6 16 ,s 17 4 15 >J 14 1:'. 13 < 16 1 1-' \ 30 -19.1 17, l(i, 1.5. 17. 16. 20. 19. 15.4 19. 2 17.9 19.6 20.4 19. 17.8 17.4 18. 4 17.4 19.1 1-. 16. (i 20. 1 -1,-. 31 , Jleaus. -17.5 20.0 21.0 22. ,-i 1^'. 9 1,^. 2 17,2 17,6 19, 6 19. f 17.7 21.2 i 21.4 20.9 I 19,9 I 20. ^^ 1 24.4 24.2 26.0 26. 2 27.0 25. 8 26. 4 -26.4 ■14. ,-'6 15. 26 15. 12 15. 71 15. .54 14.77 15. '-'9 15.51 15. 69 15. 47 15. 69 16. 44 16. 21; K;. 25 16.14 15. 97 16. 03 16. 22 16. 26 16.05 15. 96 15. -^7 16. 08 -15. 66 -20.15 -14. 10, -21.70-15.79 AT rOLARIS BAY. 11 12 tempeeaturp: of the aie FEBRUARY, 1872. Time. 01' 1 ;i 4 9 10 11 Noiiu. 1'' 3 4 5 10 11 ■19. ir'. i; 17.9 19.4 19.6 )9..-< ■20. 20.4 25. rt 20. 20. 4 20. 4 20. 6 27. I 20. 4 211. 4 I 20.2 21.4 i 2f^. 4 20. 4 ; 2'-'. 4 21. 6 i 20. 8 20. 8 ; 20.6 21. 4 1 2.'.. 7 -29. 6 :W. 4 :iu. 8 :50. 31.4 31.2 30. 9 30.6 30.4 30. 1 21.4 21.5 •21.3 21.3 22. 2 22. 3 21.9 22. 9 24.4 24. 3 22. 20.4 20. 7 23. 9 27.2 25.9 24.6 -24. 2 28.4 28. 29.2 28. 4 29.7 29.9 28. 9 27. -28. 1 -27. 8 20. 8 20.4 23. 4 23. 9 23. 4 25. 9 20. 4 20. 9 28.2 25.9 20.9 27. 8 26.4 25. 8 20. 9 28.3 28. 2 30^9 27.6 27.6 27.9 25.8 -26.4 5 6 o o 28 7 -20. 5 28.4 27. 9 20.0 20. 4 25. 2 20.4 25. 2 26.9 24.9 20. 5 26. 2 20. 4 30. 7 23. 5 32. 2 21.0 25.4 19. 4 24.4 211.2 23,. 4 21.5 2:'.. 3 25. 8 20. 9 20.3 23. 2 24. 22. 4 23.3 25. 22. 7 25. 9 20. 4 27.1 -25. 7 Mt'UTis. -21. 03^-25. 40'-29. 53-26. 73 -25. 74^ -2 2(). ;_> 27.5 27.2 27.7 28.4 29. 2 30. 4 31.9 30.4 28. 1 28. 4 29. 3 28.4 30. 1 30. 3 21.4 25. 6 20.3 25. 8 25. 5 18.8 10.5 -17.9 -t-.8 17.7 16.4 19. 4 18. 1 1.^.9 19. 7 20. 4 20,2 19. 9 19.4 23. 8 23. 9 24.3 24.7 24.7 24. 22. 4 19.8 r^. 3, -19.4 19. 2 18.1 17.8 18. 1 19.9 19.4 19. 4 19.9 20. 8 21.6 18.9 21.1 lO 11 o -22. 7 -7.4 23.2 i . 1 21. 4 9.7 20. 8 19.1 19. 5 17.0 20.7 21.4 20.9 21.0 19. 3 -18. 20. 9 19. 1 16.7 15.4 10. 2 16.0 11.9 14.1 14.4 15.2 15.0 15.8 11.4 12.1 11.0 14.4 11.7 11.4 1 0. 4 -10.4 11.4 11.2 10.4 10.1 7.1 6.0 8.2 11.4 14.8 14.4 15. 8 16.9 16.7 17.4 17.2 17.6 17.8 18.3 17.6 18,0 -18.5 -2(i. 08 -20.88 -19.94 12 -18. 8 19.6 19. 5 20.4 21.9 24.2 21.6 21.4 20.9 19.1 17.4 15. 8 15.4 17.1 17.6 15. 6 19.0 19.5 21.5 15.4 15.5 13. 8 12.0 - 9.7 13 -10.4 9.1 7.9 7.6 7.4 7.2 7.1 7.3 7.4 8. I 8.1 9.4 14.2 15.3 15.7 21.8 19. 5 22.2 21.6 21.6 22.1 21.4 22. 3 -21. 1 14 -15. .58 -13. 401 -18. 03! -13. 99 1 1 -22.5 25. 7 23.4 2.). 4 25.8 26.4 26.6 26.6 26.6 27.2 26.1 25.5 28.7 31.1 30.0 29.0 31.9 33. 8 30. 3 30.6 31.4 35.1 35.5 -33.7 -28.71 15 -33.3 3,5.1 34.9 35.1 35.6 36.7 38.3 36.5 35. 7 40.2 42.9 40.0 46.6 39.8 39.1 37.6 36.9 35.6 36.4 33.6 30.4 28.3 29.3 -;!0. 7 16 -30.8 33.9 32.1 32.7 35.9 31.7 34.1 31.1 31.1 29.4 28.6 29.2 27.4 25.3 26.9 23.3 24.0 24.3 24. 5 26.9 26.4 26.0 23.9 -24. 9 -30. 191-28, 52 FEBRUARY, 1872. Time. 17 1§ 19 20 21 22 23 21 o o o o o O O Oh -26. 3 -7.1 - 5.8 -20.8 -26. 7 -34. 6 -37.4 -31.4 1 24. 4 +0.6 5.5 22. 5 27. 32.9 3(i. 2 ;-;-2 '_> '^ 24. 2 6.8 5.7 20. 9 27.6 'V'l !^ 3,8. 7 32. 6 3 27.1 6.1 6.6 23. 1 20. 9 35. 9 39.4 3,5. 1 4 27.4 5. 6 6.9 23. 7 30.4 41.4 34. 4 5 27. 9 5.0 7.4 24.4 27. 4 36. 42, 4 3:!. 4 6 2.^. 4 +0.6 8.6 25. 4 30.2 37. 2 38. 4 34. 4 / 28. 1 -1.1 9.2 25. 8 3,2. 4 311. 7 41.0 34.4 8 28.4 1.9 10.4 26. 4 32, 2 :',7. 4 39. • 34.3 9 30. 2 2.4 11.1 20. 9 34. 7 37. 1 ;;s y 33. 9 10 30. 4 1.4 11.5 26. 9 35. 9 30.4 :!;i 33. 9 11 30, 4 1.6 13.1 20. 8 34 6 :'>7. 33,. 9 34.4 NiHiu. 29 4 2.0 1,5.0 26.6 36. 4 37. 33. 1 3:;. 1" 27,9 1.7 16.3 26.4 33.7 3,0.6 33,. 5 25. 6 1.6 18.1 26.3 32. 2 30. 8 30. 4 33 4 23. 6 2.4 17.4 20. 8 31.3 37 . ( i 30 33. 6 4 21.4 2.4 19.4 27.5 32. 9 37.7 32. 3,2. 4 5 20, 8 3.0 20.7 27.8 31.4 3,s. 2 :',2. 4 33,. 19. 8 3.6 19.9 28. 31.2 ::-. 4 :',■' •' 3,1.4 7 18.7 3.8 20.7 28.4 31. 2 37.3 31.4 8 18.4 4.1 19.9 28.4 31.5 ;-i8. 2 31, 2 29. 4 9 15.6 4.4 20.7 27.9 31.4 3^. 4 30. (i 29. 10 15.4 4.5 23.1 27.6 32. 8 37 2 29 5 "7 5 11 -14.0 -5.4 -22. 3 -27.4 -31.0 -38. 5 -29. I -35. 1-' Means. -24. 33 -1.24 -13. 97 -25. 95 -31.24 -36.80 -32. 37 25 -24.7 22. 5 21.9 21.1 19. 4 1^.6 17.7 16. 6 15. 6 14.9 14.2 15. 8 16.4 1.5. 5 14, 5 13, 6 12.1 11.2 11.9 11.3 10.9 10.5 8. 5 - 7.6 26 - 6.6 6.4 6.7 7.4 8.6 9.9 11.1 12.7 14.4 14.4 14.9 17.1 1-. 3 17.4 1.^.7 20.0 20. 8 21.8 22. 8 22. 2 21.8 22. 9 21. 5 -21. 27 28 29 Means. o o o o -19.8 -23.0 -13. 7 -22. 23 20. 2 22. 9 14.7 22. 23 19.3 23. 2 15.2 22.34 20. 3 22. 9 15.4 22. 34 25.7 21.9 15.9 23.04 30.4 20. 4 16.4 23.27 32. 4 19.4 16.6 23. 38 30.4 18.4 16.8 23. 37 29. 2 17.9 17.2 23. 37 30.4 19.1 18.4 23. 59 22.7 19.4 19.2 23. 26 21. 5 18.9 19.4 23. 38 21.2 17.4 21.9 24. 03 17. 9 16. 9 23. 4 23, 71 18.8 16.6 25. 2 23. 47 17.8 16.6 26.4 23. 41 19.3 17.6 27.9 23. 62 22.4 23. 8 24. 2 23. 4 22.7 22. 6 -22. 3 17.4 15. 8 15. 3 14.8 14.7 14.3 -12. 4 -15. 29 -15.81 23. 28 -18. 22 29.2 30.4 31.2 32. 1 32.9 34.4 -35. 6 -22. 89 23. 91 24. 08 24.02 23. 83 23. 28 22. 83 -22. 60 -23, 28 AT POLzVRIS r.AY. 13 Tim il 111 II X.i.iii. II' 10 u Mean; MARCH, 1872. 'rime. 1 o o 3 o I '5 6 7 o § 9 'J 10 o 11 12 13 11 15 16 o J (Ill -;;.'.. (■; -:',i;. 1) -41. li -:!s. :! -•Jll. 'J -17. -J -:i2. 4 -40. S - 1 1 . .'. -:!2.8 _:;:;, 1 -in. 11 -HO. 2 -27 2 -HI. 1 -:i2. 5 I ;;<,.:( :iii. s :!s. -J :!s. -i ■JO. 4 17.4 :i2. ',» 40. 42. 2 ::2. 1 112. S lil. 4 211 s 21 i. 7 HO, 4 27,4 2 :!r,. ',1 ;;7.4 :i7. 1 :!7. 2 •10. 4 17. r, :!:i. 4 40. 2 4:;. 4 ::i.|| :!.'. 1) 21'. s 1111 t 20.4 :io II l',l, 4 :i '.'i7. 1 ;!7. 4 U.S. r, :is. t I'.l. ■-' 17.4 :!■-'. 2 40. 4 II. li :;2. 4 i::;. 1 HI' ."> HI) ■1 27. .'i :i:i. 20 7 1 ;!7. Il ;'.7. li :!s. :; : is. r, IS. -1 17. 1 2!l. S ;!'.(. '.1 I.'.. ;'. :'.2. 2 :;i.2 20. li 110 7 211. 2 HO. s 22, 9 ■t ;'.?. (i :iii. '.1 :!s. (i :!',!. 17. -J i;.ii ■>;{ ."> ;i'i. 7 4.'). S :U. :! IM.H 110.0 HI i) 11 i . 2 :!.'>. 7 21. r> 11 :;:. i ;is. :i :i'.i. :i ;;-; |) l(i.7 17.7 41.4 4li. :!l.:i !i.i, 7 20. s HO i; 111.2 Hll. 1) 20.0 / liT.d :!'.i. :!7.4 • 'il. 1 l(i. .-. 17.9 '.17 '' 40. 4 1.2 :;l. ! hi:.:! 111). 2 HI 1 HI), r, HI. S 10.0 '■^ ::s. 1 :i'.i. .') ;i'.). i :iii. '.1 l(i. 4 li). '.I ilS. .'i ;!',».'.» l:t. 4 ::o. 7 111.7 20. S 11' ■_' Hl.l 2,'i. 1! 20. .^1 ;) :'.s. 1 111. -J :i'i s ;ii. Hi. . •JO. b :i7. ;; :!0. ;i 4 1.0 ill. 1 ::i.7 21). 11 HO 4 2H. 11 I'J. 4 I 10 .17. '.1 ;!'.i. II 4.\-J :m.o U>. 1 ■il.7 :is. 4 iiii. li 4:!. li :;ii. :iii. 4 1111. 2 2,1 ;', 111), (i 21.11 20. 1 n :i7. 1 :is. :i :is. :i i'.ii. 'i l(i. -i 2I..S ii7. 7 :'.'.). (i 4:!. 2!l. '.1 iii.i; lilt. 4 21 ■ ) 21) 7 211. 21.7 N'liuti. :i7..l :is, ■> :'.7. r> :',ii. 2 Hi.:; • :!s. ti 40. 1 12.11 :;.'.7 I'.ii. (i 1111.4 •».) • t 112 s 2:1. 4 22. !'■ ;i7. ;i ;!7.4 :!ii. :; :«i. (i Hi. I 27. ;i i'7. 7 I;!. (1 42. 4 :!2. 1 H4.;) 110. 2! 9 20. li 2.'). Il 2H. 9 »_» :!(:.;! :!.s. li :iii. (1 :!ii. ■-' l."l. (i :io. :; :is. (i 41. li i;;. ii ill. 1 114.11 'M S 21 11 2S. li ■ >.[ .", 22 :l ;! :!!;. s :!;>. •> :'.ii .s ■Jli. 4 Hi. -J :u.4 :is. :! l:!. 7 i.i..'-) lU.'.l Hl.ll 27. 4 24 11 lil.O 22. 4 20 7 1 ;iii. s :!'.!. •-' ::il. I ■-'.'i. 7 Hi. 1 :u. 1 :'.^4 44.1! 1 .'. :> :;.'.. 1 nil. 1 2S 7 21 :i 111). .-, 'J 7 . 5 19. 9 .1 :!ii. 'J :'>-'. 7 ■-M.4 Ki. -J :il.O ■ V.K 2 44. 2 41.2 i'.l. It 11.1.0 21 i. s 2ii 7 111). 9 "JiS. "J 19. S (; 'Ai'i, "J :i~. li ;!ii. ;'. -■1. II 15.7 :!1.2 40. 1 4:;. 1 41.0 :'.l..". 110.0 lil. 2 21 i ,', 1111. s •J-^. 2 22. 4 / ;;r,. i :w. :; :!(i. 'A •Jl.s 1.'.. ;i 31. 1 40.7 40.4 :;'.>. :; :;i.2 1!.'.. 4 11 !. 1 2H 4 HI.',) :'>o. -J 2:1. 9 H ;ii;. i; :i7. :i ',Wk s 21.4 l.">. 1 ;51. :! 40. 7 10. s :',[). 1) :!:i. !) 111.4 27 7 111.7 y>~. 7 ;i :!H. 4 :i;!. ;;7 •_> ■,'1.-J Hi. 2 iii.ii 40. 42. 1 ;;s. '.\.l. iS 111.4 111 ■_'.', 1111. (i :i:i. 1 ill). 9 III :it;. li 41.1 ■Jil. 4 Ki. li ;u. -iir,. lis -110. 211 -2(1 ll.'i -211. (ili -29. 02 -211.07 MARCH, 1872. 17 -110.9 HI. 2 HI. 2 2s. I,) 211. I 27.4 2H. 21.7 19.4 IS. ;i 1.". s 14 4 ill 14 4 s ',» 111 4 : 12 s 1§ -10. 10. Ili. 17. IS. 21. 24. l,s! 20. 21. 21. 21. iH.r, 14.1 14.7 1.'.. 2 -K>. s -20. 20 lt> -■J7 ,s ■*.") 1 :i •_*( i 19 4 17 4 IS. 12. .- 10.-. Ui. ; 17.1 I s. : 111.; 14.1 14.1 12.7 II..- 9.1 - 9. 1 -19, 00 20 (i, li ',1. .') 11..'. 12.7 14. 2 1.-., 1 I If., 1.'.. s 17. S Hi. 1) 10.0 10.4 10. S 17. I I s. 1 15. 7 19.2 \ii 20. 2 -20. 7 21 i.o 22. 24. 1 20. 4 s. 1 I 22 -HO. 2 111). HI. 4 HO. (i HO. 2 HO. 4 29. li 27. 1 2tl. v> 2.-.. 4 21.4 23 -2H. 24.2 2:'.. II . 7 .H . 9 .4 .0 . ',) 21.0 7 i ,- 1 '24 H 9 4 (> 'J I ."> j 20. 1 1 -ir HO • 1 1 .0 s. 9 9. 1 '.I. 7 ■29, 9 -2.'.. 20 211. 20. li 211. 4 19. 9 2 1.0 19. 4 24.4 20. 21.9 20.9 21.0 21.11 211. 4 22. 1 24. r. 2.'.. -24. 1 21 -2:1. 1 21.0 20. 20. 7 19. - 19. 4 IS. 7 19. 1 10. s 17. 1 Ili. s 1;. 1 M.4 10.0 Ili. 1 Is. 2 l,s. 2 19. 2 21. 1 21.1! 21.4 2 1 . ,'■) -21.2 25 -20. 9 20. 20. 9 2,1, 4 , . , . ^ 21.2 19. 1 20. 4 19.11 17.0 15. .". 10. S 19.4 j IS. 2 1 17.9 I 17. S 19. H j 20. 1 ! 21) ". 21.9 -21: .i .! 2tt -IS. 4 17.0 10.4 IH. ,-> 12. 1 11. li 10. 1 9.1 9. 1 9. I 7. li .J ,. 7.4 0.4 r.. 1 :.. 4 4^4 1.0 2. 9 2.4 1,9 -1.4 0.9 0.7 1.4 1.9 H. 4 li. 1 2. S 1.4 -0, 1 +1.1 l.ii 2.7 11. I H. H.4 2§ 2S» 30 31 2,8 2. 1 2. 4 2.0 2.4 2.0 11.1 H. H. 9 4.H 4.0 H. 7 11. li 2 2 1.0 +0. r, -1.2 -. 7 2. 4 11.4 -4. 9 0.0 iiV 1' 12. s 1,1.9 14.0 12.4 111. 9 s. t 12. 4 12.4 '.). 7 10.4 11.2 111. U.O 11.9 Ili. 2 1... 1 17.2 10,5 ili. 2 1 1. 9 i.l, 2 -19. lis --jll. . iir.j +1.01 -1-1. 1 -12. .'.0 7,8 7,4 7. II 0. S 0. 7 2. 9 -1.4 -t-0 9 0. I 0.1) 0. li I) li 11. G 1.0 4. 1 '' 2 2.1! 1.7 1.0 +0. ill. II -II. S7 ±1). -1,4 2,7 11,4 4.4 li. s 4.2 H. 4. 1 4.1 4.S 0.9 4. 1 11. 1 4.5 Jleaus -24. 49 24, 08 21!. ,S7 21. Its 24. lis 21.'.'.) 24. S7 24. 1)2 2H.r,9 211.21 22. S8 22. HH 22! HO 22. 12 22. 45 22. 1)5 22.05 211.24 211. 48 I. I 2 1. 44 2. 9 -0. 9 -2H.01 -4, OS -211. 47 14 TEMPERATUEE OP THE AIR APRIL, 1872. Time. 0" 1 4 5 6 7 8 . 9 10 11 Ncjori. Ih 2 4 5 6 7 H 9 10 11 Meaiia. o +0.4 -ll.l +11. ;! II. i; 0.6 0. 9 1.0 1.7 2.1 2.4 l.f) 2. 1 +0.6 ±0. +0.4 +0.4 -1.6 2.4 2.4 2.4 2. 9 :;. 1 4.7 -4. o - 4. 9 4.3 3. I l.s 1.1 1.7 2.4 7.1 12. 6 10.4 10. 6 10. 4 10.4 12. 11.7 12.1 11.^^' 16.5 17.9 21.9 21. .i 2(1.4 2."i. •- -2;',. -22. 4 24.7 -0.34, -11.49 24. rf 24.1 20.4 19. 2 16. S If. 4 ir,. 2 10. 4 12. 3 13. 3 10.7 14.0 13.4 20. 5 1 9. 5 19. 6 16. 1 17.4 -19. 6 -17.9 15. 3 l:!. 4 17.1 211. 2 11.1 11.9 7.4 7. 6 9. r> 10.4 10..- 111. 4 -19. 8 21.11 22.8 ! 18.9 1 15.7 12. 5 11.7 10.7 12.2 15.0 11.5 19. 4 21.0 19. 1 13.1 15. 5 -1~. 2 4. 4. 4. 3. 4. 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.5 4.4 6 7 8 o o o 10.0 -10. 2 -4. 9 1 3. 6 12. 4 4.6 IS. 4 16. 9 4. w is. 13.6 5. 14. 9 12. 9 4.7 12. 4 7.9 4.4 12. 3 6.0 4.2 7.6 6.9 3.4 7.0 9. 7 2.4 5.4 7.7 2.1 4.4 7.4 -1.4 5. 8 <;. 4 +0. 4 7.4 7.4 +0. 9 s. 3 6. s -2.4 s, 6.6 6.3 9 10 o o -(i. 7 -10. 6 (i. 9 10. 5 7.4 11.6 7.9 12. 1 7.4 11.9 r,.7 14.9 6.1 14.7 5.4 14.1 4.9 14.1 11 -18.89 -13.59 8.94 ') 7. 2 7." 9 b. 3 ,s. 5 — s. / - 9. 34 5.4 7.9 7. 9 5. II 5. 3 3.8 3,. 4 4.9 4.7 6.6 3. 9 4.9 4.5 4.4 4.0 4.4 5.4 -6.4 4.4 3. 4 3. 1 3. 9 4.0 4.4 6. 4 6.6 7.4 7.4 7.4 8.1 -8. 3 i|. . 91 1 14.1 13. 12. 9 10.4 9.6 9.0 8. 9 10. 9 11.3 11.4 12.2 14.1 15.9 16.4 -17.0 -17.7 18. 211.7 21.3 21.7 211. 2 19.1 15.2 14.6 15.11 12.7 14. 1 11.9 13,. 2 12. 8 12. 4 14.0 15. 4 16.4 1--^. 19.4 l.i. 2 19.1 -211.5 12 -12. .57; -16.7; -22. 7 26. 3 311. 1 33.7 26. 2 23. 4 22. 2 21.2 20.2 20. 4 23. 4 21.4 211. 4 19. 9 19.4 21.6 20. 21.2 24.4 29. 9 28. 6 29.2 2>. 9 -30. 1 13 -31. 3 28.4 23. 9 17.4 12.7 l^'.6 19. 9 19.4 18.4 17.9 18.4 17.4 16.4 14.9 15. 9 1.5.2 15.5 14. 15. 1.5. Iri. 211. 21. -24. 14 15 -27.6 3,11. I 31.7 33.2 1 3,2. 2 2(14 I 211. 8 20. 4 19.4 19.1 20. 4 19. 1 I 19.1 i 17.9 1^.7 19.4 21.11 20. 18. 3 19.4 19.9 19.1 24. 4 -26. 7 16 -2-. 9 29. 24! 4 21.0 19.1 19.7 21.2 15.4 14.5 11.7 11.4 13.4 14.0 13. 6 14.3 14.4 12. 9 12.9 14.3, 16.9 17.4 IS. 4 -23.6 1- o -26. 9 29. 2 28. 4 25. 4 25. 8 23,. 4 21.9 20. 2 18.4 16.1 15.1 13.4 14.7 14.6 14.7 1.5.4 15.6 15.4 16. 2 18. C 19.0 19.4 22. 1 -24. 3 -24.37, -18. s- -22. r,s -20.42-19.76 APRIL, 1872. Time. 01' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 h 9 10 11 Noon. 11' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 17 1§ 19 20 28. s -23. 4 -211. 4 33. 1 2S. L-.8 ',7. 3 29. 4 17.9 11.4 2S. 6 17.1 11.9 29. 4 17.1 ^C. 1 21.9 15. 4 22. 4 19.1 19.0 15.4 14.9 14.4 14.4 16.0 19.0 1-. 4 22. 6 22. 4 23. 4 25. 24.4 22. 21.0 17.2 15. 1 9 Means. -23. 1 14 12, 13, 13, 15, 14, 12, 16.7 20.4 20. 4 19. ,s 22. 4 IS. 7 -17.7 -19. 5; 11. 10, 10. -20. 4 22. 1 22.4 ] 9. 2 18. 5 17. 9 17.5 13,. II 12.4 11.7 15, 0, 21 22 9. 10. 1 9.7 9.7 '■'. 2 9!s 11.4 16.7 -24.7 4.7 3. 7 2.7 1.8 - 1.7 + II. 8 + 1.6 - ll.l + 2 6 1.3 1.9 1.6 1.4 2. 4 5. 1 6. ,-■ 111.4 11.1 14.6 15. 6 19.6, +18. 5 +18. 1 17.1 16. s 16. 3 16.6, 15.7 15. 1 16.3 16.6 13.6 16.3 16.:; l.s. 8 13.8 14. 9 15.9 15.6 17.7 12.6 11.5 12. 8 11.5 9.9 +11.6 23 +12. 1 12.9 14.6 14. 3 13. 9 13.1 12. 6 13,. 6 13. 6 13. 6 24 25 14.0 u.i; 14.6 14.,-^ 15.3 15. 1 14. 6 14.1 14.4 13. 6 13. ,^ 13. 5 12. 9 +13.11 -12. 17' -12. 03' + 4. 27 1 +15.06' +13. s,- +12. 6 12.5 12.3 12.0 11.9 11.7 11.4 12.6 11.9 13.5 13.3 13.1 14.6 15.5 14.6 13.4 12. 8 13.9 13.0 11.1 s. 9 ii.i', 5. li + 3.6 +11.7: +2.1 0.6 +0.1 -0. s +0.2 -1.1 0. 9 0.7 0.8 U. 9 0.9 1.2 1.4 2.4 3.2 3.8 3.4 4.1 4.6 3.7 4.1 4.4 4.2 -4.3 26 27 -1. 92 -4.7 3.9 4.0 2.8 2.2 0.8 -0.1 +0.4 4.6 3.0 6. 5 5. 4.4 3.4 2.9 2.2 1.3 0.2 +0.4 -1.7 2.3 4.7 7.8 -9. 6 -9.1 7.4 6.2 4.4 -1.9 +0. 6 3.6 :16 2.6 2^8 2.4 2.4 0.8 +0.5 -1.1 2.2 3.6 5.7 5.8 -6.6 -0. 43; -1. 90 28 -6.5 6. 6 6.7 4.9 3.5 -1. 5 +0. 9 4. 1 5.1 7.6 7.6 6.1 7.5 4.1 2.8 3.7 2. 8 2. 2.4 1.3 +0.3 -0.3 1.9 -1.7 29 30 - 2,0 +2. 0. 1.6 1. 1 4.6 7. 2 s. 6 10.6 9. s 10. ,s 9.4 9. 4 10. 2 9.6 10.1 9.8 8.1 7.0 5.6 4.S 4.1 + 2.5 1.6 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.6 4.8 5.6 4.8 4.6 3.6 ;!. 1 1.8 2.1 1.8 1.6 +0.4 -1.7 2.4 2, 9 4.1 -4.4 Mt-aiis. -11.24 11.92 12. 21 11. 59 10.64 9. 3,0 .93 .37 .93 31 4. 4. 4.27 4.66 5.11 5. 22 5. 59 6. 04 6.83 7. 63 8.19 8.30 8. 67 -10. ,-2 +1.03 + 6.41! +1.33 - 7.77 I AT POLARIS BAY. 15 MAY, 1872. — Tiiiu-. 1 o 3 4 3 6 7 8 u 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 0'' -5. S +0. 4 +0.4 -3.4 -s. 9 -0. 9 + 6.8 + 4.4 + 4.3 + 4.5 + 7. 11 + 7.0 + f^.6 +15. 1 + 15. 6 + 1S. 4 1 5.7 0. c. -0. fi -2. 9 s. 4 0.4 r.. 1 :; 6 6.7 i>. 7 7. 9 7.9 S. H 15. S 14. 9 IS. 11 'J 4.(i U.4 + 1.2 ."). s 0. 6 6. ■> 4 .', 6. 11. 1 7. 7 7. 6 10. 1 14.5 16. 5 IS. (i :; .'•1.7 1.2 l.s 2.0 4.3 -0.1 4.8 5 11 7.2 7.4 .-^.9 S ' 1 10.6 16.0 17.6 IS. s 1 4.7 4.1 -0.1 3.(; .) ^.^ +0. r, 5. 6 11 7. 6 7.6 ^.l 11.7 16. 9 IS. 9 IS. 7 r> 5.4 4.4 +2. 1; 3.4 ■> s 0.9 6. s •> 11. 1 9.7 ill' ^■^. r^ 12.9 1.-^. 2 19. 2 20. 4 i; 4.3 ."1. 2 3. li 3.1 l.s 1.9 .">. .'1 ,-i 6 13.7 S. 10.4 111.1 13.7 6^.4 211. 1 20. 6 ^ •> ^ C. 9 ."1. (i 2. S 0.6 3. li 7.1 / 13. 5 9. 9 9. 1 111. 9 14.6 l.'^. 6 211.5 20. 5 s -1.7 .'1. s 7. li 3.. (i -0.7 2 H * 'y 12 ,", 13.7 14.4 10.8 12.4 14.9 19.7 21.5 21. 4 'J +1.5 .'>. (1 7.0 2. S +0. :', "1. s 7.9 13 7 13. s 16. 1 10.11 11. (i 15. H 21.0 21.6 21.6 11) 0.4 ti. 4 11. 9 •> .^ -0. s 6.4 8.4 13 9 14.6 14. 9 10. 5 12. 3 111.0 20. 8 22. 6 21.5 11 11.4 7.1 5. 2 2.4 +0.4 6.4 7. 9 11 s 14.6 1.'.. 9 10. 4 12. 2 16.6 21.1 22. 6 23. 1 Noou . 1.4 7.1; 4.1; i.t; 0.4 6.1 s. ,s 12 14. S 14.6 9. 6 11.4 16. 1 J1.3 22. 4 22 s 11' O.'J s. 1 3. S +1. 2 0. 2 S. 4 .■^.4 III s 15.1 1.'.. 4 10. 2 11. s 16. 6 21.0 22. 4 23. 6 'J 2. 1; ^'. G 3.4 -1.1; 1.4 8. 2 9.4 ;i 9 13.4 15. 6 9. li 12. 6 16. 9 20. 7 22. 3 23. 6 H l.r, -.4 3. (i 3.4 1.4 7. II .^. :'. ;) 6 13.1 15. 4 '.>J'< 11.9 16. (i 20. 4 22. 5 23. 3 ■4 3.1 3 '* 3. 9 1.0 ■■^. 9 10.1 ^^ 6 13. 5 14.1 9.3 12. 9 111.9 19. 9 23. 1 22. 6 fi 1.2 7. 9 3. 2 4.9 +0.4 9.6 10. 8 :! 13.6 13. 1 9.1 12. 1 17.11 19. 4 22.6 22. 4 i; 3.4 li. 2 2.1 4.7 -0. r, 9.0 8. 6 7 s 12.1 12. 1 .^. 11 11.-^ 15. 3 19. 2 21. S 21.6 7 1.1 3. 7 i.i; r.. 4 -0. 9 9.1 7. 9 7 G 11.6 11.2 f^. 2 10. 7 15.6 IS. 3 21.6 21. (i s + 1.9 :!. 1 l.H (5.7 +0, 4 6. 9 7. 6 7 4 11.4 9. s 7.9 10.5 1.5.11 17.9 211.6 21.1 [) -(1. 1 2. 9 +1.0 7.9 1. 1 6. 1 7.4 7 6 10. 6 9. 5 7. 7 9.6 11. S 16.6 211. 1 19. 6 10 +1.1 2. 2 -1.7 9. 2 l.r. (!. 5.0 7 1 9. 6 9. 2 7 6 9.1 14.5 I6.S 19. 8 20.7 n +1.3 +0. 9 -■). 7 -9. 7 +U. 6 +6.4 + 4.3 + 6 r» + 5. s + 8. 1 + 8.0 + 8. 6 + 14.1 + 17.9 +1S. 8 +17.9 MOIIIIH. -0. ^2 +4. 83 +2. 36 -1.38 -1. 22 +4. 92 + 7.33 + 8.47 + 11,33 + 11.01 + 9. 05 +10. 43 + 14. 64 + 1S. 56 +20. 40 +20.96 Til 01^ 1 8 9 10 11 Niion. Ih 3 4 10 11 MAY, 1872. 17 +18. 3 IS. 11 19. 3 19. s IS. 6 19.7 19.4 20. 9 21.9 22 7 21.2 211.6 211. 1 20. 1 20. 20.0 211. 1 19. 3 19.6 19.6 17.6 17.6 + 16. S 1§ 19 20 21 23 + 17.1 17.5 17.6 H.S IS. 6 211. 6 2:1. 4 22. 1 22:9 I 21.7 22. 4 21.8 21. 4 21.4 20.6 IS. 9 I s. 9 IS. li + 18.6 Me ans- +19. 76 +20. +1S. 9 IS. 9 18. 6 20. 9 19.6 21.5 22. 2;i. 3 22. 9 23. 2 24. 1 25. 1 24.6 26. 8 211. S 26.9 26. II 26. 4 26. 1 25. 6 25. 1 24. 3 22. S +23. G +23. 5: D +23. 6 +25. 5 6 211.3 'J'i 6 26. 1 24 6 26. 9 2.> 26. 11 21 26. S 25.4 I 24. 7 26, 26. 2ll, 26, 1 s 26. 6 25. 9 +25' 4 29. :iO. 7 32. 3 32.6 32.6 32, 1 32. 4 32. 6 33. II 3,2. H 32. 4 31. S 31. S 31.6 ^30 1 +2S 29 6 2s 29 s 2S 2S / 2,s 29 6 2,s 2S 11 2S 2S 7 2S 29 11 2S 2S ;i "'7 :iii 7 27 31 11 •J 7 32 1 :;o 8 26 30 6 26 30 ;i '*.5 :!0 3 211 29 7 26 30 2 :;o 6 29 I 2/. 311 :; .^7 29 7 2/ '*,s 9 +26. 2.5 26 27 28 +20.93 +27.51 29 30 31 Jlcans. 16 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS JUNE, 1872. Time. 1 2 3 o 1 5 G 7 § 9 lO 11 l'> 13 14 1, o 16 o o o 5 o o o O o o o 1 0^ +-2C,. .1 f:',o. 1 +3,4. i; +3,(;. 7 +37.6 + W.6 +3,S. (1 +37. 7 +3ii. 1 +:!7. +31. 7 +31.9 +30. K +3 .'.7 +3,3,, G +42. 1 2.^>. i; ;;(i.ii 3(;.8 33 -> 37.(1 !0. 30. 6 12.8 ^ '■■"). 2 3-1. 9 3,0. 8 30. .- 31 (J 32. 35, 2 42. -J 2 2(i, 2 ;iii. 4 3.',. H 1) 37.9 1.^. 4 4(1.0 39. 6 33,. 4 3.^. 1 30. 5 30.6 32 2 32. 4 '.'t'.l. 7 42. 4 \] 21). li :'.ii i\ 37. ., ■ j-i 1 3,.^. 6 !0. S 3,0. 2 :is_ :; 35. 7 3,s. 3 31.11 31.0 33, 4 32.0 34.5 43.2 4 27.:', M.V, 37.1 3^ () 3,,-;. 9 40. 7 37. (1 3,0.4 3;,. 7 40.4 31.9 31.9 34 31.7 33.9 43. 5 5 27.1 ;n.9 3(;. i; 30 ;! 40. ,- 41.7 35. s ■.VJ. 1 31. ■.',r^. 6 32. 2 32. 2 33, 4 33. II :•::.. 7 A.kX {'i 27.4 :il. (i 3,.->. .1 30 9 3.",. 4 43,. .-^ 37. (1 37.4 30.2 42.4 .32. 3 32. 6 3:'. :i 35, (1 .>.,. .) 31.6 7 27. 6 :'.2. 8 :;:>. ii 3,0 i; 3,0. (> 44.0 41.1 30. -^ 40. 7 40.4 31.2 32. 8 35 5 3„i. 4 3,3. 6 3,4. 3 8 2d. ('. :;:i. 35. 2 40 (i 39. 4).. 5 10.0 3S. 3 30. 3 40. |J 31.5 34. 5 3,7 6 :v.',. 3 33,. .35. 3 9 29. 4 :s:i(; 3(;. 1 a C, 3,0. 43.5 4I.« :'.i). 7 34. 41.0 31. d 34.1 . 37 .-: 34. 2 3,.!. 4 30. 7 10 29. :!4. 7 :vj. 3 41 ;{ 41.0 43. 40.4 39. 7 33,. 6 41.0 32. 6 33. S 9 ii-i. 7 3,4. 2 11 2."^ 7 :i;!. 1) 3,0. .11 4 40. 1 44.1 11.5 3,7. 35. 5 42.1 31.-- 33. 3 ',\^ 2 3,s, 1 35. 7 30.8 Noon. 2 30. (i 11 4 39. 1 411.1 42.0 34.4 42. 3 32. 6 32. 3 35 3 3„-^, 37.4 37.1 11' 2.-. 9 :m.2 3,s. 11 1 40.0 30 - 44.(1 3S. 35. 6 37.6 32. 6 32. 4 3,5 2 3-', 3 3,7. .s 37.1 2 29. H 34.0 37. () 42 II 39.0 41.4 42. 5 39.0 35.4 3H. 32. 1 32. 3 ! If) '2 1 3.-. 5 37. 5 ;! ;',(! rS ;'.3. (i 40 1 41.4 41. (i -12.1 39. 2 34. 5 34.0 32. 4 3,2. 3 34 ■• 3,7,6 3,0. 37.7 4 ai. :! 33. .'-1 3,li, t) 3;i s 41..- 40.5 12. 2 37. y 35, .s 3,4 6 33. 1 32 4 3,3 4 1 37,6 35. 9 3S, 5 ;!i.2 34. (; 3(i. 1 30 11 3S. I 40. 3S. 1 3S. 5 3.5. 7 34.1 32. 8 33,. 1 37, 1 3,4.6 3,.s, s 6 :!(). (1 33.4 :',(;. .s 3,S 7 33. (i 3S. (1 ,1,-' •' 37.5 35. 5 34. 5 32. 6 32. 4 3,3 3 35, 7 35. 3 30. 5 7 ■M). :, 33. C 3b. 1 42 1) :;.-^. 3 3,S. 1 37. 30. 7 33.4 3,2. 5 31.6 3,2 7 3,5, 1 33,. (J ^17. 7 H :w. I 33.(1 :'..<. c, ;!(; <; .i'"*. 1 411. 1 41.0 30. 30.4 33,. 32. 5 3(1. 6 32 3,1,4 3,2, 7 '■u . 5 9 29. 9 33.(1 :',.~. (i 3,0 s 30. 9 41.4 40. 5 3,7. ;.> 3(5. 1 ;',2. 5 31.8 31.1 3'-' !!',. 'J 3,2, 7 'Ml 6 10 HO. 2 34. 1 10.3 30 i; 30. I 3,0. (i 3,5. 9 30.0 32. 1 31.3 31.3 32 3 ■li>. 8 41, 1 ;iti. 9 11 Moans - +30. 1 t:',:>. 1 +3>W. K +3,H +3(1. .■^ +35.(1 +:i(i. +35. 6 +37. +32. 1 +30. H +31. 5 +33 >* +34. 4 +42. 3 +.>"). "J +28. H4 f32. 99 +37. 34 +;',9. 4.^) +3H. 73 + 10.62 + 10. 2i^ +38. 27 +35. GO +37.32 +31.93 +32. 20 +3,4. 10; +■>(*. Hil +35. 27 + iH. 43 JUNE, 1872. AT POLARIS BAY. 17 JULY, 1872 Time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 § 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 o o o o o o o o o o o o 0" +47.6 +37.9 +51.1 +47. 8 +48.9 +42.2 +39.3 +37.8 +37.9 +39.4 +40.7 +36.3 +38. 2 +34.6 +36.6 +37.7 1 48.9 35.5 50.2 48.0 48.7 42.0 40.0 37.0 38.3 39. 7 40.8 37.1 38.5 34.6 36.4 37.1 2 46.8 34.8 49.9 47.3 48.4 41.8 42.2 36.9 38.9 39.5 39.9 40.6 38.6 34.5 36.7 .38.0 3 49.0 35.0 46.8 47.5 48.2 41.5 43.6 36.2 39.7 40.0 40.2 39.6 38.6 34.0 36. 3 38. 5 4 46.8 35.0 43.6 47.5 47.0 41.3 44.0 35.1 40.5 39.6 40.6 40.6 38.1 33.8 36.3 38. 5 5 47.8 36.8 44.6 47.7 47.6 40.9 43.7 36.0 39.9 39.8 40.2 39.1 37.6 34.2 37.0 39. 7 6 46.2 37.8 42.8 47.0 48.0 40.5 42.9 35.9 40.2 38.9 39.9 44.6 37.6 34.5 37.1 40.4 7 45.8 37.4 44.6 46.8 48.2 40.3 42.5 37.0 40.5 39.0 38. 8 45.1 37.2 35.1 ,37.1 40.6 8 48.5 37.0 53.0 46.3 48.5 39.7 42.2 36.8 40.7 38,7 39.2 47.4 36.6 35,6 37.4 40.0 9 49.1 37.3 53.0 46.0 49.0 39.5 41.7 36.5 39.8 39. 2 39.7 45.2 37.6 36.1 38. 1 39. 6 10 47.3 39.5 44.8 45.9 49.6 39.0 41.5 36.9 39.7 39.6 38,9 46.5 38.1 35.9 36.7 38.0 11 50. 1 .50.1 44.8 45.7 49.9 38.6 41.0 37.0 40.2 41,0 38,9 39.9 38.5 37.2 36.3 39.6 Noon. 48.1 49.6 43.7 45.4 50.2 38.2 40.8 36.7 40.5 39. 9 39.5 41.6 38.8 37.5 36.4 41.4 1" 51.1 49.3 44.1 45.5 50.8 37.9 39.7 36.0 40.8 39.8 39.3 39.4 37. 2 39.0 36.6 39. 6 2 51.8 51.9 41.9 44.5 51.5 37.7 39.0 35.6 40.8 39.2 39.3 39.6 39.1 39. 2 37.4 38.6 3 51.8 51.4 42.9 44.8 51.0 38.2 39.2 35. 8 40.2 40.0 38.9 39.4 37.4 37.9 37.0 39.0 4 51.8 51.4 41.3 45.3 49.9 38.4 38. 9 36.0 39.9 40.3 39.0 38.5 37.3 37.2 37.0 39. 5 52.1 51.0 42.8 46.1 48.6 37.6 39.5 36.4 39. 7 40. 7 39.1 3H. 36.4 36.6 36.5 3-!, 4 6 52.3 51.0 41.8 47.4 45.4 37.4 39. 5 :'.(j, 7 39. 8 41.0 38.7 37.9 35.6 36.5 37.5 :tH. 2 7 46.1 50.8 48,2 46.9 44.2 38.0 38.9 :iG. 5 40.0 41.3 38.4 37.9 35.6 36.8 36.5 37] 8 44.2 50.9 48.3 49.4 43.4 37.2 39.3 3(i, 8 39. 6 41.7 38. 3 37.7 35.6 36.1 36. 5 37.1 9 41.6 49.8 47.8 50.3 42.8 37.0 39.0 36.9 39.0 41.9 38.1 3S. 5 35.9 35.5 36.6 37.3 10 41.9 50.5 49.1 49.8 42.6 38.1 38.6 37.2 38.9 41.5 37.5 38. 34.6 35. 9 36.6 37.6 11 Means. +43.4 +50.9 +47.9 +49.7 +42.0 +38.6 +38.2 +37.5 +39.2 +40.9 +36.8 +38.4 +34.6 +36.1 +36.9 +36. 3 +47. 92 +44. 28 +46. 21 +47. 05 +47. 68 +39. 23 +40. 63 +36. 55 +39. 78 +39. 36 +39. 19 +40. 29+37. 22 +36. 35+36. 81 +38. 63 - JUL"" f, 187: 2. Time. 17 1§ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Means. o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0" +35.9 +36.6 +37.9 +35. 5 +43.5 +41.6 +39.7 +41.6 +35.9 +39.6 +39. 6 +41.6 - H38.6 H 1-39.6 H h38.9 f39. 04 I 35.4 36.8 37.5 35.6 41.6 42.1 39.2 30.0 35.8 37.3 39.1 41.6 38.9 39.6 39.6 3.H. 77 2 34.7 37.1 37.2 39.8 42.0 42.4 37.6 38.8 35.6 37.3 39.6 42.1 38.3 39.9 39.8 38. 93 3 34.7 36.3 37.4 40.5 45.3 42.1 38.1 39.9 35.9 38.6 39.8 42.0 39.6 39.6 39.4 39. 16 4 33.8 35.9 37.7 41.3 44.7 42.1 38.8 39.5 35.6 39.2 40.0 44.4 39.7 39.1 38.4 38. 98 5 33.7 36.4 37.4 37.1 42.6 4a. 6 39.6 39.7 .37.0 38.8 39.4 47.4 40.3 39.4 38.8 39. 12 6 33.8 36.4 37.6 36.3 44.9 43.2 39.8 39.4 39.6 41.6 39.6 44.4 44.1 38.8 39.1 39. 45 7 33.6 36.4 37.7 40.5 47.2 54.3 39.2 .39.2 42.3 38.6 39.4 46.4 45.0 37.6 37.1 40.02 8 34.6 35.9 38.1 44,6 46.7 45.3 40.1 39.3 40.8 42.7 39.6 41.9 47.1 37.6 37.1 40. 29 9 34.6 35.9 37.6 37.6 45.9 45.2 38.3 39.2 39.6 42.1 41.2 43.2 47.6 37.5 37.9 40. 03 10 36.1 35.9 38.3 38.1 46.4 44.8 37.6 38.8 41.0 41.2 44.1 4.5.1 49.3 38.7 37.9 40.04 11 37.6 35.8 37.6 39.7 45.7 46.2 38.3 38.6 41.7 42.6 44.6 43.2 47.4 39.1 37.9 40.48 Noon. 37.3 35. 4 37.4 38,6 45.8 41.8 38.3 37.6 42.4 45.5 44.8 44.5 47.0 39. 6 37.8 40. 33 1" 38.0 36.1 37.6 .38.1 43.6 42.2 37.6 37.2 43.2 42,6 47.6 44.2 45, 8 39.4 37.8 40. 23 2 38.3 36.0 37.6 39.4 43.0 41.6 37.4 37.2 44.0 45.6 44.6 45.4 44.8 37.9 38.1 40.26 3 38. 1 36.6 39.4 38.7 45.1 40.6 37.1 37.4 44.2 41.9 43.4 44.7 42.4 37.6 38. 6 40.02 4 38.4 38. 41.4 40.0 42.8 42.0 36.6 37.3 38. 5 42.1 45. 2 42.1 44.4 36.6 1 38.9 39. 85 5 39.4 38.8 39.6 40.6 42.6 40.6 35.8 37.6 38.8 40.1 45. 8 41.5 44,0 37.5 37.8 39.68 6 38.4 37.6 40.4 41.6 43.8 40.6 37.1 38.8 37.7 40.6 44.4 42.2 44.5 37.0 38.7 39. 68 7 37.9 37.9 40.8 39.8 43.6 39.6 37.1 37.9 33.0 39.4 44.6 41.6 42.6 37.1 37.7 39. 15 8 37.7 38.4 41.3 41.0 44.6 40.6 37.8 37. 6 32. 4 39. 6 43,6 40.7 42.9 37. G 37.6 39. 2L 9 38.2 38.0 40.6 39.6 43.6 39.6 36.4 38. 6 37. 5 40, 1 43. 2 38,1 40.4 38.4 37.3 38. 95 10 37.8 37.6 41.9 42.1 43.9 40.0 37.6 37. 6 38. 8 :vj. 4 43.0 38. 3 39.9 38.2 36.4 39. OG 11 Means. +37.1 +37.9 +39.6 +41.9 +43.9 +39.3 +37. 6 +36.6 +49.6 yi4. 6 +42.2 +39.1 +39.7 +38.1 +35. 8 +39. 20 +36. 46 +36. 82 +38. 73 +39. 50 +44. 2c +42. 52 +38. 03 +38. 5x 1 +oS. 74 ' +40. 6r ( +42. 43 +42. 74+43. 10+38. 42+38. 10+39, 58 3ta 18 TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR AUGUST, 1872. Time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 o o Qi" +35.2 +38.0 +37.6 +34. 8 +40.6 +36.6 +35.9 +36.8 +38.2 +39.6 +35.4 +33.1 +30.8 +30.6 +33,4 +32.3 1 36.4 38.6 37. 8 34.3 40.8 36.6 36. £ 36. 9 38.6 37.1 33. 1 32.9 30.6 30.8 30.9 33.7 2 36.0 3--<. 9 ■■iK 3 34.6 41.0 37.8 36.9 36. 9 38. 3 37.0 32. 5 31.9 30.6 33.6 29.6 32.1 3 38. 6 39.6 37.8 36.9 40.6 38.6 36.3 36.4 39.8 38.6 3(5. 5 37.4 31.8 31.8 29.9 32.7 4 36.3 38.8 37.9 39.1 41.6 40.9 35. 6 35. 3 40.1 42.0 39.6 38.6 36,1 31.5 30.2 33.4 .•5 34.6 40.1 38.4 3h. 8 44.8 40.8 35.4 3.5.4 41.3 43.6 46.3 42.4 36.5 32.6 30.4 34.1 6 35.3 41.8 39 4 36. 6 42.5 39.4 35.8 35.3 41.1 42.2 41.9 40.2 34.1 34.4 31.4 34.8 7 36. H 42.4 40.0 36.8 4d.O 37.6 36.6 36.1 42.6 42.4 38.6 4,5.6 37.2 37.0 32.2 36.0 8 35.2 43.2 41.0 43.1 45.2 38.9 36.6 37.2 44.4 42.2 44.2 43.3 40.6 34.8 33.6 39.6 9 37.7 41.7 39.1 44.6 45.7 43.2 36.1 40.9 43.6 42.2 46.1 43.6 39.4 36.4 34.0 35.0 10 39.6 40.9 39.3 48.5 44.2 45.4 38.3 45.0 43.2 42.8 47.6 46.1 38.8 36.7 34.4 37.6 11 37.9 40.6 39.1 49.4 45.1 38.9 37.6 39.2 43.8 42.6 46.5 45.9 36.6 36.6 39.8 36.1 Noon. 39.5 41.6 38.9 49.0 43.6 39.9 37.9 40.3 42.6 41.2 47.0 44.6 37.9 37.4 36.6 35.9 Ih 38.6 43.4 39.6 49.6 43.6 40.8 38.6 39.4 45.6 41.6 45.4 41,9 42.9 35.8 36.3 3.5.1 2 40.3 41.9 39.0 52.4 42.3 36.9 38.0 39.9 44.4 40.6 . 38.3 41.9 44.6 34.8 35.8 34.8 3 38.6 41.9 40.0 48.3 43.1 39.6 37.9 39.9 42.0 37.7 37.1 38.6 43.1 3.5.6 35.4 34.3 4 40.3 40.6 38.6 40.6 41.8 36.8 39.4 39.1 42.5 45.6 37.4 35.8 39.3 35.2 35. 2 32.8 5 40.2 40.7 37.8 41.1 41.6 37.1 39.1 39.8 42.3 37.5 36.1 40.0 33.2 34.4 34.9 32.4 6 38.8 41.2 37.6 43.8 40.4 38.4 39.5 39.8 43.8 37.2 33.6 33.4 33.5 35.3 37.1 32.1 7 41.0 39.3 36.4 41.5 38.9 38.1 .39.0 40.4 43.1 35.0 32.8 30.6 33.8 35.1 36.6 32.0 8 39.1 38.5 36.0 40.6 40.4 37.2 37.1 40.9 42.6 34.9 35.2 32.7 32.6 35.9 36.1 32.4 9 39.7 38.6 35.2 40. 2 39.3 37.6 37.6 40.6 43.1 36.3 34.6 31.5 32.7 35.9 34.6 32.4 10 39.2 37.6 34.5 40.1 37.6 36.8 37.0 38.0 44.1 35.9 33.8 31.6 31.2 35.2 33.6 31.7 11 Means. +38.1 +37.2 +34.5 +40.0 +36.6 +35. 6 +37.4 +39.1 +40.8 +34.9 +33.9 +30.7 9 +31.6 +34.4 +33.0 +30.7 +38. 04 +40. 29 +38. 08 +41.86 +41.97 +38.7 i +37.3 5 +38. 6£ +42. It +39. 61 +38. 89 +38.0 +34. le +34. 66 +33. 9f +33. 92 AUGUST, 1872. Time. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Means. o o o u c Oi' +31.9 +31.1 +29. C 1+33.9 +33.7 +31.4 +34. 3 +29. 1 +26.9 +25.6 +31.6 +27.6 +28.9 +26.9 +31.3 - h32. 99 1 31.6 30. 6 29.1 34.3 33. 6 30.6 33.9 28. 1 26.6 25.6 30.0 27.6 28.3 25.8 32.1 32.70 2 31.0 30.9 29.3 34.4 34.1 31.3 33.9 2.«. 6 27.0 26.6 29.6 27.6 28.3 27.4 32.3 33.17 3 31.3 30.9 29.4 ' 34.1 32.6 32. 4 33.6 29.4 27.4 27.8 29.4 28.6 28.3 27.8 32. 3 4 32. 2 30.7 29. 4 ' 33. 3 32. 8 32. 1 33.4 29.4 26 6 25.8 28.8 27.5 25.6 32.3 33. 83 5 33.0 31.2 30.4 j 33.3 33. 8 32.8 33. 3 30. 5 27.8 26.5 30.6 27.8 28.6 26. K 32.2 33.72 6 33.2 31.6 31.1 1 34.3 34.4 33.1 33.8 32.4 31.8 27.6 32.0 29.7 29.8 27.6 32.6 33.68 7 33.6 32.1 32.2 1 36.2 36. 1 33.4 33.6 35.0 32.6 29.1 33.4 29.8 32.1 28.8 33.6 33.91 8 34.8 32.9 34. 2 ' 35. 7 3H.5 33.9 35.9 36.7 36.4 30.8 35.6 32.6 30.3 29.8 33.7 35. 05 9 34.9 31.1 34.1 36. 2 42.9 3,5.5 34.1 38.0 37.6 31.2 .35.4 33.6 31.7 30.6 33.6 36.29 10 34.4 39.8 35. 2 35.5 46.9 35. -s 35.9 39. 9 41.8 32.5 36.6 35.4 33.0 31.0 33.8 36.77 11 34.6 43.1 39.3 35.4 42.7 34. 9 36.7 38.5 43.4 33.1 37.7 34.9 33.1 33.8 35.9 39.23 Noon. 36.6 45.3 40.6 36.1 42. 3 34. 6 37.9 37. 1 38.4 32.6 39.6 38.9 35.8 37.6 35.9 39.09 1'^ 36.6 44.9 41.6 42.9 34.1 37.9 38.4 41.3 33.3 38.4 40.3 37.3 35.8 35.9 39.46 2 36.9 42.9 39. 3 36. 6 40.8 34.3 38. 39.4 36.6 34.6 40.0 40.3 39.9 40.9 35.9 39.78 3 36.1 43. 6 35.6 ' 36. K 37.4 34.3 36.4 39.6 35.8 34.9 39.3 42.3 38.0 39.8 36.9 39 43 4 35.3 42.4 43.1 36.3 35.0 34.4 35.9 36.3 32.1 35.0 39.0 39.5 36.3 33.0 36,6 38.71 5 35. 9 44.1 43.7 41.6 33.1 34.4 36.0 36.0 31.6 35.4 39.6 40.0 38.3 32.1 36.6 37.79 6 35. 41.9 41.1 37.9 35.6 34.2 35.3 34.1 31.4 35.6 40.0 35.6 38.8 35.1 35.3 37.63 7 34.5 39.8 34.4 35.5 32.8 33.9 33.8 32. 30.0 33.9 35.4 33.5 31.6 34.8 34.3 37.17 8 33.0 35.8 36.4 34.2 31.9 33.7 32.6 31.0 28.7 34.6 30.5 32.1 31.3 31.6 33.6 35. 61 9 33.2 33.0 34.4 33.2 31.2 33.7 31.6 29.7 28.5 31.6 29.6 31.4 30.4 30.6 32.1 34.94 10 32.3 32.1 33.0 .32.7 31.0 33. 6 30.4 28.6 27.6 31.5 28.7 29.8 30.4 30.2 32.4 34.33 11 +31.6 f29. 6 +34.6 +31.9 1 31.2 +33.5 +29. 4 +27.6 +26.1 +31.2 +27.9 +29.8 +28.9 +30.5 +32.6 33.62 h33. 06 Means. f33. 89 +36. 73 t35. 05+34. 82' +30. 14 +33. 58 +34. 48 +33. 56 +32. 25 +31. 10 +34. 11 +33. 18 +32. 41 +31. 41 +33. 91 - ^ 1 h35. 91 AT POLARIS BAY. 19 From the preceding record of temperatures it will be seen that March was the coldest and July the warmest month of the year. The absolute minimum of — 45o.5 occurred in January and the absolute maximum of +53o.O in July. The following table contains the absolute maxima and minima as observed in each month, giv- ing also the day and hour of occurrence : Months. Maximum. Minimum. Day of maximum. Hour of maximum. Day of minimum. Hour of minimum. January February + 4.4 + 6.8 + 4.6 +19.6 +32. 6 +48.6 +53.0 +52.4 +31.0 +16.0 +15.1 +15.6 o —45.5 —42.4 —45.2 —33. 2 — 9.7 +25.6 +32.4 +25.6 +14.1 —19.0 —25.9 —30.3 23 18 28 and 30 21 21 30 3 4 4 7 6 5 7 p. m. 9 18 3 14 4 1 25 26 30 27 27 24 11 a. m. 5 a. m. 10 a. m. 3 a. m. 2 a. m. land 4 p.m. 10 p. m. 2 p. m. 11 p. m. 7 a. m. 8 and 9 a. m. 1 a. m. July 2 p. m. 8 p. m. 11 p. m. 2 p. m. August . . ...... Oand 1 a. m. September October November December 7 a. m. 5 a. m. 8 p. m. 10 a. m. 3 a. m. 5 a. m. The two following tables give the daily means of temperature for each month, and also the monthly means, as derived from the hourly (or as it happens in September and October, eight- hourly, otherwise interpolated) observations: TABLE I. Daily means of temperature observed at Polaris Bay. .-H 1 C' 00 CO GO T^ 72. Date. '•J a at o > a U 03 3 5 2 .a" 0) ■X' ■7} 1^ CO a -J2 o •^ -i u^ 3 < o" >-2 o O < O o o O o o o. 1 +2fi. 11 +12. 52 —17. OG —15. 14 —26. 44 —21.03 —36. 98 ^ 0. 34 — 0.82 +23. S4 +47. 92 + 38. 04 2 28. 90 11.95 21. 15 9. 99 22.02 25. 40 37. 69 11. 49 + 4.83 32. 99 44. 28 40.29 3 28. 40 12.35 21. 25 10. '.15 17.69 29. 53 :;^. 07 18. 89 + 2 3S 37. 34 40.21 38. 08 4 27. 12 11.25 19. (J2 — 6.50 24. 38 26. 73 29. 96 13. 59 — 1. 3-^ 39. 15 47. 05 41.86 ^i 24. 08 10.77 — 8.14 + 6.09 26.05 25.74 16. 99 8.94 — 1.22 38.73 47. 68 41.97 (i 24. (iM 12.56 +10. 23 — 8. 95 29. 05 25. 30 24. 53 9.34 + 4.92 40. (;2 39. 23 38. 73 7 20.81 12. 70 10. 42 20. 26 2'j. 89 2(1.68 36. 89 7. 79 7. 33 40. 2S 411.63 37. 35 8 28. 0.-> 7.48 6. 5'J 23.00 30.60 20. 98 41.25 3. 87 8.47 38. 27 36.55 38. 69 9 27.08 8.42 11.01 —13. 73 39.03 19. 94 42. 32 5.90 11.33 35.69 39. 78 42. 16 10 20. 73 11.57 9.90 + 2.98 25. 35 1.5. .5H 32. 73 12. .57 11.01 37. 32 39. :!6 39. 61 11 14. 87 + 7.50 3.23 — 7.95 28. 69 13. 40 35. 38 16.73 9. 05 31.93 39. 19 38. 89 12 20. 37 — 1. 25 + 4.23 15. 27 29. 89 IH. 03 30. 23 24. 37 10.4:; 32. 20 40.29 38. 09 13 17. 3ti 3.15 - 5. 88 14. .52 27.23 13. 99 26. 95 18. 88 14.64 34. 19 37. 22 34. 15 14 19.61 1.75 9.24 10. 00 25.39 28.71 29. 66 22. 6^ 18. 56 30. 89 36. 35 31. 06 15 24.51 3.68 14.87 1.5.24 21.47 30. 19 29. 02 20. 42 20.40 35. 27 3(i. rfl 33. 96 16 21.95 6.93 9. 55 16.89 21. 62 2.H. 52 23.67 19.76 20. 96 38. 43 3H. 63 33. 92 17 16. 82 12. 15 2. 95 20.06 26. 59 24. 33 20.20 23.17 19.76 31. 09 36. 46 33. 89 18 24.27 13.38 0.45 21.87 29. 4 1 1.24 22. 69 19. 55 20. 73 32.72 36. 82 36. 73 19 19.77 13.12 9. 75 5.62 26.09 13. 97 19. 00 12.17 23. 53 33. M7 38. 73 35.05 20 29.72 8.10 15. 00 11.05 13. 30 25. 95 15. 30 -12. 03 25.59 38. 37 39. 50 34. 82 ■ 21 31.92 4.52 16.70 20.69 — 3. 76 31.24 25. 26 + 4.27 30. 59 33. 50 44. 28 36.14 22 29.31 6.28 18.40 24.58 + 1.14 36. 30 25.90 15.06 29. 93 34. 67 42. 52 :!3. 58 23 23.84 4.71 20.12 25.66 —14. 00 35. 18 22.81 13. 88 27.51 36. 54 38. 03 34. 48 24 22.43 2.80 20.12 25.70 18.76 32. 37 19. 38 + 11.77 28. 14 39. 84 38.52 33. 56 25 20.14 2.13 23. 50 24.92 21. 72 15.29 20. 32 - 1.92 28. 16 39. 54 38. 74 32. 25 26 15.42 9.10 18.69 22. 57 20.51 15.81 — H. 35 0. 43 26.93 39. 18 40. 63 31. 10 27 23.88 16. 23 21.86 20. 82 25. 53 23. 28 + 1.04 — 1.90 23. 35 34.36 42. 43 34.11 28 27.37 17.85 8. 28 23. 35 28. 00 18. 22 + 1.64 + 1.03 24. 30 36.93 42.74 33. 18 29 17.85 17.27 2.25 20. 15 17. 18 —22. 89 —12. 56 6.41 22. 64 37. 05 43. 10 32. 41 30 +13. 96 8.08 — 0.92 14.10 7.88 0.87 + 1.33 24. 59 +45. 97 38. 42 31.41 31 — 9.02 —21. 70 —10. 38 — 4. 08 +24. 76 +3-.10 +33. 91 20 TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR TABLE II. Hourly means of temperature observed at Polaris Bay. Hour. 3 Xi CD r-4 S5 1—1 a > o 15 1— I T— 1 T— 1 So So m s 2 O O a O ft 3 p 2 "u < % s a 3 '3 1-5 a < o o o o o O a Oh + 23. 23 —1.39 -8.63 —14. 86 —[23.65] -22. 23 -24. 49 -11.24 + [13.55] +35. 42 +39. 04 +32. 99 1 23. 23 1.39 8.63 15. 26 22.78 • 22. 23* 24.08 11.92 13.78 [35. 17] [38.77] [32.70] 2 23. 23 1.39 8.63 15. 12 22.77 22. 34 23. 87 [12.21] 14.16 35.31 38.93 33.17 3 23. 23 1.39 8.63 15. 71 22.26 22. 34 24. 38 11.59 14.68 35.83 39.16 33. 83 4 23. 25 1.38 8.62 15. 54 22. 00 23.04 24.38 10.64 1,5.26 36.19 38.98 33.72 5 23. 25 1.29 [9.56] 14.77* 21.99 23. 27 24.59 9.30 15.97 36.25 39.12 33.68 6 23. 25 1.38 8.63 15. 89 22. 29 23.38 [24.87] 8.33 16.55 36.36 39. 45 33.91 7 23.71* 1.38 8.63 15. 51 22.31 23.37 24.02 7.70 17.19 36.51 40.02 35.05 8 23.24 1.38 8.63 15.69 22. 11 23.37 23.59 6.93 17.93 36.89 40.29 36.29 9 23.24 1.38 8.63 15.47 21.96 23.59 23.21 5.37 18.43 37.18 40. 03 36.77 10 23.24 1.38 8.63 15. 69 22.24 23.26 22.88 4.93 18.69 37.41 40.04 39.23 11 23. 24 1.38 8.63 [16.44] 22.46 23.38 22.33 4.51 18.62 37. 48* 40. 48* 39.09 Noon. 23. 24 1. 38 8.63 16. 26 22.29 24.03 22. 23* 4.27* 18.54 37. 42 40.33 39. 46 li> 23. 2J 1.38 8.62 16. 25 21.71 23.71 22.30 4.66 18. 80* 37.39 40. 23 39. 78" 2 23. 24 1. 1.5* 8.73 16.14 21.64' 23. 47 22.42 5.11 18.69 37.10 40. 2G 39.43 3 23.24 1. 38 8.62 15.97 21.77 23.41 22.45 5. 22 18.44 36. 75 40. 02 38.71 4 23. 51 1. 38 8. 63 16.03 22. 36 23. 62 22.65 5.59 18.42 36. 66 39. 85 37.72 5 23. 24 1.3H 8.63 16. 22 21.97 23.91 22.65 6.04 17.92 36.49 39.68 37.63 6 23.23 1.38 8.63 16.26 22. 17 [24. 08] 23.24 6.83 17.35 36.28 39. 68 37.17 7 23.23 1.38 8.63 16.05 22.30 24.02 23.48 7.63 17.03 35.88 39.15 35.61 8 23. 23 1.39 8.63 15.96 22.46 23. 83 23.89 8.19 16.66 35.82 39.21 34.94 9 23. 23 1.39 8.63 15.87 21. 82 23. 28 23.44 8.30 15.98 36.28 38.95 34. 33 10 23. 23 1.39 8.63 16.08 21.70 22. 83 23.88 8.67 15.75 36.27 39.06 33.62 11 Means. +[22.79] —1.38 —8. 08* —15. 66 — 22.01 -22. 60 —23. 61 —10. 82 + 15.07 +36. 50 39.20 +33. 06 + 23.25 —1.37 —8.65 —15. 79 — 22. 23 —23. 28 —23. 47 — 7.77 + 16.81 +36. 44 +39. 58 ^-35. 91 Note.— The maximum temperatures of each month are indicated by asteriBks and the minima are in brackets. ANNUAL FLUCTUATION OF TEMPERATURE AT POLARIS BAY. In order to discuss the preceding observations analytically, botli the daily and monthlj' means are required. As has been mentioned before, there are only eight-bourlj' observations on record for the months of September and October ; but three daily observations, if separated by proper intervals of time, will give the mean temperature of the day, provided the respective weights of the observations under consideration can be estimated. The latter can be done, a.s we know the law of the daily fluctuation of temperature at quite a number of stations situated in the arctic regions. Denoting the three observations under consideration in their succession by fi, /j, and fg; denot- ing further three other observations, taken during the same month, day, and hours, but at another station, by rj, tj, and rj, and the mean temperature of the day at the second station by p. ; if Wj, W2, W3 are the weights of the observations at the first station, we may say with some reliability that— 111 ■IC\ : M'2 : ?r3= : : (/^-Ti) {p-^%) {p--T:-i) Having thus obtained the weights of three observations at the first station, the mean can be calculated according to the well-known formula — M'l + -"^2 + W3 By this somewhat laborious, but otherwise simple method, the daily means have been com- puted, from which subsequently the monthly and annual means have been derived. The period under consideration comprises one year of 366 days, which was divided into twelve equal parts of 30.5 days each, and the means of these equi-intervals were formed in order to use them as monthly means in Bessel's circular functions. The following table will show how little they vary from the means of the actual months : AT POLAEIS BAY. 21 Comparison of the means of the actual months and the eqid-intervals. Months. Mean tempera-'Mean tempera- January . . February . March April May June ture of actual months. —22, 23 —23. 28 —23. 47 — 7.77 +16. 81 +36. 44 ture of equi- intervals. 22. 42 —23! 52 —22. 65 — 7.66 +17.59 +36. 94 Months. Mean tempera- Mean tempera ture of actual ture of equi- months. intervals. July August - September. October .. . November . December'. +39. 58 +35. 91 +23. 25 — 1.37 — 8. 65 —15. 79 +39. 28 +35. 88 +23. 07 — 1.59 — 8.76 —15. 79 Mean temperature of the year =^ + 4°. 196 F. In Bessel's circular functions — T=A + Bi sin (a?+C,) + B2 sin (2a;+C2) + B3 sin {3x+G3)+ . the co-efficient Bi, B3, &c., and the angles Cj, C2, &c., being obtained from- a„ B„ :-/«\+&\ and tan (3^=-j- where a and b are functions of the observed means of the phases constihitiiig the period, present case the following values were obtained: In tlie n "ii K Bn Cn 1 3 4 —25. 940 + 5. 336 + 0. 100 + 1.0196 —20. 016 + 4.282 + 1.723 — 1.9586 +32. 765 + 6. ^■!2 + 1.730 + 2. 208 / // 232 20 40 51 15 10 30 04 40 152 30 00 By inserting the values given in the above table in Bessel's formula, we ol)taiii the analytical expression for the annuiil fluctuation of temperature at Polaris Bay as follows: T= + 4.19G+32.705 sin (.1 + 2320 20' 40") + 0.S42 sin (2,r+51o J5' 10") + 1.730 sill (3.r+30o 4' 40") + 2.20S sin {4.r+iry2o .30' 00") The angle .»■ increases at the rate of 30° per month (equi-iiiti'rval), starting from the iniildle of December, to wliich the period is referred. Taking, therefore, successively ,r=30o, .r^filP, &c., we obtain tlie mean temperatnre of January, February, &c., respectively. In this manner the follow- ing results have been obtained: Months, (cqui-iutorvals). Temperature ob.ierve(l. TeriqK'iiitnrr eoniputcd. Diiforence, 0. — C. January February March —22. 42 —23. 52 —22. 65 — 7.66 +17. 59 +36. 94 +39. 28 -1-35. 88 +23. 07 — 1.59 — 8.76 —15. 79 -22. 61 —21. 75 —21.63 — 7. 88 +18. 29 +35. 63 +39. 34 +37. 60 +21. 39 — 0. 88 — 9.61 —14. 52 +0. 19 +1.23 —1.02 +0. 22 —0. 70 +1.31 —0. 06 —1. 72 +1. 68 —0.71 +0.85 —1.27 May July September October November December — 4.24 +37. 37 + 4.24 —20. 58 — 3.74 +37. 52 + 3.64 —20. 63 —0.50 —0.15 +0.60 +0.05 Summer Autumn "Winter Year + 4. 196 + 4. 196 ±0.00 22 TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR The roots of — =0 give the maximum and minimum temperatures during the year, but the dx direct solution of this differential equation being too laborious, as no great accuracy is required, the approximate solution by means of the regula falsi has been adopted. Stopping with our approximation at — <^ = +0.00025 d X which corresponds to ,«=215o 4', we obtain the maximum of— +390.5 on July 21st. The lowest temperature occurred in the middle of February, though there was another mini- mum of— —240.7 on February 3d. By inserting T=+4.196 in the analytical expression for the annual fluctuation, the roots of the equation will give the phases, when the mean annual temperature occurs. These roots were found by approximation,'and we see the mean temperatures to occur on — May 1st and October 8th. The following diagram exhibits the annual fluctuation of temperature at Polaris Bay : g SB The strong curve represents the computed values, the other one the temperatures actually observed. It will be seen that the greatest dift'erence between the computed and observed values occurs in August, namely, — lo.72. Then follow September with a difl'erence of +I0.68, June with + 10.38, December with — lo.27, February with +10.23, and March with — lo.02. None of the other differences exceed one degree. In the present case the greatest difference occurred in summer, while at the other neighboring stations it was found during winter or spring, when sudden changes AT POLARIS BAY. 23 of temperature are more frequent. Au examiuation of the hourly observations shows that during November the temperature rose, sometimes within one or two days, from —25° to +5°. The same was found during the two following months, and especially in February, when changes of 40°, and even more, were not at all uncommon. The following table gives the observed annual fluctuation of the atmospheric temperature for different stations in the arctic regions, four of which are situated on the northwest coast of Green- land, one in the Parry Archipelago, and another in East Greenland: Periods. Polaris Bay, 1871-72. 81'^" 36'. 4 N. X62 15 W. Van Rensselaer Harbor, 1853-54-55.

72" 01' N. A 94 14 W. Sabine Island, 1869-70. (j> 74" 32' N. X 18 49 W. o —22. 23 —23. 28 — 7. 77 +16.81 +36. 44 +39. 58 +35. 91 +23. 25 — 1.37 — 8. 65 —15. 79 o ■j.'^. 22 —26. 43 —34. 8S —10. 35 +13.45 +30. 12 +36. 19 +31. 82 +13.45 - 3.58 —21. 95 —31. 12 —29. 34 —25. 37 —25. 11 — 4.74 +19.84 o —25. 97 —24. 88 —22. 32 -11.01 +23. 77 +33. 85 +40. 54 [+36.07] +22. 60 + 7.60 + 2. 84 —12. 81 o —34. 40 —37. 08 —18. 22 — 2.92 +15. 04 +35. 11 +40. 12 +36. 95 +25. 43 + 7.44 —11.60 —33. 63 o -11.47 —10. 86 — 9.98 + 2.28 +22. 23 +36. 07 +38. 84 +33. 21 +24.21 + 7.11 — 0.98 + 1.15 Ffibmarv Tnlv September — 1.83 — 9.15 SDrinff ... — 4.81 +37.31 + 4.41 —20. 43 —10. 59 +33. 38 - 4.03 —28. 59 — 3.34 — 3.19 [+36.82] +11.01 —21. 22 — 2.04 +37. 40 + 7.09 —35. 04 + 4.84 +36. 04 +10. 10 — 7. 06 Winter —21. 29 Year + 4. 13 — 2.46 [+5.86] + 1.85 +10. 98 CHANGE OP THE MEAN TEMPEEATURB WITH THE LATITUDE. It will be seen that every month at Polaris Bay was warmer than at Rensselaer Harbor, the greatest diiference between the two localities being exhibited in December, during which month the mean temperature was 15o.l3 higher at Polaris Bay. The next greatest difference of 13o.30 occurs in November; then follows IMarch with llo.iL If we except September, which, accord- ing to the observations at our first winter-quarters, was Qo.SO warmer there than at Rensselaer Harbor, none of the other differences exceed 6o.5. The greatest difference between the mean temperatures of the two localities occurs in autumn and winter, the temperature at Polaris Bay be- ing 80.43 above that at Rensselaer Harbor in the former season and 80.I6 in the latter. The differ, ences between the temperature at the two stations in spring and summer was 50.8I and 3o.93, re- spectively; and the mean annual temperature is 6o.59 higher at Polaris Bay than at Rensselaer Harbor. Our observations taken at Polaris House, which are given in detail hereafter, are of special interest (although they do not extend over a whole year), as this station is situated be- tween Port Foulke and Rensselaer Harbor. The mean temperature of January was found lower- at our second winter-quarters than that of the same month at the two stations last mentioned, although it was by 50.6 higher than during the corresponding month at Port Kennedy. Both Feb- ruary and March were colder than at Port Foulke, but warmer than at Rensselaer Harbor, while the mean temperature of April was higher than that of the two other localities, which was due, most likely, to a body of open water to the south and west of the station under consideration. May again was warmer than at Rensselaer Harbor and colder than at Port Foulke. The same was the case in November and December; and a comparison of spring and winter demonstrates the same fact again. Consequently, there is a decided decrease of temperature with increasing lati- tude between Port Foulke and Polaris House aud between the latter station and Rensselaer 24 TEMPERATURE OP THE AIR Harbor. An examination of the mean temperatures of the station last mentioned and of those of Polaris Bay demonstrates the contrary, viz, an increase as shown in the following table, giving the increase of the mean temperature for 1° of latitude between latitudes 78o.6 and 8I0.6 north. Increase of mean temperature for one degree of latitude between latitudes 78°. 6 and 81°.6 N. January. February March . . . April. ... 2.0 1.5 3.8 0.9 May .. June .. July . . August 1.1 2.1 0.4 1.6 September October . . November December 3.3 0.7 4.4 5.1 Spring . Summer Autumn Winter. 1.9 1.3 0.1 2.7 Year = 20.2. By omitting Van Rensselaer Harbor, and calculating the difference of the mean temperature for each degree of latitude for the latitude between Port Foulke and Polaris Bay, we get the fol- lowing values, + indicating an increase, — a decrease, with increasing latitude: Difference of tem^jeraturefor one degree of latitude between latitudes 78.o3 and 81°. 6 N. January . February March . . . April .... +1.1 +0.5 —0.3 +1.0 May .. .Tune .. July... August —2.1 +0.8 —0.3 —0.1 September October .. November December +0.2 —2.7 —3.6 —0.9 Spring . Summer Autumn Winter. Year = — 0^ .5. —0.5 +0.1 — 2«0 +0.2 It will be seen that there is an increase of the mean temperature with the increasing latitude in January, February, April, June, and September, reaching its maximum during the month first mentioned; all the other mouths show a decrease, which is greatest in November. The following table gives the difference of the mean temperatures of the months and of the seasons, and also of the annual mean, between Port Foulke and Rensselaer Harbor: Difference of mean temperature between Port Foulke and Rensselaer Harbor; difference of latitude, =0o.3. January. February March . . . April 2.25 1.55 12.56 0.66 May .. June .. July.. August 10.32 3.73 2.35 4.25 September October .. November December 9.15 11.18 24.79 18.31 Spring . Summer Autumn Winter . o 7.40 3.44 15.04 7.37 Year = 8°.32. If we make use of the observations taken by Commander Sounders, of H. B. M. S. North Star, at Wolstenholm Sound in 1849 and 1850, in calculating the decrease of the temperature with the increasing latitude, we get the following table, Port Foulke being used as the northern station : Change of mean temperature for one degree of latitude between latitudes 76o.5 and 18°.3 K January February March April 0.5 +.\0 2.7 4.0 May June . 1.1 3.2 0.0 +1.3 September October November December 2.5 2.11 +11.9 + 8.0 Sorinff . 2.6 0.6 +2.4 +4.2 Summer Autumn July August Year = = + 0°. 85. AT POLARIS BAT. 25 There is a decided decrease manifested except in February, August, November, and Decem- ber, and accordingly in autumn and winter the temperature at Port Foulke is found to be the highest. The same takes place in regard to the annual temperature, which is by Qo.SS higher at the latter station. An examination of Hayes's narrative shows that there was considerable open water near his winter-quarters during November, December, and even during February, which circumstance will readily explain the higher mean temperatures during these months. The mean temperature of August at Port Foulke is not strictly comparable with that of Wolstenholm Sound, as it had to be interpolated, although we doubt that the difference between the value actually observed and the one in question would exceed lo.3. The observations taken at Cpernivik, combined with those of Wolstenholm Sound, give the fol- lowing result: Change of mean temperature for one degree of latitude between latitudes 72°. 8 and 76°. 5 If. January . February March... April. ... 4.9 6.0 3.5 2.8 May . . . June .. July. .. August +0.2 +0.7 +0.2 1.1 September October . . November December o 2.9 8.0 7.1 Spring - Summer Autumn AVinter . 2.0 0.1 6.0 4. 1 Year = 3°.0. It will be seen that there is a slight increase of temperature in May, June, and July, all the other months being colder at Wolstenholm Sound. By omitting the station last mentioned and calculating the decrease between Upernivik and Port Foulke the result turns out more favorably as may be seen from the following table, in which there is but one slight irregularity in July, this month being by 0o.3 warmer at the northern station: Decrease of mean temperature for one degree of latitude between latitudes 72o.8 and 78o.3 N. January. February March . . . April 3.4 2.4 3.3 3.2 May - . . June . . July... August 0.2 0.6 +0.3 0.3 September October .. November December 1.7 2.6 1.5 2.1 Spring . Summer Autumn "Winter. 2.2 0.2 1.9 2.3 Year = 1°.8. From the above tables it appears that there is a decided decrease of temperature with increas- ing latitude, between latitudes 72o.8 aud 78°. 6, from whence to latitude Slo.G the contrary takes place; consequently, we might say that the climate of West Greenland is of an insular character on the southern'part of the coast, assuming a continental character near and in Smith Sound, and growing milder again in the latitude of Polaris Bay. The difference in temperature between the extreme seasons, viz., summer and winter, increases from latitude 60° to latitude 78°. 6, from whence to latitude 81o.4 it decreases again, as exhibited in the following table. Beyond doubt the difference of Wolstenholm Sound is anomalous, resulting from local influences: Stations. Licbtenau Lichtenfels Jacobshaven Oraenak Upernivik Wolstenholm Sound Port Foulke Rensselaer Harbor .. Polaris Bay 60.22 23.2 63.00 27.9 69.12 46. 1 70.41 45.8 72.47 47.7 76.33 66.7 78.18 5S. 78.37 62.0 81.36 57.7 4 T A 26 TEMPERATURE OP THE AIR Koldewey, ia discussing the decrease of temperature with the latitude in East and West Green- land, between latitudes 61° and 74° north, finds the ratio of decrease to be nearly the same at both coasts, and concludes that the monthly and annual isothermal lines run nearly parallel with each other and parallel with the parallels of latitude across the continent of Greenland.* For the sake of completeness we shall give here the table as calculated by him in degrees of Reaumur, reduced to Fahrenheit's scale: Decrease of mean temperature for one degree of latitude between latitudes 61° and 74° N. November. December. January. February. March. April. May. East Greenland o 0.76 0.45 1.35 3.15 o 3.37 2.92 o 2.92 3.15 o 2.72 2.70 o 2.25 2.25 c 1.12 1.12 West Greenland According to the above table there canuot be any doubt as to the ratio of decrease being almost the same at both coasts (if we except December), but this fact does not include a parallelism of the isothermal lines with the parallels of latitude. At first sight it seems to be rather strange to find the mean temperatures of stations situated under the same parallel, on the eastern and western coasts of Greenland, almost equal, as the former is under the influence of a cold marine current, so much loaded with heavy drift and pack ice that it is always more or less difiBcult to reach this coast, while the other, to a certain latitude and at certain seasons, is washed by a warm current. Under such circumstances we might reasonably expect the temperature to be higher at a station situated at the western than that of another one situated at the eastern coast under the same latitude ; but this, however, is not the case. Our present knowledge of the interior of Green- land, between the latitudes mentioned above, shows that the so-called inland ice stretches nearer to the -west coast than to the one opposite. Therefore, it is easy to perceive that during the warm season the vicinity of the inland ice compensates for the action of the warm current along the western coast, while the more rocky surface of Eastern Greenland, heated by insolation, modifies that of the ice-stream. Consequently, the isothermal lines cannot run parallel with the parallels of latitude, but will represent curves, the convexity of which is turned toward the north. Most likely the apex of these curves between latitudes 69° and 74° north will be situated between longitudes 30° and 40° west, while farther south it will attain a greater west longitude. DIURNAL FLUCTUATION OF THE TEMPERATURE AT POLARIS BAY. The following table, exhibiting the mean maximum and minimum temperatures of each month, with their range and the time of their respective occurrence, is derived directly from Table II, given after the hourly record : Daily extremes, range, and hours of maxima and minima for each month of the year. Months. a s a a a '3 i 6 a Time of— Max. Min. September, 1871 October, 1871 o +23. 71 — 1.15 — 8.08 —14. 77 —21. 64 —22. 23 —22. 23 — 4.27 +18. 80 +37. 48 +40. 48 +39. 78 o +22.79 — 1.39 — 9.56 —16. 44 —23. 65 —24. 08 —24. 87 —12.21 +13.55 +35. 17 +38.77 +32. 70 c 0.92 0.24 1.48 1.67 2.01 1.85 2.64 7.94 5.25 2.31 1.71 7 08 h 7 a. m 2 p. m h. U p. m November, 1871 December, 1871 11 p. m 5 a. m 2p.m and 1 a. m . Noon Noon 1 p. m 1 p. m 11 a. m 1 p.m 5 a. m 11 a. m a. m 6 p.m 6 a. m 2 a. m a. m 1 a. m 1 a. m 1 a. m January, 1872 February, 1872 March, 1872 April, 1872 May, 1872 June, 1872 July, 1872 August, 1872 * Zweite deutsche Nordpolarfahrt, p. 554. AT P0LAEI8 BAr. 27 It will be seen that the hour of occurrence of the minimum in October is omitted in the pre- ceding table, being due to the circumstance that it is not well established, because the observations for this month are incomplete. The following diagram exhibits the annual march of the diurnal amplitude for each month: It appears from the above that the maximum value of the daily range is reached in April, amounting to 7o.94. An examination of the amount of cloudiness shows this month to be the clearest one on record, the percentage of perfectly clear hours being 20.3. Consequently, terrestrial radiation takes place more freely, and as the sun is not yet circumpolar during the earlier part of this month, changes of temperature are more frequent; besides, the temperature of the dew-point is nearly 8° below that of the air. From April the daily range decreases till July, when it begins to rise again, reaching a second maximum in August; the minimum occurring in October. Another small rise takes place from this month till January. We tried to obtain the dependency of the daily range upon the hygrometrical conditions of the atmosphere, but did not get any satisfactory result. The following table gives the daily range of temperature for six stations in the arctic regions. The maxima are denoted by asterisks while the minima are placed between brackets: Months. Polaris Bay. Eensselaer Harbor. Polaris House. Port Foulke. Port Kennedy. Sabine Island. January.. February . March April May June July August September October .. November December 2.01 1.85 2.64 7.94* 5.35 2.31 1.71 7.08 0.92 [0.24] 1.48 1.67 1.55 3.07 .5.66 9.09" 7.M 5.10 3.37 5.30 5. .55 1.67 [1.00] 1.65 1.11 2.49 4.24 7.39' 3.70 1.40 1.23 1.43 4.24 8.87* .5.42 6.44 4.99 4.26 3.03 1.83 2.24 1.55 [0. 18] 1.41 1.49 9.55 7.42 7.94 9.60* 6.97 2.63 2.94 2.18 2.17 [0.84] [0. 95] 1.94 6.16 10. 06* 9.74 7.07 6.80 7.94 5.36 2.34 1.28 0.97 28 TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR A glance at the above table shows that the maxima of Polaris Bay, Rensselaer Harbor, Polaris House, and Sabine Island correspond in time, and those of our own two stations also very nearly in amount. At Sabine Island the maximum is greater than at any of the other localities. The minimum of Polaris Bay occurs in October; that of Rensselaer Harbor a month later. Both at Port Foulke and Port Kennedy the range is smallest in December, wliile at Sabine Island the minimum occurs in January. The daily range never disappears entirely in any of the above-named stations, although in winter, when the sun is below the horizon, the thermal wave becomes very insignificant. During this time we might reasonably expect a decrease of the minimum witli increasing latitude, but this does not seem actually to be the case, at least if we judge, from the observations above given, which, however, do not extend over a period long enough to admit of deducing a general law. The analytical discussion of the diurnal fluctuation of the temperature at Polaris Bay is based on the table headed "Daily Means," given after the record of the hourly observations. The annual means of every hour of the day were taken and used as phases of the daily period. The elements of the analytical expression were found as follows: n «n 6„ Bn C„ 1 2 3 4 —0. 89338 —0. 00183 +0. 03907 —0. 0625 —0. 22293 -0. 10781 +0. 007875 —0. 049073 0. 92078 0. 1078 0. 03986 0. 07946 ' n 255 59 30 180 5.S 24 78 3(; 14 231 51 37 Consequently, our analytical expression becomes — T=4,196+0.92078 sin {x+255o 59' 30")+0.1078 sin (2ir+180o 58' 24") +0.03986 sin (3 ^^+78° 36' 14") + 0.07946 sin (4 ir+231o 51' 37") The period being referred to noon or midnight at its beginning, the angle x increasing at the rate of 15° per hour. Taking, therefore, successively x—0°, 37=150, a;=30o, we obtain the temper- atures of C" a. m., 1^ a. m., 2'^ a. m., &c. The following table exhibits the^— Diurnal fluctuation of the temperature at Polaris Bay. Time. Temperature observed. Temperature computed. Difference, 0. — C. Tropical moments. 0" +3. 15 +3.28 —0.13 1 3.17 3.18 —0.01 Minimum of 3°. 196 at O" 56". 2 3.21 3.21 +0.00 3 3.37 3.40 -0.03 4 3.58 3.50 -fO.08 5 3.62 3.68 —0.06 6 • 3.82 3.90 —0.08 7 4.21 4.21 +0.00 8 4.70 4. .57 -t-0.13 9 4.87 4.97 —0.10 10 4.97 5.03 0.06 11 4.99 5.04 —0.05 Maximum of 5°.053 at 11^ 10">. Noon. 4.99 4.99 +0.00 11- 5.07 4.95 ■ -fO. 12 2 4.98 4.97 +0.01 Maximum of 5°.012 at 2'" 28"!. 3 4.86 4.96 —0.10 - 4 4.79 4. 85 ■ —0.06 5 4.69 4.63 -1-0.06 6 4.56 4.37 +0.19 7 3.95 4.14 -0.19 8 3.99 3.99 +0.00 9 3.84 3.77 -1-0.07 10 3.73 3.69 0.04 11 Means. +3.59 +3. 48 -fO.ll +4. 196 -1-4. 196 +0. 00 AT POLARIS BAT. The above values, thrown into a curve, result in the following diagram : Graphical representation of the diurnal fluctuation of temperature at Polaris Bay, 29 Oh 1 a 3 4 5 7 «« 10 11 NoOD. lli 2 ;) 4 3 C 7 8 9 10 11 It will be seen that the theoretical curve is somewhat abnormal, i)assii]g through the absolute maximum of 5°.053 at 11^ 10™ a. ra.; the maximum, as derived from the observed values, occurring at I'' p. m., which seems more natural. We shall see hereafter that this anomaly is produced by the somewhat abnormal march of the temperature during June and July, the maximum tempera- ture of the day being reached as early as IP a. m. in both of these months. In general, the com- puted values agree very well with those observed, the greatest difference between the two not exceeding 0°.19. At Van Eensselaer Harbor the maximum occurs at 2'^ p. m. and the minimum at l*" a. m. At Port Foulke the hours are 2^^ 30" p. m- and 2'' SO-" a. m., respectively; and at Port Kennedy the maximum temperature is reached between noon and I'' p. m., -while the minimum occurs between 2'' and S*" a. m. We shall now consider the diurnal fluctuation during the different seasons. The time being very limited, the respective curves were only computed for alternate hours.* Spring. The analytical elements and expression for this season were found as follows: n On tn B„ Cn 1 2 3 +1. 501 -f 0. 259 +0. 082 —1. 688 —0. 169 —0. 080 +2. 260 -f 0. 309 -fO. 115 O 1 II 221 38 39 123 7 30 134 17 34 T=-4.81+2.260 sin {x +221° 38' 39")+0.309 sin (2 a;+123o 7' 30") +0.115 sin (3 x+lZ¥^ 17' 34") a;=30o, 60°, Both the observed and computed maxima occur at noon, the computed minimum at 2'^ a. m. and the observed minimum an hour earlier. The curve shows a very regular course, and the greatest difference between any observed and computed mean value does not exceed 0o.31. The ' mean range, as derived from the c omputed values, is 40.56; the range, as observed, is by 0o.26 greater. ' Compare the thermal curves for the seasons, as given hereafter in the discussion of the dew-point in the Hygrometri- cal Observations. 30 TBMPERATUEB OF THE AIE Summer. — The form of the curve for summer is very similar to the one for spring. The maxi- mum is reached at noon, while the minimum occurs at midnight, the mean range being 3°. 36. The observed values show a slight irregularity, as the temi)erature is a little lower at I'' and at li'' a. m. than at midnight, the decided rise beginning only at 3*" a. m., lasting till I'' iJ. m., when the maxi- mum is reached, this occurring an hour later than in the computed curve. The mean range, as derived from the observed values, is 3°. 36, differing but slightly from the one given above. The analytical elements and expression were found as follows: n On K B„ Cn 1 —1. 175 +0. 023 —0. 113 —1.131 +0. 062 —0. 105 +1. 630 +0. 066 +0. 154 o / // 226 5 35 19 .56 46 227 6 6 T=+37.31+1.630 sin (,r+22Go 5' 3:)") + 0.(HiG sin (2 .t+lijo 5G' 46") + 0.154 sin (3a;+227o 6' 6") x=?jO°, 60O, Autumn. — As has been stated, the observations for October ai'e rather defective, and most lijjely, owing to tliis circumstance, the curve for this season is less regular than it would be could we have saved our complete record. The analytical elements and exiiression for this season were fouud as follows : 1 2 3 «ii K B„ +0. 022 +0. 022 +0.014 C„ Til —0. 021 +0. 004 +0.012 o ' " 198 26 (J 280 18 17 30 15 23 T= + 4.41+0.022 sin (a!+198o 26' 6")+0.022 sin (2 x+2SQo IS' 17") +0.014 sin (3 a;+30o 15' 23") a!=30o, 60°, The computed curve exhibits two maxima of +4^.43 and +4°.47, respectively, the former occurring at 4^^ a. m., the latter twelve hours later. The absolute maximum is the one reached at 4'' p. m., and evidently it is due to. the influence of the sun, which was still above the horizon dur- ing September and the first part of October. We shall demonstrate hereafter that the afternoon maximum becomes most apparent if we investigate the diurnal fluctuation of the temperature dur- ing the former month. Each of these maxima has a corresponding minimum, one of 4o.40 occurring at lO'" a. m., and the other of 4o.37, which is reached at lO'^ p. m. The mean range for this season is Oo.lO only. A comparison of the values actually observed, with the theoretical curve, shows that the first maximum occurs in both instances at the same hour; the same being the case with the second maximum. Winter. — The sun being below the horizon during the greater portion of this season, we can- not reasonably expect a curve of a definite character; besides, there are very sudden changes of temperature taking place, principally due to the alternate action of the equatorial and polar aerial currents, causing the temperature to be very variable, as stated before in the discussion of the annual fluctuation. The analytical elements and expression for the season under consideration were found as follows: n ffn K B„ C„ 1 2 3 +0. 054 +0. 028 +0. 013 +0. 212 +0. 128 +0. 082 +0. 218 +0. 131 +0. 083 o / // 14 17 25 12 20 21 9 30 T=- 20.42+0.218 sin (a;+140 17' 25") + 0.131 sin (2 «+12o 20' 21") +0.083 sin (3 *+9o 0' 30") ic=30o, 60°, AT POLAEIS BAT. 31 The computed values agree very well witb those observed, the greatest difference between the two auiountiug to 0o.25 only. The absolute maximum occurs at midnight and the absolute mini- mum at 6^ p. m., the temperature oscillating in an irregular manner between the two. As may well be imagined, the mean range is very small, not exceeding 0o.78, which is, however, more con- siderable than during autumn. The following table contains the observed hourly means of the different seasons; also, the bi. hourly computed values, next to which will be found the differences between the two*: Time. SPRING. SUMMER. AUTUMN. WINTER. a X 5 03 s -a p. a o O 1 CD o 5 a a > s o P a a ft 5 1 a £ 5 a « a > 7J CO a C3 a ft. a 1 d 1 s 06 p a ■a t> u 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Means.. . c —7.39 7.41 o —7.08 —0.31 o +35. 82 35.51 35.80 36.27 36.29 36.35 36. 57 37.19 37.82 37.99 38.89 39. 02 39. 07 39.13 38. 93 38.49 38. 08 37. 93 37.81 36. 88 36.99 36.52 36.32 +36. 25 o +35. 75 +0.07 —4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.42 4.13 4.41 4.57 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.45 4.41 4.50 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.40 4.40 —4.44 +4.40 ±0.00 —20. 25 20.09 20.08 20.10 20.19 20.01 20.52 20.40 20.39 20.34 20.80 20.76 20.36 20. 56 20.62 20. 38 20.67 20.70 20.84 20.79 20.75 20. 32 20.20 —20. 09 -20. 09 —0.16 7.31 7.10 7.24 —0.07 35. 96 —0.16 4.40 ±0.00 20.27 +0.19 6. 59 5.97 5.55 4. 8H 4.20 3.38 3.04 2.74 2. 65 2.72 2.95 3.08 3.27 3.57 4.24 4.69 5.14 5.25 5.60 —6.25 ^.SG +0. 27 36.32 0.03 4.43 —0.01 20.19 ±0.00 5.44 -0.11 36.81 —0.24 4.41 ±0.00 20.55 +0.03 4.17 0.03 37.67 +0.15 4.42 —0.01 20.41 +0.02 2.99 —0.05 38 67 +0.22 4.40 +0.01 20.60 —0.20 2.78 +0.13 39.11 —0.04 4.41 —0.03 20. 39 " '20." 69" "20.'6i' +0.03 +6.'67' — 6.'06 2.82 —0.13 38.86 +0.07 4,44 +0.01 .3.48 +0. 21 38.33 "'37."8i' '36.' 99' —0.25 ±o.'6o ±'b.'6o' 4.47 +0.03 4.02 —0. 22 4.43 —0.02 20. 87 +0.03 5.06 0.08 4.42 —0.01 20.50 —0.25 —5.99 —0.08 +36. 11 +0.21 +4.37 +0.03 —20. 50 +0.30 ±0.00 —4.81 —4.81 +37.31 437.31 ±0.00 —4.41 +4.41 ±0.00 —20. 42 —20. 42 ± 0. 000 Although our observations extend over but a comparatively short period of time, we have, nevertheless, investigated the diurnal iiuctuation of temperature for the different mouths iu order to trace a more complete connection between the thermal, barometic, and hygrometric observa- tions. As may well be imagined, the results are rather discordant in some instances. In order to get a clearer idea of the march of temperature, the computed values were thrown into curves; but we abstain from giving the diagrams here, as they would occupy too much space. To begin with January, we see that both the observed and computed minima occur at mid- night, the curve rising gradually from that hour and reaching its maximum at 5'= a. m. The observed maximum occurs at 2^ p. m., which is more likely than at the hour last mentioned, as it coincides more closely with the time when the sun is nearest to the horizon. We cannot expect, however, to see the hourly variation well pronounced during this month, as the sun only made his re-appearance after the middle of February. As is the case in January, the curve of February shows no decided character. Both the observed and computed maxima occur at midnight, and the minimum at &^ p. m., corresponds in regard to time with the observed value. The curve of March is better marked. The computed maximum occurs at 1'^ p. m., while that observed was reached an hour earlier. Both the observed and computed minima are reached at 6'» a. m. 32 TEMPEEATUEE OF THE AIE In April both tbe observed and computed maxima occur at noon, the minimum at 3^ a. m., and its corresponding observed value an hour earlier. In May tbe maximum is reached at I'' p. m., the minimum at midnight, the observed and com- puted values corresponding with regard to the hour of occurrence. In Jane the observed maximum occurs at 11^ a. m., the computed one an hour earlier, while the observed minimum is reached at 1^ a. m., and its corresponding computed value an hour later. In July both the observed and computed maxima occur at 11'' a. m. The observed minimum is reached at I'' a. m., while the correspoqdlng computed value occurs three hours earlier. In August both the observed and computed maxima occur at l"^ p. m., the computed minimum at 11^ p. m., and the one observed an hour after midnight. Although the computed and observed values for September agree very closely (the difference between the two not exceeding 0°A2), we still see that the observed maximum occurs at 7 a. m., while the corresponding computed value is found to occur at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, thus show- ing retardation of three hours if compared with the maximum of the month last mentioned. Both the observed and computed minima are reached at 11 p. m. Omitting October in this synopsis, we see that in November both the observed and computed maxima occur at IP p. m. The computed mimimum is reached at 5^ a. m., and the corresponding observed value two hours later. The computed and observed ranges are 0o.32 and lo.48, respectively. In December the computed curve passes the maximum at midnight. Both observed and com- puted minima occur at noon. The observed and computed ranges are lo.49 and lo.63, respectively. The analytical elements and expressions made use of are given in the following table, after which will be found the results as derived from the same, together with the observed values: JANUARY. n fln K B„ Cn 1 2 3 —0.22 —0.23 +0.26 —0.27 —0.51 —0. 23 +0.34 +0.61 +0.35 O / " 219 10 12 204 16 25 137 59 35 T=- 22.23+0.34 sin («+219o 10' 12") +0.61 sin (2 ^+204° 16' 25") +0.35 sin (3 £^+137° 59' 35") a;=15o, 30°, FEBRUARY. T=- n On 6n Bn c„ 1 2 3 +0.29 +0.07 ±0.00 +0.54 +0.43 +0.28 +0.67 +0.45 +0.28 o / // 28 14 10 9 14 35 90 23.28+0.G7 Sin (x+ 28° 14' 10") +0.45 sin (2 ie+ 9° 14' 35") + 0.28 sin {3x+90o) a;=15o, 30°, MARCH. T=- n On K Bn C„ 1 2 3 —0.49 +0.06 +0.14 -0.86 +0.25 +0.13 +0.98 +0.26 +0.14 / '/ 209 40 35 13 29 55 47 7 25 23.47+0.98 sin (a;+209o 40' 35") +0.26 sin (2a;+13o 29' 55") +0.14 sin (3 a;+47o 7' 25") a;=15o, 30O, AT POLAEIS BAY. APRIL. 33 n On Sn Bn Cn 1 2 3 —2.19 +0.59 +0.31 —2.46 —0.34 -0.11 +2.51 +0. 62 +0.35 O / II 221 40 41 113 57 19 114 4 15 = -7.77+2.51 sin (*+221o 40' ■il")+0.62 sin (2 ^^+113° 57' 19") +0.35 sin (3 a;+114o 4,' 15") «=15o, 30°, . . . MAY. )! «n T>n B„ Cn 1 2 3 —1.64 +0.12 +0.13 —1.46 —0.47 +0.06 +1.70 +0.51 +0.15 o / // 228 19 20 165 40 35 12 13 35 T= + 16.81+1.70 sin (« + 228o 19' 20")+O.51 sin (2 it;+165o 40' 35") +0.15 sin (3 «+12o 13' 35") X =150, 300^ JUNE. n 1 2 3 flu Jn Bn Cn —0.75 +0.18 +0.13 —0.39 —0. 01 —0.08 +0.81 +0.19 +0.14 o / // 242 31 34 93 10 45 121 36 20 T= + 36.44+0.81 sin ((r+242o 31' 34")+0.19 sin (2 a: + 93° 10' 45" +0.14 sin (3 a;+121o 36' 20") ir=15o, 30O, JULY. n 1 2 3 "n in Bn Cn —0.57 +0.09 +0.02 —0. 38 —0.01 +0.11 +0.60 +0.10 +0. 12 O / // 236 18 40 96 20 19 10 8 20 T= + 39.58+0.60 sin (a;+236o 18' 40") +0.10 sin (2 ,r+96o 20' 19'' + 0.12 sin (3 a;+10o 8' 20") x^Wo, 30O, AUGUST. n Qn K Bn Cn 1 2 3 —2.31 +0. 23 —0.27 —1.53 +0. .37 —0.19 +2.41 +0.41 +0.32 O / /' 236 28 52 31 51 .55 234 51 .55 5 T A T=4 35.91+2.41 sin (j;+236o 28' 52") +0.41 sin (2 ^+31° 51' 55") + 0.32 sin (3 ir+234o 51' 55") x=15o, 30°, . . . 34 TEJIPEEATUEE OF THE AIR SEPTEMBER. n 1 3 «u in Bn c„ —0.010 +0. 005 —0. 010 +0. 003 +0. 000 +0. 005 +0.011 +0. 005 +0.0J1 ' II 191 18 35 90 168 41 25 T= + 23.25+0.011 sin (.r+lOlo 18' 35") +0.005 sm (2 j'+90o 0' 0") + 0.011 sin (3 a; +168° 11' 25") .T=15o, 30'=, . . . NOVEMBER. » 1 3 On in Bn Cn +0. 008;', —0.0083 —0. 0166 +0. 0086 —0.0144 —0. 0016 + 0. 0087 +0.0190 +0.0179 O ' " 44 22 30 208 48 40 269 21 45 T=- 8.65 + O.0OS7 sin (,^+41° 22' 30") +0.0100 sin (2 ./•+208'= 48' 40") + 0.0179 sin (3 x-\-'M{)°2i' 45") .r=1.5o, 30O, . . . DECEMBER. n 1 o 3 f'n ?'„ Bn <-'„ —0.14 —0. 02 +0.17 —0. 25 —0. 19 —0. 19 +0. 30 +0.21 + 0. 24 o ' " 209 14 40 l.-^6 :'.7 138 10 35 -15.7!t + 0.30 sin {.r+20yo 14' 40") +0.21 sin (2.r+lSCo 0' 37") + 0.24 sin (3 .r + 1383 10' 35") .(■ = 150, 30", . . . Time. NOVEMBER. DECEMBER. JANUARY. FEBRUARY. Oljs. Conip. Diff., 0. — c. (»bs. Comp. Diff., (). — C. Oljs. Comp. Diff., 0. — C. Obs. Comp. Diff., 0. — C. Oh —8.63 -8. 53 —0. 10 —14. si; —14. 75 —0. 11 —23. 65 —2;;. 61 - 0. 04 —22. 23 —22. 20 —0.03 1 S.63 s 59 0.04 ' I.-..26 15. 22 —0.04 22.78 23. 01 +0.23 '22. 23 •22. 21 0.02 'i H. o:! s 02 0.01 1.5.12 15. 27 +0.15 22. 77 22. 90 0.13 i '22. 34 22. 27 0.07 ;', 8. 63 s 62 —0.01 15.71 15. 73 +0.02 22. 26 22. 41 +0.15 i 22. 34 22. 32 0. 02 4 S (i'i H 63 +0.01 15. 54 15. 52 — 0. 02 22. 00 21.55 —0. 45 '2:!. 04 ■22. 98 —0.06 5 9. 5(i S (15 —0.91 14.77 14. S9 +0. 12 21.99 21.51 —0. 48 2:',. 27 23, 27 ±0.00 (i H. 63 8 70 +0.07 15. s;i 15. 09 —0. SO 22. 29 22. 30 +0.01 23. 38 23.39 +0.01 y S. 63 8 71 0. OS 15.51 16.08 +0. 57 22. :!1 '22. 31 ±0.00 2:;. 37 23. 41 0.04 H S. 63 js 70 0.07 15.09 1.5, 7(i 0, 07 22. 11 22 '2S +0. 17 23. 37 23. 52 0.15 9 8. (.;:! s 6(i 0.03 15. 47 15. 62 +0. 15 21. M 21.94 —0.02 23. 59 23. 61 0.02 10 s. 6:1 8 05 0. 02 15. 69 15. 63 —0. 06 22. 24 M-» •>;; —0.01 2:!. 26 23.61 0. 35 11 s. (.;:! n 65 +0.32 16. 11 16. 35 —0. 09 22. 46, 22. 46 ±0.00 23. 38 23. 40 +0. 02 Noon. 8. 6: ! 8 ()3 ±0.00 10.26 1(!. 3s +0. 12 0'> \>[) 2'2. 30 +0. 01 24, 03 23. 51 —0. 52 li> H. 62 s 6S + 0.06 16.25 10.2s 0.03 21.71 •22. 41 0.70 23.71 23. 67 —0.04 2 S. 73 s 69 —0.04 16. 14 16. 23 +0. 09 21. (i4 '22. 42 +0. 78 '23,. 47 23. 52 +0.05 8. 62 •J, 07 +0.05 1 5. 'J7 1.5. S(; —0.11 21.77 21.69 — 0. 08 '23,. 41 23.50 +0.09 4 8. 63 ■^ 65 0. 0-.! 16. (K! 1(). 02 0. 01 22. 36 21. 65 0.71 23. (i2 23. 50 -0.12 r !^. 6;; 8 65 + 0. 02 16. 22 10. 1:; —0. 09 21.97 21..5S —0. 3'J '23. 91 23. 69 —0. 22 6 H. 63 S 62 —0.01 16.26 16. 33 +0.07 22. 17 22. 17 ±0. 00 '24. 08 24. 87 +0.79 7 8. 63 \j 52 0.11 is;. 115 10.11 0. 06 22. :'>0 22. 31 +0.01 24. 02 24. 21 +0. 19 s .'^. 63 s ;i0 0.1:! 15. '16 16. 07 0.11 22. 46 22. 34 —0. 12 2:!. 83 23. 60 -0. 23 ;) s. 63 n fiO 0. 13 15. S7 15.90 +0.09 21. 82 22. 10 +0. 28 23.28 23. 11 0.17 10 8. 63 s .58 —0. 17 16. OS 15. 95 -0. 13 21.70 21. SO +0.10 22. 83 '22. 74 0.09 11 Means. .. —8. OS — s. 65 — s 39 +0.31 ±0.00 —1.5. 66 -15.79 —15.71 —15. 79 +0. 05 ±0.00 —22. 01 -21.74 —0. 27 —22. 60 —22. 47 -0. 13 — s 65 ^22.23 —22. 23 ±0.00 —23. 28 —23. 28 ±0.00 • AT POLARIS BAY. 35 Time. MARCH. APRIL. MAY. JUNE. Obs. Comp. Diff., 0. - C. Obs. Comp. Diff., O.-C. Obs. Comp. Diff., 0. - C. Obs. Comp. Diff., O.-C, . 0'' —24.49 —24.60 +0.11 —11. 24 -11.31 +0. 10 + 13.55 +13.61 -0.06 +35. 42 +:;6.oi —0. 59 1 24.08 24.21 0.13 1 11.92 11. 81 —0. 1 1 13,78 !:;,(« 1 +0.0;) !' ■ 35. 17 1 :15. si 0.64 2 23.87 23.91 +0.04 :l 12.21 11,99 —0. 22 14. 16 14. 19 —0,0:; , 3.5, 31 1 :'.5. 40 — 0. 09 3 24. 3S i 2;'.. 95 —0.4;; 1, 11.50 12, 03 +0.44 11.68 14.50 ' +0.09 ;^0. ■j;; 35. 67 +0.16 4 24. 3 24. :,9 24. (j:! +0.04 9. ;io 8, 28 —1. 02 15. 97 15. S8 i 0.09 :>i.'). 25 36. 34 —0. 09 6 24.87 ! 24.96 0.09 II 8.33 S, 00 —0. 33, 16. 55 1(1 49 +0. Oi; ' 36. :!(; 36. 39 —0. 03 7 24. 02 1 24. 19 +0. 17 ' 7.70 8.00 +0. 30 17.19 17.23 ; —0.04 ?>h. 51 36. 48 +0. 03 8 'Jo. ;j9 ' ~-'. ■-'7 —0. 02 '1 6 93 7.05 0. 12 17. 93 18, 15 ' 0,22 ;.>ii. 89 36. 67 +0. 22 9 23.21 i 23.44 +0. 23 5. ;;7 6.28 0.91 IS, 43, IS. 48 —0. 05 ->7. 18 37. 31 —0. 13 10 22. 88 22. 98 +0.10 4. 93 5. 13 +0. 20 IS. 69 18,61 +0, OS 37. 41 37. 67 0.26 11 22] 33 22. 20 —0. 07 4.51 4. 30 —0. 12 IS. (;2 18, (>7 —0. 15 37. 48 37. 65 0.17 N(»)U. 'J* 'K] 22. 16 0.07 4.27 3. 99 . 0.28 i IS. .54 IS. 57 —0. 03 ;^7. 42 :17. 49 — 0. 07 lb 2-1 30 22. 15 —0. 15 4.66 4.34 0.32 '1 18.80 18. 70 +0. 10 37! :i9 37.23 j +0. 16 2 22. 42 22. 54 +0. 12 5.11 5. 02 0. 09 IS, 61) is. 71 —0. 02 37. 10 36. 81 0.29 3 22. 45 22. 55 0.10 5. 22 .5.11 -0. 11 IS, 44 IS, .52 0. OS 36. 7,5 36.54 0.21 4 22. 65 22. 97 +0. 32 5. 50 6.09 +0.50 1 8, 42 IS. .",0 —0, 08 36. 66 36. 42 0.24 5 22. 65 22. 56 —0. 09 6.04 6.12 +0. 08 17, 92 17. S5 ; +0.07 36. 49 3i;, .30 0.19 6 23. 24 23. 09 0.15 6. 83 6.71 —0. 12 17. 35 17. 29 i +0, Oil :', 36. 28 M. 26 +0. 02 7 23. 48 23. 40 0. OS 7. 63 7.47 0. 16 17.03 17.08 —0.05 ii :i5. s8 35. 91 —0. 03 8 23. 89 2:'.. 87 —0.02 8.19 8.01 0. 18 16. 66 16.78 0. 12 35. 82 35. 89 —0. 07 9 23.44 23.61 +0.17 8.30 8.07 —0, 23 15. 98 Ki. Oli — 0. OS 1 36. 2S 35. 88 +0. 40 10 23.88 ' 23.98 +0. 10 8.67 8.84 +0.17 15.75 15.74 +0.1)1 36. 27 ; 36.26 0.01 11 Means... —23. 61 —23. :!6 —0.25 1—10.82 —10.66 —0. 16 + 15.67 + 15, 4S +0. 19 1+36, 50 +36. 44 +0. 06 —23. 47 —23. 47 ±0.00 — 7. 77 — 7.77 ±0.00 + 16.81 + 16.81 ±0.00 1+36. 44 +36. 44 ±0. 00 Time. JULY. ! AUGUST. SEPTEMBER Obs. Comp. Dili'., O.-C. Obs. Comp. ^5-6.1 Obs. Comp. Diff., O.-C. Of +39. 04 +39. 24 —0. 20 +32. 99 +33. 00 —0. 01 +2:!. 23 +23. 23 ±0.00 1 3,-<. 77 38. 97 — 0.20 32. 70 3,3. 00 —0. 30 23. 23 2:1. 24 — 1.01 2 38. 93. 38. 93 ±0.00 3:'., 17 33,, 17 ±0. 00 2:!. 2:1 2:1. 24 0.01 3 39.16 38. 94 +0. 22 3;',, s:! 3:!, 54 +0. 29 2:5. 23 23, 24 —0.01 4 3W. i.lS 38,70 'js 33,72 ; 33.70 | +0, 0-.! :, 'j;!, 25 23. 24 +0. 01 5 39. 12 3rt. Ill 0. 21 33,. 6-1 3.i. 7 1 — 0. 06 2:(. 25 2:1, 26 —0. 01 6 39. 45 39. 38 0.07 3,:',. 91 33. S5 +0. 06 23. 25 23. 24 +0. 01 7 40. 02 39. 92 +0. 10 35. 05 31.98 0. 07 2:i,7l 2:1. 29 +0. 42 8 40. 29 40.; 10 —0,01 36. 29 35 d'.t +0. :iO : 2:;. 24 2:;. 31 — 0. 07 9 40.03 40.05 0.02 36. 77 36. s-2 —0.05 ., 2:!. 24 2:1. 2:! +0.01 10 41), 04 40,17 —0. 13 39. 2:'. 3S. 93 +0. :!o 23. 24 2:1. 23 0.01 11 40. 48 40.39 +0. 09 39. 09 3.9. 2S —0.19 2:!, 24 2:1. 23 0.01 Noon. 40.3,3 40. 36 —0.03 39. 46 39.61 0. 15 !■ 23. 24 2:1. 23 +0.01 1'' 411. 23 40. 30 —0. 07 39, 78 3.0. S8 0. 10 i 2:!. 24 23, 24 ±0.00 2 40. 26 40.20 +0. '16 30, 43 30. 73 0. :10 : 23,24 2:;. 24 ±0.00 3 ■ 40.112 40. 15 —0. l;i 3,s, 7 1 39. 23, 0, 52 2:'., 24 23. 25 —0.01 4 39. 85 40.00 0.15 37, 72 3S. 15 —0,4:! 1 2;i.51 23. 61 0.10 5 39. r,H 39.81 0. 13 37.6:! 3.7, 63 ±0,00 1 2:!. 24 23. 32 —0.08 6 39. (18 39. 69 0. 01 37.17 36. 92 +0,25 :! 2:1.2:: 2:1. 21 +0. 02 7 30. 15 39. ;;i 0. 16 35. 61 35. 50 0,11 ' 2:1.23 2:!. 29 —0.06 8 39. 21 39.31 0.10 34. 94 34. 73 0. 21 ' 2:1. 2:! 2:1.23 ±0. 00 9 38. 95 39.00 —0. 05 34. 33 34, 14 0. 19 K :>■',. 23 23. 29 —0.06 10 39.06 38. 90 +0.16 33,, 62 33., 41 0,21 ' 2:1,2:5 2;'.. 26 0.03 11 Means .. . +39. 20 +39. 14 . +0. 06 +33. 06 + ?.■>. 96 +0. 10 , +22, 79 +22. 84 —0.05 +39. 58 +39. 58 ±0.00 +35. 91 +35. 91 ±0.00 Ij +23.25 +23. 25 ±0.00 TH ERMK 3 "^ 'IN D-EOS E. lu order to find the inflaeuce of the wind on the temperature, tiie hourly readings of the ther- mometer were compared with the hourly observations on the direction of the wind, and the differ- ences of the monthly mean temperature and the observation under consideration were tabulated according to the different directions of the wind. 36 TEMrERATUEB OP THE AIR The followiDg formula -will show liow tbis was done: ., :^J K. , IJ KE. , SJB. , IJ SE. , rj S. , 2'J SW. , JJ W. li,^ + + +~ + + + r s t tc V IV X rj NW. , IJ Calm, y In the above expression, R represents the wind-rose and 2" J N., -J NE., .... the sums of all the differences between the monthly mean temperature and the temperature observed during the occurrence of the different winds; r represents the number of observations during which the wind was blowing from a north direction, s from a northeast direction, &c. The equations of conditions are as follows: 1)1 representing the monthly mean temperature and T the temperature observed at a time 0'', ih Oh J. , Z; , r+s+i+M+r+ «'+.*■+ (/+,- = », n representing the number of observations recorded during the period of one month. The following table contains the results thus obtained: Thermic icind-rosc, Polaris Bay. Periods. N. NE. E. SE. S. SW. W. NW. Calm. Monthly means. November . . . December . .. January o —1.2 —0.9 o —4.3 —1.7 —2.1 —5. 4 —3.0 +2.0. —2.0 —2.5 —4.1 +5.6 o —2.2 +0.1 —0.7 + 1. 9 +1.5 + 1.0 —1.3 —0.6 + 1.0 o +4.9 +2.7 ■ +9. 2 +6. 2 +4.0 +2. 5 + 1.H +4.0 +6.3 + 1.0 o o o o — 8.6 —15.8 22. 2 —23] 2 —23. 5 — 7.7 + 16.8 +36. 5 +39. 6 +35.9 2, 2 — 2^7 —1.9 +1.0 —3. 8 February +0.1 +4.2 —2.3 +1.4 March + 1.8 +0.5 + 1:5 April May June Jnly -August Ten months.. Computed ... Difference.. ""— i.'i" —1.2 + 1.5 "'+3.":V +0. +2. 2 —0.8 —1.0 +4.3 —3.0 —1.3 ■"+'!■' i" ;{ o —1.7 —1.6 — l.W —1.4 —0. 6 —0. 9 —0.1 —1.3 +1.5 + 1.4 +4. 3 +2. 9 —0.4 + 0.7 +0. 4 ±0.0 —1.6 +0.2 + 2.8 —0.1 —0.4 +0.3 +1.2 +0.1 + 1.4 —1.1 +0.4 —1.8 + 0.0 Winter Spring —0.3 —3.1 —1.0 —0.3 +0.4 +0.4 +0.1 —1.3 +1.3 + 1.4 +6.0 +2.M +3.8 ±0,0 +1.4 — fl. 3 +0.1 -2.3 +0.3 — 1.5 Summer —0.4 +1.8 —0.3 The analytical elements and expression used in the computation are as follows: H 1 2 3 «n l>n B„ Cn —0. 56 -0.12 +0. 70 —1.67 +0. 60 —0.44 +1.72 +0.61 +0.82 ' 198 32 318 41 122 9 T=z=0+1.72 sin (,^;+198o 32') +0.61 sin (2 x+3iSo 41') +0.82 sin (3.i'+122o 9') x=4cOo, 80°, . . . The above table contains many discrepancies, as might naturally be expected, all the observa- tions that could be made use of only extending over a period of ten months. These discrepancies will appear even greater if we consider each month separately and analyze the effect of the wind on the temperature in detail, as will be shown in the following synopsis: AT POLAEIS BAT. 37 NORTH WINDS. The few north winds on record have a depressing effect on the temperature throughout the whole year, except during the month of August, when it was found to elevate the temperature 10.5 above the mean. KOETHEAST WINDS. Although the northeast winds have a depressing eifect, except in the mouths of April and August, we still see that in the course of a single mouth the effect cau be either depressing or elevating. At the beginning of Xoi'ej«/*fc the winds under consideration are warm, elevating the tempera- ture 12°; then they become colder, having a depressing effect of 10° during the middle and become as cold as — 20° toward the end of the month. The same effects as stated above will be found in Becemhcr, only less pronounced. In January, at the beginning of the month, the depression below the mean =1°, toward the middle 5°, and at the end of the month the wiud is warmer by 5^. The same takes place in Fehruary, the differences being only —1°, —2° and +2'= from the mean. At the beginning of March the effect is +lo.5, during the middle —3°, and toward the end + 1°. April will be fouud similar to March, the effect being +2o.5, — 2o.5, and +lo.5. May. — At the beginning we see a depression of 7° taUing place; during the middle the ellVct is zero, rising toward the end to +3°. June. — The first portion of the month shows an effect of —1°; increasing toward the middle to —2^.5, while at the end it amounts to +2*^. July. — The beginning of the month shows — 5°; the middle aud the end +2°. August. — Through the whole of August the effect is iwsitive, averaging in the mean '>'''.G. EAST WINDS. During Noremher the effect of the easterly winds will be fouud similar to the northeast, beiug only somewhat smaller, namely, +2'^ for the beginning, — ."i^ for the middle, aud — 7"^ for the end. December.— A.t the beginning of the mouth the effect = + 10o, toward the middle —T', reach- ing — 12° at the end of the month. January gives for beginning 4-2°, middle —3^, and end +1°. February.— At the beginning of the month the effect =—i°, at the middle -f 1", and toward the end -f 7^. 7l/arc/i..— During the whole of tliis month the effect is positive, averaging ia the mean +lo.5. April.— At first we see a depressing effect of —2^, which becomes positive, reacliiiig + i ti^wnrd the end of the month. May.—^o perceptible effect can be found during the beginning of the mouth, but toward the end we get the value of — 1°.3 June shows a negative effect of — 0o.6 through its whole duration. July is positive without any exception, the effect amounting to -fl^.O. Am(/ms*.— There are hardly any easterly winds during this month; the few on record would indicate a rather negative effect. SOUTHEAST AVINDS. November.— Hardly any observations. Effect negative. Deccmhcr.—The few observations would indicate a small positive effect. January.— T^utirelj negative; the greatest depression equaling -4'3. February.— Theve are very few observations on record during this month. The fllect of tlie small number taken into consideration is negative. il/arc/*.— Giving 4-2° with hardly any exception. April.— Is more irregular, being positive by rjo at the beginning, then toward the middle the effect is —4°, vanishing entirely toward the end. 38 TEMPERATUEB OF THE AIR AT POLARIS BAY. ilfaj/.— There is no perceptible effect at tlie beginning; toward the end we get +2°. June.— The only perceptible effect is positive, there being but a few observations on record. July.— The few observations seem to indicate a negative effect. August.— At the beginning of the month the effect is -2°, turning positive toward the middle, namely, +5°, and reaching +8° toward the end. SOUTH WINDS. Up to the mouth of June there are either none or but a few observations on record; after tliis time the effect is positive or zero, (July). SOUTHWEST WINDS. The effect of these winds is positive without any exception, the maximum mean occurring in January ( + 9o.2) and the minimum in August ( + 1°). WEST WINDS. The number of observations being rather small, a somewhat reliable result could only be obtained for February and June. November, December, January, February, and May seem to be positive, the rest negative. NORTHWEST WINDS. Hardly any nortlnvest winds occurred until February. The few results deduced may be found in the table. CALMS. As might be expected, the effect of calms during the cold period of the year must be depress- ing. In summer we miglit exi>ect the contrary. Our observations show a negative effect until March, when it becomes +1°.0, remaining positive for the months of April, May, and July. Dur- ing June the effect is depressing, and the same for August. HOURLY GOEREGTION8 FOR THE PERIODIC VARIATIONS OF TEMPERATURE. The following table, directly derived from Table II, furnishes the means of correcting other incomplete observations, to be taken hereafter at Polaris B.iy, in order to obtain the mean tem- perature of the day : Gorreoiions to he applied to any hourly ohservation. taken at or near Polaris Bay., to obtain the mecn temperatiire of the day. k-^ t^' bcr. 1 H Time. C c: A CO a Zj a 1 a 2 C3 p. i i? p % o CD > f-i Ph a 5 +0. 42 +0. 42 +0. 15 0. (;2 0.37 0.97 0. 02 —0. 01 0. 02 0.17 9 —0.41 +0.00 —0. o:; 0. 53 (I. H3 0. ii; 0.(13 1.58 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.08 10 0. r,3 —0. 45 +0.41 0. 90 1.06 +0.17 0. .52 2.29 0.02 0.01 0.02 +0. 29 11 —0. 22 —0.68 +0.14 +3. 05 +1.14 —0.16 +0. :!8 +2.85 +0.46 —0.02 —0.57 —0.13 TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR AT POLARIS HOUSE. RECORD AND DISCUSSION OF TEMPERATURES AT POLARIS HOUSE. The following observations of atmospberic temperature were made at Polaris House after the loss of the vessel bad occurred. The latitude of the place was found to be 78^ IS'.O, its longitude 411 41m 4 ^-egt of Greenwich. A glance at the map accompanying this report shows that the sta- tion is situated in a little bight between Cape Hatherton and Littleton Island, named by Kane "Life-boat Cove." The hut in which we spent the winter was situated on a flat spot of the beach only a very short distance from the sea. The box containing the meteorological instruments was fastened to the southern wall of that building. In regard to the topography of the place, we may mention that it was fully exposed to the northwest, west, and southwest, while a range of low hills trended round its northern aud eastern shores. As regards the instruments used, all necessary explanation was given iu the introductory chapter accompanying the Polaris Pay observations. It is proper to mention that during the latter part of February the box containing the instruments was removed from its original place and fastened to the northern wall of the hut in order to pro- tect it from the direct heat of the sun. 40 TEMPERATUilE OP THE AlK NOVEMBER, 1872. Time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 § 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0" -4.5 - 0.1 +17.0 +19.0 + 3.2 -0, 9 -1. 8 -5.5 1 -1.9 1 -4, 8 ' - 7. 3 -12. 6 - 4.2 +11. 2 +5.8 1 4.6 + 0.3 16.8 20.3 3.4 0,5 i 2.2 5.3 1.5 5.1 i 9.6 12. Ij 3. 7 11.2 5.7 2 4.6 1.1 17.2 2(1.1 4.6 0.4 ! 1.9 5.4 1.5 5.1 ' 10.5 13.0 3.7 10. 9 5.3 3 4.7 1.2 17.2 20.1 4.0 0.5 t 1.0 6.3 1.2 6.5 , 8.0 13.8 - 4.0 10. 9 5.8 4 4.3 1.0 17.2 20.5 6.2 -0. 5 -0. C, 5.3 0.8 4.6 i 9.1 14.5 + 0.2 11.0 6.4 5 4.5 1.2 IS. 19.8 7.3, +0.6 +1.0 6. 6 1.3 4.2 1 9.8 14. 5 5.4 10, 8 6.2 6 4.0 1.0 17.9 19.4 11.9 1.3 2.0 5.9 1.4 3.1 1 10.0 14.5 6.0 11.1 (i,8 3.2 3.5 IH.O 19. 4 10.7 2.0 2, 5 5.7 1.4 4.0 1 9.7 14.7 6. 11.7 6.5 8 2.5 11.5 IS. 5 19. 3. 10 2.4 3, 5 1.8 2.7 5.4 , 11.7 15. 4 7.5 10.2 6,7 ;i 2.5 11.8 19. 3 18. 5 9.8 2,7 o ,> 2.6 3.6 6.0 1 10. s 1.5. 1 7.9 11.0 6.1 10 1.8 12.2 IS.O IS, 2 9.8 2,4 1 2.2 5.6 4.0 5,7 . 12,5 14.7 8.2 10.0 6.1 11 2.5 11.6 19. 4 17.6 9.1 2. 5 [ 2. 5 1. 5 :'.. 1 3,, i 12.0 15.2 8 8 10.2 6,1 Noon. 4.6 11.3 19. 2 17.5 8.5 3. :•, 1 2, 5 2.0 2 r> 2.8 . 11.3 12.9 9.7 10.0 6.2 11' 3. 5 15.0 19. 18. 2 8. 2 3.5 2,4 2.6 3. 5 3,7 11.1 11.1 10,3 10.0 6.2 ^> 4.3 11.0 IS. 5 17.0 7.4 3.5 2.2 2.6 1.7 3, 6 10, S 12.0 10,3 10.0 6.3 :i 5.6 14.2 IS. u 17.3 7.5 2.0 1.9 2.0 •> ;> 4,5 11.7 12. 6 10,3 10.2 6.5 4 4.6 16.0 IS.:; 17.4 7.1 1.6 2.0 3.1 2.5 5,6 1 12,5 13.0 10.2 9.6 6.5 :-> 4.2 16. 1 18. 5 17,2 7.0 1.5 i 2.4 3.6 2.3 6, 11.9 13.0 10,9 9. 7,4 G 4.2 15.8 19.4 13,0 6.9 1,5 +0.2 2.9 2. 5 6,5 11.7 12.4 10,6 8.2 8,0 7 3.6 15. 5 19. 3 12, 6.0 +0.6 ' -1.5 2.9 2.4 6.2 11.8 13. 3 11.3 / . o 8.1 8 2.9 16.0 19. :', 6, 2 2.0 -0,5 , 3,2 3.3 4.1 8. 7 13.6 13.2 11.2 S.O 9.0 9 2.7 16.1 19.0 6, 5 0.4 0. 2 3. 4 3.4 4.2 7.0 12.7 12.2 11.2 7.5 9.3 10 0.8 16.4 IS. 7 6.3 0. 4 0. 9 4. 5 3.1 4.6 7,0 12, 5 ILO 11.5 6.4 9.6 11 Means - -0.6 +16. 6 +19. 1 + 6.5 + 0.8 -2, -5. 4 -2.0 -4.4 -7,4 -12. 6 -11.2 +11.8 + 6, 4 +9.6 -3. 55 + 9. 84 +14. 62 +16. .55 + 6. 76 +1. 0-1 +0.17 _;,. 7^1 -2. 55 -5. 28 -10. 63 -12. 8.' + 6.99 + 9. 70 +6.93 NOVEMBER, 1872. Time. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 o o o o o o o o o , o o o Qh +:i.5 - 1.0 - 8. s -17.0 -13. 2 -13. 8 +1.3 +4.2 —.5. 3 -6. 3 -4. 3 -5. 5 - 1.2 -11.5 - 9.6 1 9. 5 1.:'. 9. 5 17.5 12. 2 12.5 1 0.3 4.2 4.5 6.6 ; 4.5 5.5 2.3 10. 5 9.7 2 9.0 1.3 10.2 17.5 12, 1 9.3 0.5 4.2 4.3, 6. 6 5. 5. 2 3.8 10. 5 10.2 ■A H.8 1.8 11.2 17.4 12.4 8.4 1 0.9 5.0 3.6 7.0 ! 4.5 4,5 4.2 11.0 10.5 4 8.9 1.6 13.0 17.6 13,. 4 7, (; , 1.1 6.1 1 4,0 7,2 3.5 4.0 5.6 11.5 10.4 5 9. 2 3.3 14.0 17.6 11.9 8.3 1.1 3, 4 1 4.1 7,4 3.8 3,1 5.6 11.4 10.3 6 9.2 3.7 15.3 17.5 10. 8 10.9 1.4 , 1.7 4.9 7,5 .5.2 2.0 6.0 11.0 10.3 7 9.4 4.3 14. 6 17.5 10. 12. 4 2. ' 0.6 ! 4. 6 7. 5 ' 3. 6 3.3 6.0 11.2 9.5 8 9.3 4.7 14.7 17.5 10.0 12.9 2.2 1 0.4 4.0 6.4 3.1 3.2 6.8 11.2 9.4 9 8. 9 6.8 15.0 16,5 9.1 10.5 3. ; +0.3 4. K 6.4 2.4 3.0 7.5 11.9 9.1 10 8.2 6.5 15.0 16, 6 8. 11.1 ! 2.9 1 -0.4 1 5, 5.5 2.0 2.8 7.5 11.8 8.8 11 /. / 7.1 15. 1 16,6 8.1 10,6 : 3.;; : i.4 1 3, 5 6. 4 1.3 2.3 8.6 11.8 8.9 Noon. 7.7 7.2 15. 2 16.7 7.1 10, 3.2 1.6 4.4 5. 5 1.7 3.1 s. 11.5 8.5 1" 4.1 i~> Tl 16.0 16.4 6.0 S ,") 2.7 1.4 4.5 4.7 2,6 '.^. f) 8.3 11.5 7.3 2 i>. 2 8.8 15. 3 1.5. 8 6, 8 9,6 2,7 ! 1,2 4.6 4.0 3. 1 -.',. 1 7.6 9.6 7.1 ■i 1.6 9.:'. 16. 9 15. 5 (5,8 10, 3 2, 5 2, 2 4.2 4.0 3.3 3, 2 s.O 8.0 6.5 4 +9.6 10.7 16.7 l(i. 3 li, 8 7.0 3.0 1. 4.3 5.1 4.0 2. 9 S. 5 7.6 7.3 .'■) -0. 2 11.6 15, S 16.0 7,8 - 3.0 3.1 2.6 4.9 6.1) 4.0 2.9 9.5 7.6 (i.5 i; -0. 2 12.5 16.0 15.5 s 2 + 1.0 3.1 3.1 4.4 6. 5.0 2,7 9 2 7.3 6.5 7 +0.2 12.7 16, 3 15. 5 6, 6 2.4 3.2 3. 2 4.9 5.0 5.1 2.7 9.3 8.5 7.3 8 +11.2 ] 2. 6 17.1 15. 5 7, 4.2 4.0 '■]. 5.1 5.3 5. 6 2.5 11.0 8.7 6.5 9 -0. 5 12,7 17.5 15.1 9, (1 4.2 4.1 4.;; 4.9 6.0 6.0 2.5 11.0 9.5 6.0 10 0.6 13. 17.5 13.3 10, 2.5 4.6 4.5 5, 5 4.5 5.9 2.3 11.8 9.5 6.0 11 Means - -0.7 -13.7 -17. 3 -13. 3 -12. 7 + 1.4 +4.7 -4. 5 -5.5 -5.0 -f) y -1.6 -12. 1 - 9.5 -6.8 +5.08 - 7.32 -14. 36 -Kj. 3' i - 9. 42 - 6, 7t +2. 54 -0. 1 ^ -4. 5 8 -5.9 I -3. 98 -3.23 - 5.81 -10. 17 - 8.29 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 41 DECEMBER, 1872. DECEMBER, 1872. 22 23 u i -1.3 + ■-'. 4 1 +0. :> •J. l.-J 1.4 li. :i ■">. 'J 5.0 r>. 1 .'>. 6 c. u (i. ■-' 6.7 :\ 3 5.4 4.(1 4.4 •J. U 3.7 3. (I l.-J ■2. y 1.7 1.3 1.-2 1.9 l.# 1.7 a, .-> 6.1 I 12. -2 10.7 '.I Ti 24 '.I. 1 1-'. 4 4.6 4.3 4^6 3.. 4 :!. 6 0.8 (I. -J 0.3 0. .". i.i; 1.0 1.-' 0. 1.3, + 4.-' 25 +14. S 1.".. 1 15.5 15 5 11. ;i ;>. 13. 8 11.1 9.0 - 0.6 + l.-J 0.5 0. 3 1. - + -J. -J - 0. 3 0.4 l.-J 3! 9 - 4. ~ 26 27 28 - 1.6 + l.'J - 7.4 >. .";. 6 9.3 9.6 9. 5 10.4 6. o 6.4 J. 3.0 1.6 0.4 0.7 0. 5 4.3 4.3 3.7 + -J. 5 -1.4 6. 3. 9. 10! 10.3 10.1 9.0 9.0 10.7 11.0 10.1 9. 5 9.6 9.1 -10. 11.5 11.6 IJ. -J rj.6 11.^ 11. J 1 1. 5 11.0 11. -J 10. 9 9 -J 9.0 9.4 10. -J 11.3 11. -J 11.3 10.5 11.4 IJ. 1J.9 IJ. 8 14.0 -13.3 29 -14. ^ 15. :i 16.1 17.3 17.4 17. 6 17.5 18. 4 19. 5 19.1 19.6 19. 9 -JO. JO. 7 JO. > Jl.O J1.5 JO. 4 JO. 3 JO. 6 JM. 1; JO. ~ JJ. -Jl. J 30 o I -JO. 6 : - -JO. i JO. 3 I JU. 7 Jl. 5 Jl. J Jl. 3 J1.4 Jl". 5 J J. 5 .1-1 -; JJ. 6 J3. 4 J4. ■J4. J J4. 3 J4. I J4. 4 J5, 3 J-1.9 31 -J6. 9 J-^. 1 J-. J-. 6 J9. J.-. J9. 7 J9. 3 J-. 4 -Jo. 5 J6. 4 Ji'i. 4 J7. -J7.0 JS. 1 -J7. 4 J-. Time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 D 0" - 6.6 -11.6 -11.6 - 9. 5 -10. 3 -IJ. J -10. 'J +7.1 - 0.7 -11.0 -14.0 -11. 5 -16. J -18. 5 -10. 7 1 G. 3 U. 4 1-J.5 1 9.0 10. 9 11.6 11.4 6. 3 1.0 11.3 14.1 IJ. 8 16. J 17.6 10.4 6. J l-J. 4 13.. ! 10. 10.5 IJ. 5 U. 6 7. J J. 1 11.4 14.0 U. 4 Ki. 5 17. J 10. 6 3 8.0 IJ. 4 15. 4 10.6 10.^ 10.9 14. J 7. :!. 1 U. 1 13. 3 IJ. 7 16.4 17. 10.7 4 10.7 l-J. 1 16. 10. 1 11.1 10. s 13. 6 9. 3. 8 13.7 13. J IJ. 8 16.6 16.4 11.8 5 10. 6 11.7 14.1 9.6 11.3 11.4 13.3 s. 6 4. 3 13. 6 IJ. 6 11.6 17.7 15. 7 11.6 6 ; 10. s IJ. 14. J 9. 6 10. J 11.7 l-J. 5 >^. 7 5. 13^4 IJ. 4 U. 5 16.-^ 14.8 11.3 7 7 "> IJ. -4 14.5 8.9 10. 4 10.4 r>. 7 8.4 5. 7 14.5 IJ. 5 1J.9 16.-^ 14.6 10. 5 s 7.4 13.6 14.6 8. 5 8. 3 11.4 11.9 H. 3 e.'J 14.1 10.8 13. 3 17.0 14. 6 9.0 9 7.0 l-J. ~ 14.0 8. J 8 J 10.7 11.0 -.9 7 '^ 13. 8 10.7 13.4 16.3 14.3 9. 3 10 T '--' 13. J 14.0 7 ^ 11.0 U. J 9.4 6. s 7 3 11.7 10. 6 l-J. 7 17.9 14.3. 9. 11 "" ~ IJ. 8 15. 3 >.o ! 9.7 13.1 9. 6 (i. 8.4 11. J 11.8 IJ. 9 18.7 13. 7 9. J Xuon. .-.0 11.1 16. J 8.4 ! 9.8 13.0 10.7 7. J 9.1 IJ. 9.7 13.0 18.6 13.6 s. 9 P 9. 11. 6 15. 8 7 7 9. 3 14. J 10.1 7. J 9. 3 l-J. J 9. 5 13. J IS. 13.7 9.1 .1 9.4 IJ.J 15. 3 8.1 1 8. 5 15. 6 6.4 11.1 IJ. 1 11. 3, 13. s 19.0 13. 9 10. 3 10. J 10.8 13.3 7 ^ * < 16.4 9. 5 7.0 10. J l-J. 1 11. J 14.0 18.7 14. 5 10. 5 4 10. J 10. . 13.7 9.0 7.3 15. S 8.6 6.1 10. 5 14.3 11.- 15.0 19.:; 14.6 U. I 5 10. 5 13.1 14. 5 >.o 9.4 IJ. J / . li. 5 10. J 14.4 IJ. 1 14.4 1-. - 13. 9 11.0 6 11.0 IJ. J 14.5 i . D \ 9.3 10.7 - 6. J 6.3 11. -J 15. 1 IJ. 4 14.5 19.4 13. 10. s ~ 10. 3 IJ. 7 14.6 7. (i 10. 1 9.4 + 3.4 6. 3, 11.6 n;. 1 13. J 15.4 19. 7 IJ. J 10. 5 ^ 10.1 13. 13.3 7.1 i IJ. J 8. 3. ■" . '-* (!. l-J. 16.1 U. 7 15.7 19. 6 11.5 9.4 9.4 7, f) 3.6 0.3, l-J. 1 15. J 10. 1 15. J 19.4 11. J S.4 11 -10.5 -11. 5 -11.1 - 7. "J -IJ.J - 7.6 + 7.0 +0. 3 -11.1 -15. -11. -15. - -17. 85 -19. I -18.01 -10. - -14. J- - s. 6 MeiiDs. - 8. 99 -l-J. -Jl -14.0 J - ?. 44 - 9. 95 -11. .54 -7.47 +6.41 - 7.78 -13. 41 -11. 9 J -10. 08 Meau +3. >9 + 4. >4 4.0^, + 5. 1> 70 -11. 4J -19. -J7 --JJ. -- -•J7.94 6ta 42 TBMPEKATUEB OF THE AIK JANUARY, 1873. Tiiiic. 1 o 2 u 3 4 5 o 6 7 o § 9 lO O 11 o 12 c 13 14 15 o " o O" -29 r> -29. 7 -30.(1 -32. 7 -19.4 -27. 4 -17. 5 -12. 4 -17.5 -15.9 -24.5- -39. 6 -33. 7 -29. 6 -33. 1 29. (J 31.0 34. 4 14.2 27.5 17.3 12.2 17.8 16. :', 24.7 40. 3 33. 29. 33,. 4 '> 27.4 3(1.0 3(1. H 33. f) 14.3 27. 5 10. 8 1^2.4 17. 6 16. 4 25. ( ) 40.6 32. « 28. 5 33. 2 3 2W. 2 30.2 .',0. 2 34. 2 12.5 20. 8 17.0 11.5 17. 8 16.2 25. 6 38. 32. 7 2^'. 9 34.4 4 2S. 3 30. 8 30.2 32. (3 12.2 20.5 10. 8 11.7 17.4 15. 8 25. 5 37. 5 31. 3 3,1.3 34. 5 .^ ^'H 'J 3,1), () 29. 3 3 1.1 12. 3 20.0 l(i. 4 11. 5 17. 5 15.7 26. 2 31.5 32. 5 32. 3 i; 27. r. 31. 3, 28. (; 'S.'> 8 10.7 27.8 10.2 13.3 18. -2 15.8 2(i,9 3.^. b 31. I 3,3. 4 35. 27. 3,;i.4 29. 8 33. r> W. 6 20.9 16.4 12.4 L-. 1 16.0 27.0 . > / . •} 31.6 3,3. 6 31.8 s 27. 4 30.4 29. 2 3,2. 3 "27 . '.J 16. 3 12.7 IH. 1 16.0 2-^. 6 37.5 32.0 34.4 32. s ij 27.9 31. s 30 II 33. 1 ') s 27.2 14.7 12. 18. 2 15.4 32. 4 37. 4 32. 4 34.3 31.5 10 2;. 1 3,1.2 30. (i 3:;. 3 8.9 •27.9 14.6 13. 2 17. 9 ■ 15.6 31.3 31 ;. 6 31.6 :',5. 31.0 11 2i;.5 31. K 30. ;") 33.1 10. .r, '27.4 14.2 12. 9 I'S 3 14.8 32. 5 3(;. 4 31.0 3,5, 8 30. 9 ^I'oOll. 2.-.. 5 31. 31.2 32. o 17.3 •*7 2 14.3 12. 9 17.7 15.4 3,2. 30. 7 32. 1 36. 2 29. 1"' 2;-.. 8 3,1.7 31. r, 3,2. 3 19. (i 20. 5 18.3 13. 5 18. 16. 3 32. i 35. 3 31.7 35. 8 28. 9 •> 27. 3 32. 1 31. (J :;2. 4 17. K •24. f-; 17.7. 14.2 18. 16.5 S-'k ''\ 3,5, 6 31.6 3,5. 30. 2 '', 2(i. .'i 3.2 3, 3:!.(; :ii.8 22.3 24. 2 11.8 15.4 1^1 16.4 34.0 3,4.3 30. 8 33,. 6 29. 4 4 ■JH '> :;■' 3 .).>. / 30. (i 22. 4 22. 8 11.2 l(i. 6 17.7 17.1 35.5 3,4. 30. 5 :',4. 6 30. 2^.4 32 5 32. 4 :i(i. 2 24.7 0-^ ■> 11.4 17. 17. 5 17.4 34. 5 33. 9 30. 7 3,4. 1 2^. 7 6 2'.l. 32. 4 31.8 30. .5 2.",. 21.3 11.1 17.0 17.4 17. 9 33. 3 '27.3 31.6 33,. 8 29. 3 7 2s ;*, 31.7 32. 4 30. ,5 25. (_; 20.4 11.7 16.4 17.1 19. 7 33. 5 26.2 30.0 :!3. 4 2'-'. 9 ',-^ 2^. 7 32. 33. 4 28. 7 25. 4 19, 8 11.5 16.0 17.0 21.0 35. 5 26. 5 30. 2 33.6 29. 5 9 VI) .) 3L7 31.2 20. 2 'iT), 7 19.0 12.4 16. 3 16.4 21.5 36. 2 25. 9 29.3 32. 5 2'-<. 6 10 2-. s 31.4 32. ."-J 2.-). 7 2;-; f, IS, 11.2 17.1 16.6 •22. 1 3H. 20. 2 30.0 32. 7 27.5 11 -29. ;! -30. r. -33.3 -2:',. 4 -26. 2 -17.4 -12.0 -17.1 -10.5 -23,. 4 -39. 3 -:v:,. -29. 5 -33. 4 -26. 9 Means. -27. s2 -31. 23 -31. 23 -31. 4e -17.52 -24. 05 -14. 53 -14. 12 -17. 60 -17. 28 -31. 15 -34.73 -31. 36 -s:',. 15 -30. >^H JANUARY, 1873. Time 01' I 16 8 9 10 11 Noon, II' 3 4 10 11 Means -27. 1 ■,^7. 27.2 2S. 4 2'3. 1 29. 2 28. 5 2-^. 6 2',l. 8 :',(i. 2 30. 7 31.6 33.5 32. 9 3L0 33. 9 11. 51, 17 14.0 ;i.6 ',1.0 !!.6 14.0 1§ I 19 20 -;is. 39. 7 3',l. 3,8.4 o -3,2. :;i.6 3,1.7 32. 1 -30. 34. 8 33.0 3,0.6 33. 2 32. 3 31. 5 31.2 29. 5 21 22 2.^. -36. 4 2'.). 30. 29. 7 35. 8 29. 4 />5. r. 29 7 35. (i 30. 35, 7 31.3 34.7 3,2. 5 3,4. 33.4 20. 7 33. 6 •27.8 32. 8 38. '27.1 34.0 26. 8 31.0 ;;(;. 6 2-'. 6 35. 4 24. :-; 33,. 8 35. 4 29. 34. 3 27.6 35. ■ ' r c 30.4 :il.6 23.7 36. 4 37.6 3,11. 31.3 23. 5 :i5. 9 37. 5 29. 8 3,1. 5 23. 30. 3 ■ ',7 ^2 ■27,9 32. 2 2:;. 1 30.4 3,,^. 5 2-. 5 30. 1 24.5 37.3 '.\y. 3 :!ll. 3, •24. 5 37 H 3,7. '9 2.-^. 2'J. 4 25. 4 30. 8 40.1 2 -. 28, :; 27 . 8 31 ;. 1 3-'. 2.-. 2 27.7 2H. 3,0. 2 iiS •' 29. 3 20. 29. 2 30. -3„s. 1 -31.3 -2'^. '•'< -2S. !) -30. 5 -35. 8-^ -31.73 -31.58 -28. 01) -34.63 23 -■y4. .; 32. 7 34. 34.0 30. 2 30.0 30. 8 -30.6 24 -3,7. 4 :;7. 6 37.6 37.6 25 .4 I 29. 6 29. 3 •28.4 27.5 •27. 4 •2S. 2 30. 4 3,0. 3 30. 4 30. ;',i. -31. 37.0 34. s' 36. 4 36.5 37.8 37. 35. 5 38. 4 ..',7. 7 37. 1 37. 3 :',s. 36.0 -36. ',1 -3,1.06 -36. : 3',l. 6 40.3 40. 5 311. 4 40.5 41. 41.3 30. 7 3r.2 31.4 30. 1 35. 1 -3,5.4 -3,7. -0 36.4 3;.,. 7 37.4 37.3 37. 3 38. 39.2 36. 6 35. 5 35.8 34.7 34. H 32. 4 14.7 11.6 34. 26 27 28 o o 30.3 -39. 5 -23 4 37.0 39. 6 24, 5 37. 8 39.3 23. 6 37.4 39.3 23. 4 30.6 40.0 23. 4 37. 2 30. 5 23. 6 37. 37. 2 24.7 38, 5 30. 1 24.4 39. 2 35 6 24.3 39. 5 28.4 ■X. 5 40. 4 23.6 27. 40. 9 '22. 4 2H. 2 41. 5 21.5 28.4 38. 6 22. 5 30.5 38. 7 23.5 30. 7 3'J. 8 23. 2 30.3 38. 3 23.5 30.3 29 30 o o 3'J. -31.1 4(1.7 32. 4 39.3 35. 9 31 30.4 35.6 311. 36. 4 36.8 117.0 -•,57. 9 38. 5 3-'. 9 :vj. 39. 2 40.1 40.6 41.7 41.2 3^.3 35. 5 33. 7 ■28.5 2-'. 2 38. 9 39 40. 2 40. 5 41 ;_> 41 7 41 8 41 35 6 35 7 .31 •23.0 31.2 2'2 2 33.6 23. 1 22. 8 37.2 23. 3 37. 7 23. 2 39.1 -23. 1 -39. 5 -2H. 85 -2',). 20 20.4 29. 8 -30. 3 -34. 81 34.4 35. 1 33.6 33.0 32. 31. 3 30.7 29.1 -27. 5 -35. 65 -19.7 IS. H. 18.2 1>. 3 19. 2 19.3 19. 19.5 19. 7 19.4 19.7 19.4 19.3 '20. •20.3 20. 2 20. 4 22.1 ■24.2 26. 4 26. 6 •27.0 •2S. 4 -31.1 -21. 51 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 43 FEBRUARY, 1873. Time. i 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 o o o o o o,: o o o U o Oi> -3-2.7 -2i'\'> -22.') -19, 3 -14.3 - 8,0 -21,8 -26,3 - 9.3 -23. -22. 3 —?,•> r^ -34.6 -31.8 -3,3.2 II 1 34.3 1 2S. 3 21.3 18,5 12. 12. 3 ; 21,5 '2-, 9.6 25. 5 16. 33. 6 34. 5 3,3 4 3,2, 5 2 36. 8 2[>. '20. 3 17,6 11.7 13.3 ' 20, 2 29, 4 9. 5 25,2 16.0 35. 5 33.0 ;,-, 8 3 1.0 A 35.5 27. '2 -20.4 16.5 11. 7 15. 5 17.8 3,1.6 10. 5 1 26. 2 ■ 15. 2 33. 1 '.*>'■'>. 5 . 31 3,1,0 4 33. 3 27. 5 20, 4 16.0 11.4 15. 8 16. 5 29. 2 11.2 ■25. 1 8.7 31.6 3,!'. 5 30 'A.l. 7 1 '' 31.4 27. 3 19.8 15.1 11.2 15.4 16. 29. 3, 11.5 24.7 9. 5 32. (I ;,;,. 2 31 ■> 3,3,5 6 :'.o. 5 27. t) 18.0 14.4 11.0 14.2 16.0 '29.4 12. 4 'J^ ,'j 11.6 32. 1 33. 5 31 9 36.4 / 31.8 '25. -2 19.6 13. 5 11.1 13. 5 17.0 j 27.9 11.9 17.4 12. 6 33. 3 32. 3 32 2 36,6 8 3 1. -2 -23.9 19.3 14.7 11.3 10.6 1 17.5 2',. 5 11.6 20. 5 9,6 33.1 34. 31 3 j 33,6 'J 31. '23. 19. 16.6 10. 3 9.4 17. 6 25. 8 14.4 23. 3 9,0 33. 2 34.7 3,0 5 1 35,0 10 311.7 ' 22.3 18, 5 17.8 9. 5 ■ • 9. 5 17.5 25. 5 13.5 14. 5 8. s 3,3. 4 :-15. 2 3,0 4 35, 6 11 •29. 5 22. 1 18. 6 , 16. 5 9.5 8. 5 16.5 1 27.5 17.2 15.4 1 9.4 31.5 :\i). 3 31 :] 36.7 Noon. 30. 6 1 22. 4 19. 6 '20. 2 9.5 9.5 14.6 -25.9 20. 1 1 21. 3 9.ti 30. 5 3,5. 5 37, 7 11' 30.2 ' 21.3 19. 6 19. 5 8.3 12. 5 13.9 i 24.0 22. (i ■ 23. 5 10, 6 30. 6 35. 1 .12 6 37, 6 •> ■28. 3 21.6 1-. 4 IS. 8.6 15. 12.7 23.5 •24.2 17.5 28 5 34. 5 3,5 , ;i5. 3 3 2-. 3 21.5 20,0 19.1 6.5 15. 5 9. 4 20. 6 25. 7 25. 2 18,7 27. 8 3,4. 2 :;i 2 35, 4 '28. 20. 9 20, 2 19. r, 4.0 IS. 2. 2 IS. 1 ■24,0 23. 9 20. 5 25. 4 31.6 :',•' 1 31,5 5 21^.3 21.2 21.0 19. 5 1.5 19,3 2, 3, 1 5, 4 22,6 23.5 ' ^23. 5 24. 9 3,5. :;(! 5 :>5, 6 6 2i;. 7 20.3 21,4 18.4 2. 5 18. 6 3,0 4.6 22, 4 23, 7 27.4 31. 2 ;>_". O 31 7 3.!. 6 7 30. 3 ! 20. 4 21, 2 17.3 0. 3 19. 3 5, 4. 5 23,. 8 24,7 30. 4 32. 35. 3 3,3 2 33,9 8 31.2 '20.6 21,4 16. 3 1.5 21.0 14.5 5.4 29. 2 ■22, 5 30. 5 35. 9 34. 2 33 s 34,7 i) 25.8 ; 21.0 20,7 ■ 15,2 1.8 21.3 17,4 7.4 ;;o, 2 22. 6 30. 6 i 34. 2 ;;■_>_ ,-; 31 6 3,5, (1 10 1 25. 8 20. 8 21,6 15. :; 1. 2 1 '22. 23,0 8. 2S, 7 23.7 ; 30.9 32. 1 31.6 '.'.:'> ,S 3,1,6 11 Means. ! -'20.0 1 -21.2 1 -21.0 -14.6 - 3. 5 • -22. 3 01 -25, 5 - 8.2 -26, 8 -20. ■ -3,4. _;>.) ;; -::2. 1 -31. I'l -31 •> -33,, 5 -29.43 -23.41) -20. 1(3 -17. 06 - 7. 67, -15. -14, 9s' -20, 9- -].■-. 4; i -18. .55 -18,(11 -31. (iO -32.2-.^; -31, s:', 1 FE BRUARY, 1 873. Time. 16 17 18 19 20 o 21 22 23 24 2 5 26 27 ■J 1 28 c o o o o o Ot> -33. 5 -31. 2 -32.4 -33. 2 -31.6 - ',7. 5 -35. 3 -16, 6 -4,7 -25.5 -28, 5 -28,5 , -31,8 1 32. 6 30. 8 32. 4 34. 5 34.5 !8, 5 : 34,6 15. 6 4 9 26 (1 2S, 3 1 2S, 6 31.8 ^> :'.:!. 5 30.5 : 32.5 33.6 1 34.6 !7,7 , 32,9 15. 3 4 5 26 5 29, 2-. 5 ■ 34,5 1 3 32. 7 3,1.2 31.6 33,. 35. 5 !7,3 1 32.5 16. 5 3 4 2S 5 i 27,5 29,2 ] 3,1,6 4 32. 5 31.4 30.7 34. 5 3,4.4 !7. 5 ' 3,1. 6 15.5 ') ( ) 28 4 29, 2 29. 5 3:;. 8 5 3,3,. 3 31,3 31.5 34.6 ! 34. (; W . f) 30. 5 14, s 8 6 1 27 .-) 2 * ,5 2--, 5 3,2. s 6 31,2 30. 6 33. 5 33. 4 3,4.0 '.7,5 30. 3 13,7 s 8 1 24 6 •'s .", 2s, 6 32, 3 7 30.6 29. :! 32. 4 31. 3 3,5 2 ;5, 7 'J 2:(. 6 2,1.5 ' 20.2 1 1" 29. 3 33,. 4 30.6 40.6, ;;> fj '26. 4 1 3. 5 20 •'S s. •29.4 ; 29.3, 1 16,0 '2 29. 6 33. 6 33. 9 30.0 41.0 15. 4 '2(i. 15. 9 .,.> 4 27 3, ■-'S, 5 3,0. 13. 6 3 30. 34. 7 35. 5 •29.4 41.2 !5.6 24. 6 16. 5 23, 5 26 5 29,7 2S,6 1 13 3 4 30.3 35. 2 3:,. 7 34.7 40. :! !i;. 7 20.7 18. 2 21 ; *2 •26 5 30, 5 27.5 14,0 ,S 29. 5 33.3 35, 3 33. 5 41.5 17. 6 26. 8 18,4 26 2 28 s 29, S ■27,6 ' 14,7 6 29. 3 3,4.2 30, 33.5 42. 5 '/ . .> 25. 9 17,2 .,.", 5 29 1 29. 5 29.6 1 1.6 7 30.2 3,6. 5 34. 2 34.2 41.5 !S. 5 25. 3 1.-, 3 2s .) .,,^ ■2 29. 6 31.5 15.5 8 29. 5 36. 7 34, 2 33. 1 40, 7 ;9. 6 24.0 16,6 '2^ 5 29 v) 29.4 3;;. 15.3, 'J 29. 4 34.9 'A2 8 31.4 40,3 ■!8. 5 '22. 16,7 28 ( ; 25 5 ■ 29. 5 3,2.4 15.8 ID 29. 6 33. 6 33, 5 32,6 40,2 •,s. 3 '20. 1 17, 5 29 5 2( i 2 2s, 6 3,3. ' 16. 5 11 Means. -31. 7 -30. ,^3 -:',4. -34, 2 -30,9 -38, 2 — 16.9 16. 87 -19.5 -'27. 61 -16,0 -15, 22 -26 ^ ^ :i -29. 4 -2S. 97 -16.0 -32. ;■", -33 22 -3 2.78 - !S, 23 -K;. M| --, / "J'J' -29. 4:-i -21,07 44 TEMPERATUEE OF THE AIR MARCH, 1873. Time. 1 a - 3 4 5 6 7 § 9 10 11 12 13 14 o IS o o o o a .^ o o o o o D o i)b -10. .-> -20, 6 -38, 5 -33.8 -34.7 -39. 3 -26.3 1 -31.0 -27. 5 -20.2 - 29.5 -16.0 -21.0 j -29.6 -29. 2 1 16. 5 2s, 5 39, 5 35, 3 .34.5 39.6 2.5.0 29.5 21.3 20. 5 26.3 7,5 19.5 ' 29.5 28, 5 2 10. 28, 3 40.6 35. 4 35.8 , 38.2 2(). 5 28. 5 20.8 1 21.0 25.5 8, 8 21.5 2S.6 28. ■.i VI 3 29, 39. 5 33,, 5 37.6 i 39.0 20. 5 23. 6 22.2 ! 19.7 25. 3 9,7 21.5 1 27.5 29. 2 4 17.0 29, 6 oS. 7 32, 37.5 , 24.1 2S. 7 25. 20.0 1 18.3 2(i. 4 12,0 23.6 27.4 28. 5 17.2 31. 5 39.3 33, 2 38.8 23.5 25. 5 1 25. 2 14. () 17. 25.2 14.5 25.4 29.8 27.1 6 17.0 33.6 39.4 3::, 3 39. 27. 11 26. 8 15.9 16,4 24. 6 15, 6 25, : 2S. 5 27.0 7 17.3 31.0 39. 33. 4 39.0 26.6 2S, 2 1 27, 4 18, 6 10. 5 23. 5 17. 5 ; 24,5 20,5 25. 6 8 17.6 34. 8 36. 5 33.0 4(1,7 25. ■■', 27, 3 1 20. 8 14. 19. 6 23. 3 18.0 26. 4 ! 24. 4 24. 3 1 9 17. .^ ' 3.5. 34. 5 32. 9 40. s 25. 4 26. 5 19. 11. 4 20. 5 24.4 IS, 27. 4 ')•> ,w 22.5 1 10 17. .5 3,4.5 34. S 31.4 40. 5 23. 7 27.0 1 17.0 10.5 19.8 23.7 16. 5 27. 5 20. 5 22. 5 11 17. s 32, 5 34. 3, 2!>. 39. 6 21. 5 26, 5 ! 15. 1 11.2 ' 17.9 23.6 16.0 26.4 20. 5 23, 3 Noou. 17. S 31.6 34. 5 2S. 5 37. 9 23. 5 24. 5 14. 4 11.4 18.9 23, 15. 8 , 26,2 24. 9 23. It' 18. 31.5 33.6 27. 1 34. 9 29. ( ) 22. 2 17.3 16.7 1 21.0 22. 5 14.5 26, 5 26. 5 22. 3 2 IS. :? 29. 5 33, 9 2(1.5 33. 3 30. 1 22, 6 19. 5 11.7 20.5 22, 5 1.5.5 23,. 6 27. 2 23. 8 3 if^. r. 2S. 7 34,7 2(;. 7 34. 3 34.6 22,5 i 20,0 16. 9 22. 5 22.4 1.5.9 24.7 27. 5 24. 4 4 IS. 3 32, 5 36. 1 27.5 3,3. 37.7 24. 1 15. 8 11.8 24.0 21.5 15, () 27. 5 27. 5 24.3 5 is. 4 !13, 3 !6. 3, 30. 31. 5 37. i; 28, 3 ; 14, 7 12. !25. '2 21.3 17. 30. 6 20. 3 25. 4 6 18.5 35, 6 i4. 9 29. 3 33. 5 37.0 20. r; 13. 6 12.7 1 26.5 22.0 18, 31.2 ( 26.1 24.8 7 I'.l.O 3,5, 8 K. 6 31.0 30 37. 9 33,. 5 17. 7 13,7 1 27.3 20.4 19, 2 29. 5 26. 4 25. 5 8 21.0 3,4,9 ?3. S 32. 4 3,7.6 30. s 34. s 24,0 10.5 2S.5 20.3, 19.6 31.8 20.6 20.(1 9 '>■■': f) 36. 5 U.O 33.0 3,7. 3 29. 4 3,5. 2(1.5 18. 1 29. 3 19. 6 18.3 29. 9 26.5 25. 2 10 21.0 37. 3 r.',. 5 34.5 3(i. 4 2S. 5 33,9 2(>. 2 18.3 ' 29.4 19. 2 19. 2 30. 5 29. 6 20. 1 11 Means. -24.5 _:',s. 13 - 32. 5 -33. 5 -:!7. 3 -27. 5 -31.5 -2S. 4 -18.9 , -30.5 - 19. 5 -20. 1 -31. 3 -20. 1(1 -30.6 -27. -18 n: -3-.'. -36. 04 -31.09 -36. 7S -31.73 -27.54 -21. 96 -16.11 -22. k; - :!3, 15 -15. 78 -26. 85 -25. 57 MARCH, 1873. Tiaie. 16 17 o 18 1 9 o 20 21 22 23 - 21 25 26 o 27 2§ 29 30 ! 31 o o o o C o o o o o o 0'' -28.0 - -16. 5 -21.5 -3; . -15. 5 -13. 6 -24. 5 -25. 9 -18. -19.0 -28, 5 -28. 5 -27. 3 -27. 8 -28. -29.3 1 29. .') 10,8 ^ 27,0 :',( .3 15.0 15. 1 25, 2 27. 5 17.7 20. 5 29, 7 20. y 27. 5 26. 5 29. 2 28. 4 >j 30. :i 17,0 : 2S, 1) 31 .5 15. 5 18.5 25. 5 27. 2 21.0 21.3 30. 5 27. 1 27.8 26.5 29.5 27.0 3 30. ,"> 17.3, ' 29.6 1 2S .0 15.4 IS. 5 25. 7 2S. 6 : 2S. 1 21. 5 29. 6 27.5 27.4 29. 3 28. 2 4 2',l. 7 17,4 31.3 1 2S . 5 14.2 17.2 25. 5 27.2 2il. S 2.',. 2 27. 5 31. ,5 30. 9 27.0 2^. 4 2 s. 5 .5 29.7 19.0 32, 5 1 27 .1 14.0 18.3 2:i. 3 26.5 ! 19.3 21.5 31.5 3,1. 6 32. 9 22. 6 28. 7 29. 6 6 29. r> , Is. •> 33, 4 21 , IJ 13.8 I-'. 7 26. 5 26,0 1 16.0 21.8 28. :; 31. 4 30. 3 25. 1 26. 4 2S. 5 ' 20. r. IS. 33,5 I 2i: ,3 14.3 IS. (i 26.7 21. 4 11.0 23. 9 24.8 27. 2 20. 2 25. 7 28. 9 27. 3 « 25. ■ IS. r, ' :!■_>. 9 j 19 , i> 13. 5 17.9 25, 7 ■ 23, 9 6. 2 22. 4 24. 5 •)^ 3 31.2 23,. 5 25. 2 28.0 ! 9 24. S is. 3 .v^S) b- ,3 13. 2 19.6 : 25.9 22.4 5.6 25. 6 24.0 29, 27.3 24. 27,2 10 24. 5 is. '^ I ■^■^. .\ n .0 12. 8 is. 5 25, (i 24, 5 3,6 25. 8 23. 6 8 26. 3, 27.4 25. 6 28, 1 11 23.7 ' is. -2 ■ :u.9 l( ,4 12, 4 18,0 25,5 1 26,9 4.3 25, >_)< 8 27 s ' 27.5 27.6 32. 27.3, N(i is..-, . :;i). 3 1 ir , 1) 11.0 20, 5 25, 3 1 27 4.5 25, 4 21.0 23 2 28, 5 2^.5 25.6 26. 5 I'l 20. H IS. .-, 1 as, 8 I l.t- . 3 11.3 21.0 25. 9 ' 25. S 2. 5 27, 1 •>■) .r, 20 ■>9 29. 5 27. 5 25 S ■i is. .5 19.5 2S. 1 Il- . ;> 1(1.4 22, 5 1 25, 9 29, 3. 8 •t^ '> 24.6 ■1] 4 2^ 3 2s. 2(1. 1 '"' ls. 4 1 19.3 1 31.0 ir , 11.(1 22, 7 25, 7 24,0 9.7 23, 5 2(1.5 21 ;> 27 2 28. 2 31. 2 27. 2 4 13.7 ' 211, 1 ! :;.'. 14 ,4 11.9 21.7 2S. 7 22. 5 s, .5 23. 7 27 2 .)■) r, 20 8 29. 4 31.0 27.9 5 14.5 20.5 33.9 14 .7 , 13.6 23.4 : 2S. 5 22. 5 14. 8 24, 6 30. 5 21. 7 24. 5 29. 6 31.3 6 l-\0 ! 21,4 1 35,3 .6 i 14.0 24.6 ! 3,0.5 27,6 1 21. 1 1 24.9 32. 5 2(1 2 31.7 29. 4 1 27.5 / 15,4 21,5 3>5, 6 1 r . 3 1 14, 3 24, ' 29. 4 19.5 23.5 21.5 34. 6 ->.j 1 27,5 32.9 ■ 30.8 ' 27.4 8 10.1 21, s 3(i.2 . 14. 5 22.0 30.7 24.2 , 24.0 23, 35. 6 "2 4 j 28.6 ;!2. 8 30. 7 10,5 22,3 ' 3,li, 6 !■"> . 4 14. 2 23, 3 1 27, 5 31.5 1 27.5 27,5 35. (i •'I 8 1 29 1 3,0. 5 30. 4 2S. 5 10 10,2 23,1 30.0 1.' . s 14.:! 21,5 27.3 25, 2-;, G 29, 34. 1 2 30. 5 25.8 30.5 27.6 11 MrailS- -15, 9 -25, 4 ,-34, 2 -15 .6 -14.7 -24. -26. 9 70 -21. 4 4S -23. 8 -29, -34. 43, -20. -29.6 - -30. -28.3 -22, 15-19. :;9 -31, S(;;_i9 i i . ss -13. 5s| -2(1. -2(1. -■■*"> -19. 49 -24, 42 — •'',■-' -25. -28. 2(. —'2"^ !^'. ^-27,79 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 45 APRIL, 1873. Time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ° 9 o 10 11 12 13 o 14 13 o o o c o o o o n Oi" -29.5 -31. 2 -30.5 -27, 5 -19.2 -18,5 -14.3 -14.6 -17. 6 -24. 1 - 5.7 -16.1 -16.0 + 1.5 +11.0 1 29.5 28. 1 31.3 26. 3 1J.5 19,2 14.0 14.3 17.5 19.3 5,8 17.3 16.3 1.5 11.5 2 29.6 31.5 30. 5 26. s 18.5 19,0 13.4 14.7 17.6 ■M. 1 5,6 16.0 17.2 1.5 11.5 3 30,3 29. 6 31.1 27.1 18.7 19,2 13. 2 15.1 17.3 22.8 4,4 14.8 13.8 2.3 11.2 4 29.6 31.4 31.3 27.0 17.3 19,2 13.6 14.7 16. 20.5 4,2 12. 3 10. (1 1.8 9.0 5 28.0 30. 2 27.7 26.1 18.4 18, 8 13.5 12.5 11.5 15.0 2, S 10.0 8. 5 1.4 10.1 6 29.1 30.4 22.0 25. 2 18. 5 1-^.7 13.7 11.0 9.4 8.1 - 0,3 6.5 6.7 2.4 9. 8 7 2,*. 2 28.5 20. 4 23.7 17.7 18.0 1 2. 9 9.6 7.1 2.9 + 0,6 - 1.6 4.0 5.3 10.0 8 26.5 22. 8 19.5 20.9 17.7 17.2 12.6 8.6 4,6 1.7 2,7 + 0.5 3.8 4.7 11.8 9 2.5. 3 20.4 15.4 1H.7 17.6 16.5 12.5 7.9 12. 0.7 3,4 2.4 2.0 8.3 14.0 10 24.0 20.2 IS. 10. 2 17.3 15.3 12. 2 7.2 12.6 0.7 6. .s 1.0 2.5 6.3 IS, 9 11 20. 2 20. 5 15.5 15. 3 17.3 15.5 11.2 7, ^ 14.2 1.;'. 5.4 + 0.6 - 2. 1 9.3 17.2 Noon. 25. 8 23.6 15.3 14.5 17.2 16.6 11,4 7.5 15.5 0.9 .5,9 - 1.6 + 0.5 13.0 11.4 1" 25.7 26. 5 17.5 IH. 2 16.8 15.2 11,7 H T) 14.7 1.5 6, 2.4 - 1.3 14. 3 10.5 2 21.5 25. 9 If^. 8 21.2 16.9 1.5.4 11,5 9.0 15.0 1.9 5.3 - 1.5 1.4 15. 4 ."^. 7 3 21.4 26. 7 22. 5 23. 4 16.5 15.1 12, 2 9. 2 14.6 2 '.» + 0. 1 + 0.3 0.8 15. 3 6.0 4 21.2 28. 4 22. 8 22. 16.7 15.8 12.1 .^.7 14.3 2,5 - 4.2 + 0. 5 0.7 14.0 2.9 5 21.6 27.3 24.7 23.5 17.3 1.5.4 12. 3 9. 9 14.4 '.',. 6 5.4 -2.4 1.9 13.4 1.3 6 24.8 29. 4 26. 8 2:'.. 2 17.4 15.6 12.7 10.6 15. 4.4 7.0 4.0 0.7 12.9 3.5 7 27.3 30. 5 28. 1 24. 5 17.2 15.7 13. 2 12. 1 1.5. 5 4.7 9.5 8.0 - 0.5 12. 3 3.7 8 25.8 30.4 27.9 26. rt 17. 5 16. 5 13.0 13. 5 17.2 4.0 11.5 ^. 6 + 0. .s 11,9 :>>. 6 y 26.4 30.6 2H. 4 26. 4 17.7 15.4 13.5 14. 5 19.4 4.7 12. 5 12. 3 3. 2 11,0 4.0 10 31. 5 29. 7 2^. 2 25. 3 18.0 15.0 14.0 10.4 2 1 . 5 .5. 5 14. 3 9.5 3.0 11,2 1.9 11 Means. -31.3 -28. 9 -2S. 1 -23. 9 -18. 2 -15.1 -14.1 -10.7 -23. - 6.0 -15. 2 -11.6 + 1.4 - 4.25 +11,5 + S. 44 + 0.3 + 8. 49 -20. 07 -23. 15 -20. 10 -2:;. 07 -17. 63 -16. 70 -12. .87 -11.44 -10.73 - 7.47 - 3. 03 - 6.33 APRI Ci, 1873. Time. 16 17 1§ 19 20 21 22 23 o 24 o 2.5 o 26 27 2§ 29 30 o o o o o o o o o o o o Ob -0.5 -8.3 -5. 6 - 8.2 - 1.5 -2.6 -2.8 - 9. 8 - 0.4 +3. 5 +2.5 +1.9 + 5.5 + 7. 8 + 8.5 1 2.5 8.3 6.4 10.6 - 0.6 1.8 -3.5 9. 6 0.6 2. 1.5 3.3 4.2 /. D 7.5 2 3.6 8.5 4.0 10.5 + 6. 3 2.5 +2.0 8.7 - 0.1 1.5 1.0 1.0 7.2 7.6 7.4 3 3.9 7.4 0.6 f. 3 7 5 3.0 -3.2 9. 1 + 2.2 1.0 1.3 0.6 7.3 ri. 2 S. M 4 2.7 7.6 2.6 7.0 8.3 2.5 4.6 6.5 7.0 l.s 2.4 2.6 7.1 8.5 S.5 5 2.5 8.0 6.5 8.2 8. 5 2.0 -0.6 10.7 8. 3 1.5 2.4 1.4 8.0 .-.0 S.2 6 2.2 s. 5 5.1 7.4 8.4 1.6 +1.5 5. 2 8.4 3 2 2.0 3.5 .^. 2 S.3 9.0 7 2.5 7.1 2.1 6.5 9.0 0.1 2.5 8. 5 13.1 6. 5 3.1 3.0 7.4 .8.4 10. 1 8 1.6 .5.2 4.8 4.2 8.8 -0.1 3.3 - 0.1 17. 5 7.3 4.2 2.0 7, '■] 8. 2 12. 3 9 1.4 4.3 2.7 1.5 9,2 +0.5 6.4 + 3.4 22. 7.3 3.0 2.3 7.9 8.1 13.3 10 1.0 3.5 3. 5 - 1.3 9,5 1.2 7.1 - 3.2 21.0 7.4 4.0 o 2 10.2 9.1 14.4 11 1.2 2.6 5.0 + 1.2 10,5 1.3 +0. 3 3.0 20. 4 ~ ') 4.8 2. I 8.0 9.0 14.6 Noon. 0.8 1.8 3.5 1.6 8,7 1.4 -0.5 2.3 19.5 7.5 5.0 s. 1 10. 9 14.5 1" 3.0 1.5 3.4 3.3 10,1 2.6 1.7 2, 5 IS. S. 3. 3. 6 s, 6 10. .^ 10.7 '^ 3.4 1.8 2. 5 5.1 10.1 3.0 2.3 3. 8 20. 9.1 4.2 4.8 9. 3 9.7 12.3 3 3.2 1.2 2.3 + 1.6 10.2 2 n 2.4 3. 3 19. s s 5 3..^ 5.3 8. 9 10.1 14. 5 4 3 1 0.9 2.6 - 3.6 9.0 2.4 1.3 2.4 20.2 7,3 3.5 ..). .> 9. 5 12.4 15. 5 5 3.4 1.0 2.4 4.5 7.5 2.3 2. 8 3.0 17,0 0.5 2. 5 4.7 9.4 13. 5 14.6 6 4.2 1.7 2.3 3.7 5,5 +3.7 6. 4.6 13.3 6.0 l.U 5.2 10.1 12. 7 12. 9 7 4.8 2. 5 4.4 4.2 5,7 -1.9 7.8 2. 8 12. 5 5 2 1.4 5.4 10.7 11.7 12. H 4.6 2. 3 4.2 2 8 5, 8 -2.7 8.5 4.9 .-^.1 4.2 +0. 5 5.4 10.8 11.3 .-' 2 9 5.4 3.3 6.6 3.1 4,5 +1.6 8.6 4.(i 6. 1 4.1 -0.2 4.6 9. 5 12.2 s. 4 10 6.5 3.5 3.5 2.4 + 1,0 +0.3 ri.7 2. 9 5.6 3. +0.4 5.0 S. 6 14.5 7.0 11 Means. -7.5 -5.0 -4.4 - 2.6 - 2. 1 -3.4 -5.2 - 1.7 + 6. -J +2. 5 +0.2 +4.S + 8.3 +13. 1 + 7. 1 -3. 15 -4.41 -3. 79 - 3. 66 + 6. or -0. 09 -1.9.- - 4. .58 +11.9:. +-.. 11 +2. 4-J +3. 45 + 8. 34 +10. 07 +10. s:; 46 TEMPERATUllE OF THE AIR MAY, 1873. Time. 1 2 3 4 5 e 7 o 8 c 9 o 10 o 11 12 o 13 14 15 C' o o o Oil + 5. .' + a- +17. (i +11.5 -0, 4 + 4.0 + 5. 3 + 0.3 + 4.8 +14. 3, +13. + 12. C + 8.8 +17. 8 +27. (1 1 4.0 9. (■) IS, 5 11 (; +2.5 3.0 5. (1.4 3,5 14.3 12 ., 1 2. 5 9.7 17.(1 3,(1. (1 '•> 2 8 9.7 20.0 11 4 3,3 G. s 4.15 3.2 2.(1 14.5 12 (1 12.5 11.8 10.9 31. 1 3 4.r. 10. ;i 22. 3 12 5.(1 (1,3 '•>. 5 1.4 14.(1 13 3 12. 3, 1(1.0 1(1. s 3,1.2 4 .''). :' 1-2. ;-. 22. 5 12 (1 • K 7 4.7 7.4 4.5 2. 14.2 13 12. 1 11.(1 17.1 31.3 5 1 ;. 'J l-i.7 • h) r, 12 ;i 5.(5 10,4 9, 7 2 2 '* 14.5 13, 9 13.4 11.5 10.3 3,1.7 6 7.0 U. :'. 21. 12 •> 7.8 s. s 10, -2 4.(1 3.5 13,. S 15 (1 ■13.5 13.2 1 s. 3 31,(5 7 6..^. 18. .f. 20. 5 11 H 7. 2 13. 11,5 7.2 4.0 13.7 11 7 13.7 13.5 20. 5 3(1.4 8 H.8 LS. 4 IS. (1 11 (1 7. 3 12. 5 14.0 9.2 4.2 13.(1 14 8 14.11 111.4 22. 29. 2 9 10.3 l-'.ll IS. 11 1 s. 11,4 1(1. s 9. 9 4.(1 1 1.5 15 '.» 15.(1 IS. 3 24. s 2-'. 5 10 u.-, 18,1 17.5 111 S 0.4 1 2, 1 14, 2 (1. 8 0. 2 14.(1 17 5 15. s 1(1.5 2:,. 7 30,5 11 11.0 IH. 7 IS. 3 11 (1 5.1 12.(1 13.2 5. 3 5.7 14. s 1(1 3 18.2 17.(1 2 1. 2S, 2 Noon. 10. -.i l.^.f) IS. 2 10 4 (i. 10.4 11. 1 (). 5. (1 10,2 15 ;i IS. 3 2(1. 5 2 1.1 2S, (1 1'' 1). 19. fi 17.3 s 4 4.C. 9. s s. (1 5. (i. 8 13.(5 15 7 17.5 21. 1 23,. 9 27 , s 2 'J. 7 IS. s 17.7 7 5 5. 5 S. 5 s. 4 (i. 8 7. 15. S 15 (I IS. 1 21.3 . ) - r 27,4 3 10. 'J I'd. 3 17.4 8 1 (i. 7 8.4 7.S 4.9 7.0 15.5 14 •> IS. 3 211. 23.7 27, 5 4 10.^ IS.:', 1(5. s s (i. 7.(1 (1. s 3.9 7. 3 1 5. 2 11 2 IS. 2 19. 4 2,5 '' 2-, 5 'J f) 1-^.1 17, 1 s r, 7.1 4.2 (1.5 2. (1 7 5 15.5 13 (1 17. s 1-.(1 2(1, (1 27. s I'l 9.3 17.7 17,7 H 2 7.0 5. (5 4. 1 1.7 s. 2 15.(1 13 3 1(1.9 19. S 20, s 29. 9 7 9. f) 1h. 4 l(i, S 7 (1 (i. 8 4.3 2. 2 1.4 10.4 15.(1 13 8 15.(1 211. 5 29. S ■ 8 8.(1 ii;. .^ 1.-.. (i 4 f, 7.7 1.5 (1. (1 0.3 10.9 14,4 13 5 1(1.3. 211. 4 25. 7 2S. !l 9 9. 10. (i 14. s 3, 5 9 6.2 0. 8 (1. (1 12.0 14,7 12 .", s. (1 19.11 31.4 29. 7 10 8. H 15. ,s 13. 5 + 2 1 f5.0 7.5 II. 1 0. 5 12. 1 14,0 12 7 (i. 9 19.5 31.2 23, 2 11 + 9. +1.5. 7 +13. () - 1 1 +5. S + (i. 7 + 2.4 + 0. S + 111.2 + 13,3 + 12 S + 8.3 +19.7 + 1(1.01 + .'S. (1 +23. 5(1 +27.3 +29,31 Meaii.s. + '■■'.2] +15. s-.< + 1S. (IS + s. ;i:; +5. (55 + 7.72 + 7. 37 + 1.(13 + (1.2(5 + 14,74 + 14.13 + 14.25 Time, 16 C 17 o Oh +-•"). '2 +21,0 1 2^1 7 20.5 2 1 2(1, 5 ' 28, 23. 7 22, 8 MAY, 1873. 18 19 ■J 2(1. (1 7 31. 3 H 31.5 2. rt 3 ■y.). :; 4 .)... .) 5 32, 4 (1 31.(1 7 29. 9 s 2s. 5 9 27. 5 11 +25. 2 211. 21. 19. 23. • ' t 21. 21. +21. k22. 3 20 +24. 4 4 24.8 2;,. 7 9 2(1.5 27.(1 5 2S. 7 21.5 (5 3,1.7 23. (1 5 33. 7 2S. r 3,1.9 21.7 y 3,1.4 24. 7 32.3 24.0 7 3,1.2 24.3 (.1 30. (1 24. 5 :>, 32. 4 25. S 2(1. 20. Mean.' l.V+27.(13+2S. 2(1, 20.5 ; 20. 3 ' 20.9 29. 4 20.8 25.0 20. 3 2(1. (I 25.4 2(1. :•, +20. 1 . (15 21 +25 24 2(1, 21, 24, +20, 22 o +2S. s 29.0 i 29.3 j 3,1.(1 33:0 i :',.',. (1 32.7 1 33 (I ::'.-H 31.5 31.5 30. 7 31.9! 2S. 5 3,11. j 29. 1 29. 3 28. 7 29.7 +2S. S 23 29. 5 2S. 3 27.0 2 1.0 22. 5 24. 4 22. 1 23,. 0. 24 21. 24 27. 1 29. 1 29. 5 2(5. (1 20, 24, 24, 21. 2(1,2 24,7 24, 1 +22, s 21 fi 24 +22 5 25 23, 21,9 21,4 2 1,(1 21,4 23. 5 24. 5 23, 3 22, 5 21,0 23. 24. (1 23. 9 24.(1 24.4 24.2 24. 1 26 0, 1 -3,1.29, +25.83 +21. is +23.09 9 r,- S 4 25 4 20 2(1 1 2(1 8 +25 (1 +25 11 27 21 21;, 3(1. 1 311.0 31.7 33. 1 31.0 311.0 24. 5 25. (I 2.5 S 29. 28. 1 25. 8 24.(1 21.8 24.7 25. 4 24. 23. 1 +22. 12i 28 +21.3 22.0 25. 7 29. 2 31.1 31. s 2(i!4 21. 4 22, 4 22, 3 22! 1 22. 4 21.3 20. 19.(1 +18. +23,, 02 29 +21.0 19.3 1 S. 8 1 s, s 1~, 7 is. (1 19.4 IS. 9 17.9 17. 3, 1(5. 3, 10.9 17.9 IS. 4 17.7 17.4 17.0 17.6 17.7 10.9 17. 5 17.4 10. 9 +10.(1 30 +15 5 10 7 17 17 3 17 10 9 17 ■■> 10 7 1(1 3 15 1 1 3 1 1 5 11 7 1 1 5 14 3, 14 (1 13 5 13, •5 1 31 13.5 13,. 5 12. s +13.0 + 17.9S| +15. 10 +13. 3 1 2. 9 1 3. 2 13,. (I 11.8 11.6 12. 1 14.3, 14. 1 14.11 13. ( 14.: ]: 1 5. 4 15. S 15.5 10. 2 1(1, 2 10.1 10,7 1(5.3 1 5. 2 1 5. 4 +15. I- 14. .5(1 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 47 From the preceding record it appears that Jauuary was tlie coldest inontli, widi a mean tem- perature of — 290.34. The lowest temperature noted is — -t-io.i, occnrring at 0'' p. m. on Pebruarj- 20. The absolute maximuiu during the seven months we speut at Polaris House occurred .May IGth aud 22d at 9'' aud i^ a. m., respectively. The lowest temperature recorded by the Kane exiieditiou during the same period of time is — 6(J0.4, occurring February 5, 1854; and the minimum as observed by Hayes i:; — 45o.4 on January 2.j, 18G1, at G''a. m., which latter value differs but 20.9 from our own miuimum. The following table contains the alisolute uuixiaia aud minima, as observed from Xuvember 1, 1872, till June 1, 1873: Absolute inaxiiiKi and )niniina obserreil at Polaris House in 1872 and 1873. Mdiitlis Hour (if iiuixi- niuiii. A. M. P. M. Xnvember -|-20. 5 December -(-15. .'J .laniiuiy — 8. "J FeljiiiaVv — U. 3 Mareh , — 2. r> April +-2-3. it May j -1-35.3 -17. G -ail. 7 -•11.8 -1-J. 5 -40.8 -31. 5 - 1.1 4 r 5 21 24 k; ) 4 .... ; 2 and 3 10 .... 7 1 'J . . . . 4 i--- Hour of niini- luuiu. 19 31 30 2(1 A. M. 4 and 5 10 aud 1 1 P. M. 6 lo' 11 The two following tables give the observed daily and huurly mean temperatures extracted from the preceding record: Daily means of temperature observed at Polaris House. Date. Ni>\'eiiiber, 1872. December, 1872. Jannar)-, 1873, Febrnary, 1873. ' Marcli, 1873. April, 1873. May, 1873. o 1-1 o C o 1 — 3. .55 - s. 99 —27. 8,' —29. 43, — 18.53 — 26. 1.7 -F s.-ji 2 -1- 9.84 12.211 31.2! 2.1.46 32. 63, 23. 45 15. 82 3 14. (;2 14. 02 31.23 2(1. 16 36.04 20. 10 18. 08 4 li;. 55 8,44 31.4^ 17, 06 31.09 2:;. 07 ,-. 93 5 (;. 7i; 9. 95 17. 52 / . ' 1/ 36. 78 17.63 5. (i5 (i 1.04 11,51 24, 65 15.01 31.73 16. 70 7.72 7 + 0. ir 7.47 14. 53, 14, 9.- 27. 54 12. .s7 7. ;j7 8 (i. 41 14. 12 20. 92 21.96 11. 44 4.03 9 2. .55 7.78 17. (iO 1,8. 43 16.11 1(1.73 6. 26 10 13.41 17. 28 IS. 55 22. 13 7.47 14.74 11 10. (i3 11.92 31.15 18, 04 23. 15 3.03 14. 13 12 — 12. 85 17. 85 3,4, 73 31.69 15.78 6. 33 14. 25 ri -1- «. 9) 18.114 31.36 34. 49 26. 40 — 4.25 k;. 64 14 9.70 14.28 33.15 32,21 2(;. ,85 + 8. 44 23. 56 15 0. 93 10. 08 30. ^i) 34.8:', 25. 57 + 8. J'J 29. 31 ii; + .5.08 9. 15 31.51 3(.). S3. 22. 15 — 3. 15 29, 85 17 — 7. Vyl 9. 00 35. 88 32. 05 19. ;59 4.41 2:;. 15 18 14. 3t) .5.21 31,73 33. 22 31.86 3.79 27. (;3 10 Hi. :32 5.94 31. 58 32. 78 19. 88 — 3. 66 2s. 26 20 9.42 4.93 28. 1)9 38. 23 13. ,58 -f 6.66 25. 67 21 — (i. 7(1 — 6.21 34.63 36. 87 20. 33 — 09 26. 36 22 -f 2. 5 1 -f 3. 80 • 34.06 27.61 26. 70 1. 98 31.29 •Si — 0.18 4.84 36. 3;; 15. 22 25. 48 — 4.58 25. s:j 24 4.58 4. 08 37. 80 16. 14 19. 49 -hll.93 21. 18 2.5 5.91 -f- 5. 18 35. 31 27. 29 21. 42 5. 16 23. 69 26 3. 98 — 5 73. 3,7. 9 ^ 28. 97 2s. 13 2. 42 25. 11 3>. 23 . 5. 92 2-. 85 29. 43 05 7,s 3. 45 27. 12 28 5.81 11.42 29. 20 —21. (17 2S. 2(1 8. 3.4 23, 6-i 29 10 17 19. 27 3 1,89 27. 75 10.07 17. 98 :iO — 8 29 22. 88 35. 65 2s. s'J -(-10.83 15. 16 31 —27. 94 —21.51 —27.79 -(-14.50 48 TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR Hourly )ncans of fonpeyafurc observed at Polaris House. Time. Novcniljcr, 1872. n December, 1872. January, 1873. Fobrnary, 1873. ' March, 1873. April, 1873. May, 1873. o o 0'> ■]■; — 7.48» 2;i. rf> —26. 13 — 25. 97 — 8.41 +[17.60] 1 2. -VA 7.90 29. 53 26. 34 25. 64 [8. 69] 17. 85 2 2.31 9. 15 29. 02 26.35 2(i. 07 8.43 18. 68 3 >> -^'J 9.06 29 4^ 25, S3 26. 21 8.10 18. 98 4 2. 04 8. S7 29. 68 25. 10 2.5. 91 7.47 19.43 5 1.95 9.14 29. 73 25. 18 25.77 6.82 20. 03 G 1.81 9.06 29. 81 24. 95 25. 63 5.50 20.10 7 1.70 9. 21 29. 63 24. 65 25.11 4.10 20.72 8 1.39 9. :!5 29. 67 24. 13 24.28 2.71 21.15 9 1. :'.9 9.21 29. 29 24. 03* 23. 96 l.,58 21.30* 10 1 . 57 9. 27 29. 41 24. 23 23. 61 1. :?o* 20. 76 11 1. :u 9.39 29. 30 24. 43 23. 33 1.49 20.99 Ncioii. 1. 25 9. 34 29. 30 25. 1 1 22. 90» 1.61 21. 25 Ih 1. 17* 9. 48 29. 38 25. 34 23.08 2.02 21.06 2 i.:!3 [9.71] 29 29 25. 4:! 23. 12 1. 8er. .l:iiniary. February. March. April. May. o + 19.84 +19. 08 — 9. 15 o —29. 34 o —25. 37 —25. 47 o —25. U —25.21 o —4.74 —4.60 E(iui-intiervals —8.38 —29,31 Mean temperature of half year = — 12'=.31. The analytical elements and expression are as follows: 7! 1 a +21.7-:;:! + 9. 1200 + 0.5015 h B tan C —2. 2747 +0. 092:!7 21.S1)18 9.1204 0. 5015 — 9. 5720 = +98. 7334 + CO 180- — 84 - 2' 10" = 95'- 57' 50" . — 89 25 20 — 90 00 00 T = 'Jl..S91Ssiu(.«:. (J(P + i).j^r)7'50") + 9.1'i0i8iu(2xG0 + S9O'J5'20") + 0.50L5siu(3x.G0+9l)o)-12.3L7. AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 49 The monthly means thus computed and the observed values are given in the following table: Normal months. Observed. Computed. aO. — C. December Jannary r February ... — 8.38 —29. 31 —25. 47 —25. 21 — 4.60 +19. 08 o — 8. 38 —29. 31 —25. 47 —25. 21 — 4.60 +19. 08 o ±0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ±0.00 March April ...... May Winter —21. 05 —21. 05 — 3.58 — 3.58 • Greatest difference between any observed and computed value = 0'^'.002. As the annual fluctuation of the temperature at Polaris House was discussed in detail when treating this subject of our more, northern station, no further remark will be needed. DIUENAL FLUCTCJATIOIir. As the time at our disposal was rather limited, and as the observations extend over a short period only, it was thought sufficient to take the bihourly means of the day and to use the same as phases of the daily period. The elements of the analytical expression are as follows: n On K B„ C„ 1 o —0. 549 +0. 109 —0. 025 —0. 568 —0. 114 +0. 093 +0. 781) +0. 1.57 +0. 090 / // 224 02 26 136 21 09 345 14 58 Consequently, the analytical expression becomes — T=-12.317+0.789 sin (,r+224o 02' 26") +0.157 sin (2 a+13Go 21' 09") + 0.09G sin (3 .r+315o 14' 58") .r=30o, 60°, The following table gives the diurnal fluctuation of the temperature during the winter-half: Time. Observed Computed Difference, temperature. temperature. 0. — C. o o o 0'' —13. 32 —13. 14 —0. 18 2 13.49 13. 12 0.37 4 12.93 12. 80 —0.13 6 12. 47 12.47 +0.00 8 11.50 11.87 +0. :w 10 11.17 11. 92 0. 75 Xoon . 11.17 11.80 0.63 2'' 11.41 11.60 +0.19 4 11.80 11. 62 —0.18 6 12.27 11.96 0.31 8 13. 07 12. 57 0.5U 10 Means. —13. 20 —12. 93 —0. 27 —12. 317 —12. 317 ±0.00 7 T A 50 TEMPERATUEE OP THE AIR The followiug diagram represents the diurnal fluctuation of the temperature during the same period : The following table contains the mean maxima and minima of the stnen months in question; also, their range and the time of their respertive occurrence, as derived from tiie table headed "Hourly Means:" Daily extremes, range, and hours of maxima eind minima from yorember, 1872, till June, IST.'J. Mouths. Time of- November, 187'i....... — 1.17 Dcrember, 1^72 — 7.48 .Tauuary, 1873 — 'J8. 88 Febraary, t-^73 —24.03 JIaich, 1873 —22.90 April, 1S73 I — l.:«) May, 1873 1 +21. 30 be 1,411 — 9.71 —29. 99 —20. 52 —27. 14 — H. 69 + 17.60 1. 11 9 49 4. 24 7. 39 70 M ax. h. 1 P- Ill II a. 111 6 P- Ml 9 a. in 10 a. m 9 a. m Mill. h. II p. m. 2 p. Ill . 10 p. in. '"^ Y>. m . 11 p. Ill . 1 a. ni . a. m . As the daily range of Tolaris House was considered in one of the preceding jiaragraphs, further details in regard to this subject will be superfluous. We shall now proceed to the diurnal fluctuation during the seasons. As the diurnal range of every month was investigated in a similar way, as stated in the course of the Polaris Bay observations, the diurnal range of the seasons was not properly computed. It was thought sufficiently accurate for our present purpose to continue the computed bihourly means of March, April, and May for the representation of spring, and those of December, January, and February for the winter-curve. These curves, with those relating to the seasons of Polaris Bay, will be given hereafter in the discussion of the dew-point. The values obtained for spring, in the above-mentioned manner, are as follows: 0" 2 4 6 8 lO Noon. 2" 4 6 8 o —4.48 —4.40 10 Mean. Observed Computed Diff. ().— C o —5.59 —5. 45 o —5. 27 —5. 38 —4. 65 —4.76 o —3. 68 —3.51 o —1. 95 —2. 12 —1. 39 —1.23 o —1.09 —1.05 o —1. :i4 —1.44 o —2. 29 —2. 27 —3. 32 —3.37 o —5. 01 —5.08 —3.34 —3.34 —0.14 +0.11 +0.11 -0.17 +0.17 —0.16 -0.04 +0. 10| —0. 02 +0. 05 r-0.08 +0.07 -1-0.00 Probable error of a sin Probable error of meai gle representation = i 1 — J 0°,09 - 0' ' 03. 1 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 51 By means of the curve, we Hud tliat the temperature rises till about half an hour past meridian when it obtains its maximum of — lo.35, the observed maximum of — l^.OO occurring at noon. Both the observed and computed minima are reached at midnight. The maximum occurs almost at the same time as at Polaris Bay, the minimum two liours earlier. The range, as derived from the computed values, is i°.40, beiug by Qo.lG smaller than that of Polaris Bay. The following table furnishes the values lor the wiuter-curve: O" 2 4 6 8 10 ^N'oou. 2" 4 6 § 10 Mean. Oliserved Computed Difif. O. — C... o —21,04 -20.73 o o —21.71—21.22 — 21.U0— 21. -\u —21. 27 —21. 61 o —21. 05 —21. 48 o —20. 97 -21. .5S o —21. 25 —21.84 o o —21. 48—21. 32 —21.75—21.31 I o —21.22 -21.02 o —21. 70 —20. 98 o —21. 39 —20. 86 — 21.29 — 2L 29 — 0.31 — 0.71 + 0.24-1- 0.34 + 0.43 -1- 0.61 -1- 0.59 + 0. 27 — 0. 01 — 0. 2o!— 0. 72 — 0. 53 ± 0.00 Probable error of a single representation ^ ± 0°.20 I'robable error of mean ^ ± .0(5 A comparison of the diurual range of temperature at this place with that at Polaris Bay shows that the theoretical curve agrees better with the observed value than in the former instance. We see the hour of the maximum to be the same at both stations; but while at Polaris Bay the com- puted minimum was reached at 2 -fO. 019 +0. 427 +0. 2:!5 -f 0. 108 -f 0. 528 -fO. 29S : -f 0.199 o / " 3C 1 10 37 12 14 5 35 38 = _ 9.148 -h0..52S sin (,r-f36o 1' 10") +0.298 sin (2 x+3T-' 12' 11") + 0.199 sin (3 r+o'^ 35' 38") a'=30o, COO, . . . JANUARY. n 1 1 i 2 3 dn in B„ Cn —0. 709 +0. 062 —0. 031 —0. 343 —0. 027 —0. on +0. 379 +0. 069 +0. 033 o / // 154 54 59 113 27 28 250 21 28 T = -29.366+0.379 sin (,r;+154o 54' 59") +0.069 sia (2 +113 + 0.033 sin (3 ,i:+250o 21' 28") xz=30o, 60°, . . . ' 52 TEMPEEATUEB OF THE AIE PEBRUARy. n an J„ B„ C„ 1 2 3 —0. 918 + 0.014 —0. 096 +0. 061 —0. 312 +0. 193 +0.917 +0. 309 +0. 223 o ' 3113 49 237 38 60 00 T=-25.3S9+0.917 sin (.r+303o 49') +0.309 sin (2 ,r+237o 38') + 0.223 sin (3 x + 60^) .r=30'', 00'=, . . . MARCH. H 1 2 3 an in B, c„ —1. 634 —0. 136 —0. 108 —0. :^2G +0.614 +0. 272 + 1.K11 +0. 629 +0. 29:; o / // 243 10 19 347 :;o 10 ;!38 20 38 Tc -25.069 + 1.831 sin (x+2i3o 10' 19' ) +0.C29 sin (2.r+3J:7o 30' 10") + 0.293 sin (3 ,r+338o 20' 38") .c=30o, 60O, . . . APRIL. u 1 2 3 «ii K B., +3. 4.58 +0. 836 +0. 075 ('„ +o! 633 +0. 025 —2. i:30 —0. 305 +0. 070 / /' 231 59 13 111 22 ]6 19 33 37 T= -4.759+3.458 sin (.r+231o 59' 13")+0.836 sin (2 .r+lUo 22' 10") + 0.075 sin (3 x+ld° 33' 37") a'=30o, 60°, . . . MAY. n On K B„ Cn 1 2 3 —1. 393 —0. 105 +0. 059 —1.748 —0. 258 —0. 148 + 1.508 +0. 278 +0. 1.59 ' " 247 24 19 202 5 19 158 13 .55 T= + 19.816 + 1.508 sin (,r+247o 24' 19") +0.278 sin (2 ic+202o 5' 19") + 0.159 sin (3 ,t+158o 13' 55") .r:=30o, 60°, . . . AT POLARIS HOUSE. 53 The observed aud computed values duriug the six months iu tiuestiou compare as follows: DECEMBER. JANUARY. FEBRUARY. a g . S a a Time. S6 S6 Q O ^6 o '■'■J- _j 1 1,' — r^ ^ .^ — , — : 3 1 ■„ --^ ~ i- O C 2 5 2 C' r 2 S ~ o a; -■ ZT' i ^ :j '^' -^ .. c z ^ -^ .- X —J _ ^-H C:; f' i — ( — 1 — 1 ■26. 07 25. 89 —0. 18 s. 43 8. 64 +0. 21 IS. 68 18.39 —(1.29 4 2.5. 91 26. 03 +0. 12 7,47 7.74 +0. 27 19. 43 19.49 +0.06 25. 6:{ 25. 54 —0. 09 5. 5(1 5.34 —(1.16 20, 10 20. 34 +0. 24 8 24. 28 24. 39 +0.11 2.71 2.74 +0.03 21.15 20. 7(1 —0.39 10 23. 61 2.!. 46 —0.15 1.30 1.28 —(I. (12 20, 75 21.04 +0.29 Noun. 22. 90 23. 05 +0. 15 1.61 1.2-* —0. 33 21.25 21.18 —0.07 •ill 2:!. 12 23. 04 —0.(18 1.90 2. 18 +0. 28 2(1. 99 20.90 —0.09 4 2:j. S5 23. 83 — 0. (12 3. 29 3.34 —0. 05 2(1. 29 20. 35 +0.06 6 25. 48 25. 53 +0. 05 4. 28 4.43 +0. 15 19.81 19.84 +0.03 8 26. 93 26. 94 + 0.01 .5.74 5.47 —0. 27 19. 24 19. 22 —0.02 10 Meaus. . —27. 116 —26. 95 —0.11 —6.48 —6. 68 +0.20 +18. 50 +18. 38 +19. 816 —0.12 —25. 069 —25. 069 +0. 00 —4. 759 —4, 759 +0.00 +19. 816 +0.00 It will be seen that in December both the computed and observed curves attain their maxi- mum again at midnight, as we had occasion to notice in our examination of the winter-curves of the two localities, the minimum beins reached at 2'' p. m. The diurnal range, as derived from the computed values, is lo.58, while the other is O-.G.j greater. In January the observed and computed curves pass through the maximum of — 28o.S8 and — 28°.9G, respectively, at 6'' p. m., while the minimum occurs iu both instances at 6'' a. m. The diurnal range, derived from the computed values, is Qo.SO, tlie other being 0o.93. In February the observed aud computed curves pass through the maximum of — 24o.l3 and —240.11, respectively, at about 8^' a. m., the observed minimum of — 2C°.52 being reached at 8'' p. m., and the corresponding computed value of — 26o.40 between O'' and 10'' p. m. The diurnal range derived from the observed values is 2o.39, while that deduced from those computed is by Qo.lO less. 5i ;>- TEMPERATURE (>E THE AM In March tUe observed and computed maxima occur at uooii and li'' p. m.,>ectively, wbile in both instauces the minimum is reached at 10" p. m. The diurnal range of this month, as deduced from the computed values, is 3o.91, the one observed being V^.W. As the sua was circumpolar from the 17th of April, the diurnal march of the temperature during this month is influenced accordingly. The curve shows a decided rise from midnight till 10" a. m., when both the observed and computed maxima are reached. The minimum occurs at 1!'' a. m. The daily range is about twice as great as during the last month, having risen from 3o.91 to 7o.;3C. The curve of May assumes a more regular character than we have seen hitherto. The time of occurrence of the maxima is noon, while the lowest temperature is reached at midnight. The daily range was 30.5S less than during the last month. THERMIC WIXD-i;(38]:. lu investigating the relation of the atmospheric temperature to the direction of the wind, the same method was used as stated in the discussion of this subject in the course of the Polaris Bay observations. The analytical expression for the wind-rose was found as follows : T = + 0.20+1.95 siu {x+2UP 25') +0.C5 sin (2 jc+\i:P 2S') The following table contains the representation of the effect of the winds on the temperature of the air during the winter, + denoting an elevating, — a depressing, eflect: Months. N. NE. E. SE. S. S\V. +3. 6 +4.3 +4.4 +5. 3 + 3. 1 —3.9 \v. NAV. Calm. Means. ]ii-ccnil)cr .. Janiuiiy February . . - o +2.5 —2.4 —5. 9 o -1.7 —3.2 —3.0 —5. 2 +0.9 + 1.2 o +0.3 —1.0 o o o +0.2 o —4.9 —1.3 +0.2 —3.3 —3,6 +0.6 o — 8.4 —29.3 —25. 5 —25.1 — 4.6 +19.1 +3. s +4.3 +3.2 +0.4 —2.5 —2.1 Aiuil +0.4 —1.7 May +3.1- +0.2 +3.0 Half-year... Coraputed .. lUt'lcreni'O .. —0.4 —0. 6 —1.9 —1.1 —O.S —1.6 —0.9 —0.6 +1.7 + 1.7 +2.8 +2. 8 +1.4 + 1.6 +0.2 ±0.0 —2.1 —2. 2 -12.3 +0.2 -O.S +0.S —0.3 ±0.0 ±(1.0 —II. 2 +0.2 +0.1 ±0.0 AVinter —1.9 +1.0 —2.6 —1.0 -0.2 —0.6 +2.7 +0. 4 +4.1 +1.5 +0.1 —2.0 —2.1 —0.4 +1.0 It appears that the X., XE., E., and SE. winds are cold, while the S., SW., W., and NW. winds have a contrary effect. Calms usually de^iress the temperature. It must be borne in mind, however, that the observations extend over too short a period of time to give any reliable result. Schott finds for the winter half-year at Port Eoulke that the K"., SE., and SW. winds are warm, while northeasters and calms depress the temperature. As the E., S., W., and SW. winds were of rather rare occurrence at Port Foulke, their effect on the temperature could not be ascer- tained during the winter. We noticed, both at Polaris Bay and Polaris House, that the N. and NE. winds were warm at certain times. At the former locality this was found to be the case <«luring September and October, 1871, and formed frequently a subject of discussion. Most likely the wind was bloAving over a body of open Avater, of greater or less extent, to the north of us (though not an open Polar sea), for while on a sledge-journey in September, 1871, we observed a dark water-sky north of Hall's Land, and our late commander noticed the same fact a month later. At Polaris House the north winds were warm during the end of October, but we refrain AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 55 from offering auy explauatioii of this fact, as we noticed iu every instance that the upper clouds had a southern direction; consequently, the elevating effect of these winds on the temperature of the air could not be due to a southerly current of air passing overhead above the northerly. A glance at the above table also demonstrates that the east winds were warm during December, which could be noticed, too, during the preceding month, which is not embraced in our table. A very striking effect of a warm easter was felt in the latter part of October; but as our instruments were not in working order at the time, on account of the general derangement resulting from the loss of the vessel, there are no definite data on hand. It seems to us that at certain times the eitstlerly winds in Greenland show a similar character to the "Foehn" in Switzerland; and since the second German Polar Expedition discovered very high mountain-ranges in the eastern part of this arctic continent, we do not hesitate to pronounce such winds as described hereafter to be true Foehns. The following passage, relating to this subject, is a translation from Eink's admirable work on tlio geography and statistics of Greenland : "The great changes of weather seem to be mostly produced by the warm wind blowing from E. or SE. over the ice-covered interior. This wind, which may be looked for in every month during the year, and along the whole coast, always produces a rise of temperature, which is especially perceptible in winter, when the thermometer may suddenly rise 20° E. It seems to come from the Atlantic, and to produce a compensation between the milder temperature of the latter and the cold regions in West Greenland under the same latitudes. We cannot expect this warm aerial current to come from the south, in which direction the coasts of Labrador and New- foundland are situated, but we may conclude that the next warmer body of air will be met with toward the E. or SE. Considering the phenomenon in such a manner, we can best explain the origin of this warm wiud, which aijparently comes from the great Ice Desert. ''The approach of this warm southeaster is generally marked by the greatest depression the barometer ever shows. It is not a rare occurrence for the column of mercury to fall below 27 inches, and if it gets down as low as 26'".10 or lower, hurricane-like gusts of wind may be looked for. At the same time the sky is slightly overcast, especially with long oval clouds of such a singular bluish appearance that it is scarcely possible to be mistaken iu considering these as precursors of the storm. These clouds appear to hang very high, and never touch the summits of the mountains like those accompauying other storms. Meanwhile, it is dead calm, both at sea and on land; and both in summer and winter the air becomes suffocating, owing to the sudden rise of temperature.- The atmosphere exhibits a remarkable transparancy, and distant land, which under ordinary circumstances is invisible, can be plainly distinguished. Suddenly, the gale begins to rage on the higher mountain-chains; the snow drifts over the highlands, and if an observer be stationed on the ice covering the fiord, near the steep precipices north of Omenak, he can hear the roaring of the storm, while on the ice where he stands the air is still perfectly calm. Sometimes it blows for two or three days or longer, but not constantly, as the wind occasionally falls to a light breeze, blowing now and then in heavy gusts. Sometimes, although seldom, the beginning of the southeaster is accompanied by rain-showers, even in January and February. Then the clouds begin to disappear, and while the storm lasts the sky is perfectly clear. The extreme dryness of this wind is very remarkable; the thermometer, ranging between +30 and 4° E., sinks to 0° if moistened, and the snow-covering of the land diminishes visibly, although not a drop of water is seen trickling from it." In a foot-note Eink remarks that Professor Petersen holds the opinion that this warm wind might possibly be produced by the returning trade-wind, which, however, does not seem to us to be the case, as, according to Eink's own statement, the wind assumes a direction due northeast in the district of Jnlianehaab. 56 TEMPEEATUEE OF THE AIE AT POLAEIS HOUSE. , The following table, derived directly from the table headed "Hourly means of temiierature observed at Polaris House," might be found useful: Corrections to he applM to any hourly ohservation talceii at Folarin Rouse to obtain the mean tempera- ture (if the day. Time. November. December. January. February. March. April. May. o o o • o o 01' +0. .'•)0 —1.67 + 11. 18 +0.76 +0. 86 +3.67 +2.24 1 0.50 —1. 25 0.19 0.97 0.53 3. 95 1.99 2 0.48 ±0.00 0.28 0. 'M 0.96 3. (>9 1.16 :i 0.46 -0.09 0.14 +0.46 1.10 :;. 3,6 0. fii; 4 0.21 0.28 0. 34 —0.27 0. 80 2.73 +0.41 f) +0. 12 0. 01 0. 39 0.19 0.66 2. 08 —0. 19 G —0.02 —0.09 0.47 0.42 +0. .52 +0. 76 0.26 7 0.13 +0. 06 0. 29 0.72 ±0.00 —0. 64 0. 88 H 0.44 0.20 +0. 33 1.24 —0. 83 2.03 1,31 9 0.44 0.06 —0.05 1. 34 1. 15 3. 16 1.4(i 10 0.26 0.12 +0. 07 1.14 1. 50 3.44 0.92 11 0.49 0.24 —0. 04 0.94 1.78 3.74 1. 15 Noon. 0.58 0.19 —0. 04 0.26 2.21 3.13 1.41 1'' 0. (;6 0.33 +0. 04 —0. 03, 2. 03 2. 72 1.22 2 0.50 0.,56 —0. 05 +0. 06 1. 99 2. 85 1. 15 :i 0.:!4 0.32 0. :!4 —0.09 1. 52 2. 40 0. 98 4 0. 25 0.46 0.30 0.06 1. 26 1. 45 0.45 5 0.29 0.39 0.17 0.19 —0. 46 1.27 — 0. 08 6 0.19 0.35 0. 46 —0.10 + 0. 37 —0.46 +0.03 7 —0.07 0.25 0.44 +0.46 1.13 +0.41 0.01 8 +0. 49 +0.26 0. 16 1.15 1.82 l.OO 0.59 9 0.49 —0.11 —0.45 0. 54 1.87 1.41 1.03 10 0. .56 0.12 +0. 65 0. 78 ' 1.95 1.74 1.34 11 +0.74 —0.22 +0. 21 +0.71 +2. 03 +1. 97 +1. 82 J'/a/r r GROl^Nn PJ.AX^ ( ) v OB SEH\:^VJ'()RV ShowiBg the PciBitioTi uf the rfistrumeiits wvm» ^^^^^^:^ 1 r Tni'^si/ :^-ff»r-»Er75:*w.»iiiaE^a; HYGROMETRICAL OBSERYATIONS. 1 H O HYGEOMETRICAL OBSERVATIONS. RECORD AND DISCUSSION OF PSYCHROMETRICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE AT POLARIS BAY. I'N'TRODUGTORY. ' As far as we kuow, none of the \ arions arctic expeditions ever attempted to make psy- clironietrical observations during the cold season of the year, or, if tlie attempt was made, tbe results were so unsatisfactory that the experiments were in a short time abandoned. Still, it is not impossible to make good hygrometrical observations, even at the lowest tem- peratures, provided the observer uses the uecessarj precautions and exercises due patience. According to our experience, no better instruments arc required than two sensitive mercurial thermometers, or, if the temperature be very low, a s^jirit psychrometer. At the same time, it might be well to have one of Eegnaidt's dew-point iustrumeots, to be enabled to test at once the accuracy of the results obtained. Decidedly, however, the simple psyciirometer is to be preferred to the more complicated apparatus; tor, under certain circumstances, as, for instance, during snow-storms, when the snow is diifting, the latter is of but little use, and requires about ten times as long to prepare it for an observation as is needed to read the dry and wet bulb. Besides, at \ery low temperatures, when tbe percentage of relative liuuiidity of the air is small, the rrse of Eegnault's instrument is attended with great difficulties : and we are in doubt whether the results obtained therewitii are more accurate than those derived from the readings of tbe psycbrometer. If the temperature is below — 3(1'^ F., tbe precipitation upon tbe polished-silver cylinder takes place so slowly that much practice is required to determine accu- rately the moment when the first ice-crystals form. Olteu, indeed, we had to m;ilie use of a large lens of considerable focal length to fix this moment ; for the centers of crystallization, when first forming, are almost microscopic. But even in employing lenses of long focus (we used one of about six inches diameter and four inches focal length), the heat radiated by the observer seriously affects the accuracy of the result. Perluips this inconvenience may be overcome by using a telescope of considerable light, and a magnifying-power of about ten or fifteen tunes ; also, we should recommend, if future obser\"ations should lie made, to combine an asiiiracor with the Eegnault apiiaratus, since, at low temperatures, it is extremely unpleasant to force tbe air through the siher vessel by means of a mouth-piece for five or eight minutes. Tbe moisture contained in the warm breath soon condenses in the rubber tube connecting the moutii- piece with the cUinder, and obstructs tbe tube so that but very little air can pass through it. We hardly need to mention that, if an aspirator be used, it should be filled with alcohol rather than water, or with some other fluid that does not freeze at low temperatures. The dew-point instrument used in the course of our observations was naade by Green. The immersed ther- mometer was divided from — s'O'^ to +110° F., and had a length of 13.3 inches. Tbe other one, giving the temperature of the air, measured 8.U inches; its scale-division extending from — 60° to + 110° F. Both instruments had cylindrical bulbs filled with uncolored spirits. The following record contains the observalions made at Polaris Bay ; the hourly series begin- ning November 6, 1871. For convenience, the reductions are given opposite the ])sycbrometer- readings. The first column contains the time; the second, the reading of the dry bulb; the third, the reading of the wet bulb; the column beaded K. H., the relative humidity; the column headed F. v., the force of vapor; and tbe column headed D. P., the dew-point. For temperatures above 3.!- F., the Smithsonian Meteorological Tables by Guyot were used in tbe reduction ; the reduction of readings below tbe freezing-point was made by means of the tables given at the end of this volume. 4 HYGUOMKTIilCAL OBWERAATJONW NOVEMBER, 1871. Day. Himr. 01' 1 •2 8 "J 10 11 Niiou. 1" -J 3 4 .^> (■) 7 H 9 10 11 Meaus. W. R. H. K. \'. + 14.8 + 14. 8.5. 4 0. 0720 14.8 14.0 .s.-i. 4 .0720 14.8 14.0 8.-.. 4 . 072(1 14.8 14.0 K5. 4 .0720 14.8 14.0 .-.'i. 4 . 0720 14.8 14.0 8.'.. 4 .072ii 14.8 14.0 85. 4 .072(; 14.8 14.0 S5, 4 , ( (72(i 14.8 14. 85.4 .0726 1 li.x 14.0 85. 4 ' . 0720 I'-i. 8 12.0 H4.5 .0655 1 11.4 10.4 79. . 0553 1(1. 3 9.5 82. 5 .((.545 111.5 9. 8 W4.0 . ((550 13. 2 12. 5 s;i. 2 .0(152 \2.S 12.0 84.5 .0(i55 14. 3 13. H 911.4 .0665 14.5 13. ,^ 8(i. 5 . 072.! 14.8 14.2 Hr^. 9 .((743 • 1.'.. 1 14.0 1 90.7 . 074(( If.. 4 14.9 1 91. 1 . (.(7^8 14.5 14.1 92.0 .0769 14.1 13,7 87. . 0729 +14.0 + 13.6 92. 5 0. 07 5H D. r. + 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 9.0 5. 5 5. 5.2 9.0 9.0 9.3 9.6 11.8 11.9 13. 3 12.4 11.4 -12. 13. 10. 8 10. 1 11.5 1((.3 9. 6 10.2 11.1 11.1 10.0 9. 7 9. 5 9.6 9.8 10.4 8. 9 ^ ;^ io!3 10. 5 11.2 12.0 12.1 + 12. 1 +12. W. + 11.9 13.2 10.2 9. 7 11. I 9.8 9. 1 9.7 10 4 10. 3 9. 3 8. 9 ."^ s 8.9 9.2 9.9 8.3 7.6 9.8 10.0 10.6 11.3 11.4 + 11.9 80.46 I 0.0699 +10. 3lj K. H. 92. 1 90.2 87. i-' 91.5 92. f^9. 4 ^'.). 3 ."9. 5 85.8 f^3. 7 H.5. 4 s->, ,^ 84. s 84. 9 ^7. 4 89. 5 S4! 2 K9. 5 S9. 6 7.9 . (( (i. 2 . II 6.2 . ^. 3 0. (1 F. \', . ((7(((( . 076(i . (lii-il . 0630 . ((072 . (((i.'2 . OliOl . (((U9 .((524 . ((;il5 . II5',(5 . 0559 . ((550 .((.571 . (('^92 . 0024 .((509 . ((535 . 0.i21 . (I i27 LI. P. + 10. 12. 1(( 74 + 9. -12.4 1+11.8 11.3 10. s i;. H. , F. V. 4..^ 6. rt 6.6 6.5 5.1 10. 1 : 9.1 i 7.6 4.3 1. 1 6. 1 5.8 5. 9 4.7 4.4 1.5 2.1 7.0 7.4 9.2 8.0 + ■■^. 1 1+ 7. 95 i 0.0021 — ((.6 + 5.0 0.9 9.0 8. 7 8.5 + 7.3 0.9 4.5 6. 2 8. 1 1+ <■'■ .-'9. 9 95.4 S7.2 79. 7 8:-!. 3 t((. 7 85. 4 89. 9 79.7 79.9 (i9. 7 72. 8 71 1 SI 75 8 7;i 90. 2 ^■;i. 4 0. ((Ii7(( .0651 .((593 .(.(471 . ((376 . ((494 .0474 . ((5((0 . ((492 .((439 .0384 . 0349 .((4110 .045.^ . ((557 . 0499 . ((472 . 03.■^^; . ((47(1 . ((497 . ( (525 . ((545 .((526 0. 0522 D. P. + 9. 6 8. H + 1.9 — 3.0 + 2.9 2.0 3.1 2.7 + 0. 5 — 2. — 4.7 + 1.3 1.2 5.4 3.0 + 1.8 — 2.7 + •-•• 1 3.0 4.2 .5.0 4.2 + 3. 9 0.0492 ,+ 2.52 Day. NOVEMBER, 1871. 9. 10. 11. Hour. 01^ 1 •> 3 4 5 6 7 ,s 9 10 11 Noon. li> >2 3 4 r 6 7 8 9 10 11 Jleaus. D. + 10.3 9.7 10.4 11.7 1 2. 3 11.4 12.6 13.0 13.. 1 12.3 13. 2 13. 4 12. 1 11. (( 8. 5 7.1 9.7 11.3 11.2 7.4 9.1 10. 9 10. 2 1+11.2 A^'. + 9.1 9.0 9. 9 10.9 11.3 10.6 12. (( 12. 2 12. 3 11.9 12.6 13. 11.7 10.3 8. 2 6. 2 9.2 10. 10.2 6.9 8.4 10.0 9 ^^ + 10. 4 R. H. 74.6 ^^5. 89. 6 84.0 Ml. 4 83. 8 .^8. 3 .^4. 6 84.7 92. 2 .«8. 6 92. 4 92.1 S5. » 93.2 78. 8 -■^9. 2 8.5.9 79.(1 i~'8. "2 84.6 -■^1.5 91.6 F. V. . 0519 . U.574 . 0024 .(((US . 0009 . (((109 . ((67.-^ . 0062 . 06(i6 . (.(09s . 0099 . 0737 . 0(i91 .0612 . ((59S .((474 . 0604 .(((121 .((574 .((53S . ((557 . (.(580 . ((03,2 . 0003 T>. P. + 3.9 6.1 7. 9 7.8 7.4 7.5 9.8 9.3 9. 4 10. 4 10.5 11.6 10. 3 7. 5 R. H. F. V. 1) P. D. 1.;: +11.1 11.0 11.4 12. 2 12. 12. K 13.1 13.1 12.(1 12. 7 12.4 11.3 6.1 4.7 5.4 6.3 8 '> 11. 7.1 7.1 6.8 7.1 7.5 -10.1 10. 2 K.O 11. 3 11. 1 12.0 12.2 12. 2 11.2 11.9 11.7 10. 3 10. 4 8.4 s. 7.1 0.2 (>. 2 + 8.1 ]- 79. 6 K'k 6 f-4.3 SI. 2 84.0 HI. 5 82. 8 54. 1 HI. 4 H6, 3 79.7 81.7 SO. 8 S-. 8 83.8 78.9 7 8, 9 SI.O 92. 8 90. 5 55. 3) 82. 1 90. 8 0.0.571 .((597 .0041 .0631 .((025 . ((1-155 .(((i51 .1(051 . 0631 . 0652 . 0655 . 0577 . ((592 . 0568 . 0569 .0.521 .((472 .0472 . 0473 . 0559 . 0540 .0.541 ,053,(( 0. 057 1 :+ 6. (( (-1.7 s.O 9. 8. 9 s 9 8*2 s. 9 9. (( 6. 2 6.7 5. 8 5. 9 4.0 2.0 2.0 2. 5 .5.5 5.0 4.8 4.4 6.0 + 7. + 1 — 1 + 1- + 2: w. R. H. + .93 0.0616 :+ 84.36 0. 05.S1 !+ 6. 3(. 6.9 7.0 6.6 4.2 3.8 3.3 3. 9 3.4 2.6 2.1 1.7 0.8 1.0 2 s l!5 0.9 1.3 1.8 0. 2 1.4 ((.3 1.2 1.6 81. 81. 81. si. 80. 72. 77, 74, 71, 73. 77. 74. 1((((. 74. S2. 69. F. V. 0. 0570 . 0549 . 0518 . 0529 .0434 . 0436 . 0425 .0438 . 0427 . 0409 . C(362 . 03S1 .0346 . 0339 . 0378 . 0372 . 0371 . 0368 . 0342 . 0334 . 0406 . 0336 .((4((3 0. 0340 D. P. 5.9 5.1 3,9 3.0 0.1 + 0. 1 — ((. ' 0.1 0.4 1.4 3.9 2.8 4.7 5.2 2.9 3.2 3.3 3.5 5.0 5.5 5.4 5.4 1.5 — 5.4 80. 16 • 0. 0409 2. ir AT POLARIS BAY. 1 Day. NOVEMBER, 1871. 13. 13. 11. Hcmr. I). W. R. 11. F. Y. D. P. D. W, R.H. F.V, D. P. i). \\'. \ R. H. F. V. D. P. Ot + -'-6 + l.s j 7s, 2 0. 0397 — l.s + 1-4 + 0.0 58, 9 1 0272 — 9. 8 — 7. 6 _. ~ 5:!. 6 0. 01(i2 — 19. 1 3.:; '■ 2.3 72,6 . 0367 3.6 + 0, 2 — 0.9 (ii;, 1 02-9 .s, 6 8. :! 9 6-. I) . O204 15. 7 •) •2.5 1.9 .-2, 9 . 0403 1.5 - :;. 1 3, 7 7s_ /, 0296 .s. 1 7. 5 8. 3 65. 4 . O202 15. 9 :; :i.9 2.9 7:'., 4 . 03,^1 2. 8 4.5 5, 3 69! 4 0247 12.0 6. 4 7.3 6:5. 4 , 0205 1.5. 5 4 4.4 :!. 4 7:1.9 . 0392 2. 2 4.9 (i. 5-', 0201 15.9 5. s 6,. 5 71.5 . 02:19 12. 5 .') 4.:i a.s S'' 2 . 0305 — 7. 5 4.7 5. 7 76,, 1 0244 l:!. 9 5. 7 (1 5 67. 5 . 0229 13.4 4.4 :17 81.7 . 0434 0.0 4.5 5. 3 69.4 0247 12,0 <;. 2 6. 9 71.1 . 0234 12. 9 i 4.5 :;.6 76. 5 . 0-11)-' — 1.4 3. 9 4.6 73. 4 O270 10.1 4.S 5. 5 7'' 5 . 0254 11.3 '" 5, 1 1 4.1 74. 5 . 0409 — 1.2 2.5 3. 9 52 2 O201 15. 9 fi. 7 6.4 71.6 .(.1241 12. 4 9 5.:.! 4.4 77, 2 . 0427 + 0. 5 2.9 4. 61. 0-^33 12.9 ■ >. i 6. 5 67. 5 . 0229 1:1.4 10 5.5 1 4.7 '■^11,0 . 0447 0.7 7.6 .-^.4 65. 2 020!) 16.0 6.3 7.2 6:{ 6 . 0206 15.3 11 5. S 4.9 7 7 7 .0440 0. 3 7.1 7. 7 74. 3, 02:',-' i:!. 2 s. 7 9. 5 63. 5 .0185 17.4 Noiiii. 5. t; 4.9 sj. n .0464 1.5 6. S 7^6 tr,. 4 0212 14. 9 loid 11.3 65.7 .0173 IS. 8 1^ 6.-^ 5.9 ?■". .) .0466 1,6 5.4 6,4 61.6 020 7 15.0 10.4 11.3 .56. 4 . 0150 21.4 •t T.." 6.9 79. 4 .049;; 2,8 4.6 5, 7 5S, 6 1.1207 15,5 10.:', 11.1 60. 9 .ok;! 19. s 3 .5. .) 4. >' .-'2, 5 .0461 + 1.3 5. 2 6,1 64. 9 022i 13, 9 10. 3 11.2 5(\ 6 .0151 21.3 4 5.1 :-!. 9 69, 3 . 03-0 — 2.9 6.6 7.4 ^\Vi. 6 0215 14,6 11.2 12.0 fiO, .01.53 21.1 .'i 6. -2 5.1 7:!, 3 . 0-122 - 0.5 8. 5 9.2 ( 17 , S 0199 16,0 11.3 12.0 65, .0165 19. S 6 5. :i 4.6 ^■') \\ . 045(; + 1.1 7. 7 8.3 73,, 7 (1223 i:i, 9 11.6 1 2. 4 59, 2 .0148 21.7 ^ 4.-^ 4.1 SI, 9 . 0444 0. 5 7, 6 8. 5 62,0 (Ils7 17,4 11.5 12.1 69, 8 .0175 IS. 7 .■j 4.0 ;!. 4 .^4,11 . 0437 + 0.3 10. 11.6 50, 8 0134 2:* '-') 11.0 1 2, 4 59, 2 .0148 21.7 9 •-'.1 1.7 '•-'>, 6 . 0422 — 0.6 7. 7 7 7o!3 0221 14 ! 1 12. :: 13.0 6:-!. .0153 21.1 10 0.1 74.1 . 033.2 .5.7 6. 6 s!2 34.0 0104 27, s 12. :i 13.1 57. s .0140 22. 7 11 Means. + 1.2 + 0.1 70. 2 0. 03211 — 6. 5 — 8.9 -10.6 24.2 62. 39 00IJ7 021:! — :!4!3 — 15, 00 —12. 3 —13. 1 .57. 8 0.0140 -22. 7 79. 06 0. 0413 — 1.15 63.7:; 0. 0185 —17.73 NOVEMBER, 1871. Day. 1-5. 16. 17. Hour. D. w. R.H. F.V. D. P. D. W, R.H. i •\ V. D. P. D. W. R. H. F. V. D. P. U" — 1-J. 2 ~13. .5.-i. 0.0141 —22. 6 —15. 5 —16. 6 .55. 01()8 —26. 2 2. 7 — 3. 5 71.5 0. 0276 — 9. 6 1 1 2. ;! 12.9 6.-'. 2 .0165 1 9. -s 14.4 15. 65. 0143 22. 4 2. 9 ■ ''. 7 71.3 . 0272 9. s O 14. 5 15.1 64. :i .0142 ■'■' ,5 14.3 14. 9 6,5, 2 0144 22, :', :', 2 :!.9 74.1 .(I2S1 9. 1 ij ]5. 5 16. 2 5.^. 6 .0119 2,5. 7 13.7 14.7 42. 9 0100 2^. 7 0. 6 1.6 68. 4 . 02S7 8.8 4 17.5 1-'. 1 60. S .0112 26,7 12, 9 13.8 51, 4 0121 25. :i 1.5 2 2 75. 8 . 0311 7.0 5 1 :!. .- 14.7 49.6 .0112 26,8 13,8 14.6 54, s 0124 25. (i. 5 7.2 70. 8 . 0229 13.3 G 15, 2 15.7 711, (; . 1 47 21,9 12, 3 13.0 63. 015:1 21.1 (i. s 7. 6 66.4 . 0212 14. s 7 15.11 15. 9 46. :', . 0099 2s, .? 10. 7 11. s 4i;. 6 0121 25. 4 7. 5 s, :! 65. 4 . (-(2(12 15. 9 '^ 14.7 1.5.6 47.2 . 0102 '2S, 2 9. 7 10.8 49. 4 01:15 2:;. 6 7. 6 8, ti 57. 8 .0175 l-'.7 9 l:!.5 14.5 43. 5 . 0216 2S, 5 10. 7 11.5 60, 5 01.59 20,4 5. 5 6,2 71. s . 0244 12.1 1(1 11. (1 12. 5 .54.1) . 0136 23,! 3 12. 3 13.0 63, 0153 21,1 5.6 0, 1 79. 9 . 02(i9 10.1 11 11. (i 12.0 .^0, . 0199 16.1 10.2 11.1 56. .S (tl52 21,2 6. 9 7. 5 7 4.5 .023(1 12. 7 X..OU. 11. C. 12. 3 64.4 .OlHl 20, 2 9. 9 10. s 57.4 01.57 2( (, 7 6. 1 6. 7 75, 3 .021- 11.8 11' 11.5 12.0 75. 1) .0 !■<.-' 17.2 10.6 11.5 55. 9 014S 21, s 4.6 5,4 69. 2 .0245 12.0 2 14.6 15. 2 65. rt .0141 22. 6 8. 9 6,-. 2 2(15 15,0 :;. 1 '■''. s 74.2 . 2-2 9.0 '■'i 15. 4 16. 1 57. .i . 0120 25, 6 6. s 7. 7 62. 6 0199 16, 1 2, 2 2, 9 75.1 . 029- s. 4 15. 4 16, 1 .57. s . 0120 25, 6 7,0 s. 4 (,5.2 0201 16,0 - O^il P4 75. 4 .0314 6. S 5 16. 6 17.4 49. 2 . 0097 29, 2 5, 8 6. 5 71.5 0239 12. 5 + 0, 2 — OS 69. 2 . 0:10:-; 7. 7 i; 17.6 1H.4 46. .'J . 0(H7 30, 9 6, 7 7.4 71.6 0226 13. 5 1.4 + 0.4 70.5 .o:!26 i 6..(-l 7 17.5 l^^. 2 55. 4 ,0100 2-, 7 5.9 6.7 07. 3 225 1:!.7 1.4 0.4 7((. 5 . o:;26 6.0 :< l'--. 4 1-^.9 6,6. 1 .0116 26.2 4.6 5 5 cr,. 0231 i:;.2 1.7 0.9 76.7 . 0:1(1(1 3.9 9 16.5 16.9 75. 1 .0146, 22. 4.1 4'. 8 7 4.2 266 10.2 1.6 0. 7 73.4 . 0344 4 s 10 Hi. 5 16. 9 75. 1 .0146 22, 2. 9 71.3 0272 9. 9 1.9 1.1 76. 9 . 03(14 3. 7 11 1—1.5. 6, -16.5 4.5. 0. 0093 -■30. — 3.2 :!. 9 74.1 ( 281 :— 9.1 1 + l.(i + 0.8 76.6 0.0358 — 4.0 Means. 62. 16 0.0134 —27.6,1 61.66 . 0180 —IS. 90 72. 11 0. 0282 — 9. 4(( jiYGn( )3i i-:ti;i('al OBSEI;^'ATIONS NOVEMBER, 1871. Dnv. Hour. Ill' 1 2 'J 10 U s'uon. 11' 2 3 4 (3 7 « 9 10 11 Means + (1.9 0.7 1.1 l.-i i.i; 0.5 0. (i + U. 7 — 0.2 + 0. :; 0.1 l.T) 0.4 1. 1 + 1.0 — 1.2 :i. — 0. 9 + 0. 3 + 1.1 — 2. 3 3.1 3.2 — 3.7 Day. 0" 1 2 3 4 5 (j 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. li> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 " 9 10 11 Means. ^\'. + II. 1 (I. (J 0.0 II. •-' II. s (I. 0.1 + 0.2 — 0.7 ll..'> — II. i; + II. li 0. 1 0.:'. + (1.2 — 1.7 1^7 — II. .5 + 0. 4 — 4.4 18. K. H. 7.".. 9 07^2 7(1.3 711. (> f^-1.7 .^4.8 H4.9 tf4.3 73. 2 on. 9 7li. 1 7(1. (I S;; ;; H2. r, 79. II 1^11.2 S2. 3 74. i; V. V. (1. (i;!4:! . (i:;.':; . (i;;(i7 . (i;!-,'-j ■ . ii;',.'.^ . ii:i7(i . 1137.-^ . 113.-11 . 03li3 .(i:!:il . (i:;42 .(14(11 .i):;47 .(i:i4,') .(i:;i4 .0310 . 1 131 19 . (i3(n . (i3:',() . 0321 . (I'.idi; 0. 0273. D. !■ - .">. 4.4 7.4 i). 3 4.0 :;. 1 3.0 2. 9 3.8 .'>. 9 12. r> 4.9 1.7 4.(3 4.8 4.9 7.0 D. 7(3.49 ' 0.0337 3.9 r> 'A 0.4 7.4 ^' r.. 50' "..5 9.4 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9. 7 9,7 9.7 1(1. (I -1(1.2 W. - ;i. 9 3.4 4.0 4.7 0.4 (i. 4 9. II 9.0 9. 9 10.3 10. 3 19. E. If. ]■. V. ]). P. 10. 111. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 111. 10. 10. 4 10. (> -10.7 (IC. 1 (i9. C. 71.0 lii!. i; 04. r. 04. () 04.0 04. 77.1 02. 4 02. 4 00.6 00. G Oli. () (ill. (30.0 00. Oil. li 00. OO. () 00. (i 0(;. 71.4 7(i 3 I 0. (1240 .020.'. i .0207 . (123.3 ! .m]8 .0218 . 0192 I .0192 i .0214 .017.') .017r> .111.-1 .110-4 .0184 i . 0184 .0184 .0184 .0184 .01. -'4 . 01.-4 .0184 .0184 .0193 0. 0-.'(l3 —11.9 10.3 10.2 13. 14.3 14.3 10. 8 k;. 8 14.0 1-. 7 1^.7 17,0 17.0 17. (; 17.0 17. 17.0 17.6 17.0 17. (; 17.0 17.0 10.0 — 1.">. 7 - 9. 2 9.7 10.1 10.0 11..- 13.(1 ir.. 2 10. 7 17..') 17.0 -20. 1 W. - 9. 8 10.3 9. 9 11. (; 12.3 13. 8 10. 17.0 18. 2 18. 4 -20. 8 (37.117 0.0201 '—16.06, 20. R. H. 72. 3 71.7 03, 1 .'")ll. 8 r.9. 4 .50. 4 r.2. 53. 7 55. 4 46.8 47.4 51. 88 V. V. 0. 0204 . 0198 .0179 .013,5 . 015(1 .0132 .011(1 .(1083 .0100 . 0087 0.0070 D. P. -15. 5 1(3.2 18. 23.. 3 21 ! 5 30.9 -30.2 0.0102 -27. 31 21. NOVEMBER, 1871. 22. 23. D W. R. H. i F. y. D. P. i D. ■\v. —20. 1 '—20. 8 47.4 R. ir. F. y. D. r. r>. ' ^y. 0.0070 —30. 2 '—20. 1 I— 20.8 47,4 0. 0070 !— 30. 2 !— 20. 1 ,— 20. 8 47.4 0. 007()— 30.2 R. H. ; K. y. , 1>. P. -1 1. 47.40 0.0076 —30,20 47. 40 0. 0076 —30. 20 47.40 0.0.170 —30.20 AT POLARIS BAY. Day. Hour. NOVEMBER, 1871. D. 24. \V. K.H. F.Y. D. V. .W. n. H. ] •\ X. D. P. 26. D. D. W. 1;. H. F. V. D. P. nt" -■2u. 1 -20..- 47.4 0070 — :?(!. 2 —22.3 —22.8 5,-. 4 00-3 -31.5 —18. 3 —19.0 52. 0092 — :iO. 1 2 3 4 5 i "5 7 22. 8 23. 3 23.:! 1 23.7 23.8 24 4 57. 4 04.6 40.2 2S.6 i 2.-. 03. ; 0.3.0 1 00,-0 00,-9 0001 0040 0040 00,-4 00S4 :w. 2 30. 9 30.0 40. 4 40.4 31.8 31. - 19. 3 19.0. 20. 5 21.8 2:^ 5 2L8 20.1 20. 20. :! 21.2 22. 5 24. 3 22. 0. 20. 9 49. 4.-. 4 46.0 4:1 2-. 4 34.6 40. 3 0084 31. 4 O081 ■ 30. 8 0074 :!:!. 4 0063 :!5. 6 0040 40. () 0052 1 37, 9 0004 :!4. 9 ■ 23. 4 24.2 •I. 23 4 24.1 , 24.5 24.1 24.5 ri 24. 3 24. 7 24. 24. 9 24. S 25.2 02. 6 72. 1 0,1. (> 00,-2 0091 0078 32. 30. 2 32. 7 18. 9 19. 2 19.9 19.7 19. 9 20. 43. 6 : 49. 3 ! 47.. s 0075 :!;!. 1 0084 31. :5 0078 , 30.4 9 10 11 Noon. 25.7 20.5 20. 2 ' 20.7 19. ' 49. 9 0025 0057 44.8 30. 8 17.5 17.2 1.-. 3 l.s. 47.0 4S. 00,-8 ,! 30.7 0091 ■ 30. 2 l" 1 20.4 27.0 25.3 20.0 39.0 31.0 0:)43 003-- 39. - 40.9 16. - 16.6 17.6 17.4 4-. - 49. 2 0095 29.5 0097 , 29.2 3 4 25! ! 25! 37.1 43. 2 ■ 0045 005:1 39. 2 3/ . ;> 15. 2 15.4 16.0 10. 2 52.0 51.0 0110 27.0 01 OS 27.3 5 •J',>. li 2:1 2 49. 4 0009 :14.3 24. :i 24.- 54. 4 0009 :!4. 2 10.7 17.5 49. 0090 29.4 i 6 ■J-'. 22. - i 33. s 0051 1 :l-. :i 21.5 25.0 54.0 000.8 34.4 16. 3 17. 1 49.8 0100 2S. .- 7 ■->:!. 3 23.7 h4.6 00-9 lio. 9 24.7 : 25.4 :!4.o 0013 39. 8 17.5 1 .-. 3 47.0 00.-8 30.7 8 'i::. 3 23.. 7 (J4. 6 00.-9 30.9 19.1! : 19. H o:l. i 0107 27.5 17.2 17.9 55. 1 0103 2S. 3 9 ->-> •> 22. 7 7)^. (i iios4 31. :i 20.3 1 20.9 54. 2 oosi; 31.1 18. 1 1.-. 8 52. 6 0094 1 29.7 10 ■-'.;. .5 23.1 '19.7 001 ■■9 34. 1 19. 3 20. o:!.0 1 0100 27. 7 19. 3 19.9 .50. 3 0095 i 29. 4 11 Means. 1 — --11.4 —22. 1) 52.0 O07-' -32.5 — 1.-. 7 —19.0 79.0 0137 —23. 1 — 1 -. 5 —19.2 51.4 I 0091 —30. 4 49. 11 0.170. -31.07 51. 15 0076 —34.45 47. 53 0085 — 31.2r, 1 NOVEMBER, 1871. Day. i 1 ■ 27. 2N. 29. Hour. D. W. K. H. 1 ] P. V. D. P. D. W. i;.H. ■\ Y. D. P. D. W. E. H. ] i'. V. D. P. Qt —1.^. 9 —1,9.7 4;:. i; 0075 —33. 1 —19. 5 —19. .- 7-. 2 0130 —24.0 + -.9 + -.0 79.4 0495 + 2.9 1 I'-: 5 19. r, 47.5 00.-:; 31.7 19.5 I 20.0 63. j 01011 27. 7 7. 9 7.0 79.4 0495 2.9 2 l<-. 5 19. 4 47. 5 00.-:! 31.7 20.3 20.7 09. 3 oiu 20. .s 7. 9 7.0 79.4 0495 i 2.9 3 If?. f) 19.2 51.4 ■ 0091 31 K 4 1 20. 3 20.7 09. 3 I 0111 20.. - 7.9 7.0 79.4 0495 2.9 4 19.4 211 50. 0095 29. 5 20. 9 21.6 45.,- 0071 :u.2 7 9 7. 79.4 0495 1 2. 9 o 19.-^ 211.0 41.2 0007 34.4 16.8 17.3 0.-. 4 01:11 24.1 7.9 7.0 79.4 0495 2.9 6 •J-.'. 4 23 ** 32. 2 0047 3-. 7 1 15.6 1 16.2 o:!. (i 01:10 24. 1 7.9 7.0 79. 4 0495 1 2.9 7 22. 7 2:',. 5 31.11 0046 39.3 12.0 12.7 0:1.0 015,- 20. 5 7.9 7.0 79.4 0495 ! 2.9 y ■.i4. -2 24. 9 3li. 2 1 0040 39.0 : 9.5 10.0 77.0 021:1 14.- 7.9 7.0 79. 4 0495 ! 2. 9 9 25. 2.5.7 :'.2.5 ' 0041 40.4 1 6.5 7.5 60. 0193 10.7 7.9 7.0 79. 4 j 0495 2. 9 10 20.:! 51.1 001 ']0 :j6. 2 5. - 6. 3 79. 7 0209 10.1 7 9 7 79.4 1 0494 2.9 U 2.-1. 5 26.1 51.7 1 0061 35.9 1 5.1 5.6 80.4 0270 9.6 7.9 7.0 79.4 0494 2. 9 Noon. 2.->. 5 1 20.0 .52.0 0061 35. s 1 4.2 4.7 81.:! 0290 H T) 5.9 4.3 70. 3 0:190 2.0 li> 21.2 24. .? 45. 4 t 005- 30.. 4 3.0 :i. 5 -2. .5 o;llo 7.0 0.1 4.9 70. 7 0305 , 1.4 2 24.2 i 24..- 45.4 j 005- :!:l. 4 1. 5 2. s:!. 0:13- 5.3 5.1 4.3 79. 6 04:i7 + 0.4 :i 23. 1 2:! 7 47 9 • ;!5. 5 •' 1 5 83. 4 02<-7 8. 4.9 4.0 70.9 0418 1— 0.8 4 22. 8 2:!. 5 :!9 5 00.57 :17 4.0 i :..3 72. 7 0257 10. 9 4.9 4.0 70. 9 041S : 0. s 5 M-) ;-; 22.0 :14.0 0052 :17.9 i- 1.2 - 1.8 .-0. 2 o:i:!0 5. 9 4.4 3. 2 68. 5 ! 0305 ' 3. 8 (; 21.2 21.9 45.2 oml- 34. 5 + 2. 7 '+ 1. 9 77. 03.-1 ,s 4.5 3.3 0-. 0:107 3.7 "■ 21. .-. 21.9 OS. 1 01 02 28. 4 10. 4 9.7 ■8.5. .5 0695 0. I J. "^ 2.7 70.0 , 0304 3. 9 .-^ 2(1.9 24. 5 40. 0001 30. 1 ; 1 0. 4 9. 7 '8.5. .5 0695 0. 2.0 0.9 0.-. 3 o:i20 6.2 1 '-' 20. 9 21.0 45. H 0071 34. 2 7. 9 7.0 79. 4 0495 2. 9 + 0.7 + 0.2 84.9 0:1-0 2. 9 ' 10 17.7 l.-J. 5 40. 4 oo.-r. 31. 1 7. 9 7.0 79. 4 0495 2.9 - 0.5 — 2 .5"* '-* 1 0222 13.9 n Mcan.s. -19.2 —19.7 0:!. 9 010,- + 7.9 + 7.0 79. 4 0495 — 2.9 — 1.3 — 3.0 44.4 1 0179 — 1.-. 2 45.92 00ll,-( —34. 00 74.51 O290 —13.76 74.36 j 1 0421 '— 0.75 8 HYGEOMETEICAL OBSERVATIONS NOVEMBER, 1871. DECEMBER, 1871. Diiy. Hour. 9 10 n 1' D. - 1. 1. 4 r ii w. 30. R. H. 1. r. V. i D. p. D. i;. H. F. V. D. p. 10 u ileans. 10 11 10 11 4.(1 <;. 1(1,(1 .■^. 1 •^. 11 :'. 1(1. (^ 10. 6 0.1! - 0.0 2 f, (i;!. ."i (1. (C.'.'iO — 10.7 —10. ■:. 4 7(1. ■..' . ((■,'■^4 12. ;i. (1 7.1. (1 . (i.'0(; K. 1 11. Ii. Cil. 1 . (I-JII4 If.. 7 10. .1. 7 .1.^. . (1207 15. .5 10. (il. .'. . (I'-'ll.! 1.".. (i 10. 0. .') (;i..'. . ((-'0.'. 1.-.. (I 11. .'i. .'i'^. 'i .(i;!o:; 1.-..8 13. .'■). 7 .1.^, . ((2(17 1.-.. .5 14. (1.8 07. 'J . 0224 111. s 14. 7.4 (57. (; .(121.'. 14. .:. 14. Ii. i; (;7.4 . 0227 in. .'. 1.".. 8. ."> 01.2 . 02110 10.:! 17. 1(1.:! S(i. (J . ((2:il i;i. (1 12. >7.0 . o.'i7.-: (1.2 12. 0. 1 i"^,"! "J .(ill:j.". ti.4 12. 0. (i ^.1. 4 . (1(102 (1.7 12. 11..% 1 (ff.'( 1 . ((22--^ 13. 5 12. ! ll..''> .-"() 'i . 01)40 s. s 12. J 0.0 O.l.O . 0247 11. s 12. 10. 1 7(i. . (1212 14.9 12. -^. ■> >'4.7 . 0.')(11I r>. .1 12. 0. V! s.!. I . ((.'■(IS f). s 12. —11. 1 (1(1.(1 12. 12. II. 1 I. il. 12 14 1.'. 1.'. 1.5 15 17 13 13 13. 13. 13. 13. 1 ;. 13. in. l:!. ;I 12.0 11 14. :! :; 1 5. 15. 6 ("I 15. 3 1 15. 7 3 17.5 7 13.1 / 13.1 70. 70. 111. (111. 111. (35. (il. 60. .0.4 -10.(1 0. 0(121 . (1343 -12.7 —13.1 /-■. 0. (1I7() .(11(17 . I117(i . OKKI . 0173 .01(13 . 165 .0130 . 0132 .0125 . 012S .0124 .0163 .(118(1 .0180 .((18(; .0186 .01.^(1 .018(1 . 01811 . 018(1 .018(1 .01^(1 0.018(1 -18. 6 19. 5 IS. 5 20. 2 19.2 19. 9 19. s 21!. 2:!. 24. 8 24. 3 24.0 20. 17.5 17. 5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17. 5 17. 5 17.5 17.5 -17. 5 -12. 7 12. 7 12.7 5. II 5. 9 (1. 5 7.5 s. 3 9.0 0. 0.0 0. 9.0 9. 9.0 9.0 0. 0. II 0.0 9. II 0. II 0. -i:!. 1 13. 1 i:!. 1 8.8 9. 2 II. :i 11.6 7. 2 71.8 8.2 70.0 9.0 i (i-.O 10.1 50. 8 10.1 50. 8 111.1 50. s 10.1 50. 8 10.1 50. 8 10. 10. 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10. 1 10.1 -10. 1 R. H. 7S. 9 7s, 9 78. 9 74. 118. 72. 7 72.4 71. 70. (i-. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 8 5(1. 8 50. 8 ro. 8 50. 8 50.8 50. 8 511. 8 F. V. 0.1 II 80 .oisd .01811 .0217 . 0202 . 0242 . 0238 . 0220 .0214 . (1204 . 0143 . 0143 . 014:; .0143 .0143 .0143 .0143 . 0143 .0143 .0143 . 0143 .0143 .0143 0. 0143 D. P. -17. 5 17. 5 17. 5 14. 3 16.0 12.2 12. 13. 3 14.6 15.7 22.3 22. 3 22. 3 22. 3 22.3 22. 3 22. 3 22. 3 22. 3 22. 3 22. 3 S. 3 -22. 3 -11.4- 71. 0.0168 !_lrt. 80 (10.20 i 0.0171 —19.31 DECEMBER, 1871. Day. - Hour. W. R. H. F. V. D. P. - 9.7 0. 2 9.4 9.1 8.6 •J. 5 1 0. 5 1(1.4 10.7 11.5 11.7 12. 3 12. 3 12. 3 12. 9 12. I 11.5 11.4 12.1 12. 1 11.5 10.1 - ;i s -11.2 9. 8 10. II 9. 7 9.4 9. 10. 1 11,3 11. 2 11.6 12. 1 12. 3 12. 9 l:!. II 13.0 13. 5 12.7 11. 12. 12. 12. 10. -10. 31.4 7;:. (1 72.0 73. (14.(1 64. 72. (11.(1 61.0 5(1. 70. 70. (I (10.(1 (i:;.(l (13. (17. 5 70.0 59. 75. 1 65, (1 5-^, (I 50. 72.(1 (17.0 0. 0(1>2 .02114 \ . 0202 . 0205 ,l(lsii . 0102 . 02(i(i . (1102 . 0163 .0147 .0174 . (1172 .0165 .0153 . 0153 . 015S .01117 . 11150 .01-9 .01.55 .0142 . 0150 .0102 0.01.-4 -;!i. 1 5. 5 15. s 15, 3 17,3 16, 8 15, 9 21,0 19.9 21.9 18. 6 10. 19. 8 21.1 21.1 20. 7 10. 5 21. 6 17.2 20. 9 22. 4 2). 6 16. - -17.7 — 9.1! 7.(1 7.0 7 2 7. 6 6. 5 7.4 7.6 6.4 5. 5 6. s I). 5 6.9 (1. 5 6.8 (1. 5 (1.2 6.2 6.9 6, 1 6.4 4.9 4.1 1.7 \V. 9.8 8.3 8.2 7.3 (1.5 6.9 5.4 4.7 2. 5 R. H. F. V. ' D. P. 66. 74. 74. 79. 7.1. 81). 8:i. 70. 80. 0. 0215 —14.4 .021:! 14.8 .02:!4 12. 8 .(12:!1 13.1 . ( 1225 i:5. 6 . 0'J-J9 13. :i . 0240 12. 2 .11213 14.8 . (123(1 13.2 .0257 11.1 . (12:17 12. 5 . ( 1255 11.2 . 0249 11.6 .0217 14.4 .11257 11.1 . 0242 12. 2 . 0260 10.7 . 0246 11. 9 . 0\!( 12 10. 6 . 0274 9.6 . 0257 11.0 . 0279 9.3 . 0279 9.4 0. (1393 — s, 3 '+ 11. 13. 13. 1(1, 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 3.1 1. 1+ 0- — 0. ■ 4. 3. i-l- 7.9 i 10.3 12. 8 ', 12.8 i 15. 1 : 14. 7 13.9 i:!. 1 11. 8 10. 5 9.1 (1. 9 4.9 4.1 •) ^ I— 0.6 1.3 3.5 5.1 4.9 5.0 — 4.7 R. H. 80. 81.7 83. 1 M. 9 82.6 87.6 87.2 85.0 80. 7 72. 1 7(1. 7 77. 7 74.5 75. 8 76.9 61.9 72. 3 72. 7 62. (!9. 8 : 60. 1 60.0 i 711.3 F. V. D. P. 0. 0520 . 0589 . 0672 . 0683 .0741 .0766 . 0734 . 0693 . 0625 . 0537 . 0531 .0515 . 0440 . 04119 . 0390 . 0366 .0288 . 0319 .I«II5 . 0243 .0350 . 0218 .0217 0.02.56 + 4.0 6.6 9.6 10. 11.8 I 12. 6 j 11.6 1 10.3 ' 7.9 I 4.5 4.4 '-I- 0.4 I— 1.3 2.3 3.6 8.7 6.6 7.6 12. 4 11.6 14.3 14.4 —11.1 >U 114. 7:i 0.01119 —19. .50, 0. 025O i — 10. I 75. si 0.0471 + 0.1." AT POLAPJS BAY. 9 i DECEMBER, 1871. i Day. - — — - 6. •7. 8. 1 ! i I Four. i D. W. K. H. F. V, D, V. 1), W. R. H. I \ V. D. P. li. W. R, H, F. V. D. P. 0.^ — 4.4 ; — .'). li 59. 11,0211 -15.2 -1,5, 4 -10.1 .57. 8 0120 -25. 5 —23, 6 —24.4 2S, 2 I.I 0039 —40. 8 1 4. .-> r,. 6 5S. b . 0209 15.3 16.1 1(). s 56. 4 0113 26.6 24,7 25, 1 61.8 1 0079 32.6 v! 3.tJ 4.3 (in, 7 , 02;!5 12, 9 17.0 17.5 6S, 0129 24. 2 23, 7 24,4 37.2 ' 0051 1 3S. :\ ;! 3.6 4.3 62,6 , 023,5 12, 9 17.3 17.7 73.6 0139 23, 24. 8 25, 4 43,. 8 : 0054 37.2 4 3.r. 4,3 64.5 . 023,5 12. 9 22 7 23. 3 49, 1 0068 34.4 25.1 25. 6 52, 8 ! 0065 35. 3 ! 4.3 66.4 . 0235 12. 9 2:1. 2 23. 7 56 6 0077 32.6 25, 4 25, 9 .52. 2 0062 35. 7 (■> 2.7 3.6 6S. 4 . 0262 10.6 19! 9 20. 8 33, 6 0054 3(i. 9 23,, 4 24.0 47.0 j 006;', 35.4 7 1.3 2,4 63.6 .0261 10.8 19. 6 20.6 27, 5 0044 3.9. 4 23, 2 23. 8 47.0 i 001 i5 35.2 s 4,3 .-., 3 62. 7 . 0224 13.9 23. 6 24.1 5-5, S 0074 33. 1 22^ 4 2:',. 50. ; 0070 34.0 1 . 9, 7 .59. 5 .0171 19.2 22. 7 23. 74, 0104 2S. 2;:. :i 23. 9 47.3 0064 3,5, 3 li> 9.3 9.9 72.1 . 0203 1.5. 7 20. 4 20. 9 62.1 OOOS 2S, S 22! 1 22. 6 5S, 5 0OS5 31.2 2 9.1 9.8 67. 2 . 0193 16, 9 22. 1 22. 6 58. s 1 H IS5 31,2 2 1 . s 22. 3 .59. 4 Oii.-s 30.7 3 10.1 11.0 57.0 .0151 21.0 21.7 22.5 :;5. 0053 ■">7 . 7 22.3 22 S ,5S. 4 OOs;; 31.5 4 10. .-. 11.3 60.7 .0162 20. 21.1 21.8 45. 1 o(n;9 34. 4 23. 1 2:1 3 i^'2. i 0113 20.6 i .", 12.3 12.7 79. 3 .0190 17.0 IS. 7 19,5 44.0 0077 32. 8 21.7 '2'> ;l 59, 4 Ooss 30.7 6 12. ,'■. 12.9 79, 1 . I"l 1 ss 17.2 19.7 20. 4 48, 2 OOSO ■■•0. 6 21. 9 22! 5 51,0 0117) ;>:>. 3 / 12. 3 12. s 74,2 . 0178 is, 1 20.1 20. 2 93, 0150 21.5 23. 3 2:!, 9 47.3 0064 35.3 ^Q 14.5 14.8 84, • .0179 IS. 1 21. 8 22. 3 .59.4 i ooss :',o. 7 22. 7 23,3 49. 1 OOli s 34.4 .) ;:; — 2. 3 - 2. 7 t'^'^. 3 0336 — 5. 4 1 22. 4 22 8 66, 4 .0094 29. 5 4.1 3. 3 7S,9 0413 0.9 1.3 1.7 86. 7 o:.:55 4.2 20. 5 2L1 53. S . 00S5 31.4 2.9 2. 2 80, 5 0400 1.9 2. 2.4 86.4 0342 5. 3 21.9 22, .5 51. . 0074 2.4 l.s S2. 9 0401 — 1.6 2.4 2.8 S6, 2 0:-i31 5.5 4 22.8 2:;. 3 57,4 . OOSI) 32 2 8.3 7.6 84. 2 0535 + 4,6 2. I 2.6 S3, 0327 5.9 5 23. 2 56, 6 , 0077 32.6 6. 3 r r so. 6 0466 1.6 4.4 69, 6 024s 11.7 (1 23. 7 24] 3 46,4 . 0062 35. 9 10. 2 9^4 S3. 2 0.574 6.0 6.7 7. 5 66.5 0213 14.6 7 23. 23,6 4S, 2 . 0067 34. 9 10. 3 9. 5 83. 3 0577 6.2 4.4 4.9 81,1 02SS 8.7 H 22. 7 23. C, 21.6 . 0034 42.3 10.7 9.8 81. 4 0.575 6.1 3.7 4.7 63, 6 02:',3, 13.0 9 22, 7 23, 4 :-'.9. s . 0057 7.9 6,. 8 74. s 0466 1.4 4. 4.7 l'.\. '.\ 026S 10.1 10 20. .'i 21.2 41i. 6 . 0074 3:;.' 4 6,. 4 5. 6 SO (i 0469 + 1.8 7. 5 s. 1 73. 9 0227 13. 5 11 L'^, (i 19.5 37.5 . 0066 34. 7 3.7 3.0 81.1 04 IS — 0. 8 9.4 10, 72. 0202 1.5. s Noon. 16. r, 17.1 61. 9 . 0121 25. 5 1.2 0.7 S5. 2 03,',I2 2.0 7. <> s, 3 65. 4 0202 15.9 Ih I.j.7 16. 4 57.2 .0117 26, 2,7 2.0 SO. 3, 03,115 2,1 9.4 9,7 S6. 3 0234 12.4 2 12. (i 13.5 5;;. .0121 2l,s 2,6 1.9 SO, 2 11393 2. 2 10. 7 11.3 70,7 0185 17.5 3 10.9 11. y 55. 4 .0144 22. 2 2 2 1.3 74,3 o;!5s 4.1 11.1 11.7 70, 3, OISI IS, 2 4 9. y 10.8 53.0 .0145 22. + 0:5 + 0.0 S4,7 037() 3, 1 11. 11.6 70,4 01S2 is,0 .5 7,1 7.9 66. 1 . 020s 15, 3 — 0.9 — 1.5 SO. 5 0336 ■->. ._) 10.2 10. 9 66, 1 017S IS, 3 6 6.3 6, 9 75.1 .0245 12,0 1.4 l.s ^t\. 7 1 0353 4.3 10. 3 11.0 66,0 0177 IS. 4 7 — 0.4 — 1.1 77.9 . 03,32 — 5, 7 1.1 1.5 S6. 9 ! 0359 4.0 11.9 12.6 63,, 8 0157 20.6 8 + 1.7 + 0, 9 76.7 . 0360 + 3. 9 0.8 1.3, s:',, 7 0351 4.5 13. 9 14.7 00. 6 0135 23. 6 9 3.2 2,4 7s (1 , 0392 2,1 3.0 3.5 S"' 5 i 0310 7.0 14.0 14.7 60. 6 0135 23. 6 10 2,9 2.1 77. H .03s6 2.4 2.7 3.1 soil o:!29 5. 9 14.0 14.7 60. 6 oi:',5 23. 6 11 + :!.9 + 3.1 7S,7 0. 040S + !■-' — 5. 5 — (i. 1 75. 9 \ 1 1256 —11.1 -14.1 — 14.S 60. 4 0134 —23.7 Means. 57. 31 0, 0160 —22. 95 SI,. 52 0412 — 1.48 72. 91 0225 — I4.47I 1 2 H O in HYd IM )MET1IICAL OBSERVATIONS DECEMBER, 1871. D;,y. i2. 13. 14. Hour. Oil 1 2 3 9 10 11 Noon . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Means. D. -V.',. ti 13.1 1-..'. T 13.7 14,'^ 14.3 13.4 11.0 11.:! 10.0 10. 9 11.1 14. :". 17. 17. 17. 1.^. 10. 4 17 3 17 II 17 y l.s 4 10 5 IH. 5 17. 9 16. 4 17. '-' i —17. -14.7 14.2 13.7 14.7 14. H 14. f^ 14.2 1-2. <; 12. 1 11.0 11.7 11..^ I.':.. 1 17.7 17.7 IK. r. 19. .^ 19. 9 l^'. 9 IK. .''. 17.1 17.7 -17.7 R. H. 30. 40.0 . o: .v.). 9 .■)0. H 60. .". 0.'.. 2 64. n.2 n. 1 72. 1 Oil. 5r,. 9 nf). 3 F. A'. 0. 00H9 . IIUOJ .0110 . miMj . 11145 .()ir.7 .1112--: .111.',: .II1.V2 . 111:;.-, .oi.",o .on;.-, . 0142 .111 30 . II10.-| . IIII07 .1112.-^ .0110 .Oils . 0127 .OlOri .0111 . 010,5 0. 0105 D. P. -3(1. 29. 20. 24. 21'. 21. 23. 20. 19. 2:!. 2,^. 29. 2 24. 6 59. 27 0. 0126 1». -M.5 15. (i 14. 5 13. 5 14.0 14.7 15. S 15. 5 1-1.7 14.6 1 1.5 15.2 14.0 15. ,~: 10.2 14.3 }:>.x 15, 9 15.0 l:',.7 12.5 11.1 10. 9 - 0.6 W. i;. n. V. y. D. ]'. R. ][. —1 5. 2 59. 6 0. 0129 -24. 2 10. 1 51.2 . 011)6 27. 6 15.4 47., S . 0104 27. 9 14.5 13.5 . 11102 ■'-' 3 15.6 411.,-:^ . (1091 30.1 15. 7 40.6 . (1090 30. 3 16.6 50. s .01114 27. 9 16.3 51.4 .01117 27.4 15. 6 47.2 .01112 2s, 2 15. 5 47.5 .0103 2-*. (1 15. 3 5"' 5 .0117 26.0 10.0 52. .1111(1 27. 15. > 40,. 6 .0100 2,-', 6 16.6 50. H .0104 27, 9 10. S 62. 4 .11124 25, 14.9 65. 2 .0144 22, 3 16. 4 63. 2 .012,-' 24, 4 10.6 50. S .0115 2(), 3 16.4 51.2 .01(16 27, 6 14.7 42. 9 . 01(10 2S, 7 13. 5 40.0 .0112 26, 7 11.-^ 05. 2 .(1107 19.6 11.6 65. 4 .0169 19.4 — 111.5 57. 9 0.11161 —20. 3 - 8.5 10. 7 10.7 s. 6 7.1 C. 9 ,s. 5 0.7 8.7 10. 5 11.3 11. 3 11.3 11.6 11.11 15.8 14.7 11.7 12.5 i 14.4 -13,. 9 - 9. 4 n.4 11.6 60, 65, 55, nil). 9.2 7.6 9.4 10. 9 n.H 11.8 11. S 12.3 11.7 16.2 15. 4 16. 3 13. 6 14.7 -14. 5 61. I 74. 74. 66. (17. 63. ! 07. HI, (;-i,4 F, V, 11,0174 ,0172 , 0147 , 02H7 . 1)23,0 ,oisi; , 023,1 . 11233 ,0211 , 0202 . 02110 .0199 '*. II2I2 . 0191) , 0190 , 0190 ,0161 , , oios ,0153 ,0127 52.44 i 0.0116 '—20.21 f;3. 4 42. 2 84. 00. . 0129 .0101 . 0180 0. 0148 69.20 0. 0184 D. P. -1S.7 19.0 21.9 9. 5 13,. 17.5 13.1 13.0 15.4 10.0 15.9 10.4 14.9 10. 8 16.8 16.8 211.2 19.5 21.2 2-1.5 21. 3 28. 18.0 -21.9 -21 . 81 0'' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. 1" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Means. DECEMBER, 1871. 15. —12 2 13.7 10.7 14.3 12.8 13.1 14.7 17.0 16.0 1.5.7 14.3 14.8 13.9 14.6 15.0 13.5 13.8 18.3 17.7 17.5 16.8 17. 5 17.4 16.2 W. 1 R. H. F. V. D. P. ■ P. 16. R.H. F. V. I D. P. 17. D. W. t R.H, F. V. -12. 8 14.6 11.6 15.1 13. 4 14.0 15, 4 17,8 16.7 16.6 14.9 1.5.6 14.3 1-1.7 16.2 14.4 14.5 : 19. Is. 5 l,s. 4 17. 5 IS. 2 18.2 -17.3 lis. 4 49. 8 55. S 53. 9 07. 6 51.0 50. 2 4,s. 4 56. 6 44. s (i5. 2 77,7 94.3 58. 6 50. 2 61.1) 52. 46. 5 40. 8 55. 5 .55.4 47.4 32. 1 0.0166 .0113 .0147 .0119 . 0100 .0119 .01 -,'7 .0093 .0114 .0092 . 0144 .0114 .0173, . 02():i .0119 .0115 .0137 . 0l),)2 . oosi; . 0075 .0107 . 1)100 , OOSO 0, 0003, -19, 6 ■ 26, 6 21,9 25. S 20, 5 25, 7 24. 5 29. 8 20. 5 3,1), 1 20, 5 IS, 8 15,7 25, 7 20.3 23. 2 ;;o. I) 3,1. 6 33,, 27, 7 2s, 7 30, 6 —14, 17. 13. 14, 14, 15. Ki. 17. 16. 16. 16. 17. 17 17 18 17 IS IS, 17. 17, 17, 17, 17, 4 s 1 i -15, is, 14. 15, 15, 10, 17, is, 17. 17. 17. 17. IS. IS. IS. IS. is, IS, is. is. II 34, 43, 40. 36. 39. 4S, 36, 36, 4S. 6l! 61. 46. 52. 59. 6l! .2 '—17.7 56.04 0.0119 '—26.12 is. is, IS, -IS, 0,0080 , 01)63 .0102 . 0091 . 0077 . DOSI) . 009-1 . OOOS . 0070 . 0095 . 0107 .0115 .0113 . I II )97 . 0106 . 1)086 . 009:5 . 0104 . Oll9s .0113 . i)l)9s . 009S . 0134 I). 0O9s — ;!2. 3 :i5. 3 28. 3 30. 1 ;i2. 8 32. 4 29. :i4.2 :i3. 8 29. 5 27. 7 20. 4 26. 6 29. 2 27.6 31.6 29.8 28.0 29.0 26.6 29. 29.0 2;!. 6 —29. -17.8 17.2 17.5 17.9 17.4 IS. 1 19.9 21.0 21. 5 21.6 21.4 21.3 20.7 21. 5 20. 2 i 20.0 20. 4 19.1 1,8.5 20. 8 22.3 20.6 21.3 -23 3 -18. 5 17.9 18. l,s. 7 IS. 1 is. 7 20.8 21. s 22. 2 22. .5 22.(1 21.8 21.4 22. 3 21. 20. .S 21.1 19. 7 19. ;; 21.4 22. 8 21.2 21.9 -23.9 53.5 55.1 67.0 45. 9 55. 7 59. 6 :;3. e :;7.6 44. 2 26. 52. 60.4 46.2 35. 8 40. 4(1.0 46. 8 :ji. 9 44.4 5:;. 2 58. 4 53. 6 .52. 2 50.00 0.0095 —29.64 4,8. .56 0. 0109 .0103 . 0125 .0084 .0101 .0106 .0(154 . 0057 . 0066 . 0042 .0078 . 0091 .1)07:! . 0055 .0064 .0065 .01)74 . 0097 .0079 . 0084 . 008:'. . O0s5 .0079 0. 0064 D. P. -29. 2 2S. 3 22. 9 ::i. 4o!2 2s 5 .^7 7 :!6 9 :;6 6 :i5 29. 9 ! :',:j. 8 :17. 3 I :i5. 1 ; 29 2 2 32. 5 31. 9 31.5 31. 6 32. 4 -35.3 0.0121 I— ;32.40 AT POLARIS BAY. 11 Day. Hour. 0" 1 DECEMBER, 1871. 18. W. R. H. F. V. 1 D. P. 19. 20. -i.->. •ri. 4 •24. T •24. 8 r2(;. 3 •2(;. 4 •2H, 7) ■if). 2 53. 4^2. n 14.4 •2:!. 4 4'.i.G ■.i'J. 38. (i 2li. T 4;l. 9 •2t;. •2.'>. (i •2.'i. (i •2(1. ^s •27.0 •27. 1 9 -27.7 ■2S. ■-> 49.0 10 2(i. 4 •27.1 •27.5 11 'Tt '■* .)" ^ 4^2. () \(H)||. 24. •> •24,7 54. 11' ^•2. 1 .)■> s 41. s <■) •20.7 ■21..". 3,s. .', 3 20. 7 •21.4 40. 2 4 19.3 19. 9 5(5. 3 .'> 19. -i 19.7 O;!. 9 li 19.3 19. 8 133. 7 13. 7 14. 5 .'i5. II r< 13.7 14.5 55. II il 12. 8 13,1; 50. 8 10 12. 8 13. (i 50, 8 11 —12. 7 —13. .57, Jlcun; Dav. Hour. oiioi; 0049 (IIJ2II 0031 0056 004:! 0043 0057 OOOili 00(.iO 0031 0051 (i07li o(n;ii (iiiiiii (1073. 0(195 01 1 1.-^ 0107 0125 0125 0134 0134 0135 46.8] 11.0117." —35. -2 40.2 43. 1 3,7.0 :!9. 8 4il, 3(1. s 39. 8 39. 8 42.9 34'. 30. .3(i. 1 3,3. 8 •2'.l 4 ■24. 9 24. 9 23. 5 -23! 3 - -3,4.'20 D. -11.6 11.4 10. S 9. 9 8. 0. 6 4.3 3.8 4.3 4.1 21. 1 9 10 11 XlHIil. 11- 3 10 11 Means. D. -13. 6 1-2.8 13.1 10. 4 14.7 16.8 17.9 20.4 22. 5 19! 8 23. 1 22. 9 21.9 24. .". ■24,-; 23. 23. 4 23. 2 ■24.3 24. 5 -21.4 23.8 23. 9 -22. 1 W. K. H. -13.3 13. 14.0 17.4 1(1.0 17.4 1^.3 20.9 -22. 9 211.8 23. 5 23. 5 22. 6 -24. s 2:!. H ■24.0 24.1 ■24,8 25, (I 24. 9 21.4 21.0 -22. 9 (12.7 50. .-J. 51.(1 !'7. >^ 20. II 61.0 7-2.7 02, 1 liO, 2 2(i. 05, (I 48. 5 42.0 '^ ) o 44! 1 -29. 8 47.0 19. ri .54. 4 54, 54,2 4(1, 2 4 48, F. V. 01511 013,1 0119 0073 (J(.I53, 0U9 0133 (1119-^ (1(193 01142 (III90 (1(107 (1(102 (11192 (1(155 0043 0(1()3 U03,(l 1 11109 OIKW illlO^ OIKil 0049 0049 ]>, P. 21,4 29. 6 39. -^ 30. 7 ;'4. 7 35. s 3(1. 39. 3,5. 44. 31. 34. 34. 3,(i. 23. 23. 21. 21. 17! 10. 17. 17. 18. 1-'. 0-. 1>. l-^. 17. 17. -17. W. -12. 4 12.1 11.4 10.7 9.4 3. I 3.4 4.2 5. I 6.1 6. 5 3. S '■',. 6 4.0 4.3 4.3 1.6 5.1 0.1 7.0 7.3 R. H. 59. 2 04.8 70.6 1)1.6 63. 00.6 73. 07.3 m. 0) 70.1 70 7 78.0 7.-^. 3 78. 2 - F. V. D. P. 08. 71.11 04. .4 , II .4 57^4 06. ^* 01 9 64.0 66.7 0148 (1104 00-4 0170 0180 0-215 I12(i3 (12-15 0237 0253 ■ 0202 029(1 ( 1 290 (1294 113,(15 (1202 11207 11240 1121.^ 11213 11239 0212 ( l-J( 19 (1-J17 -21. 19. 17. 19. 17. 14. 10. 12. 12. 11. 10. ]>. W. E. H. 7.1 — 7.8 70. 2 7.5 - ■') 09. 6 7.7 04.9 8.3 9.4 ;")•' "' 8.3 9.4 '}'* "2 F. A^ 1(1. 1(1. 12. 14. 15. 14. 15. —14.4 —10.0 — 07. 45 0. 02 -13. 75 9. 6 9. II. ■2 3! .3. 13. 14.7 13. 9 8.8 9.7 .59. 9.8 111.8 52. 11.0 12. 5 53 9 11.7 12. 7 47.8 12. 4 13.4 40.2 12.1 13.0 53.0 13. 14. ): 1: 1: 12.8 12.4 11.6 -11.7 45. s 54.6 45. 2 49. 2 40.2 43.7 43.7 44. 4 4.".. 2 50. .^ 46 9 0. 0220 .0214 . 02110 .0151 ! .0151 I .0172 , .0170 I .0145 i .0136 I .0121 I .0113 . 0130 1 .0111 [ .01-22 .01118 .11125 .OlKi .11113 . 01 00 . (lidO .0110 .0114 .0135 0.01-22 -14.1 14.6 16.2 20. 9 20.9 19.0 19.2 22. 23.2 25.2 26.5 '24.1 •26. 8 •25, 2 •27.3 •24. 7 25. •20. 5 27.7 27.7 •27.3 •26. 5 23.3 .5-2.80 0.0138 —-23.32 DECEMBER, 1871. 22. W. R. H. F. X. D. P. •22. 1 21.0 23 3 40.1 23 1 49. 7 23 (1 5S. .>.^ 9 33,. 4 -22 :; 43.8 ■'.,' 9 41.4 9.. s 41.8 21 1 44.7 23 ,-■ 47.6 21 9 .52. 2 21 9 52. 2 23 9 29. 4 1.- •J 52. 9 17 3 61.7 18 'J 52. 9 0^ II 4^.0 iw h' 45. 6 O07.S :^33. 04 19. 5 19.5 19. 5 19.4 L~'. 6 18.1 -17.8 44.0 4(3. 2 47.7 48.4 0.(1(158 .0009 . I II IS2 .(1(149 . 0005 . 11059 . I II nil I . 0( 1( 12 . I II 105 . 0079 . 0079 . I II 142 . IIIJ95 .0119 .0095 . 0091 . IIOr-J3 . 01177 . 0006 .0006 . 0(1(37 .11085 . 0090 0. 0093 -30.7 34.1 31.7 3,H. 4 35 -2 3,0^ 1 3,0. II 35. 3.>. '2 32. 4 :!2. 4 111. 1 29. 5 25. 7 29. 5 3,(1. 2 3,1.7 32. 8 34.7 34. 7 34.5 31.3 30. 4 23. 1 o[j ') ■24! 1 24.5 •24.7 24. 7 26.5 27.3 •27.5 26.7 25. 3 25.1 24.4 24.4 25. •27. 5 28. 27. 5 2(3.0 'Z^. ;"> 28. 1 -28. 5 W. -22. 9 '23. 8 23. 7 24. 24.8 •25. 3 25. 4 •25. 5 •27.1 •27.9 28. 1 27.5 20. •21] 9 •24. 9 -25. 7 23. R. H. ■ F. V. 50. 2 47.6 47.9 ■29. 30.4 -25 -2 34 J I 21.0 3,.^. 6 35. 4 34. 5 3,1.0 3,2. .54. 2 54.2 32. 5 4(;. 44.0 07.4 45.60 I 0.0075 -20. 5 •29. 1 28.7 -29. 1 50.5 29. 4 31.5 -29.4 39. 07 0. 0070 . 0005 . OOoli .0041 .(1047 . 0033 . 0043 . 0(132 . 0043, . 0U37 . 003,0 . 1103,7 . Illi:',s . 0040 . Olios . 000 ■< .0041 . (1048 .0046 . 0072 . 0059 . 0030 . 0033 0. 0030 0. 0047 D. P. -33. 9 35.2 35.0 40.2 38.9 4'2. 5 39. 8 42.9 40.0 41.3 41.6 41.2 40.9 40.6 34, 34, 40, 3 3 4 38. 6 39. 3, 33.7 36.5 43.2 4'2. 5 -43.2 -39.1: 12 HYGEOMETEICAL OBSERVATIONS DECEMBER, 1871. Day. ._ ' 24. 25. 26. Hour. 1 !>• W. E. H. F. V. D. P. D. W. F. V. D. P. D. ^\'. R. H. 1 [ F. V. D. P. Oh —29. 3 —29. 9 24.0 0(125 — 44.4 —17.8 —18. 9 27. 3 (.1048 —38. 6 —21.2 -21.9 45.2 1 1(008 —34. 5 1 311. 1 30.7 21.2 OOJO 45. 6 '} ) ^ 21!. (1 30. (1 ((045 39. 5 21.0 21.5 61.0 [ 0094 29. 5 2 30.5 31.1 20. 0020 45. 5 2;; 1 23, 9 29. 4 00 12 40. 1 21.5 22. 1 51. S 007 s 32. 7 3 30. (i 31.2 2(1.0 OO-iO 45. 5 '>(! * 27,3 37. s 0042 40. 3 21.3 21.9 52. 2 (1079 32. 4 4 29. 7 30. 5 19.4 00:.'(l 45, 5 ''-; 5 29,1 29. 4 00110 13. 2 21,4 21,8 68.2 0103 2S. 15 5 2.-^.4 29. 2 IS. 9 0021 45. 5 'jii 5 27.1 lis, d 00 13 40.0 23, 15 'S.\ ^ 56, 4 01170 32.7 1 iJ 27. 1 27. 9 IS. ;; 0021 1 45, 5 '>[) ■J 29. 7 39.2 0039 41.0 23. 5 h'.i 411, s 0001! 155. 7 21 -..0 2(1. 8 17. s ( )(J22 45,4 '2'J 30. 3 39.0 0(13-^ 41.0 23. 24. 3 157. 4 0051 3S, 1 K 20.0 2(1.6 40. 2 004(1 ' 19, 1 •-*[> :j 29. s lis s 003s 41.1 22. 1 22. s 41.8 0000 150,0 9 2.5. 5 2(1. I 41,7 ' 0049 ;s,4 '2.H (( 2S. H 32.9 0030 43, 1 21.(1 22! 4 35.4 0((54 37. 5 10 24.8 33.5 0043 40.0 ii'J 1 32.0 27.0 00215 45,1 21.2 22. 1 27.6 0045 39. 4 11 29. 2 29. 6 51.2 0050 {s. 2 •;>' 5 29. 3 50. 4 0046 39.6 20. 3 21. 2 lilO i 0( 152 37,6 Noon. ■)-, < 2(1. 4 4(1. 8 0047 IS. s ;>-j 1 ;;■> ') S5. -' 0069 154.2 19.(1 34.5 00.57 30,5 I" ' 211. 1 2(1. 7 39. 9 OOKi v.). 3 31 3 3K s :io, s 01(27 43.8 22, 22, 7 42.2 ! 00(11 35. 9 2 2(i. 3 27.0 2S. 0031 i 42.8 :i:i 9 34. 7 32. 1 0030 43.0 20, 5 2K5 20. 7 00155 3(1, 7 3 24. i; 25. 6 2s. 3 0((:',5 11.0 3(( 31.0 33. 4 0034 42. 2 IS, d 19.(1 31.2 0054 37,5 4 23. 4 ■M. 2 2s.(; 1 0040 40. 4 .)~ 2-. 34. 7 , 001!7 41.3 IS, 7 19.7 150.9 0((5H 37,6 .5 23. 1 23. 9 29. 4 ' 0042 40. 1 25 20.0 36. 0041 40. 5 ■oo 7 23. (1 21.6 1 0034 42,3 () '.12. 7 23 2 57. 1 OOsl '.2. 1 22 23. 117.3 0044 39.7 2.'^ 4 24.1 157,8 : (10,52 37. - 1 7 22. 3 22! 9 50.2 oo;o 13. 9 20 :i 21.7 38. 6 ((047 3S. 9 26. s '-^7 4 37,4 1 0041 40.4 S 21. 9 22. 5 51.0 0074 !3. 1! 20 11 22 2 159. 9 1 0051 158, 1 2(5, 5 27. 1 38. 6 i (1043 40.0 9 21.4 22 4.5. s 0061 id. 21 22. 7 41.2 '< 0((54 37.2 2S, li 2S. 7 53. 9 005(1 37.0 10 21.0 3(1.0 0(M,-i 'S. 7 IS r 2((, 2 42, 5 005s 30, 4 25. 7 2(1. 1 59. S 0072 '.V.\. i~i U Me lUH. — 19.0 —20! 5 34. 5 0057 — 36. 5 — 16 —IS, 2 43, .-: 0062 — 35. 6 30. 5 ' 00:51 ( 105! 1 —42. 8 ■■.::. 17 ' 0041 ;— 40. 5U 38. S5 ! 0((42 —40. 15 41.70 —30.2- Day. DECE MBER, 1 871. '27. 28. 29. Hoar. 1). W. li. H. ] '\ V. i 1 . P. D. \A', R. H. j 1 \ V. D. P. D. W. E. H. ] \V. D. P. 0'^ —27.0 —27. (1 30. (1 1 0040 ^ 40, 7 —27. 9 —2s, 5 32.5 (J034 —42, 2 —IS. 9 -19.8 30.6 OOOl! —35. 3 1 24.0 25. 4 24. (1 (((Civ! 42, 7 31. 9 3,2, S(.l. 1.) ((((70 34. 19.7 20. 34,2 ((050 36.6 2 24. r, 25. .54.0 i OOds !4, 4 "9 5 MO, 1 23, ((024 44.7 19. 9 20. 47. s 0078 30. 4 1 3 27 , f^ 2K. 8 49. 5 00(12 If). ") 2S, s 29, 5 21,8 0((23 45,0 21.1 21.0 (10.8 ((093 29. 6 4 24. 4 2.5.(1 45. 005(1 i6. 6 27.9 2s. 20.0 ((022 45, 15 27.7 2-^. 3 33. 5 0035 41.9 5 24.:') 25. 1 44.7 005(1 10. 8 20, 7 27. 1 2(5, 00-J9 43, 4 20. s 27. .5 25. 5 ' 0029 43, 5 6 21. :'. 22. 1 36. 0056 1(1.9 25, S 2(i. (1 l.-,6 ((024 45, 2s. 7 29. 3 2S, 2 ((029 43.5 7 21. 1 21.9 37. 3 005(1 1(1. 7 25. 9 20. 5 40. 5 00J7 39, 23. 4 24. 1 37. s 00.52 « 20.5 21.4 31.0 ((050 !8. 20, 9 27.6 25. ((02S 43,7 22, 9 23. 6 5(1. s (107s 32. 5 9 21. 2 21.9 45. 2 00(1-^ 54. 5 29, 4 29. s 50. 6 0049 38, 4 215. 5 23. 6 91.4 0124 25. 2 10 21.5 22 3 35. s 0055 57,3 27,5 .>.^ '2 22. 0024 44,5 21.7 22. 5 35, i (10515 37.7 11 2(1. 3 2(^ 9 39, 3 1 0044 19, (i 27, 5 2S. 2 22. 0024 44, 5 24.3 24,7 62, 6 ( ((.1.^2 32.0 Noou. 24.4 25, 4.5.0 005(1 id, 32, (J 32, 5 '27 . .} 1 ((((24 45, 22. 6 2:5, 2 49,4 0009 34.3 1'' 2(1. 5 20.9 58.2 (iO(i(:l i4,S 25, 5 2(1, 2 30,4 ((037 41.2 is, 5 19.6 24,6 0043 411.0 2 27. 7 2^. 2 45, 2 i ((047 39. 19. 5 20. 2 4s, 6 00-2 31.0 20. 8 21.4 53. 2 00S4 31.9 3 27.0 27^5 47.5 1 (J(I52 57.9 10. 3 17.0 50,0 0111 2(1. 9 17.5 IS, 6 2S. 2 ((051 3S. 4 24.4 25.0 45,0 0050 36. 10.4 17.1 55 9 011(( 27.1 10.5 17,3 49. 4 1 (1098 29.0 5 25. 9 20.5 40, 5 0047 59. 16.4 17. 1 .55. 9 OHO 27. 1 17.4 1-. 1 ;)4. / ' 0101 2S. 5 6 25. 8 2(1. 5 29, 5 oo:!5 41,8 1.5. s 16. 6 50. S 0104 27,9 15, 1 15, 9 52, 2 0111 26.9 7 25. 5 20. 1 41,7 0049 58.4 15.4 16. 5 34.5 0071 315. S 13. 5 14.3 .55. 4 0127 24.6 8 25. 4 25. 7 70. OO-'d 51,3 15.4 16. .5 45.4 ( (095 29. 5. 12. 5 13. 15 57.4 011!7 23, 9 26. 5 27.1 3-. 6 0043 40, 10. 5 17.4 43, 2 ((((SI 31.2 13,4 14,2 .55. (i 0128 24,4 10 28. 2S. 4 54. S 0057 56,7 l-,5 18.4 10. S 0((75 153. (( 15, 8 10. 5 57.0 011(1 26, 2 11 SJtaijs. ^—27. 9 32. 5 0031 — ((((53 — 42, 2 — 18.2 —19. 1 lis, 7 ((((70 —111. 1 —18. 3 -19. 2 38. 4 (.10(19 —34. 2 42.80 57,(1(1 3S, IS ((057 — 37,4(( 40.9(1 0079 .. AT POLAEIS BAY. Day. DECEMBER, 1871 JANUARY, 1872. " ""'"i ! 30. .31. 1. Hour. U. W. R. H. F.V. D. P. D. W. E. H. 1 \ V. D. P. D. \V. R.H. F.V. D. P. 01. - -IS. 5 :- - -19.4 1 37.8 0.0067 : -34. 5 —17.4 —18.4 34. 8 0. 0061 —3,5. 1 -26.5 -27. 49.0 0054 : ;7 , 1 17.3 18.1 -17.7 ' . 0090 30. 4 19.7 20.5 41. 5 ones 34. 3 26. 5 27. 49. I 054 :;7 2 '> Hi. 7 17.7 . ;iil. 9 .0070 33. 8 20. 6 21.2 [ 53. 6 00-5 31.6 27.3 27 . 9 40.0 1 0043 :!9.9 3 14.6 15.4 : .5i.2 .0116 26. 2 22. S 23. 4 39. S 1 . 0057 36. 8 *',-^ -> 28. 8 31.0 oo:!2 42. 6 4 l(i. 6 17.6 1 37.2 . 0071 33.. 6 19^3 20. 49. (10S4 31. 4 24! 5 25. 1 41.7 0056 :iii. 8 5 Hi. 7 17.5 49.0 . 0090 29. 3 17.7 IS. 4 ..ii. 8 009s 29. 24.4 25. 45. 0056 :',6. 6 *) ■20.2 21.0 . 40. U .00.i4 3.5. 1 17.3, 17.9 61. 1 0114 23.5 27 . ( i 27.9 67.2 0071 :'.3. 8 "> IK. 6 19.3 ' 51.1 . 0090 30.6 17. 3 17.9 61.1 0114 23. 5 30. 30. 4 4S. s 0045 39. 3 8 \ 2.) ■'' 21.4 i 19.2 . 002-* 44. S 19. ;i 20.0 4 J. Oosi 31. 1 2S. 9 29. 4 40.4 0040 4(1. 7 tl 1.5. 2 15. s CI. 2 . Oi;!4 23. 5 19. 7 20.6 34. 2 005(i 3.(i. 6 27.4 27.9 46.3 0049 :is. .", ' 10 19. 19. 7 49. 9 , . OOSlJ 31. 1 17.8 18. (; 46.2 OOS.") 31.3 26. 26.4 5; 1.2 007 (.1 :i4. 3 11 iw. 1 IS. 7 59. 6 .0106 ' 27.6 21. 1 21.5 {\:'.:^ 0106 2S, 26. 6 27.4 41.1 OOIS :!9 :> Noon. 19.4 211. .56. . 0095 29.0 21. S 22.5 43. 006:', 35. (i 27. 3 2^. 2:',. : ( l( 125 44. :i li. 19.7 20. 5 41.5 006S .34. 3 20. 7 21.5 3^ 5 OOliO 36. 1 26. 7 27. 4 21 i. 0(lv!9 4:!. 4 2 18. .5 19. 4 :',7. 8 . 0067 34.5 19.5 ' 20. 3 42.1 0070 :i4.o 26.7 "'7 '* 4S.4 ' 005:! !>7. 5 3 17. .5 18.4 40.8 . 0075 33.0 21. 1 ! 21.7 52.6 oosi 3* '' 25. 9 20. 5 10. -J 0047 39. 1 4 17.2 IS. 4-. . 0091 1 31 1. 2 24.8 25. 4 4:1. s 0054 37. 2 25. 5 2(;. 1 :!6. 1 0043 39. 8 5 IS. 4 19.2 44.6 01 ISO 32. :! 24.4 25.0 45. 1 00.56 36.6 25. 1 ;t2. 0040 40.6 6 17.2 17.9 50.1 . 0103 ' 2S 3 25 S 26. 4 40.8 ' 0017 3iS. ,s 24.5 25. 54,0 006S :;4. 4 7 IS. 6 19.5 ' 37.5 . 0066 .34! 7 26.3 2li. s 49.6 0056 37^0 21. (i 25. 5 1.5.0 00-,' 1 46.0 ri 17.9 18.8 : 39.5 .0071 33.6 27. 3 27. 6 67.8 0073 33. 5 2 1.:; 24. 9 4.5.2 0056 :i6. 5 'J l(i. 5 17.4 1 4;;. 2 .00^4 31.2 25. 9 26. 7 18.2 (.)0-i3 45. 2 25. ;; 25. 9 42. :', 0050 :'.s. 10 19. 9 211.7 ' 411.9 . 0066 ;!4. 6 26. 4 27. 1 27.5 (1031 42. 9 2'',. 9 27. .5 :!7.0 0041 40. 6 11 Means. —17.6 — 18. 5 40.5 0. 0074 — Si. 1 —27. 1 38. 6 00 13 — 10.0 —24. 5 —25. 1 44.7 005(i — :!6. 8 44.42 0. 0080 —32. 08 45. SI 0070 — 31. 4S 41. 90 ' (I(I4S — :is. ss Day. 1^ JANUARY, 1 B72. a. 3. 4. Hour. 1). A\'. R. H. F.V. D. P. D. W. R.H. ] 7. V. D. P. ]l. AV. R.PT. i F.V. D. P. Oi> o-,_ .3 1 —25.7 1 .52.6 0. 0064 —35. 5 1—20. 3 —21.0 47.0 007 5 —33. —16.0 — k; 9 41.2 ' 0089 — ::o. 7 1 26. 4 '• 29. 8 . 0036 41.6 21.0 21.7 45. 6 0070 3.4.3 15. 2 16. 1 45. s 0097 29. 1 o 24^7 25.4 34.0 .0043 39. s 16.3 17.1 49. 8 0100 ■.^.s s 14.5 15. (i :'.;.2 (lOSO :!2. 3 3 2."). 2 25.7 ' 5>J. 6 . 0064 35. 5 16.9 17.6 55. 4 oio(i 2 / . s 14. s 15.7 46. 9 0101 28. 4 4 24.1 24.8 ■ 3(i. 4 . 0047 3S. 9 IS 18.7 52. 9 0095 29. 5 13.3 14.3 44.1 0104 2S. 5 2,'-,. 1 25. 8 32. . 0040 40. (i 18. s 19.4 57. S 0100 2S. 9 12. 7 1:1.8 41.6 ' 0099 29. 6 24.7 25. 3 44. 1 . 0055 37.1 17.7 IS. 4 53. S 009s 29. 17. 6 IS. 7 27.9 0050 ;',8. 2 7 26.4 27.1 27.5 .0031 42. 9 17.1 17. 7 61.3 0116 26. 3 18. 19. 1 26.6 0047 :i9. .s 23. 2 23. 9 j :!S. 3 .0053 37.(1 17. 5 IS. -l 54.4 0100 2S. 7 IS. 3 r.i. 3 :L'. 1 ( HJ57 36.9 U 23.4 24. 1 37. 8 . 0052 37. S 17. S IS. 5 -') r 0097 29. 2 21.5 22. 2 41.2 0066 :'.5. 10 24.0 24.6 4.5.8 . 006O 36. 2 17. 5 IS. 4 40! s 0075 3:!. (I 2... / 2(i. 3 41.1 0048 :',s. 7 u 2.'). 25.6 ! 43.2 . 0053. MT. i> 17.8 18.7 39. 9 0072 3;'.. 4 ■^7.0 27.6 :i6. 6 0040 40. 7 Noon . 25.6 2li. 1 51.7 .0061 35. 9 17.0 17.7 55. 3 0105 27.9 27.6 2S. 3 21.5 , 0024 44.7 1'' 22. 4 23. 4 ' 46. 1 . 001)7 34.5 17.0 17.8 4- . 4 0093 29. S 27.8 28. 4 ■■'>:\. , oo:!4 42. 2 17. 6 IS. 5 : 40.5 . 0074 33,. 1 1 17. 5 IS. 3 47. 1 oos^ 30. S •'s :> 2iS. / 5:1. 9 005(i :;7. 3 18.1 18. 9 : 45. 3 . 0182 31. 9 16.0 17.0 39. 0077 :!2. 7 29.2 29. 6 51. 2 0050 ;-;S "J 4 18.1 18.9 45.3 .0182 31.9 i(i. 7 17.5 49. 0093 29. 4 :!o. ,' ::o. (; 4S. -l 0044 ■w! 5 5 18.1 18.9 1 45.3 .0182 31. 9 16.0 16. 9 41.2 00-9 30.7 :',o.6 31.3 41.3 003s 41.1 6 is.l IS. 9 ' 45. 3 . 0182 31.9 1 5. 3 16. 2 45. 6 0096 2'J. 3 30. 4 :io. 9 34.4 oo:!-j 42. 7 i 7 17.4 18.2 : 47.4 .008!! 30. 6 IS. 19.0 :'.3. 005,- 36.3 :!2. 6 :!:'.. 1 24.5 .0020 45. i; s 18. L 18. 9 1 45. 3 .0182 31.9 17. 9 IS. 7 45. !l 00-4 :!l.5 3.i. 4 :i:;. 7 5'* ■' 0039 40. s 9 18.1 IS. 9 45.3 . 0182 31. 9 17.9 IS. 7 45. :i 00-4 :; 1. 5 :i2. 4 :i2. s :i9. - oo:;2 42. 10 is, 9 19.7 43.6 . 0075 33. 1 17.2 IS. 4S. 0091 30. 2 3:!. 1 : i : ! .5 :',7, . 0027 43.1 U JIlMUS, —19.5 —20. 3 42. 1 0. 0070 —34. ,—16. s —17.6 48. 8 0095 — 29. 5 — :',(i. 29.2 ; . ( )022 — 44.S 42. 39 0. (1089 —35. 57 48. 43, 0090 —30.4s :;-.94 (. . 0054 —37. 9- 14 HYGROMBTlilO AL OBSERVATI ONS 10 11 Hour. 0'' 1 2 4 6 10 11 II' D. W. -:!4. 4 :!:!.7 :',4. :; '.'1. ■n. 24. 23. 2L9 24.1) 1<». 3 17.7 211. 8 2(1. .'i 211. 8 22. y 2... 2 20. 7 27 . 27. 9 , 20. 4 20. 20. 3 27.0 i: 43,, 3,0, i 50. 24. C) 2r,. r, 24.7 10.0 18.4 21. 2 24.1 21.4 W. 23.4 r,: 25. 7 3- 27. 1 r/. 2.-. 1 4; .3 4(i. 20. 20. 8 27. i; 21 i. 7 -20. 8 511. 03. 'M. 3(). 40. 49. 4;.}1. ' F. V, 0. 0019 .1)1117 . 0020 .0024 .11021 . O05O . 1 1054 . 004."^ . 0095 . ony;-' .010-^ . oii(:i:i . 00^^4 . 0(180 . 00(14 . 0005 . 0048 . 0034 . 0040 . 00.50 . 003H . 0040 .00.57 0. (J050 1). r. -45.7 40.0 45. 5 44.5 4.5. ^' 3,s. 4 37.4 38. 7 29. 4 29. 27. () 35. 31.0 32. 3 42, 2 38. 4 Menus. 43.19 : 0.0054 30. 2 41.1 40.7 36.8 -37. -37. o:; JANUARY, 1872. w. i;. H. I F. V. ; D. P. -2?. ;; 20. 30. 9 30.7 27. 25 3 27. 20. 7 27.4 20.2 32. 33. 4 30.0 ■A?: 1 32. i; 30.0 29. 6 28. 9 27. 2 30. 3 28. 3 30. 6 -30. 4 40.0 3.0. 1 3,1.4 3.1. 1 27.8 2li. 27. 9 24.0 20.0 :'.:',. 4 3,4. 3 31.2 33.4 3.!. I) 31.0 3,0. 2 29. 7 30.7 29. 1 31.1 -30.9 I 46, i 3,.-(, 31. 50, 51, 43, 18. 43. . 0050 . 003,0 . 0020 . 0042 .0040 . 0038 . 0059 . 0054 .0049 . 002() . 01)09 .0019 . 0020 . 00:',,; . 0040 . 0030 . 0042 . 0023 .0035 . 003-' -38. 4 41.0 43. 4 40.2 10. 5 40. 9 3(i. 2 3,7. 3 :i8. 5 45. 2 3,4. 5 10. 1 44.0 42. 40.5 42. 9 40. 44.9 42. 9 41.0 n. -30. 30. 20. 25. 20. 3,0. 30. 47.9..^ .0044 40.8 .003-* 3,3.0 .0031 34.4 0.0032 39.); 41.7 4:;. 8 — 42. 7 39. 48 0. 0039 —41. 12 28. w. -31.3 30.6 27. 20.3 3,0. 1 31,1 31.2 30. 2 30.5 3,0. 5 2H. r, 29. 4 27. 8 29. 4 29. 4 29. 4 29. 1 29. 4 29. 4 29. 4 2!). 4 29. 4 29. 4 -29. 4 i;.H. 45. 8 3,5. 49.0 59. 4 49. 7 3,4.0 3(i. 2f-'. 20. 27. r, 24. 27. F. V. D. P. 0041 0033 0054 0071 0047 0031 003,0 0032 0034 0028 0022 O028 0O27 0028 I II 12-S 002'- 002>' 0028 002^' 0(1'.!,-' 002.- 0028 002ri 0028 -40. C 42. 4 37. 34. 3-. 9 43. (^ 43. 2 42. 8 42. 3 43. rt 45. 3, 43.7 44.0 43.7 43.7 43. 7 43.7 43,. 7 43,. 7 43,. 7 43. 7 43. 7 43.7 -43,. 7 0. (1(13:! I — 4-j. o-j Day. JANUARY, 1872. 10. Hour. 01^ 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 Noon. 11' 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 D. -30. 5 31. 1 31. 2 2!). 4 29. 9 28.0 20. 8 29.5 20. 9 28. 5 30.3 29. 1 29. 7 33. 8 33,. 3 W. -3,0. ,S 3.1. 4 31, 5 29. 9 30.4 2.-^. 4 3,0. 5 2^. 3 29. 3 30. S 29.7 30. 5 3,4.4 R. H. F. V. 01. 59. 59. 3( 28 31, 44. 44. 40. 34. 24. •n. 20. 20. 20. 0.00.54 . 0051 . 0051 . 0037 . 0034 . 0029 .0041 . 0032 . 0034 . 004.-' . 0021 , 0042 . 0047 . 0047 . 0041 . 0032 . 0027 . 0023 . 0020 .0017 . 0017 . 0010 .0010 0.0010 30.05 0. O030 D. P. -37. 2 3,-. 3,.^. 1 41.2 42. 2 43. 3 40. 4 42. 6 42. 45. 3 40. 39. I 3'.). 1 40. 6 42. )i 44. 1 4. 40. 9 40. 7 40. 8 44.0 44.0 —44.0 I). 39.2 42.7 43.9 45. 3 44.1 41.2 42. 3 44.5 45. 5 45. 7 41.6 40. 1 43. 5 :"\. 5 40. 1 37. 4 30.3 '■''O. 3 31.7 20. 5 -24.0 W. E. H. -30. 39! 5 42. 9 44.3 45.0 44. 5 41.5 42. 3, 44.9 45. 9 15. K 44. 9 40.7 44.0 39. 8 40. 4 3H. 1 37. 1) 34.7 35. '.) 32. 4 -25^3 20. 4 26.4 20. 4 20. 4 20.4 20. 4 20. 4 2(1. 4 26.4 20, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 20. 4 21 i. 4 20. 4 2( F.V. 0. o(.)20 .0020 . 0020 . 0020 . 0030 . 0030 . 0030 . 0030 . 0033 .0020 . 0020 . 0020 . 0020 . 0010 .0010 .0010 .0010 .0010 . 0010 .0010 . 0010 .0010 . 0030 0.0044 D. P. -44.0 44.0 44.0 44. 44.0 44 44.0 44.0 44.0 44. 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 43.1 -39. 6 D. ^24. 23.6 24.1 23,. 1 23. 4 23. 2 23,! 4 23. 5 20.1 20. 5 2( 2( 2( () .6 27. 6 20.0 •20. 3 29. 6 29. 4 20.9 W. -24. .-■ 24.4 23. 5 23,. 1 24. 5 23.7 24.0 23. 7 24. 24.1 26.5 20. 27.0 20. 7 20. 9 27.1 2.-. 27 1 I P. H. F.V. D. I', 21 30. 1 30. 27. 4 -27.7 39. 5 49. 7 4 6 03. 2 47. 9 47.0 50. 47.0 40. .s 29. 5 50. 2 49.0 28. 9 5,"^. 2 48.7 56.0 48.7 39. 3 37.0 24. 47.8 40. 9 0. 0036 . 0039 . I )057 .0069 . 0005 . ( )084 .0066 .0003 .0077 . 0003 . 0063 . 003,5 . (1058 . 0054 .0034 . I )000 .0054 .0059 . 0(.)54 .0044 . 003,0 . OI.)24 . 0052 0. O051 -41. 40. 3,4 —42. 1 1 2(5. 76 0. 0020 -43. 44. 40 , 0. (.1054 31.7 35. 35. 4 32.6 3,5. 4 35. 6 41. 8 36.7 37.2 42. 2 34. w 37. 3, 30. 2 37. 3 30. 6 41.6 44.0 .49 AT POJjARIS bay. 15 JANUARY, 1872. 12. •Jii, (I ;u.(i 4:!. ■^ 9 10 11 Means. 2l:i. 5 ■>G. :! —27.9 ■-'7 II ■M.8 -•-'«. 4 ■i'.K 4'.). (-i 44.4 ;;.-*. 74 0, F. \. . i ; . 00-,'S . oo-.'i; . OO'iii .0024 .0019 .no:',.' .004:'. . 0054 . OO.'ll '. 1 1041 ; ]i. r. ^^7. r< :i7.2 40. :!7.2 44.4 4.'>. 42. 42. 4:',. 43. 44 44. 4: 46 42 ,s :!9 5 :!7 <• — H9 ') II. :io. 2 29. 1 2-. 4 2-. 1 29. i; :!ii. :'.o. :;o. li :'>i.o :',1.2 29.7 :;o. r, :'.o 1 :}o. 4 :!ii. (1 29. a :!ii. r. 29, b :-!o. .■< -30. w w. R. H. -29. 1 29. 4 :!o. 7 :'.:!. 2 29. I 49. :-!ii. :;ii, :'.ii. :;i. :il. :u. :'.o. :!1. :;o, :!1. :;o, :;o. :!I. :'.o. :■.!. :;i. 41. 12. :il. 21 0. 0040 -40.80 211.0 21.1) 27 . .8 :;4.o 22. 4 22. (1 22. li :!i.4y !• . Y. 0. UIKlO . on;;:; .0047 . 00(10 . 0027 .0(141 . 004:; . oii:i:! . iHKii; . oii:!4 . 0021 . oo:',i . 00411 . 002.^ . 0022 . 0021 . 0020 .0019 . 0021 . 0020 . oii:il . 01122 . (1022 0. (1022 II. (iij:iO D. p. -i:;. 2 42. .'. ;i9. :: :;ii. 1 44.1 40.4 :J9. .8 42. .') 41. li 42. 3 4.'i. .'. 4:;. 40.7 4:;. 7 4.3. 4.->. 3 4.".. (] l(i. 40.5 44.1 42. s 4.^ 2 45.1 -4.5.1 !- -4;;. lo; -2! I. 7 :;o. ."i :io. 4 :";o. -9 1 27. 9 211. 2 ). 9 2(1.7 2-. G 27.' 1 27.6 :-;ii. ;! 27.4 2.5. (i 25. 4 25. 3 25. 8 24. 4 2:;. 9 24.4 W. -:;ii. 3 31.0 :io. 9 :il.O 29. 7 27.(3 27, (1 29. 4 29. 9 27, 9 ;;o, 9 2-, 2(i, 2 21 i, 25, 9 2(i, (1 25, 24, li 25, II -24. 5 13. R.T4. :;4, 29, 1 21. 20. V. V 0.0022 .0031 . (i(i:i2 . 00 12 . 0027 .00:14 . 0028 , 0040 , (i(.i:!5 . (io:;o . 0028 . 1 1025 . 11021 . 0021 . 0019 . 00:11; . 0048 . 0049 . 0050 . 0024 . (105(1 . 0049 . 00.5(1 0, 0050 II. 1 10: 1(1 II. P, -45. 42. 8 42. 7 40.0 44. 1 42. 2 43. 7 •10. 7 41. 9 43.1 4:f. 7 44.4 44.11 44.7 45. 9 41.4 38. 5 38. 2 :i8. 45, :ui, (1 38, (1 :iii. (i -:!8. 4 -41.70 IH HYGROMETitK ' A L 01 ISERVATIONS l»^iy. ITour. ) () 7 H '.) U) 11 Nnun. 1" 17. K. H. JANUARY, 1872. 1§. 19. ■J 1.1 22. .i 24.11 T) 23 4 •t-^ ') •Jit 1 ''M •^ ^] •29 24. U). Ul. 24. 24. 24. 4(i. ;» 10 11 Means. 2;i. 211, 2>^. 27. i) 2^. ^ -2'j' 6 29. (i 29. .^' :;o. (.1 31. 3 30. 4 29. 9 30. 29. H 2S. 9 27. 9 27, 9 2S. 4 29. :; -30. 1 30.2 3.'.. .-< 3.9. (i .'lO.O 3S. GO. 1 :'.li. 4 •■'.0.3 44. i 3'^. 2.'>. 2 30. .5 :'..">. 4 3.".. 4 44.4 I 40. « 3S. V. V. 003,', oo:',3 OO.'ill on:; nliK! oiii;:; 1 10,','J O04O 0038 oo:'.9 0049 0030 00.">2 0034 004'~ 0040 003(i 0020 00. !1 oii;;7 00:'>7 0040 O041 003,0 1). r. -41. 42. i;. ir. ' ' 9 4 4 9 2 3 1 4 30. 1 _■ ;!0.4 ; 30. s , : 29. 3. 1 '. :'.l.o 1 : 30. 1 ; 3,1.0 : 30. 7 31.1 32. 1 3.0. 2 i ; 27. 29. 7 30. 9 , : 24. .-i 29. H 29. 1 20. 29. 7 : .,- 7 . (■> . 20, u. '.2 30, 31). 29. 4.1. 10. 30. 39. 47. 4',. 40. 21. F. V. 11032 0113.;; oo;;ii 002.'. 0024 00-24 I )l 12 I I II )■> t 00'J4 0024 onJ3 (iii;;7 IIII.IO 001,-i OO-i,', 0022 0041 oo:;,- 0113.' 0039 OO,',-.' 004- I II 14.') 0023 40. r,4 0. 0O47 -;i9. 24' \>. I'. -12.7 42. 7 4:;.:; 44.4 44. .'. 4(.0 44.7 41. H 44.9 4.',. 4.',. I 41.8 ;is. 4 44.:! 4;'.. 411. 41. :i 42. 40.9 37. H :!'-". 7 39. .'> -44. 9 -42. D. 20. 9 29. 7 27. 1 27. 2-. 20. 4 20. 1 24.5 20. .-, 24.5 20.4 24. 4 22. 4 24. 5 -20.0 i;. H. V. V. -■JS. 27.0 :io. 1 27.6 27. 5 28. 5 29. 27.0 20. 7 28. .'^ 20. 24. 1 20. :i 25. 1 27.0 25. 1 20 9 24. 9 20. 3 24.4 22. ."^ 25. 1 20. 1 -27. 1 40. 25. 49. 7 17. 2 47. 5 44.0 42. :!9. :i9. 9 42. 8 IS. 40. w 41.1 44.7 49. 44.7 49.:! 54. 2 41.1 40. 2 00.4 44.7 .59. 8 48.7 0. 004- .0028 . O047 . 0051 . O052 .11040 .1)042 .004:! . 0040 .0044 . 00^4 . OOO:! .004-^ . 0050 . 1)054 . 0050 . 0055 . OOO.s . 004- . 0001 . 0094 . 0050 . 0072 0. 0054 4 4.93 I 0. 005-J — :!7. H7 II. P. -:;s. 4:!. 7 :!'-^. 9 :!»^. 1 :!7. 9 39.:! 40. :!9. H :;9. ;i :!9. 45.0 :i5. :!0. 8 36.' s :!7. I 34. 3 :!'~^. 7 :!0 29. 5 30. w 33. 8 -37. 3 Day. Hour. 0'> 1 2 3 4 ;t 10 U Noou. 1" v> 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 Mcaus. 20. D. -20. 4 25. 5 20.6 22. 14.9 12. 8 i:;. ):;.4 1 :!. 13. 2 i:;. l:!. 2 13.1 11,7 1].-.'. 11.2 10.5 9.5 8.6 W. R. H. JANUARY, 1872. 21. —20. 9 49.3 20. 1 41.7 21.3 40.4 22. 7 42. 2 15. 9 40.2 'J. 13. 5 13. s 14.2 i;!. 7 i;i. 9 i:;. 9 13. 8 13. 12. 5 11 11.7 11.3 10.1 9.4 9.0 9.8 s •) (12. 5 56.4 55. 0,-.'. 3 0,2. 1 51.2 9 07. 4 7:!. 4 59. 70.1 75. 3 00. 7 71.9 (.;3. 6 0,8. 77.2 7:!. 8 S3. F. V. 0. 0055 . 0049 .0073 . 0061 . OO.-^s .0147 . 01:32 . 0128 .0144 . 014:! . 0120 . 01.57 .0169 .0147 .017H .0191 .0101 .0200 .OlsO .0204 .0215 . 0225 . 0250 0.0250 D. P. -:17.1 :i8. 4 3:3.0 35. 9 62. 1)3 ' 0. 0153 30. s 21. 9 23. M 24.4 22. 2 22. 4 25. 5 20. .-J 19.3 21. s is. 4 16.7 20. 1 1.' 17. :i 15. 7 14.4 13. 11.0 -11.6 is. 19 D. 5.1 4.1! 5.2 5.6 6.0 6. 1 5. 6 4.6 3. 'J •K 7 3.4 3.2 2 5 2.3 1.6 1.1 0. s 1.0 1.4 0. 9 1.5 2.2 4.6 W. R. H. V. V. 6. 2 6.0 6.8 6.2 4^7 4.5 3. 9 3^1 2.9 2. 3 1.7 1.7 1.8 2.0 4. I 5.0 71). :i 70. 5 80. 9 78 2 78. 9 79. 1 7.5. 7 SO. 3 71.3 75. 80. 80. 5 8:!^ 6 S4.9 0254 0250 0271 0263 0255 0249 02. 15 0255 0258 0256 0259 0277 0294 l);;05 I ):i09 o;;i)!! o:;:!2 O^'.IJ o:!07 0320 0336 o:!ll o:!25 0297 D. p. -11.4 11.6 10.0 :3. 4 11.2 11.7 12. 8 11.2 11. 11.1 10.8 1.4 22. + 7.28 0. 02S5 8.3 7.2 .5.8 s. 1 7.3 6.1 5. 5 7.0 (!. 1 8.40 D. 7.2 7.5 7.3 1.4 1.2 0. 6 0.6 0.7 2.4 2. 3 2.1 1.7 1.5 1.7 2.3 2.6 :i. 3 3.1 1.7 0.7 W. s. 1 8.0 2.0 — 1.0 + 0. 2 0.2 0.0 1.5 1.6 1.3 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.7 2.0 2.0 1.9 2.0 3.0 2 7 2.4 l.O + 0.1 E. H. F. V. D. P. 78.3 73. 9 69. 6 -0. 49. 6 S7.9 S7.9 78.7 74. 5 79. 9 77.0 79.6 .S2. 3 79 6 S2. 8 83.0 80. 3 82.9 so. :! 83. 7 ■ s:{. 6 so. 7 79.6 SI. 7 ,-■ ' 0. 0245 . 0227 .0214 .0:320 . 0160 j . o:39i .0391 1 .035:! .0:361 . o:!80 .01368 : .0374 . 0:!S2 .0374 ; .0399 . 040(:; .0:!95 . 0404 .0395 . 0429 .0421 . 0404 . 0:!74 0.0366 - ■11.9 13. 5 14.0 6.1 4.1 2.2 2. 2 4^4 :3.9 2.5 3. 5 3.2 2.6 3.2 1.7 1.4 2.1 1.5 2.1 0.2 0.6 1.7 3.2 - 3.6 78. 64 0. 0:3.56 4. 00 AT POLARIS BAY. JANUARY, 1872. Day. Hour. 1 2 3 4 6 7 a 9 10 11 Noon. ]!■ 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 Meaua, Day. 23. D. - 3.3 4.H 6.4 7.5 9.4 n.u 12. 13.0 12.5 12, 9 14. « 13. 5 12.2 11.9 12.1 1.-.. 8 l'-^. 5 19. 5 20. 5 20. 2 22, 1 20. 5 1'^. 2 -18.4 W. R. H. i F. V. D. P. D. 21. R. ?I. F. V. ; D, p. 10.1 11. ( 12. 1 i;'.. : 13. 1 13.: 15. 14. 12. 12. 12. IH. 19. 20. 21. 211. 22 2L l-". -19. Hour. 0i> 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. lb 3 4 8 9 10 11 Mean.i. D. —23.6 26. 2 32. 8 29. 3 24, 7 20.6 20.1 18. 5 16,9 19,3 14,5 1-1,1 14,1 14,3 \V, 16 211 r> 20 3 2:1 4 22 3 18 6 18 7 >),) •^ -24, 26. 33, 30, 25, 21., 20. 19. 17. 19. 15. 14. 14. 14. 15. 17. 21). 211, 19, 19, i.\ 9 82,2 77.6 75. 69, 6 72. 71,4 74, 5 74! 67, 5 64, 6 66,8 (W, 4 C:!, 8 liO^O 63,0 62, 6i.3 50, 6 46,6 59. 4 59, O:!07 11268 11243 0214 021 1 i III 017li 01,59 0139 01.52 oii;6 0157 0167 01.-,:! 0115 0106 oo;>-' 0100 0072 0074 0105 0103 10. 2 12.1 14.6 15..-' 18. 17.7 19.2 1-S. 5 20. 7 22. 8 21.4 19. 6 20. 6 19.5 21.2 2.; 3 67.26 i 0.0159 -28. 1 J1.2I -22. 1 5;), 8 51 . 24. 3 :'.7,4 24. 4 ■js, 2 21.1 41 i. 8 24. 6 54. 8 25. 5 4:!. 5 20, 24, 17. 1-^. 17. 17. 14. 15, 1.5, 13, l:i, 13, 14, 11, -11, ''■, ■ 21,0 56. 5 20,9 69. 1 20,6 51.8 ^ 25, 1 61. K "> IS. 3 47.0 19.0 5'.'. U ", 1-. 3 47.0 5 1-. 3 47.0 -, 15.:; 5:1, 4 3 — .54. C. 50. 2 62.0 5:!. 6 4S. -J .52.24 0.0095 001:10 0074 I 0051 I 0039 0063 0071 I 0054 . 0075 0109 00-9 00711 00.-^8 oo;i-j oos,-; 01 H8 0117 0122 0119 -:io. 4 :i.-'. 1 40. 8 :;5. 6 I!::. 9 ;!7.4 ;;:!. 25. • ly :«) 7 6 30 s :;o :;() 012:! 25. 1 0115 26.3 0142 'J 2 .') 0118 25. 9 in-2-i 25. 015-J -21.3 -12. 14. 13. lU. 20. 22 21. 30. 24. 2 1.5. 15. 16. 21. 21. 21. W. -12. 8 15. (; 1:1.5 19. 5 21.4 2:!, 4 25. :i 30. (i 29. :i4. 4 2:11 '^0. 7 16.4 15.7 16.9 21. 4 2 1.7 24.7 2;-. (-) -26.9 R. H. F. V. 6S. 4 (U. 5 46. 2 39. 8 44.1 4-. 2 5:1. 4-. 4 12. .s 40.4 49. 7 62. :! 45. ■.' 70.6 69.1 76. 6 64. 6 .56. 6 46,0 41.1 39. :i 0167 01 -'6 0182 0110 0073 0057 0055 0044 005:! 005:; 01151 0050 0(I5S 0069 0100 00,14 01 17 01:15 on- oo-;i 0077 001s 00 1- 0014 I). V. -19. 24. 17, :i6 39. :ii. 29. 26. 30. -29. 9:1 50. 10 0. 00,-,-, '.—■^■^. 26. R. H. JANUARY, 1872. 27. F. V. n. p. 37.4 , 3.9. 6 41! 1 44.1 46.4 40. 3 .58. 7 68.2 56. 3 72. 65. 6 65.6 72. 2 6,1.9 4-. 6 69. 1 62.2 64., -i 5,-1. 4 5-. 4 5r^. 1 50. 2 . 0051 . 0045 . 00-29 . 0042 . 0055 . 007:1 . 0064 . 010:1 .0130 . 0095 .0155 .0146 . 0146 .ol,-,7 .0142 . 001(1 . 0109 . OOllll . 0100 .0090 . 00,^3 .0102 .0101 I. 0070 :!8. 1 —23.3 21. 14. 9 24. 29. 20. 24 29. 30. 31. 21. 21. .40 , 0.0095 26. -26.3 W. 25. 4 25. 9 2-. 25. 6 27.5 29. 4 25. 4 28. 7 21.,-; 23.4 25. 6 25. 6, R. II. 56. 56. 34. 65. 31. 56. 100. 71. 31. 29. 31. 50. 4:1, 39. 3 F. V. [). 0076 . 0077 . 00,-2 . 0043 . 0090 . 0042 , iio:VJ . 0050 . 0042 . 01(1,^ . 00'J8 . 00,^-, . oil:!:! , 11016 . 0046 . 00 12 .0042 . 01172 . oiir,:! . 0047 . 0045 , 01129 .0043 0.0044 I) 1', 32. 6 31.7 :i9. 8 :,o. 7 40.2 40. 8 40.-.' 100. 4:1.7 31. 42. 5 :i8. 8 39' 1 40.2 40. 2 :i:i. 7 35. 6 3,11! 4 4:1.4 40. -39. 6 \^'. 28. R. H. : F. \. 27.0 211. s 39 21.6 27 20.4 40 27.4 .)? 42. 45. 21.0 46. 64, .) > .-, 2 1.1 49. 7 21,2 24.7 54.6 27,,- 2-'. 1 66, 8 •>s .5 2,- 9 53. 3 2-. 5 29. 2 4-. r .>,^ 3 ■'■■ s 42. 8 :il.6 32. 1 2:1. 5 30. 6 31.3 42. 5 0. 0055 ' — 40. 45 ;ii. 30. 41. :lo. ■ 20. 21. [). 0044 . 004,- . 01145 . Oi:.-,7 . 00:1,^ .0047 . 000:1 . 004,- . 00,-6 , 0092 , 006;) , 1:070 , 0070 , 00-4 ,0049 . 0044 , 0026 , 00:14 , 001:1 , 00:14 ,00i7 , oo'j:! . OOvIO 9, 0025 D, P. -39. 6 41,', 31, y 29. 1) 34. 1 31.0 34,2 3,-. 4 ::;). 6 44,3 42,1 39, ,- 42! 43. s 44. ^' 45. ^ -44.7 43,^1 0,001,- H O 18 HYGROMETEICAL OBSERVATIONS Day. Hour. 0" 1 HI U II' JANUARY, 1872. D. I— ;n. 'J lu 11 Means. Day. Hour. ,s 1) 10 11 N.NHl. Ill (; 7 8 !) 10 11 Mpiiiis. 2h. « 2J.0 22. 4 20. ^ 17.7 l."i. 4 k;. 2 14.8 i:i. ::1 14.6 14. .-. in. 7 i;i() i-j.r> 12. :! i:!. 3 12.2 10.4 10. .'. 10. 2 - S. 8 :!(). 24. .0 .S .4 .4 22. !) 21.4 IS. 4 l(i. 2 k;. !) 1.".. 4 14.1 I.kO ].'.. ;i 14.7 i:i. s ]:'..(; i:;. 1 ]:;. 11 12. s 11.2 ll.:i 10.0 -0.4 W. -10. 1 >'.:"■> 17. K 10.0 10. ;', 10. 4 10. 4 21), 211. 7 2(1. 5 10.0 21. .5 211. .'■) 211.0 I 21.:% 21.4 21.(1 , 21.4 2:!. (i -21. s 0. 'S 0. 2 •^. i; 0. (i :(i. (I 11.1 (I 1 1 II 1 21.7 22.1 21. H 21.7 21.9 >2. 6 '2. H J2' .15 .';;. 1 .'4.2 29. R. H. 21. 21. 30. 31. F. V. I D. P. D. r.l, M. 40. 42! r>(;. 4.'.. fiO. CO. liii. ")2. 17 0. 002.5 . 0025 . 0029 .0041 .l)0.-^4 . 00-'2 .00.^4 . OOOs! .OH l.s .0112 . 01:39 .0120 .0091 .0117 .0100 . 01:32 .0111 .0140 .01:54 . tncAi .0163 . 0102 .0170 0. 0200 -44.7 44.7 4:!. 5 40. 4 :il.7 :!!.G :!1.0 20. 2(i. 7 22. 'S :!o. 1 20. 2:*^. 7 2:1 S 2(i. « 22. H 21. 1 19.0 19. 9 20. 1.^. :! -1.5.0 0.0112 — :!7. 9,- 10. 9. 11. (;. AV. .5 - 9. 2 2 y. 9 ,v rt 9. 8 s 10.5 / 11.4 11 10.6 4 H. 2 D 6.7 7.2 .) .9.0 4 9.0 7.. 5 7 7.7 7 7.6 7 9. 5 :j 8. 9 8. 7 '2 11.8 2 6.9 G 4.6 4 4.5 — 6.7 n. ir. F. y. : D. p. D. W. 1;. H. F.V. D. P. 67.8 0.0202 — 16.0 — 4.4 — 5.0 77.0 0.0274 — 9. 7 68. 2 .0205 15. 6 4.:i 5,0 7:!. .026:; 10.5 7:;. 2 . 0217 14. :; 4.5 5.1 76. 9 .0273 9, 9 72. 2 .020 4 15. 5 7.0 i . / 70. :! .0221 1:1. 9 66. 5 .0184 17.7 7.1 7.8 70.2 . 0220 14.1 65. 6 .0172 19.0 7.6 8.:! 69.4 .0212 14.8 iiil. 4 , 0182 17.9 7.8 8, 5 09, .11210 15. 67.7 .0200 16. 2 8.4 9.1 67. 9 . 020:; 15. 9 (m. 6 . 020:'. 15. 7 9. 8 10. 5 61 i. 5 .018:; 17.7 67.:; . 0226 i:i.7 9. 5 10.2 CA't. 8 .0187 17.3 70.8 . 0229 1:;. :i 10. 2 10.9 65. 1 .0179 18, 3 78.0 . 0226 i:j. 5 11.;! 11.8 75 2 . 0190 16. 8 7:1. . 0215 14.6 10.1 10. 7 71. :i . 0192 16.8 60. .0191 16.9 10.9 11.7 60. :! .0156 20. ri 59. 6 . 018- 17.:! 11.5 12. 1 69. 8 .0175 18.7 62.8 . 0200 15. 9 11.:! 11.9 70.1 . 0178 18.4 6:'.. 5 .0185 17. 5 i:s.C 14.3 61.4 .01:19 2:!. 7:'.. 1 .0216 14. 5 15.0 15. 5 71.0 .0149 21.6 Ci^i. 6 . 0208 15. 2 12.4 12. y 74,1 .0177 18.3 70. 2 .0179 18. :! i:!.9 14.4 72.6 .0161 20.3 71.1 .02:14 12. 9 12.5 1:!. 1 67.9 .0163 20. 6:i 8 . 02:i5 12. 9 12. 2 12. 8 6-^.4 .OlliO 19. 6 6(1.5 . 0226 l:!.7 1:!. 7 14.2 72. 8 .0163 20. 1 71.:! 0. 02:!(i 12. 7 —17. —17.6 61.4 0. 0117 —26.2 67. 78 0. 0207 —15. 45 (V.K 56 0. 0190 -17.40 FEBRUARY, 1872. E. U. I F.V, D. P. 20. 1 48. 8 20. 6 54.8 21.:; .5:1. 4 21.0 62. 20.7 40. 9 22. 60, 4:;. 4 51.4 46.2 .57. 2 40. 48, 8 18. 8 54.8 '>:;. 4 ;2. 10.9 "io, !9, 1 17. 9 51 8 45 6 60. ') 3 1 6 4 54. 1 49, 7 46. 6 4 0. 0074 . 0091 . 0085 .0098 . 0084 . 0(1.-:; . 008:; . 0089 . 0(184 . (1098 . 0066 . 0090 .0(162 . 0058 . 0078 .0103 . 0(1(0 . OdOO . 0052 . 008:; . 0(176 . 0069 I . O062 .0067 30. :;i. 29. :;i. 31. :;i. :!o. :!l. 29, 34. :;o. 35. :;i;. 32. 28. :;4. :;o. 3l!: -:;4 -25. 3 25. 7 25. 26, 7 26, 6 26. 6 27. 1 26.6 20. 2 28. 4 26.6 26, 6 24,5 24, :! '21.8 20, 2 20. 6 2:; 8 27^3 25. 9 24. 5 -21.4 0.007 12. 45 ^^'. -25. 9 2(;. :i 26. 4 27!i 27. 6 27. 1 26,7 28 8 2:1! 1 27.5 24.9 2 1.8 22.6 20, 8 21,2 2 1.:! 27.9 26.:; i 25.1 -25. 1;. H. I F. V. 42, 3 41.1 50. 8 48, 4 48.7 :;8. 2 47.2 48,7 40. 9 5:;. (; 29. 4 27, 9 20, 5 :3o. 4 62. 2 51.4 :;i.6 54. 4 .5:1. 6 .55. 4 :!5, 4 59. 4 44.7 45.0 0. 0O5O . 0048 .0059 . 0(15:; . 0054 . 0042 . 0051 .0054 . 0057 . 0055 .0030 . 00:!0 , oo:!o . oii:;7 . (1080 . (1069 . (1052 . 0087 . (HI-'5 . 007:; . oo:;? .0071 . 0056 0. 0056 D. P. :;6,4 40, :;(i. 1 4:1,2 43. 2 4:;. 2 41.2 :;2 2 :;i. 2 :;7. 9 :;i.o 31.6 :!:!. 4 41.;; :;4.2 :;(). 8 — :i6. 6 D. — 2;i. :;o. 31. :;o. 31. 31. 31. :io, 29, :;o. 29, 29, 29. 29. W. E. II. 6 —30.1 6 31.2 :;i.7 :!i :il :!l 30, :;o :!(.> 29, :;o, 29, :il 4 31 4 :;i '^ I ii'-* 4 :;6 4 27. :5 27.9 28. 5 29.0 27. 8 28. 6 •'9 :; 29. 7 28, 3 28, 8 29, 6 :!o, :;o, 30.4 50, 2:;. 50. 56. 42. 46. .50. 42. 50. 48. 29, 2 28.1 :;9. 6 F. y. . oo:;(i . oo:;2 . 0028 . 0028 . ( 028 . 00 J8 . 0028 . OOiO . oo:!4 . oo:!3 . (io:;(; . OII|,s . 002:! . 0(150 . 0060 . (10 12 . 0(1 111 .0050 , 0041 .00 17 . 0045 .008:; . 00: ;8 . oo:;9 1). P. -41.6 42, 7 43,7 43.7 4:;. 6 4:;. (; 4:;. 6 4.;. 4 42. 2 4.'. 4 41.4 :!8, 5 41.9 :!6!o 40.0 :;o, 1 38. 3 :;o. i; 38. 7 :;9, 3 44.3 41.0 -40.9 45.09 0.0055 ■:!7. 40 :!0. 57 0.0082 : — 41.20 AT POLAEIS BAY. 19 Uiiy- ' " " FEBRUARY, 1872. 4. 5. 6. 1 Hour. D. w. Iv'. H. F. V. D. r. 1>. \\'. i{. n. F. V. D. P. D. W. R. ir. F. V. D. P. ni, o^ ,^ .-)^ ' 20. .'1 O112;! -45. 1 — 2S. (1 —29, 3 37.4 0011 — 4!1. 6 —20. 5 —27. 49.11 0054 —37. 2 1 ■Jli. 'J •27. li 2.'.. U Ill 12s 4:1.7 29. 1 29. 7 ■>fj S 0027 44. 1 27 9 2S 20.0 0:122 45 4 o '2i;. 4 ■27. ;!'.!. u ii(ii:i ;!9, s 0;; ^S 27, 5 '2') r> 0029 411,5 2li 4 27 39. 0043 39 s ■.':!. 5 ■JJ.l 4ii. S (KUi;! ;!5. a O", ;j 211, 31. 00:1s 40. 9 20 / .t~ 3 37 8 (1012 4(1 3 4 •-':i. Ti •J4.-,' :'7.ii 0051 lis. 'Jr'). 'A 25, 8 52. 4 11110:1 35. 27 ■ > '»^ 8 Olios 41 r> ■i;[ y 21.4 ii7 ^2 co.'iO lis. 1! >.»-, •■^ ■>\ 7 52. (i 1 III! 14 35. ,5 •20 7 27 :; 37,8 00 12 45 3 i ti •J.'). ■^ ■2(1, -2 .'■>9. li IIII7I 114. 2n! 4 211. 1; 79. 4 0091 30. 3 '20 7 27 :; 37 . s (MI42 40 :! 7 ■Jli. 4 2ii. y .".s. 4 iiii,;7 li4.7 ISO. 9 31.1 73. s 01104 115, 3 4 2 1 47.0 (100:1 3 , 4 S ''7 '* 27 ."> li~. II 111)74 3H. 4 112. 4 '.V2. 5 85. 5 Olios 34, 5 21 4 22 1 44.6 00117 31 s 11 ■JS 'J 2-^4 77. li 1111.^0 112. 4 25. li 'jr> .') SO. 5 111109 •29, 1 19 ;, 20 .> 4-, 0(1-2 111 11 •J.'). t) 2ii. :_! :«1. ]. llllilli 41.4 21,8 ■J."), n 81.0 IIIOI 2- 5 2(1 :; 21 47,0 0075 3 1 1-^ •Jli. 7 '27 , "t ;i7. 1 0041 411.1; 211 ,5 ■J4.'J 117. (1 0051 lis.O 21 11 •22 4 35, 4 0054 ,", Nonn. •js. •'> 5 44.0 0041; l',9. 11 h'. 4 ■211 s 04.4 (HISS 31.0 21! :! 21 1 0,9, 4 Odsd 3.' 3 1'' 9,i "( ■27! 4!». ()0.'>4 1!7.2 ■2i 1 ") 27. II 49, (1054 37. 2 •2:1 4 27 ,"j 04.8 0077 112 8 y ■J.'x fl 2ii. 2 41.4 0048 lis. 5 211, 211.7 lis. 9 0055 37. 3 25 f, 25 9 Oil, 2 (1073 li 1 4 ;i vi!i. ;• ■'7 r> :'.7.o 0041 40. (i 2 1,1! 25. Mil. 00 15 39. 1 ■2:1 'J 2 1 2.1,0 ; 0041 •111 -) 4 ■*s ;; ■'' 7 n::,y 0050 1!7. 22, 1 2:1.11 50. 0070 31.0 ■':! ;", 21! 9 04. 2 110-7 31 1 .') ■-'-. 'J .),■ * 4:;. 2 : 0045 39. 5 21>, 5 21.2 37. (1 0(151 lis. 1 1 20 20 40,2 iinio 119 1 (i :!l.:i MI.H ::ii. rS 0027 41! s 21, 7 25. 2 .):!. li (11107 31.7 20 ."■, 2:1 s 09,2 007s '1* 5 7 2-. 1 ;m. r. oii;!(i 41. (i 22, 11 ■2:1 ■' 49 4 (100.9 3 4.3 25 4 25 III 102 * ■!,-, / ,-i. ■-i7. li 2-. 1 1.1. 1) 111148 W-i ^ 2ii! 1 211, (1 50.2 III 15s 30. 7 •>- 29 2 2S, S (II 129 411 li I) -7. ;i 2^. Ti ■.V2. .-. Oo:i4 42! 2 •211, 4 2ii, 9 49. 3 01155 37. 1 29 1 29 39.0 (1039 4ii 9 10 ■J.i. 7 21 i. 4 29. S 00:i6 41.(1 •27. -i 35. 8 00:1s 41.0 21 1 4 110 1 40.9 0045 119 .5 u Jk'aus. —27. U 49. 0054 — 1J7.2 — 2t>'. 5 19. 11025 -44,8 .)-, :l —•25. 9 42. 11 (I 00511 — ,,- II 42. S2 III IIS — lis. 'J 2 49. 82 0059 —30. 7 1 45.02 0055 Day. FEBR UARY, : .872. 7. §. 9. Hour. D. W. 1;. 11. F. A'. D. P. D. W. n.u. ] -■- 1>. P. D. W. K. H. '\ v. 11. !■. 01' ■ '" ^ — 2ll 4 .'.9, 2 II 1111711 -M ■! — IS, 9 —19.7 43. 0075 — lili. 1 — 19.4 -19.9 0:1.3 (IIIKl -■'7 1 •Jli. .'i 27.11 19.11 01154 17,7 IS, 3 110. 4 0110 27.1 19. 3 19. s 0:1, 0107 ■J 7. f) •' ■JMi 2-. 1 4.".. li 1)0 1- 1!-^. s 111, 1 111, li 119.4 dllls 211. 1 17.9 IS.;, oil, OlOS ■27,4 :i ■J7. 1 27. (i 47.2 01151 lis 1 19. 4 20,4 ;i-.o 1 0040 119. 17.5 1-. 1 00. - 0112 2(1 8 ■4 ■J.". '.1 2S. 4 .'.4.M 00.57 llil. 7 is. 2 19.1 ■ t'"^. / 0070 114. 1 17, ;i IS, 5 0(1. OKis 27.4 rj ■J-*. (i 2',). .'>:> II iiii5:i 117. 4 1 s, 9 19.7 43.0 0075 1111.1 19, 4 19,9 03. 0100 27.0 (i •J,i. :! 2'.1. 7 .-11.9 1 0050 11-, 11 19. S 20 5 4S. 0079 ■ 30. 5 19,4 19,9 03.0 OKK! 27.0, 7 ;iii. s ill. 2 4li. 2 0011 40. 4 20. 5 21.2 411.(1 11074 33. 4 19,4 19,9 Oil. li 01(10 27. s :!l.s :!2. 72.11 o()r>s liil. H 20. 4 21-2 39. 4 iiiiO:i 115,5 19. 5 211, 03.0 01(10 ■27. 7 . li (iii;;i 211, 1 ■25. / 47. 9 0000 35. 20. 21.5 30. 5 0049 38. 2 1'' ■J^. Ti ■2 1.4 il~. :l Ihliil 115! 4 2.!, 1 21) s 118, (i (1051 117, 4 2(1. '21.5 110. 5 (1(149 11-, 2 v» :!o. 4 ::ii. 7 (il. (i 0055 1(7.1 211, li 24^1 ,5,5, ,S (107 4 33. 1 1 -. s 19.7 110. 9 (1004 35, 1 :; :!n. I iiii. r> 4^. .'. 110-15 119, 4 21. li 24.7 (12, 11 00-2 112, 19,5 211.1 55. S 0094 29, 7 ■1 ■Ji. ."> 2.'.. 1) .".(.0 III 111,^ 114,4 24.(1 25. 5 15.0 (1021 40. 10.7 17.0 42. s 110-2 31.5 1 ' r» -.1. .^) •2.'>. s 711.4 ll(l,-'5 111,4 21.5 25, 11 ■'5 ■J (10113 42, 5 •211.(1 21.-2 53, II0S5 111,0 ! (i •-'11. 1 2ii! li "ill. 2 1 11 15,-i liil. 7 2:1, 9 '24! 7 27. 00117 41. 4 21.9 ■22. fi 42,0 01102 35. s 7 ■-'.".. 9 2H. .") 411. r> 0047 119. (1 22, 4 22. s nil. 4 0094 29. 5 22, 2 44,2 1111(10 115, ■^ ■J."i. li ■2li. 1 .'•1I.7 00:11 115. 9 2:1. 11 ■24. 2 4il. , 0002 35. 8 2(1. 9 21,0 45. 8 0071 34. 2 ;) H. W i;i. 4 .')7 S OHIO 2>. 9 19. 8 ■20. 4 .5.5 '2 OO'Ol 110. 3 21.5 22, 1 51. s 11117 s 32. 7 111 Hi. li 17.1 (i9: 1 IU;15 •>;; ;, IS. 4 IS, s 72. 2 012- 24. 4 19. 3 19.- (Hi. 0107 "7 .5 11 Jlraiis. -17.;) — H. :> 1,(1.0 OIIIS -■27.4 -1-. 5 -19, 00. 11 40. 77 0115 0075 — 20. 3 -111!. 05 —22. 7 —211, 3 49. 1 0008 —114.4 ,".ii. s(i ll(Ki5 — 35. 1, 52. 10 00-7 -35. 30 20 IIYG KOMETUIGAL OESBKVATIOXS Day. Hour. 0>" 1 8 9 1(1 U X 21. 1 VJ.-i l(i.'.) 15. .-> l.'i. H l.'i. 4 12. 2 14.2 i:i.'J 14.;) 11.7 1.-.. :, 10. 7 11. C 1(1.7 14.2 11. (i 11..') 10. :: -10. 3 .'1.8 21.4 19.8 17.4 l(i. 1 l(i..''i l.">. 8 12. 8 14. i; 14. r> 15. 5 15.4 1(3. 1 11.7 12. ;! 11.7 14.8 12.;! 12.2 10.9 ^11.0 10. R. H. 4.^. 5 .5-,'. 4 51.(1 (i4.(3 7(.. (i 71.2 ()8. 2 (5:!. 8 .57.0 ;(;. 2 (;-'.4 77.4 (id. (J4. 5 .59. 2 (.i:>. 8 50.6 (i4.4 511. (i 65. 4 64.4 64.(1 71.1 611.0 F. V. 0. (1067 . 0080 . 0077 . (J08',) .0118 .0119 .OIHO .oi;u .011(1 .0157 .01(16 . 017(1 .014^ .0138 .0127 ,0131 .0134 .0161 .0134 .0145 .0161 .01(_12 . 0190 0.0177 D. P. 63. (10 ' 0. 0093 -34.7 — 7.4 '•V2. ^ 9.8 3.0. 9 11.0 211. 2 11.4 25. 6 10. 5 24. ) 9.4 24.0 6.8 ■ill. 2 .5 8 20. 6 7 8 19. 6 11.3 19. 2 14. 5 21.9 14.1 23. 15. 5 24.5 1(1. 6 24.0 16.5 '*.! .5 17.1 20. 2 17.3 23., 5 17.5 •)') 2 17.8 20. 2 1^.1 20. 17.4 17.0 17.9 -18.4 —18. 4 —23.. 94 \v. 8. 8 10.8 11.4 11.9 11.3 9. 6 11.5 15.3 14.7 16. 2 17.5 17.2 17.7 17.7 18.1 18.3 18.7 18.1 18.7 -19. 1 11. R. H. 61.7 .57.4 52. 6 811. 9 75. 1 60.7 90. 8 66.4 8.-. (I 73.6 89. 9 .53.. 4 65. 6 57.(1 43.0 55. 8 (11.3 73.. 6 60. 8 6(1. 7 59. 6 64. 64 1'. V. 0. 0190 .0172 .0145 . (1206 .0189 .0161 . 0252 . 0212 .0291 .(1222 .022-1 .0117 .014(1 .0119 . (HIS3 .0110 .0116 .0139 .0112 .0122 .0106 .0101 .00-^4 0. 0092 D. ]> -17. 1 19, 22. 1 5. 4 17.0 20. 1 11.4 14.8 8. 4 13.8 13. 5 11,4 23 26 s 2.5 4 27 7 28 G 31 5 —30 o D. -18. 8 19^7 19.5 20. 2 22. 1 2 4.2 21.5 21.5 20. 7 1 8. 5 17.2 1.5. 5 14.9 16.8 17.3 15. 4 18.8 19. 4 21.4 1.5.4 15.4 13.7 11.8 -9.5 l*i. n. II. 0.0113 !-21. 19. 4 .57. 8 20. 2 62. 8 20. 1 5) .5. i"^ 20. 8 54.4 22.7 50. 6 21.8 45, 4 .» 1 •> 44.2 22. 2 44.2 21.4 46.2 19.4 37.8 17.9 55. 1 16.3 51.4 15. 7 .52. 6 17.6 48. 8 17.8 (17. 4 15.9 70.2 19. 3 65. 1 19. 8 71.2 22. 2 36. 2 16.0 (14.0 15. 70. 2 14.4 61.2 12.6 58. 8 10.1 71.9 55. 97 ¥. V. 0100 . 01(15 .0094 . 0087 . 0072 . 0058 . 0066 .006(1 . 0073 . 0067 . 0103 .0107 .0113 . 0095 .0126 .0145 .0112 . 0019 . 0055 .0132 .0145 . 0138 .014(1 0. 0200 0. 0105 D. P. -28. 9 2-^. 1 29.7 31.0 33.6 36.4 35. 3.5. 33. 8 34. 5 •Jfi. 3 27. 5 26.7 29. 5 24.7 22.1 26.7 25. 6 37.1 23,. 8 22. 1 23.1 22. -15. 9 —28. 3'J Dny. Huur. FEBRUARY, 1872. -10.1 8.9 iMraii,' 4 7.4 5 7.2 6 7. (.1 7 7.11 8 7.2 9 7.6 10 8.0 11 9.1 (.{111. 13.7 11- 14.9 2 15. 3 3 21.5 4 19. 5 5 22.1 (1 21. 1 7 21.4 8 22. 9 21.6 10 .,.) o 11 -21.1 \A'. -10. 9 9. 8 8.6 8.1 8.3 8.0 7. 8 7.9 8.1 8. 5 8. 8 9.7 14.3 15. 6 15. 8 21.7 19.9 22. 7 2!.' 8 21.8 22. () 22.1 22. 7 -21.7 13. 1;. II. F. V. 61.2 59. 4 61.4 73.. 9 61.7 m. 62. 4 62.2 61.9 61. 5 61.4 72.3 66.4 58. 8 70.4 84. 3 71.1 50. (1 6-'. 2 (W. 2 50. 8 59. 8 58. 6 52.6 0.0167 . 0169 1 .0183 i .0226 .0189 .0201; I . 0197 i . 0195 .0193 . 0187 . 0195 .0205 . 0150 .(1125 .0146 .0125 .0118 . 0072 . 0103 .0103 . 0073 . (II 190 . 0118 1 0. 0081 D. P. -19, 5 19. 3 17.5 13. 5 17.1 15. 4 16. 3. 16.4 16.7 17.4 16. 5 15.4 21.7 24. 8 22. 24.7 33. 6 28. 3 28. 3 33. 4 30.4 31. 3 C)i.r>7 0.0141 —22.39 29. 31. 29. 29. 31. 30, 31. 35. W. 14. K. H. I F. V. ;.l 1 —23. 1 7 21.6 2 25. 7 3 2(1. 8 5 27. () 27.2 ;> 27. 1 27. 5 1 26.7 5 211. 1 1) 29. 2 5 31.7 8 3(1. 6 1 29. 7 32. 4 7 34.2 5 31.1 6 31.0 6 3,2. 1 4 M.'). 7 7 36. 1 8 —31.4 49.7 3.7. 4 18.8 ,52. (1 51.4 49. 6 49. 3.8. 2 38.6 47. 5 3.9. 9 41.7 76. 6 72. 6 49. 2 25. 8 41.4 43.3 45. 1 47.0 29. 5 45. 2 45. 8 45. 8 0.0069 . 0051 . 0026 . 0(l;14 . 0060 . 0056 .0054 . 0042 . 0043 . 01152 . 0046 . 0049 . 0075 . 0061 . 0044 . 0027 . 0034 . (1037 . 0040 . 0042 . (1026 . 01129 . 0025 0. 01125 D. P. -34. 1 ■■•.'<. 1 45. 2 35. 5 36. 1 37.0 37. 2 40.1 40. 37.9 39.3 38.4 3!. 2 35! 9 40. 44.1 42. 41.0 41.0 40.0 44.3 43.4 44.4 41.4 D. 35. 2 3,5. 4 35. 8 36. 9 37.8 36. 5 X). 7 43.7 39.0 44.1 37. .5 37. 8 3,7. 9 36. 4 34. 5 3li. 3 *>o r 30! 5 28. 4 29.3 -30. 8 AV. 3,6, 37, 38, 15. R. H. -34. 35. 9 35. 8 35. 9 3 4 3 1 37.0 3.5, 7 39. 9 43. 9 39. 6 44.7 3,8, 4 38.5 38. 5 36.8 35. 1 30. 8 34 2 3 ■ , J 29.0 29,8 —31.5 45. 8 45. 8 45.8 45. 8 45. 8 45. 8 45.8 45. 8 45. 8 46.4 40.2 40.2 40.2 40,2 40.2 40.2 40.2 40.2 40.2 40.2 34.0 30. 38. 8 30.7 45. 07 i 0, 0045 ■39. 69 F. V. 0.01125 .0025 .0025 . 0025 . 0(125 . 0025 . 0025 . 0O25 .0025 . 0020 .0004 .0017 .0017 .0017 .0017 . 0017 .0017 .0017 .0017 .0017 . 0031 .0030 .0038 0. 0028 D. P. 41. 43 0. 0022 -44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4 4 4.4 41.4 44.4 44.4 45. 4 44.1 44.1 44. 1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 42.8 43.0 41.1 43.7 -44. 02 AT POLAi;iS BAY. 21 FEBRUARY, 1872. Day. Hour. 01' 1 9 10 11 XllDll. 1" 9 10 II Means ■M. ::;. 1 :•.;;. o :'.i.s :i4. :'. :iu. .-< ■J--', (i ■J9. 1 ■J 1.4 ■^■<. (i ■-'4. :'. 24.4 ■J". 9 ■iO. 4 ■Jli. U 24. ■> -•-'4. 9 -;n.4 31.:') :!.'. 4 :i4.() :ii.."i ;!.'. :-!0. 4 ■29. 4 29. .") 2i^. o •-'C. ■J7.:i •J4. :; ->4. .5 ■2-I..H 24. - 27.5 20! G 24.7 -25. 5 Ifi. 1;. H. :;(). 7 ::i). 7 :;ii. 7 22. 5 li:;. :, ."ii;. :i 49. 2 fill. 4 .'.II. 4 .'(1.4 .'>(!. 4 51.5 40. S 42.11 :!ll. 7 19.4 19.0 F. \. ! U. P. 002s 002i 002s 0(11- 004 1 (i{i;!^ ii(i:i4 004:i 004:1 0(14:! 004:! 11051 0051) 01)49 0():!5 0029 0027 (i(li;i_l 00-1 liOll 0(J97 -4:!. : 4!).': 4:i. •; 4ii.: 40.^ 41.-, -20. :! 24.4 21.:! 27. 1 27.4 ^^'. -20.9 21. S 2I.S 27.4 41.4 44. (i 45. (I 154. 2 :!2. 1 40. 'i ::i.7 40. 2 51. () 4:!. 2 . oo4(; . 0(J70 0. 005:! :!9. 1 :!J.O :!7. 5 4:!. 5:; 0.0041 U :!9. 9 27.9 25. (i 21.2 20.7 19. 5 1-. 7 1>'. 3 15. 5 14.0 -1:!. 9 24. 4 21.9 21.5 20. 2 19.0 1-. ^! 10.1 15. 4 -14. . 02-5 . 0397 .02-1 . 027:1 .0249 .02-15 .02:0 .02:14 . 1 1222 0. 0209 0.0314 I>. P. -I- :i.7 2. 2 0. 3 -1-1.0 — 0. 2 0. 5 7.0 s. 1 S. 9 S. 1 9.0 9. H 11.0 11.9 111. 4 13. S 14.0 - 15. 3 Day. Hour. FEBRUARY, 1872. D. 5.7 0. s AV. ;) 7.4 s •' 6 c'^. 4 9.1 / 9.1 9. 7 s 10.2 10.7 9 11.0 11.6 10 11.6 19. 2 11 13.0 13.6 Xoon. 14.0 15.2 V' 10.0 16.7 2 17.7 IS. 4 :! 17. 5 17.9 4 19. 5 19.9 5 20. 5 19.0 21.0 20.4 7 20. 9 21.6 8 19. .- •J). 4 9 20.(1 21.3 10 ■i-i. 9 23. 4 11 —22. 3 -22. 9 Jli-'ail; 19. R. II. (10. 4 05. (1 07. 9 72. 3 70. 3 70.4 09. 6 07.4 (i4. S 56.6 71.1 02.0 41. S 45. 40! 4 02. :!9 07 ^ 07 7 64 4 6:! ,s V. X. 0. 0229 . 02:11 .0215 . 020.- .0212 .020:! . 020:1 . 0205 . O203 . 01S2 . 0173 .01.57 .0141 .0114 . 009^ .0137 .OIH .009s .0069 .0071 . 0091 . 007:! . 00.^0 0. 0070 0.0141 D. P. -13. 4 i:!.o 14.0 15.2 14. S 15.7 15. 9 15. 4 15. s IS. (J IS. s 20. 33 4 32 3 31 5 35 3 30 5 33 > 31.0 33.0 31.7 31.9 31.5 32. 31. 6 -30. 9 W. 2S. 27.9 30. 1 40. 5 56. 46. 9 : 46. :! .:6. :!l.s :!5. 9 35. 5 30. 7 34.3 31^9 31'. 9 31.9 32. 5 32. :::!. 4 -:!1.3 C2. -;o. 48. 02. 03. '9. 4s. 38. 43 45. 8 51.. 54 a I. K. n. , i\ V. 0. 0030 .0047 . 0059 . 0051 . 0049 I 1)00 . ooso . 0( 39 . I )i i:;,:i .00:1:1 . 00:19 .0041 . 00:15 . 00:12 . 0029 . 004s .0049 . 005'J . 0040 . 0037 . 002 4 . 00:10 . 0038 0. 0041 0. 001:1 D. P. -41.4 39. 36. 2 30. 40. s 42. 5 42 40, 40, 41 42, 42, 30. 1 39. 1 41.2 45.0 41.4 41.0 -40. -39. 85 IIYGKOMETRICAL OBSERVATIONS Day. Hour. 3 4 (i 7 8 'J 10 11 11' Means FEBRUARY, 1872. Day. Hour. 1 2 a 7 H 9 10 11 Noon. 1'' 2 10 11 Means. -34. 6 32. T 33. 9 3.'). H 35.4 3,7. II 3.^. 37.7 ■■)<.'> 37, 37.2 37. .5 37. 8 37.6 3.^. 37.3 37.7 3 3S. -2 4 .IS. 4 -5 • '■^. 7 Ci 39. 1 / 37. 9 8 3^. r. 9 3.-'. i; 10 3S. 11 —38. 8 3S. 7 3.S. S 39. 1 39. 5 3-<. 3 lis. 8 39.0 3s. ■> -39, 2 F. y. D. r. .flOls — 3,-'. :■, . 00;'.') 37.1 . II0.;9 411. .s 1103.3 42. 3 iiii:',:i 42.3 1 H I'J.') 43.2 IH)3-J 42. .'i 1 II )-JI 1 4.->. 9 dOJl 4.'i. (i llO.t.l 42. 3 003,3 42. 3 DII-^S 43.8 00-J3 4.1. 2 IIOi!3 45.2 11022 45.4 0021 45.0 0020 45. S 0033, 42. 4 1033 42. 4 00411 3U. 1 0040 39. 2 II03L 36.0 00.')8 36. 5 OOilii -34. 8 0. 0036 -41. 9- FEBRUARY, 1872. 25. 36. D. 22, 8 22, 1 21. 2 19.5 IW. s 17.8 16.7 1.5.6 15.0 14.6 15.7 iii,.i; 15, 5 14, 5 13.5 12.1 11.1 11.7 11.4 11.1 10. 5 8.7 W. \ R. H. -25 7 23. 3 21.7 19. 9 19.4 1'. 3 17,2 10,2 15.6 15. 2 16.2 17.1 16.1 14. 9 13. 9 12.7 11.6 12. 2 It.w 11.5 11.0 9.2 - 8.0 52. 6 57, 4 51.1, 6 60, r, 71,1 6;!, 7 6-i, 6 63, 6 (!4. 4 64.8 6 '. -S i'lS. S (m. S 77,1 7--^. 1 li8, 6 75. 4 74,8 SI 1,0 !-'il, 76. 77. S •* :iO, 37,0 5S '* . 0033 42. 1 2 2:i. 5 23, 8 73. 2 . 0099 2S. 9 15. 4 15.9 70. 2 .0145 22-, 1 3,7, 6 3,S, 58. 2 .0033 42.1 3 2;i. 4 23, 8 01.4 . (loss 31.0 15. 16.2 03.6 . 0130 24,1 37. 5 3S, 1 .5S, 2 . 0033 42.1 4 22. 3 22, 8 5S. 4 . (10S3 31. 5 10. 2 16. 8 02. 4 .0124 25, 37. 9 38, 4 .5S, 2 . 0033 42.1 5 20, 9 21,4 (il,2 . 0095 29. 4 10.4 10. 9 09. 1 .0135 3S, 3S, 5 58, 2 . 0033 42.1 () 19.4 20, 5(i. . 0095 29. 5 l(i.7 17.2 (is. 6 .0132 23, 9 38. 4 3S. 7 58, 2 . 0033 42.1 7 L^. 9 19.5 57. 5 . (1099 29, 17. 17.5 OS. (J . 0129 21,2 3,S. 3S. 5 5S. 2 . 0033 42.1 rt IH.O is,(i ,59, 8 .0107 27,5 17.4 17.7 SO. 3 . 0150 21, (i 3,S, 5 39.0 58 2 . 0033 . 42. 1 1) 19.2 19,7 03, 9 .OlOS 27.3 1^,4 is.s 72. 2 . 0128 21,4 3S, 6 3,9, 5S 2 . 0033 42. 1 10 19. 7 211, 4 09. .0114 20.5 19.2 19, 5 7S,5 .0133, 23, 7 3,s. 5 38, 9 58. 2 .0033 42.1 11 IS, 8 19. C 43. ,s . 0070 32. 9 19. 5 20.0 63. . 0106 27,7 37.7 38, 4 58, 2 . 0033 42. 1 Nociu. 17. r, IS, 2 55. 4 .0100 2S, 7 21.9 22, 3 67. 4 . 0099 29, 37.8 ■■',^. 4 58, 2 . 0033 42. 1 1'' Hi. S 17.(1 4S. ,S . 0095 29. 5 23. 5 23, 9 04. 2 .0087 31.1 37. 7 38 2 58, 2 . 0033 42. 1 ^) IH. .'. 17,1 (il.9 .0121 'J 5. a 25. 4 25, 7 70.6 . ooso 31.3 37. 5 3,S, 5S, 2 . 003:1 42. 1 3 l(i, .^. 17.1 01.9 .0121 25. 5 20. (i 27.1 48, 7 . (1054 '.\7 . '.] 3,7. 4 3,7, 8 5S 2 .00:;:! 12. 1 4 17,0 IS. 1 0(i. 9 .0L24 25. 1 2S. 28. 4 51,8 . 0057 '.M'}. 7 37.5 37,7 .55. 9 .0031 42. 9 S 17,:! 17. s 07.4 . 0120 21.7 29. 3, 29. 7 50, 9 . 0050 ;iS, !1 37.5 3,7, 8 35. .00 IS 40.1 (i 1."., 7 Hi. .5 51.0 . 0102 27. s 30. 3 3,0. s 34. 8 . (1032 42. 36, 9 37, 5 37,0 .0020 15.5 7 1."., -> Hi. 2 ,57,0 .0119 2.5. 7 31.4 31.8 43,. S . (103S 41.1 36. 7 3,7. 30,0 . 0022 45. 8 1.5.1 15.7 64.3 .0130 23. 3 32. 4 32.7 55. 9 .0044 39. 7 3,0,5 30,9 3S, . 0021 45, 3 9 14. S 15. 3 71.4 .0151 21.3 '.v.). 3 33.0 52. .0039 40.7 30,7 3,7, 2 3,8. .0021 45, 3 10 14.3 14.9 (i5, 2 ,0144 22. 3 34,7 35. 1 29. 4 . (1020 45. 9 37.0 3,7,0 38.0 .0021 45, 3 11 Means. -12, s —13.11 50, rt 00, 74 0,0134 0. 0109 —23.5 2[), 5,s —30,2 -3,0. 4 00. 1 0. 003(i —41.4 —3,0. 4 —30.0 :!S, 0. 0021 —45. :! 59. 22 0. 0091 —31.20 52. 18 0. 0029 — 4:i. 07 MA RCH, ] 1872. Day. a. 3. 4. Hour. D, W. R. H. F. V. D. P. D. W. R. H. F. V. I). P. D. \y. R. H. F. V. D. P. O'- — :!n, 4 -3f.. 8 38.0 0.01121 —45. 3 —41. 9 -42. 4 42. 5 0. 0025 —45. 8 — 3S. 7 —39. 1 35. 7 0.0019 —40. 7 1 :i7, 1 3,7, 4 3i7. . 0020 45, 7 3S. 7 39. 2 42.5 . 0( 125 45. S 3S. 1 3S. 6 35, 7 .0019 40.7 2 ;!s. 2 3S. (i 40.5 .0019 45,9 3,S. 42, 5 . ( K 125 45. 8 3,7,3 37.0 3,0, . 0019 45. 9 ■S ;is. 1 3S, 6 41), 5 .0019 45, 9 3,s. r, 3S. 9 42, 5 .0025 45. S 3S, 2 3H. 4 53. . 0027 4:i. 6 4 :w. 3 3S. 7 40. 5 . 0019 45, 9 3s. 1 38, 7 42,5 . 0025 47.4 3S. 7 3,9. 2 30. 5 . 0021 45. 2 r 37, 4 ;is, 40.5 .0019 45. 9 3S. S 33, 50,0 . 0025 44.0 3,9, 2 :v.i 5 30. 5 . 0021 45. 2 (i :is. fi 30.1 40.5 . 0019 45. 9 39. 1 3;i, 4 48, 4 . (1035 44. (i 38,0 3S, 3 3(i. 5 .0021 40,9 7 39. (i 39. 9 40, 5 . 01119 45. 9 3,7. 3 37.7 4S, 4 .003,5 41.6 3,3, 5 31,0 20.0 . 0016 47,0 H 39. 7 40.1 40.5 .0019 45. 9 3,9. 3 39. 3 4S, 4 . 0045 41,6 30,8 31.3 32. S . 00:',0 4:1, :> 'J 411.2 40.4 44.0 .oois 40.2 39. 39. S 40,8 .0(121 45. 2 31.2 31. 5 5LI. 5 . 0051 :!S. 1 10 39. 2 39, 6 45, 2 . (J019 4(i, 8 45, 4 4.5. 4 41.2 .0020 45. 6 31.5 31. S 58. 6 .0019 :is, 4 n 38. .'. ;;s_ ,s 45, 2 . 0019 47, 5 lis. ,") 3,S, 11 41.1 . 01120 45. 6 3,0.5 31.(1 34.0 . 0031 42, s Noon. 3s. r, 3S,9 45. 2 .0019 40. 4 37. 4 37.7 35. 5 . 0019 40.0 30. 4 30. 8 47.6 . 0043 :i9. 7 11' 37. 7 38, 2 45, 2 .0019 40.4 3,0. 5 37.1 35. 7 . 0019 40. S 30. 1 , 3,0,7 21.2 . 0020 45. '2 38, .5 3,S, 9 45, 2 .0019 40.4 30, 5 37.0 3, .5 7 .0019 40. s 30, 1 30. (i 35.6 . (i(i:i:'. 42. 4 :i :'.9.7 40, 45, 2 .0019 40.4 3,0, 7 37. 3 ; ;,", 7 .0019 4(i. S O;; f, 27.3 27. 3 . OOiO 43.6 4 39, 7 39, 9 40.4 . (1020 45. 4 3,0, 5 :f;.o !>.). ; .0019 40. S ','■'). 7 20. 5 19. . 0025 44,8 T) 3S, 7 39, 1 45. 8 , 0022 4(i, 4 37.1 37. 5 3,), / .0019 40. s '2i.r. 25. 1 44.7 . (1050 :!0, 8 (i 3S 7 39. 44.1 , (11122 47,4 3,0, 0. 3,7. 1 3.). 7 .0019 46. S •j;; ;; 23. s 5(i. 4 . 0117(1 :i2, 7 7 :!S. ,r, 3s. S 4-.'. 4 , (1022 47. 5 30.0 37.0 3,,. 7 .0019 40. s 21, 9 2"' .5 51.0 .0074 :!:!.3 8 :'>7. s 3S. 2 10,7 , 0022 4.5,9 30. 2 30, 3.5, 7 .0019 46. S 21,5 22. 2 41.2 . 0066 35. 9 33. (1 34.0 35, ' , 0025 44,3 37,3 37. 7 35. 7 .0019 40.8 21,4 2.'. 1 44. 6 . 0007 :it.8 10 41,1 41.0 42, 5 , 0025 45. 8 37, 9 3s. 3 35, 7 .0019 46.8 20,5 21.2 4(1.(1 . 0074 :;:!. 4 11 Means. -:'.-', 7 —39. 2 42, 5 0.0025 -45. s — 3^-^, —38. 9 35. 7 0. 0019 0. 0023 —47.6 —20,0 —20. 7 47. 6 0.(1077 — :!o, 3 42.21 0. 0020 -4G. 12 40.21 -46. 10 40. 02 0. 0040 —40. 9^ 24 HYGEOMETEICAL OBSEEVATIOXS MARCH, 1872. ^v. R. H. 17.9 01. I 1 H. 7:!. IS. -2 61.0 IS. 01.(1 IS. 61.0 IS.!-, liu. IS. (i 59. 8 1 s. G 00.4 ■21.0 02. U ■21.7 S-1.3 '»., o 07, 22. 1 7.-.. 8 2.'.. 6 ■2:;. 4 2S. 5 / / . ■► ;il). 9 47. :'. :',2. 1 42.6 ;!i.s .'.-. :il.9 43.4 :',2, 1 '.1.'). 7 :'.'>'. 4 M.'). 7 ■2S. :i2. s 2i;. ;!2, s 24.7 F. V. D. P. n.oii4 .(ii;!0 .0111 .oil:! .011)! . OlOs .0107 .0119 . OO'JS . 012.^ . 0400 .0112 . on:', I . ODSO . 004:! .oi):!0 .0049 . oii:!7 . iiii;!() . 00:50 . (io:!o . 0024 . 0022 0. 0020 *^() 11 '"27 :i 27 f. ■2.) s 29 2-1 7 .04 0. 007r 27. 4:!. 1 ::9. 7 41.0 •Xi. : ;io. :! ::7.6 ::9. 41.2 ;!9. 4;!. 1 40. 4:i. 4 40. 4:!. 1 40. 44. 9 40. 4.".. :! 40. 4.3. —41. -:!4. 24 MARCH, 1872. AV. ];. n. 4 4.7 47.4 4-2.7 47.4 4 4. 47.4 4.-.. 47.4 4.-.. 9 47.4 41). 47.4 40. fi 47.4 44.8 47.4 4:i. 9 47.4 4 4.6 47.4 44.0 47.4 4:!.7 47.4 4:i. 9 47.4 42.7 17.4 4:!, 7 47.4 44.:) 47.4 4:1 47. 4 41.7 47.4 41.7 47.4 ;i9. 7 47.2 :!9. 7 :u.8 :!S.9 ;! 1 . 8 :!s. c, :n.8 ^;!i. 9 :!i. 8 44.79 V. V. D. V 0.0001 .0001 .0001 .0000 . 000 2 . O002 : 11002 . 0002 . 0002 .0002 . 0002 . 0002 . 0004 .0012 . .10 L2 . 0012 . 0012 . 0012 .0012 . 0021 . 0022 . 0022 . 0022 0. 0022 -44.9 44.9 44.9 44.9 i 0.0009 1 44. ;) 44. 9 44. 9 44. IJ 44. 9 44. 'j 44. 1) 44. 9 44. 9 44. 9 41. !,» 44. il 44. ;i 41. ;i 44. ;) 4.'.. 4.'i. 1 4.5. 1 4.-) 1 — 4.-> 1 —44 94 w. :!9. 6 ;i9. 40. 41. 41. 41. 41. -41. :i -:12. 2 :i2. 4 :!2. 9 :iU9 :!2. -A :i-2. 7 :io. 7 :31.7 :!o. :3 :>,(). r^ :«. :! :52. :! 34! :>.-). .5 :!.-,. 8 35. 2 34.8 :!4. 5 34. 2 34.0 3:3.9 W. :!3. 5 :!:!. ;i2. 7 ■£'. I 31.1 31. 9 30. (i :!0. 8 :!:!. 7 32. 7 :!5. 30. :!ii. 4 31. 34. 34. 34. -34. li. H. .8 I 21. 30, i) 34. • » :!7. 1 :!s II ;!S. / :i^. :i :!*^ 45 4 45 4 45 4 4.5 4 4 4 45 4 4 4.5 4 45 4 40 fi :','.> ■"' 40 40 F. y. 0. 0019 .0017 . OOUI . 0021 .0019 . (iii:!0 .0025 . 0025 . 0025 . 0025 . I II 125 . 0025 . 0025 .0025 . 0025 . 0025 . 0025 . 0025 . 0025 . 0025 . 01125 . 01125 .0015 0.0014 D. P. 0. 002:! -4.5. 40. 40. 45, 45, 41. 44. 44. 4 4. 44. 44. 44. 44. 44. 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, -47, -45. s: 10. p. 11. F. V. D. p. . i :i2, 40, 40, 7-2. 01. 01. 30. 40, 30. :io, ;!o, 30, :!0, :!0, 47, 47 4 4 7,9 ,9 0, 002:! -45, 2 . 01122 45,3 . 0022 45, 3 . 0022 45. 3 . 0021 45, 5 .00;7 44,0 . oii:i:i 42, 5 , 0029 42,9 . 0042 40,2 . 00.59 ;{0. 1 . 0055 37. . 0054 37. 2 . 0020 4:!. 1 . 00:!:! 42. 5 . 0020 45, 7 . 01)20 45, 6 . 0020 45, .11020 45. 6 .0020 45. 6 .01121 45, i; . iio::2 42. 5 . oo:!2 42. 5 . 00:« 42. 5 0. oo:!2 -42. 5 0. 0029 —43. 10 AT POLARIS BAY, O' D MARCH, 1872. Day. 11. I'i. 13. Hour. D. W. n. If. 1 \ V. P.P. D. W. R. H. : F.V. D. p. D. W. E.H. F.V. D. P. 01- -33. 9 —34.5 47.9 003,2 -42. 5 -31.5 -31.9 43, 4 003,7 —41. 2 -30. 5 —30.9 47. 3 o04;{ —39. 8 1 33. 'i 33. >: 47.9 01)3,2 42. 5 31.7 3,2. 1 42.6 0036 41.6 30. 6 31.0 47.0 0042 40.0 '^ 33. 3 3:5. 9 47. 9 0032 42, 5 3,0, 3 30.9 211.4 0019 45, 9 :-!0. 9 31. 3 45. 8 0041 40.6 ;! 33.7 34.4 47.9 003,2 42,5 30. 8 31.3, 32, 8 0030 43, 3 3,0.4 31.0 38. 9 oo:',5 42.1 4 3-1.5 3,5. 1 47.9 30:',v! 42, 5 30. 30.6 21,6 0021 45,5 31.0 31.5 32. 0029 43. 5 :, 34.5 35. 47. 9 0032 42. 5 :io, 3 3,1,0 21,4 00-JI) 45. 5 ;j2 •> :'.2. 6 40.6 003:: 42. 3 (') 31 i. 4 36. 8 47.9 0032 ■12. 5 311, 1 30,7 21.2 0020 45. 6 30. s :'.1.4 35.5 iiii::o 43. 1 7 3i;. 8 37. 6 47.'.! 003,2 42. 5 30. 5 31.4 21.4 0020 45, 5 31.4 3 1 . 9 30.4 0027 4:!. 9 8 34.8 35. 4 47,9 0032 42. 5 311.0 30. 6 21.6 0021 45, 5 :!2. 1 32. 5 41.0 oo:!4 42. 2 9 34.7 34. 9 65. 3 004 I 3,9. 5 29. 6 3,11. 5 >>y ^> 1 IIO-,'5 44.4 31.0 31.3 60. 1 0052 37.9 10 3(i. C. 36. 9 39 5 0022 11.,^ 311. 5 31.2 27.2 0025 4 4,4 2:i. 5 24.0 56. 0075 3:!. 11 31. ^ 32. 7 42. 1 0025 44. 1 3,3, 7 34.3 27. 2 0OJ5 44.4 21.8 ■t > ') i;7. 6 0100 28, 9 Nodii, 37.1 37 . 5 42.1 0025 44. 1 30,6 3,1.2 ■'7 2 nil',',-, 4 4.4 22 7 ■s:,. 1 65. 8 III 192 29, II 1" )ir>. r> 35. 8 44, s 002^ 43. 5 30 .S 31.3 ;;., ,s III 1311 4:!, :', 22, 5 22, 7 8:',. 3 1 0117 2--), 2 34. 6 35. 30.0 OOJO 45. 7 27. 1 27.7 3,i;. J 1103,9 40.9 22, 22, 6 50. S 007;; 3, 1. 4 3 3,"). -j 35. 7 :-!0. 7 0021 45. 5 27, 5 .,^ -, 22. II IIII21 44. 5 24,9 25, 5 43. 5 01154 ::7,4 4 34. 34.7 311.7 0021 45,5 29. 1 29.7 >>,-, ,^ III 127 44.1 24,:', 21,8 51,4 0069 34, 2 5 34. 3 34.7 31.5 0022 1,-., 4 27.0 27.7 24,5 01128 4!!. 8 27. 1 27, 7 36,2 0039 40, 9 6 3ii. 5 31,2 :\{'i. 8 00,',^ 43,. 5 31. 3 31. s :-;ii, 8 0027 43. 9 26.9 27, 6 25, 00-J- 4:;, 7 7 3li. 3 3,6, 7 3(i. 8 0(.)J8 43. 5 3.i. 7 34. 1 34, 5 "■ 0IIJ5 44.5 2:',. 8 21,5 :)7, 11050 3-. 4 8 31. 8 32. 2 42. 2 oo:',5 41.7 31.7 32,1 42.6 093i; 41.6 2^. 28. 4 54,8 0057 :',6. ', 9 31.7 32. 1 42.6 oo3i; 41.6 32. 2 3,3, 6 43. 0036 41.4 26. :i 2(;. 9 :;:!, :i 0011 :;9. 6 10 31.6 32. 43,. 003,6 41.4 3,1.5 3,1,9 43. 4 011:17 41.2 24.9 25. 5 4:!, 5 0054 37. *J u Means. -31.4 — 31.S 43.8 U 1 II )38 —41.1 — 3n3, — 3,1,7 44.2 oii:l9 —41.0 —25. 4 —26. 1 ;',o, 7 ; 00,;,^ —41.0 43,. 04 : II 11029 — 43. o:. 3,0. 62 : 0028 —4:!. 64 4(i, 10 0052 -38. 1 MA RCH, 18 72, Day. 11. 15. 1«. Hour. D. W. K. 11, ] L^ V. 1). 1>. "■ \V, U. 11. •\ y. I). P. D. W. K, H. 1 ■\ Y. D. P. 0>' -i7. 6 -28. 51;. 1) 0059 -36. 2 -3,1.4 —3,1,8 4!. 8 oi):;,s —41.1 — :;3. ;;;; -j 69. 6 - 11052 -37. 7 1 27. •.' 27.8 3,5. 8 III 138 41.0 30. 7 3,1. 1 46.6 0042 40.2 27. 4 ■'7 8 56. 4 0061 35. 9 <^ a;, y 27. 3 57.4 O0114 3:,. 4 30, -j! 3,11,5 62. 01156 36. 9 19. 5 20, 1 5."). ^ 0094 29, 7 ■J 27. 9 2-^, 3 .-.5.1 i 0(15,^ 3i;, (> 34,4 34,7 4>', 9 on:; 1 42. 2 20. 9 21,4 61.2 0095 29. 4 4 29. .'> 29. ^ (i3. 4 0060 36. 1 31. 3 31.8 30. 8 00'J7 4:i, 8 2:i. II 2:',, 6 4-. 2 0067 54. 9 5 31. 6 31. 9 5,-. 3 00-1,- :',6. 3 3,6, 6 42.6 001- :',9, 21.5 22, II 611.0 0000 30. 3 6 31..-, 31..^ 5s, (S 0049 3.-^, 4 34 3 34, S 54. 4 oii;;9 :il,2 211. 1 211, 7 54, 6 00,^,- 30. 9 / 30.7 31. 61.0 0053, 32. 3 3,2, ^^ 2ii. 0022 45, 3 16.7 17. i; 42, 8 llm.' 31.5 8 31..-. 31.8 5^^. 6 0049 3.,~. 4 25. 5 25. 8 70. 4 00,-.-, :;i.4 20.7 21.0 77, 0120 25. 6 9 32, 6 32, 8 711. 4 0051 3.7. 2 23. 7 24.0 73. 0097 29. 2 19. (i 19. 9 87,1 0129 24.1 10 31.1 31.8 59. 6 00 19 3^ 2 24.6 24,, s -1.2 Olo:i ",- 'J 20. I 20. 4 77, 6 11125 24.9 11 30.0 30. 4 4,-1. .-^ 0045 3.9. 3 2:1, 6 73.4 0101 2'"^. 7 22. .,., ;J 75. 4 0110 27. 2 Noon. 3.3. 1 33.4 53. 4 0040 40.5 24. 24,6 4,-,,,^ 11060 36. 2 22, .-. ., , ,-, 1011, 0142 22. 6 11' 29.8 30. 1 62. '■^ Ii05"^ 3;,, ,, 2.-,. 9 2.:, 3 ,-,9,4 0071 34. 2 24. 3 24,5 81.5 0105 27. 9 2 29..-. 29. 7 75. 6 iiii;:'. 33, 7 23. 7 24, 5 2-^, i nil: ',9 41.0 22, 5 2.i, 1 49. 7 0060 34.1 3 32. 3 32. 6 bti. 2 0044 :',[). 6 ■^^. 6 23, 2 49, 4 i IHIO'.I 31. 3 20, 9 21.7 :i7.9 005,- 36, 5 4 31.0 31. 5 32.11 OOl'9 43.5 ■J8 2-. 4 54,8 iio.-,7 :;6. 7 19, 9 20. 7 40. 9 001 ;6 31.6 5 31.5 31.8 58. 6 0019 3^. 4 2,8 7 29, 1 52. 7 0053 ::7. 6 19. 9 20.7 40, 9 III 166 34,6 (i 34.7 35. 1 29. 4 OOJO 45, 9 2S. 5 29 42.0 01142 40. 2 22.5 2:' 2 40.4 llll5,-< 36, 5 7 3.',. 35. 3 46.8 OOiil 43, 30. 8 3,1. 1 60.7 nil,-,:; :',/. 7 24. 5 21.9 62. 2 0081 1 '■>'■! '2. 8 35. 35.4 27. 6 0018 46.3 3,,!, 4 :',:', 6 IH, s 1 II i,-,i 1 ;w. 1 :'.2. 1 :!2, 4 56. -^ ' 045 39. 4 9 33. 9 34. 3 '.'>■'>. .5 0024 44. 9 33,, 7 (H. r, 01150 3,8. 2 31.4 3I,,S 43. 8 Oii:',7 41.2 10 33.1 33. 5 37. 00 '7 43. 1 34,8 31.9 ,<.j >2 01155 37.1 3:!. 2 3:!. 5 5:1. 0040 40.6. 11 Means. -31.6 -32. 43. 0036 -41.4 —34.9 —35. 1 64. 7 004;', —39. 9 — :!5, 9 —36. 1 61. 1 oo:i- -41.1 50.58 1 0045 —39. 57 55. 63 0057 —37. 14 59.71 0079 —Xi. 4,- 4 u o 26 HYGEOMETEICAL OBSERVATIONS Day. MARCH, 1872. 17. 1§. 19. Hour. D. W. R. II, F, V, D. P. D. W. R. H. ¥. V. D. P. D. W. R. H. F. V. D. P. (|i. —31. Ti —:'.-'. U.3,0 0, Oii3,0 —41.4 -1.5. 1 —15. 7 04. 3 0.0135 —23. 3 —28. 4 —23. 8 53. 6 . 0055 —37. 1 1 31.7 3-.'. 1 42.6 , 003.0 41.6 15.1 15. 7 04.3 0135 23, 3, "27 '2 27.6 . .56. s . 00li2 'A'} 7 2 31. 9 32.3 41, s .003.5 41.9 1.5.1 1.5.7 64. 3, 0135 23 '.'> 20! 1 26. 5 59. . 0070 34^4 I! 31,7 :;-.3 32, 7 ,0029 43. 3 17.4 Is.O 61.0 0113 20.6 25. 4 25, 9 fj.> *i . 000-J 35. 7 4 2;i :") 30. 1 2:;, 6 ,0024 44.7 ]9.0 19.6 57.2 0098 29. 1 25 i'. 25. 9 00. 8 .0070 33. 1 5 •^ 78, 8 .013.0 23. 4 20. 8 21.1 70,9 0119 0"j ,< 17,8 IS. S7.0 .111.5s 20.0 11 1.-. r, 10,1 03, 8 ,0131 24. '>;, 7 24. 1 03. 8 OOsO 3L 4 19,3 19. 3 400.0 0109 19.5 N(M,n. 14,3 14. s 72, 2 , 01.57 20. 7 22, 7 22, 8 92, 0128 24.3 13.6 14.0 78. 0176 is. 5 i^ 14.1 14. (i 1 72. 4 .01.59 20. 5 21. 6 21! 8 .«4. 2 0124 24.8 15. 3, 1.1.7 , 70.3 0159 20.3 <2 13. r, 14.1 00, S .o].-,2 25. 1 25, 3 80. 7 0100 2S. 9 17.0 17.5 ' OS. 0429 24.3 :> 14.;-, 14,9 77,1 .0107 l9^5 24. 5 24,8 7-' '> 0002 :io. 1 17.3 n.S (-.7,4 ■ 042(; 24.7 4 9.0 9.7 0.7, 3 .0195 16.8 2S 7 29, 05:0 0004 35 '* IS. 5 19.0 60,. 1 0145 20.. 3 t> 10.4 10. 8 80. 'J .0-213 14.7 21. 5 25, 1 44.7 0050 30. 8 13.7 14. 5 .55. 01 ■4:5 24.9 (i l-i.7 13.4 02, .0148 21.7 30. 2 30, 7 35. 2 0033 42. 5 14.1 14.6 72.4 0459 20. 5 7 1.1. 1 15.7 (;4,3 .0135 1 20.. 3. 20,, 7 5S. 0008 34.0 14.4 15, 65.0 0443 22. 4 ,s 1.-.. 1 1 5. 7 (i4, 3, .0135 1 31.4 31,8 43, S 0038 41.1 12. 5 13. 2 62. 8 0150 21.4 ',1 l.l. 1 15. 7 04.3. .013.5 i 3.1.4 31,8 43,. 8 0038 41.1 11.6 12, 3 04.4 0161 20.2 10 If,. 1 15.7 04.3 .0135 29. 4 29, 8 50, 6 0049 3.S. 4 9. 10,1 70.9 0212 14.9 11 Means. — 1.-.. 1 — 1.1.7 01.3. 0. oi:;5 — -.,. ' .)7 2 — 27, 6 56, s 0002 —3.5. 7 —3.1.51 - 9. 1 — -9. 0, 77. 4 0248 -14.1 (13. 34 0. 0109 ws_ 7s 60, 89 0. 00S7 oi;. 84 422 —20.34 MA RCH, 1872. Day. - - - 20. 21. 22. Hciur. 1). W. K. n. V. V. D. P. 1). ^^■, R, H, F. V. D. P. D. ^y. R. H, F, \', . i D. P. 01' — 8.1 — 8, i; 78. 0. 023,1 -12.8 — 2i.(; —22, 1 59, S 0. 0090 —30.4 —30. 4 —30, 7 01.6 0055 —37. 1 1 7, (i 8, S^', 8 . 0251 11.4 21.9 22, 4 59. 2 . 0O87 3.0. 9 30. 9 3.1, 2 60.4 005'i 37, 8 2 (i. 5 (i, 9 . 0-,!08 10.1 22. 4 22. s (iO. 4 . O094 31.7 ■.■••i. 1 42.0 0036 44,6 ■A 9.7 10,1 SI). 9 .0221 13. s 2;; ■> 23, 7 .50. 6 .0077 32. 3,0.9 3.1. 4 32. 4 00-J9 43.4 4 11.4 11.9 75, 1 ,01s9 17.0 24! 4 24,9 54. 2 . 001 ;8 34.3 3,0.4 30. s ' 47.0 0043 39, 7 5 1-.'. ;> 13.5 7::1, 5 .0170 19.2 25. 9 20.5 40. 5 . 0047 39.0 30. 5 30.9 1 34.4 0032 42, 7 (; 13. ,S 14.5 61, .0137 23. 3 20. 27.1 4S. 7 ,0054 37. •'< 29.0 30. i 50. 0047 •>< 7 7 14. '.i 14.0 77,4 . 0170 19. 2 2i,. / 27.1 .57. 8 . 0005 ;;_-, 2 27. 4 27,9 46.3 0049 ',\^\ .') s 14.9 15, 4 71,2 ,0150 21.4 27. 2s. 1 15.6 .0048 3s. s 25. 8 26.1 69.9 O0S3 31, s ;i 1.-. (i 16,3 r>7, 4 ,0118 25. 9 28.1 28. 43. 6 . 0045 ■.v.). 4 25! 7 25, 9 80. 1 0095 29, 5 10 :r..H 10, 2 75. 8 , 0153 21.2 28. 29. 53. 6 . 0053 37.4 24.7 25, 72, 0090 30, 4 11 17.0 IS. 73, . 0136 23,. 3 27.0 2s. 'J 34.0 .0035 41.7 23. 8 24,6 27.8 0038 41,2 Noon. 10. --^ 17,2 74, 6 .0143 22. 3 20. 5 20. 7 79. 3, . 0091 30. 4 24.0 24,2 ' 81. s 0407 27,0 1" 10. 10,0 0,2, 8 .0126 24.7 20. 5 20.9 5S. 2 . ooiio. 34.8 24.0 24.1 '91,0 0120 25. 7 'J 10.5 17,1 61, 9 .0121 ^>f) f) 27. 3 27.7 50. 6 .0062 35. 8 24.5 24,7 1 81,3 0104 2s! 1 l(i.7 17,4 55, 6 . 0108 'J7. f) 27. 5 27.8 67, 4 .0072 33.7 25.1 25,5 61.0 0077 33.0 4 17.4 IS. 01,0 .0113 20,. 6 2/ . / 2.- . 67,0 .0070 34. 25. 3 25.6 ' 70,8 0087 31,2 5 IS, 1 is. 7 59, .0100 27.7 27.4 27, s 50, 4 .0061 35. 9 24.1 24, 7 45. (i 0059 36. 3 C, 18.7 19.5 44,0 . 0077 32. 8 2S. 7 29! 1 52, 7 . 0053 3,7. 6 23.6 24,2 i 40,6 000,2 3,5. s 7 19. r, 20.0 63,0 . 0100 27.7 27. 7 28,1 55, 7 . 0059 30. 4 2:.l. 4 21, 1 , 37, s 0052 37. 8 S ] 9. 7 2(1. 4 48, 2 . 00-0 30. 29.2 29, 5 04.0 . 0002 ;i5, 8 21. 9 22,5 1 51.0 0074 33. 3 1) 19.4 211,1 48,8 . 00s:j 31. 2 29. 4 29, 7 0,3. 6 .0061 36. 21.9 22.5 ' 51.0 0074 33. 3 10 ' 'iO. ,1 1 21.3 42,1 . 0070 34. 29. 4 29, 8 50.6 . 0049 38. 4 21.9 22.5 i 51.0 0074 3.3. 3 11 Means. -■.il.l —21,6 00,8 0. 0093 —29. 6 — 29. 8 — 30. 1 62. 8 0. 0058 —30.5 —35. 49 -21.9 —22. 5 51.0 , 0074 -33. 3 00, 50 0.0143 2:', .js 56.36 0. 0064 56.04 ' i 0007 —35, 05 AT POLARIS BAY. Day. MARCH, 1872. c 23. 24. 25. Hour. D. ^v. R. H. 1 \Y. D. r. D. W. R. H. I 1 \ V. 1 D. P. D. ' W. R. H. F. V. D. p. 1 01- 1 —21.9 21.9 21.9 21.4 —22. 5 22. 5 22. 5 21.0 51,0 51.0 51.0 54.0 0074 — :'.A 3 — •'! •' —31 7 60 6 l( On'j'j _3';i. 7 0095 39. 4 0OS3 33. 1 0066 3,5.3 0074 0074 O0S6 33.3 . 20.9 :'.:'..:■. 1 21.0 31.2 1 25.0 31.4 i;i •' 31.6, 52. S .53.0 4 .^) (i * 'J 10 11 Xddii. 11' :', 4 i tj 20.1 •20 21.7 20. S 20. 3 19.4 19.9 17.3 17.5 14.9 17.1 17.0 IS. s IS. s 19. s • )•> .) 5-,'. 6 40. 6 .55. 4 61. S 63.3 77. s SO. v; i',6. 4 74.0 77.1 61.9 62.0 6.6. 3 ;;';;^ 67.6 (II IS I Dili 15 0092 0111 0106 32.2 ' 2:!. 4 34.7 "4 3 34 47 006;; :;5. 4 00^3 , :;3. 0073 1 33.7 OMS I 31.8 0134 34. s 0097 •"! 3 ' 31.7 ^\-i.^\ 34.5 55.0 •'1 7 100 19.7 L-*. 9 19.4 19. 9 :;ii. 1 26.9 ■'7 6 24.0 21.7 19 6 •'! S ' S4 3 0137 34 7 -'0 7 31.3 ' r.1.6 19. s : ,s.-> ■' 17. 5 0149 0131 0141 167 21.7 19.6 21.0 i 17. 1 22. 8 ! 15. 7 19 5 16 1 0141 015;; 0154 22. 6 21. :i "1 1 16. H 17.1 14. 5 16. 5 . 16.4 15. 3 IS. 3 19. 3 21. s 17.4 16.1 17 4 80. 6 75.9 SO 6 01.',;; 31.3 1 0105 3s. 1 1 013S 24.4 0107 27.5 oooi; ■"! ;^ 0131 35.5 0133 3.5.3 0117 36.1 0117 "6 1 I'.l. 7 IS. 4 IS. I) 17 30.3 i;3. S IS. 8 73.3 IS. i; 59. s IS r, r,:! ■> . 0107 37. 5 19. 9 ' 30. 3 li'.l. 7 lllOO 2S. 9 j 20. 4 i 20. S 69.2 0115 0110 31;. 4 i) 111 1 U 21.9 21.7 21. s -21.4 22. 3 22. 1 22 2 —2 1 . 9 67.4 67. S (;7.6 '•- 60.2 ; 0099 "9. 1 20 H 1 31 :; : 61_ 4 0090 0084 ■I'.). 3 :;i 3 lllOl 0100 OO'.IO •is. 7 -l-l.-l 33.7 5S. 6 2S. 9 23.2 ■ 23. s 47. 6 ooi;5 :;5. 2 oo^'.i ,— ;;o. 6 —30. 1 i— 21.7 —22. 2 ! 59. 6 I) 62.99 0106 —27. 97 65.60 II U 11.15 1— 2S. 23 Day. MA. RCH, 18 72. 26. 27. 2§. Hour. D. w. R. H. ] ^. V. D. P. ; D. AV. R. H. ] •\ \. D. P. D. ^v. i;. H. 1 <". V. D. p. fli' — IH. S -nt, 3 i;.-.i 0112 -26.7 — 1.7 — 2.3 79. 7 0321 — G.5 + •-'■ ^ + 2.2,s::,3 0410 — 1.2 1 17. 'J 1 -■. 4 i;;. (i 11121 2.-,.r. 1.1 1.6 S3. 4 o;;46 4.S 0399 1.7 •J 16. r, 17.0 G.I. OKU 2:;. 6 0. 7 1.3 SO. 7 0340 5. 3 2.1 1. 4 i 79. s o;;s2 2.7 :i ];i. H, 14.:! t'Z. 7 0162 20.2 1.6 2.1 s:!, 0337 5.4 1.9 1.3 1 79.7 11378 ; 3. 9 4 1-,'. 7 i;i.3 67. 7 mill 20. 4 1. :> 2.0 s:!. o;i;;s 5.3 l.S 1.1 : 79.6 ii;j76 :;. 1 :> 11. H 1-.'. 4 69.2 0170 19.1 1 3.3 3. s S3 2 0305 , 7. 5 .) •.» l.i; SJ. 7 o;;97 1. s i; 111. .-, 11.0 7i;.o 1 IIVlllO 16.0 2; 7 3.2 S3. 8 ii:U5 6. 7 2.3 1. 7 1 S3. s ii3',i:i 1.7 1 ii. :; il. .^ 77.2 0215 14.4 3.0 3. 2 93. 0349 4.6 2. 3 1. 7 S3. 8 o;;99 ; 1.7 \ ^^ 11. i; 10.1 76.9 0212 14.9 1 2.7 2.0 90. 0361 3.9 2 5 3. 1 ^ 8S. 8 0431 1 0. 1 ! i " . i; 1). M 71.7 024;; 12.3 i 3.0 2.5 ^{\.-i 0429 — 0. :'. , 3. 4 3. : s:i. 0452 0. 9 :! .5.0 o. 7 72. :! 0:.'.'>'i 11.5 , 3.3 "2. 7 s:;. 6 0123 0.6 3. ;; •>.f^^ si;. 3 o4:;i; + 0.2 ■» 4. 'J r. 6 72.4 ; 02."):i 11.4 3.1 2.5 S3. 4 .0117 0.9 3. 3 1. 6 S2. 7 0397 — 1.8 ■ > 5. 'J :,. 9 72.1 1 0.M9 11.7 1 3.2 2.5 so s 11407 1.6 1.6 + 1.0 82.3 ii;;s5 2. 5 (i ::.. .1 i;. 1 02.') i 11.1 ; 3.0 2 3> so. 6 .0402 l.S + 0.3 + 0. 1 90. 8 o:i99 1.8 7 4.r, i" 'I 72. rt 0259 10. 7 3. 2 2. 6 s:-!. 5 ' . 0419 — 0. 7 '— 1. 2 -1.7! 83. 3 0344 4.9 H a. 9 4.6 74.4 Oj70 10. 3. 4 2. 9 si;. 4 . (iiii'j :_|- 0. 3 2. 6 3.2 ■ 78.8 o;{04 7. 5 I) 3.;i :!.7 f-'.'i. 7 o;ilb 6. 6 3. 3 2.8 Sli. 3 .0436 0.2 3.0 3.4 ! 85.9 . ii;!2:; 6,. 3 111 2. f> 15. :i 74.7 0291 S.4 1 3.5 3.0 S6. 4 .0441 + 0.4 :!.9 4.3 ^ 89.2 . o;}20 6.4 It - 2.1 — 2.7 7S. 3 : 0J96 - r^ 2 i+ 3.1 + 2,6 s6. 2 t . 0431 — 0. 2 !— 5. 1 — 5. 4 S-. 6 . 0302 '— 7. 6 1 1 Mfaus. i 73. 14 ( 220 -14.70 S4. 90 I . 0387 — 2. 56 85.08 . 0;196 — 2. O.s 28 HY G i;OM ETEIC AL OBSERVATIONS MARCH, 1872. Day. 29. 30. 31. 1 Hour. D. E. H. 1 W. D. P. 1). W. R. H. J ■', \. 1). P. D. \V. E.H. F. \. D. P. Oi" - (1.3 — G. .''i 1 92. 1 0292 — 8. (1 -10. -10, 1 .-0, (1 1 (12 IS —14.1 \- 9.7 + 0.1 - 1.9 81.7 (). o:i(i6 1 7.8 7.9 9.'). 7 ( 12'^-' .'^. 7 .-^.0 8. 5 7.-^. 02:'.:'. 12. 7 - 0. 5 55. 2 .02:15 12! 6 2 10.1 10. 1 111(1. (1 (J2G9 10.:'. 7.4 7.9 7-^, 1 0211 12.1 1.8 3.2 53. 6 .0214 14.8 ■.i ]■-'. .^ 12.8 100.(1 ' . 0234 1 :'..(> 7. :'. 7, 7 8:!. 0256 11.1 'J. .") 3. 9 52. 2 . 020 1 15. 9 , 4 i:!. 5 14.1 GO. 8 01.52 21. 1 7.0 7. 2 91.7 0'i7S 8,9 :!.r, 4.8 5:1 4 . 019S 16.3 14.0 11.. -^ r)4. 4 0122 25, :'. 7.0 7, 2 91.7 (1278 s, 9 ^J. 1) 4.3 51.4 .0196 1G.7 U 13.0 13. r. 73». 5 0170 19. 2 3.1 ;; V) 9(;,5 o:;gi :!. 9 w. \\ 4.4 GO. 6 . 0228 13. 5 7 l-l.l 14.7 G.5. G 1 014G 22. 1 - 1.4 - i!« 8(1. 7 o:!5:! 4.3 'J. 7 3.9 5S. 2 . 0223 i:j.9 8 8.9 9.7 G3. 3 i 018:'. 17. ^ + 0.3 + 0, 1 9:!. 9 0412 1.1 3.2 4.4 .57. 6 .0217 14. s 9 13.1 13.1 KlO. (1 02: ii 1:1.2 0. 2 - 0. 2 87. 7 o:is:! 2. 6 3.2 4.5 54.0 . 0204 15. 9 10 12.7 13.0 8n. 0198 l(i. 2 1.2 + 0, 8 '"■'S, 2 040:i 1.5 '■'>. 9 5. 2 52. G .0191 17.0 11 111.2 10. 2 100. 02G7 10. :'. 0. 2 -t 0.0 9:i. 8 0410 1.2 6.0 7.3 4s. 4 . 0159 20. 5 Ndiin. 10.2 10.9 (iG. 1 0179 1.^.:! 0. 2 + 0.1 97.0 ' o.;2i 0. 6 1.2 5.8 41.7 .Oils 21,9 Ih 11.4 11. G 89. 9 (I22G 13. G 9. 8 0, 1 78. ,M o:;55 4.3 5. 9 7.2 48. 6 . 01 61 20, 3 1 '^ 11.0 14.3 f^4.(l i 0184 17. G 4.0 3.2 78. 8 0410 - 1.1 4.5 55. G . 0195 16,6 11.3 ll.G . .-.-.. 4 0215 14. (i 4.1 3. 5 84.1 014(1 H- 9.4 ;; r, 4^5 64.0 . 02:J7 12,8 4 12.4 12. G 1 89. r, 0213 14.6 4.8 4.2 81.5 0457 1.2 2^2 3.1 ('>'^. 9 .0272 10.0 f, 10.3 16. 1) 81.4 OlGl 20. 1 4.1 3, G 8(1.7 (1454 + 1.1 3.6 4,7 60. 3 . 0222 14.0 (i ir..2 1:',G 70.0 OlGl 20. 2.1 1.7 .^8, (! 0122 — 0, 5 4,8 6, 2 47.6 . 0164 19.7 7 17.2 17.3 94.0 017G 18.4 2.1 1.(5 85. 7 0409 . 1.2 «i..2 8,4 54.9 . 0191 12.1 ri lli.G 10.9 ^1.1 1 0158 20. G 1.5 1.0 -5. ?, (i:'.97 1.9 4,7 5.7 62. 3 . 021s 14.4 ;» lti.3 l(i. 8 (19.2 oi:',G 2:-!. 4 1.9 + 1. 5 '^^. 5 04 IS 0.7 :!,2 4.2 64,6 . 0241 12. 3 10 1.-., 2 1.-1.4 88. UlsC 17. 1 (1.3 -1- 0.0 90. 8 o:!99 l.s 2, (I 3.2 59, (i .02:iG 12. 8 11 Mcan.s. — 13.4 —13.7 8-1.3 1 82.24 ' 1 0190 0197 —16. 9 — IH. 7.^ + 0.3 — 0. 2 81.6 (I 86.80 o:i72 0366 — 3. :s — 0.0 — 0.7 78,2 0. 0340 — 5. 3 — 3.96 61. 88 0.0219 —14. 4i Day. APRIL, 187 2. 1. 2. 3. Ilonr. D. W. E.H. I ". V. D. P. D. y\\ i;, f[. ] ^. V. D. P. D. w. E.H. F.V. D. P. Qi' - 0. .^ — 1.1 1 8(1.9 1 (i:m:! — 5. — 5.1 — 5.6 1" ■ 80. 4 0276 - 9.C —22. 5 —2:!. 5S. 0. 0082 —31.7 1 — 0. 1 0.7 81.3 0:55 1 4.G 4,5 5.0 81.0 (1286 8.8 25.(1 25. 3 71.4 . 0089 30. 9 2 + 0.2 0.4 81.4 0357 4.2 :'.. 3 3. 8 82. 2 o:!05 7.5 25. 5 25.7 80.3 . 0097 29. 3 :_! — 0. 3 — (1.3 UKI. (1427 0.4 2.1 2,-G 8:i. 0327 5.9 27.4 27. 5 S9. . 0(J97 29. 3 4 4- o.(i i 0.0 81. G ()3(;4 v. 7 1.3 1.7 86. 8 0:!55 4.2 28. 2S. 2 90.0 . 0105 2:f. 5 1.1) + 0.4 81.9 li:!72 1.5 2.0 8:!, 03:!S 5. 3 25. 25. 1 90. 9 .0113 26.7 G 1.7 1.1 82. 3 (i:587 2.4 2. 5 3.0 8:!.0 0319 6. 5 24.2 24.5 72.5 . 0095 29. 8 7 1.8 1.2 82.4 (1389 — 2, :! 7.1 7.4 87.6 0272 9. 8 2(1.5 20. 9 69. 1 .0109 27.0 H + 2. + 1.- 91.4 04:!4 + 0.1 13. 4 1 3. 5 95. 0215 14,5 19.2 19.7 63.9 .0108 27.3 9 — 3. 2 — ;!. 3 9G.5 ( i:!G( ) — 4.0 11.4 11.7 85. 3 0214 14.7 17.7 18.1 72. 9 . 01:15 2:!. 5 10 2.3 2. G 90.0 0350 4.7 10.8 11.1 85. 9 (I2'J2 13. 9 18.0 18.2 8(i. 8 . 0156 20. 9 11 3.0 3.1 9G. .') 03g:! :'. 8 10.7 11.0 H'k 022:1 13.8 1.5.0 15.1 91.0 . 0199 16.1 Noon . 1.4 1.7 90. (J 03(i7 3.6 11.4 11.9 75. 1 0189 17,0 11.2 11.4 90.0 . 0229 13.4 li' 0.7 0.9 9:i. G o:i9:! 2.1 11.8 11.7 55. 6 (1146 22, 1 12.7 13. 2 73.8 .017:! is. 8 o 0.2 0.3 9G. 9 0417 0.3 11.7 11.7 UIO. 0248 11,8 13. 6 14.0 78.0 .0176 18.5 3 0.3 0. .'> 93.7 ! 0401 1.7 12.1 11.7 70.3 Olsl IS, 2 10. 9 11.7 60.3 . 01.57 20.7 4 l.(i 1.8 93. 4 (i:!74 :!.2 11.4 11.0 71.0 01s9 17.1 14.3 14.9 65.2 . 0144 22. 3 5 2.2 2. 5 90. 03.'2 4.G 17.0 17.2 '^7. 8 0166 19.6 13.5 14.3 .55. 4 .0127 21.6 G 2.3 2.7 ."(.!. 2 0336 5.4 18,4 IS. 7 79.3 0140 22.8 20, 5 20. 7 85. . 0i:i3 23.5 7 2.3 2.7 8(-;. 2 0336 5.4 22. 9 2:* 2 7:!. 8 0103 28,3 19.5 20.1 55. 8 . 0094 29.7 8 2. 8 3. 2 ' 8(;. o:j27 G. 21.9 22 5 51.0 IIU74 :;:'.. 3 19.7 20.3 5.5. 4 .0092 30. 1 9 3.1 3, 5 1 85. 9 o:!21 G. 4 20. (i 20! 9 77.1 0120 25, 4 16.2 16.9 56.2 .0112 2(;. 8 ! 10 4.8 .'■>.2 81.8 0294 '^. 2 2,i. 5 26. 8 69. 2 0078 32. 5 is. 1 is. 6 C6.4 .0119 25. 8 11- Means. — 4.7 — W.I 80. 8 0282 — 9.0 —23. 1 —23. 4 73.6 0102 —28. 5 —20.1 —20. 5 69.5 0.0113 -2g! 6 88. (.17 0302 — 3. 9:i 79.29 i 0212 — IG. 2." 72. 91 0. 0127 —24.8:1 AT rOLAEIS BAY. APRIL, 1872, Day. -- 1. 5. 6. Hour. D. W. K.ll. 1 -'. V. D. r. 1>. W, R,H, v.y. I). 1'. I). A\'. P. H. F. V, n, p. 0'. -1^. :! -l.~. 9 .V.t. -J < 1.1 0194 —2-, —20, 1 -2il. 4 77, 6 9, 0125 —24.9 —10, — 10. 9 100,0 0270 —10,2 1 l.'i. .'. 16.;! .-.1,4 i 0197 ' ' 7 5 2 1 , 2 21 5 70, 5 9117 20. 3 1:!. 9 1:;. 7 56, 6 01:!:; 2:1, 7 >j i;i. 7 14.0 j 49. S : 0113 20, 22, 9 1 .-^2, 9 9114 26,4 1--. 6 1,^ 3 54, 1 0099 2-, 9 17.3 17. S (17.4 0120 24,7 19,2 19 6 71,4 0121 25, 4 1,-, 1- 9 42, 2 00-0 ;!2, (I 4 •JO. ■.' '-0. ■-> 100.0 1)161 20, 3 10. 16 4 75, 6 9151 21,4 14,9 1 ,-^, 01s- 17,2 .> 11. -J 11.9 0.",.;! OIIIS 19,5 12. S i;i ■J 7S. S 01>4 17,5 12.6 12 9 ,-5, 0199 10., 1 (; 1-j.r, 12.9 79.1 (ll,-~ 17, 2 12.0 12 4 79, 9 919S 16.2 12. 5 ;i 79, 1 01 — 17, 2 7 s. ■■^. 4 , ^2. 4 0240 1),-^ 9. 9 i' 7 o:!, :l 91-2 17.- S. 1 5 ,--',:! 0215 11.9 ^ f-.4 S. .'> ! 95.3 02.-0 9, :i 0. w 6 ai. 4 0212 14,,- ,-. .-' ,-, 7-.0 02.'.:! 12.7 \) 10.4 19.4 liiii. 0204 1 9. 6 ().6 / 9 ^3, 5 20(1 10, 3 0. 5 7 79. (.1255 11.2 10 11. 1 11.2 95.0 ^ 9244 12.1 5. 1 r> 9 r,s 2 0236 12, 7 5. r\ 5 SO. 5 ('2r- i| '^ 11 11.1 11.4 .< 0217 14.3 5. ;! i; 9 72. 9 02 J 7 11.,- 0.4 6 9. 79.1 02 ',7 11.0 K( 1. 11. 11.2 911.1 02; 11 l:!, 2 5. f, 4 ,-4,6 0299 -.4 7. 9 ,< :; . 024S 11.7 l" ^.0 ^.7 (i.-^.O 0-JOS 15,3 4.5 ,1 9 --5, 0299 7,9 ,-. 7 ;( :i 7' 7 0211 14. 9 'J 11. H 11. s luo. 9 0247 11,9 4.5 4 9 .-5. 9 029,1 7, 9 t^. 2 .- ,s 7:V ■> 0217 14.;! :! 1-2.7 l:i. 4 02.(1 914rt 21,7 ;i. 4 ;! ,s .-5, 6 o;;lo 6.7 7. 7 s 4 69. 2 0211 14.9 4 14.0 14.7 94.:! 92o;> 15. 7 4.0 4 (1 77,4 02s 1 9 2 7'l 7 7 74.:! 02:!! 1:!. .") 11.9 12.7 .--.<; 0145 2 J. 2 4, 1 4 7 77, :; 02-0 9.4 7. 7 7 70.3 0222 14.0 It ■J). I 211.4 77.0 0125 24,9 4,5 •_' tl.O 02-ii H, ,- 7,1 7 7 74.3 02:!:l Ki. 7 •Jll. ^ 21.;; 01.4 llO'.lli 29. 3 4.5 .■-1.0 02-6 ,-. s 7, s .- (i 64. S 019- k; ;! s I'J. « 21', 7 ;;;;. 9 0055 :io, .- 4,5 5 .> 7.) ^.^ 0259 19.,- 7 7 ,- 5 65.0 0200 10. 2 '.» i;;. 4 i;!,7 ^^4, ;; 0190 16,9 4,0 5 :; 72. 7 (I25S 11.0 ,-, () ;i .) 72, ,s 0212 14, s 10 10. 1 16. 5 7,\ 5 9159 2 1 . 5 7,4 7 s -^2, 9 ■ 025 1 11.2 f, ,- 9 4 72.6 0209 15,0 U Jlraus. -1-. 4 — 1.^.6 s,,, 4 01.52 —21,4 — 9, 1 ;i :1 90, 9 02.5(i —11.1 — 9, 1 — [) ' 72. :! 1 0200 — 15, 4 75. 99 (1 0174 — 19, 05 79. 92 0. o2;;o — 1;>. 20 7:!, 65 0249 — 16.25 Day. APRIL, 1872. 7. §. 9. Huur. D. —10.5 w. i;, 11. ] 1 L'\ v. D. P. -14. 9 ■\\'. — 5. - E. H. 76. 2 F.V. 0. (120.1 D. P. —10,7 D. ^y. R. H. ] S7.S •\v. 0275 D. P. — 9. 1', Oi> —10. 9 , ^^, 1 0212 — 6.9 1 1.1.6 12,6 'lOO.O 1 1»;;7 12, f^ 4!s 5.4 7li. 6 026- 10. 2 7.4 91. 7 0277 9,1 •2 16.7 16.9 ' >-, 9 0109 19.3 5. 1 5. 7 76. ;; 0263 10. 6. 7 7.0 S-, (.1 027- 9,4 ii l:i. .-' 14,1 S).(l OlSO 17,4 5. 9 5.7 72. :i 0252 11.5 7. ,- ,-.4 0222 13, s 4 l:!. u 13.6 i;7,4 0157 20, s 4,5 5.0 --1.0 02-6 ,-. ,- 7,4 -. 74:0 022s 13,4 5 7. .-' ,^,4 0:!,6 0209 15.0 4,4 4.9 Hl.l (.12.-.S S. 7 7.1 7. 7S, 4 0240 11, s () 0.0 IkH , 67.2 0224 13. f^ 4,2 4.S 77 "2 027,- 9. 5 6. ■} (1.9 79,1 (.I25S 10, s 7 6. s 7.4 . 74.0, 0237 12, 5 ;>, 2 :!, 9 74! 1 02,-1 9.2 6. 2 79, s 0207 19.2 rt 0. f^ 10.2 1 .-^ILH 0221 13. 9 2^4 2, 9 ^3 9 o:i2i (i. 4 4.,- 5.4 70, 6 021. S 10.1 ;i ^ ^ s. 4 j (;9. 2 0211 14.9 1.9 2, 5 79. 5 o:!17 0. ,- 4,5 T). ;i 69, 4 0247 11,9 10 7.7 >^. 'A ' 7!!. 7 9224 i:!.7 1. ■■'. 1.9 to, 1 o:i2,- 0.0 3,,- 4.4 77,6 02S4 9,0 U 0. s 7.4 ' 71.6 9237 12.5 — 0.5 1.1 '-0. 9 o;!4:i 5, 3, 4 :; [t S2, 1 0,!o:! 7.6 Ntinli. s_ 2 .^.4 1 91.2 0207 10.2 + 0. 2 0.5 90, 6 o:;99 2. :i 3.5 4.0 >2 o:!02 7. 7 1>' 0, il 7.4 7-^, 6 0249 11.6 — 2, 1 2. 7 79, 3 o;{ii 7,1 ;'. 7 4.1 S5, 4 0.a2 6. s * .) 6. i; 7.1 7~, 9 0254 11.3 6,5 6.7 91. .-= 02SS S. '2 3, 1; 4.0 S5, 5 o:!l;! 6. 9 :i "i. r> 5,9 S4,3 o2'~;! .-, 9 7,9 6. S 67. 2 0224 1;!. ,s 4,1 4.5 s5. :! (.).!95 7, ;> 4 ■^.0 >i.6 7;;, 4 0219 11.0 :!.7 4.0 .-^9. 2 o:'.25 6,1 4,5 5. Sl,(l 02S(i s. s .^) 7. il ^, 4 7S, (1 02:14 12,6 4.7 5. 1 .S4.S 0295 ,-,1 6,4 6. 7 ss, 02s:! 9.1 (; 4.7 5, 2 ' ^9, S 02S2 9.0 4,7 5, r-'9. 0:109 7,2 6, 7 7.4 70. 0220 13.5 7 5. 1 5, 7 70, 3 ii2o;i 10.6 4.;; 4,S SI, 2 (.12,- 1 f . 6 7, 5 7, 9 S2. 9 024;! 11.3 rt ;i. 7 4, 5 ' 711, 5 1 1259 10. -^ 4. I 4,5 S5, 2 o:;o5 / , ,1 7.5 7,9 S2. 9 024;! 11.3 t) ;!. 4 4,1 7:1,9 927. -^ 9,4 4.5 4,9 S5, 029- 7.9 i . ^ ,-, :> 7S. 02: !5 12. 5 10 4.7 5, 2 to, 02-2 9. 5. 2 ;">. ^- 76, 2 0201 10.7 7 7 7, 9 91.5 0274 9.6 11 Means. — 4. ',1 — 5,5 70,5 9206 —10. 4 — 6, > — 7,2 .-3. 3 026:'. -10. 5 — ,-! 3 — -, S7.0 0249 -11.2 77.77 0235 — ll.i:: SO, S-- 0. 029:'. — ,?. 39 -1.59 02(17 -19. 1-, 30 HYGlJOiMETiaOAL UJ]SEUVAT1(>N.S APRIL, 1872. ll:iv. Hour. HI 11 10 IL Miiau! - 11.7 '.». (i 10.7 U.-J 11.0 14.0 i:;. s i:!. 2 i:!.-2 i;:. > 1-2. 1 l-J. ;». .'•> .^. 1 K, 10.0 10.4 10..-, 11.:! 1 ;:.-.' 1.-.. 1.'.. r> -Ki. 1 \\'. l:!. 4 i:!.r> 10. s !». '.» lO. R. II. 11.0 s ;. 10. il SCO l-.V s.-,. l-J. -2 49.4 l-J. .^ :>Vl. 4 ITi.O 4-J. 14. s I-.', (i 14. :i 40. 4 14.7 19. 9 14.8 l:-!. 8 40. 4 47. -i 4:i. s :!7.9 4i;. li a,"). ■■> IS U 42. 2 42. 2 44. ,-,s j F. V. ' L). 1'. 022:'. 0224 0210 0127 014:i U097 0099 009,! 0044 oo:ii OO-'O DO.'.li 0111 01. u oi:io oifiO oi.-(i 0099 11121 0090 00.' i; oo;i7 0078 (1078 -l:!. 8 1:5.7 21.4 22. :> 29. 2 2~'. 9 29. 9 2:;. 9 2:!. (1 24. 2 20. (I 20. 8 25. (i 2.'.. 4 :io. .''. :{(i. 9 41.0 4:!. :> -4:!. -i -18. IS. :5 21.0 21.4 21.9 20. r, 19. 4 1 ■'>. s 14. 15.4 l:!. 1 14.2 12. 4 l:i. U l:{. 12. 7 l:!. s I.'...'. 10. s IS.:; 49. (i IS. :! 19. 2 -20.7 -IS. IS, 21. 21. 20. 19. 15. 14. 15. l:i. 14. 12. ]:!. l::. i:l. 14. 15. 17. IS. 19. ]s, 19. • -21. li. i;. H. I v.\. oi;. 72, S4, 92. 92. 100. 100. 100 91. 79. S4. 07. 02. (iG. 0.0111 —•>' so. 04 0120 0129 oi:io 0140 oi:;5 015S OlOS 020.', (i20:i 01S2 01119 0170 01S9 01-9 1. ',7 0,4s 0102 (iii;9 oii;s 0117 0129 0117 olos 010- 1). V 21.:', 2 4.2 20.0 19. 5 ir,. u 1 5. 7 17. .- 19. :5 1 9. 2 17. 1 17.0 21.7 20. 2 19. :i 19. 4 2';. 1 2-1.1 20. 1 —27. 4 21. 20. 20. ,-1 I 9 21 4 25 1 :jO 5 29 24.0 2',. U 20. :! 21.:! 24.8 22. 21.0 19. 9 22.7 20,7 21. 7 25. 1 :io. s 29. S :!o. 1 0.0109 —21.2." la. i;. II. j 79.4 I "'•" 100.0 79. :; 7:',. I s.;. :;2. 71.8 7 1.8 (is. 8 9:',. S5. 1 on (i 1!9. :i 70. :', 100. 01.4 49,7 5 1 . 5 74.5 F. \-. 0. 0102 . 0091 . 0079 . O0S7 .0091 . 0097 .0115 . 0052 . 00-1 .0107 . 0)07 . 0107 .01, IS . U14:! . 0140 . 0095 . 01 1 1 .0115 .0124 .((154 . ( 0.18 . 00 17 .0051 II. OOIW D. r. -2-. 4 :m. :j :i2. 4 :ii.l :!). 4 2 1.2 :',7.6 ?1. 09 0. 0092 7.6 2.4 29. 4 21.. S 4L1I :is. 9 :.!-. 1 -:!4.5 -:.',o. 42 APRIL, 1872. Day. IS. li. 15. Hour. Oi> 1 8 9 10 11 Miiin. 1" 10 11 I). W. R. H. F. V. — :",1.5 — :;i.5 100. 0. ons5 2S. (i 2s. 7 s,-.! ;^ . 0090 24. 1 24.4 72.6 . 0095 27.7 ]s. :; (iO. 4 .0110 12.0 i:!.:i 62. 7 . 0149 19.0 19. :; 7S. 7 .Oi:;5 20. 1 20. 2 V.i. .0150 1 19. s 19.7 :Vn.,,) r-j 67. .0097 1 — 25. 2 — 25. 60. s 0. 0076 77.61 0.01:34 D. P. -:51.G :;o. r, 29.7 •27. 1 I 21.6 2.i. 5 } 21.5 :!5. 1 20.1 19.5 19. 26. 4 1 16.:! 20. 2 20. s 19. 8 20.9 21. :5 21. 4 27.9 29. 2 -:5:5. 1 -24. 17 -28. 4 :5o. :3 :51.9 ■S.',. 5 :!2. 7 26. 7 21.0 21.4 19. 6 19.8 21.:! 19. 6 19.2 18. IS. 19.6 1. W. R. IT. F. V, _' [ . .1 19. 6 4 19.2 5 18. 20. 3 IS. 1 19. 6 20 1 19. .) 2-1. / -.>(; 7 -28. 8 5:4. 6 :30. 7 47.9 57.4 51. 8 55. 4-. 4 84.8 46. s 41.8 77.9 92.6 (>2. 9 71.4 52. 9 5S. 4 62. 9 60.4 69. :! 52. 6 20. 1 i 62.9 20.5 ! 69.5 19.8 i 5(). 6 21.7 jlOO. -25.9 , 79.1 :!:i. 21.2 21.1 20.4 20.1 21.4 20. 1 ] ;». 6 is. 7 ly. 2 20. 1 21.8 20. 7 IS. 8 0.0055 - . 0044 . 004(i . oo:',s . 0042 .005:5 . 01:iO i .0074 .0069 .0128 .0141 .0105 ! .0121 . 0095 .0102 .0105 .0091 .0111 .009-1 .0105 .0113 .0096 .0127 0. 00,-9 - J. p. D 37.1 _o^ 39.6 29 :!:). 1 2;i 40. 9 24 40. 21 :',7. 5 IS :54. 21. A\'. 62. 79 ! 0, 0091 29.7 27. 9 26.6 29. :5 i 100.0 -:5o. 6 - -34. 29' 2;i. 20 21 16 14 1 11, 14, 14, 1::, 14, 14, 12, 12, 14, 17, 17, 19, 2,4 -29. 29. 5 29. 1 21. s 21.6 19. 2 29. 6 21.:! 16.2 14.9 12.6 11.7 14. 1 14.7 11. :5 14. s 15.1 l:!. 5 1:!. 7 14. 9 17.7 laO 19.7 -24.2 E. H. 1 i 64.8 91.0 84.4 7S. 8 85. 39.1 51.6, ,' 84. 89.5 so, 9 94. 9 llOO. 64. 9 52. 51.6 72.1 7:!. 6 7:!. 49.9 V. V. 0. 00il4 . 11OS5 . 00S7 .0115 . 0121) .Oi:!6 .01:54 .0062 . 0108 .0178 .021:! .0225 . 0209 . 0214 .0162 . 01.57 .0142 .0124 .0122 .0156, .01:59 .01:56 . 008:5 0. 0093 D. P. -:!5. 4 :;i.5 :51. 1 26. 4 21.6 2:!. 4 2.1.4 IS. 3 l:!. 7 15.1 14. 9 20.-2 20.7 1 22. 5 I 24. 9 25. 2 20. 8 2:!. 2:i. :! 31.1 -29. 5 74.:i0 0.01:57' -23. 2;!| AT POLAEIS EAY. 31 Day. APRIL, 1872. 16. 17. 1§. Hour. D. A\'. K. n. F.Y. D. r. D. W. E. H. F. V. D. r. D. W. U.K. ' F. V. D. P. Oi> -■27. 1 .^7_ -2 .^9. II. 009S —■:[K -29. —29. 2 70. 0. 1:1175 1 — :i:i.2 :— 24.2 —24.7 .54,6 0070 —3 1. 1 , 29.4 29.5 ! ■^7. .> . 0(IS.'> :ii.5 ) ;!2. 5 :>:!. :! 5,-. 1 0977 :io. :i 2-. 9 29. 5 27.0 1 II 12s 4:1. 8 W •1-. 7 29. 0.\(l . 0004 ;!5. 2 ;!7. : > ' . / .5S. 1 1)1177 :!0. :'. :!(i. :i :10. 5 74.5 000s 34.5 o •2(5. 20. It'll. .0117 20.1 HI. 7 :i'* :i 5.-J. 1 1)1177 ■.W.:\ ' 29.0 29, 1 S7.9 0OS7 31.1 4 a;. 2 20. 4 79. . 01192 :iO. I i :!2. 4 32! 4 5.-. 1 1)079 :)0. :{ 29. 7 29. b .-7 . 2! 31,8 5 2:1. 7 24. 7:i.o i .0097 29. 2 20.2 20. s :39.o, 0045 :«). 4 22. 4 .).» 7 74.0 OlOil 27,0 (1 22. 4 22. ^:!. 4 .oii.-< 25. S 2:!. G 2:1.7 91.:! 1112:1 25.:; , 22.4 22. 6 s.1,4 1 * Olls 25, 8 7 21.1 21.1 liiii.O .111.54 21.:! 2:!. 1 'J.l 'J 91. .s 11120 24. r: 21.4 21.7 70, :3 0115 20, 5 s 19.2 19.:; m. 7 .015,- 20.5 19.5 19! 5 100. 0167 19.0, 1-. IS. :! 79. 7 0144 22, 4 9 10. 7 17.1 74.,-! .0144 . 22. 2 19.5 19. 9:!. 4 1)155 20. .S 1 14.9 15.4 71.2 0150 21,4 i 1" 14. i; iri.2 04. S .0141 22. 10. 10. 100 0201 16.2 1 15.2 15. S 04. 2 oi:!4 2:!, 5 ' 11 14.3 14.9 O'l. 2 . 0144 22. :s 14. :j 15. 1 5:!.s 0119 25. s 1 12.- 1:!. 4 07. 0100 20, 5 Nroii. 1,"), H I.-.. 7 7i;. :! .015.- 29.4 14..- 15. '^'■^. OL-s' 17.2 : l:!. :5 1:!. S4.4 0191 10. 8 11' 1.'.. :! 1.'.. '-:!. '^ .1)171 19.1 15.1 15.5 70. 5 0100 20. 2 l:i. 7 11. 1 77,9 0175 18.0 2 i.\ ;! ]r..7 70. :l .II15S 211.4 10.7 10.9 •-•-. 1) 0161 19. :i ' 15.5 15. S .-2, 4 0109 19. :! i ^ 1.'.. 7 10. :i o:!. 4 .0129 21.:! 19. 19. s .<.", •> 0141 22.0 15.:! 1 5. 6 .-2, .- 0171 19.1 4 15..-^ 10..^. ri7.o .OlKi 20. 2 19. 2 19. :l 9:1. 7 015rf 20.5 1:1.5 14.0 7:1,0 0105 19. 8 5 1.-.. 5 ; 10. 2 07.1 ; .0119 25. 7 2:;. :', .J;> 7 04.0 l;9.-9 :i(i. 9 17.0 17.1 94, 0178 ]s, :i (i 10.:! 10.9 Ii2. 2 .012;: ■'.'1 '-* .);; 2 ' ' : 1 s 47.0 01105 H5. 2 j 20. 7 21. 1 OS, 9 OlOS 27,4 7 19. U 19. .-. 1..'. .0111) 27.0 ■SX 9 2:1. 9 1110.0 01:12 24.0 ! -4(1..- 21.4 5:1, 4 0084 31,8 iS 19. :i 19.7 71.:! .0121) •>_'', -J 25. 7 .-11. :i III 197 211. :i ' 20. 20. 54, s 0089 :i(l, 7 i) 21). 1 211.4 77.0 .0125 24'. 9 •i4..- 25. II .-1.0 9101 2-. 5 22. 9 .>;> .) 7:!, s 010:1 28, :; 10 22.0 ^).» () 74,2 .01114 27 . ,- " "1 '"» 25 S 70.4 l)l),-5 HI. 4 l.s. s V.i. 4:1. s 0070 :!2. 9 11 —21.4 -24. s 0.2. 4 (1. ()l)-l -:!.'. 1 —2-. — 2-\ 1 -■-. 9 IIII9:! — :i(i. — 17. H — 1-. - :!:!, 0000 ;;",. Jleans. 7.-,. 11 0. 0122 -25.00 75. V.', 11.01 17 —27.47 09 02 0118 —20.7- Day. ~ -• APRIL, 1872. 1!). 20. a J. Hour. I). W. i;. H. V. Y. D. r. ]>. \V. i;. H. i F. V. D. P. 1 D. w. i;,H, ! F. \ . D. 1'. 0'> —2". 9 —21.0 4."i. s 0. 0071 — :'.4.2 —29.7 —21 . 1 0-. 9 0.1)111- —27. 4 — 7.2 — 7, .S 74.2 '0 02:11 —13. 1 1 ].-.'. 19.4 :i7 .^ I II 107 :i4, 5 22. - 2:;. 1 7:1. 9 010:5 2-. 2 : 0. 0. / .' 4 i (1219 11.7 '2 ] .-'. 1^.0 .')9. '^ 0107 .>- ^, 22. .-) 2:1. 5 :>9. 5 Ill),'i7 ':17.0 • 5.0 5. 70 4 (1201 ] 0. 5 ■i 17.0 17.7 ;').">. :i 0105 •2^'. U 19. :5 19.7 71.:! 1112(1 25. 5 :!. 9 4,0 7:; 4 (127(1 1(1. (1 4 17.0 17.^ ^1 . 2 UlOll 211. :» 1 s. ,s 19. 1 7.-. 9 i)i:i7 2:1. :> 2. 5.4 7.* 0277 9.4 5 ].\7 10. 4 ri7.2 0117 20. IS. II 1-. :i 79. 7 0144 22.4 1.7 2. 09 - 02-1 9. :i r. Ki. 2 ]::..') ■-4. ") 0192 10.7 17.0 17.9 .-II. 1 014- 2L.,-. — 2.0 — 2. 4 Sli 4 1 0:i42 5. (1 7 11.2 11.2 lliii. 9 025 1 11. 1 l:i. 4 l:i. 7 .-4.;i 0190 10.9 ;+ 0.5 it "-U SI 7 1 o:!70 3.1 8 11.0 11.0 79.4 1 .^2 1.-. l:!.2 1:!. 4 S9. 2 0204 1.5.5 '+ 1.:! + "■' S2 '2 o:!7s 2. 9 'J f. '^. 9 '^7.11 112 111 1 1.0 11.7 12.0 5:1. s 9i:!5 21. 4 — 0, 1 — 0. 5 .-7 fi u:l7s 2. 9 10 7. 7 7.9 91.4 11275 9.1; 15. 5 10.1 Go. - iii:;i 24.0 -I- 2. :i + 1-' S5 .s 04l:l 1.0 11 7. 7 7.9 91. 4 0275 9.0 .■<. 5 9. ;! G;i.7 1 00-7 17.2 0. - 0. :i 84 6 1 0:!: 1 3.4 Noon . 7. 1 , 7.:i 91.7 0277 9. 1 ,-■.0 9. 1' 77.9 11225 1:10 1..- 1.1 79 7 0.170 3. 1 1" 7.0 1 '■•'' 1(11). o:;ii5 7 . 7 10.1 10. 2 'X^. 0250 11.1 1..- 0. 9 7:1 s 0349 4.0 ■ -z 7. 7 7. 'H 95. 7 n-j.-'.l f. 9. 9 19.4 70. 0207 15.:! 1.4 (1.0 70 4 1 0:15:1 4.2 :\ 9.1 9. :i 90. 9 (I250i 11. 1 7. ,- s. 1; 04. .S 019-^ 10.:! 2.0 1.9 SO 2 039:1 — 2. 2 4 10.5 10. 7 90. 4 112:!^ 12. (>. :! 7.0 71.0 (12:12 1:1. , 5. :; 4.5 79 .S 0442 + ".' .^t 9. 9 10. 7 01.0 0170 19. :! 5. 5. S 0-. 4 (12:19 12.5 0,. rt 0. 1) Sll s 0479 2. 2 (; 9.7 10. () ^i;. 112:1:! 12. 9 5.4 O.ll 71.9 0240 12.0 , 10. :i 9.7 S7 5 0007 7! 3 7 )i.\ ■"^■0 7.^.0 02:11 12. S 0. :i 71. 7 0242 12. :i 11.4 10. 7 SO 0024 7.9 « 9. 5 9. 9 81.1 0225 i:i.o 7.9 ^'. 0.-. - 021 i;i 15. 1 ! 15. 14. ;i 87 4 0740 12. 1 9 12. 12. 5 74. .'. 01S2 17.7 5.1 7. 27. '- 1 1095 29.5 ' 15.0 14.-- S5 S ] 0757 12.2 10 10.9 17.:! 74.4 0142 V>v> 5 S. 9 9.4 77.0 0221) 1:3.9 1 19.5 19. :i 97 1022 18.8 11 Means. — 2:;.o —24.9 72.1 77.07 0091 -:!o. 2 — )-. 1 7:j. :! 02 0- —14. 2 + 1S.2 + 1H. 90 7 0900 + 17.5 0195 —17. 75 70. 49 0. 0177 —19. 2: 81, ,84 0450 — 3.7( HYGEOMETPJOAL OBSERVATIONS Day. APRIL, 1872. 22. 23. 24. Hour. 1). W. 11. H. F. V. 1 1 D. P. ' D. 1 W. 1 ];. II. 1 F. V. D. P. ]>. W. R. H. i F. y. D.P. Oi> + 17.9 + 17.7 ' 95.7 1 1 .0948 ^ + 17.2 1 + 11.7 +11.2 90.1 0. 006:! + 9.7 +12.:', + 11. s 90.3 . 008:1 + 9. 9 1 ](i. 9 1(). 7 ! 9.;. .0110-1 ; l(i. 1 ! 12.8 j 12.2 1 88.4 1 .0ils2 i 10. 1 1 11.7 11.2 90. 1 . 0505 ;i. 3 a 16. -.i li;. 1 94. S . 0.s(;2 1.5.1 14.:^ ! i:i. 8 1 90.8 .075:! , 12. -2 , 11.7 11.2 1 90. 1 .0005 9.3 :t W. 1 15.9 ' 90.5 . 0S7 15. :l 14. H i 1:!. s 90.8 .075:1 ! 12. -2 11.7 11.2 90.1 . 0605 9.3 4 i(;.i 15. s 94.8 . 0^54 11.9 ' 1:!. 9 1 1:!. 4 1 90.7 .07:59 1 11.7 , 11.7 11.2 1 90. 1 . 0665 9. :! 5 15. •> 15.0 00.4 . Os:!4 14.4 i l:l. 12.4 1 ris. f, .0092 1 10.:! 11.7 11.2 90. I . 0005 9.3 <) 1.'.. i 14.:: 1 s7,4 .0740 12. 1 1 12.4 11. s 8S. . 00, 19 . 8. 5 , li. 2 10.7 89.9 . 0051 8. 7 7 15. H ' 15. -2 1 Wl. 1 . 0795 1:1.4 : ]:\.:>, 1 12. s 90.6 .o;l-. 10.2 12.4 11.9 ! 90.:! . 00^7 10.0 8 10.4 15.7 ' S-. 1 . 0-^0 1 1:1. (! 1:!. :! l:!. ',14. :! . 0749 12.0 : 12.0 11.4 i S7. S .0527 8. 1 1) ]J.O l.i.O 1 92.5 . 075s 12. :i i i:!. 4 1:!. 1 94.:! . 075:1 12. 1 1 l:J. 1 12,5 8S.6 . 009.! 10.4 10 17.0 15. s ' 7:i. 7 . 0759 12.2 1 l:!. 8 : l:!. 5 94.4 . 0767 12.5 1 i:j.2 12.6 8S. 6 . 0099 10.5 11 U). s ' 15. s 1 ^^:). .0772 ! 12.7 1 14.:! ' 1:!. 8 1 90.8 . 075:1 12.2 l:!. 1 12. 7 92. 4 . 0727 11.3 Ncion. is. (i 17.7 1 s5. C, . OsCil 1 15.2 ' 14.5 1 H.O 1 90. s .0761 12.4 , 15.0 14.7 ; 94.6 0-11 13. s Ih 14.1 l:;. S 9-1.5 .11777 1 12. S ' 14.9 1 14.5 92. 7 . 079 1 l:i. 2 15. •> 14.6, i S9. 3 0772 12.0 ii 15.:! ! 14.7 .s;i. H .0770 1 12.7 • 15.:! 1 14.8 91. 1 .0792 l:i. 2 1 14.5 1:1.9 89.0 0745 11.9 il lii. i 15. -i ! Sli. .0772 ! 12.7 ' 15.2 ■ 14.7 91.0 . 07.^s l:i. 1 l:!. :! 12.6 so. 7 008- 10.2 4 15.0 ' 15. 1 ' 91. 1 . O-li:! 1 1:1.5 1 14.5 i 14.0 90. K .0701 12.4 12.7 12.9 I s:l.2 0576 '.>. 7 r 17.7 17. 1 ' 90. 1 .0^7 4 ' 15.4 ' 14.5 ! 14.0 90. .- .0761 12. 4 1:;. 9 1 !. 1 S5. 0094 10.3 (; 1-i. 7 ' l-J. 5 9:;. 1 .074:! 1 11.8 14.7 1 14. 1 1 -so. 1 .07.5:1 i 12. 1 l:i.o 12.4 ss. 5 0092 10.:! 7 11.1 1 10. s < 94.0 1 0074 1 :i. 7 14.1 1 l:i. 5 1 S-, 9 .07:11 ' 11.5 10.7 9. 9 i s:!. 5 0.5s;i (!. ^ 1-.'. i; ' 1.'. '.> 9J. :! . 0709 10. s i:-!. 2 ! 12. (i 1 88. . 0,19;) 1 10. 4 : 9. 1 S.5 , 86.9 0572 5. 9 ;) 11. :l ' 10.9 92.0 . OlUii; 1 9.4 l:i. 2 12. (i ss, (; . OliOLI 10.4 6.5 li. 1 ; 90.2 i 0.-,2S 4.3 10 10.0 9. 5 S9. 4 051:; ■ 9.7 l:i. 2 12. i ss. (; . 0(199 10.4 1 5.:! 4.S ; sr.4 0484 2.4 U Jleaiis. + 11.(1 + 11. I '.10. ' 1 . or.llo + 9.7 i+l:i. 2 -1-12.0 88. 6 0. 0599 + 10.4 + :!. 4 + 2.9 , Si. 4 1 88.65-i 04:!9 !+■ 0.:! 91.09i; 07H5 |-|-l;!.o:!! 90. 050 0. 07:!:! + 11.40 ( 65S + '■^. '■ APRIL, 1872. Day. - - - - - - ---- 25. 26. D. 27. \v. 1;. 11. ; ] Hour. 1 1. 1 AV. i K. 11. F. V. D.P. : " 1 " D. 1 W. R. II. i 15 V. D. P. •\ V. D. P. Oi> + 1.6 + 1.1 i K5.4 1 o::99 — i.s _ .r,. '— 5.:? ss 7 0. o::o4 — 7.5 — 9.4 —10.0 72.0 ! 0202 — 15.S 1 l.y 1+ 0.4 70. -2 o:!49 4.5 , :!. 6 ; :i. 9 S9. :j .0:!27 ] 6. ' 9. 0195 16. H 2 + 0.:! — 0.2 84. (i 1 o:!72 :!. :i ' :!. 6 1 4.0 ! s5. 5 . IK! 16 ' 6. 9 ' S 6 9.:! i 67! 7 0201 ' 16.2 :! — 0. i; 1.0 ^7.2 o:;i:8 :!. 5 2. 5 ! ;;. 1 j 7s. 9 .l':!06 7.5 ■ 7.0 7. 7 70.:! 0222 14.0 4 + 0.1 0.4 .~'l.5 o:;i;9 :i. 5 1.9 ' 2. :i ' so. 5 .0:144 1 4.9 i 6. 1 7.0 75. 0243 : 12. 1 .5 — 0.7 ' 1.0 90.0 o:ls(i •-i.s O.s •■ 1.0 1 .7.1 .0:!64 ' :!. 7 ' 4.5 5.1 76.9 027:! ' 9.9 - ' J ',,''" \ 1 o:!l0 7.1 :i. :i ! 2. 4 7.5 4 .0:!S1 ' 2.9 '» .) 1.8 8-. 6 0424 ' 0.4 4 :'■ i ''■'-' ^--^ o:j02 7. 7 1.7 , 0.8 7:1 t) .0:!46 4.7 2 2 1.6 82.7 o:!97 l.s ■')■ '■'' ; ■'■ ' I '^■"'. 7 o:;i8 6. 6 1.5 + 0.7 75 5 . o:i.56 4. 1 0. 8 + 0.2 81. s o:!0-' 3.5 ''. 4. 1 1 4. 5 K5. :; 0:105 / . .5 + 0. 5 ±0.0 84:7 .o:!76 :!. 1 + 0.4 + 0.0 87. s 0:!s7 ' 2.4 L' 4.5 1 4.9 1 85.0 0299 7.9 — 0.1 -0.7 81. :! . 0.351 4.6 - 1.0 — i.(; SO. 4 0:!:!4 ' 5.7 ' ■l-l' 1-i i""'.). T) o:il2 7.0 1.7 2.;i 79.7 .0:121 6. 5 2. I 2. 6 8:!.0 1 o:!27 ' 5.9 1? t'l i-,' 81. :{ j 0291 8. 5 2 :! 2. 8 ,w 1 ; I ) . o.!2:! 6. 2 :;. . 7 6.1 81.1 0280 ' 9. 2 — 4.5 — 4.7 92. a 0525 — 6.2 — 9. 6 —10. :i 60.7 0. 0186 —17.5 -0.5 — 7.1 74. 9 0242 —12.2 Means. 1 i ^-^'^0 0341 -=■■" S2.221 0. 0356 — 4.71 83.438 0340 — C. 38 AT rOLAiiia JiAV Day. APRIL, 1872. 28. 29. 30. Hour. D. \v. IMI. , F. V. D.D. D. W. R. II. F, V. D. P. 1 D. 1 W. R.H. F. V. D. P. 01' C.J fi. 9 79. 1 1 11257 —11.0 _ .J >t 3,. 72. 1 II 0284 - 8. 9 + 1.7 1+ 1.2 85.5 1 .0401 — 1.6 1 7.2 74.8 0240 12. 3 - 11 f) — 1.4 75. 4 1 0314 fi. 8 0.4 0.1 '90. 9 . 0401 1.7 2 7.0 7.5 1^. 5 02 18 11.7 + 1 f, + (1. 5 70.7 II32S 5. 9 0.0 0.1 84. 8 . 0.578 3.0 15 ■ t. 2 ! 84. fi (1290 8.4 ) 1 II. 1 70. 2 03211 fi. 5 0.0 0. 3 91.0 .0405 1.4 4 3.7 4.0 89. 2 0:125 0.1 4 2. 9 75. 4 o:isl 1- 3.3 0.7 0.4 91.0 . 0407 1.3 f) — 1.-^ — 1.9 9ii. 7 (I38(i 2. 5 5 4.5 79. 8 ■ 0442 1+ 0.5 11. 5 0.2 90. 9 . 0403 — 1.5 () + 0.3 + 0. -J 97.0 (1-120 — (1. s 5 'i^ 5. 84. 9 (1477 2.1 1.4 1.2 94.1 . (1435 + 0. 1 7 '.'>. 8 3. .-) 92. II (M75 + 2. (j .-' , 0. 2 85. ! (J5( !.-< 3.4 2. 5 2. 2 91.6 . (1445 0.0 y .'■..0 4.0 89. 8 49(1 2. 8 1) 7. 5 88. (i 05515 5.4 4!^ 4^5 92. 4 . 049'.l 3.1 1) fi.8 ['> > 70.2 (1451 0.9 10 8 10.4 91.8 01)51 8.8 4.5 1 4.1 89. 6 . 0478 2. 1 10 7 "J fi.-i 70. 5 (1402 1.3 10 1 9.1 87. iS Ofilfi 7 7 4.(5 1 4.3 92. 3 . 0495 2. 9 11 fi. 4 .'•.. .-) 7S. 1 (M50 1.1 10 <\ 9. w 83. 4 05hi; 0. 5 4.5 4.0 86. 9 . 0464 + 1.5 Noou. 1 7.0 (i. 2 80. 9 04-5 + 2.4 'J fi 8.4 Wi. 8 0509 5.8 3. 5 2. fi 75. (5 . 038(5 — 2. fi ]'> 4..-. 3. 7 79. 2 (1422 — (1.5 9 1 8.4 84. 0557 5 4 3.0 2. 72. 3 . 0360 4.0 'J 3.1 2. 3 7.-. II (1390 2. 2 9 ;t 9. 7 95. 8 0053 8.9 1.8 0. f^ 71.0 .0334 5. 5 ij 3.7 2 - 7.5. 8 (i;!9(l 2. 3 9 5 9.1 91. 3 (1012 7. 5 2. II 1.1 74. 1 . 0353 4.4 4 •2.9 1,9 72. 2 1 1258 4.1 10 2 9.3 81.1 1 05i;il 5.5 1..-^ 1.0 70.8 . 0362 :5. 1- 5 2.0 1.0 71.2 11339 r> '* 9 9 9. (1 8(1. 8 11551 5. 2 + 1.8 + 1.(1 70. w . 03(52 55. w 6 ■J. 4 1.5 74. 5 O.'ifil 3! 9 s 2 / . / ■^■-f. 7 : 0501 5!o 0.1 O.s 78.1 (1338 5.4 7 1.3 + 0.1 04.5 (1297 7.9 fi 0.2 9(1.2 053,1 4.4 l.s 2. 5 75. 5 0305 t . .5 8 + 0.4 0. fi 09. 4 (I3(li; / . .) 5 .", 5. 87.5 0489 2.0 2.0 3^3 74.7 . 02',ll 8.4 9 0.4 1.3 71.7 (131 15 7. (i 4 (i 4.1 87.0 04(57 1.0 3,. 2 4.11 71.0 .0207 10.2 10 1.7 2. r, 73.0 ():'>9:i 8. 3 4 I 3.8 92. 1 (14-^2 + 2. 3, 4.3 4.9 77. 1 0270 9.6 11 — •-'.0 — 2. 8 72.4 1 1 c '..-.- + -^ ■J + 1.8 .-5. s 0413 — 1.0 — 4.0 — 5.2 70. s .0271 —10.0 Means. 78. !I7 03,lis - 4. 20 84.05 i 0496 + 2. 37 82. 53 .0380 — 3. 1 Day. MAY, 187 2. 1. 2. 3. Hour. D. \V. E. H. ] F. V. D. r. D. W. R. IT. V. V. D, P. D. W. R. H. ! F. V. D. P. 0'> 5.9 fi.4 79.0 ' 0204 —10.4 - 0.1 0.9 75.8 1 0:52 1 1-6.2 + 0. 3 + 0.1 93.9 (1412 — 1.1 1 r>. 9 fi. 4 79. C, t 11204 1(1.4 + 0.9 zt 0.0 72 9 IJ33II r ^ 0.7 0.7 1(10.0 0420 0.9 2 4.7 .'). 3 70.7 11209 10.1 — 0. 5 1.0 64.8 0275 9^7 "■l. 7 -. / 100. 0382 2. 9 3 G.O 0.5 79. 5 11203 10. 5 + :• '' + 1.7 74.7 11305 ■ '. 7 1.7 1.7 '.16. 7 0388 2.4 4 4.7 5.2 80. 8 II2W2 9. 2 8 7(1.5 0300 ;; H — 0.3 — 0.3 100 0427 - 0.5 5 5. 5 0.1 75. 9 11257 11.0 4! 3 3.0 8l.O 0432 — 6. 2 + 1.5 + 1.4 97. 1 0451 + 0.9 G 4.3 4..-' 81.2 02^'J 8. 5.1 4. 3, 79. 0437 + 0. 3 3.6 3.0 IdO. (1511 3.5 7 2. 8 3.4 78. li o:-iil 7. 7 T). 7 4.9 811.2 0452 0.9 5.1 5.0 97. 5 0.)10 4.6 8 1— •J. — 2.5 83.0 1)329 5. ri 5. fi 5. 84.9 0477 2.1 0.9 6.7 95. 2 (J5(58 6 + 1.3 + 0.7 s->. 2 0378 2.9 5. 5 5.0 87. 5 04H9 2. 0, 5 6.2 92. 7 0543 4.9 10 + (). 3 + II. 1 m. {> 0412 1.0 fi. (1 5.4 .■^.5 "' 1-7 •' .5 0, .- 6.0 95. 2 0505 5.9 11 0.2 0.7 84.3 0303 3. '^ (i. 9 0.4 88] 1 1525 4.2 4, H 4.2 97.4 0493 3.7 Noon. ; + 1.0 + 0.7 91.1 0413 l!o 7. 5 7.11 88. 3, 0541 4.H 4.8 4. 5 'J2.4 0499 1 3.1 11' 0.0 0.2 93. s 0400 1.4 7.9 7 4 8-^. 5 0552 5.3 4.2 ;^. fi W4. 1 (1442 H- 0.5 11 2 y '2 + 1.0 05. 8 0:!lfi C.7 8.5 7.9 8l5!.fi 0557 5.4 3. 9 3.1 7S 7 04(.18 — 1.3 3 i!w 0.5 02. 4 0294 8.3 >. 3 7. 8 '^8. 7 05r,l 5 7 15 7 2. 9 7'"^. ■_> 0404 1.5 4 2. 9 1.7 ■fifi. 5 03:!0 5. 9 w. 4 7.9 88. 8 (1507 5. 8 3^2 2.4 78.0 0392 2.1 5 1.1 II 07. 2 Ii:'.li7 7.4 7. 5 0. 9 80. (1 0527 4,2 3.2 2.2 72. 5 0305 3.8 (i :'..2 2.0 07. 0337 .5.4 0. 3, 5. !l 9(1. 2 0522 4.1 2.1 1.3 77.0 o:5(i- 3.5 7 l.'j II. II 04. 4 1 (12; 15 ^■. 1 3 ^' 3.4 89. 2 04011 1.4 1.5 0. 8 79. 5 031)9 3.4 8 'J. + 0.9 08. :') 0320 0.2 3.2 2. 8 89. 04511 O.H 1.4 0.8 H"' 2 038(1 2.7 'J (1.3 0.5 75. 8 (133,2 5. 9 2. 2 2 f^8. 8 0433 + I'- 1 + 0.5 + 0.1 87^9 03,89 2 3 10 1.(1 + (1.1 73.1 j (133,2 5 7 2.1 i!o 8.>. / 0409 - 1.2 1.0 — 2.4 73. 2 03; 15 8 2 11 + 1.4 + (1.5 73.5 ! 03411 - '5.1 + 0. 1 + 0.0 ^7. 8 O.i-7 - 2.4 — 3.6 — 4.2 77.8 0287 — 8. 7 Jli'aiis. 70. 84 0321 — C. fiO 81.30 0455 -h 0. 72 >~i. 39 043,2 — 0.51 (> n o ;)4 IlYUlJOMl-yrUICAL oisskiivations Day. Hour. 01' 1 2 IJ 10 n s'non. II' 2 4 C 9 10 11 Means. Hour. Oh 1 2 ■5 4 <; 7 H ;i 10 11 Noon. l" o •5 4 + 1. - 1. 4.(i 1+ 6. f) 4, 9 r. 10 4 11 + J MAY, 1872. D. ;i. i; ■A. 1.2 :!.4 ;!. n :!. :i. 9 ;!. 2. --< 2.4 w. i;. H. ' F.V, 4.0 :i 5 0. H 0. 9 2. 7 2.4 2.4 2.4 2. i> 2. 1 J..-< 1..'. 0. 9 0. i; 1.9 ;i. 9 4.11 (i. 2 9.7 -10.2 f<2. 3 KI.O rt:!. ;! yiLl sii.O .-:il.4 H2. 9 79. 9 <^'2 l» H,^! 1 '^0.7 7^. 1 70. 4 72. 7 09.11 (17. s 07. 'i 09. (111. .s 0. 9:;i:! .o;uo . li;!;!(; . o:!,s;! .9112 .ii4ir) .041.') .0 127 . (1102 . ().!;)>' .0401 .(i:!.-:4 .o:;99 . IKI.'.I . 11292 . (I2.'i7 . (li.'i- .(1214 . 02;!:! .0214 . 0210 .0200 0.01^7 1). P. (1. 9 7.1 r>. 1 2. 1.:! 1.0 1.0 0. 4 l.H 77.99 0. (.)3ly 2.0 1.0 1.7 4..-, ■^.4 10.9 11.0 12.1 12. 9 14.7 15. ir,. :; -17. :! - 6. (17 H.l 0. 2. 9 2 7 (.1. ■-' 1.0 (I. ;: w. 9. : 9. ; K. H. ]•'. Y. I D. P. D. 1.(1 0.7 — 0. .- + 0.4 1.1 1.2 + O.s !— 0. :^ 0.4 0. 7 — (I o ;+o.7 : 1.1 + 0.4 . (I . (1 '2. ■■', 1.4 I 1.(1 0.0 l:i; -0.1! + "••! + 0. 4 zt "■ '-' I '-^ 1.2 1.4 !— 1.0 l-f- 0.1 ]+ 0. :! '- 0.1 (i:;. .") ti;!. ."> 79. .'. .^1.0 74. 1 1^:!. .-0. H(J. 4 90. .') 7."). '-(). 7 7."i. 2 7.^.4 79. 70.2 I."). '^ 7.'), 77.0 7."). -S M.7 7(1. 1 ^'4.7 0. Ill.-'.'i .lll^.'i . (i2(i:! . (I2.-(1 . 0.'.*.' .(i:!l.'> . o:i:i;! . (i:!:i- .ii:::i4 .01107 . OlilO .01! 11 .0:117 .(Kill .(i:l4',i .0:141 . 0:120 .0:11- . 0:127 . 0:122 . 0:100 .0:147 0. 01174 — 17. 17. 10. ' + 4.>-' 11.9 4..'. .5.1 0. 4 0. .5 0.1 0. 1! 11. 4.7 77. 7s 0. o:;is MAY, 1872. •^ :+ ^\^. 4.9 .5.1 11. y 4.2 5.4 4.7 0. 0. 11 0.7 7.1 7.1 7.9 7.1 9.1 9. 2 7. 7 0. ^■•' 0. 15 (1. 2 li. 9 11. R. H. S2. 9 77. ',1 70.7 74.(1 .S7. b4. 'S H5. 5 S.-i. 85. ,S h:!. 9 90. 7 F. V, 0.0479 .0401! D. P. 1.: D. w. .9 + 1!. . 0440 + 0, 4.2 .0413 . 0408 1.1 1.3 . 0499 + 13. 1 91. 86. ■-'5. (5 84. . 0470 . 0502 . 0522 .0.521 . 0521 .0555 . 0507 .0.521 . 05S4 . 05:115 . 05.^9 .0014 . 0549 . 0.521 . 0477 . 05(J,S . 0450 7.2 1. 15.2 4. 1 15. 9 4.0 5. H 4.0 4.2 4. 5 0.0 7. .5.1 4.0 2. 15.4 0. ■-■ 12. 1:5. 1:5. 11. 12. 11. 10. 9. 11. 1:5. 115. 11. 11. 10. 9. 9. .1 0.0412 -f 0.5 -f- G. ;5 -1.61 ; 0.0507 + ,10 + C. 5 0. 7! 0. 3 0.6 K. H. F. A5 81.3 '-"9. s;; s ■''il. 2 92. 1 92.4 ',18. 1 94. 1 90. 3 92. s;i. (1 85, 1 '"^2. 2 ^0,6 0.0121! . 0447 . 01,57 ,0 1-7 . 0502 .05:!5 . 0502 . 0564 . 00-;8 .0741 .or.94 . Oil-'O . Oilil:! .0024 . 0577 . 0531) . 0554 . 049,- . 0457 .0477 .0419 , 0531 0, 0495 D, P. — 0. i+ 0,7 1.2 2. 5 5. 4. 5 5. 10.2 11.7 13.0 10.4 9..-^ 9. :5 6. 2 4.5 3. 1.1 + 2. — 0.7 + 4.4 :+ 11.4 13, 5 13. 3 1 5. 2 11!. 5 14.7 14.9 15.2 15.1 13.7 13. 4 i:i. 1 2. ,-; 12.1 11.5 11.3 10. 5 9. 2 "r ■■'0.39 0.0501 -f- R, H. 4 :Jz + 1.7 0, 9 1.2 0.7 0, 0. 5 1.5 2. 7 2.4 4. .s .^.0 85. 1 91,3 -':l, (> 97, 2 •.)2. 9 1 9 1 ^+ ■.. 1 ■-. 1 / / , .-(I, F,V, 0, o:!:!2 . o:!59 ,o,:o4 .037 1 . 0->7 .0,!,-'0 .0420 . 0122 . 0473 .0401 . 05.57 , 0552 .0477 ,0545 . 05,-'0 .0,521 .0542 ,0517 , 0490 , 049(1 .0113 , 044^' ,0457 1,04:14 1 >, P. 1,1 0. — 0. + 1. 1. (I, 1, -H 0. ..-5 I 0. 0460 1+ 1.05 "\V. 4. 1 (1 3 0, 10, '9 13. 1 12, M 14. 6 l:!.0 14. 2 11.0 [ 1,5.0 11,7 13.0 12. --^ 1:1.0 , 12. 2 11.7 10.9 10.8 10. .-•, 9 + r>. R. H. -2. 9 90. 92. 4 90. .-;(. 3 90. (i 90,9 94.6 9il. 4 92, .-■ >'ii. 9 8-. 4 92.1 ,-'^, -:'. 9 .-';i, 93. 5 82. F. \'. 0.0444 .0479 . 0490 . 05!I0 . 0519 . 0054 .0740 .07I-' . 0772 . 0725 , 0709 . 0-07 .0-.14 . 079,^ . 07(12 . 0700 .0713 . 17- . 0091 .(1042 .0051 , 0027 .0019 0. 0400 D, 1'. + 0, 3.1 11.7 11.0 I 12. , 11.3 12.0 13.7 [ 14.4 13.4 10.0 10.7 10.9 9,- 10,3 8, .-, + i'« 0, 0050 -|- 8. (j: AT POLARIS BAY. 35 MAY, 1872. Dar. Hour. AV. I?. II. F. V. 1). r. D. W. R. IT. ; F. V, D. P. A\'. 12. E. II. F. Y. D. r. 01' + 4.:! i+ ;!.7 H4.-J 044n + 0.6 + 7. 5 -1- (;. 9 86. , ll.')'27 + 4.2 '+ r,.9 + 6.1! 8.'.. 7 0.511 1+ 3. 5 1 4. 1 :',. ■> 7(i. 1 ' o:',99 — 1.9 /. 8 7 •> SO. 2 ii:,:;:. 4..'. i . i 7.11 ■:!. s 115 |s 0. 9 6.1 •'>. *'< '^7. 7 O.j04 + :;.:; 7. 7 7 •> -•,.4 \ Il.".47 .'>. 1 7 .'. (i. 9 80. 0527 4.2 ;j 7. "J i'>. ^ 90. .'. 0.'i47 n. S. '9 s '.') SO. s 0.=)6li T). 7 8. 2 7. 1 7.'). 0172 l.s 4 7. r, (i. ti Mi. o:i-.'7 4.-' s 2 7 ■') SI. 2 ii.'.:;:i 4.6 S. 7. 1 80. ;', 05411 4.7 fi 9.7 :>. -.'i. 0.")74 6. 1 9. .'■i H.S sj.s II.Mi9 .'>. s 8.7 7. 9 s2. 2 o.-:!l 4.4 i; '".1 7. •) .-O. 4 (I.14:: 4.9 10.2 9.4 s:>. 2 0.')74 6. 9. 9 9. -7. 0595 0. 9 7 ',1 '-< '.». 2 -7. 2 ll.">9'i 6.7 9. s. 2 S2. 4 j O.'.li'.) 4.7 10. 10.0 87.0 o:il5 7.6 fS 14. :i i:!.7 !^':l. II Ii7:is 11.7 10. .-: 111. 1 Sf). 7 OlillO 7. I'> 12 2 11..'. 80. 2 O049 s. s [) l.'>. 7 l.'i. :'. '.!;!. II 0-22 14.1 111.6 '.1. 9 s.-,. 6 061 III \ 7. 1 11. f) 10. '.1 s-'. 11042 8.6 1(1 ).'.. v! 14. ^^ 9-2. 9 (l-'O-j 10. .5 10. 4 9.7 -."). .") 11.7,).') 0. 9 1 -. 2 11.1 7S. 4 0591 6.7 u 14. ;! 14.1 9i;. n 0,-00 i;i..5 10.2 9. 6 S7.4 0601 7.2 1",'. '.\ 11.4 S2. 4 0020 7.9 Xijon. I.J.O 14.4 >9. 2 11704 12.4 9. ;> S. M 7S. 2 ll.',19 4.11 11.5 10.7 8:1. 9 0012 7.6 11' l.').(i 11..'. '-(1. (J n;o;i HI. s 10. 9. 2 s:;. i ll.'.O- r>. iS 12. 1 11.0 7s. :', 05SS 6.6 2 I."., 7 1.-,. II '-7. 7 11770 12. s 9. s. ."i s2. 7 ■ 0.'i4s r.. 1 1 'I. 1 11. '.1 sl.f. or.52 S.9 :5 1.".. 1 14.0 Sll. -J llolU 111.2 9. •'> '-. 7 s ■-* s o:..'.:; 5 'A 12. 1 11.4 so. 2 o,;40 S, / 4 14.11 i:i. 1 s,;. :; Oiis.; 10. 9. 1 s. 1 7-.0 o.-,i:i ;{. 7 l:'.. 11 12. ;i so. 0078 9. 9 ):!.ii rj.:i so. 1107^ 9. 9 i ,-' s S. S2. 2 o.'io;', 4.:'. 12. :i 11.4 82.4 OOJO 7.9 li 1-2.1 11.4 S-i. -J Oii4(i s. 7 7.0 7'.l.8 0.-,12 :>. 6 12. 11.0 Sll. 2 0599 7.0 7 11.2 10. (i >7. 9 ii('.:i:-; s.:3 s. 1 7 2 7'9.6 n:,oi 0.1 10. r> s.i. 4 05^0 6.5 ,^ ;i.7 ;i. 1 0.').-9 6.0 7. s 7.11 .-•1.6 O.'iOli 0.4 10. :: 9. 7 S7 . . > OiiOO 7.0 ;i [>.-i f-'. (i si;. 9 0,'.7.'> 6. 1 7.1 6.7 S"). / o.'.li 0. 6 9. 2 S. 1 7.-., 9 1150 2 0. 2 10 ■.1.1 ,--.4 84. G 1 o,').',7 .'.. 4 7.4 6.7 s.i. 7 o.'.ll 0. 6 S. 9 s. 1 s2. :i O.iOl. 4.6 11 + - 1 + 7. .-, 8B. 4 1 80.71 im:!1 + 4.9 i-f- 7.9 1 ,+ 7. 2 84.0 1 (I 0.'.21 + 4. 1 + ■". ■' H- 7.0 79. S , SO. ■:::, 0..12 o.'.si + :.!.6. Mrans s:',. .f,7 ■ O.jlO + 4.9.' '+ 6.20 D:iy. Hour. Oi> 1 !+ ^.:i -f T--i 9 10 11 ll> 6 7 8 ;i 10 11 1 II. 1 10. n.;3 12.7 13. 5 14.5 14.6 15,7 15. 9 10.7 16.0 16. 9 17.2 17.0 17. 2 17. 2 15. 5 15 li 15. 5 15. 6 14.0 + 14. 1 9.1 9. S 111.3 11.4 12. 3 13.4 10. 6 14. s 14.8 15. 5 15. 2 15. « 10.5 10.3 16.6 Hi. 2 14. 5 11. s 14. S 14. 9 13. 5 + 13.3 9S. Ii. IT. 77.4 79,9 7s, S s;;. 1 79,7 74, s 77.4 79. s SI. 7 S4. 1 SO. 8 7',l, 6 79.3 79,7 S9. 9 S.! 2 S7. (i S7 7 85. 2 85! 1 MA.Y, 1872. li. 1>. F. V. 040-2 0517 0542 U5sii D. P. 3. '.I 4.9 D. W. 0.577 6. -2 0.558 6. 5 0020 / . / 0070 9.6 II7S-5 10.0 0740 11.8 0721 11. -2 1170,7 11.8 0721 11.2 075'.) 1-2. 2 08:'>7 14.5 0828 14.3 0S51 14.8 0788 13. 2 0722 11.3 0757 1-2. 2 0706 12.6, 0771 12.7 070S 10.7 +14. 15. 14. 15. Hi. IS. IS. IS. 19. 21. 20. 21. 21. 21. 20. 20. 20. 19. 19. IS. 17. 10. 16. (17111 +10.5 1 + 1 ! + 14. 15. 10. 15. 15. 17. 17. 17. 18. 211. 19. 20. 20. 20. 2 I. 19. 19. IS. 18 17. 17. 15. 15. 1 + 1.5. i;. H. sj. 2 .-9. 4 S7.II S4. 2 Sii. 4 ss! 6 sii. 9 S7.6 s;i. 9 85. 1 91.2 ss. 1 911.9 90.9 sii. 1 S4.2 Sii. 9 S5 2 si.i; S4.5 S5. 9 F. y. .0701 .0791 . 0720 . 075:; . (1-04 , 0843 , 088! i .lis: 14 . (192S . 0955 .0947 . KK'.s .1010 . 1000 . 0990 . 11999 . 0984 .0916 .0-71 . ii-r,4 .0804 .077:! . 07li5 .11704 D. P. ,+1'J- 13. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 15. 10. 17. 17. I'.l. IS. IS. IS. IS. I IS. 10. 15. 15. 14. 12. 12. + 12. + 1.5. 14. 16. 17. IS, 19. 19. 20. 21 4 21 r O". 9 .... 4 •>■. 4 22 5 w. + 14. 14. 15, 16. 17. IS. 19. 19. 20. 20. 21. 22. 21. 21, 20, 20, 19, 22. 1 21.9 21. 2'). 211. 19. 19. IS. + 17, M.% ■2.49 0. (109S +10. 12 . 02 0.0^78 :+ir R. H. F.\. D. P. ■<' <. 0. 0757 +12,2 si). 1 1)7.57 12, 2 si. 1 117:!; 11,6. SS. 4 1 HOI 1 14.8 S2. 6 ll-:46 '14.7 S4.2 Iis7ii 15.5 SO. 2 o:i25 10.7 s',1, 5 II9S7 IS, 1 SO, 9 (i;i9s IS, 4 S!i, 9 Kill,! IS, 5 79, 3 0975 17,9 96,0 12(14 22, 5 90, 3 10<1 20. 1 94. 7 ir,i2 22. :i 94. (i 1181 22, 91.7 1211'.) 22. 97. ;'. 1200 2:i. 6 ss. ;) lOSl 20. 1 S4.4 09;i5 1^3 SO, 7 (i9s:! IS. 1 92 5 1009 IS. 6 90, 8 0979 17.9 -'9. 1 (l',104 17.0 8S. 7 lis; 15 + 15. S SS. 70 09SS + 17.91 ;;g DYOKOMiynilCAL OUSEKA ATiO^S Day. Hour. "\V. IC. E. H. F. Y, MAY, 1872. 17. P. P. R. IT. F. y. n. p. IW. K. IT. F.V. D. P. Oil +1H. + 17.4 9(1. 2 0.1)8-7 + l.-,.7 + 18. 2 +16.9 78.9 0. 0781 + 13. + 10. 7 + 15.5 79, 6 0. 07:!7 . 0757 + 11.8 12.5 1 IH. 3 17.7 90. 3 . 0900 16.1 18. 4 17.5 85. 5 . 0857 15. 17. 2 3 i IH. 7 IM 8 18.2 18. 2 92. 90.4 . (193,4 . 0923 17.0 16. 6 19.2 19.0 IS. 2 18.8 84. 2 87. .OS70 . 0933, 15. 5 17.0 18. (1 18.7 10.9 17. s 82, 1 85, (; . OS70 i:i. 7 15. :; I ' IS ,-, 17. 9 90.3 . 0909 10. 3 IS. .-. 17.8 8-^. 7 .0895 , 15. 8 IS. 6 17.8 S7, 1 l:i. f, 20 -2 19. 2 84.8 . (192:-; 10.0 19.7 19.1 90. 8 . 096.) 17.'; 20.0 19,7 8'i, ,. 17. :i (i 20 ;j 19. 1 -1.9 . 1189.'. If,. 9 19. 3, 18. 3, 84. 3, .ossi 15.7 22. 4 85. . 1072 20. 7 20 :! 19. 2 8;i. 4 .0912 10. 3, 2(1. 9 19.8 S3. 7 . 0940 17.1 22. 4 21.2 s;!. 1 18. 3 8 '1 21.4 21 3 20. 211. 2 79.6 .s;'.. 9 .0915 . (I9li() k;. 4 17..'. 22. 3. 21.9 20. 9 20.7 80. 3. 82. 9 . 0900 . 0973 1 17.5 17.7 22. 9 22. :i 22, 80,:'. 87, .1175 2(t. 1 20. 111 11 2;!. 3 2:'.. 3 22. 1 83.0 SI. 9 . I04.'i . ioi;2 19. 3, 19.7 '>-' s 21.2 2 1 . 8 2(1. 5 80. 1 ,-9 8 . 1053 , 1022 1 9. 5 is. 9 22. 22, 9 21. 8(;, .ii:;5 , 1042 21.1 19. 3 23. 22. 80.2 . 1063 19. 7 20. 9 20. 1 88. 1 . 0990 18.1 22. 8 22. 88. 9 20. 2 l'> 23 7 ').^ H i-JT ,y . 1118 20. 8 20.5 1 19. 3, 8J. . 0905 10.1 23. 21,9 8 1,9 . 1015 19. 4 o 23 8 23. 6 79. 4 . 1300 24.2 20. 4 19. 1 SO. 5 .0884 15. 7 22. 2 20,7 78, ,-1 . 0942 10.9 ., 23. 4 23. 4 KHI .1311 20. 3 19.0 so. 4 . 0879 15.0 22. 8 21,5 82, ' .1002 18.5 4 22. 9 22, 87,0 , 107.'> 1 20. 20.3 1 19. 80. 4 . (IS79 , 15. 22. I 20, (i 7-, / 11;. 7 5 22. 4 21.2 83. 1 (199s IS. 3 2(1.4 19.2 81.9 . 0900 10,0 21.5 20, 7S. 1 .0907 10,1 (i 21.8 20, ."> 81., 5 . 09.'.2 17.2 19.4 18.6 S7. 5 , 0919 10. (; 21.4 20, 2 S2, .094s 17.2 7 21..'> "0, 5 Sfi, 5 (980 IS. 1 IS. 9 is. 1 87. 3 . 0S95 15. 9 20. 5 19,0 77, , 0855 14. 9 fi 21.1 20. 83,. 8 ()9r)() 17.3 19.0 17.0 09. 2 .0710 14.0 19. 2 17,9 79, . 08-JS 14.2 9 19. 6 18.8 87.6 , ( 192s 10.9 17.4 10. 3 81.7 . 0781 13., 19.0 17,7 79, 5 . 0819 1:!. 9 10 211 8 19. 9 80. . (1908 17.7 17.1 l(i. 81 5 , 0709 12, 19. 17,7 79, :i .0-19 13.9 11 + 17.7 +17. 88.4 0. 08.'>8 ' + 1.5.0 + 17. + 15. 8 79.7 0.07.59 0. 0890 + 12. 2 i+15. 91. + 19.0 + 17,:, 7(;, 4 0.0788 +i:!.o Means. 80.30 0.0991 '+21.19 K) 46 82.08 0. 09:!:! + 10.07 MAY, 1872 Day. Hour. 0'' 1 2 3 4 * 8 9 10 11 Noon. 25. 1" 27. 2 2 20.8 :>, 20.9 4 20. 7 5 20.7 6 2(;. 5 7 25. 9 s 25. 3 9 24. 3 10 2:'.. 1 11 +2:1 9 Mean,s. AT rOLAKIS ];av. ,) ( Day. 22. MAY 1872. 23. 2 3. Hour. I D. W. +21). 7 L'll. ■,' •Jll. -1 •2S. 4 •ill. i; +-^' •2C\ ■.i 7 ■-';». 4 ri 'JH. 5 -/ . o i(;. 4 ii). s •i7.4 +i(1.3 Jh'un.' Day. Huur. D. R, II. 7S, 1 Si, 1 711. 9 79. 4 .-.->. 4 S3. .^ S4.0 S(l. 7 90. i si;. 3 SI. 3 sii. 1 F. y . i:!00 . 1 i4i . Vi47 . Iil4 .1314 .1174 . li.".(i . r'.sii , l-iHi . 1414 . 1477 . I4:.(i . l.Vid .1404 . 1 3.-.7 , 133S . i:!oo I), r. +-i~. iii. +is i+i5. i4. ill. i(i, •^s ii;. (■|7. (i . 113i ■i.-.. 7 . 14.-0 77. G .lij:i iii. (1 7(;.9 . 1174 •i.-.. 1 7 "J. .") .11-r, i.".. 4 7i. 9 . 1 19i 'K} 7 71.5 0. Hi:; +24. .5 79.74 0. 1301 +i5. 7i ii; +ii; W. ' E. H. 0" 1 (i 7 S 9 lU 11 Noon. 1>' i; 7 s 9 10 11 +i7.i +ir,, 'ii;. ic. ill. is. 2 is. 5 30; 3 31. S 30. i iH. 7 is. 9 is. 9 is. 9 'i7.4 i7. S i7. (i 'iii. (i 25.9 +^i4. ill. s •i7 . •i •i7! 3 iii. .J •i7.0 •i7.4 ill. 4 30. 29. 5 'is. i7. s •27.7 •is. i(i..'5 •iii 7 2(i. 7 Mi S sll. 3 sll. 4 S.I. W S9, 4 S4.9 sr.. 1 S.'>. 7 s.->. 9 S7. "i no. i si.O Hi. 3 91.9 S7. 3 SO. i Sll. fi SI). 3 S7.0 Sll. 4 F. ■\'. 9 +■>: 90. I). liilU . l-iDIi . 1:137 . i:i49 . i:S(i9 . i:!49 . i:ii9 . l::7s . Iili7 . i:;7i . 13(53 . 1.119 .14.-.-. . 1:1.- (I . 1449 . i:;s9 . i:'.s(; .M-i.i . 13:il . i:!io . i:i4:! . liS3 .1-241 0. ii(;9 0. i:!io 1 D. P. +'i4.2 24.2 24. 8 21. 1 •il.4 il. 1 .) 1 - il. / •i.l. 1 ii.i i4.7 il. 4 •i7. s i(i. s is. 3 il s il. 5 i(). 3 il.7 24.6 •il. ii.o 23. 1 +il. s +•21. 10 D. +•22 24 27.3 I MI. (il. 7(i. SI. F. V. 1 1. V. IMI. F. V iii 1 s:;. i iii 7s. S 2(i ■■'. S4.1 i(- 5 S4. (i '27 :-! H7.i •27 SI. 1) 2(i 1 S4. 4 2(i 3 si. (i (I. Klli 4-i4. . llsl I 'i4, . liOG . l'2:;ii iii. 1 5 I ii.i ! SI. 21, il. i4. 9 il. 4 4 'i'i. - 1 o;; ; 1 i(i. : 9 i(i. :' i; +i5. 1 (I 9 ?!). i -i. 4 SI. S9. 90. 90. Hi. 91. .1191 . ri73 . lisl . i:!17 .l:i7i .liiil . 1-2S4 . 1177 . 1207 . 1120 .ll:i7 . 114S .lis:! .11111 .1194 . l:!:!l . i:!:;ii . 13:1(1 . l:ii4 •22. 4 2:1. ii. 3 J.' / i4 (t il 3 24 7 •>■; r^ 24 il s io. 7 il.o iO. 4 ■ii. 1 ii. 3 •i4.7 il. il. •il. 1 :'(!. 211. 211. 1 + 21.7 2-1.7 il. II il. 3 i ! . 9 il.7 il. H 2(1.9 ■-'S, :! ill. 0. 131S +i4.5 +-i7 S).4ll 0. li:!7 +i:i. 31 MAY, 1872. 26. si. (. Sll. 4 Si). 7 >:;. 9 s7. 3 H;. 7 so! 4 SI). 1 SI. 4 51. I 52. 9 S2. 1) s;. :i SI. 4 Hi. 1 s,'. s 9LS s:i. 4 --. 3 s;i. 4 9(1.(1 91. i; si;, hi 0. ii:i(; . imii . Ills . 1171! . llsll . lili . 127 7 . liilll . l:!S(i . i:!i(3 . l:!34 . i:i:;ii . i::sii . 144(1 . 14111 . 141S . 11 IS . I:;il2 . i:i(i2 . 1374 . i:!93 0. l:!14 ]l. p. +23. 2(1. S 21.9 22. 11 24.4 2-1. S •24.7 21. S 27. 0. 13:)0 +'24.01 27. ^^^ K. H. F. \ 21. •24. '24. '24. 211. 29. is. 2s. '2(1. 2(1. 21). 24. 24. +23. I 2S, 2S '2S. 1 6 4 27. () I 21. 4 +'22. S7. 9 S2. 4 s:i. 4 S4.9 79. S(l. 52, sl.l 53, ei 54, s 90,0 90, H 90,7 91. .''. 93. 91. S SO. .1 S7.4 S7. 4 Sll. 3 9(1. 5 0.1 . 1 .1 ,1 , 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 , 1 . 1 . 1 .1 ,1 . 1 , 1 , 1 ,1 , 1 0. 1 ■iii 140 MS 14S ls7 1S2 171 104 2 IS ■224 311 31(1 ;iii) 1 1 ;: ; 4:i7 i:;ii 4011 i:io iis ^35 D. P. -23. 21. 20. 21 4 22 2 •}■> 1 21 s 21 7 1112 1311 s:i. 47 0. P2H1 21 9 27 •2 s 2(1 4 '^;; 3 i:! 1 i3 1 21 Q 21 6 +21 2 +23 01 '-■-'_'. / •22. 4 22.1 2 -'. 3 22. 4 22. Ii h'. 2 2.!. II 21. •21. 4 21!. 9 2.~>. ^ 24.1 24.5 24. :i ^Y. 21. 21. id. ill.- 21. 21. 21. 2:;. 8 +22. 1 21. 21. il. :+2i. R.II. 91.1 9(1. :( S4.4 SI. 7 Sll. :; si.ii Sll. 2 .~7.0 91.1 94.7 s:i. 7 S2. 9 s(i. 8 li:l. 4 SI. S4.S Ml. 1 s;. 4 S-. 7 F. V. D. P. (I, 1149 , Kisl , 1000 . 0972 , 09(10 . 1015 , 1019 . 1(122 . 1039 . lOil:! . 1172 . 124S .1214 . 11114 . 1091! . 1 1 41 . 1-244 . 1039 . 1(I2S . 1007 . U).i5 . 1047 . 1014 0,1049 ■+21,4 20, 1 IS, 4 17. S 17.5 IS. 7 19.7 IS. 9 19.2 19.7 21. s ■JO. 3 21.3 ■-2. >i 19,2 19. 19, 9 19, 2 111, 4 19, +19, ■9 0. 10-2 +20,05 ;;r 1 1 VG KOII ETRIO AL OBSERVATIOXS Dmv. MAY, 1872. 2«. 29. 30. Hour. 1 I). W. ■J 1 . 'M. 7 W. 7 21. -i 21.0 K.II. F. V. H-i. r. H:i. U /■~. '^ 7S.8 TC. 4 10 n XiH.n. 11' 111 11 Meaiii 2:!. 4 2."i. 1 2li. y 2li. :! 21;. 4 2(;. 7 27.0 2li. 4 26. 'J 2(;. r. 24. « 21.1 22, 7 22. 21.4 22. 1 H2. 2:;. H 2.'>. 2 21. !S 2,'i. 8 2.'.. 2.'). () 2r>. 1 2;i. 2 22. 1 21. H 211.;'. 10. 8 211.4 +20.0 70..". 70. i; 70. 5 HI I. ;i HI I, 2 H2. H-,. 4 H2. 7 --4.2 H2. H 7 0. :! 7.-1.8 78. G 72. 1 7 4.2 11.11 HMO OOH.-^ 1)042 11042 (I!Ih7 iio;;ii lo:;;i 1078 lll-'O 11.7.1 11.".:; 114.^ 1201 1 2:. I 1 1h:! 1211 IIKI ID.V, OO.'iO lOfil 1 180.'. 0001 11^.',:; 0868 D. r. +18. 6 IH. 1 10.0 Hi. IH. 1 10.8 10.1 20.0 211. 2 21.0 21.4 21.;; 2.'. 4 2;;. 4 22. 1 2:;. II 2 1. 2 10. 2'i. 7 10.8 If). : 1-'. •') 2-:. 1; 0. HUi; +211.112 Hour. 01' 1 MAY, 1872. 31. I). L20.(; 21.7 20.4 20. 4 21.2 211. 8 211.7 21..''. 22. 7 ■> i ... 24, (i 20. 1 2:".. r, 24.0 24. ;', A\", R, jr. + 1H. . fi;!. ;^ 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 2I». 211. 21. 21. 22. 2). 24. HI. HI I. 70. 81.-- 72. 1 Hi.-; 7;i. ^ h;i. ; 22. 1 -20.0 21. 20. + 10. u 70. 1 I.) .-.">. -* w* 2 •> Hl.O s HI). 2 8 70. 5 (1 H;i. r, 1) 7 / . 7 4 Hl.O 4 7.".. 70. F. \", 11004 1)017 (l'JI)ll l)-H4 11-7 1 iiHi;;) i)0:;i oo;'.7 l)-'40 iii;;ii ll'IDH io;;o 10l)."> 1047 l.'DO ii;!7 lOHl 104H 110:1.". 10:;:) 0042 0907 OJOO ll-','.H 7H. 72 I D. r + 15. 10.:; 10.1) 1 ;'.. 7 1.-.. ;', i."".. 2 10. 10. ;) 17. ]:i. 1 10. .". 10, 2 1 H. ,'. 10, 1 22, 4 21), 1 20, 1 10.:; IH, :; 10. 2 17.1 IH. :; 10.0 + 1.-). 1). R. 71. +21). 21. 2:i! 21. + 10 21) 21) 21.4 20. 1 ro. H .7 I 01.8 . H2, 2 ,;; I 77,4 , ■ 0:;. 4 , I) : ; 0, I) . H 7H. .1 . ;'. 77. 7 V. V. '■ D. P. ! i)H):i +14.0 21. 211. 20. 2.""i. 2."). 24. 2:i. +2 2.i. 1 24.0 2:1! 1 22. 4 22. I) 21.0 21.2 20. H +20. ;i Ki. 81). Hl.O 84. H4 H H2. HI), -1). 7-. 1 74.0 7:.. 7 74..-, I).- 01 1)700 11)2- 0:100 1 2r,2 12.-,4 11)70 1000 111:; 1 1 ;-,:; 1210 1200 1170 121)7 llHl 1 120 10-H |l)2.'; 1010 0072 1)017 i)-;)r. 1 .-.. IH. i) 10.0 IH. ;; 2 ;. 4 r.i. 20. ;; 211. ;; 21.4 22.7 2:i, f) 21,0 I 21:0' 20.2 10 4 l.'i.8 1101)2 +17. Hi O-'H.; 1+1;-,. 0. 1011:1 ^+10.07: JUNE, 1872. 1. W. E. IT. +19. 3 20. 7 22. 1 22. 8 2:1. 4 24.4 24.7 9 10 11 Niion. 11' 8 10 u 24.2 2r.. 2 24. 9 20,. ;j 2.".. 25. 2 ,+■^0.2 + 18.0 19. 2 20. .") 21.4 22. 2:;. 1 24^2 24.0 2:3. 24^4 2.'. 24.9 21.9 2;;. 1 24. 1 2:>. H 2:3! H 70. li 77. 8 77. ;5 80. 80. 9 H2. 9 Hi. 7 HI. 1 H4.8 H2. 1 8:;. ;; 84. 7 H7. H9. 9 HO. 'J 8."). 4 84.4 +24.8 H2. 0, 1120 j+20. 7 0. i;i:;9 I+24. 00 A'J' rOLAlil« i;AV, JUNE, 1872. Day. Hour. :ii. {'■ ■M. 9 10 11 No (i7, .".i:. Oil. (il. 71. (i7 l,~ 74 :54. +;;4 , 144S l.">~7 l.'):!J 1(;;k . 16.".(i . i(v.':i Killi l.lilO l.VJl 14. IS 1 ;!;).'. , 14.'.', 14.-)7 , Kill! , IIUJ , 14ii.'') 14711 . WU . Ki'Jll i::4i» 1-J4."i .1:1. ill , i4i;i Ki:!) W. K. 11. ! r. V. •211,7 I'.l.t) :iu. .^ lid. (1 2-. 4 111. (I •2-1. 1 ■-■7.4 +:i7. 2 +114. () 111). 4 j 1) 155'i H.'>. 1) 111.1) (17. 1 : 14'I7 H7 . v; ; ; , ; _", (11.1) : ■ MliSI lis. 5 111.7 11.',. 1 1517 lil). 1! ii.'i. 'J (ill. (1 15-J,1 lilt, s 1111. 1.1 (Hi. 1 lilJl 41). () 11.'). I) (10. 1! llD.l 4(1.(1 ll.'i. .s (ij. 7 15511 4(1.7 1)1). s (i.'). '.) l(i54 41). s lil). 7 (11.1! 11141! 41. 1 li(i. s (!■-'. 7 11 1-2 5 411. 1) li.l. y .",!). 1 15-211 41.1) lil). .') (il).;) 1.575 4J.() liii. 4 (H, (1 1IH;1 4>. lid. y .")7 (1 15-.'!l 40.7 1!.-,. 4 .-,:l.() lll-:i lit), (i 11.',. II 14 11! ■ ]'.K s 11."). 1) (!.',. -i KiUO 111). 11.',. 1 111.(1 151111 4.1.1) 117. 1 .', 1 . - 1 1 17 111). 111.(1 sil. v! 17(11) 11.'). .') (li. 5 1.5:14 lili. 7 75.4 Kild +li'J. (1 +111.7 111.1 1457 L). 1'. D. H-IW. s W. 1;. 11. -1-..'. ( ■Jli. T ■'l •>~ 5 MS 'j;' / ll.s ■J 'J 4 lis :->o M 411 'j'.t s 115 -> nil I'll) )i'J 1 II 111) 41) no (i 111) 111) rt lis nil 7 11.^ 11(1 1) Ill) .>s f, 40 ■J- (1 42 lill .^ 11- '>'.> 7 111) '>.' .- 11- HI (1 117 nil s lili ■J,i 7 11(1 +■.'11 5 +n,i n.'. 11-2. ;) nii, s 1!4.5 n5. (1 ni.i) nil. (1 nil. .'5 I i!4.n ni.s lili! 4 111. 1 :+n2:'i (17. 1 112. S (14. 5 nil. II 511. I .55. 5 5-2 S 54. n (15. 1 44.4 lis. (i 711. 1)7. 1! .51). (1 (15. 4 y. V. , u. p. +?.: (10. .n 51). s 11. .4 5(i. 5 . (17.7 0. 1.15(1 11142 11102 15SI) )5S.1 155s 11147 14211 12110 11151 iin- lll'JO I n2s 12110 in2i 1(1114 1 1S8 15S2 17.5(1 1515 11100 1424 +■>. ■' 2-. 4 ■ill (1 20. n no. 7 25. 3 27.4 2^ 5 20. 7 2-. (1 ■27.4 20. 7 112. •21). 4 110. lili. 1 "il •> (I. 12(iii 211. (I +2.5. s 0. 1505 +20. 10' .50.95 I). 154S +30.10 (10. 1() II. 11 22 +2S.-1 Day. JUNE, 1872. 7. Hum-. K. II. F. V. D. P D. W. li. 11. F. \-. L). P. R. H. F. A5 D. P. 0>' 1 10 u s 9 111 11 Muaii +37. 3H. 7 no.'o 40.7 41.7 411. 7 44. S 44.7 411. 5 43. (i 44.1 40. 1 40.3 41.0 41.7 411. II 411.7 lis. li lis, 9 111). 40.5 lili. 9 +1111.3 +1111.4 112. (i nil. 7 1111.0 311. H 11(1.3 40.2 nil. s ns 1 -.^r^. 7 119.0 3(5. 5 nil. 7 111), 9 117. 9 nil. I) nil. 5 117.0 + 34. S 59. a 6II..S i .57. (1 : (11. 1! (15. 9 54.5 j 50. 4 (i3. (1 (11.2 ) 5(1.4 : 1)0.2 59. 1 0. P149 :+-27. 1 (>-. (il. (19. 7(1. ll.s , 1319 mild Kills 1(172 , 1442 . 1410 ISO 7 IS IS 1507 1711 1717 11102 1710 11150 1702 is 12 17ds 1777 1S511 1-2S ISll I n2. 2 182 1 1+112.3 1 ■27. 4 no. s H2. •>'J. 7 no. 9 34.2 34. I 112. 1 3.1.0 11:1 2 112.0 32. 11:1. 1 ni.o 112. 1 112. nil. 1 n:i. 113. 2 3:i. 39. 11(1. 1+35. 34. 3(1. lid. 34. 40. 110. 44. 411. 44. 4 2, 411. 41, 41. 41. IS. 9 41. 40. +11(1. SI. 40. 41. 39. no. (11, (il. (15. 6d. 119. 3d. 3(1. -34. ■"' 70.9 74.3 78.1 '> 7d. 9 4 77.0 4 7S. 7 73. (i 715 ■-P1 is; 11) 20411 0110 14-0 1791! 1072 21 II IS 1-1 IS H2I i 1S54 IS74 |+n2 29 ni 112 31 34 34 114 3:3 31 (.1 +ns / 43 T) no ■' 4 (i 3 no 11, ) 37 (1 40 4 1 '1. 5/ II lid 3(i 4 fll5 +115. s 41. 1 117.1 lid. lid. 3 3d. 34. 34.4 115.4 3d. d 114.(1 31). 1 :-!(l' 114.(1 35. 1 114. 5 114. 7 l+nxo 75 S() 1 77 4 711 ,s 74 d 7 -J 7,^ ,", 7(1 s ■] (IS d 72 (10 2 7 .J 3 (1^ (19 9 . 4 7.) s 7(1 71 (i so 79 .J SI II 174s 22118 is-i) 1790 177S 17.10 1740 II ISO liiO- 17(15 Id7(i 11142 1555 lliOD 11175 liisil 1745 1777 ir,H 1705 1740 191)3 Kins 17211 +:i2.() no. (1 33. 1 112. 112. 1 112. 20. 7 no. 9 ■.Vi. I no. s no. 9 no. 7 31.8 1 2. 31. s 31.0 31.7 30. s 112! 4 31.2 no s f31,l 0. 11179 i + 31. 7 J. 2:1 0. 1-2:1 ;+33. 4-. 71, S-- 0,174(1 ,-1-31,-- 40 iiYc;j;o.'Mi;i!M('AL ()i;,si;i;Vz\.ti(.)Ns DMy. JUNE, 1872. iO. 11. 1 11.IU-. I w. R. H. F. V. n, I', U, W. ];. II. 1-5 V. D. r. D. w. i;. II. v.y. D. P. 1 01' -J-!I; ., H- :!-!.5 81.2 i 0. 1701 ,+02,2 ;+o7,o +33. 61.9 0. lO.liO ' + 27.3 +32. 1 - - +:!0. 3 81,3 0. 1J7P, + 27.1 1 :>.' . / :;:;. •,' 75. 1 . 1570 0,5. 1 0,2. 0.-'. . 1407 27, 2 31.4 ;!0. Ki, 1 . 1502 27.6 'J :>:) .'J :ii. 1 74.2 .14511 2,5. 7 0,7,0 34.3 ' (iO. 3 . 1511 2^. 5 :;o,7 30. 9i, 4 . 15S4 2>. 8 ;i 1 :'.:;. '-i 0,1. ^ .117-' 28. 5 07 7 0.5.0 74,5 . 10S4 :io. 9 ;;i.H ;io. li H7, 3 . 1507 28, (i 4 . :!.:., :i 7-1,4 .1550 28. :i 40,4 00, ' 01,3 , 1522 30. 8 ;>2, 7 ;;i.9 91.7 .1710 ;;o, li • 1 ::i _ 7 ij'j "' 74.5 . 1504 27,2 OS. 5 0,5,4 i 71.4 , 100.0 :io. 9 :i2, 8 ;i2, 91.7 .1717 :;o, 7 (i :!; / :!:;, (i 70. . 151'J 1 20. 7 41,0 30. 4 1 53. s .143.; 28, 6 ;i2. ;u.2 91 5 . i(;58 ( 2:1, 9 / :;'.> / :i(;..l 07. ■< . 105;i ;io. 8 00, <) 05. . 50. 5 .l:oirt 2-, .5 31.7 :'o. 9 91.4 . 1035 2;i li S :i' ;'.:!, .1 74.2 . 1.570 2rf. 5 41.0 30.0 50.7 . 1 470 2-. 6 ;i2. 1 ;'.o 2 .-1.2 . 1409 27,0 'J :i.", ;i -'. 7 70, 2 . 10,:!7 20, 8 41.2 00.;; , 57,7 . 1505 :;5 4 ;;o.3 . 14:'.9 20,, U 10 ;m . '2 ;i-'. 1 7-. 4 . 1544 20, 41.1 30. : 5s. 5 .1518 2^-, 3 33, 1 :il,o ■-0. II . 1510 27, 1 u ;:.') :i ;;:i. 1 7s, s . 1002 20, 8 41.5 3i;. 2 51.0 .1447 ! 20.7 32. 4 :;o, 4 7:1.4 .1475 2:. 9 XlHIII. ;ii (i ;i-j. (i 7 1 * ,5 . 1502 2'J, 5 42. 07, 2 50, 4 . 1.507 30. 9 ;;2. •-' ;;i,2 .'^:!. 7 . 1504 2.^ l" i'T) (i :-i:l. 5 70.0 . 1047 ;',7. s 34,0 ' r.o, 1) . 1,502 :io. 8 :!_', 8 iii.i S2, 1) . 154G .js :! 'J ;;.", .■", :;.;. o 75, . 1500 i 2-, 7 :!^'. :\ 0,0 w ' 5S 5 . i;!5i; 27. 4 ;!2, ;, •> 33,4 1 80,7 . 1070 20.7 :!2. 9 3 1 . SO. . 1515 27,8 -1 ;;ii I ;i t. 5 0.1, 'J ,1 :.^J 20, 04. 32. 5 1 75, li .15:i3 20, 8 3;!, 4 ;;i,5 80, 9 . 1550 2s ;i :> 35 •j ').'. 7 GO. 4 . 1 020 2-, 5 34.0 32,0 ! 70,0 . 1511 3:1.0 ;'.i,4 s;; 7 .157S •'S s i; :'>.'■ li .!■' 'J OO, . los.' 2-<, ;5 :;i.s 32,5 1 70. li . 1540 2-, 8 ;',2. 9 ;!i,4 81. (i . 1,5s 2.-^, 9 7 ;!'i H ij. -2 50., 2 . I2:;i 24.9 00. s 32.0 ,^1.2 . 1581 27, 2 ;',2. 7 ;io, 9 si. 6 . 1519 s :'.!'i / '.-'. 2 57, . 124 1 24.7 00. :i 01. 1 82. 8 . i.5.^1 •JS s ;!2, 7 :!o, 5 79.7 , 1450 25, 9 <) :;;; ■J 11,0 7S. 4 . 10.74 01.0 02. 7 30,9 1 81,0 . 1519 :i2, 1 30, 4 s2. 3 , 14:14 27,4 10 ;-!ii ■J 15. II 87, :', . \.-:i 0:1. 02. 4 30.5 .-0,4 . 1 170 27. 1 31.0 20, 9 82.0 . 14011 20.8 11 +:i7 •J + 5;;. 72. 50 0. lUC) +27,2 + 02. 5 + 30,7 , 81.5 0-'. 74 0. 1517 + 27.5 + 2-.s:i +31.4 + 20.0 74.2 0. l:;o2 +20., 7 Jle.Mis. 0. 1520 + 2^,70 83. 09 0. 15:!;; +27. ;',' JUNE 1872. Day lli.ur. 9 10 11 r- ;! 10 11 31.9 :.o, 7 ;iii, :;o, ;i2, 12. i.!, 11.4 12, li i2. 7 12, (i +2;', s 2-'. s 2;i. 11 :!M. II :;o. ■,' ;;'', 7 31.0 ;;2. ::o. (i :;o. :; :;ii, 5 :;n, 1 : 30.5 :;o.7 ) ;io.2| ;:!;-^ 2-', 1; 2;i, I ■J. I .) +31,7 +20,5 12. R. II, 74, 5 7;', 4 7:1,4 ^ 9, 4 70.0. Sll. 5 MI.O 7.-, 4 7-', :i 71,1 711,0 74.9 7 !, 7 7:1, 8 79. 9 70 0) so. 5 79. :■; 7 -'. i; 74.0 7:», 2 74 7 V. Y. 0, l;!70 . ri'io , I 140 , 1 .52 , 1 10,; . 1510 ,. 15::7 . l:!:!0 . l;!i2 . 140.0 . l:!>'4 . i,;.-i , 1402 . 1 172 , i.;.;4 , 1499 , 112;: . l:!19 , i:i;o , i:;-o 0. 1401 7,:',1 0. i;!29 D. r. +25. 5 25, 1 21,9 25. 4 25, 4 24.0 27 . 4 2 1.0 27.4 25. 4 2:!. 1 2:;, 21,3 -21 9 -25, sr. + 31,3 :;i,--J 31.5 :; ;. ',:!, 1 ; 0, 1 +2-'. 9 29, 7 ;;o, 1 31,4 :i2, 1 :;2, :;2, :i:l, 6 :!i,7 :;i, 1 :;.!, :!:;, :iii. ;i :!l.ii 31.2 ::i,4 20, s 29, 8 ::o, 5 29, 9 +3:;, 5 +:;o. 1 13. E. H. 7:1, 9 79. 2 79, li Sll. H 70,. 4 70. 3 s'2. 3 71.9 61.6 0.-. 03. 4 60. 2 7;i. 2 Sll. II 77.8 06 s so. :; so. 4 (i5. s 74. 74.6 05. 8 F. V. , D. P. 11. W. I K. II. F. Y. i D. P. 0. i;!oo .14:12 .1403 . 1543 . 1518 .1511 . 1.594 . 14:14 . 1 :-;05 . 1512 . 14:10 . 1495 . 1079 . 16011 . 1594 .1040 . 1403 . 152 2 . 1427 . 1202 .1202 . 1:104 . 1:179 0. 12^2 -24.6 +3:1.1 +30.0 24.0 2.-^. 2 2S. 9 2;i. 9 29. 7 27, 9 31,0 20,9 29. 8 22. 25, 9 24,1 21, 24,1 24.0 +2:1.9 +34. li :-;2, 4 34.4 31. 1 35. 1 :io, 7 :n, 2 ::[)'. 7 ;o-! 1 36. 9 ;!5. 6 :!5. :14.2 :15. 3 ;i!.o 30. 1 29. s 29. 8 2;.). s 30. 6 32. 5 31.3 :;o. 9 31.0 32. 33. 7 34.0 34.7 35.0 34.4 35. 11.1 70 4 70.9 70. 2 7 4,6 74.7 74. 5 67. 5 71.3 71,2 02,7 55. 2 •57. 5 61.6 65. II 5.-i. 2 64.7 71.1 4 . 432H . 1344 . 1297 . 1:105 . 1:174 . 1350 . 1416 . 14112 . 1:102 . 12-2 . 1204 . 1316 .1414 . 1517 . 1424 ,149:! . 1037 , 1,590 + 24, 24. 24. 24. 24. 24. 24. 24, 27 31! 29, 29, 28. :io. 73.61 0. 1460 +2 72 1 33. 1 75. 1 ;i567 i 2s:5 33,2 81.6 , 16i;5 29,8 :',2,4 '-1. '■') .1609 ' 2f^, 8 ' 32, 6 72. 9 .15116 27,7 32,5 84. 3 , 1655 ' 29, ■■' +:i2, 1 74.5 0,1497 +27.8 70. 15 0. 1452 ;+27. 2:i AT POLARIS BAY. 41 JUNE, 1872. Pay. Hour. 16. D. K. I[. F. y. D. r. w. E.H. F. \'. D. p. D. 17. R.H. F. V. ] ). P 0" +;;:■..(! +:«. 1 -4. 1 1) irij7 + -J-.5 + 42..-, + 3,.-,. 7 44.2 0.1194 +2S, .-, +3,3, 7 + 32. S 71.2 0. 1494 +2S. 4 1 :'>■!. 1 :'.i,o .'>-. '.1 uu 'S-'k .-> 43. 1 36. 1 43.4 .121S 71.2 . 1494 2-. 4 .) :i:i. - :-!■-'. 'i s;;. ;; IIWI 30. 42. 7 3.-.. 3 .1102 26.4 3S, 7 33. II {;>■<. 1 . 13.-.4 29. .s 3 :!-l.(i :<:!. 1 .-^'J. 1 177.-. 31.9 43. 1 ;..-,. 7 40. 7 .1134 27.6 33, 7 33,2 73. 1 . 1.-.74 2^.3 4 :m. 1 :■!■-'. 7 !^M. y 1677 31.2 43,. 6 3(i. 1 41), 3 .1149 26. S 36, 6 31,2 76, 6 . 1664 ' 29. 7 "i iJ:!. 7 :i'i. 4 s,-,. 1 lliS9 31). ■_) 44. r. 37. 41,6 . 12311 27.9 3S, 3 3,3.4 71,3 . 1639 ' 30. 9 ('. :'.4, ."i :!-'. 7 .-1.4 1630 29. S 3r,. 4 33). II 76, S . l.')73 2S. 4 39, 7 3,6, 1) 6-. 7 . 1634 ' 30. S * :u. 4 :;2. 1) SI.:; Hi'.';! 29. 6 3,.-,. 6 33.1 7.-. 1 . i.-,i;7 2^, 2 37,4 33,4 62, 3, .1392 27.3 .- :u.(i ;i'2. .^ -1..-I ]6:!7 29. 7 36,4 3,4.0 76. .1 . 1643 29. 7 3S, 7 ! 33, 2 67, 9 . 1596 i 29. 7 'J :i4. 4 :!2. 6 -1.3 li;23 29.6 ■ ' / . 1^ 32. 7 32. li .1196 26. 3 33. 9 33. 2 73 3 .13 4S 2.S. 3 10 :'.4.() :i;'.. 1 .^11. 1 177.-. 31.2 :\7. s 33,, .-.->. 3 . 12.-,1 2r;. 1 1 3J,3 32. II 74. 4 .1191) 27.2 11 :iii. Ci :;4. II 74.7 n;i7 29. 7 117. 7 3,2, 9 .).-.. 2 . 1234 23, 9 3:1. 7 31.7 .-'II. 3 . 1342 ! 2S. 3 Xoon. ._w . .> :'.4.9 ?■>. 'J 16s;) 30. 'J :'>7. (i :)■:,. CA\. 9 . 1277 "6. 2 3, ' 7 31.3, .-. .. 7 . l.-)94 1" :!7. 7 H.",. s SI. 9 l-:r2 3.3. 3, ' '.'ii .") 32, 7 .-..-.. .12111 26. 1 33,. 9 31. 3 73. 9 . 14.-.9 23. 9 2 .!.^. I! ! :!!;.(; s4. 194S 34.3 37. s 33.. 3 r.s, . 1321 26, 1) 33,. 3 31.3 SI. 9 . 1363 2S. 4 :; :!(i. s :'..-., '-■■J. ,') IrtOl 32. 2 3S. 1 33.9 61.0 . 14116 2S, 3 32. s 3,1,2 ^■'. / . 13i;4 2S. 6 4 o(i. :i4.4 fA.-' 1779 31,0 ! 3-. 2 3... S r,9. 2 .13,72 'js ;' 32. 9 31,1 .-^1.7 . 1333 ; 2S. 1) r> :!4.^ :;:!. si.i; lli.-.l 3s. '.) 33 '1 .-,4. 6 . 13,1)2 2s. 3,2, 7 3,1.11 S2. 6 . 133,s [ 2S. 1 fi :i3. .-. ■\>.0 74. J 1491) 27. 2 39.6 34.:-, .-,4. .3 . 13,3,7 2S 2 32, 2 3,11, S s,-, 3 , 133S 2.S. 4 / :!;!.v! 31.6 s:'.. -■ i.-.:i-j 29. :i7.9 33. H 61. - .1411 2.-. 5 31. 3 29, 9 S3.. II . 1472 ! 27. s :i.'., n 31.7 -ii. 7 ii;3ii 29. 6 3,7.7 33 r> ^•11. 7 . 1374 ■J7 . 3 31. s 31), II Sl.O .14.33 26,. ,S 9 ;i:!.0 31..-. S4.7 l.'i94 29. 3.7. 1 33. 3 64.7 .1412 27. 3 31.4 29. 7 SI. 9 .1446 ! 26,6 10 41. i; 3(1. -2 r,4.3 1434 29. 7 iw , .1 34, r> 71.6 .linil 29 7 30. s 2.1. 1 SI. 6 . 141)4 . 26.0 11 +4-J. 7 +m;.2 46. S 7S. 91 1-2SS +2H. 6 +30. 0. +36.3 +33,0 67,9- 1). 1431 +2S. 9 +311.7 +29. si. 3 0. 1397 +23. 9 Meaus II 1636 36. t:;-: 0. 1334 +2S, 02 76. Si) II. 1.526 +2S. 1.^ Day. Hour. 01' 1 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 Xoi.n. Ill 3il). 3 30.6 31). 6 30.6 3,11.4 30.3 31). s 31.7 32, 4 3)3, 3 34.7 33. 2 37! 1 '■'>f'. 2 :u.7 36, 3. W. +2.-'. 9 29. ■ 29. 29. 2-. 9 2S, 9 29. 3 30. 2 311. 9 31.9 32.7 31. 34. 1 4 34.3 5 34.7 6 34,3 y ,s 9 :::!. 4 10 '■>'2. 7 11 +3,2,3 34.9 •;■> >> 32:9 I 32. 8 32.11 32. 31. .s 31.0 +31.0 1§. R. H. <^2. 6 .■^2. 6 .S4. 2 S4. 3 79! 6 79. 2 71.3 63,9 74, 3 ''^■k 1 76, 4 fl,3 84. 4 84.1 83,. ;) 83,. !l 82. i; 84. 3 F. V. I). 1407 . 1409 1469 H119 ,1414 1441 1 442 1304 1334 . 163,S 139;) 1320 . 1.378 , 141)9 ,1504 I 831) 1.33s 1644 ii;;6 16211 .1394 , 161)6 , 1338 D. P. '+28. JUNE, 1872. 19. •Ji •Ji> 'Jii ^i; 'Jli '27 >>^ ■' i 29. 6 2.1. 8 27. 9 30. s 28. 6 29. 9 29. 7 2S. 6 2S. 3 29. 2 28. 1 D. +32. 6 11.9 32. 3 32. 7 34.6 3,4. 1 33,, 6 31,0 34, 7 31,8 R, H. F. '\-. +31. 3,11. 3.1), 31) 311 31) 30.6 30.6 31,0 3.1. S 32. 3,1,6 32.1) 32.0 3,2.11 34.0 33] 3 34.3 ■.n.3 0.1362 +28.5 Jleaas -1.03 : 0.1.336 +28.04 s3. 6 51. 5 83,. 3 80 3 81.4 81.4 80. 4 52. 6 7 1. 79. 1 .-1.2 79. 2 72.6 71.6 S). 81.7 79. 79. 5 72' 9 85. 74.7 . l.-)30 . 1304 . 1.303 . 1499 , 1463 . 1490 , 1497 , I4.SI; . 133,s , 13-9 1337 ,0 +34. .1464 . 1451 . 173,4 . 1S12 . 177S . 1727 , 16,33, , 1499 , 17S4 . 1525 , 14S4 D, 1', 2; . 6 26,! 9 27.4 2S, 1 30, 29, 9 27,9 31,3 3,2, 6 32, 9 31,8 31,0 \V. + 35 35. ;+32 . 35 3 3,4 8 35 2 36 3 3s 9 40 6 ',1.1 43.7 42. 9 411.6 40,2 40. 1 39.7 42.4 4 1 . 5 40.6 40. 2 39. 8 :!8. 6 '+■' 31, ;i 3,1,8 :',2, 6 32, 6 ,32.6 3.2. 6 3.3. 7 31,7 3,7. 1 37.0 :',{>. 5 3,3. 1) 35. 34.7 34. 5 3,4.0 +32. 1 79. 13 0. 1.-,: +2S.85 R. H, 70, 3, 69, 8 65. 3, Ii5. 4 71.6 73. .8 6t;. 6 60.7 5-.I. 9 64,3, 6s. 4 51.2 53. 4 51,6 52, 53, I 57 , 8 61,0 62. 52 F. y. 0. 1469 . 1420 . 1374 .13,62 . 1440 . 1519 .1410 . 1319 .1246 . 1260 . 1244 . 1.50 2 .17,-5 . 1737 . 1-2S .1819 . 1S54 .1393, . 1400 . 1307 . 1-96 . 13U1 . 1357 0.1341 0. 14- D. 1'. +2S. 4 i 26,, 6 21 i. 5 2li. 7 2S. 5 28. 27. 6 31. 2 29. 9 3,2. 33. 2S. 9 29. 1 27. 6 27. 9 2S. 1 27.3 + 2S,6I G u o 42 IIYGKOMETrJGAL OiiSER VATIONH l>:iv. Hour. 1 !) 10 11 Noon. II' Oh 1 [I 10 11 Noon, 1" JUNE, 1872. aa, D. W. i;. IT. F.\'. ]i. r. : L). W. :E. H. F.V. D. P. I 1). W. 1 R. II. Ill 11 Meaus. Day. Hour. -;!7. 4 ;J4. 4 :■-'. ;j. 8 154. 1 :i4. 7 ;',;;. 4 ;'.■-'. 7 :jj.4 ■ U.4 ;;4.4 ::4.4 :5-i.4 -:;-!. 4 ;i 1 . 1 :;l.7 ■j;t. (i :',o.:i ;'iii. (i :;■.'. (i v!',(. v; ■j;t. (i :;ii. ri :u. -J ;i-j. 4 :'.-j. 4 :;■.', :;i.o :;ii. ;;(!. 4 ;u.7 :'. 1 . 7 :ii.-; (10. 4 71.;? nil. 8 70. 2 74.7 70. ■,' 71.2 04. H 7'J. 9 !-';i. 74. r> ^4.1 l'->. '•> 70. 1 70.5 00.8 (iO. 8 (JO. s 00. 8 00.8 (iO. 8 0. i:i."iO . i;;7-,' . i:!i.') . i;;i7 .l;wo . i::,'4 . 1709 . l:il7 . 121 10 . I.'IJO . i:!r.8 . 1721 1 . 1022 . 1.".04 .1020 . 141W . l:;:i2 . 1412 . 1120 . 1420 . 1 1-0 .1420 . 1420 0. )420 2 !+;?4.4 +:!]. II. 1420 +2 20. I 24, 2 24. r> 26, 8 ;iO. I 21. 1 24.0 27 , 2.-.. 4 :;o, 1 2-. 9 2-, 28, 4 24.3 +27.2 +:;(!. +:i:!. Or'. 74.00 0. 14:.!4 -I-2G. 70 '2 ,+;!(i 2 04 6 ! :» ,-^ \ '<].} 40 ") 40. 36. MO. 34. 3.4. 3,4. 36. 3,4. 2 3-1. 34. II. ....j 36. .... i:,. 404 :+28. 4 +44. 3]. 31. 31. 31. 31. 34. 41. + 41. 71.0 74.4 64.0 71.9 70.0 82! 2 74.0 73. 8 7J.4 71.6 73,0 79. 1 77. 7 72. 6 -0, 1 ¥.Y. 0. 17)30 .1407 . 1442 . l.'„-'0 . 1019 . 1637 . 1527. . 16.-1 ..1022 . 18611 . 1020 . 1 69."> . l.''.^2 . 17)111 . l.",00 . 1402 .1332 . V,^i) . 1404 ji. r. 24! 9 20. 7 30,9 30, .-' 20,7 30.7 3,-,, 1 20, 7 32 2 ■2^'.~4 ■I^. M.7 .'0.0 00.75 ' 0.1422 +27.2". JUNE, 1872. 70. 1 7.'i. 6 00 2 73.4 .1403, . lOOO .2078 0.2141 27.1 2!'. 8 30.4 74.44 0. 1619 +29. 74 I>. 24. R. H. V. y '+i::.7 41.7 i 46. 1 4~,0 I 41.,M 40. .5 41.2 40. 1 30. 8 30. 4 30. 7 +39. 8 37.4 42, 2 42! 3:"). 6 li-^. 2 63. :i 69. 9 53. 9 i 3.-1, 47.4 ! 3,4. 8 53.4 3 4.4 52. 3 3,4. 57. 31.7 0:;. 4 ■ 3,1.7 02. 4 :;-■<. 8 r^ 30. 1 6 3.-. 7 7 o,--^. 1 s 3-. 3 9 3,-. 7 1 + 37.6 35. 35. 5 35. 35.4 34.9 3,5. 1 31.9 3,5. 6 , + 31.4 5.-. I 70. ( 0,0. :. 61. f: 04.7 0.!. 7 64.1 71;. (. 67 0. VJ-i^ . 1677 . 21,-0 . 1807 . 12,-2 . 13,i;7 . 1214 . 1335 . 1200 . 1344 . 1403 . 11,-3 . 142 I . 1664 . 146-' . 1513 . 1.521) !52,~ . 175,-' . 175:; . 1590, . 1390 0. 1,576 D, r. 35, 6 37 , 4 :;4, 4 20,, 4 ■:-,4 -6, ,s 2,-, 4 21 i, M ■'[> ,- 30, ,- 20, 2 20, 6 20, 4 20, 5 32, 32, 2 + 20. + 38.3 3,(;. 7 3,7. 37. 9 30. 3,0. ,- 41,3 40.0 11.0 12. 1 41.9 41.6 41.7 J 1 . '0 41. 1 40.8 41.3 41. 1 42, 2 45, 3 + 40, :i + 35. II 33. - 34.5 34. 7 34.7 5. 1 .5.4 0, 1 7, 6, 6,0 23. E, H. 60. 4 71.9 60. 3 71.6 70.7 (;o. 8 I',,-. 67. 2 0,-. 4 63. 64.5 50. 7 F. V. 1). P. 37,0 ! 60,-; 3,7, 2 ' 06, - 36.5 I (i2. ; 3,6. K 3,7.3 30. 6 +43.2 50,. 8 0. 1621 . 1564 , 152,- . 1610 , 1012 . 1500 . 1006 .1500 . 1643 .10,41 . 1000 .1470 .ir,7i . 1,-22 . 1008 .1591 . 1542 .1714 . 1601 . 1494 . 1625 . 1502 . 1604 0.10,: 8 +30. :'0, 3,0. 30. 29. 29. :io. 29. + 40. 4-. 46. 4,-. 47. 45. 44. W. +42 43,. 42. 41. 41. 40. 26. E. H. ! F. V. D. P. 0.2230 +37.8 32. 3,1. 31. 21. 29. 33. +36. 37. 37. 34. 3,4. 34. 34. 31. 34. 34. 31. 34. 34. +34. 34. 34. 9 ,+:■, 64. 6 66. (ill. 00. 70. 74. 74. 74. 74. 74. 74. 74. 74. 74. 74. 74. .2312 .2102 .1831 . 1948 . 1944 .1611 . 1554 .1479 . 1 402 . 1720 . 15(1.- . 1605 . 1400 . I4','0 . 1400 . 1490 . 1400 .1490 . 1400 . 1400 . 1400 . 1400 0.1400 +20.4 30. 9 36. 35. 6 36.2 35. 9 20] 7 28. 5 311.9 311.7 29. 7 30. ,- 20. 4 20.4 20. 4 20. 4 20. 4 20. 4 20. 4 29. 4 29. 4 •29.4 ilraus 01,00 ' 0, 1510 +3,0, 03 61, 30 0, 1021 ' + 31, 3,0' i 60.76 0. 1(J57 +31.55; I AT rOLAKlS BAY. 4:] JUNE, 1872. Day. 'i'i. 28. 29. lonr. D. w. K. II. F. V. V. V. D. w. R. H. F. Y. D. P. D. W. R. H. F. V. D. P. 0" +:\2. +:'.(!. 79.4 . 0. 1440 +25. 4 +3(1. + 32. 8 (W. r> 0. 1450 +2-'. 4 + 35. 7 +32. 9 72.1 0. 1514 +28.4 1 :u.6 •J'J. 8 Ml. 9 .1441 31.7 32. 72.0 .1401 28. 2 411.5 3,;. 6 74. 3 . 1870 3,4.2 .) :?■,'. :5 :iiM 79. :■> . 1439 25. 2 3.1;. i\ 3:'.. 3 0'^. 1 . 1475 2^. 5 34.2 31.0 ' ■'. 1 . 14 U 27.4 :', :il.5 'S.K ^ .84. 2 .i.-.m 21;. 4 : '.7 . 1) 3 ;. 7 68. 4 . 15117 29. ;i 33. 9 31.4 75. (; . 14.52 25. 7 4 :u..' ■>'.>. .^ 8 1 . 2 .i.'iii ■J'l. i .w . i) 3^>. 8 (i5. . 14:;ii 2 S .5 3,1.3, 31. s 75. 9 .1481 27. 3 .") :io. 7 2',l. 4 s."), 9 . 14^7 2;. 4 39. II 35. (:13. li . 15211 3:'.. 31. 32. 7.). .1 . 1477 27. 1 ('] :«i. :"! ■2'.K -1 .-^9. .1490 27.4 44. 2 :'.9. 5.-^. 4 .17114 33. 1 33,. 4 31.2 75. 4 . 1492 27.0 7 :!n. 3 ■,",•. 'J >9. (1 . 1499 27.4 43.4 3-^. 2 .j7. ii . \'.\M 32. 2 3.;. 4 01.11 75. . U-il 27. 5 ,s ■2'X 9 '29. (1 99. . 1491 27. 4 42. 9 3-i. 2 o;. 7 . ].-.ii;l 30. O'J. ^ 31.1 8.'. 6 . 1510 2S. 3 y )t^». 7 •29. 9 (;l.^^ , 1212 21.1 41. 1 :\:. 1; 09. 4 .17.H ;> ; 34.7 75. 5 . 1519 2-. 4 10 ;i^. 9 ;!.-,. 1 (•,.',. :i . 1.'.49 29. 9 39. 1; :;,; 7 64.8 .F-'.ll 33,. 1 31..S 3,11.4 ■^5. 3, . 15:;ii 2S. 11 liS. 7 :!4. s lil. 2 . 1494 29. 8 3,^. 4 35. II 6~. 5 .1.59,^ '■'.'). -■ :-i5. 1 33. 7.-^ ,s . ii;97 29. 7 N(;0I1. :!-. 1 :'.!.;> (U.i; . 11^.". 3:'.. 2 37. 8 35. 7:'. 6 .1971 30.0 31.7 33. ,-,.6 . 1004 29. lU 40.1 :;:,. 9 (i2. H :;o, 11 39.8 34.9 81. 5 . 17811 3.'. 40.3 37.11 711. 8 . 1771 :;:',. 1 ■> ;i7,n •■>."). iTi 8.'^. '.} . r.Ms 3,1.2 :;i.9 32.1; 7li. 6 . 1503 2". 9 ;-;.-. 30. 73.4 . 17.',- 0,2, 8 ;! :i9, e :!.'.. 1 (12. 9 . 1515 31.0 34.5 ^'t2. 5 79. 5 . 15-5 2-'. 5 37.9 3>5. II 7 'J. S . 105ri 3!). ,-i 4 3(i. 1 i :!:!.0 (J9. (i . 1477 2^. 7 3> !. 7 31.8 81.0 . 1572 2-. 6 3S. 3 35. 6 74.8 . 1702 3.1.6 i .■) 'M'l. •! :;;(. (W. 7 .1464 2-<. (i 3:!. 8 32.11 SI. 2 .15:-! 2'^. 3, 40.2 37. 2 7.1. 3 . 1.-2,-^ 3 1. I j 6 :'.i;. 9 ;i:i.9 71.1 . l.-.(12- 29. ^- 35. 7 33. 5 78. .li;3 1 3 [.9 39. 7 3 ;. 9 74.7 . l.^'!2 3 1. ! 7 3->. 7 l>"J s 71.2 .1,-)01 2.~. 7 33 9 31..-^ .~0. 1 . 15-J3 2-. 8 37.4 79.0 . 17711 32. 3 s ;ir>, i :!2. 1 711. ^^ . 144.-. 27. 4 35. j 32.5 74.7 . 1525 2.^. 9 38. .■^ 3.i. 3 77.0 . 1817 32. !) X). ."> ■ ;!2. 2 (i7.2 . 1395 27. (i 3(i.2 :;:;. 1 7 2 5 . 15 10 2.-. 4 44 5 40. 1 i;i.8 .190S 35. 3 11) :!ii.O :'.2. s li-. (1 . 14.:i) - ' . ■} 31.7 31.0 92. . 1355 29. 9 44.7 41.9 7 r r» .2291 39. 0, 11 +:;4, 7 +;!2. u 72. i; . 14il4 +27.2 + :;7.2 1+34. (i 74.7 0. 10!;5 +31.1 + 45.7 + 42, 71.2 0.21-4 + 37.4 Jk-aihs ■ 7-i.():i 0. 1492 +2S. 2.- 72. 44 0, 1005 +30. 30 7-'* r>o 0. 1693 +30. so! JUNE, 1872. JULY, 1872. Day. 30. Hour. I D. ' Vv 0>> 1 ■ ) 3 4 s 10 11 MHin. li> 3 4 10 11 4:1. 40. 44. 47. 51. 4.S. 4H. 4.^. 4S, 4S. 4.-^. 4-'. 40. 44. 47. 40. 45. 4:1. 40. 4-. 48. + 48. : + 34. 33. i ^"■ 40. I 30. 43. 44. 411. I ■*"• 41. 40. I 4(1. ' 40. 40. 4(1.2 40. 41. 41. +41. Mr: R. ir. F.V. D. p. D. ; W. R. H. ! F. V. D. P. D. . Vv. li. H. F.Y. I D. P. 74. 61. 70. 44. 44! 47. 44. 42. 42. .9. 1 50. 54. 50. 51. 50. 49. 0.1025 .lOS'l .22(15 . 2(i;i7 . ISdS .2107 . 1521 . lOds .1521 I . lOOS .1511 I . 1 157 . 1477 i .1071 . 1767 ■ .1510 . 1574 . 1008 .1099 . 1700 .1761 . 104^ 0. 1092 - +29. 31. ,+■1 4 17.9 33,. 1 31.2 31.3 3 1. 1 34. 1 31.7 47. 4-. 47. 4^. 40. 46. 4-. 4!t. 47. 50. '.1.9 3,4.2 -34. 46. 44. 41. ■J2. ■+43. +40. 40. 39. 42. 40. i 41. 40. :i,i. 41. 41. 4(1. 42. 41. 44. 40. 44. 44. 44. 44. 41. 39. 47. 9 43,. 5 39.6 49. : 47.7 51.; 49. : 46. (. 45. 1 47. I 44.7 46. 1 49. ^ 4'..." 47.7 47.', 47. 1 47.1 611. - 63,. '. 37 +39, 71. H 7.S 64.4 . 1604 . 15(1(1 , 1301 . 1794 , 10411 ,1021 , 1630 , 1574 1.5911 , 159^ , 153,4 , 1623 , 1590 , 19ii(l .1771 . IS IS . IS.KI . Is 11 . is:i;; . 1-01 . l'^57 1915 . 1720 . 191- I+3S.3 +3 29.0 31.4 30.3 3UI 32.4 33. 5 32. 4 3.). 7 3,5. 6 35. s 35. 4 34! 2 3;!. 1 +35. 3 37.6 50. 1 4.1. S 49. 5 5L7 50. 7 51.3 51.3 51. 1 51.5 50. 1 50. - +51.1 34. s 34.3 34.2 34.5 35. 9 4,!. 8 42. 3 42, 4:1. S 43. 2 40. II 4 >. 5 41.9 42. 4 42, 3 41.9 42.(1 + 42.7 71.9 75. 1 72. 1 73. (1 71.7 70.9 (1-. 8 71.3, 71.6 6i. Oil 2 4S. 47.7 45.0 4,1. s 47.7 41. 5 37. 9 41.9 39. 3 42. S 40. 9 40.7 0. 1732 . 1.574 . 1519 . 1500 . 1513 . 1540 . 1021 . 1555 . 15S;1 . 1010 . 1010 .211.11 . 17211 . LVJO . 175- . 10-J . 1701 . 1571 .142-^ . 1574 .1497 . 15-5 . 1521 0. 1(545 +32. 27. 9 27. 8 20. 7 Oil. 9 29. 6 2;i. 5 29. 7 30. 8 07. 6 31. 1 35. 4 3:',. 4 + 31. 5.5.02 I 0.1721 +33.09 51.01 0.1711) 50.90 I 0. 15 + 01. -I u UYG liOMETKlOAL OUSEKVATIO.N.S Day. Hour. JULY, 1872. 12. D. E. H. F. V. P.P. W. R. H. F. V. D. IV Ob +.51..'. +4:'.. 2 44. S 0.1711 +;!4.G +;"!0. 7 +35.1 84.4 1 51.4 4:'.. 44.1 .107.^ ::14. ■> .).). J ■ ' ■ ~ 2 50.8 4:5. « ;")','. ■! . 1940 ::5. 6 41.0 ■'■'• i 1— .1. .> 3 4.^. r, 41.0 41!. 1 . 1577 :;:;. 4 :!9. 8 ;!s.'2 85. ;> 4 ; 44. 'J ;i9. 7 (i:{. H . 1800 :34.:; 40. .-^ :;9. 1 84.9 1 4:-! 9 :'.9. :-! i;-.'. w . 1807 ;.!;!. 1 :!9. 4 1 :'.7.5 82. 5 4-J 7 ' I'"'' l"' 07. 4 . 181)5 :!i.-,' 44.5 ' 40.7 711.4 7 44.2 ;!9. 5 i':,'. :> .1.^14 ■M.\ 45. 1 41.0 72. 4 rt 1 51 . 7 49. :! :-:!. :i . '^095 40. 9 40. 7 4'J. -i 05.8 9 5'J. 4 41 5 :;() :; .119- :l'.K ."' 45. :', 41.2 07.9 10 4 1. ;>. 41.1) 7;!. 1 .'.'141 ' ;»). 9 45.7 40.7 (il. 4 11 45. 40. •> O-J. ■! .1809 :'.4.:i 40. 7 :i7. )i 09. :! Noon. 4:!. 8 40.0 (19. 1 . 1981 :i;». :> 41.9 .'"■^. )i 08. ;> 1" 4;!. 9 41). J 71.0 . ■_'050 : 15 '2 119. 5 ;«;. 4 72. .> 1 ii. :i9. 4 74.0 .-JO-Jij :!5. ?, :;9, 9 :;r..ij 7:;. 1 ?> 4:',. 1 ;'.9 -i 07. '« . 18:^.S ::i.l ;!9. s :io. 7 72. 2 4 41.7 :;h 9 7.). >' .yoil :!5. 4 :w. 7 ;'.(;. :-! 77.8 5 4;;. 1 :!9. '2 07. 8 i .1^-- ■M.-i :!.-'. :> ;!o. i; 41.9 ;!^^. 4 70. v; . l-Cil •A?,.l :i.-'. -i :!0. 7'.). 4 4,-^. :i 45. 75. 7 . -2.501 41.7 :\^. 1 :iO. 1 SI. 2 s 4S. C 4S. II 95. 5 . y'277 4-.M ;;s. 2 ;-!(;. 2 81. 2 9 4.S. 1 41). 5 45.4 . 1.5-J7 :;i.',' ■j^ i"^ ;;o.9 s2. 4 10 49. 5 40, ;i :«. 6 . 14.'!7 ■■)•>. 4 ;;8. 4 i :50.2 811. :; 11 +4H.6 + 41.0 40. 1 9.1.57? +:;■,'. 5 +:i8. 8 !+:36. 9 82. 4 . ls:55 . 1744 . 2147 .2105 .217:; . 200:4 .21)24 .2170 . 2998 . 20.57 . 1S90 . nOii '. 1749 . 1-07 . 177:j . ls:!2 . 1821 .1^:44 . is:^ . l--7(i . 1949 . 1850 . 1949 30. 36. 4 ::7. 1 40. 4 50. 4 42^ 33. ■\v. !+:!8. 6 ,+30.1 S :i8. 7 :i7.i) :',.-. 9 :i7.o ;i.^. s ■ :!7.o :!S. 5 30. 9 :!7.9 i :5i:. 4 .9 :40. 4 .3 :!0. .9 ' :45.4 . 7 30. 1 2 I :?5. s 13. i;. H. I F. V. ' D. p. 33. 33. ,+3+ 1 :: 2 i :! 2 : :!■ 2 :4 4 +:i ;\I('aiis. Dav. Hour. C2. 16 ' 0.1903 '+:». 10! 0.1023 1+34.25 JULY, 1872. W. 14. E. II. F. V. , D. P. D. W. 0>' +34. 9 + 33. S 8S. 1 0. 1801 1 :45. 33. s 87.7 . 17SS *> :!4.9 8S. 7 .1^01 ;4 :!4.4 :;3. 5 91). 5 .1-0:', 4 :',:!. 90. 6 . 1S40 '■> :;i.5 33.0 99.6 .1810 G j :!4.0 33. s 91.7 . ls:i7 7 34.7 92. '9 . 1907 rt iir> ^ :i4.8 90. . 1S94 9 :!(>.3 35. 2 89. 1 . 191:! 10 :;o. 2 35. ss. I . l-,--4 It :;7.4 :!6. 80. 5 . 19:!8 Xooii. ■ 17. 7 3.5. 9 82. s . 187:! 11' :;9. :!7. 1 W2. 5 . 1'907 2 :'.9. 2 ;i7. 2 81.7 . 195S 3 3.-'. 1) .36.2 8:!. . 1S99 4 :!7.5 35. 8 . 1S7S 5 :;o.9 S4.5 . 1851 6 ;!o. > 35. 1 8:4. 5 . 1^22 / :?7.o 35.0 81 ;. 4 . 190li s :io. 6 :4.5 : ! s7. 3 . 1-95 9 :i5. 8 35. 92. . 19:11 10 :!0. 2 :45.1 ^9. 1 . 1905 11 +30. 5 +3.5.2 i~7 . 2 0. 18^7 +:!2. +30. 3(4. 36. 36. 37 34 :i5. 36. +■'■ :!i4. 36. '30. 1 37. i 1 1 30. ;) :;o. 9 :!0. 9 +37.3 :!5. 4 30. :!5. 3 15. E. H. 79. 5 88. 2 87.4 80.4 SO. 4 85.0 83.1 -7.4 85^ 4 85.4 85. F. V. D. P. D. ;!5. '.\7'\, -36. , 189. 1948 1727 , 1908 , 1927 .1914 . 1914 , 1920 . 1913 . 1927 . 1903 . ISoO . 1-04 . 1920 . 1904 . 1914 . 1SS2 . 1938 . 1890 . I-so . 1898 . 1919 . 1951 4.5 4.6 4. (J :4J.4 :!1.1 3:4. 34. 34. :!4. 34. 3:i. 6 34. 2 :!■! 6 :44. :!3. 9 :i4. 3 3:!. 4 :;i. 1 :!2. 9 -:!4. 2 |+:46. 30. 5 •Hi 5 ;r>. 2 35. 34.2 :34. 2 ;44.2 34. 33. .s -33. '9 70,. 7 S4.2 S2. 4 S5! 1 .-7.5 '-5. 4 SI. 7 77.4 79. 7s. 7 so. 9 9:;. 2 79. 1 s:;. 1 s:!. 1 S4.5 70.5 S7. 1 0.19.53 l+:!4.0 +:!8.6 +: 40.4 40.4 40.4 ::9. 8 :!s. 4 :!9. 5 41.2 :49. 4 39! :! :49. 1 ;37. 0, 0.8 li. 30. 9 37. 5 30. 9 ;4S. :!s. 4 3s. 38. :47. 7 3(1. 7 :17. 7 '^s ■", :!5. 6 :16. 7 30.6 :!o. 5 37.0 35. 5 30. 1 30. 30. 8 +35. 8 0. 1799 . 19S4 . 195S .1971 . 19s^ . 19.-.0 . 1950 . 1951 . 1S72 . 1916 . 1792 .1S74 . isi;i . 1S20 '. 1794 .1744 . 1S14 . 4750 . 1750 . 1703 . 1048 . 1775 0. 1 809 + :!2. :!4.3 34. 4 :! 1. :! :!4. s 33! 8 :!4. 4 il'' '* :!2. 4 :!4. :i 34.4 :!2. :!1.2 31.2 :!l.l 29. 9 :12. 1) 8:!. 07 . 0. 1800 : + :i2. 7! 16. E.H. -'-.6 S4. S'j. 2 78. 6 7S. 6 si. 4 Sl.l s:!. 6 /-O. 5 SI. 4 ~\. 2 SO. S4. 7 89.5 90. 5 94.0 F. Y. 0.2028 . 19:!8 .2023 . 20s9 . I'9(i2 .2074 .21)00 . 1978 . 1978 .21)80 . 19,57 f .2043 . 19.-4 . 1.".89 .1916 . 1945 .1844 . 1900 .19.-4 . 1S07 . 1916 . 2025 .2054 0. 1982 D. P. -35. 8 34. 1 35] 4 34.4 '■)■"> s 35! 9 :34. s :44. s 35. 1 34. 5 :!5. :34.8 :40. s 34. 2 :!4. :i 33.3 33. s 34.7 35. 2 -34. 7 Jleaii,'* 45 0. 1S7:! +33.20 0. i9o:! '+:;:;. 5.- •3.0s 0. 1905 +;!4. XOTE.— Original leeonl from .July 4tli to July lltb lust. xVT i'OLAKlS liAV 45 D;iy. Hour. T>. I y 10 11 Xnon. 1" 2 ;i 111 11 Jlrai Day. Hour. Xk 1 :!:.. M.-i :il.l :'.!, 1 :u. U ;i4 7 :m.7 :!^.7 ■ i'^. 7 :!'.!. 5 ■ >^. 7 iW. 1 :i.-^. 1 :h. 5 :i~. 1 w. 4-:!.-,.:i :'..'). II :i4. :i:i, '.I :',:!. I :!:!.(» ;;:!. II :ii;. 7 :i7.0 ;;7.i :!7. II :'.7.0 :'.7. r. ;ii;. 4 If. K.H. V.\. JULY, 1872. 18. D. 1'. i;. II. +■'■ ill. (I '.IJ. 9 -7.4 87. i; 8;i. 7 S!.l, ."> s;). 4 '.II. I ,S7. S t^!). '.I 71). i; s:!. I) .-(1.4 .«■.'. 1 S.".. (I 1942 11)44 . 1-17 ISIIl) 14:',:, 1427 1 427 1710 17(i4 isdi; 19111 2ii:>:l 21 1.'.2 . 2li:U 2(127 , 19,-i4 111.-4 . 21112 1.-74 ir.ll.". IDII.S |s;ii I. -.-II 1.-^91 +:! !2. 1 ;'.4.2 :{ .3 1 . u :!7. 1 r!7. ."> :!ii. 7 :»;. 2 ;■.;. 1 :!;'.. 1 :!ii. 2 ;ii;. 1 :'.i;. 9 :!9. 2 :i7.9 ;!.^. 4 :!.^. (I +:•..-.. u :i.'>. :! 11 (I s II :u.« ;;4 :!4 :!4 ;!4 ;;4 l!.". :;4 ;i4 lii; ;!H. +■ .2 -f:;7.9 +;! .-'2. i; SI..-' sii. i f^l.4 I s.->. 5 ■■'7. 1 I s.-,. 1 .S).2 si;. 11 .sii. 9 hi;. 2 79.7 .^11. :! .SI. 7 S4.S ' ss. ', sii. 3 .s."). s SI. s s:',. 9 V. X. 0. isll 1S14 -41 IS14 is 19 1.S22 IS');') l.-W 79.'. is;! 4 1-17 D. P. -|-:!2. 2 +:is.l W. ;i2. (> :!i ;!7. 37. 37. 1701 17.'>l I si;;! lll.'iS 19;!l I9SS I S7 I I9i;.'> s;!i; 912 :14. :'.4. 34. 37. 38. 37. ;'>7. ;:!7. 39. 41. :i9. 40. 411. II. 411. 42. +40. :!.'i. 9 :!(;. u :;i;. 3.'>. 9 :!i;. 1 3.'i. II :;.".. G II. ]S44 +;;:!. :!9 S.i. 9;i I 0. 1.S49 '+32. S4 JULY, 1872. 01' 1 9 111 11 (noil. 11' II. 40. 41. 37. 30. 40. 44. 5»«. W. ! E. II. V. y. 39. 9 ill. II 10 11 .Moiiii 40. 41. 41. III. 41. 39. 42. + 11. 3,4 I Sl.O 11 17:'.". :!l 1 .S2. 1 1729 ;i7 7 Sl.O 19911 39 S4. 1 21.''il 411 s.'i. ;! 22.'.4 3.'i ; S s2. i; 21 1: 111 ;;7 79.9 1911 |;7 f) 70.. 11 1.S91 lis ;; 7.r, ;> 193S 3S 7' 7.1. .s 1991 37 ;! 7.'j. .s 1.-7S :!s 4 7.'). (i 1961 30 S 73.9 ISlll :i;i .) 74.. 'i 200S :!9 2 SO. 9 21 1.'.2 + ). p. !1 HI 9 ;i; 4 '•', .J ill 11 12 !;i 1 !2 !ll s 4 !4 •> !4 1 S3 1 l;'i 3. !>1. i;. H. p. y. D. p. D. •i:!, 7 +40.:; 72.2 2ll.'i.s 42. 1 3-^. 4 0.^.7 ISIII 42. 3s. 11 7;!. .', 190S 4.'.. 7 41.9 74.0 2101 44.7 40. 4 07. :! 1951 ■13.1 :;9. II 00. 2 I.S.I7 l.'i. 1 40..-, 02. S 1920 47.2 42.11 .',9. 4 1994 40.9 ■ 41.2 ■II. .) 1S44 4.'.. 7 411.2 .>7. 7 177S 40.. - 41.0 01.7 1920 40.0 40.0 .'.s. 7 IS-iS 4.'.. 40. .'.0.9 1747 4;i. .'> :'>s. 7 (;i.7 1724 42. 7 3s. .', 0.'.. (1 4.'i. :; 41.0 00.4 2011 43. 4 ;)S 2 1032 .12. S 39. OS. 4 issi 4;i.7 ;i9. .', O.'i. S . 1.-79 4:!. 7 39. II r.2. .', ISJl 41.'. 40.0 0.4.1 1S90 .|:!.5 :!9. 4 (;i;. .-, 1.SS3 43.7 40. 09. 9 1994 44.0 + 40.0 07.7 m.'.o !+■! 1 :;7. 4 :;.-.. 3 3,4. 2 :il.2 30. 4 31.3 '.>'.\ '* 3.',. I! +41. S 42.1 42. () 42. 4 42. 2 42.0. 4;!. 2 44. .', 45. 5 45. :! 44. S 45. 7 42. 3 19. i;. If. 77. 1 77. 1 77. II SI. 9 si. 9 51, I SI I. 2 52. S sii. ;! .-11.9 71l! 1 77.2 70. 5 P. \'. T>. P. 1SII5 177S '+33. 32. I :!;;. 0, I 70.5 37.;; 74.0 3S. 1 I 77. 1 3.S.S 7.S.1I 3S. ' 77.9 ;;-. 7 71.9 1+37,2 ! 74.9 177.S :!2. 2 :i3. ;! 1 S52 :'■:;. :; isi;2 3:!. 1 is(;(i 1.S47 :!3.4 ISO,' :!2. 4 1 S55 .:i:i. 5 ISill 32. S 10.97 :!1.0 I7;is :!2. 1 170S 32. isi;7 :!:!. 1 192;. :i4.2 17.52 :;:;. 1 1 .-5'' :;:;. 1957 ;!i.2 1 9S.S 30. 5 1900 34. 1 ls;)7 35. 3 1 s7 1 1 +:;:i. 1 ?7.s;! I 0.1.S45 +:!3. 21 II, 1,-110 _|-3;!. 49 04.70 0.1.- :;:;. 1 :;:;. 1 :!i;. 4 32. ■ 35] 4 :;:;. 1 34.2 , 34.:! :;.'.. 2 +■■'•■<■ 3 '+34. 57 41. 41. 42. 411. 40. 411 9 :i9 s +39 \v. +:iii.o 39. :;9. 7 :!9. 39. 4 40.0 41.3 42. 42. 42. 4 42. 42. 7 :;ii. s :!9. 9 :>9. s 39. ■10.3 3S. 9 :;s. 9 :!7. 8 :!s. 3 +:!7.0 K.ll. 70. 7:;. li 75. 71.4 71;. 1 7S. 1 .^7.0 79. s 72. 77.1 77. 70. 79.7 S2. II SII. s SI. 4 S"* ;! S4.0 SI. 5 Sl.O .-^0.. 4 S7. P. V. 0.2021 1977 211SII 19:!S 21157 21:!7 2;i55 2:!4il 22111 2:; 1 9 , 2: 151 1 .'l:;2 .'149 .'179 .21194 .2214 2111 .21 12 . 2030 21 is; I , 1999 2127 0, 2U72 D . P. T~ !5. 3 ,5. 4 !0. 4 ;i.s !0. S '.s. 7 ;'^. 5 17.4 ill. 9 : 10. :i )t;'.4 ;5. 4 !5. 4 16.0 + !0. 5 79.54 I 0. 2144 +:;0,. ll.',j 4G UYUKOMl^TitlCAJ. UUtiEliVATIU^'S JULY, 1872. Day. 23. 21. 2.>. Il.iur. 01- 1 i» It) n NDOM. I" 9 10 U Mean ]>. W. ];. H. _^:>,;). -s _|-;!-i. fi , so. i '.7 'J 1 '„< ;t 111 H 4(1 1 i;i (i •111 fi i6 / ?,7. 1) :':7. 4 :h. 4 :v.>. II :'.;i. (I :'..^. 9 ii'.l. 8 :!7. II 3H. tl :!7. u l+:!7.:, +:iii. i)4. ;i.". ",ij. ;i^. ;i ". 'j:'.. 9-i. 11.5. ;•■!. 'j:'.. I):!. 'J- . '.I ;. ;i.">. 9.!. ii;i. y. y. ;-Mll n.'. I ■J 1.10 2-^! 13 ■ijsl ■iJ4.H . -Jlili . -ii-i •J-J04 ■joji; . -^o.'.l .'Oiii . -io'.i ; •J 140 Uis.l . -iMi ^o:io ■JO'Ji) D. r. D. +42 :4;i. •. :tti. ;!9. f :;;i. ;«i. - w. li. n. F. V. D. r. :!.;. 4 ;! i. 9 :■..".. 4 :iii. 1 :-!9. +;!.;. 1 + :i7. :36. : 6 +40.4 .^1.5 2221 +:i7.5 +35. 7 •> :;^. --i-!. 9 ' 2131 33. 7 :!3. 1 7 37.1 s,") 2 ■JllOil 34. 3 .).!. / 9 :!>'. .") .^7.3 j 21.53 3;'i. 3 ;'5. rt s :w. 4 21,)2 :'.)i. 4 35.9 G :>-<. 2 «7. 2 21.-II :;(;. i 3t). 7 4 :is. ^-^7 2 21-9 33. 9 39. 7 4 :'.-'. ."7.2 2189 33. 9 42.7 :>, ;'.7.9 <-^7. 1 213.-: 33. 41.1 ;[ 37. 7 .^3. 3 2030 30.6 39. 8 9 ;!7. () .■:'7.9 ■ilH3 33.4 41.11 7 :'.7.4 ^7 . '■> 210:; 3) ). ;_) 42. 9 :!;;. o IN). .") 21 1:: 2 :!3. G 42. 7 .1 3(i. r, iH.1. 4 1 20 2 J ;;3. 1 4:'.. 5 ,", 31) 2 ^7. .") ; 1937 34.9 4:!. 9 7 33.4 >7. \:i<\ :! :. 9 A:',.-: (1 33. 4 H^.5 199,) 3.1. 8 38. 9 8 3.;. ti .-'-. (i 2014 :'>3. (i 3S. 11 7 :i7. ■■^1.2 19'^4 34. 3 37. 9 3 33. 8 K'l. 9 1992 3. 1. .s 33. 5 f) 3.3). .3 90. 4 i 20. iO 3.5. 32.7 1 3)) 7 S.i. li 1994 ■■',:,. 3 : 1 7 . .5 ■J 3ii. H.-i. 4 1934 34.8 ;i^. ; .5 +•"'•■■ O-'. 1 II 211.S + 35. 9 +:!9. 7 \v. 35. 1) 35 :15. 1 :'.i). 40.4 :i9. () 39. -i 3')..-' 40. 5 41.3 41.5 41. 1 :i,;. 9 32.7 :',:. 33. :i!i. 9 +:•.;. 4 R. H. 911. 9 90. 1 9:'.. 92. I 92. I 93. 1 83. 9 80. 7 K. V. D. P. II. 1902 1918 1944 1931 19,;9 20j4 2117 .2211 2241 .s.", 9 211)9 81 •> 2133 ^■1 .5 22:14 J-'. * li 2.il4 i->9. :!9. S8. :i 90.7 92. 8 92. w 90. 1 9,1. 6 91. 9 9:!. 6 92. ,s 92. 1 9 1 . 8 89. 5 ^7.9 M. 1 ,"7, 9 ,S4. s 83. 1 61.7 63. 3 62. :; (in. 8 64. 9 0. 22:'.2 +3 2160 2312 2312 226'-^ 22-1 23S-( 2li51 I3:;4 !3li(l . 2750 26110 2;)59 262 1 1920 1837 i8,;;i 1919 1S,!9 l,-9,i 1815 36. 37 37 41. 41. 41. 4:;. 41. 3^. 4\. 34. 34. :13. :; I. i+41. 41. 42. 42. 4 4. 47. 45. 47. 42. 43. 45. 43. 44. 44. 45. 44. 4 2. 41. 42. 41, ■'0. +3 +:i9. -3-^. 8 3". 7 3^. :i 38.6 40. -J 42.;! 40.8 42.3 ;>^. ^ 39.7 40.9 39. 6 40.1 40.1 40.6 40. (i 3-. 6. 3^. 9 ;'.9. 2 36. ,-^ +;?(i.y 7^.9 (i-. 6 li-'. 65.7 li:!. 3 7:!. 3 64.6 70. 5 67.5 6.;. 6:i. 7 65. 7 (i5, 7 li:;. 2 65. 9 69. 6 75. 1 71.5 71.0 71. 1 71;. 7 82. :i 75. 6 .2027 '- .2051 . 1,-':!1 1 . 1,-45 . 19:il . 20iil .2121 .'.087 . 1902 . 19j:i . 1932 1901 I . r.iiH , . 1908 . 1918 . i;i7i . 1"71 . 1 998 . 1956 1 .HO:! . 1^29 . 17-2 . 1942 . 1-45 - 3:!. 1 I 34. 2 i :!,a 2 :iii. 4 :i7. 5 36. 4 :!4.6 :;5 2 :!4! 4 ;:4. 4 31.3 1 ::5. 3 i 34.2 ;14. :! :!3. 1 ;!2. 3 4.3 -:l,l. 1 M.aii,-.. 8:!. 9:i I 0. ^;ui +:15. ^5 82. li:i 0.22,55 +3-. Ill 70.04 0.1935 +:!4.(i( AT POLAEIS BAY. 47 JULY, 1872. Day. ' - -- — - 29. 30. 31. , Hour. D. W. K.H. F. V. I), r. ' D. W. R. IT, F. y. It. p. D. A\'. R, H, F, V, D, r. o>. f:i^.5 i-:r,.d 75, 0. 174-^ +32.0 +:;y,7 + 3.6.7 73,0 0.17,-6 +33.0 +:S8. 7 + :!5.7 72, 4 1706 +:"',2,0 1 ;!'.). 3(i. 4 76,2 .1813 32,3 39.2 :!6. 5 75, 4 . Id09 , 32.1 :i9. 5 3(i :j 71.2 172- ' 32 1 2 r,7.'j ■ :-!.".. (i 7 ^ '* . 17d9 :;3. 3. ' 40.0 ../ . 3 75. 9 .ld7d 32.9 :'.9. 5 :5i> 7 74.7 1814 32 :! y :'.;>. 9 ;:7.'2 | 7"). ^ . 1-70 33.1 ; ;;9.5 3,6. 8 75. 5 .ld:',0 32.8 :;9, :; :!i'. 8 77,2 1-02 :!:'. 1 4 40.;-: :!7..T 75. 1 . 1881 34.2 39.4 36.9 77. 3, . 1 d7 1 i 33. 2 :i6 2 77, 8 Id24 32 2 ; 5 40,1,1 ■.-,;, 73'. 7 .Idyi 33,. 9 39,6 37.0 76.5 .l,-!r.7 ■ 34.0 :'.[>'. 1 ;;7 80, 7 1927 :j4 :J li 44. '.1 41.5 73.. .2178 3.(;, 4 1 39. 2 36,. 5 75,4 . idoy :,3,. 1 39. 4 :i7 3 dO, 8 1954 :i4 4 , ^ 4.1. 7 4:i. -2 dO. 4 .2470 39.6 : 3,M 36. 80. 2 . 1,-^47 , 3:;. 3 :17. :: ;-i5 ;! ,-0, 8 1804 32 ■ ) 8 47..'. ' 4(i.0 88, i; . 2910 43., 8 ' ;;7,5 35. 9 84. 7 . Id99 ' 34. 9 :i7.4 1 79,9 1749 :',! :! 'J 4.^. -2 4i;. 83, 6 .2814 43. 7 37. 7 36.4 87.6 . 1983 3,4. 7 :37. y :}■; 1 82, 9 18:;o :!:: 4 10 49.7 , 4:i.9 59, 2 .2110 37, 6 : 39, 6 3.8. 4 ■87.3 .2144 ' :i6,. 7 :i7. 7 / ,^1,0 18:!6 ' :•.:; 1 11 47.7 41. s 5(\ > . 1878 :;5, 4 : 39. 1 37.8 88.0 .2103 3.5.9 :i7, 8 :',6, 82, 9 1881 ;•,:; .) Noon. 47. 4 ■ 4-J. 1 60. 7 . 1991 36. 4 3,9. 4 :;7, 4 81. d .1976 34.3 :57,5 ;;,", 79 1778 :>,2 6, I'' 4."). 9 40..-; 60.9 .18d7 3.-.. 3 i 38.4 3,7. 3 d9. 7 .2084 ' 35. (; "'7.7 36 8;i, 8 Idi! :;:i 4 •> 44.9 1 40.4 64. 5 . 1926 34. 2 37. 5 36. d 93. 3 .2096 35.6 3^.1 :ni 7 dd, 5 197d 34 • > 3 4-.'. 1 1 ;i>. ■,' 67. 11 . 1796 33. 1 , 36. 7 35. 7 90. 2 . 1966 i 34.6 :',6 5 dl,4 1900 :!4 ;; 4 44. S i 40.3 64.4 . 1917 33.2 36, (i 35. ,-(4.4 . Id27 33.5 ::9. 4 :-'5 ,j 62. 2 1510 1 29 7 5 44.:'. 39. .-^ 63., 9 . 1-70 34,1 1 37.5 3.5. .5 do. y .1-20 3,3.3, :!8, 4 :'6 2 79. 3 ld5o :•,;; 3 (J 4n. :-', 1 40.8 64. d . 1902 34,3 1 37,7 35. 3 77. 1 .17.52 3,2.4 :)7 5 -4.4 2029 :'..-. 4 7 42.:. ; 39.0 70. 6 .1920 34,2 • 37,3 35. 7 d4. 6 . ld,-'2 34.2 :!8, 1 9 79.:! Id26 ■ 3:! d 4-.', 7 ' :'.8. .-^ 67. 5 . Id50 32,0 3,7,6 35. 2 77.1 . 1744 32. 3 :.7 1 85. 1 2006 34 :i 9 40. (i 37.4 71.8 . ld-0 33.1 38,3 3,4. 9 67. 4 . 1590 31. 1 :'., . , :!5 .", 79. 1 17 94 :;2 7 10 39. 9 37. 74. . 182d 34,0 3.8,7 36.1 76.1 .17,^(i 31.9 :;(i. 7 :>,-. (i 811. 2 1945 ' 34 6 1 11 +39.7 +3.J.7 73, U 0. 1786 +33. 1 +3d. 4 +35. 6,7. 5 0. 1.598 +30. 8 +:16. 1 +34 3 ,<.. o 1) 1745 +31 ;! Jli/ans. 70.78 0. 1996 +35. 10 80. 29 0. 1869 +33. 59 _ 80.24 18)5 +:j:!. 0'- ■ Day. i 1 AUGUST, 1872. 1. 2. 3. Hour. D. w. E. H. F. V. D. P. D. W. R. H. F. V. ! D. P. D. \\'. R. H. F. Y, D. P. 01. +3,5. 7 +33.8 dO, 6 0. li;!14 +31.0 +3d,G +:;6. 4 79.5 0. 1866 +33,, 3 + 37. 6 +3,\8 82.6 ' 1805 +33.:; 1 30. 1 34. 3 82. 2 . 1745 30. 9 3d. 7 37. 1 85. 2 .2006 3,4.:; :17. 6. ."!;^. ; dl.,- 1844 :;:; 2 2 36.0 3,4.0 80. 2 . 1700 31.0 ; 3.9.0 3,6,4 76.1 .1813 :!2.0 :;--. :!;i.4 84.9 1943 : :;:; :; 39. 37. 81.6 .1940 34,3 39.5 37. 77.3 .l,-'do :;::. 1 :i7. 7 3::. ,-:., 8 18:)4 32 ;) 4 36. 9 35. 3 d4.5 . 1851 32.2 39.1 j 36. 8 78. ,S .idd5 :;j.3 : i7 . 9 30.0 d2. 1808 ::!2 7 5 35 I 3,:;. 2 dO. 7 . 1652 29. d 40.5 ! 37.7 , ,1. 3 . 1,897 34. 2 :l:^. 5 :)7.o 8,;. 2010 ' -M :'. (i 33. .-J 34. 82.1 . 1721 31.0 42.3 ' 40. 8 87. 2 .2::'.6,0 ;id,(j :-i9. 5 37. 5 dl,8 VJ<> :r. 4 7 37..-, ., 35.8 83. 7 . 1-78 33.3 43.0 40.5 79.2 , wiy5 :i7, 5 40. I :i8. 81.2 2017 35 '} 1 8 33. 7 1 34. 1 84.0 .1755 31.0 i 43,. 7 40. 8 75. 2 ,2170 :!;;, 9 41.2 :!^, 9 79.9 2072 3ii r> y 3s. -i ;;i;, 1 ■■•O. 3 .ld55 33. 3 42. 1 38. 8 71.9 .19:'.:i :i5, :-! 39. 4 ::7, 1 79, 1910 :;4 :i 10 39.9 37.3 7i;. 7 . 1891 33. 1 41. 1 38, 73. ,i,-,-7 :'.4,2 :;y. 4 :j7. :i 80, 9 1954 :;4 v) 11 38.5 36,5 81.4 . 19(0 33,. 5 40.9 37.9 73.7 . idyi 34. 1 39. 2 37. 1 ,-'0, 8 19,;6 :;4 3 Neon. 39.-- 37.2 76i, 6. . ld-3 33.0 : 41.4 1 i>7, 7 {•!<. 1 . 17,-0 3:',. 1 :W.4 36, 4 ,-(1.3 18 12 3:'. :i 1'. 38.4 35.7 74.9 . 1740 32.0 : 42.7 • 39. 09. 1 . Id94 :!4. 2 :!9. 7 :{7.4 79, ;f 19:'.7 34 2 2 40.4 ■:.;.■> 71.7 . Id02 33. 1 42. 3,--. 4 69. 4 . l,-.53 3::. 1 :;8. 9 36, 7 79, 7 1890 34 :; 3d, 7 i 35.7 72.3 . 1706 32.1 41.7 38. 4 71.7 .1-97 ;!4. 1 40.1 ;;;, 7 7 -(,4 1951 34 :; ' 4 41. U ' 38,2 75, 5 .1941 34.2 41.0 3.8, 1 74.7 . 1918 1 34.2 39. ;;7. 2 8:-.. 4 1989 :;4 1 Tj 40,7 ' 3d, 76. 3 . 1934 34. 1 40. 9 3,8, 2 76.4 . 1954 34. 3 ;!-. 1 36. 80, 2 Id -17 3.1 :i H 39,1 j 37,7 87.0 . 20,-1 3li. 7 41.5 3.8. 2 72.3 .1-79 33.9 :;7. 9 :i!;. ■-2. ld,;s :i:i 1 7 41.5 ! 38,5 74.1 . 1945 34. 2 3,9. 7 37.' i 76. 5 . ],-'75 1 ;'.:;. 1 :!6. 9 35. 82. 6 I7d8 1 :;2 '2 8 39.6 ■ 36.9 7.'.. 6 . 1,845 33.1 ■ 3d. 8 3,6. 4 77.9 .idio :>,:!. 3 36. :'. 34,7 d4,2 IdO:! 31 y 40. 1 37. 5 70. 8 . 1907 34.3 3d. 6 36. 5 80. 5 .18,-7 34.2 :15. 6, :j4.o 84,0 1747 29 d 10 39. 6 37. 76.5 . 1867 33.0 3,8.0 35. 8 79.2 .1818 3:;. 4 34.8 ;v' •> 8;!. G 1691 29 7 n Meaus. + 38.6 +a6. 1 76,. y 0. 1799 +32.0 +37.6 +35 8 82. 6 76.28 0. 1,-65 +:!4. 6 +:34.8 +33: 1 82.6 1671 +29 9 78. 84 0. 18:!5 +32. 75 0. 1927 +:M. 30 81.92 ' 1891 +33.27 - -■ — _ - - — - — — 48 HYGEOMETEICAL OBSERVxiTIOXS AUGUST, 1872. Dav. Hour. 0'' 1 3 4 :) (i 7 H 9 10 11 Xooii. 1" 2 3 10 U D. +:!.5. :'>4. 1 :!4. 4 :i7.4 40, • 41.0 41.7 4K9 40. s 40. 5 40. r> +40. 5 01' 1 2 9 10 11 Noou. II' 2 9 10 11 Meaus. W. +33. 19. 4 4-,.'. 44. 43. I'J. 44, 41. 30. 40! Meaus, Day. Hour. ^Y. ;+3(3, i+34,3 30. •: 30, 7 30. 4 3G. 9 3 1. ("; ■ '7, 7 3^. 37. 9 3,7. 7 39.0 39. 1 1 37.5 I 3t). 3 34.0 34.0 4 'J 4 4 Wr'. (I 3,7. 4 [ 37.4 + 37. -J i;. H. ,■<■.'. 4 79.9 70. 5 79, 9 W.'i 9 57. 7 59. 1 5.-' .^ 4S. s 63.5 07. 5 70. -l 75. 'J 7-.'. 7 -J. 79. 9 F. V, . l(l-30 .1077 . 104:! . 1791 . -J-.'o-^ . iai7 , 1791 ,1744 , L-4 4 , lOLS , 1S7(I , -J()99 . ■J(I99 . 'iiWi . ]H74 , \^\1 . 103ri , 17. -'3 ■^iiO,-: l>'0(i 19."1 iK-:3, 17.:^9 D, P. +29. s ■SI. 2 ■Ml 4 W. «. II. V. y. D, r. T). ^^'. i;. II, F, \-, D. p. 30 .5 ] 3.3 1 3-.' 2 31 C 31 2 0. 34. 3,(1. 32, +31. 3 I 1 I 1 (i (1 9 -40, 40, 40, 40, ■i-1. 45, 43,, 40, 44, 45. 4 1. 44. 43,, 47, 42, 42. 42. 42. 41, 41), +:',r,. ,07 0. l.-^45 '+3,3,47 5 + 37, 7 75,2 (1. ls'J7 +34. 2 +30. 4 +34.0 7(1. 5 104.- +31.0 7 37,7 73, (i . l.-'73. 31. 1 3(3. 4 i',3. 7 7.3. 1.578 2-. .5 9 72. .1.-'17 34.0 I 37.4 1 3,5. 77.1 172- 3-.'. 2 7 73, C, . 1873, 34. 1 3,.-!. 4 ■ ,■'. / 74.9 1711) 3-.'. •) li.^, .-^ . 1.-49 34.2 41.1 3,8. 73.0 l.sr7 31. -J 4 41.2 07. 1 .21144 ■M. 4 41.3, 3,s. r. 70.5 1994 35, 3 ;i 3,9. 3 07. 1 .1^87 3,1.2 3.-. 9 3,7. 82. 5 195.- 34.3, ;j 40. 5 ,55. 5 . 1705 31. 3 38. 74.7 195.- 30 ',) 7 37.9 4i;. 9 . 1393 28. 9 3,9. 5 30 3, 71.2 172- 3,.'.0 7 3,:i ..J 5,5, .5 . 108.- :)'.'>. 2 43. 1 3-. 9 05. 3, 1 .-:!5 3,1.2 7 : I ■* ,5 51.(1 . 1.529 3,2.(1 45. 39. 9 59. 9 179- 31.3 rt :',7,.-5 45.0 . 13(,-J 29.9 3,.-'. 7 34. 9 05. 2 1,540 29. 7 •■} 37,4 52. 9 . 14.-3 29. s 40. 5 3,5. 7 57. 9 1407 29.7 40,8 54.0 . 1744 34. 3, 40. 1 3,0. 3 00. S 104. s 30.8 37. 3 00, 5 . lOi.s 3(1. 9 37. 5 34,0 0!i. 9 1500 -, 3.-^. 02. 3, . 1700 3-J.U 39. 7 35, 7 04. 2 1,57(; 30 - ') 37.3 5r<. 7 . 1.592 3(1. 9 37. 7 33 ■' 57. 9 1314 2(;.2 '> 3,7. ."' 02, .-^ . 1700 ■■'■•>. 1 37. 9 34,0 0-. 1 155.S 29. 7 1 3,0. S 02, 7 . 1025 3,2, 3,.-. 9 35. 01.4 1.52S 29. 8 :', 35. 00, . 1002 31), S 3,.s. 5 35.0 07. 7 15.-0 29. 7 H 37. 2 OS, 5 , 1753, 32, 1 37.0 34.5 70.7 1597 :',■>. 2 .s 3ii. 4 09.5 . 1710 32, 3/ . / 34.8 72.0 103,4 32. 1 1 3,5. 1 72.0 .10,5.- 3,0,9 37 2 34.1 70. 4 1505 29. 7 ,S +34.3 75. 8 0. 1(;54 +29. 7 +35. 9 + 33.7 78. 2 1050 +3,1. 03,. 28 0. 1702 +32,79 09. 40 0. i(;o.s + 3,1. 2( AUGUST, 1872. E. H. ! F. Y. ■^0. 4 34 1 35 34 31 7(1. .-1. -0. 79. .-1. 81. 80. 79! 70. 30. 30. +37.4 -1-35.4 70. 3 70. 2 81.0 79. 8 SO. 9 . 1758 . 1SS2 .1004 . K548 . 1094 . 10(;o . 10S5 . 17SS . 17S5 . 17.52 . 1792 . 17S(; . 1773 . 1750 . 1737 . 170(1 . 1807 . 1814 . 1870 . IS-M .1710 . 1844 . 1775 . 1812 31. 33. D. +3,7. 1 3,C. 4 37. 5 40. (i 45. :;9. 5 40. 2 39. 3 40.0 39. 5 40.5 W. -35. 1 34.7 35. 3 34. 7 34.0 34.0 r,4.0 34. 8 35. 7 40.5 33.3 37. 2 30. 5 37. 3 30, C 30.4 .30. 9 33. 3 40. 41. 40. :!2.4 +39.5 '+: 30. 4 3,(i. 4 R. H. i F. V. SO. 7 SO. (i '^■■',. 6 85. 2 84^ 9 84.9 84. 9 84. 3 S2.7 7.». l» 04. 71.2 74.0 09. 4 07. s 70.2 84. 72. 0. 1 788 .1750 . 183,8 . 1815 . 1700 . 1700 . 1700 .1811 . ls.57 . 1905 . 1935 . 14SS . IS'jS . 1790 . 18S8 . 1705 . 1749 . 1728 .1811 .1774 . 1748 . 17.-.5 . 1930 0. 1749 D. P. +32. 3 32. 2 :>,■■',. 32. 2 :',2! 4 3,2. 4 32. 4 34. 2 34. 3 32, 33, 1 D. K. H. F, v. I D. P. 40. 'JL> / ;■;;! 1 'J^ 6 •_>,-; 7 ;;■> :VA 1 )VJ 1 ;j) 32 1 ?> 1 3 +32 +38, 6 : + 35 ■■■>■-'. 1 '■VJ. 9 40.7 41.5 41.9 43. 45. 1 44, 1 43,7 43, 8 42, s 44.7 44.2 42. 2 42. 7 42. 7 44.5 43.7 43. 2 43. 5 44. 5 + 41.4 74.1 71.4 !9. 1 39. 1 02.9 ::-. 4 .5(;. 5 38. (30.1 39. 2 50. 7 39. 2 59.9 37. .s 02. 8 3,- 7 Oli. 7 3s. (i 05, 8 40. 3 00, 5 39. 8 OS, 4 ■,'>r<. 1 5-, 2 37. 4 64. 8 39. 9 03. 4 37 8 09. 0. 17(35 +32.22 76.40 0.1793 -32. 20 0. 1735 . liiOO . 175- . 1-70 . 1851 . 1901 . 1S44 . 1772 . 1.S78 . 1739 . 17-7 . 1021 . lOfil . 1(3.-0 . 1748 . 1700 . 1833 .ISU . 1954 .194S , l(i:',0 . 1703 . 18li7 0. 1801 0. 17S2 +32.0 3,0. 9 3,2. 33. 1 34. 2 34.4 3:!. 1 34. 2 3,-.'. I i :!2. 34. 2 I 34.3 32! 31.9 34. 2 +33. 1 i+33. 1 AT POLARIS BAY. 49 Day. AUGUST, 1872. 10. 11. la. Hour. D. W. E.H. ] ^.Y. D. P. D. W. R.H. ] F.V. D. P. D. W. K. H. F.V. D. P. Oi" +39.6 +36. 5 72, 1 1757 +33. 1 +35.7 +33. 7 80, 1 1676 +31.0 +33. 5 +31. 4 80, 2 . 1518 +27. 1 37.5 34, 8 74,3 I6i;s 311.9 '.u'l. ,5 31.9 s:!,7 1509 28, 5 ;e. 1 31. 79, 8 1509 27.0 2 37.3 34.7 75. 1 i.;73 30.7 32, 8 31.1 83,4 15(10 27, 32.1 30. 3 81, ;! 1476 27.1 3 39.4 36.5 73,7 1783 33, 1 36,7 35, 4 87. 3 1903 32, 2 :!7. 1 35. 3 82, 6 1S25 ;5:5. 5 4 42. b 39.8 77,2 210B 36,4 40. 4 38. 78,7 197S 35, 4 38. s 37.1 84,2 I99:i 34, 3 ^ 44.7 41.1 71,4 21117 , 36.5 46,7 44,6 )<:;. 3 2673, 42, s 42, 5 40. 78. i) 2150 3ii, 4 6 43.2 39. 8 71,8 2010 36,4 42, 7 40,8 84.0 2308 :!s. 40.1 :!7. 72,4 1797 3:i, 1 7 43. 3 39. 2 66.4 1865 34. 2 39. 5 38. 86.3 2100 35, 4 4.5, 2 40.2 60. 9 1840 34. 2 8 42. 6 38, 3 64.0 17.5S 33, 1 44,7 40.3 65.0 192S :15, :; 4:i, 2 39. 65, 4 ls:!4 154,1 9 43.7 38. 1 .54.9 1566 ;!0.9 46,5 41.0 5,-'. 5 1>5() :!4. :', 43. 5 3S, ;i 62,4 17(ls 3:!, 1 10 43.1 37. H .56. 3 1583 32. 47, 5 42. 2 60.7 2001 :'.l:i, 4 46.4 41 . 5 62, 8 19SS 36, 4 11 42.8 37. 8 58. 5 1622 3.2. 1 4(;,7 41.9 63,. 6 2021 34, 5 45. s 40. S 61,5 1900 :55. :', Noou. 41.2 36. 5 59. 5 1.549 29, 7 46,6 40, 8 56. 4 1793 3:5. 2 44,5 39. :! ;,'". / 17:!1 :i:i. 1 lii 41.4 36. 2 55, 6 14(i0 3(1,9 44.1 39, 8 (15. 3 is;):; '•'>'). I! 42, 38. 4 (iO. 5 1S55 3:!, 2 . 2 4(1. .5 35. 4 55, 4 14(19 2S, 5 3H, 2 35, 70.2 16J4 ;!(i. 9 41,5 :;7. 6 66. 5 174(i :5:i, 1 3 37,7 34, 8 72, 6 1642 30.9 3(;, 9 34, 3 74.9 1641 29.7 :-;s. :{5. 71. 9 1650 30,9 4 4li. 2 39. 2 47,3 1488 31.0 37.5 34.9 7 "l '* l(;s9 3(.), 9 3i;, 9 3:;, 4 66.4 145S 27, :5 5 37. 9 35.3 75, 6 1721 3,0. 9 36. 5 33,. 4 (19.9 1509 2S, 5 40. 5 36, 3 63. 1 15',)S 30. S 6 37.2 ■35.6 84,6 1H75 33. 3 34,4 3-J. 75. 4 1498 28, 4 |j;{ "7' 31. 2 75. 9 1472 29 7 7 :\'>. 7 33, 5 7S, 1 1634 1 31.0 33, 7 :;-. 1 s:!. 1 1614 2< :j 30, s 29, 5 s5. ;) 14S() 27.3 8 35. 5 33. 2 76, 9 1.597 29. s :;5. 3,;l, 5 79.(1 1647 29, S 32, 7 30, 9 81. 6 1519 27. 7 9 36.5 34. 3 7,^, (; 1698 31.1 34.9 3:!. 1 SI. 6 l(i5S 29,7 31,7 30, 1 8:;. 1 11S5 27. 3 10 35. 9 33. 9 81). 2 1692 31.0 33 H 31.8 so, 6 1529 27,.0 31, 9 30, ;', s:i 2 1499 27 , 5 11 +35.2 +33. 77, 8 1594 +29, s +34. 2 + 32, 77,2 1,524 +28, 5 +30. 7 +29, 2 s:!. 7 14:55 +26,5 Means. 69. 08 1702 +31.97 75. 16 1799 +:«,15 7:5, 41 1689 + :.50, 91 AUGUST, 18 72. Day. 13. 11. 15. Hour. D. W. K. H. ] ^.V. D. P. D. W. R, H. b\ V. D. P. D. W, E. H. ] F. V. D. P. Ot +30.7 +29.2 83. 7 i 1435 +26.5 +30.7 +29. 2 S3. 7 14:^1 +26, 5 +33.2 +31,6 S3, 8 1592 +29. 1 30.3 29.0 1446 26. 7 30.7 29. SI, 5 1397 25, 9 31. 29,4 S2, 8 14:57 26.5 2 30.4 29.1 85. H 1453 26. 9 33. 1 31.7 S5, 7 1623 29. 4 29. 4 2S. 2 S(i, 3 1404 2(i. 3 31.7 30, 2 84,2 1504 ' 27.6 31.5 30. 3 87,3 1.547 2s :-; 29. 7 29, 1 9:',, 2 15:5:5 2^.1 4 36.7 3.">, (1 83, 5 1S14 i 33.4 31.8 30. 8 SI), 4 1604 29. 1 30.2 29, 3 SJ, 1 1492 27. (i 5 36. ;» 35. 4 85, 4 1S72 33, 2 32, 9 31.6 8(i, 6 1629 29 5 30.7 29, 4 S5, 9 147:5 27.2 6 34.6 32, 3 76, 5 153,2 27,9 34, 7 32. 6 7S, 5 1579 2S. 5 31.7 30, 6 ss, 4 1.5S0 28, 8 7 37.8 36,0 s:i ,-< 1S94 33.6 37, 3 :',5, 7s. -1741 32. 2 32. li 31.:', 8(i, (5 1607 29. 1 8 40. >J 37.1 67.0 1729 33,, 1 35, 6 33, 1 75. 1 15li7 28.6 34. :J2, 9 ss, 5 17:!() 29, 9 9 38.7 36.1 7(i. 1 nne, 34,5 36,0 33. 9 79, 2 1679 ■M. (.) 34. 3 :!3, sd, (5 1711 31,1 10 3S. 2 35, 70. 2 1624 ' 33.4 37,1 34.1 71,3 157S 29. 7 34. 7 33, 1 83, 6 16S4 30, S 11 37.2 34. s 76,9 1712 311,9 36, H 34.5 77.1 1701 ;}'j •> :!9. 9 3S (1 S-J. 9 204s 35. 3 Noon. 37. 5 35. 2 7,-<, (1 17.57 32, 1 37.0 3,4. 71.2 1570 29. 7 36. 7 :m.(; 79. 6 17:53 31.0 If 43.4 40.3 74.5 2(197 ' 35.9 31 i. 1 3:1. 5 74.4 1582 28. 5 ■M. 3 34. 3 SO. 4 1724 :5o. 9 2 44.5 40. 64.1 ISIKI :!4.8 3,4, 5 3,2, 4 7S. 4 1565 2-'. li 35. 7 X',. 7 SO. 1 1676 29, s 3 41.7 3S. 5 72, 5 1919 i 34.2 35. 5 33,, 4 7s,9 1639 29 S :>5. :', 3-"' 7 s:!. s 1726 29. 7 4 38.7 36.5 79,2 1874 33. 2 35. 4 33, 5 so. 9 167:1 31. :55. 7 34.0 8:5,0 I7:i4 :52. 3 5 33. .'. 31. 5 HI, 4 1543 27,7 34, 7 3:i,0 s-j, (i 1664 29. s 35. 2 34. S7, 8 IS04 31. S 6 34.2 32. / / , 3 1.524 2S. 1 35, 7 3,4,0 s;',, 1734 3(1. 9 :n.l 35. 3 s-J, 6 ls-,'5 :52, 1 7 34,2 32.2 79, 3 1.564 28,8 35, 5 '.VA. 8 s-i. 9 1720 29 9 ;-^(; *■ 34, 7 So, 6 1750 30. 9 8 32. 6 30, s HI, 5 1511 27, 6 35, 8 34. S2, 1 1721 30. 3 36.0 :w, 1 81,1 1716 29.9 9 33. 2 .31.8 85, S lli46 29.5 3,0,2 3,4, 5 s:', 2 1774 30. 7 34. s 33, 2 83, 6 1691 31,1 10 31.2 29. 4 80, 7 1413 1 26.1 3,5, 5 33,. 6 so 9 Kiso 31.1 34.0 :i2, 1 SO, 2 1.575 29. S 11 Means. +31.6 +29. 9 82. 1460 !+2(J. 8 +34.7 +33, 1 83,, 5 ll:iS4 +31. +29. 7(> +33. 2 +31, 4 81, 8 1,5:!6 1659 +28. 3 78. 92 l(i67 +30. .52 80. 64 1629 84,26 i +29. 8s I H O 50 HYGROMETEICAL OBSERVATIONS AT POLAEIS BAY. 51 Day. Hour. Oi> 1 8 'J 10 11 NOOQ. 2 ;i 4 5 ti 7 K 'J 10 11 Jleaiis. D. +:il.2 :;(!. 5 ;ii.O ;i2. 4 ii'J. 5 ■Si. 1 ;i:'.. 4 :!4. 4 :'i.'>. 7 ;;(;. 2 +: :'..■) :i4 7 3:i 9 34 34 34 r ;!4 (5 34 h 34 1 3,3 9 34 1 ii;> ^ S- AV. 29. 30. 31. 3,1.2 3,1. S 32. (I 32. 4 33. 1 34.2 34.7 22. E. H. F. Y. D. P. 0. l.',2.-. . 1421 . ir.4.-< 32 33 33 >.) 3:! o 3,3 s J; rt 33. 1 -33. 1 SO. r, . 101 II) ai.7 .1043 .'^.~). s . lliKi S7. 3, . 1(W2 .-(). 5 .1719 85. . 1770 S.5. 2 .If^l.-i Sli. 7 .1707 77.6 . l.-..-,9 i 90. 6 .170S 91.6 .179.-, 91.6 . 179r. 92. S . 1S.-,(I 91.8 . 1S37 92. s .ls.-,0 90. 7 . 17S2 92. 7 . ISIIS 91.7 . 1SI)2 92. 7 .isoi 92. 7 0. IHIl 88. .-,2 0.171.-, +27. 26. H2. 3 3,1.1 21. 33. 33. 3,1. 31. 31. 31. +31. +30.40, AUGUST, 1872. 23. 24. D. W. B. H. ] F.V. D. P. D. w. E. H. F. V. D. P. 4-33. 9 + 33. 90. 7 176S +32. 9 +29. +28. 1 89.7 1431 +26. 5 33.7 32.4 86. 3 1669 31. 6 28. 27.2 90. 5 liiso 25. 7 33. 7 32. 8 90.6 17.54 31.5 28. 5 27.6 89.5 1400 25. 9 33. 7 32. s 90. 6 1754 31. 5 29. 3 28.4 89. 8 1451 21'.. 9 33. 7 32. s 90. 6 17.54 31. 5 29. 6 28.7 S9. 9 1471 27.1 33,. ,5 32. 8 92. 6 17MI 31.4 30.6 29. 8 91. 2 1559 2S. 4 3,4.11 31!. 2 91.6 1795 31. 1 33. 1 32. 2 90. 4 1712 30.2 33. 9 33. 90. 6 176.S 31. 2 35. 7 34. 8 94. 9 1902 32. 5 36. 1 35. 89. 1 1S97 3il. 5 37. 5 3.5.5 so. 9 IS20 :'.2. 1 3.-,. s 34.7 K9. 1873 33,. 2 :!S. 6 37.1 S6. 20 19 3,5. 5 36. 3 34.8 85. 2 1824 32. 3, 40. 7 :vj. s 92.0 23,40 37. 6 ;>7. .-, 35.4 -0. 1799 31.0 3s. 7 30.2 70.9 1 S03 ;;;> -> 37. S :;5. 3 76.4 1734 32. 1 37.4 35. 3 79. 9 1791 32. 1 3S. 36. Hl.l 1S60 33. 3, 3S. 3, 35. s 76.7 1774 32. 3.^'. II 35. 7 78. 3 1797 32. 1 3,11. II 30. 3 75. 3 1791 3;i. 1 36. 2 3,4. 4 S'^ ;-j 17.53, 31.1 39. 36. 72. 6 1730 32. 3li. 34.1 ' 81. 1 1716 31. 36. 4 34.2 7S. 5 1690 30.9 30. 1 34. 1 80. 3 1708 31.0 3,5. 7 33. i; 79. 1 1658 29. S 3.-,. 4 33.6 81. 8 1693 3,1. 1 34. 1 :'>2. 2 SI. 3, 15S2 2S. 6 34. 32.6, 80. 4 16711 31.7 ;;■> v> 3>0. 5 S3. 1 15sii ■'7 r> 1 33. 1 31. 9 87.7 1002 29. 9 31.2 29. 8 S5. 1490 27.4 32 1 31.0 SH 5 101 IS 2,1. 2 311. 2S. i; S4.5 14IH 26.1 30. 7 29. 7 -'9. 2 152S 2^.0 2*. 7 27. 3, '-3,. 1324 21.7 +29. 6 +2S. 7 t^'J. 9 1471 + 27. 1 +27. i; +26.5 86.9 II 13,1 IS +2S. 4 85. 58 173,5 +31. 20 S4.52 1643 +29. 72 Day. Hour. Oi 1 •2 ii 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It Noon. II' 8 9 10 11 Hi-'aiis AUGUST, 1872. 25. D. W. +26.2 +25.5 26.4 26.9 27. II 27. II 27 s 32.4 32. 9 36. 9 lis, 2 42! 6 44.2 38. 5 41.4 36. 7 35.9 32. 7 3,2. 2 31] 9 30. 4 29. 2 +26. 5 2:>. 6 26. 1 21;. 3 26. 1 27.0 31.5 3,2. 1 35. 7 3,6.8 41.3 41. s 35. S 3S. S 3,4. 3 33. s 31.9 30. 8 30. 5 29. 2 2^.1 +25.5 E. H. 87.6 86.57 F.V. 0. 1294 . 12SS .1318 . 1342 . 1307 . 1373 . 106,! I . 1731 . IS', 12 .2002 .2431 . 174S . 21 127 . 1072 . 1071 . 1710 . 1 55S .1471 .140'.) . 13S2 . 1362 0. 125',) D. P. +24. 1 24.0 24.6. 25. 24. 3, 25. 5 3,0.1 31.9 32. 4 4 33, 3,0.9 36.4 \ 29. 9 2',). 8 3,0. (i 2^.4 25. 1 27.0 26. 1 25. 3 25. 3 +2:!. 5 0.1616 +28.6. 26. D. +25. ' 25. ; 20.:' 27.: 20. ] 26. f 35 31 +31 W. +21.6 24. S 26.0 27.0 28. 5 29. 9 30. 5 31.4 3L 2 33. 4 33.9 34.4 34. .32.4 ;!3. 1 30.6 30.4 +30.3 R. H. F.V. '9. 4 . 123,0 .1253 .1312 . 1307 . 1270 .1312 . 1362 D. P. -22. 9 23! 4 24.4 25.4 23,. 7 24.4 89. 8 . 1457 27. ss. 2 . 1531 28.0 ss. 4 . 1573 2S. 7 87. 6 . 1624 29. 4 S,~) ',\ . 1619 29. 8 87. 5 . 1610 2',). 2 s',). 7 . 1(;93 30. 4 S7. 6 . 174S 31. 3 85. 5 .1730 31.4 85.7 .1770 31.9 SS. . 1S36 31.1 84. 9 .1760 :',2. 3 84. 3 . ii;4s 31.7 80.7 . 1015 31.1 SO. 4 . 1550 28. 4 S7.4 . 15.57 "2^ "> ss. 4 0. 15:,8 +28. 5 87. 82 0. 1544 +28. 26 27. D. W. R. H. F.V. D. P. +31.4 +30. 3 88. 4 0. 15.5S +28. 5 29. 9 28. 8 87. 7 .1454 20.8 29. 5 28. 8 ',12. 1 . 1.501 27.6 2S. 2 27. 2 88. 3 . 1362 25, 3 29.1 28. 1 SS.5 . 1420 26.3 30.7 2'.l. 8 90.3 . 1.547 2S. 3 32. 1 311.9 87.4 . 1594 2s. 9 33. 5 32. 2 SO. 2 . 1655 29. 9 36.0 34.5 S5. 1 . ISIIO 32. 3 !-",:,. / 33. 9 SO. s .1714 31.1 36. 9 34. 9 so. 7 . 1772 '■V-l "2 3s, 1 36.5 8-1.6 . r,l52 3,4.4 39. 4 )17. '.^ SO. 8 . 1954 35, 5 38. 2 30.4 S3, 1 . 1917 34.5 3',). 9 3s. '.', 85. 5 .2114 3,1;. 39.4 3/ . 7 SO. 4 .2047 35. 5 39. 2 3-. 88. 9 . 2134 36.4 '■VJ. s 3,s, ^'■>. i .2001 36. 6 40.1 3-, II SI. 2 .2017 :!5. 5 35. 9 31.0 S7.0 . 1839 33,. 5 31.0 29. SO. 8 . 1450 24.4 30.2 2',). 81 i. 7 . 1457 26.8 2^ 9 27. 9 ss, .) . 1407 26, +28. 2 +27.4 90. G 0. 1399 +25.9 S6. 23 0.1714 +30.78 52 nYGEOMETRIOAL OBSERVATIONS AUGUST, 1872. Day. 2§. 29. Hour. D. W. E. H. F. V. D. P. D. W. E. H. F. V. D. P. Oh +27. 7 +27. 91.7 0.1385 +25.7 +28.7 +27. 5 86.1 0. 1382 +25.3 1 27.5 20. -S 91.7 . 1372 25. 5 2^'. 3 27. 3 88. 3 . 1368 25.4 ') 27.5 26,8 91.7 .1372 25. 5 •2s. 2 27.2 88.2 . 13(V2 25.3 3 •>s 2 27.5 91.8 . 14LS 26.2 28, 3 27.3 88. 3 . 1368 25.4 4 27.7 27.0 91.7 . 1385 25. 7 28, 6 27.6 88. 4 .1410 25. 9 27. y 27.2 91.7 . 1398 25. 9 29. 2'^. 8S. 5 . 1413 , 26. 1 i; 2i-l < 31.9 30.9 89.5 . 1611 29. 2 10 30.0 34.2 >2, 2 . 1737 32. 3 1 33. 6 32, 3 86.3 . 1662 17.3 11 30. 7 3,-1. 9 S2, 4 . 1793 32. 3 1 33,, 6 32, 2 85.3 . 1642 16.2 Nocm. 38.7 3,7.5 8,-<. . 3 , 2274 36. 7 1 40. 3H. 82.0 . 2030 19.9 3 42.4 41. 5 92. 4 .2503 40. 9 ■ 3-s. 4 37. 86.9 .2018 22. 4 4 40.0 3,s. 6 H.-.4 .2162 3i!. 6 i 37. 1 35. 8 S7.4 . 1935 21.7 5 40. 3S. S f-9, 1 . 2206 3i;. 7 3S. 4 37.0 80. y .2018 23.4 (i 3.' 9 34. 8 S9, 1 . HSI 32, 3 39, 3 37. 5 83.5 . 2016 20. 5 / 33.6 32. 5 8S, 4 . 1702 29.9 31. S 30, 1 K5, 4 . 17^1 11.1 8 32. 4 31.3 88, 6 , 1629 29, 5 31.5 30. 3 27.3 . 1.547 28. 3 9 31.7 30, 2 ■^7, 7 . 154rt 27.2 31.0 29. 9 87.1 . 1518 27.8 10 30. 2 29, >^l>. 7 . 14.57 2ii. 8 ' 30,7 29. 1 Hli. 2 . 1443 11.2 11 Means. + 311. 1 +28.9 f<6, 6 0. 1450 +2(). 7 +29. 1 +27. 8 85. 2 0. 1368 +25, 4 89. 17 0. 1727 +30. 45 86. 17 0. 1619 +23. 22 Day. AUGUST, 1872. 30. 31. Hour. D. W. R. H. F. V. D. P. D. w. R. H. F. V. D. P. 0i> +26.7 +25.8 88.9 0. 1289 +24.0 +31.3 +30.2 8H.2 0. 15.52 +28.4 1 25. 5 25. 93. 4 . 12(il 23. 31.9 31.0 yo. 5 . 1631 29.5 2 27. 5 26,8 91. 7 . 1372 25. 5 31.8 31.0 91.5 .1643 29.7 3 27.7 26, S 89. 4 .1349 25. 1 '.'}'* 2 31.3 yo.6 . 1654 29.9 4 25. 7 24,9 '^9. 9 . 1 247 23,. 2 32. 7 31.8 yo.7 .1691 30.4 ."i 27.0 26.2 90. 2 . 1321 24. H 32 5 31.5 89. 6 . 1656 29.9 6 27. y 27.0 89. 4 . 1362 25. 3 32 8 32. () 91.7 .1717 30.7 / 2-^.9 2^, 2 91.9 . 14(12 2(i. 9 33. 7 32. 9 yi.6 .1774 22.7 H 30.1 2s. y 86.7 . 1450 26. 5 33. y 33.0 90. 6 . 1768 21.9 y 311. .S 2y. 8 89. 2 . 1.535 2S. 1 33. 7 32.9 yi.6 .1774 22.7 10 31.5 30.1 85. 2 . 1509 27.7 33. 8 33.0 yi.6 .1781 22.9 11 34. 5 32.9 83. 5 .1670 15.5 36. 4 34.9 85. 3 . 1832 18.9 ^OOll. 37.7 36.3 86,6 .1902 21.2 35. 7 34.5 8^1.0 .1844 20.9 Ih 36.4 34.9 85, 3 . 1832 19.0 35. y 34.7 88.1 . 18.58 21.2 •J 41.0 :!9, 4 85, 9 . 2213 '^■>. 7 35. 7 34. 4 87. .1819 19.9 3 39. 1 3>-', 89,9 .2147 26. 1 36. 7 35. 3 86.3 .1882 20. 3 4 33.6 32, 83.1 . 1607 14.4 36. y 35. 8 89. 3 .iy6i 23.5 .^ 32. 5 31.2 86.5 . 1600 29.0 36. y 35. 1 82.5 .1809 17.3 6 35. 2 33. 5 82. 8 . 1854 15. 6 35. 7 34.3 8(5.0 . 1802 19.0 7 34,7 33,. 82. 6 . I(i64 15.0 34. 4 33.0 85. y .1698 17.3 8 32. 30. 5 83,, 6 . 1.5.52 13, 2 33. M 32.7 SH.4 .1716 19.7 y 30.5 29. 1 84.7 .1441 26,6 32.5 31.5 89.6 . 1657 29.9 10 30.6 29. 3 85. 9 . 1467 27.1 32.7 31. y 91.7 .1710 30.6 11 Means. +;50. 7 +29. 4 85. y 0. 1473 +27.2 +33. +32. 1 90.4 0. 1705 +20.8 86. 76 0. 1568 +23. 07 89. 03 0. 1747 +24. 08 AT rOLARIS BAY. 53 FOECE OF YAPOE. The following two tables contaia the daily and hourly means of the force of vapor extractsd from the preceding record : Daily means of force of vapor nhservd at Polaris Ba\). len. IST'2. Day of mouth. 9 II) IL 1-J i;i 14 1.". Hi 17 IS 19 ■Jii •Jl •-'4 Hours 01' 1 9 10 11 Noon. li> 10 11 Means. <-; Inches. '). U:!TO . l'J900 . i;u70 . i:il70 .li:»i .iii'.yo . 117.".0 . l-J(l-2('. . io:.a7 . 111400 . o7r)i)0 , OSlllJ . lis-2110 . II-^OSO .11000 . ii):'.70 . 07690 . 11010 . 119-90 .I4:i:.0 . ir.79ii . 14-210 .IHKO . 1ih;73 .(19S-24 . ii.-ill,'> .1-21110 . 141SS . Ii9.''lil 11.07-270 Lh- hes. .00 720 .00 720 . 00 720 . or, 720 . 00 720 . oi; 720 . 00 720 .00 720 .00 720 . Oi; 720 . 00 720 . 01) 720 .On 720 . Oli 720 .00 720 . 00 720 .00 720 . 01 ; 720 .00 720 . oi; 720 .00 720 .or. 720 .00 720 . OOi 720 .00 720 .00 720 . (Hi 720 . 00 720 . OOi 720 . 01 ; 720 . 1 10 720 Inches. 0. 00900 00.900 009011 00900 00>lllll 00994 00212 04922 001,-.7;! 040S9 0412S 02129 01>.'.4 oi;;:!5 OlHIl 02-17 o:!:iii.') 02001; 01017 0O70.0 00700 007OO 007. '.S 00704 00S,-,1 Oo(;sr, 0290:; 0421.". 0.00420. Inches. 0. oii;s2 .01711 .OlOSO . 02497 .04711 .11972 .0OS44 . 0O7O.'> .OKiOl . 04121 . i.i22'i:; , .oi-2.-.(; .oiii;.'. .01S42 .OIUI.-, .009.".0 .01211 .00747 .029.29 .oi;;si . 007s:; . OII74.S .00468 .00412 .00-124 . OO.' . OO.'illO .0O.'>71 .00794 . oosit; 0. 00697 Inches. ,0. 0047S . Ooss(; . 00900 . 00540 . 0(i:):;s .00: ;s.-, .oo:i27 ,oo:;2:'. .00L99 . 00.".4:i . iio:]99 . 00304 . oo:;rin . oo.'iO."> .00740 . 00-S9 . 00470 . 00.329 . oo.''2:; j .oi.'.3:; .o-2>4i; . o:;.".(;o . 01.5S7 .00950 . oos.-,:i . 00950 . 00552 . 004S2 .01117 . 1 121 'OS 0. ois'JO Inches. 00748 00548 00s in 00 ISO ( H.I5S8 00.555 001 ;47 00745 OOS05 00'.I2S 01131 01052 01494 00449 00220 00 US 0Oi;54 o:;i4s 01492 005-JO 004:54 00-2S2 oo:;i3 oo:>55 014S0 oi5oi; 00747 oios.-> 00908 Inches. 0. 00294 00204 iio2:;i 110402 01140 00745 002: ;:i 00207 O00S5 OO-J'JL) 002; 19 01 12S0 0052:-; 00 4 t- OII50IS 00799 OIOS'.I OOS72 01 21 '9 01425 ooi;;!i; 00072 00740 01003 01O4'9 02201 o:;s7:; o:i957 01974 o:iooo 02190 '0 ! Inches. 0. o:;(;i5 , 02120 .01272 .017:;7 . 02 \^\^ .02091 .02:; 10, ,02701 .ll-2(;77 .01114 .01.52S .00921 ,01-2.5:; .00900 .012-0 .01219 .0110.0, .01180 ,01952 ,01771 .04.5.57 . 07S,-,0 .07:131 .00.577 . o:;ios 1 ■<:«-'''- 0:!:;90 .o:;(;s . 0490 '. o:;79 i Inches. 0. o:{2os ,04.5,53 .04:!-2O .0:;202 ,03184 .04005 . 05lj(;5 .05001 I . o(;5(;o .oo:io7 .054.57 I .0,5S14 . 0i;9S5 i .0-770 I .09-8:; I . 0'.I'J05 .089i;2 I . oij:;2o . 102s,; I .11015 I .1:3090 . 13000 I .l-2:;7o .i3:;o3 . 13558 .12052 . lo.-io. .10400 .OOOlli .iot;i7 11197 Inches. 0. ]:W94 . 1.5540 . 1.5947 . 15477 . 14049 .i(;7ss . is-i 15 .17 4,51 i , 1.52,57 , 15109 . 15333 . 141-2:1 . 1400:1 . 14440 , 10275 , i:;:;4:; .1,5-20.5 I . 15:i00 I . 15002 . 14.570 . 14342 . 14219 .16192 . 15494 .16-291 I . 10,572 . 14920 .11)0.50 .10928 0.17212 ;0, Inches. Ii 17105 . 15705 . 1S99I) , 17:;o0 . 17300 . 17:;00 . i7:;oo . 17:100 . 17:;o0 . I7:;o0 . 17300 . 19220, . 1S597 . 1S7:;2 .19027 . 19li51 . 1S440 . 1S4S7 . 0-4 45 . iss'.i;) . ]>.-79 . 2i4:;9 . 21.5S2 .-207,54 .20570 .21410 .-22,551 . 19:;47 . 19'.I60 . 1-089 , 1-110 nclie.-:. s:; 17 9208 8905 s I,-.,-, 7019 007:; 70.53 7927 7,-21 70-24 7994 ossr, 0(;oo OS-.Ti I ;5S7 09(;o 5s,-;) 00 17 02SS 7 157 7:104 7151 7:! IS 0I-2S 0103 5i,;s 7i:;5 7-270 0190 50.- I 7472 Jleaus. :0. 10955 0. 0072O 0. 0:i.5O0 :0. 01377 0.00904 0,00800 0. 0107(; 0.0280:; 0.08509 0.15455 !o. 18819 4). 17110 Ilourhj means of force of vapor observed at Folaris Bay. 0. 10949 . 10949 . 10949 .10949 . 10',M9 . 10'949 . 10949 .1121s . 10',M9 . 10949 . 10949 , 10949 . 10949 . 10949 . 10949 , 10S49 .111,53 , 10949 .10949 . 10949 . 10949 .10949 . 10949 0.10648 .00720 00.720 00720 : 00720 1 00720 00720 00720 i O(;720 : 00720 00720 007 20 00720 067-20 00720 00720 O072O Oi;720 00,720 00,720 ) . 00,720 00720 • OO720 00720 00720 0. 10955 I. 0:!151 . o:ir.Os .o:;o5i .o:;,54l , 0:i48',i .03441 .03470 .03409 , 0:1459 . 0:;507 ,o:;4:io ,o;!:;70 . o;i:;92 . o:>:;o2 . 035S1 . o:;505 .o:!|s2 . o:;:i27 .0:i5:;o . 0:i5:i',i . 035s:; . o:;oo5 , o:i57:i ). 03555 0.01084 . 01433 .0147S . 014.59 .01490 .01479 . 01505 .01472 .0i:i9S .oi:;77 . 01344 . 01346 .01348 .01313 . 01304 .01204 . 01291; .01-272 . 01:100 . 01304 . 01::!21 .0120:; .01313 0. 01250 0,00884 .00823 , 01 ISO: ; , 00870 .00^21 . OOS70 . 00870 . oiiso.:; . 0U919 . 0O'J22 .00873 . oosii:; .00921 , 00908 , 00904 . 00950 , 00925 . 00936 .0O'907 , 00902 . 00999 , 00940 . 00',I50 0. 00915 00,S53 00913 00979 01002 00969 00943 00940 lio-'js oo',i:;2 00918 00917 00837 00854 00770 00S02 00S:)8 00797 00-01 00731 00783 00778 oos:;2 00849 0U834 0. 01029 . 01009 . 01006 .00903 .00913 , 00892 , 0097(; .01009 .Olio:; .01195 .01215 .01193 . 01-2-23 . 01233 . 01142 .011.55 .01144 . 0109:! .010-29 .01064 . 01004 .01054 .OlO'.tO 0.01095 ). 02464 , 02405 .0-2401 .02410 .02i;i9 . 023:17 . 02so:t . 02842 . o:!os:; . 03099 .03188 .03178 . 0:?290 . 03169 . 03106 . 02'.)94 . o:!028 . 029: ;o . 02S'j:; .0-2004 . o2i;:;2 .0-2591 . 025i;i I. 02520 . 072(!5 .07416 . 07480 .07770 . 07805 .08198 . 084S:; . 08o:-;(; . 0S-S9 . 09143 . 09249 .09414 . 09368 . 0950:; . 09:531 ,09-201 , 0917S , 08771 . 0S5',i:; . 083S4 . I IS09S . 08122 .08010, . 07776 0.15 15113 15170 15254 15504 15:566 15574 1,5472 15195 154:51; 15178 153:55 15103 15025 1,57-9 1; 1; 1; 1: 1: i: 15242 155015 1.5771 15351 ,918 554 728 .018 )209 0, 1S570 10 . is:550 ls.-,l)7 . 1S705 1 1.-S02 1 . 1S771 . 1900:5 .19149 . 1'94;56 . 1-9S9 .19095 . 191S0 . 18941 . ls',172 . 19:504 . 1-945 ,ls-Ol 1S057 , 18070 , isr,r,4 \ . ISl.-JO \ .1S514 0, ls53i 5799 5115:5 .5791 i;.7r 0700 7143 71.53 072 0,54 7719 sil5 -07 s so,',.-, 7707 7, 0,0, 7058 0940 6466 6371 0072 5915 0.067-20 0.03500 0.01377 0.00904 0.00806 ,0.01076 0.02803 ,0.08509 0.1.5455 0.18819 0.17110 8 H o 54 nYGlJOMETEICAL OBSERVATIONS AXXITAL FLUCTUATION OF THE FOEOE OF VAPOR AT FOLARIS BAY. The following table contains tlie means of the force of vapor of the actual months, and also the uieaus of the eiini-iutervals : Comparison of tbe means of the actual month,? and the eqni-intervals. Mouths. .laiinary . February Jtarch Aiuil.... :-lay .June Mean force | Mean foicc of vapor I of vapor of aetual months. Indies. 0. 0090 0.0081) 0. 0107 0. 0280 0. 0S.51 0.1545 o f equi- intervals. Incites. 0, 0088 0, 0OH6 0, 0O08 0, 0279 0, os(;5 0. 1,554 Mouths. July August Srpteuiher. Ocloli.r . .. November . Lieceiuber . Mean force of vapi>i' of actual months. Inches. 0, 1882 0.1711 II. 1095 0, 0li72 0. o:!5ll 0.0138 Jle.'in fci-cc of vapor o f cipii- iuti'r\ als. Inches. 0. 1 8W5 0. 1709 0. 1078 II. iiriS3 0.0317 11.0137 Annual mean = 0, 0734. Accord i I ig to the preceding table the force of vapor iy above the annual mean during May, June, July, August, and Sc[>teniber, while it is below the same during the seven remaining months. The maximum force of vapor was observed in July, tbe minimum in February, the range being 0.1796 inches. The observed and computed values compare as follows : Mouths. Observed. Computed. Dilfcicucc, 0.— c. .lauuary 15.biaary._- March A|iril Inches. 0. 00^8 0. 0(is(:; 0. 009S 0.0279 0. 0865 0. 1554 0. 1SH5 0. 1709 II. 1078 0, 0I1S3 0. 0347 0. 0137 0.0414 0. 1716 0. 0703 0.0103 Inches. 0. 00S7 0. iios;i 0. 0100 0.0274 0. IIH56 0. 1560 0. 1 912 0. 1563. 0,1125 0. 065:1 0. 0345 0. 0151 0.0410 0. 1712 0. 0707 0.11107 InchfS. + 0.0001 + 11.0003 — 0. 0002 4- 0. 0005 + 0. 11009 ■ — 0. hoik; — 0.0027 + 0.0040 — 0. 0047 + 0. llOi'iO -j- II. 0002 — 0.0014 + 0.0004 -j- 0. 0004 — 0. 0001 — 0.0004 May .July Aii.^ust 8c])tciiil)cr (October N(t\cmbcr .... December Summer Autuum Winter Year 0. 0734 0. 0734 ± 0.0000 error of year = ± 0.0002. The analytical elements and the expression used in obtaining the above values are as follows "^ ^-^i"-^'-' iiiij; tuu ill. n 1 o 3 «» • K -B. C — 0. 067 + 0.012 — 0. 003 -f- 0. 0.56 — 0. 023 + 0. 005 + 0. 088 + 0. 026 + 0. 006 O i // 230 3 51 27 48 54 213 35 58 + 0,0734 + 0,08,^ sin (,,; + 230° 3' 51") + 0.021; sin (2 ,r + 27° 48' 54") + 0.006 sin (3 .e + 213' 35' 38") X = 30-' 60°, AT rOLARLS BAY. ^h) The annual fluctuTition of the force of vapor is represented graphically on the plate accompany- ing the diurnal fluctuation during each of the different mouths given hereafter. In general tlie computed values agree closely with those observed ; the greatest difference being found in Sep- tember, amounting to 0.0047 inch. An examination of the diagram nientioned, or of the above table, demonstrates that the annual curve follows the same law as made out for lower latitudes. The force of vapor is least in Febru- ary, after which time it begins to increase, reaching its maximum in July ; then the curve descends again in a similar manner to that of the temperature. UIURNAL FLUCTUATION OP TflE FOKCE OF VAPOR AT POLAEIS CAY. The elements of the analytical expression for the diurnal fluctuation of the force of vapor were found as follows : n a a hn -B,. (',. 1 3 — 0. Od-Jl'.li — 0. (Mi(.i-.'47 + 0.U0U21;; — 0. (I(l()7()8 — 0. ou(.iio:3 — U. 00010.5 + 0.0(12303 -1- 0.0002(18 4- (.1.0(10238 o / " 252 C, 247 21 4>.l 110 17 3 f = + 0.07341 + 0.(.102303 siu (x + 252^ 0' 0") + 0.0002(;8 sin (2 ,r + 247-21' 49 ) + 0.000238 siu (3 ...■ + llC, 17' 3") .f = 15'J, :!0'J .... The following table gives the values computed by means of the above expression and also for comparison the observed means : Time. Observed. Computed. Diflerence, 0.— C. Time. Observed. Computed. Din'ureiicf, 0.— c. Inchr.!^. Indies. IncMs. Inhes. Incites. Im-lics. 01' 0. 070G 0. 0709 —0. 0003 01' 0. 0753 0. 0754 —0.0001 1 . 0704 . 070S — .0(.«I4 1 . 0757 . 0750 + .0001 2 .(.1710 .0710 -+ .0000 .> .0759 .0750 + . 01103 3 .0720 .0715 + .0005 3 . 0755 .0753 + .0002 4 . 0/23 .0722 + .0001 4 .0748 .0749 — .0001 5 . 0728 . 0730 — .0002 5 .0741 . 0743 — . OOO-i C . 0737 .07 3S — .0001 .0739 . 0730 + .0003 7 .0743 .0743 J- .00(.l0 7 . 072(i .0729 . — . 0003 ,s .0750 .074(; + . 000 1 H . 0720 . 0724 — . 0004 9 .0747 . 0749 — . 0002 9 . 0720 . 0720 + . 0000 10 ((7.55 . 07.50 + .0005 10 . 0720 .0715 -j- . 0005 11 0. 0748 0. 0751 — .0003 11 0. 0709 0. 0712 —0. 0003 Mea 11 coiiiimted - T, 0.073 11 incl 1 mean obse ■vcd = 0.07 311 incbj dit fereuce = + 1.0000. The above values thrown into a curve result in the annexed diagram. 0I112345C789 10 11 Niion.; Ih -3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U 5(3 iiy(;rometrioal OBSEEVxVTroxs It will be noticed that tbe curve passes tlirough tbe maxiuuun at about 1 J'' p. m., aiul tlironsli tlie iiiiiiimum at about 1'' a. m. The computed values agree very closely with the observed ones, the difference beins' only shown in the fourth decimal, exceeding in no instance 0"'.0005. If we compare the thermal curve, exhibiting the diurnal fluctuation with the one in question, we shall see that their maxima and minima coincide tolerably well in regard to time, the computed maximum of temperature being reached at about 11'' a. m., while the minimum occurs at about 1'" a.m. It will be remembered that the observed thermal curve passes through the maximum at ]'' p. m., and throagli the minimum at midnight; showing evidently a more natural curve than the theoretical one. Having discussed the diurnal fluctuation of the force of vapor during the year, it will be of some interest to trace the march of the curve during the different seasons. As each mouth was treated analytically, we thought ourselves justified in deriving the means for the seasons from the com- puted hourly means of the respective months without computing the values for each season, which would have involved too much labor and would hardly have changed the final results more than by four units in the fourth decimal. The curves thus obtained are represented in connection with those illustrating the march of the relative humidity given hereafter in the discussion of this latter subject. In spring the curve shows a very regular course. The maximum, as derived from the computed monthly values, occurs at noon, while the minimum is reached at about IJ'' a. m. The observed maximum occurs at 11'' a. m., and the minimum at midnight. The computed range is 0'".0087 and that observed 0'".0105. According to the corresponding thermal curve both the observed and computed maxima of temperature occur at noon, the computed minimum at 13'' a. m., and the cor- responding value, as observed, an hour earlier. The summer curve is less regular than that of spring, as it shows two maxima, one of which is e\i(leutally abnormal. The absolute maximum (observed and computed) occurs at 2'' p. m., and the secondary maximum at 8'' a. m. Both observed and computed minima are reached at 1'' a. m. Tlic observed and computed ranges are 0"'.011J: and 0"'.0133, respectively. A comparison of the hygrometrical and the thermal curves shows that the maximum of temperature occurs two hours before the maximum of the force of vapor is reached, while the minima coincide very nearly in regard to time. During autumn the computed curve passes through the absolute maximum at 10'' p. m., while the absolute minimum is reached between 11'' a. m. and noon. The differences between the observed and computed values during this season and the one following are not as great as they appear in the diagrams referred to. They actually never exceed seven units in the fourth decimal, and only appear so great on account of the large scale used in projecting the respective curves. The absolnte maxima and minima, as computed, do not coincide in regard to time with those derived from the observed values; the observed curve passing the absolute maximum at 7'^ a, m., and the absolute minimum being reached at lli^ p. m. The considerable difference in time between the occurrence of the actual maximum and the theoretical maximum seems to be due merely to the fact that the difference in the tension of vapor between the absolute computed maximum and the principal relative maximum, Avhich coincides in regard to time with the one observed, amounts only to one unit in the fourth decimal. The computed thermal curve for this seasou exhibits two maxi- ma, occuriing at 1" a. m. and 4'' p. m. (the latter being the absolnte maximum), the corresponding minima being reached at 10" a. m. and 10" p. m., respectively. In general, the thermal and hv^ro- metncal curves agree tolerably well. The range of the force of vapor, as observed, is 0-.0017, while the range derived from the computed values is 0'".0005 only. Owing to the absence of the sun during the greater portion of winter, we can scarcely expect a regular curve for this season, especially as our observations extend over but a comparatively short period of time. It wdl be seen that neither the time of the absolute maximum nor that of tl e absolute minimum is well established. The highest computed tension of vapor occurring during the d ,y IS O-.Oll], ,t being reached at 3" and 5" a. m. ; the lowest is O-.OIOO, to be found during three con- secutive hours, VIZ, at 3", 4", and o" p. m. The curve, derived from the observed means, passes throngh the, absolute maximum of 0-.0114 at midnight, and through the absolute minimum of 0".009i) at - ■ p. m. It will be remembered that the thermal curve for this season is also rather irregular, AT POLAEIS BAY. 57 but still there exists a certain coincidence between tbe maxima and minima of tbe temperature and those oftlie force of vapor; the thermal curve passing through the absolute maximum at mid- night and through the absolute minimum at C' p. m. The range of the tension of vapor as ob- served is 0".0015, 'while that derived from the computed means is 0'".0004 less. We shall see, here- after, that the curves of Polaris Ilouse and of this station show a great resemblance during the season in question. The values used in constructing the curves for the seasons are as follows : Time. Spring. Slimmer Autumn. Winter. 7_ '3 2.- ? 1 Inrltri. 1 S IT luclies. Inchen. Inclicfi. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 0"^ 0. 0:i5S 0. 037t'. — 0. nms 0. li;49 0. 1657 — . 000s 0. 0704 0. 0707 — 0. 0003 0.0114 0. 0107 -0.0007 1 . 0361 .o;i72 .01111 . 1639 .1.143 — . 0004 .0711 . 0706 + .0005 .0105 . 0109 -f- .0004 .) . 0363 . 0370 1 .0(1(17 .i(r.5 .1647 + . 0008 . 071O . (^1706 .0006 .0111 .0107 — . 0004 3 . u;'>7 1 .03.74 .0003 .1690 . 1672 .0018 . 0707 . 0706 + .0001 .0111 .0111 -t .0000 4 . 0:W0 . 0381 . 0001 . 1696 .1695 . 00(J1 . 0705 . 0707 — . 0002 .0109 .0109 -i- .0000 5 . 03S1 . ( I3S5 — .0004 .1716 .1715 + . 0001 .0704 . 0706 . 0002 .0110 .0111 + . 0001 l\ . 0-11 19 . 0405 -f .0004 . 1723, . 1725 . 0002 . 0705 . 0707 — . 0002 .0107 .0108 .0001 * . 11411; .0417 — .0001 . 1734 .174? — . OoOs . 0714 .0707 + .0007 . 0108 .0109 -f .0001 s . Ii4:',(; . 043.0 + . 0001 i . 1751 . 1749 + . 0002 . 0705 . 0706 — .0001 . 0108 .0107 — .0001 'J . 0448 . 0442 . 0006 . 172^ . 1748 . 0020 . 0706 . 07(J5 + .0001 . 0107 .0106 — .0001 10 . 0455 . 0449 .0006 .1759 .1744 + .0015 .0703 . 0704 — .0001 .0104 . 0105 -f .0001 11 .11459 .0457 .0002 .17:34 .1744 . 0010 . 0702 . 0703 .0001 .0103 . 0102 — .0001 X( o;i. . (Jir,:; .(■457 .0006 . 1743 . 1750 — . O(i07 . 07(12 . 0703 .0001 .0104 .0103 — .0001 1 .046:'. . 0457 .oooi; . 176:; . 17.56 + . 0007 . 0699 . 0704 — . 0005 .0101 . 0102 + .0001 •:» .0155 .0450 .0005 .1772 . 17.57 . 0015 . 0708 . 0705 + .0003 . 0100 .0103 + .0003 3 . 0447 . 0443 .0004 . 1764 . 1755 4- . 0009 . 0706 . 0707 — .0001 . 0102 .0100 — . 0002 4 . 0445 . 043,5 , 0010 . 17:15 . 1750 . 0015 .0712 .0706 1+ .0006 .0101 .0100 .0001 .5 . 0426 .0423 .0003, . 17:',9 . 1732 + . 0007 . 0700 . 0706 ■— . 0006 .0101 .0100 — .0001 (; .0417 .0416 i-f .0001 . 17:12 .1715 + .0017 . 0707 .0707 S± .0000 . 0100 .0103 + .0003 7 . U403 . 0408 — . 0005 .}696 .1710 — . 0014 . 0707 .0707 '± .0000 .0099 .0101 + .0002 s 1 .11391 .0007 . 167^ . 1681 . 0003 . 07(J8 .0706 1+ .0002 .0103 .0101 — . 0002 9 1 . 0392 .0393 — .0001 . 1676 . 16S1 — . O0(.l5 .0711 .0707 ,+ .0004 . 0101 .0102 -f . 0001 10 . (13-^9 .03S7 + .0002 . li;7> . 1667 + .0011 . 0708 .0708 ± .0000 .0104 .0103 — . 0001 11 M. A D. 0. 0380 0. 0383. —0. 0003 0. 1660 0. 16,60 ±c . 0000 0. 0697 0. 0707 — 0. 0010 0. 0100 0. 0104 +0. 0004 0.0413 0. 0413 ±0. 001.1U 0. 1713 0. 1713 iO .0000 0. 0706 0.0706 ^0.0000 1 0. 0105 0. 0105 ±0. 0000 NiiTE.— It may be repeated that the columns headed "Computed," are not actually computed, but are merely the means of the computed values of tbe difierent mouths constituting the seasons. Before proceeding to the discussion of the diurnal fluctuation during the different mouths, we shall give tl e elements and analytical expressions on which the computations are based. January. n a,. \ hn B„ C„ 1 •J 3 -\- 0. 000((3- 1 4- 1.1. 000029 j -|- 0. (J0( (05-J — 0.0004:12 — 0. 000222 — 0.000056 -f 0.0004:14 -j- 0. O0O224 -f 0. LI00076 ' " 174 56 31 172 19 136 56 40 f = + 0,00904 -f 0.(. 00434 sill (j-f 174: 50' :il") + O.oo0224siu (2.r + 172'= 19' ") + 0.000076 sin (3l+ 136^50 40" X = 1.5'-', :;o , . . . Ft'bniari/, n 1 3 fl„ -f 0. 000934 + 0.000142 + 0.000079 Ba i -f 0, OO0933 -f 0.000160 + 0. 000108 C. -\- 0. 00000 J — 0. 0001.17:! — 0. 000072 c / " 13 12 3:12 43 4:1 317 55 2 F= + 0.00-66 + 0.0C0933 .sin (j: + 0- 13' 12 ') -f- 0.000160 sin r2 x + 332- 43 43 ) + 0,000108 sin 1,3 x + 317° 55 2 ) x=15-,30-, . . . 58 nYGEOMETEICAL OBSERVATIONS March. — 0. 000.'-'31 4- 0.000738 + 0.000091 _ 0. OOOO 17 + 0.000059 -J- 0.000199 /•'„ -f- 0.001053, -f 0.000741 -t- 0. 000219 ',i 5 57 ?5 27 21 >1 36 2 F= + 017G + 0010,53 sill (..• + 232 5' ,57") + 0.11007 U sin (2,-; + S5 > 27' 21") + O,00ll219 siu (3.,- + 24 3G' 2") ■X -r= 15-', :'.0 ',,... April. n a„ l>„ Ji, ' ',. o ' " 1 3 — II. 003.73r) -f- 0. 0011021 + O.OOOICI — 0.001,510 — 0. 0110290 -f 0. 000274 -\- 0.001800 -j- 0. oiioi;8s + 0. 000304 247 57 14 115 3,0 4 25 37 F= + 02KII3, + 0.0018GO sin (,«■ + 247-' 57' 14") + 0.000088 sin (2 x + 115 - 3.0' 4") + 0.00030) siu (3 .-■ + 25" 37' 0") x=15-, 3IP, May. n (1,1 &„ 7.>„ '-',. 1 3 — 0. 00,-J.'^3fi -|- 0. OOIIIISII + 0.000117 — 0.003773 — 0. iioiir,ri5 — 0.000441 -f 0.009010 -j- 0. oOlilull + 0. 000450 o ' // 940, 52 35 173, 8 27 ]05 4 58 F= 0.OS5O9 -|- 0.009610 sin (x + 240 ,52' 35") + 0,IIOim;70 ,siii (2 x + 17:: X 15°, 30'^', . . , . June. s' 27") + 11.000450 sill (3 x + 10,5" 4' 58' ) n o» I'n t:„ C„ 1 2 — 0.000000 — 0. OIIOl.SO + 0.000898 — 0.001.573 -f 0. 000025 — 0. 001272 4- 0. 0010,84 4- 0. 001048 4- 0.001557 o ' " 200 ,53 14 33,2 10 41 144 40 31 i;'=4-0.15455 4-0.0010S4 siu (j;4-200- 53,' 14") 4- 0.001048 .sin (2, f 4-3.32- 10' 41" > 4- 11.0015.57 sill ( 3 j- 4- 144- 40' 31") X = 15", 3,0'-', .... Jiih/. n — 0.00343.3. — 0. 001120.7 4- 0. 0110029 4- 0. 0007 1'> - 0. 0003.37 — (1. OOOO'J'J 4- 0. 003.590 4- 0. 000430 4". 0. 01 II 11337 < '„ o / " 2H2 42 50 21S -34 30 'M 50 3 1 2 3 F = 4- 0.18810 4- 003590 sin ix-\- 2>'2- 42' 50") + 0.00043.0 .^in (2x4-21.-'" 24' 3.0") 4- 0.000i:'i37 sin (:! .r -|- 98- 50' J' = 15-, 30-', .... AT POLARIS BAT. A2igust. 59 n 1 3 a,t bn + 0.011084 -j- (.1. (102734 4- 0. 000202 c,^ — 0.010710 — 0. OO-J.'.l 1 -\- 0. ooo2;('2 — 0. oo'.'sie — 0. 0(1] cos + 0.000003 O ' " 254 53 26 24S 45 IS SO 30 37 f= + 0.17110 + 0.011064 siu (,J + 2.54^ 53' 20") + 0.002734 sin (2i + 24s- 4.V 16 ) + 0.(J0(J-,92 sin (,3 J + 89' 3C' 37 ) .r = 15', 30^.... S€j)temhe): n «,. + 0. 000029 — 0. 00(11(19 + 0.000120 i?u C. 1 3 + 0. 000432 — 0. (100315 + 0.000344 + 0. 000433 + 0, 0003.32 + 0.000305 o ' '. 293 57 44 250 52 33 70 45 43 F= + 0.10955 + (1.0(10433 sin (_.i' + 293'"' 57' 44 ') + 0.000332 .sin (2 x + 250-' 52 .(■ = 15 , 30-, .... yovciiiber. ) + 0.000365 sin (3 x + 70^" 45' 43") n t'n K B„ t'» 1 3 + 0. ooos(;3 + 0.00007 1 + 0.000026 — 0. 0(10005 — 0. (100044 + 0. 0(1(1(128 + 0. 0008(.;5 + 0. (100086 + 0.000038 o / // 94 17 10 121 42 21 42 42 59 ;■'= + 0.03500 + ( I. (Nh:n65 siu (.)' + 9l 17' 10 ) + 0.ii000S(; ,sia (2 .v + 121- 42 21 ') + 0.00it038 siiu3x + 42- 42' 59') X — 15^', 30 ■, .... Becemher. n On ''« v.'„ Cn 1 .-> 3 + 0.000220 — II. II0(1(1SS + (1. (ioo(.i:i2 + 0. 00 100.7 + 0. 000261 + 0.000126 + 0.001109 + 0.1100275 + 0.000130 O 1 II 11 3S ?.\\ 341 21 4 13 58 58 F= + 0.013,77 + 0.001109 sill (.0 + 11' 38 39 ) + 0.000275 sin (2 x + 341-" 21' 4") + 0.000130 siu (3 x + 13 58 The values computed by means of the preceding expressions compare as follows with those actually observed. October was omitted because it had to be interpolated from September and ]S"ovember. 60 HYGROMBTEKJAL Oi;SEK\ ATIONS Time. January. Febniary. March. April. > "3 CD > '-^ 1 -3 ■V Cj . go ^ 1 > a Sao X a "^ o CO 3 ~ «o CO § '*o o o Q Q o a o O Inches. Q O O Q Inches Incheff. Inch en. Iiiclies. Inches. Indies. Inches. Inches. I iches. Inches. Iiiehis. 0" 0. 00H8 0. 0088 -1-0. 0000 — .0006 0. 0085 0OS9 — 0. 0004 0.0103 0.0107 — 0. 0004 0246 026rt — 0022 1 0082 . 00H8 . 0091 . 0093 — .0002 .0101 .0103 — .00(12 0240 02( 15 0025 2 .0086 . 0084 -|- 0002 . ilO'J^ . Ol 195 4- .0003 .0101 . 0100 4- . oooi 0240 0260 0020 3 .0088 .0084 -1- .0004 — . 0003 0]IIO .0097 -1- .0003 . 0096 . 0096 ± .0000 0241 ■ 025S — 0017 4 . 0082 .0085 . 0097 .0097 -J- . OOOO . 0091 . 0092 — . 0001 0262 0260 4- 001 2 .0088 .0090 .0002 . 0094 . 0096 — . 0002 . 0089 .0091 — . 0002 02: !4 0265 — oo;ti 6 .0087 .0088 .0001 . 0095 . 0O95 -1- . 0000 . 0098 .0096 4- . 0002 0280 0273 4- 00117 7 .0086 .0089 — . 0003 . 0090 .0094 — . 0004 . 0101 . 0102 — . 0001 0284 02H3 0001 H . 0092 .0089 -1- .0003 . 0093 .0092 4- .0001 .0110 . 0106 4- .0(104 03(lrt (J294 00 14 9 .0092 . 0090 -1- .0002 — . 0002 . 0092 0090 . 00(12 .0119 .0116 . (.003 0310 03(12 OOOH 10 .0087 . 0089 . 0092 . 0089 -f .00113 .0122 .0119 4- , oo(.):5 0319 0303 0016 U .0089 .0086 + .0003 . 1)084 .0(187 — .0003 .0119 .0122 — .0003 031S 0303 0015 Noon. . Oil', 12 . 0090 -f .0002 . 00S5 . Ol l.-'5 -j- .0000 .0122 .0122 ± .0000 (i:!:!o 0303 1 )( 127 1'' . 0091 . 0091 J- .0000 — .0002 007H .0OS3 — . 0005 .0123 . 0120 -j- .0003 o;!l7 0297 OOJO 2 . 0090 .0092 (KISO . ooso J- .0000 .0114 .0117 — .0003 0317 0291 o((2;i ;! . mx> . 0093 -1- .0002 . 0084 . 0079 -I- .0005 .0115 .0115 ± .0000 0299 (IJ90 0009 4 . 0093 . 0093 -t .0000 .0(1^^0 .0079 4- .0001 . 0114 .0112 4- .000-^ (i;!03 02.-8 0015 5 . 0094 . 0094 -I- .0000 . 00,«0 . (lOSO _j_ . 0000 .0109 . 0109 ± .0000 0294 0284 0010 6 .0097 . 0094 -1- .0003 . 0073 . 0078 - . 0005 . 0102 .01(15 — . 0003 0289 0279 4- 0010 7 .0090 . 0095 — . OOO.'i . 0(I7H . I)(i7;l .0001 .01(6 . 0104 4- .0002 02i il i 0277 — 0011 8 . 0100 . 0095 -1- .0005 . 007 s . 0080 — . 0002 .0100 . 0104 — . 0004 026;'. 0272 001 9 9 . 0094 . 0095 — .0001 . 0083 . 0080 + .0003 .0105 . 0105 ± .0000 0259 0271 0012 10 . 0095 . 0093 + .0002 . 0085 . 0082 . 0003 .0110 . 0109 4- .0001 0256 0270 0014 11 M.&D. 0. 0092 0. 0095 —0. 0003 0.0083 0. 0(JT9 -f 0. 0004 0. 0109 0.0108 4-0. 0002 0252 0268 — 0016 0. 00904 0. 00904-1-0. 0000 0. 011861 0. 00866 4-0. 0000 0. 01076 0.01076' ±0.0000 0.02803 0. 02803 ±0. 0000 Time. May. a o Difference, O.-C. June. July. August. > o ■a cn O O O .ii 3 5 O c7 o . ? -^ ''^ 1 -^ . 5" o CJ . tc'o 5 Indies. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 0" 0. 0727 0. 0752 -0. 0025 0.1.511 0. 1540 — 0. 0029 0. 18.57 0. 1851 4-0. 0006 0. 1580 0. 1580 ±0.0000 1 .0742 .0747 .0005 . 1517 .1514 4- .0003 . 1835 . 1^43 — .0008 . 1565 . 1.571 — 0. 0006 2 .0748 . 0751 — . 0003 . 1525 .1507 . 0018 . 1860 . 1854 4- .0004 . 1.579 . 1579 ± .0000 3 .0777 . 0767 4- .0010 . 1550 . 1519 . 0031 .1871 . 1864 .0007 .1648 . 1633 4- .0015 4 .0787 .0790 — . 0003 . 1537 . 1.535 . 0002 . iswo . l.'^7.s 4- .0002 . 1670 .1671 — .0001 5 . 0820 .0799 4- .0021 . 1557 .1548 4- .0009 . 1--77 . 1>'93 — .0016 .1714 .1704 4- .0010 6 .0848 .0844 — . 0004 . 1547 .1547 ± .0000 . 1906 . 1908 — .0002 .1715 .1720 — . 0005 7 .0863 .0867 . 0004 . 1519 . 1,548 — .0029 .1915 . 1915 ± .0000 . 1767 . 1763 4- .0004 8 . 0H89 .0891 — .00(J2 . 1.544 . 1551 . 0007 . 1944 . 1918 4- .0026 . 17C5 .1777 — . 0012 9 .0914 .0909 4- .0005 . 1518 . 1543 — .0025 . 1899 . 1916 — .0017 .1768 . 1785 — .0017 10 .0925 . 0926 — . 0001 . 1534 .1535 ± .0000 . 1909 .1910 — . 0001 . 1797 .1788 4- .0009 11 . 0941 . 0946 . 0005 . 1510 .1534 1— .0024 . 1918 . 1908 4- .0010 . 1773 .1791 — .0018 Noon. .0937 . 0945 .0008 . 1.563 .15.53 4- .0010 . 1894 . 1905 — .0011 . 1772 .1793 — . 0021 Ih . 0950 .0955 .0005 .1579 .1566 . 0013 . 1897 . 1905 — . 0008 .1812 .1797 4- .0015 ■2 . 0933 . 0938 — . 0005 . 1579 .1567 . (1012 . 1930 . 1903 4- .0027 . 1808 . 1800 . 0008 3 . 0926 . 0923 4- . 0003 . 1592 . 1.571 4- .0021 . 1895 . 1898 — .0003 .1806 . 1796 4- .0010 4 . 0918 . 0904 4- .0014 . 1555 .1575 — . 0090 . 1S80 .1889 .0009 .1771 .1785 — .0014 5 . 0877 . 0877 ± .0000 . 1.173 . 1.554 4- .0019 .1866 .1877 — .0011 .1777 . 1765 4- .0012 6 .0859 .0864 — . 0005 .1.562 . 1.544 4- .0018 . 1.^68 . 181.15 4- .0003 .1766 .1737 4- .0029 7 .0838 .0843 . 0005 . 1527 . 15.52 — .0025 . 1866 . 18.57 . 0009 .1694 . 1721 — .0027 H .0810 .0817 — . 0007 . 1524 .1529 .0005 . 1862 . 18.52 4- .0010 . 1647 .1663 — . 0016 9 .0812 .0803 4- . 0009 .1557 . 1563 — .0006 . 1832 .1852 — .0020 . 1637 .1629 4- . 0008 10 . 0802 .0783 .0019 . 1577 .1550 4- .0027 . lf'51 . 1851 ± .0000 .1607 .1600 .0007 11 M, & D. 0. 0778 0. 0772 4-0. 0006 0. 1535 0. 1548 -0. 0013 0. 1853 0. 1851 4-0. 0002 0. 1592 0. 1582 4-0. 0010 0. 08509 0. 08509 ±0. 0000 0. 15455 0. 15455 ±0.0000 0. 18819 0. 18819 ±0. 0000 0. 17110 0. 17110 ±0. 0000 AT POLARIS BAT. 61 Time. September. November. December. Observed. Compu- ted. Difference, 0.— C. Observed. Computed. Difference, 0.— C. Observed. Computed. Difference, O.-C. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. • Incites. Itichex. 0" 0. 1095 0. 1092 +0. 0003 0. 0345 0. 0358 —0. 0013 0. 0168 0. 0145 +0. 0023 1 .1095 .1090 .0005 . 0367 .0357 + .0010 . 0143 .0148 — .0005 2 .1095 .1090 .0005 . 0365 . 0356 .0009 . 0148 .0144 + .0004 3 .1095 . 1092 .0003 . 0354 . 0353 + .0001 .0146 .0151 . OlID.'i 4 .1095 .1094 + .0001 . 0349 . 0351 — . 0002 .0149 . 0146 + .0003 5 .1095 - . 1098 — .0003 .0344 . 0348 — . 0004 .0148 .0149 — .0001 6 .1095 . 1103 — . 0008 .0348 . 0347 + .0001 . 0151 .0141 + .0010 7 . 1122 .1105 + .0017 .0347 .0345 .0002 .0147 .0145 + .0002 . 8 . 1095 ■ .1103 — .0008 . 0346 . 0343 . 0003 .0140 .0142 — . 0002 .1095 .1100 .0005 .0351 . 0343 + .0008 . 0138 .0140 . 0002 10 . 1095 .1096 — . 0001 .0343 . 0343 ± .0000 . 0134 . 0138 — .0004 11 .1095 .1094 -f . 0001 . (J33^^ . 0343 — .0005 . 0135 . 0135 ± .0000 Noun. .1095 .1094 + .0001 . 0339 . 0342 . 0003 .0135 .0134 + .0001 -lb .1095 .1096 — . 0001 . 0330 . 0343 — .0013 .0134 .0132 + .0002 2 .1095 .1100 . OOO.'i . o:!r.8 . 0344 + .0014 .0130 .0138 . mot^ :? .1095 . 1103 — .0008 . 0351 . 0345 .0006 . 0126 . 0130 — . 0004 4 . 1115 .1102 + .0013 . 034.S .0345 -f .0003 .0130 . 0130 ± .0000 5 . 1095 .1100 — .0005 . 0333 . 0345 — . 0012 . 0127 . 0129 — .0002 6 .1095 .1097 — .0002 . 0354 . 0353 + .0001 . 0i:!0 . 0137 — .0007 7 .1095 .1094 + .0001 . 0354 . 0354 ± .0000 . 0130 . 0128 + .0002 8 . 1095 .1091 .0004 . 0358 . 0356 + .ooo-> . 0132 . 0128 -j- .0004 9 .1095 . 1089 .0006 .0367 .0359 -1- .OOUS .0126 .0131 — .0005 10 .1095 .1092 + .0003 . 0357 .0359 — . 0002 .11131 . 0134 . 0003 11 M.&D. 0. 1062 0. 1079 —0. 0017 0. 0356 0. 0370 —0. 0014 0. 0120 0. 0139 —0. 0013 0. 10955 0.10955 ±0.000 0. 0350 0. 0350 ftO.OOOO 0,01377 0. 01377 ±0. 0000 In January both the observed aud computed absolute maxima occur at H^ p. m., while the coui puted absolute minimum is reached at 2'' a. m. ; the correspoudiug ob.served value occurring one hour earlier. The computed maximum and minimum of temperature occur at 5'^ a. m., and at midnight, respectively ; the observed maximum coinciding in regard to time with the one com- puted and the time of the observed minimum being 2'^ p. m. Besides the absolute maximum and minimum the hygrometrical curve shows three other relative maxima and as many relative minima similarly to the thermal curve. The range as derived from the computed values is 0'°.0D11, while the one deduced from the observed values is 0'°.0029. In February both the observed and computed maxima of 0'".0100 and 0'".0097 occur at 3'^ a. m., while the absolute computed and observed minima of 0'°.()078 and 0'".0073 are reached at 6'' p. m. The minimum of the force of vapor coincides in regard to time with that of the thermal curve, while the maximum of the latter occurs three hours earlier. The observed and computed ranges are Oi».0027 and 0'°.0019 respectively. In March the computed maximum of Oi''.0122 is reached at 11'' a. m., while the corresponding observed value of 0'°.0123 occurs 2 hours later. The computed aud observed minima of 0'".0091 and 0'".0089, respectively, are both reached at 5'^ a. m. The computed range is 0'°.0031, being O'°.00O7 greater than the observed value. There is a reasonable coincidence between the maximum and minimum of force of vapor and the maximum and minimum of temperature. Evidently the thermal minimum is influenced by the minimum of the force of vapor, which latter occurs one hoar before the former. In April the curve assumes a more regular character, being similar in form to the one represent- ing the diurnal fluctuation during spring. The observed maximum occurs at noon, while the one computed is reached two hours earlier. • The observed and computed minima occur at 2^ and 3^ a. m., respectively, and the observed and computed ranges are 0'".0090 and 0'°.0045, respectively. The observed minima of temperature and force of vapor correspond in regard to time, the same being the case with the maxima. In May both the observed and computed maxima are reached at I'' p. m.; the computed minimum occurs at P a. m., and the one observed Jtn hour earlier. Both the observed and computed maxima of temperature are reached at l*" p. m., and the minima at midnight. The range, as derived from the computed values, is 0'°.0208, while that derived from the observed values is 0'".0123 only. The curve of June is less regular than we might expect. The absolute computed maximum oc- curs at 4'' p. m., while the corresponding observed value is reached an hour earlier. The absolute 9 H 62 HTGKOMBTEICAL OBSERVATIONS computed miuiraum occurs at 2'> a. m., and the correspoading observed value at 11'' a. m., which is evidently abnormal. The computed thermal curve for this month passes the absolute maximum at IP a. m'., and the absoUite minimum at l'' a. m,, while the observed maximum is reached an hour soom-r and the minimum an hour later than the computed values. In July \)oth the observed and computed absolute maxima occur at 8" a. m., the computed abso- lute minimum at 1" a. m., while the corresponding observed value is reached four hours earlier. At first si-ht it migiit seem that the analytical expression for the month in question was not well chosen, but further examination proves that a secondary observed minimum coincides with the absolute one computed. The computed and observed ranges are 0'".0075 and 0'".0111i respectively. The corresponding thermal curve passes through the maximum at 11^ a. m., and through the mini- mum at 1'' a. m. ■ _ _ In August both the observed and computed maxima occur at 2^ p. m., while the minima are reached at 1'^ a. m. The ranges as computed and observed are 0".0229 and 0'".0213, respectively. Tlie maximum force of vapor is reached one hour before the occurrence of the maximum of tempera- ture, while the thermal minimum, as computed, precedes the minimum of force of vapor by two hours, coinciding, however, with the corresponding observed value. In September the observed and computed maxima are reached at 7'' a. m., while the minima oc- cur at 11" p. m. The computed and observed ranges are 0'".002G and 0'".0060, respectively. The thermal curve for this month passes through the maximum at 4^^ p. m., and seven hours later through the minimum. As mentioned before, October was omitted in the analytical treatment because a great number of the observations had to be interpolated^ In November the computed and observed minima occur at IP a. m., and noon respectively, while the computed maximum is reached at 11" p. m., and the corresponding observed value two hours later. The corresponding thermal curve passes the maximum at 1]> p. m., and the minimum at 7" a. m., the computed minimum occurring two hours earlier. In December the computed and observed maxima occur at 3" a. m., and midnight, respectively, and the corresponding minima at 7" and 9" p. m., respectively. The maximum temperature, as computed, is reached at midnight, and the corresponding observed value five hours later. Both the observed and computed minima occur at noon. The following table, derived directly from the table headed" Monthly means," contains the cor- rection to be applied to any hourly observation taken at or near Polaris Bay to obtain the mean force of vapor of the day. Corrections to be applied to any hourly observation taken at Polaris Bay to obtain the mean force of vapor of the day. Time. November. Ui'ci'mlier. January. February. March. April. May. J une. July. August. Iiichcu. lurlits. Inches. Indies. I nclies. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 0^ +0. (JIJ(I4'J — 0. (I(i:;ii7 -|_0. (IIIIJ-JO +0. 00013 +0. 00047 +0 00:j39 +0. 01244 +0 00342 +0. 00249 +0.01311 1 — .OOlii-^ .00051) , .00081 — . (1(1047 . 00067 00;!98 .01093 002.-5 . 00469 .01457 2 .Olll;-,! .00101 ! .00041 .00113 . 00070 004(12 . 01029 + 00201 . 002-22 .01319 3 — .0(1041 . (.iiKi,-^'i ' . ()(ji.i-jy .00136 .00113 (10:!97 . 00739 00049 .00114 . 00633 4 + .0001 1 .iiou;; 1 .(ioO'-^3 . OOKC! .00163 001S4 . (.10644 + 000.-9 . 0(3017 + .00410 5 . OllO."i'J .001(12 1 .00(12^ . 00077 . 002.~4 + .00466 .00311 00119 + . 00048 — .00033 6 00024 .00128 .00034 . ( H lU'-'O ,00100 ± . 000(10 + . 0002(J — 00017 — . 0(1244 . 00043 7 .011031 . 00( (95 + .00041 . oo(i;)2 + .00067 . 000:19 — .00127 + 0(1260 . 00330 .00.562 8 + .00041 — . ((11(121 — . 00015 . 00066 — . 0(J027 O028O . 00380 00019 . 00617 . 00544 9 — .0(1007 ± .00000 — . 000 IS . 00052 .00119 . 00296 . 00634 . 00277 .00170 . 00567 10 + .00070 + .00033 + .(iO(i:il — . 00051 . 00139 . O0:!s5 . 00740 .00120 . 00276 . 01227 11 . 001-J4 .OOu:-;! 1-1- .(j(j(lll + .00029 .00117 . oo:;75 . 00905 + . 00352 .00:i61 . 00617 NOOQ. . OOIOH .0(1(120 — .00017 . 00012 .00147 . 0049:! . (10859 . 00170 . 00122 . 00609 1» + .0010'^ . 001134 ' — . (1(1(104 . 00090 . 00157 . (10:!66 . 00994 . 00334 . 001.53 . 01005 2 — .ooo.-'l . 0007:! j-L . OOOOO . 00064 . 00066 . (.I03(i:5 . 00822 . 00332 . 00485 . 00968 3 — .oooor> .00113 — .00046 . 00028 . 0007'J .00191 . 00752 . 00463 — .00126 . 00945 4 -f .0O0L-' .OOO'^l .00021 . ouo(;9 . 0(H.I68 . 00225 . 006(i9 . 00099 + .00018 . 00597 5 -j- .0(1173 .00105 1 .ooo:;-2 .oooi;5 — .00017 . (*0133 . 0O262 . 00273 . 00162 . 00656 6 — .000:!(; . 00077 — .00063 . ooi;i5 + .00047 — . 00090 — .00084 — . 00163 . 00143 — .00548 7 . (j(Hj:;'j . 00073 -f . 00OO2 . 0(J083 .(J0012 + 00i:!9 + .00125 -f . 00186 . 001.55 + .00170 8 . 000-^3 . 00056 — . O0O05 . 0(J088 . 00((72 .00171 .(.10411 + . 00213 . 00199 . 00644 9 . 0016.5 .00014 . 00036 .000: !4 + . 00022 . 002 12 . 00:irt7 .00111 . 00496 . 00739 10 . 00073 . 00064 . 00046 . 00017 — .00020 . 00242 . 00493 . 00316 . 00305 . 01038 11 — 0. 0005.5 + .00021 —0.00011 -fO. 00032 —0.00019 4-0 . 0028:! +0. 00733 +0 . 00104 +0. 00285 +0.01195 AT POLAEIS BAY 63 EBLATIVE HUMIDITY. The following two tables contain the daily and hourly means of relative humidity extracted from the preceding general record. Daily means of reJatlve humidity ohserved at Polaris Bay. Day of month. B 5 'a 3 h- rt C , c r" ■' -""^-^ 4.i a, © O > o 2h a 5 Cm >^ < a ►= p. c p. c. P- "a. p. c. p. c. p. C. p. c. p. c. p. c. 2). c. p. c. p. C. 1 s;!. 56 76.20 75.91 71. 37 41.90 ,50. 65 52. 18 8S. 07 76. 84 83. 44 51.01 78. H4 2 82. 36 7(). 20 75. 91 60.20 42. 39 45. 09 42. 21 79. 29 84. 30 82. 1 1 56.90 76.28 3 S4. 43 76.20 75.91 64.79 48. 43 30. 57 40.21 72. 91 87. 39 66. 8.-, 62. k; 81.92 4 87.91 7(i. 20 75. 91 75. 78 38. 94 42. 82 40. 02 75. 99 77.99 59.96 60. IH 67. Ii7 .^ 89. 08 76. 20 75.91 75. 81 43.19 49. 82 59. 81 79, 02 77. 78 60. 16 60.18 63.28 6 86. 95 76. 20 86.46 67. 12 39. 48 45.02 53. 01 73,. 65 83. 85 66. 22 60.18 69. 40 7 7(i.55 76.20 87. 95 54.86 32. 50 5li. 86 40. 40 77.77 84. 61 74.23 i;o. 18 78. HO 8 79.53 76. 20 82. 22 51.19 36. 05 46. 77 45. 44 KO ,sh 86. 39 74. 88 60. 18 76. 46 9 76. 13 76. 20 85. 93 57.31 26.76 52. 10 44. 79 81. ,59 88. 97 72. 50 60. 18 65. 83 10 73. 12 76. 20 84. 36 81. 52 44.40 G:',. 60 3H. 55 44. 58 86.71 68. 74 60. 18 69. 08 11 81.81 76. 20 80. 16 72. 91 38. 74 64. 64 43. 04 80. 04 83.57 83. 69 60. 18 7,5. 16 L2 66. 73 76. 20 79.06 59. 27 31.49 55. 97 30. (52 71.09 83. 33 77.31 76. 83 73.41 13 73. 11 76. 20 62. 39 ,52. 44 36.26 63. 67 46.10 77.61 82.49 73,. 61 83. 07 78. 92 14 77.43 7(1 20 63. 73 69. 20 42. 30 45. (J7 50. 58 62. 79 87. 02 7(1. 15 87. 45 H(J. 64 15 83.40 76. 20 62. 16 56. 04 43. 50 41.43 55. 63 74.30 88. 70 78. 91 H(i. 23 84. 26 16 76.8-.^ 76. 20 61.66 50.00 52. 12 43. 53 59.71 7.5. 11 86.36 56. 98 H3. 08 m. 33 17 71. 32 76. 20 72.11 48. ,56 40.54 49. 11 63. 34 ■ 75.13 83. 46 7(i. hi; 86. 32 81.58 18 82. 49 76. 20 76. 49 46. 81 33. 47 70.73 60. 89 611. (;2 82. 68 81 . 03 83. 93 74.72 19 78.37 76. 20 67. 07 67. 45 4-1.93 62. 3,9 66. 84 77. 67 H(1.92 79. 13 77. ^^ 78, 61 20 82. 38 76.20 51.88 52. 80 62. 03 43. 98 60. 50 70. 49 80. 92 V)>. 52 77. 56 H4. OC. 21 90. 56 76. 20 47. 40 48.79 77.28 51. 54 55. 36 81. H4 77. 29 74.06 64.70 82, 42 22 83. 35 76. 20 47.40 45.00 78.64 49.14 56, 04 91.10 79. 74 (i9. 75 79. 54 HH, 5 'J 23 77. 25 76. 20 47.40 39. 07 67. 26 46. 98 48. 56 90.05 84. 40 74.44 93,. 26 85, 58 24 84. 44 76. 20 49.11 33. 17 .52. 24 43. 85 62. 99 8H. 64 fX<. 91 61.99 87. 75 84.52 25 80. 33 76. 20 51.15 38. 85 50.10 6H. (;u (15. 60 85. 95 87.95 64. 3IJ H(;. 78 m. 57 26 85. 17 76. 20 47.53 41.70 56.40 71.60 73.14 H2. 22 8:-',. 47 69. 76 83. 9(5 h7 , 82 27 88.13 76. 20 4i. 92 42. H6 45. 73 52. H4 84. 90 83.44 85. S!l 74.65 82. (56 86.23 28 88. 17 76. 20 74.51 38. 18 43.81 6(1.74 85. 08 7H. 1)7 HI. U 72. 44 70. 04 H9, 17 29 86.13 76. 20 74.36 46. 90 52.17 59. 22 H-. 24 84. 05 7H. 72 7.5. ",.5 70. 78 H6. 17 30 79. 25 7(;. 20 75. 31 44. 42 67.78 86. 80 82. 53 M). 3,3 55. 62 H(l. 29 86.76 31 Means. 76. 20 45.84 69. 56 61. 88 83. 82 80.24 H9. 03, 81. 37 76. 20 68.11 55. 04 48. 21 53. 2S 56. 60 78.66 83,. 2; 71.69 73.35 79. 68 Hon rly mea IS of re la tire In imidity nt)Herrei ? at I'ol aris Ba y- p. c p. c. p. c. p. c. p. c. p. c. p. c. p. c. p. c. p. ('._ p. c. p. c. 01' .^(1. 92 7(;. 20 68. 10 52. 65 47.31 49.64 56. 26 76.79 81.46 73,. 87 ■<': 62 1 Nl. 92 76.20 69. 00 53, 91 47. 32 49.91 55.31 76. 21 81. 55 72! 31 73. 92 84, 02 2 811.92 76. 20 70. 07 55.03 47.34 51. 72 54. 94 75.96 82. 08 72. 41 74.31 84, l'A\ 3 80. 92 76. 20 68. 07 54.13 46.91 .53,, 12 52. 13 77.83 82.45 71.93 74.40 H4.33, 4 80. 92 76. 21) 65. 83 T)'.*. fl? 46. 08 55. 18 51.27 80.60 82. 90 7 1 , 8H 75. (19 H4 00 5 ^0. 92 76.20 66. 13 53.40 47. 05 55. SI 5::. 00 81.91 83. H-J 71.99 74.91 8.;. 12 6 80. 92 76.20 67. H 3 53. 24 48. 17 56.70 54. OH Kl. 19 85. 21 72,(15 74. 72 82. HI 7 ^0. 92 76. 20 66.93 52.20 48. 23 56, 45 57. 45 82. 01 H4.31 72. (Ill 74.09 80, 12 8 81. .54 76. 30 6(i. 9(i 52. 02 49. 22 56.01 59. 57 80. 43 84.26 71.26 74. 35 78, 98 9 .^1..54 76. 20 67. 92 51. 99 47. 99 56. 89 59. 98 80. 01 84. 35 70.11 7:5. 33 77.01 10 81.54 7(i. 20 66.80 51. 98 46. :!9 57.20 64. 29 79. 94 H4.H3 69. 12 72. 77 75.67 11 HI.. 54 76. 20 67. 81 55. 00 47.17 54. 11 63. 31 HO. 01 84. 99 69. 12 71.91 74. 12 Noon. HI.. 54 76. 20 68. 02 5H. 73 49. 48 54.70 m. 10 H2. 10 85. 74 (59.69 71.39 73. 5li 1" 81.54 76.20 6H. 51 56. 93. 4H. r,7 52. 9H 60.10 H2. 21 H4. 83 7(1. 51 72. 41 73. H-j 2 81.54 76.20 6H. 43 55. 27 47. 57 51/94 57. 30 82. 43 83. 87 71.47 73. 12 7 4. .59 3 81. 54 76. 20 6H. 10 55. 31 47. 70 51.71 56. 79 81.113 h3. 88 71.51 72. 19 76, 01 4 82.24 7(i.20 67.68 55. 93, 47. 78 51.61 55. 83 77. 43, 83. 38 71.53 71. 86 77. 25 5 81.61 76. 20 67. 93 55. 99 48. 31 50. 36 53. .55 77. 45 82. 91 71.89 71.83 77. 92 6 81.61 76. 20 (\S. 06 5. 54 57. 22 49. 99 51. 27 56.01 73. 12 81. 87 72. 13 73.71 81,01 10 81.61 7ri. 20 68. 53 56. .^2 48. h6 52. 5S 57.56 75. 51 82. 07 73. 47 73,. 20 H'' 33 11 Means, 81.61 76. 20 6H. 41 56.71 48. 81 .52. 99 57.63 75. 61 82. 13 73.45 73. 21 82, 35 81.41 76. 20 68.11 .55. 04 48.21 53.28 56.66 78. 66 83. 25 71. (J9 73.35 79.68 64 HYGROMBTRIOAL OBSERVATIONS ANNUAL PLUOTUATION OF RELATIVE HUMIDITY AT POLARIS BAY. The following table contains the means of the relative humidity of the actual months, and also the means of the equi-intervals : Comparisoo of the means of the actual months and the equi-intervals. Months. January. . February. March April May June Mean rela- tive hu- midity of actual months. p. c. 48.21 53. 28 56.66 78.66 83.25 71.69 Mean rela- tive hu- midity of e q u i -in- tervals. p. c. 47.52 53.35 56.20 77.68 83. 66 70.78 Months. July August . . . September October . . November December Mean rela- tive hu- midity of actual months. p. c. 73.35 79.68 81.41 76.20 68.11 55.04 Mean rela- tive hu- midity of e q u i-in- tervals. p. c. 74.16 80.06 81.39 76.18 68. 29 54.67 The analytical elements and expression for the annual fluctuation of relative humidity are as follows : H fln *n £n c„ 1 2 3 4 — 11.0996 — 3. 1599 + 2. 0185 — 2.9019 — 8.77665 — 7. 3213 + 2.3201 — 1.41835 + 14.150 + 7.974 + 3.075 + 3.230 o / // 231 40 00 203 40 45 37 7 14 243 57 00 E = -\- 68.666 + 14.150 sin (x -f- 231° 40' 00") + 7.974 sin (2 a; + 203° 40' 45") + 3.075 sin (3 j; -f- 37"^ 7' 14") + 3.230 sin (4 x + 243° 57' 00") X = 30°, 60°, . . . The following table contains the observed values and those computed according to the above formula : Months, (equi-intervals.) Observed. Computed. Difference, January 47.' 525 53. 351 56. 204 77. 686 83. 666 70. 783 74. 164 80. 066 81. 397 76. 180 68. 299 54. 673 72. 519 75. 004 75. 292 51.849 p. c. 47. 914 53. 341 56. 250 77. 471 83. 761 70. 931 74. 013 79. 903 81. 682 76. 155 68. 375 54. 193 72. 494 74. 949 75. 404 51. 816 p. c. — 0.3-'9 + 0.010 — 0. 046 + 0.215 — 0. 095 — 0. 148 + 0. 151 + 0. 163 ■ — 0. 285 -f 0. 025 — 0. 076 + 0.480 + 0. 025 + 0.055 — 0. 112 + 0.033 February March April May June July August Seiitember October November December Spring Summer . . Autumn Winter Year 68. 666 68. 666 ± 0.000 Probable error of year ^ 0.06 AT POLARIS BAT. The preceding values thrown into a curve result in the following diagram : 65 * According to the above curve, the minimum relative humidity occurs in January and the maximum in May. There is, however, a second relative maximum in Sei)tember and a second relative minimum in June. The computed and observed annual ranges are 35.847 and 33.872, re- spectively. If we compare the annual march of the force of vapor with that of the relative humidity we shall arrive at a somewhat unusual result. We might expect the periodic changes in the force of vapor to follow those of the temperature; in other words, a maximum of temperature ought to correspond to a maximum of force of vapor and to a minimum of relative humidity, while the march of the relative humidity ought to show the contrary relation. The annual curves of tem- perature, force of vapor, and relative humidity represented on one diagram, would show the two former to run nearly parallel with each other, while the other would show the same course only from January until ]May, and from October till December, so that a relative minimum of the relative humidity corresponds to the absolute maxima of both the force of vapor and temperature. To find out how far the maxima of force of vapor correspond in general to the minima of relative humidity we investigated the Toronto Observations,* as well the whole period from 1841 to 1871, as also, some of the years separately. The curves representing a period of 29 years demonstrate that the absolute minimum of force of vapor coincides with the absolute maximum of relative humidity, while, as in our case, only a relatise minimum of the relative humidity correspouds to the absolute maximum of the force of vapor. In 1850 the curve representing the march of the force of vapor reaches its maximum in July, the absolute minimum in December, and a second relative minimum in February, while the absolute maximum of relative humidity occurs iu November and two rela- tive maxima in January and (middle of) August, respectively. The absolute minimum is reached in May, and the two relative minima in October and December, respectively. In 1860 the annual curve of the force of vapor passes through the maximum in August and through the minimum in January, while the absolute maximum of relative humidity is reached in December and the minimum in March; there being, however, a second relative minimum of almost the same value in June. Besides the absolute maximum, the relative humidity exhibits four other relative maxima, occurring in October, August (where a minimum should take place). May, and in the middle of January, respectively, thus showing greater irregularities than the curve of Po- laris Bay. In 1870 there is onlj* a relative minimum of relative humidity coinciding with the abso. lute maximum of force of vapor, while the absolute maximum of relative humidity corresponds almost with the absolute minimum of force of vapor, so that it appears that the curves of Polaris • Abstracts and results of magnetical and meteorological observations at the Magnetic Observatory, Toronto, Canada, from 1841 to 1871, inclusive. Toronto : Copp, Clark & Co., 1875. Table XXVI, et seq. 66 HYGROMBTRICAL OBSERVATIOKS Bay are not as irregular as might seem at first. We shall see, hereafter, in the course of tbe discus- sion of the seasons, that the general law can be recogaized beyond doubt in summer, and also, to a certain extent, in autumn, while the curves of winter and spring are less in agreement with the law, although the latter exhibits a very regular course. DIURNAL FLUCTUATION OF RELATIVE HUMIDITY AT POLARIS BAY. The diurnal changes m the relative humidity during the year were only computed from alternate hours. The anulyticil eleaieats and expression used in the computation are as follows : II I'/i hu B„ c. 1 •i 3 — 0. :'.r,7 + 0. 27'.l — 0. 050 — 0. o;!-< — 0. 167 + 0.371 + 0. 325 o ' " 262 13 12 'J9 36 42 120 53 16 fl- = OS «SS + 0.371 siQ (X + 262 ' 13' 12") + 0.22'J .sin (2 x + Dd'-" 31)' 42") + 0.325 sm (3 x + 120^ 53' 16") ^ x = 30<^, 60°, . . . . By means of the above expres.sion the following values were obtained : Time. Observed. )). c. Oi> 6.S. 225 2 (iS. H03 4 68. 627 6 fi; 1.644 H 6;i. 233 10 6S. SLI 1 Computed. Ditfereiice, O.-C. Time. Olisi'.rved. ;). p. p. c. p. c. OS. :'.56 +0. 101 Noon. 69. 488 6s. i:!5 -j- . 66S 2'' 68. 644 (W. 67'.1 — 1152 4 6S. 227 6!l. 127 + .517 6 67. 076 ll'J. (1 10 + .173 8 68. 602 IVJ. 102 — .208 10 69. 060 p. 0. 69. 378 69. 148 68. 445 68. 289 1-18. 8(18 68. 926 Diflfiireace, O.-C. Mean = 63. 888 ; difforouce -= ± 0. 000. L p. c. +0.110 — .504 — .218 — .313 — .206 + . 134 The above values tlirown into a curve result in the following diagram : 68.2 The computed curve passes through the absolute maximum at noon and through the absolute minimum at 2^ a. m. There are, in addition to the absolute maximum, two relative maxima, oc- curring at 6^ a. m. and 10i> p. m., respectively, the former corresponding in regard to time with the absolute maximum observed. The two relative minima are reached between 8^ and 9^ a. m., and at 6^ p. m., respectively. AT POLAEIS BAT. 67 A comparison of the carve in question witb that illustrating the diurnal march of the tension of vapor shows that the absolute maxima coincide within l^^ in time, the maximum of tension of vapor occurring later than that of the relative humidity. The Toronto observations, comprising the period from 1842 to 1848, show that the maximum of force of vapor has its corresponding minimum of relative humidity, and vice versa. This, however, is not the case if we examine the curve of January during the same period, for we shall find that a relative maximum of relative humidity corresponds to the absolute maximum of the force of vapor, while the July curves for the same period are more in accordance with the general law deduced for lower latitudes. In order to discuss the diurnal variation of the relative humidity during the different seasons, the computed means of the respective months constituting the respective seasons were used, in- stead of computing each season separately. The following values were obtained for spring : Ci 2 - 4 6 b Observed 71.50 70.99 71. .59 74.36 74.75 Computed 71.46 71. '28 72,0:5 73.69 75. -JC) 76. A 0.— C. — 0. 04 — 0. 29 — 0. 44 + U. 67 —051 + 0. 02 + 0. 2.5 — 0. 22 + 0. 35 + 0. 3ci — 0. 70 + 0. 51 J- 0. 00 resulting in tlie following curv^e represented simultaneously with that illustrating the diurnal march of the force of vapor during tlie same period. Dinrnal fluctuation of relative humidity and force of vapor diirinr/ spring, 1872. 10 Noon. oil 4 6 6 10 Mean. ).35 76. 65 74. .54 72. 21 70. 25 69. 40 71.71 72. 86 3. 33 76. 40 74.76 7 1 . 88 69.89 70.10 71.20 72. 86 In. 0. 0460 440 0.036 ■■■BiiiiiiiniHiiipnii ■i M l I M IIII Inn H! J m HI I I lU 11 JNUOii. 1" In the above diagram the curve exhibiting the march of the force of vapor is represented in full, the fluctuation of the relative humidity being indicated by dotted lines. It will be noticed that during the afternoon the curves run nearly parallel, while this is less the case during the rest of the day. The maximum of relative humidity is reached at noon and coin- cides with both the maxima of force of vapor and of temperature. The observed and computed ranges are 7.25 and 6.51, respectively. 68 HYGROMETEIOAL OBSERVATIONS The following values were obtained for summer : Ob 2 4 G 8 10 Noon. 2'> 4 6 8 10 Observed 7r,. 58 77.1;! 7(;.99 76.53 74. HC, 7->. .52 71.54 73.06 73. ,55 74.38 75.42 76.33 Computed 77..5'.t 77. IC, 7('.. M5 7C.. 3(; 74. HO 72.71 71. (U 71. '.17 72. K6 74. OH 75.71 77.21 Mean. 74.92 74.92 A 0-C. — 1. 01 — I). 03 + (1. 14 + 0. 17 + 0. 06 — 0. 19 — 0. 10 + 1. 09 + 0. 69 + 0. 35 — 0. 29 — 0. H.S -J- 0. 00 reijresented grapliically in tlio annexed diagram. D'nn-nid fhictnatioii of rrlative humiiliti/ and force of vapor (hirivi/ siivimar, 1872. The computed curve passes through the maximum at midnight and through the minimum about halt an hour after noon. The observed inaximam and mininiuin (iccur at 2'' ;i. m. and noon, respectively. The comi)uted and observed ranges are 5.!I5 and 5.59, respectively. It will be seen that the two hygrometrical curves, re])resented simultaneously on the above dia- gram, have the same relation to each other as at the majority ot the other stations situated in lower latitudes. The diurnal fluctuation during autumn is represented by the following values: 0" 2 4 6 8 10 Noon. 2i» 4 6 H Observed 75.07 75.73 74.32 74.98 74.90 74.84 75.45 7.5.39 75.37 75.29 76.05 Computed 75.27 7.5.14 74.94 74.67 74.81 75.08 75.35 7.5.31) 7.5.46 75.-15 75.70 A O.-C 10 Mean. 75. 45 75. 24 75. 6H 75. 24 0.20 + 0..59 - 0.62 + 0.31 + 0.09 - 0.23 + 0. 10 + 0.09 — 0.09 — 0. 16 + 0.35 The above values thrown into a curve result in the following diagram : 0.23 ± 0.00 AT POLAEIS BAY. 69 Diurnal fluctuation of relative humidity and force of vapor during autumn, 1S71. The computed curve passes through the maximiim at 9'' p. m., the corresponding observed value occurring one hour earlier, while the computed minimum is reached at Q^ a. m., and the observed minimum at i^ a. m. The ranges, as derived from the computed and observed values, are 0.75 and 1 70, respectively. Besides the absolute maximum, the curve shows two relative maxima at about half an hour after noon and S^ p. m., respectively. It will be seen that the absolute minimum of relative humidity coincides with a relative maximum of force of vapor, while the two relative maxima correspond to the absolute minimum and a relative minimum, respectively. The absolute maximum of relative humidity lies between the absolute maximum of force of vapor and a relative minimum, and the two relative minima coincide with two relative maxima of force of vapor. The following values were obtained for winter : Oh 2 4 6 S 10 Xoon. 2'' 4 6 S 10 Mean. Observed 49.86 51.36 51.61 52.70 .52.42 51.86 .54.30 51.59 51.78 51.99 53.54 52.76 52.15 Computed 50.19 .50.40 51.50 51.86 51.25 52.55 53.64 52.93 5197 52.91 .54.00 52.57 52.15 A 0.— C. — 0. 33 + 0. 96 4- 0. 11 + 0. 84 + 1. 17 resulting in the annexed diagram. 0. 69 + 0. 66 — 1. 34 — 0. 19 — 0. 92 — 0. 46 + 0. 19 ± 0. 00 10 H O 70 HYGROMETEICAL OBSEEVATIOIfS Diurnal fluctuation of relative humidity and force of vapor during winter, 1871-72. .0100 0. 0099 The computed curve passes through the maximum at 8^ p. m. and through the minimum at about IJ^ a. m. Besides the absolute maximum and minimum there are two relative maxima occurring at 4^^" a. m. and noon, respectively, and two relative minima whicb are reached at 7^ a. m. and about S^i" p. m., respectively. The computed absolute maximum does not coincide in regard to time with its observed value, although it corresponds to a relative maximum, while the absolute minima as observed and computed coincide within half an hour. The computed and observed ranges are 3.81 and 4.44, respectively. A comparison of the two hygrometrical curves shows that the absolute minimum of relative humidity coincides with a relative maximum of force of vapor, and the absolute maximum, as computed, with a relative minimum occurring about 4J hours after the absolute minimum is reached. The relative minimum of relative humidity at 7'^ a. m. corresponds to a relative maxi- mum of force of vapor, and the relative minimum taking place between 3^ and 4^^ p. m. corresponds to the absolute minimum of force of vapor. The two relative maxima of relative humidity at 4^'' a. m. and noon, respectively, correspond to a relative minimum of force of vapor and to a relative maximum, respectively. AT POLARIS BAT. 71 For want of time the diurnal range of the relative humidity during the different months was only computed for every other hour. The analytical elements and expressions made use of are as follows : January. n a„ bn Sn c„ 1 2 3 + 0.427 + 0.617 + 0.266 — 0. 808 — 0. 861 — 0. 373 + 0.914 + 1.061 + 0. 457 o / // 152 8 57 144 22 30 144 32 37 S= + 48.206 + 0.914 sia (x + 152° 8' 57") + 1.061 sin (2 x + 144° 22' 30") + 0.457 sin (3 x + 144- 32' 37") X = 30°, 60°, . . . February. n On bu -B„ c„ 1 2 3 — 2. 771 + 0.637 + 0.433 — 0. 423 — 0. 835 — 0. 666 + 2. 803 + 1.050 + 0.795 Of" 261 19 30 142 40 22 146 57 24 H= + 53.197 + 2.803 sin (x + 261° 19' 30") + 1.050 sin (2 x + 142^ 40' 22") + 0.795 sin (3 x + 146° 57' 24") a; = 30°, 60°, . . . ilarch. n a„ 6„ Bn Cn 1 2 3 — 3. 125 + 3.662 — 0. 177 — 0.717 + 1.464 + 0. 580 + 3. 206 + 3. 943 + 0.606 o / // 257 5 14 68 12 14 343 8 H= + 56.665 + 3.206 sin (x + 257° 5' 14") + 3.943 sin {2x + 68° 12' 14") + 0.606 sin (3 x + 343° 0' 8") X 30°, 60°, . . . April. n a„ bn Bn c„ 1 2 3 — 3.721 — 1.066 + 1.292 + 0.670 + 0.589 — 0. 025 + 3.781 + 1.218 + 1.292 o / // 280 12 24 298 53 33 91 6 32 H= + 78.662 + 3.781 sin (x + 280° 12' 24") + 1.218 sin (2 x + 298° 53' 33") + 1.292 sin (3 x + 91° 6' 32") x = 30°, 60° May. n a„ *„ B„ c„ 1 2 3 — 1. 933 + 0. 078 + 0. 392 + 0.034 + 0.073 — 0. 140 + 1.933 + 0. 147 + 0. 393 / // 279 52 48 46 48 21 109 36 35 H—+ 83.247 + 1.933 sin (x + 279° 52' 48") + 0.147 sin (2 x + 46° 48' 21") + 0.393 sin (3 x + 109° 36' 35") a; = 30o, 60°, ... 72 HTGKOMETRICAL OBSBEVATIONS June. n a„ K B„ c„ 1 2 3 + 1.486 — 0.384 + 0.459 + 0.210 — 0. 387 + 0.168 + 1.501 + 0..545 + 0.488 O ' II 35 14 45 224 47 28 69 .55 14 H = + 71.693 + 1.501 sin (x + 35^- 14' 45") + 0.545 sin (2 x + 224'-- 47' 28") + 0.488 sin (3 1 -f 69° 55' 14") ^ ^ x = 30°, 60° Jvly. n a„ bn Bn c„ 1 2 3 + 0. 191 — 0.209 + 0.370 + 1.399 — 0. 122 — 0. 026 + 1.367 + 0.241 + 0.240 o ' '■ 7 46 59 239 46 56 93 59 32 H = 4- 73.391 + 1.367 sin (x + 7° 46' 59") + 0.241 sin (2 x + 239° 46' 56") + 0.240 sin (3 x + 93° 59' 32") x = 30°, 60°, August. n ttn *„ Bn Cn 1 2 3 + 4. 877 + 0.743 + 0.119 + 3.937 — 0. 591 + 0. 375 + 6.268 + 0. 909 + 0.394 O 1 II 51 5 31 128 31 32 17 36 54 H = 4- 79.682 + 6.268 sin (x + 51° 5' 31") + 0.909 sin (2 x + 128° 31' 32") + 0.394 sin (3 x + 17° 36' 54") x = 30°, 60°, Novemher. n a„ bn Bn Cn 1 2 3 + 0. 858 + 0.274 — 0.025 — 0. 440 + 0. 293 — 0. :i43 + 0.964 + 0. 401 + 0. 344 O 1 II 117 9 12 43 6 6 184 8 33 S=z + 68.106 + 0.964 sin (x + 117° 9' 12") + 0.401 sin (2 x + 43° 6' 6") + 0.344 sin (3 x + 184° 6' 33") X = 30°, 60°, Dece^nher. n a» bn Bn Cn 1 2 3 + 1.341 — 0. 022 + 0. 221 — 1. 994 + 0. 170 — 1.661 + 2. 603 + 0. 172 + 1.676 O 1 II 146 4 19 3.52 48 10 172 24 33 fl- == + 55.040 + 2.603 sin (x + 146° 4' 19") + 0.172 sin (2 x + 352° 48' 10") + 1.676 sin (3 x + 172° 24' 33") x = 30°,60° . . . AT POLARIS BAT. The computed and observed values compare as follows : 73 Time. January. February. March. April. > o 5 o 1 1^ 5 p 5 o 1 1 '-6 Q T. 5 'J S o 1^ ^ 1. Oi> p. c. 47.306 p. c. 47. 361 p. c. — 0. 055 p. c. 49. 641 p. c. 49. 515 p. c. + 0. 126 p. c. 56. 255 p. c. 56. 876 p. c. 0. 621 7 p. c. 6. 790 p. c. 75. 726 p. c. + 1.064 « 47. 3:!') 4 ;, 399 + ^' 936 51.724 50.971 0. 753 54. 935 54. 499 + 0. 43,(i 7 5,9.57 77.133 — 1.176 4 46. 077 4 ■. 152 — 1 075 .55. 179 .52.^-113 2. 376 51. 265 52. 110 0. ,-45 - U, 600 80. 424 + 0. 176 6 48. 174 4 \995 1+ 179 .56.703 ' 55.054 1. 649 54. 681 ,53.928 ' + 0. 753 ,- 3. 1S7 82.419 + 0. 768 8 49. 216 4 :^. 115 + 1 101 56. 010 54. 760 1.250 , 59.574 59.753 — 0. 179 - 0. 430 81. 1,52 — 0. 722 10 46. 390 4 -. 131 — 1 741 57.200 56.170 + 1.029 1 64. 2rt 1 64.032 | + 0.255 1 7 9. 937 80. 026 — 0. 089 NOOD . 49. 484 4 8. 175 + 1 309 54. 700 56. 069 — 1.369 ' 62.100 62.651 1— 0. 551 ,- 2. 100 81.. 552 + 0.548 21^ 47. 574 4 7.902 |- '.)^2S 51.93S , .54.340 2.402 ! .57.303 57.705 — 0. 402 ,- 2, 427 82.277 + 0.150 4 47.7S1 4 !^. 024 243 51.614 1 .52.317 0. 703 55. 829 53. .-97 !+ 1.932 7 7. 43(1 79.034 1— 1.604 6 49. 290 4 1. -192 — 002 49. 693 : 52. 149 2. 456 51. 381 53.204 1- 1. 8-J3 7 7.4.-0 74.9,53 :+ 2,527 I 8 50. 981 5 I. 407 + .574 51.3S3 52.716 — 1.333 ; .54.813 .54.702 + 0. HI i 7 2. 10(1 74. 086 — 1.9-6 10 M. & D. 48.861 49.516 — 655 .52.576 51.496 + 1.080 57.555 .56.621 + 0. 934 ! 7 5. 510 75. 166 + 0.344 48. 206 4 e. 206 ''± 000 53. 197 53. 197 J- 0. 000 56. 665 56. 665 ± 0.000 i 7 8. 662 78. 662 ± 0.000 Time. May. 1 June. July. > O 5 c3 9 r-: 1 1. i 6 c 1 |6 O X C' Qt p. c. 81.455 p. c. M.773 p. c. p. c. — 0. 318 1 72. 253 p. c. 72. 696 p. c. — 0. 443 p. c. 73. 86.- p. C. 73. ^57 — 0.' 089 2 1 82. 084 82. 246 0. 162 72. 407 72. .5815 0. 179 74. 309 / 4. 370 — 0. 061 4 8-'. 903 83. 604 — 0.701 1 71.S77 73. 135 1.258 75. 094 7 4, 925 + 0. 169 6 1 8,'>. 209 84.717 + 0.492 72.053 73. 307 1. 254 74.717 7 4.^75 — 0. 158 8 ' 84. 258 84. 898 — 0.640 71.260 71.866 0. 606 74. 345 7 '.. -k; 4- 0. 499 10 84. >32 84. s-9 — 0.1157 69.120 (59. 9>4 — 0.h;4 72.771 7 2.712 + 0.059 Noon. 85. 739 85. 002 + 0.737 69.687 69. 635 + 0.1 !52 ! 71.394 7 2.315 — 0.921 2^ 83. 868 84.316 — 0. 44S 71.473 70. 514 0. 959 73,. 119 7 j.31> + 0. XII 4 83. 381 82. Ii77 + 0.704 71.5-J7 71.019 0. 5U8 71.. -.55 7 2, 1.-2 j — 0. 327 6 ' 81.8-0 81. 497 + 0.3.-3 72.717 71.133 1.584 71.735 7 2. 235 — 0.500 8 ! 81.290 f 1.531 — 0. 241 72. 47U 71.805 0.665 j 73.735 7 2. >56 + 0. —9 10 M.&D. 82.071 81.820 + 0.251 \ 73.470 72. 634 + 0.836 73. 200 7 !. 561 — 0. 361 83. 247 83. 247 ± 0.000 71.693 71.693 -j- 0.000 73. 391 73. 391 ± 0. 000 Time. August. 1 November. December. t 5 ^ Zj X 1. , S 5= o 2 G O c3 |d 2 ?o =■ 1 01^ p. c. 83. 616 p. c. b6. 109 p. C. ! p. C. — 2. 493 68. 103 p. c. 6S. 677 p. c. — 0. 574 p. C. 52. 652 p. c. 53, 694 p. c. — 1.042 2 84. CSS 84. 528 + 0. 130 1 70. 073 68. 295 + 1.778 55. 032 53. ^33 + 1. 199 4 84. 003 82. 491 1.512 65.833 67.735 — 1.902 .53,571 54., 563 — 0. 992 6 82. 809 80. 913 1.896 67.827 66. 8-0 + 0.947 53. 239 52.528 ! +0.711 8 78. 981 78. 685 0.295 i 66.963 66. 684 + 0.279 52. 016 50.8-2 + 1.134 10 75. 665 75. 439 0. 22li ' 66. -03 67. 543 — 0.740 51.9-1 53. 344 — 1. 363 Noon. 73. .550 72. 974 0..5,-l , 68. i;23 68.317 + 0.306 58. 729 56. 659 + 2. 070 2" 74. 593 73. 070 1..523 i 68.427 68, 150 + 0.277 55. 267 56. 563 — 1. 296 4 77. 2.52 75. 36-^ + 1.-84 67.6-^3 67.929 — 0.246 55. 926 55. 560 4- 0. 366 6 78. 690 78. 733 — 0.043 68. 057 68. 550 — 0. 493 56. 984 57.278 i — 0.294 8 80. 039 82. 446 2. 405 70. 350 69. 295 + 1.0.55 58. 261 58. 881 ' — 0. 620 10 M.&D 82. 326 85. 432 — 3. 106 68. 530 69. 217 — 0. 6S7 56. -19 56. 692 + 0. 127 79. 682 79. 682 ± 0. 000 68. 106 68. 106 -t 0. 000 55. 040 55. 040 -t 0. 000 74 HYGEOMETEICAL OBSERVATIONS In January both the observed and computed absolute maxima are reached at 8^ p. m. The computed minimum occurs at 2^ a. m. and the corresponding observed value an hour later. The computed and observed ranges are 4.0 and 4.9, respectively. The absolute minimum of relative humidity coincides in regard to time with the absolute minimum of the tension of vapor, the same being the case with the respective maxima. In February both observed and computed maxima occur at 10'' a. m., the computed minimum at midnight, and the corresponding observed value two hours earlier. The observed and computed ranges are 5.8 and 4.6, respectively. The maximum and minimum of the force of vapor being reached at 3^ a. m. and 6'> p. m., respectively. In March both the observed and computed absolute maxima occur at 10'' a. m. and the minima at 4^^ a. m. The observed and computed ranges are 13.17 and 11.93, respectively. The maxima and minima of the force of vaper coincide very nearly in regard to time with those of the relative humidity. In April both the observed and computed absolute maxima are reached at 6*^ a. m. and the minima at 8^ p. m., while the tension of vapor reaches its maximum at noon and its minimum at 3^ a. m. The observed aud computed ranges are 11.1 and 8.3, respectively. In May both the observed and computed maxima occur at noon, almost coinciding in regard to time with the maximum force of vapor. The computed minimum is reached at G^ p. m., one hour before the corresponding observed value, while the tension of vapor is at its minimum at 1^ a. m. The observed and computed ranges are 4.5 and 3.6, respectively. • In June the observed maximum is reached at 11'' p. m., the one computed occurring at midnight. The theoretical curve passes through the minimum at noon, while the actual minimum is reached an hour earlier. The observed and computed ranges are 4.3 and 3.0, respectively. According to the computed curve the maximum of the force of vapor occurs at 4'^ p. m. and the minimum at 2^ a. m. Considering the march of the relative humidity by itself, independent of the force of vapor, we see the curve to follow the same general law as made out for more southern stations. In July both the observed and computed maxima take place at 4'' a. m., while the computed miuimnm occurs at 4'' p. m. and the corresponding observed value one hour later. The observed and computed ranges are 3.3 and 2.7, respectively. The force of vapor reaches its maximum at 8'' a. m. aud its minimum at P a. m. In August the observed and computed maxima and minima occur at 2'^ a. m. and noon, respect- ively. The computed range is 11.6 and that derived from the observed values is 0.5 less. The maximum of the force of vapor is reached at 2'' p. m. and the minimum at 1*" a. m. In November both the computed and observed maxima occur at ^^ p. m., the observed minimum at 4'' a. m., and the corresponding computed minimum four hours later. There is, however, a computed relative minimum, corresponding in time to the absolute minimum as observed. The computed and observed ranges are 2.3 and 4.5, respectively. The maximum of force of vapor is reached at 11'' p. m. and the minimum at 11'^ a. m. In December the absolute computed maximum occurs at 8'^ p. m., corresponding to a relative observed maximum, but the absolute observed maximum is reached at noon, the difference between the absolute and relative maxima being 0.4 only. The computed minimum is reached at 8'' a. m. aud the corresponding observed value one hour later. The computed and observed ranges are 7.9 and 6.7, respectively. The computed curve of the force of vapor passes the maximum at 3'' a. m and the minimum at 7'' j). m. AT POLARIS BAY. ATMIC WIND-EOSB OF POLARIS BAT. 75 In order to investigate the intluence of the dififerent winds on the relative humidity of the air, ■we proceeded in a similar way to that described in the discussion of the thermic wind-rose. The values obtained in this manner are as follows : Months. N. p.c. o 5 — i!: N. E. p.c. — >. 4 3.4 2.3 4.4 — 2.0 + i.n — 2. 3 2.4 — 4. 3 + 4.1 E. S. E. -/.' .s. w. W. X. W. Calm. November December January p.c. — 4. 5 + 0. .5 — 0. .=. + 2. 3 2 (1 + 2.0 — 1.0 — O.r, + 2. IJ.C. — '4."6' +"l.'3" 0.5 + 1.0 " + '4.'0 p.c. "+3. -2 1.0 + 2.3 p.c. + 9. -^ p.c. p.c. p. c. 5.4 9. 3 6.2 4.0 2. 2.3 5. 2 + i!-! — 4.3 •2 7 — 2! + 1.0 +'o.'t + 'l."6" — 2. +'4."3' — 2.3 + 2.0 Febrnarv March ." April Mav — 1..=. — 1.0 + 3. II — 1.3 — 1.0 — "3.7. July Aui;nst Ten months Winter _ . . 1 + 3.3 — 1.9 — 2. 6 — 0. 2 + 0.4 + 1.- + ''.1 — 11.2 ^ + 0.3 — 1.9 — O.C - 3.4 1.1 — 0.9 + 0. - 1.0 + 0. — 1.3 + 0.9 + 1.3 " + '2."2' + 6.9 + 3: 9 + 0.2 + 0.3 — 0.7 + 1.4 — 0. 1 + 0. 7 — 3.0 + 0. 3 — 0.3 .Suninicr - + 0.2 If it is found difficult tu deduce somewhat relialile results from tlie intitience of the wind on the tempernture from a short .«eries of observations, it will be found more difficult still to trace the con- nection between the direction of the wind and atmospheric moistine. as the latter is more or less dependent on the vicinity of open water. Taking into consideration the fact that Hall's Basin and Kulie.son Sti;iit were hardly ever entirely frozen and that the lanes of open water were con- stantly shiftii is. we have to expect that the same wind may produce contrary effects: that, for instance, a wind blowing from northeast may increase the amount of moisture contained in the air during one day while it diminishes the same during another. The analytical expression for the above wind-rose is as follows : ^"= + 0.33 + 2.66 sin (x + 239- 45') + 0.45 sin (,2 x + 9- 2^ ) A comparison of the. following values computed bj" means of this formala with those above given will show that the differences are rather considerable, as can scarcely be expected other- wise : X. y. E. E. S.E. S. S.W. AV. N. W. _1.9p.c. _i4 _i_i ^0.6 +2.7 +3.3 +1.6 — O.S To show how little dependence can be placed on the values above given we add the following table, in the construction of which only the more prevailing winds and the calms were taken into account. We content onrselves with giving merely the effect of the wind, whether increasing ( + ) or decreasing ( — ), irrespective of the ratio of increase or decreasi:'. If be noted in any of the columns, it signifies that the winds were either entirely wanting during the period under con.sidera- tion or of too short duration to give any result. Each mouth is divided into three equal paits, and the influence of the direction of the wind on the relative humidity during each of these periods is indicated either by a positive or negative sign or by zero : 76 HTGEOMETRICAL OBSERVATIONS Months. Winds. N.E. E. s.w. Calm. 1871. November Deceuiber lb7-3. + - - + - - + - - + + + + + - - - + - ~ + - + + + + + ++ 1 °+ M 1 ++ + 1 1 I+++I 1 1 l+l 1 1 1+ 1 II + + + + + - + + - -t- + + + + + + + - + + + + + + - + - + + 1 1 1 l+l+l II + +111 + 11 +1 1 1 +++++ 1 1 + February Mareh April May July August , The following table contains the correction to be applied to any hourly observation taken at Polaris Bay to ol)tain the mean relative humidity of the day : Correction to be applied to any hourly observation talcen at Polaris Bay to obtain the mean relative humidity of the day. Time. V ^ >, ■fj ■1^ = (-> ^ ^, t-i tc ;a G + 0.90 1 < A ^. ■^ < 0" + + 2. 39 + 3.64 + 0.40 + 1.87 -\- 1.79 — (1. .56 — 0. ,52 — :■.. 94 : 1 0.59 1.13 0. 89 3. :i7 1. 35 2. 45 1.70 0.62 0. 57 4.34 2 — 0.89 0.01 0. H7 1.56 1.72 2. 70 1.17 0.72 0.96 4. 9.S ' 3 + 0. 05 0.91 1.30 + 0.16 1. ,53 + 0.K5 0.80 0.24 1.05 4. 65 4 2. 28 1.47 2.13 1.90 5.09 — 1.94 + 0.35 0.19 1.74 4. 32 5 1.98 1. r>4 1.16 2.53 3. i;6 3.25 — 0.57 0. 30 1. ,56 3.44 6 0.28 1.80 + 0.04 3. 42 + 1.98 4. 53 1.96 0.36 1.37 3. 12 7 1.18 2.84 - 0. 02 3.17 — 0.79 3.35 1,06 — 0.31 0.74 — 0.44 8 1.15 3. 02 — 1.01 2. 73 2.91 1.77 1.01 + 0.43 — 1.00 + 0.70 9 0.19 3.05 + 0.22 3. 61 3. 32 1.35 1.10 1.58 + 0.02 2.67 10 1.31 3.06 1.82 3.92 7.63 1.28 1.58 2.57 0.58 4.01 11 + 0.30 + 0.04 + 1.04 0.83 6.65 1.35 1.74 2. .57 1.44 5.56 Noon. 0.51 — 3.69 — 1.27 — 1.42 .5.44 3.44 1.49 2.00 1.96 6.12 1* 0.40 1.89 — 0.36 + 0.30 3.44 3.55 1. 58 1.18 0.94 5.86 2 — 0.32 0.23 + 0.64 1.34 0.64 3.77 0. 62 0.22 0.23 5.09 3 + 0.01 0.27 0.51 1.57 — 0.13 — 2.37 0.63 0.18 1.16 3.67 4 0.43 0.69 + 0. 43 1.67 + 0.83 + 1.23 — 0.13 + 0.16 1.49 2.43 o 0.18 0.95 — 0.10 2.92 3.11 1.21 + 0.34 — 0.20 1. .52 1.76 ■6 + 0.05 1.94 1.08 3.59 5.28 1.18 1.37 1.03 1.61 + 0.99 7 — 1.10 2.58 1.70 2.81 4.53 3.35 l.,54 1.01 + 0.64 - 0.32 8 1.24 3.22 2.77 + 1.90 1. 85 6.56 1.96 0.78 — 0.39 0.36 9 1.43 2.18 1.78 2.01 + 0.65 5. ,54 1.38 0.44 — 0.36 1.33 10 0.42 1.78 0.65 + 0.71 — 0.90 3.15 1.18 1.78- + 0.15 2.65 11 ~ 0.30 — 1.67 — 0.60 + 0.29 — 0.97 + 3.05 + 1.12 — 1.76 + 0.14 — 2.67 AT POLAEIS BAY. 77 DEWPOINT. The following two tables contain the daily and hourly means of the dew-point, extracted from the preceding general record : Daily means of deip-point observed af Polaris Bay. Date. Jau. Feb. Mar. April. May. Jiiue. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 — 3S. 9 — 32.5 — 43. 1 — s. 1 — 6.6 + -24,7 + 33.7 + 32.8 + 21.5 — 1.0 + 11.3 — 18.8 >■> 35. (i 37.4 46.1 20.0 + 0.7 2.-^. 4 31.9 34. 3 21.2 1.0 11.3 19.3 •■i 30. 5 41.2 46. 1 •24. .•^ s. ,-^ 29, 2 35, 2 33. 3 23. 2 1.0 11.3 19.5 4 37. 9 3S. 9 40.9 30, 4 6, 7 30, 1 • 34, 2 33. 5 •24,7 1.0 11.3 — 10.3 5 37.9 3(i.7 26.6 13. 2 — 6. rt 2«, 5 34 2 32, 8 20. 5 1.0 11.3 + 0.2 H 41.1 37.3 34. 2 19.4 + 1.1 31..-^ 31.2 31.2 20. ,8 1.0 10. 3 — 16.7 7 4-2. 6 35.4 45..'^ 14.9 3.2 33.4 34,2 '.)'■! '2 •>.,, ■) 1.0 7. 8 30.9 s 42.1 33. 7 45. 5 S, 4 5.3 31.9 34, 2 !VJ "J 21.9 1.0 •2. 5 34.1 'J 43. H 35.4 44.9 10.1 H. 7 2H. 7 34,2 33. 1 21.4 1.0 7. 5 23. 10 37,5 23. 9 43.2 2X. 9 7. S 2,-^. '^ 34. 2 32. 16.6 1.0 + 6.3 1,5 u 40. s 21. « 43.2 31. 5 5. •2.^. 34. 2 32. 2 11.5 1.0 14.5 l-i 43.1 2S. 4 •13.6 36. 4 (;. 2 25, ,-7 34. 3 30.9 14.3 1.0 1.2 25. 1 i:i 41.7 22. 4 3,-'. 2 3,0. 6 10.1 21), 7 32. 7 30.5 13. 9 1.0 15.0 2(;, 2 14 3S. 3 39.7 39, 6 34.3 15, 4 27.2 33. 2 29. H 14.8 1.0 17.7 21,8 15 34. 5 44,0 37.1 27. 6 17.9 30, 33.6 29. 9 21.0 1.0 27. 6 •26, 1 Hi 34. f; 39, 9 36. 7 32. 21.2 2-. 34.5 30. 5 18.9 1.0 18. 9 •29, 6 17 39. 2 35. (i 2<-!, K 37. 5 15.9 •2S, 2 33. 4 29.1 12. 3 1.0 9.4 32, 4 IH 42. 5 7.3 31.5 26, 7 16.7 •2.^,0 3,2. -5 29. 4 21.5 1.0 5. 5 34. 2 19 37.9 22. 7 29. 7 25, 2 l.-<. S 2S, 9 3,:',. 2 29. 5 17.9 1.0 16.1 13. 8 20 •22. 2 3H 23. 3 19, 2 21.1 2i<. 6 33. 5 31.5 25. 4 1.0 27.3 23. 3 •21 !^.i 39. 9 3;-,. 5 — 3. 8 25.5 26.8 34.6 32.0 28.6 1.0 30. 2 33. "J "J 4.(1 44.3 3.-.. 1 + 13,0 25. 7 27. 3 37.0 30. 4 26.1 1.0 30. 2 33. 3 •j:! 21.2 43. 2 33. 3 11.4. 23, 3 •29. 7 36,7 31. 3, 21.9 1.0 25. 8 39. 2 •J4 29. 9 43. 9 •27.9 + s.y 24,7 30. 35, 6 29. 7 19.8 1.0 31.1 40. 5 •25 32. •22. 5 31.5 — 52 •25, 1 3,1.4 35.4 28. 7 18.6 1.0 34. 5 40.2 •21 i 30.6 •22. 4 14.7 4,7 23,, 1 31.6 3,5. 9 28.3 12. 9 1.0 31.3 36. 3 27 40. 5 33. 5 2.6 10.1 20. 1 2S. 3 3,-^. 1 30. 8 •20.9 1.0 34.6 37.7 2H 3.-^. 5 29. 6 2.1 — 4.2 20.0 30.3 34.6 30.5 ■25. 9 1.0 13.8 37.4 29 2H.0 — 31.2 31.4 + ^2.4 17.8 30.9 35. 1 23. 2 16.8 1.0 0.8 32.8 30 15.5 4.0 — 3.1 19.6 + 33.7 33. 6 23. 1 + 9.9 1.0 — 11.4 32. 1 31 Means. — 17.4 — 14.5 + 20.7 -f 33.0 + ^24. 1 — 1.0 — 34.5 — 33. 19 — 32. 99 — 32. 24 — 15.86 + r2. 64 + 29. 15 + 34.35 + 30.37 + 19.56 — 1. 00 — 9. 77 — 26. 45 Hourly means of deivpoint observed at Polaris Bay. Time. Jan. Feb. Mar, April. May. June. July. Aug. St-pt. Oct.. Nov. Dec. Mean. o o o o o o o o o o 0'' — 33. 33 — 33. 09 — 32. 40 — 21.85 + 9.27 + 28. 47 + 34. 03 + ^28. 94 + 19.56 — 1.00 — 8. 83 — -26. 84 — 3.08 1 34. 20 32. 42 32. 25 20. 32 6. 28 2X. 42 3,3. 61 28, 52 19. 56 1.00 8.46 25. (i3 3.15 2 33. 76 32. 22 35. 07 17.50 6. 79 28.31 33. 94 29.10 19. 56 1,00 8. 62 25. 30 '2.97 3 32. 87 33.41 35.52 24. 57 10.60 29. 02 34. 0. 29. 54 19. 56 1.00 9. 99 28, 95 2.78 4 33. 00 31.85 34.13 17.38 7, 75 28. 82 34. 21 30. 19 19.56 1.00 10.44 26.13 2.77 5 33.30 32. 46 33. 42 16. 88 12. 03 29. 25 34. -29 30.67 19. 56 1.00 10.64 25, 99 2. 32 6 33. 21 31.87 32. 67 15. 01 15. 92 29. 26 34.62 ;io. 8-^ 19.56 1.00 10.00 2fi. 16 1.64 / 33. ,39 32. 55 34. 85 24. 04 13. 24 28, 68 34,63 31.34 19. 95 1.00 10.13 26. 40 2.87 8 32. 43 32. ^25 30.92 13. 67 14.18 •21 », 01 35, 26 3,1. liO 19. .56 1.00 10. 12 27, 13, 1.49 9 34.79 32.00 31.96 13. 56 14,70 29. 16 34, 22 31, rM; 19. 56 1. 00 10, 34 27, 07 1.77 10 33. 43 31. .52 29.12 12. 53 15.19 29. 31 34,69 ■■:■>. 45 19. 56 1. 00 10,03 •27, 04 1.12 11 32. 89 33.31 35. 20 9. 79 15. 31 29. 36 35,02 :',i,03 19. 56 1.00 10. '25 2i;, 63 1.56 Noon. 3^2.71 32.91 31.84 8. 76 15. 06 30. 05 34, 57 3,1,30 19. 56 1. 00 9, 79 •2i;, 13 1.05 1" 35.10 33. 88 29.09 15. 30 15.24 29. 95 34,57 31. 70 19. 56 1.00 10. 23 2um flier. . Aiitiiiiii) - . Winter ... Means . OliserveO. — 33. 46 33. 07 31.49 — 1.'). 6^ + 13.-9 •J K 37 3.4. 34 + 19. -J) — l.l>-J 9. 93 — ■,'(;. 37 — 11. -^9 + 31.33 + -'.7(1 — 3,1,(13, Ciniiputed. Ditterenoe, O.-C. 34. 4(i 3,0. IIS — 16. .-.-.i + 1-'.S3 ;',(i, ('i3 3i;. 19 ■29.04 + 19. -r. — 1.03 10.6(1 — -Jii. 43 — U. 43 + 31.97 + -,'..-.4 — 31. -JO — 0. 37 + 1.39 — 0. SI + 0. S4 + 0. 46 — 1. 3-J — 1.S3 + 1.31 — 0.(11 + 0.01 + 0.67 — 0. 1-' -f 0. 17 — 0. (« + 0. -JU + 0.23 ■2. ().". 2. 03 ± 0.00 The anal.ytit'al elements and expression from which tiie above values have been deri\eil are as follows : n 1 2 3 o„ — 17.03 + 1.66 — 1.02 ; B„ C„ — 2(5. 3-2 + 4.4S — 1.19 + 31.32 -f 4.32 + 1.57 c ' " 2:i7 17 33 69 4(1 7 1 310 36 5 D = — 2.05 + 31.52 .sin (x + 237- 17' 35") + 4.32 sin (2 .r + &i^ 40' 7") + 1.57 sin (3 x +310° 36' 5") x = 30-, 60-, .... For better comparison the differences between the computed temperature of the air and the computed temperature of the dew-point are given iu the lollowing table: January 10.27 February 9. 71 March 9.05 April 8. 64 May 5.46 June 4. 94 July 3.15 August 8. 56 September 2. 14 October 0.15 November 0. 99 December 11.93 Spriug 7. 72 Summer 5. 55 Autumn 1.10 Winter 10.63 Year 6.26 From the above table it appears that the difference between the temperature of the air and the temperature of tlie dew point is greatest in December and least iu October. During the different months, the temperature of the dew-point is above the annual mean in May, June, July, September, October, and November; while it is below the same during the six remaining months. Likewise, the mean temperature of the dew-point is below the annual meau in winter and spring, and above the same in summer and autumn. If the curves representing the annual fluctuation of the temper- ature of the air and of the dew-point were represented simultaneously ou one diagram, we should perceive them to run nearly parallel from the latter part of March till the middle of September, while they would diverge more or less during the rest of the period. AT POLARIS BAY. 79 DIURNAL PLUCTOATION OF THE DEW-POIKT AT POLARIS BAY. The analytical elements and expression representing tlio diurnal flactaation of the dew-point are as follows ; II 2 — 0. r>7-':. — 0, r)ii;(i 11. 100 200 41 ■A — II. (m;:m7 — o.i;s-ji 0. ii',):i '<>-i ni; 4 - 0.11410 — 0. i7(;o'.i 0. ^.'00 L'l-i r,7 jD = — -i.orir. -f ll.7(;-2 8in (.r + '2.52'-' 12') + 0.100 aiu (2 .r + 20(P 41') +0.09;i.sin {:', x + 222-.1I;') + 0.200 sin (4 j- + 212^ .'.7') X— Ifi'J, :!0-', .... By means of the above foriniiln, the following \';ilues were obtained : Time. Ob.serveil. C^>i ipiit' (1. Ditl('r(Micc, Time. 0!)M<^rvr(l. Compiitcil, DiU'crc-uc-c, (.1.— C. o o o Pi r. ,, 01' — ;!. OH — :!. 02 — 0. 06 Noon. — l.or. — 1,40 + 0.41 1 n. 1.-. :!. 20 + 0.11 11- 1,05 ],5i; — 0. (10 ^> 2. 07 :!. 1.-, 0. IH »> l.HI 1 , 52 — 0. 20 :i 2. 7S 2. Hli -f 0. 112 1, 17 1,41 + 0.27 4 2.77- 2. 47 — 0. :i0 4 1,41 1 , 40 0. 05 r 2. ;i2 2. :u — 0.01 r, 1,0 1 1,(;7 + 0. (K! G 1.(14 2. 27 + 11.0:5 i; 1,00 1,04 — 0. (J5 7 2. .-7 2. 15 — 0.74 7 2 ''7 2. OS 0. 10 H 1. 40 1.H7 + ii.;i- rt 2, 07 2 0(1 — 0. 01 9 1.77 1,51 — 0.21; 11 1.72 2, 02 + 0. lid 10 1.12 1.2S + 0. 11; . 10 2. 07 — II. 5(1 11 — l..5r, - 1.20 — 0.27 U — 2, 05 — 2. 57 — 0. OS Meau oliH crve l=2'-'.0 1 ; mean com mted = 2 (15: clili'dviH (• = -1- 0.0(1. According to the formula the temperature of the dew-point reaches its maximum of — lo.28 at about 10'' a. m., and its minimum of — 3o.2« at about 1'' a. m., thus exhibiting a diurnal range of 1°.98, which is by 0o.l2 greater than the diurnal range of the tempenitiirc of the air. The cor- responding thermal curve passes through the maximum at ll"" 10'" a. m., and through the minimum at 0" 56-° a. m. The differences between the computed temperature of the dew-point and the computed tempera- ture of the air are as follows : Oh 6.30 eh 5.97 Noou. (1.48 6h 1;. Ill 1 6.44 7 6.36 1" 6. 53 7 11. 22 2 6.56 8 6.44 2 6.59 8 (1.05 3 6.20 9 6.48 3 6.40 9 5.79 4 5.97 10 6.31 4 6.31 10 5.76 5 5.99 11 6.33 5 6.30 11 (1. 05 Mean difference =6°.26. It will be seen that the greatest difference between the temperature of the air and that of the dew-point during the twenty-four hours exists at 2^ p. m., being 6o.59 ; while the smallest, of 5o.7G, occurs at about 10"^ p. m. 80 HYGEOMETEIOAL OBSERVATIONS The following table coTitains the hourly variation of the temperature of the dew-point during the four seasons. The seasons were not computed according to the formula, but it was thought sufficient, as the time at our disposal was ratlier limited, to combine the computed hourly means of the respective months constituting tiie dittercnt seasons, and to take the mean of tiie same. .S[)rint;. SUUIIIR'T - - - — Aiituiiii Winter. ri, ^ Time. OJ ^ ^"l Oj t- C. £ 1 ■IJ = ^ 1 V i r\ ^ '. 0. A' '. ■3j ,1^ '. ■u A '. O o o o i:0 G a 5 "■ o o o Q o o o o p o Oh —14. 98 —14.611 — (i. :!2 -f:i(i. 4'-^ + 3,0, 55 — 0.07 + 3.24 + 3. 17 + 0.07 — 31.09 —30. 85 — 0.21 1 IS. 43 1.5. 23 — 0.20 3(1. 18 3,0.47 0. 29 3. 3,7 3.16 0.21 30 75 30. 97 + 0.22 2 l."i. 26 15.60 + 0. 34 30. 45 30.50 — 0. 05 3. 31 3.11 + 0.20 30. 43 30. 90 + 0. 47 3 16. .''lO 1.5. 45 — 1. (15 30. 88 30.65 + 0. 23 2. t*i'> 3. 03 — (1. 17 31.74 30.86 — 0.88 4 14. .^.9 14.72 + 0. 13 31.07 30. 89 0. 18 2.71 2. 88 — (1. 17 30. 33 30. (W + 0. 35 5 l-,'.7i; 13.55 0. 79 3.1.74 31. 14 0. 60 2. 64 2.51 + 0. 13 30. .58 3,(1. 62 0.04 6 10. :'/.» 12. 17 + 1.58 31.. 59 31. 3,7 0. 22 2. >^5 2.79 0. 06 30.41 30. ()0 + 0. 19 7 l!-..22 11. :i2 — 3.90 31.. 55 31. 53 0.(12 2. 94 2.76 0. 18 30. 78 30.61 — 0. 14 8 1(1.14 10. 1 -.2 + 0. 48 3,1. 9(i 3,1.61 0. 3,5 2. HI 2. 75 + 0.06 30. (JO 30. 73 + 0. 13 9 10. 27 10. 18 — (J. ( 19 31.75 3,1.65 0.10 2.7 4 3. 07 - 0.33 31. 29 30. 8:i — 0.46 10 H, 82 9. 93> + 1.11 32. 15 :il.71 0.44 2. 84 2.77 + 0.07 30. 66 30. 92 + 0.26 11 9. 89 10.06 (1. 17 3,2. 14 31. H8 (1. 26 2.77 2. 73 + 0.04 3(1. 94 30. 98 0.04 Noon. 8. 51 9.69 + 1.18 31. 97 31.89 0. 08 2. 92 3. 09 — 0. 17 30. .58 31.01 + 0.43 Til 9. 72 9 28 — (1. 44 32. 07 32. 00 + 0. (;7 2.78 2.87 — 0.09 31. 75 31.08 — 0. 67 2 11.29 9.21 — 2.08 31.97 3' 31.. ^1 — 0. 29 2.91 2. 99 0. 05 30. 96 3 1 . 19 + 0. 23 5 9.96 10. 37 + 0.41 31. 65 :!1.60 + 0. (15 2. H4 3. 34 — 0. .50 31. 07 31.09 + 0.02 6 11.33 10. 79 — 0. 54 ;il.42 31. 38 + 0.04 3,. 04 3. 00 + 0.04 31.09 30. 99 — 0. 10 7 11.82 11. 4(; — 0. 36 3,0. 67 31. 19 — 0. .52 3. 08 2. 99 0.09 31.04 30. 86 — 0. 18 8 11.. "i7 11. K) + 0.:i2 30.60 31. (.)5 . 0. 45 3.07 2. 99 0. 08 30. 40 30. 76 + 0. 3,(; 9 11.89 12. 28 + 0. 39 30. 87 3,0. 91 0.04 3. 05 3.02 0. 03, 31.05 30. 72 — 0. 33 10 13. 22 12.84 — 0. 38 30.69 3,0. H(l — 0. 11 3.14 3.07 + 0.07 30. 42 30.76 + 0.34 11 M.&D. —12. 92 — 13. ,59 + 0.67 + 30. 67 + 30.59 + 0.08 + 2. 96 + 3. 12 — 0.10 -31. 05 30. M5 —30. 88 — 0. 20 ± 0.00 —11.82 — 11.8'i ± 0.00 +31. 30 +31.30 ± 0.00 + 2.95 + 2.95 ± 0.00 —30. 88 The mean temperature of the dew-point during si)]ing is — 110.82, or 80.O8 lower than the mean temperature of the air. For better comparison the diflerences between the computed tem- perature of the air and the computed temperature of the dew-point are given in the annexed table. As the thermal curves for the seasons were only computed for every other hour, our table contains only the bihourly values. Difference between the temiierature of the air and the temperature of the dew-point during spring. Ob 2 4 6 8 10 Noou. 2'' 4 6 8 10 7°.58 8°.36 7°.86 6'^73 5°.45 6°.94 60.91 6°.39 6^.31 6°.77 6°.83 6°.85 On the following diagram the thermal curve aud the corresponding curve of the temperature of the dew-point are represented simultaneously. AT POLAEIS BAT. 81 Diurnal fluctuation of the temperature of the air and temperature of the dew-point during spring, 1872. It will be seen that the computed temperature ot the dew-point reaches its maximum between 1" and 2*' p. m., while the minimum occurs at 2^ a. m. The maximum and minimum, as observed, occur at Z^ p. m. and S^ a. m., respectively. The thermal curve, and that represeuting the fluctu- ation of the dew-point, run almost parallel with each other ; they approach each other most closely at 8" a. m., and recede most from each other at 2'^ a. m. The probable error of any single obser- vation is 0°.10, that of the mean being 0°.02. The following values represent the difference between the computed temperature of the air and the computed temperature of the dew-point during summer : C 2 4 6 8 10 Noon. 2" 4 6 8 10 5°.20 5°.46 5°.43 .5°.44 6°.06 6°.96 7°.22 6°.84 6o.52 6° .43 5°.94 5°.31 82 HTGROMETEIGAL OBSERVATIONS The annexed diagram exhibits the — Diurnal fluctuation of the temperature of the air and temperature of the dew-point during summer, 1872. +39 Ob 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. Ih 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 The mean temperature of the dew-point during summer is 190.48 higher than during the prceed- ing season, differing by 6^.22 from that of the air; while during spring the difference was O0.86 greater. The computed curve reaches its maximum at 2'» p. m. and its minimum at 1'^ a. m.; the range being 1°.15. The observed curve passes through the maximum at lO'' a. m., while the time of its minimum coincides with that of the computed value. The thermal curve and the curve showing the fluctuation of the dew-point approach each other most closely at midnight, while they are farthest apart at noon. During autumn, the differences between the temperature of the air and the temperature of the dew-point are as follows : 0" 2 4 6 8 10 Noon. 21' . 4 6 8 10 1°.23 10.29 10.55 10.63 10.67 ^;_lo.63 10.32 10.57 1°.48 10.43 10.43 1°.30 AT POLAKIS BAY. 83 The followiug diagram represents the — Diurnal fluctuation of the temperature of the air and temperature of the dew-point during autumn, 1871. +4.4 WMC ^g -t2.2 While the curve exhibiting the march ot the temperature is but slightly bent, owing to the iu- significauce of the thermal wave duriug the latter part of this season, the temperature of the dew- point shows a more considerable range. The computed curve passes through the maximum at 0'^ a. m. and through the minimum at 5^ a. m., the latter coinciding in regard to time with its cor- responding observed value, while the observed maximum occurs at I'' a. m. Besides the absolute maximum there are four relative maxima, occurring at &^ a. m., 9"^ a. m., noon, and between 4'' and 5^ p. m., respectively, while the relative minima are reached at about 1^^ a. m., lOJ'' a. m., 1^^ p. m., and at 7^ p. m., respectively. The observed and computed ranges are 0o.53 and 0°.66, respect- ively. The thermal curve and the curve representing the diurnal fluctuation of the dew-point approach each other most closely at midnight, as was the case in summer, while their greatest sep- aration occurs at 10'' a. m. It remains now to consider the diurnal fluctuation of the dew-point during winter. The following differences between the temperature of the dew-point and the temperature of the air were found to exist : 0" 2 4 6 8 10 Noon. 2" 4 6 8 10 100.76 10°.63 100.49 10O.05 10°.32 10°.32 10O.62 10O.43 10°.58 10°.12 10O.26 10-.26 84 HYGEOMETEICAL OBSERVATIONS The following diagram exhibits the curve of the dew-point and the thermal curve during winter : Diurnal fluctuation of the temperature of the air and temperature of the deivpoint during winter, 1871-'72. ■i-%Kt WMmsMomi ^a/ F f »*■ ',J1' ^>:f4l>1?f^)lii liHiiini While, daring the last season, the diurnal range of the temperature of the dew-point was greater than that of the air, we now see the contrary to take place. The temperature of the dew-point, according to the computed curve, reaches its maximum at 6^^ a. m. and its minimum at 4:^ p. m. Between the absolute maximum and minimum the curve is seen to oscillate in an irregular manner, thus exhibiting a number of relative maxima and minima which sometimes correspond to similar maxima and minima of the thermal curve. The difference between the temperature of the air and the temperature of the dew-point is greatest at midnight and least at 6^ a. m. The computed and observed ranges of the temperature of the dew point are 0^.59 and lo.35, while those of the air are 00.78 and 0O.83, respectively. In order to discuss the diurnal fluctuation of the temperature during each of the different months, each month was treated analytically. The following analytical elements and expressions were used in this computation : January. n In K B„ c„ 1 2 3 -f 0.19 — 0.17 + 0.01 — 0.21 — 0.22 — 0.17 + 0.27 + 0.28 + 0.17 138 6 6 216 49 44 178 21 28 D= — 33.20 + 0.27 sin (x -f 138^ 6' 6") + 0.28 sin (2 x + 216° 49' 44") + 0.17 sin (3 x + 178° 21' 28") x=15°,30°, . . . AT POLARIS BAY. Fehruarij. n On ''„ Ba + 0.90 H- 0.20 + 0.17 o / // 347 28 16 122 30 34 41 43 1 — 0. 20 + 0. 17 + 0. 09 + 0.9(1 — 0.11 + 0.13 85 D^ — 33.00 + 0.90 sin (x + 347-' 28' 16") + 0.20 sin (2 x + 122° 30' 0") + 0.17 sin (3 y + 34° 4 1' 43") x = 15°, 30°, March. n 1 2 3 'In K B„ c„ — 0.67 + 0.55 + 0.74 — 0. 93 — 0.14 + 0.04 + 1. 15 + (1.57 + 0.74 o / " 215 46 12 104 16 52 86 59 D-. : _ 32.24 -(. 1.15 sin (x + 215° 46' 12") + 0.57 sin (2 x + 104° 16' 52") + 0.74 sin (3 x + 86° 59' 0") X = 15°, 30°, ; . . AprU. n 1 2 — 3. 17 + 0.20 — (1.39 ''« B„ <'n — 2.7:1 — 0.63 + 0. 30 + 4.19 + 0.67 + 0.49 / .' 229 40 30 162 23 15 307 34 ■ 15.86 + 4.19 sin (.1; + 229° 40' 30") + 0.67 sin (2 x + 162° 2:'.' 15") + 0.49 sin (3 x + 307° 34' 0") X = 15°, 30°, . . . May. n n„ K Bn + 3.45 + 1.02 + 1.05 c» 1 2 — 3.09 — 0. 27 + 0.83 — 1.51 — 1.00 — 0. 65 ' " 244 U 195 15 18 128 4 Z) = + 12 64 + 3.45 sin (x + 244° 11' 0") + 1.02 sin (2 x + 195° 15' 18") + 1.05 sin (3 x + 128° 4' 0") x=15°, 30°, . . . Jtute. n On i. Bn c„ 1 2 3 — 0.40 + 0.04 + 0.07 — 0.28 + 0.11 — 0.24 + 0. 49 + 0. 12 + 0.25- / // 235 30 19 3 2s 163 4 55 T) = + 29.15 + 0.49 sin (x + 235° 0' 30") + 0.12 sin (2 x + 19° 3' 28") + 0.25 sin ( 3 x f 103° 4' 55") x = 15°, 30°, . . . 12 H o 86 JTVCROMETRICAL OBSEliVATTONS Jiih/. n — 0, .5(iO — 0. 010 + 0.111 > — — — 1 001 ! 050 031 -1- 0..501 -j- 0.050 + 0.111 O ' " 1S3 12 19 193 10 21 105 15 30 1 3 D = + 34.35 + 0.5C1 sin (x + 1H3'J 12' 19"; + 0.0.50 sin (2 ,t + 193 ' 10' 21") + 0.111 sin (;! f +'1(I5 15' 30' ) j: = 15-', 30", . . . Avgiist. n a„ K i?„ '" 1 2 3 — 1.53 — 0.21 + 0.10 — 0.03 — 0. 1(1 + 0.10 + ]..5(; + 0.29 + 0. M o / // [ 209 30 230 IH 30 43 33 39 D = + 30.39 + 1.5G sin {x + 209 ' 30' 0") + 0.29 sin (2 x + 23(P IH' 30") + 0.14 sin (3 x + 43° 3:!' 39") x = 1.5'-', 30', . . . Sepfemlicr. u «« -- 0. 13 — 0.21 + 0.17 J!n < • 1 2 3 — 0.20 -0.19 ; + 0.5G 1 + 0.49 -)- 0. 29 -|- 0.59 1 ° 203 222 !1 57 1 54 13 D = + 17.32 + 0.49 sin (x + 203'^ 34' .57") + 0.29 sin {2x + 222'^ 1' 54") + 0..59 sin (3 .r -f- 72 4;'.' 0") X = 15^, 30°, . . . November. n a,. + 0.7 1 + 0.22 — 0. 01 T>n + 0.75 + 0.30 + 0. OH Cn 1 2 3 — 0. 11 + 0.21 — 0. OH O / " 9H 27 3,0 40 20 4 34 20 D=- -9.77 + 0.75 sin (,-: + 9H^ 27' 3,0") + 0.30 sin (2 .c+ 4(P20' 0") + 0.08 sin (3.r+ 4>^34'2(;") j: = 15°, 30° . . . Beeeniber. n 1 3 + 0.19 — 0.08 — 0. OH ha — 0. 21 — 0.09 — 0.20 + 0, 29 + 0. 12 + 0.22 ''„ ' O J // 137 51 44 224 19 5 202 32 IH i> — — 2fi.45 -I- 0.29 sin (j: + 137-' 51' 44") + 0,12 sin (2 .(■ + 221' 19' .5") + 0.22 sin (3, r + 202 32' IH") J' =15 ', 3(1 ■, . . , AT POLAEIS BAY 87 The following table contaius the values computed by means of the precediug analytical expres- sions; also the observed values and the differences between the observed and computed means: DEW-POIXT. Time. January. 1 Time. Mareh. Observed. Compu- ted. Difference, 0.— C. Observed. Compu- ted. Difference 0.— C. o ,3 (|i' — 33. •^•^ — 33. 4f) -f 0.13 0" — :!2. 40 — 32, 17 0, 23 1 ;i4. 20 33. 59 0.61 1 32. 25 33, 10 -f- 0, 85 >> :;:!. 76 33. 56 0. 20 2 35. 07 34, 00 1,07 ;j 3--I. S7 33. 39 + 0. .52 ■> 35. 52 34, 52 — 1.00 4 33. 00 33. 07 + 0. 07 4 34. 13 34, 42 + 0, 29 .") 33. 30 33. 06 0.24 5 33. 42 33, 76 0,34 () 33. ^l 33. 05 0.16 6 32. 67 32, 89 -f 0. 22 7 33. :',;) 33. 18 — 0,21 7 34. f^5 32, 12 2,73 s 3:.'. 4:! 33. ;!7 + 0. 94 8 30. 92 31.73 + 0,81 'J 34.79 33. 52 1.27 9 . 31. 9(; 31,69 0,27 10 33. 43 3.3. .59 + 0.16 : 10 2;i. 12 31.77 + 2, 65 11 32. 89 33. .55 0.66 i 11 3.5. 21) 32. 76 2,44 Xoiin. -.',•>. 71 33. 36 -f 0.65 Noon. 31.84 31.49 — 0. 35 li> 35. 10 33. 39 1.71 li> 29. 09 31.11- + 1. 99 •J :',•>. 94 3:'.. 29 + 0.35 2 30. 73, 30.76 + 0. 03, :; 3-2. 77 33. 23 0. 46 3 30. 84 30. 76 0. US 4 33. 07 33. 29 + 0.22 4 31.04 31. 16 + 0.12 5 33. 07 33,. 01 0.06 5 31. 69 31. S2 + 0,13 (> 32. 48 3,2. 84 + 0.36 6 32. 63 32. 52 0,11 7 33. 41 32. 67 0.74 7 31.66 32. 66 + 1.00 H 32. 13 3,2. 59 + 0. 46 ; 8 32. 15 32. 47 + 0. 32 9 33. OH 32. 66 0.40 9 32. 23 31.93 0.24 1(1 :!2. 40 32. 87 + 0.47 10 31.96 31.61 — 0. 35 11 Means. — 33. 04 — :',:',. 20 + 0.16 11 Meaus. — 31.50 — 31.62 + 0. 12. — 33. 20 — 33.20 ± 0.00 — 32.24 — 32.21 ± 0.00 • February. April. Time. ... Time. Observed. Compu- ted. c Dille 0. rcnce. -C. Observed. Conipu- ted. 0;ilBre:ici- 0,— C, o ni' ' — 33.119 — :!2.71 — 0.38 ()!■ — 21. 85 — 20. 45 — 1.40 1 32. 42 32. 60 + 0. 18 1 20. 3,2 2(1. 14 — 0. is 2 3>2. 22 32. 52 + 0. 30 2 17.50 20.17 + 2. (i7 ;1 33! 41 32. 63 0.7-'^ 3 24. .57 20.06 4.51 4 31.8.-. 32. 57 + 0.72 4 17. 3S 19. 75 + 2.37 .", 3.2. 4li 3,2. 43 0.03 5 16. 88 19. 05 2.17 (i 31. 87 32. 22 + 0.35 H 15.01 17. 3S + 2.37 7 32. .'.r, 32, 03 0. 52 7 24. 04 16. 54 7.511 8 32. 2.5 31. 97 0. 28 8 13. 67 15. U2 + 1. 3.5 'J 32. 00 :',2. 07 -f 0. 1)7 9 ■ 13. 56 13. 49 0. 07 10 31.. 52 3,2. 35 4- 0. 83 10 12. 53 12. 49 — 0.114 11 33. 31 32. 75 0..56 11 9,79 ] 2, 07 + 2,2s Noon. 32.91 33. 12 -f 0.21 Noon. s. 7(i 12, 75 + 3,99 11- ! 3:; ss 33. 42 0.46 1» 15. 30 12, 48 — 2, S2 •I 33! 43, 33. 62 + 0.19 2 18. 08 12.82 — 5. 26 :; 33. t^i) 33. 74 0.15 ,, 10.92 12. 96 + 2. 04 4 33.09 3,3. 83 -1- 0.14 4 10. 7() 12.'97 2.21 .S 3.3.. 49 33.91 + 0.42 5 11.78 13. 06 + 1. 2S C. 3,4. t)3 33,. 96 0. 67 1; 14,39 12, 85 1. 51 7 33. 72 3,3. 95 -f 0. 23 7 16, 36 14, 28 — 2. 08 H 34. 09 33, 82 0.27 8 14. 69 15, 51 + S2 ;) 33. 41; 33. .57 + 0.11 9 15. 23 llj, 93 + 1.70 ]0 32. 79 33. 25 + 0. 46 10 19. 43 IS. 25 — 1,1s 11 Means. — 33,. 03 — 32. 92 0.11 11 Means. — 17.92 — 19. 25 + 1, 33 — 33. 00 — SJ. 00 ± 0.00 — 15.86 1 — 15. 86 ± U, (10 88 nYGIlOMETlUCAL OBSERVATIONS DEWrOINT— Contiuued. Jliiy. .lul.v. Tiiiie. Time. Observeil. o Compu- ted. o DittVrenec, o Observed. o Compu- ted. o UitTerene<', O.-C. " o III! + 0.27 + S.(i5 + 0.02 0" + ;i4.o:i + 34.20 — 0. 17 1 (i. 'Jf^ 7. 5(1 — 1.2S 1 :!:!. 61 33. 06 — 0. 35 '> (i. 70 7.;i(; — 0. 57 • ) :i:i. 04 33.70 + 0. 15 10. (ill S, 21 + 2. :t(i :; :i4. 09 33. 7 1 0. 3H 4 7. 7r> 10.00 — 2.25 4 :!4.21 33. 75 0. 4(1 5 1-'. 08 12. 10 — o! i:! .', :i4. 20 33. H3 0.46 ('> 15. OJ i;i. 70 + 2. 16 (1 ;t4.62 33 05 0.07 7 i:!. 'Jl 14.71 — 1.47 7 :!4.o:i 34. 05 0. 5H S 14. in 14.^^^' — 0.70 H :t5. 26 34.09 1. 17 it 14.70 14.05 + 0.05 9 :14,22 34.11 0.11 10 }->. 10 14. 47 0. 72 10 :!4.69 34. 1(1 0. ,53 11 15. :u 14.05 + 0.00 11 :!5 02 34., 54 0. 4H Noon. 15. 00 15. 17 - 0.11 Noon. :!4. 57 34.44 + 0. 13 Ih 15. 24 15.74 0. 50 1" :!4. 57 31.61 — 0, 07 ■2 14.05 15.00 — 1.01 2 :14.H4 34. HI 0. 03 -.', 17. 05 15.00 + 1.45 :i :i4. (18 34. 92 0. 21 4 14. 42 14.70 — 0. -M 4 34.41 34.94 0. 53 r i:i..50 i:!. 7(1 — 0. 17 5 :t4.:!4 34 Kt 0. .55 i; i;!.04 12. OS + 0. 00 6 :!4. 25 34. H2 0. 57 ~ 12. 55 12.55 4 0.00 7 :m. 14 31.76 0. 62 12.12 12. :!0 — 0.21 ,s :i4. o;i 34. 72 11.69 ;t 11.79 12.07 — 0. 2H 9 :t:!. HI 34. ()1 0. HO 10 11.72 ll.iC! -(- II. :i9 10 :!4. 12 34.. 56 0.44 11 + 10. (w 4- 10.00 4- 0. 5H 11 Means. Time. + :!4.o« + 34. 14 — 0.06 Means. + 12. (M + 12.04 .llIlK^. -t 0.00 + :!4. :i5 + 34.35 August. ± 0.00 Time. Compu- ted. KilU'iciiee, Ob Coiniui- nilleivnce. ( )l»Hfl\'(.'(l. ().—('. ^el \ rd. tid. <). — C. O ^- o » u liii + 2H. 47 + 2M. (id — 0. 19 01' + 2ri. 94 + 2H. H(l + 11.14 1 2H. 42 2.-'. 54 0. 12 1 2H. 52 2H. 02 — 0. 40 o 2H. -.n 2S. 50 — 11. 25 ^> 29. 10 20.1(1 — 0. 116 ;! 20. 02 2S, 72 + 0. ;!o :! 20. 54 29. .52 + 0.02 4 2H. H2 2S. o:t — 0.11 4 ;io. 19 20. 99 0. 20 r> 20. 25 20 117 + 11.17 .5 :iO. 67 30. 53 + (1.14 (- 20. 2(i 20. 12 + 0.14 6 no. HH 31.05 — 0. 17 7 2'-^. liH 20. 0(1 — 0. :i8 :!t.:i4 31.49 0.15 8 20,01 20. 01 -[- 0. oo H :u.60 31.74 — 0. 14 ;( 20. 16 20.111 + 0. 12 9 :!1.H6 31. HO + 0, 06 10 20. :!i 20. 2;! -f 0. OH 10 :;2. 45 31.75 -1- 0,70 11 20. :!0 20. .52 — 0. 16 11 :u.o:! 31.. 57 — 0.51 Noon. :!o. 05 20. h:? + 0.22 Noon. ;ii.:io 31.41 — 0.11 Ih 20. 05 ;io. 00 — 0. 05 1'' :!l.7o 31.35 -f 0.35 O 20. H4 20. 96 0. 12 2 ;!1.22 31.30 — 0. OH :i 20. 07 20. 74 0. 07 :{ 31.21 31. 23 0, 02 4 20. 20 20. 42 — 0. i:i 1 ■! 30. H5 31. 0() — 0.21 ^, 20. ;i9 20. 16 + 0,2:! r 31.23 30. 75 -f 0. 4H (1 20. 40 29. 02 + 0.47 (1 30. 53 30. 31 4- 0.22 7 2H. 02 20. 00 — 0. :!s 7 29. 24 29. HI — 0. 57 ri 2H. 72 20. 07 (1. :i5 s 29. 04 20, 36 — 0.32 !> 20. OH 20. 10 — 0.02 9 20.71 29.02 -f- (1, 60 10 20. :!:i 20. o:! + O.liO 10 2H. 61 2H, H2 — 0. IH 11 + 20. 17 -f 2H. H7 4- 0. lio 11 Means. \ + 2H. 76 -f 2H.75 + 0.01 Means. + 20. 15 + 20. 15 ± 0.00 |T 30. 39 + 30. 39 ^1- 0. 00 AT POLARIS BxiY. DEWrOlNT— Contiuned. 89 Time. September 'J'ime, November. Observed. ^' '•'"'">- ted. Dirtereiice. O.— C. o Observed. Compu- ted. c Difference, 0.— C. o c c c Oil + 1 -.00 -f 17. -Jf. — (1 *Jt> III' — s. s:', — s. 72 — 0.11 1 ■.110 Hi. S-J + 1 S. 46 ■s, SI + 0.30 .) Mill Ifi. :is 0. ly ■> s. (!■,' 0. 06 + 0.44 :'. MJO 1(1. IS 0. -v! :j ',1. W 0. 43 — 0. 56 4 ". 00 l(i. :!7 0. o:! 4 10.44 0. S2 — 0. 62 .") ■.00 1(). ss + 0. 12 .-) 10.64 11.17 + 0.53 li ■.00 17. 4> — 0. 4S 6 10.00 10. 42 0.42 7 ). 'X< 17. s7 + 2. OS • d 10. i;i 10. .")2 0.39 ,-^ ■.Oil 17. si; — 0. SC, s 10. ]•> 10. .52 + 0.40 '.) -.00 17..- -J 0. r,-2 , y io.:m 9. 46 — 0. ss Ill ■.00 17.06 — 0. Illi 10 10.03 10. 39 + 0.36 11 ■.00 10.77 + ii.-j;i 11 10. 27> 10. 30 0. 05 Noim. ■.00 l(i. S4 + 0. 16 Noon. 0. 70 10. 22 + 0.43 1" 7 00 17.-.2(i — II. •->(; 11' 10. 23 9. 95 — 0.2s •J MIO 17. S4 0.S4 2 <». 43 10. 06 + 0. es :! ■.Oil IS. -^7 — 1.-J7 ! 3 9. s:;! 9. 97 + 0.14 4 3 <»:! is. :!'J + l-''-! , 4 10. 1-' ;i. ss — 0. 24 f) /.oil 1-. 12 — 1. V> ."> 10.0,'. s. St — 1.24 i; ■.00 17.70 0. 70 (1 !l. 4.-. 9. 72 + 0. 27 7 ■. 00 17. ;!'J II. :i-i 7 '.1. 31 9. 60 0. 29 ,- ■.00 17. IS 0. IS s ;i. ;!3 9. 44 o]ii il ■.00 17. 'JS 0. -is >» s. 40 9. 22 + 0. s2 HI ■.00 17.4:) — 0. ■!.'. 10 ;i. 1 .-> s. 99 — 0. 16 11 Meaus. + 1 -.71 ; + 17. 4LI + l.-J-,' 11 Means. — 0.67 — s. so — 0, S7 + 1 ■.:« + 17. :!'i ± 0. 00 i — 0. 77 — 9.77 ± 0.00 December. TillM.'. 01' 1 Observed. , ', ,-v /. ted. (.). — L. 26. s4 25. 63 25. 30 2^. 95 26. 13 25. 99 i; 26. 16 7 26. 40 s 27. 13 ',1 27. 07 10 27. 04 11 26. 63 Xuoii. 26. 13 11' 26. 26 2 26. 47 ;; 26. 93 4 26. 13 6 26, 15 7 26, 00 S 24.97 9 26. 64 10 2K. 06 11 — 27,07 Meaus. 26. 45 26, 3s 26,71 26. 63 26. 57 26. 39 26. sn 26. 53 26. 69 26. S6 26. 90 26, SO 21 ;, 65 20. 55 26. 43 26. 45 26. 47 26. 46 2li. 36 26, 16 25, 97 25. b7 25. 94 26. 16 26. 42 26. 45 — 0. 46 + 1.0.- + 1.34 + o!26 0. 39 0. :',7 -f 0.29 — II. 27 0.17 — 0.24 + 0.02 II. 42 + 0.17 — 0. 02 — 0.46 + 0. 33 — 0. :!o -I- 0.01 — 0.03 -f 0.90 — 0. 711 -t- 0. HI — 0.65 ± 0.00 cjo IIYGKOMETKICAL OBSEKVATION.S III January the difi'eieuces between the coiKpiited temperature of the air and tlie computed temperature of the dew-point arc as follows : fill ;). Hr> Cii' 10. 7r. rNimll. 11. Hi'. i;|' 10. (i7 1 in. w 7 10. H7 l" 10. 'M / 10. HO .J 10. (i(; s n.o'.i .> 10. S7 w 10.'^.'. 10. '.H ;» 11.. SH ;i 11.. M i» 10.50 1 ] I. w> 111 ll.:)r, 4 11. (il 10 11.07 r> 11. fi:"! 11 11.00 .-, 11. i;i 11 11.40 The greatest differeuce oceiuvs at 4'' p. m., while the closest ai)proximatiou of the two curves towiird each other takes place afe midniglit. Tiie eoinputed curve representing the temperature of the dew-point passes through the nuiximuin of — ;'.:i'5..V.i at 8'' p. m., tiie minimum oi—o?P.'<\) being reached at 10'" a. m., thus showing a range of V^M. The thermal curve passes through the maxi- mum at 5'' a. m. and through the minimum at midnight, while the nuiximum aud minimum ot relative humidity occur at S'^ p. m. and 2'' a. m., respectively ; the former thus coinciding in regnrd to time with the maximum temperature of the dew-point. In February the differences between the computed temperature of the air and thee puted temi)erature of the dew-i)oint were found as follows : o t '' " ll>' 10. .".I C.i' s, s;; Noon. 0. 01 0'' 0.00 1 10. :!0 7 s. li-.' ji' 0.7.'. 7 0.74 ',' W.'-lo S S. ).". ■-' III. (Ill '-^ III. 'J'.; ;! 10. :u -^. ii; ;! lo. -il o lo. 4i; 4 0..v,i 10 S.74 4 10.:!:: lo 10. ',1 .'. 0. l(i 1! 0. :!.'> .". 10. -.".i 11 10.4.'. Tiie greatest and leiist differences between tlie temperature of the air aud the temperature of the dew-poiut occur at 10'' p. m. and 8'' a. ni.. respectively. Tlie comiiuted curve illustrating the march of the temperature of the dew-point jiasses throiigii the maximum of — .'il'.ltT at 8' a. in. and through the minimum ot — ;;.r-'.!)'' a. m. and 8'' p. m., respectively, while the thermal curve passes through the maximum at noon and through the minimuoi at 3'' a. m. Id May the differences between the two curves in question are as follows : 01' 4.9(1 C' 4.73 Noon. 3.40 (iii 4.31 r (I i;! 7 2. .">2 V' 2. 9(i / 4..''.:; 2 6. s:! s 3. 27 ') 2.75 s 3. 42 ;; C. 3.-, 9 3. S3 3 2.92 11 3. 99 4 .-.. 19 KJ 4.14 4 :!. 74 10 4.41 :, 3.72 11 4. (12 .', 4.09 11 5. 39 The greatest and least differences between the temperature of the air and the temperature of the dew-point are C°.83 and 2^.52, respectively, occurring at 2'' a. m. and 7'' a. m., respectively. The temperature of the dew-point reaches its maximum of + 150.96 at 2'' p. m. and its minimum of + 7°.3Gat 2'' a. m., thus showing a range of 8°.50. The maximum relative humidity occurs at noon and the minimum at C' p. m., while the thermal curve passes the maximum and minimum at V' p. m. and at midnight, respectively. In June the differences between the two curves in question are as follows : 0" 7.3", Cii' 7.27 Noon. 7.6fi 6i> 7. 24 1 7. 27 7 7.42 li> 7.23 7 (;.91 ■J 6. S-1 a 7.6f) 2 (1. f'> 8 6. 82 :; (;. sr, it s ^^7 3 G.80 9 fi. 7S 4 7. OS 10 8. 44 4 7.00 10 7. 2 .-, 7.27 11 H. 13 5 7.14 . 11 7. .")7 The mean temperature of the dew-point during this month is 29°.15, being uo.29 lower than the temperature of the air. Tbe greatest and least differences between the temperature of the air and the temperature of the dew-point occur at 10'' a. m. and 9'- p. m., respectively, being So.44 and 60.78, respectively ; thus showing a range of lo.CO. The temperature of the dew-point reaches its maximum at 1'' p. m. and its minimum at 1'' a. m., while the maximum and minimum relative humidity occur at midnight and noon, respectively. The thermal curve passes through the maximum and minimum at 11" a. m. and 2" p. m., respectively. In Julv the differences are as follows : 0'' .-,.04 (■,!' r,. 43 Noon. .->. 92 6'' 4.77 1 .''). 01 7 '}. s7 li> ',. 6fi 7 4. :>r. •J .'.. 14 s fi. 21 '} .'•). 39 s 4. 4'J :; r>. 2.! 1) r>. 94 :i :'.. 23 9 4. 39 4 4. 9.') 10 c. 01 4 .-.. 06 10 4.34 r, 5. OS 11 5. 85 r, 4.92 11 .5. 00 It will be seen that the greatest and least differences between the temperature of the air and the temperature of the dew-point occur at S'' a. m. and 10'> p. m., respectively. The temperature of the dew-point reaches its maximum at 4'^ p. m., while the minimum occurs at 3'' a. m.; the former being 340.94, the latter 33o.71, thus giving a range of lo,23. The maximum and minimum relative humidity are reached at 4'' a. m. and 4'' p. m., while the thermal curve passes through the maxi- mum at 11'' a. m. and through the minimum at 8'' p. m. For August the differences in question were found as follows : 01' 4. 20 fii' 2. SO Noon. 8.20 fit' 0. 61 1 4. OS / 3.49 11' 8. 53 7 5.69 \> 4.01 H 4. 2.-1 '2 8. 43 H 5. 37 3 4. 02 I) :',. 02 3 s. 00 9 5. 12 4 3.71 10 7.1S 4 7. 09 10 4.. '.9 :i 3.21 11 7.71 .'> c. as 11 4. 21 92 HYGEOMETKICAL OBSERVATIOXS The greatest aud least differences between tlie tenj])erature of tbe dew-point and the temperature of the air of 80.53 and 2o.80, respectis-ely, occur at 1'' p. m. and 6^' a. m., respectively. The tem- perature of the dew point reaches its maximum of Sl'J.SO at 0'' a. ui., while the minimum of 2So.,s() occurs at midnight, thus presenting a range of 3^.0. The maximum and minimum relative humid ity are reached at 2'' a. m. and at noon, res])ectively, while the corresponding thermal curve passes the maximum at 1'' p. m. and the minimum at 11'' p. m. In September the differences between the temperature of the air and the temperature of the dew-point were found as follows : 01' 5.97 611 5. 76 Xdoii. 6. 311 61' fi. .51 1 6.4-2 7 5. 4-2 11' 5. '.IS 7 r.. 07 2 6. sr, H 5. 4.-) '2 .'.. 40 ^ 6. 0.-. :; 7.00 1) ."i.71 ?, 4.98 !! 6. 01 4 6.87 10 6.17 4 f, 22 11) fi. ^■l r. 6.38 H 6.46 ."> .'.. 20 11 4. ;t.-i The greatest and least differences between the temperature of the air and the temperature of the dew-point of 7°.0G and 4°. 35, respectively, occur at •">'' a. m. and IP p. m., respectively. The temperature of the dew-point is at its maximum of 18^.39 at 4'' p. ra:, its minimum of 10°. 18 being reached at 3'' a. m., thus showing a range of 2°. 21. The maximum and minimum of the tempera- ture of the air occur at 4'' p. m. and 11'" p. m., respectively. For reasons already stated we shall omit October in this synopsis. Proceeding to x^ovember, we get the following differences between the temperature of the air and the temperature of the dew-point : O'l 0. 19 61' 1 7 'J Xoiiii. l..')9 61' 1. 10 1 0. 22 ^ 1. -■'I 11' ] ''7 / 1. OS 2 0.44 .^ 1. -2 2 1. :i7 ,^ 0.94 :i O.rii 9 (t. 80 :; 1. ;!ii 9 0.72 4 1. 19 10 1.74 4 1 . 23 10 0. 41 ''• 2. .52 H 1 . f !.'> .:> 0. 16 11 11.11 It will be seen that the greatest and least differences between the two curves in question occur at 5'' a. m. and 5'' p. m., respectively. The temperature of the dew-point reaches its maximum of — 80.72 at midnight, while the minimum of — Uo.lT occurs at 5'' a. m., thus showing a range of 20.35. The maximum and minimum relative humidity are reached at 8'' p. m. and 8'' a. m., respec- tively, while the thermal curve passes its maximum at 11'' a. m. and its minimum at .5'' a. m. The differences in December are as follows : 01' 11.. -.3 61' 11.44 Xoou. 10.17 e,"" 9. 38 1 11.49 / 10. 61 1" 10. 1.1 7 9. SIS 'j ll.:!6 s 11.10 2 10. 22 s 9. 80 3 10. SJ ',1 11. 2S 3 10. 61 9 9. [^^ 4 10. 87 10 11.17 4 10.44 10 10. 21 ■'i 11.4:i n 11. 30 5 10. 23 11 10.71 The greatest and least differences between the temperature of the air and the temperature of the dew-point are l]o.53 and 9o.80, respectively, occurring at midnight and 8'' p. m., respectively. The temperature of the dew point passes through the maximum of — 250.87 at 8'' p. m., the minimum of —260.90 being reached at 9'' a. m., thus showing a range of lo.03. The maximum and minimum relative humidity occur at S'^ p. m. and 8'> a. m., respectively, and the thermal curve passes through the maximum at midnight, reaching its minimum at noon. AT POLAEIS BAY. The following table of corrections may be fomul useful : 93 Corrections to le applied to any Iwuriij ohservation talrn at Polaris Bay to oMaiii the mean temperature of the (leir-point of the day. Time. r'^ < o 3 so < o o O o O o o o o Oi> - 0.14 — 0.10 — 0.1--' — 5. 99 — 3.37 — 0. OS — 0. 32 — 1. 45 + 0, 86 — 0. 39 1 J.Ol + 0. .37 0. 87 4. ii; 6, :;ii 1 0.73 j 0.74 1.S7 1 . 23 + 0. 82 2 — 0. 57 0.77 'I. 79 i.r,4 5. S5 I 0. S4 0. 61 1 . 29 + 1.07 + 1. 15 3 + 0. :!■-> 0. :.- 3. -'4 8.71 2.(14 0.13 0. 26 0. 85 — 0.30 — 2. 50 4 + 0. 19 0.14 1. 8.') 1.52 J.s'.l _ (i,;i:! 0.14 — 0. 20 0. 75 + 0. 32 5 — 0.11 0. .■.:'. 1.14 — 1. 02 — 0. 61 + 0. 10 ' — (l(i + 0.28 0. 95 0. 46 6 0-2 1.1-3 0. 39 + 0. 85 + 3.2S -1- u. 11 1 + 0. 27 0. 19 0. 31 29 7 — 0. -JO 0.44 — 2. "i7 — 8. IS 0.60 1— 0.47 0. 2S 0. 95 0.44 + 0. 05 s + 0.711 0.74 + 1.3(1 + 2. 19 1. 54 — 0. 14 + 0. 91 1.21 0. 13 — 0.68 '-' — 1.60 0. 99 0. 32 2, 30 2.06 1+ 0.01 0.13 1.47 0. 65 0.1 ;2 10 — 0. 2-i + 1.47 + 3. ii; 3. 33 2. .55 i 0. 16 + 0. 34 2. (16 0. ;u 0. 59 11 + 0.30 — 0. ■■'.■> — 2. 92 6.07 2,07 i 0.21 0.67 0. 64 0. 56 — 0. IS Noon. + 0.48 + 0. IIS + 0.44 7.10 2.42 0. 90 0. 22 0. 91 0.10 + 0. 3,2 1" — 1. 91 — 0. 89 3, 19 + 0..-,(i 2. 60 0. so 0. 22 1.31 - (1. .54 + 0. 19 2 + 0.-'.-) 0.44 1.55 — 2. 22 2. 31 0.69 0. 49 0. s:; + 11.26 — 0. 02 3 0.42 0. 91 1 1.44 + 4. 94 J. 41 0. .52 0. 33 0. -2 — 0.14 — 0. 4S 4 0. i-> 0.70 1. 24 5. 10 1.7S 0.14 :+ 0. 06 0.46 0.43 + 0. 32 5 0.1-i 0. .'-.o + 0.59 4. 08 0. 95 0. 24 0. 01 0. SI — 0. :!6 — 0.21 6 + 0.71 l.Ci4 — 0. 35 + 1.47 + 0.4(1 -f 0.34 0.10 + 0.14 + 0.24 + 0. 30 t — 0. -J-J 0.73 + 0. 02 — 0. 50 — 0. 09 — 0. 53, 0. 21 - 1. 15 0. 38 0. 45 S + l.UC, 1.10 0.13 + 1.17 0. .52 0. 43, 0. 32 1. 3,5 0. :!6 + 1. 1- 9 0. 13 — 0.47 0.05 + 0.03 0. S5 — 0.(17 0.51 0.6S 1.29 — 0. 19 10 0.70 + 0. -20 0. 32 — 3. 57 0.92 i+ 0. IS (1. 2:; 1.75 0. 54 + 0.3,9 11 + 0. 13 — 0.04 + 0.7^ — -2. 06 — 1.97 + 0.02 1 0. 27 — 1. 63 + 0.02 — 0. 62 13 H o HYGROMETRICAL OBSERVATIONS AT POLARIS HOUSE. The foUowiag pages contain tbe record of the hygrometrical obser%'ations made at Polaris House. It need hardly be stated tliat the mode of observation in this iastance is the same as mentioned before in the general introduction to this part. 96 nYGROMETRIOAL OBSERVATIOKS Date. NOVEMBER, 1872. ]. 2. 3. Time. D. W. E. H. F.V. D. p. D. w. E. H. ] ^.V. D. P. D. W. E.H. F.V. D. P. o o p. c. I o o o ^1. c. I icllf'fi. o o o p. c. Iiiclicf), o Oi> — 4.4 — 4.8 85. 1 . 0300 — 7.8 — 0.1 — 0.7 81.2 0351 — 4.6 +16. 9 +16.6 94.9 0. 0SS7 +1.5. 8 1 4.6 4.9 89. . 0310 7.1 + 0.2 — 0.4 81.4 0357 4.2 16. 8 16.2 89. 8 . 083,5 14.4 2 4.7 5.1 84.8 . 0295 8.1 1.1 + 0.5 82. 0374 3.1 17.1 16.4 88.3 . 0S3,2 14.4 3 4. .5 4.9 85.0 . 029s 7.9 1.2 0.6 82.1 0376 3. 17.0 16.4 S9. 8 .0813 4 4.4 4.8 8.5.1 . 0300 7.8 1.1 0.7 88.1 101 1.6 17.2 16.5 88. 3 . 0S3,7 14,5 5 4.6 4.9 89. . 11310 7.1 1.1 0.6 8S, 1 0:!97 1.8 IS, 1 17.3 s6, 9 . (1859 15. 1 6 4.0 4.7 74.3 . 026-1 10. 1 1.1 0. 5 .S2. (13,74 3.1 17.8 16.9 S5. 2 . 0830 14.3 7 3.1 3.. 7 79. 3 . 0291 i H. '2 3.1 2.7 81.0 0412 — 1.3, 18.1 16.9 80. 5 . 0795 13.3 8 2.6 3.4 72.6 .U>17 9.4 11.7 11.2 90. 1 0i;(i3 + 6.6 18.7 17.5 80.8 . 0S21 14.0 9 2.5 3,. 3 72.7 . 027S 9.3 12.6 12.0 067 S 9.8 19.1 18.0 82. 7 . ( IS55 14.9 10 l.'J 2.7 69. (; . 0279 9.4 12.1 11.5 ss. 2 0660 9. 3 IS. 3 17.7 90.3 . 0900 16.1 11 2. .5 3. 3, i 2. / . O.'TS 9. 3, 11.5 10. s S6. 0627 8.1 19.2 18.1 82.8 .0860 15.0 Noon. 4.4 4.9 81.1 . 02H7 8.7 11.4 10. 9 90.0 0654 <;. 7 19.1 18.1 S4.2 .Os71 U5. 4 li- 3.6 4.4 71.6 . 0260 10.7 15. 3 14.9 92, 9 (IS06 13,. 6 18. 7 18.0 88.8 . 0902 16. 1 2 4.4 5.1 72. 9 . 0J61 10. 6 10. 8 10. 3, 8:>. 7 0639 6.9 18, 2 17,6 90.2 .0W96 16.0 3 .5.6 <;. 2 76. H .0-^)5 11.2 11. 5 13.9 89. 0745 11.9 18.3 17.8 91.9 .0916 16.5 4 4.5 .5.1 76.9 . 0272 9. 9 l(i. 1 15,4 S7. 9 0792 13. 3 18.5 17. S 88. 7 . 0895 15. s 5 4.3 4.9 7^.1 . (1276 9. 6 16. 15, 3 S7. 8 0788 13. 2 18.7 18.1 90.4 . 0918 Hi. 5 6 4.2 4.7 bl.3 . 0291 8.5 15. 7 15, 1 89. 4 0791 13,2 19. 3 18.7 90.7 . 0946 17.2 7 3.5 4.1 77. 9 . 02.~;) 8.6 ] 5. 7 1.5. 87.7 0770 12,8 19.3 18. 8 92. 3 . 09(i4 17. (i 8 3.0 3.7 75. 3 .02^4 S. 9 15, 9 1.5. 2 87. 8 07S4 13,1 19.3 IS, 8 92. 3 .0904 17. 6 9 2.7 3,. 5 71. 5 . 0271 i 9. 5 l(i. 3 1.5.9 93. 1 0S4(; 11.7 19.1 ls,0 82.7 . 0S55 14. 9 10 0.9 1.7 75. 1 . 0309 7.2 16.5 16.0 91.4 0S3,9 14. 5 18.9 18.0 85. 7 . 0S7S 15. 5 11 Means. — 0.5 — 1.0 84. 78. .^2 . 0357 . 0288 — 4.2 — 4.55 + 16.7 +16. 88. 1 0816 + 13.9 +19. +18.2 87.3 0. 0900 + 16.0 87. 22 0623 + 6.79 87.73 0. 0877 +15. 4« NOVI ]MBER, 1872. Date 4. 5. 6. Time. D. o W. 1 R. H. 1 F.V. D. P. o D. W. E. H. ] ^W. D. P. D. W. E.H. F.V. D.P. o p. n. ' I nclir-f!. o o ]>■ c. I (■■7ip.s. o o o p. c. Inches. o O* +19. 3 + 18.6 89. (1929 + 16.9 + 3.1 + 2.7 89. 0445 + 0.6 + 0.1 — 0.7 76.7 0. 0334 - 5.6 1 21 1. 2 19.0 81. ^^ ()s:)0 15. S 3.4 2.9 8ii. 4 0439 0.3 — 0.8 1.4 SO. 6 . 033S 5.4 2 20.2 19.0 .-)l.« O.-illO 15. S 4.5 3. 9 84.3 0450 + 0.8 0.5 1.3 75.5 . 0316 6.6 3 20.2 18. 9 M).4 i OS74 15. 5 4.0 3.3 si. 4 0425 — 0.5 0.3 1.0 7S, . (J3:'.4 5.6 4 211. 3 19.5 «7.9 (i9i;i 17.4 (;. 1 5,6 87.7 0504 + 3. 3 5.1 0,6 1.5 71.5 . 0302 7.8 5 20.0 19.1 S6.2 093,0 16. 9 7.3 6.9 90. 6 ( ).55( ) -0.7 1.7 68.3 . 02^6 8.9 6 19. 3 18.4 85. 9 0S97 16.1 12,1 11.8 94.2 0707 10.8 + 0.4 — 0.6 93.7 . 0399 1.8 7 19. 3 1 8. 6 89. (1929 16. 9 10. (J 10.1 89. 6 0(;27 5.6 1.6 + 0.9 79.6 . o;!72 3.3 8 19. 2 18.0 81. 1 0-13, 14.6 JO. 1 'J.S 93. 8 0645 8,7 2.0 1.1 74.1 . 0353 4.4 9 18. 8 17.6 X(K 8 ()H25 14.1 9.7 9.2 S9. 2 0604 5.0 2.6 1.8 77. 5 .0379 8. 9 10 1;^. 1 17.8 95. 1 0910 17.0 9.7 9.0 S5. 0.574 6.1 2.4 1.6 77. 3 . 0374 3.1 11 17.4 16. 9 91.7 OS77 15,5 9.2 91.2 0603 7.2 2.9 2.2 SO, 5 . 0400 1.9 Noon. 17.6 16.9 -HS, 4 (J.S5J 14,9 s, 4 7.9 88. 8 (1567 5.8 3.2 2.3 75. 3 . 0379 3.0 1*" 1><. 1 17.4 88, 5 (.IS77 15. 4 8.2 / . / 8S.7 (1562 5.6 3.3 2.4 75. 4 . 03S1 2.9 2 17.1 16.5 «9. 9 Oil 7 14.7 7.4 7.0 90.6 0552 5.2 3.3 2.7 S3. 6 . 0422 0.6 3 17.5 17. 91.7 OSS I 15. fi 7.6 7.1 SS.4 0544 5.0 2.1 1.3 77.0 . o:!68 3.5 4 IT. 7 17.0 --^8. 4 Os.iS 15. 7. 6.4 85. 7 0513, 3.6 1.8 1.0 76. 8 . (1362 3.8 5 17. 16.4 89. 8 0843 14.6 7.3 7 8 9 10 11 Means. D. 1.7 2.3 1.7 1.1 — 0.7 + 1-2 1.9 2.6 :i. 3 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.3 2. 2 2^3 2.1 2.3 2.4 + 0.3 1.4 3.0 :!. 3 4.5 \X. 2.6 3.0 2.1 1.6 — 1.2 + 0..S 1.1 1.9 2. .5 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.4 1..5 1.4 1.6 + 1-7 — 0. 3 2.1 3.7 4.1 5.2 — 5.9 R. H. p. c. 69.8 75.0 si;. 6 83. 4 83. 8 79. 2 76. 9 80. 2 78.1 77.0 79. 8 82. 8 S2. 8 77.1 77.2 79.8 79.9 80. 81.4 75.9 74.3 70. 9 72.8 72.1 F.V. 78. 28 Inches. 0. 0280 . 0296 . o:U7 . 0346 . 03.33 . 0:!li3 .1)364 .0:!93 . 0:'.95 .ii:;i;8 . o:!>2 . o:i99 . 0399 .0370 . 0372 . 0382 . 03--i0 . o:;88 .0358 . 0313 . 0283 .0'.'li5 . 0259 0. (1248 0. 035C D. P. ■ 9.3 8.1 4.7 4. S 4.4 3.8 3.7 2.2 2.0 3.5 2.7 1.7 1.7 :!. 3 3.2 2.7 2, 5 2^4 4.1 6. 9 8.9 10.3 10.8 -11.7 D. .0 6, 5, 6, 6, 5.5 1.7 2.3 5. ;i 1.2 2. 1 2.5 2.5 2. 1 3. (I 3.5 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.1 3.2 - 2.1 AV. 4.39 6.2 5.3 5.8 7.0 5.9 7.0 6. 5 6.1 2.2 2.8 5.2 1.3 2. 6 :!. 1 3.0 2.6 E. H. F.V. p. c. 71.8 71;. 7 84. 3 79. 81). 1 79.0 79.5 75. 9 83.. 8;i.o 66.6 96, 78. 3 82.3 79. 3 Inclief!. 0. 0244 .0270 . 02.H4 . 0255 . 0272 . 0255 .0263 . 0257 . o:-i:!5 . o;;23 . 02;!7 .0:!',)6 . o:',v;7 . 030C) . 0319 . 0:'.27 . 0283 .0262 . 02s.'. . 029(; . 029 I . 0206 . 0:J06 0.0313 D. P. -12. 1 10.1 H. rt 11.2 9.9 11.2 10.5 11.0 5.5 6.2 12.7 2.0 5.9 7.4 6.5 5.9 8.9 10.5 H. 9 8. 2 8.3 s. 2 7^3 -7.0 9. D. 70. 14 0. 0292 8.51 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.0 0.7 1.2 1.5 1.5 2.6 3.6 4.0 3.1 2.4 3. 5 1.7 2.2 2.5 2.3 2.3 2 5 3.9 4.3 4.4 ■ 4.5 W. E. H. 2. 1.8 1.5 1. :'. 1.7 2.0 1.9 :!. 2 4!l 4.3 3.7 3.0 4.0 2.2 2. 8 3. 1) 2.8 3.1) 3.2 4.7 4.9 5.1 /). c. 80. 86. 7 SO. 7 s:>. 3 8b, 78.8 81.9 SO. 2 78. 3 79. 82. 83. 79 2 s;-!. S:l .-:'.. I) 75. 8 70. ;; 77.1 72. 9 69.4 80. 5; F.V. Inches. 0.1)335 . 1)3,26 .o:',53 . o:i4-^ .1)340 . 0344 . o;'.;>8 .i);i5i . i):;i)4 . I ):ii )0 . 0320 .0296 .():'>l)7 . 03.112 . I):;: '.5 .0:U1 .o;!!9 . 0323 .03[9 . 1)292 . Il'i56 . 0276 .1)201 0.1)246 0. 0314 D. P. — 5. .1 6.1 4.3, 4.7 5.3 I 4.9 5. ;i 4.5 7.5 7. 8 6.4 8.2 7.3 7. 7 5.5 7. 1 6.5 6.2 6. 5 8. :', 11.0 9.6 10.7 I — 11.0 — 7.0:. Date. Time. 0)> 1 )} 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 Xiiiiii. I" 2 3 4 5 6 NOVEMBER, 1872. 10. o 4.9 5.0 3 7 1 4 4.0 5.4 5. 8 5.4 3. 2 2! 3 3.7 3.6 4.6 .5.5 1;. 2 1;. 5 7 6.3 8 8.1; 9 7.3 10 6. 11 — 7.3 Means. w. 5.6 5.7 5.6 6.8 5.4 4.6 3.9 4.7 6.0 6.6 6.2 3.8 3.5 4.5 4.4 5.3 6.3 6.9 7.2 7.0 9.3 8.0 7.7 - 8.1 E. H. p. c. 72.4 72.3 76. 4 79. 2 72.6 81.4 82. 1 73. 3 76.0 67.2 67.8 78.2 74. 5 71). 5 70.6 72.7 67.7 71.1 70. 8 71.0 67.7 70.0 66. 3 65.8 F.V. Inches. 0. 0253 . 0251 .IIJ64 . 0258 . 0256 . 0292 .I);i03 .i)ji;8 .(I25S . 1)224 .()-2!3 . 0294 . 1)287 . 0258 . 1)260 . 02.57 .02:!2 . 02:54 .1)220 . I)2;'.2 . 1)200 .1)217 .0210 0. 0204 D. P. 72. 40 0. 0240 -11.4 11.5 10. 5 10.8 11.1 8.4 7.6 10.1 10.9 13. 8 12.9 8.3 8.6 10. 8 10.7 11.0 13. 5 12.9 13. 3 13. 16.2 14.4 15. 15.6 -11. 76 -7.5 9.6 II). 6 S. 2 9.3 9.7 10.0 9.8 11.5 II). s 12.4 11.9 11.;! 11.0 10. 5 11.5 12. 3 12. 1) 11. s 11.9 13. 5 12. s 12. 3 -12. 8 11. W. R. H. -8.0 10. 2 11.2 8.8 1(1.0 10.4 111.7 10.4 12.0 11.6 12.9 12.4 11.8 11.7 11.2 12. 2 12. 9 12.7 12.7 12.7 14. 1 13. 5 12. 9 -13.5 p. c. 7s. 71.8 70. S 7:f. 2 67.0 60.6 60.3 71.6 75. 61). 4 74.1 74.6 7 .'1 "2 65. 3 65.8 64.6 I'lS. -J 6 !. 6 5:5. 6 5S. 6 60.8 62. 5 6s. 2 62. 5 F. V. D. P. Inches. 0. 0240 .0199 .I)1S7 .1)217 . 0190 .(IIS5 .OISI .019:; .Olss . 015S .0177 . Ols:! . 0191) .OlnS .0174 I .016,: .016,5 . 0156 .01:53 .0141 .01.52 .0147 .0165 0. 0147 -12. 16. 17. 14. 17. 17.6 IS. 16.3 17.2 21). 5 IS. :i 17.6 16.8 19. 5 IS. 7 19. 9 10. 8 21). 8 2:!. 6 22. 2 2L4 21.9 19. 8 -21.9 67.72 0.0171 1-18.69 13. D. -12. 5 12. 5 12. 8 i:i.9 14.5 14.7 14. 5 14.7 15.5 15. 14.8 15.3 12.7 11.2 12.1 12. 6 1:;. 13. 1 12.2 1:!. 5 1:;. 2 12. 2 11.3 -11.1 W. -13. :'. 13.1 13.6 14.7 15.0 15. 3 15.1 K. 3 16. 2 15. 9 15.4 15. E. H. F.V. D. P. ]:'.. 6 11. s 12.7 13. 1 1:5.7 1:5.7 12. S 14. 3 14.0 12. S 12.0 11.7 p. c. .57. 4 67. 9 57. S 54.6 72.0 64.7 64. 64.7 57.6 41;. 3 64.6 (;o. I) .52. S 70. 2 68. 6 57. 2 r,2. :'. 67. :'. 6-'. 1 .55. 4 56.0 6-. 4 65.(1 70.3 Inches. 0.01:57 . 1)163 .01:54 .0123 .1)155 .0140 .0142 .0140 .0119 . 0099 .01:59 .01:52 . 0123 . 0179 .01(;7 .1)136 .0145 . 1)156 .016;; .1)127 . 01:50 . 0166 .01(55 0. I 181 —23. 20. 23. 5 25. 2 20. 9 22.7 25. 7 22. S IS, 19. 20. 9 19. 6 24. 6 24.1 19. 6 19. s '—IS. -J 62.' 0. 014U -22. :;r. 9.^ nrGROMETFJOAL OBSERVATION'S Date. NOVEMBER, 1872. 13. 14, 13. TillM'.. D. c R. II. F. "\'. D. P. D. o R. II. F. V. Itches. D. P. P. c W. o R, IT. F.V. D, P. /). c. I iiclicn. o o _;). c. 1 Oi> — 4.1 — 4.7 77. :i . 0279 - 9. 4 + 11.3 +10.9 92. . (((iiii; i + 9.4 + 5, 7 + 5.0 ( 41, H 0.0441 + 0.4 1 :;. 7 3.9 9- - 4.1 4. '2 90.4 ((31.'. 4.9 10.9 10. 5 91.9 .0051 4, 5. 4 5. 1 42.7 . (( 109 1.7 I ■* + 0. 1 — 0. 'i 90.7 o,;95 — 2. 11.1 10,7 92. . 0500 9. 2 6, 5 5. 4 43, I .o|4(; )1. ") , f) .5. :i + 4. 9 90. 0-197 + 2. 9 10.7 10.2 49. 6 . 0033, 9. 8 6,3 40. 6 .OKw 1.7 '• c. 1 5.7 90 '2 0517 4.0 11.0 10.5 89. 8 .((012 9. 7 6. 6.1 84. .0517 3,4 7 (.. :! .""i. 9 90. -2 ((522 4.1 11.4 11.3 90. 2 . 0000 { 10.6 6.2 5. 7 47 , 4 . 0507 3.4 s 7.4 r.. 9 88. 3 0539 4.7 10.3 10. 8 49, 9 .0051 ' 10. 8 6. 1 5.6 40,6 . 1 0! 1 1.4 'J 7.t) 7.3 80. 3 05:i8 4.0 11.1 10. 6 49, 4 . 0015 10. 4 6.2 5.3 74, .0451 0,8 10 H. :i 7. a 8.4. 7 0504 5.7 10. 1 9.5 87.4 . 0(;oi 7.1 6.2 ft '' 75.6 .043(i + ((,2 U 8.'-) 1^. :i 8S. (.157 4 5.8 10. I 9.5 47.4 . 0601 7.1 r,. 2 5. 70, 4 , ((KM -1,3 NtKKl. 9..-, 8.9 87.1 054;', 6.4 10. 9.5 49. 4 .0lil3 7.4 6. 1 4.9 70, 7 . 0403 1.5 1'" 1(1. -i 9. (] 87.4 O0O4 7.2 10.1 9 5 47.4 . OliOl 7. 1 6.3 5. 6-'. 4 . 0397 1.9 2 10. -J 9. 8 91.6 0(;:'>2 4. 2 9. 9 9. 4 89. 3 . 0(ilO 7.2 6.4 5.1 64. 5 . 0100 - 1.4 3 10.4 9.9 80. 0(121 5. i; 10. 9. 5 89. 4 .0613 7,3 6. 5 .5.7 80.7 .0472 + 1.9 1 \ 11.0 10. !5 49, 8 oi;i2 6,1 9, 9. (I 47. 1 ( I54( ; 6, 5 6.7 5.7 76. 1 .0119 (( 4 r. 10.0 10.0 94. o(;(;4 9. 5 8.9 8. 2 44, 5 .0551 + 5. 2 7. 3 6.4 79. (» . 140 2.1 fi 10. s 10. 4 91.8 0051 8. 8 8. 2 6. 8 08.2 0432 — 0. 1 6.9 81.5 . 0501 3.3[ 7 11.2 10.8 92. 0(i(13 9. 3, 7^4 0.8 45, 9 0,521 + 4.0 7.9 7.2 44.0 .0.521 4,1 8 11.1 10.7 92. 0()00 9.2 7. 8 7. 2 8.;. 2 1 0535 4.5 8.9 8. 9 80. 1 . 0,522 4,0 8 11.:! 10. 9 92. 0000 9.4 7.4 6. 8 45.9 1 ((.521 4.0 9,4 4. 5 80. 3 . 0557 4.7 10 11.0 11. 1 90.1 OOliO 6. 2 0.4 5.8 4.5.4 1 ((497 2.9 9, 6 8.7 8((. 5 .((513 4.9 Mi'iiiis. 4 11.7 + 11.-2 90.1 0()li3 + 0.2 + 6.3 + 5.7 45.3, , 1 ((195 0.597 + 2.4 + 9.5 + 8.0 40. 4 ((540 + 4.4 89.41 0548 + 4.01 87.82 1 + 7. 15 79. 39 0.(4,-2 + 1.74 NOVI 3MBER, 1872. Date. 16. 17. 1§. ■ Time. D. o W. o R. H. p. r.. I •\Y. 'ches. D. P. D. W. R. H. ] ^\y. D. P. D. w. o R. H. F. V. hirhes. D. P. o 2). c. / icJien. o o p. c. 0'' + 9.(; + 8. 8 &2.r^ 0550 + 5. 4 — 1. :! — 1. 8 83. 2 1(3 42 — 4.9 — '8 ,s — 9,4 72. 6 0.0209 -15, 1 9.;! 8. 2 81.. 5 0540 4.4 1.5 2. (.) 8;;. ([3,54 5.3 9. 5 10.0 77. . 0213, 14,4 i 2 9.(1 w! 1 4(1. 2 0525 4,2 1.6 2. I 80. 5 0347 4.7 10. :; 11. (( 6 1.0 .0177 14.4 :i y. 7 >■. 84, 4 0515 ,5,0 1.8 2.3 4;-i. 0.!3.! 5. (-; 11.0- 11.6 70.4 . 0142 1^,0 4 .4.7 7.9 ,^-j. 2 0531 4.4 1. 1; 2.2 79. 8 0322 6, 3 13. 3 14.3 44.1 .0101 28, 1 5 9. ■-' ,s. 2 74,1 0510 :;, H 3.3 3.8 S2 2 0305 7, 5 14.0 14.7 00.6 . 0135 23. fi ; (1 9. 1 s'l 74. 05 i 3 3, 3. 4 4.5 7M. 5 0272 9.9 15. 3 16.1 51,8 . 0109 27 2 7 9.0 8.9 84. 9 0572 5.9 4.1 4.7 77.3 024( ) 9. 4 14.8 15. 7 40,9 .0101 24, 4 i 8 9. ;! 8. 8 e9. 1 0592 5. 5 4. 8 .5.5 72. ;j (.1255 11.3 14.8 15. 6 .52. .0113 26.7 i» '^. 4 8.1 84. ri 05 14 5. 1 i 6.4 7.0 7.5.0 0243 12. 1 15,0 15. 7 54. 6 .0124 ' 25, 10 .-■.4 7.9 84, 8 05(7 5.8 6.5 7.0 79.0 255 11.2 1 5. 15.8 52. 4 .0112 20, 8 11 7. 9 7.3 40.3 0534 4. 7.1 7.0 78.4 02 k; 11.8 15.3 16.0 54.0 .0121 25, 4 ! Nn. 7.0 7.1 84. 4 0')14 5.0 7.3 7.9 74. 1 0230 12. 9 15. 5 16. 3 51.4 .0107 27.5 11' 4.4 4, 1 92,2 0147 + 2. 5 8. 5 9. 1 72. 9 0214 14.7 15, 9 15.7 52. 6 .0113 20. 7 2 3.',^ L'. 4 74, o:-;;i2 8,9 9. 5 7 "J. r> 0204 1.5. 1 15.5 16. 3 51.4 .0107 27^5 a l.(i 1.0 82. 3 034,-> 2, 5 9,5 10.0 77. 0213, 14,8 16. 9 17.5 61.5 .0118 26. 1 1 4 + IJ-l ,+ 0.1 90. 8 0401 1.7 10,9 11.3 40.0 02((? 15.3 16.5 17.4 61.9 . ((0-5 ''.4 -J 1 5 — 0. 1 1 - 0. 7 47. .5 (i:!74 3.2 11. (; 12.1 74.9 0147 17.3 15. 9 16.8 172. 1 . 01(90 30, 5 6 — 0.3 1 0.8 84,2 o;',(ii 3.9 12. 4 12. 9 74.1 0177 14,3 16.2 1(). 8 62. 4 .0121 25, 7 + 0.3 ! 0. -2 44,6 0372 3.3 12. (i 13. 2 (.;7. 8 ((102 20. 2 1(1.5 17.1 61.9 . .0121 25.5 1 8 + 0.3 1 0.4 74,3 o:i45 4.9 12.0 13. 3 62. 7 0119 21.5 17.1 17.8 55. 2 .0104 24,1 '' - 0. 5 1 1. 3 7.'i, 5 0310 6.7 12.8 13.4 67.6 0160 20.5 17.6 18. 3 54. 2 .0114 27, 3 10 0.7 1.3 4(1,7 0:i:;9 5, 3 13. 3 13. 9 67. 1 015 1 21.1 17.5 14.1 511 7 . 0112 27.4 11 — 0.7 -1.3 40.7 03;'.9 — 5. 3 —13. 7 —14. 4 61. 2 013,8 —23. 1 —17. 2 —17.8 6L2 0.0115 —20.4 Means. ' 1 - 83. 50 0407 + 1.11 75, 22 0239 —13,. 12 58. 77 0. 0125 -25. 15 AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 99 NOVEMBER, 1872. Date. Time. 19. 10 11 NiHMl. li" 2 4 5 (i 10 11 Meaus -17. a 17.. 'i 17.5 17.. 5 17,9 17. s 17.5 17.5 17.:? 1H.7 10. 5 W. R. H. j F. V. ;). c. -17.7 7;!.(i IS. 3 7:!. 4 17. y 7;i-.> ]S.-,i ! K9.9 IS. 4 1-.3 IS. •^ 1-. J 17. S 17.0 17. 'i l(i. G ! 17.6 ir.. .'. It;..') l.'i. 7 15. (1 Hi. 5 IC. 3 15. s 15.5 15.6 15 I 13. 5 -13. 5 17.1 17.1 16. 5 ii;.5 Hi. 7 16.9 16.4 16. 2 16. 5 15. 9 14.4 -14.4 nil. 6 c.i;. 7 ii7. 1 67. -J (17.4 .-1.0 5;;. 8 5'. I. 3 M. 9 61.9 511.9 69. 4 s.». 6-J. -3 63. ■> 57. 6 ,54. 9 5o! -2 64.7^ 0. ui:;9 .oi;is .0137 .oi-.-:) .m-.'i . 01-22 . 01-2;! .nl-j5 . ni-.'6 .0157 .0110 .0116 .01-il .0121 . 0105 . 0093 .0171 .0123 .012- .0119 . 0093 .0111 .0115 0.0115 D. P. 20. 21. 24. 24. 20. 19: '25. 1 21. 4 25. 6 30.0 •26.9 2(;. 3 -26.3 D. -13. 3 12. 3 12. 3 12. 7 13.4 11. S 10.8 10. 10. 0.0123 1—24.13 6. S 6.9 7.S s. 3 6.9 7.1 9.0 10.1 -12.6 -13.9 12.9 13.0 13. 3 14. 1 12.7 11,7 10. 8 10.7 9.8 s, 7 8.7 7.6 7.1 7.6 7.6 10.6 -13. -2 R. H. ] ". V. D. P. p. c. . I wlies. o 67, 1 0154 —21.1 68, 2 01li5 19.8 63.0 01,53 21.1 67. 7 0161 20. 4 61. 8 0141 22, 7 53., 6 0134 2:!, 6 55, (i 0146 22, 0^ 61.4 01 OS 19.4 66. 3 oisl 18,0 77,2 0215 14,4 7s, 0230 13.1 82. I 0212 12, 2 74,4 0234 12. 8 74,9 0242 12, 2 / "^. 7 0250 11,5 60, 4 0212 14.8 70, 4 0223 13.8 69,0 15.0 7S, 1 122! 1 13. 3 74, 5 o-j;;6 12.7 8.1 2 0259 10. 8 67. 3 0195 16, K 76. 4 0205 15,6 78, 8 0LS4 —17, 5 70.58 0199 —16. 44 D. W. —14, 12. ,", y. 5 4 / . S s 4 11. -> 12. 4 1:^. 10. ,", 11. ■2 10. f, 10. s f, 9. ,-, 10. 4 '. 1 — 3. 1 + l». ,s 2. 3 4. 3 4 3 + 1 -14,7 13, 9.9 8,9 9, 7 12, 12. 9 13.7 11.2 11.7 11.1 10. 6 9.2 10. 10.9 - 3'. 9 ± 0.0 -I- 1.3 R. H. /), c. 60, 1; 74.0 81.1 7S, 69.0 64. 5 60. 74.1 (i2. 3 65. 8 75, 3 70, 9 71.4 67,8 F. V. I D. P. + 3.6 1.5 0.4 71,5 79,0 SLi; 76, 2 73. 4 Illrhes. 0.0135 0176 0225 02 JS 0210 0181 0153 0177 0115 0174 0192 diss 0193 0202 0213 0201 02:i:> 269 0341 o:;(5 0115 0132 o:'.72 o:'i3s -23, IS, 13, 13 15 IS 21. Il- ls, 7 16.7 17, 3 11;, 6 16, 14,8 15, 9 13,0 10,1 5.1 4,9 0, 8 0,2 3.2 72.53 0,0-239 i— 13. 43 Date. Time. I 9 10 11 X»(m. II' 3 4 9 10 11 D. 1.3 0.3 0, 5 0. 8 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.9 2.1 :;. Ite 3 4 2 ^ - ^> 4 3 3 1 3 3 1 4 ■> 4 4 7 4 5 22. w. R. H. F.V. D. P. D. p. c. IiicJies. -f- 0.8 0. 0392 — 2,1 + ■!■ •-' — 0, 1 .^7 , 8 . 03-5 2.5 4.3 ±0.0 84,7 .0376 3.1 4.1 + . r> s 1 , 6 . 0430 0.3, 3.1 3, 3 81, 4 .0 125 — 0,5 4.2 4,0 Si, 8 .0411 -1-0.4 4.5 -1-3.6 76. 5 0. 040- - 1.4 — 4, 5 NOVEMBER, 1872. 23. W. -I- 3.4 .3.8 3.3 4.0 5.3 2,7 0.9 0.0 -I- 0,0 0,6 1. 3> 2.0 2.1 2,0 1.8 2.8 2.0 3.4 3, 7 3.8 3.7 4.7 5. 3 81, -22 I 0. 0396 — 2. 02 E. H. i'; c. 9 Sli s 7S 8 7-^ 82 8 ^i-> •2 79 6 ;., S 90 8 72 ■ ) ro 5 SO 8i SO 75 S3 74 s 78 6 74 3 72 2 7s ;i si 3 Ci'J 4 ti'J 4 78 28 F. V. Inches. 0.0415 . 0459 . 0413 . 0395 .0471 .043,3 .0372 .0311 . 0399 .03,19 . 0316 . 032(1 .03,37 . o:',2il . 0307 .0323, .113,03 .o:',01 . 02S3, ,0270 . 0-.'93 . 0291 .0247 0. 0247 0. 0341 D. P. — 0.8 + 1.3 — 1.0 — 2, 1 4- 2. ± 0.0 — 3.3 5.1 l.s 6.6 6.7 6.1 5, I 6.1 7.3 0.2 7.6 10.0 I 11.9 —11.9 21. D. 5.1 3.8 4,0 4.0 4,9 4,7 4,1 4, s 5.0 4.4 4.5 4.0 4,0 5.0 4,4 5.1 5. 4.9 5.4 5.4 W. 5.0 5.8 4.6 4.8 4.8 5.5 4.8 5.6 5.7 4.4 4.9 5. 5.0 4. s 4.9 5.7 oil 6.0 5. 9 6.5 6.4 R. H. so. 2 76,2 70.4 70.2 70, 2 6S. (i 69.0 73, 2 68. 8 67 — .5.41 3 6 77.1 77.0 81.0 70, 2 i;7, 1 (;i,9 ri2, 62. 1 61,8 6,1,6 F.V. Inciter. 0,023:.', .0273 .0261 . 02.57 I .0254 .0254 .02J1 .0-244 . 0266 .0242 . 0252 . 0250 . 0276 . 0274 .02-6 .0254 . 0242 . 0252 .0218 .0212 .0213 ,0215 ,0211 0.0-207 D. P. ^111,6 9. s 10,7 10,9 11.2 11.2 12,4 12, 1 10,2 12. 2 11,5 11,7 9,6 s S 11. 2 12 3 11 f^ 11 / 15 14 s 14 6 14 9 15 4 70. 28 0. 02 18 -11.8: 100 HYGROMETEIOAL OBSERVATIONS NOVEMBER, 1872. Date. 25. 26. 27. Time. D. W. R. H. ] ^.Y. D. P. D. o W. R. II. p. c. / b\ V. D. P. D. W. o R. II. F. V. p. C. Ilirlii'^. D. V. o o p. c. f trhis. o o nchi'^. o o 0'' — fi. :'. - 6.8 79. 2 02.58 — 10. s — 4.5 — 5. 2 72. 8 ! 02.59 —10.8 — 5. 4 - 6. 1 71.9 0245 -12.0 1 ti.7 7.0 88. 0278 9.4 4.8 5.4 77.6 021 i8 10.2 5.4 6.1 71.9 0215 12. 2 (1. i; 7.3 70. 7 (1227 13.4 5. (.1 T), H 68.4 0.'39 12. 5 5. 3 5.9 76.1 0200 10.8 ;i T. 1 7.7 74.3 0233 13.0 4.7 .5.7 (Vi. 3, 0218 14.4 4.5 5.3 09.4 0217 11.8 4 7.1 7.7 74. 3 (I-J3:: 13.(1 ■ >. 8 4.7 67. 3 0245 12.1 3.8 4.7 07.3 0215 12.1 7.2 7.8 74.2 0231 13.1 4.0 4.8 70. 2 02.^i4 11.2 3.4 4.1 73. 9 0278 9. 1 6 r,.7 7.7 59.6 (ilss 17.2 5. 9 72.1 0219 11.7 1.7 2.7 00. 6 (1207 10.2 7 0.7 7.0 62.8 (l-j(i(i i:.. 9 3,. 4.6 63. 8 235 12. 9 3.5 4.2 73,. 8 027(i 9. 5 H (i. .'"> 7.0 79. 0v!55 11.2 3.. 3 3.8 o;;o5 / . ;, 3, ^* 4. 71.0 0207 10.2 9 (i. .■> 7.2 70. 8 (1229 13.:; 2.4 3,. 1 74.9 0291 8. 2 :',. 3 4.0 74,0 0279 9. 3 10 .--.. 5 6.8 77.2 0249 11.6 ^> ^» 2.9 75. 1 0298 8. 2 9 3,. 7 71.3 0272 9.8 11 (i. 4 5 12.8 2.8 3,. 71. ■! 02; 4 9.7 8 .5.0 6.4 67.6 0230 13,. 2 5. 5 6.4 65. 6 021,-, 14.3, 2.4 3.2 71.8 0280 9.2 9 6.(1 6.4 83. 8 0275 9. 5 6. 1 6. 8 71.2 0235 12. 8 '2. r» 3.4 08.6 0205 10. 3 10 4.5 6.1 75. 9 0257 11.0 6.2 6 8 75. 2 0210 11.9 3.1 71.9 0282 9.1 11 Means. — 5.0 -5.2 92. 5 0317 — 6. 7 — 5.8 — 6. 6 07. 4 0227 —13. 5 — 1.5 - 2.4 70. 2 1 02s 1 0271 - 9.0 77.78 0257 —12.00 71. 11 0258 —11.05 72. 1.5 — 9.93 NOV! iMBER, 1872. ik Date. 28. 29. 30. Time. D. W. E. H. ] ?. V. D. P. D. W. R. H. ] F. V. D. P. D. W. R. H. ] ;). c. / -^ V. IfJu'H. D. P. o c p. c. 1 / nahen. u o o p. c. T ichrs. o o o C'' — 1. 3 — 2.0 76. 10 0315 - 6.8 —11. 5 -12.0 75. 0188 -17.2 - 9.7 -10.4 00. 01,-5 -17.0 1 2. 3 2.9 79.1 (KjOO 7.2 10.8 11.6 60.4 01. 5S 20. 5 9.S 10. 5 00. 5 0183 17.7 2 3. d 4.6 70. 4 j 02.57 10.9 10.8 11. 5 6.5. 5 0170 19.2 10. 2 1(1. 8 71.2 0191 l(i.9 3 4.5 5.2 72.8 0259 10.8 11.1 11.8 65. 1 01(37 19.0 10.2 10. 8 71.2 0191 l(i.9 4 5.5 (J. 3 67.7 0232 13. 11.2 11.9 (i5.0 0100 19.7 10.5 11.2 65.8 0174 18.7 o 5.5 6.2 71.8 0244 12.1 11.5 12.1 69.8 0174 18. 7 10.3 10.9 71.1 0190 17.0 6 5.8 6.0 67. 4 0227 13. 5 11.0 11.8 60.2 0155 20.8 10.4 11.0 71.0 0189 17.1 / 5.9 6.7 67. 3 0225 13. 6 11.4 12. 70.0 0170 18,5 9.8 10.6 61.8 0171 19.1 8 6.7 7.0 62. 8 ( "200 15. 9 11.3 11.9 70. 1 0178 18.4 9.4 9.8 81.2 0226 13. 5 9 7.5 8.0 78.0 0240 12. 2 11.9 12.7 5,8. 6 0145 22. 1 9.1 9.8 07.2 oi:»3. 10.9 10 / . ' 8. i; 61.4 01S(; 17.5 11.7 12. (i 53,. 8 0135 23.4 9. 9.7 (i7.3 0195 10.8 11 8. 6 9.0 ij.'i 8 0101 20. 2 11. s 12.7 .53. 6 0133 23. 5 8 ;i 9.7 i;:',. 3 (lis:-, 17.7 Noon. 8.2 8.9 68. 2 0205 15.0 11.5 12.1 69. 8 0175 18.7 8.4 9. 73. 0215 M.O 11" 8.4 9. 73. 0215 14.6 11.6 12.6 48.2 0122 25. 7. 5 8 2 09. 6 0214 14. (i 2 7.5 8.4 61.6 (lis,-. 17.2 9. 4 10. 1 (ill. 9 01,-9 17.2 7.0 7.7 70. 3 (1222 1 ). :i 7.9 8. 8 61. 2 01S3 17.8 7.9 8.S (;i.2 OISH 17.8 6.8 7.0 66.4 0212 14.8 4 8.5 9.4 60.2 0174 IS. 7 7.5 8.3 05. 4 (1202 1.5. 8 7.3, 7.8 78.2 0213, 12.0 T) 9 5 10.2 60. 8 (lis? 17.3 7.5 8.3, 05. 4 0202 15.8 6.0 7.2 74.8 0210 12.3 (") 9.5 10. 3 62. 4 O170 is. 6 7.4 8. 2 05. 6 (1203 1 5. 7 6.5 7.3 60.7 0217 14.4 ; 9. 5 11.3 (is. 9 0I(i9 is. 9 8.7 9.5 (i3,. 5 01, s5 17.5 7.3 8.0 70.0 0217 11.4 8 10.9 11.6 05. 4 0169 19. 4 9.0 9.7 67.3 0195 10.8 6.8 7.5 70. 5 ( 1225 13.7 !) 11. 1 11.8 05.2 01(i7 19. 6 9.3 10.0 07. ' 0190 17.0 6.3 6. 2 01.8 0221 M.O 10 11.9 12.6 0:i. 8 (1157 20. (i 9.5 10.2 (JO. 8 0187 17.3 6.2 6. 8 75. 2 0245 12.0 11 Means. — 12. -12. 7 (i:i. 6 oi5(; —20. 8 -9.4 -10.2 62.6 0177 -IS. r, — 6.7 — 7.4 70.6 0220 -13.5 07. 12 0208 —11.37 64. 03 0173 -18. 'J.-, 69. 76 0207 —15. 43 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 101 DECEMBER, 1872. D. 0^ 1 *> ■A 4 9 10 11 Noon. li> a ;i 4 9 10 11 Meims. W. 7.0 1. R. H. p. r. 75. I) 6:1. II 60.0 64. K 2. 3. F. V. D. P. 10. 5 7_ 9 / . 7 7 7 s 6 ;i 3 10 10 1(1 5 10 s 1(1 2 10 1 10 1 10 8 —10.6 H. 6 11.6 .-,.->. e 11.6 i .':,&. s 11.2 65. ■< .■!<. 6 I 68. 8 7.9 7. 7 8. 7 9. '.! 9.7 10.7 1(1.8 11.2 11.5 11.9 11.8 11.7 11.6 -11.6 (M. 6 67.7 ^l.a 66.3 71.2 6'6. s (i5. 5 2(1. 3 2(1.6 25. 9 (lO. 4 M. 6 Invlic.^. 0. 024:; . 1 120 '2 .0191 . (I I 98 .0147 .Iil47 .0174 . 0209 .0241 . 02:!:; .0220 . 0225 .0197 . 0201 . 022'H .OL-^1 .0191 .0174 .0171 . 005'J . (105:! . ooi;(; .01.58 0. oi:j5 -12. 1 15.7 17.0 16.;! 21.9 21.9 IS. 7 15. 1 12.1 61. 12 , 0. oi:;: i:i, 14, 13 16, 16 l:;, IS. 1(1.9 IS. 7 1 9. 2 :;7.9 37.6 ;!i.7 20. 5 -19. : D. c 11. 7 12. :; 12. ;', 12. 4 12. o 11. 8 12. .» 12. n l:l. 6 12. s 13. 12 !) 11 11 1) 12 11. 10 ,>J 13 I) 12 4 12 7 12 9 11 _", 12 7 -11 ',) -12. 6 ];!. i;i. 12.9 12. 8 12. 7 12.9 ];■.. 3 14.6 13.7 ]::. 8 13.7 11.7 12. 4 12. 7 11.7 11.6 13. i; 13.4 i;!. 5 13. 8 12. 5 ]:!. -12. 5 E. H. s:',. 8 6:1. 6:'.. 74.1 6^. 4 5:1. 6 6; 1.6 57. 4 4:1.2 51.6 56. 4 56. 1) 65. :; 59. 2 6:1. 6 65. 3 60.4 6S. 4 46.2 .57.0 51.4 4S. 5 51.8 4S. 5 0. oi;'.5 .01.5:1 .0153 . 0177 . 0I61; . 01:14 .0156 .01:17 .0101 .0122 .01:12 . 0133 .(1168 .(I14S . 0156 . 016S .015S .01.57 .011:1 .01:15 .0121 .0121 .012:1 0. 0124 -23. 4 21.1 21.1 1 8. 3 19.6 2:1 5 20. s 2:1. 1 19. 5 21.7 20.7 19. 5 20. 5 20. S 26. 5 2:1.4 25. 3 24. s 25. -24. 8 D. c —11. .-, 12. 5 1 ■■'>. 1 15. 15. 8 14. 4 14. 4 W. 1;. H. F.V. D. P. p. 0. Incites. —12. 5 48. 5 0. 0124 -24. 8 13. 74.0 . 0176 IS. 5 l:i. 8 62. 2 .0144 22. 3 16.0 5S. .0121 25. 4 14. 14. 13. 14. 15. 16. 15. 15. 1:1. 1:1. 14. 14. 14. 13. 1:1. 11. -11. 16.6 15. 15.0 15. 15.0 14. r> 14.7 16. 5 16. s 16.4 15, S 11.3 14.4 15.3 15. 3 15. 2 14.3 14.1 12. 5 -12.3 50. S 65. 05.0 72.0 65.0 54. S 72. 3 67.3 62. 4 63.2 76.2 .5:1. 4 5:1. 4 5:;. 6 50.4 66. 8 5;i. 41.1 . 0104 .014:1 .014:1 . 0155 . 0143 .0124 .015S . 0093 . 0124 .012s .01.57 . 0127 .0126 .0117 .0117 .Olls .0116 .0152 .0147 0. 0104 27. 9 22. 4 22. 4 20. 9 22. 4 25. 20. 6 30. 25. 24. 4 20.6 24. 5 24.7 26. 26. 59. 18 0. 0141 60.21 0.oi:i6 26. 21. 21. -24.0." Date. Time. 01' 1 DECEMBER, 1872. 3. D. W. R. H. F. V - 9.6 9. 10.2 10. 5 10.1 9.7 9.4 -10.6 9.6 10. s 10. 9 1 0. 6 10.3 9.9 7 8. 9 9.6 8 8. 5 9. 2 11 s. 8. 6 10 7.6 8. 6 u 7. S S. 6 Niinn. 8.5 S.9 11' 7. 8 s. 6 2 s. 3 i^ ,s 3 7. s S. 6 4 8.9 9. 5 ;> 7. 8 8.5 6 / . 8.3 / 7. 7 8.4 ,s 7 ■) 7. 7 ;i 7.4 S. 1 10 7.1 11 - 7.2 — 7.S Menus. 72.4 71.2 -0. 1 76.4 71.7 77.1 67.4 08. H. 73. 4 57.8 64. S .~2. 64. s 7s. 64. S 72. 5 69.0 65.4 09. 2 7s. ;i 69. s 74.3 74.2 70. 69 0.0147 . 0207 .0191 T>. P. 1 5. 2 16. 9 ] 5. 9 1 5. 6 111. 1 14, s ]6. 7 16.0 D. -10. 10. 10. 10. 11. 11. 10. 10. —1(1, 11. 11, 11, 11, 11 10, 10, .O-.'l'J 14.0 S. 3 .0175 is. 7 10.8 . 019S 16.3 9. 5 . 023^ 12.5 10. .019S 10.3 9.3 . 0229 1:1.3 'r, 7 . 019S 16.3 7.6 . 020s 15. 1 7.1 .0210 15. 9. 5 . 0-J(l2 15. s 9. :i .(.1211 14. 9 10. :i .0245 11.9 12.0 . 0210 14.5 10.7 . 0'j:i3 13. 9. 5 0.0231 —1:1.1 — 1-J. 2 0. 0205 —15. 40 E. IT. 70.6 70.8 9 s.9 s. 8 11.6 9. 9 10.6 10. 9. 2 8. 5 7. 9 9. 9 9. 7 10.9 12.6 11.5 10.1 -12.9 70 4 75. 1 71.2 71.1 -2. 1 7s. 60. 4 si. 1 71.4 07.0 F.V, Tnclips. 0.0201 .0184 .0187 .0171 .0 !,<■,> . 0L~9 .0191 .0190 . 1 12 61 5 66 1 81 1 81 :; 71 1 68 8 60 f, 71 9 63 71 43 . 0229 .0158 . 0225 .0193 .0190 .022:1 .06^7 . 020s . 0225 . ( (227 . 0190 .0168 .0159 . OJOO 0. 0154 0. 0195 D. P. -15.9 17.7 17.4 1 9. 2 18.0 17.(1 16. 9 17 l- 1:- 2( 1;- 11 17 i: 17 15.3 1:1.6 1:!. 4 17.0 19.3 20. 3 15.9 -21.0 -16. 6.' 17. 12. f, 13. 3 20, 5 13. 6 16. 6 17. (1 13 7 17 4 D. -12. 1 11.4 12.4 11.0 10.8 11.2 11.6 10. 5 11.6 10.6 12. 12. s 13.0 14.1 1 5. 4 16.3 15.9 1 2. 2 10.8 9.5 8. 5 w. —12. 9 12. 2 12. 9 11.7 11.6 11.8 12. 2 11.0 12. 3 11.5 12.7 13. 6 13.8 14.7 16.0 16.7 16. 7 13 2 11.5 10. 2 9.2 8.4 ■ 8.6 E. H. F. \. I II. P. 74.1 65. 3 60.4 70. 2 (;9. (-; 76.0 64.4 56.0 63.6 67.4 56.4 65. 6 64.0 75. 3 56.4 40.6 65. 5 [\i'K 8 67.8 61.6 65. 4 64.8 64.59 Inches. 0.0142 ^>.-i r, .01.52 21.3 .0177 IS, 3 . 0168 19, 5 .015S 20. 5 . 0179 18. 3 .017:1 is. 8 . 0200 16. . 0161 20. 2 . 0148 21.8 . 0156 20.7 .0157 20.8 .01:12 23. 8 .0146 22.1 . 01:12 >r^^ -; .0148 21.7 .0113 26.6 .0115 26. 1 .017] 19.2 .01S7 17.3 . 0202 16.0 .Ols-^ 17.2 .0202 15. •) 0. 0198 —16.3 0. 0163 20. 20 14 H 102 HYGKOMETEICAL OBSEEVATIOI^S Date. Time. Oil 1 DECEMBER, 1872. D. R. H. F. V. D. P. 9. B. W. R. H. F. V. ;i 111 11 Noon. li> 1(1 11 Jleaus. Ill 5 111 3 9 4 9. :i s i> —10.9 1-.'. 5 14.8 14. C 14. 'J l:!. 1 13.0 VI. r, 11. c. 9. 9 10. -J 11.0 10. 9 p. c. 71.1 4-'. .'. ."I'J. 9 .54.4 49. S 6- , U (>J. 9 74.0 r.1.0 I ill. 4 77.1 71. y 7fi. II 71.1 '24 s ! -Jl 9 ~>i; 3 ^>'> s ■21 •) F" r 2.1. ,! 10.0 1 72.0 9. S ; 77. 2 9.:^ ' r,!i. H. 4 [ 61.0 + 2. 4 4.S !">. 4 + 0.7 1+ r,. si. 9 f^4,4 80.8 .^1.2 83. .s,",, 1; Ml. Ti 8:1, 8,-,. 3 rt.'.. 4 >2. 4 84.7 >1.4 J)if'liefi. 0.0493 .04.-1 . 0474 . 0479 .U.-.09 . 0ri4.") . 0.">4."> . Il.'.49 . 0.'.23 . 0.")4.') .11179 . (I48.'> . 0.',II3 .11193 .11481 . ll.'lOS .oti;2 .11481 . 0490 .019.-1 . O.")!)! . 11370 0. 03.'i9 D. r. + 2.f 5.0 Ti. 5.1 4. 1 5. 2.4 3.2 1.4 2,0 3 2 2,4 3.1 4.1 D. o 0.7 1. 1 2.2 3.0 3.0 4.5 7.4 7.4 8. 5 8. 9 9.4 1(1.8 10. 10.7 10. 5 11.2 11.5 1-2. 1 12. 5 12. -U. 1 W. R. 11. F. V, D. r. — 1. I 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 0. 0, 9, 9, 111, 11, 10, 11. 11. 11. 12, 12 13 12 -11 .4 p. c. 90.11 83. 4 .-:;. 74. 3 8,-,, 75, 9 .-•4.0 78.7 7-^.1 78.1 78.0 59.4 72. 80. II 66, 3, 00, 5 51,0 711,2 54. 2 03.4 07.9 (13, 05. 2 0. O3S0 .'0340 .0325 .(I2>4 . ( 12.-7 . 0299 . 0257 . 11278 . 0251 . 0242 . 0,142 . 022(; .0109 . 1 121 12 .(I2II-- .0181 .01.59 .(113,0 .0179 .(1137 .01.55 .0103 . 01.5(; 0.0107 2. S 4.8 0.0 7.9 11.0 9.3 11.5 12. 1 12. 1 13. 5 19. 3 15.,-' 15. -J 18,0 20, 3 23,1 18.3 23. 1 2(1. 9 211. 1 2(1. 7 -19.6 04. 51 0. 0228 80. 36 , 0. 0488 -(- 2. 40, 72. .50 0.0220 —14.29 DECEMBER, 1872. Date. Time. D. W. 10. R. H. F. V. D. P. D. W. 11. R. IT. 12. " )>■ <-■■ ' riiplicn. c c 01' -11.. —12.0 75. 1) 0.0188 —17. 2 —14.1 1—14.7 1 11.3 11.9 711.1 .0178 1 -. 4 14.0 14.7 11.5 11.9 --0.0 . 02(10 16.1 13.7 14.3 3 12.0 12. 5 74.5 .110-2 17.7 13 5 14. 2 4 13.0 14.1 72. 9 . 0164 211. 13. 2 13 s .> 13.7 14.6 49. 8 .0113 2:1, 6 12. 5 13 13. 5 1 4. 2 01.6 .0140 *j ■ ' S 12. 2 12. 8 / 14.8 15.5 59, . 0120 24, 6 12.5 13 2 H 14.0 14.8 ,54, 4 .0122 2,5, 3 10.9 11.4 13. 5 14. 2 61.0 .0140 22 ■'^ 10. 5 10.9 10 11.8 12. 5 64.0 .015,- 20, .5 10. 5 11.2 11 11.4 12. 1 l>4.8 .(1103 19.9 11.8 12.6 Noon. 11.7 12.3 09. 4 .0172 19.0 9. 5 1(1.3 Ill 12. 3 12. 9 08. 2 .0105 19.7 9. 5 10. 2 2 12.0 12.8 58. 4 .0143 '■)■> ■) 11.5 l'> 3 12.5 13.0 74.0 .0170 1 8. 5 11.2 11 8 4 11.4 1.5.2 53. G .OIH 25, 9 11. H V 5 5 14.4 15.0 05. .0143 22. 4 12.0 1'' 7 15.2 15, 8 04.2 .0134 23., 5 12. 5 13. 3 7 16.1 l(i,7 02, 6 .01 -,),-, 24, 8 13 II 13 5 8 10.1 10,7 02,8 .0125 24.8 12. 5 13 5 9 15. 6 10.4 51.2 .0100 ' 27,6 11. 1 11 7 10 11 15.1 -15. 15.8 -15.7 58. 4 58. 6 . 0123 0.0124 25, 1 -25, 10. 2 — 11.2 111.7 —11.7 Sll. 65. 711. 64. 40. 711. 70. Means. F. V. llirhcs. 0.0140 .0135 .0150 .0140 .01.55 .0176 .0106 .0150 .0195 . (1212 .0174 . 0146 .0176 . 01,s7 .111-^ .0179 .015S .01.50 .0137 .11170 . 01 12 .111-1 .0204 0.0192 D. P. 21.7 22. 8 21.0 1-. 5 19. 6 21.4 10.4 14. 9 F-.7 22. F-. 7 17.3 17. 2 1^.3 211. 4 20, 8 23,, 19.2 20.7 18.2 15.7 -16.7 D. -11.5 12, 9 12, 12, 6 12, 8 .11.8 12. 4 13.0 13,. 5 13. 3 12. 8 12. 6 13. 2 13.3 13,, 9 ] 1.5 15. 2 14.9 14.9 15.3 15. 5 15. 6 15. 5 -15, 8 w. -12,2 1 3,. 4 13. 2 13. 2 13. 6 1 2. 6 1 :',. 1 13.8 14.0 1 3, 8 13.3 13.1 13.8 14.0 14.7 15. II 15. 8 15. 6 15. 7 15.9 16.2 16.3 16.3 -16.5 R. H. I F. V. I D. P. P- 04. 07. 07. 50. 02. 73.9 07. 2 (;2. ,54. 6 59. 4 04.2 (M 51 63.91 0.0147 1-22.1(1! 66.99 0.0166 -19.8 /l/r/ir.s. 0. 0102 —20, .0171 19. 1 . 0102 20.2 .0102 20.2 /0131 23,, 5 1 .0140 22, ! .0152 21,3 ! .0132 2:5, 8 . 0105 19,8 ' . 01(57 19,5 1 .0172 19. 1 .0175 18.7 .01.55 21.0 . 0142 22. 5 .0123 2,5.2 .0128 24. 8 .013,4 23. 5 .0125 21. S' .0113 26. 6 i .0133 23. 7 .0119 25. 7 .0118 2.5.9 . 0107 27.4 0. 0116 -IS. 5 —19. 2 51.4 0.0091 — :;o. 4 — l'i.7 —11.4 65.6 0.0172 —19.0 1 16.3 16. s 69. '2 .0131; 23.4 17.6 18.3 .54. 1 . 0099 28. 9 10.3 11.0 66. .0177 18.4 2 16.5 17.1 61.9 .0121 25.5 17.0 17.7 55. 3 ■ .0105 2s. 10.4 11. S :l:;. 6 . 01 IS7 30. 8 a 16. .5 1 17.0 69. .0134 2:;. 6 16. 7 17.5 49. . 01196 29. 3 10.^ 11.3 7.5.7 . 6196 16. 3 4 16 5 17. 69. U . or.u 23.6 16.5 17.1 61.9 . 0121 25. 5 11.6 12.2 69.6 .0173 18. 8 r 17.5 IS. -i 54. 4 .0100 2-^.7 1.5. 5 16. 2 .57.6 .0119 '2.U. 7 11.4 12. 1 64. 8 .0161 19.9 6 17.0 1 17.7 55. 3 .0105 2s. 15. 15. 6 6,4. 4 .oi:;7 2:;. 1 11.:; 11. s 75.2 . 0190 16. 8 16.-' 17.6 4S. S . 01195 29. 5 14.7 15. 5 5:j. .> .0115 2i;. 3 10.3 10.9 1 71.1 .0190 17.0 H 1 16.8 17.6 4-'. 8 . 00LI5 29. 5 14.4 15. U (;5. .11143 22. 4 >. 6 9.3 6,7.7 . 0201 16. 2 i 'J i 16.5 17.0 1 69.0 .0134 2:!. 6 14. ;! 14. 8 7 'J 'J . 0157 20. 7 9. II 9. , 72. 4 .0207 15.2 10 17.6 1^.4 4li. 8 . 011-7 :;ii. 9 14.3 14.8 7'' 'J .01.57 20. 7 9.:; 9. s ! 77. 2 .0215 14.4 11 L^.7 19.7 30. 9 . 005:; ;;:. o i:i.9 14.7 54. 4 . 0122 9.11 9. 7 : 67. 3 .0195 16. s Noon. IS. 6 19. 4 44.2 . 007s :!2.6 1 13. (5 14.4 55.2 .012ii 24.7 S. 9 '.).C, ' 67.4 . 01 or. 16.7 11" 1-. 6 19. 5 37 . 5 . 0(ii;6 34.7 1 1:18 14.6, 54.8 .11124 25. 9. II 9.-' 6:;. 2 .Ol'-l 17.9 •> IS. 7 19. 5 44.0 . 0077 32.8 j 13.8 14.7 4:i. 6 .0112 26.7 10. (J 10.8 61.4 .016S 19.4 3 1 19. n 19. 6 57. 2 . 0l)9s 29. I 1 14.4 15.0 6,5.0 1 .0143 22. 4 10. i; 11.0 ' 80. U .0211 15. 4 19.3 19.9 .56.3 . 0095 29.4 14.5 15. 72. .01.55 2'l. 9 11.0 11.7 6,5.3 .0168 19. 5 i) IS. s 19.5 .50.5 . liO-'s 30.9 13. 9 14.5 6 i. .0148 21.9 11. 11. 8 (;o. 2 .01.55 211. 8 6 19.5 21). 2 4^.6 . 110-2 31. 1 12. 6 13. 2 67.8 .016,2 2' 1.2 10.7 11.5 1 60.5 .01.59 20.4 7 19.7 ill. 3 55. 4 . 0092 :;(!. 1 ' 12.0 12. 7 63. 6 .0156 20. 7 10. 5 11.1 70.9 .Oiss 17.3 8 19.7 •20. 5 41. 5 . Olios 34.3 11.5 12. 1 69.8 .0175 H. 7 9. 5 10. 2 (;6. 8 .01S7 17.3 'J 19.4 ■211.0 56. . 0095 29. 5 11.0 11.7 65. 3 .016- 19. 5 9.4 9.9 77.1 .0214 14.6 10 19. 3 19. S 63. i;. . II1II7 27.5 11.0 11.7 1,5.3 .016S 19. 5 8.4 9. 1 (,7. 9 . 02ii:; 15. 9 1 11 Means. -19. -19. 6 57. 2 0. 0098 0. 0098 —29.1 —10. 8 —11.0 611.4 0.015^ 0. Oi:!ii -20. 5 — S.6 — 9.4 63.6 0. 01 S6 -17. 3 5;!. 56 —29. 30 611.64 —23. 62 67.10 0.018:! —17. 99 Date. DECEMBER 1872. J 6. ir. 18. Time. D. E. H. F. V. .D.P. c D. c c li. H. I>. c. F.V. D.P. o D. w. • ];. H. '-' p. c. F.V. D. P. o ;.. c. 7S. Tnoliea. o Inrhrs. o Oh - S.4 — S 9 u o-'-'.^' — l:;. 4 —10.1 -HI. r, 76,. 4 0. 0205 —15. 6 — /..> - S. 78. 0. 112 111 —12. 2 1 1 7. 7 s 5 65. 1 O-'llO 10.2 9.6 10. SI. .0224 i:i.7 7.4 7. 8 S2. 9 . 0254 11.2 '> 7. 7 S.6 61.4 01 -i; 17.5 9. S 10. 5 (i6. 5 .111-4 17.7 6.5 7.1 74.9 . 0242 12. 2 :', 7.0 7.6 74.4 02:;4 12.8 9. 9 10. i; 06. 4 .01S2 17.7 5.3 5.8 SI 1.2 . 026:; 9. 8 4 6.7 74.7 ii2:i9 12.4 9.4 9 s SI. 2 . 0226 i:;. 5 4.9 5. 6 72. 4 . 025:5 11.4 ! 5 6.9 * . / 66. 3 0216 15. 8. i; 9.4 6:!. 6 .oisr, 17.3 4.8 5.2 S4.8 ll'94 8. 2 1 6 S-> s .s 73.2 0217 14.3 9.9 10. i; r,,;. 4 .01,s2 17.7 3-7 4.3 , 77.7 . 02S6 8. 9 S3 8 H 7'.\ '' 0217 14.3 10.7 1 1 . : 1 70. 7 .oisi; 17.6 3. 9 4.6 7:;. 4 . 0270 10.0 ;< s -^ 8.7 7S. Ii2:;il i:;. 11.4 11.9 75. 1 . 01S9 17.0 1.9 2. 6 75. 4 . u:;ii:i 7.6 1 9 9.0 9. s 63. 2 Oisi 17.9 10.0 10. 6 71.4 .019:5 ii;. 6 1 2.0 2. 8 ; 72, 4 . 02SS (~. 7 10 10.0 111.6 71.4 ' 019:! 16.6 9.5 9.9 81.1 . 0225 13.6 ! 3.2 3. 8 7S. 2 . 1.1294 11 10.0 10. S 76. 5 1 021 II ; 15. 5 10.3 10.8 7(;. 2 . 02112 15. 9 3.1 3, 7 7S, 3 . 0296 Nonn. 10.3 in. s 76. '2 11202 1.5. 9 11.3 11. s 75. 2 . II19II 16. s 2. 6 :;. 2 78. 8 . 0:;il4 7.5 ]!' 10. s 11. 6 611. 4 1115- 211. 5 9.6 10. 1 76.9 . 11212 14.9 2.7 3.6 6S. 4 . 0262 10. 6 '> 10.6 11.2 70.8 0IS7 17.4 8.7 9. 2 77. 8 .022:; 1:3.7 3.6 4.2 77.8 . 02-7 8.7 :; 10.6 11.1 75. 9 i 019;l 16.1 9.1 77.9 . 11225 l:;.6 3. s 4. 4 77. 6 . 02S4 9.0 4 9.9 10. 5 71. 5 0195 16.5 S, 5 9.4 i;ii 2 .017 1 1-. 7 4.8 5. 4 7(1. 6 . 1126,- 10.2 r, 10 10. 6 71.4 019:; 16.6 / . 1 8. 5 65.0 . 0199 16.2 6. 5 7.2 711.8 . (1229 i:!. 3 i; 9. s 10.5 ca;. 5 01-4 17.7 7. 5 S.6 71.6 . 02. '2 14.0 6.6, 7.3 76.7 . (.1228 1:3.4 7 9 7 10.4 6ii. 6 01 S5 17.6 7. 2 7 7 7s. 3 .11245 11.9 6. s 7. 5 70. 5 . 0225 13. 7 H 9.7 10. 5 62.0 017;; 19.0 7.11 7. 7 70.3 . 0222 13. 9 7. 1 7.7 74.3. . 02:;3 13.0 ;i 9. 6 10. 81.0 0224 i;;. 7 7.4 s. 1 69.8 .0216 14.5 8.1 s. 7 ' :;. 3 . 0218 14.2 10 10.1 10.7 71.3 0192 1 6. 8 8. 3 s. 9 7:;. 1 .0216, 14.5 s. ., 9.3 6,:;. 7 .(IIS7 17.2 11 Meaus. — 9. 9 1 —HI. 6 66. 4 0182 -17.9 -16. o:; — 7. 7 — 8. 4 6,9. 2 0.0211 -14 9 — 9. 5 67. 5 0. 0198 0.0259 —16. 6 70. 64 0,0201 72. 55 0. 0206 — 15.4. 74.94 —11.00 - - — „._^ ^— . 104 HYGEOMETEICAL OBSEEVATIONS i Date. DECEMBER, 1872. - 19. 20. 21. 1 Time. D. W. R. H. F.V. D. P. D. W. K. H. ] F.V. 1 ches. D. P. o D. W. E.H. p. c. F.V. D. P. o ]l. c. Indies. o o J>. c. I o Inches. fli' — 8.5 — 9.4 60.2 i). 0174 —IS. 7 — 3. 7 -4.4 7::. 6 027;! — 9. s — 6.4 -7,2 66. s 0. 021S -14. -.'. 1 9. 3 9 W 77.2 0215 14.4 3. 6 4.4 70. 6 0260 1(X7 7,4 7.9 7S. 1 .0211 12.1 2 7.6 8.2 73. H (IJ25 13.6 3.S 4.7 67. 3 Oi-15 12, 1 7,3 8,0 7(1.0 . 0217 11.4 3 (; (■; 7.2 74.8 II2J0 32.3 4.0 4.6 77.4 02-1 9, 2 7, 5 S. 2 69,6 .(1211 14, (; 4 7. s 8.4 73.6 0J22 i:',. 8 4.4 4,8 S5. 1 0300 7. s 8,3 8.8 7s, . 0229 U. 3 5 7.0 7.6 1 74.4 0234 12.8 4.11 4.7 7:). '.', 026 S 10.1 8.4 9.0 7;;,o .0215 14. C 6 6.3 6. s 79.2 II25S 10. 8 4.4 4.8 85. 1 0300 V 7.8 7.7 8.6 61.4 . 01S6 17.5 7 6.4 6. 8 1 83. 6 (1269 9.9 3.5 4.0 h:2. 0302 7.7 7.5 s. 1 7:;. 9 . 0227 i:;, 5 8 7.3 7.8 7'^ 2 0243 12. 3.5 4.0 S2. O302 7. 7 7.6 8.3 69. 4 .021:; 14.7 9 7.6 8,5 61. 5 01^7 17.4 3.6 4.3, 73. 7 (1275 9.8 7.3 7.8 7S. 2 . 0243 12.0 10 ri. 6 (il.4 0180 17.5 4,0 4.7 73.3 020.-^ 10.1 7.3 / . '"^ 7S.2 . 0243 12.0 11 7.4 7. S 82. 9 0254 11.2 3. s 4.6 70. 4 0257 10. 9 6.4 6.9 79.1 . 0257 11.0 Noon. S.4 5. S H4. 3 0284 8, H 4.5 4.9 S5. 0299 7.9 (i. 6 7.3 70.7 . 022S i:;,4 1"^ 4.6 5.0 .■^-1. 9 1 1297 8.0 4.7 5. 5 69, 0244 12.1 6.8 7. 6 (;i;.4 .(J212 14.8 '> 4.8 5.6 6W. 8 0242 12. 2 4. S 5.6 iV-^. 8 (1242 12. 2 5.4 6.0 76.0 . ( 1258 10.9 3 4.6 5.0 84. 9 0297 H. 5.3 5,8 80, 2 0273 9.8 2.9 :i. 7 71.3 . 0272 9.9 4 4.3 4.7 K5. 2 ():;02 7. 7 5.5 6.2 71, S o.;44 12.1 2.5 3.4 6S. 6 . 0265 10.3 r 4.3 4.9 77.1 1 1276 9,6 5.6 6.4 67. 6 0230 13. 2 3.5 4.2 73. 8 . 0276 9.5 11 3.9 4.5 77. 5 ( I2s: ! 9.1 6.5 7.4 64.6 ' 02 IS 14.3 5.4 6.1 71.9 . 0246 12.0 7 4..'-. 5.2 72. W 0259 10.8 7.1 7.7 74.3 j (i2;;3 13. 5.5 6. 3 67.7 . 02: !2 i:!. 1 8 4.3 4.9 77.1 0276 9, 6 7.4 8.0 74.0 ()22S 13.4 6.5 70. 8 . 0229 13. 3 9 4.7 5. 5 r,'j. 0244 12.] 7.1 7.7 74.3 023:; i;3.o 5.1 5.7 76.3 .026:; 10.6 10 4.3 4. S 81.2 0289 8.6 7. ;: 7. 8 78.2 0243 12.0 4.4 5.0 77.0 . 0274 9.8 11 Means. — 3, 78. 8 0-J87 — 8.7 1 — 6.9 — 7, -J 74. 5 02: '.6 -12. 7 ^ 4.1 — 4.7 73. 3 0. 0268 —10.1 71.77 0.0247 —11.57 74. 84 0361 —10.81 72. IS 0. 02,!9 —12. 57 DECI 3MBER, 1872. Date. 22. 23. 24. Time. D. W. E.H. F.V. D. P. D. o W. E.H. I ^v. D. P. D. o W. E.H. F.V. D.P. o o p. c. Inches. o o p. c. ! / K'lus. o o p. c. Inches. C' — 1.3 -1.8 83. 2 0. (i;!-l2 — 5.0 + 2, :! + 1.4 74.4 1 (i:!59 ;— 4.0 + 8.2 + 7.4 Sl.S 0.0517 + 3.8 1 ±0.0 — 0. 7 7^ '2 . 11340 5.4 2.1 1.2 74.2 j o:i55 4. 2 ,w 3 7.5 81.9 . 0520 4.0 o + 1.3 + 0.5 76. 3, .ii:!51 4,4 1.3 0.7 82. 2 1 (i:;7s 2.9 *j. •^ 8.0 7;i.7 . 04S7 2. fi 3 1.5 0.7 76. 5 . i):'.36 4.1 O ,< 1.9 74.9 0:!70 3.6 s 'J 7.3 79.6 .0504 3.2 4 6. 2 5.1 73.3 .11122 — 0. 5 1.5 0.8 79. 5 1 . 03(>9 3.4 12. 4 11.4 SO .3 .0612 7.5 5 5.3 4.6 82. 3 . "456 + 1.1 1.3 0.5 76.3 0351 4.4 5.8 5.0 so, 2 . 0454 + 1.0 6 5.1 4.2 77.0 . 0423 -0.6 1.3 0.4 73.3 0:i:!8 5.3 5.3 4.4 77.2 .0428 — 0. 3 7 .5.0 4.1 76.9 .0421 0.7 1.7 0.9 76.7 o:!(io 3,9 4.4 3.0 52, 4 .0203 15.7 8 5.:i 4.3 77.1 . 0426 — 0. 5 1.8 0.9 73. 9 0:i49 4.6 4.3 3.5 79. .0417 0.7 9 5.8 5.0 80.2 .04.54 + 1.0 '"> '•> 1.2 71.4 03-13 5. 5.1 4.1 74.5 .0409 1.3 10 6. -2 5.1 73.3 . 0422 1— 0. 5 1.7 1.0 79, 6 0374 3.2 4.3 3.6 8!. 6 . 04:!2 0.2 11 6.'.' 5.1 73. 3 .0422 — 0.5 o 1.1 65. 8 02s,j — 8. 9 o •:> 6:;. 8 . 0265 10.5 Noon. 6.7 5.9 i"0. 8 . 0477 1+ 2. 1 5, 6 5. 84.9 0477 + 2.1 3.7 2 9 78.5 . 0404 1.5 1" 5.4 4.8 84.8 .0472 :+ 1.9 5. 2 4.2 74.6 0411 — 1.1 0.7 + 0.2 84.9 . o:)SO 2.9 2 5.3 4.1 69.6 . 11385 — 2. 6 6.1 6.0 96.1 (1316 — 6.7 0.4 69.4 . 0306 7.5 3 4.3 3.6 81.6 .0432 0.2 12. 1 10.8 74.4 ( )55S + 5. 6 0.3 — 0.6 72.3 . 0319 6.6 4 4.5 4.2 89. 2 .0321 6.3 10. 5 9.5 79. 055 1 5.4 0.7 + 0.1 81.7 . 0;i66 3.6 .^ 2.6 1.9 KO. 2 . ():>9:'> 2 2 9. 3 8.5 82. 7 95 IS 5.1 1.7 0.6 67. 8 . 0;!20 6.8 G 1.7 1.0 79.6 .():!74 3.2 7. 5 6. 6 79. 1 04 si; 2.3 1.4 0.6 76.4 . (i:!53 4.2 / 2.1 1.2 74.2 .113.55 4.2 7.6 6.8 81.4 0.501 ;;. 1 1.2 0.4 76.2 . n:i49 4.5 8 3. 5 . 2. 9 83.7 .0427 1 0.3 7.3 6. 5 81.2 049;! 2 8 0.7 0.2 81.9 . o:i80 2.0 9 3.7 3.0 81.1 .041-^ 0.8 6.9 6.2 8;!. 4 0497 :;, 1.3 0.6 79. :'. . o:!(;5 3.7 10 3 9 3.1 7S.7 .04U. yv. R. H. F. V. D. P. ^Y. R. H. F. V, D. P. 1 9 10 11 3 4 5 ■ + 14. S 1.'..2 ! 15.4 I n. ^ 9. -2 i:'..s 11.0 ' 9. 1 5.4 5. 4 '— 0.7 -11.0 l:!. 8 14.0 l:l. 9 HI. s 8. I-.', i+ 1.-' 0.3 0.3 1.9 ,+ 1 ,+ -M !+ 1 - 0. i c. 1. 4.4 4,9 + ■-'• ■> — 1.5 + 0. ;! — 0.5 — 0.4 1 1.3 1.5 9 10 11 Means. 2.C ]). c. -5. 4 74. 9 75. 1 75. .-(1.0 8 : .^1. 74. ri 74.3 75 'J 7S.S 74.0 71.3 Ci^. 7 (18. 5 74.6 Cs. 5 07.5 62.5 riirhts. c 0. fiT-jii -1-n. OiMD , -8. oi;5(; ;t. (1553 t^. ()59-.> 04 S7 Oi;(;o 0555 0499 0416 (ii.-7 0;'.79 0:113 (1:1:1(1 ii;i:!-2 (i:U5 o:i5l 0341 (i-J'.l.l ((■2^0 0301 0-'(i4 0249 O-i-21 (1. 5. + ■■■■ I— 0. 7,9 ^,4 9,5 9. 5 9 5 10. :l (i.r 0. :; (i. 9 7.4 7.4 (1. 3 5.3 8.7 •' 9 1.5 10. 5 0.5 11. 9 0. s —14. -2 — 0. 5 9. 1 1(1, (1 10,3 10. 3 10, 9 8, 7^7 7.1 8^1 H. 1 7. 1 •2.6 1.6 1.7 1.6 79. 7 78. 9 (19,6 73,5 67 , 9 77,0 (12, 4 62,4 6(1, (12, 69, 8 (19. 8 66.9 0. o:-!21 . (13(1(1 . 02 1 4 . (1221 .020:! , 0213 .017(1 .017(1 , 1(19(1 .0186 .(ll.-<4 .(11^-; .0220 .(1197 .021(1 .(1216 . (122(1 .(11.^3 . 0249 .(1246 . ( 1257 , 0275 - 6.5 7.4 14.6 + 13, 15. 14. 1.-. 1,-^. 17. 17. 17. 17. 14. 16, 14. 14. 14.2 1.-. 11.6 11.9 11.0 9,7 8,1 1.8 y. 6 4.3 4.3 . 6 - 1. 6. .^.6 9. 7 1(1.3 1(1.2 9.3 9.9 1(1.7 + 0.7 1.5 2.9 3. 4 + i.'-' — 1.9 7.3 I 9.7 I 9. 6 10. 2 11.4 11.4 t 9, 8 I 10.9 11.5 p. 0. ( 17 , 9 (19, 54, 1 7(1, 3 64. < (W. 7 .-6. 7 i\\\. 7 -1.3 76.8 47. .-^ 43.8 77.2 52. 6 (10. 5 11.0 11.7 65. 3 10. 1 10. 9 (,1.2 ^. 1 .-. .^ (1-. 4 8. ,^ 9, 5 67.5 9. 5 10.5 5:>. 5 9.4 10.3 5,'^. 4 9.1 9.7 72, 3 9. 9 -1(1.5 71,5 ' 0. 043 1. 28. I 66.(54 ; 0. 0226 i— 13, 90 .34 Tnc'hcf!. 0. o:;22 o:!:!8 (1217 0404 0:i:l2 0351 0217 0228 0161 0210 0125 0113 0215 0145 0150 01(1.< 0167 02(16 0198 0149 0164 02(15 0. 0195 0. 0222 14. 5 1.7 4.5 14. 13. 20. 15. 24. 26. 14. 20 19. 5 19.5 15.4 16.6 21.(1 20. (I 15.4 -16.5 -14. 97 DECEMBER, 1872. Date. .— Time. Qi- 1 9 10 11 S5inll. 1" 2 3 4 9 1(1 11 D. 11.6 12.0 12.3 11. s 11.4 11.4 10.8 11.2 1(1.8 9.0 .^.6 9. 5 10.2 11.3 11,0 11.5 10.5 11.5 12.3 12. 6 12.9 14.0 -13. 3 Means. ^Y. -12.2 12.4 12.7 12. s 1 2. 6 11.9 11,9 11,6 11,8 11.4 9.6 9. 2 11.2 1 0. 8 11.7 11. 6 12.2 11.2 12. 3 12. 9 l:;. 3 l:!. 4 14.5 -13. 9 2§. B. H. F. \. D. P. D. p. c. /«(■/(( s. o o (14.(1 0.0162 —2(1.0 —14.8 59. 2 .0148 21,7 15. 5 (13. 6 .0156 20. .-^ 16. 4 74.2 .(I17.< IS, 1 17.2 ">."" H .0146 22, 17.4 75. 1 .01.-9 17,0 17,7 75.1 .01-0 17.0 17.4 60, 4 .0158 2(1. 5 18, 2 70. 2 . 0179 18.3 19. 5 70.6 . 01.-4 17,7 19. 2 72. 4 . 02(17 15, 2 19. 5 72. 8 .(1212 14.8 19. 8 65. .-< .0174 1-. 7 20. 1 71.2 .0191 16.9 20, 8 SO.O . (12(12 15.7 2(1, 8 70.4 .01.-2 1.-;. 20, 7 64.(1 .0162 20. 21,5 65. .s .0174 1-. 7 2(1, 5 59. 4 . 0150 21.6 20, 5 6.-. 2 .0165 19, s 20,6 62.7 ,0149 21.6 20. 7 73. 6 .0171 19, 1 20. 7 7 ' * .5 .016(1 20. 4 21..^ (;7. 1 0.0153 —21. 2 — 21.5 ^v. -15. 5 16.2 17.0 17.7 17. s 1^. 5 17 18 19 19 2(1 20 21 21 21.4 21. 4 22. 1 21, 21. 21. 21. 21. 17 ;i 18 7 19 'J 19 s 2(1 •) 20 / 21 21 5 29. t;, h. f. v. d. p. p. c. 50. 57.6 62. 67.6 73, 4 46. 5 ( 17 . 2 6(1. 3 71.1 56. (1 4.^.6 :>:!. 9 :!:',, 411,0 53. 2 46.2 51.8 46.6 46.6 4(1. 4 :-!.-. 5 411.2 43. 44.2 68.2(1 I 0.0173 -18. 95 / ifhcK. 0.(112(1 —24..-: 0119 0122 25. 3 (1127 24.6 013- 2:!. 1 (111,^11 31.1 0126 21.8 0118 2(1.0 (111- 25. 7 (1(106 29. 3 (1082 31, (1055 36. 8 (1(153 37.3 0072 31.0 00.-4 31.9 0(17:1 :>:!. 8 (I117.- :!2. 7 (1(174 ;i3. 4 0074 3:S.4 007:1 3:1 6 00(10 36.1 0073 (1(1(13 35. 6 0066 — :!5, (.i(l.-'9 —30. 78 106 HYGKOMETEIGAL OBSERVATIONS Date. DECEMBER, 1872. JI LNUARY, 1873. 1 31. 1. 2. Time. _ D. o W. E. H. I \Y. D. P. D. w. E. n. F. V. p. 0. TiirJirs. D.P. D. W. «. H. p. r. F.V. D.P. JI. c. I idles. Indies. fl'' —■:'(■,. 7 -27.3 37.8 (IIM2 —40. 3, —20. 3 -29. 8 3,-'. 8 0038 -41.1 —29. 7 — ISO. 2 37. 2 0.0035 -41.8 1 •:r. 1 2.^. 6 43.6 (1045 3,0. 4 2-. 28. 6 3,2. 0(133, 42. 3, '20. 7 3,0. 3 22. 8 0022 45. 2 'J7. ',1 32. 5 003,4 42. 2 27.4 •27. 8 56. 4 (1(161 35. 9 30. 2 3,0.7 ;;.-, 'I 0033 42. 5 .jy .J •'S s 31.(1 (1032 4 2.6 28. 28. 6 3,2. (H.K-iO 42. 3 30.1 3(1.7 21.2 01120 45.6 4 ",- 7 ■"1 2 41.2 0041 40.4 2-. 44.0 (1(146 39. 3 3(1. 6 31.3, 3,2. 7 0029 43.3 5 '^H .') •2'.l. 1 20. 4 IIII30 43. 2 28 3 28. 8 42. 8 0044 30. 6 30. 7 31.5 32. 7 0020 43. 3 i C 'J7. 7 2^. 3 (103,5 41.9 27.5 •>S. I 34.5 0036 41.6 31.3 31.7 44.2 0039 41.0 ~ ■2.^. i; ■") 2 •'8 8 0020 43.3 •J7 2 27. 7 4.i. 9 (1(151 ■j"". 2 30. 4 30. 9 34.4 0032 4-2. 7 w •js ;i •20. 5 •27.0 1 1( 128 43.8 •27. 5 27. 56. 2 0060 33.0 30. 4 3,0.7 (il.6 0055 37. 1 y y.i .''i 20 511. 3 011-18 38. 5 27. 5 28. 46.0 (1(148 38. 6 31.5 31.9 43. 4 (Hi;;7 41.2 10 '"1 :t 20.7 50.0 (1(15(1 ■:,:^. 3 •27.1 27. 6 47.2 (1051 38. 1 31. 1 31.5 45.0 (1(140 40. 8 1 11 'js. 4 '20. 1 17.5 0018 46. 1 26.7 •27.3 37.8 (1042 411.3 3,1.6 3,2. 1 29. 5 0026 44. 3 Noun. ^li. ."■) '27. 2 27. (I (1(130 4:',. 1 25. 5 26. 52. 01161 35. 8 :',i. 3 31.8 30. 8 0(127 43. 8 lb 2i>. '< 27. 2 27.0 (103,0 43,. 1 25. 6 2(i. 2 41.4 0048 38. 5 31.7 32. 2 20. 0025 44. 5 t> •ji;. 4 26. H 58.4 0067 34.7 27.3 ■27.7 56. 6 11062 3,5. 8 32. 3 3,2. 9 27. 5 01123 44. 9 3 •26. .-: •27.3 48.1 11(153 37.6 26. 5 27.0 11113,0 43.1 \> ) ;> 32. 8 26. 0(122 45. 3 4 •27.0 27.6 3,6. C, 0040 40.7 28. '2.-<. 6 32. 0033, 42. 3 32. 3 32. 9 20. 6 0026 44.2 5 •27.7 2S.5 3.1. 1 (I0;i6 41.6 28. 4 20. 3(1. 0(13,0 43. 32. 4 33. 1 20. 6 11(126 44. 2 (i •2.-'. 1 2.-. 7 31.5 (1033 42. 5 20. 3 29. 8 38. 8 11(138 41.1 32.5 33. 1 20. 6 01)26 44.2 T •27.5 •js. '2 22. II (11124 44.5 28. 5 20. 1 '29.4 IIII30 43.2 31.0 ;j-> r, 2LI. 6 0(126 44.2 . 27. 8 2H. 5 2(1. 5 0023 45.1 '2.-'. 4 •29.1 17.5 0(118 46.1 32. 1 3,2; 7 20. 6 0(126 44.2 <■ •27.5 •28. 2 22. III 124 4 1.5 20. 2 29.7 39. 2 0(139 41.0 3,1.5 32. 1 20. 6 0026 44.2 10 28. 8 31.0 0032 42. (i .JS 8 29. 6 'i-i V> 11037 41.4 31.3 31. 9 20. 6 0( 126 44.2 11 Menus. —20. 24. 6 0025 —44. 4 —20. 5 — :;o. 2 3-'. 2 0037 —41.4 —30. 5 —31. 3 •29.6 0026 —44.2 34.01 0035 —41. 85 39. 79 0042 —40. 25 32. 9.; 0. 0029 -43. 3,(1 Date. # JAN UARY, 1 873. 3. 4. 5. Time. D. Ci E. H. ] F.V. D. P. D. E.H. ] p- C. i I P. V; D. P. D. ^Y. E.H. F.V. Indies. D.P. p. c. I nches. iclirs. p. c. 0" ~:'.o. 7 — :!1.2 33. 2 0030 —43.2 '"1.0 -. — 33. 5 ■2-. 5 0021 -45. 4 -19. 5 —20.0 63.0 0. 0106 — 27.7 1 :!!.:! :!i. 8 3.(1. 8 0027 43.8 31.4 34. 8 31.0 0021 45. 5 14.1 14.8 60.4 .0134 23. 7 O :_!ii. c, 31.4 34. 8 0032 42.4 33.5 31.2 32. 2 0022 45. 2 14.0 14.7 60. 6 . 0135 '23. 6 ■"i :io. 311.7 34. 8 0032 42.4 34.0 34.7 '>•> 0022 45. 2 12. 3 1-2. 8 74.2 . 0178 18. 1 '' :'.o. 2 30. 34.8 01132 42.4 ;;•) -J" 33,. 4 32. 2 (1022 45. 2 12. 3 12. 8 74.2 .(1178 l^-. 1 2'J. 1) 20. 8 3>'. 8 fl(i:;8 41.1 33. 9 34.3 33,. 5 0024 44.9 12. 3 12.9 6^.2 .0165 19. 8 i; 20. ■■•.f^. 4 0037 41.2 33.6 34.4 '29. 7 0023 45. 1 10.7 11.8 46.6 . 0121 25.4 / 2;), 5 3,(1.0 38. 0036 41.4 33. 5 34.3 29. 7 0023 45. 1 10.9 1-2.0 46.0 .0119 25.7 s 211. 4 20. 8 50. 6 OHIO 3,8. 4 32. 3, 32. 8 26.0 (II 122 45. 3 :-> 10. 2 5-'. 6 . 0105 19.8 9 30. 3(1. 6 21. 6 0021 45.5 33. '.'i'.\. 7 23. 5 0010 46. 9.6 10. s 45. 4 . 0122 25. :! 111 :;o. 7 31.5 23. 8 (1021 45. 4 33. 1 33. 7 23. 5 0019 46.0 8. 5 9.7 47.6 .0136 '23.4 11 30.7 3.1.5 23. 8 0021 45. 4 y•) .) 3,11. 0030 43. 2 17.5 18. 2 54.4 . 0100 2^. 7 Ill 31.3 3,1.0 23. 8 0021 45.4 3,2 3 32. 9 3,11.0 II03II 4:1.2 19.6 211. 5 34.5 .(10.57 36. 5 y 31. 1; 33. 5 23). 8 01121 45. 4 32. 5 30. (1 1103,0 43.2 19.7 20. 5 41.5 ,01168 34. 3 ! ** :'.3. () 34. :; ._>;; ^ 0021 45. 4 31.7 32. 5 Oil. 003,0 43.2 22.5 23. 1 40. 7 .OOljO 34.1 ' 4 .1.'. / 3,4.2 2!!. 8 0021 45.4 30. 4 31.2 30.0 0030 43. 2 '23. 5 24. 2 37.6 .0051 38. .-i ;'.2. 3 3,2. 8 26. 01122 4.5. 3 3(1. 3(1. 3,11.0 003,0 43. 2 21.8 •25. 4 43. 8 .(1054 37.2 i 13 31.6 32. 3 28. 5 1 (11121 45. 4 30. 5 31.2 3,(1. 003,0 43. 2 ^T) 2 25. 8 42. 6 . (1051 37. 8 7 32. 5 33. 1 28. 5 0(121 45. 4 30. 30. 8 30. 0030 43. 2 25. 5 26. 2 30. 4 . 003,7 41.2 K :'.3. 1 ■■',■■',. 7 28.5 1 01121 45.4 •'8 8 '29.5 3,0. (i(i;!0 43. 2 '25. 5 26.1 41.7 .0049 38.4 1 '■' ;ii.2 32.1 •28. 5 1 0021 45.4 26. 4 '27.0 30.0 0043 30. 8 25. 6 21.4 19.4 . 0025 44.6 i 1" 32. 6 3:!. 3 28. 5 0(1 il 45. 4 25. 5 ■26.4 38. 7 (1048 38. 7 25 3 25. 8 52. 4 . 0063 3.5.6 1 11 Jleaus. —33. 4 -3,4. 1 ■2.-. 5 1 0021 0026 —45. 4 ' 38. 3 0053 ' —26. 3 —26.7 58. 6 0. 0068 -34.6 20. 07 —44. 10 30.37 j 0028 —43. 7,- 50.10 0. 0099 —•29.71 AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 107 JANUARY, 1873. « Date. 6. 7. §. Time. D. c E. H. F.V. D. r. D. ^v. E. H. ]>. c. F. Y. D. P. D. w. R. H. /). c. F. Y. Tnche.i. D. P. 1>. c. Tnclies. o o TnclitK. o 0" — -'7 . 3 -•27.8 411.6 0,0050 — 3S, 4 -17.3 —17.7 73,, 6 0. 0139 —23. —12. 4 —13. 1 (.12. 9 )). 01.52 -21.3 1 •J7.6 ■J.-i. 5 40, 5 . 0043 40. 17.3, 17.9 61,1 .)1114 26. 5 12.3 12. 9 (IS. 2 ,01)15 19. S 2 'JT . 5 ■2S. 1 34. 5 . on: "6 41,6 1)1. s 17.5 ;,,,, ,) .0107 27. 7 12. 12. 6 :l^, 8 .ODls 19 3 :', •M\ 4 •2(i. 9 49, 3 .01155 37.1 17.2 17.8 61,2 .0115 2)1.4 11.5 12.2 61,6 . 01)12 2)) )) 4 ■-'C.S 26, 9 ,5 s 2 . 0066 3.4.8 l(i. 8 17.4 61,6 .0119 25, 9 11. 5 12. 75, , Olss 17 •> 5 ■Jli. 5 27.1 3S. 6 . 0043 4)).0 1)1.5 17.2 5.5. 8 .011)) 27.2 11,7 12.6 53, 8 .01:!5 •j;> 4 G •^7.9 2S, 6 211.0 . 0022 45. 3 1)1,0 16. 7 5)1.6 .0114 26.5 13, :'. 13.9 67. 1 .015:: 21 '2 7 ^0 9 27, 6 25, . 0028 43.7 1)1.4 17.0 )12. .0122 25. 3 12,5 13. 2 62, 8 . 015)) 21 •1 S •J7.3 27 7 5(1, 6 . 0062 35. S 16.4 1)1.9 )19. 1 . 0135 25. 5 12. 5 13.0 74. . 017)1 18 5 9 "7 '* 27, 8 35, 8 , 0(i:is 41.0 14. S 15.7 4)1.9 .01))! 2S. 4 12, )1 1:!. 2 67. 8 . 01)12 2)1 2 10 'J7.9 28. 4 44,4 . 0046 39. 2 14.6 14.9 81. .0178 IS. 3 13,0 1:1.7 )12, 3 . 0145 22 ■J 11 'J7.0 "7 ■"■ 34.4 .0037 41.5 14.0 14.9 49. 2 .0110 27. 1 12.7 1:!, 5 57, . 0135 23 4 Noun. •J7.0 "7 7 24,5 , 002S 43. S 14.)) 14.7 60. 6 .oi:!5 2:!. )i 12. 9 i::, 7 5)1,6 .013:1 2:1 7 11' 2li..'5 27 2 27.0 . 003,0 43. 1 IS. 5 IS. 72. 1 .0127 21,6 13. 5 11.2 61,6 .0140 .>,, s o ^4.8 25, 3 53, 4 ,00)17 34. 9 17.8 IS. 6 4)1.2 . 00 s5 31,3 11.3 14,8 72, 2 .0157 2)) 7 :i •J 4.0 24. 7 36. 6 . 0048 3^. 7 11.8 1 2. 5 )1-1.0 .0158 20, 5 15. 5 111, 2 57, 6 .0119 25 7 4 vi-^.8 2:!, 5 39. 5 . 0057 37.)) 11.1 11.7 7)). 3 .0181 IS. 2 16. 4 17, 1 55, 9 .0111 27 1 5 •2v!. 1 22, 8 41.8 . 00) 10 3)1.0 11.2 11.9 65. 1 .01)15 19,7 1)1.7 17,5 49, . 0090 29 4 C •Jl.r, 22, 2 44,2 . 00)16 35. 11.3 11.9 7)1.1 .).117S IS, 4 17.1 17,7 61.3 .0116 2)1 ;; , 7 •Jl). 'l 21,2 46, 6 . 0))74 33.4 11.4 12. 1 6-1.8 . 0164 10.9 l)i. 5 17,2 Ti"). H .))110 '*7 •,* 1 H i:i. 7 20, 3 55, 4 , 0))92 3)). 1 11.5 12. 3 50. 4 .015)1 21. )i 1)1.4 1)1.9 )19. 1 . 0135 23 .", ' ;i ; 19. ■.! 19.7 49, 9 . 0OS6 31.1 12.0 12.7 )13. 6 .015)1 20. s 1)1.3 17,0 5)i, .0111 26 [\ 10 18.9 19.5 . ) / , ;> . 0099 29. 11.5 12.4 54. 2 .oi:'>7 2:1. 1 17.0 17.5 68, ,01211 2-1 :; , 11 Jli-iins. —17.5 -18.2 54.4 0.0100 — 28. 7 —12. -12.7 63. 6 0.015)1 — 2)1. S —17.2 —17.7 )17.6 0,0127 —2-1 7 42. 28 0. 0056 —37. 47 62. 11 0.0136 -2:1.76 ii.i. 12 0. 0141 —22. 51 Date. JANl UARY 1873. ! 9. .£ 10. 11. Time. D. W. E. H. F. Y. D. P. D. W. R. H. F. Y. D. P. D. c ];. H. p. c. F.Y. D. P. o o i>. c. Lichen. o o o p. c. Inches. Inches. Oi> —17,2 —17.7 67.6 0.0127 —24. 6 -15.9 — 16. 5 )13. 0. )I127 —21.6 —24. 3 —21.7 )i2. 6 0. 0OS2 — :;2. 1 17.8 1.^,4 61). 2 .1)109 ''7 2 1)1.3 16. 8 )19. 2 Ol:!)i 'Jil 4 24. 7 25. 4 34. 004:1 ::9. 8 2 17.6 IS, 2 60.6 .0111 2)1. 9 16.2 16.8 62. 4 0124 "2') 25. 3 2,,. 7 )lo. 6 ).)075 3:1. 2 3 17.5 IS. 2 5-1.4 .01))!) 2-'. 7 16.4 15. 9 7)1. 2 0145 'J'_' 1 25. )i 26. 2 41.4 01) 18 :-;s. 5 4 1 17. 5 IS, 2 54.4 . 011)0 2S. 7 15.8 16.6 5)1. 8 0104 'J 7 9 25. )i 26 2 41.4 OOIS 5 r ' 17.4 IS, 1 54,7 .0101 2s. 6 15. 7 16.3 )13. 4 OI-JO 24 :; 2)1. 3 2)1.9 39. 3 0044 39. )i 6 17.9 1-', 5 61), .01))s 27.4 15. 9 16.6 5)1. - 0115 211 3 2:1.6 27. 2)1. 5 )io:;).i 43. 2 / 1^-1 IS. s 52. 6 . 0094 29. 7 15. 9 16.6 5)1. S ))115 2)1 :i 27. 3 27 . 8 46.6 0))50 :is. 4 M ].~M IS. 8 .52. 6 . 0094 29. 7 15. 7 15.7 100. 0204 15 s 28. 7 29. 5 ::2. 1 )io:!7 41.7 9 17. 9 IS, 7 45. 9 . 0))S4 31.5 15. 4 16.0 )i-1.0 ))i:i2 23 ,s 32. 5 :i:i. 2 ::2. 1 0o:l7 4). 7 10 17.9 IS. 6 7}'.') ■' . 009)1 29. 3 1.5. 4 15.9 70. 2 0145 22 1 31,5 32. 1 ::2. 1 0)i:!7 41.7 11 iw. 1 is, 8 .52. 6 .0))91 29.7 15. )i 15.7 58. 6 0124 25 )) 32, 5 :!:;. 1 :!2. 1 ))o::7 41.7 N(HH1. 17.7 18,3 61). 4 ,0110 27. 1 15. 6 16. 2 )13. 6 013)1 21 1 32, ;!2. 5 0024 45. )) 11> i 17.9 IS. 5 60. , OlOS 27.4 16.3 16. 9 )12. 2 012:! 2 :!2 :') 32. 9 :i)). 2 002:! 45. )l .J 17.8 IS, 5 53. 5 . 0097 29. 2 16. 3, 1)1.9 )i2. 2 012:! 25 '} 3:;, 3 3:!. 9 ).)02:i 45. )) ■' 17.8 IS, 5 .53. ,5 . )D 197 29. 2 16.6 17.4 49.2 0))07 29 .> ::i,0 34. 4 :i:i. )) ) 102:1 45. 1 4 17.6 IS. 411,5 . ))07 1 33. 1 17. 17.6 61.4 0117 2.1 • > :!5, 5 3)1. 4 :!i.); 0021 44. 1 ■ > 17.4 IS, 1 54,7 .0101 2S. 6 17.4 IS. )11.0 01l:i 2)1 6 34.8 35. 6 :!!.); 0)124 44.1 i; 17. 3 17,9 61.1 .0114 20. 5 17. S 1 s. 5 5:1. 5 )1I)0)1 .11) :', :!:;, 3 33.7 :!)i. 2 0)12)1 43.1 7 17,1 17,8 55. 2 .0U)4 2S. 1 19. 9 2)). 7 4)1.9 ) 1)1) 1)1 34 )i 3:1, 7 34.4 3)1.1 0022 44. 5 H 1 0, 5 17.4 43, 2 .OOS-l 3,1.2 21.0 21,7 45. 6 0)17)1 34 :-; :i5, 5 36.3 3)1.1 0)122 4 1. 5 9 10.4 17.1 55, 9 .0111 27. 1 21.5 .,.) •> 44.2 )i)lil)l :!)!, :!)i. 6 3)1.1 )'))22 44. 5 10 16, 4 17.0 62,0 .))122 25. 3, 22. 3 22, 9 50 2 007)1 3:! 9 3S. 1 0^. 1 36. 1 0))22 44. 5 11 —16. •> -111. 8 62,4 0.0124 25. .,;; .j — 23. 8 47.6 00)15 —35 'I —39. :i -;;i9.7 36.1 0022 —44.5 Mfaus. 55, 44 0. 0103 -28. 33 59. 48 0.0114 -26. S5 36, 98 0. 0035 -..., 108 nYGEOMETRICAL OBSERVATIONS JANUARY, 1873. 13. Time. 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. II' (1 7 H 9 10 11 Means. D. -31). 6 4(1. :'. 40. 3 37 ^5 3^. 37. 9 37. 3 37. ;! 37. 5 3,1;. 8 3,(;. .5 3(;. 7 3."!. .') 3,3, 5 34.2 33,. 9 3,3,. 9 'J7. 4 21 i. 4 2.",. H 2(1. 2 W. -4(1.0 40.9 40. 8 3S. C, 37.9 3,9. 2 3,7. 37.9 ];. H. /). c. 3(i. 1 3,(;, 1 3(i. 1 30.1 ■M. 1 30.1 30. 1 3,0. V. V. I D. P. D. 37.2 y.r,. r. 30. 1 !>"» T) 3,4. 3, I'.r). o 34.7 '.'u>. ;> 3,4.5 !jr). r> 31. .', ■ > - Tj 2~ 3.-,, 27.1 3,s. 6 2 -'. ( ) 3,.",. 20.7 49. 9 I'liJ. J 21..'-, flirllr.':. (J. 0(122 ( l( )-,'2 0022 0(122 0022 0022 0022 0019 0027 0027 0027 0( 127 0027 0027 (1(127 0027 0(127 0027 0030 0043 0036 oo:',r, 00.17 0017 0. 0028 -4 I.. 5 41..='. 44.5 4).. 5 4 I. 5 44. ."> 41.5 45.9 . ( . ( . ( .1 .( . ( .( . ( 43. 43. ( 41.4 40. 41.4 4 1 . K -40. i; -43. K 3,1. 43. ( 43. (j 4;i.r 43. ( 43,. ( 43. 1 31.7 3,1.2 31.8 31.7 3,1.5 3,0. .-< 3,0. 4 3,0.4 31.3 3,0. 2 3,0. t",l 5 w o —34. t> '■','■',' 7 31. ,-J, 31. H 31. 7 7 31. 32 7 1 31 ;:i. ■■'A / E. II. 30. 9 3,1.8 30.7 :;(!. 30. 1 3,0. 2 -30. 2-'. 8 30. 2 37.8 3,4.3 30.8 30.8 31. 2 29. 1 29. 1 27. 2!i 1 3,1.2 51.9 51.9 72. (i 20. 34.4 30.8 3,5. 2 21.0 23,. 3,K. F. V. D. 1' ivlin:. 0021 0020 0028 0027 0027 0027 0(l2o 0025 0025 0023 0025 002S 0011 0044 0001 003,0 0019 0032 0027 0033, 0021 0021 oo;!5 003(; —44 H 43 1 43 43 4 43 8 43 rt 43 7 41 4 44 4 45 1 41 4 43 7 33 8 3,9 8 43 ;j 40 1) 31.3 3,2. 3 34. 31.3 42.7 43.8 42. 5 45. 5 44.7 41.8 -41.4 34.39 i 0.0030 —43.12 33. 4 JANUARY, 1873. Date. IS. R. H. ' F. V. T). P. D. W. 16. R. n. v. V. Oh 1 :i3. 4 33,. 4 34.3 i 3,4. 3 32.5 i U..-' 9 10 11 5)rin. 10 11 ili-ans 29. 3 2-. 9 2-. 9 29. 30. 4 29! 29. (I 20. C 31. 31. 30. '9. 6 30. 30. 29. 29. 29. 47. 43. 43,. 40. 3,0. 1 27.(1 '■'■>. () :;8. 2 (IO2I 0021 0021 0021 0021 0021 (1021 0021 0021 0020 0027 0027 0(J27 0027 002-' 0030 0043 0041 0041 (1040 0021 00 j- oo:;5 0042 31. 1 1 I 0. (J02-1 45. 7 45. 7 45. 7 45.7 45. 7 4.5. 7 45. 7 45.7 44.3 ■: 4 4.1 I 44. 1 44. 1 44.1 43. -^ 41.0 40. 2 40.2 40. r 44.7 4:;. 8 41.9 -40. 1 - -43.70 2H, S 32. 31. 1 I 1 ! 31,0 p. c. Jnrluy.. 27 7 3,0. 2 0. 00.19 27. 5 30. 4 . 003,9 27. 3,0. . 0010 2-. 40.0. . ( ((J 1 -■ 2'^. H 42.8 1 .00 14 29. 7 .50. 9 . 0050 2!l, 51.2 . 0050 29. 5:',. .0053 29. 3 . 002!l 29. .-: i;3. 4 .0000 31.2 46. 2 .((((11 31.2 33. 2 . 003,0 32. 1 29. 5 . 002(1 33,. 7 25. 7 . 00-J2 33,0 22. .001-^ ■■••■■.. 6 21.0 . 002(( '■'.::. 2 2 1.0 . OO-.'O 32. 8 20. . 0022 31.9 3(J.4 . 0027 32.9 ■A\. 4 . 0032 :!1.2 3,1.7 . 0020 3,1.3 31.7 . 002(; 31.6 ::i.7 . (.102(1 -31.3 31.7 ((. 0020 3(i. 33 0. 0034 0. P. o -0.9 40.8 40.7 3,H. 3,9. 1; 37.4 43. .5 30. 1 40.4 43. 2 4 1.3 45. 3 40. 4 45. - 45. 8 45. 3 43. 9 42. :- 41.3 4 1.3 4 1.3 -44. 3 -42. 35 ^V. 15. 8 ! 1. 9 >3. 7 il.5 !3. 9 '.:'.. 9 13,! 4 !2. 5 -31.0 31.5 3,2. 32.7 31.6 35. 6 3^ 1 30. 3,5. 4 3,.,. .5 3,7. (1 3,7! 1 3,-. 3,7.9 40. ] -3,-'. 3.-. -3-'. II. R. II. F. V. D. P. ° p. c. HI r, —2:1.8 i;3. 1 2!l. (( 29.7 45. 8 i-'. 7 29. 3, 2'^. 2 2'^ 7 29. 5 29.5 ., '. / 33. 6 31.1 3,1.5 31..". 35. 9 3,0. 1 30.4 3,0. 2 31.5 31,5 31.H 31.1 I -31. 40. 30. 8 40. 2 52. 6 3-'. 6 3,-!. 6 3H. 21.0 27. 1 27. 1 27. 1 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 llrlir::. 0000 00 11 0029 00 2 ^ 0027 00. ',3, 003:t 0027 0027 0027 OOIO ((((21 0021 0021 0021 01121 0021 0021 0021 OO.'l 00 jl OO.'l. 0021 OO2I 0.0020 o -30. 1 39. 8 43.5 43. 6 43. rl 12. 5 4(1.7 43.9 43.9 43, 9 47.1 45. 7 4: ,- .7 . 7 . 7 .7 . 7 . 1 .7 ~'\: .7 -4i.2:( IV. w. 11.5 12.1 !.!. 2 ;:■,. ',1.3 ;i. 1 ',5. a. II. F. V. D. p. I'- 31. 31. 31. 3,1. 21. .5 -.7 0. 0020 . 0((20 . 0020 . oo2(; . OOiO . 0020 . 0020 . 002(J . 002" .0017 .0010 .0010 . OOIO . 0010 .0017 . 0017 .0017 .0017 .0017 ,0017 , (1017 .0((|7 .0017 0.0017 -11.3 44. 3 41.3 4 1.3 45. H 4.5. 7 45. 7 45. 7 43,. 40. 7 40..- 40. H 40. 9 47.1 40.7 40.7 40.7 46.7 46.7 40.7 46.7 46.7 40.7 -ii;.7 20.30 0.0019 —10.04 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 109 JANUARY, 1873. Date Time. IS. D. W. R. II. F. V. 01' 1 -;is.o 39. :u. C 33.0 r- 10 11 Noon II' '^ 3 4 9 111 11 Mfa-i ■,",!. 3 311, 3 :;o. 7 •".I - 411. 3,:i.r. I'.i. :!i. 1 .>7.4 311. 31. 3,11. .'-'. 1 311.;; 47. s 3.11. i; 41. J r>ii. '.I -I7.'.t -I'.I. 4 ."3.. '.I 31..'. 3-,'. II 4:;.-.' 37. II 37.11 30. > T)ic1h-i. II. 01)17 .1111)7 . 0III7 . 0017 .111117 .111117 . I1II17 .(ilil^ . i:il3.'. . I II I.".-,.' .011411 .mill . I 111.".! I .111144 . nui.'i . OiMl'.. . 0047 . iiii.'.i; . . I II 133 .mil.'. . iiii3i; . I II i3.r. 0. riii-.'7 D. P. AV. 19. R. 11. /'■ f- ;-:.o - -'.V*. .") ■'7 ."> !■.). II ■ '-. T) ■-'7 . fi n. 5 3.-J. 1 ■'7 '' :■-'. 1 30 1; 'J7 . 1 1 ;.> j- , 33.1 •Jl..'. '.:!. .^ 1 34.4 311. ;t V.'t, [i 1 34.7. :'.o. '.1 >:>. :> 31.. / 3.7. 4 •",* 7 ' 33.1 3^. li 3-J. 1; 411. 411. 3.0. 39. 41. 42. 39. 41. 41. -4:;. 34. -J 3.3.4 IM.-Tl 31. .-. 31.. 3 31. 3 3.,'. 11 311. o 311. 3 ■JO. 3 -'-. I 3.1.0 33! 3.1.9 ::■>. 1 3.11. s 311, ;i 311. 1 30, II 43. o 44.3 43. I 30, 1 3.J, 1 ;!■_) ] •Jll, S •JO. 4 31.3 -•>'.K:\ 44. -j F. V. TllrhcJi. 0. 0II-J4 . 00-24 . IIII-J3 . II1IJ3 . mi-JO . OlIJJ . miJ 1 . iiiiJ- , iiii-JO . iiii:;9 . I lO-j-J .II1I-J9 .HI 133 . I II 137 . mij- . miJ-' . mi-J.- . iiii-jo . mir.i .mij) . 1III3.3. .IHI-JI . lllllW 0. I II 130 D. P. -43 43 43 13 43 44 44 43.11 4-J. 9 4ii, 7 43.3 43,4 42.3, 41. -J 43, 3 4:;. 3 43. 3 43. ,s 43. 9 44.7 4 J. 3 44.3 31.0 -3.,-'. i; AV. ?,(!. C, —31.2 20. R. H. F. V. VJ. 4 3,1,5 31. 1 •J9. 3 •J7. 9 ■JO. 4 ■J 1.1; 9 ■^■>. 9 31. 311. ■J 4. •J4. p. 0. 44.2 '■WK - •J3. •JI.O ■J4.0 •J 3. II 411.1 411. 1 40. ■J 4, ■J9. II — ■JO. II •J4.7 ■J4. 9 20.. 1 1 2S. 2-^. 29.0 -29. I', 72. 1 40.4 40 1-.3 31,0 31,2 42, 211, II fllrhcfl. 0. 0030 . 003,2 . 11019 . 0020 . 0020 .0021 . Ill I. '.9 . 0113.9 , 0039 . 11113^ , 111 179 . 111191 , 1 101 12 , 11073 , 111102 . 1 11 137 . 1.11107 . 111170 1- , 111149 , 111122 .11112-1 D. P. -3-. 1. 42. 40. 1 43. > 4.3. s 43. 3 41.0 41.0 41.0 30. r. 32. 4 34.0 3 1.3 43. 3 44.0 44.11 -44.0 0. Oiil'.l -42 .00 0.1 II 129 il III. S2 , 0. 0040 -39. 50 JANUARY, 1873. Date. 'it. R.H. •♦3. F. V. D. P. W. R. Tl. F, V. D. P. 9 10 11 Xoon. 1" ',. 3 4 111 11 Moaus r p. c. / irlns. c Jl. ('. Tlirlirs. J-'. .1 — 29. 3 |>.) 0. 11031 — 42,' —30, 4 -37. 3.11. 3 0. Ill 124 — ii.r> _.l,l ,', 30. II 3.-'. 01 130 41.4 33.7 30. 5 30. 3 . 111124 41,0 -'.K , 311. 2 3,7 III 133 41..- 35. > 30.4 30. 3 . 111124 41,0 2'.)..} 30.1 23. I1II2 1 44.- 33. 7 30. 3 311. 3 . 11024 44.0 2\>. 3,0. 2 .);; .» 01 12: 1 44.; 1 33. 3 30, 11 311. 3 . Ill 124 44.0 111. 2 3ll. 7 35. 2 110113 42. . 1 i 35.0 3l'.. 2 311.3 . Ill 124 44.0 il.l 31.0 31. 111 12^ 43. ( ; 1 34..- 35. 4 3,11. 3 . Ill 124 44. 12. 3 ;;.) ,^ 20.11 111122 43. 1 ! 1 31.3 31. .-1 3,1 1. 3 . 1 II 12 4 44.0 13,. 3 33. - 21.0 II1I17 40.' 32. 7 40. 2 , 111 133 42. 5 12. 7 33,1 3.^. li 01129 42. < t : 29.3 29. .-'. 03.4 ,1111011 30. 1 13.1 33, 9 211. 5 milO, 40. 29.0 29. 7 :\-' 7 , 0051 3-1 13, > 31,3 3.11. 3 1 H 12 4 44.1 1 ■J""'. 5 2:1. 42. , O1II2 40.11 1... 33, 30. 3 0O24 44.1 > 2-. 3 2.-. 9 110. 5 . 111131 42. ^ '.1., 1. 30. 9 30. 3 01 121 44.1 1 ■ ' 7 .3 2>. 10.11 . 11114^ 3.-. ll 1... 9 1:0. 3 30. 3 O1124 44.1 \ ''1 3 27. 9 35. 4 . 11037 41.3 10. II 30.0 311. 3 III 12 4 14.1 i 2-. 3 29. 1 ■:\i. 4 , 11113,11 43. 2 ll., .1 37. 3 311.3 mi24 44.1 1 2-. 3 29. .-^ 3.-^. .s , 11113.- 11, 1 3.0 3S. 1 311. 3 1 11 124 44.1 i 30, 3 31. 1 29. 4 , 11112.- 43. 5 17. ;;,< ;j 30 3 1 ll 12 1 44. ( i 311. 5 31.1 29. 4 , IIII2- 43. 5 11., 7 37.3 30. 3 01124 44.1 311.4 31.0 211. II . iinr.l 40.11 ll,, 3. 30, --1 3u. 3 0021 4 4.1 ; 30. 5 31.2 23,. II . Ill 120 45. ll ^1.. 3 3,11. S 3.11. 3 III 121 44.1 30. .-^ 31.5 23. . Ill 120 45. 111. 3 37,1 3.11.3 01121 44.1 31.3 31.9 23.0 . 1I1121I 45.0 :i.. 3 — 30. s 30. 3 01 12 1 — 44.( ; '—31.4 —32. 2:1. 0. Ill 120 —45.0 34. W. 34. II 34. 9 R.H. F. V, D. P. 30.6 30. ■^ 37' 4 3.-;, 4 ■AG. ■27. -2 Illrlirs. c 3 II. 01 122 —45 :"; .111119 40 1 .111110 47 .0017 47 .1 .11017 47 .> . 111117 47 -J .111117 47 .> .0017 47 •> Ii(il7 47 -) .111.17 47 •5 . 11017 -17 . I-111L7 47 4 . O11I7 40 .-■ . 0017 10 ^ . (.1017 40 - ] .01117 40 .-' . 01117 40 - .111117 40 s . 0017 40 -^ .0017 40 >■ . 0017 40 - 01117 40 - .0017 40 s 0.0017 —40 s 19.02 j 0.00^25 -44.311 0. 0030 -43.10 0. 0017 lo H no HYGEOMETEIOAL OBSERVATIONS JANUARY, 1873. Dixtc. 24. 25. 26. Time. D. W. R. n. p. c. F.V. D. P. o D. o W. R. H. F.V. D. P. I"). W. R. H. F.V. D. P. o o /»0/(r.s'. o jl. c. Tnclic^. p. c. ' Jnrhcfi. 01' —37. r, — 3S.2 27. 2 0.0017 - -46. s —37, —37. 6 37. 7 0. 0021 —15.3 ' — 36, 3 ' — ?6. 8 7.0 i).ooo;i —51.1 1 2 37. .''. 37.4 3,8. 3.7.8 27.2 27 2 . 0017 .0017 4t;. H 46. S 36.4 36. 2 36.7 37. 7 10.5 . 0021 , 0021 45. 3 11,6 j 37,3 17. 8 18. 3 3 4 ;i7. i; 37, r> 37. 9 37. 8 34.5 35. . 0018 1 . (10 IS 46. 2 46.1 W.t, 7 3,7. 5 :\v,. 2 37. 9 1.-^, 7 4-'. 7 . 002.S . 002.S 43. 6 43. 6 i :i7.4 i lid. 9 17.8 !7.4 5 3(1. C 37. 37. 7 . (1(121 4.5. 3 ',\7 '* 37.4 56. M . (1032 42. 6 ' 37, *,7. 6 t; 7 8 3(1.7 3,-,. 9 30. (i ;'7 o 30.5 3,7. 3 3y . 1 3,7. 7 37.7 . 0021 . 0021 .0021 45. 3 4.5.3 4.5. 3, !!7. f) 3.S. 4 3,9. 3,7. 9 3,s. 4 39.5 13.4 1(10,0 43, 1 . 0040 . 0(14>' . 00:11 44,1 3,-:. 5 14,1 37, 5 :',s, :! 1 39,0 1... N.7 !9. 6 9 37. C 38. 2 37. 7 .(1021 45 3 36. 6 37, 2 43.4 . (1031 44,1 :!9. 5 19. « 10 11 Noon. 3s. 7 3'.». 7 40.3 39.4 4(1.2 40.7 37.7 3,7. 7 'U . 7 . 0(J21 . 0021 . 0021 4.5. 3 45. 3 45.3 35. 5 3 1.6 36. ■M. 35, 43.4 43,4 30 ,.0034 .003,4 0(l'>0 44.1 14,1 45,7 40.4 40, 9 41.5 40.7 41. 1 4' 1 11' 40. i-j 40.9 '\7. 7 .0(121 4.5. 3 3 1.5 34.9 30, 5 0021 45, 6 :w 7 1:) 5 :! 4 3',l. 40. 5 41.0 39. 5 41.0 11.4 '.'>7 . t !>/ . 7 37. 7 . 0021 .0021 1 . 0021 45. 3, 4.5. 3 45. 3 3,2.5 32.4 32. H 3.5, 1 39, .s 3-' 9 . 002(1 ,0032 . 0027 43,8 12,6 43,9 38.6 :t8! 5 I'.l, 40. 1 19 4(J. 1 3(;. 7 40.7 37. 3, 37. 7 3,7. 7 .0021 . O021 45. 3 45. 3 33,. 4 32. H 33.9 26, (1 20 5 . 0022 . 0016 45. 3 46.8 36.7 :1;5. 7 17 5 1(1 3 7 37.0 37. 5 37.7 . ( l(J2 1 4.5. 3, 34.3 34.8 20. 3 .0(116 46, 9 :i(;, 1! !6 s 8 34. .f-. 35.0 37.7 . (HJ21 4.5. 3 34.2 34.7 20. 2 -.0016 46.9 36.4 M !( 35.8 3(i. 3 37.7 .0021 4.5. 3 33. 5 3,4.0 20, , 001(1 47. :!6.9 37.6 10 11 Means. ~:k,'. 3 3,5. 7 — 35. 8 37.7 37.7 . 0021 0.0021 — 45. 3 45. 3 34. 3,4, 6 —lie. 47, 17, .0021 0. 002 1 44.6 —44.6 37.2 37.8 . 30. 11 0. O020 — ! 45. 5(i 39, .5 0. 0027 — 11.72 JANU rARY, 1873. Date 27. 2H. 2!>. Time. D. W. ];. II. jl. c. F.V. I ). P. o o R. II. F. V. Illclu::. 1). P. n D. 1 V. li, H. F.V. Iiu:livf<. D. P. '> o IlK.'llV^. o 7), ,', 3't 8 O'^ —39. w 47.(1 0. 0024 — 44.6 .f, r, -24.1 46,8 0, (1063 —35. 6 -39.2 —A 6 0. 0O36 -41,9 1 3'J. 6 39. 9 47. (J . 0(124 14. 6 24.3 24. 7 62, 6 .00,-".' :!■' 40, 5 4 1 :i',i. i'^ ,0036 41,9 39. 4 39.5 74.(1 . 0033 42. 3 23. 6 24, 5 19. 0027 45,0 39,7 4 3 3',l s 003(1 41.9 3 3';l. ■4(1. S8. . 0037 41.1 23,. 3 21 1 '. (1 . 0037 41.1 24.7 25, 3 44.1 . 0055 37.1 39. 3 3 9 7 :!9. 8 . oo:',6 41.9 8 9 in 11 Noon. 11^ • i(j. 36.5 .5M. . 0037 41.1 24. 4 25. (.) 45. . 0056 3(1, 6 :',9. 4 3 9 8 :!9. 8 . 0036 41.9 .1:>.6 35. 9 .58. . 003,7 41.1 24. 3 24, S .54. 4 . (lOd'.t 34.2 :!9. 9 4 4 . 00:!6 41.9 -'^- ■-> 29. (i 42. .0042 40. 26.3 26, 8 49, 6 . ( 1056 3,7. 40,7 4 1 1 39. 8 , 0036 41.9 23. 7 24.2 5.5.6 .0074 13. 3 26. 8 ^ '7 5 '*.5 5 . 0029 43.5 41. 5 4 2 :!9 8 oo:!(i 41.9 '.'■2. 5 21.5 23,. 1 22. 1 49. 7 51.8 .oo(;:i . 0078 :4. 1 2s. 2s. 4 2'^, 6 2^', ',t 32, 42, 4 . 0033 . 0043 i 42, 3 39, 8 40.9 4 1.5 8 ,S 53 , 0036 . oo:46 41.9 41.9 22. 5 23. (1 5,-^. (1 . OOK',' n.7 30. 5 31.(1 34,0 . 0031 4", 8 35. 5 : 6 1 :i') 8 . 00: 16 41.9 3 4 23. 23. 3 23.5 23.8 57.0 .56.4 . 0075 . 0079 [ . 007(1 ;2. 8 ',2. 4 30.4 30. 6 30. 3 30. ,S 31.1 30 8 47.6 33, 6 34., s , 00 13 .0031 , 003" 39,7 43, 42 6 2S, 5 4,5 39 8 ' 39.8 1 53 '4 . 0036 , 0036 0056 41 9 41.9 :i7.o 5 23. 3 23,. 8 .56. 4 . 0076 12. 7 31.0 31,7 35, 3 (l(>"l 4-' ') ,,c - i :i7. 9 0039 40.7 23! 23,! 7 22. 4 3.". 9 . 003,5 . 0055 11.9 17. 3 33.4 '.V.\ s ■>rt. 7 35, H 25! 8 , 0026 ,0017 4:1,2 46.8 27 , 5 9 •~i 22. 2-> .0024 0021 44.5 44.5 9 10 11 Means. 22. 9 23. 23 3 -23. 1 23,. 7 24.0 -23. 8 39. 2 38 '.1 38.0 38. 6 . 0056 . 0(155 . 0052 0.0051 — 17.1 17.4 37. 2 37,5 3'.l. 3 — 3!l. 5 39;? i —40, 39, 8 3;i, 8 ll'.l. .s 39, 8 , hoik; ,0036 , 0036 0, 0036 41.9 41.9 41,9 —41.9 26, 5 2(1, 5 28. 9 -29.7 -1 7,1 7,2 9. 6 0,5 38. 6 27,0 29, 3 29, 3 .001:! .0030 , 0029 (.1, (.1029 40. 43.1 43, 3 —43.3 50, 03 0. 0053 !— 17,8. 39, 63 0. 0043 —40. 19 37.78 0. 0(.i:55 —41. 95 AT POLARIS HOUSE. Ill 7 33. 7 « 31,.-, !.' 30. :, 1) 20, 11 -27,5 Mejui.s Time. Oil 1 2 4 G 7 H ij 10 11 Noon. li> 2 i; 7 H !) 10 11 Means. D. -2i:. 5 2S. 3 20,5 27,0 27,5 27.0 23,7 25, 1 23. H 22. 7 22.3 22. 3 22. 3 21.3, 21.5 21,7 20. 21,0 2(1,3 20.3 20. 5 20. 5 20. (; -21.0 \\. 2.S. H 20. 72. 1 . oi.5(; 20.9 (;2. 6 . 0140 22. 8 53. .0115 26.4 tVJ. . 0134 23,. 6 53. 5 . 0097 (il.7 . 0120 25. 8 54. 6 . ( 1088 30.0 71.2 .0119 25. 6 53.5 .0097 2! 1. 2 36. 9 .0064 35. 1 55. 4 . 0092 30.1 56. 3 . 0095 29.4 51.4 . 0091 30.4 51.4 .0100 28.7 .56. 6 .0114 '26. 5 (i3. 8 . 0131 24.0 64. 1 .0133 23.7 59. 0. 0126 —24.7 60. 22 0.0116 —'26. 45 112 HYGROMETrflCAL OUSERVATIOXS ' __ _ -- - — -— -- "■■■ - " ' Diite. FEBRUARY, 1873. 5. 6. 7. * Time. D. AV. R. H. F. y. D. P. 11. W. i;. H. F. V. D. r. I). ^y. R. IF. F. . J». P. . ■- — — — r p. c. Inchrs. o n o J., c. fitches. o o p. <: liivhvx. 0'' -14.2 —14.7 72. :'. i 01.58 — 20. 6 - 8.0 — y. 9 61.1 (1. 01.S2 — 1 8, (.) —22, 1 —22. 7 12. 2 0. ooin —35. 9 1 11.6 12, 2 69. 6 I 0173 1>. - 12.3 13. 5 3, / , .1 0091 3,0. 3, 21,5 oo ,f, 37.6 . (.1057 36. 6 o 11.6 12.2 69. 6 ' (1173 18.8 13.1 13,9 56,2 013,1 21.0 20, 1 21,0 33. . 0(153 3,7. 3 11.5 12.1 (i9. 8 , U175 1-', 7 15, 5 16,5 40. (1(1,^2 3,2. 17,8 1--^, -s 33,, 6 . 001 10 3,5. 4 11. .5 12. 1 ai 8 0175 18.7 15,6 16.7 33, 9 (11169 3-1.2 16,3, 16,9 62,2 .0123 25. 2 5 11.0 11.6 70.4 01^2 18.0 15,4 16.2 51.6 0108 27. 3 1,5.0 J 6, 5 62,2 . 0093 .10.0 (i 11.3 11.7 y(l,0 1 l-Ji i-J 1,5. 7 14,0 14.7 6(1 6 013,5 23,6 16,3 10, 9 62,2 .0123 11.3 11.8 7;). 2 0190 l(i. 8 1 :;. 3 13,9 67. 1 0154 21, 1 16. 9 18,0 3,0,0 . 00.57 36.6 K 11.1 11.6 75. 4 0193 16.6 10, 9 11,5 7(1, 5 01-83 17,9 17.5 19, 3S, 1 . (1071 33. 9 't 10.4 11.2 61) y 0163 19. 9 9. 1 9 9 77,1 0214 ii,(; 17.8 18, 1.: 46, 2 . ()0-~5 31.3 1 10 9.6 10. 2 71.8 0199 16. 9,6 10.1 76,9 0212 14.9 17.3 IS, 55. .0102 28. 4 11 9 7 10. 2 76. S (121(1 15. .'-', 7 9, 5 63, 5 0185 17, 5 16.6 17.4 19. 2 . 0097 29. 2 Noon. H.^ 9 7 59. 6 0171 19. 2 9,3 10. 7 36, 6 0101 14.7 15.3 (.14.7 .0140 ''■' 7 I'l y. 4 s s 82, 1 ( 12 1 ( 1 12. 3 12, 5 13. (, 42, 2 0101 2-^, 6 13,0 14. 6 60. S .0136 ci. 4 y 9 7y, ( I22>' 13. 4 11.8 15.7 46.9 1,1101 28, 1 12, 7 13. 4 62. 6 .Oils 21.7 3 6.7 7.3 74.7 (I2;'>9 12.4 15.7 16. 5 51.(1 0105 27. -S 9, 7 10. 5 62. . 0173 19,(1 4 4.1 4.5 ■^2. 4 (130(1 9. 8 17.9 1 -. 7 45, ;i o( i.^i.; 31.1 2, 3, 'J, 7 86. 3 . 0336 ,5,4 5 1.5 1.7 93. 5 037^ 2. 9 19.1 2(1, 3,(;, 0062 . ,.>. / O r, 3.1 78. 9 . 030(1 7,4 G — 2.5 (1359 4.1 19.0 19.7 49, 9 (l(l-'6 .'.1. 1 3.3 4,1 70. 9 . 0265 10, 3 7 ± O.o 0. 2 93. 8 OKKi 1. 4 19.3 20. 49, 0(is4 31.4 6, 3 (;7.7 . (1232 13.1 ,s — 1.6 1.9 90, ( i: ;( ;3 .".. ^ 21.2 21.9 45, 2 (MK.l.s 34,5 1,;, 3 14,1 55. ,S .0129 21.3 9 1.7 -* ■■> .^3, ( i: ;55 5. 5 21.5 ''■' 3 35, 8 0055 37, 3, 17, 3, 17,9 61. 1 .0114 26. 5 10 1.0 1.5 83. 5 034S 4.7 22. 22, 7 12, 2 0061 35, 9 23, 3 23, :j '^2. 5 .0112 26. -s 11 Means. — 3.7 — 4.5 7(1. 5 0259 0243 — 1(1. 8 —22. 5 -23. 3 31.8 (1(147 —38, 9 — 25, 5 —2.5, 9 60. 2 0. 0073 -33.4 76.91 (1 —13. 13 50. 77 O.0113 56. 80 0. 0131 -'■: Date. * FEBRUARY, 1873. i §. 9. 10. ! Time. D. W. K. H. ] 5^. V. D. P. D. AV. o R, H. /). r. F.y, D. P, p D. W. n E. 11. p. c. F. \. Indies. D.P. ' o o J(, c. I uhc"^. o o o (}'< —2(1. 3 —26. 8 49. (-; (1 0056 —37, — 9. :'> — 9,7 .-'1.3, 0. (122S -13,4 —23.3 -23,, 8 .56. 4 0. iniiC) — 'V* 7 1 2/ . 7 28. 4 21.0 (11123 4 4,9 9.4 9. 8 81.2 0226 13. 5 25. 5 26, 52. (1 . (1061 '.hi. ^ o 29. 5 29.9 50. 3 0018 9.6 10,0 S1.0 ( 1224 13.7 25. 2 52. 6 .0064 !{."». 5 :i 31.4 31.7 5y. 9 (.11 150 38. 3 10.4 10. 9 76.1 (1201 16. 9 25. 9 26, 5 40. 5 . 0047 39.0 4 29. 29. 6 26.4 0027 44.0 11.0 11. 5 75. 5 (1194 3 (). 5 25. 4 60. 4 . 007 1 33. 3 ."-J 29. 5 29. 9 50.3 (lujs :'.y. 5 11.4 11.9 75. 1 (US!) 17.0 21.8 -)-, ;, .53,. 4 . 0067 34. 9 6 29. 4 29. S 50. 6 0049 3-;. 4 12. 9 13,. 6 62.4 0146 22. 22 7 ■'3, 3 49.1 , 006S 31.4 7 27.7 2^.2 45. 2 0047 39.0 11.8 12.6 5W. 8 (11 16 22. 17.4 17, s 73.4 .0138 23. 1 H 26.0 2(1.6 40,2 0046 :•,[). 1 11.5 12.5 18. 5 012-1 24.9 20.5 20.8 77.2 .0121 25. 3 9 2.'.. 6 26.2 41,4 U048 3s. 5 14.3 14.8 72. 2 0157 21.1. 7 23,, 7 21.6 18. 8 . 0026 45, 2 10 2.'.. 7 26. 5 19,0 0(1 ^5 44. H 13, (; 14.5 50, 0114 26. 5 14.9 15. 9 40,2 . (lO-^.S 30,8 11 27.3 27. 7 56. 6 0062 17,1 17. (. ( 17 , y 012> 24. 4 1 5. 5 16. 2 57.6 .0119 25, 7 Noon. 2.'.. 9 26.7 IS. 2 0023 45. 2 19,0 20. 5 55. 0090 3,0. 5 21.3, 21. G 7(1.4 . 0116 2(1, 4 1" 2.-.. 8 26.6 18. 6 0(124 45. 22. 9 23. 5 18. 5 0067 31.7 26 3 3'i',. 7 5S. 6 . 00( l.~ 34.6 o 23. 5 24.2 37. 6 0051 3«. (1 23.6 24.2 4(>. 6 0032 3,5, ,s 2 1. 5 21.9 62. 2 . OO-'O ;;,> o ;! 20. 7 21.6 :;o. (1048 :!,-. 4 2 '. 7 26. 2 51,4 0060 3,6, 1 25. -1 25. 9 .52 2 . 00112 3,5, 7 1 -1 17.9 18.7 45, 9 0(l,~:4 3,1.5 2:;, 7 24, 3, 41:;. 4 0032 3,5.9 ■>;; ;; 23 9 47. 3 . 0061 35,3 1.-.. 3 16. 5 29. (J( 159 ■M. 1 22. 7 23. 5 31.0 0016 3,9. 3, ,);j ;; 23. 7 61.6 . 00-9 30 9 i ti 4.5 5. 5 62. 5 0221 14.1 2"' .5 ■*3 '^ 40.4 ( l( 15--^- 36. 5 23. 7 24.5 28. . 01139 41.0 7 4.9 5.2 yy. 8 0305 7.4 23. 8 24. 5 37.0 005(1 38. 4 24. 7 25, 4 34.0 .0013 39.8 1 s 5.5 6.0 ;~o. 0270 10,0 29.(1 29.6 26, 4 0027 44. (.1 23.5 31. . 004(i 39. 3 ^' 'Si. 9 7 3(1.3 ,s 30. (J ;i 3,0.5 11) 3,0.7 11 -3,1.3 9. ■> 111, 3 1-,'. .3 13. r. 10. 9.7 9.7 9.,^ 10. -i 11.5 17. C 1;-. 9 yi.o ■-'4, 7 30. fi 31.1 31.0 31. -J -34. H K. H. l>. i: 4S. 7 49. ,y 03. 'J 60.11 i;o. 7 09.4 :>'. .'i7 . '"^ r,3.3 (ill. y 70. r< 73,, s •■i. 1 (i-j. (1 ■27. G 7S.5 7.1..". :;::. c, 3,1.(1 1'. V. (1. U0--',-< .01(10 .01-.'- . 0109 .(1173 .01-^0 .017-i .1113,.". . 010(1 .01S3, . (11-3, .O-Jl.'. . 01S7 .01S3, .11140 .(ll-.*7 . 0(.)9.^ . 0037 . (10-0 . OdOy .(1031 . (1(131 . (1(13(1 0. (Kill D. P. ■Jl. 4 ■'7 '' 1^.9 17..-. 19.0 '-'3,. 4 ■J(i.4 17. S 17., y 14.4 17,3 17.9 K. H. ! F. V. fn ].Ui'(Uiis. ."irt. SI (l.dl'Jd ■i4.(i 'J9. 1 41.4 31,3, 34..". 43,0 4-J. y 43,. -i -4(1,.". -:.'('.. 9;ii 31. 30. •J9. 'i7. 81. 3,1.4 f, KK) 1 1(1(1 (1 9 7(1 •_' 1 .S 1 (i S.") 8 s(; •I 1 100 1 T (J ■.;i. I SI. 3,4. 3,4. 3-,'. chtx. (1(141 0041 ((((.".■i (;i(i(j.'> (_((!( 1.", OOlJ.". ()()7s 0(174 0(.l.".4 (.1( 1 1'^ (K.iC, I 0071 (|(|S7 (111-7 (I Id-,' diKM dill,", (H.KiS 11(13,1 ddCO OHIO d(i3,i; 0(i."i(; 0(11,9 0003, D. P. -411.5 10. 5 37.0 •■',:\. 1 40, ■^ 3.3, 1 3,1,.", 3 1..:, •27. 9 I'J. s 3.4.3 40.0 41, s 30,9 13. D. K. H. I F. V. D. P. -34.9 34.6 3,:;. 34.4 33,. S /;. c. 3(1.5 ■20.2 ■J-.'. '21.0 •21.0 ■2S, C. 3(1. -2 34. 34. 34. 3,4..' ;i.o il.O 39. 1 39. 1 3,9. 1 I 45.0 49. -i 3,7. 1 37.1 37. 1 37.1 37. 1 3,7. 1 ■2.'.. 3-2. 40. -S Indies. 0. 01)21 .0019 . 00 IS , 0017 . Oil 17 .01121 . 902(1 . i:i(.l-2 1 . IMl'23 . 0020 . (1020 . 002(; . IN1I7 . 0(13,1 . II0^27 . 0(C27 . (I0'27 . Ill 127 . 110-27 . I K 127 . 1 1( 1-2 1 . (1(127 d. iiii;;3 -4.".. Id. 40. 40. 40. 11. 4;',, 1:",, 15, 44. M. 41. 43. 40. 4^2. 43. 43,, 13, 43. 13, 13, 45, II. - 1-2, . 39 (I, 111124 1—14. D;ite. Tnii ,—3,1. 9 Id 11 Noon. II' ■.V2. (i 3,11.7 3,(1. '2 3,1.5 31. S 3^2. 3.1. 3 3.(1.7 3(1.3 3.1.4 3-2! 34. S 1 3.-,'. (1 30.7 3,1.9 s '.V.\. '2 :i '.'•] 7 1(1 ■■■■■■': 6 11 —31,3, AV. ;'.:',. 7 33. 1 31. 3 3,11.7 31. S 3^2. 3 31. -2 3.0.9 31.9 32. (; 32. 9 35.3 31.7 3,^2. 5 31. -i 35. 3 33. 34. 5 34! 5 -31.8 36. '2 •24.5 ■2'.K 8 5-'. (i 1 1. It. H. F. V, ll„Ilr«. (1. (10-25 . (111-20 . (ld-211 . Od2(i .0113,3 . (Id 19 . (I0-25 . 00-25 . 0027 . (1(13(1 .(1019 . I II 127 . 0033. .11013 .0041 . 0039 . (1(121 .(1(13,(1 .(1(119 . (1(127 . 00-2-2 . 0(1-2-2 .(10'2:2 0. 00^2^2 FEBRUARY, 1873. 15. 1.1, P 4(1.6 55. 3 49. 7 41.2 •27.5 33. 2 28. 2 30. 6 2.S. 8 2s. 8 2s. 8 28.8 -II. 43,. 45. 41. 42. 44! 44. 43. 43. 45. 43. 42. 39. 40. 41. 45. 43,. 40. 43. 41. 44. 41. ~4I. 3,2. 4 \Y. -33, 8 :!2. 8 31.6 34.5 34.6 3,3. 9 37.0 30. 3 31.0 K. ir. F. V. 4». P. .4 i 34. 9 3,4.:; 33.8 3,4. 7 ;!4.9 31.5 36. 3.1;. 3,5. 3,4.8 36. 1 34. 5 34.5 j>. c. 21.0 39.8 53.9 53,. 9 53. 9 53. 9 .53, 9 53,, 9 li-:. 51.5 51.5 51.5 35.0 29, 8 2 1 , (.1 ,S2, II 5.7 5.7 35. (I —3,4. 4 /HC-//r.s-. 0.0017 (1(132 0040 0040 ddld 0040 0040 0040 (Id IS (lll.!3 0033 0113:', 0(11 S 0017 00 1() ( l( 15 I (1043, 01113. (10 43, OI143 0943 0043 0043 0. 001:: -10.7 42. 6 4(1.5 411.5 411.5 40. 5 4(1.5 40. 5 42! 3 42. 3, 42. .3 46.1 10. 6 47.1 37. 2 111. 40. 40. (I 411. II 411. 4(1. d 411. (1 -01,0 D. 33,. 2 3-2 ", 3,2. 8 :-!3. 3 31.4 3(1. 5 32. 31. •; 29. 5 30. 1 30. 3 29. 5 30. 29. 29. 29. W. ',4.1 16. K. II. p. c. .55. 7 'sy 4 211. 9 29. 9 29. 29. 9 29. 9 3,0. 6 3,1). 8 311. 1 29. 9 3(1.7 29. 8 3,11. 2 3,11.2 3(1. 36. 30. 34. 31. 5(1. 5(1. 42. 511. 511. 31. •'3 511. 3,4. 34. F. V. II. 0(113, . 111132 . (K 1 1 7 . (1(121 . (1(123 II. P. o -10, 42.8 40. 45. 5 4 1.3 . (11 21, . ( 1027 . 01131 . (1(129 . 0(I2S . 0(1 IS .0(118 . 0042 . Odls .00 IS . 0(133 . 01)3,2 . III124 . 11(148 . 003,3 . Od3S . 0(123 . IIII32 d. d(132 40. 38. 5 12.4 12. 6 11.7 42. 5 41.1 11.9 12.7 -42.7 33.90 ; 0.00-28 1—43.58 50. 99 0. 003,7 -41.45 30.08 0.0034 .17 114 HYGEOMETEICAL OBSERVATIONS Date. FEBRUARY, 1873 11. 1§. 19. Time. D. o E. H. 1 '. V. D. P. D. W. E, H. F.V. D. P. D. W. E. H. ] F.V. irlief:. D. P. p. c. Inches. ,. c. Tnchen. p. c. I Ill' — ?.l. 2 —3.1. M 34.5 0032 —42, 7 —32. 4 —32. 8 3,9, 8 0. 0032 —42, 6 -•X',. 1 —33. 7 26. 2 0019 —46. 1 :'>!> 9 31. 3 45. 8 0041 40,0 32. 2 32, 40.6 003,3 42, 3 34. 3 34. 8 20.2 0019 46. ■> •Mi 2 30. 7 3,5. 2 0033 42, 5 32, 3 32,7 40.2 0033 42, 5 33,, 7 34, 3 26.2 0019 46.0 :^ :',i. :3 31. 8 30.8 0027 43,8 31,7 32 2 29.0 0O25 44,5 33, 3 33, 8 21.0 0017 46.7 4 :'.[. 1 31.7 31.0 0O27 43,, 7 :!0, 9 31.6 29. 7 0026 44. 2 34.3 34. 7 31, 5 0022 45, 4 ::i.2 31.7 31.2 0028 43.7 31,4 31.9 30.4 0027 43, 9 34.6 35, 30. ! 0020 4.5, 7 (; ;;ii. .5 3,0.9 17. 3 0043 39, 8 33.3 li-i. 7 36. 2 0021:1 43, 1 3,3. 4 33.8 35. 8 1 1026 43. 2 ■ill. r> ■"1 9 50. 3 004 S 3,8.5 32. 6 3,3, 1 24,5 0020 45,6 31,6 32. 1 29,5 0020 44. 3 H :!i.4 ;'.1.7 58.9 0050 3,8. 3 32. 7 33, 4 40. 1 0031 42.7 31.5 3,2, 30,0 0026 14.1 9 ;'.2. 27.5 1 0024 45, 32, 5 3,2 8 55. 6 0043 '.'<'J. s 31.5 32,0 :-;o 0026 44,1 10 :-;o 31. 3, 37,4 003,3 42, 4 31.1 31.7 49.1 0039 10,7 30, 5 31,0 34, 003] 12, 8 11 30 .". 30. 9 17.3 1 00 13, 3,9, 8 3,1.7 32. 1 42.6 003,6 41.6 30.6 31. 3 29.0 0025 44.3 Noon. 31. (i ;;■) ;> 40.9 0034 12.3 3,3. 5 33. 9 35. 4 1 1025 43. 2 30, 9 31.6 2 1. 0025 44.3 11' 33. 7 :il. 1 31.5 0025 14.8 3 1.3 34.7 31.5 01 122 45, 4 30, 5 31.2 29 0025 14.3 ., 33. .5 3,4.0 20 0010 47.11 34.4 3,1.7 18. 9 0031 42, 2 29, 8 30. 5 29. 0025 44.3 3 3 1.. 5 34. 8 IS. C, 0033 12. 3 3,5. 5 3,5. 8 11.8 0028 43. 5 29, 5 3,0. 2 29. 01125 11.3 4 3:".. 4 15. 2 0029 i:i, 4 3,5.5 35. 9 2 1.6 0016 47.1 31,5 35, 1 20, 0025 44,3 .5 33. 5 34.1 3,8. 1 1 1( 125 14. 1 35 5 3,5. 9 24.6 0010 47.1 3,3. i; 34. 2 29.0 1 0025 44.3 li :'.4.4 34.8 31.0 0021 45, 5 35 3, 3,5. 7 25, 8 0017 .16. 8 3/!, 7 34. 5 29,0 1 1025 44.3 7 30.3 3,0 .*> (;o. 0030 41. 5 31.0 3,4,6 2s. / 1 II 120 46.1 34. 1 34. 29. 01125 44,3 rt 3.1 ;. 5 30.7 59 •' 003,5 41.7 31.1 34,6 28, 7 1 1020 46. 1 3,2. 9 3,3. 6 29.0 0025 44,3 y 34.7 35.1 2ll. 4 0020 15, 9 3,2. 7 3,:',. 3, 28, 7 01 120 40. 1 3,1.5 ■ 12 2 29, 0025 41,3 10 3,3. 9 34.. ^ 30. 7 0021 45.0 33, 3 ;;3 9 2S. 7 0020 40.] 32. 7 33 ** 21,0 0020 45, 8 11 Means. —3 1.2 —34.0 32.0 39. 45 1 (1 01 122 003,1 - 15. 3, -34.3 —3,4,7 31.5 I II 122 —15. 4 -30. s —31.5 20,7 0023 0021 -45. 1 -12. 52 3,4, 99 0, 01126 —44.11 2S,75 -44, 69 FEBRUARY, 1873. Date. 20. 21. 22. Time. D. c W. c E. H. ] F. V. irht'S. D. P. D. W. E, H. F.V. D. P. D. W. E. H. ] p. c. I F.V. D. P. p. c. 1 / o }). c. / U'/k'-S', nchea. Oil — 3.1.C, -32. 1 29.5 0020, —44. 3 — :!7. y -38.5 27.8 0.0019 —46. 5 — 3,5. 5 — 35, 8 41.8 I 0028 —43. 5 1 3.4, 4 34.8 31.0 0021 45. 5 :.!y. r. 38, 9 29. 1 0020 46.5 34.6 35. 30, 0020 45. 7 2 34. ,") 31.8 48,6 0033 42. 3 ■u , r» 37,9 29, 1 IIII20 41;. 5 3,2. 9 33. 4 23,0 0019 46. 1 .> 3.^. 7 25. 8 0017 40. 8 37. 4 37, 8 29, 1 11020 46.5 33. 39. 0030 42.9 4 34.3 34.7 31,5 I II 122 45. 4 37. 6 3S, 29, 1 0020 46.5 31. 1 31.8 43. 8 0038 41.1 ;", 3.4.2 34.7 2S. 6 0019 40.1 :;7. 3 29, 1 0020 46. 5 3,0. 7 31. 2 X] 2 0030 43.2 6 3.4.4 34. 9 2S. 6 0019 4(;. 1 37.0 38, 29,1 01120 46. 5 3,0. 5 31.0 34.0 ! 0031 42.8 / 3.',. 3 3:'.. 7 25. 8 0017 40.8 3,5. 9 36. 7 29. 1 0020 40,5 29. 7 30. 1 49. 7 0047 38.9 H 3.:-,. 4 35. 8 25. 2 0016 40. 9 33. 9 34.7 29.1 0020 46,. 5 29. 1 29.7 25. 8 0027 44.1 3.0.8 • w. 5 27 H 1)01.-' 47.1 3 4.5 31,9 30.5 0021 45, 6 27. s 28, 3 41.8 1 0047 .39.1 10 38. J 38. 7 27.8 0018 17.4 3,5. 9 30. 3 41.3 0030 43,2 26. 7 27.4 26. j 0029 43.4 11 3,S. :, 38. 9 27.8 1 0018 40.5 30.4 :-;o. 8 41.3 0030 43, 2 27.3 27. 9 3,5, 4 , 0037 41.3 Nooii. :!;i. .-> 39. 8 27. 8 OOls 40.5 3,0. 6 37.0 41.3 ; 003,0 43,, 2 20. s 27. 5 25, 5 .0029 43.5 l'> 10.4 40.7 27.8 OOIS, 40.5 :',■■;. 4 33,, 7 52 2 003,9 40,8 21;. 5 20.9 58, 2 0066 34.8 2 40. 8 41.2 27.8 0018 40. 5 ;i5. 4 35. 8 25.2 0016 46,9 25. 9 20.6 29. 2 . 0035 42. :i 41.4 41.7 27 8 III 118 40,5 3,5. 4 35. 7 45. 2 : 0029 43,, 4 24.8 25. 4 43.8 ' . 0054 37, 2 4 40.3 40.6 27, 8 ' OOlw 41;. 5 36. 5 31 i. 9 .50. 2 1 0029 43. 2 26. 9 27.5 37.0 .0041 40,6 :> 41.3, 41.7 27 8 0018 40,5 37.7 37,9 55, 3 0030 43.1 26.8 27. 4 37.4 .0041 40.4 1) 42.4 42. 8 27.8 0018 46. 5 3,7. 3 .50, 1 0029 4.5,2 25. 8 26.5 29.5 . 0035 41.8 7 41.9 42. 3 27.8 0018 40.5 3,s. 39, 1 50, 1 0029 45,2 25, 2 25. 7 52. 6 .0064 35. 5 s 10.7 41.2 27.8 OOIS 46. 5 39.4 3;i, 7 50, 1 0029 45. 2 24.1 24.7 45. 6 . 0059 3(5. 3 'J 10. r, 41.0 27.8 OOlri 40,5 38.0 3,9, 2 50. 1 0029 45. 2 22. 3 22. 8 33. 8 . 0050 38. 3 1(1 40. 40.5 27.8 0018 40,5 3S. 50, 1 ! 0029 47.3 20,0 20.7 47. 6 .0077 30.3 11 Means. —38. 27. 8 0018 —16.5 —30. 8 -37. 5 .50, 1 0029 —45. 4 —19. 3 —19. 8 63.6 i .0107 —27. 5 28. ,82 0019 —45. 80 39.32 0025 —45. \[ 38.84 ' . 0043 -40. 01 AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 115 I 1 FEBRUARY, 1873. Date. 23. 24. 2.». Time. i D. W. K. H. F.V. i D.P. D. W. R. H. I \y. D.P. D. w. E. II. F. V. D.P. o o p. c. Inches. o c o p. c. I Icllt'S. p. c. Inches. c t fi' -1(!.6 -17.6 37.2 0. 0071 —?>?>. () — 5. ;",, S 08.4 0239 —12. 5 ."">-, ,r, -21;. 52. 000,1 -:!5. 8 1 15.5 10. 2 .57.0 .0119 Of, 7 4.S 5, OS, s 0242 12. 2 ■20.1 21;. 6 50 2 oo.-,s :'.o. 7 ■J 1,".. 5 10.0 70. .0144 .>.) o 4.3 4,8 81,2 0289 s. 21;. 9 •27.0, 25. 0028 43.7 :; 10.4 17.0 02.0 .01^22 25. 3 3. 1 3, S S5, 0310 0.7 28. 3 2S. 7 53. 9 1 II i5(; 37.0 4 15.7 10.4 .57 '2 .0117 '20.0 5,4 5. 9 so, 1 0272 9.9 2S. 3 •28. 7 53. 9 1 loriO 37. 1 r, 14.7 15. 5 53,. .0115 '2i;, 4 S. / 9. 2 7 7 . .S 0223. 13.7 ■27.4 •27.8 50,. 4 0001 35.9 ; «i i;;.H 14.7 49. .0112 20. 8 8. 9 9.1; 07.4 0190 10.7 21.8 25. 5 :;:;. 5 01143 40.0 * 11.0 12.0 4S. 2 .01-22 25. 7. 8 8. 1; 04.8 mils 10.3 ■js. 7 ■y.K 4 37.1 0045 39. ' 8 l-J. 12. 7 03.0 .01.5li 20. .S S, 7 9. 3, *.» 7 021 1 1 4. 9 27. S 2S, 3 44. s 0017 39. 1 9 rj. G 12. s .sy.4 .o-JU 14. s S. 8 9. (i 03,. 4 II1S4 17. 20. 5 20. 8 09.2 0078 ;;.) r, 10 1-'. 5 13.1 07.9 .0103, 20. 1 7.9 s.i; OS. s 0209 15.1 '20 5 20, 9 .5'S, 2 0000 34.8 11 i-i. :! r2,9 OS. -2 .0105 19. S 9. 5 10.1 71.9 ' 0201 15. 9 27. 1 27,0 47,2 0051 :!s. 1 Noon. 10. 7 11.4 05. . 0172 19. IS, IS, 9 79, 1 013S ■.'3, •28. 1 2S,(; 43.0 0045 ;i9. 4 11' i;is 14.7 49. (i . 0112 20. S 20, 5 21.1. S 77 'J 0121 25, 3 •>S 7 •29. 05.0 0004 35. 2 *) 15. 7 10. 2 09. s .OM'i 22. 5 22, 4 22. S3, 4 Oils 25. 8 •27. 1 27.1 ; 17.2 00.-, I 3,-^, 1 ;! 10. 4 k;. 9 0i9. 1 .0135 23. 5 2.!, 5 2;', ,^ 7 ! ! ■ ' 1)099 2-. 9 20, S •'7 •' 57 . ( ; 000,1 35. 3 4 IS. 5 IS, 9 72. 1 .Of27 24.0 25 5 20,2 3,0, 4 003,7 41,2 21;. 3 20. 7 5S. oiii;s :i4. 1; r, is. s 00. 2 .0117 ■21 ;. 1 ■20. II 21;, 411.2 OHIO 39.1 28. 9 29. 5 27. 002s 43. 8 li 17. 17.0 01. 4 .0117 20. 2 ■J.,. 7 20. 1 511. S 0(172 ' ' " ' ""^ 29. II 29. 7 40.4 0042 40.4 7 is. :'. is. 7 72. 3 .0129 24.3 2S. 28. 3, or,. 4 1 0009 3 1.4 ■2r<. 3 2-. 7 53.9 i)i)r,i; ;!7. rt 10.4 17. 02. . 0122 25. 3, ■2S .5 2^,8 05. 1 OiiOil 34.9 29. 3 29. 7 .50. 9 00511 3S. 3 ij 10. 5 17.1 61.9 .0121 .>.", f, 2S. 9 211. 5 27. 1102- 43. s 25. 7 25. 9 -1). 1 0095 29. 5 Ul 17.0 Ls. 2 60. .0111 20. 9 29. 3 29. 7 50.9 l)l).',0 3S. 3 20. 3 20.7 58. i; 001 ;s 34.1; 11 —10. -4! —10.7 09. 3 0. 013,7 .>■* ;i -20. -■27. 1 4^.7 ' 01154 —37. 3 -27.3 —•27. 7 50,. 0, 000,2 —35. 8 Jleaiis, ri2. 00 0.0132 —■21.19 05.52 0153 -■23.02 50.74 0051 ; —3,7. 09 Ihite. FEBRUARY, ] L873. •i«. D.P. D. 2T. D.P. D. W. 28. Time. D. W. R. H. F.V. W. i R. 11. ' ] j t\ y. R. n. ' F.V. D.P. o o , j). r. Inches. o o p. r. ' I iichc'^. c t p. c. I irhes. O" -'28. 1 — 2S. 5 54.5 0. oo.',7 —30. S —23.0 -29. 4 40. 2 OHIO —311, 2 —3,1.1; -31.8 0,5. 0, I) 0044 —39.4 1 1 ■2s. 1 2S. r, 54.5 0057 30. S 28.0 29. 1 41.6 \ 0042 10.2 3).S ;;5. 0,5. 01143 39.7 1 2 '29. '.1 ■29. 03. S 01)01 35. 9 2S. 3, 28. s 42. 8 0044 39. 1; 3-1.7 35. 48.0 1 II 13,2 42. 5 3 '-'7.4 27. s .50. 4 (RIOl 35. 9 29. 1 29. 5 51.5 0051 38. 1 34.0, 34.9 48.3 0033 42.4 4 •29. ■29. 0, 21.;. 4 0027 44. 29. 2 29. 3 ,s7 7 III ISO 31.3 33. 7 34. 1 ;;4. 5 1 II 125 44.5 5 2."^ 7 29. :! 2S 2 0( 129 43.5 29. 2 2s. s 1 II 129 43. 3 '■ '■'■' 7 :12. 9 70. 2 00.14 3,7. 3 6 ■2s. ,S 29. o 40. S 0041 40.0 ■2 s. 5 2^ ^' 05. 4 1 II lOO 34.9 32. 1 32, 5 41.0 003,4 42. 2 T •iS. 4 ■2S. 7 05. 6 0007 34. H 2S. 2S. 9 05. 2 iioi;.") 3,5,0 31,2 34,0 00. 2 1 III 4 .') :',9. 2 , .■* '27. S 2S. 5 20. 5 0023 45. 1 27. 9 2-. 20, (1 1 II 122 45. 3 ;;-j r^ 32. 8 55. i; 0043 39. S ' 9 ■27.5 27 '.► 50. 2 0000 30. ■27 3 27.7 51',. 0002 35. S 32. 5 32 7 70.0, 1 II I.',.'-, :!7. 1 1 10 •29. 1 29. 6 i 39.6 oo:',9 40.9 20. 27 2 3s, 2 0042 40.1 29. -' 30.4 •22. 4 0022 45.2 U 29.5 29. H 03. 4 0000 ;io. 1 28, .''-. ^r^. 8 05. 4 0000 3,4.9 25, 8 20. (; IS. i; 0024 45. Noon. '29. 5 29. 9 50.3 004 s 3^5 29. 3, 29. 03,, s 001 ;! 35. 9 20. 20, 5 0,2, 5 1 1 1 02 ■2S. 4 11' '29. 5 30. 3s. 1 II I3,li 41.4 •29. 1 29. 5 51.5 OOfil 38. 1 15. > ir;. 7 5;;. 0091 30.4 1 .> 2s. 29. :! 50.7 0II4S 3s. 7 3,0.2 30. Oi 50. 0047 :',^. 7 13,. 5 14.5 43. 5 1 1 1 02 2S. 3 :! 29. 5 29. S 03. 4 iiiu;ii 3,0. 1 28, 7 29. 4 30. 2 1)1)31) 41.5 13.2 13. S 07. 2 1115.". 21. 4 30. r, 31.0 34. 003] 42. .- 27.4 28. 1 22 5 0025 41.4 13. s 11.5 01. II III37 2;-;. 3 1 ;> 29. 9 30. 5 22. 0021 4.5.3 27.0 28 3, 21.5 01)24 44.7 14.3 14. s 72, 2 0157 21 1. 7 Ci 29. :5 29. 7 50.9 0050 rss. 3, 29. 7 30.2 37 ■* 0035 41. S 14. S 15. 5 .59. 0120, 24. 7 T '-I'.K :! 29. 7 .50.9 0050 3S. 3 31.0 32. 1 ■29. 5 1 )i )20) 44.3, 15.5 10,. 2 57. 0, 0119 25. 7 .-' 29. 5 30. 3S. 0030 41.4 32. 7 ■.V.\. 3 •25. ^ 01121 45. 5 1 5, 1 10. 1 57 , s 0121) 2.5. !t 29. 5 30. 3 41.4 0043 3i9. S 32 2 32. 9 25. 1 II 12 1 45. 5 15,0, 10.2 03,. 0130 24. 1 10 2S. 7 29.5 44.4 0043 39. S 33. 1 33. 9 20. 5 lliilO 40. S 10. 4 10. 8 75. 2 0147 21.8 11 —29. :; -29.7 50.9 49. 49 0050 -3S. 3 —34.3, —34.0 49.2 0034 -42. 1 --10.3, -10.9 2.2 55. 57 1 0123 . 0OS2 -■25.1 1 0. 0040 — 3,9. 3- 43. :\'.) 0012 —40. 29 —33. 01; 116 HYGi;OMETKIGAL OBSERVATIONS Date. Time. 'J 111 11 Ndon. II' 7 8 'J 10 u Mraii; D. -11 ;. Hi. 111. ii;. IC. 17. 17. 17. 17. 17. 17. 17. IS. !-'. 18. 18. 18. IS. 1!). 'Jl. 'J1. W. -k;. 8 17.0 16. 7 Hi. 17.;; 17.7 17.7 18.0 18. ;; IK. 4 is. 4 18. r, 18.7 1 s. 9 ]S. s 18.8 ]'.). 19. ID. ;■ I'J. •.!1. E. H. :'■'■ S i>2. .5 'i'j. 9 7^!. a ii;. r.s. F. V. 0. oi;',ii oi-w 0114 011-i ui;ii ui;!9 iilKi 01 '.T. 008m 0087 0ll,-'7 0091 0II9.'> 009;; 0117 0117 oiii:; 0092 I II ion 009.1 llOOfi 0119s OOliO 0. 0049 0. ll|0-i D. P. —'i?.. 4 "r. ;; 'T. Tj •.'(i 8 ■.M -;: u ■il .'0 9 8 ;ii 8 ;ii 9 ;ii '.", 1 !l D. -','i;. li 'js. i; ;.'s. 1 '.'9. 1 '.'!i. 4 :;i.(; •Jl i 1 '16 1 :!o "'1 r •'0 r, "0 r '-'9 -;;s •> MARCH, 1873. 2. \V. -27.0 ;.'9. 2S. (i ■29.0 29. 8 :;i.9 ;;i.5 ;;!.;; ;:.">. II ;!;i. r, :;'->. ;'. ;;i.8 ;;o. G 29. 4 ;i2. 9 :;i;. 11 ;;(;. :;.'>. 9 ;;i;. 7 -;;s. 1; i;. H. 4;;. I ;;9. .111. r.s. 44! 41. ;;ii. ■ir,. 29. 4:!. 4;'.. 111. (14. F. V. riiche.i. 0. 01 Mir, . nor,:; . no 1.1 . iiii;;9 , Oli4!l . mils . oiin-l . no:: I . noij;! . n(i-,'9 .III I2.1 . iin;;7 . 00: 17 . 0049 . 1 11 ir, I . on')! . oo.'.l . iio-in . iioi.s . 0019 .0019 . 111119 . 0019 0. 0019 D. P. D. —:;."> :!9 ■i 40 9 4 ;;s -, -12 I 1 1.'. * 4;;. 1 li..") 11.4 41.1 ;;s. 1 ;;7. s ;;7. 8 in, (1 47. 2 47. ;! 47. :', 47. :; 17. :i ~I7. ;! -;!8. 4 ;;9. 11 40. 1 ;;9. 7 ;i!i. 1 ;i8. 9 :>ii. ."> ;;;;. 11 ;;4,7 ;;(;. :i ;;ii..'i ;;i.8 11. 1 -11.91 9. 9 0.7 0.0 9.1 9.7 9. 8 9. 1; 11.9 1.9 R. IT. F. V. 1. 7 ;!!..! ;;. 7 :i(i. 2 1,0 ;;."i, .'..II 4s. n 11. 7 ;;; 11. 9 ;i7.ii .''. ;! ;i7. '.'<. ;;7.o 1. r, ;;7. 4.(1 :;7. 1.2 ;;7.o 2. s 2(;. ;;ii. 4." 'llrhts. I. 0019 . 001!l . oor.i . 0019 . 11021 . 1 11.122 .01122 .111122 . 0021 . 0021 , ilil-JI . 01121 . IHI-.'-.' .(111211 . (102,1 . iiii;;-,i . 002: . 11027 . 01127 . 0027 . 0(127 . 11027 . 11027 . OOj-j 0. on-jl D. p. -47,4 4.1. K 4.1. 8 ■11. s 11.2 44.9 4i.;i 41.9 41. G 41. (1 41. r, 4.1. 11 4.1. 4 4:1.1 44. 42. 4:i. 4;;. 1::. 4;;. 4;4. 4:;, l:;. -41, -14, 7 r MARCH, 1873, riale. Time. 01' 1 4 r; 8 9 10 11 Noon, 1"' HI 11 M.Tin.- D. ;3i.7 •■V.i. 2 :!:;! 4 :'.:i, 4 ;;■.; 2 ;4k;h 2s. 9 2S. 4 21;. 8 2(1. 7 27.7 :;ii. 2' 1, 1 :u.:3 :!2. 4 :44. :; -:!:!. 4 w :> 1 9 '':'\ -;- :U 4 ;>.) 1 •■i\ :4:> 8 x: 8 31 2',l 4 2S ,-: "7 ■^ 27 r 27 5 2S :', :.!o ', :!(i 1 :-i2 R. IT. ■'' o 44: 4 i 21. 8 j :i4,2 I 42.(1 , mi. 1; :ii. : 11 8 :i.l. 8 :i(i. (1 41.2 40. 4 5;i. (1 1(1. (i 21. .5 29. fi :i:!. .5 :i(i. 2::. (1 21.1 lil.l :!(i. 7 F. V. 'ilrhrs. I. iin2i . nii-28 (III17 . 11112(1 . (iii:i(; . (1027 . oOijl . 002(1 . 002(3 . O027 . 1 10: 19 . 0040 . 0(115 . (HHl'j . (1029 . 00: 12 . 00: il . 00: 14 . 0024 . 0020 . 0020 .11017 . Oll-'2 . 0021 ]>. P. -14. i:i, 4(1. 44. 41. AX 44. 4:;. 411. 4:-l. 41. 4(1. 4'' 41 11 41 Hi 4 .1 4 41 _'', -:!4. :i4. — :o.4 .14. so II. uo:iO —4:;. Ill w '.!;') 4 ;!;"> II ::ii 1 '.]y. :; .j 40 41 41 4 41 4(1 4 US 1 i'l 8 5 1 'ili ; :47 1 '17 J ::7 11 9 R. 11. ;.. r. :iii.7 :!0. II 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.7 4S. (is. 4 48. 9 22 .1 :is. (i 12. n .12. n 12. 12. 12. 12. F. V, ]>. r /l/rfcrv. 0. 11021 lll|o|l (1019 11019 1 1021 1 1021 I lO'Jl 00-Jl I II 125 1 1025 (1025 llll-.'5 0025 O0:i2 00 19 00:1 001 00-J 001 1 0011 lion 0011' Olil 01.11 o -15. 1 45. ' 45. 1 4( 4(;. 2 411.2 4(4. 2 4(1.2 40. 2 4li. 2 411. 2 411.2 411. 5 42. 5 :-is. ;', 42. 2 41 42. 1 :i(i. ( :■!( 1 :!(i ltd 14(1 -:in D. ;!9. 1 :!9. .5 :i9, 24 2(1, 21 21 :j '.I, 8 8. 8 .'(1.4 ;i. 4 29. :i IS. o ill. H 111. iS. 9 -27. .5 il. H. ]>. e. 52. 52. 5-i. n 5-i. II .12 -5 (i.\4 40.8 Its. 2 49.0 .12. 6 (11.2 :t5. 4(1.2 40. 8 ;i5. 4 ;-in. II ;i4. :t4. ;:i.o :t4.o :i4.n :ts. II :iii. 5 4s. 4 F. V. D. P. f „■;„■,.. 0. oOlio — :;n. o noun :;ii. (1 niiiio :;ii.ii 001 10 lill. llOllO :;ii. (i 0091 :i(i.;! 110)7 ;i8. 8 0042 411.1 11054 ::7.2 00114 )>5. ■"> oils; 31.1 005:; 'M . 1 noni :;(i.i) 0041 40.11 110:10 4:t.l IIO'JO 41. 7 11028 4:i. 5 1 II 12s 4:1. .5 1102s 4:!. 1 ■lllljS 4:t. .5 11112-' 43.5 00: til 41.4 no:i1 42. 8 01 15: ; — :.17. 5 4:1,42 0, I10:!4 -42. 91 4:1.511 0.0048 !9, H AT POLARIS HOLuSE. J17 MARCH, 1873. Date. Time. 0" 1 9 10 11 Xooii. 1" 2 ;^ 4 y 10 11 Meaus E. H. 2.5. li ■2ri 2A. ■^4. •2(j. 3.J. ■.u. 3.5. 33. -31. -•J(i. 7 "2.5. 7 ■2-. 9 •26. :i ■2^! 6 •27. 'J ■27. 1 •27. n •24. 7 •22. 9 •23. 1 '23.4 •24. r; •29. •> •27.1 34.2 35.1 35.7 34.5 -31..-^ ji. 1', Incites. •2-. 9 0. 111.134 4-2. 9 UIJ52 37.0 0041 45. 1 j 11047 53). 3 iiu:,4 31). 1 0036 i;7.4 11072 3-2. IIII33 4(;.3 1)049 •*'■"• ' 11054 •25.5 1 IHJ29 49. ; 11(154 54.6 0070 50. -2 i 0O7O 46. - 0063 .)- ''i 0039 45. •:< OOf.O 51. •^ 0Uir2 .57. - 1 11.165 43.6 . 004^2 ■29. 4 . 00^21 1 •25. - .0017 •2-. 3 . 0IJ2"2 30. - . I.ii.r27 41.64 i 0.0046 F. Y. D. P. -42. -2 - 37.7 40. 6 37 ^2 4L4 4^2.3 37.3 43,. 5 37. -2 34.0 33.9 i 35. 6 40. .~ 3.13. '2 35. 7 3,5. ^2 40.5 45.9 46.- 45. 3 -43. ■■ - -39. 34 D. W. ' K. H. F. V. D. P. W. R. H. IiiiJi, •24. - -31. 311. 29. •24! 'zi . o ■20. 5 1>. 9 i 17.3 15.^2 14.5 17.5 19. 3 •20. 1 15.5 14.9 13. 3 17.5 •23. 9 ■iC>. 7 21;. ^2 -2>. 4 •2-. 1 •21.4 19.7 l-.O 15.9 15. 1--. 19.7 20. 7 ir,. 5 15. 7 14.1 17.9 •24. 5 •27.3 26.7 27.4 0. 6625 -44. 2 24.11 0ii24 44.6 26. 2 01 '32 42. 6 2>. 4 UU40 40. 6 23. 4 9113, 1 43.1 3,2. 5 UII41 411. 1 36,. 2 i.i(i:',9 411. 9 34. 5 Ij,i36 41.6 31.0 01 150 3-. II 43.6 0(175 33. 1 55. 01112 2^. 4 5S. 6) 0124 25. II 72. 0155 211 9 6,7. 1 0125 24. 9 71.3 0120 25. 5 54.6 ■(.ll.l-S 31.1. 9 53. 6 0(1-2 •>> ^ .52.6 1 0113 26. 7 ;jo. ■" 01-29 24. 3 73. -J , .0137 •r.> .J 4<:. . mil', I ;:!6. 1 i>7 ■'■ . 0042 40. 3, 49. 9 . 0<'57 :-!6. s .53. 6 ( . 0055 -37.1 21.; 20. ■■ 21 46 19.6 i 14.4 15. 5 1-.5 13.- 11.6 10. 5 11.2 11. 5 16.-^ 11. 5 16. s 11.6 1^2. 3 12.6 13.4 16.3 1?. 4 1-.4 14.7 16.1 19.1 14. 1; 12. 5 11.4 U.s 12.11 17.4 12. 17.4 12.4 12. s 13. 3 14.0 16,. - 19.1 19.0 -19.6 42. H4.0 54. - 54. 56. 2 70. 2 75. 61.6 75. 1.1 61.6 .59 2 67.0 6LI. 2 51 . 7 43. F. V, Lifhis 0.1104- .0043 .iiii-4 .0061 . 1 11 193 .111-11 .0131 .111113 .11124 .0i::!6 .0149 .(1179 .01-- . 0119 .(II — .0119 .1114- .11178 .0149 .11153 .0136 . I II 192 .0103 0. 01176 D. P. -3S. 6 40.0 3, 1 . 9 35. 9 29. 9 1^.0 24.0 2^. 3 25. 23. 3 21.6 1.^. 3 17.2 25. 9 17.2 •25. 9 21.7 1 .-. 1 21.6 21.2 23. 4 30. 2 2-. 1 -32. 9 46. 17 0. 01 -34. 13 33 0.0124 MARCH, 1873. Date. 10. Time. D. E. H. 1 9 10 11 1" 3 4 9 10 11 —20.0 20. -^ 21.0 ' 19.7 1-.5 i 16.--^ 16. 5 16.6 19.4 20. 4 19. - 17. 5 13.9 21.1 20 s 22.7 •24.1 •25. 26. 6 '27.3 2^^.4 •29. 3 29. 5 —30.4 -20. 6 21.4 21.6 20. 3 19.1 17.6 17.4 17.4 19. 7 20.7 20. 5 1-^.1 19.5 21.6 21.5 23. 2 '24. 5 •27.1 27. 9 •2^ s •29. 7 30.1 -30.9 p. c. .54. 3 53.2 55. 4 43. 3 49.0 49. 2 7-. 3 77.3 4i.O 60.'- 57. .5 60. 46.0 i 57.6 63.0 I 53.0 4-^.7 35.4 53. 6 .50.9 23.6 ;4.4 F. V. D. P. 11. 12. Meau^j Inches. 0. ih:wo . 00-4 . 1 HJ-2 . 0092 . 0103, . 0095 . 11(1-5 . 01)97 .•0131 .01-22 . 0079 .0112 . 1 1099 .0093 . 1)072 . 00'^ 1 . 01)34 . 1 1066 . 0(.i54 . 0037 . 0055 . 0050 . 0024 0. 00.32 o -30. 7 31.9 32. 1 30.1 2-. 3 29. 5 29. 3 •^'.K 2 2;!. 9 25. 2 30. 5 21 'i. .■^ 29. ■2:1. 6 34. 3,2. 1 31. - 35. 2 37.3 41.3 37. 1 44^7 -42. 7 -29. 3 '>>;. 6 -25. 6 ■25. 1 •26. 3 •25. 3 •24.5 23. 4 ■23,, 4 24.5 'SA. .5 23. 6 -22.9 •h> 7 22. 6 ■22. 3 21. 3 21.0 22. 20, 5 20.3 19. 3 19. -13. 9 -■29. 9 ■27.3 26. 2 R; H. F. V, 25 2i',. 7 '25. 24. .; '2'.' S 23 s 24 ■^ 24 1 24 2 23. 3 21.7 •21.6 ■22. 5 21.2 21.0 19. 3 19. li -19.6 p. c. 50. 3 i ^26. 5 41.4 42.9 5^.6 60.6 64. 4 64.4 72. 2 46.- 46. 6 4-. 5 I 49.1 j 49.4 i C>i\. 6 ' 63.3 .59! 46.6 47.0 63. 1.; Inched. 0. 004- . 0030 . 01 14- . i.H 152 . O06- . 0075 . 0092 . 0( i.-;3 . 00-- . 0092 . 0063 . 0O62 . 006,7 . 0063 . 0069 .0095 . 0104 . 1)0-2 . Oo-h . 0074 . 0075 . 01 07 .OOOJ D. P. 43.2 D. W. R. H. t\ V. D. P. -12. 1 52.92 0.0030 —32.53! 50. 2 I 0. 00.-'7 34. 6 33.2 30.1 31,0 31.0 •30.1 35. 6 35.- 34.7 34.4 34. 3 29.4 2- 2 32! 1 31.0 33.4 33.0 ■27.5 29. 1 1—31. 12.1 14.- 1.5.7 17.5 l-.O 17. s 16.6 i 15. - 16. 1 1 14.5 15.5 15,9 15, 6 16.- 17.3 19. 20. 1-.4 19, 3 -20, 4 -12, 5 ^. 5 9.4 10. 5 1^2.7 15. 6 n;. 5 17,9 l-,7 1-.6 17.3 16. 1; 16. 6 15.0 15. 9 16.6 16.2 17. 3 17.- 19. 5 20. 5 19. 3 19.9 -21. /). c. 79. 5 65. 63,. 6 62. 6-. 6 51'. 73. 2 52. 9 46. 2 bo. 7 51). '3 62. - 72. 76. 1 56. > 63. 6 6-. 4 67. 4 64. 5 62. 5 33. 1 56.3 54.0 Iiu'lies. 0.0193 - . 0200 .01-6 .0173 .0167 .0114 .0105 .0137 . 0095 . 1 10.^5 . 0109 .0104 ,0126 I ,01.55 I . 01.56 . 0115 .0130 .0131 1 . 0126 .0110 . 0102 . 0063 . 11095 0. 0036 -16,. 3 16.2 17.3 19.0 19.5 26.5 23. 2 29. r> 31, 3 .>7 4 27, 9 24 7 20 9 20 s 26 3 24 1 24 24 7 >J7 ■ )- 4 34 3 29 4 -31 .54, 60.99 1 0, 0r2-- -24. 9-J 16 H 118 HYGROMBTRICAL OBSERVATIONS Date. MARCH, 1873. 13. 14. 13. Time. D. W. R.H. p. c. 61.2 F. V. D. P. D. W. K. H. F, A'. D. P. D. x\-. R. H. p. c. F.V. IllcJits. D. P. o Iiichts. o o o p. c. Inches: o o 01' —20.9 -21.4 0.0095 —29. 4 —29, 6 -30.1 .37. 6 0. 0031', -41.6 —29. 4 —29, 8 50. 6 0. 0049 -38. 4 1 19.6 20.4 41.8 . 0069 34.1 29, 4 29, f' 50, (i , 0049 3.-^. 4 2.-^. 7 29, 3 , IMI29 43, o 21.5 22. 60.0 . 0090 30, 3 28, 5 28, 9 53, 3 , 0054 37.2 2-. 9 29, 5 27. , 002'-^ 43, 8 :^ 21.6 22 68.0 ,0101 28, 5 27,4 27, .^ .56,4 ,0061 3,5. 9 29. 1 29. 6, 39, 6 , 003,9 40. 9 4 23. 4 23, 7 73. 3 . 0100 2S. ^' 27,4 27 . 8 56,4 , 0061 35. 9 2.<, 1 2-, 6 54, 2 ,00,56, 3li, 9 26, 2 51.4 006(1 36. 1 29. 5 29, !^ 63.4 , 0060 36.1 27,0 27.6 3,6,6 , 0040 40.7 (■> 2r,. 5 26, 52.0 . 0061 35. 8 28, 6 2^^, H 77.2 . 0078 32. 8 26,8 27.5 25, 5 , 0029 4:1, 5 7 24.7 25.4 34.0 .0043 39. 8 29.4 29, 7 63. 6 , 0061 3,6. 25, 25. 4 61,2 .0077 32, 9 8 26. 5 27.0 49.0 ,0(l.".4 ''i7 •* 24. 3 24, 8 54.4 . 0069 34.2 24, 4 21.8 62, 4 . 0081 32, 1 9 27.0 M7 . T) 47.5 . 0052 37.9 22, 6 23. 4 31,4 . 0046 39. 1 23. 2 57, 6 . 00.^1 32, 1 10 27.5 27.9 56. 2 , 0060 36. 20.8 21. 6 ;-;^ 2 . 0059 ■.K. 3, 22,0 23.1 :,/. 8 .00.^1 3,1, 9 11 26. 5 27,0 49. . ouri4 3.7 '^ 20. 8 21, 5 46.0 , 0072 34,0 23,0 'S.'. 5 .57 , 0- , 0079 32, 4 N( on. 26. 3 26, 7 5.S. 6 . 01168 3,4. 6 24,8 25, 4 43,. 8 , 0054 • \7 . - 22, 9 23. 4 57,2 . 00>0 32,3 1" 26. 4 26,, 6 79, 4 , 0091 30. 3 21), 3 26,7 5S, 6 . O0(i8 34,6 ,>■> .r, 22. ."^ 74,4 . 0105 27,7 2 23.4 23, 7 73, 3 . 0100 2^ H 27,2 27, 6 56. 8 , 0062 !>r>. 7 23. 9 24.4 .57. 2 . 0080 32. 3 3 24.6 24,8 81,2 ,0103 2^. 2 27, 7 2H, 2 45, 2 , 0047 3,9. 24, 5 24.8 72, 2 . 00d2 30.1 4 27. H 28, 2 55, 4 , 005.-! 36. 5 27, 5 28, 46, .0018 38.6 24, 3 21. 7 62, i; . 0082 32, .5 30.5 30,8 61.4 .0054 37. 2 26,, 26, 5 50, 5 . 0059 3H. 5 25. 5 70,4 , 0085 31, 1 (i 31.0 31.5 32. ,0029 43.5 25, 9 26, 5 40, 5 .0047 39.0 24, W 25, 2 61,6 . 0078 32,7 7 29. 6 30. 3 32 2 , 0029 43.4 26, 5 27,0 49, . 0054 37.2 25, 3 25, 7 60,6 . 0075 33, 2 S 31.5 31.8 32.4 .0029 43.4 26, :', 26, 9 .58.2 . 0066 34. 8 25,9 26, 5 40, 5 .0047 39. ;i 29. '^ 30.5 :!2. 6. , 0029 43. 4 26. 5 27.2 27.0 . 0030 43. 1 2.5 -5 25, 9 60,2 , O073 33,. 4 10 311. 8 31, 3 32. 8 , oo:;o 43, 3 29. 7 30. 63.0 . 0058 36.4 25, 6 26, 40,8 .0047 lif'. 8 11 Menus. —30. 7 -31, 3 32. 9 0, 0030 0, 0058 -43,3 — 30. 3 —30. 7 47. 9 0. 0044 0. 0056 —39. 6 —26, 9 57.4 0, 0064 0, 0066 —35, 4 51,98 —36. 13 50. 63 -37.05 53.02 -35, 31 Date. MA RCH, 1873. 16. 17. 18. Time. D. \V, E, H, F. V. D. P. D. ff. R. H. F. Y. D. P. D. W. R. H. p. c. F, V. Indies. D, P. o c J), e. Inches. o o o p. c. Indus. o o 0" —28. 9 —29.4 40,4 0. 0040 —40.7 —16. 7 —17.4 55. (; 0. 0108 -27. 5 —21.3 —21.9 52. 2 0. 0079 -3,2, 4 1 29. .- 30. 5 44,0 .a)4i 40.2 16.7 17. 3 61.7 .0120 25. ^ 27,2 •'7 ^ 35, 8 . 0038 41.0 2 30.4 30, K 47,6 . 0043 3,9. 7 16. 9 17.6 55.4 .0106 27.8 27, 9 .)y .•", 32, 5 ,0034 42, 2 3 30. 3 30, 8 34, 8 . 0032 42.6 17.2 17.8 61. 2 .0115 26,. 4 29, 9 30. 3 49.1 , 0046 3,0, 2 4 29. 6 30. 50, .0047 3w, 7 17.6 17.3 55. 7 .0109 27.4 31,2 31.4 73, 2 , 0062 3.->, 6 5 29. 5 29. 9 50, 3 . 00 4.^ 3S, 5 19. 2 19.7 63. 9 . 0108 27.3 32, 5 32. 8 55, 6 ,0043 39, ■■< 6 29. :; 29. 7 50, 9 ,0050 38. 3 1.-', 2 1-.7 66.3 .0118 26. 33, 5 33. 9 35.4 , 0025 43, 2 7 26. 9 27.6 25, , 0028 43, 7 1-. 1 18.6 66. 4 .0119 25. '-' 33. 5 33. 9 3,5, 4 , 0025 43,2 8 25. 5 2(i. 1 41,7 . 0049 3S, 4 IH. 3 19.6 62, 7 .0111 26. 9 32, 8 33. 5 52, 9 , 0039 40, 2 9 24.9 25, 6 33,0 . 0042 40,2 18.4 19.0 59. U .0103 ■2f^. 1 :',2, li 32. ^' 70,4 , 0054 37.2 10 24. S 25, 5 3,3, 5 . 0043, 40,0 18.4 18. 8 72.2 . 0128 24.4 32, 5 32. .^ 55, 6. , 0043 30, 8 11 23. 8 24,5 37,0 . 0050 3>', 4 18.4 19.0 59,0 . 0103 2S. 1 32, 32. 5 27. 5 . 0024 4,5.0 Noon. 22. 4 22, 8 66,4 . 0094 29, 5 1H.6 19.2 58, 4 . 0102 2>'. 5 30, 2 30. 5 6,2.0 , 0056 36.9 l'' 20.4 20, 9 62, 1 . 009.^ 28,8 18.7 19. 5 44,0 . 0077 32. 8 • 2.S. 6 2--<. 8 77.2 , 007'-, 32.- 2 18.7 1.-', 8 94,0 .0162 20,0 19.2 19.8 56, 6 . 0096 29 3 2>'^. 5 2s. 7 77.3 . 0079 32.7 3 13. 6 14,4 5 .J. 'J . 0126 24,7 19.4 19. 8 71.2 . 0119 25. (i 31. 3 31.6 ,59 •' . 0050 ■i^. 2 4 13. 6 14, :! 61,4 . 0139 23,0 19. 8 20.3 62,7 .0104 2s. 2 32. 32 2 71.6 . 0057 •Ml 6 5 14. 3 14,8 72. 2 . 0157 20, 7 20. f^. 21 . 3 61, 4 . 0096 29. 3 33, 9 34,1 67.7 , 0048 36. ' (5 15. 15. 6 1)4,4 . 0137 23, 1 21.5 21.9 (K 1 .0102 2,^, 4 35, 7 62. 9 .0040 40,6 7 15. 2 15. 8 64. 2 .0134 '2',\, r> 21.3 21. ^ 60, 4 .0091 29. 9 35. 1 35, 4 46.4 .0030 43,1 8 l(i. 16. 6 62, 8 .01:i6 24,7 21.4 22, 1 44, 6 . 0067 34.8 36.0 36, 5 46.8 . 0032 43.0 9 16.3 16. 8 69. 2 . 0136 23, 4 22. 4 23,, 50.0 . 0070 34. 36. 3 36, 7 47.6 .0034 42.8 10 16.3 ]6. 8 69,2 .013,6 23, 4 23. 1 23. 7 47,9 . 0066 3,5. 36. 2 3(i, 6 48,2 . 0036 42,4 11 Means. —16.5 —17.1 61,9 0.0121 —25, 5 —25, 5 —26, 52.0 0. 0061 0. 0096 —35. 8 —34. 3 —34, 8 49, 9 0. 0038 —42, U 53, 80 0. U087 —32, 07 59.02 —28. 88 53. 85 0. 0045 -39, 5;-, AT POLARIS HOUSE. 119 Datf. 19. MARCH, 1873. 20. 21. Time. D. c \Y. o E. H. F. Y. D. P. D. ^^'. R. H. J), c. F. V. lilrlirs. D. P. D. o R. H. /*. c. F. Y. Indus. D. P. p. c. Illrlns. o o o Ot — :(S -J — ',]'.], :•> 53. 0. (II 140 —40. 6 —15. 6 —16. 2 63. 6 0.(113(1 —24. 1 — 13.7 —14. 5 55, (( 0.0125 —24,9 1 :iii. -A ;-;•) ^-^ ■Jii. . HII-J-J 45. 3 15. 4 15.9 7 (J. •-' .(1145 22. 1 15.1 15.4 -:;. 2 .0173 IS, s 'J 31.1 31. 5 45. . 004(1 4(1.^ 15. 3 15. S 7(J, 4 .0146 22. ]s. (! 1~. s s(i, 2 .0150 21,6 3 ^.5 2'J. 4-'. . 0O4',' 40.0 15.3 15. s 7(1 4 .0146 22, (1 1-. 2 IS, 6 72.4 .0130 24, 1 -1 ■J'^. ti •-",1. v! v),-_ s . ( K (-'9 43.3 14.1 14.7 65. 6 .0146 22. 1 17.0 17,7 ,-,,-, ;; . 0105 27,9 ■J 7 'J ■. 3 . (11(10 ■J^ (') 14. 3 14.7 77 3 . 0169 19. 3 ls,(i IS. 7 94. .01(.3 1 9. 9 ■< 19. -J 19. -^ 56. 6 .0(196 •J9. 3 13. 9 14.6 60. s .0136 23. 4 17.9 18. 5 60. .OlOS 2/-, 4 ;i L-^. 4 19.0 59. . 0103 •is. 1 13. 3 14.1 61.6 .0141 22 6 19.6 19. S S.". •' .1(141 22. 6 10 17.4 17. 9 67 . 2 , 01. '6 ■2i.^ 12. s 13. 5 62. 5 .0117 21.9 is. 4 IS. S 72. 2 1 . 012S 24. 4 11 16. .T Hi. 9 75. 1 .014(i •2-1. 1-2.6 13.3 62. 7 . 0149 21.6 IS. 6 IS. S si;. 2 . 015(1 21.6 XuOD. 15. 1 15.9 70. ■> .0145 •2-2. 1 11.6 1-'. 1 74.9 .01>7 17.3 20.5 20. 7 S5. . 0133 23, 5 1" 15. 3 15. .-^ 70.4 . 0146 •-'•J. 11.1 11.6 75.4 .(1193 1(1.6 21. 1 21.3 S4.7 . 0129 24, 3 '.i 15.5 16.0 70. .0144 <>•> .) 10. 5 11.0 76.0 . (121(0 16. 22. 5 22 7 s'.. :', .0117 2'.. 9 :j 15.3 15. -J 70. 4 . 0146 •22. 11.3 11.6 .e5, 4 .(1215 14.(1 22, s 23,. 1 73. 9 .011(3 2S, 2 4 14.4 15. 1)7 ( 1 .01.53 2\.-2 11.9 12. 3 79. 7 .(1195 16. 5 •21. 5 21.7 -4. 3 . 0125 24.7 5 14.7 15. 3 64.7 .0140 22. 7 13.6 14.0 7c. .(1176 1^.5 24,3 24. 5 SI. 5 . U1U5 27. 9 6 15. 5 16.0 70. .0144 .)-) .J 13. s 14.5 61.(1 .ill.;7 2;i. 3 " 24, s 25. sl.O .((KH 2S. 5 ~ 15. 5 16. -J 57.6 .0119 25. 7 14.3 14.7 77.3 . OlliO 19. :'. 23., s 24, 5 37. . 0050 ;-'.^. 4 .; 15.5 16.0 70. . 0144 .(.) .» 14.4 14.9 72. 1 .1(1.56 2(1. S 22, 7 23. 3 49, 1 .006s 34. 4 y 15. li 16. ;; .57.4 .(JU- ■J 5. 9 14.4 14. s 77.2 . (I16S 19.4 2:;, 4 23.. (■, S2. 4 .0111 26. 9 10 15,7 16.4 57 "* .0117 ■J6. (1 14.3 14. -S 72. 2 .((1.57 2((. 7 24, 5 24.7 SI, 3 . 0104 2S, ] 11 —16. 4 57. -J 0.0117 — -JO. —2'J. (I(i —14.4 — 15. 65. 0.0143 —22. 4 —24, 3 -24. 9 45. 2 0. 005(i -36, 5 Jlean.s. 57. 91 0.(11(14 70.52 0. 0160 —20. 44 72. S3 0.0117 -26. 4-. Date MARCH, 1873. 22. 23. 21. Time. D. W. R. H. ! F. V. ■ D. P. D. W. R. H. F. V. D. P. D. W. R. H. F. V. D. P. O p. c. I wins. p. c. ! Luhes. „... !/ t cites. ' Qi' —24. 5 -24.9 62.2 HUSO ;>.:» .> o,"._ ,s — 21'.. 5 29.5 1 iio:i5 — 41..S —18. —19. 2 :'.1.4 0(151 —39. 1 25, 2 ■J.. 7 52. 6 : 1(0(14 :!5. 5 27,4 27. S .56. 4 0061 35. 9 17.8 19. 1 :;9. 5 i 0060 ;>7 f, ■„., / '1\k 70. (His:; 31. 7 27.1 27. 7 36. 2 0039 40.9 21. 2 21.9 45. 2 IIO6S 34. 5 3 25, 4 '■l~\ r^ 60.4 0074 :;:!. 3 2S. 7 29. ?< •^f< 2 11029 4:;. 5 27.9 2s. 5 44.3 0069 34. 2 4 25. 4 25. 9 52. 2 (1(162 :l;). / 27. 1 27. 7 36. 2 00:19 40.9 2(1. 7 ■J 7. .5 43.4 0070 33. 9 i) 2(;.5 2(-!. s 69. 2 III 17s 32. 5 26. 4 26.9 49.3 (IU.55 37. 1 19, 4 20. 2 42. 4 0071 3:;, 8 , 6 26.6 27.0 .5S.0 ! 0065 :;5. 26. 1 26. S 2s, 6 iiij:;:'. 42.4 15.7 16.7 39. 6 00-0 32. 4 ' 26.5 2(1, - 69. 2 (Iit7s ;;■> ,", 24.5 25. 1 44.7 (i05i; 36. 8 10. 9 11.8 .55.4 i 0144 •>•; •> s 2... s 2(1, II >ii. 0094 29. 7 23. s 24. 5 :17.0 (.I05IJ 38. 4 6.4 7. 6 51. s 0166. 19.7 2.-J. s 26, 6 1-.6 ( (( 124 45. 22. 6 23. 4 31.4 oo4(; 39.1 5.4 6 5:(. s Ol-l 1-. 2 10 2... 6 2(1, 3 30.1 0036 41.4 24.3 24. s .54.4 OOCO 34. 2 3.7 4.9 .57.1 11207 15.4 11 2u. 6 2(1. :> 30.1 00:16 41.4 21;. 7 27.2 4-. 4 0(15:! :;7.5 4. 3 4.6 s;i.i 0315 6.7 Noun, 25. 6 26, 3 :;o. 1 i iio:;(l 41.4 21;, 9 27. / 44. 9 0052 38. 4.9 6.0 5s, II O2OI 15. 9 1" 25. 4 25, ' 60. 4 (IU74 33.3 ■,5, i; 26. 2 41.4 1 11 14s '•'1^. 5 2. 5 ■<: 6 01, s 0241 12. 5 2 25. 4 25, s 60. 4 ! 111174 2-. 4 • )- ^ 5:;. 6 111.155 3.7. 1 3. 4.:; 54, 4 0207 15.6 3 25 ■' 2.>, 7 52. 6 0064 35. 5 24 24.7 :?6. 6 II114.- :;s. 7 9.5 10.2 66. s 01-7 17,3 4 2S. 5 2S. 9 53. 3 0054 37 ■' 22, 5 22. 9 66. 2 01193 29. 6 ,-'_ 7 9. 7 55. 6 OUJO 20, 4 5 2S.5 29. 3 59. 2 0062 :;(;. 23. 5 31.0 0046 39. 3 14.6 15. 2 64. s 0141 22,6 •6 30. 6 31.2 66. 3 ( l( l( 19 35. 27, 5 2s. 5 44. 0071 34. 3 21.0 21.5 61.0 IIU94 29. 5 ' 29, 5 29. 7 75. 6 007:; :i:>. 7 19, 3 19. 9 56. 3 0095 29. 4 2:1. 5 24. :i 46.4 110(12 35. 9 H 30, s 31.4 66.0 iiur.s :;5. 24, :; 24.9 45. 2 UIJ56 ;;r>. 5 24. 24.7 3(5. 6 (1046 ;is. 7 9 27. 7 2s. ', 56.0 (105.- :!7.0 31,6 32. 1 29. 5 0026 44. 3 27.3 27 7 56. 6 0062 35.8 10 27 5 2-.0 46,0 (104- :is. i; 25, 7 21-;. 5 19. (J 0U25 44. s 26. 26. 6 40.2 0046 39.1 ! 11 —26. 9 -27.5 37 , u 0041 0(J62 - 40. 6 -21,5 —22. 4 26. 4 0043 —40. —24. 1 40.8 II 0063 0127 —35. 6 1 Means. 54. SI — :;5. 94 40.60 : 0051 — 3-. 29 51.75 —26. 93 120 IIVG)!OMKTKI(JAL OBSERVATIONS Date. MARCH, 1873. _^_^.^ -^ . . ^ ~ — — ^ ■ —^ — . 1 25. 26. 27. Time. D. W. K. H. ! F.V. p. C. Illtlu'S. D. P. 1). W. R. H. ' F. V, p. c. ! Iiiclu-s. D. P. D. W. R. H. F.V. D. P. o /). c. Inches. ■ O'l — 18. H —19. 4 r.7.8 1 0100 -^28.9 —28. 5 -28.9 .53.3 , 0054 -37. 2 —28,4 —28. 8 53. 6 0. 00.55 -37.1 1 20.7 21.3 53.4 0084 31.8 29. 4 29. 8 50. 6 i 0049 38, 4 26, 8 27.6 45. 4 . 0047 39.2 Q 21. o 22.(1 60. OOiHI 30. :i 30. 4 :so. 8 47.6 004:5 159. 7 27.0 27.6 :5I5. 6 . 0040 40.7 :3 21.4 22. .')2. 0078 :!2. 5 27.2 27.7 4(5. 9 0051 ;-{,-! 29. 5 29.9 50.-:! . 0048 :i8. 5 4 23. 2 23 7 rs. 6 (1077 32. () 27.4 27.7 (57. 6 1 007:5 33! 6 31.4 31.7 58.9 . 0050 38, 3 i") 22! 3 43. 8 0065 35. 2 31. 3 :si.8 30. 8 0027 43.8 31. 5 31.8 58. (5 . 0049 38.4 *' 21.5 22. 2 44.2 0066 ;-!5. 28. 5 29. 42. 0042 40.0 31.1 31.6 31.6 . (1028 4:!. 6 23. 6 24! 61.0 0086 31.2 24.9 25. (i 33. 0042 40. 2 27. 5 28.1 34.5 . 00.36 41.6 w 22.4 22. 8 66.4 0094 29. 5 24. 5 25, 2 :;9. ( l( 15 1 :58, 1 28, 4 2S_ H 53. (5 .00.55 37.1 9 2r>. 7 2(i. 2 51.4 0060 :i6. 1 2:5.9 24. 5 4(i. 00(51 :56.1 29, :5 29! 8 :58 8 . 0038 41.1 10 2r,. 9 26. 5 40.5 , 0047 39. (.1 2:5. 4 2.!. 6 82. 4 0111 26,9 29, 5 :30. 1 23! 6 . 0024 44.7 11 24.7 2.-,. 1 61.8 ' 0079 32. 6 22.9 2:'.. 5 48,5 0067 34. 7 27,6 28.4 27. 5 .0034 42.5 Nuon. 2;".. 8 26.3 51.1 i (1060 36. 2 21.2 21.7 (iO. 6 005)2 2;). 7 2:5. 24.2 25). 6 . 0044 39.9 1" 27^1 27. 7 36.2 0039 40. 9 '■I'-l "1 23.0 58. 0O82 31.7 20.4 21, :5 31,5 .0051 :57. 8 ■2 28. 7 29. 2 41.2 O041 40.4 2I6 25. 1 5:5, 8 0068 ;54, 6 21. 4 22.4 28,4 .0045 m. 6 3 23.5 24.2 37.6 0051 ::;8. 26.7 27.4 26.0 0029 4:5,4 21.7 22.7 25, 2 . 0040 41.4 4 23.7 24. 5 28. oo:!9 41.0 27 5 27. 9 5(;. 2 0060 :56.0 22. 6 23.5 22, .0035 42.1 5 24. 3 24. 7 62.6 0(.H2 32. 30.4 30. 8 41.2 0041 40.4 21. 5 22 5 36,1 . 0052 38.0 ('> 24.8 33. 5 0043 40. 32. 3 :52. 7 40. 2 0033 42.5 22. 3 22! 9 50, 2 , 007O 33.9 7 24.9 25! 6 3;-!. \ 0012 40. 2 34. 3 ;54.7 31.5 0022 45. 4 22, 4 23. 1 40.7 . 0059 36.4 « 2(1. 3 26.9 39. 3 0044 :H9. 6 35. 2 35. 7 28. 6 0020 46.1 22. 5 23.1 49.7 , 0069 34.1 9 27.4 27.8 56. 4 0061 35. 9 :j.5. 3 :i5. 7 25, 8 0017 4(5. 8 21. 9 22. 7 34,2 .0051 ;58. 1 10 28. 5 29. 3 55. 3 0059 36. 6 .34.4 :34. 8 31.0 0021 4.5. 5 25. 2 25. 7 52.6 . 0064 35.5 11 Means. —29.6 —30. 3 54.4 (J 057 — :.!7.0 -:-;5.52 —34. 5 —34.9 30.5 0021 —45. (5 —26. 3 —26. 9 39.3 0. 0044 -39. 6 49. 18 0064 44. 6:! 0049 —38. 94 39.69 0. 0047 -39.13 MA RCH, 18 73. Date. 28. 29. 30. Time. D. W. R. H. ] V. V. D. P. D. W, c R. H. ] 1 p. c. [ =^.V. D. P. D. W. R. H. F.V. D. P. o p. r. J 1 i:h I'H. iches. p. c. Iticlies. Oi> -27.1 — 27. 7 3(;.2 ! 00: !9 -40. 9 —27. 5 —28. 2 22. 0024 —44.5 —28. 2 —29.1 40.1 0. 0042 - 40. 1 1 27 7 2.-<. 2 45. 2 0047 :i9. 26. 9 'J/ . / :55. 6 0046 :59. 3 29. 2 30.4 40.1 .0042 40.1 2 27] 8 28.5 20. 5 (.1023 45.1 26. 5 27.4 :!5. 6 0046 :59, 3 29. 2 30. 3 40.1 . 0042 40.1 3 28. 7 29.7 20.6 U022 45, 2 27.8 28. 7 35.6 '■ 0046 39.3 29, 5 30.9 40.1 .0042 40.1 4 30.9 31.6 20. 8 0021 45. 3 26.9 27. 8 35. 6 0046 :59. 3 28, 7 29.2 41.2 .0041 40.4 5 32.7 :'.:'.. 6 21.0 0020 45. 4 22,5 2:5. 1 49.7 0069 :54. 1 28. 5 29. 7 27.8 .0030 43. :5 ti 30. 1 :'>(!. 7 21.2 0020 45. 6 25. 2 26. 5 :59. :5 00.55 :'.7. 1 26.5 27.5 27. 8 .0030 43.3 7 26.3 27.2 26. 2 0025 44,6 25. 6 26, 8 :i9. :5 0055 :57.1 28.7 29. 6 27.8 .0030 43. 3 8 31.2 31.8 31. 3 I 0030 4:5.6 23. 2 24, 29. 0041 40. 2 25. 2 26. 1 27. 8 .0030 43.3 9 26.9 36. 4 00:55 42.6 27.4 28,1 22 5 0025 44.4 24. 7 25.6 14.4 . 0020 46.2 10 26.4 40. 5 0040 41.0 27. 7 28, ( i 2L 7 0024 44.6 25. 5 26. 5 14.0 . 0020 46.2 11 '■*7 8 28^ 3 44.8 0017 39.1 27.7 2^.4 21.0 0( )23 44.9 ;;■) '2 3:3.0 14. .0020 46.2 Noon. 2-^! 5 29. 2 40.6 0040 40.3 28. 6 29,3 ;!o, 00:53 42. 3 25.6 26.6 14.0 , 0020 46.2 1 |i^ 29.1 ;'.(). 8 36.2 00: '.6 41.5 29. 7 30. 5 :5o. 0033 42. :; 27.6 28.4 14.0 . ()(J20 46. 2 I 2"^ 2 28. 8 31.0 00:12 42.6 28. 2 29 1 :;o. 003:5 42. 3 y.-j s 29.8 14.0 . 0020 46.2 3 27! 1 27. 8 24. 0027 44.0 28.4 29. 2 :;o. oo;)3 42. 3 31! 32.0 14.0 . 0020 46.2 4 26. 6 28. 5 25. 0029 4:;, 9 29. 7 30. 5 :50. (.)033 42. :5 31,2 :32.3 14.0 .0020 46. 2 5 24.7 2.^>. 7 26. 0030 43.6 29. 9 31. 30. i 00:53 42. 3 31.0 31.6 14.0 . 0020 46.2 6 21',. 3 27.0 28.0 0031 42. 8 31.8 :52. 6 :50.0 0033 42. ;5 29.4 30.2 14.0 . 0020 , 46.2 7 27.3 2^. 23. 0025 44.3 32. 7 33. 5 30, liO:53 42.3 30. 5 31. 3 14.0 . 0020 ! 46.2 8 28.6 29. 7 23. 2 0025 44.4 :52. 5 33. :5 :;o, 0033 42.3 30.5 31.5 14.0 .0020 46.2 9 2^.9 29. 7 23. 3 0025 44.4 2(5. 4 27. :59. 0043 39. 8 30. 4 31.0 14.0 . 0020 46.2 10 31). 6 :'.1.4 23. 4 0025 44.4 25, 5 27.8 40.1 . 0042 40.1 30. 30. 8 14.0 . 0020 ] 46. 2 11 Means. —29. 3 -29. 9 24. 6 0025 Oo:!o —44.4 —251. 2 —30. 40.1 . 0042 -40.1 -30. 1 —30. 8 14.0 0. 0020 — 4(i, 2 'i 28. 87 -4:5. 25 :!2. 34 . 0038 -41. 03 21. 80 0. 0026 ,-44.46| AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 121 MARCH, 1873. APRIL 1873 * Date. 31. 1. a. Time. D. W. R. H. F.V. D. P. D. c W. R. H. F.V. D. P. D. w, R. Ff. F. V, D. P. ! c c p. c. o o p. c. Inches. p. c. Inches. Oi> 1—29.2 -30.0 14.0 0. 0020 —46. 2 —29,6 — 30 3 54. 0. 0020 -46. 2 —31,2 —32, 2 41.3 0. 0057 —36. 6 1 28.3 ; 2 27.5 3 28, 3 4 ' 28. 3 5 29. 8 28'. 3 29 3 29.3 29.7 30. 3 29. 5 28 2 29, 7 30.4 31.0 i 29. 8 28, 7 50, 9 .57.1 57.1 63. 4 43. 2 .0050 . 0055 . 0055 .0060 . 0045 38, ;i 37. 2 36. 1 39. 5 27.9 3 1 , 2 29, 8 31.5 30. 1 32 3, . 3,(J, 6 32. 4 31,3 -I'J 3 ' 30.7 1 : 28. 3 7 i 27. 2 2'l 2 29, 28 2 29. 8 28 8 37.1 31. , 00:-i8 . oo:;2 41. 1 42, 6 30. 1 28, 6 31,2 --"9 8 28. 8 ' 28. 2 29. 26. 2 26,, 7 29.5 . 0035 41.8 2:;, 1 24.1 9 27. 2 10 i 28, 1 28. 2 29. 25, 4 24. 2 26. 2 25. 20. 2 27. . 0026 .003-1 44,2 42.0 20,4 20, 21.2 21. 1 11 27.0 Nuuii. 20.3 11' ' 2(i, 1 2 20,0 3 27,,') 27 8 """" 26, 2 25. 9 25.7 21,7 21.5 "27 . iJ 26.8 ' 26. 5 22,6 22,4 23. 23. 19.0 25. (i 26. 4 . 0029 .0029 . 0025 . 0041 ,004a 43, 4 43,4 44,8 40,4 40.(1 20, 1 23, 1 26, 2 26, 5 26, 8 22. 1 24 3 ''7 3 27.0 27. 3 27. 1 ^7.9 28.3 1 4 27,9 20. 9 21,5 30. 7 , 0048 38, 8 28. 5 29. 2 5 27. 7 6 ' 27.0 28.5 28. 8 21.7 24.7 22. 5 25, 3 ■,i5. 44.1 . 0053 .0055 ia 27.2 29, 2 28, :;(.!, 7 27. 1 8 . 27.6 9 ' 28.5 27 9 26. 9 25. 7 26 2 27, / 26, 6 27.0 41. J 41.3 41.3 . 0057 . 0057 . 00.57 36, 6 3(3, 6 ;',6 ", 30. 6 3,0. 5 30, 2 31, 4 31. 2 31.0 28. 4 29. 3 10 1 27.7 11 —28.5 Means, j 31,5 —31,2 32. 4 —31. 9 41.3 41.3 . 00.57 0. 0057 36. 6 —36. 6 30.0 —28. 8 30. 8 — 29. 2 —29. 8 0, 0057 14.00 0. 002O —46. 20 35.99 0. 0044 -39,75 41. 30 ~:',fi. 60; AP RIL, 1 873. Date 3. 4. 5. Time. D. W. R. H. 1 F.V. D. P. D. ^^', R. H. p. c. F. V. Indies. D. P. D, W. R. H. p. c. F.V, Inches. D. P. ° 2>- c- Inches. o o o 0" -30.4 -31.2 41.3 0. 0057 —36.6 —27, 3 28, 3 36, 0. oo:;8 —41. 1 —19, -19.6 .57.2 0. 0098 '_);i. 1 1 3 31.2 30.3 31.1 32,1 :'.l,3 1 :'.2, 26. 2 27, 27.0 27.0 27.8 27,9 17,5 18,4 18,6 18. :; 19. 2 19.6 47.1 41.6 46. 5 . 0(1.-0 . 0O84 :;o. 8 32. 3 31, 5 4 5 31.0 27,4 31, 8 ^d 28. 1 27.0 "28." 0" 0.0631' —42,8 17,5 18, 3 18. :i 18. 9 47,1 59, 2 , 0088 .0104 30, 8 1 28, 28,3 i 6 22.0 23, 1 25. 3 26.0 3.1.0 , 0038 40.9 18,5 19.1 ._i8, 7 . 0103 2-, 3 7 20.7 21.5 1 38.5 0. 0060 —36, 1 [ 23.5 24, 5 42. 2 .0061 36. 3, 17.8 18.6 46,2 .0085 31.3 8 19. 2 19.6 71.4 .0121 25. 4 ; 20, 7 21,3 53,. 4 . 0084 31,8 17,6 1^.2 60. 6 .0111 26, 9 9 15. 3 15.8 ! 70.4 . 0146 22. ! 18. 3 19.1 4-1.8 . 0(181 32, 2 17,5 18. 2 51, 4 . 0100 28, 7 10 18. 2 19. 1 38, 7 .0070 34.1 16. 17.0 39.0 .0077 32. 7 17,4 18.0 61.0 .0113 26. 6 11 1.5.6 16.4 51.2 . 0101) 27. 6 15, 2 15. 9 58, 2 , 0122 25.3 17,0 17,7 55, '■-> . 0105 28, Noon. 15.0 15.6 1 64.4 .0137 23.1 14, 2 15,1 48,7 , 0108 27. 5 17, 2 17,9 55. 1 .0103 28. 3 1" 17.5 18.0 67. U . 0125 2-1. 9 18, 2 19, 1 38, 7 . 0070 34.1 16.7 17.3 61. 7 , 0120 25. 8 18. .M 19.8 . 62.2 . 0102 28.5 21.1 21.6 60.8 . 0093 29, (i 16. 8 17.5 55.5 . 0107 27.7 3 22. 8 23. 3 57. 4 .0(180 32. 2 23. 1 23. 6 56,8 .0078 32. 5 16.7 17.5 49. , 0096 29. 4 4 22. 6 2:!. 2 49. 4 . 0069 34. 3 ■J-> ;", 2:'.. 3 31.8 .0047 38, 9 16,8 17.3 68.4 . (J131 24,0 5 24.6 25. 8 46. 7 0. 0057 —36. 8 23. 5 24 1 46, 8 . 0063 35, 6 17.1 17,7 61. 3 .0116 26. 3 6 20. 6 27,8 23. 1 23. 7 47,9 (1066 3,5, 17,2 17,7 67, 6 ,0127 24. 6 7 1 28.0 28, 8 j 24.3 24.8 54.4 0069 34. 2 17.4 17,8 73,, 4 . 0138 j 23.1 8 ' 28. 2 '>'J. 1 26, 5 26.9 .0066 34, 8 17.5 18, 07. . 0125 i 24.9 9 28.4 29, 2 : 26. 5 27.1 38,6 . 0043 40,0 17,5 1-, 67, .0125 24.9 10 28 2 28. H 1 ' 25. 5 25. 9 60,2 . 0073 33, 4 17.7 18, 5 46, 5 . 0086 31.1 11 -28.0 —28.5 ' 44.0 0. 0046 —39. 3 -23.7 —24, 5 28. 3 0. 0039 -41.0 — 18, 3 — 18.8 (i6. 2 0.0117 —26. 1 Means. 49.33 0. 0077 —33. 5C 1 43.64 0. 0064 —36. Ot .57,34 0.0106 —27, 85 122 HYGKOMETEICAL OBSEEVATIONS i Date. APRIL, 1873. - ' 6. 7. 8. 1 Time. D. W. K. TI, 1 ^. V. D. P. D. o W. li, H, F. V. D. P. D. W. R. H. p. r. F. V. I), P. o p. c. I idii's. o o p. c. rili'llrs. c o o 0^ — 1'-<. li —19. 2 5K. 4 (1 01(12 — 28. 5 -14.0 — 14.7 60, 6 0.0135 —23. 6 — 11.5 -15. 1 64, 9 0. 0142 — 22. 5 1 19, 19.7 49, 9 IIIIS6 31. 1 i;!. b 14.5 61.0 . 0137 '2'->. '■> 11.5 15. 72. .01.55 20, 9 M 19.0 19. 6 57. 2 0119-' 29. 1 13.5 14.1 66,8 . 0152 21. 4 14.5 15. 72.0 .0155 20. 9 H 19. II 19. 6 57. 2 (HI9H 29. 1 13,5 14.1 ()i;, b . 0152 21.4 14.9 15. 5 (74,5 . 013b 27;, 4 19.11 19. 8 43.4 0074 '■]'■) '2 13.4 1 4. 3 5 (J, 4 .0116 26, 2 14.5 15, 2 59, 6 . 0129 24,2 5 19. 19. 7 49. 9 llll>6 :;i. 1 13. 3 14. 62, .0142 22, 5 12,6 13,3 62.7 .0149 21. (i 7 5 0066 34.7 l;i. 3 14.0 62, .014-' .>.> f, 11.0 11.6 70,4 . Ob-2 18.(1 7 l--*. In. » 45.6 Ollbli 31. 7 12. b 13. 6 56. b , 0134 23,. 5 9. 9 10.6 6(7 4 .Olb-J. 17.9 H 17.1 17.8 55, 2 1 04 2S. 1 12.6 13.3 62. 7 .0149 21.6 b, 5 9.2 67 , b . Oj02 16.0 y Hi. 4 17.1 5.5. 9 01 U 27,1 12.4 13. 5 42. 5 .0102 28. 1 7,7 8.7 57,6 .0174 18.9 10 15.7 16. 6 44. H 11092 30. 2 12. 13. 5 2::, 5 , oo,',(; 3,6. b 7,0 1 . ' 70,3 . 0222 14.0 11 15. H 16.6 .50. 8 01114 27, 9 11.4 12. 2 59, 6 .0151 21.4 7. b 61.3 .01b5 17.7 Noon. 16.1 ii;.8 56. 4 0U3 26. 6 11.5 12, 5 4s, 5 .01-' 4 24.9 7.6 8 6 .57. 8 .0175 lb. 7 I'l 14. 9 15. 7 52.6 0113 26, 7 11.5 12. 2 64,6 . 0162 20.0 8.4 9. 2 63. b .(ilbO 17.0 2 15. :; 16.2 45.6 ! 0096 29, 4 11.7 12. 3 69,4 .0172 19.0 8. i~ 9.6 63. 4 .01b4 17.6 3 15.4 16.1 .57. ^i Ol-JO 25, 6 12. 1 12.6 71,4 .Olbl 17. b 9.0 9.7 67. 3 .0195 16.8 4 15. 5 16.5 54. 4 OdS',' 2!i, 7 12. 12, 5 74,5 . OlbJ 17.7 b. 9 9. 7 63. 3 . 01b3, 17.8 5 15.7 16. 5 51,0 0105 27 , b 12. 2 12,7 74,3 . OlbO lb, 9.7 10. 5 62. .017;; 19. r, 15. 7 16. 7 54,2 OO.-U 29, 2 12.5 13. 1 67 9 . 0165 20,1 1 0. 7 11.5 60,5 .0159 20.4 ' 7 15. rt k;, 7 5,-'. 4 0091 30, 4 13,. 1 13.7 67,3 . 015(i 29.9 11.9 12. 7 5-, 6 .0145 22, 2 ,^ 16.1 16.7 62.6 (n•2\^ 24. 9 13.1 13. 7 <;7,3 .0156 20. 9 l:i. 3 13.9 67.1 . 0154 21,1 9 15.5 16.4 57.0 0094 29. H 13.5 14.2 (.1.6 .0140 22. 8 14.8 15. 7 46.9 .0101 2b, 4 10 15.5 16,3 51, 4 0107 2/ . o 14. 3 14. b 7v' 2 .01.57 20. 7 1(1. 4 16.9 69. 1 .0135 23, 5 11 —15. —15. 6 64,4 (ii:;7 —23. 1 —14.2 -14.7 72, 3 0. 015b -20. 6 — 16.5 — 17.1 01. 9 0. 0121 —25. 5 Meaus. 53,40 1 0(199 —28. 73 02,04 0.11150 -22. 33 63. bO 0.01.59 —20. 25 APRIL, 1£ !73. i Date. - — - 9. 10. 11. Time. 1). W. R. It. ] ^.Y. D. P. D. W. R. H. F. V. D. P. D. W. R. H. F.V. D. P. ! o o p. e. I ichi'K. o o o p. c. /llrllC^. o C' ;). <:. Iiivhes. ! O'l — 17.6 — l--*. 4 46. -i (1 00^7 -:!0. 9 —24.0 -24.7 36.6 0.1104b — 3,,-. 7 5. b — 6.5 71.5 0. 0239 -12.5 , 1 17.6 ] .^. 3 54.1 01199 2b. 9 19.2 19. 7 6;'.. 9 • . 0108 27. 3 5. 7 6.2 79. b 0267 10. 2 2 17.6 L^. 3 54.1 11(199 2b. y 24.0 2 1, 5 55. . 0072 33.7 5. 5 6. 1 75. 9 02.57 11.1 ! 3 17.0 17.7 55. :? 0105 2^.0 22. 9 23, 6 3y, 2 . 005(5 37. 1 4.2 4.7 bl.3 0291 b.5 1 4 1.-. 9 16.6 5(i. ,s 0115 26. 3 20. b 21,7 45,6 . 0070 :ii.3 4.0 4.6 77,4 02-1 9.2 .') 11.6 12.7 44.6 0111 27 1 15.1 15,7 64, 3 .0136 'j;i. :', 2.9 0:;(i0 7.9 1 6 9.6 10. 3 66. 7 01S6 17.5 7.9 ^. / 64.6 .0197 16.4 — 0. 1 - 0. 6 b4, 4 03(75 '•K 1 7 7.(1 7. 6 74.4 0234 12. b 2. b '•''. 7 6b, ;', . .02(il 10. b + 0.6 ± 0.0 bl,(i 03 ;4 3.7 8 4.5 5.3 69. 4 0247 11.9 1.5 2,4 70,2 . 02-4 9. 2.7 + 1.9 77, 6 07;-i ') H 9 11.9 12.6 63. 8 0157 20,6 0.5 1.2 77, t; . 0330 5. b :-!, 5 2.9 b3,7 0427 - lj.4 10 12.8 13. 7 51. 6 0122 25, 2 0. 5 1.2 77.6 . 0330 5. 8 6.5 5.8 b3, 1 0-1 b6 -f- 2.5 11 14.4 15.0 65.0 0143 22, 4 1.0 2.0 t\n. . 02-O 9.2 5, <) 4,9 b2, 6 04(71 1.5 Nuoll. 15.0 15.3 K!. 4 0174 !>■, 7 0.8 1.7 71.3 029b b. 1 6.1 5, 1 77 5 047U 0.1 11^ 14.7 15. 5 53. 0115 26, 4 1.3 2. (1 7(;. . 0315 6. b 5.9 5.0 77, b 0443 0.5 2 14.5 15. 72. 1) 0155 ■.;0, 9 1.7 2.7 66. (i . 0267 10.2 5.1 + 4. 5 --4,7 0464 -1- 1.6 3 J 4. 5 15.0 72. 0155 20.9 2. 5 3. 3 71.7 . 0279 9.3, + 0. 1 ± 0.0 96.9 0422 -- 0.6 4 14.2 14.7 72. 3 01.5S 20, 6 2. b ::!, 6 71.4 . 027 1 9.7 — 4.5 - 5. 1 7(7 9 0273 9.9 Cj 14.4 15.0 65. 0143 22. 4 3. 3 3,, y 7b. 1 . 0292 8.4 5. 6 (i, 3 71.7 0243 12.3 (3 14.9 15. 6) 58. b 0125 24, b 4.3, 4,8 81.2 . ( I2b9 b,6 7-4 b 74.0 02:^b 13.4 / 15. 8 16. 5 57,0 0116 26.2 4,5 5. bl.O . 02bli b ,-! 9. 5 10 77.0 0213 14.8 8 17.4 17.9 67, 2 0126 24, b 4,2 1,7 81.3 . 0291 b, 5 11.5 12,2 64.6 01(72 20. 9 19.5 20. 6:'., 010(i 2; . / 4.7 5. 4 72 6 . 0'J56 11,1 12. 7 13. 5 57. 0135 23.4 10 2J.,S 22, 1 51, H 007b 3,2. 7 5.3 5.9 76.1 . 02(;o 10. b 14.4 14. b 77.2 01(i8 19.4 11 Means. —2::. —23, 5 57. 01 17 9 —32. 4 — 5.8 — 6.5 71.5 0. 023,9 -12.5 — 15.0 —15.7 0124 -25. 61. 46 0135 —24. 12 67.90 0. 0230 — 15.17 77.05 0. 0310 - b.44 AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 123 Date. _ APRIL, 1873. 12. 13. 14. Time. ^1 1). w. o o K. H. J p. 0. I b\ V. I). P. D, c R. H, j>. r. F. V. D.P. D. W. E. H. F.V. D.P. itch(\i. o Inches. p. c. /JK'/X'.V. c nt — 111. 1 — ii;. 7 Ii2. 6 11125 -24. 9 -16.0 — 16.6 II. 0126 —24. 7 + 1.6 + 1-H 82. 3 0. o:l85 — 2.5 1 17.0 17. i; 61.4 0117 26. 2 k;. 5 17.2 55. ,s . OHO ■'7 '* 1.6 1.0 82. 3 (i: ;.^5 2 .5 '2 li;.2 : 17.7 67.6 0127 24. (i 17.1 17.7 61.:! .0116 26.3 1.4 0. 9 S5' 3 0395 •I 3 14. s : !.-,.(; 52. .S 0114 26. .5 i;i. 5 14.2 61.6 .014(1 22 .^ 2.1 1.4 79. .^ o:is2 2.7 4 i-.'.a : i . o;!o:i 7. (i 5.1 4.1 74.5 0109 — 1.3 H + 0.3 '± 0. U 911. S 0399 1.8 3. s 4.4 77! 6 . 02S4 9.0 4. ■■< 4.1 81,9 0444 + 0,5 9 •>. 3 + ■-'. 4 75.4 0381 2.9 1.9 ■J .") 79. 5 . 0317 6. '^ 8.1 7.5 86. 4 054:1 + 4.9 lU 1.3 — 0. 1 5-. 7 1 027 1 10. 2.9 3^5 78. 5 . 0:1011 7.9 8. 8 6.3 65. 6 0214 — 1.5 11 + 0.(1 ± 0.0 >1.6 0364 3.7 — 2. 1 'J 7 79.;: .0:!i:! 7.0 9.3 9.2 97. y 0651) + 8. 8 Noon. — 1. .'i ; — '-'. v! / ..). ^ 0311 7. + 0.2 u. :'. 84. 5 .o:!7l 3.4 13. 2 12. 2 80! 9 06;i9 8.5 1'' 2.5 . 3.0 S3.0 0319 6. 5 — 1.7 '2 '-* s:!. II . 0;!:!5 f) f) 14.2 13.6 87. 8 0731 11.3 2 •— 1.4 1.0 >:i. 1 0340 5 2 1.4 1.8 .^6. 7 . 035:1 4^3 15.3 15.0 94. 7 0^22 14.1 3 ,+ u. -J - 0. r. 7-. 3 i 0343 5.1 0.9 1.5 -0. 5 . o:i:!6 5.6 15.1 14.6 91.0 07.-4 13.0 4 :+ 0. 3 + 0. 1 93.9 1 0412 1.1 0.6 1.0 '^'7 . 2 .0,16.^ 3.5 14.1 13. 5 -^s. 9 07:11 11.5 ' ^ '- 2.3 - -2.0 79.1 03119 7.2 1.7 'J 'J s:i. u . o:;:i5 .5. 5 1:1.3 12.9 92. 4 07:14 11. 5 (i 4.1 i 4.S 73. 2 0265 • 10.4 0.8 L 4 ;-(-i. 6, . 0;!:!.- 5.4 12. 8 12.7 9,~. 1 0762 12. 4 7 3. 2 4. 3 73 5i i)2::ii i:i. 4 — ;! — 0.7 .^7.4 . o:!74 3.2 12. 2 11.9 94.2 0711 10.9 s 0.0 ! 11.4 71] 1^ 0203 16. 4 + 0.8 ± 0, 7 5 .S .11:141 5.1 11.7 U. 1 .^.^. 1 064.^ ■-. 9 9 12..'. ! 13.11 74^0 0176 18.5 ;!. + 2. 72: ;! . 021 4.0 11.3 10.8 .^9. 9 0651 8.3 10 0. .-. 10. 77.0 0213 14. r^ 3. II 2.4 .-■:!. 3 .0415 1.(1 11.3 1(1.4 81.7 0592 6.7 11 — 11.,'. —14.0 66. 4 016G —19.7 + 1.0 + 1.2 91.2 0. 0424 0. 0328 — 0. 5 - 9.77 + 11.3 + 10.8 .^9. 9 0651 + 8.3 74.64 , 0256 —12. 37 76. .-7 86. 02 0.0.561 + 5. 48 AP RIL, 1 873. Date. j 15. 16. 17. 1 Time. D. \V. R. H. j I,, c. ' / F. V. D. P. D. W. K. H. F. V. D. P. D. \V. R. H. F. V. Illi'hrs. D.P. o 1>. c. Tncltex. c c p. <: Oi" 1+11.1 +10.5 S7.9 0630 + ^.2 — 0.4 - 0.9 84.2 0. 0:16 1 — 3.9 — 7.7 — 8. 2 7.8.0 0. 112:17 -12. 4 1 1 11.4 111. s .-'■^. 6639 ■"^. '■) 2. 7 ;■!. 5 71.5 . 0276 9.6 8.1 7:1.3 0218 14.2 2 11.3 10.7 >,-f. 0636 .■^,4 ■ 3.4 4JI 7.-. . (1290 ■■■'. 5 8. 2 ,-;. 7 7.8.0 02:10 13. 1 3 11.0 1 10.3 ^5. .S 0612 7. 5 4.5 70.0 . 0259 10.8 7. 7 8. 3 73. 7 11224 13.7 4 0. 2 ' S. 4 e2.6 0545 5.0 •J_ s 3. 5 74,5 . 02 ~ 7 i 69. (1210 15.0 T) 10.0 1 9.4 .-7. 3 059.^ 7.0 3. 1 78. 9 . 0:106 7.4 ^'. 2 S. 3 95. 4 02~;i 9.1 t 6 9. s ! s. s T^. 3 05;!;! 4.5 •>. 1 2.7 79. ;> .031:1 7.0 y. 5 9. 7>. 0226 13.5 7 10.3 , 9,6 "5. 4 0592 Ii. 7 ■' '.] 2. 7 f'i}. 2 . 0:1:16 5.4 7.0 7. 7 70. ;! 0222 14.0 i s 11.9 11.0 f^2. 1 ■' 0611 7. 5 K4 2.0 80. . 0:!26 6.1 5.4 6. 76.0 025.S 10.9 1 9 13. S 13.1) f'5. 0690 10. 2 1.0 1.7 76. 6 . 0:121 6.5 4.3 4.9 T7;.l 0276 9. 6 10 1.^. 7 1,-. ,-^,-, s 1191 12 16.1 1.0 1.7 76. 6 .0:121 6. 5 3.5 4.2 0276 9. 5 11 1-^.7 17.2 76! 1 0774 12.7 l.ll 1.7 76. 6 . 0321 I). 5 2. 8 3. 5 74! 5 02-7 8.6 Noon. 1 11.. > 1 10.4 77.9 0569 5.9 0.7 1.5 74.:! .0:113 7. 1.8 2.4 79. 6 0319 6.6 ! 1" : 10.5 : 10.0 >9. (i 0IJ27 6.2 2. 9 ;!. 1 93. .0:151 4.5 1.6 2.3 75. 7 Ii:!ll9 7.2 >2 S. (i H. 2 91.0 ■ Uli 5 (!. 5 3.5 4.1 77. 9 . 02-9 8.6 1.8 2.4 79. 6 0319 6. 6 3 5. s , 5. 3 S7.6 0497 + 3.0 :i. 5 4. 1 77. 9 . 0289 8. 6 1.2 1.- 80. 2 o;i;io 5. 9 4 2.7 j 2.0 ■■^0. 3 11395 — 2. 1 3.6 4.3 7:!. 7 .0^75 9.7 0.9 1.6 76. .S 11:12:! 6.4 .S 1. 5 1. 5 100. 0464 + 1.4 :i.4 4.1 73^9 . 027 s 9.4 0.8 1.5 77.0 0;!25 6.3 6 3. 5 2. 1 62. 2 0.!16 — 6.8 4.0 4.6 77.4 . 02S1 9.2 1.5 2. 2 75. -i 0311 7. 7 3. 4 ' 2. 9 .-^6. 4 0439 + 0.3 4.7 5.4 72.6 . 02511 11.1 2,6 3,2 7 s H 03114 7. 5 ,s 3.4 2.6 7^. 2 0;.i97 — 1.8 4.7 5,4 72. 6 . 0256 11.1 2.5 '■'<. 2 74', 8 0292 .-.3| y 3. '^ 3. 1 .-i6. 5 044;! + 0.5 5. :! 5. 9 76. 1 . 0260 10. .s 3.0 ;i. 7 74. :i 02.-^ 1 8.8 ! : 10 2. 1 + 1. 4 79. .- 0382 6. 5 7, 2 7 0. .■< . 0229 13, 3 3.5 4.2 73. -^ 0276 9.5 u + 0,3 ;- 0.1 ^7.7 03.85 0515 - 2! 5 - 7.3 — 7.9 74.1 0.02311 -13.3 -4.9 — 5.6 72.4 0253 -11.4 f^4. 28 + 4.47 76. 97 0.0293 - 8. 47 76.49 0275 — 9.80, 124 nYGEOMETEICAL OBSERVATIONS Date. Time. APRIL 1873. 0" 1 2 6. 4. (1. o C. ! (J. I C. b 4.'.) 1.0 :!. I (1.4 1§. E. H. p. c. 7. J. 9 7'J, 2 77,1 rt-I.O 7^.9 96.4 F. Y. D. P. Incites. o 0. i:),.'.r>7 -11.1 02r,s 10. H (1270 9.6 o:'..'>7 4.2 0306 7.4 0310 7.2 19. 6 5.0 5.7 72. 3 7 2.1 2.7 79. 3 H 4.5 .5 2 72. H 9 2. 8 3. 5 74. 5 10 3.3 3.7 85. 7 11 5.2 .5.7 y{). 3 MKlll. 3.5 4.2 7;i. 8 1'' 3.5 4.3 70.7 •^ 2. 5 3.1 7-. 9 2. 3 2. 8 83. 4 2.7 :'.. 3 78.7 ^> 2.4 3.0 79. 6 2. 5 3.2 74,8 7 4.5 5. 81. U 8 4.7 5.4 72. (') 9 6.7 7.4 70. 6 10 3. , 4.6 67.4 11 — 4.5 - 5.1 76. 9 Means, Date. D. W. 0252 03 1:;, 0259 0287 u:!18 0275 0276 0262 03116 032:! 031):', o:;o7 ^.6 6.6 9.7 9.5 10. 6 7.4 6.2 7. 6 1 11.1 13. 5 12.0 -9.9 10. 7 10,2 7, 1 8, :> 7.4 6,6 4. 1.3 — 1.3 + 1 :■> 1.5 ;^. 1 4.8 + 1.^ 3.7 4. 4. 3.1 2.8 2.5 2.1 11.5 10. 8 8.9 7.7 8.9 R. H. F. V. 4.6 1.7 — 1.7 + 0.5 0.8 2.4 :!, 9 + 1.0 p. c. 7:!. 2 60,5 71,2 68,2 74,3 7:!, 1 78,1 70,7 77.4 86.7 86. 7 76. 79. 80. 76.. 76, 3 ,60 0. 0284 — 9. 03 — 4 4 •> 4 1 :; 9 ■A 6 3 3 O 8 75. 54 Licliex. 0. 0217 01.59 0190 0205 02:',:; 0216 0242 0228 0281 0355 0355 o:',5i 0369 0404 0415 0362 027:', 0286 02-9 028(5 0269 0274 0279 0300 0. 0285 D. P. 20. D. —14. 3 20.4 17.0 1.5. 6 13.0 14. 5 12.1 l:i.4 9. 2 4.2 4.2 4.4 3.4 1.7 1.0 3.8 9.8 8.8 S.H 8 8 io!i 9.7 9.3 — 7, 9 — 9.38 - 1.5 - 0.8 - 6.2 7.4 8.1 8.2 8.2 9.1 9.1 9.4 9.3 10.3 10.0 10.0 10.1 10. 9 W. + 2.4 1.6 5. 9 6.7 7.0 7.0 7.4 8. 8.3 8.5 8. 2 9^4 8,9 9.0 9.2 9,2 8 2 7,0 4,6 4.4 5.8 4.3 + 1.4 — 2.0 5. 2 + o!6 — 2.6 R. H. p. c. 70,2 7.5. 2 92. 7 8:',. 7 75, 72, 8 81,8 75. 8 82,5 80, 3 75, 9 81,2 76.7 78.7 81.0 8:!. 1 78.1 86,0 82, 3 79.7 85. 1 84.2 76.4 79. 4 F.V. Inches. 0. 0284 .0311 .0535 .0511 .0472 . 0460 .0517 . 0499 .0542 .05:37 . 0505 . 056;; , 0525 . 0539 . (.1557 . 0568 . 0516 . 0529 .04.56 . 0442 .0482 . 0445 . 0:553 0. 0315 79.57 : 0.0486 + 1.75 D. P. — 9.0 — 7.1 + 4.6 :i.6 l.s 1.3 ;5.8 3.0 4.9 4.7 3.3 5.6 4.2 4.7 5.4 4.3 1.1 0.5 2.3 0.6 4.2 6.9 APRIL, 1873. 21. Time. 01' 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 Noon. 1" I 5 ! 4 5 6 7 8 9 •10 11 Cleans. D. 2.4 1.8 2.1 1.4 0. 9 — 0.1 + 0.3 1.1 1.3 1.5 2.2 3.1 2.7 — 1 1.4 + 0. + w. 3.0 2 5 ■ ii 3. 2 2. 7 1. 9 1,6 0,7 0.1 0.3 0, (i 0,8 1,5 2, 5 1.8 1.9 1.7 E. H. F.V. 1>- 79 74. 79. 8:!. 76. 81. 87. 76. 79. 79. 79. 1 3 9 '3.4 ^1.8 0.4 0.5 4.2 77 6 77 4 7S 4 6'J 4 7(1 7r> H 73 ^ / / r,7 I II rites. 0. (j:;07 , o:;05 , (.1289 ,o:;(.)6 , 0292 o:!i:; o;;4o 0:52:; 0351 o:;85 0347 o:;65 0369 o:;8i 0117 o:5i57 o:58i (1377 0401 0-,'77 o:!7(; 0:!26 0276 0, o:!42 D. P. 22. .4 — 3.6 2.0 3.1 7.0 5. 2 6.4 4.6 2.5 4.7 3. + + 1 9, 5 9,6 6 5,9 9, ,49 0.1 0.4 1.5 2.2 2,1 1,5 2,8 5,9 7.9 8,4 8,4 8,6 W. E. H. p. c. 74.5 + F.V. 3 I 83. + 1.1 1.5 2.8 5.2 + 6.0 — 0. 5 1.0 2.1 2. 9 2. 9 2.4 3,7 6.7 8.6 9. 1 9.1 9.4 — 6.1 82. 4 1.3 1.0 1,9 1,1 70, 2 C^ri. 3 67, 3 <;8, 8 67.9 67.9 63.6 67,9 Incites. 0. 0287 . 0275 . 0366 . 0296 0302 . 0:552 .0:;87 . (C;72 . 04 14 . 0425 .04:53 . 0355 . 0;!45 . 0:',24 . 0298 . 0286 . 0284 . 0261 . 022(; . 0209 . 020:! . 0203 . 01-^6 0. 0235 D. P. — 8, 6 9.6 3.6 7. 7 4.5 2.4 3. 2 l!l — 0.5 ±0.0 — 4.4 4,9 (5, 2 8.0 9! 10.8 13.7 15,1 15, 9 1 15,9 17,5 —12, 8 74,54 I 0.0305 . 02 23. D. W. ' E. H. : F. V. D. P. 9.8 9.5 8. 8 9.0 6. 8 10.7 5. 8.4 0.0 3.5 ;io 2.4 :5. 8 :?. I 3.0 4.4 3.1 4.9 4.4 3.0 1.5 -10.6 10. 3 9.6 9.7 1L5 5.7 9.2 - 1.1 - '2.1 -4.0 3.3 3,2 4,7 3.9 3.8 4.9 3.9 5.7 5.0 3. 5 - 2. 2 }). c. 61. 8 62.4 63 4 1- 3 (if) 5 7'~i 3 6: 65. 8 62.2 65, 65. 2 71.7 71.8 67.3 71.1 74.8 71.2 81.1 71. 1 (58. (5 ^iO 75.8 Incites. 0. 0171 . 0176 .0184 .0195 .0199 . 01.59 . 0252 .0189 .0285 . 0316 . 0244 . 0247 . 0279 . 0280 . 0245 . 0269 . 0292 .027 . 02-8 .02(;9 . 024 1 .0274 . 0310 0.0311 69. 01 -19.1 18,7 17.6 16.8 16.1 20. 4 11.5 17.0 8.8 6.8 12.0 11.7 9. 3 9. 2 12. 1 10.1 8.3 10.0 10! 1 12.4 9.7 7.1 - 7.0 -12.1] 0. 0.1 10 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 125 Date. APRIL, 1873. 24. 26. rime. D. o ■\Y. R. H. p. c. F.V. D.P. o D. o W. R. H. p. c. D, p. o D, n. R. H. F. V. D. P. o Inchea. '-' p. <\ ' 7 iclu'H. o Oh — 0.4 — 1.3 71.7 0. 0305 — 7.0 + ;■.. 4 + 2. 8 r<:':. (1.0424 — 0. 5 + 2, ;; + 1.7 S2. 8 ! o:i99 — 1.7 1 — 0. r> 1.0 77. 6 . Ii:!;!0 5. s 2.7 2. .-^0.3 . Il:iy5 2. 1 1.5 0.8 79. 5 o:i09 3,. 4 9 ± 0.0 — 0.7 78. 2 . 0340 5.3 1.6 1.0 .^2. 3 .Ii:;s5 2.5 0. 9 0. 72. 9 03:io 5. s 3 + ••^•1 + I-'-! 74.2 . ():i55 — 4.2 1.1 0.5 ^2. .0374 : 3.2 1.4 1 0.0 7(;. 4 o:!5:; 4.2 4 (i. H 5. 9 7S. .-, . 0408 + 1.7 1.6 1.0 f-2. 3 .0385 I 2.5 2. 6 1.5 09. 1 03:i8 .5. ,5 fi 8.5 / . / 82.0 . ( )52l I 4.2 1.5 0, 9 ^2. 2 . 0383 2. •:» .") 1.:! 74.4 (j: 10( 1 4.1 i; S.7 7.9 82. 2 .0.5:a 4.4 3.1 2.4 Sll. 7 .0404 — 1.7 1 2.1 1.4 79. s (j;;s-j .> 7 7 13. r. 12. 3 77.4 .0619 7.7 6. 5 5. 8 83. 1 . 0480 i+ 2. 5 2.3 7.5. :•. \ o:i79 :;. 8 17.8 16.3 7'.. (! . 0734 11.5 7.5 0.6 79. 1 . 11480 ! 2. 3 4.2 3. 5 SI. 6 1 o4:!0 0. 3 ;i .^.j .> 20. 5 76.0 . 0905 10. 1 7.2 0.3 7.^.9 .0477 ; 2.0 1 3. 1 , 2.4 80.7 0404 1.7 10 21. (i 20. G 85,5 . 0991 is.-i 7.2 0. 2 70.5 . 0402 1.3 4. 3. 7 ; ; ."^ 03s:; 2. 7 11 ao.3 19.4 80.3 . 0944 17.2 7.4 0. li si.:j . 0490 2. 9 4.S 4.0 79.4 0429 — 0. 2 Noon. lil. 7 18.7 84.6 . 0898 l(j. 1 7.4 6.5 79. 1 . 048;! •> .; 5.1 1 4. 5 84.7 0405 H- 1.0 11' 18.7 17. 9 87.2 • . 0881 ; 15,7 8.7 7.9 82. 2 .II5::!1 1 4.4 :',. •■ 2. 9 75. 9 o:;9:i *j 20. 3 19. .-;. 87.9 . 0961 17.5 9.0 8.1 nO. 2 . 0.525 4. 2 4.1 3. 70. 9 0372 :!. 4 ;! 10. 3 l-<. 7 90.7 .0946 17.2 8.4 7.9 ss s . 0507 ' 5. 8 3. 9 S 7S. 4 0401 1.0 4 19.9 19. 2 89. 2 . 09-59 17. 5 7. .) 6.9 SO.O . 0,520 i 4. 2 ::. 3 1 2. 5 7S, 1 o:',;i5 2. 5 17.3 16.7 89. 9 . 0855 15.0 (i. 3 5. 6 83.0 .04-1 ; 2.3 1 2. 3 1.7 82. s 1 o:i99 1.7 (i 13.4 12. 9 90. 6 . 0721 11.0 0.2 5.5 82.9 .0479 1 2.2 1.3 + 0.7 82. 2 1 o:t7s 2. 9 7 V>. 3 11.8 90. :i . iio-^:'i 7.0 5. 2 4.5 S2. 2 .0454 4- 1.0 i 1-' ± 0. 50.9 (i2:'.s 12.5 8 ■"^. 2 7.:i 79. 6 . l)49s + 3.0 4.0 3.3 M.4 . 0425 j— 0. 5 + 0.3 ± 0.0 Oil. 8 (i;;:i9 l.s y (i. n ."5.0 7.-.. 4 .0431 — 0.1 4.0 ;>.. 3 81.4 .0425 1 0.5 1-0.1 — 0. 7 SI. 2 0351 4.0 10 .'■..4 4.7 82.4 . 04.59 + 1.2 :i. 6 3.0 h:!. 7 .0429 ' 0.2 :+ 0. 4 + (M 90.9 0401 1.7 11 Means. + r.. y + ■'. 2 82. 7 0.0471 0.0059 + 1.8 + 2.3 + 1.7 s > 8 0. o:;99 — 1.7 ± 0.(1 — 0. 7 7-. 1 o:M() — 5. :i 82. 28 + 7.54 SI. 92 0.045 1 '+ 0. K.' 77. 93 0;!79 — 3. 12 Dat.0. Time. APRIL, 1873. 27. D. \Y. R. H. F. V. Oi> 1 2 :! 4 r (i H 9 10 11 Noon. V' 2 :.i 7 8 9 10 11 + 1.7 3.3 1.1 0.5 2.8 1.5 3.2 2.7 1.7 2.5 2.0 2. 2.1 3.7 4.S 5. 2 5.0 4.0 5.0 5.2 4.7 4.9 + 4. 9 + 1.0 2.7 + 0.4 ±0.0 + 2. 3 1.2 2.0 l.s 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.9 2. 8 3.7 4.2 3.8 3.9 4.2 4.3 3.9 :i. (i 3.7 + 3.7 79 c. 83 79 84 7 SO 1 91 2 67 74.8 70. 9 74.0 71.2 74.1 05. 7 75. 8 71.7 74.0 69. 3, 81.1 (i7. 4 67. 6 67.0 71.0 • 69.2 09. 2 74.44 Inclien. 0. o:!74 . 0427 .o:i01 . 0376 . 0425 .0424 .o:i:i7 .0:^07 . o:!:;2 . 0363 . 03:i9 . 035:i .o:il4 . 0390 . 03SS .0411 . 0379 .0416 . 03,77 . 03S0 . 0370 . 0380 . 0377 0. o:!77 3.2 0.4 3.9 3.1 0.5 0. 5 5.4 :i. 6 5. 3.8 5.2 4.4 0.9 2. 3 + 0. 03 1 I 1 ;! 1 .> 9 3 6 2 ("i 3 1 - :! 1 - 3 14 s. 1 7. 7.9 8.2 ^, 7 9.2 ^. 7 9.4 9. 10.1 10.5 10. 9 9. 8 + 8:1 w. 4.4 3.4 0.1 0.1 0. 7.0 7.4 7. 7.0 28. 1!. H. F. V. D. P. W. 29. R. II. I '•' ;i 74 I 74 s;! ri S4 1 so S. s. 2 S. 9. 2 9.7 8.4 7.4 0.. 8 si. 4 7S. I 74.^ o:i. s 9 62.9 oC). (; 09. i; (i9. 8 OS. -2 70.0 71.1 70. 5 74. 04 0.0-12- .0459 + 1 .014S . 0445 .0518 . 05:!(i . 0529 .0518 .0.501 .(I-IS4 . 0407 . O405 .(1440 . 0415 0.3 + 3>. 1 2.3 1.6 1.7 + 0. 7 — 1.0 .0429 — 0. .0404 .+ 1. . 0470 . 0470 .0511 ::1. 5 .0530 4.5 . 0470 1.9 . 0400 1.2 0.0144 + 0.5 0. 0409 + 1.70 + 6.2 0.1 0. 6.8 7. 1 6. 5 7. 7. 7.0 s. 6 9.4 9. 7 p. c. 05. 5 00 05 7(1, (0, M, (I 79 4 9. 1.0 2. 1.4 0. :i 0.0 1.0 3.4 79 + 13.1 +12. F.V. 0. (1212 . (.1399 . 0444 . 0427 .(.1417 .(I4:!2 . (I4i'i0 .0449 .0449 .04S2 . 0505 .(1517 . 0559 . o.-.:ii . ( I52S . 0505 . 059S . I I55S .05;!1 .05:!4 . (.15-- . 0O7O D. P. o — 1.0 2. 9 — l.s + 0.5 — 0.4 1.3, — 0. 1 + 1.3 0. s 0.8 5. 6 4.4 4.3, 5 S 7. 0.4 4.4 4.5 (i. 9. i; 0051 + 9.0 0.(1487 '+ 3.02 17 H 126 nYUKOJlETRIOAL OBSERVATIONS APRIL, 1873. MAY, 1873. Dafe. Time. Oh 1 'J 11 Niion. 2 :i 4 () 10 11 Menus. D. 1+ t<. 7 I 1.7 y. I ' H. 1 ; '^. ;' I 10. •> 12. 1 ! 13.4 14..^ 14. :, 14. i; 10. .-. 12.'.;! 14.7 1.5. .5 14.4 12.7 12.2 8.4 f a. 'J w. so. R. H. I F. V. D. P. D. W. E. H. F. V, + 7.H 6. r> 6. .5 7.0 7.0 7. 7. 7 8.'H 10.8 12. 1 13. r, 13.0 i:'., 6 9.4 10. 13. (i 14. :i 13.2 11. t; 11.0 7. li 7.0 5.'. + 5.5 ]i. c. 70. 9 74.5 75.0 75. 73. 4 7(1.4 72. 7 75. 4 81.7 SI. 7 78.9 74. 5 70. 9 77^9 7,-s, s 70. :'. 81.9 72. s 71.2 70. 09 0.0517 .0459 .Oils- . 0460 .1)472 .0472 .0479 . (148-s .11545 . (H1(I2 .llii;-'5 .1171111 . OOSS . 0551 . (1502 .0077 . 0090 . 0051 . IMi07 .0.570 . 0523 + 1.3 0.7 1.3 1.8 l.'S 2. 1 2. 5 4. -s 7.2 9. 9 10.0 10. .5! 7 9. 8 10.3 8. 8 7.4 6.2 4. 1 .OlliO -I- 1.3 . 0420 0.0398 0. + 5.4 : + --). '* 2.9 4.7 .5.4 5.9 7.3 6.2 S'. 9 10.4 11.7 11. I 10. 2 9.2 9. 5 10. 1 10. 9 9.7 9. 5 9.4 8.7 8. 8 9. 1 o 4.2 2 5 l!7 3.4 4,1 4.^^ r ■^ 4.9 7.5 s. 5 10.4 9.4 s. 4 7.8 8.2 8.3 8.0 7.4 2.0 + + 7.7 7.0 0.0.555 + 4.75; p. c. 09.7 05.3 00.7 00. 3 (-i7. 3, 72.8 61.8 (in. 3 09.1 60.1 74.1 (i5. 2 02. 00. 4 71.9 72. 4 05. 09. 9 67.9 09. 6 71.1 71.2 69. 3 75. 4 Til clips. 0. o;!'n8 . 0337 . 033,0 . (I3,5S . 0375 .0415 . 0394 . 0395 .04.50 .0420 . 054(i . 0409 .0429 . 0458 . 0482 . 0499 .0403, .0473 .0401 .0401 . 0400 . 040.1 .o45i; D. p. - 2. 5 + (i4,,, 1 + 12. 8 83. 1 F. V. Inches. 0. 0734 . 0829 . 0838 .1003 . 1003, .0972 . 0920 .0«71 .0780 . 0794 . 075,s .0701 . O'-<07 . O-'OO .0777 . 0788 . 0>'24 . ( 824 . 0722 . 07-10 .0740 . 0708 . 0li72 0. 0072 D. P. +11.0 14. :', 14. 5 18. 5 18. 5 17.8 10.5 15. 3 13. 13. 4 12.2 12.5 13.7 13.6 13. 1 3. 2 14. 2 14.2 11.2 12. 9 11.8 10. s 9.6 + 9. D. + 11.5 11.5 11.6 12.1 11.7 12. 5 12. 1 11.0 11.3 11, 1 i 10. 7 10. 7 10. 5 8.1 8^1 0:^ 4.7 !^. .1 + 2.0 ,— 1.3 !ll.08 j 0.0808 , + 13.: ^y. R. H. F.V. p. c. Incites. +10.1 71.7 0. 0525 10.2 73.9 . 0540 10. :', 74.0 . 0543 10.8 74.4 . 055,- 10,5 70. . 0.560 11.3 70. 5 .05,^7 10.8 74.4 . 055S 10.2 71.8 . 0528 10.0 73.6 . 0534 9. 8 73.4 . 0529 9.4 73. . 0517 10.6 9,s. . 0691 9.0 68. 7 .0481 7.1 68, 6 .0440 6.4 09. 9 . 0433, 6.7 08.1 . 0430 7.1 72. 9 .0403 7.0 75.0 . 0472 7.0 77.1 . 04,-^3 5.8 73. 8 . 0440 3,. 50, 3 . 0302 ,j .) 64. s . 03,3,0 + 0.7 02. 9 . 0298 — 2. 1 74.6 0.0301 73.47 0. 0481 D. P. + 4.2 4.7 .5.0 5.6 5.7 (i. 6 5.6 4.3 4.5 4.3, 3.7 10.3 2. 2 + 0.4 — 0.2 — 0.3 + 1.4 1.8 + 0.4 . 7 .9 .0 ,+ + 2.44 D. W. E. H. p. c. F. V. Inches. D.P. 0.3 — 1.5 62. 5 0. 0260 —10.4 •> ■y + 1.0 05. 8 . 0316 0.7 3.2 1.6 56. 3, . 0282 9.1 3.5 1.8 54. 2 . 0274 9.5 3,. 7 2.1 .57. 2 . 0294 8.2 ;>. 7 4.3 65.3 . 0368 — 3.7 7.9 6.8 74.8 . 0407 + 1.0 7. 1 5. 53. 8 . 0321 1.2 7,1 5.1 53. 6 . 0327 0.9 8. 7 7.3 08. 9 .0440 + 0.7 0. 5 4.9 61.5 . 03,60 — 4.0 4.9 3.4 61.7 . 0335 5.6 6. 4.3 .5,s. 3, . 0332 ,5.6 4.8 3.1 .56. 5 . 0305 7.5 5. 7 4.0 .57. 9 . 0326 6.1 0. 5 5.0 63. 9 .0374 3.2 5. 7 4.2 0,2.7 .03.54 4.5 6. 9 5.1 .57. 3 .0341 5.1 7 1 5.5 02. 3 . 0374 3.1 (5.9 .5.4 04. 3 . 0384 2.7 7.5 6.0 05.2 . 0399 1.8 .5.9 4.3 .59. 6 .0315 5.1 5.5 4.0 62. 5 . 0349 4.7 5. 5 + 4.0 02.5 0. 0349 j— 4.7 61.19 0. 0340 — 4.45 AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 127 Date. MAY, 1873.* 6. 7. §. Time. D. c ■\v. E. H. F. V. D. P. D. W. K. H. F. V. D. P. D. ■ W. R. H. /). c. F. V. D. P. Inrhrs. p. c. Inches. J>. c. idii's. 00 Oi> + 3. 9 ■+ 2. .-. 62. 7 0. 0325 - 6. 2 + 5. 2 + 3. 4 54.7 0.0:101 — 7.9 +0.1 - 0.9 69.1 0,0:101 — 7,s 1 •J. 8 1 1.4 61. 1 . 0301 56. .s 0:110 7.2 1 0.,- — 1.2 41). 02:!6 9. 5 i) li. 7 1 5. 4 ^ 68. 8 .04117 1.4 4.7 1 :i.o 56. 3 ii:!(i2 7.7 3.2 +1.4 50. 8 0254 U.2 • > 5.5 ' 3. S ' .^>7.5 . 0320 6,5 6.2 4.5 5S. 6 o:i:i6 5.3 1 3.5 j 1.6 4^.7 024? ' 11.5 4 4.6 , 3.1 61.'-» . 0329 — 5 9 7.2 5.5 60.1 162 3. - 4. s :;. 5:1, 9 0290 ,-,5 -, 10. 5 9. 6s. 7 . 0481 + 2. 2 9.2 7.1 ':>^\ 7 i.i:iiij 2.0 7.1 1 4.9 5:!. 7 0:122 5.5 Ct 8,9 6. 5 i 45. 6 . 0295 2.3 10. 3 .■^. 5 62. 2 04:!2 — 0. 3 4. 5 ' •>. 4 50. (1270 ,— 9. 4 7 1-2.8 1 10. s 1 62.3 . 0490 9.4 11.4 9.5 61. 5 0449 + 0.1) 7.0 5.0 .5:1. 8 (1.120 l-|- 0. 1 ?s 12.7 ' 10.(1 52.1 1 .0401 6.9 14.1 1 12.0 6:1. 5 0522 10. 4 9. 1 6. 9 56. S 1)371 : 2.2 9 11.6 1 10.11 70.0 . 0512 8.4 16. 7 14. 5 67.0 06:1:1 1(.). 9 : 9.7 7.1 :17 7 0265 -1- 2,6 111 12.2 9.2 ' 41.8 .0311 6. 8 14. 1 11.1 45. 7 0:175 7.9 6.6 i 4.^ 56. 8 1:14 — 5, 7 11 12. 6 9. 7 4.1. 6 .0:'.39 6.7 13.1 10. 2 4:1.8 1 0346 6.9 ' 5.2 3.0 .50. 1 0271 , 1.5 Xoiiu. 10.3 7.7 : 37.7 . 0268 5.2 11.1 8.3 39. 8 ' 02S1 6. 4 : 5.7 ; 4.5 70.3 o.i!i,; 2.1 li" 9.7 7.6 1 56.8 . 037 I + 5. 3 8.8 ' 6.5 47.9 0:111 + 4.0 4.-^ 3.0 5:1. 9 02:10 S.5 •> e. 3 6.4 .57.0 . 0360 — 3.9 8.1 1 6.4 61.4 0::-; — 2. 5 6. 9 5. 54. 9 0:127 6.0 3 f^. 6 7.0 64.3 .0413 1.1 1 7.6 6.0 6:1.0 o:is7 2.4 4.7 ' 3.0 56. 3 0:102 7.7 4 6.9 1 4.7 53.6 . 0323 4.0 1 6.7 i 4.9 57.0 o:i:lii 5.5 , :i. 7 1 2.0 54.5 0279 9.2 5 4.1 1 2.3 .52.6 .0273 'J. 6 6. 7 4. 8 54. 5 ! o:!2 2 6.4 1 2.7 i+ 1.3 60, 9 1)299 s. G 5.7 , 3.7 52.0 ! . 0300 6.0 3.9 1 2.3 .57.6 ' 029- 7.9 1.7 ± 0.0 50, 9 02!- 12.5 / 4. 3 i 2. 2 48. . 0250 8.1 2. 1 + 0. 5 54. 5 02 '.9 10.8 1.3 1— 0.2 55, ,-< 0256 11.1 8 1.7 I 0. 1 53. 7 . 0251 —11.4 0.7 — 0.7 57. 6 0259 11.0 0.2 1 0.7 72, 2 0317 6. S 9 I'l. 2 5.2 75.6 . 0436 + 0. 2 '+ 0. 9 i 0. 4 61.1 0276 '.KC^ 0.7 0.6 60. -i 027 2 ■ 9. 9 ' 10 7.3; 5. 3 1 53. 7 .ii:!2l + 0.1 ± 0.0 — 1.1 65. 8 2.-^5 S. s II. U 1 0. 7 6:1.3 ii:!ir> 7.6 ! 11 Mcaus + 0. 4 + 4. 4 51. 8 . 0299 — 0. 2 + 2.5 + 0.8 .52.4 . 0254 —11.3 + 0. 7 — 0.5 I'll. .-' 112-5 — ,^, 9 • 56.34 0. 0:!49 -0.75 56.64 0.0:119 — 2.iir 56. 29 0. 11292 — 6, 8:1 : Date. MAY, 1873.^ 1 9. 10. 1 11. Time. D. ; -w. c E. H. r. V. D. P. D. 1 W. E. H. ' P. V. D. P. i D. W. R. H. p. c. F. V.' D. P. p. e. Indies. 00 /). e. Indies. 1 Inches. '' Oi- + 4. 7 + 3. 2 61. 4 0. 0331 — .5. s -1-14. 6 +13. 1 72.9 0.0612 + 7.5 -1-1:3.1 +11.2 72. 0.0.503 ,+ 5.5 I 1 ■■■:< 2.2 57.4 .0296 H. 14.6 13.0 72.7 ' .0609 7.4 12.6 1 10.6 76. 2 , 05,-:l 1 6, 2 'J 2. 7 1. 2 5S. 2 . n-.'Mi ^.8 14.5 i 13.2 70.2 .0640 8.4 12.7 11.1 SO. :! . 060:1 7. 1 3 . 1.5 0. 1 59. 1 . 0274 9.7 14.5 1 13.2 76.2 .0640 8.4 1 13.0 11.5 71. :l . 0557 5. 5 4 1.9 0.5 .59..- . li2-^2 9.1 1 14.0 12.8 77.7 .06:17 .-.:l 13.3 11.9 7:1. 4 , o,5s.; (1,5 .1 2.1 0.5 54.5 . 0259 10. s 14. .5 l:i. 4 70 s 011711 9.6 l:i. 9 12,5 7:1. s .000 1 7.3 i: 3.3 1 2.0 64.5 .0:126 6.2 13.9 12.7 77.7 .0631 15. 2 14. 7-5 .0679 9. s 7 ; 4.6 i 3.0 58.7 . 0314 6.9 ' 1:1.5 11.9 l";9. 9 .0561) 5.5 : 14.5 13.0 7 2.7 . 060.1 ' 7. 4 ,s 4.2 ' 2.8 -6:;.'i . 0332 5.7 1:1.7 12.:! 7:1.7 .0597 7.1 ' 14.9 1 13.3 71.:! .060,) 7,4 ' 9 4. 7 ; 3. 56. 3 030 2 7.7 14.7 13.5 7-. 2 . Oi;il2 9. 1 15. 7 14. 1 72, ,06:17 -s. :; in 6.2 , 4.5 .5.-^.i; . 0336 5. 3 14. 7 1:5. 3 74.6 .06:12 -.3 17.2 15.4 70.1 .0664 9.1 11 .5.7 i 4.1 .59.3 .0340 5. 3 14. 7 1:1. 5 7>. 2 .0662 9,1 16.0 14,4 7,1, 2 .06-7 9,9 Noon. .5 7 4. 1 ^ 59. 3 0340 5. 3 16. 11 14. 4 711.7 .06.17 s. 2 1.5. 1 1:!. 6 7,1,3 .0628 H. 11' 1 6. 7 5. 59. 4 . 0350 4.6 16,5 1 14.5 70. 5 ' . Ill 12 1 14.5 IS. 7* 7 .1I6OJ 7.4 >) 6. -^ 5. 1 59. 5 . 0352 4. 4 15. 7 14. 70.3 .iir.2l 7.- 14.5 1:;. 1 74.4 . 0625 S, ' 3 7.1 5. 7 67. . 0403 i— 1. 7 15. 7 14. 71.3 .0021 7.- 14.0 1 12,7 7.>. 9 .062) 1 7,9 4 7.1 6.0 74.0 . 0445 + 0. 6 15. 4 1 13. 5 (Hi. 4 i .05SII 6.2 14.2 12.9 76.0 . or,;io S. 1 .) 7. 7 i<.t) 74.6 .0461 + 1.4 15.5 ' 13.8 70.1 ' .061:1 7.4 i 1:;. 7 12.- SI. 1 .0072 9.6 (1 '-.4 6. 9 Ci^. •> 02''3 — 0.7 15.7 14.5 7-. s .069- 10. 5 13. 2 12. 2 ■81 1. 9 . 1 639 s, 5 1 III. 5 9. 1 70. 7 . 0496 + 2.9 15.8 14.6 7,-. 9 i .11701 1 10.7 i:?.s 12.5 75, 7 .0616 7,7 ^ 10.9 9.8 77.3 .0.5.52 5. 3 14. 4 1:1. 2 77.9 .l-li51 .-. 8 13. 3 12. / .*. :> .059- 7.0 ;l i 11.7 10.1 6~.0 . 1 151 12 3. 1 14. 5 13. 2 76.2 1 .0640 8.4 1 12.7 11.3 / 2. 8 . 056,2 5. - 10 11.7 10.5 76.0 . 0560 5.7 13.7 , 12.11 6-, 3 .0.551 1 5.2 12.5 11,2 71,7 .0571 6.2 11 + 10.1 + .S7 .711.3 0. U-l-5 0. 0369 + 2.4 + 13.5 +11..- 6-, 0. 115 61 + 4.8 +12,5 +11.2 74.7 1 1. .0.571 + 6.2 63. .S9 i — :i. 5-. 7:1. 92 1 . 0627 + :.^- 1 74.76 .0613 -f- 7.5-. 128 HYGROMETKICAL OBSERVATIONS MAY, 1873. Date. y 10 II N' 1. I" :t 4 10 11 D. -l-i. .'. 12. :; l-j. r, I-.', (i 12,7 i:i. 1 u. -.i i:i. 5 14.7 i.">. (i 1.'.. 7 1'^. i;.H. F. V, D. P. D. 13. E. H. I F. y. D. P. D. W. 14. R. H. , F. V. I D. P. . 1 1 1 Iri. (1 L-. .') 17. '.I 17.4 l.'>. 7 10. •> I ■ + Muaua. c 2>. i: [tnlirs. o ° P- c. 1 M,,.. o o p. c. Inches. ° + 10. .- i;(). s 0,0.111 + :!, i; + s.o + (i.K .19.,- 0. 0:!S4 + 17.8 + 16. 9 85, 1 0.08.10 +14.3 10.4 02.7 , 0470 1 2, (1 0. K S. ' 01.4 .0417 — 0. H 16.7 15.4 77. 8 .0722 11.3 10. 5 0.3. :! , o.ion :!. 2 11.7 9.7 1 07,7 . 0119 + 2.1 10.9 15. 7 .0745 12.1 11,0 01). . (i.i:'><) ! 4. 4 ■-. 1 1 74. 1 . 0502 ■■'.. ?, 10.9 15.7 79. 7 . 0741 12. 1 11.:! 72. ri .0.102 :1.-- ii..i 10. 2 7:!. . 0510 4,7 17.0 15.8 79.7 .0719 12.2 11.-- 7.-,. 1 .11102 (i. >' 11.0 10.0 72.7 . ( 1550 ' 5.2 16.4 15.0 75. 9 .0094 ! 10.3 12, , H .(1742 1 11.7 17,7 11, s ' 0;-', 9 . Olios 9. ?, 2:3.9 22. 1 75. 9 .0975 ! 17.8 l(i. 1 7:'.. ,1 . 1(72(1 ' 10 7 20.1 17. 1 09. S .0747 11.0 24.0 22. 2 70. . (lOSO 17 9 1.1. 2 71, :> . ooos i 10. :i 21. 1 18.9 I 71.9 . (I7S1 12. « 24.0 22.1 74.8 .0962 1 17.5 10.(1 00. 1 .Oli70 1 0.7 21. ;i i 19.2 , 7:!. 9 . OSIC) 13.4 25. 7 2:!. 9 77.3 .1072 i 19. s 17.0 74. .'. .(i7.i;; 12.1 20. 2 is, 71.9 . 0S2(i 14.0 23.9 22. 4 SO. . 1025 ; ]s. 9 10.11 00.7 , (170(1 ]0, 4 19.4 ]S. 1 79,7 . os:i7 14.5 25.4 23 8 79. 6 . 1089 ' 20. 2 10.0 00, 1 , (1070 ' 0.7 IS, 7 17.7 ' X4,0 . 0S54 15, 20. 8 25. 8 87.7 .1277 2:i. s 1;'.. 7 72. . (KM 1 0, 19, H IS. 7 1 s:i. 2 . (ISSrS 15.7 2(). 6 25.2 S2. 8 .1195 i 22.3 14.0 70. :', . 0021 , 7. 6 20.4 i;i, 4 , si,o . 09:!2 10, 8 25. 7 24.7 S7. :i .1212 i 22.6 '.>. 1 70 .-^ .0101 4.4 20. 4 19,1 , SC, 4 . 0949 17.3 25. 7 24.6 80. .1195 22.3 7.. 5 71,2 .040:! + 1.4 19,7 IS. s ' SO. 1 . oo'o i(;..5 ' 31.3 :!o. 8(i. 1 .1514 ' 27. s .'). .■i4,;) , o:;27 '— 0. 10.7 IS, s 1 SO, 1 . 0910 10. 5 31.4 30.0 81. 1 . 1502 ' 27.6 + o,:i .10, 1 0, (i:!72 '— ;>,.■.; + 10.7 + 1S, ,s . 80,1 0, 0910 + 10,5 +2S.7 +27.5 SO. 1 0. i;!S2 +25.:! 70,72 0.0107 ,+ 5.10 1 7.1.34 0. (J7U + 10.20, 80.22 (1.0985 +1S. 10 Date. Time. D. 01' +20.9 1 :!o. 7 •> 31.4 3 31. 3 4 31.2 15. W. , E.H. F. V. ; D. P. MAY, 1873. 16. 17. D. W. , E. II. F. \. D. P. 9 10 11 Noou. 1" 2 10 11 Jli-aus 3L7 :!o. 1 20. 2 2s. 6 30. 7 2S, 1 2S. 4 27! 27.9 2s. 27.9 30, 3 29,9 2s, ;) 20. 5 29. 2 29. 4 29. 9 :!0. 29. (! 30. 1 30, 2 2s. ( I •J'S. :] 27. 27.2 20. 7 20.8 27, 27,1 20.9 2S. <) ■*s 1 27.9 27.9 p. c. SO, 1 81,9 84,1 SO, 1 S2, 9 s:i, 1 81,2 S4.6 S6. 3 S4. s S7.1 SO. -S. 1 90.5 SO. 4 S9. 4 '■"8. 2 S4.7 S4. 5 ss, 5 8(i. 4 Iiichen. I c ! c 0.1200 i+22, 7 +2.1.2 +■ . 147:i , 27.2 ■ 2(). 8 I ; +27.0 +20.0 . 1 4S4 . 1514 .1451 . 14S5 . 1104 . 1415 . 1391 .1317 .1415 . 1339 . i:i70 . i:!3i .i:!oo . i:!(;2 . i:i08 . 1343 . 142S . 1101 . 1107 .1411 . i::7i 27. 2(). 2 25. 8 24. 5 20. 9 24. 9 21.0 24,7 25, 3 25, 4 21, 20, 4 20.0 20.0 20, 1 21;. 6 2S. 1 20^5 27. 7 31. 5 :!1.6 :!5. 1 :!1,2 :!3. 2 :i2, 1 33. 5 :!3. 4 :!:5. 4 :i2. 4 :il.6 29. 7 27. 20, 4 0. 12S9 +21,0 +21,0 + 24.0 2.1 7 25.4 27.1 20. :! 25. 5 26. 3 29. 9 29. 9 :!:!. 1 29. 5 :!1.2 :!0. 8 31. s 31.7 :!2. 3 :!2. 2 32. :!0. 4 29. 27. 7 2li. 3 25.7 24.2 /,. c. 84.5 80. 6 •) S7, 6 s:!, 4 s:;,o 82, 81.9 SI. 8 84.1 80. 4 50. 7 92. 7 91. 2 91. s 87.3 92. 1 ss, 4 51, 5 91, 4 Iiichrs. 0, 1148 , 1200 . 12:io . 1356 . 12S4 . 1219 . 1261 . 1472 . 1460 .1446 . 14:!2 . 1501 .1570 . 1195 . I(i72 .1718 .1741 . 17(i4 . 1114 .1511 . l:!94 , 12lis , 130(> 0. 1207 +21.4 23.5 2:1 24.0 23.5 23. 5 27.0 26.8 2(). 6 2(i. 4 27.5 2S, 6 29. 30.1 :!o. 7 31.1 31.4 28.4 2:!. 7 21.3 +22. 5 D. +21.0 20. 7 23. 7 22. 7 20.7 21.7 24.7 22. 9 28. 7 23.1 23.7 27.1 20. 9 25. 7 25. 2 25. 2 I 20.0 21.1 1 19. 9 23.7 22.1 21. 6 21. 3 +21.2 E. H. , F. V. D. P. +20. 3 20. 2 23. 21.9 20. 21.0 23.2 21. 6 26.5 21. 5 ■ 22. 3 25. 4 25. 24.8 24.1 24.0 19.0 20.1 18.8 22,8 21.2 20.6 20.5 +20. 3 p. c. 89.7 92. 5 90.6 SS. 9 89.6 89.9 8(.). 5 82.0 80. 78.0 81.2 79.6 77.1 88. 6 85. 8 81.5 84.7 85.2 S3. 2 87. 8 87.2 85.5 88.3 86. 8 Inches. 0. 1012 . 10:10 . 1152 . 1081 . 0997 . 1040 . 1069 . 1007 .09S7 . 0967 . 1033 .1171 . 1123 . 12:!o .ll(i6 .114s .091:! . 090(! . 0892 .1118 . 1033 . 0991 .1010 0.0988 + 18.6 19.0 21. 5 20! 1 18. :i 10. 4 19. 8 IS. 6 18.1 17.6 19.1 21.8 20. 9 22. 9 21.7 21.4 16.4 17.6 15. 8 20. 8 19.2 18.2 18.4 + 1S.2 80,11) 0,1395 +21, S7, 04 0.1434 +20.2:; 81.96 0.1047 +19.31 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 129 MAY, 1873. Date. 1§. 19. 20. Time. D. o R. H. j). c. I \V. D.P. D. \V. c R. H. /). e. F. V. D.P. D. o R. H, F. V, D. V. Inches. • O Inches. o p. c. Inched. o Ob +■.'3. .-. +22. 4 <,. 0.11172 +211.0 +22. 3 + 21. 3 0. 11 Hill + 19..^ +24. 3 +23. 1 -1.6 0.11170 +20. 1 'S\ ;> 22 2 -2. 3 11)34 19.1 24.7 ■Jil. *■ --. 2 .1173 21.- ■J->. -1 ■24. 2 >:'.. 4 . 114^^ 21.4 •> ■21.9 20. i; ^l.-'i iiO.'>7 17.3 2(i. 3 ■24. 4 7B. (i . 1090 20. 2 ■27.5 20. -2, 1 . 123.0 22. 9 3 41.7 •20.0 / o. ■> II--II 13.6 2>. 7 •J 7 "J -'2. 7 . 1.394 24. 3 21.7 211, 2 7,-. 3 .0917 10. 3 4 •2.5. 7 24. 1 70. > no; 211. ij 31.7 30.11 -2,1 . 14 lit; 27,0 23. 7 22.1 7-. 3 .1199- 1-^.3 .5 ■J"2. 7 21.0 -4.7 1030 19.1 !.;>. 7 32. -2.9 . llilO 2,1. 2 .1* .) 2,i. 70. 3 . 102- 1-. 9 ti ■J5.3 24.0 >;!. :! 1137 21.2 31,0 30. ,-0. II .1443 20. r, 24. 5 23. .-^0. 3, . 10.30 19.0 7 •2.?. 7 21.2 -1.1 -1124 211. 9 31. 3 311.0 -4, 1 . 1490 27. 4 23. 7 22. -3. 1 .111-3 211. 2 s 2il. .'i 2-. -:'.. 1 13,V) "2.3. '2 32. 2 20. 70. 3 .1443 2r. 2 24. 2 2:;. ■■^1 .1003 211. 3 ;i 3'* 7 31.0 -2. 1.'.:!.- 2-. 1 31.0 20. (1 7 — — .13711 2-. 3 24. 2 23. -4, . 1119.1 211. 3 U) 2:1. U •2t;. - Sl.l. (J U7.-I 23. :'.o. 3 2^ 1 73.3 . 1231 20.0 24.3 -23.. .3 -0. - . 1145 21.3 11 30. 2 2-.0 7— '' 1300 "27. '2 3>2. .3 3.1.0 -J. 3 . 1.302 2-. 3 2 3. 3 •)■. _-, -2.1 .1111- 211. 3 Nouu. 31..-. 2.1. 4 7-. > 1371 2^^. 3 ;;.) _-, 3il. 7 ^1.3 .13114 27. 3 23, 7 23, ',1 77 3 . 1072 19.- l" 34.7 32. 70. .'> 1021 31. 23. (i 24.^ 7-<. 1 .11-23 23. - 20. 3 23, 1) -:'.. .1103 22. 3 O 33. 3 31.2 -0. 1.317 2-. 7 'J>j. .3 24.^ 79. 2 . 11. :7 21.0 2,i. 1 2 4,9 -3, II . 1200 ■22. 4 3 30.7 20. -1.0 1307 2.3. 9 23. 9 21.3 -II, 11 . 1110 211. ,- 2i;. 7 23. 4 -4,1 . 1219 •)■) * 4 30.7 2-. 4 7-. 2 130.-> ■J 7 a ■2-3 7 2.!. 9 77 3 . 11172 10.- 29. 3 23, 4 -3, :; .1102 .).) .) ."i 20. 9 27. - 1 ^. o 1317 ■'7 '' 20. 24. 1 70. 3, .11172 10.9 20. 1 24,7 -2. 0. .lir.o 21.,- 6 20. 7 2-. ^1.0 n:;.' ■24. - 2i;. ■24. 1 7ij. :'. .11172 19. 9 24,7 -7. 3. .1212 22. 'T 20. 3 27.4 7>. li r>69 23. 6 2i;. 9 2-1. 6 74.1 .1041 22. - 2o. 2 23, -3, . 1200 22. 3 s 21'!. 2.'i. -7.4 1220 22. 9 27. 1 23. li 70.1 . 1 1 21 1 2.i.9 ■23 7 24,0 -3, 4 . 11-0 ■22. 1 ',1 2i'>. 2 2.'> 2 ■■7.4 1-241 .»;; .) 20. (i 24.4 70.. 4 . 11131 22. 7 ■23. 3 24, 2 -3, ,- .1172 21. s in 2.'.. f) 24. ^11. 1113 20.7 '2.1. / 24.11 / -. .» . lnou ■'II 20. 1 23, 4 91,3 . 12 — 24. u f2:!.n -0. 2 1I4II +21.2 + 24. 3 -0. 2 7~. 30 II. nu- ll. 1243 + 19.3 +■23. 9 +21,3 -2,, 3 0.1154 + 31.0 Jk-aus .-l..V,l (1 122- +2:;. 31 +20. .37 -■2, -7 0. 1133 +21. 0- MAY, 1873. Date. Time. 1 'J 10 11 Xijoii. l" 9 10 U +23.7 •24. 5 ■24.7 ■24! 6 23. 7 2:1. 9 29. 2 •2ii. 1 20. 5 2-. 4 •20. 29.0 27. 7 2-. 5 20. 1 20. 7 •20.0 24. 7 24. 7 +20. 1 +'24. 4 23. 1 23 3 23. 23. 5 •22. 4 22. 9 20. 6 24. 5 24.4 21;. 20 7 •27! 1 20. 4 27.0 •24. - •23. •24.4 •24. 2 24.5 23. •23. 3 +24. ,- 21. R. H. p. c. -3. .-1.4 -4.3 -5. -3. 6 77.3 -0. 1 73.4 71.6 -4.5 70.3 -3. -1.7 -1. 2 77. -4.3 F. V. Illrh,'^. 0. 11.39 . 11173 .1116 . 1200 . 1 132 . 1050 .1112 . 12411 . 1239 .1131 . 1061 .1121 .11-1 . 1231 .1-270 . 1202 . 11-2 .1147 .11-3 .11-2 .1142 . 1035 .1116 .11-2 D. P. W. 22. R. H. F. \'. D. P. +21.6 +2- 211, I 2,- 20. -24. 21. 1 19. 4 21 1. 7 20., 1 20. 5 21,0 24. 9 26. 5 20, 4 31,0 35,2 30, 5 33.1 31.7 ::4.3 31.0 30. 32, 30, I), c. 49.0 65. 5 07. 5 74,11 -4, 04.0 70. - 00.4 70. 2 70. 1 69. 4 -2, 9 71,0 (iO, - -0,1 Inches. 0,11775 , inoo . 1131 . 1311 . 1701 , 1-22 . 133,0 , 12li3 . 1324 , 1310 , 1-205 , 1010 . 13.02 , 1423 , 147- +21. 21. +25, 24 27,9 22,1 •24, 2 21,9 22, 1 22, 0, 24,1 30, 5 •>^ ■> 7.1 3 , 1235 •22, 1 31,7 30. 2 -4.2 .15U4 21,4 2-, 7 •27. 1 -1.0 , 12-7 22.1 3.11, 27. 7 7i> '.' , 1 231 22. 20, 4 27, 7 'J. ■> .11-2 21, 2 2,1, 5 27, II 7 " * ■"> .11-11 10,1 •2-, i 2 ;, 4 71.6 . 112! 211,9 20, 7 2-, 1 -2,1 . 1331 +22, 1 + 2-.-.- +20. 5 72, 3 0, 1179 + 24, 21. 24. +22. J + W. -•24. 2 •23, 5 27,3 22, 20, 21 1.7 20. 21.3 .0 .4 2-, 1 24.7 ■ ) ; ^ ;.i. 7 2 i. 4 24.0 •21'- 21. .4 23. R. H. /-. c. -1. 1 70. -I. F. V. Inches. 0.1124 1123 1230 1257 . 12111 111115 lii3;i . 0073 . 00-:; . 0002 nil 15 1171 12-1 1351 .11-211 1054 IIIOU ,1104 .1113 .111.- . 11070 . Ii0i'.7 . 0075 D. P. +211.0 23. ■20. 1 2.;, 4 ■22. 4 1-.5 17. 19.0 17.7 17.0 1 -. 2 ■25. 1 20. 7 19. 4 ■22 - 211. 5 211. 7 211. - 17.6 17.6 + 17.9 .71 0.11.59 +22.34 74. 45 0.13.14 +20.61 0. 100:: +2il. 5' 130 HYGEOMETKIOAL OBSERVATIONS MAY, 1873. Dute. - Date. 21. 25. Time. D. o R. H. p. c. F. V. Inches. D. P. o D. \V. R. H. ' F. V. D. P. o ° p. c. Iiichei. (|i' +■>■!. 1 +21.(1 ■^4.4 0. 1000 + l.-<.4 +21.9 +21.0 87. 1 0. 102:1 + 1H.9 1 21.4 s:i. 2 lOOS 18. (i 2:1. 21.4 78, .0962 17.5 •) •i;4.4 2;i. 2 SI. 1 1 104 211.5 21.9 2:> 5 81.8 . K197 20. 4 ■A ■^ 22 "J 77 H lOISO 19. 24.5 2:1.7 «.l. 5 t .1178 22. 4 22. 77.1 ll;l-l 18.0 21.5 2.1. 8 90. -■< .1195 ; 22. :i .r, '>\. .'■) 2:!. U 811. ;) 1059 19. 21.:! 2!. K2. 8 . 10.-'2 20. 1 (i ■2:;. 1 21. (i 7'J. 4 0985 IS 1 2:!. 5 22.5 8;;. 4 ..1090 20. 3 7 •J.->. 1 22. '.) 74. (i 1011 i 21.8 2 1.5 21.6 8S. 1 .1162 21.6 H ■Ml. .'i 2 i. - 04.4 0951 •j.j ') 22.:! 21.6 90. 2 . 1070 2(1. (1 ;> 2(i.(i 2.") 1) HO. 4 11. 5S 21.6 2.!. 1 21.. •^ K■^. 1 . 1017 L-. .s in '21.7 22 7 74.5 1001 ' 21.7 •>•> ", 21,2 ^^l.8 . 09.^7 1-^.1 11 24. .5 22. .S 74.2 mil? 21.6 21.1 i 22. 8 8i, 7 . 1071 19.8 Nncin. 24..') 2:!. U .^11. ;! 1059 19.6 2:',. 5 2"' 2 82. 3 . lo:i9 19.2 11, 1, "."> r> 2:!. H 7rf. 4 1079 1 19. 9 2:!. 1 22. 1 80.2 . Iii6:i 19. 9 ■} '2."> ;i 24..-) S-2. .") 1154 21. 6 22. '-^ 21.9 87. 6 . lOO'.l 19.9 H •Jl. 4 2:!. 7 110. 8 1191 'h) •) 24.0 22.7 8i.7 . 11165 19.7 •* ■21.1 22 7 ■^1.4 1054 19. 5 2 i. 9 2 2, 7 8:1.9 . 1077 20. () :, 21.4 22 (1 7'-<. :', ' 099;i 18.2 ■*2 8 21.7 ; 84. 8 .10:15 19.2 24.7 22. 1 OH. I iis4i; 20. 2:1. 7 22.5 ' s.I, s . 1066 19.7 7 2;i. 7 22.1 7S.3 099S 18, :i 24.7 22.3 6.-<, ( ) .0891 19.9 H 22 2 21.. 5 90. 2 107 1 19.9 24. 1 22.0 i 69, 1 . 0-^99 19.8 'J .).) ^) 21.4 HS. 7 1054 19. 7 2:5.9 21.7 7:!, 8 .0951 ; 19. 6 10 22. 7 22.0 90. :5 109-1 2(1.4 21. 1 22.0 7:!. 6 . 0949 19.:! 11 + 22. 2 +21.4 NM. 7 1 1054 + 19.7 +2:!. 8 +22.2 78.4 0. 100:! + 18.4 Moaus. '-'0. 22 0. io:j9 +20. 02 82. 7:1 0. 1014 1 + 19.75 MAY, 1873. Time. Oh 1 9 10 11 Noon. 10 10 11 Mr a lis D. +25. 7 W. 26. R. H. 27. F. V. D. P. "W. R. H. F. V. 1). P. Of, 4 27 25 9 25 4 25 24 ;"> 2:! 5 .);J 5 '*'! 4 o-> 7 24 3 25 4 Or^ 6 '';> ■J(i • ) +25 (). p. Inclien. jj. c. ; Inches. ! 22. 5 63. 4 0. (.1899 + 19. 4 +25. +23. 2 76. 9 0.10:14 + 19. 1 22. 5 63. . 0892 19. 1 ! 26. 1 24.0 ' 75. 4 . 1061 1 22. 6 2:1. 5 7.5.4 .1061 21.6 24.5 2:!. 4 85, 5 .1127 ' 21.0 25. 2 78.4 .1147 21.3 26. 1 24.2 76, 4 . 1(178 20. 22. 3 si. 2 . 1032 19.1 :iO. 1 29.3 91.1 . 1524 27. 9 2:!. 1 6:1. 3 . 0899 20. 9 :!2.2 29. 8 74.8 . l:l89 29. 2 2:1.1 74.5 1002 20. 6 30. 7 2:1. 1 82. 6 .1416 26. 2 2:1. 74.6 . 1000 ! 21.5 31.7 29.6 79.4 . 1444 2:1.7 2:1. 80. 3 . 10.59 19. 6 ;!:l. 1 :i(l. 8 75. 6 . 145.-^ 27. 8 22. 79. 6 . 1005 1'-. 5 31.2 29. 8 85. . 1490 27.4 22. 8:1. 5 .10:39 19. 2 :io. 27.5 7:1. 3 . 1250 26. 9 22. 79. 6 .1005 18. 5 1 24. 5 22. 5 73. 9 . 0998 21.8 22. 1 82. :! . 10:1:1 19.1 28. 26.3 80, 2 . 1224 22. 8 22. 1 7S. 3 .0998 18,3 I 25. 9 24. 1 i 77,5 . 1084 2(X1 22. 6 / / . .> . 1012 IS. 6 2S. 7 ' 26.5 77.4 .1244 25. 9 2:1. 5 75. 9 .10:!7 19. 1 27.7 26. 79. 9 . 120. i 22. 5 23. 6 79. 5 . 1078 2(1. 25. 7 24.3 82. 9 . 1201 22. 4 24.0 .1101 20.5 21.7 2:1.6 . 1138 21.2 24. 3 80. .1119 20. s 24.7 2:!. 7 86.9 .11.55 21. 5 24.3 7W.7 .1108 20.5 21.7 23. 7 86.9 .11.55 21.5 24.3 76. 5 . 1084 20.1 2.5.3 24.5 , 811. S . 1224 22. 8 2 4.0 7 s ^i . 1090 20. 2 2:1.9 2:1.0 87. 9 1 .112,1 21.0 •j;> ■J- .■^0. 7 . 1095 2(1. :i 2:!. 2 22. :! .^:. 4 .107.1 20.4 2:!. 7 78.8 0. 1064 + 19.7 +22. (i +21.7 H7. 5 0. 1059 + 19.7 76.80 11. io:ii; + 19.86 81.62 0. 1215 + 23.3 AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 131 i MAY 1873. 1 Date. - - - 28. 'i». Time. D. o W. R. II. p. c. F. V. D. P. D. W. R. H. F. V. D. P. p. c. i In 01' +-n. 4 +20. .') SO. 0. 099s + 18. 4 +20.8 + 19.0 73. 4 1 lis-io + 14.0 1 M-j >j 21.1 84.. 5 . 100.-, 18. 5 19.1 17.4 77.0 071I'J 13. 2 2 M", ~ 2I..'> S4.8 .117.-, 22. IS. s 17.2 71.7 0761 12. 3 ■.i 2'J. 3 27. .5 7s. ;i . 1297 27. 3 18.8 17.0 71.5 li;2',l 11.4 4 31. 1 29.0 7s. .s . l:!7ll 28. 4 ■ IS. 7 17.0 73. 0741 11.8 : 5 31.. S 311. 3 SI. 3 .1.511 27.7 IS. 5- 17. 70.0 11764 12.5 fi 2ii. 1 24 () .-4.3 .1148 21.3 19. 1 17. s 79. 5 OS23 14.0 7 ■2(i. 5 24. 2 7 1.9 . 1033 22.6 IS. 7 17.3 77.6 o;9o 13.1 ! 8 y4. -2 22. ^^ SI. 4 . 105'J 19.6 17.7 16. 72. 2 0309 10.5 <.) ''3 .") 22. 7'.). G . 1005 Is. 5 17. 2 15. 7 75.0 0712 10. 7 10 i>:i'r, 22. 79. . 1005 Ls. 5 ' 16. 5 15.0 74. 5 1 I6S2 9. 9 11 2-1. :> 21.0 79. . II'J54 17.5 17.0 15. 2 69. 9 III ',50 s. 9 Noon. ■J3. 21. .-> 79. 3 . (1980 IS. 17.7 16.1 73.8 07 15 11.0 1" 2'-;. 8 21. 2 77.9 . 0952 17.3 18. 2 16. 4 71.0 0704 10.7 2 22. r» 21. 2 S|.,s .11987 18.1 17.7 16.4 78. 5 0762 12.3 3 22. 7 21.4 SI. 9 . 0997 IS. 3 17.5 15. 7 70.4 111)76 9. 5 4 22' 20. :, 7S, (5 . 0932 16.6 17.7 10.2 7.5. .5 0730 11.4 5 22. 1 211. rf .SI. G . 0907 17.6 17.7 16.4 78. 6 11762 12. 3 6 21.9 211.7 S2. 9 .0973 17.7 17.5 16. 3 80. 0769 12. 8 7 22. 20. 7 si. 6 . 0-102 17.5 16. 9 1.5.0 OS. 1 0036 S. 3 8 21.4 20. II 79. . 0915 16.4 17.5 16.4 81.7 07.S5 13! 1 9 20. 1.-^. 5 77.1 . 0833, 14.2 17.2 16.2 83. 2 07S8 13.2 ! 10 19. S IS. 4 7S.4 . 0839 14.6 16.8 15. 1 71.4 0663 9. 2 i 11 Mcan.s. + 1H.7 + 17.3 77. G 0. 0790 + 13. 1 + 16.4 + 1,5.0 75. 9 0694 + 10. 3 SO. 22 0. 1029 +19. 16 75. 12 1 0736 + 11.52 MAY , 1873. Date. i 30. F. V. W. 31. Time. D. R. II. p. r. D. P. D. R. H. 1 F. V. D. P. Inches. p. C. Ill "hes. ' Oh +115. 5 + 14. .s 71.1 0. Oi)53, + 8.7 +13, + 11 5 71.3 0557 + 5. 5 1 1 ir,. h 14.9 72. 8 . OOIH 9.3, 13.0 11.6 73.1 0.572 6. 2 Ki 7 l.'i. 3 70.2 . 0706 10.8 13. 2 12.0 77.1 Iir,ll9 7.4 3 17.2 10. 79. s . 0757 12. 5 13. 2 12. 77.1 't 0609 7.4 4 16.7 1.-1. II 71.3 . 0i;5'9 9.1 11.7 10. • 66. 04S7 2.5 r. 1G.7 14. s G7.S . 0630 7.9 11.5 9.1 66.2 11494 '~l H (i 17.1 \:,. -.', 711. . 0660 9.0 12.2 10. 5 ViCk 5 0502 :T 1 7 l(i.7 U.x G7.8 . 0630 7.9 14.5 13.0 72. 7 0609 7.4 s 10. 2 14. - / .). 7 . 0IH7 10.0 14.2 12.8 74.1 0614 7. 6 y l.S. :, 11.0 73.5 .11644 8. 14.2 13.0 77.8 0044 8.6 10 14.9 13.0 71;. 5 . 0654 s s 13. 7 12.0 6s. 3 0551 5. 2 11 1.5. 2 13.0 71.4 . oi;oo 0. 5 14.3 13. 76.1 0633 '"■ 2 Noon. 14. .-, 12. 65. 3, . 0547 .5.1 15. 2 13. 71.1 0603 7.1 11' 14.0 13. 71.0 .0597 7.0 15.2 13.. 3 66. 2 0573, 0. II 2 14.7 13.2 73,. .0615 7.6 15. 6 14.0 71.9 0633 8.2 3 14. .-> 13.0 .0009 7.4 15. 7 14.2 73.7 01152 s. s 4 14.1 12. 2 v'i. 9 . 0533 4.6 16. 1 13. 8 70. 7 0(;26 s! 5 i:!.9 12. 3 70.3 .0.573 r.. 16.1 14.2 67. 2 0606 7.2 f) 13.7 11. r. Ii7. 3 . 0546 5.1 16.4 14.8 72. 7 or,r,5 9.1 / 13,. 7 U.ri 64.3 . 0.520 3.7 16. 5 15. 74.5 1 0682 9.9 H 13. 11..-, 64. 9 . 0517 3.6 16. 2 14 7 74. 2 0672 9. 3 9 13.1 11.3 6.5. 7 .0515 3.7 15. 2 14.1 80. 3 0695 10.3 10 12.7 11.0 07. 2 . 051S ;!. 9 15. 2 12. 3 47. 5 0-119 9. 6 11 + 12.7 + 11.2 71.0 0.0517 + .5.1 + 15.5 + 13.2 56. 8 0. 0501 + 11.1 McaiLS. 1 70. 48 0. 0607 + 7.10 70. 54 0. 0592 + 7.35 182 ITYGKOMETRICAL OBSERYATIONS I'OKCE OF VArOR. The two following tables contain the daily ami hourly means of the foive of vapor, extracted from the preceding record : Dailil means of J'orcc of vapor ohscrral <(t Folaris House. 1S7- » 1-7:!. hay of ;_■ '\ " iiioiitb. ^ ^ r- t: r. f; = 1 1 7^ >. '?, Ca 4 ^ ". < ^ liich.f^. IihIi,'.-; I lirlli'S. Illrhrf:. Jinh.'s. Indus. Inches. 1 O.D-J^s 0. OKs:. 0. Oil!-,' 0. 1111:1:1 0. Olll-J 0.0044 0. 01:10 . iir.-j;; .0141 .oo-ji.t . (107 1 . oo;!6 .0057 . (l7-.'9 ■;, , i).*77 .iii:iCi . (lOJIl . (lUOli . IIII'JI . 0077 . (ISOS 4 . (isnii . ( I'Ji ).'i . oii-js .011(1 . OOllO ,000 1 .OISI 5 .iir.i:; .oi;i.'. . OO'l'.l . (iJ4:l .00:14 .0101 . o:!4(; Ci . (i;!:.4 .010:1 . (lO.'iO .011:1 . 00 IS . 11009 . o:!49 . ();;r.t; . 0'J-J,~ .Ol:i(l .01:11 . OI'IO .01.50 .0:149 ^^ ,(i-ji)j .oils .0141 . 0005 . 0074 .01;59 .O'.'9-J 9 .u;u4 i . O'.'-Jll .010:1 .oil-i .01-'4 .0l:!5 . 11:109 10 .(i-ji'.i .0147 .0114 . (I07-' . ooso . o_':io . 0(l-.'7 11 .0171 . oniii . uo:!.'> . Ol-'ll . 0070 . 0:110 .(ioi;i VI .014>1 1 .014-' . 1111','S . 00(1:1 .OI-.'S . 0-'5(l . 0.597 l:t . ii:. IS OOilS . 1111:10 . (loj 1 . 1 II I5S .O'i'js .0711 14 iir.'i; .OHIO . oo-io . (KI'JS . 005(1 .0.501 . 09S5 1') ;(i47-.' .111-:! J . OII-.'S . oo:!7 . 00(1(1 .0515 .1:195 l(i .1)1117 .O-'lll 1 . 011:11 .00:! I 1 . II0S7 . o-Jo:! . I4:i4 17 . (i'J:!li . o-.'oii .0010 . 011:11 . (lo'.m . 0'J75 . 1047 IS .111-.'.'. . .O-'.'.O . 0o:!4 . Oll-jll . 0045 . OJ-O . l-.'-'s la .(ii-j;; .0-,)47 . IIOJ'.I .(I0-J4 .0104 . 0-'S5 . 1-Ji:i 'j(i . di'.m .O'-'lil . 0041) .0010 . 0160 .04S(1 .11:15 'ii . O-S.VJ . ii-j:i'.i . Oll.'.'i . 1 II l'J.5 .0117 .(i:il-' .11.59 .(i:;;ii; .0404 ! . iio:io . 00 1:1 . ( 101 y . o;io5 .i:u4 ._.;; . o:!4 1 .0410 .0111') .oi:i-J . 0051 . 0'J4S . 109:1 'J I .u-Ji.^ . Ollll'.l . OO'.'O .01.5:1 .0I-J7 . 0(1.59 . lo:!9 .oi:r, . IIII-J7 . 0050 .00114 . 0151 . 1044 'J(i :Il-]^s . O-'-.'li . Oii'.M .004(1 .0049 .0:179 . lO.'O '-'7 . U-J7 1 . O-2'J-.! , . (11 !.'>:! . 00 1'.! .0047 . 0:!77 . l'J15 ',*S . 0-J(IS .0171! . on 1:! 0. OOS'J . (lOliO . 109 . lO'JO '.",) ; .0173 . iiiisa . on:!."! . oo:!s . 04S7 . 07;!(1 ;i(i 0.11-107 . (lOW) . 00 15 .oo-JO 0. 0555 . 0007 1 "'^ Means. 0. iio:i.") 0. OOSv! 0. oo-jo 0. II5'.I'.' o.o:'.4i;,j 0. o-ji-j:i. 0.00471 0. 0071!'. 0. 0007 ( (l-iOlM 0. 0S41-, HourJji )iiC(ins of force of raj o)' oliscrre I at Pol ((ris House 0'' 0. 0:"ii'J7 0. 02:!:^(i 0. 0050;! 0. (io;i95 0. OOIV.U 0. 0-3:!5(i 0.07407 1 .ii-'iii-J .ii.':il9 .0II1S4 . 0005:! . OIKl'JO . (I'J4(I7 . 07057 >J .o:ilii:i .OJISI . (Ill 17:'. .0071(1 . 00 ,rj:l . II-M9-J . 0S(l,57 ;j .9:1:155 . OJJSJ . 00179 . OU7(IO .01 1559 .0-.'(ll7 . 0S-,i(19 4 . o:i-jo:i ' . o-.Mo:! .0019:! . (I07;!9 . 00110:1 . 0'J540 . 0,S5.5S 5 , .o:ii:l-i .OilSO . (Ill lll^ .007:11 . OdiiO- .0:i709 . 0S59S (■ .0:1117 . o.'Oil-,' .(lOIO-J .0074 1 . 001109 . 0-.!S-iS .OS457 7 .0:1105 .0-.!l(iO . 00 175 . 110771 . 0(i05:i . II-J99I1 .(IS59I S .0:1.574 . (l'..!'::l:l . 0115:1-.; . (i(i7:!(i . (I009'.' .o:!-'41 .os(l;ls 9 .o:i.5-Jl .o.'l,-s . (Il)50'.l . 00791 . (10074 .o:i4i-J . 0>7S9 10 .0:15 17 . O^'-iOS . 005 l-i .00777 .0()71S .o;!:i-.':! . (ISI1S5 11 .o;l5sii . II ill J 1 .00.501 .lllis-j- . 0II7S-J , o:!:!7-' . OS(rJs Ndoii. .0:1579 .O.'UO . (10 105 . 007,57 .OOSl-J . o:iio-i . (ISOtlO 11' 1 .11:1571 I .0--'U(i . OOIO'.I . 007 1 1 . IIO^-.Ml .o:ii.5',> . os7o:i t> . 0:15:15 . (IJIIS5 . 00 15:1 . 007:10 . (lOSOS .o:!5i:! 1 . osos-j :! .0:1510 .ll'ilSS . (Ill 1(11! . II07-JS . 0075(1 .0:117(1 . OSS'.;:! 4 . 0:1555 .02IK51 . (lOKi:! . 00700 . (107(17 .0:1:17s . OSIrJl .) . o:i5-j9 . (I'.'( II 19 . 00 1.5'J . Iill75'l . 00751 .(i:i-J7(i . OS(i(l-_> (1 .0:i4i:! .O'iOlO .00449 . oo7s:i . 00()9(i 1 .0:107:! .osiii:! / .o;;.5-jl .OP.HS . 00 1-JS . iios:i(i . (KllllO .0J9I7 .(IS4.57 s .o:i5l9 .01955 . (lOl'^s . 00719 . 00li'J4 ,0-,>s75 i .os:ii;i 9 .11:11:111 . 1 1 .'( Ills .00114 . oooss . (KIOOS .O'.'TOJ . 0S'_i|l5 10 , o:i'^s9 .(I'illlO . 00 159 . 00119s . 00501 ! .0-J7.55 .0S09I 11 o.ii:i-.'99 (1. (I-J(I95 0. III! 151 0. 007 OS 0. oo.5i;s 0, 0'jooi 11.07915 0.11.111:1 1 1 j 0. ojl'j:! 0.00471 (1. 007:19 0. 00(170 , 0. 0'J99I i 0. 0S41-J AT POLAETS HOUSE. 133 ANNUAL FLUCTUATION OF THE FORCE OF VAPOE AT POLAEIS HOUSE. As our observations taken at Polaris House extend orer seven mouths only, we submitted six of the same to analytical treatment to obtain the annual fluctuation of the force of vapor durin-- the winter-half-year. The analytical elements aud expression used are as follows : n On K Hn Cn 1 • > 3 + 0. 0:>2r, — 0. 0-JUl + 0. Ml-J;; — 0. 0l>29 — 11.001- ± 0, olXio + 0. 0:>:-' + 0. n-2Ml 4- 0. 01-j:;. O ' " 9.5 6 54 95 3 46 90 00 F = -pri.ii-259 + 0.0:1--}- sill (i + 95" 54') + 0.0-201 sin (-2 .r + 95^ :i' 40 ') + 0.01-2:! siu (;:'..<• + 90- 0' 00") a: = 60-', 1-20°, By means of the above expression the following values were obtained, given with their cor- responding equi-intervals in the annexed table : Months and seasous. Observed. Computed. ; Q"_!.n'" December. l-T-2 0. ii-220 January, 1-7:! : 0.0047 February j 0. on7 :'. March i 0.0067 April ' 0.0:liii May :.... O.O^ie Mean 0.0259 Winter ' 0,0113 .•Spring- : 0.04LI6 Inches. 0.011- 0. 01711 0.0110 0,0171 0. 0179 0. 0-09 Indies. + II. 1110-2 — 0.012:-. II. i'i.i:;7 — 0. 11104 + 0.1112:' + 0. oo:!9 0. 0-259 ± 0. 0000 0. 01:3 0. i:i:> — 0. 0020 + 0. IJIJ20 I'rolialile error of any single ]'c[>r( Probable error of mean iitation : : 0.0009 = 0.0012 It will be seen that during the winter-half-year the force of vapor is above the mean during April and May. while it is below the same during the four remaining mouths. The observed mini- nmm ocenrs in January, while the computed curve passes through the minimum in February, or. rather, about the I'Oth of January. An examination of the thermal curve during the wiuter-half- year sliows that January was the coldest mouth, although the computed curve reaches the miui- mum in February, so that the thermal and hygroraetrical curves are in conformity. The values ob.served at Polaris Bay aud Polaris House during tbe winter-half-year compare as follows : December. January. February, Maroli. April. May. Winter. Polaris House 0.022ii O.ii047 0.007:.! 0.0067 i.i.i.i:;m-j 0.ii-4- O.0U3 Polaris Bay 0.0137 O.Ou-^ O.OO-G O.OOOS 0.0279 ri.ii-n.-, 0.01i.i3 During February,. March, and May the force of vapor was greater at Polaris Bay than at Polaris House. This was also the case during spring; while during wiuter and the three remain- ing mouths it was greater at Polaris than at Polaris Bay. S|irina'. Mean. 0.0406 0.0259 0.0414 0.025-5 IS H O 134 HYGROMETRIOAL OBSERVATIONS DIURNAL FLUCTUATION OF THE FORCE OF VAPOR AT POLARIS HOUSE. In the analytical treatment of the diuraal fluctuation during the wiuter-half-year the following elements and expression were used : n «» 6„ Bn Cn 1 2 3 — 0. 00170 — 0. 00030 -|- 0. 00002 — 0. 00040 — (1.00010 — 0.00010 + 0.0015 + 0.0003 + 0.0001 o / /' 257 19 29 251) 21 30 169 11 33 F=0 0253 + 0.0015 sin (x + 257" 19' 29") + 0.0003 siu (2 x + 2.50^ 21' 30") + 0.0001 siu (3 x + 169° 11' .33") x = 15°, 30°, By means of the above expression the following values were obtained : Time. Observed. Computed. Difference, i 0.— C. i Time. Observed. IncJi es. Computed. DiiTerence, 0.— C. Incites. Inches. Indies. Inches. Inches. Oh 0. 0233 0. 0239 —0.0006 Noon. 0. 0271 0. 0271 ±0. 0000 1 .0230 . 02.11 .0005 Ih . 0272 .0271 -- .0001 2 . 0242 .0244 — .0002 2 . 0271 .0271 -- .0000 3 0249 .0249 ± . 0000 3 . 0274 . 0269 + . 0005 4 0255 . 0254 + .0001 4 . 0267 .0266 .0001 5 . 0250 . 0250 — .0003 ; 5 . 0264 .0263 .0001 6 .0262 . 02(18 0006 !' 6 . 0257 . 0254 + . 0003 7 . 0261 .0204 — . ooo;-! ii 7 . 0255 . 0256 — .0001 8 . 020H . 112115 + .OOOl! |i 8 . 0249 .0251 — .0002 9 . 0273 . 02117 .0006 1' 9 . 0245 . 0244 + .0001 10 . 0272 . 02HH + .0004 )■ 10 . 0245 . 0244 .0001 11 0. 0269 0. 021 19 ±0.0000 ;; 11 0. 0240 0. 0239 +0.0001 Mean = 0.0253 ; dift'ei •ence = JL 0.0000. resulting in the annexed diagram. Diurnal fuctuatlon of farce of rapor — ivintcr-haJf-year. M ii jNuuu i.^ In general, the computed and observed values agree pretty closely, the greatest difference be- tween the two not exceeding 0.0006. The computed curve passes the maximum of 0.0271 at about 1^^ a. m., and the minimum of 0.0239 at about llji^ p. m., thus exhibiting a range of 0.0052. Besides the absolute maximum there are two relative maxima of 0.0268 and 0.0256, respectively, occurring at 6^ a. m. and 7'^ p. m., respectively. The two corresponding relative minima of 0.0264 and 0.0254, respectively, being reached at about 71'' a. m. and G^' p. m. An examination of the corresponding thermal curve shows that the absolute maximum occurs at 2^= p. m. and a relative maximum at S^ a. m., which latter, however, is merely accidental ; the minimum temperature during the period in question being reached at midnight. In order to investigate the diurnal fluctuation of the force of vapor during winter the means of the computed values for December, January, and February were taken, given in the following table, with the observed values and the differences between the two : AT rOLARIS HOUSE. Diurnal fluctuation of the force of vapor at Polaris House during winter. 135 Time. Observed. Computed. Inches. 1 Differeuce, O.— C. Indies. Time. Observed. Computed. Differeuce, 0.— C. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 0" 0.0118 O.Oll-J +0. 0006 Noou. 0. 0113 0.0113 ±0. 0000 1 .0115 .0114 + .0001 11' .0111 .0110 + ,0001 2 . Oll'J .0115 — .ooo:! 2 . 0109 .0111 — .0002 3 .0115 . 0113 -- . ooo-j 3 . 011-2 . 0109 + 0003 4 . 0118 .0118 -- .0000 4 .0109 .0111 — .0002 f, . oim .0117 — .0004 5 .0106 . 0106 ± .0000 . 01-^7 . 01-il + .0006 6 0108 .0108 ± .0000 7 .0114 .OIW — . 0005 7 .0108 . 0109 — .0001 b .Ollfi . 0119 . 0003 m .0104 .0104 ± .0000 OlKi .0118 — .0002 9 .0109 .0107 4- 11002 10 . 0119 .0110 + .0003 10 .0109 .0109 ± .0000 u 0. oir,' 0. 0115 -0. 0003 11 0. 0108 i 0. 0107 +0. 0001 = 0.0111 ; difference = ± 0.0000. The curve resulting from the above values will be found in the discussion of the diurnal fluc- tuation of the relative humidity giveu hereafter, where the two hygrometrical curves are repre- sented simultaneously. As was found to be the case at Polaris Bay, the curve now in question is rather irregular. It passes through the absolute maximum of 0.0121 at 6'' a. m., while the minimum of 0.0104 is reached at S^ p. m., the range being 0.0017 only. Both the computed and observed absolute maxima and minima coincide in regard to time. Besides the absolute maximum and minimum there^ are a number of secondary maxima and minima, as a glance at the above table, or at the curve referred to, will demonstrate. The corresponding thermal curve passes the absolute maximum at miduight and the absolute minimum at noon, there being, consequently, no coincidence of the maxima and minima of temperature and force of vapor in regard to time. The following table exhibits the — Diurnal fluctuation of the force of vapor at Polaris House during spring. Time. (Jb.served. Computed. Diffrieuce, 0.— C. Time. flbserved. Computed. Difference, 0.— C. Indies. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. on 0. 0358 0. 0362 —0.0004 Noou. 0. 0429 0. 0433 — 0.0004 1 . 0357 .03(14 — . 0007 11' . 0433 .0436 . 0003 •> . 0:!72 . 0370 + .0002 ■> . 0433 ,II4:!8 — .0005 :; . 0:!83 . 0379 . 0004 ;i . 0435 . 0431 + .0004 4 . 0392 . 0386 + .0006 4 . 0426 . 11428 — . 011(12 r . o;;'.i9 . 0399 J- .0000 -, . 0414 .0419 00 05 6 . 0397 . 0405 — .0008 6 . 0407 . 0412 — . 0005 7 . 0408 . 0410 — .0002 7 . 0402 .0402 ± .0000 8 . 0419 .040S -f .0011 ,-J . o:!94 . o:'i99 — .0005 ;i . 0429 .0419 + .0010 9 . 0384 . 11382 + .0002 10 .0424 .0424 ± .0000 10 . 0380 0372 . 0(J08 11 0. 0426 0. 0429 Moan -O.0003 = 0.0403; di 11 ference = 0. o:',71 ± 0.000. 0. 0365 +0. 0006 The curve showing the diurual march of the force of vapor during spring will be found repre- sented simultaneously with the one exhibiting the fluctnatiou of the relative humidity, in the dis- cussion of this latter subject, giveu hereafter. It may be seeu that the computed curve passes the maximum of 0.0438 at 2'> p. m., while the minimum of 0.0362 is reached at midnight, thus showing 136 HYGROMETEICAL OBSERVATIONS a rauoe of 0.007C. Besides tlie absolute maxinmm there is a relative (accidental) maximum of 0.0410 taking place at about 7>^ a. m. The maximum and minimum, as observed, occur at 3^ p. m. and 1" a. m., respectivelv, coinciding in regard to time pretty closely with their corresponding com- puted values. The corresponding thermal curve passes the maximum about half an hour past noon and tlie minimum at midnight. At Polaris Bay the maxima of temperature and. force of vapor occurred nearly at the same time (noon), while in this instance the maximum of force of vapor suffers a retardation of about "2i hours. Pop the better uuderstanding of the diurnal fluctuation of the force of vapor during the two seasons in question, and during the winter-half-year, we shall now consider the dinrnal fluctuation during the different mouths on record. The analytical elements and expressions made use of are as follows : Decemher. n 1 «;» in Bn C„ — 0.0008 — 1). 0001 -f 0. 0U05 + 0. 0015 + 0. 0003 -j- 0. (1002 -f 0. 0017 4- 0004 -f 0. 0005 o / // 332 5 341 24 19 87 48 27 /.'= -L D.o-ji'j _|_ 0.0017 sia (X + 332- 5' C") + (MIOOI sin (2 ..: + 341'-' 24' 19") + 0.0005 sin (3 x + 87'^ 48' 27") X = 15°, 30°, Janunry. It On in B„ c„ 1 2 — 0.00020 + 0. 00(11 + 0. 00003 -\- 0. 00020 -f 0.00003 + 0.00004 + 0.0003 + 0.0001 -t- 0.0001 O ' " 353 29 58 77 G 42 327 53 F = - . 0.0047 + 0.0003 sin (j; + 353 J 29' 58") -f 0.0001 sin (2 x + 77° 6' 42") + 0.0001 sin (3 x + 327° 53' 0") .,• = 15°, 30° .... Febniary. n (In i,. B„ Cn O 1 II 1 2 3 — 0. 0004 — 0.0001 — 0. O0O3 — 0. 0001 — 0.0004 + (1.0001 + 0.0004 + 0.0004 + 0.0003 254 23 5 189 52 22 278 39 38 J?= -f 0.0074 + 0.0004 sin (x + 254° 23' 5") -f 0.0004 sin (2 x + 189° 52' 22") + 0.0003 sin (3 a; + 278° 39' 38") X = 15°, 30°, March. n 0,1 6„ Bn Cn o / // 1 3 — 11.00110 — 0.00010 — 0. 00010 — 0. 0005O -f 0. 00040 — 0. ofliioi + 0. 0010 + 0.0004 + 0. 0001 241 45 33 346 20 22 261 .58 28 F= H- 0.0(J(;h + 0.0010 siu {x + 241'-"' 45' 33") + 0.0004 sin (2 x + 346'-' 20' 22") -f 0.0001 sin (3 x -f 261° 58' 28") re = 15'-", 30'-' AT POLARIS HOUSE. April. 137 n «7. in -B,, Cn 1 3 — 0. 0044 + 0.0001 + 0.0004 — 0. 0025 — 0.0003 -f 0. 0002 + 0. 0051 -j- 0. 0003 + 0.0004 G J ■ -/ 240 18 10 171 57 57 66 39 4f. _F= + 0.0299 + 0.0051 siu (x + 240- 18' 10") + 0.C003, sin (2 .c + 171° 57' 57") + 0.0004 siu (3 .>• + 66^ 39' 46") x = 15=, 30°, . . . . May. n a» in s,. c„ 1 2 3 — 0.0041 — 0. 0017 — 0. 0i)05 — 0.0009 — 0. 0002 — 0. 0009 + 0.0042 + 11.0017 + 0.0010 o / // 25S 23 21 203 G 44 207 31 F = + 0<41 + 0.0042 siu {x + 25so 2:'.' 21") + 0.0017 sin (2 x + 26:!^ 6' 44") + 0.0010 sin (3.1- + 207^ 31' 0") x = 15';', 30°, .... The values obtaiued by meaus of tbe above expressions are as follows : FORGE OF ^'APOR. Time. Deceml)er Time. .January. Observed. Compu- ted. 1 Diftereuce, 0.— C. Inches. Observed. Inches. Compu- ted. Inchc. Dili'ereuee, ().— C. Inches. Inches. Incites. O'l (1. 02:'>4 0. 0223 +0.1)011 01- 11.0050 0.0048 +0.0002 1 . 0232 , 0225 -j- .0007 1 . 0048 .0049 — . 0001 '2 . 11218 . 0227 — . O009 , 2 . 0047 . 0049 . 0002 3 . 0228 . 0220 4- . 0008 :i . 0048 .0049 — . 0001 4 . 1 1230 . 02:;2 — . 0002 4 . 0049 . 0049 ± . 0000 ;t . 0219 . 0227 — . 0008 .5 . 0047 . 0049 — . 00L2 6 . n-ji;:! . 0241) + .0023 6 .0041; . 0049 . 001 1.3 7 . 0216 . 0232 — . 0016 7 . 0048 . 0049 — . 0001 ,-^ . 0223 . 0229 .0006 , s . 005:! .0049 + .0004 9 . 0219 . 0224 — . OO05 ! 9 . 0051 . 0051 ± .0000' 10 . 0227 . 021 9 + . 0008 It 10 . 0054 .0049 + . 0005 11 . 1 1202 . 0214 — .0012 :, 11 . 0050 . 0051 — . 0001 Noon. . 0215 , 0213 + . 0002 11 Noon. . 0047 . 004s — . 0001 Ih . 0212 . 020.-' + .0004 1 11' .0047 . 0047 J- .0000 2 . 0209 . 0217 — .0008 ') .0045 . 1)045 + .0000 3 .0219 .0212 + .0007 jl ;] . 0046 . 0045 + .0001 4 . 1)205 . 0218 — . 0013 4 .0046 . 0043 .0003 5 . D'JOl . or.H + .0003 5 .0045 . 004:! . 0002 6 . 0201 .0202 - .0001 6 .0045 .0044 + .0001 i . 0199 . 0205 .0006 7 . 0043 . 0043 -L . 0000 s .0196 .0190 — . 0006 s .0044 . 0045 — . 0001 9 . 0207 . 0203 + .0004 9 . 0041 . 0045 . 0004 10 . 0214 .0211 + . 0003 10 . 0046 .0047 — .0001 11 Jloans. 0. 0209 0. 0212 0. 0209 0. 0212 -to. 0000 j-o. 0000 ! 11 JleaiLs. 0.0045 0.0045 +0. OOOU 0. 0047 0. 0047 -to. 0000 138 HYGEOMETEICAL OBSEEVATIOlSrS FOECB OF VAPOE— Continued. February. March. Time. Time. Observed. Compu- ted. Difference, O.— C. Obs erved. ^'-P"" Difference, O.-C. Inches. Jndieii. Iiichev. In ches. Inches. Oil . 0070 0. 00(i5 +0. 0005 O'l 0063, (1 0058 -|-0. 0005 1 . 00(5.') oO(;(5 — . 0001 1 0063 0061 -(- . 0(102 o .0072 (J069 + .0003 '_> 0062 O064 — , 0002 3 .0070 0071 — . 0001 3 0056 0063 — . 0007 4 .0074 (1072 + .0002 4 0006 0064 -f . 01102 5 007;! 0074 — .0001 •'"' 00(i7 0064 -|- . 0(103 6 .0074 0075 — .0001 0061 0005 — .0004 7 0077 0076 + .0001 7 0065 0064 + .0001 B . 0074 (1078 — . 0004 « 0069 0066 + .0003 9 0079 (.1080 .0001 9 i 0067 0070 — . 0003 10 0078 00-^1 ~ . 0003 10 0072 0073 — . 0001 11 O08:'. 0080 -f .0003 11 (1(17H 0077 + .0001 Noou. 0070 (1077 — .0001 Noon. 0081 (1080 .0001 I'l 0074 0074 ± .0000 Ill 0(J83, O081 -f- 0002 2 007:'. 0071 -f- (1002 V> 0081 (losl ± .0000 ;t 0073 0071 .0002 0076 j 0079 — . ooo:; 4 (1070 0072 + .0004 4 0(.)77 0076 -f .0001 U 0072 0076 — . (1(104 5 0075 0074 . 0001 () ( 1078 0079 — .0001 6 0070 0069 + . Oool 7 ( 1084 Od^-'O + .0004 ' 0065 0066 — . 0001 y (1072 0078 — . 0006 ^ o(j(";2 0062 ± .0000 ;» (J 07 9 0(174 . 0005 9 0061 I 0060 + .0001 10 O0O9 (1071 — .0002 10 (_io5(; 0054 -f . 0002 11 ' (J 071 00(i(; -f 0. 0005 11 ■ 005' ! 1 0058 —0.0005 MtaiiN. ■ 0074 0. 0074 -J-O.OOOO Means. 0068 M 0008 a,y. ±0. 0000 April. m- . riT iiiue. J ime. Obs Brved. Compu- ted. Difference, 0.— C. Obs .rved. Co. iipu- ed. Difference, O.-C. In dies. Inches. 1 Inches. In ches. In vhes. Inches. 01' ()2:!0 (1. 02.52 —0. ooit; OH 0747 0775 —0. 0028 1 (1241 . 0248 — .0(107 1 0766 0783 — .0(117 2 0249 .0246 + .0003 o 0806 0801 -f .0005 :1 1 (1207 . 0249 + .0018 3 0827 0826 -f .0001 4 ()2,-,4 .0250 — . 0002 4 0856 08:!7 — . 0019 I (1271 . 0273 . 0002 08(;(.l 0859 + .0001 i 1 ()2s:i . 0287 . 0004 ! ■ 084(i 0862 — .0016 ' 1 0300 .(i:!Or) — . O0O5 7 0859 0.S62 ■-f .0003 8 i (1324 . 0319 + . 0005 8 (1863, 0838 . 0025 9 0341 . 0330 + .0011 9 0879 0858 . 0021 10 (1332 . 03:!7 — .0005 10 0869 (1861 . OdOS 11 (1337 . 0340 . (iO(j:! 11 ! 0863, 0870 4 .0007 Noou . 0340 . 0343 . 0003 Noon. 03(i7 0875 — . OO08 Ih (13,15 . 0347 . 0002 Ill 0870 0S79 , 0009 2 (13.-,1 , 0357 — .0006 2 OSOrt (.1.877 — .0009 b 0348 . 0344 -1- .0004 :! 0.-.S2 0870 -f .0012 4 (i3;'i8 - . 0336 .0002 4 0862 087:-! — . 0011 .5 (1328 0:i25 -f .0003 5 0860 0857 + .(1003 0307 .0314 — . 0007 () 0843 t 0-'52 . 0009 7 029.5 . 0297 — . (J0O2 7 0846 1 0844 -{- . ( 1002 8 ( 12«8 . 0284 -f .0004 8 083,1 085O — .0019 0270 . 0274 — .0004 9 0821 0812 -f .0009 10 0276 . 0268 + .0008 10 0809 0793 .0016 11 0209 0. 0259 +0.0010 11 0792 0778 +0. 0014 Means. 0299 0. 0299 ±0.0000 Means. 0841 0841 ±0. 0000 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 139 From the above table it appears that in December the computed curve passes through the maximum at 6'' a. m. and through the minimum at 8'' p. m., the corresponding observed maximum and minimum occurring at the same hours. The ranges, as derived from the computed and observed values, are 0.0050 and 0.0067, respectively. The maximum of temperature is reached at midnight, while the minimum occurs at 2'^ p. m. In January the curve is rather irregular, showing two maxima of 0.0051 each, occurring at 9^' and 11'' a. m., respectively, while three minima, of 0.0043 each, are reached at 4'', S^, and 7'', p. m. The range is very small during this month, amounting to 0.0008 only. The corresponding thermal curve passes through the maximum at Q^ p. m., and twelve hours later through the minimum. In February the observed and computed maxima of 0.0083 and 0.0081, respectively, occur at ll'' and lO'^ a. m., respectively, the minima, of 0.0065 each, being reached at I'' a. m. and midnight, respectively. The maximum temperature during this month is reached at 8'' p. m., while the mini- mum occurs at noon. The curve representing the diurnal iiuctuation during March coincides well with the thermal curve. The observed and computed maxima of force of vapor occur at 1'^ p. m. and about three- quarters of an hour past noon, respectively, while the minima are reached at 11'' p. m. The maxi- mum and minimum temperatures occur at 2'' p. m. and 10'' p. m., respectively. The April curve exhibits a very regular course ; the maximum of 0.0357 being reached at 2'' p. m., while the minimum of 0.0246 occurs at 2'' a. m., the range thus beiug 0.0111. The observed maximum of 0.0351 coincides in regard to time with the corresponding computed value, while the observed minimum takes place about one hour before the occurrence of the one computed. It will be remembered that during this mouth the maximum temperature was reached as early as 10'' a. m., while the minimum took place at 2'' a. m. In May the computed curve passes through the maximum of 0.0879 at 1'' p. m., the minimum of 0.0775 being reached at midnight, thus giving a range of 0.0104. The maximum and minimum of temperature occur at noon and midnight, respectively. The following table of corrections derived directly from the table headed " Hourly means " may be found useful : Corrections to he appVteil to any hourly observation taken at Polaris House to obtain the mean force of vapor of the day. Time. o 7i rhvs. February. o <, < Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Indies. Inches. 0'> —0.00014 -0 .0021;! —0. 00032 +0.00014 +0. 110042 +0.00638 +0. 00945 1 + .01011 . 00196 .00013 . O0OS6 .00050 . (I(I5S7 . 00755 2 . 0031(1 . OOI).")'-i . 00002 . 00023 . (101 153 . 00502 . 00355 3 . 001 1.".f5 .001.^.9 . 0OI)U8 + . iii)0:;9 .00117 , 00:!47 + .00143 4 + .00210 . oob-^0 — .00022 + . 00000 .00013 . 00454 — . 00146 5 — . 00019 . 00063 + .00003 + . 1 100( 18 . 00008 . 00285 . 00181') 6 . 00034 . 00509 4- .00009 — . 00005 . 00067 + . 00166 . 00045 7 . 001 ).')2 . 00037 — .00004 — . 00032 + .00023 — .00002 .00184 s . 00161 .00110 . 00061 + .00003 — .00016 . 002 17 , 00226 . 00108 . 0006') . 00038 — . 00052 + .00002 .110418 . 00377 10 . 00104 . 0014.'. .00071 . 00038 + .00042 . 00329 .0027:'. 11 . 00167 + . 00099 — .00030 . 00089 — .00106 . 00378 . 00216 Noon. . 00166 . 00023 + .00006 . 00018 . 00136 . 00408 . 0O257 11' . 00158 + . 00007 . 00002 — . 00002 . 00150 .110458 . (1(1291 2 . 00122 + . 00038 . 00018 + .00009 . 00132 . 00519 . 00270 :_'. . 00133 . 00065 .00008 + .00011 . 00080 . 00482 .00411 4 . 00142 + . 00069 . 00008 — .00021 . 00091 . 00384 . 00209 5 — .00116 .00114 . 00019 + .00015 . 00075 . 00282 . 0(1190 11 ± .00000 . 00113 . 00022 — .00044 — . 00020 — .00079 . 00021 7 — .00108 . 00135 . 00043 — . 00097 + .00030 + . Otlll47 — .00045 8 . 00106 . 00168 . 00043 + .00020 . 00052 . 00119 + .00099 9 — . 00017 + . 00055 . 00057 . 00051 . 00068 . 00292 . 00207 10 + .00024 . 00013 . 00012 . 00041 .00115 . 00239 . 00321 11 +0.00114 +0 00028 +0. 00017 +0. 00031 +0. 00148 +0. 00303 +0. 00497 140 HYGEOMETEIOAL OBSERV A TIONS EELATIVE HUMIDITY. The foUowiug- two tables contain the daily and honrly means of the relative humidity extracted fron^ the preceding record : Daily means of relatiro humiditij observed at Polaris Hoxise. i C -^ Day of '^ ^ 3 ^ ~ mouth. - o z^ '■::; ^ ■r h. S ■Xi ^ Z 1 !_ IH ^ p. e. ^7 . 22 .59. 18 32.95 5:i. 25 45. 00 41.30 79. 33 ;( 87. 73 60.21 20. 97 50. 52 36. 45 40.33 81,68 4 86. 3-1 70.69 30. 37 60. 22 34. 82 43. 64 73. 47 5 .-7. 02 71.4:: 50. 1(1 76.91 43. 42 .57. 34 (il.l9 C 78. 07 64.59 42, 28 50. 77 43. 56 53. 40 .56. 34 7 78. 28 64.51 fri 11 5(i. 8(J 41.64 62. 04 56. 64 K 70.14 I 86. 30 63, 12 47.56 46. 17 63. 80 .56, 29 'J S0..">3 72. 50 55. 44 57. 20 .59. 3.^ 61. 46 63, -"^9 10 72. 40 63.91 59.48 40.72 52. 02 67. 00 73,. 02 11 67.72 66.99 ! 36. 98 58.84 ,54,38 77. 05 74. 76 12 62.27 62.87 35. 55 70. 92 60. 09 74.64 70. 72 13 80. 44 53. 56 34. 30 32. 39 51,98 76. 87 75. 34 14 87.82 60. 64 32.63 3:!. 96 50, 63 86. 02 HO. 22 15 70.39 67. 10 ;'.] , 14 50. 00 53. 02 84.28 86. 16 IG 83.5(1 70, 64 36,33 36. (i8 53. 80 76.07 87.04 17 75.22 72, .55 26. 3(1 39. 45 59. 02 76.40 81.96 L- 58. 77 74.94 35. 75 34.99 53. 85 77. 66 81. 59 19 64. 7S 71.77 3;!. 60 28. 75 .57, 01 75. ,54 78. 56 yil 70.58 74.84 40. 82 2'-<. 82 70. .52 79. 57 .■^2. 87 •^1 72, .53 72, 4S 29. 62 39. 32 72. 83 77. 57 80. 71 2'J 81.22 78.83 32. 08 38.84 54. 81 7 4. .54 74. 45 '!'■'} 78.28 78. 48 26. 92 62. a; 40. 60 60. 01 79. 77 •24 70 2-^ 76.71 36. 14 65, 52 51.75 8-' S8 HO. 22 2r> 77, 7S 74.73 30. 85 50. 74 49. 18 81.92 H2. 73 21 ; 71.11 66.64 47.00 49. 49 44. 63 77.93 76.80 •J 7 72.15 65, 34 50. 63 43. 39 30. 69 74.44 81. 62 2i^ 67.12 68. 2(; 39.63 55. 57 2-*. 87 74.04 H( 1.22 2'J 64.03 52.15 37. 7.-'. 32. 34 72. 62 75.12 30 :il 60.76 44. --^5 34.01 47.32 52. 62 21.80 14. 00 76.09 70. 48 70.54 Hourly means of relative huniiiJity observed at Polaris House. p. c. p. c. p. c. J), c. l>. c. p. c. p. r. 0i> 77. 02 6S. 47 • 41.0(1 47.74 -16.39 (;5. 38 74. 22 1 77. 77 67. 04 40. 00 47.76 46. 10 67.31 76. .52 2 77. H-'j 65. 75 40 00 47.77 4.5.3,2 68.06 75, 10 3 77.01 66. 34 40.87 47.02 46, 13 67.23 75, 56 4 75. 89 60, 50 40. 54 48. 25 48. 79 66. 46 75. 91 o 76. 37 67.45 40.41 4.H. 83 46.21 67. 52 75. 58 6 75. 04 GV: 45 40.11 49.60 45. H2 68.79 75.31 / 75. 17 6.-\ 4:i 42. 31 49. 51 47.31 69.99 74. 32 8 77, 48 69.22 46. 25 49. :;4 48. 14 71.42 73. 18 9 74.76 68. 45 45. 31 40.02 . 47. 99 70. 31 73.25 10 75, 99 6(i. 13 42. 56 4H. 34 47. 08 66.70 7 2 88 11 76.64 66. 15 41. 35 40. 3.7 48. 10 68. 27 -2' 19 Noon. 76.84 6(5. 18 41.00 51. S7 51. 27 60.77 72, 57 l" 75, 65 67. 23 40.01 51. 73 53. 21 70.13 73. 91 2 76.51 (iO. 02 !0. 40 51.11 54. 35 7i:64 75. 82 2 7(1.36 (J7.:il !8. 76 50. 01 52. 10 71.25 75. 80 4 77.39 ().">. T),^! !>', ;-■('. 47.48 50. 47 71.12 7,5. 82 5 - 76.79 64. 39 !7, 23 47, 56 40, 23 71, (J2 75. 79 6 7.5.-78 61. 20 57. 76 47. 84 48.62 70. (il 75. 67 7 74. 33 63. 21 36. 25 47.63 48. 01 70. 61 75. 91 8 73.88 66. 28 -15, HS 47. 46 44. 37 70. 47 76. 84 9 74. 58 65. 12 !7.19 46. 92 45. 23 70.02 75.93 10 74.41 66.95 19. 28 46. 58 43! 75 69. 53 75. 58 11 Means. 73. 34 ('6.73 40.10 47.13 46.21 69.31 75. 27 76. 25 66.66 40.38 48. 61 47. 94 69. 1(;; 74. 91 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 141 ANNUAL FLUCTUATION OF RELATIVE HUMIDITY AT POLARIS HOUSE. In discussing the annual fluctuation of relative humidity during the winter-half-year analyti- cally, the following elements and expression were used : n an *„ Sn Cn 1 2 ■ 3 — 2. 447 — 1. .580 + 0.335 — 2. 382 + 0.999 + 0. 093 + 3.230 + 1. 878 + 0. 343 C ' /' 229 30 301 2 43 75 10 fl"= 57.942 + 3.230 sin (x + 229° 30' 0") + 1.878 sin (2x + 301° 2' 43") + 0.343 sin (3 a; + 75° 10' 0") X = 60°, 120°, The following table contains the values obtained by the above formula; also, the observed values and the differences between the observed and computed values : Months and seasons. Observed. Computed. Diflereuce, 0.— C. December, 1872 January, 1873 66. 600 40. 319 48. 513 48. 039 69. 270 74.912 66. 625 42. 519 49. 588 47. 889 68. 149 72. 883 — 0. 025 — 2. 200 — 1. 075 + 0. 150 1.121 -f 2. 029 March , April May .......... Means ...... 57. 942 57. 942 -t 0.000 Winter 51. 811 64. 074 52. 911 62. 974 — 1. 100 + 1.100 Snrint? According to the preceding table the relative humidity is above the mean in March, April, and May, while it is below the same during the three remaining months. As may well be expected, it is less in winter than in spring, it being below the mean during the former seasou and above the same during the latter. At Polaris Bay the minimum relative humidity was reached in February, while in this case it occurs in January. A comparison of the march of the relative humidity and force of vapor during the winter-half- year brings out the fact that the minimum relative humidity ia January corresponds to a relative maximum of force of vapor, while a relative maximum of relative humidity in February coincides with the minimum of force of vapor. From the middle of February until May the two carves run nearly parallel. The mean relative humidity as observed at Polaris House and Polaris Bay during the winter- half-year compares as follows : December. January. February. March. April. May. Winter. Spring. Mean. 66.600 40.319 48.513 48.039 69.270 74.912 51.811 64.074 57.942 54.673 47.525 .53.351 56.204 77.686 83.666 51.849 72.519 62.184 Polaris House Polaris Bay It will be seen that the relative humidity as observed at Polaris Bay was greater in every month, with the exception of December, than at Polaris House ; the greatest difference occurring in May, the least in February. 19 H o * 142 HTGROMETRIOAL OBSBRVATIOKS DIURNAL FLUCTUATION OP RELATIVE HUMIDITY AT POLARIS HOUSE DURING THE WINTER-HALF-TEAR. In discussing the diurnal fluctuation of relative humidity during the winter-half-year the fol- lowing analytical elements and expression were used : n a» K Bn C„ 1 2 3 4 — 0. 921 + 0.7283 + 0. 421 — 0. 61383 + 0. 8596 + 0. 57415 — 0.8436 + 0.33023 + 1.2598 + 0. 9274 + 0.9586 + 0.6979 / // 313 01 39 51 45 03 153 28 48 . 298 16 46 fl- = -4- 60.292 + 1.2598 sin (x + 313° 01' 39") + 0.9274 sia (2 x + 51° 45' 03") + 0.9586 siu (3 35 -f 153'-' 28' 48") -f 0.6979 sin (4 a; + 298° 16' 46") X = 30°, 60°, .... By means of the above expression the following values were obtained : Time. Observed. Computed. Difference, O.-C. Time. Observed. Computed. Difference, O.-C. Oh 2 4 6 8 10 p. c. 60. 296 60. 106 60. 776 60. 162 62. 147 60. 082 59. 912 60. 524 60. 302 60. 666 61.656 60. 549 +0." 384 — .418 + .474 — .504 + .491 -0. 467 Noon. 21- 4 6 8 10 p. c. 61. 357 62. 548 60. 956 56. 899 58. 740 59. 439 p. c. 60. 898 62. 974 60. 592 57. 232 58. 390 59.811 +0.'459 — .426 + .364 — . 333 -f .350 —0. 372 Mean = 60.292; difference = ± 0. 000. The above values thrown into a curve result in the following diagram : Diurnal fluctuation of relative humidity at Polaris House, winter-half-year 1872-'73. The computed curve passes through the absolute maximum ot 62.986 at 2>' 5" p. m. and through the absolute minimum of 57.134 at 6^ 21'» p. m., thus exhibiting a range of 5.852. Besides the absolute maximum there are two relative maxima of 61.6565 and 60.570, respectively, occurring at 7'» 59".5 and 2^ 30'>i.5 a. m., respectively, the corresponding relative minima of 60.230 and 60.203 respectively, being reached at 4'' 28- and lO-^ 54- a. m., respectively. If we compare the curve under AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 148 consideration witli that representing the diurnal fluctnation of the force of vapor, vre shall see that the absohite maximnm of the latter, occurring about 1^ a. m., corresponds almost to a relative mini- mum of relative humidity; while the absolute minimum, which is reached at 11^ p. m., corresponds nearly to a relative maximum of relative humidity. It will be remembered that the thermal curve passes through the maximum at 2- p. m. and through the minimum at midnight. DIUENAL FLUCTUATION OF EELATIYE HUMIDITY DUEIXG WIXTEE AND SPEIXG AT POLAEIS HOUSE. TTiHto-.— The following computed values showing the diurnal fluctuation of the relative humidity during winter are derived directly from the computed bihourly means of December, Jan. uary, and February. For comparison the observed values are also given. Oi" o 4 6 , Obserred 5i. Ti 51.47 50.79 5-2.05 54. lU Computed 52.43 51.24 51.40 .52.73 54.23 10 Xoon. 2" 4 6 - 10 Mean. .52.34 53. u2 53.15 50.63 49.96 4r.54 50.94 51. ;S .53.47 53.05 52.43 51.41 49.29 49.63 51.24 51.55 .i 0.— C. ^ 0. 29 -f 0. 23 — 1. 39 — 0. 65 + 71 — 1. 13 — 0. 06 + 0. 75 — 0. 75 + 0. 67 — 1. 09 — 0. 30 ± 0. 00 The above values thrown into a curve result in the following diagram in which the fluctuation of the force of vapor is also represented. The dotted curve shows the diurnal march of the relative humidity: I>iunial -duetuation of relative humidity a7id force of vapor during irinter, lS72-'7.3, at Polai'is House. In. .oil;- V 1 1 : iPHIian^nHHHHHHHHHHHBI ■■■»■■■ :__ziHi^«WL^ IMMHKyiMrAH ^■SiHaEHiaifiiHRi^_ p.e, 55.00 54. -.:• 54.50 54. i5 54.00 53.75 ra. 50 5.1,25 53 00 5i00 51. M 51. -r. 51.00 50. :.' 50. .W ,^-1. 00 49. ::. 49. y_i 49. ar. The tljporetioal curve exbibitina- the fluctuation oi relative humidify passers through the maxi- mum of .:>4.i'.3 at about S.v a. m.. while the minimum of 49,^0 occurs at about 7f- p. m., thus .show- iig a raiij-p of 4.04. Besidrs the alisolnte minimum just mentioned there is a relative minimum of •j1.l'4. nrrurriiig at about I'.i a. m. It will be -ei^n that the coniputed and ol'^erved values agree pretty closelv. the jrreatesu diflerence not excee'liuj: 1.13. 144 HYGROMBTEIGAL OBSERVATIONS A comparison of the two hygrometrical curves, represented in the above diagram, shows that the absolute minimum of relative humidity coincides with a relative maximum of force of vapor. Most likely, however, this is merely accidental, as during the rest of their march the two curves do not show the relation as traced in lower latitudes in general, and, also, at Polaris Bay, during summer. At Polaris Bay the absolute maximum of relative humidity during the season in question was reached at 8^ p. m., which is almost the time of the absolute minimum at Polaris House, while the relative minimum of the latter station coincides within two hours with the absolute minimum at Polaris Bay; the minimum at Polaris Bay being reached earlier. Spring.— The following values were obtained for spring in a similar manner to that stated above: Oh 2 4 6 8 10 Nooa. 2" 4 6 8 10 Mean. Observed 62.00 62.83 63.72 63.31 64.2.5 62.52 64.54 67.27 (iS. 80 64.97 63.89 62.95 64.00 Computed 62.31 62.19 63.32 64.08 C3. 55 03.34 64.76 66.29 66.10 64.87 6.3. 99 63.25 64.00 A O.-C. - 0.31 + 0.64 + 0.40 - 0.77 + 0.70 - 0. 82 — 0.22 + 0. 98 - 0.30 + 0. 10 - 0. 10 — 0..30 ± 0.00 The above values thrown into a curve result in the following diagram, exhibiting also the diurnal fluctuation of the force of vapor : Diurnal fluctuation of relative humidity and force of vapor during spring, 1873, at Polaris House. The features of the curve exhibiting the diurnal march of the relative humidity are less regular than those at Polaris Bay. The curve shows two maxima of 66.29 and 64.08, respectively, occur- ring at about 2f' p. m. and about Q\^ a. m. ; the two miuimaof 62.31 and 63.34, respectively, being reached at about l^^a. m. and about %^ a. m., respectively ; consequently, the range equals 3.98, being 0.96 smaller than during winter. At Polaris Bay a certain parallelism of the two curves in question was noted, and this may be observed here even to a greater extent, as the maxima of force of vapor coincide almost with the maxima of relative humidity ; and the same will be seen in regard to the minima. AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 145 DIURNAL FLUCTUATION OF RELATIVE HUMIDITY AT POLARIS HOUSE DURING EACH MONTH, FROM NOVEMBER, 1872, TILL JUNE, 1873. As the time at oar disposal was rather limited, it was thought sufficient to compute the values for every other hour instead of using the whole series of hourly observations, which would have been more laborious. The analytical elements and expressions used in the discussion of this subject are as follows : November. n On K Bn c„ 1 2 3 — 0. 455 — 0.401 — 0. 609 + 0.053 + 0.999 + 1.031 + 0.694 + 1.077 + 1.111 O / II 319 7 24 338 7 30 329 23 1 fi-= + 76.248 + 0.694 sin (» + 319° 7' 24") + 1.077 sin (2 x + 338° 7' 30") + 1.111 sin (3x + 329° 23' 1") x = 30°, 60°, December. n a„ K 2?» Cn 1 2 3 — 0.986 + 0. 186 -f 1.041 + 1.299 + 1.035 + 0.864 + 1.631 + 1.051 + 1.353 o ' " 322 47 43 10 11 20 50 18 30 H = -{- 66.656 + 1.631 sin (x + 322° 47' 43") + 1.051 sin (2 a; + 10° 11' 20") + 1.353 sin (3 j; -|- 50° 18' 30") X = 30°, 60°, . . . January. n a„ K -B„ c„ 1 2 3 — 1.975 + 0.982 — 0. 403 + 0.947 + 0. 469 + 1.609 + 2. 191 + 1.408 + 1.659 1 II 295 36 17 64 28 19 345 57 10 fl = -I- 40.375 + 2.191 sin (x + 295° 36' 17") + 1.408 sin (2 x + 64° 28' 19") + 1.6.59 sin (3 JC + 345- 57' 10' ) X = 30°, 60°, February. II ' a„ bn B„ C'„ 1 3 — 1.586 - 0.129 + 0.557 — 0. 287 + 0.614 — 0. 503 + 1.61-2 + 0.(i-28 + 0.751 o ' " 259 45 1 348 10 44 132 4 30 R=z -\- 48.614 + 1.612 sin (j: + 259° 45' I") + 0.628 sin (2 x + 348° 10' 44") + 0.751 sin (3 j; + 132° 4' 30") X = .30°, 60°, . . . March. n an hn Bn Cn 1 2 3 — 2. 472 — 1.585 + 0.332 — 2. 082 + 0.998 + 0. 093 + 3.232 + 1. 879 + 0.344 o ' ' 229 53 .39 302 12 6 74 20 ^ = -f 47.939 + 3.232 sin {x + 229° 53' 39") + 1.879 sin (2 x + 302° 12' 6") + 0.344 siu (3 x + 74° 20' 0") X = 30°, 60°, , . . 146 HYGEOMETRIGAL OBSERVATIONS April. n a,i K 5,. c„ 1 2 3 — 0. 447 — 0. 396 + 0.766 — 1. 843 — 0.931 + 0. 203 + i.e96 + 1.012 + 0.792 193 40 5 203 2 43 75 10 8 S= + 69.103 + 1.896 siu (x + 193 ' 40' 5") + 1.012 sin (2 x + 203° 2' 43") + 0.792 siu (3 x + 75° 10' 8") x = 30°, 00°, . . . 3Iay. n a„ hn B„ C„ 1 2 3 + 1.185 — 0. 135 + 0.509 — 0. 307 — 0.474 — 0. 351 + 1.224 + 0. 493 + 0.618 104 30 47 195 .52 43 124 36 25 fl"= + 74.908 + 1.224 sin (x + 104° 30' 47") + 0.493 sin (2 x + 195° 52' 43") + 0.618 sin (3 x +124° 36' 25") X = 30°, 60°, ... By means of the above expressions, the values contaiued in the following table were obtained. The observed values were also added for the sake of comparison : Novembe r. December. January. February. '. oT 13 V ^ ^ . ■d oT Time. V o . '1; •a u u o > §? a> §9 > ^ = o J i^ £Y l~i '" t^ I- c^ 1- 1 t. c ^. ■V ■fj a '■t=6 O) 3 ~o CO 1 C ^6 J a o itiO o O P o o " O ■^ P o U Q p. c. p. c. p. c. p. c. p. c. p. c. /). c. p. c. p. c. ;,. c. p. c. p. c. Oh 77. 917 77.739 +0. 178 68.471 6s. ;i05 +0. 166 41.9.58 41.907 +0. 051 47.743 47.062 + 0.6H1 >■} 77. !-5:l 7H. low —0. 255 65. 74K 67. 050 —1. 302 40. 897 39.512 1. :W5 47.7(iH 47. 169 +0.599 4 75. 890 76.219 0. 329 69.591) 66. 904 +2. 6S(1 40.542 :is. 441 +2. 101 4.-<. 250 4S. S61 —0.614 6 75. 017 75. 699 —0. 6.52 66. 452 6H. 325 — 1.«3 40.113 40.619 —0. 506 49. (iOO 49. 248 +0. :152 8 77. 4fA 7(;.794 +0. 6S9 69.216 (W. 220 +0.996 46.2.52 ' 45.266 +0. 9S6 49. :i:i9 49. 188 +0.151 10 75. 993 76. 867 —0. 874 66. 129 66. 787 — 0. 65S 42.555 : 44.024 —1.469 ' 48. :139 49. 610 —1.271 Noon. 76. H:i7 76. 089 +0. 748 66. 177 66. 9Si; — 0. ><09 40.997 41.164 —0.167 51.8(W 51. 102 +0. 766 2i> 76. .''id? 76. 522 — 0. (115 69. 019 67. H6S + 1. 151 1 :i9. 41)0 39.042 +0. 358 51. Ill 50. :165 +0. 746 4 77. ;l'^7 77. U81 +0. 306 65. 548 (Mi. 036 —0. 4^8 :iS. S(i4 39. 766 —0. 902 1 47. 479 4rt. 431 - 0. 9.52 6 75. 7.^0 75. 46H 0.312 64.293 ii:i. 008 + 1.2S5 :i7.7.5H 37. H()9 0.051 1 47.s;i9 47. 044 +0. 794 8 73. X" 73. 57(1 +0.306 62. 284 6:1.486 — 1. 202 :15. SKI ;17. (l-r) — 1.799 : 47.457 47.7:14 —0. 277 10 M. & D. 74.4l:i 76. 24S 74.827 76. 248 —0.414 +0. 000 66. 945 66. 897 +0.048 39. 2.«1 39. 268 + 0. 013 46. .578 47. 533 4S. 614 —0. 975 66.65 i (id. 6.56 +0.000 40. :175 40. :175 ±0. 000 IS. 614 ±0.000 Tiiue. Mai ch. April. - ' - May. ^ o . 1 _: ■^ a oT > 1 -g £^ ^ = z'i 1 i r ^ -= 1 o too 5 '*: O j 'i :: to O - O O ('. o p. c. '•-' '-■ O Q ;). c. ;). 0. !'■ p. c. p. < 11. c. p. r. Oh 46. 390 44. 923 + 1.467 65. ;i77 67.051 —1.674 74.219 74.9.52 - 0.7:1:! 2 45. 319 46. 231 -0. 912 6S.0.57 (1,5. 9(W 1 +2. OS.S 75 103 74.;tS3 +0. 720 4 JW. 794 47. 154 +1.440 66. 460 (w. 513 —1. 053 75. 909 75. 0S7 0. 832 6 45. hk; 47. 131 —1. 815 6S. 79:1 69. .562 1 —0.769 ] 75. :li:i 75. o:t7 +0. 276 rt 4W. 136 47. 470 +0. 66i; 71.42:1 69.441 , +1.9S2 73. 177 7:1.721 —0. 544 10 47. 977 4.^. 490 —0. 513 66.700 6.'^. 449 —1. 749 72. 8S4 73. 079 0. 195 Noon. 51 . 274 51. 100 +11. 174 69.773 69.265 -1-0.50.-: 72. .574 73. 9()S —1.334 2ii 51. 348 52. 971 + 1.377 71. c:!? 71.140 i +0.497 75.816 74.747 +1. 069 4 50. 474 51. 704 —1.23(1 71.123 71.604 — 0. l-^l 1 75. sk; 74.999 +0.H17 6 48.62:! 4H. 103 +0. .5211 7(1. 6(J7 70.772 —0.166 75.671 75. 7; 16 —0. 065 8 44. :!74 45. 084 —0.7111 ' 7(1.47:'. 70.102 +0. :i7l 76. h:15 76. 7s2 +0. 0.53 10 JI.&D. 43. 745 44. 209 — II. 464 0. (101) (,9. 5:11) 69. 0-^l +0.446 75. 581 76. 467 —0. 886 47.93 J 47. 939 ± 69. 163 69. 1 6;i j ;0. 000 74. 90S 74. 908 ±0. 000 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 147 Prom the above table it appears that iu November the observed and computed maxima of 77.853 and 78.108, respectively, occur at 2^' a. m., while the observed aud computed minima of 73.877 and 73.570, respectively, are reached at 8'^ p. m. The ranges, as derived from the computed and observed values, are 3.176 and 4.538, respectively. In December the computed curve passes through the maximum of 68.325 at about 6'' a. m while the corresponding observed value occurs one hour earlier. The computed minimum of 63.008, is reached at 6^ p. m. and the minimum, as observed, two hours later. The range, somewhat larger than during the preceding month, is 5.317. The maximum and minimum force of vapor occur at 6'' a. m. and 6^' p. m., respectively, while the thermal curve passes through the maximum at mid- night and through the minimum at 2^ p. m. In January both the observed and computed maxima of 46.252 and 45.266, respectively, occur at 8'' a. m., while the observed and computed minima of 35.881 and 37.680 are reached twelve hours later. Owing to the small range of force of vapor the curve representing the fluctuation of the latter during this month is rather irregular, while the thermal curve passes through the maximum at 6^ p. m. and twelve hours later through the minimum, the tropical moments of the latter coin- ciding within about two hours with those of the relative humidity. In February both the observed and computed maxima of 49.600 and 49.248, respectively, are reached at 6'' a. m., while the observed minimum of 46.578 occurs at 10'' p. m., and its correspond- ing computed value of 47.062 near midnight. The ranges, as deduced from the observed and computed means, are 3.022 and 2.186, respectively. The maximum temperature of this month is reached at 8'' p. m., while the minimum occurs at noon ; and the maximum and minimum tension of vapor are reached at lO'' a. m. and midnight, respectively. The theoretical curve representing the diurnal fluctuation of March passes through the maximum and minimum of 52.971 and 44.209, respectively, at 2'' p. m. and lO'' p. m., respectively, coinciding in regard to time with the maximum and minimum, as observed, and exhibiting a range of 8.762. The maximum and minimum farce of vapor are reached at 1** p. m. aud 11'' p. m., respectively, while the thermal curv^e passes through the maximum at 2'' p. m., and through the minimum at 10'' p. m. In April the observed and computed minima of 65.377 and 65.968, respectively, occur at 0'' and 2'' a. m., respectively, while the observed and computed maxima of 71.637 and 71.604, respectively, occur at 2'' and about 4^ p. m., respectively. The range, as derived from the computed values, is 5.636, while that deduced from those observed is a trifle smaller. The maximum and minimum tension of vapor occur at 2'' p. m. and 2'' a. m., respectively, while the thermal curve passes through the maximum as early as 10'' a. m. and through the minimum at 2'' a. m. In May both the observed and computed maximum occur at 8'' p. m., the former amounting to 76.835, the latter to 76.782. The observed and computed minima of 72.574 aud 73.079, respectively, occur at noon and about 11'' a. m., respectively. The computed and observed ranges are 4.261 and 3.703, respectively. The maximum tension of vapor daring this mouth occurs at P p. m. and the minimum at midnight, corresponding in regard to time almost with the tropical moments of tem- perature during the period in question. ATMIG WIND-ROSE OF POLARIS HOUSE. The two following tables exhibit the influence of the wind on the relative humidity of the air. They were constructed in a manner similar to that before described : Months. N. N.E. E. S. E. s. S. W. W. N. W. Calm. December p. c. + 6.2 — 4.3 — 8.1 p.c. — 8.3 5.7 6.5 — 5.4 + 2.1 + 1.0 p.c. + 0.5 — 0.9 p.c. p.c. "+2.9 4.4 + 5.1 — 3.1 — 9.6 p.c. + 9.5 8.7 9.9 5.7 + 2.6 — 0.7 p.c. p.c. + 0.5 p.c. — 6.4 — 0.7 + 0.6 — 5.5 — l.G + 0.1 Jauuary February March — 3.6 "+'6'. 6 "+2.1 — 1.8 + 3.7 April May + 7.4 .+ 3.0 Half-year Winter . — 0.2 — 3.8 — 0.7 + 0.7 — 0.1 + 5.9 + 1.0 + 0.2 — 2.6 — 3.1 + 2.5 — 6.8 — 0.8 — 0.1 — ■+6.T + 2. 8 — 2.5 + 9.4 + 2. 5 +'2."2' + 0.2 — 2.8 — 2.3 Spring 148 HtGKOMfiTRIOAL OBSBEYAflOlSrS Months. Winds. N.E. E. s.w. Calm. 1872. November December 1873. Januarv .... - + + + + - + + + + + + + + - - - + + + + + +,l +1 + 1 1 II ++II + II l + l 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 l+l+l 1 l+l 1+ 1 +111+ + l + l II + ++++ 1 1 H February Marcli May The results exhibited by the above two tables are somewhat more satisfactory than those derived for Polaris Bay, but still they do not permit any definite conclusions. If the time at our disposal had been less limited we should have investigated the influence of the direction of the wind on the elevation or depression of the force of vapor, which might, perhaps, have yielded some better results. The atmic wind-rose of Polaris House may be represented by the following analytical expres- sion : H= + 0.32 -f 2.74 sin (x + 223" 43') -f 0.43 sin (2 ac + 339° 27'.) The following table contains the corrections to be applied to any hourly observation taken at Polaris House to obtain the mean relative humidity of the day : Corrections to be applied to any hourly observation taken at Polaris House to obtain tlie mean relative humidity of the day. >, .= JS >> Time. a a c8 a ■g ^ . > .a tH ^ o 0) ca © P. ■•^ Q 1^ fa s < S p. c. p. c. p. c. p. c. p. e. p. c. p. c. Qt —1.67 —1.81 —0.58 +1.07 +1.55 +3.78 +0.69 1 1.52 —0.38 0.61 0.85 1.84 1.85 —1. 61 2 1.60 +0.91 0.52 0.84 2.62 1.10 0.19 3 —0.76 +0.32 0.49 0.69 +1.81 1.93 0.65 4 -fO. 36 —2. 93 0.16 0.36 —0. 85 2.70 1.00 5 —0.12 —0.79 —0.03 +0.36 +1.73 1.64 0.67 6 -fl.20 +0.21 +0.27 —0.99 2.12 +0.37 —0.40 7 +1.08 —1.77 —1.93 0.90 +0.63 —0.83 +0.59 8 —1.23 2.56 5.87 0.73 —0.20 2.26 1.73 9 -fl. 49 1.79 4.93 —0.41 0.05 —1.15 1.66 10 -fO.26 +0. 53 2.18 +0.27 0.04 +2.46 2.03 11 —0. 39 0.51 0.97 —0.76 0.16 +0.89 2.72 Noou. —0.59 +0.48 —0.62 3.26 3.33 —0.61 2.34 It- +0.60 —0.57 +0.37 3.12 5. 27 0.97 +1.00 2 —0.26 2.36 0.98 2.50 6.41 2.48 -0.91 3 0.11 —0.65 1.62 —1.40 4.16 2.09 0.89 4 1.14 +1.11 1.52 +1.13 2.53 1.96 0.91 5 —0.54 2. 57 3.15 1.05 1.29 J.86 0.88 6 +0.47 2.37 2.62 0.77 0.68 1.45 0.76 7 1.92 3.45 4.13 0.98 —0. 07 1..55 1.00 8 2.37 4.38 4.50 1.15 +3.57 1.31 1.93 9 1.67 1.54 3.19 1.69 2.71 0.86 1.02 10 1.84 +0.29 1.10 2.03 4.19 0.47 0.67 11 +2.91 —0.07 +0.28 +1.48 +1.73 —0.15 —0.36 AT POLARIS HOUSE. DEW-POINT. 149 The two following tables contain the daily and hourly means of the temperature of the dew . point, extracted from the preceding general record : Daily means of the temperature of the detc-point observed at Polaris Rouse. Day of mouth. 187 2. 1873. 3 Of o i i >> u a a i 1-5 « a ^ . i a, < o o O o o o o 1 — 4. 55 —19. 35 —40. 30 —42. 40 —28. 50 —39. 80 + 0.10 2 + 6.79 22. 69 43. 40 33.30 41.90 36.60 11.10 3 15.48 24.05 44.10 29.40 44. 70 33. 50 13. 00 4 12. 89 15.40 43.80 26.50 43. 20 30. 00 + 2. 40 .'i + 3. 09 16.65 29. 70 13.10 42. 90 27. 90 — 4. r.u 6 — 4.45 20.20 37.50 27. 70 39.10 28. 70 0.80 7 4.39 —15. 29 23.80 25.80 39. 30 22. 30 2.60 8 8.51 + 2.46 22. 50 32.70 34.10 20.20 6.80 9 7.03 —14. 29 28.30 28.80 25.80 24.10 — 3.50 10 11.76 22. 10 30.40 34.20 32.50 15.20 + 7.90 11 18.69 19.80 41.80 27.00 33.20 8.40 7.50 12 —22. 36 22. 68 43.40 44.80 24. 90 —12. 40 5. 60 13 + 4.01 29.30 43.10 44.60 36.10 + 9.80 10. 20 14 7.15 23. 62 44.30 43.60 37.00 5.50 18. 20 15 1.74 17.99 43.70 41.40 35.30 + 4.50 25. 80 16 + 1.11 16.03 42.30 42.20 32.10 — 8.50 26.20 17 —13. 12 15.48 46.00 42.50 28.90 9.80 19.30 18 25. 15 11.00 42.40 44.10 39.50 9.00 23. 50 19 24.13 11.57 43.30 44.70 29.10 — 9.40 23.60 20 16.44 10.81 39.50 45.70 20.40 + 1.80 21.10 21 13.43 12.57 44.30 45.20 26.40 — 5.50 22.30 22 2.02 1.62 43.20 40.00 35.90 8.00 26.60 23 5.40 1.07 46. 90 25.00 38.30 —12. 10 20.60 24 11.83 2.24 45.60 23.60 26.90 + 7.50 20.00 25 12.06 1.28 44.70 37.10 35.50 + 0.80 19.80 26 11. 05 13.90 44.60 39.40 38.90 — 3.10 19.90 27 9.93 14.97 37.90 40.30 39.10 — 3.10 23.40 28 11.37 18.95 40.20 —33. 10 43.20 + 1.70 19.20 29 30 18.95 —15. 43 30.78 34.49 41.90 42.10 41.00 44.50 3.00 + 4.80 11.50 7.20 31 Means. —41. 85 —32. 00 —46. 20 -f 7. 30 — 7.61 —16. 76 -39. 90 —35. 56 —35. 64 —11.72 +12. 77 Hourly means of the temperature of the dew-point Observed at Polaris House. 20 H o Time. o o o o o o o Oi> — 7.40 —15. 63 —39. 42 —35. 84 —36. 48 —16. 23 +10. 13 1 7.01 15.56 39.89 36.81 36.78 15.99 10.50 2 7.56 16.55 40.04 35.99 36.70 15.20 11.37 3 7.76 15.59 39.68 36.35 36.55 15. 06 11.57 4 7.88 15.57 40.16 35.55 35.69 14.69 12. 23 5 7.74 16.40 39.60 35.39 35.74 13.58 12.82 e 7.79 15.55 40.05 34.89 36.61 12. 42 12. 86 / 7.68 16.60 40.03 34.19 35. 55 11.45 14. 31 8 7.05 16.03 38.63 35.16 35.15 9.46 14.41 9 7.44 16.13 39.45 34.38 35. 74 8. 99 14.38 10 7.43 15.98 39.10 34.59 35.01 9. 97 13.86 11 6.98 17.99 39.59 33.52 34.33 8.65 14. 29 Noon. 6. H2 17.09 39.52 34.50 33.37 8.78 14.00 \'^ 7.05 16.93 39.83 34.95 32.93 8.91 13. 59 2 7.02 17.02 39.64 34.84 32.95 8.72 13. 64 3 7.13 16.42 40.22 34.86 34.39 8.78 13. .56 4 7.10 17.70 40.19 35.30 34.00 9.52 12.94 5 7. ,30 17.62 40.43 36.34 34.34 10.10 12.99 6 7.45 17.73 40.55 35. 19 35.27 11.00 12. m 7 8.00 17.93 41.18 34.46 36.35 11. 88 12.81 8 8.71 18.12 41.18 36.22 37.31 12.40 12.84 9 8. .56 17.56 41.32 36.84 37. 68 13. 34 12. 08 10 8.73 16.78 40.24 36.41 37.96 13.00 11.67 11 Meaus. — 9.15 —17. 58 —40. 38 —35. 20 —38. 43 —13.75 +11. 35 — 7.61 —16. 70 —39. 90 —35. 50 —35. 64 —11.72 +12.77 150 HYGEOMETRIOAL OBSERVATIONS ANNUAL FLUOTOATION OF THE DEW-POINT AT POLARIS HOUSE DURING THE WINTER-HALF-YEAR. The following table contains the observed and computed temperatures of the dew-poiut, and also the differences between the observed and computed values: Months and seasons. Observed. Computed. Difference, O.-C. December, 1872 January, 1373 o — 16.85 40.06 35. 62 35. 76 — 11.53 + 12.97 — 30. 83 — 11.44 — 16.66 39. SO 35. 08 35. 35 — 11. S3 + 12.07 — 30. 51 — 11.76 o — 0.19 0.26 0. 54 — 0.21 + 0.30 + 0.90 — 0.32 + 0. 32 March - . . Winter ...... Half-year — 21.13 — 21.13 ± 0.00 Tlie analytical elements and expression used in the above computation are as follows : n a„ h„ -B„ C„ 1 2 3 -k 24. 31 -f 17. IS — 0.03 — 2.42 + 0.07 ± 0.00 + 24.43 + 17. 19 + 0. 03 O 1 '■ 95 41 6 1 24 21 90 i» = — 21.13 + 24.43 siu ix + gst' 41' G") + 17.19 sin (2 x + 1° 24' 21") -f 0.03 siu (3 x + 90'-" 0' 0") x = 60o, 120°, For the sake of better comparison the differences between the temperature of the air and the temperature of the dew-point are given in the following table: o o December 8.28 March 10.34 January 10.48 April 7.23 February 9.61 May 7.01 o Winter 8.46 Spring 8.18 Half-year 8.32 From the above table it appears that during the six months in question the difference between the temperature of the dew-point and the temperature of the air is greatest in January and least in May. At Polaris Bay the greatest difference was found to exist in December, amounting to 110.93, being somewhat greater than at this station. In December, April, and May the difference between the temperature of the air and the temperature of the dew-point is below the mean, while it is above the same during the three remaining months. Further comparison shows that during winter the difference under consideration was greater at Polaris Bay than at Polaris House, while in spring it was less at the former locality than at the latter. If we calculate the difference during the winter-half-year at Polaris Bay we shall have 9'=.17, being 0o.S5 greater than the difference as made out for the more southern station. We shall see, hereafter, that the greatest amount of atmospheric precipitation at Polaris House took place during the month of May, when the difier- ence between the temperature of the dew-point and that of the air was smallest. AT POLxVRIS HOUSE. lol DIUENAL FLUCTUATION OF THE DEW-POINT AT POLAKIS HOU8E DURING THE \V1NTEK-HALF-YEAR. The analytical elements and expression represeiitiug the diurual fluctiiatiou of the (le\v-i)oiiit are as follows : K a.. + 0.90 + 0. 31 + 0. 17 Bn + o.'m; + 0.3-i 4- 0. -iO C. 1 >> 3 — 0. or. — 0. 01 — 0.-23 O ' " 357 30 00 347 30 30 50 10 O = — 21.13 + 0.% sin (i + 3.57 •" 30' ) + 0.32 sin (2.i: + 347- 30' 30 ') + 0.20 sin (3 .<: + 50 ID 0') a; = 15°, 30°, . . . By means of the above expression the following values were obtained : Time. Observed. Computed. DiftVreDcCj 0.— C. Time. Observed. Computed. HilK'reiicc-, 0.— C. o o o o ° , Qb —22. 24 —22. 20 — 0.04 Noon. — 19, S4 —19. S5 + 0. 01 1 22. If 22. 22 + 0. 04 Ih 19. 97 19. 95 — 0. (i-i o 22. 10 22. 10 ± 0.00 o 19. 89 19. s;i ± 0.00 3 21. ss 21.89 — 0. 01 3 20. 10 20.17 + 0.01 4 21. 42 21. 41 + 0.01 4 20. 59 20. 57 — 0.112 5 21.37 21.37 ± 0.00 o 20. M9 20. S'J ± O.OII 6 21.51 21.51 ± 0.00 21. 12 21. 13 -f 0.01 7 20.97 20. 99 + 0.02 7 21.45 21.48 + 0.03 8 20.41 20. 40 — 0.01 8 22. 02 22. 00 — 0.02 9 20. 09 20. 08 0.01 9 22. 43 22. 42 — 0.01 10 20. 10 20. 09 — 0.01 10 22. 12 22. 13 -f 0.01 11 —20. 00 —20. OS + 0. 02 11 —22. 30 —22. 35 — 0. Ill Meau = 21°.13. The differences between the computed temperature of the air and the temperature of the dew- point are given in the following table. As the former values were only computed for every other hoar, this table only contains the bihourly differences: Qii 2 * 4 6 3 10 Noon 9=. 06 9°. 04 8°. 61 9-. 04 8 ..53 - .17 8^.05 b •r. i: 9-. 43 10 Jl.aii. 9:. 20 s .79 It will be seen that the temperature of the dew-point approaches nearest to the temperature of the air at noon, while the greatest difference exists at 8'' p. m. The temperature is al)ove the mean during the hours i, S, 10, noon, and - p. m., while it is below the same during the remaining hours. The diurual range during the winter-half year equals lo.38. We shall now consider the diurnal fluctuation during winter and spring separately. The \alues for these two seasons, given hereafter, were not properly computed according to the formula, but we were satisfied to combine the computed hourly means of the respective m Mu*hs conftitutiug one season, taking their meau instead of the computed values. 252 HYGROMETKICAL OBSERVATIONS Diurnal fuctuutum of the temperature of the dew-point during ivinter at Polaris House. Time. Ob.served. Computed. Difference, O.-C. Time. Observed. Computed. Difference, O.-C. c Ob -30. 51 1 ■ 30. 44 2 ' 30. m 3 30. 47 4 1 30. 03 5 ' 30. 59 6 30. 90 7 1 31. 05 30. 76 9 ' 29. 82 10 1 29. .H2 1 1 —30. 54 o —30. 77 30.51 30. 55 30. 56 30.60 30. 76 30.66 30. 73 30. 53 30. 20 30. 33 —30. 12 o + 0.26 + 0.27 — 0.28 + 0.09 0.57 + 0.17 — 0.24 0.32 — 0.23 + 0.38 + 0.51 — 0.42 Noon. !>' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 o —30. 30 30.22 30.44 30.44 30.99 31.31 31.11 31.12 31. 78 31. 83 31.07 —31.11 o —30. 23 30.39 30.41 30.83 30.87 31.04 31.40 31.11 31.58 31.47 31.26 —30. 82 o + 0.07 + 0.17 — 0.03 + 0.39 — 0.12 — 0.27 + 0.29 — 0. 01 0.20 — 0.36 + 0.19 — 0. 29 Mean = — 30°.74. The bihourly differences between the temperature of the air and the temperature of the dew- point are as follows : t Oh 2 4 6 8 10 Noon. 2'' 4 6 8 10 Mean. 10'-. 04 9 -.55 9-. 14 9.05 9.05 8°. 75 8°. 39 8°. 66 9°. 56 10°. 38 10°. 60 10°. 40 9°. 46 The following diagram represents the — Diurnal fluctuation of the temperature of the air and temperature of the detv-point during winter, 1872-'73 <)'■ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Xoon. Ih 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U It will be seen that the computed curve exhibiting the fluctuation of the dew-point reaches its maximum of — 30o.l2 at about 11" a. m., while it passes through the minimum of — 310.58 a short time after H^ p. m., thus exhibiting a range of 10.46. The maximum and minimum, as observed^ viz, — 290.82 and — 310.83, respectively, occur at 10'^ a. m. and 9'' p. m., respectively. The range, as shown by the latter curve, equals 2o.01, being 0o.65 greater than that of the former. The ther- mal curve and that representing the diurnal fluctuation of the dew-point approach each other most, losely at noon, while they recede most from each other between 6" and 10^ p. m, AT POLARIS HOUSE. 153 The following table gives the — Diurnal fluctuation of the temperature of the dew-point during spring at Polaris House. Time. Observed. Computed. Diiierenco, O.-C. Time. Observed. Computed. Difference, O.-C. o o o o • o o 0" —13.97 —13. 96 — 0.01 Noon. — 9. 39 — 9. 27 — 0.12 1 13.9a 13.93 + 0.01 li- 9.42 9.23 0.19 o 13. 49 13. 75 0.26 o 9.34 9.23 0.11 3 13.30 13.47 0.17 3 9.87 9.37 0..50 4 l'>. 77 13.05 0.28 4 10.18 9.70 0.48 5 12.18 12.74 4- 0.56 5 10.48 9.66 — 0.82 6 12.11 11.17 -- 0.94 6 11.14 11.66 + 0.52 7 10. 89 10. 99 + 0.10 7 11.85 11.99 0.14 8 10. or. 10.34 + 0.28 K 12.27 12.83 0.56 9 10.36 9, S3 — 0. 53 9 13.03 13.47 0.44 10 10. 38 9.82 0.56 10 13.15 13.87 0.72 11 — 9.57 — 9.36 — 0.21 11 —13. 61 —14. 03 4- 0.42 Mean = -11°.53. The bihourly differences betweeu the temperature of the air and that of the dew-point during spring are as follows : 0'- 2 4 6 8 10 Noon. 8°. 51 8°. 37 8'5.29 7':. 66 8'^\ 22 8°. 59 8'-\ 22 21= 4 6 8 10 Mean. 70.79 7°. 43 8°. 29 8^^.43 8^^.79 80.22 The following diagram represents the — Diurnal fluctuation of the temperature of the air and temperature of the dew-point during spring, 1873. Ob 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. Ih 2 3 ■( 5 6 7 8 9 10 U 154 HYGEOMETEICAL OBSEKVATIONS Duriug- tliu .season iu question the mcau temperature of the dew-point is lO'^.lil higher than it was duriug winter. The curve derived from the computed values reaches its raaxiuiuui of — d°.'23 between P and 2'^ p. m., while it passes through the minimum of — 14^.03 at about IP p. m., thus exhibiting a range of 1°.S0. The observed curve passes through the maximum of — 9o.34 at 2^ p. m., and through the minimum of —13°.'.)1 at midnight, its range being 4°. 63, which value is O'^.l? smaller than in the former instance. The two curves, represented on the diagram, approach each other most closely at about 5'' p. m., while the greatest difference between the temperature of the air and that of the dew-point occurs at lO'' p. m., amounting to 8o.79. It remains now to discuss briefly the diurnal fluctuation of the temperature of the dew-point during each of the six months in question. As mentioned before, each month was treated analyti- cally. The analytical elements and expressions made use of are as follows : December. n 1 3 o» K Bn c„ — 0.04 — 0. 01 + 0.22 + 0. 94 + 0. 31 + 0.15 + 0.94 -f 0.31 + 0.27 o / '/ 357 48 58 347 3,7 45 5C 9 42 D = - ■ 10.70 + 0.94 siQ (.c + 3.57 - 48' 5S") + 0.31 sin (2 x + 3^7-' 45") + 0.27 sin (3 a; + .56"' 9' 42") j:= 15-\ 30', . . . January. 1 0,1 — 0.41 -f 0.07 — (1.14 6,. i'„ C'„ + 0. 35 -f 0.41 + 0.04 + 0. .53 + 0.41 + 0. 15 o / » 310 42 19 10 29 28(i 19 23 Z): 39.898 + 0.53 sill (j; + 310'3 42' 19") -f 0.41 sin (2 x + 10'= 0' 29") + 0.15 sio (3 x + 2H(i;' 19' 23") X = 15'-', 30'-', . . . /) = — : ■' + 0.'-7 siu {x -f 239 ' February. n 1 •> On — 0. 75 + 0. 3,5 — 0. 34 hn B,, -f 0.87 + 0.37 + 0.41 o / // 239 52 3S (i(i 5 2 3,05 20 39 — (1. 13, + 0. 15 + 0. 24 '-' 'J'"") + 0.3.7 si (2 X + Oi;-' 5' 2") + 0,4 1 sin (3 x + 305'-' 20' 39") X = 15°, 3,0'-', . . . ' March. X» = — n 1 • ) 3 ";. 6,1 B„ t,i — 1.78 — 0.37 — 0. 09 - 0.03 -f 0. s] + 0.04 + l.«» + 0.87 -f 0.09 o / // 250 39 15 337 49 13 294 38 4H 35.64 + 1.89 sin (x + 250° 30' 15") + 0.87^8in^^2 x + 337= 49' 13") + 0.09 siu (3 . + 294- 38' 48") AT POLARIS HOUSE. April. 155 n n,. K B„ c„ 1 2 — 2.93 — 0.06 + 0.33 — 1.61 — 0.43 + 0.42 + 3.34 + 0.44 + 0.53 o / // 12 70 38 12 35 28 12 36 19 D = - ■ 11.72 + 3.34 .sin (x + 241° 18' 17") + 0.44 sin (2 x + IST'^ 5:'.' 7") + 0.5:! sin (3 x + 38o >2:y 31/') X = 15°, 30°, . . . May. n ("0, 1i„ J:,i Cu 1 2 3 — 1.46 — 0.45 — 0.18 • + 0.13 — 0.31 — 0. 12 + 1.50 -h 0. .54 + 0.21 / 270 3-i 235 2.^ 236 19 D = + 12.77 + 1..50 sin (x + 270° 38') +.0.54 sin (2 x + 235 ' 28') + 0.21 sin (3 x + 236 19') X = 15°, 30°, . . . By means of the above expressions the following values were obtained : Time. December. January. February. 13 > u •6 3 S 0) ao £ 1 ,^ ■ (5 P 5 3 . 9 1 9 2^ —36. 18 35. 97 :!5. 92 36. 44 36. 40 315.65 36. 65 36.28 35. 64 :!4. 58 34. 40 34. 21 34. 36 34.71 35. 06 35. 62 35. 3,2 3,5. 31 35. 37 34. 60 35. 94 35. 92 36. 44 — :i5. 50 . 01- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. It 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Means. —15. 63 15.49 16. 62 15. 59 15. .57 16. 39 15.55 16. 60 15. 96 16. 14 15. 98 17.99 17.09 16. 03 17.02 16.45 17.70 17. 82 17.73 17.93 If^. 15 17.54 16. 78 —17. 58 —16. 14 15. 91 16. 32 15. 91 15. 95 15. 96 15. 48 15. 97 10.12 16.37 17.16 16. 95 17. 08- 17.09 16. 58 17.05 17.23 17. 54 18. 3,4 IM. 07 18. 02 17.71 16.70 —16.59 + 0.51 + 0.42 — 0.30 + 0.32 + 0. 38 — 0.43 0.07 — 0.63 + 0.16 0.32 + 1. 18 — 1.04 — 0.01 + 0. 16 — 0.44 + 0.60 — 0.47 — 0. 28 + 0.61 + 0.14 — 0. 13 + 0.16 — 0.08 — 0. 99 —40. 05 39. 75 39. 87 39. 47 38. 96 39. 39 39. 85 39. 83 41. 15 38. 93 3S. 89 3,9. 39 39. 31 39. 69 39. 47 411. 02 3,9 9H 39. 84 40. 42 40.97 40. 98 41. 12 40.03 —40. 18 —40. 00 39. 65 39. 40 39. 34 39.46 39. 66 39.86 39. 93 39. 84 39. 65 39, 42 39. 20 39.26 39. 3(; 39. 5S 39. 82 40. 06 40. 2S 40. 48 40. 65 40.77 40.77 40. 64 —40. 37 — 0.05 0.10 0. 47 — 0.13 + 0. .50 0.27 0. 01 + 0.10 — 1.31 + (1.72 + 0.53 — 0.10 0.05 — 0. 33 + 0. 11 — 0. 20 + (1.08 0.44 + 0.06 — 0. 32 0.21 — 0. 3,5 + 0.61 + 0.19 n —35. 84 36. 09 35. 99 36. 3,5 3,5. s9 37.30 36.71 35.16 34. 38 34.59 34. 25 34.50 34. 95 34. W2 34.86 35. 30 36. 27 35. 19 34. 46 36.21 36.84 36. 41 — :!5. 56 + 0.34 — (X12 — 0. (17 + 0. 09 0. S5 + 0.76 — 0. 65 — 0.43 + 0.48 + 0.20 — 0.19 0. 04 0.14 0.24 + 0.24 0.76 + 0.02 — 0.96 + 0. 18 + 0.14 — 0.27 — 0.92 + 0.03 — 0.06 —16. 76 —16.76 ± 0.00 —39. 90 —39. 90 ± 0.00 —3,5. 56 —35. 56 ± 0.00 156 HYGROMETRICAL OBSBBVATIOKS Time. March. April. May. i 1 3 i s o . do « 1 4^ t-i at a Sao g o S 1. %6 a o £ 1. sgo o • U S o o (=) o U (3 c o o o o o o o O" —36. 48 —37. 44 + 0.96 —15. 56 —14. 71 — 0. 85 +10. 13 +11.08 - 0. 95 1 36.78 36.94 + 0.16 15.49 15. 05 — 0.44 10.52 10.77 — 0. 25 2 36. 70 36.45 — 0. 25 15.14 15.30 + 0.16 11.37 11.23 + 0.14 3 36.49 36.14 — 0. 35 14.99 15. 25 + 0.26 11.58 11. 65 — 0.07 4 35.69 36.00 + 0.31 14.96 14.73 — 0.23 12. 23 12.38 0.15 5 35.69 35.98 + 0.29 13.68 13.68 ± 0.00 12.84 12. 85 0.01 6 36.68 36.00 — 0.68 12. 52 12. 30 — 0. 22 12.86 13. 35 — 0.49 7 35.55 35. 90 + 0.35 11.45 10.91 — 0. 54 14.32 13. 56 + 0.76 8 35.14 35.67 + 0. 53 9.46 9.83 + 0.37 14.42 13. 63 -- 0.79 9 35.73 35. 23 — 0.50 8.99 9.22 + 0.23 13.64 13.64 + 0.00 10 35.01 35.59 0.42 9.97 9.08 — 0. 89 13.84 13. 63 + 0.21 11 34.35 34.11 — 0.24 H. 65 9. IH + 0..53 14.29 13.62 0.67 Noon. 33.37 33.60 + 0.23 8.78 9.27 0.49 13. 99 13. 58 0.41 I'' 32.92 33.29 0.37 8.92 9.21 0. 29 13. .59 13. 48 0.11 2 32. 95 33.23 + 0.28 8.73 9.00 0.27 13. 65 13.32 0.33 3 34.39 33.43 — 0.96 8.78 8.89 • +0.12 13.56 13.17 + 0.39 4 34.00 33.91 — 0.09 9.52 9.06 — 0.46 12.97 13.00 — 0.03 5 34.33 34.65 + 0.32 10.09 9. 65 0.44 12.99 12. 96 + 0.03 6 35.27 35.53 0.26 11.01 10.60 0.41 12.87 13. 09 — 0. 22 7 36.41 36.45 + 0.04 11.99 11.73 — 0.26 12.84 13. 56 0.22 8 37.31 37. 24 — 0.07 12.35 12.76 + 0.41 12. 85 12.89 0.04 9 37.73 37.77 + 0.04 13.45 13.53 0.08 12.08 12. .52 0.44 10 37.96 37. 98 + 0.02 13.12 14.02 0.90 11.67 12.44 0.77 11 Means. —38. 43 —37. 83 — 0.60 —13. 75 —14. 38 + 0.63 +11. 35 +11. 45 — 0.10 —35. 64 —35. 64 ± 0.00 —11.72 —11.72 ± 0.00 +12. 77 +12. 77 ± 0.00 In December the differences between the computed temperatures of the air and the computed temperatures of the dew-point are as follows : oi> 7°. 97 2 4 6 8 8°. 00 6°. 86 6°. 06 7°. 00 10 Noon. 211 4 6 8 10 Mean. 80.07 7°. 55 60.83 7C.07 8°. 87 9°. 61 70.85 7°. 69 The greatest difference, of 9o.61, occurs at 8'' p. m., while the smallest, of 6o.0(j, is found at C' a. m., giving a range of 3o.55, which, at Tolaris Bay, was but fo.OS during the same month. The curve passes through the absolute maximum of — 150.48 at about C' a. m. and through the absolute minimum of — 19O.03 at about 6'' p. m., oscillating between several relative maxima and minima. The maximum and minimum temperatures during this month occur at midnight and 2'' p. m., respectively. In January the differences between the computed temperatures of the air and those of the dew- point are as follows : C" 2 4 6 8 100.60 9°. 79 90.70 100.08 IQo. 21 8 10 11-. 78 110.47 Mean. 100. 53 10 Noon. 21^ 4 6 90.99 90.94 100.34 100.96 ir-\ .52 The curve passes through the absolute maximum of — 39o.20 at about noon and through the absolute minimum of — 40O.77 between 8" aud 9'' p. m., exhibiting a range of lo.57, being by lo.98 less than during the preceding month. Besides the absolute maximum and minimum there are several relative maxima and minima, as a glance at the general table will readily show. The maximum and minimum of temperature are reached at 6'' p. m. aud &" a. m., respectively. For February the following differences between the computed temperatures of the air and the computed temperatures of the dew-point were deduced : Ot" 2 4 6 8 110.55 100.86 100.86 100.02 90.96 10 Noon. 21 4 6 8 10 Mean. 80.20 70. 69 80.79 lOo. 05 10-. 74 lio. 40 10-. 95 lOo. 17 The maximum temperature of the dew-point of — 34o.2i is reached at 11" a. m., while the curve passes through the minimum of — 3Go.C5 between 5" and G" a. m., thus exhibiting a range of 20.44, being somewhat greater than during the preceding month. The maximum and minimum of temperature are reached at S" a. m. and 8'' p. m., respectively. AT POLARIS HOUSE. 157 In March the diflt'ereuces uudei' cousideratiou are as follows : Oi 3 4 6 8 10 Noon. 2^ 4 d 8 10 Mean. ll°.i>8 10.50 9°,y7 10-, 40 11-/S 13". 13 10°. .V. 10.19 Kj: 08 Id 00 10°. 30 10°. 03 10-. 65 The greatest difference of 12-. 13 occurs at 10'' a. m., while the smallest, of 9'J.'.»7, is reached at 4* a. m., giving a range of i'o.l.j. The curve leinvsentiug the diurnal fluctuation of the dew-point passes through the maximum and minimum at li'' p. m. and 10'' p. m., respectively, clusely coincid- ing in regard to time with the maximum and minimum of temperature. For April we get the following differences : 0" 2 4 6 8 10 Noon. •>'' 4 fi 8 10 Moan. C°. 61 0°. 00 6°. 09 0°.96 7". 09 7". 80 7'-\'.y.t 0^ S2 .5°. 7-i 0.17 7 -'.-JO 7-. 70 0-. 'J8 It will be seen that the greatest difference between the temperature of the dew point and that of the air occurs at noon, and the least at 1'' p. m. The range during this mouth is 2-. 25, being a little greater than during March. The maximum and minimum temperatures of the air during the period in question occur at 10'' a. m. and 2'' a. m., res[)ectively, while the maximum and minimum of the dew-point are reached at 3'' p. m. and 2'' a. m., resi)eetively ; the minima of the two elements coinciding in regard to time, whik' the maximum temperature of the air is reaehed five hours pre- vious to the maximum temperature of the dew-point. In May the differences under consideration are as follows: 01" 2 4 6 8 10 Noon. 2h 4 8 10 Mean. 0°,P2 7°. 16 7-. 11 0:.09 7-. 13 7 .41 7;.(;0 7;.r.8 7-, 35 0.75 6-. 33 5. '84 7-. 01 During this mouth we observed, for the first time iu this season, the temperature of the dew- point to be above zero. The diurnal curve passes through the absolute maximum of 13'3.6I: at about 9'' a. m. and through tli solute minimum of 10 -.77 at 1'^ a. m., thus exhibiting a range of 2'3.87, being 0-M)l less than that of the temperature of the air. Tbe maximum temperature of the air occurs at noon, while the minimum is reached at midnight. The following- table contains the correction to be applied to any hourly observation taken at Polaris House to obtaiu the mean temperature of the dew-point of the day : ConcvtioHS to he — 0.21 — 1.13. — 51 -f 0. 52 + 0.84 + 4.49 + 2.66, 1 0.60 1.20 — 0. 14 1.40 1.14 4. 25 2. 29 2 — 0. 05 0.21 + 0.01 0. 05 1.06 3: 46 1. (2 3 + IM5 1.17 — 0. 35 1.0:; 0. ',n 3. 32 1. 22 4 0.27 1. 19 + 0.13 0. 77 0. 05 2. 95 -f o.5(; .') 0.13 0. :',6 — 0. 43 -f 0. '.y.\ 0. 10 1.84 — 0.03, 6 0.18 1.21 + 0.02 — 0. 43 -f o.;)7 + 0. 68 07 7 + 0.07 0. ii; -i- 0.00 1.14 — 0. O'.l — 0. 2',l 1..52 H — 0. 56 0.73 — 1.40 0. 16 — 0. 40 2. 28 \.e<< 9 0.17 O.o:! 0. 58 0. 92 + 0. 10 2. 7.5 1.50 10 0.18 — 0. 7S 0. 9:1 0.73 — 0. 63 1.77 1.07 U 0. 03 + 1.23 0.44 1. SO 1. 31 3. 09 l..',o Noon. (1.79 0.33 0.51 0. S2 2. 27 2. 9() 1.21 1'' 0. 56 0.17 0.20 0. 37 2.71 2 s:', 0. S( 1 2 0.59 + 0.20 — 0.:i9 0.4s 2.09 ■.\. 02 0. S5 3 0.48 — 0. :i4 -f 0. 19 0.46 1. 25 2. '90 0.77 4 0.51 + O.'JI 0.16 — 0. 12 1.64 2 22 0. 15 5 11.31 1.00 0. 40 + 0. ',12 1. 30 I. 64 0. '.'0 — 0. 16 0.97 0.52 — 0. 13 — 0. 3.7 — 0.74 0. 07 7 + 0.39 1.17 1.15 — 0. 80 -f 0.71 + 0. 14 0. 02 s 1.10 1.36 1. 15 -f 0. 90 1.07 0.06 — 0.05 •J 0. 05 0. 80 1.29 1. .52 2.04 1.60 4- 0.71 10 1.12 0. 02 0. 21 + 1.09 2. 32 1.26 1.12 11 -f 1.54 -f 0.83 + 0. 30 — 0.12 •f ~i. 79 + 2.01 + 1.44 21 H ATMOSPHERIC PRECIPITATION. For measuring the amount of raiu and suow, two ombrometers were used, one supplied by the United States .Signal Service Weather Bureau and the other by the Smithsonian Institution. The tormer consisted of a copper cylinder about 18 inches long and 3 inches in diameter, provided with a funnel whose diameter was four times as great as that of the cylinder. The Smithsonian gauge consisted of a plain cylindrical tube of tin, 12 inches long and 3=^ inches in diameter. Since the difiiculties to be contended with in the measurement of very small quantities of rain-fall with any degree of accuracy are very great, various methods of proceeding were adopted. During our residence at Polaris Bay the larger rain gauge was always in use, being placed in an open sjiace 30 yards east northeast of the observatory, either resting directly upon the ground or elevated upon an overturned boat, whose height was scarcely IS inches. If the snow-fall was accompanied by wind, then the snow was not caught in the gauge itself but collected from the surface of a board, which was brushed clean after every fall. The funnel was removed from the cylinder and the latter was turned over, mouth downward, and pressed against the board ; a sheet of stiff paper was then slipped under the mouth of the cylinder, and the latter raised from the board. This pi'ocess was repeated more or less frequently according as the quantity of snow was small or large ; then the measure was placed either in warm water or near the stove until the snow was completely melted. The measurement was made by means of a wooden rod which was dipped into the collector arul allowed of correct readings to the hundredth part of an inch. Of course, the result thus obtained Jaad to be divided by the number of times the cylinder had been dipped in the snow, as above explained. In taking each mean the third decimal was retained. During our second winter the smaller rain-gauge, furnished by the Smithsonian Institution, was made use of. The following table contains the observed quantities of moisture precii)itated. Besides the number of hour* during which it rained or snowed, the character of the fall is also given: I indicates a light and h a heavy snow-fall. The next column indicates the quantity of snow in English inches. Whenever, in this column, a query is found, it is intended thereby to denote that the quantity was imperceptible or immeasurably small. The next nine columns show the wind that was blowing at each hour at which precipitation occurred, including calms. The last column contains the mean velocities of the winds. ATMOSPHERIC PRECIPITATION AT POLARIS BAl. 159 Date. o g2 11 10 17 k) 2 3 4 1 5 5 / 1 3 1 1 17 15 24 o 7 14 9 5 10 17 23 19 11 8 3 6 4 1 3 12 5 3 [1 1 5 •2 13 \) •) 9 r 12 6 9 Cliaracter. o a "1 ■' i Direction of wind. 7 4 1 10 0.5 1 \> 5 5 5 10 i) 15 11 30 3 4 3 5 2 3 3 4 ii; 12 10, 4 s 10 8 8 8 10 u 10, 7 >J N. N. E. E. S. E. S. S. W. 9 w. N. W. (.'aim. 1 3 1871 November December 1H72 January February March April May June July August C 9 18 20 13 14 24 8 13 15 20 21 22 23 19 20 21 25-20 20-27 27-28 30 30-31 1 1-2 5 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 14 21 23 24-25 4 13-14 15 16 23-24 20-27 27-28 11 14 18 14 14-15 16-17 18 20 23 21 30 22 1. ,' .* 12 1, '2 b. ( h.' h. ]. r. 1. r. and s. l.r. l.r. l.r. 1. r. 1. and h. r. 1. l.r. 1 6 9 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 o i 1 1 o 1 1 1 ■I \ 0.195 i 1 10 • > 3 3 1 6 19 1 C 1 4 1 10 1> 14 0.007 0.013 0. 002 0. 014 0.020 0.002 0.001 0.006 0. 012 0. 003 0. 023 0. 010 0. 006 ■> 0.044 ? 0. 122 f 0. 197 i 5 1 1 4 1 ') 4 i' 3 1 '2 11 3 4 3 C 1 4 •> 1 3 1 3 1 v) 1 3 4 ---.-,■ 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 : 6 >> 1 1 v) 5 3 1 r, 3 1 '■'' 2 2 ■---:, 3 4 3 'J t; 5 1 1 4 ) 1 8 160 ATHrOSPHERIC rEECiriTATION The following table contains the condensed result of tlic preceding record Months. November, 1S71 N. 1 N.E. 8 o Liirt' S.E. L'tiou of wind. A\'. N. W. Calm. 4 :! ;{ C :!(! 5 s ;i 1 1 2 s H 7 'is O'i 14S 15 50 15 a -^ . < Inches. -') -) ? 0.195 0. o5(; 0. 00:! > 0. :'.(;:; E. o ..... s. \v. •■■]-.y 1 9 17 M i;! "J 1 1 17 'j;i 4 r, 1] 1 1 ^> r, i' 1 .lannaiy, Ib/'J . February April jMa,\ i:5 7 .July '■' 8 (■, 3 1 :! 1 11 n 1 4 4(5 70 51 8 s:5 21 IS 114 415 0.077 Cloud ronsistiug of nilNuti' ice particles swci'iiing over the ground; star.s The greatest amount of i)recipitation is recorded in July, auiouiding to 0'".3C3 during .'"•O hours, consisting mostly of rain. Besides the amount of precipitation tliat could he measured by means of a gauge, we noticed, sometimes, that dejwsits of hoar-frost on exposed ohjeets took ))lace, or that the atmosphere was apparently tilled with minute iee-ciystals. The ni>tes Wearing upon this subject, as extracted from the meteorological register, run tlins : December '2'.\, ISTl, noon to 9'' p. m.: Cloud consisting of minute ice-partieles sweeping over the ground. Deecmhcr 24, lO^'a. m, overhead \'isible. ])ecemhei 20, i:'' and 3'' a. m.: Cloud consisting of minute ice-p;ir(icles sweei)ing over the grouml. JidiiKd'i/ 3, 1872, G'' p. m.: Deposit of tine ice-erystals. Wind, east. Jioiiiirri/ 7, V' a. m.: Vi^ry tine jirecipitatiou of vapor, not sensible to the eye. Wind, east. January S, IV^ 30'" a. m. to 12'' .'lO'" : I'recijiitaf ion ol' vajinr, not sensible to the eye. Calm. Janiiari/ 23, S'' and 0'' a. m : Very light preeipitation ot vapor. Calm. January L'l, 3'' p. m.: Deposit of fine ice crystals. Wind, east. January 27, 1'' and 2'' p. m.: Light precipitation of \ap(ir. "Wind, northeast. January 28, 9'' and 10'' a. m. : Light precipitation of vapor. Calm. February 2, 11'' p. m.: Light precipitation of vapor ; stars very bright. Calm. Feliruary 6, 8'', '.)'', and 10'' a. m.: Cloud consisting of minute ice crystals swei'pi ug over the ground. Wind, southeast. February 9, 6^ p. m.: Cloud consisting ot minute ice crystals sweeping over the ground. Calm. February 10, .^'' p. m.: Deposit of minute ice-crystals on exposed ol)jects. Calm. February 12, 9'', 10'', and 11'' a. m.: Light preeipitation of ice-spicube. Wind, northeast. February 21, G'', 7'', and S'' a. m.: Cloud of denser vapor. AVind, east; at 8'\ calm. Mitreli T), 1'' a. m.: Light precipitation of ice-spicube. Wind, southwest. March 13, 1'' p. m.: Light precipitation of ice-spieula'. Calm. March 29, i'' a. m. to 12'' (noon) : Deposit of ici'-crystals on exposed objects ; wind, east-south- east, and calm. 7'' p. m.: Deposit of ice crystals on exposed objects. Wind, southeast. Marcli 30, 4'' and 5'' a. m.: Deposit of ice-crystals on exposed objects. Wind, east. March. 31, noon : Deposit of ice crystals on exposed olijeets. AVind, southeast. April 2, 7'' a. m.: Deposit of ice-crystals on exi>nsed objects; calm. 2'' and 3'' p. m.: Deposit of ice-crystals on exposed objects. Wind, east and April 3, 3'' to 9^' a. ni. : Deposit of ice-ciystals on exposed ob|ects. Calm. April C, 1'' to 3i> a. m.: Deposit of iee-ciystals on exiioscd objects. Wind, northwest. April 19, .f")'' p. m.: Deposit of ice crystals on e\|i(>sed objects. Wnid, southeast. April 1.5, ll'i a. m.: Precipitation of line ice-erystals. Calm. Mcqi IG, 0'' p. m. to midnight: Fine icecrystals falling. <;alui. May 17, midnight to 1'' a. m. : Fine ne-crystals falling. Calm. AT POLARIS BAY, 161 The following observations were made at Polaris House; the mode of observation is the same as stated before : Date. o — 3 6 7 r 9 •il 7 »> 21 4 1 y 7 16 111 •J 8 6 6 6 10 I'l •J 10 16 12 2:i ■ 5 HI 24 13 13 14 14 9 Character. a 3 o a Direction of wiud. 20 15 10 :i "7 ii 6 12 9 11 Ti li II 7 :{ 4 5 6 6 4 .) II II 6 6 II !S HI II 14- 7 5 N. N.E. E. 8.E. S. 14 W. X. w. ('aim. 1872. Noveuiber 2 3 4 5 7-H 13 14 16 17 29-: '.II 4 i 8-9 28 1873. .January 4 6-7 8-9 9-10 10-11 13 20-21 February 4 r> 7-S 11 11-12 22 22-2:! 23-24 Marcb 12 ir. 16 31 April 4 13-14 14-ir. 28-29 29-30 May 1 1-2 2-:i 3-4 4 5 9 10-11 11-12 1:3-14 14-15 l.,b.,aiKl? 4 1. and 2 ? 9 1., 4 il., 8 ■; 7 1.,'3 ? 2h., ill. ? 0.1182 0. or.":. 0. 1176 0. 043 0. 018 0. 111.') 0.019 1 1 6 7 ...... 5 1 2 5 13 7 1 1 2 21 4 1 0. Il9r^ 6 1 3 0. 180 0. 016 II. 1127 6 1 , 1 1 •J 7 4 0. 06;") 1 1 9 11.041 0. 1185 4 3 3 ■2 3 1 4 4 6 (i *> 0. or.o 0. 001 0. 045 0. 116:! 0. 1156 '2 1 0. 060 1 f "! 0, o;!9 0.043 0. 054 0. (125 0. ii::i 0.030 0. 008 0. 1 109 1 2 4 1 5 12 11 1 4 3 1 1 1 .) 6 1 4 4 11 5 10 / 0. 028 II. 126 0. 087 0. 250 II. 11.52 II. 054 0.098 0. 036 0.001 0. 045 0. 047 0. 032 0.009 8 1 HI '2 f.; 12 4 5 12 1 a 2 1 1 10 1 ""2 3 12 1 14 5 1 3 During the following days the occurrence of precipitation was noticed, too slight, however, to be measured : December G, 1872, 2^ a. m, to 3^ p. m. : Deposit of fine ice-crystals on exposed objects. Wiud, calm and northeast. December 24, 7'' p. m.: Precipitation of minute ice-spicuhc. Calm. January 2, 1873, noon to S^ p. m.: Deposit of fine ice-crystals on exiiosed objects. Calm. Jannury 5, 2'' p. m.: Cloud of minute ice-crystals sweeping over the ground. Calm. January 9, 4'^ a. m. : Cloud of minute ice-crystals sweeping over the ground. Wind, southwest. February 6, 3^ a. m.: Precipitation of minute ice-spiculfe. Calm. 162 ATMOSPHERIC PEECIPITATION AT POLARIS HOUSE. Tlie following table contains the condensed result of the record kept at Polaris House: Mouths. Direction of wiud. t.1 3 O "o 95 21 50 74 11 04 117 ill < Tnchen. 0. li'.l'.t 0. 297 0.295 0. :'.(iO 0. 094 0. 500 0. 374 N. N.E. E. o S. E. S. s. w. W. N. W. Calm. G 27 111 4 1 7 34 :i 9 2 1 Jl 40 21 2 20 51 10 23 45 Deceiuber ..... . 11 February , 5 3 5 March. . April 14 ...... 2 1 4 May 1 Sums 14 91 10 4 27 107 1 1 17S 432 2. :!i;i A comparison of the number of hours during ^Yhich atmospheric precipitation occurred at Polaris House and at Polaris Bay will show what we might have expected a priori. During the seven months in question, it snowed at the former station during 43ii hours and at the latter during 335 only. While the amount of snow measured at Polaris Pay from November, 187J, till June, 1872, is .314 only, that measured at Polaris House is li .319, if expressed in volume of water. The maximum of snow-hours at Polaris Bay was noted iU'April, viz, 14S, and at the other station in May. viz, 117; the amount of snow corresponding to both periods is 0'".063 and 0'°.374, re- spectively. The minimum of snow hours of any month is 7 hours at Polaris Bay (December, 1871), and at Polaris House it is 11 hours (March, 1873). It is true that the amount of snow could not always be ascertained accurately. If we should assume that the amount which actually fell at Polaris Bay was double that measured (though that assumption would be too great), and should, therefore, double the value previously given, it w"ould still only give 1">.354, including the rain that fell duriii- July and August. That, under such cir- cumstances, the glacial period of Northern Greenland cannot ajtproach a maximum, but that the glaciers must be on their decline, is evident. In the next volume, containing, among others, the geological results, we shall dwell at greater leni^th on this subject. Hy geometrical Obsei'vations. Tension of Vapor inEiiglisli Inches. July . JSnglisli Bictie s ■ ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE 1 A P RECORD AND DISCUSSION OF THE OBSERVATIONS ON ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE MADE AT POLARIS BAY. Ill connection with tlie observations on winds, recorded in the preceding part, we shall now give those on atmospheric pressure. The hours of observation are the same as mentioned before, and all the omissions occurring in the preceding observations also occur here. The instruments used were of ditf'erent character and manufactured by different makers. We h;i(l three large aneroids, two of which were made by Casella aud the other by Beck, London; three nmrine-baronieters by Adie, reading to 0'".005, and three standard barometers, of Fortin's construction, manufactured by Green, reading to 0'".002. Besides the instruments mentioned, the e>vi>edition was supplied with a number of very superior pocket-aneroids by Green, Beck, and Casella, which, however, ■were only used by traveling parties or for deducing the refraction in connection with the temperature for astronomical purposes. When at sea on onr way north in ISTl, the Adie and one of the aneroids were read, which were kept on the after-deck in the same louver-boarded box containing- -the rest of the meteorological instruments. The cistern of the Adie was about nine feet above the snrl'ace of the sea, the aneroid being on the same level. In some instances this height may have varied more or less, according to the quantity of coal and provisions on board the vessel. After our arrival at Polaris Bay the three Fortius* were hung up on the western wall of the observatory, thirty-four feet above the level of the sea and at the height of the eye. In order to protect the instruments from the direct radiation of the warm stove, a small oblong box, somewhat longer and a little broader than the barometer, was firmly secsred against the wall behind each instrument. The barometers were suspended on heavy rods about live inches long, on which the suspending-rings might slide with ease, the rods being turned up at the ends to prevent the instruments from slipping oif. The barometers remained in the box, the iloor of \\hich was kept closed until the time of observation, when it was opened and the barometer to be read taken by the upper end of the tube and moved toward the free end of the rod — that is, toward the observer. Xo special precaution was taken to secure perfect perpendicularity of the iiistrunii'uts, they being constructed in such a manner as to take their equilibrium themselves. When the ixory point in the cistern was brought in contact with the surface of the mercury, artifi- cial light was used, either a short candle or a small oil-lamp, made for the purpose. In taking the leading and making the adjustment the usual precautions were taken. In the course of the winter the mercury contained in the cisterns of the different instruments had to be cleaned repeatedly, in which instances the respective barometers were compared with others before and after the perform- ance of the operation. From November C, 1871, till June liL', isTli, Green's barometer N"o. 947 was read; if other instruments were made use of, their readings were referred to the barometer above mentioned. Hefore leaving Washington City, Mr. Meyer couipared another barometer, supplied by the Signal- Oriice, and also manufactured by Green, with the standard at the United States Naval Observatory. -Vfter our arrival at winter-quarters the corrections of the other barometers were ascertained by moans of the instrument compared by Mr. Meyer with the standard at Washington. As these comparisons were lost, we deduced the correction of Green's No. 947 for a mean atmospheric press- ure of i:0'".5, which was found to be -|-0*".051. We managed to bring this instrument back to * For the description of tlie FortiD-Green barometer, compare Smitliaouian Miscellaneous Collections (148), Directions for Meteorological bsrivations, and the i;e,i;i3try of Periodical Phenomena. Washington : Government Printing Office, ieT2. 4 ATMOSPHERIC PEESSUEE Wasbingtou, aud through the kindness of the Superintendent of the United States Xaval Observ- atory, we were enabled to take a number of comparisons with the standard above mentioned. The corrections, as deduced subsequent to our return, are: At inches. Coircction. 30.4 +0.040 30.0 + 0.042 2().S +0.045 29.5 +0.053 As the greater number of our observations had ah'eady been reduced at winterqaarter.s with tlie application of +0'".051 as correction, no use was made of the above figures, the mean correction, as found subsequent to our return, differing only by — 0'".00G from that first applied. From June 22, when the vessel was freed from the ice, Casella's aneroid No. 1210 was used. Tliis instrument being divided to 0'".010, the divisions are large enough to enable the observer to estimate, by means of a magnifier, with some degree of certainty, the tenth part of a division, thus giving a very satisfactory result. Whenever an opportunity ofl'eied the aneroid was compsired with one of the mercurial instruments, and corrected accordingly. The following record contains the reduced hourly observations. Those made with the mercu- rial barometer were referred to the temperature of the freezing-point of water by means of tlie Smithsonian Meteorological Tables. Besides this, the observations were corrected for an elevation of thirty-four feet and for the temperature of the air. The following table, having as vortical arguMient the height of the barometer and as horizontal argument the temperature of tljo air, wa.s used lor this purpose: i: . Firl. •->'). '20. fi :'.ii. ;;o, 5 ."rl 1 - hlchrx. +11. 1)4(1 0. 047 0. 04S +0. 040 -41,: Iiiehcs. +n. Ii4r. II. 1140 0. 1147 + 11. 04- — :lii- Temperature of the air. +2(i: Jlirhr... +0. (i;;.s 0. ii:'.'.i 0. (iin +0.041 +;!(i' /ililirs. +0.0:17 u. o:w (1. o:;o + 11.040 +411- —•ill J ' _1I)0 ±oc. + llr: IncJirfi. +0.(144 0.(111 11. 0|.'> +0.1110 Jitrht'x. : fllrhrs. _)_n. (112 1 +0.1141 0.04:! 11.(142 II. 044 1 0. oi;i +(l. U45 1 +0.1144 Itlrlicx. +0.0411 11.041 II. 1112 +0. 04:3 +0. IK'.O II. 040 (1. 1141 0. 042 finlirs. +0. (i:;(; (1. ():>7 0. 0:;.-' +0. 030 If it should be considered desirable to refer any one of the following observations up to Jure 22, LS72, to the oi'iginal reading, as corrected for temperature by means of the Smithsonian Tables, it will only be found necessary to take the corresponding thermometer-reading from the record of the temperature of the air and to subtract the correction due to the same Irom the value under cimsideration. The aneroid obscr\-ations are only corrected for indc.Y erior. Xo correetioii was applied for the influence of gravity, and as the instrument u.sed was compensated, a correction for temjierature wfis deemed unnec(\ssory. AT POLAEIS BAY. 5 Date. NOVEMBER, 1871. Time. Oh 1 11 :i 4 10 11 Means Tni'lK Inclicfi. IiicJiv 130. ;]or, .114 :io. .:,l'.> Inches. Iiiclu's. 30. .VJO 30. (IT-,' , 30.533 30. riol 30.1.111 I 30. '2-27 Inches. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 311. 30.314 30.(1(1-2 I 29.990 30. 30, :;o. 30. 30, 30. 30, 103 11-2 117 13(3 194 173 1(10 143 ir,9 13S 147 140 1()(') 1.^1 •203 Inches. 30,219 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 3(.l. 30, 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 3(1. 30. 3(1. 30. 30, 30. ■24 s 2(1.'> ■272 2(14 2-4 29S 29^' 310 418 3'2S 317 ■^S7 2(1.'> •24(1 Inches. 30, 225 30, 222 30,215 30.219 30.224 30. 205 30. 199 30. 1(1(1 30, 1(13 :i(.), 134 30.111 30.104 30. Oli7 3,0. 02^^ 30. 0O(.) •29. 9.^2 29. 958 29.9(17 •29,971 29, 943 29, 949 29.951 29. 95S 29. 90(1 Inches. 29.8(18 •29. 8(19 29. >7 (') 29. 925 29. 998 30, 010 30. 05(i 30.0(10 30. (127 30. 044 30. 0(14 3,0. 0,-1 30. 103 30.139 30, 179 30, 222 30, 25:i 30,277 30.299 30. 339 30. 325 30. 3,.' 9 30. 3-8 30, 3,01 lO Indies. 30. 398 30. 4(tl 30. 417 30.410 30.413 30.416 30.420 30. 424 30, 409 I 30, 410 I 30.401 30.414 i 30. 3,ili: 30.425 3(1. 423 30.4(13 30. 449 30,4(14 30. 452 30.554 30.403 30.471 30.495 30. 4>'9 30,3172 30, 44,^1 31.1,5910 30,0517 30,1929 30.1431 30. 40-OJ- 30, (.1^00, 30.1313, 30.4412, 11 Indies. 30.495 30.499 30,5r2 30, 534 3(.). 529 30,53(1 30. .548 30. 525 30. 537 30. LifiO 30. 538 30.541 30.549 3,0.548 30. ,554 30.503 30. 523 30. 537 •30. .540 3,0, 52(1 3,0,513, 30, 509 30.49(1 30, 520 30, 12 Inches. 30.494 30.58(1 30. 404 30. 4(34 30. 452 30. 394 307 351 330 311 ■271 214 30.219 30. 2-,i0 30. 185 3(.l, 118 30.144 30.111; 30. 121 30. 0,-9 3,0. 0,^4 30. 072 30. 055 30. -271,^ Kate Time. 1 ;» 10 11 II' 10 11 Mrri 13 11 finlics. Inches. 30. 040 3,0, 179 30, 043 3,0, 170 30, 040 30,1(12 30. 043 30. 190 3,0.042 30.213 30. (.124 30. 22,^ 3(1. 023 3,0. s;' 30. 020 30 ■233 30.012 30. 237 30. 00,^ 30, 244 3,0.017 30,279 30. (.1(14 30.28(1 3(1.017 30.274 30. 02(1 3(1. 292 3(1. (.125 30. 272 311. 03,4 30.275 3,11. (13',l 30.209 3,0. 0(10 3,0.2,^9 3,0.0(1(1 30. 302 30. (.I',I2 30. 32(1 30.103 30. 321 3,0. 11(1 30 2^>;i 30. 142 3,0 3-'-' 30.101 3,0.330 30. 0517 3,0. 3801 1.5 16 Inches. 3,0. 33(1 30.344 30.354 30. H(l-i 3,0. 379 30.3,-4 3,0. 372 3,0. 3,-d 30.401 30.390 3,0. 400 30.412 30. 412 30. 432 3,0. 4^2 4 3,0.4-2(1 30.42,^ I 3,0. 3„-d 30.371 I 30.391 30.301 : 30. 300 30. 307 Inches. 30. 343 30. 321 30. 292 30. 2^0 3,0. 25,s 30. ^254 30. 177 30. 105 30. 1(39 30. 138 30. 141 30. 147 30. 140 30.114 30. 1,-3, 30.204 30.214 30. 25(1 30. 25.^ 30. 201 30.270 30. 2^^4 30. 299 30.315 NOVEMBER, 1871. 17 Inches. 30,319 30.321 30.337 30. 3.52 30. 354 30. 348 30.371 30. 36(3 30. 4(10 30. 391 30. 409 30. 412 30. 425 30. 440 30. 425 30. 4^27 30. 424 30. 42(1 30. 41.13 30.410 30. 410 30. 104 30. 420 30.417 luc 30, 30, 30, 3(1, 30, 30 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 3(1 30, 3(1, 30 39 30, 30, .30, 30, 30, 30, 30 30. 3840 30. 2283| 30. 3952 hcs. 314 :-io4 •254 230 242 •212 212 209 209 174 161 138 116 137 19 20 Inches. 311,160 30, 144 30. 141 30, 139 3,0.121 30.148 30. 162 30.141 3,0. 121 30. 120 30. 114 30.038 '9. 95 :9, 9(1 19,972 3,0.044 30. 025 30. 04,- 30. 040 30.023 21 Inches. , Inches. 29.900 29.900 , 29.983 i 22 Indie 23 30.099 30. 172 30. 151 30. 297 30.: 29. 945 29. 945 24 Inches. I Inches. 30. 435 30. 197 30.400 30.144 30. 0,--' 3(1.091 30. 070 30. 043 30,021 30. 003 29, 999 30. 2071 1 30.0256 30.06:.:,- 30. 2ii2 30.3122' 30.4091 30.0.1,-1 i) ATMOSniEKIO rHI']8,SUJM'; NOVEMBER, 1871. DECEMBER, 1871. Tiino. 10 u Noiiii. 1" ID 11 Tim 01' 1 2 25 2C JiicIh'S. '^'J. ',177 'JD. 1)71 y.i. vr,2 l!!i. ',ir> I :j'.i. ii.'')l ■J'.K'.V.) 'J'.l. '.H)',l 'i'.), !-'S7 'ill. .^Cl •J'.l. Mw ;-".». .-'iM "J :iii L".». SKI 'Jii. .~i;! 'j'.i. y^A] ;.".». ^iHi 2!». 77--i ^'.1. 7r..". 'J!». 7:'.". '.",). 77:', •J'.l. 7^(1 "I. Incha:. .'ill. 7',H) 'i'.». i-r.i '.i:>. .^70 'j',1. 9U'i 'j'.i. '.ns ti'.i. ;).".() 'j; I. ;«;.'. 2',l. '.Hi:! ^i'.». '.i;-'2 •_".». '.t'^2 ;-",i. Ii',i7 ;!(i. (II 11 'J!l. II'.M :'.i). 000 :;o. OK! :io. o-.'i ::i). Ill:; :!i). mill :iii. («;r> ;',ii. 0711 :;o. 0,-io :io. iiH-i :!o. 07 1 ;;o. OH-i .MciinH..j '^',1. sfii^i ;!0. o:;ui 27 III :!o. :'o. :io. "lO. :iii. :i(i. :!(i. :i(i. :',ii. ::o. :',ii. :!o. :;o. ::o. :!0. :'.o. ::ii. :iii. :;ii. :'.o. :!o. :!o. , 0.-'(i ii;-':! ii;io O'.IS OSM 117-2 ik;.-' mil mill oir, 070 m;:! oi;ii 07.^ I is-j m;.'. 070 Id oil) o-ii Ol'i '.i;fr> 28 Iiiclira. !2!t. ',171 'JO. Dili 20,010 20. .-^7.'. 2'.l. S:iO 20.702 2',l. ^'.10 20. 1 1: 12 211, .^i(i4 2',l. .'.Hi 20. I,MI 20, :i,^,"'> 20, :;i i 20. 2 12 20. Hi.'. 2' I. l.'iO 2ft JllClllK. 2'. I. Ii7:! 20. 720 20, 7i:i 20.70,1 20. H'.I2 20. 0-2 :;o. iM,-' :;o. ]:;i :;o. ]',!.-, :!o. 'j.'iii ::o. :!o. 30 111:: 171 2;i. 20. 20.411 20. A'M 2;i. .''lOO l,!2 :io. :;',i2 ;!ll. 410 :;ii. 41.'. ;!0. 4.'.0 :!o. 4(i:; :;o. ,i7i :!o. 47(1 :!o. 4G:! :iO. 427 :;o. 12:; ;;o. 417 :!0. 417 TlK :iii. :!(). :!o. :io. :io. :!o. :'.o. :;o. :!o. ::o. ;:o, :iii, ;io, ;io, ;!ii, ::ii lll'S. :!'.i.'i :!.',.") :i.-'o :!i:n ::il :!riO :;(;7 :i(;7 :!ii7 :io, ::o ::o, :io, :!o, ;!o. 410 121 42.-. 4:'.s 4r.7 170 ■107 .Mil. .^.11 r.l'.i /»< ::o, ;!o, ;iii, ;iii, ;io, :'.o, :!(i, :;ii. ;io, :io, ::o, :iii. ;!o. :io. :io, no. ::ii. :'.o. :!o. :;o, :!o. :io, :;ii. :'.o. 'lies. r.:!o :::.v, r.:;i :-,17 i ,'>!:! r,2l ,''>2'.l r,oi 4,^4 410 KM :;iii; 272 ::i:; :!r,.| wx^ :!7'.) :!(i:l :i2'.i :;i2 200 2! 10 :;ii:! huliv^. :io. :io7 :',ii. :!lo ;:o. ;!i:! :i(i :ii :! 12 :!:!l :io. :lo. :iii. :!ii. ;;o. :iii. ::o. :!o. :'.o. :;o. :io. :!o. :'iO. :;o. ::2,s :io. :;-22 :io. :'.14 :!0. :;ii7 ;!ii. ::o2 ;!ll. 205 :!o. :iiil ::ii. 227 :;iii :io. lo:: ;io. If-'l :io. l.^i :;o. i:;.^ ::o. 122 :;o. 112 ::o. 11(1 ::o. no:; :!(i. 0-0 :;(!. 07(1 :!ii. 071 :;ii. 007 no. oii.% :!o. mil ::o. Olio :;ii. 051 :io. 02:1 ;;o. 01:1 20. 000 20, ',K-' 2! I, 0:i7 20,02(1 2:1. IIOH 2:1. -77 Jlicllr^. 2!l. ^■(i(l 20. >->-'2 211. ^■.-'(i 20. ,-'01 21 1. ,'^2.S 20. y.',-; 20. ^'O:'. 20.7-^2 20.7:14 20. (Kill 20. 700 20.1171 20.(12,5 20. (122 20. (151 20.(151 20.01:1 20. (imi 20. 5(10 Tllrlus. 20. 5 17 '20. ,571 20, 5115 20. ,57-- :.'0, ,57 .'^ 20, 500 20, (102 20, (i:is 20, (1(',1 20, (100 20. (1117 20.0-5 20, (102 20.751 •JO. .-'01 '0, 0, :i(i JO, 555 20, 55 20. O'JO 20. 117s 20, 0,-'(l :io. 010 :io,(i40 lllchfs. :!(i, (1(1(1 :i(i. iis.s :!o. 115 :iii. Ill :;ii. 172 :io. 100 : 10. '22(1 ilO. 21(1 : 10. '2(11 ::(i.::iii 5(1, :!12 no. : 11 11 1 no. :iss :io, ::iH lid. 412 511. i::i :iii. 151 :io. 115 :io, ,M7 :iii, 1,5(1 no. 151 no. Ill :!o. 122 :iii. 11 1 no. 05,^,S: 20.51221 :iO. 222-5 30.450(1 50. 40-' 1 :;ii. ;!17,-, :iii, 051,- 20, c-di: !0. 11- DECEMBER, 1871. 10 11 Noon. 1'' H 10 11 JIc.TllR.. 7 8 ft 10 11 fiirhcR. /Hr/,r,S. IlicJirs. hir]nn. Jllrlir^. no. :i,-',-' no. 211 20, 707 20, (170 'JO. 411 ;!(i. :w no. 207 20. ( li-'n 21l.'(l(i5 20. noil no. n.s2 ::o. iiH, 2',l. (i(l,-i 20.(102 '20. noil :io :!s(i no. 202 20. (15(1 20.(110 '20.404 :!o.:i5:i :io. 177 20.01(1 20. (155 20. :wn :iii. :i:!7 no. 0112 20. (105 20.0(11 20. :'>77 no. :M2 :io. 015 20. (105 20, (150 20. ;;7,s :!o. ::2,-' :i(i, ON 20. 5i-'(l 20.(117 20.5.57 no. :i:i5 30. 021 20. .501 20.(124 '"1 555 :i(i. 314 1 ::(i. 101 20. .5(15 '20,(110 20.34(1 :io. 500 30. 07(1 20. 577 20. 504 20. :!:!7 :!0. 20(1 no, 0(19 20. ;50l 20 5(1-' 20. nni ;:o. 'J70 3.0, onii 20. 5S2 20. .5'J7 20 n-'o no. 'jdo 30. 001 *K) ^,S~, •2'. 1.511 20. 20 1 no. 270 2'.». 0,-^1.1 '20, 500 20 510 20. 2,^1 no. 244 20. 057 2'0. (122 20.50:; 20. 201 :!0. 24-' 20.018 20. fini 20. 447 20 502 ::o.'J75 20. Ol'J 20. (124 20. Ill 20. :!07 ;io. 2(15 20. ^-2 '20.(12 1 20. 44.^ 20. noil :i(l. 240 20. ,-13 '20.(155 20. ,117 20. lill no. '247 20. .--'2:1 20. (in.-^ 20. 450 '20. n;!4 no. 24(1 20. 7 ^'f-- 20.(11(1 20.455 20. 31,'^ 30.227 20.7(in 20.(14(1 20. 12:; 20 32:1 no. 20(1 ■2'.l. 745 2'J.(1(,(1 29. 424 20. 3:10 :!o. 2',ioo, no. ooni 29.0215 '20. 5500 29.312(1 12 Iiiclic 20. : 20. : 29. : 20. : 211. : 20, : 20, : 20. : 29. : 20. : 20, : 29. : 20, ; 29. : 20. : 20. : 20. : 14s ;.5'' ;5M 20. niioo 13 [in: 20 20 20, 20 20, 20 20, 20 20 211 20 20 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 20 '29 29. 7lf.9. nil :!07 :;o(i 515 no:! :ioi 2,^11 2-1 'J7'2 2S.I ■201 noil n2ii n7o :i'^i :'„-^i :!05 405 4211 110 14 J IK 2' I, 29, 29, 29 29, 20, '2'. I, 20 20, 450 4,-0 1112 491 509 5 17 5 19 5110 15 Ilir],,':. ■JO. 5(11 20. 5(10 29, (100 20, (i:;ii 20, 5:!0 20. 5:!5 502 5S0 500 (100 5,-1 1 2' I. 20. 570 5,^5 20. 20. 20. 20. '20. 211. 10 53 20. 5115 20. 110:1 20. (13,5 20,(170 'JO, 71S 20, 7,57 20.7 05 16 I II chef!. 29. 9 JO 20. 010 211. 902 '29. ll-'O no. 000 ■ :!o. iKio :;ii. 070 no. 10:; :;o. 121 no. 150 :io. 107 no. 1S5 no. 21 1 ::o. 2-29 50.2 15 :;ii. .4 . 500 Jl :!o. :;ii. :;o. :;o. :i:;-^ :;o. :;50 :iii,:ii9 3(1, :;o. 110 17 Jiirht'K. ;!0. :;,-(! :iii. :!:;7 :;o. :;iiii 50. :i2ii :'.o. n:il :;ii. :iiii no. noo no. :iii:; :iii. 20(1 no. 25(1 :!0. 252 :io.2M :io. if^l no. 1(17 no. 1,52 :!(i. ]'2:! :!o. 112 :io. 102 :!o, o-'i no, 017 no, 002 20, 971 18 Iiiclm. 20. H.5H 20. Oiiii ■JO. 112-' 20,0111 29, "112 20, >'52 ■211, ■JO. 20. ,-'51 7011 ■'II 71111 ■20, 754 '20, 7'2I1 20, 70(1 20, (i;;i 20, 052 20, (120 20,1127 •21l.(i(il '20. 5^5 20, 557 20, 5:!2 '20,5(111 '20,4:11 21), 4.52 20.(157-1 50.1710 3o.2i:;:i 29.7i:iii AT POLARIS BAY. Date. DECEMBEK , 1871. ! Time. 19 Tnrhi'K. 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Inches. IlldiCf:. Indies. Indies. Inches. Indies. Indies. Indies. Indies. Inches. Indies. \ /«,.;„....., 1 Q^ 29.425 1 29.592 29. slid , 29, .S9.-! 29. 423 29. 120 29, 592 29.411 29. 5.88 29. .^74 ; 29. 771 29,579 1 29.604 1 29.427 1 29. UU7 29, .-61 29, ."^82 29. 381 29. 224 29. 609 29. :;95 29. 597 29. .-73 29. 758 2:1, 5(-;4 1 29.013 i '> 29.419 : 29. fi:i5 29,^^7;', 29. S70 29. 3.57 29. 241 29. 018 29. 430 29. 609 29. .-90 29. 789 29,55" i 29,619 '> 29. 4(10 29, 652 29, y7o 29. Hil 29. 317 29.241 29. 019 29, 423 29. 600 29. 881 29.771 29, 576 29, 62" 1 4 29. ;!.^7 29. 63S 29, ^57 29. ."^49 29. 342 29. 269 29. 617 29. 422 29, (j,!5 29. 875 29. 770 29.615 ;. 29.644 1 5 29, 397 29. 656 29, S51 29. 825 29. 326 29. 293 29. 616 29. .}:;7 29. 644 29. 884 29, 724 29, 610 29,616 i; 29.:W1 29, (i7.s 29. r^62 29.793 29. 310 29. :;26 29. 606 29. 449 29.661 29. 858 29. 72- 29, 562 1 2:1, (132 ^ 29. 697 29. ^72 29. 791 29. 293 29. 33,8 29. 630 29. 4,57 29.704 29. .-'61 29.714 29.544 ' 29. 610 s 29. :i(l() i 29,712 29. S'6H 29. 751 29.271 29,359 29. 612 29,471 29.702 29. ^71 29. 696 29, 555 29.616 9 29. :i.52 29,724 29. ^^66 29. 758 29. 305 29, 3.-'6 29. 618 29.445 29, 747 2;i, 974 29. 689 ,)<) f,..",..> 29. 639 1" 29, 35.-i 1 29, 719 29, ^73 29. 730 29. 283 29. 3.-^5 29.611 29. J 11 29, 768 29, .-'^,.^ 1 29, 666 29. 555 29,624 11 29.372 ' 29.721 29, s-s 29.(19.^ 29. 261 29.412 29. 596 29, 469 2; 1,794 2 », .-^49 2:1, 609 29. 555 29. 616 j ' Xnnn. 29.3^4 1 29.742 29. ^73 29. 670 29. 221 29, 425 29. 57(3 29. 47(i 29, 797 2 1, .^:i2 29, 659 2:). 575 29. 6(-l0 1" 29. 3.-5 29, 777 29, .-^.*6 29. 652 29. 21.-< 29,444 29. 555 29. 4.-^9 29.814 29, 7:14 29,652 29. 5."5 29.603 2 29. 412 29, 7-2 29, .-^96 29, 627 29, l'-9 29. 472 29, 5:!9 2,1. 489 29, .-24 29. 761 29. (;44 29, 592 : 29, (il8 :-! 29. 421 29. 794 ! 29, 91)5 29, 627 29, 195 29. 488 29, 591 29. 497 29. :-':',o 29. 745 2;i, 646 29.007 29,617 1 4 29. 451 29, ^'fl7 1 29. 912 29, 607 39. UKi 29. 50:5 29, .559 29.511 29, 8;i6 29. 701 2;l, 63." 29, 6i:j 29, 620 .') 29. 4.-9 29.^11 29.931 29, 554 29. 196 29. .521 29. 547 29 514 29. 842 29.71:5 29, 64: 1 29. 613 29, 621 () 29, 505 29. .-'15 ' 29. 927 29. 536 29. 191 29, 5:*:; 29, 5:55 29. 533 29, .-50 2:1.744 29, 658 29. 609 29, 618 7 29, 522 29. -22 29, 9:',2 29. 554 29. 195 29, 55S 29. 454 29. 540 29, 852 "9 75:! 29, 6:i3 29. 618 29, 599 s 29, 529 29, >'15 29, 922 29. 518 29. 176 29, 459 29. :-',.^9 29. 5::i 29, 81.9 29, 794 29.610- 29. 604 29. 5!15 y 29 554 29, Hl.s 1 29,915 29. 500 29.206 29. 5,59 29, 409 29, 561 29, 9(10 29. ."02 29, 609 29. 600 2,1, 5. "9 1 ^'^ 29. 555 29, .-^22 1 29, 923, 29. 4.-0 29. 198 29. 560 29. 367 29, 572 29, .^5:3 29, 798 29, (100 29. 605 29 5."7 ' 11 Moans.. 29, .572 j 29. .^31 | 29, 916 29. 4342i 29.7 351' 29, >--.-ii i 1 29. 4(J0 29. 214 29. 581 29. 385 29. 577 29, 48(.)9 29.8(12 29, 7i;24 29, .-2:;i7 29. 5!I2 29. .179: 29,610 29, .5805 29,580 1 29. 6803 29. 21.110 29.40,30 29. 5520 29,6126 Date. JAl ^rUARY , 1872. i Time. 1 2 3 Id dim. 4 5 6 7 8 Indies. 9 10 11 Indus. 12 13 Inclten. ! Inches. Indies. Indies. Indies. Inches. Inches. Indies. [ndles. ! Iiidirs. ni> 29. 5sr, . 29, il:!2 29.61(1 29. 611 29. ()8(:i 29. 676 29. 901 29, 878 29. 7 18 29, 4.88 29. 529 29, 7011 . 29, 679 1 29.5.-^.-^ ' 29, I14II 29. 575 29. 600 29, 675 2,1.669 29. 903 29,871 29.719 29, 463 29.512 29, 687 2:1. (198 •> 29, 59'J ! 29,661 29, 6(13, 29. 605 29.701 29. 664 29. 924 29, .-"O? 29. 721 2:1,549 29. 54" 2:1, 677 29,722 •.\ 29,611 , 29. 615 29, 606 29.010 29. 695 29. 674 29. 920 29. ^^6(1 29.718 29.445 29.563 29.64:! 1 29.726 4 29.61- 29,637 29, ,591 29. 6(i0 29.703 29, 679 29. 9:;4 29.813 29. 728 29. 476 2;i. 627 29. 642 29. 742 .1 29,626, 1 29. 656 29, 609 29, 595 29 695 29. 681 29. 950 29.817 29. 6-8 2:1. 4.-1 29, 6:i0 29. 6:!7 29, 7.59 6 29.62.^ 29, 629 29. 592 29. 57 1 29, 706 29. 698 29. 954 29. 800 29, 689 29.512 29,654 29. (i42 i 29.771 7 29, 62i; 29,656 29, 5-1 29 595 29. 697 29. 6.-<5 29. 944 29. 794 29.504 29,665 29. 645 29. 7."6 1^ 29, 575 ' 29, 6»:! 29. :>^7 29. 5,-'4 29. 672 29, 6.-7 29, 9J6 29. 7-'7 2:1.651 29. .524 2!1, 701 29.6:!1 29. 776 9 29, .593 29.644 29. 5'J4 29. 5:ij 29.712 29.704 29, 976 29. 809 29, 674 29.518 29,674 29. 616 29. 777 in 29,6i:>, 29. 659 29, 5.-'S 29. 586 29. 704 29. 098 29. 948 29. 780 29, 669 , i;9.5:i7 29. 709 29. 621 39. .-:35 ' U 29,5^6 29. 6;'.7 29. 603 29.65,0 29. 697 29. 720 29. 949 29. 772 29, 654 29.5 12 29.702 29.614 29. 7."5 Xnoii. 29,593 1 29,641 29. 5S9 29. 618 29. 697 29. 7 10 29.943 29. 756 29, 669 29,543 29.718 29.610 29.77 2 Ill 29, 609 29, 630 29, 594 29. 614 29.702 29. 752 29. 9:;8 29. 75:-! 29. 650 29, 5. 13 2',1. 623 29, 029 29, 778 ! 2 29, 595 29, 621 29, 594 29. 614 29. 723 29. 790 211, 'X\:\ 29, 764 2:1, (i49 29. 535 29,721 29.627 29.762 i 3 29. i;76 29. 624 29, 5.^ 29, 65;', 1 29, i;i7 29,605 29. 651 29. 737 29. 858 29. 918 29. 778 29. 625 29.511 29.744 29. 661 29. 7'.17 V, 29,619 29. 619 29,615 29, (;i6 29, 748 29. 874 29. 913 29.776 2:). (K'l 2!t. 549 29,717 29.667 29. 75:5 i 7 29. 619 29.609 29, 6 14 29, 650 29, 729 29. 8S5 29. 908 29, 7.-'0 29. 565 1 29.522 29.715 29. 664 29.772 '"* 29. t;;-',2 29.617 29, 65.-' 29.663 29, 677 29 902 29.903 29.77;! 29. 551 29. 565 2!). 625 29. 073 2:1, 731 1 '-^ 29.652 1 29,613 29,617 29. 665 29, 7(.)5 ' 29. .-'94 29 898 29.777 29. 5-13 29. 559 29, 6"C 29. 660 29,719 lu 29, 62 1 1 29, 609 29, (155 29. (;(;i 29 705 1 29. .'^98 29 895 29,7(i6 29,531 29. 546 29. 726 29. (l."5 29, 6."9 11 ; 29.030 29.'605 29. 624 29,671 29. 6.-8 ] 29, .-93 29. 885 29, 765 29.515 29. 530 29. 711 29. (.192 29.671 Mrans. 29. (;i6,l! 29,6521 29. 60(35 29. 6ic: 29.70 15 29,761:. 29. 92(5:. 29,7972 29,615( 1 29. 5204 29, 666( 29. 65«:i! 29, 7098 ATMOSrnEEIC TEESSUKE Date. JANUARY, 1872. Time, 14 1.3 :) ID IL Noon. Ill 1(1 11 r»c hex. I )() J*l 019 1 -J ><.) 'h'I 1)1 17 ' 'J Till i ■- 741 "," tVO ' ■, -';> (;;)0 1 ■- J 'J ti^:; J'.* twii ' ■, J*,* (>70 1 •- "1 iiiin 1 ■, -",• ii.i-J 'tchcs. >. il-'7 I. CiUi i.r.r.i 1.(1-7 (.711 I. 7 US I. 71."> (. 7.'i. I. 7,'>> 1.74.'. 1.747 i. 74;) -Moans.. -JH. 7u:;i' .'l() 1. 7-(; 1. S(i.-, 1. si:! I. ^-.'(i I. .-'JS ). .-^(Kl I s.",i; 16 '9. 'JO 17 IS 19 }',!. >-i;i .",1. 'JO'j ',",1. S'.ll 'il ','((■-> ".(. ;!-:'> ".I. ;('J7 •.",1. ;t:!l ';). ;i:ls ■j;i. ;>-i-,' ■J9. ',>:'.',i ■ ;i:!(i !i:;4 ■j;i. 944 } •J9. 94-2 : 91 ;s 9(17 "9. 97 ."i !9. 9i;:! :9. 91 19 19. 9il(( •.'9.971 !9. 9(;i 1. 9.'.9 1.970 I. w:^ i >. 9-(; I 1.991 i (. V[<0 I. 99,'> :ui. i((i,"> j 19. 9.-> :!(i.(ii:i j :!9. o-.'i I 30. 917 :!((. (.(■-';'. :i9. 019 I ;',(i, (14:1 .044 I ■M. 0,'),- .o.v, 1 :',(!. (170 ;!0. ( ;i((.094 i 'AO. Uis :',o. l-J:! i 1 :v-' lO. 'J7(i ■J9. 7 1.-9, '29. 9:i70 30.0:5:10; 146 icio 17:1 1-J ■Jll(l •20C-. •J-JO ■.•:!o ■-'31 ','79 •J90 :;oii :i(i-j ;',i:i 319 .lO. '.2110- 319 315 316 317 :;o.") :ii IS :io:! ■J 7 9 •,'61 ■,'17 ■J-Jl 191 176 160 146 1-J7 1 ■.■■.' (1(11 OS. I 070 (.i:!9 014 20 21 III die o.-Mi:, 1.3S l|i9 l.'iO l-'.'i 1(16 1- 'JO 11 96 71 i 54 I 49 44 47 i 9.771 1. 7 1- 1. 76-J 9. 79- 9. S(I7 9. -0- 9.796 9. s(i(i 9.-05 9. si(-,> 9. 796 9. 794 9. 7SS 9. 79(1 9. 766 9.794 9. 799 9. Sii-J 9. S06 9. 797 9 7S'J J« llfS. 767 7 I'.' 7 -J I 69:! 6-1 664 647 610 601 ..()(> M^ 1 571 574 .579 571 : 605 609 23 Tuch.s. >. iVJ 1 ■-'9. 6 17 ■J9. 667 ■y.K h'.V "J. 659 '9.7-1 V. 7S-.' '9. 77:! '9. 775 ■-'9.791 1 7'.1'' 21 Iiirhis, ■-•9. 6^,'S ■-'9.607 ■':> 5-9 791 -'9. 7:;5 ^'J. 7'Jil .'9. 7:u .'.I. 7 IS .'9. (.;'.I5 29.6-1 J9. 659 i(;9 .-I-.' ■.".1.51- ■J:i. 4-:! •Jl. IS;; •-'9. |65 •J9. i:;2 ■-';i. ijs ■.'9. 406 ■.'9. 405 ".1 9,5 ■.'9. S(,I91 ■.'9. 6-.'U "1 -.'9. :!91 ■.';i. 1(15 ■.'9. 400 '.'9. :!90 ■.'9. :195 •-'9. :!'.)0 ■-':i. 4^26 ■.':i. 411 ■-'9. 401 ■.'9. 16'.'5 Iiuht.'^ 2) 40H ',",' 411 •j; 1 409 'J 1.1 410 •j;l 117 ■ji) 47:! -'.' 51 U ■.'9 55 1 ■'9 5-:! '.'9 6:i(i '-'9 ■.'9 o-O ■.'9 ■JO 7 '.'9 7:i9 Date. JANUARY, 1872. Time. 0'' 1 s ;i 10 II N5.on. 1'' 10 11 Mrai 26 791 ^19 S19 S46 S6;! ,S-'0 s96 9(17 917 911 910 94:! 944 947 95S 955 91 15 979 96S 956 955 951 27 Inches. 95.S ■-'9. 96(! ■-'9. 9S6 1. 991 1. 'M:\ ;o. (.100 !0. 004 10. oi:! !(l. 0-.'5 !0. o:;6 !0. IS !0. 049 !0. 067 10.067 !0. 067 10.071 10. 0S4 !( I. 095 !0. 109 10. lis 10. r.'i 30. los !(1. 110 10. 109 2§ Iiiehe.i. !0. 116 !■.'■.' 113 l-.'4 !(l. 144 10. i:i:! .!(i. 14-.' 1(1. l:l3 !0. 114 Id! 12:^ 10. 1-20 10. !■-'■.' 30. vn 10. 100 10. 0.S7 30. OS I 10. 06:1 1(1.044 10. 03'.' 10. OKI .".I. 97 S .'9.965 .'9. 91(1 ■J9. 9150 30.0495, 30. OSl-J 29 III clics. y.).J SS6 s(i;) S05 770 747 750 . {>{>{'■• . ( 11 iS . 6(i6 . 66S . 67:1 . 67:! . 656 .6:10 . 6J 1 . 599 .604 . 604 30 31 FEBRUARY, 1872. Jiu hex. Iiiclu'fs. 1 '.'9 594 29. 644 •-'9 591 ■2'.i 65S ■.'9 59S •29 657 ■-'9 594 29 672 'J9 600 29 671 'J9 5'.I7 29 670 ■-'9 59S 2',1 6-1 ■-'9 596 29 69:! ■.'9 594 2',) 710 ■-'9 604 29 712 ■J9 607 29 692 '.'9 607 21 1 -■I.J •-'9 607 29 702 ■-'9 6(1S 29 729 ■-'9 620 29 7 "2:! I ■29 6:10 29 7'i,s •2'J 639 211 744 ■") 615 29 7 12 ■J'.^ 656 29 7 14 '-\ 1 667 29 759 1 ■^'.1 665 29 S2I \ '2'.) 669 29 S17 ] ■2; 1 619 29 s:;4 1 29 612 29 S4(l 2 mhei. '9. s:!(l s70 sll S4S S40 s:;(i Sll Sl< 79!1 796 ,S(U; ■6S "6:! SI Illclir . 7S4 . 7S1 .744 . 72s . 74S .716 .717 . 6^9 . 7:!.> .74:! . 7:16 .7 IS .7 IS . 7-2(l . 702 . 70(i . 649 . 7 OS . 700 7 Hr/i ,-.■,■. 29.696 ■29.691 29. 6S',1 •J'.l 6S5 -.:'.). 6S4 29. (iSO •2'.K 676 29. 673 29. (;67 ■29.674 •:[\ 670 '29.676 ■29.671 29.665 ■2" I. 6.61 ■29.651 29. 677 29. 6,SS 29. 695 29. 6S9 ■29.691 29. 6-9 ehi.^. 1. 6S9 I. 6S9 1.69:1 I. 695 t. 697 1. 70:l 1.717 1.721 I. 726 1.731 1.749 1. 74S 17.56 1.755 1. 76S I. S12 I. S2S I. S50 1. 9(i:! 1. 934 I. 963 1. 9SS I. 99S Inches. 30.(117 no. 021 I'.O. 020 30.042 \ :!(l. 045 I :!(i. (lis :!0. (154 j :!o. (I5S 1 30.062 3(1. 067 :10. 07 30. (isi :i(i. osi ;!0. 0.-5 :!0. 0-5 :io. 091 30. 099 1 :io.(i97 1 ;i.i. 106 j :!!!. i:i3 :io. l:!s 30. 142 ;!0. i:i5 :!0. 140 ■.'9.7179, '1.6199, 29. 7x ■29. .SI 15 M. Inches. :!(l. 140 30. 140 30. 141 :!0. 15- :!(i. 17(1 :!0. ISO :!(!. 1S7 :!(l. 197 :!0.2II5 30.216 30. ■.'(il 30. 199 30. '-'(U 3(1. 1115 :!(i. 0,1(1 :!(l. 177 :!o. isii :!(i. 191 :io. 19(1 3(1. 197 3(1. 197 :!0. 19:1 :!0.2(15 :i(i. 169 !0. osoo' :iO. 1-11 AT POLARIS BAY. il Pati' FEBRUART, 1872. Time. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 IS [,)ch,s. Iiichi <. [uclief<. /hc/k.v. Lu /i<.<. Iiir Oi" aO. 1.32 29. 0113 •2,'. 7i '- 20. .531 ■>i| 502 .1 30. 156 20. - 1 2 2,1, lil.-. ■20, .501 ■HI 621 20, .^ 30. 16-J 20. -20 •20, 61,-. 2Li, 554 ..,) 630 i^K :! ;iO. 161 20. -03 •29. ,'^7 - •29. 550 20 i'.27 " 1 4 30. l.>! •39.-12 20, .561 •20. .554 20 646 >ii .", 3U. 14:; 20. -1 '0^ 20, ,'^'^2 20. 542 20 Oi'.'J 2,1. i> 311.133 ■20. 701' 20, ■30'7 20 53.2 20 .; ;7 ^0 7 30. 123 •20. 770 20, .V24 20. .'.22 20 660 'It - 30.111 20.776 20, ,517 •29. 5 12 20 1:7 2 J:>. 30. niU 2 '. 773 20, 52i 1 20. 497 20 lilO J,i in 30. mTT 29. 7O0 •20, .53-J 20.476 ..,i t>27 2,1, 11 30. 072 •29.-13 20, 5^22 ■29. 4ii7 20 631 20, Xooii. 30. 049 20. -lii ■20.512 •20.441 29 I'O.'J 20, ll- 30. 021 '2[K -1 1? 20,, Mil 20. 432 20 1I2- ">') ■_' 30. or.'. •29. 7 -."i 20 -107 20. 443 , 20 624 J9, 3 20. 0:'2. 20. 7ii0 20, 514 20. 439 .),i I'.O- 1.) 4 2;!. 073 20. 74.3 20, 5-.'7 20, 412 20 633 in 20. 040 20. 727 20. 5:',;i 20. -12-.' 20 611 "1 6 20. 022 ■2ii.l-:'.> 20. 540 •29. 42 1 20 614 >. 1 ~ 20. 909 20,710 20, 553 ■20. 447 20 ii-jii .'i -- 20. 902 •20.712 20, 55r, 20. 4-4 20 641 20 9 2',i. -70 20. 702 20, .554 20, 531 li : '. - "1 10 20 -7'' 20. i7- 20, 564 20, 542 654 '. 1 H 20.-1 20. 6.''i3 20. 574 20, ,576 20 650 iO. ICS. hU'lus. Indus. I.nins. [iiclus. [,i,h, .. h rh,<. 672 30. 010 30. 010 3.0. 107 20. 0-7 3.0. o.iO 2- i- ['''J 30. 0:11 30. iV.'il 3.0. 190 3.0.014 30, W-n .1- 003 (^7- 30. ()ir. 3ll. 030 3il. 1-5 30. 05- 30, Hi ■ 1- 0.' i 713. 30, II- ',7 30. 140 3,0. 1-ri 30. 109 1 3.0, (iju .., 0- > 744 :'i.i. 040 30. 164 30. l.'.l :;o. 134 ■20,0-1 .1, 000 7r.ii 30. 046 30. 191 3.,l. 130 30. 155 20, 044 29 000 7 75 30.1157 30. 193 30. U9 30. 166 20,010 047 795 30. 07 1 3,0. 20- 3.0. 00- 3(1. 1-1; 20. -ri 20 117.- -17 30. 1 1-2 30.200 AK 1.177 3U. 10- 2.1. - '.- 003 -26 30 ooj 30. -JO.'. 30, 041 30.212 ■2:1 701 13- -:;5 30. 10- 3.0.201 31,1, 0J4 30. -JOl 29. 7. ',7 2114 -13 30. 100 :'.o. 107 20, 0- 1 30, 23.7 20.710 2.1 227 -14 30. 114 ■:,v. 196 20. 052 ?tO. 227 2.1. 6,52 2J3 -5;i 30. 125 3.0. 1-7 29. 900 30 ■j30 20. 5i;: 2 ; ; -r>7 3,0. 109 3.0. l-ii 20. -.',0 30. 23.4 2.1. 495 20 ■..),; --1 30. 103 30. 101 20. -17 3,0. 22- 20. 474 20 3-2 -0:! ■.!0. 003 30. 191 ■'0 770 30.^224 20. :'''J7 20 410 906 30. 095 30. 103 20. 753 30. 216 20. 3',- ■20 423 Oil ■.W.I '-7 30. 100 •"111 *7;^, 30.1-0 20. 2-1 20 44-^ 0J2 30. ii76 30. ■::.\i ■'0 7-- 3.0. 105 20. 091 20 473 941 31.1. 051 ■MK -213 20.-04 30.1-3 20. 1107 503 ,M- 30. 056 30. •J03 20. -.'.4 ■ W. 1-7 ■JO. II-, 1 20 ,'ii'^2 092 3.0. 054 30. ■Jill 20. - '!'■ 30. 1 — 20. 002 29 535 001 30. 050 30.^201 20. 0-13. 30. 11- 2-. -27 ■>o 513 ileaus.. 30.0374 20.5521 20.40-1 20. 63(i- 20.-3 30. 0713 30. 17:. . 0771 Date. FEBRUARY, 1872. Time. 19 Inches. 20 Iitfhcs. 21 22 23 24 2.5 2 6 2t 28 29 Inch:.-.. Invlirx. Incites. luclus. Iiiihis.^. Inches. Inches. Inelic'^. 0" 20.550 '20.611 20. -:'.- 30. 150 30. 21 - :;o. 105 20. 7:!0 20. 472 30. :52 30.505 ! 30.:W-2 1 ■20. 565 20. 5-5 20. -i>5 30. 14- :?.). 2.'.5 30.17- 20. 691 .10 504 30. 327 30.517 t 30. 2-0 2 20, r.oi 2'.i. 600 20. -59 30. 15- :io. 249 30. ITo 20. 070 29 554 30. :li.i7 30.551 30. •--l ■' 20,030 20. 5-2 20. -07 30. 155 30.24:! :^o. l.'xi 29. 1,2- ■III 0,2:1 :;o. 320 30. 5:i0 30. :;ol 4 20. 601 ■2\i. .531 20. 003 30. 1.57 :!0. 245 :!0. 140 ! 20. .571 29 05li 30. :;:u 30. 5J1 :iO. 251 ..1 ■20. .540 20. -07 ;!0. 144 :^o. 247 30. 122 20. 5:-iO 20 7oO 30. 313 30. ..0., 30. 2:10 6 •20.716 20. 5:!5 20. 020 :>o. 117 30. 243 30. 10- 20 407 •III 7:^0 30.312 30. 404 :;o. 2111 20. 75J 20.511- 20. 0:!0 30. 115 :iii. 2:;ii 30. 09:! ■2\K 4:;- ■ I'l -111 'Mk :-!Oii 30. 476 :;o. 194 - 2.'. , , .. 20. 496 20. 050 30. 130 :!0. 114 :!0. 0-4 ■'0 :>7- .1.1 -2- 30. 3i ij 30. 4-2 30. 2'il ■JO. -1 14 20. 407 2'.i. 072 :;0. 15- :!ii.2i:l 30. 060 2,1. 35i; .11) -0.'. :!o. 2.1- 30. 1-0 3,0. l-.i 10 20. 4-0 20. OOo 30. 150 30.20- 30. 0:!:'. 20 20- .-.1 ) ^ihi ;".o. 314 3i.i. 496 :;o. 1-7 u Xooii . 20. -J, 20.514 :iO. 00:! :'.o. 1:!- :!0. l-j 30. 015 20 20- .-), 1 041 30 :!ori 30. 404 30. 17- 20. -3:; 20. 5:'.2 :iO. ojii :io. 121 30. li',2 20. 0--I 20 2i;:'. 29 990 30.310 1 30.4-0 30. 170 1'' 29. -45 20. 5:;3 :!o.o:!3 ■■V. 116 30. 146 20. 944 20. 245 :'.! 1 Li:>5 30. 2L15 30. 45- :!o. i.;7 - 20. 543 ;!o. o:'.7 ;io. 115 :!0. 124 29 020 ■20. 247 ;io ii-j :!0.300 30. 444 :;o. 164 3 4 24.591 :iO. 0.55 :iO. 102 30. 125 29 904 20. 2,54 :io 1^24 30. :'.J1 30. 434 :iO. ii',7 20. -01 ■20. 610 311. 1172 ;10 000 :".o. 107 •1.1 -77 20, ^243 30 100 30. :i20 :!0. 442 :!o. i-.i 20. 764 20. 6;!0 ;io. 001 30. liC 30.111 ■>9 -.-.0 20. 25- :ii.i Ji'iO 30. :!51 30. 4:!0 :m. 156 ! 6 20, 751 20. 61'.:; 30. I112 :iO. 120 30. 130 20. -51 29. •290 30 210 30, :!00 30. 406 30. 149 ' 20, 7:14 ■20.710 •MX 112 :5o. 103 30. 165 20. -47 ■JO, 3:U :!o 250 30, 42:; :->o. ::-!' 30. 157 9 10 11 29. i'i-5 20. 7:12 :!0. l-j:; :!o. 17:-. :'.o. 163 20, -17 ■19 :',-o 30 ■jtio 30, 442 :!0. 37- 30. 15- 20. 0.67 ■20. 770 :!0. i;!5 30. 194 30.1-0 2;i, -17 •J 1 ;;oo 30 277 30, 47- 30. 347 :!0. 1-4 •-0. 1'J- ■JO. -Ill :'.o. 12J :.W.-214 30. 107 ,1,1 ^,1.1 20. 421 '.V 206 30, 491 :!0. :!32 30. 2'!3 20. -24 30. 142 30. 217 :». 1-0 ■20, -i:i 20. 445 30 326 30, 50:; 30. :!2(; ■Ml. 1:10 iirail^.. 20. 7J.VJ 20. O'ljii 30. oo:',7 30. 1446 30. 19-55 29. 0-70 20. 1121' 20. 05 7 30. 35i 11 30. 455:: 30.2010 A P 10 ATMOSPHERH '- PliP^SSURE |);irr MARCH, 1872. Tillir 01' I •A 4 5 II 10 11 :;o. -J.',! :io. '.".in :'.(). !) ■:,<). ■s^\ :io. -.Ml ;;o. -.'rfi ;!o. '."o^ :iO. -.'71 :iO. 'J7l 1 ;'.o. ■jr.H ;{o, '.'.is ; :;o. -.'M ;!(!. -ill :',(). -.'l-l :!0. -'-H :!(). -i;;-! :',(). -^07 ;!o.^jr,7S| I. -joi; I. -iio j I. V.)7 I ). 17:i I. lr> I. 171 '. ir.r. I. 10.-. I. O.HS I. II J I I Old -Mm:; I 'J!l Olio 20. o:; I I •i'.i oi;', I ■iO o:'.r. ■JO. o.'J ;io. 01 H j "0 001 ■io.«o;; j ■20. 010 '20.021 :;o. o;;7r. Inches. •20. O'.M ■2:1.027 ■2:1.01;; 2:). 0.;.! 20. 2."i 20. SOli 20. .~s; - 20. .^7.7 2:1. r^lu ■20. HM 20. .-',')-^ •20. «.'..'> ■20. '-iOO 20. 77 7 2:1. 7. -^ 2 20.71;- 20. 7:-.0 20. 7.'.0 ■20. 7,1 1 2:1.727 ■20.7 17 2:1. 711.', '20. (;oi 20. K2;>7 hit 2:1. ■20. 2:1. 2:1. 20. 20. 2;». 20. 20. 2.>. 2:1. 20. 2:1. 2:1. 20. 20. 2;'. 20. 20. 20. 20. 2:1. 20. i;i;o (;;o r.i;- 1; ;.| i;i;2 (;.;() , i;:io i;22 i;ii; r.l-: (11 ;i (ill i;i-' (11.! (;2:! (;.;o i;:;i (;i2 (l.'.K (;(;o 071 i;;i,-^ (;:i.- (112 ".I ■hi-H. 710 2:1 2:1. 2:1. 2:1. 20. 20. •2! I. 2;i. 2:1. 20. '20. 2:1. 2:1. ■20. 2:1. ■20. 741 712 7:17 -0.'. SI 1 ,-'0.; SI 11; .«20 SI,; SI2 SI2 SIS S. ) s .S7i; s7i; s-s sss /,„■/ 20. 2:). 2:1. 2:1. ■'0 :iii2 sou s;ii; s'ji; s-^i; 2:1. .-- ! 2:1. 01 II I 20. :iii.-. 2:1.017 lllrhl :;o. I :;o. I :!0. 1 ;'. '. 1 :!o. 1 :;o. 1 :;ii. I o.;o o:;o on; 0114 o-v, (11)7 1110 (17.7 000 11 I 12; 1 10 1 1;'. I. ".I I oil :!0. 1 ;io. 1 :i(i. 1 ;;(i. 1 121 ;i(i, :iii. 1 :io. I :;ii. 1 :'.o. 1 ;io. I ;iii. 1 :;o. 1 :'iO :;ii ;!0 1 11 71 10 70 14 70 i :;o. 1- I sr, Isl 1:! Inn :lii. :iO. :;ii. :;o. :;o. :i(i. ;!o. :iii. :iii. ;i(i. :;(i. :i(i. :'.o. :!o. :!(i. :i(i. ;!ii. :'.o. :io. :io. :;o. ;!(i. :io. ;io. 20s 1 ;;ii ;;f.s :;,7i; 401 ;{0i; 401 ;iOii 411; 107 4011 10:; 112 117 410 404 ;iso ;s 1 :i;i ;ii ;.',( I ;17 2:1. (;i:'.2. 2:1. -.17- 20. OS.'.O, hlrhr :;o. :!o. ;!o. :!o. ;iii. :!0. ;'.(!. ijii. :iii.2:ii; 1 :;ii. 2:11 ;;o. 2S1 :;o. 2;;:i ;;o. 200 I :iii. 17S ;to. 1.-,;; ;io. 14 2 :io. !2i;'; :;(i. 10() ;;o. 001 i ■Ml. 001 ' :;(!. o;ii ;iii. 1;; ;;ii. (122 2:1 o:i.-i :!o. 2l:;i, 10 l,irllf«. 20.000 2:1. O.-. 2 2:1.012 ■20. 0.")1 o;;i 017 011:1 2:1. 20. Slid 20. s:)2 ■20. s-i; 2:1. ss:; ■2:1. s-,1 2:1. S2:! 2:1. s|!i 2:1. SI 17 20. .-1.7 ■20. Sl;l 20. s:!l 2:1. s,;i ■2:1. s 11 2.1. SfiO 2:1. si;-^ 2:1. s?s 2:1. sOd 20. s;;;.' II Inrhrs. 2:1. SOS 20 s-;i 2:1.01:; ■2:1.07 1 ;',o.()l7 oii.ok; ;!o. 1112 :iii. 0;;:; ;;o.oii :;o. (i:;i; :;o. 01.7 :;ii.oi;! :!o. ii;i7 ;!(). 01:; 2! I. 07.; 2:1.01;) 2:1. 022 20. 0112 2:1, i77 2;i. Hsi 2:1. Slrt 2:1. S2II 2:1. 700 2:1 7.7:1 12 hirhrs. 20. (;71 ■20. d;72 ■20.012 20. (;I7 ■2;i. Ills 2:1. (1'27 20. .77(1 20. TiOl ■20. .711 •20. .^,7 1 20. ;771 2:1. IS!) 20. is:; ■iO,4sr, 2:1. .701 20. ;7^27 •i'f ::m\ 2:1. ii(i;7 2:1. 027 ■20.dS2 2:1. i;-'2 2:1. 7(1(1 2:1.70:1 ■20. :iiiii 20. Ciiis:; Date MARCH, 1872. Time. 1(1 11 1" 10 11 13 Iiirhis. 20. 711.7 ■20.701 2:1. 720 20.7(17 2:1.770 •20. 777 •20. sill •20. SIO •20. Slid 'iO. SI 1 ■20. s:;7 2:1. 2!). 20. S70 S7: 20. :o. 14 llichr«. :;o. Old :;o. (idi :i(). 072 ;iO. 100 :;o. 102 :{ii. 101 ;!o. ido ;(.). 11;; 0(1. HIS :-i(i. 13 VI 1 010 0:14 20.00;-. 2:). Ods 20.991; 1 20. OOS :;o. 012 :i(i. 020 :!o. 0;;; 114 :;o. lid :io. 117 ;i(i. 110. no. 070 :;ii. (ISO :!o. 117s :;o. 072 ;;o. 0(71 :!0. ii(;ii ;;o. 077 :;(!. 11.7;; :!ii. (12 1 :;o. Old 20. 'j'x; hi<'hv«. \ 20.:i:i(i 2:1. 0:1.7 20. :io7 : 20. 097 i :;o. nils :;o. (i;;(; :;ii. o:;o ;>o. (121 :!o. ii;!0 :!o. o;;7 ;)(i. 0.70 ;'.o. 041 1 :;o. odo :io. 044 ;;o. (ii;(; :jo. 11.7s ;;o. 070 ;i(i. ( ;;o. 110:1 :;(!. 107 :;(!. (17s ;io. 11711 ;!(!. 07.7 ;;ii. (1.77 1« l„chr«. :!ii. ii;id ;i(i.(n7 20. Osd :!o. 021 I :;ii. (10.7 20.901 j 2:1. Oso '20.00:; ! 20. 07 2 20. 0(;i '20. 070 20. Od(i 20.07;; 20. 0.7:; •20. 04(i 20.041 '20. Oi.-| •20. :ii(; 29. 020 20. 024 20. 02;) 29. :i:;o '29.941 ly 2:1. :iis 20. ;o 0.71 0.")2 •29. 0(;7 2:1. :ii;7 2; I. 007 ;;ii. Old :;(!. (MS ;;ii. (177 ;!ii, 107 :;o. i:;7 0(1. Ids :!0. r.i;; :!0. 2(1.7 ;;(i.2is :io. 2 17 0(1. 277 ;;ii. 2:1:; 00. ;;(i. :;o. 0(1, ;;o. 0(1. 18 ;;o. ;; :iO. ;; ;;o, :; 00. :; ;;(i. :; ;;o. 4 :i(i. 1 :i(i. ;!(!. ;'.(i. ISO. ;!(i. :i(i. 00. ;;o. :;ii. :io. .;(i. ■Ill, :i(i, ;'.ii, ;io. ;;ii. :!o. :n :i7 14 lid Oil 1:12 ;od ;:ii !l- ;di ;io ;2( 1 21 s 20! I 27 S 1« IlirkvH. ;;o.2i7 :;(i. 10s :io. ;;ii. ;;(!. ;;ii ;;(i. oo. :;(! ;i(i ;;ii 00 17.7 1.70 140 l.'7(i 1.71 172 is:; l:'w Idf, 112 :;o. (i.-s :;o. (is; :iii. 0-7 ;;(i. 112 :;ii. 11 IS ;iii. vt:, :;(i. on; :;(i. 012 ;;(i. os:; :iii. Old :i(i.()1.7 20.007 ao 20.002 ! 2:1. :m2 20. S47 20. Sll 20. s:; I 2:1. s:is 20. s7d 20.010 20. 079 2:1. '■>■<> :;ii. (1(17 •iO. :i:i I 2:1. 009 2:). OSII 2' I. 000 2:1. 2:). 17:1 2! I. OSS :;o. Oil ;io. (170 ;iii, osi) :;(i. 107 :;o. 12.7 :;o. 1 1:1 21 hirhrx. ;;o. 17S :;o. 200 :;o. 2:17 ;i(i. 202 on. 2:17 ;io. :ii;i 00'. :;7l :io. :ids :io. !S9 ;;ii. ;7i :;ii. 11;! oil. : :;o. : ;;ii. ;;ii. ;;o. :io. ;io. :io. ;io. 23 I,H-lir> :io. II :;(i, :;ii, ;iii, ;;o. :io. :7i. 12s i:;i ,:io :!(l..7.09 oo.os.i ;;ii. .7s 2 n >; ;d >l:; :;(i. :>: :i(i. ;;o. ;iii. ;;ii. :;ii. 7-'0 .ill. .702 ;!o doo ;io. (i:;s ;;ii. 17 ;iO. 072 ;;o. (;.70 :!(l. ddO /,|./,,v ;iii. (ii :iii. C 00. ( ;;ii. ( ;io. ( :;ii. ( :i(i. d ;i(i. d :!().(; :;o. d :io. :i(i. d :;ii. (; :;(i, 1; :;ii. (1 ;io. :io, (i ;;(!, c :io. ( :io, 1 ;io. I :io. ( :io. ( :io. ( 20. sdiio :iii. 0779: iio. 0409 29. 9d:i:;' ;!0. I;' :;o. iiiiiii, ;i(i, 11; 20,97 11 ;i(i.:!;;i; ;!ii. 21 llirhfx. OO. 072 :io. i;;;i :iii. (ISO 00. 007 :io, 7112 :iii, 0S2 iiil, (iii7 :iii, (;7i :i(i, (i7s 1 OU.OSd ■M). (Kill ;io, (117 ;;(i. 022 ill I. Olio :;(i.(lis :;ii (i;l ;i(i.d;| :;o. 077 :;(i. 0^0 :i0.771 ;i(i.7l(i :!l). 712 :;o. 777 ;iO. 7s() ', ;!0. o-(iii AT POLAEIS BAY. 11 Date. MARCH, 1872. ^ APRIL, 1872. Tinir. •2.5 2« 27 2« 29 30 31 ' 1 2 3 1 5 /hWio'. Iiivhen. Iltvhis. Itnhi'X. llHhr.. hirhvs I,ll-I„s. /..t/,,,.,. Jurhrs. //ir/lr.v. lllrl,,-. I, iJlv,^. 0" :;o 701 311. .vjr, 30.473 30. -16,1 30. 407 :;o. 400 :;o. iii- :io. :!i.i 30. 457 :io. J4- 30. J - ■JO. 070 1 30 704 3O..VJ1; 3,0. 4S1 :!0. 4^J7 311.401 :'.o. 4 1 1 :;ii. 413 :io. :il6 :;o. 4.50 :;o, j.:7 30. oi;i ■JO or:! •) 30 70" 311. 4-- 30,474 30. 4:i7 30.415 :;o. 41J :',o. 4r2 :!o. :;j.; 30. 461 :-lo. JJ7 30. 01 ; ■J' 1 074 3 ;;o .-IM :iO. 476 60. 4-6 :!0. 1:;:', :;o. 4:;^j :;o. 40- :;o.4io 30. :;:;o 60,46.; :;o. J16 30. . I - J 1. 07- 4 30 -OJ 311.4.70 :',o. .',0:! :io. 450 :.;o. 4:!1 :',o. 401; ::;0. 4 15 :;o, :;5,; 30.461 :,o. r.H 60. 01,; j:». :i-ii o 30 70^ :!ii. 430 I'll. .-i^JO : 10. 450 :-;o. 431 :;o. 41J :;o. 411,-; :>ii. :;6(.i :;o. 417 ;iO. ■J13 :>o. j5 J. 6 0-1 1 6 30 7-- 311. 44."i :',o. .',07 30. 4:i- 30, 4J- 30. 305 ;io. 106 30, : 161 :-io, 450 :io. 10:1 :;ii. 0;; J ', 0-7 7 30 7711 30.1^7 30..') 13, 30. 4 JO :jO. 4 67 :!o. 404 60. :;06 ::o, :;;;) :;o, 447 :;o. i-'. :;o. OJ J JO. 0.-- - 3,0 776 30. 411 ;;o. 510 :!0. 415 :3o. 417 :5o. :i91 :!o. :;oi 60, :;o5 :;o, 4:;- :;o. 1-1 :;o. j i J.I. 0-5 1 '•> 30 7"-0 30.417 :10.513 :;o. 415 30. 40;; 30. :;o- :;o. :;-! 60, 411:1 :io,4-l 30. 171 60. ojti J'l 00 1 10 311 774 30.410 60. r,ii :;o. 41-J :-io. 116 60. 4011 :;o. ;i6i0 60,415 :;o, 4J5 :lo. 151 :;o. III),', ■J 1, 9..:; 11 30 7^J1 311. 37;; 30. .511 30.406 30 411 :;o, 600 60. :16J 30. 41- :;o, 416) :;ii, 145 J. 1.001 'JO, 'J-1 Niinll, 3.0 71).'', ;',ii. :f7ii ;io. 505 :i0. 40- 30.410 :;o. 6-0 30. :;5o 60, IJ,; :;o. 607 :;o. ij- 60. 050 •y\ ,7(1 1" 30 719 30. :'.60 30.4-0 :;o. 401 :;ii. 400 30, 'A&> :',o. :;oj ^ 60. 0J7 :lo, :175 :;ii. ]iij J'l. O.^O ■J',1, 954 ■J 30 7:1- 30. :'.7- 311.40- :iO. ::o7 :;o. :;o- 30, 6-7 :;o. ;;:!.; ! 60. 4:-;:; :io, 6,;i ;;o, 01; J.I. 077 j 1, 1 150 :"> 30 0*7 .30.391 0,0, 511 J 60. 409 30. :;04 :;o. 6-:; :!o. :;j- 30. 43^ 60, 650 60. o;iii ■JO. 07 4 •> 1. 05:1 4 30 • HO 30.401 30. 51 rj :30. 409 :io. :;oo :;o. :;-^l :io. :;j:; 30. 44- :;i 1, :;.;.- :;o. o;l JO. J ■*l. 05:; 5 30 072 30. 404 3,0.4.-0 :',o, :;o5 30. 409 60. 6-7 60. :!J6 :;o. 451 :;o, :6;6, :;o. (i:;4 ■J 1. :i -:; J' '. ; 1 ' 5 6 30 01;- 30. 4JJ 30. 4-0 30.605 30. 405 ;;o, :;-6, 30. :;jo :;o. 454 60, :;i6 :;ii. 056 J 1. '.O'J JO. 055 7 30 07 II 3U. 446 30.475 30.407 36. 405 :;o, '.VM :;o, :!■.;:; 30.454 :iii, 60.1 :io, 05 i JO. Om J 1. ^^^''Z - 3ii tj;'H 0.!i. 4.'i6 60. 4-J :;o. 406, :;o, 400 :-;o. 401 :;o. :;o- 30. 454 60, -j'.i- : 1:1. 041 J.I. 0-4 ■J '. 1 ;:' ;i 3U CiilO 30.460 60.47:; :;o. 417 :io. 4114 :;o. :;o7 :io. ::oj 30. 4ii:', :!o, j-:i :;o. 0J6 •i'.\ 0/55 ■J:'. ! ^'^-1 10 30 .■i7- 0.0. 4i:i:i :io. 467 30.411.; 30, 40- ;;o. 400 30. :.o- :-lo. 466 :io, ■>-:> :lo, 0:1;) j;i. o;4 ■J:i 04^ 11 Mrans. :jo .'>.73 30. 467 :!0. 461 30. :;o.-- :;o. 400 :;o. 401 :;o. :;o- 60. 456 :;o. J6,', :iii, ;5 J:i. or:l j:i. 04 J 066,4 30. 7-Jl-_' 30.4340, 30. 40: !5 :;o, 4170: :;o. 4116,^ :;o. :;o ;- :!O.6:;05 :iO. 11157 60, :i-7'. 30, 1:1..; ; ■> 1. 00-J Date. APRIL, 1872. Time. 6 7 § 9 10 1 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 i 7 //,( hi^s. Inrhes. Itichex. /llWlr.v. Ilirlnx. lllrlivx. J,l.ll,:-< ' Lidiex. ■I„rll,'« Indus. Inchcx. III ■/ir.v. Oh 'J'.i 037 ■JO. 016 30. 17^J :',o. I7^j 30. OJO :!o, 061 :;o. 051 ■JO. O'JO ■>'J. -70 :;o. 1 ;j 60.410 :;o. :;50 1 ■-'0 03J JO. 010 :',o. l-J :;o. Kii [ 60. 0J4 60, 05^ :;o. 05J J'l, OJ J ■Jll. ■'1^-.-^ 30. 145 :;o. 433 :;o. : ;57 2 ■JO O^Jl ■JO. '.107 :!o. 191 :;ii. 150 4 30. 1 1 J7 :!0. 061 1 ;;o. m- 'ilK Olii ■J I. -05 :!o, 15- 30. I'^O 30. :;4o 3 •I'J 019 ■jo.o-j;-i ;(ii. lo- ;;o. i:;:i ' 30. o.;j 60. 06:'. i;o, o4^j ■JO. 000 ' ■j:i. 15 :)0. MO :;o. 4^J6 :;o. 61-^ 4 -!0 OJII JO. 040 so.^Jio :;o. i:;4 30.044 30, :7 ;!o. oiu ■JO. 00- j'l. .^:i6 30, 1,-1 : 10. 441 30. 60J 5 ■JO OJ.'. 'JO. '.li'.'J :V).-it\ :;o. i:;s :;o. 040 :;o. (I6H ! 60.011 ■jo. 007 ■j:i. ^'^0 :;o, 190 :;o. 441 :-;o. :;m2 6 ! 20 03:! ■JO. 0!;i ; 30. ■JJ7 :;o. 1-J4 i 30. 06- 60. fliiii 1 ;!0, 04^J •29. 000 J:i. .-',15 30. J'lO :;o. 4 4- :;o. 206 7 ■JO O^J-J ■JO. 064 :',o, -f-t-z :;o. 116 30.-O 60 , 30.065 i 30. ii:;o ■>'J. OOJ JO. 913 30. JJ4 30.410 ■J 1 20:5 > •J 'J 000 ■JO. 070 :lo. ■j:ij :iO. 114 ;!0.07,5. :!o, 050 :;o. o^J5 ■JO. 001 'J.I. oj; :;o, J14 :;o. 156 30, 201 9 'JO 034 ■JO. 07 J 30! ■J36 30.106 30. 071 30, 040 :!o, 017 ■JO. .^-1:; JO. 045 :10, '.•43 :;o. 451 :',o. 2-- 10 ■JO 1IJ7 ■JO. 0-4 30, ■j:!- :;o. 007 30. 073 :;o, 041 i 30.013 50. ^-6 JO. 067 :;o, J56 30. l.'.O 30, 276 11 ■J'.t OJ^ 3,11.001 I 30, ■>:r,' :;o. 0-:', 30.071 60, 055 :io, 004 ■JO. -76 j:i. 0:7 30. J6- :;o. 14:; :'o. ■>-'A\ Xoiiu. ■JO !IJ.'. 30. IIUO 30, ■JJJ 30. 07- 30. or5 :io,o41 ■JO. O--^. ■J.I. -76 ■JO. 0-.; :;ri. J ::i :;o. 4:10 30, 260 Ih ■jy 01-J 0,II.OOJ 30. ■Jill :io. 05 J :io. 050 60, OJO ■j;i, 070 ■JO. -50 ■JO. 0-0 :iO. -ji ;5 :30. 41:1 30. 272 •J ■JO 013 30.014 :lo. -iOl :io. 041 :;o. 0:17 :;ii, oi;i ■JO, 051 'JO. -57 60. Oiio :;o. j-'i :!o. 405 :-jii. 264 '.\ ■JO Oil 36. ii:;6 :-io. *jo5 ;;o. 065 30. o:;5 30, 0J3 1 ■JO, 050 JO. .-'54 30. OJO :;ii. :;!ii :;o. 405 6(1, 21.1^ 4 ■JO ■M2 30. (|-,4 30. ■Jill :io. 0J7 30. 066 :-!0. OJO ■J.i. 940 20. -M :io. IIJ5 :io. :;io 30. :;01 ■■w. 271 1 ^ ■i\} \ '■JO 30.070 30. ■jic :io. (IJJ :;o. 071 30. jj JO. 0:;:; JO. ^45 :30. o.ii :;o. :;i7 30. :;76 :!0. 277 \ fi ■JO 0^J3 3,0. ii-K 30. -JO'-^ 60. tijj 30. 06- 30. 0J5 ■J9. 0:;5 'JO. -45 ;30.06L 60. :;j7 :;o. :;7j :!o. '275 7 ■JO OJ.". 30.114 :',o, 107 :;o. oi.-j 30. 055 30, o.J-J •JO. O^J^ JO. '-'4'J 60. Oil- 30.346 1 :lo. \'{'v\ :;o. 21-;^ * ■JO OJ- 30.115, 30, l-< :;o. 005 60. 05:; 30. OJl ■JO. O^JJ ■JO. -4J 30. 070 :'.o, :i5o 60. :;57 30. 276 11 ■j; 1 OJ.'. 3,0. 131 30, l-J? 30. 015 :!0. 070 30. 04:; 'JO. 050 •JO. -64 ;-10. o'.H 30,676 'Mk :;/!'; 30, 27 (.; 10 ■JO '.IJJ 00. :io. 1^5 30. 014 :;o. 07J 31. 046 ■JO. 04J ■JO. -'VJ :-;o. 109 60, :l--i 6I.L 135:! 30, 2(-;7 u .Mi'ans. 'jii 010 30. 163 30, l-J ;!0. 014 30. 07 1 30. 0511 ■JO. 9:;5 j:.i. -70 :;o. Ijo 30,40:; :'o, :;:;o :;o. 252 ■JO. o^j:;o 30. 111.',- :iO. ■J066 :iii. 07.^:; 30. 05-6 ;30, 044 ! .JO, 0-5 1 ■JO. -705 ■JO. 0-''h; :?0. 'J651 30.4117 30. 2.--1 — _ . — -- — 12 ATMOSnil'MMC IMMOSSIIRE DmI. APRIL, 1872. Tiiiii- IN :i(l. ■>:■,-, :iii. •l-i'i t» 20 'II i»;t -T, I 10 11 :! I • 1; 7 H ;i 1(1 11 I);. I. TiiM( I 10 11 HI 11 ;!(!. :;ii. :io. ;!ii. ■.';;; :'.o. ■_'-'; ;!ii. -."i; :;(). :i(i:i :ii). ii;i :iii. l.M ;iii. r.i;i ;;ii. r.iii :!(!. r,7i I'.ii. r.!i; :'.ii. :!ii;(; :!ii. :iii. :'.!), :tii. :iii. :!!). :!ii. :;o. :io. ;!. :!(). 7u; 711,; (;.-7 17:1 I or. ■.'•Ml 'il7 'i-l ■.'HI ■-Ml i ;-.'. Uii 1 ■J.-^ liw 1 1! 11; (17:1 (i:,i iiir, (171; (III-.' Kll i:;,; i:;'.i 1 17 l-ir. I'lr, III III, ■ ill. :',i). :!(!. :i(i. ;!(). :'iii. :iii. ■ill. ■.'11. ■lux. I I- 1 1-' I'.'l 101 (17.7 0.^.1 (ii:i 'M.I '.n;-; ii'iii ■Jii. '-".I, ■ill. (r.' 7 1 M I 7:; I cm; (;,^iH (ill .")(;.; r):;ii .'.II lid. 7::(i(i' i!ii. ri(i7(i ;;(i. i.'.n; llir. I'.d. I'.d. 11(1. lid. lid. 11(1. 11(1. 11(1. lid. 11(1. 11(1. 11(1. lid. lid. lid. 11(1. lid. 11(1. lid. lid. lid. lid. lid. 11(1. IHrt l.^r, ■id.-i l.-ii) Irll r.iii I -7 I .-'.-■ l-:l l.-.l Hid I^i7 I ■id l-.'d 117 Id^i nil Id.-, idd dllO /„,/., lid. lid. lid. lid. lid. lid. 11(1. lid. lid. lid. lid. 'ill. ■id. till, ■ill. 2:1. ■ill. d.-:;l d.-:.'. (171 (1711 , (Ml,-, I 011(1 j dill d.-,l I d-i.- dil d| I d71l 11.1 mill 11711 11(17 ii.-.ii mil ' 111-' ' nil 1117 111-' ll.M II 1-^ ' liirJii-H. lill. 1117 ■ill. Ill-: :ill. IMd lill. IMi; ■ill. nil ■ill. lll-i :ill. 11117 :ill. 11:1.-. ■ill. '.la; ■ill. ll:i-: ■ill. lldii ■ill. .-:lid Id. 7(1 :ill. .-'1 1,1 ■ii. :-'l(; ■ill. -nil 'ill. .-'■id ■ill, -'(!-' ■ill. i-'l^i ■ill. 71111 ■ill. ;-'(il ■ill. 7.-'li ■ill. 71 ii ■ill. 7 111 Ilirlu :il).7l7 lill. 7 h! ■ill. 71(1 ■id. 7(111 ■ill. (111.-, ■ill. (;.-<( 1 ■ill. (171, ■ill. 7dll ■ill. 7(1-' ■ill. 7 17 ■ill. 7(11 ■ill. 7.-'d ■ill. 7.-':i 'ill. 7110 ■ill. 711.-' ■ill. .-^111 'ill. -'.-.Ii ■ill. '-'7-' •ill. -nil •ill. r^'.i:, lill. .■^7H III, lill. ■ill. ■ill. II -:l 11 1 rill-S IH Hid mil l);il 111.-. II I (i 11(11 im; 11(11 lion II 1(1 ni I mil 111.-, niio 11(1-' nnn (MO (111) 0.-,.'-, o.-.ii o.-.ii lux. .-.10 (i/ll 7 111 HI I ■ill. .-'(II 'i'.l. l)'ill •ill. n."d lid. dill 11(1. 117 1 110. Id'i 'il IiH'Ihx. lid. -ill I lid. :in:i lid. •ill I lid. •ill/ lid. -i'.i-' 110. 11(111 ;id. 1107 110. ■illll lliO l.-.(l i-n IM ■idO ■illi ■i-id ?.-'( I Mi.'i iio .•ill . •i.'.o .•id I lid. 110. lid. lid. 110. •iiil 110. •i I H lid. -ilo 110. •idli lid. -idl lid. 11)1! lid. 1117 lid. Ir'.S ltd. 11)1 lid. 11)1 lid. nil lid. iifi lllrllix. lid. ini lid. ini) 110. M.-. lid. ';!i\ lid. ■i 111 lid. ■iiid I'.O. •iio lid. •ir.7 lid. •ill.'-, lid. •i 1(1 110. 'i;-..-. ■,.\y ■i( 1.^ lid. lid. lid. lid. ■i.-^d lid. ■idli lid. ■ill! lid. :i-i.-. lid. lldli lid. lill.-l lid. 1111(1 lid. lihi 11(1. ll.|;s lid. ll.--) 1 2« hlrllis. lid. 11(11 lid. H(il) lid. 1177 lid. Idli lid. Idli lid. 107 lill. 110 liO. Ill) lid. hill lid. .Ill lid. I.M lid. I Id lid. lllII 110. -ir.ii lid. 17 1 lid. 1711 lid. .|.-'d lid. nil lid. r.iKi lid. .-.■ill iid.vid lid. :,-i'r: lid. .'.lid lid. r.iiii 'i7 hl,'h,x. lid. r.ii.^ lid. ."-.liH lid. .Mil lid. .^.111 lid. .^.17 11(1. .'■.HI lid. .'-, I.-. 11(1. .Mill lid. .''.■i.■^ 110. .''.•id lid. l.^i I lid. IDd 11(1.-1711 lid. .if.r, lid. . 111(1 110.4111 liO. lid lid. Idli lid. Id■^ lid. 112 lid. 102 110. lilKl 110. 111).', lid. 11.-7 -iH hlrll,:, lid. IISII lid. 1 mi lid. 1 111:1 lid. linn lid. Ill lid. Ill) lid. 'I2.'^ '12;'. Hill 12(1 -111 I lid. lid. lid. lid. lid. 122 lid. Ill lid. .1111 11(1.2(17.'. lid. .I.'.lil, lid. .17:'.. I lid. lid. lid. ltd. ltd. 110. liO. lid. lid. lid. Ill linn itiid imo 1112 11(111 11 in Ii'* :to ///. lux. 1 minx 110. 11(1.1117 ltd. 1 l.-.l 1 lid. 111(1 lid. Itl.^' lid. liO'J lid. 111(1 lid. It 12 lid. 11211 lid. 11-iii 110. ;•;;.» lid. 11112 110. 112(1 lid. 1127 110. 111(1 ltd. 11211 lid. 111.'-, 11(1.111(1 lid. lldd lid. 21 1.^ lid. 11(111 lid. lldrt lid. ■i^li lid. 2M2 lid. 2MI lid. 2(11) ltd. 2111 lid. 21IM lid. .idO lid. 22ri lid. ■.ill I lid -l-i.-J. lid. '21)0 110.211.'. 110. lidll lid. 11(17 lid. lint lid. 11(111 110. lidll ltd. ■i22 110.2111 lid. IIW ltd. IKH lid. 1711 lill. I. -It lill. 1. --.I lid. I. -Ill 11(1. Ir'H 11(1. 1111211 lid. 11 1 (III, 110.2(1(11) MAY, 1872. Ill, liO. 110. liO. lid. lid. lid. 110. 110. 111), lid. lid. ltd. lid. lid. lid. lid. ltd. ltd, 11(1. 110. lid. lid. lid. liO. ■I„x. 0(11 dl.l (111.-, 0(11 0.'..-^ on ((.'..-, (111:1 d.-:l 0711 d.-:(i (17.'. (17 2 01)1 nil.'. dl)2 dl),-. (11)2 d.-'rJ \-t-l 117 nil) lid III III, lid. lid. ltd, liO. lid. lid. lid. lid. 110; lid. ltd. lid. lid. lid. ltd. lid. lid. lid. lid. lid. lid. ltd. ltd. ltd. ./l,.,r. nil) 1117 nil M2 111 Illll 7 II Mil nid Illll 1 Id I ■ill Illi Illi ion Illi IH 121 12.-. 111(1 117 ion Id!) dim lid. UK', lid. O.-'ll ltd. (1711 11(1, 07(1 lid. ().-..•< lid. (inn lid. (172 ltd. 0(10 lid. d.-. 1 lid. 1.'. lid. 02-: lid. oil 21). Ill 1(1 lid. Odd lid. 0(12 lid. (loll ltd. 00.-. liO. 01 I lid. do I lid. (127 21). nmi 21). nni lid. 001 211. ii.-ir' IihIiix. 211. n.-:n 211. n'-:2 211. 1)711 21). 1170 211. 11(12 211. 1)10 211.1)111 21). 11117 21), 1)11 21). '^I)(i ■il). .-nil 211. H.^.i 211. Ki-i 21). .-'20 21). -12 211.7.-1 211.7 71 21). /d-" 21). 7.'i.-: 21). 7(11 21). 7.-..'. 21). 7111 211.7 17 211.7211 10 liicliix. 211. 7 1 1 211.7 12 21). (ini) ■ill. 702 21). (l.-:n 21). (11).-. 21). (l.-^l 21). (17-: 21). (177 211. (1(12 'ill. (117 21). (lid 21). ..nil 21). r.:.ll 'D. 1)11 21). r.iid 211. .'..-'.d 211. r..".i 21). .-.(Il 'ill. ,-..-'2 21). .'.Hi 211. U'.ll 21). .'.nn 21). (II.-. :id. I.-. 12 lid. odic 2n.'"7iii 21). 7(111(1 21). n.-,2d lid. d-'(i:i iid. ni.-.r-' .11. 21). .M)lt2 II llli:l„x. 211.(111) 21). (121 21). (117 211. (Hid 21). (117 21). (112 21). (li;i! 21). (171 '211.(1(111 21). (^■^(l 21). (11).-' 21). (l-'d 21). (ll)(l ■21). (11)(1 211.7 111 21). 710 21). (inn 211. (11)2 21). iini y;i. 721 211.721 211.711(1 21). 7. -.0 •ill. 7(11 211, (;.-'..l^' iSi hirhf'H. 211. 7 7.. 211. KM 211. M.-,.| 211. 1)0!) :il). 1)111 211. mm 21). I).-'I) 110. 1)21 lid. dii-^ lid. d.H.-. lid. d.-^d lid. 01)11 lid. ion ltd. 117 lid. 12.^ lid. Ml lid. Md lid. I.'.K lid. 17(1 ltd. 177 110. n-^i lid. 177 lid. 177 llirllix. lid. 11)1 111). I Hi liO. 1711 ltd. \<<, lid. 171) 11(1. l-'d lid. 170 liO. 174 liO. 17(i lil). 101) 110. l.-'H liO. l.'.H 110. 1(1(1 110. 177 110. I Illi 110. '201 110. 2'.il) 110. 2.'.:i liO. 2(11) 11(1.1107 ltd.: 11(1. : lid.: ltd. : liO. 012:1 110.217- AT POLAEIS BAA', 13 Diitp, Date, Time. 0'' 1 10 u Noon. H 9 10 11 Menu MAY, 1872. Time. 14 15 16 17 18 ■ 9 20 1 21 22 23 24 25 fncliri. hirhcx. [lichee. Inches. Indies. Ilicllcs. Jliclns. {t,rh,,. JllclllK. Indies. Jllchrs. Indus. Ill' :iii, ;ii;4 :!o. :i(i9 ;i(l.-559 30. 592 3,0, 4S5 3,0.490 3,0. 556 30. 2;-7 29.717 29, 610 29. 430 29.416 1 :iii, ;i7.- ;',ii :>9."i 30. 5.5M . 30. 5S1 30, 4S2 30. 499 30.547 30.271 29.711 29, 5S0 29. 427 29. 433 •> :iii. ;i7;i W. 4-,'S 30.549 30. 022 3,0. 479 3,0. 501 :;o. 542 30. 243 29. 7 1 5 29.573 29.424 29. 450 :i iiii, :is2 :!o. 4:!s 30, 505 30. 600 30, 4SI 30. 524 30.544 30. 232 29.730 29.571 29. 425 29.447 4 :i0, iisT ;io. 4.-.S 30, 509 3,0 592 3,0. 4S5 ;i(.l. 529 30.554 30. 205 2',l. 703, 29.53,1 29. 444 29. 447 5 :!ii. :is(; ;!0. 471 311,571 30.569 30. 471 30, 549 30. 550 311,173 29. 75,- 29. 526 29. 4 39 29. 460 i; :;ii. :i;H oil. 4^7 30. 57 1 30. 527 30. 40(;, 30. 555 30. 540 30. 102 29. 7i;i; 29 ",22 29. 442 29. 4S1 7 :iii. 40,'. :-!0. riii,'> 30. 500 30. 513 30. 455 30.506 3,0. .543 3,0.150 29. 7^9 29.514 29. 456 29. 4911 ,s :iii. :it;i :!0. fi'jo 30, .569 30,490 30. 401 30. 575 30. 527 30. 132 29. MI2 29. 511.^ 29.4 19 29. 501 ;i ;!ii, :!.',',' :iO, 51)1! 30, 5S5 3,0, 4S(; 30.455 30. 5S5 3,11. 520 311. 099 29. sill 29. 4-5 29, 445 211,514 10 :i0. :i.'4 :iii. .".si 311. 5S5 30, 4S1 30,447 3,11.540 30. 520 30. 1170 29. -27 29. 462 2'.l, 4 16 29, 5:!2 11 :io, :;;iu ::ii. .">i;'2 30. (JOl 30. 446 30. 13,1 3,11.579 30.490 29.1121 29.79.: 29, 425 -9-431 29, 525 Nodii. :iii, :i-_'s :iO. .'.'.s 30. 5.--,' 30. 13,9 3,0. 122 3,0. 576 30. 476 29. 99.1 2'.l. 7-6 29, 409 29. 425 29, 536 11' :iii.:!i4 :io, M'-i 311. 5.-1 30. 434 30. 420 30.574 30.464 29.964 29. 779 2'.l. 391 29. 420 ■J :io, -^'.14 :io. 579 30, 590 3,0, 435 3,0, 409 3,0. .574 3,0.44- 29. 930 2ir 7(13 29. 3„-9 29.416 29, 554 ^^ :io, '.'79 :iii, ,',7:i 30. 001 30. 43S 30. 409 3,0. 575 30.43,2 29. .^92 29. 753 29. 3,911 29. 410 4 ;iO, -27- ;iii. .'(is 30, 59S 30, 450 30.411 30.50S 30. 420 29. SOO 29, 7:i2 29. 394 29.4114 ,-, :!o, s^y ;;ii. TidH 30, (ill2 3,0, 473 30.411 3,0. .50,3 3,0.414 29. S43 29.715 29. 414 29.4112 29. 570 (i ;!0, -jo:! :;o. r.i;9 30. 597 30.470 3,0.422 3,0. 569 30. 393 29. 815 29.701 29. 425 29.401 29. 592 7 ■At). :!iii; :>o. ,'.79 30. 010 30. 464 30. 447 30. 5,'<3 30. 3S9 •>'J ,-^011 29. 697 29. 43'J 29. 417 2;i. (;29 s :iii. :!iis ;iii, ;"»:! 311, (iO-l 3,0. 4S4 30, 45S 3,0. 5--'9 :3o. 3,7(; 29,775 29. 6- II 29.415 29.419 29. 03,1 9 ill), :i:i;l ;!li. 570 30,610 30, 4-7 3,0. 4li5 3,0. 576 3,0.354 29.721 29. OliO 29. 420 29.412 29. 634 10 :;o. :i:i-j :io. 571 30. (i-J2 3,0,490 3,0. 473 30.57:i 311. 323 2;i. 73,7 29,64(i 29.434 29, 400 29. 63,9 11 Means.. :iii, :i4o ;ill. 505 3(1, 631 3,0. 4S4 3,0. 478 30.56,2 30.321 2;i. 722 29, 634 29. 429 2',l, 411 29.644 :io.:!411 :iO. 5203 30, 580r 30, 535W 30. 4509 30. 5573, 30.4191 30. 0044' 1 29, 73s^ 29. 468'. 1 29. 424S 29.5336 MAY, 1872. JUNE, 1872. 26 Indus. 29. 654 29.058 29, 659 29, 659 29,664 29, (i65 29,664 2',l. 6011 29,6-1 29.6,--.' 29.077 29.004 29.072 29.074 29.671 29.673 29. 072 29. 090 29.099 29.704 29. 724 29. 729 29.742 29. 7,5(, 27 28 29 30 31 In, llfS. Inrhl-s. 1 Ileitis. Indus. In hvs. Ini 29 761 29. 'JW, 30. 211 3,0. 190 29 95S 29 29 786 30.005 30.222 30, 1S9 29 954 29 29 804 30. 016 30. 229 3,0. 153 29 953 29 29 S''3 30.03,7 30, 22'.l 30. 160 29 !l.56 29 29 .-32 30. 04S 30. 233 30. l.-O 29 943 29 29 850 30. 050 30.255 3,0. ISO 29 953 29 29 .S73, 3,0, 094 30. 250 30.180 2'.l 934 29 29 .^ 30. OSil 30. 252 30. 102 29 943 29 29 s'.i:! 30. 095 3,0. -,'51 30. Ifil 29 930 29 29 921 1 311. 116 30. 259 30. 110 29 922 29 29 924 311.110 30. 253 3,0. 125 29 8; 10 29 29 904 1 30, o;i7 30. -.'27 30. 099 29 87 / 29 2'.l 910 , 30. 092 30. 2(12 3,0. 070 29 .-'07 29 29 919 30.101 30 204 30. II5S 29 S(i2 29 29 916 3,0.116 30. 192 3(3.034 29 872 29 29 911 30. 122 30. 197 3,0.034 29 S72 29 29 90.S 3,0. 13S 30. 190 30. 020 29 802 29 2'.) 915 30,142 liO. 190 30,012 i 29 SOU 29 29 9. '5 30. 146 30. ISO 30, Olio 29 81 11 i 29 29 90s 30. 164 30. 195 3.0,010 2'. 1 8 1 .," 29 29 '.H\{\ 30. iss 30, 195 30, 003 29 s( ;5 29 29 909 30. is-i 3(1 192 29, 978 29 851 29 ■ 29 976, 30. 1-S 30. 1-s 29. 97S 29 S45 29 29 . 9s5 30. 201 30. 191 29. 900 29 , s I'.l 29 29. 861 .S81 SSI 804 Sn'J 29. .851 -42 S7(l S79 Iiii'he 29. s 29. S 29. S' 29. 81 29. s. 2'.l S; I'uhr 29. 4 102 917 29 905 29 905 29 92(1 29 905 29 S',15 29 S9S 29 904 29 913 29 1.129 3,0 929 30 930 3,0 9311 30 92S 30 29 924 30 29 933 30 912 90S 9L7 919 917 917 923 941 950 959 931 1IS4 992 995 995 1112 OOS (111 007 007 007 016 liirhes. Indus. 30. 019 311. 026 30, 020 30. 02.'. 30. 025 311.021 30. 033 30.008 311. 040 30 OOS 30.051 311.010 30. 050 30.000 30. (I5'.l 29. 1.IS5 30. 042 29.979 30. 047 29. 9Sl 30. 051 29. 907 30.049 29, 94(1 311. II4S 29. 929 30 059 29. 912 30. 113- 29. 915 311. 030 2;i. 9' 12 30. 022 29.914 30. 023 29. 921 30. 027 29. 946 30. 023 29. 961 30. 038 29. 966 3,11. 034 29. 974 30. 031 29. 9^7 30. 020 29. 9S5 Indies. 29. 989 29.9.86 29. 9-0 29. 963 29. 947 29. 930 29. 931 29. s-7 29. .^70 29. SOS 29. si-i4 29. 848 29. s-,'5 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. S21 sl5 823 827 S42 S4S 807 29. S4S 29. S64 29. 864 29. 6s;!l[ 29. S906' 30.105; 30.2161' 30, Os7:il 29. .8983 29.8631 29.9092 29.9640' 30.037 29. 9670i 29. S82II 14 ATMOSPHERIC TRESSUEE Date. Time. Oh 1 2 3 4 .5 9 10 11 JlKlll. Ih 4 10 11 JIf.UlS fill: 29, •2'J. ■lies. ,^•^11 •20. 29. ■,'0. •20. 'iO. '2[y '20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20, 20. 20. 20. 20, 20. 20. Hi;i SCT H21 77 1 i 742 7:30 7;i4 752 7.'iO ,-1(1 In, 20 20 20, 29. 20. 20. 20. f^l4:l ,■^.14 ,-'(i2 20. Sli2 I 2 H0."> 20. 20. '20. 20. •20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 29. 20. S7S sC,.") ,sl(l 7011 770 7.-. I 750 700 ,-1)5 ;-ll7 ^^17 .-44 20. .-(il 20. ,-74 20. H^:i 20. 901 20, 0114 20. 909 20. 01)1 i 20. 01 1 ■20.021 20. 020 20.91(1 20. Olrt •29. 004 •29.900 20. ^^0 •20..-,-! •20. ,-71 20. sni 20. ^51 20. ,-52 20, .-111 20, .-(15 '20, ^75 20, •'!*,^0 10 fiichi'!^. ■20. ,-07 20. .-04 20. 007 20, .-07 20, H0.-< 29. 007 20. OOll 20. 001 ■20. ,^07 •29. .SOO 20. 001 20.012 ■29.917 29. 925 20. 04- 20.0(17 20. 07,-: 30. 007 3(1. 035 30. 04- 30, (151 30. 072 30, 0(12 30. 0.-5 JUNE, 1872. 11 flirhrs. 30. 121 30. 140 :;o. 150 ::o. 130 .30. 152 30. 152 30. 1115 30. 151 30, 173 30. 1.-5 30. 1,-7 30. l-ll 30. 1(111 :',(). 1.5(1 30. 151) 30. 1(14 30. 111:'. :!0. 147 :'.o. 14(1 :;0, 144 :iO, 14- 31). i:!0 :w. 147 i :io. Kii I 12 20,^:112 20. f^.-30 20. 0551 :i0. 151 In, :>() 30, 30, 3i, 30, :;o, :!o, :50, :5o, :!i), :io. :!o. :-'.o, 30. 30. :>(). 30. :-!(). 30. :>i). 30. 30. 30. 30. I,r«. 173 1112 151 144 150 1(14 160 171 17:; 1 5.- 154 142 10.^ 091 090 0-3 074 070 0(14 0.57 0(i(l 057 043 o:!4 13 Illrlu'X. 30. 0(W 3(1. 050 30. 05(1 30.071 30.051 30.03(1 ::(). (150 30.057 30.0114 50. Olio 30.041 :!0. 037 : 10. 019 20. 0— 20. O.-O 20. 0911 29. 09,^ 111). 004 30. OOf" :io. OH- IO. 004 :'.o, 00 1 :-;0. 002 20. 00.^ 14 Inches. 20. 00 ! :lo. oif< :i0. (130 30.020 30.0,!- :!O.I)44 30. 040 :!0. 0.15 30.0(1 :io. 0,11 30. o:!5 30. 0,1.:? :.!o. on 20. 001 20. 000 20. 005 30.009 :{(). 005 30. 002 :!o. 007 30. 0011 30. 002 20. 000 29. 001 I Date. IS 130, 020 ' :30. 042 :!(), o:i5 :«). 0,12 \ ::o, 041 30.052 30. 0,17 30, 05.^ :!i). 044 :ii). 055 :io. 052 :io. 057 :!o. (Oil 30. 02(1 30. 024 30. 027 30.017 30. OIH :ii), 024 :io, 00.- :io.()oo :io, 004 20, 00(1 •29. 9-^2 16 [,ir<,C'<. ' 30. 002 2.1.902 20. 9-:-! 29. O.-o 20. 0il5 ■20.941 29. 050 20. Oil.- ■20. 044 '20.0)1 ■:0. 02 1 20,017 20. -01) 20. .--•■^. 20, s;il 29. ,-02 20. .-.-.(:1 ■20. s^.- •20, f-'-5 •29. ,-01 •29.901 1 ■20.913 i 20. 92:! 29.02(1 30.1140 30.0200 SO. 0150| 30.0510 17 Iitehes. 20. 950 ■20.01,1 29. 950 2.;, Olio 20. 91)5 20. 052 20, 05:1 2.). 97:1 29. 0(10 20, 055 2!). ;i5l) 29. 04:! 29. 0:!0 20, O:!:! 20. 0:19 20.047 20. 04.-: 20,9,54 20. 0(10 20. 072 2:). 95(1 2 I. 0115 20.01111 2,1, 0,-2 I« fllrhrs. 20. 0.^4 30.01)9 31), 0U9 :!ll, 012 :!l). 012 ;!0. 11,14 30. 042 ;«.). 0(13 30. 1)5;) 30. on; 31). I),14 111), III17 :!0. oiri :!(). 1)4:! :!0. 049 30.01- :!(). 041 30. 0:i:! :«). 041 :!ii. 111:! 30. 023 ::o,0ii :!i), 01)1 20, 902 !0. 0^270 20.05:1^ 30.0:331 JUNE, 1872. Till 19 0i> 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Niion. Ih 2 3 4 9 10 11 Meaus. 30. :io. 30. 29. 2;). 20 21 20. 20. 29. ■29. 29. 2; I. 20. 20. 20. 20. 29. 021 009 1)02 9S7 971 I 0-:! OSO 035 00^ Od.i 944 934 916 909 .-<79 .-(17 .-50 5(3 .-40 .y:3(i .-12 702 7.-0 Inches. 20. 7.^.-! 20. 705 29, 7(10 '20.742 t •20.740 •20.74 4 20.749 20, 74fi ' ■20.742 ■29.742 29.733 20. 723 29.7:10 29,71- 29.39s 29.7013 20. (100 ■29. 704 '29.714 29. 713 29. 717 ■254 515 505 29. 20, 20. 20. 4.-0 20.50(1 29. .5^25 29.520 20. 530 '20. 520 20. 511 29.60:11 22 IhcUc 29. 20. 20. 211. 20. 20, •20, 20. 20. 29. 29. .5:11 547 541 554 >70 >70 >.-:0 20. 502 2.). 29. 20. 20. 5( i;) 563 5(13 .561 23 [IH 29, 29, 29, 20, 20, 20. lies, 5(1^ 563 570 570 5S() 5-(J 20. •20. 20. •20. 20. 29. 20. 20. 29. 20. >17 lo.s >12 530 5:',4 542 29. 21 Iiichi 29, 20. 2' I, 20. 29. 29. 20. 20. 20. 29. 29. 2:). 20. 20. 29. 29. 29. 20. 29. 29, 20. 29. 20. 560 56- 502 500 594 595 59- 600 615 620 (US 620 622 62S 630 29,5.590' 29.5491)1 20.5051) 25 Inches. 20, (-132 20, 6:10 20, 63(j 20. 612 •29.(14- 29. (:15(1 29. 660 20.666 20. 670 20. 672 2;). m^ 2;). 670 2.». 670 •20.665 20.665 29. (111,-? 29.675 29. 6S5 20.691) 20.70:- '20. 7 iw 20.7:10 •29,7 44 29. 765 26 Inches. 20.776 20. '-'04 20.-S1O 20. .-24 29. s-Jil 20. .-32 20. .-•2.^S 29. .-•2.-: 2:1. S26 20, -2:1 20. S24 20, -2- 20, S31 20 s:;i 2;>. S31 20. -32 20. .-:!:! ■2'J. .-46 29. ,-33 20. .s.!2 '20. ,-:!l 20. s;u 20, «31 20, 5S9 19, s-241 27 In die 20 ,-■ '0. .-06 29 29 29 20 29, 7;-o 774 765 751 29. 732 •29.714 20. 656 29. (124 •29.(344 2:). 630 20.604 20, 602 20. 5.-,-( 20. 57.- 20. 566 29.54(1 20, 545 20. 53(; ,)(1S 554 2§ Indies. 20, 5(1- 20. 554 20. 5,S6 20. :,l)3 20. 612 2,). 11,10 20, 650 2.). 67:1 20. (l,-:6 2,1. I 02 21. 'II.- 20.6,)-' 20, (.0- 2:), 7(H 20, 20. 20. 20. 20. 20, '2 I 71- 46 5.- '60 •29.776 29 Inches. 20. 77s 2' I. 7-1 2). 77- 2.1.774 2 1.76- 29. •20. 20, 2:), 20. •29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 764 756 I 741 740 30 Inches. 20. 752 20. 7,52 •20.7511 2.). 764 20. 772 -.). XI 20. 7ss 20, ; 01 1 20, 7S.-I 20. 7S(1 71- 725 745 •20. 74.S 20.790 2; I. sue '20. S(I6 20.-10 20. SI 15 2:1. -12 ■20. S15 20. sis ■20. S24 29. S25 20. S26 20. S2.-i 20. s30 '29. 6.550: ■20.6010 '20. 74.5(1: '29. 7060 AT POLARIS BAY. 15 Time. • JULY, 1872. 1 Dak'. 1 2 3 [iicflrs. 4 5 Indies. 6 7 8 Inches. 9 10 11 12 Iiiclicf. Inches. Illchcx. Inches. Inches. Indies. Inches. Inches. I ndics. 0" •29. s:l-3 29. 7111' 29. .')77 •29. Osl 29. 085 29. 089 29. :<'.'!■'> 29. 097 29. 601 29. (i()5 29. 605 29.615 1 v)<^) ,^._>^ •29. 72.! 29. ;)82 29. 0S6 29. 090 29. 094 •29. .098 29. (102 29. 606 29.610 29.614 29.615 2 •j;i. 8,'4 29. 7119 29. .-|82 29, 0.s6 29. 089 29. 093 ■Z'.K 097 29. 600 29. 604 29. (;(I7 29. (ill! •29.613 i 3 29. .«J4 29. (H.^ 29. .j77 ■29.0.-^1 29. 080 29.0-:^ 29. 092 29. 090 29. 099 29. 603 29. 607 29.612 4 'J9. ■■^'ii.; 29. Ii8il 29. ,'>70 29. 574 29. .077 29. 581 29. 084 ■29. 088 29. 591 29. 595 29. 599 29.600 5 •29. -J!; 2,1. i;9l) 29. r>(H ■29.571 29. 57.:. 29. 578 ■2'.). 081 29. 084 29. 5s; 29. 591 29. 595 29.600 fi 29 822 29. tl.^4 29. .'>ll(:i 29. 0( 19 29. 072 29. 570 29. 07.^ 29. 081 29. 5S5 '29. 588 ■>'J. 591 29. 594 1 7 29. ^'211 29. li-O 29. .'.(;8 29. 07(1 29. 073 29. 57(1 ■>'.). .078 ■29. 0-0 29. 583 29. 586 29. 0-s 29. 090 H •29. .-^18 29. (iIdB 29. fiOli 29. 068 29. .071 29. 074 29. 07(1 ■i'.l 07s 29. 581 29. 584 29. OSH •29. OSS 9 29. 81.') 29. Il.-jd 29. 29. 009 29. 50-3 2.1.060 29. 069 29. 575 29. 578 ■29. .581 29. 5S4 10 •29..«14 29. 32 29. 038 29.515 •29.001 29. 50.-' '29. 564 29. 07 1 29. .077 29. 5S4 29. 590 lb 29. 798 '29.(11(3 ■29. 040 2'J. 546 29. 551 29. 5.07 29. 562 29. 067 29. 572 29. 577 29. 5.S2 k) •29.79.-) 29. (UK 29. .-,:;.5 •29.04(1 29. 54(j 29. 051 29. 007 29. 562 29. 067 '29. .572 '29. 077 29 5s2 ii 29. IKi 29. (iOii 29. r,:;4 29. 04(1 •29. .046 29. .552 29 OOS 29. 564 29. .070 2',). 57(1 29. 082 '2;i..o.s8 4 29.774 29. 59^ 29. oMj 29. 543 29. 549 29. 556 29. 06 j 29. 569 '29. 07.) 29. OSO 29. 089 29. 096 j 5 •29.7(18 29. 5'9.', 29. .036 29. 544 29. 553 29. 561 29. .070 29. 57s 29. 0S7 29. 090 29. 604 '29. 612 6 29. 7.'.,- 29. :,'X, 29. 0;',0 29. 540 29. 054 29.564 •29.073 29. 5.s:i 29. 092 29. 6(J2 '29. ()12 ■29. 6'22 / 29. 7.">2 29. .:i9n 29. 022 29. 530 29. 547 29. 560 ■29. .573 29.5-6 29. 099 29. 612 29. (120 '29. 63s 8 29. 746 29. o;;o ■29.044 29. 5.09 29.57.! 29. 587 •29. (JOl •29. 610 29. 629 29. 643 29. 657 ;i 29. 7;i'^ 29. .'.7S '29. o:',8 2'.». 004 29.5(19 29. 5.-'0 29. (iOO 29.616 29. 6:12 29. 64S 29. 664 29. (iSO 10 2.1 7;i.^ •29. .".(j; 29. 033 ■29. .001 29. 569 ■29. 087 29. 605 29. 623 29.641 29. 659 29.677 29. 695 11 Mi'iins-- 29.7:;s 29. 021 29. 543 29. 064 29. 0x6 29. 60S 29. (130 29. 602 29.674 29. 696 29.718 29.79:;i 29. (l: 1(111 29. 0481 29 5572 ■29. 5644 ■29. .07 1:1 29. 5780 , 29. .0855 •>'J. 0932 ■29.6000 •29.6071 29. 6153 Date. JULY 1872. Time. 13 14 15 16 17 18 . 19 20 21 Inches. 22 23 Inches. 24 Inches. [lichen. ] It dies. Indies. Indies. Inches. Indies. Indies. Inches. Oi> 29. 72li 29. 7^28 29. 933 30. 135 29. 999 29. 8S2 29. 773 29. 907 2'1 797 29.713 29.773 3(J. 055 1 29. 7 1.-, 29. 933 30. lOli 29. 978 •29. 871 29! 795 29. 8S5 •29. 7S., 29. 70S '29.784 30. 053 o 29. 7.', 1 ■29.713 •M. 900 30. 162 29. 906 •29. 840 29. s09 29. 890 29. 772 •29.710 29. 809 30. 052 :> '29. 770 29.71(1 •29. 9(10 30. 177 29. 937 29. 829 29. 8-J2 '29. S81 29. 770 •29. 712 29. S14 30. 058 4 29. 7-.- ■29.714 29. 9.-1; 30. 187 29. 932 29. 823 29. 807 29. 895 29. 769 •29.712 29. 834 30. 058 :> 29. 81)2 ■29.712 29. 9.-"(l 30.194 29. 943 •29. .X 12 29. 841! 29. s;i5 29.70(1 29. 720 29. ^'02 30. 062 (i •29. 818 29. 722 29. 982 30.210 29. 9.02 •29. 790 29. 852 ■i'J. K^'.i '29.701 29. 7 IS 29. S70 :30. 062 / •29. .-^;! 4 29.72(1 29. [). 849 3(1.000 3(J. 224 29. 9S2 2'.). 702 '29. 868 29. s;j4 . 29.694 ■29.718 29. 9.02 30. 018 Noun. '29. 8,-,s •29. 8-12 3(1. 002 30.220 •29. 97.-' 29. 74^ 29. H78 29. s:-!6 29. ()SS 29.715 29. 908 30. (.102 1" 29. 8.18 29. 904 0(1. 006 30. 218 •29. 962 29. 702 29. 884 29. S06 29. (is3 ■Z'.K 716 29. 976 29. 990 [ '29.8(14 •29. 904 30. 010 30. ils 29. 907 29. 700 29. 90s 29. .s:is 29. 6S8 29. 70S 29. 9S2 29. 978 O •29. 81 if, 29. 9^20 30.012 30. 199 29. 906 29 70(1 ■29. 922 •29. s:is 29. 692 29. 69S 00. 002 29. 975 4 29. 8i;4 29. 924 30.016 30. 18(1 29. 906 29. 706 29 938 29. 8:!6 •29.694 29 705 30. 016 29.962 '> 29. 8.'>2 29. 944 30. 000 3(1. 177 '29. !M3 29. 762 29. ;i3S 29. s:;o 29. (198 •29. 7 IS 30.035 29. 964 6 '29. 844 29. 942 30. 06(1 30. 160 29. 93(1 29.744 29. 923 29. S30 '29. 696 ■i'd. 728 30. 042 •I'J. 963 / 29. 828 29. 9(J2 30. 060 30. 152 29. 928 •29. 742 29. 9^25 29. S-J2 29. 700 29.73s 30. 044 29. 9(;o 29.8(1- 29. 938 30. 0.^4 30. 115 29.912 29. 743 29. 924 29. 8 IS 29. 7(10 29. 743 30. 050 29. 958 9 29. 7«:i 29. 900 30. 103 30. 07s 29. 909 2\l 703 29 !t22 29. 818 29. 704 29. 75(1 30. 056 29. 956 Means.. '29. 7711 29. 9,i3 30. 1^27 30. 060 29.901 2'.l.760 29. 917 29. SI2 29. 709 29. 7.07 30.0.00 29. 957 29. 7.->;i 29. 948 30. 129 30. 033 •29. 892 29.766 29. 915 29. SI 12 29. 710 •29. 7(.;3 30. 000 29. 9.05 29.8151 ■29. 8377 1 30. 0154 30. 1720 29. 9.021 29. 78U| 29. 8707i '29.84S7| '29.7241 '29. 7 -2. 10, 29. 9421 30. 0090 j 16 ATMOSPHERIC PEESSURB Date. Time. JULY, 1872. 9 10 U Xi 10 11 1 1 Means 25 Inrlux. ■J'J. 9r)4 ■.';•. ;i.'.o ■J1.I. 0.'..1 ■-I'J. 'JJ-^ ■j'j. 'X',:, •20. O.'.-l 'iO. 9>l(i ■JO. 07. s ■JO. O'O ■JO. o;ii ■JO. O.iii •JO. or,s ■JO. oiir> 20. 07^> ■JO. 07li ■20. o;-^ 20. 0-2 20. O^.-f 20. 0.10 ;!i). 00.-^ 30.00-' :!ll. IHI7 :hi. oo.'i :50. 0U7 26 :>o. (III.- :!o. 1107 :',i). no:! :!o. (107 :'.o. OK) :iO. 01.- ;!o. 01.- :;o. 0|(i :iO. oi.;; 20. 00.'. 20. 00(1 2:1. 0-2 20.0;;;") 20. O.'iS 20. O.'.;! 20. 04;i 20.0-1.'. 21 1. 0:!.H 20. o:.!(i 20. 0:!- 20. o;'.i 20. i? 20. O.W 20. 04;', 27 2§ Ilivhvx , Iilrll,:, Oiil 072 0^2 000 01:^ 022 02(1 (i:;(; (i;i2 0:;:! (i;!- (i:;-' (i:',s (140 040 (i;;,s (i:;(; 0;!.'. 02.' 01.^ 002 07.-' Oli.'. 20! 0J4 20. 020 20.917 ■20.91(1 20.910 20. OO.H 20. 002 20. .-O.'i 20. .^04 20. ^'o; 20. s02 2 I. S70 29. s-!l 20. .-:.-'(; 20. SOO 2,1. rtH 20. .-00 20. .-'.^J 20. W.-<^ 20. .^O.'i 20. 80.'. ■29. .80.'. 29. 807 29 Jnvhi'x. '9. .^.^2 '0. S77 0. .^72 :0. .-*!).') 0. si'.2 '0. '^;'i(; 0. .-.'.(I 0. .-.'.4 0. .-4;: 0. .^:-i7 0. -O.O 0. Slli ■0.700 0. 772 0. 7.")(i 9.747 ,). 740 0. 71-^ 0. CiO.- 0. i;.-7 0. ('.^2 29. (■.(■.2 9.041 9. (;.'>.'. 30 31 AUGUST, 1872. Inches. 20. (-ir).H 20. coo ■20.(1.^4 20. (■i.-'7 20.002 20.70.') 20.70.". ■29.718 74.J 29. 2; I 7r,o 770 ■20.918 29. 90.4 20. 940 29.043 29. 9.'.0 29. 004 29. 9.18 29. 902 20.002 20. 97 1 29.979 20. 9.-'2 20. 097 20. 998 29. 990 30. 010 30. 18 3,0. 025 30.(130 3(1. 020 .10. 031 29.913 I 30.03.1 20.020 ! 30.0.13 29.024 30.031 20. 20. 7.^7 ■20. .sl7 20. S4(i 20. .^113. 20. .-^.-3 20. .^00 20. .^0^ 20. 00 -J 2'.l. 9H 01:' Tnchcx. 30. 02^ 3(1. 02(1 30. 024 3(1. 03,5 30. 03,8 30, (.135 3(.l. 030 30. 03(1 3(1. 0-27 30.025 30. 022 30. 010 30. 017 30. 0(J0 29. 993 29. 095 20. 990 20. 0811 29. 0.-2 29. 975 29 077 29. 979 20.071 20. 072 20.0741; 20.074(1 30.0120 20.8080, 20.7.-29' 29. .^031 20. 9^^72 30.007 fiiclns. 20. 970 29. 9(1'^ 20.073 20. 975 ■20.074 ■20. 074 ■29. 97G 20. 08(1 29. 978 29. 975 ■2'J. 970 ■20.971 29. 0.58 29. 91)0 20. 04.^ 29. 94.^ 20. 95(1 20. 945 20. 950 29.903 20. 9iiO 20. 9.57 2.1. 083 20.993 Indira. -10. (l(l.-< 10. (123 !0. 053 30.034 .0. o.-^8 30.09- iO. 10(1 10. 114 30.115 id. 13(1 10. 135 id. 142 '.0.125 10. 120 '.0. 120 -10. 119 50. 110 iO. 102 10. 000 30.000 30.081 -1(1. Oil;! 30. 037 30.02^ hirhrx. 30.010 30. 00(1 30. 000 20. 000 29. 9.-5 29. 9.^.^ 29. 9^'^ 20. 985 29. 981 ■29. 9.-0 2!t. 975 20. 908 20.002 2 I. 9(')0 29. 95-J 20.0(14 2! I. 975 29. 29. 24. 170 lii.-i 175 20. 073, 20. LI.-5 20. 9.-7 29. 98 J /■ir/ir.v. lnvhi«. 29.984 3(1.(1.57 20.981 30.(158 29.90.- 30,1158 3(1. 012 , 30. 11.57 30. 021 311.05(1 30. 0.15 3.0. (I5(j 30. 040 ' 30. O.'O 30. 05(1 ' 30. Olfi 30. 05>^' 3,0. (i::5 30. 05:1 ' 30.023 30. (1.52 I 30. 014 30. (.150 I 20.903 30.012 20.0-3 30. 042 ' 211. 075 30. 047 ' 2,1. 050 30.052 20.9)3 30. 05(1 : 20. 038 30. (15.-^ 20.028 30. 05.^ . ■29.018 30.0(12 I 20.015 30. 0(l-< I 20.912 30.005 20. .^08 30. 002 20. .-97 30. 05- ' 20. f^94 20 007(;i' 30.0005 29.979.- 30.0420 .'0. 0859 Date. AUGUST, 1872. Time. ^ § 9 10 11 12 , 13 14 15 16 1?- 18 19 ' Indies. fllrhrs. Tliehrs. Inches. Iiirhes. Tllrhes. Inches. Inches. Inches. Indies. Inches. Inches. Irichen. Oi> 20. .-'92 29. 053 ■20. 913 29. s.:,s 20. 774 20, 7(;2 29. '■^72 '20, 917 30. 007 20. 043 ■i'.l --10 '29. --03 20. --4(1 1 29. SI 17 29. 957 29 910 29. .-158 20,774 20, 7112 '29. ^73 20, 02(1 30. 002 29. 943 20. --10 20. --07 20. --3(1 2 20. 004 29. 900 20 913 ■29. .-^52 2,1. 7.S() 29. 7(10 29. S77 20.041 29. 997 20. 942 20. --10 20. -07 20. --27 3 •29.007 29.004 20 92( 1 29. .■'50 20. 7.--I 29. 777 29. .-77 20. 902 20. 993 2'l. 93.- '20. --'41 20. SOS 20. -25 4 20. 020 20. OOii 20 925 20. .-00 •20.7.-4 29, 79(1 29. -04 20, 070 29. 995 20. 935 29. --02 20. S07 29. 832 .) 20. 0:-!2 2.1. 9511 20 031 20. .'-02 20. 704 29, -12 29. 90.^ 20. 000 29. 907 29. 933 29. ^72 20. -800 20. S27 (1 20. 035 20. 95(1 29 030 20. .-70 29. 7911 29. -22 '29.912 30. 00() 29. 0.-.- 29. 92(1 29. S7-- 20. S02 20. --23 ' 29. 030 ■>.l 950 20 IKW 20.870 29. 7911 29. '-35 20. 91(3 30. 022 29. 9.^5 20. 922 20. 89(1 29. 805 29. i-32 8 20. 030 20. 952 20 042 20. .-59 29. 795 29. ^30 20. 917 30. 033 29. 9-^3 20. 920 20. -S1I5 20. ---2 20. --32 20.017 20.949 20 938 20. .S54 •20.705 •29. .s, 15 20. 0'25 30. (I3.S 29. 990 '20.911 20. 900 20. ss8 29. Slid 10 20.015 29. 03'8 20 93.2 20. k:>u 20.790 29. M3.-< 29.913 30. 043 '29. 9-4 20. 909 •29.917 20. -90 20. -22 11 20. 007 20. 034 20 91.^ 20. .-45 20. 7.^4 29. .S49 29.910 30. (149 29.000 29. f".>.-'> ■29.913 20. .-03 '29. 835 Noon. 29. 912 20.02(1 29 914 20. .-32 20.7 75 20. .-43 20. 002 30. 04(1 30. 008 29. 8-5 29 915 20. SO- 20. --37 !'■ 29. Ol.s 20.017 29 900 20. '-J2 20. 7(15 29. --43 20. S0<- 3,0.054 29 9-2 '29. J--1 29. 923 29. 900 •10 84(1 20:015 20.019 20 00(1 20. -1.- 29. 7(12 •29.845 20. 902 30. 04(5 29. 975 i'J. 878 29. 930 29. 902 20. --(15 ■■ 20.01.-^ 20. 022 20 ,89 il 20. .«1(1 20.757 29. S47 20. 904 30. 042 29. 977 • '29. 8(15 20. 935 20. 002 20. 8-^2 4 20. 920 20 .^90 ■20. .-!.- 20.7.57 '29. >^'50 20. 904 30, (I3w 29. 90(1 '29. S(13 29. 938 20.915 20. -07 ■> 29.025 20 .-'OO •29.^14 20. 755 20. .■<57 29. ."-0-. 30. ( in- 29. 95,s 29. '-50 20. 93(1 29.910 '29. 022 (1 20, 910 ■JO. 024 20 .-^0(1 20. :-02 20.750 29. s 12 20. .^0(1 itio:! 4 29. 95(-l ■:[). 844 •29. 924 29. 900 20. 042 / 29,94(1 ■J9, 930 20 805 20. 79.- 20. 74.S 20. .-00 20. .-9(1 30.02.- 29. 957 29. s,;s 29. 918 29.900 20. 05S s i;!-;l'^ 29. 928 29 .-93. 20. 7.^0 •20. 751 29. 857 20. --03 30.01.- 20, 951 20. --29 29, 910 29. -0 •20. 011- 29. 9..5 20, 921 20 .S-'(, 29. 7.-0 •20. 750 29. .-(12 20. 004 30, 01(1 29. 950 20. f-20 29, 90-S 20. -73 29. 073 10 29. 902 20. 022 20 20. 7.-5 20. 758 2'4. .-(17 20. 907 30. OK) 20 950 20.813 29. 807 29. 805 •20.905 u ]\ii-';(i)s. 29. 9.57 ■20.91.-' 20 ^. iS 20, 775 •20. 754 29. -7(1 29. 913 30,013 29. 948 '29. 810 29. 892 29. S53 30.005 20. 9255 20. 0283 '29. 9095 ■20. .-313 20. 7724 '29.8311 29. OOOG 30,0111 29. 9787 '29. 8.S71 29. 8033 29. -92-- •29.8771 AT POLAEIS BAY. 17 Date. AUGUST, 1872. Time. Oh 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Xooii. l'- 2 3 4 9 10 11 Means - 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Indies. 30. 033 30. 0r,2 30. 075 30. 118 30. 154 30. 182 30. 216 30. 228 30. 251 30.253 30. 253 30.257 30.2,55 30.247 30.240 30.227 30.218 I 30.214 i 30. 182 30.156 30, 132 30.093 30.070 30.035 Inches:. 30. 007 29. 992 29. 985 29. 985 29. 978 29. 976 29. 976 29. 982 29. 992 29. 994 30. 004 3(1.013 30. 013 30. 003 30. 000 29. 982 29. 978 29. 966 29. 954 29. 930 29. 913 29. 8;)7 29. 873 29. 857 Indus. 29. 844 29. S37 29. 828 29. 822 29. 820 29. 818 29. 816 29. 816 29. 797 29. 812 29. 813 29. 812 29.8(1-2 29.8(19 29. 821 29. 8:;s 29. 855 29. 865 29. 878 29. 88.^ 29! 89: i 29. 910 29. 910 29. 912 30. 1725 30. 0524 29. 8423 Incites. 29. 920 29. 938 29. 957 29. 982 30. 010 30. 030 30. 052 30. 075 30. 092 30. 093 30. 110 30. 124 30. 133 30. 137 30.140 30. 14:; 30. 1.55 I 30. 168 30. 184 30. Irt) 30. 189 30. 192 30.195 30. 198 30. 1003 Inches. 30. 202 30. 208 30. 208 30. 214 30. 210 30. 22^^ 30. 238 30. 242 30. 239 30. 235 30. 249 30. 234 30. 222 30. 220 30. 220 30. 220 30. 222 3(J. 220 30. 21s 30. 214 30. 213 30. 210 30. 19S 30. 195 30. 2199 Indies. 30. 192 30. 1K6 30. 179 30. 173, 30. 173 30. 168 30. 168 30. 172 30. 169 30. 169 30. 167 30. 162 30. 150 30. 142 30. 142 30. 137 30. 130 30. 118 30. 110 30. 116 30. 115 30. 110 30. 098 30.09:; Indies. 30. 093 30. 093 30. 090 30. 08H 30. 095 30. 090 30. 088 30. 092 30. 093 30. 093 30. 095 30. 093 30.1185 30.080 30. 080 30. 0.--II 30. 07S 30. 30. 082 30. 07(; 30. 07:', 30.070 30.070 30. 068 Inches. 30. 064 30. 060 30. 060 30. 060 30. 055 30. 04^ 30. 045 30. 044 30. 0:34 30. 027 30. 018 30. 013 30. 002 29. 997 29. 986 29. 977 29. 972 29. 966 29. 962 29.956 29. 94:! 29. 940 29. 9:53 29. 9:?2 Inches. 29. 930 29. 930 29. 930 29. 937 29. 942 29. 945 29. 952 29.9.56 29. 970 29. 972 29. 97:; 29.990 30. 000 30. 005 30. 015 30.025 30.0:35 :'i(,l. 036 :'>0. 038 :^o. (W8 ;50. 042 30. 040 :'>o. 037 30. (i;!7 Indies 30. 04 30. 04 30. 048 30. 060 30. 068 30. 076 30. 082 3*0. 085 30. 093 30. 093 30. (191 30.097 30. 104 30. 113 ;0. 120 50. 130 30. 136 ;0. 142 30. 154 30. 157 ;0. 152 iO. 150 30. 147 0. 145 30. 1477| :30. 0844 130.0039! 29. 99(J6| JO. 1055 Inches. 30. 143 30. 143 30. 140 30. 140 30. 144 30. 144 30. 140 30. 148 30. 148 30. 148 30. 149 30. 152 30. 155 30. 162 30. 165 :iO. 176 :;0. 175 ;!0. 16.■^ 30. 164 ::o. 160 ;{0, 155 30. 1.52 :!0. 149 ;iO. 153 Inches. 30. 1.50 30. 148 30. 147 30. 155 30. 106 30. 178 30. 182 30. 180 30. 178 30. 175 30. 170 30. 170 30. 172 30. 163 30. l(i;t 30. 147 30. 146 30. 137 30. 122 30. 102 30. 090 30. 062 30. 058 30. 035 30. 15:1:!' 30. 1415 3AP 18 ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE The following tables contain the condensed result of the preceding record, giving the daily and hourly means of atmospheric pressure at Polaris Bay: Daily means of atmosi)lieric pressure at Polaris Bay. fnclien. 30. 2578 30. o:'.7t; ■29. 043'2 29.8118 30. 1553 30. 377-2 30. 2134 29. >'735 29. 9044 29. 0083 29. wOOd 30. 0779 30. ()4(;9 29. 9633 30. 4583 30. 3100 30.1135 29. 9744 30.3313 1 30. 5507 30.05(;2! 30. (i8()(; i 30. 7212 30. 4343 30. 49:i5 I 30. 4170 30.4116 1 30. :!9I)H 30. 3605 Inches. 30. 4057 30. ;!879 3>0. 1333 29. 9982 29. 9664 29. 9239 30. 0158 30. 20(i(; 30.0783 3>(l. (I5S(; 30.0444 29. 9859 29. 8795 29. 9806 30.2651 30. 4117 30. 2881 30. 34i;6 311.7360 30. 5070 30. 1516 29. H798 30. 074.- 30. 242.« 30. 2675 3,0. 4534 30. 4754 30. 3923 30. 3109 :'.0, 2609 iO. 1963 Inches. 30. 1542 30. 0016 29. 6734 29. 7690 29. 9520 30. 0.-63 30. 1258 30. 0327 29. 8538 29. 5932 29. 6.'<48 30. 0423 30. 2178 30.3411 30. .5263 30. 5865 30. 53,58 30. 45IJ9 30. 5573 30. 4191 30. 0044 29. 73,88 29. 4689 29. 4248 29. 5336 29. 6':<34 29. .896() 30. 1058 30. 2161 30. 0!S73 29. 8983 Inches. 29. 8i;31 29. 9092 29. 9040 30. 0.372 29. 9670 29. 8.-^20 29. 8143 29. 8312 29. 8830 29. 9551 30. 1550 30. 1140 30. 0290 30. 0159 30. 051U 29. 9279 29. 9538 30. 0331 29. 9151 29. 7320 29. 6031 29. 5590 29. 5490 29. 5950 29. 7589 29. .8241 29. 6550 29. 6910 29. 7450 29. 7900 30. 2030 i 30. 0294 29. 8.S85 Indies. 29. 7930 29. ()360 29. 5490 29. 5570 29. 5640 29.5710 29. .578(1 29. 5860 29. ,5930 29. 6000 29. 0070 29. 6150 29. 8150 29. 8380 30. 0150 30. 1720 29. 9.520 29. 7810 29. 8760 29. 84I.)0 • 29. 7240 29. 72(-;2 I 29.9421) 30. 0090 29. 9739 29. 9750 30.11130 29. 8991) 29, 783,IJ 29, 8030 29. 967 U 29. 7666 Indies. 30. 0073, 29. 9670 30. 0905 29. 9796 30.0426 29. 9859 29. 9255 29. 9283, 29. 9095 29. 8313 29. 7724 29, '-'311 29, 9006 30. 0111 29. 9787 29. 8.'^71 29. 8933 29. 8928 29. .S771 ' 30. 1725 t 30. 0524 1 29. 8423 30. 1003 I 30, 2199 30. 1477 30. O.S44 30. 0039 29. 9906 30. 1055 30. 1533, 30. 1415 29. 9916 Indies. 29. 6840 29. 6210 29. 7270 29. 7210 29. 7420 29. 8260 29. 8370 29. 7390 29. 6890 29. 6370 29. 7440 29. 9760 30. 1040 29. 8.-'20 29. 9820 30.2210 30. 1290 30. 3590 30. 4090 30. 3010 30. 1090 30. 1520 30. 3220 30. :5.-^6o 30. 4790 30. 2520 i 29. 9755 29. S910 29. 8.-'90 29. 8100 O Indies. 29. 9050 29. 7214 29.8120 29. 9220 30. 0190 29. 9560 29. 8090 29, .^370 29, 9460 { 29, 8370 I 29. 9470 29. 8420 29, 9060 29. 7800 29, G790 29. 8050 29. 9770 29, 9.8-fO 29. 8750 29, 7770 29. 6910 29. 8530 29,5791) 29. K'.'M) 30. 0990 30.2300 30. 4430 30. 5H40 30. 4480 30. 4410 30. 3540 o Inches. 30. 3172 30.4480 30. .5910 30.6520 30. 1930 30. 1430 30. 4080 30.0800 30. 1313 30.4410 30. 53,20 30. 2720 a Inches. 30. 4084 30. 3178 30. 0548 29. 6869 29. 7348 30.3211 30. 2990 30. 0031 29. 6215 29. 5500 29. 3400 29. 3609 30, 0520 j 29. 3,388 -'00 ! 30. 3.-^60 29, 5555 3,0, 3840 1 29, 6,578 30.2290 1 30. 1710 29. 9827 29. 1:665 30. 3,950 : 30. 2133, 30.2670 29.7130 30. 02(;o 29, 4342 30.0640 29, 7361 30. 2030 29. 88S6 30.3120 ; 29. 68r,3 30. 4690 29. 2010 30.0360 29, 4030 29. 8550 29.5521) 30. o:;2o 29, 4.-09 30. 0590 29. 7624 29. 5120 29. 8237 30. 2220 29, 0795 30. 4310 29, 5803 29. 6126 30. 2381 Rourly means of atmospheric pressure at Polaris Bay. 29. 7502 Time. O" 1 Inches. 29, 754.- 29. 75:is 7i;22 7576 7ri04 29. "009 9 10 11 Knoll, 1" 3 4 9 10 11 Jlt-aiis. 29. 7735 29. 7741 29. 772.- 29, 7736 29. 7H25 29. 7792 29.7766 29. 7; 56 29 29. 7.-45 29.7906 29. 7.-70 29. 7692 -50 29. .' 29, 29 Inches. 29. 8919 29. SS.-S9 29. ^929 29, .-(i49 29, 66(;i 29, 6636 29, ^'94S 29. 6965 29. 6568 29. 69l:,3 29. 6965 29, 6944 29. 8b90 29. ^623 . 8790 64 .87.62 661 ;9 6691 86( i5 8 ! 29, !9. r.657 I 29. 6996 656 29, 29.7762 6962 29.9047 29. 897S Inches. 30. 1.863 30. Itil7 30. 1830 30. 1 -79 30. 1697 30. 19:;7 30. 19H0 30. 1971 30. 2050 :',(). 2005 30. 2022 30.2070 30. 2061 30. 20(56 30.207] 30.2111 3,0. 2103 30. 1609 30. 1643 30. 1937 30. 1963, 30. 1942 30. 1971 30, 1927 Inches. \ 3,0. 2027 130.2079 : 30. 2079 30. 2094 30. 214:', 30. '2217 30. 2236 I 30. 2219 30. 2162 30. 2165 30,2141 30. 2()0>' I 30. 2023 30. 1m9m 30. 1H9.- : 30. 1894 30. I8.s(j i30. 1.S72 30. 1699 30. 1695 30. 1.S93 30. 1945 30. 1951 30. 1966 : Inches. 30. 0349 30.0345 30. 0356 I 30. 0421 I 30. 0431 30. 0437 30, 0439 30, 0460 30. 0447 30. 0459 30. 0425 30. 0251 30. 0192 30. 0121 30. 01.50 30. 0133 30.0113 30. 0133 30. 0137 30. 02(;7 30.0271 30.0243 30. 0244 30. 0239 a 1^ 29,7750 29. 8.865 ; 30. Ul 30.2030 30.0294 29, Inches. 29. 8666 29. 8972 29. 9034 29. 90:i7 29. 9045 29. 9069 29, 9074 29, 9067 29. 9068 29. 9007 29. 8949 29. .6676 29. .8814 29. .^751 29, 85.-6 29. .6711 29. 6727 29. 8729 29, t^77(i 29, ,-,-27 29, .S83,5 29, 6648 i 29, 6870 29. 8905 be yl Inches. 29. 7819 29. 7631 29. 7830 29. 7.822 29. 7640 29. 7849 29. 7849 29. 754H 29. 7551 29.7570 29.78711 29. 7S90 29.7.8.^1 29. 7.-69 j 29, 766;) 29. 7^7H 29. 7931 29. 7941 29, 7951 29, 7991 1 29. .soil 29, 8040 29. 8O50 29. 8042 Inches. 29.9715 '. 29. 9725 29, 9751 29, 992(i 29. 9.-91 29. 9926 29, 9929 30, 0006 30. 0006 30. 0006 30.0(100 30. 0026 29. 9991 29; 9963 29. 99.59 29. 9957 29. 9973 I 29. 9953 29. 9968 29. 9848 ; 29. 9.S77 29. 9f^67 I 29. 9627 29^ 9791 ; Inches. 29. 9829 29. 9829 29. 9-29 29. 9829 29. 9829 29. 9629 29.9811 29. 9829 29. 9829 29. 9829 29. 9829 29. 9829 29. 9829 29. 9829 29. 9743 29. 9829 29. 9829 29. 9829 29, 9829 29. 9829 29. 9829 29. 9829 29. 9829 29. 9863 a Inches. 29. 9691 29. 9691 29. 9691 29. 9691 29. 9691 29. 9887 29. 9691 j 29. 9691 29. 9691 29. 9691 29. 9691 29, 9691 29, 9691 29. 9691 29. 9211 29. 9691 29. 9691 29.9691 29. 9691 29. 9691 29. 9691 29. 9691 29. 9691 29. 9356 29. -(J6 29.9916 29.9627 29.9665 [ Inches. 30. 2223 30. 2268 30. 2239 30. 2279 [ 30. 2309 30. 2389 30.2479 ' 30. 2354 I 30. 2347 30. 2399 I 30. 2385 30.2419 30. 2344 30. 2349 30. 2461 30. 2381 30. 2377 30. 2430 30, 2413 30. 24,52 30. 2416 30. 2493 30. 2446 30, 2497 < Inches. 29. 7591 29. 7603 29. 7647 29. 7643 I 29. 7611 29. 7564 29. 7565 29. 7,555 29. 7492 29. 7489 29. 7515 29, 7555 29. 7395 29. 7402 29. 7436 29. 7499 29. 7491 29. 7476 29. 7498 29. 7496 29. 7414 29. 7420 29. 7345 29. 7344 30. 2381 I 29. 7502 AT POLARIS BAY. 19 ANNUAL FLUCTUATION OF ATMOSPHEEIO PRESSURE AT POLARIS BAY. la order to treat the iireceding observations analytically, the following means were calculated: Months. Mean barom- eter of act- ual months. Mean barom- eter of equi- interval. Months. Mean barom- eter of act- ual months. Mean barom- eter of eciui- interval. January February Marct . - - Inches. 29. 7750 29. 8865 30. 1963 30. 2030 30. 0294 29. 8885 Inches. 29. 7722 29. 8959 30. 1977 30. 1979 30. 0227 29. 8858 July Inches. 29. 7866 29. 9916 29. 9827 29. 9665 30. 2381 29. 7502 Inches. 29. 7900 29. 9912 29. 0223 29. 9070 30, 2400 2!l 7394 September October . May November December Annual mean = 29. 9769. The analytical elements and expression made use of are as follows: n On in Bn Cn 1 2 3 4 —0. 02260 —0. 11804 +0. 02986 —0. 01566 +0. 02905 —0. 14142 —0. 06856 —0. 06105 0. 036808 0. 18420 0. 07047 0. 06303 o / // 322 7 17 .219 51 00 156 28 00 194 23 00 6=29.9769+0.036808 sin (a;+322o 7' 17")+0.1842 sin (2 *-|-219o 51' +0.07047 sin (3 :x:-|-156o 28')+0.06303sin(4£c+194o23') By means of the above expression, the following values were obtained: Months. January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean and difference Observed. Inches. 29. 7722 29. 8959 30. 1977 30. 1979 30. 0227 29. 8858 29. 7900 29. 9912 30. 0223 29. 9676 30. 2409 29. 7394 29. 9769 Computed. Inches. 29. 7643 29. 9396 30. 1727 30. 1839 30. 0703 29. S:!75 29. 8260 29. 9882 29. 9854 30. 0348 30. 1313 29. 7896 29. 9769 Difference, O. — C. Inches. +0. 0079 —0. 0437 +0. 0250 -f0.0140 —0. 0476 +0. 0483 —0. 0360 +0. 0030 -f 0. 0369 —0. 0072 +0. 1096 —0. 0502 ±0. 0000 According to the above table the absolute maximum of 30'M839, as computed, occurs in April, corresponding to a relative maximum as observed, and the absolute minimum in January, while the observed minimum is reached a month sooner. 20 ATMOSrHERIC PEESSUEE The foUowine- diasram will illustrate the aimnal fluctuation more strikiugly : In. 30. 200 .150 .100 . o:)0 30. 000 29. or, 1 1 . 900 . HM . .^00 29. 750 ■■■■ wmmmm^mBsmmi IHf/IHBlHHHRRIHllllHH jjyRiWHaBwiiwB hhihhhihuhhhii hh — WMMBUMMJ HI HMHHHHmHHHMlHH maaaaamamums^ .o .a t-s y a a f^ a k o d ^ Q i-i g Evidently, tke true maximum is the one occurring in April, that iu November being merely accidental, although there seems to be a tendency to a higher pressure in autumn at most of the different arctic stations. An examination of the Port IJoulke observations shows that at this locality there is also a relative maximum in jS!"ovember. At Eensselaer Harbor there is also a slight indication of a secondary maximum corresponding to the one under consideration, and the same is the case at Sabine Island, where a relative maximum occurs iu the same mouth as at Polaris Bay. The curve of Port Kennedy shows similar features. The annual fluctuation, as represented above, is the result of the combined pressure of the dry air with the pressure of the aqueous vapor. By eliminating the influence due to the latter, we get the following values : Annual fluctuation of atmospheric pressure corrected for the influence of force of vapor. Mouths. Inches. Months. Inches. January 29. 7556 29. 9513 30. 1627 30. 1565 29. 9847 29.6815 July . 29. 6348 29. 8219 29. 8729 29. 9895 30. 0968 29. 7771 February March April May November Juue December » Corrected mean = 29.9071. AT POLARIS BAY. 21 The followiug table coutaias the monthly mean values of atiiiosphoiic piessuie, as observed at seveu different localities in the arctic regions. The maxima are denoted by asterisks, while the muiima are placed between parentheses : Monthly means of atinosplicrie j)yeNSHrc at sureral station-s. Moutbs. January - . February . March April Miiy June July AllL'Ust . . . Septeiiiber Ortobcr.. . Xo\ eiiibLT December. Means . . 1S71-72. Polaris Bav, lat. ^1 .li' •»J. 7750 •2'J. f^siifi :w. VJC}', 30. •Ji):!0 30. &2'M •-"J. 7sGi; -.;'.». ;i9ii; 29. ;i---i7 ■J9. !iGi;r) *30. -j:'.^! ('J'.i. 75021 lS53-r.4-55. Eciissolaer llaibcr, lat. 7S-,(i 1S72- ! IsfiO-Gl. 18'. 1S5S-59. 1SG9-70. Polaris Honsu, lat. 7S .4 Incli 29. 29. 29. 29. '29. 29. 29. 29, (29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 974 29. IS. I Inches. 77S ' 29. C'X, .^4S 29. 907 7."0 29. 800 903 "ISO. 217 942 , 30. (.148 719 ! 741 (;94 Ii{>8) 70") .,.. 7."i.-^ 29. 934 753 ' 29. 857 Port Foulke, lat. 7 8 -.3 Baffin's IJay, Port Kciiiie(lv, ! Sabiue Island, lat. 72'-\0 ' ! lat. 74-'.5 Indies. 29. 834 29. 747 29. 81G 30. 058 29. 9.^5 29. 678 29. 691 29. 662 29. GS4 (29. 61S) *3(l. 0.S7 30. 032 at. /■, .'J Tnrlu ■S'. (29 532 ) 29 G49 29 sd;; 29 940 *;!0 014 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29 817 753 73G 735 75G GG5 57(1 Inches. 29. 979 29. 933 30. 173 *30. 179 30. 010 29. 913 (29.704) 29.741 29. SI19 29. 798 30.052 29. 872 Inches. 29. 7^5 29. 978 *30. 1G8 29. 80li 29. 873 29.919 (29. 70S) 29. 94G 29. .-59 29. SGS 29. 7i;3 29. 7119 29. 824 29. 938 29. The above observations, extending over but a comparatively short period of time, no general conclusions can be drawn from them, because the atmospheric pressure is very variable from year to year, as an examination of the observations made at Eensselaer Harbor will readily demou.strate. It will be seen, for instance, that the barometric mean of January, 1855, differs by 0'".631 from that of the same month in ISoi; the difference in Febrtiary being smaller, althougli exceeding 0'°.3. Eeturniug to our table, we see that at Sabiue Island the observed maximum occurs in MarcU, at Polaris House and at Port Kennedy in April; while in Baftiu's Bay and at Keusselaer Harbor it is found in May. Both at Polaris Bay and Port Foulke the absolute maximum, as observed, occurs in Kovember, during which month the respective comj^uted curves show a secondary maxi- mum, as stated above. In Baffin's Bay the minimum was observed in January, at Port Kennedy and Sabine Island in July, while at Eensselaer Harbor it occurred in September. At Port Foulke the month of lowest pressure is October, and at Polaris Bay it is December. At the two stations last mentioned the highest and lowest pressure occur in two consecutive months. At Polaris Bay the absolute maximum in November is followed by the absolute minimum in December, and at the other locality the absolute minimum of October precedes the absolute maximum, which is reached in the following month. THE DIUENAL FLUCTUATION OF ATMOSPHBEIC PEBSSUEE AT POLAEIS BAY. The diurnal fluctuation of atmospheric pressure is best represented by the deviation of the hourly means from the annual mean. Taking, therefore, the annual means of every hour of the day, we obtain the followiug elements for the analytical expression : a, = — 0. 00243 Si = + 0. 003,24 Bi = 0. 00405 c, = 323: 3' 10" flj = — 0. 00079 is = _ 0. 00295 Bj = 0. 00305 Co = 195: 51' 40" 03 = — 0. 00OG5 63 = — 0. 00133 B3= 0.00148 C3 = 200'^ 13' 40" «< = — 0. 00022 h = +0. 00175 B4 = 0. 00177 Cj = 352- 48' 30" The analytical expression, therefore, assumes the following form : B=29.y76y+0.00405 sin (a;+323o 3' 10") + 0.00305 sin (2 .( + 195:' 51' W) +0.00148 sin (3 a;+206o 13' 40")+0.00177 sin (J- .t+352o 48' 30") 22 ATMOSPHEKIC PEESSUEE Tbe period is referred to (»'' as its beginniug, and the angle ,*■ increases at tlie rate of 15" per hour. The following table contains the observed and computed means, as well as the deviation from the annual mean: Time. Observed Compiitod Difference, Deviation from bourly mean. lionrly mean. ((9. — e.) annnal mean. Inches. InrJie.i. Inches. Jticlics. Oi> 29. 9687 29. 9727 —0. 0O40 —0.004 143.3 1 29. 9716 29. 9732 —0. 0016 — 0. 0036969 o 29. 97:!6 29. 9737 —0. 0001 —0. 0031 47K 3 29. 9737 29. 9742 —0. 0(105 — ft. 002(i256 4 29. 9746 29. 9756 — 0. 0010 — 0, 0012969 5 29. 9784 29. 97H4 ±0. 0000 +0. ()0151.S!I 6 29. 9H13 29. 9821 — 0. 0O08 +0. 00517.55 7 29. 9883 29. 9847 +0. 0036 -i-0. 0078:520 8 29. 9845 29. 9848 —0. 0003 -|-0. 0079.594 9 29. 9877 29. 982(; +0. 0051 -f 0. 00.57707 10 29. 9801 29. 9800 -j-O. (lOOl +0.0031202 11 29. 97."4 29. 9787 —0. 0003 -j-O. 001M295 Noon. 29. 98:!9 29. 97H9 +0. 0050 -|-0. OOiJOiSOO 1'- 29. 9812 29. 9790 +0. 0022 -1-0.0021281 2 29. 9773 29, 9774 —0. 0001 -fO. 000-1828 o 29. 9726 29. 9741 —0. 0015 — 0. 002-^092 4 29. 9727 29.9711 +0. 0016 —0.00.57741 f) 29. 9706 29. 9706 J-O. 0000 —0. 0062713 6 29. 972.') 29. 9729 j —0. 0004 —0. 0039483 7 29. 97r.4 29. 9762 — II. 0008 —0. ooor.312 H 29.97-16 29. 97S1 1 — 0. 0035 -1-0.0012256) 9 29. 9762 29, 9744 -fO. 0018 -j-O. 0005493 10 29. 9758 29. 9786 • — 0. 0028 —0, 0016812 11 29.9716 29. 9733 — 0. 0017 —0.0035971 Means - . . 29. 9769 29. 9769 ±0.0000 ±0. 0000000 ■-„-_: 0. Il(ilin]717,522249 r-r; ^0. O00026785'-i0025 )■;,, = 0.00000412455481 ■-1 = 11. ooooi:;6(;706961 r'-7 =0. OIIO06i:'.4022400 r-i-, = 0. Oon004.528'-'0961 ■-,. = 0. 00UIIU9908(;44S4 r\ —0. o(iii(i(;3:'.5'jo4--:!r. r-|,, = 0. 000O002:'.:!O9.584 ■-:;:= 0, (IIIO0O6S9377536 )■-,, =0. IHI0II333OII97S49 7'-,-, = 0. 0OO0O7S9 1604(1-1 -4 = 0. IHH)o016S1949r,l r-|fi^O. on( 10097: '.564H04 )-'„,:= 0. 0ooo;!:!:;4n23OHi ■-5 = 0. 00000230711.5721 il V-,, = 0. O0OOo;.!:_!17ll7!)25 i r-|; = 0. 000o:'>932920369 Denoting the deviations from the annual mean in the order in which they appear in the above table by r,,, r,, r-,, .... r^;,, we obtain for the probable errors — r-'i8 = 0. 000lll.55S9l)72'^9 r"|., = 0. 000n(l0:!984131-l (■',, = 0.000001.50209536 r- .,.= 0. 000000:W17.3049 •c-,; = 0. 00000282643344 v-2?, = 0. O0O0129:!9128'll Denoting the sum of the squares of any numbers *;„, r., v^, &c., by [v v] we have in the pres- ent case — [v d] =0.000.37249980194 The probable error of any one representation is expressed by — _2), = 0.674489.^[-^jJ and the probable error of the annual mean by — 0.674489 ■^/lvT\ Pm=- 23 Substituting therein the value for [?; v] we obtain— p, = ± 0.00271 ... , 2'm = ± 0.00057 The probable error of any single hourly mean is, therefore, almost five times as large as that of the annual mean ; or, more accurately — -''■ = 4.70.57 . . . AT POLARIS BAT. 23 The following diagram exhibits the diurnal fluctuation of the atmospheric pressure as derived from the preceding table : Diurnal fluctuation of atmospheric pressure. In. 2'J. 'J87a .9850 . 11825 .9800 .9775 . 97.^)0 . 9725 29. 9700 mmmmimmmBmmm wmmmmrKmnmamBaL ■pnHiHHHHHnBiKHHinninn ■iHHianiHaBHHnvHHH/iHnsain ■HBIBIIMHI ■■■ I !■■■ I WH ■■■■■■■■■ 0'' 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 Noon, l"' 2 :5 4 5 7 8 9 W 11 If the atmospheric pressure at Polaris Bay was not abnormal in 1871 and 1S7-', then the features of the diurnal curve differ considerably from those of the neighboring stations, being more in accordance with those manifested in the temperate zone. By the aid of the diagram the abso- lute maximum will be found to occur at about 9" a. m., while the absolute minimum is reached at about 51^ p. m. If we consider the minima occurring respectively at about 11^' SO-" a. m. and at 9'" p. m. to be accidental, then we shall have a maximum at about 10" p. m., and a secondary minimum at about midnight. Among the different arctic stations our curve shows the greatest resemblance with that of Sabine Island, where (according to the formula) the forenoon maximum is reached at 10^' 31" and the evening maximum at 9"^ 45™, while the two minima occur at 3'> 40™ a. m. and at 4" 35-" p. m., respect- vely. At Port Foulke, (compare diagram on page 217, loc. cit.,) there is a very slight indication of a maximum at about 7^^ 30-" a. m., w^hile the absolute maximum occurs at about 6^ 30™ p. m..; at Eeusse- laer Harbor the highest pressure during the day is reached at about 10'^ p. m. and at Port Ken- nedy and Baffin's Bay at about 71^ 30™ p. m. The principal minimum at Port Foulke occurs at about 31" a. m. At Rensselaer Harbor the (secondary) minimum is reached about 4'' a. m. and at Port Kennedy and Baffin's Bay at about i^ 30™ a. m. At Polaris Bay the diurnal range is 0'°.0142, to which we add the following values for com- parison : Inches. Rensselaer Harbor 0.010 Port Foulke 0.017 Sabine Island 0.00.^ Baffin's Bay 0.028 Port Kennedy 0.048 The theory established by Daniell, and favored by quite a number of modern meteorologists, that the diurnal fluctuation would vanish almost entirely in high latitudes, does not find any sup- port in the table above given. Most likely the theory does not hold good in this instance, as the dis- 24 ATMOSPHEEIC PEESSURE crepancies seem to increase with the growing nnmber of observations, which circumstance ought to induce us to abandon this theory, unless it be confirmed by subsequent observations. Between the latitude of Port Kennedy and that of Eensselaer Harbor, except at Sabine Island, a decided decrease evidently takes place; but at Polaris Bay, which is situated in the region where the diurnal range was supposed to vanish, we inud the diurnal fluctuation to be greater tbau at Eensselaer Harbor, situated three degrees to the south of this station, and almost as great as at Port Foulke. After having corrected the diurnal fluctuation for the influence of the force of vapor, the hourly values will run as follows: Diurnal Jhict nation of afmoq)Jicric 2))rssnre at Polaris Bay, corrected for force of vapor. Time. Inchrs. Time. Inches. " Time. Incbes. Time. Indies. Ill' 29. 901M fii' 29.9(18:: Noon. 29. 903.5 et 29. P993 1 29.9(124 7 29. 9104 1" 29. 90:!4 / 29. 9(i;!3 •) 29. 9(127 8 29. 9102 ! 2 29. 9II1S K 29. 9057 3 29. 9(127 9 29.9077 3 29. H9.~'8 O 29. 9024 4 29. 9(i:u 10 29. 9(l.'i() 4 29. S0(;2 1(1 29.9071 5 29. 9054 j 11 29. 903C> r> 29, .S9(;3 11 29. 9021 An examination of the above table will show both the relative minimum and maximum at IP 3()"' a. m. and 1^' ji. m. to disappear, the curve assuming a more regular cliaracter, if we except the abnormal minimum occurring at 9'' p. m. For the sake of comparison the following table was formed, containing the diurnal fluc- tuation of atmospheric pressure for six stations situated in tlie arctic regions, and arranged according to decreasing latitude. For some of these stations only bihourly observations existed; we therefore have given bihourly observations at all, in order to make the table more uniform : Time. Polaris Bay, = .-tm;. Eenuselaer Ilavljor, = 78'^'.G. Port Foulke, ip = 78'-'.3. Sabine Island, (J = 74'-\5. Port Kennedy, f = 72 '.9. Baffin's Bay, = 72^.5.- Indies. I It ell es. Inches. Indies. Indies. Indies. 2'i 29. 973. 29. 705 29. 818 29. 876 29. 906 29. 738 4 29.974 29. 7 ('.(J 29. 820 29. 875 29. 897 29.7:!0 6 29. 9S1 29. 766 29. 812 29. 877 29. 804 29. 726 ,s 29. 984 29. 762 29. 826 29. 873 29. 923 29. 731 10 29. 98(1 29. 764 29. 822 29. 880 29. 935 29.7.50 Noon. 29. 984 29. 763 29. 820 29. 879 29. 933 29. 743 2'i 29. 977 29. 759 29. 820 29. 877 29. 93(; 29. 745 4 29. 973, 29. 763 29. 825 29; 875 29. 939 29. 753 6 29. 972 29. 767 29. 835 29. 877 29. 940 29. 756 ;-^ 29. 975 29. 769 29. 829 29. 880 29. 943 29. 756 10 29. 97(1 29.771 29. 831 29. 881 29. 934 29. 753 12 29.909 29. 768 29. 829 29. 879 29. 925 29. 743 After having discussed the diurnal fluctuation during the year, it may be interesting to investi- gate how far the law stated above will hold good during the different seasons. In constructing the curves representing the diurnal fluctuation during the latter, we used the computed values for each of the three different months constituting one season, and took the mean of the same. This was done to save the labor involved in establishing the analytical expressions for the respective seasons, as for certain reasons we had thought it proper to treat each month analytically; but we abstain from giving these results, they being without any value for the present discussion. Owing to the shortness of the period over which the series of observations in question extends, the law governing the diurnal fluctuation during the year can scarcely be recognized in the curves exhibit- ing the diurnal fluctuation of the difterent seasons. In winter the absolute maximum of 29'°.8184 occurs at about .5'' p. m., and the absolute minimum of 29"'.7071 at midnight, the curve thus show- ing a range of 0™.0213, oscillating irregularly between the hours of highest and lowest pressure. AT POLAKIS BAY. 25 In spring the curve is less irregular, passing through the maximum of 30'".1542 at about 6'' 45™ a. m. and through the minimum of 30'".1332 at 7^' p. m., its range differing only by two units in the fourth decimal from that of the preceding season. In summer the maximum of 29'°.894:9 is reached at 6^ a. m. and the minimum of 29'".8767 at midnight, the range being 0'".0182. The autumn curve shows a decided maximum of 30'".0726 at about 5^ a. m. and a well-marked jninimum of 30".0536 at about 11'' p. m., exhibiting a range of 0'".0190. During each season the diurnal range is greater than that of the year, the smallest range occurring in summer and the greatest in winter, the former differing by 0'°.0040 and the latter by 0"'.0071 from the diurnal range during the year. The following table contains the maxima and minima of atmospheric pressure as observed during each month. It need hardly be mentioned that the values given are reduced to 32° F., and to the level of the sea : Monthly extremes. Months. January.. February . March.... April May June July August- .. September October . . NovBmber December Maximum. Indies. 30. 338 30. 551 30. 804 30. 777 30. 631 30. 187 30. 228 :!0. 2.57 30. 521 30. 590 30. 672 30. 536 Date. 9 p. m 2 a. m 3 a. m 4 p. m 11 p. m 10 a. m 10 a. m 11 a. m 7 a. m 7 a. m. and 2 p. m. 5 a. m 1 a. m Minimum. Inches. ■ 29. 390 24 28. 827 17 39. 483 12 29. 514 22 29. 389 23 29. 480 21 29. 521 3 29. 748 11 29. 513 '> 29. 523 8 29. 159 28 29. 120 24 Date. 7i.. 6 and 8 p. m 11 p. m 1 p. m lOp.m 2 p. m 5p. m 11 p. m 7 p. m 7 a. m 11 p. m 3 p. m a. m EaDjte. Indies. 0. 948 1. 724 1. 321 1. 263 1.242 0. 701 0. 707 0. 509 1.008 1.067 1. 513 1.416 According to the above table February shows the greatest and August the smallest range; it will also be seen that in most instances the maxima occur during the forenoon and the minima during the afternoon. As was the case at Port Foulke and at Eensselaer Harbor, the greatest range at Polaris Bay occurs in winter and the least in summer. The extreme observed ranges of this and other localities in the arctic regions compare as follows : Locality. Maximum. Date. Minimum. Date. Eauge. Polaris Bay Rensselaer Harbor Port Foulke Inches. 30. 804 30.97 ■ 30. 74 30. 93 31.06 30. 825 Mar. 25,1872 Jan. 22,1855 Nov. 25,1860 Jan. 30,1858 Apr. 12,1859 Mar. 11,1870 Indies. 28. S27 28. 84 28. 9:j 28.64 28. 76 28. 877 Dec. 24,1S71 Feb. 19,1854 Oct. 16, 1800 Mar. 11,1858 July 10,1859 Oct. 30, 1809 Inches. 1. 977 2.13 1.81 2.29 2. 30 1. 948 Baffin's Bay Port Kennedy Sabine Island BAEIC WIND-EOSB OF POLAEIS BAY. To obtain the dependency of the atmospheric pressure upon the direction of the wind the fol- lowing method of discussion was adopted : The monthly means of atmospheric pressure for the hoars midnight, 6'^ a. m., noon, and 6'' p. m. were subtracted from the observed readings at those hours for every day of the year, (us far as they were on hand,) and the differences thus obtained were considered to be due to the direction of the winds prevailing at the hours O'', C' a. m., 12'^, and &' p. m. These differences were found to be positive and negative for the same directions of wind; the mean of the differences are then 4 AP 26 ATMOSPHERIC PEESSUEE cousidered as the mean effect of the winds from the respective directions, which is either positive or negative, i. e., elevating or depressing, as shown in the table below : s. SW. W. NW. N. NE. E. V SE. Calm. +0. 0164 +0. 0202 —0. 0032 —0. 0262 +0. 0336 —0. 0406 —0. 0133 +0. 0060 +0. 0195 For the analytical expression we obtain the following elements: «, = + 0. 012135 a^ = + 0. 016625 Ji = -I- 0. 00758 Jh = — 0. 00005 B, = 0. 014308 B, = 0. 016625 C, : .^,8= 0' 30" : 16F 36' 30" The analytical expression now assumes the following form: A =-0.0008875+0.014308 siu {«+58o 0' 30") +0.016625 sin (2 a;+161o 36' 30") The period is here referred to the direction S., and the angle x reads in the direction SW., W., NW., &c. Substituting x=0, x=4:5°, ir=90o, &c., we obtain in this succession the elevating or depressing effect for the winds from the directions S., SW., W., &c., as given in the following table: Direction. S. SW. W. NW. N. NE. E. , SE. Observed Computed .. - Difiference . . . +0. 0164 +0. 0164929 +0. 0202 — 0. 0027227 — 0, 0032 +0. 0014474 — 0. 0262 +0. 0116679 +0. 0336 — 0. 0077771 — 0. 0400 — 0. 0306043 — 0. 0133 — 0, 0137132 +0. 0060 +0. 0181091 +0. 0000929 — 0. 0229227 +0. 0046474 +0. 0378679 —0.0413771 +0. 0099957 — 0. 0004132 +0. 0121091 The computed effect of the wind is represented graphically on the following diagram, where the elevating or depressing effect is measured from the circumference of the circle in the directions to and from the center, respectively: AT POLAEIS BAY. 27 The following table, containing the corrections to be applied to any hourly observation, taken at Polaris Bay, is derived directly from the table giving the hourly means, following the original record of observations : Oorrections to he cvppUed to any hourly observation^ taken at Polaris Bay, to obtain the mean atmospheric pressure of the day. Time. 1 a . ;3 g CJ ■i > o a .Q ;h 'm >i a >i M o © S CD c^ a 3 B ^; Q ^^ Pm '?, < Inches. ^ >^ < Inches. Inches. I)iches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 0» +0.0158 — 0. 0089 +0. 0202 -0. 0054 +0. 0100 +0. 0003 — 0. 0054 +0. 0219 +0. 0047 +0. 0201 1 0.0113 0. 0101 0. 0212 0. 0024 0. 0146 — 0. 0049 0. 0051 — 0. 0087 0.01)35 0.0191 2 0. 0142 0.0145 0. 0128 — 0. 0064 0. 0133 0. 0049 0. 0062 0. 0149 0. 0036 +0. 0165 3 0. 0102 0. 0141 0. 0174 +0. 0216 0. 0084 0. 0064 0. 0127 0. 0152 0. 0044 — 0. 0010 4 4-0. 007'i 0. 0109 0. 0146 0. 0204 0. 0066 0.0113 0. 0137 0. 0160 0. 0026 +0. 0025 5 — 0. 0008 0. 0062 0. 0081 +0. 0227 +0. 0026 0. 0187 0. 0143 0. 0184 0. 0017 — 0. 0012 6 — 0. 0098 0. 0063 0. 0015 -0. 0083 — 0. 0017 0. 0206 0.0145 0. 0189 0. 0017 0. 0013 7 +0. 00-27 — 0. 0053 0. 0009 — 0. 0100 0. 0008 0. 0189 0. 0166 0. 0182 0. 0318 0. 0090 S -j-0. 0034 +0. 0010 0. 0022 +0. 0293 0. 0087 0. 0132 0. 0153 0. 0183 0. 0315 0. 0090 9 —0.0018 +0. 0013 +0. 0014 — 0. 0098 0. 0042 0. 0135 0. 0165 0. 0122 +0. 0290 0. 0090 10 0. 0004 — 0. 0013 —0. 0075 0. 0100 0. 0059 0.0111 — 0. 0131 — 0. 0064 -0. 0005 0. 0084 11 — 0. 0038 — 0. 0053 0. 0042 0. 0079 0. 0107 — 0. 0038 +0. 0043 +0. 0009 0. 0024 0.0110 Noon. +0. 0037 +0. 0107 0. 0016 —0. 0025 0. 0098 +0. 0007 0. 0102 0. 0071 0. 0015 0. 0075 li- +0. 0032 0.0100 0. 0005 +0. 0042 0. 0105 0. 0132 0. 0173 0. 0134 0. 0023 0. 0047 2 — 0. 0080 0. 0066 0. 0038 0. 0075 0. 0108 0. 0132 0. 0154 0. 0297 0. 0023 0. 0043 3 ±0. 0000 0. 0003 0. 0145 0. 0081 0. 0148 0. 0136 0. 0161 0. 0174 0. 0012 0. 0041 4 +0. 0004 0. 0011 0. 0158 +0. 0083 —0.0140 0. 0144 0.0181 0. 0158 0. 0065 0. 0057 f, — 0. 0049 0. 0026 0. 0120 -0. 0004 +0. 0154 0. 01.58 0. 0161 0. 01,56 0. 0075 0. 0037 6 0. 0032 0. 0004 0. 0142 — 0. 0026 0. 0120 0. 0131 0. 0157 0. 0109 0. 0085 — 0. 0052 7 0. 0071 0. 0006 0. 0100 ±0. 0000 +0. 0026 0. 0135 0. 0027 0. 0058 0. 0125 +0. 0068 8 0. 0035 0. 0088 0. 0107 — 0. 0131 ±0. 0000 0. 0137 0. 0023 0. 0050 0. 0145 0. 0039 9 0. 0112 0. 0076 0. 0106 0. 0097 +0. 0021 0. 0085 0. 0051 0. 0037 0.0174 0. 0049 10 0. 0065 0. 0157 0. 0079 0. 0182 — 0. 0008 0. 0079 0. 0050 -f 0.0015 0.0184 0. 0089 11 — 0. 0116 +0. 0158 —0. 0012 —0.0113 +0. 0036 +0. 0064 +0. 0055 — 0. 0020 — 0. 0176 +0. 0125 RECORD AND DISCUSSION OF OBSERVATIONS ON ATMOSPHERIC PRESS- URE MADE AT POLARIS HOUSE. The observations on atmospheric pressure made at Polaris House from November 1, 1872, till June 1, 1873, were conducted precisely in the same manner as previously described. The Fortin- Green barometer was suspended on the southeastern wall of our hut, protected by a box, the lid of which was only opened when a reading was taken. The cistern of the instrument was 8.5 feet above the sea-level. For further reduction of the readings, referred to 32° F., the following table was used : Correction due to 8.5 feet elevation above mean sea-level. Barom. —50- —40° — :!0'- —20° —10° ±0° +10° +20° +30° +40° Incites. Indies. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Jnchcx. Inches. Inches. 2S. 5 +0. 017 +0. 016 +0. 013 +0. 012 +0.011 +0.010 +0. 010 +0. 010 +0. 009 +0. 009 29. 0. ULS 0. 016 II. 014 0.012 0. Oil 0. 010 0. 010 0.010 0.010 0.009 29. .'. 0.018 0.016 0. 014 0. 013 0. Oil 0. 010 (1. mo 0.010 0.010 0. 010 30.0 0.018 0.017 0.1115 0. 013 0. 1112 0.011 0.011 0.010 0.010 0.010 30.5 0.019 0.017 0.015 0. 013 0.1112 0.011 0. oil 0.011 0.011 0.010 31.0 +0. 019 +0. 017 +0. 015 +0.013 +0. 012 +0.011 +0.011 +0. oil +0.011 +0. 010 The corrected readings will be found recorded hereafter. 30 ATMOSPHBEIC PRBSSUEB Date. NOVEMBER, 1872. Time. A 2 3 4 5 6 7 § 9 Inches. 10 11 12 Inchts. Indies. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 01^ 30. 172 30. 170 29, S65 29. 616 29. 793 29. 783 29. 774 29. 917 30. 202 3,0, 250 30. 207 30. 184 1 30. 148 30. 155 29. 869 29. 613 29. 808 29. 681 29. 809 29. 93S 30, 220 30. 237 30, 224 30. lu;'. 2 30. 177 30. 141 29. 855 29. 599 29. 800 29. 698 29. 800 29. 945 30. 223 30, 230 30. 239 30.1S5 :^ 30. 172 30. 122 29. 876 29. 617 29. 803 29, 721 29, 801 29. 969 30. 233 3,1). 207 30, 253 30. 191 4 ;iO. 182 30. 210 29, 885 29. 642 29. 804 29, 715 29, 800 29, 9i;s 30.264 30, 185 30. 263 30. 1-^s r 30. 20(; 30. 076 29 883 29. 652 29, 804 29. 717 29, 786 29. 966) 30. 302 30, 169 30. 266 30. 193 G 30. 205 30. 185 29, 886 29. 658 29. 799 29. 747 29. 798 29. 989 30. 298 30. 139 30. 280 30. 190 / :'.0. 216 30. 044 29. 876 29, 670 29.807 29. 727 29. 797 29, 994 30. 292 3,0, 126 30. 278 30. llir, ,s :!0. 2-20 30. 034 29. 854 29, 679 29, 791 29. 726 29, 805 30. 012 30. 299 30, 103 3,0. 277 30. 194 'J 30. 201 30.011 29. 8:!5 29, 685 29. 761 29. 730 29, 813 30. 019 30,303 3(1,067 30. 287 30. 191 10 30. 204 29. 997 29, 838 29, 704 29. 759 29, 723 29. 814 30. 040 30. 316 3,0, 041 30. 252 30. 18:! 11 30. 199 29. 9S4 29,817 29, 710 29, 73S 29, 729 29, 819 30, 052 311,327 30, 023, :',0, 281 30. 170 Noon. 3,0. 213 29. 954 29. M16 29, 714 29. 726 29. 738 29, s:-!l 30. 1160 30, 331 30, 009 3,0, 282 30. 144 I'' 30. 218 29. 933, 29. '"15 29, 724 29. 717 29, 740 29, 836 30. 072 30. 329 3,(1, 022 30. 2h 1 30. 122 2 30. 230 29. 932 29. 792 29, 733 29, 715 29, 749 29. 854 30. 086 30,340 30. 037 30.282 1 3(1. Ids !| :! 30. 223 29. 944 29, 794 29, 751 29, 714 29, 763 29, 806 30. 123 30.310 30.(149 30. 275 30. 074 4 30. 233 29. 932 29. 772 29, 744 29,7(17 29, 766 29, 861 30. 116 30. 323, 3,0.055 30. 203, 30. 052 .f'l 311, 221 29. 912 29.745 29, 756 29, 690 29, 761 29,871 30. 127 30. 322 30, 083 30. 262 30. 0:iO 6 30. 207 29. 8'JO 29. 722 29, 770 29, 689 29, 765 29, 877 30. 194 30. 3,21 30. 107 30. 250 :30. 005 7 30: 205 29. 899 29. 707 29, 772 29, 677 29, 768 29, 882 30. 159 30. 324 30. 119 30.2-15 1 20,001 8 30. 205 29. 878 29. 695 29, 778 29. O'O 29, 765 29, 887 30. 158 30. 324 30. 139 30,239 ' 20. 043' 9 30. 197 29. 875 29, 674 29. 782 29. 672 29, 773 29. 894 30. 174 30.305 30. 151 30. 22'-^ 20. 9211 10 30. 178 29. 875 29, (;54 29, 788 29. 68.- 29, 774 29, 892 30. 186 30. 282 30. 154 30.214 1 29,8110 11 Means.. 30.178 29. 867 29. 634 29. 790 29. 081 29, 768 29, 903 30. 18(i 30. 265 30. 170 30. 195 29. 8(j(i 30. 2004 30. 0008 29. 7899 29. 7061 29. 7426 29, 7428 29, 8363 30. 0604 30. 2988 30. 1196 30.255:1 SO.O'J'JC Date. ^ rOVEMB ER, 187 2. Time. 13 14 15 16 I'y 1§ 19 20 21 22 23 24 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. O" 29. 821 29. 772 30. 115 29. 744 29. 638 29. 678 29. 742 29. 611 29. 718 29. 754 29. 844 29. 874 1 29. 786 29. 818 30. 079 29. 756 29. 623 29. 676 29. 731 29. 633 29, 719 29. 748 29. 867 29. 878 2 29. 746 29. 841 30. 057 29. 766 29. 611 29. 683 29. 735 29. 648 29. 729 29. 766 29. 872 29.801 :i 29. 689 29. 894 30. 027 29. 770 29. 601 29. 681 29. 739 29. 655 29. 722 29. 769 29, 884 20, 873 4 29. 673 29. 901 29. 984 29. 757 29. 592 29. 692 29. 702 29. 676 29. 734 29. 770 29. 881 29, 885 5 29. 670 29. 923 29. 954 29, 805 29. 597 29, 690 29. 702 29. 6S7 29. 739 29. 785 29! 882 20, 86)0 6 29. 640 29, 957 29. 908 29, 800 29. (i04 29, 693 29. 703 29. 69^' 29. 733 29. 790 29. 880 29. 873 7 29. 614 29. 979 29. 859 29. 804 29. 599 29. 702 29. 715 29. (i66) 29. 733 29. 781 29. 893 29. 864 H 29. fi2H 29. 996 22. 826 29. H12 29.608 29. 705 29. 688 29. 668 29, 742 29. 781 29. 884 29. 853 9 29. 700 30. 034 29. 801 29 828 29. 595 29. 713 29. 659 29. 714 29,738 29. 779 29. 839 29. 846 10 29. 703 30. 064 29. 781 29. 812 29. 599 29.719 29. 657 29. 717 29. 748 29. 779 29. 897 29. 84:3 11 29. 610 30. 073 29. 746 29. 804 29. 597 29. 724 29. 650 29.-714 29. 734 29. 775 29. 867 29. 839 Noon. 29. 588 30. 093 29.721 29. 798 29. 599 29. 736 29. 643 29. 713 29. 731 29. 785 29. 909 29. 845 1" 29. 583 30. 097 29. 686 29. 801 29. 595 29. 753 29. 632 29, 717 29, 741 29. 795 29. 893 29. 839 2 29. 607 30. 133 29. 664 29, 784 29.604 29. 760 29. 621 29. 721 29. 740 29. 802 29. 894 29. 83:! 3 29. 618 30. 146 29. 674 29, 776 29. 645 29. 772 29. 618 29. 721 29. 735 29. 817 29. 899 29. 828 4 29. 646 30. 157 29. 652 29. 769 29. 655 29. 777 29. 598 . 29.724 29. 731 29. 817 29. 893 29. 827 5 29. 656 30. 171 29. 631 29. 747 29.664 29, 764 29. 591 29. 719 29. 727 29. 818 29. SS6 29. H17 6 29.666 30. 173 29. 611 29. 730 29. 660 29, 764 29. 591 29. 717 29. 721 29. 823 29. 883 29. 811 7 29. 670 30. 185 29.6)48 29. 712 29. 670 29, 755 29. 586) 29. 714 29.726 29, 823 29. 8^7 29. 815 ,s 29. 686 30. 167 29. 667 29. 694 29. 666 29, 745 29. .590 29. 718 29, 740 29,826 29. 887 29. 840 9 29. 727 30. 161 29. 680 29. 669 29. 670 29, 745 29. 590 29. 717 29. 737 29. 834 29. 875 29. 802 10 29. 737 30. 162 29. 702 29. 656 29. 668 29.736 29, 592 29. 727 29. 743 29. 834 29, 872 29.794 11 Means.. 29. 741 30. 133 29. 720 29. 644 29. 671 29. 730 29. 597 29. 724 29. 742 29. 841 29, 872 29.795 29. 6508 30. 0429 29. 7997 29. 7808 29. 6263 29. 7247 29. 6530 29. 6964 29. 7335 29. 795E 29. 882£ 29.8415 AT rOLAKlS uoirsE. 31 Date. TillHl 01' 1 10 11 Nociii. I» w u NOVEMBER, 1872. 25 ■J',1. 7S •J'.l. 7S .in -(| 'J'.l. '.'11. ■-':i. ■J',1, 7(;,-^ ■,",!. 77'.' ■J!). 77!l •-",1, 7.-^ll '39, 7, '^S 'J',1, 7',lll •J',1, m:! ■J',1, s 111 ■J',1, ^r, I ■J',1, s-j 1 ■J',1, SI I ■J'.i, s-j I 26 lilrhrf:. ■J',1. .s i:'. ■J! I. M.". •J',1, see •J'.l, S71 •j;i. ^^(l',l •J',1. SSI ■J',1, S7',l ■J',1. '.Ills ■j;i. Slid ■J'.l. ;i: '.I I ■j;i. '.IK! ■j'.i.'.ii;i ■J'.l. :«;:! ■J'.l. '.IS 1 ■J'.l. '.ISC. ;!(i. (Hi:! :!(i. oi'.i :!ii. i);;ii :!(!. 0.'. I ;i(i. (i7.'i ::(i. (isi ;iii. IIS7 :!ii. (i'.i7 27 Indus. :!0. 11,S :!(i, 117 :!(!, I ■J,". :i(i, i:!.". :!ii. i:!'.i :!ii, i;is ;!(). i:!^J :!(i. \-2C, :;ii. vjs :!ii. i:!ii :!ii. rji; :!ii. i-jc. ;:ii. i^j^j :!0. vs.i ;iii. 117 :iii. i^ji; ;!ii. 114 :!(!. nil ;iii. i^J^j :!ii. i:il :!ii. K!:! :!ii. i:!^j :!ii. u:^ ;!ii. i\-2 2N 1 nr}ir>t. H. 117 n. ir.7 .11. u;s .(I. ic.s ;o. I'.i;! ls;i id. I'.io ill. ■JO 1 II. •JIICi HI. UHi II. isi; II. is-j II. II. iss II. 17S II. 11)4 0.1117 II. IIW 0. 111:! n. 111.". 0. 'JO^J II. ■jo:! II. ■joii n. •2-:.', !ll 017 ■Jii. ii.'.oi :iii, VJ7i; 29 liichci. ■.W.-2-SA ■.\0.-2-2A :!0. ■J^Jll ;!0. m:!^; ;!0.^J47 :!o. ■j,'.7 :!(!. ■ji;:! . :!ii. ■J.">7 :!ii. -JIM j :!0. ■ji;;i j :!0. ■jGii :!ii. 'J71 :!ii. ■J.'.o :!ii, ■Jii^J :!o, ■jiio ;!0. ■j,".s ■M. ■J.'.ll j ;jo. ■J7:! •ill'-s^ :!0, ■Jii-J ;!0, ■jin :!ii. :iii:! ;!ii. ::i:i 30 :!0.:!^J4 :io. :io. :!o, oil. !:!ii !11 ;7i !S1 lio. ;!i)ii :'.o, 411 ;)0, 410 :!o. 41(1 :;o. i^j:i :!o, lis :!o. ic.ii :!o. i7^j :!o. IS.-. ;!o. r>04 :!0.;VJII ;!0. .''):!4 :!0. r..vj :iii. :!0. :!ii. :!o. :io. .'.OS :!ii, :-,7i ,is .00 '.07 /»<■ :io. ;!ii, ;!0, :!o. :!o. :!ii. :!ii. :iii. :!o. :!ii. :;o. ;!o. :iii. :!o. :!ii. :!0. :!0. :!ii, :io. :iii. :!o. :!o. :!o. :3ii. .-.7 1 571 .-.o,-. fwli r.S'j ,-.(■,4 .-.41 ,-.^Jl l,s(i isl ir.ii (■J'J 4X1 :!',!:! :;r.',i :!07 ■'7.-) ■J07 ■SM< •JOII ISl 140 DECEMBER, 1872. :!o. :!o. :io. :!0. :!o. •Jii. •Jii. •JO. •JII. •JII. •JII. ■JO. •JO. ■JII. lirs. 1 1110 or.s (1 10 (i-j:! 017 one. 1141 ,s,*^:i S.S'l .SS'.I ,s,l.-, SIS 71111 7611 .710 .714 , r.'.io . r.o.-i , i;74 ■JO, o: 111 OO'J 1)41) Inch, ■JO. I ■JO. ( ■JO. I' •JO. I •JO. I •JO. I •JO. I •JO. I •JO. I ■J9. 1 •JO. I •JO. I ■211 1 •JO. I •JO. I ■J'J. ( •JO. I •JO. I •JO. I ■JO. I •JO. ( •JO. I •JO. I •JO. I Inch, •JO. (1 •JO. ■JO. (1 •JO. ■J'.l. •JO. •JO. •JO. •JO. ■JO. ■JO. •JO. •JO. ■JO. ■JO. •JO. •JO. •JO. •JO. i: •JO. •JO. (I •JO. I' •JO. I •JIM /h. ■;».■,■. •JO. CDl 'JO. 700 •JO. 700 •JO. 7 I 1 •JO. 7^jr> •JO. 7^J7 •JO. 7;!4 •JO. •JO. •JO. •JO. •JO. •JO •JO. •JO. 7011 7S-1 7o:! •JO. sii:; •JO. sill •JO. SOS •JO. so-j •JO. soil ".I 07 •JO. SOI 0. ISO:') :!0. 26:!i; :!o. 1017 :!o. 4oo:ii ill •JO. 000:i :J0. 7(^:2 Tncli •JO. 7 •JO. 7 •JO. 7 •JO. 7 •JO 7 .-.0 71s 7 ir, 7^J1 7 IS 710 710 1 700 701 700 ■JO. 000 ■JO. 70'J ■JO. 7 10 ■JO. 71 1 •JO. 7:!1 •JO. 7:!l llatr. DECEMBER, 1872. Tilur. ;i 10 II Nni>ii. 11' :! Ill u hirhrs. ■JO. 700 ■JO. 77 1 •JO. 77.'. •JO. 7S.-. •JO. SO-J •JO. SOI •JO. so:; •JO. Sll •JO. •JO. •JO. ■JO. •JO. •JO. •2'.). •JO 10 Jiu 71 iS ■JO. 7 10 •JO. 7-ji; •JO. 000 JO. or.r. •JO. 010 •JO. 010 •JO. .-.01 lU'.S. r. 40 .Ml .->I7 oi: ^'*7 • X ri.'.o • 11) - ',7 'j; . r.70 ■-•'. . r.s'.t '0. :.:!4 r,70 .-.',10 r.oi ,->07 .-.or. O'Jl o.-,o o.-,i 007 OOs 070 iis:i In, •JO ,S71 SSI SSO 10 ■In:-,. OS^J 007 707 71 •J .77 1 .70:! . SO.s . S07 . siir, •JO. s:',-j •JO. s.-,r, •JO. s;-.-. •JO. .SOI ■JO. S7-J •JO. S7:! •JO. 'JO. •2'.^ •0. 7.-.:iir •J'.l. r.'io'j •2:k 7',IS I III, ■JO SOO SOS s'.i.-. 00.-. 00-J 000 001 SS| so:! so-j SO'J SOO SIM 11 Tiichvu. 'JO. S77 'JO. sr.s 'j;i. s.-,.-, 'JO. soil 'JO s 17 'JO. s:!i 'JO. S17 'JO. sio 'JO. 7-0 'J'.l. 7.'>0 'JO. 740 'J'.l. 7'ji; 'JO. oor. 'JO. 17 ■JO. OO'J 'JO. (140 'JO. 001 'JO. ;-|0-J ■JO. 01.-. ■JO. 'JO. ■JO. :!.-.o ■JO. :!0l ■JO. •js 1 12 171 117 •JO. (;o4 1 13 Illi •JO. •'0 •JO. •J'.l. ■2'.K •2\K •JO. •JO. •JO. ■JO. •JO. •JO. •JO. •JO. •JO ■JO, ■JO. ■JO, •JO, •JO, •JO, 'h,-s. ■JOO ■2'M •J;-.4 •J04 •JOO :!(...i :!4^J ::-l,-, :i04 :!04 :!(io :!io :!oii :!oi hieli,' :!07 :!07 :!0(i ■MO V. 1 101 4o:l i:!'j 4 40,-, •JO, •JO, •JO, ■JO, ■JO, 'JO, ■JO, •JO, •JO, ■2[K •JO, ■JO ISS r,-2it ,-i:!0 ,->,"iii -.70 , 000 .-.00 f>-2-2 I '.-JI i I l^JS 14 Inchefi. ■JO. 0".7 •JO. I ISO •JO. r.74 •JO. i;s4 •JO. 7i:! •JO. 7^J0 •JO. 7o:! •JO. so,-. ■JO, SIO •JO, s'JO •JO, s 10 •JO, s,-,0 •JO, s,-.o 'JO, si;:_! •2'.K ^'\^ ■JO, s,-.o •JO, s:!0 •JO, s 10 ■2'.\ S 1 1 •JO, S \-2 •JO, si:!' •JO, s,-.o '2[l ^:,^ •2'J S,-|S l.^> [iifhen. ■JO, -22 •JO. Sll •JO. SIO •JO. SI •J •JO. s-JS •JO. s^Jil •JO s:!^J •JO. SO.S ■JO. S.-.7 •JO. S.-,.-. •JO. S70 •JO. ,ss-J •JO, ,s',l 1 •JO, sOO •JO, 01 •J •JO. 014 :J0. o:!i ■JO. OJ ■20. 17 ■JO. 01 I •JO. 0.-.:! ■JO. 1 1 17 Tnch,-K. ■JO. ii.-.s ■JO. 00.4 ■JO. o,->o •JO. 0.-.7 •JO. 04'J •J.I. 0-10 •JO. o:!s •JO. 944 •JO. 000 •2'.). 01.-. •JO. 001 •JO. 0114 •JO, o.-.o •JO. 10 •JO. o^j:! •JO. l^J •JO. 0:!7 •JO. 0:!0 •j'.i.o:!o •JII. ii:!.-i ■2'.i o:;i •JO. 04^J •JO. '.MS •'0 0^'s IS I mill s. •JO. ih':! ■2[\ V-2'2 •JO. OJI •JO. I^J •JO. IM^J ■JO. o:i^J •JO. O^JJ ■JO. 0J4 •JO. 0:!0 •JO. l^JO. •JO. OJS •JO. ii;u •JO. 04^J •JO. ',1J1 •2'.>. '.^■2:'< •JO. 04^J •JO. 17 •JO. 00:1 •JO, 00,-. •JO, no^j •JO, 000. ■2'.K oo:i :io, 00,-. ;.!0, 000 ■J'.l, 1704: '0, sorj '0 r-J ■J'.l, 94;!l 'JiMMo: 32 ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE Date. DECEMBER, 1872. Time. 19 20 21 22 23 I 21 25 26 1 27 2§ 29 30 31 Inrhvs. J H cites. Incites. Inches. Incites. Itches. In cites. Inches. : Inches. ' Inches. Inches. Ini:hes. Incites. Oi> 30,011 29. 997 30,437 30. ;!C.9 30. 3,77 30. 3,53 ' 29 952 30.025 ! 29.599 ' 29,6,-5 ' 29,6,8- 1 29,501 i 29.515 1 30. 01-2 30. 110 30, 462 30. 3:!8 30.37- : 30.312 , 29 944 30, 054 I 29, 606) 1 29. 6-3 29.6^17 , 29.517 , 20. .'.SI o 30. 018 30. 126 30, 465 30. :'.52 ' 30.3-2 ' 30.327 1 29 914 ' 30, 070 i 29, 59- ' 29, 679 29.702 29.4-9 ' 20. .546 ■j 3.0. 02-i 30. 140 30.471 30.376. ' :!0. :103 I 3.0.339 29 909 30, 070 20, 61- 29,6,-2 29. 709 i 29. 4.-2 ; 20. ,5.52 4 3,0 0',>9 30.162 30. 485 30. 372 30. 3,02 , 30. 325 29 880 30, 073 J 20, 625 29, 6,-3 29, 720 29.471 29. .551 5 30. 0-2-2 30. 20:! 30. 486 .30.3.75 30.401 30,317 ' 29 903 .30.050 ! 29,643 29,679 29.712 29.46,- 20,564 6 29. 994 30. 222 3.0.472 ■ 30. 3.80 30.409 : 30.317 29 --1 1 30. 042 i 29. 670 1 29. 680 29, 720 29, 45- ' 20, ,55- 7 29. 993 30 222 3.0. 470 30. 3,7- 3,0, 406 : 30, 299 ' 29 -91 29.999 ! 29.665 29.675 29, 729 29,451 i 20,563 s 30 002 30. 249 30. 460 30. 373 30.406 i 30,301 29 901 29. 990 29. 721 29, (579 29,72- 29,450 , 20, .569 9 30. 004 30.261 30. 47 s 30. 374 30.411 1 30,299 : 29 919 29,954 , 29,717 20. (u 4 20 704 20.455 20.5,50 10 3,0 002 30,271 30. 4-1 30.372 ' 30,406 ! 3.0.279 29 934 29, 912 29, 732 20.(58^ 29. 6,0i; i 20. 44i; ' 20, .555 11 20 997 30,274 30. 466 30. ;!48 1 30.417 , 30.261 29 -61 29, -74 29, 740 20. 664 29.6-3 20,4.57 20. .5.57 Noon. 29. 999 :!0. 2s:'. 30, 454 30.3.42 1 30.370 i 30,246 ' 29 -73 29, 856 1 29, 741 29. (i73 29 653, 29.462 29. .561 li> 29. 991 30. 304 30,4.57 30. :;78 30, 3,-2 30.240 29 -.57 29.83,4 29, 7:!7 29,675 29,661 29. 469 20. .572 2 20 992 30.325 3,0,431 30. :i(iS 30.415 30.22- : 29 -62 29.820 1 29.753 29.678 1 29,6,44 20. 469 20. .577 3 ::o. 02.'. 30. 347 30. 439 30. 350 , 30. 422 30. 22- 29 87 1". 29.-14 29.741 29.600 ' 29.631 29.471 20.5-5 4 3,0. 03(i 30. 350 30. 446 30.3.79 30.432 i 30, 1,-6. 29 86)6 29.797 29.740 29. (i85 29.5-5 29. 467 20 507 i 5 30. 043 30. 380 30. 450 30,378 :;o. 439 1 3.0.177 ' 29 884 29. 7,57 ' 29, 74- ' 20, 672 i 29, 5-7 29.474 29.609 6 30, 044 30.374 30. 447 30. 379 , 3.0. 441 30. 144 29 920 29.722 29.746 ! 29.675 29.56,0 29. 475 29. ,593 / 30. 053 30. 3H0 30.432 30.371 30.431 30,013 29 92- 29.60- 1 29.748 1 29.678 i 29.553 29. 497 1 29.603 s 30. 064 3.0. 395 30,428 30.377 : 30.420 30. 07- 29 937 29.673. ' 29. 7:-;2 ' 29.677 ; 29.54- 29. 503 I 29. 60- 9 ;!0. 072 30. 413 30. 390 30.362 1 30.415 30.04- 1 29 992 29.6.52 29. 71lj 29.676 i 29.535 20. .501 j 20. 1',27 10 30. 072 30. 410 30. 382 30.363 30.409 3,0, 03- 29 9— 29. 63,2 29. 69LI ' 29. 680 '■ 29. .521 29. 490 ' 20. 041 11 Means.. 30. 091 30. 428 30. 371 30. 3.62 30. 3-0 29,977 30 003 29.612 , 29. 6)-4 29.6- 1 88 29. 480 29. 512 20.646 30. 0245 30. 317S 30. 4483 30. 3677 30.40.56 30.2221 29 ; 9114 29.8745' 29.6966 29.67 29. i;i4- 29. 4770 20. 5-10 Date. JAN0AR Y, 1873. Time. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 § 9 10 11 12 Inches. Incites. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inc /i('.5. 1 Incites. Inches. Inches. Inches. ! Inches. Oi> 29. a':.', 29. 651 29. 573, 29. 706 29. 537 29. 727 29 584 I 29.713 29. -37 , 30. 060 30,044 29; -15 1 29. 651 29. (155 29. 539 29.716 29, 539 29. 72- 29 5-9 ' 29. 729 29, --8 ' 30. 052 30,049 1 29.-16, 2 29. 659 29. 660 29. 58 1 29, 701 29, 656 29.738 ■)>.! 596 1 29.73,4 29.858 30.06,7 , 30.025 ; 29.804 3 29. 604 29. 661 29. 583 29, 693 20, 646 29,737 29 597 1 29,73,8 29.86)0 j 30.0.53 30.034 : 20.702 , 4 29.600 29. 666 29. 583 29, 701 29, 649 29, 743 29 507 1 29, 7: ',2 29. 870 30. 050 30. 024 ; 20. 7-1 5 29. 081 1 29. 663 29. 605 29, i:,9i; 29.656) 29, 745 29 (;04 29, 746 29.874 i 30.048 30. 020 20.7-2 6 29. H^i 'i 29. 660 29. 601 29. 69- 1 29. 674 29, 730 29 611 29. 744 20.874 ' 30,054 ': 20,002 ' 20,773 * 29. 0.^2 29. 653 29. 509 29.707 29.665 29, 740 29 613 29, 753 20, —2 30, 043 20, 002 , 20. 70., S 29, 07C. 29. 644 29. 610 29. 694 29. 655 29, 716 29 616 29, 754 29.-82 30.061 • 20.979 1 20.710 9 29. 0.-^2 29. 1'.47 29, 625 29, 6-1 29, 673 29, 721 29 614 29, 761 29. 8-2 30. 045 ' 20. 072 29. 74.) 10 29. 0H3 29.640 29. 610 29. 662 29. 695 29,709 29 619 29. 755 29.-82 : 30. 0.52 , 29.954 20.732 11 29. 677 29. 627 29, 630 29. Ii67 ' 29. 700 29, 694 29 616 29, 753 20.8-1 : 30.038 ■ 20.051 ! 20.720 Noon. 29. 676 29. 631 29, 64- 29, 653 29, 726 29, 6,70 29 641 29, 765 30. 041 30. 054 29.939 1 29.70- 1" 29. 688 29, 643. 29,666 29, 675 29. 730 29,658 29 645 29, 766 30. 056 30. 041 29. 934 i 20, 6-1 O 29. r;s2 29,621 29, 663 29, 639 29. 729 29, 649 29 6)51 29, 779 30, 059 .30.014 29,917 29,67- 3 29. V 29. 66.7 29, 609 29. Ii92 29, 661 29, 749 29, 606 29 677 29, -20 30.072 30. 031 29. -7^ 20. 63- / 29. 661 29. 602 29. 692 29, 659 29, 746 29, 600 29 6,-9 29, -24 30,071 30.060 ' 20.-6- 29.624 s 29. 6.57 29. 592 29. Ii90 29, 653 29, 735 29, 590 29 707 29, -35 30, 067 30. 050 1 29. 845 20. 619 29. 657 29. 586 29. 689 29, 651 ' 29, 742 29, 583 29 698 29, 829 30. 052 30.048 1 29.-42 20.611 10 29. 653. 93. 5-2 29. 689 29,650 1 29,733 29, 583 29 703 29, 828 30. 065 30.039 29.,Si2 20.6u:i 11 Means-. 29. 654 29. 581 29. 6-2 29,6,52 29,733 29. 591 29 706 29. -29 30.0.55 30.03,6 29.-19 29. .5-0 29. 6(;92 29. 6305 29. 636<- 29. 674 1 29. 6921 1 29. 6099 29 6408 29. 7750 29. 9673 30. 0472| 29. 9421 29. 7-:!^ AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 33 Hate. JANUARY, 1873. Time. 1 (i i| 10 11 Noon. 1" :1 1 II) 11 Means Date. TillK 0" 1 2 ;{ 4 r (i 7 8 9 1(1 11 Xoiin. 13 hi 2',t. 'J'J. •J'.l. 'J'.). '2'J. L",l. '.'ll. 'J'.). 'JU. •J'J. L!',l. 21). 2LI. 'J'.t. •i'J. •J'.l. 2'.l. ■J'.l. 'J' I. 'J!l. ■hrx. riso n.^i r..")-i r.j'.i 545 5:'.(; r,:ii .'■,:!() .5-J(l 515 514 514 51',) 5'J5 5:i:; 5:i',i .54;', 5:fs .54(1 .541; 55(1 14 Jlirhrx. . 5G0 574 .57(1 57:i 5.^ J . 5'j:! . 5'.IS ,000 . 5S4 y'.). 5(;'j 557 r,5() 5-JII 514 ,4',i:; . 464 .454 . 4-25 . 4ns :',s',i :!4',i '.\'.\7 ■JO. :ioo 1.) IC fiic 'J',1. *-il> ■',5!) 0(J •j: '.( 1 'J14 ''11 11)5 01 1 1(57 )>[) 157 '"J i;!i >>l) i;!4 'J 'J i:!s "■>!) 1J4 21 1 1-JS MIJ 1-21 2^1 IIU 2'j i:!C ''11 \K\ '2[) V.l^ 29 •SM *■")() •J70 ■J1-* :;(iti ■J'.l :!iil ■^11 :i-5 iiii /kx. 'J',) 4: (2 'J',) 111 'J 9 470 2',) 401 L'O 5(i;! ^0 r,>),J 21) 5"^2 •JD 5(i;i •JO 501 •Jl) 4',)0 ■JO 4M JO 400 •JO 4S1 '".t |S5 20 407 20 5(17 'JO 50() 20 517 2'.) 515 .)!) 5:;:i 20 531 •-".) ;',;;;'> 17 /h(7i(S, 20. .5:i7 2',), 542 20. 5.58 20. 5(;(; 20. 5f^5 20. 505 2',), (107 20, COO •JO. (115 20.1:12 •20. CIS 20. C21 20. COS 20. CdO 2',). G07 •JO. C(i;! 20. (;14 20. C17 2',). 610 29, 50(1 •JO, .577 20. 582 20. .575 29. 584 1§ Inches. 2'.). (iCG 2'.). 550 20. 558 2'.). 52 1 20. 407 2',). 4(i5 20. 12;', 20. :!41 29. :i2l 29. 2(;i 20. •J5C 20, 250 2'X 2C9 20, :!C5 29.414 2',). 47:! 2'.). .504 'J'.l. .546 2',). .578 20, C02 2',), 631 20. (560 2',). 670 Id J liclli'fi. 20, CSC 2;), •JO. 20. 20. 20. "0. 29. 20. 74(; 20. 779 29,812 29, s;)7 '29. 857 29. 88C ■29.915 29, 923 •29, 050 2'.). 0(i5 20. 975 20, '.)8l 29. 978 2'.), 9'.)0 30.002 30. (I^2C 20 hicliiK. :io, (i:;7 3.0. 03C 30. 044 30. 046 30.049 30. 050 :',ii. 035 30.016 29. 992 29. 967 29. 937 2',l. 9;!0 29. 912 29.914 •29.917 29.902 •20. '.)17 2'.), 930 29, 9(1!) 29,005 20. '.1(11 20. 802 20. 8-0 20. 860 21 Iiicltett. 29. 857 20 2;) 20 2',). 29, 2'.) 29 2'.) 29 29, 29, 20, 29 2',), 2',). 2',l 29 29, 29 20. '20 29 20 SCO 849 842 843 s:;5 S44 834 817 8(17 7'.)2 7',I0 779 777 7(18 76S 768 771 761 754 746 733 7-22 720 22 Indies. 20,731 20, 73,0 29, 720 29,743 •2;), 744 29, 751 2',), 753 2'.). 7CC 2'.), 7C3 2',), 770 29, 775 20. 780 29. 775 29. 782 2'.), 789 29, 79'.) 29, S(.i:i 29, 8(J7 29, 820 29, 824 29. 825 29. 828 20. 830 20. 826 20.505(1 2',), 2064' •29,497(11 29, 5',)3(i; 2',), 45ss: 29,8713 "t, 95 2'.K 7932 I'.l. 73 23 Indies. 2'^. 824 29. 830 29. 840 29. 848 29. 860 29. 8(19 29. 8C7 29. 872 29. 877 29. 877 29. 880 •29. 874 '29. 873 29. 8C9 29. 8CC 29. s73 29. 875 2',). SC9 20. 8C4 2'.). 800 2',). 858 '2',). SC4 2',), 851 20, 844 29. 8618 24 Indies. 2'.), 837 '20,840 20. 842 29. 842 •2'.)! 841 29. 838 2'.). 832 29. 830 29. 823 •29. .801 '29.7',)3 29.778 29. 765 29, 757 2',), 746 '29, 73 1 29, 725 •29,717 29, 709 29. 698 29. C-'8 '29.674 29.665 29. 663 29. 7683 10 11 JANUARY, 1873. 25 26 Indies. Indiex. '29. (l;l() 20.7211 '29.647 2'.), COS 2',). 640 1 20,7114 29. ll:!6 •20,71(1 '29.634 1 29,72(1 20, («!4 2;), 73',l 2',). 624 29,7 47 '20.628 : 2',), 745 ■2',), 631 1 '29,74(1 ■29,625 J'.l. 73 1 20, 620 29, 743 20,620 20.7 11) 20. 6'25 20. 734 ■29,610 29. 720 ■2'.). 631 i 20.718 20.647 •JO. 71(1 2'.l. 656 20.71(1 29.(160 1 2',), 707 '2',). 660 1 20,608 20.660 20, (ls7 2'.), 670 20,(175 '20, 673 20,65(1 20.676 20,612 ■29. 686 29, 6:i',l 29.645(1' 1 20,68112 27 Indies. 20,6113 20.650 20,669 20,662 2',), 677 20, (1S2 20,670 •20,674 2',), (Ids 20. (170 •20.681 20. 6-(l 20.601 20.707 2§ Indies. ■20.816 29 20. 20, 20, 20. 766 761 Ini 20 20 .7-Jl 20 .744 20 73"' 29 . 75(1 20 .75 1 20 .7.58 29 29 . 76(1 29 "2}. .767 29 69(1 (173 (1(10 C4(l 63,4 620 .504 566 521 lies. 404 470 448 440 4.54 447 444 4^27 430 425 436 453 460 481 503 52(1 515 458 30 31 FEBRUARY, 1873. Inches. " 20.462 20, 2',) 20, 2'.), 20. 29. 557 •29.548 29. 530 20.60(1 1 20 437 21 ) 400 20 345 20 313 20 290 20 ■270 20 243 29 172 2'.) 1',I7 2',i 173 20 143 20 136 20 145 20 158 •",( 212 20 263 •20 '"1 305 29 305 29 4CS 2; ) 482 2; 1 507 ■20.7060 20, 48.SI1, 'J,!. 301S1 Tn 'lu'S. - ►. r.41 ■■> 1, 526 •> 1, (165 1,(105 '> ), (120 v> 1.751 )> 1,777 •■> ), 787 •.} 1,811 "■> 1,817 ■J ), 8211 ), 817 2 ). 8J(I •J 1, 814 2 », 830 1, 824 <■> 1, S27 ') ), 814 'j 1, 804 •■> 1, 790 1, 7.56 1.7-27 •> 1.7 475 hi, hes. In, 21 . 706 20 21 .693 20 21 ,669 20 21 ,630 •20 21 ,614 20 21 , 5'J'.) 20 21 ,.568 •2',) 21 . 54(J 20 21 , .525 •20 21 . 498 •20 21 . 485 20 21 .440 20 2; .4-2() 21 . 404 20 21 .415 21 1 21 .414 29 21 . 40(1 29 21 , 400 29 21 302 29 21 , 3i92 29 21 ,374 20 21 21 ,331 29 21 ,341 20 20, 4805; 20. 2875 l,-s. Indies. Inches. 310 29. 37 C 20, 628 304 •29. 389 20, 662 '288 •2'.). 411 20, 675 •277 29. 453 20, 6.56 263 •29. 447 20, 664 •272 29.4(15 20,641 ■251 ■29.4(1'.) 29,608 251 29. 482 29. 584 244 29, 406 29.560 243 29. 493 20. 538 2^20 29. 496 ■20.474 2^2S 29. 504 20. 4^27 227 29. 509 ■29. 370 224 20. 507 '»K 332 •242 29. 519 29, ^27 7 272 29. .5^20 29, 249 313 29. 508 29, 201 324 20.510 29, 125 WM 20. .5)13 29,112 340 ■20. 402 29. 074 ; ;.-,,2 20. 478 29. 035 3C4 20. 435 29.015 3,70 ■2'.). 4:14 20. 002 375 29. 483 28. 993 2875 29.4741 •29.3717 i) A P 34 ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE ~ - - — - — . ~ Date. FEBRUARY, 1873. Time. 5 6 7 8 9 Inches. 10 11 12 13 14 1 nehcs. 15 16 Jiifhcff. IiichcK. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. (i» ys i),-r, 29 :t^o 29.411 29.0.54 30.238 29. 7,-^9 :;o. 080 :io. 175 29. 991 29. 928 29.401 29. :i5:; 1 '-"J O'j:! 20 :'.:!:! 20. 432 29 050 30.203, 29.700 :;o. 140 30. 124 :iO. 013 29. 905 29. 395 29. :i6l y',1. 04.S 20. 20.'". 20. 400 20 1150 30.270 29. 75:! 30. 185 :!o. 097 30.031 29, 880 29. 401; 29. :!92 :{ L''.t. 117 'J 20. 2.^a 29. 485 29 051 30.280 29, 728 :!0. 227 30.01-0 :io. 061 29. ,«50 29.408 29. 414 4 'j',1. ii;t7 20. 21S 29. 520 29 ri55 30.295 29.714 :io. 219 130. 020 30.077 29. 812 29.40(; 29. 430 r L",l. 04 r. 20. 177 29. 559 29 0,78 30. 295 29. 7IHi 30. :;:;o 30.011 :'.o. 081 29.790 29. 409 29.444 i I'l ■jii. I'Ji 29. )2r> 29. 587 29 094 30.282 29. 092 :!0. :!77 30.003 30.(179 29. 759 29.402 29. 458 7 20. 'JOI! 20. 079 29.000 29 704 30. 2(;o 29. 071 30. :;7i; 29. 978 :!o. 098 29. 725 29. 385 29. 4.59 s '.'0. li.MI 20. 0.'.:! 29. 020 29 721 30.252 29.078 30. :^8 29. 954 :io. Ill 29. 694 29. :!74 29. 4i;.s [> 20. ;'.07 29. 027 29. 0,44 29 751 30.234 29. 07:1 :',o. :;84 29. 940 30.121 29. 661 29. :i7(; 29. 497 10 20. 4.'4 29. 010 29. 055 29 740 30.215 29. 000 :!0. 403 29. 9:!2 30. 130 29.616 29. 259 29.509 11 20.479 2S. 002 29. 078 29 82( 1 3,0. 200 29. 0,88 30. 402 29, 926 30. 128 29. .592 29,241 29. .521 KoDii. 29. 4^9 2S. O.^.'i 20. 081 29 842 30. 179 29. 700 :;o. 410 29, 92:; :30. 12:! 29. 572 29. :!23 29. 5:t2 11' 20. ."".Ill 2S, 994 20.090 29 800 30. 103 29.717 :;o. 412 29. 914 30.130 29. 540 29. 3 u; 29. 515 'J 20. 422 29. 017 29. 085 29 935 3,0. 139 29.717 :iii. :i9i 29.917 30.111 29. .''21; 29. 308 29. 554 ;; 29.,'->41 29. one. 20. 0^0 29 975 30. 103 29.7:;:; :;o. ;!oo 30. 114 30.097 29. 49.-< 29. 301; 29. 50:; 4 29. ,^.110 20. 11:3 29. r,80 30 03,3, 30.082 29. 772 30. ;;',i5 29.941 :',ii. 091 ; 29. 494 29. 318 29. 51-2 r, 29. .''>2S 20.140 29.080 30 051 30. 047 29. 81 19 :;o. :i78 29. 995 30.084 29. 479 29. :!15 29. 584 li 29. 20. 100 29. 083 3,0 074 30. 021 29. ,'^21 :;o. :;o7 29. 945 :30. 077 29. 4()0 29.310 29. (;oi 7 29. .nco 20. 117 29. 002 30 209 29. 980 29, .-04 ;!0.:i48 29. 945 130.058 29, 444 29. :;io 29. i;i9 s 20. 4S1 20.202 29. 007 30 144 29. 93,4 29,900 30. 319 29. 948 30. 025 29, 431 29.311 29. 042 1) 29. lll-^ 20. 1'.lf) 29. 070 30 103 29.918 29. 954 30. 289 29. 957 :30. 103 29,416 29. 313 29. 014 111 29. 4 ll! 20. :!4(; 29. (wO 30 197 29. 908 :;o. 001 :i0.253 29. 905 29, 979 29.415 29. :'.:;:! 29. 049 11 Means.. 20. 4 u; 20. ;i.-o 20.i;03 3,0 231 29. 943, :;o. 059 30. 220 29, 985 29. 961 29.417 29.:;40 29. 0(i9 '29. o4:!l 29. 1012 29.0102 29. 8.-04 30.1489 29. 77;!8 :;o. :U9G 29.9915 30. 0739 29.621;', 29. ;i445 29. .5205 Date. • P EBRUAI lY, 18 7C t. Tinio. 17 Inch at. IS 19 20 21 Jnchc.'i. 22 23 Inches. 24 25 20 Inches. 27 28 Inches. fliclir^. Inches. Inches. Inches. Indies. Inches. Inches. 0" 20.70;') W. 108 30. 3,05 30.0,-^4 3,0.93,0 :;o, 748 :',0. 025 :!0. oo;t 29. 9:i0 29. f^Ol Ml. 063 :!0. 14:! 1 20. 740 30. 107 30.371 3,0. 0,94 3,0.938 :so. 7:;o 29. 999 30. 096 29. 982 29. 80(; 30. 070 :!0. 109 •2 29. 7.^>H 30. l.-.s 30. 398 30.714 3,0. 940 :;o. 709 29. 975 :;10. 122 29. 9ri2 29 88'' :!0. 087 :!ll. 0;I1 H 29. ^'(l.'"> 30. 159 30.403 30.720 30.941 :ill. 072 29. 968 30. 134 29. 951 29. 888 :!o. 105 :i(i. oOiH 4 20. .«:!:■! :;0. 173 30.417 30.735 30.943 :;ii. 081 29. 90S 30. 147 29. 954 29. 8.-'9 30. 128 :iii. 015 r 20. H(;2 30. 172 30.425 30. 754 30. 952 :',o.ii4(; 29. 947 30. 154 29. 942 29. 8! 9 30.114 :iii.oi4 G 20. f'.-'.''i 30. 1--5 30.435 3,0.712 3,0. 940 30.015 29.941 :ai. 158 29. 9:',o •2\K 908 ;',o. i(;o 30. 004 7 20. 002 30. 1 S7 3,0.443 30. 703 3,0.943 :!0. 5,s7 29. 9:',4 30, i(;4 29.921 29.912 :io. 169 29. 96:1 S 20. 017 .30.199 30.447 3,0. 770 30.944 30. 5.52 29. 915 30.107 29. 919 29,911 :!0. 1.57 29. 9:51 9 20.014 30.211) 30.464 30.780 30. 93,2 :!0. 519 29. 899 30. 155 29.910 29, 921 30. 108 29.901 10 20. 002 30.214 30.483, 30. 804 30. 029 30. 496 29. 8^7 :30. 144 29. 902 29. 925 30. 175 29. 870 U liO. 001 30. 237 3J. 472 3,0.804 30.912 30. 40,4 29. ,S05 :w.i40 29. 901 29. 9:i7 30. 193 29. 825 1 Moon. :!0. ii:;.') 30. 2.^,5 :!0. 512 3,0.818 30. 902 30. 420 29, 854 30. 148 29. 892 29. 949 30. 184 29. 801 ! 1 1'' :!(). 0112 30. 202 30.524 30. 832 30. 895 ;;o. ;;'.)9 29. 854 30. 143 29. 878 29. 940 30.210 29.779 'J MO. 0K4 30. 284 30. 547 3,0. 847 30.870 :io. :!(;4 29. 80,2 ;ill. 130 29. 87'.l 29. 948 :30. 201 29. 751; li :!0. 109 30. 301 30. .574 30. 804 30. ^70 30. :;:;8 29. .^81 :3o. 112 29.871 29. 900 30. 201 29.705 4 :',o. i:!2 3>0. 318 3,0.000 30. 889 30.88:1 :!0. 314 29. 90:! ;;o. 108 29.-870, 29. 972 30. 210 29.71U ;> :!ii. ir.i 30.312 30.011 30. 905 :',o. >7:\ :',(}. 28:5 29. 92:', :io. 0,-9 29.80,9 29. 98i; 30. 218 29.72i it :w. J 02 30. 33,7 30 (')'>^ 30. 908 ;;o. 849 :;o,20i 29. 940 ;:o. 086 29. 848 :!o, 002 :«). 211; 29.729 ! i :!(i. i(;n 30. 3,13 3o.r,:!7 3,0.911 :!o. 8:ii :',o. 207 29.905 :!o. 117;! 29, 81;:; 30. oils 30. 236 29. 709 H ;!0. 107 30. 334 30.030 30, 918 :',o. 8:!1 :;o. 174 29.979 30.057 29. 855 :!ii. 010 :!0.209 29.719 9 ;'.(!. 173 30. 3, 15 30. 0.57 30. 933 :!0. 815 :!0. 147 30.007 30. o:!7 29. 8i;i 30.024 30. 199 29.718 10 :io, ih'o 30. 352 30. 009 30.941 :;o. 708 ;iii. 112 :!0. 038 :!ii. o:;i 29. 8(;i 30.041 30. 178 29. 722 11 Means.. :iu. 17:-; 30.355 30.073 30. 913 :',o. 779 :;o. 171 :!0. 060 30. 009 '*9 87:1 30. 059 30.179 29. 744 30.0015 30. 2501 30. .5200 3,0. 8202 :',o. ,8920 30. 4423 29. 9412 30.1111 29.9018 29. 9874 :!0. 1692 29. 8(;8C AT POLARIS HOUSE. 85 Date. MARCH, 1873. Time. 1 i/K'/lC-S'. 2 3 Inchc-s. 4 lucJics. 5 6 ■y. 8 In eh ex. 9 Indies. 10 11 12 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 0'> •2'J. 7.V-2 29 S35 29. 878 29. 625 29. 640 29. 034 29. 026 2',l. 291 29.52- 2:1. 9;i5 30.014 30.002 1 29. 7 (17 29. S31 29. my.'- 2'9. 616 29. 527 28. 946 29.003 29. 26:! 2:1.491 29. 991 30. 015 30.001; ') 29. 7,-0 29. S54 29. 855 29. 596 29. .523 2',l. 056 28. 986 29. 2.59 29. 5llii 2:1. 'J^Ct :!0. 007 30. 029 3 29. 7 (17 29.845 29. 862 29. 503 29. 522 2',l. 076 29. 006 29. 257 2:1.481 29. 975 29. 99:! :iii. 04:; 4 29. 773 29. S52 29. S60 2'9. 600 29. 511 29. 085 29. 1112 29. 294 2:1. 478 2,1. 'J77 30. 000 30. 06:! .'•) 29. 771) 29. S59 29. 8li3 29. 609 2;t. 503 29. 103 29. 022 29.306 2:1. 489 29. 968 30. 010 30. (.164 6 29. 757 29. SK6 29. 861 29. 618 29. 486 29. 116 29. 053 29. 3;i'.l 2:i. 507 29. 962 29. 9;i5 30. 06:! 29. 7.'ir> 29. S71 2.1. 844 2'9.616 2',l. 469 2'9. 109 29.066 2:1 359 29. ."85 29. 95:! ;i(i. 013 :!0. 046 8 29. 7.59 2". S77 29. 813 29. 629 29. 434 29. 119 20. 075 29. 373 2:1. 611 2;i. 939 30,010 30. 045 9 29. 754 29. S7;i 29. 804 29. 627 29.418 29. 137 29. 086 29. 4 IS 2:1.646 2;». 942 ;!i 1.001 30. 04:1 10 29. 759 29. sso 29. 797 29. 622 29. 386 29. 126 29. 126 29. 442 2',1. 671 2:». 9:i4 :!(i. 001 30. o:!8 11 29. 764 29. S75 29. 782 29. 626 29. 3:!8 29. 110 29. 154 29. 4lil 2;i. 704 2:1. 945 29. 9S2 30. o:!5 Noou. 29.761 29. 883 29. 777 29. 619 29. 2i;7 29. 125 29. 160 29. 481 2,1.761 2'l. 952 2:1. 970 30. o:i;i 1" 29. 750 29. 8sn 29. 754 29. 602 29.231 29. 134 29. 185 29. 496 2;i. 8(1- 2;i 9lil 2:1. 971 30.002 i •> 29. 754 29. 8S7 29. 740 29. 616 2'.l. 185 2'9. 146 29. 205 2'.l. 505 2:1. 877 2:1. 9(i0 2:1. 95s 30.015 3 29. 764 29. 877 29. 737 29. 613 ' 29. 147 29. 156 2;i. 225 29. 5 IS 2:1. 904 2;i. ',161 2:1. "954 30. 015 4 29. 7S3 29. S7S 29. 738 29.620 29. 129 2',l. 161 29. 25(1 2',). 49;', 2:1.944 2:1. 975 2:1. 948 30.015 5 29.791 29. 899 29. 722 29. 625 29. 090 29. 155 2',). 275 29.514 2:1. 956 2:1. 996 2:1. 9:!7 30. 027 C 29.7911 29. S87 29.707 2',l. 616 29. 080 29. 139 29. 294 2',1. 505 2:1. '^•'X': 30. Ili;i 2;i. ;125 :!0. (125 7 29. 797 29. 892 29. 695 2'.l. 601 29. 058 29. 131 2',». 327 29.511 30. (107 :!ii. 112;) 2:1.927 :50. (.106 H 29. sun 29. s^-7 29. 6-1 29. 595 29. 0.57 29. 083, 29.3,3;; 2:1. 520 3(1. 020 30. 026 2:1.940 150. 01 1 i) 29. so:-! 29. 891! 29. 63S 2',l. 590 29. 037 29. 067 29. :;3i'. 29.518 30. 022 :!o. ii;!s 2'.l. 952 :!0. 018 10 29. S21 29. S90 29.6.57 2',l. 567 29. 043 29. 042 2',l, ;!18 29.541 :!0. 017 30.0:39 29. 951) ;!ll. 1)25 11 lluiuis.. 29. s2ll 2a. 873 29. 645 ■'9 723' 1 29. 555 2!». 045 29.023 2',l. 305 29. 5:il) :!ll. 007 30.038 29. 991 30. 022 29. 7754 29. 87311 2'9. 6O81; 29. 296'.! 29. 140s 29. 2055 29. 42.;l 29. 7.5UII 29.9815 29. '9785 30.0329 Date. MARC] i, 1873. Time. 13 14 Iiuhcs. 1.5 16 Inches. 17 Inches. 18 19 Inches. 20 21 22 23 Inrhe'<. 24 Inches. Inches. Jmliex. Inilies. Inches. ] ncltes. Oil 30. 1127 2 311. 1153 29. 679 29 504 29.721 30. 156 311. 124 :!o. I',i6 :!0. :569 30. 142 :!(i. 210 30. 226 2:1. 849 e 30. 1160 2.1. 6.!1 29.513 29. 7:!6 30. 176 30. 125 30. 187 :i(i. :!8;i 30. l:!5 :io. 21s :iii. 2ii;i 29. 835 7 311. 1165 29. .590 29.515 29.73,1 30. 191 30. 101 30.224 :;o. ;!94 :io. Ill :!(1. 222 :!(i. 201 2;i. 7',12 i*S 30. Oli.s 29. .56,1 29. 522 29.746 30. isv; ;!ii. 102 :!( 1.250 30.400 :io. 098 :!(i. 2:!5 :!(i. 191 2:1.774 >J 30. 0-'(i 29. 526 29.546 2:1.749 3,0.205 30. IIS4 3(1. 2011 30. :!91 :iii. (172 :!(i.2:!5 :!(i. 17:: 29.7411 111 311.101 29.501 29. 54:1 29 77'J 30.218 3,0. 1177 30.266 ;!o.:isl 30. 1174 :;(i. 256 :!( 1.151 29. 6,98 11 ' 30.111 29. 462 29. 562 29 7',I0 30. 225 30.113,1 30.276 30. :',74 30. 05:1 :;(i. 2.5(; :!!i. i:!2 29. 688 Xooil, 30. 126 29. 444 29. .579 •>',! ,-(19 30 229 :!ii. 1122 3,11. 275 :!ii. :!79 30.04:! :!(I.24S ;!(!. 096 2:1. 660 11' 30.123 29. 434 29 5,sy 29. 83,1 30 2. '5 30. 03,0 ;!(1. 27'.l :lll. 360 ::(i. 027 :;o. 207 :i(i. o;i2 29. 646 Ij 30. l-^(i 29. 402 29. 604 29. ,-5(1 30.225 3.0. Ills 30. 295 :io. 300 ;i(i. 00 ;i ;;( 1.264 :i( 1.075 2:1. (;:!5 ;i 30.10s 29. 407 2:1. 61.S 29. ,S80 311 2r.i 3,0 0113 30.29:! :!ii. :!45 ;iii. ii:!7 ;ill. 265 :;(i. 2:). ri;;7 4 30. 103 29. 39.! 29. i;.:6 2;i S99 30. 234 30.012 30.:!02 :',o. :',36 :!0. 031 30.27:! :!ii. 049 2',l. 62'.> '> 30. 07S 29. 3,95 2.1.615 29 925 30. 235 30.003, 311. :!17 :iii. :',2(; 30. (Mil :;(i. 29:; :w. 02:1 29. 628 f; 30.071 29. 3.87 29.654 29 94'.l 30. 232 29 W^ :!0. :i:!0 ;ii 1.301 :',>K 052 ;;(i.2',ii :;o. 014 29. i;;!6 / 311.045 29. 3S3 2'i. 66,;! 29. ',171 30. 224 30.003 :!ii. :!45 ;!0. 272 30.1151 ;!(l. 294 2:1.994 2; 1.631 s 30.075 29. 407 29. r,(;4 29 9;io 30.226 3,0. 005 :!o. :!;37 30. 251 30.11.56 30. 28;» 29. ;i79 29. 634 1,1 29.9.-0 29.413 29.670 3,(1. 010 30.211 30 022 ::o. :i46 ;!I1.23;! ;!0. 056 30. 2'.15 29. '977 111 29. 9:i0 29.442 29. 678 3,0.030 311.197 30. (149 :;o :!i;:! :!(1. 214 :!0. 080 30. 288 2;i. '.155 2:1. (;i6 11 29.910 30.0591 29. 447 29. 6'90 30.0 48 30. 192 30.(181 30. ;!52 30.195 30. 09li 30.291 2',1. 9:!8 29. 615 29.69;(l 29. , S3 17 30. 1893 311.0683 30. 2.577 30. 33G:i 30. 0863 30. 2401 30. 1151 29.7214 36 ATMOSPHEEIO PEESSUEE Date. MARCH, 1873. APRIL , 1873. : time. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Iiirhi's. Inches. 1 ! Jiirlies. 2 3 Indies. -» /)!C/l<'S. fnche.^. Indies. IncJtes. /»<■/;«, J Itches. Tiidies. Oh 2;i. 595 29. 776 29. .-10 29. 590 29. 564 ' 29,6.02 29. 919 :!(). 120 :io. o:!ii 30. 107 30, 195 1 29. 589 29. 785 29. 796 29. 5.8^ 29. 500 29,601 29, 931 :!n. 116 i 30.045 30. 096. 30.210 2 29. 5<'^8 29.811 29.784 29. 573 29, 4:'.5 29,611 29, 955 :!o, 106 ;iO. 061 :!0. 096 30, 223 3 29. 58S 29. 823 29.772 29, 580 29, 425 29,6,23 29, 97:! :!i), o;)7 i :!(). 076 30. 101 :!o.2:!4 4 29. 580 29. 859 29. 75S 29. 587 29.414 29,642 29. 994 ;!o. 100 :!0. 079 :!(), 10,-i 30.251 5 29. 585 29. 864 29. 737 29. 591) 29. 4n:i 29, (^64 30.012 :!(), 09:; :i(). 0.-5 :.!o, 121 30. 2."4 6 29. 597 29.873 29. 707 29. 5^9 29, 392 29.682 29. 9i:7 :'.o, 008 ::o. 112 :!o, 122 30. 250 7 29. 590 29. 8S5 29. 690 29. 593 20, :'>[H] 29.707 29, 94:! :!(), 075 :!0, 127 ;'(). i;!o 30. 263 8 29. .591 29. 890 29. 672 29. 584 29, :!94 29, 721 :-'.o. 06:-; :!0. 066 :!0.124 :-!0. 120 :3o.2:!8 9 29. 595 29.900 29. 643 29, 574 29, :'.92 29,730 30. 065 :!0, 063 :!(), 121 ;!o, 1:10 30, 254 10 29. 606 29. 892 29. 620 29, 548 29.405 29. 739 :!o, 08:'. :!0, (.)56 130. 124 30, 136 ;'>)), 2:10 11 29. 612 29. 899 29. 5S9 29, 54s 29. 401 29. 7.52 :'.o. 0.-9 :!0. 046 :iO. 125 30,144 30, 2:!0 Noon. 29. 622 29. 805 29. 5>7 29,544 29.415 29, 761 30, 104 :!0. 043 :!o. i:;2 30.142 :io. ■J28 1" 29. 625 29.905 29.560 29. 529 29. 4:19 29, lf'.'> 30, 111 :!o. 0:!- :!0, 113 30,1,54 31), 214 o 29. 652 29. 903 29. 574 29, 503 29, 451 29, .-0:; 30, 130 ::o. 022 :>(), 127 30, 1(7 3'), 211 ;! 29. 660 29. 906 29. 556 20,511 29,471 29, 805 :'.o. i:i.s :!0. 020 30.140 30, 163 :>(), 198 4 29. 684 29. 81.12 29 559 29,511 29, 50.^ 29, .-^29 :io, 1.57 :io. 021 :;o, 159 :jo, 180 30. 210 r> 29.7110 29. 801 ; 29. 55s 29, 513 29, 5:'.l 29, .^:16 :!0. 150 :!o. 022 :!0, 155 ::o. 185 :10.227 ('> 29.706 29. 9i 12 29. 555 29. 5(16 29. 550 29,^48 31), 147 :!0. 029 30. 1:52 :!o. 194 :i(). 220 7 29.715 29. .-^94 29. 5r>9 29. 50.~ 29. 55.S 29, .-67 :io, 146 :!(). o:!4 :!0. 144 1 30.202 30. 220 S 29. 721 29. .^83. 29. .570 29, 507 29, 572 29. .-'.^2 :!0. 154 :!0. 029 :!o. l:!l 30. 2(12 :!o.2:!l 9 29. 74:; 29. .■^76 29. 574 29. 492 29. .57 .~ 29. .^.-6 :;o. 149 :!0. 031 :!(.). 1:10 30, 207 :30.243 10 29.762 29. 860 29. 582 29, 485 29. 5.'J5 29. .^94 :!0. 144 :!l). 042 :iO. 122 30, 210 30.211 U Means.. 29. 774 29. 844 29. 595 29, 479 29. 596 29. 905 30, 1:52 30, 031; 130.113 30,214 30.213 29. 6450 ..... 29. 5803 29. .5433. 29. 4739 29 7572 30, 067:. 30,-05.5! ! 30.11.53 30. 1526 30.2:!1() Date. APRIL, 1873. 1 1 Time. 5 6 7 § 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 Inches. 'Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Tnchs. I iches. Inches. Inches. . Indies. Oh 30. 248 30. 471 30. 339 30. 388 30. 295 :w. :!22 !0. 770 ;!o,649 ;',o :!,^2 30. 166 30, 203 1 30. 280 30. 4:17 30. 330 30,3.88 30. 2-5 30.:!:!8 Ml 771 :!(), 611! :w. :!72 30. 137 :".0, 103 O 30. 302 30.445 30. 334 :'.o, 385 30. 280 30. :;62 iO 778 :!0, 621 :;o. :!62 :!0. 126 30, 190 3 30. ;'.20 30. 435 30. 329 30. 381 :'.o. 2.-2 30, :;79 !0 781) :!0, .579 30. :!(!(; 3(.). 100 :',(), 205 4 30. 345 30. 428 ■30. 330 3.0. 395 30. 273 ;50. :'.93 '.I) 784 30.59.^ :!o. :!6.- :!o, 09.-' 30, 210 5 30. 3.57 30. 418 30. 330 30. 397 30. 275 30.427 '.0 79') :!0, 5S9 :!0. :!65 30 081 30,204 6 30. 389 30. 401 30. 345 30. 397 :!0, 25,^ .30.446 -!l) .^11; :!0, 5-9 :io. ::56 30. 070 30. 109 7 30.411 30, 394 30. 331 3.11. 100 :!0. 255 :;o, 45(5 !l) s.)7' 30 56.:! :io. :!50 ' 30.0.52 30 20:! s .30. 417 30. 377 30. ;',25 3.0, 390 30. 227 :!0, 466 1 ;o ,-(10 :!0. 542 30. :!42 30, 053 30.196 [ 9 30. 426 30. 363 30. :!20 30.400 ;!o. 222 30,484 w 79;; ;10. 524 :;o :i:!9 30.061 :iO, 195 10 30. 440 30. 3.59 30. 333 3.0. 395 :'.o. 2;;.- :!0.527 ;i) :!o 507 :io :!20 :;(), o;).-^ 30,197 ; 11 30. 456 30. 366 30.338 30. 393 :'.o, 218 :M1.544 ii) 7.-9 :!0, 408 ;30. :ii5 30.105 ;!0, 177 Noon. • 30. 468 30. 35S 30, 3:'.4 30. 38:.! :'.o. 22:i :'.0. .5.84 1 "10 788 :!0. 492 ;!0. 2-9 30.120 30. 165 li> 30. 487 30. 360 30. 340 ::l(l.377 :!0. 219 30. 576 >o 7i;:i :io. 474 30. 2-2 :5o, 114 30. 16:! 2 30. 500 30. 359 30. 336 :'.(!. :5:2 30. 214 30.617 io 752 :!0, 4.5.^ 30.271 :!0. 117 30. 159 3 30. 498 30. 360 30. 353 :io. 367 30. 216 :30. 647 M) 754 ::o. 44:! :;o. 2.-7 30, 140 30.142 4 30. 502 30. 363 30. 349 :iO, 364 :.iO. 214 30.648 w 74s ;!0. 422 :w. 277 :!0. 164 30.143 5 30. 508 30. 362 30. 350 30. 360 30. 224 30 6.52 ^0 729 :!0, 414 ! :;o. 276 30. 114 30. i:!6 G 30. 507 30. 366 30. 327 30. 357 30. 241 :iO. 67(; ■',0 7.">.> :io. 409 :!0,2(;7 30. 188 :!0. 115 r 30. 503 30. 359 30,354 :'.i). :i5i 30. 248 30 695 ;o 71-' :!o. 4 10 30. 253 :!o, 1(0 30,096 8 30. 496 30. 362 30. 362 :'.0,342 :!0. 241) 30. 708 -'.0 69:! :;(). 399 30,222 ;jo. 182 30. 0.-1 9 30. 495 30. 341 30.365 :'.!). :W9 30.2r,7 30.729 '.0 68(1 :!(). 390 :!0,207 :!o 207 30.0.-2 10 30. 491 30. :!42 30. 372 311, 322 30. 2.^6 30.7 19 lO (is:l :!o. :'.85 30. 187 30,200 :"!!), 0(12 11 Means.. 30. 480 30. 341 30. 373 30. 30:! 30, 298 :.!0.764 ;o 655 30.381 I 30.4993 ::o. 175 30,212 30, 046 30. 4303 30. 3819 30.3416 30. 3723 30. 2499 30. 5495 30 7572 30. 3054 30. 1285 30. 15(i8 AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 37 Jli'aiis 36 37 174 2',l lii-J 'ill 154 '21) 115 •-",1 (I'JII 'J',1 07'.) 2'.i 071) •Jli Ul ■.( 1 ■ill IMS '2'.l (i;',,> ■.". 1 OSl 'J!) iil'j 'J'.' ;iiii 'i'J ST.") 'J'.l s:!l 7'J-i 'Jl» 'J',1 771 74 1 ',".1 7(10 '-,".1 l'.lii» ■J'.l 055 2'J 045 ■J'.l OSO 2'J 071 0.-'(l o;):f 714 7:;4 750 Time. 01- 1 10 11 Noon. II' 9 111 U Means. APRIL, 1873. MAY, 1873. 38 Jiii'hcx. 'j;i. 7:)7 ■2'J. 7-21 '>[>. 718 •J!t. 71'2 ■2'J. 70rt ■2'J 701 211. (;;>7 •j;i. 0H5 2',). O'.l'J 2',l. 0S4 211. 077 2;>. 070 2',). 000 20. 057 2',). 04.-i 20. 0:!7 20.050 20. 042 20. (;:!:! 20. Ol.S 20. oo;) 20. 002 20. 5S0 20 5S,", 39 20. 572 20. 505 20. 563 20. 554 20. 551 20. 540 29. .549 20. 55.* 20. 50.8 20. 57S 20. 581 20. 508 20.014 20. (i:i2 20.0.57 20. 075 20. 080 20. 702 20.71:! 29.719 20. 728 20. 7:;:! 20. 7:-!5 20.708 'OS <0'J ■12 20.i;040 29.0309 30 hirll,' 20.7: 20. 71 20. 20. 20. 20. 838 20.851 20. 8(;5 20. .^77 20.880 29. SOO 20. 008 20. S02 20. 880 20. 008 20. 910 20. ooi; 20. 008 20. 005 20. 000 20. 808 20.805 20. 805 20. 802 hu'hf 20. 20 29. 20. 20. 20. 29. 20. 29. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 29. 20. 29. 20. 20. .•8 800 880 884 868 ,s70 802 85(i 840 .^^40 850 840 842 SIC, 850 .s:u 810 821 819 824 834 Jiu 20 29, 20 20 20 20, 20 20 29 20 20 20 20 20 20, 20 20. 20. 29, 20 ■hrs. ,^27 .S2i; 83,0 820 820 840 S45 808 870 ,s,so 809 845 29. 8705 20. .s5r,0 !0. 8589 Lie 20. 20.' 20. 20. 29. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. llCR. ,^00 78S 700 757 747 730 713, 721 708 781 708 808 814 810 713 002 i;oo 088 082 (■,,-'2 008 0,88 691 000 705 705 715 705 Inc 20. 20. 2! I. 20. 20. 20. 29. 20. 20. 20. 29. ,83,2 20. '8:;;! 20. 824 20. 837 . 20. 84:', 20. 84rt 20. S47 29. 852 20. 840 29. ,S!0 20. 838 29.830 20. 20. 840 841 29.7130' 29. 810x J lll'llCK. 20.848 20. ,h;i 20.807 20. .870 20. 88.1 ; 2',l. 8,S1 i 20. SOI i 20. oo:; 20.911 20. 914 2; I. 904 20. 008 20. our, 20.910 20.007 20. 024 20.024 20. o:u 20. 0:!0 20. 0:!0 20. 9:',4 2'.l. 945 20. 045 29. 050 29. 9089 000 080 007 995 007 012 022 0:',8 on; 051 007 o:ii o:io 107 131 142 155 101 is,^ 200 200 220 24 1 Jiichi^. :!ll. 271 :10. 2S4 ;;o. :io.i :io. :u-! :!o.:;:!7 :io. :;52 :io. :;7i :;o. :;*.-, :;o. 3s:i :io. 384 :!0. 3S0 :;o. 370 :)0. :;52 :;ii. 345 :!0. :!o,s :'.;i. 205 30.277 :;o. 272 :;o. 252 :;o. 220 :',o. 222 :!o. 2i:'. :',o. lo:; 30. 099:!i 30. :ii9:; fUi lira. :'.o ISO :!0 192 :!0 ISO :',o ISl ::o isl :io IsS 30 lo:; :',o 170 :!o isi :!o 166 :;o 152 :;o l:i5 :!o 119 : io 077 :;o I I5S :!o o:iO :!o 016 20 ; IS5 2; 1 902 20 931 2! 1 007 20 SSO 2; 1 .SOI 2'. 1 ,-;'>.s :;o (i;:; 9 hivliix. 20 707 ■>0 20 7 'IS 29 Tf.ll ■■0 20 719 29 700 2!l 20 6s 2 07:; 20 20 647 20 r,:;4 29 6,10 20 oo:; 20 6,01 ; ,■ 1,1 20 081 211 714 20 7 12 '•'1 20 7.~9 21 1 SI 5 29 816, 29 7070 38 ATMOsriiKiiKj ri;ESSui;K Date. MAY, 1873. Time. lO 11 12 i:( If 15 10 17 18 1!) 20 1 fiirliex. fllrhrx. Ilirhix. 1 iifiii's. /Hfhf'S. hirhrs. liirlns. /lli-lirx. In, ■Ill's. Til I'll rs. JllfhCH. j (|i' •s'.). M.'i:; nil. -j.'iri 0,0.410 00. 100 :!ii. :i.-^:) :iii. 10:; :iii. 12:1 :;». Oil. 170 Oil, IIIIO 2:1, :i7:; 1 1 LIO. Hli;") ;io. ■200 011.412 30. 107 :!ii. ;'7.H :iii. 101; :!(i. 117 ;!(1. 07(1 :!ii. I7S 2:1, :i:iH 2:1, : 17 2 ■i •i'.». .-7 1 :;ii. ■joi; Oil. 41H 0(1. 100 :{ii. :;70 :io. n;:; :!(i. 1:::! ::(i. 0(17 ::o. 170 2'i, :i:io 2;i. :i(i:i ■J'.l. 'Jd') :'>o. ■21).^ 011.4-27 oil. MO :;ii. :i::7 :;(i. 10:! :iii. 121 :i(i. .071 :!ii. 17:! 2:1, OOH 2!i, :iiii i 4 '^',1. '.MiS :!0. -200 Oil. 42M Oil. 101 :;ii. 111:! :i(i. 101 :!(i. 121 I : ill. .-,11." ;!(i. 1.02 :!ii, mill 2:1. ;ho r : 111. 001 :iii. ;ni 0,11. 10,1 0(1. 10; 1 :;ii. 41.0 00. 102 :i(i. 1:12 :!ii. 01:1 :!(i. i:iii :!i 1,(100 'j:i o.";i (i :!ll. O;.'''^ no. :',^21 00.4 10 0(1. 1 10 oil. 121 :;(!. Kill :i(i. 1.07 :iii. .o:;i :!ii. 1:10 :;(i, d(i:! 'JO, o:i.s 7 :'ii. (ir.4 :!ii. :i2i 0(1. 11.'^ 00. 112 oil. 4:;i :!ii. 1.00 :!ii. li.s oil. 021 oil. IIH ;!(1, (120 20. ; 1:12 8 30. 101 :io. ;!;'.;'> 0,0. 4011 0,(1. lO.i ::ii. ii:: ;!ii. .i:;.| :!ii. 17:! :!(i. 012 00. 1110 0(1. nil 2:1, ;iHii ;i ;!ll. 107 :io. ni.s 00,4.00 0(1. 12-'. oil. 1 i:i :!ii. .i:!0 00.401 :!(!. 1:12 00. IIMO :!o. 017 :j:i,!N1 10 :!o. 114 :!o. n.'-ji 0.(1. 40:! 0(1. 120 00. 101 :!ii. Ill ::ii. 017 :!ii. 17 1 :!ii, (100 on, 11(14 2:1, :i7i U ;io. 110 :;ii. i'.'i.H 0(1.40.^ 011.421; ;;(i. ii;? :;ii. 121; ou. .^:i7 :!ii. 1.0(1 00, (1.00 :!ii, 00,1 2:1, :i(;(; Nodii. ;!0. i:!:'. ;!ii. o.'iO 0(1.401 00. m; :!o. 470 :!ii. 421; 00. 000 :;(!. 120 011.011 :!ii. 11117 2:1. ;ii;h 11' ;;ii. i.-.l nil. :!7^j 0,(1.400 oil. 112 :!ii. i-ii :!ii. 4l(; :!(i. 00:: :i(i. KU oil. 112:1 :!ii,iill 20. :iii2 i> ISO. 1()1 oil. :>,.s4 0,(1. 400 oil. :iOO :!ll. 172 :iii. i:i.s :;ii. oo.-j :;(i. :!:i:! 0(1. 1122 2:1, :i7:i 2:1. 00.1 :; :'>o. Ki.-J oil. :',."4 0,(1. .17 1 00.0011 :iii. 177 :i(i. 4:!(i :!ii.07:! :!(i. :!ii.s ;,(i. 11211 :;ii. III 10 20. !I.1H ■' :iii. 101 00. :::i4 0,(1. 47(; oii.o.'^i :!ii. 171 :!(i. loi :iii. odi; oil. 010 2:1. ;i2;i 2:1, :i:i2 2:1. 0011 ,-) :i(i. 101 00. .1111 00. 4.H2 0(1. ;;77 :!(i. 1(1.". ::ii. 117 00. .074 ■2:1.010 2:1. !IH7 20. :ioii (i ;io. -jd 1 oil. 400 Oil. 171 0(1. 0,7(1 :!(i. 170 :iii. 11:1 :!(i 077 :iii. :iin; :!(i,(ii7 2:1, :i."(i 2:1. :i:i:i 7 :!0. 'J':jll 00.404 0(1. l-'O 0,(1. :;i;r, ;:(i. 17 1 :!(i. o.k; ::(i. 077 :!ii. 1112 20. : 17 2 '2:1. ;i27 H :;o. -Jis ;!0. 410 0(1. 170 :!(!. 0(;(i :!(i. 10 1 :;(i. .i:!0 00. .070 ::ii. 2711 2:1. :io7 2:1, :i7o 2:1. :i2i 1) :ii). '^:m 0(1.410 00. 470 0(1. 001 :i(i. 100 :!(i. 10:! ;i(i. 07 1 oil. 202 :!ii. mill 2:1, o(;7 2:1. !I21 lU ;iii. 'Jii 00. 117 0(1. .170 :;(i. :'.7(i :;o. 102 :«). IK! :!(l. 070 :;(i.2:!(i 011,(111 2:1, ;i(i7 2:1. :i2ii u Moans.. :;(!. iiii 00.41.') 0(1. 101; Oil. 0,7(1 :;(!.. 0.0 :!(i. 4;!0'.i :!ii. 121 :;ii..077 :!(i 2ii;i :!(i. (Ill 2:1, : 1(17 2!i. :iiii ;» 1.0000 ;!o. or.l 1 00. 4.010, ;!(i. 4l-2(; :!(i. 1112 :!ii. onii :!ii. 120;" :;(i. ii(;:!i 20, ;i:ioii 2:1. 0.OOl I) at.'. MA Y, 1873. i 1 1 Time. 21 22 23 21 25 28 27 28 2!) :io :il J iinhiff. /«r/»-.^. I II eh <•:■<. I ikIu's. y»r//,..s.. Jlirh,!.'. llirhrs. Illrlll'X. IllrlliH. liirltt'M. I'lrhiH. 01' '20. KOfi '20. 7li.'. ■2'.l.7.17 0,0.011 20. 07 1 2!». 070 :!ll. 12 1 :;ii. iio.s :!ii, d(i:i 2:1. 722 2:1.770 1 ■i0.:-91 ■2'.l. 7.07 '2!l.:0,0 011.017 2:1. 070 20. !I72 :iii. 1011 :ii 1.(107 2:1 :ioo 2:1.710 ■2:1. 7." 1 •i 2',t. H.^r, ■20. 7.-,7 '2'.». 70(1 ISO. iiii; 2'.l. 077 2:1. 0:111 :iii. 12.-1 oil. oi;o 2:1, :io:! 2:1, 7(10 20. ."Ill :i yo. ."O'i ■20 7.'.ll 20.700 00.1110 20. 072 2:1. 0."0 :!ii. 12.-: :!(i. (HI 1 2!l :ioii 2:1, (i:io 21. HdO 4 'JO. H,^i; '2'.l.77'.l 0(1. 1121 '2'.l. 070, 2:1. !n;2 :!(i. 101 0(1. (102 '2:1. :i.i:! 2:1, 0:111 2 1.70" ■ > :jo. .^7;; '210. 7 10 2'.l. 7',I0, ;!(i. (i:!i 2'.i. 070 2:1. ;n;o :!ii. i:!2 0(1. (107 2:1, :i:!i 2:1,7112 2 1. 72H i; 20. .-^7-: ■20.740 20. .-.(17 :!(i. (101 :20. '.171 :!ii. iiiio :!0. 1:111 :;(! oo.s 2:). :io2 2:1. IIHH 'j:i. 77. 1 / 2'.l. H77 '20. 7.-|4 20. HOd ;!ii. (10,1; 2'.l. :i70 :!ii. ok; :!ii. ni :!(i. (10(1 2:1. :i2i; 2:1, OhH 2:1, H.'id K ■20. hi;:', 20. 7:'.0 20. ."'20 01). (12.-: 20. oi;o :!ii. 1122 :!ii. 120 :!(i. 1112 2:1. :i2i 20, i;h2 2:1. .".00 ;) ■JO. H.'ll 2',l. 70.'i ;!(i. (i:;7 20. oi;:; :!ii. (12" :!o. 11(1 :!(i. d.!.". 2:1. :ii7 2:1, (;!n 2:1. H.',(l 1 1" 'JO. ;-:!-< 20.70,(1 20. ."1(1 :i(i. (1-27 20. oi;ii :!(i. (1:10 0(1. Ill :!ll d2:! 2:1 :iii(i :j:i.r,:il ; 2:1. K'll ' 11 •J!l. H|4 2:1. 722 20. ."00 :;ii. 1121 2; 1. ; lO.H ::(i. (1 1:! ;!ii. 1(12 :!ii. 11211 2:1. .":i2 2:1,7111 2:1. r07 ' >;ii..ii. 'JO. H:j',i 20.720 20. H72 :;(i. (110 20. 00:; 00. (110 :!(l. I!l!) oil, 0112 2:1 »<'< 2:1, 0:12 2:1. hOS ih :J'.i. H'Jl 20.710 2'.l. -7 ;!0. 004 :;ii. 11117 ;!(!. (101 ;i(i 100 :!ii 11(12 2:1 "o:! '",1 711 J 2:1. Hi7 2 ■,J0. HDH 20. 0.^.-^ 2! 1. k; )( 1 2:1. :ioi :20. 0.07 :iii. iiirj :!ii. (i;)o 2:1. : 1:111 20.:"01 2:1,7111 i 2:1. -7 1 :■ ■JO. HO'J ■2'.l.71-^ '20. .";il 2:1. :i;i7 20. 0.00 :!0. (17:! :!ii. (i;io 2'i. 001; 2:1 ho;! 2:1, 711:1 2:1.1-8! 4 ■JO. 70H 20.72 1 20.010 2:1. ;i.-::! 20. 000 :;ii. (1:11 :!(i. (1:12 oil. d(i:! 2:1. H27 2:1,7117 2:1. HHl • > ;J0. 7'l!l 2:1. 72-' 20. 00-' 20. :i;io 2:1.071 :!(!. 101 :!ii. 110:! 2:i.:i-7 2:1. Hi 2:1,7111 :!ii. 117:1 (; ■J'.l. 7H.-: 20. 7 -27 . 20. 00(1 2;i. :i:i2 2:1. '.111! :!(!. iik; :!ii. 11.-::) 2:1. :i:i2 2:1. HlO 2:1,711 2:1. H."1 ' ■J'.l. 7-1 20. 70;! 20. 00(1 2:1. '.1-:! 2:1. :io:; ;!ii. 11:1 :!ii. ii"(; 2:1 :i:)2 2:1.7:111 2:1,70:! 2:1. h:i(i '-' ■J'.l. 7.-0 20. 70.^. 20.;i72 20. 0.S2 2:1. :ioi :;ii. 112 :!ii. 117:1 2'i. ;i.".-: y:i 7711 'JO, 7 11 ; 2:1. .":i(i '.) ■J'1.770 20. 70.-' 2:1. 0.-7 2:1. 07! 1 2:1. :ii;o :!ii. 121 :!(i (1.0:1 2'i.:i"2 2:'. 701 2:1,707 2:1 hh:i 1(1 ■JO. 77.- 20.712 20.000 20. :i74 2:1. :i(;^ :iii. 120 :!(i. iiik; 2,1. 07 1 20.711 2:1 700 2!l. Hrtd 11 .Mraiis.. ■jo. 7i;:; ■JO. 71-' 0(1. (1(10 2:1. :i7(; 2:1 ',17 1 ::ii. i:!l :!(i. (17:: 2:1. :i7ii 2:1. 7 011 2:1,77:! 2:1. H7H ■JO. .-:;:;- 20.70,0- 2!i. .-'0.-',;! :;(i. 11117:; 2:1. :i7il :;ii.iii7I ;!(!. ii:!7 :!(i. djii.- '2:1. ."712 2:1, 7o:iii' ;j:i. H(iHH AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 39 The following two tables contain tlie daily and hourly means of atmospheric pressure derived from the preceding record: Daily means of atmosplieric prcHsure at Polaris House. Date. November, 1S72. December, 1872. Janiiaiv, 1873.' Feliruary, 1873. ' Mavcli, 1873. April, 1873. May, 1873. Inches. Tnvlics. Tiiclifs. Inches. Inrhrs. Inches. Indies. 1 30.2004 30. 4003 29. 6G92 29. 4865 20. 77.54 30. 0585 20. 8560 2 30. OOO-' 20. SO.ll 29. (;305 20. 2875 29. .^73(1 30. 1153 29. .8589 3 20. 7800 20. (;(;23, 29.6308 29.4741 29. 7239 30. 1526 29. 7136 4 20.7001 20. (;(;o3 29.6749 29.3717 29. 6(186 30.2310 29. 8102 .'•, 20.742(1 20. 7()22 20. 6026 29. 343,4 29. 2969 30. 4303 29.9089 (i 20. 742.-' 20. 7317 20. 6600 20. 1612 29. 1408 30. 3,siy 30. 0993 7 20. 8303 20. 7.'>3>0 20. 64(18 20. 6162 29. 2055 30. 3416 30. 3193 H 30. 0C.04 29. ri002 20. 7750 20. 8804 29. 4221 30. 3723 30. 0733 'J 3,0. 2088 20. 70-4 20.0(173 30. 1480 20. 7500 30. 2409 29. 7079 10 311.1100 20. 8804 30. 0472 20. 773,8 29. 9.^15 30. 5405 30. 0960 n 30. 2.5.">3 20. i:i;44 20. 9421 3(1. 3106 29. 0785 30. 7.572 30. 3514 i-j 30. 099(; 20. 3244 20. 7.^38 • 20.0015 30.03,29 3,0. 4003 30. 4513 13 20. Ci.OO^ . 29.4704 20. 5552 30. (J730 30. 0501 3,0. 3054 30.4126 14 3(1. 11420 20. .-012 20. 5050 20.(5213 29. 5348 :W. 12-5 30. 4300 I.'-) 20. 7007 20. sr,27 20. 2(104 20. 3445 20. (iO'-^O 30.1568 30.4412 10 20. 78IIS 29. .-772 20. 4076 29. .52(15 29. .S3 17 20. oi.-(; 30.5110 17 20. ()2i;3, 29. 9431 20.5030 30.0015 3,(1. i.si_):', 20. 9376 30. 4258 IS 20. 7247 20. 9463 29. 45.-8 . 30.25(11 3,0. 06^:-! 30. 0940 30. 0(i:',l r,i 20. (S30 30. 274r, 29. H713 30. 5206 30.2577 3(l.2.s(18 29. 9950 yi) 29. (;o(;4 30.3178 20. 05S2 30. 82(12 30. 3363 30.6075 29. 9591 21 20. 691 s 30.4483 20. 7032 30. 8026 30.0.863, 30. 6290 29. 83.3S M.) 20.70.-I.") 3,0. 3,077 20.7773 30. 4423 3.1.24(11 3(1. 624.S 20. 73(W 'i'-\ 20. 8820 3(1. 4().'i6 20. .-(;l.- 20.9412 30.1154 30. 5(163 20. 86.-3. 24 20.3415 3(1. 2(i3.M 20. 76.^3 30.1111 20. 7214 30. 1924 3,0.0073 2.1 20. 7017 20. 4.",:!1 20. 6450 20.9018 20. (;450 30. 1078 20.9711 2(; 20. 95fi4 20. 8745 20. 6862 20. 9874 20. .8717 20. 9219 30.0471 27 31). 127(; 29. (;066 20.7060 30. 1602 29. 5803 20. 723(i 30. 1137 2S 30. 180.', 29..S038 20. 7028 20. ,8(M; 29.5433 20.6646 30. (J208 20 31 MeaiLS.- 30. 2(i3(3 311. 4i:;47 29. 6U'8 29. 4770 29. 5.S10 20. 4.-.S6 20.3018 20. 7475 29. 4739 20. 7572 30. 0(373 20. 6300 20. 8705 20. S712 29. 753,0 20. 8(l-.s 20. 0172 20. .8570 20. 6953 20. 0072 29. 8000 30. 2169 3(1. 0478 Hourly means of atmospheric pressure at Polaris House. .Jannarv, 1873.' February, 1.873. Marcb, 1873. 20. 8,570 29. 6053 Inches. 29. 7950 29.8170 29.8194 29. 7S47 29. 7935 29. 7054 29. 793,5 20. 7944 29. 7077 29. 7075 29.76.55 29.7045 20.7044 29. 70.SO 20. 7075 20. .-028 29. 7.-'00 29. S124 29. 8007 20.816(! 29. .S148 29.8002 29. .8096 29. 8(J79 April, 1873. Indies. 30.21.S5 30.2143 30. 2156 3(1. 2009 3(.). 21.S6 30.2225 3(J. 22S2 30.2279 :!(). 22.52 30. 2242 30. 2035 30.2255 30.2199 30.21.53 30.2158 30. 2142 30.2162 3,0.2166 30.2163 3,0.213:5 3,0. 20.S7 30.207! 30.2041 30.2122 May, 1873. Indies. 30.043,4 30. 03,.-7 30. 0407 30.0302 30. 0441 30. 0400 30. 0542 30. 05(iO 3(1.055) 30. 0550 3(1.0527 30.0515 30. 050.S 30. (J548 30. 0467 30.0473 30.0460 3(J. (1541 30.0472 30.0474 30.0440 30.0301 30.0451 3,0.0438 29. 9072 29. 8000 30. 2169 30. 0478 40 ATBIOSPHEEIC PEESSUEE Annual Jluciuathm of atmosplieric [nxHSurc during the ii-uitvr-luOf-ijair. Tlie analytical elements and expression made use of in the present discussion are as follows: H ^'u K B„ C„ 1 2 +0. '24(wn — 0. n4.-,4i; —0. 16070 +0. 0:!227?, -1-0. OOdOD ±0.00000 0. 248;!0 0. 1014;-, 0. 16070 82"-' 36' 54" 333 22 4.-. 270 00 00 B =29.91 G7-l-0.2i836 siu (x +82° 36' 54") +0.10145 sin (2 ,*; +.33:1'' 22' 45") + 0.1C07 sin (3 *■ +270° C 0") X = 60, 120- By means of tlie above expression tlie following values were obtained: MoDtlis. Observed. Beceniln'r .I:iiiu:ivy . . Fcljiiiary . Maruh.... April Mav Ilirlics. 29. ''^.-,91 29. 6992 29. .S799 29. ^(1(1 4 30.2109 :;ii. (1.009 „ , T DiJl'urriicc, Computea. q q 29. Hf.^i.H 29. 69.^9 29. S799 29. 8(1117 :'.9. 2112 :.i(i. 0510 IllcllCJi. +0. 0(103 4-0. fi(io:t +0. (10(1(1 —0. ooo;! —0. ooo:! ^0. 0001 ilcau- 29. 9167 29.9167 ±0.000(1 The maxiamm of atniospberic pressure during the period under consideratiou is found to exist iu Jlay, the minimum in Jannary. Most likely (if we may judge by the tropical moments of the neighboring stations), the absolute maximum of the year is that of 29'". 9344 during jSTovember, which mouth was omitted in the table above given. In regard to the minimum we feel less certain, as the minimum pressure during the year occurred at Port Foulke in September and at Van Eens- selaer Harbor in the same month, while at Bafflu's Bay and I'ort Kennedy the mouths of lowest ])ressure during the year were January and December, respectively. According to appearance January seems to exhibit the lowest mean pressure at Polaris House duri4ig the year, unless the minimum should have occurred during the time between June and Xon ember, which is not at all likely. If we separate the pressure exerted by the vapor contained in the atmosphere from tliat ex- erted by the dry air, we get the following result: JldUths. Deccii:l)er JaDuary T 1 1 lueues. 1 Mootbs. Inches. Months. April May j Inches. . ■ 30. 193:! 29, 9701 29.8470 29. 6819 February Maic4i..' 29.8689 29, 7i;;6 Jlc.-an = 29. 8908 inches. Diurnal jiuctuailon of at maspheric pressure during tlie n'intcr-Judfyear. In treating the diurnal fluctuation of atmospheric pressure analytically the following expression was made use of: B=30.0109+0.00497 siu (,r + 272^ 18' 20") +0.000878 siu {2,r+297'= 42' 00") + 0.00134 sin (3 :r+rj

30.0139 :!O.012s +0.0041 :i 30. 00S3 30.0072 +0.0011 :'. :'.o. 0146 30.0147 — 0. 0001 4 30. iio;i(! 30. 0091 +0. 000.5 4 30.0171 30, 0164 +0. 0007 5 .30.0111 30.0107 +0. 0004 5 30. oi2(; 30. 012^ —0. 0002 fi 30.0110 30.011.5 +0. 0005 30. 0156 30. 012H +0.002.1 ^ 30.0119 30.0122 —0. ooo:', / :',o. 0(i.-j5 30. 0OS5 ±0 OOOO s 30. 0134 30. oi:',r> —0. 0001 s 3.0. 0044 30. 0055 -0.0011 [\ 30. OKU 30.0152 +0. 0009 <» 30.0050 30. 0049 +0. 0001 10 30. 0144 ;«».() i(i3 —0. 0019 10 30. 0083 30. 0059 +0. 0024 11 30.0177 30.0176 +0.0001 11 30. 0029 30. 0068 —0. 0039 M.™i = 30. 0109 inolies. The above values thrown into a curve result in the following diagram: Diurnal Jiuctuation of at nosplieric pressure durhuj the wi liter-half-year. In. 30.0190 .0170 .0150 . 0130 .0110 . 0090 . 0070 . 0050 30. U030 ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ ■ ^■■■■■■B ■■i IIHHBHHHH IHHHHH ■ IHHHHHB IH' MHHHHHH HIH^SH^lH ■■■■■■■■ BHj H^J^lHH^IH^l^^ wmmammm BH MHHHIMH B IISUHHHH H ■ IBhI^ihhhh !■ BHUHSiHHH IHHHHI 1 IHHHBHII H HiSHRSiHHHH IHHHHH H IHHHSIHII!!! 1 IHHHHH H HHHK!BKS3 BKKBI8 8S88B ■ ■ 0i> 1 9 10 11 Noon. I'l 2 3 10 11 On insi)ecting the above curve we find the absolute maxiiiuim of the day to occur at about 10'' 15'" a. m. and the absolute niininiuin at about 9'' p. oi. Both the computed and observed maxima coincide in regard to time; uot so, however, with the minima, as the observed minimum occurs about two hours later than the oue computed by means of the formula. Besides the absolute maximum, there is a secondary maximum of 30'".01C4 occurring at about 4'' p. m. Between the absolute and relative maximum the curve passes through a relative minimum of 30'".011i6 at about 1'' p. m.; another relative minimum occurs at about -'' a. m. The diurnal range during the winter- half is 0'^0127, being somewhat greater than at Port Foulke aud somewhat smaller thou at Rens- selaer Harbor, as made out for the whole year. 6ap 42 ATMOSPHERIC PEESSUKE Coirectiiig tlie iirecediiij;- table, exbibiting the diurnal fluctuation of atmosplieric pressure, for the tension of vapor, we get the following values: JJiurna} fluctuation (■orrcvtcil for tension of vapor. Tim(-. Inches. Tinie. Inches. Time. Indies. 1 Time. 1 Inches. 0" 29. 9829 61' 29. 9847 Noon. 29. 'X^K> Qb 29. 9874 1 29. 9.-'2() i 29. 9S5^ 1" 29. 9.-^55 i 29. 9-29 2 29. 9S1I) ,-J 29. 9870 o 29. 9S57 1 8 29. 979i•^ 3 29. 9S23 9 29. 9SH5 :! 29. 9878 9 29. 9805 4 29. 9^37 10 29. 9S95 4 29. 9898 10 29. 9H15 5 29. 9^48 11 29. 99(17 5 29. 9ri65 11 29. 9829 Mean = 29. 9851 inclies. tlie mean thns becoming 0"'.0-!58 smaller than before the separation was effected. After having given the diurnal fluctnation during the winter-balf-year, a few remarks maj' be made regarding the diurnal fluctuation during winter and spring properly.* The winter curve shows similar features to that representing the diurnal fluctuation during the six months in question; the absolute maximum of L'9"'.8762 occurring about S'' a.m. and tiie absolute minimum of -O '.77o8 at about 10'' p. m. Besides the absolute maximum there is a secondary maximum of i"J".8G30, occurring at about 4'' p. m. Two secondary minima of 29'".8135 and 29'".7871, respectively, take place at about noon and 2'' a. m., respectively. The diurnal range during this season is 0"'.1024. The spring curve is less regular than that representing the diurnal fluctuation during the preceding season. The absolute maxinjnm of 30'".02C1 occurs at about C' a. m. and the absolute minimum of 30'".0016 at about 6'' p. m., the curve thus- sbowing a range of 0'".02J:.5, being 0"'.0779 smaller than during winter. The following table contains the maxima and minima of atmospheric pressure as observed during seven months. The readings are corrected both for temperature and elevation: Monthly extremes. Months. Maximum. Date. Miuimuni. Date. Eaugo. November December 30. 57 1 30. 5S2 30 0,S3 h. :iO 1 11 p. m .. 1 4 a. m .. n 5 ,, i„ 29..5.-^3 ; 13 29.2:16 1 12 h. 1 p.m 1 a. m Noon Midnight.. 1 a. ni 5 a . m 2 p. m Inclies. 0. '98S 1.346 0. 962 1.967 1. 454 1. 287 0. 978 February March :30. 952 i 21 1 5 a.'m ^^l 2s!9s5 | 5 30.400 : 20 c a. m .. 28.946 6 30.827 1 11 7 a.m ..1 29. .540 1 29 30 5S1 17 n .. ... .)o aci-i o February shows the greatest and January the smallest range. In general, the range at Polaris House is smaller than it was found to be at Port Foulke and at Rensselaer Harbor during the same seasons, where storms were more frequent than at our second winter- quarters. BARIC WIND ROSE. To investigate the influence of the wind on the atmospheric pressure, we proceeded exactly as we did in coustructing the thermic wind-rose. • The above results were iliiliiced from the computed bihourly meiui-i of each mouth, combincil for the respective seasons. For reasons mentionoil before, we abstain from giving the analytical expressions for the respective months in (luestion. AT rOLARIS HOUSE. The following table coiitaius the values thus obtained : 43 Moutbs. N. IiicJie.i. - 0. OST —0. 010 -1-0. 000 +0. 078 —0.00:5 — O.OW — 0. OKi —0. 020 —0. 0'2('i NE. E. SE. s. sw. w. NW. Inches. +0.000 +0. 000 +0. 000 +0.000 +0. 000 +0. 000 +0. 000 Calm. Inches. —0. 107 —0. 053 +0.011 +0. 126 +0. 007 —0. 051 —0. 00:! November December Jan nary Febrnary Marcb April May Seven montbs.. Computed Difl'erence.. .. Indies. —0.014 +0. o:!7 — 0. 02:1 +0.011 +0. 020 —0.311 —0. If^li Inches. —0. 004 +0.002 -1-0. 000 +0. 001 — 0. OO'i +0. isr, +0. 006 Inches. +0. 002 4-0.000 — 0. 005 —0. 207 —0. 012 +0.001 +0. 000 Inches. +0. 07:'. -j-0. 000 —0. 020 +0. 000 —0. 101 —0.200 +0. 105 [iirhi-s. +0.1 :i7 +0. 015 +0. 125 +0.001 +0. 2:15 +0. :!01 +0. 004 'Inches. +0. 000 +0. 000 +0.00:! --0. 000 "0.000 -lO. 000 : :o. 000 — 0. 06.') —0. 064 + 0. OliS +0.010 —0. o:i2 —0. 025 —0. 010 —0. 017 +0. 12H +0. 1:',;! ±0. 000 +0. 000 ±0. 000 —0. 001 —0.010 -0. 019 +0. 006 —0. 001 +0. 008 —0.007 —0. 002 —0. 005 —0. 009 +0. 001 +0.009 Winter SpriufT +0. 023 —0. 041 +0. 00s —0. 156 +0. 001 -fO. 042 —0. 101 +0. 026 —0. 004 +0. 001 +0. 047 +0. 210 +0.001 ±0.000 ±0.000 ±0.000 + 0. 02f^ —0. 012 The analytical elements and expression used in the cpmputation of the wind-rose given above are as follows: n " " I 1 2 —0.011 -0.012 +0.015 —0. o:i9 +0.005 + 0. 007 B„ c„ ' 105 15 202 :t7 :i2 41 +0.040 +0.01:; +0. OOH B=0+0.040 sin (.r+105o 45') + 0.013 .sin (2 .I' + l^llii-^' 3T) + 0.008 sin (3 .r+32'^ 44') ,r=40o, SOo, .... It will be seen that, after balancing the resulting average effect for the different directiiMis, all the winds, except those blowing from E., SW., and W., seem to have a depressing ollccl. Tak- ing, however, into consideration the fact that the series of observations is rather short and that some of the winds are of rare occurrence, the above results cannot be very reliable. The following table, derived directly from the table giving the hourly means of almospheric pressure, may be used to reduce hourly barometric readings tal2 —0. 0035 —0. 0079 +0. 0047 +0.0010 WINDS 1 w RECORD AND DISCUSSION OF WINDS OBSERVED AT POLARIS BAY. INTEODUCTORT. If we are. not mistaken, the Polaris Expedition was tlie Orst to bring back a continuous series of aneiuometric observations from the arctic regions, furnishing thus more accurate results than have hitherto been obtained by the common method of estimating the force of the wind. We were supplied with three anemometers (Eobinson's), of which two were made by James Green at Xew York, and the other by Casella of Loudon. Besides these instruments, we had two small Casella current-meters, frequently used in hospitals to measure the amount of air passing to or from the wards. One of the anemometers was mounted near the observatory on a pole about six feet high; and a glance at the ground-plan of the observatory, given under the chapter "Temperature of the Air", will give all the explanation that will be needed in regard to its i)osition. Like the rest of the obser- vations, those on the wind were made hourly ; in every instance the indication of the dial of the anemometer was noted, and also the velocity of the wind at the moment of observation determined. The latter was done by observing how much the index of the dial advanced during a certain inter- val of time, or by counting the number of revolutions performed by the cups say during ten or fif- teen seconds, assuming that the arras would have to revolve fis'e hundred times to show a differ- ence of one mile in the dial-reading. In some instances, Oasella's pocket-instrument was used. In order to give some idea of the winds during September and October, for which period of time the regular record is lost, we insert three daily observations for the former mouth that were saved. The column headed "Dir." gives the direction of the wind; The one headed " Vel." gives the velocity at the time of observation ; and The column headed "Dist.", the distance traveled during the last twenty-four hours. The hours of observation are : 7^ a. m., 4^' p. m., and 11^' p. m. The winds for October were taken from the log-book. The time of observation is not stated there, nor were the velocities measured. The force was given according to Beaitfort's scale, and was converted into miles afterward. The regular hourly observations began November C, 1S71, and were continued until we left Polaris Bay. The direction of the wind was recorded from eight points of the compass. No wind-vane was used ; the direction being derived from fixed points on shore, the bearings of which had been determined. The iirst column of the hourly series contains the direction of the wind ; the second, the velocity at the time of observation ; and the third, the distance traveled during the last hour. WINDS SEPTEMBER, 1871 Vel. Dist. W.O Date. Time. Dir. Vel. Dist. D-ate. Time. Dir. Vel. Dist. Date. Time. Dir. Sept. 1 7 4 11 N N N 7 12 9 Sept. 11 7 4 11 SE NW 9 5.5.0 Sept. 21 7 4 11 E 4 2 7 4 11 NE SW 13 5 284, 12 7 4 11 W SW SW 12 12 14 76.0 22 7 4 11 E W IH 3 48.0 3 7 4 11 13 7 4 11 SW SW 3 236. 23 4 11 E 5 () 123. sw 4 4 7 4 11 N NE 14 9 14 7 4 11 s SW SW 4 11 21 46. 24 7 4 11 2 29. II 5 7 4 11 SE NW 6 4 222. 15 7 4 11 SW SW SW IH 9 241.0 25 7 4 11 w s •J 1 1.5.11 6 7 4 11 NE 5 57.0 16 7 4 11 SW SE SE 11 11 13.^. 26 7 4 11 S1-: E E 3 5 10 39.0 NE 3 7 7 4 11 SW . SW SW 14 14 228.0 17 7 4 11 w 4 113.0 27 7 4 11 w SW SW 4 11 12 117.0 8 7 4 u SW SW SW 6 8 7 175. 18 7 4 11 w w 14 9 21.0 2H 7 4 11 SW SW SW 9 11 12 29(1.0 ;i 7 4 11 SW 12 2riV,. 19 7 4 11 E 1 71.0 29 7 4 11 SE NE NE 3 12 27 1:55. SE 10 4 11 (1 w SW 1 7 6.5.0 20 4 11 E :i 4 77.0 :-io 7 4 11 MO NE N 21 14 16 i Date. Dir Date. ( Dir. N N N DCTO BI 3R, 18 71. / te. 15 16 17 18 19 Dir. )ir. }E ■!•: (E Vel. 40 40 40 13 13 4 23 23 23 4 — V el. Vel Da Ve,. 1 Date. r Got. 22 i J Oct. 1 2 3 4 N NE NE NE 32 4 23 23 13 23 4 4 4 4 23 23 Dot. 8 9 10 11 12 1 4 4 4 ■J 23 4 4 Oct. NE 23 13 i| 4 4 23 4 4 4 4 4 N N 23 24 25 26 27 J NE N N N N N N NE NE NE NE NE SW SW s s NE NE NE NE N NE N S S s s 5 6 7 s s N N N N 13 4 4 23 23 4 13 14 4 13 32 4 23 23 20 21 s SW SW N N N 23 23 4 4 23 23 28 29 30 31 SW NE NE NE 10 4 23 40 AT POLAKIS BAY. NOVEMBER 1871 Day. f>. Y. §. 9. 10. Hour. Dir. VA. Dist. Dir. Vcl. Dist. Dir. Ytl. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. E Vol. Di,st. 0" SW •2.0 4.6 0.0 0.5 E 4.0 6.1 3.0 3 5 1 ,s\V 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.4 0.2 2.0 1.8 4.0 NE E E E 0.0 4.0 4.0 7.0 3.0 l.S 4.2 6.1 5.0 4.4 E E E E ]•; 4.0 3.0 :i.O 5.0 3,. 6.4 3.1 5.1 4.5 6.5 NE NE E E E 3.0 10.0 ;;. 1.0 10. 5 s ') 5 6 4 5 4 7 7 13 7 (\ NE 4.0 6.2 E 4.0 4.6 E 10. 5.0 E 14.5 16 7 SE 6.0 4.4 E 4.0 6.0 E 3.5 5.7 NE 19.0 16 1 8 E 4.0 6.0 E 6.0 11.1 0.0 0. NE 21.0 IW 1) 9 W H. 11.1 E 5.0 NE 10. 8. 2 0.0 1.4 NE 20. 17. 9 10 W u. .^. 9.0 I] 4.0 3. 2 E 6.0 3.9 N 2.0 0.9 NE 2:;. 25. 3 U \v 4.11 i). '.'> K :i. 3.. E 1.0 3.7 0.0 2.5 NE 21.0 'J-! 1* Noon. u. •^. s E 3.0 4. 3 8E 1.0 4.4 SIO 3. 3.6 NE 22. 5 30.3 11' w r (I 7. 9 E 5.0 3i. 3> E 4.0 5. SK 3.0 0. rt NE 26. 5 29. o s\v 'J. 4.4 E 3.0 2.4 E 1.0 5. 5 Si; 1.0 4.5 NE 22. 7 27.3 ;i ,S\V 4.0 '.). 7 E 2.0 3. i> E 3.0 3. 2 ,m; 5. 6.5 NE 23 .5 20.0 4 s\v 4.0 14. r, E 3. 3. 9 E 1.0 1.0 i: 6. 5.5 N 1 ; 26. 27. 2 r, s\v 11.0 .^.0 E 4.0 2.0 E (i. 3. 4 ]•; 6.0 :'.. 5 NE 29. 32. 5 (1 sw 14.0 (i. 2 E 2.0 4.5 0.0 4.5 SE 5. 2. 5 NK 33. 3,1.0 7 sw y. 1 1 0. s E 4.0 3.7 0. 4.9 St: ■■'.. 1.3 NE 33.0 31. 5 ,-l ,s\V :i. H. 9 NE 3.0 0. t; E 5. 7. 3 0.0 0.6 NE 26. 5 31.0 i) 0.0 0. .S 0.0 5.4 E 6.0 3. 1 E 2.0 2. S NE 26. 2S. 10 sw 0. r. 0. li NE 6.0 2.3 E 3. 5.1 E 2.0 3. 6 NE 2S. 5 26. 3 11 H\V 0. ."i '.'.4 NE 2.0 1.0 E 3.0 0. E 3.0 2. 6 NJ-: 22 '' SlMtlM . . .-^7.4 77.1 106. 9 S5. 495. ,- Means. r>. i"^ 3.2 1.5 3.5 20.7 D.r Hour. Ill' 1 10 11 3 4 6 7 s 9 10 U Sniii.s Mciui Dir. NE NE NK NE NE NE N E NE NE NE NE NE N1-: NK NE NE NK NK NE NK NK N K NK 11. Vcl. Dist. 24.0 2i;.0 2i;.5 2-^. 1.^.0 25. II 19. 23. 24.11 24.0 24.0 21. 12.0 10.0 12.0 23.0 24.0 24.0 22. 27.0 19.0 23. 22. 20. 25. II 27.0 13 2H 25 3 23 4 20 6 1 27 16 / 13 3 10 5 15 9 26 li 21.5 29. 4 1-. 1 21. 1 22. 1 1.^. 9 14. 9 530. 22. 1 12. Dir. Vel. Dist. I Nl'. 14. 14. 9 . NK 12.0 13,. 9 1 N !■; 10.0 '). s ] NK 3. 7.1 E 6. 21.9 1 NE 3,5. 26. 2 NK 31. 26. 2 N K 30.0 2S. 1 N i: 3:!. 36. H NK 40.2 40. II i J NE 3,6.0 45.5 NE 45. 33. '^ NE 3 1.5 37.9 NE 3,6. IS, ,M NK 13.0 6, 3, N 1'; !^. 14.7 ] \] 6.5 15.7 NK 26. 5 27. -■ NK 2''. .5 21.5 N E 22. 13.0 1 E 3. 1.6 1 0. 7.S NE 14.0 9. 6 NE 12.0 11.0 4S5. 1 20.2 NOVEMBER, 1871. Dir. N 1-: NE NE NK NE NE NE NE Nl'^ N E NE E ]-; E i; NK i; NE NE N i: NE E i: E 13. Hist. 17.2 11. Dir. NE 15. A'cl. 13.0 Vcl. Dir. V,'l. 6.0 Dist. s. 1 Hist. 12.0 E 9.6 9. 17.2 E y.o 11.7 Nl'', 5. 6.5 11.0 21.6 NE 21.0 19. s NE 7. 11.2 14.0 17.6 NE 17.5 18.7 Ni; 10.0 10. 6 19. 1 0. 5 NE 15. 15. 5 NE 13,0 111.4 S.5 S. 5 NE 16,. 9.3 NE 12. 5 10.4 9.0 14.4 NE 5. 5 12. 7 NE 12. 11.6 12.0 16.0 NE 24.0 17.7 NE 13.5 10.0 14.0 20. 6 NE 23. IS. 4 NK s. 5 6. 2 17.0 12. S NE 25. 5 23.6 NE 11.5 12.2 2.0 4.0 Ni^; 22. 26.7 NE S. 6.6 4.0 2. NE 23,. 25. 5 NE Ik 7 S 5 3,. 5.4 NE 37. 5 3.2.1 N i; 5.0 9.3 3.0 5 ti NE 25. 5 31.0 Ni; 6.7 K4 11.0 5.1 Ni: 34.0 34.5 NE 4.4 11.0 2.0 7. 2 NE 26. 24. 5 NE 7.5 7.S 6.0 5.1 NE 29 3,0. NE (i.O 9.1 3.7 6,. 1 NE 26. 26.9 Ni: 5.0 12.1 14.0 16. 2 NE 2rt. 5 2.5. .5 NE 5. 5 ii 5 15.0 15. S NE 22. 5 2S. 4 NE 3. 5 2. 2 s. 11.5 N1-: 20. 21.4 Ni: 4.6 9. S 5 9. 5 NE 22. 20. 4 NE 9.5 10.7 9 s s ^* KE 19.0 17.2 N K 7.0 6. 7 6.0 3,. 4 NE 15.0 12. 3 NE 4.3 9.9 26,1.5 514.9 214.3 10. 9 21.5 S.9 () WINDS NOVEMBER, 1871. Day. Hour. 1 t; 7 S 9 111 11 Noon. :i 4 ;) 10 U Snins . Jleuiis Day. Hour. Oil 1 10 n 16. Noo 111 7 ;-i 9 1(1 11 8 n Ills .. Mfiius Dir. NE NE NE NE NE i; NE Ni; NK NE NE NIO NE NE NE NE NE N1-; N !■; NE NE NE NK NE YiA. Dist. H. II. II ils IE 4 2(1. 1.0 1.5 2S. 9. (1 :!. 7.0 27.0 19. 17. .5 1(1.0 2(1. IS. 22. 22. 10. 8. :>> 4.4 5.7 4.8 r -J 2:;. 1 ;!2. ;;o. :! :u. 8 27. 3 17. 18. 19. 20. IS 4 2(1 4 21 4 23 17 (1 14 1 Dir. NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE S1-: SE E ]•; !•; E NW ,s^v sw ,s\v sw sw s\v 492. II 21. .'') Yv]. Dist. 14.7 19.0 13.(1 17. S 211. (1 2(1. 7 14.2 7. H 9.(1 12. s 10.4 12. 3 9.8 12.0 12.0 S.O 7.(1 3.1 3.0 2.9 7.(1 3,9 4,0 4, 3 r, r 5. (i 5. .'■j l.O 1.0 :'. 2 :,. 2.5 1.0 1.0 1. '1 11.(1 18. 2S. 8 2:1. 4 9, H 17.2 13.(1 10.5 11.1 11.(1 11.2 11.0 13. H 239.5 1(1, Dir. SW sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw N K NE !•; 1: NE NE NE NE NE Nl'I NE \'cl. 1 list. 14.0 Dir. NE Vel. 40. Dist. 45. 3 Dir. NE Vol. 25, I list. 14.(1 35. 1 14.(1 17 9 N !•: 44.2 42. 4 NK 35. 2 21.0 Ki. 5 (1.7 NE 3,S. 4 45. 7 NE 21.(1 3,-). 7 5. 8. (1 NE :!7. 43.9 NE 49. 3 5(1, 1 S. (1 9, NE 3.S. 2 47.2 NIC 4H.4 25. 9 9. 5 10.0 NE 40. S 42.(1 NIC 32. (1 51..! 10.0 11.0 NE 30.(1 39. 3 NE 44.4 .59. 3 10.(1 s. s NE 41.0 30. 8 NE 52. 2 42, 4 (i. 5 4.7 NE 34. 3S. 2 NE 42. s 411.:! 9. 5 0. NE 30. 29. Nb 43. 45. H 11.0 5. 0. 9.5 l.S 0. 2 NE 20. 22.4 4 1.7 2 1.0 ijl ':::::::; 1 8 5 ' 17 19.(1 2,-.. 42.(1 43.7 41,4 19 2S (1 43 II. (1 13S. 9 14.2 45. 5 NE ilO 12.2 10 4 40. 3 NE 17.0 20 5 390. 604.4 415.9 10.3 ijf* '■* NOVEMBER, 1871. 1 21. • 22. 23. 2J. Dir. Vrl, Dist. Dir. , Vrl. Dist. 1 Dir. : Vcl. ; Dist. 1 Dir. Vel. Dist. NE NE NE NE NE NE NIO NE 3.2 2.0 2. s 5.(1 4.5 7.5 G.4 5.(1 3 •' (1 — .. — ...._. 2 s '' j... 1 !.. 3 8 3. G s 30. 25. NE NE K E E K E E E E E E E E E E E (I E N K Ni; NE Vd. 4.5 0.0 4.0 9. (I 5.0 9, (I 4.0 3.6 2.2 1.6 0.0 1.3 0.0 7.2 8.H l)i,st. 2.0 4.3 2.4 0.1 7!o 4.2 3.8 5.7 5.1 3.1 4,5 3.8 3!o 2.4 1 4 9 i 9.7 24.1 152.0 6.3 AT POLARIS BAY. 1 NOVEMBER 1871. Day. 26. 2T. 2§. 29. 30. Hour. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. 01' NE 2fi.8 24.1 E 2.0 7.0 E 2.5 3.5 SW 30,0 45.1 SW 9, 5 7,5 1 NE 2U. 2 24,1 E 11.0 ;". S E 3.0 1.8 SW 38, 5 33.6 0,0 3,1 2 NE 28. 4 19.2 E 4.2 5.0 E 3.5 2. 9 sw MW -^ 31.3 s\v 9,0 6, ■A E 10.0 6.1 E 6.5 6.7 E 4.0 2, 5 sw 3.5,0 31.8 SE 4,7 4 NE 14.2 15. 8 E 5.0 3.1 E 5.5 4,8 sw 29.0 31.3 SE 3.2 3, 7 5 NE 22.0 21.0 E 3.0 7.0 K 4.5 2. i sw 33. 31.9 N 1.6 5. S 6 NE 2U. 2 12.7 E 3>. S 3.1 E 3.0 2, 3 sw 32. 2 35. SW 6, 4 7 NE 7.6 11.2 E 3. 1.9 E 4.0 8, 5 sw 39.0 27,7 SW 4. (J 5.7 8 NE 11.2 15. 7 E 1.5 4.3 E 7.0 6, sw 28. 4 27.1 sw 4.0 1.0 9 NE 16.0 18.0 E 5.5 4.2 ]•; 6.5 3,0 SAV 26. 2 24.8 E 3.0 1.9 10 NE IH.I 14,2 E 4.0 4.8 0.0 0.0 sw 16. (i 14.0 0.0 1.7 11 NE 13.2 13. U E 4.0 4.8 0.0 0.1 sw 12.0 16.9 (1 0. (1 0.4 Noon. NE 12.4 11.3 E 4.0 4.8 0,0 4.(i SAV 11.0 20.9 NE :!. 2 2, li> NE 9.4 7. 7 E 4.2 4.0 sw 1.0 5.0 fiW 16,. 6 15. 5 (1 0.0 0,9 2 NE 8.0 10.1 E 4,0 4.0 0.0 4.2 sw 14.2 is. (1 0. 0, 6 3 NE 10.0 7.5 E 4,2 4.4 NE 3,0 3.3 sw 10. 2 17.5 0.0 0.0 4 NE 5.0 2. 5 E 3.6 4.4 (1,0 4.9 S V 19. 4 20, 7 E 1.0 2,9 5 0.0 13,7 E 4.2 4.2 E (;,5 5.4 sw 22. 17,9 i; 1,7 fi E 14.2 12,0 E 4.0 4.0 NE 'J. 21.5 sw 23.2 IS, 3 NE 2. 7 E 12.5 6,4 E 4.0 2.6 SW 21.2 2.'). 5 sw 15. 14,2 XE 2, 5 5, 8 E 8.0 8,2 E 3.2 1.8 ,SW 36. 8 35. 2 sw 22. 12, 6 XE 5, 2, (i 'J E 12.0 10.5 E 2.0 2.1 sw ■^0. '2 49. sw IS, l(i. 9 NE 1,(1 2, 5 10 E 10.8 8,2 E '} •> 2,0 sw 4:!. 34.3 sw 16,2 11,8 E 2 5, 2 11 Sums . . E 5.7 :'..5 E 2, 2.4 sw 41.0 37.0 sw 12,5 10.0 E 2,0 4,0 296. 7 98. 4 268.0 .544.8 S8, 4 Means . 12.4 4.1 11.2 22.7 3,5 DECE^ IBER 1871. Day. 4. - - - 5, 1. 2. Vel, 3. Hour. Dir. Vel. Di,st. 8.0 (■.,4 3,' 9 Dir. Dist. Dir. Vel. 19. 13.0 20. 16.0, 20, 17.1 13. 9 13. 1 nil-. NW SI-; Vel, 1,0 1.0 0.0 1.0 Dist, 1,1 ;!, 8 1,7 (1,9 Dir. V. ]■: s A'rl, 9, 5 8.0 (1,0 1,(1 01' 1 ;! E E E E (i.O 7.0 .-..4 4.0 NE NE NE NE 6. (; 3. 3 4.4 11.1 3.1 NE 2,(1 6, 9 4 E 4.0 1.5 NE 3,6 6. :'i NE 9. 5 13,1 sw 0, 5 1,4 K 1,;, (i.7 5 E 1.5 5.7 NE 4.2 1.7 XI ; 3, (1 12.4 sw 1,0 3, (J E 7.0 19,3 G E 6.0 5.4 NE 2.0 1,5 NE 9,0 9.9 NE 2,0 1.7 S 14.5 15,6 / E 7.0 3. 8 N\V 1.5 V '> Ni: 8, 5 9.4 NW 1.0 1.8 S 16.0 8 E 1.2 5.4 NW 2,5 5.2 NE '■''. ,5 7.1 E 2,5 i.(; SW ^',0 1 2, 3 9 E 4.5 2.3 NW 4.0 3.0 NIC 1.6 2.0 E 1,5 0.7 sw 11,5 11,.- 10 11 NE NE 2,0 2.0 i.y NIO NE 5.8 ;; -J 2.4 0.9 N 0.11 4.0 4,7 w w 13,0 14,6 1,2 10,6 Noon. 1^ 2 ;i 4 ,'•> 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sums.. NE 1.2 2.4 NE NE NE NE NE i; NW E St; 6.2 7.8 12,0 7,0 7,0 2, 5 2, 0.0 2.0 (1. (1. II L-0 5. 9. 8. 7 7 2 2.7 2,1 0,2 3,0 0, 3 0.0 1.3 1.3 St: sw sw E SE E E 1.0 l.ll 3.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 3 2 o!o 2.0 0.0 0.0 6.S 3. 2 4.0 1.8 4.0 ;;, 1 0. 9 1.5 2,0 0,7 0.0 1.5 5,7 sw sw sw sw sw s\v SAV • sw sw sw sw sw 14,5 - 1 1. 15. 5 21. 5 3(;!o :!9, :!o, (1 ".'* 5 37, (1 14,0 IS. () 19.9 20.6 NW 23. ]s, ri 2i;, 9 :;ii, 5 32, ;i4, 5 30,3 35 4 56.2 NE 99.5 :'.1,5 112.4 156. 6 108, 1 53, 3 4 15, 3 Means . 7.0 2,2 IS, 6 WINDS ' DECEMBER, 1871. *■ Day. ITonr. 01' 7. Vd. 9. Disf. 7. 8. i Diwt. j 1.0 Dir. 9. Vol. 0.0 I»is1. 3.4 Dir. 10. 0. Disf. 4.1 liir. SW 6. Vcl. ;!'3. Dist. Dir. Dir. V'-l. NE SW ' 1.0 1 S\V :w. ;!(i, 2 NK 0. 5. 8 SW 1.0 '■'<. 5 1-; 2. II. i") SW 3.. 0.0 ~ SW :iii. (i :.;o.o NE 5.0 0.0 SW 3.0 3. 5 NIC 3. 8 1. 1 SW 5.0 2. 7 W 'js. 4 27.4 0.0 3. 2 Nli 4.8 3. ' E 1.0 1.8 SW 2.0 2. 8 4 KW 2C.. r, 28. 2 NE ■' 5 2 2 M'] 2.0 1. 1 ]•; 1.0 1.;'. w 1.5 i.;i r w :io. ;!2. .'•) 0] 0. 'J N !■; 1.4 2.1; ' ]•: 0. 5 1.6 N '» 5 i: ^\' :!s. c, 20.2 0.0 1.3, 0.0 0. 9 E 2. 0. 2 j\ w 3.0 1. 1 7 s\v 8.0 9. (i K 0. 5 0. 9 E 1.5 1.9 0.0 2.1 0.0 3. 8 s SW i-j. r, 20.7 NE 0. 5 0.5 0. 1.9 NE 1.5 2.1 N\V 3.0 3. S ' ;i SW 7.0 J . '-' 0. 1.3 E 0.5 l.(i ]■: 2.0 !•: 3. 5 1.0 10 SW 2■^. Ki. ;! 0.0 10.0 K 4.5 2. 3 NH 2. 5 3. 8 0.0 3.1 11 SW 1.".. 10.0 3..0 E 4.5 3. 5 SW 3!o 2.7 NK 3.0 2.11 Niion. s\v l.^.O IS. 1 SW 1.0 1.2 ]<; 4.5 0.9 E ;', f, 1.3 N W 1.0 5.(1 1" SW 10. 9.7 0.0 3,.0 ' 0.0 2. 5 1; i!o 3.4 0. II 0. i; k> SW 15.0 11.0 0.0 4.8 K 2. 1.5 ]■: 5 :'.. 0. 0.0 11.7 ;{ SW 12. G 8. 2 SW 1.0 2.4 0.0 3,.0 !■; 2.0 5. 8 0.0 II. ,'' 4 SW 9. 1 4.8 0. 4.(1 0.0 1.5 1-: 12. 8.4 0.0 2. 1 f) 0.0 2.0 s 4.0 3. 5 V] 1.0 3.0 1; 5.0 4.3 E 3.0 1.0 '' 0.0 ;!. 5 0.0 2 8 K 1.0 1. 1 E 1.5 2. E 4.8 2. 5 T Nl^ 4.2 :!. 9 si; 0. s E E 1.0 2. 9 SW 12. 5 5.0 i; 5. 2 2.1 H NJ-'. 4.4 .^..1 0.0 2 2 E 3.0 4.0 SW 2.0 4.7 0.0 1.^ 11 K V. 4.S 7. r> s 2.5 4.2 N\\' 4.0 2. 9 SW 2.0 1.4 0.0 0.4 10 ^M•; ;i. 0.2 0.0 2. 5 E 3.2 3. 5 0.0 :'.. 6 E 2. 2 4.1 11 Sums.. N 1-: ■>. .) 8.5 N (■'.2 4.0 E 3. 1.2 SW 9.0 4.7 E 3! 8 1.9 303. 5 74.1 55. 4 75.1 01.7 Means . 15. 1 3.1 ~ ;; 3.1 2.1; DECEMBER, 1871. D;iY. 11. Dir. 13. Ycl. 13. 11. Dir. E 15. Vol. Dist. 8.4 Hour. Dir. Vcl. Dist. Dist. Dir. Xl'I. 1 Dist. Dir. ^^•1. Dist. 01' 0.0 0.2 NE 17.0 12.4 NE 7.0 3. 9 0.0 1.6 9.0 1 0.0 0.1 NE 11.5 15. 2 E 4.5 4.7 E 1.5 2.4 E 9, n 8, ■") ^ 0.0 2. 8 NE 14.5 14.2 E 3.0 2. 3 E 2.5 0.1 E 4.5 I'l. 3 ;i SW 1..5 1.9 NE 13.0 14.1 E 3.0 7.1 E 6.0 3.5 NE 10.0 33.7 4 SW 2.0 0. (; NE 11.0 11.5 E 6.0 0.0 E 3,.0 4.5 NE 20.0 17,8 I"' E ^^. ■> 14. 9 NE 10. 13.1 E 1.5 1.4 E 0.5 4.3 NE 9.0 2:'., 1 K* IS, (3 12. 5 NE 8.5 13.1 E 7.0 2. E 3.5 8.0 E 18.8 29. 1 / SE ;!.o 7.8 NE 12.0 9.8 E 1.5 1.3 E 8.0 4.7 E 17.5 17.2 s K r.. 5 3.0 NE 10.0 14.0 0.0 0.9 E 4.5 4.0 E 13.7 37,3 'J K ;i. 5 9.2 NK 3. 5 4.4 NE 1.5 7.1 NE 4.0 5.8 E 25. 5 28,8 10 E i(;.o 10.4 E 4.0 3.1 E 1.5 2. 2 E 5.5 4.1 N 28.0 :!ii. 1 11 E 18.0 11.2 E 4.0 3.0 E 1.5 Ko E 4.0 4.1 NE 32. 31.9 Noon. K \i ir,.5 19. 3 E 4.0 4.8 E 1.5 3. 5 E 4.0 5.4 NE 33.0 :;4.2 1 Ni-: i:!.5 22. 2 E 4.5 0.1 E 1.5 3.0 E 7.0 4.6 NE 29. 20. 5 k> NE 22. 5 20.9 E 5.0 2.1 E 2.5 3. 1 E 5.0 6.4 E 24.0 21.0 :: Ki'; 20. 20. 5 E 3.. 6.3 ]•] 3.0 3.7 E 5.0 4.8 E 18,0 17.7 4 Ki': 28. 25. 8 E 5. .5.7 E 3. 5 4.4 E 5.0 4.6 NK 18.0 18.0 fi NE 2r,.o 27! 8 E 5.5 5.1 K 0, 5 8.8 E 2.2 2.3 E 18.0 15, 9 t; NE 20.0 19.0 y. 5. 2 5. 1 NE 8.0 0.2 E 2.5 2.3 NE 18.0 14,6 7 KI-: 19.0 19.3 E r •■} 0.1 ' NE 0.5 5. 8 0.0 1.8 E 15.0 13.1 8 NE 18. 17. ti E 5^8 3.8 Ni-; 6.0 0.7 E 2.0 6.5 NE 14.4 11.5 !) N1-; 21.0 18. :', E 4.0 5.1 0. 0.5 E 11.8 4.4 NE 1:'., 5 1^.9 10 NE 10.0 17. 9 E 4.0 4.2 E 0.5 O.r, 0.0 2.1 NE 13.5 15. li 11 NE 18.0 17.2 ]•: 4.5 4.7 W 0.5 3.1 E 2.0 9.4 Ni: 17.5 14.9 Sums.. 345.0 187. 89. 107.7 488, 7 Jk-aus- 14.4 7.8 3.7 4.5 '-- 20, 4 *Uoa vy .'i.ina Is : din'G ion changing bet\\ eeu SE, I ;, and NE. AT POLARIS BAY. Day. Hour. 01' 1 y 10 11 DECEMBER, 1871. 16. III 11 Sums. Dir. N1-: X I ; N !■: X I", NK N1-; XK XK xi: E X !■: xi: XK X K, X 1-: XE X1-: XE ]SE X I : XE XE X Vel. ! Dist. i ^^ 31. 130, 14.0 17.4 14.^^ 2l). 3 IT..') 1>.0 22. 4 •,'■.'. 3 ■i.'i. *'i •20. 1 ■J4. 3 ■-",1. :•> •j.-^. y 2'J. 1 32. 1) 34. 4 34.0 2.'i. f) >)s -> 3E3 3.'.. 2 27.3 022. 1 17. 18. 19. 20. Dir. Vcl. ' Dist. Dir. Vel. ' Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. N X X X N N X'E XE XE XE XE XE XE XE XE X1-; NE XE XE XE XE XE XE XE 20. 2y. 2ii. ' *7 .") 30. 32. 5.0 12. 5 20, 10.0 2:.i. 5 2;!. 23. 20. 20, IS, 5 1>, .'i 13.5 4,0 4,0 16.0 1.0 0.0 30. 30. 45.4 :{,^. ,-' 32! 1 10.7 11.3 23. 3 IS. s icis 20. S 20, 2 iy.7 20, 2 21,2 ly. 5 10 4 3 4 y (.; 3 3 ' NE XE XE XE NE XE XE NE NE XE NE E E E E E E E .s\V S\V s\v s\v s\v 7.0 y. 0. 5 2. 1.5 0.0 3, 7. (J 7,0 7,0 3,0 3 7 11 y 10 ,5 13 5 y. 3 12. 0. 4-0, 7 20.0 143.0 0.0 s\v s\v S\V S\V ,S\V S\V t;\v .s\V s\v s\v s\v sw s\v .s\V sw sw s .s . sw sw sw .s sw sw 22. 14. S. H, 1,-.. 9 22. 4 13.0 20, 5 32, 1 2^. 20, 5 40, 22, 22, 20. 2~. 3:;, 2y, 13.9 14, y 17.6 10.2 14.3 10.9 21,7 21, y 30.3 23. 1 311.0 31.4 22. (1 2:>. 2:'.. 4 24. '*') *i 29. 5 29. 20.0 2.J. 2 21.0 21.2 Dir. SW SW sw sw sw sw sw sw s sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw Vel. Dist. 24.0 27.0 19.6 21.9 2.'.. 1,'i, 6 12,2 10.0 13.0 '~. 14.0 14.0 11.0 7.0 14.0 7.0 11.0 lEo 7.0 11.0 14. 3.0 2.'. 6 2(i. - 20. 9 21.7 10. - 14, t- 14, s 10.7 1.!. 9 s,3 11,0 14,7 9. ."> 13] 9. 2 10. 9. 1 11. 500.2 23. 6 30^, u 12, s DECEMBER, 1871. Dnv. Dir. 21. Vel. Dist. Dir. 22. 23. Dir. 24. Vel. Dist, 2.5. Hour. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel, Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist, 0" XW e.o 6.2 E 4.5 .5.2 NE 20.4 21.0 E 13. 5 12.5 S\\' : 14.0 8 4 I X W 5.0 5. 9 E 4.5 7. 2 XK is. 5 3.5. .5 E 5, 9,7 E r,. 4 1 2 XW 2. 5 3.9 E 4.0 0. 1 XE 33.1 26, 9 E 9, 9.4 1; 4.9 5. 9 3 X\\' :! 3 l.s E 3. "2. 7 XE :!o. :v.',. 6 XE 14.0 11. E 1 10.0 6. 7 4 X 2, NE 3.11 0.4 XE 2S. 4 :io, 2 XE 9.4 NE ! 6,0 1,7 ■> xi: 1.2 1.3, XE 0.5 0.4 XE 32. 5 29. 2 XE 9. 3, S, 4 X i: 1 1.0 1,5 r, X 1: 1.0 1.1 0.0 0.4 XE 24.4 26.1 XE 9.0 5,1 E 2. "J 0.7 / XW 1.0 0.7 NE 2. 1.6 XE 211.5 37. 5 XE 5.0 3,6 E 1..-S s XE 1.0 1.0 W 0. 5 0.4 XE 1 36.5 14.1 1' 0.0 6, 7 E 1.6 0,3 ;) 1; 1.0 0.0 ]■; 4.0 3,6 1; 12.0 0, 5 XE 5.5 3.4 0, 3,4 111 X i: 0. 0,4 ' 1: 0. 5 16.9 SE 6. 11.9 E 4.0 4.2 E 3.5 2.0 11 II 0.0 1,2 NE 27. .> 21.4 XE 9. 5 23. 5 0, 0.0 X 0.0 4.9 Xnoll, 1) 3.0 ') -1 Xl'^ 2. 20 25, ,- NE 23. 21, S 0, 2, 1 !■; 3, (1 3,0 111 !■: 2. 'J. u XE 2.!. 27. 7 XE 211.5 20. 5 ,1 0. 0,3 }.; 3, II 5, 9 1; 6.0 r>. s XE -'1.5 20. s NE 29. 2~. 9 SE (;. 5.1 E 5, II 6, E 0. ", ■) XE 27. 2,1, 9 XE 29. 5 23. 1 SE 14.0 4,0 K 4.2 ,', / 4 si: 3.0 4,0 xi: 2-', 3i5, 9 NE IS. 10.1 SE 14. 11.6 E 3.0 4.S ■' sio 0. 4,0 X1-: 3S. 4 3,0.1 Si: 3.0 15, S s Ij 14.0 10. y xi: 3, .» 7.9 1, SE (1. II 3,4 NE 311,0 30,4 E- 13,, 12. 2 SE 14.0 11,5 X E 14. s 12, S ' 5. 5 ."> "^ xi-: 30. 5 31,0 s\v 4, 9,4 s 1:;. 2 14. 2 XE •-0. 211, s E 6. 5 4.'; XE 29.5 30 2 K 13.0 11,2 SE 13. s 0. 3, XE 26. 2 2 / , 2 E 3. 5 4, 5 XE 24, 5 2-', 1 E 3, 15,4 SW 2. 111. 7 XE 2 4.5 29, 7 111 E 4.0 4,4 xi: 1-; 14.0 12. 9 sw 0. 2. ■- XE 2^.0 17.2 11 K 4.2 4,7 S4, XE 24,5 410.9 E 12.0 1 2, 7 sw 14.0 12. 175. 5 XE 19,0 19. 3 Slims. . 490. 19-. 9 ilcaiLs. i 3.5 17.4 20. 4 7.3 '- - ■' * Bi-twf 1- ] 6I1 ami " ii p. m,, 1) ';i\.v squalls fl'oui XE. - w 10 WINDS DECEMBER, 1871. Day. Day. DECEMBER, 1871. 31. JANUARY, 1872. 2. IFoiir. Dir. , >\-l. Dist. 0'' Ki: 3.5 11.5 1 NE 12. 5 'J. 2 v> E 5.0 1.(1 ?> KE X.. il 4 NE 3.0 2. ^' ]\E 2.5 4.5 i) XE 1.5 1.9 1 / NE 2. 1) ft. ^' H E in. 5 10.5 '' E '.I. K y. 10 E 2. (1 2.6 11 E :'.. 4.7 \.'<.n. I-; 4.5 6.8 li> ]•: 12.0 0. 9 ') i; ,-^, II 6.3 '.', E .-.0 1.7 4 K 1.2 3.7 r (I 0. II 4.4 (; E 3. c^ 4.9 7 E 5.7 2. 3 s ]•; 2.3 :;. 1 '' i: 3.2 4.1 1 ]0 ]•: 5.0 5. 5 11 j: (i. 7.1 125. 5 Meau^ . 5.3 Dir, E ]•; i; E i: i; ,^i; K E 8E (I E K ]•; j; ]■; ]■: i: E ]•; ]■: V(il. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. 6, 5 4.5 4.2 4.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 5.5 5.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 0.0 ::. 3.0 2. H 3.2 3.0 6.5 5.0 2, 6.4 4.4 4.0 3. 6 3. 7 3.6 .5.7 5.4 2. 6 5.2 3.2 2.1 3. 2 2. (i 2. 4.7 5. 2 5. 8 4.2 6.4 4.3 7.0 4. y 103.4 4.3 E i: E NE NE Ni; NE Ni; NE E NE E E KE NE NE NE NE 3.0 2.0 7.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 0.5 3.6 4.5 6,6 5.5 6. 2 6.2 1.6 2.5 4.0 (;.9 0. II 1.6 0. 4.1 0.0 1.3 3. 3.4 0.0 11.7 12.0 11.1 0.0 2.2 0.0 5.4 2. l.y 1.0 7.6 15.0 1.7 2.0 :!. 6 3.0 2.1 2.3 1(K2 4.5 Dir. NE N1-: NE NE NE NE X N N N NE NE KE KE NE Ni-: NE KE ]•; E E E E E V.'l. i Dist. 3.0 8.3 15.0 10.2 12. 9 (i. 3 6.0 15. H 10.0 8.8 4.W 11.1 2(1.4 24.7 2,i. K 30. 6 31. 5 22. 5 21.6 41.0 39. 25.9 21.0 32.6 35. 34.5 35.0 24.7 32.0 33. 7 3;!. 5 30. 8 2S.0 39. 35. 7.3 4.0 3.7 4.0 7.8 y. 12. 2 12.0 9.1 6.0 5.0 4.0 1.7 Dir. 447. 3 18. 6 Dir, 26. Vel. 15. Di,st. 9.8 Dir, 27. Vcl, 3.0 Dist. 28. Dir. KE 29. 24.0 26. Dir. 30. V.-l. 12.5 Hour. Dir. Vel. 0.0 Dist. Dist. 01^ KE F. 4,9 2.0 E 12, 1 1 NE 12.(1 fi.4 }•: 5.0 4.3 SE 5.0 4.6 NE 19. 14.0 E 12. 5 y 5 2 0. 7,6 ]■; 5. 6.2 KE 6. 5 6,5 Ki; 6.5 5.:! E 12.0 9. H :; Ki; 4.(1 7, 5 KE 4.0 3.5 KE 6 5 6,9 E 5. 5 4.^^ ]•: f), i") 5. 7 4 E 4,5 H, 4 KE 2.5 3.2 KE 7. 7 7.0 NIC 6.4 5.0 E 4.(1 H Vi 5 E 6.8 11.4 E 3. 3.5 KE 8, 5. 8 KE ;). ,_t 6. :; SE ,5,0 9.4 7 KE .1. '.) 4.5 E 10.5 9. U, KE 17.0 9. 3. ]•: 3. (1 5.2 S 3.5 ~. 7 8i; 3.0 6.3 ]•: 8.0 9.9 11' Ni; 3. ;i. 2 ]-: 4. (i 4.4 S 3.0 4,0 0.0 2.3 E 12. 12. 2 ^> E ;i. 9, 3 E 4.5 7.0 ,s 3.0 8.0 •si: 5.0 17.7 E 12,0 11.4 :; E •J. .5 6.4 i: 5.0 8.9 KE 2-^. (.1 35. 4 !■; 8.0 5.1 E 11. 5 14.9 4 ]-: 3. 6, 6 i: 7.0 8.5 KE 43.0 ;;6. 1 y. 2.0 4.1 E 14. S 10. (i 5 KI. 5.0 3, 6 1'. 8. 5 6.9 Ki: 36. 5 27. ]■; 5. 7.1 -fr 7, "J 5.4 (1 E 4. (J 4, 3 KE 7.(1 6, 3 NE '27 2 1^.5 N 9.0 10. 2 i: 3.3 0.1 / E 4.0 3, :; E 7.0 6.1 KE 16.8 12.2 N\V 10.0 E 4.2 6. '■' 8 1^ 4.0 0,0 E 6,5 3. 4 NE 7.0 11.0 NW 10.0 5,3 0.0 2. H 9 y. 7.2 5.5 E 4.0 3.9 KE 15.0 15.4 S^V 3.2 7 w ]■; 4.5 12. 1 10 E :!. 0,9 SI'; 6. 8 6. 7 KE 15. 5 2(1. 8 10 11.8 12. 5 i: 13.0 7,8 11 (1 0.0 1.2 ,SE 7.2 4.1 KE 16.0 19. 3 265. 8 i: 12. 5 11.9 E 7. 5 1.6 Sniiis . . E--4.7 139. s 18^.9 217.5 WcaiiK. / . / , 5.H 11.1 5.0 9.1 Vel. I AT POLAETS BAY. 11 JANUARY, 1872. D.IY. 7. Hour. 9 10 11 Noon, li' •3 3 4 10 11 Sums.. Means . Dir. Yel. rUst. Dir. Yel. i Dist. SK .-..0 3.9 1 E : 3.0 3. 6 i SF, 4.0 1.1 1 SE :'.. 5 3.4 ' si: 0.5 1.9 SE 3. .5 1.-^ \F, 1.0 ; 1.^ 0.0 1 O.i M'. 1.5 0.9 II 0.0 l.s \ 0.6 1.0 >'E 7.0 3.3 0.0 i.-j >K •J. : 3.3 n (1. 0.2 XE 3. 5 0. ! (1 0. 1.0 II 0-' 9.9 K . 4.6 4.3 0.0 1.0 .■- F. 4.0 •j.o (1 0. •2. sF 1.0 :'.. 3 SE 7.0 4.2 S\V 1. 3.0 sE •2.4 3.3 S\V 5.0 4.4 SE ■-'. s *J. "^ .s\V 3.0 0. '^ SE 3.0 5.-! II 0.0 0. SE 4.0 ! 0. u 0.0 E 3.0 4.5 0.0 0.0 E .5.3 4.1 0.0 0.0 ^'E 4.2 1.9 u 0. ri -1. 3 SE 1.5 4.1 1-: 0.5 0.5 1: 4.0 2.2 0.0 0.7 .-E 3.0 5.2 0.0 0.1 E 6.0 5. E 3.0 1.9 E 5.0 4. S 34.7 sr,. 1.4 3.6 Dir. Yel. Dist. Dir. E 7.0 I 4. 6 : E E I 7.5 ' 6.1 E E ' 9.11 7.5 E XE j 6.5 s 7 E E ! 4.0 6.7 E E : 11.0 12.2 E E I 0.5 ; 3.2 X t E I 3.2 5.9 X E 6.5 l.'J u E 2.0 11.5 XE XE i 12.0 I 6.5 E \ 7. ' 6. 1 1 E 17.0 i 6.2 I) , ! E \]].V."]\V:..\"] E E ■ E ] ; I XE , 1 ' E 70 6 E ■ >i.b 6.6 Yel. Dist. Dir. E Yel. Dist. - - 6.3 2.0 1.6 6.0 5. 2 .S\Y 1.0 3.4 5. 5. s E 3.0 2.6 7.1 6.7 E 2.6 2. 2 6. - 6.6 ]■: 3.0 3. ti 7. il 7.1 s]-; 3.4 :■.. 1 ■5. ij 3.3 SE 2. - T) ;; 3.0 1.9 SE 5.5 l.s 0. 2.6 II 0.0 1.0 2. S 0.4 i; 0.5 4.0 0. u. 2 1: 4.0 2.4 0.0 1.2 ]■: 2. - 2.9 0.0 1.1 1: 1.0 3 i-i 0.0 II. -J 1-: 2.0 4.1 2. 2. 1 K 4.0 0.9 2. 3. - 1: 1.2 ^ 3. 5 3. 5 1; 3 11 3.1 l.n 1.7 1: 2.1 4. 1 3. -5 3.5 E 4.2 3. 5 3.0 E 3.1 4.6 3. II 4,6 0.0 1.0 0.0 3. s XE 0.5 3.1 4.5 5. XE 20. 5 1::. 3 5.0 1.0 XE s. 5 16.3 SO. 6 94.9 3.4 4.0 JANUARY, 1872. Day. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Yel. t 15.3 Dist. Hour. Dir. Yel. Dist. Dir. Yel. Dist. Dir. Yel. Dist. Dir. VA. Dist. Dir. 0" XE 23. 24.7 XE 311. 25. 4 XE 35. 5 33. 2 XE 15. 4.2 XE 27.7 1 XE 27. 25. 5 XE 25. 10.9 XE 30. 5 29. 2 XE 3.0 2.4 XE 2S. 42. h i 2 XE 2.1. 1 3d. 5 ( XE 20.0 17.5 XE 29. 5 33. 2 XE l.ii S. 1 XE 41.5 33.2 3 XE 411. S 40. XE 17.5 1.5.6 XE 37.0 34. 2 XE 15. 13.4 XE ;>'>, s 32.4 4 XE 40. 2 32.0 ' XE 16.3 11.3 XE 37.0 36. 2 XE 12.5 11.5 XE ' 32.1 1 36.7 5 XE 30. 5 4.5.5 XE 10. 5 7.1 XE S'X 5 33.- XE 10.5 10. s XE 35. 41.6 Ij NE 21 1. ''.) "^ XE 7.6 ! 10.7 XE 37.0 32 4 XE 12.5 13. 5 XE 31.3 3S. 7 NE 2.1. .) 44.7 XE 10.0 ; 11.9 XE 35.0 33. 2 XE 12.5 '-. 2 XE 1 36.3 33. 3 ^ XE 20. 5 29.5 XE s. .5 2.9 XE 34.2 33.0 0.0 4.2 XE ■ 32.5 23. S 9 m: :-;2. 33.- XE 3, 4.5 XE 33. 30.0 E 5. II li. - XE 24.0 19. 9 10 XE 2~. 5 23.7 XE 5.0 , 7. 2 XE 41.0 3.M. E 0. 5 5.1 XE 16.0 i 12. 3 11 .\E 16.0 11.1 E 12. 5 11.7 XE 2S. 5 32.0 S\\' 7.0 9. 7 XE 12.5 19.11 Xnoil. XE 14.0 11.1 E 12.5 6.3 XE 34.0 3-. 2 X 3. 9. 7 XE 2 ). 17.0 ll' XE 16.0 21.1 XE 2.0 ■■ ;■.. 4 XE 33. s 34.4 0.0 S. 1 XE 20. 5 '■ 17.7 '} XE 17.4 IS. W 1.0 , 4.0 XE 32. 2 33. 2 E 17.3 3.3 XE IS. : 17.2 XE 19.0 20. 3 XE 7.0 6. 2 XE 39. S 39. XE 7 II 5 3 SW 5.0 ; 10. 3 4 XE 16.0 15. 9 XE 5 S XE 3S. 4 27. 4 E 3.11 13.6 E 15.5 8.6 ! XE 33. 5 13. ;; II 0. 2.1 XE 39. 6 3.^.1 E 12. 5 1.3 E 2. II l.s 6 XE 12.6 24. 1 XE 3.. .5 5.0 XE 33.0 33.- E 16.3 12.9 ' E 1.' 1.0 . XE 27.0 15. G XE 7.4 4.2 XE 19. S 25. 2 X'E ; 12.6 I'i. n i: 2. II 1;. :: > NE 14.4 14. 2 XE 4. ; 12. 2 XE 13.0 11.9 X 15.0 2J, 4 1: -'.II -i. . i i) XE 22. II 27.4 XE 10. 10. s XE 33. 5 33.9 XE 21.5 16. 5 E 4.0 10 XE 22 5 40.1 XE 24. 30. 3 XE 12. 9 25. S XJ-: ■ 14.4 24. 'i E - ■ '. 1 11 XE 27. 2 2-. > XE ' 35.3 32. S XE 14.5 15. 1 XE 20. 3 24..- XE 17.11 IS. - 4:1, J Slims.. 5'JO. 7 271. S 746.4 255. ? -^IeaIiS- 24.6 11.3 3Elj 10.4 19. ■ : 12 A\'INDS JANUARY, 1872. Day. 16. I'i. 1§. 19. Hour. 01' 1 ■> 5 4 5 (i 7 10 11 Noon. II' 'J 10 11 Slims.. Means. r>ir. NE XE >E NE j\E E NE i; E E E E ]•: E E II s\v s\v aw s\v s\v Vt-1. , Dist. Ifi. ^ 1^. .■> 17. .'•) 17. r-, l-i. V2. r, 5.(1 'J. i; .^.0 1.0 0. .'S. 4.0 5.0 5. 0. n 2.0 10.0 10.0 7.0 ■■',.0 3.0 3.5 Dir. Vel. Dist. 13.2 ,SA\' 15. 3 sw 17.9 E l-.'.l i-; 13,1 K 0.6 SE 1.3 E 7. H E 5,3 E l.(i SI'; 10.0 K 4.7 E (1.3 5.0 E 5.1 E 3.9 E 1.7 E 2.3 E 1-'. E 7.1 E E E N 1.0 2.5 3.5 4.0 3. 6 5.0 7.3 0.0 5.0 5.5 5. U 3.0 0.0 2.4 2.3 2.3 1.0 ~z.o 4! 5 4.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3. H 4.2 3.7 5. 'J 4.4 5. H 4,2 2. w 2!o 1.9 2. 7 ~2.i 1.0 3^1 3.4 4^5 4,0 1.0 2.0 Dir. E E E ]•: !•; !■: i; SE ]■: E ]•: !■: 1: ]•; (I E ]•: E E E 3.6 Ycl. 0.0 3.0 0, 5 6.0 4^9 7,0 2'o 4,5 4.0 4.5 5. 5 4.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 3.0 1. n 1.0 0.(1 1.(1 0.0 1.0 Dist. 1,5 2. H 2. 2 3^3 5,4 Dir. Yel. Dist. 0.0 0.0 0.0 ((. 7 E 3. 1 2, 6 E 3.2 2 3 Dir 4. (i E 5. 2 2. 6 ]•; 3.3 1: 3. ,^ 4,5 4.2 E ;i, 4 1.3 6.4 1 0.5 10.0 2.2 90.5 3. >; 4.0 5. 0.0 2.0 4.4 0.0 0.0 2.0 5.0 5. 5 5.0 3. 3.0 5. 1.(1 .5.0 3.0 7.0 2.0 (1.1 3.6 0.1 3.0 6.1 5. 9 5. JANUARY, 1872. Day. 20. 21. 22. 23. 21. Hour. Dir. Yel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. 7.2 Dir. Vel. 1 Dist. Dir. Yel. Dist. 16.9 Dir. NE Yel. 1.5 Dist. 0" E 2.5 1.9 W P.O NE 2.0 3.0 E 15.5 .5 5 1 E 0. 5 1.0 s\v 10.0 14.9 NE 3.5 2.2 N 14.8 15, 2 NE 5,0 4.0 2 0,0 1.7 sw 19.3 12.4 W 3.5 6. NE 12.5 27,8 (1,0 4,0 3 E 1.0 2,7 sw 2(1. Id.;' S\Y 3.0 6,3 NE 25, 19, 3 NE 1,0 2,0 4 SW 7. 10,6 sw l;;.3 9, 5 S\V 3. S 9,6 NE 1 17.0 14,4 NE 3.(1 3, 9 5 .sw 14.2 6, sw 12, 5 9.9 S.Y 15. 11.3 NE 12.0 16.2 NE 3.(1 3,:i 6 sw 12. 3 2i; sw 5.0 s. 4 ,-W 7.0 9.3 0.0 2.1 0.0 2, s 7 w 2 J, 1 16,9 sw 10.0 8.2 SW 10.0 16.5 0. 0.2 SE 5,0 4,9 i 8 sw 20. 5 14,7 sw 5. 7.4 S A' 19. 11,3 O.d 0.(1 SE 1,0 II, '-^ 9 sw 20. 5 17.1 sw 10.0 1-^.4 S\\f 7.0 10.9 0.0 2.0 d.O 1,0| Id SAY 15. 17.(1 sw 16. 5 11.2 SA' 10. 15. E 2. 5. E 1 5.0 5, S .^^ S\Y is. 5 17. 6 sw 12. 3 10. s SY 13.5 17.0 E 5.0 1.5 E 5. 4. ;i I\(jon. SW 1 ■^. :'. 19.2 : AY 3.2 3.S S\Y Is.O 12.9 E 1.3 5.1 E 4.0 5 2 1" SW i~. (; 13.3 S 5.7 4.7 SW 13. 5 7.6 E 5.2 5.4 }•: 4.S 5.1 2 SW 12.0 lil, S SW 4.5 6, S SAY S.O 11.4 E 4.S 4.C. E 5.2 6,9 3 SW Is. 5 15. 1 sw 7.0 4.0 SW 12 S. 4 E 5.0 5. s E 7. (1 5, 11 4 SW 11.0 11.0 sw 4.0 4.S sW 6, 4.7 E 6.2 s. 1 E •0. II 4,0 5 SW 12.0 12.7 S\Y 6,0 5.2 SA\' 5.0 9.3 E 7.6 5.1 E 1 4.0 6,0 (i SY' 14. 5 13.2 SW 6.2 5.5 SAY S, 5.4 E 5.2 3.1 E 5. s ^A 7 SW 7. 2 4.7 SW 5.0 5.4 SW 6.0 7, 1 E 4.3 4.5 E ! 7.5 7,9 ,s s (1.4 "1 •") w 1.5 '> -> SAY 7.4 s, (i E 4.2 4.9 E P. 2 (1,7 w (1,6 0.6 w 2.0 3.3 SAY 4.0 5.9 E 6,5 5. 9 E 7. 3 ',1.7 10 0.0 r •> w 3. 5 O.s SAY 2 9.7 NE 5,0 1.9 E S ,5 0.5 11 w 3.0 7. ;i sw 0.5 2 S SAY 11.0 15. 9 0.0 1.6 E , (i, (1.3 Sums. . 25r . 7 173.1 ''■'5 3 170.6 121.5 JMc:iiis. 10.7 7.2 9.4 7.4 5,1 AT POLARIS BAY. 13 Day. Hi>nr. Dir. 25. Yel. ; Dir. 26. Vfi. : Dist. JANUARY, 1872. 27. 28. 29. Dir. Vc-1. Dist. Dir. Yel. , Dist. Dir. Yel. Dist. Oi> E 4..--, 4..'. 0. o •:) SE 5.0 ? ,^' SE 1.5 o ^ i: 4.0 1 E (i.O Ti, .^ 1) :i. (I 2. () 0. ii.l SE :'.. 5 1.7 E 6. 5 2 0.(1 •2.0 E l.r, 4.5 E 4.5 4.7 (1 0.0 2. S 0. li X 'J.O •' ■> ]•: (j. 6.0 E 4.5 1.4 E 4.5 1.5 SE 7. II 4 N ■.i.O 4. H E 1 6. .5 6.0 E 1.0 2.7 X\V 2.0 1.4 .SE 4.0 X ;!.o 4.1 E \ .5.0 4.6 ]■; :■.. 3.1 II 0. 3. 3 SE 7. (i X .' . 4.1 E :i.o 2. 1 E :!. 2, y E 4.0 3.2 SE 7.0 X <;. :i. li E ■->■" ].:i E ;;. 1.0 E :i. 2.." S1-; 3.0 ,« xi-: ;;. 4.4 E 2.0 2.4 0.0 0.4 SW 3. 0. 5 SE 3.0 'J ^E 6.0 4.-.; .'^W 7.0 2 S 0.0 0.6 II 0. 0.1 s i; 3. 10 SK .'. n ."i. y .^W •J. II. 2 E 1.0 1.9 (I (1.0 1.3 (1 0.0 11 8K (i.O r,. 5 0.0 1.7 E 2 i.y KE 3. 3.7 SW 4.0 Noun. E 6.11 :i.4 s\v ■2. 0. f: i: 2.0 2. K 4.0 1.6 S\Y (i. 1'' E ■ •A •2.7 1) 0. u 0.4 XE 2.0 2. (i II 0. u 0.3 SW 7.5 y II 0. r.. ;i 0.0 :'.. 4 Xl'i ;!.o ?,. 5 0. 0.1 ^w 4.0 3 j: 4.S C). :i ]■: ;*. "> 2. E 4.0 2. 5 0.0 2 3i SW 4.0 4 ]■: ."> ** y. >^ 1-: ' '2.0 4 . 5 II 0.0 0.(1 SE 2.0 3,0 SW 7.0 -, ]■: (i.O y. y ]■: 4. 5 .i_ s (1.0 0.2 E 3. 2. ^.w 4.5 i; E :i. ■< 1.6 i; 4. r, 7. s .'^E 0.5 1.9 E 2. :-'.. 2 SW 3.0 7 II (1. (1 0.6 E 7. 5 6. y 0. (.1 1.7 E 4.0 5.4 O.ll a 0. 0.4 1-: 7.0 6. H SE 1.0 4.1 !■] 4.5 ii. '2 SW (I. 5 y ]■; 1..' 1.1 E 6. .'> 5.4 S1-; 4.0 ;!. E 2.0 0. y S\Y 5.0 10 0. 1.5 i: (i.O li. K 8E 2. 5 2.0 0. 2. y SW 4.5 u !•: 1.0 l.'J E 6.5 5. y SE •2.5 l.S SE 1 3.0 4.2 s\v 1.5 Snms.. y:i y 91. y 5;',. 4 55. 2 Meaus . 3.9 3. 8 1 2. ^2 4.5 2.5 4.3 4.3 4.y 7.1 6.1 7.6 ii. 7 4.4 7.3 4.5 3.1 2.6 1.;'. 5.4 2.H JANUARY, 1872. FEBRUARY, 1872. Day. 30. 31. 1. 2. 3. Hour. Dir. Yel. DisL Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Yel. Dist. Dir. Yel. Dist. Dir. Yel. Di^t. Oh SW :!. 3.5 NE 13. 5 13,. 1 NE 23.. 5 3S. 2 NE 25. 5 13. 3 E 1.0 . 2. 8 1 ,SW :'.. XE 12. lii. (i X1-: 3,7. 5 •2.5 '2 XE 14.0 1.5. 7 E 2. 5 2.4 '> ^w '2. .5 2.4 XE 16. 5 20. S Ni-; 37. i^2. '■'< NE •2:;. 4 26. W E 2. 4.0 3 s 3, 4. S XE ::4.o •27 5 XE 3,2.5 33. 1 NE 2-'. 21.1 NE 6. 4.5 4 SE :i. :i. 9 XE 2-'. 5 2.-:. NE 33, 5 31.0 NE 20, .)."> 1; E 3 4.4 5 SE 5. (.1 5. 2 NE 34.5 31. 2 NE 31.0 33. 3, NE 26, 22, ^^ E ' .5.0 4.2 6 SE 5. 4. y xi: ;:o. 31.1 NE 31.0 31.5 XE •^0, 5 14,- K 4.y 7 Sli 5.0 5. 1 NE :ii.o 30. y NE 31.2 34. 2 NE 13.0 1-2, (i E . 5. 5,4 8 SIO 4. - (i.O XE 31.0 31. - NE 31. S 31.0 XE 10.5 10,7 ]■: 5. 4,2 y SE 7.2 4.7 XE 32. 36.0 NE 3,1,5 32. 3 XE 10.5 10. (i 1: 4,4 10 Si; 5. 4.7 xi; 41.0 32. Ni; 31.5 :!1.3 E 10. 5 12.0 ]•: 5.0 5, 11 SM 4.6 5. X !■; 32. 2y. NE 20.5 27. 5 E 12.0 15.0 E 5 ;', X(Kin. E 5.4 5.4 XE ;io.o 32. 9 XE 24. 5 37.0 NE 16. 5 15, 1 1: .5.0 5,4 1" E 5. 7.6 XE 2S. 34.6 XE 40.5 40.5 NE 15. 11,1 1: (i. ^1 '"^ •2 E >^. (I 7. 2 NE :',5. 32. XE 31.5 39. 7 E 8. 8.7 E 5, II 4,4 ]•; 7.0 7.3 XE :;4.s '■>J. '•> XE 41.0 45. S E H. 5 ;>. / E 4,5 4,6 4 ]•; 7.2 H .S NE ;'.o. 2 33. 3 XE 45.0 21.0 E 6. 10.3 1: 4, 5 4.7 C) ]•; 10. 7.4 NE ;;.) .", 31 i.O XE :;ii. 5 4'.-'.. (i E 10. 5 3. I E 4.5 3.6 6 E 6. 5 4.4 XE '.V.'r. ;> 41. s NE 50. 53. 4 0.0 5.2 1: 3.5 1.6 7 E 4. 4.2 Ni: 40.5 41.9 Ni; 47. 5 40. s E 4,5 :;, y ]•: l.;> s E 4. 5 y y NE 41.0 43. 5 XE 45.0 47.6 E 5. :i. [1 E 4.5 4.7 9 XK 9.5 H. 5 NE 4::. 5 :;.^ 8 NK :;5. 31.8 KE 4,0 4.2 i: ! 5.0 4.7 10 XIO 7. T) 12. S NE 40.0 20.7 Ni: :;ii. 5 20.7 E 3, 5 1,4 E 4.5 3, 11 Siiina .. NE 12. i:!.7 NE 2.\ 5 22. NE •24.0 18. 2 0,0 0, 5 ]■; 3. .^, '^ l.'O. T.>'. W21.0 270, S )01,s lleaii.s . 6.2 31.2 34. 3 11,3 - 4,3 14 WINDS FEBRUARY, 1872. Day. Il.Jiir. 1 2 3 4 5 {) 7 8 9 10 11 o(}n. l" ;3 4 10 11 Sums - ^lc:uis Day. Dir. E E E ]■; E E ]■; E E E E E E E j: K K E E E i: E V(.-l. Dist. :!. 2. .5 2.5 0. II •J, II 2.0 2.0 .''.. II 5.0 5. l.ll 2. II 1.0 5. 1.0 4.0 :i. ;i. ."). :i. Dir. 4.5 :il E ;li E 0.0 ]•: !.'< E 1..S E 2.4 E ;!. 5 E .5.3 E 4.r- E 3.1! E 1.9 ]•; -1.2 I-: 4.9 E 4.11 E 3. 2 E 4.0 E 3. 9 E 4.9 E 1. 1 E 3.0 SK 4.2 E 4.1 (1 5. 6. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vl-1, Dist. 3. .5 4.9 0.0 1.2 5. 4.8 E 1.0 1.8 4.5 .5.11 E 0.5 ;j. 1 <.) 6 4 s 4 7 r, i l-'9. 1 9.^. 2 4.1 i: E E HI-] SE 8E 8E E E y: E E E E II E E E 3. 3. 2. II. 2.0 2. (I 7.11 l.ll 0. l.ll 3,0. 6.0 3.0 5.0 5.5 4.5 0, 2.0 2.11 0.0 2.1 0.2 0.5 2.1 4.5 II. 0. 3. r r^ 3.4 4.9 5. 5.0 l.H 1.9 2.3 1.5 4.2 5.0 Dir. E ]•: ]■; E }•] \: E i; ]■; ]•; s S1-; ,SK E ^^■E s II \E NE Vel, 5. II 5.0 3.. 3. 5 3. 2.5 3. 4,11 3.0 4.11 0. II 3. 2, 5, 0. II 1.0 0.0 0. II 3.0 2. 5 4.0 Dist. 4,2 4,9 4,2 3. I 2, i^ 3, 3., 4 4,1 2.5 0. 5 0. !S 1.7 2, II 2,0 1.3 1.1 1.1 0. II i 4,0 (i4.9 16.9 Dir. E ]•: NE (I E ^'E N !•; E E E SI-: SK E SIO E ]•: II E E E II 8E \\1. Dist. 6,5 9.0 0.0 12,5 19. t 23.11 lli.O 10,0 12, 10. II 5.11 '^. 5 6,0 3., 4,5 4.5 0.0 II. 0.0 4.0 6.0 11,0 3.5 75, 6 3.2 17. J 7.0 15. « 10. ',1 211. II lli.O 12,7 111. f- 9. i; H.2 0,2 4,5 4.2 4.7 1.9 l.H 5.5 4.0 6.2 1.2 3.7 2.0 FEBRUARY, 1872. Dir. V. 9. Yel. 2.0 Hist. (■>. 1 Dir. 10. Vel. Dist, 4.3 11. 12. 13. Hour. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. NE Vel. 30.0 Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Oh II, II E 1.0 1 10.7 W 4.5 6. C 1 K 5. 5 6, (; XH 5, 0.2 j; 3.5 3,6 NE 19.5 15.1 SW 0.0 4.3 2 K 1), ,"^ 8, 8 U o.u 1.3 E 1.9 NE 18.0 11.7 s\v !>. 5 9.2 3 E 10. 5 7.4 i: 2, I) 1.4 E 5. 4.1 Ni: 12.0 10.2 SW 10.0 6.S 4 v. 5. 4.6 E j 1.5 1.0 E 3.0 4.8 NE 1 9. 7.0 SW 6, 5 8.9 5 1-: 13,5 9 2 i; 2. 2. 3 E 6. 5 9. 6 NE 6.0 4.1 1 SW 10. 5 11.3 6 Nt; 11,0 5.6 E 2, 5 O •> E ■ •: 4,5 NE 3, 5 5. 1 ,SW 12.5 14.1 7 X t; 14,5 19.7 E 2, II 2.5 E 12.0 7.2 NE 6.5 5, 8 SW 14.0 16.3 8 NE 2'.', 5 1 S, 8 E 2,0 1.8 X i: 7.11 6.3 NE 6.0 4.8 SW 17.5 211.2 9 M-: 14.5 l-.,9 y. 1.5 2. 6 NE 26.0 '*.') "* II, 3. 7 SW 20. 12.0 10 KE 16.0 16,2 O.ll 1.3 NE 26, If 43,. NE 1 5. 2. 5 s\\^ 14.5 13,4 U xi; 2:;, II 15, i; sw 3,0 2.6 Ni: l,", 40.3 NE 3.0 6. 5 SW 14.0 5.9 Noon. M-: 14. 5 19. 5 ]■; 1,0 1,,- NE 35. 40.5 Ni'. 2 I) 2. : .SW 3.0 4.2 1" NK IH. 10. 6 si; 2,0 i 2,3 NE 4.-1.0 47.2 - E 2,0 2. 6 s 5.5 5.2 *) KE 6, 11,,-' II 0.0 1,8 NE 43,, 5 45.5 !•: 3 '* 1.0 s 5.0 3.3 3 XE 111,5 1,9 s\v 1.0 3,. 4 NE 47.0 44.0 0.0 1.3 E 4.0 4,7 4 1) II. 1.1 w '■'•. 2.3 NE 41.0 43.4 E E 5.0 7,8 •) Kt: 1,0 1,3 II, 2,4 NE 42, 5 39, 2 0. 1.7 E 8.0 4,0 6 11,0 2,4 SK 3.0 1.9 NE 43.0 , 39. 6 E 1 2.5 4.7 0.0 0, 5 7 N E 2.5 2, 3 E 2, 1.9 NE 41.0 4.5. 8 ' E ! 4.0 5.4 0.0 1.5 - M-; 2 3,8 SE 2. 2 t^ NE 39. 41,3 E 4. 5 4..'^ E 1.0 2.4 9 XK ::. II 1,6 ]•; 3,0 2.8 NE 41.0 3-^.5 E 3.0 3.,■^ si; 2. 5 2.0 10 11 0.0 2, 3. SE 2, 5 1.7 NE 40. 5 3,-'. 3 E 3.5 4.6 s 2.0 2.1 11 XE 2.5 3, 4 J-: 4, 4.3 NE 36. 29. 1 SE 5.0 5. 0.0 1.2 Slims . . 2112, 5 T)!). 5 652, 2 13,2.8 169.1 ilraiis. 8.4 ! 2.2 27.2 O. ■-» 7.0 AT POLAEIS BAY. 15 FEBRUARY, 1872. Da.v. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Hour. Dir. 1 4 10 11 Ndciii. 11' 10 U Slims . . ^K-aiJS .1 S SI-; u E E E E E E E E E t) E E i: E II E E E Vcl. i Dist. Dir. Vel. Dis Dir. 1.0 2,0 0. .'..0 10.0 10. {) 1-2. 10. 8.0 7. .5 r>. .'">. II. ;■.. 4.r. :i. 0.0 :'.. u.o 0.0 0. u 1.0 2.(1 0.5 3.1 lo! i 11,2 9. ,'i 6.2 6.S 4,w 2.4 0, 11 0.1 1.1 3. 2 6.1 2,9 100.6 4.2 E i: E i: E ]■: E E E i: i: E E xw N\y N\V N\V x\v x\v N\V S1-; s\v E 3.0 4.S T) 2 5. 3.0 :'., XE XE E i; i; u E i: E ]-; E E ]•: E ]•: J-: E E xw E (I xw Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. 1.0 3.5 XW 1.0 3. 2 4.0 6.8 NW 3..-I '•> 'Z 6.0 3.9 0.0 1.5 4,0 4,0 O.ll 1.9 4.0 '), 8 II 0.0 M .) 0. II 2. li II 0.(1 -j.r. Dir. I Vel, [ Dist. 2,0 4,0 1.0 6. 6.2 6.3 s. 10. II 5,0 5,0 2, 2.0 0. 0,0 0. 1.0 (I 6, 5.1 2, 2.6 0. 5 0,0 0.3 1.6 1.3 II II !■: (I u s xi: II sw II ,sw II sw s sw sw II. I.I 0.0 1,0 0. 0.0 0.0 II. II 3.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 0. 2. II 0.0 3.0 4,5 2.0 71.1 3.0 9S. 3 4.1 0.1 1.0 2. 9 1.8 l.S 1.5 1,2 2, 2 0. 9 4.3 2,4 l.S 9. 5 .57,4 2.4 SW sw SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW S\\' SW SW sw sw sW S\\r sw s\\' sw sw sw sw 10.0 2.0 20. 30. 30. 31.0 40.0 37. 5 31. 5 52. 45. 5:;, 46. 5 40. 5 5;!. II 47.0 4ii. 3;i. 5 29. 4-, 5 40, 3EII 36. 22. 9 2-'. 6 31. 3 31.4 43, 3 1)7, ii 47.5 49. 5 49. 4S. 44. 3 52. 52 '' 47,6 39, 4 42, 2 29, II 51.7 46,9 3S. H ;!2 s 3.11. 6 FEBRUARY, 1872. Dny. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Hour. Dir. Yul, Dist. Dir. \v\. 40.0 Dist. Dir. NE Vel. Dist. 12. 2 Dir. V.l. 20, 5 Dist. 2:;, 1 Dir. Vcl, 20. 5 Dist. Oi> SW 30.0 32.4 XE 42. S . ' 11.5 X' Ni: 18. > 1 SW 29. 34, S XE 40.5 29.3 NE 11.0 7. 9 X , 21.0 23, 4 XIO 15.0 12.1 sw ! 33.0 21,0 xi: 32. 25. 6 XE 10.11 S, 7 X 25. 5 32. 2 NE 10. 5 9.0 3 sw 1,5.0 16. 5 XE 1-^.0 19.3 X4: S. 6.3 N I-: 3,0.0 2-1.5 xt: S. 5 S. 7 4 sw i IS.O 19. 1 1 XE 21.5 20. 2 XE 12.0 i;. 2 XE 25, 'J.') 7 X1-; S. 1^ 2 ■ > sw l-i, 14.9 XE 1>. 24. 3 !•: 3.0 3. 2 NE 2 1,5 29, 9 •X 10 H II 3, 4 6 \\' 1 15.0 10.6 XE 311. 27. S E 3.0 .5. S Ni: 30, 34. 2 0,0 2.7 / xw I 9.0 11.4 XE 25, 4 33. 5 : J-: 7.0 3. 5 XI'; ■ '.'),■>. 5 34.1 SE 4.0 1.9 H xw 11.5 11.6 ! XE 32. 5 • 32, 3. O.ll 2.9 XE 3,(i, 29. SE 3.0 5.5 xw 12,0 12.6 XE 32. 5 311. 2 E 6. II 4.7 N 1-: 3,-' 5 29.6 XE 11.5 111.4 111 xw 12.0 9.4 XE 30. 30 5 E 4.0 5.1 Ni: 20,0 32.2 XE 11.0 13.1 11 xw 10.0 5.3 XE :!2. 26. S E .5.0 2.7 XE ■J"^. "> 30. 2 XE 14. 11.5 ^ XoiMl. X .■; s.O 10. :! XK 23. 26. 2 4; 3.0 r> H xi: 32, 2S. 6 X 10. IS, 1 11' XE 111. 14.1 ' XE 27 ,5 25. E 6.0 6. XE ■■'.-■ .") 3>2. 5 X 20. 16.0 XE 14.5 20.5 { XE 26. 4 16. 2 E 6.0 5. XE 35. 2.^, 9 N 15. 5 15. S 3 X !•: 20. 22. 1 SE 4.0 3. 3 ]■; 5.0 4.9 NE 2S. 5 31.4 X 15. 5 21,9 ! ■1 XE 22,0 :'.1.6 SE 3.0 5.6 E 5. 6.1 NE 27. 6 29. s N 22. n 21.0 1 ;i XE 42, SE 4.5 5.5 E 6. 11.2 NE 30. 4 36. 2 N 15. 5 23, 2 ti XE 40.0 4,5. SE 5. 5 12.9 X' 12. 13.4 XE 40.3 23,. 9 NE 21. 1 23. 1 j XE 42,5 57,2 ; NE 11.5 10.4 X 14.5 12. 4 XE 26. 23,. S NE 20. 5 17. 6 s xi: 54.0 26,9 XE 10. 12. 3, X 10. 5 IS. S NE 30.5 32.1 NE 17.0 12. 4 1 ;i XE 39, 5 35. '■* N1-] 10. 5 7.9 X' 14. 23. S NE 23.6 NE 11. 5 4.2 ID XE 30. II 37.3 XI-: 111 11.2 X 20. 22, NE 20.0 IS. 7 NE 6.0 S 1^. 11 XE 36.5 1 30,0 5S1.0 NE 8 .5 11. s N 20. 5 20, 7 NE 20. 21.9 NE 7.5 10.5 j SlIIlLS.. 491. s 219.3 679.5 297, 9 Mi'uns. . 24,2 20.5 9.1 2^.3 , 1 12.4 16 WINDS Day. FEBRUARY, 1872. 21. a. 5. 2C. 27. 'JS. ironr. (Ill 1 10 11 II' 10 u Sums. - Mcaii.s. ]:>ir. K F. NE i: i; V] i; !■; SI-; ,SK )•; ]-] ]■; E K E E ]•; E Vfil. in. 0.(1 10. r, 11.0 11. -i 11.0 10. ^<. (I 4 I 4. II. u EO 4.0 4.5 1..5 ^. II (1.0 0.0 ;». 1 11. -i 11. -2 1 1 . .5 N. C. 4 Dnv. 4. s 1. 11 ') s (1. ;j 0. .r, 0. :i 11. -I. ;) 4. H Dir. II II SE SIC II (I s\v s\v (I Si', s s s s si^; s\v r; (I SE sr: SI-; Vcl. Disl. 0.0 (I. 0.0 (I. (I (I. ■^.i> i.ii 0.0 0. II •J. 0. .-"i 0.0 0. -i 0.0 II. 0.:! i.ii 0. II 0. ;i i.r, 0.1 (1 .''l r, 2 ■ K II (1 4. -J ■* f, 2.9 4. .5 II 4.0 .", 0.4 y. 6 FEBRUARY, 1872, l.« Dir. sp: sr; (I (I (I E XE XI': XiC X I-; NE SE xi: XE XE xi: xv; X !•; X !■: xi-: X1-; Vrl. I Dist. I H. 1-.'. 14. 14. 14. IS. 20. •J I. •-'(;, :ri. Ki. H Dir. NE X K XE (I i; E I', ic !■; i: (I E (I X XE X 10 X 10 X 10 XIO X 10 XE XE XIO NIO \'l']. Dist. 1 ■.'. •j(i. r, s. (I. II 1.(1 4.0 1.0 1.0 :'.. II :i. 0.0 r>. II. 4.0 10.5, ■-'II. '-'1.0 ::(!. (I ■Jli. 5 2.'.. IS. (I 1:'...', 40. 7 2. 1 :'.ii7. 1'-'. 'J7. I •J'~. li. (I. 4.2 I.:! (I. s :i. 2 :'.. I 1.2 2. ■'> hi ■■', ;:i.7 :i(i. r, :;i,7 ;!■-'. 9 21.9 I9!:i Hi. II 11.2 :;r.i.:i 21.(1 Dir. NIO X X NE XIO MO XE XE NE MO NIO XIO 10 NIO N 10 X 10 NIO XIO X 10 X 10 XIO X 10 NIO NE Vfl. llisl. MARCH, 1872. 10. r, 4.(1 4..') 12.0 12.(1 12.0 12.7. 12. 12.0 12. .^ i;i. .5 1 2. li. (I 10.(1 9. 9.0 9. 10.0 10.0 21i!o 211. (I IS. r. 29. Hciiir. Dir. I Vc4. ! IV' 1 8 9 1(1 11 8 9 HI 11 Siini.« Menu XIO NiO NE XE XE XIO XIO NE XIO XE XIO X 10 XIO XE NE NE NE XE XIO NIO NE NE XIO XE Ifi. 211. 14. 20. 19. 2 I . 211. 24. 24. 24. :'>(i, 42, .\H .'■>(l. Tjd. 4.-). 4,".. is. 19. is. 211. 2(1. 21. 21. Ki. 29. ill. 44. 42. 47. ■'(i. ■19. 49. 4.'.. 4!!. 41. ■1 i Dir. NE X 10 XIO XE XIO XIO XE NE X 10 X 10 NE XE X 10 N 10 NIO NE NIO NIO XE X 10 NE XIO X 10 XIO Vcl. Di.'^t. 411.0 lill. (1 :(i. .">. ,11. (I :!ii. II 11(1 l.-> 1111 II 37.0 im. 111.(1 19.0 29.4 29. 9 Mil. 11(1. 22. 7) 21.4 is. (1 Ki.O 1(1.(1 l.'..8 Ki. .5 Hi. a 1.'.. 11 111. 17 , 17. .'') 17.7 17.0 is. 1 19.0 12. S 20. .') 17.2 Hi. .^. ] I.ii 1 2. 19.2 1 -'. .'•. Hi. 7 1 2. .5 10.2 1.',. (1 17.13 1 ." . r, 211. 7 2(1. V>. 1! Dir. NIO NIO X 10 XIO NE XIO X 10 NIO XIO XIO NIO NIO N 10 N E X 10 NIO N 10 NE XIO XIO X 10 E X 10 NE Y.;l. 14.0 1 .".. .5 12.7, 12. 1 li. .5 IS. f, 14.. 5 Ki.O 211. is. II is. (I 2 1.5 Ki.d 21.(1 Ki.O 22. 5 27. (I 22. r> 1,^.(1 211. 5 211.0 22. 5 22. 5 20. II 79!. 5 22. 1 ,00. (1 20. 9 14.5 1 li. 2 12.2 111.9 17.2 1 2. 2 15.(1 21. 1 IS. 7 21.1 25. 1 2(1.2 19. 7 19.2 2(1. li 22. 9 1(1. S 2 1 . 5 1 S. 'J 17. 1 IS.L' 44(1. 1 is. (1 Dir. NIO X 10 XIO X 10 SE SIO SE SE (I S!0 SIO SIO 10 10 10 10 10 10 E 10 10 ,^ 1 17 •1 4 11 ,^ 12 12 li (i 15 12 1 !l 11! (1 11 ■J 6 h H 4 9 II s 11 H. ;i 10. ■J 1(1. 17. 5 24. 1! 21. ^ 24. 4 Ki. 9 IS. 11 1117. 4 111. 'J AT POLAEIS BAY. 17 01' 1 o •! 4 (J 8 9 10 11 Noon. 1» ■^ 4 8 ;i 10 11 Slims.. Means . DllT. S\V s\v s\v s\v ^\v s\v s\v s\v s\v sw s\v sw sw sw ,SW sw sw sw .sw sw sw sw sw sw 4.0 4. U 3.0 3.(1 3.0 7.:, 5.0 ^.0 5.5 6.0 3.0 (i. 6.0 12.0 14.0 10. 111. 7.0 15. 17.0 •>■:. 20. .-. IS. ■20. 5 4.3 SW 3.1 SW 0.6 sw 3.0 sw 7.(> 5.0 5. >l ;, 2 6!7 6.4 10. .'. 11.9 11. s 0. 3 8.0 1-2. 2 IS. 4 IS. 6 IS, 2 20. i; 20. 2 17.1 237. 4 9.9 SW SW sw sw X w NW xw N XE NE XE XE XE Xli XE XE NE XE XE XE 14.0 22. 5 20. 5 IC. .5 311.0 IS. 12. 14 5 10 s .'•> ^ 5 14 2(1 24 24.0 20. Is. r> IS. 16.0 15.5 12.0 1.5. IS. 4 2(1. s 15.4 2(i. 3 17.2 19.4 13,7 10.9 s. 5 7.9 5. S •5. S 7.1 23. 8 26. 25. 9 23.6 23. 9 21.4 1(). 6 1.5. 7 13.. 7 13.4 15.7 396. 9 16.5 XE XE XE XE XE XE XE XE XE NE XE XE XE XE XE NE XE XE XE XE XE X E XE XE 16.5 16.0 22.5 21.0 21.0 12.5 15.0 15.5 14.0 12.0 20. 12.0 IS. 2 17.8 IS. 5 IS. 2 24.0 26.0 26. 25. 25. 26. 27. 5 2S. 17.9 IS. 2 19. 4 21.3 13. 5 15. 5 16.0 13.8 13.5 19.5 13.7 16.9 17. S IS. 1 19.1 22. 5 2(i, 4S7. 9 20.3 NE XE XE XE NE XE XE XE XE NE XE NE II E E SE E E XE XE ■NE II E 26. 22. 5 25. 5 25. 21. 5 23.0 24.0 22. 16.3 17. 5 12.0 0. (I 6.0 2.0 6. 0.0 4.0 6.0 6. 4.0 3.5 0.0 3.0 24.7 23. 1) 27. 3 '» 1 6 52 9 20 9 16 5 15 3 14 o s .5 5 3 4 H 3 7 4 f) 4.9 3. 5 0.3 290.2 8.7 E E E (I E E E E (J (I SE SE E E E NE NE X1-; NE 6.0 2.0 5.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 3. 5 2,0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.(1 1.0 1.0 6.0 6.0 0.5 4.5 6.0 8.0 9.5 4.5 3.4 1.: 1.9 0.3 0.1 2. 0.4 3.6 2.1 3. 5 0.9 0.0 0. s (1.3 1.1 5.2 6.6 3.4 Hour. Oi" 1 9 10 11 Kooii. 1" s 9 10 11 Slims. MARCH, 1872. 10. ■ 1. Dir. XE XE NE XE XE XE NE NE NE NE XE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE N1-: N1-; Vel. 1(1.0 12.0 12.0 11.6 Dist. Dir. 12 4 1 s 2 13 r> IS (1 12 10 12 .> 17 s 25 24 5 33 II 3.5 33 ,', 3.5 (1 3.') 35 .-, 37 II 36 5 35 15.5 11.8 2.1 12. 2 6.9 14. 9 17. 9 11.6 9.5 12. 5 17. 6 26. 1 26.4 34.4 36^0 33.8 35. 5 35. 1 35. (; 36.4 36.7 35! 6 NE NE XE XE NE XE XE XE XE XE NE XE XE XE SE E SE E S1-; SE XE X1-: XE XE Vel. Dist. 33. 5 36. 5 ;!5. 30. 5 30. 5 25. 20. 20. 23. 5 25. 21.5 15.(1 IS. IS. (I 6.0 10. 15.0 s. 6.0 15.0 25. 5 3,0. 30.5 3(5. 35. 9 35. 3 29. 2 30. 5 21! 7 211.7 24.8 24.5 21.9 is. 9 11.9 is. 10. 1 13.5 13. 12.6 11.6 14.2 21.3 29. 2 30. 6 3,-1 _ 2 25. 9 12. Dir. Vel. Dist. .575. 1 24.0 )36. 1 22. 3 NE XE NE XE NE XE NE XE NE NE NE NE XE XE XE X K XE XE E SE XE E E E 15.0 36. 17. 26.0 45. 2 36.5 32. 5 35. 4S. 52. 50. 8 35.5 4,^.0 44.5 4S. 0. 42. 5 4(1.0 - 38. 2(1. 10. IS. 10.5 10.0 5. 28.0 21.1 24.9 44.4 40.7 41.5 30. 2 42.1 56. 4 49. 5 4S. 6 40.9 4s. 5 42. 5 41.2 41.4 26.9 14.2 12. 3 14.7 10.5 8.5 779. Dir. E E E E E E E E E E E SW E E SE E E E E SE !•: 13. Vel 5,0 7.5 7.0 6. 5 6.5 6.2 5.8 6. 5 2.0 3.5 6.0 0.0 0. 0.0 4.0 4.0 5. 6.0 10.0 5.4 6. 5 7. 6 4.0 14. Dist. i Dir 7.4 7.9 .5.4 5.S 7.1 2. 7 3'. 3 5. 9 2. 2 1.5 0.7 3.9 5.3 8.1 E E E E E (I E X\'\' w NW E u 5.0 5.0 6. II 6.(1 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.(1 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2. 0.0 1.0 0. 0.0 0.0 6.3 6.3 6.1 2,2 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.6 1.1 1.6 0.3 131.5 5.5 1.3 1.6 1.3 0.1 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.2 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.2 .;7. 4 1.6 3 W 18 WINDS MARCH, 1872. Day. 1 15. 0.0 Dist. 5,0 Dir. 16. Vcl. 3.6 Dir. E 17. 2,0 Dist. 2.2 ]>ir. 1§. i Dir. SE 19. Hour. Dir. Vcl. 1, Vcl, 1 5. II ■ JliNl. 01' 0,0 2,3 1 NE .',.0 1 5 E 6. 20. 2 8E 5, 2.4 0.0 3,5 2 0.0 2.1 NE 20. 23. 2 SE 2.0 0.3 15, II 0.0 1,3 3 .s 2.0 1.7 NE 22,0 21',. '..; ]-: 6. 5 5. 5 ]•: .5.0 5,1 SE ! 1.5 3.5 4 s 2.0 2, :'. NE 25, 5 2E2 E 7.0 3.7 E 5. 3.2 «]■; . 3.11 0.7 5 E 3.0 3. NE 30,0 3,-. 4 E 3, 4.3 E 2 5 3,6 0.0 3.6 6 NE 3.0 4.2 NE 20, 21.8 8t: 5, 4.9 E 4.0 5 8 ,SE 3.0 l.'.l 7 i; 4.0 4,4 NE 20, 8. 2 E 7 5. 9 E 4.5 4,0 II. 4.5 H 0.0 4,1 0,0 1.4 E 5,0 7.7 E 4.0 0,2 SIO 11.5 1.3 y E 4.0 1,3 0.0 7.6 8E 7.0 6.9 II 0, 0.1 0,0 2.11 10 SIO 1.0 2,4 NE 7.0 3.4 81': 5.0 3. 6 0, 1.5 SE 2.0 1.3 11 ]•: 3.0 5, r. NE 6.0 6.9 8 2. I.I 4.5 E 2,0 1.0 0,0 0.7 Noon. SE 5.0 5,4 N \V 2.0 4.0 0, 5. 0,0 0.6 II 1.8 11' E 4.^' 5.4 ]•: 2.0 5, 5 \\' 5, 7. (i NW 1,0 0,4 E 2.0 3.H '2 E 5.2 3, H NE 6, 8 7.4 ,S\V 10, 8.6 0,0 0.2 E 4,0 5.4 :i 0.0 1,3 N E 8,0 10,6 E 6. II 10.7 0,0 II. E i;.o ,» 4 E 2. 1,3 NE 10,2 6,4 N\V 2. 6. 5 0, 2. 1 i E 2.0 3,9 f) E 1,0 0. fi NE 7,8 1,5 \V 2. 3.4 E 3,, 3,. 1 NW 5. II 1,1 t; 0.0 3.4 0.0 0,1 \Y 3, 3.2 SE 3, 4.3 SE 1,0 3,2 (t (1 0.0 0.0 1.5 0. li J-; 0.0 5. 4,4 SE SE 1,0 5, 3. 6 2.8 f 3,. II 0. II l.K 0.1 y 10 11 Slims.. 1) (1 0.0 0,0 0. II i.i; 0, 9 0.7 E 10 K 3.0 1.0 0.5 i.i; 3 SE 1.0 0.0 1,0 0.9 1.3 2,6 NE NE 0.0 10.0 15.5 5.7 12.4 0.2 46.0 11.2 64,0 228,1 142.9 61.9 Hk!. 2 Means. 2, 7 9. 5 6.0 2. 6 3,0 MAR CH, 1872, Diiy. Dir. 20. Dir, 21. Ycl. Dist, Dir. 22. Dist. 23. 21. Hour. Vl-1. Dist. Dir. Vol, Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Oh 1 ■A NE NE NE 9. .''> 0. 22. 5 29. 1,H 11.8 :i2, 6 45, 2 NE NE NE NE 33. 5 35. 23. 6 33, K 30. 23. NE NE NE NE 40, 5 39, 35. 31,5 39.4 36.6 32. 9 31.9 0.0 5, 8 1 ■* NE 40. 5 37.8 NE 25. 5 28. 3 NE 36, 40. 6 NE 5.0 0.7 1 5 NE l.'i. 24,7 NE 30. 39. 3, NE 35, 30.7 E 6,0 4.9 li NE NE 30. 36. 5 37,1 40, :i NE NE 35, 211,0 2><. 2 34.3 NE NE 2S, 5 20, 21.1 19. 5 1-; SE 5.0 4.0 4.2 1.3 y 10 11 Noon. li> 2 :i 4 r NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 38. 5 30. 30. 34.0 20. C. 2(;. 2 38. 5 37. 37. 31,3 My 2 21 ;, I'l 30. 1 34. I 37. 1 37. 6 37. 3, 34.6 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 35, 30,0 ;!8. 5 35, 42, 40, 5 45, 41,8 45, 2 4^, 5 31.3 44. 5 3,5. 8 41.4 10.9 45. 4 42, 6 3^.1 44^5 NE NE NE N W NI-; N\V N N\V NE 1-^,0 10. 5 f^. 5. 4.5 6. 6, II 1.0 8,0 14.8 8.1 5.7 5. w 5.6 6.4 3 3 E II S SE E E E 0.0 1.5 0. 2. 4.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 2 II 2.0 2 - 5.9 4,4 1.^-' 1.3 4.1 2.7 6.2 2.0 2.9 1.7 2.4 1 7 y 10 11 NE NE NE NE XE NE 30.,-, 33. '> 34.0 3.'i. 30.0 31 r, 32. 1 33. 3 35. 4 31.3 21 i. 9 33. i; NE NE NE NE NE N E 45, 47. 5 42. 43. 40. 39. 5 47, 9 39, 9 3,!l 9 NE E 4.0 3.0 7.3 E ]•; E N E NE 2.0 2.0 2.0 0,0 6,0 8.0 2.2 3, 1.5 0.9 41,2 39,1 28, 9 3.7 6,3 2, 5 7.-,0. 5 904. 3 323,. 6 IW. 3 31.2 37.7 16,1- AT POLARIS BAY. 19 Day. Liav. MARCH, 1872. 25. 26. '27. i 2§. 29. Honr. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. ; Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. ' Dir. Vel. Dist. 0" ^E 0.5 0.-2 E 3. .'. 4.2 E 2. 0. s 0. 0. 4 .SE 3. 3.- 1 ^'E 0..-. 0. 3 E 4.0 3,6 ! 0.0 2.0 0.0 0. - SE 3.0 O.-y 0. ;.!. 6 E 3.0 2. 5 E 3.0 1.3 0. II. 9 ' 0.0 0, 2 ■.i E 6. .5 11.6 E 2. 0. 6 E 2.0 1.0 0.0 0, 2 0.0 .) .) 4 E T.U l.'J U 1 0.0 O.LI E 2. 2, l") 1 0. 0. E 3.0 1.9 1 .5 s 1.0 O. / SE 1.5 1.9 E 3.11 2. 7 0. II E 1.0 1.0 6 SE i 3.0 1.5 II 0.0 2.1 0, 0. 2 0. 0.4 0.0 1.3 7 1 0.0 3.- E 2.0 2.1 : 0.0 1.0 . sE 1.0 0.6 SE 1.0 1.5 ,. E 3. 2.6 E 2 •J f, E 2, 0.7 0. 0.0 0.0 0,3 ',1 ■ 0.0 3.1 E .5.0 2.4 0. 0. II 0.0 0.1 0. 1.0 10 E ■i. h 1.9 E 4.5 2.1 11 0.0 0. 0.0 0.1 SE 2. 1-^ 11 s •J.O 2.3 0.0 0. 4 0.0 0. 3 0.0 0,11 IJ 1 0.0 0.6! Nnmi. II 0.0 0.9 s 1.0 0.4 ^\' 3.0 1.6 0. 0. 0. 0.1 1" E 2.0 4 - O.U 0.1 u 0. IJ 0.4 0.0 0,1 0. 1.2 E :\ 3. s 0. U 1.4 E 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.4 E 2 0.4 , :i E : 1.0 2. 5 u 0. 0.6 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 II 0.0 1.6 4 W ! 3. 2. IJ ^E 1.0 2.3 n 0.0 2.3 0,0 2 5 SE 2. 2. 1 ."i 0.0 1.6 SE 2. U 3.2 .SE 2.0 0.1 0,0 3.5 SE 1.- 2. 1 f. E ii. O.LI .SE 4.0 4.7 0.0 0. E 2.0 'I. 7 SE 2.2 3, 3 7 II : 0.0 0.5 \ E 5. .>. t 11 0. 0.1 E 3.11 0.1 SE 4,6 3,6 ,- E ■2.0 2,2 E 5. 3. i; II 0. E 3. 2 6 SE 4.4 2. 9 E •J.O 2.4 E 2. .5 3.4 0.0 0. - .SE 1.0 .3.1 (1 ' 0.0 3.7 10 E •J. 2.4 E 3.0 •>_ 7 0.0 0.9 0.0 1.2 SE 6. S 6.4 11 Siiais.. E 3.5 3.5 E 2.6 2.5 i 0. 0. LI • 0.0 2. 9 SE -) .> '' "J 64. 55.9 19. S 22.6 44.9 Meaus. 2. T 2.3 0. > 0. 9 1.9 MARCH, 1872. APRIL, 1872. 3». 31. 1. •J. 3. Hour. Dir. Vel. Dist. ' Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. \\\. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Oil 0.0 I 1.2 0.0 0.3 SE 3. 3.5 0.0 tl. 5 0.0 2. - 1 sK 2.0 3.5 •0 0.0 0. 5 .SE 3. ~ 4.1 1 0. 1.4 1 E 5. tl 2. 6 •> E 5. 5 3.7 SE 1.0 1.1 sE 4.2 .) ;> XE 2. tl 3.6 ' 0.0 2.5 3 E 3.0 3. i; SE 1.0 1.0 SE ! 1.0 2. - .\E 3.0 3.1 E i 3.S 2. .5 4 E 5.0 1 .> ' (1 0. 0. SE 4. 2- Ii NE 3. 0. 5 , 0.0 1.2 o E 2. 1 4.3 0.0 0. s SE 1.6 1.7 0. 2.3 tl. 0.1 ; 6 SE 6.0 4.9 II tl. SE 2.4 4.4 E 2.0 .) o 0. tl 0. 5 7 SE 5. 2.3 II 0. 0. 9 SE 2.0 0. - o.O 3.2 tl. 0. s E 3.0 3.2 >E 2 iJ 2.6 0.0 3.7 SE 5.0 2.6 0.0 . 0.0 9 E 5.0 3.6 SE 1.0 ii. 2 X\V 5.0 :',. - 0,0 2. 7 0.0 1 1.3 10 SE 4.0 2.5 II 0.0 2. x\v 4.0 1.9 SI-: 2.0 tl. s SE 3.0 •> 7 11 U. 0.3 .V 4.0 2. r. NW 4.0 3.0 tl. 1.0 0.0 0.2 Noon. II 0.0 , 0, 6 SE 2.0 2. 1 NW 2, 1.4 E 2 3.0 0. 0. 1" 0, ! 1.9 SE 2. .) .) tl. 2. 2 E 3.0 3.1 0.0 2.0 2 SE 2,0 ; 1.6 SE 2. ■' ,^ x\v 4.0 3.5 E 3.0 '.->. 7 1 E 2.0 3.4! 3 SE 1.5 2. SE 5.0 3.6 x\v 3. s 4.3 NE 5. 5.0 E 4.0 2.9 ' 4 s]-: 2.0 , 1.9 sE 3.0 1.- >\v 4.2 5. 5 SE 5. 5.6 E 3. 4.0 .) N\V 1.0 0.4 SE 2. ■' 11 xw 6. 5.6 SE 5.0 0.5 E 4.0 4.G 6 N\V 0. 5 1.3 II 0. ■) .1 x\v 5, ■ '., / 0.0 1.9 E 1 4.0 4.6 : 7 N\V 2.0 1.5 SE 2 2, 5 NW 3.5 :;, - E 2.0 2.5 [ .SE I'l. 5.6 I s (1 0.0 0.0 SE 3. tl 1. - x\v 4. 3. LI E 3.0 2.1 ' SE 5. 4.9 Ll II 0. 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 E 2. 2 6 E 4. S 5,3 i 10 II 0.0 0.3 ' SE 2 2 6 0.0 1.0 SE 3. 1.7 E i 4.6 4.2 U II 0.0 (J, 'J sE l.s 2.4 (I 1.0 0.4 E 3.0 1.1 E t 5.2 4. - Sums .. 47. 5 :'.-, :'. 70.2 59. 7 62. 7 Means 1.9 1.2 2.9 2. 5 _ 2.6 20 WINDS APRIL, 1872. Ha.v. Hour. (Ill 1 :; 1 r. <; H ;i 1(1 11 Nodu. 11' ;i 4 (; H ;i 10 11 .Sums.. Meaus II ir. K (I I) II I-; (I (I x\v II NVV N \V N •\v (I w K (I K ]•; (I (I u (I Vr]. IVlst. fi. (I. (I (I.I) 0.(1 .5.0 (1.0 (1.0 ;!. (I. 1.(1 i.(; v> o 5.2 0. 0. y. y. II. 2.0 II. .5 0.0 (I. 0. 0.0 Dir. l.(i 0. 1 (1 0. -J NVV l.J II l.ll 0. (i NW 1.4 0. :j . 0, 2 \\' 1.H E • > v> [■ N \V ■J. 2 N\V '2. K \V 0.2 1.0 i 0. ( ; 0. H 1 0. ',) II 1.:) 0. M (1 II. (1 (1. II II. 0.2 0.0 (1 2.4 :;. 4 1.4 0. r 2. 1 5. \'<'I. Disf,. 20. 0. 2. 1 1.;! 0.2 I 0.0 (1.0 0.0 j 0. 0.0 ! 0,0 (I. :< II. :' 1.1) Dir. K \V N'W N\V N\V K K !•; !■: K ■SK S10 SK s !■; SK 10 !•: Vcl. I Dist. :!. II .5. .5. II 4.H :'.. 2 0.0 0. (1.0 (I. 0. 0.0 5. ;t. n 4.0 l.H 2.4 :i. 5. 1 I '■> ,f> 1 4 II 4 fj (1. ;) 0. f, 0. 1 4 ■( k> ;i :;_ 1 4. II 1. 2. ".) i. 1. (1 (1 ■A. :i 27. 2 1.1 (;7. 1 2. H Day. Hour. Dir. 9. 10. Vrl. Dir. ' Vcl. Dist. 01' 1 2 8 10 11 Noon. 1" '_* :i 4 9 10 11 Slims . . Mraiis . s\v 1.^ 0. « sw 1.2 0.2 (1 (I. II 'J ') 0.0 0.0 0. II 0. II II. 1) 0.0 II. 0. 0.0 0. II 0.0 0.0 II. 0. II. 0.1 0.0 0. (1 0.0 0. 1 0. II 0. 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 1.7 E :i. II :!. (1 0. 1. 1 !•; 2. II. :'. II. II 0.2 (I. (1 0. 0.0 0. II. 0. 2 (I 1-; SE si: 1', K SE 1-; K v: (J (I .SIO II (I 0.0 0.0 0. II o.n 0.0 5.1) 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5. 2 i.i; II. 0.0 l..i :i. (i 0.0 0.0 0. I 0.0 2.0 II. II 0.0 0.0 APRIL, 1872. 11. Dir. Vrl. i Dist. 10. 1 0.4 0. II. 1 0. 1 0. 2 2.4 4.:', 2. 'J 0. 7 1.1 0. i; 2. i; 0. :i 0.0 II. :i 0.0 1.7 0. H 0.0 0.0 [ 0. 2 :ii.l j 1.:; i 0.0 0. (I '■''. H 4.i; 0. 0. II 0.0 0.0 II. :!. I) 2. II 2. 0.0 0.0 4 ::. 0. >^ 5. 2 I 0. , li. 0.5 0.0 0,0 1.0 0.0 2 4.0 5. (i 0,0 II. 0. :i 0. 0. i; :;. 4 Dir. 10 K !■; (•: j-; !■; SE SI-; SI-; SE SI-: SI-; SE E !•; E ]■; E ,\ I-; N I-: NE !■; I-; E Vel. I DiHt. Dir. ': Vol. I 5 r, f-j (1 5 I) :i:i c. :!. 7 4.0 lie. 4.7 :i. !) 4.0 1.0 5. 2 .5. H 10.2 U. 2 4,',i 4.:i 4.2 5.7 E K K !•; i; E K SIO SE sr; SI-; SIC sr; SI', NE j\\V ^'vv N\V NVV NW 7.0 5. 5.0 2. (i 4.4 li. '■': 2. H 0.11 2 2 2.11 :). I) 1.0 I :'.. 4.0 0,0 I 0.:! ■1.!) ;i.4 :t.5 :i.i ii.ii (1 ;i 2 1 II 4 M II 1 1.7 1.7 2. :! 2.(1 2.7 :i.H 2.0 2.1 0.7 n.7 0.4 1.0 2.4 2.2 1.K 117. H 4. 'J .S!l. 2 2.5 Dir. E !■: K K \: (I E II SE SE SE (I (I SE ]•: K SIC 1-; I-; 12. Vrl. 13. I :i 4, 1. Dist, 4,4 1, Ci 1.0 1. 1 0.0 0.0 0. II 2. (I. !l 1.S 1,1 0,1 (l.ll 0.0 1.1 0. H 0.0 2. 1. 1 2. 2. 1 ::. 4 0. :t4.7 1.4 Dir. K !■; !■; ic E SE NW \V AV W w w NE NIC II :{ '> .■"i 4 H 2 2 (1 {) 1 2 Dist. (1.1 0.0 :i. I :i. .'. 4.(1 5.2 2.1 0. (i i.:i (1.1 1,:! 1,2 1,4 11,'^ 2.0 1.0 5, 4 0.1 (l.ll 1.:! 4.H 5;;. 1 2.2 AT POLARIS BAY. 21 22 WINDS Day. Hour. 1 2 4 5 II 7 K <) 10 11 Noon. II' 2 8 9 10 11 Sums.. Meaas . Day. Hour. Qi' 1 (1 ,s it 10 11 Noon. 1 10 n Sums. Means 21. Dir. sw s\v s\v .s\v ,s\v sw sw (I SK E NE II HE SE E NE NE Vt 1. IS 111 12 .5 14 II 1S 5 (1. I.-.. 6 10. II 12, .5 14. 1-. 5 li. 5 . II .11 ^ ;-i. II 0. II 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 0. 0.0 0. .5 13. l.->. 21.0 1,-^. 21.0 2:0 i IM 0.9 II H 1 9 fj 9 111 9 11; 1 19 199 s 3 Dir. NE NE NE N 1; NE Ni: N !■; N ]•; NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE N\V W N NE NE 25. Ynh Hist. APRIL, 1872. 26. 19. 5 21.0 19. 6 IX. 22. .'i 23! .5 20. II 20. IK. 20. 16. ."i 18.0 20.11 • >■-> r 20. 18. r, 21 . 5 6.0 2.0 3.0 6.0 19. .-1 21.0 ] 9. 4 19. H 16, 1; IS. 7 21.1 23. 9 1 s. s 21.2 20.4 IS. s 1."!. 9 1(). s 20. 6 21.7 22. 1 IS, 4 21.0 18.7 4.9 2. s .5! 4 12.4 29. 2 nir. NE NE NK NE NE NE N 1-: NE NE ,SE SE ,SE SE SI-: SE A'i'l. Dist. 24. 23. 4 25. 3 24. 3 ]S. s 20. 8 23. 1 23.6 7.9 24.0 22. .5 22. 21.0 0.0 6.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3. II. 1.0 0.0 II. 5 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 2.5 4.11 2 5 2. 1 0.7 1.3 0.6 1.0 0. 3 0.6 1.0 1.2 5.2 2,7 1.4 Dir. SE SE E E E E II II \V W W ^v E II SE SE SE SE SK SE 27. ^'e]. , Dist. 2§. 429. 6 17.9 198. 1.0 0.0 1.0 2. 6. 4.0 13.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. 3.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 4.5 2. .5 4.0 1.7 1.2 3.3 4.6 5. 4 4.2 12. 2 0. 0.6 0.4 l.s i.i; 1.0 0. 9 0.4 0. 3, 1.0 0.4 2.4 3.4 3.0 4.3 2. 3 .59. 2 2.5 I I Dir. ; \'i-l. I Dist. SE SE SE SE SE SI-: Si; SE E E SE E E SE SE SE Si: E E SE E E E E 2. 2.5 3. 2. II 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2. 2.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 5,0 2.0 3.0 .5.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 2. 1; l!s 2 1 1.4 1.1 0.2 1.1 1.1; 1.5 1.1 2. s 4.2 4.S 3.4 4.5 4.2 4.1; 4.4 4.11 3.7 4.4 5.2 70.5 2.9 APRIL, 1872. MAY, 1872. 29. Dir. E E E E E E E 1; 1: E ]•; E E ]•: N\V E NE NE Ni; Ni: NE NE NE Vel. 5. i 5.0 3.0 4.0 3. 3. 5 .5.0 5. 5 4.0 4.5 4.5 5. 5.0 8. II :!. 0. 6.0 14.5 20.0 29. 5 36. 28. 36. 5 40. b Dist. 5.4 4.6 4.1 4.1 4.3 5.4 5. 6 3. 5 4.5 5.1 5.1 5.1 6.3 5.0 2. s 0.7 13. 1 S. 5 35. 1 3,7. 4 2S. 4 4S. 5 41.9 311. 5 330,9 13. 8 30. 3. Dir. NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE N N\V NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE N1-; NE NE N i; Yl'1. I Dist. 32. II 43.0 3>2. 5 17^0 22. 7.0 6.0 18. 12. 5 20. 25. 5 25. 5 29. 3.0. 5 17.5 30. 36, 5 39. 44.5 31.3 30. 6 25. S 30. s 31. s 3,2. 7 24. 2 IS. s S. 10.3 12. s 13.6 26.7 24. 6 27. II 25. 2 39! S 30. 1 25. 4 27. 9 3,2. S 37. 5 3S. 4 6.50.6 27. 1 Dir. NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE Ni; NE NE NE NE NK NE NE NE NE ^'el. 0^ 5 '/yf .> 1 M5 5 30.0 2s. .5 20.0 21.0 23. 5 22. 5 26. 5 211. 5 31. 21.0 14. 12.5 20. 16. 17.0 17.0 Dist. .i.i. .;; ' 32.6 ! 3.5.9 1 33.9 39.4 29. 2 26.7 I 21.4 24. 24. 2 27. 4 28. « 3,0. 25. 6 22. 4 20. s 17.9 24.7 17.1 15. 9 16. 21.9 623. 25. 9 Dir. NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE SW II Vel. 21.5 17.5 22. 5 21.0 22.0 20. 5 15. 5 10.0 10.5 13.5 IS, 5 15,5 12.0 13. 5 12. s.O 12.0 8.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. Dist. Dir. NW Vel. Dist. IS. 5 2.0 1.4 20. 0.0 2.4 22. 1 W 3. 2.0 22. 5 0.0 1.0 21.3 SE 2.0 2.0 13.9 0.0 O.S) 12.4 0. 0.7 10.3 II II. II 0.0 13,. 9 0.0 0.2 17.3 0.0 0.2 16.5 0. 1.1 13.1 0.0 2.8 13.1 s 2.0 2. 11 14.2 SE 3.0 1.2 7.4 0.0 0.2 11.8 E 1.0 0.2 14.1 0.0 11.11 8.1 II 0.0 0.1 2. 9 si; 1.0 '' 'i 1.9 SE 2.5 1.9 9 0.0 0. H 0.4 0.0 2.0 0. 5 SE 1.5 2. ■) 1.7 E 2. 2.3 78.1 30.5 11.6 1.3 AT POLARIS BAY. 23 MAY, 1872. Day. 4. 5. Vel. 30. ,-1 Dist. 32, Dir. 6, VhI, Dist. I.O Dir. NE 7. Vet, 1.5.0 Dist. S. 7 §. 1 Hour. Dir. E Vel. Dist. Dir. NE Dir. Vel. Dist. Oi> 1.6 0.0 0.5 1 SE I..'') 1.2 NE 2.=^, .'■) 20,1 0.0 2,1 NE S 5 6.6 0.0 0.1 2 !^E 1.0 1 .- NE 15.0 25, N\V 2, 4.6 Ni; 6,0 12.0 0.0 3 2 ;1 (t. \'.a NE 0> Tj 2( 1, 9 NE 6,5 4.9 NE 11.0 12. s NE 2.5 •> .) ■1 E 'i.O 11. >^ NE Is! 20, s NE 2,0 1.2 NE 9.5 s. 3 NE 2.5 ;i. 2 5 WE k;. .s 20. 4 NE 20, r> 22, 3 (1 (.». 0,2 NE 6. 5 7. 6 NE 2.5 0.6 t) NE •ri. .5 27. .- NE 21.0 16.6 0. 0.2 NE 7.0 9.2 0.0 0.1 ^ 1 NE 3t..j 47.8 NE 11. (i 10. s SE 1.0 1.0 NE 10. 9.5 0.0 2.1 ^ KE :c,. ^ •X: 9 NE 12. 5 7. 5 SE 1.0 0.2 NE 10. 7.1 NW 1,5 2.3 9 A'E ?,:>. 5 39.1 NE S. 9.7 N\V 1.0 0. s NE 6. (J S '* 0.0 1.1 10 KE ;57. .5 :i9. 6 NE 9. 1*^ f, 0.0 0. NE 7. J 1E6 0.0 0.1 11 NE :!r>. ;!s, 3 NE s. 6.' 6 0,0 NE 12.0 IS, 2 0.0 0.1 Noou. NE 4(1, .j :!7.4 NE 6.0 13,7 0,0 0. (> NE IS.O 14.3 0.0 0.9 l" NE :i7.5 ;!s, 1 NE IS, 5 19, s ^v 2,0 6, S NE 12. 5 16. 9 SE 1.0 1.7 2 NE :i7.."> 4,-,, 9 NE 17.0 15,9 NW 5, 6,0 NE is. 12. S S 2. 2,1 :i NE 4.-. f, 4(; NE 15. .5 15.1 N\V 6,0 4.2 Ni: 12. 5 5. 6 s 2.0 1,1 4 NE 4:!. 5 50. 1 NE 15. 5 16.7 (1 0.0 10.6 N1-: 4.0 5. SE 1.0 1.5 5 NE r,o. :5 NE 17.0 IS, 4 NE Ifi. 5 19. S 0. 4.9 SE 2. 0.6 6 NE 4^^. .'i 47,?^ NE 17.0 13. 6 NE 20. 22. 6 NW 6, 3.1 K 2.0 2.S 7 NE 45. 5 4:!, 9 NE 13. 11.7 NE 22. k;. 7 0, 1.1 E 3.0 2, 3 s NE 40.0 37, '^ E 13. 3. 2 NE 16.0 16. S NE 3 '' E 2,0 1.0 9 NE ;!7.0 34,3 (1 0. (J 5. 9 NE 15, 5 12. 2 NW :i 5 3. 5 E 0. 5 3.3 10 NE ■.w.:, ■'"^. / S 5. (.) 2. 5 NE 12, 14.6 NW 2, 2. 5 SE 3,0 1.4 It Slims.. NE 44. 5 34. « s\v 4.0 4.2 NE 14.5 15. 7 NW 1.0 0. s E 'J. 5 •> 2 771.7 341. 5 162. s 193, 5 36. 5 Meaus . 32, 2 14.2 6, s ^ S, 1 1.5 MA Y, 18 72, Day. Hour. 9. 2 .') Dist, 1.0 Dir. - Dir. 10, Vel. 1.0 11. 12. Dir. 13. Vel, 3.0 Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. 31.5 Dist, Dist. 3.6 01' K 1.4 NE 33. 31.7 NE 22.1 .SW 1 E ■i. u 1..". w 1.0 l.S NE 32. 31. 5 NE 26. 25, 6 0.0 0. 5 2 SE 1.0 2, s \v 2.0 1.9 NE 30. 5 33.1 NE 23. 5 23, 5 0.0 3.5 W E ■-'. .> 2. C. w 1.5 1.7 NE 30. 36. S NE 25. ( ) 22! sw 3. 5 2.3 4 E "2. 5 3,1 w 0.5 1.4 NE :!5. 33.4 NE 20, 5 IS. 3 sw 4.0 3.8 f) E ■2. ."> 2,4 w 1.0 2.0 NE 35, 34.7 NE, 13.5 15. 9 sw 4.0 4.6 C SE 2.0 2.0 w 2,0 0. s NE 30. 5 45. 6 NE 1,5. H.l sw 0.5 0.3 0. 1.(1 0,0 0.1 NE 42. 35. S NIO 7 S 2,4 0.0 0.3 iS K •2. 2, 0.0 0,2 NE 3S. 3S. 5 sw i!o 2. 5 0.0 4.3 9 0. 0..-J 0. 0,0 NE 39. 5 32.3 sw 1,5 4.5 sw 3.5 0.5 10 0. 10. 2 (J 0.0 0.3 NE 30. 3,0, 4 sw 4.0 5.6 0.0 0.1 11 0.0 0.7 0.0 0, s NE 30,0 2S, 3 sw 6.0 9.3 0.0 0.8 Nnoil. xvv 2,0 1.4 s 2.0 1.7 NE 25. 30, 1 ,sw 10, 10. 5 .SE 2.0 1.6 Ill w 2,0 1.9 SE 2.0 5.1 NE 29 5 25, 2 sw 12. 11.9 SE 1.0 0.9 :| 0.0 0.2 Ni': 10.0 14.5 NE 25. 26, <; .sw 12. 13. 9 s 1.0 1.7 0,0 0. C, Nt; 15,0 10.1 NE 29. 5 27,9 sw 15. 12. 2 0. 1.2 4 0.0 0.2 NE 2U. 5 24. 3 NE 2S. 25, 2 ,sw 10.0 5. 9 w 1.0 2.9 . W" 1.0 2. ,-| NE 24,5 29. 5 NE 25. 34,0 sw 4.0 3. S sw 4.0 5. 5 Ci \v 2. 2,4 NE 25, ,5 31.7 NE 20,5 sw 4.0 4,5 sw .5.0 s. 2 7 w 2 2 1,.- NE 3,11.0 30, 9 NE 36,0 22, 2 sw 4.0 4.4 sw 7. 6.3 >i \v ■lo 4,2 NE 2S, 6 NE 20, 24,7 sw 4.0 6,3 sw (i.O s. 1 9 \v 2,4 i.r, NE 2(;, :'>\K NE 22, 5 35. 1 sw 6.0 .5.4 sw 7. .5 10.7 10 \v 2,0 2.3 NE 2S 31.7 NE 3,0,0 2S. 9 S\A' .5.0 4.3 sw 10,0 7,4 11 Slims.. w 2, 0. H NE 3'2.0 43. 8 312.3 NE 2s. 33. 1 sw 5.0 3,3 sw 7. ,, 9, 5 r.o, .-' 761, 24(i. 2 88,6 Jleiiiis. 2,1 13.0 31.7 10.3 0. 1 24 WINDS MAY, 1872. Day. 14. Vel. Dist. Dir. 15. Yt'l. 4.5 0. 3 16. 17. IS. Vel, 3.9 Hour. Dir. Dir. Vel. 0.0 Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. 0.4 Dir. O"' 8. .5 9. 9 SW 0.3 0.0 E 4.0 1 SW 9.0 s. 4 0.0 2. 8 0. 0.6 0.0 4.0 E 4.0 4.7 2 SW 9.0 S. 9 SW :',, 5,4 SW 1.0 4.0 SE 4.0 5.8 E 5.0 5.0 3 SW 9.0 s. s SW 5. 6.6 SW 3,0 3.0 E 5. 0.1 E 5.0 4.0 1 4 SW S, S. 4 SW 6,5 9.9 SW 3.0 2. 3 0.0 0.4 E 4.0 4-, :> SW 8.0 s. (i SW 9.0 11.4 SW 2.0 : 2.6 0.0 0.8 E 4.5 4.2 i; SW b. .'•> 5.4 SW 9. 5 13.7 SW 2, 5. 1 0,0 4.4 0.0 0.2 ^ SW 4.5 0.4 SW 15. 18,0 SW 5.5 ' 5.7 SE 4.0 .5.4 0.0 ti.-i s SW 6.5 10.3 SW 20.0 14,0 SW 5.5 1 7.3 SE 5.5 5.2 0.0 1.9 9 SW 9.0 5.1 SW 12. 5 12. 1 SW 6.0 8.2 S 5.0 4.4 E 1.5 U 2 10 SW 4.5 5. s\v 12.0 9.2 SW 9.0 9.5 0.0 7.5 0.0 2,4 11 SW 0. 5. S SW 8,0 s.O SW 9.0 11.7 SW ■ 8.0 9.9 s 2.0 Noon. S\\' 5.0 0.0 SW S, 7. 5 SW 12. 11.2 SW 10.0 8.1 s 2.0 1,0 1 li> SW (i. 5.11 SW s. 7, 7 SW 10. 10.3 SW 8.0 8.5 s 2.0 2. 3 2 SW 5 3.1 SW 8.0 9, 3 SW 10.0 11.4 SW 8.0 8.3 s 3.0 1.5 ii SW 3.0 3. i; S\\' 10. 5 9. 2 SW 12.0 11.4 SW 8.0 7.3 0.0 0.4 4 s 2.0 0. 2 SW 9.5 S.6 SW 11.5 6.5 s\v 6.5 2.0 0.0 0.!) 0. 0.3 SW H 10. 1 SW 6. 7.9 w 2.0 3.1 SE 2.0 0.3 6 0. 0.4 SW 8.0 7.3 SW S. b. 1 SW 2.0 0.7 0.0 1.3 / 0.0 0.0 SW 14,5 S, 6 SW 8.0 .5.7 0.0 0.2 SE 0.5 l.(i H 0. 2. 5 SW 7,0 6, 8 SW 6, .5.4 0.0 1.4 SE 1.0 2.3 9 SW 2.5 2.7 SW 8,5 6. 8 SW 5.0 3.7 SE 3.0 1.6 SE 2.0 2.5 10 SW 2.5 4.1 SW 6.0 4. 3 SW 4.0 8. 2 0.0 2.4 SE 2.0 0.7 11 Sums -. SW 3.0 4.S SW 2.0 0.6 19S, 2 SW b. 2.4 E 3.0 3.3 95 2 SE 1.0 0.9 50.0 124. 9 1.52, 5 Means . 5.2 s. 3 6.4 3.9 2.1 MA Y, 1872. Day. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Hour. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. :;. 5 Dir. Vel. Dist. 2.6 Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. 01' SE 2.0 2.1 SE 5.0 SE 3.0 NE 18.0 7.3 NE 9.0 11.2 1 SK 2,0 0.5 SE 4.0 3.3 0.0 0.2 NE 16. 5 27.7 NE 10.5 10.9 0.0 2.3 SE 3.0 5. 6 0.0 2.2 NE - 17.0 •'1 9 NE 10. 5 12.2 :? SE 2.0 3.4 SE 5.5 3.0 SE 2.0 2,7 NE 20. 17.3 NE 10.5 14,7 4 E -'••' 3.3 SE 1.0 0. 5 SE 2.0 0,5 NE 15.5 9.7 NE 15.0 27, 7 .) SE 2.5 1.8 0.0 1.5 0.0 1.8 NE 5.5 5.3 NE 2b, 25, 4 5 Sli 2.0 0. 'J 0. 0,4 SE 2.0 1.5 0.0 3.8 NE 23,. 5 23. 1 ' 1) 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.5 8 1.5 1.0 SW 5.0 3.1 NE 22.5 26.0 ^ SE 0.5 1.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0,6 SW 2.0 2.4 NE 25. 13.7 SE 1.0 0.4 s 0. 5 1.7 0.0 2,1 0.0 0.5 NE 1.'). 5 23.1 10 0.0 0.4 AV 1.5 1.1 w 2,0 3,9 0.0 2,4 NE 22. 20. 8 11 ^\' 2.0 3.0 0.0 0.2 NW 4.0 3.7 NW 4.0 4.2 NE 20.5 24, Noon. KW 4.0 3.1 0.0 0.3 NW 2.0 2.4 NW 4.0 2.0 NE 25.5 30.3 It" xw 3.0 2,4 O.O 9 NW 2.0 0,0 2,0 NE 2b. 27.2 NW 0.5 0.9 E 2. 2. 3 NW 7. 5 7.0 0.0 4.6 NE 28.0 26.1 ■' 0.0 1.1 E :'.. ''.. 5 XE li. ') •) s 5.0 1.6 NE 2.5.5 20.9 4 NW 1.0 0.9 E 3.0 3. 2 NE 14. 5 12. 9 0.0 1.4 NE 18.5 16.0 0.0 0.. E 3.0 2, 5 NE 12.0 14.8 E 2.0 0.5 NE 15.5 11.6 0.0 0. 2 0. 3. 6 NE 16. 5 1.5.4 0.0 0.2 NE b.O 2.3 ' 0.0 0.0 SE 3, 3.3 NE 18.0 21.5 0.0 1.5 0.0 2.7 '< .-^ 0.0 1.2 s 3.0 4,4 NE 21.5 lb. 8 NE 3.0 5. 6 NE 5.0 2.3 in ' SE 2. 2.4 s 5.0 4.4 NE lb. lb. 9 NE 5.0 b. 1 NE 1.0 2.3 10 SE 3.0 2.9 SE 4.0 4,5 NE 20. 20.3 NE 9.5 7. (i NW 0.5 0.6 11 Snni.S- . Means - SE 2.4 4.5 SE 3.8 :'., NE 20. lb. 4 NE 5.0 b.6 0.0 1.1 376.2 15.7 39.5 1.6 58. 6 2.4 182. 2 7.6 149.3 6.2 AT POLARIS BAY. Day. Hour. 0'> 1 MAY, 1872. 21. 26. Dir. i: E E '•> ,s\V (; S\V / S\\' s ,^A\- 9 s\v in 1 s\v u 1 s\v Xooii. w 11' \\' 2 ^\• ^^ s\v 4 ^^w .') s\v G i .SV,' 7 sw H •SW 9 ,s\\' 111 sw 11 .•. ;!. Dir. 5.0 I .5.5 1 1-J. It 7 II 4.(1 ! 4.11 (i. II 4.(1 3. II 1'2. 7.5 1 1:?. II i 6.(1 7. II 14.0 5. 10.0 3.0 3.1 5.(1 (5. rt 1H.7 13. S 7. 1 4.-i 9. •^ 1(1. 5 s 3 7. II 11 .") 'J. 9 H. 7 s 7 5 •"'» s\v sw S\\' s\\' sw sw sw S\\' sw sw sw sw sw sw S\\' sw s\v sw sw sw sw sw sw sw Vel. 10. 5 5. 10. 5 Dist. i Dir. ;) II 7 4 9 f> P n \-> 4 (J 9.5 5. '2 9. 9 11. (i s. (I 5.1 s. I 4.3, 10.4 5 10.(1 5.9 7.4 HI. 15. IC. (Minis. Jleaus 173.(1 ;> Iv!. -l .', 14.8 5 14.0 5 17. 9 II 7.0 U 7.3 (1 7.0 5.1 (1 3,. 9 (1 3.5 ■JdJ. 'J S. 4 SW sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sW s\\^ sw sw sw sw sw Vel. Dist. 1.0 2.1 'J.O 1.9 1.0 '-',4 '2.0 1.5 1.5 3.3 ;!. 5.0 5. 4.5 5.0 5.4 5. 5.0 (1.0 3.0 5.0 II. 3. 3,. 3. (J 4.0 4.0 5. (I 3. 3,. 4.0 (1.0 S5. 3 .?. () 2y. Dir. Vel. sw 1(1.0 sw 13.5 sw s. sw S. (1 sw 5. (.1 sw 4.0 sw 5. sw (1.0 sw (1. sw 5. sw 5.0 sw 5.0 sw 10. II sw 7. sw 10. sw s. sw S. sw 1(1.5 sw S. (1 s 4.0 sw 11.5 SW' 7. T) sw 10. 5 sw S. Diiy. Hour. (|i' 1 llir. fi si-: SE 29. Vel. ; ])ist. (1.0 3.0 MAT, 1872. 30. ;i (1 5 5 .5 sw 7.0 7. 3 11 sw 7.(1 11.0 / sw 10. u 13. 1 s sw 1 2. 5 12. 3 9 s 1 2. 5 14. S ](i sw 14.5 10. s 11 s\\^ 10.0 13.4 Socin. sw 14. 5 12.7 11' sw 10.5 4. 9 2 sw 2 3 sw 4.5 3 3 4 sw 3.0 3 9 r sw 4.0 4.4 (i sw (1. 5 4.1 7 w 4.0 '> •> ,s sw 2.0 2.3 il (1. -> ;; 10 sw 5. (1 'y •} u sw 4.0 0. (^ Dir. SW sw (I sW sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw s s s ). i Dist. . (I 0. 3.0 (I. 0. 2.0 2. II 1.5 1.5 3. (I 4. 3. 5. 2. II 3. (I 3. (I 3. 2 2.4 0, 9 3.0 (1. 3 2. 2 2. 1 2.(1 2.3 3. 3 2. 9 4. 2 3. (I 4.S 2.3, 3. 3. 2.0 2. (I 1.(1 0. I 2. 4 2.7 2. 9 31. Dir. Vel. I Dist. SI-: SK S1-; SK S SW sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sW sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw- l.ll 3,0 2.5 2.0 2. 2. 5 (1. 11.0 4.5 (1.0 5. II S. 5 s. 10. (1. II 7.0 1(1, (I 10.0 1(1.0 2 1 ■J 1 ,s 'J 3 (1 3 .5 .5 4 2 ' (1 3 10. 1(1. 9. Dir. SW SW sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sW sw Dist, 11.8 11.3 7 4 r 1 4 (i 9.7 HI. 1 HI, (1.4 7.4 9, II S, 8 '.1.(1 7.4 lS|,i) Dir. SW^ SW sw sw sw^ sw sw sw^ sw sw sw sw sW sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw SE NE NE JUNE, 1872. \'e.l. i Dist. j Dir. 10. 9. II '.1.0 1(1.0 1(1.0 1(1. II 12. 7. 5 lli.O S. H 1(1. (I Hi. 5 H'.O HI. 12. 5 s. II 12.5 H. 5 12. 'I HJ.d HI. 5 1.1, (J s 9 [1 9 1 9 10 ',1 (,) 12 4 iMe;|li 15fi. 1 (1. 5 (11.0 12. (I ^. 9. 2 II. s 111.8 111.4 III. 1 HI. 12. 11. U. HI. 12. HI. '.I SW SW SW' SW sw sw sw sw w ^v w sw sw w sw sw SUf sw w \v w w II w 2§. Vel. Dist. 7.U 7.5 7. ■'' 8.0 3.0 4.5 5.0 8.0 8. (1 3.7 4.0 5.1 4.5 3 9 4.0 4.7 5.0 3.9 4.5 4.4 4.5 0.2 (1. 4.9 4.5 (1.0 0. 6.8 11. (1 7.0 s. (1 (1. ■• (). 8,4 10. 5 8.0 (i. 5 (1. 8 7. 7. 8 7.0 (1.0 3.0 3, 1 5. (J 4.3 4.0 1.6 137.4 5.7 12.0 12. 11.0 11.0 9. 5 11.0 11.(1 11.0 5. 9. 5 7. 9.0 (1. 5 '.I. 5 ti '> 6. 5 (1. 5 9. 5 (1.(1 2. (I 4.11 (I. II 4.0 Dist, 1 2. 1 11.4 11. 'J, 4 1 10. 3 11. ;l. 6 7 i s 8 8 (1 8,4 10. 2 11.3 192.9 8.0 4: W 26 WINDS Day. Hour. 1 2 3 4 ^ () 7 8 9 10 U Noon. I'l 2 :i 4 5 <; 7 8 9 10 11 Siuns-. Means Day. Hour. 01' 1 2 ■.i 4 .5 (i 9 10 11 Noon. 1" •J 3 4 b (i 7 9 10 11 Slims.. Me an 8 . JUNE, 1872. Dir. U "\V NW KW W W W ^v u \Y s\v w w w E E E Vd. Dist. 0.0 1.4 0.0 2,4 :>,. 2.1 0.0 3.8 4.0 7. 5 7.r) ,5.4 .^ 10. 3 1.0 9.4 9.,"^ .5.9 6.0 3.2 0. 1.3 0. 1.0 0.0 1.4 y.o 0.9 ■■>,. 0.7 0.0 •> o 2,0 1.0 2.0 2,0 2.0 2,0 3.0 1.9 0.0 3.1 .^..0 2.0 0.0 3.7 4.0 3,9 Dir. E E W E E W w s II s E s\v Vel. 4.0 3.0 0,0 4.0 3.0 0. .5 0.0 0.0 o.'o 0,0 0.0 II. I) 0.0 3.0 2, 0,0 2.0 0.0 fi. 2. 1,0 0.0 0,0 7.^, .5 2. 9 2.0 4.1 3.1 0. .5 0.8 0.9 1.9 0.4 0.,-) 0.1 0. r> 0,11 1.0 2.0 0.2 ],,-> 10,6 2, .5 2.1 3. s 2, w 0.7 2.2 47. 1 1.9 Dir. II w w sw AV W NW NW NW NE N\V NW II SE S SW sw !•: sw Vol. I Dist. 0.0 0. II 0.0 0. 3.0 3.0 4.0 2. .5 3.0 5.0 .^. II 7,0 3.0 2.0 4.0 0. II 2,0 4,0 0.0 4.0 1.0 2, 0.0 (i. 1.9 1,2 0,9 3,2 2. s 4. 1 2,0 3. ■■', 4.7 7. I 7.2 G. 5 3.9 2.0 2.9 0.3 0. 9 2. 9 5, 3, 1 Dir. E E 10 ]•; E i: E E E NW NW II NW SK S II sw sw JUNE, 1872. Dir. Vel, SW S SW SW SW SW SW SW SE E s E E S s w sw 5.0 4.11 8, II 1.2 0.5 1.0 2.5 4.11 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 2. 2 2,0 0. 0.0 2. 0.0 0,0 4,0 5. II Dist. 3.9 9.3 3.1 7, 1 2.9 3.3 4.7 0.9 0.5 1.8 Dir. Vel. I Dist. 10. Dir. Vel. 2. 0.8 0. 2 1.2 :!, 6 .5.4 74,3 3.1 w sw sw sw sw sw sw sw w \v w sw sw sw sw sw s SE SE SE 0. II 1.0 CO 12.0 14.4 12.0 12,0 1.0 3, li 4.0 4.0 7.0 8.0 4.0 8.0 fi, II 3.0 0.0 2.11 0. II 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.5 3.1) 5 4 10. 2 13. 3 12. ., 8.3 10.0 4.9 8, 5 4. li >^. 9.7 4.2 5.2 5. 5, li 1,4 1.1 0.7 0.4 1.9 2, 1 3,3 135.4 5,6 S SE W NE NE NE NE NE NE NE N SE SE SW W W SW sw S\\' sw sw 3.5 2.11 1.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 1.0 14. 5 25,11 20. 211.0 13.5 18. 2.0 2, II (i. 11.5 7.0 4.11 4,0 7.0 5.0 8. II 8. (I Dist. 1.6 1.9 0. 8 0.7 1.7 8, 12,0 17,6 20, 20. 5 17.5 16. 9 .5.6 2.6 7.6 6.5 9, 2 4.0 3.8 6.1 ,5.2 7. 1 8.0 9, 3 194. 2 H. 1 sw SW sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw s\v sw sw sw s Vel. 0.0 3.0 4.0 5. II 6.0 4.5 3,0 0.0 3,. 2.0 2.0 4.0 0,5 0.0 3.0 2. 0.0 4.0 0. 0.0 II. II 0. 0. 5 1.0 Dist. Dir. Vel. Hist. 4.0 5,1 r I > 6. -2 4.3 2, 9 1.3 •y ■> 2^3 1.9 2.6 4.9 4,1 3,1 2.6 1.3 4.5 1.5 0.3 0.5 0.3 1.7 0.4 SW S1-; NW St; II SE II si: 2,0 2,0 :•., 2, u II. II 0.0 2,0 0,0 0,0 0.0 0.5 1.5 2. ;i 2. 3 0.1 0.3 0.2 0. .-' o.:i l.K 57. 1 II. 'J ') NW 4,0 i,i; NW :!,5 2,4 II 0, ],.-< NW 2.0 1,1 II 0.0 1.4 s 2,0 3,0 SK 3,,0 .5.1 4,11 ■ :j. -^ SE 2,0 4,5 SE 2.0 4.5 SW 6, 10. 5 W ,5.0 5.1 61,0 2.5 11. Dir. I Vel. ' Dist. 9. 6 14.4 II. .-' 9.6 7.2 14.11 12. 13. 2 9.6 8.4 9.6 12.0 10.0 10. 8.0 10.0 10. 10.0 8.5 9. 5 9.5 5. 5. 6.0 10. G 11.4 10.3 6.4 15.4 6,4 10.7 10.3 9.1 9.6 9.8 10.4 10. 9^4 10.11 9.9 8. S 111. 9.4 7 2 3^7 G.5 12. Dir. Vel, Dist, 21.5. 6 8.9 S ,■-; s S S s s s sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw II SE 3.0 1.0 3.(i 3.9 ,-, 4.H 5,2 4.1 H 5 8 (i.l 0.0 6, 6,0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 5.3 4.1 3.9 0. 6 j II. 5 0.4 0.9 0.9 0.9 2.0 32.9 3.5 AT POLARIS BAY. 27 JUNE, 1872. Day. 13. 14. 13. 16. 17. Hour. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. S Vel. Dist. 0. 9 Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. S Vel. Dist. 0!^ S 3.0 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.5 NE 8.4 9.2 3.6 1.8 1 0.0 0.3 0.0 1.4 II 0.0 2.4 NE 12.0 11.1 SE 2.4 2.5 ^> 0.0 0.9 SE 4.S 3.7 0.0 0.0 NE 9.6 12.4 SW 3.6 2.1 3 0.0 0.1 SE 1.2 2.0 0.0 1.5 NE 12.0 12. SW 1.2 1.6 4 0.0 2 Si: (i.O 3.0 0.0 1.8 NE 10.8 22. '.) II 0.0 1.3 ;> 0.0 0.5 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.4 NE 12.0 9.1 SW 3.6 2. 8 (j II. 2.0 0.0 '> >> 0.0 2. NE 6.0 5.1 sw 1.8 4.3 7 u 0.0 2.4 u 0. 3.1 s 2.4 1.7 NE 4.8 3.9 sw 6.0 6.0 8 0.0 1.4 SE 2.4 3.2 0.0 1.1 SE 7. 2 4.6 sw 2.4 4.2 9 s\v 1.0 1.:'. SE l.S ;i. sw 1.8 1.0 S 4.S 4.9 sw 4.8 10.3 li) n.O 0.1 s 2.4 0.5 0. 1.4 s 2.4 4.3 sw 9.6 12.7 U I.I 0.0 l.ii 0.0 0.3 sw 3.6 1.5 s 2.4 4.6 sw 19. 2 1.5. 4 Noon. 0.0 2.3 0. 0.0 \\- 1.0 0. 9 s 4.0 i>. 5 sw 17.0 16.5 li> sw 2.5 0.9 II 0.0 0. II 0.0 0.9 s 2.5 2.2 sw 15.0 17.0 2 u 0.0 0.1 0.0 ■1.7 w 2.0 1.1 s 2. 1.3 sw 17.0 25.3 :j II 11.0 1.2 s '-' ."l 1.9 SW 1.0 0.8 SE 2.0 0. li sw 1.5. 5 14.7 4 s 2.0 2.1 0.0 0.4 0.0 1.8 0.0 1.1 sw 15. 5 15.4 r> ,s 4.5 2 2 0, 0. 2 N W 5.0 5.4 0.0 1.1 sw 15. 5 14.8 1 li s 1.5 2 2 II 0.0 0.2 KVV 5. II 8. ii w 2.0 0.8 sw 14.3 lit. 7 ! T ,s '■>. 0. s 0.0 0.2 NW S. 6.9 0.0 2. 5 sw 14.3 11.9 H- s 1.0 1.2 0.0 0.9 NW 6. 3.9 sw 3.0 3.4 sw 10.0 13.6 9 s 2.0 2.7 II 0.0 0.1 NW 2.0 0.9 sw 3.0 0.7 sw 15.5 14.5 to SE 3.0 3.0 xw 1.0 0.1 NE 4.0 4.6 0.0 2.6 sw 12. 5 12. 4 LI Slims .. t^i-; 3.0 2. s '» 0.0 32. 4 XE 6.0 7.5 58. 3 0.0 2 1 125. 4 sw 12. 5 13.3 :::!. 2 248. 1 JIcaiLs . 1.:; 1.3 2.4 5.2 10.3 JUN B, 18 72. Day. Dir. SW SW SW sw sw sw sw sw sw w sw w 19. Dist. ai. Vel. 31. 2 :!0. 22.8 27. li 36. 8 30. :!8! 4 45. li 39.6 45. 6 46.8 Dist. 23.7 23. S 21 i! 4 30.7 29. 2 31.8 31.6 36. 44. 1 41.7 43. :i 41.5 Dir. NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 1 Dir. sw sw .sw •SW .sw- ,sw sw sw sw sw sw sw 18. Vel. 15. S. 4 9^6 1:1.2 15. li ~ .; 9. li 9. (i 3.ti :!. li 12. 1) Dist. 9. li 9.2 10.4 11). 4 15.9 12.2 111.2 7.4 li. 5 3.7 10.2 3.6 Dir. S s SE SE SE S s SE SE Si: II 20. 22. Vel. Hour. Vel. 7.2 1 s. 19.2 19, 2 15.6 14.0 14.4 13. 2 6, l.S 7.2 li.O Vel. 4.8 4.8 4.8 1.2 3.6 3.6 3.0 6.0 1. 2 2^4 0.0 0.0 Dist. 4.7 4.6 3.6 4.0 3.4 4.3 4.5 3. 1 2.4 1.7 0.7 2.6 Dir. Dist. ON 1 L ■> ' :! 4 :> li 7 s 1 9 lU u 11.1 16. li 1.5. 2 14.9 1.5.0 13. 2 in. 9 15. 5 5. li 5.4 0.4 4.0 NE NE NE i\E NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 65:i. 7 Noo;i. u 11.0 2.1 NW ;i. c 1.3 KW 3.0 li. 4 NE 42. 5 40.0 NE 10.0 2:!. 9 Ill N W 2.0 2.4 0. V •> w 6.0 4.1 NE 38. 5 42. 6 NE 18.5 25.8 2 sw 5. 2.1 XE .5.0 5. w 3.0 3.4 NE 42.5 42. 5 NE 20. 4 23.0 :! IJ II. 2.4 S\\' 7.5 li. 4 w 5. 2. NE 4>.b 46. s NE 9.6 Hi. 3 4 sw 3.11 1,5 W 2.0 2. S 0.0 4.5 NE 49.0 4S. 3 NE IS. 5 'J.ti 5 w ;i. II 4.7 ■w 3.0 0.9 XE 111.5 17.0 N !•: 49. 49.6 NE 5.0 8.3 li ^v 5. 5 9 SW :! 1 5 NE 19 2 17 6 N i: II II 0. 2 ^.^ sw 5.0 li. 5. S 5.9 SE 0. 5. 1.9 1. 5 NE Ni: 17.5 17.5 17.4 19.9 N i: NE NW II 2.0 0. 9 0.5 9 sw li.O S. 6 s 3 1. 3 NE 22. 18. 2 NE II 0.0 4.8 111 sw 10. 1 5, 2 NE 4 4 3 N i-; IS. 21.4 NE NW 2.0 1.8 'Slims. . sw 10.5 15.1 l-'li. 0.0 4.6 NE 24. 5 24.4 NE 240. NW 2.0 0.6 101.5 195. 9 913. li 1 769. 6 Muaiis. ! 7.8 6.7 8.2 38.1 \ ; 32. 1 28 WINDS JUNE, 1872. Day. 24. V.'l. 0.0 Ditt. 0. S Dir. 23. Dir. 11 25. Vol. l-.O Dist. 19.2 i 26. 27. Hour. Dir. V,-l. II Dist. 1 7 Dir. A^el. 1 Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. 1 W' . XE 0.0 0.1 NE 18.0 31.. '^ 1 0. 1.0 0. 0. 2 X ]■; 21.0 14.9 0. 0.8 NE 20. 11 311. r, II II 0. 0.0 1 X E 16. S 14.7 0.0 0.0 NE 3,2. 4 34.1 :i II 0. 0.0 II 11. 0. i; X K 12.0 9. 5 0. 0. NE 3;-,. 7 4 1) 0.0 0. >' j,^ I'i. 13. :; XE 12.0 9. 9 0. 0.0 XE 33. .^1 (1 0. 0. XI-; 21.0 1 3. 5 XE 10.5 9. 7 0.0 0.0 XE 38. 5 411.3, i; 0. 0.0 XE 1 :',.■> 14.0 XE 9.0 9. 3, 9 0. 2. 1 NE 43,. 2 (1 0. II 0.0 xr: \r.O 15 Xi-; 0.0 1.8 X\V 5.4 2. 3 XE 311.11 s 0. 0. XE 14.4 15. 5 0.0 0. :i X W 4.S 8.1 X !•; 40, 8 311.(1 'J 0. 0.1 X i; l.-'.O 12.1 0. 5. 9 x\v 4.8 '* '■'> NE 3,4. 8 30. 9 10 II 0.0 0. X !•; 10. -s 1 2. 5 X I] 9.6 4. 5 x\v 2.0 '■'. ■' XE 3.i;. II 2.- 2 u 0. 0. X !•; 14.4 11.3 XE 4.8 5.0 x\v 4.8 3. 2 XE 27. 21.1 Noon. 0. 0. XE O. 10.5 II. 4.5 xw 3. 4.0 NE 24.0 29.4 1'' 0. 11 V XE 1-.'. 11.4 1 XE 4.0 5 '.• x\v XE ' 31.2 31.1 1) \\\' 4 (1 ■' 6 NE 10 5 5 j X E 5 5 8 3 NW XE 3,2. 4 311 b ,\ w Lii 3. I X E w. .5 10. s XE 8. 10.4 xw NE 20.4 32. 4 4 NW •.> '' -; XE 1' 111 •> xj-; 12 5 11 xw NE 34 5 33 3 AW ■J 4.0 X I-; ' 10. 12.2 ■ X E 8 '1 5 xw NE 32.5 44.7 (i NW 4.0 ].:; xi; 14.. 5 14.4 . XE 9. 5 9.7 xw XE 4.-'. 5 44.11 i\ W 1 "1 'A XE 14. 5 14.5 1 XE 9.5 9 3. X w NE 42.0 45. 2 8 jS'W ;i 1 s X )•; 14.5 ] y XE 9 5 8 5 X \y NE 42. 41.1 N\V 1.0 1.4 XE 14.5 10. 3 X 4.0 1. 1 xw NE 42. 40. 2 A \V 2 (i XE 21 10 V] 3 2 1 X NE 24. 16.1 11 Sums.. J\\V 0. G o.y XE 14.5 15. 3 0. 0. XE 13,0.0 NE 30. 35. (1 830. 4 :io. 7 253. 1 280. 1 162. 2 Means . 1.:; 10. 5 11.9 G. .8 34.9 JUL TE, 18 72. JULY, 1872. Dmv. •2S. 29. 3». Dir. ]■; 1. Vel. 4.0 1 Dist. i 3.3 2. Hour. Dir. ■J4.n Dist. L".l. Dir. ^■el. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. 3.0 Dir. Vel. Dist. Oh XI-; 6. 9.1 3.0 SW 4.0 10.9 1 y\-: :!!;. II "-'. 'i XE 0. 0.1 SE 7. 2 3.7 XE 12.0 9.4 XE 26.4 16.8 2 NK ^4. 20.9 X E 7.2 0.4 SE 2.4 1.5 XE 9.6 ;i. / N 19.2 17.9 i ;i KK 10. s 10.4 XE 0.6 10. Si; 5.4 4.0 X w 1.8 3. I i X 7.2 15. 3 ; 4 NK 10. .^ IJ. :! XE 7. 2 11.5 sw 4. .8 1.7 xw 1.2 6. 2 X 4.2 19. 9 1 .f-. NE 'J. :-'. 4 X 8.4 y.6 0. 0.4 xw 3. 3 8 N 15.6 18.7 (1 11.0 1.-,' X 0. (j 10.7 0.0 8.1 xw 4.2 5.5 X 22. 8 22. 4 ": ,S\V ::. II 0. 1 X l-.O 12. G XE 13. 2 12. 5 X 2.4 5. X 18.0 22. 9 8 0.0 •2. (') X 12. 16. H XE 14.4 14. 9 xw 1.8 7.9 X 20.4 17.1 1 9 1) 0. 11 2. "J X 211. (1 20. 9 XIO 13.2 12. 9 X E 10. 5 10. X 16. 8 21.9 10 N\V l.S •'. X 10. 2 8. 2 XE 10.8 13,. 5 XE 8.4 13.4 NE 21.9 13. 4 ; 11 N\V 0. 4 N H.4 4.1 XE 18. 11.8 NE 16.0 13.5 N 12.0 12. 1 1 Xoo„. X\V .'). 11 11. 1.4 X ]•; 9. 12. 7 \E 10.5 jy. 1 X 12.0 1-1.8 1 N\V :>. 10. 11 s :i.o 2. XE 10.8 12.9 XE 211. 14.1 xt; 12. 2ii. 4 'J N\V (i. 13.0 s :■.. 5. 7 XE 8.5 9. 6 X 1-; 10. 5 12.7 XE 2i;. 4 25 7 ' o N E 1.-,. 11. 8 s 5. 3.5 XE ^. -^ 4.4 X !•; 12. 5 15.9 XE 23. 5 27.7 4 NK S_ ,) r\!l s 3. 5 1.7 XE 10.5 10.3 X 1-] 10. 5 17.7 NE 28 23. 3 5 ,\E '^. v> .J 7 s 2. 5.4 X !■; 5. 3 '* XE 20. 10.4 NE 23. 5 23. 5 r. 0.0 J.J s 3.. 5 5. XE 2. 2. XE 10. 5 11.3 NE 23. 5 27.0 "^ xi; ■J. ' ,s 0.0 3.5 .'^W .") r^ 2 8 XE 8.4 8 8 NE 30.5 30. 8 s N !■: .'. .) 0.4 s 1.0 0.1 W" 2. 5 • > •> XE 8.4 5. 6 NE 29.0 20.2 '> NK 0. u 0.4 II 0. 0.0 \\' 2. 5 3 8\V 7.4 XE 2-^.5 28.6 10 X K 0.0 0.7 (1 0.0 0. 1 K 4.5 2 '. > SW 8. 6.4 XE 29. 3 21.7 11 Sums.. NK 1 .'. :> ■J2.-.0 0.0 2.6 E 1.0 2.0 S\V 4.0 4.9 XE 20. 3 9.8 491.4 15:1. 9 150. r, 22^.3 ' Means. 0. -1 ____! C.4 6. 5 9. o 20. 5 AT POLARIS BAY. 29 Day. JULY, 1872. 3. J. •>. 6. 7. Hour. Dir. Yd. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. < Dir. Vel. 1 Dist. 1 Dir. Vel. Dist. 0'> 1 -i 4 5 ti 7 H 'J 10 11 Noon. 2 ■i 4 5 {', NE NK NE NE SW S S .s .s s NW SE S s\v w s\v NE NE NE XE NE 7 . 7. 5 10. ab ;5, 1) 6.0 3.(i l.« 1.2 !.-< 1.0 1.0 2, 2. 0. 3.0 4.0 1^. 19.0 20. .'. 20. II 1.5. 5 6.6 9.4 1 4.1 4.0 4.2 3.H 4.7 3.1 1.7 1 1.2 l.ti 2. 1.2 ;i. 3. 9 1 i 21.0 f< 9 10 11 Siim.^.. Meaus . 19.2 13.7 111 1 167. 3 6. 9 Day. Hour. Dir. §. Yel. 1 JULY, 1872. 12. Vel. 2.0 1.0 l.ll 0. II 0.0 0.0 1.2 1.2 0. 0.0 1.2 2.4 2. .''i l.ll 2. 5.5 0.0 3.0 4.. 5 0.0 1.0 2 n 2.0 0.5 Dist. 1.1 1.1 0.9 11.5 0.9 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.2 3.0 1.7 2. 5 1.7 3.1 4.2 4.1 3.3 0. 3 2. 9 1.2 2,1 2.1 1.1 1.9 9. 10. Dir. 11. Dir. ' \«1. 1 Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. \'el. Dist. Dir. O'l ^^ SE SE .SE NW NW SE SE SE E E SE 1 1 ') 1 ■A 4 .'•) (i 7 ' • ! s 9 10 j 1 11 :;:::: : 1 Noun. 1" 2 4 1 1 1 ; 1 S1-] SE II (i 7 ri SE SE SE SE 9 10 11 Sums.. Means . 43.6 ' 1.8 30 WINDS JULY, 1872. 0'' 1 8 9 10 11 Noon. 1" ;! 4 llj 11 Slims -. Mfiiiis . SE SE SE SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW S\\' SW S\\' SW SW SW S V SW Vel. o 1) ■.', ."5 I) >> (i r, ,s \ ]',' 1) 16 S 10 s 1 - I' f) I'J c> I"-* r^ 11) ,", 17 IJ 1) 17 1.^ f, ■21 (1 If) ■'' •2.1 ;',. 8 1.1 1.2 0.8 :;. i:!. s ir,.9 12. 4 11.7 1:5. 12. :i 12. 8 11.0 1.-, (I 14.0 ];'. s 17,0 211,1 1-. 1 IS. 2 14,6 Dir. SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW IJ. Vel, 2:i. .5 IS), r. l.'>. II 18. .5 1.^. 16.8 26. 4 24. 14.4 12.6 12. (i 12 15. 8.0 16. ,-, 16. .5 If., 24,0 8. H IW. 2:i. 6 Dist. 10, .5 16.1 18. W 17.4 1 y. 4 17.7 22. 21). I) 14.6 9. .5 10. 1 1.-., 12.3 9.6 1 ;i. 8 1 ,'.. .5 1.5. ^: 26.6 l,"i 19 Dir. SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW s\\' SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW VA. ] 2.->. 17.0 21). .5 7. .5 CO 14.4 16.8 12. 12.0 12,0 9,6 12.0 8.0 10. .5 7.2 16. Dist. 19, 6 21. 2 10. 9 7. 1 14.1 14.4 16. 2 8.7 12.1 13.0 10.7 10.4 9.1 13. .5 14.1 14.4 12.0 12.6 1(1, .5 9. 2 2.0 6. 3 10. .5 7. ."t 9.0 :->. 8 Dir. SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW N t; SW SW SW (I SW NE w w w N W II 16. Vel. 2.0 2.0 4. .5 3.0 2. .5 4,8 3.6 4.8 8.4 3.0 3.0 2.4 2.0 2.0 r,, 5 I), 4.0 3.0 1.0 0.0 3, (>.'> 2,2 D.O Dist. 26(1. :', 111.^ 421.3 17. 6 2."i7. 10.7 2.1 4.7 4, 6 3.1 4.1 3.3 3.4 4.6 4. M 3.4 2.6 2.0 2. .5 4.9 2.1 3. .'■. 4.7 2^1 2, .5 2,.=) 1, 1 1.2 3.6 7.^). 9 3.2 17. Dir. I ^■el, Dist. AV W W XW W \W ]•; SE SE (( W NW SW SW S\V SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW 3.0 2.^ 1.5 2,5 3. 6.5 0.0 4.8 7.2 2.4 0.0 1.2 2,0 3. 5 5.0 5, 6 6 2 6 4 (; ,, 5 4 5 ■i. i 2,0 I 2.6 3.4 (1. 3 2, 2 0, 8,5 7.3 2,6 i!o 3.5 6.3 4.7 5. ('. 3,1 JULY, 1872. Day. Dir, SW 1«. Vi], 4,5 Di.^t. 2.1 Dir, 19. V.-l. Dist. 16.2 Dir. 20. Vel. 3.0 Dist. 4.5 Dir. E 21. Vel. 22. Hour. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. (I'l 10.0 XE 1.0 2.0 0.0 1.7 1 S\\' 0,5 3. 9 1; 17.2 11.8 0,0 1.1 XE 1.5 1.4 SE 1.0 3.2 '2 SW 5, !l 6 !•: 13.0 11.5 0, 0.6 0.0 1.8 SE 3.0 l.H 3 SW 7. 7 1; 10.5 9. 3 0,0 4.2 NE 2.0 1.7 E 1.5 2.2 4 SW 9, 3. 5 V. 9. :^, 4 X 3.5 2.1 0.0 2.3 E 2.0 1.2 5 SW 2 9, S 10 7.0 12.7 0.0 3.6 0.0 3.0 0.0 2.3 6 SW 11,5 -■-.9 E 12. 12.3 i: 2.0 O.s E '> >) 3.0 E 2,0 1.5 ~ S\\' 7. "l (). 2 XE 12.0 21.2 I) 0,0 2. () E 6,0 3.0 XE • 0. 5 2, '" 8 ^v 1.2 2.4 xi: 21), 4 2:1, 6 0. 7.1 E 2,4 2.9 N 3.0 2.6 'J SW 2.4 7. 5 XE 21.6 21.7 SW 12, 11.2 E 2.4 3.6 W 1.2 2.7 10 SW 3.6 6. ■.' XE 22. 8 23. r< SW 1 2, 1(1. SE 4,0 2.8 w 2.4 2.1) 11 SW 4.8 ,s, s XE ! 24, 19. :i SW 9. 5 3.0 SE 6. 3.2 w 1.2 2, H Ku.M. SW S. .5 4,9 XE 19,2 20. .-^ ,\ 0, 5 1.6 XE 5,0 3.6 SW 4.0 5.3 ic \v 2, 2, xi: 19,2 15.2 NW 2, 1.2 1-; 3.0 2.7 SW 8.0 3.0 '» NE 2.0 4,7 XE 14.5 ]H. 1 XW 1.0 2.7 E 3.0 1.7 SW 1.0 5.8 3. i-: 5,0 1 J ~ XE 1-^,0 13. -^ SW 4.0 1.1 0.0 3.8 SW 5.0 3.7 4 0.0 1,5 XE (i, 1 3. 3 N 1.0 0. s SW 5.0 1.9 0.0 5.9 ,) NW 2, 4,4 XE 14,5 11.4 (1. 1.0 0.0 4.0 AV 5.0 4.5 6 SW 1,0 2, 9 XE 10.5 9,4 0.0 1.4 s\v 12.0 5.1 w 3.0 2.0 7 SW 1,0 0. 9 NE 1 10.0 14,1 1) 0.0 1.4 SE 4.0 3.1 NW 6.0 1.6 ^^ SE :'., .1 8 XE 14.0 ,-j, 7 SE 1.0 1.7 SE 3.0 3.8 W 10.0 4.5 9 1) 0, !■' XE 10. (J 10.2 SE 3.0 1.8 SE 3. 2.3 W 3.0 2. '1 10 E 12, 12.2 XE 9. 4,2 XE 1.0 1.7 SW 1.0 3.1 w 2.0 4.4 11 !■; 1J.4 10.7, XE 3. 3, 8 s 2.0 1.9 SW 2.0 0.6 w 6.0 3.6 Slims. 127,0 33,7. ^^ 69.1 66.4 75.4 Means 5, 3 13,, 2 2.9 2.8 3.1 AT POLAllIS BAY. 31 JULY, 1872. Day. Hour. 'J 10 11 Noun. 1" :1 9 10 11 Slim M^iii Dir. W W W \\' W E SE SK SI-: SE (I SE SE \V X\V s\v Day. 33. Vl-1. I Dist. ■2.1 l.s •>. :i 1.7 U. 4 0. s '.', 1. u 0.0 1.2 1.2 0.0 1.-' l.H 0.0 l.s 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 :!. 1,2 O.O 1.2 0. 1.0 0. 0.2 1.2 1.6 0.8 1.2 1.0 0. r, 0. s 0.1 2. 1 I..''. 0.;! 1.1 0. .") 1.3 1.1 1..'. 31.4 1.3 24. 25. Dir. VlI. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. 1 0.0 5.1 X 26, 5 23, 4 XK 4.5 '■^. t X 25. 24.7 N 5. .") 6.1 N 26. 3»5 2 Ni; 7.0 12. S X 'X\, r> 33. 5 N 14.5 I'j, y X 35.0 30. 5 X 21.5 ■')"') S X 20.0 14. S xw 12.0 S.9 N 6, S 5. x\v 1 12,0 12.4 X 6, 7.1 N\V 1 14,4 21.0 X" 12,0 IS. w N\V 24. 4 24.7 X 24. 26, 4 N\V 30. OS 'J X 24.0 21, X\V 1 3(;. 32. 5 X 24.0 22, 6 N 30.0 36. X 20, 2 22, X ; ;■> ;-> 30. (j X 20. 2 18 4 X 41.2 41.2 X S, II 2. 5 N 41.2 42. 9 x\v 1.0 2. 1 X 43. S 30, 5 w 3.0 2.4 X 37,5 42. S 0,0 1.7 X 51,0 40.4 x\v 1.2 2.0 X 40. 40, 5 si: l.s X 36.0 37. 5 w 3. 1.0 N 3,,-<, 37,7 (1 0. 0. s X 31-i, 3,;".. 5 0. 0. It N 36. 26. 1) 0. 1.0 6.53. i; ;>.)■> -J 27.2 13. 5 26. Dir. Vl- S XE SE SI') s si: s SE S s S\V s\v s\v s s s s si: ,s 0.5 2. 0.0 2. 4.0 5.0 4.5 3. 5 2. 2.11 2. .5 3.0 2. 2.0 4.0 0. 5 3.0 3. 4.0 3. 11 3. 2. 5 ilo Dist. 1.2 2.7 1.3, 1.0 3>. 3.7 4.5 4.0 2. 3 1.0 1 s 'I 1 i 1 5 t 1 4 *> 3 3. 1.6 ! 2. 1 Dir. S\V s-w Si: II si: E Si: s s s^v s\v s\v \\' s w w II w s\v 27. Vl-1. ! 1.5 2.0 2. 6. 0.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 0, 4.0 2.0 3. 0.5 0. 2 5 1.0 2. 1.5 0. 2. 2.0 1.7 1.7 2.4 2. 6 2. 6 2.4 1.4 2. 5 1.2 1.4 3.8 1.0 2.1 1.4 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.4 1.5 1.-:! 1,0 2 ,5 2.4 50. 3 2. 5 47.1 1.0 JULY, 1872. AUGUST, 1872. 28. Vl-1. Dir. 29. Vl-1. 30. VlI. Dist. 31. 1. Hour. Dir. Dist. Dist. Dir. Dir". Vl-1. Dir. VlI. DIhI. 01. XE 5.0 1.7 S 5.0 3. 5 s^^' 1.0 1.8 xi: 1 0. 18,8 0.7 1 XE 1.0 3.2 s 1 3.0 4.4 XE 2.0 1.6 XE 18.0 11.2 s\v 1.0 (1. 5 '> s 4.0 2.9 s 6.0 5. 5 XE 2. 1,5 XE 1.5.0 .^,9 0.0 0.3 3 s\v 6. 2.4 s ! 6.0 4.2 s\\- 3.0 1.3 XE 12. 7.0 .s 2. 0.5 4 s 4.0 1.4 s 3. x\v 2.0 1,3, XE 10. 0. 7 II 0.0 1.1 5 s 1.0 1.2 s 3.0 2. 8 xw 1.0 3. 3 xi: 10. 3. 5 w 1.5 1. f 6 s\v 1.0 2.0 s 3. 4,9 x\v 4.0 4. 1 XE 6. 3.1 w 1.5 2. 6 7 X 5.0 3.3 0.0 2.4 s\v 6.0 4.3 0. 2.0 0. 1.0 ,-i s\v .) - E 2 2.1 s\v 3. 5 2. 7 XE 1.5 1.9 w 1 0... 6.7 N 3.0 2.4 s 2. 2.3 w 2. •> -) XE 1.0 1.8 \\' 5.0 0. 5 10 X\V 3.5 1.4 E 2. 1.7 sw 1.0 2, 3 E 1.0 1.9 i 0. 1.4 u 0.0 •> '} II 0.0 2.9 s\\- 1.5 4,2 II 2. 1 A\' 1.0 2.4 Noon. 0.0 3.3 E ; 1. 5 3 2 S\V 6.0 1.8 SW 3. 2. 1 0.0 1.4 1" SI-: 3.5 2.9 s\v 2, 2.0 s 5. 7, 5 s\v 2. 3. s\v 2.0 2,1 •I x\v 2.4 2.7 xi: 2. 1.0 XE 15.2 s\v 1.0 2.3 s\v 1.0 1.3 :; x\v 2.4 1.5 s\v 5 3. ;! XE 19.0 1.5.6 II. II 0.4 s\V 1.0 2.4 4 S\V 2. 5 2.1 w 5. 2. 5 XE 16.8 1 2. 1 0. 1.8 O.O 1.1 5 si: 1.0 3.3 0.0 2. 8 X !•: 12.0 21..- \v 2. 1.3 S\V 1.5 1.3 6 si: fi. 4.0 NW 1 2 3. 4 XE 28. '2 15. 5 s\v 1,5 1.2 E 2. 1.7 7 .s 1,0 4.3 S\V 1.5 3.1 XE 12.0 2;!, 4 ^v 1.5 0.9 s\v 2.0 1.3 ,,.; SE 3. 5 4.8 s\v 0.5 ;J >> xi: 20..^, 25. 1 \v 0. 5 0. 3 i: 1.5 1.9 9 s 4.5 2,8 s\v '* .") 2.3 m: 19. 20.7 (1 0,0 0.4 w 2, 2. 3 in S 3.0 s : 1. 4.4 XE 15. 5 17.0 0.0 1.4 0,0 0.9 11 Siiin.i .. s 4.0 3.3 s\v ->. ■> 3.1 XE 16.0 15.9 \\ 1.0 0. ,-■ w 1.0 1.9 66.9 74.8 226. 1 88. 7 3,0, 1 Meuihs . 2.8 1 3.1 9.4 3.7 ; 1 1.6 32 WINDS 1 AUGUST, 1872. ^ Day. 5. 2. 3. 4. 6. 1 Hour. Dir. S Vcl. 1..5 Dist. 1.3 Dir. Vel. DLst. Dir. Vel. Dist. 0.4 Dir. 1 Vel. 6. Di.'^t, Dir. Vel. 3.0 Dist. 1.2 0'> 0.0 2.1 N 2.0 NE 5,(1 NE 1 s\v 0. '. 2.5 NW 3. 1.0 SW 0.5 0.3 NE 3.0 3.6 NE . 4.0 1.7 '> s\v 1.0 1.4 (1 0. II 4.8 SW 1.0 (1.4 !•: 3.0 3.2 NE 0.5 1.4 ;i 0. 1.7 NE 5.0 6.0 SW 0.5 0.2 SE 5. II 2. 2 NIC 0. 5 2. f) 4 s 1.5 1.8 NE 0. 9.3 sw 1.0 1.3 E 3, 2. 7 SW 6. 3.2 s\v 1..5 1.4 NE 8. 5 6.5 si: 2.0 4.1 SW 3.0 2.5 SW 4.5 r». 2 n w 1.0 1.3 NE 0.0 7. 7 s 4.5 :',. SE 1.0 l.H W 2.U 2 fi w 1.0 1.8 NIC s, 5 7.9 s 2.5 3.0 SE 2.5 2. S \v 2.0 2 'i 1 ^ sw i.r, 2.1 E 8.5 6.1 s 2.5 \> Vj si: 2.0 2. 7 sw 3, 5 1.3 ;) \v 1.0 3.5 SE 5.0 1.1 SE 2.0 0.8 !■; 3,5 2. 5 ■ 0.0 1.2 10 sw 2. .''i 2. 5 E 2.0 3. 1 II (1.0 0.9 SE I.O 1.5 (1.0 l.K 11 sw 2.5 4.8 0.0 1.3 ■\v (1. 5 0. 9 0,0 2. 4 , E 1 1.5 1.3 N .) sw 1.0 II. s )■: 2.0 :'.. 1 I-: 2.0 ') ■' SE 4,5 ,■5.0 r, w 2.0 4.7 sw 1.0 0, rt s 3. 1.9 sw 2.0 2.0 SE 6,(1 4.6 i; S\^' :i. II 4.5 s^\■ II. 5 1.0 s 1.0 2, sw 4.0 2. >< SE 4.5 7.9 S\\' 4.0 , 5. 4 N 2.0 1.:; SE 2. 5 1,2 SE :i, 4,7 SW 6,0 3.0 H S'A' 4.5 3. 5 NW 1.0 2.4 s 2.0 2, 1 SW 1,0 i,(; SW 3. 5 2.3 i) w 4.0 5. 2 N 2.0 :'..6 ]•; 2. 2, 1! w 2, 5 0,5 SW 2, 4.3 10 \\' 5.0 2. H NW 3». 5 2. H si: 1.5 2,3 II 0,0 2. S sw 6.0 4.0 11 Snms-- sw :i. 5 2.0 N 3.0 1.7 s 4.5 :'., II w 3, 5 2.4 s\\^ 4.0 4.8 7:!. 9 76. 4 39.3 63. 74,7 Means. 3. 1 1.6 2.0 3.1 AUGT JST, : L872. Day. 7. §. Dir. 9. v7 Dist. 2.0 10. Dir. li- Hour. Dir. Vel. Dist. .5.4 Dir. W Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel, Dist. 0. 5 ve). Dist. 0.(1 0.3 Oi> SW 0.0 3.0 1.3 S 3.0 0,0 1 sw 0.0 3.0 0.0 2.5 SE 5. 6,0 NW 1,2 2.4 0. II ' 11.2 2 sw 5.0 5. 2 sw 3,0 0,9 S 7, II 6,2 NW 1,M 1.2 0. (1 0. 3 3 S\\' 6.0 3.2 II. 3,1 SE 5.0 3, H NW 1.2 0.8 0. U j 0. 4 4 sw 4.0 4,5 II 0.0 3,0 Si-: 4.5 4.5 0.0 0.7 (1 0. 1 0, 3 5 w 4.0 2.7 SE 4.0 3.5 SE 4.5 5.6 NW 1.0 1.6 NW 2,0 0.9 6 xnv 2.0 '•> S II 0,0 1.5 SE 6.0 5.1 N 2. (1 2.1 0.0 0.8 1 7 \y 2. O ;-^ Si'] 2.0 2.1 SE 4.5 3. s N 2,0 1.9 0.0 0.7 8 sw 3.0 :'.. 8 0.0 2.3 SE .5.0 3.7 NW 2, 3.1 (1 0.0 0.5 9 sw 3.5 5.2 sw 3.0 .3.6 s 3. 5 2.7 \\' 2, 5 3.4 0.0 o.;i 1(1 sw (i. S. 2 sw .5.5 1.4 SE 3.0 4.1 W 4,5 2.9 0.0 0.2 11 sw 10.5 5. 9 0.0 1.7 E 2.0 3. W 2, 5 2.9 0. 0.7 Xdon. sw 4.0 7.4 sw (i.5 1.2 SE 4.0 ;!. 6 W 3.0 3,1 0.0 0.5 11' sw H. 7.5 0,0 2.3 Si: 1.8 2 S NW 3. (J 4,4 sw 2.0 1.7 •> sw s.o 7. H 0, 2,4 SE 2.4 2. S NW 6.0 2. 9 AV 5.0 4..-' ;i sw in. 6.5 sw 0.5 1,9 SE 2.4 2.4 NW 2,4 2.4 W 6.11 l.:t 4 sw (i. 5.0 si: 5. 2, s s 3,0 3,4 NW 1.0 0.8 W 0.5 l.H ^t ^\^ 4.0 5.0 S1-; 2.0 3, SE .5.0 3,5 NW 1.4 (1.7 SE 3.0 4.4 (> sw 5. 2.2 sr; 2.0 2. 5 SE 1.0 3, 2 0.0 2,9 s 5.(1 , 4..> 7 w 1.5 2.4 SE 4.0 3, n SIO 3.0 '' 2 . W 2.0 (), 2 SE 2 II i 1.4 rt w 2.0 1.9 s 2.0 ■■_> f, Si: 3 3,2 SE 5.(1 1.(1 SE 1.0 O.H 9 sw 1.5 2.3 SE 2.0 1.7 0.0 2. (i SE 5.5 3 S II. 11.2 10 sw 3. l.G SE 2.5 2.2 SE 1.5 0, s 0.0 1.2 0. (1 1. 1 ' 11 sw 1.0 2.1 SE 1.0 3.2 SE 1.0 2,0 0.0 0.2 SE 1. 0. 4 Sum,?.. 104.0 56.4 8;',. 5;',, 1 29. 1 Means. 4.3 2.4 3,5 2.2 1.2 AT POLAEIS BAY. 33 AUGUST, 1872. 1 Day. 1 1 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Hour. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Yel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. O'" \) 0.(1 0.5 N 5.0 3. 3 •SW 3.0 2,0 0.0 0.2 NW .5.0 3.2 1 S 3.0 0.6 X 10.0 5, 3 sw 2.0 7, 5 0.0 0.4 XW 3.0 0.8 2 0.0 0.4 XH 4.0 4.0 sw 6.0 9,2 0.0 1.4 0.0 1.7 3 0. 2 xi; 5.0 4.3 .8W 10. 9.4 0.0 0.6 N 1.0 2.4 4 0.0 0,0 XE 4.0 3,6 sw 10.0 10.6 0.0 0,4 NW 2.5 1.0 5 0. 0,6 u 0.0 7,1 sw 10. 10.1 w 3.0 1,1 NW 2,0 0.9 « 0.0 0,1 8i; 8.0 11.1 sw 10. / . / U.O 1,0 0.0 0.6 7 0.0 0,1 SE 5.0 4.0 sw 6,0 8.5 XW 2.0 1.3 0.0 0.1 8 0.0 0, 2 SE 4.0 1.3 sw 8,0 5.6 0.0 2.1 0.0 1.5 9 0.0 0,3 0.0 1.9 ,SW 6, 5 5.2 w 3.0 7.6 W 2,0 2.5 10 0.0 0, 5 SE 1.5 0.9 sw 5.0 4.3 sw 10.0 14.7 SW 2.0 4.2 11 (1 0.0 !2. 5 s 1.0 0. 8 sw 3.0 7.0 sw 13, 5 4.0 SW 3.5 5.7 Noon. s\v 3.0 2, 5 X 2,0 1.5 sw 10.0 7.4 X 5, 3,5 SE 5.0 4.3 11' ,s 0. s 2,0 X 0,5 0.6 sw 6,0 7.9 X 10.0 .5.4 SE 4.0 5.8 O 0.0 0,2 0,0 0.4 sw 8,0 8.3 X 5.0 3.7 SE 5.0 4,3 •i 0.0 0.8 0.0 1.0 sw 8,0 9.1 X 5.0 4.0 SE 6.0 3.9 4 (1 0.0 3.5 E 2,0 0.9 sw 8,0 3.5 X 5.0 3.6 SE 3.0 4.5 :> s\v 4.5 4,0 0.0 0,4 sw 4.0 9.7 N 3,5 4,0 .SE .5,0 5.3 (i X 4.0 12, 1 0.0 0.1 SE 5.0 7, 7 N 4.5 4,6 SE 5.0 4.6 7 X 8. .5 C.O 0.0 0.1 sw 8,0 8,6 NW 3.0 1,8 SE ,5.0 3.4 8 s\v 5.5 5.4 0.0 0.6 sw 9,5 6.6 NW 1.0 . 2.5 SE 4.0 1.8 i) \v (i.O 3. N 1.0 0.2 sw 8.0 5.2 NW 3.0 3. 5 SE 2.0 2.7 10 s\v •>.h 6,1 0.0 3.1 sw 4.0 2.1 N 3.5 2.8 SE 1.5 1.3 U Snra.s .. sw 5.0 3,0 54,6 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 XW 3.5 4.3 SE 1.0 1.1 56.6 163. 4 78.5 67.6 Means . 2.3 2.36 6.81 3. 27 2.82 AUGX JST, : L872. Day. 17. 1§. 19. 20. 21. Hour. Dir. Yel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Oh 0.0 1.1 N 15.5 9,2 X 4.0 5.9 SW 1.0 1.9 N 2.0 3.4 1 .s 4.0 1.5 N 10.0 10.8 N 6.0 7.3 NE 1.0 1.2 N 3.0 3.6 o s 2.0 3.5 X 10.0 8,3 X 8.0 5.4 XE 0.5 2.5 N 4.0 3.6 ;! sw 0,0 5.5 N 8.5 8 2 N 6.0 4.2 W 3.0 3.7 N 4.0 5.7 4 X e.o 10.0 X 7.2 7.9 XW 3.0 4.4 SW .5,0 10.2 N 5.0 4.4 :y N 12.0 13.4 X 8.5 7.4 N 5.0 3.7 SW 10.5 5.1 N 5.0 2.0 6 N 15. 5 15.4 X 7.0 6.7 N 4.5 4.5 SW 3.0 0.8 NW 0.5 2.3 7 N 15.5 13.4 X 7.0 8.0 N 4,5 3.7 sw 5.0 9.9 N 2.0 2.0 8 X 1.5.0 14.4 X' 8,0 8. 6 NW 3,5 4.4 sw 8,5 .5.3 0.0 1.0 'J X 15.0 12. X 8,0 7.9 X 3.5 3.7 w 5. 5 6.1 0.0 2.4 10 X 9.0 8.4 N 9.5 9.8 NW 4.0 3.3 sw 6,0 5,7 w 2.0 1.0 11 X 8,0 12. 3 X 5,0 7,3 0.0 1.1 sw 6.5 5.1 w 1.0 2.1 Noon. N 1.5.0 13.8 X .5.0 5.5 0.0 2.4 s 5.0 6.9 sw 1.5 2.6 li" X 15.0 17.0 X 2.5 4.2 N 3.0 2,7 SE 6.5 8.0 w 3.0 1.2 2 N 16.0 17.9 N 2.0 4.5 NW 1.0 2,5 SE 2.0 4.1 0.0 0.6 3 X 18.0 15. 4 XE 3,0 2,7 NW 3.0 3.3 SE 4.0 2.6 SE 1.0 2.5 4 X 15.0 17.5 X 2.0 2.7 NW 4.0 1.4 SE 4.0 2.7 SE 4.0 3.9 5 X 19.5 18.6 N\V 4.0 3.9 0.0 0.9 NW 2.0 2.0 SE 3,0 1.2 i; X 15. 17.9 NW 4.0 4.5 sw 2.0 0.8 0.0 1.1 X 4,0 0.7 / N 20. 19.4 NW 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 1.7 N 0,5 2.2 s X 18,5 17.5 xw 4,2 5.4 0,0 0.1 0.0 2.2 N 2,5 3.1 'J N 18,0 17.7 NW 4.5 4.4 0.0 2.3 w 2.0 3,2 NE 3.0 3.1 in X 18,0 16.7 XW 4.0 5.4 SW 2.0 3.4 w 3.0 2,0 NE 3.0 0.8 11 X 10, 5 13.7 NW 5.5 4.2 SW 3.0 1.3 0.0 1.8 0.0 0.8 Sums.. 314.0 1.51. 5 73.4 95 8 .56. 2 Means . 13.1 6.31 3.06 3.9 2.3 i> w :'A WINDS Day. Hour. Ob 1 2 4 a 7 8 9 10 11 Nuoii. II' 3 4 li 7 8 9 10 11 iSnius - Means AUGUST, 1872. Dir. NE NE NiO TvE NE NE w s\v sw s\v sw ,S\V' sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw 22. j Vel. ' I l)ir. 0.0 2.0 :i. :!. 4..^. 2.0 :;.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.r> 3.0 'J. r.. 4.0 7.0 111. 10. 5 12. 3.1 4.1 3. C 3.4 2.i 1.0 1.1 4.7 3.4 4.0 5^3 4.9 3.2 3. 8 4.1 0.7 '8.9 11.0 10.9 14.8 117.4 4.9 SW sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw 23. Vel. 11.0 14.0 20. 20.0 14.1) 19.0 15.5 15. 5 12.0 10. 5 10.5 15 12 12 15 12 17. 5 10. H 10.2 7.2 7.5 3.0 3.5 1.5 Dist. 14.3 L^. 20. 8 Ifi. 19.4 17.0 10.1) 10.4 14.9 14,4 10.6 10.1 11.2 14.4 11.4 14.8 13.4 10. 1 8.0 7. 8 1.4 Dir. X !•: N K N K NE NE NE NE NE NE NE N !■: NE NE NE Ni: NE NI-; NE Ni': NE 24. Vel. Dist. 0.0 3.0 2.0 3.1) 3. I) 3.0 I 2. 1.9 2. 2 1.9 1.5 3.0 2.0 2.4 2.4 290.6 12. 4 1.0 1.7 2.1) 1.2 1.0 1.3. 1.0 0.0 0.0 1,0 0.0 0.4 50, 7 2,1 Dir, N N N N NE NE NE N SI-; SE SE si: SE si; SE SE SE SE 25. Vel, 0.0 2.0 0.0 2. 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0. 5 1.0 1.0 0.1) 0. 0.0 0.5 0.5 2. 1.0 1.1) 2.0 2.0 2,0 3.0 Dist. 0.8 2. 1 0.7 1.0 1.1 0.4 0. 5 0. K 1.2 1.5 1.3 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.3 1.4 1.:; 1, 7 2, 3 2,1 2,1 2, 1 9 10 11 9 10 11 Sums. _ Meau.y . Dir. SW SW sw N N • N N N N N N N N N N N i; N sw sw sw w 27. Vel. 3.0 2.0 3. 4.0 2.0 3. 3,. 3. 3., 3,0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 Dist. 1.9 2.4 2. 5 2. 9 3,1 3. 4.3 1.9 I 2.1 i 3,6 2,5 2,1 1,5 1,8 0,6 0. 2 ],1 1.7 2.5 2. 1 0.8 1,3 ],9 I 51. 1 , 2. 13' Dir. SE SE SW SW s s s s sw s s s s SE i; E E i; E SE SE 2§. 0. tl 3.0 3. 1.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 3.0 4^0 3. 1) 3.5 Vel. Dist. 0. 4.0 2.0 2. 2.0 3.0 3. ?.. ~. / 3. 3,. 2.7 1.0 2.0 3.6 1.5 1. 5 2.4 4.1 3,. 9 4.4 4.1) 4^7 3.5 2.9 3.7 3.5 Dir. NE NE NE NE N NW SW NW W NW W I) N N N NW A\' W SW A\' W NW 29. Vel. I Dist. 3.0 2.0 3, 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 0. 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.5 1.0 0.0 1.3 ;'.. 1 2.0 2.0 2.8 2.1 1.4 -1.5 2.0 0.6 0.7 1.7 0. ,s 1.7 1.8 1.3 2.0 1.6 1.6 1.5 0.7 1. 6 Dir. S s s N I.) I) N (.) s s s E SE E SE SE 30. Vel. 1 Dist. 2.0 2.0 1.5 2. 0.0 0. 1.0 0.0 0.0 0, I), 0,0 0, 5 0.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 41. 3 1. 30i 2,4 2,0 0.7 0. 9 0.6 0.3 2. 9 o!9 0.3 1.3, 1.5 1.0 1.1 2.4 4.5 4.2 4,0 4.2 3.1 0.9 0.8 0.2 1.^ 44.2 1.84, Dir. NE NE NE NW W NW ^v SE NW NW NE NE NE NE NE Ni; 31. 2.0 2. 1) 2.5 0.0 2, 5 2,5 2,0 0,0 0,0 1.0 1.5 0,0 6.0 0.0 2. U 3.0 0.0 4.0 4,0 3.0 3.5 3.0 4.5 0.0 2.1 2.4 1.2 1.2 2.5 2. H EG 0.1 1.6 1,3 1.4 2.1 3.1 1.3 3,0 0.9 3. 3. 3. 3^5 5.2 3.0 1.9 .55. 6 2.3V AT rOLzVEIS BAY. o,J In treating the procediug observatiou.s analytically, the usual assumiitiou was made that the winds recorded within a certain period (a month or a year) were, like so many forces in a horizontal plane, acting simultaneously upon cue point, which i.s the station of the observer. If we add all the velocities of the same direction, we obtain the following condensed montlily and annual results: Montli. Jaiinary IS,". 7 February SXi. llareh r,. Ajiri 1 C. s M;iv II.O Jinie G-J.o July ' 1594.:! Au^ast 54;!.5 Sriiteinlier T'S. (I October 2U().II XdVcnibiT li.O Llftfrnbcr i 209. 2 Spring I 11. Suniuier j 2199. Antiimii I 2ri4. Winter 72; Year 1 ;;20: 2r)52. 2 4.'.:!7. i;212. ^ ].-.l7.:3 2."i70. :'. 2100. HIS. ;i 107.0 :n>:">. 4(y-,<. I ;5421.7 Liirectiou and veldcity of wind •] I SE S J!7. 4 IS 1.9 7ii:',, s:!.-.. 4 104.4 9S. r..s. 4 :S42. 9 fiO. 0.0 .'.7:!. 4 2."i7. 1 227. 3 i:u.7 ull). 377. 9 lOS. 1211.0 172.6 :'.1,0 0.0 9.5. 3 140. 7 s 10330. 4 1012.8 090.5 s :!.'>2G. 499. 3 I-,:;;-,. 8 tl r>ii34. 1 ir,-^:;. 4 129. 3 9 10610.9 3SS6. 4 499. 7 20. 2s 2 9.0 li. 2S. II 313. 7 70.7 10:i. 6 .'.. 106.0 0, 50.3 :37. 4SS. lU.O. 9S. 5 SW 729. 1313. 554. 65S. 1S(I5. 1537, 1310.5 971.7 231,0 2:;. 1030. 2 154S. 3 :;iii7.4 :!sl9. 4 ]2S4,'2 3591, 5 w N\V 44.8 1.4 S. 9 213. s 10. 2 44.1 37. 245. 7 50. 7 320.1 123,11 270.7 119.0 310.2 lis. 2 isi.a 49. 4.0 0.0 0.0 2(1. 0.0 29. 1 95. 2 ;i7. 9 ;;oo, 2 09,0 S2, S 609. 9 70S. 1 4.0 310. 4 29.501.4 7051.9 2101.3 (34. 11712. 609.9 1692. 4 The winds blowing from X, NE, E, SE, S, S^y, "W, and !N"W produce a motion of the imaginary point at the station of the observer in the directions S, SW, W, NW, iS", NB, E, and SE, respectively. By resolving the winds from the directions SW, NW, i^E, and SE into their rectangular components, and observing tliat — sin J:5'3 = cos -150 = 0.707, we obtain the resultants for North, South, East, and AVest : /,', = N + I' (SE + SW) 0.707, 7,', = S + 2' (XE + XW) 0.707, i.'v By applying these form aire, we obtain- :E+ 2-(XW + SW) 0.7(17, AV+ 2'(NE + SE) 0.707. Montb. .Tannary ... I'l-'ljriiary, Marcli .■.., April , May .Tune - July Aii^iiht. . . Si'pteliibiT Oetolier .. Xi)ve)iiber December Spring Summer Autumn \\ mter Ye 1.'n S62. l:!55, 757, 7 7:!9, 2 135-^. 7 1233. 6 2042. S 1402. 4 245, 3 216. 3 SOI, 7 1403. 3 2849. 6 527S. 8 1203.3 3620. 4 Us 18116.2 3:'.s7.0 44:i2. 6 1207,7 2li71,5 rj89, 7 1100.1 42S, 321.6 3267. 8 2536. 7 7771.8 3672. '9 7819.9 ear 13012.1 22788,4 1964. 2202. 1125.8 1474, 3 1007. 1 ]:;70. 2 1208.5 115S. 210. 1 16.:! 2:!01.7 2419. 1 Eednced to two principal EesnUing direction direction.s. i and force of wind. 2080. 6 ;!:!ii9. 7 476:!. 6 i:!9S. 1 1944. 3 1092.5 10.5-J. 9 4si;. 5 148, 7 215. 6 :i:!55, 2 2547.7 Ss L's i.'s i,'s l?s I!s Ss J!s ii's 1034 o 2032 3074 9 5'iS 5 71S s 756 1 1.5:i6 7 = 974. = 161. = 105. = 24i;i;. : 1133. 4 lisx Jl^y J!k i;w J.'E : Uv. : /,^^■ . : 116.6 : 1047. 7 : 3037. 8 : 76. 2 : 316! 3 : 155.6 : G71.5 : 67. 4 : 199.:! : 105:!. 5 - 128.6 4207.3 I 8106.0 j 7?.s =4922.2 I ifu- = :M"'8, 7 ;i742, 7 :!2:ll,9 ' Us =1755.0 ! Ev, = 510.8 2534,1 i ;:719. 5 I I!s =24o;i. 6 j 7i'„. = ll85, 4 6645,0 I 79:jS. i /.'s =4199,5 ' A'w=129:!. 17129. 1 22995. 4 ! lis -■ 9'66. 3 7,' : 5866. 3 1040.7 X 6 22S6. 2 N 27 5170.9 N 44 5:;:!. 9 N ,s 79:'.. 9 X 25 819,5 N 'J 2 1544.5 8 5 lis:;. 3 S !4 175,3 S J 'J 225.4 N <;:; 20.-1.7 Js .);> 1140.9 N (j 26' E 16 E 42 i; ' 12 W 8 E 42 E 47 \V i ;i4 w ; :!7 w ]•; E i E i: 6279. 1 N :•# 2:;' E lsy7,s S 1 40 "\V 26S5. 3 N 2(5 12 E 4394, N 21 11 E 11392. 7 K 40- E 36 WINDS The values contaiaed ia tbe last columu of the preceding table are the resulting velocities and directions of the winds for the different months, seasons, and for the whole year. The direc- tions are, as needs hardly to be mentioned, those from which the winds are blowing. If, therefore, at the station of the observer, a free point is imagined to be subjected to the simultaneons action of all tiie winds blowing during tlie year, it would move with the velocity of 11392.7 miles per hour in a direction S 40° W. From January to June, the direction oscillates between NE and N; being alaiost exactly NE in March and nearly N in January and April, having a tendency to veer a little toward the west during the latter month. During July, August, aud September, the current is from SW; and in October, November, and December from NE. The last horizontal column of our first table contains the sums of the velocities of the winds from the eight principal directions, as observed during the year. In order to obtain the mciin annual velocities, these sums have to be divided by the number of observations for each direction, as shown in the following table: Directions. N Sum of velocities 320.1. .5 Number of observations ■ 243 Mean velocity ; 13.18 XK E SE S SW W NW ■29.301.4 7651.9 2161.3 7;;4. 5 11712.5 609. 9 1692. 4 1773 1494 568 206 11.50 213 254 17.76 5.12 3.80 1 3. 50 , 10. 18 2.86 7.72 The number of observations during the whole year is therefore = 5901, and, consequently, tbe annual mean velocity of the resulting direction = ^=f^-- = 1.95 miles per hour. In the annexed diagram, the observed velocities of the wind are represented by a continuou!^, and the mean velocities by a dotted, curve. AT POLAEIS BAY. 37 DURATION OF STORMS. The following- record contains an enumeration of the storms experienced at Polaris Bay. In the first colnmn, the date will be found ; in the second, the direction of the wind; in the third, the duration of the storm; and in the one following next, the maximum Telocity of the wind. The cclumn headed "Remarks" contains a short summary of the barometric oscillations, the changes of temperature, relative humidity, etc. Date. 1871. November li Sovemljjr 18-23 XE (?) Q ^ NE January 10 . January 11,12 . Janu.ary 14 , January 31 to Febru- ary 2. NK NE February 11,12 : XE Hours 14 November2?,29 S\V 13 Deeeniberie, 17 1 NE ! 19 December 28 NE L-72. January 3 i NE NE 12 Ni; 23 IC Miles. 4r> 52 44 38 43 39 41 41 36 48 Eemarks. Barometer fell about 0.4 incb; relative humidity varying from 82 to 73; no great cbange of temperalure; lie.'ivy snow-drift; sky clear. This storm 'svas the severest experienced at Polaris Bay; but un- fortunately tbe record is not complete, as it was utterly impos- sible to reach the anemometer after 10'' a. m., November 20, when the record ends. The duration of the storm cannot be de- termined very well on account of tbe loss of some of the docu- ments relating to this subject, but probably it was not less than eighty hours. A great portion of the ice filling Robeson Strait and Hall's Basin at the time was set adrift. Oscillation of the barometer about 0.2 incb; temperature falling from -fl^'.O to — IS^.l; relative humidity decreasing from SCto4ri; sky over- cast. Barometer rose about 1 inch, oscillating between 29.27 and 30.20; temperature rising from — 1- to -|-10°; sky cloudy. Barometer rose about 0.3 inch; tempei'aturo pretty steady at — 17'^; relative humidity rising first from 61 to 72, decreasing then to 33. Barometer ialling about 0.09 inch; relative humidity decreasing; cloudy. Oscillation of barometer small; temperature rising from — 17"^ to — 15°; relative humidity increasing at the beginning of storm from 40 to 55, decreasing then to 33; cloudy. Barometer rising about 0.1 inch; temiieratnre falling from — 23^ to — 26°; relative humidity rising from 27 to 63. Barometer fell 0.1 inch; temperature falling from — 27" to — 31- ; relative humidity decreasing from 44 to 22 ; partly overcast. Barometer rising about 0.1 inch; no change of temperature, which keeps at about — 25"^; relative humidity falling from 45 to 33; clear. Barometer rising from 29.64 inches to 29.87 inches; considerable change of temperature, thermometer falling from — 4° to — 24°; relative humidity variable— d'ecided decrease at the end of the storm from 70 to 40; weather fair. Barometer fell about 0.058 inch; temperature falling from — 5- to — 18°; relative humidity decreasing from 74 to 41: clearing towards the end of the storm. WINDS. DUEATION OF STORMS— Contiuued. Date. 1872. February 18,19,20 SW, NE Hoiiri 48 February 22 February 29 March 10 March 12 , . . . March 20,21,22 "... May 4,5 May 10,11 June 21 June 27,28 July 24 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE N 20 22 18 16 52 20 31 30 22 20 a ^ a -5 -^ o Mik.1 54 40 58 37 52 48 48 42 49 48 51 Remarks. From the 17th to the 18th, the barometer fell about 1 inch. Wljcii the storm set in from the SW, the barometer stood at 28.983, fall- ing slightly at the beginning, rising again till 1'' p. m. (19th). At e"" a. m. on the same day, the wind veered through AV to X\V, and began to blow from N)] at noon, increasing rapidlj' in veloc- ity. During the time it vras blowing from SW, the temperature was rising, falling during the NE wind. Sky mostly overcast. Barometer pretty steady at 30.14 ; oscillation small. Barometer not much aifected; temperature falling from — 18"^ to —37°. Barometer rising slightly (0.2 inch). Barometer rose 0.2 inch. Barometer rose 0.5 inch; temperature falling from — U- to — 30^; relative humidity decreasing slightly. Barometer not much affected; temperature fell from -j-JO" to— S"^.3. Barometer not much affected. Barometer fell 0.3 inch. Barometer fell 0.3 inch. Barometer hardly affected. As will be seen from the preceding table, there are twenty-one storms on record, nineteen of which blew from NE, two from SW, and one from N. January was the stormiest month tiic number of storms being five. In July, there is but one on record. In October, we have four instances when the estimated velocity of the wind was considered to be forty miles per hour ; but, as the A-elocity was based on estimation only, no use was made of the values given, because, in iustances when the temperature of the air is rising, the observer is very apt to underrate the velocity, and vice verm, as an examination of both Kane's, Hayes', and McOlintock's observations will show. RECORD AND DISCUSSION OF WINDS OBSERVED AT POLARIS HOUSE. The anemometer used at Polaris House was the same as mentioned before, and tbe observa- tions were made in tbe same manner as described above. Tbe instrument was mounted about 20 yards from the water's edge, 5i feet above the ground, and the winds had free access to it. As the headings of tbe different coUimus of the following record are the same as before, no further explanation will be needed. 40 WINDS NOVEMBER, 1872. Dav. Hour. 0^ 1 fi 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. 1'' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Meaus. Dir. Vel. E K E E E E E E E E E P. 8 5.0 1!. 5 4.7 4.5 (i. II II 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 2, 5 II. II 0.0 Dist. 11.2 10. 1 7.4 5, H, 5 5. 6, 2, 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.8 4,2 0.5 0.0 72. 3.0 Dir. NE E 7. V«l. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 Dist. Dir. 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.7 1.7 0.4 0.0 0.0 1.8 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.4 0.3 II N N XE NE N N N N NE 'ME NE NE NE NE NE Vel. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 4.5 6.3 8,0 6.5 6.1 7.8 6.2 4.0 0.0 8.0 12.6 10.2 10.2 10.2 12.6 Dist. 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0. 5 0.1 0.2 0.7 4.8 2.7 7.4 7.6 7.5 .5.3 12. 3 7.4 5.0 5.0 8.5 11.1 9.1 11.3 10.3 10.9 Dir. 118.0 4.9 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE Vel. 11.3 16.5 14.4 9.8 16.4 20.1 23. 5 18.2 17.3 18.6 20,3 24.9 24.0 18.3 14.1 1.5.0 15.2 20.6 20.6 18.5 14.2 18,2 15.2 11.5 Dist. 10.4 15.6 12.4 10. 5 14.3 16.3 20.3 16.1 21.5 21.3 17.3 23.5 22.4 16.2 12.9 16.2 15. 7 18.6 19.7 15.4 16.0 15.4 14.9 12.2 Dir. NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 10. Vel. 20.3 1.'.. 10.4 14.8 10.7 11.0 9.2 14.6 14.1 13.8 15.0 18.6 23.7 13,9 15, 4 16.7 20.6 14.0 18.2 18.2 14.0 14.0 17.8 17. 8 395.1 16.5 Dist. 21.6 10.9 8, 5 li.i 9.8 11.. 5 11.2 15.4 13.4 12.3 12.6 17.7 23.9 14.4 13.8 15.0 i 9.2 I 15.4 I 18.5 I IH. 7 15.3 14.2 16. 1 17.7 348. 5 14.5 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 41 Day. Hour. 1 1) IJ 11 Xooii. !'■ 2 3 4 i; 10 11 Dav. li> 10 11 Sums. Means NOVEMBER, 1872. 11. Dir. Vel NE XE XE XE XE XE NE XE XE XE XE NE xi; XE XE XE XE XE xi; XE XE XE XE XE Sums.. Jleaus. 18.6 14. 2 14. ;t 17.0 l.'i. :'. 12.4 14.1 21.4 •>o. 12. 13. 16, 12, l.'j, 18.7 n.-.i 24. 2 1.-^. C> l.'i. 2 IB.r^ 16..-^ 1.'.. 2 20.6 1^^. .J 1.^5 2 ' 1 Dist. 19.7 11. C V,. 3 V,. 5 14.7 10. 7 11.4 2;-!. s 22. 6 13! 11.4 1:;. 7 1,^.6 20.2 21.7 l.'j. 1.-.. 9 17.4 16. s 14.5 19.4 17. 9 19,3 4112. II 16. 8 Dir. XE XE XE XE KE NE NE XE XE XE XE XE NE NE XE XE XE NE Vul. 20. 3 21.6, ir.. 1 14. :■. 17.4 14.7 1.5.0 14.2 10.8 9.2 14.4 12. 9 7. 6 10.3 12. 8 15.2 4.0 16. 6 U.O 0. 0.1) 0. 0.0 21.5 16.2 14.2 14.6 k;. 1 14.8 14.2 13. 6 11. (; 11.5 16.:; 15.3 7. .5 8.4 11.0 13.^ 14. 5 3.9 0. 2 2. 9 0.1 0.0 Dir. sw sw S\V ,S\V 8\V SW sw 8W .sw sw sw 8W SW 8A\' SW SW SW SW SW S\\' SW Vrl. ' 18.6 11. Dir. I y.A. ' Dist. •9 . 6 42. 4 :-;(!. 8 2-i. 5 40. 2 27'. 3 24.4 33.4 23. 9 14! 6 21.0 H.6 14.6 14.6 32. 4 38. 4 10. 0.1 0.3 22. 1 20. 8 311.4 27.9 21.2 25. 8 3-.'. 6 1,^.1 24. 3 33. 2 32. 6 7.1 14.8 14.0 15.8 14.3 14.8 25. 8 30. 8 534. 2 22. 3 SW sw sw s\\' sw sw sw sw sw S\A' sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw s^v sw sw sw sw SAV 33.8 22. 4 2(1. 9 24. 5 IS. 7 2(1.1 23. 8 2(1. 2 2/'! 9 311.3 2~' 2 40. 1 33,. 4 27.9 23.4 22. 3 15. 8 12.3 17.7 2(1.9 22. 1 2C,. 8 21.3 2(i.5 27.6 41. S 31.2 26. 8 Dir. 2(1.3 24.8 21.6 10.6 24.2 IS. 9 15. 4 16.9 7. 2 19. 5 21.6 12. 9 14.8 17.6 14.8 13.0 10. 2 12. 2 525. 8 21.9 SW w AA"" SW s 'S SN^' S S s s s s s s .s 8 S S s s s s NOVEMBER, 1872. 16. 17. 1§. Hour. 0'' 1 3 4 1(1 U Dir. s SE SE 1: X X N X X X X X X N X X Vel. Dist. 10. 7.0 4.3 8.4 5.0 6.5 5.0 2.5 ((.0 4.S 5.0 1(1.4 15.8 12.3 15.-.' 15. •,' 1.5. 2 22. 6 20.0 1-. 2 20.4 2C,. 8 9.6 5. (i 3. 3 9.0 4.4 5! 3 2.6 1.2 4. 6 (i. 3 1(1.5 1(1.5 12. 1 14.2 14.2 15.3, l,-.9 2(1. 5 10.1 11.6 25. (.1 253,. 1 10.5 Dir. Yel. ■ Dist. N N N X N X N N X N X N V N X X N XE Nl'. xi: NE XE NE XE 18. 24. 22. 4 22 3 3IX 1 24.6 25. 24.4 25. 1 24. 8 30. 17.4 26.3 26.5 2 (J. S 21.2 15.6 ■^2. S 29.' 1 21.1 26. 7 22! 1 21.1 24.1 Dir. Vel. Dist. 19. Dir. ' Yel. Dist. N X N X N X N N N N X N >" N^ N N XE XE 29. 6 25. XI'; 26. 9 NE V 21.1 N 2:',. 5 XE 26. 2 NE 25, 20.1 23. 4 21. 1 20. 3 20. 8 21.0 1-. 1 19. 3 18. s 2(1. 1 [ 17.4 j 1,-^.4 ' 20.1 j 14.7 2((. 18.2 14.2 14.2 18. 2 21.4 14.2 18.6 587.0 ■J 1. 5 20. 20. 20. 18. 17. Is. IS. 19. 21. 14. 21. 17. 13. 17. 16. 1.-. 15. 16. 2((. 16. 17. 19.0 NE XE NE N X' XE XE NE xi; NE xi; X1-; NE XE NE XE NE X K XE X1-; XE X K xi; NE 18.0 15. 2 20.7 20. 8 1,^.4 20! 1 24. 25. 4 24.7 2((. 2 1^.3 17.5 15. 2 15.0 20.2 16. 8 16. s 15. 2 16.8 10.0 15. 2 14.2 10.0 17.2 22. 1 22. 1 20. 7 is. 26. 1 2( I. 9 22.3 23. 22. 7 20. 7 16. 5 17.0 19, 5 13.9 IS. 3 12. s 16.6 14.4 l(i. 4 12. 6 14.4 14.3 12. 1 Dir. XE X E NE NE XE XE XE XE XE N (I E 1; NE E XE XE NE NE NE 15. Vel. Dist. 10. 9. 2 9.1 9.0 8.4 5.2 8.6 10.1 14. 13. 9 6.3 0.0 7.1 13,. 6 14.2 20. 8 36.0 22. 6 22. 6 20. 4 10.0 10.0 12. 9.1 9.5 4.3 2,0 4.9 3.1 11.0 3.4 4.0 0.0 4.9 0. 3.1 3. 9.5 7.9 9. 3 s! b 4.0 11 3 14.4 13. 9 6.4 (;. 3 16,6 14. 9 15.0 27.6 22. 7 19. 4 13.4 311.0 1:!. 20. Vel. i Dist. 12.5 10. 8 6.1 4.3 '■'. 4.4 6.7 3.5 0.9 0.4 5.1 1.5 3.4 3.5 2.0 2. 3 1.5 1.9 2.5 3. 5 0.0 0.5 (.1.0 0. (.1 95 s 14.0 G AV 42 WINDS NOVEMBER 1872 Day. 21. Dir. NE 22. Vel. 12. 5 Dist. 23. 21. 25. Hoiir. Dir. V,.,. 0. Dist. 0.0 Dir. NE Vi-1. 15. 1 Dist. Dir. Vel. Dir. Vel. Dist. 01' 19. 5 17.2 NE 16.3 20.2 NE 14.3 17.3 1 (1 0.2 N I-; 15.3 1.5.4 Ni: 19. 4 l:;. 4 NE 10.1 13.4 NE 12. 11.1 '> II 2 NE 14.9 18. 4 NE 17.0 17.5 NE 2ft. 3 17.5 NK 13. 3 14.8 3 NE 4. 1 2. .5 NE 15.1 l:!. I'l NE 10. 2 15. 6 NE 15.0 1.5.6 NE 13.1 12,6 4 KE '2.0 ~. / NE 6.0 13.4 NE 15.9 15.4 NE 13. 8 15. 4 NE 13.0 1.3.0 ft 11.11 1.3 Ni; H. 3 111.8 NE 7.0 9.1 NE 5.6 9. 1 NE 13.8 14,2 (; 11 II 0.4 NE 15.1 211, 6 NE 18.4 11.4 N K 11.5 11.4 NE 15.4 1(1. 2 1 7 0.0 0.2 Ni-; 19.7 25. II NE '2 "J 7 13.5 NE 15.0 13.5 NE 16. 5 17,2 ,s 0. 0. r, NE 14.3 16. 9 NE 211.1 14.4 NE 1.5.0 14.4 NE 22. 3 19.3 ■J II. II 0. .'. NE 211.0 19. NE 16. 3 13.5 NE 10.1 13. 5 NE 16.8 17.5 10 NE (1.5 2.1 Nl'i 15. 1 19. 2 NE 18. 5 ) 5. 6 NE 15. 2 15.6 NE 15. (i 15. 'j n 1) I'. II. NE 7.1 2(1. NE 22. 1 3. NE 12. 7 16.0 NE l:!.ll 11.4 Ndnli. II. 0.0 NE 13. 8 2.5. 7 NI-; 21. 4 15, 7 NE 111.6 1.5. 7 NE 13.7 14.5 11' II 0.0 0.0 N !■; 20. 1 18.8 NE 22.1 12. 3 NE 12,0 12.4 NE 10. 5 13. 1 ■■» (1 (1.0 0.0 NIO 2(1.3 14.4 NI-; 19. 2 12.3 N !•] 15. 2 12.3 NE IS.O 16. 9 1 :i (1 0. II 0. NE 16.0 12.0 NE 10.1 17.6 NE 17.4 17.6 NE 15.0 1.5,1 4 II. i; Ni: 21.6 12. 9 NE ',1.0 1.5.5 NE 7.2 15. 5 NE 12.0 12,1 5 0.0 1.1 NE 24. 11.3 NE 1.5.0 13.4 NE 21.6 13.4 NE 14.2 11,0 1 i; NE 111. 8 NIO 18. 13.4 NE 12.0 17. 3 NE 15. 6 17. :; NE 9.6 0,4 ^ NE 1:>. Hi. NIC 20. 4 11.4 NE 9.6 16,7 NE 14.4 10.7 NE '.1. 6 1(1,1 8 Nl] 12. 14. 6 NE 12.11 10.4 NE 6.0 18,1 NE 19.2 18.1 NE 12.0 1(1,(1 NE 12.0 12. 2 NE 12. 16.8 NE 24. 15, M-: 16. s 15. 9 NE in. s 9. 5 10 NE 12.0 13. ;! NE 12.0 17. (i N>; 13. 2 17,4 NE 18.11 17.4 NE 12,0 13. s 11 Sum8 . - NE 1:"..C 13.1 NE 18. 18. NE 21.6 IS, 7 N !•: 18.0 IS. 7 NE 14,8 14. 84.7 390, 360. 5 366. 6 330. 1 Means . 3. .5 16,5 15.0 15. 3 13. 8 NOVEI /IBER 1872. Day. 26. Dir. 27. Vel. Dist. 2§. 29. 30. Hour. Dir. Vel. Dist. 14. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. 01" NE i:"!.3 NE 16.3 14.6 NE 14. 14,6 NE 7.6 S. 5 NE 8.3 10.5 1 N1-: 'J. 8 5 NE 18.0 16.3 NE 14.1 13. NE 12.0 13.8 NE 9,0 9.5 t> NE 12. ■-> 12. 6 NE 21.7 22.9 NI-; 10. 10.9 NE 8.1 6.1 NE 10.1 10. 4 1 -:i NE 0.6 10. 2 NE 20. 2(1. 7 NE 111.2 11.2 NI-; S. 5 8.9 NE 0,4 7.7 4 KE 111 II 10.1 NE 18. 2 17.1 NE 10. 2 11.3 NE 8.4 9.7 Ni; 5, .5.1 ^ NE ir,. 1 12.8 NE 15.4 IC. 8 NE 12.9 13.7 NE 14.7 1.5. 5 NE 7,1 8.1 c, NE 211.0 17. NE 15. 5 14.4 NE 12. 4 13.4 NE 9. 'J. 6 NE 7,0 7.3 ! 7 NE 16.4 IH. ',' NE 15. 5 16. 2 NIC l:l. 13. 6 Nt; 9.0 6.1 NE 7.0 7, 5 ,s NE 1.-..3 18. :_! Ni: 15. 5 14.7 NE 10. 5 9.6 NE 9. 9. 5 NE 7,0 7.9 i) NE ir,. 16.4 NE 12. 8 13. (.1 NE 6.8 7.8 NE 2.8 ;!. 6 NE 4,6 5.3 10 NE 1.-.. 1 1.5. 1 NE 12.0 12.7 NI-: 7. H •* NE 5.0 5. 8 NE 5,0 0,8 11 nl: in.o 13.7 NE 15. 11.5 Nli 13.6 14.4 NE 5.0 5. Ni: 6.2 5, (1 TSlMri). NE 1.-.. 14.8 NE IH.7 19. 7 NE 13. 5 12 NE 5. 6.2 XE 5. 5. .5 1" nj: 111.2 10. 3 NE 16. 5 15. 1 NIO 17. 8 15. 9 NE 5.11 5.4 Ni; 2. 8 3.1 y NE ]:;.6 14.0 NE 18.6 19.8 NE 1.5. 14.(1 NK 3,3 4.0 NE 0.6 1,7 NE is.o 15. 5 NE 18.11 17.0 NE 12. 7 13. 9 NE 8. 6 6.7 (I. (1 (1,0. 4 NE 20. 4 18. 5 NE 19.2 IS. 5 NE 12.0 17.5 NE 10. 8 11.1 II (1.0 11,11 ;> NE 14.4 17.2 NJ': 15. 6 19.0 NE 12.0 15.1 NE 6.0 8.9 (1.(1 0.0 (1 NE L-'. 1-^.4 NE is. II 20.0 NE 14.4 14.5 NE 4.8 8.0 0.0 II, u 7 N !•; 12. 19.4 NE 13. 2 18.8 NI': 12.0 17.1 NE 7.2 9.4 0.0 0.1 ?^ N1-; 10. 2 211. II NE 16.8 14.2 NE 12,0 14.4 NE 7.2 0.2 0,0 11,0 'J F^ l.-j. 6 20. 5 NE 14.4 14.4 Ni: 10.8 13.7 KE 6.0 8 2 li.O 0,1 10 NE 16.8 17.5 NE 12. 15. 7 NE 15. 6 13.0 NE 8.4 8.4 0.0 U.4 11 Ni: 1>. 15, 5 " NE 12.0 14.6 Ni; 10,8 10.6 NE 6.0 8.4 0.0 0.0 Snins .. 371. 5 397.7 314.3 193.0 102. H Means . 15. 5 16.6 13.1 j 8.0 4.3 AT rOLAElS HOUSE. 40 DECEMBER 1872. Day. 1. Dir. 2. Tel. 12.4 i 3. 1. Dist, 5. Hour. Dir. Vfl. Dist. Dist, 11.3 Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Yel. 16 r. Yel, ' Oh 0.0 XE XE 12,0 11.8 KE 13.2 13, 2 XE 14,3 15.3 1 0.0 1.0 SE 16.4 17, s , NE 10.1 11.1 NE S, 11 9 8 KE 14,1 15.4 ' .1 (1 0.0 0. ,-. XE 17,2 IS, XE 10.0 10. 8 XE 15, U 14.0 xi: 20, S •A 0.0 0.6 XE 1:1. 4 12, XE 1.5. -2 14.4 NE 14.1 14.7 XE IS, 6 22,1 4 u 0.0 0.1 NE 14.0 12, 5 XE 13,5 14.5 X1-: 9,0 KM XI-: 15,3, 13, 6 iS (1.0 0. NE 1,'., 1 16,1 XE 14,6 14.8 XE 9,0 9,4 XE 10,0 8,1 6 NE ■2. 5 XE L^, 2 10, 3 xi; 14.0 12. 9 NE 9. 5 10.8 X E 7 II 7,6 M-: T. 5 10. 2 XE IS, 17, s XE 12.5 12.1 x^ !■; 10, II 111,2 XE 13, 14,1 s .\E ]G.:5 15.1 XE 15. 17,7 XE 13, 9 14. :! NE 10. 2 11.2 KE 15,7 12, 1 11 XE 1.-.. V.i. 9 XK 1.-.. 2 17,0 NE 12, 6 13. 2 XE 8.4 9.1 xi: 10. 8 12,6 10 NE 1:1..^ 14..-. XE 1:1. 11,3 NE 12, 9 14.3 NE 8, 2 7.9 Ki: 14,7 15,0 11 NE 19. 1 IT. 6 1 XE 12.1 15,1 XE 15, 4 15. 9 NE 9, '.'. 5 Ki: 14. 3 14,7 Noon. KE 20, 2U. (1 NE 16. 9 19, 6 NE 15, 6 13.9 NE 10, 6 11.9 KE 14. 12,8 11= NE l.'l. 1 16.2 NE 19.0 22. 3 XE 13.11 15. 4 XE s . "2 379, 4 302. 9 292, 1 Meaus . 11.2 15. s 12. 6 11.1 12. 2 DECEMBER 1872, ! Day. 1 i 6. 7. s. 9. 10. Hour. Dir. Yul. Dist. Dir. Yel. Dist. Dir. Yeh Dist. Dir. ^'el. Dist. Dir. Ye). 13, 9 Dist. 01^ XE 0.0 . . 0.0 O.s SW 31.8 N 15,3 12,5 KE 1 5. 7 1 XE 12. U 12.4 0.0 0.1 SW 4S. U 43.1 X 12,4 11.4 KE 21.1 1 5. 6 '2 0.0 3.9 II 11,0 0.0 sw 411,3 • ij .) X 12,11 12,7 KE 10.4 13, 2 :> XE •2.4 2.4 0,0 0.0 sw 17.5 2'' 7 N 13.5 14.9 K 12. 5 . 16, 3 4 XE 0. .5 1.3 II 0.0 0,0 sw 311, 2 36,0 N 12,1 11.1 (1 0,0 '**. '"^ r> XE 2.0 II 0.0 0,0 sw ;;s.9 ;-;:[. •> X 12,4 13,2 K 7,4 4,7 6 XE 3.9 4.1 0. 0..5 sw 45, 31.3 X 15. 6 13,1 X' 10, 7 7.1 - U 0.0 2.4 II 0.0 1.2 sw 40, 4 37.9 ■ N IS, 14,6 KE 15, 2 10, ,s 0.0 1.5 0.0 1.0 SAV 411, S 34. X IS, 6 17,1 KE 12,0 15,4 9 0.0 0. 2 1) 0. 0.0 sw 42,1 36.3 N 16,2 13,1:1 Ki; 10.8 12,6 10 U 0.0 0.0 0.(1 sw 45, 2 ;;:i, 2 X 14, s 15, 4 KE 21,(1 23,, 7 11 0.0 0. II 0,0 sw ;i^, 6 40, :; X 17.0 12. 7 KE s,3 5, Xoon. 11 0. 1) 0.(1 II 0.0 0.(1 sw 36 S 311. 9 N 1 s, 3 20, 2 KE 10. 2 12, 9 li> 0.0 0. II II. II 0. sw 57,6 34. 9 N 19, 2 2(1,7 KE 15.9 14.8 2 u (1.0 0. II II 0, II s^\' 311,5 34.9 X 22, 4 19, 5 XE 211. 7 21,6 :i 0. 0. II. II 0.0 sw 26.4 32, 5 X' IS, 9 IS, 11 KE 15.3 16,4 4 II 0.2 (1 II. (1 0. 3 sw :!i;. 27, 5 NE 14,4 211, KE 19,2 18,3 it 1) i(. II. II 0.0 0.1 sw 24.0 26, 6 XE 21,6 211,4 KE 14,6 16,4 6 II II. II 0.0 1 (1 II 0,0 sw S. 4 15, 3 KE ls,0 19, 9 XE 18,0 17.4 / XE O.i 11.2 s\v 12. 5, 6 sw 14.4 7,6 NE 211.4 19, 7 XE 20, 4 19.6 H 11 II 0.0 1 sw is. 17,9 sw 1.2 9. xi-; 15.6 17,9 KE 21.4 21,7 y E 0.', 0. 4 ' S\V 20.4 23, 11 N 6. 5,4 XE ls,0 13,, 4 KE Is.O 17.7 10 (1. 1.1 1 S\V 24.0 .);:; s N •1- 6, 5 XE 16,5 17,6 KJ-; 14,4 IS. 5 11 XE 1.0 2. 9 ;^\v 36.0 25, 1 N 9.6 8,1 NE 15. 1 17,2 KE 18.0 17,7 Sums.. 41.1 100. 3 65(;.2 3SS. 3i;(i,2 Means. 1.7 , 4.2 16.2 15. u WliiTDS AT POLAKIS HOUSE. 45 Day. Hour. Oil 1 10 11 1" it 10 11 Ik-ilDS D;iv. DECEMBER, 1872. 21. 22. Dir. NE XE NE NE KE XE KE NE XE XE XE XE XE XE XE XE XE XE NE XE XE X i: X 1-; XE Yel. I Dist. ■2-1. n •2'2. 11 •-Jd. -2 2:1.6 14.2 is. ■2o. :i 14.7 17.0 IM. 'J IS. 2:?. 1 IS. 6 20. 2 17.9 24.2 24.0 21. (i 20. 4 24.11 IS. II Is. I) i:!. 2 24. Dir. Vel. Dist. 23. 24. 25. 24. XE 19.6 1 XE O.) .) XE 21.:! XE 6.9 XE 21.0 XE IT.S NE 20.1 1 xi: 2(1. B NE IS. 7 NE IS. 1 1 XE 19.0 XE 2E8 NE 21. :.^ XE 22. 1 XE 24. XE 2t;. 7 XE 20.6 NE 17..-, XE 1.5. 1 ! XE 211.9 XE 19.4 NE 19.7 XE 21. S XE 4-1). s 20. 27 . r, 31.8 29. 'J.) !> 211.4 '25. "J ■■W.2 "J7. 5 2.'). 7 :;i.s 22. 2(1. i; :!(!. Ti :!2. 9 2.">. 21.1 27.3 '.'}'.] 7 10.0 15.(1 Hi. 5 20. S 211. 2 24. 7 10. 17. :5 15. :! 2(1. 2 10. :5 1(). (i 12. 7 15.9 IS. U 10.4 211.4 12. 9 14.4 15. 5 15.0 14.9 IS. (1 15.5 12. 9.4 12.11 14.2 12. V.i.7 Dir. NE XE NE (I NE XE NE N ]■; XE XE E NE NE II NE XE NE NE Yel. Dist. 499. 20. 5. 1.5 5. 2 o!(l 0.0 0. () 0. 0. 0.5 0.0 12.4 0. (.1 s, 7 20.0 15. 12.0 9.6 12.0 0.0 1>. 12. 12. 9.0 6.0 5. :h :{,2 5.1 4.4 :-!. 4 7.4 14^2 2:>. 2 ■>-A. A ]S. 1 9. s 9.1 14.6 10.0 i:i. 9 14.2 12. 5 11.1 Dir. NE XE XE NE NE Nl-: Ni: NE XE NE NE II II (I E Yel. : Dist. Dir. ! Yel. : Dist. IS. is. 19. (1. 12. 14. u! 14. 10. 0. II 0, 0, (I (I 0, 0. 1.(1 0.0 '1.1 9. 2 ' 14. s ]■; 1.0 1 3. s 20.7 0. 5.4 15. 4 .s\V 10. 4 7. 1 9. :l XW 4. s S.O 10.2 0. ::.6 10.0 NE 1.0 3. 11.5 Ni; 1.0 5 .- 14. S NE s. 4 1(1. s 14.4 NE is. ■?. 1.5. 4 9. 5 NE 2.0 IS. s.O NE 10. 12.3 2 > 0.0 2s. 0.0 0.0 1.1 0. ;! XE 22. 7 19.2 0.0 NE 20. S 21,6 1.1 NE 22. 4 19.1 0. XE 24. 22. 7 0. 5 XE :12. 4 2S, W 0.2 NE :;ii. :'.i;. o.:5 NE :;i;. o :;ii. II. 1) NE :!0. :'.o. 0. 5 X 1 ; ;i:;. :i:!. 0. 9 XE :;:!.6 20. 2 0.9 XE :jo. 37.:; 15-. 7 4;is, 8 0. is. 3 DECEMBER, 1872. Dir. XE 26. Dir. 27. Yel. Dist. 6.0 2§. 29. 30. Hour. Y.l. :30. Dist. Dir. NE Yel. 8.4 Dist. Dir. Yel. 20.6 i ' Dist. Dir. Yel. Oil 41.3 NE 0.0 10.0 NE 25. 1 NE IS. 6 19.1 1 NE 1 .,.-) .) 1:10 NE 7. 2 NE 11.0 9.4 NE IS. 4 15. 1 NE is. 8 17.4 li XE 15.0 12. 5 NE 8. 9.1 NE 2. 7.2 Nli 12.0 14.5 NE 22. Is. s :! XE IS. 4 14.2 NE 12. U 12. 1 NE 0. 5 1.2 Ni: j 12.0 10. NE 2:!. 2:!. (1 1 4 XE 16.6 19.0 NE 11.2 10.0 0. 0.0 xi; 22. 2 17.9 NE 10.4 15.5 .5 NE 14.3 19.1 NE 15.;; 1:3.4 0.0 0.0 XE 2(1. (1 17.(1 NE 15. 2 15. 7 li Nli 18. S 21.3 , XE 12. '■'. 9 0.0 0.1 XE 12. s 14. :i NE 10. « 16. :! 7 NE 25. 6 30 2 XE s 2 10. 2 0. (.1. XE 12. 14.4 NE 1.5.2 9.1 8 XE 2S. ;;(!. NI- 9. 7 11.9 0.0 (1.0 XE IS. 3 17. 9 NE 10.0 17. s 9 XE 25. 7 24.6 NE 8.4 8. 9 0.0 0.0 XE 12.0 12 7 NE 2(J. IS. 3 1(1 XE IS. 4 24. 4 NE 10. s 12. s (1 0. (1 2.2 NI-; 12. 4 11.7 NE 21.7 2(i. 5 u xi: 20. 2 25. 1 X i: 15. 12. 1 NE :1 8 0.3 X i: S. 11.1 NE 10. i l:!.l Xonn. XE 10.8 17.7 N 1 : 14.2 12.:; NE 4.2 4.5 XE 10.7 12. 7 XE 1 •> •) 8.1 ; ll> XE 8.0 8 2 NE [ 15.4 i:!. :; NE 2. s. NE 10. 12. 8 Ni: 12.4 i 13. 3 2 XE 9.2 0. 8 XE 8.5 s 9 XE 10.4 0. 8 NE t 14.4 17.3 NE 14.0 1 5. 3 :; XE 6.4 10. 3 XE 15. (i 4.7 NE (-:. (1 7.3 XE 10.8 IS. 1 Ni: 10.2 1 s. :! 4 XE 0. 2 5 XE 1(1.0 0. 5 NE 14.4 11.5 XE .;.» ^ 2:1. s xj; 21.0 22. 4 .^, NE 0. 6.2 XE s.O 8.0 NE 12. 14. 3 NE 14.4 h-j; XE 12.0 ^ 2(1. 5 i; XE 8.0 8.0 XE 14 4 14.4 N !•; 12.0 10.4 , NE 20. 4 ]S.6 NE IS. 15.0 7 XE 10 10. NE 12.0 13. NE 14.4 1.5.8 ' Ni: 12. 9 17.:! NE 13. 2 13. 5 s XE s. s NE is. 12. s N K 19. 2 1.;. 3 NE l-.O 10. 8 XE 12.0 14.5 9 XE 10. 10.0 NE 12.(1 15. s Ni; 10.8 17.5 NE 15. 1:!. 2 XE IS.O 15.0 10 XE 15. 1 5. XE 12.0 1 12.9 NE 15.6 18.8 XE 19.2 10. 9 NE IS. IS. 1 IL 8niii,s. XE 10.0 10.0 NE 12.0 10.4 NE 12. 14.2 NE 15.0 15. 1 XE 24.0 20. :! :'.8s. 240.0 1S2.4 383. 5 405.5 Means 1 16.2 i 10. 3 7.6 10. 10. 9 46 AMNDS JANUARY, 1873. 5. 6. 7. Dist. §. 9. Hour. Dir. Vel. Dlst. Dir. \v\. Dist. Dir. Yel. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Viht. 01- s (i. P, 2 0.0 0. 0.0 0.1 S 12. 9.8 SW 12.0 11.9 1 s\v ;i-i 7.1 II 0.0 0. II 0.0 0.0 s 1 3. 2 14.8 SW 14.4 i;!.2 - s\\- fi. II ;; •> II 0.0 II. 0.0 0. S 10. S .^. 8 sw 15. 6 16.6 ;■> s\v 4.8 U. 2 0. 0.0 0.0 O.O ,s S. 4 10. sw 9.6 11.6 4 s\v .'^. 12.9 0. O.O 0. 0.0 s S. 4 11.5 sw 12.0 10.5 5 s 14,6 14. 0. 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 8.6 sw 4.2 10. 9 Ci si; 1-. 4 13.9 0. 0. 0.0 0. 0.0 0.4 sw 2.0 5.6 7 s lil.U V). (1 0. 0. II 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 sw 15. 6 23. 4 '■^ sw lii. ti l:!. 3 II 0. 1 0. (I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 sw 1^0 14.4 1) s\v !•>. U 9.8 II 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. sw 10. 8 11.7 10 sw (i. -2 10. 5 (1 II. I) 0. 0.0 0. 0. '1 0.0 sw 12. 14.5 11 1) II. 5.4 II. 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. sw 9.6 17. :; Xooll. II 0.7 II 0. II (1. 0. 0.0 s 6.0 2.0 sw 14.4 1.5.1 11' (1.0 0.2 0. 0. O.O O.O s 12.0 ^.4 sw 15.6 n;.3 2 II. 0. 3 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 sw 9. 6 12.5 sw 18.0 17.1 II o.O 0. 0. 0. 0.0 1.1 0.0 3.(5 sw is II 18. 4 () 0. 0.1 II. II 0. s S. 4 7.2 sw 8.4 9.1 s 18.0 19.7 ■ > II 0. 0.1 II O.O 0. s 3.6 7.2 sw .S4 8.6 s 21. 6 19.3 1. 0. 0.0 0. 0. I s 3. 6 3.7 sw H. s 20.8 20.1 7 0. II 0.0 NE r>. 2. s 3.6 3.4 sw 12.0 8.3 s 12.0 13.0 H n. II 0.3 XE 1.0 :'.. 3 ,s 7.2 .5.6 sw 9.6 10. 6 s 15.2 12. 1 ;) 0.0 0.3 NE 1 . 1.0 s 7.4 3.6 sw 9.6 10.4 s 18.0 1.5.2 11) II 0.0 0.2 (1 0. 0. s 6.0 7.7 sw 15.6 14.0 s 18.0 19.0 11 0.0 0. 0.0 0. s 1-2.0 8.1 sw 18.0 14.5 s 22.8 15.0 Sums.. 121.6 6.4 47.7 174.2 361.5 Meaus. 5.1 0.3 2.0 7.3 1.5.1 AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 47 Day. 9 10 11 X(]()n. li> 2 ■J 4 r. B ,-f 9 10 U Slims . ilcaiis JANUARY, 1873 10. 11. 12. Hour. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. ^Vl. nt S ]9.e 28.4 XK 6.0 6.4 0. 1 8 12.0 14.8 NE i;. i;. .'') 0. S 12.0 12.3 XE 8.4 / . i 0.0 ;5 S 14.8 22. 5 NE 4.8 6. 8 n.O 4 s I-'. 21.5 NE 2.3 ."..I (1.0 - s 20.4 'J7. ;> 2. 0.0 6 s 2ri, S 16.3 U 0.0 0.0 I) 0, s ,S\V s\v s\v s s 8W s .^w 8W s\v NE II II NE NE 15.6 20.4 21.6 14 4 10 ,^-l >i 6 ;i 6 t 2 111 s 7 2 '> 4 II 1.2 2.4 27. 34.3 21.5 22. II 22. 16.2 15.1 9.4 11.9 l\\ \M 3.11 0.9 2.5 1 1.9 II U NE E E II II (I 361. 6 15. 1 12.0 7. 8 12.0 11.3 12. 12, 9 18. 16.9 15. 6 Hi. 1 14.4 1.5.9 114.6 Day. 15. 16. Hour. Dir. \A. Dist. Dir. Vel. 8 2 Dist. Ot NE 15. 6 19. NE 6.8 1 NE 14.4 12. NE 9.6 111.5 2 NE 19.2 19.1) Ni; 10.8 11. s 3 NE 21.6 15. 1 NE 10.8 11.5 4 NE 21 6 18.2 NE 9.6 10.4 5 NE 2ri. 4 ] s. 5 NE 10.8 13.0 6 NE 19.2 311. Ni: 12.0 12. / NE 13. 2 1^.5 NE 12.0 12.8 '■^ NE 1-SO 21.9 NE 14.4 12.1 ;) NE 18.11 18.1 NE 14.4 12.2 10 NE 9.6 17.7 NJ-: 15.6 IS. 'J 11 NE 7.6 13.8 NE IS. II 17.2 Noon. NE J^.l 10.8 NE IH, 19. 4 11' NIO 6.0 11.1 NI-; 1.5. 6 211.5 NE 8.4 .-.3 NE 9.6 17.2 3 NE 9.6 11.3 NE 15. 6 17. 9 4 NE 9.6 10.4 Ni'; Is. 21.5 •> NE 10.8 11.1 NE IS.O Is. 5 i; NE 12.0 11.3 NE 18.0 19.0 ' NE 12.0 11.9 NE 14.4 15. s NE 12. 11.8 NE 14.4 15, 8 9 NH 1.5. 6 ]:i.7 NE 12.0 13. 9 10 NE 12. 11.8 NE 10. 8 11.1 1 U Sums.. NE 18.0 19.5 NE 10.8 12.7 361.8 351.7 I Meaua . 15.2 14.7 JANUARY, 1873. 17. Dir. Yd. Dist. Dir. ^5.]. I Dist. Dir. 19. Vrl. NE 13.2 13.4 NE 24. 23.1 NE 7.2 NE s 2 6, 9 NE 211. 8 ] 9. 9 NE 10.8 NE 9.6 10.5 NE 2(1. 8 18.7 NE 2.4 N 1': 10.8 13.0 NE IS. II 21.0 Ni; 10. S N E III. 8 11.0 NE 211. 8 21.5 NE 14.4 NE 12.0 11.4 NE 20, 8 2(1.7 NE 19. 2 N V, 9.6 13,6 NE 24,0 19.8 NE 111,8 N !■; 12.11 12, S Ni; r.i, 2 19.4 NE 12,0 Ni; 10. .s 15, 9 Ni: 2(1,4 !■>;; v> Ni; 7, 2 NE 14.2 15, 6 Ni; 22, 8 21.1 I Ni: 2,4 Ni: 14.2 19, 9 NE 2s, 8 34. ^ 0.0 NI', 16.8 14.9 NI-: 27, 6 25. 3 0.0 NE IS.O 16.7 NJC 19. 2 2(1, 5 0.0 NE 19.2 15.5 N1-; 13. 2 16.7 0. NE IS. 1) 17.8 NE 13. 2 14.5 0.0 NE t 16.8 15.6 Ni^: 6,(1 ;i (1 0.0 NE 20.8 24.6 NE 12, 11.9 (1 0. NE 211.8 19.2 NI-; ■■2, (1 12.6 II. II NE 18.0 17.2 NE 12.(1 13.4 0.0 N V. 15, 6 ] 5. S NE 12. (1 12. 2 (I. II NE 20, 8 1-. 7 NE 14.4 11.2 0.(1 NE ' 2il. 8 22. S NE 12.0 12.1 0.(1 NE 1 18.0 18.7 NE 12.(1 12. 3, NE 2,4 Ni: 24.0 21. 3 NE 9.6 10.6 \ 0,0 16.0 425 17 Dist. 3.5 20. 8 10.0 14.3 17.9 l(i. 13 5 9. 2 1.7 1.2 (1.0 0.0 (1.0 0.0 0,0 11,1 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,1 (1,2 1211.9 5.0 4.S \V1NJ>,S JANUARY 1873. Duy. 20. 21. 22. ' 2:i. 21. JIdiii-. Dii. \v]. IHmL Dir. V<4. Hi, si,. Dii-. Vc.l. IHhI. Dir. \'.i. |li,S|:. Dir. Vi:l. IlisI. (|i' Ni; i;. l.H MO t-l. II 10.(1 0. (I (1 0. (1. 1 (1, 11.11 1 X li 'l.H 4.r. MO I'.l. (1 1-. 7 0. II. 0.0 (1. II (1.(1 2 II II. II 7. f) MO 111. H i;;.2 0. 0. II. 11 1) 11.0 (I. 1 ;; II 0. II 1.:: MO i:..ii 1.1.0 11. (1. 0. II 0.(1 0. li \ 1) II. II 11.2 X'JO H. I 0.0 (1. II (1. (1 II. 0.0 11.11 i •"> II (1. II II. II II II. II 4.(1 11. (1 II. II 0. 0.0 11. 1 '■' 11. II II. (1 II 11. 1) 0.0 0. II (I. 0.0 11.0 (I.II 1 7 11.11 II. II NIO :!. 11 li. 1 (1 0. (1.0 II. II. 11.11 K II II. II (1. (1 MO i.ii li. 11. 1 II (1. (1 0.(1 II 11. 11.11 ',1 II (1. II II. (1 NIO 11. :! 2. 0. 0. 0. (1. 0.11 III II II. II II. II I) 1). (1 0. (1 II. 1 II 0. 0. 11 (1. II 0.1) n jM: ^-.'1 i.ii (1 (1.0 0. 2 II 0. 2 0. 11 0. 0.0 d.ll 1 N.H.II. X'l; 7 . '-' 7,11 II (1. (1 11.1 (1 0. (1 0. II. II (I 0.0 0.(1 1" N !■; .-^. 1 11.1 II (1. (1 11. (1 II II. II II II. II. (1 II. (1.0 n;.; ;i. i; 7.1 (1 II. II 0. .s 0.0 0. II II. (1 0. II 1.0 1 :1 j\ 1-; ;i. (1 1(1.;; II II. 1) (1. 1 1.11 II II. 0.0 II 0.0 (1.11 1 x !■; i.'.ii 12. 7 II 11. 1) (1. 0. (1 0. 0. 0.0 0.1 r, NIO 1-.'. II 12. 1 II II. II 0.0 (1. 11 II. II. 0.0 0.(1 I Ij .\ 10 -'. 1 ;:.!! (1 11. II (1,0 1 II. 0.4 11. II. (1 11.0 11.11 NIO (i. II '■'•. 2 II (1. II (1. MO 1 2.4 0.4 (1 0.0 0. 0.0 11.7 r! jMO 15. (i l.'.w II II. II 0, 0. 2. (1 II. 0.0 NIO (1.0 11.7 ^ :) N !•: I-.'. II ,u. 7 (1 II. 11.0 0. II (1. 2 0.0 0. 0.0 ii.H 111 Ni: H. 1 ',1. H II II II (1. (1 0. 1.1 0.0 0,0 N 10 2. I 2,11 11 Siiiiis - - II II. II ',1. '.1 1211.8 1) (I.II 11. 11 II 11.11 (1. 11 7. (1 0.0 II. (I .\ r. 0. 11 ?,!l 0. 1 21, 1 il.MIIS. r>. II 11. li II. 1.1) JANUARY, 1873, Jl.l.v. 1 25. 2«. 27. 2«. 2!>. 1 -ir Jloiir. Dir. Vrl. IJist. Dir. \'r\. Disl.. Dir. Vd. IlisI,. Hi]'. V.4. Hi.sL Dir. V.4. IlisI. (|i' KK 4.H 7 . '.) ,\ 10 4.H ■ 1. '.1 (1 0.0 0. 8 s 14.4 1 2. 8 MO U. (1 2,7 1 ,\ K 7 . ':-l ',1. :i MO 7. 'i (1. 1 11. II 0.0 s lll.H 14.1 N 10 4.H 0.(1 1 2 MO :i.r, .'■.. 11 .MO 2. 1 (1. :; 0.0 (1. ,s H. 4 11.2 NIO 1.2 4.1 MO 2.1 <;. 1 MO 2.4 1.0 II. II 0. s 1 1.4 11.8 ,\ 10 8.4 5. 11 1 MO 'J.i; r'. H MO :i. li .">. li II. II. s 0. 12.7 N 10 III. 8 11,11 f) MO r,. H. f) N 10 H. 4 '.». 4 (I.II 0. s lll.H 12.1! MO 11.11 4.11 I !i MO 7. 'i III. 2 MO 4.H ii.r, 0. II. s 10. H 11.2 N 10 li. (1 li. 11 7 .\ K Vi. II 7.1! MO 2.4 4..S 0. (1. s 1 2. l:!. 8 NIO 1.2 «..'. 1 « MO 7 . '2 II 7 II (1. (1 1.7 II 0.0 (1. II s 7. 2 11, 8 II 0.0 1,11 !» MO !l. (1 11. 1 n II. II I.II II 0. II 0.11 s 8^4 H. -, (1 11.11 11,11 ' 111 MO 111 H 12.(1 II II. I) 11. (1 s 7. 2 7, 11 s 0. 10.11 0.0 0. II 11 MO 14. 1 11.2 II 11.0 (1. (1 ,^ 11. (1 5. .") SIO 11. II 5. 5 II. O.ll .\cH)ll. MO ■-'. 1 4. 1 (I. 0. (1 s 7. ■} '.». 1 SIO 8.4 11. 2 II. (I.II 11' j\ 10 7.y H. 4 0.0 2. s\v H. I 11.8 SIO 7 -i 8. 11 (1 II. 0,11 2 MO 4./^ (1. 5 II (I. (1 I.II s It (1 11, !l SIO H. I 7.H (1 11.0 o.(J ;i ,\ 10 !l. 11 11.4 (1 II. II 1.(1 S 1 7. 2 (1, 2 s (1. (1 10 4.H 5.11 i MO :>. 11 4.4 j\ 10 2. 1 1.(1 .S 4 . H 1 . '.'< SIO (1.(1 7. 2 SW 11. (1, H r, MO ^■'. 4 Hi. II MO 2. 1 2.0 S l2.0 111.2 NIO 4.8 4.7 0.0 4.11 c N i: 4.f^ r).7 MO 2.4 2. I S III.'-" 11,2 N 10 4.H 11. 1 SW 4.^ 4,11 7 MO 111. ;-^ 7. .S .MO 10.8 H. 7 S ' In. H 0, 11 MO 4.8 5. 2 SW 4.8 7 11 H MO 11. II :~. :i MO 4.H 5.4 S 0. (1 0.8 N 10 (1. 11 11.0 SW (1.0 8.(1 '.) MO (1. 7 . 7 ,\ 10 :!. (i 5. 5 S 1 10. H 10. KIO 11. II 7,(1 SW 11, 11 1.11 Ill N 10 t;. II 7.4 II 11. li H K 12.0 Hi, 2 ,\ 10 11. 7, 5 SIO 4.8 (1,7 X ]■: ^'. I 7. 1 Hill, f) .\ 10 1,2 1 '. 5 S 20. 4 17, 1 II 0. I, 1 215.4 SIO l.H H.4 ',11. li 1117,5 02. 11 ,Mr;U]H_ 7. 1 .'l H 5.7 0, II 11, 8 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 4^;) Dav. D..V. JANUARY, 1873. FEBRUARY, 1873. 30. 31. 1. o. 3. Hour. Dir. Vel. 4.y D;r. Vel. li:,r. Dir. Vel. 12. U D:-r. Dir. ^'el. 21.6 Di-r. Dir. Vel. 1 .5. G Di,t. 0^ 1). S\A' 14.4 -.0 N 14.3 ' NE NE 1'. 2 1 K 1.-.. 6 -.4 > \V -.4 111. .5 N -.4 <:0 • NE 21.1.1 1-. ', NE 14.4 1.'.. .0 •J > l-.n U'.T >\V y. 6 11.3 X 10. - 10. 5 NE 2iJ. 4 ly. 6 NE lO. - 13. IJ 3 - i If,. 6 14. ^ •24. li l.'.O N v.. ti lo.5 NE ■Jl.i-l ■J 1.3 NE liJ. -r 1'. 5 i >E 1-. '< 17. '.1 > ■Ji>. 4 l.j. - -^ 'r^ ly. 2 - '. O NE ly. 2 ly. -, NE 14.4 11.3 i E 1-. u 1:'. 3 ^ l-J, IJ 12. y NE ■ji.i; ly. 3 NE 24. ly. 7 NE 7. ■-' 9.i; h . l->. l;i. 6 NE 2-. 4 21.1) NE 2 J. 4 ■-' '.7 NE 10. - 11. y - E r.i. -J ■Jl. 3 ^ 1-2. 11.4 NE iy.2 2iJ u NE ly. ■: •J 1 . J NE 2.4 7, o E ■ l-J. 7 ]: 111. - 12.7 NE 2 '. 4 in. 1 NE ■J '.4 2 1. '4 NE 10. - 11. .5 Xioii. .\E 1 :. - 1-. 1 ^ y. y 9.0 NE ■>', -^ 24. 3 NE •).>.- ly. o NE 11. - 11. l^ M-: ■2u. u 17. U >E -.4 11.-^ NE ■-:'•. 2 V •> NE '2 " "2 21.7 NE l:l. 2 12.- '.' XE •J;i_ il 17. -J ^ 7. - ^. 'J NE ■-".4 ■-^ J . 5 , NE 2.'. - '-'2.0 NE 7 y. 3 3 XE lO. - ■il.O .^ii. i . - - - NE •21. G •Jl.:^ ) NE •21. C 2v;. 1 XE 111. - 1.-. - 4 NE IJ. u 11. i -E 4.- 3.7 NE ■J4. '! 3 '•. 1 NE l.'.n ly. 4 NE 14.4 1';. :. XE 'J. 6 iM. i; >j:. -.4 4. .- NE 2i. -^ 22. .5 NE - i . ■ 1.' ~ NE 1-.' 1.'.. - i; \E •-'.4 6.0 ^ [■' -.4 - - NE 31.2 27,9 NE 1-. ii;. .-. NE 12. 14..-, 7 11.0 1..'. -E li. IJ (■., tl NE 1-. IJ 21.4 NE 12. y. 3 NE l-.ij 17.1 - u II. u 1.4 >E -.4 1 NE l-.O 1-9 NE 21. i; - 1. - NE 111. - 14.0 'J u 0.0 II. -' ^E •,-. 4 O. ■'' .NE ■J 4.0 21.. 5 NE ■j4. ij '.'.'i. .'• NE y. 6 11.4 lu u 0.0 0.0 NE l-'.O 3.(5 NE 21. H 1.-..6 NE 1-2. 7 'J NE y. 1 ' 111..-, 11 0. IJ 0.0 ' NE 12.0 14.2 NE ■-M. 22. NE 14.4 111. M NE 14.4 1-.2 .Snrii-.. •-■--,, 4 2 14. - 4-4. - 4.^y. - 2--, 9 Means . 11. y 10. .' v>IJ vj ly. 2 l-J. i FEBRUARY, 1873. i. 5. 6. Dir. II Vel. Di^r. 0.1 §. Hoar. Dir. Vel. D:,r. Dir. Vel. D;-r. ~'^. 7 D;r. Vel. Di-r. Dir. Vel. 0.0 Dist. 0. 2 Oi- NE 111.'; 11.1 ' XE •24. 11 NE I.'J II. 1 NE 3. 6 3. •■ XE 2 :.. 4 ■: 1. 1 NE ■:. ., ., II 0. 0. 1 It 11. 0, 2 NE 1. J IJ. 6 XE ■J 1.0 211. ■', 0. 1.- II II. II ■' NE 3. 6 1.0 3 1 0. 2.0 XE "2- ■•^ ■j;, 7 0. u f, ■' II i-i. 0.1 NE 2.4 5.1 4 \ 0.0 IJ. IJ XE 21.6 1 1. IJ ■J. 1 II 1, II, 7 XE 1. - '-'. J II. 11. •i XE ■-'1.6 21.2 0. 1.0 II IJ. IJ II. IJ NE 3.6 6. 1 6 IJ 0.0 IJ. IJ XE y. 6 10.7 NE -.4 4.2 11 II. II it. IJ NE 4. - 7. *> 1 N 111. - 11. y NE In. : 12.3 NE 4. - b. !'• II 0. II It •) II II 1. .- - N l^r.O 14. y NE 4. - -.4 NE 6. ■^.1 II IJ. Ij II. I.I II 11. 1. - •J NE 2IJ. 4 i-.ij NE 2.4 4.4 NE 7 .) 11.3 IJ II IJ . n. 11 NE 1.2 1.-' lu NE ■J 4. y ■J 4.0 NE 1. J •2.1 NE 4. - 4.7 II 0. IJ 1-1. IJ IJ. IJ M 'J 11 NE 21-.. 4 •:f ^ M II 11 .'. NE 6. -. II II. 11 II. II II 0. IJ Nn.ill. NE 21.;. 4 2j. - 11. II 0. IJ NE 4. - 7.3 II 0. It II IJ 1.1. 1-1 0.0 I'l NE 3iJ. IJ ■J 4. IJ 0. 0.1 NE 6. 1' -. :; n IJ. 11 0. IJ 0. 1-1 1.- 2 NE ■J-, - '. - . - 11 11.0 11.2 NE 1.2 ■ : -1 0. 0. s 0. IJ 0.4 3 NE 2-. - J". ~ 0. 0. u NE 1.2 I..-, 1-1. I.I. II 0. 0. - 4 XE 2-. - 30. 1 ^i; 2.4 3.^2 (1 11 II II 6 - \v i;. II - • II 11. 0. II ii NE ■-'4.0 2 1. 9 -E '*> II -.3 11 11 II 1.2 9. ''' y. II ~ 12. 4..', i; XE 311. •J'i "^ >i; r..0 ,1 IJ. II 1' 2 . 11.0 .3. -, - w 11.4 14.4 ; ■ XE 3iJ. 2 ;. < 1.2 7.9 II II II II :) II II 1.1 " '\- ■-'!." 311. " - XE 411. - 26. 2 ^ 4. - 3.4 t, II. 0.4 II 0. i.i; -\v 31. - ■J-i. t" XE ■J4.0 .,■> ., ^ ■J. 4 6. 11 It II II 1, .-, 1 1. 11 0. 1 ^ w 24.' :i".. >; 10 XE 2,:. 4 ., , ., ^ l.-J ,, II II 0.1 II II 0.1 -X 31.2 ::2. 4 U XE 24.0 2.'. - NE 2.4 6.4 11 0. 0. IJ 0. IJ IJ. IJ Ir.' --■ '■ -'Hn-.. 404. 1 22 2 1 74.11 2.-. 2IJIJ. Meau-. 16.- 9.3 3.1 1.0 -.3 I w 50 WIXDS l^. () 2t). [) 1-'. u •■ill. ;'. IH. 10. 5 1.^. If.. 9 1 V>. (J l.M \ 15. (i Hi, ■■', 'J.G 11.5 400. 16.7 Day. Hour. Oh 1 2 ;? 4 5 (I 8 9 ID 11 Noon. 1 IJ. Dir. KE NE NE XE NE XE XE KE NE \E NE NE KE NE KE NE K]<; XE xi: XE Vel. •J -I. t-^. ■JU. 4 •JO. 4 19.2 '24.0 IS. U 1-. •24.0 22. « Dist. H XE 9 XE 10 NE 11 NE Slims.. Means. L^ 19 O 24 L" IH 14 4 1.- 24 24 L^ u •25. 17.5 21. 1 19 7 ~Si. » 22. 6 14.6 17. 5 12. (I '22. '2 17.9 15. 1 19. 1 14.9 16. 6 15. 7 17.0 21.7 '22. 9 24,0 19. 9 469. 4 19. (i 13. Dir. XE NE NE XE NE NE XE XE NE Xl'] KE KE NE KE XE XE NE KE XE XE KE XE XI-] NE Vl'1. Dist 19.2 22. S L-. 1.^.0 Iri. Hi. 8 14.4 15. 6 15. 6 19.2 E^. II lii. .^ 1-^.0 15.6 15.6 21.6 24.0 L-. 18.0 L^. 18. l-.O 2 4.0 12. 24.4 NE 9.6 15.2 2(1. 2 XE in. 8 11.0 17.4 xi-; 10.8 '• 11.4 17.5 XE 19. 2 14. 4 17.3 Ki'; L^. 1 21.2 13.8 XE 21.6 ' IS. 3 16. 8 XE 13 2 15. 6 15,8 XE is. 13. 6 14.8 x]-: IS. 20. 1 18.2 XE 19,2 20 6 17,9 XI] 20.4 13. ;: 17,0 XE 20.4 17. 5 17,7 XE 21.6 1 21.9 17,2 NE "2 '2 H 16. (i 15,7 XE 19.2 l;!.4 24, XE 24.0 25. 3 24. 4 NE 21.0 24.0 18.7 XE H. 20. S 19.8 XE IS. IS. ti 17.9 NE 21.0 24.9 18.3 NE IS. 21.4 19.7 N 1'] 1'2. 9 6 21.8 Nl] 18.0 14.9 Hi. 1 NE 2ii. 4 25. 3 442. 18. 4 428, 9 17.9 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 51 FEBRUARY 1873. Day. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Hour. Dir, Vel. I-.'. Dist. 14. 5 Dir. XK Vel. Dist. 3.1 Dir. Vel. 0. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. 0.0 nt NE 1.2 0.6 (1, 0.0 0.0 1 Ni; Id. H 9.6 NK 1.2 2,1 0.0 3.7 0. 0, 2 0.0 0.1 •> XK 9. (i 0. 6 XE 0.4 1,2 NE 2.4 2.0 0. 0.8 (1 0.0 1, :; xi; 1(1. s '.1. .'^ 0. 0,9 0, 2.9 (I, 0, 0.0 0,4 -1 XE 1 0. s 10. s 0.0 2, .s (1 0.0 0, 1 0.0 0.7 0. 0,0 ,-, XE 10. > 9. <^ II 0. 3.5 0,0 0,0 0. 1.5 (1 0,0 (i xi: 10. s 11.6 1) 0,0 2, S 0.0 0,3 0,0 1.5 (1 -0 7 X1-: S.4 7 9 0,0 0. 6 (I, 0,0 0, (I 1.0 0.0 1.2 ri X E 0.6 11.0 (1 0,0 0. (1 0, l.S 0,0 2, 3 0, 0.1 ;i XE 10. s 9.7 I.I 0, 0.6 XE 1.2 1.4 XE 1.2 1.2 O.O 0.2 10 XE 10. ^^ 12. f. (1 0,0 1,2 (1 0. 2.1 NE s,4 7.9 (1 0,0 0. 11 XE 1-J.ii 12. 6 0. u 0.6 0.0 0. NE 7.2 6. 5 0,0 (1. XlllHI. XK 14.4 J 5. 9 0.0 0.6 0.0 0,0 Ni: s,4 9. 0, 0. 2 1" XE i:;. 2 1^.1 u 0. 0.7 • 0, 1,4 XE 7, 2 .5. (i 0, 0.1 1 • > XE 14.4 i:'.. 4 (1, 0.2 0.0 1.0 XE 6.(1 4.S 2 :i XE 4.S 7. 6 0.0 0.1 0, 0,0 NE 7 ~ 9.0 O.O 2 4 XE 4.-< 9.1 0.0 0.1 0. 0.7 NK (i, s, 0, 0. 1 'l XE ■2,4 :;. 2 0. 0.0 0.0 1.2 N K S, 4 S. f) (1 0, 0,2 G XE 4.S 6. 1 0. 0,0 (I 0.0 1.1 Ni: 4,S 6,2 (1 0, 0, 3 1 XE 0.0 6. :i (I. 0. 0.0 0,7 1,9 0. (1, 8 XE S.4 ,^ s 0,0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0. 0,3 (1 0, 0.0 '.1 XE S.4 7.2 0. 0, (1 (1.0 0, 1 0.0 0,0 0, O.O 10 XE 1.-2 0.0 0,1 o.O 0, 0. 0,2 0,0 0. 11 XE 2.4 .-..4 u (.1, , 1.6 0.0 0.1 21.2 0.0 0.1 0. 0.0 Sums .. a;M. 3 22, S 77.2 4,3 !Ml':iii« - 9.S 1.0 0.9 0.2 FEBRU rARY 1873. Day. 24. 25. 26. 2? 1. 2§. Hour. Dir. Vel. Dial. Dir. Vel. Dlst. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. v>. Dist. Dir. Vel, Dist. (Ill SW ]-'.0 .'. 9 XE s.4 10.7 NE 1^.0 20. Ni: 1-. 14.4 XE 10. s 16.4 1 s 21.0 17.6 xi: 9.6 7.4 NE 16. S NK 10 S 10,9 NK 10. s 11.3 <2 s 1.". 6 Ki. .". XE 11,0 7.4 NK 14.4 12 s NK 10 s l:'., 2 XK 12, 11.4 3 SW ]0. S 17.0 NE 7.2 7.4 NK 14.4 17, 7 NE 13 2 1-5, 7 XE 12.0 13. 3, 4 SW 2.4 6. XE 9,6 7. 7 NK 1,-.. 6 12,6 NE 1- (1 11.0 NE 10. S 9. 3 b s 4.S :',. 1 XE s.4 7.2 N !■; Hi. S li, 9 NE il 6 9. 6 NE 1.0 4.6 i; i; :!. 7,9 NE S.4 9.9 N i: 1,5.6 13. .') NIO 9 6 s. 3 NE 2,4 0, 9 7 0.0 4.5 IS'E / , 2 7.6 NK Ki. S 17.2 NE s 4 H, T) 0, 1.2 M i; 7 -1 4.9 XE 6 7. ,"i NE 16. S E'l, S NE 10 s 11.9 0, 0. 1 y ]■; 2.4 7.0 NE S.4 7,7 NE l.'i. (i l,'), 6 NE .J 12. S 0. 0.2 K) II 0.0 :; -, NE 0. 6, ") XK 1.'.. 6 17.1 NE i:; 2 l:.o 0,0 0. U s 0.0 7.1 NK 9 i; 7.9 NE 11.4 Ki. 4 N K 13 2 13. 7 II 0, 0. 3 Xu .11. XE 0.0 7.1 N i: 9. G 9.1 NE 2 1 . (.1 IS, NE 10 s 11.1 S\\' 6. 4.9 11' 0.0 1.3 NE 12.0 13. 3 N !■: .)■> .^ 19, 9 XE 14 4 11. s S\\' 10. s .5.4 .) (1 0.0 0,6 XE l.s. 12.6 NE 19.2 19 1 N i: 10 s 11.2 SW 10. s 10, 3 :! 1) 0.0 0.0 X i; 12. 19.9 NE IS, 20. 2 NE 10 s 11.7 SW 12. 1.!, 3 4 (1 0. 0.4 NE ;• Ki. NE 16. S 17 2 Ni: 12 13,, ,5 s 24.0 21, S .^) (1 0.1 XE 1-'. 14.0 NK 1-', 17.0 NE 12 11.3 s -•-'■ - 2il. () xi: 1.2 0. 2 XE s.4 13. 1 NK IS. 21.2 Ni; 12 10.6 s 30. (1 23.9 / II 3,1 X i; S.4 .s.4 NE IS, 11.3, NE S 4 10..-. s 3,0. 21.4 8 XE 2.4 1.3 NE 12.0 1.-.. 6 NE 10, s IE, 5 NE 14 4 11.4 .s 2S. S 26.4 9 XE 1.2 2 XE 1^.0 11.6 Xi': IS, 1-, 6 N i; 12 (1 12. I s 2S, s 21,6 10 XE (i. 3.9 NE IS. 17.7 Ni: 10, s 12,4 NE 1 s 14.2 « 30. 2S. .5 11 Sums.. XE 6.0 .'.4 NE IS, lil.3 NE 9, 6 10. S NE 12 12. .', s 21. C 120 4 •}\\:, .", 3S7.0 2S7. 9 3,00.0 Meaus . r 'f 11.1 16. 1 12.0 _ 12. 5 52 WINDH MARCH, 1873. li^iy. Hour. I. lldiir. Dir. \'rl. Di.s 1. Dir. 1 1, 1)1- 1. ]iii-. \'rl. DisI,. l>ir. \rl. nisi. nil. \rl. I)i»l. (|i' S 'JO 1 ■.'1.7 0. 0. :i MO 0.0 S 11 MC l.". IS. 7 0.(1 D.I) 1 S I'.l.-.' l^^ :■ M', 1^ ■i 1 .'i NK !■.'. [ 0. ■! \l) 0, (1 0. 1.11 .^ s ;:7. i; 17 7 M-; 1 1 7 .\ [■: (1.0 i:;. 1 i\ K III. H ii.i; NIO 1.'.' l.i: (; s \tt. ■.'0 r, Nh; ^1 H '1 ■J f iSW |.^. i;: ;; M'; I Ci j\K 10. H 1:.'. 1 II. 0. 0.(1 0,1 s 10. H 10 :i NI-: y 1 c i; Ni: !■.'. 111. Ii 0. 0. 0.(1 U.'J ;', H 10. H w 11 Nl') i ^ 1 10 !"> i\ I] l.-l. (i 1 Tj. 7 Nl'l ■1. H li. 1 0.(1 ( 1 s (1. i-j 1 ,\ !■; 1 s 7 Mv 1.-1.(1 1(1. 0. 1.(1 0.(1 0.1) r, 0. (1 :: 'i II H M-; |H. 111. 7 0. 0. 1 0.0 II. 'J i; 0, 1 :i 1 7 Nr; :.-'. 1 ~'. 7 0. 0. 0.0 0.7 7 0. 1 m: I 1 •_> 1 'J M-: r.i. ■.' 'ill. 1 0. 0. T) 0.0 II. 'J H (1 0. (1 7 (1 ■j 1 M^; 1(1. ri 1.1. (1 0.0 0. II. (1 (1.0 It (1 0. (I (1 ■1 \ !■; l^-'. ■J 1.0 0.0 0. (1,(1 II. r, 10 0, 1 nt; '1 H r, i\v; 1 1. 1 l.'i. 7 0. 0. " 0.(1 0.11 U (1 0. i\ !•: ■j 1 ■J '.I \y. 1H. Id. 0. 0. 0.(1 0. 'J SllliiH. - 'ji i; 1 4 70 ;; lll,-^. 1 ;«'. .^.11. 1 Mi;i!)3. 11 :i ;> Hi.:; 4.0 ;> M MARCH, 1873. D;iy G. 7. H. 9. 10. Dir. nis 01' I 0. 1 0. 0. '» 0. 0. 0.0 0, 4 .■^w (1.0 :j. 5 ,s (1. .'',. 7 K ■1. H ■1 H ]•: (1. (1 ',1 NK 10 ri :i. 10 K ',1. (1 U NK 1 ". 1 10. (lOII. NK '-'. 1 ■J 11' 0.0 ;; ^t NIO l.y :i :: MO 4.H 1 N 10 ■l.M 10 ^, Ni'l I'-'. 10 (1 MO ri. 1 7 NIO l-.'.O v.! K MO Iri. 1(1 11 NIO ■-'.".. ■.' ;j:i 10 MO :.' 1. 'Jl 11 NIO 'JO. 1 20 sntriM_ 1 '-'7 Mmiiis 7 J. 1 Jlil. N 10 N 10 .\ 10 NK II 10 10 10 II II N 10 MO NIO \'.!l. 0. 11 l.:J 'J. 1 0. I l.'i I 0.0 1 II, II 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 'J. 4 0.0 0.0 'J. 1 'J. I 0.0 0. 0.0 0. 0. ■:. 1 10, ri 10. ri nisi. lit. r, i:j.r> i.ii .'■). ri 'J. II 0.1 0. II. 0,0 1(11. Vi 0. NIO MO MO (I II sw ,s\v w w s 10 NIO NIO MO M', MO NIO .\ 10 0. (, II. I 0. ( 0. ( 0. 1 (1. 1 H. rt, 4.^ 0. I 0. ( 0. I lIV 1 1 Iri. ( I ri. I I J. I l.rt I'J.ll ri. I 'J. 11. I. 0. 0. 17 1(1 1 1 r 10. Dir. MO ,\ 10 \ V. MO ,\ 10 NIO ,S\\' sw sw svv sw sw sw sw sw sw SIO SIO II ' 1(1, H l,'..(l l 1(1. ri i '.I. i; '.I. (1.0 0.0 '-'. ■' 1-. I'.l. 2 ;jri. ri 110.0 110. :Jri. 8 111. ri I'J. IJ. (I 11.0 4.H 0.0 (1. (I 0, (I 0.0 117.4 7.0 DIhI. I 1.0 I s. 'J 111. 11 10,7 1 1 . .^ II. 11 Iri. I. 'J 0.(1 0. 'JO. 2 17.7 IJ.d 11.4 r^ •> I . ; . li. '.I Dir. 0.(1 0.(1 0. 0.(1 0.0 4.H ■J. I 0.0 0.0 0. II 0. II 0.(1 0.(1 II. 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.11 11.11 0.0 (1.0 (I.II 0.0 0.0 'J. II II. I II. 'J II. I 11.(1 li. I l.'J ri, 11 (1,11 1 (I, :i I', :i 1.4 II. 11 (I.II (1. (1 (1.0 (i.n 0.1 11.11 0.0 0,0 11,11 (I.II !JI.'.J l.ol AT rOLAKIS HOUSE. 00 MARCH, 1873. Day. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Dist. Hour. Dir. Vul. Hist, Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Di>t. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. 0" 0,0 0.1 S\V ■2.4 0.4 0. 11 1.1 XI-: 19. 2 12.2 0.0 0,1 1 II 0.0 0.1 [ .sW 6. II f^. 7 n;e 1.2 3,0 XE 22. - 12. 9 0.0 0.7 •) 0. 0.2 .-^VV ■i.^ 0. - 0. I.I 1,7 XE 21, i: 2-!. 9 11 0.0 0.0 :i 0.0 0.0 S\V 4.S 4.6 0. 0.5 XE '>■> ,-. '2 . ) . .J 0.0 0.1 4 u 0. 1.0 (1 0.0 6. 2 0.0 0,11 XE 19. 2 211, 7 II 0.0 - II. 0. .'i (1 0.11 1.7 IJ II. II 0. 7 XE IS. II 15, - (1 0.0 0,0 r, 0. u 0.0 s\v l.-J 1.7 II 0. O.ll XE 19, 2 14.2 0.0 0,0 7 0.0 0.1 1 "•" 0,4 XE 1.2 1.6 XE 20 4 211.1 0.0 I 0, ,w u 0. 0.1 11 ■ 0, 0, 'J IJ 0.11 2, 2 XE 211, 4 19.9 0.0 l-l, 'J 0.0 0. .'. II 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,3 XE 27, 6 26, 2 0, 0,0 lU 0. 0. ;i II 0, 0,0 0. 0,1 XE 30,0 32. 4 IJ 0.0 0. II u u II. u 0, "J il 0, 0,0 0.0 0.1 XE IS. 25. i; ti, Nuon. 0.0 0.1 0. 0, - 11 0.0 0.0 XE 16, s 17,5 IJ 0.0 0,0 1'' 1) 0. O.v! II 0, n 0.2 1 II 0. 0.1 XE 15, 6 13,1 II 11.0 0,0 •) 0.0 0.1 0. 11 0.1 i n. 0.0 XE 14.4 15. 3 II 0.0 0,0 :i II. 0. 1 0. 0.1 0.0 0.0 XE 14.4 14. y II. tl, 4 (1 0. 0.9 0,11 (1.0 0.0 0.1 XE -.4 16.2 0.0 tl. 5 I) 0.0 0.7 0,0 0.0 II. 0.5 XE -.4 ■- . 5 IJ 0.0 0, 0.0 0. 5 0,0 0.1 II. 0.0 XE S. 4 7.4 11 u.O 0, * IJ 0.0 0..5 1 0,0 II. 2 0. II II. 2 XE 1 4.- • i.4 11 (1 II 0,0 ,.j u 0.0 0.4 0,0 0.0 n 0.0 0. II (1, 11 1.6 IJ II. 0,0 'J II 0. 0.2 0, II 1.8 XE ■2.4 1.7 II, II. 2 II 0.0 0, lu 0.0 0, 1.1 0. 7 NE 2.4 1.9 0,0 :'.. 4 o.ll 0,0 u .Sums-- 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 31',. IJ XE 4. .- 4.5 0, 0.1 0.0 0,0 6. - 20,3 352. .- 0.9 Jlcaus . 0. :i 1.5 0, - 14.7 0,0 MAr ICH, 1873. Day. 16. 17. IS. 19. 20. Hour. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir, Vel. Dist. Dir. VlI. 0.0 Dist. Dir. Vel. 1 0.0 Dist. 0.0 Dir. S'V Vel. 16. -^ Dist, 16. 6 i i 0'' 0.0 0.0 s 1.-^ 6 14.0 1 3.1 11 1 0.0 11 s -.4 11.7 0.0 1.2 II 1 1. (J 0.0 sw 12. 12.5 2 II. s n.o 1.5.7 II 0.0 0. 5 (J II. II II. sw 12. 12,4 ■^ 0.0 II 11 s 13. 2 17.3 0.0 0.7 II 11.11 II. 1 >w r. 11 14,2 4 1 0. II (1 .s 9 (', 1-5.11 0.0 11. IJ 0. 0.7 sw 9.6 11,2 .", II. 0.0 s 1.-). 6 12. 2 0.0 11.4 E 2.4 1.9 sw -.4 9. 5 i; 11 II. 0. .s 10,'-' 12. - 0. II. II s S. 4 3, 3 sw 16.- 14,11 7 0. 0.3 s 10,-' 11,0 1 0. 11. 1 S\V 10. S 111.2 sw 12. 15,7 s 0,0 0.0 1 .V, 10. - -. 6 0.0 II. ,^\V 9. 6 11.- .-w 12. U 13, - 1 'J 11.0 0. H ,s IJ.O 12,4 0.0 0. II S\V 9. i; 9.7 sw 9. 6 11,2 10 II 11.0 II. s u.o 14.- II (1 0, 11 .■s\V i-.ii 12.5 sw 6.0 11,2 u 0. 0.2 s 10. .-' 10. U IJ 0. 0, S\V 16. - 10.2 11 0.0 '"*. ' Xijcin. 11 11. II. si; 12,11 12.7 II 0. II 0,11 s\v l^'.ll 16. 4 11 11. II 2,1 11' 0.11 0. II s 12,0 12. 5 11 0,0 0,11 ■■-w 1-. II 20. 5 0. l-i. 2 >^ II 0.0 0, -J .';e 10..-' V. :; 11 11, 0. II ,s\V 22. - 21.2 11. 0, :i s li, r II !■: 8.4 11.9 II, 11,0 S\V 9.6 16, 1 0. 0. 11 4 s V',.-> 11. 1 SK 6,0 0.3 0,0 0,1 sw -.4 17,7 0. 0,0 ^1 s 1-.', 1 ■-'..-, ,S li, 6.1 1 II. II, s\v 211 4 17,2 0.0 0, i; s 0, 10, 'J s 6,0 6. 2 1 1 II II 0,0 .^\v 16. S l-,ii II 0.0 0,0 1 s >, 4 4.,- ,^ >', 4 7 'I 0.0 0,0 s\v 1S,0 16. 7 II 0. 0,11 s 8 l-.Ml 10. 1 s 6. II 7. II II II II 0, s\V 1-, 11 17.0 -II IJ. IJ 0,0 'J s 0, 11.7 s 4..-' IJ 0. 0, II ,^\v 1-, II 1-.7 XE 4,S 4.5 111 s l-.',0 11. i ."^ 2.4 3> 2 11 II, II 0,0 ,^\\' 19, 2 14.3 XE 6, II 4.7 11 Snins.. s 10. .- i:;. i; 0.0 0.4 0,0 0, sw 14,4 14.9 0, 3.9 ',i:!. 4 24-. 6 6,1 269. 1 n;6. 5 M«aii8 . 3.9 10.4 11, 3 11.2 6.9 1 54 WINDS MARCH, 1873. Hi. Day. Hour. 0" 1 2 y 10 H Kotm. 1'' 25. Dir. Vel. 2(1. 4 Dist. 2.5. 1 Dir. Vel. 8.4 Dist. NE NE 11.7 NK H.4 16.1 NE l-'.o 14.7 NE L'. 1) 11.4 NE 1.5. (i 10.2 NE (i. 12. 2 NE L^. IS. ;i NE :!. r, 4.5 NE 14.7 u.o 4.(1 NE 14. i; X 4. 8 3.5 Ni; I-'. II ii;.:i NE H. 4 5.9 NE 211.4 17. 5 E 12. 11.1 NE llj. 8 17.1 SK 12, 12. 5 NE 1 5. 6 ]i;.i s 14.4 1.5.7 NE 15.11 15. 1 K 1>'. 1) 14.1 NE L^. II IS. 7 NE 12. U S. 4 Ni; 14.4 Hi. 1 NE ;•. (1 9.4 NE 14.4 i:i. 1 NE '.1. <) 9. 2 NK 14. 1 Nl'i 4.8 9. :; NE 12.0 l:!.s NE 8.4 4.5 NE 8.4 12.4 NE ."■. 4 8. 1 NI-: 14.4 12.6 NE 8.4 9. ^ NI'; -'. 1 .5.9 NE 12. U 7. 5 NE 15. i; 12. C, NE ;•. (i 9.9 NE 12. 12. 8 NK ] .'.. (i 17. 5 NE 4.8 0.4 NK 1^. (1 1:^.3 NK 2. 4 4.9 NE 12. U 15.0 NE 0.0 4.5 259. 6 :!2ll. 4 10.8 Ki.l MARCH, 1873. 26. 27. Dir. 9 10 11 SmiKS.. MeuLiH - NE NE NE NE NE IJ (I II Vel. 2.4 1.2 2.4 1.2 0.0 0. 0.0 0. 0.0 0. II (I. II 0. 0.(1 (I. 0.(1 0.0 II. (I (1.(1 0.0 (I. (I (I. II II. II 0. (I Dist. Dir 1 4 1 ■J II 1 1 ;ii 2. 9 5.9 1. 1. I). 0. 0. 0. I.I 0. II 0.0 0. 0. 0.0 II. (.1. 0. II II. 1 0. 0.1 0.0 0.0 0. :'. NI Nl- Nl Nt N 1- NI NI N h Nl- Nl. Nl- Nl NI Nl< NI NI NI NI NI II (I (I • Vel. 4.8 10. H 12. 12.0 9. i; .^.4 li. li. 10.8 u;;8 12. 14.4 10. H 0. S. 4 ; ' (i. S.4 28. Dir. 4.^ II. (I. (I 0.0 0. 0. 15. 5 0.0. 11.0 7. II .■^.4 0. 8 7.4 8.2 9.7 Nr: 10.7 Ni: 12.8 NE 14. 8 NE 12. 5 NE 7.6 NE 8 (1 NE ^-.6 NI-: 0.7 NE .5. 5 NK 2.5 NE 0.0 NE 0.1 N !•: 0.1 N K 0. NE Vel. Dist. Dir. 0.0 0.0 NE 0.0 0. NE 0. 0. NE (I. 0. NE 0. 0.0 NE 0.0 l.:i NE 0. 0. KE 0. 0. NE 0.0 (I. NE 2.4 '"> 2 NE 4.8 1.9 NE 109. 4 7.1 s. 4 10. K 10.8 9.6 12.0 14.4 12.0 1-^.0 12.0 10.8 12.0 10. 8 8.4 11.5 U.3J i;i.2 17.2 12.6 12. -s 14.6 15. 1 15.4 11. H 14.0 11.0 172. 9 7.2 AT rOLAEIS HOUSE. D.> Day. Ilniir. MARCH, 1873. 31. APRIL, 1873. Dir. Vel. Pist. Pir. Yel. Dist. Dir. Yel. Disf. Dir. 3. Vel. Hist. Dir. Tel. 0" NK S. 4 10. NE 6.0 7.9 0. 2. 6 0.0 4.1 11 0. 0. 2 1 NE .-•.4 6.1 XE 4.8 6.0 ' 1.1 0.0 U. 4 0.0 1 1. .'i II o.u 0. NK 6. y XE 3.6 4.3 U 0.0 0. 8 LI 0.0 1.4 u o.u LI. :i \F, 4.^ li. 3 XE 4. ^ ' C. 3 ' I 0.0 0. .< II 0.0 1.7 II ii. LI. ; 4 NE ■i.4 4.2 XE .^.4 9.1 0. 1.2 II 0. 0. 0.0 0. 1 i U.O : 2.5 xi: '■'•'' 1 7.3 1 0.0 0. .- 1 0. LI ' U.O u 0. 0. (j II 0.0 ! 0.4 XE 1 6. 7 7 LI 0. '0. ."i LI 0.0 1.0 LI 0.0 0.1 1 U.O 0.1 XE (i.U 1 0. 1 U 0. 0. 6 II 0. LI. II LI. 0.0 1 ,s 0.0 0.3 XE 10. s 11.4 II 0. 0.1 II ■ 0. 0.0 u LI. 0. ' 1) 1) U.O 1.4 XE 10. s 11.1 (1 U.O 0. 2 LI 0.0 0.0 u 0. LI n.o 10 XE l.-> 1.0 XE 10. > 10.2 0.0 1.4 II 1 '-'-0 0.1 11 Ll. 0. .-) 11 0.0 > 1.7 XE 1 10. ^ 11..^ 0.0 0.4 ! 0.0 0.0 II 0.0 O.s y„„n. 1 0.0 0.4 XE 0. 6 7.3 1 0. 0.2 II 0.0 0. II 0.0 0. 3 ! 1' 0.0 1. u XE 0.6 1 s. .3 0. 0.0 , LI. II 0.0 0. 0.7 .> 0. 2. XE 6. 4.:; 0. 0.6 0. LI 0.0 u 0. 0. s 3 .\E •2.4 2. 6 XE 12.0 12. 2 II LI. U. 4 ir i 0.0 0. II LI. 0. 1 4 NE 4. - ■ \ XE 12. 1~.2 XE 4..^ '2. 1 (1 1 LI. 0. 11 0.0 0. s X 1-- , 1.0 XE ; 12.0 11.2 LI 0. 0. LI 0. II. II II 0.0 1.1 li 0.0 i 1.0 XE 12.0 12. 5 XE •2.4 0. > Li. II. II u 0. LI. 2 - (1 0.0 1.2 XE 6.0 .-.0 1 U 0.0 2.4 LI. II. II u II. LI. X 1.2 1.0 XE ; l.'i .-.. 1 ' 0. 0.3 LI 0. 0. 1 0.0 II. >J X 4..-^ 4.3 U 0. 2.3 u U.O II. II 0.0 0.1 u 0. 0.0 lu X' 1.2 4.1 XE ■^^ ■' 1.9 II '.\. o II 0.0 ! 0.0 II 0. 0.0 11 XE 4.S 0.0 XE 6. r>. 2 u o.u 0. 2 LI. U.LI I U.O LI. Slims.. 7S. 3 197.9 21.2 9. 9 --, 7 Jle^us- 3.3 8. '2 0.9 0.4 0.2 APRIL, 1873. Day. Hour. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. 6. 7. 8. 9- Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Dir. I Vel. ' Dist. Lll' s 4.S 9 ,s; 12.0 15. 2 s 16. s 20. s s 9. 6 9. ,1 0. 0. 1 s 16. s 23. 1 S 10. S 11.7 s 211. 4 13.2 s 10. S 12. 3 Ll 0. Ll. Ll 2 s l:'.. 2 12.6 s 9. 6 10. s 18.11 17.8 s 12.0 12.0 0. 0. 7 3 s 12. 111. 1 s 10.- 9.4 s 20.4 •22. 1 s 12. 12.2 » (1.0 0.0 4 s 12.0 14.0 s : .^.4 6. 1 s •20.4 10.1 s 16. .-^ 10.6 II 0.0 11. .1 s 14.4 15.4 s 9.6 0. 6 s 19.2 2ii. 7 s 15.11 i;;. 2 II o.u 0. ' i; s l-.O 1 10.7 w 0. 6 9. 4 s 14.4 16.7 s 15. r. 11.7 II 0. II Ll. ( s 10. 2 20. II s s. 4 9.7 s 20.4 1-.5 ,s 15.6 15. 1 II 0.0 Ll. s s 16.-^ 12. 5 s 12.0 s - s ■J,') '2. ' 22. 1 s 14.4 16. 2 Ll 0. 0. 9 s 15.6 10.0 s S.6 6. 6 ' ,^ 26. 1 18.7 s 14.4 13. 5 X'E 4.8 3.3 10 s 13.2 l;!. 2 s 0. 4 10. 4 .s 2- .^' 21.1 s 9. 6 'J. XE 6. 5. 6 11 s 16. -■ 1^.7 s H.4 9 s 37 2 2',. 6 s 10. s 14.4 XE 6. Ll 6. Xnoil. s l-.O •20.1 s -.4 s s 16.-^ 21.5 s 10. ^ 9.7 XE 6. Ll ■ 7. 6 1" 1 s 16. S 19.7 . s;w 6. II 7.1 s •20.4 24.2 s 13.2 14.4 X' E 4.^ 7.9 1 •> ,^ Ls.O 1 1^.9 i tsW 6.U 6.8 ,s 24.0 23. 3 s 12.0 11.7 XE ;!. 6 4.4 :> s l-.U 1^.0 s 4.8 7.9 s 16.^ 17.0 s r2.o 12.2 XE 4.8 4.0 4 s 1-. 21 s 14.4 111 II s 21.6 21.0 s 12.0 , >. 2 XE 1.^2 3. 6 .1 s 14.4 16. 2 s ' 2.4 11.2 s 1-. 21.2 s 9.6 10.0 X E 1.-2 G s 1-'. 16.3 s .-^.4 9 s 21.0 i •22. 1 s 4. - 6.7 xt; 2.4 2.6 / s l-^.ii 15.7 s 6 7 7 s 25 '2 25. 4 0.0 1.2 II 0. s s 16. s 14. s ,»-; 12. U 6. 5 i ,s ]-. • 211. Ll 0. 0.1 u Ll. Ll. s 12.0 1 5. 5 s 20.4 E^. s l.s.O 17..- 0. II. II 0.0 0.0 lU s 12. 14.3 s 16. s 13..^ s 21. 16. >^ 0.0 II. II Ll. II. II 11 s 12.0 13.3 ,s 1-. 17.0 s 21.0 2i;. 2 0.0 0. u ! 0.0 0. S 1 I 1 1 1 .s . . 37 1 •>:;> 40 ; 2;:5.4 .50. 4 -H(_'aii,s. 15.6 10.0 20.6 9. 8 1 2. 1 56 ^YINDS Day. APRIL, 1873. 10. Dir. s\v 11. IS. IS. S Dir. II 12. ^'el. (1. Dist. 0. 13. Dir. NE 11. Vd. Hist. Hour. Dir. Yd. 0. U Dist, 0. Dir. (1 Vol. II. Dist. 0. II 0" 1 0.0 0. sw 211. 4 211.4 0.0 0. 1 0. 0.0 NE 4. s 7. s (1.0 0. sw 14. S II 0.0 0.0 II 0. 0.1 NE 111. s 7 s ;{ 0. II 0. sw S.4 11.2 0. 0.0 (1 0. II 0. Nt: 4.8 6.7 4 (1 0.0 0. SW 9. 6 10. s 0.0 0.0 II 0. II 0. II NE 6.0 7.7, :. u 0.0 0.0 S\\' s.4 7, '^ II 0.0 0. II 0. II II. NE 12. s. 7 (', 1) 0.0 0.0 SW 6. II 6.7 II 0.0 0.3 0. II II. II N !■; 2.4 li.y s y. li 0.2 SW 6. 4.0 II 0. II 0.0 0. 0. II 0.0 5.0 H s\v li.O 9.2 SW S.4 s. II 0.0 0.0 0.0 II. (1 NE 2.4 1.5 ;i sw l:i.2 15.0 SW 4.S 9 ■-■ 1) 0.0 0.1 11.11 0.2 II II. II 3.(1 10 s\v ■Jll. 4 16.1 0. r,.i 0.0 0.0 II. 1.9 11.11 1.4 11 sw ■JO. 4 19. .-. (1 0. II. II. 0.0 NW 2.4 1.9 II. 11.2 Noon. sw 1.',. 20. 4 NE 1.2 II. 2 0. 0. N 0.5 (1.7 SI'; 0.0 II. U 1" sw IS. 10. S (1. 1.3 (1 II. 1.9 N 0. 9 4.9 iSW IS. 7 1H.7 >> sw v.\. •> 13. 6 II. IM 0. 0.3 NE s. 7. 4 sw 12.1 12.1 ;! sw 19. -1 17.6 (1 0.0 0.0 II 0. 0.0 NE 4.7 5. 6 sw 13.4 13.4 4 sw IH. S IS. II 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 NE 6.1 6.1 sw 15.7 15. 7 r sw IS. 11.11 (1. II 0. II II. 0. 3. NE 7.3 sw 12.5 12..^. I'j sw ■J 4.0 1.'.. 7 II. 0. II (1 II. 0.0 NE s. 6 s. li sw 15 2 1.-). 2 7 sw Irt. 19. s II. 0.0 II. 0. NE 4.4 4.4 sw 21.0 21.0 s sw IS. 211 2 II 0. II II. 1) <. 21.7 NE IS.O 11.3 NI-; 16. 8 17.3 0.0 II. '■I 0.0 0.4 24. •'■> <. NE 15. 6 14. 9 NE 1.5.6 13.11 II II. 0.0 ■'■'i NE 1.0 1.0 NE 21.6 21. s NE 14.4 15. 2 NE 19.2 13.6 (I II. II. ^ i\E 1.5 1.:. NE 24. IS. 9 NE 16. S 15.7 NE Hi. 8 14.5 NE 3. li 2. 1 • 1 (1 0. II 3. (1 M-; 2-'. s 17. S NE 13. 2 15.4 NE 15. 6 El.S NE 2.4 2. 1 () XE .^,. r, 5. .") NE 22. s 1 IS.U NE 13. 2 14.9 NE 111. s 14.7 0.0 (1. 1 7 NE I.''). !l ifi.O NE 2.^1 2 i 19. 2 NE 15. 6 15. 3, Ni; 1(1. 8 9. 1 0.0 0.4 ■-' NE 14.'.-, 14..-. N !•; 20.4 IS. 9 NE 15. 6 16 2 NE 9. 6 9. 5 II 0.0 0.0 ;i NE 14.1 14. 1 NE 21.6 19. 2 NE 12.11 15. 1 NE 4.S 7.6 0.0 0.(1 11) N E IS. (1 IS. 6 NE 1.-.. 6 15. 2 NE 16. 8 12. 2 NE s.4 7.2 0.0 0.(1 11 Siiu\s.. NE 16.7 16. 7 NE 16. s Hi. NE IS.O 19.1 NE 10. S 6.4 0.0 0. 11 144. 9 4911. 5 394.6 278. 5 35. 9 ilt-aus 6.11 nil 13, U and 1.^, 211. 4 16. 4 ili.'dl.VS 11.6 .-■(■, it was iii'iilui'ti 1,5 loCilvof KOTE.-l 11 sdiiii^ ills talu-CM. lanirlv, \ ■spla.-fl.. A tiMilisev ■e tlie V( 1 all lliOL- ■ats(',s wo assllUHMlt luj (li^Iau CI- Irav led diiriii ,'11h. last ii.ur tci 1 ..■winalt itllfvrlni. it> of the wind at tlie iniiiiic-i (.if. .lis AT rOLAllIS HOUSE. 57 APRIL, 1873. Day. ao. - 31. 22. 23. 24. Hour. Dir. Vol. Dist. Dir. Vol. Dist. Dir. Vol. Dist. Dir. Vol. Dist. Dir. Vol. Dist. 0" 0.0 0.0 NE 14.4 11.5 NE 1.2 1.2 S 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 1 II 0.0 0.0 NE 22. 8 13. 2 0.0 0.3 N 1.2 0.7 0.0 0.0 2 sw- 7 '2 O V) NE 18.0 20. 0.0 0.3 NE 4.8 1.5 0.0 0.0 :i sw li. 12. NE is.o 17.6 0.0 0.7 NE 1.2 4.1 0.0 0.0 4 sw S. 4 S.4 NE 19. 2 19.6 0.0 0.7 NE 2.4 0.9 0.0 0.0 5 sw lil.O i;i. 1 NE 18.0" 15.6 0.0 0.0 NE 4.8 2.S 0.0 0.1 C) sw i:i -.i 10. 8 NE 20.4 17. 3 0. 0.0 NE 2.4 5.3 0.0 0.0 7 s 15. 11.1 NE 18.0 16.8 0.0 0.4 NE 4.8 4.6 0.0 0.1 H s 14.4 12.1 NE 24.0 21. i; 0.0 0. s 0.0 4.3 0.0 0.2 9 s l(i. 8 !l.9 NE 16. 8 18. 2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.9 sw 4.8 1.9 10 ,s 10.8 10.6 NE 18.0 16.8 O.o 0.2 NE 2.4 3.9 SW 7.2 10.1 U s IL'. 11.2 NE 21.6 19. 5 NE 4.S 0.4 NE 6.0 6.0 SW 6.0 7.6 Noon. s 1-i. s. 2 NE 13.6 16.9 NE 2.4 3.8 NE 4.8 4.6 SW 6.0 14.0 11' s 6.0 10.9 NE 10. 8 14.7 NE 2.4 4.2 0.0 4.7 sw 8.4 8. 5 '> H (i.ll ;i 2 NE 10.8 17.8 NE 3. 6 4.0 0.0 2.2 sw 1.2 6.1 ;j s 8.4 H.9 NE H.O 18.1 NE 6.0 4.2 NE 1.2 7.5 sw 1.2 4.4 4 s :ir, 4.9 NE K. 4 12.1 NE 2.4 8.9 0.0 1.4 0.0 1.0 f) s 2.4 3.5 NE 9.6 12. 3 NE 3.6 3. '.1 0. 1.5 E 1.2 1.1 i; s 3.0 3.3 NE 11.6 NE 3.6 5.9 NE 1.2 1.8 NE 3.6 4.5 7 s O. 4.4 NE 13. 2 11.9 NE 4.8 4. 3 0.0 0.8 NE 1.2 1.5 8 NE 2.4 5. 5 NE 7.2 11.9 NE 3.6 3,. 6 0.0 0. 3 NE 3.6 2.9 !! N1-: ;'.. 4.:; NE 10. 8 10.4 Nh; 0. 5 1.5 0.0 0.0 NE 2.4 4.1 Ill NE 7.2 0.7 NE 6.0 7.1 NE 1.2 1.5 0.0 0.0 NE 9. 6 S. 6 11 Slims.. NK 12.0 15.3 NE 4.8 5.2 NE 0.5 1.0 .52. 0.0 0.3 NE 12. 12.1 190. 5 3,54. 7 60.4 85. 8 Means . 7.9 14.8 ■^ '3 2.5 3. 6 API IIL, 1 873. Day. Dir. 25. Vol. Dist. Dir. ao. 27. 2§. 29. Hour. IH' Vol. 22.8 Dist. 24.7 Dir. Vol. Dist. Dir. NE Vol. 18. Dist. Dir. Vol. 6. Dist. 8.1 NE 18.0 19.8 NE JsK 22. 8 2:->. 1 16.1 NE 1 NE 15.0 10.0 NE 20.4 k;. 4 NE 18. 23. 1 NE 15. 6 16.0 NE 6.0 6.3 'I NE ]^.0 20. 8 Ni: 2.5 2 26. 9 NIC 21. () 19.6 NE IS. I'J.l NE S. 4 s. s NE 14.4 14.2 NE 30.0 29. H NE 22. 8 21.2 NE 16.8 1.5. 7 NE 9.6 9.4 ■1 NE 15.0 10.7 NE 20.4 31.5 i\ !■; 21.6 20. :; NE 15. 6 13. 1 NE 9. 6 10.1 .'. NE 12.0 12.9 NE 30.0 27.0 NE IS. 16.5 NE 15.6 14.1 NE 10. s 12.3 i; NE 14.4 18.1 NE IS.O '2-2. 4 NE 1.5.6 19.7 NE l(i. 8 16. 2 NE 9. 6 9.7 7 NE 24. 18.:; NIO 22. 8 27 ',) N K 18.0 16.7 NE 9. 6 1 1. NE 9. 6 9.1 s NE 12.0 22.4 NE 20.4 20. 1 NE 2i;. 4 26. 3 NE 10. s 15.4 NE 10. s 11.7 ;) NE 18. 10. 4 NE :>(; 26 6 NE 20. 4 21.2 NE 15 6 16. 2 NE 10. s 12. 5 10 NE 18.0 2(1.6 NE iw.O 25.0 NE 21.0 22. (i NE IS. 12.7 N K 9.1; 11.2 11 NE 20. 4 21.8 NE 30. 28.0 NE 19. 2 23. 5 NE S. 4 13.6 NIC 9.6 9.7 NllllM. NE 24.0 21.8 NE is. 14. 5 NE 24.0 .).) <} NE 12. 13. NE 9. 6 9. 8 11' NE 211.4 2:! 4 NE 26.4 31. !l NE IS. 21.0 NE 8.4 10. NE 9.6 8. 7 'i NE 27. 14.4 NE 30 22 2 NE 18. 19.0 NE 9.6 9. 5 NE 1.2 5.5 '■'• NE 2.") '' 22. s •ne 3i; 27. 9 N1-: IS. 16.6 NE 9. 6 9.3 0. 1.3, 4 NE 27. i; 27. 8 NE 2C>. 4 3,2. 5 NE 20. 1 16.1 NE 0.0 10.2 0. 0.1 NE 2S. ,S 27. 2 NE :iil 20. 9 NE is, 21.0 NE 4.8 6. 2 0. 0. i; NE 24. 22. 2 NE 32. 4 28. 3 NE 16.8 22. 7 0.0 :!. 2 0. 0. [ 7 NE 30.0 23 2 NE 27.6 21.9 NE 13.2 6.4 0. II. 0. 0. s NE 24.0 20.0 NE 3li. 31.3, NE 21.0 24.7 0. 0. 0. 0.2 NE 22. 8 25. 6 NE 31.8 29 2 NE 21.6 18.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 10 NE 17.0 31.1 NE 3'l. 6 27.4 N !•: 21.6 16. 5 NE 4.8 2.4 NE 4.8 3.0 11 Snins.. NE 22. 8 10.6 NE 16.8 10.4 NE 13.2 19. 2 NE 4.8 5.1 NE 4.8 6. 6 48M. 1 613. 7 4811.9 218.4 155. 1 Means . _^ 20.3 25.6 20.0 10.4 6.5 8 w 58 AVINDS MAY, 1873. ^\■l. Ili,st. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0, 0.0 0. II. 0.1) 0.0 II. (1 0. 0.0 0. :.i 8.4 ID. 7.-> 0. 8 1-2.0 11.7 rj. u l-J. l:;. -i 14. :i ». 4 Vi.'i 0. II 7.;! 0. r. 0.7 II. II..'-) 0.0 0. 4.rt i.y 0.0 4.1 II. II ^. 0.0 0.0 II II 0. fi 0. 0. :', 0. 1) 0.1 «i;. 4 ;i. J)ir. ]•: ]<; NE K NE K K SE SE S S s s s s w s\v s\v sw s\v sw Vcl. ! J list. 1.2 L'. 4 4.rt 4. s 0.0 0. II (i. 0. 0. II 0. i;. II 10. s ].-:. II 1.-'. 10. 't 11). '2 i^. II 10. 2 0.0 K. 4 0. 4.W 4. .s '2.4 0.0 0. .'■>. 4.7 i;. .r, 7.4 7. :i ]-2. -2 0. :5 .'">. 1 7.0 (;. 1 17.:! I-'-'..-' '211.0 1 .-;. :> 11. '2 !-i. 8 4!o :;. Dir. 8W .S\V 8W 8\V ,S\V 8\V SW SW ,8\V SW 8\V SW SW .SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW" SW" SW SW Vil. MAY, 1873. ■7. / . -Z \X 1 l.s Vcl. IJist. 0. 7.4 :!. (i. 3 4.8 '2.0 0.1) 0. '2 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.1 II. 0.1 0. 0.3 0.0 0. II. 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0. .s 0.0 :! 10. 8 12.1 V>. (1 13. 11). s 12.4 S. 4 (i. II '.). (i S. IS. l.->. 1 18.0 10. 1 is. l(i. l:!. 2 ir>. 1-2.0 11.0 10.8 11.7 lor.. 0.9 Dir. NE KE NE NE NE NE 'NE NE NE NE NE NE NE X 1-: NE NE NE NE NE N K NE NE NE NE \l 1. 13. 2 ^. 4 2. 4 o^ 4 i; 7 •> 4. s 4. s 9. i; 12 13 •J 14. 4 IS 1) 21 •).J s 10 ') 20 4 18 I) 21 Ij 12 2 11) 9 r, 3 2 r> 3 1) •! 'J 7 .':) r 10. 2 9. ."■> 1.-.. 1 11. s 13. 8 19. 3 18.3 '20. 4 20. 3 19.3 20. 7 19.2 21.0 288.8 12.0 Dir. NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NI-; SI'l NE .) (1 II 4 s II) H 10 H 10 1) 4 ,s 8 4 ») 9. i; 9. II ir.. ij 13.2 13. 2 4.S 9. i; 9. i: 8.4 4.S 0.0 4.8 1.2 Dist. 8.4 ^'. I) 4.1 7.r, i'2.:i 111.3 in.i 11.7 !).- 9.:! 10.4 14. U 14.1 13,1 111. 4 0.7 8li 10. « 9.11 (i.i) Vel. 211. 4 19. 2 20.4 211. 4 21. fi 20.4 19.2 '20. 4 21). 4 211. 4 21). 4 ir.j; ! n 111 IS 18.0 1.'). II). 8 4.S 1.2 1.2 1.2 O.O 0.0 Dist. 21.1 19.1) I'J. s 211.7 19.7 IS.H ■211. 9 l.S.'J 19.7 111.2 19. :i 21. li 19. 1 l(i. .^ 17. S 19.0 Hi. 9 11. li (1. II 2.11 1.7 l.H 0.7 0.2 :ii7.9 14.5 AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 59 Day. MAY, 1873. Hour. 1 3 4 f) C 7 S y 10 11 Noon. II' 111 11 10. 11. Dir. s\v ,sw s\v sw s\v s\v s\v s\v s\v s\v s\v sw sw s\v sw s\v sw sw sw sw sw s\v sw ■-'I.e. :;4. s -IS, :',:'). li :;i;. :!',). i; •J4, ■J4.II 'jr. (! IS. IS. U I'.l. '2 ^ •J('.4 is.u I'.'. 7 2 (i. U 2.4 4.S 2.4 1.2 I 2.4 (i. (I (3.(1 )i.s t. 2('i 2S s :i(i :!i 4 21 4 2(! 4 2('i ,s l".l ■^> 17 •j 14 • ) i:; (1 7 7 ^ :i 4 ■■> ;i " 1 r, 4 7 4 421 :3 17 7 Dir. SW SW sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw SAV sw sw sw sw sw sw sw s sw sw \\4. Dist. 8.4 (3.(1 4. s :!. () 2.4 2.4 0.0 0.0 3. (; 4.S 0.0 4.S 0.0 0. 0.0 7. 2 0.0 5. 4 0.0 6.0 14.4 s. 4 s. 4 S. 4 9. s '.).(! 4.:; 4.2 2.7 fi. (I r,. s 12. 2 0. '■' 0. 1 10. ;_! 1(1.:; s. 5 7.0 11.7 ^ o s. rt l(i2. s (3. 8 12. Dir. Vol. SW S s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s (I (I (I (3.0 12.0 10. s 12. 12.0 12.0 12. 15. 10. S 13. II s. 4 9. C, 'J. 7. 2 1.2 1.2 0.0 0.0 0. (I (1.0 (1.0 0. (I. Dist. - <) 5 ;i s 10 il 11 7 11 2 11. ■> 12 >> 111. 1 s. (1 Dir. 13. Vo4. I Dist. 11. ;t. s s. 4 sw 7 2 sw 10. S / sw 22. 8 s aw 12.0 9 sw 21.(1 111 sw 14.4 11 sw IS. Slims.. " Mo;ii)s. Dir. (I (I || (I SW i) (I s (I (I (I (1 (I (I (I (I (» sw sw MAY, 1873. 0.9 5. .5 7.1 1(1. ."i 19.7 19. ',1 22. 9 2.".. 3 21,7 21.3 14.7 i:,. :'. l:'.. 7 12.2 11.4 16. :>, 20.0 22. 3 I'j! 2 22. 5 341,7 14.2 16. 17. 18. Dir. SW Vel. 1(3. 8 Dist. 211,5 Dir. Vel. Dist. 0.2 Dir. Vol. 0.0 NE 7 2 sw 15.0 IS, 6 SE 11.5 0.9 NE 0.(1 sw 14.4 1:1. 4 0.11 0.0 NE 4.S sw 14.4 13.2 II 0. 0.0 NE 6.0 s^v 20,4 22. 5 0, 1.3 NE 1.2 sw 20.4 19. 2 }•: (i. 8, S NE 3.6 sw 19.2 10. 5 E 2.4 3.1 NE 4.8 sw 7,2 8,9 E 3.0 2. 9 NE 4.8 sw 8,4 6.4 II 0.0 1.2 NE 4. s sw 6,0 s. 5 NE 6,11 • '►. 'S NE ?>. (1 sw 111, s 11.9 NE 4.S :;. :'. NE 7,2 sw 12.0 10,0 K 1-; 2.4 .'. i NE 7.2 sw 4.8 0.0 ^' 1-; 4.S 5.1 N 1-3 7.2 sw 2.4 4.7 NE :!, 6 '.'1 r> N 13 1.2 0. 4.2 NE 3.0 3.1 (1 0.0 II, (Ml m: 2. 4 •> •> II 0. w 1.2 1.2 NE 1.2 i.5 11 (1,0 w 2.4 3. 4 (1 (1. (1 2. (1 II, ^v 1.2 3. I NK 2.4 1.9 (1 0. 0.0 1.0 ]'; 1.2 4.0 0. SE 0.5 0. 3 NE 2.4 3 2 (1 0.0 0. II. 8 N !•; 6.0 9. 3 (1 0. (1 (J 0. 0.0 NE 8.4 '.1. (1 0.0 0.0 0,3 m: 6.0 9. 0. 190. 1 S3. 7.9 3.5 Dir. 4.3 7. 9 1.4 4.2 0. 5 4.9 4.9 2.1 1.0 0.1 0.2 II. 0, II. II 11.0 (1.(1 0. (I, (1 3.2 (1 E (1 II II II II (I (I NE NE N13 NE N13 NE NE NE N13 NE Ve). 0.0 0. II (1. (1.0 (1.0 1.2 (1.0 (1.0 1.2 0.0 0.0 (1.0 (1. (1 (I. (I (1,0 (I. (1 0. (J 0,11 II. II 0. II 0.0 2.4 2.4 0. IJ Dist. 0.9 1.6 1.2 0.3 1.3 1.3 1.1 II. I 1.7 1.7 0. 11 0. (1. 0,2 0, 2 (I, 3 0,0 0,0 0.0 0.(1 0. (I 2.1 4.0 0.9 19. V(l. Dist. 0. 0. 1.2 (1. 0.0 0.0 (1.0 0. (I. (1 0.0 (I. (I. (I 0. (1.0 2.4 4.S 0.(1 1(1, S 13. 2 1(1. s 12.(1 12. 21.1 4.S 0.0 0.(1 1.3, 1.4 (1. (1 0, 1 0. (1 0.(1 0.7 0.1 (I. (I 0. 9 0.1 0.5 4.9 7.9 6. 2 10. 7 10! 3, 18.5 1.5. 4 60 WINDS MAY, 1873 Day. 25. 15 1 Dir. NE 20. 21. 22. 23. 2i. Hour. 4.8 Dist. 10.1 Dir. Vel. 8.4 Dist. 9. 7 Dir. ^'c]. Dist. 1.2 Dir. NE 1.2 Dist. 1.:'. Dir. NE Vel. 10.8 Dist. 12. 3 Dir. NE \v\. 1(1,8 (|i' Ni: 0.0 1 N (i.O 7.1 N 1-; 7.2 7.9 0. 0.3 0. (( 2. 4 N t: (i.O 12. NE 13.2 12,2 .» N (i. (i. •-' NE 7 "Z 7. r» (1 0.0 0.0 (1 0. 0. (i Ni: 7 'i 8. (1 NE 111,8 7,s ;; 0. 11.0 Ni: 8.4 9.7 NE 2. 4 1.5 NE 2.4 2.4 NE 9. 6 9,7 NE 9, (i 8,1 4 m; 7. '-i (..4 NE S. 4 8. il NE 2.4 0.7 NE 2. 4 2. 8 NE 13. 2 14.2 NIO 10. s 111 i; N 4.S 2.4 NE 7.2 8.1 NE 1.2 2.6 NE 3.6 4.2 Ni: 12. 11.8 NIO 12.0 l:!.l i; IS' 15 (i.O 7.1 NE 7. 2 7.4 (». (1 0.3 NE 13.2 14. N]-: 14.4 15. NE 13,2 l.".,l 7 N '.I (i 9. 8 NE 4.S 3.. 5 NE 1.2 0.7 NE 12. 111.7 NE 13. 2 12. 9 NE 18, lis s N '.1. li 10. 8 NE :;. (i 4.2 0.0 0. 9 NE 12,0 13.4 Ni; 13.2 13.0 Ni; 13, 2 13, li ;) N 10. s 9. H N V. (i.O 7. 1 0. 0. 2 NE l(i. s l(i. II NE 12. 14.4 NIO 15.1; 14 II lU NE 14.4 l.--.. 9 NE 7.2 7. 1 0.0 0. (i NE 13.. 2 1.5. 2 NE 1.5. 6 15, 6 NE 14.4 i:i 4 11 NE i.s. i; 14. s NE (i. .5..S 0.0 0. 9 NE 10.8 9. 5 N V. 15. (i l(i.4 NE 19. 2 lli.7 Kiion. NE i-j.(i 12. 9 Ni: 3.6 4.3 ((. (1 0.5 NE 10.8 10. s NE 15, (i 17.3 NE ■10. s 12.7 ll> NE 10. s 8. (i Ni': 2.4 2.7 0.0 0. ri NE (i. (1 (i. 7 NE 10.8 8.2 NE 15.6 18,(1 o NE I'J. ir.. :i NE :!. (i r ^ NE 4.8 5. NE 7.2 9.5 Ni: 15. 6 13. 5 NE 11.4 I3.n :! NE I'.'. 11.9 NE 1.2 0.9 NE 1.2 5. N K 8.4 7.5 NE 20.4 19. 2 NE Ki.s 18 7 4 NE 10. M 10.9 Nli 1.2 1.6 0. 1.5 NE 8.4 10. 9 NE IS, 18.0 NE is.o 13,(1 :> NE y.4 9. 1 0. 0.3 0.0 0.9 NE 12. 8.8 NE 14.4 14.7 NE 18,0 Hi, 3 (i N !■; S.4 7.:! Ni; 2.4 2 '^ 0. 1.6 NE 8.4 9. 2 NE 13,. 2 15. 8 NE 20.4 14.4 : 7 NE 1-^.0 10.1) NE 1.2 0.(i 0. (1. 2 NE 1(5. 8 13. 8 N i-; 15. 6 13. 8 NE 21, (i 17.2 « NE '.1. G 10.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 NE 15. 6 14.2 NE 14.4 14.0 NE 13. 2 14. (i y E H. 4 10.3 NE 2.4 1. 6 0.0 0.0 NE 111. 8 16.7 NE 16.8 12.7 NE 1.5.6 13.2 10 K !•; (i.O 7.2 0.0 1.(1 0.0 0.2 NE 9.6 11.0 NE 1.5. (i 17.7 NE 15, C l(i, II 11 Simis- NE ■^.4 5.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 NE 14.4 11.8 NE 12.0 11. 9 NE 8.4 8,1 2::i.() 107. 4 2(i.5 22;!. 4 332. 1 ;!31,2 Muaus 9.6 4. 5 - 1.1 9.3 13.8 lis, 8 Day. MAY, 1873 Hour. 26. 27. Dir. 2§. 29. 30. Dir. 31. Vel. 20 4 Uist. 21.0 Dir. A'cl. (i.O Dist. 7. 7 Dir. Vel. Dist. Vel. Dist. Dir. NE \'cl. Dist. Dir. Vel. Dist. Oi> NE NE 3.6 3.8 0.0 1.5 18.0 21. 6 NE 22.8 20. 5 NE 1 NE 10.8 7.9 NE 6.0 7.9 0.0 0.0 NE 24.0 14. (i NE 24. Q 21.2 NE 20.4 2(1. .'i 2 NE 0. (i 10.6 NE 10.8 10.8 0.0 0.0 NE 21.6 23. 4 Ni; 24.0 23. 3 NE 21. (:i lii.H ;i NE 4.S 4.7 NE 8.4 6.5 0.0 0.0 NE 18.0 23,. 4 NE 20.4 22. (i NE 211.8 16.0 4 NE 9.6 S.6 NE 10.8 8.7 0.0 0.0 NE 10. 8 11.2 NE 24.0 25.9 NE 20.8 2(1.0 5 NE 10.8 11.5 NE 8.4 (15 0.0 0.0 NE 26. 4 31.1 NE 21. (i 22. 5 NE IS.O 15. 4 6 NE 1.''). 6 liJ.O NE 6 6. 7 (XO 0.0 NE 22. 8 21. 9 Ni; 22. s 22.7 NE 15.6 211. (i 7 NE 14.4 15.7 NE 8.4 7. 7 NE .3.6 2.8 NE 19. 2 20.1 NE 211.4 20.2 NE 111 8 12. 4 8 NE 15.6 lii. 9 NE 6.0 7.3 NE 6.0 5.2 NE 211.4 21.5 NE 20. 4 21.5 NE i:j.2 13.4 9 NE 16.8 19.4 NE 6.0 >^.ti NE 7.2 8.0 NE 22 8 22. 4 NE 20.4 19. 1 NE 12. U 12. I 10 NE 19. 2 IS. 2 NE 6.0 7. 2 NE 8.4 8.9 NE IS.O 10. 6 NE 21.0 : 25.4 NE 1.5. 6 18.1 11 NE 18.0 15. 8 NE (i.O 5.W NE 10.8 11.5 NE 21.6 32. 1 NE 18.0 17.9 NE 13.2 14.(1 Noon. NE i::.'2 14.2 NE 9.6 9.0 NE 12.0 12.0 NE 24. 23. 9 NE IS. 18.8 NE 15. 6 lii.2 11^ NE ](i. 8 15. 6 NE S. 4 13.6 NE 14.4 15.9 NE 22 8 21.0 NE 18.0 17.0 NE 15.6 15. II ^) Ni-: 21.6 1(1.7 Ni; 3. (i 4.8 NE 15.6 17.5 NE 22 8 24.4 NE 19. 2 21.7 NE 10. s 18.4 ?. NE r.'. 16.4 NE 1.2 2.5 NE 16.8 l(i. 5 NE 22. 8 2:!. 5 NE 18.0 17.9 NE 8.4 y.8 4 NE 14.4 12.4 NE 2.4 5.6 NE 16.8 18.0 NE 19.2 25. 6 NE 14.4 22. 9 NE 8.4 12.4 .3 NE 14.4 15. n NE 4.8 9.3. NE 1.5. 6 14.6 Ni; 20. 4 21.5 NE 21.0 21.9 NIC 8.4 y.7 C NI- lii. '2 13. :i NE 1.2 2.8 NE 20.4 21.9 NE 27.6 25. 6 NE 20. 4 18.0 NE S.4 1(1.) 7 NE 14.4 13.8 NE 1.2 3.0 NE 22. 8 16.5 NE ••5 2 2(i. 7 NE 24,0 21. (i E 6.0 9.1 8 NE 7 2 9.4 NE 2.4 2.1 NE 14.4 i:'.. 7 NE 20.4 21.8 NE 22. s ' 20. 2 E 2.4 5.3 ;i NE (i. (I 9.9 NE 2.4 4.1 NE 16.8 15. :: NE 21.6 21.7 NE 21. 6 1 19. 5 E 6.0 6.7 10 NE (i.O 9.6 0.0 0.1 NE 1.5.6 i:!. 2 NE 9-> S 20. 4 NE 21. (i : 19.9 E 6.0 5.6 11 Sums- NE 7.2 6.4 0.0 0.2 NE 19.2 20. 8 233. 8 NE 21.6 20. 4 NE 20. 4 21.4 E 2.4 5.6 321. 1 300.0 144. (i 336. 4 506.6 Meaus 12.5 6.0 9.7 ^ 14.0 21.1 13.4 AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 61 The following table, derived from tlio preceding observations, gives the daily mean distances traveled by tlie wind, witliout regard to its direction. 1872. 1873. DiiyoftUc mouth. — November. Miles. Docemlior. Jauuiiry. February. March. April. Slay. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. 2Iile.s. 1 13. 3 11.2 0..9 20. 2 11.2 8. 2 0.1 ■J 13. 'J 15.8 0.2 19.2 3. 2 0.9 3.0 3 13. S 12.0 2 2 12.0 13.3 0. 4 9. 5 4 Ti. .5 11.1 0. I 10.8 4.0 0.2 8. 8 5 ',1. y 12. 2 5.1 9.3 2. 2 15. G 2. 2 3.0 1.7 0. 3 3.1 7. 8 10.0 1.8 7 11. :: 4.2 2. II 1.0 3.3 20.0 i;. 9 s 4.1> ' '7 ' > 7. 3 8.3 7.0 9. 8 12.0 ;) IG. .5 10). 2 1.5. 1 10.0 3. 9 2.1 14.5 10 14. .-, 15.11 15.1 10. 7 1.0 10.5 17.7 U 10. S 17.8 2.9 0.5 0. :: 5.0 0. 8 u 10.7 ! 14.8 1.1 17.3 1.5 0. I 0.7 i:i 22. 3 19. 4 0. 1 10.7 0.8 2. 5 0.1 14 21.9 11.4 4.8 19.0 11.7 9. 3 0.9 ]:, 13.0 10.1 15. 2 1^.4 0.0 0.0 14.2 16 10.5 18.8 14.7 17.9 3.9 20.4 7.9 17 24. .'•> 19. 5 10.0 7.4 10. 1 i(;.4 3.5 18 19. 14.8 17.7 s. :! (1.3 11. i; '■' 'i 19 18.1 17.5 5.0 9.8 11.2 1.5 1.1 ^0 14.0 19.8 .5.0 1.0 0. 9 7. 9 9. C, 'Jl 3.r, 20. 3.3 0.9 13. 9 14.8 4.5 '*'3 10. .'•, 20. 8 0.3 3.2 8.1 O ») 1.1 •iii 15.0 9.2 0.0 0.2 10. 2. 5 9. 3 •J4 15.3 CO 1.0 5.3 10.8 3. ]:;. 8 25 13.8 18. 3 7.1 11.1 13.4 20.3 13. 8 'ji; 15. 5 10. 2 3.8 10.1 0.0 25. 12. 5 27 10. 10.3 5.7 12. 7.1 20. Ik 28 13.1 7.0 9.0 12. 5 7.2 10. 4 9.7 2!) ;'.i 8.0 4.3 10.0 10.9 17.9 3.8 11.9 10.2 0. 9 5.3 3.3 0.5 0.8 14.0 21. 1 13.4 2 387.9 451.0 193. 2 301.4 2O0. 1 205. 7 253, 3 Meaus-. 12.9 14. 0.2 10.8 0.5 8. 9 8.2 The following table sliows the number of times the wind blew from each point of tbe compass at the respective Lours of observation, and also tbe number of calms. As will be seen, ayc make a distinction between nominal and absolute calms. Under the former Lead are included those ciisrs where the index of the auemometer had moved during the interval between two observations, although it was at rest at the instant of observation ; wLile under tLe latter are comprised all tLose cases where the index of the anemometer had not shifted at all during on interval of one hour between two observations. 62 WINDS Diicctiou of the ■wind. 1872. 1873. November. December. Jaunarj^ February. March. April. May. N 77 :!S4 2:h It.") S7 3 .'')(; Co."> 4 2y 1 2 24 S 9 21 74 51 II 6 4:!2 10 3 26 1 .5 314 14 (i ■i:> >) II lliO 140 2 312 104 .^s 1 1 KIS 129 345 38 i:ii) .3 112 83 120 21140 SI 40 319 KH .... E .SE S SW w 111 K\V Calms Alisolute calms.. Tu(al 117 118 7'j7 715 720 744 741 (;72 74 1 720 714 5IISS The next table, derived from tlie preceding one, gives the above A'ahies in pereentages. Jlircttion ol' tliu \Niiul. 1872. 1873. Miivcnilicr. I Hi'crmlK'r. , .Jannary. N .. N K . I] SE S SW.... w NW Calms Absolnto calms 10.091 53.333 3. 194 0. 279 4. si;i 12.1183 0. 117 0. 000 7.301 100. UOO 2. 957 SI. 317 0. 538 0. Olio 11.000 3. 629 II. mill 0. 135 0.7211 4.7114 100. 000 0. 269 3;;. 333 1. 209 2. S23 9. 946 6.855 0.000 0.000 1.5. 720 29. 839 Fobrnary. 0. so;', 64. 2S6 1. |ss 0. 146 3. 423,;9 0. 149 0. 000 17. 559 7. SS7 JIarcli, April. 100. 000 100.000 11.072 12.2114 0.807 6. 048 6. 9s9 II. 2i;9 0.000 22.312 IS. 817 1110.000 0, i::. II. 0. 14. II. 0. 15. 17. 333 278 417 444 (156 139 139 I II 10 916 100.000 May. 0. 8116 46.371 2. 957 0. 672 5. lOS 17.473 0.403 0. Olio 15. 054 11.150 Average per cent. Ibrall tbo inonfbs. . 358 .651 . 7S0 , 269 ,471 197 039 .05:: 100. 000 I 100. 000 Tlie following table shows the meaus of the distances traveled by the wind, including also the Doniiual calms. Direction of 1872. 1873. the wind. Noveiiibcr. 17. 15 13.87 r^ 7", 3. 95 13. 27 19.71 12. 00 0.00 0.49 December. Jannary. 15. :',0 10. 72 12. S3 8.16 12;S5 10. si; 0.00 0.00 0.48 Fein' nary. March. April. May. 7. 68 11.59 5. 27 6.39 9. 49 11.55 2.67 0.00 0. 18 N 1\K 14.21 15. 59 3 72 0. 00 0. 00 27. 36 0.00 8.00 1.43 11.53, 14.00 7.12 C. 23 14.14 13.53 18.10 0. 00 0. S3 3. 08 11.25 5. 79 9. 63 11. .53 14. 25 7.95 0.00 0.69 2.70 13.70 0. 55 1.80 i:',. 79 11.77 0. 00 1.90 0.48 ]•; SE S SW W- NW Calms Sums Meaus . . , 86). 57 70. 41 71.20 85. 48 CJ.17 46,. 69 .5.-,. 12 9.61 7.82 7.91 9.50 7.13 5.19 6.12 AT rOLAEIS nousE. to The following two tables give the number of miles traveled by the wiud at the station of the observatory, with the same also expressed iu percentages. TahJe showing the numher of miles Irarehd hij the wind at rolaris JJovse. 1872. 1873. Direction of the wind. May. Tfital. November. Jfi/r'S. Deceiiilicr. January. Allies. Feljruary. March. April. Mil,:-,: 21il.'S. Arii.'s. Miles. Miles. N 13,54.4 5343. 8 290. 8 97.53,. 30. 6 '2731.0 02. 1 023,5. 7 22. 8 0.3 4221 . 40.1 4012, 8 1HI3. 1 NE 3,5.^,^o_ 1 E 141.4 10. 5 10.2 0.9 122. 9 171.3 / / . / 18.7 89. 1 02.8 "2 '.\ 9.0 120.0 17. 9 570. 2 SE 291. 1 8 409. 1 2. 7 949. 1_ 3,43. 537. 3 1439.9 3,75. 4110.7 8W 1714, 1 753,, 4 014,4 375. 5 707. 1 097. 9 1173.9 0390. 3 W. 29. 7 0. 0.0 18.1 1.5. 9 0.4 8.0 7-2. 7 K\V Total.... 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 P2. 9003. 1(.|8:.',-,. 4019. 9 713U. 8 5049. 2 0380.8 0OS5. 5 49154.2 Table shoH-ing the uiunhcr of miles traveled by the wind ai Polaris House, expressed in pereentages. Hilrclloll of tlie wind. 1872. 1873. N ... NE . E ... 8E - . S ... sw. w. . NW. Novcniljev. 14. 94 5,-^. 90 1 . 50 0. 12 .5. PS 1-^.91 0. 3:; 0. 00 Uccemlnr. Jannary. j l'\'l)niary. I Maroli, 2,09 ; 90,10 0, 15 0.01 0,03 * 0. 95 0.00 0, 07 0. 0,0 59.13 2. 00 3,71 i -i0,51 I 13,3.0 0,00 '' 0. 00 i (I. K7 H7. 45 1.09 0.20 4.W1 0. 25 0. 00 April. 0. 45 0.10 70.39 00.15 1.70 0.03 1.-25 0.14 10. (i4 • -J-2.57 15.19 10.91 0. 32 0. 01 0.00 0. 00 May. 0.70 00.43 1.9S 0, 3,0 0,17 21,22 0.14 0. 00 Per cent. lor all the seven months. 3. 09 73,00 1. 10 0. 59 H. 37 13. 02 0. 15 0. 02 For the sake of comparison, the following table was arranged, giving the qnaiitity of air passed over both I'ularis Bay and I'olads House during winter and spring. Direction of the wind. N NE E - ■ ,S 8\V w NW Sums.. WIXTEl;. IMareh. .srrax(i. December. Polaiis 1 Pohiris Bay. lions,-. January. February. April. May. Polaris Pay. IS,-,. 7 2052.2 1 147, 4 '*27 ?> 20. 729. 3 44.8 1.4 Polaris IPmsc, I'olaris Pay. - -— 3,30. 4537, 1181.9 13,1.7 28. 2 1313. 9 8.9 213. 8 Polaris House. ■ 02, 1 023,.'). 7 7 ; . / IS. 7 313.0 3,75. 5 18.1 0.0 Polaris Pay. 5.0 0212. 8 703. 510,0 9,0 554. 10.2 44.1 Polaiis House. 22. 8 3551.2 89. 1 02, 8 537. 3 707. 1 15.9 0.0 I'olaris Hay. Polaris I Pcdaris lions,-, 1 Pav. Polaris Honsf-, 40,1 J0I2, s 120.0 17.9 3,75. 1473. 9 8.C 0.0 209. 2 3421,7 1257. 1 140,7 50. 3 1548. 3 29.1 95. 2 0751.0 290. 8 9753. 10.2 0,9 2.7 753,. 4 0.0 8,0 30. '2731.0 Vi-i.'J 171. 3, 919,1 014,4 0.0 O.O 0.8 1547. 3 377. 9 0.0 058.(1 37.0 '245, 7 C.3 4-221.0 2. 3 9.0 1439.9 097.9 0.4 4.0 0.0 2,570, 3, 104. 4 108. 2S. 1805. 4 50. 7 3,20. 1 10825.0 5308. 1 4019.9 7745. 4 7130. 8 8048. 7 5(J49. 2 3,7(.)8. 1 03,80. 8 4980. 9 0085. 5 ('.4 WINDS Altlion.nh the qnantitj' of air tliafc passed from tlie north during the period under consideration is rather insiL;uiflcaut, we still see that it is decidedly larger at Polaris Bay during January and Tebrnary than at Polaris Uouse. In December the case was found a little different, however, as nearly twice the quantity passed over the latter place. In general, more air passes from the NE over Polaris House than over Polaris Pay, althouf;li we never experienced such high winds from this direction at the former place as at the latter. It will be seen that the quantity which passed over Polaris Bay in March is nearly twice as large as that over the other station during the same mouth. The difference nearly vanishes in Januaiy. In regard to the easterly current, exactly the contrary takes place, except iu May, when the amount noted at Polaris House is a trifle larger ; while during the rest of the period under consider- ation it isdecidedly less at the latter locality. The same may be noticed in regard to the 8B winds; the quantity of air passed from this direc- tion being, without any exception, larger at Polaris Pay tlian at Polaris Uouse. If we except January, the quantity of air that passed from the S is larger at Polaris House than at Polaris Bay. This fact is very strilving iu x\pril, when the proportion becomes 1400 : 0. In regaid to the quantity of air that passed froui S\V, nearly the coutrary takes place from what we noticed concerning the NK winds. In three instances, viz, in December, Februiiiy, and May, the qnantity ])asse,(l over Polaris P-ay is by far greater than that passed over tlie other station. During January, it is nearly equal at both localities. Th(^ W winds are very rare, and the greatest quantity of air that passed during any mouth in the period under consideration does not exceed fifty miles; Avhile, during Deceml)cr and January, there were no westerly winds at all on record lor Polaris ITonse. The (juantity of air passed from the N\V, though vei'y small, is more considerable than that from the diicction last mentioned ; during e\ cry month, however, it is deeidedlj' larger at Polaris Bay than at I'olaris House. As stated before, we have discriminated between calms and absolute calms; compiising under the former all those cases when the wings of the anemometer were not in motion at the moment of observation, the reading of the, dial, however, having inei'caseil since the last observation; whereas, during our absolute calms, the hand of the dial had not moved at all. The following table contains the number of calms and absolute cabns recorded both at Polaris B;iy and J\ilaris House from November till June. Tabic of c(dmH and absolute calms recorded at Polaris Bay and I'olaris House. X iveiubor. December. fi;5 January. 79 Febniaiy. r.a March. April. May. Pdlai is l!;iy, raliii.s 127 ir>7 lo:! I'oln.i is rroiiKc, calms r.ii .''.0 117 lis inr, 108 11'2 Polaris r.ay, absoliitf^ (.'alma ;; :>, 6 4 7 :,7 5 Polaris House, alisoliite ralius..- r ■> .JO 2 r o 140 i-ja K) It will be seen that the number of both calms and absolute calms is greater at Polaris House than at Polaris Bay: the maximum of calms observed during any month at the former locality equaling ICC (in March) ; that of the latter being 157 (in April). At Polaris House, we find for the m;i\-imum of absolute calms 'I'l'l (in January), ami at Polaris Bay 57 (iu April) only. If we do not discriminate between nominal calms and absolute calms, we find that at both stations the total calms occur more frequently in spring than iu winter, wjiieh is in conformity with the observations made at various other northern stations. AT rOLAElS HOUSE. iV) DURATION OP STORMS. Storms observed at rolaris Mouse from Xovcmhcr 1, 1872, to June 1, 187.1. Date. Dii'ootion of wind. Duration. Jlaxinmni velocity. Eemarks. 187'-.'. November 14 ].)ccei]ibev 7 and 8. .. l;~7:!. April '20 SW G 14 21 10 40 4S 48 liarometer not much aft'eeted. Barometer not mncb affected. liarometer fell about 0.5 iiieli. liarometer rose about 0.3 inob. May 10 An examination of tlie storms observed at Polaris Bay and at Polaris House shows that gales were less frequent at the latter locality than at the former. The maximum velocity of the wind observed at Polaris Bay is fifty-eight miles per hour; whereas at Polaris House it never exceeded forty -eight miles. If we except the gale lasting from November l.S-L':j, 1871, the record of which is not on hand, the maximum duration of any storm observed at Polaris Bay will be found to be 52 hours, and at I'olaris House 48 hours only. The number of storms observed at Polaris Bay, compared with that of Polaris House, is as follows: — Mouths. November Decciiilrer ., . .Ian nary I\;bru.arj'- ... March April Mav T'cdaris Polaris J!av. llonsr. During the same period of time, the expedition under Dr. I. I. Hayes recorded fourteen storms, two of whicii were blowing from SW and the rest from ]S"E, with the exception of one, during which the wind occasionally blew from SW. It should be remembered, however, that in this case the velocity was only estimated, and not based on actual measurement. At Rensselaer Harbor, the number of storms for the same period of tiuie is five only ; the velocity of the wind being also estimated. Sir Leopold McCliiitock observed sixteen storms at Port Kennedy from the 1st of November, 1858, to the 1st of June, 1859, thirteen of which were from NW, one from W, and two from NE. His register kept in Baffin's Bay gives twenty, mostly from NW, for the same period of time. ROTATION OF STOUJIS AND OP WINDS IN GENERAB. Two of the storms recorded at Polaris House seem to show a decided rotation, according to the law known as Dove's. In the first instance (December 7 and 8), the wind, blowing from SW, was freshening to a gale, veering through NW to N after the storm had abated. The storm recorded on May 10 shows also a decided rotation from NE to SW. Those observed on November 14 and April 2G blew from SW and NE respectively; freshening in both instances after the wind had been blowing at a moderate rate from the respective directions for some time. 9 w G6 WINDS The storms observed at Polaris Bay are jjartly revolving storms. Those veering decidedly according to the law are as follows : — jST^ovember 28 and 29. — Wind veered from E to iSW, with occasional squalls from NE. January 3.— Wind sliifted from XE to E, with squalls from X. January 1-4. — Wind veering from NE to E, with an occasional squall from SW. February 18, 19, and 20.— Wind veering from SW, through W and NW, to NE. March 12. — A liesheniiig northeaster, veering to E after tbe storm abated. June 27 and 28.— Before the beginning of the gale, the wind shifted from XW, through N, toNE. July 24.— Wind sliifting from XW to N. Consequently, one-third of the storms recorded at Polaris Bay follow the law of gyration; besides, we have two instances, namely, December 28 and May 10, in which it is doubtful whether the wind shifted contrary to the apparent motion of the sun or not. The twelve remaining storms show either a decided retrograde motion or they are winds that had been blowing for some time, either from XE or from SW, freshening to storms. The following ones belong to the first kind: Xovember IS to 23.— Wiiul veering from SW, through E, to XE. December 10 and 17. — Wind veering from XE to X, springing back to NE when the storm was abating. January 10. — ^Vind sliifting from E to XE. February 11 and 12.— Ycering from E to XE. February 22. — Shifting from E to X, veering back to XE. March 10.— Wind shifting from E to XE. May 4 and 5. — Veering from SE, through E, to XE., whereas, ou Xovember 12, January 11, January 31, February 9, March 20, and June 21, the wind had been blowing from XE some time previous, freshening until it attained the velocity of a storm. Uow far the winds iu general follow the law of rotation may be seen from the following two tables, exhibiting the number of changes of the wind at Polaris Bay and at Polaris House. The columns headed + contain the direct, and those headed — the indirect, changes. In making out these tables, the changes were counted, the counting being renewed after each calm. Eotation < if the ivind at Polaris Bay. Diroctiiiii of Aviiid. Novel + 1871. iry. C. k; 11 4 February. 1872 iliir. Dc'CcjiiiljiT. Janu; March. April. May. June. July. August. - 1 + i i 1 r. + + O 11 1 1 :!1 1 14 12 C o 44 i + - 1 : 1 + 1 22 •} 1 4 4 2 2 22 1 4 5 + 2 5 4 2 2 1 9 4 5 ■J 1 + 3 4 4 9 2 13 4 6 4 1 2 6 5 15 3 + 4 10 C 8 8 21 3 4 G 6 4 5 8 i 6 8 + 4 3 13 IC 4 18 G 7 14 4 8 15 10 15 8 N 4 13 19 1 2 o 1 NI-: i:; E ]•! 1 11 ' -v. SE 1 r 2 1 1 5 4 1 2 1 SW AV . ... 1 il r, 1 :' s mv 1 ' r, -^ Sums 17 'J-2 C5 (■).:> 43 4. 39 40 44 29 25 45 36 G4 50 71 74 ]v\CrK9 . - r 1 13 6 .... 4 4 .... 9 .... 14 .... .... 3 AT POLAEIS HOUSE, Rotation of the icind at Polaris House. 07 Pirectiou of •niud. 1872. 1873. Noveiiilier. December. January. Febrnary. llarcb. Ap ril. Ml y- + — + — + — + — + — + — + 7 1 1 ; 1 .5 1 N 6 1 O 3 1 o 1 1 1 4 3 7 1 1 6 2 1 O 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 XK ') E 3 4 3 1 5 1 4 1 SE s 5 o 1 r> SW •- W X\V 21 14 1 7 20 glints 14 l(i i; 3 17 12 16 10 1 o 3 4 5 2 4 The above tables prove wLat Are iiiigbt have expected « priori, according to our i)resent knowledge iu regard to tlie motion of tlie winds iu high latitudes. Schott, in discussing ^IcOlin- tock's observations,* tbiuks tbat "tbe law of rotation probablj' does not bold good"' for those regions, and our experience corroborates this opinion. ^Vt Polaris Bay, we find tbe greatest tendency of direct motion manifested iu July, and, at Polaris House, in ^lay and December ; in all the other months, tbe rotation is more or less retrograde at both localities. As may be seen from the following table, tbe motion in winter is decidedly more rctrogiade at Polaris Bay than at Polaris House ; althougb tbe cjuantity of air tbat passed from tbe direction of the prevailing wind is greater at tbe latter station tbau at tbe former during tbe same season. In spring, cases of direct motion are more frequent, and in summer the excess at. Polaris Bay was + I'O. Direction of wind. WINTER. SPRING. tiU.-MMi;];. Pol. Bay. Pol. House. Pol. Bay. Pol. House. Pol. P.-iy. 1 + — 4- — + — + — + — N 12 53 41 i 7 9 3 e 3 13 C6 43 11 21 9 5 6 3 4 3 10 3 1 2 4 7 9 11 2 13 49 9 8 7 9 11 3 C IC 4G 8 7 10 4 r 13 r, 12 O 5 i:! 2 11 17 20 14 NE . . E 23 ! 5 33 ! 1,1 SE S 14 13 17 '-'9 22 30 19 sw 1 7 ! 3 9 w N\V 7 Sums 138 171 30 31) 103 102 1 42 .".9 180 ion Excess 33 fi 6 3 20 * Meteorological Observations in the Arctic Seas, by Sir Fraucis Leopold McCliutock, It. N. KoA'iewed and 7. is57-r.s. 1S5S. isr.ri. l'<:,7 "■""'■ 1 + 1 - :; 1 + — + — 5 1 + I. N -- 8 5 4 21 NE ^ 11 11 5 5 9 11 31 'JH E 11 11 1 C. :! f) ■M L'l SE c 7 'J 5 A Vi 2 6 Vi 4 :i9 13 21 21) S s\v 7 6 1 A ir. « 4:; 10 1 4 111 4:; •J 9 51 14 1(1 r.i; "'7 14 ■.>7 ':2l 1-2 29 :'.9 21 1.^ w 3 17 17 7 N\Y Sums r.r. ci; I'lxccss 1 f, r> ' I'ort Kennedy {latitude, TL'^.O X; lunyifude, 94^.2 1? J. Clianges to — Antnmn, lsr,:-(. Wi. r-:„- ti'i-, -oil. Spring, L^.'.9. Summer, L-'.'.9. Y'ear, L-'r,.-^-.',9. + — + — + + ! - 3 1 11 7 ;• ■' + OS 10 6 o 7 50 12 4 41 28 119 3 N o 10 2 1 1 4 U 4 1 1 1 (1 1 22 1 I' 1 5 14 2 1 4 1 (1 1 7 1 2 (1 2 9 XE E SE 3 1 12 •' G 13 s S\V i 9 w 5 9 5 19 j\\^' 1 32 3(i 23 19 2IJ 37 40 lie E\ci'ss 4 5 1 3 Van Benssclacr Harhor {latitude, 78°. C Xj longitude, 7(P.9 W). Clianges to — Antrimu, 1^53-51. N.. KE. E .. SE. SW . w. x^v Sums. Exc 10 o 1 3 14 20 6 4 60 1 ^Villter, + Siiring 1 3 5 1 2 6 1 10 IS 10 17 18 10 20 2 29 6 4 11 1 ;1 4 3 G4 + 4 2 15 12 44 1 5 10 10 6 2 Summer, 1854. + 11 4 3 2 18 4 o 25 5 44 Y'ear, 1S53-51-5: + 10 28 G 2 20 52 64 21 35 IG 11 4 24 55 50 14 32 22 212 AT rOLAlMS HOUSE. (;i) The followiug- table coiitaiiis the results of onr bi-bourly observatious made in Lancaster Sound and Baffin's liay during July and August, 1S73. The record in full will be given iu one of the followiug- parts of this volume, and the track of the vessi-1 during the period under consideration may be found on the accompanying map, showing the discoveries of the expedition. direction of tlir wiud. Jlnlltbs. \. XE. 1 SE. S. ' SW. W. X\V. I'^.xcess. + — + — + + -j + — + j - ,, + 1 - + : July y 4 .'. 6 :; 5 .... 1 ^...j -2 2 '.... S : '3 6 ; '' + 3 August 7 r. ■J ■ ) •-' 2 5 S3 5 7 7 3 3 7 ._> Sums 16 'J 7 1 15 • 1 •J Ci 8 Ti 7 ! 7 10 5 11 1-2 4 ., 5 .... 3 For July, the excess is jiositive, but not so for the following month, which is in conformity flith the result obtained at Polaris Bay. The winds blowing from X, S, and AV seem to have a greater tendency to veer direct thau the others. At Polaris Bay, this will be found to be tlie case with XI\ ]\ and SW, and at Polaris House with S, wiuds. According to all appearance, the winds are sometimes of a very local character. Fre(]uently one would remaik that it in Polaris Bay* the wind blew with considerable velocity- I'rom the north- east, the lower clouds hanging apparently over the coast of Grinnell Land, just opposite, indi- cated by their course a ditferent direction of the wind. Sometimes such notable calms prevailed at the Polaris Bay observatory that the index of the anemometer did mit move one-tenth of a mile in the course of several hours, while seven or eight miles farther south, according to the testimony of pedestrians, an unpleasant sharp breeze prevailed. Daring onr sledge-journey south, iu the spring of 1872, we noticed very striking ditterences in the directions of the snow-drifts that had accumulated during the winter; and while on our return to winter-(juarters we were detained by a severe gale from the southwest, the direction of the wiud at Polaris Bay was at the same time from the northeast. "While on the boat-party toward the north, we had the same experience ; namely, we found at every projection of the coast we doubled local deviations of the wind. At our second winter-quarters, at Polaris House, the wiud would sometimes attaiu a velocity of thirty miles or more, while complete calms prevailed at the Eskimo settlement at Sorfalik, a certain distance south of our hut. A fact noticed by almost every one of our crew is this: that it at Polaris House there was hardly a breeze stirring, a pretty sharp wind began to spring up as soon as we doubled Cape Alexander. Generally, this breeze was from the south, following the direction of the coast, and seeming to come from Poulke Fjord, iuto which a glacier discharges. * Cnnip.lT.' till- iliscussioQof the wiuila obsctveJ at Xr-ivuian's Buy, given lu-roartLT in tbo part contaiuiug tlie " ilL'teorijIcisical Observa- tions taken at Si,a." SOLAE EADIATIOK. 1 S R SOLAR RADIATION AT POLARIS BAY I^TEODUCTOllY EEMAKKS. A short time after the sun had made his re-appearance, two black-bulb thermometers were exposed, both at Polaris Bay and at Polaris Jlouse, to measure the amount of solar radiation. One of these thermometers was in vacuo ; the other having a naked bulb of blackened glass. The instrument in vacuo, manufactured by L. Oasella, London, is a mercurial maximum ther- mometer, inclosed in a glass tube; the cylindrical bulb and a part of the stem being covered witli lamp-black. The length of the thermometer is 15 inches, and it is graduated from 0^ F. to 212^ F. The naked-bulb instrument is a common thermometer with blackened bulb ; the upper part of tlie stem being inclosed in a glass tube, to ])rotect the graduation against moisture. Both instruments are mounted on small stands, as represented in the annexed diagram. Tiie upper portion of the stands on which the instruments rest can be turned in azimuth, and is very slightly inclined ^toward the horizon. The instruments are about 12 inches above the ground, which is covered with white cotton sewed to a piece of cotton-flannel, to which two small bars of lead are fastened, to prevent the cotton from being blown away by the wind. The regular observations recorded hereafter begin March 4, ending June 21, 1872. The first column of the following table, headed r, contains the readings of the thermometer iiti-avito; the second, headed /; those of the naked bulb; the third, headed J> f, the difference between the temperature of the air in the sliade and the tem])erature as indicated by tlie instrn- ment in vacuo; the fourth, headed J)f, contains the difference between the temperature of the air ill the shade and the temperature as indicated by the naked-bulb thermometer.* In the last column, the' amount of clouds covering the sky at the moment of observation is given ; indicating a perfectly clear sky, ^ that the sky is less covered than one-fourth, etc. " .Siiiiii'Uiiif'H Df is foinul tri be nefjativr, tlic uniirotccted tlicriiioiiict,cr iiffiiig us wct-biiUi. 4 SOLAR EADIATION MARCH, 1872. ]>;iv. Hour. 1 it 10 u Noon. V' 3 4 Dr Df X >• f Dr : Df 8 ]>>■ Df -^J3.0 I —99.5 -21. f> I —2(^.6 - 5. 7 I —20. ', - 6. 8 —26. 6 _2o_ 9 ' o,«_ 7 -29.6 I — 2S. 7 -27.2 i — 2,'S..5 2-1 H. 1..', 1-4 9. 4 2. 4 1-4 3.7 ! 1-4 23.4 I 3.0 2-4 6.9 1 1.1 I 2-4 0.0 — l.r, 3-4 0.8 1-0.9 3-4 —16. 3 — ir,.7 —15. 5 -IG. 4 -10.0 -16. —15.4 —1.5.9 —15.2 —15. 3 —15. 5 0.2 0.1 0. 4 0. 1 4-4 4-4 0. 0.9 1.5.0 i 0.9 15.8 , 0.3 -10. 0.7 0.2 I 4-4 0.4 I 4-4 0.5 4-4 0.2 0.2 4-4 4-4 10 U AT POLARIS BAY. MARCH, 1872. Day. Hour. 01" 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. 1'' 10 u 9. 1' i / -»'■ -0/ « : '■ / in- Df s . r f Dv hf -30. 8 -30. 9 -34. f) • 31. C 34. .-, 3'>. 7 38. 3 — 9. ."> —34. 9 '^9. 1 : 3. 7 -30. G ■ C.9 ' 1.1 2-4 —4.2 —3.5.0 34.5 3.7 1-4 1-4 ?,:,. 6 2. 1 2-4 1. 4 —32. 37. 1 r>. 9 . 1-4 -36. ■ 4. 1 2. 6 : 2-4 -f 2. 2 —.30. 3 37. ! w. 9 1-4 —10. 4 —37. 5 3.2. 3 .5. 2 3-4 —11.5 -39.0 ' 31. f) 4. I 4-4 — 7. 2 —3,8. 1 :!5. 1 .: 4. 2 4-4 — 3.0 —3(1.0 , 39.0 11.4 1-4 + 0.2 ! — 31.S 42.2 10.2 1-4 l.C 2-4 —.5.0,-36.8 36.2 .5. | 1-4 i -f 2. 4 — :!r,. , 43. 7 5.3 1-4 -36.0 : 3.3 ; 1.8 1-4 -37.6 5.6 : 0.7 1-4 -37.6 0.1 i 0.8 1-4 -24.7 —39.5 16.2 1.4 1-4 1-1 + 2. G —36. 8 4.5. 1 .5. 7 1-4 + 2. 8 —39. 4 45. 2 3. ■ -11.3 —2.4 0.2 I G SOLAR EAUIATK )N Liuv. MARCH, 1872. Hour. 0" 1 10 11 Nooii. 1" 3 4 10 11 10. —27.3 / Di: , l>f II. «,«■'/ -Of I IV 12. r f , Dv Df —•>'X 4.1 1.5 2-4 —23.5 + 7. 6 —32. 4 +10. 2 I —30. 2 —31. (J — :!2. G — 33. s —34.5 , 7.H 1-4 44.2 4.2 ■ 1-4 40.3 0. s 1-4 1-4 0. 1 1- 1 AT rOLARIS BAY. MARCH, 1872. Day. -- — 13. - 14. - *■•*. Hour. V / 1 I>^' i I>f X )' , / ]lr 1 Df .s r f : l>r J'f .s O'- ■ i 1 ■ 1 i 1 , , 1 1 , 3 4 ' 5 6 'J 1 i 1 1 i 1 , i ■ i 1 —18, 36.7 10.1 1-4 +1.5. 4 —19. 6 38. 9 3.9 3 — 1.6 —21.8 23.0 2.8 — 2.6 —22.4 29.0 9.2 + 8.8 —17.5 31.2 4.9 4 5 —21.0 —22.4 3.3 1.9 —19. 5 -29. 6 11.0 0.9 1-4 —10. 2 —22. 4 17.3 5.1 6 t 1 1 1 ; 1 9 10 11 1 i SOLAR RADIATIOX MARCH, 1872. Day. IG. 17. tn. Hour. r / Dl' I>f " '■ 1 f \ l»- I>f -v /■ f ;'(■ Df R 01' 1 1 1 ! i .. .,.-. 1 , ' 4 1 1 ... 7 —21.4 23 ''4 2.2 ' 1.3 17 7 3-4 o 4 1 i + 3.1 +20. 1 5.4 2.0 9 — 7.5 —19.1 11.9 11.3 —17. 9 i 13.9 1.5 1-4 -10.9 45. 10 +29. 5 ^12. 49. .^. 8.0 +25. 3 —13. II 44. 2 5. 9 1-4 +25. 8 —16. 46.3 4.5 11 +'."i. —10. 3 43.7 5,4 +20. 4 —10.8 30. 2 ' 5.0 2-4 +33. 8 —11.0 ! 57.3 11. 9 1-4 i Noon. +;io. 8 —12. 52.8 10.0 +34. 3 — 2.0 '■ 48.7 ! 19.2 1-4 +:!3. 5 — 6.0 55. 3 1.5.2 ! 1'' +'js. — 17.1 51.9 0.8 +31.1 — 8. 5 45.1 5.5 1-4 +32.0 — 8.9 53.0 12.1 1 +1C. 5 —10. 3 38. 8 0.0 (1 +24.3 — 9.1 ::7.9 4.5 1-4 +18. 8 —19.0 43.1 4.8 1 :>, +10. 2 —17.4 1 30.9 :;. 3 + 17. (; —10. 2 32. 4.2 1-4 + 7. 5 —19.9 31.4 4.0 4 — O.f) — 18.1 19.3 1.8 + 9.0 — 5. 5 17.9 3.4 1-4 — 8.9 —20. 19.1 2,0 r> —19. -2 —20.0 0.0 —0. 2 — 10. i; —11.3 0.2 — 0. 9 1-4 —25. —25. 4 0.0 1.0 6 s 9 10 11 . I i i \ 1 AT POLARIS BAY. !) MARCH, 1872. Ii.iy. Hour. '.I 10 11 .\nnii. II' >j :i 4 10 u 19. 20. 21. V ,/■ : 111' I>f s r 1 ! / Zh- }if s V f 1 Dr '■ lif s i _ 1 _ i \ 1 1 1 ! 1 i i ! t — 7.4 : — 2:'.. S — 4.;: : — 1(;.>; +2.-'. C —1(1.11 +2>'. 7 — .'. (1 1 7. 1 0. 7 2-4 j ! ir^. 1 2. i; ' 2-1 4fi. II 7.4 2-1 1 47..-, i::. ,s ! 2-t 1 i +:!2.8 1 - G.:i ! \r,.i\ ' fi. n ^ 2-i • 1 +21.8 1 — .-'.i; n.i) ' 7.1; ' :;-4 j +21.1 ' —12.7 — o.r, — ii.r, —15.1; — ]:i. 8 —111.,-, — Ci. II -14..-, i -14.8 -M.2 —14.11 :i-M) 4.2 7. 7 : fi. >' 2 1 2-4 2. '.1 — 1.:', , ::-4 1 :',. 4 ' l.i) ! ::.4 I). ■_> —11, r. 1 ;;-4 (1. 1 0. :', ' 4-4 ' j J 1 ' j 1 i ■1 s u 10 SOLAR EADIATION I'My. Hour. 01' 1 -> MARCH, 1872. « 22. 23. 24. V / Do I>.f s i ./■ /;/• Tf a r / Dr i>f » • •> 4 r 7 H ',) 10 11 . —15. 6 —14. 9 + 2.3 + '.1 +46. 2 +51.9 +14.2 + l:!.9 + 15.4 + 0. 9 — s. 5 —23. 5 —20.9 —19.0 —12. —11.6 — 6. 3 + 0.4 3. 5 4.9 19. 7 2:1.9 63. :', — l.H 0. H 5.4 3-4 4-4 :; 1 5. 2 :■.- 1 -i-:!fi i; —14.7 —16. r, —19. 9 —21. 8 —20,9 —2:1 2 2:>. 2 -22. 4 62. 7 57. :3 42. 6 :s.2 7.1 4.6 5. 5 3.8 11.4 9.7 7.2 5.4 6.5 :'.. 9 5. :'. 5 2 1-4 10.^- :!-4 '*-4 1-4 11 I 11' : +:M.0 2 i +1.5.5 •A 1 + 5. 4 ; -20.:"! 5 ' —22 5 1-4 2-4 2-4 61;. ;; 14. 8 —10. s 30. 8 ' 5. 8 — 14.1 , 30.3 2.:! — 1J.5 :'.3.0 5.7 -16.3 25.1 1.9 —18.7 : 10.7 0.5 —23.4 2.1 -2.0 2-4 1-4 :!-4 4-4 i; 7 H 9 111 11 —2:!. (I —2:!. s ; i AT POLARIS LAV, 11 MARCH, 1872. |);iv. Hour. 26. •27. f 1><- /;/■ 6- ,. ' f in- \ Jif <• : / j i)r in I " ; 1 i , III' 1 1 \ ! 1 ' 1 i -J ;! 4 1 i; -10.11 ' -*'.;-, j 7.7 [ 1. 2 1 2-4 1 — 1.2 — 4..-. 1.0 1 — 1.4 , 3-4 ' + 4. s —1.-,. 4 j 'JO. r.. >^ 2-1 + 5. 2 — 2. ' >. O.s . 1-1 s + H.7 -12.1 h7.s ' 7.0 2-4 + 3.7 ' - 2.0 : 5. 1 1 + 10.0 + 1.0 10.1 3-4 4-1 ;i +14.0 ! —10.9 :i.-,. II :!..-, 1-4 1.1 HI — :i 3 —10. ;i k;. o o. i 1-4 + 4.:i - 0. 11.0 1.0 :; 4 + 10.7 + 2.5 ! 0. r. 1.4 4-4 11 +20.11 — 0.4 ;;7.0 7.0) :V4 + 0..-, — 6. 2 '^. / 2. 3-4 + 13.0 + 3.0 11.4 1.4 4-4 X<.MM1. + 11'. — :m :;.".. 1 1 (1.4 3-4 — 0. 4 - :,. s 7.0 1.0 3-4 + 13.0 + 1. 1 1 10.3 ' 1.7; 4-4 )" + ^-4 — 1-j.y ; -ja. •,> . ;!. 'J :: 4 + 6. — 2. 12.4 + 13.7 + 5.2 j 10.3 l.s 4-4 - — 1.0 —10. 4 17. s :•,, II 2-4 + :!. 4 — :;. s 0.1 1.0 4-4 + 10.2 + 3.5 1 7.2 0. 5 4-4 — 7.2 — ii;. 11.0 ].0 1 1-4 + 1.4 — 3.0 Ii. l.C + 10.2 j + 3.3 . O.s 0. 1 4-4 4 — 10.:. -10. '.1 ; 7.4 , 1.0 14 — 0. -^ — 4.0 4.:; 0. I'l + 0.> + 2.3 i 3.0 - -0.7 ; 4-4 ■-► + :..:. — i:!.o -j;!.:! ^.--i 14 — :i. :. — 5.4 l.:t 0. II 4-4 + 4.0 + 2.5 1.7 - -11.7 : 4-4 i; - -. — U). 4 ^ 1 11.0 11.4 1-4 — 4.0 - .-.. :. 0. r. ' 1 II. II 1 + 3.0 + 2. 0. - -0. 4 4-4 ,^ :.!. 4 i 1-4 — 4.5 u. --^ ' -ll.l + 2. C. + 2.0 ^ o.s - 1 -0.7 1 4-4 ;i 1 « III U ■ 1 i i V2 SOLAk UADIATION J^M.V. lIlMU'. i»8. MARCH, 1872. 21>. Di- ll/ \ s r 'J 1(1 11 1) 10 11 + G. I) + 8.2 +10. +11.(1 + 1:!.-' +1-1.:; +14. r, + 17.4 +14. ■-' + 7.r, + .-.. 1 + 1.0 — ;!. — 4.8 + -2. + + + + 4.0 + 5.;} -I- •"■■ ■" + 5.7 + ;3. 8 + •-'. + -J.0 — 0. c. — :;. 4 — .'!. y :j. (> 5. ('. G. 1) .-^. 0. :! 10. ;i. :) 13.7 K.I.G -0.4 0.4 0.1 0. 0. 1 1.0 l.-J -'. 0. -J l.s 'i. 1 0. 4 -1. 1 —2. • > ; -1. 4-4 1-4 11 4-4 1-4 14 4-4 4-4 4-1 4-4 4-4 4 4 4-4 :;-! 4-4 + (-..7 + 11.8 +;i7. 1 + 11.2 + 12.0 + 47. 2 +21.0 +:■..-,. 2 + 25.5 + 1-J.N + 0.2 — IG. :; —11.5 — 17.5 l!l. 1 12.8 12.5 + :;. 15.5 20. G 24.4 + 5. I 5(;. /;/" ! .1 ao. ./■ Iir l>f :'.. "J 4G. 4 . G I ;:o. 1 -10.1 -17. ;; -15. H -18.5 12.1 0.1 0. G 0. :i -0. 1 1.4 11. 1 l.'J 2. G 14.7 0.0 5. (I 5.4 l.s -1.1 -0.7 -1.5 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-1 2-4 2-t :m + 21.2 + 5. 5 + 1S.5 + 7.5 + 1.5. :_! + 19.2 + 17.9 +10. 5 + 14.8 + 11.2 + 10.5 + 9. s + :i. 7 + 2.2 — 1. — 1. + 2. + 1- + 2. + 3. + -i- + 3. + 5. + 4. + •:>. + J- + '^■ + 1- 21.1 G. 9 17.0 7. 1 13.7 IS. G 17.3 9.9 11.2 7.4 5. 9 5. 7 1.5 0.1 1.9 0.0 1.4 1.2 0. 1 2 4 II 4-4 41 2. G j 1-1 2.1 4-1 3.2 I 4-1 2.0 ! 1-1 (I..- 1-1 0.4 j 4-4 0.7 I 1-1 0. 1 4-4 4-4 AT l'()LAi;i« BAY. 13 MARCH, 1872. APRIL, 1872. lluur. 31. (• ./■ !><• l)f I. / l>i- ' "f s ,/■ l>r : Df HI 11 N,..iii. li> 3 4 — II. s — .-,.0 :!. -1 4- -J. -i — r.. > Ti. > _|_ C. (I _ .l.^ 1(1, 1 +11.-^ — :'.. :i 1.-.. ',1 +i;'.. II — I. II iT.s + 17.11 — 5. s ■,;:;.;) +14. s — .-,. -J i:i. ;i +10.11 — .'i. i; Hi. ■• + 1-2..". , — :!. 17.0 +111.0 — i.r. 11.4 +30. II : + :.:;' 4-i.i +ir). II — '.'.II ' 10. r. + II. i; — (■...-. i;. :! — C, !l I — 7.S ! II. 'J — II ,^ 1-4 14 —II. 7 4-4 0.-^ 4 4 11.8 4-4 1.1 4-4 —0.1 4-4 , 1- - 4 4 ■-'.4 4-4 -'.0 4-4 10.4 4-1 + r..ii [ + -o + .-.0 + -,'.7 + 0.G +:;.:; + 5. ^ ! - -i. 5 I +1-3.:! j + 1.0 4-4 ! +14.7 j — 0.3 -14.11 j + 1.7 4-4 +1-.'. +3.7 +11.0 +-J.S +10.1 I + l.s + r.. s _ II. c, :!-4 + 3..'. — 1.0 1-4 + 1.3 -•...•_' :'.-4 + 4.5 — '.Ml ll.'O ! .1^4 j _ •>. ;i _ ;;. -i 3.4 :■.. 1 10. >■ I'j. i; i:'.. 4 1-.'. 11. r, 0. 7 .-.4 f). 0.4 1.0 1.-.' -4.9 -0. .". -■-'. 4 1. 1 • >. 7 •J. 4 1.4 ■-'. 2 4.3 0. -J 0.4 4-1 4-4 4-1 3-4 4-4 3 4 4 4 4-4 4-1 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-1 3-4 111 11 + 1..-, +'-".1.0 +;;3. 7 +:'.3. 7 +40. r. +.j3. II +.•^1.3 +47. .-, +'J3. ■,' + (I 3 — II. +1^~ 1.0 1.0 l>. 'J + 0,7 + •-Ml 11. I-.'. 4. - 0. 4 -111. -1-J. 7 -1--'. II -M'J. (i — ^3. 3,0. 1 46. 3 4 1. 1 .".7. 1 03. I 01.7 .'■0. ."> 3 1.0 1^.4 11. -J 1. ■jr.. 1 s. 1 1.1 4-1 ■J I 1-1 1-4 1-4 1 4 II II u SOLAK l;Al)IATiON I 'My. ilunr. I ;) 10 11 Nii(.)!l II' 11 APRIL, 1872. + ;>. ■-! +•-'1. ;; +ji.(i +.-.7.0 + WJ. 7 +-.■2. .i +:\^. r, +:;.-.. '.I -f-s.s H-n.o —1(1. I — ii;. r. — 1 0.0 — 0.0 — •-'. — 1-.'. — L'. + r.. + 0. 1 — 0. 'J ■-'. '.I 0. ;! 0. -li-. II -17. s ■JO. 1 C. — V.I ~ 1.0 4. .-. :;:!. ;i 11.7 (■.1.4 .-.0. 4 70. 1 li^. 'J <;r.. 7 10. -i 40. 4-J. 'J ;;i..''. 7)/' ./■ i "'■ N^y I » ti. 1 r.. 1 Il.O 10. -i 14. s 0.4 l:!. •-' .^. I I'J. I K'.. 1 7. .^ 4.7 4.4 I.O 1.7 -0. I 0. 1 + 8. — 'J. i + 10.0 I — :.i.2 +:::!.(.; i — 4.0 +47 + ;'.. 7 + r.o. :; , — l.o +.-.;;..-. + 1.0 +-.0.2 + r,.7 +r,:;. o II. 10.1 ;!o. 9 41.0 r.4.0 r.o. 9 (■.:'.. 70. r.:i. 4 00. c. / Jir I /;/■ + r>:!. '2 .+ 10.0 00. C. 17.4 +47.0 + 4.9 .07.7 I.O.I + i;!,0 + 0. 1 :,:,.2 I'J. : +'21..-. i —10.4 I :;ii. .-. 4.1 + l^'. 5 I — S. 4 I :!0. I ;i. 1 — 10.0 , -20.7 I 0.4 — 1.:; 9.] '':i. 7 :'.. 4 11.3 KG 11.1 10. f) - '.';!. -19.5 -14.6 --M.0 -2-,'. 4 -l:!. ■J.o — :!. 0. I —:'..:'. 1.5 r-0. 1 ■2-4 2-4 :!-4 :;-4 — ■-'. + 7.5 +19. ;; + 11.7 + 10. S — 11.5 — 0.0 1.3 + 10.0 j — 3.4 + 15.3 I — 2.1 + 17. 7 I — 3. + 10. r. [ - 1.5 + 13. K ' — 0.11 + 11.2 + 5.0 + 3.9 + 0.2 I - 3.3 — 2. 7 I — 4.4 — 5. ' — 5. 2 17 1 21 4 20 21. 1.0 2.7 G.^ 1.(1 2.0 *) ■» tt. ■> 1.4 3-4 :'.-! :;i 1-1 4-4 4-1 4 1 :i-i 2. ',1 ! 4-1 2. 1 IS. 2 14.5 0.(1 S. 1 4.5 7. 0.7 3. H 4-4 2.5 4-4 l.s II 1.0 1-1 -0.1 4-4 -0.0 , 1-4 AT POLARIS BAY. 15 Day. ',1 lU n Noon. II' 111 11 APRIL, 1872. Umn. r f '>'■ \ T>f \ s 0. ."". I —111. (I 14.4 1 4.9 'J- 1 / i /"■ l>f I l>r l\f + n.o +11.3 +:!>■. 7 +-;!. 5 +:;h. 7 +40.0 +;'.(i. +.'•,4. r. +r>4. 4 +!(■). 2 + 9.6 ^.2 I in.4 j .!,■>, :!-4 — i;. r. -^im; — i. :i 40. 3 — 4.2 30. .''. — 1.3 I 44. 1 + ■-'. 3 j 44. 4 + 1.0 : ::.-,. s 3-4 — 0.5 —I-.'..''. + ■^. : — 0. II +1-2.3 — 1.(1 + -;.4 - r,.9 ± II. ! —11.3 4.1 r;. 7 (1. s ± II. II r,-2. II j 7.4 2-4 1 +1.-,. : 1-4 2-1 2-4 -I- 2.9 02.7 i 5. I ] 4-4 — 1.0 24. 4.0 17.3 4-4 3-1 .S. 4 +21.2 i — 3. 2 + 15.0 \ — 5.0 + 4.2 j — 5. C, I 11.5 12.9 ' 4-4 ; +27 i ' ■ . + 3. 4 I — I. 3 1(1. i; -J. ;i 4.4 , I II +.53. (; , + 0.5 I +40.2 — 1..S +21.3 — 2.11 + 19.0 — 0.2 — 1.5 ^ — (!. 5 — 1.3 5.9 5.9 : 1.:! ! 4-1 — S. II ! _ + 1.2 — 4.1 9.11 1.2 —1.:; 4 1 , — 2.(1 — l.(^ ■'-■.2 (I. I -11. ?! I 4-4 — 3. — 3. 12. 1 15. 9 I.-'. ;'. 13.3 2:;. 2-'. 21.4 (U.d 17.(1 27. 9 24.4 35. 1 >. 4 (I. 2 3.3 (I. 1 1.9 2.(1 1.0 -1.0 4.2 1.4 7.9 5.(1 4.0 0. 1 1.4 0.9 II. 7 1-4 3-4 4-4 4 4 2 1 2 4 2-1 2 1 — l.ll + 3.0 + 7.0 + 11.0 + 11.0 + 2(1. (I +23. +:10.7 +43.(1 -1-52. 3 ■4 ' +■. 3,-4 3-1 3 4 4-4 4-4 11 + 1(1.4 + 13.(1 + 5. 5 + 1.5 — l.ll — 4.0 — 1.(1 — 3. — 1.2 ± II. + 11.7 -f 2.0 + 4.(1 + 7.3 + 5. 9 — 3. 5 — 4.2 — 1.2 — 3. > — 3. :i — 4.0 .2 I - 1.0 II — 0. II 7.4 11.2 14.4 10. 1 22. 1 25. 3(1. 3 42. 1 .54.7 2^. 5 17.11 IC. 9 10. 4 0. II 3. 4 0. 0.7 3-1 II. 1 3-1 1.2 3-4 2. 4 11 2, .s 4-4 3.1 4-4 3.0 j 1-4 0.4 3-1 ^.■■'< 2-4 2. H ' 2-1 2.4 4-4 2.7 4 1 1.1 ! 4-4 0,0 ' 4-1 (1.4 : 4-1 i (I. II ' 4-4 -1.0 4-4 16 SOLAli EADIATIOX APRIL, 1872. Day. 9. lO. 11. Ildiir. V / J)r "f .S' V / /T ]'/ 1 8 1 r ./■ Di' Itf s 1 1 1 i —12. 8 —10.:: — 15. :>, I). 7 O 'J 4-4 5-4 —22. 8 —21.2 —25. S 1.5 5. 5 J-'.- !) i ;;,i ~ ;.'. ',» — 11. 8 -1. r, II. 11 4-4 -14.1 1.11 -2.1 4-4 5 ± 11,11 — .-1. II ! 11.7 1.7 4-4 ^ r ■"> — 14.8 9. Ci 0. 1 2-1 • — i;!. 22, 7.2 -l.S '-' <; + :!. r, — ;i. i ;i. n '-'. 7 4-4 !■> ;; — 1 l.w , 12. 1 -0,1 5-4 — 'J J) —20. II 10.1 -0,9 4-1 7 + 'J.d — •-■.2 11.4 ;; 'J 4 4 +111.11 — HI. II :;o. 1 4. 1 5-1 + 19.2 —12. 2 51.4 :i. 1-1 -^ +i:!.(i — 1.5 17.9 :!. 1 l-l +:!::..-: — 9 n ' 47 9 4.S 2-1 + 11.8 -14.5, 211. 4 0.5| 1-1 11 -f Hi. — 1. II ' -ill. 4 ;!.4 4-4 +2H. :i -9.0 42. 4 5.1 2-1 +20.5 — 10.7 ' 5.5.5 4.5 1 4-1 10 +2(1. + ■-'. 1 ' ■::]. 4 r r 4-4 +21!. 5 . S ;"> 511. 5 4.7 5-4 +5,5. - 7.5 i 47.7 5.4 1 11 +2:;. II + 2.8 'id.l .'">. 9 1-1 +2:1.5 -— ■ S, (1 :!ll. 4 4.9 4-1 +27.0 -- 9. 1) 41.1 5. 1 4-1 iVooll, +21,5 + i.nh.,^.4 5. r> 4-4 +29.5 59.9 11. 5 4-4 +55. 1 — 1.7 05. 10. 2 0__| 1" +21,.-, +. 2. 8 j ■..^■, ?. l.ll 4-4 +2:-;. 2 — 2. ;;■"» y 7. 11 4-4 +2.'.l —11.0 55.5 '^ 2 2-1 o +21. s + ;i.2j '..-,. r, Ti. 9 4-4 + 211.0 — ;;. .- 29. II 5. 2 4-4 +:!■-'. 5 -5.5 51.5 7.5 5,-1 +li;.r. + II. 7 ' -.'ll. .^ 4.7 4-4 +211.5 '■':('< 29. 4 5, 5 4-1 -1-27.1) 1 - 5.4 ' 59,4 7. II 5,-4 4 + 111. s — '-'.9 fi. 2 1.5 4-4 + 1S.5 — 11..^ 29. 4 4. 1 5-1 + 19. 11 — 9. 7 ' 55, (1 4.5 5-4 i r. + n. :-. — 4, 'J 11.9 2. 2 4-4 + 11.2 — 5. 9 .>-, Tj 5. 4 5-1 + 9, 2 —12,1 21.11 ::,:;! 5-1 i; ± II. — (1. 2 1 11. 6 0.4 4-4 + (^4 — 8.4 17..^ 3.0 5-1 -9,8 — lO.II 0. (1 0, 1 5-1 7 +11 n — 7.2 1-. I II. 2 4-4 — (1. 1) — 12.5 f). 2 -0. 5 5-4 — 11.2 10. 8 0, .s , 5-4 ,u — 7.1) — H. II II. 1 — II. n 4-4 —12.0 - 15.4 2.1 0.7 5 1 — 7.2 — IS. 12.2 1. 1 54 ',1 — :-'. .S — '1. s 1.4 —2.4 4-4 — 20. -21.11 4.1 -5. 1 1-4 — l!l.2 -21.2 1.0 -;; II 5 4 in '...,.. —2:'.. o.) ;^, (\. 11 -5.9 1-1 —20. 5 —21.2 1. 1 -2. 1 ' 5- 1 11 1 i AT polatjis i;av. Day. Hour. 12. Ih- l)f APRIL, 1872. 13. f J>i- I l>f 14. Dv I Df •! —'ii.-i —211. 3 12. :, 4.4 4 —10. :. -2.-.. l.'..7 1.2 r + -.'. 1 — 2i.:i l.r> li +i;i.o — 20. !*.") '* 4.0 7 +■-':;. -J — 1-. -J 11.4 3,. s +■:!>. —13.3 42. 2 0. '.1 y -\--l'-K — 17.0 43. 4 3.4 111 +33. —IB. 9 -.!; 4 0. .') u +40. (i —13. 02. 8.4 Noun. +23.7 —14.7 44. 1 r,.7 li> +26. 2 —11,0 ir.. 1 8. 9 ^2 +-.0. r, — 1.3 (19.0 18.1 ■;i +21.7 —14. 2 4(1 3 7.4 4 +47. — 0. 4 07. (; 13. 5 +2.-.() — i:'.. I 49. 2 ,-■.1 i; + 1.-. 1 —20.4 12. r, 4.0 / -w.r, -211. 8 10,3 0.1 ,s — 20. -27. 2 y. c 1.4 II —2;!. — :',o. (J. 2 — 0. s 1(1 -:io. ;', —20. 8 1.4 -0.9 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 1-4 2 4 2-4 2-4 2 4 3-4 3,-4 3-4 3-4 3,-4 2 4 1-4 2-4 :!-4 2-1 —1.-). — 11.0 — 7 . (J ".. 3 2. 1 2. 1 4-4 2. 3, 1 7 ;. r. 11. ( + 10. >■ +20. 3 +32. 3 I — 0. +21.0 ■ —10.9 + 10. W + 10.0 7. 8 2.',. 4 ,■^.3 ; 30.2 4.3, I 3,s.7 0. 2 21.4 ' —3,0.3, I ^ 0.4 4-4 I —10..', -2-..", .'•.. 1 1 3-4 ' +10.2 I —21.3, 9.1 I 2-4 j +17.:', I — 20. 1.1 I 3-4 I +21.3, -20.0 ! 1. 1 2-4 +3,7.0 —14..'') S. 9 4-4 +39. W —14.0 39. 4 + 1-. 8 + 12.4 1 1.0 : 28.2 13.1 20.4 11.0 33.7 ?..', 4 4 ! 4 I 4-4 !. 3(44 i 5.9 ; 4-4 ^11.0 2^.3 4.9 4-4 +22.0 1-1(1.3 + 11.0 — 1.">.8 + 13.0 —10.3 "+13.6 —13.0 - --^. 4 -12. 3 - 3,. 2 -11.0 - 1.4 j — 13,. 1 - 7.H I — ir,. (I -10.0 j —1.5.0 -1(1.0 I — l,s. 2 -20 .5 —22.0 23,. 2. 9 4-4 +40. +39. 2 18.7 l.r, 4-4 +34.0 13. '> (>. 9 2.2 0.1 l.M 4-4 0.0 4-4 0.3 I 4-4 0.0 4-4 -1.(1 4-4 -10. - 9.0 -12. 1 -13. -f20.S 1-11.2 +21.4 , — 1.-,.2 I + 11.1 + 3.(1 —21.2 — 1,^.0 —21.0 —3,0.0 11.8 21.7 30. G 41.7 ',(1. 4 1-. 9 12. 4 3,0. 1 32.1 31.5 04.7 .',s. 6 .'.:,, 10,0 1,',. 1 40. 8 3,1.0 22. 1 .',. 1 0. .^ 0.4 4.9 5. 1 4. 1 3. 3 2. ^ 4.9 10.4 ,-^. 9 7.0 7.1 4.2 1.9 -1.9 —3. (1 3,-4 3,-1 2-4 2-1 1-4 1-4 1-4 3,-4 3 4 4-4 2-1 1-4 2 4 1-4 1-4 1-4 ■) 8 K, 18 SOLAR RADIATION Da v. Ildiir. U 111 11 APRIL, 1872. l.>. Pr 16. — 17.4 — '.1. i; + 111.7 + 1S.0 +■.'1.-1 + 11.7 f ''•-'. +.-..1. +r.(;. +r.r,. +.-.-^. + 47. U +4<1.2 +-iC). II + :!li.4 +:•..'-.. + S. (I + 9.4 + 11. c. — I'.i. II V'-! +.-.4 / +.'•.(; :i + :,;-, / +:,2 9 -■Jll. f) -17. i; -18. s - 9. 2 f.' r - II. 'J - .'■>. - .".. 3 - f). ,s - 3. II - '2. r> - 4. 9 - 7.1 - .'^. 4 - 9.9 -ii;. II -13. r, 11.4 42. C r.7. 1 l\t\.r, 0(1. 4 r,7. 7 r.9. 1 i:i;. 9 r.ii. fi .^-'. 5 50. 4 49. 3 47.9 22 3< 2i;. 3 29. II. i; —1.4 2.1 2.4 (i, 2 i;. II. .^ 0.4 H. 1 H.2 III. r. 11. H 9. 5 .'..8 4.5 4.4 II, II -11.4 1-4 III' }'/ 17. — 3. II I —25. 11 ± 0. II — 25. .S + 1S, 8 ! -211.3 +2fi. 5 ' —111. 9 +3S. 5 + 41.11 + 49.7 + 44.0 + .54.3 +55. G +55. 2 +48. + 4.0 +37. 1 +34. 3, +32.2 +23,. + 14.0 + 9. — 17. 5 -14.3 22. 4 25 ."^ 42. 2 48.4 0.4 0.0 3.1 5.0 5. 9 Dp Jif —12 4 —10 ■' — 4 3 2 3 r 3 — 4. 4 — 6. 4 — G. s — s. 5 .9. 4 I G. G5. S 59. 1 (]7. 7 70.3 ir.i. 8 (52. 7 111. 8 11.1 9.4 10. 3 10.3 9. w —11.0 —14.9 —18. 1 ; —24. 3 19.4 i 9.0 49. 48. 4 G. 4 — 3.0 —311.0 + 0.2 ' —30.11 + 11. 1 —21.3 +25. « —19. .s + 37. 7 1 —13. 2 ' I I +39.0 ' —14.1 ■ 41, G 33. 2^.4 4. G 7.G 4.1 0. S +53.0 + 47.0 +57. 5 +57. 5 +54. 5 + l.^. II + 12.0 +35. 5 —11.3 —11. II — 0. 5 + 3.0 — :':8 — 5.7 — 7. 1 — 7. 9 +23. i; —14.9 . -15.9 + 14.5 —20. 4 + Kl -22. 5 + 5.0 —19.7 —17. 2 —3,(1.3 2-;, 4 32. 1 37. 5 49.3 GO. 1 5S. 1 72. 02. 4 72.4 71.9 0.^.9 G4.0 GI.O lO. 2 17.4 37. 9 33.1 20. 4 7.3 1.4 1.3 l.H ' 3.7 9. II 1.4 I 14.4 17.4 I II 10. G U 10.3 j 11.9 . II 1 n. 5 , 7. 7 0. 5 3.0 , II II 4.' -4. H ; AT POLAKIS BAY. 19 Day, Hour. 1)1' 1 9 10 11 Noon. ]!' :! 4 y 1(1 u APRIL, 1872. 18. 19. Ilr , Jlf -17..'-) — (). :! + ;-,. +19.:! + 17.(1 +;:-'. -J +:;:!. +r,4. i +.-.7. 5 +.-.-,. 4 +-•■;.•> +49. s +4-,. :! + |-.!.l +:!:!.:. i +-:^. +1(1 1 +19. + 13.- — :!. :j -17.0 -:!0. 1 11.9 j— 0.7 ; ! — 1.4 —■.'9.7 -J-.'. :i 1—1. 1 j I +1S. y ' ■ ■ — v;^. 1 j :>4.4 , 1. :! ' j +1'.>. n -17.3 41.-i ; 4.0 ; ' + s. ,s j —20.0 ' :!9. ' 2.0 ! 1-4 +24.0 —17.3 W. 2 3.7 1-4 i +48.7 r.o. 2 67.4 —14.0 — 9. 3 — 0.,'') I (;,*.(; + 1.0 I (19.9 OH. H 70.4 3.2 1-4 —17. 3 —14.0 — l.'-j. 2 — 1.'>. — 10. S — CO — (5. Hi' J>f 20. ./■ /' 5. rt 13.9 13.4 11.1 14.1 + 0.9 — 3. — 3. 2 I Oil. 1 + (1.7 j -,',.0 — 8. ! 50. 2 i 8. 7 —14.4 : 48.4 ; CO — l."). j 30. .5 ; .5. 4 0.5. 12.2 11.0 13.0 14 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 + 33,5 +.57. 3 +02. 5 +61.0 +61. -19.3 —19. 3 —19. 3 35. 6 1.5.4 0.7 + 0.7 + 2. 7 + 2,7 + 7.8 + 9. 9 + 5. + 7.0 + 1,5 1-4 I +41. (i j — 0.9 1 4 ■ +35. r> j — 7. 4 -13. 3 -16.3 +51. .5 +41. 1 +43. 4.S 1-4 +27, 2 3,, 1 2-4 + 17. S -0, 6 2-4 + 3.4 -1.0 1-4 —20. IC 5 3.{;. 29. 1 21,2- 35, 4 49. 4 49. 6 41.4 04. 7 09. 9 (i7. 7 (17.9 62,8 6(1,5 51.5 52. 7 51.3 43.8 37. ■ 29. 2 2( I, 1 1.3 0. 6 3, 1 1.9 0.4 0.(i 4.7 4.4 4.4 8.1 10. 1 9,4 14.7 17. 1 14.0 17.1 11.2 1-4 2-4 2-4 2-1 3,-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 —22, —20, 9 —10. 7 —1 5. —10. — 7.3 — 4.3 + 0. 5 + 4.2 + 10.0 s 4. 1 1, 9 0. 4 2 r, + 1.7 + il.3 +21.. s ■f 35. 2 +43. 7 +41.2 +.57. 3 +50. 1 +08. +61.0 +57. 9 +21.5 +25. +28. (■; + 11.3 + 10.0 + 5.0 i — 2.9 — 0. S ' — 7.5 + 2. 5 I - 3. 4 — 7.2 : —11.7 — 7,0 ' — 6. - !>/ + 'J (1 + 'i .J — 5 4 + 1 + 1 s — 1 6 17.2 20.9 29, 8 30.7 50. 7 .53.6 69. (i5. 5 77.4 09. 4 07. S 3,1. 1 32, 9 3,5, 19.7 15.6 10. s 7.1 7.9 1.4 0. ,'^ 0, I — 1.7 1,s 2, 9 C9 5.7 Kl 12.2 19.0 19. 4 10. 1 12,1 1-4 3, 4 2.9 (1.4 2.0 -3. 1 1.0 1-4 1-4 2-1 3 4 2-4 3-4 3-1 4-1 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-1 4-4 4-4 2-4 3-4 20 .soi.AU i;ai>iatiox J>ay. APRIL, 1872. 21. 22. Hour. I r /' ' /'r I>f 1 11 10 11 10 11 / I -"'• , J>/ 23. ,/■ Hi: I If -f I). I + 7.2 +1-1.:; + 12. 3 +i:'..o + 35.0 +31). 7 +2i>. II +31.3 +23. 2 +20. +27. 3, +20. 4 + 10.3 +27.0 +20.2 +21. 9 +23. :, ^-20. 4 +21.2 +23. +19.1 — 3. 4 + o.r. + 2.7 ± 0.0 + 1. + 9. + 3. + 3.3 + 5. 2 + 2. 7 + 4.1 + 0.2 + r.. 8 + 6.0 + 9.7 + 9,3 +12.8 +14.7 + 1(5.2 +10.0 +20. +19.0 '. 4.S ] 0. '.) 17.(1 14.1 14.7 34. 2 3,^. 1 29. 1 3,1.7 21.9 24.7 2.5.(1 10. 9 21.9 13. i 11.5 12. 4 5. 8 5.0 3.4 0.0 1. 3, 4.2 5.4 1.8 1.4 3,. 4 2. 1.4 2. 2 4.6 4.4 3. 4.6 2.5 2.4 1.0 0.4 0.4 0. 5 4-4 3-1 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 3-4 4 4 4-4 4 4 4-4 4-4 4-1 4-4 4-4 4-1 4-4 14 4-4 4-4 3-4 3-4 + 59.7 { +73.0 + 1^8 13.4 + 23. 1-4 +2,-(. 3 2-4 H 30. U 0.4 (1.4 + :''7.2 I +17..-' ' 23.6 1.2 , 3-4 +42.0 + 3.9.0 +211.4 , 22.7 | -!. 1 i 4-4 j +12.1 I +5(1. 3 ( +22,0 34. I 5. 7 | 3 4 +52.0 i ' i • + 76. 5 +25. 2 I 15. 7 0. 4 2-4 +43. 6 +07.3 +22.1 53.5 1 7.3 2-4 +48. (i + .5.5.0 +10.7 40. 1 i 4.S. 3-4 ! +1.5. +49.1 +21.2 i 33.2 7.3, 3-4' +3S. 5 +.50.3 +20. s 34 +61.1 +25.4 + 17.9 2-4 +35. +21,9 43.4 7,2 2-4 +30.11 + 11. 1 , 12.8 —1.5 3-4 +.52. S +.10. S 0, 4 —11,7 4-4 +54. s -1-13, + 15. + 1.5. + 10. +16. +16. + 17. + 17, + 17. + 15. + 10. +1S,; + 17.; 14.7 22. 4 2--. 4 27. .5 3,7. 4 29. 33 '' 29. 7 23, 4 2(1.4 21.9 3>'.4 41.2 -0.1 1. 1 1.4 2.7 2.1 2. II 1.3, 1.9 4.4 4-i 4-4 4-4 4 4 1-1 4-4 3-4 3-4 4 4 4-1 3.4 3-t 2-4 + 15,8 i + 14.1 + 12.0 j 3.0 + 10.2 ! 2.6 + 11.C> I + 9.(1 1. — 0. w 4-4 -1.3 I 4-4 —0.9 : 3-4 +2.-.7 +11. 7 17.1 : (1, 1 : 4-4 AT i'OLAEIS J;AV. 21 APRIL, 1872. Hay. 24. iloiir. / i Dr Df I)r In' 26. / ' Dr \ IH — — i u'. + .-.. 4 + 2. 5 ; :;. :; (1.4 4-4 — 4.3 —11.5 0.4 -O.s 1 + 7.r, + 1.0 ■ (i. 9 (1.4 4-4 — 0.2 —10.:! 3.7 —0.4 II - + 9. + 1.0 1 S. 9 0. 9 4 4 + 1(1.2 — 1.1' 1 1.2 3. 1 ^ +■'<.:. + 1.9 29.:! •2.7 :;-4 ■+•2.5.11 -0.2 2.-'. 4 2. 11 4 +18.4 + 1.2 1-.2 1.0 3-4 + 3S.4 + 1.0 40.0 :! ■' '- + 33.4 + -2. (.1 :;7. 5 ;!. 1 :l-4 + 4(1.9 + 2,s 47.7 :!. 11 i; + 1-.U +11.3 (1. (1 -0. 1 4-4 +27.0 + •2.2 •27.!) 3.1 •2-4 + 50. 3 1 + 3. 1 511. 1 :;.-2 II "' +30. 1 +14. .^ 17. r. 2. '2 3 4 +(14.1 + 2. S 04. .s 3.5 1-4 + 111.5 1 + 5.S lll.l 5.4 ^ +=.. +14.:; •20. 1 •2. -1 4-4 +11:!. 5 + 3.1 111.:; :;. ;> 1-4 +41.(1 , + 0.1 31 1.4 1.5 II ;i +■):;. 11 +17. 1 ; .30. 1 :;. 4-4 +0(1. -2 + 1.0 (17. 1 1.9 1-4 +37. -J +-2. 1 31.2 — 0. 9 II lu +:;ii. :j +i:;. 1 2(1. II 2 S :!-4 +32.(1 + 1..S :;-2.9 'i 7 1-4 +:;i.2 I +10.1 •27. 7 :;. Pi 11 +:!?.:! +1(1.0 2-!. 'J 2. 9 3-4 +44. + -2. 9 1.-,. 2 4.1 1-t +:!5. II +14.0 :;o. 9.0 Noon. +(i:i. -i +•2(1. 1 11. .^i 3-4 +("1. S + .5.0 (!-'. 2 (14 .>,_j H--'3.4 +17..S 79. 13, 4 ! 1.. +.v.i; +-J-. 9 4:i. 1 l:!.4 :5-i +43.0 +1.5 4.-. 4 3.9 2 4 +-I.2 1 +111. n 7 7. S 12. (1 ■J +fi;3. 8 +2:!. 4 49.2 8. S 3-4 -1-72. G + 3.S 75. ,S 7.0 1-4 +74.-2 +i:;.9 71.:; 11.0 :! +(W.I) +19. 9 .-'4.0 (1. ."i 4-4 +59..- + l.-J 03. G 5.0 1-4 +71.1 +ie.ii 6-. 9 10. 4 \ +:i7. 1 + 1.-.7 21.(1 2. 9 4-4 + (12.3 + l.,s (;.-,.7 5 2 1-4 : +(14.5 +13.9 (1:;. 2 r2. 6 ■' +;:::. .". +17. tf 19.(1 :'>. 9 4 1 + 5(1.2 i + 0.9 : (1(1. :{ 5. 1-4 +.79,2 +11.5 59. 11.3 j II 1) ; +•-'7. 4 +14. :i 14. 1 1.3 4-4 +5:i.(l + 0. :; 5.-. -1 4.9 1-4 + 54.9 + .-.s 54.5 -'. 4 (1 +■•■2. :! + 11.0^ 11.2 0.1 4-4 +31.3 - 0.3 :r). 3.4 1-4 + 18.3 + 2.9 211. 4.(1 ; S +n.:! + 9. s S.4 0.9 4-4' +4:i.'2 + 2.7^17.3 3, s 1-4 +35.3 \ + ;i.o :'.7. 11 5, 3 ;i +1.'*,7 + 7.0 12. 1 (1.4 1 4-4 +:!il. '2 — 0. S 1 40.(1 :;. +:;7. 1 + 0. II 4 1 . s 7. s II i 10 +11.-,' + (5.0 :!. (1 (1.4 4-.4 +2:!. 5 — 3.0 27.7 .i ■< _l_o.|.ij __ .-,.0 :!4.5 •2.8 II 11 + 7.:; + 4.0 3.7 0.4 4-4 — :!(i. :! , — c. 4 ;■ 40. (1 - -■-■ 1 — 5.9 —10.2 :!. 7 — 0.(1 II O') aOLAIt RADIATION Day. Hour. s (I 10 11 Niciii. 1'' 11 10 11 •27. l)f -1-2. S (1. '.I +:;.'. ;•■ +io. + \->. 5 -f-CiO (i +ft-' 1 +:;s 1 +:■,(! +;!.5 2 +70 r- +7.'i .^ — 0. s 44.4 — 1.0 4 1.4 + .".. ;i r.'.i. 4 l->. :.! -(1.4 1 IT.'.I l.s :«. 4 1.7 ;!s. .', 1 ;i. +70.3 +i;7.9 +1)1, .5 +.-.(■. +51.C +'J7. 1 +;;.-.<) +i;!. u + 0.0 + 0. 1 +10. r> + V2.X + 1-2.4 + 12.0 +20. 7 + 10. 8 +12.2 + -..9 + l.H :!4.:', i 2(;. 6 '■'>. I' 0.0 4.7 0.4 -2. H 10. 0. (I (■,7. 9 1 0. (i (">. .5 18,3 (10 7 10,0 r,r,. .5 11.7 20. :"> 41.6 4.(1 II 9 I APRIL, 1872. 28. ! / J)r I'f 29. ]),- l>f r .( + r.. + 10.1 1.3 +:',."..() , ± CO +39.2 + 0.7 +(-;.2 i + s.-i +02.7 +10.0 +(■,8.:; +11. r, +7.-. 8 +14.0 +.58. 8 +10. .5 _|_78. 4 ; +1.-,. 8 70.9 +77.0 I +11.7 72.9 + 11.9 ' f.^.2 {t'> i — '_>, 7 1.4 -1.7 12. i; 3.9 II i.s.ii ' 3. <; ' + 0. S ' — Ci. 8 + 3. 4 ■ - 2. 9 + 17.0 + .'0.6 \.r, I +41..'. (1.2 I + 1.0 + c.o + 7.4 13.0 i + 8.0 I) i +17.2 ' + 9.8 ri : +61.8 I +12.2 +41.2 , + 9.9 68.2 : 6. 4 , +:!8. .". ' +12.0 .->9. 1 , 4. 1 r>7. 6 : 4.9 60. 7 3.9 I (I ( +71 +6S 1 +62 8 +.57 '■' 4. 1 +6.-,. .5 8.3 +6-'. 5 7.G +67.0 9.1 +.58. 2 +15. 8 + 16.8 + 16.6 + 1.5,6 11. s 6. 1 1.5. 9 22. 3,6.0 -I.S ! 2-1 -2.6 I :;-! -2.:; 4 1 -II. 1 4-4 I. 1 ' .'-I 1.9 i ;',-! +14.6 164.4 10.9 +r,7.f' +20.4 + 13.6 ' (^il.O I 10. H : ' +63.6 + 10.0 .55.3 8. (I -65. 2 +5^.0 1 +10..- 55.6 8.4 j ■■ +63.0 +52.6 + 6.7 ' 51.3 +3,7.9 + 0.8 13,. 6 6>. 5 +31.5 — 1.2 '■>l . '') 4.6 +-y.i — 3,. 6 30.7 3.0 + 44.5 + 32.3 + 18.0 + 12.5 5. 1 + 5.0 I 44.2 + (1.5 32.6 +33. 2 +30.9 0. 8 II ; +31.2 0.7 ' 19.0 I 1.2 ' ' +30.1 3,. 4 14.2 —1.7 +18. 1 •■ +14.4 +11.0 + 7.0 + 6. - + 7.1 + i;. 40. 2.6 2-1 .53. 2 4.6 ' 1-4 30.6 1-4 2,-. 7 ij .J 1-4 .54.7 14. 3-4 59. 1 7.4 3-4 57.6 7.2 ;!-) 48. 5.4 3-4 58 2 10..-< 2-4 53.5 8.0 3-4 55. 4 1.6 2! 51.9 2. 2-1 26. 2 0.0 2-4 25. 3 1.2 1-4 26. 4 2. :i 2-1 26.0 1.9 1-1 2-4 AT POLARIS BAY. 23 Day. Hour. 'J 10 11 X(i..ii 1" 10 11 APRIL, 1872. 30. MAY, 1872. Dr l>f I)r ! /)/ 3 +37. H 4 + 111.3 r +4.-.. 'I +4S. 7 +•>■. r, +i;.-..7 +711.11 +69. +71). '2 + 77.,- +71. ^> -\-M.-i +GC. (I +63. 9 +riO. +r,9. r, I +.-.(■.. :•, +.-.O.- +40. 3 +:m. ■> +-2-f. 7 t + 16.7 + 17.2 +1?. 1 + 11.:! +22. r, -1-26. :; +29. +:-l.i) + 31.5 +31 . 6 +3(1, r. +3n.9| + 3(1. 2 ; + 29.7 + 29. 1 + 27.7 ! +27.0 +23,3 +25.1 +2.!. 2 ! + 16.3 36.9 39. 4 44.1 k;. ,- 55. 9 611.9 61. 1 61.2 65.6 74. 2 71.1 62. 4 6.3. 9 62.1 5-'. 1 59. 1 5s, 52. 6 49. 2 3,9. .3 33. 1 2-4 +2(1. .5 ; + .-^.7 +22.3 I + 9.. +37.3 I +25.2 +21.3 +7.5 16. 3 17.0 2-4 , +23.6 2-4 30.0 . 4 1-4 + H.:! + 7.9 +31. 2 : + 9. 5 19.9 I 1-4 , +;:(!. 9 ' +12.3 21.5 : 1-4 I +4.5.6 ; +17. 1 23. .1 1-4 ; +74.9 ' +29.1) 2li. 3 14.5 2S. 15. 5 41.9 29. s 27.0 13,2 26. 5 13,11 35, 4 13.3 35. 5 13. 8 33. 7 1 5, 1 26. 2 26,, y 2-. 1-4 I +72. I +2!1. .S 1-4 I +37,5 +29.0 1-4 27. 1 ! 1-4 29.1 (I +sl,,s + 3,(1,2 +77.9 +29,0 + 65.2 +3), (I 47.3 7:;. 4 71.6 67. 1 to. 4 77. 7 62.6 6>:. 4 62. 2 IS,,' 29. 4 2s, (I 2,s, 1 , +70,0 +29.9- 27,9 (I j +65, 3 +:',0, 5 27.5 ' I) j +.5,--. 3 I -|-'j9.2 | .57.1 j 27.3 , ! +(;(!. 5 +29. ,s I .r,7, i 2,^.7 +511,5 : 49,4 2,s, 7 I -1-4-', 2S, ^ +49.7 I.I \ +: ,s, +34.2 46.1 49.8 36, 9 i 32, 9 2,-', II 26, I 27,4 I + 40. + .5.2 +37.7 + 45, +49. 2 +53, 4 +5S,6 +65, (I + 62. I + 6.5.0 + 67.6 + 7-.H + ,SI. 6 + 81. 1 +75.2 +72. + 6-. II +6::. 9 +6,2.4 +.-6. 3, + 47.7 +35. 1 +:-o. 3 +28. 3 / ■ Jh- ]>/ 3.6 4.6 37.3 |..... 43.8 45.1 49.0 I 53, I 59, 1 ' 56.6 .59.4 61.2 1.7 73.11 73.0 66. 6 63,. 6 2^^. 1 27.4 ! 5'l. 2 ' - 1 I''!-" , . . 56.2 . 52. 6 i -i 44.3 j 1-4 1-4 24 SOLAE RA])IATION" MAY, 1872. Day. Hoar. 01' 1 9 10 11 8 >j 10 11 + '■ 1 + y. ;; +21. ^i +:!0. (i +39. +-H. +^9.:; + 01. T +:!9. r. 1+6.:: +07. - + 7-.'. II +77.0 ' +7C>. +7-2. r, +C9. +04. -i +00. .'. +01, -\-:,:\.:, + ii;.-i +■::>. s + li.8 + 1.9 Di- 7.4 :;-J. 4 :;9. 1 45. 4 .'.0. 1 ;ii.9 l>f + 11. '2 +i;i.« +14. :i +1 :!..-. +i.^.r, + 14. 9 + 10.0 + 14.1 + i:i.2 +11. s + 4.1 — 0. 5 — 0.2 7 ■.'. 4 09.1 01.(1 .M.9 41.4 •21. s 10. r, .'.. 9. (I 9. -2 10. .5 10.1 11.9 11.7 12. S 1'2. 11.0 10.0 :?. 1 1.2 . -- 1 — 0, + '■ +11, + l:!. + 14, n +10, II ■ +19. II , -\-:u +31.7 (I ' +;i-.(i II +:'.2, 1) II +:;i,.'. II j +41, r. I +27.5 II 1+12.2 +50..'', : +51.11 ! +51.8 ! I +:;i,7 1 +:!9 ■:! +20. +27. + 20.:! 0.9 1.2 1.2 5. 4 1.7 I. 1 4.8 4.2 1,2 1. 8 2. 9 :i. 1 0.0 1.0 1.6 — 1.8 / Ih' I ]>/ 1.9 I-:;. 9 1 2.8 -1.0 I :;. 0.:; 0.0 ; 4- 9. 9 2. 2 i 4- HI. 1 ; 1.8 4- 1 10.9 ; ].:! I 4 l:;.7 1.0 4 10.- 1.0 4 ;!1.0 1.2 1 2-. 9 ; 1.4 4 1. 1 4 29. 2. 4 4. 9 i.:i 4 II.;; 2.2 4- 1-4 0.3 29 1 45 51 4 r ' 9 50 fl 111 1 46 :!3 9 3C s :!ii 1.0 ! 4- l.w ! :i- 2. 9 1 3.1 ( 0.4 r I 2. 9 j I 2.5 i I 1.0 +37.2 +:;9.o + 42. + 4-i.7 + 51.2 i 1 +6::. 4 I +0,2. +72. 9 +05. +75. +s:0. 8 +52. 3 +79. 3 +711.4 +62. + 16.5 + 12,2 + 9, 8 + 9.2 + 8.0 +10. 2 + 1.5.4 — 9. 4 — 8, 9 — 3.0 — 3.11 l)r ' lif .9 -0.5 4::,o 4:;, 9 4 1.,^ 51,5 - l.:i — 1.3 + 5. 9 + .-'. 3 + .", .s + 6.3 +14.9 + 4.9 + 8.5 + 8. :! + 7.4 + (I. 1 — II, — 11.3 ± II. + 1.3 + 1.9 + 3, G 64.0 —11,7 0.0 74. ,sil. 4 52, 1 77.9 09.11 01.0 16.1 12. 7 10.7 8. '"^ (1. 9 5. 9 11.5 1.7 I 7.1 0. 9 0.1 —II.:! -0.1 i i 0. c. — 0. 4 0,2, 0.4 t 3, n AT rOLARIS BAY. 25 MAY, 1872. Day. Hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Niioii. II' 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 +14.3 +15.1 +-2r,,s +37. 4 +47.8 +56. +54. +■27.3 +34.0 +77.8 +83. 2 +60.5 +04, 6 +55.2 +7.5, 8 +7.;, +72.0 +63. 2 +60.5 +34.0 +45.5 +38. 5 +22. +14,1 + 2,5 + 2,4 + 0.3 + 3.9 + 7.8 +11.4 +10.8 + 4.8 + 7.7 +17.4 +21. 5 +23.8 +19.0 +12.7 +17.6 +13. 9 +20.5 +15.3 +14.2 +11.5 + 9.9 + 7.5 + 6.4 + 5.2 Do W 15.2 15. 5 27.4 37. 5 47.3 55. 1 52.1 22, 7 31.2 72.0 76.8 54.1 58.5 46.8 67.6 69.0 63.1 53. 6 51.5 3.4 2.8 0.9 4.0 7.3 10.5 8.9 1.2 4.9 11,6 15,1 17.4 12.9 : 4. 3 9.4 6.9 11.6 5.7 5.2 24.9 2.4 38. 6 3.0 32.4 1.4 16.0 0.4 7.7 —1.2 3-4 3-4 3-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 1-4 2-4 3-4 2-4 V / +22. 4 + 7.3 +24.0 + 7.1 +29. 8 + G.8 +18.2 + 4.6 +36.2 + 4.2 +37. + 7.4 +45. 9 + 6.8 +54.3 +10. 5 +69. 5 +14.9 +56. 1 +17.2 +81.5 +11.8 +58. 6 +11.3 +79.6 +16. 5 +81.0 +1.5. 8 +77.5 +16.9 +72. 5 +17.2 +55. 3 + 17.4 + 10.8 +15. 5 +54.0 +14.9 +.54. 2 +15. +.53. 8 +16. +41.5 +14.0 +40.9 +13.1 +41.2 + 11.5 T>v Df 1.5. 6 17.9 23. 3 13.4 31). 6 31.0 40.4 47.2 62. (I 48,2 73.1 50.7 70, 8 72. 6 68.1 61,2 45. 2 30.8 45. 4 46.3 46.2 34.1 35. 9 36. 9 0. 5 2-4 1.0 0.3 2-4 2-4 -0.2 I 3-4 -1.4 1.4 1.3 1-4 1-4 3.4 1-4 7.4 I 1-4 9.3 I 1-4 I 3.4 : 1-4 3. 4 1-4 7.7 2-4 7.4 1-4 7. 5 2-4 8.9 7.3 5.5 6,3 7.1 8.4 6.6 8.1 4.2 Dv I Tif 1-4 3-4 2-4 1-4 1-4 + 6.1 +10.1 +16.8 +25.4 +29.0 +26.9 +32, 4 +36.8 +49.4 +61.2 +73.3 +73.0 +78. 4 +^:\.i +76,4 +73. 5 +71.9 +66.0 t + 2. 2 ! 1.7 ' 2. 2 18- + 4.9 I 6.5 + 6. 3 I 12. 3 + 8. 19. 8 +11. 3 20. 4 +11.1 + 9. 9 + 8. +21.1 +19. 3 +23. +32. 8 +21,3 +21.5 +20, +16.4 63.9 +19. 9 +18. 1.3 1.8 2.4 2.7 2.9 23,8 ' 1.3 28.1 —0.7 i I 36. 9 8. 6 5.6 47. 5 59. 4 61.2 CC. 4 73,0 ; 10. Glj. 5 9.3 9. 1 i 21.(1 ! 10. 1 I 6.8 , 11. 3 +66.0 +53.1 +53.2 +44.0 +43. 9 +45. 63.3 57.7 I 9.7 ' +25.0 ' 5^.2 17.2 1-4 + 1.5.5 ' 45.5 7.9 ! +17.0 4.>. 8 9. 6 1 +14.4 36. 4 i 6. 8 , +12. 2 ■ 36. 8 I 5. 1 I 1-4 + 8. 6 ; 3-'. 5 ■; 2,1 i S R 2G SOLAR EADIATION Day. Hour. 01' 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 X.iou. li> •) 3 4 10 11 MAY, 1872. 10. 11. /*(■ Df \ +3:>,5 + 30. 1 +40. -2 +3',l. 5 + 40. +65.0 +70. 4 H-7.--..6 +82. +78.5 +73. i +79. s +81.0 +09. 5 +09. 7 +74.0 +56. 8 +.->i; 5 + 40. II + 1S 'J +60 +41 3 +20 + 7.0 + 6.6 + 5. 9 + 8. + ^^. ■> +14. +19.1 +22.3 +28.6 +36.2 +25. 2 +28.8 +24.2 +22. 3 +23. 4 +23. 5 +25.0 + 10.8 +19. 8 + 17.3 + 17.5 +19.2 + 17,1 +10.1 27.7 2.2 27.1 -0.1 21.1 -0.1 33. 0.8 31.9 0.6 28. 9 51.3 56. 9 61.9 68. 2 63.9 58.6 l-;5. 65.9 56.1 56. 6 60.5 43. 2 -M.i 28. 4 37. 5 49.4 31.7 14. 2 3.5 5.4 8.8 14. 9 22, 4 10.6 1-4 1-4 2-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 2-4 1-4 + 12.3 +10,2 +14.6 +25. + 5.0 + 3.8 + 5. 3 + 9.9 + 10.0 77r I)f 7.8 6.5 17.6 20.2 0.5 1-4 0.1 1-4 0.8 1-4 2.5 2-1 +13. 1 22. 8 11.2 , 1-4 9, 4 1-4 7.2 1-4 10. 2-4 10. 4 2-4 11.5 i 2-4 (i, 2 3-4 7,7 2-4 5,7 I 1-4 6.1 : 2 4 i 8.6 1-4 7.5 1-4 4.3, 1-4 +38. +51.5 +62. 3 +78.5 +^7.2 +81.0 + ^3.4 +83. +81.0 +76. 6 +73.0 +69. 5 +67.8 +59. + 50. 8 +45.3 +40.2 +30. 1 +16. 2 +20.1 -f22. 4 +29. 1 +18.7 30.0 44.6 47. 9 62.4 72. 3 +26.4 ! 67.1 +24.9 68.8 +27. 6 (;7. 6 +22. 9 65. 4 +21.0 61.2 + 19.0 .58.9 + 17.9 .56.4 i + 16.4 55.7 +11.1 I 47.8 + 13.0 41.0 + 13.0 I 35.8 + 12.4 31.0 +10. 5 22. 2.4 3.4 8.2 10.2 '"^. 13,. 12.5 10.3 12.2 7.3 5. 6 -'.9 4.8 4.3 2.9 3.2 3.5 3. 2 2.4 2-4 2-4 3-4 2-4 1-4 1 4 1-4 (I 1-4 1-4 2-4 3-4 +18. 2 +24.5 +39.3 +36. 2 +40.5 +48.6 +45. 2 +39. +51.8 +57. 4 -1-60.4 +47.5 +42. +61.9 +40.0 +38. 1 +34,8 +35. 3 +-:7.o +21. 4 +-:o. 5 +21. I + 18.0 +23.8 ]>r i Df + 7.8 + 7.4 + 8.2 +10. 5 + 7.9 + 8.5 +11.0 + 9. 4 +11.5 + 10.9 +12.8 +13. +11.0 + 14.6 + 11.9 ,+ 11.7 + 11.0 + 10.3 + 9.9 + 8, 5 + 8.5 + 8, + 7,8 + 9.5 10.6 16. 6 31.6 0.2 -0.5 0.5 1.6 1-4 4-4 3-4 3-4 -0.4 ; 3-4 39. 43.8 29. 9 41.0 46. s 49, 9 3,7. 1 32. 4 51.7 30.4 —1.1 4-4 0. 6 , 3-4 0.3 I 3-4 0.7 j 3-4 0, 3 ' 4-4 2. 3 3- 1 2,6 : 3-1 1.4 j 3-4 4, 4 3-4 2,3 2,1 3-4 3-1 26. 2 1^.4 13.2 12.6 13.4 10.4 15. ~ 1.7 44 1.2 ' 4-4 1.3 ■ 4-4 0.3 I 4-4 II. I 4-4 0.3 I 4-4 0.2 j 4-1 1.5 4-4 Dav, AT POLAEIS BAY. MAY, 1872 12. 13. 11 Hour. /',■ I>f III- I>f Dv In- 9 10 u Xoi.111 1- o 3 4 111 U -f-.'ii. :. -f 7.9 in..-, +■-■:!. - + -.0 I'.O +■:-!. 6 + -.9 lti.9 -■:■'. 1 + -. 9 14. -J -r'Ji'. ^ 9..'. IT. 9 +31.- ~V10 'J-IO +40.- -1-12.5 30.7 +4.->. 3 +14. 4 34. 4 +53. +li3. -2 39. 6 ^.-T..i +14.4 43. 'J -piiO. .". +ci:i. 4 :,:.2 -r'''.'> +20.5 ::;.3 --.5.0 +-2II. 1 71. t-; +•^3.2 +19.7 71.4 -77.6 +17.5 65; -7!. ' -pU.-J til. 1 +73. ^ +19. 3 50. 9 T-'>.0 +3ii. - .55.9 +73. --Ji I. 7 GO. 3 +54.9 +11.3 44.3 +61. 3 +19. 1 50. 7 +■■9.1 -15.3 3J.5 +-ii. 1 +14.0 37.0 -37.0 +12.3 i-,4 0.9 4-4 ^35. :') +13. 5 i.;.7 3.9 4-4 +3-\ +1G.3 13. 1.1 3-4 0.7 4-4 + 19.0 + 0. 1 10. 3 0.3 4-4 +3.5.9 +1G.- 10.1 1.0 4-1 1.3 4-4 +31. - +10. 11.7 0. ^ . 4 4 +30. 3 +1G. 11. s 1.5 4-4 0. G 4-4 +3-1.5 +13.3 13.0 3. ij 4-4 + 37. 5 +17.5 11. 5 1.5 4-4 1.4 4-4 +3-. + 14.1 IP. 3 3.4 4-4 +30. 1 + 17.- 23. 3 0.9 4-4 3.3 44 +■■0. i; +17.9 17.7 5.0 4-4 +40. 3 + 10.0 33. 0. - 3-4 3.4 4-4 +35. 5 +17. 5 oo ^ ■J. ?* 4-4 +40. - +23.0 3-. 4 4.0 4-4 3.5 4-4 +33. ? +10.4 10. 3 4. - 4-4 +54.0 +33. 6 3(1 3 5.0 3-4 3. - 4-4 +40. 3 -30. 3 35.3 5.4 4-4 +00. 4 +34. 40. 7 4.3 i 3-4 •^ i 4-4 +44.3 -r31.0 3-. 4 5. 2 4-4 +05. +33. 44.0 3.9 3-4 -.1 4-4 +44.1 +33. 9 3-. 1 7,9 3-4 +73. +30. 3 51.3 -.4 1-1 -.3 3-4 +47.0 +3-. 1 30. 4 11.5 4-4 +-4.0 +20. 03. 9 7.9 1-4 ". / 3-4 +4C. 9 +31.6 30. - •">. 3 4-4 — --.9 +31. - 07. 6 10.5 1-4 7.9 1-4 +46.4 +34. 1 30. ^ 7.5 4-4 + -0.. 4 +30. 3 65.4 0. 2 4.9 +45. +311. - 3;. 1 3.9 4-4 -r-3.7 ~2J. .- 03. 9.1 -0.7 1-4 +41.0 +33.1 35. 3 5. 5 4-4 +70. - +39. 4 5.;. 4 9.0 6.4 3-4 +43. r +3:1. 35. 9 4. 3-4 +77.0 +20. 5 .57. 1 9.6 -. : 1-4 -U.W. —35. I 49.0 -.1 3-4 +77. 3 ^34.3 .57.9 14. ^ -.9 1-4 +70. 3 -t-34. 3 54. -.9 1-4 +75. +411.7 55. - 31.5 0.6 3-4 +711. 4 +19. 3 54. - 3.6 3-4 +07.- +35. 4 40. 5 7.1 .^. li 1-4 +05. 4 + 1-- •' 40. - 3. 3-4 +05. 3 -.35.6 47.4 7.7 5.6 3-4 —•'■'■ 1 — 1-. 47.3 6.3 3-4 + 34. 9 +3,11.0 4r.3 13.4 4.9 3-4 +53,. - -^l-.3 39.5 3. - 3-4 +50. 3 +3-:. 7 35. 4 11.9 -. 7 3-4 +4-. 3 +1-. 3 34.3 4.1 4-4 +37.9 +30. - ■I). -.9 28 SOLAE EADIATIOX 0" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. 11' o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MAY, 1872. 13. +38.0 +38. +48. C +50. 3 +56. +53.2 +44.9 +63. 2 +61.4 +63.4 +65. 9 +71.2 +61.4 +73. 4 +61.0 +57.5 +09.2 +86.2 +78. 4 +6.3.(1 +69. 2 + 61.7 +58. 3 +52. 5 +19.8 +18. 5 +17.5 +18. 9 +20. 4 +20. 8 +20.5 +23. 9 + 19.0 +20. 8 +26. 4 +30.0 +27.3 +29.6 +26. 8 +25. 8 +28.6 +29. 9 +29. 2 +25.8 +25. 7 +26. +25. 1 +24. 9 Dv 23.0 23.1 42.1 32.7 37.1 34.0 24. 8 42. 7 39.9 41.8 43."3 48.6 39.0 31.0 38.7 :!5. 46.1 63.6 56.6 41.4 48. 6 41.6 35. 5 Df 4.2 3.6 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.6 0.4 3.4 -2.5 5.2 3.8 2-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 7. 4 3-4 4.9 7.2 4.5 3.3 5.5 7.4 4.2 5.1 5. 9 5.:! 6.1 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 16. +55. 2 +.51.7 +00.3 +67. +75. 3 +70. 3 +80.9 +73. 9 +80.0 +88. 3 +82.8 +88. 5 +94. +91.0 +82.0 +80. 6 +92. 5 +S1.2 +79.2 +71.2 +(18. 3 +60. 5 +61.6 +25. 6 +25. 3 +25. 3 +25. 1 +25.8 +29.9 +25. 6 +29.6 +31.2 +33. 1 +34. 5 +28.9 +31.5 +30. + 29. 3 +28. 5 +30.0 +28.4 +25. 8 +26. 8 +26. +25. 3 +21.4 Dv :!3. 4 36.6 36.1 41.5 48.3 .54. 9 55.7 60.4 .52.5 58.4 66.8 .59. 7 65.7 70.4 67.4 58.7 .58. 70. 1 59.6 57. 6 50.1 48.7 39.8 43.7 Df 6.8 7.0 6.7 6.5 0,4 5.4 9.3 5.1 8.2 9.6 11.6 11.4 6.1 7.9 6.4 CO 5.9 7.6 6.8 4.2 5.7 6.4 4.6 3.5 1-4 1-4 2-4 2-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 17. +.57. 2 +50.0 +44.3 +53. 8 +70.5 +66. 2 +60. s +75. 5 +85.8 +91. 5 +84. 9 +82. 2 +86.5 +86.2 +85.0 +80. +77.3 +78. +75.5 +69.8 +61.0 2-4 ! +47.0 2-4 +47.0 2-4 I +54.0 +23. s +23.1 +21.8 +22. +23.1 +23. 4 +24.0 +21.9 +26. 5 +26.1 +27.2 +28.3 +27.1 +27.3 +25.7 +24.9 + 25.1 +30. 5 +28. 8 +40.6 -f 40. 7 +28.6 +27. 2 +23.0 Vi' 38. 9 31.4 25. 34.0 51. 9 4i;. 5 41.4 54.0 63.6 69.6 62.2 61.0 65. 9 65.8 64.9 60.0 .57.3 57.9 50. 2 50. 2 41.4 Df 5.5 4.5 2. 2. '' 4. 3. 4.6 4.0 4.3 4.2 9.5 7.1 6.5 6.9 5.6 4.9 5.1 1-4 2-4 2-1 1-1 :!-4 1-4 () 1-4 1-4 29.4 29.4 37.2 10.4 I 9.5 : 1-4 21.0 I 1-4 21.1 1-4 11.0 9.6 ! 6.2 ' AT POLAEIS BAT. 29 Day. Hour. MAT, 1872. 1§. 19. 20. Di- Iif f ■ JJv Df f !'<-■ I Df 0" +5:.. -2 +20. 5 3-. 1 3.4 1 1-4 +70.0 +27.7 51.1 5. - 2-4 +^v:. .+27.7 :15. 4 4.1 2-4 1 +57.3 +20. 7 39.- 3.2 1-4 +71. 5 +27. ^ 52. 6 -. 9 1-4 +54.0 +20. 30. 4 2.4 3-4 o 1 +59.0 +19.0 41.4 1.4 1-4 -1-66. 2 +2-. - 47 6 10.2 1-4 +42. 5 +22.7 19.0 0.1 2-4 [ 3 +01.3 + l-,5 42. 5 — 0. 3 1-4 +00. +23. 4.5.1 2.1 1-4 ' +64. 3 +25. 4 39.7 0. i 2-4 4 +02. 4 +21. - 43.- 3.2 +59.2 +22. 1 39. o 7, 1-4 +70.5 +30. - 45.5 5.- 2-4 -, +00. 3 +•24. 3 39.7 3.7 +61.3 +24. 5 39. 5 3. 1-4 +75. +36. 2 4-. 2 9.4 \ 6 -O-.O +32. 1 4J.5 e. 1-4 +70.9 +2-. 6 4-. 9 0. o; 1-4 + -M.0 +43.7 54. 17.3 I.I +7.5.3 +20. 1 53.1 1 0.9 +60. 3 +■20. 9 ::7.0 3. i; 1-4 +7.-. - +36. 2 54.1 11. 5 - +7r. 1 +33. 9 54.7 10.5 +73. 1 +37.2 50. 2 14.3 2-4 +-0. 4 +49. * 59. - 23 2 9 +?5.3 +36.0 02. 5 13.2 +55.2 +42. 5 62. 19.6 1-4 +91.2 +44.4 64.3 17,5 10 +91.0 +37.- 07. 5 14.3 1-4 +55.9 +44.0 01.* 19.9 1-4 +:^i;.0 +37.4 59. 2 10. 11 +-9. 5 +41.- 07. 4 19. 7 1-4 +-7.0 +39.9 61.9 14.- 2-4 +-3.5 +50.6 57.7 24.5 ' Koon. +5?.- +32. 5 CO. 3 10.0 1-4 +-5. 5 +35.3 63.9 10.7 3-4 +90. +39. 9 153. 6 13.5 ' 11= -j-'T. 5 +35.6 64.6 12.7 1-4 +93. +35.0 00. 2 i 3-4 +96. 2 +40. 7 69.9 14.4 •2 +;7.6 +32. 3 65.9 10.6 2-4 +73.2 +30.6 46.4 3. - 4-4 +91.3 +40.3 65.1 14.1 3 + ^7, 5 +34.4 65.1 12.0 2-4 +55. 1 +31. 2 31.2 4.3 4-4 +57.0 +3-. 2 61.2 12.4 1 i 4 +-7.5 +35.4 05. 7 13.6 2-4 +56.0 +30. 5 29. 4 3.9 4-4 + -4.1 +39.0 5-. 4 13. 3 .5 +-7.4 +35.0 00. 13.6 2-4 - -■{-55. 5 1 +31. 5 29. 1 5.1 4-4 +35. 5-. 4 12. 2 6 +-7.5 +34.6 00. 1 13.2 3-4 +61.0 +33. 6 34.9 7.5 3-4 +55.3 +37. 59. 2 11.5 7 +74.5 +31.3 53.9 10.7 3-4 +54.0 +35. 8 25. 4 10. 2 4-4 +79.4 +36. 53. 10. - +04. +27.7 45.1 -. ^ 2-4 + 3-. 5 +27.0 13. 4 1.9 2-4 +77.3 +30. 7 .50. 7 10.1 9 +61.0 +20. 7 42.1 7,. 2-4 +57.0 +35.4 3'^ 7 11.1 1-4 +0^. 5 +31.- 42. 5. 9 ', 1 10 +57.0 +20. 3 3-. 4 7.7 2-4 +52. 7 +20. 7 29. 9 3.9 2-4 +5*. 7 +33.3 32. 9 7.5 1 u +56.5 +27. 9 37.9 1 9.3 2-4 +69.0 j +31.4 45. 4 2-4 +50. 5 +31. 2 31.4 3. - no SOLAIi EADIATION MAY, 1872. Day. Hour. 01' 1 o 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 Nodii. ]'' 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 21. Ih- 11/ -!- r.j.o + 04. + 70.8 + 76.3 + SO. 1 + 73.0 + Si. 5 + 90.0 + 99.8 + 98. C + 103.:". + 94.8 + 94.0 + 10-2. + 99.5 + 98.0 + 92.6 + 91.5 + 84. II + 82. 5 + 87.2 + 75. 1 + 70.8 + 69. 5 +30.3 ' 29.4 +31.3 37.7 +37. 5 41. 7 +3S.0 I 19,4 t +35. 2 + 37.6 +3S. 1 +3,8. 4 +45. 4 +48.2 +49. +10. 3 +39.5 +40. +3S. 2 +42. 9 +38.5 +39. C ' 53. 5 59 3 V,fl o GO 3 70 9 62. O Gl 9 G9. G G4.8 59.6 +37.5 51.6 +37. 3 ."0. 7 +3G.7 .55. 4 -f 3G.C 43. 5 +35. 6 48. +33. 7 3.S. 9 4.8 5.0 11.4 11.1 s. G 9.8 9.1 7.7 13.8 15.9 16.4 7. 7 7.4 7.6 5.G 9.7 5.5 6.8 .5.1 5.5 4.9 5.0 3.S 3.1 + Gl 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 + G5. 8 + G7. 3 + 64. + 70.2 h OS. 7 + 73. 8 + 81.4 + 89. I) + 96.4 + 8G. 2 +102.0 + 77. 5 + (». 4 + 71.4 1-4 +102.5 1-4 1-4 II + 59.0 + 89.5 + G:;.ii + 42.0 + 43. 3 + 57.1) + 45. 3 + 43,. +31.4 +3,0. 2 + 3,0.5 +30. 1 +34. 8 +33. +42. 4 +40.7 +41.9 +52. 9 +37. 1 +37.2 -I-3G.0 +3,5. +40. 5 +40. +3G. 2 +39. 1 +40.0 +:v>. 7 +3,11, 7 +32. 7 +31. 3, +29. 8 Dr ■m;. 1 36.2 37.5 3,5. 3 40. G 10.1 15. 1 51.8 r.ii. 1 G5. 7 54.6 69.9 13.7 39. 8 40. 8 72. 2 2S. 7 59. 8 32. 8 11.4 13. 9 2r,, 7 1 5. G II. I I)f s 1.3 ' t I 0. G 0.7 1.4 4.4 13.7 11.1 13. 5.1 5.2 5. 1 9. 9 9.7 5.9 9.4 9. s 2.1 1.3 2.4 l.G 0.9 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-1 2-4 2-1 4-4 !-4 :!-l 4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 34 2-4 3 4 4-4 aa. +50. 3 ! -|-::i). I) +G1. 9 +30. 3 +42. 7 +28. 8 +(i5. 3 +73, 8 + 29.1) + 3,1). 5 + S2.0 +31.3 +5S.4 +33.3 + 31.5 +34. s +31. 3 + 32. 1 +31. 1 +53. 5 +29. +50. G +28. 4 +52. G +28. 9 +49. 3 +2S. +46. 5 +2M. 2 +G5 s +77 +80 1 +91 +82 1) +11.4 +40. 1 14.6 37.3 15.2 .53. 7 31).:! 35. 9 49. 2 ,52. G (i:!. 4 51.4 20. 9 21.2 2:;. 23. 5 19.9 17.7 "f 1.4 1.7 0.7 1.0 1.9 3,. 5 2 G.O 7.0 3.8 1.5 3.5 2.4 2,1) 2-1 2-1 3-1 2-1 3-1 3-1 +2ri. 8 13. 1 13,9 + 41.7 I +:',!, 3 + 11), s +2:1,7 ' 13.4 + 40.0 , +2S, ' 12,9 + :!ii. ' +27.0 +:!G. 3 8.4 - 9.4 . l.r, l.H l.H 3. 5 2.3 11.9 -0, G .1-1 :!-4 :!-! 4-1 4-1 4-4 4-4 4-1 4-4 4-1 4-1 I 4 4-4 4-1 4-1 4-4 AT rOLAElS BAY. oi MAY, 1872. Day. Hour. 0" 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 No;)ll. 1'' 3 4 10 u 24. +.36. 2 +-2C<. 7 +40. 3 +'27. 2 +42. 7 +2-^. 7 +45. 8 ■ +30. .5 +43.2 ' +29.0 +49. G I +33.1 +.53. 4 I +.30. 7 +59, 2 +31. s +61.8 ] +33.9 Df \ Df 's 25. Bv 4- -^1.0 +40.1 +.59.9 +37.3 +62.0 ! +36.7 +66. +32. 3 +64.3 ! +32. S +66.4 +3 +-G. 2 +38. 6 +77.0 I +36.3 +54.8 i +32.9 +53.3 f +30.4 +54.2 I +31.0 +50. s i +31.0 +55.0 ! +36.3 +49. +30. 5 +35. 4 +27. 8 10. 6 13.9 15..^ 19.0 16.7 23.8 26.6 31.3 34.6 51.6 :50. 7 36.6 35.5 36. 6 47.2 25. 3 25. 1 25. 3 22. 2 26.6 20.4 1.1 0.8 1.8 3.7 2.5 7.3 3.9 3.9 6.7 10. 7 8.1 7.4 2.9 4.0 6.7 6.2 6.5 3.4 2. 2 2.1 2.4 7.9 1.9 0.6 4-4 j +38.7 4-4 ' +45.0 I 4-4 ' +48.8 I 4-4 +55. 1 4-4 +47.6 4-4 +50.7 4-4 +56. 3 4-4 +54. s 4-4 +52. 3 4-4 +54.2 4-4 ' +62.8 4-4 +98. 8 3-4 I +96.5 3-4 I +65.0 3-4 • +56.8 3-4 : +62.8 .3-4 j +66.5 3-4 ! +90.0 4-4 ' +53.0 4-4 +^7.6 3-4 j +81.7 4-4 ! +78.2 3-4 I -1-74.0 i 3-4 I +36.0 +28.2 +28.7 +30.0 +31.7 +31.0 +31.4 +33. 8 +34. 9 +32. 1 +34.8 +35.0 +45.4 +40.9 +35. 3 +30. 2 +33. 2 +34. 3 +36. 8 +32. 2 +42. 7 +33.7 +37.7 +39.0 +24.0 11.2 17.4 20. 9 27.2 19.7 24.1 27.9 26.1 24. 6 2G. 34.2 68. G 65.4 34.8 26.7 34,0 .57. 7 61. 25. C 59. 5 5;',. 9 51.4 4S. 11.9 W 15, 2 9.8 5.1 0.6 4.4 5.5 7.8 4.8 14.6 10. 9 10. 9 13.0 -0. 1 26. Dv Df ! i 0.7 1.1 2.1 3.8 3.1 3. 8 5.4 6.2 4.4 ii.6 6.4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-1 4-4 3-4 4-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 4-4 3-4 4 4 3-4 4-4 3-4 3-4 +30. 8 I + 23.8 ■ 7.2 0.2 +25.7 I 11.6 ' 1.6 +48.0 +55.3 +47. +54. 9 +58. 4 +58.5 +58.11 +60. 8 +66.1 +63. 2 +69. 5 +89. 1) +76. 6 +00. 2 +94. +62. 8 +50. +45. 7 +42. 3 + 41.3 +::9. 2 +37.0 +32. 3 22. 2 1 G. 5 +32.7 29.7 7.1 +30. 9 20. 9 4.8 +33.3 i 28,8 ' 7. 2 ' 3-4 +35. 7 j 31. 2 8. 5 ' 3-4 + 35.0 31.9 I 8. 4 I 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 4-4 +34. G : 30.8 | 7.4 +37. 1 ! 33. 2 ! 9. 5 +41. 1 j 37. 5 \ 12. 8 +37.2 3.5.2 1 9.2 +34. 9 41.3 6.7 +37. 2 58, 6 G. 8 3-4 3-4 3-4 44 3-1 3-4 47.4 3.2 6.5 3.4 +34. 3 +33. 8 59. 6 +.39.0 i 63.5 +32.0 ' 31.2 +32. G 23. 4 +30. 2 19. 4 +29. -s 16,0 , 3.7 +28. 1 ■ 16. 2 ' 3. +26.8 14.7 ' 2.3 1 3-4 4-4 3-4 4-4 G. ; 4-4 3.9 I 4-4 3.7 I 4-4 4-4 +2.5.: 13.4 2.1 4-4 4-4 32 SOLAE EADIATIOX Day. Hour. 01' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U Noon. l" 2 3 4 5 C, 27. MAY, 1872. 2§. 10 11 +34. +35. 8 +38.0 +39. 2 +40. S +47.2 +38. 1 +(14.9 +G2. 6 +58. 2 +79.2 +9.5. +.-8. +95.0 +G4.8 + 67.0 +90.5 +.-,7.0 +58. 5 +52. 6 + 48.7 +41.3 +45.7 1 +43. 2 +24.0 +25. 4 +24.3 +24. 9 +25. 5 +2G. 8 +30. 8 +33.2 +30. 5 +31. 8 +40. 3 +43.4 +27. +33.3 +27. 5 +28.0 +29.0 +25. 9 +20. 2 +29.2 +27. 8 +25. -i +20. 1 +25.2 Dl! 11.2 13.2 16.1 17. 1 1 S. 9 24. 9 14.6 41.7 35. 3 54. 69.3 34.3 69.4 40.4 42.5 66.7 33.5 35. 4 28.8 25. 6 18.5 23. 1 20.8 I>f 1.2 2.4 4.5 7. '.J 10.(1 7.2 8.9 15. 3 17.7 3.3 7, 7 3.1 4.1 5.2 2.4 3.1 5.4 4.7 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 + ,57. 8 + 60.3 + 69.2 + 77.4 + ('i9. 8 + 70.5 + 74.3 + 65.0 + 92. 5 +106. 5 + 83.8 + 76. 2 +101. + 88. 2 + 88.0 + 96. 3-4 ;+ 88.5 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 + 87.0 + 86.2 + 61.2 + 71.3 + 70.0 + 71.2 + 67. 3 +27.7 +29. 6 +30.7 +31. 8 +30.7 +31.8 +35.3 +36. 4 +40,0 +47. 2 +38.7 +37.7 +37,8 +35. 6 +32.9 +33.7 +36.0 +32. 5 +33.5 +30.7 +32.7 +31.2 +30.0 +28. 7 Do 37,7 46.6 .55. 47.2 47. 5 50.8 39.5 66.8 79, 8 57, 2 .50, 1 74.2 61.2 61.6 69.2 61.9 62.4 62.4 .38.4 49.0 48.4 48.6 45.3 Df .5.1 7.0 8.1 9.4 H. 1 8.8 11.^ 10.9 14.3 20.5 12.1 11.6 11.0 8.6 6.5 6. 9 9.4 7.9 9.7 7.9 10.4 9.6 7.4 6.7 29. 34 3-4 4-4 4 4 4-4 3-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 1-4 3-4 2-4 1-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 +65.1 +64. 2 +63.0 +62.5 +64.6 +67. 2 +60.9 +67. 5 +85. 2 +94. 8 +90.0 +89.2 +78, 4 +89.6 +89. 8 +89. 3 +87.6 +86.5 +84.8 +69.0 +73. 5 +71.3 +69.8 +65. 2 Do +27.2 44.2 +26.4 42.7 +25.6 42.9 +26.0 42.2 +28. 4 43.5 +28, 46.3 +28, 8 40.4 +30.4 46.0 +32.4 62. 7 +34.9 71.8 +32.4 63.9 +32.5 65.2 +29.9 54.8 +31. 3 64.9 +33.9 63.8 +32.5 63.8 +31.4 63.0 +32.9 62.4 +31.8 61.7 +30.8 45.4 +31.2 50.5 +30.7 48.2 +30.1 47.4 +29.8 43.9 Df 6.3 4.9 n 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 7.2 1-4 5. .} 5.7 7.3 7.1 8.3 8,9 9.9 11.9 9.3 9.5 6.3 6.6 7.9 7.0 6.8 8.8 8,7 8,2 1-4 7.6 1-4 7.7 1-4 8.5 1-4 AT POLAEIS BAT. 33 Day. Hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U Noon. li" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MAY, 1872. 30. + 60.1 + 67.0 + 60.5 + Bd. 5 70.0 + 77.3 + 80.6 + 84.1 + 87.8 99. h + 93.7 + 90.0 +108. +115.4 +101. 1 +105. + 98.8 + 93.0 + 82.4 + 87.8 + 68.0 + 64.0 + 71.0 + 66. +27. 5 +•29. 7 +27.6 +30.2 +29.8 +33.4 +34.9 +37. 2 +40.6 +43. 7 +43. 2 +42.9 +37.0 +36.2 +35.8 +34.0 +32.0 +34.0 +34. 5 +38.3 +35.0 +31.7 +31.0 +29. 5 Dv 39.2 4.5.4 38.9 45.1 45.7 52.6 55.4 58.5 61.3 73.8 67.0 63.2 81.2 88.4 74.5 79.2 73.7 68.5 .58. 3 63.9 44.4 41.0 48.4 43.9 Df 6.6 H. 1 3.9 6.8 5.5 8.9 9.7 11.6 14.1 17.7 16.5 16.1 10.2 9.2 9. 2 8.2 6.9 9.5 10.4 14.4 11.4 8.7 8.4 7.4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 31. 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 + 66.0 + 60.7 + 63.8 + 62.9 65.3 + 76.2 + 80.5 + 89.3 +101.2 + 83.5 + 66.0 + 82.2 97.5 + 97.5 + 87.0 + 87.0 + 79.3 + 51.0 + 77.2 + 63.4 + 46.2 + 41.7 + 41.5 + 7.3.5 +27.4 +27.0 +28.3 +29.0 +30.7 +33. 1 +35.6 +38. 4 +39.3 +37.2 +34. 2 +33. 3 +36.9 +36. 5 +31.8 +32. 2 +30.0 +26. 2 +33.0 +35.0 +28.8 +27. 7 +28.0 +32. 6 Dv 46.4 39.8 41.8 40.2 41.9 51.8 55.6 63.6 75.1 57.9 41.0 56.6 71.4 70.3 60.6 61.4 .53.7 27.1 52. 3 38.0 20.6 16.3 15.9 46.9 ■D/ 7.8 6.1 6.3 6.3 7.3 8.7 10.7 12.7 13.2 11.6 9.2 7.7 10.8 9.3 5.4 6.6 4.4 2.3 8.1 9.6 3.2 2.3 2.4 6.0 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 3-4 JUNE, 1872. +53.8 +41.0 +54.0 +55.7 +51.0 +55. 2 +57.5 +58.0 +64. 3 +64. 5 +61.4 +63.0 +62.5 +62. 1 +67. 2 +65. 8 +75.3 +66. 1 +58.0 +57.4 +50.3 +50.9 +46. 9 +40. 2 +29.1 +2S. 3 +29.7 +31.0 +30.2 +31. 3 +32. +32.3 +36. 1 +35.8 +35. 3 +36.0 +32.2 +31.8 +33.3 +34. 1 +37.5 +35. 3 +32.5 +32.0 +31.8 +31.2 +31. +30.4 Dr 27.4 15.4 27.8 29.1 23.7 28.1 30.1 30.4 35.7 35.1 32. 4 34.3 33. 7 33.2 37.4 35.0 44.0 34. 9 27.4 26.9 20.2 21.0 16.7 10 1 r>f 3.5 4.4 2.9 4.2 4.6 4.7 7. 5 6.4 6.3 7.3 3.4 2.9 3.5 3.3 6.2 4.1 1.9 1.5 1.7 1.3 0.8 0.3 3-4 3-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 4-4 4 4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 5 S B 34 SOLAE EADIATION JUNE, 1872. Day. 2. 3. 4. Hour. V / Dv Df s V / Dv Df s )i / Dv Df 8 O'- + 40.3 +30.4 10.2 0.3 3-4 + 73.1 +4.1. 7 38.5 9.1 1-4 + 80.3 +36.5 43.6 -0.2 1-4 1 + 43.2 +31.2 12.6 —0.6 3-4 + 70.4 +47.8 33.6 11.0 1-4 + 72.5 +36. 4 37.3 1.2 2-1 2 + 38.0 +30.9 7.6 0.5 3-4 + 70.2 +46.0 34.4 10.2 1-4 + 70.0 +37.6 33.4 1.0 1-4 3 + 39.5 +31.7 8.9 1.1 3-4 + 79.2 +41.5 41.7 4.0 1-4 + 65. 3 +39.0 27.2 0.9 2-4 4 + 45.0 +33. 13.4 1.4 4-4 + 79.0 +40.8 41.9 3.7 1-4 +.64.2 +40.4 25.6 1.8 2-4 ^ + 50.0 +33.1 l.H.l 1.2 4-4 + 82.3 +41.2 45.7 4.6 1-4 + 72.2 +43. 9 32.9 4.6 1-4 6 + 48.5 +33.3 16.9 1.7 4-4 + 82.5 +39.2 47.1 3.8 1-4 + 65.6 +38.7 25.7 —1.2 1-4 r + 55. 3 +35. 22.5 2.2 4-4 + 90.2 +43. 9 55.2 8.9 - + 68.3 +40.2 28.7 0.6 1-4 8 + 60.7 +38.0 27.7 5.0 3-4 + 95.0 +47.2 59.8 12.0 + 81.3 +50.2 40.7 9.6 9 + 68.0 +39.7 34.4 6.1 3-4 + 95.3 +48.8 59.2 12.7 + 98.8 +53.9 57.2 12.3 10 +102. +46.0 67.3 11.3 3-4 +110.9 +55.3 71.6 16.0 1-4 + 91.5 +60.2 50.2 18.9 - 11 + 72. 3 +42.0 39.3 9.0 4-4 +105.5 +59.7 65.6 19.8 1-4 + 95.2 +55.6 53.8 14.2 1-4 Noon. + 95.6 +40.3 61.1, 5.8 3-4 + 98.0 +58.7 .58. 4 19.1 1-4 +102. 2 +58.3 60.8 16.9 1-4 1" + 104.3 +42.0 71). 1 7.8 3-4 + 90.0 +51.7 51.1 12.8 1-4 + 104.4 +58.7 6.3.3 17.6 2 +103.0 +43.9 69.0 9.9 2-4 + 87.7 +49.0 50.1 11.4 1-4 +105. 6 +54. 2 63.6 12.2 3 + 97.8 +40.9 64.2 7.3 2-4 + 88.7 +49.3 51.9 12.5 1-4 + 98.0 +52.0 57.6 11.6 4 + 82.0 +41.0 48.5 7.5 2-4 + 85.7 +48.0 49.1 11.4 1-4 + 95.4 +47.3 55.6 7.5 5 +106. 5 +45.7 71.9 11.1 2-4 + 89.0 +42.7 52.9 6.6 1-4 + 97.0 +49.9 57.4 10.3 6 + 82.0 +41.3 48.6 7.9 1-4 + 90.0 +47.0 53.2' 10.2 1-4 + 94.2 +49.4 55.5 10.7 - 7 + 79.8 +42.0 46.2 8.4 1-4 + 89.7 +50.8 51.6 12.7 2-4 + 87.3 +50.7 44.4 7.8 1-4 8 + 76.2 +46.0 42.6 12.4 — + 68.0 +45. 3 29.4 6.7 2-4 + 87.5 +48.0 50.9 11.4 1-4 9 + 67.3 +42.2 33.7 8.6 - + 63.5 +43.7 24.9 5.1 2-4 + 83.7 +49.0 43.9 9.2 - 10 + 75. +49.7 40.9 15.6 1-4 + 34. +53. 43.7 12.7 2-4 + 72.0 +45. 7 35.4 9.1 - 11 + 75. 3 +42.0 40.2 6.9 1-4 + 87.3 +51. 5 48.5 12.7 2-4 + 74.7 +50.3 35.8 11.4 - AT POLAEIS BAT. 35 JUNE , 1872.' Day. 5. 6. t. Hour. V / Dv Df s V / Dv Df s V • / JDv Df s 01" + 65.2 +40.1 27.6 2.5 S-- + 71.0 +48.0 33.4 10.4 2-4 +67.0 +44.7 28.4 6.1 2-4 1 + 64.7 +39.7 27.1 2.1 ^. + 76..0 +44.7 39.4 8.1 2-4 +47.0 +37.8 10.4 1.2 3-4 2 + 68. .3 +41.5 30.4 3.6 ,^_^ + 78.0 +43.8 39.6 5.4 1-4 +68.2 +40.8 27.6 0.2 3-4 :{ + 70.9 +45.0 32.3 6.4 + 81.4 +45. 41.6 5.2 a-4 +51.0 +41. 2 11.8 2.0 3-4 4 + 81.4 +47.4 42.5 8.5 - + 86.3 +45.9 4.5.6 5.2 2-4 +51. 1 +39.8 14.1 2.8 3-4 5 + 92.5 +48.3 51.7 7.5 ^ + 93.2 +47.8 51.5 6.1 2-4 +50.4 +39. 8 14.6 4.0 3-4 6 + 94. 3 +42.2 58.9 6.8 — + 99.0 +44.2 .55. 2 0.4 1-4 +56. 3 +40.4 18.7 2.8 3-4 7 +100. 4 +45. 1 63. 8 8.5 +103. 4 +49.2 58. 8 4.6 1-4 +66.0 +47.2 24.9 6.1 3-4 8 +104.2 +46.8 64.6 7.2 +105.8 +57. 2 61.3 12.7 1-4 +72. S +.51. 6 32. 2 11.0 3-4 9 + 98.5 +51.2 58. 9 11.6 - + 99.1 +52. 2 55. 6 11.7 1-4 +85.5 +53.2 40.7 8.4 4-4 10 +102. 1 +54.9 61.1 13.9 .w + 94.0 +50.3 50.4 6.7 1-4 +85. 3 +.55. 6 38.9 9.2 4-4 11 + 96.8 +46.2 56.7 6.1 - + 97.2 +52.6 53.1 H. 5 2-4 +81.8 +55.2 37.3 10.7 3-4 Noon. + 73.0 +43. 7 33.9 3.6 1-4 + 82.4 +47.3 42.3 7.2 2-4 +91.0 +48. 49.0 6.0 3-4 li- + 83.0 +47. 3 4.3.0 7.3 1-4 + 82.0 +50.0 42.2 10.2 2-4 +76. 9 +47.1 32.9 3.1 3-4 2 + 88.2 +46.3 48.6 6.7 1-4 + 93.8 +48.9 52.4 7.5 2-4 +95.0 +49.3 52.5 6.8 3-4 3 + 92.0 +52.1 50.6 10.7 2-4 + 92.5 +50.6 .50,9 9.0 2-4 +95.6 +49.7 53.5 7.6 3-4 4 + 92. 8 +54.0 51.0 12.2 1-4 + 90.8 +53. 9 50.3 13.4 2-4 +67.0 +48.1 24.8 5.9 3-4 5 + 93.6 +46.2 55.5 8.1 1-4 + 91.0 +53.3 50.4 12.7 2-4 +59. 5 +43.7 21.4 .5.6 4-4 6 + 93.0 +49.1 53.4 9.5 1-4 + 78.0 +47.7 39.4 9.1 3-4 +56.0 +42. 6 17:8 4.4 3-4 7 + 87.5 +47.3 49.2 9.0 1-4 + 54.7 +41.7 15.1 2.1 3-4 +87.0 +51.6 48.6 13.2 3-4 8 + 86.0 +50.7 47.9 12.6 1-4 -1- 78.3 +51.7 38.2 11.6 2-4 +.56. 9 +44.6 15.9 3.6 4-4 9 + 83.5 +49.7 46.6 12.8 2-4 + 63.2 +46.8 31.8 15.4 3-4 +51.2 +43.0 10.7 2.5 4-4 10 + 73.5 +49.5 37.4 13.4 1-4 + 78.0 +46.0 41.4 9.4 1-4 +48.3 +40.4 10.1 2.2 4-4 U -r72. 3 +44.2 3.5.5 7.4 2-4 + 81.0 +44.0 45.4 8.4 2-4 +43. 2 +37.5 6.6 0.9 4-4 36 SOLAR RADIATION JUNE, 1872. Day. §. 9. 10. Hour. V / Do Df s V / Dv Df s I' / Dv Df ,9 Oi> + 52.0 +40.0 14.3 2.3 4-4 +48.0 +38.7 11.9 2.9 3-4 + 48.0 +38. 6 10,4 1.0 4-4 1 + 60.1 +40. 8 17.3 —2.0 3-4 +45.6 +37. 3 10.4 2.1 2-4 + 48.7 +36.5 13.8 1.6 3-4 2 + 79.5 +44.8 39.9 5.2 2-4 +40.9 +33.3 7.5 —0.1 2-4 + 71.0 +44.3 32.9 6.2 2-4 3 + 80.6 +43. 2 42.3 4.9 1-4 +77.6 +39.7 41.9 4.0 2-4 + 68.3 +39.0 30.0 0.7 2-4 4 + 83.8 +44.7 44.4 5.3 24 +97.0 +41.6 61.3 .5.9 2-4 + 78.2 +45.1 37.8 4.7 2-4 5 + 83.2 +45. 4 44.1 6.3 3-4 +83. 5 +40.8 49.5 5.2 1-4 + 82.4 +48.3 43.8 9.7 2-4 6 + 73. 4 +43.5 36.0 6.1 3-4 +87.8 +42. 3 51.6 6.1 1-4 + 94.8 +48.8 52.4 6,4 2-4 7 + 84.8 +52.7 48.0 15.9 4-4 +98. 5 +53.1 57.8 12.4 1-4 + 63.2 +47.2 22.8 6.8 4-4 8 + 69.0 +47.8 30.7 9.5 4-4 +S9. +44.3 52.7 8.0 2-4 + 84.0 +45. 7 43.2 4.9 3-4 9 + 79.0 +47.8 39.3 8.1 4-4 +61.9 +42.2 27.3 7.6 .3-4 +101.6 +49.1 60.0 7.5 3-4 10 + 100.2 +57.4 60.5 17.7 2-4 +70.5 +40.6 36.9 7.0 3-4 +107. +49.0 66.4 7.4 2-4 11 + 94.5 +47.4 56.9 9.8 1-4 +81.8 +44.1 46.3 8.6 3-4 + 97.2 +49.8 55.1 7.7 1-4 Noon. + 95. 3 +49.7 57.1 11.5 2-4 +80.4 +47.1 46.0 12.7 1-4 +100. +51.3 .57.7 9.0 1-4 If- + 65. +45.5 27.0 7.5 3-4 +81.8 +48.3 46.2 12.7 1-4 + 59.6 +43.9 22.0 6.3 3-4 2 + 88.4 +49.4 48.8 9.8 4-4 +84.5 +46.8 49.1 11.4 1-1 + 61.4 +43.5 23.4 . 5.5 3-4 3 + 81.0 +48. 5 41.8 9.3 4-4 +77.0 +42. 6 42.5 8.1 1-4 + 64.5 +39.8 29.9 5.2 4-4 4 + 71.4 +43.5 33.6 5.7 4-4 +76.0 +42.0 40.2 6.2 1-4 + 48.8 +36.3 14.2 1.7 4-4 5 + 67.0 +43.6 28.5 5.1 4-4 +86.0 +47.2 50.3 11.5 1-4 + 48.3 +36.7 14.2 2.6 4-4 6 + 55.6 +41.0 18.1 3.5 4-4 +88.7 +46.7 53.2 11.2 1-4 + .50. +37.3 15.5 2.8 4-4 7 + 79.3 +46.1 41.7 8.5 3-4 +92. 4 +51.0 55. 7 14.3 2-4 + 51.0 +36.5 17.6 3.1 4-4 8 + 50.2 +39.0 13.6 2.4 4-4 +66. 4 +42. 5 30.0 6.1 2-4 + 45.0 +34.5 12.0 1.5 4-4 9 + 51.5 +40.6 14. U 3.1 4-4 +52.0 +39.7 15.9 3.6 1-4 + 44.4 +33.7 11.9 1.2 4-4 10 + 43.4 +37.2 7.5 1.3 4-4 +.52. +40.3 16.0 4.3 3-4 + 42. 4 +33. 10.3 0,9 4-4 U ' + 45.2 +36.8 9.6 1.2 4-4 +49.3 +39. 5 11.7 1.9 4-4 + 45.0 +33.5 12.9 1.4 4-4 AT POLARIS BAT. 37 Day. Hour. 0'' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. II' 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 JUNE, 1872. 11. +42.9 +41.2 +42.4 +4S.5 +42.1 +51.6 +56.9 +57. 5 +60.6 +71.2 +75.2 +61.3 +63.5 +78.7 +58.8 +66.4 +81.9 +75.5 +69.0 +71.2 +67.0 +45.6 +45.0 +51.0 +32.8 +32. 3 +32.2 +32.7 +32. 2 +34. :' +35.4 +36. 6 +37. 4 +39. 6 +40.9 +37.7 +37. 4 +38.9 +35.7 +36.5 +42.0 +38.7 +37.2 +37. +35.6 +33. 7 +33.0 +34.0 +34. 3 +35.4 +36. 6 +37. 4 +39. 6 +40.9 +37.7 +37. 4 +38.9 +35.7 +36.5 Dv 11.2 10.4 11.9 14.5 10.2 19.4 24.6 26.3 29.1 39.4 42.6 29.5 30.9 46.1 26.7 34.0 48.8 42.7 36.4 38.7 34.5 13.8 13.7 20.2 IJf 1.1 1.5 1.7 1.7 0.3 2.1 3.1 5.4 5.9 7.8 8.3 5.9 4.8 6.3 3.6 4.1 10.9 5.9 4.6 4.5 3.1 1.9 1.7 3.2 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 12. +55.0 +58. 3 +43.5 +58.6 +69. 2 +63.7 +78.5 +91.7 +93.0 +99.0 +96.7 +98.9 +91.0 +86.8 +H9. +87.2 +86.0 +82.4 +78.0 +62. 2 +49.9 +50.4 +43. +34.2 Dv 23. 1 +37.9 I 27.5 3-4 +42. 5 +30.9 +35. +38.3 +.36. 2 +40.0 +43. +46.9 +45.9 +46.8 +45.9 +46.6 +44. 2 +43.7 +44.3 +43.5 +45.0 +43.4 +37.7 +34.8 +35.0 +33. 2 12.9 27.5 37.3 31.5 45.9 58.9 58.5 64.9 62.9 65.6 58.7 54.4 56.7 54.9 53.6 49.3 45.6 30.6 19.3 19.3 11.7 Df 2.3 7.1 0.3 5.0 6.4 4.0 7,4 10.2 12.4 11.8 13.0 12.6 14.3 11.8 11.4 3-4 3-4 2-4 1-4 2-4 2-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 13. + 41.4 + 43.2 + 45.6 + 42.7 + 50.0 + 51.8 + .54,5 +33.0 11.0 11 1 11 9 11 6 1 4 2 3. 9 1. 9 1. 5 90.0 + 83.0 95, 1-4 +101,0 1-4 '+ 96.2 1-4 1+ 96.0 1-4 '+ 89.5 1-4 1+ 88.6 1-4 :+ 86.0 2-4 + 83. 4 +33.3 +33. 8 +34.8 +35.1 +36.0 +36.0 +36.8 Di- +45.8 +44,7 +50. 9 +47.4 2-4 + 65.7 2-4 '+ 87.2 2-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 + 83.6 + 80.0 + 47.4 .52.0 +47.9 +47 9 +47.1 +46.1 +45.1 +42.8 +46.0 +4.j,8 +44.5 +42.0 +34.8 +37.1 10.6 11.6 13.4 9.3 15.4 18.4 21.2 52.4 45.2 56.1 62.8 60.9 60.8 54.3 54.2 52.6 50.4 52.4 54,5 51,0 47.4 1,5.1 18.8 Df 2.5 2, 2 2.6 1.7 1.4 2.6 3.5 8.2 6.9 12.0 9.2 12.6 12.7 11.9 11.7 11.7 9.8 12.7 13.1 11.9 9.4 2.5 3.9 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 1-4 3-4 3-4 38 SOLAE EADIATION JUNE, 1872. Day. 14. 15. 16. Hour. V / Dv W s V / Dv Df s V / Dv Df 8 0'> +45.4 +35.1 12.7 2.4 4-4 + 40.0 +34.8 6.4 1.2 4-4 + 82.0 +49.1 40.0 7.1 1 +42. 1 +34.5 9.5 1.9 4-4 + 44.5 +32. 6 9,3 -2.6 4 4 + 80.8 +48.5 38.0 5.7 2 +44.0 +35.1 11.6 2.7 4-4 + 41.9 +34.6 8.2 0.9 3-4 + 84.2 +47.3 41.8 4.9 3 +44.0 +35.2 12.0 3.2 4-4 + 44.0 +36. 8 9.5 2.3 4-4 + 83.8 +47.2 40.6 4.0 4 +42.6 +34.3 10.9 2.6 4-4 + 46.0 +35. 6 12.1 1.7 4-4 + 86.0 +47.1 42.5 3.6 5 +47.6 +36.8 14.6 .3.8 4-4 + 58.3 +37.4 24.6 3.7 4-4 + 82.0 +48.0 3K. 2 4.2 6 +58. 2 +38.7 23.2 3.7 4-4 + 61. 1 +38.7 27.6 .5.2 4-4 + 8.3.9 +41.0 49. 3 6.4 7 +66.6 +40.3 33.2 6.9 3-4 + 59.3 +38.4 25.7 4.7 4-4 + 94.9 +45.4 60.6 11.1 8 +63.9 +39. 7 31.6 6.4 3-4 + 61.0 +39.6 27.4 6.0 4-4 + 94. 3 +46.6 59.0 11. 3 9 +71.2 +44.0 37.0 9.8 3-4 + 62. 7 +39.8 29.3 6.4 4-4 + 98.7 +48. 1 62.0 11.4 10 +90.0 +44.6 .54.3 8.9 3-4 + 63.1 +39.8 28.9 5.6 4-4 +104. 1 +51. 3 66.9 14.1 11 +71.2 +45.3 33. 1 7.2 > 3-4 +100. 4 +48.6 64.7 12.9 3-4 + 94.9 +51.1 58.1 14.3 Noou. +77.4 +46.0 38. 8 7.4- 3-4 + 74.2 +44.0 36.8 6.6 4-4 . + 89.0 +48.6 51.9 11.5 ]!' +89.3 +52.0 51.0 13.7 3-4 +105. 2 +53. 8 07.4 16.0 3-4 + 94.3 +50.8 57.2 13.7 2 +71,7 +43.0 32.2 3.1 3-4 + 9.5.2 +48. 3 56.7 9.8 3-4 + 94.8 +50.7 57.3 13.2 3 +63. ■ +43.8 25. 4 6.2 3-4 + 92.0 +48. 4 55.4 11.8 2-4 + 91.2 +51.2 53.5 13.5 4 +63.0 +42.0 25. 4 4.4 4-4 + 88.0 +46.1 .52. 1 10.2 2-4 + 89.2 +51.7 51.2 13.7 5 +58.5 +40.1 21.4 3.0 4-4 + 84.3 +42.9 49.7 8.3 1-4 + 88.3 +51.4 49.5 12.6 6 +49.4 +38.0 13.7 2.3 4-4 + 87.0 +45.4 51.7 10.1 1-4 + 89.1 +51.1 49.6 11.6 7 +48.4 +37.8 13.3 2.7 4-4 + 87.0 +40.8 .54.0 7.8 1-4 + 91.0 +49.8 53.3 12.1 8 +49.0 +.35. 6 14.6 1.2 4-4 + 82.2 +41.8 49.5 9.1 + 90.8 +48.6 .53.3 11.1 9 +44.0 +35.8 8.8 0.6 4-4 + 79.0 +42.2 46.3 9.5 + 82.4 +50.3 45.8 13.7 10 +43.8 +35.5 10.0 1.7 4-4 + 87.0 +51. 9 45.9 10.8 + 86.0 +49.9 49.1 13.0 11 +43.5 +36.4 9.1 2.0 4-4 + 84.8 +51.0 42.5 8.7 + 78.2 +46.7 43.0 11.5 AT POLARIS BAY. 39 JUNE, 1872. Day. 17. IS. 19. Hour. V / -Do Df s r / Dv Df s V / Dc Df s Oh + 74.0 +43. 2 39.1 8.3 + 35.0 +30.5 5.0 0.5 4-4 +39. +33. 7.0 1.0 4-4 1 + 72.0 +42. 5 37.4 7.9 + 35. 8 +31.9 5.7 1 8 4-4 +41.4 +33.7 9 4 1.7 4-4 o + 66.2 +41.6 27.9 3.3 + 37.9 +31.8 7.6 1.5 4-4 +43.0 +33.5 11.4 1.9 4-4 3 + 67.8 +39.1 33. 7 5.0 + 37.0 +31.3 6.9 1.2 4-4 +44.9 -t-33. 8 13.4 2.3 4 + 75.8 +42. 1 40.2 6.5 1-4 + 38.5 +30. 8 8.8 1.1 4-4 +44.8 +33. 7 13. 2 2.1 4-4 5 + 77.9 +41.6 40.0 3.7 1 4 + 38.8 +31. 5 9.0 1.7 4-4 +51.0 +35.6 19.3 3.9 4-4 1 6 + 95.5 +49.2 56.1 9.8 1-4 + 43.1 +33. 12.9 2.8 4-4 +49.6 +35.0 17.7 3.1 4-4 7 + 93.2 +46.4 55.9 9.1 2-4 + 47.8 +35.2 16.6 4.0 4-4 +50.0 +35.3 18.1 3.4 4-4 8 + 110.2 +55.3 71.4 16.5 3-4 + 55. +37.3 23. 3 .5.6 4-4 +.50. +36. 2 17.8 4.0 4-4 9 +108. 4 +49.8 72.4 13.8 1-4 + 50.0 +37.4 17.2 4.6 4-4 +69.6 i +42.(1 35.6 8.0 3-4 10 +116.8 +52. 3 82.3 17.8 3-4 +113.0 +51.3 1 78.2 16.5 4-4 +60.2 +40.0 26. G 6.4 3-4 U +104. 6 +50. 2 71.2 16.8 3-4 + 68. 1 +38.8 35.3 6.0 3-4 +57. 6 +37. 5 24.6 4.5 3-4 Noon. + 73.9 +39..3 41.5 6.9 4-4 + 86.0 +45.2 48.9 8.1 4-4 +.55. 4 +37. (1 21. 2 2.8 3-4 It + 89.4 +48.1 55.7 14.4 3-4 + 71.5 +40. 3 35.7 4.5 4-4 +68.8 +42. (i 34.0 7.8 3-4 2 + 80.1 +41.0 47.0 7.9 3-4 + 67.5 +39.4 32. 6 4.5 4-4 +65.0 +42. 6 30. 3 7,9 3-4 3 + 73.0 +39.1 40.4 6.5 3-4 + 69.8 +41.9 33.2 5.3 3-4 +79. 1 +40.7 43.5 5.1 3-4 4 + 86.5 +39.4 53. 8 6.7 2-4 + 77.5 +39.3 42.9 4.7 3-4 +76.0 +42. 7 3-'. 4 5.1 3-4 5 + 81.6 +37.9 49 2 5.5 2-4 + .57.5 +38.0 22.9 3.4 4-4 +84.2 +45.0 46.9 7.7 3-4 6 + 83.0 +37.9 51.1 6.0 2-4 + 53.9 +36.3 19.9 2.3 4-4 +56.3 +38.9 19.8 2.4 4-4 7 + 50.2 +32.8 19.0 1.6 3-4 + 46.2 +35.0 1.3.1 1.9 4-4 +53. 2 +39.4 17.2 3.4 4-4 8 + 47.3 +33.2 15.7 1.6 3-4 + 47.0 +35.3 13.5 1.8 4-4 +47. :■, +37. 3 12.4 2.4 4-4 9 + 42.8 +32. 12.0 1.2 4-4 + 48.5 +34.9 15.4 1.8 4-4 +50.0 +38. 3 14.7 3.0 4-4 10 + 38.2 +31.0 7.6 0.4 1-4 + 44.0 4-33.6 11.6 1.2 4-4 +47. 9 +38.2 13.3 3.6 4-4 11 + 36. +30.7 5.7 0.4 3-4 + 43.3 +33. 1 11.2 1.0 4-4 +43.4 +36.7 9.0 2.3 4-4 40 SOLAR RADIATION. JUNE , 1872. Day. 20. 21. Hour. V / Dv Df s V / Dv Df 8 Oi> +4-1.8 +37.2 9.7 2.1 4-4 +85. 5 +43. 48.3 5.8 4-4 1 +5-.', H 38. 6 17.7 4.3 4-4 +50.4 +36.0 16.2 1.8 4-4 2 +53. +38. 9 18.0 3.9 4-4 +48.8 +36. 3 14.0 1.5 3-4 3 +49. 3 +37.9 14.7 3.3 4-4 +47.9 +34. 15.6 1.7 3-4 4 +.51. ti +37.3 17.5 3. 2 3-4 +44.0 +33. 9 11.7 1.6 3-4 5 +7(1 +41.3 41.9 7.2 3-4 +48. 3 + 34.3 15.0 1.0 4-4 6 +72.3 +39.6 36.8 4.1 3-4 +50.9 +34.8 17.6 1.5 4-4 7 +74.5 +42.3 3M. 4 6.2 3-4 +56.0 +33. 2 24.4 1.6 4-4 8 +66.9 +43. 5 30.1 6.7 3-4 +53.0 +32.8 21.4 1.2 4-4 9 +79. 2 +49.5 40.9 11.2 4-4 +79. +36.1 46.4 3.5 3-4 10 +75. 3 +50.8 35.4 10.3 4-4 +66.3 +35. 2 34.2 3.1 4-4 11 +79.0 » +52.6 35. 4 9.0 4-4 +73.0 +35.9 40.0 2.6 4-4 Ndon. +99. 8 +55.2 56.2 11.6 3 4 +78.0 +37.2 43.9 3.1 4-4 11' +82. 5 +44.8 41.7 4.0 3-4 +73.5 +37.3 38.9 2.7 4-4 2 +80.2 +45. 1 39.4 4.3 3-4 -1-65.0 +35. 4 31.7 . 2.1 4-4 3 +75. +45.0 34.5 4.5 3-4 +69. 3 +35.5 36.2 2.4 4-4 4 +65. 6 +44.1 25.5 4.0 3-4 +60.3 +34.4 27.7 2.1 4-4 r> 6 7 8 9 10 n +66.9 +65. +53. 6 +57. 2 +.59. +64.0 +50. 2 +45.7 +44.4 +41.7 +41.3 +41.6 +41.9 +37.9 24.6 23. 6 13.5 17.2 19. 2 25.6 20.6 3.4 3.0 1.6 1.3 1.8 3.5 2.3 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 SOLAR RADIATION AT POLARIS HOUSE, The following observations, made at Polaris House, were conducted precisely iu tlie same manner as those at Polaris Bay. The naked black-bulb thermometer being broken, its place was supplied by a Gasella long-stem standard tliermometer, tbe cylindrical bulb of whicb was coated with Indian ink. C S E 42 SOLAE EADIATION Day. MARCH, 1873. 3. 4. i 5. Hour. V / Dr -0/ s I' / Dr Df 8 V / Dv I>f 1 s 0'' 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 Noon . 1" 2 3 4 ,'•> 6 7 8 9 10 11 —16.0 —20. —1.5.0 -31. 3 -34.0 —35. 3 1-. 5 13.6 IS. 9 0.2 —0.4 —1.4 2-4 2-4 1-4 — 1C.3 2'2. S —24. 2 -27. 3 -29.0 12. 2 4.3 2.3 1.2 —1.9 —1.9 2-4 3-4 3-4 + 1.0 + 0.3 — 4.0 —27.3 —37. 6 —34.9 —33.6 —31.7 38.9 35. 2 29. 3 7.0 0.3 0.0 -0.3 -0.4 1-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 1 ' j ! AT POLARIS HOUSE. 43 Day. MARCH, 1873. -'-- - 6. 7. 1 1 j Hour. Bv O/ 1 s (' / Lv Df s V f 1 Dv I>/ s Oh .... 1 ' 1 .1 ' ■ ! i 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. 1" 2 3 4 ,'> 6 ! i , 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 j i ' +18. 3 +16.9 + 0.8 — 4.3 —19.5 -23. 1 —26.0 -31. 39.8 40.4 29.8 25. 8 2.0 0.4 3.0 -0.9 - + 4.9 + 18.0 +17.8 + 7. 5 —20.8 —21.7 —22.0 —23. 3 31.4 ' 5.7 42. 5 2. 8 40.0 0.2 30.1 —0.7 1 ^ 1 +13.8 ' — 11.6 28.9 +22. : —14. , 30. 4 +11. 3 —17. 2 ' 28. 6 1 —12. —20. 3 1 7.5 — 5. 8 —19. 3 ! 14. 2 3.5 0.4 0. I — 0. 8 0.7 -- . — 4.0 — l.'.e 11.8 ' 0.2 ' 1-4 i i 1 1 ' S 9 1 1 1 10 J 11 ] ! 44 SOLAlt IIADIATION Day. MARCH, 1873. 9. 10. 11. Hour. V f Dv Df s V / Dv I)f s V / Vv />/ ,s 0'- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. 1'' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 — ].5.2 —12.0 -13.2 —11.3 —15.3 —21. 5 —18.7 —22. 3 —24. —23.6 -23. 3 -23. 8.5 11.6 9.8 11.2 7.2 0.9 5.0 1.3 -1.0 —1.1 — O.H -0.6 3-4 3-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 +14.4 — 1.2 —10.0 —13.0 —18. 8 —20. 1 32.3 17.7 11.0 5.7 4.0 4.9 0.1 0.9 —1.5 —1.1 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 i 1 1 i i' ! AT rOLAllIS nOL.SE. 4; Day. MARCH, 1873. 13. 13. 14. Hour. 1 i I>f s V / Dv Df s II / Dr 1 W s Oh 1 3 4 5 6 ■ 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. l'> 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 \ + 1S. 4 +20.8 +19. 9 +21.8 +13.6 + 0.3 —20.0 —19.1 —23.2 —25.5 —24. 3 —20. 3 45.9 47.2 46.1 48.3 37.2 25.0 7.5 7.3 3.0 1.0 —0.7 — 1 6 - ! \ —11.3 — 5.8 —15.0 —15.8 4.5 0.0 —0.5 —1.3 3-4 4-4 4-4 —15. — 1C.8 8.7 0.5 ' ! « • i 46 SOLAR EADlATiON Day- MARCH, 1873. 15. 16. 17. IIoui'. V / Dv 8 V f Dv Df s V f T>v ]if s 0" 1 2 3 4 C 7 8 9 10 11 XoilU, }^ 3 4 5 7 8 1) 10 11 ' i ■ ' +20.0 +1.>.2 +20. 7 + 0.8 -22. 6 —1.5. 3 —16.8 —23.0 42.5 38. 5 43.7 —0.1 8.0 6.2 1-4 1-4 1-4 1 ... 1 ! 1 1 ' ^ AT POLARIS HOUSE. 47 Day. MARCH, 1873. 1§. 19. 20. Hour. !• i / Dv i>/ ; « i '■ , / Dv W s V / Dv Df s 0^ 1 i ' 1 2 ! 3 1 : ' 1 4 ! ! 1 I , 6 7 9 + 3. —25. 7 ' 35. 9 i 4-12.0 —27.2 : 44 fi 7.2 5.4 3.8 4.5 10.3 7 4 +18. 3 +27. 5 +28. +33 —16. 2 —13.9 —14.5 _1-> 4 37.8 45.8 45.0 49.4 44 7 3.3 4.4 2.5 4.0 n 3 10 -1-18.9 —•'i^ C, 51.3 57. 56.6 11 Noon. +25. 1 — '^7. 4 4-2fi.3 -20.0 —21 4 4-29 7 ! 14 7 1" ' +24.7 +14.8 ±0.0 -1.3 + 0.4 — 0.5 + 3.8 —15. G —16.1 —15. 5 —15.8 —16.6 -16.5 30. 1 '—(1. 3 15 5 6 1 2 4-17.9 —19.8 da n 2.8 ^ 4.5 i ^ 5.9 -^ 3 4 5 6 / 8 9 10 11 + 6.5 + 7.8 + 7.0 2^ o -27. 5 —28. 37. 5 39. 8 40.9 13.7 14.8 14.2 19 4 -0. 5 —1.4 —1.9 _n 9 4-4 4-4 4-4 + 3.4 - 4.8 — 8.4 —15. 5 —12. 5 —14.3 —17. 8 —16.0 14.4 7.1 5.2 -2.5 2-4 i; 4-4 4-4 4-4 '^ • 1 • " i i 1 48 SOLAE RADIATION MARCH, 1873. Day. 21. 22. 23. Hour. V / Dv Df s V / Dr -D/ s V / Dv T>f 8 01' 1 2 3 4 5 6 / 8 i +19.1 —10. 4 37.0 1.5 ■— +14.3 —26.2 40.0 -0.5 •^^ +18.1 —24.3 42.0 -0.4 •^ 9 +22.4 —18. 42.0 l.G - +20.1 —25.2 46.0 0.7 ^ +24.5 -18.4 46.9 4.0 - 10 +3;i. —15.5 51.5 3.0 - +2C. 4 —24. 52.0 1.6 - +21.4 —20.5 45. 9 4.0 - U +35. G —17. 7 54. 2 0.9 -- +33. 2 02 2 5.'^. 7 3.3 -- +15.3 —23.0 42.2 3,9 - Noon. +33.2 —20.5 53.7 0.0 +37.0 —17.5 62.3 7.8 - + 3.0 —24. 5 30.0 2.5 - 1" +29. 3 —22.0 50.3 -1.0 - +28.5 22,7 54.4 3.2 — +24.3 —25.6 50.1 0.2 - 2 +11. 9 —24.0 44.4 —1.5 - +23. 3 —22. 49.2 3.9 - +14.6 —27.3 43.6 1.7 - ;i +11.3 —24. 1 34.0 —1.4 - +13.0 —23. 5 38.7 2.2 -- +22.0 —23.1 46.0 0.9 - 4 + 5.9 —23. 27.6 —1.3 - +10.4 —20. 8 39.1 1.9 — +20.3 —21.4 42.8 1.1 - r, — 7.8 —26.5 15.6 —3.1 ■-- - 7.6 —27. 8 20. 9 0.7 -^ +12.8 —23.4 35.3 —0.9 - 6 -25. 8 —27.0 —1.2 —2.4 - —30.5 —29.9 0.0 0.6 — + 7.0 —23.2 34.6 4.4 - 7 8 9 10 11 AT roLARTs norsE. 41) MARCH, 1873. Pay. Tlonr. 21. 25. 26. f ' Bi- ds i s r ' f I)v Df T)v Df 9 10 11 ■Cnon. II' .2 3 1 5 G y 10 u +■111..-. • I +32. r. +11. -J +33. J +17. + 47.- +;ir,. +•29.2 I +10. 1 +10. 9 +1-1.9 4.4 3.3 l.s 2.1 0.4 l.s ~'. 6 31. .-. ■^-. 7 40. e 32. >■■ .'.]..'. 49. 7 :!-*. 9 24. 9 31.7 :'.0. 0. .'. 1.2 0.:: 2. ."> 6. i; 2.1 2.11 2.2 -0.1 -1.7 -0. 7 ^ 1+7.0 —23.9 30.9 0.0 ^ +22.3 —22.3 44.7 \ 0.1 w 1-4 +2:!. 4 —23..-^ 49.0 I..-' ^ 1-4 +29.1 —24.1 54.9 1.7 ^ I 1-4 +.34.0 —21.7 .-.9.0 3.3 ' w 1-4 I +34. 4 —22. (! 59. - 2. s ^ 2-4 , +20,1 I —23.7 47.2 , :1. 4 , ^ O.J I ^_y4 o ! __-27.2 .52.4 ■ 1.0 1-4 I ! 2-4 +25.1 : —211. I i 1^. I'l i 2.9 ; ^ 2-4 +25.2 —21.0 4^.9 ' 2. 1 ! ^ 2-4 +25.0 —25.4 49. G '—0.8 ^ 3-4 , +25.1 : -20. II 50.0 ,-1.1 ! ^ + -2S.S + 10.0 — 2i;. 5 + 14. 1 —25. +25.4 —24.7 +30. 1 —22. 2 I +:!i;. II j — IG. 4 +37. 9 — 0. +34.3 I — ;i- 1 +29.3 ' —14.5 +-15. S —13.0 +21.3 — 20.-8 +21. 2 —29. 4 +21. 2 —34. 3 + 21. 1 I —37. 31.9 34.8 3-\ 49. 4 .53.7 5"^. 8 5-'. 9 50. 8 53. 9 42.3 4^.5 51.7 -0. 5 —1.7 —9. 5 —0.7 1.4 0.4 15.0 13.4 10.1 13.5 6.4 ' 1.1 — l.S -2.4 1-4 1-4 1 S E 50 SOLAR RADIATION MARCH, 1873. Day. Hour. 01= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 'J 10 11 Noon. 11" 2 3 6 7 s 9 in 11 27. + 4.1 —27.0 + 7. ft ! —24.9 + 5. !) —27. i +19. .5 I -24.2 Dv + 1. .'-, + 15. 3 + 11.3 + 8.0 + 1.5 — (J. 4 +20.8 +24. 8 +22. r, —24.2 -2(5. 8 35.0 34.2 48.5 31.3 34.1 -21.5 :!4.5 — 18, 3 28. 20. 3 ' 22, 9 Df —21. 5 15. 1 -23. 49.4 —21.8 46.5 —23.7 44.8 -24, 10.6 4.4 2. 3 0.9 4.8 3.0 2.3 1.7 1.7 1.1 0.0 -0.4 -0.1 1.4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 ,24 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 2§. +14.2 + 17.7 + 18, 8 +30. +31.6 +34. +33.1 +27, 2 +18, 9 — 6,6 + G.r^ + 5. 8 I)r Df -29.1 -17. 4 -25. -25. 5 n-4 I —24,8 10. 6 —2. 4 4-4 —2ft, 9 —26.0 —28, 7 —25. 3 —24. 3 —2ft. — :!0. 4 44,5 43.9 .50.0 .55.6 57.9! 01.5 j 1 61.6 50.2 47.2 20. 33.0 30.3 i 1.4 1.4 29, 1.2 -3, 3 4,0 8.2 1.3 2.0 5. ft -1.5 1.5 0. 2 -1,8 -2, 9 14 1-4 T>f 3-4 —12. 2 —11.0 + 15.1 + 5.0 + 1.4 + 0.4 + 5.0 + 12,7 + 11.8 —15. + 8.7 — ft. ft -311.4 —37.0 -20. -24.2 -23. 6 -26. 2 -26. 3 -20, 1 -27. 1 -27. 1 -23. 7 -27. 3 -26.7 -27.4 -34.4 -37. 3 12. 9 11.7 3ft. 32.3 2ft, 8 28. (I 33.5 42,2 39,8 13,2 38,1 20.8 -0.9 1.5 -0.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1,4 2,4 4.3 0.9 2.7 2,2 : 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 24 2-4 2-1 2-1 2-4 2-4 1-4 4.1 —4,4 2-4 AT rOLAEIS HOUSE. ;■)! Day. MARCH, 1873. APRIL, 1873. 30. 31. 1. Hour. '• f Ih Df Dc Df s V / i>r Df ft O'i 1 1 1 1 \ 3 1 4 5 6 + (1.0 —27.9 32.4 —1.5 1-4 " 1 7 ' +12.1 -311.0 41.11 —1.1 1 1-4 ! * 8 +2.'). .■. — 2i:.. 5 ."jO. 7 —1.:; : i-4 '.' ! +111. —211 34. 6 1 10 +2.-.4 -24.1 ' 51.0 —1.4 1 1-4 I 1.5 , 1-4 + 12.0 +40. 5 + 41.3 + 10.0 + 15.(1 + 10.6 + 0. 8 + 9.3 + 9.1 + 9. 6 -21. 4 —21.0 20 (1 3(3. 66. 7 (■,7 1 O f, 'X.A U ; +2S. -21.0 Nuoh. +23. s , —23.0 60.0 49.4 7.4 2.6 2 5 0.5 1.4 — 0. 8 1.1 1 1-4 5 ■■* 5.2 2.9 0.5 0.1 0.1 1 3-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 I 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 3-4 4-4 1 1" +:!2. 8 -25. ! 5. 3 o-"> w ■;- 7 3 4 5 1 +1-^.3 ^ -28.0 4(;.s + ■^. — 20. 8 ' 3,0. 2 -22.3 ' —31..- , 8.7 -23. C, —30.2 7.7 —21.0 —21.3 —20. 5 —21.5 —25. —2^.0 36.5 32. 31.0 30 9 i ! 1 '' — 2(1. H —30. 3 " ' —3.1.4 —32.0 ( 2. (i 1 o.i; -0.0 : 4-4 -1.2 4 4 33.9 —0.2 30 ;) _i A 10 1 1 ' 1 u ' 52 SOLAR RADIATION APRIL, 1873. Day. 2. 3. 4. 1 Hour. V / Dv -f'/ .9 V / Jlf l>f 3 V / !>,• J'f s 0i> 1 3 4 5 P 8 — 6.0 — 6. — 8.0 + 12.8 + 33. -27. 9 —22. 4 —21.7 —19. —11.5 21.7 16.0 1 2. 4 3,-.' :; !-<. 4 -0.2 -0.4 — 1. 3, 0.5 3.9 2-1 3-4 3-4 1-4 1-4 +20.7 +21.0 +10. +39.0 —31. 2 —27. .5 —20.8 —15. 8 51.1 49. 5 38.8 59. 4 —0.8 1.0 2.0 4.6 3-4 2-4 2-1 1-4 ± 0.0 —15. 8 1 IS. 7 2.9 3-4 10 +36. :', — 16. 9 56. 5 3.3 1-4 +40.8 — 12. 3 5H. 8 .5.7 1-4 + 11.1 —12.8 27.3 3,. 4 3-4 11 +36. 1 —1.5. 4 56.6 5.1 1-4 +44.1 —11.5 59. 6 4.0 1-4 +35.0 — 5.3 50. 3 10.0 2-4 Noun. +34.0 —1.5.0 .57. 6 8.6 - +12.2 + 0.9 57. 5 16.2 1-4 +52. 9 + 1.8 67.4 16.3 2-4 1" +38.0 —19.(1 64. 5 7.5 - +33. 6 — 4.3, 51.1 13. 2 24 + 17.6 — 9.5 65. 8 8.7 14 2 +34.3 — 18. 5 60.2 7. 1 - +42.1 —14. 60. 9 4.8 2-4 +34. 8 — 5. 50. 16.2 2-1 y +33 1) —24. 3 59. 7 2.4 — +33. 1 -18. M 55. 6 3. 7 2-4 +24. ~l^. 1 47.4 5. 3 3 4 4 +23. 2 —25. 3 51.6 3.1 2-4 +29.9 —15. 4 .52.7 I 7.4 — +10. 3 —17. 32.3 0.0 3-4 5 + 7.9 — 23. 8 35. 2 3. 5 3-4 +16.7 —18. 2 41.4 6.5 14 —11.3 —23. 7 12.2 —(1.2 4-4 (-; — 7.4 —29. 22, 0.4 3-4 —19.7 — 2S. 7.1 —1.2 1-4 —22. 3 —24.5 0.9 -1.3 4-4 / —27. 8 — 32.4 2 7 -1.9 3-4 —18. 9 —29. 9.2 — 0. 9 2-4 —25. —26. 2 0.5 -1.7 3-4 s •'0 3 3-4 —27. 8 — 28. 1.0 1 2 3-4 9 10 11 i i ! 1 ! i i 1 ,1 i 1 1 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 53 Day. APRIL, 1873. Hour. I (• 1 i 3 4 9 10 11 Noon. li> 10 11 / I /''■ T>f f i J>v ! l)f + (l.x + 1(1. II flJ.T + 19. 'J +'Jii. li + 17.1 + 1.',.3 + 111.0 — :!. (I — i. r, — 1(1. (i ^is. s — Ki.-s — 17.S -19.1 -17. -17.!i -17.0 -1(3. .'. -16. 5 -17.0 -17.0 -17.0 -17.1 -17.2 -17.9 - '. H '2 -18 3 t -18.4 ll.,'-| ;!-'. 3 ^>7. 'J 37. 9 3-1.3 3^. 1 ■Mi. 9 13. :j 12.2 (i. 7 ' 1.4 0.4 0.3 ' -d. C (1.1 0.2 O.C. 0. s 0. .■< 0.2 -(1.2 -0.1 -0. (; -0.5 -O.C, -1.2 -1. 1 -0.9 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3 4 3-4 3-1 3 4 4-4 4-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 + 2.1 + 2. + s.o 3 r \ f 1)1' Df -IH. :! 20. s (1.4 : 4-4 -17. H I 20.0 ' 0. 2 . 4-4 10. .'i ■ 25. 2 0. 7 i 4-4 +42.0 -1.1.0 : 29.1 ! \.', 4-4 +2(1. .") I —10.0 ' 3.'). 8 —0.7 4-1 4-2.0 —0.6 j 4 4 46.7 '\ 1.6 4-4' 14.0 i 29.3 i 1.2 4-4 +26. :, —16. 1 +30. 1 — If.. + 14.1 —14.0 +20.0 -14.6 — 1. i -l.'>. « 35. 4 0. 8 4-4 14. 1 —0.7 ■ 4-4 + 3. — 7.0 — 13. 5 — 15.2 — 16.7 -1.5. s I 18.8 -16.4 0.0 I 4-4 8.4 -1.0 i 4-1 -16.9 2.1 — 1.3 , 4-4 -K;. 9 0.5 —1.2 4-4 -17.0 0.2 -0.5 ; 4-1 i SOLA It K'ADIATION l),iy. APRIL, 1873. 1 8. 9. 10. Hour. r / III' J>J' H r / Dr i>f ! '' ! /)/• /;/■ a 0'' 1 1 j ' i '1 -t-r.i. Ci ~~V^.^! 1','. 1 (1. :> 2 4 + I-.0 -12.0 29. 5 -0.5 1 1 + i!;.7 -1:!. 9 :;i.7 1.1 1 (1 + ■,'5. 1 — 10. S :!(;. 1 0.2 2-4 +2:- — 9. 2 :!(;. 9 0. 2 1-1 +:!5. , - c. 1 . li. 1 2. - 7 +:!(-,. r, - 1 -2. s 41). 1 -;!. 2 2-1 +;;5. 1 — (!. (I 42.5 1. 1 11 +:!-^. - 5. :! ' 40. 9 -2. 1 - H + 40,(1 — 10. 4.". (! —2. H 2-1 + i:!.o — 7.9 iJ.i; -:!. :! 11 + .50.0 - 2.0 1 51.7 -0.:! - 'J -l-l-'. -..0 .55. a -0. 1 2-1 -f4.5.4 —11.:! .57.1 j 0.7 1-4 +5S.;! - 1.:! 59. — 0. (; - 10 +4:i. (1 — H. 50.2 —(I. :-^ 2-4 +50. :! : 1 — H. 5 02. !l 1. 1 1-1 + .57. s — 0. s 5S. .-, -0.1 - 11 + l:-..4 -.-i.^s 511 2 2. 2-1 +5(.l. 1 i — 10.5 ] C.l.C :!.7 1-4 +59. :; — 5. :! CO. Ci -1.0 -- Noon. +!^0. — 5.7 .57. 5 l.M 2-4 + .'';0. — 10. H (;5. 5 4.7 1-4 +5K. 2 + 0.5 59. 1 1. 1 1-4 11' +40.:! — . '< — 14.(1 '-'. (i —1.9 :i-l +;:o.4 —12.5 45.9 , :!. - + 17. (i - 5. 1 22. :i —0.7 H -L'-^O —15.2 1.5 — 1.7 2-1 - 7.5 1 1 -1^.(1 9.7 — 0. s ^ + 4.4 — 4.H' .-.4 -0.8 11 -17. 1 —17. 2.9 —2. 5 2 1 —21.7 —22.:; 2.;! --2.9 ■>-' - 5. :3 — C. 2 0.(1 -0.5 - 10 11 ^ AT POLARIS HOUSE. ;>o 11. 'J 111 II N 1" (i 7 H 10 11 Hi: Df -\-'i^. i; +:i-i.o + -!■-'. -f."(i. (1 + .V.M1 -l-.-.'j.o +i;.-.ii +ii;!. +59. H -\-W. +r,(i. +42. 7 +33.0 +'2'2. — (;. -i -13. —17.1) — 4.3 — I. — 1.3 + O.s + 1.^- + \k:\ + 1.-1..^, + 1.-.1 +15. + l--',5 ± 0.1) — 1.0 + 2.0 — 4.H -12.0 —14.2 —15. 4 31.4 34. 3 41.4 17.3 is.i; 52. 2 511. .57. 1 53. 8 54.7 4'J. 9 40.9 3.'^. 4 29. 3.3 1.5 4.5 -1.5 -0.7 — 1.9 —1.9 -1.0 10. 1 9. 2 9. 13.2 -0. 1 2.0 7.4 2.8 -3.1 -2.7 —3.1 APRIL, 1873. 12. 1-4 1-4 1-1 + 0. +12. +27. +:!3. + -I.5. +47. + 43. + 43. + 40. + 35. +31. +39. +25. +20. + 4. — 1. —12, —111, Kv 8 13. 2 9 ! 22. .s 0'31.3 w -0.9 1.5 2-1 + '-y + 4 + 4, + '-' + " + ■■' + 4 + 'I, 34.0 —1.0 ; ^ 4 1.7 j-ll. 5 ' ^ 5 44. SI 7. 1 ^ 13. 1 i 42.8 4 ! 42. 4 9 3. 1:1-4 3. H M 41.7 , 3.0 ' 1-4 3.3 ', 1-4 4.5 I 1-4 4.5 ! 1-4 I 24.7 3.5 • 14 23.0 I 0.0 ' 1-4 9. 1 '—2. 5 1-4 6.0 7.0 ' 1-4 — 9. — 3. + 3. + ~. + 14. +25. +19. + 23. + 14. + 13. + 17. + 17. + '•'■ + G. + '2. Ih- Df — 12.2 — 8. H — 4.S — 0. 3 — 0.9 + 0. ,s ± .1.0 + 2. 3 — 1.0 — 1.3 — 0.5 — 1.2 '2 2 — 1.3 1.4 4.8 10.4 11.5 17. .s 27. 25. 1 14.11 14.8 18.9 H. 3 9.9 8.1 3.2 -1.0 4-4 -0.3, ' 4-4 i 1.9 : 4-4 I -0. 2 4-4 I 3.5 4-1 1.1 1 4-4 3. 3 4-4 2.1 l.w 0. 3, 0.1 0.3 -1.5 -1.7 -2.1 3,-1 3,- J 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 tA\ SOLAR EADIATION '"T"" ' ■ APRIL, 1873. Day. 14. 15. 16. Ildiir. r / Jlv I>f s V / r>r Df ,f s 1 4 +13.0 + 17.0 +22.(1 + 9. 3 +10. + 11.0 4.0 0.3 3-4 7 r — 0. 1 l-l (I i + 14.7 ; + 3.2 12. 3 (1. s 34 12.2 1.2 3-1 + 9. W ~ I.H 12.0 0.4 4-4 7 +23. 1 ' + 8, 4 17. H 3.1 4 4 +23. 1) + 12.5 13.0 O f, 4-4 + 14. H - 1.4 17.3 1.1 1 4 K H-23. 7 i + fi, C, 1 19. 1.9 4-4 + 27. H + 15. K 10. 4.0 4-4 + 20. 7 i — 0. 2 22. 3 1.4 4 1 +fil.3 +22.(1 5(;. 13.7 3-4 + 11.4 + 19.8 27.4 5. 8 4-4 +24.7 + 0. 2:;. 1 2. 4-4 10 + 42.8 +12.2 1 3(;..S 5. 9 4-4 + 55. +27.8 30.1 H. 9 4-1 +34. H ! +n).2 + C,0. + 2.4 3,5. S 1.2 4 4 11 +2;(. 1 -1-11.8 ' 21). 3 .) r 1-4 + 43. + 17.8 25. 8 0.0 3-4 01.2 3.0 3-4 Nuim. +40.0 + 19.4 27.0 0.4 3,4 +46. (I +23. 4 34. C 12.0 2-4 + 58. ;) + 1.0 59. 7 l.H - ](' +39. 4 +17.4 25. 1 3.1 2-4 +77.8 +19.8 07. 3 9.3 — +:7.o + 0.2 Cll. 3.2 - 2 + 3.-. 4 + 10.0 23. 0.0 3,-4 +41.0 + 12.7 32. 9 4.0 1-4 + 19. + 0.5 53. 3.9 - :i +:!r.. 2 +15. 8 19.9 0.5 3-4 +C5. 2 + 11.5 59. 2 5. 5 - + 41.0 — 0.2 4 4. ^: 3.0 ^ 4 +25. 5 +14. (; 11.5 0. 6 34 +30. 2 + 2. 6 27. 3, -0. 3 1-4 + 10.3 — 0.2 43.3 2. 9 - - +44.0 +24. +10.2 + 4.0 4-> 7 8 9 + 12.0 + 18.0 +20.3 — 2. 4 — 3.4 — 4.4 45 1 (i 20. 5 1.1 •>'} ,? 8 25. 1 0.4 -- + 5. — 5. K 9.0 -1.2 it 10 11 AT POLARTft': 1 Day. Hour. 01' 1 •2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 Noon. II' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 17. f ' Dr Df APRIL, 1873. l§. 10. I)r ' Jif TJv TIf + 4.0 + ■2.0 +24.7 +39.8 +45.3 +53.3 +59.0 +63.0 +64.0 +61.4 +60.9 +52. 7 +.52. +51. 5 +44.0 +35. +25.5 +18.6 + 1.0 — 8.1 — 9.2 — 8.3 — 8.6 o f, — 0.5 + 0.2 + 1.9 + 2.0 + 1.8 + 1.9 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 2. 3 — 0.2 — 1.7 — 2.1 — 2.3 — 5,0 11.4 9.6 32.7 48.3 52.4 58. 5 63. :■. 66.5 66.6 63.2 1 62.4 i 54. 5 53.2 52. 4 45.0 36.7 28, 20.9 4.3 -0.7 -i.i; -0,3 -0, 3 4.6 4.7 4.5 5.4 4.6 3.6 3.4 3. :i 2.7 3.2 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.0 -1.7 2-4 2-4 2-4 + 4. .^ ' — 5. 4 I 5.4 '—4,8 1-4 1-4 1-4 4.4 5.6 + 7.4 — 0. 5 ; 10. +15,3 — 6,0 21,8 +16.0 — 4.8 i 21.1 +51.5 —3.6 53,6 +56.8 + 0,6 i 61,6 +60.9 +1.7 63.6 + 62.4 + 2,1 ! 65,9 +03. 4 i — 0. 6 68. 4 j 4. 4 +64.5 ' — 5.0 ' 68.0 '—1,5 +63.2 — 1.2 66.6 \ 2.2 ±0.0 + 0,6 + 0.4 — 1.2 — 1.1 40.3 I 1.2 — 5. 2 32. 5 '—0. ■-< — 5. : 23. —0, a + 4,2 I —11,0 1-4 +10, ■ — h'. 2, 1 I 1-4 i +10. ri — 5. 1 i I 0. 5 1-4 : +18. 5 — 7. 2 ■, I ' 0. 3 2-4 i + 6. 5 — 7. 1.5 2-4 j + 7.2 — 5.0 r,i ' 1-4 ' +1,8,8 ' — 1.8 +20,11 +1.2 +25.9 1 + 1.6 +27.0 1 + 4,3 +28,8 +3,3 + 9.2 14,7 18.3 17.8 26. 7 15.9 13. 7 23, +61. 1 +60.4 + .5:!. 4 +54. 6 +38. +30.0 +18.8 + 7.0 63. 6 2,5 62.7 2.9 56. 3.0 57.0 1.2 +21,0 +16. 6 +14. 5 + 4.7 + 4.5 — 3.4 — 4.2 — 3.6 + 4.0 I — 5.0 + 1. : — 4. 7 25.8 27.2 ! 25.4 211,6 19.4 1 20.2 19.0 -0. 5 0, 3 1,9 1.0 0.4 1.5 2.4 2.7 2.9 3,. 1 1,7 5.9 -0. 4 2.9 0.2 0. 3 0.1 -0. 8 -1.9 3-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 ) 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 — 8.1 13.6 —1.5 ^ — 0.8 — 4.2 2.3 -1,1 4-4 — 1.0 — 3.5 1 — 3.7 — 3,5 1 1,4 0,9 —1,3 -0, 9 4-4 1 4-4 8 S R .•s SOLAR EADIATJOX ]iav. Hour. 20. APRIL, 1873. 31. / 7'r T)f X r , / I>r Df f I Iir I Df 0>^ — o. — •?.. r. 1 — -1. — 1.5 2 + '.'2 + 7.4 ■-> +10. 2 + S.3 4 +20.0 + 0.8 5 + 1D.6 + 7.2 6 +21. 3 + 9.1 7 +27. + 9.6 8 +30.0 +10.4 9 +33.0 +11.0 10 +3:i. 5 +10. 4 11 +45.4 +i::.4 Noou. +33. 8 +11.0 l'> +33.7 + 11,7 2 +32.1 + 11.2 3 +27.8 +10. 4 4 +19.7 +10. 4 5 +19. 7 + 8.0 6 +1.5. 2 + 7.5 7 + 15.2 + .5.2 8 + 6.8 + 3.9 9 ± 0.0 + 3.7 10 + 1.3 ±0.0 11 — 1.7 — 3.5 1.5 ].4 0. 9 2 7 11.7 10.1 12.9 18.0 21.2 23. 8 24.0 34.9 25, 1 23. G 22.0 17.6 10.7 12. 2 9.7 9,5 1.0 4.5 0.3 0.4 —1,1 -11, 9 1.1 0,8 I-'' -1,3 0,7 0.8 1.6 1.8 0.9 : 2.9 2.3 1.6 1.1 0.2 1.4 0.5 2.0 -0.5 — 1. 8 — (), 8 —1.0 —1.4 4-4 : — 3. 8 4-4 — 1. 1 1-4 — 1.0 4-4 + 0,3 3-4 + 5. 8 2-4 j + 9. 8 [ 4-4 +14. 2 4-4 +20. 4-4 ' +28,2 4-4 +39, 5 4-4 j +44,3 4-4 +AC. 5 4-4 4-4 +37, 2 +36, 3 4-4 j +37.2 3-4 i +37.(1 2-4 I +33. 2-4 ' +26.2 1-4 j +42,0 3-4 1 +17.3 2-1 +20,7 2-4 +18.0 ;!-4 :;i-4 +13,2 — 3, — 4.0 — :'.. n — 2, — 1.4 — (1.8 + 0.6 + 2.4 + :;, 1 + 3.3 + 3.0 + 3. :i + 4. 9 + 4.5 + 5. 1 + 3.0 + 5.4 + 3. 9 + 2.0 + 1.0 o. o — 5. 4 1.2 0.7 1.5 11.8 15. 8 2(1. 8 'ZS. 3 39. 43.1 15. 2 35. 8 3:;. 7 34.2 34.5 30.6 23.9 38.3 19.2 23. 4 16.4 12.9 8.4 -1.2 -1.2 -1.-3 -1.0 -0. 5 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.7 1,9 1,9 2,0 1,6 0,7 1,9 2,0 2,7 0,7 1,7 .5.8 4.7 -0.6 -2. 5 2.0 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 + 5, + 17,0 ■fl8, 4 + 4, 8 +31.1 +38. 1 +45. 5 +.54.0 +62. 4 +67. +63. 8 +62. 1 +42. 3 +62.8 +62.8 +45.3 +67.0 +43.2 + 6.0 — 3.8 — 6.4 ±0.0 —10.0 — 9.7 — 4.(1 7. 8 —1.2 „ — 6. 2 20.5 —2.7 ^ — 5. 3 16. 4 -7.3 — 2. 1 s.O 1.1 + 4.5 I 35.- 9.1 ■+ 6. i :i8. 7 I 6. 6 + 2. 6 44,0 1,1 + 6,8 51,5 4.:! + 9, 5 ' 59, 1 6, 2 +14.4 60.6 8,0 +20, 56, 7 12, 9 + ,5,2 ■ 61,8 4,9 + 7. 7 ' 42, s s. 2 + 3, 6 + 3.3 + 2.2 + 2.5 — 0.5 — 7.1 — 9.6 —10. — 9.7 —10.9 —10.1 64,5 65. 1 47.7 4,6 a?. 3 3, 8 46. 2. ?, 12.0 -1.1 4.0 —1,8 2.1 —1.5 8,(; —1.1 1. 3 !— 2. 2 4.5 -4.9 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 AT POLAUIS HOUSE. 59 APRIL, 1873. Day. 23. 24. 25. Hour. r f J>p W s /' / Dv Df s V 1 / ! Dv W 3 01' - 5. — 'J. 5 1 4.8 0.3 ■^ - — 1. 6 j 0. 6 —1.2 3-4 + 4.6 + 2. 4 ' 1.1 —1.1 3-4 1 — :,. [, -10. .5 4. 1 — 0. 9 - + 0. 3 — 2. 0. 9 —1.4 3-4 + 7,0 • + 1. 7 1 4, 4 —1.1 2-4 ■i + H.5 -S.S 07.2 — 0. 1 - + n. 2 — 1. 5 : 0. 3 —1.4 3-4 +1.5, 4 + 1,5 1 13,9 0.0 1-4 3 4-1.-.. 8 1 — 7.0 -Ji.'J 2.1 + 111.0 + 4.5 7.8 2.3 2-4 +26, 8 + 1. 3 25, 8 0.3 ^ 4 +23. U — 4. -M. .') 2. 5 + 15.0 + 6.5 8.0 —0,5 3-4 +36. 5 + 2. 3 34, 7 0. 5 2-4 •' +38. 4 — 2. .'1 49. 1 s -^ -- + 18.6 +10. 5 10. 3 2, 2 3-4 +19,8 + 1, 4 18, 3 i —0.1 3-4 C +43.1; — 0. •: 48.8 5. — +20.6 + 10.0 ; 12.2 1,6 3-4 +23, 3 + 3, 6 1 20, 1 0.4 3-4 / +46. 8 — 1. 3 ."■>.'.. 3 7.2 +36. 8 +18.3 23.7 5, 2 3-4 +57, 8 + 8. 9 51, 3 1 2.4 3-4 S +.iii. 8 + ;'.. 4 r>t;. 9 3. 5 +70.6 +25. 4 53. 1 7,9 1-4 +56. +11.8 48.7 4,5 1-4 9 +.".8.1 +11.2 54.7 7,s -- +75. 1 +23. 8 53. 1 1,8 1-4 +54. 9 +10, 47. 6 2,7 ^^ HI +(12.4 + 2.2 1;.",. ('. 5. 4 + 76.2 +24.3 I ,54.6 2.7 2-4 +61.4 +13.0 54, 5.6 - u +61.1 j + 2.H C-I.l 5, 8 +74.2 +23.2 53.^ 2. 8 1-4 +65. y +13,6 58,6 6.4 XooD. +1)4.6 + 8.0 07. 1 10. 3 - +39. +19,9 : 19.5 0.4 3-4 +72. 1 1 +12.5 ' 64.6 5.0 - !'■ +G1.0 +12..'. 63.;-, 15.(1 — +35.3 + 18.7 16.7 0.1 3-4 +.57, 8 +12,7 ■ 49.2 4.1 - >) +33.6 +3.8 :!7.4 7.6 -- +36.0 +21. 2 16,0 1,2 4-4 +65.6 +12,2 56,5 3.1 - 3 +:^3.1 i + 4.5 r,6.4 7. 8 1-4 +30. 4 f 20, 5 10,6 0.7 4-4 +62. 4 +11.5 53.9 3.0 - 4 + r,4,2 1 + 4.0 .56.6 6.4 - +26. 3 +21.9 6,1 1.7 4-4 +63, +10.0 55, 7 2.7 ^ 5 +49. 1 + 4. 1 52. 1 7.1 --' +21.6 + 18. 4 1.0 1,4 3-4 +56, 3 + 9,3 49,8 2. 8 ^ C +36.3 +4.2 40, 9 8. 8 ^-^ +21.3 +13.2 8.0 —0,1 3-4 +49,0 1+7,3 43, 1.3 - 7 +23. : + 3. .-^ 25. 8 6.6 - +16. +11,2 3. 5 —1,3 3-4 +38, 4 + 4,7 33,2 -0.5 - 8 — 1. 2 1 — 6. 5 3. 7 —1.6 +10. + 6,5 1.9 —1,6 3-4 +28,4 + 4.9 24.2 0.7 - i) ± 0. — 3. 4. fi i.6 3-4 + 5. 6 + 4,6 0. 5 —1.5 3-4 +15,2 + 3,0 11,1 -1,1 -^ 10 — 1.6 1 — 3.1 1.3 —0.2 4-4 + 5. + 4,1 0. 6 — 1. 5 2-4 + 6,1 + 2.7 2,5 —0,9 1-4 11 - 1.1 — 2.0 0.6 -6.3 4-4 + 5.1 + 5.0 1.1 —1.2 2-4 + 3.1 + l.l 0, 6 —1.9 1-4 ()0 SOLAR RADIx'lTION AT POLARIS HOUSE. 61 APRIL 1873. MAY, 1873 ! Day. j 1 29. 30. Df s 1. i Hour. j ,. / Dv Df 1 .5 / />!■ i 1 J>f .5 O'l ^ 8. :! 1 -j- 6. i 0. 5 —1. 8 4-4 +12. 2 + 7. 8 3.7 — 0. 7 4-4 ! + 7. i + 3. 8 ' 1. 5 L I -1.7 4-4 1 + 8.5 i + 6. 4 1.0. —1.1 4-4 +14. 5 + 7. 9 7.0 0.4 4-4 + 10. 5 + 3.0 6.5;- -1.0 4-4 •) +10.7 , + 6. 4 S. 1 |— 1.2 4-4 +14. 3 + 8. 6.9 0. ti 4-4 +15.8 + 3.4 13.0 0.6 4-4 3 +15.3 ! + 6. 4 1 7.1 i— 1.8 1 4-4 + 1S.2 . + 8.2 9.9 —0.1 44 +22. + 4.5 17. 5 0. 4 4 4 +!.'■).() + 7.-:; 7.1 —1.3 4-4 +19.0 ' + 8. 5 ' 10.5 0.0 4-4 +25. 2 + 0.7 19.9 1.4 4-J ! 1 •J +15.11 , + G. S 7.i; -1.2 1 4-4 +20.8 + 8.5 I 12.0 0.3 4-4 +28. 1 + 8.5 21.9 2. 3 4 4 6 +18. K , + 7.0 ! 10.5 —1.3 4-4 +31. 2 + 9. 9 , 22. 2 0. 9 4-4 +32. + 8.;-) ^5. II 1.5 4-4 7 +22. 4 ' + 7. 3 j 14. —1.1 4-4 +40.11 j +11.5 29. 9 1.4 4-4 +34. w 1 +10.9 28.3 4.4 4-4 t « +2G.2 i + 7.8 ^ 18.0 —0.3 4-4 +45.3 +9.5 33.0 O .J 4-4 +45.1 +15.(1 I 30.;! 0.2 4-4 •J +35.2 + 9.0 27.1 1 0.9 4-4 +46.3 +13.0 33.0 —1.4 4-4 +48.5 + 13.8 1 38.2 3.5 4-4 10 +38.3 +10.0 1 29.2 0.9 4-4 ^-4;l. 2 +19.9 34.8 5.5 4-4 ' +61.11 +16.3 ! 49. 5 4.8 3-4 11 +.-.2.3 +13.4 4:;. 3 4.4 4-4 +58.3 +22.0 43.7 7.4 4-4 +64.4 +17.6 j .5;',, J ( 1. ( 1 3-4 Noon. +34. 3 ! +11. 1 ^ 23. 4 0. 2 ! 4-4 +4.5.1 ; +19.2 30.6 4.7 4-4 +74.0 ' +17.6 )i3. 8 7.4 4-4 1'' +32.1 +10.5 21.3 — 0. 3 ' 4-4 +4.5.2 +15.0 ; 33.5 4.3 3-4 +00.0 +15.4 ; 51.(1 6.4 4-4 o +27. 5 +10. 4 1 17. s 0. 7 1 4-4 +44.4 ! +18.4 32.1 i:,. 1 ; -'-' +03.(1 j +15.8 1 53.:; 6.1 4.4 3 +30.0 +12.7 19.9 2.6 ! 4-4 +44. 4 +18 6 1 29. 9 4.1 4-4 +44. 2 + 13.5 j 34.0 3.3 3-4 4 +20. 5 +12. 8 17. I 0.4 4-4 +41.2 1 +17.7 25.7 4-4 + 48. (1 + 17.6 37.2 0.8 3-4 5 +29.3 +15. 4 15. 8 1. 9 4-4 +37'. 8 +18. ^ 23. 2 i ■'■' 4-4 +25. s +11.3 , 10.3 1.8 4-4 6 +25. +11. 4 12, 3 -1. 3 4-4 +48. +21. 6 1 35. 1 8.7 4-4 +24.3 + 10.5 15.(1 1.2 4-4 7 ' +21.2 ! +10.3 ■ 9.5 —1.4 4-4 1 j . ^30.0 +12.5 18.0 0.5 4-4 + 14.8 + 7. 4 5. 3. —2.1 4-4 8 1 ! +17. 8 1 + 9. 3 6. 5 j— 2. 4-4 +1.5.0 +7.4 6. 8 — 0. 8 3-4 +11. S + (j. (j 3.2 —2. 1 '-^ 9 +13.2 1 +10.4 1.0 1—2.2 4-4 +12. 8 + 6. 1 1 4. 4 2^ :; 3-4 +10.0 + 7.3 i 1.0 —1.7 4-4 10 + 16.0 ' + 8.8 1.5 -^,5.7 4-4 + 0.5 +1.8 0.5 —5. 2 4-4 +14.^' ' + 7. 4 0.(1 .> s 4-4 11 , +L3.8 +11. s 0.7 —1.3 4-4 + 7.8 + 4.0 1 (1.7 — ;;. 1 4-4 +14.2 + 7.1 ' 5.2 —1.9 4-4 (i2 SOLAE liADlATlOX l.)av. MAY, 1873. Hour. / Dr. ! Df 10 11 Noon. 1" 2 :! 4 5 !1 10 11 + i). w +11.5 + t-J. +i;!.(i +18. () +-:;. 3 +:i-2. ;i +40. 3 +40. :! +.-,0.:; +r,.-.. 1 +tiO. H +f.4. )l +4G. :i +45. n +43. +3f^. 1 +33. + 3!..- + ^i^,!^ +■.'3. 1 + •-'(1. 1 + 111,0 + 1H.- + 7.2 0. r, + ^. 3 i.;t + il.5 I ■i.3 + 10. •> •>. 1 +1-^.5 : r,, 1 +14.4 10. (1 t + 17.0 14.6 + 19. .5 '^il.e + 17.. 5 'Jl.O +19.1 '' 3->. 3 +14. « I 37.0 +20. ,5 12.1 +2(1.2 4.".. 7 +20. 4 20. 8 +20. 3 2(i. 7 +20. 1 22. 7 + 18.0 19.8 + 18.7 ^ 14.9 + ]•-. 6 17.1 + 19.7 , 10.4 + 14. C 0.0 +13.4 ' 3.9 + i:..o 3.- + 14. f^ 2. .". -i.r. -1. 3, -0. 2 -0.7 0.0 1,7 -1.3 1.(1 -11.9 1.1 -3. 3 1.-^ 1.7 0.9 : 1.5 -0. 2 -0.3 (I. (; 0, 9 1.3 -1.9 -2.0 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4 ! 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-1 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 '-' i 4-4 4-4 4-4 ] j 4-4 4-4 +20.8 +20. +22. +25.0 +20. 5 + .;((. 7 +3S.3 +38. 8 + 45.2 +55. 8 +5^'. G : +55. ,S +00. (J +05. 3 +61.2 +,59.5 +79. 2 +:,^. 5 +34.4 -j-20. 3 +23.0 , +]-■•■-, j 1 + 12. s I + 12.4 +17. fi 3.2 4.0 8.2 16.7 + 17.9 I 2,1 +19. 2. +21. 9 +22.0 +23. 1 +22. 5 +20.5 I.-', 3, +20. 8 j 27,2 +20.4 3,7,8 +19.4 ! 41.1 +20.4 , 37.5 +20.2 ' 41.8 +21. 2 i 4H. +23.0 [43.5 +20.8 ; 42.1 +23.5 , 02.4 I +20.3 ; 41.4 + 17. S 16.7 + 16.2 9.5 + ]5 4 I 7.4 -( + 13.7 ; 3.7 + 16.2 (1.7 + 14.8 ' 1.2 Df (J. -0. 6 -1.0 -11.4 -0. 5 0. (i 0.9 0. (.1 2.8 2.4 1.9 2, 1 2,0 3, 9 .5.3 I 3.4 6.7 3.2 0.1 -0.6 0. 4 1.1 2.7 1.2 l>r ; l)f 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 3-4 4-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 +1,5. 1 +21. ^^ +2S, + 35, ,^ +03,9 +60.0 j -1-64.3 +(i7.0 + 05.8 +41.4 +.57,0 1 +.5:i,5 +7.-. +30, j i +3.5.2 j +45. () [ +39.5 +24.(1 +30.0 +21.0 +10. 8 + 8. 3 + 0.3 + 14.2 +10.3 ; 3.0 +11.5 { 13.2 +10.9 16.0 + 10.5 23. S + l(j. 7 ; 51.9 + 17.4 i 4-^.3 + 15.2 : 52.1 + 10.1 .55.2 + 17.0 ' .54..^ + 13, s , :i(i.:; + 12,0 I 4(;, 2 + 1.5.5 ■ 42.5 + 12. s I (i7.(i +11.0 + 9. 8 I 2' +11. 2 :!0. 9 +10. 2 + 8.1 + 7.8 + (i. 3 , 14.0 + 3.0 ' 0.3 31.2 15. 5 21.8 + 1.2 — 0.8 — 2.2 4.7 1.2 15. 3 -1.2 -0. 1 -0. 5 -1. 5 -1.3 .5.1 3.0 4.3 (i. 1.2 1. 5 2.4 2.6 2.3 ; 3.1 1.9 -0.4 -0.4 -0.7 ! -1.5 -2.4 -3.9 -1.1 I t 4-4 4-4 4-4 1-1 4-1 4-4 1-1 1-4 1-1 4-1 4-4 1-1 4-4 •4-4 4-4 4-1 4-1 4-4 4-4 3-1 2-4 1-4 1-1 AT rOLAEIS HOUSE. (U SOLAll EADIATIOX I»ay. MAY, 1873. to. - ■■■ - 7 - " 1 1 Hour. j V / }"■ "f s / Ilr Df s r / 1 Ilr ! Df 01" +15.0 + 1.3 1 14.7 1.0 3-4 +10.9 + i;.o 0.1 1.2 4-4 + 18.1 +14.5 3. ri 0.2 4 4 1 +15. + 0.9 14. 6 0.5 3-4 + 12.0 1 + 5. 1 1 '^. 5 1.6 4-4 +20. 2 +13.9 ' 5.9 -0. 4 1-1 o +33.1 + 4.0 29. 9 0. 8 2-4 +13.5 + 3.2 I 10.9 0.6 4-4 4-4 ■-! +:■.(;. + 3.8 0.3 — + 13.1 + 0.5 11,7 —0.9 4-4 j ^-' 4 +■'<». 5 + 3.9 34.0 — 0. 6 - +12.8 ± 0,0 10. f^ —2. : 4-4 +24.2 +13.0 10.0 -1.2 4-4 5 +42. 4 + 6.2 35. 2 -1.0 - + 16.] + 2,0 13,9 — 0, 2 4-4 +24.8 , +13.4 ■ 10.3 -1.1 4-4 6 +(;>4. 5 + 4.9 .59. 9 0.3 -- +22.2 + 3.4 18.7 1 — 0. 1 1 4-4 +33.3 +14.0 : 19.5 0.2 4-4 7 +69. + 7.0 61.8 —0.2 - +40.2 + 5. 3 ! 35. 6 0.7 4-4 +39.1 1 +15.5 25.4 l.f- 4-1 8 +75. 3 + 8.1 66. 1 —1.1 - +40.2 + 5. 3,6. 0.8 4-4 _|_tO. 8 I +15.4 27.2 1.8 3-4 9 +77.0 +13.1 67.1 3.2 - +41.3 + 5.0 30.7 0.4 4-4 +48.2 +16.4 33. / 1.9 2-4 10 +.-1.0 1 +15.8 1 74.2 9.0 - +39.1 + 7.11 32.9 0. - 4-t +48. 9 +16.4 3,4.3, 1. H 2-4 11 + S!. 1 +12.0 1 77.8 6. 7 - +37. 3 + 7.0 31.6 1.3 4-4 +.51. 5 + 18.2 36. 7 3.4 2-4 Noon. +84. +11.2 78.0 5.2 ^ +44.0 + 7,0 : 38.4 1.4 4-4 +80. +22. 3 63. 8 6.1 2-4 1» +76.0 + 9.7 71.0 4.7 - +59.0 + 9. 4 52. 2 2.6 4-4 +75. 3 +20. 2 58.7 3.6 ^ o +76. +11.3 69.2 4.5 +63.1 + ^'. (1 ' .56.1 1.0 4-4 +58. 2 +17.0 42.4 1.2 3 4 3 +64.0 + 6.4 59. 1 1.5 1-4 +29.0 + 7.5 22.0 0.5 4-4 +34.5 +16.8 19.0 1.3 1 2-4 4 +42. 2 +53. + 1.6 38. 3 II. 7 4-4 +28. 2 +31.0 + 7.6 20.9 + s, K 23,5 0. 3 1-4 +30.6 +15.7 15.4 0.5 2-4 5 + 5. 50. 4 2.4 3-4 1.3 4-4 +29.8 +17.0 14.3 1.5 3-4 6 +19.2 + 1.0 17.5 -0.7 1 3-4 +29. + 9.2 211. 8 1.0 4-4 +24. 3 +14.8 8.7 —0. 8 i 4-4 T 1 + 1. 1 ! 8. 9 — U, 3, 4-4 +18. 8 + 9. 4 I '■' —1. 4-4 +21.0 +14. 5 5.4 —1.1 ■ 4-4 S +!.->, — 0.8 1 14.7 — 0, 5 4-4 +19.4 +11.7 8.5 ■ 0.8 4-4 +21.2 +14.0 6.8 —0.4 4-4 9 + 7.2 — 0. 4 6. 6 1 —0.2 i 4-4 +18.0 , +10.4 6.0 -1.6 4-4 +19.1 +13. 5 4.4 -1.2 4-4 10 + 3.5 — 1.3' 3. —0.8 4-4 +18.0 + 10.7 5.9 —0. 4 4-4 +18.0 +13. 4.0 -1.0 ' 4-4 11 + .5.9 — 0.7 5.1 -0. 1 4-1 +12. 6 + 9. 7 2. 4 '—0. 5 3-4 +17.0 +12.8 3.7 1—0. 5 4-4 AT POLAllIS HOUSE. (35 MAY, 1873. Day. 11. Hour. 01- 1 3 4 & C 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. 11' o 3 1 5 G 7 S 9 10 U f I l>i- ' Jif 12. +ie.r. +20. 8 +22.0 +2:<.^ +37. 3 +38.0 +43.1 + 47.3 +47.5 +50. 3 +52.4 +60. 2 +47.1 +40.2 +38. 5 +34. +31.4 +27.4 +■^4.4 +21.8 +18.2 + 17.3 +15. 5 +12.2 +12. C +13.4 I + 14.2 +14.3 +1C.8 +16.5 +16. 4 +18.8 + 18.9 +18.0 +20.0 + 17.0 +17.0 +16.3 +14. 4 +14.6 +13.4 +13.3 +12.9 +12. 2 I + 12.0 +11.9 6.0 12.3 23. 4 23. 2S. 4 32.5 31. 6 32.8 36.1 44.9 31.4 25. 2 24.3 19.8 17.8 14.1 10, 6 8.3 5.7 4.6 2.7 -0. 8 0.0 0.1 1.2 0.4 1.8 1.8 1.6 2.9 1.4 1.7 4.7 1.3 2.0 2.1 0.2 1.0 0.1 -0.5 -0.6 -0.3 -0.7 -1.1 4-4 4-4 +16.0 +17.4 +20. 4-4 i +22. f 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 +26.4 +32. 4 +39. 2 +44. 2 +40. 2 +54. ;i +75. 4-4 +81.8 4-4 4-4 4-4 +S1.5 +86. 5 +70.2 4-4 I +61.3 4-4 4-4 4-4 +66.1 +65. 3 +51.2 4-4 I +45.5 4-4 ' +.58.5 4-4 44 4-4 +51. +51.2 +41.2 +11.8 -{ 11. 8 +12. 1 +12.6 +13. 3 +14.6 + 14.8 +15. 6 +16. 5 +17.0 + 19.5 +19. 6 +10.0 +18.1 +19.0 +18.0 +18.4 +17.2 +17.4 +13.2 + 16.4 + 17.5 +11.0 +12.7 Vv 3.4 4.9 7.5 10. 5 14.0 19.0 25.7 30.5 34.6 38. 7 59. 2 63. 63.2 09. 52.1 43.0 47. 9 47. 5 34.3 29. 9 4^.2 42.4 44.3 32. 9 -Df s -0.8 4-4 -0.7 4-4 -0.4 4-4 1 0.3 4-4 0.9 4-4 1.2 4-4 1.3 4-1 r.9 4 4 1.9 4-4 1.4 3 4 13. •/ ' n>' : Df s 3.7 1.4 -1.7 6 0.9 -0.3 0.2 -0.6 0.5 -2. 4 6.1 8.9 4. I 4.4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-1 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 +32.8 +26. 8 +39. 2 +50. +31.2 +30 +;;7. +44.2 +72. 4 +73.2 + 4n.8 +62. +66. 1 +63. 5 +61.4 +43. 4 +40. 3 +37.5 +27.5 +30. +21. 4 +21.7 +21. +21. +12.0 24.0 , 3.2 ! +10. 5 17. 1 0. S + 15.0 ' 27.4 3.2 + 17. 1 I 40. i 7. 1 2-4 + 12.8 i 19. I 1.2 3-4 + 10.8 ! 18.5 —0.7 I 2-1 I + 14.1 23.8 I 0.9 ' 3-4 1 ! ' + 15.8 j 30.7 I 2.3 ' :M + 17.3 ' 56.(1 ' 0.9 2-4 +20.0 I .54.9 1.7 I 3-4 I +20.0 3.0.3 3.5 3-1 9.6 3-4 1.5.3' 3-4 14. 3 4-4 1.1 4-4 +21.4 I 23.4 1.4 4-4 +22.0 20.9 2.0 4-4 +21.3 ; IS. 9 2.7 j 4-4 +20. 5 7. 7 0.7 4-4 +20.5 , 9.5 I 0. 4-1 + 19.8 ■ 4.0 -0.0 4-4 +18.8 , 2.1 —0.8 4-4 +19.0 ' 1.5 '-0.5 4-4 + 17.8 , 1.3 -2.1 I 4-1 +27.2 41.4 +3.5. 8 15. i; +35. 4 42.4 +22. 4 40,1 9 S R m SOLAK IJADIATION MAY, 1873. Day. 1 IC. 11. 13. Hour. V ►/ Do Df s V / Vv Df s V / ! l>>- IV S 0" +2(1.0 +17.0 2. 2 —0.8 4-4 +28. 4 +26 1.4 —1.0 4-1 +31. 9 +25. 8 6.7 0.6 2-4 1 +•2(1. +17.3 9.0 0.3 4-4 +33. +30. 3 2.4 -0. 3 4, +32. +25.6 6.3 -0.1 2-1 '2 +-j(;. 1 +17.3 9.2 0.4 4-1 +34. 9 +31.3 3.5 — 0. 1 4 4 +32. 4 +26.0 5. 9 — 0. 5 2-1 3 +30.2 +17.4 13. 4 0.6 1-4 +39. (I +31.5 7. 8 0.3 1 4 +3,2. 8 +26.5 4.8 -1.5 2-4 4 +35. 1 +18.0 18.0 (1.9 4-4 +42.1 +32. 1 10.8 0.8 4-4 +36. 1 +27. 8.8 -^0.3, 2-1 5 +31). 2 + 19.3 22.9 3.0 4-1 +47.2 +33.0 15.5 1.3, 4-1 +.1(1. H ■ +26.4 14.2 — 0. 2 2-4 6 +44.0 +21.4 25. 7 3.1 4-1 +.52. +32. 5 20.4 0.9 44 +50.0 -1-29.4 22.1 1.5 34 7 +46.1 +2(3.8 25. Ci 6.3 4.4 +55. +30. 4 21.6 0.0 1-4 +65.0 +34.2 '•'>?>. 7 2.9 3-1 3 +.51. +25. 4 29.0 3.4 4-4 +()(.). 8 +30. 3 31.6 1.1 4-4 +.V, +31. 9 43.9 0.4 3,-1 9 +G3.8 +31.1 39. 6.3 4-4 + 73.2 +30.8 44.7 2.3 1-1 +;io, +33. 5 54. 7 -0.2 1-4 10 +(;2, 4 +32. 3 36.7 7.6 4-1 +84. 2 +30. 9 53.7 0.4 4-1 +86. 3, +33. 2 .55. 1 2.0 3-1 11 +.^-.. 1 +25.8 31.1 1.8 4-1 +95. 5 +31. 67.3 2.8 4-1 +7 5.2 +33.1 42.1 0.0 2-4 Noou. +49.0 +27.8 24.9 3.7 4-4 +89. 2 +29.8 60.6 1.2 4:4 +71.3 +3,2. 4 39. :', 0.4 4-1 l" +.56. 9 +27. 4 33.0 3.5 4-4 +59. 6 +28. 5 31.8 0.7 4-4 +67.0 +32. 6 33.3 -1.1 4-4 2 +.-0. 4 +27. 2 24.9 1.7 4-1 +53. 9 +28.3 : 2(;.5 0.9 4-4 +60.0 +35. 6 27.2 2.8 4-4 3 +45.8 +26. 1 , 22. 1 1 2.4 4-1 +C0. 2 +29. 5 1 :;■,'. 7 2.0 4-4 +60.4 +33.2 27.1 -0.1 4-4 4 +48.0 +27,4 22. 8 2.2 4-4 3-4 +54.0 +33. 8 20. 5 0.3 4-4 5 • +42.0 1 +-7.4 15.4 0.8 4-4 +53. 5 +29.0 1.2 3-4 +.'(1. +31. 5 17.6 -1.1 4-4 6 +32. +2(;. 4 5. 2 —11.4 4-4 +54.4 +30. 4 21.5 0.5 3-4 + 42. +31.5 10. 1 —0.1 4-4 1 +29. 3 +25. 5 ^ 3. 8 U.O 4-4 +.-3.0 +30.7 53. 2 0.9 2-1 +40.0 +30.5 10.1 0.6 3-4 8 +26.5 +25. 5 ' 0. 8 — 0. 2 4-4 +.57.0 1 +28.0 2S. 1 — 0. 9 3,-1 +37.0 +2,-'. 5 8.5 0.(1 ;;-! 'J +34.5 +34.5 , 3.1 3.1 4-4 +42.0 +31.5 12. 3 1.8 2-1 +35.0 ,, -^:7,5 / . ■» 0.0 , 2-1 10 +33.0 1 +2-'. H ; l.ri —2.4 4-4 +35. +29. 5. 8 —0.2 2-1 + 32.0 -f 25. .5.7 —1.3 2-4 1 '' +29.2 +27.8 : 0. C. —0.8 4-1 +32. 2 +26. (1 1.9 —1.3 1-4 +31 . +25. .5. 8' —0.2 1-4 AT POLARIS HOUSE. ()7 17. V f I Ur 11.0 I>f i s +2S.5 29. 5 22 3 22 o 16 3 2.5 3 54 2 ;_>/ 2 66 75 2 ' 69.9 1.0 t-.5 -2.7 -n. 6 1.1 0.6 1.6 .5.8 12. 2 5.4 69.9 8. 7 08.5 12.1 03.4 10. 2 61.2 0.6 66.9 26.6 58.6 5.8 65.5 12.0 56.6 13.3 54. 5 8.5 46.4 4.4 34. 7 1.8 38. 5 0.7 31.5 2.0 24.4 0.8 1-4 1-4 1-4 MAY, 1873. 18. (■ , f \ Do T)f 1-4 +46.8 +48.0 +49.2 +48,0 +60.0 +07. +70. 2 +77. +83.5 +91.2 +93.0 +95.5 +96.0 +96.0 + 95.8 +93. +85. 3 +80. +78. +75. +71.0 +05.0 +50.0 +03. H-23.3 +24.2 +23. 7 +23.0 +28.8 +23. +24. 8 +24. 4 +30. 2 +36.8 +33. U +36.9 +41.1 +45.4 +45. 2 +45. 3 +37.5 +29. 5 +33, 3 +37.8 -1-32. +35.8 +30. 5 +30.0 24. 6 27.3 27.1 34.4 44.5 44.7 51.2 53. 8 53. 5 64.0 05. 2 61.4 61.3 02. 3 02. 5 .54. 9 50. 49.0 45.5 44.7 38. 25. /> :;9. 1 -0. 2 0.8 1.8 1.5 0.5 -0.7 —1.4 0.5 4.1 4,0 I 0.0 9.5 10.7 11.7 14.8 7.1 -0. 5 !^>. 7 8,3 5.7 9.4 5.2 6.1 1-4 1-4 1-4 10. +50. +53. 5 +42. +64.0 +75.1 +70.2 +ia. +82. 4 +90. 5 +91.5 +93.8 +90. 5 +94. 2 +90.0 +80.4 +82. +80.0 +78.0 / I T>v T)f +2:1.0 33,7 • 0.7 I 28. 7 -2. 7 +22.1 +27. 5 +31. ^^ +33. 2 +33. 4 +31.5 +33. +39. +40.0 +43.0 +48. 3 +40. 1 +3S.2 +33.8 +33. 5 +29. 5 15. 5 :'.5, 3 43. 4 42.5 50. 1 51. 58 2 00. 3 03. 2 04.1 01.0 04.1 1.0 3.1 1.5 -0. 3 -0. 4 1.0 0.7 8. 8 12.4 1,5.9 7.5 11.7 -.3. 7 7. 1 50.1 54.1 +29.3 j 51.9 7.0 3. +75. j +29. +71.(1 I +2--'.7 4s, y 3. 2 i — 1 2. s i +07. 3 +29. 3 +03.0 , +28.5 I 3,li.5 +58,5 ' +27,5 : 32.7 +.57. 2 i +2t 43.9 , 1.0 40.3 I 2.3 3,0. 5 ; 2. 1.7 8 3, 8 (')S SOLAK liADIATION Hour 01' ] 9 10 11 Nuou. II' o 3 4 7 10 11 MAY, 1873. 20. 21. +r.-^. .^. +C,>.i +|-i;;.7 + (M.2 +G7. 2 +81. +7S, 4 +S2.2 +79. 3 +K(;. 1 +90.0 +91.0 +'jiK 4 +s:!. 4 +7:1. 8 +50.0 +810 +82. +76. +7.-). 4 y*r +2r,. 3 • 34.1 +27.0 ;;i;. 7 +2(;.2 :i(;.i +20. 5 +:i:!.4 +27. +24. .', +20. 4 +27. 4 +27. +29. 5 +31.0 +30. 43.7 i:!.C .j3. 54.7 CI. 8 (35. 5 (w. 2 C4.7 5G. 9 +30.0 I 47.5 +31. 2 I 29. 1 +30. :,■>. (i +31.3 +29. 7 1.9 1.3 -1.4 -l.n 9.8 -1.0 -0.2 2.4 4.0 +31.-: +G4. +27. G +G0. 7 ' +2-. 4 +G1.0 I +27.6 o ~ 4 3 C 2 3 7 4 3 0. 6 4. 5 50.4 49.1 3-^. G 3,4.4 3,4. 9 4.1 .5.4 2. 2 2.1 1.5 I +35.8 +46.4 +59. 5 +Gi;. 1 +G5. 8 +64.1 +74 4 +83 o +87 ~ +87 3 +89 4 +92 2 +86 4 +79 o +85 +86 +82 6 +82 6 +75 8 +74. 3 +70. O +63. +61. +61. +2i;. +27. 1 +23. 4 +25.2 +2.5.(1 +2i.0 +23. 3 +29. 8 +32. +29. 9 +34.3 +39.0 +43. 8 +::5. 4 +39. 4 +3S. 8 +33. 7 +37. 3 +31.5 +30. 4 +3,9.6 +2G.8 +.34.3 + 33. 8 I)r 10. 3 22. 1 31.5 39. s 41.1 50. 3 ,4. 58, 1 61. 62.9 63. 6 57.3 50, 3 57 3 57 G 56 6 55 fi 50 1 4S 7 44 38 3 36 5 34 9 I'f 0.5 2. W -i.(; -1.1 0.3 0.1 -0.8 1.1 2.9 :■,. 6 7.8 10.4 14.7 6.5 11.7 ,8.4 7. 7 10.5 5.8 4.8 13, 4 2.1 9. 8 22. l)r J>f + 46.0 +2,-. H 17.2 0.0 +."0.2 +-,9,0 21.2 0.0 i +60.0 ' +26,2 30.7 —■■'.. 1 +66, 427.8 35, +73,6 + 3,8. 6 38, 3, 3.3 +7.5. 8 +.34.6 42, 2 1.0 + 79.0 +36. 7 45, 4 3.1 +81.4 +3,2. 5 4^, 7 — (1. 2 +si;.o +34. 4 52. 5 0.9 +91. +42. 4 5-<.0 9.4 +93. 2 +42. 6 61.9 11.3 +95. 8 +43 62.3 9.5 +90. 5 +46. 8 57.2 13. 5 +93. + J5.2 58.5 10.7 +90. (i + 12. 1 59. 1 10.6 +,8.5.0 ■ +36. 8 54.3 C.l +90. 3 +40. 1 5^. 4 8.2 +75.0 +33. 4G.5 4.5 +79.1 +34.3 49.1 4.3 +73.1 +33.3 43.6 3.9 +70.3 +37.0 41.0 7. 7 +67.3 +38. (1 38. 6 9.3 +5C.0 +32. 8 ' 20. 3 3.1 +61.3 +32. 9 32.5 4.1 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 2-4 AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 69 MAY 1873 Day. ■ 23. 24. 25. i Hour. I' / Dr r>f s r / Do Df s ■" : / i 1)0 W s 0" +r,H. 2 +25. 32. 5 -0.7 24 +22. 8 +21. 6 0.6 -0.0 4-4 1 +54.5 ' +22.3 32. 7 0.5 1 +4i;.o +2:^. 5 IS. 2 0.7 2-4 +31.0 +21.9 8.3 -0.8 1-4 +51. +23. 5 2S. 0.5 o +(;,-.. 2 +30.4 :>5. 7 0.9 2-4 +59. 5 +24. 5 :!5. 2 0.2 1-4 +43. n +23. s 1^.1 —1.1 3 +4.'i. 5 +2^.0 10. Ti -0. 9 2-4 +35. 3 +23.0 111. 8 -1.5 2-4 +05. +23. 3 40.0 -1.1 4 +40. 9 +2i;. 4 13.9 — 0. {'< 4-4 +72.3 +24. s 4-^. 5 1. 1-4 +70. (; +23.8 40.0 — 0. f) +34.4 +23. 5 10.4 — 0. 5 4-4 +72. 4 +25. 7 47.7 1.0 1-4 +71.0 , +25.8 40. 6 1.4 (1 G +40. •-' +24.11 17.7 1.5 4-4 +80. +36. 4 57.0 13. 4 1-4 +76. 8 1 +25. 3 53. 3 1.8 < +41.8 +25. 17.4 o.i; 4-4 +49.0 +25. 2 23.9 0.1 2-4 +79. +28. 51.5 3.5 8 +42.4 +23. 20.3 0.9 4-4 +75.8 +28. 49. 5 1.7 2-4 +81. 3 +25. 59. 3.3 9 +4i;.3 +23. 24.0 0.7 4-4 +90.0 +29.8 03.5 3.3 1-4 +85. 2 +26. 8 61.9 3.5 u 10 +411 8 +24.0 23. S 1.0 3-4 +87.0 ^-28.8 62.6 4.4 1-4 -1-85. +26. 8 62.5 4.3 11 +r.o. 4 +25. 2 2(i. 7 1.5 3-4 +85. U +28. 8 60.5 4.3 +83. +29. 8 50. 5.8 Noon. + 59.0 +29.0 31.6 1.6 3-4 +88. +30. 8 63.3 6.1 1-4 +80. +28. s 5'i. 7 5.5 li> +5->.3 +30.4 23. 2 1.3 3-4 +86. 7 +31.8 00.9 6.0 1-4 +63. 2 +28. 6 39. 7 5.1 2 +:,2. 8 +31.4 23.3 1.9 3-4 +81.0 +30. 3 55. 1 4.4 - +81.5 +23.0 53.5 5.0 - 3 +.J0. +27.8 23. 4 1.2 4-4 +83. 6 +2.-^. 5 59. 2 4.1 - +80. +29. 55. 4 4.4 - i +41.0 +25. 8 15.1 —0.1 4-4 +78. +27. 7 53.7 3.4 — +78. +28. 54.1 4.1 -- +36.0 +25. G 9.8 -0.6 4-4 +77. 5 +27. 53.0 2. 5 -- +73.0 +27.9 55.3 5.2 - 6 +33.3 +24.3 8.6 —0.4 4-4 +73.5 +25.5 48.9 0.9 — +76.4 +28. 3 52. 9 4.8 - 7 +32.8 +25.0 7.3 -0.5 4-4 +69.8 +25.2 45.8 1.2 - +68.0 +28. 8 43.4 4.2 - 8 +28.5 +22. 8 4.9 — 0, 8 4-4 +64.0 +21. 3 41.7 -1.0 - +62. 2 +24,3 37.8 -0.1 - 9 +23.0 +22, 8 0.5 —0.7 4-4 +61.0 +22. 38.6 —0.4 — +:,8. +24. 9 33.8 0.7 - 10 +2S.5 +23. 8 4.4 -0.3 4-4 +.57. +23.8 34.1 0.9 - +57.0 +20. 32 9 1.9 - 11 +28. 2 +21. 8 5.4 —1.0 4-4 +56.0 +22. 33. 5 —9.5 ■— -p^T. 5 +27. 1 34.0 3.6 — - 70 SOLAE EADIATION Day. Hour. 1 2 3 4 r^ G 7 ■ 8 9 10 11 Noon. If 6 7 8 9 10 11 MAY, 1873. 36. Be Vf +57. « +36.8 +63.8 +62. 5 +35.2 +73. +76.3 +80. 4 +83. +83.0 +83.0 +64.1 +83.0 +82. 2 +82.3 +83. 2 +81. 5 +78.0 +72.0 +69. +66.6 +C1.3 +54. 6 +5^.0 27.0 , 31.7 +26.2 +25. 3 +28. 6 +21.7 +28.3 +25.8 +28. 4 +28.8 +28.6 +26. 2 +27.8 +27.6 +28.7 +28.7 +31.7 +30. 11.3 36. 1 35. 3 11.3 46. 9 50. 8 55.3 .58. 7 59.7 60.0 60.6 59.6 58. 3 57.5 57.8 56.3 +29.9 ' 52. G +29.7 45.9 +27. 7 42. 7 +20. 2 +2.-^. 3 +27.5 40.3 35, 5 29. 3 +27. 6 32. 4 0.9 0.7 -0.4 1.4 -2. 2 2.2 0.3 3.3 4.5 5.3 5.2 4.3 4.2 4.8 3.9 6. 3 4.6 4.5 3.6 1.4 —0.1 27. 2,0 +55. +.59. 2 +62.3 +63.0 +71.0 +78.1 +8i. 1 +84.0 +67.3 +88.2 +90.0 +90.1 +90.3 +88.3 +88. +66.0 +72. 4 +56.0 +55. +52. +48, +41.0 Dv +27.2 +25.4 +24.8 +25.2 +29.3 +32.2 +32.4 +34.1 +36.7 +37.3 +3G.3 +32.8 +33.8 + 32.3 +35.7 +37.5 +33.7 +28.3 +29.4 +27.6 +26.0 +23. 1 Df 33.0 38. 37.0 40.9 45.9 51.5 52. 3 54.2 57. 2 60.0 65.6 62.3 62. 5 59.0 .57,9 46.6 31.4 30.2 27.3 22.6 17.0 +27. 1.9 -0.8 0.5 -0.8 -0. 8 0.0 1.8 2,4 3.6 6.3 6.3 8.3 5.8 6.5 6.7 9.4 7.9 3.7 4.6 3.1 0.6 -0.9 2§. +22.2 4.4 —0.4 1-4 1-4 2-4 2-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 +23.0 +46,3 +52. 4 +62.4 +67. 5 +48.5 +41.8 +43.2 +47.2 +65.3 +64.7 +65.0 +65.3 +.-7.0 +83.2 +81.6 +7-7. 6 +76.0 +71.5 +66.0 +88.7 +58.0 +56.2 +33.0 +20, 2 +23, 8 +24.9 +27.0 +34.4 +31.3 +27.6 +35.6 +30.4 +31. 2 +30.0 +27. +28.9 +27.2 +26.8 +27,5 +27.3 +26. 6 +2G.3 +27.7 +22.0 +19.3 +21.8 +18.0 Do Df 1.7 -1.1 26. 3 1.8 26.7 j-0,6 33.2 -2.2 3G, 4 ' 3. 3 16.7 15.6 -0.5 1.4 IG. 8 9, •; 22,8 41.6 41.2 42.7 62. 3 64.1 60.8 59.3 .55. 4 CO 7.5 6.5 4.7 5.9 4.3 4.4 5.0 5.1 3-4 2-1 2-4 2-4 2-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 53.7 I 4.5 49.4 i 4.2 45.6 47.4 36.0 5.3 0.7 -0.7 --^ 36.6 I 2.2 j 1-4 14.4 1— n.6 • 1-4 AT rOLAEIS HOUSE. 71 Day. Hour. Oi> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. li> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 29. MAY, 1873. 30. +60. +29. +40.2 +GX +60.1 +40.0 +rA2 +65.7 +79.2 +85.0 +8:1. 2 +S2.3 +83.6 +84.0 +75. 6 +73.0 +75.3 +74.4 +70.0 +66.4 +62.1 +56.5 +56.6 +50. 1 Dc +21.7 +18.7 +18.9 +18.8 +18.5 +18. 5 +19.0 + 19.4 +20.0 +18. 3 +20.0 +20.4 +20.9 +21.8 +20.9 +20.0 +21. 2 +19.5 +18.4 +18. 7 +21.3 +20.3 +19.3 +18.3 39.0 9.7 21.4 44.2 41.4 21.4 39. S 40.8 61.3 67.7 66.9 65. 4 65.7 65.0 57. 9 55.6 57.7 56. 8 52. 3 49.5 44.6 39.1 39.7 39.5 W 0.7 — O.G 0.1 0.0 — 0, 2 —0.1 -0.1 0.5 2.1 1.0 3.7 3.5 3.0 3.4 3.2 2.6 3.6 1.9 0.7 1.8 3,8 2.9 2.4 1.7 2-4 3-4 3-4 34 3-4 3-4 3-4 +53.8 +57. +57.0 +61.0 +62. +66.3 -K63. 9 +66.2 +61. 4 +75. 5 +79.0 +80.4 +79. 5 -t-C-J. u +75.8 +64.9 +73.0 +69. 2 +66. +61.4 +58.7 +48. 9 +53.7 +53.0 +17.8 +17.0 +17. 2 +17. 5 +17. 8 + 18. 1 +18. +18.4 +19.2 +19.3 +18.8 +19.5 +19. +19.2 +19.3 +20.0 +19. 5 +14.4 +15. 3 +15.4 +14.0 +16.4 +15.5 +15.7 Dv 37.3 40.3 40.0 43.7 45.0 49. 4 46.7 49.5 45. 1 59. 8 64.0 05. 1 65. 2 Df 1.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.7 2.9 3.6 3.8 4.2 4.7 08. 5 4.7 61.1 4.6 50.4 5.5 58.7 5.2 55.2 0.4 .52. 5 1.8 47. 8 1.8 45.2 0.5 43.4 2.9 40.9 2.7 40.0 2.7 31. 1-4 1-4 1-4 +46. 5 +28. 8 +57.4 +59.0 +C8. 2 +08. 3 +68.0 +63. 5 +67.0 +09.5 +78.0 +78.6 +77.1 I +75.0 +75. 9 ' +'5. +75.4 +73.7 +70.0 +53. -f-36. 4 +27.0 +47.7 +55.5 Bv Df +14.8 33.2 , 1.5 i 1-4 +13. 8 +13. 3 +10.9 +10. 9 +10. 9 +15.8 +16.0 +15. 4 15. 9 1.7 1-4 44.2 0.6 - 48.0 0.3 50. 4 —0.9 1-4 50.7 —0.7 1-4 55.6 49.2 -1.5 1.5 52.9 ' 1.9 55. 5 1. 4 +18. 2 04.4 4,6 +18.0 03. 3 3.7 +20. 2 61.9 5.0 +20.4 59.6 5.0 +22. 60,1 6.2 +22. 59. 5 6.5 +22.1 59. 2 5.9 +17.3 57. 5 1.1 +20. 3 I 53, 9 1 4. 2 1-4 2-4 3-4 +19.2 32.3 : 3.8 ' 1-4 +19.3 ' 39.9 3.7 ^ +16.8 30. 3 0.1 +17.0 20. 1 0.7 +14.3 11. 8 -0. 9 SOLAR RADIATION-RECAPITULATIOX. The followiug table contains the ditterences between the readings of the bhick-bnlb ther- mometer in vacuo and those of the temperature of the air from the time tlie sun became circum- polar till the observations were abandoned. For convenience, tbe observations were divided into groups of weeks. Underneath the values mentioned, the sums of the same are to be found, with their corresponding means. In cases where observations are missing, — for instance, during hr avy snow-drifts, — no means are given, as we do uot think ourselves justified in resorting to interpola- tioD. No use was made of the readings of the unprotected instrument; it being influenced too much by wind and atmospheric moisture, causing it sometimes to read even lower than the ther- mometers exposed in the shade. 10 s K SOLAK EADlATIOy. POLARIS BAY. Diitc. «" 1" o 2" o 17. 2 4.8 A. m. 3" 1'' .V ! 6'' April 1872. 211 20.9 10.9 o 2',' S T7;o i o 1 (" 'IK 7 r.2. 7 21 14.1 14,7 ■ )■> 1 ■ 1 > • ■■ ■— I ■Jl i '(in ■..;6 3.3 0,4 6.9 3.7 10.6 ^-<. 9 14.2 4.-).i : 29. 3 2.-'. 4 '-'.1. 5 H 2 111. 6 11).-.. 6 37..-. 27.9 ^ 47 7 no 4 1 Snnia Mrans 139.0 1.'.2. :i 1 April 27 30. JLiy 1 . Slim; Maj 6.... 10. SnniH. . Jlrans- Mav 11 12. 13. 14. ].-.. 16. 17. Siiiiit... Means. May IS. 19 2(1 . 21. 2i. 24. Mean; May 2(;. 27. 29 . 30. 31. (1. 11. 3. 6 7.4 12. 3 1.4 2>'. (-1 4.6 2. 8 17. 9 t 3,2. 4 12.6 ' 1.-.. (I C. 1 I 1.-.. 9 ! 36.9 41.9 27.11 2:'.. 9 32. 4 22. 39. 4 4.".. 1 :;9. 1 44.4 36. 44.1 3.-.. 4 49.0 4.'.. 4 44.4 3,7.3 k;. 30. (; 2i^. 7 .-.4.7 r.r,. 9 60. 9 64.4 : 61.2 a,. (1 33. 7 47.3 73.4 71. li 67.1 .V.I. 1 .'6. 6 .''.9.4 61.2 71.7 r,(i. 1 31.9 • U . '.t 60.3 66. y 139. 7 2(1 ;. 4 29. 1 Ml. 3 34.5 1.9 .-.. 9 V,. 2 1,-.. 6 1.7 2.8 f). 6 ].'..5 17.9 6. fi 27.1 6.5 6. 3, 43. 27. 4 2;!. 3 12. 3 24. 1 8.5 ',1.9 43.9 13^4 19. ,'^ :':.',. (I 17.6 10.1 44. .S 47.3 311.6 20. 4 3,1.9 20. 2 10.8 10.6 13.5 Ki. 7 12.9 I 23,. 33.4 ^1.9 144.9 175.1 11.7 I 20.7 , 25.0 205. 29. ->, 41.1 311.4 44.5 ■>1.9 ■MC. (I 52. 3 3„-0. 1 54. 3 411.2 .1.4 10.9 I 13,. 7 I 16.8 I 31.0 51. 5 I 56.0 I 64. I 62.7 55. 1 ! 5-,'. 1 : 22. 7 31 2 31,0 ; 4(1.4 I 47.2 1.-'. 7 I 23,.,^ ! 2-. 1 28.9 51.3 ; 56.9 22.;^ 30.0 I 44.6 62. (I 36. 9 61.9 47.9 21-. 9 : 267.3 31.3, ' 3,^.2 2,-0. 3 40.0 72 6 72. II 4,-'. 2 47.:, C,^. 2 62. 4 I'J'.i. 35. 2 2',l. r. 65, H 74.6 76. .-^ 54.1 73,. 1 , 5(1.7 .59.4 61.2 63,. 9 5,-', fi 72.3 I (17.1 446.5 : 3115,9 (■,::. ^ , 56. (i 16 6 31,6 15. 9 17, 10.2 11.7 10. 1 11.,^ 23. 1 42.1 36. 6 36. 1 31.4 25. 14. H 13. 9 11,5 3,2, 7 41, ;{■> 39.0 17.9 2:!. k;. 3 17.7 ^>> '> 22. II :;7, 1 34. 48. 3 54. 9 51,9 46. 5 43. ,s 30.7 ')> ^ 2h! 4 24. H 3,^ 9 31.4 25. 34.0 51,9 46,5 41.4 149. 143.9 175.3 175. 7 225. 9 236,9 247. G 21.3 20. 6 25. 25. 1 32. 3 33. ,•< 35.4 3,,-. 1 39. S 41.4 42.5 43,. 8 39.7 41.5 51.1 52. 6 47.6 45. I 3,9. 6 39. 8 48. 9 :!-^. 4 30.4 19. 39. 7 45.5 4-'. 2 54.6 29. 4 37 7 44.7 49.4 5)3,. .5 45, 2 53. 5 :!6. 1 3,(;. 2 37.5 35. 3 40.6 40, 1 45. 1 27.7 3,3. 3 14. 6 37. 3 45, '> 53. 7 3,0 3 10.6 13. 9 15. ,v 19. 16,7 ^''^. ,^ 26. 6 251.4 243,. 9 220. (J 26,-'. 3, 2,^4,9 29(1 5 303 5 33. 1 34. 8 31. 5 3^. 3 40, 7 41.5 43.4 29. 9 34.4 19.2 3,i;. 3 42.7 60. 4 .54.6 41.0 39. 6 25. 3, 40.7 39. 9 52. 5 63. 6 46.8 45. 9 2-', 4 44.0 41. H ,58, -1 I'M.C, 49.9 37. 1 57. 2 ■ 73. 3 2S. 1 I 211. 4 51.2 , 62.9 43,. 3, I 48. 6 66.8 I .5',l.7 62.2 61.0 39. 6 53. 1 37.0 54. 1 59. 3 51.8 35. 9 31. 3 302.6 43. 2 33,4. 9 47.8 '.,-<. 7 363, '.1.2 51.9 54. 7 50. 2 5'9. S IH. 2 60. 1 49.2 34.6 62, 5 62, 64. 3 63.3 65. 7 52. 6 51. <; 67. 5 (;i.8 59 2 70.9 54. 6 63,. 4 30.7 322.5 46.1 425. II 60.7 411'^. 1 67. 4 61.9 57.7 (i2. 2 6',l.9 54.4 4(16.2 .58. Sdiiis ... Mr.Kls.. 11,2 17.4 20. 9 27.2 19. 7 24.1 27. 9 26.1 24.6 26.0 34. 2 6,-'. 6 7.2 11.6 22. 2 29. 7 20.9 28. S 31.2 31.9 30. 8 33. 2 3,7. 5 35. 2 11.2 13.2 16. 1 17. 1 1>^. 9 24.9 U,6 41.7 3,9. 3 3.5.3 54. (;9. 3 37. 7 46.6 55. 47.2 47.5 50 ,-J 39. 5 66. '-' 79. .-■ .57. 2 5(1.1 4 4.2 42.7 42.9 42.2 43.5 46.3 40, 4 46.0 62.7 71. ^^ 66.9 6(;.2 3,9. 2 ( 45.4 3,s..9 45. 1 45. 7 52. H 55 ^' 5,s, 5 61.3 73. H 67.0 63.2 46.4 ' 3'.l. -^ 41.8 40.2 41.9 51.8 55, 6 f)3. 6 75.1 57 . 9 41.0 56. 6 194.6 207.8 1 229.4 256.5 1 237.8 276. 2 276.3 307.3 360. 6 377. 8 3,57. 8 41(9.2 27. 8 29.7 32. ,^ 3(i. (! 3,4.0 38. 38. (1 43.9 51.5 * .54.0 51.1 5,-^. 5 UEOAPITULATIOX. i.) Date. i-9. 15.6 11.5 12. -S 3S. 4 14.4 5-^. 2 54! 5 7" 10.8 12.4 6.4 41.2 11.2 35. 20. 101' 7.1 3.U 5. (i 2.6 1.4 3.4 1.7 11" II. !■ 0.6 17.1 -'.4 47.: 12.1 4M,f; 41.8 31. 40. 1- 3.7 334.6 :!46. 5 322 2 299.5 265.5 236. 4 205. 4 13,7. 1(19.2 110.6 74. 3 66. 5 47 >^ 49. 5 46.(1 67.9 42.8 37.9 33. 8 29. 3 19 6 73.7 72.7 (15. 5 60. 7 .55. 5 55.7 29. 3 41.0 43.6 3,7. 3 3(1.7 70.9 72.9 6^<. 2 64.4 ; 60. 55. 3 55. 6 51.3 44.2 32.6 19. 9 14.2 59 1 57. (! 4.-^. 58.2! .53. 5 55. 4 54. 9 26. 2 25. 3 26.4 26. 74.2 ! 71. 1 i 62.4 (;3. 9 62. 1 5S. 4 59. 1 5,-. 52. (i 49. 2 39. 3 33. 1 811.4 / / . / 62.6 (W. 4 (12.2 .57.1 57. 1 49. 4 4;. 1 49. .- :•>.;. 9 3,2. 9 73.(1 73. 66.6 r,:',. 6 59. 2 .56. 56. 2 52. 6 4 1.3 32. 2 2,-^. 1 27.4 72.4 7"^ '> 69. 1 66.0 61.0 4l><.7 57. 3 4(15.0 58. 9 51.9 44.4 24. f- 16.5 5. (, 503.7 497.2 444. s 450. 3,97.5 31,^.7 29 ~ 5 25S (1 2114.0 143.9 72.0 71.0 63. 5 64.3 59. 8 57.9 56. 8 42. 6 3(;.9 29. 1 3.2. 9 40.3 2J. 1 45.6 54. 4 55. 9 5ti. 5 40.1 41!. 33. 9 36. 8 30. 811.4 . 52.1 77.9 69. 61.0 16.1 12.7 10.7 ,-*. 8 6.9 S. 7' 14.8 5^, 5 '' 4(i. -- 67.6 (19.0 (;3. 1 53. 6 51. 5 24. 9 3S. (i 3,2. 4 16.0 7. 7 70.- 72. 6 6-. 1 (i4. 2 45.2 30. 8 45. 4 46,3 46. 2 34.1 3,5.9 :.;(i. 9 66.4 73.0 1 IW,. 5 63.9 63 '.', 57.7 .58. 2 45. 5 45. s 3!-,. 4 3,1;. 8 MS .' 65. 1 65. 9 56. 1 56. 6 60. 5 43.2 44.4 2.-^. 4 37.5 49.4 3,1.7 14.2 08. 8 67. 6 65. 4 61.2 58. 9 5(;. 4 55. 7 47.8 41.0 35. 8 i 31.0 22. 418.3 59. 8 430.: 61.; 429. 5 61.4 4111;. 4 58. 1 313.7 44.8 ,',24. 4 4li. 3 21:!. 7 I ;!4. S 51.7 71.4 29. 8 65. 4 51.0 70.4 65.8 4(15 64.6 66.2 69.9 1 (». 6 ;«. 8 24.2 3,0 4 65 2"^ 1 62 :!s 7 67 4 64 9 56 5 5(j 9 28. 5 61.1 25.3 56. 4 :!5. II .5-'. 7 60 59. 9 25. 9 57. 1 46.1 58. 57. 3 23. 2 55. 'J 49. .57.9 63. 6 70.1 325. 46.4 329. 8 47.1 3^■0. 6 54.4 IH. 4 60.2 54. 9 56.6 59. 6 56.2 :361.7 51.7 13. 2 44.2 54. s 4;i. 5 41.4 57. 6 12. 6 50. 7 49.^ 47.4 4H. 6 50.1 50.2 I 41.4 22s. 9 j;',. 4 29. 5 47.3 4-. :! 41.6 4-'. 7 29. 4 196.9 2>;. 1 lO-l.l 10.4 15. 8 27.0 18.4 39. 5 34.2 33. 4 20.1) :',5. 5 ;>;; 7 :!;i. s 43.7 29.4 3111.9 44. 4 300. 42. 9 ■j.-,s. 2 ;)6. 9 65. 9 46.4 (i5. 1 66.9 40. -s 26. 36.6 6.5. 1 31. 2 61. 2 64. 8 72 2 23^5 55. 8 65. 7 29. 4 5,-. 4 59. 6 19! 9 47.2 369.8 52. 8 347. 7 49.7 . fj ;3o8. 9 .71 44. 1 I (111. 29. 1 .5S. 4 .5S. 7 59. 8 17.7 25. 3 M5. 45. 66.1 34. 9 59 2 i 51. 6 ! 32. 8 13.1 25. 1 40.4 5:1. 9 2--J. 4 53. 6 50. 7 11.4 13.9 25. 3 45. 1 l;',. 4 50.7 55. 4 13.9 i;i. 4 !:!7.2 214.1 33.9 i 3(1.6 42. 1 42. 6 43.5 26. 7 12.9 26. i; 215.11 :iii.7 :',.-. 1 29.9 :i2.9 4S. U 15.6 j s. 4 I. 20. 4 2(i:;. 29. 37. 9 45. 4 31.4 3H. 9 14.1 9.4 227. 1 193. 6 ; L-5. 3 :i2. 4 27.7 I 26.5 34. 8 .5-^.6 69. 4 61.2 64.9 s.S 4 7(1. 3 447.6 iV.i. 9 47.4 40.4 61.6 63. s 74. 5 60. 6 34. 59. 6 42. 5 69. 2 (I:!. 8 79.2 61.4 61.0 25. 6 :!75. 53. 6 409. 6!!. 5 1 34. 2 23. 4 19.4 66. 7 '.VA. r") 35. 4 (■>S ^ 61.9 1 62. 4 ' (12.4 3S. 4 63.0 j 62.4 61.7 45.4 73.7 (iri. 5 5S. 3 63. 9 53.7 27.1 .52.3 3.-. 440.2 349. 1 31 '.M 293,. 4 62. 9 47.7 45. 6 41.9 53. 9 16.2 25. 6 49. (1 5(1.5 4 1.4 2(1. 6 2iiil.2 51.4 1(>. 2 IH. 5 4.^.4 48.2 41.0 16.3 2JI1.0 34.3 4.^.0 14.7 23,. 1 4'-^. 6 47,4 4.-. 4 15.9 11.9 13.4 211. 8 45. 3 43. 9 43. 9 46.9 246.1 35. 2 226. 1 7G aOLAlt KADIATIOX. POLAEIS BAY. A. M. Uate. PHIL'S .. . Means. . 284.3 ' :i-.'2. •)0. (J 4li. :jo. 7 4:1 2 29. 1 341.1 4S. 7 :iii. 4 (14. 'J June 15 (1. 4 Hi 40.0 17 i 3il.l 18 ' 5.0 I'J 7.0 20 9.7 21 : 48.3 27. 2-..- 27.4 49. 3 00.6 59. .-.c. 1 .55. 9 71.4 12. 9 10. (i 23. 3 17.7 1-. 1 17. ■•^ 36.8 17.6 V . o 22.2 133. 6 128. 9 19. 1 18. 4 134.3 146. n 19.2 20.9 188. 26.9 218,0 31.1 38.4 24.4 34.2 30. 1 21.4 250. 4 35. 8 29. 3 62.11 72. 4 17.2 35. (i 40.9 46.4 30.!. 8 43.4 10 , a 3.5. 7 : 5. 1 32. 4 2 / . t 34.4 67. 3 59. 8 59. 2 71.6 40.7 57.2 50. 2 64. 6 5S, 9 61.1 61.3 55. 6 .50. 4 32. 2 411.7 38, 9 1,9 :'.. 1 6(1.5 36.9 66,4 42. 6 62. 9 21.2 23.2 33. 2 52. 4 31. 6 45. 2 37. (1 .56, 1 .54. : 2.54. 9 30.4 247. 298, 2 42, 6 313. r 44,7 379. 7 54, ■, 66. 9 82. 3 ! 7.-'. 2 26.6 35, 4 34,2 .50.4 ll'> 34, 3 39, 3 65. H .53, 8 5i;, 7 .53, 1 37,3 3411,1 4.-, 6 5fi. 9 41:, 3 I 29, 5 65, (i 62, s 33, 1 j 3-19. 3 49, 9 i 64, 7 5-', 1 71.2 35, 3 24. 6 35, i 40. IJ 329, ,'i 47,0 KKCAriTULATION. t I POLARIS BAY. L)at<' IST'J. Jiiiic ) -1 (i 7 Slims. . . Mean-. Jiiue f ;i 10 It V> i;! 14 Sums. . M.'aiis. June 15 16 17 IS I'J w n Sums.. I Means. P. m. O'' l" 2'' 3'> 4il 1 5" 61, ,1, 8" 9" ; 10" 11" o 1-^ c 1 o n c ;;;; 7 '.',?< 2 ;;7.4 3.-.. 44.0 3,1,9 27.4 26. 9 20. 2 21.0 16.7 10. 1 Gl.l 70.1 09. 6 64.2 4S. ,-, 71.9 4S.6 46.2 : 42.6 33. 7 40.9 40. 2 .".s. 4 .'.1,1 .-0. 1 ,',1.9 49,1 52. '9 .53, 2 51.6 29. 4 24.9 43.7 4S. 7 (id. s ti:!. 3 6:i. 6 .',7. 6 ,-,:'.. 6 .-,7,4 55. 5 44.4 50.9 43. 9 35. 4 35. S ;;:! 'J 4:;. u 4s. (; ,"iO, 6 r.1.0 1 55. 5 5:!. 4 49.2 ' 47.9 46.6 37.4 35. 5 4'J. ;i i>. -2 ,-.2. 4 ;',o, 9 ,'.0, :•, 50. 4 39. 4 15,1 3S. 2 31.8 41.4 45. 4 4'.>. (1 :v>. 9 ■ )2. .'. f.3. ,") 24, s 21.4 17. S 4S. 6 15,9 10.7 10.1 0.6 222, 3 ;!;iii. 2 iiii.'t. '^ :;7:!. 6 ;',:;:■,, 7 323,3 344.4 295. 3 ' 2^2. 245. 1 212. 225. 6 4f. .'> 47.9 '.:!. 4 ,^,1,9 46,2 49. 2 42.2 40.3 3,7. 30. 4 '.V ■' 34, .'7.1 '->7.0 ' 4S.S 41. S 3,:!, C 2S. 5 IS. 1 41.7 13.6, 14.0 9.6 46. 46. 2 49. 1 42,.') 40,2 50. 3 f,;; -J .55.7 30. 15.9 16. U 11.7 7)7 . 7 y.'. 2:'>. 4 ■29. 9 14.2 14.2 1 -.1 17.6 12.0 11.9 10. ;! 12.9 :in. 9 46. 1 26.7 :;4.o 4S, S 42.7 36 4 3S.7 31.5 13. S 13.7 20. 2 .-s 7 .',4.4 '.(i. 7 ,-,4,9 .-,3,, 6 49. 3, 45. 6 30.6 19. 3 19. 3 11.7 11.0 m. 9 60. S .".4. 3 ,-,4 2 .-,2. li 50. 4 52. 4 54.5 51.0 47.4 15. 1 IS. 3 :!s. s .-.1.0 ;;■> -J 2.-,. 4 2r,, 4 21.4 13.7 1:!. 3 14.6 H. S 10.0 9. 1 ;^.'ii. 1 :i07..''> 291. 2 2-2.7 26S, 4 1 256. s 234. 5 252. 1 175. 131.1 S4.3, ();> ;> .'J). 4:;. 9 41.6 40.4 3S. 3 31 n 7 '■>■'•■ ■> 36. 25. IS, 7 12.0 13,3 ;'.ii. s 67.4 .'.r.. 7 :',-.. 4 1 :,2. 1 ! 49.7 51.7 51. 49. 5 46.3 45. 9 42,5 .')1 9 ;..'., 7 .',7.:i 47. U :i2. 6 5*',. .., 40.4 1 51.2 .-.3. b 42.9 49. 5 49.2 22. '9 49.0 51.1 19. 9 .53.3 , 19. 13. 1 5;;. 3 15. 7 13. 5 45. S 12.0 15. 4 49.1 7. (i 11.6 4;'., 5,7 11.2 41.. T : 4S. 9 '>].•> :!4.o :fo. ;■, 43. 5 :',s. 4 4(). 9 19. S 17.2 12.4 14.7 13.3 9.0 .-.(;. 2 41.7 69.4 34. r> [ 25. 5 24. 6 2:i. 6 13. 5 17.2 19. 2 25. 20.6 4::. 9. ::;-.9 ;;i.7 36.2, 27 7 172.1 101. 6 153. 4 15:!. 1 132. :io(). .-. ;i:io. r, 2'X<. 296. 7 291.6 1 242. s 215.7 4-,'. 9 47. y 4--'. 1 42. 4 41.7 vs SOLAi; ExVDIATIOy. The following observations, taken at Polaris House, were treated in the same way as tlnsy i I' I'olaiis l!ay. 1 :■-?:! Ami] 20.... ■J I 2\piil 'iT .. . . •J'J :;(! iliiy 1...- Meaii: Mav 4.. 7 . . 8.. Smns . JIny 11. l-i. ]:!. 14. M. 16. 17, Smiis. . .Means. Jlay IS.. 19.. 20.. 21 . . 23 . . 24.. Slims. Mi-aiis May roLAias nousr: A. M. 31' "■* 7 >^ „;. ■l.s 24 1.1 ■>'6 Sim, s .... l:' .Mraiis (I. 7 20. r> 4.1 0. !l 4.4 0. :> 0.9 1..". IB. 4 27. 2 o l:i. 9 H. 24.0 17.9 H. 20. 5 ;;4.7 2:!. 2 ,1 y. 4 90. 4 12. 9 ir.i.i 21. i; 10. 1 11. w 4o] 1 10. :! IS. :; lOii, s 23. s 12, 9 1 ;'). f- 44.0 4--^. S 12.2 20. 1 40.1 I.''. 20. S 190. 9 2.-'. (i fll .5 i). .3 . 7 .",1 .'>2 .4 . n 7^ 3; . (1 r,'j. 1 .")(). 9 .'.3. 1 4^.7 39. (10. r> .'i).7 :>-.',. 1 47.0 (ii;. f) 10'' 24. 43, 1 56. 7 or.. ;"4.i; .".4. 61,4 HI, 34.0 4:"!. 2 61. S 61,1 ,-,3, .s 0, 1 0. f) i.r, 0, r, 11.1 2. 6 1.0 7.0 (i, .■> 1.9 2. 1 7.0 3.3 3.1 r.. 9 13.0 2. 3 2^0 1,1.(1 2:^.8 30.4 1 7. 1 9 10..". r 19. 9 '. 4.0 26. 2 49, 3 9, 2 12. 6 7.(1 10. r. 12.6 22.2 21.9 2.",.0 10.(1 11.(1 8, 2 10. 7 .">4. 2 12.9 1 1.0 29. 9 2S, 3 21.8 1^.3 323. 1 46, 2 61,0 1.'.. 7 ] s. 33.0 36. 3 21.9 34.".. 49, (1."., 2 17,3 2?, 1 3:',, 3.V.), 4 51,3, 6,', S 1.-., 1 29, 2 49, 5 37, n 41,1 69,0 9,9 92,7 13, 2 96,3 ; !,',(). 9 10.8 21.6 179. 4 2.-., 6 213.1 30.4 2.'.0, 9 3,6 13.2 16.6 23 8 .-,1.9 9, .- fJ. 1 7. r> 12.3 2.5. (i (1,0 (1. 1 ■>", ■) 29. 4 10.6 (1,7 8. 3 11.0 11.7 17.9 4.7 14.(1 29. 9 3-2. 5 34,0 (1. 1 ^'. .", 10,9 11.7 10.8 3. 8 ',. 9 (7.4)' (8.9) 10. 108, '. I.J.: 130. 3 1^.7 169. 24. 48, 3 47,4 30. 21.8 35. 2 13! 9 10.3 20(1. 9 29. 6 52. 1 (14.7 45, 9 51, 3 59, 9 18,7 19. 5 OS. (I 57. 5,s, 7 61, s 35, (1 25, 4 54. .-^ (19.7 64.(1 (11,(1 (111, 1 36, 30. 3 73.9 (H. 1 (111. 5 67. 1 46.2 SO. 7 (If^. 9 73.3 74.2 32. 9 34.3 312.1 44.(1 361. : 51,: !-0. (I 376.3 410.5 53,8 5-^,6 65, 9 1 9, S 43, 3 43,7 53. 4 42, 1 43, 42, 5 SO, 2 7(1, 4 7(1, 77, H 31,(1 3(1,7 IJi,2 60.2 (1.^) 3.4 24.0 K4 (1.7 11.0 ■ 6. 4.9 )7. 1 9. 2.4 ('. 3 29 5 27. 4 9.2 5. 9 2. 3 10. 84.0 12. 10. 5 40. 13.4 7 '"' 4,8 22, 2 107. 4 15. 3 12. 3 14. 19.(1 18, 11 10,8 8, 8 1(13 23, 4 19. 18. 5 22. 9 15. 5 14 2 25. 3 ;i9. H 14.2 19. 8 23, 20. 4 22.1 54.2 194.9 27. 8 2-'. 4 30. 5 30,7 25,(1 24.6 32. 5 31 . 6 34.(1 38.7 50.0 .54.9 29.0 39.0 31.(1 44.7 43. 'J 60. 54.7 32.8 3>;. 1 59. 2 0:!. H 30.3 44.4 36.7 31,1 53, 7 (17, 3 55.1; 42,1 (19,9 ' (i-',5 230,7 293, 6 41.8 48.4 4S 2 353. 1 50, 4 34. 1 10.3 17.2 e. Sim s Jleaii ^ 31.7 29. 7 1.7 39. 37. 3 .'4.(1 21.2 l.-'.2 1 .59, S 2^. 11,3 33, 9, 7 40, 3 15, 9 27,3 27,1 I 34, 4 15,5 35.3, 43,. 4 3(1, 1 43,7 ' 43.6 34.5 39.8 41.1 30. 7 35. (I ' 3'-J. 3 35,7 10.6 ! 13.9 35,2 10. S 4.^.5 J15. 30. 7 2:1.3 164,5 23, 5 1 S, 1 3-, 1 38. (I 26. 7 21.4 40,0 44, 2 22(1. 5 32. 6 20-. 3 29. .^ 40. C 37! 44.' 2 43.7 46. 37. (i 44. 5 42.5 53. (1 40. 2 42. 2 KJ. 4 47.7 2-0. .-, 4(.l. 1 44.7 50. 1 53, 7 50. 3 45. 1 51.2 51.0 5>'. 2 54.5 17.4 23. 9 54.7 58. 1 20. 3 49. 5 60. 3 61.8 61.0 58. 24,0 63, 5 (11.0 (13.2 (15.5 (12.9 61.9 2:1. 8 (12. 6 46.0 ! 46.(1 'il.3 46.9 40.9 I 45,9 36.4 ! 16.7 41.4 j 21.4 45. I 49. 4 .56,4 280,0 40. 277.4 3,9.6 31,'^.9 45.(1 .511. >' 51.5 15.(1 39. -■^ 40 304.9 43. 6 347. 1 49. 6 3,-'2. 1 403. 9 54.6 .57.7 11.',. 2 61.1 (15.2 (, (12.3 2,1.7 60.5 407.(1 5S. 2 .,6. 7 55. 6 283, 6 40,5 313.3 4 1.'^ 51.5 55, 3 52, 3 1(1, 8 46, 8 4!l,5 49, 2 59. .54! 2 22. '"^ (',1! 3 45. 1 52. 9 61.9 59. 7 .57 2 67.7 59. 8 62.5 ! 6". 60.0 41.2 (10.9 64.0 ; 64.4 59. 60.(1 (15.(1 42.7 65. 4 (15. 1 63. 3 324. \ 46. 3 354.0 50.6 403 4 419.0 I 421.7 .57 6 .59,9 60.2 nlai' L'tjlipsf. KECAl'lTULATJON. 70 POLARIS rior.sE. p. m. Hati' i>r-\. April 20. ■,'1- ■21. M.'l ■i(). April -j: Miiv ■ill . oil . 1. Miiv 10. Mav 11. 1-J. i;!. 14. 1.-.. ]i;. 17. Sums.. .Means. Mnv is. VJ. ■JO . 21. •-'4. Suiii.s Mraij; 31. •J-1, 1 42. S i;:. 1 m. .') (14. (; (ii.-j Siuiis Jleaiis :!l(i. 1 4.".. -i ic. t) ■j:!. 4 ;io.(i 4.'>. 7 41.- snms-- .Mcaiis. 4 07. r> f^i.i 77. 7 7i;. ■,' 7-'. :i-.4 ij:i. .- ."^iims 4^■.^ 'S .Mraii.s ^ <\>.[) 44.9 (i;!. -2 4.'.. ■.'4.9 lid. i; :i9. :i ii:i. 4 341.9 64.4 61. i; 64.7 ^7:21 31. li 6:!. -.', 400.1 ii^'y y- 5(i.7 1 21; 59,1; -' i;-.'. 3 ^^ ' . :!4.-2 ir,. 1 37.4 i;ii. II .Mi. ."> .'..-■. (> 47.7 17. li 10.7 34. fi I 30. 1; 47.7 I C,^.:: ',i\. 4 '. r>i;. (i 10.6 ' li. 1 :,:',. 9 :-,:>. 7 54.4 : ci.s 12.2 2:'.. 9 4li. II .VJ. 1 I 4.0 49. s [ 17.7 9.7 12! b 40.9 >. 1;:. 3^. 1®'' I a' 9..'. 1.0 II :; II .1 19.2 23.4 lii. 4 12.9 , .'-.4 4,0 2.1 I ,-. (i ■ : 2.'...- 3.7 4.6 1.3 0.6 ■':5 1.9 3:1.2 24.2 11.1 2. .-> i 11.6 29.6 9..', 9.2 ."..6 ! 4.9 27.->. 1 I 279. S 39. 3 :j9. 9 20.'i. 7 j ls:i. 9 29. 4 27. 1 124. s 17.6 4:1.9 14.9 9.4 1.^.5 16.9 21.3 33. ."1 r>i.o 4-]o 1.'.. 9 17..^ 32. 1 26. 7 4;i. .' 3,0. 7 22. ^ 19! 9 17! 1 29. 9 2.".. 7 34.0 37.2 22. 7 19. - 12. 1 62. 4 16. 1 1 2^.2 '.KV, 5.5 !."..> 12.3 23.2 35.1 16.3 : 15.0 14.9 '■ 17.1 41.4 i 16.7 9.,-^ 4.^ 11.5 4. 2 2. 5. :l *• 9.5 6.5 1.0 IS. li. - 4,4 5.3 ;!. 2 1 111.4 CkI'^ 3.9 9. 5 ■ 7. 4 3. 7 11.4 1.5 0.7 0.7 6. ' 5. 2 216.0 I 214.6 30.9 : 30.7 192. 6 19S. 5 26.1 2S. 4 1;!: I 129.9 ]s. 6 C^i. 19. s 11.1 9. 1 27. 6 27. 7 so, 4 76.2 7 1.2 71. s 74,9 64,6 71.0 69.2 52.2 56.1 5s. 7 4-J. 4 36. 9 65.6 61.7 7 2 2 59. I 22, II 19.11 31.2 54.11 66, 6 66. 4 3s. 3 20. ;» 15.4 15.5 ' 21. s 34. 1 ! 19.3 60. 1) ' 56. 2 61.9 51.5 50.4 17.5 23,. 5 211. S 14.3 S.7 14.0 11.5 23. (I 44. 1 s. 9 S.4 5.4 44.6 14.7 4 3,! I. 62.7 10,-, 4,-', 1 ' 41, s 2.59. 7 3,7. 1 19s 2S. 4 16. 13.-. 4,7 4 3 6. s 6. 6 6 4.4 71.5 10.2 4. 2 15. 3 2.4 '< 2.9 4.7 I 4.5 2S. 2 I H. 4 :i. I 5.1 5. 9 2. 4 1.0 , 3.7 52. 4 31.4 v:j. 42. 4 33. 61.2 302. 1 43.2 52. 1 43.0 47.9 47. 5 40.1 23.4 20. 9 is. 11 24.9 22. 1 22. s 15.4 •>( ; ;- ',-V> 7 25. 7 27. 2 27.1 20. 5 17.6 66. 9 5S. li 65.5 56. 6 262.9 23,1.2 197.4 191.1, 5 37. 6 33.0 •>,< 5 14, 1 31, 3 111.6 29. 9 S. 3 4-. 2 4.0 0. s 24. 5 r)ii '•' 2,-, 10.4 10, 1 s. 54.5 46, 4 34. 42. 4 2. 1 3. 1 12.3 4.6 2.7 44. 3 I 32. 9 1.5 ' 1.3 1.S ' 11.11 5. s 4.1) 5.7 I 5.H 31.5 I 24.4 150. : 21.: 163. 5 23. 4 ri.Mi 1 s. 9 111.6 15.9 95. 2 15.0 72.6 10.4 61.3 64. 1 56.9 50.3 60.9 62. 3 53.7 47.5 59! 1 55! 1 62. 5 56. 1 •Al 1 57. 6, 54. 3, 23. 4 59 •i 54.9 54. 1 52. 6 56. 6 .5,s, 4 15. 1 49.0 4S, s 50,4 50,1 49. 1 ■,i. s s.(i 53. is. 36. 51 . 9 46. 44.7 40. 3 45. 5 43.9 49.1 4s. 7 44.0 43.6 41.0 7. 3 ! 4. 9 45.,- J 1.7 3,s, 6 3s. 6 1-. 6 34. 4 36. 5 4.4 34. 1 39. 1 32. S 34. 9 34.9 .5.4 51.3 342.2 345.4 4,-. 9 49. 3 39. 7 5S. 3 62. 5 64. 1 65. 6 59.0 00. S 57. 9 65. 2 61. 9 51 Ml 61.1 60.1 433. 7 61.9 4 IS. 3 59.4 414.9 » :39.3 55. 1 54. 1 57.9 46.6 .59.3 .55.4 55.6 57.7 50.4 5S. 7 59. 5 59. 2 395. 9 3s,s. 56.6 5.5.4 Mjtximum ilillLTein; 32S. 2 304.9 46.0 43,. 6 55.3 52.9 52.6 45.9 31.4 30.2 53. 7 ' 49. 4 56. S 52.3 57! 5 , 5.3! 9 9 216.6 193. 7 40. 6 43. 4 42. 7 411. 45.6 ! 47. i 49.5 4 4.6 47.,-^ 45.2 36.3 I 20. 1 33, s 32,9 17^0 3s, :\i].f: 39,1 39.7 35.4 40.9 11. s 52.3 51. s , 4- , Mayo, .8151, 292. 6 41. s 25S, 36, 9 210.6 211. 30. 1 35. 213. 1 3.0. 4 34.0 32. 4 4.4 14.4 39. 5 40. 39. 9 204.6 29. 2 SOLAR iJADIATION. The following table contains a recapitulation of the maxima of radiation occurring during (he respective weeks both at Polaris Bay and at Polaris House; the weeks being indicated by the middle date (to be found at the head of the column), — tLat is, ob.servations were made three days previous and three days subsequent to the days from which the maxima were selected. This was done tn free the observations from abuormals, as we assume that the uiaxima ol.>tained in this manner are more equally free from disturbance. The results obtained thus are more satisfactory than by using the usual method. The sums and the general means are found nuilerneath the rcs])C('ti\'c columns. JMvSL'J.TS. Maxima af I'olarin Bay. APRIL. MAY. Time. 01' 1 :! 4 r (; H 9 10 11 Noon. II' 23 ~cr 3.: n. < 17. i •2'.i. : 4(1, ( 47,'; " 74.0 70. S 72. 77.0 09.0 11 o ::8. 9 no. 12. 1 4 I . .■> 4-. -.', 54.9 55. 7 (HI. 4 o;i. 09.0 00..-^ 4 4 1 59. 9 0,1. 49 :iO. .'^ 21 51.1 r<->. 47.0 49. 4 .54.0 59. ;i 08. 2 00. 'A 70.9 69. 9 (ic>. :', 09. 9 00, 9 72, 2 0,5, 7 (iO, (iO. 1 53. 9 55. 4 43.5 48. 45.4 2*1 40,4 45,4 40.0 55. (I 47.2 07. 09. 3 Si.',; f-'.-'. 4 74.5 79.2 Or'. 02. o;'.. 51. 40. 43.0 39.4 39.0 41.7 45.0 51.7 5S. 9 04! .59. 2 71.0 (i5. 8 (;i.i 70.1 0!l. 01.2 55. 6 71.9 55. 5 51.0 .50, 9 40. 43.7 4.-. 7 JUNE. 11 23. 1 27. .1 39. 9 41.9 44.4 49.5 5«. :> 04.9 00. 4 65. (U). 9 0(1. ;- 5(;. 7 54. 9 53. 6 50. 4 53. 2 55. 7 51.0 47.4 10. 20. 2 1334.3 .55. 6 1339.0 .55. 8 13.53,. 9 .50.4 1416.4 59. 1490.6 0,2. 4 13,3,4.4 1173. S .55.0 48.9 IT 4>. 3 3-'. 41. r' 40.0 42. 5 41.9 50. 1 00.0 71.4 72. 4 7h2 56. 'J 07.4 57. 3 .55. 4 53. S 49. 7 51.7 54.0 5; J, '.J 46.3 49. 1 43.0 1304. 3 54.3 Maxima at I'olaris House. APRIL. MAY.. Time. — - - - — 23 30 7 14 21 28 ° on 7. 8 6. 1 14.7 24.0 34. 1 39.0 1 20. 5 [ 14. 1 14.6 29.5 36. 7 411.3 2 27. 2 13. 29. 9 27.4 3,0. 1 44.2 25. S -25 8 32. 5 40,0 43.7 40,. 4 3,.5.7 1 36.4 51.9 19.6 48. 5 56.4 5 49. 1 1 20. 2 4S. 3 25. 3 53.0 .50.7 4s,8 ' 49.3 04. 7 .54. 2 57.0 55. 6 T 55. 3 54. 2 OS. 57. 2 58. 2 55. 3 S 59. 1 01. 09.7 0,0. 58. 2 61.3 ;i 60.5 05.2 73. 9 75.2 03. 5 07. 7 10 65. 6 1 05. s SO. 7 (;9.9 05. 5 66. 9 U 04.1 1 05.9 sil. 2 08. 5 0,5. 2 6.5.6 Noon. 67. 1 ; 03,. t- 81.1 03.4 04.7 05. 7 1" 64.5 51.0 SO. 4 09.0 0,4. 1 0,s. 5 2 05.1 1 53.3 70.2 60.9 62.3 61.1 3 5(i. 4 42. 1 72. 2 5S. (i 02. 5 59. 5 4 0,-'. 3 62.4 00. 6 65.5 58. 4 59. 2 5 52. 1 41. 4 01.9 56. (; 56. .57. 5 (; 40.9 35.1 50. 2 .54. 5 50. 4 53. 9 7 33. -2 ]S. (1 44.1 .-,:> ■) 49. 1 49. 5 s 24.2 7.4 41.1) 48^ 2 44.7 47.4 ;i 16. 4 5. 3 3S. 7 42. 4 38. 39. 1 10 1-.'. 9 0.0 28. 2 4 1. 3 36. 5 411. 9 11 Sums. . 8.4 ■ 5.2 18. 4 32. 9 39. 1 40.0 1035.0 ; 874.0 1297. 7 1212.3 1246. 1 1297. 3 Menus. 1 43. I 36. 4 54. 1 50. 5 51.9 54.1 RESULTS. 81 A glance at the preceding table shows that the difference between the solar radiation at Polaris Bay and at Polaris House, daring the periods under consideration, amounts to 8^.4 P. for 3-.- of latitude, or to 2-.0 F. for 1° of latitude, so that the solar heat seems to increase with the latitude. If we compare the amount of solar heat conveyed to the earth in instances when the suu has the same altitude, we obtain the following series, iu which, for example, the sun has the same altitude at noon as at a later date at midnight. With north latitude, the altitude of the sun at noon = 90 —

-een March 3 and May i, and so on between all the days given opposite each other in the following table. Solar radiation for equal altitudes of the sun at noon and at midnight. n.i.. l.I- BAV POLAr.IS HOUSE. Eadiation at— Eadiation at — Date. jiE. Da .aE. Xoon. Mill- night. Noon. Mid- night. IrTi. 1-72. o o o 1873. 1873. i o o o March 4 April 16 2;-!. 4 4.C. 18. S MaixU 3 May 4 ! 18.5 3.6 14.9 5 1' 0.9 0.7 0.2 4 5 12. 2 9.3 2.4 7 20 4.1 O.S 3.3 5 7 3-. 9 6. 7 32. 2 8 21 37.2 0.6 36.4 6 8 40.4 14.7 25. 7 9 22 42.2 17.1 25.1 7 10 42.5 : 3.8 38.7 11 24 44.2 3.7 40.0 8 12 36. 4 3.4 33.0 13 27 43.3 2.0 41.3 10 14 17.7 2 2 l.\ 5 14 2- 47.9 0.2 47.7 11 16 9.8 6.7 3. 1 15 20 47.6 11. S :-;5. 8 12 18 -(4. .5) n23.3) "(18.8) 16 il-ay 1 52. s 26. 3 26. 5 13 20 46. 1 34.1 12.0 17 2 4S. 7 3.6 45.1 . 15 24 43. 7 0.6 43.1 1- 3 5.-. 3 7.4 47.9 r~ 31 56.6 33.2 23.4 19 5 4.1 6 5 9 'S'^ 7 22 10 02. 7 7. S .54. 9 S — X 24.5 2-) 25 April 2 12 14 30 63.3 35.1 61.7 13. 5 12.9 39. 2 49.8 22 2 22. 5 * Eejected. 3 June 2 70.1 10.2 59.9 4 5 63.4 27.6 35.8 5 10 22. 1 10.4 11.7 6 21 U2. iS.3 13.7 i S — X 32.3 From the above table, it appears that, at Polaris Bay, the solar radiation is 32=. .3 greater for the same altitude, the sun being south, than with the same altitude north, which value would corre- spond to a difference of 0.088 inch in the force of vapor, as may be fouud by comparing the cor- responding values of the latter for the dates under consideration, given iu the chapter containing the hygro metrical observations. Hence, for 0.001 inch increase or decrease of the force of vapor, the radiation will increase or decrease 0o.37 F. At Polaris House, the difference mentioned above is 24o.5, and the differeuce in the force of vapor 0.0063 inch. Hence the coefficient of radiation for 0.001 inch of the force of vapor = 0^.40 F., which latter value may be adopted for the present. 11 s R 82 tSOLAE EADIATIOX— RESULTS. The following table contains the resulting solar radiation for Polaris Bay and Polaris House, both uncorrected and corrected for force of vapor. roL.\r,i~ V. s o VY, 1-72. i ? ? I'l ir,Ai;is II = R 5 ^ c v- .2 -^ •; "^ o' "^^ c lUSK, 1873. o K o O o .i o o Apri 23 .51.2 + 11.2 62. 4 43.1 +12. 55. 1 7.3 30 ."w. !) 14.4 70. :i .36.4 19. 2 .55. 6 .14.7 May 7 .'5. 8 17.6 7;?. 4 .54. 1 13.6 67.7 .5.7 14 56.4 ;;4. 90. 4 50. 5 33.6 84.1 6.3 21 .59. 46.0 105. 51.9 46. 8 98.7 6.3 28 62.4 44.4 ■ 106. 8 .54.1 +27. 2 81.3 25. 5 .June 4 11 18 .55. 6 48. 9 54. ;: 6(1. 58. 8 +59.6 115. 6 107.7 113.9 hence- For oO.'J latitude, the mean difference = llo.O For lo of latitude, a = 3°A F. which is a remarkable fact, as the contrary would have been anticipated.* If we examine the uncorrected observations, we perceive that an increase of 1° of latitude cor- responds to an increase of 2o.6 F. After having applied the correction due to the influence of the force of vapor, the difference becomes even greater, equaling 3°A F., so that the force of vapor alone cannot explain this circumstance. If we had used different instruments at the two stations, we might suppose that the vacuum surrounding one thermometer might have been more complete than that of the other; but the observations at both stations were made with one and the same thermometer. A greater number of ob.servations on this point would be desirable, and we would recommend to the United States Signal-Service to supply their observers with black-bulb ther- mometers in vacuo; and, although the method of measuring the intensity of solar radiation by means of a thermometer is a very rough one, it would, nevertheless, yield some interesting results^ especially as some of the meteorological stations of the Bureau above named are situated on high mountain-peaks. * Halley, a discourse couceruiug the proportional licat of the sun in all the latitudes, etc. Philosophical Trans- actions, vol. 17. Lajibert, Pyrometrie, Berlin, 1779, p. 310, etc. Herschei,, Comptes rendus, 1836, II, p. 505. QuETELET, Annuaire m(5t^orologlo[ue de la France pour 1815. Paris, 1850. Meech, On the relative intensity of the heat and light of the sun. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge Washington, 1856. TERRESTEIAL EADIATION. TERRESTRIAL RADIATION, Record and discussion of ohserr 2-1 30 18. ii;.4 9.7 3-4 15 :i:i. 1 27.0 26 2 3-4 1 '"^ 25, 5 12.5 16.9 2-4 Hi 17 18 19 ;i.». :i7. 5 40.5 40.1 27.4 30. s 31.6 30.6 31.1 :!3. 1-4 1-4 VL-.h. 1 1 '' 1 30. 30.9 2-4 20 -:!.;. — 20.2 -20.4 3-4 r, —36. —29. 5 ;;-3 .) 1-4 TERRESTRIAL RADIATION InKtinmi'iifal re(((llufi-'^ of niilintiini ihcnnometcr, itv. — (Jontiiined. Dat. I>a(c. M. T. 1.^7-.'. L-72. Feb. C, ' —Zi.'.l — 2(1. (i -21). 1 2-1 ■Mar. 5 — :;5. 1 — 2S. 9 —20.4 4-4 7 :'A'i. n 2:i. () 31.11 ti ■ 25, Hi, 9 31.9 1-4 ,-' ;!',). 5 2'.l. U 21.7 l-l ' 40. 32. 5 11.3, 3-4 ;i :;i.5 2 t. 7 22 5 2-1 -■ 1-'. 35. 5 13,. 3 1-1 1(1 2^'. II 22. II 2;;. 2 2-1 9 51.2 40.5 40.0 4-1 11 21.5 ir,.5 I.-.:! :i-4 10 T)'! H 39. 3, 3,5. 4 2-4 , 1-^ i:! ■ '4 ■> ■' 1 11 :;o. 24. II 22. :i 2-1 12 40.0 31.3, 3,1.4 1-4 14 .,2.:; 2l.r, :'.5.5 1-4 13 3,9. 1 30. 4 3,1.9 I) 15 4!l. 1) :'.7.0 12.9 14 12. 3,2. 3 31.9 1-4 16 5:! 45. 7 :!5. 9 1-4 15 4(i, 9 3(). 2 31.4 II 17 :!i).«i ;!0. 5 ;:ii. 4 4-4 11 ; 315. 1 32.5 1) 1.^ i; 39. 1 :'ii 3,0.9 1-4 r, •;(> 19 2^-<. w 35) 2 23 2 27.1 311.7 ■27.8 2-1 •21 21' 21 30. 23. 3 2 4.1 20.7 29. 9 3-4 3-1 "3 •a 25 22 33. 9 20. 7 31.4 4-4 41.11 ;!y.8 '51 5 'U 4 ■'-4 :u. 4-4 24 3(1.2 23,. 1 3-4 'i!. 20.2 )i;.o 4-4 ''."> 31,0 3,0. 25. 4 ■2-i 'J7 .'„s, 8 •26. II ;i2. 4 3-4 2(; 11.0 07.0 1-'. 4 1-4 29 Mai. 1 2 4 27 2s 29 30 31 09. hi 07. 24.7 22.4 —09. 03. 3 ■ 1.9 11',. 1 15. 2 - 01.3 03,. 4 04. 9 17.2 09. 7 -00. ri 4-4 1-1 1-1 4-4 4-1 —51.11 —:■.',». 2 — ;'.9. 1-4 In order to make use of the preeodiu.g observations, the readiug.s takeu with the two ther- mometers, when the mean amount of clouds during 24 honr.s did not exceed one-fourth, were grouped in the following table. The headings of the first four columns have the same signification as stated before. The column headed E contains the ratio between M — C and M — T. The differences are given in the last column. Dale. 1.-72. M. o c. T. — C. M-T. R. A C' o .Taijnai">' — 37. .5 - 2[K 8 — 32. 9 — 7.0 - 4,0 — 1.7 — 2 n 45. 2(.;. 1 31. 3 IH. 9 13. 7 1.4 + 1 13 39. 5 •>\\ ,^ 30.0 1 2. 7 H. 9 1.4 + 1 It; 3.5.0 27. 4 ;',ii. P 7. C, 4.2 1.8 -3 IT 37. 5 2>'. i; 31. 1 S.9 6.3 1.4 + 1 l!^ 40.5 30. s 3,3. 9.7 7. 5 1.3 4- -J ''"7 3G. 20. s 29. 4 9. 2 6.6 1.4 + 1 1 I'ljliriuii-y Tj -3H.0 — 29. 5 ;;.J '1 — 5. 8 - - - Mean -3,K — 28. 2 -31.4 - 10.4 - 7.2 — 1.5 ± 1 1 AT roLA];is r>AY. Tbc Ibllowiii^' K'lalioii was found to exist : ]\[-C = l.r. (M-T) ^1-T=2.25(T-C) Afcniding- to rouilk'l,* the temperature of space can be found by the follownig equation: «"= 0.90 ((' + ().(;'> a" 'SI beiii,;^' the zenithal temperature obtained by multiplying the actiiiomctric difierence by ;;;1 ,r=the mean temperature of a column of atmosphere above the station of the observei ; !/=the temperature of space; u:=1.0077 (referred to (Jelsius's scale), or log ry=:l:i.SO (referred to Fahreu- hcit's scale). I'ouillet's coi'lficient of it' lies between 1 and (l.S, in which case we assniuiMl 0.9 as being the mean of the two values named. The ciii'tficieiit of diathermacy a" is equal to 1 — O..'!."), or to O.G.";. Tiie solution of the above exponential equatiy tlie n'fjuJa fulKi ill (he following manner : Assume for 11 — 192° - 17o'> ^ !/ — 0.400 - O.;!.".! n. o.(i:> + O.Sl,", +;; 9.4 b". 9.4.">9 c (f.2.",9 O.'JSS a" o.s;;2 O.s,",:; 0.57.". o.:.4 1 (!' 0.(i.".7 0.(10 t - 0.1 !i(; - 219 .)■ — 94° - 10."." c - 2S ~ 2S ,'/ — ir.o - ]S.> A ■''» + 12 For — VJ-2 -^ > > - 170 . .. 4-12 + .j140 + l'20t //=+ 7044 — 44 = 17 f"' F. = temperature of space. — 10,1' F. = temperature of the atmosphere. To measure the amount of radiation taidng place between tlie atmosphere and space, and between these and the surface of the earth during the nigiit, Mv. Fouillet constructed an instru- ment which he called an actinometer.t 'After the loss of our radiation-thermometers that had bu'u exposed on the ice in September, lSi2, w<' eoiistiucted an instmment similar to that de\ised by ,^Ir. Poiiillet, only less eoinplcte, owing to the detieieiK'y ol' the means at our dis|H)sal. Inslead of the silver cylinder, wc used one ol till, about 1.". inches liigh and 10 inches in diameter. The inner cylinder was made of thin I'.i'istul board covered with tiuloil; and instead of using swan-down, as Mv. rouiliet did, we filleil the .space between the inner and outer cylinder with white fox skin. The same material was used to cover the three rings, placed horizontally on the inner cyliuder. Tlic thermometer iistd by us \^asa Casella standard spirittherinometer with elongated bulb. Jn mounting the instrument, which ' Luhrliiicli (111- ,M,t.(ii..liij;io, liiMibcitet \(iu Dr. Kiiist EiLnid .s.liniid, Lpiizii;. Lcoi..iia \'oss. l-'iii, p. in:,, ci|iialion :i. t rtml. M'nniiitis I'oiiiliis, v(,l. n;. p. iWi;. Cimipnrc also .'^rliniid, /»r. lit. i; TElMtKSTIlIAL liADIATION WHS pliiccd on a wooden shnid I I'cci above llic ground, tlio .siinie iirccaiitions were, taken as hy Mi'. I'onillef, but we were iinalile to [)r()(bi(-c tlie aililicial .sky, wliicli, liowexcr, was not tliouglit to lii' Ncry essential, as we would scarcely ]ia\'e been able to obtain teni[)ei'atnies (by means of reiVi"- eiating mixtures) mncli lower than tliat of tlie .siinonnding' air. The followin;^' paj^cs contain tlie obs(M-\ afious made hourly, with the e\cc|)|i()ii of ;i few oaii,'-- sioiiH between November' 2n, ISTU, and l'\',l)ruai'y 'S->^ IST.'l. In th(^ first coiiimu, the time will lie Ibund ; in the s( cond, the correcled reading; of tie aciiiH)meter. The column headed a contains the diffeienee bel\\ccu the readings of the tempera- tuie of the air and the indications of the aclinomcter. The (column headed S eontairis llu^ amdmit of clonds at the monu'nt of obsci\ation ; (lie sii;ns beiiii;- the sauK^ as those usi'd before. AT POLAIMS nOUSE. Diiy. 25, Hour. 01' 1 3 4 10 11 Noi.ii, 11' V) 3 4 - 3.4 - ',». (i - ',1. ',» -10.3 -111. 3 A 3. 1 3. 3.1 -10.4 , :'.. -10. 3 ','. - -111. -J -J. 7 - '.i.r, 3.2 - ;•. s 3. 4 - ;i. 1 :•.. - ;•. 4 3. - '•>. :'. 3. .- - .'■'. 9 , 4.'i - 7.9 /.t) s. 1 3, '9 3.0 1-4 2-4 1-4 i; - '9. 1 3.1 '-'-4 7 — f^. 3>. 9 :'.-4 H — 'J. 3.7 3-4 'J — '.t. 3.0 •2-4 10 y - \.2 - 11 2. s - — ^. — 7.4 — C. 1 - (IS - 7. 3 - 7. 9 - S. 3 - 9.0 - '.I..''. - 9. C - 9. 9 -10. 3 -10.:! NOVEMBER, 1872. 26. 27. A S. 3 A 4.0 1-4 —10.2 4.7 4-4 4.3 1-4 —10.2 4.7 4-4 3.i; 1-J — '9.4 4.2 4-1 4. 2 1-4 — 9. 3, 4. s 4-4 ,1 2-4 i - .-^. s 4..^ 4-4 7.9 4.1 4-4 — -.2 '>. 1 4-4 3.. 3 2 4 — 7.4 .-..4 4-4 .'■., 2 4-4 — .s 3, .^>. 4-4 4-4 — 7.4 4.2 4-4 4-1 — 7.4 4.4 3-4 4-4 — 7.3 4..-. 3-4 4-4 — C. 9 4. G 2-4 4-4 — 7. 3 4. 2 2- 1 4-4 — 7.3 3. s 2-1 4-4 — 7..^ 4.4 2-1 4-4 — 7.3 4.1 2-4 4-1 — 7.3 4.4 3-1 4-1 — 7.3 4.4 4-4 4-4 — 7. 3 4. li 4-4 4-4 — 7.2 4..'. 4-4 4-1 — i;. S 4.3, 44 4-4 — (i.e. 4. 1 4-1 4-4 — (i. 7 4. I 4-1 4-4 — 7. 1 r.. .'. 4-1 4.9 :•. 4..') 4.H 3.8 3.0 3.4 4.11 3.9 4.3 4.0 4.4 4.0 3.9 4.4 4.5 as. A — 7.1 . i: j 3.4 .3 4..'. . 1. 4.4 '.1.3 - 9. rf ~ 9.8 -10. 3 -11. I -12. 3 -12. s 4.2 -12.8 j 4.8 -12. r. , 4.3 -12. 3 4. 7 -12.1 4.1 -12.3 3.8 -13. 1 I 3. -13. C, \ 4.4 -14.2 I 4.9 -14.9 -ir>. 3 :'.. 9 4.3 -Ifi. S I 4.8 -Ifi. .^ I 4.4 29. A ',) , 2 4 2-1 2-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 -10. — 1.'.. — n;. — 111. — 1.''). — 10. — 1.".. — ir.. — I.''). —10. —10. — ii;. — 10. — 10. —1.5. — 13. — 12. — 12. — 12. — 12. — 13. —14. —14. —14, 4.2 4.0 4.9 .'.. 1 4.0 4.4 4.7 4.8 4.9 :,.o ;>. 2 4.9 4.8 4.0 1) 1.0 , 4.5 4. :, 2-4 3-4 l-l 1-4 1-4 4-1 4-4 4-4 14 4-4 1-4 TKi;i!ESTi;iAL IIADIATIOX I'av. NOVEMBER, 1872. ao. DECEMBER, 1872. Hour. A 10 11 N..011. Ih I 10 11 —14.4 4.> —1-J.:! .-..7 4-4 -10. -J 4.r, ■-^ —14.- 4. 1 1-4 — l-J. 5 li. -J -J-4 — 10. -J :;. > - — 1.\ :; .-..1 4-4 —1-.'. ;i (1.7 1-4 — 10.:'. :;. - — 1.\ :! 4.S -14.4 i;. 4 - -lo.i; 4. -J - -l.\:'> 4.0 — l.-..r, 4.0 - -10.0 4. - - — i.".;; .''. II — 1.\7 .'..1 - — 10.- .'.. 1 -• — i.').f, .-.. :; 4-4 — IT'. ,") .-.7 - -10.4 4.4 ^ ' — i:.. f, (i. 1 1 -, «) 7.7 - — 10. ,< 4..^ - 1.'.;! .">. — 1 ,■- . t i 11. -J -- — I7.:i -14. T .'>. 1 ; 4-4 -i-.'.i; ."'. (i - —17.:! 4..'. - — I4.t; r>. s 4-4 ]■-> -^ :'.. 1 - — 17.0 4.4 - —14.4 ^ 1 ■"> o 1..". - — 17.7 4.0 — ' —14.4 T'. ;i -1-J. 4 4. 1 — 17.:! 0. -J - —1 :!..-. 0. 'J ;;.s - —10.0 0. - — 1-J, !• .\s 4-4 -i:!.:; 3. - -10.:! 4. 1 - -l-\ .-. 0. 4-1 — 14.4 4. J - —10. :! - — I-.'. 7 .'.. 4 -14.;; 4.1 - —11.0 4.1 ^ —I--'.:! .-.. > ; — 14.S 4.;; - — !.".. S -. 7 -■ — 1-J.;; .-.. s —1.-..:; 4.:; '^^ — ii;. .-. 4.;! - — l-J. s i .-.. :. - —17.11 4.:; "^ — i-j. ;; ■'■ ' — 1.-..S :>.7 ^ — 10,. :;. ~i-i. 1 C.l - 1.-.. ;; .".. ;i - — 17.1 5.4 ^^ -11.0 .">. — 1.'>. 1 4.7 - — 17.1 4.4 — 11.0 :'. 1 4-4 — 1."'. ;; 4.S - — 10. -J 4.7 -i:.. :! 3.7 ^' — 10.:! :!. -- II — 10.7 4. :! ^ — -jn.-J I.-J •- — JH. - 0). 7 - ---Ji.-J 7. 11 -■Jii. 0. t - --•jii. i; 0. II - —10.:; - — -jii. -J Ci.s — —■JO. .". % '* ^__ — '20. ."» 4.:; ^_ -JII. 7 4.0 — -Jii. :! .■.. ^ -r.i. 1 5. s - -l.s ;) ">. "J - ~i;i. 1 4.0 -10.4 4.!i -■ — 10. :> 1.7 - — 10. 1 ;-.. .- — 1 -. ;! .">. 1 1 - — 17. 5 '<. 1-1 — 10.7 'i. :!-l A 0.4 1 0.0 4-4 1 ■J. 1 >. s I.I I.:. 1-1 i.i; II 1-1 1-4 4-4 1-1 4 4 0, 4-1 1 4-1 4-1 7 ; 4-1 :s ; 4-1 G II .1 . 1 4-4 .-, I I- 1 - ■*■' J 4-4 1J4-4 1.0 4-1 1.0 4-4 AT rOLAlilS HOUSE. 9 DECEMBER, 1872. i D.lT. Hour. 6. •= ■~ < —17. 5 d" -14. :5 4.0 ^ 5. :'. -- 1 — 14. > :'.. 9 -■ —17.1 5. 5 • ) —15. 2 ; 4.7 —17. 9 5.4 1 :; —16. 4 5.6 ! —17.3 6.4 - 4 — 15. (i 4.5 i — r.:i 6.5 — "' —16. 6 5. :: —16. 4 .5.0 -- —16.6 ' 6.4 — 17. 4 ■ :i. / / —15. 4 5.0 (1 —17. 5 7.1 - - —14.4 6.1 \ —17. 6 C. 2 1-4 9 —14.0 5. S —IS. 4 7. 7 1-4 1(1 —14.4 3.4 — — 1-. (1 6.4 ^ , 11 -15,4 5.7 —19. 5 6.4 ~^ Xi'ou. —15.4 5. 6 — 20. 9 7. 9 - l'- —15. 6.3 —■J J. 2 -. - 2 -14. i; 6.1 —23. 3 7. 7 - ■> — i;;. 11 G. 1 -24.3 7.9 - 4 — i;!.-.' 5. - — 24. 5 r-.l 1-4 <) -13. 9 4.5 .)■> ■; 10.1 i; —14. .3 1-4 ' -18.3 1-4 -l>^'.-9 1-4 -19. 1 3-4 —18. 6 3-4 '• —17.6 4.0 5.7 5.4 5.5 5. C 5.4 5.3 5.1 4.7 2-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4.8 i 3-4 4.6 4.9 4.7 4.6 3-4 3-4 3-4 4-4 4.4 1 3-4 3-4 3-4 5.2 i 4-4 —10. 7 —16. - l.'i. 5 4.9 5.0 4-4 1 -15.2 4-4 -15.1 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.6 -1.5 4.5 4,5 4.0 4.3 2-4 4-4 4-1 4-4 44 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 AT POLARIS HOUSE, 11 DECEMBER, 1872. Day. Hour. 0" 1 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 Xooii. l" 3 4 ~> (i 7 15. 10 11 —15. 2 —15.1 —14.9 —15.1 —16.1 —16.1 —16.9 —15.0 —13. 8 -13. y —13. 5 —13. —13. 9 —13. 4 —14.4 —14. 9 -15.5 —15. 7 —15. 5 —1.5. 1 —14. s -14.1 -13.6 —13. 1 4.5 4, 7 4.3 4.4 4.3 4.5 5.6 4.5 4.8 3.9 4.5 4.7 5.0 4.3 16. 1-4 1-4 1-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 4-4 4-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 4.4 I 1-4 4.4 -- 4.4 ^ 4.7 ' w 4.7 5.4 5.4 4.C 3-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4.5 4-4 —12.9 —12.9 —12.4 —12.1 —11.9 —11.7 —12. —11.9 —12. 4 —13. 1 —14.0 —14. —14. 9 —10. —15. 2 —15. 1 -14. 5 -14.0 —14. —14.4 —14.4 —14. 5 —14.6 —14. 5 4.4 5.3 4.7 4.9 5.2 4.8 3.6 4.0 •4.3 4.0 4.5 5.3 4.7 4.8 4.6 4.6 5.0 4.> 4.8 4.3 4.5 4.7 lY. A S, 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 4-4 2-4 1-4 2-4 2-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 1-4 -14. 9 —14.4 —14.4 —14.6 —14.3 —14.3 —13. 9 —14. 6 —1.5. 6 —15. 4 -14.6 —14.1 —14.9 —15.1 —14.1 —13. 3 —13.1 —13.0 —12. 5 —12. U —11.1 —11.1 -11.6 —11.7 A 4.6 4.S 4.7 4.7 4.9 5.8 3.9 1>. 7 4.0 5.7 5.1 3.8 3.4 5. 7 5.4 4.8 4.4 2-4 3-4 3-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 2-4 1-4 4.6 3.9 3.8 3.5 4.2 1§. < -11.9 -11. 9 -11.2 -10. 2 -10.3 - 9.1 A 4.3 4.5 4.9 4.9 5. 3 4.1 5.1 4.4 7.3 ,5.5 0.2 4.2 7.1 :'.. 9 7.1 4.1 0.6 4.0 6.4 3.9 7.0 3.2 7.0 3.6 8.2 3.5 9.G 3.1 10.0 4.2 11.1 4.2 11.1 3.9 12.0 4.0 12.3 3.9 12.6 3. 19. S. j I- A -12.2 : 3.7 —12.1 —11. 8 -11.1 -11.3 -11.1 —10. 9 —10. 4 —10. 9 —11. 9 —12. :'. —13.0 —11.4 —10. 4 — 9.3 — 8.3 — 7. 9 — 7. — 7.7 — 7.9 — 8.1 — 8.0 2.9 ' ^ 4.3 I 1-4 4.0 : 1-4 3. 9 ~-- 4.0 I 4.5 j 3.. 9 I 3.4 i 1-4 4.2 4.7 5.6 6.0 5.8 — 9. 9 5. 1 4.8 4.0 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.4 3.3 1-4 1-4 1-4 7.0 I 4.0 12 TElMtESTRIAL EADIATIO v DECEMBER, 1872. Day. 2®. Hour. A Ul n Noon. 11' 10 11 — 7.1 — 7.1 — 7. 3 — 7. (1 — H. — >'. 1 . (> I . .^> , .9 : ^ s. 1 ; 3. '.I ' 7.4 3.9 U 7..1 I 3. 8 ! 7.9 ■ 3. H ■ — I e. 3 3. 6 j (I 8. (; 4. 4 ' 9. 1 I 4.4 ^ 9.1 4. (J II 9. 3 4,4 9. 8 4.3 9.7 4.0 10. 1 3. 7 11.1 1.1 11.2 3. (5 11.6 4.3 11.7 4.3 -11.5 I 4.0 21. A S. -11.1 -11. 2 -11.4 -11. s -12. 1 -12. (3 12. 9 -12. 4 -12.2 -12.1 -12. 1 -10. ;! -11. 2 -11.2 1) 1 ,6 - 7, 1 -10. 1 -10. 2 - 9. ."> 1.0 ;; ^ 4.1 4.3, 3.7 4.1 4.9 4.7 4.7 4.9 4.6 3. 9 4..-. 4.3 1..3 3. 3.7 .3.0 4.9 23. A — 3. 3 — 1.7 -I- 2. 9 + 1-' + 2. 2 + 1.9 + ■:.. 9 -I- 3.7 + A. 6 :,. ^ 1-4 '.;.:, 1-4 4.n' 1-4 ;;. 1 1-4 3. 4 1-4 3.0 ' 1-1 2.8 I 1-i 3,. 2 1-1 1.4 1-4 1.9 ' '1-4 1.2 I 1-4 0.2 I 2.0 , 1-4 0, 9 1.2 0.0 0.3 0. H 2. 9 1-4 2.4' 1-4 3.5 i 1-4 2. ! 1-4 1-4 -1- 4.2 i 2.0 1-4 4.2 1-4 —10. 9 5.4 — — >'. 1 5. 3 ^ — 0. (i 3.9 - - 6.5 3.2 + 3.9 j 1. 1 1-4 -I- 2..- 2. ii i-4 2.1 — 1. 2 I 2. 4 ' 1-4 — 0.3 ' 2.2 1-4 — 0. 2 2. I 1-4 — 0.1 2.3 ' 1-4 I — II. 1 5.9 ^ -f 1.6 3,. 7 — -1- 2. 1 i 4. ! — + i.s 1-4 : -I- 5. 4 ' 6. - -I- 1.3 1 3.1 I 1-4 + 0.3 2.4 1-4 — 1.0 2. H 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 — 0.6 — 1.1 — 0.3 + 9.1 I 1.0 1-4 + 9. 6 + -.1 2.-6 1-4 1 -f- o.: (?) [ 2-4 0. 4 2-4 4.« 1-4 3.9 1-4 -f 0. 4 ' 3.4 1-4 -f- 0. 1 3.1 1-4 + 4.9 -1-4.4 1.9 2.6 24. + .5.4 -]- 0. 5 -I- 5. 9 -f 5.2 -I- 5.4 -(- 3. 9 + 3.0 -f 2.2 + 1-J f l." -h 2. 3 + 1-1 -f 11.9 — 2. 3 — 4.1 — 3. 9 — 3.5 — 2.4 — 3.1 A K. 2.9 ^ 2.0 -- 1.9 2.4 2.9 2. 3 2-4 I — 3. 4 2. 4 ; 1-4 1 — 2. : + 4. 2 ■ 3. 3 1-4 ' — 2. 1 -1-4.5 2.7 0.6 3, 1 3.9 4.4 4.4 5.1 4.0 4.3 4.0 4.0 4.4 4.8 I) 1-4 1-4 2-4 AT rOLAllIS HOUSE. 13 D.iv. Hc,„i 1 'J lU u 8 9 10 11 25. A 26. A + 4.9 j 9.9 + >-. 7 ' ('..4 + 11.-2 i 4.:'. 1-4 5.1 3.5 - 5. 1 -11.4 + L1.8 I 3.7 ' ^ —11.3 I + .-'. 1 I 3.S , 1-4 — U.6 —1 J. H —13. 6 -f 3. 9 I 5, 1 , 1-4 + .-.. 9 + 5.9 + 1.9 + ■2.9 — 0.6 — 4.1 — :'.. 4 — 4. 1 — 4.1 — -J. 1 — 2.1 5. 5. 2 :i. 1 3. 3 1-4 1-4 2.4 1-4 3.5 ' 1-4 -12. (i -14. 3 -14. G -i:!. 1 -12. 1 3-4 —10.9 — 4.1 — 5. 1 2. 3 — 0. 1 2. 2 — 7.1 2.;! 4.6 2-4 3. 8 2-4 4.4 5.9 4.3 ].6 2.9 2.9 —10.4 —10.9 —11.1 —10. 6 . — 10.1 — S. 1 — 7.1 — 5.1 — 4.2 — 3.1 — 3.6 4.0 3. U 3.3 4.0 :■.. 1 3.9 6.8 5.4 5, 6 4.5 3.2 3.5 3.7 4.3 4.!^. 5. 5 4.1 3.5 3.8 2.4 3.1 DECEMBER, 1872. 27. A 2§. — 2.1 4.0 — 0.9 :'i,4 - + (1. 4 3.9 j - + 1. G 2. / - + U.9 2. 8 -■ — 1. :'.. 5 — — 5. 9 4.5 - —11.1 4.8 - —13.4 4.4 1 —12, 3 3.5 - —13. 1 3.1 - —14.1 ;:. 8 -^ —11.4 4.:i - -15. 1 6.1 - —14. G 5.0 - —14,9 4.2 — — 15.1 4.1 - -15.0 4.9 - —14.1 5.9 - —13.4 4.8 -- —13. 9 4.4 —13. t 4.2 - —13. 4 4.3 — —13, 3 3.3 — A -] 4, 6 i 3. 1 -15, 1 -16. 1 3.5 3.9 -IG. 4 3. 8 -16.4 -16.1 -16.3 -IG. 1 -16. 1 -15. 9 4.6 4.9 4.8 5.1 4. 9 5.0 -14.9 5.7 —13,1 —14.1 —11. 9 — 15. 2 —15.1 —16. — IG. 1 —15. 9 —16. 6 -17,1 —17.5 -18.1 -18,3 l-l 4, 1 j 4-1 4.7 4.7 3. 9 3. 9 4.7 5.6 -4.5 4.6 4.2 4.7 4.1 5.0 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-1 4-4 3-4 2-4 1-4 29. A , S. -20, 1 5. 3 -19. 9 4. 6 -20.7 I 4.6 1-4 1-4 1-4 -2M,7 ! 3.4 1-4 3.7 I 1-4 1-1 1-4 -21. 1 1 4.5 -22.6, 5.1 —22, 4 i 4.(1 1-4 —23.9 4,4 1-4 —21,1 j 5. G 1-4 —2-1,4 I 4,8 I l-A -24. 9 -25. 1 -25, 1 -25, 6 -25. 6 -25. 6 -25.5 -25. 1 -25. 4 5.0 5.1 1-4 1-4 4,6 4.1 5.1 4,8 4.S 5.1 5.1 26.1 ' 4.1 4.4 , 1-4 4.8 i 1-4 1-4 1-4 -25. 9 -2G, 4 5,2 14 TEEEESTPJAL KADIATION Day. Hour. 01' 1 ■ o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. 11' y 10 11 DECEMBER, 1872. JANUARY, 1873. 30. — 2.") .9 —2C> .0 0", .1 0-, .0 — 2r> 1 Qf-j 1 —2.-, 6 .~)r^ 6 .)r 9 — '^(i .1 — 2C.6 — 2f; 9 —:.>.- —•27 1 ,/ -J 2H 6 29 28 6 2s » 2.^ 9 20 4 20 3 :;:o '_> .5.3 6.0 4.8 4.3 3. (J 3.9 4.3 4.2 4.4 3.8 4.1 4.1 0.4 3.7 3.5 3.3 4.4 4.7 4.5 4.4 3.6 4.2 4.9 3.5 31. —33. 1 —33.7 —32. 4 —32. 8 —33. 1 —34.1 —33.3 —34.1 —34.1 —34. 1 — 3i.l —3:;. 9 —33. 1 —34.9 —32. 6 —32. 9 —32. 6 —32. 7 —32. —32. 9 —33. 2 — ^;3. 5 —34. 1 A 6.2 5.6 4.4 4.3 4.5 4.9 6.4 4.8 5. 2 4.4 4.8 5.7 7.4 6.7 8.5 5. Ij 5.9 5.1 4.G 4.9 5.9 5.3 4.0 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 34. 1 -:!3. 1 -33.9 -33.0 -33. 9 -32. 6 -32.2 -32. 4 -32. 1 -31. -31.1 -30.6 -30. 1 -31. 9 -32.1 -32.5 -33.1 -33.1 -32.7 -33.1 -34. 1 -34. 1. A 4.6 34.0 6.9 4.9 5.6 5.4 5.4 .5.6 4.x 4.5 5.0 5.1 5.6 4.8 2. S .5.4 3.9 4.1 4.1 4.8 4.0 3.9 5.3 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 1-4 2-4 2-4 1-4 *l-4 1-4 A 5.6 ■ 1-4 -35. 9 -36. 3 -36. 4 -37.0 -36.9 -37. 1 -37. 1 -37. 1 -37. 2 -3.8. 1 -3,s. 6 -30. 1 -39.1 -30.9 -30. 1 -30. 6 -39.6 -39.1 -39.6 -39.1 -39.1 -3,8. 6 -3,8. 4 -37. 5 6. 2 6,7 6.4 6.8 6.1 6.5 r ^;; 6. 8 6.3 8.1 8.2 7.0 7. 3 7.3 6.6 7.2 7.4 7.1 6.9 7.0 7.0 -3(i. 6 , 6. 2-1 -36.9 ' 5.0 2-4 -37.0 I C.2 -35. 9 -35. 1 -35. 1 5.7 5.9 6.5 -34. 5. 1 -34.5 -3,4. 6 -36. 9 -38.1 -38.4 -39.4 -40. 3 -41.1 -41.6 -41.1 -40.7 -40.8 -41.1 -41.1 -41.0 -41. 3 5.3 4.6 6.:-. 2-4 2-4 2-1 2-1 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 7.6 j 2 4 7. 2 j 2-4 7.0 ' 2-4 8.7 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 3-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 7.9 8.7 8.9 8.4 7.7 9.9 8.5 8.0 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 15 Day. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 Noon. It 4 5 (i 7 8 U 10 11 4. —41.2 — 4;j. 1 —42. 4 -41.7 —42. 1 —41.1 —41.1 —41.1 —41.1 —41.1 —41.1 ■-41. 1 —41.1 —41.1 —41.1 —40. .5 -40. 5 -39. 7 —39. 1 —39. 9 —39.1 -37.7 —35. 7 -33. 1 9.5 7.0 S. 7.8 8.0 8.0 JANUARY, 1873. 5. 8.7 0.9 9.5 8. G ~-- 9.4 j — 10.4 1-4 1. r, 1-4 10. II 3-4 9.7 , 1-4 ^ hT 1 A < 29.1 9.7 22.3 8.1 21.1 6.8 20.5 8. ^ -20 -18. 1 -17. 3 -17.1 -15. 8 -14.9 -14.1 -14. 2 -23.1 -24.3 -24.0 -26.3 -28. 8 -29. 9 -31. 4 -32. 1 -32. 5 -33. 1 -32. 9 -33. 1 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 6. 8 1-4 5.8 6. 6 6 5 5. 3 5 1 5. 2 3. 7 5. 8 4 i 4.0 6.4 1-4 1-4 5.2 ! 1-4 6.4 6.5 7.1 1-4 1-4 1-4 7.4 , 1-4 9.4 5.9 1-4 1-4 . A S. 34 1 35 35 9 36 1 34 9 35 1 oi:> 6 35 1 35 2 OO 6 '.'J'O o 34 3 -32. 1 -31.1 -30.1 -28. 5 -27.8 -26. 5 -25. 9 -24. 9 -24. 1 8.4 9.3 7.4 8.7 7.8 S. 7. 7 7.9 7.1 7.4 8.3 6.9 7.3 6.;'. 6.5 6.1 6.1 5.5 6.1 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 .^ 1\ A S. —22. 5 5.0 4-4 -22. 1 4.8 4-4 —22.1 5.3 4-4 —22. 1 5.1 4-4 —22. 1 5.3 4-4 —22. 1 5.7 4-4 —22. 1 5.9 4-4 —21. 7 5.3 4-4 —22. 5.7 4-4 —22. 1 7.4 4-1 0.3 ;:> 7.7 4-4 —22. 7 8.5 4-4 —22.3 8.0 4-4 i);"j -■ 5.4 2-4 —24. 1 6.4 2-4 —24. 4 2.6 3-4 —19.7 8.5 4-4 —17.6 6.2 4-4 —17.1 6.0 4-4 —16. 8 5.1 4-4 —16.6 5.1 4-4 -16. li 4.2 4-4 —16.7 5.5 4-4 —16. 8 4.8 4-4 A ' fS. —16.9 —17. 2 —16.9 —16. 9 —16. 3 —16.3 —16. 3 —16. 3 —17.7 —18. 1 —18. —18. 1 —18. 1 —18.0 —18. 1 —19.7 —20.1 —21. —21.4 —21.7 —21. 5 -21.1 —21. I —21.6 4.5 5.0 4-4 4-4 4.5 , 4-4 5.4 4-4 4.6 4-4 4.8 3.0 3.9 4-4 4-4 1-4 5. 4-4 5.5 1 4-4 4. w 1-4 5.2 4-4 5.2 ' 4-4 4.5 4-4 3.9 4.3 3.5 4-4 4-4 4-4 4.0 ! 4-4 4.4 4-4 5. 3 4-4 4. 9 4-4 4. 8 4-4 4.0 1-4 4. 5 4-4 16 TEEEESTEIAL EADIATIOX Day. lioLir. O" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Koon. Ih 2 3 10 11 JANUARY, 1873. A S. —■20.8 ' 3.:'. ■ 4-4 -22. 1 -•>:■.. 1 4.:; 4-4 4-4 4-4 i —2:1.1 I .5.7 ! 4-4 -•i:\.5 6.0 -23. 3 I 5. 1 -22. r>' 4. I .1 5.0 -2:;. 1 -23. 1 -23. 4 ; 5. 1 -2-2. 9 5. 2 -2:;. 3 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 .5 •> t). :; -23. 3 5. 3 -22. 9 4. ,s -22.7 ! 5.0 -22. b ' ;). 1 -22. 1 -22. 1 -21,9 4.9 I 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4 7 5 4 9 -20. 1 -20.1 -20. 5 -20. 3 -2(1.0 i -2(1. 1 -21 . 4 -20.8 -21.1 -21. 1 -2'). 1 -20. 2 -20. 4 -2(1. 3 -2(1.9 -21. 1 -21 . 4 -21.9 -22.1 -24.3 A I S. I 4.2 ' 4-4 3. 8 , 4-4 4.1 I 4-4 4.1 5.2 4.4 5.0 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4. ^^ 4-4 5. 1 I 4-4 I 5.7 ' 4-4 4. 5 4-1 5. 4 4-4 5. 4-4 4.0 4-4 4. 4 4-4 -21.4 I 5.0 ' 4-4 — —21.1 —21. 1 4.5 4.6 4-4 4-4 —24 9 — 2(i —27 1 27 9 4.7 4. 3 4.5 4.2 4.6 3.9 4.5 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 5.0 4-4 4.5 4-4 11. 3 A -29.4 ' 4.9 -29. 4 : 4. 7 -30. 1 ' 5. 1 -30.0 j 4.4 -30.9 I .5.4 12. 6.9 6. 6 —33. 1 —33. 5 —33. 4 ■ 6. 4 —3,0. 9 I 8. :>, —38.6 I 6.2 — 3.«. 7 7. 4 —38.0 , G. 1 -3-:. G -38. 1 —42. 1 —42 4 —41 1 6.6 5.8 5.0 4.7 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 2-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 I I ^ I «• -40. 3 ' 6. 7 i w -51. 4 11. 1 1-4 -47. 1 8. 1-1 -47. 1 9. 1 1-4 -47.3 ' 10.0 ' 1-4 -10. 9 -10.4 0. 6 I 2-4 7.9 ! 2-4 7.H, 2-4 I -40. 8 /. . —42.1 5.6 2-4 -44.1 -45. 1 7.9 I 1-4 7.1 I ^ -47.(1 7.7 1-4 9. 4 1-4 9. -40.9 10.3 -40. 7 10. 3, -40.9 ' 10.2 -1(3.7 11.4 -43.3 I 7.7 -40. 4 6. 1 -40.3 '■ 6.3, -41.1 I 7.2 i -39. 9 12. 6 -30. 1 ' 9. 9 -34.1 , 7.6 -33,. 1 ! 7.2 -34. 1 7. 9 4- 1 -37.4 4.4 :!-4 i:i. 50. 3 9.7 1-4 50.5 12.5 1-1 40. 9 9. 4 1-4 -40. 1 -10. 1 -111. (I 0.1 3-4 7. 1 j 2-1 7. 2 2-1 —40.3. I 7.0 — 3,9.11 I «.0 — 3~. I ! 0.0 -37. I 0.3 -1 2.4 2-1 -37. I 5.:^ I 2-1 -3.^. 1 0.1 :'.-l 1-4 5-4 !-4 3-4 3,,^ 1 ;i8 1 38 1 ;;8 ■7 3 -30 9 -'.6 3 -::6 9 5. 9 3-1 6.7 ' 1-4 7. 1 I 1-4 0.(1 ' 4-4 6.1 4-1 (;.4 4-4 6.5 4-4 6.4 4-4 5.6 4-4 5.3 4-4 — "..0. 'J ! 6.0 ' 4-1 —30.1 ' 3.9 I 4-4 -36. 1 30. 1 6.8 , 4-4 5.7 ' 4-4 6.0 4-4 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 17 Day. Hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. 1" 2 3 4 10 u JANUARY, 1873. 14. CJ CJ A S. a -fcj — 37. 1 5.1 - —39. 1 8.5 — —34.9 6.9 4-4 —45. 2 8.8 - —38. 4 6.1 1-4 1 — 37. '.\ 5.7 ■-' -39.1 6.7 - —34.7 5.1 3-4 —45.1 9.1 - —40.1 7.4 - 2 -:!7. 3 5.6 -- -39. 3 0.1 - —35.0 5.3 2-4 —44.4 8.6 —41.9 7.9 - 3 ^38.1 (i. - —39. 6 7.1 - —35.3 5.9 - —44.4 8. 8 -43.1 8.5 1-4 4 —40.1 7.6 - —39.4 6.6 - —35. 7 6.0 - —44.4 P.?' — —44.6 8.4 1-4 5 —39. 9 6. - -39. 9 7.6 1-4 -35.0 5.6 - —43.9 8.2 - —40. 10.0 - 6 —39. G 5.7 - —38. 4 6.9 2-4 —35. 6 4.3 - —44.1 9.4 - —40. 10.2 - 7 —39.8 6. 6 - -37. 6 6.4 2-4 -37. 1 4.0 - —44.3 t —45. 1 10.3 - —46.9 10.1 - 8 —38. 4 4.5 - —37.6 8.1 2-4 —37.4 4.3 ^ 12.6 1-4 -46.9 10.3 - 9 —41.1 7.5 - —35.1 7.3 2-4 —37.6 4.K - —41.3 11.7 2-4 —47.1 11.0 - 10 —39. 9 5.9 - -33. 2 6.4 2-4 —40.1 6.1 - —35.1 5.8 4-4 —40. 9 9.3 - 11 —39. 7 4.3 — —33. 4 9.1 2-4 -39.9 6.1 - —34.6 6.3 4-4 —47.3 12. 5 - Noon. —41.3 7.0 - —29. 4 1.8 2-4 —41.6 6.6 -- —34.3 5.9 2-4 -47.3 10.9 - l" — 3e. 9 7.3 1-4 —29. 5 5.8 3-4 -44. 1 / . / - —32.9 5.4 3-4 —47. 6 11.1 - •2 —3c'. 9 7.6 — — 29.6 6.1 3-4 —44. 3 8.4 — —33. 6 6.2 2-4 —47.2 9.4 - 3 -38.1 0.6 - —28. 4 5.4 3-4 -44,4 8.1 -- —33.3 5.1 2-4 —47.1 9.5 - 4 —38. 1 5.9 - —27.9 4.8 4-4 —44.6 8 2 — —34.9 7.4 2-4 —47.7 9.2 - 5 -38. 2 8.1 - -28. 1 3.6 4-4 —45. 8 8.5 - —36.2 5.8 2-4 —48. 1 9.7 - 6 —37.4 7.1 - —29.1 4.6 4-4 —45. 6 7.8 — -37. 1 6.8 2-4 —47.9 10.2 - 7 —37. 1 7.7 - -30.1 4.7 3-4 —45. 5 8. 7 --- -37.1 6.7 2-4 —47.6 10.2 - 8 ■>;_). / 7.4 - -31.3 3.5 4-4 —44.1 8.0 ^ —37.0 6.4 2-4 —47. 5 10.2 -■ ;i — 3.4. 7 7.0 - -33.0 5.0 4-4 —44.1 7.9 —37. 1 6.3 2-4 —47.1 9.1 - 10 — 33. (-, 7.6 — —34.0 4.8 4-4 -41.. J 8.3 -- —37. 3 5.8 2-4 —46. 9 10.3 - 11 — 32. ',) 1 4.0 2-4 —35. 0.1 3-4 —41.9 8.4 ^ —37.9 6.9 2-4 —45.6 6.7 1-4 2,1102.8 JI., 45. 9 230. f:' 9.6 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 10 Dav. Hour. JANUARY, 1873. 24. A Oii — 4C. 1 '^. i 1 — 4C.3 S.7 ."> —4.5. 1 7.5 3 — 4C.1 8.5 4 —46. 9 9.5 5 -44. 3 7.9 6 —44. 7 7.9 / —44.7 8. 5 s j —43. 9 7. 5 9 —45. 4 7.9 10 —45.1 6.4 11 —49. 1 9.5 Xuon. -.50. 1 9.^ I'' —50. 3 9. - 2 —50.1 10.7 3 -49.4 3.9 4 —50.1 9.1 5 -50. 6 9.3 6 -43. 9 1-2. 2 25. 26. 27. 28. A I S. A A S. —42.0 4.3 1-4 —41.9 6.1 w —41.3 4.9 —41. 3 5. 6 —42. 6 —43.9 — 43.5 —43. 9 —43. 7 —44.1 —44.3 —43. 7 —41.1 —40. 3 —39. 3 —33. 9 OZi ~ —3^. 1 o. 2 6.6 6.2 5.9 4.5 7.9 6.4 5. .5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 —33. 4 4.7 —33.9 4.2 —39. 2 4.6 —39.7 G. 2 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 3-4 4-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 1-4 1-4 —41.9 —41.7 -43.3 —44.3 —44.1 —44.1 —44.1 —44.1 —45. 1 —47.1 —4-. 1 —50.1 —50.9 —50. l' — 13.9 —47.6 -47.2 -45. 3 —43. 6 -42. 6 -42. 3 -43. 1 -43. 6 -45. 1 5.6 — -47.3 ~ i — -29. 1 .5.7 --i 4.7 -- —47.9 3.3 — —23 9 4.4 2-4 .' 5. 5 — —4-. 9 9.3 —29. 5 5.9 2-4 6.9 - —43. 6 9.3 —23. 9 '5. 5 2-4 7. 5 - —49.0 9.0 -- — 2>. 6 5.2 2-4 6.9 — —47. 6 11.1 -- —23.9 5.3 2-4 6.5 -^ —45. 5 «^ -T - I —2^. 9 4.2 2-4 5.6 -44.6 3.5 1-4 —29. 3 5.4 2-4 5.9 - -47.9 12.3 2-4 —29. 3 5. 5 2-4 7.6 i -41.1 12 7 2-4 —30.9 4.4 2-4 7.7 —35. 3 11.7 3-4 —32. 1 5. 1 2-4 9.2 - —31. G 9.2 3-4 —32. 1 3.9 1-4 9.4 - —31.1 9.6 4-4 —35. 2 6.3 1-4 11.5 - -2^. 3 .") .--i 3-4 -34, G 4.1 1-4 10. 2 - —35. 9 12.4 2-4 —35. 6 4.9 1-4 / . >' — —30.6 7.4 1-4 —34.9 4.6 1-4 3.9 2 4 —■'>'-'> 3 5.3 1-4 —36. .5.7 1-4 3.9 3-4 —29. 3 6.3 1-4 —36.1 4.9 1-4 3.0 3-4 —29. 1 6.9 2-4 —37.6 4.0 1-4 6.6 2-4 —29. 6.9 3-4 —39. 7 4.4 V 6.4 1-4 —23. 9 6.1 2-4 —42. 1 4.9 - 6. 3 1-4 —2-. .- 5, r> ■ 3-4 —44.0 6.3 -- 6.6 - -2*. 7 5.5 3-4 -45.1 6.0 — 7.2 ^-^ i 5.6 3-4 —46. 1 6.6 '^ 20 tei;i;esti!Ial j;ai hatiox Day. Hour. 01' 1 2 3 4 r 7 8 9 10 11 Noou. 1" 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 JANUARY, 1873. 29. A -4P. 4 9. 4 ^4^. 4 30. A 31. A -4^.1 -48, 4 -4;'. 3 -45.3 -45. 1 -45. 9 -47.0 —48.4 —49.4 —49. 4 -40. 1 —49. 1 —41.6 —39.7 —37. 1 —36.1 -35. 1 —34. 9 —33. 1 —32. 6 —32. 9 —34. 1 9. G C. ' 6.4 6.1 6.7 6.9 10.8 13. 6 7.9 11.2 8.9 7.6 7.8 7.4 6.8 6.2 3.1 3.8 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 2-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 -36. 9 -36. 2 —38 '2 -40.4 -42.6 -46. 3 -45. 9 -46. 9 —45, 5 —48. 2 —48.4 —48. 7 —41.1 -39.1 —38. 9 —41.9 -41.3 —41.1 —41.6 —40.0 —39. 1 —37.9 —36.0 —33.9 5.8 1-4 3.8 1-4 2 3 1-4 3 ^ 1-4 3.7 - 6.7 ^ 5.7 -- 6.4 - 4.0 - 6.5 ^ 6.6 - 6.9 -- 5.5 1-4 3.4 4.5 6.8 7. r 9. 6 3 7 8 7 2 6.9 6 4 1-4 1-4 1-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 -30. 1 —26. 9 —24. 9 —23. 9 — 23. 5 —23. 7 —21.0 —24. 1 —24.4 —25. 1 —25. 6 —24.5 —27 . 24.5 24.6 24.9 25.1 25.9 27.6 29.4 31.1 31.6 32. 9 34.8 FEBRUARY, 1873. A 10.4 I 4-4 8.1 i 4-4 -36.6 3.9 ! 4-4 -39.5 5.2 ! 1-4 —24. 5 —24. 6 —24 9 -25 1 —25 9 —27 6 —29 4 —31 1 6.7 5.6 4.3 4.4 .5.0 4.6 4.7 5.7 5.9 5.1 7.7 4.5 4.3 4.7 4.7 3.8 3.4 3.0 4.5 4.6 4.5 3.7 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4 4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 2-4 I -41.0 -42. 1 —39. 3 —38. 7 —38. 6 —39. 1 —39.1 —37. 1 —37.5 p,j^ o —36. 1 —36.9 —35.1 —34.1 —34.0 —33. 1 -32. 1 —32. 9 —34.9 —34.3 —32.8 —31.6 4.2 6.6 6.0 7.3 8.1 7.3 7.9 6.1 6.8 6.7 .5.5 6.7 6.8 5.8 6.0 6.8 5.4 2.6 3.7 8.5 7.0 5.6 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 -31.6 -34. 1 -33, 1 -33.4 —32. 6 —32, 9 —30.4 —30. 4 —29,4 —29.7 —29.1 —29.1 —29. 1 —27.7 —26, 1 -26.6 —26. 5 —26.1 -25, 9 -25. 1 —25, 2 —25.2 —25. 3 —25. 6 5.1 5.8 4.1 6.2 5.1 5,6 2.8 5.2 5.5 6.7 6.8 7.0 6.7 6.4 4.5 5.1 5.6 4.9 5.6 4.7 4.6 4.2 4.5 4.4 1-4 1-4 2-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 AT rOLAllIS HOUSE. 21 FEBRUARY, 1873. Day. Hour. 0'> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. It 3 4 ."5 6 7 8 LI 10 11 3. —27. 1 —27. —2.5. G —2.5. 4 -25. 1 —25. o;! '2 —23.1 —23.9 —23. 7 -23.1 —23.1 —23.9 —23.9 —23. 1 —24.1 —24.9 —25.7 —26.4 -26. 3 — 2G. 1 —26.1 —26.3 —26.1 A 4.6 5.7 5.3 5.0 4.7 5.2 5.2 3.5 4.6 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.3 4.7 4.1 4.7 4.7 .5.0 5.1 4.7 5.4 4.7 5.1 2-4 2-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 4.3 • 4-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 3-4 4-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 —24.4 —24.3 —23.4 -22. 1 —21.1 —20. 4 —20.4 -ig,7 —20. 4 —19.0 —22. 1 —22.1 —26.3 —25. 9 —24.1 —25.2 —23.6 -21.6 —24.1 —23.6 22. 4 —20.9 —20.1 —20.1 S. 5.1 5, 8 5.8 5.6 5.1 5.3 6.0 5.2 ■->. 7 3.3 4.3 .5.6 G. 1 6.4 6.1 6.1 4.0 5.1 5. 7 6.3 6.1 5.7 4.8 5. 5 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 -19.4 -18. 5 -17.3 -17. 5 -17 -16.5 -15.4 -1,5.6 -15. 5 -15. -14.1 -13.9 -13. 1 -13. 3 -13.1 - 9.4 -8.3 - 5.1 - 4.1 - 2.6 - 2.2 - 2.3 - 1.9 - 4.2 4-4 6. 5 4-4 5.6 5.6 5.3 4.4 4.5 4.2 4.7 4.6 4.4 3.6 5.0 4.5 2.9 4.3 3.6 1.6 2. :! 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.7 4-4 3-4 4-4 3-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 2-4 1-4 4-4 2-4 1-4 6. — 8.9 —15.1 —18. 6 —23.4 —23. 6 —23.6 —21.6 —21.4 —17. 2 A 0.9 2. 8 5.3 7.9 1-4 1-4 8.2 ; i 7.4 i 1-4 A 7.9 6.6 -14. 5 5.1 -14.1 4.6 -13. 9 .5.4 -13.9 4.4 -16.9 4.4 -20. 6 5.6 23.3 7.8 26.7 8.7 OQ fi 9.5 28.5 9.9 29.1 0. 8 31.1 10.1 31.9 10.6 32.8 10.8 33. 1 10.8 1-4 1-1 1-4 3-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 —32.1 —31.4 -20. 1 —25. 4 —25. 1 —20.6 —21,6 —23. 9 —26. 1 —26.1 10.3 9.9 8.9 7.6 8.6 4.6 5.6 6.9 8.6 8.5 1-4 3-4 -2Ci. 1 8.G -25. 1 8.6 -23. 3 '^. 7 -21.7 7.8 -20.9 8.2 -19.1 9.7 -12. 5 10.3 - 9.1 6.8 - 8.3 5.3 - 9.1 4.1 12.3 (?) 17.7 0.3 23.9 0.9 29. 9 4.4 2-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 1-4 3-4 2-4 TEEltESTi; I AL liADI ATION FEBRUARY, 1873. Day. Hour. 01 1 2 3 4 5 (3 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. Ill 2 3 4 5 6 7 9. 10 11 —33.1 —34.4 —37.1 —39.6 —40.2 — 3e. 4 —38.9 —35.1 —34.4 —33.4 —33.7 —35.4 —35.6 —34.4 —34.4 —31.6 —27. 3 —23.0 —15.9 —12. 1 —10.6 -11.1 —11.6 —12. 3 A 6.8 6.4 7.7 8.0 11.0 9.1 9.5 7.2 7.9 7.6 8.2 7.9 9.7 14.4 10.9 11.0 9.2 7.6 11.3 7.6 5.2 3.7 3.6 4.1 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4" 2-4 2-4 —14.0 4.7 A —14.0 —14.1 —15. 6 —15.6 —15.7 —19.1 -18.0 —17.4 —22.3 —18.1 —23.3 2-4 —25.1 2-4 —26.1 4-4 —26.4 4-4 —28.4 4-4 —20. 5 4-4 —29.2 4-4 -2^.9 4-4 —29.4 4-4 —31.2 4-4 -34.1 4-4 —35.0 4-4 —34. 9 s. 4.4 4.6 5.1 4.4 4.2 6.7 6.1 5.8 7.9 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 1-4 1-4 10. A 4.6 -- 6.1 - 5.0 - 3.5 - 4.8 ■- 2.7 - 5.5 -- 6.6 - 6.5 - 5.6 - 2.0 -• 3.9 — 6.3 -• 8.1 1-4 —31.5 -31.1 —31.1 —31.1 —31.6 —31.3 —30.3 —27.1 —26.9 —30.1 —25. 1 —21.7 —29.5 —31.0 -30.1 —30.1 —30.1 —29.9 —29.3 -29. 4 —29.1 -28.3 —28. 3 -27.8 8.5 5.6 5.9 4.9 6.5 6.6 7.8 9.7 6.4 6.8 10.6 6.3 8.2 4.5 5.9 4.9 6.2 6.4 5.6 4.7 6.6 5.7 4.6 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 11. 05 1^ -23.1 —21. 8 -20.8 -19.3 -15.1 -15. 3 -16.9 -16.5 -15. 1 -14.4 -14.1 -14.1 -14.6 -19.1 -20.6 -23. 6 -26. 6 -30. 3 -34.1 -37.3 -38. 4 -38.1 -38. 3 A 3.0 7.1 .5.8 5.6 10.6 5.6 3.7 4.3 6.9 6.1 5.6 4.7 4.5 4.0 1.6 1.9 3.1 3.1 2.9 3.7 6.8 7.8 7.2 4.3 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 4-4 3-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-4 2-4 12. 1-4 1-4 2-4 —39.1 —39.1 —40.1 —40.1 —38. 9 —38. 1 -38. 1 —38.2 —39.1 —38. 1 —38. 9 —39. 2 -38.0 —37.9 —37.1 -33. 5. —32.0 —30.3 —30.9 —34.7 —37. 3 —39. 2 -39.3 —38. 4 A 6.3 5.5 4.6 7.0 7.3 6.1 6.0 4.9 6.0 4.9 5.5 7.7 7.5 7.3 8.6 5.7 6.6 5.4 (?) 2.7 1.4 5.0 7.2 6.1 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 23 Day. Hour. 01= 1 2 3 4 f, 6 7 t^ 9 10 11 Noon. II' 2 3 4 5 fi 7 8 9 10 11 FEBRUARY, 1873. 13. 11. —39.4 -39.6 —40.1 —39.8 -39. 7 —39.1 —39.1 —39.9 —40.3 —41.0 —41.6 —41.8 -41.4 —41.1 —40.1 —40.4 —41.1 -41.3 -41.1 -41.7 —40. 5 -39.3 —38. 3 2, 966. 4 M.,40.3 4.1 4.9 6.6 6.6 6.3 6.5 5.6 6.8 5.9 5.0 5.8 5.3 6.8 6.3 6.6 5.9 5.8 6.1 6.1 5.8 7.5 7.7 7.7 6.2 148. 5 6.2 -38. 1 —38.7 —39.1 —37.9 —37.3 —39. 2 —38.9 -39.1 —37.9 —38.3 —37.7 —36.4 —37. 3 —37. 6 —39.0 —39. 4 —38. 9 —37.9 —39.0 —40.9 —39.9 —39.6 —39.1 —39.6 2,926.2 M., 38. 6 6.3 5.3 6.3 6.9 7.3 e. 7.0 6.9 6.6 7.8 7.3 5.1 4.8 5.0 4.0 8 2 6.8 7.4 4.3 7.7 6.1 8.0 .5.3 5.1 153.5 6.4 13. —39. 6 —39. 1 —39.1 -39.3 —39.1 —39. 2 -41.0 —40.9 -41.1 —41.3 —42.1 —42.2 —42.6 —43.4 —43. 6 —41.9 —41.0 —40.1 —41.1 —40.3 —40.3 —40.9 —41.0 —40.5 A 2,980.7 M., 40. 9 6.4 6.6 5.1 5.3 5.4 5.7 4.6 4.3 7.5 6.3 6.5 5.5 4.9 5. 8 8.3 6.9 6.5 4.5 7. 5 6.4 5.6 5.9 6.4 7.0 144.9 6.0 16. -■39. 2 -39.1 -3S.4 -38. 7 -40.0 -39. 3 -38.4 -36.1 -37. -37.0 -35.5 -34.9 -33.1 -33.2 -34.0 -34.7 -34.9 -34.9 -34.6 -34. 9 -34.8 -34.6 -34.9 -35. 7 A S. 6.5 4.9 6.0 7,5 6.0 7.2 ' 1-4 5.5 4.9 5.5 6.1 5. 2 4.3 3.9 4.4 4.7 4. G 5.4 5.3 4.7 5.3 5.2 5.3 4.0 1-4 1-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 17. 3-4 4-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 2-4 1-4 2-4 A 30. 36.4 36.6 36.3 .36.4 36.7 -36. 6 36.0 -36.1 -36.7 36.1 36.4 -36. C> ■38.2 39.1 -39. 5 -40.9 -41.1 -40. 6 -42. 1 -43.6 -42. 9 -41.1 -40.4 4.8 5.6 6.1 5.1 5.0 5.4 6.0 6.7 4.2 4.5 5.6 5.7 4.6 4.8 5.5 4.8 5.7 7. 8 6.4 5.6 6.9 8.0 7.5 6.4 S. 2-4 2-4 2-1 2-4 2-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 24 TEEEESTEIAL EADIATIOI:^ • FEBRUARY 1873 Day. IS. 19. 20. 21. 22. <0 ■ZJ 0^ Hour. o A S. 3 o o < A S. a o a +3 o < A S. 5 a A S. g o a '^ < A 8. 0" -37.9 5.5 - - 3'J. 7 6.5 1-4 —37.6 6.0 - —46.8 9.3 - —43.9 8.6 - 1 —38.1 5.7 - —39.4 4.9 1-4 —38.1 3.6 - —46.1 7.6 - —43.0 8.4 - 2 —39.9 7.4 - —39.1 5.5 1-4 —39.9 5.3 - —45.9 8.2 - —41.1 8.2 -- 3 —37. 9 C.3 -- —39.6 6.6 1-4 —40. 2 4.7 - —45. 5 8.2 — —39.4 6.9 - 4 -37.2 6.5 - -39.9 5.4 1-4 —41.1 6.7 - —45.8 8.3 - -38.3 6.7 2-4 5 —37.1 5.6 - —40.1 5.5 1-4 —41.1 6.5 - —46.1 8.6 - —37.1 6.6 4-4 6 —37.4 3.9 ^ -40.1 6.7 2-4 —40.9 6.9 ^ —46.1 8.6 - —36.2 5.9 4-4 7 —38.1 5.7 - —39.3 8.0 2-4 —41.4 6.2 - —45.9 10.1 - -30.1 6.1 4-4 8 —38. 3 •"J. 7 - —37.7 6.2 2-4 —41.6 6.5 - —45. 1 11.1 ^ —35.1 5.9 4-4 9 -38.0 .5.4 - — 37. 3 5.9 2-4 —43.9 7.4 — —43.1 8.4 - —34. 3 6.7 4-4 10 —37.8 6.5 — —36.6 5.9 2-4 —45.4 7.1 - -42. 9 7.0 - —33. 4 6.9 4-4 11 —37.4 6.0 - —36.1 5.5 2-4 —46.7 8.3 - —43. 9 7.4 - — 35. 7 8.2 4-4 NOOD . —38.4 4.8 - —36.1 5.6 2-4 —46.9 7.1 - - 43, 9 7.4 - —37.3 10.5 4-4 1" —39.1 5.6 - —35.9 5.3 2-4 —47.4 6.8 - —44.0 10.5 - —32.0 5.6 4-4 2 —40. 3 6.4 - — 35.4 5.4 2-4 —48. 6 7.6 — —43. 9 8.5 - —31.9 5.9 4-4 3 —40.3 4.8 - -34.9 5.5 1-4 —50.7 9.5 - —43.3 7.7 - —31.1 6.5 4-4 4 —41.4 5.7 - —38. 1 3.4 1-4 —50. 1 9.8 - —44.1 7.4 - —31.3 4.6 4-4 r> — 4-2. 1 6.8 - -39.5 6.0 - —50. 2 8.7 - —45.0 7.4 - —31.7 4.9 4-4 6 —41.9 5.9 -- —40.0 6.5 - -51.1 8,6 - —45.1 7.8 - -31.4 5.5 4-4 7 —41.1 6.9 1-4 —39. 8 5.6 - —51.6 10.1 -^ —45.9 7.4 - —30.9 .5.6 4-4 8 —40.4 6.2 1-4 -39.9 6.8 - —50. 9 10.2 - —47.5 7.9 - —30.0 6.0 4-4 9 —39.9 7.1 2-4 -39.1 7.7 — —50.0 9.7 - —47.9 9.4 - -28. 6 6.6 4-4 10 —39.1 5.6 3-4 —41.1 8.5 - —49.3 9.1 - —46.9 8.6 - —26.6 6.5 4-4 11 —39.3 5.1 2-4 -37.1 6.2 ^"^ —48.1 9.9 ■^-' —46.1 9.2 ^-^ -25.1 5.6 4-4 2,1102.8 M,,45.9 182. 3 7.6 2,1086. 8 M., 45. 3 202. 8.4 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 25 It liaviug been impracticable, for want of time, to reduce tbe wbole of tbe preceding observa- tions, seven clear days were selected, the means of which will be found in tbe following table, in which T = the temperature, as indicated by the actiuometer ; and T — A = the difference between the readings of the actinometer and tbe temperature of the air. Date. T T-A ls;73. o o Fobrnary 13 - 40. 3 - 6. a 14 .3.S. 6 6.4 1.5 40.9 6.0 •20 4.'^. 9 7.6 21 45. 3 8.4 23 45.9 9.6 24 - 46.3 9.6 -7.8 Jleau - 43. 3 The mean temperature of the air during the period under consideration was found to be - 350.5 P. = - 370.5 Gels. We obtained the zenithal temperature by subtracting lo.l2 of the actinometric difference ( - 70.8 P.) from the reading of the actinometer, which may be considered practically the same as Pouillet's subtracting f of the actinometric difference from the temperature of the air. Hence the zenithal temperature = a = 1.0077 or log a 510.4 P., or - 4G0.3 Gels. 0.0033 = 3^^ referred to Gelsius's scale.* ti- = 0.90 a' + 0.65 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 '1-1 St. r- a ^ ;:i T; -H ^ ^ rt C :^ f= -o ^ '+H 4-4 St. Cloudy, 4-4 St. Cloudy. :!-4 St. I Cloudy. 3-4 .St. ' Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 st- Lt. snow. 4-4 st. I Lt. snow. 4-4 st. ' Lt. snow. 4-4 St. I Lt. snow. 4-1 st, Lt. snow. Lt. snow. 4-4 st. I Lt, snov I 4-4 St. 1-4 ci -cum., 3-4 St. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. 11 1-4 ci.-cuni., I Lt. snow. 2-4 St. I 1-4 ci., 2-4 St. 3-4ci.-cuin. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci. -cum. 2-4 St. l-4ci.-cum. 1-4 St. 2-4 ci. -cum. 2-4 St. 2-4 ci. -cum. 2-4 St. 3-4 8 1-4 St, Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-1 St. 1 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 at. Cloudy. 3-4 St. y Clear, 4-4 at. Cloudy. 1 3 4 St. :; 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 st. 4 Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 st. 5 Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. j 3-4 St. C Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 .St. 7 Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. i 8 Clear. 3-4 at. i Cloud \'. 3-4 St. 9 Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. 10 Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. 11 « Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4 4 St. Noou. 1-4 ci. Fair. 3-1 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. 1" S-4 ei. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4ei.-ciim., 2-4 St. o 1-4 ci.-ciim., . 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ei.-funi., 2-4 si. 3 1-4 ci.-ciiin., 2-4 at. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. 4 1-4 ui.-cnni., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2.4 St. r 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-cuui., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 at- G 4-4 St. Cloudy. l-4ci.-ciim., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 st. 7 :!-4 St. Cloudy. 1-1 ci.-ciuu., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. 8 :;-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. 9 ;!-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. 10 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 at. Cloudy. 3-4 St. 11 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clouily. Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. snow. Lt. suow. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. 19. 20. a 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. 4-4 St. Clondy. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy, (.'loudv. 4-4 st. : Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 3,-4 at. Cloiuly. 4-4 st. Cloudy. 3-4 St. i Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloiuly. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Clondy, AT POLARIS BAY. NOVEMBER, 1871, Day. Hour. 21. 22. 23. 24. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 V'oon. 11' 2 3 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! i 1 ! J ' 1 1 1 4 1 fj Cleai-. (; Clear. 7 H y 10 u t 1 Clear. 1 Clear. Clear. Clear. ; Cli-ar. 25. Clear. {1 Clear. Clear. II Clear, u Clear. II Clear. I) Clear. ('Icar. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. I' Clear. ■ Clear. 1) Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. j Clear. Clear. Clear. 8 I'ACE OF HKY AND STATE OF WEATIIEll NOVEMBER, 1871. J lay. Hoar. 10 11 Noon. II' 2 3 4 .'■> (1 7 26. 27. :Sj 1-1 ';•' St. M St. 1-J St. l-4(i.-iiuii., 1-4 St. 2-4c.i.-ciiin., 1-4 St. 2-1 ci.-omiJ., 1-4 St. l-4ci.-cnm., ■i-\ St. 1-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 1-1 St. 4 I St. ■1-4 St. 1-1 St. 1-4 ci.-ciiiii., 3-1 St. I I 2-4 (ji. -en 111., I 1-4 St. ^ 2-1 ci. -cum., 1-4 St. '.• ; 2-4(i,-cnni., j 1-4 St. 1(1 :2-lri.-eniii., 1-4 St. 11 i 2-l(-i.-enni,, 1-4 St. Cl(ar. Fair. Fair. Fair. Glumly. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cl-oudy. Cloudy. Cl.iiidy. Cloudy. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow, Lt. snow. Lt snow. Lt. sii(j\\". Cloudy, Cloudy. (Jlondy. Clondy. Cloudy. Cloudy, Cloudy, 1-4 «-i,-ruiu,, 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cuin,, 1-1 St. 1-4 ri, cum., 1-1 St. 1-4 ci.-cniM,, 1-4 St. 1- 1 ci.-cuiu., St. 1-4 ci.-cuiii,, 1-4 St. 1-1 ci.-cum. l-4ci. cum 1-4 ,st. 1 4ci.- cnm 1-4 St. 1-1 ,st. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 .St. 1-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. st. 4-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum,, 1-4 St. 2- 1 ci.-cum., 1-4 ,st, 2-4 ci.-cum,, 1-4 St. 2-4 ci. -cnm., 1-4 St. 4-1 St. Fair. F.air. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Clondy. CUomly, Cliuidy, Clondy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. 2§. g 2-4 ci.-cum,, 2-1 St. 2-1 ci.-cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cnni., 1-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cnm,, 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cnni,, 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum., 2-4 St. :;-! St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum., 2-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cnm., 2-4 .St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St, 1-1 st, 4-4 st. Cloudy CI 1\ CliMidy Clondy Cloudy tilondy, Clondy Clondy, Clmnly Cloudy Cl.u.dy Cloudy, Clondy Cloudy, Clondy, Cloudy Cloudy Clondy Cloudy Cloudy Clondy (,'I.Midy, Cloudy Cloudy 29. St. st. St. St. sl„ st. st. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. ■St. St. St. St. St. St. St. st. 4-4 St. St. 3-4 St. 4ci, l-4st. [-4 cnm., 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 st. Clondy. Cloudy. Chuuly. Clondy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clondy. Clondy. Clondy. Clondy. Clondy. Cloudy. Clondy. Cloudy. Clondy. Cloudy. Clondy. Clondy. Cloudy. Clondy. Cloudy, Cloud\ , Cloudy, 30. 3-4 St. 1- 1 cum. 2 4 St. 1-1 ci.-CUll 1-4 St. 3-4 cnm. 14 St. 3-1 cum. 1-4 St. 2-4 cnui. 1-4 St. 3-4 cum, 1-4 St. 3-4 cnm., 1-4 st, 3-4 cuin 1-4 St. 3-4 cum. 1-4 St. 2- 1 cnm. 2-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 cnui., 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 1-4 ci.-st., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cnin. 1-4 ci.-cnm. 1-1 St. l-'l i-i.-cum. Clondy. Cluuily. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy, Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clondy. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. AT POLARIS BAY. DECEMBER, 1871. Day. 1. Hour. .a , (» 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. li' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1-4 ci.-cum. 1-4 ci. 1-4 ci.-cum. 1-4 cum. 1-4 ci.-cum. 1-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 ci. 2-4 ci. 1-4 St. (5 C3 Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. 2. a o 3-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 3-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 4-4 ci.-cum. 3-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 St., . 3-4 cum. -St. 1-4 St., 3-4 cum.-st. 3-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. ' 1-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum., 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. Hazy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Hazy. Fair. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair.- Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 4. c 3 4-4 St. 4 4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. a 15 = o C3 Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy, Cloudy. Cloudy. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum. 1-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cum, 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 10 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER DECEMBER, 1871. Day. 6 • 7 • § • 9 'Si K z B = -5 O 10. Hour. -a :r O o ■5 O -*^ w o < o ^ y B o o a o 53 <^ o £ o o a u o S C" 4-4 8t. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. .S 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 4 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 5 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 6 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 7 Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 8 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 9 Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 10 Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 11 Clear. Clear. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. Noon. Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1» . Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 2 Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3 Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. .4 Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 5 Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 6 Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 7 Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 8 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 9 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 2-4 St. Fair. 10 1-4 St. Fair. 1=4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 11 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. AT POLARIS BAY. 11 1 Day. DECEMBER, 1871. 11 • 12 • 13 • IJ . 15 • Date. 3 a: 3_o o a 2-4 St. Hazy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 3 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 5 2-4 St. Hazy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 6 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 7 2-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 8 2-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 9 2-4 St. Hazy. S-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 10 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 11 2-4 St. Hazy. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. NOOD. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. l'> 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 2 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 3 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Hazy. 2-4 St. Fair. 4 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. i air. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 5 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 6 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Hazy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 7 3-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Hazy. 8 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 9 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 10 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 11 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. AT POLAEIS BAY. 13 Day. DECEMBER, 1871. 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 ■ Hour. 3 ran P 3 CS o atfH o a < .a d O ID 3 00 a C 3 -»« o a o Is 'S , no C3 o 4J 3 a %-( 3 O o a < O ■§ g =s o 3 O O g o 3 , IE 3 3 CJ o o a < 53 o 0» 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair.' 1-4 St. Hazy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 1 Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Hazy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 2 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 3 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 4 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 5 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 6 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 7 Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-4 St. Fair. 8 Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-4 St. Fair. 9 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. SDOw. 2-4 St. Fair. 10 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-st., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 11 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. l-4ci.-cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Fair. Noon. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. Ih Clear. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. l-4ci.-cuiu., 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2 Clear. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. l-4ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 3 Clear. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 4 Cleiir. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci. -cum., 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 5 2-4 St. Fair. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci. -cum., 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 6 2-4 St. Fair. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 7 2-4 St. Fair. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci. -cum., 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 8 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-cum. Fair. Clear. 9 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. l-4ci.-cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 10 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Hazy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 11 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Hazy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 4-4 St. Fair. 14 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER Day. DECEMBER, 1871. 26. 27. 2S. 29. 30. Hour. go o a -a o -2 C3 H ^ 3 O O a .a o 9 -a S o o a o o m Fair. P a 3 3!« O a < .3 o .2 a .*^ o D o o a < U o o c Oi> 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Fair. 1 Clear. 1 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 2 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4 1-4 ci. -cum., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 5 l-4ci.-cum., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 6 l-4ci.-cum., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 7 2-4 ci. -cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 8 l-4ci.-cum., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 9 2-4ci.-ciim., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 10 3-4ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-cum., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 11 3-4ci.-cnra., 1-4 St. Cloudy. l-4ci.-cum., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Noon. 2-4ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. Clear. Clear. 11' 3-4 ci.-cum. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. . Clear. o 3-4 ci.-cum. Cloudy. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. Clear. Clear. 3 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. Clear. Clear. 4 Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. Clear. 5 Clear. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. Clear. 6 Clear. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. Clear. 7 Clear. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. Clear. 8 Clear. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. Clear. 9 Clear. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. Clear. 10 Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. Clear. 11 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. Clear. AT POLARIS BAY. 15 DECEMBER, 1871. JANUARY, 1872. 1 Day. 31 • 1. ar 3 4 t Hoar. 3 11 a o C V. a o o a .a o -.J -a g c: o • c --^ P o o a < CD a 00 s < 5 1 a .a a o 02 s ^ J O i 2 i 0^ 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 5 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 6 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci -cum., 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-1 et. Fair. 7 Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 8 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 9 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 10 1-4 cum. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum., 1-4- St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 11 1-4 cum. Fair. 1-4 ci -cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. Noon. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. V 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 at. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 2 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. . Clear. 3 1-4 St. Fair. l-4ci.-cnm., 2-4 St. Hazy. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 4 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 5 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 6 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 7 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 8 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. [ 1) 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudj'. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1 10 2-4 St. Fair. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 11 l-4ci.-cuiii., 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 16 PACE OF SKY AND STATE OP WEATHER % JANUARY, 1872. Day. 5. 6. 7. §. 9 Hour. a ^ . CO a 3 c3^ ■s a 3 a o 3 a 3 C3 O u ,3 CD ■3 -0-3 3 3 -a a M '='3 3 3 C3 O C a^ 3 o o a < O J, 3 o o s < o C3 OB 3 O O a O .2 3 t^ 3 O O < o -2 02 4i O C Vh 3 O a o 5 Oh 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 1 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 2 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 3 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. 4 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. 5 3-4 Bt. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 6 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 7 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 8 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 9 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 10 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 11 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. Noon. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 2-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 11^ 2 3 4 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Hazy. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. 5 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Lt. snow. Clear. 6 7 8 9 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. 3-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Hazy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. , Clear. Clear. 10 11 4-4 St. 3-4 St. Hazy. Cloudy. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. 1 AT POLARIS BAY. 17 Day. Hour. 0" 1 •2 3 4 5 (i 7 8 9 10 U Nixm. II' :i 4 5 C 7 8 9 10 11 JANUARY, 1872. 10. 11. S I a a 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-1 sf. 3 4 St. ■1-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. Clear. Clear. Cleiir. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Hazy. Hazy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. C 3 C3 o o 3 ■< 12. -3 a 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. ■ 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 .St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-1 St. 2-1 St. 1 4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. CIn.idy. i Fair. Fai r. Fair. Fai r. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fail'. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-1 St. 2-1 St. 2-4 ,st. 2-1 st. 2-4 St. 2-1 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-1 St. 2-1 St. 2-1 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fai r. Fail-. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair, Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Hazy. Fair. Fai 1'. Fair. Fair. Fai r. Hazy. Fair. l';iir. Fair. Hazv. 13. 14. 2-1 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. :'.-4 St. 3-4 si. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 si. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. (I 1 1 " . J rt o ^ +3 ^ ^ ■*- o Hazy. Fair. Hazy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. suow l'\iir. Fair. Fai r. Fair. Fair. Fair. tnear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-1 St. 1-4 St. 2-1 St. 2-1 St. 2-1 ,st. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-1 St. 2-1 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 .St. 2-4 St. Fai r. Clear. Clear. Fai r. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Hazy. Fair. F.air. Hazy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. l^iii-. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. 18 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER Day. 8 10 u Noon. 11^ 6 7 8 [t 10 11 JANUARY, 1872. 15. 16. Hour. : t^o 01' 1 17. •-/■-' 1 1§. 2-4 St. Fair. 3-4 ,st. Cloudy, U Clear. 1-1 St. 2-4 st. Fair. 3-4 st. ; Cloudy. Clear. 1-4 st. ■2-'i St. Ha?y. 3-4 St. Clondj'. 1-4 .St. Fair. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. Clomly. 2-4 St. Hazy, 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. 3-4 St. Cloudy, 3-4 ,st. Hazy. 1-4 ,st. Fair. 2-4 St. Hazy. 2-4 st. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 .St. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. ,' Fair. Clear. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair, 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear, U Clear. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Fair. Clra.', U Clear. 1-4 ,st. 2-4 St. Hazy. ' Clear, 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 st. Hazy. Clear, 1-4 St. Fair. 3-1 st. Lt. snnw. I.I Clear, 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. Clear 2-4 St. Fair. U 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-4 .St. Fair, 2-4 st. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. ' 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. U 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-4 ,st. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 st. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 ,st. Cloudy. 1-4 st. Fair. Clear. 4-4 St. Clniidy, 1-1 St. Fair, U Clea-, 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 st. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. II 2-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 st. Fair. ]-4 St. 1 1 Fair. ■ 19. Fair. 1-4 St. i Fair. Fair. 1-1 St. Fair. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. 1-4 6t. Fair. Fair, 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. Clear. . Fair. Clear. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear, Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. \ Clear. Clear, Clear, Clear. ' Clear. Clear. ! Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. _ Clear. AT POLAKIS BAY. 19 JANUARY, 1872. Day. 20. 21. 22. 23. 21. Hour. 0" Cluai. 4-4 .St. Lt. snow, ■i-A ci.-cum. 1-4 St. Cloudy, 1-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-4 St. Fair. 1 Clciil- 4-4 St. Hazy. 2-4 ci.-cum. 2-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-cum.. 2-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-cum. Fair. 2 1-4 St. l-'air. 4-4 St. Hazy, 4-4 St. Hazy, :;-4 St. Cloiuly. Clear. 3 •J-i bt. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. SLIUW". 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. lla/.y. 1-4 St. Fair. 4 ^-4 St. Fair. 2-4fC.-ciiiii.. 1-4 St. Cloudy. "< 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-4 ,st. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 5 l-4ci.-st., 1-4 Bt. Fair. l-4ci.-cuuj., 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Hazy, 1-4 St. Fair. 6 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cuiu., 1-4 St. Fair. -!-l St. Cloiiily. 1-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. / 1-4 St. Fair. l-4ci.-CUU!., 1-4 St. Fair. !-l St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. a 1-4 St. Fall. 4-1 ,st. Lt. suow . 1-1 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 9 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 10 •-'-4 St. 1 Fair. 4-1 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-cuui., 2-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 11 I'-l St. F.ur. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Hazy. l-4ci. rnill., 1-4 St. Fair. Xoou. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. SHOW. 3-4 St. Fair, :!-4 St. Hazy. 2-4 St. Hazy. lb 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. ■ 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloinly \t 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-1 St. Lt. suow. 2-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Hazy. 3 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 ,st. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Hazy. 4 2-4 St., 1-4 cuiy.-st. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cl.iudy. 4-4 St, Lt. suow. l-4ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Hazy. 5 :i-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. ^4-4 St. Lt. SHOW. 1-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Hazy. 6 4-4 St. Hazy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-1 St. Lt. snow. 1-1 St. Fa i r. 4-4 St. Hazy. 7 3-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. ; Hazy. H 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-4 ci.-cuiii., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 9 4-1 St. Lt. si]o\\'. 1-4 fi.-cuni., 0-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ci.-cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy, 1-1 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 10 4-1 St. I,t. snow. 2-4 ci. -cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-cum., 2-t St. ( InudN , 1-1 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum. Fair. U 4-4 .St. Lt. suow. 2-4 ci. -cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. ; Li. snow. 1-1 St. Fair. 1- Ici.-cuui., 1-4 St. Fair. 20 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER Day. JANUARY, 1872. a5. ae. Hour. 0'' ! l-'J ci.-cuin. 1 j 1-2 ci.-cnni. '^ 1-4 ci. -cum. ■J 3-4 St. 4 3 4 St. 3-4 St. (i l-4ci.-cnm., 2-4 St. 7 2-1 St. H 2-4 St. 9 l-4ci.-cnni., 1-4 St. 10 l-4ci.-cnm., 1-4 St. 11 2-4 ci. -cum,, 1-4 St. Xooii. 1-4 ci. -cum., 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3 1-4 ci. -cum., 2-4 St. 4 i 2-1 St. l-4ci.-ciim., 2-4 St. j 1-4 St.. I 1-1 ci.-:un'.. I 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci. -cum., 2-4 St. 2-1 St. 10 11 Fair. I'air. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. a 3 Amount and of clouds i 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-1 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-sl., 2-4 St. 1-4 cum., 2-1 St. 1-4 CI. -St., 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cunj.. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum.. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum. (1 1-4 St. ■ 1-4 St. 1-1 Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Hazy. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fai r. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-1 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 s-t. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fai r. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Hazy. Hazy. Fai r. Fair. Fair. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Fair. Fair. Fair. 1-1 ci.-euni. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-1 St. 1-1 St. 1-1 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. I 1-4 St. 1-1 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 ei.-st. Fair. ] ''a i r. Hazy. Hazy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fai-. Fair. Clear. Clear. Fair. 29. 4- ^ 3 *- 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 1-1 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-t St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-1 St. 2-4 St. 2-1 St. 1-1 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Fair. Fair. Hazy. Cloudy. Hazy. Hazy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. AT POLARIS BAY. 21 Day. Hour. JANUARY, 1872. 30. FEBRUARY, 1872. f|i' 1 2 :i 4 5 6 7 « 10 u y-4 St. 2-4 .St. 2-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. ^'oon. I 2-4 si. II' ' 3-4 St. 2 2-4 St. 3 2-4 St. 4 2-4 St. 5 1-4 St. 6 1-4 St. 7 1-4 .St. 8 2-4 St. 9 2-4 St. 10 2-4 St. U 2-4 St. HMzy. Cloudy. Hazy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Fair. Fair. Hazy. Hazy. Fair. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum 2-4 St. 2- Ici.-cnm. 2-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cum. 2-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cum. 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 et. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Cloudy. Fair. , j Cloudy. , i Cloudy. ! , ! Cloudy. , ' Cloudy. J Cloudy. ! Fair. j Fair. lair. Fair. I Fair. Fair. Fair. I^air. Fair. Fair. Fair. ! Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fa i r. Fair. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 st. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Hazy. Hazy. Fair. Fair. Fair. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-! St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-1 St. 2-4 st. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-1 St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. i Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. il 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. CUear. Cli ar. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. '■>'/ FACE OF SKY xVND STATE OF WEATIlEli Day. 4. FEBRUARY, 1872. Hour. n o 01' 1 2 3 4 8 I) 10 11 Noou. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 ,st. 2-4 bt. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci. -cum. 2-4 sr. l-lc'i.-cum. 2-4 sc. 2-4 St. 1'' i 1-4 cum. -St.. 1-4 St. 2 :l-4ciiui.-st., 1-4 St. m 11 1-4 it. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. n 1-1 St. 1-4 ,«t. Fan. 1-4 St. Hazy. (1 Clear. ■ 1-4 St, Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair, Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St Fair. 1-4 St. j Fair, Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Hazy, 1-4 St. Fair, Ha/y, 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. 1 Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. tJ-4 St. Hazy. Hazy. 2-4 St. Hazy. :m St. Cli.iuly. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. Hazy. 2-4 St. Hazy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. n Clear. 2-4 bt. Fair, Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. j Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. 1 Cloudy. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 bt. Cloudy. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 2-4 St. Hazy. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. '■ 3-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. 1-4 bt. Fa.:r. 2-4 ci. -cum.. , 1-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 1-4 ci,-eum,, 2-4 St. Cloudy. Fair. 1-4 ci.-ciuu. Fair. l-4ci.-cuui., 1-4 St. I'air. Clear. 2-4 ci. -cum., 1-4 St. Hazy. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cniH. Fair. i 1-4 St. Fair. f) Clear. 2- 1 ci.-eum., 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. (1 Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. (1 Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. Cloar. 1-4 St. I'air. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. (1 Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 1-4 St. Fail. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. 1-4 bt. Hazy. Fair. Clear, Clear. n Clear. 1-4 St. Hazy. Fair. (1 Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Clear. n Clear, Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Hazy. 1-1 St. Fair. 1-1 St. Hazy. Clear. 1-4 s'. Fair. Fair. (1 Clear. 1 1 St. Hazy. 1-1 St. Fail'. 1-4 bt. Hazy. AT rOLAPJS BAY. 23 FEBRUARY, 1872. Dav. 10. 11. 12, 13. Hour. ~ — — — -- O'- 1-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. ■2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ,st. Hazy. 1 14 n. Hazy. 1-4 St, Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. •2-4 St, Hazy. '1 4-4 St. Clondy. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fai r. 1-4 St. Hazy. 3 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. '2-1 St, Hazy. 4 ■J-4 St. Hazy. e-4 St. Fair. ■2-4 St. Fair. ■2-1 St. Hazy. '2-4 St, Hazy. ^"' 4-4 St, Clondy, :'.-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Hazy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloinly, ij 4-4 St. Cloudy. ' 1-4 ci.-euiu., 2-4 St. Cloudy. '2-4 .St. Fair. :'.-4 ,st. clnndy. 3-4 St. Cloudy, 7 :!-4 St, Cloudy. 1-4 ci. -cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. •2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St, Cloudy. 1-4 ci. -dim. ■,'-4 ,,t. Cloudy. 1-4 ci. -cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy, 3-4 St. Clondy, 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St, Clondy, 9 l-4ci.-cnui. 1-4 St. Fair. l-4ci.-cuni., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St, Cloudy. 4-4 St. Clondy. 10 1-4 ci.-fUfD., 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci,-riitu., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-1 ci.-CUQl., , ::-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 11 l-4fji.-ciun., 2 4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Hazy. 4-4 St, Cloudy. 1-4 ci. -cum., ' •2-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. Xooo. 1-4 ci.-cnm., i-4 St. Cloudy. Hazy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 s(. Clnndy, 1-4 St. Fair. 11- l-4ci.-cniii., ■-'-! St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Hazy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-cum,, 1-4 St. Fair, 1-4 St. Fair. l-4ci.-cnin., ■2-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-cutn. 2-4 St. Clondy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St, Fair. II 3 4 4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 4 4-4 -l St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. C 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. M St. Fair. " 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloiuly. . 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-1 St. C'louily. •2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. ■2-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. ;i 2-4 St. Fair. '2-4 St. Fair. •2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 10 ■J-1 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. •2-4 St. ]-\iir. 1-4 St. Fair. 11 14 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 (-i.-cnni., 1-4 St. Cloudy. Clrnr. 1-4 St. Fair. Anon. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. •2-4 St. Fair. Cli.-ar. 1-4 St. Fair. Ill 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. U Clear. U Clear. 2 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fai r. 2-4 St. P'air. Clear. 1-4 ei.-cum. Fair. ■'' 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. l-4ci.-cutii., 2-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. (1 Clear. 4 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. , Fair. 1-4 ci.-ciim., 2- J St. Cloudy. (1 Clear. 1-4 ci.-cuiii. Fair. ■J 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1 'lear. 1-4 ei.-cuiii., 1-4 St. Fair. 6 1-4 .St. Fatr. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cl.iudy. Clear. l-4ei.-cuui., 1-4 St. Fair. 1 7 1 1 1 1-4 .St. 1 Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 li.-ciiTii., 1-4 St. Cloudy. u Clear. 2-4 ci.-cuui., 1-4 ei.-st. Cloudy. i 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. f Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1) Clear. 1-4 ei. -CUM)., 1-4 St. Fair. '' i 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. Clear. 2-1 St. Fair. 10 1 1-4 St. Fair. | 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Hazy. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. u 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Hazy. Clear. '2-4 St. Fair. 30 FACE OF SJvY AND STATE OF WEATHER MAHCH, 1872. Day. 15. 16. Huiir. 1 9 10 11 Nooc. II' 3 4 10 11 2-4 St. M St, i-4 St, !-4 .st, ! 4 St. '.-1 St. M St. ;-l St. IJ (1 Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cli'ur. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cl.-ar. Clear. Clear. Clea.r. V J •^ a o k o ^ o o u 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. I) 1-4 ci.. 1-4 St. •2-4 ei., 1-4 St. •2-1 ci,, 1-4 St. 2-4 ci., 1-1 ,sl. 2-4 ci.. 1-4 St. Clear. Clear. Fair. F'ai r. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clouily. 17. 18. 2-4 ci., 1-4 St. 2-4 ci., 1-4 St. •2-4 ci., 1-4 St. :!-4 ci. 3-4 ei.-cuui. 2-4 ci.-ciiMi., 1-4 St. 2-4 ci. -cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cuiii., 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St, 1-4 St, 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cuiu. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St, 1-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy, ('loudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. 1-4 ci. -cum. 1-4 St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. 19. Clear. Clear. Cl..-ir. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. 1-4 ci.-cum. Fair. Clear. '2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-1 St. •2-1 St, 2-1 St. •2- J St. •2-4 St, 2-4 St. 2-4 St. •2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cuTii., 1-4 St. 2-4ei.-euui., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci., 1-4 ci.-cuiri. 2-4 ei. -cum,, 1-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. I'au. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clo.ndy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fai r. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. CI ly. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clouily. Cloudy. Cloudy. AT POLARIS BAY. 31 Day. Hour. 20. 21. MARCH, 1872. 22. 23. 21. Ot 4-4 .t. C'loiuly. 1 4-4 St. Cloudy. •2 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3- 4-4 St. Cloudy 4 4-4 St. Cloudy 3-4 St. Cloudy C 3-1 St. Cloudy i '-'-1 St. Fair. s •-'-4 St. Fair. SI •l-i St. Fair. 10 1 4 ci.-ciiiii., 1-4 St. Cloudy 11 1-4 ci.-cmii., ^-4 St. Cloudy \uoD. 1-4 ci -cniii., •2-4 St. Cloudy 11= 3-4 St. Cloudy i) 3-4 St. Cloudy :! 4-4 St. Cloudy 4 4-4 St. Cloudy f) 3-4 St. Cloudy (1 'i-X St. Fair. 7 4-4 St. Cloudy s 1-4 St. Cloudy 9 4-4 St. Cloudy 10 1-4 St. Cloudy 11 4-4 St. Cloudy 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 .St. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 1-4 St. I Fair. 2-4 St. I Fair. I 2-4 St. I Fair. I Fair. Cloudy. I 2-4 ci.-ciiui., I 1-4 St. ! 2-4 ci.-eum., 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum 2-4 St. :'.-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 44 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. CU.udy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 4-4 tt. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 ,st. 3-4 St. 1-4 ei.- 2-4 cum. St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 ■St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. •2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 ti -cum 3-4 st. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. F\iir. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. 1-4 .St. 2-4 St. •2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cuui. 2-4 St. 2-4 ei.-cuui. 1-4 .St. 3-4 St. -4ci. -euni 3-4 ,st. -4ci. -CUUl 2-4 St. 2-4 ci., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci., 2-4 St. -4 St. 2- 1 ci.-cum. 1-4 St. •2-4 St. 2 4 ci.-cum 1-4 St. 1-4 st. 1-4 ci.-cum. 1-4 St. 1-4 st. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-1 St. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. CloiNly. Cloudy. Cloiiily. Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy, Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. 32 FACE OP SKY AND STATE OP WEATHEE Day. MARCH, 1872. 25. ITuiir. 1 < 11 St. 1-1 St. M St. 1-1 .St. 1 1-4 1'i.-cmu. , 1-4 St. Fair. I'.'iir. Fiiir. Fair. Fair. Fair. 1-4 ci.-ciiiii. i 1-4 s(. 1-4 (;i.-ciim., Fair. i 1-4 St. 1-4 c-i.-cuin., Fair. 1-4 St. I -4 (■i.-C'urii., Fair. 1-4 St. 10 11 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. 1-4 ci., Cloiuly. ' 2-4 St. NcMiii. 1-4 ci.-cuni., Cioiuly. ■,'-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cnni., j C'loiKly. -'-4 St. I 2-4 ,st. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Fair. I'^iir. Fair, Fair. 10 11 1-4 St. I Fair. 1-4 St. i Fair. 1-4 St. I Fair. -2-4 St. I Fair. 1-4 St. • Fair. ;i-4 St. j Cloudy. 26. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 st. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. ;!-4 St. :i-4 St. :!-4 St. 3-4 St. :!-4 St. 3-4 si. 4-4 St. 4-4 st. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 .St. 4-4 St. 4 4 St. 4-4 St. C'loiuly. Clomly. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. snow. Lt. SDOW. Lt. suow. Lt. suow. Lt. suow. Lt. snow. Lt. suow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. 27. c o a 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 st 4-4 .St. 1-4 ci.-cum. 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum. 2-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. l-4oi.-iiim. 2-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 .St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. Lt. suow. Lt. suow. Lt. snow. Lt. suow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. suow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. suow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. suow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. suow. Lt. snow. 28. CO 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 st. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 st. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. l-4ci.-cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum.. 3-4 St. 2- 1 ci.-cum., 2-4 St. 2-4ci.-cnm.. 2-4 St. 3-4 ci.-cum. 1-4 St. 2-4ci.-cnm. 1-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cnm. 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cnm. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cum. 1-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cum. 1-4 St. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. .snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. suow. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 29. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-1 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 .st, 2-4 si. 2-4 St. 2-4 st, 2-4 st, 2-4 st, 2-4 st, 2-4 St. 2-4 st, 2-4 st, 3-4 st, 4-4 St. 4-4 St. l-'air, Fai r. Fair. Fiir. Fair. Fair. Fai r. I'liir. Fair. ]''air. Fair. Fail, Fiir, Fiir. Fair. Fn--y, I'air. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy, AT rOLARIS BAY. 0-) MARCH, 1872. APRIL, 1872. ll;iy. 30. 31. HcMir, 0>' 1 111 11 N.mll, 1'' 10 11 1-1 St, 1-1 St. :^4 St. ?.-\ St. ■J- I st. ■J- 1 St. l-4l i.-(IMll., ! 1-1 St. 'J-1 ci.-iiiin.. 'J-1 St. 'i-4 riini., 1-1 St. '3-4fi.-cniii., ■J-1 St. ■J-1 cniii., •J-l St. ;!:i ciiiu., 1-4 St. !V4 euin., 1-4 si. .'>-! cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 .St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. l-4ci.-onin. :!-4 St. 1-4 li. -cum. i :!-l St. 4-1 st. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4- 1 st. 4-1 St. Lt. sintw. lA. snow. Lt. snow. M. SIH.W. lit. snow. Lt. snow . Fair. C'lonily. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow . j ' Lt. snow. Clomlv. 1 rlnn-\ si. 1-4 ciini., •> 4 st . '2-4 cnni., 1-4 St. :'>-4 cum., 1-1 St. :l-4 <'uni., 1-4 St. 0-4 cnni., 14 St. :!-4 cnni., 1-4 St. :'.-) cnni., 1-4 St. 'J- 1 cnni., •J-1 St. ■J-4 cum., -'-4 St. •J-1 mm., •J-1 St. !'.-4 mm., 1-4 si. ■J-4 cnni., •J-1 St. •J-1 cnm., •J-1 St. •2-4 com.. 1-4 St. 3-4 mm., 1-4 St. l-4ci.-min. •J-1 St. :^j-4 cnni., 1-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-1 St. Clomly. Cloiuly, Ciondy, C'lonily (M.mily Olondy C'lonily Cl..inly. C'londy. C'lonily. I Cloudy. CI ly. Cinndy. Cloudy. I Cluudy. 1 Ciondy. , Ciondy. Cl.mdy. Cloudy. i Cl(Huly. Cloinly. (.'l.mdy. Lt snow. I Lt. snow. 4-4 si. 4-4 St. 4-1 ,st. 4-1 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 'J-1 cniu., 1-1 .St. Lt.snow. 4-4 st. Lt. snow. 4- 1 st. Ciondy. Clondv. 4-1 at. 4 1 St. Lt. snow. I 4-4 st Lt.snow. ! 4-4 st Lt. snow Lt. snow 1-1 .nui.. 1-4 St. 4-1 .si. •J-4 cum., 1-1 St. 4-4 st. ','•-] mm., 1-4 St. :i-l cnni., 1-4 St. !>-4 emu., 1-4 St. ;i-4 cnm., 1-4 St. ■J-4 cnni., J-1 St. ?.-i cum., 1-1 si. J-1 (-uni., 1-1 St. J-1 emu., 1-4 St. ;!- 1 St. ::-l St. 4-4 St. 1-4 St. Lt. snow. ! 1-1 st. Lt. snow. ' 1-1 st. Lt. snow. I 1- 1 st. Lt. enow Lt. snow C'loud.\. Lt. snow. Cloinly. I Cloudy. I Cloudy. ! Ciondy. ; Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clondv. 1 1 Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clmidy. Cloudy. L'uii'. Fair. Fail-. Fail. Fail'. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. < 'lear. Clear. Clear. Cl.'ar. Cl.'ar. Cleai. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cle;ir. Clear. Clear. Cl.-ar. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clea-. Clear. Clear. Char. Clea-'. Clea''. Clear. ( 'le:n'. FACE or SKY AND STATU OF WEATHER Day. 1 -^ U.M11-. ^ J^ ()!' u 1 (J 1 u (1 5 1) 5. APRIL, 1872. G. !» 10 11 Ndon. II' ;) 1(1 11 i 1-4 ci., 1-4 sf. 1-1 ci., 1-4 St. '.'-I li.-fllTII, 1-4 St. i I 1-4 ri.-iMllll. •,'-l St. ! :!-4 St. 1-4 St. w Clrar. Clv.ll. Clcnr. Ch-.u: Clr.v. CIr.-ll'. Cl- 1 emu., 1-1 St. 1-4 ellUl., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cmii., 1-4 eiiiji., 1-4 St. 1-4 ei. -emu., 1-4 emu. 1-4 ei.-ciini., 1-4 euiii. l-4ci.-euin., j 1-4 St. l-4ei.-ciiiii., i 1-4 St. 2-4 emu., 1-4 St. 2-4 eillll., 1-4 St. 2-1 emu., i 1-4 St. 2 4 emu,, 1-4 St. 1-4 euiu., ;;-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-1 cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 cum., i 2-4 St. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy, Fair, Clondy, Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. CI ly. Lt.suow. Lt. SHOW. Lt. suow. Lt. SHOW. Lt. SHOW. Lt. SHOW. Lt. SHO\\'. 1-4 cum. ::-i ,st, 1-4 eillll., ::-4 St. 1-4 cniii :i-4 St. 1-1 cmii :!-! St. 1-4 laiiH :i-4 St. 1-4 eillll . ::-4 St. 1-4 .Hill, :;-4 St, 1-4 cum, :!-l St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. :t-4 cum. 2- 1 cum. 1-4 eiini., 11 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 3-1 emu., 1-4 St. 3-4 iiim., 1-4 st, 3-4 .11111,, 1-4 St, 3-1 euiii., 1-4 St, 3-4 eiim,, 1-4 sl, 1-4 eiini,, 3,-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-t St. Lt. sn.iw, Lt. SIKIW. Lt. snow, Lt, snow, Lt. S1I..W Lt.SIIIIH Lt. SHOW. LI, SHOW, Lt. siio\\-. Lt. SUOW, Lt, snow, Lt,snow. Clondy, Fail, Fair, Cloudy, Lt. SHOW. Lt. sn.iw. Lt. SH.-tt. Lt. SHOW Lt. SHOW, CI. Hilly. Cl.Hidy, Cloudy. AT POLARIS BAY. 35 Hay. 10. iloiu. 9 10 11 Oi> 4-4 St. (.'loiiily. 4-4 St. 1 4-1 St. Cloiiily. 4-1 St. • > 4-4 St. Lt. SIKIW. 1-! Clllll., 3-4 si. ;'. 4-4 ,st. Lt. .siinw. 1-1 Clllll., 3-1 St. 4 1 i St. LI. SIKUV. ",* 1 Clllll., 1-4 si. f) 4-4 St. Lt. slKlw. 1-4 ci.-sl., . 1-4 St. (i 4-4 St. Lt.sii.,w. ■2-4 ci.-ciiin., 1-4 s'. 7 4-1 St. Lt. snow. ■J-4ci. -Clllll., 1-4 St. s 1-1 St. Ll. slinw. I-4ci. -Clllll., 1-4 St. 9 4-4 si. Lt. snow. 1-4 ci -Clllll., 1-! St. 10 4-4 st. Lt. snow. ■M ci.-st., 1-4 St. 11 4-4 St. LI. sitow , 3 4 ci., 1 1 St. XU!111. 4 4 St. Ll. snow . U'-4 ci., •.' 4 St. IIJ -- I Clllll., Ijt. snow. 1-4 ci,, ■J-1 St. 3-4 St. ') ■-'-4 oiuii., Lt. snow. ■J- 1 ci., ■-M St. ■J 1 St. 3 'J-4 Clllll.. Lt. snow . ■J-1 ci., •J-t St. ■ ■J-4 St. l )'-4 Clllll., 1-4 St. Lt. snow-. 1-4 ci., ■.'- 1 St. " 3-4 cniii., 1-4 ,st. Lt. snow . 1-1 ci., ■J-l St. () 3-1 Clllll., 1-4 St. Lt. snow . 1-4 ci., :.'-! St. ' :i-! Clllll., 1-4 s'. Ll. snow. 11 ci., - 4 St. s :!- 1 Clllll., 1-4 si. Ll.snow. 1-4 ci., :J-4 St. 1-4 St. F,t.siiow. t 1-4 si. -1-4 St. Ll.snow. ! 1 1 si. 1-4 si. IjI. snow . I 14 si. 1. snow. J. snow. t. snow. t. snow, jt. snow, it. snow. ji. snow. A. snow. Fair, l-'.iii-. Cloiiily. ^t. snow, ^t. snow. jt. snow, jt. snow, it. snow. J. snow. A. snow. A. snow, jt. snow, jt. snow. A . snow. A . snow. A . siio\\ . APRIL, 1372. II. 1'2. 1-4 1-4 1-1 1-1 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. ;; 1 1-1 1-4 1-1 St. 14 si. ■J-4 ci., 1-4 St. 3 1 1-4 1-1 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-4 1-4 ■J 1 1-4 ci., St. CI., St. CI., St. St. CI., St. CI., St. 1-4 St. ■2- 1 ci., 1-4 St. ■J-4 ci., 1-4 si. ■M 1-1 11 ci., ■J-1 St. M ci., ■J- 1 St. 1-4 ci., •J-4 si. 3-1 St. lazy, lazv. laz,, . Sll >\v. . sit )\V, . Sll l\V. . Sll l\V. .Sll >\v. . S ill ) w , . Sll )\\ . . sn i\\. 3 4 St. •J 4 St. 1-4 St. l-4ci. -Clllll,, 1-1 St. 1-4 ci. -Clllll., 1-4 St. 1-4(1. -Clllll., 1-4 St. 1- I ci. -Clllll,, 1-1 sL 1- 1 ci. anil si. 1-4 ci.. 1-4 St. 1-1 ci., 1-4 sL 4-1 ci,, 1-4 si, 1-1 ci., 1-1 St. ci. 1 St. 1 1 el. St. 1 St-. 1 St. ci. >.) tsi. loinly. loiiily. loinly. loiiily. lonilv. M ci., 1-4 St. 1-1 si. 1-1 1-4 ci. St. 11 si. 1-4 ci., 1-1 St. ■J-1 St. 3,-1 St. Cloiiily. Fair. Fail. Fair. Fair. I'air. I'air. Ll . snow . Lt. snow , Ll . snow. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Clinnly. Ll. snow, Ll. snow, Lt. snow. Fair. Fair. Fair. \A. snow. Fair, Fair, floinly. 13. 4-1 si. 4-4 si. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-1 ci,, •J-4 St. 4-1 ci. 4-4 St. ■J-1 ci. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci. 4-1 si. 3,-1 ci, 1-1 St. 4 1 si. 1-1 si. 4-1 St. 14 St. 4-4 St. 1-1 st. 11 si. 1- 1 St. 4-1 St. 1-1 St. 1-1 si. 1 4 St. 4 I St. 4-1 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. snow . Lt. snow, Lt.snow. Lt. snow. l-'air. I'air. Cloudy. Cloudy. l''",^-,^',v. l''>,i;-,i;,v. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. CI ly. Cloudy, (loinly. (.'iolidy . Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cioiiih-. FACE OF SKY AND .STATF (iK WEATHKl; Day. 14. IImuv. 4-4 St. 4-4 ,-t. 4-4 ft. :! 4 >\. ;!-l St. C'luinly. CldiKly. rloiKly. Clnn.Iy. C'luiidy. 9 10 11 XOUD. II' 1-4 ci. :iiid I I'iiir. cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci., I Cloiuly. 1-4 i-'i.-iiini. 1-4 ci., 1-4 ci. Cluiiily. 1- 1 ci. , I Cloudy. St. 9 10 11 :;-4 ci. 1-4 ci., 1-4 ci.-st., 1-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 ci , 1-4 si. 1-4 St. •J-4 CI. 1-4 ci. 14 ci. 11 1-4 ci. 1-t ci. F.-,\vitli It. siiu\y. Fci.i;,witli ■ It. siun\'. Cloudy. I'oii.willi It. snow, i Fiiir. Fair. Fair. Fair. , Fair. Clear. Clear. (.'Icar. Fair. Fair. 15. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. 14 ci. 1-4 ci. APRIL, 1872. IG. 17. IM. J; < -X < X .; r. Fair. ti Clear. II Clear. tl Clear. Fair. 11 Cl.,ir. Clear. Cl.MI. Fair. tl Clear. II Clr,,,. II Fair. II Clear. II CI. Mr. II Clear. Clear. Clear. 'J Cl.'ar. (1 Clear. Clear. " CI. Mr. " Clear. 1 Clear. Cliar. Clear. 1-1 St. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. 1-1 St. I''air. (_'lrar. II Clear. II Cl.'ar. 1 1 si. Fair. Clear.., Clear. 1-1 si. I'air. i Clear. I) dear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1 I Clear. Cl.-ar. 1-4 si. f.iir. Clear. 1-4 St. 1 Fair. 1 Cl( ar. Clear. Clear. 1-4 si. Fair. Clear. Clcai-. ('I.Mr. 11 St. fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. Cl.'ar. Clear. U Clear. Clear. Clear. 11 Cl.Mr. Cleal. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. Clear. II Clear. 1-4 si. Fair. Clear. Clear. 11 1-4 si. Fair. CI. Mr. Clear. Clear. 1-4 .i.-sl., 1-1 St. I'air. Clear. u Cl.'ar. CI. Mr. 1-4 . i.-st., 1-1 St. Fiir. Clear. Hear. CUar. 1-1 St. Fair. AT rOLAEIS BAY. liav. 19. 20. APRIL, 1872. 21. 23, Hour. «" 1-4 -t. Fair. Clear. 2-4 cuni., 1-4 St. 1 'loudy. ■2-1 .i.. 1-4 St. Clondy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1 1-4 ri., 1-1 St. Fail-. l-4ei.-st. Fair. 1-1 emu., 1-4 St. Fair. •2-4 ei.. 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-1 si. H. suow. • ) 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 el.-st. Fair. 0-4 cuiu., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ei., 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. H. SHOW. := 1-4 ci., 1-1 -I. l-air. Clear. 1-4 .i.-st., •2-4 cum. ( 'loudy. 2-4 ei.-st. Fair. 4-4 si. I[. suow .' 4 1-4 li., 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 3-4 ei.-st.. 1-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ei. Fair. J-4 si. 11. snow.' ■' 1-1 L-i., 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 4-4 St. Clcuuly. 1-4 emu. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. i) ■J-4 ci., 1-4 St. I'air. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. (1 I'lear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 7 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Fair. II I'lear. 1-4 ci -euui., •2-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 si. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. ■'^ 1-4 11.. 1-1 St. Fa i r. 1-4 ei. Fair. 1-4 ei.-euui., 1-4 ci.-si., 1-1 St. 1-4 ei.-ciiui. •,!-4 si. Cloudy. 1-4 ei.-cmu.. 1-1 St. Fair. 2-4 emu., 2-4 si. Cloudy. '■' 1-1 U., 1-4 (.11111. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. Cloudy. 1-4 ei.-cmu.. •2-4 St. I'loudy. 1- 1 emu., 3.-4 St. Cloudy. 111 1-4 ^ ^ . c; ^ Ct — — o — zz ^ a "^ i^ ~ ^ ^ ~ ~ Hour. ^ r.5 'f- '" r^ e ^J 1 ^ ct 'f ^ 5 _|_ 'IJ '^-^ .1^ -^ "^4 -» ^ ! '^ ^ LJ '.^ '-^ " "+H o a V. o - -^ c: -*H ~ ^ ■V ^ Ij a ^ 1 .^ — — ■ zi c o -^ iX J^ /J ^ - . . . ^' -i^ rjj 3 ' 01' 1-1 ,st. Fair. CMcar. :i 4 ,st. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Fair. (1 1 '-'-4 St. Fair. Clear. :!-4 St. ( 'loudy. 2-1 St. Fair. (1 o 4-1 si. Clonily. II ( :'>-! St. Cloudy. 1-1 ci., Fair. It 1- 1 .St. ;) 4-4 s(. ( 4oiuly. II Clear. 1- 1 ci. and ,st. Fair. 1-4 ci., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 4 4-1 ,st. Cloudy. Clear. 1-4 ci. and St. Fair. U Clear. II 7t 4-1 St. Lt. siiiiw. II Clear. 1-4 ci. and St. Fair. 1-4 ,st. Fair. i; 4-1 St. Cloudy. II ( 'Iciir. 14 ci., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. II 7 4 1 St. (;i..udy. Clear. 2-1 ciiin.. Cloudy. 1-1 ,st. Fai r. 1-1 St. K 4-4 St. Cloudy. Cl.'ar. 1-4 ci., ! Cloudy. 1-1 St. Fair. II 1-4 emu.. 1-4 sr. 11 4-1 s(. CHoiidy. -CKar. 1-4 ( i.. Fair. 1-4 St. j 1-1 St. Fair. 1(1 4-4 si. Cloudy. 1-4 .-t. Fair. 1-1 (^i., 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. u n 4-1 ,st. Cloudy. 1-4 ci. mid St. Fair. 2-4 ci. and ei.-cinu., 1-1 St. Cloudy. 1-1 St. I'air. Kdoii. 4-1 St. (Jloudy. 1-1 ci. and St. Fair. 1-4 St., 2-1 Clllll. Cloudy. 1-1 ci., 1-1 cum. Fair. II 1 l'- 4-1 St. Clond^'. L'-4 ci., 1-4 St. ( loiidy. :'> 4 cuiu. C'londy. 1-1 ci. Fair. II )S 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Fair. 11-4 cum. ( 'loiidy. 2- 1 ci., ei.-st. Fail-. '-' i 1-4 ci., CI,M„ly. 1-4 ci. Fair. . 1-1 ci.-cunt., Cloudy. 1-4 ci. Fair. 'J-4 sf. 2-4 Clllll. 4 1-4 ci„ 1-4 si. F;iir. 1-4 ci., ' 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci. aud cum., 1-4 ci.-cuni. Fair. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum. Cloudy. 1) i 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum. Cloudy. 1-4 ci. and cum., 1-4 ci.-cum. Fair. 2-4 ci. and ci.-enm. Fair. II i; ]-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci., 2-1 Clllll. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 1-4 ciuu. Fair. 1-1 ci. Fair. 1-4 ei., SI. ' (.1 Cl.'ar. 1-4 ci., •J 1 CIlUl. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 1-4 cnm. Fair. 1-4 ci. Fair. .^' Clear, '.' 4 St. Cloudy. 1-1 St. Fair. Clear. " ;• U Clrar. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 1 i., 1-4 ,st. Fair. II Clear. 10 (1 CVar. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ci., 1-1 St. Cloudy. Clear. 1-1 St. 11 u Clear. 4 4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. Clear. CI. ,,. (Jll :ir. ■ii'. :\ r. ill'. ;ir. ;ir. ,1 ,ir. Cle;ir. C'ear. Clear. Clear. Cleat. Clear. Fair. ( lear. Cleat. Clear. Fait. Clear. AT POLAEIS BAY. 41 Dav. MAY, 1872. Hour. 01' 1 10 U 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. U 1-4 ci. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. •J-4 St. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. 1-4 St. l-l ci. Fair. Fair. I'air. Clear. F.iir. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fa i r. Fair. Fair. 1-4 ci. aud ' Fair. St. 1-1 ci. and j Fair. St. I Fair. I'air. Fa i r. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. .> 1-4 ci 1 1-4 St •' 1-4 ci 1-4 St 4 1 4 ci i 1-4 St f) 'i-4 ci. 1-4 St i; 1 1-4 ci, 1-4 St. ' 1-4 St. M S-4 St. i) 1-1 St. 1(1 1-4 St. 11 1-4 St. 10. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. ■3-4 St. ■J- 1 St. 2-4 St. :i-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. (» (I II 1-4 St. 14 St. l-lci.-CMin. 1-4 St. ;t-i St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy, Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. I.'lcar. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cle.'tr. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Clei.dy. Cloud V. 11. 12. 1-4 ci -eiim. l-4ci.-eiiui. ;'.-4 St. 2-4ci.-cmi]. 1-4 St. :^-4 St. l-4ei.-ciiiii. 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-i- lira. 3-4 St. :!-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cnm., 2-4 St. :i-4 ci.-cum. 3-4 ei.-euni., 1-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cniu., 1-4 St. 1-4 ei. -cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 ei.-CUIU., 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cnm., 2-4 St. 3-4 cum. :;-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-1 St. 4-1 St. 1-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 st. Fair. Cloudy Cloudy, Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cl.iudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cl.Midy. C'loudy. Cliuuly. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. < loiuly. Cloudy. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cuiu., 2-4 St. ■ 2-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci. and I ci.-oiuji. 1-4 cum. 1-4 ci.-cum., 2-4 cum. 1-4 ci.-cum. aud st. 1-4 ci.-cnm. 2-4 ci.-cum 1-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cl.uuly. Fair. Fair. Clear. Fair. Clouily. Fair. Fair. I'air. Fair. Fair. 1-^air. Fair. 13. -: '- 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 ("uui., 1-1 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. I.'loudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cl..udy, 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. CIcHuly. 4-4 st. Cloinly. 3-4 st. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1 4-4 st. Cloudy. 4-4 st. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 2-4 St., 1-4 cuiu. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum. Cl.uidy. 1-4 ei. Fair. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4 4 St. Cloudy. 42 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER Day. llcmv. 10 11 Noon II' 14. 1-4 (•11111., ■J-l Nt. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-1 St. 4-1 St. ;; I St. 4-1 St. ;; 4 St. :! 4 St. 1 1 St. ' 1 4 St. 1-1 ci. and st 1-4 ci. St (1 II ami Ci 7 8 ;i 10 11 .Cliniily. ■ Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. snow. 1,1. snow. LI. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. I'aiv. I'air. Fair. Fair. Clear. CIrar. Clrar. Clear. Clear. (!l.'ar. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. 15. (I 1 St. '-'-I eiiiii., 1-4 St. ','-4 eillll., 1-4 St. 2-1 eiim., 11 St. 'i-l euiii., 1-4 St. '.i- 1 cniii., 1-4 St. ;!-l enin. (.;ieav. Clear. Clear. CI, ar. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. (!loiidy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. snow :! 4 (11111. I Cloudy. II 4 cum. :'>- 1 cum. ;'.-4 cum. 0-4 ciiiii. 'J- 1 cum. 1-1 ci.-eniu and cum. (I 1- 1 en in. 1-4 eum. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Clear. I'air. I'air. Clear. Clear. MAY, 1872. 16. 17. II 14 cum. 1-4 euiii. '2-4 eum. 1-4 eum., 1-4 ei. 1-1 ei., •i-1 cum. 1- Cl., x;-4 cum i- ei.. •J-4 cum 1- ci.. 'J-4 cum 1-4 ci.. -'-4 cum 2-4 cum. 2-1 cuiii. 2-1 cuin. 2 1 eiiiii. 1-1 cum., 1-4 St.' 2 I si. 2-4 si. Clear. Clcai-. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. , Fair, Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Lt. snow Lt. snow Fair. Fair. I'air. Fair. Fair. I'ai:-. Fair. 1-4 ei.-enm. 2-4 sr. 2-4 cniii. 1-1 ,st. 1-4 cnm., 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum. 1-4 cum. II II 1-1 St. 1-1 ci.-cniii. 1-4 ci.-eiim. St. St. St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Clear. (.'Icar. Clear. Cle.-ir. Clear. Clear. Fai r. I'air. Fai r. Clear. Clear. Clear. IN. 1-1 ei. 1-4 ei. 1-1 ci. 1-1 ci. II I'air. Fair. I'air. Clear. 1-4 ci. Fair. II Cle:ir. Clear. II 1-4 St. Fiir. 1-1 ci. and St. I'air. 1-4 ci. and St. I'.iii. 1-4 ei. and St. I'air. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Fur. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. I'air. 2-4 ci., 1-1 St. Clelllly ;:-4 ci. Cleialj 2-4 ci. I'air. 2-1 ci. Fai r. 2-1 ei. and ci.-ciiin. and ci.-sl. I'air. 1 1 2-4 ei. and ci.-cuni. and ci.-st. Fair. AT POLARIS BAY. 43 Dmv. 1». 20. MAY, 1872. •21. 22. 23. Hour. 0" 1-4 ti. and li.-Clllll., 1-1 Fair. l-4ci.-cui)i.. 1-4 St. Fair. ij Clear. Clear. I-l ei.-CUlll., 1-1 St. Cloudy. 1 St. 1-4 St. r.iir. ■J-4 ri.-rUUI., 1-4 St. Cloudy. II Clear. 11 Clear. 1-4 ei.-cum., 1-4 St, CloHd.N. •J 1-4 St. Fair. ■J 1 cum. Fair. Ci. Clear. 11 Clear. 2 4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy, 3 1-4 St. Fair. ■2-4 ciiui. Fair. 11 Cliar. 11 Clear. 2-4 cum. Cloudy, 4 1-4 St. Fair. ■J- 4 r 11)11. Fair. " 1 1) (.'lear. 2-1 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 5 1-4 St. l-\iir. Clear. (1 1-4 St. Fair. :'.- 1 emu. Cloudy. r. 1-4 1 i. ,iud Fair. It ( dear. Clear. l-l St. Fair. 2-4 cum. (;loiidy. CUlll. 7 1-4 St. Fair. '1 Clear. 1-1 St. I'air. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 cuni , 1-4 St. Cloudy. ; 8 ■J-4 St. Fair. I.I Clear. 1-1 St. Fair. 1-4 ei.-cum.. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-1 elliu., :'.-4 St. Cloudy. 1 1-4 St. Fair. II Cl.-ar. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ei.-cuui.. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 Clllll., 1-4 St. Cl.iudy. 10 1-4 St. l"air. ( lear. 1-1 St. Fair. 1-4 e'.-:-t., 1-4 St. Fair. 2-1 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 11 1-1 ( i., 1-4 si. Fair. II Clear. 1-1 ei. I'air. ■J-4 c i. and 1 i.-eum., 1- 1 Cloudy. '2-1 cum., 2-4 St. ■ Lt. suowe Xn.Ml. ■M -! I'luii., 1-4 ,st. 1 4 ,st. Lt. .snow. Cloiiily. Cl.Hnly. Cliiudy. Cl.niily. CI.Midy. Cl..iuly. Cloudy. CIoirIv. 3-4 riiiii., I ddinly. 1-4 St. I 1-4 ri., 2-1 Climdy. ClIIIJ. 1-4 ci. and , (Jlnudy. :i.-ciiii)., 2-1 Clllll. '■<- I Clllll. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. ('Kuidy. Cloudy. 2-1 cum. M St., 2--1 cum. 1-4 cum, -St. 2-1 St. 1-4 ci.-ciiiii. :l-l cum. l-lci.-ciim., I ( loiidy. 3-4 cum. 1-4 ci.-ciim., , Cloudy. 2- 1 cum. 2 1 ci., 2-1 ' ('loiidy. cum. 1-4 ci., 1-4 Cloudy, cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci., 1-4 ! Cloudy, cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci., il-4 cum. 1-4 ci., 3-4 cum. 1-4 ci., 3-4 cum. 1-4 ci., 3-1 cum. 1-1 ci., :!- 1 cum. 4-4 St. 4-4 st. 1- 1 CIIUl., 3-1 St. 1-4 cull)., 2-1 St. 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 2-1 St. 1-4 ci., 2-1 emu. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-1 St. 3-4 ciiin., 1-4 St. 2-1 cum., 2-1 St. 1-4 ci.-ciiiu., 2-1 St. 2-4 ci.-ciim., 2-4 St. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum. 2- 1 li., 2-4 cum. l-l ci.-c'iint., 2-4 cum. 2-4 ci. and ci. -CIIUl., 2-1 CIIUl. 1-4 ci,, 2-4 cum. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum. MAY, 1872. 2fi. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clcuidy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. CI ly. Cloudy. Cloudy. CI.Midy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. (4oiidy. (Moody. Cloudy. CI ly. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 1-4 ci. and ci.-cuiu., 1-4 Clllll., 1-4 St. 1-1 ci. and ci.-ciiin., 1-4 cum., 1-1 st. 1-1 ci., 2-1 St. 3-1 st. 1-4 cum., 3-1 St. 3-1 St. 3-1 St. 3-1 St. 1-1 cum. 2-1 St. 3-1 St. 1-4 cum., "I St. M ci.,1-4 St., 2- 1 cum. 1;4 ci.,2-4 cum. 1-4 ci.,2-1 Clllll. 1-4 ci.,2-4 cum. 1-4 ci,,3-l cum. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2- 1 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-1 St. 4-1 St. .'-1 cum., 2-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 s(. Cloudy. Cloudy. (loiidy. Cloudy. Cl •^^ P ^ o S < Sta 1-4 ci. :uk1 Fair. ,st. 1-4 ci.-( mil. Fair. aud st. 1-4 ri.-cillll. Fair. aud St. 1-4 cum. Fair. 1-4 LUlll.-«t. Fair. 1-1 Ht. Fair. 1-4 cum. Fair. «t. Clear. JUNE, 1872. 1-4 Clear. Clear. Fair. , 11 1-4 li. Fair. Noou. 1-4 ci. F^air. 1'' 1-4 ci. F'air. <■> 1-4 ei. Fair. 3 1-4 . i. Fair. 4 1-4 ei. Fair. 5 1-4 ei. Fair. (j 1-4 ei. and Fair. cum. 7 1-4 ei., 1-4 ci.-eum. Fail. y 1-4 ci.. 1-4 ei.-euui. Fair. 9 14 ei. and ci.-cuin., 1-4 cnm. Fair. 10 1-4 ei., 1-4 ei.-cum. Fair. 11 1-4 ei., 1-4 cum. I'air. 4. St. 1-1 ei. 1-1 ei. I) Ci. 1-4 ei. 1-4 ei. Ci. Ci. Ci. 1-4 ei. Fair 1-4 ei,, 1-4 St. Fair 1-4 ei. Fair 1-4 ei., 1-4 St. Fair 1-4 ei., 1-4 St. Fair 1-4 St. J-'air 1-4 St. Fair 1-4 St. Fair Clear (1 (•lear Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cli'ar. Clear. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Ci. Ci. Ci. Ci. St. Ci. St. St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. ( 'tear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. 1-4 - I elllll. :!- 1 ei.-cuin. i- 1 cnm. and ei,-ellln., 1-1 St. '■'>- 1 ci.-ciini. and ciiiii. 3-4 ei,-iiiiit. aud elllll,, 1-4 St. ( 'i.-cniii., I'air. 3-4 eL-eiim, 14 St. and cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 ei. A ci.- Fair. '2-4 ei.-ciiiii., l'';iir,, CI Iv, CIoimI.v, Clcillily. Cloiiil.v. CI ly. Cluiuly. Clmuly. CIniiily, CIniiilv. 1-4 si. I Fair. j ■J-4ci.-euni., 1-4 St. 'i- \ ei.-eUitl., 1-4 St. •J-l ei.-cum,, 1-4 St. 1-4 St. l-4ei,-eiiin,, ■J- i rlllll, I- 1 elllll. (.'1 ly. 1 1-4 ei, a 1.1 el. -elllll., •2-1 (-11111. Clmidy. ! 1-4 .i., 1-1 : cum,, 1-4 ^t. 1-lei.-. 11111,, ' F.iir. 11 Illlll. 1-4 St. ' 3-1 ei,-eiini, Cl'iiiily , 4-4 e.iiii, and ciiiii. I 1 1-1 ei. am' | Fair. 2-\ cum., cum. ' "2-4 St. 1-4 .1., . Fair. i 2- 1 ciiiii., 1-4 elllll. I ! 2-1 St. CI CI Hilly CI CI CI CI i; uiily t.'l C! CI Hilly CI iiiily Ci iiiily CI CI Hilly Hill) AT POLARIS BAY. Day. Hour. 01' 1 Fair. 9 10 U 1-4 ci., I ri..iHly. :i-4 ciiMi. I 1-1 ci., -,'-4 (.'louily. Clint, and cnni.-st. 1-4 ci. and ci.-st., 1-4 cnni. i 1-4 funi. 1 Fair, and .St. j 'J-4 ci. and [ Fair. ci.-st. ' :i-4 Oondy. 1-4 ci. and ( loudy. cnin.,'j 1 St. ::- 1 cum., (.'Iriiidv- I 1-4 St. ! I-I cnni. \ ('liiiidy. :i-4 cum., , (Jloiuly. 1-4 St. •:i-4 St. 1-4 St. and CMUII. Fair. Fair. Ndiiii. ,l-4ci.,l-4st.l Fair, and cnni. ^ 1'' I -'-1 - 1 cum. 3-4 cum. 1-4 CIIDI. 1-4 cum. 1-4 cum. 1-1 eiim. 1-4 ci. and ci.-ciim. 1-4 ci. and ei.-cum. l-l ci. 2-1 ci. 2-1 ci. 1-1 ci. and cum. 2-1 ci., 1-4 cum. 4-4 St. (Jlondj'. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fa i r. I'air. I'air. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. JUNE, 1872. 10. 5 5 I 'v 7t o > ^ "^ ■ Z I ' I II. I'i. 4-1 St. 2-4 ci., 1-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. -1 ci. ! Fair. 2-4 ci. 2-1 ci. 2-4 ci. Fair. 2-4 ci. Fair. 1-4 ci,, :!-4 cum. I'air. 1-4 ci.. 2- 1 cum. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 1-4 cum. Clondy. 1-4 ci. aud cum. Fair. 1-1 ci. .aud cum. Fair. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum. :!-4 cum. 1-1 ciini. :i-4 cum., 1-1 St. :'.-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2 4 St. 4-4 ,st. 1-1 cum., :;-4 St. 4-1 .St. 4-1 .St. 4-4 St. Fair. Fair. Fair. I'aii. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clondy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clondy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-1 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 cum., :!-l St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 ,st. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 4-4 at. 2-4 cum., 2-1 St. 3-4 cum. 1-4 ci.-cum. 2-4 cum. 1-4 ci.-cnm. 2-4 cum. l-4ci.-cuin. 2-4 cum. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum. 3-4 cum. 4-4 cum. ]-4 ci.-cum. 2-4 cum. Cloudy. Cloudy. Li. snow. Lt. suciw. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. L!. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clondy. Cloudy. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 3>-4 cum. 1-4 ci.-cum., 2-4 cum. 1-1 ci., 1-4 cum. 1-4 ci., 1-4 cum. 2-4 <'nin. 1-4 ci., 1-4 cum. 1-4 ci. and St. 1-4 ci. aud St. 1-1 ci. ami ,st. 1-4 <-i. and cum. 1-4 ci. and cum. 1-4 ci. and cum. 1-4 ci. and St. 1-1 ci. and St. 1-4 ci. aud .St. 1-4 ci. and St. 1-1 ci. and St. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cum. aud cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 3-4 cuai. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fa ir. Fa i r. Fair. Fail. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 4S FACK OP SKY A>sl) STATI'I OF AVFATllFi; JUNE, 1872. Day. 13. ]Ioiir. -I ciini. :i-4 cmn. rlciiuly. II- 1 ctini. ( 'li)ti(l_\ . :i I cum. 1 Cloudy. '.'>~\ ciitn. :'>- 1 ciiiii. '■'- 1 cum. ChiiHly. CloiKly. Clniidv. '.I lU n j\(HIII II' 2 ;> I cum. ( 1 ly. I '-'- 1 cum. ]",iii'. ^1- 1 ei. uihI I I'^i cum. t'i. aud .st. Clca.i'. Ci. aud sf. Clear. Ci.aud si. Clcai'. 1-'1 emu. aud cuui.-sl 1-4 ciiui. aud ruui.-sl 1-4 cum, aud c .-si ('i.,]-4cuui. 1-4 cuiu. aud ,sl. II cum. aud si . 1-4 cum. aud .St. 10 11 1-1 ci. and ci.-cuui., 1-4 ciiui. 1-4 si,, ::-l < um. 1-4 ,sf., :l I cum. 1-4 si., :i- 1 cum. 1-1 St., '■'• I cum. - 1 cum., ■M St. - 1 CUUI., ;M St. '-'- 1 cum., 'M St. L'-l cum., 'J-1 St. ?,-\ cum., 1-1 ,st. Clmuly. Cloudy. Cloudy. <■] ly. (.;ioudy. Cloudy. ( 'l.uid\. Cloiuly. I.'loudy. Cliuidy. Cloiuly. Clcuuly. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloud). CI ly. Cloiuly. (loiidy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cl(uuly. (.'lolldv. 10. :i-4 si., 1-4 CUIU. 'J 1 CUUI., ■J I St. 1-4 CUUI., ■J 4 St. 11- I CUUI., M St. '■> 1 CUIU., 1-4 si. ;: 1 I- ,, II si. I- I CUIU. :'.. I cum., 11 St. •-'-1 St. ■2 1 CUIU.. ','-1 St. 1-1 cum., :i-l si. < 'loiuiy. Cl(uul,\, Cloiuly, Cloudy. CI ly. ( 'loiidy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloiidv. 1-4 ,i., 1-4 Cloudy, cum., 1-4 st . I ■M cum., •M St. 1-4 CUUI., ■M si. ■-' 1 iiim., 1-4 si. 1-4 St., 1-1 CUUI. 1-1 ci. aud <-i.-ciiui., 1-4 CUUI. and si. 1 I cum. aud si. 1 1 cum. .■I lid si. 1 1 cum. aud St. Cliuuly. Cloudy. Cloiuly. I'ail, I'.iir. Fair. Fail. l''air. Clear. Cleiir. I Clear. Clear. 17. 1 ;iir. Cli.iiily fair. Cluiiily Cluuily CNiihly (liiir. Cle;i|-. d I Cl.'lir. II : Clear. 1-1 ci. aud 1'; CUUI. 1-1 el. aud <'IIUI. 1-4 c'. and CUUI. 1 I ci., 1-4 e 'M ei., I 1 CUIU. and si. M id. aud CIIUI. 1-1 ei., •i-4 ( IIUI. 1-4 ei., '-'- 1 emu. 1-1 ei. and ci.-cuiii., ;{ 4 (UtIU. ■J- i ei.-elllii., Cliillllv. 1-4 St. I ■.'. I ei, iiiiii , ( 'lonily. 1-4 si. ■J-lei.-elllll., Co, Illy. M St. 11 ei. mid I'.iir. ci. eiiifi., I I CUUI. 1 I ei. aud l";iii. ei. eiiiii., 1-1 cum. I- I ei. ami ei.-ciiril.. 1 1 cum. ■J-1 ei., Cloiuly. 1-1 cum. si. ■J I ei,, ' Cloiiil). 1-1 cum. -si, : 1-1 ci., 1-1 j CI I.V- si ., '.J -4 (Uiui. 1-1 cum. I l'';ur. :!-l si. I Cloudy. AT POLARIS BAY, 49 JUNE, 1872. Day. ' 1§ • 19 • 30 . 21 • 22 - ^ ^ ^ " 3 a _^ ■^ .~ 'Z tH ." i^ . a. z — _i ■ J ^ i ^ i r^:!i 'E 1 n ^ , f: , r' t; r— ^■ -^ — ^ ^ ^ ^ — ' — ^ i^ S ^ c S o Ilonr. ?: c i^ " 2. b Ct D i:: ~ ^ i^ ~ ^ '•^ i ^ '^ ..^ V- ^ V Vh ^ o -.*_ -w ^ '+H i =^ o 5 3 O " 3 ~ ^ ■'-> ? - 1-4 ei, and ci.-cuiii., 1-4 ciini. 2-4 ci., 1-4 cum. 2-4 ci., '2-4 ti.-cniii. 2-4 ci., , 1-4 cum. j 3-4 ci. aud ci.-cum. 1-4 ci., I 1-4 cum. 1-4 ci., 1-4 ci.-st. 3-4 ci., 1-4 St. and ci.-st 2-4 ci., 1-4 cum. 1-4 ci.-st., 3-4 St. 1-4 ci. and !ci.-st.,3-4 st Fair. 1-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., ;!-4 St. Cloudy. Ci.-st. 1-4 ci. and ci.-st., 3-4 St 1-4 ci. and ci.-st., 2-4 st 1-4 ci. and ci.-st., 2-4 st 2 ' 1-4 ci. and ci.-st., 2-4 st 3 ! 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. ::-! St. 2-4 St. 10 U 1-1 ci., , 1-4 St. 1-4 ci. and cum. 1-4 ci. and St. l-l ci., 1-4 St. Clondy. ' Ci. and ci.- st. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cluiuly. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Ci.-st. Ci. and st. St. St. St. St. n (I n Cum. Si. St. St. St. St. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. ° I St. I St. St. St. St. j St. I Ci.-st. I 1-4 ci.-st. Ci. aud st. Ci. and St. Cum. and st. St. St. 1-4 cum. aud St. 1-4 cum. aud St. 1-4 ci. 1-4 ci. 1-4 ci. Ci. (I (I Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. 1-4 ci. 1-4 ci. aud St. 1-4 ci. and St. 2-4 ci.-st. 2-4 ci.-st. 2-4 ci.-st. 1-4 ci.-st. St. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci. 1-4 ei. n n n Fair. Fair. Fair. ) Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cle tl Clear. Clear. Clear. Cleai'. (.'lear. n Clear. n Clear. (1 Clear. (1 Clear. Clear. II Cleai-. II Clear. Clear. II Clear. Clear. " Clear. n Clear. II Cleai'. I) Clear. Clear. " Clear. Clear. II Clear. 52 FACE OP SKY A^'D STATE OF ^VEATUEli Day. JULY, 1872. Hour. C 7 S 9 10 11 c: o 01' 1 - :i 5 U 6 7 8 9 St. 10 St. 11 St. S^ooi). St. I'' St. 9 3 4 Clfai-. Clrar. Clear. Ck-ar. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cleai-. t'kav. Cler.r. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. r3 a 13 AT POLAEIS JiAY, Do Day. Hour. § ^_ "J 9 r— ^ = "3 o o JULY, 1872. 10. r— ' ■^' c g 1. o o 12. 1 5 a; -a ■iu i o p < ! ^ 1 '33 0" 1 1-4 cum., 3-4 ,st. 1-4 cum., :!-4 St. 1-4 cum., :!-4 St. 1-4 cum., 2-4 St. ■2-4 cum. aud St. 1-4 ci. and cum. 1-4 ci. and cum. 1-4 ci. aud cum. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy, Cloudy. I'uir. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. ^ 4 G 7 9 10 11 Xijon. 1" 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 9 10 11 Ci. aud cum. Ci. aud cum. Ci. and cum. 1-4 cum. 1-4 cum. and St. 1-4 ci. -cum., 1-4 cum, aud St. 1-4 ci. -cum., 1-4 cum. aud St. 1-4CUU1. aud St. Ci., 1-4 cum. anil St. ( 'i.-cura., 1-4 cum. and St. 1-4 cum. aud St. 1-4 cum. aud 1 j 1 _ 1 ! ! • St. ( 'i.-cuiu., 1-4 cum. aud St. !-lcum. aud St. 3-4 cum. aud St. - . . . i 1 54 FACE OF SJ<;Y and STATE OP WEATUER Day. JULY, 1872. 13. 14. 15. IG. 17. Hour. « o 01' 1 3 4 9 10 11 Noon. II' 2 3 4 .J C 7 a 9 10 11 4-4cuiti. and St. 1-4 cum. and St. 4-4 cnui. and St. 4-4 cnm. and St. 1-4 cum. and St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Ci., 1-4 cum. 3-4 St. 1-4 ci., . { 2-4 cum. Ci., 4-4 cum. 1-4 St., 2-4 cum. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 ci. and ci.-cum., 1-4 cum. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 ci. and ci.-cum., 2-4 cum. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. :!-4 cum. and st. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-1 cnm. and St. 3-1 cum. and St. Cloudj'. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudj'. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. 1-4 cum. and St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 3-4 cum. 2-1 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. ]-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 2-4 cum. and ci., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. snow, Lt. snow, Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Rain. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. c o 4- 13 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 4-4 cum. 1-4 St., 3-4 cum. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 St., 3-4 cum. 1-4 ci., 3-4 cum. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. State o < Cloudy. 3-4 St. aud cum. Cloudy. 3-4 St. and . cum. Cloudy. 2-4 cum.. 1-4 St. Cloudy. Lt. rain. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudj'. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 2-4 cum., 1-1 St. 4-4 cum. and St. ! 4-4 cum. 4-4 cum. 4-4 cum. 1-4 ci., 3-4 cum. 2-4 St., 2-4 cum. 1-4 ci., 3-4 cum. and St. 1-4 ci., 3-4 cum. and St. 1-4 ci. and ci.-cum., 2-4 cnm. and St. 1-4 ci. and ci.-cum., 2-4 cum. and st. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy; Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. raiu. Lt. rain. Lt. raiu. Lt. raiu. Lt. raiu. Lt. rain. 3 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 st 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-1 cum., 2-1 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 4- 4 st. and cum. I Lt. raiu. Lt. rain. Uaiti and I snow. Kill II 11 lid snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clouily. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. (Jloiidy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. AT POLARIS BAY. 55 JULY, 1872. Day. Hour. 01' 1 o 3 4 10 11 Noon. Ih 2 3 S 9 10 11 1§. 19. 'p ct o '--i +j o ■D c o c: p ^ -1^ 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Clomly. Cloutly. Cloinlv. 4-4 St. Cloiuly. 4-4 St. I Cloiuly. 4-1 St. 4-1 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. and cum. 1-4 cnni., 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 ci., l-4cnm.-st., 2-4 St. 1-4 ci., l-4cnui.-st., 2-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 cum.-st. 1-4 cum., 1-4 cum. -St., 2-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. rain. Cloudy. Cloudy. 'cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. rain. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 4-1 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. I Cloudy. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 st. aud cum. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 cura., 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 ci. and ci.-cum., 2-4 cum. and st. 1-4 ci. and ci.-cum., 2-4 cum. and St. 1-4 St., 3-4 cum. 3-4 cum. .3-4 cum. 2-4 cum. 2-4 cum. 1-4 cum. 1-4 cum. aud St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. 20. •>1. a 2-4 cum. aud St. 1-4 cum. 1-4 cum. aud ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum. and St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-1 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 cum.. 1-4 St. ■ 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. l-4ci.-cnm., 3-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum., 2-4 cum. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. 2-4 cum. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Ci.-cum., 1-4 .St. 2-4 cum.-st. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 st. and cum. Cloudy. Ci. and st. Cloudy. Ci. and st. Cloudy. Ci. Cloudy. Ci. Cloudy. 2-4 ci. Lt. rain. 2-4 ci. Lt. rain. 2-4 ci. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 1-4 cum. andst Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. ■ Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., I 1-4 cum. I 1-4 ci., 1-4 cum. I 2-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 cum.-st. 2-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 cum.-st. 2-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 st. 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 2-1 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair, Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cum,, 2-4 cum. ami St. 1-4 ci., 3-4 ci.-cum. 2-4 ci., 1-4 ci.-cnm. 2-4 ci., 1-4 ci.-cum. 2-4 ci., 1-4 ci.-cum. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum.-st. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum.-st. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum.-st. 1-4 ci. and ci.-cum., 1-4 cum. 2-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 cum. 4-4 cum. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy, Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 4-4 St. , Cloudy. 4-4 st. ' Cloudy. 56 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER Pay. 23. Hour. 0" 1 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 ,st. 4 4-4 st. :t 4-4 St. G 4-4 St. 7 2-4 cnm., 2-4 St. 4-4 St. 2 4-4 St. :i 4-4 St. 10 11 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-1 .St. 4-4 cum. 4 1 cnm. 4-1 com. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Lt. rain. Lt. r.iiu. Cloudy. Lt. rain. Lt. rain. Clonily. Lt. rain. Lt. rain. Lt. rain. Clondy. Cloiuly. Clondy. Clondy. Lt. rain. Cloudy. Clondy. Tjt, rain. Lt. raio. Clondy. I Clondy. Clondy. I Clondy. ! Clondy. Clondy. 21. JULY, 1872. 25. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4 4 St. 4-4 ,st. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 cnm., :5-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 2-1 cnm., 2-4 St. 2-4 cnm., 2-4 St. 2-4 cnm., 2-4 St. ;i-4 cnm. Lt. rain. Lt. rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. Clondy. clondy. Clondy. Lt. rain. Clondy. Clondy. Clondy. Clondy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clondy. Clondy. Cloudy. Clondy. Clondy. ;!-4 cnm. 2-4 cnm. 2-4 cnm. 1-4 cum and Cl.- cum St. ,1-4 2-4 cum and Cl ., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum and Cl .,1-4 .St. 1 1-4 ci.-cum. 1-4 ci. and » cnui Cnm. ' Cnm. 1-4 ci. and cnm. Cnm. Ci. Cnm. Cnm. Cum. Cnm. II St. St. St. (.'loudy. Fair. Fair. < 'loudy. Clondy. Clondy. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. C!lear. Cle^r. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. 26. Ci. f:i. Ci. Ci. Ci. Ci.-cnra. St. and ci. St. St. Ci.-st. Ci. 1-4 ci. and St. 1-4 ci. and St. 1-4 ci. and St. 1-4 ci.-cum,, 1-4 St. 2-4 cnm. .and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. :!-4 cnm., 1-4 St. :i-4cnm. .and ci.-cum,, 1-4 St. ;)-4 cum., 1-4 St. Clear. Clear. Clear. (;l<-ar. Clear, Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cl.'ar, Clear. Clear. Clear, Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Clondy. Cloudy. Clondy. 27. •!- 1 I'uni., 1-1 ,st. 4-4 st, 4-1 St. 2-4 eiiiu., 2-1 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 st, 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 cum., :!-4 St. "•-1 eiim., 1-4 .St. 1-4 cnm. and St. 1-1 ci.-cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 ci. -cnm., 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci. -cnm., 1-4 cnm. 2-4 ci.-cum. 2-4 ci.-cum. 1-4 ci., 1-4 euui. andst. 1-4 ci., 1-4 cum. andst. 2-4 ci., 1-4 cum. 1-4 ci. 1-1 ei. and St. 1-4 ci. and St. 1-1 ci. 1-4 ci. and St. Clondy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clondy. Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clondy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. ^ Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. AT POLARIS BAY. 57 JULY, 1872. Day. 2§. Hour. <1 01' 1-4 ci. 1-1 ci. 1-4 ci. and cum. l-4ci.-cimi., 1-4 cum. l-4ci.-cmn., 1-4 cum. l-4ci.-ciuu., 1-4 cnui. 1-4 ci., '2-4 cum. 1-4 ci. and ci. -cum. ,2-4 cum. and St. ;!-4 cum., 1-4 St. ;!-4 cum., 1-4 St. 10 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 11 1-4 cum., ;!-4 St. Noon. ;i-4cuin. and St. 1" 2-4 ci. -cum., 2-4 cum. aud St. 2 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 10 11 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. :!-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci. aud ci.-cum., 2-4 cum. and St. 1-4 ci., :!-4 cum. aud St. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum. and st. 1-4 ci. and , I'i.-cum., 1-4 I cum., 1-4 St. [ :!-4 cutn., I 1-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Ci., 2-4 St. and cum. :J1 l''air. I'air. Fair. Kair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cl.iudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloiuly. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. 29. »0. 31, □ 3 4j" 1-1 cum. Ci. and cum. Ci. l-l ci. 2-4 ci. 1-4 ci., 1-4 cum. 1-4 ci., 1-4 cum. 1-4 ci. and cum. 1-4 ci. aud cum. Ci., 1-4 St. aud cum. St. and cnm St. Ci. Ci. Ci. 1-4 ci. 1-4 ci. 1-4 ci. 1-4 ci. 1-1 ci. 1-4 ci. 1-4 ci., 1-4 com. 4-4 cum. and St. 4 4 cnm. and St. ■ji Fair. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fail'. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fai r. Fair. Fa i r. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 3 a '2-4 ci., 2-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 enni., 3-4 St. 1-4 cnm,, 3-4 St. 4-4 et. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. l-l St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. rain. Lt. rain. Lt. rain. Lt. rain. Lt. rain. Kaiu. Kain. Rain. Kain. Rain. Lt. rain. Cloudy. Lt. rain. Lt. rain. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 4-4 St. 14 St. 1-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St, 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., '2-1 St. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 1-4 cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 ei. -cum., 1-4 cnm., 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum., 3-4cum. aud St. Ci.-cum., 3-4 euni. Ci.-cum., 3-4 cum. Cloudy. Cloudy. ( 'loudy. ( 'loudy. (,'Iondy. tUoudy. Cloudy. Clomly. ('loudy. i 'loudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. AUGUST, 1872. 1-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. l-l St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. '2-1 cnm., 2-4 St. 1-4 cnm., I 3-4 St. 1-4 eum., 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 cum., ! -2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum., 2-4 cum. aud St. '(_'i.-cnm.,2-4 cum., 2-4 st. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy, Cloudy, Cloudy, Cloudy, Cloudy, Clomly, Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cl.uiily. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clou 2 10 11 1-4 cuni. :,;-4 St. 1-4 ci., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-1 St. 1-4 ri.-(Ul]l., 1-4 St. 2-4(.'i.-cuui., l-4cnru. ami St. 2-4c'i.-i'iim., l-4i;uui. aud St. 1-4 ti.-cuiu., 2-4 cum. aud ^t. 2-4reum., 1-4 8t. 2-4 ci. -cum., 1-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. l-4ci.-cuiii., 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci. -emu., 2-4 (inn., 1-4 St. 3-4 ciiai. 2-4 cum. ;'-4 cum. 3-4 cum. 2-4 cum. 2-4 cum., 1-4 si. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum, aud St. 1-4 ci.-cum., 2-4 cuui. aiul St. t!i.-cuui., 2-4 cuui., 1-4 st. !!-4 cum., 1-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 3-4 <'un)., 1-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy, Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloud V. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 st. 4-4 st. 4-4 St. 4-4 cum. 2-4 ci. 2-4 ci. 2-4 ci. 1-4 ci aud St. t-l St. '2-4 cuui., '2-1 St. '2-4 euui.. '2-4 St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear, ('lear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cleaj-. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fai r. Fair. I'air. 1-4 euui., , Cloudy. ;!-4 St. 20. 1-4 cum., 3-t St. Cloudy. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 2-1 ci., 1-4 euui. 2-4 ci., 1-4 cum. '2-4 ei., 1-4 cum. '2-4 ci., 1-4 cum. 2-4 ri., 1-4 cuui. -St. 2-4 ei., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci., 2- 1 cum. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci. 1-4 ei. 1-4 ci. 1-4 ci. 2-4 ci. 1-4 St. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 CUUI., '2-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. F.iir. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fa i r. Cloudy. 21. a < :!-4 cum. lt-4 cuiu. 2-4 cum. 1-4 cuiu. 1-) St. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci. aud St. 1-4 ci. aud St. 1-4 ei. aud St. 1-4 .St. <'i., 1-4 St. Ci.. 1-4 St. Ci. aud ci.- cum., 1-4 St. Ci.and ci.- cum., 1-4 st. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 ,st. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. '2-4 St. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. I'air. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. F.iir. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. 62 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER Day. Hour. uds. f I ^ rn § o ■^ ^ 1 '55 AuHjunt of e ~r- 01' 1-1 St. Fai r. Ci., 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. II Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1 1-4 st! Fair. 1-4 cum. and St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloiuly. i) 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Fa i r. 1-4 cum. and St. I'air. 1-4 St. Fair. Cli'ar. '2-1 (Uim., ■2-4 si. Cloudy. :> 1-4 ci., Fair. 1-4 cuni..ind Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 1-1 St. CI ly. 1-4 St. St. 1 'J-4 ci., Cloudy. 1-4 ci. and Fair. 1-4 St. FaiL-. (1 C:icar. 4-1 si. Cloudy. 1-4 St. St. '' ■M ci., 1-4 St. Cloudy.. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. " Clear. 2-4 cum., '2-1 St. Cloudy. i; i-\ ci., Cloudy. 1-4 ci.. Fair. SI, Clear. (1 ' Cleai-. :!-4 si.. CI. only. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 cum. 1 'J-4 ci., •-'-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Fair. 1) Clcai'. (1 Clear. 4-4 si. Cl(uul,\-. s '2-4 ci., -'-4 St. Cloudy. Ci., 1-4 si. Fair. St. Clear. (1 Clear. 4-4 si. Cl.mdy. II ■Mci.-cimi., Cloudy. 1^4 '^•""'■' Fair. Ci., Cl.'ar. Cl.-ar. 4-4 si. Cloudy. ! 1-1 St. SI . St. j 10 o-l cnni. Cloudy. 1 d f'lUl., ^'^ St. fair. Ci. Clear. Ci,, St. Clear. 'J-1 .'um., ■2-1 si. CI ly. 1 u ','-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. ^ . cum., St. Fair. Ci. Cleai'. St. Clear. :'- 1 cum.. 1-4 St. Cloudy. XiH.n. ■J-l Clllll., 1-4 St. Cloudy. ,_,cum.. Fair. (1 Clear. SI. (4e:ir, 4-1 ,st. ( 'londy. Ih -- 1 cnm., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci. and cum. F.iir. CI Cl.'ar. SI. (M,.ar. 1-1 St. Cloudy. ■I ■-'-1 cnm., 1-4 St. ( 'londy. 1-4 ci. and cum. I-^air. St. (4ea,r. 1-1 ,st. Cloudy. ;j •J 4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-st. Fair. SI. Clear, 1-4 ci. -cum., cum. Fair. 4-4 St. (.'londy. ,1 ■-'-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci. F.air. St. ri-4 cum. Cloudy. 2-1 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. ■'' 1-4 cum., 'M St. ('londy. 1-4 ci., 1- 1 cum. Fair. Ci. Clear. :t- 1 cum. Cloudy. 1-4 ci. -cum., 2-4 cnm. and St. Cloudy. i; 1-4 cnm., 2-4 St. • V.\ ly. .1-4 ci., 1-4 cum. Fair. Ci. Clear. 1-4 cum., '2-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., '2-4 cum. au;;7 ,-:; SI 105 205 iMay 'J 17 ir. i;i; 142 124 91 '.HI i;;:', 15:: i4(; June 191 .July (;:> iiS 4 1 12 05 207 All;;ll8fc V iiii; 1 r,-.' r.M 70 9G1 1021 i5i; llCiO 271 1 ir,2 ISOS 4^5 700 715 090 710 711 744 704 521 7 11 O7;;o The aliove lahle shows that during the greater portion of the time the sky was nearly entirely covered, that out of CT.'Ki honrs it was overcast entirely (*) during IStiS hours, and only clear daring lliitl. The clearest montli was April, with '2:>1 hours. The least amount of clear weather was experienced in July, namely, (i,") hours. For the sal. 4.4 0.4 14. S 7. / 9.1 50. 1 9.1 7. 9 11.9 .'J. 3 11.1 100.(1 100.0 ■ 100.0 i 100.0 , 100.0 100.0 100. FACE OF SKV A.ND STATE OF WEATHER AT POLARIS HOUSE. The same mode of ri^LMUil is adopted in the ol)servatioiis made at I'l.ilaris IL.uisr as at Polaiis r,;i\-. The series comprises six months, viz: horn Xovember 1, 1871' to 'Sl,\\ 31, IST.J. But one break of one hour occurred during the wholi' time tlie observati 1-4 st. 1-4 .St. 4 1-4 st. r, St. i; St. / St. s St. 9 2-4 St. 10 4-4 st. 11 4-4 St. a.V. 11. Hour. 10 11 1(1 II 1-1 St. SI. St. I St. 1-1 si 1-4 r and St I-l (■ and si 1-1 si 1-1 st 1-1 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-1 St. 1-4 si. 1-4 St. 1-1 St. 14 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 14 si. 12. 13. a Fail-. I SI. t'k'ar. ' SI. Cleai-. (Ml :ir. Cli'ar. Clcai-. Fair. I'air. Fair. I air. I'air. Fair. I'ail. Fair. Fair. lair. I'air. Fair. Fair. P'air, St. St. SI. St. Fair. ! t'liin. and si. Fair. Ciiiii. aud St. I'air. i SI. St. 1-1 St. 1-4 si. 1-4 si. M St. ■-■-1 ci. 'J-1 ci, '1\ li. 1-4 ci., ;;-i St. 4-1 si. CO Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cleai'. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. I'air. Clear. 1-4 ei. and lair, ei.-sl. Fair. Fair. Hazy. Cloiuly. Cloiidv. 4-1 St. 1-1 St. 4-4 st. 4-4 si. 4-4 St. 14 st. 4-4 St. 4-4 si. 1-1 St. 11 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 st. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 si. 4-4 St. M st. 1-1 st. 4-4 st. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 st. 4-1 St. I 1. 15. (.'leudy. Lt.siiew. II, SII..U, 1 I. SIKIW, 11. SIKIW. 1 1. Slln\\ , Snuv, Snow. Siiow ? Snow .' Snow ,' \A. snow. CI. snow. Clondy. Clondy. Ft. suow. Lt. snow. hi. snow. Ft. snow. Ft. snow. Lt. sno\\'. Sii()w ■' Snou ? 4-1 St. 4-4 si. 1-1 St. 1-1 St. 4-4 si. 1-4 st. 4-4 si. 4-1 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 SI. 4-4 st. 4-4 St. 4-4 si. 1-1 ci. 1-4 ei. 'jj Lt. snow. 4-4 St. LI. snow. 1-1 St. Snow '. 4-4 st. ,Snow l ;> 4 st. Snow ''. 1-1 eiiin. aud ei,-<-iini..l-4 si . and ei.-st. Sn- 1 euui., 1-4 St. Lt. suow. :'.-4 iiiin., ]-4 St. Lt. snow. ;l- 1 eiiui. and ei.-eniii., F4 j St. Lt. suow. 1-4 e and ei.-< uni., 1-4 st. .aud ei.-st. .Snow .' 1-1 enni. and ei.-einn., 1-4 si. and ei.-st. .'sUll\\' .' Snow ''. Cloudv. 1-4 st. , Snow ? Fair Fair. 1- 1 emu. and ei.-eiini., 1-4 st. and ei.-st 1-4 ei.-st. .and St. St. St. lla/y. lla/y. lla/y. Cloudy. Lair, Lair. Lair. Fail. Cloud V. 1-4 ( i. aud \ Fair. St. ; 1-4 I'i. aud Fair. St. 1-4 ei, aud i I'air. St. Fair. Ci., 1-4 St. Ci., 1-1 St. Fai r. :;-! emu., St. ;!-l linn., 1-1 St. 'i-1 emu., 2-1 St. ;!- 1 cmn., 1-4 St. 11-4 cmn., 1-4 St. :M emu., 1-4 St. L.iir. Lair. Fair. J 'air. Clear. Clear, Clear. CI ly. Cloudy. Clondy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cl"nil.\'- AT POLARIS HOUSE. m Day. IG. Ilimr. 3-4 Clllll., Clnllilv. 1-4 St. :i-4 ciiiii., Cliiudy. I 1-4 St. j :i- 1 cnin., Cliiiuly. 1-4 St. , :i-l ciiHi., I Cliiiidv. 1-4 Hf. I ■-'-1 (inn.. I Clniidy. 1-4 st, i 'J-l furjl., ' t'Inliih'. 1-4 St. 1-4 .■inn., 1-4 St. F. ' l-l enni. :ind l';iii-, li.-ciirn., 1-4 St. ^i '-'-4 ciuii. .anil t'l(ni(l\ . jci. -Clllll., 1-1 St. CI ll-4 c-iiin.iinil y:,,r. ri.-i'lllll., 1-4 St. ; 111 11 Noon II' '.) in U Sf. St. .SI. St. St. 1-4 ci.-st ami St. '-'-J St. y-4 St. ::-! .St. :i-4 St. :!-4 St. ;i-4 St. 1-4 St. St. Clrar, Clear. Clear, Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clniidy. CliiiHly. I Cloudy. I Cloudy, j Fail'. Clear. NOVEMBER, 1872. 17. 18. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 1-4 St. 4-4 si. 4-4 ,st. •M St. ;.'-! st. ■M St. :!-4 St. 'i-4 St. :!-! St. :m .St. :;-4 St. ::-4 St. •M si. ■J-l St. 'M St. ■-'-1 St. •J- 1 St. 1-1 St. Cloudy. Cloiuly. Cloudy. Cloiuly. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. f.iir. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. St. St. SI. St. St, SI. St. St, 1-4 ci.-eiiiii. St. SI. Cloudy. l-l ei.-euiu. St. Cdoiidy. Cl.uidy. Cl.uidy. l'"air. Fair. 1-4 St. 1-4 st, 1-4 si. St, Ci,-st,, st. Clear. Clear, Clear. Clear, Clear, Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear, Clear. (.Mear. Fair. Clear. J'^air, Fair- Fair. Fair, Clear. Cl.'iir. 19. ao. 1-4 st, l-l st. Fai 1-4 eiiiii., I Cloudy. y-4 st, I 1-4 eiun,, ', I' Fair, I l-l ci. and Fair, Fair. 1-4 ci. .and , F.iir. st, , Fair. I 1- 1 ei, and i F.iir, Fair, st, 'M ci,-st. I Fair, 1 1-4 St. 1-4 ,st. Fair l-l elini., 1-4 St. Fair. ■ 1-4 st. J'.iir. 1-4 emu. .am ci-eiilll., 1-4 St. Fair. 1 1 4-1 st. Fair. ., 1 el.-eliui. elllu. 1 Clolldv. 1 1-4 st. Fair, 1-1 ei. -(11111., ;M ,11111, Cloudy. 1 1-4 st. F.iir, ■?-4 emu. am ei.-eillll,, ■-'- 1 si. Cloudy. 1-4 St. F.iir. 1-4 ei.-eniii., ■J-l st. Cloudy. l-l st. Fair. i.'- 1 emu., ■M St. Cloudy. 1-4 st. Fair. 4-4 st. Cloudy. l-l st. Fair. 1-4 st. Cloudy. SI. Clear. 4-4 st. Cloudy. ] 1-1 st. Fair. l-l st. Cloudy, 1-4 st. Fair, 4-j st. Cloudy, 1-4 .St. l''a i r. '■'■- 1 emu. Cloudy, 1-4 st. fair. ■>-] emu,, 'M st. Cloudy, St. Clear, 2-4 eiini., 1-4 st. Clolldv, 1-1 St. Fair. 2-\ e.uni. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair, 1-4 emu,, :;-l st. Cloudy, 1-4 st. Fair, l-l fuini,. Cloudy, • :!-4 st. 1-4 st. Fair, o-l eiiiii,, 1-4 St. Cloudy, 1-4 st. Fair, 1-4 rami. 4'air. St, Cl.^ar. -4 eiini. and St. Fair. St. Clear. 11 Clear. (0 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER NOVEMBER, 1872. 23. 10 11 Noon. ll> :t i i-i CMiii. and ci.-ciim., 1-4 Nt. 1-) fi.-rlllll., :2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 emu., 1-4 .St. l-4ci.-cnni., ^!- 1 cum. Ci.lllHlri . iiiiu., 1-4 St. Ci.-i'nm., 1-4 Mt. Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Ci.-st., St. Ci.-st., St.. ' Ci.-st., St. 1-1 St. 2--i St. 1-4 ci.-cnm. 'J-4 St. 'Mi'i. -.■111,1. 'J-1 St. '2-4(i.-cTiiii. 'J-1 St. 1-4 ci.-r'nm. ;!-4 St. '2-4 ci.-ciim. LM St. .T-4 (i.-ciini. 1-1 St. 11-4 (-i.-rum. 1-4 St. 11 2-4(i.-cnm. ;i-! St. 10 Cloudy. Clear. Fair. Fair. Clrar. Clear. Cli'ar. Clear. Clrar. Kair. I'';ur. Clomly. Clouuy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy, ('loudy. Clondv. ■.;-4 cum. aud ei.-cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cnm., 1-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cnm., j 1-4 St. 2-4 riim. aud ci.-cnni., 1- 1 St. 2-1 cum. aud ■ ci.-cuni., 1-4 I St. 2-4 ci.-cuui., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. l-I ci.-eum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum. aud ei.-cum., 1-4 St. 2-1 ci.-curu., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 ei.-cum., 1-1 St. 2-4 eum. aud I'i.-euU!., 1-4 St. 2-1 ei.-eum., 2-4 St. 1-1 ci.-cuui., :i-i s^. 1-4 ci.-cuui., ;!-4 St. 1-1 ci.-cuin., :'.-4 St. :;-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Fair. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy C'loudy, Cloudy Cloudy. Clouily ( 'loudy Cl-. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 st. lair. 1-4 ciiiii., 1-1 St. Fair. 4 St. L'lrjf. 1 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-1 St. Fair. 1-4 cum., 1-4 s'. Fair. St, Cl.'ar. 4-1 -t. Cloudy. 'i\ St. Fair. St. ( 'Icar. 1-4 St. Fair. 6 St. I'lrai-. 4-4 st. Cloudy. 1-1 St. Fair. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 7 SI. V'f'jv. 4-4 s t . Cloudy. 1-4 st. I'.'ir. St. Clear. 1-4 ,st. Fair. - St. I flrar, ' 4-4 yl:. Cloudy. 1-1 st. Fair. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. S]vY AND SiWl'I-; OF AVFATlJElt Day. ; — 12. 13. DECEMBER, 1872. IJ. 15. lU. ^ ^ 0>' ■j-i St. lair. St. Clear. 1-4 cuui.. 1-4 St. Fair. 1- 1 st. Hazy. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 1 2-1 .St. Fair. Si. Clear. 1-4 cum. and Fair. 4-4 st. Mazy. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. , Cloudy. ei.-eiun., si. ^^ St. Clear. 1-4 ei.-st. I'air. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Hazy. 3i-4 cum., ' Cloudy. " and st. 1-4 St. - St. Clear. 1-4 ci.-st. and St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. ■ :;-4 St. Clouiiy. 3-4 CUUI., 1-4 St. Clundy. 1 .St. Clear. 1-4 ei.-st. and St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-41 um. and ci.-cMui., 1-4 St. and ci.-st Fair. 2-1 cum., 1-1 .St. Cloudy. ■"' 1-4 ti. anil L'i.-cinii., 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ei.-st. and St. Fair. ;!-4 -1. Cloudy. 1-4 ciiiu. and li.-eum., 1-4 ,t. ami ci.-sl . Fair. 2-4 CUUI., 1-4 St. Clouily. li 1 4 ci. anil Fair. St. Clear. 1-1 St. Cloudy. 1-4 cum. and Fair. 1-1 cum., 1 Fair. i.i.-cnni., 1-4 ci.-cum.. 1-4 1-4 St. St. st. and i;i.-st " 1-4 LI. ami ci.-i.-imi., St. Fair. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 CUUI. and i-i.-cnm.,l-4 - f. and ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 euui. and ci.-eum., 1-4 St. I'air. s St. Clear. St. Clear. 1-4 si. Cloudy. :i-4 emu., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 cum. and ei.-cum., 2-4 St. Clonily -i St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-st. and ^t. Fair. i «f- 1-4 enin., 3-4 St. I 'loudy. SI. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. r ■-I-l St. Fair. ;!-4 St. CliMuly. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. : 2-4 St. Fair. i; '■\--i rnni.-st., Cloudy. ;i-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 si. Cloudy. 3-4 CUUI., Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. St. 7 1-4 St. Fair. :;-4 St. Cloudy. 4-1 St. Cloudy. 3-4 cQui., St. 2-4 cnm.. Cloudy. 3-4 -st Cloudy. ,J St. Clear. ;i-4 St. (;louily. 4-4 St. (.'loudy. Cloudy. 3-4 St. (.'loudy. 2-4 St. 1 I.I St. Clear. 3-4 cnin., 1-4 St. Cliiiidy. 4-4 St. Cliuuly. 3-4 CUUI., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 .st. Cloudy. 10 :!-4 >t. Cloudy. 1-4 cnni., ::-4 St. Cloudy 4-4 St. (_'lonily 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. (.'loudy. 1 1-4 St. I'air. 11 3-4 St. Cknnly. ■i-4 cnin., ( 'londy. 1-1 St. Cloudx 3,-4 inui., 1 Cloudy. St. 1 Clear. •2-4 St. .__1_ 1-4 St. AT POLAi;i8 HOUSE. I .J DECEMBER, 1872. Day. " '^ - ' ' - - 17. 1§. 19. a©. 21. j i Hour. r. 1 Oh ; St. Clear. .^t. Cli ar. St. ('li-;ir. .-t. ' Clear. .-r. I Ci. aud ei.- Clear. .^f. Cli ar. .-l. (.'1( ai'. St. Ch-ar. St. eiim., -t. v! ■J-Jciiin.aud Fair. . Sr. Clear. , 1-4 hi. I'air. St. C'lea). Si. iji.-t;uin., ^t. 3 ■.'- 1 cum. and 1,'loiuly. St. Clear. 1-4 ei.-cuii). Fair. , ii Clear. sr. ci.-cnm., 1-4 and cum., >t. St. and li.-st. 4 J-lcunj.andi Cloudy. St. . Clear. Si. Clear. Cleai-. St. i-i.-curu., 1-4 sf. and ei.-st. ■J 1-4 ei. aud Fair. S(. I.'lear. n Cliar. St. I'lear. St. ei.-eutn., 1-4 >i. G 1-4 ci. and Fair. .St. Cleai. " Clear. n Clear. St. ci.-cum., 1-4 : s(. and 7 1-4 ci. and I'air. St., n Clear. Il Clear. Si. ei.-euni., 1-4 St. and ri.-st. St. Clear. SI. Clear. 1-1 tit. Fail. CIrar. SI. y t-'-leuni.and Fair. Si. Clear. 1-1 si. Fair. n ' St. ei.-cnni.,:.'-4 and St. 1" -McuuLauil Fair St. Cleai. 1-1 st. lair. St. ('liar. | St. Clear. ci.-cuui., 2-i ,ci.-st. aud St.' II l-4tuui.aiia Fair. SI. ('li-tii. 1-1 st. I'air. n St. ■ Clear. ti.-cuui., St. XoDn. Ci.-st., Cleai-., , St. Clear. St. Clear. n (.' St. Clear. St. l"- ' Si. Clear. Si. Clcai'. Sr. (.lear. M. Cli-ar. St. Clear. •: sr. Clear. Sr. Cji'ar. n Clear. Clear. Sr. Cl-ar. :! St. (.'lear. St. Clear. t) Clrar. St. St. Clear. 1 St. Clear. St. Clrar. fl Clear. SC Cl.'ar. St. Clear. ■> St. Cl,.ar. St. ' Clear. Clear. Si. Clear. St. St. Cli St. CI. St. Cli St. CI. St. CI. St. CI. '" St. ('|,.:i|'. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. M st. 1' St. Cl.-ar. St. St. (;l.:ai. St. Clear. 1-1 st. CI.. ir. Ck ar. ell. ai . Cle ar. CIt ar. CU ar. <'Il ar. Ck ar. CI. Ck ar. ar. Clear. ' li Clear. St. (.' Sr. (.'lear. j Cl.'ar. o Clrar. Si. Cl.'ar. Sr. Clear. j St. Cl.'a:-. II Ci.'ar. Si. Cleai, 1-1 sC I'air. ) 1 y sr. I Cl.'ar. St. St. Ci.'ar. Sr. Ci.'ar. 1-4 st. Fair. ,i Fair, i 76 FACE OP SKY AND STATE OF WEATUER Imv. lluiir. =^ 23. DECEMBER, 1872. 24. 26. 01' 1 10 11 ll> 3 4 .5 6 7 ij 10 11 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 .St. 1-4 St. 1-4 st. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 si. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Niion. I 1-1 st. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-1 St. 1-1 St. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. St. F.iii. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Fail'. 1-4 st. Fair. St. Fail. 1-4 St. Fair. 11 Fair. 1-1 St. Fair. Fail-. 1-4 St. Fair. II F.air. M St. Fair. Fail-. 1-4 St. Fair. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. II Fail-. St. Clear J-'air. SI. Clr.-ii-. II Fail-. St. Clear. II Fail-. SI. Clear. 11 Fair. St. Clear. 1-4 si Fair. St. Clear. 1-4 st Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. St. I'air. 2-4 St. Fair. St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Fair. St. Clear. 2-4 st Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. (Jlear. St. ! Clear. Clear. St. Clear. Clear. SI. Clear. Clear. 1-4 St. F.iir. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. St. ( 4eai-. Clear. SI. Ck.-ir. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Clear. 1-1 St. l-air. Clear. :i-l St. c a.v Clear. 2-4 St. llazy. Fair. 2-4 St. Hazy. F.-iir. St. Clear. Clear. St. Clear. Clear. St. Clear. Clear. St. Cle;ir. Clear. St. Clear. Clear. St. Clear. Clear. St. ' Clear. Clear. St. Clear. I'^air. St. Clear. St. Cleai St. Clear SI. Clear St. Clear st. Cl.-ar SI. Clear St. Clear St. Cle;ii-. SI. Clear. St. Clear. SI. Clear. St. Clear. SI. Clear. SI. Clear. St. Clear. St. Cle.-ir. St. Clear. SI. Cle.-ir. St. Clear. St. Cle.-ir. St. Clear. St. Cle.-ir. SI. Clear. SI. Clear. AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 77 Hay. 27. Iluiir. 10 11 II' '2 3 4 St. St. St. St. St. St. St. SI. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. 8 St. y St. 111 St. u St. 28. DECEMBER, 1872. 29. 30. 1 Clear. St. Clear. 1-4 St. I'air. St. Clear. Clear. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. Clear. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. Clrar. St. Clear. 1-4 St: : Fair. St. Clear. (Jleai'. St. Clear. ■ 1-4 St. Fair. i St. Cl.'ar. Cleai-. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. SL Clrar. Clral. SI. Cleai-. 1-1 St. I'air. St. Clear. Clr.T-. SI. Cl.'ar. I-I St. Fair. St. Clear. Clral. St. Clear. M St. Fair. St. Clear. Cli-ar; SI. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Cl.-ai- (_']eal'. 1-4 St. Hazy. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear Clral'. 4-1 St. CI, aide. 1-4 sL Fail'. St. Clear (.'Irar. 1-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. SI. Clear Clear. 4-1 St. Cli.udy.- 1-4 St. Fai]-. St. Clear Clear. 1-4 St. Lt. SIKIW. 1-1 St. Fair. St. Clear Clear. 1-4 St. Lt. sii()«-. 1-1 St. Fail-. St. Clear Clear. 4-4 St. Lt. Slin\\'. 1- 1 St. Fair. St. Clear Clrav. 4-4 St. IJ . snow. St. Clear. St. Cloar Clear. 4-4 St. Lt. SHOW. St. Clear. St. Cl.'.'ii' Clear. 4-4 St. Lt. .snow. St. Clear. St. Clear Clear. 4-4 St. (.'loiiily. St. Clrar. St. Clear Clear. ;;-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear Clear, 2-4 at. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Cleai 31. St. Clear. St. Clear. Si. Clear. SI. Clear. St. Cleai'. St. Clrar. SI. Clear. St. Clriir. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. ( 'tear. St. Clear. St. Cl.-ar. St. Clear. St. Cle'ai. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-1 St. Fair. 1-1 sL Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 78 FACE OF SKY A^i) STATE OF WEATHEK JANUARY, 1873. Day. - - — - - - - - — 1 •J 3. I ■"i lloilV. 5 ^ 5 _y ^ ~i ■= / ■i . '7:' 4; J • '(■ ~ "^ o f 7. < 7. ;r c = "C' ■/. i]l' Sh. Cl.'iir. St. Clear. St. ■ Clear. ■ St. Clear. 1 1-4 .St. F.iir. 1 St. Clciir. St. Cl.'ar. SI. Clear. SI. Clear. 11 St. I'air. - St. Cli';ir. ' SI. Clear. SI.. ( 4ear. St. Clear. 1-1 St. Fair. "• St. Cli'.-ir. St. Clear. St. Clear. SI. Clear. 1-1 St. Fdir. 4 St. t'lcar. St. Cleal'. SI. Clear. St. CI. Mr. 14 St. J'air. r. St. Clnn. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Cl.'ar. M St. Fair. c, St. C'll'Ml. St. Cli'ar. SI. Clear. SI. Cl.'ar. 1-4 St. Fair. / Si. Clear. • SI. Clear. St. Clear. SI. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. s St. Clnir. St. Clear. St. Clear. SI. Clear. 1-1 St. Fair. 9 ■ St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Cl.'ai'. 1-1 St. Fair. 10 1-4 St. Fair. St. ( 'lear. St. j Clear. 1 St. Clear. 11 St. F;iir. 11 1-4 ,s|. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Cl.'ar. 1-1 St. Fair. N.Hill. 1-4 ,st. Fair. SI. Clear. St. Clear. SI. Cl.'ar. 1-4 St. Fair'. 11' 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. - St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Cl.'ar. 1-4 si. Fair. 3 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. : Clear. St. Cl.-ai'. 1-1 si. Fair. 4 ;j-l ,st. F^iir. St. Clear. St. 1 (!lear. St. Cl.'ar. 1-1 St. ]''air. 5 1-4 ,st. l-air. St. Clear. St. ^ Clear. St. Clear. M St. Fail'. C, •J-4 si. Fair. St. Clear. St. ! Clear. St. Clear. ■i-1 eiiiii., Cl.MllI.\'. 1-1 St. 7 'i-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Cl.'ar. I- 1 eiun. aii.l St. Fair. H 1-4 St. F;iir. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Cl.'ar. !l 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. SI. : Clear. 1-4 St. Lt. snow. St. Cl.'ar. 10 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. ;!-4 St. Lt. sii.iw. 1-1 St. Fair. 11 1-4 St. J 'air. St. Clear. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. F;ii]'. AT POLARIS HOUSE. Diiy. Hour. JANUARY, 1873. 6. O. lO. <; X X ■J. X . X' 01' 1 St. ; Clcav. 4-4 ,st. Lt. SIK.W. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-! St. Cl.uulv. 1 J^f- Cirar. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-1 St. Lt. SDr)\\'. 4-1 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2 St. Clr:i,: 4-4 St. Ft. suow. i 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Clondy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3 8t. Cl.-ar. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Lt. .suow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4 St. Cloar. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4 4 St. Lt. SDOW. 4-4 St. Snow .' 4-1 St. Clondy. ■' St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-1 St. Lt. suow . 4-4 St. Siujw :' 4-4 St. (;i..ndy. i; SI. Clear. 4 4 .St. CI, Hilly. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-i St. .Suow .' 4-4 St. ( loudy. 7 SI. Clear. 4-1 St. (Jloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 .St. Cloudy. 4-1 St. Clouily. ,..; 1-4 St. Fair. 4-1 St. Clondy. 4-1 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Cliuidy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 9 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-1 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 st Cloudy. 10 1 . 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. ^ Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. Snow. 4-4 St. Sno«- .' 4-4 St. Cloudy. 11 1-1 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Sniiw :' 4-4 St. Cloudy. Nuon. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 11" 1 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-1 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Clouily. 2 2-1 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3 ;l-4 cum. and jci.-cuiii., 1-4 St. I'air. ;i 4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 st. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cli.udy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. .suow. 5 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. * 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. C 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 .St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 7 4-1 ,st. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. .suow. « 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 st. Lt. suow. 9 4-4 St. ■ Cloudy. 4-4 St. ■ Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 si. Lt. suow. 111 4-4 St. Lt. ,suo\y.' 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-1 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. U 4-4 St. Ft. suow. 4-1 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. u FACli OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER JANUARY, 1873. Day. as. 12. 13. 14. 15. Hour. 1 8 9 10 11 Noou. !'■ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4-1 ot. 4-1 St. 4-4 St.. 4-4 ,st. 4-1 St. :!-! St. :i-! at. 1-4 'aii'. ]'\iir. Fair. Clc'ar. Cl.-ar. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cl.'ar. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 3-! St. 2-1 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 st. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Hazy. Flazy. Hazy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. suow. Lt. suow. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 .St. 4-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. ( 'loiidy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fail-. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 ft. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-1 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Fair. Fair. l-'air. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. l-'air. Fair. I Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy Cloudy AT rOLAKlS HOUSE. 81 Dav. 16. 17. JANUARY, 1873. 18. 19. 20. Iluiir. O" 4-4 St. Clniuly. 2-4 St. i^ai r. St. Clear. 1 St. Clear. St. (;iear. 1 4-1 St. Cloudy. 2-! St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. SI. Clear. 2 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-1 St. Fair. St. ' Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 3 4-4 St. Cloudy. • 2-4 St. 4'air. St. Clear. 1 St. Clear. St. Clear. 4 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. ^ Clear. .'^t. Cleai'. -' 4-4 St. Clnudy. Ci. and ei.- cuuj., 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. 1-4 ei.-st. aiul st. Fair. (i 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci, aud ci.-cum , 1-4 Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. 2-1 St. Fail'. ,st. 7 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. 2-1 St. Fair. 8 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 9 ! 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Cl.'ar. St. CI. ar. St. Clear. 1-4 ci. and ei.-eiun., 1-4 Fair. 10 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 2-4 St. Hazy. St. Clear. St. Ci.-st., 2-4 St. Fair. U 3-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 3-4 St. Cl.iudy. St. ' Clear. 2-4 St. and ei.-st. Fail-. Xudii. ■J-l St. Fair. St. CliMr. 2-4 St. and ei.-st. I'air. St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fa i r. li> •-2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 s^ Cloudy. 2 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 4-1 St. Cloudy. St. : Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3 2-4 St. Fair. 'Sr. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. SI. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloui-y. 4 2-4 St. Fair. .-^t. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. ' Clear. 4-4 St.' Cloudy. 5 3.-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. : Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 6 2-4 St. Fair. i St. Clear. 4-4 .St. Cloudy. , St. Clear. 4-4 t(. Cloudy. 7 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Sr. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 8 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 St. -1- ■ 4 air. 4-4 St. Cloudy. .St. Cli'ar. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 9 2-4 cnm., 1-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 2-4 st, Fair. St. Clear. ' 4-4 St. Cleu-ly. 10 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. L-4 i/uni. and st Fair. 1-4 St. I'air. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 11 2-4 ctiin., 1-4 St. Cloudy. -4 cum. aud St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. :;-4 st. Cloudy. — - --- — 82 FAVK OF SKY AND STATE OF WFATllEK l);iy. JANUARY, 1873. • Hour. 21 ^4- '21. 23. S ,■ 1 5 5 1 > < a. 21 • c 25. __ X V. ^1 0" 4-4 St. lA. snow. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. I :; 1 St. IlMzy. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. ■-' 4 St. Fair. SI. Clear. St. , Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. ■■ 8(. Cl<'.-tr. St. 1 'tear. 1-4 St. Fair. SI. Clear. SI. (4ear. 4 SI. Clear. St. Cl.'.ir. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. SI. Clear. 5 St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. (j St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 7 St. Clear. St. Clear. St. 1 Clear. St. Clear. St.' Clear. 8 St. Clear. 1-4 St. Hazy. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. '-'-4 St. Hazy. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 10 St. Clear. 4-4 St. Hazy. SI. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 11 St. Clear. 4-4 St. Hazy. St, Clear. St. CI. ar. St. Clear. Noou. St.. Clear. '.'-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 1" St. Clear. 1-4 cum. and ei.-euui., 2-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 1 1 St. Clear. 1-4 .St. Fair. '-' St. Clear. •-'-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. 1-1 St. lair. 3 St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. St. 1 Clear. St. Clear. 1-4 St. 1 Fair. 4 St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. St. ; Clear. St. Ckar. 2-4 St. ^■air. r> St. Clear. ■2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. Z-X St. Clnnd) St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. St. i Clear. St. Clear. 4-1 St. Cloiiilj 7 St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. 3-4 St. Clinuly s St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. i '' St. 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. CUar. 2-4 St. Fair. lu St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. St, Clear. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. u St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-1 St. Fair. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. AT rOLAPJS nou.sK. s;! Day. Hour. JANUARY, 1873. 26. 2^. a§. 29. 30. Oi> S''. Clear. St. Clear. 2-4 St. I'air. St. i Clear. 1-4 St. 1 Fair. 1 .^r. Clear. SI. Clear. 2-1 St. Fair. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. k> St. Clear. St. Cleai-. 2-4 St. I'air. St. 1 Clear. 1 1-4 St. Fair. ■■' St. Clear. St. Clear. 2-1 St. I'air. ,St. C!lear. 1-4 St. Fair. i St. Clear. St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. 5 St. Clr^ir. St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 1 St. Clear. St. Clear. 6 St. ; Clear. St. Clear. 2-4 ,st. I'air. St. Clear. St. Clear. 7 St. Clear. 1-4 ,st. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. H St. Clear. 2-4 St. Hazy. 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. 9 St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. 1 Fair. i St. Clear. St. Clear. 10 St. Clear. :;-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. 11 St. Clear. 3-4 st, Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. ! 1-4 st. ' Fair. St. Clear. Nun 11. St. Clear. 4-1 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. I'.iir. 1-! St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. It' St. Clear. 3,-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. I'air. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. lair. St. Clear. 2-4 St. F.air. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. 1 Fair. 1-4 St. aud el.-st. Fair. 3 1 St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. | St. Clear. It St. aud ci.-st. Fair. 4 •2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. j St. Clear. 3,-4 St. Cloudy. 5 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Lt. suow. 1-4 St. Fair. 1 St. Clear. 2-4 st. Fair. (i 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 st,_ Fair. ] St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 7 2-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. ' 2-4 st. ; Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 8 1-4 ,st. Fair. 2 4 St. Fair. St. Clear, l 2-4 st. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 9 1-4 St. Fair. .3-4 St. Cloudy. 1 St. Clear. 3-4 st. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 10 St. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. -1-4 ,st. Cloudy. 11 St. Clear. 3,-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. , 2-4 st. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. S4 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHEli Day. JANUARY, 1873. Hour. 0'' 1 2 S J 10 u Noon, l" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 31. a 4-4 Rt. 4-4 fit. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 2-4 St. St. ,st. St. St. St. FEBRUARY, 1873. Cloudy. Cloudy., Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. - Fair. Fair. Fair. *-^ C£' -^^ 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. 1-4 St. Fair. St. St. Clear. St. St. Clear. St. St. Clear. 1-4 St. St. Clear. 1-4 St. St. Clear. 2-1 St. St. Clear. :!-4 St. St. Clear. 4-4 St. St. Clear. 4-4 St. St. Clear. 4-4 St. St. Clear. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudj'. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 2-4 ei St ,2-4 ci St. 2-4 ci.. St, 1-4 ci. 1st 1-4 ci. St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. cum. and -cum., 1-4 and ci.-st cum. and -cum., 1-4 and ci.-st. cum. and -cum., 1-4 and ci.-st. cum. and -cum., 1-4 and ci.-st. cum. and -cum., 1-4 and ci.-st. 4-4 St. 3-4 .St. 2-4 cum. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloiuly. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. : 3-4 St. Cloudy. I 2-4 st. Cloudy. I 2-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 st. Cloudy. ■ 2-4 St. Cloudy, j 2-4 St. Cloudy. I 2-4 st. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. ' 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. ; 4-4 st. Cloudy. I 4-4 st. Cloudy. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. I 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. Lt. suow. Lt. snow. Lt. suow. Lt. suow. l.t. suow. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 85 FEBRUARY, 1873. Day. Hour. 1 :!-4 onni,, 1-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 3 2-4 cnni.. 1-4 St. 4 4-4 St. 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. It 3 4 9 10 11 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 at. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-1 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum. 1-4 cum. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. snow. I^t. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. l^air. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. .1-4 St. St. 1-4 St. St. 1-4 St. St. St. St. 1-4 ci.-st. and st. 1-4 ci.-st.-, 2-4 cum. ■7. re Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Fair. Clear. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-st., 1-4 cum. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 1-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. Fair, j Cloudy. Lt. suow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. cj 5 < Si 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 cnm., Cloudy 2-4 St. 4-4 st. Cloudy 4-4 St. Cloudy 4-4 St. Cloudy 4-4 St. Cloudy 4-4 St. Cloudy 4-4 St. (.'louiT}' 4-4 St. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 1-4 cam., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. l-;4 cum. and ci-eum., 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. 1-4 St. -J2 Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear, l^iir. 86 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OP WEATHER Dtiy. 10. 11. FEBRUARY, 1873. 12. 13. 11. Hour. 01' 1 8 ;) 10 11 Xuoii, 11' 8 9 10 11 St. St. s; . St. St. 1-4 ,st. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-1 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 .'i.-st. and at. 2-4 St. '2-4 cum., 1-4 St. '•"-i cum., 1-4 St. 1-4 cum., ;;i-4 St. 1-4 cum., :;.-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 'X' Clcur. Clear. Clear. Clrar. Clear. j'air. I'air. Fail-, Fair. Fail'. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. ]'air. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 .St. :i-l cum., 1-4 St. ■J-4 cum., ;.'-l St. 1-4 cum., 'J-4 St. 1-1 cum., ::-4 St. :;-4 St. :!-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. ;"!-4 St. 2-4 St. St. St. St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. Ft. snow. Ft. snow. \A. siMiw. 1-4 cum., Cloudy. :;-! St. , Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. ]A. snovi-. Ft. suow. Lt. snow, fjt. snow. Ft. snow. Cloudy. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. 2-4 st 2-4 st 2-4 st 2-4 st 2-1 st 1-4 st 1-4 st, 1-4 st, 1-4 st, 1-4 st St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. "St. St. St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. I'air. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. j Clear. Clear. j Clear. j Clear. ! Clear. Clear. St. St. St. St. SI. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cleai-. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. j Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. i Clear. ,yj ! M. St. 1 Icar. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. SI. ('U';.r. St. Cl-AV. I'^t. Clrar. St. Ocar. St. Clear. .St. Clear. St. C:iear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. AT POLARIS HOUSE. 87 FEBHXTARY, 1873. Day. Hour. 0" 1 2 3 4 9 10 U Noon, l" 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 15. 16. 17. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. X X Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. St. St. St. St. St. St. 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-st. and St. 1-4 ci.-st. and St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. ■2-4 St. 2-4 St., 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. 18. 19. < 'f2 < 2-4 St. Fair. St. 2-4 St. Fair. St. 2-4 St. Fair. St. 2-4 St. Fair. St. 2-4 St. Fair. St. 1-4 St. Fair. St. 1-4 St. Fair. St. 1-4 St. Fair. St. 1-4 St. Fair. St. 1-4 St. Fair. St, Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. Clear. Clear. Clear. C'lear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 ciiiM.. 1-4 St. and ei.-st. 1-4 cnni., 1-4 St. and ci.-st. 1-4 cuiii,, 1-4 ,st. and ci.-st. I 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. and ci.-st. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. and ci.-st. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. and ci.-st. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. and ci.-st.' 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. and ci.-st. 1-4 cum , 1-4 St. and ci.-st. 1-4 St. and ci.-st. 1-4 St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. C'lear. Clear. 88 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER FEBRUARY, 1873. Day. 80. Hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y 10 11 Noon. 11' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 a a St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. ' St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. 31. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. (Jlear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. 22. 23. St. St. St. St. 2-4 .St. 4-4 at. 4-4 nt. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 ,st. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 s\. 4-4 St. 4-4 .Mt. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 5 5 24. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Lt. suow. Lt. suow. Lt. SQOW. Lt. scow. Lt. suow. Lt. snow. Lt. sniKv. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. suow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. 4-4 tt. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4 St . and ei.- St. 4 St and 01.- St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. ■J-4 St. 4-4 St. ■^-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. Lt. SMO\\'. Lt. suow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Hazy. Lt. SHOW. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. Lt. suow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Hazy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Lt. snow. Lt. suow. Fair. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. and ei.-st. 2-4 St. and ei.-st. 2-4 St. and ci.-st. 2-4 St. and ci.-st. 1-4 cum., 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. :5-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Cloudy, Clmiily. Cloudy. ' 'londy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Lt. snow. Lt. .suow. Lt. SHOW. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clniiily. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. AT POLARIS HOUSE. 89 Day. FEBRUARY, 1873. MARCH, 1873. 25. Hour. e 7 9 10 U Noon. 11' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2-4 8t. 2-4 &t. 2-4 SI. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 »t. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 sr. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. ;i-i St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. St. 1-4 St. St. 0'' 2-4 St. 1 2-4 St. 2 2-4 St. 3 2-4 St. 4 2-4 St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Hazy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Clear. Fair. Clear. 26. 27. 28. St. St. St. St. 1-4 St. St. St. St. St. St. aud ci.-st. St. and ci.-st. St. St. St. •St. St. 1-4 St. St. St. St. St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St Sr. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. m Clear. Clear. Clear. Cle:,r. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear.- Clear. Clear. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. 1-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Cloudj'. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 .'it. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. i Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. I Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. 90 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER — MARCH, 1873. Day. 2 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • Hour. = o c .a Cm o o '7i 3 r— * ^ z < 3 S a V, o a < V -a 3 < 5 V. 11 c o -5 « if ■V Oh 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. ^ St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 1 1-4 St. Fair. ■ St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 2 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 3 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 4 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 5 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. and ci.-st. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 6 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. and ci.-st. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 7 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 1-4 St. and ci.-st. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. « 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 1-4 st. and ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 St. Hazy. St. Clear. 9 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-st. and St. Fair. 1-4 St. and ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 St. Hazy. St. Clear. 10 1-4 St. iair. 1-4 cum. and ci.-cuui., 1-4 St. and ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 St. and ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 11 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 cum. and t-i.-cuni., 1-4 St. aud ci.-st. Fair.- 2-4 St. and ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 St. and ci.-st. Fair. St. Clear. Noon. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 cum. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. and ei.-st. Fair. 1-4 ei. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. aud ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 St. and ci.-st. Fair. St. Clear. li" 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 cum. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. and ci.-st. Fair. 2-4 cum. anil ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Hazy. 2-4 St. aud ci.-st. Fair. St. Clear. 2 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 cum. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Hazy. 2-4 St. and ci.-st. Fair. St. Clear. 3 1-4 8t. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Hazy. 2-4 ci.-st. Fair. St. Clear. 4 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ci.-st., 1-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 5 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ci.-st., 1-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 6 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-st., 1-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 7 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-st. and St. Fair. St. Clear. 8 St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4CUU1. and Fair. St. Clear. 9 St. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 cum. aud Fair. St. Clear. 10 St. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 11 St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fa,ir. St. Clear. AT POLARIS HOUSE. MARCH, 1873. 91 Day. 9. 10. 11. .- ^3 -i t ^ 1.' S ■^ I ? ^ 3 Hour. 1 " ^ ^ rt c t*- - (^ - V-i c ■z o X - V 0" 2-1 St. Fair. 1 St. Clear. 1-4 St. i Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 cum. 1 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 1-4 St. FVir. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. and ei.-st. 2 .St. Clear. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ruui., 1-4 St. 3 St. Clear. St. Clear. Cum., 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 cum. aud ci.-euin., 1-4 4 St. Clear. St. Clear. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 cum. aud ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 'o St. Clear. 1-4 cum. aud oi.-cum., 1-4 St. aud ci.-st. Fair. 2-4 cum. and ci.-cum., St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 6 St. Clear. Ci.-st. aud St. Clear. 4-4 ,st. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-st. aud St. Fai r. 3-4 cum., 1-1 St. 7 St. Clear. Ci.-st. aud St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-st. aud st. Fair. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. 8 St. Clear. Ci.-st. aud St. . Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-st. aud St. Fair. 2-4 cum. Hud ci.-cum,, 1-4 St. 2-4 cum. ;iiid 9 St. Clear. 1-4 cum. aud Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Ci.-st. Clear. ci.-cuu!., 1-4 aud St. ci.-euui., 1-4 St. aud St. 10 St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Ci.-st. aud St. Clear. 2-4 cum. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. U St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 .St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-st. and St. Fair. 2-4 cum. and ci.-cuui., 1-4 Nnoll. St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ri.-sf. and st. Fair. 2-4 cum. an STATE »)!< WEATHER Day. 12. 13. MARCH, 1873. IJ. Hour. 0" 1 4 ;l-4 umn., lA. Muav. 1-4 St. ;!-4 cum., Cl'Mulv. 1-4 St. 1 4-4 ,sr. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. ■.i-4 St. 1-4 St. (_'i.-Ht. ai](l St. y (.'i.-st., 1-4 St. y •^-4 St. 10 3-4 St. 11 ;!-4 St. Noou. ;i-4 St. 1" 4-4 St. 2 4-4 St ;i 4-4 st 4 ; :l-l St f, 1-4 ciiin., i;-4 St. 6 ;i-4 St. 7 :i-4 St. 8 2-4 St. 9 2-4 St. 10 1-4 St. 11 St. t' Clcnuly. Cli>»(ly. Fair. {'War. Fair. Fair. ('luiidy. Cloudy. Ul.Muly. CliHidy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. I'air, I'air. Fair. Clear. .St. .SI. SI. St. St.. St. St. St. St. St. St. Si.. SI. St. St. St. St. St. 1-! St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-! St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. -J. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cl.-ar. ( 'lear. Clear. Clear. Cleat, (.lear. Clear. Clear. Cl.'ar. Hear. Cletu-. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Ftiif. Fait. Fair. 1-4 ht. 1-4 St. 1-1 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 Ht. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Ftiir. Fair. Fair. F.iir. Fair. I'air. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. 1.5. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. :!-! St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-1 St. 2-1 St. 2-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-i ei..Kf. and St. 1-4 ei -St. atid St. 1-4 ei.-st. aiul st. 1 2-4 ei.-st. ' I'air. and St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clotidy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Lt. stiow Lt. snow Fair. Fair. Fair. 3-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. 2-4 ci.-st., Cloudy. 1-4 St. :;-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. I Ftiir. 2-4 St. j Fair. 1-4 St. F.-iir. 2-4 si. Fair. 3-4 8'. \ Cloudy. 1-1 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 ei.-st., 2-4 ei.-elltll. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. 3-4 ei.-eiiui, Clou.l.\ , 2-4 euiu., , Cloudy 2-4 St. 2-4 emu., Cloudy. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 8t. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Ftiir. 16. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-1 St. 2-4 St. 3-1 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-1 St. 1-1 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 si. •1-4 St. 4-1 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 Bt. Fair. Fiir. Fair. I'air. l';lir. Fair. CI.,Mdy. t'baidy. ('l.iuily. Clouily. Ft. saiiw. Lt. snow. Lt.siaiw. Lt. snow. Lt.slinw. Lt. snow. Cloudy. Clnudy. Cloudy. Clouily. Cloudy. Cldiidy. Cloudj. Cloudy AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 93 MARCH, 1873. I>;i\. 17. 18. 19. ao. 21. Hour. 01' 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 1 4-4 St. j Cloudy. St. Clear. 2 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 3 4-4 9t. Cloudy. St. Clear. 4 4-4 St. ] Cloudy. St. Clear. 5 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Cl.-ar. 6 4-4 St. ' Clou^ly. St. Clear. / 4-4 .St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 8 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 9 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 10 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 11 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. Xnmi. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. It 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. •) ; 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 3 •'3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 4 , '2-4 dim., ■2-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. ') 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. : St. Clear. 6 1 1-4 (-111)1., 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. i St. Fair. St. Clear. i -■1 ciini. and St. iair. St. Clear. y -4 cum. anil SI. Fair. 1 St. Clear. 10 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 11 1-4 St. 1 Fair. j St. j Clear. St. i Clear. 3-1 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 3,-4 St. Cloudy. . 3-4 St. Cloudy. St. e'lear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. .3-4 St. St. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. F:iir. St. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1 4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 3-4 at. Cloudy. Ci.-st. and St. Clear. St. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Ci.-st. aud St. Clear. St. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Ci.-st. aud St. Clear. Sf. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. St. dear. St. Clear. 3-4 St. Lt. suow. St. Clear. St. Clear. 3-4 St. Lt. snow. St. Clear. St. Clear. 3-1 St Lt. snow. St. Clear. St. Clear. Ci.-eii:n.. 1-4 eum., 1-4 si. Fair. St. Clear. 2-4 cum., Clmidv. 4-4 St. Cloudv. St. Clear. 2-4 .St. 2-4 cum.. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 2-4 St. 1-4 cum., Cloudy, j 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 3-4 St. 1 1-4 cnin., Cloiid\. 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 3-4 St. ;3-4 St. ! Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. :-!-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. 1 Cloudy. St. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 4-4 St. 1 Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. ! Clear. 94 FACE (IF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER MARCH, 1873. yiiiw 22. Hour. 0" 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 'J 10 11 Noon. 11' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 'J 10 11 St. 8t. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. rfj Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cl'ear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cleai'. Clear.- Clear. Cleai'. Clear. Clear. Clear. 23. St. St. St, St. St. St. St. St. St. St; St. St. St, St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. 21. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cl.'ar. Clear. Clear. Wear. Cli'ar. Clear. Clear. Clear, Clear, Clear. Clear, Clear, Clear. Clear. Clear. (Jleai'. Clear. Clear. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Ci.-st. and sr. 1^-1 ci.-st. and ,Mt. 1-4 oi.-st. and t^t. 1-4 ci.-.Mt. and Ht. Ci.-cnni., 1-4 St. l-4enrn. and ei.-eunj., 1-4 St. 1-4 cnm., 1-4 St. 1-4 cnni., 1-4 St. 1-4 cnm., 1-4 St. 1-4 ellln., 1-4 St. 'J-4 ciini., 1-4 St. 1-4 enrii., ;.'-4 St. 1-4 enni., 2-4 St. 2-4 cnni., 1-4 St. 2-4en],i. 3-4 St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear, Clear. Fiiir. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cldndy. Cloudy, Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 2.5. 1-4 euni., :t-4 St. 1-4 cnui., :!-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. 1-4 eiini.. St, St, St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Clear. Cl.-ar. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. 26. St. St. St. St. St. St. Si. St. SI. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-1 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St, '/J Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. t:iear. Clear. Clear. Clear. (!|e:ir. Clear. Cl.'ar. Clear. Cli'ar. Cl.-ar. Clear. Clear. ]''air. Fair. Fair. Fai r. Fair. Fair. 27. 1-1 St. 1-1 St. I-l St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-1 St. 1-1 St. I-l St. l-l St. Ci.-sf., 2-1 si., 1-1 ei.-st,, I-l si,. 3-4 St. 3-1 st. Fair, Fair. I'air. l'"air. Fair. Kail-. Fair. Kail-. fair. Fair. Fair. I'air. Cloudy Clotuly 3-1 St. Cl.imly 3-1 si. dually -lei. -I urn,, i Cloudy 1-4 St. -I ei.-euiii., ' (!loudv 1-1 8t. -lei.-eillll., I Clouilj 1-1 St. ] 1-1 St. ' (;lcMiily 3-4 St. j OloiJily 2-1 St. CInuilj 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Cloudy Cloudy AT POLARIS HOUSE. 95 ! Day. MARCH, 1873. APRIL, 1873. Hour. 0'' 28 c < t o z Fair. 29 30 ■ 31 1. 1 o c. r— iS < c C i o < 1 G Cloudy. o CO 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2 St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3 St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloiidy. 1-4 ci.-st., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 4 St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 5 St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 6 St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 7 St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 8 St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 9 St. Clear. _2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 10 St. Clear. 2-4 St, Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 11 St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Noon. St. Clear. 2-4 et. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 11= St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2 St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy, 1-4 ci.-st., 2-4 St. Fair. 3 1-4 et. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 5 St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 6 St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 7 1-4 ci. -cum. 2-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 8 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 9 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 10 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 11 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 13 m FACE OP SKV AND STATE OF AVEATHER Day. APRIL, 1873. Hour. 0" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Noon. l" 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 3-4 St. ;!-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. Ci.-st. ,iud St. Ci.-st. and St. Ci.-st. and St. Ci.-st. and St. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. 2-4 ci., 1-4 St. 2-4 ri., 1-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. Ci.-st., 1-4 St. Ci.-st., 1-4 St. Ci.-st., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-cum. ci.-st. 1-4 ci.-st. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 ci.-st. 1-4 ei.-8t., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci.-st., 1-4 St. St. 1-1 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair, Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 1-4 cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cum. and ci.-cuni., 2-4 St. Cum. and ci.-cum., 2-4 St. 1-4 ci.-st. and St. 1-4 cum. and i-i,-st., 1-4 St. ^-4 cum. and ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 ci., 2-4 St. 3-4 ci., 1-4 St. 2-4 ci., 1-4 St. 1-4 ci., 2-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. 3 1-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Fair. 2-4 cum 1-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 cum 1-4 St. Cloudy. 3,-4 cum 1-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 cum 2-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 cum 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 2-4 cum 2-4 St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. a s cs_o 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St.. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 at. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. AT POLARIS HOUSE. 97 Day. Hour. APRIL, 1873. ■^ 3 10. 11. 01' 1 :! 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U Xoon. l" 2 3 4 5 C. 8 9 10 11 < cc < 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 -St. 4-4 St. Clouily. 2-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Fair. , 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fa i r. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. St. St. St. St. St. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. St. St. Si. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Ci.-st. aud St. Ci.-st. and St. 1-4 ci.-st. and St. 1-4 ci.-st. aud st. 1-4 ci.-st. aud st. 1-4 ci.-st. aud St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. St, St. St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. F;iir. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. St. St. 1-4 St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Fair. 98 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER APRIL 1873. • Day. i 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • le • Hour. 7: -5 .a X S J 35 C = c c Oi> St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Clondy. 1 St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Clondy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2 St. Clear. 2-4 ci. and St. Fair. 4-4 St. Clondy. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Clondy. 3 St. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4 St. Clear. 4-4 St. Clondy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 cnm., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 si. Cloudy. 5 6 2-4 ei.-st. and St. 2-4 ci.-st. aud St. Fair. Fair. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Clondy. Cloudy. 1-4 St., 2-4 cum. 3-4 cum. Cloudy. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Cloudy. 7 2-4 ci.-st. and St. Fair. 2-4 ci.-st., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Lt. snow. 2-J cnm., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 8 9 2-4 ci.-st. and St. 2-4 ci.-st. and St. Fair. Fair. 2-4 ci.-st. andci.-cnm.. 2-4 St. 2-4 ci.-cnm., 2-4 St. Clondy. Clondy. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. 3-4 cnm. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. Lt. snow. 2-4 oura., 2-4 St. 4-4 cum. Cloudy. Cloudy. 10 1-4 ci.-st. and St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cnm., :!-4 cnm. Clondy. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 11 NOOD. 1-4 ci.-st. and St. 1-4 ci.-st. aud St. Fair. Fair. 1-4 ci. and ci.-st., 2-4 St. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Clondy. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. Snow. Snow. 3-4 cum. 2-4 St. Cloudy. Fair. 3-4 St. St. Clondy. Clear. ll' 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 St. Clondy. 3-4 St. Fair. Ci.-st. Clear. St. Clear. 2 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 3 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 3-4 St Cloudy. St. Clear. Cum., St. Clear. 4 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. .snow. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. Fair. Cnm., St. Clear. f) Ci.-st., 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Snow. St. Clear. St. Clear. 6 Ci.-st., 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Snow. St. Clear. ■ St. Clear. 7 Ci.-st., 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Snow. 3-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 8 St. Clear. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 9 St. Clear. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Clear. 10 St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 11 St. Clear. 4-4 St. Clondy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 99 Day. APRIL, 1873. 17 IS 19 • 20 r: -a a a a c^ s < "o o a, 21 • Hour. -3 c s o 3? -a S o 13 . jn < o -f2 o o "3 0" St. Clear. St. Clear. Ci. St. and St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. '3-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. 1 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2 3-4 Bt. Cloudy. Ci., 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-st. Fair. St. Cle^ir. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-st. Fair. St. Clear. 3-4 .St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 5 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-st. Fair. St. Clear. 2-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 6 St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 7 St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 8 St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 9 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 cum., 1-4 s». Cloudy. 10 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 11 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. ■ Cloudy. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. Noon. Cum., St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. l>' Cum., St. Clear. St. Clear. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 2 Cum., St. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 cum., 2-4 s*. Cloudy. 3 St. Clear. Ci. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4 St. Clear. Ci. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 5 St. Clear. Clear. 4-1 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ci. and St. Cloudy. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. Fair. 6 Cum. -St. Clear. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. St. Clear. 7 Cum. -St. Clear. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. Ci.-st. Clear. 8 Cum. -St. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Cloudy. Ci.-st. Clear. 9 Cum. -St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 2-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. Ci.-st. Clear. 10 Cum. -St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Lt. SUOW. 3-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. Ci.-st. Clear. 11 St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 .St. Lt. snow. 3-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. Ci.-st. Clear. 100 FACE OP SKY ANJ> STATE OF WEATHER APRIL , 1873. Day. 1 22 • 23. 24. 25. 26. Hour. -3 x -5 o 3 <1 Cii o Si 2 c^ O 5 o 3 1 ^4 o in S o c < • Cm O ~-i d Oh Ci.-st. Clear. Ci.-st. - Clear. 3-4 ci. aud St. Cloudy. 1-4 cum., 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 cum. aut St. Fair. 1 Ci.-st. Clear. Clear. 1-4 ci., •2-4 St, Cloudy. Cnm.-ci., 2-4 St. P''air. St. Clear. 2 Ci.-Bt. Clear. St. Clear. 2-4 ci., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 St. and cam. Fair. St. Clear. 3 St. Clear. St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. Cum., St. Clear. St. Clear. 4 St. Clear. St. Clear. 3-4ci.-cum. and ci.-st. Cloudy. 2-4 cum. Fair. St. Clear. 1 5 St. Clear. St. Clear. 3-4 cum. Cloudy. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 6 St. Clear. St. Clear. 3-4 cum. Cloudy. 3-4 cum. Cloudy. St. Clear. 7 St. Clear. St. Clear. 3-1 cum. Cloudy. 3-4 cum. Cloudy. St. Clear. 8 St. Clear. St. Clear. . 1-4 ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 cum. and St. Fair. SI. St. Clear. 9 St. Clear. St. Cli'ar. 1-4 cum. Fair. St. Clear. Cl.'ar. 10 ' St. Clear. St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. 11 St. Clear. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. Noon. Ci.-st. Clear. St. Clear. 3-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 11^ Ci.-st. Clear. St. Clear. 3-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. Ci.-st. and St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 2 Ci.-st. Clear. Ci., ci.-st., and St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Ci.-st. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 3 Ci.-st. Clear. 1-4 ci. and ci.-st., St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Ci.-st. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 4 Ci.-st. Clear. 1-4 ci. and ci.-st., St. Fair. 4-4 6t. Cloudy. Ci.-st. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 5 Ci.-st. Clear. 1-4 ci. and ci.-st., St. Fair. 3-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. Ci.-st. Clear. Ci. and st. Cloa'. 6 1-4 ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 ci. and ci.-st., St. Fair. 3-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. Ci.-st. Clear. Ci. and St. Clear. 7 1-4 ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 ci. and ci.-st., St. Fair. 3-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. Ci.-st. Clear. St. Clear. 8 1-4 ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 ci. and ci.-st., St. Fair. 3-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. Clear. St. Clear. 9 1-4 ci.-st. Fair. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. Ci.-st. Clear. St. Clear. 10 Ci.-st. Clear. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ci.-st. Fair. , 1 cum., ^"■* St. Fair. St. Clear. 11 Ci.-st. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ci.-st. Fair. -, , cum., ^"■* St. Fair. St. Clear. AT rOLAEIS HOUSE. 101 102 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER MAY, 1873. Day. 2 3 4 5 , 6 .9 ^ Fw a -5 ■2 t^ Hour. m -a 3 . 3 . 02 Z v 5 .a a 5i '•J C < o = o o a o 1=" 3 o o < 5 = o < o ^"3 s o o ■5 o 01- 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ci.-enm., 1-4 cum. and St. Cloudy. 1 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt; snow. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 2 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 cum. Cloudy. 3 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. Ci. 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum. and ci.-st. Fair. 4 1-4 cum., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Ci., 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fuir. 5 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Ci., 2-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 6 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Ci.and ci.- st., 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum. and St. Fair. 7 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. Ci., 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum. and St. Fair. 8 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. Ci., 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum. and St. Fair. 9 4-4 St. • Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. Ci.-st., St. Clear. 10 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. Ci.-st., St. Clear. 11 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ci.-st. Fair. Ci.-st., St. Clear. Noon. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow f 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 2-4 ci.-st. Fair. Ci.-cum., ci.-st., St. Clear. !!■ 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow? 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 2-4 ci.-st. Fair. Ci.-cum., St. Clear. 2 4-4 St. L}. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 st- Lt. snow. 2-4 ci.-st. Fair. Ci., ci.-st., St. Clear. 3 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 2-4 ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum., 5t. and ci.-st. Fair. 4 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Lt. snow. 3-4 St. Cloudj'. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 2-4 ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 cum. and St. Fair. 5 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Lt. snow. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4 4 cum. Cloudy. ci. 1-4 cum. Bt. Fair. 6 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 cum. Cloudy. 1-4 cum. and St. Fair. 7 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 3-4 St. Lt. snow. 3-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 cum. Cloudy. 1-4 cum. and St. Fair. 8 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 cum. Cloudy. 2-4 cum. Fair. 9 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 cum. Cloudy. 10 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 cum. Cloudy. 11 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. St. Clear. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 cum. Cloudy. AT POLARIS HOUSE. i{)n Day. - MAY, L873. 7. §. 9. M c --^ o s < o 10 • 11 • Hoar. 3 ci < .a h o -5 ai rt o c o o < o '■^ -A 5 "3 < o Si 5 ^ i ^ i o S •5 0" 1-4 cnm., 1-4 at. Fair. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. Fair. , 3-4 St. Cloudy. ]-4 ci., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-! St. Cloudy. 3 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4 Cum. -St., 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-1 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 5 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 ,st. Cloudy. 6 Ci., 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 7 Ci., 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 8 Ci., St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 9 St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 10 St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. U St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-4 cum., 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. Noon. St. Clear. St. C' 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 2-4 cum., St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1'- St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 2-4 cum., st. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2 St. Clear. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 3 St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 1-4 cum., 1-4 st. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4 Cum. and st. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. o 4 cum. ~ St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 5 Cum. and st. Clear. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. ' 6 1-4 St. Fair. Cum., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 cum., 1-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 7 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4 4 St. Lt. suow. 8 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 9 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Lt. SHOW. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 10 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow, j 11 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 14 104 FACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATIIJ^K Day. Hour. MAY, 1873. 13. 13. IJ. 15. IC. 0'> 1 4-4 St. Lt. suow. St. Clear. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-i St. Lt. snow. Ci., ''-1 st F;iii-. 1 4-4 St. Lt. snow. Ci., St. Clear. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-1 St. Lt. snow. f'i, 2 1 St. Fair. 2 4-1 St. Cloudy. Ci., St. Clear. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 si. Fair. 3 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. ^i-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. Ci., 2-1 st SI. 11 ■ ran-. 4 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3 4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2 4 St. Fair. .^> 4-! St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fiir. ' 6 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 1-1 cum., "-4 st Clollilv. i --4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 2-1 cum., 1-4 St. Cl.mily. i 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2--I cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. ! 1-4 ciuii.. '2-4 St. ' Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ei.-cum., St. Fair. 10 :'.-4 St. Cloudy. .3-4 St. C'loudy. 4 4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 st: Cloudy. 11 :j-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-1 St. Noon. 2-4 ciiiii., 1-4 SI. Cloudy. .3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-1 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 41' 2-4 oiiin., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2 2-t cniiL, 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloud}-. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3 2-4 cnin., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-1 St. Cloudy. 4 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 ci.-st.' Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. .'S 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. Ci.-cnm., 3-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Snow. Cum., 3-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 7 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 ,st. Suow. 2-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. 3-4 St. ' Cloudy. 8 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 4-4 St. Snow. 3-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. 3-4 St. Cloudy. 9 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 10 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. suow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. 2-4 St. Fair. 11 2-4 St. Fair. 4-4 St. Lt. snow. 4-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. AT POLAKIS HOUSE. • 105 Day. 17. 1§. MAT, 1873. 19. 20. Hour. __ 0" 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ei. Fair. Ci.-st. Clear. 1 St. Clear. 1-4 ci. Fair. Ci.-st. Clear. (1 St. Clear. ' Ci. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. St. :>, 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 ei,-st. Fair. (1 Clear. St. 4 Sr. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. '-' Clear. St. .5 St. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. Clear. St. G 1-4 St. Fair. Ci.-st. Clear. Clear. St. / St. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. j Clear. St. 8 St. J Clear, i Ci.-st. Clear. Clear. St. j 9 St. Clear. ' Ci. st. Clear. Clear. St. 10 St. Clear. Ci.-st Clear. Clear. I.I ' U St. Cleai'. Ci.-st. Clear. Clear. Xooii. St. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. Clear. lb St. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. (.1 Clear. o St. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. Clear. ^ 3 St. Cliair. Ci.-st. Clear. Clear. 4 Sr. Clear. ' Ci.-st. Clear. i Clear. u 5 Ci.-st. 1 Clear, j Ci.-st. 1 Clear. ! Clear. u C Ci.-st. Clear. Ci.-st. Cli;ar. Clear. 7 Cl.-3t. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. i Clear. 8 Ci.-st. Cl(ar. ' Clear. Clear. STATE OF WEATUEK MAY, 1873. Day. Hour. 1 '2 3 4 5 (5 7 8 9 10 11 Noou. 1" 2 3 4 h C 7 8 9 10 11 22. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Ci.- ■it. Clear. Ci.- St. Clear. Ci Clear. Ci Clear. Ci Clear. 1-4 ci and Fair. ci.-st. 1-4 8t. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 St. Fair. 1-4 Bt. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 2-4 St. Fair. 23. 24. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. 2-4 ciini., St. 3-4 cnni., 1-4 St. 3-1 cum., 1-4 St. 4 4 st 4-1 st. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 3-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 ,st. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 2-4 ci. cum.. 2-4 St. '< -cum. '< -cum. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Ci., 1-4 cum. 2-4 St. 2-4 St. Ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Ci.-cum., 1-4 St. Ci., St. 1-4 St. 1-4 St. St. St. ■ Cum., St. Ci.-st. Ci. Ci. Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Cum.-st. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Clear. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. 2.'5. 3 < rL 2-4 cum., 2-4 St. Cloudy. Ci., 1-4 St. Fair. Ci., 1-4 St. Fair. 2-4 cum. and st. Fair. Ci., 1-4 cum. Fair. Ci., 1-4 cum. Fair. Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear, Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. 26. Ci.-st. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Ci.-cum. Ci.-cum. Cum.-st. Cum.-st. Ci.-st. St. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clcjr. Clear. Clc'ar. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. AT POLARIS HOUSE. 10' Day. MAY, 1873. 27 2§ 29 30 31 • Hour. 5 "r, O s 4 State of weather. Amount and kind of clouds. State of weather. '5. i S "3 c < State of weather. o < State of weather. .a X 0" Clear. 2-4 ci., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 2-4 ci.-cum., St. Fair. Cum., St. Clear. 1-4 ci.-cum., St. Fai r. 1 St. Clear. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Fair. Ci.-st., 3-4 cum. Cloudy. Cum., St. Clear. 1-4 cnra., St. Fair. 2 St. Clear. 2-4 ci. Fair. 3-4 cum. Cloudy. Cum., tt. Clear. St. Clear. 3 St. Clear. 2-4 ci. Fair. 3-4 cum. Cloudy. Cum., St. Clear. St. Clear. 4 St. Clear. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Cloudy. 3-4 cum. Cloudy. Cum., St. Clear. ci.-st. 1-4 St. Fair. 5 6 St. Clear. Clear. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. 3-4 cum. Cloudy. Cloudy. 3-4 cum. 3-4 cum. Cloudy. Cloudy. St. St. Clear. Clear. ci.-st. 1-4 St. .St. Fair. Clear. 7 Clear. 2-4 cum., 1-4 St. Cloudy. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 8 Clear. 1-4 ci., 1-4 St. Fair. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 9 St. Clear. SI:. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 10 St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. 11 St. Clear. 2-4 cum. Fair. St. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. St. Clear. Noon. St. Clear. 2-4 ci.-cum. Fair. St. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. St. Clear. li' St. Clear. St. Clear. St. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. St. Clear. 2 Ci.-st. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. .St. Clear. Cum. Clear. St. Clear. 3 Ci.-st. Clear. Ci.-st. Clear. St. Clear. Cum. Clear. St. Clear. 4 1-4 ci.-st. Fair. St. Clear. Cum. Clear. Cum. Clear. St. Clear. 5 i-4 ci.-st. Fair. Ci.-st. Clear. Cum. Clear. Ci.-cum., St. Clear. St. Clear. 6 2-4 oi.-st. Fair. Ci., cum.-st. Clear. Cum. Clear. Ci.-cum., St. Clear. St. Clear. 7 2-4 ci.-st. Fair. Ci., cum.-st. Clear. Cum. Clear. Ci.-cum., St. Clear. 1-4 St. Fair. 8 3-4 ci.-st. Cloudy. Ci., cum.-st. Clear. Cum. Clear. Ci.-cum., St. Clear. 2-4 St. Fair. 9 2-4 ci.-st. Fair. Ci.-cum., St. Clear. Cum. Clear. . . ci.-cum. ^'^ St. Fair. 3-4 ci.-st., St. Cloudy. 10 2-4 ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum., St. Fair. St. Clear. 1 , ci.-cum. l--* St. Fair. 1-4 ci.-st. Fair. 11 2-4 ci.-st. Fair. 1-4 ci.-cum., St. Fair. Cam., St. Clear. , , ci.-cum. ^'^ St. Fair. St. Clear. 108 FACE OF SKY ANJJ STATE OF WEATHEll The following three tables contain the coiuleu.sed resnlts of the preceding record; thiiir arrangement is the same as that given for the ainonnt of clonds observed at Polaris Bay. Table 1. Aniouut of clouds. Mouths. — - - V Clear. ^ 1-4 2-4 : 3-4 4-4 1S72. November . . . 2'J 1.'4 143 / / 08 244 720 December . .. 44 34'.l 130 55 45 115 744 1873. Januarj' t' 28'J 103 115 47 190 744 February O 2.- 80 100 50 153 072 March 2-^4 100 68 89 143 744 April 12 1-4 ;)2 8"' 1J4 230 720 Maj 92 i 208 61 (is 70 245 744 V 18U 1,74^ 7.-0 505 489 1, 320 5, 088 TahJe 2. Months. S Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Clear. 4.0 5.9 0.0 0.5 0.0 1.6 12.4 3.5 ^ 21.4 46.9 38.9 41.7 38. 2 ; 25. 5 27.9 34.4 1-4 20.6 18.3 13.9 11.9 21.5 12.8 8. 2 15.3 2-4 10.7 7.4 15.4 14.9 9.2 11.4 9.2 11.1 3-4 9.4 6.4 6.2 8.3 11. 9 15. 9 9.4 9.6 4-4 2 33.9 15.4 2.5.6 22. 7 19. 2 . 32, 8 32, 9 20. 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 100.0 Tuhle 3. Amount of cliiuds Months. Clear. ^ 1-4 2-4 13.6 3-4 13.. 9 4-4 November . 16.1 8.8 18. 9 18.4 14.2 December . 24.4 20.0 17.4 9.7 9, 2 8.7 14.6 January. .. 0.0 16.5 13. 2 20. 3 9,6 14.3 14.6 February.. 1.7 16.0 10.3 17.7 11.5 11.5 13,2 March 0.0 16.3 20. 5 12,1 18.2 10.8 14.6 April 6.7 10. 5 11.8 14. 5 23. 3 17,8 14.2 May 2 51.1 11.9 7.9 12.1 14. 3, 18.5 14.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 100.0 AT POLARIS HOUSE. 109 The clouds most frequently met with are the stratus, and, strange to say, the cumulus; then the cirro-cumnlus, cirrus, ana cirro-stratus. The scarcity of the curuulo-stratus and the 'total absence of nimbus are readily explained. A fact worth noticing here is that quite frequently the cirri were observed to descend or to form in the lower regions; that is, in those of tlie cumulus, or even stratus. The explanation of this phenomenon is easy. A most striking instance of extremely low-hanging cirrus-clouds was observed at Polaris House on May 20, 1873. At 7'' 30'» a. m., a halo was noticed round the sun, as represented in the following diagram : Tlie outer circle was apparently resting on the ground, and its diameter, as measured by a prismatic compass, was found to be 82° 15'; that of the inner one being 48°. The inner edges of loth circles were colored faint red, and were sharply defined. The outer edges did not show the pale-blue tint, as usual, but a dim yellowish-white, with an illdeiined outline. Through the mass of both rings, a chain of hills could be seen, a little over a mile distant. At the time the halo was noticed, the atmosphere was filled with minute i(e-spicula\ no PACE OF SKY AND STATE OF WEATHER. A little before 8'>, the upper part of tbe balo disappeared, and soon after the rest of the inner circle faded away entirely. At about the same time that part of tbe outer circle apparently resting on tbe ground became invisible, and the upper (left-hand) portion was dissipated under the influence of the wind, forming distinct cirrus-clouds. OBSERVATIOFS ON OZONE. loo OBSERVATIONS ON OZONE MADE AT POLARIS BAY AND POLARIS HOUSE. INTRODUCTOlfY. The expedition was supplied witb several boxes of Sclioeiibeiu's and ^MoH'at's ozone test-pajiers, aceoitipaiiied by their respective scales. In the observations recorded hereafter, onl^- Schoeiibeiii's paper was used, as that made according to MoS'at seemed to be spoiled or badly prepared, giving giving very discoidant results. Tlie ])aper was exposed in a cage consti ncted of fine wire-gauze, and placed in the same louver- boarded box containing the various thermometers and the psychrometer. The slips were expused every morning at S'', and left in the (■age until the same time the next day, when they were taken ont, dipi)ed in ice-water, and comparf d with the graduated scale. Sometimes we exposed three or four i)apers, ime of which was taken in after the regular interval of time had elapsed, whereas the others were left exposed for three da.\'S or longer. In the latter case, it was sometimes found that the strips exposed more than twenty-fnur hours were less tinted after having been moistened with water tiian those which had been left in the cage for a shorter time. The papers weie exposed a long time in order to aecumalate the small amount of ozoni' cou- taioed in the air which would not act ou the paper if left outdoors for a day only. In some instances, the slips that had been exposed longer than twenty-four hours showed a darker color than those which had been in contact with the air for a day only; but the intensity of color shown by the former was never equal to the sum of the intensities of all those exposed a day each during the given time In the following tables, the first column contains tbe days of the month ; the second, the amount of ozone accumulated during each twenty-four hours; the third, the mean relative humidity during the same lapse of time; the fourth and the fifth, the prevailing direction of the wind and the distance traveled during the said period ; and, in the last column, the amount of clouds is to be found. OBSEETATIOXS OX 0Z( )XE DECEMBER, 1871 1 JANUARY, 1872 i Wind (lurina' last f. "" i Wind dnriui; Inst i "^ •24 h MUS. = •24 lu, lis. r I)at<-. 1 i/oiio. ■:T. . '-1 Hat... 0/oilr. t| if _. 8^ t 1 !.."> 71. :;7 X i: 11-2 •2-4 1 1 41.911 ]•: 1113 •2-1 :! o 4-2. 39 4-'. 43 X1-; NE Ills 447 2-1 1..". i;i.7':i X ]■: 108 4-4 4-4 4 7.'>. 7.S .sw :,:: 4-4 4 2..", 3s. 04 E HI II r, 1. r. 7.'.. SO .sw 44.-. 4-4 5 43. 19 SE 3,4 3-1 1 iw . 1-2 s\v 003 1-4 0. 39. 4S SE SO 1-4 t .' X 1 '. 74 7 32. .'.0 E i:,7 ^ i.r. ."> E 55 1-4 8 3i;. 0.', E Sll 1-4 11 1 .^,7.:u E 75 3-1 20. 70 E 94 Til II .-^l.Ti-i S\\' 81 '2-1 111 1 41.40 NE ;-,' 11 1 ! 3-4 11 1 7-2. ill M-: 34:. 3-4 11 3. .-, 3,-. 7 1 NE 271 1-1 1',' \ 4 '^'^. -27 ]■: 1-7 '2-4 • 12 3. .'> 31.49 XE 740 •2-1 i:! ■J. r. .V2. 44 E 89 3-4 13, 1 30. '23 N]-; '''■''■' 14 1 (19. 211 E 1117 2-1 14 '* f) 42.3.11 XE 471 2-4 !■'> 4..-. .-.i;. 04 m: 4S8 T-4 l.-> 43,. .',0 E 10", 3-1 k; 4 .'ill. On NE ( i-'J '2-4 10 .-,2. 1 2 1: 85 1-4 17 .''i 4S. ,-,(5 NE 4811 •2-4 17 3. r, 40. .V, E 90 1-4 1-^ U 4r.. 81 NE 143 1-4 IS :',3. 47 E 811 1-4 19 r7.4.". SW .'.60 4-4 19 3 44. 93 E 121 II 'JO u \^i. 08 SW ::',I.IS 1-4 20 02. 113 SW 2.-,.-, 2-4 ■Jl 4 4S. 79 i: 84 1-4 '21 4.. 5 77. •2S SW 173, 4-4 '2 J 4."i. CO NE 410 1-4 '''2 7S.04 i SW O'l", 4-4 '>;; () :i;i. 117 XE i 490 3-4 .);, 3 07.2.-, E 170 1-4 -'I 4.r, :i:i. 17 xi: 17.-, 3-4 ■24 .) .-,2.24 E 121 1-4 o_- u :i8. so E 198 1-4 05 .Ml. 10 . X 'ii 3-4 '-'Ij o 41.70 ]•; 184 3-4 '2lj 1 .-)0. 10 E 91.9 ■.'7 r,.5 42. 80 E 139 3-4 07 Ij 4.-.. 73 E .-,3. 4 1-4 •>■ :;s. IS NE ''^\:^ '2-4 '>S 43,. 81 SE .-..'. 2 1-4 '->!) :>(! 'J. 5 40.91 44.43 NE E 188 '217 29 30 52. 17 07.78 SE SE 97.3 i.-,o '2-4 2-1 ;!i Mean. 4:,. 84 E 1-2.-, 1-4 31 Moan, 4 09. :^\ NE 73,s 1-4 I.e. 1.4 -.. ' - . __ - — - _ AT POLAEIS BAY. 5 1 FEBRUARY, 1872. MARCH, 1872. I 1 S Winil ilnriiii;, ! . 3 1 ' ! _S 1 Wind during last 3 ' '^ 1 'i4 hours. 1 1 1 24 lioiir.M. 3 Dalr. t Ozoiid. "^1 l| |j D 1 Hale. Ozone. f=3 ' =.i 1 a 1 Amount of clt i 1 1 4 r.O.lw NE f-'21 ' 2-4 1 3 52.18 NE 500 4-4 '> 4 4-,. 09 NE 270 i 2-4 42. 21 NE 440 3-4 3 0.5 ;iii. 57 i E 102 " 3 40. 21 E 117 3-4 •1 ' 4 ! E 1 811 1-4 4 3 40. 02 ' SW 1.50 2-4 4 1 j 49.82 E 98 1-4 5 i 3 .59.81 .SW V;i7 4-4 ^ 4.-,. 02 E (;.-. 1-4 1 2 53. 05 NE 390 4-4 1 T .5ii. .^O ' E 1 7.5 4-4 7 4. 5 40.40 NE 4S7 3-4 H 4 41;. 77 E j 198 1-4 8 3 45. 44 NE 1 290 1-4 il .52. 11 NE 202 14 1 9 , 41.79 E ^0 2-4 111 (1 c,:,.i\t) ' E .53 2-4 111 1 0.5 38. 55 NE 575 1-4 11 r,4.!;4 ' NE 0.52 2-4 11 1.5 43. 04 N 1: 531; 1-4 IJ 1 .5.5.97 NIO r.'.-> 1-1 12 ! 2 :;i). 02 ' NE ' 779 2-4 l:; 'J 1 0:;.i;7 1 8W 109 II 13 1 2 40. Ill ! E 1 131 1-1 14 -15.(17 E nil ; 1-4 14 0. 5 .50. 5ri E 1 37 1-4 15 r r 41.4:3 1 E 1 71 ' 1-4 15 ' 55.0;! ■ SIC 04 - ii; 1..'. 4:!. .5:3 E 'iw 1' 1-4 10 1 3 59.77 NE 1 228 17 (1 49.10 8\\' 57 4-4 17 1 (13. 34 ' SW 112 1-4 i.-i :! 7(1.72 , 8\V ! 951 4-4 18 4 00.89 ■ E 01 — 19 11..-. 02.:;9 . NE 58 1 4-4 19 ] (JO. 84 SE S2 2-4 an r 4::. 98 NE 491 4-1 20 ' 1.5 00. 51 NE 7511 3-4 1 '-'I ■'.;, 51.. 51 1 E 219 . 1-4 21 ■ 3 5(i. 36 NE 904 3-4 II 49.12 ' NE 40.98 i NE 43. :<. 1 E i;79 1-4 *> I 22 4.5 50. 114 NE . 32;; 3-,l •.'1 115 .1- 1 2-1 24 2 5 ■ 1 02. 98 : E 08 2-3 »- II 0^.00 S 49 4-4 •>5 ^ II 1 05.60 E 04 1-4 ii; 71.0(1 1 NE :!07 4-4 20 i 0.5 1 73.14 1 E 55 4-4 '.'7 1 ,52. S4 NE :., , :m 27 i S4.90 1: . 1!» 4-4 v>S 3 011.74 ' NE :;i7 ::i-4 2.^ H5.08 ! i: "' 'i'^ j 4-4 I 1 •i'J ;! 59.22 : NE 791 ! 4 4 29 ' (' S2.24 1 SE 44 2-4 i i ! 30 3 80.80 Si; ' 47 1 3-4 1 Mraii. 1 1 31 Mraii. G1.S8 SE i 38 1 ' i 3-4 ' i.'j I 1.7 6 OBSERVATIONS ON OZONE APRIL, 1872. MAY, 1872. Date. Ozone. 2 CD a a Wind during last 24 hours. -a o a p o a Date. 1 1 Ozone. i 3 t - >- 1 c i ^ Wind during last 24 hours. o a 3 O a ■M.o Ci t-t o M be . c a — .2 o ^ -/ 1 a 623 1 88.07 NW 70 4-4 4.5 76. 84 NE 2 0.5 79.29 NE 59 1-4 2 4.5 84. 30 NE j 27H 3 72. 90 E 62 3 4 87. 39 SE 30 4 3 75. 99 NW 20 4 2 77. 99 NE 771 34 5 3 79.02 NW 27 3-4 5 i ^ 77. 78 NE 341 2-4 6 ::!.65 I SE 67 3-4 6 3 83. 84 NE 102 2-4 7 2 77. 76 ! .SE 117 4-4 7 1 84. 61 1 NE 193 1-4 8 1.5 811. 88 E 59 4-4 8 3 8(;, 39 E 36 9 1 81.59 NW 10 4-4 9 3 8S. 97 \V 50 1-4 10 1 44. .58 SE 31 4-4 10 1.5 HO. 71 . NE 312 - 11 0.5 811.04 E 57 3-4 11 5 ' S3. 57 NE 761 3-4 12 2 71.09 E 34 2-4 12 4.5 8:i. 33 SW ' 21 r. 3-4 13 1 77.61 E 53 4-4 13 5.5 82.49 SW ' H,-< 3-4 14 1 62. 78 SE 72 3-4 14 3.5 87.02 SW i 124 2-4 15 3.5 74.30 E 79 1) 15 4 88.70 SW 19 ^ 2-4 16 1.5 75.10 E 99 16 5 8fi. 37 SW 152 1-4 17 0.5 75.13 SE 38 17 4.5 H3. 46 SW 95 - 18 69.63 SE 55 1-4 18 5 82.69 E 50 1-4 19 1 77.67 E 73 1-4 19 4 80.92 SE 39 1-4 20 0.5 70. 50 E 52 3-4 20 3. 5 80.92 SE 58 - 21 0.5 81.84 E 92 4-4 21 4.5 77.29 NE 182 - 22 2 91.09 SW 100 4-4 22 4 77.74 NE 149 2-4 23 1 90.05 SW 468 2-4 23 5.5 84. 40 NE 376- 4-4 24 0.5 88. 64 SW 199 4-4 24 4.5 86.91 SW 173 3-4 25 3 85.95 NE 429 2-4 25 4.5 87. 95 SW 202 4-4 26 27 26 27 4 3 83.47 85.88 SW SW 85 184 4-4 4-4 83. 44 SE 59 28 1 78. 98 SE 70 28 5 80.17 SW 137 2-4 29 I 84.04 E 330 2-4 29 3 78.72 SW 156 - 30 4 82.53 NE 650 1-4 30 5 80.33 SW 61 - Mean. i 31 Mean. 2.5 83.82 SW 157 3-4 1 1.3 3.8 AT POLAEIS BAY. JUNE , 1872. JUNE, 1872. 3 ^ Wind during last CO a ^ Wind during last o5 © 24 hours. o o o 24 hours. a > ^ o .t >. r2 Date. Ozone. |3 be . a a o f4H o Date. Ozone. +3 +J |3 tB . o ■- 3 a 11 Mi ~ a a o a ■5i IJ a 3 o a S fc'^ J5 < ^ C^-v Z 72.50 X 3H8 2-4 10 .S. .T '^'11. 53 NE :u-^ 1-4 10 2 0:'.. 91 ,\ 1 : 300 1-4 11 7..'') 72. 40 NE 402 1-4 11 :; 00. 99 X V. 420 1-4 1-2 :-■, 07.72 ^E 2.57 1-4 12 4 02. SO, X 1 : 355 1-4 13 3 02. 2(; .■^W 1 5:i4 4-4 1:1 3 53,. 50 xi; 105 1-4 14 7. Ti ^:i. 44 SW 525 1-1 14 2 0,0. 04 X i; 27 1 4-4 15 3 87. 82 S 311 3.-4 15 4 07. 10 X !■; 213. :\-\ 16 7 79. 39 N I 2.53 1 1 4 16 4.5 70.0,:', X \: 4.50 3-4 17 3 K\. .50 N ' 587 3-4 17 ,^ 72. 55 XIO 409 1-1 L-^ o 7." -'2 N : 455 1-4 IS .-^ 74.94 XH 350 1-4 19 :'. .58. 77 NE 434 1-4 19 4 71.70 XE 419 •2(1 0,1.78 SE : 95 2-4 20 6 74. 83 XE 474 1-1 21 '2 70.58 NE 81 2-4 21 ,s 72.47 X 1; isil 1-1 2 "J >) 72. 53 NE 3,90 3-4 22 rt 7S. h2 XE 499 1-4 23 :^1.22 XE 1 300 1-4 23. 7.5 7S. 4H XE 221 1-1 24 4 NE 300 1-4 24 7.5 70.71 \ !■■, 1.58 1-4 2r, 2 70. ■J7 NE ' 330 4-4 25 0.5 74.72 X 1: 4:!S 1-1 20 27 20 27 7. 5 00. 03 05. 3,4 XE NE 388 240 1-4 ?,. :j 72. 15 XE 371 4-4 1-4 2'^ ■0. .'> 07. 12 XE 397 1-4 26 4.5 OS. 20 XE ]s2 1-4 29 4 01.03 NE ' 314 1-4 29 7 .52. 15 xi: 383 1-4 3iJ :( 0.9,76 XE 103 4-4 30 7. 5 44. 85 XE -105 1-4 Mean. 31 .Mcai). 7. 7) 30. 01 NE 430 1-4 3.8 5.4 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS TAKEN AT SEA. 1 M O METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS DURING THE PASSAGE. ABSTEACT OF METEOROLOGICAL RECORD KEPT ON BOARD THE UNITED STATES STEAMER POLARIS DURING HER PASSAGE FROM NEW LONDON TO ROBESON CHANNEL. The following record is aa abstract of the meteorological register kept during the passage of the vessel from New London, Conn., to Robeson Channel. In several of the preceding parts of this volume, we took occasion to refer to this document, which furnishes the means to complete most of the meteorological observations for September, 1871. In regard to its arrangement, no further explanation will be needed. We merely limit ourselves to the statement that the velocity of the wind was measured by means of an anemometer, or by one of Casella's current-meters, pre- viously alluded to. The anemometer was placed on the hurricane-deck, where it was deemed to be exposed to the free action of the wind. Up to July 23, the column headed "Wind — Distance" gives the distance traveled since the last observation ; after that date, however, the distances given are those traveled by the wind during the last 24 hours. The observations were made by Sergeant Meyer and the writer, and the following abstract of the record was recovered from the papers of the former, left on board of the vessel when the separation from the ice-floe-party^took place. METEOROLOGKJAL OI}SERVATIO:JTS DUrJXG THE PASSAGE. l-Tl. ■J-1 53 4-J 51 -.iV ■J5 5- 21 ; 5-2 14 60 39 Liv; DO 63 05 , 5-2 10 At anchor at Fis- kerniiL-s^et. .(1.. 30 05 ii; 31 , 66 5(1 ! 5?. 54 -itanohoratHol- stf inltoiiT. Aug. 1 3 I 4 69 14 : 53 34 Xt anchor at Goodha\"Q. ;■ ;... '' ' - 9 1" ..-.d,j h. 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 I 11 I 4 11 ! 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 P.syehrom- eter. Wiud. 3(1.1-0 '.'•II. 091 30. u-i: 30. v;54 3.0, -J 1-3 3i.i. Ill 30. 1U4 31.1. 00.-^ oil. 03i ■2'.>. Oi'i- ■29. 'J-^^ ■29. -ill '9 747 90 29. -Jl 29. ;i59 3ii. OriO 29. 059 29. '.il'.i 4.-. 5 4.-. s i 49. -2 47. 3 45. - 47.0 4^.1.1 I 5i.l. - i 47. - 5i:- 4-. 43. '.I 54, - 49.1) 45. > ! 4:;. 2 ! 44. 4 42. U 41.0 44.2 I 4-, s 4-, 5 4-.- 49. 3 47.5 45. s 47.0 4-. 51. 47. S 47.0 4-.0 43. ;i 51, s 49.11 45. - 43. 2 42. > 44.11 42.11 41.0 44.2 4-, 5 4-, 29. 739 45. ; 29. 549 29. i;-ii 29. 729 29. -3,1 3n. (1-4 3(1. ii99 3(1. (139 29, 944 2LI, -5- 29 -5-.> 91 -J 754 29, 914 29, 909 1,(1, - 50. 5 49 51. -i 45. 44. 5 5(1. II 45. ( I 51.2 50. 5 43. -J 44.11 4-. 2 40. 5 40.5 51.1. II 40.11 51.(1 44. 5 .'II. 3 53,. 311.057 47. : 131.1 2'. I. --(, 29. 903 3,0. ii34 30. 04-J 30. Ill:; 29. 942 29. 91 'J 47.5 51.0 4.,. II 40.2 4i;. 43.5 47.11 49. 5 49. r,o. - 5(1. 5 49. ; 51. 45. 45.0 5(1. * 4.5,11 ' 51. -J 50, 43. -J 44.0 4-, 2 40.5 41, 5 50, 45,5 5(1, ,-' 44,5 I 50. (I 53, 47, - 47, 5 51,11 40. 40,. 2 40.11 43. 5 47.0 49. 5 49. (I 47.5 4-.0 47. -■ 4-. 2 47. 45. 2 40.0 40. - 4-, 45, 7 45. 4-, - 4i;,4 41,2 45, - 44,11 43,0 42, 41.0 42, 2 40. 5 41.2 41. - 44.- 42.4 51.0 44.- 41.- 45, 39, 1 41. 42, 40, 44, 44. 40, 41, 45, 41, 42, 45, 43. 43. 44. 41. 44. 45. 44, 4H, 43, 42, 43. 41. 44. 4:;, 45, 90, - 90, 2 92, r, 92, Hb. 2 95. 5 92. 3 91.0 79. -4.6 >0. 6 -0. 77.4 44. 5 03,. - 7- II ■-'4. 5 r4. - -7.1 97.4 • 40, 2 r,ii, - 49. 5 51-1, (.1 4-, 2 OO, 7 5i-;, - 03, 6 7:;, 4 79, -II, 5 i''7, i;i.4 -i.i, 3 (;i..5 79. i; ;-i 09, -II, 4 70, - -11.3 74,5 -II, 3> -5. '.I -0. 4 i;4.7 74.9 E M-: .\ X X\V X\V X\V X\V x\v \\v X E E si: si: x\v x\v , XW ' 12 xi: XE X X X N x\v X X XE Xi; xi; m; E E E XE \v \v .<\v i: S1-; E i: E X\V 14 11 11 (J 12 12 13 12 Auionnt and kind of cloud-; 130, 17 1^ 19 13 12 : 10 1 I 3 12 4 170, 347.0 ■4 ,sr -4 nim -4 St ■4 St -4 ^r -4 St ■4 St ■4 cum - .- 4 ci,-cum ■4 St 4 cum . ,. 4 cum . .. 4 St 4 com - .. 4 cum . .. 4 cnm - .. 4 sf 4 cniii - .. 4 ci 4 St 4 nim 4 nim 4 ci.-cnm . 4 cnm - .. 4 ci 4 cnm . .. 1-4 . ■nm -4 St . 4 130. II 131.0 11-. : 235 :;42, 1-3,0 Direct inn of cloi ds. c i .- ^ ■ ■ ;_' z — :: — . — _ — " X .*E ( loudv. II Rain. 1 C loudv. O'londy. I.I V«ii. 1-5, n. i 1 'Iciudv. fair. Fair, 1 Fair, ' Clear. Cloudv. II I'londv. <-' Fair. II 01,111 dv. (.) It, Q ' Fair, E 1) ('l,,n,lv. II l.'.iin. XE (1 F:iir. Eain. rl,,nd\-. Cl.,nd\-, Cloudy, (1 ( 4ear. II ( lear. II ( 'li-ar. 1-4 cum : " I'air. 1-4 cun],-st ... . 1 Itiir, 03, -ar. C3-ai-, 1-4 st . II Fair. II Cl,-,'ir, 4-4 St ; Clondv II (3,-ar. 1-4 ri . . II Fair. 4-4 St 1 loudv 4-4 cuiu - w (1 Cl,,.idv 4-4 cnm >w (.1 Cl.iudv 1-4 ci Fair. 1-4 ,i.-^t- Fair. 3,-4 cum s\V Cloudv 2-4 ci,-cnin . - . , I.I Fiiir. 2-4 ,i,-st„ 1-4 sf Fair. 3-4 ci 1) Cl.indr 1-4 ci II Fair. 1-4 ci.-cnm .. .. 1-4 ci-cnm I.I I.I Fair. 1-4 St 1 3-4 cnm Cloudy 4 4 St II 1 'londv 4-4 ci -St Cloudv II ( 3,-ai-. l-4st.,2-4ri,-ci , (.1 j-air. 4-4 St (1 F.iuX'r, 1-4 li-rn,, 3-4 St II (4.,iulv. 4-4 St II II 1-5,', -v. 4-4 St F,,-juv, ■ From this ilay. the distance trav k'l 1,T the wind is ^iven l,)r the last tweutj-four l,,,on. 6 METEOROLOGICAL OBSEE7ATIONS 1^71. All"-. 11 13 11 At and GooiUi, .do. or at IVll. •-'O. Oo:t 2i). eoL '-"J. cr,7 '.".). 510 'j;». 671 2;i. «ti :;u, i:;:.! 4.5. :!(>. 046 ! 47.2 y'J. 907 I 4.".. rsytlii'oiu- 45. 2 47.0 47.8 4.-.. 2 42.3 ■.v.). 5 4.5. 44.0 !I3. 1 43. r. j 77.0 45.0 HI). 5 44.2 ' 03.1 41.3 02.7 3H. 5 j 01.7 43.5 ! KLI. 8 47.2 I 43.4 [ 74.7 45.0 i 41.0 I 74.2 ^Yind. Anioiiiit and kind of clouds. Direction of clouds. (I E HE W E E 14 21 ' •1 1 12 II 231.11 12 1-4 niriL 4-4 , St 4-4 , St - - 4-4 St 4-4 iiiin 4-4 at 1-4 ci 2 4 cum 1-4 cum., 3-4 f 4-4 St Rain. Fof,-y. Kaiii. Fog. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 10 21 24 00 14 40 7 3,1). U7 I 4 ' :;i). 112 4K. 55. I 11 4 11 72 4ri , 50 0!l , 7 A t M 11 ell or lit I 4 K|Hriii\ik. I 11 ...0 4 11 73 22 { 50 13 A t a 11 r hor a t Tt'ssiusak. 74 54 I 02 01 75 50 , 130 37 77 51 I 73 on •1 ! 11 4 11 4 11 7 4 11 7 4 11 4 11 4 II 4 11 7 4 145 153, l:',o 1175 01)4 dill i)r,;i iiiii; 041 128 11)2 105 121 077 311. IJ40 3,11. 1)23 20. y-'3 20. 041) 48. Hi. Hi. 45. 40. 511. 48. i\) 1) fl'J 1) 51 1) 58 10. 4.-J. 42. 41). 40. 34. 4S. 55. 4 I-. l(i. I) 4r,. 2 45. 3 4;). 5 511. 5 4^'. >' 40. II 52. 51.0 58. 40. 47. S 4.^. 42. 8 411. II 45.11 04. (I 713 043, Ii04 71)3 7li4 o'.i;', (',5',) 650 6711 7110 f]:\ >'02 f<8l) 8;)4 824 3,4.9 3,5. :',7. 8 :!7. 8 39. 5 3,!). 5 ' i'8. s^ ilH. 8 42.1 43,. 2 40. 8 46. f-' 34.5 34.5 43,. (I 49. 5 44.5 42. 43,. II 42. 8 42. 8 4 4.0 42. 3 41.0 47.0 42. 7 iw. 40.8 42. H 43,. 5 43.0 39. 2 38. 44. ii2. 5 34.0 30,. 2 :',4. 2 3,0.6 30. 5 69. (i 70. 7 0,11. 1 65. 9 0,0. 1 50.0 70. 9 53,. 4 55. 9 43.4 :;o. 4 ■;2. (i9. li 70. 6 40.8 's:,. 2 II 70.4 w 91. 6 xw 91. 7 M\V 79.3 N 70. 6 X 08. E 50. 8 N HI). II 11 29. 8:;:-! / 29. >'53 4 :'C 11 29. 8J5 / 29. .-87 4 29. 942 11 29. 95(i • > / . O .>;,. 2 H.', 9 44.2 44.0 42.8 92. 9 3,H. (1 3S. II :t7 H 95 8 39.0 :vj. 3,(i. 3 70. 9 35. 2 :;.", 2 33. H 91.6 ! 3,3. ;i:i. 1) 31.9 91). 6 i>.5 H :i5. 8 :',4.1 .-3,. 8 33. 5 3,2. 5 3,1.8 90. li 31.2 31.0 31). 20. 30. 5 29. 2 29. 5 29. 31.0 30. 5 ' 02. 6 29. - --9. 2 29. I) I 78. 8 28.0 ' 91. II 2--. 5 . 02.2 28.0 I 01.0 E F. SE M-: N NE Nl'] i; i: 1'^ ]•: s\v I) N E N II 11 I) I) II A' V \- E N NNW N NNE N N N N N N N N N N\V N\V II 13 . ' 1-4 2-4 . ..-; 4-4 180,. I .1-4 ' 4-4 2-4 1 12 19 6 10 1 r 4 II II I) II II i) 12 1 14 10, 1 18 12 12 (i 12 Hi 11 14 0- IH 12 7 7 1 213.0 192.0 47.11 <*i.-('iiin - oiiin - . . Clllll - . . t'liiii - .. rniii . . - St I) I) II II (1 9. (I j 4-4 I 4-4 10. I 4-4 I i-i 4-4 107.0 4-4 SAGE. 8 ?iIETEOEOLOGI('xVL OBSERVATIONS DURING THE PASSAGE AVind, HE (I \V s SE K E AV S\V s\v S',K 7 sw ^■'. ;i sw s:!. s 8E HI. r, NK ;«). T) KE ;-."i, (1 NE Wt.H' KE 6ti. ;i N !.-..() :i'j. 117.11 Aindiiiit aud kiud III' lIoihIx. Direction of tloud.i. is. 123. 3-4 (11. -St.. 1-4 st 4-4 St 3-4 i-iiiii.-st .. .. 1-4 St 'i-4 rlllll.-st .. . . 1-4 st 1-4 i;i.-i.inii . . .. y-4 rum 4-4 st [ 4-4 st i"J , (I I 3-4 st :'.-4 st 1-4 rmij.-st 4-4 st 4-4 st....^ 1-1 Bt 1-4 st 1-4 st 4-4 st 4-4 st 4-1 st 4-4 st 4-4 st ■3W.(} 4-4 st 4-4 st 1-4 st 1 I ,st (-1 st 3-4 st :;-! st ::-l st 1-4 st . I (I t) \\' It E (I (1 (I II II II II II II II II II b" II tl II II (I u II II II 11 II I) II I) Cliiiiilv. Cliiiulv. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cliillilv. (;iiiuiiv. Cloilily. (Jliiudy. Cloud V. Cliiiid'y. I'air. ■ Fair. Fair. Cliiiidv. Cliiiurv. Clolld'v. noiidV. (.'Iiiiidv. <'loilllv. Cloudy. Cliinilv. Cloudy. Cliiiidv. Cloudy. ( loudv. Cloudy. Cloudy. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS AT NEWMAN'S BAY. The following meteorological record was kept daring our stay at Newman's Bay when on the boat-journey northward. The observations were mostly taken at intervals of four hours ; in some in- stances, however, more frequently. We chose Polaris Bay mean time in order to make the obser- vations taken at both stations more strictly comparable. The record kept by the writer extended originally over a longer period of time, but the only observations recovered are those given hereaf- ter. The barometer used is a Casella pocket-instrument that had been compared with the stand- ard at the Polaris Bay observatory previous to our leaving the vessel and after our return to win- ter quarters. The thermometer indicating the temperature of the air and the psychrometer were compared also, and in every instance the corrected readings entered in the register. The velocity of the wind was partly estimated, partly determined by means of one of Casella's current-meters. We think that our estimates are pretty reliable, as much experience had enabled us to estimate the velocity of the wind very closely. A number of experiments seemed to demonstrate that in no in- stance did the velocity as measured by an anemometer differ more than 4 per cent, from that based on estimation ; and, as the highest wind observed at Newman's Bay did not exceed twenty miles per hour, the error may be considered to be vei'y small. The quantity of ozone vras determined by means of Schoenbein's test-paper, which was kept exposed in a small wire-cage made for the pur- pose. The solar thermometer was a common thermometer as used to measure the temperature of the air, having its bulb and a part of its stem blackened with India ink. The instrument was ex- posed on cotton, resting on the sea-ice, as was the case with our instruments at Polaris Bay and at Polaris House. As the stand made for the thermometer fell overboard and was crushed by the ice, we were unable to fix the instrument otherwise than by laying it on a flat box, about six inches high, over the edge of which the stem of the thermometer projected about four inches. The latitude of our camp on the land floe was found to be 81° 55' 54" north, and the longitude 4-^ S"" 2P west. 2 M o 10 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS a 1-^72. Jnne 14 15 16 17. 18 19 0^ •' h. Ip.m.C) 3 11. m. .. i 4p.m... 5 p. m. .. 6 p. m. .. 7 p. m. .. 8p.m... 9 p.m... 10 p.m... Up. m.('') 8 a. m . . . 11 a. m. .. 2p.m... 5 p. m. .. 8 p. m... 11 p. m. .. 8 a. Ill . . . 11 a. m.(<) 2p.m... 5p. m... 8p. m. .. 11 p. m. .. 8 a. m.C*) 11 a. m. .. 2p.m... 5 p. m . . . 8 p. m. .. 11 p. m... 8 a". m... 11 a.m. (6) 2p.m... 5 p.m... 8 p. m. .. 11 p. m. .. 8 a. m.(') 11 a. m. .. 2p.m... 1 a o K a o a w O Ch M Psyclirometer. Wind. Amount and kind of clouds. Direction of clouds. a o g o o p X u o a « p a 3 u 1> d o o i ^ E E N o l-l != *+^ o tjr; IitcJics. 30. 019 30. 025 30. 022 30. 0.30 30. 046 30. 030 30. 038 30. 028 30. 046 30. 049 30. 040 30. 039 30. 046 30. 006 29. 930 29. 927 29. 958 29. 950 29. 920 29. 900 29. 897 29.910 29. 915 29. 987 29. 980 29. 972 20. 960 29. 990 29. 993 29. 998 30. 015 30.010 30.013 30.014 29. 997 29. 970 29. 865 29. 845 O + 46.3 38.9 37.8 33.1 32.9 33.3 31.0 30.1 30.1 29.9 30.9 34.2 36.8 39.9 36.0 33.0 40.1 37.0 36.5 37.0 35.1 37.0 36.2 36.7 34.4 33.9 35.9 31.9 31.9 34.4 36.3 34.0 32.5 33.1 33.0 36.0 39.6 f 35. 1 - o + 46.4 38.8 37.8 32,9 33.0 33.0 30.9 30.1 29.8 29.8 30.8 34.0 36. 5 39.9 36.2 33.0 39.9 37.1 36.3 37.2 35.0 37.2 36.1 36.6 34.1 34.3 36.4 32. 2 31.9 34.6 36.2 34.1 32.4 33.3 32.9 36.2 39.3 f 35.0 i c + 41.9 35.2 34.7 31.3 31.9 32.0 30.2 29.5 29.0 29. 30.0 32.9 33.8 39.0 35. 1 32.6 38.0 35.9 33.1 34.6 32.0 34.6 34.0 33.7 32.8 32.1 33.5 -30.8 31.0 33.0 33.8 32.4 31.3 32.6 32.4 35.0 31.8 f 33.1 1-4 cu.andci.-cu 1-4 St E 4+ o + 75. 2 66. 8 64, 3 44.6 40.5 45.0 39.4 34.8 34.6 33.8 34.2 39.9 43.5 52.4 44.0 40.6 60.3 64.0 76.2 63.8 50.7 49.5 48.3 56.9 59.8 48.9 58. 8 44.4 35.8 39.2 82.8 58.2 44.8 40.1 36.2 37.9 102.0 ■f 56.3 Cloudy. 1-4 cu.andci.-cu 1-4 St. Cloudy. 1-4 cu.andci.-cu. 1-4 St Clomly. N\V 2 1-4 cum 2-4 ,st Cloudy. NW N NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW w aw sw s sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw sw s s s SE sw 2 3 5 4 5 3 5 2 i i 2 3 2 3 3 2 10 8 11 5 8 8 9 7 5 13 15 19 12 10 8 1-4 cum 3-4 et Cloudy. 1 1-4 cum 3-4 st Cloudy. 1-4 cum 3-4 st Cloudy. 1-4 cum 3-4 st Cloudy. 4-4 st Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. 4-4 st 2-4 cum 1-4 st 1-4 cum 1-4 st Fair. 6 1-4 st Fair, 1-4 st Fair. 2-4 st Fair. Ci Fair. 1-4 st . . St Clear. St 'ei' Clear. St.. Clear. Clear. st . . Clear. st Clear. 1-4 ci.-st 1-4 st Clear. 8i Fair. 1-4 ci.-st 1-4 st Fair. 2-4 cum 2-4 st Cloudy. 1-4 St. and ci.-cu. 2-4 cum 1-4 st Fair. Cloudy. 1-4 cum 2-4 st Cloudy. 1-4 cum •J-4 st Cloudy. 6 1-4 cum 1-4 st Fair. 1-4 cum 2-4 st Cloudy. 3-4 St. and cum . 3-4 st Cloudy. Cloudy. 3-4 st Cloudy. 2-4 cum 1-4 st 9 Cloudy. 1-4 cu.andci.-cu. 1-4 st Cloudy. 2-4 cum 1-4 st Cloudy. (') Test paper exposed since llh 30m last night. (') JI.lx. temp, = + 50^.9 ( K E Jl A E K S . ]\Iin. temi). = -j- 30 ".6 ^ since llii SOm Juno 13, (') Max. temp. = 4- JO--." ( . ,. MiD. temp, = + 23:'.a ] '''""^ " P- ™- C) Max. temp. = -|- 4.1'-' .6 ; min. temp, = + 34^.9. (') Max, temp. = + iS-'A ? ; jj^ j^^j j,;^^ Min, temp, = -f 3!i-'.5 S , *= («) Max. temp. = -|- 390.2 i min. temp. = + 30o.5. (') Max. temp. = -|- 40o.4i min. temp. = + 28o.9. AT NEWMAN'S BAY. 11 1872. Juue 19 20 Psyohrometer. Wind. Amount and kind of cloud, h. ! Iiuhe". ; o ■" ' ^ ' 5 p.m...' 29. H36 + 35.6 + 3.5.5 + 33.0 W 8p.m... 29.810 34.6 I 34.9 32.8 S 11 p. m. .. 8 a. m.(') 11 a. m... 29.708 37.0 : .36.8 i 34. 1 , I 29.761 34.2 ; 34.0 ' 33. 1 29.750 37.0 36.4 34.8 W p.m... 29. 7.J7 34.5 1 34.4 5 p.m... 29.763 38.7 38.9 21 22 23 B p. ru. .. 11 p. m... 8 a.m. (3) 11 a. m. .. 2p.m... 5 p. m . . . 8 p. m . . . 11 p. m. .. 8 a. ni.(^) 11 a.m... 2 p.m... 5 ]i. m. .. 8 p. m . . . 11 p. m. .. 8 a. m. .. 11 a. m. .. 2p.m,(-'j 5 p. m . . . 8 p. ni . . . 11 p. m. .. 29. 29. 825 29. 782 29. C25 29. 610 29. 600 29. 580 38.0 27.9 33.0 2^. 9 29.9 37.8 28.0 32.8 29.1 29. 8 29.2 27.9 33. 2 i ^"\V ! 36.4 I KW 29. 548 30.4 29. 546 31.4 29. 553 36. H 29. 565 30.0 29. 543 30.2 29.570 36.4 29. 568 35.8 29. 550 .30.0 29. 563 29. .5711 29. 579 29. 9 29. i; + 30.3 27 34 8 30 9 31 2 36 3 29.4 1 29 5 36 ■> 35. 7 30. 2 29. 9 29 s + 30. 35.0 27.2 31.6 28.2 29. 4 29.0 27.2 26.3 33. 9 30.0 30.8 33.2 28.0 2^.0 35.6 34.0 28.6 29. 3 29, 5 + 28.2 NW NW NW X\V NW NW NW N N N NE N N N N X N N 10 16 15 12 15 15 17 15 15 10 6 8 3 2 5 14 20 10 12 : 3-4 St.. 1-4 cum 3-4 St 1-4 cum 3-4 St 1-4 ci 2-4 cum 1-4 cum 3-4 St 1-4 cum 3-4 St 1-4 cum 1-4 St 2-4 cum 1-4 8t 4-4 8t 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 3-4 8t 1-4 cum 3-4 St 3-4 cum. and st 1-4 cum. and st 1-4 cum. and st 1-4 cum. and st 2-4 cum 3-4 cum 1-4 ci.-cum.. . ., 1-4 st , St , Ci NE 42, 9 Cloudy. i 45.4 I Cloudy. 52. 2 Cloudy. 55. 1 Cloudy. 48. Cloudy. 40. 1 Cloudy. 33.0 + 44.2 43. s 42.2 36. 8 32. 2 57. 9 59.3 50. 52. 40. 50. 52. 8 41.7 40.0 Cloudy. Cloud V. Cloudy. Lt. snow. Lt.snow. Lt. snow. Lt.snow. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. I'air. Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Clear. Clear. E E JI A E K S . (') Max. temp. = -(- J5^.2 ; niin, temp, C) Max, temp. = + M-.-^; mio. temp. - 3.1^4. (^)^rax. temp. — + :i:i^.2; min, temp, — + 2."p I. ("■) At -'' p, m,, speeitie gravity of the se.i = l.(JJi>:i. 12 METEOItOLOGlCAL OBSERVATIONS DISCUSSION OP THE OBSERVATIONS TAKEN AT NEWMAN'S BAY. Tem'iKratiire. — The followiug table contains simultaneous observatious of the temperature of the air made at Newman's and Polaris Bays. The columns headed N give the observations made at the former ; those headed P, at the latter locality. Temperature of the air observed at ]S'eicman\ 1 i , 8 ji. Ill 30. 1 311 1 34.4 35 •> 33.0 32.7 37. o:;7.5 31.9 31.6 33.1 33.5 34.6 34.9 38. 40. 27.9 34.0 30.0 34.5 29. fi 34. ( 10 p in oq q 33 8 11 p. m 30.9 34. 4 40.1 42. 3 30. 2 35. 2 31.9 30.3 33. 1 33. 32.1 33.3 37. 34.4'i!7.9 1 30. 3:!4.4,35. 35. 6 i7. 1 35. 7 30. 2 33. 3 32. i 35.9 34.7 30.3 43. h Means i 33. 9 30. 2 36.6 36.2 36.4 3G. 36. 1 33.9 39.^29.2 32.0 37.1 Difference . . .... 2.3 0.4 0.4 .... 3.0 .... 0. 6 ... . 1 1.9 4.8 .... 4.1 .... 2.1 5. 'J The preceding table shows that on five days the mean temperature as derived from four- liourly (or, as in one instance, from hourly) observations was higher at Newman's Bay thau at tlie other station ; the maximum difference equaling +?P. The five remaining days were colder, show- ing a maximum difference of —5°. 2. By taking the mean of the series on record, it will be found that from June 14 till June 23, inclusively, the temperature at Newman's Bay was by lo.22 lower than at Polaris Bay, the difference of latitude of the two stations being lO'.l. The greatest differ- ence observed at any hour occurred on June 14 at 1'' p. m., when the temperature at Newman's J>ay was 46°. 3, the record kept at the other more southern locality giving 38o.3 only. The following table exhibits the maxima and minima of temperature as observed at the two stations under consideration. At Newman's Bay, self-registering instruments were used but not at the other locality, from which we selected the highest temperature on record for each period of time during which we had not set the index of our self-registering thermometers. Maxima and minima of temperature observed at Xetcman''s Bay and at rolaris Bay. Maxima. Minima. Date. Period of time. N P N P o o o o June 13-14 50. 9 3.7. 8 30.8 33.4 From June 13, Ill" p. m., to June 14, 1'= p. vn. 14 46. 7 39.5 28.9 33. 8 From June 14, l^ p. lu., to June 14, ll"" p. m. 1.5-16 43.6 43.8 34.9 34.3 From June 15, 11" p. m., to June 16, 8h a. m. 16-17 43.4 39.4 3.9. 5 34.1 From June 16, 11'' p. m., to June 17, 8'' a. ni. 17-18 39. 2 31.7 30.5 29. 7 From June 17, IV' p. m., to June 1-^, 8i. a. m. 18-19 40.4 32.2 28. 9 31.5 From June 18, ll"p. m., to Junel9, 8" a. m. 19-20 42.2 36.8 33.4 34.1 From June 19, 111" p. m., to June 20, 8'' a. ni. 20-21 3,^^. 2 37.2 26.8 31.6 From June 20, ll'ip. m., to June 21, 8" a. m. 21-22 33.2 36. 5 25.4 33.5 From June 21, 111" p. m., to June 22, 8" a. m. Means 41.97 37.99 31.01 32. 88 • AT NEWMA^^'S EAY. 13 With the exceptiou of two instances, viz, June 15-16 and June i:i-2l.', the maximum tempera- ture observed at Newman's Bay was higher than at Tolaris Bay ; the excess amounting to 0o.2 and 3o.3 respectively. The greatest difference between the maxima of the two stations occurred between June 13 and 14, equaling IS^.l, which seems to be rather abnormal. This considerable difference may perhaps be due to the fact that the thermometer at Polaris Bay was better protected against tbe direct rays of the sun thau the one at our more northern station. The instrument-shelter used there consisted of a wooden box about 18 inches long, 10 inches high, and 6 inches deep, which was fastened to a pole about 1.5 feet above Ihe ice. To pre\ ent the effect of solar radiation, the box was covered with tin-foil. In June, the maximum temperature of the day at Polaris Bay occurs at lO*" a. m., and it is scarcely possible that in an interval of one hour between two observations the change of temperature could have been as great as the difference between the maxima of the two stations. If the instruments at Newman's Bay were not as well protected as those at the other locality, tbe mini- ma, as observed at the former station, might reasonably be expected to be smaller than those of tbe latter, as the sun was circumpolar during the whole period. An examination of the values under consideration shows, however, that this was only the case in tliiee instances, namely, on June 15, 10, and 17, the greatest difference amoniiting to 5^.(5. P>etween June 13 and 14, when the greatest difference existed between the maxima of the two stations, the minimum as indicated by the self-registering thermometer at Newman's Bay was '2^.G lower than that of Polaiis Bay ; conse- quently, we might suppose thattlie temperatures observed at the former station were actually the true temperatures of the air in the shade, the more so as the index correction of our instruments was ascertained previous to our departure from and again after our return to the vessel. As men- tioned before, due allowance has been made for the same. Solar radiation. — Our observations on solar radiation made at Newman's Bay are not strictly comparable with those at the other station, as the bulb of the instrument used at the former local- ity was naked. It is to be regretted that we did not carry a black-bulb thermometer in vacuo, as tlie results obtained with the same would have furnished some valuable material for comparison with the observations on solar radiation made both at Polaris Bay and Polaris House. On account of want of room, we had to limit ourselves to the most necessary articles, and for this reason alone the more bulky instrument was left behind and preference given to a common thermometer. If we compare the readings of the naked black-bulb instruments at both stations, we shall find tliat in most instances the temperatures observed at Ne wmans Bay are higher than those at Polaris Bay. A rather abnormal difference was exhibited on June 19 at ll'' a. m., when the black bulb at Newman's Bay read 102°. 0, the temperature of the air being at the time 39°. C, which would give 02°. 3 of solar heat. At Polaris Bay, the amount of solar heat observed at the same time by means of an ordinary black-bulb thermometer and another thermometer suspended in the shade was only 2^.8. The result derived from the reading of the instrument in vacuo at the same place gives only 21°. 2 of solar heat, so that the difference between the observations made at the two stations appears to be ll'^.l in favor of Newman's Bay, although the instrument employed there was less perfect than the one made use of at the other locality. At the time of observation, the wind at Newman's Bay was from SE., its velocity being estimated at 10 miles, the suu shining bright, although the amount of clouds was J ; at Polaris Bay, it was blowing from W. with a velocity of miles, and the amount of clouds noted was f. "Whether the suu was obscured at Polaris Bay at the moment of observa- tion can not be ascertained. Winds. — As we stated on one of the preceding pages, the winds in Smith Sound and Kobeson Strait are rather local, and a comparison of the limited number of observations relating to this subject will corroborate this view. On June 14, the prevailing wind at Newman's Bay was NW.; at PolarisBay,it was either calm or there was a slight breeze from SE. June 15, wind at Newman's Bay NW., except at 11'' p. m., when it was calm ; at Polaris Bay, calms prevailed till l'' p. m.; after that time light breezes from W., SW., NE., and NW., the lat- ter prevailing. June 16, wind at Newman's Bay veering from W. through SW. to S.; calm during the last two observations ; at Polaris Bay, NE. prevailing. 14 METEOEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS AT NEWMAN'S BAY. Juue 17, prevailing wind at botb stations SW. ; at Polaris Bay, tlio upper clouds driCting SW. ; at the other station, E. and N. June 18, at Newman's Bay blowing from SW. during tbe first four observations; during tlie last three from S. ; during the first part of the day, direction at Polaris Bay the same as at New- nian'.s Bay ; when at the latter station the wind veered to S., it shifted to W. and SW. at tJie former. June 1'.*; winds at botb localities variable. June 20, prevailing wind at Newman's Bay N\\'.; at Polaris Bay SE. and Nli. Jniie 21, at Newman's Bay blowing from N\V. during the whole i't hours; at the other local- ity invariably from NE. Juno 22, at Polaris Bay, the wind has the same direction as yesterday; at Newman's Bay blowing from N. June 23, calms prevailing at Polaris Bay; after 2'' p. m. light wind from N\V., while at the other station there is a smart breeze from N. Ozone. — The quantity of ozonecontained in the air during the period under consideration appeals to have been greater at Newman's Bay than at the other station, as may be seen from the following comparison. l)Ht.'. N 'Win: Bay. f) (•> •j:i METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS DURING THE DRIFT OF THE HJE- FLOE-PARTY. The following meteorological record, containing the direction of the wind and tbc temi)era- tiire of the air, was kept by Sergeant F. Meyer during the drift of the ice-floe-party. It was tirst published in the Annual Report of the Chief Signal-OfBcer to the Secretary of War for the year 1873, whence we have taken it. As might be exjjected, the record is very scanty, resulting from insufficiency of means and the sufferings of the crew during the eventful drift. 16 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS a 1-1 P 'So a o (-1 a o s £ OJ a H cs 1-1 'to h-1 ' a 5 9^ H P 1-1 6 -^ .^ 'to q 1-1 Direction of wind. 1. u 1 1872. Oct. IG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Nov. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 « 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 1.-1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Dec. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 O ' 77 35 o / SE & NE NE o 1K72. Dec. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 2H 29 30 31 1873. Jan. ] 2 3 4 5 ••> 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 / w N w N NW N N N N N NW S N SE Change- able. NW NW S s s SE NE ! NW NE AV NW NW NW N SE - NW W SE NW - NW — 1 — 4 + i.r. + r. + 2 + 4 + !> + 1^ —14 — 9 + 4 — 1 + 12 + 8 + 5 + 1 + :; — 4 — G —1(1 —21 'j\\ 25 — 29 -18 — 2:i __ — 2'-i 1 —30 ! — ;'>o — 35 -30 —33 i —33 -38 -40 -12 -16 -17 -31 -25 -38 -27 -28 -27 -32 -33 -36 -39 -32 —35 03 -21 -::;4 -4(1- -40' 1873. Jan. 27 28 29 30 31 V'nb. 1 1> / 69 32 / 60 03 SE i ; 1 ° -111' SIO —411' S -:;i S\V -24 SI-: A E -1st NK A NW "I ! SE SE SE N W WNW SSW w —IN) ^>-> -l'9 —19 — k; -16 -13 1 111 E NE and E + 5 + 2. 5 4 ' 5 (X -rii .t;\v .1. « 1? ' SSK 1 ^1 6 NW '-111 NW A N N &NE " :-.;: '1 8 9 10 11 12 — 2(1 -30 -16 -10 -10 —2(1 1 SE W W NW N N N NW AV -10 SE N N NW W N N N\V W W W W NW NW NW NW NW W sw s NW NW w w w -"9" -15 — 4 — 1 -r 5 -12 -13 -18 -17 -21 -26 -21.5 -19 -25 -20 72 U7 60 41 13 14 w 1— in W -11) -10 W 1—15 I i ' w W -311 j-20 AV '"';', 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mar. 1 2 3 • N E -14 —24 — H 1 -4 il S (1 SIO SE N NE NW N NW NW NW NW + 6 1 + 1U + 5 +24 +20 +15 +12 — H + 2 — 9 + 5 -24 -10 -25 — 2'-l -20 -34 : —18 —31 -19 —23 -20 74 04 67 53 TO 02 r,o 01 * Mercury sc lid. DUEIiS^G THE DEIFT OF THE ICE-FLOE-PARTY. G J J 1-7^. ' . Mar. 4 i; s 1 10 11 v.; 11 i:> ii: 17 l> Ii4 VJ •\VN\V wxw N X X X XXW XE .Si; — 8 E +14 XW +1(1 — s +18 .sw -13 XW — D - fi -;;4 —■JO — :;o —13 o.> —10 + 5' + 1 +1.-, +40 + 10 — 4 1873. Mar. 19 20 21 22 I • >■> •'4 21 i Gl r,9 .,- 2.^ 30 31 .7,1 11 1 4 < ')(; 47 ' f, Ml) METEOROLOGICAL RECORD KEPT DURING THE RETREAT OF THE UNITED STATES ARCTIC EXPEDITION FROM POLARIS HOUSE TO MELVILLE BAY. The following meteorological record was kept by the writer daring the boat-journey from Polaris Llouse to Melville I!ay. Oircamstances did uot permit the taking of observations at regular iatervals, but they werj made whanever this could be done without inconvenience, both when oa shore and afloat, or when we encamped or were otiierwise detained on the land-floe of Melville Bay. 20 ]METEOROLOarCAL OBSERVATrONS Psycliroiii- ctci'. i.-r;;. June 3 h. I In. i c 5 p. m-.i-JK. SIS ;-!4. (J 1'i p. m. ■1 i 4 a., m. I i p. ni . r> a. Ill . 1 p. m. Ti p. in. 11 p. 111. y a. 111- ^ p. m. 6 p. m . 12 p.m. 8a.m- ;.; p. m. 8p.m. 7 a. Ill . 1 p. m . 5 p. m. 1'2 p. m. C a. m. 11 a. m. 3 p. 111. 6 p. m. lOixm. 20. S2'i i 29. :!■!. 31.0 2'.». Ti 28. 2 3(1. 014 29. 311. OCT 29.0 30. 089 29. 29. r> 1 28. 9 29. ! 28. 1 29, I 27. 311. 02.". 129.4 3>ll. 1)10(28. 6 29. 9 18 ; ■J'J. 2 I 29. ', 29. 900 27. 5 ' 27. f 29. 4 2.S. 2.S. (; 27.9 . 29. 8r,3 23. : 28. 27. 4 i 29. .s'/ii 20. 8 I 2(). 8 | 20. 3 29 7HII 25. 2 25. 2 24.5 ] 29. 725! 25. 2 I 25. 2 24.4 29. 075 34. : 3 1. 10 11 29. 000 29. : 29. 1) 29.550 27.0 27.0 29.575 20.4 29.018:23.5 2G.4 13 11 3 a. m - 8 a. m. 1 p. m. 4 p. m. 7p.m. 12 p.m. 8 a. m. 3 p. m. 9 p. m . 12 p.m. 8 a. m . 2p.m. 9 p. m. 12 p. m. 8 a. m . 3. p. m. 10 p.m. 8 a.m. 1 p. m. 5 p. m. 11 p. m. 5 a.m. 29 581 29 461 29 519 29 548 29 534 31.0 27. 2 25. 4 26.0 23. 26.4 120.4 24.6 27 2 27! 35.5 '37 '' 27! 35. 5 20. 5 26. 3 31.0 29.0 29. 21. 29, 512 23,2 20,2 29. 540 27.5 27. 5 29. 572 28, 28, 29. 612 38.0 38. 29. 033 29. (i70 29, an 29. 713 29. 73(1 29. G17 29,002 29.718 29, 095 602 (J70 7(15 044 5S8 484 408 450 13,2 565 40.0 25.0 23.0 34.2 42.8 32,0 28,3 32. 35, 2 25, 5 23, 1 33, 35, 1 36,0 33,0 47,4 49, 37. 4 33,5 40.0 25.0 23,, 34,2 42,8 23, 4 24,0 25. 3 33. 34.0 22,5 20,8 31,2 30,5 Wind. 29. 803 ; 29, 8 29, M I 28. 7 32,0 28,5 28,3 23,, 32.0 30,0 35.2 25, 5 23,, 1 33, 35,1 30, ■S.'k 47.4 19. 37,4 31,0 23.5 21. 30. 8 31.4 32, 31,5 41.5 40, 34, 32, ,S\V sw 8W SW SW SW SW s s SW s s s SW s s SW NE NE E E SW E E SW E NE NE SW N s SW NE SE SE N NE NE ,SE SE 20 20 15 18 12 10 S 15 12 10 15 12 10 15 8 (.3, .mis 1 2 12 3 Ci.-st St 3-1 ci,-cuiii. Ci Cum .. 1-4 Ht . . 3-4 St.. 2-4 cum 1-4 Mt... 4-4 St... 4-4 St... 4-4 St . . . 4-4 St... 4- 1 St , 3-4 St . 2-4 St . 4-4 St . 1-4 en,, ci. and St. 4-1 St.... 4-1 St 3-4 St.... 4-4 fit 4-4 St .... 4-4 St Ci.-cum . Ci,-cuui -. 1-4 St.... Ci,-cum,. 1-4 St.... Ci.-cuni.- 2-4 St ... . 2-4 St ... . Cum 1-4 St.... Ci.-cum .. 2-4 St ... . 2-4 cum.. 2-4 cum.. 3-4 St.... 1-4 St.... St I Urcctiou of cli.uds. St 4-1 St 1-4 ci, andci.-ou 2-4 St 2-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St , 1-4 St 3-4 St , 3-4 St..- Ci 2-4 st 4-4 cum Nl Clear.... Cloudy .. 29. 5 N SW I'.iir . Sorfalik. I Max, Iniip. 40' ,1, iiiiri. ti'iiil.. 2li-,2, siiiiT oli.s.'i'vafion, Max 32 .2, mill. 27 ,5,siiii'r oIisi't\ al ion. Cloudy ..'29.5 ir,-il. m- (i a. Hi- ll a . Ill - f< p. Ill . li a. ni. Ua. m. 4 p. m . 11 p. 111- 7a.m. 11 a. m. Ti p. 111. 11 p. 111. a. in . 11 a. ni . 1)1. I ° 20. (il;? I 39. 29. 630 141.2 29. 03,^ I 39. 5 29. (!20 38.2 29. (il2 29. 603 29. 67,6 29. 6,90 29. 716 29.740 29. 7sr, 29. 817 29. 932 30. 104 311. 139 311.12^ 3(1. 0.">3. 311.008 3^.0 37.0 30.6 29.8 30.7 30. 29.11 30. •; 31. ( 30. ." 30. ( I'J.i 34. !1 29. 29. 29. 992 974 9.'')7 . I 29. 903 .j 29. 843 29. 8(12 760 61 II I 530 512 468 32.8 31.0 30.2 31.2 30. 29.0 32. 5 39.0 32. 5 32. 36. 3 27.5 P.sycbroui- 'etrr. 30. o 31. (1 30. .", 30. 29. 8 30. 000 ; :;4. 7 34. 7 39.0 36.2 41.2 3,9.0 39.5 38.0 38.2 :',7.2 :58. :!6. 5 37. ; 35. 30. 6 : 27. 1 29. 8 29. 3 311. 7 29. 2 30, II 2;) •29.0 27 5 30.2 28.6 3,1.0 311. II 30.5 29.0 30.0 29.0 29.8 27.3 34.0 3,2.1 31.5 2-. 5 31.0 30.2 31.2 30. 29.0 :!2, 5 39.0 28.3 32. 5 32.0 36. 3 31.: 29. : 311,0 31. II 37. 3l!o 31.5 35. 27. 1) 2P. 434 ; 31. 31. | 30. 3 29. 470 34. 3 | 34. 3 32. 29. 543 24. 5 24. 5 23. 29. 558 31. 4 I 31. 4 30. 29. 546 i 30. 6 30. 6 29. 1 29. 560 34. 3 I 34. 3 30. Wind. .2; SE II w II S ,s II .8\V SE E E E E E N N" XE XE NE NE ,s^\' .SE SE SE SE SE SI-: SK SI'; SI-: I 3 3 10 15 ,8 10 14 10 Cldiuls st- 4-4 4-1 1 4-4 ,st 4-1 St. - 4-4 .St St 4-4 St 1-4 st 4-1 St I 4-1 st 4-4 st 1-4 .St 4-4 st 4-4 st 4-1 st 4-1 st , I 3-4 cum . .. 3- 1 cum - .. 1 4 st 2-4 cum - . . 2-4 st 4-4 st 4-4 st St 4-4 st 4-4 st 4-4 st 4-4 st 4-1 s( 4-4 st 4-4 st 4-4 st 4-4 st ( 'i.-ciim 2-4 st 4-4 st 4-4 st St 3,-4 cum 2-4 st 1-4 st Direction tif clomls. S\V ! M\\^ i Cloudv . II W u Cloudy -. C'lond,v .. Cloudy .. Cloudy .. Cloudy .. Lt. snow. Cloudy .. Lt. snow. Cloudy .. Fair Lt. snow- Cloiidy .- Clear Cloudy -- Fair Fair Remarks. 31. 5 32. 31.6 31.5 32. Cloudy - Cloudy . Cloudy . Lt. rain. Lt. rain. Clear... - Cloudy .- Lt. snow -I Lt. snow -I 29. 4 Lt. snow Lt. snow Lt. snow Lt. snow Lt. snow , 29. 6 Clniidy -.i Cloudy - ClnlulV - Cloudy . 30. 1 Lt. suow- Lt. snow- 1 Clear...-! 29. 8 29. 3 29. 29. ^ Alloat, Do. D.., Do. Do. Conical lu, Do. Do. Do. 30. 4 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS IN LANCASTER SOUND, BAFFIN'S BAY, DAVIS STRAIT, AND THE NORTH ATLANTIC. Tlic UK'tc'(iioloi;ical (ibseivations recorded hereafter were made on board the whaliiii;- steamer Arctic, on wliicli a jiortion of the boat-party had been received. Oapt. William Adaius kindly shared Lis catiin with us, and afforded ns all the facilities for making;' observations one could ask on board of a vessel. ^Vith bis permission, the ship's cari)enter niade us a box similar to the one we had used on board the Polaris, which was placed on the quarter-deck to receive the instruments; the latter being set up a few liours after we had been transferred on board. The instruments used were the same we had made our observations with during our retreat from Polaris House. On July 9, the \esscl being moored to an icefloe, we had a good oppoi- tuuity to compare the aneroid, from which the following barometric results are derived, with Green's standard. At ii'' p. in.. Green read .30'". 220, temperature of mercury GO-. 2 F., giving .';(1"'.141 when reduced to 32'^ P., and 30'".191 when corrected for index-error. Casclla. read o(l'".210, its'correction being consequently — 0'"-.010, which was duly applied to the instrumental readings. Owing to the kindness of Commander A. H. Markhara, It. K, who was a passenger on board the Arctic, we were enabled to make the observations bi-hourly; this gentleman usually standing on watch from C' p. m. till midnight, during which tinre we turned in. In regard to the o'xservations, no further explanation will be needed; we merely limit ourselves to file statement that the velocity of the wind is not based on actual measurement, but is only esti- mated, with the exception of the first week, during which we used a small anemometric machine we had constructed with the wheels of an old clock, but whicli was broken soon afterward by au accidcut. 24 METEOEOLOGIGxiL OBSERVATIONS Latitude, 7o .O^'' N. ; longitude, 7") .2.")' W., at doou. IS?:! July 10 Noon 10 :;-^. i:i,2 ii.r, 10.1) VJ. (I U). r> I rsNc.liroiii- i 'etcr. "Wind. i\l(^aii rn. ! '" ::o. ir);,;!!;. y :;o. KM':;-^. :;n. 17^:!^. 5 :lo. l7r.j:!H. :3 ::o. 17 :50. l.~ 10, 17 !(). l>[> ;o. i7rr !0. 101 !0. 151 !(). 1G3:;7. s ■Ml l7o:i'j. 4:!i Sfi. 0: :'.:-;. -l(). 150 75.0 :'<6. 5: ;!R. on. 17070. S . 4:!. 44.5 30). :',o,. :! :!0. 41.4 41.5 SE SK 0. 170 70. 8 SE 0. lO-.'^O. SE (1. O07 00. 5 St: 0. ■j;;i h:;. :i >SE 0. 'i-,':;75. 9 40.91 :!7 :v.). -J: :;-: :;o. II :)7 :!7 :;o. 4 0. 190,7:!. 8 O.-JIO.OO.; 0. •i05..-'0. 1 0. 219J1)5. 2 0. 190 85.9 4 (3 5 '^ I 1 N j G Nw' 7 N I 7 N ' 2:! N 15 Direction ofclouds. II. 19;)S2. 97 CIoud.s. Ci.-cuni . .. 1-4 n Ci.andci.-st 2 4 n :!-4 cum . .. t!i.-st 2-4 u Ci.-st 2-4 St Ci.-8t 2-4 St Ci.-cuni . . . 2-4 ci.-st... St Ci.-cnm - - . 2-4 ci.-st. .. Ci.-cuni . - 2-4 n 1-4 ci.-rinn. 1-4 ci l-4ri.-Kt... NE SK Si: Fair .. Fair .. Clnndv Fair .'. Fair .. Fair .. Fair .. Ila/.y.. l-'alr .. F.'iir .. I'air .. Fair .. KrniarkK. Latilndc, 7:;\40' N. ; longitude, 7:1 .11' W., at noon. Jnl.y Me 10. lls:i7.H 0.200 00. 10. IIK 10. s 40. >i :"?9. 2 0. 2I9'.^0. 10. 145119.9 :i9. o' no. :; 0. 2:1295. 4 ^ Oil. 150 41). 5 10 ::o. ]5:j:io. Xonn r> :io. 145:10.4 :.ii). I4:::i9, :i i::o. i;i2 10. 9 ':io. 12:1:17.9 40.5 :y,). 0; s ::o. 121:10. 5 10 ;::o. 119:15. Mid't.Lio. losliio. :".9. ! :i9. 2 40. :W. s ...';io. i:jo:!s. N N 4 N !S. 0,0. 190j77. 9 N ■17. sill. 210 90.7 N :!S. ::,o.21soo. N :is. 00.21: 00. 8 N ;18. 7 ii.'.;25:01.0 :!7. 10. 2)4l95. 2 i ;in. 411. 21:;:)-. 1 :i4.:iii. ls:l,-:o. 8 :i5. :-!o. i:)i 90. 0. 227190. 5f 12 ( 10 15 10 12 10 15 St Ci -St SI Ci -St Ci -st Ci -St Ci -St Ci Ci Ci.-st I.... Clear... ''....] Clear.. ; Cl(!.'ir.. ; Clear.. ;....| Clear.., '....' Clear.. :;s. 5 Clear.. :'.8. 5, Clear... j:30.rJ Clear... n :17.2' Clear... 30.0 Clear... i:58. 01 Clear... Latitude, 73 .50' N. ; longitude, 7:3'3.05' W., at noon. July 111 4 i) s 10 JN'oiu 1 10 ;:!0. 130. 30. ::o. |30. . :io. :;o i:io. 30. :io. Mid'(.::ii. 000 084 083: 075: 1103 007 00 1 055 052 014 0281 027 II). f 10.: 0).: :iG. -. :!0. ( 3 1..- I. 31. 34.11 33. 30. 1 1 Mcai Sll .40 .80 . 5 . 0,11 . on ;5i:; . 00, .311, . 5 0, . 2 0, , 197 ,21 I 210 21 Is 211:1 191 191 ls7 1,-3 1-0 ^ 192 -2 90 90 so 9 -9 .H 01. 5 94 Ci .... Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Ci.-st. Ci.-st.. Ci.-st-. Ci.-st.. Ci.-st.. m.4 :!G. 8 .s. I 39. s 39. 6 39. 5 31. s 34. 5 134. 1 31. 5 Clear. (.Oear. (.Oear. Clear. Clear. Cli'ar. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear . Clear, Hazy . Loose ]iaek. EiUl(^ ice; water blue. Jlodei'ate ice ; water grcenisli. Lonsi' ice ; water Oliic. Ijoosc ice; water grceuisli. bo. do. Little ice Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. D(.. Do. watci' IN r.Ai-'l.'lX BAV, L;it,i(,u(l( ..'il' X.; liiii;;itii.lo, 7'i' ,1",' W., at 110011. i: ! rsyi'liioiii '- 1 I'trr. 1^7:;. July 11 \Yin(l. Clouds. Dirfctioii olrlolllL^. liriiiaiks. MiMl ;.. h<. 'J !u. (i;;ii 4 '.0. o.'>;i C ill. o.'.;i s ;ii. iii;r> in '.II. iiiij Noon ill. IIT'.I ■ > ill. 117.'. 1 III. II7'J i; ill. 11-11 ,- ill. ii'.i-j 111 ;iii. ii'.io Mid't. •SO. ii'.iu INI. i:ii: -,-^. 3 ,'',1. ■-' ill. J7. 'J ''7 ■' •-'11. « J-. 11' ■J' I. II' iiii. II jii. ^ .'J II. VX. liiii. .Oil. l:i.-| ',11. .nil. l;i.'. !.il. . ii'ii. i:;;i ^'s. .'.Ml. 10^ .",'.1. . ^ n. l.'.il 9i;. . I'.,ll. l.'.il III. U i X II ■ l\ II I .\ 7 X K 4 ' XK XE Ci.-st.- Ci.-st,.. Ciiiij .- Colli . . Com .. (_'iiiii -- XK II ; XK, 1 II. i.'.ii ;ii; Ml. 144, ',».'. ,1111. l:;.'. 'Jl .(ill. Ki'.l 'J7.0 • XE . (I XK 4 4 ,st . .. 7 I 4-4 St .- II ! 4-4 st .. .-■ I 4-4 sf, .. II) ; 4-4 11 ... lU 4 4 11 ... :10. 117'i-, . II. li.iii, 91.4111. I) |.",'.o llazv--. .Mon- ire, loit loose ; water i .l;l-i-ei). j-7. fij Tlazy... Loo.sriro; watrv liliie. 11 h!;i. U Hazy... Loose ic-p; water (I [I'.l :!i Lt.s'iiow! il.i. do. ill..'. Ll-.siiow! 111. do. I) |.'.-,'. ','' llazv lee ; water dailc Ji.' l.'.V Lt.SM.IU 1. ill C'loiiily.j Kooseiee; water i; row iii^- ' I linliter. n ':ili.,-' Cloudy. ii;e; waler n;rpeii- II ;iii. H Ijl.sooWi ]lo. iiii. 1.'..", -il. r. ;ii.-.'j :lo '.1 l70i 9(1. .\'\V k; il-4 u (1 |.il.2 Fo-..-. Ho. 4 :iii. li;-j:i-.'. .'. lU.'.i :^0. (I'll. 144 79. 4 XK t- 1-4 ei.-st..- (1 ^iiii. 1 Hazy... Miieli ie.- water t;reeiiisli (i :iii. Hil .!.">. it'.. 1, :i4 .-ti 211:! 97.0 V. 1.'. 2-4 ei.-st... :!!.,-: Fair.... Loose lee s iiii. ir.,'l:!l. II ■M.d iiii. 1 0. 17.'. "il. ."» K K- 4-4 .St iiii. 2 Cloudy - rio. '"■ 10 ilil. 14(1 :l.'.. II il.'i 0' ii.i. .' 0. 172 .^1.7 K 211 1-4 Mt 9 :l.'.. 5| Cloudy . Do. Meaii.s.. Mid't. :iU. Il>;.i4..'i ' iiij. iiii. Kiil, II. ir,.s .-4.7. '' 20 1-4 St " :i;i. r. Cleiidy- :!0. ii: 91.2(i ],atitiide, 72 ..''.3' N. ; loii.uitiide, 73 .iiO' W., at 110011. •Inly 1: 2 .ill. 1117 31. 4 ,iio. iiii:i:i:i. s 14.1; 3:1. iiO. 17.'. ^'.>.rj iii. 7, iiii. oil. 177 91.0 I'. :io. iiiM :13. il I iiii. .- iiii. 20 K~ J 94. ^ 311. Oil.'jill. ' :U. (!' iii!. 4 II. 1-ti NK E 91. >■ E ' 10 ii I iii. -i: :i:!. 411. liiiii ;m. il NE X.i..ii.'iiil. Il.'i.', .i7. 4 ' 37.0 i-{(>. -11. 200 iiT.'i E 2 iiii. iiii-ii--. .s I i',,-.." :i7.2o.20K .-ii;. :xi'; 4 ;. ill. 012 ill. 1 3(1.(1 3'.. 7 (I. 2(1-1 9il. 5 Y, II ' 10. (lOirili. 311. 1 1' i!.'.. Ill I. 20.'. 9.".. E f^ 'iii. 9.12 13.9 10 j;9. 921113. Mid't jJ9. -il." 33.(1 iO. U23| 13. 3.' i M (I . 31.3 0.1-0 ,s-,. 1 E .2 31. SO. 197 I 91. '.I i XE . 1, 34.0 0. 1,-i, ,-9.--^ E . . 1 :o. lilli 92. 40 12 4-4 St.... 13 Ci.-st.... 2-4 St.... IS ! 1-4 emu . 2-4 st... 3-4 cum 4-4 St.. 4-4 St.. 4-4 st... 4-4 St .- 1-4 elllil 2-4 11 ... 4-4 st... 4-4 st... ■1-4 st .. ::i '33.0 Cloudy Loose iee : water ereeiiisli 32^7 Fair..'.-j I>o. Jo. 33.0 Cloud V- do. l.l.r. Cloudy -1 Muebie.-; water ereem .sb. :33. 2; Hazy- !il',. 4 - 113. s (;l(uid\ I ii-.'.r, ci..o.l\ 32.7 C:..ild\ ■32.fll Cloudy I ;i-' :'. Cloudy 31.'.. Cbuiily D. II., 11,.. ,lo' D,.. d,,. ]>.. do. Do. do. i D,>. do. METEOUOLOGIOAL ODSEUVATIONH Latitude, 7'J .50' N.; lonnitndi', i ;' PHVolironi- '}i I 'r(cl'. Wind. .')li' \\'., at noon. Diroction o|- clouds. CloiidH. W I r^ ^ « a is:;!. .Inly M 7(. •1 i; H Id V'ool o 1 2'.i. si;:;!;;i..s ■il). s|si::i.o o'.i. 7711 :;: •j',1. 7',i."/:;: rj;i. sin:',:; '.!li. sill!:!;; i-i;i, ;mo::;(; o (i -j'.i. ;m;i :',,",. G H k;;i. '.•r,!i':;i;. s Id !'j;i. ',i7(;i:!(;. ;» .Miit'l. 'JD. ;)so';;i. 4 34.7 :M.d 34..''.! :!;!. 7 (I. is:!' sD. s :i:i. on. 17.',| sii. r, :!:!. DO. isi) ii'.i. 7 iss 100. (I llHi ;is. is-j ill. 7 r.i7 ;ii. !) :;:i. on. :i:!. no. :!:i. (JO. 31. s'd. :',:'.. 10. 1'.)], 1)0.0 :!.'',. 7 0, -JO 1 ;i;i. .'', :!7. 1 0. •^■^t ;is. :i7.o'o. 'i-j-,'| ;);». o 33. ',10. is;i iM.s Means 34. 7S 0. i;),; 4-1 St 4-1 St 4-4 ,st 4-4 si, 4-4 st 4-4 St. St.... Ci ... 1-4 St. •.'-4 ci. 2-4 ci. ■J-4 ci,- Cnni . ■i-4 ci. St. '■■.i. 0, Cl.indN- .;■-'. 3I (.'I Iv l:i-J. s i;;ini.'. 13-J. 4 t'n-... I !■-'.■'' t'o'^- .-] |. !■-'.'-'' CIcnr.. i::i.S| Fair.-. :!.'..(; Fair..., 37. si Fair :!7. b Fair..., 3.'-,. Fa'r.... Latitude, ->'.!' \.; longitude, 7;! ..",',1 \V., at noon. •Jul . If. 2 1 !:!0. iio,':!;i. .,,, ,1 '.-'. TiO. 17'.l' 1)4. G ■1 :io. iijr,:!,|.o 34.0 '.::.." 0. 1,-7, !M.7 1 C 30. o:il:!i;. :!i;. Hi. II II. •2\-> 100. I) s ::o. oi;ii:i:!. 4 :!;!. II i:!. on. iss 100. 10 "ill. oi:!;!o. II XK II !s. yo. oiG, 90.7 Noon :!ll. 0;Vj|4l.,l 41.11 ',',1. ;i II. 2;!:",, '.11. :iii.o7;;::7.o :i(i. .', Hi. 0. -JO.", ;)."",. 4 30. 117 1 :;7. II j G |:!i). 077(:!:!. u ! s !:!ii, ii;i-,'.:!i.i,) ■ 10 ';!ii. iiiii:;ii. s Mid'l. :!o. io,",_>ii. :, 3G.'.' :',G.00.'ilO !);i.O 3i.s: :!;;.7;o, loni ;is.5 31. s| 31.0I0. lo-j' SI), G 30. -j' 'JO. ;io. los, lis. ,', •J'.i. :; 'i'.i. i!ii. ii;-,' os. Jleaus. 3.0. OGli:i4,7G II. i;i-j ;)r,.sl F w (1 n K K II NE 1-4 ei.-st. 4-4 ci.-st. Ci,-st.... .St .St ,st, .St .St 4-4 si St S( St (1 31. 1 Fair.. I' ll:izv. Ila/,y. Hazy. ILaz'v- Haz.y . Ilazv Fo- , Latitude V4' N,; longitude, 7:! .-JU' W., at noon. Jiennnks. Ijittle iee; \vii,ler ;;!'(. en. Do. do. Do. do. D.I, do. Fast to icc-Hoe. Do, ^ ly(H,se ice; \Natcr Mite. 1 !i'a\ _\' iee; w.diT I. Inc. Do. Do. J to. Do. d,i. do. do. do. . ! Ili'iivy ice; water blue. . I bo. d... ' Little iee; wali-r blue. i Do. do. Do. do. . I D.I. i\<>. . ' Miieb anil lieavy i'^e; wa- ter bine. . j Li'ss iee; water blue. . I Little, iee; water blue. . i Do. ilo. Do. do. D... do. ■Inly 10 • ) 30. 14',':: I.:! 34.0 :!;!.;-, II. i,s,^, 91.7 !•; 1-1 cnni N\V Fo...... Little ice; water blue. • 111. :JI. ;.' 23. '.t 2'.l, 4 11. 1.-,;-, '.)4.G (Jnui C'i.-enui . .. N\V u Fog D(,, do. j30. l.M) -.".I. G 2;i. .''1: ■![). 0, i.-„i 94. .', Ci.-eiiin . .. NW ;!i s 1^0.. ■ Do. do. ':io. 17 1 ;!4. s ;!4.4; :!;!. .",11. i7'.i S9. 7 :! 1-4 St. II ;!"' .'', llazv.-- Do. d... 10 \oon ;;ii. 17.".:!.:. 3:1. 0: ;!2. II ICS S9. :i 1-4 si F.air D... do. :;ii, is-j ;!|. 34.0 3;:. nil. 17.', s'.). .', ,| 1-4 St ■;-, ,-, Fair Do. do. '" ;'.0. isii ;i;i. .-, ■'■'■'-■ 37.r,tl. 19s Sj.H 2-1 st :ir,.7 Hazy .. - .Much and bcav.y i.-c; w t( !■ bine. ■1 ;:!0. l:i7':!i;. II 31.;) 3-4.7 0.207 '.IS. NF 2 2- 1 SI, .!G. 1 I' og .Mui'li and Iiea\\\ iee; w (') '■'.«. 'joi,:!;!. 2 32. ;i 3.2. l;0. IG'.I .S9. 9 2-4 st 3 1 1; D... d.,1 i~' ".0. 2o-j|:il.o 30. 3(1, 1|0. 43.-, s'.l. 3 St II . , "^ D... d.i i 10 Mid't •'.0. 211129..^! 21). G 29.0 0. ir,i 91.5 2-1 st ■11 Fog .... ]).., do| :-;o. •->^^l'■y.l. :\ 29. 2 2.S. SO. ir,:: 94.3 NE .... Ci.-st u :!0. 1 Hazy... Do. do J :;o. is-j :;o. ;)s Mi'iuis- - 0.171 91. GG IN BAFFJX BAY. 27 Latitude, 73 .07' X.; longitude, 7J .52' \V., at uoon. ii 'Psyclirom- = 1 uter. 1-7:1, July 17 Wiud. l-liroetion lit clouds. a Clouds. Til. ° :!(). -^1^30.0 111. '-'TJ :'.•,'. II 10. l^-lli3l;. •-! jii. 211-:-!^. .'1 1 :;ii. •jii.'iU'.i. (I ■ii.l. 11)9 35. 5 m. i',i7 45. 1 :!ll. 4| 30.(10.1(11 04.7 3-J. 0' 31.5!ll. 1711I 05.11 iiO. 11 35. -'0. 101) 90.3 3(1.11 35.(1,11. 101, 00.11 3s. 3 '.i^. no. 'i:;ii' 0'^. 5 3-. f< 3s. nil. -.^ii; on. 7 34.51 33. (HI. liiOi S4,5 44.5 4-J.O^il. -JO.t 70. s 10 Mid'l Meaii.s. '.II. l>'r.43. 1 i 4:',. (I, 411.0,11. ;ii. 1^3 30. !o. iMi;;7. 1 3w ;o. 150(311 I 31 .!0. 1 . - 0. •J3-,'! 05. 4 ."O.-i-U: 00.5 . 0X1.2051 05. E K II li X jN ■4 1-4 ei.-st- l-l ci.-.,r. 1-4 ii,-s(.. 1-4 ri.-st. 1-4 Ci.-st.... 3-4 ci.-st . II ' Ci.-st (1 ! 2-1 ui.-si,. 1 2-4 ci.-st. 1 2 1 ci.-st. 10.101137.40 . 0. 2011: 01. 30 311. (-1 30 -irks. HI' _ - lir.. izy. izy. (1 10. 4' F, .0 1"; F lir. . ir.. lir.. Lil lie ice; w Miicli ii-c: \\ Lltllc ire; «■ Do. Ho. It I. Do. (^Miishicrahlc walci' bill Do. Do. Di. Do. arcr itri- atci Id lie. blue, lilne. Inn, Latitude, 73 .15' .\.; loiij;itude, 72-. 05' \V., at noun. July F-^ 30. 157 35. s 35. (1 3,4 SO. 101 00. n 4 Id. 141131.3 34.11^ 33 4 0. 182 94.7 y: 11 ill. 12-' 35. 35. li 34 n n. 183 >0. ■''1 11 H 10. 11.15 3s. ,v 3',i. n, 3,-^ iin.21iii on. 7 10 111. iHl'j in. ^ 41. n 30 5 n, 223 ■''11. 7 w ,\u.,ll 111. nil 44.2 44.11 43 nil. 2114 91. s w -) • in. ni'.i l-.>. 5 42. nl 41 so. -^711 0'-. 5 x\\ 4 :ln. nnn l;l. ,■< 43.(1 42 ^ II. 2711 04.9 w (1 -".1. Oill 40.3 4(1. (i| 45. (ill. o;i7 on. 1 N\\ s 20.01-411.2 4fi. (1 45 5 11. 207 Oi). 1 10 :'J. 025 15. 2 45.11 43. n. -,'75 02. II n Mid't 20. .-'Oir 111. n 4(1. --'I 44. 5 n. 2711 SH. 1 .Mcaii.s.. 111 (13(1 il 5(1 . 11.215 02.31 Ci.-st St 3 , 1-4 St (I St ; j St I s SI I s (3-ciiiii S 2-4 cum . .- 3 Mst .1 4 1-4 St II 4 (.'nui I St n II St n i'uin ! 1, CI 41.3 3,; I. 2 44.2 42, V' 13. 0' 4 1. (1 ear. 15iii-.. (31ca,r. Clear. (Oral-. Fail.. Fail'.. Fair.. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Lillle Do. Do. Dn, D.i. Flo. .■I.ack: Ic ice; \\ D... Do. Dn. Do. atei blue, do. do. dn. water blue ater blue. d... do. do. do. Laliludc, 73 \,57' N.; longitude, 7;t-.nil' W., at noon. July 10 (1 10 . S,s,- 17. ,ss,ii;,.n 20. 20. .20. 20. 20. ■I'J M51.n 7 51.,-' .Meaes. Ill Jlid t. 20. <23lil. « -I n 17.3 ■-5 17.3 ■(1317. S 47, ( 10. : 51. n 51. s 57. n 54.11 55. II .54. II 411. Hi 40.7 411.7 47. ;. -- 20, Slil5n. ;i-,' 45, nn, 47. 11 n. 4^. nil. 4-. nil, 51.7 11. 50,2(1, 5(1. (1(1, 5". no. 43.211. 43. nil. 43.1111. 44.(111. .- . . II, 273 S4,7 20(1 ,-^1, 9 2911; 79. II 32; (10.2 3ns, 7:!. s 2011' (15. S 3(1^ 73, s 2:lsj 711, 7 235' 74, 235: 74,9 232' 73, 2 ' 277 7.5,31 W W W n n s f: f: E E 1.5,2 Clear, 45,2 CIc 45, 4: 45, 5' 41,11 51, 2 4S. n 4-, 2 4 1,2 41,3 41,5 14,5 Clear... Clear... Clear... Fair.... Fair F\i i r Fair.... Fair.... Clear... Clear.. Little ice: water blue. Fi.i. do. Do. .!o. Do. do. Do. dn. Loosi' pack; \Yalcr green. D,>. do. Do. dn. Do. (In. Little ie'e; w.iter eie,_ai. D.i. d.. 1 lo. d .. 28 .METKOi;OLOGiCAL OLiSlMIVATlOX.S a. ' Psycliroiii = VtcT. 1873. July -Jll ( >lt Elwyii Iiik-t. Wind. : CliMids. I)ir-(.'ctliiii ordiiiKl.s. Kiiiiaiks. ^".•. 7:;'.t', 1.'., 8 -I."', I 4 1.11,1). ■.':;-l i^8. 1 : xi'. • -Hi. 7| -1... HI. I'JII LI,'. 2 \ E ' -.i 4 !j;i. (;:if^ 1? I ill. IWI .'.(I, 1(1 .'im;:!! j;i, N'lH.n, i'.l. (ir,l!4( ',' --".I. ii;i-.'!4(i, 4 -.".I. Ci-:; !t 8 1(1 .Miil'l |j!i. (i:i.'.|,;(i I -4 (.'inn 11. .- .'')(). i; II. oCi, ;i;). fid ., 4;i 4 4(1 II r 41 (.1 4'J. 'J II. :;:!.-,; ;ij. 7 XW l-<. ■JO. :«L' '.iJ.C |N\\' 44.(1(1. ■-'(:■.'! .-^4. ;! ; nw :w.: Ml, •_>:;■.' ir,. 4 .\\\' 14 i'.'.i. -II. -j:;.". '11. -J NW" 1(1 ".I. :!.j. u 4(1. ^ :ii;. (I Me;ni,s. July ','1 4(1. 1 II. '.Mil ;i.'.. r. :;i;. (mi. -ji,; khi. (i ::."). (Ml. I'l; ;i4. :i ;;4. '.Ml. -JO ; '.1:1..', X K XE II Cl ■J 1 cl-cii.ll . 1 I 1 ci -sl.. .. r 14 <-i -St. . 4 "J 4 ri. A s4, (■i.-clllll . (1 11 <-iilii . . . l-i. St . . . 41 s h 4 4 St s 14 St, 11 - •"' 14 Ci.-st,. . mill . . . 4(1. Clr l''ill 1(1. (I Fiiir IjitI \r ire ; \v itrl "Irrli. n.>. .1.1? Do. ,1,.. 411. 1 1 Fair 4i. (l! Fair 41.4 :!-. ',1 ;i.'., 1 I ]lo. ilo. 111.. ill.. Fair ... 1 l,il (]r ici.' ; water liliii', l'',-iir Miirli liiavy ire ; last In ( 'liiiiilv -I Mill' ; \sater ;;ii'rn. '.4.',' rlduily i Casl, (itlat G'' :; 11. (ij Kiiiii . - . -Mm li ill' ; waUT II... (Ill .sw .:,:',. il riiMiiiy S :!■-'. (1 ClnlKh |lM (.)tt FIwvii lull t. Meaii^ 4 ' '9 (')!.'.; (1,14: lll'o s "1 (11 M (11(1. I.'., H 1(1 ijM (lid : .7.-.' Xiiint -M (liH : .7.4 2 Jil (11,".: ,11, 8 4 li s 1(1 ;-;;' illii: 111),') : (iiKi : .''.'.111: 1(1.4 ,(1. (1 >,7. (1 .1.8 .Mill'! •J:l (115. 11. r. -1 (11(1 : .:>. 7 :i.".. ( :i7. 1 :;c. L ill! II 1 i!.") II :J4 :i:! . .^11. .411. . :iii. . ."' II. . ::ii. . (III. . (Ml. . 7 II. .411. .7(1. . (Ml. . 1 II. . . (I. ■-'(Ill ',l'.l. I'Jd 'M.ll 197 91. f I'.l.l '.I)..- 197 911. 'J ]9'.l 90.:! 16 V2 X i: 1.'. XF -Jll •Jll." 9.5.11 I XF 10 ■jin 9 1.(1 T,^ 197 94. 8 w ■JII2 '.I'.i. r. II L.-J.9, ;i|, 8 I II I II 1911 99,11 |S\\' ! -J 1'.I7 9.5. 1-J ■J 4 rum . . . 'J-1 ri.-iMliil. and ciini. y-l ri.-si... Cl.-st. . .... 8t , (_'i.-st. and ■J 4 St, :!-4 1-iiin 1-4 St. :!-l rum - 1-4 St. :i-4 mm ... :l-4 cnm .. . 1 :i- 1 mm - . I O.-i'iim. i-V •J-liMiin. 1-4 ri.-st. . (I 1-'. 4 |.'air... .S ylil. (. Fail-... (I :.15, :)' l.'air... (I :1J.-J lla/..\-.. lil. 1 ll.i/\ .. (I '.11.,^ Climdy 11.1 Climdy (I :!I.-J ('liiudv II :ll.:i Cl.imlv II :!:l. .'■. ('lomrv :!.'./ Fail'..'. Miirh iiT ; Avatii ^^ii'rti. IJ 1 1 16 ife ; \\ati'i' ^11. I'll. D... il... II... it... II... dii II 9 Fair. \t aiii'liiir ill Flvvyii lu- Icl ; siii'idiindrd Ity ICl'. M.lllldin,^ill 190lat.liniiis; soft mud ; li.|ii|ii!i'atnri! j tit tliiw ill-']. Ill ='J" ".5; siu-raccat till' saiiii' lime = 131 .4; air — 117' .11. .July '-'-' Mean i:!. II :i;!. 1 ll-J.dii. I.--,' 94. 7 mr E vyyii Inlet, 2 4 ei -St.. II :!2. d .> .'9.111.' SW 1 Fair... 4 J9. UK. !::, 8 :ll.ii: 111. d d. 19. llill. II w 1 2 4 ei,-st.. II II :i2. Il Fair.... 11 r:», (ll.| .15. -J : 15. Ill :il.: d. i',i:; 94. ',1 8W 1 1-4 St II : 12 ■ ' Eair.... .- ;.». (14'.;' id. s :ltl, 11 :!ii. (1 (). 2d.' 95. d w 2-1 st II :i:l. (1 Fail-.... 10 ;9. (i:ir 18.0 57. 5 ;17. (1 II. 2M 95. 2 W 2 ( 'i.-eiim . -. .12. .-- Eair... 1-4 ci.-st.-. \'0 Ml, ;9. Ill-- 1.-^. 5 :!.^. :i7. 0. 2117 '.Id. 5 N 10 1-4 ei.-enm 54.1 Fair.... .> .' 1. Il5s !7. 5 :i7.o' :'„i. (1 .1.199 9(1. ;! X 12 2 4 dim . d :ll..^ Vni I- 4 .'9. 111'.'.- 15. .- :i5. s 155. nil, I'.li '.Id. d E 1(1 1- 1 St II ;;.) '1 Fail-.... (J .'9. r.5: , 17. II :!il. .- lili. IMI. 19.- '90. 2 XE 1:! 2- 1 ei.-ciim. Mil. .'1 Fair.... and emu. 8 ;9. ll'J,' 1.5. 8 ;5(;. Ill 1 :!5. r. il. 2lli ',15 - N 7 1-4 ci.-st.. 11 :v2. 5 Hazy... 10 ■9. Ij:!','ii4.9 :!1.8 111, IMI, l.-^. .'^O ;i X 4 1- 1 ei.-euni- II :u.o Hazy... MaVl, J9.ll',', 14.8 34. (Ij :!l,4'i. 19f 99. - X (1 1-4 ei.-cum II 33. G I-Iazy... ;9. la;.: 15. 'J- ....'). 19; 'I'i 7' Eeaye Ehvyn Iiilel. Xi. ill' ; \yaler i;r.'eii. ]ii>. dn. H... di'. Alons llie od^o of IKR-k ; water ^neii. .Vliiii;; tbe edge uf heavy lino. Do. IN nUNCE JiE(;ENT INLET. 29 OHElwyn Inlet. J.ily i! 10 10 Mid't. :1). (i-l-. Z, Psvcliroiii 13. (i .1 . !',). lill-i r.l. (iC,.- ;o. iii;:'r .•'.I. liii;; ':.>. I'l-o !:i.(i;.7' ;:i. c.'.i'.i.i-i !!>,71-l:a !:i. 7i;)':l-J ;;i.Tii:;i:_i 4.:; I ;i:i.iwi;y. -i!! o 1 :n. :i:!. :_!-!. ol :;:>. ;■> II no .''lO ,- M oil ■1 II ;.> .". .'ill I'J ii;;i i>-j iss. r,i7! i>-' 1701 17.^ 1.-1, '0, L?:; so. :! >o ^ 00. 00. r> 01.0 00. .'. 99. .'1 94.7 94.6 94.0 Wind. N ■N NW N N N N N N 10 Cliiiids. 1 4 ci.-cum. •.'-I st,.. :i-4 st . 4-4 St.. 4-4 St.. 4-4 st . . 4-4 st . . 4-4 St.. 4-4 St.. :!-4 St.. 4-4 St.. 4-4 St.. Dilrcl ioi) of clouds. 1) ')■> (1 1 1 ! VA (I ; !:; A'A II 0! II il ''- Ihiz.v- Hazv. I[;i/V. F(iK .- Fou' .. Foj; . . F.>l;- .. F.M, .. Fn^ .. Foi; . . Fdn- . . Fu" .. K(Miiail;s. Alonn the rili;c of Leavy lloo. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Ilo. Ho. Do. 1 lo. Do. 1 lo. (lir Elwyii Inlet. July 'il 10 Mid't ■Jl . 7:;',i ;■_'. s ;;o ,.. :'d. 1 1 . 1 .--J 99. ;'> N 7.',-',;;:; :i-,'. .- ■M. '. .ls;i. 'X). N .704l;:i.^ :!;i. 33. . . is.-,i 94. s N .77-.';;4.o ;!l.o 33. > . 197, 1 99.0 X .7.;:;,;4.:!i 34. ; ;i4.i . 197i 9'J. 5 N .7i;-.',;4.s :il.f 34. ; .■,>0| 'M. ':> >,^' . 700 ,;.',. :!.'>. 34. f .'203, 99. r. iN '.'1 .70o.:;i.r. : :t4.-.': 3 1.1 '1 . 19: ;i9. u N j; . 7110:11. ::4. 1 33. ,- 1 . 0^0 'MK r. N j: .7.",(;:!4.0 :14. o| 33. ( . f^lli 94. N '.'1 . 7r,i:!:i :i:i. 01 30. f . isi;! 99. N '■ . 71.-, :!;i.4 33>. ( . F-s 'd'.\ N 4-4 st , 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4 St. 4 St. 4 St. 4 St. 4 St. 4 st . 4 St. -4 st . 1.191' 9S. :ll.4 I- :;o. F II :i:i. :il F :i:i. .- 1' :14. 'J ]•' :14. .7: F :i4.;i; F ':14.0 1'^ :i:i. .^ F :i4.0 F :13. :". F ;i;!. c (.' iiuh' (Ml'tlieiiaek Ho. Do. Do. Do. Do. Ho. Do. Do. Do. Do. D... ater gi'een. do, do. do. Cldiuls. llin .0 cl Id rti.Ml iiiuls. 3 i ^ ^ '^ lu'iniii l 33.4 33.2 0. 1S8 00.0 !\\V 10 4-4 St 34.3 F"K-- . . j 111 the pack; w ;i(cr ^ eell. 4 .'0. ontilxi. 5 33.4, 33. 10. ISO 00.0 NW' S 4-4 ,st (I .!3.5 F,l;r.. . . ! i,it1li' i( (■; u.iter ^;rc ■II. fi 20. (i7o;i:(. 7 33.:,: 3,:!. DO. IS'J 04.7 N W s 4-4 Kf (1 3;!.S iM,^-.. ..i Do. do. s ■'11 (is; :!:i. r> 33.4' 3:'.. 00. ISI 04.0 X , 4-4 St 3,3. (i F„- ,. Do. (In. 1 10 20. 000 -13. H 3,;i.s: :;;i. 40. isii 01.7 N\V 10 4-4 St , 3,:;. 3! lA.jr .. . . Xo icr; water };r<'cii. Ncioii 20. 00:! 34.0 34.0 33.30. 18(i, 04.7 N\V| 13 4-4 St- ,\:l.ri Fog.. ..: .Aloll;; |,lle lliH;rll;;('; Wll- ■.'9. 727 :'.r,, 3.1. 31.0,0. Ir-.-. i)4. X\\' 12 4-4 st 31.0: F..L;- .. Ho. do. 4 ■j;».-;r,-j|:',5. 4 :i.'..2' 3;-.. 00. 204 00.0 ! N 1 4-4 ,st (1 04.31 I'n-.. . . Lilllr ice; water nrr ■n. i; -J'.l. 74li:!4. fi 34.2 34.110.1:111 OO.r, ! N , 14 4-4 ,st ;;4.7 F.,".. Di.. (!<.. s 'Jil. 7 |-J':i2. 9 :'..',. il 3,2. 00. ],-7 00. ,\' 10 4-4 St 33.11 Fo.-.. 1),., llo. 10 !-J'.l.7s|:i4.0 34.0 33. (ill. ISO 04.7 \ IS 4-4 St II 33. s Fo- . . ]!,.. do. Mt'aus.. Miil'L 20.77l:j:i. 1 3:;. ;i2. nil. 1,-7 '(I. li-^s 00. j\ 15 4-4 st :i2. F..4 .. Ho. do. II- 1 29.712 33. 'r'G 0(i. lili July 'J7 Latitude, 7;i . i3' .X ,; lougitudf, s4 ,: .0' AV. :it 11 )U1!. : 12 8 Lit lie i. N 12 4-1 st Fojr . . 4 JO. Kii3'::i. 3,1. :;:i. >o. r.M: 00. ; X 12 4-4 st (1 13.0 Fou-.. Do. do. i; .'0. s(i,-(:;). 2 34. 1 :!3. sill. 104 00.0 N 10 4-4 s|, (1 Fm--. Do. (1,1. s JO. SI331.S :!4.:.: 3i.:io. i07i oi'.o Ni; 10 4-4 st , i:!.7 FoK-- . No ici ; water ^reeii. 10 lill. .^ih;!4. 1 31. (1 33.8 0. 103: 00. NK 13 4 4 s( .1:1.7 F.i^' .. Do. do. Xodii :ii. si7:ii.r) 34. :i iSl.o 0. 100: :|ij. (1 NE 12 4-4 st :i::. - V»ii .. Do. do. 2 |^0.s-!2:i4.^ ;i4.:i ;!i.-j 0. is:;, s'.i. s ne 10 4-4 st 11.2 n.K -- Do. do. 4 li'.i. s:i',i:;:,. s 3.'.. (i 35. 2 0.107! 04.0 ': N 12 4 4 st 13.0, Kof... Do. do. iJ!i. H:i!i:! .. 5 ;'>;'>. 31.S 0. 2(i:i. 00. 1 N 1 4-4 st (5.0j Fi,g-. Do. do. s JO. KKKii. :', 33. 3,:l. 3H. ls;i: 04. s , N 1 3,-4 st 13.9; F.>^- .. Do. do. 10 :20. f^:t.- ;',2. :i 32. 1| :!2. 0. IHII: 00. N "J 2-1 st ,13.3: F„>.-.. Do. do. j MeauF.. Mul't, 20. s:(7 32. 1 ;!2. 1 3,2.0 r ' ' ' ISO ;i;) X\V 1 1-1 st :il.:i: Haz.v. Do. do. 20. K21;!1.13 0. 101 07.34 " Latitude, 73 .34' N. ; longitude, S8 .: 0' w. at n JOU. July 2.-' 2 20. s;!l :!3. 8 ;l 1. 1) 33. 1 0. 17r/ 80.5 n 1-4 st :i3. 4; Fair.. . Xo ice; water green. 4 io. s2s;3r). c. 3.-.. (. 3r..(i 0. 107 94.9 P ■ j St, II :!3. 11: Hazy. Do. do. Ci I'.K K',0 3S. 1 :!S. 37. l]i 1.207 00. 3 : 1 St :l4.:i Hazy. Do. do. H 20. Kiwlii.:; 41. 3 40. 0(1. 2:!ri 91.2 (1 ' (1 1 St f) ;! Clear. Do. do. 10 20. H-I0;40. S 40. (i ;'>:i. 2 0. 2.'r) 91.0 XW 5 St. A' :i2. s CM ear. Do. do. ^r,;!:!;i, (■) 30.3 iis. (iii.21(i' 00.7 IjNW' 10 (.'i.-st; , (1 ;;;; 7 Clear. Do. do. 2 ,.'0. ^^2;i:!(i, 2 30.3 3.-,. ,-fl. 2113 03.0 1 \V , 10 1-4 ci.-st. . :;3. 3 Fair.. .1 Little ice: water grci 11. 1 4 2:1. .^fiC. :',(;. :17.0 3(i. 2 11. 100 00.3 ^\' 14 2-4 ci.-st... :ii.o Fair.. . Aiiioiig loo^e ice; w ater 20. S7.->:i7.'J 3s. 1 :;7.:-. 0.2171 03.3 \V 7 ;5-4 ri-euiu . :>7. :i Cloudy green. Do. do. : y 120 f-7s ;',; r^ ! 1 3S. II :!7.(l 0.207 00.5 : \V ; 10 l-4ci.-cu.iV ci.-st. :is. 3 Fair... Do. do. 10 ;2y. S,s2 :!7. 5 37.5 30.3 0. 2031 90. 4 ! W 1 s 1 1 2-1 CUMl . ., 1-4 st :l(i.:; Cloudy Uo. d -. ,^7o;:i7.o :-i7. 1 30.0 0. i;io 00.3 w :; 2-4 cuui . .. II :i3. Cloudy do. Means. - 1-4 st .... -10.802 37.71 II. 207 91. (i3 .... IN ridSOK i;I':(;ent inlet. 31 l^svcLroii ( »tV Jackson Inlet. Wind. i H of clouils. i^ liciiiaiki 1.-7;!. t JulVJ'3 10 Noon 10 Mid't Means III. I ° ■ill. si;-;:;:,.! i-j'j. f^.v.rKi. :! •."J. .^.'.[iw.O !'j. ,'■) :;i.o :;:;. :ir.. 1 :!l. ;ii;. I) :i'i. :',7.ii :!!). :«;. 11 ;!:'.. 4;i. 41. 40.11 ;.!ii. :!s'.oi ;!7. 35.9 :!.5. :!n. :! :m. Jl. l-."i ',)4. lio. 10:; ;"i|o. 'joi r, 0. ','00 7|0. 'iloj on. 'J-J-J .'i!o. 'j:;!' ■-'|o. '244 1.1(1. -2 if, L'lo. ','071 1 00. 3(M Oio. '200 7 9 II 1 N N 1.4 si,. 4 N II r, NE NE SI-; -O.-ill; 03. 4 st 4 St 4 St 4 st 4 st 4 cum . .. 4 st 4 cinn . . . 4 st 4 cnni . -. 4 st 4 cnnj. >t ri,-st. 4 cnni. & ci.-st. 4 cnni . . . 4 st Clonily :;4.0i Clondv, !:!4. l' ChnidV ;.Vk-2 Cloudy 35. r, Cloudy :!7. Clondy ':!S.'i Clondy ':!9. 3 Clondy II :'.8. .« Clondy '.'u. 5 Cloudy '35.1 Cloudy !34.2 Cloiuly Among loose; ice; water "ICCII. IX). do 111). do Do. do Do. do Do. do Do. do Do. do Do. do I lit ILe Hoe; water green. Do. do. Loose ice; water trreen. Off Port Boweu. July :;o Meai 10 10 Mid't JO. 75;: ;5.5 JO. 74I-, !5. 1 JO. 7:!." ,;5. J9. 70,-:;5. 5 JO. r,9.. ;7.s J9. r.70: ;5. :; JO. iuS v\. 5 JO. i;50: 15. JO. 007 !7. II .:ii. Oil.- JO. JO. liljl u.c, JO. 0.50,i:3. .s :!5. -Ji 31.7 JO. 002(5. ir 35. II. 34. .s 0. 34.0 0. :;4. so. :;7.iiii. :;5. oi). :!5. 40. 31.4 0. :;5. 9 0. 3,5.40. 30. llO. ■J 3;! 197 •J02| 1S4 197 1 ■Jll' 199; 197 1.-;-, 199' 94.9 99. 90.0 94.0 95. o 95. 94..-' 94. 5 90. S9. 9 95. SE SI.; II I II I NW N\V| X\V NW, XW X\V :! 2 15 ■JO 1~ I'J 10 4-4 st 4 4 st 4-4 st 4-4 st 4-4 st 4-4 st 2-4 st St ;5 1-4 st 2-4 st 1-4 ,st '0. 194, 93. l:;| :!4. 3 :;4. 5 ;i4.o 1 33. S 30. 3 ;!i;. s Its 133. 1 133. 2 3:!. 4 .32. 5 Clo Clo Clo Lt Lt Lt Fa CO Cle Fai Fai Fai ndy udy ndy rain rain rain I... ai'.. ar. - use ico; water • Do. do Do. do D.I. do ice; water gie Do. Do D> ' Do Do Little ie i ; water ilo. do. do. do. water g giern Latitude, ?:! .1:',' N. ; longitude, 90 .:;7' W'., at 1 July 31 4 ,s 10 4 10 Mid't 29. 00,0 3:;. '29. 0523:!. 29. r,oo';!3. 29. Or,0:!|. ■J9. 001 3,4. 29.04-':;5. 29. 019:;5. 29. 00:):i4. 2!i.i;-^l:;i. 29. i;so:-;4 29. (;s5:!:;. ■JO. 71>:!:;. ■J9. i;o;i:;4. 1: .5,0. 179 94. i; . 00. 109 so. 4 XWI 15 N\v! ■20 33 00. IS-j' 94.7 0.175 S9. 5 N\V; 15 i I 00. 175, S9.5 NW IS O'o. 175' S9. 5 X\V IS 90. 197 94.9 Xwl IS so. is_;| so. s .Nwj ir, 70. ISO' so. II 'XW| 10 4 0. I7ii SO. 1 :N\V| IS 0. 175 SO. 5 xwl 20 . 0,0. 171j S9. 4 XW . . 0. 17s, 9tl. 7 I 1-4 ,st 1-4 ei.-cnin. and oi.-st. 1-4 ci.-ciini. and ei.-st, 2-4 ci.-eum. and ci.-st. :;-4 ci.-cniii. and ci.-st. c'v St. 2-4 ei.-st.. :;-4 st 2-4 i-i.-sl.. :;-4 cu. A st :;-4 st :;-4 st-- . ,SE :;:;. '■!r,. 1' Fair... Fair... Fair .- Fair..- CI"ndy Fair .. . Fair..- Cloiidy F.iir. - - Cloudy Cloud'v Cloudy Little ice; Do. D.e Do. Do. D(,. Do. D.,. D,.. 11,,. Little ice Do. water green, do. do. dn. do. d,,. ,lo. do. do. do. water lilue. do. ;!2 i'yn;( )KOLO(iiCAL oiisEJa'ATioNs I>n!itii(li-, ?:'. .Ill)' \. ; loiijjiludc, 9l'-'.'.'i;' \\'., at III. All". 1 iMcUIIH . ll. 4 C, H 1(1 Noun 2 1 II) Miil't. P.syc'liniin eter. An. c. ■>'j.72r,:v.\ :! •i',», 7;!.^!:!:!. o ■i'.». 7.^.-.!:{4.y .'.'.>. 7i,7. 4 :i>j. 71 i4;w.r, ■>'.>. 7i:, -.v.). -^ ■i). 77:mi.o .",). 77'.)4I.U ■.".). 7',)',) .'.;•. >'.l yol ;!7. 8 i'.K .^'lli;',7. I) :!l.Ci ;!!;. ll' ;;7. II' :tH. :i :i!). I) 41.0 41). H rts. >^'. Wind. Clonils. 0. 1C>- I). 17.- I). 17!) I), r.t I). 1H4 I). ■JII7 0. I'.tl nil. '-il',' 7 jo. ■.'10 , .~'o. '.Mi; y9.7(;ii:!7.;j3 . (l! ;',(;. :. 0. 'jo:; on. I .4 :if;. r.o.-io--" 'JO. :: .■-''.). ;i wv .)", 04. c, NW •J.". so. 7 NW 21) 00. 1) N \V V, s,-,. ;! NVV ir, 01). r> II 11 ."i.i; s 2 ^^■i. 1 II (I .-^■i. 1) N\V 2 01). 7 N 4 1-4 St ... . St St (Ji.-st ..-, (!i.-st .. 14 ci.-st 1-1 ci.-st 14 ci.-st 1-4 ci.-st, 14 ci.-st 1-4 Ci. SI ri.-s(, .. (.'i.-cuin l»irc: Fair.... .!'.'. -^; Fair :;■-'. (.'Icar. . \va cr i;rccii. do. l/lltlc I ])i 111 1),,. do. Little* ice ; water lilnc. Do. ;i ;0. Sill, '!l .,,.,1 iO .^•Jli JO >''J'J ■iO H40 ID. (I 12. ,!7. 4 17. 2 !S. I) 11). I) 1 1 . :i 1 1..'') 41.:; i:i. 1 11.3 l(J. T,:\ ",7. (1 ..r, r, 40. (1 :!,-'. (i ) 41.0 :;o. 1. I :>7. 2 :;.-. s ,1 ■■-. -1,1 ::s.l)| 40.1) 41.21 44.:; IH'- 21):: 217 lOO 10.- lo; 22.' 20) 44. 4:;. 11.0 12.1 1. 41. (' I. .S^i ^> .^2.0 .-'2. (i >.l(). :; 00. 1 0.-.. S 01. si;. 01. .-, I) N\V N W N W WV w \v N\V W s\v 01.2 SW I). 210 .S7.SI in St St. St :-;-,| st 2-1 ca.-st 2-4 Ci. el-i si . iitn. . St ( 'i. st . 2-4 em 1 1-4 st 2-4 l.'MI i.-c 1. A nil. 1-4 st II :;i.. Fair... Clear-. ( Clear.. (Jlondy Fair..', l^iir... Clear.. C:iear. . Cloildv Little, :;i;, I) • I) !:;i;. ;j' Cloudy Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. iter lilne. do. il.i. do. do. d<.. llo. do. OIlFiirv r.eacli. A ML Means. V) 20. si: 40. 40. II :;s. n 0. -jn:; S2. t) S 3 1-4 st n :;i;. r, Fair-... Little ice; vater t 4 ."1. ,-2,- :;:i.(-; :!o. r :;,-'. n'n. 21(1 -■ii. :; 1) (1 1-4 ci.-st ... II (1 :I7, n Fatr-.- II.., do C 2!i. s::ii ;-;o. :;:). o :'7. fiin. 2111; ,-i;. 2 \v «J 1-4 ci.-st... n : ;7 . 2 Fair... D... de s ■j.i --,.. ■is. n :-;7. :;(;. 2MI, i-r, Sl.l (1 II 2-1 cl.-st . . . II :I7. (1 Fair..., Do. ill. in 20.74:; ;s. :;7. s :;r.. ■! 0. IOC S.'). s SW 10 1-4 ci.-st, ... n n ::ri. s Fair.... Do. do N 1. 2!i. 7:;(i :;s. 1) :;7. :;r.. 7 (1. 2(i| ss. 2 SW 12 1-4 elllll :;.'.. Fair.... D... do 'J 20. 71S :l.s. 1 :is. (1 : ;7 . ( 1 0. 207 00. ."■> SW ir, :;-4 cnni NE ■ ) ,- c, Cl 1\ - llM. lie 4 20.710 i7. i; ::;7. c :;(>. 7 n. -jnn 00. SW 10 :;-4 ci.-st... (1 Nt; :;i.o Cloiiil.\ . Do. llo i; j:). 71(1 46.0 nc. s '■'S,. 0. lo- 00. 2 SW 8 4 4 si, :m.(i Lt.rain. D.I. d... s J'.l. 7(10 :;;■>. c :;.'> r. :;"). (1 ll. 107 01.0 SW () 4 4 st II II : ;: ! 2 Kaiii ... Alone tliK^; water 10 j:i. csi .;r,..5 :;:"i. 2 :;i.;( 0. 'jo:: 00, (1 S\\' s :;-! st (1 :;i. '.) <.:|ondv D... do .Mid'f JO. (;7n ;."). ;7. i;i :;4.r :;4.iiiO. ISO II. ■Jill 1 01..- SW i; 1-1 Ht (1 :;i. 1 Kaiii ... lleuv, ice; w.itcr JO. 7i: so no IN PEINOE EEGENT INLET. 33 Latitude, 720.47' N. ; lougitude, 91O.00' W., at noon. All};. 4 A. •2 4 6 8 10 Xoon 4 6 ■ In. '29. fifio ^29. 662 2!), 67:-^':5(!. lay, 693 :«i. 4 29. 68? to. 5 35.0 3.5. 2 29. 680 3(5. 29. 075,36. |29, 673|37. !29. 678137. 29. 668,37. I 10 39.671137.1 Mid'fc.l29.(i8l'36. 1 Means.. , 29. 676,36. 68 Psyclirom- eter. 35.0 35. 2 36.0 36.0 39.3 36.0 36.5 3r^. 4 37.0 37.0 37.2 36.0 34.8 35.1 35.8 35.8 38.2 35. 8 36.3 38.0 0.202 0. 205 0.210 0.210 0.216 0. 210 0.213 0. 223 36. 8 0. 218 36.9 0.219 37.0 35.9 0.220 0.211 0. 213 Wind. 98.0 98. 5 99.0 99.0 90.7 99.0 P&. 95. 3 98. 98.5 98.5 98.5 97.67 s w w Cloads. Direction of clouds. 4-4 St... 4-4 St... 4-4 St... 3-4 St... 2-4 cum . 1-4 St... 4-4 St... 4-4 St... 3 4 St... 4 4 St.. . 4-4 St.. . 3-4 St... 3-4 St... Remarks. 33. 4, 34.21 35, u! •").5. 3 .i7. 2 36. 36. 3 35. 4 35.3 35.1 34.5 33. 2 Lt. rai n . Fog.... Cloudy . Cloudy . Hazy ... Lt.raiu. Lt.raiii - CUnidy . Hazy . - . Fog'.... Hazy... Hazy. .. Little ice ; Do. D... D.. Do. water ^ ilo. do. uo. do. Off' the pack; water },MeeD. Do, Do, Do, Do, Little ice; do. do. do. do. water srcen. Heavy i)ack; watery Latitude, 72°.37' N. ; longitude, 95°.30' W., at noon. Aug. Means. 10 Noon. 2 4 6 8 10 Mid't, ■29, 692 29. 710 29.719 29. 734 29. 747 2tl. 760 29. 76.-, 29. 765 29, 755 29, 760 29. 730 29.716 29. 738 35.5 35.6 35. 8 36.0 37.5 38.5 37, 8 38. 5 37.0 37. 35.6 35.6 36.70 35.5 35.5 35.7 35.9 37.0 38. 37.6 3-', 37.0 36.8 35. 7 35.5 35.0 35.0 35.2 35.8 36.7 37.5 37.0 36.0 35.5 35.5 34.9 34.8 0.197 0.197 0.198 0.210 0.218 0.212 0. 214 0. 179 0. 188 0. 194 0. 191 0.190 0.199 94.9 94.9 95.0 99.0 98.0 90.6 95. 2 76.8 85.4 90.2 90.0 90.0 91.67 W W w w N sw \v w w N NW W 2-4ci.-cuiu. 1-4 St 2-4 cum .. , 1-4 St 2-4 oi.-cuni. 1-4 St 2-4 cum -. . 1-4 St 2-4ci.-st ... 1-4 St St St St 2-4 ci.-st- .. 3-4 St 4-4 St SW E E 33.0 Cloudy 33.5 Cloudv :i3. 6 33. 8 33.2 34.6 36. 3 33.8 34.3 34. 3 33. 32.5 Cloudy Cloudy Fair... Fair... Clear. . Clear.. Clear.. Fair... Cloudy Cloudy Off the pack; water gn-en. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Little ice; watc hlue. Off the pack ; water grei-n. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Little lee : water blue. Do. do. Little ice; water green. Off Port Bo well. Aug. 6 Means . 2 4 6 8 10 Noon, 2 4 6 8 10 Mid't, 29. 674134. 5 29. 665^34. 5 29. 663 35. 29. 650 29. 646 29. 601 29. 683 29. 689 35.3 37.0 35. 3 36.5 39.1 29. 694 39. 4 29. 68337. 4 29. 694 35. 5 29.690 35.0 29. 669 36.21 34.5 34.0 34.5 34.0 3.5.0 34.5 35.3' 34.5 36. 8| 36.0 0. 1891 94. 8 ! W 0. 189; 94. 8 W 0. 193 94. 9 W 35. 2 36.0, 39.0; 39.01 37. 4 35. ."■ 35.0 34.7 35. 2 37. 37.9 36.5 35.0 34.4 0.194 95.0 0.200! 90.4 0. lOsI 95. 0. 191i 90. 0. 194 81. 6 0. 216 0. 203 0.197 0.184 0.196 90.7 90.4 94.9 90.0 91.88 W W SW sw s s sw w s 4-4 St 4-4 St ;. 3-4 St 3-4 St 2-4 cum 1-4 St 4-4 St Ci.-st Ci,-st 1-4 St St Ci.-st l-4ci.-cu, A: ci,-st. 32.5 Cloudy 33. 0: CloudV 32.7 Cloudy Clondy Cloudy Cloudy Clear. . Clear.. 33.5 Fair.. 34.0 (.near. 33. 5 32. Clear. Fair . . Off the pack; water green. Do. do. Among loose ice; water green. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Among loose ice ; water blue. Do. do. Do. do. 1 )o. do. Do, do. •J il O 34 METEOROLOGICAL OBSEEVATIONS IS?:; Aug. Mt_';ni K H h. 2 4 (i 8 10 Nooij. 2 4 6 8 10 Jlid't. In. I ° •29. 700 33. '29. 7 1-2':!:!. 5 29. 7'20:!:5. 8 •29.715 34.5 29. 705 36. 6 29. (;H5 37.0 '29.(17.^30.6 29, (i.M 37. 9 29. (■,•23 37.8 '29. r,HS 37. 1 29. 500 36. 29. 582 35. 5 29. 660 35. Off Jackson Inlet. PMyclirom eter. 33.0 32.8 0.186 33.5 33.8 34.5 30.5 33.'2 0. 1H5 33.5 0.184 34. OJO. IS'J 36. 0|0. 20, 37.0, 36.5 0.209 36.4 38. 37.3 37.0 36.0 35.4 35. 9 0. 204 37. 2'0. 2(17 36. 8:0. 215 36. 6 0. '220 35.6 0.2(1(1 35. U. 204 .lO.'iOl -a I K a 90. 95. 91.8 95. 95.1 94.9 90. 4 95. 2 ;'5. 3 94.8 95. 95.04 Wind. 99.0 S SW 8W s s .s SW ,s s s S Clouds. 3-4 St . 3-4 St.... 1-4 St.... St St.. Ci.-cum . 1-4 St.... 3-4 oi.-st. 3-4 st '2-4 fi.-st. 2-4 St 2-4 St.... 3-4 cum . 1-4 St.... Direction of clouds. J2.6 Cloudy I 53. 0| 53. 5! 34.0 34.6 35. 33. i. 8i 34. :!: 33. 9' ■ ''^1 33, Cloudy Fair-.'. Clear.. Clear. . Fair... Cloudy Cloudy Fai r . . . Fair. .. Fair... Cloudy Keuiaiks. Am oil i; grei'li. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Off thi' pack ; Do. Do. lee; water do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. water f,nei- do. do. Between Batty Bay and Port Bowen. Aug. 8 Means. 4 6 8 10 Noon. o 4 6 8 10 Mid't. 29. 578 35.0 29. 583 3.5.5 29. 580 36.0 2P. 565 36.2 29. 558 3>5. 5 29. 537 35. 4 29. 530 34.9 29. 5^26 34.9 29. 559 35.4 29. 607 35.3 29. 659 35.0 •29. 7-26 33.9 29. 584 35. ^25 35.0 35. 3 36.0 34. 8 0. 203 35.0(1.204 35. 6 0. 200 •36.1 36.0 0.212 35. 5 35. 3 0. 205 35.3 34.8 35.0 35. 4 35.2 35.0 34.1 34 0. 204 7 0. 196 7(1. 197 2 0. 205| 0. 204 7 0. 203 33. 7 0. 188 98.5 99.0 95 99.5 99.0 98.0 99. 94.8 99.0 99. 98. 94. 6 0.'202 97.76 SW W w .SW s s NW NW W 3-4 cum 1-4 St... 3-4 St... 2-4 st... 3-4 st... 4-4 st... 4-4 st . . . 4-4 st... 3-4 st . . . 4-4 st... 4-4 st... 3-4 cum St 33.8 33.0 32. 4 33.1 33. 3 :;:!. 34. 34.7 33. 9 33. 5 33.2 32.8 Cloudy - Cloudy - Cloudy . Lt.raiu Lt. rain Rain . . Rain . . Rain . . Rain . - Cloudy Cloudy Clear. . Off the pack; water green, Do. do. Among loose ice; water green. do. water greeu. do. Do. Little iee; Do. Do. Do. Do. Off tbe pack; Do. Do. do. do. do. water blue, do. do. Latitude, 72°.29' N. ; longitude, 92'=.58' W., at noon. Aug. 9 Means. 29 75". 29 S07 29 890 ■'9 9:!i-^ 29 959 4 6 8 10 NooD,i29. 977 30. 000 10 Mid't, 30. 010 30.015 30. 019 30. 023 30.012 29. 950 35. 2 35. 5 36.0 34.5 41.3 3 36.5 35.0 36.0 .35.3 34.0 33.0 35.88 34.0 33.0 34.0(1.183' WJ. 8 35. 0. 1971 94.9 35. 5|(). 2(l(i; 95, 34. 0. 189: 39. OJO. 212 192 0. IH4 0. 183 19:i 36.4 35.0 34.0 34. 34.0 33.0 32. 0. 0.170 0.175 0. 168 0.187 94. 8 82. 4 85. 6 85.3 89.8 94. 9 84.5 89.5 89.3 89.65 "\'\' 20 w 15 w 15 SW 12 w 6 w 8 NE 10 NE 2 NE 6 NE 10 St St st 1-4 cu. & ,st 1-4 cu. & st 2-4 cu. & st St St St 2-4 st 2-4 cum 1-4 St.. . 3-4 cum 1-4 St.. . N 33.4 33.2 32.1 30.8 31.5 33. 4 33. 5 34. 5 33.6 33. 5 33.7 3L& Clear.. Clear . Clear. . Fair... Fair... Fair... Clear. . Clear. . Clear. . Fair... Cloudy . Cloudy, Off tbe pack; water blue. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. Little ice; water greeu. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. Among loose ice; water greeu. Do. Do. do. do. m PEINCE EEGENT INLET. 35 Off Cape Garry. Aug. 10 Means . Psycbrom- eter. s a In. I ° ' 29. 990.32. 2 :3'2. 2 29. 983'32. I 33;''0 Wind. IS £ ::i a Clouds. 31.3 0.164: S9. 6 .31.o!o. I62I 89.6 29. 98.^,34. 1 29.987!36.2 10 29.9-938.8 Noon.29. 990J41.0 2 4 6 8 10 Mid't. 29. 9981.37. 5 29. 995:43. 3 29. 998140. 5 29.99937.9 30.001:34.9 30. 003 34. 9 34. 0: 36.0 38. 8: 41,0 37. 3' 43.0, 40.51 37.8 34.8 34.8 3 0. 175| 3 (1, 19l| 00. 194 4 0.196 o|o. 195I 7 0. 220 0. 219 7 0. 205 0. ls:i 89.5 90.0 81.6 77.9 88.0 79.0 86.6 90.4 S^E s N 12 N 10 w NW, NE NE NE NE 10 0(1. 183 S9. b I N I 15 29. 993 36. 94 0. 191 86. 82 . 3-4 cum 1-4 St.. . 3-4 cum 1-4 St... 2-4 St . . . 2-4 St... 1-4 St... St St 1-4 St... 2-4 St . . . 1-4 St... 1-4 St... 1-4 St... Direotiou of clouds. Remarks. 32.3 Cloudy 31.7 Cloudy 32.1 32. 5 Fair. Fair. 33.1: Fair.. 33. 7J Clear. 34.3 Clear. 35.0] Fair.. 34. 1 1 Fair.. ;33. 0' Fair.. 33.3 Fair . 33. 5 Fair . . Among loi>s green. Do. Do. Little ice; Do. Do. D». Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. water do. water greeu. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Off Caiie Garry. Aug. 11 2 4 6 8 10 Noon. 2 4 6 8 10 Means . . Mid't. 30. 004 29. 995 29. 999 29. 986 32.0 34.3 37.5 39.2 29. 970 39. 29. 964 .39. 4 29. 960 39. 29. 955 38. 6 29. 949|37. 5 29. 943*36. 5 29. 950 35. 4 29. 948 33. 29. 969 32.0 34 37.5 39.2 39.0 39.4 39.0 38.6 37.4 36.3 35.4 33.0 36.78... 31.3 0. 168 .175 .171 .194 .194 . 196 194 193 199 191 187 168 94.8 89. 5 76.2 81.6 81.6 81.7 81.6 81.4 90. 3 90.0 89.9 89. 3 0. 186 N N NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 1-4 ci.-st. & St. 1-4 St 1-4 St 1-4 ci.-cum. 1-4 St 3-4 cum . . - 2-4 cum . -- 1-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 3-4 .St 1-4 ci. 1-4 St ,-st. 34. 1 Fair... Fair... Fair . . . Fair . . . Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudv Cloudy Cl.ui.iy Cloudy Cloudy Surrounded by loose ice; water green. ]}... do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. Off llii-|iaek; water green. D. JIucli lieavy green. ill ice; Oft" Prince Regent lulet. Aug. 12 2 l29. 945133. 6 Means.. 4 |29. 6 129. 8 29. 10 29. Noon .29. 2 29. 4 29. 6 29. 8 :29. 10 29. 952 33. 9Gi:i 33. 867 34. 886 35. 890 37. 885|38. 890'39. 88(139. 869 38. 860 34. Mid't. 29. 840 39.0 . 29. 894,36. 35 33.5 39.0 32.3 0.17: 176 174 175 183 186 207 194 207 207 175 37. 9 0. 216 . 0. 191: 98.0 98.0 89.5 89.5 89. 8 81.1 90. 5 81.6 90.5 90.6 89.5 90.7 89. 94 N NE N N N N N N N 1-4 St. 1-4 St, 1-4 ei. 1-4 ci.- st. 2-4 ci., 2-4 ci. 2-4 ci. :!-4 en 2-4 ci. 2-4 ci. 3-4 cum 1-4 st... 4-4 St... St. .. St. & St . - . ■st... 8t... & St. St.. . st... 34.3 33. 5 34. 34.3 33. 33. 9 34. 8 36. 5 :32. : Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Fair.. . Fair .. Fair Cloudy Fair . . 33. 0| Fair.... 3:'.. 1 Cloudy 32. .5 Cloudy Much heavy ice; water glei'ii. Do. do. I )o. do. Loose ice ; water blue. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. op M ETEOliOLOG 1 C AL OBSE RVATIONS Steaiiiini' out of Lancaster Sound. 1S73 10 Ik. I ■-"J. sui;i •.",1, 71ii:;, ■J'J. UK l.ll i.T) -^:il.(l Psvcl iioni- ettT. .^■ > — 1 ■^ :, ,c - :? ^ z^ 34. U ;u. 5 :i4.:!, 3-1. 0' j!-J 34. -2 3(1.0: 34.010. 170 ■x:,.:< 3-j. ^0. 1-^^:' -!n. lil-J :i3. 0. 170 .0 0. 170 .0 0. 17;'.' . 0. l.^-2 .5 0. IHO .5 I I) 20. .j7.- :',:'.. y I 33.0: :!3. 0. 17 04. 04. iO. ' J^ -JO. r,rr-;i4.9 34. s 34.10.1-^:'. SO. 7 10 -20. .'.:;o31.s 34.0 3-2. 0. I(j9 S4.5 I Jlid't. 20. .'.02 30. s 3(5. 4: 34. 0. 19li 90. Mraiis 29. Gr.0 34. .10.177, .yS. 37 Wiud. N XE NE E E E E E E E E Clouds. 3-4 fi.-st- 3-4 ci.-st. s 3-4 St Direction of clouds. 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St.. 4-4 St. 3-4 cum . .- 1-4 St Remarks. o 32.1 32.5 32. 0| 31.8: 32. 5 32. 6 33.4 33. 2 32.8 CloUdy . Cloudy . Cloudy . CloudV . Cloudy . CloudV - CloudV - Cloudy . Cloudv. 33.0 Cloudy. 33.8 Cloudv'- 33.3 Cloudy. Little ice; water green. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. No ice ; water greeu. Do. do. Along land-floe ; water green. Do. do. Little ice Do. Do. water greeu. do. do. Off Cape Hay. Aug. 14 Mi'aus- 10 10 Mid'l . 40.". 34. . 443 3(;. 400 3S3 !7.3 ;0. 394 39.0 ;9. 3>0 3-. 3 ;9. :'.24 3.S. .s 201 30, 290 37, 34. 37. 2: 3s. o: 36. 3 36. 37. 3 29.3.54 37.21 33. 0. 17.-. 3.4. 8;0. 1911 36. 3:0. 199| 30. 5j0. 197 :'.7.0,0. 19:) 37.2 0. 207 1 37. .5 0.211. 37.1I0. 20.s! 3.5. 2 0. 192; 36. -.'0. 198| 90.3 I SE 35. 5|0. 201 95.0 SE 36. -0.214! 95.2 S 89. 5 E 90.0 E 90. 3 E S5. 8 E .^2. E 90.5 E 90. 6 E 90.5 E 90.0 E ....0.199 89.97 3-4 cut 2-4 St . 2-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 33.5 34.5 34.8 35.3 35.2 35. 5 36.2 36.0 35.4 34.8 35.5 35.8 Cloudy Fair.... Fair Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Little ice ; water green. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. No ice ; water green. Little ice ; water green. Do. do. Do. do. No ice ; water green. Do. do. Do. do. Latitude, 73°.55' N.; longitude, 73°.45' W., at noon. Aug. 15 Means 10 10 Jliil 2(i8 37.2 275 3,7.5 29o:;7.0 310 37.3 292 ;;7. .s 283 37 24s:',s 210 3.S 167 37 15-30 148 ;;5 t.29. 123 3.4.0 - . . 29. 231 30. 98 37.0' 37. 5 37.0 37. 5j 30. 2 35. 1 34. 0' 36. 4 0. 205 0.214 3 0. 199 .- 0. 213 8|0. 213! 20. 207J 0,0. 207 5 0.195 310. 200i 0. 192 0. 198 0. 190 95.0 95. 2 90.3 95. 1 95. 2 90.5 00. .5 .SO. 00. 4 90.1 95. 95.0 30 30 30 ''S 8 8 8 I 30 0.203 92.61 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4 4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St . 4-4 St 4 4 St. 4-4 St . 35.5 35.3 36.0 35. 8, 35. 6 35.2 34.8 34. 34.6 35.0 34.3 34. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Fog ... Fog ... Fog... Fog ... Fog... Fog ... Fog... Lt.snow No ice ; water green. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. No ice; water bine. Do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. IN BAFFIN BAY. 37 Latitude, T3-.2S' X.; longitude, C^-. 36' W , at noon. Psyclirom-' eter. i >_■ . Wind. Clouds. Direction . of clouds. I Remarks. §- = fc , *- i ' -« 1 _■ ■T Z r^ 1 *- :; ' - >, :^ ^ ■-■ 2 I i jL. *^ E J ■ .- " £. ^ ~ ^ z 'r- - o 1 c -^ '~ ~ - ' > ■ -^ J H ?: 1-7-'. h. In. r 1 ! o Aug. 16 2 29, 11-2 34.3 ! 34. 2 33. 5'0. 1-5 94. f S 22 4-4 St 35. I'ldudv- X'o ice ; water Idue. 4 2^1. 115 31.0 33.- 33.0 0.175 s;l. 5 S ,20 4-4 St ;;4. 7 Eog.... rio. do. 6 29. nti34.5 ; 34. 4 33,7 0.1-9 94. s ,s -23 4-4 St 35, 2 Cloudy . L>o, do. 8 20.113 35,3 35.3 35. 0. 19S 95. ! S 20 4-4 St 34.8 Climdy . Do. do. 10 '20. 110 35. s 35.-; 35.3(1.197 94.9 S ; 22 4-4 St 35.4 Clon, s 35.8 35.0 0, 191 90,0 SE 18 2-4 ci,-st, & St. 2-4 ci.-st ... l36. 3 Fair Do. do. Mid't. 29, 197 35, 5 35.3 34.3 0,1,^4 89.8 SE 15 36. 2 Cloudy . Do. do. .... 1-4 St ' Meaus.. 29. 144 35. 61 ! 0, 192 92, 44 Latitude, T3-. IS' N.; lo ngitude, (>8-,- 15' W. , at noon. Aug. IT 2 29.213 36,0 35. M :!4, 6 0. 18S .-9,9 E i 10 4-4 St 36, 5 Cloudy . Xo ice ; water blue. 4 29, 20- 36. 1 36.01 35.10.191; 90.0 E 15 4-4 St 3i;, 3 Clcuidy. Do. do. 1 6 129,170 35.9 35,9 35,(10.191 90.0 XE 12 4-4 St 36, 5 Cloudy, Do. do. 1 8 ,29.143 36.0 3(^.oj 35.0,0. 19l| 90. ,NE 12 4-4 St ]:!5, 8 Cloudy . D... do. i 10 '29. 12134. s 1 34.1- 34,0 0,1-3 -^9,8 i XE 15 4-4 St !:!6. 3 Rain .. . Do. do. NooD.29. 105 34. 4 34. 2j 34. 0,0. 195 99, NE LS 4-4 sr .;6,5 Lt.snow Dn, ,1,,, 2 |29. 115 34.6 34. 6| .34.30.19- 9-,0 XE 15 4-4 St 36. Rain . . . Do, d,.. 4 29.1.59 3.5.9 35, 7i 35,10.197. 94.9 XWi 5 3-4 St 35. 5 Cloudy . Mucb ice ; water blue. 6 129.190 36.0 35. 9i 35.0 0.191^ 90.0 W 5 3-4 St '35. 1 Cloudy . Little ice; water blue. S 29, 222 35. 35. 1 34.6 0.193 94.7 2-4 ci.-st . .. ,35, Hazy... Xo ice ; water blue. 10 29, 234 33, 5 33.4 33.0,0.182 94.6 S 10 2-4 cum 1-4 St 36, 2 Cloudy - Do. do. Means.. Mid't. 29, 228 35. 5 35.5 34. 8 0. 190 89, S 8 4-4 St 36.8 Cloudy . Do. do. 29. 176 35. 31 0,191 92,49 .... .... Latitude, 71-. 43' N.; lo ngitude, 69°.' >4' W. , at noon. Aug. 18 2 29. 212 36. 36. 35, 0. 191 90. SW 10 4-4 St 37.4 Cloudy . Xo ice ; water blue. 4 29. 208 35, ,-< , 3',.- 35.0 196 '.(4.8 SW 8 4-4 St 37. 3 Cloudy . Do. do. 6 129.213134.4 34.4 33.3 0.175 ,-9.5 S\V IG 3-4 St J37.0 Cloudy. Do. do. 8 29.213 33.0 33.0 31.7 0.1,5s .-'5,0 S\V 12 2-4 ci,-st ... 37.5 Fair.... Do. do. 10 29,23937.5 37.5 36.6 0. 2o3 90,4 SW ■» 2-4 ci.-st ... :i6, Fiiir-.... Do, do. Xui)D.29, 272 40. 6 40 8 39 225 91.0 2-4 ci.-st ... (.1 38. 8 Fair.... Do. do. 2 29, :!(I9!40. 5 40 ■> :\^ 20 204 ^2 lid 1-4 St :!8. .- Fair.... Little ice; water blue. 4 29. 342 39.1 39. 0^ 37.0 0.194 .-l.(i 1-4 ci.-st. A; 36.7 Fair.... Oli the pact; water blue. 6 29. 378 36.3 36.1 34.8 0,190 89.8 S 5 St. 2-4 ci.-st, ct 34.5 Fair.... Loose ice ; water blue. 8 29.397 3,5.0 35.0 33.4 0. 1>5 94. .■- -SE i 10 3-4 cum 32, 5 Cloudy . Do. do. 10 29,415 32,3 32. 3 31. 7 0. 170 95. .-^ 12 :'.-4 cum 31. 3 Cloudy . Little ice ; water blue. Means.. Mid't. 29. 423 35, 35, 34. 1 0. 183 .89, 8 S ,15 3-4 cum 32. b Cloudy . Do. [do. 29. 302 36.29 0.189, S9. 48 1 ■-■•| 1 38 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERYATIONS Liititu.lf, 70-.40' N. ; louHitiiflc, diPStO' W., ar, noon. 1873. Aug. 19 Means. 2 4 6 8 10 Noon. 2 4 10 Mid't, In. 29. 447 2il. 460 29. 452 29. 430 29.41:! 29. 380 29. 363 29. 368 29. 36H 29. 399 29. 438 29.415 i; I Psyclu'oiii 34.5 33.0 34.0 33. 34.8 33.0 35.3 36.3 33.0 33. 32. 5 32. 33. 70 34.6 33.0 34.0 33.0 34. 33. 35.0 36.0 33.0 33.1 32.3 31.9 33.7 32.3 33.0 31.8 33. 2 0. 183 0.168 0.175 0.167 0. 176 32. 3 0. 169 33. H 3.^. (I 89. 8 89.3 89.5 89.3 S9. 6 89.4 0. 182i x'J.7 0.191 90.0 32. 3 32.7 32. 0, 31.7 0. 169 0.181 0. 176 0. I^r,o. 6; 6IHI 51 53H 5(1(1 449 465 29. 61; i3. 1 il.O 52.5 31. 3 31.7 31.2 1.7 30.8 30.5 31.1 32.0 32.11, 33. 0| 34. 32. 4 1 31. 2j 31.6 31. o! 31. 6^ 30.0 30.0 211 31.3 31.3 32.4 33. 31.6 31.0 31. 5 30.7 31.1 :'.1.,S2,... I 1.55 161 147 162' 162 177 175 162 173 177 162' 168; 0. 165 89. 3 94. 7 ,-4.2 89. 6 89. 6 94. 6 89.5 89.6 98.0 98. 94. ,s 94. 9 92. 2f s 18 s 18 « 12 s 15 SE 18 SE 18 SE 18 SE 21 SE 26 SE 22 SE 24 SE 25 1-4 St. 2-4 3-4 1-4 1-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 St. st st ci.-cum. st st st st st st st st '32. 3 130. 7 '31.0 31.3 31. 2 31.8 32. 35.0 33.4 :!1.5 34. 33. 9 Fair..., Clear. .. Fair Cloudy - Fair.... Cloudy - Cloudy. (_!loudy . Lt.SMOVV Lt.snow Lt.sijow Lt.suow L(i N( use ice; water blue. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. ice; water blue. Little ice; water blue. Do. Loose ice Do. Do. Do. Do. do. water blue, do. do. do. do. I:N DAVIS STEAIT. 39 Latitude, 69=. 10' X. ; longitude,' W., at noon. ii Psycbrom- z eter. I Wind. Clouds. Direction 1 ^ of clouds. ! "t Eemarks. Irr:".. ADg.22 4 6 i 10 Xoim . 4 6 10 -J'J, llid't. -iy. III. ° ■J9. ?,~0 ?.'2. -2 :!49 :W. 330 32, S 340 32. 367 32. 3-3 32.0 423 32.4 461131. T .'UU3I,4 r,4:31.T :.-5 31. - 32.2 31. .-U. 170 32.0 31.9 0.171 32. 6 32. 3 0. 173 32.6 32. 4IM-U 32.01 31. b II. 173 32. 0| 32. si!:; 31.3' 32. 31.9 31. 9,0. 176 31. 9i0. 176 32. i.iO. 177 31.3 0.169 31.0 0.170 31.511. liiO 30. 9 0. 161 95. 95. 2 94.1 96. 9-. 9^. 5 9~. 5 95. II 95. 96 94. 9 SE .-^E SE .SE SE SE SE SE XE X X X 4-4 St , 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St o I Meaus.- ... 29.41731.91 1 0.172 93.47 31.4 31.4 Cloudy. Lt.snow Lt.SUO\Y Lt.snow Lt.snow Lt.siio\A- Lt.suow Cloudv. ClondV. Cluudv- Clondy. (.'loudv - Loose ice': Do. Do. Do. Do. Dn. Do. Do. Little ice: Loose ice: Little ice; Do. water blue. do. do. do. do. do. d.>. do. water blue, water blue, water blue. do. Latitude, 6S-.5? X.: longitude, 6.5-.4-;' W., at noon. ADg.23 10 Xorju. 29. 540|31. 29. 6-2'3U. 5 |29.71l|3l.3 29. 753|32. 6 29. 779 33. 5 31.0 30.7 31. 2 32.4 33.3 173. 16.' 162 176 l-3i 99.0 99. 95.0 94. 6 94.3 29. 813 i29. 352 10 34. 34.0 33. 8j 33.2 0. ::13. 3 33.10. I Jlid't. Means 29. 399,34. 4 29. 9:!-'33. 29.957132.5 29.9-1 311 .s 30. 1.i0ii'31. 3 34. o: 3:i. 31.01 31.7 162: 180i 167 16- l-U 30. 6 1 1. 165 31. 0. 164 94.9 90.5 96.0 -9. 3 95. 94. 7 -9. 9 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 3-4 st 2-4 cu. and ci.-cu. 1-4 St 3-4 cum .. . 1-4 st 3-4 cum .. . 1-4 st 3-4 st 4-4 St. 1-4 cu. and ci.-cu. 1-4 st 1-4 cu. and ci.-cu. 1-4 st ::!-4 ci.-st... 29. 334 32. 45 0. 174 94. i31.o] Cloudy. I Little ice; water blue. 31. 7 Lt.snow Do. do. 32.0 Lt.snow Do. do. 31.8 Cloudy. I Do. do. 32.0 Cloudv -I Do. do. 32.3 Cloudy. Do. do. ,35.0: Cloudy. Loose ice: water blue. 34. Cloudy . 32. 0! Cloudy . 33.2; Fair.... 33.0 Fair 31.5 Fair.... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. Latitude, 69-.14' X.; longitude, 65-. .39' W., at noon. Aug. 24 2 31 10 Xooii. 30. 011-31.4 i:i2;;:il. 04S 29. 3 U67::33. 3 06.4 :;5. 4 077 34. 4 31.3 31.0 29. 4l ;'i5. 34. Means. :',ii. 035 35. 3 30. 10333. 4 j30. 09533. 30. 073:?2. 3 130. 040,:j2. 5 31.0 0.172 96.0 II, 9 6. 173i 99. 9.110.154 94 2. 111. 16-- -9 ;!. 5(1. 17 3;!. 2 0.17 i I S -4. 10 Mid't.|30. 010:32. 3:?. 3 32. 9 32. 3i 32. 5 32^5 34.0 0.1-3 :32. 3 0. 169 32.110. 16- 32. It. 16' :32. II 0. 17, 32. 0. 17. 94.; 94.; sE E E E E 12 15 12 12 15 12 14 12 12 13 1-4 ,st 1-4 st 1-4 St. St st 1-4 ci. and ci.-cuni. St 2-4 ci.-cura. tV ci.-st. 3-4 cum - -- 2-4 cum . . . 1-4 .-t 4-4 st 4-4 st 4-4 st 30. 05- 32. SG; . 0. 171| 91.63 31.4 ;32. 3 32. 5 132. 3 :;3. G 2.3 32. 31. F.iir.. Fair-. Hazy - Hazy- Hazy . Fair . . Fair... C'loudy 4| Cloudy 32. l> Cloudy 32. Cloudy 31. 3 Cloudy o.~e ice: wat Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. rr blue. .1... do. do. do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. 40 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Latitude, 690.06' N. ; longitude, 65O.09' W., at noon. 1S7:!. Aug. 25 Means - ra h. 2 4 6 8 10 Ndo 2 4 6 In. '29. 980 29. 973 29. 907 29. W68 29. 820 n. 29. 807 29. 800 29. 78K 29. 798 10 Mia'1 29. 803 29. 82-2 29. 836 i29. 850 ','2. 2 i-i 12. 7 :«. 1 33. i2. 3 U. 5 34.0 33. 33.0 i;!. 2 32. 8 32. 98 Psychrom eter. 32. 2 32! 32.5 33. 3 32. 8 32. 3 34.4 34. 33.0 33.0 33.2 32. 8 32. 31.8 32. 3 33. 32. 3 32.0 34.0 33.4 32.7 33.0 32. t 180, 179 180, 186! 175 ISd 189 182 0.180 0. 179 188 184 0. 182 98.0 97.0 98. 97.0 94.5 98. 94 8 94.7 95.0 94.6 99.0 96.0 Wind. 96.38 Clouds. E 15 S 15 sw 16 sw 18 sw 12 sw 15 8 18 S 15 2-4 St 4 4 8t 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St , 4-4 St 2-4 ci.-st... 2-4 ci.-st & St. 1-4 cum. it ci.-cum. 2-4 ci.-st. ^ St. 2-4 St 2-4 St. 2-4 8t . Direction of clouds. 33. 32, 33. 3 32. 6 32. 3 32. 32, 32.3 31.6 31.3 ;!2. 4 Remarks. Cloudy - Lt.raiu. Lt.raiii. Lt.raiu. Lt.raiu. Cloudy - Fair Fair.... Cloudy . Fair-.. Fair.-. Fair . . . Loose ice : Do. Do. Do. Little ice Do. Do. Do. Do. water blue. do. do. (In. water I ilo. do. do. do. i.ue. Among loose ice; wate blue. Do. do. Do. do. Latitude, 69^.40' N.; longitude, 6.5^.25' W., at noon. Aug. 26 2 29. 850 32, 9 ileaii 4 6 8 10 Xoor o 4 6 in Mid 29, 29, 29 !29, 129 [29, '29 |29, t.i29 86s 32. 5 ss:? 32. 5 894133. S9o!:i3. ,-J ,^7,t:u;. 872ii4.5 -■^50:33.2 -3s :>,:>,, s .^Uil 34. 765 33. 8 32. 9 32 5 i-2. 4i •>. 3 33:?! 36 34.5 .8i 34.0; 33. 8; 0. 18; 32. 3 0, 32. 2 32. (I -|U IV) 33. - 35. o!o 34. ou 0, 33. 33. 5 33. 8 33.4 ,29. >56: 183 1-2 b-^1 186, ls:;l 191 189: I89! 185: 195 ISO 96.0 96.0 96. 95. 96.0 94. 8 90. 94. 8 96.0 94.7 98. 94. 8 0. 181". 95. L s s s-w sw sw sw sw 12 15 12 12 2-4 St . 2-4 St. 3-4 St 4 St. ■4 St . 4 St. 4 St. 4 St . 4 St. •4 St. ■4 St ■4 St. i33. 1 32. s 33^0 :>2. 2 ;3L3 31.7 |32. |31.9 '.1.6 51. 3 .'.1. 7 Fair Fair Cloudy - Cloudy - Cloudy . Cloudy - Cloudy - Cloudy - Lt.raiu. Lt.rain. Cloudy . Cloudv . Among loose ice; water blue. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Latitude, 70-.i)U' X.; lougitude, 66--M8' W., at noon. Anj; Means. 2 4 1 6 s I 10 : Noor 4 i '6 10 Mid' 29. ■; 34. 29 129, 29, 29 '29, 29, t. 29. I 7h- :!3. 6^0 33. 6433:;. 630 34. 612 :!4. 615,35. 6(^:33. I'M) 600 610 ;i9 29. 645 1 33. 32. 4 33. 33.0 33. 50 33.8 .53. 4 33. 13. '.4.0 34. 55. Oj 33 33. ti' .52. 4 S3. 33. 33. 5 0. 33. 2 0. 32.81)] 33.90, 34. r 0. 34.7 0. 32. ,« 0. 32. 5 0. 32. (I'O. 32. y\0. 32. s 0. 1851 186' 1,^7 1S7; 195 190[ 196| isi; 179 175 186' 186 94.7 96. 96.0 96. 99, 95. SW| 15 SWi 16 0. 186 95. 99 SW sw X X N X xw w w 18 15 10 12 10 6 14 4-4 st- 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St . 4-4 St. 4 4 St. 4-4 st- 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 33.5 33.0 32. 8 33. 3 32. 5 32.0, 33.1 33! 4 32. 3 33. 33.5 Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Lt. rain Fog ... Fog... Fog... Fog... Fog... Fog... Fog... Fog... Loose ice Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. water blue, do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do. do. do. do. IN DAVIS STItAlT. 41 l.iilitnd ■ 70 .:i.".' N. ; l()iij;'jhulc, (id .2 )' w. lit 111 on. " . ^ - - - I'ss i-lilotn- ^^ , Wind. Diic ■ticill p: ctt'l'. ol' ill mils. ^ -^ X 5 ■^ r , ■ C '^ ^ .^i 1 .• ^ rt — 1 CIiiikIs, ^ i:u narks. -i. r~^ ■^- f-J 1 o '^. rt is ij — -/,' zj V ~ 1 P rt 'Zj ! z y. Q H . a '— ^^ H ^ ;,. 1 /». ' o c i ' c All';. -'S 2 i'2'.i, (')■.'>: i:i. '2 :!:i. 1 :i2. 0|0. isdi 07. \V IS 1 4-4 st (1 :!3. 2 Vou 1 ;OOSr ice. ; water lilac. 4 ^ ■-!'.• i;4i ;;:. 1 :i2. :i2.7|(i. isd 07.0 W 12 1-1 si (1 d 33. (I J*'i)i;' . llo. do. (i I'.'il i;riii':;2. :!2. s' ;;2. 'hi. isd 07.0 IN'W 10 4-1 si, (1 :'.2. I'^.M- Do. do. s v!;i liC- ;i;;. u :i:!. 0; :i2. so. 1S7 07.!-, INW IS , 4-4 st 32. 2 llo. do. 1(1 '■->'.! (Mi:;2. :^ 112. :i' :'.2. ii'fl. 187 07..'-) Lwv 2d 4-4 st 0' 32.0 I'n^' . . . . :Miicii ice; \\ati |- Idin'. Nnoii.-i'J (i00|:!2. s :!2. s :!2. r,,o. isd 07.(1 1 W 2d , 4-4 st , 31.3 (.Mtmily _ llo. do. 2 I'i'J 71s:;:!. :!:!.(! :'.2. 4 0. no 04.(1 \V 15 1 4-4 st ^ Ijt.SllOW Loose ice ; water Id lie. 4 2'J 7:!7':'>2.2 :!2. 2 :i2. (10. ISO 0(1.0 1 \v s ! 4-4 si d (Moiidy - Li tile ice; walia- liUlo. « 20 74l:!2.s :'.2. s :{2. 00. 1(10 so. 4 1 W 12 4 4 st (.) (1 ( ' 1 ( ) 1 1 ( 1 \' llo. do. K 20 7:i2l:'.2. 2 :i2.2' :12.(1 0.187 07.5 W ir. 4-4 st d ( Moinly . Ijoose ice ; watci' blue. 11) i2;i 74l"i2. S :!2. S; :!2. 2 0. 17(1 04. d 1 W 12 , 4-4 .st (1 Voi^ . . . . llo. do. Mid' I. 20 '•'■' :;:!. ;!;!.(! :'.2. s 0. Is7| SO. W IS , 4-4 Rt J'U-' .... llo. do. , ! MfllllM.. yii c'l'i d is:;' or, .1-1 i '■■"■■• 1 ' '"" '" Latitiulo, 71' .00' N. ; loiigitnae, (1(1' . 0' w , at noon. 1 ! All<,^ 'Jll i 1 '2 ,■«.), 7r.:.|:l'.', r. :!2. .'. 22. :i(). ls(l| 07, 4-4 st d ice; water liliio. 1 4 'J'.l 7r,i::-!2. i; ;i2. .". 112 :id. ISO 07.0 4-4 st I'^),l;' . . . . llo. do. J fi 'j;i 7r»2 :32. 1 :i2.(i 111 so. l-'-'O 0(1.0 d ' 4-4 st d d .... Vi)\r Do. do. H 2'.l 7110 lil.O ;!l.o :io 00. 17:1 07.0 1-; i 10 4-4 st , Ho. do. 10 'i'.i 77'^ lil.O lU.o' ;i(i 2 0. ITifr sii. ;; d 1 d 4-4 st (1 (1 .... ( 'loiidv - Lirtle ice; watia- 111 no. XlHJIl.'J.I 75s :10. :!o. 20 4,(1. ir.4! 04. r, 1 i: , r, 4-4 st d lla/.y.'.. Loose ice; w.-itci- blue. 2 'J'J 7r,o H2. 1) 31. 8| ;u .-.0. 17(1 0.') d 1 d 4-4 ,st Itazy... Do. do. 4 •-';» 7(11 :!l.:l 3i.:(i 111 (Id. Ids' ',14. s InkI 5 4-4 st d Ila/,y... 11". '.M.7 N Is i ■_>- 1 i-,i.-r(\lll,, d (1 Fair.... No ice ; \\' iter liliie. '"'"' ""■"1' "1 ciini,, ^'v St, J 1 1 2 '211. 7:!'.i':;2. :i2 d' :il.7 0. ISO Od. (1 \ 1 d ' :;-l ciiiii . - d ( 'loiiily . Loose ice; water liliic. 4 2;i. 7r.s.:i2. (1 112.0, 111. (1,0. isii: '.Id. d N 1-; s 4-1 st (1 d Cllinidy . llo. do. ; waleililiie. '2',i. 7^:)':;:!. ,-> :i:i. r, :i:i. 00. is2 94. 7 2- 1 st d d Fair.... Close pack w 2'.). SI i,:!i.() 31.01 :i(i. 4'0. 1(11 1.7 ] d , 2- 1 ci. -CIIIII.. (1 d ( 'loiiily Do. de. '■ Mild St.. 1 1-1 si 10 2'J. s2:'.,:!0. w :id. s :;ii. 2d liKi 01,(1 MO, r. 1 2-1 nnii . .. 1-4 si tl Clmidy . Mllcll ice, water IdiH , Mi.n. 20. H;is:!(i. 4 :!o ;i :io do kki (1. 17(1' i 07, m; 8 2-4 si .... Fair.-., N'o ice; \Y iter Idne, ! Mr;inw.. 20. 7r,i ;i2. ;!■_■ ',1,'.. 40 ) X icriic IMcIrr liickcll. i (! :m o 42 ]\1ETE0II0L0GICAL OBSERA^VTIONS Latitiulo, 71 .~1' N. ; lougitudo, (il .4.j' \V., at iioou. Aiiu ■M Means - i Psvclironi = I ek-r. W 7ii. , c "J. full :10. 'J 4 'ill. sfi:'.':iii. ;) fi !2;). S7i,:;i.5 K ■-",». .^711. '.1. s U) -J'.). y<^i).;i.o Noon.'Jl). fO'; :!1.5 31.:'. i; J0.S7;i:!1.4 -'9. 8f;i:;-i. •2',i. »-j;!l. M s i-i'J. *-l :!i.O 10 [-J'.l. fHOi:W. Mid't.'iii. S71 ^■^.l 2'J. b7.| :u.4'.i p o ;!ii s ;!ii H :u 1 ai. 8 ill. U r.i. :i 31. 2 •*.> 11 :;i ,^ :u.i) :!J. ;!-i. II 30. :!0. 81. .31. 0. 101 I. ici 0. 111.-' I). 1711' :iu. ;'.0. l(;4i io.'.iD. 17:; 31. '.III. i.-^ii il.'.HI. isu 07. 07. 0-1. .^ O.'i. 94.8 31.0 0. 17:: OG. 31.0 0.107 94.7 31. M). r-^n 96..''. 31.00. 1711 07. 00. 09. .^ 90. ."■> 0. 17-J 90.7:: w ud. ^ t^. ■u ij w r* NE 5 NE G NE 3 KE 10 N 10 N 8 xi; 7 xi; 1-J E 10 E r E Clouds. 2-4 St 2-1 St 2-4 st 1-4 St 2-4 cum. i\: <'i.-L'UlIl. 1-4 St 2-4 cum . . 1-4 St 1-1 cum .. 1-1 st , 2-1 st , 4-4 st , 4-4 st 4-1 st ::-i st Dirccliou ul clouds. KriiiMiks l^iir.... Fail-.... I'air.... I'aii..., C'loiKiy . Much ice; « lOi'r liliic Ho. Ho. ]i... Do. do Ha/y .. - Lil (lo ico; waOa liliic i Hazy.. llazv.- l-'oi;- ... h'o'n' ... Eo-... C'ioiulv Hn do iN'o ii'c; wain- lihic. Ho. do. Ho. d.i. Ho. do, MctwillKoicicclicr;;-: ice seen. Latitude, 07 r'.20' N.; longitude :;il'.Oir' \V., at noon. ■Sept. 1 iMeai o 4 H 10 No(Ui '> 10 Mid't, 29. tT;r,::2. 4 29. .8 .".9 :i2. 4 29. s'>2:;2. s 29. «ir, :;:;.. -"i 29. 82.'. :: 1.0 .'9. 8l::;::i.9 i "J. 709 .:o 29. 702 29. 7:if 16. G iO. 5 ^l^:!l. 34.0 :;o. ::7. 30. 37.0 3G. 9 :!1. 19(il 197 17o' 171 ]k: 190 192 19S 20.'. 94. G 94. 8 94. ,'■) HO. 4 89.5 SO. 8 90. 90.0 90. 2 95.0 0.210 9.3.1 0. 208 'X>. 0. 192 92. :!2 11 K 10 E 1.'. NE 8 .\ E 1.3 NE 18 N 23 N 22 N 18 ■1 St.. 4 St.. I st . 1 St.. 4 St.. 4 St.. 1 St.. -4 st -4 cum . -4 cum - -4 st -4 st . . . . -4 ci.-st. II s sw I'a CI. CI. (3. CI. (3. nily U(l\' Eai r . Fair . Fail'. Fair. Fair. Water blue. H... H... Ho. H... H.). 11,1. H.I. H... Ho. H... H.I. .Sept. 2 Meaus. 20. 750 :i4. 5 29. 703 :!4. 5 29. 078':;2. 5 29. 0.39:;5. G 10 [29. 0.53 Noon. 29. 0:^>7 !8.2 !6. 3 2 '29. G10:!8. 7 4 '29. 010:!S. S 29. G27:;s. II 8 29. r.25::s. :: 10 20. g;:i::9. :; Mid't.'20. 051 40.0 U'.K 0.50 ::7. 22 Latitude, G7=.7'.20" N.; longitude, 57' .:',0'.00" W., at uoou. 31.1 31.0 38. ,s :'.s. 9 ■■'.^. 1 :*>s. :;9. 40. :: .189 . 189 . 175 . 193 .207 .201 215 210 oi IS 230 211 0. 20S 94. 94. 94. 94. 90. 80. 90. 90. 90. 05. 9G. 95. N 18 N '-ii N 'JO N ~r> N IS N 22 N 20 N 22 N 12 N is .S 25 « "'' 3-4 cum ::-! cum :i-4 cum 1-4 cum 2-4 st... 1-4 cum 2-4 st . . . 2-4 cum 1-4 St..., 4-4 st... 4-4 St.. . 4-4 st... 4-4 st... 1-1 st... 4-4 st... N N ,S\V , .s\V Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloud,y Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Lt. rain Lt.raiu Lt.rain Cloudy Cloudy IX DAYIS STRAIT. Latitude, (w'.lO' N. ; longitude, 5(^.30' W., at noon. '-. Psycbrom- '- I eter. Wind. 1-7:!. s,.pt. H 7i. /». ! o ■i'.i. llTi 2', I. illiv :1U. 5 :». :!;t. :3 :ii). 10 I Nonii. !'J. s.'iii I'.i. ~:i- ■-'40. |-,"J. Oi:i :-j'j. '.i:;n ;ii, f'J. 3 111 Mid't. III. 9 11.11 30. .'> 3',i. :! 311. 1 311. II ;iii. 'J, 311. 411. 3 ;'j. II 41.0 41. 1 :!:i. 0. :;o. 0. ::- ;mi 3^.90. 3.-'. 0. :.!0. on, :i-. I'l II, 30, i; II. :!s. 0. 3-. 3 0, !0, 110, :!0,2 0, 234 231 1 23G 2ii; 22."> 224 220 210 218 O.J, 07, 07, 00, 01, Oil. 01, oil, 90. Direction of clouds. Clouds. 212 21:!' ■2.4 SE SI-: SE SE SE SE SE 211 IS 20 IS 20 20 20, 821 :!0, 01' 11,224 91 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 1-4 cum . .. 2-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 1-4 cuiii. A ci,-cum, :!-4 st 3-4 st 1-4 cum, A; ci,-cum. 1-4 st 3-4 st 2-1 ci.-st- .- SW u Clouilv L'loudV L'l.mdy C'loudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy , Cloudy Fair Cloudy Fair . . . Eatitudc, O:! .12' X. ; longitiide, .Vv .',11 W., at noon. Latitude, lil .:10' N. ; longitude, 54 .40' \\ ., at noon. Sept, 4 f) 8 10 4-7 41 ri42 4ii ri,-,ii4i 7::.'. 41 42, 41, 40, 41. 41. NE 21 N no, 2.'.'i 01,7 nil, 2:!7 01.3 111.213 -2.4 nil. 2,5.' 0."). 6 ,-!>. 2.5.' 0.5.7 jNW 18 no. 244: 91.4 NW 12 E ' 20 i 4-4 St. Noon. 20, 7--H 11, 8 | 42, n! 41, 2 20, ,-32J2, 4 42, III 41. 60, 2C0 05, 7 I W 10 .Murr. , ^-2 12. .017 11. .05-12. .0,-2 12. . 90S \->, 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 49, 40, 41, 41, 41. 0,204 im.o w 0.250' 07.5 i Meaus 29.70,-41.02:, Vl. 250 05. 7 511. 25i; 95.6 0:n, 1^57 05,7 ■0, -251 93, n;i: 4-4 st , 4-4 st 24 4-4 st :!-4 cum . ., 1-4 st 1-4 cum , .. 3-4 .st :!-4 cum -. , 1-4 st 4-4 st 2-4 cum . .. 1-4 st :i-4 ci.-cum 2 ■ 2-4 ci.-st- -- 1-4 cum. lV ci.-cum. 1-4 st. and ci.-st. 10 II I) E Cloudy . Cloudy . Cloudy . Cloudy . Cloudy . Cloudy. Cloudy . Clondy- n:luudy. Cloudy . Lt.raiu. Fair 43 Remarks. Si'pt. 4 •:) 4 20,-110 41,7 41. 40. 71). 244 01.4 N 8 2-4 cum . . . 1-4 st .... Cloudy . 6 2'.l,7414l.5 41.7' 41.00.2411 9:;. N 11 3-4 st n ....' Cloudv. c 20. 0-7 41. 9 42.0 41.10.243 91.2 N 14 2-4 cum . .. ., Cloudy - 1-4 st 10 20. 61S42. 42.11 41.0 0.244 01.4 NE IS 4-4 st n Cloudy - ,N5iiiii, 20. 508 41.8 41. s 41.0 0.245 91,9 XE 20 4-4 st Cloudy - 2 29. 442 42. 5 42.5 41. no. 251 91,7 NE 20 4-4 st 1 Climdy - 4 20. :;7n4i.o 41.11 411. 0. 251! 95, 5 NE : 21 4-4 st 1 Et.raiii. 6 29. :;77 4l.o 41.0 411.9 0.240 95, 5 XEl 18 4-4 st, Lt.raiu- 8 :J9. :::10 45.3 45.2 44.9 0.291 90, 5 E ' 18 4-4 st Eaiu - .. 10 20, :!ii5 44,6 44.:! 4:!. 8 0.2^3 95, ,s E 20 4-4 st II Lt.rain. Mid't, 29, 24:j 4:>, 43. 7 43. 4 0. -,'74 1 11.257 95, n SE 25 4-4 st II 11 Cloudy. Mrans.. ■iO, 4114 42, 47 93, 59 41 METEOEOLOGICAL OBSEKVATIONS Latitinle, r>H-'.l'J' N.; kiusitiiilc, r.rjlii' \V., at uiioii. Psycbroiii- ctcr. Wiml. I )iri ctioi I 'I' clouds l-i H 1 — 1 ^ c j Ph - 1-7:!. /(. S,i,t. c, - J'J. ',^'7 l-J. 41. s 41.()i).y4(; '.11.5 4 i'J.lHU l'2. 4 4','. 1 41.7 ii.-.'i;-j [>7:. 7 s (') ;'.!. :m.- 1--'. H 4;i. (1 41. U II. ■.':;! ^:!. :i s ,s i'.K II. ;7 1:;. r, 1:;..-. 41.7 II. •s.'.'.> -:!. r. SI Clouds. 10 Xooi, 10. Dili I 47. (I I (3. -2 I'J. ~(i 40. 6 4t;. (I 4.',. -^ 10 Mul'l .Mr:i 2'J C.'^ll ■i'.l .")l'.l ii) Hu; 14. s : 44. 15. 14. 14.5 14. 4H 45.11 44. 1 44.;! 4:'.. I iK-'i: ■-(!. :i 43.511.0411 7(i. s 4:;. (ill. -ji-; Ml. f; i 4:'.. 7 I), opd S-\.-S 42. ^ I). 0_%; ; S5. 1) 4-J. Ci'l). ■-'111 Ml. I 4::. 'i;!!. 21 il til. H 44. tl (1. ■jsl '.17. 5 SIO E 10 E E II 1-4 cum -. 2- 1st 5 1-1 sr (1 1-4 cnui. A ci.-cuui. 1-1 St '^ 1-4 cuiu. A ci.-ciiin. l-4sl.A(M.- sl. 5 1-4 cnui . .. 1-4 St, ^ 1 -4 ci.-ciiiii 1-4 St 5 1 - 1 r 1 1 1 u . , . 1-4 St. A ci.- st. 7 2-4 cum 1-1 St 15 2-4 cuui , 1-4 St 20 ; ;!--! St 22 , 4-4 st 25 I 4-4 st 11.251 S5. fc(,l Cloudy Cloudy Fair -- Fail- .. Fair .. Fair .. Fair .- Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy liaiu . . Cloudy Latitude, 58' .:iO' N. itndc, 4S' .5(1' W'., at H(]OU. icpt. IJcuiarks. Latitude > .22 X.: lo iitmic, 44-.l(i' W., at uoou. .•lit. 10 Xouii 10 Mid't. 4>'r;-i5. -151 -14. f^ .5(12 44.5 .5117 14.2 (1(14 44.0 (l;;2 44..s (1:17 11.5 (15:i IJ.IJ (id;-' 44. 5 (ls| 44.5 7(1- 11.8 4.5. Ol 44. (ill. 2'.l;: 44.0] 44. 0. 2.-^ I 44. (ii 44. 10. 2.-:i 4o. 5 0.277 4:!. Fo. 2(15 44. 44.0 44. s 4:;. o|o. 051 44.2 44.;; 41.5 44.5 44.7 :I5. S lI5. ,15. s 111. ■-■4. 05 Mi'aus- 20. 500 44. 54 4;"!. (VO. 277 4;;. Oil. -.'(i-ii 01. () 4;!. 4 0. 2li;i| ',)1.7 4:!." 0.2115 01. 4;l. .-^o. :j(;(, ;i^>. ] NE N N X K ^' I N N N X N 10 15 15 4-4 st . . . 4-4 st... 4- 1 st . . . 4-4 st... 4-4 st... :'>-4 cum 1-1 st... 4-4 st... 4-1 St.. . 4-1 st... 4-1 St.. . ;:-! st .. ' : I ' 71,02. Mi . Cloudy. . Cloudy. . Cloudy - . Lt. raiu- . Cloudy. . Lt.rain . Cloudy. . Cloiuly . .| C;loudv . . Cloud.^ . ' Lt, raiu- iX THE NOETH ATLANTIC 45 Latitadc, .V^ '.40' N.; Imijiitudc, :!'J-.-iU' W., at hood. I'sNcllVoUl- ftur. Wind. Direction of clouds. Cl.mds ■i.'pt. 1 ID ■.'II. (1.^0 4 I..") ■J',1. (14i;4 1.2 ■J!l. i;-J()44.S ■jii. (;(i^4.">. ■j:i. r.H'j4i.n ■."J. rin;j4.K 2 i'j;i. -I',i-.M.'). (I 4 -J'.!. 4-';;4.'., (i ,-.",». :ii;- 47. s -J!!. :;iN-i7, s 10 ;■.",!. ::■-' 1 4s.:; JIid't.J',1. :ii;iU.~. .3 c N 44. -.11 44. .^I 4,-.. Ill 44. ;i 44,7 4.'). II 4.->. 47. U 4.-'. II 45. 2 4-. 4 4:1 ".11. 'ji;7 ;i-} 4;-'.. Till. ■j(i7 '.12 4:i. -11. 'Ji;- 44. Ml. -J'.l.- 4;;. 1 1I. -jcd 4 4, nil. 2^2 4;!. Ml. 27.'. 44. r. II.2S7 4(!. .-II. ;;-jii 47. 1 -.11.; '.2.'. 4s. 0. :;:;-] 4.-^. iM). :;:;.:, 1)2. 4 ',1c-, II '.U.C, '.It;. (I '.12. II '.1.5. II ;i7. fi nr.. 2 ',17. II 'M. :■. N X X \\v W x\v XW XW XE 4-4 ,^(. :!-4sl,. 4-4 St . 4-4 St. 4-4 .St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. 4-4 St. :!-4 St . II tl II (1 II u II II II II (1 Clond' Cli.iid' Cloud' Lt.rai' . : Cloud; ....I Cloud ...-I Lt.r;ii ....i J.t.rai I Jjt.iai .... Li.):.i .... Lt.rai Clou Mean; :;i. 341145 II, 'J4,^l .V ■ Latitude fill' X,; loDiTitudc, :i,')-,llll' \\'., at ii Sept. 10 4 () ' 10 Noon 2aoi;r.!i^. 6 I 4>. i; 1^.411.:::;:) ',11., XE ' IS ill. :>■<:; I'J.:; j 4'.i, :ii 41J. no. 34(; ;iii. XE, 1.5 iO. 417 49. I 4'J, II 4^. SO. 347i '.IG. ^ i\E is ■J',1, 47S 4S. i 4-, II, 47,SII, :;:;4: ',lij. .5 |XEi ill 29, .3li7iis, 4S, II 47,sii. ;!;14 '.Hi. .')| il ' 20. .:.42i"i2. ' 52.11 51.0 0.301! 'j:!. XE G .",1. 017 10 .2.0 52. II, 51.211. ;.;d2 lid, 1 , XE S 2,4 ,52, ij 51,2 0, ;!|14' lid, 1 XE'12 '.1,0 ' 51,11 50.oii,;;j-' '.12,11 XE ' 15 ,'ii.d::i5i.2 51.2I 5o,;io.:iiii 'j:;.o XK 10 l2'J. Odd 51.0 ' 51. 11' 50. 7ii. ::i;7 HG. n ' XE ' 10 Mid't. 211. Glln 51.0 51.0' 50.20. ::41l 1I2. s 4-4 st 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 4-4 St 1-4 cum. A ci.-cum. 1-4 St l-4oi.-st... 1-4 St 1-4 ci. -St. A St. 1-4 I i. and ci.-cuni. 1-4 St 1-1 CUUl 1-4 St 1-4 ci.-ciiin, 1-4 ci.-st... 2-1 ci.-st... II SW 29. 5:!4,5ll. 211 . II. 549, 94.0 . Latitude, 5S-,l:','.00" X,; lonoitudo, :il- 8fpt,ll 2 211, i;iil51,0 I 51,0 29. G5.S 50. 4 i,3 Miaus. ■s 211.074:51.4 10 J2'J. G.^:',:51.S ! Noon. 29. 095.52. 2 2 |21I.7IIS.52. 4 129.72:1.5;!.:"! 211.75,1 51. :j s ,211.771151.0 10 129. sii;i5ll. Mid't.,29. s;;o,-,(i,-j ,29. 717,51. IK 50. 4 50. S 51. 1 51.0 51.9 51 50. .s 51:1. 2 50 49. 9 0. d4S 92. S 49. 49. 49. 50. 4S. 511. 51. 4S. 49. 4S. 4S. II. II. s'o. 11,0. s'o. :;ii. on, 50, 0|n, 20. 9,n. 147! !41 121 i:;4 Us :ilo !22 ;iio 91.. 9 97. 1 92. 7 S9. 5 S5. 9 Sii. 1 sil. 4 ,S2. 4 ."Ii. 1 ^). 7 ■■9. :i E E i E I XE XL XE XE xi; X !•: X N 1-4 cum, A ci,-cujii. 1-4 st Ci.-cuui . .. Ci.-st Ci 1-4 st .St Ci.-st. A st St Ci.-st .Sf, St- 1-4 st 1-4 st 1-4 ci.-ciini, and st. -',55" W. at uoori. n SW s\V s9. 24 (doudv Eo.i;..'.. Lt. rain Jjt.][iiu. I 'air.... Lair.... Eai I . . . Eair... Fair... . Fair.... tear... air lear. .. Icar... Icar... lear... lear... lear. .. air inr air Eeuiarks. 46 METEOEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS - - L ititiii c, 58^.00' N. ; longitude, 20 -.23' W , at Doou. r' P.svc-liroiii- Wind, Directidii 3 o ctcr. c- of ul uuds. '- 1 '^ -^ H o ■^ - L^ .13 p P (Jloudti. l^eiiiarlcs. ■3J CJ o ^ S 5 'A y. ^ ■^ i ~ ^ ; = L" Q rH ~ ^ c c ^ — r" ^' o ^ h. In. ° Sept. 12 •>. ^■iii. .-1-1 .no. 40. 4.^. 00. :;oo ,^,-.. o i ^ lo 1-4 eii. A si-.l Fair.... 4 -Jll. ^.'.s.^.d. .''lO. 47. lo.'iOO .'■l.O N 12 (Jiiiii Clear.. . (; ;l".i. s,~iiriii. 8 50. .S 4f-'. OO.-iOli 70.0 N ' 15 (5. -en. &CU, Clear... 8 -.'D. ;iii:;.^].:i 51.:'.; 4w. .".0. :;o8 70.3 .\W 10 1-1 ei-euMi - . . 10 -i'j. ;i-.':! :>■>. 7 w .''>' 40 :!ov> 70.3 IX'W s Ci.-cuiii - .. Clear... 1 .'i4.o Till. 0. :!o,- 7:*.. ."^ w i ;; 8t 1-air.... Fair.... X(H)1I. -J i.n4-.>.-.3. 8 1-4 eniii .. ^Z '' 1. Oil).'.:'.. .'.3. 4:). 1 0. -.'o.", 7;:. :; W 1-4 eum , .- Fair.... 4 -i 1. 0-J-_>.'i-2. s .">:-;. 40. Ml. :'.-io 70. 8 : "w \-> 2-4 ci.-eiuii. Fair ... (1 --l 1. '.I14.',0. .50.0 47. -JO. '270 7:;. 2 ' A\' i 111 1-4 ci.-euiii. Fair.... i and .sr. 8 r.';i. ."^'.».^)r,(i. 40. s 4s. 0. :;o:), .'-.',. o ! w 14 2-4 st Fair 1(1 -.".I. sc; );">:,'. .5'i. :'io. r.o. :! lOi so. (i ' .S 10 2-4 ei.-euni. Fair.... iMul't.!-.",i.^4-.' ;'.'-'. 11 5;.'. -A 40. .so. :;-,>o s:!.o .SW 20 2-1 ci.-cuu). Fair.... MrlUK.. ! audei,-st. ■-",1. 8!l-'r.l..S7 ;iii7 so. (H " 1 Latitude, fj.s-.L'O' N. ; loi igitude, 25 ,00' W, at noon. «opt. 13 2 ' -",1. .--ns .■■|2. .52. l' 40. .- 0. ;'.20 83.0 SW O'J 2-4 cum - . . 1 Cloudy . l-4ei.-^.t. A St. 4 -J'-l.Tdl.^,'.'. '.' .52.0 40.7 0. :i20 s'l. SW 20 2-4 cum . .. 1-4 St .... Cloud.y - (i '.':i. 7:i-j.^-j. 1) 52.0 40..- :;'jo s:;. SW 25 2-4 enni ... 1-4 St .... Cloudy - 8 -.".I. i;.-7.V.'. 3 52.4 50. :'. 0. :'.2-' .-'2.0 1 1 1 SW 20 1-4 ciini ... 2-4 St Cloudy . 111 '-.".I. II.'.-.'.".:;. :; 5:'.. 2 50. .-0. :;48 80.4 1 SW 22 2-4 rnm ... 1-4 St Cloudy . .N'.H.ii.-.'ll. i;-.'.-.".3. 52. .s 51. 00. :',;;;, o:;. i S\A' '>,-, 4-4 St Clundv. 2 '.",1. ."'.^'ll. '.■_>. S 5:1. 50..^ o.:;40 so. 5 S -.»,-, 4-4 St Cloudy 4 -.".I. .'.is.^.-i. (_; 52. 5 50. 0. :'.2s 82. s .>- 4-4 St Cloudy - r. -ill. 47:i'.-,-.>.5 ;",■> f, 51,3 0. :!02 03. s 2S 4-4 St doiuh' - 8 '-Jll. 41II.VJ. 1 52. 4 51.0 0. ;!:'.:>,. 80.0 s :;o 4-4 St 1 Cloudy - 10 ]-J0. 3MI.V.'. ■_' .52.5! 51.2 0. :!54' SO. 7 s :'.o 4-4 St Cloiidv- 1 Means.. i Mid't. ■-",i.:!4i. ".:'.. 53.0 51..-^ 0. :574 o:'..2 y .j.j 4-4 St « .... O:|ond\ . 29..>1,V.'. :,o 0. :!40 .87.19 Latitude, 50'. 50' N.; Jo igitude, 1.8-.24' W. , at u( 10U. Sept. 14 o 1. :!i:; .'>] . 3 51.2 50. i; 0.301 on. 4 s 30 4-4 St Cloudy. 4 ■J >.'.'>;:! '>l. 4 51.2 50, so. :;i;:'. or.. 7 s :!5 4-1 St Cloudy - G - ). ;'>iio.'.i. ■,' 51. 0: 50. 5 0. :;oi 00. 4 SE :io 4-4 St Cloudy - 8 t. :il7':,i.'j 51. 2; 51.00. :!71 07.5 i SK ''5 4-4, St Cloudy - iu -^ 1. :.::,n :,^. o 52. 51. :: II. 303 03. 2 1 SE 25 1-4 cum. & Fair.... ci.-cum. ' 1-4 St. aud ci.-st. Ni..iu.;iO. 4o;i];-,-,'. 8 52.8; 52. 0. ;!7i; 03. 4 SE is Ci.-cu.itcn. Clear.. - ~ ■.;y. !:il..-.4, u .54.3 5:;. 00. 112 00.0 ; E 15 1-4 ci. aud ci.-st. Fair.... 4 :». 4Hiir,4.0 54. .5:!. .s'o. 410 07. 5 E is l-4cu. &st. Fair li - 1, .if,:;!:,:;, o ■5:!. 2 .52.011.401 OS. E 20 1-4 cu. A St. Fair •^ ■J ). ;>so :'.:',. 5 .5:.^ .^' 5:!. 4 0. :;o.- 07.o V, 14 1-4 St F.dr...- 10 •: 1. r.l-J'.'.:!. 4 .53.0^ .53. 211. 1507 ! 00.0 E 12 2-4 cu. A St. n Fair.... lU-aiLs.. Mid't. 1. 041 .',3. 53.1^ 52. .> 0.401 08.0 E 1-4 St — 1 air ■20. 4;'.'J.'.2. .37 0. :.i85 96. 40 - - l.X TUE NOEXn ATLAiv^TIC. 47 Latitude, 51)^.17'. 00" N. ; ]oni;ituilo, V^'.:;'J'.i,:," W., at hood. Psycbrom- etur. s a Sept. 15 ! Tn. ° ■J',). (;-l^l52. 8 ■i;i.i;.^-.'!.52. (', '-j;!. Ci'.iT .j-J. s 8 10 ■i:i. Tior)!.:; ">:;. II ",1.4 wiua. Nooii.-'O. r,!i:;."i4. 8 V! v;;). 070 5:.!. 4 4 -ill. 07.5;.52. 3 fi !29.f)5&5I,s 8 -JO. 051|51..s 10 -iO. 618 51. K Jlid't. 20. 000 51. 7 52.0 51. 4 52. 51. 51.6 54.0 53.0 .411 . 40 J 52.0:0.38:! Jtraus. 20. 000'52. 4s h 51. O' 51. 5 51.(1 .51. 5 50. 2 301 :17.5 ;.!50 00. 9 o:;.5 00.6 on, 5 06. 5 96.7 08. 96.9 0(";. 9 o:l. 00. 5 o:;. 05. Oi; S s Sl^ SE 1 Clouds 10 12 St 1-4 (-11. A:. St. 1-4 ci.-cniji. and St. 2-4 ciun . .. 2-4 cum . .. 1-4 St 2-4 en. A: st. 1-1 ci. aud ci.-cum. 1-4 3t 1-4 ci-cum . 1-4 st 2-4 st 2-1 st 3-1 .■11. &st. :;-4 st Direction of clouds. t-j V (1 ReuuH'ks. CIrav. l':iir... Fair... Fair... Cloudy Fair... Fair... Fair.. . Fair... Fair Cloudy Cloudy Latitude, 59=M0' N. ; lonf;itndc, lli'Ml' W., at Ui Seiit.16 o 4 8 10 Noon 2 4 G 10 Mid't, JIe;nis.. 29. .562151. >'J. 517^50, 20.540 50, 20, 550150. 29.5:!:i|50. 20. 523|50. 20. 510 52. 29.503 51. 20.51^51, 29. 510 52. 20. 48l!51. 2J. 4 12 5-.'. 3 51.5 1) .50.4 50.2 3 50.1 50.3 8 51.0 52. IK ^ -,i fc 0,0. ;'.;l). II. 0. 1,0. 0!ii. 51.4 52. 1 Ml, f'll- 5 II. 1 0. 90. 5 07,5 OS. 90. OS, 5 99.0 9S. U 10 12 14 89.6 89. S 86. 2 « l:! s 15 S\V 5 w 5 w NW 29.510,51. 1-J 51.0 52. 1. 50.2 51.4 0. :!,''io 0, :j67 o:!, 96.4 ,\\V 0.361 95. 12 .... 3-4 st 4-4 st 4-4 st 4-4 st 4-4 st , 4-4 st 3-4 cum - .. 1-4 st :)-4 cum . .. 1-4 st 3-4 cinii - .. 1-4 st 2-4 st 1-4 cum - .. 2-4 st 2-4 st X .... Cloudy Cloudy . Lt.raiu Lt. rain. Lt.raiu Lt. rain Cloudy Cloudy . Cloudy Cloady Fair.... Fair Latitude N. ; lon;.;itudii, 8^.19' W., at uoou. I "1 ' 2 i29, 41s,v2. ! 4 ,2; I. : 190, ',2 ! C '29, :!2l'.5-,'. 8 29,2.-0 52. 10 I29. 245'51 \ooii,29, 21s-l',l I ' 2 29, 170 111. -!9. l:;s 10, 29.142 4.^, 20. i:;s, j,i. 10 52.4 .52. Ill 52, III 52. 1.1 20. 1 1 1 50. .Mf.'i Jlid't.;29. 14240,0 29, 229 50. 52.0 49. :; 49.1 49.2 _ 48,2 48. 5 50. II 40. :l 51. 51. .51. 51. 51. 49. 49. 49. 47. 48. 49. 49. 911, 60. 40. :! II. I s'O. I 10. 110. I 1,0. 00, 30. 10. 0. :;s2 96. ;;08 96. ;;o;i' 91 i. 369 96. -so' 9s :.49; 97. :;is 9,s. 319 97. I :!11 92. 337 1 97. 3:10, 93. :;50 97. 355'7^ 5 NW .5 N\V (; ^ NW NW NWi NW NW 2-4 St.... 2-4 St.... 3-4 St.... 2-4 cum . 1-4 St.... 2-4 cum . 1-4 St.... 3-4 cum . 1-4 St.... :!-4 cum - 1-4 St.... :!-4 cum . 1-4 St.... 4-4 st 1-4 cum . 1-4 St.... 1-4 St.... 2-4 St.... — .... — .... Fair... Fair... Clondv Cloudy Cloudy Lt.raiu Cl(uidy Cloudy Lt. rain Fair... Fair... Fair... 48 METEOROLOGK AL OliSERYATIONS The pri'codiiig observations migbt yield siiiiic interesting; icsnlts if we could eernpaie tliein with those made siuiiiltaneously on board the United States steannns Juniata and Tigress, that had been sent in seareh of the missing crew of the expedition. I'nfortnnately, however, the observa- tions made on board of these vessels were not found lit to be used, as we were utterly unable to determine the index-eorreetious to be applied to the barometers, thermometers, or psyelndnieters, although we had the instruments sent to this city through the kindness of the Department. AVheii they arrived, the barometer was found to be limkeu, and, as there was quite a uund.ter of thermome- ters contained in the box, we had no means of asciTtaiiiing which instruments had lici'ii used in making the observations. There could be no doubt in regard to tlie identity of the psyeliroiiieter, as there was only one sent; but, as tlie eonstructiou of this instrument was such that the wet-bulb (which was surrounded by a considerable quantity t>f oakum in a somewhat filthy condition, instead of a piece of muslin, as commonly nsed) had to be entirely immersed when the instrument was being used, \\e had some seiious donbts in regrdd lo the coirecincss of the obscr\ aliens, the mne so as an examination of the record demonstrated that there was a ccrtaiu psychrometric dif ference prevailing which hardly varied during a day. J5esides th's calannty, the readings were not taken to the tenths of a degree, but gave the full degrees merely, which, as may well be imagined, is not sufllciently accurate at low temperatures. Ibegarding the nonu'iiclature of the clouds, there seems to have been some uiisunderstauding, as there is hardly one day without the mention of nimbus, which, as is well known, seldom occur in the Arctic regions; oi-, at least, in the latitudes where they are recorded in this case. The fads stated above may be of sufficient weight to excuse our not giving these observations, as they would, perhaps, only mislead. In giving ;i brief reca[)itidation and discussion of the preceding observations we shall begin with the TKIirraiATTKE. The following table contains the daily mean temperatures as observed during .Inly and August, IST.j; also, the daily maxima and minima, next to wliich the daily ran ge will be found: Olltll. July, 1873. August, 1873. d o Mean Int., 73 .5 X. ; mean louj;., 70 .G \V. Mean lat., 71 .2 N.; mean long., 52 ■.0\V. C' Mean. Maximum. Minimum. Range. Mean. Maxiuuim. .Minimnni. Kaimr. M 1 o o o o 37. :i3 40. 5:! 37.<;i 30. 08 30.70 :!0. 21 35. 77 o 41.0 44. 5 40. :!9 5 :>,8. 5 :;9. 4 :!7. 9 :!o.o :i:!.0 :!7.2 35. 35. :i5. 5 :',4.5 3:i. :::i.9 o 7.0 7. :t 5. 4.5 :i. 4.9 4.9 2. 1 ;! 4 .'i i; 8 :!9. 43 40. 9 30. 4.9 ;) lis. .OS 40.0 35. 5. y :i5 88 41.3 ;i;:. o 1^ W 10 :-!li. 27 40.8 3:!. 3 7. f) 3i;. 94 l:!. :! ::2. 11.3 11 2S. 22 3,1.5 20. 3 8, 2 3li. 78 WW. 4 ;!2.0 7. 1 \l ofl. H7 35.0 20. 4 8.0 ;io. ;!5 ::9. 3 :;:!. 5 5. 8 l:! .».). .>;> 38. S 33. 9 4.9 :14. :57 31). 8 ;;:: 5 :!. :', 14 34. 7S 30. 9 3:!. ;i. 9 :i7.21 :!9. 31.0 5. 15 :;4.7i; 41.4 29. 5 11. 9 :;o. 98 :!8. :i ;ii.o 4.:! 10 :i2. i>s 3,9. 5 29. 3 10.2 :',5. 01 :i7.o :!i.o :'.. 17 37. 4 9 45. 1 30. 5 14.0 35. :!1 :!i;. 1 :!:i. ") 2. IS 41. 50 •!0. 3, 3,1.:! 12. 30. 29 40.0 ;;.) ■\ 8. :i 19 50.9:; .57.5 40. 8 10.7 3:;. 70 :!0. 3 :i2. 4.:', •Jll 43.44 51.0 ::5. 10. WW. 90 Wl . .s ;',1.5 0.:! 21 3.5. 70 3,7.4 :;:!. 5 3. 9 31. 82 31.0 :ii.o 3.0 2i 35. 92 38. 5 33. 5. 5 31.91 :i2. 8 31.4 1.4 o; ; 33. 49 3 1.5 :!2.9 1.0 ;i2. 45 :!1.4 ;;o. 8 W. ;ii 33,. 88 35. :!2. 8 O ') 32.80 :!5. 1 29. :', 0.1 'J. 1 3,(1.75 41.4 :■!:;. o 7. 1 32.98 :;4.5 :;2. 2. 5 21 1 :-!3,. 80 35. 4 :;2. 9 L, r :;:!. .52 :;::. 8 :!2. 3 1.5 27 3,4. 13 35. 8 :;2. 1 2. 7 :;:•, 5o :!5. :i2. 4 2. 2S ,..._. 37.71 40.8 33. 8 7. ;!2. 77 :!:;. 2 '. '■'■J 'J 1.0 211 3/ . 8S 43.3 :u.2 9.1 ;u.oo ;:2. 5 31. 1.5 :!l) 3,5. 07 37. 8 ',\.\. 8 4.0 32. :',2 3:!. .5 31.0 2. 5 :ii Moans. 34. 17 3,5. 8 :!3. 2.8 31. 49 :!2. 1 ;!0. 9 1.2 36.41 34. 93 la^CAPITULATIOX. 49 A comparison of tlie mean temi)eratnre of July and shows tliat the former inoutli was by I'-'.iS warmer than the latter, which is in conformity with the annual march of the temperature. The mean temperature of July, in 1850, for the mean latitude, Ti-^A N., mean longitude, 5S'^.rj W., according to the meteorological register kept l)y the first Grinnell expedition, was 35o.9; and that of August, in the same year, oi^.S, mean latitude, 75^.3 X., mean longitude, G2'.0 \Y. ; hence the dif- ference between the two mouths is l^.l, varying but slightly from that between July and August, 1873, although the season was more open during the latter year than in 1S~>0. The following table gives the mean temperature of July and August for different stations of Arctic America : Loriility. Yuar. Winter Island 1" Repulse Bay 1- Iglulik L- Felix Harbor 1 ■ Port Keonedy 1- Port Boweu ] - Port Lcopolil L- Griffi til's Islaud ..' 1- Brerliy Island !-.'> Winter Harbor 1- Wellington CLannel !■ Wnlstenbolm Sound 1- \ortliuniberland Sonnd !■ Jnlv. An"nst. o n o 2-> :io. :•,:; :!!]. .-s — 1. 'yo 47 41. -It; 41 ;. :v> — 4. .-'i; ')■> :!i. :.s ■ V.'k r'S — ■-', :!0 :;ij 44. i; w.'.t +3. S ■'ill '.VJ. '.'^ :!G. 70 +:!. ■>■> ■_'.". ; J~ ; 1 '.'>7i, 1^ +1. r, VJ :'>(i. II ''V,j. 7 +•-'. ■'• :a :»;. lid !>:>. 711 -\--> 'III '.-:.4 ;i^^. 'J ol.f) +4.4 ■JO 4i. 4 '.'''*. 7 +;t.7 :.4 ;!.-: 1 'Mi. 'J +1.;) "0 4(i.r.-> '■>'■',. (17 +(1 -:, :'..'>. 711 :!:!. >'it +1.11(1 It will be seen tliat at ten out of the thirteen stations above mentioned, July is wariiii-r than August, the amplitude bein.g largest for \\'inter Harbor and smallest for I'ort Bowen. The maximum temperature in July was obserxed by us at 10'' a. m. on tlie lUtJi, lieing r»7''.5 ; the minimum, during the same mouth, of 'JtP.'i, occurred at 8'' a. m. on the 11th, during snow-fall. In August, the maximum oeeurred on the 2d, at (>'' p. m. 11''-. .J, and the minimum, namelj', 29^.3, ou the 21th, at 0'' a. m. As the vessel was under way during the greatest part of the time, changing her position sometimes considerably during one day, being at one time in clear water and tlieu forcing her way through ice, it can well be imagined that the daily range of temperature will have suffered gieater modifications than if the sliip had lu'e.n stationary. The greatest range iu July, amounting to Ki-.O, was found on tlie 20th, one day after the maximum temperature of this mouth had been observed; the smallest range, of fo.O, occurred three days later. In August, we find the greatest range on the 10th, namely, llo.3; and the smallest, of 1°.0, on the 2Sth. The warmest day iu July had a mean temperature of .jO-.'.lJ and the coldest of 28-'. 22, its range being consequently 12 -.71. The highest mean temperatuie in August occurred on the 2d, namely, 40'. ."i3 ; and the lowest, of 31°. 00, On the last day of the mouth. i M o 50 .^1 ETEOIJOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ATMOSPnERIC PEE,S,SLRE. The following table j^i ves the daily means of the atmospheric j^ressiire during July aud August; also, the maxima and minima of each day of the month, together with the daily range : July, 1873. August, 1873. 1). 10 11 12 13 14 15 l(i 17 1« 11) 20 21 24. 211 30.... 31.... Meau lii.t., 73'^..')N. ; mean long., 70". G A\". ! lat., 71°.2N; meau loii^ m; W Mean. Iiiclic«. iraxiuiiiiii. Sliiiimuni.' Ran;^!' Inches. Indies. J Ill-he 30. 170 30. 130 30. HW.) 30.072 3(1. i:!s 30. 020 20, .~7^ 30. (ii;o 30. 1.S2 30. I'JIi 30. 030 29.^40 20. 078 20. (iUi 29. r,3,9 29.0^1 29. 7. ',2 29. Oil 29.712 29. >21 29. .S.52 29. 834 29. (192 29,009 Mean.s. 29.891 :!0, 30. 30, 30, 30, 30, 29, 30, 3,0, 30, 30, 29, 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. H9 1.53 092 09.') 102 107 9.~'0 10,-, 2 If, 221 157 888 64.-, 002 734 772 707 7S1 840 8r^2 879 759 718 :!0. 151 30. 108 30. 028 3,0. 027 30. 103 29. 895 29. 779 30. 002 30. 142 30. 1.59 29. 89^ 29.763 I 29. 034 29. 590 29.615 29.642 29. 715 29. 599 29. 030 29. 783 29. f32« 29. 772 29. (.;59 29. 048 0. 03rt 0. 045 0. 064 0. OliS 0. 059 0.212 0.201 0. 103 i 0.073 ' 0.002 0. 2.59 0. 125 0. lo:, 0.049 0.047 I 0.092 ' 0. 057 0. 10« 0. 151 0. 0.-.7 0. 054 0. 107 0.100 0.070 Mean. Maxininin.l Miniiniini.' Ean™. Iiiehen. 29. 709 29. S49 29. 743 29. 070 29. 738 29. 609 29. 000 29. 584 29. 950 29. 993 29. 909 29. 894 29. 059 29. 354 29.231 29. 144 29. 170 29. 302 29.415 29. 751 29. 045 29. 417 29.834 30. 058 29. 850 29, 850 29.645 29. 699 29.746 29. 751 29. 874 Ine-heii. 29. SKI 29. 882 29. 830 29. 093 29.765 29.694 29. 720 29. 726 30. 023 29.999 30. 004 29. 960 29. sio 29. 495 29.3.10 29. 197 29. 234 Jllehes. 29.726 29. 820 29. 670 29. 602 29.692 29. 601 29.560 29. 521) 29.7 53 29. 983 29. 943 29. 840 29. 502 29.270 29. 123 29 110 29. 105 rilellis 0. 0^4 0. 062 0. 160 0.031 0. 073 0.093 0. 160 0. 200 0. 270 0. on; 0. 061 0. 120 0. 317 0. 225 0. 1.S7 0. 0,H7 0. 129 29. 674 29. 423 29, 20S 0.215 29. 162 29. 303, 0. 099 29. K77 29.518 0.359 29. S77 29.449 0. 428 29. 5S.-, 29. 330 0. 255 30. 000 29. 040 0. 360 30. 103. 30. 00,S 0. 095 29. 980 29. 788 0. 192 29. H94 29. 705 0. 129 29. 7.55 29. 600 0. 155 29. 752 29. 028 0. 124 29. 778 29. 1:;90 0. 088 29. S38 29. 700 0. 138 29. 883 29. 807 0.016 According to our table, the monthly mean for July i.s, by 0"'.217, higher than that for August, the former being 29'".891, the latter 29'".C74 only. For the mean positions in Baffin's Bay, men- tioned abave, the log of the first Grinnell expedition gives the values: 29''".82 for July and 29'''.i)8 for August. From the obssrvations of Sir Edward Belcher, taken, in 1853, in Northumberland Sound and Wellington Channel, we obtain for the mean barometric pressure, in July, 29'".670, aud in, 29"'.719. In both instances the barometric column was higher in the latter month than in the former. The same was the case at Port Kennedy, in 1859, aud at Polaris Bay, in 1872, but not in Baffin's Bay, in 1857, when the mean pressure during July was, by 0*°.017, higher than in August. This was also the ca,se at Van Kensselaer Harbor, in 1854, and at Port Foulke, in 1861. Evidently, we might expect the mean of the former month to be higher than that of the latter, at all the stations above mentioned, if the series of ob.scivatious were sufficiently long and numerous. It should, however, be borne in mind that the atmospheric pressure must be considerably affected by the condition of the ice in the seas surrounding the respective stations. KECAPITULATIOX. 51 WINDS. Tlie following table gives the relative frequency and \'elocity of the winds, also expressed in percentages, both for July and August. The winds were recorded from eight principal points of the compass : Jleiui Jiib latitude r, 1873. August, 1873 7:!' .5 N: meau lou- Meau latitufle, 71".2 N; mean lou- Directiou. jjitiul ■, 7G^.G W gitude, 72-\6 W '-^ , ^ 1 "^ "c o ^ ^- ' .. >.. n ;i: 7J ii.i; yj , -r. y^ ■^ i: * lJI ,~^ ^^ _^ ^.^ >-' -' ^ fiO '~' ^^ "■ r-' ^-1 — N 7r.4 39 396 10. 5 10.1 NE...- :;4 '2'J'J 11.8 14. 1 4li 4n.-> 12. 4 11 '^ E ;;•> '*>'.] 11.1 l:'.. 4 :!0 33(i 8.1 8.5 SE 10 :',() 1.4 25 492 0.7 12. 5 S [t so 3.1 3. -s (;(-; 1,010 17.7 20. ■sw 3 4 1.0 0. 2 41 450 11.0 11.1 w 18 110 0.3 5.2 44 519 11.8 13. 2 N\V 47 ; >o'2 10.3 1 '20,. 2 211 233 5.4 5.9 Calms V 55 19.1 61 16.4 uss LM12 100. 100. 372 :'., 937 100. 100. In July the prevailing wind was due north, while in August it blew from the opposite direc- tion, although we had decreased both our latitude and longitude, and were consequently approacli- iiig Iceland. A glance at the table containing the mean atniosiiheric pressure shows that the latter was in strict accordance with the prevailing direction of the wind, viz, higher in July than in August. In both months the percentage of calms follows next to that of the prevailing wind, the calms beiug, however, more frequent during the former month than during the latter. If we coui- pare Sir Edward Belcher's (.)hser\-ati()iis, previously referred to, we shall see that, in July, 1852, tbe vessel cruising in Baffin's and Melville Bays, the prevailing winds were southerly; and although a portion of the following month was spent in Northumberland Sound, where southerly winds are largely prevailing, northerly winds were noted more frequently than those froai the opposite point of the compass. Tlie first Grinnell expedition, in l.S.'iO, mostly met with northerly wiuds during the two months under cousideration, southerly winds prevailing only during the first part of July. We abstain from drawing any more comparisons, as our series of observations are too short and the winds too variable to enable us to deduce any reliable results from them; besides this, we should have to disregard the velocities, which are given rather vaguely in the difl'ereut documents that might be taken iuto consideration. From the detailed record it will be seen that we never experienced any storms, although, in several instances, the sea was very rough and ugly; and as on such occasions we always noticed sudden changes of the barometric column, we might conclude that high winds must have been raging in the vicinity. 52 M ETEOROLOGICAL OBSEIJ VATIONS lIVfiUOMETRICAL OBSERVATIONS. The following table gives tlie daily and monthly meaii.s of flic force of vapoi' and relative humidity, as deduced from the [ireceding p.sychronietrieal nhscr\':itiiins: Date. Daily iii'aiiH. Dat D.'iily iiicaii.s. ]) lir. llaily llK.ans. I'olrc n! li'i-lativi- Foi-,v (.1 IMaliv.' l-5n(;i' of Ki-lative \:l[M)]'. liiiiJiidity. xapcir. luiniiilily. vapi)]-. liiiniiility. 187;;. Jiichc-'^- rcr ci'iil. ]S7 ',. Til ell e^. l-'vi- mil. 1- 7:1. Ilirhr,. I'ef i-ciil. July 8 0. 1119 ^2. 97 An- 1 II. 195 8s. 07 8i-i t. 1 II. 192 92. :12 y 0. 227 90. 56 ') 0. 219 87.-1 ■_> 0. 20S 92. s:i 10 0. 192 >9. '^'9 :; 0. 200 99.09 0. 224 91.39 11 II. i;',9 91.4(1 4 0.21;! 97. 67 4 0.257 92. 59 12 II. ir>8 91.26 5 II. 199 91.ri7 .'', 0. 251 9:1. 69 . 13 0. 191 92. 46 6 0. 196 91. ss 6 0. 251 S5. S6 14 II. 196 95. 64 7 II. 201 95. 04 7 0. ;iii6 95. 61 1.-. 0. 192 95. SI ,- II. 202 97. 7s ,.j 0. -.'7 1 92. S6 16 0.171 91. r,r. 9 0. 1>7 S9. 65 [1 0. 299 94. SI 17 U. 206 91. ;!9 111 0. 191 S6. s-j 10 0. 349 91.62 1.-^ 0. 24.5 '.12. ;!i; 11 0. isi; S5. (;6 11 0. ;;;!5 S9. 21 ]"J 0. 277 12 0. 191,1 S9. 94 12 0. ;;(i7 SO. 03 211 0.2.56 93. 82 13 0. 177 ss, s7 i:; 0. :!46 87. 19 21 0. 197 95. 12 14 0. i;i9 S9. 97 1 1 0. :is5 96.49 22 II. 197 9;'.. 79 15 0. 211:1 92.6] 15 0. :!7s 95. 92 2;i 0.18;'. 95. 77 16 0. 192 92.44 16 0. 301 95. 12 24 0. 191 9S. .5;: 17 0. 1 91 • 04. 49 17 0.3.55 96.48 2.) 26 27 211 :;(i ;!i II. 2114 0. l-SS 0. 1 91 0.207 0.211 0. 194 0. 178 9;i. 7>' 96. 66 97. 54 91.63 93. 72 '.Ki. 13 90. 74 IS 19 211 21 ')■) 21 0. IS9 0. 175 0. 178 165 0. 172 0. 174 0. 171 S9. IS 90. :!9 91. 80 92. 2:'. 9;i. 47 91. :!9 91.6:i ....... 1 M./a '*.5 26 .^^ '>S 29 ;;o 31 J s . , . 0. 1S2 0. |S{; 0. ls(; 0. is:; 0. 172 0. 176 0. 172 96. ;!S 95. 17 95. 99 95. 42 95.; 17 95. 49 96.7:1 Meaus. . . Me ■0. 1995 92. 289 0. 1S7S 92. 691 Tlie hy.!:;roiiietrieal conditions of the atmosphcic, as observed in July and August, in Lancaster Sound and Baffin's Bay, are similar to those of the corresponding months at Polaris Bay, viz, the force of vapor being greater in July than in Augnst, and the relative humidity less in the former mouth thau iu tlie latter. It will be remembered that the barometric mean of July was, by 0"\217, higher than in the foUowiug mouth ; but a comparison of the mean atmospheric pressure and the mean force of vapor would show that only a small amount of the higher pressure during July is due to the influence of the force of %apor, wliieh would only affect the second decimal in our barometric mean, if the corresponding correction was apiilied. The sudden increase of the force of vapor in September will readily 1ie understood if we keep in mind that the greater portion of the seventeen days in this mouth, during which the observations were made, were spent on our journey homeward through the ^"orth Atlantic. As in the preceding record of meteorological observat:ions those on atmospheric precipitation are not given iu detail, we proiiose to do this here in the following synopsis: July 11.— Light snow during 1 hours; amount not measurable. Wind XP]. July 12.— Light snow during 2 hours; amount not measurable. Wind NE. July 11.— Rain from 1" lO'" a. ra. to 7'' SO'" a. m. ; amount, 0'".2G. Wind E. July 30.— Light rain from 7'' 10'" a. in. till uoon ; amount too small to be measured. Calm. August 3.— Ratn during Si hours ; amount, 0'''.08. Wind SW. August 4.— Eain daring 3 hours; amount, 0'".06. Calm. EECAPITULATIOX. Oo August 8.— Eaiu cUiriug 13 hours; aiiioiiut. n'"..T^. Wind W., SW., and S. August 17. — Rain diuiug 2 hours ; amount not known. "Wind XE. 21.— Light snow during 6.J hours ; not measurable. Wind SE. August 22. — Light snow during 9 hours; not measurable. Wind SB. August 25.— Light rain during S^ hours: amount not known. Wind S\V. August 26.— Light drizzling rain during 4 hours: amount nut measurable. Wind SW. August 27.— Light rain during 2i hours: amouut not known. Wind SW. August 28. — Light snow during 1 hour; amount not measurable. Wind W. Coii.'^equently, it snowed during 2:3.^ hours in the two months; namely, G hours in July and 17.4 hours in August. Kain-fall was noted during 50i hours, namely, 9 in July, the rest in August. The au)0unt of rain that could be measured was 0"'.7S0. FACE OP THE SKY. The following table gives the amount of clouds, as observed during July and August, by houis, and also expressed in percentages: Jlontb. Cleiir. 67 ■i;;. 3 3-J 8. i; 1-4. 47 16.3 47 1-J. 6 •J-4. 46 16.0 rj6 i.'>. 1 :'.-4. 4-4. 9(1 31.3 T.)tal. lUU. July, liy biMirs ii] 1I1.-1 lent Aii^iLst, liy bour.s . . . iupercL'ut.. .5 1.7 n U. 11.4 72 19. 3 16.-, 44.4 372 10(1. If we calculate the mean amount of clouds, we obtain for July, 2.2, and for August, 2.s. Consequently, it was clearer in July than in August; during the latter mouth there is not a single instance on record when the sky was perfectly clear. At Polaris Bay, August was clearer than July; the mean amount of clouds for the hitter month being 2.7 and for the former 1.9. Fog occurred, however, more frequently in Lancaster Bound and BafQu's Bay during July than dur- ing August, as may be seen from the following table, in which we have grouped the number of re- corded fogs according to the direction of the wind observed at the tiiue: In July fog was observed on G3 occasions, and in August on 42 only, although the record for the latter month is more complete than for tho former. The mean amount of clouds at Polaris Bay and Polaris House having been omitted in the chapter relating to the face of the sky, is now given here. Mean amount of clouds iif Polaris Bay and Polaris House, I ta'ken as unit. . z - 5; - — — ^ ^ -J - ^ — - '2- :: X"' z -- -^ ^ ^ < ^ ^ '": ! <^ Polaiis Bay, 1S71-72 .-> - 2.0 1.7 2.0 2.4 2.0 1.:' •j o ' "2. 7 X.9 Polaris House, 1:^72-73 .. 2 2 1.4 l.G l.S 1.7 2.3 2.0 - T -| 54 METEOrjOLOGKJAL OBSERVATIONS— EEGAPITDLATION. SOLAR RADIATION. The following observatioas on solar radiation, which formed a part of our meteorological record kept on board the Arctic, were not given on the preceding pages, because we did not consider them sufficiently accurate for publication; but as they may still be of some interest, we do not hesitate to record a portion of them in this place. They are faulty in that they were not made with a ther- mometer in vacuo, it being at the time beyond our means to obtain one. The instrument used was a long-stem Casella standard thermometer, the bulb of which was blackened with Indian ink. la order to make the observations somewhat comparable with others, we inclosed the bulb and a por- tion of the stem of the instrument in a test-tube, filled with air. As in our previous observations, the thermometer was exposed on white cotton. The following table contains the observations made from the 18th to the 22d of July. Next to the columns containing the readings of the black bulb the temperature of the air is given, fol- lowed by the amount of solar heat. The last column of each division shows the amount of clouds, as explained before : July 18, 1873. July 19, 1873. July 20, 1873. July 21, 1 1873. Lat.,73°.15'.18"N.;lonff., Lat., 73'-\51' N.; loG S-. Lat., 730.42' N. ; Ion Lat., 7:PA2' N.; long., Hours. 72°.06'.30" W. 79';'.on W. 83^.00 W. 1 i<:Pm \V. . ,. >j V Cj +^ ^4 f^ . "i .3 ■^ .- :f] -a 4^ ^ X' 1 '^ ^ .3 ,. X 0^ '^1 a? d o o .a 5 o 1l c o '^ J o o o 4J o ■f i o -■ .a o r4 = o ~ s - o =- a t. a; ^ 5 t. » rt Vi ^ C3 y, H •^ .2 M s a a -f. 1-H ;^ s ---- a H rrj - o H rn o ^ o o o O o o o o o o 2'' 47.0 3.5.8 11.2 --^ .50.8 47.0 9. .S , ., 50.2 45. 8 4.4 ^_^ 38.5 35.2 3.3 2-4 4 50.4 34. 3 16.1 1-4 ! i;:'.. : 40. 5 1 3. 5 ^^^ 51.6 47. 4.6 1-4 37.4 36. 1.4 2-4 6 71.0 35.0 36.0 s 72.5 51.0 21.5 -^^ .54.7 50.9 3.8 2-4 39.0 35.8 3.2 2-4 S fit. 2 3.-'. w 50.4 ._. f-;2. 7 I 51.8 3.0. 9 ■^^ .57.3 51.0 (;. 3 1-4 43.2 35.0 8.2 ■^ 10 ;t7. 3 40. 8 56. 5 ._ 94. 3 57. 5 36. 8 .^ 81.5 49. 5 3.2. 1-4 47.8 37.2 10.6 2-4 NdOU. ^f ;•. 3 41.2 45. 1 2-4 ^'2. 5 53. 5 29 2-4 79. 8 46.7 33,. 1 2-4 .54.3 37.4 16.9 4-4 2'> 102. 5 42. 5 60.0 1-4 100. 2 ,56. 5 43.7 2-4 51.5 40. 5 11.0 2-4 [ 44.0 36.8 7.2 4-4 4 102. 43.8 58. 2 1-4 105.8 55.2 50.6 1-4 73.5 41.0 32. 5 3-4 92. 5 40. 3 46.2 ^^ 123.5 46.8 76.7 1-4 47.4 42.2 5.4 4-4 45.5 36. 9.5 3-4 8 62. 40. 2 15. 8 39. 36.2 2.8 4-4 40. 35.0 5.0 3-4 10 53. 8 45. 2 iiA\ ._- 43,0 35. 7 7.3 4-4 3S.4 34. 8 3.6 2-4 Midn't. 52. 8 46.0 a.^ ^ 53.8 47.8 6.0 ^ 36.0 35.0 LO 3-4 34.9 33.5 1.4 1-4 CHKONOMETEK- JOURNAL. CnROXOMETEll-JOUIlXAL. As iTi the course of the astronomical ami peiidulum observations wc sliall frequeutly liave to refer to tbe rates of the clironoaieter-^, we give lierewitli tliat part of our chronometer-journal which was saved from tlie wreelc. The expedition was supplied witli ten chronometers, four of which were pocket-chronometers. Three of the six box-chronometers (Neg'irs) indicated mean, the rest sidereal time. The three mean-time clironometers were sent on board of the Polaris previous to the sailing of tlie vessel from Washington <-'ity, wh('r(»as the three sidereal ones were procured from the luaker at 2iew York. All tlie instruments were kept in a little closet at the port side ol' the v.ih'wi until we left New York. Tlien tlie box-chronometers were transferred in two cases (three in eacli), resting on four legs each, and fastened to the eabin-tloor near the mast, but disctmnected from tlie latter. The accompanying diagram is intended to show the position of the boxes, which were lined with heavy cushions of horse-hair and cloth, in order to protect the instrn- meuts against injury from con- cussions of the vessel with ice. As will be .-een, thechronometers kept their respecti\e rates better than could have been expected ; and we think that, besides the superior cliaracter of the instru- ments, this uniform rate is in great pari:, due to the manner of keeping the time-pieces, as tlie lining of the cases uot onlyi)re- vented or moderated the shocks produced by running against ice, but also ke[)t the variation of the temperature in the box within a small range, as proved by a ma\i mum and minimum thermome- ter, kept occasionally for some time in one or the other of the boxes during the winter of 1S7I to I.STl', spent at I'olaris Bay. Tlie iustruiiieiits were compared ami wound up daily at the same" time, until the arrival of the vessel at Goodhavn, in AVest Greenland; this was done by tlo^ late commander of the expedition and by the writer. Afterward, the comparisons were made mostly by Mr. R. \Y. Cryan and the writer, or by :\lr. Fred. Meyer. In s.mie rare instances, others assisted. The comparisons were made to the nearest tenth of a second, and in such a manner that one observed the instrument selected as standard, and gave his signal by calling "time," when the other called off the seconds, minutes, and hour, as indicated liy the respective chronometer he compared. Invariably, at least two comparisons were taken of each time-piece and the standard chronometer; sometimes, if the results did not agree within 0^l!, a third or fourth one was obtained. Finally, it may be well to state that, in the following record, the box-chronometers are not designated by their numbers as given by the maker, but by the letters A, B, O, D, p], and Z (standard). This was done partly to prevent mistakes in recoiding a long row of figures ; partly because it is rather disagreeable to write more than is necessary when the temperature is low. The pocket chronometers (by different makers) were designated F, G, H, and I. After the loss of the vessel, the three remaining box-chruuometers were kept in Polaris House on the writer's desk. I. NJCi-iOLS i:c, CnEONOMETER-JOURNAL. Oliniii. A. Z - \ Diir. Cliroii. D. Z — D Diir. t'liroii. 1'. Z ~ V Date. DilV. Cliroii. 1!. Z — li Diff. Clnon.K, Z — E DifF ''li'""l'- *""• Z — 11 Din, 187 Sept. } '21 It. 7)1. H. 1 ;io 40 4 30 :t2. r. III. «. li. III. a. 5 40 3.0 21 21.7 III. 8. /(. III. s. 4 37 10 1 25 12 K. k. 111. s. 5 39 10 23 33.3 HI. 8. li. m. «. 12 .52 40 5 10 53. 5 «. /(. »l. H. 9 30 20 8 35 25.7 M. Sept. 22 1 :!:! 27 5 43 00 4 37 15 5 43 30 12 .52 40 9 29 20. 1 4 20 :!7. ! 55 17 20.5 i 55.2 1 25 18.7 00.7 19 3S 3 .55.3 5 11 18,3, 21. 8 8 35 29.0 03.9 Sept. 21! 1 ;i7 20 5 41; ,50 4 35 3,7 5 15 40 12 ,50 20 9 27 10,. 4 4 22 42 ! 55.5 13 31 ; 55.5 1 25 25 01;. 3 15 43 3 55 5 11 ,50.3 32 .s 35 33.9 04.3 S ,,!,. 24 1 41 17 5 51 10 4 35 50 5 50 05 12 ,50 ,50.4 9 28 14 4 IH 41;. .S ! 55.5 ".) 35 ! 51; 1 25 31.5 00. 5 11 47.5 3 55. 5 5 12 22. 1 31.8 8 35 3M.7 04,8 Srpt. i^r 1 4r, 12 5 55 05 1 35 31 5 53 40 12 49 20 9 27 24 4 14 ,S0.(1 ! 55.0 5 30. 5 ! 55. 5 1 25 38 00. 5 7 .52. / 3 51.8 5 12 53 30.9 8 35 41.7 13 ,S,^pt. 2C, 1 40 07 5 ,50 15 4 35 50 5 5M 05 12 49 30 9 27 40 4 10 T,,^,. ;i ! 55.3, 1 43.7 ! 55, 8 1 25 11 00 3 57 3 .55.7 5 13 20.5 27. .5 8 35 40.7 05 Srpt. y7 1 .'',;! o.s i; 02 III I 3.5 20 02 47 12 49 40 9 28 IC, 4 01; WJ. fi .t 55. H 11 57 4S.2 ! 55.5 1 25 .50, 5 00.5 01.5 3 ,5,5.5 5 13 52 32. 5 8 35 51.5 07. K Si'|)t. 28 1 .SO 22 08 54 I 37 21 07 37 12 49 ,50. 4 9 29 21 4 0:! 03. .S 3 5r. 11 53 .V_>. 5 1 .^5. 7 1 25 57 00.5 11 ,50 00 3, 55. 5 5 14 18.3 20.3 8 3,5 .59.5 05 Sept. 2'J 2 00 .^>4 i; U 03, I 35 33 0!) 50 12 47 40 9 27 20 :! .''.0 08.2 3 ,5.5. 3 11 40 :>7 3 ,55. 5 1 20 03 01; 11 ,52 10.5 3 55. 5 5 14 51.7 33,. 4 8 30 or, 00. 5 Sei)t. :iu 2 04 50 14 35 I 35 00 13 22 12 47 22 9 27 111 3 55 12.2 3 50 11 40 01 3 .50 1 20 00 01; 11 48 14.5 3 50 5 15 10 21.3 8 30. 11.5 05.5 Oct. 1 2 10 34 20 10 4 30 25 18 ,50 12 IH 00 9 27 50 3 51 15.5 3 50. 7 11 42 05 3 .m; 1 20 15. 5 00.5 11 41 IH. 5 3 50 5 15 12 20 8 3,0 17. 5 Oli Ih-t. 2 2 15 05 <; 21 32 4 30 55 23 23 12 48 20 9 2H 30 3 47 I'J 3 50. 5 11 38 08.7 ! ,50.3 1 20, 21.5 00 11 40 22. 7 3 55. W 5 10 05.5 23. 5 8 30 22 05. 5 Oct. :t 2 17 00 20 43 4 -.M 19 0, 25 49 12 40 30 9 20 51 3 43 2:'. 3 51 ; 11 31 12.7 3 50 1 20 27. 5 00 11 30 27.5 3 ,55.2 5 10 20 20.5 8 3.0 2S 00 (III. 4 2 20 4H 3,0 43 4 38 00 29 3,5 12 40 00 9 27 28 3 39 27 3 .50 11 3,0 11;. .^ 3 .50. 2 1 21; :':.:. 3, 05.8 11 32 32 3 55. 5 5 10 50 21 8 3(; 3,2.5 1.5 Oi-.h. :, 2 25 5:'. r. :;5 3.0 4 35 35 34 05 12 40, 02. 4 9 27 20 3 35 3.0.5 .! .50.5 11 20 20 .1 51;. 5 1 21; 39 05. 7 11 2.H 3,5.5 3 50.5 5 17 ll.O, 24.0 8 30 3,7 1.5 Oct. 1; 2 33 53 13, 21; I 39 48 42 24 12 ,50 10 9 31 40 3 3,1 31 3 50. 5 11 2i 2:',.:: ! .m;. 7 1 20 15, 5 00. 5 11 21 39.5 3 ,50 5 17 39.5 21.9 8 3,0 41.. Ml 1.5 loct. 7 1 20 oi; 8 2:1 53 21 K H 2H :\)^ 2 32 00 1 1 1 3 .5 1 3 27 21.2 1 12. H 11 18 10 1 13.3 1 21; 51,5 00 1 1 20 20. 5 4 13 5 IS 03. 33.5 8 3,0 15.: 1,2 II. -1. K 2 3,1; 20 15 54 I 3 1 00 11 43 12 4:! 3 1 9 2s I:; 3 23 43 3 :',H, 2 11 11 3,1.5 i 3M, .-. 1 20, 57 05. 5 11 10 4H 3, 3K, 5 5 IS 2S '.'5 K 3,1;, ,52. ■; 10 < ),-l. 'J 2 40 18 10 50 1 33 40 4M 13 12 42 3.S 9 21 .".S 3 10 47 3 .51; 11 10 35 3 50,. 5 1 27 03 or, 11 12 52 3 50 5 18 ,''.2 24 .4 30 .57 1.7 Oct. 10 2 5(; 44 7 Oi; 32 4 40 23 7 07 10 12 58 00 9 40 52 3 15 4H. 5 3 .57. 5 11 01; 37 ,! ,58 1 27 09. 5 01;. 5 11 OS .53. r 3 58. : 5 19 15.5 23,. 5 8 3.7 01. ;, 1.5 Oc-t. 11 2 18 07 57 40 1 ■.',:; 40 r. 50, 37 12 42 30 9 25 52 ! 3. 11 5 1..- ,! 51 11 02 43 :: 51 1 27 1.5.5 01; 11 05 00.: 3 .53 5 19 11 ,,,J ,r, 8 37 05,,'. Ill 1 let. 12 2 .52 III 7 01 40 1 33 51 7 01 04 12 42 32 9 20 10 3, 07 58. 5 ; 51; 10 .5.": 47 '. 51; 1 27 22 ii 00. 8 11 01 1.,'^ 3, 51; 5 20 1 1 27 K 37 12,: !or., K Oct. i:t 2 5(1 00 7 05 35 4 3:'. 3.2 7 04 23, 12 41 34 9 25 30 :'. Ill 02. .'" 3 50 10 5 1 .50 ! 57' 1 27 27.5 05. 2 10 ,57 iM.l :', 51; 5 20 3,9 27 8 37 17. r 115, 2 Oct. 14 2 50 57 7 10 12 4 ;!i 18 7 09.01 12 42 01 9 20, 42 3. 00 or,, r '. 51; 10 50 52.5 { 57..'" 1 27 3.3.5 oi; 10 .53 12. r 3 50 5 21 03,. 7 24.7 8 37 21 03,, 5 Oct. ir. 3. 05 01 7 ] 1 10 4 31 48 7 13, 40 12 42 18 9 27 02 j 2 .51; 10 3 ,50. 5 10 40 57 3 .55..'' 1 27 3,9.5 or. III 49 10.5 3 .50 3,1.3 8 37 25. 3,'lll.5 ' ' 1 CHEONOMETEE-JOUENAL. Date. Chron. A. D-A Diif. Cbron. B. D-B Diff. Cbron. E. D-E Diff. Chron. H. D — H Diff. Remarks. 1872. li. in. s. H. S. h. m. s. n. s. h. m. s. 11. s. h. m. s. s. Oct. 16 3 12 24 1 24 27. 5 7 22 12 9 15 14.5 7 20 31.5 9 17 34.5 9 29 28 7 09 46. 5 Oct. 17 4 51 30 9 01 18 8 59 45. 5 11 05 06 1 20 10 4 17.5 9 10 .55.5 4 19 9 13 16.5 4 18 7 09 51.5 05 Oct. 18 3 59 40 8 09 36 8 08 OG 10 08 48 1 16 17.5 ? 52. 5 9 07 02 3 53. 5 9 09 24 ! .54. 5 7 09 54. 5 03 Oct. 19 3 29 30 7 39 18 7 37 37.5 9 33 54 1 12 21 i 56.5 9 03 05. 5 3 56. 5 9 05 28. 5 3 55. 5 7 09 56.5 02 Oct. 20 No comparison. Oct. 21 2 16 30 1 04 30 6 26 20 8 55 13.5 G 24 37 S 57 38 8 12 54 7 09 56 Oct. 22 Ko comparison. Oct. 23 No comparison. Chron. " H " ran down. Oct. 24 4 40 15 52 01. 5 8 50 05 8 42 43 8 48 05 8 45 11 9 33 20 8 00 57 No comparison. Oct. 25 Oct. 26 1 5 02 20 9 12 20 9 10 30 9 47 20 1 43 55. 5 i S 34 30 8 37 05. 5 8 00 .57. 5 Oct. 27 (24)? 5 25 55 9 ;!5 05 9 33 05 10 06 00 (39)? 3-i 51. 5 4 04 8 :!0 31 4 05 8 33 01. 6 4 03.9 8 00 57 00.5 (let. 28 5 26 10 9 30 00 9 34 00 10 02 50. 4 35 50 4 01.5 8 26 :!0 4.01 8 29 01 4 00.6 8 00 56.2 00.8 Oct. 29 5 31 52 9 42 17 9 40 32 10 05 14 31 48. 5 4 01. 5 8 22 27 4 03 8 24 59 4 02 8 00 59. 5 03.3 Oct. 30 5 40 57 9 57 00 9 55 00 10 15 40 27 45 4 03.5 8 18 -i-A 4 04 8 20 56. 5 4 02. 5 8 00 58.5 01 Oct. 31 5 38 42 9 48 45 9 46 42 10 03 10 23 46 ;; 59 8 14 22. 5 4 00.5 8 16 57 3 59. 5 8 00 .59 00.5 Nov. 1 5 42 10 9 52 LI5 9 49 55 10 02 26 1 19 44 4 02 8 10 21 4 01.5 8 12 56 4 01 8 00 53 01 Nov. 2 5 46 50 9 56 50 9 54 45 10 03 20 . 15 42. 5 4 01.5 8 06 19 4 02 8 08 55 4 01 8 00 56 02 Nov. 3 5 51 20 10 01 10 9 59 00 10 03 30 ! 11 41 4 01.5 8 02 17 4 02 8 04 54 4 01 8 00 53. 6 02. 4 Nov. 4 5 53 05 1 10 03 05 10 01 00 10 01 40 1 07 40.5 4 00.,'' 7 58 15 4 02 8 00 53 4 01 8 00 51 02.6 6 CnRONOMETER-JOURXAL. Dat e. Chron. A. D — A Diff. Chron. B. D — I! Diff. Chron. E. D — E Diff. C'liron. IT. D — JI Diff, Remarks. 1872. h. m. s. m. s. /(. m. s. m. s. /( . ill. s. in . s. /(. m. .s\ s. Nov. 5 6 00 33 10 10 :i5 10 (JS 30 10 05 :!2 03 38.5 4 02 7 54 12. 6 4 02, 4 7 56 51.7 4 01.:', 8 (10 51, i; 00.6 i Nov. 6 6 03 20 10 13 20 10 09 30 10 03 50 11 59 37. 5 4 01 7 50 11 4 01.6 7 52 51 4 00.7 8 ijij 49, 5 02.1 Nov. 7 6 06 04 (16)? 10 15 16 10 11 ,55.5 10 02 27 11 55 36.5 4 01 (46)? 7 47 09. 5 4 01.5 7 48 50 4 01 w 00 47. 5 02 Nov. 8 6 09 35 10 19 40 10 17 35 10 02 20 11 51 34.5 4 02 7 42 07. 5 4 02 7 44 49 4 01 8 00 46 01.5 Nov. 9 (14)? 6 09 20 10 24 10 10 21 55 10 02 32 (47) f 11 52 33 4 01. 5 7 38 05 4 02. 5 7 40 48 4 01 8 00 44 02 Nov. 10 6 16 35 10 26 3H 10 24 25 10 00 54 U 43 31.5 4 01.5 7 34 04 4 01 7 36 47 4 01 s 00 42. 5 01.5 Nov. 11 6 22 40 10 32 40 10 :io 25 10 02 50 11 39 29. 5 4 02 7 30 01 4 o:; 7 32 45 4 02 8 00 4:'., 4 00. 9 Nov. 12 6 24 35 10 34 30 10 32 40 10 01 10 11 35 29 4 00.5 7 25 .5!) 4 02 7 2S 4 4.5 1 00.5 8 00 44.0 01.2 Nov. 13 6 28 35 10 3s :;5 10 .!(; 15 * 10 01 00 11 31 27.5 4 01.5 7 21 57 4 02 7 24 4 1 4 00.5 8 00 42 02.6 Nov. 14 6 32 50 10 42 40 10 411 15 10 00 44 11 27 26 4 01.5 7 17 5-1.5 4 U2. .-, 7 20 43 4 01 8 00 .39. 5 02. 5 Nov. 15 6 3C 40 10 47 00 10 44 44 10 01 20 11 23 24.5 4 01.5 7 13 52.5 4 1)2 7 16 42 4 01 8 00 39 00. 5 Nov. 16 6 41 40 10 51 35 10 4',) 10 10 01 44 11 19 23 4 01.5 7 09 50.5 4 02 7 12 41.5 4 00.5 8 00 :!6 03 Nov. 17 6 45 10 10 55 10 10 .52 511 10 01 34 11 15 21.5 4 01.5 7 05 49. 5 4 01 7 0,s 40. 5 4 01 8 00 33. 6 02, 4 1 Nov. 18 6 49 35 10 59 30 10 .57 15 10 01 52 11 11 20 4 01. 5 7 01 48 4 01.5 7 04 :;9 4 01.5 8 00 31 112, 6 Nov. 19 6 52 46 11 02 48 11 (III :!3 10 01 10 11 07 19 4 01 6 57 46 4 02 7 00 :'.9 4 00 8 UIJ 311 01 '[ Nov. 20 6 56 45 11 07 00 11 04 36 10 01 10 1 11 03 17. 5 4 01.5 6 53 44 4 ii-J 6 56 38 1 111 8 no 30 00 1 Nov. 21 7 01 00 11 10 55 11 (IS 20 10 01 10 10 59 16 '4 01..'-> 6 49 42.5 4 01.5 6 52 37,5 4 00.5 H 00 30 00 Nov. oo 7 05 00 n 15 00 (13)'? 11 14 (10 (4S,? 10 02 50 10 55 14. 5 4 01.5 6 45 41 4 01.5 6 47 36. 5 4 01 8 00 27,9 02. 1 CnEONOMETEE-JO CENAL. Date. Cliron. A. D-A Diff. Cliron. B. D — B Diff. Cbron. E. D — E Diff Chrou. H. D-H. Diff. Remarks. 1872. /i. 711. S. m. s. ll. Hi. S. m. s. /(. m. s. m. s. h. III. s. s. Nov. 23 7 08 ,52 11 IS 50 U 16 21 10 01 02 10 51 13 4 01. 5 6 41 38.6 1 02. 1 6 44 35.5 4 01 8 00 25.6 02. 3 Nov. 24 7 16 15 11 2(i 15 11 23 35 10 04 20 10 47 11 4 02 6 37 36 1 02.1 6 40 3,4 4 OLE 8 00 26 00.4 j Nov. S.') 7 16 .52 11 26 .50 11 24 10 10 00 50 10 j:; 10 4 01 6 33 34. 5 4 01.5 6 36 33.5 4 00. :■ 8 00 23 03 Nov. 26 7 21 00 11 31 00 11 28 20 10 01 10 10 39 08. 5 4 01.5 6 20 33 4 01.5 6 32 33 4 00. 5 8 00 20 03 Nov. 27 7 25 05 11 35 05 11 32 38 10 01 20 10 35 06. 5 4 02 6 25 32 4 01 6 28 31 4 02 8 00 IS 02 Nov. '.'8 7 20 00 11 30 00 11 36 20 10 01 10 10 31 05 4 01.5 6 21 30 4 02 (3 24 30 4 01 8 00 1.5. 6 02.4 Nov. 20 7 33 22 11 43 22 11 40 45 10 02 10 10 27 03 4 02 6 17 28 1 02 6 20 28. 5 4 01.5 8 00 12.6 03 Xuv. 30 7 37 04 11 47 00 11 44 211 10 01 10 10 23 01 4 02 6 13 26 4 02 6 16 28 4 00.5 8 00 09. 8 02.8 Dec. 1 7 42 33 11 .52 45 11 50 12 10 03 10 10 18 511. 5 4 01. 5 6 09 23 4 03 6 12 2(5.5 4 01. 5 8 00 06.9 02.9 Dec. o 7 45 10 11 .55 20 11 52 50 10 02 20 10 14 58.5 4 01 6 05 22.5 4 00. 5 (■> OS 25. 8 4 00.7 8 00 04. 6 02.3 Dec. 3 7 50 12 12 00 45 11 58 05 10 03 20 10 10 57. 5 4 01 6 01 20 1 02. 5 6 04 24. 5 4 01. 3 8 00 02 02. 6 Dec. 4 7 53 07 12 03 23 12 00 40 10 01 36 10 06 55. 5 4 02 5 57 18. 5 4 01.5 6 00 23.5 4 01 7 59 59. 6 02. 4 Dec. 5 7 57 :J2 12 117 37 12 05 00 10 01 56 10 02 54. 5 4 02 5 5;'. 16.5 4 02 5 50 23 4 00.5 7 59 57 02.6 Dec. 6 8 01 10 12 11 50 12 00 40 10 02 40 9 58 52. 8 4 01.7 5 40 14.5 4 02 , - :-.7 .>.> 4 01 7 59 55 02 Dec. 7 8 05 20 12 15 24 12 12 37 10 01 50. 4 1 9 54 51.5 4 01.3 5 45 13 4 01.5 5 43 21.5 4 00. 5 7 59 52. 6 02.4 Dec, 8 8 09 10 12 19 .50 : 12 16 10 10 01 56 1 9 50 50 4 01.5 5 41 10.5 1 02.5' 5 44 20 4 01.5 7 59 50 02.6 Dec. 9 8 14 23 12 21 35 12 21 .52 10 03 00 1 ! 1 9 46 48. 5 i 01. 5 5 37 00 1 01.5 5 40 19 4 01 7 50 47.4 02.6 Dec. 10 8 17 30 12 27 35 12 24 50 10 02 04 9 42 47. 5 1 01 5 33 07 I 02 5 36 19 1 00 7 59 44. S 02.6 8 CHKo:NOMETj:i;-,iori;Nx\L. Date. Chron. A. D — A Diff. Cluon. B. D — B Diff. Cbrou. E. D — E Diff. Chron. 11. D-II Diir. Kcmarks. 187 o h. m. 8. m. s. It. III. s. Hi. .S. 7l. HI. s. m. s. ll. VI. s. s. Dec. 11 8 26 15 12 36 32 12 33 18 10 07 00 9 38 45. 5 4 02 5 29 05 4 02 5 32 17 1 02 7 59 12 02.8 Dec. I'J 8 27 43 12 37 47 12 35 00 10 04 08 9 34 45 4 00.5 5 25 03 1 02 5 28 17 1 00 7 .59 11.8 00.2 Dec. 13 8 30 05 12 40 20 12 37 30 10 03 40 9 30 44 4 01 5 21 02 4 01 5 24 16.5 4 00. 5 7 59 39. 9 01. '.1 Dec. 14 8 33 17 12 43 22 12 40 35 1(1 01 40 9 26 43 4 01 5 17 00 4 02 5 20 16.5 4 00 7 59 38. 8 01.1 Dec. 15 8 38 00 12 48 40 12 45 15 10 03 10 9 22 41.5 4 01. 5 5 12 58. 5 4 01.5 5 16 15 4 01. 5 7 .59 21.2 17.6 Dec. IC 8 41 42 12 51 50 12 48 50 10 02 00 9 18 40 4 01. 5 5 08 56 4 112.5 5 12 14. 5 4 (X). 8 7 5U 34 12.8 Dec. 17 8 45 30 12 55 36 12 52 45 10 02 02 9 14 39 4 01 5 04 54 5 4 01.5 5 08 14 4 00.5 7 59 35 01 Dec. 18 8 49 20 12 59 43 12 57 20 10 02 40 9 10 37. 5 4 01.5 5 00 53 4 01.5 5 04 13. 5 4 00.5 7 59 35 00 Dec. 19 8 56 15 1 06 30 1 03 3fei 10 05 00 9 06 35. 5 4 02 4 56 50. 5 4 02.5 5 00 12.5 1 01 7 .59 34. 4 00. 6 Deo. 20 8 57 52 1 08 15 1 05 2(1 10 02 20 9 02 34.5 4 01 4 52 49. 5 4 01 4 .56 12 1 00. 5 7 59 34 00. 4 Dec. 21 9 05 53 1 16 05 1 13 05 10 (IC 30 8 58 32 4 02.5 4 48 47 1 02.5 4 .52 10.5 4 01. 5 7 59 31. 3 02. 7 Dec. 22 9 05 37 l 16 00 1 13 10 10 02 30 8 54 31 4 01 4 44 46.5 4 00. 5 4 48 10 4 00. 5 7 59 28. 9 02. 4 Dec. 23 9 10 10 1 20 25 1 17 30 10 03 00 1 8 50 29. 5 4 01.5 4 41) 44.5 4 112 4 44 09. 5 1 00. 5 7 .59 26.2 02.7 j Dec. 24 9 14 50 1 25 12 1 22 20 10 03 50 8 46 28. 3 4 01.2 4 36 43 4 01.5 4 40 08. 5 4 01 7 .59 26 00. 2 Dec. 25 9 18 50 1 29 05 1 26 05 10 04 00 8 42 27 4 01.3 4 32 42 4 01 4 36 (18 4 00.5 7 59 27. ;t 01. 9 Dec, 2fi 9 21 40 1 32 00 1 29 00 10 02 20 8 :.i8 26 4 01 4 28 41 1 01 4 32 (17 1 01 7 59 28. ;» 01 Dec. 27 9 29 12 1 40 00 1 37 10 10 06 20 8 34 23. 5 4 02.5 4 24 38.5 1 (12. 5 4 28 (15. 5 4 01.5 7 59 28. 6 00.3 Dec. 28 9 29 45 1 10 00 1 37 00 10 02 20 8 30 23 4 00.5 4 20 37.5 I 01 4 24 05. 3 4 00.2 7 59 25. 5 03.1 CHEOXOMETEE-JOUENAL. 9 Date. 1372. Dec. 29 Dec. 30 Dec. 31 1873. Jan. 1 CLroii. A. D- A Dift. ll. 7)1. S. 9 34 25 8 26 21.5 4 01.; 9 3-; 00 8 22 19. 5 4 02 9 41 42 Chrou. B. D-B Diff. 8 18 19 4 00.5 9 45 43 8 14 17 4 02 Jan. 2 , 9 57 36 j i 8 10 14.5 4 02. Jan. 3 ' 9 54 10.5 8 OC 14. 5 4 00 Jan. 4 10 00 00 8 02 12.5 4 02 4 01.2 4 01.8 4 01 Jan. 5 Jan. 6 10 01 50 7 58 11.5 4 01 10 07 33 I 7 .54 10.5 4 01 Jan. 7 i 10 09 50 Jan. Jan. 9 7 50 10 4 00.5 10 13 55 7 46 09. 6 4 00. 4 10 18 42 i 7 42 OS '4 01.6 Jan. 10 ! 10 22 15 i 38 06. 8 4 01. 2 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 13 Jan. 14 Jan. 15 10 27 22 7 34 06 4 00.8 10 29 55 ' 7 30 05 4 01 10 35 06 7 26 04. 8 4 00. 2 10 39 17 7 22 05 3 59. 8 10 41 ,56 7 18 04 I4 01 ll. jn. s. m. 1 44 40 4 16 36 4 01. 5 1 48 12 4 12 34. 8 1 54 03 4 08 3:1 1 56 00 4 04 32 2 05 20 4 00 29 :4 'X 2 05 50 3 56 28 4 01 2 10 13 3 52 20. 5 2 12 05 3 48 28 2 17 50 3 44 24 2 20 05 3 40 22.8 ,4 01.2 2 24 20 3 36 21.5 |4 01.3 2 30 23 Cbron. E. D — E Diff. Chroii. IT. D-H Diff. h. m. s. m. s. , h. m. s. \ s. 1 -11 35 I 10 02 52 4 20 04.5 4 00.8 7 59 27.6 ■ 02.1 1 45 15 4 16 04. 5 1 49 10 4 12 04 1 53 00 4 08 04 2 05 15 4 04 02 2 01 20.5 (?) 4 00 03. 5 i4 00 10 02 30 7 59 30 02. 4 4 01.5 4 01. 5 4 01 4 01.5 4 00.5 3 32 20 2 32 30 3 28 19. 5 2 37 36 3 24 18.5 4 01 2 40 20 1 3 20 17.5 4 01 2 45 26 3 16 17 4 00. 5 2 49 30 3 12 15 2 52 15 3 08 14.5 '4 00.5 4 01 3 59. 4 00. 4 02 2 07 00 3 50 02.5 2 09 00 3 52 03 2 14 40 3 48 01. 8 2 17 00 3 44 01. 3 2 21 10 3 40 00.3 2 25 45 3 35 59 2 29 20 3 31 58 2 34 26 3 27 57 2 3,7 24 3 23 56. 8 ,4 00. 2 2 42 20 3 19 54. 5 4 02. 3 j 2 40 22 I 3 15 53. 5 4 01 4 00.5; 10 02 20 4 00 7 59 30 10 10 20 4 02 7 59 31.8 10 04 50 7 59 31. 5 10 04 10 7 59 30. 9 10 02 10 7 59 31. 9 10 03 50 4 01. 2 7 59 33. 7 10 02 10 7 59 34. 9 10 02 10 4 01 7 59 34. 8 10 04 45 4 01.3 7 59 32 10 02 40 7 59 30. 6 10 03 40 7 59 27.6 10 02 50 7 59 27. 7 10 03 30 7 59 28. 8 10 03 20 7 59 25. 7 4 01 4 01 01. S 00.3 00.6 01.0 01.6 01.2 00.1 02.8 2 49 05 3 11 52.5 4 01 10 02 20 7 59 25 01 4 03 00. 1 01. 1 03. 1 00. / Remarks. 10 ciiKC)N( m ET 10 1 ;-j o r 1 ; N A i.. Date. Chron. A. D— A Diff. Cbion. B. D— 15 Diff. Cbioii. E. D — K Diir. Cbron. 11. D — 11 Diff. . 1873. h. m. s. m. 8. 7i. m. 8. m. s. li. in. s. in. 8. /l. ?H. .1. 8. Jan. IG 10 40 00 2 56 15 2 53 03 10 02 10 7 14 03.5 4 00.5 3 04 13 4 01. 5 3 07 50. 5 1 02 7 59 2S. S 00. w i Jau. 17 10 51 02 3 01 20 2 58 05 ■ 10 03. 10 7 10 02. 5 4 01 3 00 12 4 01 3 03 50.5 1 00 7 59 25. 9 00.1 Jan. 18 10 54 47 3 05 07 3 02 16 10 (13 40 7 00 02 4 00.5 2 50 11 4 01 2 59 49 4 01.5 7 .59 23. 5 02. 4 Jan. 19 10 .58 10 3 08 30 3 05 10 10 02 20 7 02 01.5 4 00.5 2 52 10. 5 4 00. 5 2 .'>5 48 3 4 00.7 7 .59 21.1 02.4 Jan. 20 11 02 00 3 12 15 3 09 (12 10 02 00 58 01 4 00.5 2 48 09. 5 4 01 2 51 47 4 01.3 7 59 23. 3 02. 2 Jau. 21 11 00 02 3 10 16 :: 13 00 10 02 10 54 00 4 01 2 44 08. 5 4 01 2 47 40 4 01 7 59 23. 8 00.5 Jan. 22 11 10 17 3 20 35 3 17 35 10 02 40 49 59 4 01 2 40 07 4 01.5 2 43 44. 5 4 01.5 7 .59 21.8 02.0 Jan. 23 11 14 06.4 3 20 25. 5 3 21 34 10 04 40 45 58. 6 4 00.4 2 36 05. 5 4 01.5 2 39 43 1 (11.5 7 59 20 01.8 Jan. 24 11 18 35 3 29 00 3 25 50 10 03 30 i 1 6 41 57. 5 4 01.1 2 32 04. 5 4 01 2 I'm 41.7 4 01.3 7 59 19. 1 00. 9 Jan. 25 11 21 03.5 (?) 3 34 28 3 29 ;ii 10 00 02.2 6 39 06. 5 2 28 03 4 01.5 2 31 41 4 (.10.7 7 .59 15. H o:',. 3 Jan. 20 11 26 17 3 36 37 3 33 2(; 10 02 30 33 55. 5 2 24 02 4 01 2 27 4(1 4 01 7 59 13 02.8 Jan. 27 11 38 47 3 46 05 3 42 50 10 07 50 6 29 54 4 01.5 2 20 00. 5 4 01.5 2 23 3-'. 5 4 01. r 7 .59 12.9 00.1 Jan. 28 11 35 25 3 45 43. 5 3 42 42 10 03 5(1 25 53.5 4 00.5 2 15 59.9 4 00.0 2 19 38,5 4 00 7 .59 09. (; o:;. 3 ! Jan. 29 11 39 05 3 49 47 3 46 37 10 01 00.4 6 21 .52. 6 4 00.9 2 11 59 1 0(1. 9 2 15 37. 8 4 00.7 7 59 00.5 o:'.. 1 Jan. 30 11 43 03.5 3 55 04.5 :! 50 17 10 05 39. 4 6 17 51. 5 4 01.1 2 07 57. 5 4 01.5 2 11 37 4 00. f 7 59 05. 00. 9 Jan. 31 11 46 10. 5 3 59 12. 5 3 53 29 CO 10 05 20. 2 6 13 50.5 4 01 2 03 56.5 4 01 2 08 36 7 59 01. 8 03.8 Feb. 1 11 50 15 4 00 32 3 57 15 10 m 30 6 09 49. 5 4 01 1 59 56 4 00.5 2 03 35 7 59 00 01.8 Feb. 2 11 54 12 4 04 45 4 01 30 10 02 40 6 05 48.5 4 01 1 55 54. C 4 01. 4 1 59 33. 9 4 01.1 7 59 00 00 Reniaik.s. (' I lilONOM ETEE-JO CTENAL. 11 Diite. Clirou. A. D — A 1873 /l. Hi. S. Feb. 3 12 CO 00 6 01 46. 8 Feb. 4 12 02 15 5 57 45. 5 Feb. 5 12 06 45 5 53 45.5 Feb. G 12 14 37 5 49 44.4 Feb. 7 12 15 02 Diff. CLrou. B. D — B Diff. Cbron. E. D — E 4 01.7 4 01.3 4 00 4 01.1 Feb. Feb. ;i Feb. 10 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 17- Feb. 18 Feb. 10 Feb. 20 5 45 44. 5 12 18 17 5 41 43.5 12 22 18 5 37 42 12 26 36 5 33 41 12 30 28 5 29 40 12 34 25 5 25 39. 5 12 38 25 5 21 38. 5 12 42 23 5 17 37.5 13 46 20 5 13 36 12 52 22 5 09 34.6 12 54 26 5 05 34 12 56 32 5 01 32. 8 1 02 33 4 57 31.5 1 06 29 4 53 31 3 59.9 4 01 4 01.: I 01 4 01 4 00.5 4 01 4 01 4 01. 5 li, m. s. 4 10 20 1 51 53.5 4 12 50 1 47 52.6 4 17 00 1 43 51. 4 4 25 00 1 39 40. 6 4 25 25 1 35 48. 8 4 28 40 1 31 47.7 4 32 40 1 27 47 4 38 07. 6 1 23 45.4 4 43 50 1 19 44 4 44 .50 1 15 43 4 48 50 1 11 42 4 53 00 1 07 40.8 4 56 51 1 03 39. 5 04 30 4 01.4 4 00.6 4 01.2 4 01.3 4 00.5 59 1/. o 5 04 46 55 36. 6 5 09 30 51 35. 5 5 13 05 47 34 5 17 05 43 33 4 01.1 4 00.9 4 01.2 4 01. S 4 CO. 8 4 01.1 4 00. 4 01.6 4 01.4 1 01 4 01 :4 01.2 4 01.2 4 02.1 I CO. 9 4 01. 1 4 01.5 1 01 h. m. s. 4 07 10 1 55 32. 8 4 09 40 1 51 32 4 13 47 1 47 31 4 22 00 1 43 30 4 22 10 1 39 30.6 4 25 25 1 35 30.5 4 29 20 1 31 30 4 33 35.5 1 27 29. 5 4 37 33 1 23 29 4 41 36 1 19 27. 8 4 45 32 1 15 27. 5 4 49 45 1 11 26.5 4 53 30 1 07 26 5 01 17 1 03 25. 6 5 01 20 59 25. e 5 05 13 55 25 5 09 40 51 25. 4 5 13 36 47 25. 8 Diff. I 01.1 4 00.8 4 01 4 01 3 59.4 4 00.1 4 00.5 4 00.5 4 00.5 4 01.2 4 00.3 4 01 4 00. 4 00.4 ; 59. 8 4 00. 8 3 59. 6 3 59. G Chron. H. D — H. ft. m. s. 10 04 20 7 58 56. 3 10 03 30 7 58 58. 1 10 02 52 7 58 55 10 07 06 7 58 58. 1 10 03 30 7 58 51.5 10 02 40 7 58 52. 6 10 02 30 7 58 53. 6 10 0^34.8 7 58 53. 2 10 06 03.2 7 58 51. 8 10 03 20 7 58 51. 1 10 02 50 7 58 52. 6 10 03 00 7 58 52 10 02 40 7 58 48. 8 10 06 40 7 58 47. 8 10 02 40 7 58 46 10 03 30 7 58 47. 2 10 02 54 7 58 48. 8 10 02 52 7 58 46 Diff. 03.2 01.3 03.1 03.1 03. 6 01.9 01 00.4 01.4 00.7 01.5 00.6 03.2 01.0 01.8 01.2 01.6 02.8 Remarks. 12 CHKONOMETEll-JOUK^'AL. Dat L'- Cbrou. A. D — A Diff. Chron. B. D — B Diff. Cbron. E. D — E Diff. Chron. H. D-H Diff'. Keuuuks. 187 i. li. m. s. m. s. 7(. «i. s. m. s. /l. Hi. S. in. 8. k. m. s. s. Feb. 21 1 16 22 5 26 45 5 23 25 10 03 40 4 49 28. 5 4 02. 5 39 30. S 4 02.2 43 25 4 00.8 7 58 43. 6 02.4 Feb. 22 1 14 32 5 25 00 5 21 30 10 03 04 4 45 28 4 00.5 35 30. 8 4 00 39 26. 4 3 .58. C, 7 .58 40.0 03.0 Feb. >);> 1 18 33 5 29 00 5 25 30 10 02 54 4 41 27 4 01 31 29. 8 4 01 35 26. 7 3 59.7 7 .58 40.9 00. 3 Feb. 24 1 22 40 5 33 05 5 29 37 10 03 00 4 37 26 4 01 27 28.6 4 01.2 31 26. 8 3 59. 9 7 58 40 00. 9 Feb. 25 1 26 37 5 37 05 5 33 36 10 03 04 4 33 25 4 01 23 27. 6 4 01 27 27 3 59.. 7 .58 40.8 00.8 Feb. 20 1 30 40 5 41 00 5 37 20 10 02 40 4 29 24.5 4 00.5 19 27 4 00. r> 2:; 28 7 58 40. 6 00.2 Feb. 27 1 34 40 5 45 05 5 41 30 10 02 50 4 25 23. 5 4 01 15 26 4 01 19 28. 5 3 59. 5 7 58 41 00. 4 Feb. 28 1 39 29. 5 5 51 22 5 46 21 10 07 40 4 21 22.5 4 01 11 25 4 01 14 29 3 .59.5 7 53 42 01.0 Mar. 1 1 42 50 5 53 10 5 49 30 10 02 52 4 17 21 4 01.5 7 24 4 01 11 29.5 3 59. 5 7 58 50, 5 08.5 Mar. 2 1 46 41 5 57 05 5 53 30 10 03 06 4 13 20 4 01 3 23.4 4 00.6 7 29, 5 4 00 7 58 38 12. 5 Ma,-. 3 1 50 45 6 01 05 10 03 00 4 09 19 4 01 11 59 22.3 4 01.1 3 30 3 59. 5 7 58 37. 7 00.3 Mar. 4 1 55 00 6 05 20 6 01 10 10 03 30 4 05 18 4 01 11 55 21. 8 4 00.4 11 59 30 4 00 7 58 39. 4 01.7 Mar. 5 2 04 12 6 14 46 6 11 06 10 08 40 4 01 15.9 4 02. 1 11 51 ]3.6 4 07.2 11 55 30 4 00 7 58 34.9 04.5 Mar. 6 2 03 31. 5 (?) 6 07 05. 4 6 11 54 10 08 14. 4 3 .57 15. 5 4 00.4 (?) 11 58 18. 6 11 51 31 3 59 7 53 30. 01.7 Mar. 7 2 06 56 6 17 25 6 13 32 10 03 10 3 53 14 4 01. 5 11 43 13 11 47 31.8 3 59. 2 7 58 34. 2 03. 9 Mar. p 2 10 51 6 21 10 6 17 30 10 03 06. 4 3 49 13 4 01 11 39 16. 8 4 01.2 11 43 32 3 .59. 8 7 58 32. 7 01.5 Mar. 'J 2 17 00.5 (?) 6 28 30. 5 6 22 23. 5 (?) 10 07 15.2 3 44 11.5 11 35 14.5 4 02.3 11 40 33. 5 7 58 34. 3 00.6 Mar. 10 2 19 20 6 29 40 6 25 55 10 03 50 3 41 10 11 31 13.6 4 00.9 11 35 33 7 58 32.3 02.0 CHRONOM I<:TER-J O UK X A I .. 13 Chron. A. Date. y_^ 1 1 Diff. Cbrou. B. D — B Diff. Chron. E. D — E Diff. Chron. H. D — H Dili'. Remarks. I 1 1 1873. : }i. in. 8. III. 8. 1 h. TO. s. |i I. 8. ll. m. 8. TO. s. h. m. 8. s. Mar. 11 No comparison. JIar. 12 ' 2 28 22 1 (5 38 45 6 35 02 10 04 48 3 33 07 11 23 10.5 11 27 33,8 7 58 32 JIar. 13 2 32 14 6 42 50 6 39 00 10 04 56 3 29 OC. .5 - I 00. 5 11 19 09. 5 4 01 11 23. 31.5 !59.3 7 5S :'.8 06 JIar. 14 2 3.5 00 6 45 20 6 41 20 10 03 08 1 3 25 05 1 01. 5 11 15 09 4 00. 5 11 19 30 !.-,8,5 7 58 25. 12, 4 Mar. 15 2 39 10 r, 49 30 45 30 10 03 20 3 21 03 4 02 11 11 08.5 4 00,5 11 15 30. ! 59, 4 7 58 26. 9 01.3 JIar. IG 2 43 00 C 53 20 49 27 10 03 20 1 3 17 03 4 00 11 07 or., 8 4 01.7 11 11 37.3 3 59. 3 7 58 27.5 00.6 JIar. IT , 2 17 00 C. 57 20 53 50 10 03 40 1 3 13 01 4 02 11 03 05.6 4 01.2 11 07 37.0 ;!59.7 7 5^. 20. 3 01.2 Mar. IH 2 53 55 7 04 15 7 00 02 10 05 50 3 09 00 4 01 10 59 04 4 01.0 11 03 38 3 59.6 7 58 24. 6 01.7 1 JIar. Ill 2 55 20 ' 7 05 :!5 7 01 30 10 03 30 3 04 59 4 01 10 55 03, 3 4 00.7 10 59 37. 4 00.4 7 58 2:! 01.6 JIar. 20 3 CO 37 7 11 15 7 07 00 10 05 40 3 00 57. 6 4 01.4 10 51 01. 5 4 01.8 10 .55 42 3 55. 6 7 58 19 04 Mar. 21 3 03 15 7 13 30 7 (i;) 22 10 03 20 1 2 56 57 4 00. 6 10 47 01. C :; 59.; 10 51 39 |4 03 7 58 15. 1 03., 9 Mar. 22 3 08 00 7 18 17 7 14 07 10 04 10 2 52 56 4 01 10 43 00 4 01. C 10 47 39. 5 3 59. 5 7 58 14. 8 00.3 JIar. 23 3 11 06.4 7 23 15 7 17 21 10 05 11. 2 2 48 55. 6 4 00. 4 10 38 59 4 01 10 43 40 3 59. 5 7 .53 13. 8 01 Mar. 24 3 16 41 7 27 05 7 22 45 10 04 42 1 2 44 54 4 01. 0' 10 3.4 57. 5 4 01. .'^ 10 39 40 4 00 7 58 09 04. w ! Mar. 25 3 19 25 7 29 41 7 25 30 10 03 42 1 2 40 52 i ,4 02 10 30 55. 6 4 01. 1 10 35 39. 3 4 00.7 7 .58 03.2 05.8 JIar. 2fi 3 23 10 7 31 05 7 29 10 10 03 .52 2 3G 51 4 01 10 20 54 4 01. f 10 31 40 3 59. : 1 7 57 59 04. 2 1 JIar. 27 ! 3 27 40 7 38 05 7 33 52 10 04 10 ! 2 32 50 4 01 10 22 53 4 01 10 27 40. S |:; 59. ', 7 57 57. 5 01.5 Mar. 28 3 31 12 1 7 41 31 7 37 05 ! 10 03 20 2 28 49 4 01 1 10 18 52 4 01 10 23 11,8 ;; 59 7 57 55. 4 02.1 : . _ . - .1 - _ _ 1 '1 14 CHKONOMETEK-JOUIiXAL. Date. Cbron. A. D — A Diif. CUron. B. D-B Diff. Cbron. E. D-E Diff. Cbron. H. D-H Diff. EemarUs. 1 1?73. h. m. s. Hi. S. /(. m. 8. III. s. /(. HI. .5. in. s. h. in. s. i *■ Mar. 29 3 41 55 7 52 20 7 48 00 "10 10 20 2 24 47. - 4 01.2 10 14 50 4 C2 10 19 42 3 59. 8 7 57 53 Oi.4 Mar. 30 3 39 15 1 7 49 40 7 49 10 10 03 30 2 20 43 3 59. 8 10 10 51 3 .59 10 15 44 3 58 7 .57 51 02 ■ Mar. 31 3 44 30 7 54 51 7 50 20 10 04 52 2 16 47 4 01 10 06 49.6 4 01.4 10 11 44.4 3 59. 6 7 57 37. 8 13.2 April 1 3 47 17 7 57 40 7 53 05 10 03 42 2 12 46.5 4 00.5 10 02 48. 6 '4 01 W 07 45. 6 3 58. .- 7 57 45 07.2 1 April 2 3 51 19.5 8 01 46 7 57 20 10 04 00 2 08 45. 5 4 01 9 58 47. 5 4 01. 1 10 03 46. 3 3 59. 3 7 57 43. 8 01.2 April 3 3 55 52 8 06 25 i 8 01 46 10 04 50 2 04 45 4 00. 5 9 54 46 4 01.5 9 59 50 3 56. 3 7 57 40 03.8 April 4 3 59 25 8 09 45 8 05 05 10 03 50 2 00 43 4 02 9 50 45. 6 4 00. 4 9 55 48. 6 4 01.4 7 57 35. 4 04.6 April 5 4 03 55 8 14 15 8 09 35 10 04 30 1 .56 42.5 4 00.5 9 46 45 4 00.6 9 51 49.5 3 59. 1 7 57 33 (12. 4 April 6 4 07 20 8 17 45 8 13 112 10 04 00 1 52 41.6 4 00. 9 9 42 41.8 4 00.2 9 47 51 3 58. 5 7 57 28. 9 04.1 April T 4.11 22 8 21 50 8 17 05 15 34 40 H ran down. 1 48 40.5 4 01.1 9 38 44 4 00.8 9 43 52 3 59 2 27 49. 5 April 8 4 15 25 8 25 46 8 21 00 15 33 36 1 44 39.6 4 00.9 9 34 44 4 00 9 39 53. 5 3 59. r, 2 27 46. 9 02.6 April 9 4 19 22 8 29 40 8 24 55 15 33 40 1 40 39 4 00.6 9 30 42.5 4 01.5 1 9 35 54 3 59. 5 2 27 32. 8 13.1 April 10 4 23 50 8 34 10 8 29 25 15 34 36 1 36 38 4 01 9 26 41. 8 4 00.7 9 31 54. 6 3 59. 4 2 27 40. 8 03 April 11 4 2-* 48 8 40 17. 5 8 34 22 15 36 34. 8 1 32 37 4 01 9 22 40. 5 4 01. 3 9 27 55 3 59. 6 2 27 38. 2 02.6 April 12 4 31 30 8 41 46 8 37 00 15 33 50 1 28 36 4 01 9 18 40 4 00.5 9 23 56 i 59 2 27 37. 2 01 April 13 4 56 52 9 08 24. 5 9 04 07 II witb Dr. Bussels. 1 24 32 4 04 9 14 35. 5 4 04. 5 9 19 53 4 03 ' April 14 1 41 05 8 51 40 8 47 40 II witb Dr. Bessels. 1 20 34 3 58 9 10 38 3 57.5 9 15 57 3 56 April 15 4 45 16 8 55 45 1 8 51 23 H witb Dr. Bessels. 1 16 33 4 01 9 06 37 ^4 01 i 9 11 .58 3 59 CHEOXOMETEE-JOUliXAL. 15 Date. isr3. April 16 April 17 April 18 April 19 April 20 April 21 April 2-2 April 2:1 April 24 April 25 April 2G April 27 I i April 28 April 29 April 30 : May I May 2 May 3 Cbrou. A. D — A Diflf. h. m. s. 4 47 45 1 12 31 4 52 05 1 08 32 4 55 30 1 04 30 5 00 20 1 00 29. 5 5 13 42.5 56 27. 5 5 07 33 52 28 5 22 10 48 24. 5 5 15 40 44 20 5 19 35 40 25. 5 5 24 40 30 24 5 23 00 32 23. 5 32 17 28 23. 5 5 35 37 24 23 5 39 45 20 23, 5 5 43 58 16 22 5 47 40 12 21.5 5 51 40 08 20. 6 5 55 40 04 20.5 4 02 3 59 4 02 4 00.! 4 02 3 59. 4 03..' Cliron. B. D — B 7i. m. a. 8 58 10 9 02 36 9 02 40 8 58 35 9 05 55 8 54 34 9 11 10.5 8 50 33 9 24 19 8 46 32 9 17 50 8 42 31.6 9 32 45 8 38 25. 5 4 00. 4 01. 5 4 00.4 4 00. 1 ,4 00.5 3 59. : I 4 01.5 4 00. 4 00.' 4 00.3 Diff. 4 01 4 01 4 01 4 01 4 01 4 00.4 4 06. 1 9 26 00 8 34 29. 8 9 29 55 8 30 28. 6 9 35 01 8 26 27. 8 9 33 25 8 22 26. 8 9 42 45 8 18 26. 5 9 46 35 8 14 25. 5 9 50 15 8 10 25. 6 9 57 56 8 06 24 9 58 00 8 02 23. 8 10 02 15.5 7 58 22. 5 '4 01. 3 10 06 05 7 54 22. 7 ;} 59. 8 4 01.2 4 00.8 4 01 4 00.3 :4 01 3 59. 4 01.8 4 00. 2 Chron. E. D — E h. m. s. 8 53 11 9 07 59 8 57 55 9 04 00 9 00 52 9 00 00. 5 9 06 15 8 56 02.5 9 19 28, 5 8 52 01.5 9 12 40 8 48 04. 2 9 27 40 8 44 02 9 20 50 8 40 05. 2 9 24 40 8 36 00.2 9 28 45 8 32 06. 8 9 33 10 8 28 08 9 37 35 8 24 09. 5 9 41 22 8 20 11 9 45 00 8 16 12.8 9 51 18 8 12 13 9 52 30 8 08 15 9 57 05 8 04 15.9 10 00 40 8 00 17 Diff. 3 59 3 59 3 59,5 Chrou. H. D — H /(. m. s. Diff. 4 01 3 57.3 15 36 00 2 27 24.5 15 44 50 2 27 24 15 34 00 2 27 23 00. 5 01 Remarks. 4 02, 2 15 34 00.4 I 3 56. 8 2 27 21. 8 15 34 00 j 3 59 2 27 21. 2 00. 6 15 35 02 I 3 59. 4 2 27 18, : 02. 6 15 34 30 3 58. 8 2 27 17. 8 00. 8 i i 15 35 00 3 58. 5 2 27 20. 8 03 15 34 50 2 27 20 00. 8 ! 15 34 20 I 5 58, 2 2 27 19. 8 00. 2 15 38 14.8 3 59. H 2 27 18. 2 j 01. 6 15 34 00 2 27 15. 2 , 03 15 34 44 :i .59.1 2 27 15.9 00.7 15 34 10 : 3 58. 9' 2 27 14. 6 ' 01. 3 H witli Dr. Bessels. II with Dr. BeSLels. 11 with Dr. Bessels. H retiirueil. II with Dr. Bessels. H returned. ]«; CIlEOXOilETEK-JOUBXAL. rate. C'liron. A. D-A Diff. Cbrou. B. D — B Diir. Cbrou. E. D — E Dili. Cliron. n. D — H Pitr. Reniarks. 1S7:!. h. m. s. "!. S. 7i. m. s. in. s. /(. VI. s. in. s. h. m. s. ,c. i May 4 5 59 45 10 10 45 10 05 15 15 34 50 00 20 4 00.5 7 50 21. 4 01.1 7 56 18 3 59 2 27 12. N 01. s May 5 6 03 45 10 14 10 10 08 36 15 34 22 11 5C 19 4 01 7 46 21.6 4 00 7 .52 19 3. 59 2 27 11.3 01,5 May C 6 07 42 10 18 15 10 12 50 15 34 30 ! 11 52 IS. 9 4.00.1 7 42 20. 8 4 00.8 7 48 20 3 'tO 2 27 09.8 01.5 May 7 G 11 43 10 22 05 10 16 25 15 34 01 ; 11 48 18 4 00.9 7 38 19. 8 4 01 7 44 21 3 59 2 27 08.6 01.2 Jlay 8 6 15 43 10 26 11 10 20 30 15 34 10 11 44 17 4 01 7 34 19 4 00.8 7 40 21. 8 3 59. 2 2 27 07 01.6 May 9 G 19 44 10 30 26 10 25 00 15 34 50 11 40 1G.5 4 00.5 7 30 17. 4 4 01.6 7 36 22. 5 3 59. 3 2 27 06 01 May 10 6 24 05 10 34 25 10 28 40 15 34 40 11 36 16 4 00.5 7 26 17.5 3 59.9 7 32 23. 5 3 59 2 27 04. 8 01.2 May 11 6 27 45 10 38 10 10 32 35 15 3.4 24 11 32 15.5 4 00.5 7 22 16.8 4 00.7 7 28 24.5 3 59 2 27 03, 01.8 May 12 6 31 46. 5 10 43 34 10 36 20. 6 15 35 35 11 28 14. 5 4 01 7 18 16 4 00. 8 7 24 25.4 3 50. 1 2 27 03. 5 00. 5 May 13 C -38 13 10 49 53 10 42 48 11 witli Mi- Bryan. 11 24 13 4 01.5 7 14 15 4 01 7 20 26 :! 59. 4 May 14 (39)? 6 40 47 (20)? 11 19 14 3 59 10 51 20. 6 7 10 15. 4 :'. 59.(1 10 44 09. 8 7 16 28. 2 :,.. ll witb ilv. Bryan. May 15 6 51 01 11 02 36.6 10 55 30 n witii m- I'.ryan. 11 16 12 4 02 7 06 13. 4 4 02 7 12 28 4 00.2 May 10 6 47 07. 8 11 13 02.2 3 09.8 10 59 56. 7 7 02 14. 3 3 5'.). 1 (52)? 10 57 40.6 (08)? 7 03 29. 4 3 5>. (1 II witb Mr. Bryan. May 17 6 53 58. 6 (?) 11 06 06. 6 10 58 49. 6 15 38 55. 2 II retiu'iioil 11 09 11.4 3 50. 8 6 58 13. 4 4 00.9 7 04 30. 4 3 59 2 26 50. 8 May 18 6 57 06. 9 (?) 11 08 40.5 11 01 35.6 15 37 05 11 04 11. 1 5 00. 3 6 54 13. 5 :! 59. 9 7 00 31. 4 3 59 2 26 49 01.-^ May 19 7 00 48 U 12 15.5 11 05 05.5 15 37 05. 2 11 00 10 4 01.1 6 50 12. 5 4 01 6 56 32.5 3 58. 9 2 26 47. 8 01. 2 May 20 7 04 .52 11 15 30.5 11 09 40 15 36 20 10 56 09 4 01 6 46 10. 1 I 02. 4 6 52 28 4 04. 5 2 26 45 0.'.8 May 21 7 08 25 11 19 10 11 13 06 15 35 30 10 52 09. 8 3 59.2 6 42 11 3 59. 1 6 48 34. S 3 53.2 2 26 43. 8 01.2 chroxombter-joue:n^al. 17 Date. M:l.V a May 03 M;iy '24 May i3 Mny 26 ; Jlay 27 May 2H il;iy 20 May 30 Mav 31 Liiroii. A. D — A h . m . s. T 12 3.") 10 4>S O'J 7 16 5.'. 10 44 0^. 7 20 40 10 40 li~. fi 7 24 21 10 30 OS. ."> 7 27 !53 10 32 oe. .^ 7 3(3 4.3. .') 10 24 07. 5 7 40 00 10 20 06. 8 7 43 54 10 16 06 7 48 00 10 12 05 Diff. Chrou. B. D — B Dift'. Chroii. E. D — E m. «. /(. III. .^. \in. 11 23 00 4 00. > 6 38 10. 8 '4 00. 2 11 27 20 1 4 00.4 i; 34 10.8 4 tlO 11 31 05 4 Oil. 1 (; 30 00.2 4 01.6 1 35 15 4 00 6 26 09. 5 3 50. 11 38 20 I 4 00 ! 6 22 09. 5 4 00 U 48 10. 6 14 08. 11 50 20 4 00.7; 6 10 08 4 00. 11 54 15 4 00. s 6 06 06. 8 4 01. 2 11 .58 25 4 01 6 02 05.6 4 01.2 Diff. h. m. s. 11 17 06 6 44 36 3 58. 8 Chron. H. D-H 11 21 20 6 40 36.8 11 25 00 6 36 38 11 20 51 6 32 39 11 32 45 6 28 40 i 50. 2 3 59 3 59 11 40 57 6 20 43 11 44 03 6 16 44.3 11 48 00 6 12 46 I 11 52 05 I 6 08 47.5 |3 58.5 h. m. s. 15 38 30 2 26 43 15 36 00 2 26 41.8 15 35 30 2 26 40. 5 15 36 30 2 26 42. 5 15 35 16 2 26 39. 5 i 58. 7i 5-^. 3 5 16 20 44 54. 8 5 16 30 44 .52.8 5 16 30 44 52 Diff. Remarks. 00.; 01.2 01.3 02 03 02.0 00.8 No comparisons; Dr. Besselsaud Mr. Bryau absent, H with the latter. H returned. H ran down. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERYATIONS. 1 A O ASTHOXOMICAL OBSER Y ATIOXS. INTRODUCTORY. Unfortunately, tlie greater and more valuable portioa of the astronomical record was lost during tbe separation of the vessel from the ice-floe-party; thougli a very few sights for the determi. nations of positions on shore preceding the time of the disaster were recovered afterward from loose sheets of paper on which their computations had been made. The observations, mostly taken by Mr^ Bryan, were very numerous, and positions were determined astronomically whenever practicable. Tlie observations taken at winter-quarters alone consisted of about three hundred lunar distances, a number of moon-culminations, a great number of transits of stars, a number of occultations of stars, and a great number of altitudes of the sun on or near the prime vertical for longitude and time. For the determination of the latitude of the place, there were on record a great number of circum- meridian altitudes of the sun and a number of altitudes of stars. Tbe iustrumeut.s used in the above-named observations were a Wiirderaann transit, tbe de- scription of which we are unable to give ; Gambey sextants, divided to 10" ; and artificial mercury- horizons. The chronometers used have been referred to in a previous chapter. A sail the observations were made in high latitudes, where the celestial bodies hardly change their altitudes one-fifth of the amount they do here in the same interval of time, it might be considered sufficient, in making observations for latitude, to I'ead the time to the nearest second, and to retain the nearest tenth of a minute in the computation. In regard to observations for time, the nearest balf-second or one-hundredth of a minute would be sufficiently accurate, and, in reading off the arc of the sextant to the nearest tenth of a minute, a very satisfactory result would be obtained. Although the observations recorded hereafter were made in the usual way, we still deemed it proper to modify them according to the view expressed above, in order to simplify the process of their computation. The original observatious, as recorded at the time they were made, are deposited in the archives of the Smithsonian Institution, and are accessible to any one that may wish to examine them in detail. In making the reductions, Bessel's Tables of Refraction have been used, after having been modified and extended to adapt them to the conditions of the regions where the observations were made. The following table is modified accordingly for a mean atmospheric pressure of 29.5 inches, and a temperature of ip Fahrenheit, having as argument the double altitude. 2A + i 2r 2^ 2r 2 A 2f 2 A 2r O 1 / o / / o ' 7 v)s_ 2 11 19. 9 24 9.8 50 4.5 20 27. :.! 12 in. 5 26 9.0 55 4.1 40 26.5 i:i 17.3 2S 8.4 60 3.7 8 25. 7 14 16.2 30 7,8 65 3.3 '20 24.9 15 15. 2- 32 7. ■> 70 3.0 40 24.2 IG 14.3 34 6.9 80 2.5 9 23. 5 17 13.6 36 6.5 90 2.1 20 22. y IH 12.9 3,8 6.1 100 1.8 40 22 2 19 12.2 40 5.8 110 1.5 10 21. G 20 11.6 42 5.5 120 1.2 20 21.0 21 11.1 44 5.2 13,0 1.0 40 20.5 24 10. 6 46 5. 140 0.8 In using the above table, add l8 of the refraction for every 0.3 inch of the barometer above 29.5, and subtract 2" of the refraction for every 9° F. above 0° F., and vice versa. 4 ASTEONOMIOAL OBSERVATIONS la order to reduce the obser^^atious for latitude taken uear the meridian to the meridian itself, the following two tables were nsed. No. 1, giving for 2 sin^ i i '"' : arc 1'" : t= 1 0.0 m. t = 2l 14.4 2 0.1 90 15.8 3 0.3 23 17.3 4 0.5 24 18.8 .5 0,8 25 20.4 6 1.2 20 22.1 7 1.6 27 23.8 H 2.1 28 25.6 9 2.7 29 27.5 10 3.3 30 29.4 11 4.0 31 31.4 12 4.7 32 33.5 13 5.5 33 35.6 14 6.4 31 37.8 15 7.4 35 40.0 16 8.4 36 42.4 17 9.5 37 44.7 18 10.6 38 47.1 19 11.8 39 49.7 20 13.1 40 52.3 Table No. 3 gives the factor 2/ by inspection ; the double altitude being nsed as vertical, and the latitude as horizontal argument. Doulile altitude. Latitiid 2 J 74'- 76° 78° 80° 82° o South, 10 0.54 0.48 0.41 0.35 0.28 20 ..56 .49 .42 .35 .28 30- ..57 .50 .43 .36 .29 40 ..59 .51 .44 .36 .29 50 .60 .52 .45 .37 .29 60 .62 ..54 .46 .38 .30 70 .64 .55 .47 .39 .30 80 .66 .57, .48 .39 .31 90 .68 .59 .49 .40 .31 North, 10 .52 .46 .40 .34 .27 20 .50 .45 .39 .33 .27 30 .49 .44 .38 .33 .27 40 .47 .43 .38 .32 .26 50 .46 .41 .37 .31 .26 60 0.44 0.40 0.36 0.31 0.25 Instead of the first table, the following practical rule may be used, viz : Divide f by 30.6 for values np to 40"^, and f by 31.6 for values at V^ 40™. FOE LATITUDE. 5 As the observations takeu at Polaris House cover a longer period of time, it was found conveni- ent to use a special table by modifying the well-known factor — 2/ = 2 e, S, : A, into 2.p,_{\-^ ^2 12"' ~'i) + 0.3 + Equation of equal altitudes + 0.66 I A 9.4.5.-.„ 7, B 9 293 i-^ — 0.2 — Equation of time — 5,38 7. ii 1.332^ A/z 1.332,, 2)- — 3.7 Chronometer fast 2 43.92 ' 7.t(p 0.831 X ( c5 9.604 2 s + 31.6 Refraction [} 4.1 2.1 55 3.0 Barometer 291.6 29' .6 + 0.3 1.618 U.228,, A 27 31.5 Temperature 45 -.2 39 = .4 — 9.4 + 41'.5 — 1^7 A, 0.46213 — 9.1 — 0.4 + 39^8 = + Om.66 * Xu this and the following set of observations, .i pocket-sextant waa used. t Tbo record of this was found by Mr. Bryan among bis papers .iftiT tbo separation from tbo iee-floe-party had taken place. As the cbronometGr-comparison could not bo recovered, it is doubtful -whether chronometer G or H was usi'd. ASTEOXOMICAL OBSERVATIONS Latitude of Polaris Bay Observatory, from equal altitudes of preceding page. Assumed f 81^ 36'. 5 6 21° 53'.2 \ ■= Ip, S, -\- (pc (5c Tc 1 0, 'J.'XKiM A 0c 9.10418 IS, 9..-.7141 ?.Sc 9.9G751 J r 9.9:;837 9.56076 A 1 c 0.:!6S77 8.97006 0.09334 A, 0.46211 vrhich nearly agrees with J,, on preceding page, lienoe (6 = 81° 36'.4 II.— OBSEEVATIOi^S TAKEX DURING THE DRIFT OF THE VESSEL THROUGH KENNEDY CHANNEL AND SMITH SOUND. Observations for latitude, August 15, 1872. Chronometer G fast 3'' 16^.0. Longitude, + 4'' 32"'. 3 Greenwich ; — 35™. 9 Washington. Noon. t 2 0.37 2 A iS 2 A A li. m. m. o ' ' ' o ' 3 20.0 — 24.8 22 2 — 19.4 Barometer, 30'. Temperature, 36 -.6 46 55.0 + '•■2 — 0.6 47 1.6 — 1 56.2 + 5.8 — 0.6 1.4 + 1 57.5 + 4.4 — 0.5 2 J 1.4 + 1 47 1.5 2p + 0.3 I + 1.6 2r — 4.6 28 + 31.7 2A 47 30.5 180 + 2(5 207 40.0 = 80° 4'.7 20 160 9.5 Observations for latitude, August IS, 1S72. Chronometer H fast B*" 46".6. Longitude, + 4'' 38n\5 Greenwich; — 29™.7 Washington. 2 0.3,5 2 A (5 2 J Midnight. t h. m. m. 20 50.0 ■ - 31.1 27.0 23.1 19.6 16.0 12.3 6 2.3 — 11.1 — 0.5 5 58.7 8.3 0.4 57.3 6.1 0.4 55.5 4.4 0.3 54.5 2.9 0.2 52.7 —1.7 —0.2 51.2 — 0.4 ,r,(i.o _|. 0.8 50.S 0.0 50.8 0.0 51.4 — O.G 50.8 0.0 2 A 5 50.8 2p ^+ 0.3 Barometer, 29'. 85 t — 0.4 Temperature, 29°.6 2 c — 2.-'.0 2 3 — 31.7 •2 A 4 51.0 180-2(5 154 35.2 :'.)•'- 43'.i 2 159 FOE LATITUDE. Observations for latitude, Atigust 20, 1872. Chronometer F fast 18™. 5. 9 Noon. t Ti. TO. m. 12 20.5 — .31.8 29.1 fc.7 22,8 20.7 19.3 17.6 15.1 13.7 11.4 10.0 8.3 C.6 4.7 2.7 — 0.7 + 2.9 + 3.9 ludex-correction : off, 32'. 3 ; on, 31'. 2 Refractioii S ^'^^ Barometer 30.25 + 2 Temperature + 36.5 — 8 — 6 — 0.3 38™ Gre( jnwii ch;- 30m Washin gton. 20 .383 2:s,(i 2A A O ' 1 • o 1 44 21.5 + 12.6 — 0.9 44 33.2 + 1 23.9 10.6 0.8 33.7 4 25.5 8.3 0.7 33.1 + 2 27.6 6.5 0.6 33.5 — 2 28.8 .5.4 0.6 33.6 — 3 29.3 4.7 0.5 33.5 — 2 30.0 3.9 0.5 33.4 — 1 30.7 2.9 0.4 3:;.2 + 1 31.0 2.4 0.4 33.0 + 3 31,7 1.6 0.3 33.0 + 3 32.0 1.2 0.3 32.9 + 4 32.3 0.9 0.2 33.0 + 3 32.7 0.5 0.2 33.0 + 3 33.0 0.3 0.1 33.2 + 1 33.3 0.1 — 0.1 33.3 33.7 0.0 0.0 33.7 — 4 33.5 0.1 + 0.1 33.7 — 4 33.3 + 0.2 + 0.1 'i A 33.6 3 44 33.3 i + 0.5 2p + 0.3 2 )■ — 4.9 2.S + 31.7 2© 45 0.9 . 180 + 2 6 2* 204 159 25.5 24.6 ll' 42'. 3 Observations for latitude, August 21, 1872. Chronometer F fast 19'".2. Longitude, + 41141 ™ Greenwic ■,h; - Qii 27™ ^ Xoon. t 2 0.38 2ai A. m. m. / ' 1 12 22.0 — 7.7 43 59.1 + 0.7 — 0.2 6.3 59.8 0.5 0.2 4.4 60.0 0.2 0.1 2.8 60.1 0.1 — 0.1 — 0.9 611.2 0.0 0.0 + 0.8 60.2 0.0 0.0 3.4 59.9 0.1 + 0.1 + 4.7 59.7 + 0.3 + 0.1 Index-correction : off, 32'.3 ; on, 31'. 1 Refractioa 5'.2 Q. Barometer 30.0 + 2 Temperature + 42.3 — 9 — 7 — 0.4 2 A O 79° 38'.8 2A i 2p 2)- 2s 2 A 180 + 2 i! 2 43 43 + + + 44 203 159 2 A 59.6 60.1 60.1 60.1 60.2 60.2 60.1 60.1 60.1 0.6 0.3 4.8 31.7 27.9 45.5 17.6 + 10 ASTEONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS 180- Observations for latitude from Aiujust 23 to September '5, 1S72. Ang.i !5, 1S72. Aug. 26. , 1^72. Aug. 29 , 1S72. Aug. 30, 1 S72, Sept. 3, t^72 o ' / o ' / o 1 20 42 2r,.7 41 43.2 39 3,'^. 3 38 57.3 36 4.S 20 41 22.4 40 40.7 3^ 34. S 37 53.8 35 1.3 2© 41 54.0 41 12.0 39 6.6 38 25.5 35 .33.1 i + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.6 — 1.2 — 1.2 2p + 0.:? + 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.3 2 )■ — 5.2 — 5.3 — 5.7 — 5.7 — 6.2 2© 41 49.3 41 7.2 39 1.8 3S 1S.9 35 26.0 -2(5 201 9.G 200 19.7 VJS 10.3 197 29.2 194 34.1 2^ 159 20.:! l.->9 12.5 159 H.5 159 10.3 159 8.1 f 79 40.1 79 36.2 79 34.2 79 35.2 79 34.0 August 30, 1872 — Barometer, 30.2; temperature, 36^ Observations for latitude, September C, 1872. Chronometer H fast 8'' 41'". 0. Longitude, + 4'> 36"^ Greenwich ; — 0'' 32"> Washington. Noon. t 7i. m. m. 8 39.0 13.4 9.4 2.1 + 0.9 3.6 + 6.5 Index-correction : oiT, 31'. 3 ; on, 32'. 3 n Barometer 29.85 -|- 1 Temperatures + 23.6 — 5 — 4 Refraction 6'. 9 Correction — .3 33 9 52.1 52.9 53.3 53.7 53.8 53.7 53.3 0.38 + 2.2 - + 2 2 — 0.4 1.1 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 — 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 + 0.1 0.5 + 0.2 2 A i 2 2> 2 )■ 2 s 2 A 180 -f 2 (5 2 <> 33 33 + 33 192 159 -! A 53.9 53.7 53.5 r-; y 53.8 54.0 54.0 53.8 0.5 0.3 6.6 31.8 15.2 20.2 .5.0 1 1 :! 1 2 Eefraction Correction m. — 11.2 7.5 — 3.5 + 2.3 4.9 + 7.8 7'.2 0.3 2© o / 32 49.8 50.0 50.5 50.5 50.0 49.8 0.38 2a(5 2 .( + 1.6 — 0.3 51.1 — 5 0.7 0.2 50.5 + 1 0.1 — 0.1 50.5 + 1 0.1 + 0.1 50.7 — 1 0.3 0.1 50.4 + 2 + 0.8 + 0.2 50.8 2 2 A 32 50.6 i — 0.5 2 J, + 0.3 2r — 6.9 2 3 + 31.8 2 A 33 15.3 180 + 2 c! 192 20.2 2^ 159 4.9 79° 35'.0 rOE LATITUDE. n Observations for latitude, Septemher 7, 1872. Chronometer H fast 8'' 41'^.8. LoDgitude, + 4'' 36™. .'J Greenwich; — O'' 31".7 Washington. N( 30n. t 2 0. ,38 2a(S 2 A A l. m. m. o / ' ' o 1 8 39.5 — 13.3 33 5.1 + 2.2 — 0.4 33 6.9 ,+ 1 10.6 6.3 1.4 0.3 7.4 4 2.7 6.9 0.1 — 0.1 6.9 + 1 — 1.6 7.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 + 0.1 n 7.0 + 0.0 0,0 7.0 Barometer 29.8 + 1.0 2.1 33 7.0 Temperature 28. G — 6.4 5.4 180 + i 2p 2r 2s 2 A 2(5 26 + + 32 191 159 0.8 0.3 6.7 31.8 29.6 35.1 5.5 2 © 0.38 2 A (! 2 A m. o / / ' o / — 11.9 32 3.0 + 1-7 — 0.4 32 4.3 - 4.3 4.3 0.2 — 0.1 4.4 - - 1 1 o_o 4.2 + 0.1 0.0 2 A i 2p 2r 2s 2 A 32 + + + 32 4.3 4.3 0.8 0.3 6.9 31.8 30.3 180 + 26 20 191 159 35.1 4.8 = 79° 32'.6 Note. — Sun obscured by clouds ; no index-correction ; assumed the mean of September 7 and l 12 ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS Observations for latitude, September 8, 1872. Chronometer H fast 8i^ 42"n.6. Longitude, + 4'' 37™ Greenwich ; — 0'' 31™ Washington. 2 0.38 2 i (5 2 .4 A o / ' / o ' 32 24.8 + 1.6 — 0.3 32 26.1 — 1 2.5.4 0.8 0.2 26.0 2.5.8 0.3 0.1 26.0 26.0 0.1 — 0.1 26.0 25.8 0.0 + 0.0 25.8 + 2 2,5.7 0.1 0.1 25.9 + 1 25.6 + 0.3 . + 0.1 26.0 Noon . t h. m. m. a 40.0 — 11.2 8.0 4.5 — 2.1 + 0.0 2.2 + 4.5 Index-correction : off, 33'.9 ; on, 29'.7 2 A 32 26.0 S i + 2.1 Barometer 29.87 + 1 2p + 0.3 Temperature + 32.3 — 7 2 c — 6.8 — 6 2s— 31.8 2 A 31 49.3 Refraction 7'.2 180 + 2 (! 190 49.9 Correction — .4 2 ^ 1,59 0.1 2 0.38 2 Ad 2 A A o / / / o / 31 22.0 + 1.1 — 0.3 31 22.8 — 2 22.3 0.5 0.2 22.6 22.5 0.1 — 0.1 22.5 + 1 22.5 0.0 0.0 22.5 + 1 22.4 0.0 + 0.0 22.4 + 2 22.3 0.2 0.1 22.6 22.2 + 0.4 + 0.2 22.8 — 2 m. — 9.5 6.1 3.3 — 0.8 + 1.1 3.5 + 5.8 7'.5 0.4 Refraction 7'.5 2 A 31 22.6 Correction — .4 i + ' 2.1 2 J) + 0.3 2 )■ — 7.1 2 s + 31.8 2 A 31 49.7 180 + 2 d 190 49.9 2 If, 1,59 0.2 A = 79° 30'.1 FOR LATITUDE. Observations for latitude, September 11, 1872. Chronometer H fast 8^ 42^.7. Longitude, + 4^ 37™.7 Green-n-ieh ; — O"" n0™.5 Washington. 2 13 Noon. ; 7i. )». «i. 8 39 — 5.8 — 3.4 — 1.7 + 0.5 + 2.3 0.38 2a(5 Index-correction: oflf, 3J'.?; on, 30', 8 Barometer 29.^4 + 1 Temiierature + 31.0 — 7 Refraction Correction — 0.5 30 16.2 + 0.4 — 0.2 16.8 0.1 C.l 1G.8 0.0 — 0.0 16.7 0.0 + 0.0 16.6 + 0.1 + 0.1 2 J i 2p 2 )■ 2 s 2 A ISO + 2 (5 2

46™.5. Longitude, + 4" 41'^.5 Greenwich; — 0'' 26™.7 Washington. 2A Noon. t 20 0.38 2ac h. m. m. o / / / 8 41.8 — 16.7 28 10.0 + 3.5 — 0.5 14.2 10.8 2.5 0.5 11.1 11.3 1.7 0.4 8.4 11.8 0.9 0.3 5.9 12.7 0.4 0.2 2.7 13.0 0.1 — 0.1 — 0.2 12.8 0.0 0.0 + 1.9 1-2.7 0.0 + 0.1 4.3 12.5 0.2 0.1 + 6.5 12.2 + 0.5 + 0,2 O ' 28 13.0 — 2 12.8 12.6 + 2 12.4 + 4 12.9 — 1 13.0 — 2 12.8 + 12.8 12.8 12.9 — 1 Index-correction: off, 30'.8; on, 33'.0 2 A 28 12.8 S i - 1.1 Barometer 29.87 + 1 2^) -f 0.3 Temperature + 26.3 — 6 2 )■ — 7.9 — 5 2 8 — 31.9 2 A 27 32.2 Refraction 8'.3 180 -f 2 tS 186 15.0 Correction — .4 2 158 42.8 t 2© 0.38 2 A(i 2A A m. o ' ' o 1 — 15.6 27 7.5 + 3.0 — 0.5 27 10.0 + 1 12.7 8.9 2.0 0.4 10.5 — 4 9.6 9.7 1,2 0.3 10.6 — 5 7.1 9,8 0,6 0.2 10.2 — 1 4.1 10.0 0.2 — 0.1 10.1 — 1.3 9,8 0.0 0.0 9.8 + 3 + 0.9 9.7 0.0 0,0 9.7 + 4 3,3 9.7 0.1 + 0,1 9.9 + 2 5.4 9.5 0.4 0.2 10.1 + 8'.7 7.6 9.2 + 0.7 + 0.2 2 A 10.1 Refraction 27 10.1 Correction — 0.4 i 2p 2r 2 s 2 A + + 27 1.1 0.3 8.3 31.9 32.9 180 -f 26 186 15.0 20 158 42.1 = 79° 19'.7 Cloudy. 16 ASTROKOMICAL OBSERVATIONS Observations for latitude, September 19, 1872. Chronometer H fast 8^ 44".0. li ; — Oil 26" Washington. 0.38 2 A (5 2 A A / / o ' + 2.2 — 0.4 24 25.1 + 1 25.3 — 1 25.0 + 2 25.2 25.1 + 1 25.3 — 1 25.3 — 1 + 0.1 + 0.1 25.2 Longitude, 4 fi 42™ Greei Noon. t 20 h. m. TO. o / 8 37.5 — 13.2 24 23.3 10.8 24.1 8.4 'iAA 5.9 25.0 4.2 25.0 2.7 25.3 — 0.3 25.3 + 2.0 25.0 2.2 - - 0.4 1.5 0.3 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 - - 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 H h 0.1 Barometer 30.00 + 1.7 Temperature + 22.9 — 5.1 — 3.4 Refraction 9'.6 Correction — 0.3 Index-correction : off, 32'.3 ; on, 31'.3 2 J 24 25.2 S i + 0.5 2 jj + 0.3 2 r — 9.3 2 s — 31.9 2 .1 23 44.8 180 + 2 <5 182 22.7 2 d, 158 37.9 2 0.38 2 A (J 2 A Q / It O 23 20.8 + 1.8 — 0.4 23 22.2 + 1 21.3 1.1 0.3 22.1 + 2 21.8 0.6 — 0.2 22.2 + 1 — III. 11.9 9.5 7.1 — 1.2 + 0.8 3.3 + 5.2 1.8 — 0.4 1.1 0.3 0.6 — 0.2 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.1 + 0.1 0.3 + 0.2 22.2 + 1 22.3 0.0 0.0 22.3 22.2 0.1 + 0.1 22,4 — 1 22,0 + 0,3 + 0,2 22.5 — 2 Refraction lO'.l . 2J 23 22.3 Correction — .3 i + 0.5 2jj + 0.3 2 »■ — 9.8 2 s + 31.9 2 A 23 45.2 180 + 2 tf 182 22.7 2 (f 153 37.5 & = 79° 18'.8 FOR LATITUDE. ] 7 Observations for latitude, September 30, ISTl'. Chronometer H fast 8'' 47"'. 6. Longitude, + 4'" 43™ Greenwich: — 0'' 25™ Washington. Noon. / .' i© 0.33 2 A(S 2 A A li. m. m. o 1 ' / o ' 10 37.4 — 'J. 8 16 29.2 + 1.2 — 0.3 16 30.1 + 1 G.4 30.0 0.5 — 0.2 30.3 — 1 — 0.2 30.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 + 2 + 4.3 29.3 0.2 + 0.1 30.1 + 1 on : + -4 off, 30'.8 ; on, : 33'.2 29.6 + 0.7 + 0.2 2 A 16 30.5 3 Index-correcti 30.2 !} i — 1.2 Barometer 30.13 + 2.1 2p + 0.3 Temperature + 13.4 — 3.0 0.9 2)- 2s 2.-1 15 13.8 32.0 43.5 Eefraction 13'.9 180 + 2 <5 173 4^.3 Correction — 0.1 2^ 153 4.8 t 2 0.33 2 A(} 2A A m. o / 1 o ' so 15 27.7 + 0.8 — 0.3 15 28.2 + 4 — ,5.0 2S.5 0.3 — 0.2 28.6 + 3.0 28.5 0.1 + 0.1 2^.7 — 1 + 5.9 28.2 + 0.4 + 0.2 28.^^ — 2 Eefraction 14'.8 ^ 2 A 15 28.6 Correction — 0.1 i 2p + 1.2 0.3 I'oggy- 4, = 79° i i',0 1- 2i- 2s 2 A ^0 + 2. Loiigitiule, 4- 4'" 4-J'" Grconwicli; — C' 20'" Wasliiiigtoii. Noou. /i. )).■. 8 38.0 m. — lO.C + (1.:! ludox-correotion : off, 31'.? ; on, 32 Barometer Temperature Refraction Correction 30.16 + 2.2 + .'..8 — 1.3 + 0.9 14'.r, — 0.1 2 0.38 ].-. 47.3 + l-l 48.2 0.2 48.4 0.0 46.0 0.1 47.8 0.4 47.5 + 0.0 2 Ai5 •2 J 0.3 1.5 4S.4 0.1 4'^.3 + 1 0.0 4-.4 0.1 4.H.2 + '^ (1 2 4-. 4 0.3 4.^.7 — 3 2 A I 15 4^.4 0.3 2p + 0.3 2 r — 14.4 2 s — ;'.2.1 2,1 15 1.0 80 + 2(! 173 1.7 2^ 1.57 50.8 :© 0.38 2A - 8.0 5.1 14 44.0 4.5.3 + 1.0 0.3 — 0.3 0.2 11 45.0 45.4 — 2 — 2.1 45.7 0.1 — 0.1 45.7 — 3 + 1.7 4.5 45.3 44.7 0.0 0.3 + 0.1 0.2 45.4 45.2 +. 2 + 15'.4 7.2 44.3 + 0.0 + 0.2 2 A 45.1 + 3 Refraction 14 45.4 Correction — 0.1 i 2p + 0.3 0.3 Cloudy. 1 SO + 2r 2.S 2 A 2d + 15 173 15.3 32.1 o o 1.7 d, = 78° 59'.8 20 157 50.5 Observations for latitude, October 2, 1872. Clironometer H fast B"^ 46™.8. (Add 15™ to the recorded times on account of mistake.) Longitude, + 4^' 43'". Greenwich; — C^ 25". 2 Washington. Meridian. t 2 Jit. a AndromcdcB 0.45 2r 2 A A A. m. m. o 1 ' 1 o ' 20 0.0 + + + 1.1 0.5 3.1 5.1 78 51.0 51.2 50,8 50.7 + 0.0 - 0.0 0.1 + 0.4 ■ - 2.6 2.6 2.6 - 2.6 78 48.4 48.0 48.3 48.5 — 2 + 1 — 1 Index- error O'.O _fl 180 + 2-1 26 78 48.4 230 46.6 Barometer 30.05 + 1.8 2^ 157 58.2 Temperature + 1.3 — 0.3 + 1.5 * i = 78^^' 59'.1 FOR LATITUDE. Observations for latitude, October 3, 1872. Cbronoiiieter H fast 8'' 4G"'.7. Longitude, + 4" 43™ Greenwich; — 0'^ ilW" Wasliingtoii. Noon. t h. m. m. y 35.5 — y.7 — 1.0 + 1.8 + G.8 Index-correction: off, 32'. ; on, 3Q'.-2 Barometer Temperature Eefractiou Correction ■I'iai + 1.4 + 6.6 — 1.5 — 0.1 15.9 0.0 2 0.3S A(5 14 ls.8 + 0.9 — 0.3 19.0 0.0 0.0 19.2 0.0 + 0.1 18.8 -f 0.6 + 0.2 2 A i 2 )■ 2 s 2 A 180 + 2 <5 2 J 14 19.4 19.0 19.3 19.6 14 + 13 171 1.57 19.3 0.1 . 0.3 15.9 32.1 31.4 28.6 19 Refraction Correction Fog-y. — G.S — 2.3 + 0.5 :!.3 5.6 8.1 + 11.8 IT'.O .0 2© o ' 13 15.7 1G.5 l(i.8 16.0 15.6 15.0 14.5 0.38 2 A(! •iA + 0.6 — 0.2 0.1 — 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 + 0.1 i).4 0.2 0.8 0.3 1.7 + 0.4 2 A ■2p 2 A 180 + 2 (5 20 13 16.1 + 16.5 — 1G.8 — 16.2 + 1G.2 + 16,1 + 3 16.6 — 2 13 1G.4 — 0.1 + (I.:; — 17.0 + ;!2.i 13 31.7 171 28.6 1.57 56.9 78- 58'.4 20 ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS Observations for latitude, October 6, 1872. Chronometer H fast H" 45"'.6. Longitude, -j- 4'' 45"' Greenwich ; — 0'' 23™ Washington. 0.38 Noon. t h. m. m. 8 33.5 9.0 6.4 3.6 — ■1.0 + 1.3 + 3.7 2 o 1 12 4.1 4.4 4.8 5.0 5.0 4.8 + ludex-oorrection : off, 31'.8 ; on, 32'. 5 fl u Barometer 29.68 -f 0.6 Temperature + 9.2 — 2.0 — 1.4 Refraction 18'.4 Correction — .3 18 2a(5 o 2A 1 A 1.0 — 0.3 12 4.8 + 1 0.5 0.2 4.7 + 2 0,2 — 0.1 4.9 0.0 0.0 5.0 — 1 0.0 0.0 5.0 — 1 0.2 + 0.1 2 A 5.1 " 2 12 4.9 % — 0.3 2p + 0.3 2)- — 18.1 2s — 32.1 2 A 11 14.7 180 + 2(5 169 9.8 2A 157 ,55.1 2« 0.38 2a(S IA — 7.9 11 2.2 + 0,8 — 0.3 11 2.7 + 2 4.9 2.4 0,3 — 0,2 2.5 + 4 — 2.2 3.0 0.1 — 0.1 3.0 — 1 + 0.3 3,0 0.0 0.0 3.0 — 1 2.4 2.8 0.1 + 0.1 3.0 — 1 + 4.9 2.7 + 0,3 + 0,2 3,2 — 3 Refraction 19'.8 2 A 11 2.9 Correction — 0.3 i 2p + 0.3 0.3 Misty. 2r 2s 2 A + 11 19.5 32.1 15.5 180 + 2d 169 9.8 2f 157 54.3 i, = 78° 57'.3 FOE LATITUDE. Observations for latitude, October 8, 1872. Chronometer H fast 8'' 50™.'!. Longitude, + 4i> 47™ Greenwicb ; — 0^' 21™ Washino-ton. 21 Noon. i 20 A. m. ni. o / 8 37.8 — 10.7 10 53.2 9.5 .53.7 4.5 54.3 — 1.3 54.4 + 1.7 54.3 4.5 54.3 + 7.0 53.8 :-correction : oif, 32'. 9 ; on, 32'. 1 fleter 30.19 + "0 2.3 Harometer 30.19 + 2.3 Temperature + 2.4 — 0.5 + 1.8 Refraction 20'.1 Correction + 0.4 0.39 + + 2 A(5 1.5 — 0.3 1.2 0.3 0.3 — 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 + 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.7 + 0.2 2^ I 2p 2r ■2s 2A 180 + 2 (5 10 10 + + 10 167 157 2A 54.4 54.6 54.5 54.4 .54.4 54.7 54.7 54.5 0.0 0.3 20.5 32.1 2.2 38.0 35.8 + t m. 20 o / 0.39 2Ai t o 2A A — 9.2 9 52.3 + 1.1 — 0.3 9 53.1 — 5.9 2.9 52.7 53.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.1 ,52.9 53.3 + o 2 + 0.1 53.2 0.0 0.0 53.2 1 + 2.0 5.9 52.8 52.5 + 0.1 0.4 + + 0.1 0.2 53.0 53.1 + 1 Refraction Correction Misty. 21'.8 + 0.4 18 + 2 A i 2p 2r 2.S 2 A 26 9 + + + 10 167 53.1 0.0 0.3 22.2 32.1 3.3 38.0 15"> Wasliington. Noon. t h. m. m. 8 42.0 14.4 10.9 7.5 4.0 0.6 + 2.7 (J.j + ^.8 Index-correction: off, 32'.0 ; on, 33.2 Barometer 30.1 + 2.0 Temperature + 3.5 — 0.8 + 1.2 Eefraction 24'. 3 Correction + 0.3 20 0.40 2 A(S 8 3:',.3 + 2.7 — 0.5 34.C 1.6 0.4 35.0 0.7 0.2 3.1.7 0.2 0.1 35.5 0.0 — 0.0 3,5.8 0.1 + 0.1 35.3 0.5 0.2 33.7 + 1.0 + 0.3 2 A i 2p 2 )■ 2 s 2 A 180 + 2 (5 2 J i 35.5 + 35.8 — 35.5 + 35.8 — 35.5 + 3(1.0 — 30.0 — 35.0 + 8 35.0 — 0.1 + 0.3 — 24.C ;>■) >> 7 30.0 164 30.3, 156 57.3 4 IJrjotted. 4 licjrrted. liijijctcd. 2© 0.40 2 A (5 2 J m. o / ' 1 o ' — 11.7 7 33.3 + 2.2 — 0.4 7 35.1 — 2 9.3 33,0 1.1 0.3 33.0 + 11 K-j. ■<4ed 5.G 31.5 0.4 0.2 35.1 — 2 — 2.4 34.8 0.1 — 0.1 34.8 + 1 + 0.9 35.0 0.0 0.0 35.0 — 1 4.5 34.3, 0.3 + 0.1 34.7 + 2 7.8 33.5 0.8 0.2 34.5 + 4 + 10.9 3,3.1 + 1.6 + 0.3 35.0 — 1 Eefraction 26'.7 2.1 7 34.9 Correction + 0.3 \> % 2p 2 c 2s 2 A '0 + 2 t! 2rf, + + 7 164 1.56 0.1 0.3 27.0 32.2 39.9 36.3 56.4 33'. 4 FOR LATITUDE. III.— OBSERVATIONS FOR LATITUDE TAKEN AT POLARIS HOUSE. Observations of circum meriilian aUifwles of the sun for latitude. March 18, 1S73. Chronometer H fast 7'' 56™. 4. Lougitude, + 4'> 51'". 1 Greenwich ; — 0'> 17™.! Washington. 23 Noon. t 0.41u 2 Aril 22, 1873. Watch slow 13">.8. Approximate longitude, + 4'' 51™.l Greenwich ; — 0'' IT".! WashinirtoQ. Noon. t 20 7i. ™. m. o / 11 44.6 + 'J.S 47 29..5 13.6 2«.:5 + 16.4 27.3 ludes-correction: off, 33'. 2; on, 30'. 2 Barometer Temperature Refraction Correction Hourly variation (5 30.6 + 3.7 — 1.7 + 0,3 + 4.0 4'.8 0.2 50".2 + 12- 23'.0 0.43 2 A(5 2 A + 1.4 — 0.3 + 2.6 — 0.4 + 3.8 — 0.4 47 30.6 — 30.,5 + 1 30.7 — 1 2 A 2)- True double altitude of 47 30,6 + 1.5 + 0.3 — 5.0 + 31.9 47 59.3 IHO + 2 d 204 45.9 2 A 156 46.6 t til. + 11,8 15,1 + 17.7 2 0.43 2 A iS 48 32.0 + 2.0 - - 0.3 31.5 + 3.2 - - 0.4 29.7 + 4.4 - - 0.5 2 A A 48 33.7 + 2 34.3 — 4 33.6 + 3 Ecfraction Correction 4'.6 + 0.2 2 A 48 33.9 4- 1.5 + 0.3 2 c — 4.8 2 s — 31.9 2p ^ = 78-' 23'.4 True double altitude of 47 59.6 180 + 2 (5 204 45.9 2

2() ASTEONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS Obscrraiions of circum-meridian altitudes of the sun for latitude, May 7, 1873. Chiouometer slow 10'" 33"\8. 2 © 0.44 2 A (I 2 J Noon. 1 7l. ?H. m. 13 22.5 — 7.4 3.3 0.1 + 4.1 7.9 + 11.1 42,7 + 0.8 + 0.2 43.7 + 0.2 + 0.1 44.0 0.0 0.0 44.2 + 0.2 — 0.1 43.S + 0.9 — 0.2 42.7 + l,s — 0.3 Index-correction: oflF, 32'.0 ; on, 31'.."i Barometer 30.35; add 2.9 Temperature + 9.3; sub. 2.1 add O.-S T)? 43.7 + 4 44.0 + 1 44.0 + 1 44.3 — t> 44.5 — 4 44-2 — 1 2.1 7 ,57 + 44.1 0.2 'ip + 0.3 2 r — 3.9 2 s — 31.8 2 altitudes ©, 57- .7, 2 refraction 3'. 9 True double altitude of © 57 S.9 Hourly variation 41'. It'O + 26 213 50.1 <* 16° 5S'.15 2 * 150 47.2 2 0.44 2 A (i 2 A For 56° .7, 2 refraction 4'.0 — 5.7 56 39.7 + 0.5 + 0.1 56 40.:'. + 3 — 1.5 40.5 + 0.0 + 0.0 40.5 + 1 + o ;; 40.5 O.l — 0.1 40.5 + 1 6.0 40.5 + 0.5 — 0.1 40.9 — 3 9.4 39.8 + 1.3 — 0.2 40.9 — 3 + 12.^^ 38.5 + 2.4 0.3 2 A 40.6 56 40.6 i + 0.2 2p + 0.3 2r — 4.0 2s + 31. H 23- .6 Trne double altitude of © 57 8.9 180 + 26 213 56.1 2 (^ 1.56 47.2 FOR LATITUDE. 27 Obserfatii»i.s of circum-meridian altitudes of the nun for latitude, May 21, 1873. Chronometer H slow lO'' 34"'.0. Midnight. t '2 (l,;!S 2 aA i A a //. m. 111. o / / / c / 1 2-i.i — 7.t< 18 15.0 — 0.8 + 0.1 18 14.3 + 1 5.!l 14.7 0.5 + 0.1 14.3 + 1 4.0 14.7 — 0.2 0.0 14.5 — 1 — 1.9 14.8 0.0 0.0 14-8 — 4 4- 0.1 14.8 0.0 0.0 14.8 — 4 '>.4 14.7 — 0.1 0.0 14.6 — 2 3.1 13.8 0.1 0.0 13.7 + 7 4.0 14.8 0.2 0.0 14.6 — 2 5.3 14.5 0.4 — 0.1 14. U + 4 0.4 15.2 0.5 0.1 14.6 — 2 7.2 15.2 0.6 0.1 14.5 — 1 8.2 15.0 0.8 0.1 14.1 + 3 9.1 15.3 1.0 0.1 14.2 + 2 9.8 15.7 1.2 0.2 14.3 + 1 10.9 16.2 1.5 0.2 14.5 — 1 11.6 16.4 1.7 0.2 14.5 — 1 12 4 16.7 1.9 0.2 14.6 — 2 13.3 17.0 2 2 0.2 14.6 — 2 + 14.3 17.4 — 2.5 — 0.2 14.7 — 3 Index-correction: off, 35'. 2; on, 28' .2 iA 18 14.4 i + 3.5 Refraction for 18.3 {| 12'.7 2 p + 0.3 Barometer 29.76 + 1.0 2 i- — 12.2 Temperature + 24.4 — 5.3 2 s — 31.7 — 4.3 — 0-5 2 17 34.3 180 — 2 (5 139 12.3 2 (ji 150 46.6 6 = 78'3 23'.3 Latitude of Polaris House. RECAPITULATION. 2 © A O A 1873. c / ' / ' March 18, 20 = : 156 46.6 + 0.3 (46.8) + 0.3 Sonth side, April 22, 46.0 + 0.3 46.9 + 0.2 " " April 24, 46.8 + 0.1 47.0 + 0.1 u u May 6, 47.2 — 0.3 47.3 — 0.2 il it May 7, 47.2 — 0.3 47.2 — 0.1 u u Mean 46.9 ± 0.2 47.1 ± 0.2 South side © — « + (i.2 ± 0.3 May 21, (46.4) ± 0.4 46.6 ± 0.3 North side. 47.0 ^ O'.l 4i;'.5 _t t''-3 46'.8 ± 0'.2 Final latitude 7S° 23'.4 ± O'.l 28 ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS After bavin,!;- ,i;iveii the result of tbe observations for latitude at Polaris IIouso. the following; observations, taken at Port Foulke, near the ol)servatoiy of Dr. I. I. Hayes, luigbt find a plae(> here. In order to obtain the chrouonietric ditleren 13 rt ± 01 2 )■ — !i.5 — 3,4 (5„ 0.9302 686 i\ 21 ?}'Z '1 2 8 — 31.6 + 31.6 9(1 - - A A h. vi. 111. o / ' - 4T.6 5.1 4.3 33 5.6 6.6 + 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.1 + 0.4 0.2 33 1,6.3) 7_o + Eejected. 2 — 3.0 7.0 0.5 — 0.1 0.1 7.5 — 1 + 4.- 5.5 6.2 9.5 10.9 5.6 4.7 4.4 1,1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 + 0,2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 , 1.3 1.6 7.3 7.4 7.4 7.4 + 1 1 29.T + n 1 + 11.5 4.0 + 1.1 + 0.4 + l--- 2 .i 7.3 + 1 Barometer 33 7.4 Temperature 2r- — 6 ■2 P r + 0.3 Correction — 5 s + 31.9 Eefraction 7 .1 0.4 6.7 1-0 + 2 2 A (5 33 32.9 190 H.2 156 35.3 Refraction 6'.9 Correction — .3 / ( 2ac5 1 ;i.42 2 A A m. o / / ' C ' — 2.0 34 10.3 + 0,5 — 0,1 + 0.1 34 lO.i + 1 + 0.1 0.9 10,7 10,1 0.5 0.5 11.2 10. i; + 3 3 2,0 9,7 1.1 + 0,1 0,1 11.0 — 1 2,-' 9.6 1,1 0.1 0,1 10.9 '> .; 9,6 1.1 0.1 0,2 11.0 — 1 7,7 ",/ 1.1 0,3 ('.■^ 10,9 >i.i -.0 1.1 0,3 0.9 10,9 + 9.0 •^ 4 + 1.1 + 0.3 + 1 1.1 -0 + 2 A ■> p 2 r 2 s 2 A 2 6 10,9 34 10.9 -1- 0.3 — 31.9 33 32.7 190 -.2 156 35 Liitituili- of Port Foulke liy Hayes Latitude of Port Foull• — Temperature + 29.0 — 6 2 s — — 5 — 0.1 78.2 — 78.1 + 1 78.3 — 1 7. -J. 6 — 4 77.8 + 4 78.3 — 1 78.6 — 4 78.3 — 1 78.4 — 2 78.2 7.-.2 77.9 + 3 77.9 + 3 78.1 + 1 78.1 + 1 78.6 — 4 78.5 — 3 78.1 + 1 78.1 + 1 77.8 + 4 78.5 — 3 78.3 — 1 70.1 — 9 Rejected 78.2 0.1 0.2 2.8 31.6 2 70 43.9 180 4- 2 (5 225 37.8 2 (4 154 53.9 7- 27'.0 rOK LATITUDE. 31 CAMP ON HAKLUYT ISLAND. Observations for latitude, circum-meridian altitudes of the sun, Jane 7, 187.3. Chronometer II fast 2^ T'".8. Lougitnde, + 4'' 49">.5 Greeiiwiob ; — 0'' 18"'.? "Washington. Noon. t 2© 0.492 2 Aj 12.2 72.9 2.4 0.1 752 + 3 15.7 71.0 4.0 0.1 75.1 + 4 19.3 69.0 6.11 l).2 75.2 + ;; 22.5 67.2 ,-^.1 11.2 75.5 (1 27.7 62.8 12.3 0,2 74.9 + 6 30.9 60.4 15.4 0.2 75.6 — 1 34.3 57.1 IS 9 0.3 75.7 — \> 3S.1 53.0 23.3 0.3 76.0 — 5 41.5 47. .S 27.6 0.3 75.1 + 4 + 44.9 44.0 + 32.4 — 0.1 \- 0.4 75.9 — 4 u: off, 31'. 0; on, 31'. 5 2 A i 69 75.5 0.3 •S'.O •2 J) + 0,2 - 0.2 2 )• 2 s 2© + 2,s 31.6 ■70 44.2 1 ,-0 + 2(i 225 37. s 2 154 53.6 77- 2G'.8 32 ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS CAMP ON HAICLTJYT ISLAND. Observations for latitude, eircum-meridian altitudes of the svn, June 7, 1873. Chrouometer H fast 3^" 7™.8. Lougitude, + 4'' 40"\.5 Greenwich; — C' 18™.7 Washington. Noon. t 2 o 0.492 2 A d 2 A a h. m. ni. " ' ' ' o / 3 7.0 ) — 4.5.7 + 0.6 70 45.3 + 32.7 ) + 0.4 70 78.3 — 0.1 — 6 S — 0.1 \ 40..5 0.6 52.3 + 25.6 + 0.3 78.2 — 36.7 0.6 .56.8 + 21.0 + 0.3 78.1 + 1 33.3 0.6 60.8 + 17.2 + 0.3 78.3 — 1 20.5 0.6 65.0 + 13.4 + 0.2 78.6 — 4 822 66.4 716 .52.0 020 42.(1 543 34.9 436 Ml .'.J 25.6 0.6 67.6 + 10.6? + 0.6 I 0.2 78.4 ) + — 0.6 I 4 22.1 0.6 70.7 + 7.9? + 0.5 \ 0.2 78.8? — — 0.5 3 1 18.8 0.6 73.0 + 5.7? + 0.3 I 0.2 78.9 ? — — 0.3 3 4 14.8 0.6 75.0 + 3.5 ? + 0.3 5 0.1 78.6 ? — - o.U 1 8,9 0.6 77.2 + 1.3) + 0.2 I 0.1 78.6? — — 0.2 5 2 A(5 + 14".0 4.7 0.6 77.9 + 0.3 78.2 1.1 0.6 0.6 77.8 + 0.0 0.1 78.2 3 2.9 77.9 + 7.1 0.6 77.0 + + 0.8 ? — (1.2 3 0.1 77.7 ? + + 0.2 S 3 10.3 0.6 76.3 + + 1.7 ? - 0.2 5 0.1 77.9? + + 0.2 I 1 13.2 0.6 75.1 + + 2.8 ? — 0.3 i; 0.1 77.8 ? + + 0.3^ 1 17.0 0.6 73.7 + + 0.1 I 0.1 + 'o;4S~ 4 20.2 0.6 71.7 + + 6.6 ? — 0.4 I 0.2 78.1?- + 0.4 \ 3 24.1 0.6 0.6 08^ (11.5 + + 4- 9.3 ? — 0.5 I 13.8 — 0.2 0.2 77.6? + + 0.5 \ 1 1 448 28.7 7^^.1 + 28. 1 35.4 0.6 57.2 + 20.9 — 0.3 77.8 + 4 627 42.4 38.9 0.6 53.8 + 25.0 — 0.3 78.5 — 3 707 50.9 42.5 0.6 4.1.8 + 29.9 — 0.4 78.3 — 1 783 60.7 45.8 + 0.6 45.0 + 34.6 ? — 1 ( 0.4 79.1 — 9 Rejected. 847 70.3 Index-correction : off, 31'.0; on, 31'.2 2 A 70 78.2 i — 0.1 Refraction 2'.9 2p + 0.2 2 ,. _ o.,s Barometer 29.8 + 1^ 2 .s — 31.6 Temperature + 29.0 — 6 2 70 43.9 — 5 — .1 180 + 2 <} 225 37.8 154 53.9 27'.0 FOE LATITUDE. 33 rA3IP ON XORTHXniBEELAND ISLAND. Chronometer H fast 3^ 3'».4. Observations for latitude, circum-meridian altitudes of the sun, June 10, 1S7:1 Longitude, + 4"= 47™ Greenwich ; - 1 }!= 2 ini Washiu, gtou Noon. t 2© 0.497 2 Af5 •2 A A h. m. m. 6 ' ' ' 3 4.0 )— 34.3 I + 0.3 5 — 0.3 S 71 42,6 + 19.4 + 0,2 71 02,2 + 7 - 30.4 I 47.3 15.3 0,2 62,. 3 + 1 - 0.3^ — 27.1 ) LO.r> 12.2 0,2 02,9 — 0.3 i — 23.4 } 53,7 9.1 0.1 62,9 — 0.3 S - 20.3 / - 0.3^ 56,3 6.9 0.1 63.3 — 4 - 17.0 ) _ 0.3^ 5;. 5 4.9 0.1 63.5 — 6 - l'"^ I 59,6 3.3 0.1 63.0 — 1 — 0,3 S — 10.4 ? 60.3 1.9 + 0.1 62,3 + 6 — 0.3 S — ii.> } (;2,5 0,8 63.3 — 4 — 0^3 5 — 3..-: 1 62,5 0,2 62.7 + ■7 — 0^3 ^ - 1.1 1 02,5 0,0 02.5 + 4 — 0.3 S + 2.0? 63.0 0.1 03.1 — •2 — 0.3 I + 3.4^ 62.6 0.2 02.3 + 1 — 0.3 i + 6.6 > 62.4 0.6 63.0 — 1 — 0.3 i - 0.3^ 61.S + 1.5 — 0.1 03.1 — ■) 2.1 }; 31',2; on, 31'.0 71 62.9 i + 0,1 20,7 + 1 ■2p + 0,2 - 34,5 — 3 2 )• — 2,7 2 s — 31,0 Barometer Temperature 2 71 2-,9 Kefraction 2,9 1-" + ~ ^ "'"' '' Correction — ,2 1,54 19.4 ■J A O 34 ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS NORTHUMBERLAND ISLAND. Observations for latitude, circum-meridian altitudes of the stm, June 10, 1873. Chronometer H fast 3i= 3'".4. LoDgitnde, + 41' 4711.0 Greenwich ; — G^ 21'n.2 Washington. Noon. h. m. W 4.3 t m. 32.7 28.;) 25.7 22.2 18.9 15.7 12.6 9.0 5.3 2.5 0.1 5.1 8.3 10.6 + 12.1 ludex-correctioTi • off, 31'. 5 ; on, 31'. + Refraction Correction 3'.0 0.2 2 o / 70 42.4 45.8 49.0 51.8 54.2 56.4 57.5 58.3 59.7 60.0 59.8 59.7 59.1 58.8 .58.0 0.497 + 17.3 + 13.6 10.7 8.0 5.8 4.0 2.6 1.3 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.4 1.1 1.8 + 2.4 + 2 A (! 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 2 J O.l 0.1 0.1 59.9 .59.6 59.9 59.9 60.1 60.5 60.2 59.7 60.2 60.1 59.8 60.1 60.1 60.5 60.3 2 .J 70 60.1 (■ + 0.3 '^P + 0.2 2 r — 2.8 2s + 31.6 20 71 29.4 180 + 2 (5 226 7.7 + + + + + + 2 (J 154 38.3 19'.2 FOR LATITUDE. 35 CAMP OX CONICAL EOCK. Observations for latitude, cireum-meyidiaH altitudes of the sun, June is. 1S73. Chronometer H fast •-'' 49". 1. LoDgitiule, + 4'- 3 "',- Greenwich; — 0'' 34™. 4 Washington. Jli.lnight. / 2 0.45 2 A a li. m. m. o ' CI 14 50.0 — 10.5 Ci.T 3.4 — 0.3 + •^■' 9.0 + 12.0 Index-correction: off, 31'. 5; on, 31 .3 Refraction J H -^ Barometer 30. 1-? + 2 Temperature + 2T.5 — 6 152 4.7 19 41.0 l.R 19 39.4 + 2 40.0 0.7 39.3 + 3 40.0 U.2 :>0.s — .7 39.5 0.0 39.5 + 1 39.6 U.l 39.5 + 1 40.3 0.5 39. S — .1 40. S 1.2 39.6 41.7 — 2.1 2 A 39.6 19 39.6 i + 0.1 •ip + U.3 2 )■ — 11.3 2.3 2 — 31.6 le 57.1 1>0 — 2(S 133 7.6 Midnight. t li. m. m. 14 50.0 — S.5 4.S — l.S + 1.0 4.3 7.3 111.,-, + 13.S 2© 0.45 ' ' IS 3-.3 — 1.1 3 7. .5 0.3 1>7.3 0.0 37.2 0.0 37.5 0.3 37. S 0.8 39.0 1.6 40.0 O ^ Index-correction: off, 31'. 5 : on, 31 .3 Eefraction 12. 5 6'} off — O.S l~ii = 7r,: 2.4 .-) A A 1 19 3t7.2 37.2 37.3 3.7 2 — 1 :;7.0 + .2 37.4 — '> 37.2 '-2 A i 16 + 0.1 ■2p + 0.3 2 )• — 11.9 2.5 + 31.6 2 1^ 57.7 2(i 133 7.G 152 4.9 36 ASTRONOMICAL OBSEEYATIOXS As the following observations, taken at iSTewman's Bay liy Mr. Chester, are, besides tbose taken by the late Captain Hall during his sledge-jonrney, the only ones on record taken nortli of Polaris Bay, we i)ropose giving them at this plaee, though they were not only made use of to obtain the latitude, bat also to dednce the time. ^Ve find the latitude to be sio 5.3' 54" X., and the longitude, as worked from Polaris House, + 4'' .V"2t'' (Ireenwicli. (Compare the observations for time made there and given hereattcr.) Assuming the longitude of Polaris Bay observatory to be + -A'' 7™ (r, we might have obtained the longitude of the eamp at Newman's Bay by carrying the chronometer forward ; but unfortunately the time-piece (box-chronometer D) stopped for some thirty minutes, resulting from a collision of the boat in which it was placed with a heavy ice-field, which suidi the boat, nearly destroying its crew. CAMP AT NEWMA^-'S BAY. Observation.^ for latitude and time, June 17, 1872. CI iron. Cliroii. D. 2 i-\-2(p+r+s) ■2 A J, L—<;>. ih ■A iTc T fast. A h . m. I.' ' ' ' Ji. m. /(. m. m. A.M. 1.; :\M 51; ■2;!.(i + 2S.4 28 25.7 0.47003- -40 0.08233 8.91730 9.80712 — 3 20.42 3 22.8—0.4 iD.s;! 50 49.0 28.4 3,.-^. 7 47938 41 08597 93435 32417 12.04 '2-i.S—iJ.-i lij.:,-2 57 9.0 28.5 48.8 48190 41 08855 94719 33701 0.40 22.3-1-0.1 21.112 ;.)/ '-(.w 28.5 57.9 48427 41 09083 95837 Equation 84819 of time 0.08 -1- 66 21.9-1-0.5 ra.83 .58 51.5 2^=.5 29 40.0 49495 41 10154 9.0O004 89040 — 2 32.07 23.2—0.3 r.9.o:5 59 13.0 2 ■^..5 50.7 497l',5 42 1042:', 01799 90781 24.11 22.5—0.1 1 4.'j;; 59 20.3 .jS 5 57.4 49934 42 10592 02498 914S0 13.91 23.2 — 0.3 vim .59 45.5 2S.0 30 7.0 50170 42 10831 03467 92449 11.27 ^3.2—0.8 ■211.17 00 23.0 2S 25. S 50649 42 11307 0533>5 94317 1 54.71 23.2—0.8 i>.').77 00 39.5 2H.7 34.1 50857 42 11515 00127 95109 46.74 21.3-fO.O uy,i 00 55.0 2.^.7 41.8 51049 43. 11700 oi;;84i 115323 33.91 ■2-^^S — 0.4 .',0.17 01 17.0 2'"^. 7 52.8 51324 43 11981 07850 90.^32 20 43 22.0-1-0.4 2 4. as Gl 28.2 2^.7 58.5 51467 43 12124 03364 97346 19.31 22.7-0.3 13.9.5 CI 41.5 + 28.7 31 5.1 51631- -43 12283 03948 Equation 9793,0 of time 10.20 -f 0.(i8 23.5—0.1 P. JI. s .-,]., -S 48 5.0 + 27.7 24 16.3 41106- -53 0.01753 8.24378 13302 + 5 28.73 3 22.43 5.5.58 a 47 .53.0 27.0 10.3 40947 r>!3 01594 20249 09233 31.53 58.r.7 47 30.5 27.6 2.0 40727 53 01374 13799 02733 35.52 22.45 'J 1.43 47 '25.0 27.(3 23 50.3, 40575 53 01222 08707 3.97591 33.29 22.40 4.Ud h 47 12.0 27.5 49.7 40400 53 01047 01995 90979 41.36 7.08 4C 59. (.1 + 27.5 43.2 Constant 40220- —;_,., 00873 7.94101 32935 44,49 Equation -f- 0.74 22.45 .393 . . 9.iioi§ ; i 15 For assume, d Ip = 55.6 ; residual w. — 0.3 2p 16 55.7 ; residual — 0.2 2 s 31 33 Hence 'P = 55.9 ; residual 0.0 3.2 4 Besult : Chronometer D fast. & h . m. Barometer 29.90 ; correction + 1.3 June 17 , 5'. 5 p. n 3 22.43 on local time ; Teniperaturo 3,5:0 : — 7.8 Boat : cam and slow ip, longitude 4 43.0 on Greenwich time. I 5.4 .- Refraction 4.0 3.0 4.7 4.9 Correction — 0.3 - - 0.2 — 0.:! — 0.3 Polaris B ay obser\ 'atory( adopted) 7.1 — 3.7 - - 3.4 — 4.4 — 4.6 Observations from 9'' to IP' a. m., and 5'\5 p. m A (5 ^ 3>.0 ; assumed ]on;;itnde, 1'' 0'" east of Wash. © (S 23, ' 24'.3 and 2532. A.ssumed latitude : ^ = 81''55' A tig Constant 9.99507 9.599;;; / 6,: 9..594f^ O.393AV : 9.147.50 : 9.9C26f 9.11011 Latitude 5' .54" a has lu l-,e iijcett-d or t'j l,e curn^ctcil for 1", b has to b,., ujccted or to be t'<,i'iocted for O"'..^. FOR TIME AND LONGITUDE. B.— OBSERVATIONS FOR TIME AXD LONGITCTDE. 37 Tlje observation.s for longitude, were ti\keu eitlier on the prime TOrtical or as near to it a.s could be pos.sibly done. As the sun or any heavenly body, when on or near the prime vertical, moves nearly uniforiuly, we are justified in combining sets of observations talien on or near the prime vrrtical into groups; taking tlie means and reducing each observation to tbat epoch by making use of the well-known relation that the variations of the altitude are equal to the variations of the time multiplied by tbe cosine of the latitude, viz : — J h = J 1. 5r^ or, as our variations are referred to the double altitudes, and J t in time, we get the formula — J h = 30 J t >f^ Adding then the corrections necessary for index-error, refraction, parallax, and semi-diameter, we obtain the single results of the observed double altitudes at the epoch. Now we have to deduce the hour-angle from the well-known formul;e — A. = 9. S. + c^, <5;r, = s 23.5 — 5.4 Temperature 38 -.0 2 8 — 31.7 J/ 14 43. if 7.4 or 3 — 31.7 2 J 41 39.6 -^o 41 15.0 J 20 49.8 20 ;37.5 c 0.14594 418 (5c 0.9671: > , I )49 ^c 6 4 4:;.2l Z fast on mean time, Polaris l!ay. 4" 43'".:;0. 38 ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS Obficrvations for lime, August 12, 1872 — Coutiuiied. Latitude, 81- iJO'. 5.— Longitude, + 4'' s™." Greeuwich; — 0'' 59"\5 Wu.sliiugloo. Chroii. 2 O Chrou. 2 h. m. ° ' li. TO. ° ' G 58.23 40 26.2 G 6.97 !39.33 22 8 7.90 6 0.33 19.3 9.00 3.90 7.3 9.90 4.67 4.S 10.93 5.73 1.8 11.97 6 2.03 2 A 40 13,7 6 9.44 2 p + 0.3 ; +1.3 o ' Barometer 29i.8 2 /■ — 5.0 gO-"' — (6 8 23.5 Teuiperature 3y-.6 2 s + 31.7 (5 14 4:!.7 M 23 7.2 2 A 40 41.4 A 20 20.7 cfc 0.14.594 418 (5c 0.96713 549 0.14114 967 0.60735 0.34437 0.09286 783 0.6.5790 816 ll. m. 3 15.43 + 4.67 3 20.10 6 9.44 2 49.34 1 54.02 4 43.36 Z fast on mean time, Polaris Bay 4 43.2."i before 43.30 39 57.4 54.3 51.2 4y.()-; 44.3 41.2 39 49.6 + 0.3 + 1.3 — 5.6 + 31.7 40 17.3 20 6.6 4,, 6, 0.14114 967 cM, 0.60735 As 0.34 767 0.09616 299 -c 0.6; ■127 h. 332 m. T 3 8.23 Eijua tion + 4.07 Mean time 3 12.90 Chronometer 6 2.03 Fast 2 49.13 Comp arator 1 54.02 Z (fas it) 4 43.15 Mean 43.28 The comparison between D and Z, on September 21, brought back 40'' with the ft. m. relative rate G=.5, gives Z — D 1 20.90 or D fast on mean time, Polaris Bay 3 22.38 From November 4, back, also D fast on mean time, Polaris House 4 4.73 with rate 2".55 hence, Polaris Bay east of Polaris House 42.35 Polaris House west of Greenwich 4 51.4 Polaris Bay west of Greenwich 4 9.0 Polaris Bay east of Washington 59.2 FOE TIME AND LONGITUDE. 39 1I._0BSERVATI0NS TAKEN IN KENNEDY CHANNEL AND SMITH SOUND. F. llETER, Observer. Observations of altitudes of tlw sun far time, August 16, a. m., 1872. Approximate latitude, 80- 2'. 0.— Longitude, -f 4'' o.')™.:! Greenwich; — O'l 32™. 9 Washington. t A < 2 © Eed. ^pirs i a li. m. m. ° ' ' I o / ludex-correction: off,30'.8; on, 3-2'.r) 6 3.19 + 6.19 24 54.0 + 32.3 + 22.3 ^.-,48.0—1 8.61 + 0.77 O", 22.0 + 4.0 22.5 48.5 n Barom. Temp. 10.16 — 0.78 25 30.0 — 4.0 22.5 48.5 i o 11.71 — 2.33 25 :!-.ii — 12.1 22.6 48.5 29.94 + 34.6 7.7 - 13.25 — 6 9.3S 3.S7 25 46.0 — 20.1 + 22.6 2 J 48.5 + 1.5 25 48.5 — 6.2 1 30 0c 5.19:3 A 12 54.3 2p + 0.3 + 0.3 Eefraction 9.4 9.1 ih 0.39979 i — 0.9 — 0.9 — 0.6 - - 0.6 A, 0.22333 2r — 8.8 — 8.5 Diff. 0.17646 510 ■is + 31.7 + 31.7 i^c ^c 0.16823 591 + 22 3 + 22.6 1 l-Tc 1.04892 949 o ' r 17 48.78 90° — 9 .58.0 0c 0.17308 825 Equal tion + 3.98 6 13 35.9 6c 97197 766 Jluau time 17 52.76 M 23 33.9 591 F Fast 18 9.:'.8 16.02 Observations of altitudes of the sun for time, August 18, a. m., 1872. F. ilEYER, Observer. Chronometer F fast 18™.70. Approximate latitude, 79- 44. 8. — Lonuitude, + 4'' 37™.6 Greenwich ; — 0^ 30^.6 Washington. f At 2© Red. 2jji)-.s 2© a h. m. m. ° ' ' ' ° ' Index-correction: off, 35'.2; on, 2S'.2 6 27.94 + 5.09 25 32.0 + 27.2 + 2r..>i 20 26.0 + 2 30.94 + 2.09 25 4s.o -f 11.2 2J.9 26.1 + 1 Barom. Ttmp. 32.43 + O.(;o 25 + 3.2 27.0 26,2 i o 33.93 — 0.90 26 4.0 — 4.8 27.1 2(;.3 — 1 29.89 + 31.6 39.93 — 6.90 26 36.0 — 30.8 + 27.2 20.4 — 2 + 1.3 — 7.0 6 33.03 2 A 26 26.2 — 5.7 30 0c 5.34,1 A 13 13.1 2p -f 0.3 + 0.3 Refraction 9.2 ^^.8 AT, 0.39399 i + a.5 + 3.4 — 0.5 — 11,5 J, 0.228i;(i 2 r — 8,7 — 8.3 Diff- 0.1653.3 116 2 s + 31.7 + 31.7 'PcS, 0.17348 924 ^ 7c 0.04698 192 26.8 + 27 90° -0 10 15.2 0c 0.17800 042 (i 12 57.0 4 0.97457 ,^,-'2 M 23 12.2 924 T 18 10.78 Efiuatiou -f 3.55 Mean time 18 14.:'.3 F 18 33. U3 40 ASTEONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS Observations of altitudes of the sun for time, August 21, a. m., 1872. F. ilEYEii, Observer. Chronometer F fast 20'".T0. Approximate latitude, 79- :)'J'.8. — Longitude, + 4'" 41™.l GreeuwicU ; — 0'^ 27"'. 1 Washington. ludex-correction : off, 30'.7 ; on, 32'. 8 Barometer 29i.99 + 1.6 Temperature + 42-. — 9.3 — 7.7 •2 A 18 11.1 t h. m. » 54.02 2© o / 35 46.3 90° -^ O ' 10 20.2 Comp .M. 0.62113 56.77 35 57.3 (! 11 55.6 J, 0.31209 59.63 36 8.4 M 22 15.8 0c (!<; 0.17564 441 — ^ 0.10886 687 8 50.81 2 A 35 57.:', n 0.62010 240 2p + 0.3 *c 0.17943 :'.89 I — 1.1 :iO-^ 10 26.(1 CoMip. .1/, o,6:>(;7:, '■■•-•' '-■' l-'^ '^ + 7 13.2 J 0.211122 "•^" ■-''•'''•■■ ^'^ 17 3;i,- ^„,v 0.n;>(16 444 '■■•'■■■ -' ■'"•^ + (I,(IS663 767 "'■''" ~* ■•">'' '/v O.lsnni 7'.-t() r. (I.l.<22n 323 'I II. '.1:12117 6."il 12 4 1.43 2/ 24r,6.2 444 ,, „, 'J' + "■•■ ^ 4 4.1;^ Caromet.CT 3lli.O + 1.7 ; -|- ii.j i:,i„utin„ _ 1.04 Tempeniture 37- - s.4;; 2 r - s.s Meantime 4 3.64 — 6.7 2 s — 31.S H ]-J 44.4;i Cbrououieter la.^^t 8 40.79 2 J 24 16,3 -J 1- f^l From niiiijiarisni], Z — H ^31.(i4 lleiH r Z — meantime r, 11. s:', Ai'cmdiMg to a Dote recovered, tlie error and late ot cbroiiometer Z, used here in a (ield eoni- [putation, is recorded as — Z fast on Tolaris Bay oliservatory, 4'' -t.j"'.'.»7- (tisin,;; daily rate + 4M), instead of 1'' .lt"'.7S, tliat needs a correction of — 1"M0 from observation on iiand Ancnst 12. ObxervofioHs of altitudes of the siiii for time, Sriitniiher .">, ],S7i (-'lironoiiieter 11 last >"' 41'". 61. 7'J 3i;'.0.— Lon^i itiule, + 41' 1 ll. m. 12 34.33 '-'© o / 24 17,3 3.">..00 24 12,3 36,67 24 6,S 37 s-' 24 1,3 3.0,13 23 r.i.o 42,33 23 39.2 43,37 23 34.1 4 l„->0 23 2S,s 4."., 17 LJT .)- O 46,60 23 ls,7 M 12 lll„'.l 2 .1 23, 47.,-^ Iiule.\-((]ireoti(iii : (iff, 31 ,2; on 32 .3 2/) + 0.3 I — 11,6 lianiiiietci 3(1,02 + 1 ,.-^ 2 )• — 9,4 Temperature + 31 ,2 — C>.^[] 2 ,■* — 31. ^i 2 A 23 6.-'. A 11 33.1,, 10 24.11 ( .'Km]). .V, 11.70:163 6 2S.,S A, 11.21 II I2C, 16 r)2„s l>c f'c o.i7:i:;: 374 Il.ll,-;i26 066 0. 1^052 653 ~G 0.i;i764 692 0.99361 721 3,74 /i. m. r 4 0.63 Eiiuat: ion — 1.711 Mean I [imo 3 5s,;i:! H 12 4()„-,4 Clirouometei ■ fast H 41.61 * Jii I.","',;i7 probably coi,icil wroDgly by about 1 niiuiitr, as is sbowu by the luiinitinb s obtained by ill, F, il, v,r, auil the i.Lrouomet,' irror, as given by Mr, ( 'liost. r, at Ncwullu's Bay. r. A 42 asti;(^N(»:mi('al obskkaatioxs Observ((ti(iiis af (iltitndcs of the shii for ilme, Srptcinher 0, 1871'. Cliioi lotir H fast «'' -ll'".s,-(. Approxiriiato latitude, 79 34'. r>. — Lon^itiule, -\- 1'' '.',()"•:> (ireenwicli ; — 0'' :!J'".ll Wa,sliiii,i;tiiii ll. t r r, vt 44.00 >■)>) i."..'i ;i(i- -'P 10 ^.'..4 Coin] 1. .1/. 0.7I.-..M 4;".. (10 Ul.-i i\ + i',M .1, (i.t^70(; 4r,.o:^ :!(;.(! M \i\ VAX, ,.. 'V 0.17;t!lil .',(1:.! 47.07 ;;(i.l (I.(KM0 117 4-. no 'JC.'J 0,. (I.ISO'JJ 710 Tr (1. IC.IlC.l 01.^, .".0. 1 7 V.J ,\ ii.0',i4;!:i 7.-.:; 51.1.-1 10. (> .n02 h. ill. .'')'.'.13 .'').H T 4 O..-.'.' r.:i.lo 0..^ lv(iialiuii •) ;;;; .',4.10 '^^ r.o.-j Mean liiue 4 7.10 \-> 40.07 \-l 40.(17 i >. A L-j ■J(i.7 Cliioueiiiet er last M 11. ss Iiiilex-correction : fOf, :12'.0 ; on, HI'. 2 2 j) -\- 0.;', ; + 0.7 ■ Barometer '20'. .')2 -|- d.l f| 2 r — 0.^ Temperature -|- :'.() .0 — (1.0 2 s — :!l.w — ('...'i 2 .( 21 4(1.1 J 10 r,0,(i. OlmernitidUfi of (lUilitdea of the -siiii for tinic, September S, 1872. Chronometer II .si' 42'". (i7. Approximate latitude, 7'J 29'.9.— Longitude, + 4i> 37'". Greeuwicli ; — 0'' :!1"'.2 Washington. 90 — ^ 10 30.1 Comp. .1/, (1,72003 (i .') 20.7 ./, O.I 0203 M Vi r)0..s ^,. ,\. 0.1S14S ,•^,-12 0.07044 7H2 0, 0.1-227 072 T, O.liS.Sl.'J 900 '\. (i.9':i5lj.-> SKI S'S2 // . III. T 1 2S.C.4 lv|Ualiou — 2.71 Jlean time 4 23 93 H 13 .'^.(10 13 .s.CO 2.1 19 2(1.2 Chronometer s .12.(J7 Indi'X-eorrertiou : ott, 3,3'.7 ; on, 3.0'.(l 2» -)- 0.3 ( + l.s I'.aiometer 2'.t'..-7 + 1.2 ;; 2 )■ — 11.4 Temperature -f- 3r .7 — 7.0 2 .w — 31.9 2 A la 39.0 A 9 19,.5 Ii. m. o 'o 1 13 2.33 19 .'>2.('> 3..33 47..'5 4.47 41.0 .'-1.40 3(.i.7 0.27 3,1.7 0,97 13..3 1 1 ..S7 3.,S 13.07 is .37.0 11.17 .31.2 13.17 17.(1 FOR TIME AND LONGITUDE. 43 Ohservatkms of altitudes of the sun for time, tSeptemlcr 10, 187-. Cliroiiouietci' II fast S'' 13'". '2^. Approximate l.ititiiJe, 79- 27'. 9. — Longitinlr, -f 4'' ;!7"'.r> Greeuvi icli ; — 0'' 30'". 7 \Yii.sliingtoii. h. m. ° ' ° ' r> M.U7 L'v: M.-3 90 — 10 32.1 ('(.ii)p. .V, 0.73K)0 l.-,.lil ]ii(j ,S -)- 4 3(;.IJ J, (1.1.^)27 IC.O:', 7.3 M 1.-) s.l ii, 6,_ U.lS-'-'5 Or.7 17.(C -.'.4 0.1054-2 2'J2 l-.iiil 21 .'.7.1 i>, U.1.S2^4 2(17 7, 0., '.7.-^43 22.'. ]'.l.03 ,''.2.0 d,. U.|.l'.ir,7.-: ^I'lO 'Jil.OO 4-'..'. IIIIT h. Ill 21.03 42.8 7 3 3e.i;4 22. UO :'..-.r. Equatiou — 3,3>'J ',';'.. 00 3,3.3. Meau time 3 3.."..2,'i H 12 ie..-.3 12 IS. 33 2 J 21 r.4.7 ('liruaciurlri l';.st -43,2-; Iinlt-x-Lorrectioii: ofif, 33'.0; on, 311 .7 2 ^^ -f 0.3 i + 1.2 Barometer 'J'J'.'JO + 1.4 2 )■ — Ki.l Temperature + -i'J-.l — C..:',;: 2 .v — 31 9 i.l 2 A 21 14.2 A 10 37.1 OJjservattons if altitudes of the sun for time, Sej^teiiihcr 13, 1ST2. Clirouometer H fast S'' 44"'.93,. Approximate latihiO.-. 7',^ 22'.>:.— I,i.ii;j,itiKlp, + i" 40"'. (I (.ireeuwicli ; — 0'' 2^" .2 Waxliinnton. li. m. ^ ' ° ' VJ 'J.v;7 20 32.(1 9(1 — .|i 10 32.7 Cmnp. .lA 0.7.'.(;-'l 10.21 2.^.0 d +* 3 -27.2 A. 0.17017 ll.lO 24.0 If 14 4,1 .», 'V O.LSV.M IC' 12,07 19,: 13,03, 0.1112.'. 030 l.-,,3 21 13 43.0 d,6. 0.1S|.-,4 GIO 20.33 18 50.5 Sun — 1 0.10024 02.S 21.17 r .- '> 'h- 0.1K4.-'1 072 Tc 0..575lis 111,-: 22.00 52.0 dc 0.',"I'.I857 938 010 T //. m. 3 :!941 12 i;i.!l2 2.i 19 1.4 + -1> i + 0.3 — 1.2 E(jnation Mean time + 4.79 3 31,02 2 r — 13.1) H 12 19.92 31.9 ('bronoiJieter fust ^ 15,30 2 A IS 10.0 A 9 8,3 Observations of altitudes of the sun for time, tSeptrmber -~>, LS72. Cbronoujeter H fast 8'' 50'". 44. Approxiiijate latitude, 79- 12'. 9. — Longitude, -f 4'' 42'". 7 tireeii\'\ icb ; — 0'' 25'", 5 Wasbiugtoii. t 2 h. m. ° ' ° ' 11 54.83 ludex-corrcetii.ii: oil, 31'.5; ou,32'.4 1155,83 2 J 12 41)8 Barometer 29'. 44 — 0.2 \\ Teiuperatiiie + 20-. 2 — 4,4 — 4,0 12 44.2 90- -1> 10 47 .1 (4„ 0.1-71:! 214 411, s 6 — 1 12 M 4 0.9'J978 'M) :17.3 M 9 35 ),l) .*. li, 4 (1.1-7119 2114 J (),s:!:',52 2 J 12 41)8 ( Couiii . J/„ 2 2J i + 0.3 0,5 V o.i2:;95 :i25 (I.0li253 121 2 )■ — 10,9 2 -S' — 32,0 /( . lit. :; I4,(i:; — ,-,04 2 J 11 517 T [uation A 5 55.9 11 ■an time ;! 5:!9 11 55.83 Cbronometer fast 8 50.44 FOR TIME AXD LONGITUDE. 45 Ohncr rut ions of aUiiitdes of Capellu, Octohcr 2, 1S72. Cbroiiomtter H fast 8'' 4G"'..--l). Ai)proxiiiiat(' latitmlr, 78 r>> ".S._L onnitude, + 4' ' i:'. "'.0 <.irei'n\\ieh : _0i> ■")-] ".2 Wasbiogt t 2 Alt. li. m. O ' O ' Ill ir,.;iii c !(|lella. 90 ;!:!.:; 90- -0 11 1.2 ';'*..■ 0.19115 l:'„-' •M.-i:\ 91 ;i.;i 6 4.-. .-.1.9 ,\ O.(;9(lo5 2.S! 'j-.>.r.7 12,(1 M r,(; r,:;.i V- '!= li.l:«U 421 '.>1.9U (■)~ '; J 0.71419 •J7..">ll 41.2 . .)/, 0.10242 V (1.(1(1972 7(17 19 'J-i.-ili ■> A 2 J, i 91 11.4 (1 0.0 ' ' O.07:!O2 ;14(i h. m. Barometer 3(1. (15 + l.'.t 2 r — 2.1 - IS ir,.74 'l'eiii}»eial (lie -j- 1 .'■) — ('.!! 2 s (1.(1 „ 5 7.2S + i.(; „ 2;! 24.02 2 J 91 9,;; /'" 12 40.S2 ,1 4r. :;4.(; ilea II Clirononie int. A// time It :tei- fl iSt 10 :;7.2o — 1.74 10 ;!5.4(; 19 22.20 s 40,sii C— OBSEKYATIOX.S TAKEN AT POLARIS IIOUSIv Obserrtitions if dislancc bihcrvit a ainl fi Ocminonim for time, Xorenihcr 4, IsTl'. Barometer 291.79 + 1 Oj; Temperature — O .7 -|- 1.5 Refraction :i'.:! -(-0.1 Clllol ti(. meter H last. si' 0'".31. » t h. 111. c 19 :i:!.l7 o Geniinoriim on V 05 S,5 :i5.i:t (ti niiiiornm 21.0 :'.(;,97 ■'a+-h 3.'.7 19 ;!5.(i',i 05 20.7 I' 7 (io.:ii i + l--' Jleau time 11 ::i.7s } s '.* r — :;. 1 A// -1- 1.90 -'..+-'„• (15 1,<.S /'o 14 .50, 91 h . in . n 7 20,17 7^ 4 52,-5 ''a + 112 :>:.t li 7 '■''i 5'* r . 5 : '. 0( 1 '/J '\,' + 2S 19.9 M 2 : 15.(12 V + 7S 25,-1 (/ (liini iinnim. /? fl( ntiiionint. 0-i (1,9795 I 102 0.9795 1 102 (5, 0.552:'.5 021 0,47157 (15(1 tp, il 0.52 1 IS 725 tl,.Hl t-5 75>2 0,. ll,2012(.i 0,2(1120 575 iV. O.S 1052 704 (ISSIt-Jl 45'J -. (1.2,-S,s-J (105 0,21255 444 l!>. A 7t .1,,- 0.0 1921 0.57009 20 J (1,111295 0,5(i77.s ■J 7^ ci, rfj -|- .>,, (S^ 31 4759 5(1- 30.9 J -|- ./p- = 05 Is .S lu tbc pioc('(liiig obscrvtition, it liappeiied tloit C'nshu w os broiiubt on to PoUuy, as they stood verticiilly one alto\e tlie other (liaviii.i;' tlie .saiiic azimuth). Tiie reduction was made iu an indirect way, tissnming (irst the clironomcter error and comptitiiig tlie altitudes of the stars, repeating this process until the sum of the altitudes coricspdiidiiig to the assumed e|)Och was found to be e(pia\ to that observed corrected ior index emo and ii'tractiini. CliiiiiiuiiiL^er II ran down October ■Jll. 46 ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS Observations of altitudes of Capvlla fur time, Noveinher IS, 1872. ( 2 Alt. li, in. o / / la aii.y:! Cm pel la 108 (1.0 00- - 11 :'.(;.o crembcr 19, a. m., 1872. t 2 All. II. m. ° ' 22 51.17 Capella 103 20.2 .54.44 8.0 56.95 102 53..1 59.33 40.0 01..58 28 3 22 50.00 2 A i 102 .55.2 0.0 2 )■ — 1.7 ]5:irometcr 29'.02 + 1.7 S Temperature - - 7-.8 + 1.7 2 A 102 53,5 + 3,4 A 51 20.7 0.:;- ii ■,..-,: ii.:''7 14. si; 0.:;7 11.0.! — ii.:'t FOR TIME AXD LDNGITCDE. Altitudes ofr, Urscv Mojoris for time, March 4, LST.i ■^Z' ' '>■■' 0.11031 0.74074 J. 2 J computed. Obsei ved.* ^i m. h. in. c / ' , — 0.44 •-' 4-.*:; 0. -70711 .-.00-201 O.OOrlS 0. -47112 0.44 30.0.7 --47- .-.007ii'j 00033 -4007 1143 30.;i7 .--Om o.noi:;:' JmiSt II.4-J 33.07 -03.".0 00,:,'jii 10l:i("; 31.44 .-'.ir:;i"; 00007 i'"'-'j4 0.3,11 -Jlnj 01000 ii-J'J07 10544 10.33 01405 iiji;:.o 1(1031 10,. 1 0173,7 n-j'.i/,- idTTiT 14.73 0-JOlO ii3'J.-,0 1^777 lO.-JO ;iJ3J3 03554 111-53 47 4702 115 5r.4 50.1 — 0.7 401)7 110 13..2 rj,- + 0.4 'iiiii.-, •,M'..0 ■J7.3 — 1.:'. MIO :;-.o i'.O "^ — 1.0 ilO- 51.1,0, 40.0 + ".7 551- 117 30.4 •JO, 4 + 3.(1 51 ',(1.", 45.1 45.4 — (1.5 '.0-1 7,7,;; 55.9 - 0.6 .751 11- 4.5 7>.Ct — 1.1 '^''7 11,7 14,:; + "4 ;; Ui-.i Ma j.. I IS I'ur meridian pas>a^ h. m. a 13 4-,' 50 ^„ O-J 511.00 Sid. i 14 50,51) ^fi — 0.44 Mean time 14 bl'Mii CliioiiouR-tt-i H l.i.-.r 7 57.1 — H 00 47.16 ,As.S11I1Jlm1,) f, d 40 51-. (1 /- iV LI, -l.ir5- ?. Oc 0.3ii::7:; (3..ii=.taiit 0.11031 o,'.(oii)o 0.-7J01 + 0.7 107 4 lu tbe above (di,-^in'vatioii. tbe name of the .'^tar wa.s not .uiven, and it wa.s formally a,s,-;uuied to lie a' ]\Iaj(iii.< on i Ui,'^:i' .Alajoii,'^, observed with eliroiiometer D ; but the ehronoiiieter-error did not agree within 2'". Ditterent as.snmpticiu,s were made till >; Ur.^a' Mojoris was found, when the obserxatioiis ayieed. They are a little wild, however, owins ti.i the low temperature. The inobable error of one i.ibservatiou. The liuiit nf rejection v.: If. therefore, we reject the sixth observation, or correct it for 1™ iu time, the rest would agree amoD"; each other. ' Corrc-ied for refractioD and index-error, 2 r = — I'-i ; i= — 0.5. — L.trometer, ■2l(',50 ; temperature, — 3j-.0. 4S A ST I ;,( ) N OM I ( : A h ( » I IS 10 1 ; V A 'I' l( » N H ObHcrralifiiis af altituiJts of iJw shh Jhr lliiii', Ajiril l!!,', iSi.'l. 2 IiHlrx-cinr'cction : oiV, '■'•'■'•'.'■> ; on, ilO'.: liaronictcr itO.C.I + :',.7 'renipcrakni'O — "i.'.t -J- f'Ti + 4.:t J 1(1 :!.! /(. in . o ' o ' 1 '.'l.liO :'.'i ri(i.7 !ll)- - eft 1 1 : (i.e. 'I''- O.'.'ill'.if, ;!7i •jr>.r,() .III..-S ,) + 1'i ;. c.r, <\' o.'.i7i.r.i '.MW -ill.;-':! .|:t,:! M 21 :m ./v .1 o.iDcry :il2 '_'7.r)-! :'.:).ri J (i.'.'7(:r,',i 1 ,1 /' A r N -f- + III o.:i i.r, ;;i '.1 r w ll:ill(Mi ;iri 1 iiiii'. O.MlL'll (Micrifiri II. li:;:;:,.! //. 111. '1 I'.'iir, — l.r.'.i '1 'iii;!7 -1 21 Mil (1.^.7 !l.'. W'alcli ,sl(jiv i:i.7(l Olisrrra/iiiii.s of iiJ/iliulr.'i of III r tiiiii for liiiiCj j1/".'/ '!, lS7."i. Cliniii 'In- il hI(HV 10'' ;'. I'Mi:;. / 2 / 2 r--) / 2 II. III. O 1 h. in. n / II. Ill o / t \'.l ',11. .■^:! il.iir, :fi III.7 :'.:!. II 2--'.7 I'.i ;;i.;i7 :;ii.;;.'i :;i H.7 .''i.ii l.ii 111 :'..^;. ; 1'. 1. •111. 77 III ;;ii .\r,ri 1(1.7 :'.(i.ii ',2.'.IH 20.;; :!(i.!l!) ;jii .".'( .2 '111. HH ;;;;..". ;;;.iiii 2 ,/ I.'.. 2 •■'■'"■■ :,i.:, II. 11 211. .^ 1!) ;i.7H :;i 2;.r. T.) :;i;.;;i :;i (1.7 i;) 111. ;2 ;!ii ;!7.ii Jndc.x-rfUK'i 1 i< 11 : olf, ;;2'.ll; (>n,:ir i; i + II.;; + 11.2 + ii.;i + 11.2 + (1.:! + 11.2 Da.iuiiK.-tcr I'.ll.l + 2.11 2 r 2 H — 7 .If + ;!i.--^ — 7.11 + ;;i..s — 7.7 + :ii.H 'r('ni[K'ratMrr, '_>.H _ o,:j + 1.7 2 ./ ./ !ll)- ,1 J/ '/''■ -^.H CdiiHi. ;!/, Il.r.2 1.".l ,(, ll.274.''.7 Slim — 1 — 0.11071)2 H7;! r„ — 0.0 1 1 10 ;iK5 h. 'in. T (1 ll.-l;; iMin.'i.tioi — ;;.(io ■Mean iio II :>.Ki II 111 :!i.7.s KIO 10 IM.Ol O.I1I27II IHK o..^,2l;-:0 1 1.27 OHO - 0.01170 II 1.^ - o.iiiiio;! :,:,7 Il . Ill . 11 i;i.;ii» — :!.nii r, lo.ii'j 111 ;',(i.;;i 10 ;ii.o.'. 111: 70 4H8 11 'a 71» 2(17 17 oir 111 72.". 07:- 0,") 2:!7 h. m. G 17 111 GO 11 11 ;!i 111 -10 ;;2 10 :;;; 1111 roil TIME A^^D LONGITUDE. Observations of lunar distances, May G, 1S73.* 49 Inilex-corroctiou : off, i'i'.O; 011,31.5 II DIaiid ©II ?i. m. o / ' Cliroii .11 19 47.-2 116 iJ5.5 27.8 Af.'i 2(;..s 2-, 4 50.4 21 .1 2>'.9 51.7 2'JS) 29.5 11 19 49.5 116 27.2 2H,.6 .Sl.lW 10 33.9 + 0.3 + 0.3 il.'an time 6 '23,4 P, . H. Lougi tiule 4 51.1 Time 11 14.5 ( Ir. Baromuter 3il2i) + 2.3 Temiieraturc -f 2.4 — 0.5 + l.H Chronometer-correction, h, m. April 22 + 10 33.0 % Jlay 6 34.0 Mrom tirae-observations. May 22 :U.O ) Adopted for Jlay 6 33.9 a (S TV S D T Tc i, i\ h. m. h. m. o / ' h. m. im 2 57.6 2 55.9 + 16.^ 0.15 15.88 6 23.8 — 0.113 + 0.2-9 + 0.957 ^!^ 1-8 d 11 5.7 + 11.2 54.34 14.84 1 43.0 + 0.901 + 0.194 + 0.9^1 fj. 9 22.7 Formitla'. ©. = (([.'-^0 0.') : >^. ©.' a Approximate true distance n = 116.6 k, -\- 0.891 ip^ dc + 0.192 + 0.197 Latitude tf, = 78.4 «, — 0.448 0. A, -f 0.283 + 0.190 .J./ :!l).92 32.0 iLidex-con-ection: off, 35.2; OD,2~'.2 19 20.21 2 A 39.59.0^0.1 2p + 0.3 [; i + 3.5 Barometer 29.79 + 1.0 2 r — 5.5 Temperature + 24.3 — 5.4 2 s — 31.7 — 4.4 2 A 39 26.2 A 19 43.1 90 : —J 11 30.0 (! 2(1 21.0 M 31 ,57. i; ■pc 0.20125 374 .5o 0.93759 202 Ipc I'c 0.1^^^70 .570 A. 0.33740 Coinp. M, 0.4701 ;7 — 0.00323 920 ~c — 0.01712 344 h. )«. T 6 3.92 Equation — 3.01 Mean time G 0.28 11 19 20.24 Chronometer H slow 10 34.04 10.41 11, .30 1-2 .11 l-J .i\i 1" .Tl 1-1 .6'J 1? .47 li' .■2.-, n 111 .4- 1- .■J ..34 ■ >-. .1- Midaie. A li. ))i. 13 .31 — .3S — 7 .30 + 1 ,09 + •> ■;■"* — 1 .•:iG + .3 FOR TIME a:s'D longitude. ol Observations of equal aJtiiudis of the sun, ^fay 22, 1873. .1.— LonuUnde, + 4'' .'-l™.l (Jrei'iiwirli : — 0'' 1T°\1 Washingtoii. •3 Air. 40 00. Xi 1 30.0 Xi •-! 40.0 Xa 3 50.0 Xi 4 41 0.0 X5 5 10.0 Xc C' 00.0 X: " 30,0 40,11 H 13 -33.31 ± 1 50.0 + Eciuation — 0.94 40 0.0 — Equation + 3.. .30 10.0 ClirMnoni'-ier H 10 34. iM slow. ■:'0.0 43 00. 0.3.0 3.11. II 33.11 40.0 ludcx-coirection: off, 3'' •- : on,0- 43.0 30,0 Barometer 00. T3 ,33.0 Temperature + 31.4 44 0.0 10.0 15.0 00.0 05.0 30.0 3.5.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.11 41 00.0 x? Barometer 03 T3 10.0 Xs Temperature -f 0-.3 0.i1 Xj 40 50.0 Xi 40.0 Xi 30.0 X2 00.0 Xi 10.0 40 0,0 ^jatitnile, 7 "* -' ' * -^ / h. , m. OiUl 01.75 03.40 05.00 0i".77 0-.43, 30.04 31.73 35.0,1 3(5.74 4ii.ri~ 0.33 1.01 0.03, 0.03 4.50 5.43 0.03. 7.00 52 A STUOJ^OMIOA L OBSJ'I I tVATIONS )SoI(ir cdipse, May L'(l, a. m., 1S7.">. Lalitiidc, 7H'-' 2:i'.4.— LoiigiUulo, + 4'' r.l"'.:! fiivi'iiwirli ; — 0'' ]('.'". 'J W;iKliini;t(in. ];o((ii(lril barometer, ill'.',!/.') Toniperatiiro, -|- 31 .5 Formulw. h. in. First contract l)y N. Hayes. c )bsoryatory h. m. -s. ([ II 4 'J',1.0 .!■ /> (^,. (V,, f/'c /',.. ]) — n '3 '3i; 41.5 ,'/ (1 'I; a, ./.,. /A. D 7 "■rj Id.r, - prL ■>. — o.n i; Slow 8 7 1(1.0 Mean time ir, 30 20..^. //, + 0.4 ts /J, — O.H'J 1 Longitude 4 r,i (:30.-) T 2it 'JV^ 2..5 lit, 4 1'2. '> A,. + ;!. ^> f 19 46, > Wiessucr Al Ml, + '-^' .700 -|- 49.:!7.5 -f '£>sai) Oljservatory — 0.090 + O.lHl — (.'.970 J !/ n + 2r >,67C + 49.5.5C + 2i.r,ii l.409r.r! l.:!:!:!:c 2.97127 1.()9.j10 1.71074 .^.22:!10 9.94M:!!i 9.90984 1.194:17 o.2-',".ri7 9..wor,!) 49 25.2 78 2;'., 1 20 IG 7 41.5 0.7 10.0 Geoc. 18,8 8 1> 78 21.1 17 o;> 22,7 4 51 (36..) ^,, -|- (1.202 ,/., + 0.979 ^>'l 14 58.7 /io + 0,818 H. — 0.575 4 12.5 + 3.7 21 39.0 4- 24.79:! + 49.798 + 2.',>-ll — 0.1C.5 + 0.116 — 0.970, + 24.028 + 49.914 + 21.8:!5 1.39143 l.:!;!915 2.97 127 1.09822 1.74554 8.22:;:i8 9.95208 9.90H1I2 1.19105 0.:!0i;79 9.59:!01 a i) n 1\. m. k. " ' " d 4 10 20.5 + 21 6 21 15.01— f 12 38.0 9 55 15.78 - 2 12.1 — :; :!l 3i.i2— i 0.25(5, o.2:i:!2 ;'.i.oo 30'. 80 :!.52 — 0.42 ; 0.54 □ 948.0 12.4 901.0 A A — 0"\78 Jlean, - 0™. 30, or — 18" ; longitude, 4'' 51'" 18", li. m. K. o / // ' 4 14 57.0 + 21 25 11 15.05-4 12 .57.0 10 44 15.78 -1- 1 59.4 + 14 27 :;i.i;i— 1 0.2:!29 31.:!4 27.81 14.45 10.09 : 0.54 77:;.4 208.8 9^'2.2 + 0'".17 as the final result of the eclipse, neglecting the efi'ect of refraction for points having the same altitudes in different distances. Tlie correction is small and amounts to an increase of the oljscived coiirdinates of about 0.03" If we might not suspect the first contact to be observed too late, and the last a little too eaiij, tlie record would furnish means for determining (h) the polar axis, as the effect of the equatorial radius in parallax is quite small. Tlio difference may also be explained, supposing the tabular ])lace of the to be 10" in error. rOE TIME AND LOXGITCDE. 53 Ohservations of altitudes of the sun fur time, May 27, 181 Indcx-cor.ection : off, 32'.0 ; on, :'il'.4 Barometer 30^13 + 2.1 Temperature + 29^.2 — r,..', — 4.1 h. m. 20 O ' 21 36.03 4.-. 32.7 37.02 39.3 3,8.00 4.5.2 38. 'J7 .50.7 40.17 •2 A .58.0 21 3-1.04 45 45.2 2p i + 0.3 + 0.3 2 )• — 4.8 2 s — 31.G 2 A 45 9.4 A 22 34.7 90°- -^ 11 3G.G (5 21 21.3 M 32 57.9 20 *ol 0.20125 374 4 0.93134 911 ■?c >'>c 0.1c744 285 A, 0.38395 .a/v 0.4558S 0.02727 5G9 ~e (1.14549 284 It. m. - 18 33.40 Equation — 3.13 Mean tinio 18 30.33 H 21 3,8.04 Cliron. H fast 3 7.71 /(. m. ■' 21 57.77 46 41.0 59.17 49.0 22 0.23 55.7 1.27 47 1.8 2.30 8.0 3.33 14.7 G.40 32 5 7.33 38.0 8.27 44.2 9.20 49.5 10.13 2 A .55.5 22 3 8] 47 16.6 2p + 0.3 i + 0.3 2 r — 4.7 2 8 + 31.6 2 A 47 44.1 A 23 52.1 wy^—iji 11 3G.G d 21 21.5 M '^0 ,58.1 V-c J. 0.1 -^743 2S1 -/,,. 0.40. KM „.v. 0.4 5582 0.04789 024 r,. 0.'. 5551 740 ft. »i. T 13 r .9.21 Equation — 3.13 Mean time 18 5G.08 H 22 3.83 Chron. 11 fast 3 7.75 Clirouonaetcr H ran down on the 2Gtli. 54 ASTEOXOMICAL OBSEETATIONS Observations of altitudes of the sun for time, 2Iatj 31, 1S7.' iDilex-correctiou : ofif, 31 ; on, 31'.^ 8 + 1.3 Barometer Temperature 14.3 ■:.i"i h. m. ' 9 C1.3T 41 1.9 '-'■^.93 40 53.0 ■,M.17 45.7 ■-'5.10 40,4 •27.13 A O""."^ 9 24.14 ■: 40 45.9 .^ P i -f 0.3 — 0.3 o r — 5.0 .-) ■<: + 31.6 •2 A 41 11.9 A eo 30.0 ~ 90-" -o 11 30.0 f ."lO o o Jlean 33 3-. 8 9c 0.-.'01-.'5 374 O.OJO',15 7115 Po 6, 0.1 ■^055 079 J, 0.35134 cJ/. 0.44593 0.0I,5(W 535 ' 0.(1^105 450 /( . m. ' r 6 19.-J9 Equation — 2.. 53 Meau t ime 6 10,70 H 9 24.14 Fast 3 7. 33 Chronometer H fast 3"' 7n\39, t 2 li. m. 9 3,1.17 40 4.5 32.07 39 53.^ 33.27 51.3 34.03, 41.5 35.00 '>'-^ ■* 9 33.35 2 J 39 51.5 -P i + 0.3 — 0.3 2 )■ — 5,7 2 .? + 31.0 2 J 40 17.4 A 2ii 3.7 90 ■ -0 11 30.0 rf 00 Mea n v>ij i.>".^ (ic A,. 0.13055 079 A, 0.344^0 M. 0.44593 0.02312 'iO'.) ' 0.12394 320 h. m. T 6 23.43 Equal ion .1 -;J Meau time 6 25,95 11 9 33.35 Fast 3 7.40 FOE TIME AXD LOXGIirDE, Observations of altitudes of the sun for time, June 1, IST.j. 0-1 t li. m. ■n •:4.-j3 21 Ci c > 45 46.0 59 •"' 46 13.6 ludex-correction : off, 30 .0 ; on , 31 .0 Barometer '.W^- + 1.3 Temperature + l-.O — 4.0 - ^ 45 59.9 -J' + 0.3 i + 0.4 )• — 4.9 .1 ^ — 31.6 ■: A 45 04.1 A 00 10.0 90-^-9 11 36.6 (5 00 6.3 ilean 33 40.9 do 0,0i>105 3T4 fc 0.90650 6r5 ^- ^c 0.1~646 059 A, 0.3-5iil cif.. 0.44494 O.OlTol S30 ._ 0,090-3 771 - 1- 01.31 Equation — 0.46 MeaLitime 1^ 1~.S5 H 01 06.45 Fast 3 7.60 Chronometer H fast 3'-' 7™.61. h. )) 01 33 14 34 ■1.") 35 *:<; 36 ■:;o i^C 35 01 35 '> 45 37.0 44.0 49.3 56.0 46 0.5 ■2 A 45 49.- -p + 0.3 i + 0.4 r — 4.9 Os + 31.6 ■: A 46 17.0 A 03 .-.6 6c c'c 0.ie046 059 A, 0.39303 .If 0.44494 0.00443 790 -. 0.13100 733 It. m. r l^ 30.10 Equation — 0.4i'i Mean time 1- 07.66 H 01 35.0- Fast 3 7.60 56 ASIT.OXOMIOAL OBSERYATIOX.S Before recapitulating the preceding observations, we propose giving some others tal^en iii con- nection with the same at Van Eensselaer Uarbor and at Port Foullie. The former were taken a few feet from the mass of lead with a copper bolt, referred to by Dr. Kane;* the latter very near to the site of Dr. Hayes's observatory, VAN EENSSELAER UAEBOE. Observations of altitudes of the sun for time, May 15, IST.j. t Ti. m. 20 o / t li. in. C 1 t Ji. J». 20 O ' IS 10.10 44 15.0 Clouds 18 25,07 42 4:!.5 Cloud! 3 19 7..55 3,s :17.5 Good 12.00 44 2.0 Good 27.03 35,4 Good 8.78 30.2 Good l;.!.39 43 55.0 Clouds 27.h0 :'.n.5 *',") Good Good Good 9,97 11.17 12,.:,2 23.0 Good 15,8 (;ood .^.0 Good 18 12.00 2 A 44 2.0 30.09 17.7 2p + 0.3 30.92 13.1 Good Index-correction : off, 32'. 2 ; i + 0.4 19 10.00 2 A ■'-> i>.) Ik oO , — .,' on, 31'.4 {J 2 )■ — 4,0 18 28.95 '2 A 42 24.3 2p 4- ",3 Barometer 30.35 + 2,7 2.S — 31.7 2p + 0.3 l!ari,iii. 8 i -f 0,4 2.1 43 20.7 t + 0,4 30.30 -f 2,2 2)- — 5,8 Temperature + 34-\7 — 7.7 A 21 43.3 2 )■ — 5,1 Temp. 2 s — 31,7 — 5.0 2s — 31,7 2.1 37 40,1 90'''— 11 22.0 2-i 41 48,2 O' 7-'.9 — 0,3 A 18 53,0 6 19 2.7 A 20 54.1 — 4.1 M 30 25.0 90—,/, 11 22.9 90°— ,> 11 22,9 i-c 0.19734 522 6 19 2,8 6 19 3,2 'h 0.94520 555 M 3,0 25,7 M 30 2(;,1 inches. Width 1.4 inches. Thickness (1.7 inches. Distance between the knife-edges ;J!I.I inches. Tlie st(;el knife-edges are li.2 inches from the ends of the bar, 3 inches long, O.'.i inch liiglj, and (M.'7 inch wide at the base; their section is triangalar. The weight is L'l.lL' pounds ; hence its s[iecitic gra\'it3' nearl.y 8^. The knitc-edge, which runs tbiough a perforation ot the bar, rests upon steel plates. They are scirwed to a br.iss plate, and sup[iorti_'d by a hea\'y block of wood, which is fastened to the case in which the pendulum swings. There is no adjustmiiit lor horizontality (jf the supiiorting steel plates other than what is given by the ^■ertical posiiion of the case. The arc of vibration is read off on a scale at the bottom of the case, which has a glass door in front, pei'uiitting a view of the whole pendulum. Twot ther- niometers are permanently fastened inside the box ; one just above the support, tbe other on a le\el with the swinging knife-edge." As the description of the observatory at Polaris Bay has already been given, we limit oursehes here merely to stating how the pendulum was mounted. In order to disconnect the instrument as far as possible from the small hut in which it was swung, a sipiare hole was cut through the floor of the latter, in the middle of the western wall of the observatory. Underneath this opening a heavy piece of timber was frozen solid to the grouiul. As the floor of the building did not rest directly on the soil, but was placed on bi'ains of oak, the plank, mentioned before, was eul irely isolated from the obscrvator\-, and bcramc as firm under the inflnencc ot ' I'liy.-it.'il I valiuiis ill llie Aivtic Seas. I'.y Isaac J. Hayes. IJediiced ami discussed at tbi' expense of (lie Smitbsoiiiaii Iiisiihitiou, liy Cbarles .\. Srliod, Wasliiiii^toii ( 'ity. PiiWislied by tbe Siiiitbsoiiiau Iiistitiitioii. t As will lie seen lieieaflei-, a tbird tbermoiuelei' was fastened inside tlie hox at (be (imo (be experiments were made at Polaris House. 2 rKNDrLUM-EXPEiaiMEMa the low teinperaluie, Aitvi (lie eniir.'^c ol' a lew diiys, as tliu rrozvii soil itself, upon which it rusted. On this piece of timber the peiiilnluin-box was screwed in such a manner thai the plane iu which the peu- duhim was to be swim- was exactly in that of the meridian, so tliat the utmost steadiness would he secured. I placed a strong barrel outside the observatory on the same plank ou which the pendulum box rested. The barrel was surrounded by a heap of gravel, which was moistened with sea-water iu order to cement it in a solid manner to the plank. After this was done, we cut a liol(> through the western wall of the observatory, exactly behind the place where tlie pendulum-box was fastened. A half-iucli irou bar, bent at right angle, was passed through this hole, and one end of it was fastened to the back wall of the box by means of five screws. The other end, (see diagram,) which was about .'3 feet above the center of the barrel, was screwed to a ,j-inch iron bar, Mhich was set up nearly pei-peudicular in the keg. After having accomplisbed the work so far, the barrel was filled with gravel and sand, over which we poured some water. Eefore the mass was frozen hard, I leveled the pendulum-box as nearly as could be done ; and when it was found to be tolerably level, the bar outside was fastened by means of ropes to the wall of the observatory, in order to prevent it from giving way and from disturbing the position of the box. After two days had elapsed, the gravel was f.ozen very solid, and the ropes were removed. It was found that the box had not changed its level, but at the same time I saw that it was not quite as steady as I had anticipated. To secure it better, a hole of 3 inches diameter was drilled through the tloor of the observatory 1 foot north of the box, and another one of the same diameter, and at the same distance south of it. Through eacli of these holes an iron bar, 1 inch thick and 3 feet long, was driven into the frozen soil, and connected with the box by means of two other iron bars bent at right angles, similar to AT rOLARIS BAY. tbe one mentionea above, and screwed together in a similar mauuer, as shofl u in the accompanying- small diagram. In this way sufficient stability was obtained. In order to tell tlie steadiuess of the box, I placed a glass dish fdled with ether on the solid block of wood supporting the kuife-edges of the pendulum, and placed some semen ly<'op(xlii on the surface of the fluid. After this was done I ordered the blacksmith to strike with a heavy sledgehammer upon the lloor of the observa- tory, and found that uo vibration was communicated to the liquid. Tlicieartrr I cuald be satisfied that the box rested on a firm base. Let us now describe how the experiments of vibration were conducted. The series of observa- tions taken at Polaris Bay, which we propose to give here (irst, was l)egnn -January 5, 1872. One set was always taken in the morning by Mr. Meyer (telescope) and the writer, (chronometer,) and another one in the afternoon by ]\lr. Bryan (telescope) and the writer. The following sclieme was adopted for observing : A. ^r. ]■. M, First day, swinging face 1 and .j Second day, swinging face 2 and 4 Third day, swinging face 4 and 2 Tonrth day, swinging face ^^ and 1 Fifth day, swinging face ;; and 1 Etc , -land 2 According to Mr. Schott's suggestion, the nine series of observations, making one set, were taken at intervals of 1."; minutes or at multiples of 15 minutes. Suppose the experiment— Began at O'l o-n We ol)ser\'ed again at l.")'" Wc observed again at ;:iO"' We observed again at F' 00'" We observed again at 2'' 00'" We observed again at o'' 00'" AYe observed again at IV' ;)0'" We observed again at - . . S'' to"' And ended at 4'' 00"'* The vibrations (performed in the plane of the meridian) were observed with a small direct- vision telescope, placed about 8 feet east of the lace of the pendulu;u. Tbe telesco])e was screwed to the transit-stand, the legs of which rested on the soil, to which they were frozen. The point of the swinging knife edge served as a mark, and observations were made with vibration from right (E) to left, (L,) (north to south,) and from left to right, in order to correct for * 111 two instances wi^ nliservi'il till T. Iioui's. 4 I'EXDULUiM-rXPEliLMENT.S (.■ccentricity of iiiarlc. Each set was begun with 11. An arc ol' a cirelo, of o'.M'.j iuclics radius, divided from the middle, each way, to 0'', witli subdivisions of tentlis of degrees, was placed o\ cr the swinging knife-edge, and the extreme excursions to the right and left were noted. The limes are recorded by sidereal chronometer A, which was compared with five box-chronometers by means of a iioeket chronometer before and aftcH' each set of observations was taken. The vertical thread of the telescope was pointed to the zero of tlie scale, which itself is placed over the knife-edge when at rest. The pendulum was swung in four dilferent positions, designated by the number stamped on the rod near each knife edge. Tlie number facing the telesi'ojH' and swinging thus indicates the position. The nunibers 1 and 2 arc on one side, and 3 and i on the reverse. The steel plates upon which the knife-edges rested were le\eled by a small spirit-level e\(Ty time before, the set was begun, when tlie door of the box v. as closed, and kept shut till the set of nine series was linished. The same jiosition of the knife-edge on the steel plate was setmred by means of a tine liiu' marked vertically on the side of tlie plate. The knife-edge was made to rest just aliovc tliis line, and its miijdle positi(.)n, willi resj)ect to tlic opening left for tlie body of the rod, was seemed by :i l>rass fort stuck o\er the roil until it rested against the back of the box. Tlie fork Avas always removed before the pcndnlnm was swung, and evia-y precaution was laken to keep the kiiile edges sharp and clean. The elcA'ation of the lower knife edge above the h;df-tide level was found to be ■ji'<.~> feet. The geological formation of Polaris Bay and its whole vicinity is upper Silurian limestone, covered by drift, partly of the same material. It was not supposed that the limestone could contain any large cavities which might influence the vibrations of the pendulum. Before giving the record of vibrations we propose to insert the comparisons of the chronoinc ters. Unfortunately the corresponding observations for time ar(5 lost, but in the record of the tidal obsei\'ations we found some rati'S of chronnmeter Z, (standard,) as dedaced at the time. We find recorded for — 1 >ecember 11, 1S71, chronometer Z fast on Greeuwicli 0'' l-'ii'" lli"..". Dei'cinlier !.">, 1S71, chronometer Z last on Greenwiidi . - - . -ti'" L'lMl January 2, 1S72, chronometer Z last on Greenwich -7'" ()r>\l Januaiy 4, 1S72, chronometer Z fast on Greenwich - - . 27'" 09M» January C, 1S72, chronometer Z fast on Greenwich 27'" 14".7 January S, 1872, chronometer Z on Greenwich 27'" 19'^..') It is believed that the above chronometer errors and rate ■; cm Ic, relied upon. A glance at our chronometer journal from later dates — 'the portion that was saved — beginning Septembor2l, 1872, will show how very uniformly the tiine-]iieee5 kept tlieir respective rates, which agree sub- stantially with those given above. .Vs has lieen mentioned before, the chronometer (sidereal chro- nometer Aj which was used to record tin.' times of transits was c(impared l.icfore and after each set of experiments with hve box-chronometers by meaiss of a pocket-chronometer, (F.) Tliose cumpari- sons that could be saved will be given alter the record of the expenraenta of vibrations, AT POLAEiS BAY. c -,-\ r,4,Ti 7 06 3ll..-ri Set 1, face 1, January 5, a. in. E. e :!9 00.7-2 ll. HI. s. C 40 01.7 11.8 21.7 ::i.7 41.7 51.7 41 01.8 11.7 21.7 31.7 41.S 40 51.73 G 5.'. 4.5.08 C. 50 10.8 20.7 MO.S 40.7 .50.8 G 50 30.70 7 07 3U.5 08 ■>1.52 7 3 7 30 39.10 37 30.21 8 01.3 11.3 21.2 31.3 41.3 38 21.28 G s. 52.7 12 02.8 41 12 _s f».") .8 ;».> .8 4-, .8 5." .8 43 0'. .8 1', .9 2", .9 32 .8 At C" 35™, arc = I 1.49 i 1 .50 f G5 .0 Temperature =; ' ^ ; .17 .1 Barometer = 29.704 6 42 42.81 1) 57 07.7 17.8 27 8 37.8 47.8 1 G 1 57 27.7rt 7 08 52.0 09 02.7 12.0 At 0' TlMliprl;ltlll'c5 Barometer = 29.701 I 0^.90 ( 0.95 ^07M ( 51 .2 08 01.0 11.5 21.5 31.5 ' 22.5 41.5 i 32.6 At 1(1"', arc = j Teiiipi'rntnri 1^ 0'-.90 t 0-.S9 S ''^ -1 / .52 .4 7 09 12.6 38 52.2 39 02.3 12.4 22.3 32.4 At 7" 40™, arc = 0'''.59 i 0°.fi5 Temperature Barometer 09^.9 ~ I 54^.5 = 29,09- 39 12.32 8 37 29.84 00.9 10.9 8 39 51.9 01.9 At 8'' 40'", arc '( 0-.39 20.9 30.9 1 11.9 22.0 Temperatnn: -^52M 41.0 32.0 Barometer ^ 29.097 20.92 8 39 11.94 6 PENDULUM -EXPERIMENTS Sot 1, face 1, J iiiiuaiy S, a. in. E. L. R. L. It. m. s. It. m. s. h. m. s. h. m. s. 9 41 2s(; 9 42 19.8 29.8 9 43 10.8 20.7 41 01.7 11.8 , 0.19 At 9'' 11", arc = > < .21 4S.5 39.7 49.8 30.7 40.7 21.8 31.8 . C0\4] Teiiiporatiire = ' < 44 .9 42 08.7 .'■)9.8 50.8 9 41.7 44 21.70 Baroinotov = 29.702 9 41 4.-.(; 9 42 39.78 9 43 30.74 10 OG 09. 20.O 10 07 00.2 11.0 10 07 52.0 08 02.0 10 08 43.0 53.2 .14 At lOi' 10'", air: = ' .10 29.9 40.1 21.0 31.0 12.1 22.2 09 03.1 13.0 57 -\4 : Temperature = ; ' 42-.8 .'■>0.2 41.0 32.1 10 23.2 Barometer = 29.710 10 06 30.02 10 07 21.04 10 08 12.08 09 03.10 10 21 19.0 29.0 10 22 10.1 20.1 10 23 01.0 11.0 10 23 52.1 24 02.0 , 0-M2 At 10i> 25'", are = > < 0M4 39.0 49.0 3.0.0 39.9 21.0 31.0 12.1 22.1 55:. 8 Temperature = ; < 42 .5 59.0 50.0 41.0 10 32.1 Baniiiiefi.r = 29.710 10 21 39.0 10 22 3,0.02 10 23 21.0 24 12.08 10 3r. 19.9 30.0 10 38 11.0 21.0 10 40 02.0 11.9 10 41 5:',.2 42 03.3 , 0^08 At 101' 41'", jirc = ( 0^.10 39.9 49.9 30.9 40.9 22.0 32.0 13.3 23.2 ,53^.2 Trnqicralnre = ( < 40' .0 37 00.0 51.0 42.1 33.2 Barometer -= 29.722 10.0 39 01.0 52.1 43.3 19.9 10.9 41 02.0 53.3 30.0 20.9 12.1 43 03.3 40.0 31.0 22.2 13.3 r.o.o 41.0 32.1 23.3 38 00.0 51.0 10 39 0(1.90 42.2 10 40 52.0G 10 42 43.27 10 37 09.90 AT POLAIUS BAY. Sf t 2, face 3, 3 Buiiary .>, p. m. R. L. B. L. h. rn. s. 1 ''■ "1. s. /(• Hi. .9. ''■ m . s. 11 .'2 31.;i ' 11 51 23.2 11 .51; 14.6 11 58 05.6 Bryau and Be.ssel.s. J-,'.!) '.v.] •' 24.5 15.5 i , o: ,-. .J 'J. II 43.3 34.4 25.6 At lissom arc = ) ~ I 2^3S 53 0'.',-' 5:-!. 3 44.5 3.5.1; 12.-.' 55 03.3 54.5 ... Temperature := -■■'■'j 1 1 32^.5 22.1 13.2 57 04.6 55.6 Barometer = 29.676 32.-2 23.3 14.C 59 05.7 42.1 33.3 24.6 15.6 52.2 43.4 34.6 25.6 54 Li-l-2 53.5 44.5 35.7 : 12.1 56 03.5 54.6 45.6 1 11 53 22.11 10 55 13.32 11 57 04. .55 11 5S .55.61 12 or 31.1 12 II- 22.1 12 O'J 13.2 12 10 04.3 ( i: .VI 41.1 1 ;;..» ."> •j;J 2 At 121' 11'". ;„, = ^ ' • .'.1.2 42.1 33.3 24.5 „, I 44 .s II- 01.2 52.1 43.3, 34.5 Temperature = ^ 11.2 O'J 112.3 53.3 44.4 Barometer =; 29.6-5 12 07 51.16 12 O.-i 42.16 12 09 3,3.26 12 10 21.12 12 52 31.9 11 23 23 1 12 21 14.1 12 25 05.1 1 , i-.i- 42.0 33.1 24.1 At 121-26'", arc =. ^ 1...2 i 1 i:,-ji 52.1 43.0 ,34.1 2''i ' ,, ; 4i;;.i 23 02.1 53.1 41.1 leniperature = 12,0 21 03.1 54.2 15.2 Barometer = 29.696 12 22 52.02 12 23 43. OS 12 24 34.12 12 25 25.12 12 52 31.6 12 53 22.- 12 54 13.>' 12 55 04.9 , .79 41.6 At 121' -,Qn, arc _ ■'-'■' 14.8 ' i 0:',7S 51.7 42,s • V.].7 24.9 ,■ ^ , 50^.2 53 01..-5 52..- 13.- lemnerature = 31.8 ; 36^2 11. S 12 .V2 51.7 12 54 02.- 53 42.7.? 53,.- 12 44.9 Barometer = 29.70} 12 54 ,33.76 55 21.-6 1 52 31.0 1 53 22.0 1 54 13.1 1 55 04.1 ' , ( 0^.42 41.0 32.0 23.1 At 111 56"\ arc = • 14.1 ' ' I .39 51.0 41.0 33>.0 24.0 ,^ ^ 1, 49 .2 „. leniperature ^~^ , 31.0 1 ^ i!35:.ii 51.9 43.0 11.0 54 02 53.1 41.1 Barometer = 29.704 1 52 50.9S 1 53 41.96 1 1 54 33.0:3 1 55 24. OG ._ PENDULLTM-EXPKi;iMENT8, Set 2, face S, January •>, i». in. R. L. R. L. h . m. s. h. m. s. h. m. s. ll. III. s. 2 52 ?,-I.l 52.1 2 53 23.1 2 54 14.1 ' 2 55 05.3 21,2 15.2 .26 At 21' 56"', :iic ^ ' 1) .20 52.1 5?. 02.0 43.2 53.2 34.2 25,3 44.2 35.2 ■ 50 .9 Teiiiiicratuie := ; 12.2 54 03.1 54,2 45.2 Barometer = 20.6,--T 2 .52 .52.1 2 53 43.16 2 54 34.18 2 55 25,24 3 22 31.6 41.5 3 23 22.6 3 24 13,7 :i 25 04.7 23.6 1 1.7 . 0-.20 At 3" 20'", arc = ' OM,-i 51.5 23 01.6 42.6 .52.6 :'.3.6 24.6 43.6 34.6 IcijipiTature = <38.1 11.7 24 02.6 53.6 ii.(; Barometer = 2'.Mi.^l 3 22 51.58 3 23 42.02 3 24 43.(32 3 25 21.6,1 3 37 30.5 ^10.4 3 38 21,3 31.3 3 30 12.3, 22.4 3, 40 03.5 J3,.5 , 0-M9 At 31' 41'", arc = ' OMl 50.4 38 00.2 41.4 51.4 32.4 12.4 33.5 53- 2 Temperature = J (38.1 10.2 30 01,3 52.4 \ 43.4 Barometer = 20,r,;-0 3 :w 50.:!s 3 38 41.34 3 30 32.38 ^ 3 40 23,4s 3 52 31.0 41.1 3 54 22.1 32.1 3 56 13.1 3 58 04.4 23.2 14.5 II .16 At 31' 57"', arc = < .10 51.1 .5:; 01.1 42.2 52 2 33.1 21.4 4:;.i 3>i.:! Temperature = , ' 36 .0 • 11.2 55 02.2 53.2 44.3 Barometer = 20.675 21.1 12.2 57 03.3 51.5 31.2 22.3 13.2 50 04.4 41.1 32.2 23) 2 11.5 51.1 42.1 33 '* 21.5 54 01,2 52 2 43,3. 3,1.4 11.1 .56 02.1 53.4 I 1.5 3 58 54.43 3 53 21.12 3 .55 12.17 3 57 03.22 AT rOLAinS BAY. Set 3, face *J, January 6, a. in. h. m. s. I ns -M.r. :;i.r> II.:. r.i.ii r.'.i (11.:. ii.r. 21 ..". ;;i.i; 41.G I r.i.i; 7 Oil 111..-. i; :.;i ii.:.:. h. m. s. 7 00 1'.'..'. ".■-'.('. i-.'.r, :.■,'.( ; 01 0-J.7 I'.'.i; /i. m. s. 7 0'.! ii:'..s i;'...s .i".^ 7 01 ii-.'.c; o;', o;',.s 4;'..s l:; •.'0,1 7 1 1 11.: :!o.-l ■.'!.: 40.;'. :u.: .-.ii.l 11.: IJ 00. -I 51 .( 7 i;; .io.:is 7 -'s '.M.:; ;!M 41.:; 51. '2 •J'.l 01. 'J 7 -is 41.-,'.^ 7 .V -.'O,'.) :;ii.s io.,s 50. s 511 00.0 7 :.H 10.,- 1 S 5S -J 1.0 n-2.0 4..'.0 5'_'.0 50 OJ.l S 5s 4-,'.0 11 ;:i...,; ■,",» l-.'.-i 40.1 5-.>. 1 7 --".I '■'•■> AS 7 ; n.o •J1..S 41.0 51. S 15 0-,'.5 i-.'.i; 'j-j.r. :!'2.i. 40.0 1 5 '.'■.'.5.- :io iKi.o 1 ;!.■-' 4:'.,-J :;o ■j:!.'.'4 00 O-.'.O i::.o ■,'5.0 :',■'. m. .s. o:; 51.0 1 ol.s 11.9 •J1..S :; i.'j 41.',l 51.0 05 Ol.i) 11.0 •J 4. It ;;i.!i III .|i..-'.s 15 5;;.c. ir, ii;;.(; lii.i; 7 IC i:!.5S Al i;i' 5i;'", ai-c- s ~ i .0 I l'^..-^0 (57 ,1 l>;in.iiii'(or — 00.710 'rniii.crahii 7 .50 :;i.s4 8 50 i:i.o 05.0 :;;i.l i;;.o 5;!.i s 50 ;!:'.. 01 40.0 s 00 00.0-^ ;'.o 54.4 :!1 01.4 1 1.:'. :;i.5 Al 71' 17'", an ToiiiiiL'iatine BaioiiR'ti'V At < I ■■-"■' ( I .10 s '''■• -1 I .50 .0 00.705 ij 1 .00 ( o-.oo ^ 07 .0 Ti'iiiprriitiiii' , _. ,, l',;ir..inrlcr = 0'.l.7;i 7 31 14.4 S 00 5 1.0 111 04.1 14.1 04.0 54.0 At s'. o;;-", av. Tcuipi'vatiiii' Bavoiiii'tiT ^ .70 ( ( 57 .1 — 00 7:'.0 01 14.04 00 01.0 00 55.1 110 i 01 05.1 01. 1 • i''-^ 05.1 ;!5.i 01 15.10 51.1 II.O 00 1 10 A( oil ii-ji", arc : 45-iiip.'i:ilini' : r,ar..iiir|i'i : ( "I ^,50 .0 ; 55.1 00.750 10 rENDULUM-EXrElllMENTS Set 3, face 2, Jmiuary 6, a. ir . R. L. K. L. /) . TO. S. li . m. s. li. m. s. li. m. s. 9 G3 21.1 ru.o 9 .59 12.1 22.0 Ill (HI 03,. II 13.1 10 00 54.0 01 04.1 , 0-'.23, At 101' O-Ji", :iir = ^ < .15 41.0 :!2.i) 23..(l ' 14.1 , 03 .0 Ti.-iii])r'ratiirc = ; ' 49 -.5 .M.O ■12.1) 33.1 24.0 59 01.0 52.0 9 59 32, (12 43,.l 111 00 23.00 34.2 r,;ir,,iiiclcT = 29.7f'S 9 58 41. Oi 10 01 14.08 10 28 :J0.4 ;!U.5 10 29 11.3 21.4 HI 3.11 112.5 , 10 30 53.0 12.5 : 31 113.1; , .21 At 101' l^lm^ .^,.,-. ^ ) < .13 1 40.4 31.5 22.1; 13.0 , 03 '.s 50.4 41.5 32.0 23.0 Teiiipcratiire .= ' ' 50 - .9 i 2'J 00.4 51.4 42.5 33.0 10 30 •J2.5I 10 31 13.0 r.ainnii-icr -:- 29.792 10 28 40.42 10 29 31.12 10 4:; 31.2 31.2 10 44 12.2 10 45 03.1 13.2 10 45 54.2 40 04.2 , O-'.IO At 101' 47"', arc = ' o-'.n 41.1 '.V •> 23.2 14.2 ,01 .1 Temiici.-il iiir = ■! ' 51 .0 51.2 42.1 3,3. -i 21.2 44 01.2 .52.1 43.2 34.2 r,:ii iiliiclrl' :--- 211.7115 10 43 41.18 10 44 32.H; 10 45 23.1s: 10 40 11.2 10 58 21.0 31.9 11 UO 12.9 22.9 11 112 04.1 i 11 113, 55.0 14.1 04 05.1 , 0^.15 At HI' or.'", avc = ' II' .08 i 41.8 51.7 32.9 42.9 24.1 15.2 34.0 ; •J5.1 (il .3 Ti'in|irialiiii- = .' .59 01.8 52.9' 44.0 3.5.1 Hav (4ir = 29.798 11.8 01 02.9 54.1 i 45.1 21.7 13.0 11;', 04.2 . 55.11 31.7 2:'..o 14.1 05 05.1 41.-'^ 33.1) 21.1 15.1 51.9 42.9 31.1 25.1 11 00 01.9 53.0 j 4 4.1 35.1 10 59 IL.^l 11 01 02.91 11 02 5 4.09 11 04 15.09 AT rOLAinS BAY. 11 Sfl S, fat'c '!, JaniiMry G, p. isi. Ii. m. s. 1 VI 17 ;.-',-J 18 d-'.-^ 1 -IS 'J-J.l 4J.'.' 10 (I'.M 1-2.1 /l. III. K. V3 19 i;i.:'. r,:;.4 ■2(1 u:;.;; l:;4 ,".:;. 4 ■n o:'.r, i:'.,.i i-.> IS iJ.tG 1-2 -Jii .yxi 12 ;i4 14.;; r,4.j ;;:. 04.4 14.4 ■Ji..-. vi :!i r:,:K. , li -:> iM.:;i; 17 :<:',:j 4S 114.0 14.11 ■Jl.ii :U.ii 1-,' 4.S 4.'..1 .',.-..1 40 0.-..1 1.'..-.' ■r..i 12 21 :n,.". 41..-. .'.I.e. •J-J (M..''. 11.:, •J I..". 44..-J .':,4.(; ■j:! 04. i; 12 22 21.r,l 12 ;;:. :!:.,i 1.7.:; 1.-,..-. L. ll. i». s. r2 -■' ;;. ) .-) 21 O.'i.G At l-ii' 'jr.i", arc: 'r(.'iii[>ciii1 lire ^ 1^71 < 1.7.7 ^no:7 > 4.- 25 20.; 1(11 1 1.7.1.; 27.1.; '27 117, 12 21 17. r, 12 :;i; 2i;.7 :;{;.7 40.4 .m;.(; :;7 in;.i; At 12" :;.-'". ;ir TL-iiniciahiii' r.aii'iiietrv 40 ;;(;.2 ii;.2 7" i)i; :; i(;.2 12 :;o 4(;.72 12 711 At 1 , 10.47 / l^.W ^ 00 .0 ( 40.0 1 .14 12 4^ l:;.OS 1-2 40 07.12 1 H 44. s 71,8 10 04.7 II. .s 21 s 12 40 70.21 1 17 r, 1> II 1 M 117.2 12 .70 47. 2(; I 1 ,1.- < 511. \\ K-ujpcr.uuii.' .11 r.aiiiiiRli'r ^ 2". .s;m 1 10 17.8 1 20 2(i.7 :>o,8 At 1'' 2:.;'", av( =- .^11 20 (I7.S 4(;.o 77.0 ' Toiiipcratiire = ; 47^3 ]7..-i 21 07.1 liarmncttT = 20.^0 .. _ _ ._ - - — 1 1.- i:77 2 17 72.0 7^ o:;.ii 12.0 22,0 ;;2.o 2 1^ 12,02 1 .10 04.78 2 18 4;io 74,0 lit (i:;,0 i;;,o 2:;,o 2 19 0;;.92 1 i;i 10 :;7.o 47,1 77.0 211 07.1 17.0 19 57.01 1 20 4i;.o At 2'' 22"2 are: o7:;o I .41 01. 1 2 20 2i;.0 :;(7i 40,0 I ieuiptTaiuie- = , _ 21 oi;.2 l.;aiuiin.-ttr = 20. -00 2 20 4G.06 I -J ri:NJ)ULUii-]:xrj;i;iMENT.s R,. II. III. s. 3 17 .".:!.;» ]S \A 1-1.0 3 17 r,:;.o -1.- u3.r, i:;.r, 3 1.^ 13.56 4 113 36.3 4!;.3 :,c. 3 19 (15.11!; 3 4:- 4 1.0 .54.7 49 04.0 14.0 ■J4.G 3 49 OI.(i- 7/. VI. f<. 3 19 30.1 ■10.1 50.1 ■,'0 (10.1 10.1 19 .50.1 49 3,5.5 45.0 55.0 50 05,(; 15.0 //. III. .1. 3 'JO '27.1 (I .-J I I At 3'' ■:■!"•, ill f = . 37.0 ! ' ((-.■.13, 47.1 45'iiii,rr:il iiri 10 .0 21 07.1 l_', 3 'JO 47.0.^ :9.^91 :.'0.0 40.0 1 i0.(j 1 At 3'' 5J-, arc: <, (r .10 45_'iiipfi:itiuc = I I' ' .1. ,9 r.i 49 50 46.0 4 04 !.'7.-2 47.3 4 04 47 4 05 l,-.3 4-.3 5.-.1 4 (15 4 (10 09.5 19.5 '29.4 3,9.4 49.4 4 (10 29.44 At 4'' (I7'", arc: Teui]i('ratiiiij , .12 ' .15 5.- .0 \ 0' .0 4 17 18 53,. 03.0 13.0 1 19 20 44.0 5 1.1 (14.0 4 21 3,5.1 45.0 55.1 4 23, :',o.2 40.2 At 4'' '20'", ;.rc = (1 .11 .13 5S^7 23,. 14.0 22 05.(1 50.3 Tcnipcratnrc = ' .50''.! 3,3,. 24.0 15.11 21 00.3, BaroDieter = 29.-99 43.0 34. U 25.1 10.3 53.1 44.1 35.(1 20,1 I'l (13.0 .54,1 45,1 3,3.4 i 13.1 21 (14,1 55-i 46.3 23,. 14.1 2;: (15,2 50.3 3,3,. 1 21.(1 1 5.2 25 0(',.3 4 18 43.03 4 20 34.05 4 o.> 25,09 4 24 16.3 i _ AT i'OLAms i;ay 13 Set -3. fiicf 4, J:tuii:iiy 8, a. iii. h. m. s. ■-",), s i;».n 'j'.i.'.i -i;) 'J 6 r>r> 11,1.' 7 111 -.'O.i; ;;ri.ij -10.13 r.ii..'i 11 00.5 T 10 40..-,l 7 ■.'.". ■-•1.4 :u 4 41.:; ■Jli 01.:; /(. m. s. 1.1 r.7 10. 'J 'jo.s :;o.s 40.0 .'>o.;i ■">.-^ 110.0 10. •.'1.0 ;u.o 41.0 .'.1.0 G ."i^ oo.O'J 7 11 II. i; ■-'1.7 :;i.(i 41.1; .11, (J 7 11 :!i.(;.' 7 ■-'!; i-'.:i 4i.:4ii 7 k"i '30.7 / i. C, 11.7 :;o.(; ■-'1.7 40.7 :!1.7 .50.7 41.7 .i; oo.o .'.1.- 40.{;ij i'.m; I :i;i.ii I 40.0 : .50.0 :!9..'.S .">li 10.0 ■-'0.7 :;o.r. 10. i; .50 ;30.G-2 ];. /(. ill. s. 50 (I--M T,M •J-'.l '■'■i.O !■-'.! 5-.;.l 7 00 .!■-', l-'.l ■-'■J.o :!■-'.! l-J.o i; 5: 1 5^j.oi; 7 r-> oj.ii i--'.(i ■-'.Ml :!■-'. l-Ml •-'7 0.;. I i:;.l l:l.5 ■27 ■J:!.4(l o-.'.: 1 ■-'.■ 4^.'.7 .57 01.(1 11.7 ■.'1.7 :ii.i; 41.11 57 •:!1.04 I,. m. .S'. G 50 00 5: 1.1 o:;.'.! i:!.l At Gi' 54"', ■-':;.! Teinperatur :;:i.l Barometer i:i.l 5:;.i 01 o:;.^-> i:i.^-' :!:i.l 7 oO 4:!.i:! l:! o:;,(i l:;.7 i:i l:!,(,- 11(1 ■-'1.(1 1 1..5G 57 5:1.0 5^ o:!.0 ]:!.o ■-':;. :'.:!. 5-1 i:!.o 57 5'.'.(1 5> (I-J.7 V-'.7 ■-'-'.(1 :;■-'. (1 5~ r.'.(i4 ^ 1 .■-'O I IAS cG^i .5 At 71' 14"', arc = Ttiiipurature =; Barometer = ^ 0\<. > 0.00 ^(14 .1 '( 54 .0 -Vt 71' ■2',)"', are Temperature Barmiieter \ "-•'' ( .7: ^ 05 .2 ( At 7" 5sn,, are = ^ .40 TemperatLire tju'.-i <55 .0 Barometer = ■-';!. 770 \t SI' 5-'"j ai Ti'iiiprralure Barometer ( .:;o < GG': ..-! ^5s;.o ■J'.i.75.l 14 rp:NJ)LTLUAi-i;x]M;i;LMKNT>s Set 5, t'ii4-<' I, .T:tiiii:try ^, :i. iii. h. IIU .s. [) ;;i.(i r.i.r, .'ilj iil.ij 14.:. i) r,ri ni.r,8 10 r,r, 19.4 '-".1.4 rj.;; ■.';i.4 ■.yj.-i ■i'j.:> 10 .'i; 00.:;.= 1.. 9 .^(i 'j.'..(; A. in. .s. ! //. vt. s. '.1 r,7 l(i.(i ■,'ii.i; ;'.i;.r, ii;,ii ."li.O 9 .^>.s 07.7 17.( ;.'7.( ;!7.i !7,( Al: 91' r.9'", III 'riiii[irrii(iii'i' Dal. .111.4, I- 0".i;i (I :li) (;i .9 .'.(■' .0 ■J9.7.'a 9 .".i; 4.-...M 9 ."".H L'T.C.'i :; 04.4 14.:; ■.'!,:; 10 :> 1 0.-,.:; 1.'..:: 10 ; 1 40.1 .".0.1 ") 00.1 10 :; . :;7.4 47,.', .\i loi. ; 7"Ml,..:.-- .ii:i ' .11 ;ii.;'. ■J.-,.:; lO.I :: ; 07.0 'l'.'iij|ii r iliin. .--. ' 17 ,H 4!,:; ;;:,■; :,'i;..'. 17.0 i;: ' . T =^- •-':i.7.'. 1 10 ::;', -tiMi ifl :;i 1.:. ■.••-; ]o ::.". oo. 10 :;.'. 10 40 'jo.(; :jo.r, m.o r.o.o 10 41 11.7 '.'1.0 :',i.o li.o 41 00. G .'l.O 10 10 40.0 10 11 ;;i.(y O-.'.O ]-'.7 10 1 :• o:;.7 At 101' i:;.' ' ■ '" 1 ■J-.'.O i::.7 ;;■.' -:;7 4'.iii|i. r:il . 1,. -) l-.'.o liar.. III. Id .1.' or.o 10 \-< '."_>. o-i 10 .|:! ]::.7 10 10 10..'. 10 .'',9 01..'. 11 (1(1 ',:J . .", ,\t 11'' o:;'", 11 .(Il "" < .11 -0. I 11..', 01 Oi..-, ::o. 1 ■.'1..-, 1:.'..-. ^.s'"'-' T.'iiijH'i III iivi; 40.1 ;ij.r, ■ w ', ' 17 ,0 .'.0..") 11,1 :;■-'. i;arniii..4.T _ -JO, 70 00.4 .'.1..', ri.c, 10.;-, 11 (III 01..', .'.iJ.O 'JO..-, 11..', Oi 0:J.O :'.o.."i 'J I..', 1-i.o 10.,-, :',l.o ■j.vo C"..') 41.0 :!'.', 00. 10 10 59 .',1..',1 1 11 01 4-j,.-,(; AT rOLAlMS BAY. 15 E. Sot 6, face -i, January S, p. tts. L. L. /). 711. S. h. 111. s. h. III. s. /(. III. s. r.' *)-, Di;..-! ii;..s l-i •-'(i r.7,7 07.7 12 2^ ■1-^.7 .''>s.rt ]•> :;ii :'.9.;) .''.II.O 'Jll,7 17.7 •-'7.C. '20 IS.O ;u nil. II in.ii ii;.7 :i7.r. "-.'■"'■, H ■JII.U .'i;.7 47. i; :;.^.,^ ;:o.ii ■jl '■ (11 'i.e. ]r..7 '>s 07.7 i.-.'J fiS.'.t Jii.ii 49.9 '.'(i.i'i ;;ri.G 17.7 :!ii (is.;i 111.0 )!'.* (10.0 10.0 n;.(i :!7.i; i!S.9 'JO.O At l-i'' 21'", arc = Tc'Uiperat uic = ( 2".(;i; < r.7-.2 ( 4 -J .1 29.771 12 12 27 47.(;; 12 29 12 :il 29.9-: 12 40 (17.7 17.11 12 40 11 :"..-•'. i; II-. i; 12 41 49.7 .'.9.7 12 42 40.11 .-.11.(1 At 12" 11"', arc IMlil 1 .7 2 27.1; :'.T.r> L-j.i; 2^.0 42 (l'.i.7 19.7 Ki 00.(1 10.11 '!'rli]|irral ill.' S .-."^-'.9 ll-.l 47 1; :;,-'. li 29.1.1 20.(1'tin- -',',7 7'-.* 12 40 27. C2 12 41 iH.i; 12 42 119. 1.18 12 41! 00.11 12 ru, fill.,-, .'.I'l (iii..'> 12 .-(; 41..-. r.i.r, 12 .S7 12.:-. 12 r.s 2:;.r, At 1'' i: ', arc 1-.2.-. 1 .:;2 111..-. 2(1..-. r,7 01. r. 11.1. ,. 112.(1 4:1. (i ,-.:;. (1 Tcnipcral iiir 1.:. .1 :;ii.4 21.. 5 12..-. .-'9 o:!.7 Barometer - - 29.774 0.- ,9 1( .1.1 2.- .'9 :ii .0 41 .0 12 .-(1 10.4-: 12 r.7 01.. 1-2 5: 12 4:'..ii 1 2.-. .-.7.0 2(1 (17.1 ] 2(1 l-.O 2.-.. 9(1 (1(1. '.I 1(1.9 27.0 :;7.ii 17.0 17.2 27 0>.l 27.1 1- :'.7.l 2S. 1 (1 17.1 1 27 (l,-.0:? .'i ;-..-.( 1 O 2(j 49.11 (1 07.9 .-.!l,0 is.d 27 (l-'.9 2-'.(l 19.0 ;;.-.() 2-'. 9 ll'.i.l I'.l.O At 11' 29"'. r.9.2 09.2 TcmiicratQi 19.2 Barometer ^ .^'0 ( II ..-11 ( 4.-.'\0 .9.1 1 < '■' ■- r.0.0 Al 2'' 2'.!"'. arc - I .4-, 0(1.0 10.0 1 : Temperature ^ .^7 -■.(■. ( 41 ..-> 20.1 llaroiiieter r= 29. 7( 2 27 OS. '.Ill 2 2S 00.0 IG PJ^NDULU.M-EXPE1M31EXTS R. 07.7 17.7 ■j7.r> :',7.r, 17. 1 i '.'7,(;i (111.! I 17.1) -7.(1 :'.7.fl 17.1) 4 ID 07. <; i7.(; 47.i; \ 10 ''7.:,-: I -!:^ 00. :; 1(1,;; •jd.i :;(i.i 40,-i fill.'.! •J(l 00.2 10,;! L'O.-i ;'.(!.'; 4(J.'> r.o.'i Set 6, fsjce 2, Jniiiiiiry 8, p. iii. L. li. m. s. 'ir< OS.: IS.: :"! -JO IS, (IS ;; r,5 r.s.() r.d os,o is.o •,'s.o ;:s,o ;-.o is.o 4 10 58.7 11 ()s.7 1S.7 4 -JO 07.'"i 17.;; 47.;; r.7.4 ■^S 07.1 17.4 '■>7.\ :!7.4 4 27 47,;;i E. ;; 2(1 I ■J7 (I 1 L. 7(. ill. .S', 2/ 40.0 .--.0.7 2,s (10.(1 10.7 20.!! 2s 00.(11 I At :;'' 21)^", ;irc=r Tl-lllJR'i:i(llll' := .20 ' 0.2:^ ", .0 i >;iroinclrr 2;),7lll 'd 4'J.() .".D.O 'i7 Oll.o l!).l 2!).l 40.1 r.o.i Ai ;;'' .Ml'", au "" t .14 .20 00.1 .M .2 10 1 Trinin'Ciitiire i ;;: .1 20.1 linniincti'i ^- 20 7'i' :; ;".7 (i'.).(ii I 11 4;).r. 12 ()'.). (1 l!).d 2'.).0 ;i .'.s iio.i I 12 40.(1 r.o.d i;; (10.7 lo.d 20.d , O'.U At, 41' 11'", iiic ---- \ < 0".17 4'('inlirr:illlV0 l;;ilnlilifrv 41) .S ' ::7 .0 2'.),71S 4 11 Is.d.s 4 12 0'.).."S 4 l;; 0W.(12 1 2S is.r, 2'.) OS,: 1^.: 4s.r, ;!(j OS..', 1 s..^ 2S.1 1 21) :!>.ii) TcmiM'i aliin 4 ;',() ;;:i. 1 4;i.r, ri'.)..'i ;u o!).d r.),.'. i;;,4 2'.).,"> I'J.d r.'.i.d ;!2 OO.Ci lO.d 4 ;;i 20,.-. 1 A I 4I' ?".<", nrc = .10 ', 1 .2 ' 10 .0 = 2:),7 4.-i \ AT rOLAEIS BAY. 17 7 15 :'.4.1- 7 30 21.'J 31, '2 1 41.1 r>i.i 31 Ul.l 7 '■]() 41.14 ■■< fin 14.G '2\.l\ 34.7 44. rt r,4,-' 00 :M.7 Set 7, face 3, January O, a. iii. E. L. E. L. /i. )«. -s. h. m. .**. 7i. m. ■^. ! h. m. ..;_ 7 no 1.-..1 25.1 ' 02 n.;.2 1(1.1 / 03 04 57.4 07.4 t 05 4S.5 ( 2 .40 At 111- .5,i-. :iic = 1 2 .44 35.-.' 21 ''.2 17.3 01 ; 0-.5 I 66- .5 Tfiiiperatiue ^ ' 45.'-' ;!i'..i 27.:; 1-^.5 55.1 41',. 2 :'.7.3, 2H.5 Baioiiiiter ^^ 20-l",i.i 01 LI5.-2 15.1 25.- 35.1 45.2 0,"; on.3 k;.:; 21 ',.2 3L'i.:'. 05 47.4 07.4 17.4 27.5 07 3,-^.5 4. -.5 .5?'.., US. 5 1>'.5 fiTi/J 4(i.4 3,7.5 2-:,r, 7 01 05.15 7 IJ2 5r;.24 7 04 16 17 47.30 06 3^.51 7 l.j 14.2 24.2 7 IC 05.2 15.1 50.1 OG.l 7 17 47.2 ( i:.63 At7.M0":, a..= ) ^^^^. 34.1 25.1 16.1 IS 07.2 ■»'■'■-■'• 44.2 :'.5.1 2i;.i 17.3 Temperature ^ __^_ ^ 54.2 45.1 3.6.2 27,1 Barometer = 20.66 16 25.12 31 12.1 22.1 :;2. 1 42.0 52.0 7 31 32.116 17 16,12 3,2 03.1.1 13.1 23,. 1 33.11 43.0 32 23,114 H (17.22 32 54.1 3,3 (14.1 14.1 24.2 3,4.1 33 14.12 At 71^ 3, im, arc = ( 1.3,2 Temperature Barcimeter ?= 64 .1 ( 51 .0 s 01 n: 15,- 45,: ni 25.74 S 01 5(;.- (12 116.- 1C,.-S 26,,- 36.7 ,- 02 16.7,- ,- 02 47. S 57,,^ 03 07,,-< 17.9 27.0 At f^'' 04"'. arc ■ Temperature / 0-' S ■" S .0 ( 45 '.3 Barometer = 20,650 03 07. *4 9 00 16.1 01 (.17,1 26,1 17.1 36.1 27 46,1 , 37.1 511 (J I 47,0 tK.I 36.0- 9 01 9 01 5-.0 02 0-1 l-,0 2-0 :;-.l 9 02 1-.04 9 02 49.1 .59,1 03 09.1 10.1 20.1 ',( 03 09.10 At 9'' 05"', arc Teiuperatiire = S 0^.42 ( 0^.49 I .57^.9 ( 44 .1 Barometer = 29, (.,(:, 18 PENDULUM-EXPERIMENTS S«'t 7, face 3, Jaiiiin.i'y 9, si. in. I L. R. ll. 111. 8. 10 00 15.1 25.1 4.-..1 It. Hi. S. 10 01 (IC.I IG.l L'C.l ;;(;.i 10 00 .'!r,.i 10 01 'ii;.i 10 ;:ij 14. r, 2 if, 34.0 44.r, 54..5 7(. }H. s. 10 01 57.i O'i 07 .'3 IT. -2 ■JT.l :!7.1 10 31 ()."..(; 10 31 .''iC.i; 15. i; ; ;;;■> (ii;.7 ■,'5.(; if,.7 45.(; '/; ' 3i;.7 10 45 15.3 45.-i 10 40 o;;.3 10.3 46.4 10 40 .5' 47 1 11 00 15.!) 25.9 30.(1 46.1 50.1 01 00.1 Ifi.l 20.0 36.1 46.1 56.1 11 02 07.1 17.1 27.1 37.1 47.11 .57.1 03 07.2 17.1 27.1 37.1 47.1 11 03 5'^.2 04 0.^.2 1^.1 •J-.l 4.-.1 05 08.3 1.^.3, 28.3 h. m. K. 10 02 4.-'.2 At 101' II 1'", arc : Tcniiii'i'iitnri. ii:; ii,s.2 18.2 282 I liaidiin-for , 0-.2II ^ .26 ^51.4 < 41 -.3 2'.i.i;5ii 10 02 ; 10 03 08.2 10 32 47.7 57.6 3:'. 07.6 i:.7 27.6 10 30 34.58 , 10 31 25. 5K , 10 3,2 16.i;8 10 33 07.64 10 47 .18.5 5S..I 4-' 11.^.4 18.5 28.5 At ini' 34"', iirij = TemiK'iatnrc ^ .14 ( 36 .11 Baromi.'ti.'r ;= 2!l.65.' At 101' 4(),M_ .,,.,, _^ Teinpeiafme ^= Baviiiiictcr = 0.12 ' 0.1: , 47 -.2 36 .8 20.650 10 45 35.22 10 46 26.32 10 -17 17.38 ! 10 48 0,-;.4r; 11 05 49.2 59.3 06 110.3 10.2 2!l.3> 30.3 40.3, 59.4 07 09.4 19.4 2'.). 5 At 111' 08'", arc = I Teuijir] al iir OMO 0';'.15 49.3 Baroinrtir = 2'J.66.' 11 01 06.05 11 02 57.1 11 04 4.-.2 11 06 39.3,3 AT POLARIS BAY. 19 Scl 8, fsit'c 1, Jniiuiii'y 9, p. id. i;. /i. m. s. (I 11.;! ei.;! ;;i.:; 41.4 51.4 36 01.4 11.4 21.5 ;!1..-) 41.5 .-.1.5 (I 36 111.41 50 10.5 20.5 .30.4 40.4 50.4 h. III. s. :;? (IJ.5 ]'.'.5 II. ?H. .S'. :'o 5:;. 6 I'.'.l {K\.C, i:!.ti 4'-^5 33.1 5'<;.G 43.( 3S Oi.5 53.7 rj.5 40 03.7 •J-2.6 13.7 3-^.6 *23 7 4-^.6 33.7 37 5'J.5 ! 51 01.4 11.5 ','1.5 31.4 41.4 311 4. '..05 51 5i!.5 5',' Oi.5 r,'.5 50 30.44 51 '21.44 1 05 11,3 1 (10 (L'.4 :.'1.3 1' 1-.k; 62 .4 ' 50 -.0 Baruiiieter = 2'0.6()5 1 ( 44,5 54.5 O-S 0-1.6 14.6 24.6 At 1'' 10"', arc Teiuptratui'e --= ^ 1-.42 i 1 .41 S " 62' V ( AD A r.a(<'iiu4cr ^ 20.(;(;',1 1 0,^ 0-1.56 1 37 44.1 54.3 3.'^ 0-1. 'i 14.3 24.1 1 38 04. '26 At 1'' 30"', arr = Tfiinieralnii- Baidmotor ^ o-.Ol I 0-.03 ^5S..S t 16 -\0 20.671 1 37 43.7 53.6 ;:.- 03. (; 13.6 23.6 1 3,-! 03..i;2 At 2'' 30"', aif ^ (I .IS ( (I .45 4'eiiii>rratnrc = . Daidiiic-trr — 20. (.0(1 I'O PE ND L: L (J M-E X r !•; II I M E NTS Set 8, face 1, Jaiiuai'y 9, i>. in. /(. III. n. ;j :;:. 11.9 21,8 41,9 51.9 ll . HI . .S. :5 :-;() 112,9 12.9 42,9 /(. III. «. ;! -.'S 55.8 ll. III. .'V. 3 :i7 45.1 At 3I' 40'", uiu = \ 0'- .28 ',1.S8 4 05 11.6 21.5 :! 3(1 22.9 4 00 02.6 12.6 37 0:!.9 14.(1 24.0 34.0 3 37 l:'..94 55.0 38 05.0 15.0 ! 24.9 I Baiouieter 4'elll]irl alllH' =:: 4 06 53.6 (17 03.6 31.5 22.6 13.6 41.5 32,6 23.6 51.6 42.7 33.6 4 05 31.54 4 06 22.(V2 4 07 i:'..6 4 20 10.4 4 21 01.3 4 21 52.4 20.4 11.2 22 02.4 30.5 21.2 12.4 40.3 31.3 22.5 50.3 41.4 :-!2.5 4 20 30.38 4 21 21.28 4 22 12.44 4 35 11.2 4 37 02.1 4 38 53.3, 21.2 12.1 3,9 03.3 31.2 22.3 13.3 41.2 :!2,2 23.3 51.3 42.1 33,. I 36 01.2 52.1 43.3 11.2 38 02.1 53.4 21.2 12.1 40 n3,.l 31.2 22.1 13.1 11.2 32.2 23. 1 • 51.2 12.2 33.1 4 36 01.21 4 37 ,52.15 4 39 43.3,5 3 3.S 05.0 4 07 44.6 54.6 43.5 23 03.4 13.4 4 23 03.46 4 41 34.43 S ( 15.:.,, 2:i.64( At 4'" 10'", ai-c: 0'-.21 (18 04.7 14.7 24.6 4 (18 04.64 ' 0.19 ^580.6 hi .5 Barometer = 29.644 Tempera! KiL' = At 4'i 20'^, arc = Temperature Barometer < 0-.19 ' o:.17 , 58:. 4 45- .1 D.(;41 4 40 44.4 .54.4 11 04.4 14.5 21.5 34.1 14.4 54.4 42 01.4 14.4 24,5 At 4I' 41'", ;a-c = Temperature = , .16 ' .14 S ' 46'^0 Barometer = 29.63,9 AT POLxVRIS BAY. 21 Set 9, face 3, Jauiiiiiy 10, a. lit. li. m. «■ 7 Oo 10.4 3)A llll.j 40.4 .'■)ll.5 00 00.4 10.. j 20.6 30.5 40.5 50.5 7 06 00.45 7 20 o;i.;; V.i:; 'JO. J :;o.:i 40.4 7 20 'JIL'S-J 'JO. -J 50.1 40.-J 51). -J 7 35 30.18 8 05 09.7 10.7 •JO. 8 :i',i.7 lo..-^ 8 05 :>0.71 05 lo.r, 20.(i 30.6 4o.(; 50.1; 9 05 30.6 L. 07 01.6 11.5 'J1.5 31.4 41.6 51.6 08 01.5 11.6 21.6 31.6 41.6 E. m. s. 03 .52.6 O'.l 02.6 12.6 'J2.6 4 J. 6 5'2.6 10 02.6 12.6 22.6 L. li. m. 7 10 11 12 43.6 5:;.7 o:.;.7 13,6 23.6 33.7 43.7 53.7 03.7 13.8 7 07 51.55 7 21 00.3 10.3 20.3 30.4 40.4 7 21 20.34 7 36 (11.1 11.2 21.1 31.2 41.2 7 36 21.16 8 0(i 00.7 10.8 20.7 30.8 40.7 8 06 20.74 9 06 01.7 11.8 21.7 31.6 41.6 9 06 21.63 At 7>' 13"', aic -^ Teuiperatuif, Barometer ^ 1-.90 i 1^.95 ^27'^. 5 29.551 32.6 '23.7 7 09 42.6 7 11 33.68 7 21 51.1 , '■'2 42.4 22 01.4 52.5 11.4 'J '. 02.5 21.5 12.6 3.1.5 22.6 7 .")0 11.44 7 23. 02.52 7 36 52 3 1 3.7 43.4 3/ oj.:; .S3. 3 12.3, :;h 03.3 22.3. 13.4 ;;■) ;; 23.4 7 37 12.3 7 3r^ 03.36 8 06 51.8 y 07 42.8 07 01.8 .52.8 11.9 OS 02.9 21.9 r2.9 31.9 22.9 s 07 11.86 8 08 02.86 9 06 .52.7 9 07 4;i.6 07 02.6 53.7 12.7 08 03.7 22,7 13.8 !'>■-. 7 23,.7 9 07 r>.r.s y OS 03..7 ( 1'^.55 ( 1^.60 ^ 35.4 ( '27. S Barometer = 29.548 At 7'' 24'", arc = Temperature = At 7" 3,3'", are = S 1°.25 ( 1^.31 3i; .1 Temiieratiire = , I 28 -.0 Barometer = 2'.l.54 At 8" 09n>, arc = 0:.75 ; 0'-.79 ( 34'\9 Temperature = ^ (24.9 Barometer ^ 29.512 At 9'' 10'", are = 0'-'.3.- ; .42 )-\9 ( 32^0 Barouieter — 29.542 Temperature < 22 PENDULUM-EXPEPJMEi^TS i j Set 9, face 3, Ji iiiiiary 10, a. m. j E. i L. ' i;. L. 1 ! h. m. s. Jl. HI. .S'. }l. III. 5. //. III. .s. ' ^'^ 05 09. (i 19.6 10 (16 (1(1.6 10 or, 51.7 10,6 117 ni.C 10 07 42.6 52.6 , (!■ .21) At lOliOIM", :iir= ^ '' .23 29.G 39.(; 20.7 1 1.5 .30.6 21.6 08 02.6 12.6 ,47 .3 Teiii|iij;il iiKi 1^ ' ' 3,5 .0 49.7 4(1.6 31.6 22.6 10 08 02.6 Baroiiietei- = 29.534 10 05 29.62 10 06 20.62 10 07 11,6 10 35 11.1 21.1 10 36 02.0 11.9 10 36 52.9 37 (12,9 10 37 44.1 54.0 , 0-^.14 At 101' 39"', a.c = ' .17 31.0 22.0 ' 13.1 38 04.1 , 46:,0 41.0 32.0 23,. 14.(1 Tempeiiitiire = ; ' 3,6 -M 51.0 42.(1 33.0 24.0 10 38 04.04 Barometer =- 2!l.534 10 35 31.04 10 36 21.98 10 37 12.98 1 10 50 09.7 19.7 10 51 00.8 10 51 51.8 10.7 ' 52 01.7 10 .52 42.M .52 7 , .11 At KJi' 54'", arc= ] ' .14 29. 7 20.^ 11.^ 53 (12..- , 4s .1 39.8 :!(l.7 21.8 12.8 Temperature ^ ' ' 3S-.2 49.7 40.6 : 31.8 22,9 Bari.iiirt.'i' = 'j'.l.532 10 50 29.72 10 51 20.72 10 .52 11.78 10 53 02,8 11 05 10.6 20.5 11 07 01.5 11.6 11 (18 52.5 09 02.6 11 10 43.5 53.. 6 , (1 .1(1 At HI- 13'", arc = < .13 30.5 40.4 21.5 31.5 12.6 22.6 11 03.6 13,.(; , .5(1.0 Temperature = ' < 38' ,8 50.5 41.5 32.6 '2-?<.7 Barometer = '.^9.53,0 06 C0.5 51.4 42.5 33.7 10.5 08 01.6 52.6 43.6 20.6 11.6 10 02.6 5.3.6 1 30.5 21.6 12.6 12 03.7 40.6 31.6 22.6 13.7 50.6 41.6 ;_1>J.6 2:!. 6 11 06 00.53 11 07 51.55 11 09 42.,58 11 11 33..63 AT rOLAIMS BAY. 23 Set 10, face 1, January 10, p. in. I i;. L. h. m. s. h. (H. h. m. R. h. m. ■v. 4 -J 4:! 41 S.J.'J 4.^.9 u.:..9 l.-.,9 3.'.. 'J 4r,.n 0.-..9 oc.o u 44 4r. '3(1.9 ;i7.o 47.1 57.1 07.1 17.1 '27.1 ;!7.0 47.1 57.1 4G 47 is.l ■3S.1 r.,^.1 4S.'i 5^ '' 0.-.'2 1^.'2 '2>.l :'.~.i 4S.1 u 4.S 49 09.'j 19.3 '29 3 :'.9.4 49.4 59.4 09.4 19.4 '29. 4 30,4 At 01' 41'", Toiiiperatii B;iroiiieter ICO 40 07.0 5s -J 49.5 4:^ cir..9'j 4.% 17.05 47 0-^.15 4S 59.37 S -' .0°.9 ( 40-. 40.9 5i;.9 07.0 10.9 50. 9'2 u 5S '27.9 47.9 5.-'.0 59 0.-<.l 5,S 47.94 1 1'^ 35,0 45.0, 55.7 13 05.7 15.7 1 1'2 55,i;G 1 4'^ 35.0 45.5 55.5 43 05.5 15.5 1 4'"* 55 5'2 ■2 _j.-) 3f,.5 40.1 ; 43 00.0 10.0, 1 13 2i;,s 30, S 40.S 50.. ;i 14 oi;,9 1 13 40,S4 n 59 19,0 '29.1 39.0 49.0 59.0 (I 59 3,9,0-2 1 14 17,9 47.9 57.0 1 110 111,0 19.9 311.0 40,11 50.1 1 00 3,11,0 At 1'' 01'", nic : \ 1 •'^9 / l'-^..«9 4H .11 TeiiiiiL'iatiuc = I 3)1 i- . IJai'oiiirtcr T^ '^[iSi^^-l 1 15 1 14 09.0 19.0 '29.0 39.0 49,0 1 15 '29,0 At 1'' 10'", .-uc- = Tompcratiiro = 1 .43 ( 1 .4-2 1 43 '20.0 1 44 17.0 30,5 •27.0 40,0 37.0) 5i";,o, 47,0, 44 Ol;',,0 57,1; 1 43 40,.'„S 1 44 37.6 '2 43 '27.6 37.0 47,(', 2 44 1?.0 4,-'.0 44 07.0 r^ -*■ '2 4'2 50.50 43, 47 2 41 3S.(a 1 45 OS.O 1<^.7 '2--^,0 3^,0, 4^,6 1 45 -2:^,62 2 45 119,- 19.6 '29,7 39.0 4'9,s •2 45 '29.7 t 30 .0 Bai'ouieter = '.'9,550 ( o;.93> At 1^40"'. arc = I .^.^^^ Temperature = Barometer 40 -.5 ( 31°.0 29.545 At 2'' 46'", arc = < .47 ^ 0^.45 47 Temperature — ; '-io ,, liarometer = '29.529 24 PENDDLLIM-EXPERIMENTS R. h. m. s. 3 42 :!.'..(; 45.0 r>r).t; 4:'. 0.''j.C 15.C 3 42 5.5.0 4 12 30.9 40.9 50.9 13 07.1 17.0 4 12 50.90 4 27 35.7 45.7 55.7 2H 05.8 1.5.8 Set 10, face I, January 10, p. in. h: VI. s. 3 43 20,0 30.5 40.0 50.0 44 00.0 3 43 40.58 4 13 28.1 ;'.8.i 40.7 50.7 29 00.8 E. 4.8.1 .58.1 14 08.1 4 13 48.1 4 28 2(i.8 36.8 4 27 55.74 4 28 40.70 4 42 36.6 4 44 27.7 46.6 37.6 56.6 47.0 43 06.6 .57.6 16.6 45 07.6 26.6 17.7 36.0 27.6 46.6 37.6 56.6 47.6 44 00.7 .57.0 167 40 07.0 4 43 20.02 4 45 17.02 li. m. s. 3 41 17.7 27.0 37.0 47.6 57.7 3 44 37.04 4 14 19.0 29.1 39.1 49.0 59.1 4 11 ;:9.rc 4 29 17.8 27.8 :;7.8 47.8 .57.9 4 40 18.6 28.6 38.0 48.7 58.7 08.7 18.7 28.8 38.8 48.8 58.8 4 47 0.-^.71 45 08.7 1.H.7 28.6 38.6 48.6 45 28.01 4 15 10.1 20,0 30.1 40.1 50.1 4 15 :!0.08 4 :;o 08.9 18.9 28.9 38.9 48.9 4 :'>0 28.9 4 48 09.8 19.8 29.7 39.8 49.7 59.8 49 09.8 19.8 29.8 39.9 49.9 4 48 .59.8 At 3I' 40"', arc: Tt'iiipcriitiiro' 0-\28 '.25 S 51 ■.() ' 35 .3 J'.ai'oiiirtcr = 29.52- At 4" ir,>", ai./ = TenniiT:itnr( Barometer 0' .20 0-.19 50- .9 ' 35'^.2 29,5: At 4I' 3)1", arc Teniperatiive 0^.18 ' fi-.lO , 51 -.9 ' 35-'.2 Barometer --■ 29.5:! At 4'' 50"!, arc: Temperature <, O'Ml ' 0-.12 s ■'■' JJ.I ' 39-.1 Barometer = 29.541 AT POLAEIS BAY. Set 11, face 4, January 11, a. III. E. L. E. L. A. 7)1. ?. A. m, s. li. m. ». li. m. .Q. 7 20 20.6 30.6 7 22 21.5 7 24 02.7 7 25 12.7 26 .5;*."^ At 7 VJ"\ arc= \ t 3:. 30 40,5 50.0 31.6 41.6 22.i'i 32,7 13o Temperature = ) 21 oo.r. 51.6 42,6 33.- Barometer ^ 20711I 10.6 23 01.5 52,7 43.9 20.5 11.6 25 :i2,7 53,0 30.6 21.6 12,7 : 27 04.0 40.6 31.7 22,^ 14.1 5IJ.6 41.6 32.-^ 24.0 22 00.5 51.6 42.- 34.1 7 21 10..57 7 23 01.59 7 24 .52.71 7 26 43.9 7 :r, 19.6 2y.5 7 36 10.6 2'"' 6 7 37 01.6 7 37 11,6 3- 52.6 02.6 ( -y a: At 7' 30-% are = ' ( 2^.21 30.6 30,6 21,6 12,6 , .'2 -.3 49.6 411.6 3.1,5 22,6 T.,u,ii,.-iatiuv = ^ ^^^^ ^ 59.6 50.5 41.5 32,7 Barometer ^ 20,7i'i', 7 35 30.5- 7 36 311.5- 7 37 21.56 7 3r 12,62 7 50 20.6 30.5 7 51 11.5 21.6 12,6 : 53 V'.''.^'' ! 1^65 At 7 54"', arc= • ,., 40.5 50.6 31.6 41.6 22,6, 32,6 13,6 2:>,6i Temperature = 51 00,5 51.6 42,6 33.6 Barniueter = 20,712 7 50 40..54 7 51 31..5S 7 52 22,6 7 53 13.6 - 20 20.1 :J0.1 - 21 11.1 21.1 - 22 M-.>,1 12.1 i .J.T 5:1 '^ 03.1 1 1~.01 At - 24 "\ arc = ( 1^.00 40.1 50.0 31.1 41.1 22.0 32.1 1 13.1 23., 1 i 60;. 3 Temperature = , , ' ( 46-. 1 21 00.1 51.1 42.1 3,3,1 Barometer = 20,717 8 20 40.0-' - 21 31.1 ■9 22 22.05 - 23 13,12 20 19.1 29.1 9 21 10.1 20.0 9 22 01.1 11.2 9 22 23 52,1 i:i2,2 ( 0:,47 At 9>' 24^, aro = ] _,, ., 39.0 49.1 30.1 40.1 21.0 31.1 12.2 22.2 < 62--.2 Temperature = . ,-_ ^ 59.0 50.1 41.1 32.2 Barometer = 20,^22 20 39.06 9 21 30.08 9 2-2 !1.1 9 23 12.15 26 PENDULUM-EXPERIMENTS E. h . m. s. 10 20 20.0 30.1 40.1 50.1 21 00.0 10 20 40.0C 10 50 19.6 29.6 39.5 49.5 59.5 10 50 39.54 11 05 20.1 30.1 40.1 50.2 06 00.1 11 05 40.12 11 20 20.9 30.9 40.9 50.9 21 01.0 10.9 20.9 30.9 40.9 50.9 22 01.0 11 21 10.92 Set 11, face 4, January 11, a. iit. L. It. m. s. 10 21 11.1 21.1 31.0 41.0 51.0 10 21 31.04 10 51 10.4 20.4 30.4 40.3 50.4 10 51 30.38 11 06 11.2 21.1 31.1 41.1 51.1 E. h . m. s. 10 2,; 02,1) 12.1 22.0 32.1 42.0 L. 10 22 22.04 10 .52 Ol.C 11.5 21.0 31.5 41.6 10 52 21.56 11 06 31.12 11 22 12,0 21.9 32.0 41.9 52.0 23 02.0 11.9 22.0 32.0 42.0 52.0 11 23 01.97 11 07 02.2 12.1 22.1 32.1 42.1 li. m. 8. 10 22 .53.1 23 03.2 13.1 23.1 33.1 10 23 UA1 10 52 52.0 53 02.6 12.6 22.0 32.6 10 12.6 11 07 22.12 11 24 03.0 13.0 23.0 33.0 43.0 .53.0 25 03.0 13.0 23.1 33.0 43.1 11 24 53.02 11 07 53.1 08 03.2 13.1 23.1 33.2 11 OS 13.14 11 25 54.0 26 04.1 14.1 24.0 34.0 44.1 54.1 27 04.1 14.2 24.2 34.1 11 26 44.09 At 101' 24'", arc = Temporatiire = , U'^.25 ' 0' ,29 62 ,9 47--\l Barometer = 29.72!! At 10'' 54'", arc = Temperature = , 0.17 ' 0' .21 ^63.7 ^ 47-.5 J'arometer = 29,72:'. At 11'' 09"', arc = Temperature ; Barometer = 03.13 o-^.n 63".8 47'",9 20,725 At 11" 2S"', arc = Temperature = 0.11 U '.15 66 ,2 ' 50'-.0 Barometer = 29,726 AT POLARIS BAY. 27 Set 12, face 2, January 11, p. iii. R. It. m. s. 12 o5 ir).6 25.0 :'.5.(5 ■15.0 55.0 30 05.t; 15.0 ■J5.0 35.0 45.7 55.0 L. h. III. s. 12 37 00.7 10.7 20.7 36.7 40.7 50. 7 3S OO.S 16.7 20.7 30. S 40.8 12 36 05.01 12 50 10.0 2li.O 30.6 40.0 50.0 12 50 30.0 12 50.73 12 51 07.7 17.7 27.6 37.0 47.(! 12 51 27.04 1 05 15.0 25.0 35.5 45.5 55.6 1 05 ;i5.50 1 35 15.1 25.1 35.1 45.0 55.1 1 35 35.0S 2 35 15.0 25.9 35.9 45.9 .55.9 2 35 ;'.5.9 1 06 06.6 10.0 20.r> 36.6 46.6 1 06 20.0 1 30 06.1 16.1 26.0 36.1 46.1 R. h. m. s. 12 38 .57.8 39 07.8 17.8 47.9 57.9 40 07.9 17.9 2>*.0 38.0 1 36 26.08 12 39 47 12 51 5^7 52 08.8 18.7 ''8 7 38.0 12 52 1S.7 1 06 57.5 07 07.0 17.6 27.0 37.5 1 07 17.50 1 36 57.1 37 07.1 ■ 17.0 27.1 37.1 17.08 2 36 87.0 o 36 58.1 17.0 37 08.0 20.9 18,0 30.9 27.9 47.0 37,9 2 36 20.90 o 37 17.9.- L. h. III. 8. 40 48.9 58,9 41 09.0 19.0 29.0 39.0 49.0 59.0 42 09.0 19.1 29.1 12 41 39.0 12 52 49.7 59.8 53 09.8 19.8 29.9 12 53 09.8 1 07 48.0 58.0 08 0S.7 18.6 28.0 1 08 08.02 1 37 48.1 58.1 38 08.2 18.1 28.1 At 12'' 43"', arc = <, .41 ^ 3-.42 I 47 -.1 Barometer = 29.722 Temporaturo At 12" 54°', arc = 2M9 I 2 ,21 i 54 ,7 Temperature = v ^ ( 13 .0 Barometer = 29.713 At 1" 09"^, arc = \ 1 '^^ ; i-..;8 ( 54- .7 Temperature = s ( 4 ..t , . 1 38 08.12 2 37 48,9 59.0 38 08.9 19.0 2 38 08.94 Barometer At 1'" 39"^, arc: 29.098 .99 ^ I'.Ol ,, 02 -M Temperature = ) j^i i Barometer = 29.085 At 2'' 39"', arc -- < 0-,40 ^ 0\49 ^ 04-^9 Temperature = ^ ^^^^. ^ Barometer 29,725 28 PENItULUM-EXPEUIMENTS Set I'i, face 2, January 11, p. in. 11. L. E. L. h. m. s. /(.. m . s. /(. m. s. li . m. 8. 3 3.^> 16.6 ■iO.G 3 36 07.6 17.G 3 36 58.7 37 08.8 3 37 49.6 59.7 , 0'^25 At Z^ 39"', arc = ] ' 0'-\28 3(i.() 27.7 18.7 38 09.6 . .56-- .9 KJ.G 37.6 28.7 19.7 Teiiipcrature = < < l2-\0 .'.(i.O 47.6 38.7 29.7 Barouicter = 29.710 3 3.'. 36.e 3 36 27.62 3 37 18.72 3 38 09.66 4 05 I.'').!.) J 06 01 '..O lO.'J 4 06 58.0 07 08.0 4 07 49.0 59.0 , 0'-'.18 At 4'' 09'", arc = { ( .21 35.'9 4.5.9 26.9 :!i;.9 17.9 28.0 08 09.0 19.0 , 560.7 TcQiporature = < < 41°.6 • .--.(i.O 46.9 37.9 28.9 Barometer = 29.707 4 05 35.92 4 06 26.9 4 07 17.96 4 08 08.98 4 20 16.6 26.<) 4 21 (17.6 17.6 4 21 58.7 22 08.7 .... 0.16 At 4>' 2;!'", arc= ] ' .19 36.5 46.5 27.6 37.6 18.6 28.6 • • 55' .1 Temperaturo = < ' 40'^0 .56.6 47,5 38.6 Barometer = 29.702 4 20 36.56 4 21 27.58 4 22 18.64 .... 4 35 15.1 25.1 4 37 06.1 16 2 4 38 57.1 39 07.2 4 40 48.3 58.3 , 0^.10 At 4'! 43'", arc= { < .13 35.1 45.1 26.1 36.1 17.2 27.3 41 08.3 18.2 , 54°.6 Temperature = \ < 40°.2 55.2 46.1 37.3 28.2 Barometer = 29.699 36 05.1 56.1 47.3 38.2 15.1 38 06.1 ,57.4 48.3 25.2 16.2 40 07.3 58.4 35.2 26.1 17.3 42 08.4 45.2 36.1 27.4 18.4 55.1 46.1 37.3 28.4 4 36 05.14 4 37 56.12 4 39 47.28 4 41 38.31 AT rOLARIS BAY. 29 Set 13, face 2, Jaiiiiaiy 13, a. in. R. L- R. L. ft. «i. s. h. m. s. h. m. s. li. m. s. 5 12 00.8 5 14 00.9 5 15 52.0 5 17 43.1 ( l'\63 At 51' 20"", arc = \ 19.8 11.0 16 02.1 53.1 "DH 21.0 12.1 18 03.1 (, •''''■■' leiiiperature = < 39.8 31.0 22.0 13.1 ^ ( 43':.G 49.9 40.9 32.0 23.2 Barometer = 29.615 59.9 51.0 42.1 33.2 13 09.9 15 01.0 52.1 43.1 19.9 11.1 17 02.1 53.1 29.9 21,0 12.0 19 03.2 39.9 31.0 22.1 13.2 49.9 41.0 32.0 23.2 5 12 5 14 50.98 5 16 42.05 5 18 33.15 5 27 14.7 5 28 05.7 5 28 56.7 5 29 47.6 At 5k 31"', arc =] ( 1.1.) 24.7 15.6 29 06.6 57.7 34.7 25.6 1(1.7 30 U7.7 , r,2 .8 TenuK-raliu'e = , , 44.6 2C..t) 17.8 i.4.7 45.6 :',(i.r, 27.8 Barometer = 29.618 ( 0''.86 At 5i' 46'", arc = ^ .^ .^.^ "i 27 34. (iS 5 28 25.02 5 29 li;.(i4 5 30 07.72 5 42 09.G 5 43 00.6 5 43 51.6 5 44 42.5 19.6 10.5 44 01.6 52.6 29.6 20.6 11.6 45 02.6 c 61 .9 Temperature = < 39.5 30.5 21.5 12.6 49.6 40.6 31.5 22.7 Barometer = 29.619 ( 0'\67 At 6" 16'", arc = ^ ^^,_, ^^^ 5 42 29.58 5 43 20.5G 5 44 11.56 5 45 02.6 6 12 10.9 6 13 02.0 6" 13 53.1 6 14 44.1 20.9 12.0 14 03.0 54.0 31.1 22.0 13.0 15 04.1 f 60' .8 Temperature := I . _ ., 41.0 32.0 23.0 14.0 51.0 42.1 33.0 24.1 Barometer = 29.620 f 0'3.32 At 7" 16"', arc =1 , ,0 6 12 30.96 6 13 22.02 6 14 13.02 6 15 04.06 7 12 09.8 7 13 00.6 7 13 51.6 7 14 42.6 19.8 10.6 14 01.7 52.7 29.8 20.6 11.7 15 02.7 f 5P.1 Temperature = j .^„.^ ., 39.8 30.6 21.6 12.8 49.7 40.6 31.6 22.8 Barometer = 29.613 7 12 29.78 7 13 20.6 7 14 11.64 7 15 02.72 30 PENDULUM-EXPEEIMENTS Set 13, face a, J iinii: Li'y 12, a. III. R. L. E. L. h. 8 m. 8. 12 lO.G 20.4 h. 8 m. 13 s. 01.5 11.5 h. 8 m. 13 14 s. 52.5 02.5 h. 8 HI. 14 8. 43.6 53.6 At 8'' Ki™, arc= I ** '-"^ ' < 0".25 30.4 40.5 21.5 31.4 12.5 22.5 15 03.5 13.5 Temperature =)'*'■•-' I 32'\4 50.5 41.4 32.5 23.6 Barometer = 29.609 At O" 16'", aro= | J^ '"^ 8 12 30.48 8 13 21.46 8 14 12.5 8 15 03.56 d 12 11.1 21.1 9 13 02.0 12.0 9 13 14 53.0 03.0 9 14 44.0 53.9 31.1 41.0 22 32.0 13.0 23.0 15 04.0 14.0 Temperature ^ ' ■''•■-' I :)2 '.0 51.0 42.0 33.0 24.0 Barometer = 29.628 At 101. 16-, arc =1 ^J^ 9 12 31.06 9 13 22.0 9 14 13.0 9 15 03.98 10 12 o;).6 19.6 10 13 00.5 10.5 10 13 14 51.5 01.5 10 14 42.5 .52.5 29.5 30.6 20.6 30.5 11.5 21.5 15 02.5 12.5 lemperature = ) •'' ■' I 37' .5 49.6 40.5 31.5 10 15 22.5 02.5 Barometer ;;= 29.(;2(i At 10'' 46'", are = \ '* '"' ( 0' .(19 10 12 211. r.8 10 13 20.52 10 14 11.5 10 42 08.7 18.6 10 42 43 59.6 09.7 10 43 44 50.7 00.7 10 44 41.7 51.6 28.6 38. G 19.7 29.7 10.7 20.7 45 01.7 11.7 Temperature = ^ ■''- -^ ( 37\5 48.6 39.6 30.6 21.7 Barometer = 29.629 1 At 111' 01'", arc = l ^I'^'l ' ( 0' .09 10 42 28.62 10 43 19.66 10 44 10.68 10 45 01.68 10 57 09.2 19.3 10 58 00.0 10.2 10 58 59 51.2 01.2 10 59 42.3 52.3 29.2 39.1 20.2 30.1 11.2 21.2 11 00 02.4 12.4 Temperature = \ ^yS'- .0 49.1 40.1 31.2 22.4 Barometer = 29.633 < 0<^ 01 At 11 20 ,aic_^ Q„Qg 10 57 29.18 10 58 20.12 10 59 11.2 11 00 02.36 11 12 10.1 20.1 11 14 01.0 10.9 11 15 16 52.0 02.0 11 17 43.1 53.1 30.0 40.0 21.0 30.9 12.1 22.1 18 03.1 13.1 Temperature = ) ' '' ■* < 4P.8 50.0 40.9 32.1 23.2 Barometer = 29.637 13 00.0 51.0 42.1 33.2 10.0 15 01.0 .52.1 43.1 19.9 11.0 17 02.1 53.1 29.9 31.0 12.1 19 03.1 39.9 31.0 22.1 13.2 50.0 41.0 32.1 23.2 11 12 59.99 11 14 50.97 11 16 42.08 11 18 33.14 AT POLARIS BAT. 31 Set 14, face 4, January 1'2, p. in. 1 R. L. E. L. 1 i li. m. s. 1). m. s. /(.. »i. s. li. m. s. 50 ii.r. 21.0 52 0-2.6 i-j.r. 53 53.7 .54 03.8 55 45.0 55.0 At 0'' 49m, arc= I I 3 .00 :!1.5 41.C 22.6 ;'>2.7 13.8 23.8 50 04.9 15.0 ( 48°.4 Temperature = ' t 32 .0 1 ■"'l-'"' 42.6 33.7 25.0 Barometer = 29.67'.' 51 Ol.G .52.7 4.'!.8 34.9 U.G j 53 U2.T 53.8 45.0 i 21'C 12.7 55 03.9 55.0 31.6 22.7 13.9 [ 57 05.0 41.0 32.7 23.9 15.0 51.6 42.7 33.9 25.1 1 " 51 01..59 52 52.00 .54 43.32 50 34.99 1 05 20.5 30.0 1 06 11.6 21.6 1 07 02.6 12.0 1 07 53.0 08 03.6 ( 2 -.38 At 11' 09"', arc = .^ . 40.5 .50.5 31.6 41.6 22.6 32.6 13.7 23.7 ( 48 .4 : Temperature = ; 06 UU.5 51.6 42.0 33.0 Baromeler = 29.605 1 05 40.52 1 00 31.6 1 07 22.6 1 08 13.04 1 20 11.6 21.1; 1 21 02.6 12.6 1 21 53.6 22 03.7 1 22 44.6 54.7 ( 1 .80 ! At 1" 24'", arc= '. .^ ' 31.6 41.6 22.0 32.6 13.6 23.6 23 04.7 14.7 < 47 .9 Temperature = : , ' ( 30 -.6 51.6 42.6 33.13 24.6 Barometer = 29.ii02 , 1 20 31.6 1 21 22.6 1 22 13.62 1 23 04.60 1 50 11.1 21.1 1 51 02.0 12.1 1 .51 53.1 52 03.1 1 52 44.1 54.1 ( r .10 At 11' 51°', arc= J ^ ^^^ 31.1 41.1 22.1 32.0 13.1 23.1 53 04.2 14.2 < 40^.0 Temperature = < 51.1 42.1 33.0 24.2 Barometer = 29.059 1 .50 31.1 1 51 1 .52 13.08 1 53 04.16 2 50 12.0 22.0 2 51 03.0 13.0 2 51 54.0 .52 04.0 2 52 44.9 55.0 ( 0-\.52 At 2" 54'", arc = | ^^, , j.^^., [ 32.0 41.9 23.0 33.0 14.0 24.0 53 05.0 15.1 c 47 .3 Temperature = s _^_ . -/ . 51.9 43.0 34.0 25.0 Barometer = 29.084 1 2 50 31.90 2 51 23.0 2 52 14.0 2 53 05.0 32 PENDULUM-EXPERIMENTS Set 14, face 4, January 13, p. III. R. L. E. L. h. M. S, h. m. s. h. m. s. li. m. s. :! 1 t ■'" 51 03.G 13.G 3 51 .54.6 52 01.5 3 52 45.6 55.6 ( 0^28 1 ;t-j.G 42.C> 23.6 33.6 14.5 24.5 53 (15.6 15.6 Teiniieratnie = ) ^* " < 25 .3 r,-j.i'i 43.G 34. G 25.7 liiiiciiiictt'i' = 29.691 At 4'' 54'", aro= I '^Z^'' ' ( .15 3 50 ;w.(; 3 51 23.6 ;{ 52 14.54 3 53 05.62 4 50 11.2 21.2 4 51 02.2 12.2 4 51 53.2 52 03.3 4 .52 44.2 .54.2 31.2 41.2 22.2 32.1 13.3 23.2 53 04.2 14.2 Teniper.ituro = \ ■'"*'' -^ I 3,0 '.7 51.2 42.1 33.3 24.3 Barometer = 29.678 <, 0° 11 At 5^ .54-, arc => ^.,, , ^.^^ 4 50 31.2 4 51 22.1G 4 52 13.26 4 53 04.22 5 .50 11.8 21. ;i 5 51 02.8 12.7 5 51 53.8 52 03.9 5 52 44.9 .54.9 31.9 22.7 13.9 53 04.9 Temperature ^ ) •'" -J ( 28 .1 42.0 32.7 23.9 15.0 51. !l 42.7 34.0 24.9 Barometer = 29.697 At6>-4^arc=J ^ /J^ '' 50 31.9 5 51 22.72 5 52 13.9 5 53 04.92 G 20 11.2 21.2 G 21 02.1 12.1 6 21 53.1 22 03.2 G 22 44.1 .54.(1 31.1 22.1 13.1 23 04.1 Temiuralnre = \ "'*'•'■' 41.1 32.1 23.2 14.1 i 37 .7 51.1 42.1 33.1 24 1 Barometer ^ 29.703 i Qo 09 At6..39^arc=^ ^^'^^^ G 20 31.14 G 21 22.1 G 22 13.14 6 23 04.08 G 35 11.8 21.8 6 3G 02.5 12.6 G 36 53.6 37 03.7 6 37 44.6 54.6 31.7 41.5 22.6 32.6 13.7 23.6 38 04.6 14.6 Temperature = [ SO'^.g < 38°.9 51.7 42.6 33.7 , 24.6 Barometer = 29.715 < 0°.07 At6.>58".,arc=^ 0c.02 G 35 31.7 « 36 22.58 G 37 13.66 6 38 04.6 G 50 12.5 22.6 6 52 03.5 13.5 G 53 54.5 54 04.G 6 55 45.G 55.5 32.G 42.5 23.5 33.5 14.6 24. G 5G 05.6 15.6 Temperature = \ ■'^'■•' ( 37°.l 52. G 43.4 34.6 25.6 Barometer = 29.721 51 02.G 53.5 44.6 35.5 12.G .53 03.4 54.5 45.5 22.G 13.G .55 04.G 55.6 32.6 23.5 14.6 57 05.5 42.G 33.5 24.6 15.5 52.5 43.5 34.6 25.C G 51 02.57 G 52 53.49 r, .54 44.58 6 56 35.55 At POLARIS BAY. 33 Set IS, face 1, January 13, a. m. E. L. E. L. /(. m. s. h. m. s. li . m. s. /(. m. 8. 5 35 05.1 15.1 5 36 56.1 37 06.2 5 38 47.2 57.3 5 40 38.4 48.5 ( 3'^74 At 5'' 34"", arc = ^ ' i 3^.87 25.0 35.1 16.3 26.1 39 07.3 17.2 58.4 41 08.4 ( 56'^.8 Temperature = < 45.1 36.2 27.2 18.5 Barometer = 29.775 55.1 46.2 37.2 28.4 36 05.2 56.3 47.2 38.5 15.1 25.1 3-^ 06.2 16.2 57.3 40 07.4 48.5 58.5 At5'>45- arc = | ^^^ 35.1 45.2 26.2 36.1 17.4 27.4 42 08.6 18.6 c 55'=.1 Temperature = \ 5 35 55.11 5 37 46.19 5 39 37.28 5 41 28.48 5 50 06.1 16.1 5 50 .57.1 51 07.2 5 51 48.2 58.3 5 52 39.3 49.3 ( 2 .40 At 5" 54'", arc=> ^^ ^^ 26.2 36.2 17.2 27.2 52 08.2 18 2 59.3 53 09.3 c 54'-'.8 Temperature = < 46.2 37.2 28.2 19.4 Barometer = 29.782 5 50 26.10 5 51 17.18 5 52 08.22 5 52 59.32 6 05 05.2 15.2 6 05 56.1 06 06.2 6 06 47.1 57.2 6 07 38.1 48.3 f 1-.78 At 6h 09">, arc = ] , _., ( 1^. j.> 25.2 35.2 16.2 26.1 07 07.2 17.2 58.3 08 08.3 ( 55°.8 Temperature = ^ ^^„ ^ 45.2 36.1 27.2 18.2 Barometer = 29.796 05 25.2 6 06 16.14 6 07 07.18 6 07 58.24 <; 35 04.9 15.0 6 35 55.9 36 06.0 6 36 47.0 57.0 6 37 38.1 48.1 , 1-.13 At 6" 39"', arc = | ^^^^ 25.0 35.0 15.9 26.0 37 07.1 17.1 58.2 38 08.1 c 57°.7 Temperature = | ^^^ ^ 45.0 36.0 27.1 18.1 Barometer = 29.833 ( 0=.50 At 7^ 39% arc = ] 0o.48 6 35 24.98 6 36 15.96 6 37 07.06 6 37 58.12 7 35 04.3 14.3 7 35 55.2 36 05.2 7 36 40.4 56.3 7 37 37.4 47.4 24.2 34.2 15.3 25.2 37 06.4 16.4 57.4 38 07.5 c 62-. 4 Temperature = | ^^^ ^ 44.2 35.3 26.3 17.4 Barometer = 29.783 7 35 24.24 7 36 15.24 7 37 06.36 7 37 57.42 34 PBNDULUM-EXPEEIMENTS Set 15, face 1, January 13, a.m. E. L. E. L. h. m. s. 8 35 05.6 15.6 7). 8 m. 35 36 s. 50.6 06.6 h. ill. s. 8 36 47.5 .57.4 h. 8 m. s. 37 38.6 48.6 At 8" 39"', arc= | J^J 25.6 35.5 16.6 26.6 37 (17.5 17.5 58.5 38 08.6 Temperature = \ ^^°-^ I 40O.4 45.5 36.5 27.5 18.6 Barometer = 29.770 ( 0°.13 At 9'> 39">, arc= [ ^^ ^^ 8 35 25.56 8 36 16.58 8 37 07.48 8 37 58.58 9 35 06.7 16.6 9 35 36 57.6 07.7 9 36 48.5 5S.6 9 37 39.6 49.6 26.6 36.6 17.6 27.6 37 08.6 18.G 38 59.5 09.6 Temperature = !* ^''^■^ I 43>^.3 46.6 37.5 2H.6 19.7 Barometer = 29.776 i 0°.10 At lO" 39™, arc = J ^^_^^ 9 35 26.62 9 10 36 17.6 9 37 06.58 9 38 59.6 10 35 05.6 15.6 35 36 56.6 067 10 36 47.6 .57.7 10 37 38.6 48.6 25.6 35.7 16.6 26.6 37 07.7 17.7 58.7 38 08.7 Temperature = ^ ^^^'^ I 43°.2 45.6 36.6 27.6 18.7 Barometer = 29.760 ( 0°.05 At 11" 09'", are = | ^^ , ^^ 10 35 25.62 10 36 16.62 10 37 07.60 10 37 58.66 11 05 05.2 15.2 11 05 06 56.1 06.2 10 06 47.2 .57.2 10 07 38.1 48.1 25.2 35.2 16.2 26.1 07 07.3 17.3 58.3 08 08.3 Temperature = ) ^'^'-^ ( 48:>.0 45.1 36.2 27.2 18.3 Barometer = 29.763 ( 00.04 At 11'- 24-, are = 1 Qo.OS 11 05 25.18 11 06 16.16 10 U7 07.24 10 07 58.22 11 20 06.1 16.1 11 20 21 57.0 07.0 11 21 4H.0 57.9 11 22 38.9 49.0 26.0 36.1 17.0 27.0 22 Os.l.) 59.0 23 08.9 Temperature = \ '^^''■^ I 51°.3 46.1 37.0 28.U 11 19.0 Barometer = 29.765 < 0°.02 At 11" 43™, arc = ^ Q, p.. 11 20 26.08 11 21 17.0 11 22 07.98 22 58.96 11 35 04.5 14.4 11 36 37 55.6 05.7 11 38 4(;.7 5(;;.8 11 40 38.0 48.0 24.5 34.6 15.7 25.7 39 06.8 16.8 58.0 41 08.0 Temperature = I '^^'^■^ I 52°.0 44.6 35.6 26.8 18.0 Barometer = '29.769 54.7 45.6 36.9 28.0 36 04.7 55.7 46.9 38.0 14.6 38 05.7 56.9 47.9 24.7 15.7 40 07.0 58.0 34.7 25.6 17.1) 42 08.0 44.7 35.6 27.0 18.0 11 35 ,54.61 11 37 45.65 11 39 :',6.87 11 41 27.99 AT POLARIS BAY, 35 Set 16, face 3, January 13, p. m. i R. L. R. L. li. m. s. ' h. m. s. ft. HI. S. ft. m. s. 1 50 01.1 i 1 51 52.3 1 53 43.6 1 55 34.6 At Ih 4'J%arc= I I 3-.79 11.1 52 02.5 53.6 44.6 21.2 12.4 54 03.6 54.7 ( 63^4 ' lemperat.ure ^ j 31.2 22.4 13.1 ; 56 04.6 41.2 1 32.4 •J3.6 14.7 Barometer = 29.718 51.3 42.4 33.6 24.7 51 01.3 52.5 43.0 34.S 11.3 53 02.6 53.7 44.7 21.4 12.6 55 03.7 54.8 ! 31.4 22.5 13.7 57 04.8 41.4 32.5 23.6 14.8 1 50 51.26 1 52 42.46 1 54 33.63 1 56 24.71 2 05 30.6 2 06 27.6 2 07 l.-^.l o 08 09.5 ( 2 ".29 \t 2" 09"! arc ^ 46.6 37.6 19.5 ( 2 .31 56.6 47.5 29.6 . 61 .7 Temperature =^ ' ( 49^.4 06 06.6 .57.5 4-.6 :'>9.6 16.5 07 07.4 .'tS.6 2 117 3~.5'J 19. r> Barometer = 29.710 2 05 5ti.5S 2 06 47. .52 2 08 29. .56 2 20 01.5 2 20 52.5 2 21 43.4 2 22 34.6 ( 1' .76 1 At 2ii 24 m, arc= J . 11.5 21 02.4 .53.4 44.6 21.5 12.5 22 03.4 54.6 ( 60'-'. 8 Temperature = s ( 49 .3 31.5 22.5 13.6 2:! 01.6 41.5 32.6 2 21 12.5 2 22 03. IS 2 14.6 22 54.6 Barometer = 29.699 2 20 21.5 2 50 01.3 2 50 52.3 2 51 43.4 2 52 34.5 ( l-'.09 At 2^ 54"\ arc= ■; 11.3 51 02.3 53.5 44.4 I 21.3 12.4 52 li:!.5 54.4 I .59^2 Temperature = , ., 31.2 22.4 13.4 53 04.5 41.2 2 50 21.26 32.4 23.5 14.5 .52 51.46 Barometer ^ 29.688 , 0-.52 At 3I' 54"^, arc = ' _ . . 2 51 12.36 2 52 03.16 2 3 50 02.6 3 50 .53.7 3 51 44.7 3 52 35.7 12.6 51 03.7 54.7 45.7 ' ( 0.54 22.7 32.6 13.7 23. s 52 04.7 14.7 53 115.8 ^ 69' ... Temperature = ^ .j, ^ 42.6 33.7 21.6 15.8 Barometer = 29.6-0 3 50 22.62 3 51 13.72 3 .52 01.6S 3 52 55.76 36 PENDULUM-^EXPERIMENTS Set 16, face 3, January 13, p. in. K. L. E. L. h. m. s. h. m. s. A. m. s. A. m. 3. 4 50 02.0 12.1 4 50 .52.9 51 02.9 4 51 44.0 54.1 4 .52 35.1 45.1 At 41' 54"!, arc= | 1^':'''^^ 22.0 32.0 13.0 22.9 52 04.1 14.0 55.2 53 05.2 Temperature = \ 62 'J I 46'-. I 41.9 32.9 24.0 15.1 Barometer = 29.776 At 5b .54"., arc = J J^J^ 4 50 22.0 4 51 12.92 4 .52 04.04 4 .52 55.14 5 50 01.1 11.1 5 50 52.2 51 02.2 5 51 43.2 53.3 5 52 34.1 44.3 21.1 12.3 52 03.2 54.3 Temperature = } *50°.6 31.2 22.3 13.4 53 04.3 I 4.7\7 41.1 32.3 23.3 14.2 Barometer = 29.760 At6h54-, arc=5 [|°;J^ 5 50 21.12 5 51 12.26 5 52 03.28 5 52 54.24 6 50 02.2 12.3 6 50 53.5 51 03.4 6 51 44.4 54.5 6 52 35.5 45.5 22.4 13.4 52 04.4 55.4 Temperature =>•''■' ( 430.9 32.2 23.5 14.4 53 05.6 42.4 33.4 24.5 15.5 Barometer = 29.769 At 7i> 24'", arc = \ °J;1l 6 50 22.3 6 51 13.44 6 52 04.44 6 52 55.5 7 20 01.8 11.9 7 20 53.0 21 03.0 7 21 44.0 54.0 7 22 34.9 45.0 21.9 31.9 12.9 23.0 22 04.1 14.0 55.1 23 05.0' Temperature' = \ ^^' '-^ ' 42'- .0 42.0 33.1 24.0 1.5.1 Barometer = 29.765 At7.. 39-, arc=; J';JJ 7 20 21.9 7 21 13.0 7 22 04.02 7 22 55.02 7 35 02.6 12.6 7 35 .53.5 36 03.5 7 36 44.5 54.6 7 37 35.7 45.7 22.7 32.5 13.6 23.6 37 04.6 14.7 55.6 38 05.7 Temperature = \ ^'^'^■'^ l 41°.9 42.6 33.5 24.6 15.6 Barometer = 29.765 i 0-.05 At?'. 58"., arc = J Oc.05 7 35 22.6 7 36 13.54 7 37 04.6 7 37 55.66 7 50 01.5 11.6 7 51 52.5 52 02.5 7 53 43.5 53.6 7 55 34.6 44.6 21.4 31.5 12.4 22.5 54 03.7 13.6 54.7 56 04.6 Temperature = ; ^"^ •' < 42°. 1 41.5 32.4 23.6 14.6 Barometer = 29.763 51.5 42.5 33.6 24.6 51 01.5 52.5 43.6 34.6 11.6 53 02.4 53,6 44.6 21.4 12.4 55 03.6 54.6 31.5 22.5 13.7 57 04.7 41.4 32.4 23.6 14.7 7 50 51.49 7 52 42.45 7 54 33.61 7 .56 24.63 AT POLARIS BAY. 07 METHOD OF REDUCTION. TEMPEEATUEE OF THE PENDULUM. To obtaiQ the true temperature of the pendulum at the time of obserration, two thermometers were fastened inside the box: one just above the support; the other (nearly) on a level with the swinging knife-edge. As the temperature of our little observatory, which was heated by means of a stove, was always influenced by that outdoors and by the velocity of the wind, which durino- the time the observations were carried on, amounted sometimes to forty-six miles an hour or more it was found that the temperatures indicated by the upper and the lower thermometer nearlv always showed differences from 10"^ to 15^ F. Of course, the higher temperature was always indicated In- the upper thermometer, which was surrounded by a stratum of air warmer than that influenciu" .the thermometer below. This circumstance caused great inconvenience in the reduction. The conductiug-power of brass being different from that of the air, we might have assumed, aptiori, that the temperature of the pendulum was not the same as that indicated by the thermometers at the time of observa- tion. According to the difference in tlie conductingpower of the two mediums, we might infer that whenever the temperature of the air was rising that of the pendulum itself would be lower, and when it was falling the actual temperature of the pendulum must have been higher than that indicated by the thermometer. Though many attempts were made to keep the temperature of the observatory uniform, they were unsuccessful: the upper and the lower thermometer always varied. At our second winter-quar- ters, at Polaris House, where also numerous exjieriments were made, I tried to eliminate this source of annoyance by attaching another thermometer inside the box, halfway between the two instruments mentioned before. Although we pi'opose to discuss the observations taken during our second winter-rpiarters after those made at Polaris Bay, we still think that we are jnstifted in taking here some points into consideration that have special connection with our case of temperature.* The third thermometer was used during the observations made at Polaris House. Calling the upper thermometer E,, the middle E_., andthe lower E3, we found that the temperatures as indi- cated by El and Ej differed but slightly, the difference amounting on the average to 1° F. only after the instruments had been corrected for their errors of graduation; consequently, the main difference of temperature must exist between E3 and E3, in which interval the two strata of extreme temperature seem to meet. In the reduction, we assumed that the two strata met half- way between E2 and E;,. In order to get a more definite idea of the relation of the variation of the temperature of the pendulum to that of the air surrounding the latter, we made the following experiments: A brass pendulum, of nearly the same dimensions as that used by us in the Arctic regions, was made at the United States navy-yard under the supervision of the writer. As it was a point of the highest importance to get the actual temperature of the pendulum itself, three holes were drilled into the rod: the first one was 22.2 inches from the top of the pendulum; the second, 24 inches from the first; and the third, 20 inches below the second. The bulb of a thermometer was introduced into each of these holes; and each thermometer was held in position by means of a cork, through the center of which the tube passed. To make the contact as perfect as possible between the bulbs of the instruments and the brass rod, the cavity was filled with brass filings. * We intended to repeat tlie experiments at Polaris Bay during the summer of 1872, but were prevented from doing 80 by the perilous position of the ship. .1 Q PENDFUJM-EXPERIJrEXTS TLe peudaliim was mounted in the same way as tlie one used during' our former observations. Three thermometers were attached inside the box in the same manner as mentioned above. The bulbs of these instruments, intended to indicate the temperature of the air, were at the same levels with the bulbs of those fastened to the pendulum. Tiie observations were made at the Smithso- nian Institution, on the third tloor of the north tower, in the west room, which has three windows reaching down to the floor; two of the windows facing north and one west. The room was heated by means oi' an iron stove, and the pendulum-box was about the same distance from the stove as the instrument at the rolaris Bay obser\atory. In order to obtain extremes of temperature simi- lar to those at northern stations, the experiments were carried on during the cold weather of Feb- ruary last (187.")^. A large fire was lit in the sto\ c, and the cold air from outdoors was made to rush in through an opening at the window if required; the opening being '2'> inches wide, !■"> high, beginning '2 inches above the floor of the room. The thermometers attached to the pendulum are desiguated — Pa (uppermost); P,, (middle); Pc (lower): the corresponding ones, to indicate the temperature of the air iu the box — E,, E,. I'.rpcrimcnt JN'o. 1, February ;>, 1S7 r eudiiluiu. Air. Pift'ereuces. Time. Koiiiark.s. o r„ Pc o o o ,( — 1 o /- — I ( — 1 , h . m . o O o 12 4,'. 11. m... 01.3 .^S.",' .'iS.O 7i;.-. 71.S ,511.S — 15.7 —14.0 — 2.3 \\'iiulo\v sliiit. 1 00 :i. m... 03.3 .'ill s .50.-; 7.'i.S 75.0 00.(1 — 12.S — 15.0 — 11.0 Wiiulovr shut; oin'iicil it after this readiug was talceii. no a. m... .'3,4 44.S 37.4 i(;.8 :'>7.2 32.2 -f O.I + 7.2 -hi.s Window shut after this readiug. .'lO ,-1. III... 5'.l.0 53.4 1-. 1 09.S 04.11 54.0 —11 3 — ii.y — 0.0 Wiiidow shut; opened it altei- this readiug. .^iS n. m . .. .m;.3 47.1 311.3 .50.1 40 3 33.11 + :•■' + C.4 + 5.9 Window open. •> 011 a. Ill . . . :>-^s< 41.7 34.0 41.1) 33.3 2S.S -1-10.1 -f S.O + 4.S Do. IS a. m - .. 47.0 ;'>o.s 30. r. 3S,0 211.0 20.0 + 11.4 + 0.5 -t- 1.1 Do. 24 a. m... 47. S 3S.0 33..', 51.3 41.0 35.S — 4.0 — 3.4 o * Window shut. 30 a. m... 4;>.7 4U.0 30.0 .57 '* 411.3 42.2 — 8.0 — 9.1 — 0.0 Do. 30 a. m... .^)0.3 41.S 37.4 511.!^ 52.4 45.1 —10.0 — 1.0 — S.l Do. 4."i a. m . .. Cuircilion for indcx-i'iiipr- Mcan r.1.7 — 0.3 44.3 3il.3 02. 2 50.,^ 4S.0 —11.0 —12.9 ;l,7 Uo. — 0.:! — 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.1 -1-0 3 — 3.7 ' — 3.0 — 2.4 X. B. — A strong uorthwest wind blowing during the whole night : average velocity ^30 miles per hour. AT POLARIS BAT. Experiment ^o. 2, February IS, 1S73. 39 Time. Peudiilnm. Air. Differences. Eeiiiaiks. Pa Pb ps Pc E, E, E3 rt — 1 6 — 1 c — 1 h. )«. o o o O o o o o o o s 00p.m... TO. 7 03. ■^ 59.5 .57.1 0^.4 ,">'* > 53.0 + 1.8 +10.6 + 3.7 Window sbut. If) p. m... Pe.3 G.'..4 00.4 01. S 64.3 00..-^ 0.0 + 0.7 + 0.0 11.1. 9 GO p. m... cs..-^ Co. 7 03. s 03.1 70.0 05.0 — 5.0 — 4.7 — ■'' 3 Do. 10 00p.m... 70.^ 07. .5 04.9 03.# 77 '^ T1.6 05.4 — 0.9 — 4.5 — 0.0 Do. If) p. m... 07.3 01.- 50.0 55.0 5.-'..^ 53.1 ,50.3 + ?-o + 8.3 + 4.5 Window open (afier 101'). 30 p.m... C.^.3 5;).:. 54.0 53.9 50.7 50 .- 50.S + S.1 + 6.3 + 0.7 "Window open. U 00 p. m... l',0.- 53. -• 4--'.iJ 40. H 50.U 45.7 39.9 + >.3 + '■' + 0.5 Do. 30 p. m... (>3.9 501. > 54.1 51.9 09.4 00.5 55.7 — O.s — 6.1 — 4.0 Window sbnt (after IIM, 10 1.". a. m... c.:.A 00.0 ",- o 74.0 07..? 00.0 — 9.1 < o — 5.0 Window sbnt. 1 00 a. m . . . Coiri'i'tiuii- - . Mean ii7,;! 01. s 59.1 57.4 73.0 07.0 co.o — 0.4 — 5.0 — 3.0 Do. - 0.3 — 0.3 0.0 — 0.1 + 0.0 + 0.1 + 0.3 — 0.^ + 0.4 + 0.1 1 1 X. B. — Tliiiaionieter Pj was attached to the pendiduin midway between Pi, and P, E.ipcriment Xo. 3, February 19, 1S75. Time. Pend dnni. Air. Differences. Remarks. P« Pb P= P.- E, E. o E, o a — 1 a — 54.0 53.7 50.0 51.1 49.0 +13.0 + 7.3 + 4.1 Window shnt after this reading. 30 p.m... 04.0 00.0 ^ ' ■' 7>C<.-^ Oii.O 60.3 59.3 — 0.9 ."> - — 0,9 Window shnt. 11 00 p. m. .. Oi'.4 00.3 01.0 ;''j.~' 74.0 70.0 t.i5.3 — 8.:! — f^.l — 5,9 Do. 15 p. m. .. 07.7 03.- 00.7 01.5 """">"> 73.0 07.0 —10.0 - 9.0 — 5.9 Window opened after this reading. 40 p. m... 05.0 61.:'. 5,-.i 57. >■ 03.4 00,0 5i'..9 + 0.0 + 0.9 + 0.5 Window opened. 10 On p. ra... 04.5 59.0 y\ ."1 )7 3 49.9 + 0.7 + 5.0 + 0.4 Window shnt after thi,^ reading. 10 p. ni . . . 05, S 00.7 59.3 57.9 73.0 O'^.O 00,0 — 7.7 — 7,7 — 4.5 Window opened after this reading. 00 p. m..- 05.5 59.^ 55.7 ;i.>.3 07.0 00.0 55.0 o .■) — O.Oi — 0,1 Window shnt- 50 p. m . . . Correction for 03.^ 55.('. 50.0 5(1.0 00.7 51.3 47. S + 0,0 + 3.9 + 0.0 Do. iddt'X-error. Mean . — 0.3 — 0.3 0.0 — 0.1 + 0.0 + 0.1 + 3 [ — 1,0 — 0.0 — 1.4 40 PEXDULPM-EXPERBIENTS Results. — The variations of the temi^erature of the air in relation to tbe variation of the teraper- ature of the pendulnm are represented in the three following equations, for the upper ( JEj JPa). middle (JE., JPi,), and lower (JE3 JP,.), thermometers: JE, = 4.0 JP^ (1) /lE2 = 2.GJPi, JE3 = 2.0 JP„ JE, =2.GJPa (2) JE, = 2.GJP„ JE3 = 1.7 JP„ JE, = G.7 JP., (3) JE2 = 4.0 JP,, JE3 = 2.0 JP, or the CO efficients by which the variations of the temperature of the pendulum have to be multi- plied in order to obtain the corresponding variations <>f the temperature of the air are represented as follows: aP„ APi, ^F, Eebruary 3 4.0 2.G 2.0 February 18 2.G 2.G 1.7 February 19 G.7 4.0 2.0 Mean . , 4.4 3.1 1.9 hence, we may assume that the variations of the temperature of the pendulum are in proportion to the variations of the temperature of the air as — 1, i, and i, respectively, for — P., Pfc, and P,,, in reference to E„ E„ and E3. We found the differences of the temperatures of the pendulum and tlie air to be — 30.2, '.7, and l-'.7; ' or, on the average, the pendulum w:is found to be 10.9 colder than the air surrounding it; but in our reductions no use was n)ade of these latter values, as they were not considered to be relia- ble enougli, and the time at our disposal did uot permit us to make auy more experiments. As we stated above, an additional thermometer (P,) was inserted between P,, and P,, during the experiments made on February IS and 19; and, by expressing the temperature of the different poiuts of the pendulum where the thermometers were attached by the following equation: For the determination of the coefficients /„, «, l>, and c, we have the observed temperatures of four points of the pendulum at different distances (y), which furnish the equation of conditions; further, the last two sets of observations furnish the three following equations: + 50.2 = + 12a + 144& + 1728c a = + 0,7G - 30.4 = - 5« + 25& - 125o h = + 0.004 - 40.7 = - 10« + 100& - 1000c c ^- 0.002G AT POLAEIS BAY. ^^ hence, the temperatures of the pendnlum, and their variations iu regard to y aud the point of max- imum variation, may be expressed by the following three oijuations: t = 01O.3 + 0.3S(/ + 0.01//- - 0M03y' ^ar- = -^-= 0.3S +0.002;/ -0.0009/ !,y.= 0.002 -0.001C// = // = lind.. + 4.9 = +12,7 + lUb + 172Sc „ = + o.i;.:^, --•'' = —■"''+ 2:./)— i2:)c ?< = + 0.0070 = -lOa + 1005 - 100c : c> = - 0.0021 ■ O..I f= 60O.4 +0.31)/ + 0.(102,/- - 0.0003r di y- = var. = + 0.31 +0.004;/ -0.0009,/- (Vi J-. = + 0.004 - O.OOIS]/ = lience, y = +2 inches, which indicates that the cold and warm strata of air meet two inches above the place occupied by 1\,. Before one inch was found for ,/. which shows that the condi- tions remained about the same during the last two days. 3IETH0D OF EEDrCTION. As the different sets of transits were taken at intervals of fifteen minutes, or at multiples of fifteen minutes (with but very few exceptions), the times of transits are represented by the series given iu the first column, headed "15'" interval."' The second column gives the approximate chronometer-time for the mean of the series, cor- responding to the mean of the time of EL, EL. The third column contains the arc of vibration, as interpolated for the middle, between the time preceding and following, and is written between. The two colirmns next following give the respective temperatures of the air, interpolated from those observed, corresponding to the same time as the arc of the precediu.;- column. The figures at the bottom of these two columns are the mean temperatures of the air during the time of obser- vation. As we may presume that the mean temperature of the air during the entire time of observation is equal or nearly equal (differing but by a constant), we may presume that the tem- perature of the pendulum can be deduced from the observed temperature of the air by using the ratios found, as explained above. This was done iu such a manner that, first, the differences were taken between the observed temperatures and the mean (given below); then, these differences were multiplied either by i (for P„) or by J (for P^), and the results added to the respective means.* The column headed '-I.TIA'" gives the correction corresponding to the arc Ai for the interval of time of fifteen minutes. We assumed that the arc at the middle would correspond to the mean of all the arcs, even if the interval was divided into an infinite number of parts, and then the mean of all the arcs taken. The correction for arc is obtained in the manner followiug: The time of vibration observed is nearly — .Vi.(.^..^^....) * At Polaris House, by J for Pb- 42 rENDULUM-EXPEEIMENTS and, if tlie observations continue for a very short interval of time, the observed time of vibration has only to be divided by — 1 + A' sin^io IG or the number of vibrations performed in any interval of time, say fifteen minutes, as in our case, or 900 vibrations (more or less), has to be multiplied by the above quantity. Therefore, the correction to an infinitely small arc becomes, in our case, with sufQcient accuracy, sin^ 1° 900 A^ 10 giving, after the calculation has been performed, 1.71A2 the unit being 0.01 of a vibration. A small table was constructed for this purpose, and is given below:* Correction for arc for 15" interval, or 1.71A^. Unit = 0".01. s. o s. o s. s. o s. o s. o CO 1.87 4.9 1.69 3.9 1.51 2.9 1.30 1.9 1. 05 0.9 0. 73 5.9 1.86 4.8 1.68 3.8 1.49 2.8 1.28 1.8 1.02 O.K 0.69 5.8 1.84 4.7 1.66 3.7 1.47 2,7 1.26 1.7 1.00 0.7 0.64 5.7 1,83 4.6 1.64 3.6 1.45 2.6 1.23 1.6 (1.97 0.6 0, 59 5.6 1.81 4.5 1.62 3.5 1.43 2.5 1.21 1.5 0.94 0.5 0. 54 5.5 1.80 4.4 1.60 3.4 1.41 2.4 1.18 1.4 0.91 0.4 0.48 5.4 1.78 4.3 1.59 3.3 1.39 2.3 1.16 1.3 0. H7 0.3 0.42 5.3 1.76 4.2 1.57 3.2 1.37 2.2 1.14 1.2 0.84 0.2 0. 35 5.2 1.74 4.1 1.55 3.1 1.35 2.1 1.11 1.1 0. 80 0.1 0.25 5.1 1.73 4.0 1.53 3.0 1. 32 2.0 1.08 1.0 0.76 0.0 5.0 1.71 The horizontal lines in the last three columns were drawn in order to indicate where transits were observed, and to facilitate the process of summing up each of the last three columns under consideration, from the middle series or horizontal line to the respective series or horizontal lines above and below. As in former reductions of ob.sor\ atioiis made with the Hayes pendulum, t 50° F. was adopted as a convenient standard temperature, we used the same value, which was thrown off in making the respective additions. The results are given opposite the horizontal lines in the next column to the right, headed -Pa and - P,,, which have to be multiplied by the two co-efficients of temperature, 0.3.35 and 0.135.^ * The few extreme cases beyoud the limit of this table can easily be supplied. t Schott (luc.cit., p. 33) assumed the coefficient of expansion to be 0.0001045, and the coefficient for the number of vibrations, 0.4518. Instead of the latter v.alue, we used 0.452, which was considered to be accurate enough. t To take not only the expansion, but also the unequal deu.sity of the pendulum into account, we assumed that the two strata of cold and warm air met midway between E^ and E., (as shown above). In order to obtain the factors men- tioned, the moment of inertia of the pendulum (of the dimensions as stated above) was divided by the statical moment, which gave the length of the simple pendulum. Designating by ti and r^ the number of degrees Fahrenheit aljove 50° of the upper and lower end respectively, it was found that the correction to be applied to the usual correction for tem- perature, 0.452 l-~ — j on account of unequal density, is, + 0.10(7,--,) + 0.17(n-r,) if the two strata of air meet at Ve or Pc respectively. AT POLAEIS BAY. 43 The last column contains the sum of the above-named corrections, which have to be applied to the mean of EL, EL transits, in connection with a small correction, i (to be found below), in case the interval of time during which a series of transits was observed was not fifteen minutes exactly. At Polaris Bay, we made this small correction by assuming the excess for one minute, derived from a preliminary reduction, to be —0^06, whereas at Polaris House the value of -|-0M0 was made use of. In recapitulating the transits, only the tenths and hundredths are given, as the whole num- bers are not necessary, because the differences only are needed, and the whole seconds are easily supplied hereafter. In taking the mean of the following series of transits — 39.52 = 39 + 0.52 30.50 = 30-1- 0.50 21.52 = 21 -f 0.52 12.60 = 12 -H 0.60 M = 26.03 = 25.5 -|- 0.53 we see that the mean of the fractions differs but 0^5 from the actual mean if the whole numbers are carried along. For this reason, only the mean of the fractions was taken into account. The sign of the correction r (the total reduction for arc, temperature, and barometer) is the same for the upper series and reversed for the lower. By adding i and r to the mean, we obtain the corrected transits, corresponding to the vertical argument (I). The observations taken at Polaris Bay show that the pendulum was losing on the chronome- ter, or the chronometer gaining on the pendulum: the excess of the pendulum was negative, whereas at Polaris House it was found to be positive. In order to obtain the numbers in the col- umn headed "Interval" (of the upper series) the preceding transits had to be subtracted from the middle series, and the middle series from the transits following. The necessary whole number of seconds was sujiplied, because there is only an even number of vibrations between the series.* The sign -|- was attached to the preceding, and — to the following interval, in order to make the excess appear negative. Underneath the column under consideration, the sum of the negative and positive intervals is to be found. These sums ought to balance each other in case the transits of the middle series were perfectly correct and the errors of the other transits would balance each other, as they gen. erally would do according to the rules of probability. Consequently, the difference of these sums is equal to the product of the error of the middle series into the number of series. The column headed "Observed" gives the observed intervals as deduced from the mean of all the series, and not from the middle series alone. The column headed "Product" gives the product of the interval and the excess, as required, according to the method of least squares. The sum of the products is given below the column. No correction is needed if the two strata meet .at Pb. We adopted tbe coefficient 0.10; and tlie coniijlete correction for tlie sum of vibrations performed in a solar day becomes, after combining tbe coefficients of ti and -; into one— 0.322 T, +0.130 Til for a solar day, and, therefore, for an interval of 15 minutes — 0.335 ri + 0.135 72 the unit being now 0.01 vibrations. " As the excess was positive at Polaris House,, the middle had to be subtracted from the preceding transit, and the following transit from the middle. Instead of finding the excess at once, it might bo found to be more convenient to assume an excefe by first approximation, in order not to be compelled to carry over so many figures and find only the correction to this assumed value; bat, as the excess for 15'" was under 1» at Polaris Bay, the excess was found at once. At Polaris House, it would bo well to assume 1^5, and find the correction to this value. 44 PEND ULUM-EXPEEIMENTS aud should be divided by the sum of the squares of the intervals (^P), which gives the excess for 15™ chronometer-time, aud, if multiplied liy 96, gives the excess (retardation) for 24'' chronometer- time. As the chrouometcv A was gaining 23SM in a solar day, the number of vibrations of the pendulum performed during a solar day will be equal to 86400 + 238".! = retardation. The column before the last contains the intervals, and the last one (J) the residuals, expressed in hundredths of seconds of time. In comparing the residuals of the different days with each other, we perceive a regular wave, that can be traced through the whole series of observations. We can account for this only in the following manner: As has been stated before, the temperature, as indicated by the upper thermometer, fastened inside the pendulum-box, was always found to be higher than that of the lower thermometer. As the pendulum was always re\ersed a short time before each set of observations was taken, except on January 5, a. m., and on January 8, a. m., the cold end of the rod was turned upward and the warmer one downward. It is easy to perceive that the upper (now colder) end took up the tem- perature of the air, as indicated by the thermometer, but slowly; whereas the lower (now warmer) end radiated its heat more readily. When the difference of the negative and positive sums of intervals (as stated before) was larger (except during the two days mentioned above) than could be attributed to the effect of the error of observation of the middle series, it was assumed that cooling had taken place after the pendulum had been reversed. To simplify the process of this special reduction, the action of cooling was assumed to commence at the moment the pendulum was reversed, aud to be uniform, although it is more rapid at the beginning than at the end. To obtain the rate of cooling, it was necessary to divide the difference mentioned by — 400 in the series of 4 hours, and by — 1080 in the series of 6 hours. The following scheme will show how this cau be done. Giving, in the first column, the inter- val ; in the second, the cooling, that for the interval of 15 minutes taken as unit; aud, in the third, the correction for cooling, the correction being represented by the squares of the second coluum, then the correction for the interval will be the differences between the series properly and the middle series, as represented in the fourth column: I AI AI^ Correction to observed interval. — 8 — 64 7 1 1 63 6 2 4 60 — 4 4 16 — 48 8 64 + 4 12 144 + 80 6 14 196 i:i'2 7 15 225 161 + 8 16 256 + 192 2' = 800 In comparing the residuals, it will be seen that the correction applied on account of cooling has improved the final result considerably. AT POLARIS BAY. 45 Cliroiiometer-Comparisoiis. JANUARY 4, 187-2. Z I B I C I D I E I A I h. m. s. 3 6 57.4 2 36 55.0 9 39 33.2 2 37 52.0 3 51 04.8 2 40 14.0 2 39 51.8 2 42 5.1.0 9 44 03.5 2 44 55.0 6 13 39.4 3 20 10.0 s 77. 4 65 43 1 62 14 5 58.7 62.0 13.2 65.0 49.4 20.0 s. s. s. 32.2 99.6 42.0 89.0 40.6 48. 8 119.8 92.0 100.0 171.0 135. 9 187.0 JANUARY 5, 1872. 3 04 20. 1 2 34 14. 9 41 22. 6 2 35 42.0 2 49 26.0 2 38 32. 2 36 28. 4 2 39 31.0 2 37 37. 4 2 40 30.0 6 01 10. 1 2 03 45. m. 05 41 35 49 38 36 39 37 40 01 03 14.1 08.0 32.5 52. 36.8 42.0 38.5 , D 41.2 : I 47.3 ' E 40. 20. 1 A 55. I h, m. 8 27 7 56 3 04 7 57 8 10 7 59 7 57 8 00 3 06 8 02 11 25 8 27 03.0 57.0 24.4 51.0 39.3 44.0 44.9 48.0 37.5 37.0 58.6 40.0 m. s. 27 13.0 57 07. 04 34. 4 58 00. 9 10 50. 59 55. 57 55.0 00 58. 07 23.4 03 23. 26 OS. 6 27 50. JANUARY 6, 1872. Z I B I C I D I E I A I h. m. s. 2 53 21.4 2 23 14.6 9 34 18.5 2 38 00.0 2 27 04.0 2 24 47.5 3 27 52.0 9 35 36.9 2 28 34.7 6 13 48.2 3 12 25.0 m. s. 53 33.6 23 26.8 34 38.6 38 12. 27 16.0 24 54.6 27 59.0 35 48.1 28 46.0 13 58.3 12 35.2 Z I B I C I D I E I A I k. m. s. 9 01 47.4 8 31 40.0 3 44 26. 6 8 33 50.0 8 46 16. 6 8 35 20.0 8 33 15.2 8 36 20.0 3 45 13.0 8 37 10.0 12 09 31.8 9 07 20. m. s. 01 57. 5 31 50.0 44 36. 6 34 00. 46 26.7 35 30.0 33 25.2 36 30. 45 23.1 37 20. 09 41.7 07 30. Z I B I C I D I E I A I li. m. s. 2 10 11.6 1 40 05. 8 53 10.7 1 41 44.0 1 54 54.9 1 43 59.0 1 42 38.1 1 45 44. 8 56 10.2 1 47 17. 4 23 33.5 1 25 30. m. s. 10 26.5 40 20.0 53 25.7 41 49. 55 24. 9 44 29. 42 50. 2 45 56.0 56 22.2 47 29. 28 53.5 25 30. 46 PENDULUM-EXPERIMENTS Clii'Oiioiiieter-Coiiipari$>oiis. I JANUARY 8, 1 <72. A. M. r. M. p. M. 7i. m. s. m. s. ft . m. s. m. s. ft. ))i. s. HI. S. z 2 56 21.0 58 29.1 Z 8 38 54. 6 39 04.5 z 2 16 08.5 16 18.5 I 2 26 07.0 28 15.0 I 8 08 40.0 08 50. I 1 45 54.0 46 04.0 B 9 47 47.5 47 57.5 B 3 28 32. 8 28 42.8 B 06 19.5 06 32.5 I 2 30 11.0 30 21.0 I 8 10 00.0 10 10.0 I 46 52.0 47 05.0 C 2 43 56.8 44 38.9 C 8 23 05.5 23 15.5 C 59 39.0 00 20.0 I 32 52.0 33 34.0 I 8 12 00.0 12 10.0 I 47 34.0 48 15.0 D 2 31 19.2 31 29. 2 D 8 09 .57. 3 10 07.3 D 47 06.4 47 16. 5 I 2 34 22. 34 32.0 I 8 13 00. 13 10.0 I 50 10.0 50 20.1 E 'J 50 19. 9 50 29. 9 E 3 29 59. :;o 09. E 1)7 56.5 08 08.5 I 2 35 17.0 35 27.0 I 8 14 00. 14 10. I 51 03.0 ,-.2 15.0 A 6 16 11. S 16 21.8 A 11 04 39.5 04 49.6 F 34 53.2 35 03.2 I 3 06 50. 07 00. I 7 .54 30.0 40.0 I 23 50.2 24 00. 2 JANUARY 9, le 72. A. M. A. M. p. Ji. ft. m. s. s. 7i. m. s. s. ft. m. s. s. z 3 03 22.2 . 37.2 A 11 10 05. 8 15. 8 A 4 45 41.2 51.1 I 2 34 07.0 22.0 I 7 56 00. 10.0 I 1 30 40.0 50.0 B 9 56 49.5 59.5 Z 8 58 26. 1 36.2 z 2 22 13.5 25.3 I 2 35 15.0 25.0 I 8 28 10.0 20.0 I 1 51 57.0 69.0 c ■ 2 47 46.4 56.4 ■ B 3 .51 53.5 73.5 z 2 23 06.5 35.3 I 2 36 40.0 50.0 I 8 29 20.0 40.0 I 1 52 50.4 79.0 T> 2 34 16.5 26.5 C 8 42 27.5 37.5 ' B 9 18 09.0 19.0 I 2 37 20.0 30.0 I 8 31 20.0 30.0 I 1 54 42.0 52.0 E 9 57 02.5 12.6 D 8 28 56.8 66.8 C 2 07 32.7 42.6 I 2 38 02.0 12.0 I 8 32 00.0 10.0 I 1 56 25.0 35.0 A 6 34 10.3 20.4 E 3 52 59.5 69.6 D 1 54 13.9 26.8 I 3 20 50.0 60.0 I 8 33 00.0 10.0 I 1 57 17.4 30.0 A 12 27 38.8 58.7 D 1 55 53.6 .56.0 I 9 13 20.0 40.0 I E 1 9 58 20 57.0 41.4 59.4 51.4 I 1 54 48.0 58.0 AT POLAEIS BAY. 47 - Chronometer-Comparisons • JANUARY 10, 1872. A. M. A. JI. p. M. h. in. s. s. s. .S\ /(. m. s. s. s. li. m. s. s. Z 2 Wj 21.3 30.9 61.0 17.3 A 11 14 41.6 51.6 A 4 52 07. 2 17.3 I 2 0.5 04.0 14.0 44.0 60. I 7 56 40.0 50.0 I 1 33 10.0 20.0 B 9 33 02.5 12.0 Z 8 52 26. 3 36.0 86.0 Z 2 2 5 34.0 44.0 I 2 07 35.0 45.0 I 8 22 10.0 20.0 70.0 I 1 55 17.0 27.0 C 2 20 12.7 23. 5 50.7 B 3 50 08.0 18. 5 B 9 23 19.7 29.7 I 2 09 04.0 1.5.0 42.0 I 8 23 40.0 50.0 I 1 5 5 56.0 66.0 D 2 07 12.5 22. 5 C 8 36 28.0 37.9 C 2, 08 53.0 63.0 I 2 10 16. 26. I 8 25 20. 30.0 I 1 .57 44. .54.0 E 9 33 19.5 59.4 D 's 23 05.0 15.0 D 1 55 36. 5 46.5 I 2 10 56.0 06.0 I 8 26 10.0 20.0 I 1 58 41.0 51.0 A 6 58 51.7 61.7 E 3 50 34.3 44.3 E 9 24 23.8 ■:,c,. 9 I 3 41 30.0 40.0 I A I 8 26 40.0 12 38 45.3 9 20 30.0 .50. 65.6 50.0 105. 6 90. I 1 5 9 34.4 47.4 JANUARY 11, 1872. A. jr. A. M. p. SI. h. m. 8. s. s. s. li. m. .3. s. 7i. m. s. 8. 8. Z 3 10 22.0 33.0 A 11 28 50.8 60.8 A 4 46 34.0 54. 7 I 2 40 03.0 13.0 I 8 06 50.0 60.0 I 1 23 40.0 00.0 B 10 10 11.0 21.0 Z 9 10 58.5 09.2 Z 2 26 43.3 53.3 I 2 40 40.0 50. I 8 40 39.3 50.0 I 1 56 22.0 32. C 2 53. 18.4 28.3 B 4 12 27.1 37.1 B 9 28 34.8 44.8 I 2 42 07.0 17.0 I 8 41 57.0 67.0 I 1 57 11.0 21.0 D 2 39 50.4 61.4 C 8 .54 41. 7 52. 6 C 2 09 57.7 67.7 I 2 42 54.0 65. I 8 43 30. 41.0 I 1 58 44.0 54.0 E 10 11 06.0 17.5 56. 3 86.5 D 8 41 12.8 22.8 D 1 56 26.8 37.5 56.4 I 2 44 09.4 20.4 59. 4 90.0 I 8 44 17.0 27.0 I 1 59 29.0 40.0 59.0 A 6 39 44.2 54.2 E 4 12 58.0 70.0 E 9 29 26.5 36. 5 I 3 18 30.0 40.0 I A I 8 45 02. 12 31 21.7 09 .10.0 14.0 41.6 30.0 I 2 00 37.0 07.0 48 PENDULUM-EXPE R LM ENTS Clii'onoinetcr-Coiiipni'isoiis. JANUARY 12, 1872. A. M. A. JI. r. M. /i. in. s. s. s. s. 7i . m . 8. s. I. m. s. s. s. s. z 12 40 03.6 13.6 z 9 01 34.5 44.5 A 7 10 25. 7 35. 7 I 12 09 40.0 50.0 I 8 31 10.0 20. I 3 43 10.0 20.0 A 4 22 10.7 20.7 A 11 22 30.6 40.6 Z 4 26 28.4 38.4 I 12 57 20.0 30.0 I 7 56 30.0 40. I 3 .56 05. 15. B 7 43 37. 1 47.1 B 4 06 30.5 40. 5 B 11 32 33. 9 47. 5 78. 9 123. 9 I 12 10 30.0 40.0 1 8 32 00.0 10.0 I 3 56 51.0 65.0 97.0 141.0 C 12 23 46.7 56.7 C 8 45 47.8 .57.8 C 4 12 10.0 28.0 I 12 12 30.0 40.0 I 8 34 30. 40.0 I i 00 59. 71.0 D 12 10 19.7 29.5 59.3 99.3 D 8 32 09.7 19.6 D 3 58 49.0 62. I 12 13 20.0 30.0 60.0 100.0 I 8 35 10.0 20.0 I 4 01 51.0 64. E 7 46 32. 8 42.8 E 4 07 56. {)C,. E 11 36 02. 4 12.5 I 12 16 00. 10.0 I 8 36 00. 10. I 4 02 54.0 64.0 A 12 47 13.9 23. 8 1 I 9 21 00.0 10.0 JANUARY 13, 1872. A. >I. A. JI. p. M. h. m. 8. 8. s. «. li. m. s. s. k. m. 8. s. z 1 54 03.3 12.5 31. 41.0 A 11 46 (12.7 12.7 A 8 00 24. 1 44.2 I 1 23 36.0 45.8 64.0 74.0 I 8 IC 00. 10.0 I 4 29 00. 20.0 B 9 02 20.3 34.4 Z ' 9 47 13.6 23. 6 Z 5 13 48. .58. I 1 25 01.0 15. I 9 16 46.0 56.0 I 4 43 20.0 30.0 C 1 38 06.9 16.9 B 4 56 20. 28.9 B 24 58.8 6-1. 8 I 1 26 46.0 56.0 I 9 17 42.0 51.0 I 4 45 00. 1(1.0 D 1 24 30.8 44.8 C 9 31 18.8 28.8 C 5 00 12. 9 22.9 I 1 27 30.® 44.0 1 9 19 57.0 67.0 I 4 48 50.0 60.0 E 9 03 04.4 11.4 D 9 17 40.5 81.4 D 4 47 21.6 31. 6 I 1 28 17.0 27.0 I 9 20 39.0 80.0 I 4 50 20.0 30.0 A 2 02 20.0 30.0 E 4 .58 01.0 14.0 E 28 47.5 .57. 5 I 5 31 20.7 30.6 I A I 9 22 01.0 1 36 39.1 9 56 20. 11.0 49.2 .30.0 I 4 51 30.0 40.0 r ?he reduction of the above coniparisons showed that the obscrvii g-chrono meter A had a gaining daily rate of 1^55 on mean sidereal time. However, in the way of our rcduc ;ions, we used 1 ".5 sidereal, or, what is thes ame, 238M gaining on mean solar time. It is proper to mention t liat we us eel the average rate through- out, nstead of the actual rate, as indicated by the above comparisons. AT POLARIS BAY. 49 Face I. TEMPEltATUltE Ul' THE- 4 3 2 — 1 U + 1 2 3 4 5 G + H ?i. m. 6 3^ .^■> 7 OH 23 3rt 53 8 OS 9 0,-, 23 10 08 1.20 11.92 I.I. 80 0. 09 0. On 0.54 0.48 0.42 0.37 ' 11. 32 j 0.28 11.24 i 0.20 0.17 0.14 0. 12 Pendulum. A r. 1\ Pc o o o co.o 411. 0,5. 49.2 07. 1 51.2 ,52. 5 05.2 50. 2 OS, 2 05. 5 50. 9 <;',i. 2 09.6 5;',. 8 54. 2 05. 7 .51.5 05.8 51.7 09. 1 53. 7 05. 7 51.5 08. 5 53.0 05. G 51.1 OS.O 52. 5 05.4 50.9 07.0 51.5 05. 2 50.4 0,5. 4 49.8 01.8 49. 5 o:',. 7 48.2 64.4 48.8 02. 46. 5 45. 04.0 47.9 0,0. 3 (i3.5 47.1 5S, 5 43.0 03. 3 40.5 ,SUU]S COIiJtECTlONS loK Arc. s. 2.: 1.5 5i;. 8 12. 8 41.5 0,2. 0,2. 0!.G ; 49.: 10.0 45. 4 1.1 _0.^ O.G 0.5 0. 4 0.3^ 0.2 0.2 ! 0.1 0.1 0. 1 0.1 0.0 0. o 123. 9 lOS. 9 93. 7 + 7.0 + 7.8 + 7.6 + 5. 2 7. G 5. 2 3.7 Tcuipcrature. +41.5 +30. 5 +31.5 +20. 9 «. + 0. 9 + 1.1 + 1.0 + 0. 7 Barom- eter. 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 5S. 4 85. 2 97. 9 110.1 — 3.4 0. (i — 9. 8 0. 8 — 1;;.8 0. 8 —IS. 4 0,8 + 19 H-2S r, +32 8 +30 9 1.3 1.9 0. 1 0. 3, 0.3 riUSEi;\'i;ii 'rRAN,'^iTS i;y ,si!)i';iiEAL (4:i;oM(i;vi!:'ri:K a. ( CJaiiiing 238".l ou suhir lime.) R. L, - 4 + 4 6 7 + ^ . 75 72 .72 OS .52 ' 50 ig! 21 i 8*") S 1 ■ QO '''~' 03 01 00 02 95 90, R. ' L. .81 .00 28 92 .91 OS .10 00 . OS 00 .27 Mi'an. i r Trans. Interval. R. s. . r.t — 12 + 50 . 13 + 6.70 .7;; — 20 + 43 . 90 5. 93 . 53, 00 + 30 . S9 5. 00 .,- 00 + 23 .48 + :•,. n .89 00 .89 .72 - 31 — 2i) .21 — 3. 32 .05 00 O;^ 77 4. 8S .03 00 p,o ,71 5. -'2 oi; — 12 . 59 — 0.70 +0. .50 . 43 . 30 +0. 35 < )!ist'i-\c<1.' ri'(i(l(!(.'t. i^'ompnt'd ■in 1" t'd. + n. 70 r SO 5. 02 + ;; 35 — 3 ^r r 02 r 80 — 70 + '^ + ■'' — G + 2 — 1 — 1 + 10 — 4 —270. 1 +21. 10 15"' .'\ee<;s — 0. + 0.38 24'' + 0. 1 A — 80. 1 +238, 1 50 PENDULITM-EXPEEIMENTS Face 3. -i (D TEirr •■,I:ATUI!E Ol' THE— •r i- ■Zj ^■ H ^ - Pciidnlnm. ■" P j^ A r. ^ l^ O " .'-.0. 1 30. 1 49. s iiC. l.U ■' 0. iif) 49. 9 35. H 49. 8 35. 9 0.7 i * — 1 + 1 0. r,(.; 0.47 0. 40 49.0 49.4 49. 3 3512 35. 2 49.7 I 35.7 49.0 i 35.0 0.5 0.4 49.0 35.0 0.3 11.34 49. S 35. 49.7 :j5. 7 0.2 ^ 0. :;() no. 2 3,0. 1 49. H 30. 0.2 4 .'',4 09 24 0. 2(i (1. 22 .■■jO. i; 51.3 30. 37.2 49. 9 3,0.2 0.1 50. 1 30.0 0. 1 7 0.19 0. IC .52. 4 53. 1 37. 9 51). 4 30. 9 0.1 r.o. .^ 1 :i7. 1 0.1 M ;\'in . .'I 0.14 53. 1 37.7 50. G 1 30. » 0.0 49.7 35. 9 Snrns. ■— 5. 6 — 4.2 1.1 -110. n -100.0 - K5. G - 50. S 'ill:ll)Ci.TI(lNS I'dl — Arc. Teiiipcrutnre. Baroiii- i-tci-. K. K. i X. fl. 1 0. - 1.9 —15.7 — 0.2 9 9 — 1.4 ' — 13. G — 0. 2 G.4 - 0.9 -11.0 — 0.2 -0.02 . 05 . Oli 2.0, 0.4 0.1 — 1.0 50. — 0. 5 — :<\. 0. — 95. 9 + 0. 6 — lOU. 1 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.1 + 0. 3 0.2 0.0 0.2 - 7. C -11.2 -12. 9 -14.7 — 0.1 — 0.2 — 0.2 — 0.2 . 07 .11 . 12 -0. M ODSEi;VED TEANSrr.S BY SIDEREAL ClIl.'OM )J]ETEE A. — w 7 — 4 1) + 4 i; R. .11 . 10 . 02 .70 . 'M . 10 12 E. , 10 .08 .3,1 .17 R. L. s. s. . 55 .Gl .20 .42 .12 .12 .70 .80 .00 . 00 .18 .24 . 1,2 .04 .4^ .43 ili;:ui .40 . 110 .78 .01 .17 .01 . 3,9 12 12 r Trans. — 02 .26 — 05 .20 — 0,', .03 — OG . 72 .01 + 07 .24 i + 11 .72 + 13 .51 + 14 . 25 Interval. OliNorvcd + <'^ .81 4. 9S 3.29 3.23 4.71 5.51) 6.24 -f G. Gl 5. G7 4. H4 + 3. 15 — 0. 14 3.37 4. -5 5. G4 — 6. 38 ProdiU't. Coiiiput'd 52. 9 39.7 29.0 12. G 13. 5 29.1 39.5 51.0 -t- 6.48 5.07 4. w; -t- 3.24 — 3.24 4. HO 5 07 -~ G. 48 -fl3 *2 — 9 —14 —13 + 1 + :i +10 —19. 68 -f 20. 83 15'" 4- 1.15 241' -f 0. 14 A 2i;; 0.810 — 77.8 +238. 1 160. 3 = V REDUCTION FOE COOLING. liitcr\iil ob .served. Correction for cooling. — 8 6 — 4 1) + 4 i; 7 + n s. + G. 75 5.81 4.98 + 3. 29 — 3.23 4.71 5. 50 — 6. 24 + -IH' . 18 .17 + -14 . 3'H !4G Interval cor- Interval from rected- mean. Product. Computed. A .s. .9. n. s. + G. 93 + 6.91 — .55. 3 + 6. H5 + r. 5.99 5.97 41.8 5. 99 o .5. 15 5.13 30.8 .5.14 — i + 3. 43, + 3.41 — 0. 02 13. C + 3. 42 — 1 — 3.46 3.48 13.9 — 3.42 — 6 5. Oil 5.11 311. 7 5.14 + ■' 5.9G 5. 98 41.9 5. 99 + 1 — C.79 — C.81 — 54.5 — 6. 85 + 4 -19. 68 -20. 83 -f 1.15 :400 -j- 0.0288 —21.30 -f21..50 + 0.20 -I- 0. 02 — 2S2. 5 — 0. 856 15" + 2. 480 15 -j- 1. 624 X 96 1.55. 9 = V rate AT POLAEIS BAY. 51 Face a. ^ , T^ 45 1 8 00 3 15 ■J 30 — 1 4.-) 9 00 + 1 ir, :1 30 45 4 10 00 i:. (j :;o 7 45 + '-^ U 00 1.52 1.15 0, Dl 0. 7iJ O.liJ 0.54 u. 4i; 0. 30 0. 33 0. 'i.S 0.'.>4 i!l 0.19 0.17 0. 15 0. 14 TKJIl'EltATUlnO OF THE — IV'iidulum. Air. 65. 5 00. 4 (w.l 07. -2 GO. 64.8 63. 61.2 Oil. 1 61.0 Cd.ti CI. 5 03. 1 03. 6 4.0 54.9 ■J. 3 64.7 5.>. 3 1.4 64.7 .5.5. !^ 1.0 {■•i.a 55. 1 n. 7 64. 1 54.7 0.5 (i3. 7 ,54. 1 0.4 (i:!. 2 53. 7 0. :'. 63. 2 53.2 0.2 63. 2 52.7 0.1 63.4 52. 2 0. 1 6:;. 6 51 a 0. 1 (;3.7 51.6 0. 1 63. w 52. 0.1 Slims. 113. .-^ + 3S.2 90. 5 + 33. 1 85.0 + 28.2 COKKECTIOX.S lOK- Arc. 10.6 6.6 4.3 . 6 + 17. 6 ; 1. 9 Temperature. s. +38. 2 +33. 3 +28.5 + l-'.6 + 5. •. + -1. .' + 3.t Bai'onj- eter. (I. 2 -, ^ — 5. 5(; — I!. 5 + 5. 67 4.; 11; 4. 25 + 2. s4 — 2. .4 ■! . 25 1.96 — 5. ( 17 + 12 — 1 + 1 _ 'I — 1; —10 — 5 + :! +11 — 17.05 + 1S. 40 15" + 1.35 241' + 0.17 A —231.0 — 0.7119 — (;s. 1 +2::s. 1 70. = L'EDUCTION FOE 6'(I(IMN'(!. Interval Sia Vim oh- I (.'nrrcctioii lor Interval coi- iveted. In from r> 1 t rrdilnct. mean. I — 8 7 6 — 4 + 4 6 7 + 8 + 5. 95 .5. 12 4.43 + 2. 92 77 13 76 39 s. s. S. + .22 + 6. 17 + 6.14 .21 5. 33, 5.311 . 211 4.63 4.60 + -1'^ + 3. OS + 3.115 — 0.113 — .27 — 3.04 3. 07 .45 4. 5S 4.61 .54 5. 30 5. 53 - .65 — 6.04 — (i. 07 49. I 37.1 27.6 12. 2 12. 3 27.7 3,7.3 48. 6 ('(iinpnted. + 6.10 5. 34 4,5,- + 3. (15 4. 5S 5. 34 6. 10 + 4 — 4 (I — 3 ,> — 3 + 1 + ■-' —17 + ls 05 4(1 + 1. + 0. 35 ; -100 033S —18. 96 + 19.21 + 0.25 + 0. 03, -251.9 — 0. 76:: + 2. 4,^0 + 1.717 164. s = 52 J 'EN D ULUM-BXrEKllM BNTS Face 4. + 1 + s o li. m. II T.I. f) 34. 5 4;.». .5 1 111..^ 19. '< :'.4.5 4!). .'•. 'J III..S 111.5 :; II!. r. 111. .-. I'.i.r. 411. r. 4 04..'. 111. r. 5[r;m. — 4 + 4 (1 (. — 4 (I + 1 r. 7 + « 1 7-> 1. :;7 1. u 0. 111 0. 71'. II. ( i;". 11. :>'< 0. 46 (1. :;ii II. :',;! (1. ■jii II. ■-':> II. •ji (1. IS II. Kj 0. 11 TH.^.U'Eii.M ij^i; K. L. .,. .*?. .10 .411 .'jr> . :!(; . lis .1-2 .70 .1^ . (Ill . 00 . . I'lri . (M .H4 . --'s .tin . 0.". roiiiiuiiiiii. Ail-. o .-'11. 7 00 1 (111 7 OO -J Oil :^ 00 y (,l 1 01 (.) r,i 1) f)S s ;i7 7 l'„ ill. IV 1-^.. 7 41). 1 ', .V,l. 7"'| 4 0.11 40. ^; I r.O. II I 4irT I. .s ! .17.11 47.0 4.5. 7 47 ] .is. r, (;()i:i:kciio,ns iuk- 1.4 iSmu.s. o 7.H, 4 — .'■II. 1 — :!!i. I — Arc. .■*. 1-i. 14.4 10.7 9. :i 9.7 (;. 1 Tcjiiin'ruluiv. I'.Mriiiii- ctcr. .s. 8. s. +-j:i.o — 1.0 — 1.4 + (1.3 + 0. 3 + I1I.S - 1.3 + 0. -i + !■;.'.' ~ 0.9 -(- 0.1 .31 .15 511, 7 r.ii. s .59. 9 •111.7 I 00.0 5(1. 5 .Ml. 9 511. I I 511.9 111. I 50. 1 49. 3 511. I ■III. 1 511. 49.5 .511.1 111.9 i 511.3 47. 3 4S. II l.ll II. 7 4S. 7 0.5 49. 3 0.4 49. 7 19. 5 II. -J 49. -2 0. 1 •111. 1 0. 1 19.0 0. 1 •19. L' 0. 1 50.0 59. 4 48. 9 !1). 4 19. 5 0. 0.0 50. 4 05.7 75. 1 4.3 4.9 .5.4 0.7 + ]■> .-' — 0.3 0. 9 + 0- 11 — 0. 0.9 + -i-i — 0.7 0.9 + --'•"' •> — 0.7. + 0. 1 + '■■ + 1' . 13, .19 +0.','O (.illSHKVKU 'I'KANSns BV SIDICUEAL CIl i;( ).\( ).M17ri:i; A. i;. L. ,9. .9. . 54 .00 .3l.i . 5'-i .'.'1 .'20 . 7.-' .90 .04 .00 .10 .(W . 5S .00 '■V-i .44 . 09 .3(1 :\[caii. .4-2 .37 .15 .79 . 9.S .(111 . 00 iTi'aiis. Iiik'i-viil. (ili.scrvnl — 1-2 — 4 12 ^■ 39 . 79 + :n .02 + 25 .40 + 15 .94 . ll'i — 13 .93 — 19 .41 >22 .11 — 2(; .74 8 + 6. 5. 19 30 4. 58 + 3. 04 — Z 95 43 5. 13 — 5. 76 + 0.09 5. 20 4. l.s + '2.94 — 0. 10 3.05 4.53 PriKlnut. 8. 4.-i.7 36. H 20. 9 11. .s 12. 2 27.2 30. 40. 9 i.l()ni])iirii. 8. + 5. 99 5. 24 4. •19 + 3.00 — 3. 00 4.49 5.2 1 — 5. 99 + 10 + '2 — 1 — (> —10 — 5 — 4 + 1 +13 -18. 27 —247. 1 +19. 17 15'" cxcL'.^s + 0.90 24'> + 0. 10 A 0.749 — 71.9 +'S.>,x. 1 6(1 2 = V KEDUCTION I'di; COOLING. Iiik'i'val ob- Mcrved. + 0.19 5. 30 4. .58 + 3.04 - 2. 95 4. 43 5.13 — 5.76 (IdiTi'dion lor cooliiiir. + .It .14 .13 + .11 — .1~ . 30 .36 — .43 Interval cdr- rectcd. + 0.33 5. 50 4.71 + 3. 15 — 3. 13 4.73 5. 49 — 6.19 Ii]tc'r\al from mean. + f;.3r ■ 5. .1- 4.09 + 3,. 13 — 0.02 3. 15 4.75 5. 51 — 6. 21 Plod net. 8. — .50. 5 3,s. 4 2.-', 1 12. 5 12.6 3.-'. — 49.7 Computed. + 6.2S 5.50 4.71 + 3. 14 — 3.14 4.71 5. 50 — 6, 28 + 3 .> 2 — 1 o — i — 4 — 1 + 7 —18. 27 +19.17 —19. 54 +19. 69 + 0.90 + 0.0225 :400 + 0. 15 + 0. 02 258. 9 — 0.785 + 2.180 + 1.095 102. 7 = V AT roLAijit; UAY Face 1. ■il-:Ml'l':l;ATL'RE OF THE — Air. .:) — 1 + 1 o 3 4 5 (i + 7 A. m. 6 57 7 12 42 07 s 12 27 42 57 y 12 -I 12 ' 10 1.01 0. t^2 0.(W 0.57 0. 4ri 0.42 0.36 0.30 0.26 0. 2:j 0.20 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.08 (J3. 5 64.7 (i5. 4 65.7 6C. ;; (iO. 4 66.6 66.7 66.6 66. 2 65. 6 65.2 64.6 i;;.:. 6 62. 4 01.6 Peuduliim. Pc , 1 iil. o'-i. 54. 6 6 5-_>. o 56. U 57. 57.6 57.2 65. 2 65. 3 4 4 5 5_ 5 1 65. 64. 64. 64. 5:1.4 53. 'J 54.2 54.6 55.1 55.£ 55.2 54.2 53.3 52 2 51.4 51,0 50. 6 50. 1. L I 0.8 0.4 0.3 ■ 0.2 j_0.2 0. 1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0. ' 0. i) 0. 0. COr.KECTIOX.S IDIt— 122.0 4- 107.3 + 02. 3 + 30. 1 26.0 Arc. CI.;- + 19.3 5.5 3.6 2.5 1.1 Temperature. +40. 9 +u5.9 +30. + 4.5 + 4.1 + 3. 6 2U.7 + Barom- eter. 0.1 Jlran. .. 61.2 + '.:0. '.) + 105.3 + irj.5 + 65. 1 14,0 0. 3 17. 3 0.3 17. 9 0.3 17.0 0.3 +20. 5 . + — 0. 1 +:\r>. 3 + 10. + 2. 3 + 2. 4 + 2.4 0. 1 0. I 0.1 0!;.^ER\'i:ii TKAXSIT.S BY SIDEREAL CHK(.>X(_»METER A. I. 1 E. L. R. L. IIM eai s. s. s. s. s. — 8 .65 .92 . 06 13 09 7 .56 . 62 .60 (J2 60 6 . 36 .30 .46 56 42 — 4 .66 72 . 7 2 5'0 75 .58 .62 .64 64 62 + 4 . 58 .51 . 60 62 58 (i . 32 ''V .42 Tr' ■J" 7 .60 .62 . 62 "jO iy> + 8 ..38 .46 .51 56' " I'raD.s 21 36 (I 10 + 51 .40 + 43 . 03 + 37 .70 + 21 .90 .62 — 23 .34 — 33 . 69 — 38 .25 — 13 . 95 + 5. 4. 3. 59 2. 63 + 5. 27 4.(12 3. 86 2. 66 + 0.03 — 2. 1.15 3. 93 4. 58 — 5,28 42. 2 32. 3 23. 2 10.6 10.6 23. 6 32, 1 JO o + + 53 s. s. — 0.1 + 0.51 — 0. 1 . 43 -0.1 . 37 24 +0. 13 Iuter\al. (illjsenra, I'roduct. (Jdiiiiiiit'il A « 5, 26 4, (1(1 3, 94 O (13 'J, 63 3, 94 4. 60 5. 26 + 1 + '-i — 8 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 2 —111. +16, 27 — — —216,8 15™ excess — 0. 657 24'' — 63. 1 A +238, 1 75, = V Ni.icE,— 'I'lie .same /':ir:c as (lie (1,'iy lM_16ie, The liox was kept closed; lirncc tlie tcniiierature of the pciidir- lum far below that of the air, as indiratrd by the tljeniioinetrr,-^. The general iiieau of llir temprratiuc of the lower thermometer = 44' ■ + 4 ', which may be used. Result = 68.5 + 1.6 + s. 54 VEXD UL UM-EXPE IILMEIN'TS Face 2. + CJ . = a C o o o ^ A. m. o 8 7 2ij. 7 41.7 2.05 fi 56.7 1. 55 r. 1 11.7 1.22 4 2G.7 1). ys 3 41.7 0. so 0. 07 0.57 0.49 1 5G. 7 2 11.7 20.7 1 41.7 0. 12 2 .'>li.7 4 3 11.7 20.7 0.24 (i 41.7 .00. 7 0. 20 0. 17 7 4 11.7 0. 15 (1 14 20. 7 Jlcaii. R. TEMl'EU-iTUIiE OF THE— Puiiduliiuj. Air. Pa To o o o o 57.5 43.0 56.6 42.4 58.2 1 41.4 50. :-; 43.1 58. 8 : 1.1. 1 50. 9 4:i. 1 58. 9 45. 50. 9 43.4 50.0 41.8 57.(1 43. :■, r,S. 5 43. 8 50. 9 42. 8 5H. 2 42. 9 56.8 42. 4 57.8 42.1 .56.7 42.0 57. 4 41.4 51 i. 6 41. (; 57.1 41.2 50. 5 41.5 5.5.6 4(1.9 56.1 41.3 55. 4 40.7 .50,1 41.2 51.4 :;o. 9 55. .-^ 40. 8 .52. 5 3^<. 2 55. 4 40. (( 50. 6 37. 1 5 ! . 9 .50.1 37.7 IvlT 39.7" 50.3 41.8 Sums. Ciji:i;ecU(in.s yijii- + .54.6 ■{•■'. 41.2 27.4 19.6 42. 7 29. 5 Arc. 18.3 11.1 7.0 2.9 Temperature. -fl8. 3 + 16.1 + 13.8 + 9.2 7.7 6.7 5. s 4.0 Barom- eter. 0.1 (1.1 0. ] 0.0 +0. 29 •Jil I .15 .08 25. 3 34. 4 41. 4 — 64. 1 + 45.1 — 74.4 0.8 + 8.5 — 4. 9 — 0.1 0. 9 + 12.2 — 7.2 — 0.1 0.9 + 13.9 — 8.7 — 0.1 0.9 +15.4 —10.0 — 0.1 . (M .00 .(10 +0. CO OBSERVED TRANSITS BY SIDEREAL CHR0N0JI];T1:R A. R. L. s. .67 .(i2 . ((^ . 9(; .90 .64 . 9.- ^20 Mean .. 1 s. <^.5 O.s (in (iO 52 00 (IS 14 90 (10 01 (14 10 fl.'^ ('■2 49 54 . 62 (17 9.- 07 03 01 12 J' 29 Trans + . 90 + 20 . H2 + 15 . (i'l + 8 . 15 .98 — 4 .63 — 6 .97 — 6 . 56 — 6 . 20 Interval, i (Jliserved.j Product. |Ciiiii|iut'(l, s. + 6. 02 5. 10 4.37 + 2.83 — 2. 65 3. 90 4. .5S r '■>'> + 5. SO 4. 91 I. 15 + 2.(;i — 0.22 I 21 4.80 — 5. 44 46 34 4 24 10 4 11 r> + + l.KO 1.19 33. (; 43,. 5 2. 79 4.19 4. S9 5. 5.S + 22 + 5 — 4 —17 —22 — H -} + 9 + 14 -10. 44 -18.38 15™ exeetis + 1.94 241" + 0.22 A -230. 2 - 0. 098 — 07.0 +23S. 1 71.1 = V REDUCTION FOR COOLING. 7 — 4 + 4 (i Interval ub- Correction for luterval cor- loterval from Pro Kerveil. eoolinjj. rected. liieau. s. ,s. .s. s. + 0. 0"> + .31 -f 6.33 + O.-.l _ 5. 16 .31 5.47 5. 43 4. 37 29 4. 06 4.02 + 2. h:', + .23 + 3. 06 + 3.02 — 0. ((1 — 2.65 — .39 — 3. 04 3.08 3. 99 ,i;i 4.03 4.(37 4. 5S . 78 5. 3(j 5. I(( — 5. 22 — .93 — 0. 15 — (i. 19 — Computed. 5(1. 3 3s. 27. 7 12.1 12.3 2s. 37. 8 49. 5 + 0. 20 5. 42 4.05 + 3. 10 — 3. 10 4. 05 5. 42 — 0. 2(.) + + 1 — 3 — 8 — 4 + 2 — 2 + 2 + 1 —16.44 + 1S.3S + 1.94 4- 0.(14- : 4011 —19. IS +19. 52 + (1.34 -f (1.04 — 0.775 + 2.4SO + 1.705 163. 7 AT POLAEIS BAY. 55 Face 3. - 1 + 1 :i 4 5 6 7 + 8 ^' c - o .3 o ^ M V -a *j i-< C < //. Wi. o 7 01.9 1.97 16.9 31.9 1.53 40.9 8 01.9 1.21 0. 99 16.9 0.84 0.72 11.61 0. 51 :u. 9 46.9 9 01. 9 16.9 :ii 9 0.4:; 0.37 46.9 32 0.27 10 01.9 1G.9 31.9 0.22 0.19 46.9 0.16 11 01.9 14 TEMl'i;r,ATlUK OK TITE- COKKF.CTIoXS ]-(ir,' Peiidnlnm. Sums. Air. P» 66. 7 65. 3 63.0 60.0 58.0 .58. 57.9 57. 9 57.5 55.8 .54. 52.5 .50. 9 49.3 47.9 47.7 56.4 51.8 .52. 1 47.3 45. 2 44.9 44. 6 44.3 43.9 43.2 42.4 41.8 40.4 37.8 36.3 37.3 .59.0 I 4S. 1 58. 58.1 44.1 56.8 56.8 56.8 .56. 8 56. 7 56.3 55.8 55. 4 55. 54,6 54.3 6.6^ 4.0 4S. 1 45. 7 44.T 44.5 44.3 44. 2 l47u 43.7 43.3 42.9 o 60 51. • > 42 6 1 7 1 ^j 0. 9 6 4 ! .J - . o 30.6 22.3 Arc. 17. 9 11. Temperature. + 17.2 +14.3 , 1 : + 9, 1 4.4 4.1 3.8 3,0 Bnroui- eter. 0,4 0,4 0, :> 0. 2 +0. 3:; 42. 3 40. 9 40. 2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0. 1 0.1 0.0 54. 2 40. 7 0.0 24 33. '■'S. 42. 2G. 1 0.8 4.'. 9 1.0 52. 7 1.0 62. 1.0 + 8.1 +11.3 +12. 8 + 11,2 5.8 7.1 8.4 6 — 4 + 4 + 8 n. L. s. s. .15 21 . tH 12 .14 0.; .70 74 . 0,H 06 .10 10 . 5S 5H 22 ;',,:> OBSERVED TRANSITS BY SIDEREAL CHROIvOME TER A. L. IjiMean, i \ r Tran,s. Interval. Observed 10 .39 .12 .04 .78 .04 .16 .68 . 3.H ,20 .51 . 22 !l2 .84 .10 . 20 .64 .46 12 .16 . 09 .76 .07 .11 , 6'.' .17 12 1 r Ti an.s. Interval. j s. 1 + 33 53 + 6. 54 + 24 40 5, 67 + 1' 2i; 4.81 + 9 H5 07 + 3,2.! — 5 09 — 3, 02 — 6 "ifj 4,49 — 6 29 5,22 — 6 'jy — 5. 92 1 + 6. 36 .5.49 4. 63 + 3.01 — 0. IM 3. 20 4.67 5. 40 Priidnot. Comput'd,. A s. s. — 50. 1 + (;,21 +15 38,4 5. 43 + <; 27.8 4. 66 12.2 + 3, 10 — 6 —18 12.8 - 3,10 —10 28. 4.60 — 1 37.8 .5. 43, + 3 — 48. 8 — li.21 + 11 —18. 1 r, +20. 24 15 + 1. 59 21' + 0. 18 A -255. 9 - 0.776 +238. 1 63. 6 = V REDUCTION FOR COOLING. Interval ob- i Correction for Interval cor- I Interval from served. cool inn — 8 6 — 4 + 4 6 7 + 8 + 6. .54 5,67 4,81 + 3, 22 — 3, 02 4,49 5, 22 — s! 92 + .25 2.5 ^24 + . 19 -61 —18. 65 +20. 24 + 1.59 :400 + 0. 0398 reeted. ft. + 6. 79 5. 9i 5, 05 + 3.41 — 3,34 5, 02 5. 86 — 6. 68 — 20, 90 +21.17 + 0.27 + 0.03 Product. + 6, 76 5. 89 5. 02 + 3, 3,^ — 0.03 — 3. 37 5. 05 5. 89 — 6.71 .3. — 54. 1 41.2 30,1 13. 5 13. 5 30. 3 41.2 — 53. 7 Computed. + I ■ — 3 + 2 — 3 — 1 + 2 —277.6 — 0. 841 + 2.480 + 1.639 157. 3 — 0,2 , fi5 - 0,3 I ,06 — 0,4 .00 — 0, 4 + 0.06 50 PENDULUlM-EXl'EiaMENTS Face I. + 1 2 + 8 h. U • M o-, 07 1.72 o> 1.:;! 1. 07 ,-o 0.8a or o.7i; 0. G4 37 0. r,4 r^o 0. 4.") U7 0.39 0. '.il "17 0. 2'J 0.2.5 o.yj o.> 0. 19 ■->■-- U. 17 7 6 — 4 II + 4 6 + 6 v.. .. t. 41 .54 4.1 44 V>W 42 To on r,> f,(i Hrt 90 r.i fl2 :>■ 2H n 1.5 TE:\iriji:ATri:E or the- Air. 62. G 02.3 CI. .5 59. 9 58.9 .59. .59. 2 59. 4 59.5 59.5 59.5 59.5 59. 4 58.9 58. 5 58. 4 59. 7 Peudulum. P. 49. 5 49.8 48, 7 47.0 40. 4.5.8 4.5.6 45.5 4.5.4 45. 3 45.2 45.1 44.9 44.7 44.8 45. 3 46.2 GO. 4 GO. 3 GO. 1 59.8 59. 5 59. 5 59.6 59.6 59.6 59.6 59.6 59. 6 .59. 6 59. 5 59. 4 59. 4 ^17._8^ 49. 47.4" 46. 6 46. 1 46. 45.9 45. 9 45. 8 45.8 45. 7 45.7 45.6 4.5. 5 45. .5" 4,1. / i;i;i;i iinxs loi:- Siim;;. Arc. lemperature. , ' I eter. _5.J1^ 3^1 2.0 T.iT 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 78. 3 — 25. 2 G.;-i. 4 — 23. 1 .58. 1 — 22. 1 2i. 4 +26.4 I ~ 3. 4 — 0.5 13.7 +22.9 I -3.1 i --U..1 8. G j +19.5 I — 3.0 I — 0.3 IG. 1 +r'.8 0, 2 s. +0. 45 .14 0.1 O.J^ 0.1 0.0 ■ 38. 4 — 17. .r,:,5 __ 05.9 r,(i. 9 — ;;o. 4 7G. 3 — 34.7 1.0 + 12.9 — 2.3 1.2 + 19.3, — 3.5 1.3 +22.4 — 4.1 1.3 +■-■5.6 — 4.7 — 0. 2 0. 3, 0. •! .11 19 +0.V2 Or.8i:RVED TKAX.SITS BY SIDEREAL CllRi (XOMETER A. J'i'odllrt. . 65 . 50 48 .56 0.) .26 GO . G,2 94 .00 GO .64 44 .46 ■.'5 ■ .43 Mr.'lll . Gil .49 .44 .16 . GO .91 .60 i ■ r — 12 + 45 + 33 + 25 + 14 — 11 — 17 — 19 — 12 — 22 frans. .93 . 82 . G9 . 31 1 . Oil . !-0 .43 . ',.'0 . 94 Interval. Olj.served. + G..59 5.711 4.83 + 3.22 — 0.08 3. 2!! 4.01 5. ^-t'-. — 6. 42 + 6.67 5. 78 4.91 + 3.30 — 3.20 4.83 5. GO — 6. 34 —19. 97 +20. G6 1.5" exce,?3 52. 7 39. '.I 29.0 12. 9 C()ni[int'( + G.50 5.09 4. 88 + 3.25 1". 1 — 3.25 29. 5 4.88 39.8 b. G'.i 51.4 — G. 50 + 9 + 1 — 8 —.3 + 1 + i^ -268. 3 - 0. 81:: + 0.69 24 1' + 0.08 A — 78. +23H. 1 60.1 = V KEIiriJTION FOU COOLING. Correction fori Interval cor- coolincr. rcctcd. + .11 .11 . 11 + . 0-^, — .14 . 23 !28 + G.78 5.89 5.02 + 3. 38 — 3.34 5. 00 5. 88 — G. 67 I]itcrv;.il I'roiii mean. + 6. 77 5. 88 5. 01 — 0. 01 5. 89 G G8 Product. — 54.2 41.2 30.1 13.5 13.4 3,0.4 41. 2 — .53. 4 Coin pn ted. + 6, + + 4 — 1 — 4 + 1 — 1 + 1 —19. 97 +20. CC, — '-'0. 95 +21.07 + 0. G9 : 400 + 0.0173 + 0.12 + 0.01 -7. 4 — 0. 841 + 4R0 + 1 639 1 )i 3 AT POLARIS BAY. .) I Face 3. h. m. 7 0(i. .-' 21.8 .^)1.8 8 IJIi, 8 '21.8 :;ci. 8 r>i. 8 y 0(5. 8 •21.8 Ho. 8 51.8 lu o:;. 8 21.8 ;-;ti. .s + 8 ;11 0:j.8 Jlcan 4 H — 1 u + 1 :i 4 'ii;j!i'Ei;Ari'r,E oi' Till': — !'( '.idiilum. Air. [:ciii)N- I 111; 1.88 '■]'} '.) 1 1.47 3r,.i; 1. 18 :?.-,. ;• i O.'.M :;fi. ;! h 0. 7(; O.T.:i :^i). <) u. r)4 '.;7. ;* 1 0.47 ■.VJ. 0.40 1 40.4 0. ;u 42. '■' ; 0. 28 44.4 0.24 1 4(>. 0.21 47.1 0. 18 4(j. 4 0. 1.^ 4i;. 7 0. 12 4-1.0 20. 2 :io. 5 32. :; 38. 3 34.3 3r,. 3 ;■.(;. :-i(i. 38.4 o 39.4 3tL5 '.VJ. i 30. 4 39. .1 39. 7 40.1 40. ; 41.-. 41.- 42. j^ 42. 4 42. 2_ 42.3 Alf. T.l];l:r):i( il7'f G. 1 ;iO. (i 20..'-) 2.4 30. 4 28. 8 1.5 1 39. 1 2H. 5 1.0- 39. 7 20. 4 0.7 40.1 30. 4 0. 5 40. 3 31.0 0.4 1 40. 7 31. 9 0. A 41.2 32. 6 0.2 41.7 32. y 0. I I .0 — 103. 'i ' l:i. :! -27. ; - 72. —142. 7 : VI. 2 ; —24. 1 ' —10. 3 — 0. G -01. n - I2J,4 I 0.5 I - ^0.0 ' —10.5 1—0.5 -0. 34 . 34 .31 -40. -13.0, — 10. ;i — 0. I 33.4 i 34.2 35.0 O.Jl (1. 1 0. I "o. 0. -31. 3 - 40. 7 -.57.4 -01.7 - 0,0. 2 ' 0. -101.8 -11.. ■ ;i 0.11 —10.6 — 1:;.7 -117.0 j 0.9 —19.2 —15.9 -132.0 i 0.9 —21.7 —17.9 0.4 0.0. 0.7 0. 8 40. b i 31. .21 . 30 -0.40 Or..SEEVED TRANSITS BY .SIDEREAL CHKON'O.METKl! A. I. R. E. R. i T. Mean s. 8. s. ■'■ s. - 8 .45 . ^h) .00 .08 . '.>i / 32 .34 .44 Tj.) .41 fi .IX .10 .30 . 36 . 25 — 4 .74 .74 . -0 : . .-^0 . 8(') II .0,0 .08 . 1 ;.- . 70 . 0,7 + 4 . 02 . I',2 . (iO .00 .01 i; . 04 . 98 . 0-^ .04 .01 7 . 72 'i 2 . ) ~ . ,-0 . 7fl + 8 ' . 53 . 55 ' ~j . 03 . -J/ — 12 [-.inn. liitri v:il. ! Olisci \|.|l,l I'l-.Hliicl. : (Joliil>n I'll. — 34 I .11 -I- 0.50 -I- 0. ni — :',4 I .07 I 5. (iO , '.5.54 — 31 [ .94 4.73 4.r,7 ' _ 22 , . 58 -f 3, 00 I -)- :;. II,', 1 .07 -- I). Hi; ■> - 3. 15 3.21 21 . 8-.i 50 .;u -f 35 -1- 40 11 I 4.(;i 5. 44 0. 18 4.70 5. 50 6. 2 1 — .52. 38. 8 28. (1 -1- 0.30 5. 52 4.7:; +20 + 5 12.1 -h X 10, —13 1 2. 8 — 3. 10, 28. 2 38. 5 — 40.9 4. 73 — o! :u + 3 + ^ -10.41 — 2i;o. :i -1-19.08 15"! ,'x,.,.rfs — U. 7.-:i -I- 0.57 24I1 -I- 0.00 A REDUCTION I'Oi; COOUNO!. Iiitrrv:il (ill- Comctii.ii l. 4 1 + « — 6. 18 ! —19.41 + 19. 98 + 0. 57 : 401 + 0.0113 a. 0. 09 . 09 . 09 0. 0; 0.11 . )0 + 0. 5.0,9 4.8i 3, 10 ;i. 20, 4.8:1 5. 0,7 0. 45 -I- 0. 01 5 0'^ 4.81 + 3.15 — 0.01 4..^.'. — 0.40 ::... 1 :;o. 8 2-:. 9 12,0 K!. 1 29. :',o. 8 51.7 ^r,r.. 1 02. 4 = V IJDiiipntoil, I + 0. .50 5.0,s 3. 25 4., -7 5,0,8 1 0.50 + 14 — 0, — 10 — 1 2 + 4 + 4 —20.21 +20. '.Vl + 0. 11 -I- 0.01 —208, (! — 0, ,~12 + 2 !-0 + 1.008 100. 1 )8 PEXD ULUM-EXPE REM EXTS Fat'<> 1. :mi'1'1!.v'i ri;r. <>\- tiw. — .I'L'iiiliilniii, riD.'.S IDK- + h . m 4-1. .'I'.i. 1 14. 'J',1. 44. :.'.). 2 14.. •J'J. 44. fill 3 14. 41. .'>;•. 4 14. ■J9. + '-■ 44. -J 4',i. 4 4.".. U r„ 47 I'c 1 '^ 38.4 ) I II. '^'i ', II. I'.i (I. llj Mfan . 11.4 ':;. 1 :.'. II I, :r l.ll 0. r I I . fi 1 4i;. >. 1.34 44.1 :;.',. 41;. i; :i4.s 1.1);-; 42.0 . 4i.. 1 11. ;-r 41.2 '■ 31. ;i 4."..h li'j.y 0. 7.'> 42.7 ■ 3-,'. II Hi. 'i 0.1:3 44. r> 3'J. 7 40.7 0. r.3 40..". 33..', , 47,2 34. n 0. 13 47. 34. 47, :•' . ;;4.3 ! II.";-; 11.31) 4.-. , 34.4 47,7 | :i4. 4 0.3, 0.34 411. 8 :U. ,-< 4-', I :i4.i, II, ■) 11.311 .51,0 , ;!.",. 1 4.-^, 3 I 34. H I). 'J 11.20 ."i].r, ; :;."■,.:; 4.^.1 • ;.-!4.ii i o. i ',1.1 :;,',. 2 1^,3 :;4.,-J o, l )1.2 3.',, 2 4-', :i :;4,K 0, 1 ^2. 3 30,5 4?^, 35,5 I', U ^120. Arc. Teiiiiieriitiiro. . -25. G —112.4 K',. r, -22. 4 — 07.11 8.0 -15. 1 - 00,2 3.5 — f, 5 - Gl,l> — ll.S — O-j, '2 — 13,5 —1117.4 — 14.9 —121.9 Ij;irnin- ctui. 1. I — 2. H 1.2 ' — 1,11 1.3 i — 4.5 1.3 — 5.0 —17. — 0. 7 —0.114 — 15.2 — II. .11 — 13. 'J — II. 5 .1:1 — S. - II, 4 .11 - 8. 4 — 0. 1 -12.4 ' — II. -14.5 ; — 0. 7 -16.5 — 0. ,-' .11 .10 .18 -0.21 + R. OD.SET?\-!:i> TRAX.SITS BY SIDEREAL CHROXOi[K'ri'.R A, fj. M'i'.in, I 3, ,S'. f<. ,^, ,S'. ,K . 112 1)5 .15 :i7 .12 *" . 92 04 . 02 00 97 (-; . 00 84 . llil 00 . f^5 4 '' 52 5S . 00 02 , 58 ' . 50 ■-.^ . 02 70 , 01 4 . f;o 58 .04 04 ,01 6 .96 111 .06 118 . 05 7 .74 70 . ^'i 90 .-.1 ^' .62 02 .71 i!;!.) . 01,1 12 r Traus. Iiitt'i-val. 0)0, -TVCll, S. Piodiict. (_*t>in),iitM A — 4 , 9i; + 0, 05 + 6.51 — 52. 1 + 0,. 38 +13 — 11 . 80 ;t, i:, 5.61 ' 39. :! 5. .58 -]-o;{ — 13 72 5 00 4. .-'0 29. 2 4.78 +0,-' — 11 .47 -1- 3.14 + 3. 00 12, + 3. 19 —19 .61 0,14 —14 + 11 . 7 'J - 3.11 '.'• '2^t 13.0 — 3. 19 —06 + 10 .■Ji 4. Oil 4.74 2.^.4 4.78 + 01 + IH . 01 » 5. 38 5 5-J 3-, 6 5. 58 -l-OO + 21 ■ ' '-' — 0. 17 C.31 1 - 51), 5 — 0, :!8 +07 —19. 26 —263. -1-20. 54 15^' exces.s — 0.797 -t- 1.28 94 ii — 7. 05 + 0. 1 4 A +-s\^. 1 61.0 = = V REDUCTIOX KOJR COnlJXC; lolHiv.-il ob- L'onvcHoii for Iuti,'rval cor- j Interval froui SHr^■(■ll — 4 + 4 + 0,65 5, 7.5 5 III! + 3. 1 1 — 3. 11 4.00 5. 38 — 6,17 (■ooliiin- + 0.20 , ill ,19 + 0, 15 — 0. 20 .42 .51 — II. 01 reeled. + 0.85 5 95 5.19 -1- :!,29 , 02 . .-;9 ,■?. 6. 83 5. 9:; 5. 17 :■;_ "27 0. 02 3. 39 5. 04 5. HI ^1) —19.20 +20. 54 —21. Ill,; +21.28 + 1.28 iMii + 0. 0:i20 + (1.22 + 0. 03 Product. — 54.6 41.5 31.0 13. 1 ; 13, 30, 2 41,4 — 54, 4 —279, 8 — II, 848 + 2, l-il + 1,0: 12 1.50, 7 Computed. + 6.78 5, 94 5 111) + 3, :;i) — 3. :i9 5. 09 5. 94 — 6. 78 — 1 + 8 — 12 — 2 -(- 5 + 3 — 2 AT POLAEIS BxiY. 59 Face 4. TEMPEHATLKE "F THE — I'eudiiluin, Air. >T!I;e< I iO-\> roll — An 'J'i.'iii]M latiire. Bariim- eter. - 1 + 1 9 0- 3' 10 11 '3. (I'J 04. 3 14. .'.'.I. 3 -)-,. 1 ■J. 01 54.3 4','. 7 ."ill. 3 44. ."> I..:i8 .'-. G 44.4 Oil. 4 "4.\T 1. -J.") .'''.1.7 4.:.. 4 011.7 4.'>. K l.i.ill 00. .0 4i;. 'J 0(1. ',1 "4ti\-,' 0. s.'i 011.9 40.4 01. U 1 46. 4 ;',: 0.70 : 61.4 40.0 01.1 40. .'i U. .'„- ' 61.9 40. « 01.2 40, ,-. (1.47 6'J. 3 47.(1 01.3 40.0 0. 4(1 0-,'. 4 I 47.0 : 61.3 40.7 (.1.3.') (.-,'. 6 47.1 61.4 40.7 0. ;'.(l O-.'. > 47. 1 01.4 40. 7 0. yii ti:!. 47.2 01.. 5 40. > 0. ■.'■,' 0:;.4 47.4 c.l.O : 40. ii 11 (IV Mluu. ---!- 44. ■■ 0. 1- (I. 1.'. 03.7 47.6 in. 9 0J.4 4-. 4 I'l.'-' I'J. 4 6. 9 ^. T 2.7 "l7 1.2 0. .- II. ir4 0.3 0. 2 II. 2 "oTi Jl.l II. 1^ I-'. if + ^3.9 — 3.3.7 3(1,0 -(-2-^.1 ' — 4..". — 0.2 + 74.0 -~ 'J.^.- 1>. 2 +2."). — 3. 9 —0.2 0.'.3 — -S.IS ■ 11.3, -1-21.9 '' 01.0 10 14.4 4.3 -1-14.- 4.0. 4 13.3 0-..:. — 19.0 -11.4 — 22.6 -'.U.-i — 20,3 1,1 +15.2 1.3 +22.9 1.4 ! +20.9 1.4 ' -31'. 9 3. 1 1.9 (JhisERVKD TKA\.-;ITS J;V >IIii:i;EAL CHKOiXf.i.MK'ri:!; A. 0. 1 (1.1 0. 2 0. 2 (I -> +0. 54 . 39 .14 ,21 +0, L. Mean. ■flans ,i . on .71 . 90 , liO / < .-,- . 0,- . .'0 . ii2 , ,".' 1 il 54 , 0- . Oil , 0( 1 , 0- — 1 li> .111 . 11-^ , 12 . IK n 110 fl~ . Ill . If-' . 11 + ■' IIO .04 .04 . 12 . ('7 6 04 .3S .50 .Oil . O'J ^ 12 . 12 .12 , 14 .12 + '- 'J 2 . 97 . (12 , 09 . (HI 12 + 1 + 3.9 + 3,(1 + I' — 14 -1- 0. 00 -1- 0. :iii — 47,2 + 5. 0-' + 22 0, r.', (13 0,,>. -J 1. 97 + '0 1.23 4. 13, 24. ^ 4,20 —13 -1- 2,-1 + 2. 7 1 II. 1(1 11.0 + 2, - 1 —10 —10 >, ^.) 2. 92 11.7 — 2. - 1 — - 4.20 4.:',(i 20. .^ 4. 20 — 4 1.70 4. -0 3,1.(1 4. 97 + 11 — 5. 1- - — 44.0 0. 0.-' + 10 — 17.20 23,1.3 + 1-. 211 10" e-XCL-bS — 0.710 i 0.94 2 1" — 1',.-. 2 + 0. 10 A +2,',-. 1 09. 9 = y — 4 (I + -i + -^ KEni'CTIOIX I'll; COlU.IMO lutt-rvMl 111,- Ciineclioiifor Int'i'val im'V- Interval findi ^ ri.iOuci. trrvt'll. c + 0. Ill 5 13 4.2 ; + 2. > 1 4.211 4.70 — 17.20 + I-'.20 + 0.94 + 0.023,0 : 1(1,1 ructc .,, + 0. 10 10 14 + (I. 0. U 19 31 0, 1.' 4 '.10 4. Ol 51 14 — 1,-^ 59 + 1-^ 75 + " + " 16 II-,' + 0.13 4.35 + 2. '13, — II. (12 3. 113, 4. 5:; ,5. ll, — 5.95 — 4!l, II 30, S 2i;, 1 11.7 12. I — 47. 6 Cuiiipiiti'd. 4.4> 4- 2, '3' I 4.4- 5. -^3 5. !l- -240,. 6 — (1.747 + 2. 4 -(I 1.73,3, 100.4 + 15 + :i — 13 60 rEXDKLITM-EXPEKIMENTS Face 2. ^ O A ■;n.vTL 1 1. IK (>!■ rinc— I um i. riii:i:i-:(ri IN^ li>l .— reiidiiluiii. Arc. Tciniioi aturc. Biironi- eti-r. _ f- r„ i ]•, :^ l5 A. )>(. c c r 8. o o ■S'. ». .s. ^ H. 7 <> U 1 07 •>. no 1. ro r,r,. 1 :>.i. 7 r,i;. II 4(;.K 4:!. 6 44. r. .s':^ 40.0 1,^.1 44. r> (!. s + 7:>. (1 — :!o. {> -1-07.:! — -21!. Ci .-9. 1 — -21. 1 :!.">. 2 17.1 10. :! -1-2.-,. :! -f 2-2. r, -f-19. H ~ 4.1 — 3.0 — 2. H ^ 0. :i — II. 2 — 0. '.' + 0..-.0 . :!!' f>,-i. 5 41. '.1 3.9 4 :\ i '■'>/ 0. ;»:> 0. HO ^'0. 7 liv*. 7 4i;. 4^. y fiO. 4 4ri. 'J. r> i;(l. II 4li. S ; I. .') (iO. '.' 40.9 '■■ 1. 1 41.2 — 11.9 3. 9 4-1..!. ,- — 1. I! — 0. I . 1(1 ' /^ 0. (iS) r.;;. s 4;mi (;o. 4 17.1 II. s If + 1 ' Z 0. :.(; 114.4 10. ■-' (;o. i; !7.s 0. r. 3 ft 'J 0. ir, 0, :'.'j I'll. -2 li'J. "J IS. s 47.0 1.0. .') 47. 1 0. .( 00. 41;. ■-' ' 0. 2 " ■ >'. II. ;;4 i;o. 1 4,".. r.!». r. 4.". 1 0.2 ■i ->7 0. :;o 0. LT. r>(). 'J i.l. 'J 41.9 r.9. 44,:! 0.1 r>H. 7 4;;.(. o, i :!9. — 17. :i 0. H + l:!.l 2 :! — 0.1 . 12 li 7 Mi. 1 07 0. -Jl 0.1" 0. ir. .'i ! . 'J i!.7 al. 1 111. 1 .V.7 4;;. 5 ' 0.1 ."'f. .'. 4;;.-.' 0.1 r.ii. 4 — :!o. -2 04. 9 — :!7. 4-7:!. 1 — 44.:! l.ii 1. 1 1.1 -f-l-'.B +21.7 +24. r. — 4. 1 — ',. (1 — li U — 0. '.:; — 0. 2 — 0.2 . 10 +0.20 .'»'!. '.1 4.. 3 ' (iliSEKVED TlfAX.slTS BY SIDEREAL CHKOXO.METER A. L. Mi'iui - s. s. s. s. .s. — s .61 i 7:! S; 00 .SI 7 . 00 r.i 70 so . 09 . .".0 (iO ' f.O Ii2 . .-.9 — 4 . OS OS II-; 12 . ii;i .90 ; 9:1 9S 94 .95 + 4 .1)0 02 : 72 00 . 1 i'l . 92 90 90 9s .94 / . .".li .iS 04 : ( o:i) .00 + « .14 12 ■j^ :!i 1 .21 Tiuiis. Ii)t(.'iviil. : (-)li.scr\c(l. I'l'oduct. ^l '(ii]i|iii('(l ». i s. s. — 12 12 .-lfi . 2.') + :,. 70 + r>. f)!) — 44.2 + 5.: 2 1 +21 :!o . o,-> 4. 90 4. 7:; 3:1. 1 4.1 1 + 7 27 . Sli 4.119 3. 92 2:;. 5 ;t. ; 9 ' — 7 10 . 2."> . 9.7 + 2. 711 + 2. 53 0.17 10.1 + 2. 1 — i:i — 17 1-2 1 . 7.:! — 2. ."iS 2. 75 11.0 — 2.1 : — 9 10 .7S ;i. .S3 4.00 24.0 :!. '. 9 — 1 is . 12 4.47 4.(54 :!2. .5 4.1 li -U -i 20 . '-9 — 4.94 5.11 — 40. 9 .1, . 2 +-.'l — 15. .s2 219. :! + 17.:>,9 15'" 241' excess 0. OG, 63. H ) + 1..57 + 0.17 A + 2:is. 1 74.3 = = V « RKDKrXlOX FOR ('(M)LlN- ' Ctimsctipn for KL'lVl'll. + 4 4 90 II 1 + .> 711 - :i S3 - 1 91 — <^ +1 ' ;'.',! + 1 ."17 + ();;: -* JlilJU + 0.25 .21 + II i;i Interval cor- hit ■r\';il IVoin Product. mean. «. ■s. s. + 5. 95 + 5.92 — 47.2 5. 15 5. 12 :i5 s 4.:::: 4.:io 2.5. s + 2. ,-9 + 2. si: — 0. ii:i 11.4 — 2. ^9 2. 92 11.7 4. :i5 4.:!s 2 i. :{ 5. 10 5. 1:! :!5. 9 -.5.09 — 5.72 — 4.-.. s — 1-. 0.; —2:19.9 + 1S.32 — 0.727 + 0.2:1 + 2. 1-0 + 0.03 + 1.7.5:! IIW. 3 . Coiiipiited. + + 1) 4 11,1 :ii 91 — .> 91 11:1 — ", ,-2 + 10 + :i — 6 + 111 AT POLAKIS BAY. 61 Face 2. TEMPKHATLIJE OF THE- conr.ECTioxs for- Air. h. m. -li 5 13.7 11 2>^. 7 10 43. 7 ;» ."..-. 7 -; 6 IS. 7 7 2S. 7 r. 4:i.7 I .J r,.^. 7 4 7 13.7 2. U4 -'I'. 8 , 43. 5 2 43.7 1 S.'^. 7 l.li4 lie. 5 43. e 1 0. .-G 61. 7 4C. 11.71 , 01. a 4.'. 6 0. 60 CO. 44. 6 0. b-i -u. C 42. l.i 0.46 , .:..j. 40.4 0.41 .V2. 7 3-^.5 0.35 ."lO. - ' 36..^ 0. 31 4;i. 9 35. (1 0. 27 49. 34. 4 0. 23 48. 1 i 33. 2 S 13.7 Pendulum. P« Pc t ."i3. 6 411. y 6. 8UUIN, Arc. Tfuipeuiluit Barom- eter. s. -17,4 '>5. 411. -^ 2.0 34.8 ■ 42.1 1.3 54.7 : 41.0 0.1:1 54.4 41.5 11.6 53. 8 40. 5 0. 4 53,. 1 :iO. 4 0. 3 52. 6 38. 4 ' 3 52. 1 : 37. (1 0, 2 51.8 57.0 0.2 51. 6 36. 4 0. 1 51.4 : 35.8 0. 1 + 3>. 9 —128.6 13.7 +13.0 + 35.3 -119.5 16. '^ +11.8 ' — 1(>. 1 — 0.7 30. 3— 1111.3 4.3 +10.2 —14.9 —0.6 20. '^ — iVA. 4 2. 2 + 7. —12. (J — (i. 5 + 1 43.7 0.20 47.5 32.4 51.3 35.4 0.1 0. 18 47. 4 32. 3 51.2 : 35. 3 : 0.1 4 9 13.7 6 43.7 ''' ri'*:^. 7 8 ;iO 13.7 9 ' 2-. 7 10 43.7 1 1 5.^. 7 + 12 II 13.7 • lleau 0.16 47.4 32.2 51.2 35.2 0.0 0. 14 47. 3 I 32. 1 \ 51. 2 35. 2 0. 0.12 47.8 32.5 ' :,1.3 35.4 ; O.o 0.11 49.2 33. .-^ : 51.7 36.1 0.0 0.10 .50.7 35.3 ,52.1 3,7.8 0.0 0. 08 .52. 36. 6 I 52. 4 37. 4 0. 0.07 .52.8 3-<. 5 .52.6 3)-'. 4 0.0 0.06 .52.5 41.4 .32.5 39.8 0.0 0.06 54.2 43.9 ' ,52.9 41.1 n. 44.0 , .53.1 , 41.4 0.0 38. 3 + 11. O.'i + .111 .111 6.9 0. 6 + 2. 3 II, ."! 4,:i - 5S, 9 0,2 + 1.6 11.3 . 116 12.4 —112.2 0.2 + 4.2 —15.1 17.5 —13,4.0 : 0.2 + .5.9 -L^. 1 20.4 —142.9 0.2 + 6. ^ —19.3 + 23,. 5 — 151 . 5 0. 2 +7. 9 -29. 4 II. 0.7 II. s , 13 .13 -II. 13 62 TEND CLUM-EXPEPJME2s^TS OBSER\ RAXSIT Face 2. :REAL CHK'ONdMETEE A. 'ED T S BY SIDI I. R. s. L. R. L. s. / r Tr lUlS, Interval, s. [ Observrd ' s. Product, ('iiiiip It'd ; A S. ' 8. ' S. -I'- . t A , — 0.666 - Ol!, 9 } 7 1,2 -^238,1 S = v + 3.22 + 0.29 REDUCTION FOR C(»(,>LINO. I. In terval ob- Corirrtinn fo sci\ed. cooling. r' Iiitei\ •111 cor- III ted. ter^•al from | moau. Product. Computed. -i .5. s. '\ i s. '■ ,S'. s. — 12 + S.4G + 0.43 + >^.89 + H. .<^ — 106. 1 + d.dl - : 11 7. 82 . 13 8. 25 8. 211 90. 2 8.11 + !• 10 0. 02 .42 7,34 i 7. 29 72, 9 I "• ■'-' — d 8 5. 5:-! .38 5.91 5, 80 40, 9 5.9(1 = 4 — ■1 + 2. --^7 ' + 1). 23 + 3. 10 1 + 3, 05 12,2 + 2, 95 + 10 — 0. 05 '* + 4 — 2. 57 — 0. 33 i - 2, Oil 2. 95 11, - — 2,95 + o' 8 '■' 5.13 ' <1. 70 5,89 5. 94 47,5 5, 90 — 4 10 0. 20 1.01 7,30 1 7 . : '5 7.1, 5 7. !>/ + '-i 11 0.84 1.15 7, 99 i d, (14 dd, 4 d. U + ' + 12 — 7.55 - 1. 20 - d.d4 " d, r-9 — lOi;. 7 — 8. d4 — 5 — 2H. 38 - -32. 92 — 050. 2 : ^90 + 31,60 -1 -33. 49 — 0. 7:; + 2.1;- I + 3.22 : in-ii + 0. .57 + 0. 020.i + II. 05 + 1.74 ! 107.3 — - - - - - AT POLAKIS BAY. 63 Face i. ir.Ml'KRATinE OF THE- Peudulnui. Air. Ciii;r;i;i. ri'_iN* ini:- Arc. ' Temperature. Pc Baroni- eter. —12 11 ll. 7)1. .'!.- 1 ur.. s 10 ; 21.- 9 ;ii;. - r : r,i. - T ' OC. - G i 21 - I [ 4 3 2 - 1 -•\.i + 14 i)i;. s 2.94 4-. 4 :'.2.0 4'.i. 9 :W. 9 14. 2.14 4~.2 31.5 49.9 i'.O.T T. 3 or,. - 21.- l.TiT 47. t; 30.2 49. T 30.0 4. - 1. 32 111. 2--. 9 49. 5 29. 4 ' 3.0 l.O:. : 46.1 27.9 ' 49.3 2-'. 9 ; 1.9 11.^- 40.4 27.7 49.4 2-'. - 1. 3 U. 7.:. 4f;.^ 27.4 49.:, 2-i.7 , 1.0 11.62 47.1 ■,'7.2 49. G 2~. 6 .0. .j1 ' 47.3 2G. 9 49.6 2-4 U. :> I U. 44 47.2 26.4 49. G 2-^.2 ^ n. 3 0.38 47.1 26, 49. 6 2-. • 0.2 i 0.32 47.0 2.',, 6 49.6 27. S , 0,2 — 4.S-251.G 36.5 — l.G —34.0 — 4.7-232.5 21.7 —1.6 —31.4 1 — 4.0—213.2 13.9 —1.5 —2i.^ _ ;i.:^ — 172. G 6.1 — 1.3 —23.3 0.6 +0. 00 0. 5 — .12 0.5 .17 11.4 ,19 1.6 -7,1-, 1.-, -11.8 .11 0. 2r 47.7 25.9 49,7 27.9 ' 0. 1 0.25 48. C 27.1 5U. 27. 21,8 ',1, - 0.22 51 7 U, 19 rii.7 29.2 G. 1 0,1 'il.2 29.8 G, 1 1.0 -5, i; II, 4 + 0, 5 — ii.i; 0.1 .11 0.16 54.5 • 30.5 51.4 3u. 2 H. 0. 14 ' 53.5 I 29.9 51.2 29.9 : 0,0 0. 13 ' 52.5 29. 1 50.9 29. 5 G. n 3Gi. * 51 . 8 0.11 51.5 50. ■Vt O III} I + -lOG, - 0.5 +1.9 -22,5 - 0.3 9 6 iiG 8 0, 10 52. 4 29, 7 50, 9 29. 8 0, 0.09 .56.9 34,5 ! .52.1 32.2 0.0 10 11 30 + 12 51 21.8 0, u- G,i, 2 3-. 1 I 52.8 34.0 : 0.0 11.07 00,3 3-, 4 52,9 34.1 I G. _j. ^. Q _oii4. ,- 0. .-, + 2. 9 —27. 7 ! + 11.6 -220. > G.5 ' + 3. 9 -29,8 _,.|4,5 _o:i(;, 7 I u..-, +4,9 —32.0 II, 4 .25 0.4 , 26 G.4 —0. 27 Mean , 50 4 29.9 64 PENDULUM-EXPERDrENTS 'ED TK Face 4. \.L ('1IR0> OBSKin ANSITS BY SID] EREi "(IMETER A. I. E. ', L. R. L. Mean, i r 1 raus,' Interval. 1 l))servfcil. i'roduct. Cum pnt'il.. A s. s. .s. 1 s. s. "l"" n. .s. 8. s. -I'J . .')'J i .66 . H2 . 99 ■^7 — 12 .65 -fS.94 + S.71 --104,9 + 8. 1 1 +33 1 11 1 -,t> .60 . 60 . 6.4 . 'ill — 12 , 47 i s, 12 7, 92 87,1 ; 7,71 +21 10 . m .60 .62 .66 , 62 — 17 ,45 7.14 1 6, 94 1 G'J. 4 : 7.01—7 8 .10 . Ofi . 08 .16 .10 1 — 19 ,91 5,68 5,48 4::. H 5, r.i -13 — 4 . 'JC .00 .00 . 00 . 99 — 11 ,88 i + 2.71 + 2.51 10. + 2.,~ii -29 .eo ! .60 t .54 . 62 . 59 .59 - 0.20 i : -20 ; + 4 , 20 .16 .26 22 .21 + 11 I _ 30 ' 7;-; 2. 93 1 11,7 — 2, 80 —13 ■ >^ . Oil 72 .90 . 92 ' . 86 i i + 20 ! . 06 5. 47 5, 67 45. 4 5, 61 — G 111 ,14 .10 .14 .0,^ .11 1 + 25 ■ , 36 6, 77 C. 97 69,7 7,01 +4 1 ; 11 . 70 .58 . 60 .60 .63 + 26[ .P::^ 7.30 7.50 82 5 1 7,71 H-2i: + 12 __ .49 . 58 ..55 r " — 12 + -2' , 70 — ;-<, 11 — 8.31 — 99. 7 8,41 +10' —30, :!8 —624, 2 +32, 59 1,.". exeess — 0, 7lij 241. — 07,3 + 2.21 + 0,20 A +238, 1 70.8^ -V --^--- = = ^-=- --- I 1 . Intorval ob- served. CoYVC cm REDl'CTIOX FOR COOI TOin J'rodnct. Compnt ed. ^ ■' ■Hnn foi iliiig-. Iiiter\. rect il cor- I ed. iterval mean s. s. ^ ". s. 1 ■'' - 12 + 8, -K + 0. :'.o + 9, 24 + 9 20 — 110.4 + ■>' 01 + 19 U 8. 12 , 29 8.41 Q 37 92. 1 8 26 + 11 ! 10 7.14 ,29 7,43 7 39 73.9 7 51 — 12 y .^1. 68 .26 5, 94 5 90 47,2 ! 1' 01 — 11 ; - - 4 + 2,71 + 0. 16 + o ^-^ + 2 S!' 11.3 + ^ no — 17 II — 114 - 4 -\ - 4 o 7p, - - 0, 23 — 2, 96 ■J 1 10 12,0 — 3 00 ! 8 5. 47 r,.l 5. 99 6 03 48, 2 01 — 2 10 r.. 77 i .70 7,47 7 51 75, 1 1 51 : I 11 7. :io . 79 8. 09 8 13, >":>. 4 8 26 + 13 -f i - \-2 — 8.11 1 ■ - 0, 89 9, 00 ■ — ii 04 - Ill-', 5 — 9 : PW 111 — 3 I i — ;"iO. :!.-< '.3.51 —{'>i]p. 1 + ;!2..'.9 : lO-'O + ',:!. 8ii — 0.751 + 2. 480 i + 2. 21 + 0.38 -f 0. 020 . + 0, 04 + 1.729 166.0 ' AT roLARis i;ay. ix) Face 1. ri:Mri:KArrKi: oi-- Tin:— Ci)iii;i'X"H(ixs |.(;k- Ail-. Poiuhilniii. i r» ■ iv Air, Tempcratnii H:ii'om li. m. ~\-3 5 :ii;.7 11 51.7 10 (i ii(;,7 ;» -'1,7 •J. -M ■ 1 I-. ;i 511. :; 4-1.1 i.ii4 r.i;, 1 a:..o .v.i. 44. t; 4.(i + 11J.5 - (;i.7 ^i.s +H7.7 ' - s.:i _ (1.(1 ,:,i + i(i:;,- -- nr,.s i::.^ ^mc. _ 7. r. - (1,0 ,41 5!l. S 44, li :; I 7 51.7 1; 7 Hi;. 7 r •-'1,7 4 .>(). 7 51,7 J» ,•< dil. 7 — 1 ■-'1,7 (1 'M'l. 7 + 1 51,7 ;• 0(;, 7 '-'1.7 51.7 (1 10 0(1.7 7 '-'1.7 ,- :!(;. 7 '.' 51.7 10 11 0(;.7 n I ■-'1.7 I + 1'-' :i(;.7 Moan 1.:!'-' 57,1 44, 1.01; 5,-;. ■-' 44.9 CO. 1 44. c ] c) 0. ;•() .511.:! 45.:; co. ;', n ,v 14 0.74 CO. 5 45. C ' CO, i; M, ;i (I ij 0.50 01.(1 4(1.0 CO, 1» 4;-,, 1 0. c 0,47 (!l,o 45.7 ! (11.0 4.-,. 0.4 0.41 CO. (1 44. :i ' CO. 7 44.:! 0.:: 0.115 .-,0, 1 1-J, 7 ' CO, 15 4;!, :, ,),'.> 0. 110 .57. S 41.4 (10.0 l->. 8 0. 'J 0. '-'5 ,57. li 40. C 51). S 4--'. 5 0.1 0. ■-'■J 5.-1. (1 41.4 CO. -2 4-,>. s 0, 1 0. IS CO. 4-.'. 1 CO,:, 4:;..,> 0.1 0.15 01.--' 4-.>. .-^ (10.,^ 45. (1 0.0 '^■i:' '■■-M ^:!. :! (ii.i ' 4:!. s o. 0. !■-' c-j.o 4:i. :i ^ ,;i ^ ,., ^ ,, ^) ! 0. u (1-i. :! 41!. J ; ci.i ^ 4:i.7 o, o , i 01" ly. -4 15.'-' 01. 1 411,7 0.0 0,10 01!, '-> 44,0 , 01. H 4H. C 0.0 0.01) (15.7 4C, ■-' (11.1) 15.3 0.0 + s:!, <» _ +■-'.-. 1 c, 1 0,0 + c.'.o - -.'i.c 1.1 -j_ii.i + 11. ■-'7.0 0.1! -)-i:!. ". ^ — 0, + 11 0. 1! +->- 0-07 (IS. L' 40. 1 ' C->. 4(1.7 0.0 0.05 70, 1 51.5 CIS. 17.9 0,0 + U'S. 9 — CI.O 0,1! +1.!0. + 1'-'1.5 — (17.1! 0.1! +40.'; -1H4.5 — at. I 0.1! -f 15, 1 7, 1 S. C 0. 1 9. 4 0,1 0.1 0. 1 0.1 l^J 10 +0.11(1 II, 11 11 m rKNDL'LUxM-EXrEUIMENTS Faro 1. (.)l '.SKKVED Tl A\ ' ,:i2 1 .22 + 51 ! 73. .-'. S2 .-•'. .>/ 04. 3 .^. 44 1 +13 ; 10 . '20 1 .14 i 1- .21 .10 + 41 ; .(;o 7. O.'i 7.70 77. 7.07 +3I s . . ;t'^ OG . 12 . (K! + ^- .31 0.21 fi. 00 47.0 0.14 : —1.^1 — 4 .'ji , ■24 :!!! .42 .01 + 12 .43 + 3. 12 + 2. S7 11.5 _l_ :!. 117 _-j(i I' ! . .'r. ..".s 1* .^s ■ .-, . .".") — 0. 2." .)_-, + 4 , Oi .0(1 r.s .00 .00 — 10 . .'0 — 2. O."" 3. 20 12. s — 3,. (17 —13 .- . i;> . Oi r;(i . or, , 04 •).» . 12 .-.. -7 0. 12 40. 0.11 + 2 10 .1-^ • 1'' -2-1 . 22 . 211 ^), . 02 7.3.7 7. 02 70. 2 7.07 + ,-, 11 . II- . 00 ',).- 'Mi .01 - 32 . 00 .^.14 ."-'. 30 02. 3 -■. 44 ; + 5 1 + 12 (;i . ' .00 7- 12 -- 3,(; 3.(1 —33.0^ — 0. (10 — 10.-'. (1 — 0. 2(1 +211 — 0.'^2. + 3.-,. -4 1'.'" oxrcs 24'' ■; — 0.70' — 77. + 2.70 + 0.2.-, A +23.S. 1 04.,'.= = \' KEDrCTIOX vol I C(l )LIXG. 1 I. IntcTv.-.l (0)- Conoction for cnr- Intci'val front lected. iiRMii. Pidilnrt. Conipiil ucl. A i ., s. s. ^. ^. - u + '•• 71 + 0. 07 + 10.0- + 10.04 -120.7, + '■' 00 + s 11 .- H'' :!7 0.10 0. 15 100. (1 ;i 13 ' +2 10 / ' '."' . M't .-. 31 .- •>7 .-2. 7 ■ .-' 3,(1 — 3 > •J4 ..30 (i. r>7 0. W.i ",•) ■> 04 — 11 — 1 + :•■ IJ + 0.2(1 + 3. 32 + 3. 2- 0.04 13.1 + ^ :i2 - 4 — 4 + 1 - -2 li;, — 0. 20 — 3.21 3. 2^ 13. I — 3 :!2 + 4 -^ :■ -7 . (iO 0. .',3 0. .'>7 .".2. 04 i + 7 10 7 ;17 ..-7 ■^. 21 ,- .''.-^ .-2. s .- 30 + 2 11 - 14 (1. 00 0. 13 0. 27 102.(1 '.t 13 — 14 + 12 - f- T."> — 1.11 -- — 0. •'^1; 0, 00 -11.-. > — '.I 00 + — :>:; (JS -37.00 — 73ri. 4 +:;.-> ■^4 : 1 (!.-(! + 37.47 + 2. 1- II II + '-' 7(i + 0.47 + II 0'2.'ii. + 0.04 + 1.0.- 1.',.-. 4 II -— --- AT roLAKLS iSAV rsuf 3. 1 i;mi'I1!a I ri!E oi'' Tiw. — (■(JIIKK.C I IllX> l()U- rLMllUlhuu. Air. Ale. ']'L'iiiiiir;ituro. Biifoiii- i\ I r, — I'i 1 :,i.(i 11 : •-! or,, li 10 'J, 97 ■J, 10 C.'. 5 J'.).:! I'll.Ci 1-, -i j 1C>. 1 (ii. 1 -i;i, 1 (11.;! JH. ;; 7.r, -'i,(i o «. 8. ,v. <'-'. -S'. + l4;i, — 17, s :;i;, (i + i7.;t — 2. 1 — 0,4 +0.^ 4-i:n.-i — k;, 'ji,ri 4-11,0 — •-'. 1 " 0,4 '■. +i--;o. 1 ~ 1 1 :i 11.(1 + 10 I — l,'i - 0.:! ,.- 1 i.C'f. i:o r, I'l. (I lii.-j 4s. 1 I 4,(; :!i;. (i , I ' l.:ii • ."i',i,7 47..- 1.0 ;) 47. r. , ;:. 51, C. ' ' ' ! + '■'" j l.O.'i , CiO 47.7 : til.O 47,4 I 1.9 7 j :i 00, (i , ! 0, ',10 ('.:!, -i;' .1 Cil, 7 4i- :l ' 1. 4 -Jl.C 1- 0,7(1 (ifv.'i r,!.;; (i-J, :: 4'i 'j ' 1.0 r. i :!C. r, ' ' ; 0, G'J (17, S :,-i 3. 5 47.4 01.0 ' 47.3 0.'-' 51.(1 I , 0, 30 (i-J, -J o: 1 (11.5 4(1.7 o.•^ 4- 1 ' 5 0(1.(1 I 0, '^7 , (11.7 411. 1 (11,4 ; 4(1.(1 1 ■J '.il. (1 0. ■J3 ■ III. 3 15, 111, 3 4(1,5 ' 0. 1 3 iifi. (1 : O.-il CO,!) 45. ^ (11. -J 40.5 0. 1 1 51.(1 ' I + !'• -I 0.1.- i (10,4 45.5 111. 1 ■iC'-i "■ 1 5 (i 00, 11 , 0, 111 ' 50 7 45. 1 110.0 ' 4(1. •-> ' 0. II tJI.O I 0. 14 50, 44.(1 (10.7 4.">. 9 i 0, 7 :;(!. (1 ! 0. 1-,' 5,-, 3 44. 'J 110.(1 ' '15.7 0, 51.0 + 0. 10 ' 57. 4 43.(1 (10, 3 45.4 0, 7 0(1. (1 0.09 .",5,.^ rj, (1 .'.9,9 11,9 0,0 10 -Ji.d ■ +10-',' 0.07 : 54.6 I'J 5'.l, (1 44.(1 0.0 11 lir.d , +11-.5 00 ' 53 ,-■ 4'J V ■ 59. 1 41,(1 0,0 + !^ 51,0 ■ +1-^'-;' (1.4 +3.', s — 1.3 0. -J 4.> 1.4 +1(1.- — 0.0 — 0.1 0.5 +15. 'J - l.H : - 0, 1 7 — ■,',•. 5 0, d - - 1 - I 1- 19.- (1 +,;i — 5,3 - 0, 1 14,(1 0.0 -\'-'' . 7 ■~ 1.0 - (« ■> . 'ii -.0, 0, (1 + i- ,,- — -(VJ +0. ,11 M(;ii 01,3 47,-.' ()S l•l:^l)l•l.l^M-EXl'l•:KLM^:^"^s race 3. I. i;. I L. — i-j 11 10 — 1 + 4 10 11 + 10 oiisKin r.p TKANsiTs i;v si]ii:i;i:al chkonioiktkr a. K. ; L. Mean. i )■ I'lMiis. Iiitcrval. iMisriMil. rnulinl. I'oiniiulM .•-'G -10 ..-.^ .'I'J , r.o - 'JO ."lO :'.o . 00 .00 , O'J ! . :ui 14 . 00 00 , . . 00 10 :.i i.'i w .-10 . o>-^ .04 .44 . 0-' . 00 .01 71 .r,i _ 10 -f. s-j .-ji + o.,-i +0. o:i — 11.-..0 + o. :!i; .50 .:.:. - 3 ' + o:; . i:. s.-r >.o;i 05. o : r^. 5h CO ..".-' ] + r.-j .'>1 7. OS 7. -^o 7>. 7..--0 . u; j . ;!- I -f ;!> .70 0. Oi; (i. o> l~.0 | 0.01 .70 .70 +1- -" + :!. n +0,00 ii.- + ;!.io . 14 [ .00 . 00 — 0. 1- . -J! .-j-j , —10 .oii — :i. 1 :!. 00 10. o — :i. lo . 50 il .40 ! — 00 . 11! 0. U 0.00 50.:! ' 0.01 .00 .0- - .Oi; ■ .00 ' — :'.0 .01 S. 00 .-••. 10 OO. 4 1 .-^, 5S (i;! 55 _ !■_> _ :;(; .117 — '1.05 — 0. o:i , —110.,^ , - 0. :;i; — :u.oo -001.0 -(-:!i;. oCi 15'" cNC'.ss — 0. 7s(i .00 7,01 7.S-J 7S. 7, SO 1 + 0' +11 - 10 — 10 - IS — 10 + 1S -fi:; + 0. 00 7 i.:i + 0. IS .\ o:i. = \ i;i:iirc'ri()X fok toni.iNi; lotcvval (Oi- rornilioii for Interval im- lutoi'val IVoui .srrvtO. cintliii" + — 10 + 0. SI 11 s. S7 10 7. OS s 0. 00 — 1 -f :!. 1 1 + 1 — ;!.04 ^ 1 0. 11 10 7.04 11 + 10 — 0.05 — ;!4.oo +;'.r,. III. + 0. oil : lOSil -f 0. 0|,S5 + 0.15 -f — 0.01 — 17 . o:i .71 0, S(l — -1-10. IIS 0. 11! S. 04 0. 50 :i. 00 :!. 05 s. o;i 0. >5 + 10.115 10 S.Ol 0, 17 + 0.00 — 0, o:! ;!. OS 0. ra s. ;!ii S. 00 — 0. ss I'rcidiirl. C'linipiilcil, + 0. s;i 0. ik; s. -j.i Oi 50 + ;i, 00 — :i. 00 0. 50 s, I 0. 00 - 0. s',1 100. 100. 1 s-j. 1 51. s 10 i:i 1 OS lis {'< + Hi + 4 — I! + •-' + - + <■' — 10 + 1 + 07.01 0. ;;o 0. 05 - 0. so I + 0. ISO + 1.050 1.50.0 AT rOLAj;lS BAY. (;<) KKCAPITULATIOX OF ItESLl/ls The Ibllowiug table contaius the lecapitulatioii of the results of the preceding ubservatums: ODD FACt>. = K\KN- lACLS. Hato -f I ^ PatO. ■; : -~ ,^ , 1 e'ori'cotnl for S'— ^^ , C'dircrtca fn _ I iicom-ctca. ,,,„,ii,,„ = Uncorrectea. Lcaucua lo " loolnij,'. . - coolmi;. l-T-J. V .i ' V A2' 1-r-J. V A' , V .V- Jauuary T' 1 57.7+4.0 i.'.7. 7 )+ ii. 1 JauuarvO '2 :u.0 + 1.4 (U.e + l.'i 3 OU.;! ^1.4 .'-r., 9 + 1.9 4 a\.2 + b.-> C.-J.: + ;;. 3 '.I :f C>:!. r. — 1. ;) .'.7.3 + u. ,'> > , 4 7.3,0 — 3. (i ' (iw, .-,-)_•,>. 5 1 f.ii. l + l.r> .-'7.3 + O..'-) -J 71.1 + 0.3 ■ G3. 7 + v. 3 10 3 0-J.4 — 0. 7 (II. 1 — -:. 3 11 J (',;i. 9 -I- 1.5 („;. 4 — 0. 4 1 61,(i + 0. 1 .'ii.7 + 1.1 -J 74.3 — -2. 9 (l,~. :! _ •,'. 3 13 1 ti4.:. — •:.- .'.-.4-0.6 1-2 -2 74.'2 — 2.- 1:7. 3 — 1.3 3 (13. 2 — 1.:^ r.9. — 1.2 : 4 70. s + 0. Ci;. (1.0 61.7 + 0.6 .'.7.- -J- 0.3 I 71.4 + 0.7 (1(1.0 + (!..-> Filial muubur of vibrations iu a mean solar day --il.'iilO.O + 0.."i Ami eorrecteil for the eft'ect of cooling xl.'iOl.O + 0.3 FENDULrM-EXPElUMENTS 3[AI)E AT EOLAEIS IIOI SE. KXPLAXATOUY KE:\[xVrJvS AXl) KE('Oi;i) OF OBSEliVATIONS. The iieiululum was swuiii;' at Polaris llonse in tlio sauie way as at tlic' Tolaiis Bay (>liscr\'a- tory, the period of observation in botb placi's coniprising ciglit days. Owiup; to our unfavorable situation after the disaster liad occurred, we were not able to build a proper obserA atory, but liad to eoiidiict the experiments under consideration in a hut, containing but one apartment, which was our bedroom, parlo!-, study, and kitchen for more than seven months. As this room, if it can be termed sncli, was t:(cni)ie selec^t for our CiWscivatious the houis while tlie men were asleep, as the atmost quietness is required in conducting ex])eriments (if this kind. For this reason, we were unable to obtain two sets of obs(n'vations, as we did at Polaris liay, and we hope that the dreary circumstaiu'cs ought to excuse this negh'ct. The pendulum was mounted in the same way as described in the course nl the Polaris Pay observations, exce])t that the steel bars used there to steady the box were supplied by Avooden braces. .V sipiare hole was cut in the floor of our hut, near its northern wall, into which a piece (if strong timber was put, ccniented to the soil (a bixiwn syenite) by means of water, which frozti very readily, and the box containing the instrument was placed on the pier thus obtained. The pendulum did not swing in the meridian; the vibrations being performed in a direction about northeast and southwest. The swinging knife-edge was about ele\"eu feet abo\e the mean sea- level, and the telesco]M>, b.y means of which the transits were observed, was screwed to a carpen- ter's tool chest, three leet to the light of the pendulum. Each series was commenced with a P. vibration, as had been done at Polaris P.ay. The chronometer used was compared before and after the respective sets were taken with three other box-chronometers, as is shown by the record of com])arisons. Mr. Pryan occuiiied tlie tclesco])e; the writer, the chronometer. 72 Pl.NDrLrM-lCXPI'RLMKXTS Set I , tiivr 1, nnvi Il ■> , int;{ K ]. i;. L ''• in. s. h. ill. ■s'. /(. Itl. s. h. III. .V. i; I):' l)(t. 10.1 'J(i. I 01 0.') ,■> 1 , 01. I 11.1 (i ll.i IJ. r.j, 07 01.0 ('. 08 IJ. (i .\t li'' 00'", ;u'f .- , 'J'.iVI > 'J' .1.8 |.-.0'.4 ■M. 1 'Jl.O 11.0 00 OJ 7 Tc'iiiin'raliii (■ 1 .-'0 .0 111. 1 :ii.o Jl.O I'J. I 17 J8 r,(i. 1 41.0 :n.s J J. I.iii'onuOiM JO. ('.Ill (11 nil. 1 10.1 'JO. 1 30. 1 40.1 oi; .'.1.0 01.0 11.0 Jl.O :!l.o 11.7 r.1.7 0- 01.7 11.7 Jl.s 10 :!'j. c. IJ. ti OJ. IJ.C. (i (1,! .Ml. Ii'l 0.". 41.0 J 07 :!l.^:! (1 00 •^•j. i;j • Ci 1- 01.11 11.0 •J 1.0 18 10 .'>J. oj. I'J. ('. 10 IJ. s .-.J. 8 JO (IJ. 8 JO i:t. 1 r.:!. ( At i;'' 'J.'i'", ,ilr , 1 ..-.:; i 1 ■..-.',) ■ ,■.;• ,8 ;!i.o 'Jl.O I'J. Jl o:;. ( Tl'ni|.ri:ltllrc . r.O' ,0 41.0 ;U.o o. > ~ i;i. ( I. I'.l .0 -- - -_-. - - - Uill'dlllclcl JO i;jo (1 18 'Ji.oo 10 11.00 (i JO OJ.74 'JO :>:\. c, i; :i:! 01., 5 n,.-. i; :i-i .".J. IIJ. (i ;i 1 4:i. r. i; :(,■. ;ii.( 1 1.( .'\l 01' 1,'.'", ;in- ^ T'.OO ( 1 ,ir. 21. I'J. li ;!.'. o:;. c. .M.( 'do .11 ;ii.(i J'J. (i Ki.C :i(i 04.1 ■rrlll|)l 'nillllc ■ r.'.i .0 ll.C. :',j. ."i j:!. 14. .". li.'Uo Ill 1 I'.K.O JO. Oils t'l :;:! •ji..".(i (i ;vi lJ.."i8 Ci :i.'. o:!. .-..s :;,-. r.4..-.8 7 (n; no. fi 10. i; 'JO. 7 (k; 07 51..". II1..-1 11..-. 7 117 IJ. r. r.'j. r> 0.- IIJ. 4 ' OS i:;. 4 .-.:!. 4 .\l 7" 10'". lU'c ^ '.70 ( (r.7s 1 CO .0 :;o. i; Jl..^, I'J. 4 00 ii;!. I rriiipcrilt urr ) -S' s 10..^) ;!i..-. J" .% i:;. 1 J.iirniiuli'i' : — in.::: 7 (Id 'JO. ."ii; * 07 1 1 . r, 7 08 0-j. h; 7 OS .i:;. I 8 (K! 01.1 11.1 'Ji.i ;ii.i •11.1 s o:! 01 r.j. OJ. 1 I'J. 'JJ. :!J. 04 4:i,0 ,■.:!. o,s o:',. 1 i;!. 1 'S.'k '^ 0.". 00 :;:!. 4;!. .n;!. s o:;. 7 i;i.7 A(. 81' 07'", ;iiT - Tciniiriiilun' = s " ■•■1 / (r.:i7 r.o .1 I |S".0 8 (i:) 'Ji.l 1 ,s 04 IJ. OJ ,■- 0.1 o;!. 04 8 or. .'■.;!. 8 1 - -_ ._._ .. AT POLARIS HOUSE. ( o Set 1, face 1, March 5, 1§73. | R. L. _ ._; K. 1 1 h. m. s. j h. m. .'>■. h. m. s. h. m. s. j 9 o:i :50. 1 9 04 311. 1 9 05 ■21.0 9 01) 11.5 .13 ' M. gi' 07'", :ux- = 49.1 40.1 31.0 21.5 ' U .IS r,o. 1 511,0 41.0 31.0 f.",9--.3 114 no. -2 115 I'll, 1 51.0 41.7 1 Tempeiutiirc = J ;VJ' .0 10. 1 10. 06 01.0 51. s , i^5uM ' 1 llarniiirter = 2'.i..>22 03 ,'0. 1-' 9 9 04 50. ri3 59,(1 9 9 05 41.0 34 5(1,0 9 00 3,1.02 33 II- r. 9 3,5 40,7 ,- ("i- .07 At. 9'' 3,7"', ar, = ] || l-,4 3,4 09. 3,5 00.(1 5(1.7 '■ O-.ll j ■,'-. 4 19. 10. 30 00.7 fri0^4 ;;-. 3 •-'9. 211. 1 10.0 4'ciii|H'iatiiie = [ 00 .4 1 4>. 3 3.9. 30. 1 20. (■> l51 ,5 i Baroiiirtcr ^= 29,.!l-: '.1 33 ■J-.3,-' 9 34 19. 9 3,5 10.(14 9 3,0 1111.00 ' 40 no, r, 9 49 51.4 9 50 12.4 9 51 3,3.4 . 05(15 \t 9" 52^", arc= ] 52.4 ' ■ 43,3, ' II .10 10,5 5(1 01,3 •j( I, .', 11. 3 51 02.5 .53.3, f(lir.3 1 30. .'i ■-.'1.4 12.5 52 03.3, Ti'i)iiirr:itiiro =,,00 .3, 40. :, 3, [ , 3 22.4 ! 13.2 ', 52.5 1 9 49 ','0, .'. 9 50 11.34 9 51 02 44 9 51 .53.3 1" 113 HI.:', 10 04 51. T 10 00 42.0 1 10 0- 33.4 (1 .0 1 I ' At 10" 12'", lire ^ 11.3 115 01.7 .5-.'. 7 1 13.4 : ' O-.liI ■J1.3 11.7 ii7 02 ^ i -.3.4 ■ fljll--ll 1 31. 3 ■.'1.7 12. - 09 03. 4 1 1 1 1 . -J 31.7 22, s 1 13,4 [XV-M .".1. ■-' 41.7 :-;2. s '2'A. 3 B:uninrtrr =: 'J'. •.■''! 1 III 111.3 51. C, 42, s 3,3.4 1 ' 11.3 or. 01.5 52, 8 43. 3 ' ■J 1.3 11. c. (1- 02.* i "'3.4 [ 31. 3 ■21.0 12.7 1 10 03.4 1 41. -J 31.5 10 ■22. 7 07 3.'. 75 (13.4) 1 i 1 111 03 51.27 10 05 41. C4 10 tl',1 23. 38 . - - 10 74 rENDUKLJM-EXPEKhAIENTS R. 7i . m. s. r> ii;; (Ki.i; 10.5 :.'(!. r. :;i). f) 1(1. r, r,(i. .s 111 01). .5 1(1, c. '.'0.0 :!().(; 10. r, TO. a. 01 51. 1 0.'. 01. 1 11. 1 ■:i.:i :;i.:! 11.-.; r>i.'i 00 01. -i 11. i :;!.! --- m. .s. (10 4-.'. 1 .''.■J.O 07 0-i. 1-J. ■J--'. 1 I-,'. -J 0'_'. 1-.'. .'•, o;! 50.51 I 5 05 .11. '.'('. I 5 07 :'.-'. I :'. 5 o;t ','::. i r.i 01. '2 11. 'i L'l. I :!i. 1 11.0 r.i .5l'. ■.Ml ()■,'. 1 1-.'. ■i-i. :;i.'.i 10 'il. \-i I 5 20 1:-'. ■Jd 42. Ci '-'I 02.7 12.7 22. 7 21 02. OH 50. 5 ; \ 00.0 1 5 ; 1 51.7 00. !l 10. s 5 01. C, 10.9 20.5 j 11.7 20. ;!o. 21.7 :!0. •10. s ;;i.7 5 X'. 10.0 i; o;', 01.1 11.2 21.2 :ii.2 11.2 5 ;!1 20. 7.S (•) IK! 52.0 01 (12. 1 12. 22. ;;i.o (r.i 2i.lrt C 1 12.00 7 (C! 01.2 I 11.2 21. :i 11.;; 7 (i:i 21.20 7 o;i 52.2 III 0.'. 2 12.1! 1 12.2! ii.i; 01 12.0 115 02. H 12. H 05 112. SI 7 01 Ki.O 52, 05 ii:;. (I- i:i. 2 '. 7 05 112. OS S<1 a, face 'i, DI:ii'4'li 6, \S7S. It. li. III. «. 5 o,M :'.;;. 2 no o:'., 2 i:!. 2 ;;:',. o i::, 1 52. 10 (15. 111. 1 At 51' 11'", :ir. 'rfiii|H'nil nil' r>:iroln<'lri' < '-■'■' I 2 .50 (55,0 »5' ,0 [lO .1 "O.OOs 5 21 ;!;!,ii 15,7 ii:;.7 15. 7 21 55. OH At, 51' 25' ( 2 ,110 ( 2,05 'I'rIlllKTuI IMT = a: l!anMii.-I.T = 2O.O.-1; At 5" 5r,"', M S ( r ,07 |,5r,,H 'rcijilicrni lire =^ J •)0 ,h i IH , 1 i;:ii,jiii<'i,('i 20,o,5',i I 1; 115 :.5, H r.t. H 55. H 00 05. H i:;.7 1; 05 55. 7H At 0'' 07'", ;m 'rCllllK'IMl nil' l!a,niiiM'li'i ( \\\ i ,5:1 ,0 1,51 .2 20,011; 05 ;',5 ',1 , 0' .15 .15..; ^ At 7" (,:',.„' ) ,,,,^, 55,7 ! |-.;2',o Oi; 0::. 'I'rniin'i'.'iliin' -- i;2 ,0 15,7 j I55',, ii.'unnii'ti'i' = :;o.ii.5(; 05 5;;. 71; AT rOLAlUS HOUSE. 75 Set a, face !>, March 6, 1873. S (K! 01. -J U.'> ■n.-2 ;!i.-2 41.'.' ^^ u;; -Ji.'.' I s 04 ii.;i-.' ,-; o.-, o-j. 'j-i L. K. L. nt. .s. 7i. m. .s. h. in. h. .s. o:! 04 .-.1.;) Il-J. 11. -.'1.'.) ^ 04 o.'> OJ. ;i i;;. •S.'k s 05 01 ; :i3. 7 i:!. s .5!!. s o:l. s l:!. .s 00. 1 10.1 ■.'0. 1 :iO. -2 40. ■,' ',:'. .51.0 !1 01. 1) 10..^ ■JO. s ::o.7 S :!:', '20. 14 ' s 34 10. 8l 8 4H 00.0 10.0 ■JO. r, :',o. 40.0 4-* JO. i; ,-^ 4.S .".I.e. 40 01. 1 11.4 J). 3 31. I s 40 11.4^2 s :M 41.. S .5 J. i \~) 01. 'J 11.9 21. s rt :;.-. 01. ss s 10 4^J. 1 r,:!. 4 Till OJ. 4 IJ. 4 9 03 01. 11.0 ■JO. 31.0 41.0 r>o. 1) 01 01.0 10. 'JO. ',1 30. 40. 03 50. 'J5 01 51.7 05 01.7 U.7 •J1.7 31. G 11.7 51.7 00 01.7 11.7 J1.7 :!1.7 s 50 0-J. :i; 9 00 4^J. 5^J. 07 OJ. 7 rj. ( j-j. I 3 J. I 4J. I 7''2. 1 OS OJ. I IJ. ( -J^J. ( At .^'' 07^", :iri.' = lV'iii]>i']:itiirc ^ Ij.lloillrti. s " .JO ( .Ji ( 0,: ,0 J (13, .(I 0,1.171 or, OJ. 7 IJ. 7 43. 51 03,. 13. 50 Teiinicia(ii)i B,-irui]ictci At SI' 5J" IS .j:; OJ .3 OJ .3, 54 .0 3,(1.(170 ( .!■, ()■ .15 I OJ 50 I 45m1I1H'I at IH'r :^= ' OJ' .0 |5|3.S IJacniiictrr -_ 30. OSS OS :!.',. 1 (1.1(1 1 At 0'' 11'", ajc== J 43. ■J I ( (I .M 53.2 ( (;j .2 119 03.. 2 Tc(niici';Ltiiiv — [ OJ .0 I 13. 2 ( 54 .1 23.3 ISaiMiii, •'(•!■ = 3,o.i.iS.- 13,. 2 53. 10 03,. 1 13,. 1 9 05 11. 09 : 9 07 32.01 9 09 23,. 17 'KN I )!' LU.M-KXPEKIM KNTS h. III. X. 5 (!(• 0(1.0 111. 'JO. 1 :!ii. 40. 1 .'■jO. 1 (II 00. 'i 10.1 •J(l. 1 yo. 1 40.1 .""> (Id ."id. (IS .5 l.'> (Id. 7 10. 7 ■20. (■) :i(i.7 4(1. C 5 15 2d. (i(i 5 :!1 01. 4 11.4 :u. 4 41.4 5 31 21. 4i 6 Oil 00. .^ 10. r, 20. 4 :!(i. 4 40. 1 (; 00 20.44 7 (10 10.4 2(1. :; :>(!. ;i 4(1.4 .'(I. :'. 7 00 :i(i. :i4 !«iot :J, face 3, ITIaii 5i 7, 1873. L. m. s. 01 .'■.1. 02 01. 11.(1 2(1. :id. ;t Id. 'J .'.(1. s u:i (Id. M 10. H 2(1. y :;(i. li. m. d;i 41.7 51.7 (14 01. s 11.7 21. S ;!1.7 41. (; 51.7 05 01.7 1 1 . 7 21. s 5 ic. 12. C. 52. Ci 17 (12.7 1 2. 7 22. V, r 17 (12.(11 r ■'-■ 15.2 5,5 '' (15. 2 15.:! 25. 1 5 (12 10. s;i .'', 04 31.72 5 15 51.7 10 "(11.7 11.7 21. (■< 31. (i 5 H; 1 1 . (3(.i 5 :;i 54.4 :'.2 111.4 1 1. 24. 3 3 1.3 5 :'.2 14. 4 (1 (Id 51.5 01 01.4 11. 1 21.3 :!1.3 (; 01 11.:',^^ 7 (II 01.11 11.2 21.3 31.3 41.3 7 01 21.22 5 3;', (15.2 C (11 12.3 (12 (12.2 12.2 22. I (12 02.2 7 01 52. 3 02 (I!. 2 1 2. 2 22. 1 .!2. 1 7 (12 12.21 5 0.1 32.0 42. Ci (Hi (12.(1 12. (1 32. li 12. 5 (i: 02.(1 12.11 13.7 53. 7 IS 03.7 13.7 17 53.711 33 3(1. 1 4(1.0 5(i. (I 3,1 (1(1. (I Ki. 1 3,3 .5(1.(11 (1 02 i: .3 (i:l o: i: . 1 . d .1 f. 02 .53. 1 1 (12 l: 53 (13 (i; i: .\t 0' .57'", HIT ^ 3 .10 i 3 .(13 I 11 .(I Tl'1II|mi;iIii1v ; II .d (ll^\5 I 2 .1(1 M 5" 0; ( I 17' 4'(iii]ii Jiihiic I 15 .3 I 42' .S llMI- ricl- = 3i(l 0211 S .\l. 51' HI'", ;uc 4'('niii('i-;il nil', ItariMiirlcr z ,\t 51' 35'", arc; 'rrni|liTlll lllr r^ liMVIIllll'tlT -- Af (!'' 01"', lllr 2' .05 ; 1 .;i7 f 111" () 4'.l' .0 [ II '.(I 3,(1.(131) t 1 .15 il .(I \ < II''. HI) |.V,.(i 'I'l'injK'iMliMc - ; :"):'.■ ,11 I I .-.d :.\ l;:ir(,llirtci- 1:= 30.1(13, .\l 7'' 01'", ail I .37 I 110 .3 — ' .,'1 ' s ■|'r,ll|.rl-alnir = [ ,5',l ' S 1 51 .0 r,;ii-ii]iiriiT = ■2:i.'.i-(; 7 03 ().!.() AT POLAEIS HOUSE. Set 3, face 3, March t, 1§73. R. /*. ill. t^. ^ Ill) (III. 1 10.1 111 00.9 'J(l. 1 11. :;ii. 1 'JO. s -II'. :iO. ■> S 00 -20. il.S s 01 10. as -s :;ii 00.0 8 :'.0 51. 6 10.7 20. 6 :!(!. 40. :, fi :;o '20. no s 4.'-. 01.0 11.0 '21.1 :;i.i II, '2 8 4.') 21.08 :'.l 01 G 11 21 ■61 6 8 31 11. r, 8 4."> ri'2. 1 40 112.1 1-2.1 '22. :'.2. 1 00 01.6 11.0 21.6 :'.1.6 41.0 .'.1.6 01 01.6 11.5 21.4 31.4 41.5 8 10 12. 08 01 52. 5 112 112.4 1'2. 4 22. 3 :i2. 4 42. 3 5'^ ;; ii:'. 02.4 12.4 00 51. .55 12 01.. 8 11.0 21.7 02 01. 7 31 42. 6 52. 6 :'>2 112.6 12, 6 22.6 32 02. 6 8 46 43. 2 53.1 47 03. 1 13.1 23.0 s 47 03. 1 '.I 113 42.0 52. 04 (>i. ;i 12. 33.0 42. 53. 115 03.. 1'2. 9 22. 9 33. L. E. L. h. m. s. s 00 50.9 01 00.9 li. m. s. ^ 01 41.7 51.7 li. m. s. s 03 32.6 42. 5 9 02 42.36 9 04 3.2.94 9 06 33.94 At SI' 04"!, arc = \ .2 o ' .1 52.6 : I 6t) ,0 03 02. i.i Temperature -= ;6(l",0 12.6 j (51^9 j l>,ir.:.iiieter — 02 .52.58 JO. 006 8 32 33.5 i . 0-.18 ' Xt 81. 34"=, are - ] 43.5 < (I .11 53.5 |6->.r, I .!■! 03.6 Teiinieiatmc; = ' 61 .8 13.5 \: ;3n. c, ■111.7 .'id. li k; no. i;. 10. r. .5 15 .^.0. ('1-2 5 :'.ii ;il. I 41. 1 .^1.4 ;ii 01.:; 11. ;5 .5 :!ii .".i.;]i; 6 00 ;:(!. 7 411. > r.i). 7 01 nil. 8 111.7 r. Ill) ."ill. 74 7 nil "ill. 8 111.9 r.n. 9 01 nn. 9 in. 9 7 00 on. s8 Set 1, face 4, .llaicJi §, 1§T3. L. //. )H. s. ) :. 112 ;.■(!. 7 :',n ,s 40 ,s 50 8 n:! (III 10 2(1 ;in ill ."in s 04 I.HI 7 r, n:i in.7s .5 10 ■.'1.7 :',1.7 41.0 .51.0 17 01 7 5 Ui 41.00 5 :!i •-:■;. 3 :;•-'. 4 12. 4 9.2 112. I 5 :;i 12. :ji; 01 21.7 ;ii.o 41.0 51. G 02 01. G 01 41.02 01 22. :!1.8 41. s 51.9 02 01.9 01 41.8^ /(. m. s. ■) (11 11.7 21.7 :n.9 41.7 51.0 115 ni.7 11.7 21.7 31.8 41.8 51,7 "• 115 111.74 '. 17 12.1; -12. .^ 52. (' 17 32. .50 :!2 ]:'.. 1 23. 4 4;'.. 4 02 12.5 22. .5 32. 4 42. 4 Ci 02 3,2. 12 112 12 .1,. / 42.(1 32. 74 L. h. w . s. 5 OG 1.12. 5 12.5 22. 1 At 5'' US"', lire: S 3, .n8 I 3, .01 f(;5 .n :>2. G 4'i'niiii'i III lire := J (il .5 42.5 I 1,19 .-I 52.4 1 Barouielcr = 29.291 07 92. 5 12. 4 22. 4 32. G 42. 4 5 18 n3. 7 12 .57 At 5" 1',!'", arc = 13.4 ( 2 '..52 3.3. G 4'i'iiii)rrii|jii(' = I 57' ' 1 43.5 J l51'-.8 ]jaronio(rr = 29.2'^7 5 IW 23.54 5 33, 04. 4 At 5I' 34'", ar (, I'-.nn 14. ^1 ' "" '1 ■'■^2 •24.2 ■ I 111 .11 31.2 Ttfiiiperatinc, ;-- J 59 .1 44.2 ! 1 .53,' .li - IWiidnH'tcr =: 29.277 1 24.20 0.! 03.4 <> 1 .21 At C' 04'", air 13.3 ( 1C.17 I g:; .11 3,3,. 2 IViiipevatan.' = [ 02 .1 43.2 ' i 51; .11 Baninicl.r - 2'.l,2r,; C 03 23. 2S 7 (13, (13.7 13. 8 23.. G '.u\ .5 13. 5 7 113 2:'.. 02 .\l 7I' 01'", arc _ Temperal 111(3 = r.aiomrirr ^ 1, U'-.5n ( 11' ..5G I 02 .2 j 01^.9 I .57 .11 29 259 AT POLARIS ilOU.SE. 79 L. Set 1, face 1, niarcEi 8, IStS. L. /,. III. .s\ (Id :il 41.1 51.1 01 01. -i 11.': ,S OO .SI. 1-2 s :'.o :^,l.O «. :'.! 02,-.' 1'.'. 1 ;i. m. ^. s 01 •Jl.9 :!'2. I'j. 51.9 0'2 01. S ,s 01 41.0 //. m. ft. /(. III. .9. 0-2 .51. S 01. s 14.8 s ii;! 01 15.7 55.0 05.7 .\t S 05"', :u-c = ( .:;i ( 57' .0 ■Jl.s 15.6 Ten:] or.x'iirc — ; 50'^ .'.1 :ii.o ■25. 6 I 50, .S llnid Ill'tfV — •i':l'!: s Oil 14. s-2 8 04 05. OS 8 31 Q?K i'i. ;i'2 02. s >2 13. 7 ;!:i 04. At si' 31'", ;ir<: s :',0 5-2. 0.s 8 :U 4'2. s,s H 32 :!3. 8 s k; 00. r> 10.0 20. :;o. 40. .s ir, 20. 58 8 40 51.5 47 01.;; 11.4 21. 3 31.3, 8 47 11. 3,0 43 9 54 32 3,3 8 47 41 r. , 9 3 4S 02 12 22 4 14. G 21.7 III. 7 ' Teiiipcratiiro 44.7 ^ r,nroiiH_'ter 21.00 OM'.I " .23 ,4 .9 20. 20. s IS :;r;. 2 13,. 2 .Vt, .-'' 50'", 111', "' 9 00 01.3 9 01 51.9 11.2 02 01,8 21.2 11.8 31. '2 21.0 41.1 31.0, . 51. 2 11.7 01 01.1 51.7 11.0 O:; 01. G 21,0 11.0 31.0 21. G 41.1 31.7 9 00 51.13 9 02 41. 09 8 48 02. 24 9 03, 12,7 .52. G 04 02, 7 12,5 3,2. 6 05 02.0 12. 5 9 01 32. 57 49 o:;.-2 Triiiponitiuc 13. 3 i;ai'niii(.'(cr 8 48 53.22 s ■ .17 ' .20 1 •■- .0 ! -" ,0 1 [ 51 .1 .,. .2-0 9 05 3:;. 4 .Vt 9I' 17'", nvc = 13.4 53,. 4 00 03. 3 13.4 Tonipera 23. 4 i:arnni.-l 3,3. 4 43. 4 53. 2 07 03.3 13.4 .14 . 1 s 'iS '.'J "„S' '.S ',4 .0 29.291 9 OG 23.30 .so TENDULUM-EXPEEIMENTS Set 5, face 4, Marc h 9, 1§73 E. L. E. L. ],. M. s. 7i. «!. s. li. m. s. h. )H . S. 5 00 (in. G in. ,s 5 01 51.8 02 01.8 5 03 52.7 1 02.8 5 05 53.5 (IG 03.5 C 3, ,00 At 5'' 0^'", arc = > ( 2 .',)- 20..^ 11.7 12. G 1.3. 4 r4^l ,3 311. ;» 21.7 22. G 23.4 Temperature = 48 .5 145 .8 41.0 31.8 ;;.) 7 33.4 50. s 41.8 42. 7 43.. 4 Barometer ^ 29.52s 111 01). 'j 51.8 52. G 53. 3 10.7 03 01.8 05 02, 7 07 03. 8 211. s 11.7 12. 6 13.3 31). L» 21.7 •>■) -^ 23. 3 40.8 31.8 32.6 33. 3 5 00 50. .^4 5 02 41.76 5 04 42. (» r> 06 43.3,7 5 15 01. G 11. G 5 15 52. G 16 02.6 " 5 16 13. 5 53. 6 .-, 17 34. G 44.5 At 51' 19"', arc = \ I 2,3,0 i 21.7 12.6 17 0.1. G, .54.5 ,'0 .-' 31.7 22. 6 13. 6 ]S 04.6 Teinpei:i(i)n- = 49 .0 41.6 32. 6 23. G 14. 5 \ u: .5 r^,-irniiirfer — "'0 5-'0 5 15 21. G4 5 16 12.6 5 17 03. .58 5 17 .54.54 5 30 00. G 10. 5 5 30 51. 4 31 01.4 5 31 42.2 5 32 33. 3 43. 3 ^* 5^ ^v: arc= ) J^;;;; 20. 5 11.4 32 02. 2 53. 3 52 .0 1 3,0.5 21.4 12. 2 33 03. 3 Trlliprlal me = 51'~,0 1 40. 1 31.3 22. 2 13>. 3 t IH' ,0 ISnoiiii'tcr — "9 511 1 20.5 5 31 11.38 5 32 02. 2 '' 32 53. 3 1 C. 00 01.6 11, G G 00 52. G, 01 02. G, G 01 43,. G 53. i; i'} 02 34. 6 41.6 , 10,13 At Gi' 04'", arc = > I r-,oG 21.7 12.7 02 03.7 54. 5 '52',0 lV>iiper;\tiire = 52 .0 31. G 22. G 13. G 03 01.5 41.7 32. 5 23. 6 ■14.4 .19 ,8 1 1 ■ l':i)-ometer := 2',). 491 >'• 00 21.64 6 01 12.6 6 02 03. G2 6 03 54.52 T 00 1 01.9 12.0 7 00 52. ',) 01 112.8 7 01 43. 8 53. 8 d 02 34.7 4 1.7 . .53, At 7I1 0.5'", :)re= .. / .49 21.0 12.9 02 03,. 8 54.8 (51 .0 32. 22. 8 13.8 03 04. 7 Tcmporatiiro = ( HI .'* 1 42. 3,2. 8 23. 7 14.7 l.5r.i Barometer = 29,506 7 00 21.96 7 01 12. 84 7 02 03.78 7 00 .54.78 AT rOLAEIS HOUSE. SI Set 5. face I, March 9, IStS. R. L. j 1 R. L. 1 ''■ in. s. h. m. N. h. IJi. .s. h. III. s. f-; (lU nil.:. S (1(1 51.2 s 01 42.0 8 02 3,2..^ . ()'.;;o 10.2 '11 01.2 51.9 42. 9 Al, s'' 01'", .arc = s ' 0-'.25 'JD. ;', 11.1 (12 02.0 52. ,^ |,55 .0 ;;ii. ?, 21.1 12.0 03 02.9 Ti'iupcnitdm = ; 55 .0 ■\o.:t, 3,1.0 21.9 12.9 1 152 .C, - - _ IiaromettT = 29,4--l i '^ 0(1 'J(i. ;>2 ,8 (11 H 30 11. 12 s 02 01.90 3,1 4.;. 2 ,^ 02 52. SO ■ ,- :12 :':.'.. 9 At , s 31 12. ir, ^^ 32 o:',. 2("> 8 '^'2 ri'.I. .^'2 e 45 01.(5 V 11. ('. a 4.". 02. 7 s 40 l;!. 7 S -17 3 1.4 44.4 At .s'' I9'", arc — ("1 .20 ' .14 1 21.7 12. 17 03. G 54. 5 1 50 .5 1 31.7 22. 13.0 4,-^ 04.4 Ti'1ill"'l:it(Ui' = ( ' 50^ .2 i ] 41.7 ; ;. ) ~ 23.5 14.4 ,52 .4 - - Barodi.trc = 29,4-0 ' 8 4.'. ^l.CiC. \j^ 12. C.G ^ 4T 03.0 8 47 54. 4~' 1 9 00 0(1, 4 !l (H 5 (J. 11 9 03, 41..-^ 9 05 32. 5 Al 9'i 0»'", arc = 0,10 t - - . 10. 4 (12 01.(1 52. 42. 4 ' .14 20. 3 10. 9 04 01. 9 52. (' r.59.5 1 3((. 3 21.0 11. .< (10 02.4 T(.-iupHratnre = 1 ; 57 \0 1 40.3 30. 21.9 12. 5 ' I, .54 .1 Tid. 3 41.0 31.8 22. 4 Barometer =; 29.478 01 00. 3 50. .^ 41.8 32. 4 1(1.3 (i;; (10. 9 51. s 12 5 2(1. 3 10. (15 01,9 52. 4 1 3(1.2 2(1. '.* 11.9 07 02,4 1 40.2 3,0. S 21. 8 12. 4 1 9 00 .'.0. 3 9 02 4(1.01 04 31,^(; 9 00 22.44 ' - -- - -- - - - .11 82 PENDULUM-EXPERIMENTS Set 6, fjice 3, March 10, 1S^3. h. m. 8. 5 0(» 02. 4 12. 1 22.4 :i2. 1 42.3 .S2. 3 01 02. 4 12.3 22. 4 32. 4 42. 3 L. .^) oil .W. 30 r< n> 01.0 11.0 20. 31.0 41.1 5 15 21.0 5 3.0 01. i; 11.7 21. r> 31. i; 41.0 5 30 21. 02 6 00 01.0 11.0 21.0 31.0 40. !) G 00 20. 08 7 oo 43.2 h. m. s. 5 01 r,3. 3 02 03. 3 1 3. 3 23. 4 13.3 r.3. 3 03 03. 3 13.3 23. 3 33. 3 r. 02 43. 31 r> I.'') r>2 2 10 02. 1 12.11 22.0 :!2. 10 12. 00 53. 2 01 02.9 13.0 23.0 5 30 .52. 7 31 02. G 12.7 22. G :!2. 5 31 12. 02 00 51.9 01 01. 9 11. s 22. 31.8 G 01 11. RS 7 01 03. 0( 7 01 31.0 43. 9 53. s 02 03.9 i;;. 8 7 01 53. 92 R. h. m. ■s. r 03 44.2 51. 1 04 04. 1 14.0 21.0 :!l.(t 44.0 .54.-0 05 113. 9 L h. m. .s. r. 05 31.9 44.9 .55. Of, (15.0 11.9 21.R 34. H 13.9 04 34. 01 5 IG 43.0 52. 9 17 ll,>. !» 12. 9 22. 9 5 17 02. 92 31 43. 53. 32 03. 13. G 23. 5 32 03. 58 G 01 12. 8 52. 7 02 0.'. G 12. G 112 02.08 7 02 21.7 34. S ll.s .54.7 03 04. 7 02 44,72 ll.w 54. S 07 04. 9 14.7 5 00 24. sc 5 17 33. 9 43. s 53. 8 18 03.9 13. 7 5 17 53. 82 5 :!2 34. 5 44. G 54. 5 33 04. 5 14.5 5 32 54. 52 G 02 33.5 \:\. r, 03 03.7 1.3. G (i 02 53,, 02 7 03 15. G 25. 7 3,5. 7 15. G 55, G ■II'- S' i 3 .45 Tciii|,i'iiiliir r57.s ,. = I 55.0 Ir... At 51' I)-'", ,'iiv = 4' .1. \ 2^.H) ( 2.73 r 59^^.5 Tuiii|ii'iTitiiic = ; 5G-.S 1510.4 ]i;iri,iii('t<-r = 29.995 At 51' 19'", air. = ^ 2^.25 ( 2 .17 roii'-'.G Triii|ici'atni'r, := J 50 .5 I 510.3 Bare, meter = 29.9LI) ^ 1C.75 1. l-.f,7 rG2-\0 I 5S'^'.0 i.52".4 Barometir = 29.992 At 51' 34"i, arc Temperature I 1M2 At 01' 01"', aro= ] i V-.07 fG3-.0 Tciiii>cratiin> = ' G3o.0 1. 53- .7 Barometer = 29.991 At 7'' 05'ii, are = 7 03 .35.64 Tciiiiii'ratnr, Barometer (j 0'-.53 t r)':.45 G1°.0 = 29.981", AT rOLAEIS HOUSE. 8;i Set 6, face 3, March 10, IH7S. li. m. 8. H (HI 01,:! 11.-^ ■^1.1 :!1.;! 41. --2 110 21. '^J s 30 (IJ. 3 12. ;i 22 2 32. 2 42. 1 L. h. m. ». s 00 r>2. 01 02.2 12.2 22. 3 32. 3 R. /i. m. s. s 01 43. 1 .^.3. 1 112 03.0 13,. s 01 12.2 8 02 03.02 .-< 30 r.3. 3 31 03.3 13. 2 23. 33. 1 S 45 00. (I 10.7 20. 7 311.7 40.0 8 45 20.00 S 45 51.0 4ti 01.7 11. 21.7 31.7 8 31 44. 53. 3,2 03. 13. H 23. S S 30 22.22 8 31 1:118 8 :52 O:!. K-< /(. in. s. 8 02 3:',.! At 8i' 05"', an .:33 0' .2; 1:5. 'J 54.0 fOl".s I 0:! 0;!.'.) I Tcmporaturo ='0(1.7 13.7 ! U2 .:: I Baroriietor = 20,07." 02 5:!. so :',2 34. 7 0' '.2;', At 8'' 34'", arc. 44.0 ' .17 54.0 ro:! .0 :!;! 04.0 j T(;mpi.-raturo = ! 01 .1 I 1 14.0 154.0 , Baroiiietur = 20.070 H :i2 .54.80 8 40 42. (; 52. (3 17 02. (i 12 ,M 40 ll.(i(i '^ J7 02.02 9 03 52. 7 01 112.7 12.7 W 47 3:!. ,;,, I W.0 3:;. (J i ]!ariinii.'ti;r ^ 29.07'; 43. 5 (17 03.5 1:1.5 2:i. 5 9 oCi ;',:!. 5:', 84 rENDULLTM-EXPEiaMI'JNTtS Set 7, i:\ii- 2, Mnrrii 11, 1873. i;. L i;. L. ! It. 111. s. k. m. s. /(. m. s. ll. 111. s. 5 (II) 00.4 10. 4 5 (11 (i-i .'.1.;! (11. 1 5 o:; 4-'. :>•;. r> 0.:) :;2. 9 42.9 I 4' .10 Al 4" 5S"., :uv . 1 4 .:;5 I 'io. :; 11.3 (M (IJ. 1 r>2. 9 02' .2 30. ;; ■Jl. 3 12. 1 (k; (12.9 4'i.'iniK'iatiLri' _ 5S .0 4(1. 4 31. 2 22. 1 12. '.1 52' '.0 00.4 01 00. 4 It.:; .'il.'Z :;•,'. 1 4J. 1 22. 7 At 51. (17'", inr - \ " ■'' ( :; .01; 10.4 (i:; 01. '< .O'.!. (1 42. H (■(12' .(1 TfiiiiUTaturc = 57 .2 i •JO. 4 11. 1 (I.J (li.O .">■' s :io. 4 L'l. 1 l-i. 1 07 02.7 1 1, 51 ".5 40. :; 31.1 ■,'•2.0 12. 7 Barometer = 'J'.l.'J'JL* :, (III .'0. :!7 ■■ 0:^ 41. '.'3 I") 04 :.;-.'. (k; .'', ik; 22. S2 .-. ir, 01. :i 11.:: 5 1.-. 10 (I-,', 'i r. k; I-.'. r.:i. r, 17 :;:;.8 i:;. 9 At 5I' 19"', arc= J ~ ".''^ -.'i.-j r,'. 17 0-.'. r.:;. 9 r(i2'.(l ■■ii.'i ■.'■-'. i-i. ;i is 03.9 Tc(i;pL'raturo = 5b .0 1,52 .0 IJai'Oiiictrr =: 29.99S' 41. 'J :;•-'. (1 '-■-. -"^ i:;. s r. 15 'jl.'.'i "' k; i-j. (1.^ 5 17 IIJ. 0? .% 17 .''.:;. Hi .'. :30 01. s 11. s 5 :',o 31 ■.'.", 5 31 i:;. (i r.:!, 6 r. :;2 :;i.(i 44.5 I 2-.(l5 At 5" :!1"', ai'c= . I 2 .00 'Jl.S 1-.'. 7 :',2 (i:;.(; 54. 4 '(;:; .0 Teiiipi'iatiire =^ ^ 5'.):'.5 :U.7 ■J'.'. H i:;..5 :;:; 01.5 41. s .;■_*. '^ 'J::. 5 . 11.5 ,54 .:! Barumeter = 29. ',199 ' " ' ' — ■ 5 :;ii ■J1.7S •"'> 31 1-.'. 7 .'i 3:.! o: ;..')(; 5 ?,2 51.5 ( (i (Id 01.:! 11. :3 i; 00 01 r>i. (11. 9 01 4-.'. 9 r>:i. 02 :v.;.>f . r-,'j,s At 01' 04"', ;ii-i:.= 11.0 1! 1''.22 '.'1.'^ 12.0 02 O-.'. 9 5:;. 9 ly.-.' .0 :'.i.-2 •n.'j 12. 9 0:! (>:'>.>< ' Torijpcratiiro = 5',l .5 41.1 :;■-'. 22. 9 1:;. s 1 1 55'- .0 • — Baioiiieter = 29,'J',I9 j (1 (Id •n.'i-i (1 01 11.04 02 (12.92 (i (12 5:;. si; 7 00 01.:; 11.'.; 7 00 01 :.■.'. (I','. 7 III i:;. ri3. 1 7 (12 :!4. 41.1 I (1 '.1:; At 7I' 04'>', ai'c = > 0' .ss ■ii.-: i->.o 02 (i:;. 1 5:;. 9 , 05 .s :n. 2 • h> •) 13.2 0;! 04.0 Teiiipcruturc ^ (il.s 41.(1 :;■-'. 1 2:;. 2 M.O , l52:.7 1 ■ j i;ai'(iiii('toi' = 29. '.19s 7 00 '-2I.LS j 7 01 1-.'. 0(i 7 02 o:!. 12 7 02 54.0 AT PULAKI8 H«JUt5E. 85 Set 7, face 2, March 11, 1873. K. li. m. s. s 00 01.;'. 11.3 ■-.'1.4 31. -J 41.3 p 01) 21. 3 L. h. m. s. s Oil r'2. 3 01 03. 4 12. 3 S 01 12. 2S L. ;) nil 01.1 i 9 00 "'-.S 11.2 i 111 112.2 21.2 i 12.2 31.3 ' 22.2 41,1 ',1 00 21.1^ 32. 1 h. m. X. s 01 4;i. 3 112 03.2 l:;. 2 2:!. 1 8 02 (13. 22 01 43. 2 53.1 02 03,. 1 13.2 01 12.2 1 'J 112 03.1(1 9 30 Oil. .5 10. :, 20. .". 3.11.4 411.3 9 30 20. 14 ;) 4,". Oil. H 1 0. 7 211, 9 30. S 111 7 9 311 .51,3 31 01.3 11.2 9 45 20. 21.2 31.1 9 31 11.22 9 45 51. C, 4r. 01. s 11.7 21.8 31. li 31 42.3 12.2 4i; 12 (1 .5"' 7 17 112 7 12 7 -)•> 6 9 4i; 11.7 10 00 111. 3 11.4 21.4 31.4 41. 1 51. 5 10 02 02.2 12. 2 22. 31. !l 41.^ 51.7 111 01. 4 11.5 21.5 41.5 51.0 03. 01. S 11.8 21. s 31. w 41.8 h. m. s. 8 02 31,11 44.0 54. At 8l' 115- S .3-1 ( .311 |i;o.5 113, 114,0 i Tfijiiioratuve = ; 05 .4 14. 1 I 1 57' ,5 - - - j IJaroiiK-lLi' = 20, ',133 8 02 54.112 I ',» 02 34.11 44.0 .54.11 03 04,0 14.1 'J 02 54. 112 33,. II 12. 9 3,;; 112.8 12, 6 'J 32 02.20 I 9 32 52.82 3,3. ',t 13. 5 4H 53. Ij 113, r. 13. 5 At 9'' III.'", air Ti'iiipeiatuii' = Banjmctrr — - At 9I' 31"', aiT = I'i'Oipeiatiii 1^ — r,ai'"iiir(ri At '.111 49"', all' = ^ ,r.i ( 0-.15 I. -.7 .8 II .14 TeiiilKiatuir — i 13aioiin'!('i ( .111 I 1,0,0 J05.4 \ 57 .'.I 2'.I,9'.I8 ( .11:1 n]i; ,0 ' 1;.", :; l_58 ,0 '',I,'J3',I !l 47 Il2.r.0 9 47 .53.54 10 03 52. ;i Ml 02.9 12.9 22. ;i :'.2. H 12.7 .5"' ."^ 05 02.9 13,. II i 0' 03,. 5 13,. 5 10 05 43,7 53,. G At 111'' 08'", aic -: ^ 0'-.ii5 " t .10 1 11 i 03. 5 fi;o .4 13. 5 23,. 4 33. () Tciiiporatme - Barniiiili'i' __ ; 05 .3 1 15,- .1 _ 20.0', I'J i,',. I., .53. ' j 10 00 51.45 I 10 112 51.8'3 10 04 42, 87 10 00 33. 50 (S(j r E ND LfL V 31 E A i'EEIMENTS Set S, face 1, .llaixli 12, l§t3. K. L R. L. 7i. l:t. s. 7i. m. s. h. m. s. It. III. s. 00 01.0 11. G .0 01 02 O'J 7 .5 (13 43,..-, 7.3,. () 5 05 31.3 1 , I 3'M;o ,\t 41' 5,-", arc= ^ 44.4 ( 3 .49 -■1.7 I'J () 04 o:!, 4 54.4 lOil^.O 31. C •-'•-' .-. 13.4 00 01.3 , Toiiiperature = ; .50 .0 41.7 30 -, 2:;. 4 14,5 1 1^51 .5 .')i.(; 01 01.0 4-,' 33,. 4 43. 3, 24. 4 :',1.4 At 51' 08"', arc= .J ' "j] 11. s 03 (l,> .53. 4 44.4 1 or.o •Jl.G 1-J 5 05 03.3 54. 3 Temj)eratiir6 = .57 .0 31.0 o."> 13. 3, 07 04. 3 I 51 ..-^ .' 41.0 "'•-' (■, ■'". ',) 14.3 Barometer = 3,(i.ti02 5 (10 .".1.04 :') 0'.' 42. .-,7 b 04 33. .!0 5 00 24.3.0 5 ir. iiii.s r, i.-> r.i.(; - 15 42. 5 5 10 33. 4 10. 01.0 52. 5 43. 4 At 51. IS"., arc =\ ' i 2 .■20 •20. 7 I!..'. 10 02. 4 ._»•!. ■_) •01 ..-J :iii. 4 ■Jl.O 12. 4 17 o:'.. 4 Teuiperatirre ^ 3,0 31 .-.'"* 2 ( (2. 3 5 31 43. 3 53. 3 5 32 33. i) 44.0 At 5>' 34"', arG= \ I 1-.70 •J 1.3 12. 3, 32 03.3 ■^'J-0 1 m;:v.o 3.1.-.:! .).> .) 13.2 3:! 04.0 Tt'iiipfratnie = ; OOM 41.3, :;2.3 23,. 1 ; Biii-ometer = 3,0.(1(14 •' 30 '.'1.3 5 31 12. 20 r 32 03.24 5 3,2 54.00 (1 00 0(1. C. 00 7,1.. 5 ("i 01 42. 4 112 3.3.5 (11- 1(1. ('. 01 (11..-. 52. 4 ,., , \t G'' 04'", arc = ' i--i ' I F.05 ■Jd. 11..-. 02 02.5 53. 4 (■ a .0 3,0. ."i 21.4 12.4 03 03.5 IVmix-ratdi-e = (12 .0 i:-' i l.5(W.O ! 10.0 31.1 22. 4 li 11(1 ■.'(!. ."iS 6 01 11. 10 02 02. 4> (■) O'J 5:>. 41) 7 00 01.1 7 0(1 .->2. - 01 42. 8 ' 1-'- -;■<'' ' , o-.G- 11.1 01 02. 52. 7 ,., J At 7'' 04"', air = 4''-^ / ■.53. •Jl.O 12.0 02 02. S 53,. ;i 1 (;5'M 30.0 21.0 12.7 03 03. 8 1 Teiiiperaturo = [ 04 .3 40.0 3,2. 22. G 13. 7 l.57:..s : 00 21.(1 7 01 11.0- / 02 02.72 7 02 53.70 AT POLAEIS HOUSE. 87 Set §, face 1, March 12, 1§Y3 • E. L. R. L. ( .3,3 At .^1' 04"\ Lirr = ; 7i. m. s. h. m. a. h. m. f!. 7/. ))(. s. 8 00 01.3 8 00 52. 4 n 01 4;;. 2 S 02 3,1.2 11. :5 01 (12.;'. 53. ;'. 44.2 f69 .0 TciiiiH'iatiire ' = I 68' '.1 1.61 .2 r,:iioiii..'tfV = 30.1143 21. :i 31.4 41.3 12. 2 32. 4 02 03. 4 13.3 23. 3 8 54. 2 03 04.11 14.11 02 51. 12 8 00 21.3-2 H 111 12. 32 8 02 03.3 9 00 01.6 9 00 52. 7 9 01 43. 4 9 02 31.1 At9i'04'", } <, 0M5(?pr"'j-<> .25). 1 11.. 5 01 II J. 7 53. 3 44.5 III'- 'i ' I (y.oa (;'pio6.ii .16). 21.6 12. 7 02 li;'.. 3 54. 7 '69 .6 Teni]>t>ratnro = li9 31. r, 22. 6 13. 1 IK! 04.6 41.6 32. 6 23. 1 14.5 I 62 -.0 9 00 21.r,6 9 01 12.66 9 02 03.36 9 02 54.54 9 ;!0 00. 9 10. 9 9 30 51.7 31 01.8 9 31 42.6 52.6 'A't 33. .5 43,. 6 ( II .18 At 91' 34'", aro = ( II .19 20. w 11.7 32 02.5 5;',. 6 fOO .6 30. 8 21.8 12.6 33 o:;.5 Teiiipi'i-atiiro = 69 .0 [iw.o 40.7 31.6 22. 6 13.6 9 30 20. K2 9 31 11. 72 9 32 02. 58 [) 3,2 53. 51', \ 9 4.5 01.6 i 11.5 9 45 52. 4 46 02.4 9 46 43,3 5)3 '* 47 3,4. 2 44.2 ( 0'-.17 At 9" 19-", avo = ) ^,,,,,. 21.6 12. 4 47 113.1 54. 2 fOll .5 Teiii|icratiiri- = <| iV.r .0 31.6 22. 4 13. 2 48 04. 1 41.4 32. 1 23. 3 14.2 ii;2M 9 45 21.54 9 46 12.4 f) 47 03. 22 9 47 51.18 lit 00 01.9 11.9 10 01 .52.8 1 12 02. 7 111 03 43. 6 53. 6 10 05 34.3 41.4 ( .16 At 10" 08"., arc =1 ^,,^,.,g 22. 12.7 04 03. 7 54.5 ("69 .5 Temperature := ^ IV ■" i.i;i'='.3 Barometer = 30.064 31.9 22. 7 13. 7 1 06 04.5 42.0 51.9 32. 7 42.7 23. 5 14. 4 24.3 01 01. 9 r,.> - 43. 5 3,4.4 11.8 03 02.6 Tj'J Tj 44.4 21.9 12. 6 05 03,. 5 54. 3, 31.9 22. 7 13,. 5 07 04. 3, • 41.8 32. 6 23. 6 14. 3 ! 1 10 00 51.91 10 02 42.68 10 04 33.56 10 06 24.37 — - 8S ■ PEN T>ULUM-EXPEi; i:\II': NTS foi;mi;l.e and ]\ietiio]) of i;e1)U(TI()X. Tlio ix'ductiou of tlu' i)l>sci'v;iti(iiis uiuler ciiiiskk'i'ation was made in a similar manner lo lluisc of Polaris I!ay. The clironomrter used was solar eliroiiomeler I >, liaviiis' a .gaining daily rale el' ii^^(. As mentioned before, an additional tliermoiiii'tcr was fasfmed inside (lie bov, mie mentioned here is tha.t the temperatnres, as indieated by llii^ Ihei'moiiie- ters P,i and Pj,, difler bnt sli.i^'litly. For this reason, we deemed oiirst'lves justilied in nsin;^' the mean between P,, ami Pi,; and the corrections for lemperatnrc were ticalcd in the saiiu' manner as those ol' th(.' Polaris Bay obserxatioirs, assuming the mean between ]'., ami 1',, as the upper, ami th<' indications of P,, as the lower temperature. As tlie excess is positiv<' here, \\c have to snbtract. the middle sci'ies from the prt'ceding ones, and the following ones from the middle one, in order to obtain the intervals. As the dilference Ijetween the snms of the + and — inter\'als was also I'onnd to be grciitci- than ciinld be atti'ihnted til the effect of the error of the nn'ddlc series, the values for the intervals were treated in an ana lytical manner by the method of least sipnires. Tlie method of adjusting tlie inter\'als before olitaining tho \alne of the excess is shown in a small additiomil eompntation, the lirst eolnmii of which contains the. dilfei'cnce between the sciies of the same naiiui bnt oii]iosite sign; the second column gives half of their values, underneath which the nn'aii is to be found, representing the function — " + *■'/?+ II,- the tliird column gives then the difference between each vabie of the secoml column and its mean; tli(^ fourth and fifth columns giv^c the coi'Hicients of ft and y corresponding to these differences. The rabies of /, /?, and a are given Inflow; also, the cori'ections to be apjdied to the intervals. AT POLARIS HOUSE. sy C])roiioiiietci--Conipai-i$03is. MAliCII 5, 1st;;, JIAi;cH li, is?:;. ;.. )». s. s. h. in. rS'. s. li. )». s. s. 1). m. s. s. II r, ■")7 'JO, 2li. 10 14 :i(i. 1) rl'j. 4 D 5 Vi 40.0 40.0 13 51,0 57. A 1 r)4 OG. S, (j 11 r r " 5.0 A 1 ];; 16. ■-2-2. 5 15 07. 5 i:!.5 1) r. r>8 0;J, 9.5 10 10 17.0 .4.5 1' D r, i:i 10,0 17.5 14 •27.0 33.5 I! « (11 411. 5 IS. 10 -■»■) :;s. .f-. 4i;, ]! •"> .);> 42, 5 50. 9 '25 :'9, 5 40.0 1) .'. fiS .''.(I. r.7. (1 lit k; r.;;. o 50.5 1) r 14 50, r _; - ' 9 15 04. 11.5 (_' c> 01 1'.), •ii;. 10 VJ (14. r> 11.0 C ,-, ■ii 11.5 20.0 9 '22 115. 5 i:!. II ,_ —--- -- _ MARCH 7, 1S7;;. li. III. S. ' .1. 7i . Ill . s. s. l> .') 54 01. j 7,5 9 15 ■27, :',?,. A 12 5s :i5.5 12.0 5 '20 44, s 50. I) 5 54 l:;. ; 49.5 9 n; III, II 7. H f, 09 l:!. 5 20.0 9 31 15, '21.0 II .J 55 '25. 31.5 9 10 3S. 44. C 5 05 4'2. 5 49.0 9 '27 39, 45. MAKCn 9, ls73. It. m. s. s. /i . m . .s\ s. D 4 54 20. '20,. 9 13 40. 4G.0 A 1 OG 57.0 3.0 ft 'J? CO. 6.0 1) 4 54 49. 55. 9 14 OS. 14. 5 B T) 17 '22. '2.-^. 9 37 24. 5 31.0 II 4 55 20. •2C,. 5 9 15 01.11 7.0 C 5 i:; 3G.5 43. 9 34 01.0 7.0 JIAKCII s, 1S73. 1) A 1) r. II c /I . IH. .'?. 5 57 20.0 1 05 5r.. 5 57 4S, II 5 10 20.0 5 5S 16.0 5 12 33. 5 20. 2. 54.0 '20. 21.5 39.0 . in. .9. I 1'2 4s. ) 22 07. II I 13 35. riii.o I 14 '2U,0 I '29 20. 55.0 14.0 41.0 50 20.. 26. JIAIICII 10, 1- D A U 11 D C ll. m. .?. 8. 4 5'2 30, 42.0 1 09 14.0 20.0 4 r" 02. ■ r 19 30. •> 42. 4 r't 45. 51. 5 10 01.0 7.0 h. m. s. J 10 3.0. II '. '27 51.5 I 11 or.. I 11 51.0 9 34 53,. MARCH 11, 1S7:!. ii A D i; D c: h. m. s, 5 OS 40. 1 '29 22.5 5 10 10. 5 40 49.0 5 10 3>s. 5 3G 50. 5 12 .5. I h. m. s. 40. ' 10 13, OG. •2S. 5 G 34 39. 17.0 ll 10 13 30.0 50.11 10 45* 0.0 44.5 Ij 10 14 24.0 3,. : 10 41 33.0 8. 12.0 4,5. 37.0 7.0 30.0 39.0 JIARCH 12, 1S7 D A D 1? D C h . ill. 8. 5 12 10. 1 3.0 54. 5 12 3,0. 5 47 10. 5 5 13 04.0 5 43 22.5 8 1 IG 1 35 ■■ 10 9 5 'Is 7i. m. «. 10 16 OG. 41 41.0 10 IG 3,0. 10 52 01.5 10 17 3,0. 10 4S 45. 12. 47. 7.0 42.0 51.0 * ];<-cfii(li-il 54 li.\- inist.'ike. 00 PENDULUM-EXrEElMENTS — 8 4 3 o — 1 + 1 2 3 4 r 6 7 + fi o h. m. C 04. f) 19. C 31. G 49. 7 04. r. 19. f; 34. C 49. G 8 Ol.G 19. G 34.0 49. G 9 04, C 19. (i 34. G 49. G 10 01. G Jlean . Face I. TIOMIT.U.VTniK OF THE — :i. 07 1.48 1.00 0. 8G Air. 0. 74 59. 0. 05 59. 0. 50 0.41 0, 32 It. 27 0. 23'59, 0. 19 59, 0. 15:59. 0.11, GO. 0.0.-' 60. 0. 07 CO, 59.0 59.0 59.0 .58. 9 58.5 58.4 57.8 57. 57. 3 57. 8 58. 3 58. .^ ,59.2 59. 9 60.4 1)0. 2 59.7 48.4 49.0 49. 49.2 49.0 48. 9 48, 48.2 48.2 48,7 49. 4 49, 9 50. 3 51.0 51.8 52. 6 49. 5 Pendulum. Pa Pb P, 59^7^ 59. 7 59.8 59. 8 59. 7 59. 7 59.7 J)9^G 59. 6 59. G 59. G 59J5 59. G 59._8^ 59. 9 59.8 .58. 9 58. 9 58.9 .58.8 58.7 5''~'. 7 58. 5 58. 4 58. 3 58.9 58. 6 .58. 8 58.9 59.1 59.3 49.0 49.2 49.3 49.4 49.3 49.2 49. 48.9 48.8 49.1 49.5 49.7 49.9 50. 3 50.- 51.9 _7^3_ _3._8^ 1.7 1.3 Sums. 0.9 0.7 ! 0.4 0,3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0, 1 0.0 0.0 ■;7.7 + 69. s- G^.0+60.9- 58. 3 + 52. — 3^.7 + 34.3^ -6.7 -5.7 ■4.9 3.6 0. 0.0 38. 4 + 34. 2 - ,57.8 + 52.2- 67. 7 + Gl. 5 - 77. 5 + 70. 8 - -2.7 - 2. - 0, 1 COltRECTIOM.S FOR- Arc. 16. 9. Tomiiera- ture. +24.7 +21. G +18. 5 +12, 2 — 0. 9 -0.8 —0.7 —0.5 M -0. 5 -0. 5 -0.4 -0.4 + 0.40 + .29 + .23 + .14 0. r,' + 12. 2 +18.4 +21.6 -121.8 —0.4 — 0, 4 —0.3 0.0 -0.4 -0.6 -0.7 -0, s + .12 + .18 + .21 +0. 24 OBSERVED TP.AX.SrrS BY SIDEREAL CHROXOMETER A. I. R. R. — 8 . 09 7 .00 6 . .5(; — 4 ..56 .10 + 4 .12 6 •J'^ 7 . 50 + 8 ,27 s. .83 .74 .58 .46 .04 .00 .04 .44 L. Mean s. .89 . 82 . 57 .49 . 9[) . 95 . 02 .40 .51 + 20 + 30 + t-' + 10 + 20 r Ti aus, 49 + 40 + 29 11 + 23 80 + 14 93 99 — 12 91 — 18 — 21 — 24 84 47 Equations of condition. 7 = 1 a + 7 /? + 16 ;• 17 = 1 n + 6 ;? + 35 y 29 = 1 a + 7 /i + 49 y 51 = 1 a -f 8 il + 64 7 - f-y + 1^^+ 87 + 2 p- + 23 7 61 Interval. ■19 a 9a 3 a 25 A 5G s. 11.50 10. 12 ■-<. 81 5.94 + + 10.70 12.52 OljHerveil, — 11.98 10.45 9. 01 5. 97 — 0.11 + 6.05 s. 95 10. 37 + 12.05 Product. + 38. 45 36. 37 + + 2. 08 0. 23 95. 8 73.2 54. 1 23. 9 24. 2 53. 7 + 96.4 +493. 9 + 1. 497 + 143.7 — 2. 5 = 41.2 = Couiput'd. + 11.98 10.48 s, 98 5.99 5.99 8. 98 10.48 + 11,98 :D :V Normal equations. 104 = 4 n + 25 (S + 165 y 741= 25 « + 165,3 + 1135 7 5409 = 165 a + 1135 ft + 8049 7 + 3 — 3 + 2 — 1 + 6 — 3 —11 ^-7 Result, 7= 50.9 /■; = 0. n= 11 AT POLAIUS HOUSE, 91 Face a. TEMrEii.nur.E of the — connEcTiox.s I'lii!- Air. 3 -ll + 1 '2 3 4 + 8 5 04.6 19.6 34.6 49. 6 6 04.6 19. 6 34.6 49.6 7 04.6 19.6 34.6 49.6 H 04. 6 19.6 34.6 49.6 9 04. 6 Pendulum. j'^iun.s. Pa Arc. 44 .).■ 83 56 40 56 19 50 97 '59 83 00 69'00 .50 01, 4.- 02, 39 1: 32 f . 1 55 . 3 50, , 9 5( I, . 9 50, . 3 59, . 00. . 8 00, ,5 01. , 1 02. , 3 02. , 02. , ,- 0,2. 1 46. 2 3 47.81 9 49.3 9 50. 3 2 51.4 51.9 .^ .52. 5 5 53. II 1 53. 3 .54. 1 54.0 ,^ 55. 1 59. 1 49. 3 .59. 4 59. 5 00. 1 00.3 60. 5 00. 7 00. 8 00. 9 61.0 01.0 22 02. 21 02. 18 02. 13 02. 9 02. 5 02. 2 02. 02. 59. 1 50. 1 59.2 59. 2 50. 9 51.3 Tcmjiera- ture. 10. 2 3.6 2.4 60. 51.9 1.6 00.3 .52.2 1.2 00. 5 52.5 0.8 60.8 52. 7 0.5 79. 1 + 77. 0+10. ;i 70.0+69.0+11.0 00. o+(;o.o+ii. 5| 41.0+41.6+ 9.3 20. +2,j. - 15. ^ +23. 3 10. l!+20. 2 +1.5; +1. o' + 1.0' •«. s. -fO.5 +11.54 +0.4 + .41 +0.3 + .32 4.1 + 13.9 +1.3, +0.2 + .19 61.0 61.0 ■ 53 61.1 53, 61.2 53, 53. 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Jlc 00. 4 00. 9.55.2 0,1.0 5 54.5 00.9 61.2 01.1 53.8 53. 5 0.1 0.1 2,54.1 0(1. ,-< 61.0 53. 3 0.1 54.7: 60.8 4 52. 4i 61.0 53.5 0.0 43.7+41.3+13.41 1.0+14.7 +1. 05.0+00.0+20.7 70. 4+77. 0+24. Ii' H7. 2+8^. 6+27. 5: 1. 2 +22. 1 1. 3+25. 8 1.3 +29.4 +2. 8 +3. V +3.7 +0. 1 + , 1,- +o.(;: + +0. +0.8 + .31 +(1.35 OBSERVED TEAX.Srr.S BY SIDEREAL CHRfiNCi.METEK A. R. Mean. Traus. Interval. Oljserved.| Product. iConiput'd. 7 6 4 + 4 6 + ^ ! 54 12 90 18 20 20 14 Oil .20 .(.111 '. 00 .24 . 92 . 81 ) .42 ,69 ,13 . 08 . 08 .84 .98 .94 ^s . 38 .61 .12 (■.511) . 711 . :;ii .17 .71 . 95 . 1 10 .90 .90 .42 ,01 + 20 + 10 + 20 + 54 00 + 41 :;,-' + 32 03 + 19 14 06 — IS 78 — 27 03 — 31 11 — 35 40 s. .5. s. s. — 11.94 12.30 + 9^.4 — 12.24 — 10.32 10. 60 74.2 i 10 71 + 11 8. 97 9.19 .55. 1 9, 18 — 1 — 0. 118 0. 211 24.8 — 0, 12 — 11,^ — 11.24 —24 + 6. 2s + 0.10 24.6 + 0.12 + 4 9. 43 9.21 55. 3 9. IS + ■' 10. 95 1(1. 07 74.7 10.71 — 4 •f 12.60 + 12. 24 + 97. 9 + 12.24 + " -!- 39.20 + 505. — 37.31 + 1.53(1 + 140. 9 = 241' + 1 . 95 + 0, 22 — 2.5 = 11 144, 4 = A' DitT. 20 40 03 10 23 :il 3,3 a' S a" — 14 - — 1 - 2 — 25 — 1 Coir. + 7 + 1 + 8 9 + 2 + 23 a + 6 ,,3 + 41 ; = 24 31 61 36 Result, ; = + 0.5 "S li = 0. 22 a ^ + 4 12 1)2 r i: X] ) U LU.M-1'L\ PElilMICXTS r-.uc s. I i:mpi;i: VI ri:n oh' tiik — )i;i:i:(ri().\s I'di:- li . m — H 5 01. 7 l(i. <; :ji. -ii;. I C (II. :; j k;. II 7 111. + 1 ii;. ;! I .ii;. 4 S (11. r. 1 n. (1 ;!i. 7 4C.. + H , 9 01. Jleai) . . . Ail-. O n o o I'ciHlulniii. Slims. l',i — 4 .14 (I . :!4 -f- 4 : .0,-1 () ' . i;i; 7 .IKS + 8 . ;,.-, :;.-^ i: s:; i;i, III 111 s'.i ;!;)i;o :;i oil 'i'.H'ill • " '.T.r.ii ' '11 ■Ji i;(i 17 111 1 ni-j ■' i-.'i;:; '.'If. i; I--'. (US. ;i 44. 7 111. i'4(;. 1 III. 11."!;! .''i.'d. 1^ 4^0'^ :;.".',i. .■^." 'J.'.'.l. '.I'.M 1 CO. II. ')1 (MKI o'.')l 4(;(i. :;.'.! 7 01 7 01.,-.-!.-, y CI. (■..-..-,, 1. 1 i.:i .\rc. o ;r,. (I ■,.',. '.c. 1 ' : 7.-. :>', 7: 1. (I :,'.- 'rclU|M'l ;l- I lire. 17.4 I ;i. 7 IS.:: r.. H I'.i. :i I ;). 4 .■.(I. 1 ' '-'. 1 1.--' I 1.4 ,r,.|.0-fll.4+ 'J. ;i| •.M..''. -f-l(i. 411. o+:'.s. r,-j- r.. .'•7 m.s'+m.t 41!. 1-1-::!..'')+ ;!ii.i;fi:..r,+ +11. ( + 0.7 ii.()+i:!.ii' +1 M -I- II. 4 + 11.7 + 0.11 +11..^ +0. I'J + .:!! + . fli + 1.(1, +0. 4| + .14 1.(1 0. 7 .-.'. I .-.'. I 0. s .;;.() ' ll.:; .:!. II (I. -i ■:i. 1 , (1. 1 i:!.:i I (1. 1 i:i. 4 0. I 7'.. 4 : 0.1 i:'.. 4 II. 7!. .S 0.(1 ::■.'. ii+:!(i.(;+l-.'. i (i.7' |-i(i.(7 +1.71 +().:) ■10. ,-'+ic. r,+ iii. ■_' (1. 11 +1(1. 1 +-2. c -|-(i. 4 .■"i,-^. 7 + .M. l+'->-,'. (I. U +1S. 11, +:■,. 1 C7.7+(:-.'. C+'Jli. 1| (I. H-l-' -(.H.!-, +0..-, +0.0 + .i:J + .-II + .-Si +0.27 (m;si;i;,\i:i) 4'i;.\xsri's isy siiii:i;i:.\l ciiK'nxoMKrioi;, a. R. L. L. Mnin.i . (1,-^ .,-11 .1(1 . :'"S . (id . OS s. .s. .S', -■> ..''>s ,^ > (71 . 711 . 07 •.'II .114 . 2C .'2(1 . 11 . 21 1 21 . 00 . 211 .7(1 . 7)S .S'l . CO . .''12 .011 1(1 .02 .01 \ ll.'> . lie . 211 + 20 !• 'riiiiis, Iiitrrviil. ( )l)srrviMl, 1 'rodiict. ,(.!niiipnt'(l. + I--' + :!l + 21! + II — i:! — 20 41 -s'. -v. S. ! fi. 12.21 — 12. C:', : + 1(11. — 12. cs lis i 10.7S 111. 111! : 77.(1 11, 1(1 411 11.211 11. .">! ' .'.7. 2 II. .''ll i:; ' — (1.2:; — o. :;s 2:1.:) — d. :;i 20 I I + o.ii: (IS 1 + c. -,2 c. :;: 40 11. sil I 11.,",: SI ii.:;ii i 11.(1.- 1:! + i:;.ii7 1 + 12.11- ■jr,.7. + (i.:i4 r>7.:i I II. r, I 77.(1 i 11. 10 + 101.4 i + 12. (IS + ■'' + } — 4 + ^ + 3 + -1 + 1(1. 7S + 2.21 + 0.2:-, 2:;. 1 1 . Ut- -ir,2.2 =21'' - 2.', =1) 40. 7 = V a' ,7 y 1 1 — 2 — 2.'. :; — .'■) 2 + 1 + K n + 2 + 2:; :i2 (11 Con-. + 1 ;ii ;i : Ki-Miu, - = + 0. r, i = (1. .'.■■) ' -= + 7 i:. AT POLARIS UOUSE. 93 Face 1. 4 3 <) — 1 + 1 3 4 + « O It. m. 5 OJ. 1 17.1 3'.'. 1 47.1 C (l-i. 1 17.1 :!■,'. 1 47. 1 7 ()■.'. 1 17.1 3'.;. 1 47.1 8 till. 1 17.1 3-J. 1 47.1 ;• U->. 1 temi'kk.\tui;e op the — Peudulnm. Siiiiis. Air. i\ Pb r. CORRECTIONS FOR Arc. i.94 (i4. ; CiO. >. 31 r-,2. "J 1. 72!(;>3. 1.4116:1. 1.12 0,'. 0. yiwiL'. o.7;m;'.>. 0. 64 62. 0. 50 0. 45 0. 38 59. 0.32 57. 0.27 '57. 0.23.57. 0. 20 57. 0. 17 5S. Moan 110. 'J 7 ai ^ 754.1 4 55. 2 1.56.1 1 (156. ;! ():5(;. c. .57.11 56. ;»■ 56. 0' 7 5(j. S l'.5f).5| 5j,55.5i 0-,4.G 2|54.0 61.8^ 61.4 61.6 61.5 CI. 4 ('.1.4 61.3 (;i.2 61.1 60. S 60.5 m.i 60.0 60.0 60.1 60. 2 60. 1 59. 59. 8 60.J3 (](l. 6 GO. 5 6(1.5 60.5 60. 3 59. 9 59. 5 59. 1 58.9 J59. .59. 2 59. 3 52. (; .53. 7 .54. 7 55 2 , •.) .1 .1 ,1 ,1 ,1 9 4 55. 54. (i 14. 5(5 56 56 56. 56 55. 4 ! 91. G + Sl. i+3 9.7 79. 8+71. ->+;> 7.1 68. 4+62. 2 + 3 !.4 37. 23. 13. TL'iupeni- turo. R— 3 ■ rt A H s. +28. 9 +25. 3 9+21.9 J5. 3+42. 1+2:!. +5.4 +5.0 +4.5 ■1+14. g; +3.2 ^1. 5 —1.3 — 1. li s. +0.71 + ..53 + .39 + .23 42.5+3S,s-|_-j4. I G2. 5+56. 7+35. 7 72. G+G5. 9+40. 7 82. 8+75. 2+4.5. 3 2! + 13. ( 4 +20. +23. 2 +26. 5 +3. 3 +4.8 +5.5 +6.1 —1.1 —1.3 —1.5 + .26 + . :!0 +0.34 OISSERVED TRANSITS BY SIDEREAL Cin;ON( IMETER A. G — 4 + 1 6 + 8 E. .S3 .62 .:!(! .74 . ss !l2 . 08 . 58 .13 L. i;. L. s. s. .74 47 . 51 1 54 . ;is 26 .42 2S .74 62 . S2 GS . sc .24 .57 61 i TSG 1 Jlea 11 . ; s. .711 + 2(1 . 6G .34 .51 7S . SG + 8 . 85 . 3,5 + r, .Gs + 15 + + + Ti aus. Interval. ri 61 — ll.K! 5:> 13 10.35 39 73 s. 95 23 74 — 5. 9G 17 + 6.01 26 :>'j 9. 19 30 1(1 1(1 GS 34 19 + 12.29 — 12.06 10. .52 9. OG 5. li;i — (1.03 + 5. 98 9. OS 1(1. 51 Product. C'dniput'd s. + 90.5 73. 6 54.4 21.0 s. — 12.06 10. .55 9.04 — 6.03 23. 9 .54. 5 73. G + W. 5 + 6.03 9. 04 10.55 + 12. OG + i^ + J — 3 — 5 + 4 — 4 + 38. 17 — 37.09 + l.dS + 0.12 +497. + 1. 507 +144.7 2. 5 42.' 2 :241> = D Diff. 46 2 U 16 23 a + 6;J + 41}'= 13 !^' — 11 — 2 — 25 + 3 + 1 + S + 10 + 2 + 23 26 61 A" Corr. — 1 (1 + 1 _ 3 _ :! _ 3 - 3 + 6 + 14 + 20 + 2;. + 3 + 11 + 17 + 23 Ecsult, r = + 0.4 .i= 0. a = - 3 iU PEND LTLU3i-j:xrEi;i.M exts race 1. 4 3 o - 1 + 1 + TEMrERATUliK OF THE — Air. 5 01. (; ICG 31. (i 4G.C 6 01. 6 1(1 C. 31. C 46. {■> 7 01. 16. 6 :u.6 4(;, i; 1 S 01.6 16.6 31.6 46. 6 LI 01.6 ■>. '.IJ ['J. i -i^. 4."). li. ll|51.:i|41l. 7 47. 1.6ll,')->. (i."il.'J4S. 3 1. -JO .'>i. 0.31.7 4;». -J I. 0.'> .V,'. -2 .■>•>. 'J 4'.l. 3. 2 0. ;in.V2. 7 .")'3. 7 .'lO. 3' .".3. 3 0. 76 .'.3. -i ,:.3. 1 50. 6 .-,3. 4 II. 63 .",3. S. '.3.. -< .'.0.0 (I. 4;i.'.4.1.54. 1 fil.-J I 0. .13 .-.4. 3,34. 3 51.6 11.3,^.54.4 54.4 52.0 iO. 3\i'54.7'54. 7 5:2. 3 ;>3. () 53.7 53.7 53. 8 i0.i6 55. 0; ■ o,:>l 55. or 0. 1.^ iO. 16 . :>2. 6 . 5i. 6| . 4 5-2. 5: 53 ,^ 53 ;i 154 Mcau... Vl.o 7.256. 4 52. 8j 54.4 .52. 9 53. 1 53. 6 53.6 53.7 53. S 53. 9 53. 9 .54.0^ 54. 3 !;o. 6, r„ r„ Pc r .52. 9 51.7 52. 1 4.S 2 4rJ. S 53. 1 52. 6 49.5 53. 1 5'"* 7 49. 9 14. r, 7. 6 4.4 50. 2 1.9 50. 5 1.4 50. 6 ! 1.0 50. 7 0.7 50. 9 0.4 51.1 0. 3> 51.3 0.2 5] . 4 0.2 51.6 0.1 51.6 0.1 51. 6 0.1 51.7 0.0 25. 1+21. S- 1. 22. 6+20. 1+ 0. 19.7+18.0+ 1. l;i.,- + lo.:+ -J, 15.0+11.7+ 4.' 22.9+22.5+ 7.! 26. 9+26. 5+ 9. i 31.3+30. ,^+ II.- (clKKKCTIONS FOR- Arc Tenipora- turo. —0. 2 +0. +0.2 s. .. 34. 1 + 7. M 19.5+ 7.1 11.9 + 6. 3 5. + 4.4 -0. ,- -0.7 -0. 6 +0.41 + .26 + .1,-^ +0. :;! — 0. r + .0:1 1. 1 + 5.0 +0.6 —0.5 + ,06 1.3 + 1.4 + 1.4 + 10.4 + 1.1 +1.3 +1.5 -0.7 -0. ,s -0. 9 + . 09 + .11 +0. 12 OBSERVED TK-VXSIT.S BY SIDERJLVL eaiEONOMETER A. s. .84 .64 .50 .64 .9(; .66 .30 n. L. Mean . ( s. S. s. (JG . 37 . Cii] + 20 TiS .54 . 59 ■20 . oil .34 7s . / r^ .,-^4 96 . ^t5 . 06 26, <■> .13 (ill .48 . 60 86 .44 . 87 + 20 + 41 + 26 + 18 + '-' — ;) — 11 — 12 rraus. Interval. 11.43 10.01 8. (is 5. 84 Obsorvoil. + 36.88 — 35.96 + 0. 92 + 0. 10 11.67 10. 16, S4 — 0. 10 00 + 5.84 + 5.75 04 ,s. ,sii S.71 49 10. 35 10. 20 95 + 11. ,89 + 11.65 rniduct. 6'omput'(3. + 93. 4 71.1 .52. (i 23. 3 23. .52. :', 71.4 + 93. 2 + 4,S). 3 + 1.45 ll.lil 10. IS tS. 73 10. 1 S + 11.64 +139.7 = 21'' — 2. 5 = D 37. 2 = V + '-i — 4 — 1 —10 + 2 + 1 Diff. 12 (i 34 17 46 23 a' — 11 — 2 — 25 — 5 — 5 + 6 + 1 + 8 + l-> + .,> + 23 + 1 Cow. — 1 + '-> + 15 +24 Result, ; + 0. J = + 0. = —10 11 34 61 AI POLAEIS HOUSE. 95 Face 3. o 4 3 2 — 1 + 1 2 3 4 + h. m. 5 01. 6 ir.. C 31.6 46.6 6 01.6 16.6 31.6 40. 6 7 01.6 16. C 31.6 46.6 8 01.6 16.6 31.6 46.6 01. 6 ■-'. TO .'.9. ■i.OACA. 1.60 62. 1. 30 62. 1.06C3. 0. 90 62. TF,_MPERATUr.E OF THE — Pendulum. Air. ^^ Pa Pb Pc *>■ ' '-I O o o o' s. Sums. CORRECTIOX.S r(3R- Arc. 1 37 T Gl. r,2. 8J62. .S51 .">1 ■2.4 4!62. 0. 59 62. 0. 47 62. :0. 42'63. 0. 38 62. 0.32 61. t 0. 27 62. r 0. 23 02. 0. 18 03. 0. 15 02. 7 r;i. 9 CO. Me.iu. 62.: 353. 8'53. 353. 053. 9.52. 8.52. 7 5'^ ■~ 52 053. 3,54. 7 55. 01. 6^ 02.1) 02. 3 62.4 02. 5 02. 4 02. 4 02. 4 62.3 02,5 02. 2 02. 2 59. 5 60.1 01.0 61.5 01.3 61.1 OIJT^ 60. 9 60. 8 60. 8 Oil. 8 .52. 3_ 52. 7 53. 2 Teuipera- ture. 53. 3 53, 3 53. 2 J.3/1^ 53. 1 52. 9 r.ti w J2.5^ 4.4 2.9 98. 0+85. 2+23. 3 31. 7 +30. 7 +3. 1 .^■0.4+75.7+21.1 19.2+27.1 +3.0 74. 4 + 00, + 1--'. > 12, l'+23, 5 +2. 5 s. I s. +0.5 +0.00 +0.5' + .50 +0. 4 + . 3S e 53. I 02.2 02.^ 02.5^ 02. 4 00. b on. 9 01.0 61.1 53.4 53, 6 .54.0 1. 9 1.4 0,9 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.2 0,2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 49.7+44.9 + 12,9 4..-,+15, ^ +1,7 +0.3 +.23 49.2+43.3 + 11.51 1.1+1 73. 8+05. 0+17. 7 80, 3+76. 0+21, 3 [18. 7+^7, 1+25. 3 1.3;+23,2 1.4'+27. 2 1.4+31.1 +1.0' +0.3 + .18 +2.4 +2.9 +3.4 +0.4 +0.4 +0. 5 + .27 + . 32 +0. 36 OBSERVED TKAXSITS BY SIDEREAL CHRONOMETER A. I. R. L. R. L. Mean. i s. s. s. 8. s. — 8 :!r> 31 01 . 80 .14 + 20 7 00 06 92 ,^,) .95 « t 02 Ij2 ;j8 5'' — 1 9- ,-.'-■ 1 0-^ . 02 . 79 1 00 92 ^,) .64 , .84 + 7 + 4 ')•) 20 02 . 80 . 0-' 1) ^'>0 18 ss . !^t-, .04 / 60 liO 02 _-,) .01 + 8 , 10 89 ! 70 . 53 ,-1 + 22 + 00 + 5(1 + :;>^ — 18 — 36 frans. luterval. i Observed, + 12. 09 10. 54 9.115 6.11 6.01 9.14 10. 02 12. 24 s. — 12. 18 10. 59 9. 07 6. 07 — 0. 12 + 6. 03 9. 12 10. .57 + 12.15 Product. + 97, 4 74.1 54, 4 24,3 24,1 .54. 7 74.0 + 97. 2 CoraputM. — 12. 14 10.02 9.1(1 — (i. 07 — 4 + 3 + ■' + 0. 07 9. 10 1(1.02 + 12, 14 I + 1 —12 — 4 + 2 + 38, 01 — 37, 79 + + 0. 22 0.02 +500. 2 + 1. .517 +145.6 = 241' — 2. 5 = D 43. 1 = V Diff. — 10 + 9 + 8 + 15 Equations of condition. + 1 = + 1 = + 5 = + + 2,3 2 ,3 - 25 )• - r, ,■ + 87 + 23, y Normal equations. + 4 + 4 + 8 + 3 = a + 6 ;J + 41 y M^ 9 104 ,? + 101 y i + 1243, ;. Result, n = — 12 0' = + 1.5 7 = + 0. 14 96 PENDULUM-EXPERIMENTS Face 2. S 3 TEMrKRATUlM-; OF TIIE- Air. -10 4 3 2 — 1 + 1 o 3 4 G 7 9 +10 Mean r> 01. (1 ir.. :;i.6| iC,.C< G 01. G 16.6 31. G 4G.6 7 01. C IG.G 31. G 46. 6 S 01. G 10. C 31.6 46. 6 9 01. G 16. 6 31. G 4G. 6 10 01.6 Ooc,-.'. 1157. : ;!. :i^G-j. :i58.: I i,fi.-:i;:!. o':,9. ! I- l.."illG;!. (I.'i9. ; Peiululum. An. IIM.'IHIKINS lijl;- Teiiipera- tui.-. i.'2-ji;:i. -jaO. ;tri4. 8 .'■i3. 2 54. 4 54. 8 G4.4 64. 5^ r,4.6 61.7 61. 3 61.7 V,-2. 6-.». 64.7 I G-J, 2 1. 13 1;:;. ;i i.o;!(;i.7 0. 94ii: 61. .--54. i GI.9 62. 83 65. 9 G9|(;6, 1 c.r, 66. :; 41 66.5 3,66.6 27 IK"'. G 64 1) '>:', 1 i;5 (1 54 5 65 ') -r^ H ii't -- ("1 5. 4 : n. 23 01'.. 4 65. 0. 19'66. 3i;5. 0. ]6i;6. / ()o. 0. i5'(;6. r II. 12'gO. 41 0. Os'liG. I 65 .3. Gj r,5. 1 .3.] (-,5.2 65.4 6.5. £ 65.5 i;,5.5^ .9 65.6 .9 65. 5 .'" 65.5 .8| 65.5 .8, 65.5 .91 65.6 .91 65. 5_ .0 65.4 . !G5. 263. 3 55. 6| 62.8 63. 1 63. .5^ 63. 8 6,3.9 63.9 G4.0_ 64.0 G4.0 (;4. 64. 64. £ 64. J3^ 64. 4.4 5. 9 4. 6 4.4 4.3 5. .6. 3 r.. 3, 6.7 56.8 56.7 56. 7_ 5G.7 56. 8 56. S_ 56.8 15.4 9. 5 G. 1 1.8 1.5 1.2 0. s 0.5 II. 3, 0.2 0.1 0. 1 0.1 0.0 O.JD^ 0.0 0.0 |118. 9+126. 3,+46.7 13,4.. 5+1 15. 0+43.(1 |-.>(l. 0+103. 3+3.-. 6 41, 29, 19, sl+16 4+41 9+37 o; +6.3 ^' +5.8 3, +.5.2 . 7-)- 7;i. ;;+>,'S. 4j 10.11+28.5. +3.8 311.8+ ',>7.7+ 9. 31.11+ 27.9 + 12.6 93.1+ .-;i. 9-1-39. 5 124. 2+111. 9+.53. 139.7+125.9+59.8 155. 1+139. 9+66. G 2.0+ 9. .51 +1.3 n.8,+ :i.,8i +].' 1.3 +29.6 +r +39. +44. '. + 19. +7.2 +8.1 +9.0 OBSERVED TEAXSIT.S BY SIDEREAL e'IU;OXOMETER A. +0.7 +0. 9^ +0.6 + .7S +0.6 + .(« H-ll.ll + .43 ). 1: + .13 + 0. 1 +0.4 + .12 + . 37 +0.6 + .49 +0.6 +0.7 + .54 +0.C0 R. L. R. 1 s. 8. —10 . 37 . 23 9 .24 . 08 8 . 78 .70 6 oo .94 — 2 .18 .06 + 2 .30 . 28 t; .18 . 211 8 .44 . 22 9 7H .70 + 10 .45 .89 .06 . 911 .56 . 92 .12 . 22 !i6 .26 L. I Mean. .,50 . '^6 .00 . 02 . 02 .82 .54 s. .12 . 02 .63 . 98 .09 20 14 18 67 94 + 20 + 22 )• Traus. + 98 .30 + "8 . 8<.l + 63 .26 + 43 .41 + i;i ')■> — 12 .08 -jy 77 — 49 .69 — 54 .1:! — 60 . r)!j 70 i: I- + 3. 3. 0/ 07 9. 3- 12 46 14. 02 + 15. 59 54.52 .24 + 1.28 -t- 0. (JO-l fast 0.225 + 147.7 24h — 2.5 = D 45. 2 = V AT POLAKIS ilOUWE. i»7 Face 1. /(. m . —10 5 01. 6 9 16.6 i-l 31.6 / 46.6 6 6 01.6 5 16.6 4 31.6 3 46.6 2 7 01.6 — 1 16.6 31.6 + 1 46.6 2 S 01. 6 3 16. 6 4 31.6 5 46.6 6 9 01,6 7 16.6 8 31,6 9 46. 6 +10 10 01,6 TEMPERATUKE OF THE- Air. 2.74 61,1 Pendulum. 57.151.0 Mean I66.6G •2. 00 &2. 3?. 7 53. 4 1.65 63.2 00.4 54.6 1.32 63. 7 162. 1.55. 4 1.00 64. 1J62.2 56. 2' 0. 02 04. 5 02. ?-50. 6 i\ e0 04.,-'o3. 4'.57. 1 1.09 05.2 03.9.57. 5 0. 57 65. S|04.O5S. 1 0. 4^ 06. 6 05. 5 59. 0. 40 Ii7. 5 ilO. 59. S: 0. 32 iiH. 4 07. 5 0,0. 0.25 00. 0>. 201. 3; 0. 20 69. ajo-. 4 01.5 0. 16 69. 4 i;.-'. 01.7 III 0. 13 69. 5 OS. ? 01.0, 0. 10 00. 00. 002. 0' 0, 00 60, 1". 00. 1102. n 0, OS 69, o'oO. 0-61. 0,08 69, 5 09. l)'61.0 65. 2 (')5. 5 65.8 65.9 00. 66.1 66.2 66.5 Pb P, 02. 5 03. 60. 4 66.6 63.6 64.2 64. 2 64.4 64.6 64.8 05. 65. 1 55. 3 56, 1 Sums. 12.8 Ijl). 8 07.0 (Jo, 7 60. Ob. 6 .57.4 57. 57.9 58. 1 .58. 4 58. ,S 50. 2 59.6 4. 3.0 1.9 1.4 1.1 0.8 100.2+141.4+ 73 1145.0+128.9+ 68 ^'l29.5+115.9+ 61.9 07.8+ ^8,l+ 48.2 CORRECTIONS FOT!- Arc. Tempera- ture. •«. I 8. I S. 34. 2 +50. 5 + 9. 9] +0. 7!+0. 95 21.4 +45. 9[+ 9.2' +0.6+ .77 13.9+41.1 + 8.4' +0.0'+ .04 6.2 6 4 0. 3 0. 33. 0+ 30. 1+ 17 +31.14 6.5 +0.4+ .44 1.0+10.0+ 2.3 +0.1+ .14 2 i 00. 2 I 00, (17. 2 07,3 07 ,J^ (i7, 4 67.4 07,4 07. 3 00, 3 66.3 66^ 66.5 Oil, ,", (;o. 5 66. 5 00,1 Oil. 2 0(1.3 60,4 00. :'> 00.3 60. 1 0,1 0,1 0,0 0,0 0.0 0,0 _0. 0.0 33,8+ 31.7+ 18.,-! 0.5+11,0+ 2.5: +0.11+ .14 102. 8+ 96. 9+ 50. 4 I 137.6+129.9+ 80.1 155.0+146.4+ 90.4 172.3+162.9+106.5 0. 7 +33. 5,+ 8. +0, 4 + . 43 0,7+44. 8+10. ^' +0.0+ .57 0.7+50.5+12.2 +0.(1+ .04 0. 7+,50. l'+13. (; +0. 7 + .71 OBSERVED TRANSITS BY SIDEREAL CHEOXOJIETER A. I- R. L. R. L. Meau. ^ )• Trans. Interval. Observed, Product, Comput'd A s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. ». —10 .64 . .:>i .39 .36 .40 + 20 + 05 .64 — 14.. 58 — 14. 72 + 147, 2 — 14, 70 + ' 9 .60 . 50 .44 . 3-< . 40 + ' ' . 20 13. 2(.) 13.31 1 110. S 13.31 + 8 .30 .26 .24 .06 .21 + 6-1 ,^5 11.70 11. S7 : 95.0 11.83 - 4 1 6 . 58 .40 .4S .46 .40 + -l-l .93 ''^. '^7 8.01 ! 53,5 8. i^7 — 4 2 + 2 . 00 . 98 .72 .7(; . 81 i + 14 .00 — 2.94 — 2, Oo 5.9 — 2. 06 + ^ .32 .32 .30 .12 ] . 20 — 14 .12 + 2.94 + 2.93 5.9 + 2.96 — 3 6 . 50 .66 .36 ..54 . 53 — 43 .10 '^. 0(i 8, 02 53. 5 8. .-7 + ^'> 8 8'"' 7'.^ . 58 .50 . (i7 .>7 .10 ]1.0(i 11, 8-; 95. 11.83 + '- 9 1 ..54 .40 00 .18 .34 — 64 . 711 13. 31; 13. 25 119. 3 13. 31 +10 .01 .(18 . 50 . 37 .63 + 20 — 71 .f^ + 14.94 + 52. 16 + 14. 80 + 148, + 14.7 + 1 + 843, 1 11- = 570 • — 51. 38 + 1,470 = 15'" + 142,0 =2 0' 1 + 0.78 — 2.5 =D + 0. 137 39, 5 = V 1 13 08 PEISfDULUi^I-EXrEEIMENTS PtECAPITULATIOX OF EESULTS. ODD FACES. Face 1 V = R6541.2 49.7 43.1 39. 5 A = + 2.2 — 6.3 + 0.3 + 3.9 r = 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.1 3 10 3 12 1 8(i543. 4 EVEN FACES. March 6 8 Face 2 ...... V = 86544. 4 42. 2 37.2 4.5.2 A = — 2. 2 0.0 + 5.0 — 3.0 )• = 0. 5 0.4 0.5 (1.2 4 9 4 11 4 86542. 2 Before giving the combined results of the observations made at Polaris Bay and Polaris House, we sliall insert the results of some pendulum-experiments made by Mr. Charles A. Schott, which ai'e coutaiued in the following letter addressed to Mr. J. E. Hilgard: Computing Division, Coast Survey, April 25, 1871. Dear Sir : The followiug results for number of vibrations (in a mean solar (lay) were obtainetl from observations with the Hayes pendulum, made here on six days by myself, assi-sted by Dr. Walker and Mr. Scott, The reduction was made by Mr. Main. The method of observation and computation is the same as that given in my discussion of the "Physical Observa- tions in the Arctic Seas, by I. I. Hayes, M. D.," etc., Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Washington, June, 1867, The pendulum is swung in four positions, and the number of vibrations in a mean solar day are referred to a standard temperature (50-^ Fah.) and to a standard atmospheric pressure (29.8 inches). Each result consists of four sets of eleven transits of ten vibrations each at the beginning, and the same number at the end, of an observation; the inter- vening time being nearly four hours, during which a number of transits were taken to keep account of the number of vibrations. During any of these four-hour terms, the temperature hardly varied as much as 1°. All possible precaU' tions were taken to insure accuracy. The principal remaining source of error is that of irregularity in the rate of the chronometer. If the correction for rate at the end of four hours is but + 0".5 out, it will make as much as + 3", or nearly +3 vibrations, in a day. The accordance of the several results on different days shows that the chronoraefer could bo depended on within half a second. On the first day (April 8), the number of intermediate readings for numljcr of vibrations was found insufidcient (for want of assistance in observing); hence two sets were added on April 21 and 22. The sis results for "First knife-edge supporting" are of the same weight as the four results for "Opposite knifo- edge supporting." The numbers N, for face 1 and for face 3 (swinging), should theoretically be the same ; and after reversing the pendulum, end for end, the numbers N', for faces two and four, also should be the same. In fact, we can regard them as two independent pendulums. The results compare directly with those deduced by me for Cambridge, Mass., and for Port Foulke, Greenland. Originally, I had designed to observe four times for each face, but found it too laborious (considering other duties) ; yet I think the final mean value is sufficiently reliable. AT POLARIS HOUSE, 99 I\umler of rnhmtions in a mean solar day of the Sayes pendulum swung at TVaiiltinQlon D. C. 1871. First knife-edge. N Opposite knife-edgo. N' F.nnfl 1 Anril 8, a. m 86439. 37 86441.67 86444. 03 Face 2. April 9, a. m 8C432. 82 86431.39 11. T). m . 10, p. m 21 a m 86441. 69 86432. 10 S6433. 28 86434. 73 Vncp. n Anril 8. T>. m Face 4. April 9, p. m 86442. 22 86439. 46 86444. 18 11,3). m --. --- 10. a. m 22 a. m 86441.95 86434. 00 86441. 82 ± 0.57 86433. 05 ± 0.45 Eesulting mean number. Reduction to sea-level . . Eesulting final number For comparison, we have^ Number at Port Foulke By- c (86437.57)2 86137.44 ± 0.37 + ^ 86437.57 in latitude 38-" 53' 12" 86550.72 in latitude 78: 17' 39" :N'Hl + msin'(38'"' 53' 12")] we find — and — t (86550.72)' = N-2 [1 + )! sin= (78° 17' 39") ] ; number of vibrations of the pendulum at the equator = 86;!58,5 H = 0.0046477 c = earth's compression (^') '250 In the latitude of Cambridge (42^ 22' 51". 5), this pendulum ought to make 86449,6 vibrations; but, according to observations, July 3 and 4, 1860, at the Harvard observatory, it did make only 86120.9, showing a deficiency of nearly 29 vibrations a day, owing partly to deviation of local density from the normal, partly to defect in observations, as the results for faces 2 and 4 swinging are not sufficiently accordant; some disturbing influence must also be attributed to the Washington station as well as to the Greenland station, which would alter the constauts in the formula. The combination Cambridge— Port Foulke gave the compression ^ ; the combination Washington— Port Foulke, i. The true value lies between, but nearer the latter value. The local deviation in gravity appears, therefore, to 250 affect Washington and Cambridge in the opposite direction, but the latter considerably more than the former. Obser- vations at a greater number of stations will probably bring out the fact that the number of vibrations at Washington are too many, those at Cambridge too few; in other words, force of gravity at Washington greater, and at Cambridge less, than the normal value due to the respoctiv(5 latitudes. The pendulum is now ready for shipping. Yours, respectfully, ^j^_^g ^ SCHOTT, Assistant in the Coast Survey. J. E. HiLGAED, Assistant in the Coast Survey, in charge of Uffiev. Altliongh the preceding experiments (at Polaris Bay and Polaris House) were couducted witli the utmost care, and the transits accurately recorded, as may be proved by the probable error, not exceeding 0.3 vibrations in one mean solar day, we still did not succeed in getting a satisfactory result by combining our observations with those made with the same pendulum at other stations. 100 TENDULUM-EXrEEIMEETS The following table contains the result of the number of vibrations performed by the llayes pendulum at different stations: stations. Polaris Bay.. Polaris House Port Foulke . Cambridge .. Washington . Latitude N. 81.6 78.4 78.3 42.4 33.9 Longitude W. m. 9 51 51 45 08 0.979 0.960 0.939 0.454 0.394 Vibrations ob- served. 86566. 6 86512. 8 86550. 6 86419. 4 86137. 4 A glance at the above table will demonstrate that the value for Cambridge is abnormal, either owing to an unknown local disturbance, or to the excess assumed by Mr. Bond from preliminary observations; for the period of observations was erroneous by an even number of seconds. Mr. Bond's preliminary observations, however, are not published. Assuming that the excess could be increased by the nearest even number of seconds, a revision of Mr. Schott's reductions of the said observations would give 8C450.3 vibrations. At Port Foulke, a similar uncertainty must have occurred, and the result obtained there might easily be brought up to 8C5G8.7 by increasing the observed excess also by the nearest even number of seconds; assuming, besides, the chronometer-rate to be uniform, instead of showing the great irregularities as gi\en there. If we could assume tliat, in the course of observations made at Polaris House, R and L had been mistaken in the series marked —4 and + 4, then the result would come up to 80568.1 vibra- tions, although with larger residuals, which, nevertheless, show a certain regularity. The latter may be explained by a regular change of temperature, or an acceleration in the rate of the chro- nometer, or that the knife-edge of the pendulum might have rubbed against the wall of the bos in which the pendulum was swung, or that the force of gravity might have a period, or by a combi- nation of some or all the causes mentioned above. At Polaris Bay, we find the difference between the odd and even faces just contrary to those found at the other stations, indicating that E and L might have been mistaken in the middle series for the odd faces only. Assuming the latter (although this is scarcely the case, another explanation might be found in one of the above causes), we find 86573.6 vibrations, which would make the dif ferent results agree far better, not only among themselves, but also in their differences. Making use of the well-known relation existing between the earth's compression and the number of vibrations performed by the same pendulum in a mean solar day, we obtain the value of the earth's compression to be— 299.5 agreeing closely with Bessel's result, which is— 299.2. The separate results furnish the following values: Cambridge— Polaris Bay ^ . 3Q3 . Polaris House 298 Port Foulke 3q-|^ Washington— Polaris Bay " 099 Polaris House ^qq Port Foulke 298 M. = 299.5 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS AND EIST 01- AUROIIAS. 1 M O MAGXETIC < )r>SEilYAT10X8. I-X TliODUCTOl; Y. Of an extnisue serirs of iii;\ym4ic dliseiA atioiis, iiio.stli, luaiie at tlie Polaris Bay ohseivatoi',, only tlir siuall muiilii;r of a.Listthitc (k'tL-riiiiiiatiou.s, of euiiiparatively little \-alLie, could be Kaxxnl wliieli we pi'o[)iise reeordiu.u lieieaftei'. Uefoie doiuy- su, however, may be peiiniUed to aiakc a few ri'iiiaiks iii re.^ard to tbe mode of olisei\ ati<.iii aud ou tlie eliaiaeter of the majj;netical phenomena of the said locality, as far as such leiuaiks caLi be uiade without dtawiiiy fioiii any othec souice than memory. A short tiiue after the meteorolo^ieal and astrouonueal ubseiAatory had beeu erei'ted, two suowliuts were built (compaii' i;rouud-[)lan of the obser\-atory i;i\eu in the chapti'r ou the "TemiieiatuLe of the An"). The easteruinost of tliese huts contained the di|ieiiele, while the declinonieter was mounted iu tlie other; but the re^idar obseivations on the \ariatioii of deelina- tiou could not tie beLiuii before January, isTl-'. It wTbs oar inteutioa to^iii earlier; i)ut a heavy northwest gale, which brouj;ht the ship in (jiiite a perilous condition, iu Xoveinber, 1871, carried off the domes of our magnetic huts, ou wliieh occvision the declinometer was damaged. This clr- cuiiistancc and the pendulnnl-ob^ervalil.lns prevented ns-liniii beginning the maguetieal observa- tions before the time stated. After the ex[)erimeiits ou \ibratiou had been completed, the declinometer was mounted by Mr. Bryan, and the observalious ou variation of dccliuatiou were begun toward the middle of Jauiiai), ISTL'. Instead of couducliiig, howe\er, the obserxations iu the miumer proposed iu the iiistnulions, which, under the ciriaimstanccs, would never lia\'e \ ielded any satisfactory results, we iireferred to take hourly readings ; the observations being made by iMessrs. i^Ieyer and Biyau and tlie writer, each person oliserxiug generally for eight hours at a time. IJesides these hourly observatious, we otiserved three term-days cNcry niontli, according to the Goettiugeii regulations; one of these term-days corres[)onding to the day adopted by all I lie magnetic stations. The observations were kei)t up till the t'lid of .May, when they hail to be-dis- coutinued, because two of the obserxers went ou the boat-jouriu'y towartl the inuth. As it seems, the maximum west detlectiou takes place between B' aud 5'' p. m. aud the mini- mum between 3'' aud B' a.m., contrary to Port Boulke aud A'au Kensselaer Harbor, where the maximum occurs at aboht 1'" p. ni. aud the minimum near midnight. At Polaris Bay the West declination =9G^ and the Inclination = Sl^ li."/. During February, ISTl.', great uiagiielic;d disturbances were noticed, amounting in one instance, on the morning of the -1th, to about 'J-', ^\llether these disturbances wme due to the approach of the sun to tlie horizon, or to inxisible auroras, is ditlicult to decide. On February -1, when the greatest disturbance ociaared, a very brilliant auroral dis[ilay was noticed, beginning lietwecn 7'' aud Si' p.m., and ending between ■'>'' aiuKJ'' the Jiext moriiing. During the time this phenomenon took place, Mr. Bryan was stationeil at the magnetometer, li,i\iiig a string tied around his arm, which was carried through the door of the hut to the writer, who observed and recorded the changes of the aurora, botli observers being pro\ ided with chroiunuelers. Two distinct coronas formed, and, after the disa.p[ioarance of each, the greatest dellection of the magnet was produced. To gi\c the exact amount of dellcctiou is beyond our means. The few absolute determinations given hereafter were mostly made with two prismatic com- passes (counting from S. through F.), manufactured by James Green, New York, aud by B. Oaselhi, Bondon. The greatest jiortiou was obtain-d by :\ir. Bryan: aud, whenever the name of no other observer is stated, the determination was made by hiai. MAGNKTIO OUSEKVATIONH Obnei'vatioHH aiul nxnlts of maijuilii- declinations. HALI/S LAND~FIi;sT CAMP. O.IOHI'R 11, t-;7l. — C. V. IIai.I,, (Ihxnnr. ]I;l1]"s \^■;tU:ll. Sim's ii);iun. lic;iriii^s. •ii' ;;?'" N. :'.'J .r, w. 2 -i;'. N. ;;.-'. r, \\'. liesiiltiDg nia^ui-lic ( iiiii ^- ',!.") W. IIAIJ/S LAND. ();T()Iii-.k I'-!, t-71.— ('. F. Ham,, llbmnir. Hull's wati'li. Sun's i]iaf;ii. licariiii;s. ■Ill' W'l"' N. s:; . r, W. 11 :;s H-.> 11 -ir. -1 1 4.'. 51 1 Wi X. -Ill w. li.'siiUiii^- iragiietic ilrclinatiiHi = ',i:-.l \V, SMITH SiM'Mi. ,;,..!'.. :;ii' /=+ l^':;2"' Ai iirsT 'J-1, l^;j.— F. Mevhi:, lihxrrnr. ( 'lirnnonirtt'r l'\ Stin's iiia^n. licai'iiii;. 1,1' :;:,"' i-^- s. is ■ r,ii' \v, F lasl I4'".7. i;iMilti".n iMa;;iirli(; il(.-rl iiial i"ii - inr" i-' :<•!" W, SMITH SrIIjMi. ,>^7ii- :!,;' A = + . Ill ;::,'" Si:i'Ti-:mi;1':i: ■"., l-?-,'. CliriPiiniiu'tcr H. Snii'.s llla^ll. In-ariii^s. i-.'i' ;;-ji" ;;ii- >:. itiTo. r. 1-;. \> 4(1 'M I (■,,-■■-■. 'J 12 4- :;ii \.17ii-.-m:. 11 ImnI SI' ii'".r,. K'i'SllltiLI"- Ula^llrl ic (Irrlllialiilll = 1117 ..'I "W. HALL'S LAM>. (iCioijEi: 13, IS7L— U. F. Hall, r(/,,s, /r.r. Hall's watcli. Siui's nia^ii. la^aiaii^s. nil :,(,"' \. -l':! \V. II 1.1, i N. 77 \V. UuKiiltiiiu- iiianiietii' ili'i4 ilia 1 inn ^- III)'-' \V. HALL'S LAND. r^ = s-J- II.:, 1 ICTi.lSKU I'l, L-71.— C. F. L1.\LI., o;,.s,rr./-. ILill's watch. H iiiaL;ii. Iiearin;;s. (ill 'J.-,'" N. i;.'. W. 7 (17 I'll 7 r.i N. r,s W. Watch slow on local liiiic, 1 1'" i'tnin altitiiilrs ol y. KosuUing iiiannrtic ilri'liiiatioii ~ KHI-'.li \V. HALL'.S L,\.\l> M = st ;!ll I ii loUliU ■-':', 1-71.— (.'. F. Hall, Oh.^tini-. Hall's watcli. H nia^n. lii'ariii^;K, .51' 57'" N 77 \V. Ii Oil 74 G ;is X. (i? AV. AValrlj slow on local time 20'" b.Y altitntles of y . Kcsultiiij; niaj;nctir declination =117 W. Kl'.SXEHV C'lIANXLL.

,:', iL.o 10 04 II 17 .5 I'J 14 S. IS, 5W. Hslow lOi- 41"'.G. licsnltiDir maniietic declination = 1(10.5 \\'. * This and the two followi iil; oliservatieiis, toei-thcr with the resnltin^' declinations, were extracted from tin Animal Ucpoi I "Itlie (.'liief Sinnal Ollirer fm' the yeav ls7:',. ji[i. 102(1 and 1(121. AT VAKIOUS LOCALITIES. OliscrvdiioHS (iiid i("f ii((u/n<'l ic decliiidtioiis — ('oiitiniu'd. SJiri'U SOUND, rmii Fon.Ki; (.>i;si;i:\ akiky, May -J.-, a.m. CliroiioiiUitiT II. Mjh l;|,M (|s •J I -JT ■J I :;■.; n ■J I ;i.-^ (I Silirw iitaLili. l»r;iritli;s. S.-.M'.I (iW, LTill .(i H i:i,sf :;" 7'". -J. Ursiill in^ m;iL;nrl ic tlccliiiatii.ui - - II:'. ..'t W. SMITH S(irNIi. I'l'iii Fi.ii.i,|.: I Ii;--i:uv\iiii;y, May ■.'.-<, r. m. Cliriiiioiiii'Ici- II. Siiii's iii;r"ii. Iic:irii]"s '.!'• 1-"' (Ml- s. -Jf, . 1 \V. 'I -J.^ nil -j; 5 11 41 (III :;ii-'-.' '.I .".II 1(1 s. w-y .:, w. KcMlltilJg llKiulicI ic .l|..liii:illiiris = II 17'- (I W Mr:iil = 111) .:l W. It will bi' noticcil that tlio iiia;;ii('tic tleciiiiiitioii (li_"ri\ cd tVijii) tlie a.m. tihsiMvatiDii.s i.s (I '..~i L;irali'i than tliat (U'livcd fniiii the i)l>sei\ atiou.s luatk' dmiiig- tiic altciiiuoii, \vl]|ch tact iiiiist evi- dently bi' altribiitcil to .snau' .sitddeii loL'al disturbain-i'. Aitrnidiii;; to Si;hott, the mean diurnal iaii,i;e at this station amounts to IL!' oiil.v ; the maximum west detlection iil' the needle lakin,i;' jilace at about 1'' p. m. A similai' anomal\- may be noliee(l in the two iollowinL', sets taken at I'olaris House, where a,i;ain the deelination was Ibund to be _i;ica(ei' diiriiii; tiie uioriiiu.g than diiiiiij; the altei noon ; the obser\atioiis \\ ci e, how ever, not made on the same da_\'. It seems that disl iirbanees ot this kind aic nor ot rare oeeurrenee ; i'or early in March, 1S7.;, when taking magnetic biaiin.ns from the ends of a ba-ie-line measured near Polari.s, the writer ex[>erieiiced re|ieatedly sud- den changes in the deliection o!' the needle, amounting' in one iiistaiiee to more than ."P. SMri'lI SdlMI. I'oi.Aias lli.rM-:. .M \Y :'.l, l-s;.;. ( 'li|-i.iii.iin'l"<'l II. Sun's liia.i;ll, l.i-MiilJi;; l|li ;ll|i" ll-' S.'J-'-'.S W. i) :;; o s.;;ii . i w. u fust :;|' 7'".-i. Kl'siiIi iiii;- iii:iL;iii.-i 11- iIp .'liiiatron :rr: 1(17'-'. e. W. SMITH siirN'H. I'oi.Aias Iloesi:, .Ii.nk 1, 1S7.!. ('iirniioinctcr H. ■Jl'i (17'" ('('» ■il 21 -Jd •Jl ;!i (10 ■jl :;;) iiii ■J I 4tt IM) Siiu's inai^n. brariii; S. 1117 .7 \V. • . 4 ■i(ir.-. 4 s. -.'ii? .(i \V. II last :)''7"'.r,. Ki'snltiiig iiiauni'lir decliiiati(Jii = 114''.t) W. ■ Mean =111 .:.!. WTI \I,E Sdl'XH. Noi: riiiMUKKi.AM. I>i, \.\e. ./. - 77'-^ I 'I' / =-H- I" 47'" .ir.Mo 111. is7:;. Cliloniillii'j IT II. .Sitii'.s iiia^li. lira I'ini;-. •J'' '.'i;'" s. ■,>:.-. -..-. w. II fast :!ii ■:."'. \ lii'siilliiig inai;iiilic. dcrlinal inn = KH-'.tl W. MEIA'ILLK 1;AV. * (.'oMCVI Iv'oflv. o- 7(.i M ) = + 4" :;'" Jl ,M0 IS, |S7:!. C'lrroiiiiuii-lrr II. Siiu'a iii;i;;ii. I.rariiij;s. 14'' ;«;'" S.7-i '.a W. 1,5 14 S, sT-.i'.W, Kc^iiUue; liiagiK-tic dec-liiiatiuii — lUH .'! W. 6 LIST OF AUEOEAS. Auroras observed at Polaris Bay. Diite. Time. ■ — ■ - Dec. 17 '1-^71 1' p. m p. m Dec. in 1«71 1 a. ru a. in Jan. 4 1872 10 11 a. in a. Ill Jan. (i 1S72 3 p. Ill Jan. 7 1 i"^ / 2 4 8 p. HI a. m a. m Jiin. s 1 S72 11 p. ni Jan. 11 11 N a. Ill oon. Jan. 12 1872 1' 10 p. in a. ni Jan. 13 1872 10 11 a. m a. m Jan. 14 L'r^T'-i 10' 8 a. m. |r, in Jan. 30 1^7 •> 11 4 p. Ill p. in Fell. 5 L^T'J (> p. in a. ni. a . in . I^eb. (i [S7'j 8 p. ra l-'eb. 7 1^72 1 a. ID. a. m Feb. 8 1872 3 4 7 p. m a. 111. a. 111. a. in. p. m p. m Feb. 14 1872 5 p. m a. m. Mar. ' 1872 10 U p. in p. m Mar. ,^ 1872 1 a. ra. Reraarks. Hie trwi]i"'lit arch ; .siiiii|;ir able near tbe bori- luminons ones lic- Strearaers of luminous cloutls from SW. to NE. Streamers of lumiuous clouds near tbe eastern horizon. Arch of luminous clouds extending from S. to N. Arch of luminous clouds from E. to N. Luminous arch extending from NE. to SW. Same arch still visible, but ijuite taint. Luminous arch from NE. to SW. Same arch still visible. Arch of lumiuous clouds from N\V. to SK. Same arch remains visible. Faint lumiuous streamers near eastern horizon. Lumiuous streamers issuiug from a long, dark stratus cloud, ab streamers near the northern horizon. Streamers disappeared ; luminous arch slretcbing from N. to S. Same arch still visible ; shifted its position to NE. and S\A'. Lumiuous stieainers above the twilight aieh and on the horizon o[)iM»site. Luminous streamers issuiug from the twilight arcli ; similar streamers vi; zou opposite. Faint streamers near tbe NE. horizon. Dark streamers of clouds above the twilight areli, of tbe same form as tbe queutly seen. Luminous streamers to NW and SE. Top of cloud-bank luminous, NE. Faiut luminous streamers from NE. to SW. Two bright streamers NE. Luminous streamers visible toward NE., E., and SE , remaining visible till b^ a. m. Luminous streamers issuing from twilight arch. One bright streamer visible NE. Bright streamers NE. hj E. Faint lumiuous streamers E. Do. Bright streamers W. by N. ; faiut ones visible toward tbe east. Both undergo rapid clian Faiut streamers from W. to SW. ; arc h of luminous vapor from NE. to SW. Arch of thick lumiuous vapor from E. to W. Bright luminous arch passing from NE to SW. through the zenith. Mass of lumiuous vapor extending from NE. to E. A few luminous streamers visible S. by E. Faint streamers visible W. Faiut luminous streamers SE. by E. Faint luminous streamers S. by E. Irregular luminous arch passing from S. to N, through the zenith. Auroras ohserved at Polaris House. No\' 10, 1872 4b p. m. Faint luminous arch extending from NE. to SW. Dec. 2, 1872 y p. m. Bright streamers extending from S. by E. to WSW. 11 p. ra. Luminous arch extending from N. to S. Dec. 24, 1872 1 a. m. A few streamers of a yellowish red visible toward the S. Jan. 19, 1873 3 p. m. Faint luminous streamers changing rapidly in length from E. to E. by S. Jan. 23, 1873 1 a. ra. Faint streamers E. 5 a. m. Faint auroral clouds and streamers from NE. to NW. Jan. 2.-1, 1873 1 a. m. Faint auroral streamers SE. Feb. ir._, 1873 7 p. m. Auroral streamers SE. PSYCHROMETRICAL TABLES, IN ENGLISH INCHES OF MERCURY, THE ELASTIC FOECE OF VAPOR CONTAINED IN THE AIR, ITS IIEI.ATIA E llUMIDri Y IN IIUNDIIEDTHS, AND ITS DEA¥-POINT. INTRODITCTORT T Inasinucli as it devolved upon us to reduce about 18,000 psyclirometrical observatious, most of which were taken at temperatures far below the freezing-point, the want of useful tables became very noticeable. There are extant certainly very satisfactory collections of tallies, e. (/., tbosi' pre- pared by A. Guyot/ Moritz,^ and Glaisher ; ' but they were not found to answer our puriiosc. As our observations were mostly taken at low temperatures, Guyot's tables would have been of no service, unless laborious interpolation had been made, occupying a great deal of time, because the horizon tal difl'ereuces there given amount to 0?o F., and the vertical to l';0 F. :\Ioritz's tables, s]ie- cially calculated for low temperatures, are given in degress of Celsius; aud, as all our observations were registered from instruments provided with Fahrenheit's scale, it would have cost much time .and labor had we atteuipted to convert our readings into ceutigrades. We felt some hesitation to use Glaislier's tables, because they are based upon empirical factors, and do not furnish as ;i<'eurate results as they would had Regnault's constants been used in their calculation. For these reasons, we considered it necessary to construct tiie following tables, primarily for our own use. \Ve offer them hereby, however, for others that may be following the same line of observations, in order to save the time and trouble that would be required for another calculation. The tables are based upon Regnault's constants,-" aud furuisb, by insi.ection, Kdative Humidity, Force of Vapor, and Dew Point for each tenth of a degree. No further explanation as to tlieii- use is rerjuired. We will only state that the values were mostly calculated from O.'l to O.'l, and the alternating ones were interpolated. 'Tables, MeteorologLCal aud PLysical, prepared for the Smitlisoiiian Institiilion l.y Arnold Gnyot-. AA asliingtuii : Siiiitbsouiau lustitution. Ih.-.'.i. -Psychrometrical Table, by James Glaisher, coiitained iu Guyot's Tables, p. 103. ^METEOPOAOrZIUEC'KISI BOTIOMdPATEAl.lH TAnA7UI,l.I. A Mopzu,!.. T7vt>.V7J"B. l-^Cs'- ' r. Eegnanlt. Etudes sur Vhygrometrie. Annates de chimie et de physiMue, 3"'= s. rie, tome XY, p. r29. 4 PSYCHKOMETRICAL TABLES. + 32,0 31.9 4 3 2 1 ■311.9 8 7 6 5 4 3 o 1 (J o?o O. 1§11 O. 1§04 O. 1797 0. 1789 O. 17§a O. 1774 O. 1767 O. 1759 0.1732 0.1744 0.1737 O. 1730 O. 1723 0.1716 0. 1709 0.1702 O. 1695 0. 16§8 O. 1681 O. 1674 0. 1666 21: .9 7 C 5 4 1 1659 1652 0. 1645 0. 1639 0. 1632 0. 1625 0. 1618 0. 1611 0. 1604 0. 1597 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. ^ ■" 98. 9 98. 9 9^. 9 9S, 9 9s. 9 98. 9 98. 9 98.9 98. 9 98. 9 98. 9 98. 9 0?l 1; to 5H O. 1799 O. 1792 0. 1785 0.1777 0,1769 O. 1762 0.1755 0,1747 0,1740 0,1732 O. 1725 O. 1718 0.1711 O. 1704 6. 1697 O. 1690 0.1683 0.1676 0. 1669 O. 1662 O, 1654 O. 1617 0. 1640 98.9 O. 1633 98. 9 9.-'. 9 O. 1627 'Z .=1 S a 31.9 I 97.8 31.8 97. H 31.7 31. (i 31. :^ 31.4 31, :i 31. 2 31.0 30.9 30. 8 30.7 :'.o. c, 30. r, 30.4 30.3 30.2 30.1 30.0 29. 8 29,7 29, d 29, :> O, 1621 29,4 9-', 9 0.1607 211.2 97.8 97.8 97.8 97. 8 97. 8 97. H 31. 1 97. 8 97.8 97.8 97.8 97.8 97, H 97. 8 97. 8 97.8 97. 8 97.8 97.8 29, 9 97, 8 97,8 97,8 97, 8 97, 8 98.9 , O, 1614 29, :j 97,8 97, f 98.9 ^ 0.1600 , 29.1 97.8 9^.9 I 0.1593 29.0 97.8 »-. 9 O. 1586 28.9 97.: 0?2 0?3 0.4 O -1^ ^M I S O. 1787 I 31,7 O, 1780 31. C 0.1772 31. .5 O. 1765 :U.4 0.1757 O. 1750 O. 1742 O. 1734 O. 1727 O. 1720 O. 1713 5-^ ^ Zfj iJ t'. ,— Y. ■0 +3 -- T^ ^ .5 S ij r^ ■- ^ >■ a. a a i; d Oj -^ O. 1706 0. 1699 31.3 31.2 .M.l 31.0 30. 9 :io. 8 30.7 9118 I 0. 1776 9.;. 8 I o. 1769 90.8 I o. 1761 9;;, 8 O, 1754 9;;, 8 O, 1746 91;, 8 91;. 8 9.;. H O. 1739 O. 1731 O. 1724 91;. K O. 1716 31.(1 I 9.-,. 8 31. r. , 9,".. s 31.4 I 9.-J.8 31.3 I 9.'.. 8 31.2 j ;i.j. 8 31,1 I 9,-,, 8 31,0 i 95,8 30. 9 9.">. S :»!. w 9.'), H 93,8 O. 1709 n;. 8 O. 1702 30.6 311, .5 0. 1692 :;o, 4 0, 1685 30 ■' 0, 1678 30, •} 0, 1671 30, 1 0, 1664 30. 0. 1657 29. 9 0. 1650 29. 8 0. 1642 29, / O. 1635 0.1628 97, 8 O, 1622 O. 1615 O. 1609 O, 1602 O. 1595 O. 1588 : 28.9 0. 1581 ! 28.8 O. 1574 ' 2=^.7 29, 6 29,5 29, 4 29.3 29. 2 29, 1 29, 9.;, -^ 90. 8 91'), s 90,8 90.8 90. r- 90. 8 90. 8 95. H 90, 7 90,7 O, 1695 O. 1688 O, 1681 O, 1674 0.1667 30. 7 30.0 9.-). 8 30. r, 9.-., 7 ;!o, 4 31), 3 30, 2 30.1 9,'). 7 9,-). 7 9,-). 7 95.7 0. 1660 :!o, 9,'., 7 0. 1653 29, 9 9.-.. 7 0. 1616 29, 8 9.3, 7 0.1639 29,7 95.7 O. 1631 29. C. 95.0 O, 1624 29, 95, G 90,7 O. 1617 29.4 1 95.6 90.7 O. 1610 29.3 , 95.0 9:;. 7 O, 1604 j 29,2 j 95.1 9.;. 7 O, 1597 ! 29.1 95.1 9!'., 7 ! O. 1590 ! 29.0 95.1 9.;, 7 ; O, 1583 I 2-, 9 95. ( 90. 7 9:;, 7 O, 1576 O, 1569 9i;, (; ' o, 1562 95, 95, ( 95, r 5.. ifj 0.1764 31.4 0.1757 31, :i 0,1749 31,2 0,1712 31.1 0, 1735 O. 1727 0.1720 0.1712 O, 1 705 0, 1697 O, 1690 31.0 30.9 30. H 311.7 01), 30. 5 on, 4 0, 1683 0.1676 O. 1669 30. 3 30. 2 ' 01). 1 0.1662 31). 0. 1655 0. 161M O. 1641 29, 9 29, 8 29, 7 0,1634 29, ( 0, 1627 O. 1619 29, 5 29. 4 O, 1612 29,3 i 0,1605 \ 29,2 0.1598 29.1 0,1592 29, 0,1585 28,9 0. 1578 28, 8 0.1571 2-', 7 0. 1564 28. (J 0.1557 28. 5 0. 1 550 ■>■'. 4 rSYCHEOMETEICAL TABLES. 5 l-> DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. i -" i ^ j 0.5 1 f ■ — 'A 6 ■— ' — i>.7 0:8, 1 f — ■/ 0:» i ^i 7-' -. "5; 1 r 1--: i^ ' ~ "7: 94. - 0.1752 :!l. ■.' 93. 7 0. 8 7 10 31.0 02. 0. 1729 30. 9 91.7 1717 3,0. 7 00.7 0. 1693 30.6 31 9 94.-; 0. 1745 31.1 03. 7 0. 1733 30.9 92. 9 0. 17 22 30. - 91. G ©171© 3ll. G 90. 7 ©1686 3.0. 5 i 94.^ 1737 :u.ii 93.7 0.1726 30. > 02. 9 ©1715 30. 7 91. G ©. 17©3 30. 5 90. G ©. 1679 30.4 7 94. ■!! 0. 1730 ;!i>.9 'X^. 7 0. 17 20 30.7 02. LI 0. 1707 3.0.6 01. G ©. 1695 30. 4 90. G, 0. 1671 30. :i C 94. ^ 0. i7aa I'll). - 'Xi. 7 0.1713 30. G 02. •■^ S700 3.0. .-) 91.6 ©. 16NN 311.3 90. 1; 0.1661 3.0. 2 r. 94. - 0. 1715 :!n.7 XX 7 0.1706 30. r, 92..- 1692 3,0.4 91. 6 ©168© 30. 2 99. 6 ©. 1656 30. 1 4 94.8 0.1707 30. r, 9:1. 7 0. 1699 9.0. 4 92. - ©. 1685 30.3. 91..", 0. 1673 30. 1 90. G. ©. 1619 30. !> 94. - 0. l«9J> ;!ii. .-> 9:1. 7 0. 1692 3.0. 3. 9 J, 7 0. 1677 3.0. 2 01. .', 1665 30,0 90. .'. ©. 1611 29. 9 2 94.- O. 169'i 30. 4 03. 7 0. 168 5 3.0. 2 'J2. 7 ©. 167© 30. 1 91.. 5 0. l«5!>» 2,1. 9 91 1. r. ©. 1631 29. 8 1 94.- 0. 16S5 :;o. 3 X-i, 7 0.1678 30. 1 02. 7 0. 1662 30.0 01.. 5 0. 165© 20. - 00. .3 ©. 1626 29. 7 94.7 0.1678 30. -J 03.. li 0.1671 :'.o. 02. G ©. 1655 29. 9 01.:, 0.1613 20. 7 90. .=> ©. 1619 •29. 6 +r,i .9 94. T 1671 30. ] 03. G 0. 1661 20. 02. G ©1617 29. 8 01. r. 0. 1635 20. G 90. .', ©. 1611 20. 4 1 - 94.7 1661 30. 1) 03. G 0. 1650 20. - 2 - G ©1610 29. 7 01..'. ©. 162'* 20. ■', 00. .-, ©1601 29. 3 7 91.7 1G57 ■J9. 9 93. G 0.1619 20.7 92. G 0. 1633 29. G 91.4 ©1621 ■2;i. 4 00. .I") 0. 1597 29. 2 6 91.7 1650 ■J9. > 0,!. G 16J1 2J. 6 02. G © 1626 ■29. 5 91.4 0. 1611 29. 3 Oil. :', ©. 159© 29. 1 5 94. C 0.1613 ■20. 7 93. .-. 1631 20. 5 02. .'. 0. (619 29. 4 01. 4 0.1 6©7 29. ^2 Oil. 4 ©151*3 29. 4 94.6 0.1636 ■J9. 1'l 93. .5 0. 1626 20. 4 02. .:. 0.1612 20. 3, 01.4 ©. 16©© 20. 1 90. 4 © 1576 2-. 9 3 91.6 0. 1629 ■29. .5 93. 5 0.1619 ■20. 3 02. .-> ©. 1605 20. 2 01.4 © 1593 29. 90. 4 ©. 1569 ■J'^^. - 2 94. G 0.1622 •20. 4 93. ."1 0.161 9 ■20.2 92. .7. ©. 1598 20. 1 91. 3 ©. 15'«i6 2-. - 90. 4 ©. 1562 2-. 7 1 91. G 0.161 1 29. '.'• 93. .3 0. 1603 ■20. 1 02. 4 1591 20. 01. 3 ©. 1579 2r. 7 90.4 ©. 1555 2-. 6 91. ,'. 0. 1607 2'i. 2 03. 4 ©1595 20. 02, 4 © 1581 2-. -■ 01. 3 © 1572 2-. 1". 90. 3 ©. 15 18 2-. .'> ■^-'2[ .9 94. 5 1600 29. 1 03. 4 1589 2-. 02. 4 1578 2-. 7 01.3, 1566 2- ■', 90. 3 © 1512 ■2-. 4 8 91. .5 1593 20. 0.!. 4 0. 15W2 2-. - 02. 4 1571 2-. li 91. 3 0. 1559 2-. 4 90. 3 0. 1535 2'-. G 7 91.. j 0. l.>w« 2-. 0::. 4 0. 1575 2-. 7 02.4 © 1561 '2". 5 91.2 1552 2-.:; 00. 3 0. 1528 ■'-. 2 6 91..J 0. 1580 2-. - XI 4 ©. 1568 2-'. G. 92. 3, ©. 1557 2-. 4 91. 2 ©. 1515 2-. 2 90. 3 ©. 1521 2-.1 - 91..'. 1573 2-. 7 !*3. :; 1561 .T » ', 92. 3 © 1550 2-. 3 01. ^2 ©. 153* 2-. 1 90. 3 © 1511 ■2-. 4 91..-, 1566 2-. li 03.. 3 S551 2-. 4 02. 3 © 1513 2-. "2 91.2 © 1531 2n 90. -2 ©. 15©7 ■2. . — 3 94. .'. ©1559 2- .') 93. :; 0.1517 .jj, ;; 02. 2 © 1536 ■,'-. 1 91.1 1591 27.0 90. 2 0. 1500 27. . 'J 91..'. 0. 1552 2^. 4 9.;. 3 0.15 10 2-. 2 9^2. '2 0. 1529 2-.0 01.1 1517 27.- 90. 1 1 193 27. G 1 9 1. .J 1515 '"'- 3 03. 3 0. 1533 2-. 1 02. 2 0. 1522 •27.9 91. 1 ©.151© 27 , 7 1. 1 0. 11»6 27 . . , II 94. 4 0.1538 2-. 1 03. 2 1526 27. 02. 1 ©. 1515 27. - 91. ©. 15©3 27 . G. 00. .1 ©1879 27.4 G PSYCHROMETRIOAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 1?1 +?,(}. 9 '!». 7 S'J. 1 C< : S'J. -I r> ' 8LI. 4 4 ' 8',l. 3 3 ^",). 3 2 ^ 811.3 I rt'.i. -J II ' .s;i. ',) +29. 9 8;i. 2 H 89. 1 7 s;t. 1 6 I 89. 1 5 ■ .89. (I 4 89.11 :! ' ."^9. U •> ,' 88.9 0^ aC a 1-. 89. 7 0. 1«93 [) 89. 7 O. 1686 ^ 89. 7 0. 1678 7 89. 7 1671 6 89.7 O. 1664 5 .89. r, O. 1656 4 89. i; O 1619 3 89. C 0.1641 2 89. 6 O. 1634 1 89. G O. 1636 IJ 89. ."■> 0. 1619 29. 3 88. r 0.1611 O. 1604 O. 1597 29. O. 1 590 ! 28. 9 29.2 .S8. -, 29. 1 I ,^s. r, 88. 4 88.4 8,-<. 4 8S. 3 0.1583 2.^.8 O. 1576 28.7 O. 1569 2.^. r. O. 1562 2,M. .'-, O. 1555 2-4 0.1518 2-. :i O. 1542 2.^. 1 ' ,88. 1 , O. 1535 ' 2.-. II I 8.S. 1 311.4 Si"' T 30. 3 88.7 30. 2 ,8-. 7 311.1 88.7 :!ii. 8.^. (.; 29. 9 88. (1 29. 8 88. 11 29.7 88. G 29. 88.6 29. r> 88. i; .V --0 O. 1681 0. 1673 O. 1665 0.1658 0.1651 O. 1644 O. 1637 O. 1630 O. 1623 O. 1615 O. 1608 30. 2 30. 1 30. 29.9 29. 8 29, 7 29.0 29. ."■> 29. 4 29. 3 29. 2 O. 1528 O. 1521 O. 1514 O. 1507 O. 1500 I 27..'. 0.1493 27.4 O. 1486 27.3 0.1600 ; 29.0 I O. 1593 ' 2-'. 9 O. 1586 , 2.^.8 O. 1579 ; 28.7 O. 1572 2,^.G O. 1565 2-. .'3 O. 1558 I 28.4 O. 1551 I 28.3 0.1544 2--. 2 0.1537 2^.1 O. 1531 27.9 0. 1524 I 27.8 ■^^. I O. 1517 27.0 O. 1496 -7.9 O. 1489 *8. 9 1 O. 1 1 79 •»7 " 87 O. 1182 .8 O. 1475 27.1 O. 1468 I 27.0 l°'J O. 1510 27.0 9 O. 1503 87.6 87. .87.0 87. .^1 .87.4 .87. 4 ,87.4 87. 1 87.1 .-7.1 P4 O. 1669 O. 1661 0. 1653 O. 1646 0.1639 0. 1632 O. 1625 O. 1618 O. 1611 O. 1604 O. 1596 0.1588 0. 1581 O. 1574 O. 1567 O. 1560 O. 1553 0. 1546 O. 1539 0.1532 $7 II 0. 1519 87 Ij o. 1512 .-7 II o 1505 80 9 o. 1498 80 9 o. 1191 80 9 0. 1484 80 8 o. 1477 80 8 o. 1470 80 8 o 1463 .80 7 o 1457 l°S c _= 30.0 29. 9 29. 8 29. 7 29. 6 29. 5 29.4 29. 3 29. 2 29,1 29. 2^.4 28. 1 28. 1,1 O. 1525 27.9 80.7 80. 7 80. 7 80. 7 80.6 80. 6 80. G 80. G 80. 6 80. 5 80. 5 80. 5 .«0. '4 80. 4 86. 4 .-^0. :'. 80. :'. 80. 3 80. 2 80.2 80. 1 O. 1658 0. 1650 O. 1642 O. 1635 O. 1628 O. 1621 O. 1614 O. 1607 O. 1600 O. 1593 O. 1585 0.1577 O. 1570 O. 1563 0. 1556 O. 1549 29. 9 29.7 29. G ' 8.-, I?4 29 5 29 4 29 o 29 1 29 28 9 2"^ 8 2,^. 7 28. G 28. 5 28.4 2,-. 3 8r,. G 8.'.. r. 8.'i. G .8'.. .'■) 85.5 O. 1542 28.2 85.3 O. 1535 28. 1 O. 1528 ■ 28.0 85.2 0.1521 27.9 85.2 O. 1514 27.8 85.1 80.1 0.1508 !7.0 80.1 0.1501 27.5 80.(1 O. 1494 27.4 80.0 O. 14 87 27.3 871.9 O. 1480 27.2 85.9 O. 1473 27.6 85.1 85. 1 27. 4 : 85. 27. 3 I .05. 27. 2 84. 9 27.1 84.9 27.1 85. f' , 0.1466 27.0 84. 27. 20. 9 20.8 0.1459 20. 9 84.6 O. 1452 ' 21.8 ; 84 O. 1446 ! 20.7 84 o J c a O. 1646 0. 1638 0.1631 0. 1624 0.1617 O. 1610 O. 1603 O. 1596 O. 1589 0. 1581 O. 1573 O 4^ 0, a I: '3 Z c. 0^ ^ 29. 7 29. 5 29. 4 29. 3 29. 2 29. 1 29.0 2H. 9 28. 8 28. 7 2-'. 1565 28. 5 0. 1558 2-^. 4 0.1551 28.3 0. 1544 28. 2 O. 1537 28.1 0.1530 2f^. 0. 1523 27.9 0. 1516 27.8 0.1509 27.7 1502 27.6 27.4 27.3 27.2 27. 1 27.0 0. 1496 0.1489 0. 1482 0.1475 O 1468 0.1461 '-ii'-9 0.1454 20^ 0.1447 2C.7 0.1440 26.0 0.1433 I 26.5 rSYCHKO.AI ETRIC AL TABLEH. ■i DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. l°o +32.0 31.9 I 84.8 84.8 8 , 84. 8 .!,,, (i .-4.7 5 I 84.7 4 ■ 84.6 O. 1634 0. 1626 0. 161§ 0.1610 0. 1602 0. 1594 O. 15§6 3 84.6 , O. 137§ , 2: 2 , 84. 6 1 84.5 84. .T O. 1572 0.1567 0.1562 o i^. J i.' — s ^ J ^ 2 t: > ^ 'IJ 1:1 +^ -^ a S a H « 20. .J 83. 9 20. 4 83. 9 29. 3 83. 9 29. 2 83. 8 29. 1 83. 8 29. SI") r*^ 28. 9 83. 7 28. 8 83. 7 08 7 83. 7 +30.9 84.5 0. 15^4 : 2^^. 3 H,84.4 0.1546 28.2 ^l.4 O. 1539 ' 28.1 (i 84.4 O. 1532 I 2^.11 5 H4.3 O. 1525 ' 27.9 i 4 ' 84.3 O. 1518 ' 27.8 3 I H4.3 0.1511 I 27.7 2 ' 84.2 i O. 1504 , 27. G 1 ' 84.2 84.1 O. 1497 , 27. 5 O. 1490 27.4 +29.9 184.1 0.1484 8 , 84.0 0.1477 j 27.1 *4.0 0.1470 27.0 *> [ 83. 9 j O. 1463 ' 2(;. 9 ■> 83.9 j O. 1456 2(18 4 83. s : 0. 1 149 ' 26. 7 '■' 83..'^ ' 0.1442 ! 'i 83.7 ■ 0.1435 1 '^3.7 ; 0.1428 26. 6 21;. r> 26.4 83.6 , 0.1421 26.3 1?6 1?7 c. /it! 0. 1494 83. 2 0. 1499 27.5 S2 2 0. 1487 83. 2 0. 1492 27.4 so 0. 1480 83. 1 0. 1485 27. 3 82. 1 0.1473 83. 1 0. 1478 27. 2 82. 1 0.1466 83.0 0.1472 27.0 ^ 82.0 83. O. 1465 ' 26. 9 , 82. 82,9 O. 1458 ' 26. s 81.9 82.9 O. 1151 ' 26.7 O. II 14 26.6 O. I 137 26. 5 82.7 0.1430 21;. 4 O. 1460 j 26. 8 O. 1453 i 26 0. 1446 26 si. 9 O. 1439 26 1.8 O. 1132 I 26 I si. 8 O. 1425 ! 26 si. O. 1118 ! 26 O. 1423 26.3 SI. 7 ' 0.1111 ^ 2'6 2.6 O. 1416 ! 26.2 ' sl.6 O. 1401 26 so. 8 80. 7 SO. 7 SO. (1 80.5 2. 6 ' O. 1409 26. 1 SI. 5 | O. 1397 , 25. 9 , SO. 4 1?8 -_, , ^ +H ■=■ ^ 'tl s ^ r^ ^ ci V 3 P-, -^ -<— '~' -A ^ V H Oi S2. 1 82. II 82. 9 si. 9 s 81.9 7 81.9 6 SI. 8 5 81.8 4 81.7 3 81.7 1 81.6 9 81.6 H SI. 5 7 si. 5 6 81.4 5 SI. 4 4 81.3 3 SI. 3 si. 2 1 81. 1 Sl.O ,v 81.0 / 80. 9 r. SO. 9 r 811. 8 §3 O. 1599 O. 1591 0. 1584 O. 1577 O. 1570 0. 1563 O. 1556 O 1549 0.4543 O. 1535 O. 1527 O. 1519 O. 1511 O. 1504 O. 1497 O. 1490 O. 1483 O. 1476 O. 1469 O. 1462 l;9 29.0 81.0 i O. 1587 I 28.8 28.9 81.1) I O. 1580 Sl.O ! O. 1572 80.9 0.1564 811.9 O. 1557 80.9 O. 1550 O. 1543 2 811. s 0.1536 ' 2-. 1 I 80.7 O. 1529 I 2s. II 80.7 j O. 1523 ' 9 80.6 ' O. 1515 26, O. 1455 I 20 so. 6 0.1507 27.6 O. 1 499 27. 4 5 SO. 5 O. 1493 27. 3 4 80.4 O. I486 ^ 27.2 3 SI). 1 O. 1479 27. 1 2 80. 3 I 80. 3 i II 80.2 9 80. 1 s 81). O. 1472 27 O. 1465 21;. 9 O. I J5! c j=i o +-- P- V nj a 0?1 t-. a 4J '5 '^-' . '■''J '-• -1-^ 2-a a tl 5^ a -3 ^ .' ■-! K ^ «?3 ©?3 .„ -a 'J8, 9 1580 9?. 9 0. 1573 9-'. 9 O. 1566 '. )8. 9 0. 1560 98. 9 0. 1553 98. 9 O. 1517 9.-. 9 0. 1540 98.9 0. 1533 '.»8. 9 1526 98.8 0.1520 98. 8 98. 8 9s. 8 '-•8. 8 98. 8 98. 8 98. 8 98. 8 98. 8 9S. s 98. 8 98. 8 lis. S 98. 8 98. 8 9S. S 98. s 98. 8 9S. s O. 1513 0. 1507 O. 1501 0. 1494 O. 1488 0.1481 O. 1475 O. 1468 ■J8. 8 97.7 0. 1567 ■^-. 7 97.7 0. 1560 ■JS, (', 97. 7 0. 1553 >JS. ,") ' 0. 1546 •is. 4 :i7.7 O. 1540 ''s 1! 97.7 1534 'J8. 2 97.7 0.1 52N 28. 1 97.7 0. 1521 28. II 97.7 0.1514 27,8 97. 11 O. 1508 .3 j 9i;. (j . 4 ' 91 ;. . :i j 9ii (i 0°1 O. 1551 28. J 0. 1547 I 28.:; O. 1541 27.7 27. (j 27. ,'■. 27. 4 27. 3 'J 7 G 97 [)7 i '..n 6 (,- 0.1501 0, 1495 O. 1489 O. 14 82 O. 1476 O. 1469 O. 1463 O. 1456 2S. 2 OC.G I O. 1534 2-'. I 'Ji'kC, ■ O. 1528 2s. 9(;. 11 9C. 6 96.6 96, 6 96, 5 9G. .5 t :)r..r, 9i. ."> 2s. 1 2S. II 27. 9 O. 1521 O. 1515 27.8 O. 1509 27,7 O. 1502 0. 1496 27. 6 27.4 96.5 96. r. 26. [I : 96. 5 O. 1462 j 26. 9 : 97. 6 O. 1450 O. 1413 98. O. 1119 0.1113 0.1437 O. 1431 0. 1425 0.4419 O. 1413 O. 1407 O. 1401 O. 1395 97. 6 97. 6 2:- 6 .3 1 97. 6 117. 6 97,6 ',17,6 O, 1437 0,1431 0.1425 O. 1 119 O. 1413 26.2 j 97.6 ' O. 1107 26.1 I 97.6 O. HOI 26.0 97.6 O. 1395 ■• 21 7 'ji'i ■ ' 21 . 6 96 4 26 , 'X: 4 21 .4 96. 21 .:•, 96 2(' 'J 9i'i 2i ■1 'Mi 21 . 11 116 O. 1489 O. 1482 0.1474 27.2 O. 1467 j 27, 1 O. 1459 : 27,0 0.1452 ' 26.11 O. 1444 I 26. 8 O. 1137 ' 26,7 O 1429 ' 26,6 O. 1422 26. 4 o. 1416 I 26,:; 0.1411 26.2 O, 1406 26, 1 0.1401 26,0 '^■3 J^ a 9.j. ,j 9,"., ,j 9,5. ,5 ll.-i, ,5 9,"., 5 9,'., 4 95.4 95, 4 95, 4 95, 4 95. :; 95. 3 115. 3 115. :3 ;i5. 3 95.3 95 :i c .2 ! H 0. 1543 0.1536 0.1530 O. 1524 0.1517 0.1511 O. 1 501 0. 1497 0. 1 190 0.1181 :s. 1 27. I 27, :; i 0.1396 25.9 i 95.1 0. 1391 0.1478 27.2 0.1471 27.1 O. 1165 27.11 O, 1459 2(1,11 0.1 J 52 26, H 0.1146 26,7 0.1110 ' 26.6 0.1133 : 26.5 0.1126 26.4 0.1120 26.2 9.5.2 : 0.1111 I 26.0 95.2 : 0,1408 I 25,11 95,1.; i 0.1102 i 95.2 i 0.1396 25. 8 I 95. 1 25.7 , 95.1 96.4 ! 0.1381 25.6 95.1 25.9 ' 96.4 O. 1386 25.9 97.11 25. s 07.5 0.1389 25.7 I 96.4 : 0.1376 95. 1 0.1383 25.6 O. 1371 25.4 95,0 0.1390 j 2.5,6 0.1384 ' 25,5 0.1378 j 25,4 0;i372 j 2.5,3 0.1366 2.5.2 0.1359 25.1 rSYCHROMETRIOAL TABLES. 9 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?5 0?6 <»?7 ©?8 ©?» ~ -f. ;a +'|-;9 94, 4 I 0.1531 2f^. 'S^.i 0.152© e 94.4)0.1525 -JT.a y:!.2;©. 1513 7 , 94.4 0.1519 6 I 94.4 I 0.1512 .-. 94.4 O'. 1505 4 94.3 0. 149§ •27. s ii;;. i 0.1506 ■27.7 'j;i. 1 : 0.11 §6 3 ' 94.3 I 0.1192 27.4 2 94.3 : O. 1.1§6 27.3 I 94. 3 I O. 1479 27. 2 94.2 ! 0.1472 27.1 93. 1 O. 1480 93.1 0.1473 93. 1 93. + .7.9,94.2 0.1466 27.0 93.0 0.1454 O. 1467 0. 1460 94,2 ' 0.4460 2ii. 9 9:',. 94. 2 ! O. 4454 ' 2n. 8 ' 93. 6 94.2 : O. 1448 5 , 94. 1 0. 1444 4 94. 1 0. 4435 1 211.7 j 93.0 2i;. 6 j 92.9 26.5 ■ 92.9 3 , 94.1 0.4428 20. 4 92.9 2 94.1 0.1424 25.3 j 92.9 1 94.1 I 0.1415 I 26.2 92.9 94.0 I 0.1409 26.0 92.8 +2G.9 , 94.0 j 0.4402 : 25.9 : 92.8 »^ : 94.0 : 0.1396 ' 25.8 92.8 ' 94.0 ; O. 1390 25.7 92. ^: '' 94.0 0.1384 ! 2.5.6 ■ 92.8 ^ I 93.9 0.1378 25.5 92.7 •1 I 93.9 ©. 1372 , 25.4 92.7 I '■' 93.9 0.1366 2.5.3 92.7 '-' 93.9 0. 1360 ' 2.5.2 92.7 1 93.9 0.1354 25.1 ■ 92.7 93. s 0. 134§ •).5. 92.6 ©1447 ©1441 O. 1434 0.4428 ©. 1422 0.1416 0.141© ©. 14©3 ©1397 ©139© ©1384 ©1378 ©1372 0.1366 0.136© ©1354 0.1348 0.1342 ©1336 L ij: 27. 6 27. 5 27.4 27.1 8 92.1 I ©. 1508 7 92.1 O. 1501 12. ' O. 1495 7.7 91.0 0.1497 27.5 911.11 , ©.1481 27.3 7.0 91.0 I ©.4490 27.4 ^9. 9 0.1477 27.2 7.5 00.9 0.1483 27.3 >9. 9 O. 4471 27.1 92. 92. 92.0 91.9 91.9 ©. 1488 ; 27.4 90.9 i ©.4476 27.2 89. 9 ©. 146 4 : 27.0 i O. 4482 O. 1475 ©. 1469 27.3,90.,-' ©.447© 27.1 s:i. - 0.4 458 26.9 27.2 90.8 , ©.1463 27.0 -■9. s 0.1451 \ 2i;. 8 27.11911.8 ©.1457 20.9 .-'9. s ©.I 11 I '26.7 27 91. 9 26 9 91. 9 2r; i^ 91. 8 26 7 91.8 26 6 91.^ 26 f, 91.8 26 .4 91.7 26 .3 91.7 ©.1462 27.0 90..^ ©.145© 2.;. 8 ^ I ©. 1456 ©4449 2i;. 9 , 90.7 2i;. 7 90.7 ©. 1443 ©. 1437 26,. 7 ^-O. 7 2i;.5 S9. 6 ©. 14;{.'«i 26.6 ©.1132 ^ 26.5 0.142 5 ' 2(;. 3 ©. 1443 26.6 90.7 O. 4431 26.4 .-9.ii 0.1419 '26.'2 O. 1437 j 26.5 ' 90.7 ! ©.4425 26.3 ^'.y^\ : © 14 12 26.1 26.2 91.7 26,. 1 26. 25. 6, 25. 5 25. 4 91.7 91.7 91.7 ©. 1434 ■ 2i;. 4 90.6 ©. 1424 ; 21',.:', 90.0 ©.1448 I 2(5.2 90.6 ©.1411 1 26.1 90.6 ©. 14©5 ' 26.0 90.5 I I ©.1398 : 25.9 I 90.5 ©.1392 25. s 90.5 ©. 1385 25.7 90.5 ©.1419 26.2 89.5 : ©. 14©6 , 26.0 ©.1412 26. 1 , >9.5 ©. 1400 25.9 O. 14©6 20.0 -9.5 0.1394,2.5. s O. 1399 25, 9 -9.4 0.1387 25,7 0,1393 25.8 ,-9.4 ©.138© 25.6 O. 13§6 25.7 89.4 '■ O. 1374 25,5 0.138© 2,5,6 -9,1 I ©.1368 ! 2.5,4 ©.1373 25.5 ,-'9.4 O. 1362 25.3 91.6 ©.1378 91.6 91. 6 91. 6 25. 3 91. 5 25.2 ' 91.5 25.1 91.5 25.0 91.5 24.9 91.4 24.8 91.4 ©. 1372 ©.1366 ©. 1360 O. 1354 25. 6 90. 4 '©. 1366 25,4 ,-9,3 ©.1355 . 5 90. 4 . 4 90, 4 , 3 90. 4 . 2 90. 3 O. 136© 2.5. 3 ©.1354 25.2 0. 134W 25.1 ©.1342 25.0 O. 13 19 25.1 O. 1313 25.(1 ©. 1337 I 24.9 0.1331 24. H ©.1348 , 25.1 911. 0.1336 24.9 >9.2 ©.1325 24.7 ©.1342^25.0 90.3 '©.1330 24.8-9.1 0.1319 24.0 ©.1336 24.9 90.3 I ©.1324 24.7 89.1 0.1313 24.5 0,133© J24.S 190.2 I ©.1318 ,24.6 KM ©.1307-24.3 0.1324 '24.6 9(1,2 0.1312 24,4 ,^1,0!©. 13© I 21,2 10 PSYCHIHJMETPJOAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. - I W i -•-'.-. 1» ' 8-. 9 y ' H3.9 0.1473 , '27.0 0. 1466 1 •,'(;. 9 ' f*. 8 j O. 1459 20. 8 ^ 8s. 8 ! 0.14-53 2C.7 5 88.7 4 : 88.7 I 3 j 88.6 1 ! 88.5 I 88. 5 0.1446 -T,. C O. 1439 211. 5 0.1433 0.1426 26.4 20. 3 +27. 9 8 7 6 88.4 88.4 88.4 88. 4 88.4 88.3 88. 3 88. 3 88.3 88. 2 +20. 9 88. 2 ri-~'. '■^*. >'f^. 0. 1420 2(1 0.1413 20. 1 i'>. 8 0. 1407 0. 1401 0.1395 0.1389 2.-.. 7 0.1383 j 2:-,. n 0.1377 j 2.5.5 0.1371 0. 1364 0.1357 ;' 2.5.2 0. 1350 2.5. 1 24.9 24. s 0.1343 0.1337 0.1331 21.7 O. 1325 ! 24.0 S7, 9 O. 1313 24.4 0.1307 24.:: 87.0 87.0 W7. 5 87.5 87.4 87.4 20. 87. 4 25.9 ' 87.3 87. 3 87. 2 25. 4 87. 2 25.3 \ 87.1 87.1 87.1 .^7. 1) ^7. ^7. 80. 9 0.1319 i 24.5 ' 80.9 ^(). 9 ~'0. S 9 , O. 1301 24.2 ' M":. ,S >7.9 O. 1295 24.1 O. 1289 ' 21.11 80. ! 80. ■: 1?1 F 3 0.1461 0. 1454 0. 1448 0.1412 0. 1436 26. 9 80. 7 26.8 80.7 26. 80. I 20.0 SO. 6 20.5 ! 80. 0. 1430 20.4 80.5 0.1423 0.1416 20.3 , 80.4 26.2 h;. 4 O. 1409 20. 1 so, 3 0. 1402 0.1396 0. 1390 0.1384 0. 1378 0.1372 0.1366 0.1360 0.1353 0. 1346 0.1339 26.0 «C. 3 SO. 2 80. 2 25. 6 80. 2 2.5.5 8,;. 1 25. 4 25. 3 25.2 25.1 25.0 24.9 24.': 80. 1 80.1 SO). 80.0 80.0 85.9 O. 1332 0.1326 : 24.6 0.1320 j 24.5 0.3 314 ; 24.4 O. 1308 , 24.3 O. 1302 24.2 0.1296 j 24.1 0.1290 ! 24.0 0. 1284 0.1278 23.9 I?3 1?3 I VI a ^ i r-. X ^ S ^ L ^ £ ' — -t— c ^ j^ — '-iJ ^ ^ y - ^ "^ z: _- r^ '■-< > ■-' •p r ^ - 1 ©. 1450 0. 1443 ©1437 0. 1431 O. 1425 0.1419 O. 1412 0. 1405 0.1398 0. 1391 0. 1384 0. 1378 0.1372 0. 1366 0. 1360 0. 1354 0. 1348 0.1341 0.1334 0.1327 0.1320 0.1314 0. 1308 O. 1302 O. 1296 O. 1290 0. 12§4 O. 1278 O. 1272 O. 1266 20 20. 20. 5 20. 4 20. 3 20. 2 20. 1 20, 25. 9 '^5 25. 25.5 25. 4 25. 3 25.2 85.0 25.1 j 85.0 25. 84. 9 24.9 ' 84.9 24. 8 84. 8 24.7 84.8 2J.5 24.4 24.3 21,2 24 1 21,(1 23.9 2:1, ,^' 2:3.7 2:;. 84.7 84.7 S4.7 S4.0 81.0 S4.6 S4. 5 84,5 8-1.5 85 6 85 5 85 5 85 4 8,5 4 85 3 85 3 85 85 8,5 1 S,5 ' c ^ O. 1439 20.5 84.7 0.1432 . 20.4 ! 84.6 O. 1426 20,3 ; S4,0 O. 1420 I 20,2 I 84.5 0.1414 j 20.1 ! 84.5 O. 1408 ' 20.0 84.4 O. 1401 ! 25.9 84.4 I O. 1394 25.8 : 84.3 O. 1387 25.7 84.3 c'A O. 1380 ,0 O. 1374 0. 1368 0.1362 O. 1356 : 25,1 84.2 84.2 84.1 84.1 0.1427 20.:; 0.1421 ! 20,2 I O. 1JI5 20.1 O. 1409 ' 20. I 0.1403 25.9 0.1396 2,5.8 0. 1389 j 2.5.7 0.1382 25,0 0.1375 0.1368 0.1362 0.1356 0.1350 1.0 0. 13M 25.4 25. 1 25. 24. 9 O. 1350 25,0 84.(1 0.1344 24.9 83.9 O. 1337 24.8 I 83.9 0.1330 24.7 I 8:5.8 O. 1323 ' 24.6 I S3. 8 O. 1316 24.5 83.7 84.4 I O. 1309 1303 1297 1291 1285 1279 1273 1267 1261 1255 24.3 2 1 . 2 21 , 1 21,0 23. 9 2:i. s 2:!. 7 2:>. 5 2:'., 4 0.1338 21. s 0.1332 ' 21.7 I 0.1325 24.6 j 0.1318 21.5 0.1311 ; 21.4 0.1304 24.3 0.1298 24.1 4,(1 I ::, 9 i O. 1292 O. 1286 0.1280 0. 1274 0. 1268 4 0.1262 2:!, 5 :; 0.1256 23,4 :; 0. 1250 2:'. 3 2 ' 0.1243 2:1.2 2:1. PSYOnEOMl'TlUOAL TABLES. 11 EIFFERENCB OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 1°5 1°& i^y 1?8 1?9 iS^ e:!. 5 S3. 4 S3. 4 S3. 3 4|S3.3 I 3 I S3. -J 2 ' 83. 2 1 j .^3.1 , S3. 1 +•27. 9 S3. s j S3.0 7 S2. 9 6 S2. 9 0.1414 0. 1407 ©. 1400 26.2 ' 82.5 26.0 ' S2. .5 2.'.0 I 82.4 0.1393 I 2^-8 I 82.4 0.1386 25. T 82.3 0.1380 ! 25.6 82.3 0. 13Y4 , 25.5 ' S2.2 0.1368 I 25.4 ' S2. 2 0. 1362 j 25. 3 j S2. 1 0.1355 25.2 I 82.1 0.1348 25.0 ! 82.0 0.1341 j 24.9 I 82.0 © 1334 , 21.8 , 81.9 1 j S2. ' .2. +2(1. 9 82.6 S2. 6 0.1328 0. 1322 24. T j 81.9 24.6 81.8 0.1316 24.5 81.8 0.1310 0.1304 0.1298 0. 1292 24.4 I 81.7 1 24.3 81.7 24.2 , si. 6 24.1 81.6 0. 1407 0. 1400 0.1393 0.1386 0. 1379 0.1372 0. 1365 0. 1358 0.1351 0. 1344 0.1337 0. 1330 0. 1323 0.1317 0.1311 0. 1305 0. 1299 0.1293 0. 1287 0.1281 2fi. 25. S 25. 7 25. 6 6 s,'. 5 0.1286 23.9 81.5 O. 1274 0.1280 23.7 i si. 5 O. 1267 0.1273 23.0 si. 4 0.1260 0.1266 23.5 ' 81.4 I 0.1254 0.1200 ! 23.4 ' 81.3 I 0.1248 24 8 24 7 24 6 -2.4 I 0.1254 23. 3 si. 3 0.1242 3 , 82.3 j 0. 1248 : 23.2 , 81.2 0. 1236 2 s-j.:; 0.1242:23.1 81.2 O. 1230 1 : S2.2 ' 0. 1>^3S j 23.0 81. 1 O. 1224 'I ' -2.1 I 0. 1'.230 ' 22.9 ' 81.0 ! 0.1218 81.5 81.5 81.4 81.4 81. 3 25.4 I 81.3 25.3 I 81.2 25.2 I 81.2 2.5. 1 81. 1 25.0 : 81.0 81.0 80.9 80. 9 24.5 I 80.8 24.4 ■ 80.8 24. 3 80. 7 24.2 i 80.7 24.1 I 80.0 24.0 : >-0. 6 i 23. 9 : 80. 5 23.7 j ril.^ 23.5 j 80. 4 23.4 ' SO. 4 I I 23.. 3 '' 80.3 80.3 80. 2 80. 2 80.1 Ml. 79. 9 0.1391 '25.8 80.4 0.1379 25 79.4 0.1367 25.3 0.1384 25.6 80.4 I 0.1372 25.3 79.4 0.1377 ' 25.5 ' 80.3 0.1370 I 2.5.4 I 80.3 O. 1363 25.3 . 80.2 0.1357 , 25.2 80.2 0.1351 j 25.1 ' 80.1 0.1345 ' 25.0 I 80.1 0.1339 , 24.9 80.0 23. 2 23. 1 23. 22. 9 0.1332 0. 1325 0.1318 0.1311 0.1305 0. 1299 0. 1293 O. 1287 0. 1281 0.1275 0.1269 24. 24.0 24. 4 24.3 24. 2 24. 1 24.0 23. 9 23. 6 80. 79. 9 79. 9 79. 8 79. 8 79.7 79. 7 79.0 79.6 79. 5 79. 5 O. 1365 I 25.2 79.3 0.1358 I 25.1 79.2 O. 1351 : 25.0 79.2 0.1344 24.9 79.1 0.1338 j 24.8 ' 79.1 0.1332 ' 21.7 j 79.0 O. 1326 I 21.0 I 79.0 0.1320 24.5 78.9 1313 1306 1299 1293 1287 1281 1275 1269 1263 1257 24.3 24. 2 24. 1 24. 2 '.. 9 23.7 23. Ij 23. 5 23. 4 78.9 0.1360 ! 25.1 0.1353 I 25.0 0.1346 ; 24.9 0.1339 24.8 0.1332 24.7 O. 1326 ' 24.6 0.1320 I 21.5 O. 1314 I 24.4 0.1308 24.3 78.0 78. (i 78.5 78.5 78.4 0.1301 O. 1294 0.1287 ©.1281 O. 1275 O. 1269 ©.1263 ©. 1257 ©.1251 ©. 1245 24.1 24.0 23. 9 23.0 23,. 4 23,. 3 23.2 O. 1262 , 23.4 0.1255 23.3 79.4 0.1248 23.2 ! 79.3 0.1242 ' 23.1 79.3 0. 1236 23. 79. 2 79.4 ©. 125© ©.1243 -ii-l *8.3 ©.1237 ©1231 ©. 1225 ©.123© j i-^-^ ; '-'-'^ ©.1219 23,. 78. 2 22. 9 78. 2 22.8 78.1 22. 7 78. ©.1224 22.8 79.1 ©.1218 22.7 79.0 O. 1212 22.0 I 78.9 0. 12©6 0.1213 ©. I 207 ©.1238 I 23.0 ©.1232 22.9 ©. 1 226 22. 8 ©.122© 22.7 0.1214 'i 22.0 0.1208 22.5 ■ 77.9 0. 12©2 22.4 5 ' 77.8 1 ©. 1195 22.3 0.1201 2-'. 4 0.1195 2.'. 3 0.1189 22.2 ©.1183 22.1 12 rSYCHROMETlUCAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. +•24. 9 +-::.y 0?0 cM h O. 1 lOO 0. 1391 0. 138§ o. i3§a O. 1370 0.1370 O. 1361 0. 135S 0.135a 0. 131« O. 1311 0.1335 0. 1329 O. 13 a 3 0.1318 O. 1312 O. 1308 0. 1300 O. 1291 0. 1289 12§3 127N o 1272 o 12«7 o 1261 125« 12.50 © 1245 © 1239 1234 9.H. 8 9S. K 9c\ s 'J6. s 98. 8 98. 7 98. 7 ;is. 7 98. 7 98. 7 98. 7 98. 7 9'.'. 7 98. 7 98.7 98. 7 0?1 0?2 S3 0.1389 cM 0.1377 0.1383 xi.j. G 97.5 0.1371 0.1377 0.1371 0.1365 0.1359 O. 1353 0.1347 0.1341 •,'.'i. 4 :J.'.. 3 'J') '2 '.'.-.. 1 :.>."). II ■J I. 9 97. .'. 97, 5 97.5 97.5 97. 5 97. 5 97.5 O. 1335 ! -n.S 97.4 0.1328 -il.? 97.4 O. 1365 O. 1359 0.1353 O. 1347 0. 1341 O. 1335 O. 1329 O. 1323 25. 4 •i5. 3 9o. 3 96. 3 96. 3 25. 2 96. 3 25. 1 96. 3 25. 96. 3 24. 9 96. 3 24, .^ 24.7 24.6 0.1317 21.5 O. 1322 2 1.6 97.4 ! O. 1312 24.4 O. 1316 I 21.: 97.4 O. 1310 I 24.4 97.4 O. 1305 ! 24.:; 97.4 O. 1300 I 21.2 97.4 O. 1294 ' 21.1 97.4 O. 1289 ' 21.(1 97.4 0.1284 ' 2;;. 9 97.4 O. 1278 97.3 98,7 O. 1273 98.7 0.1267 99.7 O. 1262 9-'. 7 ■ 0.1256 9>.7 ' O. 1251 98.7 0.1245 98.7 0.1239 98.7 0.1234 , 2:;, I 97.3 98.7 0.1228 98.6 , O. 1223 97. :i 2:i. 4 I 97.3 2:!. 3 :)7.3 2;;. 2 97.3 2;;. 1 97. 3 0. 1306 O. 1300 24, :i 2 4,2 96. 3 96.:; 96.2 96. 2 96. 2 96. 2 96.1 O. 1295 24.1 96.1 O. 1289 j 21.0 ' -1 24.6 j 91,4 0.1312 ; 24.4 | 90.2 O. 1300 24.2 ^ .-9.0 | 0.1289 0.1330 24.7 92. 6 I O. 1318 21. .'j 91.4 0.1306 24. ;! 90. 1 1 O. 1201 24.1 .--'.9 0.1283 24.0 0.1324 ' 24.6 ! 92.5 ' O. 1312 24.4 ! 91, 0. 1318 ] 24.5 I 92.5 | O. 1306 i 24.3 | 91 0.1312 , 24.4 , 92.5 j O. 1300 | 24.2 91 0.1306 24.3 92.5 0.1284 24. 1 [ 91 0.1300 24.2 92,5 ' 0.1288 ' 24.0 1 91 0.130© 24.2 90.1 ! O. 1288 O. I'i94 '■ 24. 1 I 90.0 I O. 1282 0.1288 24.0 I 90.1) , 0.1276 O. 1282 23 9 90.0 I O. 1270 O. 1276 23. s : .-'.l, 9 O, 1261 23.6 ' .^ 0.1294 i 24.1 92.5 ! 0.1282 j 23.9 I 91.2 j O. 1270 j 23.7 i Kl. 9 | 0.1258 23.5 ! H 0.1288 I 24,0 I 92.4 0.1276 , 23.8 91.2 ©.1264 , 23.6 , 89.9 | 0. 12.52 .-.S9 0.1277 .-:-^,9 I ©,1271 .^>. 8 , O. 126.5 ,-8.8 0.12.59 O. 12,53 !3. 5 ! HS, 7 ©,1247 !3, 3 .--■.7 , 0,1241 23, 6 ::\. 1 23. 1 0.1283 I 23.9 92. 1 1 O 1270 ! 23,. 7 ! 91.2 ' ©.12,58 I 23.4 I I 0.126,5 \ 23,. 6 : 91.1 0.12,53 : 23,3, i 8 93,6 j 0,1283 I 23,8 | 92,4 7 93,6 0,1280 23.7 92.3 0.12,59 23,5 191.1:0.1247 6 ^ 93.6 ' 0.1277 ' 23.6 92.3 0.1253 ' 23.4 91.0 I 0.1241 5 ■' 93.5 i ©.1275 I 23.5 ! 92.3 I O. 1248 ! 23.3 91.0 O. 1236 23, 1 23,. 4 j 93.5 0.1272 23,. 4 92.2 O. 1242 j 23.2 91.0 3 93.5,©. 1269 23.3 92.2 O. 1236 23,. 1 90.9 93.4^0.1267 23,, 2 92,2 ©,1231 22. 9 ' 90, 9 93.4 I ©.1264 I 23.1 i 92.1 ' 0.1225 , 22.8 | 90.9 93.4 I ©.1261 I 23.0 , 92.1 j 0.1219 90. +23,11 I 93,4 I ©, 1252 22,9 ' 92,1 j ©,1214 f^ 93,4 ^ 0,1241 j 22,8 | 92,1 ©,1208 I 7 93,4 ©,1235 22, 7 92,0 ©, 12©3 j ! 6 93,4;©, 1227 22.6 92.0 0.1197 5 ■ 93.4 ! 0.1218 I 22.5 92.0 O. 1192 .'2.6 I 90.8 ;2. 5 : 90.8 O. 123© I 22.9 ©.1224 22.8 ©.1219 ' 22.7 ©.1213 I 22.6 ©. 1207 , 22.5 O. 1201 ! 22.4 H9. 8 89.7 .^9. 7 .-'1.7 s;i. (i t:'J. 6 89. 5 811. 5 89. ©. 1246 O. 1210 O. 12;i5 23.(1 ©. 1229 ' 22.9 O. 1223 22. s ©. 1218 ■ 22,7 ©.1212 22.6 O. 1207 22.5 0. 1201 I 22.4 0.1195 0.1 189 22.1 !3.2 ' s^. 7 O. 123-5 23.0 1:1,1 ,-,-', 6 O. 123© , 22.9 4 93.3 0.121© 22.4 I 92.0 3 93.3 ©. 12©1 22.3 2 93.3 : O, I19S -^J,-.' 1 9:', 3 ! ©,1185 22.1 0,1196 22,3 , 89,4 ©,1183 22.0 i2, 4 i 90. 8 ' ©, 1 19© 22, 2 89, 4 ©, 1 1 78 ' 21, 9 j-.>,:i liO,s I 0,1185 ' 22,1 811,4 j 0,1173 21,8 .'■.',2 I 90,7 : ©,1179 ; 22,0 j 89,3 I ©,1167 , 21,7 j-j.l ^00,7 ' 0,1174 21,9, 8.). 3 0,1162 ^21,6 i-j,o j 90,7 ■ 0,1168 21.- 89,3 0,11,56 21.5 11.9 ' 0.1175 ■ 21.9 ' 90.7 0.1163 ' 21.7 | 89.2 ' ©.1151 21.4 1.9 0.117© i 21.8 ■ 90.6 ! 0.1157 j 21.6 1 89.2 0.1145 21.3 ,■■-.6 0.1221 ^2.,^ s,-. 5 0. 121>i 22.7 s.^.5 I O. 1213 22.6 -S.4 0.1207 22.5 ,--.4 O. 1201 , 22.4 ,s^. 4 O. 1196 ' 22.3 s,-.ii 0.119© 22.2 ,--.3 0.1184 2.'. 1 0.1179 21.9 O. 1174 I 21.,- 0.1108 , 21.7 ©.1163 21.6 0.1186 92.0 0.1181 111!, 0.1176 21.9:91.9 ©.1164,21.7 90.6 O. 1152 21.5 -89.2 ©.1140 21. .-■.-. 1 ©. 1157 21.5 ■--. 1 ©1152 21.4 ', >8. 1 ©. 1116 21.3 H8. 0. 1141 21. 2 ,--'. ©1135 21. 1 -7.9 ©. S129 21.0 _ - 14 PSYCni;OMETRICAL TABLES. .-ti DIFFERENCE OP D.RY AND WET BULB THERMOMET EES. 1 — y. 1?0 ■i 1^ 1?1 i:^ ': ^ 1?3 1?1 T I'^ '1 ~ -/. 1 c 5-4 T: "^ +-j.->:';i 0. 1283 2:;. 8 8(i. 7 0.1272 i3.C s,5..-, 0.1 260 23. 4 84.4 1 0. 1219 23, 2 0.1237 1 23.11 ^^ ^■' ■'■ 1277 ■2:'>. 7 .-^i;. c 0.1266 -23. .3 : 8.1.4 0.1254 •'■' '.] 84.3 0. 1213 23. 1 .s;!. 1 0.1231 ' V-Mi 7 ■^7. 7 0.1271 •i:i. u m;. f) 0.1960 -23.4 8.5.4 0. 1248 21'. 2 84.3 0. 1237 23.0 .-3,1 0,1225 : 22, s (i >7.7 O. 12«-5 S.l. o 80. '< 0.1251 ' -23.3 .■-.5.3 1242 2:;. 1 84.2 O. 1231 22,9 S3.. II 0.1219 22,7 •'- '~:^7,(; 0. 12.59 2:': 4 :-{':. .J 0.1248 ; -23. '2 85.3 0. 1236 2.5. 81.2 0. 1225 22. 8 83. 0.121.3 22. r, •1 •^7 . ( ; 0. 1253 j:;. 3 SO. 4 0.1242 23.1 85.2 O. 1230 22. 9 81.1 0. 1219 22. 7 82. 9 0.1207 ' 22.5 :; O. 1217 S'>. '2 80.4 O. 1236 , 23.0 8.5.2 0.1221 22. 8 81. 1 O. 1213 22.6 i .-'2. 9 0.1201 ! '22.4 -7.,-, 0. 12 Jl r,. 1 si'i. :', O. 1230 22.9 -5.1 0.1218 O.I ' 81.0 O. i 207 0-) .-J ,<■* S 0.1195 22,3 1 S7.4 0.1235 .':l. so. 3 O. 1224 ' 22.8 ' 8.5.1 0. 1212 84. O. 1201 22. 4 82. 8 0.1189 22,2 >7. 4 0. 1229 1 i-i. 9 si;. -J O. 1218 22.7 .S5.0 0. 1206 o-j -, 83, 9 0.1195 22. 3 S2. 7 0.1183 22.1 ; +•24. il ^7.3 0. 1223 -J. / so. -J 0.1212 2-2.5 1 ,85.0 1 O. 1200 •22. 3 .83,. 9 O. 1190 22. 1 .■•2. 7 0.1178 21. '.1 ■^' '" 1217 i2. 0.1206 i 22.4 84.9 0.1194 • )0 o S3. 8 O 1184 22. 82. 6 0.1172 : 21.8 7 -7 ^ ; ; 0. 1211 -.5 sO. 1 O. 1200 22.:; ,84.9 0. 1188 22. 1 s:!, s 0.1178 21.9 ..2.(; 0.1166 21.7 (j i^7 '^ 0.1205 -'■-'. 4 so. 1 O. 1194 22.2 ' 84. 8 1182 22.0 .83. 7 0.1172 1 21.8 .S2. 5 0. IIGO 21.0 ■"> .-7.-.' 0.120© .'■.'. 3 -0. O. 1188 22.1 .84.8 1 0. 1176 21. 9 83. 0. 1166 21.7 .82.4 0.1154 21.5 -1 O. 1195 >■> ■) 80,0 0.1182 22.0 ! .S4.7 0. 1170 21. s 8.1. 6 0.1160 21. G .S2. 4 0,1148 21,4 : 3 -7.1 O. 1190 J-'. 1 8."). 9 0.1176 ; 21.9 1 84.7 0.1164 21.7 .81. ,5 8154 21.5 -2,3, 0. 1 142 21.3 '-' S7. 1 0.1184 -•■-'. 8.-.. 9 0.1170 21.8 ; S4.6 0.1158 21. (! 83.4 O. 1118 21,4 .^2,2 0.1136 21, 2 1 ;-7.1 0.1178 .'1.9 8.-,. 8 1165 21.7 84. 6 0.1153 21. 5 83.4 O. 1142 21.3 s-j.o 0.1130 21,1 (1 -7.0 0.1172 J1.8 '^■>. ''^ 0.1160 21.6 .S4.5 0.1118 21. 4 0. 1137 21.2 .^2.1 0.1125 '20.9 +■-':;. !..-> S.".. 0.1143 21.3 : 84.4 0.1131 21.11 1120 20.8 SI. 9 0.1108 20,5 (1 ,-^0. 9 0.1150 .'1.4 >S.'i. I'l 0.1138 -21.2 81.3 0. ii2y 20. 9 83,. 1 0.1115 20.7 SI. 9 0.1103 20.1 •'■ .'-Ij. s Oil i 1 Jl.:; '-. . • 0.1132 -21.1 S4.3 0.1120 20. 8 8.1. 1 0.1109 20.6 81,8 0. 1097 20.3 4 ><;. .. 0.1139 ii.-,' 87. . ."> O. 1127 , 21.0 84.2 O. 1115 211.7 83,. 0.1104 211,5 81.7 0.1092 20.2 ■'• -il. 7 0. ll;JS Ji.i S.-. 4 0.1121 20.9 84.2 0.1109 20. G 83. 0.1098 211.4 81,7 0. 1086 2", 1 ' i-i). 7 0.1128 .' 1 . u 8,-. 4 0.1116 20.8 ! .S4.1 1 O. 1104 20. 5 82. 9 0.1093 20.3 ' 81.6 0.1081 20.0 1 -li. (1 0. 1122 .'(1. 9 8.1. 3 0. lllO 20.7 .-4.1 0.1098 20. 4 -2. 9 O. 1087 1 211.2 81.5 0.1075 r.i.'.' til G 0.1117 JO. 8 s.->. 3 0.1105 ' 20.0 ' SI. II O. 1093 20.3, 8.> 8 0. 1082 20.1 81.5 0.1070 1'-^^ rSYCHEOMETEICAL TABLES. 15 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 1°5 I°6 i?r i?s 1V9 r- I ■» ; ;C -■.'.\u -10 0.1221 i-:;. > -1. O. ia(2 0-2.G 79.9 ^ O. 1200 ^.4 82.0 0.1218 -ii. 6 ^1.0 I O. 120S '^'i. 4 ; 79.- ei.9 0.1212 -ii. 5 >0.9; 0.1200 -'-J. 3 79. t 0.119.5 i-.'.-,' 0.1189 ' -22.1 ei.9 0.1206 -'-.1 -0.9 0.1191 2-'. 2 79.7 O. 11§3 2-J.O .-. SI. 8 0.1200 4 Hi..~ 0.1104 3 -1.7 0.1188 22.3 -0.- 0.1188 22.1 79.7 0.117?^ 21.9 22. 2 fO. S O. 1182 22.0 79. C. , 0. 1171 21. - 1 i 22.1 -0.7 0.1176 21.9 79.6, 0.116.5 21.7 ; I I 2 81.7 0.1182 22.0 .-u. 6 : O. 1170 21.8 79. .' , O. 11.59 , 21. 1 -l.G 0.1176 21.9 ' 80. .5 0.1164 21.7 79.4 0.11-53 21..'. 81.5 0.1170 21.8 80.4 0.1158 21.6 79.3 78.6 0.1189 2.'. 2 0.1183 2}. 0.1177 j 21.8 0. 1171 : 21.7 O. lKi.5 21.0 0.11.59 21..^ O. 1B.53 21.4 0.1117 21.3 0.1111 21.2 77.6 0.1177 , 22.0 77..-. 0.117 1 21.-^ 77.5 j O. 116-5 21.7 0.11.59 21.6 0. 1153 21.5 0.1147 21.4 77.3 0.1141 21.3 77.2 O. 113-5 21,2 77.2 0.1129 21.1 O. 1147 21.4 78.2 ; 0. 1135 21.1 77.1 0.1123 :ii. ;i +24.9 ^1.4 0.1165 21.6 ^n.s' 0.1153 21.4 79.3 0.1142 '21.2 • ' i ! 8 .-1.4 '0.1160 21..-. .-0.2 ! O. 1148 21.3 79. 2 ' O. 1137 ' 21. 7 ^1.3' 0.1154 21.4 ' H1.2 ' 0.1143 21.2 79. 1 I O. 1 132 | 2'l. 9 t; -1.3, 0.1148 21.3 -11. 1 O. 1137 ' 21.1 , 79.0 O. il26 2il.H .-. 81.2 0.1142 21.2 I 80. 1 0.1131 21.11 78.;i.0.1120 2(1.7 4 >1.2 0.1136 21.1 , .-0.0 . O. 1125 20.9 78.-. 0.1111 2ii.6 3 -1.1:0.1130 21.0 .-U.0;O.1119 -1'.- 7-.7 0.1108 20..-. 2 -1.1,0.1124 211.9 1 79.9 I O. 1113 20.7 78. O. 1102 2ii. 4 7-. 1 7>'. 1 7,-. 0.1130 20.9 77.1 0.1118 20.7 0.1125 2n.s 77.0 ■ 0.1113 I 2i).i; 0.1120 20.7 7i;.9 O.llO8i20.r. O. 1111 211.1; 76.- O. 1 102 2(1.4 i 77.9 O. 1108 20..-. 7.1.7 0.1096 2(L3 77.8 ' 0.1102 I 20.4 76. C O. 1090 , 2(1.2 77. 7 ! O. 1096 j 20. 3, \ 76. 5 0. lO* 1 20. 1 77.6 ' O. 1090 ' 2(1.2 , 76. 1 O. 1078 20.0 1 -1.0 0.1118 (' -0.9 0. 1S13 20.,- 79.8 O. SI07 20.6 j 7- 79.7 O. 1101 20.5 7- 0.1096 20.3 ' 77..- 0.108 1 20.1 76.:; 0.1072 19.9 0.1090 20.2 77.4 0.107S 2(J. 7(i.2 O. 1066 19.- +23.9-0.-0.1107 20..-. 79.G;0.1095 20.3 78.4 0.1084 2O.0 - -o.s 0.1101 ' 2(1. 4 79.6 O. 1089 20.2 7-. 1 O. 1079 19.9 -0.7 0.1095 20.3 I 79.5 0.1083 ' 2(3.] (.1 -(I 0. 1089 20 '-(1.6 0.1084 20.1 ■9.5 O. 107 8 20.0 ^9.4 O. 1072 19.9 4 ,-0.6 :'■ XI. 5 2 811.5 0.1079 20.0 79. 4 O. 1066 : 19. - O. 1074 19.9 79.3 O. 1061 19.7 7-. 3 0.1073 '■ 19. 7-. 3. '' O. 1068 ' 19. 78. 2 O. 1082 19. 78.2 ■ 0.1057 j 19. 78.1 0.1051 19. 77 •) / i . 77.1 77.1 0.1069 19.- 79.3 0.1055 19.6 7-. 1 0.1046 19.3 1 -0.4 0.1064 19.7 79.2 O. S051 19.. 0.1© iO 19.2 I 76.8 , 0.10-i9 19.0 80.3 O. 1059 19.6 79.1 0.8047 19.4 77.9 0.1035 19.1 0.1072 19.8 70.1 0.1080 19.6 0.1066 ■ 19.7 76.1 : O. 1051 19.4 j 0.1060 19.6 7(;.0 O. 1048 19.3 0.1054 19.5 76.0 O.lOi-i 19.2 1 ) 0. 1037 19. 1 1 1 O. 1032 19. I - 0. 1027 1-.9 li 0.1017 1-.7 ,-, O. SO! 2 1-. ' 0. 10J9 ! 19.4 0.1014 19.3 77.0 i O. 1039 , 19.2 76.9 I O. 1034 19. 1 O. 1024 1-.9 16 rSYCnEOMETRICAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. ©?0 cS ^2-2.9 I 0. 12'29 O. 1224 O. 121§ 6 ' : 0.1213 5 0.1207 +21.9 8 2 j 1 +20. 9 0.1202 0.1 19« 0.1191 0.1185 O. 1180 O. 1171 O. 1169 O. 1161 O. 1159 0.11.54 O. 11£9 0.1144 O. 1139 0.1134 O. 112f«i O. 1123 0.1118 0.1113 O. 1108 O. 1103 O. 1098 O. 1093 0.1088 O. 1083 0.1078 0?1 0?;3 ova 0?4 9.^. r, 9.-'. ( 9-«. ( 9.-. r 9^■. I 98. ( 98. 6 98. (; 98. r, 9.^. C. 98.(1 9-'. r, 9s. <; 9.-'. C 9-'. G 9.-. (i 98. (i 9-. 6 9^.6 98. C, 9S. .5 98. r, 0^. 5 98.5 9>. 5 98. 5 98. f) 9.-'. 5 98. .'. 22.6 9; ■J'J. 4 22. 3 ' 97 O. 1218 O. 1213 0. 1208 0. 1202 0.1197 O. 1191 0.1186 0. 1180 0.1174 21.9 0.1169 21.8 '».) 9 2'.'. 1 22. 97 97 97. 0.1163 21.7 0.11.58 21. r. O. 11.53 0. 1148 O. 1143 0.1138 0.1133 O. 1128 O. 1123 O. 1117 21. r. -'1.4 >1.3 O. 120S 22..-, 0..1201 j 22.4 O. 1195 j 22.:'. 0. 1190 0.1184 0.1178 O. 1173 9.-. 9 0.1194 9.->. 9 95. 9 O. 4189 22,2 0.1183 22.1 95.9 O. 1178 1 , 95.9 O. 1172 •2-2.(1 95. 9 21.9 95.9 0.1167 0.1I61 ■22. 21.9 21. M 21.7 I ■ ^ 94.(1 O. 111X2 2-2.0 94,6 ! O. 1176 I 21.9 I 94.6 I 0.1171 \ 21. s 94. 5 94. 5 94.5 95. 5 O. 1167 21.8 95.9 , O. 1156 , 21.6 I 94.5 O. 1162 O. 1157 21,7 21.6 95.9 ■ 0.1150 95.8 0.1145 ! 21.4 ; 94.4 21.; 94. 0.1165 21,7 0.1160 ! 21. (; [ 0. 1154 ' 21.5 0.1149 21.4 0.1143 21, ;i 0.4 138 0.4133 97.2 0.1151 97.2 O. 1146 21,3 97.2 j O. 1141 , 21.2 97. '2 O, 1136 I 21,1 , 95, 8 O. 1124 I 97.2 I 0.1131 ! 21.0 ! 95,8 O. 1119 21.4 9,5.8 0.1139 95. .-^ O. 1134 95.8 O. 1129 21.2 94, 4 21.1 94.4 21,0 94. 4 '20,9 94,4 21. '2 21,1 0.1127 21.(1 0.1122 20,9 0,1117 2(1,,- 20. s ;i4.3 I 0.1107 21.2 ; 97.2 21.1 97.2 21.0 0.1126 O. 1121 97.2 ' O. 1116 •20. 9 95. 8 20. 8 95. 8 211. 7 95 f-* 20.9 97.2 97. 1 0.1112 20.7 , 97.1 0.1107 20.6 97.1 0.1102 ' 20,5 j 97.1 ©. 1097 20, 4 ! 97, 1 O, 1092 0. 1087 0. 1082 O. 1077 O. 1072 20, a 97. 1 20. 2 97. 1 20. 1 97. 1 20. 97. I 19.9 97.0 0,1067 19.8 97.0 O. 1111 ; 20,6 0.1105 O. IIOO O. 1095 O. 1090 O. 1085 O. 1080 O. 1075 0.1070 O. 1065 O. 1060 O. 1055 20.; 20. 4 20. 3 0.1114 20.7 94. 3 0.1109 20. 6 94. 3 0.1104 20. 5 94, 3 20, 7 20. (i 20, 5 95.8 o. 4099 ' 20.4 94,3 O, 1097 j 2(J.4 O, 1092 20. :i 0. 1087 20.2 95. 0.1093)20.3 94.2 0.1081 20.1 95.7 95, 7 95. 7 95.6 95.6 19. 9 95. 6 19. .^ 95. 6 20. .> 20. 1 20. 19.7 95. 6 19. 6 ^ 95. 5 19.5 O. 1088 O. 1083 0.1078 0.1073 0.1068 0. 1063 O. 1058 O. 1053 O, 1048 O. 4043 20.2 94.2 0,1070 20.1 94,2 0.1071 20.0 94.2 0.1066 19.9 94.2 0.1061 19. 8 94. 1 O. 1056 19.7 94.1 O, 1051 19.6 , 94.1 0.1046 19.5 94.1 0.1041 19. 4 94. 19. 3 94. 0, 1036 0.1031 19.9 19. H 19.7 19.6 19, 5 19.4 19. 3 19.2 19.1 19.0 i'SYCHEOMETRICAL TABLES. 17 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?5 0?6 0?7 +-2i.9 9:l3 O.liri ■:21.^ 91.9 0.1159 - 93,3 0.1166 21.7 91.9 0.1154 7 93.-i 0.1161 il.r, 91.e 0.1149 C 93. 2 ' 0.1155 ' 21..-. 91.8 ' O. 1143 ,^. 93. i I 0.1150 21.4 ' 91.8 O. 113§ 4 ' 93.1 ■ 0.1144 91.3 91.7 0.1132 3:93.1:0.1139 21.2 91.7 0.1127 '2 93.1 0.1133 21.1 91.7 ^ 0.1121 1 93.0 j 0.1128 21.0 91.6 0.1116 , 93.0 ' 0.1122 20.9 91.6 ' O. 1110 +21,9 9;i.O I 0.1116 20.8 91.6 ' 0.1104 8 93.0 0.1111 20.7 91..'. 0.1099 7 , 93.0 : 0.1106 20.0 91.. "i , O. 1094 li 92.9 0.1101 20..-. 91.5 O. 10§9 -I 92,9 0,1096 20.4 91. .5 ^ O. 1084 4 92.9 0.1091 20.;; 91.4 0.1079 3 92,9 0, 10§6 20,2 91.4 ' O. 1074 2 92.9 0. 10§1 20.1 91.4 O. 1069 I 92,8:0.1076 20,0 91.3 0. 1064 II 92, s 0.1070 I 19.9 91.3 '■ O. 105§ 0?8 0?9 = — ■,:: -a +20, 9 92, 8 , 0. 1065 8 92.8 : 0.1060 7 ' 92.7 ! 0.1055 I'. 92. 7 ' 0. 1050 ;-> 92. 7 j 0. 1045 4 j 92. ! 0. 1040 3 : 92.6 I 0.1035 i i 2 , 92.0 , 0.1030 19.7 91.3 O. 1053 19.6 : 91.3 O. 1048 19.;-. ' 91.2 0,1043 19.4 91.2 O. 1038 19.3 91,2 ' O. 1033 19.2 91.1 j 0.1028 19.1 ; 91.1 0. 1023 19.0 j 91.1 0.1018 1 92. .5 0.1025 18. 9 91.0 0.1013 92..^, 0.1020 18.,s'9l.0 O. 100§ 21. 5 90. 6 0.1147 21.3 89 2 21.4 90.6 0.1142 21.2 89.2 21.3 90.5 0,1136 21.1 89.1 21.2 90.5 0.1131 21.0 89.1 21.1 90, 5 0.1125 20.9 89.1 21.0 90.4 0.1120 21). 8 89. 211, 9 90. 4 1114 20. 7 89. 2(1. f^ 9(.l. 4 0. 1109 211.6 89.0 20.7 90. 3 O. I103 20. 5 88. 9 20. 1) 911, ;:! 0. 1098 20.4 8-'. 9 20. 5 I 90. 3 20.4 90.3 20, 3 j 90. 2 20,2 i 90.2 20. 1 90. 2 20. 90. 1 19. 9 ! 90. 1 19. 8 90. 19.7 ' 90.0 19. 6 89. 9 O. 1092 O. 1087 20.3 88.9 2(1.2 88.8 O. 1082 : 20. 1 . 88. 8 0. 1077 O. 1072 20. 88. 7 19, 9 ' 88, 7 O. 1067 j 19.8 88,6 0.1062 I 19.7 88.0, 0.1057 j 19,6 88.6 0. 1052 O. 1046 19.4 89.9 O. 1042 19.3 89.8 O. 1037 19.2 80.8 ' O, 1032 19,5 I 88,5 19, 4 88. 5 19. 2 88. 5 19. 1 ' SS. 4 19. 88. 4 19.1 89,7 ' O. 1027 ' 18.9 ' 88,3 O. 1022 i 18.8 88.3 O. 1017 [ 18. 7 . ^8. 3 0.1012 , I-'. 6 19. I 89. 7 18. 9 89. 6 18, s , 89. 6 18. 7 ^9. O. 1007 18. 5 18,0 89.6 : 0.1002 1^-4 18. 5 ■!i,6 0.0997 18. 88. 2 8-^. 2 S8, 1 0.1135 21.1 87.9 0.1121 20.9 0.1129 21.0 i 87.9 O. 1119 20.8 0.1121 20.9 87.,-^ O. 1113 20.7 O. 1119 ' 20.8 87.8 O. 1108 2n. 6 0.1113 20.7 87.8 0.1102 '20. 5 O. 1108 ' 20.6 ■ 87.7 0.1097 ! 20.4 0.1102 20.5 I 87.7 O. 1097 j 20. 4 I 87. 7 0.1091 20.3 87,6 1 O. 1086 20.2 87.6 O, 1091 20. 3 O. 1086 ^ 20.2 O. 1080 20. 1 O, 1075 20.0 O. 1080 20. -7.6 O. 1075 ! 19.9 87.5 O. 1070 \ 19.8 87.5 i O. 1065 19.7 -7.4 O. 1060 I 19.6 >7,4 O. 1055 19.5 87.3 O. 1050 I 19.4 ' 87,3 0. 1045 19. 3 87. 2 O. 1040 19. 2 87. 2 I 0. 1029 19, 0.1069 , 19.8 O. 1064 ' 19.7 O. 1059 [ 19. 6 O. 1054 , 19.5 0.1049 19.4 O. 1044 19.3 O. 1039 I 19.2 O. 1034 19.1 O. 1034 19.1 I 8r. 1 O. 1030 18. 9 , 87. 1 j I 0.1025 ' 18.8 87.1 O. 1020 I 18. 7 ■ 87. O. 1015 ' 18.0 ' 87.0 O. 1010 I 18.5 80.9 0. 1005 , 1^- 4 I 86. 9 O. 1000 1^. 3 80. 8 0.0995 18.2 80..- 0. 0990 18. 1 '^0. 7 0.0985 1^.0 86,7 0.1023 , 1^9 0.1018 18.7 0.1013 ! 18.6 j O. 1008 18.5 0.1003 18.4 0.0998 : 18.3 0.0993 18.2 0.0988 IM 0.0983 1^.0 0,0978 17,9 O ©973 17 > 18 PSYOHROMBTKIGAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OP DRY AND WSr BULB THERMOMETERS. 1?0 +22. 'J HG. i; : O. 11 9 3 '-'U. C 85. :! 8.'.. :! 80.6 O. 1106 -211 8i;. .', O. 1100 2(1.4 8.'.. 2 ■ 8fi. 5 ! O. 1034 2(1. :i ' 8.".. 2 '^C. 4 I O. 108§ , 20.2 8.'.. 1 8;;. 4 I O. 1083 , 20.1 ' 8.-. 1 81]. 3 i O. 107§ 2(1.0 8.'.. O. 1073 VJ.'J 8.-,. (I O. 106§ i;». H >1.9 2 8,;. :i 1 f^o. 2 8:;. 2 O. 1083 19. : 8J. 9 +21.9 : 81;. 1 ( 8 80. 1 7 83. r, 8G.0 5 H,'). 9 1 8.',. 9 3 8."i. H 2 ' 8.'>. .^ 1 8.-.. 7 k:>. 7 O. 1057 O. 1052 O. 1017 0. 1012 O. 1037 O. 1032 0.1027 O. 1022 O 1017 O. lOll 19.5 ; 19.4 ' 19.3 19.2 19.1 19.0 18.9 1^. .- IS. 7 IS. (1 20.9 85. 6 8 85. 6 7 85. 5 (i 85. 5 5 85. 4 4 85. 4 3 85. 3 2 ^:<. 3 ] 85. 2 s,- 2 O. 1006 , 18. 4 , 84. 3 0. 1001 IS. 3 , 84.2 0.0996 1-. 2 84.2 0.0991 1^.1 81.1 0.0986 : 1-'. 84.0 0.09§1 17.9 8). 0.0976 17.8 83.9 i?i 9 iP O. 1100 20. fi S4. O. 1095 20.4 S4.0 O. 1090 I 20.3 I 83.9 O. 1085 ' 20.2 S3. 8 O. 1080 j 20. 1 s,l. s 0.1075 I 20.0 ' s,!. 7 1?3 1?3 l?l o. io§§ O. 1083 O. 1078 c tq 20.3 Si. S 0.1077 ' 20.1 : SI. 5 O. 1061 19. K 20. 1 S:>. 19.9 S2, O. 1072 19. s s-J. 0.1069 O. 1063 O. 1057 ; 19.7 O. 1051 19. 19. 9 83. 6 19.8 ' 83.0 S3,. ."5 83. 5 ■^4 s 84 s 84 7 s \ 7 ,s4 ;; 84 84. 5 8 4 5. SJ. 4 84. 4 O. 1045 19.3 I s:!. 4 O. lOlO 19.2 83.4 O. 1035 : 19. 1 ! 83.3 O. 1030 j 19.0 ,-■,!.:', O. 1025 j 18.9 : 83.2 O. 1020 18. 8 s,{. ■J O. 1015 18.7 83. 1 O. lOlO H. ' 83.1 O. 10»5 I 18.5 83.0 O. 10»0 ' is. 4 ' 83.0 o 1087 o 1061 o. 1056 o. 1050 o. 1015 o. 1039 O. 1071 19.9 SI. 5 ' O. 1059 O. I066 O. 1081 19.0 ' 81.3 19.7 ^ S2. i o. 1056 19.5 i sl.3 19.0 s,>. r. I o.' 1050 : 19. 1 ' 81. 'i I 19.5 Si. I I o. 1015 '■ 19.3 , si.i 19.7 j 8:. 1 19. 4 Si. 3 19. 3 82. 3 0.1 039 O. 1031 19.2 I 82.2 I O. 1028 O. 1033 0. 1028 O. 1023 O. 1018 O. 1013 O. 1008 O. 1003 0.0998 19.0 SJ 2 IS. 9 82.1 IS. 8 Si. 1 18.7 82. 18. C Si. 19. i 81. 1 10.1 Sl.O 19.0 I 80.9 19.4 O. 1022 is. s O. 1017 j 1^.7 O. 1012 H.I O. 1007 O. 1002 ;ii. s ;(i. s ). 0. 1053 0.1048 j 19.:! O. 1013 I 19.2 0.1037 :' 19.1 O. 1032 I 19.0 O. 1027 : IS. 9 O. 1021 is.^ 0. 1016 I 1S.7 ]s. ; 81.9 0.0997 is. 4 ,81.9 18.3. 81.8 O. 0993 IS. 2 I 81. s 0. 0988 H. I 81.7 1 V r s:), IS. 4 80. (i H. 3 8:1.5 18.2 80. 1 0.0992 O. 0982 ; 18.0 SJ. 3 O. 0977 ' 17.9 80.3 0. lOlO 18.5 O. 1005 18.1 0. 1000 IS. 3 0. 0995 is.i 0. 0990 1'. 1 0.0985 H.O 0.0980 17.9 0.0975 17. s 0.0970 17.7 0. 0965 17.0 0.0995 1-2 0.099© 18.1 O. 0985 is. 0.0980 17.9 O. 0975 17. s 0.0970 I 17.7 0.096-5 17.0 0.0971 17.7 83.9 I 0. 0960 17.5 0.0966 17. ( 0.0961 17.: 0.0955 17.4 O. 0950 17. 3 Si. 9 O. 0983 82.9 0.0978 O. 0973 O. 0968 0.0963 0.0958 O. 0953 si.O 0.094S 8i. 5 \ 0.0913 82.4 0.0938 Si ii. 17.9 17.8 17.7 17.0 17.5 17.4 17.3 17. i 17.1 17.0 o. o. o. 5 O. 4 O. :'. O. :i O. 2 O. i!o. ; o. 0972 0967 0962 0957 0952 0917 0912 0937 0932 0927 17.7 17. 5 17.4 17. :i 17. i 17.1 17.0 13.9 10. s 16.7 O. 0960 0.0955 0.0950 O. 091 5 O. 0910 O. 0935 O. 0930 O. 0925 0.0920 0.0915 17.4 17.2 17.1 17.0 10.9 10. s 10.7 10. Ifi. 5 10.4 PSYCHROMETPJCAL TABLES. 19 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. t°s I?6 i?r 1?8 1?9 I o I .'J f^ii. :'• s ! t^o. 'J 7 >-il. -i (i ,^n. 1 r. .-II. 1 ■1 .~il. :i 711. 9 1 7',l. 7 7;i.(i 19, .-. 0. 1051 0. 1018 O. loia O 1036 0. 1030 0. 1025 1-. 9 0.1020 I-'. 8 0.1015 1-7 O. lOlO l-.ii III 0.1012 19. :! 79, : O. 1036 19. ■.> 19.1 19. 7-9 0.1 OSO 7-i - O. 1024 7S,7 O. 101§ 7S.6 0.1013 7s. .5 ; o. 1008 7S. 4 O. 1003 7-, 3 : 0.0998 0.1005 IS.^ 7s. :! 0.0993 +•21.9 17 4 7 1 7 7 i.."i I O, 1000 , L-, 4 I, .'> 0, 0995 le. :•. I. 4 I 0, 0990 I 1-, ■> •, 4 I 0,0985 1-. 1 I,:'. 0,0980 1^,11 I.:! : 0,0975 17,9 I.-' 0,0970 17,- 77,9 0,0957 '.■^ 0.0965 ! IT. 7 >. 1 j 0.0989 I 17. (i ',0 I 0,0951 17,.-, >-,-,' i O. 0987 -, .' O. 0982 -, 1 O 0977 -, 1 0,0972 -. 0,0967 -, O. 0962 77.9 0. 0952 s 0.0917 77.7 0,0942 +•20. 9 "9. I O, 0950 17. :i ■^.9 I 0.0916 IT. 1 T-i.6 : 0.0912 16.9 T-*, 7 ' O, 0937 16.7 T-'.6 I 0.0932 16. li '^■'< 0,0927 16, .■> '-■4 ! 0,0922 16.4 '■'■:! I 0.0917 16.:! '''■■i 0.0912 16, •i ■■'. I 0.0907 ' 16,1 0, 0936 l',9 0. 0931 16. 0.0926 l'',6 0,0921 i: 0.0916 16,4 0,0911 1 1 I O. 0908 1!. -2 , 0.0901 1 i. 1 9 O. 089S ' li'". - 0.0891 ! 1.3.9 19, •> : 77, s 19,0 j 77, T IS. 9 77,6 l-,S j 77,. ". IS.T i TT.5 i 1-, 6 I TT, 4 18.5 TT.4 1.-, 4 TT, 3 1-, 3 TT.^2 1.-^, ■-> IS, IT, 9 IT, S IT.T 17.6 IT.') IT. 4 IT. 3 IT. •i IT, 1 , 1 O, 1030 O, 1021 O. 1018 O. 10I2 O. 1006 O. 1001 0,0996 0.0991 0,0986 0.0981 19, IS. ,- 1-,T 1-, 6 1-, :> IS, 4 18, :! 18,2 is. 1 18.0 T6.T O. T6. 6 I O. T6. .-1 O. T6. 4 O. Tli, 3 i O. Ti;, -2 o. T6, 1 j O. T6. t:.. 9 T.\9 I O, 1018 1012 1006 1000 0995 0990 0985 0980 0975 0970 IS. 7 IS. .'•, 1-, 4 1-. 3 18, 2 1-. 1 18.0 17,9 IT. .s IT.T O. 1007 O. 1001 O. 0995 0,0990 O 0984 0,0978 0,0972 0,0967 O, 0962 0,0958 1-, 4 18. •,) 1-. 1 is.o IT. 9 IT.s IT.T 17.6 17. .-. IT, 4 7,0 0,0975 17. S 6,9 0. 0970 IT. 6 6, .s O, 0965 ' IT, .5 0,0960 IT. 4 6.6 0,0955 IT. 3 r., 6 0. 095© IT, 2 r., .'> 0, 094-5 17,1 r.. .', 1 o. 0910 ' 17.11 ;■>. 4 0,0935 16,9 i;, 4 0,0930 16. s 0,0925 16,6 O, 0920 16. 4 6, •.> j 0,0915 16,3 i;, 1 ! 0.0910 1 ■■••- 6,0 i 0,090 5 , 16.1 0. 0965 17 0,0980 17 0,0955 17 , ,'. ^ O, 0950 IT. 1 T1.4 .4 0,0915 17,0 71,3 .3 , 0.0910 li. 9 : 74.-,' .3. 0. 0935 li .•-' 0.0930 It .-. 74.7 0. 0952 17.^J 3, 74.6 0.0947 ' 17.0 ■> 74..-. ' 0.0942 ; 16.9 O. 0937 I 16.8 O. 0932 16. T 0,0927 : 16.6 i T4,l 0,0922 16.5 I 74.0 0.0947 16,4 .•J , 0,0925 l.;,6 T3,9 I 0,0912 | 16.3 ,1 '\ 0,0919 ' 16,3 T3,- 0,09»7 16, •i , 1 O 0913 16.3 T.5,s 0,0901 16.0 T.-.. II O. 0905i 16. 1 T4.9 0.0993 , lo. T4.S 0, 0898 13,9 T4.T 0, 089'J 13.8 T3, 9 ' 0,0999 r.;,0 Tl,6 0,0'*^«i 13, T O, 0§95 , 13.9 0,0890 13. s Tt.3 0,0SS3 13,6 74,4 O,!!)**/,** 13,3 ,r, 0.088 5 13. T T1.3 0.0^73 1.3.4 .3 0.0§89 13.6 Tt. ■-' 0. OSS§ 13.! r3.T i 0.0896 I 15. s ■',.6 : O. 0891 1-3. T r.5, 3 ' 0,0886 13,6 ?3. 4 I 0.0881 13.3 rs. 3 I 0.0876 13.4 r:!.^,' 0.0871 15.3 O. OS68 13.2 0.0881 13.1 7 2.9 0.08.56 1^- 20 PS YCHROMETi; IC AL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. + ]'J.'J + 1?.9 0?0 O. 1074 0. 1069 0. 1064 0. 1059 0. 1051 O. 1019 O. 1011 O. 1039 O. 1031 0.1030 0. 1026 0.1021 0. 1016 O. 1011 O. 1006 O. 1091 0.0996 0.0991 0.0987 0.09§3 + 17.9 ' 0.0979 S 0.0974 0.0969 O. 0965 0.0961 4 • I 0.0957 3 0.0953 2 0.0919 1 0.0911 0.0939 9S. .'■) 9.-*. .J 'X). :> 'J^. :"> 9,^. .") 9.^. .'> 9H. 5 9.^. 5 98.5 98. 5 98. 5 9-'. 7) 98.5 98. .'. 98. 5 9-'. 5 98, 5 9^.5 98. 4 98.4 98. 4 9.-'. 4 0:1 0?2 - ^ >i : ^ ■j: = -3 C' *^ ■- ~ i-::^ ~ a C ■- ::: i^ :■ = 0?3 0?4 0. 1063 O. 105 § 0. 1053 0. 1018 O. 1013 0.1038 0. 1033 0.1028 0.1023 19. : 97.0 0.1051 19.6 j 97.0 19. 5 97. 0.1016 0.1041 19. 4 19. •! 19. 2 19. 1 19. 18. 9 97.0 0.1036 97.0 97. 97.0 97. 97.0 19.4 9.".. .-. O. 1039 19. 'J 94.0 O. 1027 1-.9 0.1019 18.8 96.9 O. 1015 18,7 0.1010 18.6 O. 1005 i 1^.5 O. 1000 18, 4 0,0995 1^,3 0,0990 If^, 2 18,9 IS. 8 0. 1031 0.1026 O. 1021 0.1016 18.7 O. lOll 18,6 O. 1007 18.5 19.3 I 9,-|, 5 19. •> 9."., 5 19, 1 I 95, 5 19.0 95. 5 95, 5 05. 5 95. 5 95. 4 90. 9 96.9 96. 9 96. 9 96.9 96.8 O. 1003 18,4 9.5.4 0.0998 j 18,3 95.4 0.0993 1-, 2 95.3 0.0985 18,1 95,8 0.0980 18,0 0.0976 17.9 0.0972 17.8 0.0968 0.0963 0,0958 17,6 17. 5 96.8 93.8 93.7 96.7 96.7 98.4 I 0.0954 j 98.4 0.0950 98. 4 O. 0946 98. 4 O. 0942 98.4 j 0.0938 98.4 0. 0933 9.-.:'. i 0.0928 17. 4 ! 96. 7 17. :', 96. 7 17. -i 91. 7 17.1 17.0 ' 9.1.7 10. 9 96. 7 16. s 9,;. 7 0,0988 0.0983 O. 0978 O. 0973 0.0968 0.0964 0.0960 IH. 1 I ;r>, 3 l-i, 95,3 17.9 95.2 17. 8 95. ■; 17.7 17.6 95. 2 95, 1 O. 0956 0.0951 0.0916 O. 0912 0.0938 96.7 I 0.0931 O. 0930 0.0926 0.0921 16.7 I 9'. 6 0.09I6 O. 1031 19. 1 0. 1029 19, O. 1021 I 18.9 0.1019 I-', 8 O. 1011 I 1-^7 0. 1009 ]8,6 O, 1004 18.5 91.0 o. 1022 , 18, H 91.0 0.1017 ' l^^,7 93, 9 0.1012 18. C 9 !, 9 0. 1007 , 1-', 93,9 93, 9 0. 1002 0.0997 I.-', 4 1-, :i 9:5,9 I 0.0992 ' V.'i 0.0999 18.4 93, s 0.0987 !■<, 1 0.0995 ' 18,3 'J.i.K I O. 0983 1-^.0 0. 0990 I-', 1 93 0.0979 O. 0986 t'^. 9.!. 7 ! 0.0974 17,8 17,7 0.0981 17,9 93,7 0.0976 I J~-8 j 93.7 0.0971 17.7 : 93.7 0.0966 17.6 i 9J.6 1 0.0961 17.5 : 9.].i; 17, 5 95. 1 17,3 95.1 17.2 9.5.1 17.1 95. ] 17.0 95, 1 13. 9 9.5.1 16.8 95.1 10.7 95.1 16, 6 95. 16. 5 95. 13,4 95. 0.0956 , 17.4 0.0952 ; 17.3 0.0948 I 17.2 0.0944 17.1 0.0939 17.0 0.0934 I'i, 9 o. 0930 1 ;, 8 0. 0926 16.7 I 0.0922 I 13.6 0.0918 16.5 0.0914 13, 4 0.0909 1)3 93.6 93. 5 93. 5 93. 5 93. 5 93. 5 93. 4 93.4 93.4 93.4 93.4 93. i 0.0969 17,6 O. 0964 17, 5 0.0959 17,4 0.0954 ' 17.3 0. 0949 17. 2 0. 0944 [ 17. 1 0.0940 I 17.0 0.0936 16.9 0.0904 1;, 2 9i. 3 0.0932 0.0927 0.0922 0.0918 0.0914 0.0910 0.0906 0.0902 0.0897 0.0892 16. ■^ 10.7 15.6 I I 16. 5 16.4 13, 3 16, 2 16.1 13,0 ),-.9 P S YC HEOMETR IC AL TABLE S. 21 • DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND "WET BULB THERMOMETERS. ».o 0?6 o.r 0;8 0?9 c .i :-=" i -. M +l',i.y 'J-'.'> O.IOIG l-.T '.'1.0 O. 1004 1>.4 -9.G 0.0993 18.2 .-^. 1 0.0981 17.9 Hil. 7 0. 0969 : 17. C .-; 92..ji 0.1011 1>. fi , 91.0 0.^0999,1.^.:; >9. .5 0. 09S« 18.1 8^.1 0.0976 17.? 7 93.1 O. 1006 , 18. .-. 90.9 0. 0991 1-.-' 89. .'. 0.09S3 I 1^.0 s-. ii 0.0971 17.7 (1 92.4 0.1001 I-'. 4 90.9 0.09§9 1^.1 -9. 10. 0978 17.9 ss.ii 0.0966 17.0 .-, i 92.4 0.0996 ! 1^.3 90.9 i 0.0981 is. o ■<'.). \ j 0.097 3 17. s ,^7.9 | 0.0961 | 17.5 4 92.4 0.0991 18.2 90.9 0.0979 17.9 s9. 1! 0. 0968 17.7 -7.9 0. 09.56 17.4 ;! 92.4 , 0.0986 18.1 ■ 90. s , O. 0971 | 17.8 ^[).:\ j 0.0963 . 17.0 , sr.s , 0.0951 17.3 2 92.;! 0.0981 18.0 90. .8 0. 0969 17.7 89. :J 0.0958 17..". 87. s 0. 09-16 17.2 1 ! . ■ 1 , 92.3 0.0976 i 17.9 90.8 j O. 0964 j 17.0 89.2 , 0.0953 | 17.4 87.7 ; 0.0911 17.1 .-=;.7 0. 0964 17..-> >.;. 0.0959 ' 17.4 .-<;. 0. 0954 17. ;>. So.r, O. 0949 I 17.2 8.;..-. 0.09I4 17.1 80.4 0.0939 : 17.0 -i. 4 0. 0934 16.9 .so. I! 0.09-29 10.8 92.3 I 0.0972 17.8 90.: 0.0960 17 80. 0. 0949 17.3 0.0937 17.0 sii.2 0.0925 10.7 W.7 0.0956 17.3 .^9.2 0.0915 -17.0 87.7,0.0933 10.7 >0,. 2 0.0921 10,4 90.7 , 0. 0951 17.2 89. 2 0. 0940 10.9 87. 0. 0928 ' 10. 8(;.2 0.0916 10.;! I ■ i 92.2 0.0958 17.4 90.6 0. 0946 : 17. 1 89. 1 0.0935 10.8 .-7.0 0.0923 10...'. s:!. 1 0.0911 10.2 +18. 9 i 92. 3 O. 0968 17. 6 8 92.2 ' 0.0963 ' 17.5 92. 0.0953 . 17.3 90. (! 0.0941 17.0 .-9. 1 : 0. 0:)30 10.7 0.0936 : 16.9 .-^9.(1 0. 0925 l(i. o O. ©91W 16.4 8,1.1 0.0906 10.1 0.0913 10.;! 8,i.0 0.0901 10.11 .'. ii2. 1 0.0948 17.2 90 4 92.1 ; 0.0943 , 17.1 90.5 0.0931 10.8 89.0 0. 0920 10.5 87.4 0.0908 10.2 80. n 0.0896 15.9 3 92. 1 ' 0.0938 ' 17.n ^JO.4 0.0926 10.7 88. 9 I O. 0915 16. 4 i 87. 4 ^ 0. 0903 10.1 85.0 0.0891 15.8 2 92.0 i 0.0933 10.9 9m. 4 0.0921,16.0 ,s8. 9 O. 0910 ' 16. 3 | 87. 3 O. 0898 10.0 1 92.0 I 0.0929 ' 10.8 ' 90.3 ' O. 0917 ; 16.5 88.8 : O. 0906 | IG. 2 87.3 j 0.0894 15.9 91.9 '0. 0925 16.7 9(i.:! O. ©943 I 10. 4 88. 8 : o. 0902 1 10. 1 87.2 0.0890 15.8 I 0.0886 15.7 ^ 0. 0882 15.0, r 0.0878 ' 15.5 + 17.9,91.9,0.0920 116.5 90. ;i 0. 0909 10.. 2 8 91.9 0.0916 16. 4 ; 90. :! 0.0904 10,. 1 7 i 91.9 ; 0.0911 10.3 90.2 0. 0899 16.0 6 91.8 0.0907! 16 2 90.2 0.0«95 15.9 5 91.8 . 0.0903 10.1 90.1 0. 0891 15. s 4 91. ,8 I 0.0899 I 16.0 90.1 0. 0887 15.7 •! 91.8 0.0895 1.5.9 90. 10. 0883 15.0 2 i 91.7 0.089t 15.8 ' 0(1.0 • 0.0879 15.5 1 1 9'. 7 0.0886 91.7 0.0881 15.7 I 90.0 0.0874 , 15.4 15.0 90.0 j 0. 0869 15.3 8-, 4 O. 0898 , 15.9 0.0893 15.8 O.OS88 : 15.7 O. ON*il 15.0 0. 0N80 15.5 0.0876 15.4 0.0872 15.3 O. 0868 15. 2 80. ; 0.0863 15.1 -I"'. - 0.0858 15.11 87.2 0.0S86 I 15.6 .S7.2 0. 0881 15.5 ,^7.1 ! O. 0876 15.4 87.1 I 0.0872 15.3 ,s7.ii . 0. 0868 15.2 .85 S7.0 ' O. 0864 ' 15.1 ,Si3.0 0.0860 15.0 -5.4 0.0848 14.7 0.0856 I 14.9 8.5.3 I 0.0844 \ 14.0 -5.7 0.0873 15.3 ^5.0 0.0868 15. 2 -5. i! 0. 0864 15. 1 -5. 5 0. 0860 15. .S5.5 0.0856 14. 9 ,<5. 4 ' 0.0852 1-1. s -0. - 0.0851 14.8 80.8 0.0846 14.7 0.0839 14.5 0.0834 14.4 90 rSYCnEOMETRICAL TABLES. 4-rj. y +1S. ;» +17. ;i DIFFERENCE OF D.RY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 1?0 I?l I '3 i?;i C J- r_ Cjj ^■.-.. O. 0957 0.0952 O. 0947 0.094 a 85. U , 0.0937 O. 0932 0.0927 0. 0922 S4..S ■ o.©9a7 84.7 0.0913 .^1 I) K4 9 S-l 8 81.7 .s4.r, O. 090N 0.0903 f^l.r. I 0.0§9!^ 17.:! 17.',' 17.1 17.0 i(i. ;t 16. H IC). 7 10, (I ic. r. ii;.4 K>. -2 ^■li^ O. 09-10 ' 17. 1 ! 8-i. 4 ; O. 0934 Ki, s sl.ii O. 0923 H s:',. 4 8:!. 4 8;!. 3 0. 0941 17.0 --'.:', 0.0936 ' ](;.8 ^ S2.3 0.0931 10.7 8-2.2 0.0926 I 10.6 , 82.1 0.0921 10.. 5 I 82.1 0. 0916 10.4 82.0 O. 0911 10.3 I 81.9 0.0906 10.2 ' 81.9 I O. 0902 , 10.. 1 si.s O. 0929 O 0921 0.0919 0.0914 O. 0909 0.0904 O. 0899 O. 0894 0.0890 ](;. 6 ^(l.9 i 10.5 ' 80.9 10.4 8(1. -s 10. 3 80. 7 10.2 ^ 80.7 10.1 I 80.6 10.0 ' H). 5 15. 9 SO. 5 0.0913 O. 0908 0. 0903 0.0898 O. 0893 0.0888 0.0883 0.0897 , 15.9 81.8 0. 0886 10.(1 K1.2 ' 0,0892 , 15.7 i 81.7 O. 0881 0.0887 15.0 i hi. O. 0876 1.5.8 80.4 0.0879 O. 0874 0.0869 84. 0.0893 I 15. s:!. 1 I 0. ©882 15 81.0 O. 0871 . 1 .-4.4 I O. 0888 si. 4 0.0883 S4.3 S4.2 84. 2 15. 7 15. (i 0. 087N 15.5 0.0874 15.4 0.0870 15.3 s:;. 0.0877 15.4 81.5 0. 0866 8:'.. 0.0872 15.3 81.5 , 0.0861 S2. 9 ' O. 0867 15.2 81.4 j 0.0856 82. s o. 0§63 , 15.1 !i 1=5 V c ^ % '£ . 1°6 l:'7 l?8 1°» s |j c 3 +19, 9 + 1^.9 , 1 0.0899 ! 15.9 I , 1 0. 0§94 1.'.. 7 .11 0,0889 1.'. r> .0 0.0884 1.-., 3 .9 0.0879 1-3.4 .9 : 0.0874 1.3.3 . H : O. 0869 13. . ^ ' 0. 0864 13. 1 .7 , 0.0859 13.0 ,6 O.O80.3 14.9 i :i: 8 0. 0886 13.7 7 . 0.088I 13.3 7 0. 0876 1.3.4 r. 0. 0871 13,3 ii 0. 0866 1.3. -J 3 , O. 0862 1.3. 1 3 0.0858 ; 15.0 4 0. 0853 14.9 :'. 0.0848 14.8 2 , 0.0843 14.0 9 0,0851 14.7 '0. 2 s 77.4 0,0847 14. 3 "0. 1 7 77.3 0.0843 14.4 "I'l, 6 77 '^ 0.0838 14.3 '3. 'J 5 77.1 0.0833 14.2 4 77.0 0.08-28 14.1 -,-, 7 3 70. 9 0823 14,0 33. 'J 70, 9 0.0818 13.9 ^3, 3 1 70. ,^ 0.0813 13. s ■3. 4 70. s. 0.0808 13. 7 ■ ■3. 4 74, S 0,0828 0.0839 14.4 0. 0835 14.2 74.7 ; 0.0824 0.0831 14. 1 ^ 74.0, O. 0820 0. 0826 14.0 ' 74.3 0.0815 O. 0821 13.9 ; 74. 4 i 0.0810 I I O. 0816 13 8 '' 74.3 O. 0805 0. 0811 13.7 71.2 0.0800 0.0806 1.3.0, 74.1 I 0.0795 0.0801 13.3 74.0 0.0790 0. 0796 1:'.. 1 73. ;i o, 0785 11,1 13. 9 1:!. s l:!. 7 13.0 13.3 13.4 13. :! 13. 2 13,1 + 17.9 70. M 0.0804 13,3 73,4 0. 0791 13.2 ■'' 70.7 ' 0.0800 : 13.3 , 73.3 0.0786 13.0 ' I 7C.6 0.0796 13.2 | 73.2 0. 0781 12.8 6 70.3 : 0.0792 I 13. 1 I 73. 1 0.0777 12.7 S 70,4 0.0788 ; 13.0 73.1) 0. 0773 12.0 ■) 70.3 0,0784 12.9 74.9 0. 0769 12.3 ^ 71;, 2 0,0779 12,,^ 71. f' 0. 0765 12.4 2 7i;.l 0.0774 12.7 I 74.7 0.0761 12.3 1 70,0 0,0769 12.0 j 74.0 0.0757 12.2 70.(1 0.0761 1>.5 74,3 0.0753 12.1 :!. 9 0,0781 12,9 3, s 0. 0776 12.7 3.7 0.0771 j 12.6 ::. ' 0.0766 12.5 3.3 ' 0,0762 12,4 ;■,, I 0. 0758 12.3 ,;, 3 0,0754 12.2 3.2 0.0750 12, 1 3.1 0. 0716 12,0 :',. (I 0. 0741 ll.s 3.5 0. 0876 13.4 3.4 0. 0872 13.2 3.3 0.0867 13.1 3. 2 0. 0862 13. 3.1 i 0.0857 I 14.9 3.0 j 0.0852 I 14. s 1,9 O. 0847 : 14,7 1,9 0. 0842 14. (i l.> 0.0837 14,3 l," 0, 0832 14,:', 4.2 4.1 O. 0864 I 13,2 O. 0860 ' 13,11 4,0 O, 0855 : 14, > ;. '.1 0850 14. / !.s 0845 14. !.7 0. 0840 14.3 !. 0, 0835 14.4 !.3 0. 0830 i. 4 0. 0825 11. 2 '.,4 0. 0820 14. n 3.4 3,3 :!. 1 :i, 0.0816 0.0812 O. 0808 O. 0803 O. 0798 O. 0793 0.0788 0.0783 O. 0778 0.0773 0. 0769 12,3 O. 0764 j 12. 3 2.2 j O. 0759 12.1 .', 1 1.9 0.0754 12.0 0.0750 11.9 0.0746 11.- 1.- 0.0742 11.7 l.(; 0.0738 11.0 0.0734 11.3 0.0729 li.4 2,9 0,0852 0,0848 0.0843 0. OS38 0.0833 0.0828 0.0823 0.0818 2.1 0.0813 1:!. 9 .11 0.0808 13.7 2. 1 9 7 3 4 :! 2 1 ■ 13. s 7 1 13. 1; 71 13.4 71 13,3 71 13.2 71 13.1 71 13,(1 71 12,9 71 12, ^ 7 1 12,7 71 9 0,0804 -^ 0. 0800 7 0.0796 0.0792 5 I 0.0787 4 0. 0782 3 ! 0.0777 2 0.0772 1 0.0767 (I 0.0762 13. 3 13. 3, 13,1 13.1) 12. 9 12, s 12.7 12. 12, 3 12.4 7(1,9 0. 0758 12. -J 7(1,.- 0.0753 I 12.(1 70.7 0. 0748 11.8 70.0 0.0743 11.7 70,3 0.0739 11.0 7(1,4 0. 0735 11.5 7(1,3, 0. 0731 11.4 7(1,2 0,0727 11.3 71), 1 • 0,0723 11.2 7(1.0 0.0718 ' 11. 1 24 rt5YCHR0:METKICAL TAl!LK8 0?0 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET EtTLB THERMOMETERS. o:i 0?'2 Oil 4K. I + iii. ;i 1 o. 0931 ^ 0.0930 " 0. 09!>« i"i •'■ I 0.09IN J 0.09I I i 0.0910 - 0. 090« I 0.090a II • 0.0897 +lr>. '.I O.OM93 H I O. 0§89 ' I O. 08Xi.> <1 ! 0.088i T) ' j 0.0877 4 1 0.087;i '■'• I O. 08«9 '-! I O.OSO.j I '. O.O80I II 0.0857 ;is. :! o. 09a;8 I ii;. i; '.ti;. i; o. 09ii '.N. ;? o. 0919 ; IC). r, '.ii;. i; o. 0907 1(>. :i I ii.'i. I 0.0899 ! II''. II ;•:!.:: , O. 08,8? i," '.1^. :! 0. 0915 1(1.4 :is. '.I.-. 'Jii. i; o.090;t O. 091I ' U;. :! '.»;.() ' 0.0899 ice : '.I.'.. 0.0895 111. 1 '.I.'.. II ' O. 0891 1(10 '.M.;i ' 0.0887 1.".. '.I , H:;.;! j O. 0883 i.-i.c, 1.'...-^ '.I.!.:! 0. 0879 ' !."..."> 1.'..: ;i:;. 'J ' o.08?5 i.-'. i '.IS. '.IS. '.IS. O. 0907 0.090S O. 0899 O. 089.> O. 089I O. 088« ;is. :! o. 088'> '.IS. :.l O. 0878 Ki. ■-> '.Hi. G I O. 089,> in. 1 '.h:. c. o. 0891 i ir.. II I '.IC. (1 0.0887 I 15. '.I l.-".. s l.V 7 !,'..;» I ;m.'.» I.'., s ;i.i.'.i I.''.. ■ i.'i. ( O. 088;j I i.'i. f. i '.i:!. •-' ' 0.0871 ! i."..:i O. ON79 '.11,11 ! O. 087.> '.)4.;) 0. 0871 1.'.. r, 1.'.. I 1.'.. :; 0.0807 I.'..-' O. 08«;f ' 15. 1 1(1.0 \ 0.088;j 15.11 I i\\.\) I O. 0871 15.:! | H:!. 'J , 0.08.39 m;. Ii , O.OW79 , 15. 5 ; '.)-!.. s 0.08U7 15.'.! %\.\ 0.085.'> ;iil. 5 I 0.0871 \ 15. .1 '.U.s O. 080a ! 1,5.1 ! '.i::. 1 0.08,10 1.5.(1 M.'.l 14. s 15. (1 ;i(l. 5 15.5 ' '.1(1.5 '.IS '.IS. '.IS 0.087I 1.5.4 j '.1(1.; O. 0870 15. 3 '.111. : 0.08(>« 15.-i o. osoa 15.1 '.1(1.; '.Hi. .' O. 0870 O. 0§«6 15.5 1.- 14. '.) '.U.S 0.08.>8 '.M.s ' O. 08.'>1 O. 08«a j 15.1 j '.M.s O. 08.10 u.s 0.08.-»8 15.0 : 01. S 0.08-l<> 1 14.7 I O. 08->l I 14.0 I Ol.s O. 08ia 11.(3 O. 0858 OS.:! ' 0.08.51 OS. ;^ o. 15.(1 , '.Hi. O. 08.>0 o. 08ie 14.'.! i '.1(1.5 o. 08ia 14. s 14.7 14.(1 15.0 ! 0:1.1 0.08l« 14. n 0:!. 1 0.0812 11.5 0:1.1 0.0838 14.4 0:1. (1 0.0831 14. :i '.i:!.(i 0.0830 14.-' ',•:!. O. 082« 14.1 I Ol.s O. 0838 I 11. Ol.s 0.0831 ! 14.1 ',1:1.(1 , 0.0822 14.0 '.U.s I 0.0830 14. :i ' '.l-'.'.i 0.0818 i:i.o 14. 0(1.5 0. 0838 M. :il.s 0.0820 14.-' '.IJ. '.IS 0.081ft I 14.7 0:1.4 0.083I It. 4 01.7 0.0822 1 1. 1 0.081I j 15. S 0.0810 i 15." -fl4.0 O. 08.31 O. 08.50 O. 081« O. 0842 O. 0838 O. 0831 O. 0830 0.082C O. OS22 0.0819 '.IS.',' «. 0813 14.13 ' '.IC. 4 0-. ■.' O. 0839 ' 14.5 OS. '^ j 0.083.3 : 14.4 O. 0831 1 0. 0827 05. 1 ' O. 0823 14. :i 01.7 0.0819 14.(1 , OJ. '.I 0.0807 i:i.f> 11. -J II. I !)- O. 083B I 11.:! I 05. I I O. 08I9 1 li.d '.IS. -i ! O. OS27 I It.'.' '.IC. I I 0. 08 1.3 '.IS. 'j 0.0823 ! 1 1. 1 I '.IC. 1 I 0.081 1 '.I,-. 'J 0.0819 j 14.(1 , '.1(1. I I 0.0807 '.IS. 'i 0.081.3 lit. ' '.15. 1 O. 0803 OS.L' 0.081I 1:1. S ! OC. 4 ! 0.0799 '.1,^ 0. 0808 1:1.7 '.IC 1:1.0 1:1. s 1:1.7 1:1. (1 1:!. 5 01.7 I O.O8I.3 ' Ki.'.l O-'.O 0.0803 1:1.5 OI.C i O. 08II 1:1 s , 0-.'. ,s i 0.0799 1:1.4 01.11,0.0807 1:1.7 i o-.'.s 0.079.3 i:l.:i ] '.14. (i j O. 0.'X03 1:1. (1 '.I-'. K O. 0791 15.- Ol.c I 0.0799 1:1.5 i 0-'. 7 ■ O. 0787 i:i. 1 01.(1 j 0.079.3 i i:i. 1 o.'.7 0.0783 1:1.11 04.5 0.0791 I i;i.;s o-.:.7 0.0779 i-'.;i 04.5 I 0.0787 ! 1:1. '.i ' O-'.C I 0.077.3 I l'^." O. 0790 \ 15. 1 i '.14.5 j 0.078'1 ( 1:1.1 I O-.'. C 0.0772 | l'-^- PSYCHEOMETRICAL TABLES. 25 DIPFBRENCE OF DRY AND WJGT BULB THERMOMETERS. 0:5 0?6 o?r 0?8 0?9 — -t: +16:9 91.7 0.0§76 15.4 90.0 0.0§64 e 91.7 0.0§y2 15.3 90.0 ' 0. 0860 7 91.7 0.086§ 15.2 ^^9.9 0.0$56 G 91,7 0.086-4 15.1 >9.9 0.08S2 5 91.6 0.0860 15.0 .-^9.9 0. 0818 4 91.6 0.0856 14.9 89.8 0. 0841 3 91. G 0.0833 14. i -9. s 0.0840 2 91.5 0.0848 14.7 --^.i. 8 0.0836 1 91.5 0.0844 14. G -9.7 0.0832 91.4 0.0839 14.5 89.7 0.0827 + 15.9 91.3 0.0835 14.3 .-9.7 0.0823 8 91.3 0.0831 14.2 .-9.7 0.0819 7 91.3 0.0827 14.1 -9.6 0. 0815 i; 91.3 0.0823 14.0 .-9,6 0. 0811 5 91.3 0.0819 13.9 -9,6 0.0807 4 91,2 0.0815 13.8 -9.5 ; 0.0803 3 91.2 0.0811 13.7 -9.5 0. 0799 2 ■ 91.2 0.0807 13.6 -9.5 0.0795 1 91.02 0.0803 13.5 -9.4 0.0791 91,2 0.0799 ' 13.4 Ki. 4 ' O, 0787 -14.9 91.2 0.0796 13.3 89.4 0.0784 " 91.2 0.0792 : l;!. 2 -9.4 0. 0780 7 91.1 0.0788 13.1 89.3 ■ 0.0776 6 91.1 0.0781 13.0 89.3 0.0772 5 91.0 0.0780 ' 12.9 89.2 0.0768 4 91.0 0.0776 12.8 -9,2 0, 0761 3 90.9 0,0772 12.7 89.1 0. 0760 2 90.9 0.0768 12.6 -9.1 0.0756 1 90,8 0.0761 12.5 -9.0 0.0752 90.8 0.0761 12.4 89.0 0.0719 15.1 6-, 4 0. 0853 14.8 1.5.0 88.4 I 0.0849 ' 14.7 0.0845 14.6 0.0841 I 14.5 88.3 0.0887 : 14.4 0.0841 ; 14. O. 0829 14. 2 80. 8 14.9 14.8 14.7 14.6 .-.-.2 I 0.0833 ! 14.: 14.5 ,—.2 I 0.0829 j 14.2 8 14.4 88.2 ' 0.0825 . 14,1 14.3 8^.1 o. 0821 j 14.0 14.2 8,-, 1 O. 0816 I 13.9 0.0837 ! 14.4 85.2 : 0.0825 j 14.1 0.0833 14.3 s,-,, 1 0.0821 14.0 0.0829 ' 14.2 85.1 0.0817 I 13.9 ,-3.6 0. 0825 \ 14.1 ^5.0 0.0813 , 13.8 ,-6.6 I 0.0821 ' 14.0 ,-5.0 0.0809 : 13.7 I ' O. 0817 I 13.9 -4.9 I 0.0805 ^ 13.0 ill 16.5 I 0.0813 13.8 84.9 \ O. 0801 I 13.5 6.4 , 0.0809 l::.7 f^4.8 ' 0.0797 13.4 so. 4 I O. 0804 13. 6 H4. 8 ' O. 0792 13.3 14. 88. 1 13. 9 8-. 1 0.0812 ; 13. ^6. 4 13. 8 13. 7 0.0808 ■'.O 1 0.0801 13. 6 -i!. 4 0.0800 , 13.3 0.0796 ' 13.2 13. ,-6.3 ! 0.0702 13.1 -1.8 0. 0788 13.0 84,8 : 0.0784 12.9 81.7 'i 0.0780 : 12.8 0.0788 ■ 13.0 84.6 8.0 0.0800 \ 13.4 ,-6.3 13.6 -7.9 'i 0.0796 ; 13.3 ,80.2 ^ 0.0784 12.9 ,-4.6 13.5 ^7. 9 I 0.0792 I 13.2 .-6, 2 ' 0, 0780 12,8 84.5 0.0776 12,7 0,0772 12.6 0.0768 12.5 13.4 13. 3 13. 2 13.1 12. 9 12. 8 12.7 12.6 ^7.5 12.5 87,5 12,4 87,4 12, 3 -7. 4 12, 2 87. 3 12.1 ^^7. 3 0.0788 i 13.1 8i;. 1 0.0784 13.0 86.1 0.0776 12.7 S4.4 0.0764 12.4 0.0772 '• 12,6 ,-4.3 0.0760 12.3 0.0780 j 12.9 86.0 0.0768^1-3.5 -J. 3 j O. 0756 12. 2 0.0776 112.^ ,-.5. 9 I O. 0764 ' 12. 4 .-4. 2 ' 0. 0753 ' 12. 1 ^7. 6 87.6 12.0 87 2 : 0.0773 12.6 ' 0.0769 12.5 0.0765 '■ 13,4 0.0761 1-3.3 0.0757 12.2 0.0753 12.1 0.0719 1-3,0 0,0745 ' 11,11 0.0741 11-'-^ 0,0738 I 11.' 0,0761 1-3,2 84.1 0.0757 12.1 81.1 0.0753 12.0 84.0 ■5. 6 -.,4 5.4 ,-4,0 8:!. 9 83. 9 0.0749 11.0 0.0745 11.8 0.0741 ' 11.7 0.0737 . 11,0 *',,8 0,0733 : 11,5 83,8 00729 11.4 -'•" 0.0726 11,3 * 83,7 0,0750 ; 11.0 0.0746 '11.8 0. 0742 11.7 0.0738 I 11-C 0.0734 i 11.5 0.0730 I 11.4 0.0726 11.3 0.0722 11.2 0.0718 11.1 0.0715 11.0 2C-, rSYOHROMETPJCAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. ^ h 1?0 1?1 1^2 1?3 3 V c: - -a ^ ■£ = -^ r ':^ ^ o tr a - CJ p +11".. 9 K3. 6 O. 0§]§ ' 13.9 s-.). 1 8 83. .'i I 0.0813 I 13.7 , s-2. 1 7 83.5 I 0. 0§0§ 13. C 82.0 I (i 83.4 ' 0.0§04 l:'.. r. sl.O r. 83.4 I 0.0§00 13.4 81.8 i I 4 83.3 ; 0.0796 13.3 ' 81.7 :i 83.3 j 0.0793 13.2 81.7 2 83.2 I 0. 07§§ 13.1 81. (i 1 83.2 I 0.0784 13.0 : 81. i; 83.1 ' 0. 0780 12.9 81.. ^ +1.5.9 83. liO. 0776 12.7 81.5 8 83. 0.0772 , 12. G 81.4 7 83.0 I 0.0768 12.5 .-il.4 (i 82.9 I 0.0764 12.4 ; 81.3 5 82.9 ■ 0.0760 12.3 81.3 4 82.8 j 0.0756 12.2 ! 81.2 3 82. 8 : O. 0752 12. 1 81. 2 2 82.7 0.074§ ' 12.0 81.1 1 82.C I 0.0744 : 11.9 81.0 82.5 0.0741 11.8 80.9 +14.9 82.4 i O. 073§ i 11. C 80.8 I 8 82.3 : 0.0734 11.4 80.7 ! 7 82.2 0.0730 j 11.3 80. C 6 >2. 2 , 0.0726 11.2 SO. 5 5 82.1 I 0.0722 , 11. 1 ' 80.4 i 4 82.1 I O. 0718 i 11.0 i 80.4 ! 1 3 S2.0 0.0714 ; 10.9 80.3 2 82.0 j 0.0710 I 10.8 80.3 1 81.9 0.0706 10.7 80.2 81.9 i' 0.070*3 ' 10. G 80.2 r^ X ph^ : r-3 - -a a-5 ^^ 0.0§06 13. G 80.5 0. 0794 0. 0§02 13.4 80.4 0. 0790 0. 0798 13.3 80.3 0.0786 0.0794 13,2 80.2 0. 0782 0.0790 ; 13.1 80.1 0. 0778 0. 0786 13.0 80.0 0.0774 0.0782 I 12.9 79.9 0. 0770 0. 0778 12.8 79.9 0. 0766 0.0774 12.7 79, s 0. 0762 0.0769 12. G 79,8 | 0.0757 0.0765 ' 12.4 79.7 : 0.0753 0. 0761 12.2 79.7 0.0749 0.0757 12.1 79. i; I 0.0745 0.0753 12.0 79.0 0.0741 0. 0749 11.9 79.5 0. 0737 0.0745 11.8 79.5 0.0733 0.0741 11.7 79.4 0.0729 0.0737 : 11.6 ' 79.4 0.0725 0.0733 , 11.5 79.3 0.0721 0.0729 ' 11.4 ' 79.2 O. 0717 O. 0726 j 11.2 79.1 0.0722 I 11.0 79.1 0.0718 j 10.9 79.0 0.0714 10.8 79.0 0.0710 10.7 78.9 0.0706 ; 10.6 i 78.9 0.0702 10.5 78.8 0.0698 j 10. 4 : 78.7 0.0694 10.3 ' 78.6 0.0691 10.2 ^ 78.5 0.0713 0.0709 O. 0705 0.0701 0.0697 O. 0693 0.0689 O. 0685 O. 0682 0.0679 in 13. 2 79. O. 0783 12. 9 | 77. 4 13.0 78.9 ! 0.0779 ' 12.7 i 77.3 12.9 12. 8 12. 7 12.6 12. 5 12.4 0.0775 , 12. G 78.7 78.6 0.0771 ! 12.5 0.0767 j 12.4 0.0763 12.3 8.4 j 0.0759 12.2 8.:! I 0.0755 12.1 77.2 77.1 77.0 77.0 76.9 76. 9 12, 3 78. 2 12. 2 78. 2 12. 78, 1 11. H ; 78.1 11.7 78.0 11.6 I 78.0 11.5 77.9 11.4 \ 77.9 11. 3 , 77. 8 11.2 ' 77. s 11.1 j 77.7 11.0 77. C 0.0751 12.0 76.8 0.0746 I 11.9 76.8 O. 0742 0.0738 0.0734 0.0730 0.0726 0.0722 0.0718 0.0714 0.0710 O. 0706 11.7 76.7 11.5 ; 76.7 11.4 76.6 11.3 ' 76.5 11.2 : 76.4 11.1 i 76.3 11.0 j 76.2 10. 9 : 76. 1 10.8 76,0 10. 7 7G. 10.8 77.5 i O. 0702 10.6 77.5 10. 5 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.1 10.0 77.0 9.9 I 76.9 9.8 : 76.8 0.0698 7.4 0.0694 7. 4 O. 0690 7. 3 I O. 0686 7.2 0.0682 7.1 0.0678 O. 0674 0.0671 0.0668 10.; 7,.). 8 10.3 10. 2 75, 7 10. 1 75. 6 10. ! 75. 5 I?4 0.0771 12. i; O. 0767 12. 4 0.0763 12.3 0.0759 12.2 O. 0755 12. 1 0.0751 12,0 I 0.0747 j 11.9 0.0743 11. s 0.0739 11.7 0.0734 11.6 0.0730 11.4 0.0726 11.2 0.0722 11.0 0.0718 : 10.9 0.0711 10. s 0.0710 ' 10.7 0. 0706 10. fi 0.0702 '10.5 0.0698 10.4 0.0694 10.3 5. 9 0. 0690 ' 10. 1 0.0686 9.9 O. 0682 9. 7 0.0678 9.6 0. 0674 9. 5 9. 9 i 7.5. 4 0. 0670 i 9. 4 9. 8 75, 3 9. 7 i 75. 2 9. 6 75. 1 9.4 ' 75.1 O. 0666 9. 3 0. 0662 9. 2 0.0659 9.1 0.0656 9 rSYCHEOMETRIOAL TABLES. ^ a DIPFERENCE OF DRY AND "WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 1?5 1?6 a?7 1?8 1?9 u ^ 'i. 0.0760 o +^ c ^ 74.4 c a. 3 c '■'' 0.0749 c +^ 11.9 72. 9 1 - ? u ij A^ '-J 0.0725 1 X ^ 11.3 ■5 -^ ! S jq ■ 10.9 +16/J 1 7C. 12.3 0.0736 11.6 71.4 70.0 0,0714 8 76.0 0.0755 12. 1 74. 3 0.0744 11.7 72.8 0.0731 11.4 71.4 0.0720 11.1 69.9 0.0709 10.7 7 i 75. 9 ' 0. 0750 11.9 74.3 0.0739 11.6 72. 8 0.0727 11.2 71.3 0716 11.0 69.8 0.0704 10.5 6 1 7.5. H 0. 0746 11.8 74.2 0.0735 11.5 72.7 0.0723 11.1 71.2 0.0712 10. 69.7 ' 0.0700 10.4 5 7.5. 8 0. 0742 11.7 74.1 0.0731 U.4 72.6 0.0719 11.0 71.1 0.0708 10.8 69. 1; 0.0696 10.3 4 i 75.7 0.073§ 11.6 74.1 0.0727 11.3 72.6 0.0715 10. 9 71,0 0.0704 10.7 69. 5 0.0692 10.2 3 1 7.5.6 0.0734 11.5 74.0 0.0723 11.2 72. 5 0.0711 10.8 70.9 0.0700 10.6 (;9.4 0.0688 10.1 2 ^ 75.5 0.0730 11.4 73.9 0.0719 11.1 72.4 0.0707 10.7 71), w 0.0696 10. 5 69,:! 0.0684 10,0 1 75. 4 0.0726 11. 3 73. 8 0.0715 11.0 72.3 0.0703 10.6 70. 7 0. 0692 10.3 69. 2 0.0680 9.9 75. 3 0.0722 11.2 , 73.7 0.0711 10.9 72.2 0.0699 10. 5 70. 6 0.0688 10.1 i;[K 1 0.0676 9. 7 +15.9 75.2 1 0.07l§ 11.0 73,7 0.0707 10.7 72.2 0.0695 10.3 70.6 0.0684 9. 9 69.0 0.0672 9.5 8 ' 75.1 0.0714 10.8 ■ 73,6 0.0703 10.5 72.1 0.0691 10.1 70. i 00680 9.7 68. 9 0.0668 9.3 7 75.0 0.0710 10.7 \ 73.5 0.0699 10.3 72.0 0.0687 9.9 70. 4 O.O670 9. 5 C,S. 8 0.0661 9. 1 6 74.9 0.0706 10.6 73,4 0.0695 10.1 71.9 0.0683 9.7 70. :! 0.0672 9. :! 68.7 0.0660 ''^. 9 5 ! 74.8 1 0.0702 10. 5 73. 3 0.0691 10.0 71.8 0.0679 9.6 70, 2 0.0668 9,2 68, 6 0.0656 8.8 4 74.8 0.0698 10.4 73.2 0.0687 9.9 71.7 0.0675 9.5 70.1 0.0664 9.1 (;8,r) 0.0652 8.7 ■ 3 74.7 0.0694 10. 3 73. 1 0.0683 9.8 71.6 0.0671 9.4 70.0 0.0660 9.0 6^. 4 0.0648 8.6 2 74.7 0.0690 10. 2 73. 0.0679 9.7 71. 5 0.0667 9.3 69. 9 0.0656 8,9 68.3 0.0644 --. 5 1 74.6 I 0.0686 1 10. 1 : 72. 9 O. 0675 9.6 71.4 0.0663 9. 2 69. S 0.0652 s. s 68.2 0.0640 8.4 74.5 0.0682 9. 9 i 72. 9 0.0671 9.5 71.3 0.0659 9.1 09. 7 0.0648 8.7 68.1 0.0636 8.3 +14.9 74.4 0.0679 9.7 72.8 0.0668 9.3 71.2 O. 0656 8.9 6',). 6 0. 0645 8.5 i;8. 0. 0633 i 8.1 : 8 74.3 0.0676 9. 5 72. 7 0. 0665 9.1 71.1 0.0653 8.7 69.5 0. 0642 8.3 or. 8 0. 0630 7, 9 7 74.2 0.0672 9. 3 ; 72. 6 0.0661 8.9 71.0 0. 0649 8.5 69.4 0.0638 8.1 67.7 0.0626 7.7 6 74.1 0.0668 9.2 72.5 0.0657 8.8 70.9 0.0645 8.4 63.3 0.0634 8.0 67. 6 0.0622 7.6 5 74.0 0.0664 9. 1 ' 72. 4 0.0653 8.7 70. 8 0.0641 8.3 69. 2 0.0630 7.9 67.5 0.0618 7.5 4 73. 9 0. 0660 9. 72. 3 O. 0649 8.6 70.7 0.0637 8. 2 69.1 0. 0626 7.8 67. 4 0.0614 7.4 ■> ' 73. 8 ; 0. 0656 8. 9 72. 2 0.0645 8.5 70. 6 0.0633 8.1 69.0 0. 0622 7. 7 67.3 0.0610 7,3 ; 2 ' 73.7 0.0652 8. 8 72. 1 0.0641 8.4 70. 5 0.0629 8.0 68. 9 0.0618 7.6 67. 2 0.0606 7 2 1173.6 0.0648 8. 7 72. 0.0637 8.3 70.4 0.0625 7.9 68. 8 0.0614 7. 5 67. 1 0.0602 7. 1 ' 73.5 0.0644 K r> 71,1) O 0633 8 2 7(1. :! O. 0621 7. s 6^. 7 0610 7. 1 67,0 ' 0.0598 1 7. '** '•■-■' ' - -■ - ■ -^-— -* 2s PSYCHEOMETIIICAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS 0?0 - r. +13. ;i 0.08 1.) s 0.0§12 7 0.0§09 c ! \ 0.0§05 5 0.0801 4 0.0797 ;! 0.0'y93 •-■ ! 0.0789 ] 0.0786 (1 0.0783 + 12. St 0.0779 O 0776 O. 0772 O. 0769 0.0765 O. 0762 0. 07.58 0.0755 0.0751 0.0748 +11. ;t 0.0744 8 1 0.0741 7 i I 0.0738 (i 0.0735 r, 0.0732 4 0.0729 ;! 0.0726 ■-' 0.0723 1 ' 0.0719 ! 0.0715 0°2 ©?3 0?4 'J-'. 2 I O. 0804 l:'.. (i \ ;i(i. ;! , 0.0792 i:i. ■-' '.M..'. 0.0780 1-2, ;iH.-J ; 0.0801 [ i:l..^ i)ii. :i j 0.0789 i l:i. 1 IM. 5 O. 0777 ■ 10 ;i>.-2 ■■ 0.0798 i l:i. 4 '.1(13 0. 0786 1:'.. 94..-. 0. 6773 1-2 ll.-^. '2 0.0794 l:'.. 3 90. 3 ' O. 0782 ' 12.9 91.5 0.0770 ' 12, 9H.'2 I O. 0790 9^^.2 I O. 0786 13.2 13.1 9S. 2 ' 0.0782 13.0 9(13 ; 0.0778 ! 12. r 94.4 0.0766 I 12 9G. 3 96. 3 0.0774 12. 7 94.4 0.0763 0.0770 12.6 94.4 98.2 I 0.0778 I 12.9 I 9(;. 3 0.0766 I 12. .5 94.4 9S. 1 9S. 1 9-'. 1 9.-^. 1 9S. 1 9S. 1 9S. 1 98. 1 9S. 1 98. 1 9.*. 1 0.0775 12.8 ; 96.3 j O. 0763 j 12.4 94.4 0.0772 ! 12.7 I 96.2 ' 0.0760 ' 12. :i ' 94.3 O. 0759 12, 12 0.0756 12 0.0752 0.0749 9 ' 92.6 0.0768 ' 12.,-, 8 92.6 I 0.0765 j 12.4 7 92.6 0.6761 12.3 6 92 6 0.0758 ' 12.2 5 1 92.5 I 0.0751 12.1 4 92.5 0.0751 , 12.0 3 ' 92.5 I 0.0747 ! 11.9 92. 5 0. 0744 92.5 0.0740 92.4 0.0737 11. s 11. 7 11. 6 O. 0768 I 12.6 O. 0765 12. 5 0. 0761 12.4 O. 0758 ' 12.3 0.0754 j 12.2 0.0751 12.1 96.2 : O. 0756 12.2 j 94.3 96.2 I 0.0752 ! 12.1 | 94.3 96.2 O. 0749 I 12.0 \ 94. 96.2 0.0746 ' 11.9 94. 96.2 O. 0742 ! 11.8 ' 91. O. 0747 12.0 96.2 i 0.0735 ' 11.6 1 94. 96.2 0. 0732 ' 11.5 94. 0.0744 11.9 96. 2 0.0740 11.8 96. 2 0.0737 11.7 'd\^. 1 O. 0745 11.9 I 92.4 j 0.0733 ; 11.5 0.0741 11.8 ! 92.4 I 0.0730 ' 11.4 O. 0738 : 11.7 92.4 j 0.0726 j 11.3 0.0735 11.6 92.4 '■ 0.0723 ' 11.2 0. 0731 11..- 92. 0.0719 96.2 0.0739 j 11.7 94.3 0.0728 i 11.4 i 92.3 i 0.0716 0.0728 11.4 , 94.3 0.0724 11.3 92.3 J 0.0712 0.0721 ; 11.2 92.3 I 0.0709 0.0717 I 11. 1 • 92.3 i 0.0705 10.7 11.1 11.0 10.9 10.8 0. 0725 11.3 94.2 0. 0714 11.0 92.2 0.0702 10.6 98. 1 98.1 9S. 1 98. 1 9s. O. 0733 O. 0730 0.0727 0.0724 O. 0721 98.0 ! 0.0718 98.0 j 0.0715 98.0 0.0712 9r-.0 0.0708 9.-^. ; 0.0704 11.6 1 \W^A O. 0721 11.2 : 94.2 i 0.0710 ■ 10.8 lit 11.5 196.1 0.0718 11.1 '94.2 0.0707 10.7 11.4 ! 96.1 0.0715 11.3 j 96. l! 0.0712 11.2 I 96.1 ' O. 0709 11.0 94.2 0.0704 I 10.6 10.9 94.2 0.0701 10.5 10.8 94.1 0. 0698 10.4 11.1 ' 96.1 • 0. 0706 10.7 94.1 0.0695 W. :', 10.9 96.1 0.0703 10.6 94.1 i 0.0692 : 10.2 10.8 96.1 0. 0700 10.5 94.1 0.0889 ' 10.1 ! ! 10.7 96.1 O 0696 : 10.4 94.1 i 0.0685 10.0 ill 10.6 90.0 0.0692 ' 10.3 ! 94.0 , 0.0681 ' 0.9 92.2 , 0.0698 10.4 92.2 ; 0.0695 10.3 92.2 ! 0.0692 1 10.2 92.2 ^ 0.0689 I 10.1 Wl. 1 ' 0. 0686 I 10. 92.1 ' 0.0683 92.1 0.0680 92.1 0.0677 92.1 I 0.0673 92. 0. 0669 9.9 9. 8 9.7 9.G PSYCHKOMETER'AL TABLE8. ^ DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. '^ 0?5 ore or 7 0=8 0?» *:■ ^ .^ ~ ~ t: +^ '~ 's x. — ; "C ^ . r. -4-3 ;~ ■ . ^ ■f^ ~t '^ -{. -^ ^ — i£ -- - " — - 'H '— — ~— '— .- _^ rr ^ "— ~ z '— E 12 r ^ C ^ hi: U ■" E "? ^T P .- Ht c^ [; = = ^ i"! p s ~ ~. — t 5 'z -- - ^ > r Z ._; r ^ > E - ^ T ^ > r C ._: r ? > r r ^ - 'Vo ^ ;i: :. -'. ~ 'Z -r .^ - '^ r ~ -^ z -^ t! ■_ ■"" r — :, — - -^ /^ -^ ~ _c ~ c ^ - -^ ^ "■ ~" ""- ~ — ^^ r„ •—1 - '"- - --- " ' — +i;i.; 'JO. s 0.0757 1-2. -J r',1. ©0715 11. > -7.0 0.©734 11..'. .-^.'i. 4 ©.©722 11.1 >;!. 7 ©0711 10.7 -. 'J ©.©739 11. (i >r.i ©.©72§ 11.:! >.". 3 0.0716 10. '.) .-■;!. 6 0.©705 10. 5 1 1 ill'. - ©.©716 11. '.1 —. it ©.©735 1 1 . .'> >7.1 0.0724 11.0 s:^.:! 0.0712 10.- >:;. 5 ©7©1 10.4 1 '.10. 7 ©.©742 11. > -~. 9 ©.©731 11.4 .-7.1 0.0720 11.1 .V-. ©.07©8 111. 7 s:!. .-, ©.©697 10. 3 1 90. T ©.©739 11.7 -^. - ©0727 11.;! .~7 . II ©.©716 11. u ;, ', >"> ©.©7©4 10. (i >;!.4 0.©G93 10. 3 ;i0.7 ©.©735 11 6 ". 00.7 ©.©732 ll.-'i --. 1 "10.7 ©. ©72S ■ 11.4 --. 00. G ©.©725 11.3 ^-. 0.0723 11.0 -7.0 ©.©712 10.0 -5.1 ©.©70© 10..'. ©.©719 11.1 S7.0 ©.©7©§ 10.- -.').l ©.©696 10.4 0.0716 ' 11.0 >7.0 0.07©5 ' 10.7 H.",. ©.©693 10.;! ©.0713 10.0 -h. 0.©7©2 10.6 .-,'..0 : ©.069© 10.0 - ;. 4 0. ©689 10. 1 -:!. 3 ©. 06S5 10.0 -:!. 3 O. 06§2 9. S3. ©.0679 ' 0. S +10.0 00. G ©.©721 11.1 - 00.6 ©.©718 ; 11.0 7 01'..-. ©.©714 10.0 |- Oil.'. 0.0711 10.- .'. 00..'. O. ©7©7 10.7 4 on. 4 O. ©7©4 10.0 3 00.4 0.©70© 10.5 011.4 ©.©697 10.4 1 00.3 0.0693 10.;: 00.3 0.0690 10.0 0.©7©9 10.7 -C..;i ©.©698 10.3 .-4.9 ©.©686 0.0 s:!. ©.0675 —.7 0.©7©6 10.6 --.(; 0. 07©2 10..'. -r. 6 O. 0699 ' 10.4 — ..'. 0. 0695 10.3 -S. .3 0.0692 10.0 --.4 ©.©688 10.1 s,r. 4 ©.©685 10.0 --.3 0.©681 ■ 0.0 t-. 3 O. ©678 ■ 9..- ©.©695 10.0 ©.©691 10.1 ©.©688 10.0 ,-0. r. ©.©684 ©.©684 ©.©677 ;i;. .5 ©. 067 1 •;;. 5 O. 0670 :0. 4 ©.©667 0. 9. - -4.9 ' ©.©683 -1. - ©.©679 s4. - ©.©676 -4 7 ©.©672 -J. 7 0.©669 9.7 >1.G ©.©665 9.6 -J. 6 ©.0662 0. -1 si.:. ©.©658 9.4 -1.5 ©.©655 0. s -;l. 1 O. ©672 9. 7 - :;. 1 ©. ©668 0.0 -;;.o ©.©665 9.5 -:;. ©.©661 9.4 -0.9 ©.©658 9. ;! -0. 9 ©. ©654 0. -0. - ©. ©65 1 9.1 so..- ©.©647 9.0 -0.7 ©.0641 9. G 0.5 9. 1 9. ;•> 0. 0.1 9.0 - :i +11.9 00. 3 ©.©686 10. lis, 3 0.0674 9. .eo. 4 ©.©663 9.0 -4.4 ©.©654 S. S SO. 7 ©.©64© 8.4 ^ 90.0 ©.©683 0. ss •> ©.©674 9. 5 -r.. 4 ©.©66© 9.1 ,s4.4 © ©648 -. 7 SO.G ©.©637 ^■. ■> 7 00. ©.©680 9. S sS '"• 0668 9.4 sii. 3 ©.©657 9. 54. 3 ©.©645 s. G ^0. ©0634 .-^ ■"> G 90. ©.©67 7 0.7 ^S o ©. 0665 9. ;! si;. 3 0. 0654 -. 9 S4.3 ©. ©642 s. 5 SO. 5 ©.©631 s.l :, 00. ©.©674 9. s?. 1 ©.©662 9.0 SG. 2 ©0651 -.s S4.0 0.0639 S. 4 SO. 5 ©.©628 S. U 4 Oil. 1 0.0671 0. 5 -s.l 0. ©659 9.1 -'i '^ ©.©648 ■"r^. / .-4. 0.0636 s. ;! SO. 4 ©. ©625 7.0 ;> 00. 1 ©.©668 9.4 S-. 1 0. 0656 9. SO. 1 © 0645 ,-. ll -1.1 0.0633 S. S ^ ?) ©. ©622 '■' .J 00. 1 © ©665 9. ;! -s. ©.©653 S. -i;. 1 0. 06 12 ". 5 .-1.1 ©.©63© s.l -V ^ " ©0619 1 . 4 1 90. 1 ©0661 9.0 --.0 ©.0649 S. s si;. ©.©638 -.4 -4.0 0.0626 S. ^.) o ©615 7. 1') 00. 0.0657 9.1 S-. 0.0615 -. / -6.0 ©.©634 :' s4. 0. ©622 7. 1 s'0. 1 0.0611 30 rSYCHKOMETIUCAL TABLES. 1 p DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS, It ; " 1?0 1?1 ■^ ■ >-! a S i 1 ?^ ^ ' '1c ^ 10,4 : 80.2 ' 0. 0687 ?-' 2 ' - 'r' 2 r ■ ?! 10.0 78,5 l?-2 , y. O.0676 1?3 2 k - 75.1 1?1 c W 0. 0652 3 ^ — ^ 81. >) 7D ? -? C - 3.. Tf- 0C99 9,0 76,8 ' 0.0664 - T- > H 9,2 D +13?';) H y 8 81. 9 0, 0695 10. 2 ! 80. 1 ! 0. 0684 'J.S . 78.4 0.0672 9.4 76.7 0. 0661 9.0 75. 0.0648 1 8,6 7 81.8 0,0691 10. 1 80. 1 1 0. 0680 9. 7 78. 4 0. 0669 9.3 1 76,7 0.0657 1 8,9 75, 0. 0645 '"■■' 1 fi 81.8 0.06§7 10.0 ' 80,0 0.0677 9. 6 78. 3 0. 0665 9.2 ' 76,6 ' 0.0654 8,S 74,9 O.0641 8.4 5 81.7 0.0683 9.9 ! 80.0 1 0.0673 9,5 1 78,3 0. 0662 9.1 76.6 ! 0.0650 8,7 74,8 0.0638 8.3 4 1 81.7 0.0679 9. 8 70. 9 \ 0. 0670 9,4 7S, -,> 0.0658 9.0 j 70.5 ; 0.0647 8, 6 74,7 0.0635 ^. 'I ! :! 81.0 0.0676 9. 7 i 79. 9 0. 0666 9, 3 7S. 1 0.0655 8.9 76,4 0,0643 8,5 74,0 0.0631 8.1 1 2 81.6 0.0673 9.6 79.8 1 0.0663 9, 2 7S. 0.0651 8.8 i 76, :i 0.0640 8.4 74.5 0,0628 8.0 1 81.5 0.0670 9.5 , 79.7 0. 0659 9. 1 77, 9 0.0648 8.7 76.2 ^ 0. 0636 8.3 74.4 0.0624 7.9 81.4 0.0667 9, 4 79, 6 0.0656 9, ' 77, 8 0. 0644 8.6 76.1 O.0633 8.2 74,3 0.0621 7.H +12. >l 81,:'. 0. 0664 9,2 ' 70,5 ! 0.0653 1 t^.f' 77,7 0.0641 8. 4 1 76. 1 : 0. 0629 ! I 8.0 74,2 0.0617 7.6 8 81. 3 0.0660 9. ! 79. 5 0. 0649 8. (i 77, 6 0.0638 8, 2 ' 7(;, 0, 0626 7. 8 74,1 0.0614 7.4 7 81.2 0.0657 8. 9 j 79. 4 1 0. 0645 8,5 ^ 77,5 0.0634 8, 1 : 76, 0. 0622 7. 7 74,0 0.0610 7,3 i; .-1,2 0.0653 S,s 79,4 0.0642 8,4 77,4 O.0630 .-,0 7,5.9 0.0619 7,6 74,0 0.0607 7,2 r. 81. 1 0. 065O 8,7 79,3 ' 0,0638 8,3 ' 77,3 0.C627 7.9 ! 75.8 ' 0.0615 7,5 73. 9 0.0603 7.1 ^ 81.1 0. 0646 8, 6 , 79, 3 ; 0. 0635 8.2 , 77,3 0.0623 7.8 75.7 \ 0.0612 7.4 73. 8 0. 0600 7.0 3 81. 0.064S 8.5 ; 79,2 0,0631 8,1 77.2 0.0620 7.7 75.6 , 0. 0608 , i 7.3 73.7 0. 0596 6.9 2 81.0 0.0639 8,4 . 79,2 0,0628 8. 77. 2 0.0616 7. 6 75. 5 0. 0605 7.2 73. 0.0593 6.8 1 80.9 0. 0636 8,;! 79.1 0.0624 7. 9 i 77, 1 0.0613 7.5 1 75.4 ! 0.0601 7.1 73.5 0. 0589 0.7 80. 8 0.0632 8.2 79.0 0.0621 7,8 77,1 0. 0609 7. 4 : 75. 3 1 0. 0598 7.0 73.5 0.0586 6.6 +11.9 80.7 0.0638 8.0 ^ 78.9 \ 0.0617 7.6 , 77.0 0.0606 7, 2 : 75, 2 < 0. 0595 1 1 6.8 73.5 0.0583 6.4 ,Q 80. 7 0. 0625 7.8 78.9 0.0614 7.1 77.0 0.0603 7.0 75.1 ' 0.0592 0.6 73.4 0.0580 0.2 7 80.6 0.0622 7.7 78.8 0. 0611 7. 3 76. 9 0. 0600 (-.9 ' 75.0 0.0589 6.5 73.3 0.0577 0.1 (i i 80.6 0.0619 7.6 1 78.8 0.0608 7.2 76.9 0.0597 (;, 8 74.9 i 0.0586 0.4 73.2 0.0574 6.0 5 80. 5 O.0616 7. 5 78. 7 ! 0. 0605 7. 1 ; 76, 8 0. 0594 6.7 74.8 0.0583 0.3 7.3.1 0.0571 5.9 4 80. r, 0.06I3 7.4 78.7 0.0602 7. 76. 7 0.0591 (;. 6 ' 74.7 0.0580 0.2 73.0 0.0568 5.8 ■' 80.4 0.0610 7.3 78.6 0.0599 6.9 1 76.6 0.0588 6.5 1 74.6 0.0577 6.1 72.9 0. 0364 .5.7 2 80. 4 0. 0607 7.2 78.5 0.0596 6.8 . 70.5 0. 05S4 6.4 , 74.6 ; O. 0573 6.0 72.8 0.0560 5.6 1 80.3 0.0603 7, 1 78. 4 0. 0592 6.7 , 76.4 0.0580 6, 3 74. 5 0. 0569 5. 9 72. 7 0. 0556 5.5 80.2 0. 0599 7.0 78,3 0,0588 6.6 76.3 0.0576 6,2 74,5 ! 0.0565 .5. 8 70.6 0.0553 .). .) PSYCHEOMETRICAL TABLES. 31 DIFFERENCE OP DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 1°3 1?6 1?7 1?S +13.9 73.4 ■ 0.0640 e 73.4 0.0836 7 73.3 I 0.0632 73.3 0. 063§ 5 ■ 73.2 I 0.0624 4 73.2 ; 0.0621 3 73.1 : 0.0618 ^ 73.0 0.0613 1 72.9 0.0612 72.7 0.0609 +1-2.9 I 72.7 ■ 0.0606 H 72. G 0. 0602 7 72. ;-, 0. 0.59§ 6 72, 4 0. 0594 ■'> 72, 3 , 0. 0590 'J :3 > = 71.8 0.0630 II 8.0 1j ■-" 70.2 = 1 5 _2 7.6 £-3 (W, 6 r If 1" 8.4 0.0617 0.0606 S 71.-' O. 0626 7.9 70.1 O. 0613 7,4 6-', 4 0.0602 8.1 71,7 0. 0622 7. 8 70.0 0.0610 7.3 68, 3 0.0599 SO 71, r. 0.0618 ' . / O'j. ;i 0.0606 7. 2 (H. 2 O, 0595 7. 71. .5 0615 7. (; 09. 8 0.0603 7.1 6^. 1 0.0592 7, 8 71.4 O. 0612 7, ,"» 69. 7 0.0600 7,0 68.0 0,0589 / . 7 71.3 0.0609 7.4 69. C 0.0596 6, 9 67. 9 0.0585 7. 71.2 O.OQ06 7. 3 69.5 0.0592 0. 8 Ii7. 8 0.0582 7.5 71.1 O.O602 7,2 69. 4 0.0589 6,7 67. 7 0.0578 7,4 71.0 0.0597 7,0 69.3 0.0586 6.6 67.6 0.0574 7.2 I 70.9 ^ 0.0593 7.0 I 70.,^ ' O, 0590 6,9 I 70.7 0.0586 6,8 70.6 0. 0583 6.7 I 70.5 0.0580 4 ^-'■2 0,0586 6.6 ; 70, 4 0.0576 72,1 72, 0.0583 ' 6.5 70.3 0. 0573 0.0580 0.4 i 70.2 0.0570 6..-' 69.2 0.0582 6.6 j 69.1 ' 0.0379 G. 4 I 69.0 I 0.0373 ';. 3 68.9 i 0.0372 6.2 68.8 I O. 0569 6. 1 6^. 7 , O. 0365 6. 68. 6 i O. 0362 5. 9 6-. 5 O. 0559 1 , 71.y ! 0.0377 ; 6.3 i 71.8 i 0,0374 ; 6.2 70. 1 O. 0566 70. : O. 0563 5. 8 G>^. 4 O.0535 .7 63.:'. , 0.0551 +11.9 i 71.7 0.0570 6.1 1 ^ 71.6 0,0567 6.0 / 71.5 0.0564 5.8 6 71.4 0.0360 .5.7 "l 71.3 0.0557 5.5 4 71.2 0.0554 5.4 3 71.1 0.0550 5,2 2 71.0 0.0547 5.1 I 70.9 0. 0544 4.9 70, 8 0.0541 4.8 69.9 I 0.0560 5.5 68.1 i 0. 0547 69. 8 ' O. 0356 ' 5. 3 68. \ O. 0543 69.7 ^ O. 0532 ; .5.1 67.9 j 0.0540 69.6 ^ 0.0348 5.0 ' 67. 8 I 0.0337 4.9 ^' 67.7 j O. 0334 4.8 67.6 ' 0.0531 4.7 ; 67.5 I 0.0528 69.5 I 0.0544 69.4 ' 0.0541 C9.3 , 0.0538 69.2 0.0333 69.1 ! 0.0532 6.4 67.5 6.2 67,3 6,0 , 67,2 5. 9 67. 1 5, 8 67. .5.7 i 66.9 5,6 I, ,s 5.5 6:;, 7 5,4 ' 66.6 5, 2 66, 5 .5.0 I 66.3 4. 8 ■ 66. 2 4. 6 66. 1 4. 5 66, 4,4 I 65.9 4.3 6.5.8 4.6 67.4 4.5 ; 67.3 4.8 69.0 , 0.0530 4.4 67.2 O.0525 0.0322 0.0518 4,2 65.7 4.1 65.6 4,0 65, 5 3.9 65,4 0,0570 O. 0567 0.0364 O. 0360 0.0557 0.0554 0.0330 0.0547 O. 0343 0.0539 O. 0535 0.0331 0.0527 O. 0324 0.0521 0.0518 0.0515 0.0512 O. 0509 0.0506 1?^ 7. 2 ; 66. 9 ; O. 0594 7.0 66.7 0.0590 6,9 j 66. (; ' O. 0587 6,8 66.5 0. 0583 i 6. 7 68.4 I 0.0580 6.6 63.3 0.0576 6.5 63.2 0. 0573 i;. 4 66.1 I 0.0569 i 6.3 6 3.0 I O, 0566 | 6,2 ' 6.5.9 j 0.0562 I 6. j 6.5. 7 5,9 I 65.5 0.0338 O. 0554 .5.7 ' 65.4 j 0.0551 .5.6 65.3 I O. 0547 5.4 : 65.2 j 0.0344 5. 3 ' 65. 1 1 O. 0540 5.1 ' 6.5.0 I 0.0337 5.0 61,9 j O. 0533 4.8 ' 64.8 0. 0530 4.7 ; 64.7 0.0527 - o - S 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.1 6.0 5. 9 5.8 4.5 4.3 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 64.5 64.3 64.2 64. 1 64.0 63. 9 63.8 63.7 63.6 63.5 O. 0523 0.0520 0.0516 0,0313 0.0510 0.0507 0.0504 0.0504 0.0498 I 0,0495 5.6 5.4 5. 3 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.3 4. 1 3.9 3,7 3.5 3,4 3.3 3.2 3,1 3.0 2. 9 32 rSYCIIROMETRIOAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?0 +10.9 , 0.0711 8 i 0.0708 7 0.070.5 f> 0.0702 r> O 0699 4 0. 0696 3 0.0693 •i ©. 0690 1 0.0687 :. ! 0.0684 + 9.9 0.06§-.> ^ 0.0679 7 0.0676 G 0.0673 5 0.0670 4 0.0667 3 O.0664 •2 0.0661 1 ' 0.06.58 0.06.55 0?1 kO._2 ©?3 0?4 'iS H ' K cM = i M^ H K 9-^.0 0.0700 : 10..:. 9(). i 0.0688 j 10. 1 9-1.0 O. 0677 94.0 I O 0674 O.e.O 0.0697 : 10. 4 Oil 0.068.5 10.0 I ! 9^.1) O. 0694 10. 3 9.-.. 9 ! O. 0682 I 9.9 93. 9 O. 0671 98.0 , 0.0691 10. -2 i ^i^KV : 0.0679 I 9. s ; ;i:i,9 ' O. 0668 9 s ' LI G 9 .-, 92. 0. 066.5 92.0 0.0662 -. 9S. 0. 068.5 10.0 9.-.. 9 0. 0673 | 9. G 93.9 i 0.0662 .. 9.-. I 0.0682 I '.I'J 9.-.. 9 j 0.0670 9..". | 93.9 i 0.06.59 95.9 0. 0667 ' 9.4 93.9 ' 0.0636 9.-.. 9 0.066J 9.3 93 9 : 0.08.53 9.6 9.'>. 8 ' 0.0661 ' 9. 2 : 93.8 0.0650 9.3 I 91. O. 06.50 ,. 98.0 0.0679 . 98.0 0.0876 .. 97.9 ©.0673 9. -2 91. 8 0. 0647 9.1 91.8 0.0644 9.0 91.7 I 0.0611 8.9 91.7 0.0638 9.3 9.2 91. 9 0. 0659 9. 1 91.9 I 0.06.56 i 9.0 .. 98.0 0.0688 , 10.1 ' 9.",. 9 0.0676 I 9.7 93.9 ! 0.0665 ' 9. 4 ! 91.9 I 0.0653 ; 8.9 s.B ;-. 1 .... 97.9 0671 9..'. 9.'>. s 0. 0659 9.1 93. 8 O.0818 ^. i 91.7 0.0636 H.3 .... 97.9 0.0668 9.4 9.5. s 0. 0656 9.0 93.8 0.0615 8.6 91.7 0.0633 S.2 97. 9 O. 0665 9. 3 95. 8 0.0653 S. 9 'M. 1 0.0612 .^. 5 91.6 0.0830 8.1 .... 97.9 0.0662 9.2 95. 8 0.0650 8. s %',. 7 0.0639 S. 4 91. 6 0.0627 8.0 .... 97.9 0.0659 9.1 9.5.7 0.0647 8. 7 9:!. 7 0.0636 8.3 91.5 0. 0624 7.9 . . . . i 97. 9 0.0656 9.0 95. 7 O. 0644 8.6 93.6 0.0633 8.2 91.5 0.0821 7. 8 .... 97.9 0.0853 .^.9 95. 7 0.0841 8. 5 Oi. 6 O. 0630 -.1 91.4 0.0618 7. 7 IJ7.9 0.0650 s.s 95. 7 0.0638 8.4 93. 6 0.0627 8.0 91.4 0.0815 7.6 .... 97.9 0.0647 8. 7 95. 7 0.0635 8.3 9.!. 5 O. 0624 7.9 91.3 0.0612 7. T) . . - . 97. - 0.0644 1 8.6 95. r. 0.0632 8. 2 93. 5 O 0621 / . ^ 91. 3 0. 0609 7.4 + 8.9 , 0.0653 f^ 0.0650 7 0.0647 ^ ©.©618 / . / 95. 5 ©.©606 7.3 93.2 0.0595 6.9 91.0 0.0583 6.4 97 / 0.0615 7.6 95.4 ©.©603 7.2 93.2 0.0592 6.8 90. 9 0.0580 6.3 PSYCHEOMETRICAL TABLES. 0,5 -|-Ui.'.> 90.0 0. 00-3 1 H ;ii). O. 06.5 1 7 >0.',i 0.064!Si 6 -r:!. 9 0. 0C45 5 ?9.9 0.064-> 4 ^1- 0.0639 :! -IS 0.0636 J -^1 7 0. 0633 1 -9.7 0. 0630 SLi.i; 0.06-27 + 9.9 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND "WET BULB THERMOMETERS. >9.6 : 0.06'>.5 ^9. r> o. 0C'i:> -9 5 0.0619 -9.5 O 0816 -9.5 ' 0.0613 -9 4 0.0610 -9. 4 0. 060'5 -9.3 ' 0.0601 -9 '. 0.0601 -9.-:! 0.059^ 0;G -.4 1 -7 .-: 0. 061-2 II 0.0639 9 0.0636 I O 0633 - 0. 0630 - 0.0627 7 0.0631 7 0. 0621 i; o.o6i»( i> 0. 061.> '. 0.0612 5 0. 0609 4 0. 0606 4 0. 0603 '. 0.0600 :; O 0.59'7 ■^ O. 0.59 I J 0. 0-591 1 ' O. 0.5S8 1 0. 0.586 + -.9 >9. -2 0.0.596 (i. s -7. (1 0.0.5§4 ^ -9. 1 0. 0-593 11. 7 -7. 0.0.5S1 7 S9. 1 0.0.5i)0 C. 11 .-il 9 0.0-57S (i -9. O. 0-5!>»j n. .', hi;. 9 O 0.57.5 -9. 11 0.5 §4 r;. 4 Hh. ,- 0.0.572 4 .--. 9 0.0.5N1 (1.3 -il. .-' O. 0.569 o >■-'. 9 0.0->7§ C>. 2 ■-i:i. / O. 0-566 J'-'. 9 0.057-5 C. 1 .^il. 7 O. 0.563 1 .--'. J^ 0.0.572 (I -r,. c O. 0-560 II ■*-. 8 0.0.569 5. 9 -ri. r. O. 0-5-57 -.1 H. 11 7 '.I 7.4 7.3 ~ '2 7.1 7.0 ('.. 9 U. 7 17 ii I'l. ," o^r :. -C -11. U I O. 0630 i Sr,. I 0.0627 8.'.. 9 O. 062 1 -.-..9 ' 0.0621 -.8 0. 661M -". - 0.061.5 O. 0612 O. 0609 O. 0606 O. 0603 . i; . i; O 0600 0.0.597 r-.'. 4 O 0.594 -."..4 0.0.591 .-.-.. 3 ' 0.0-5S^ H.'.. 3 I 0.0.58-5 85.2 0. 05S2 8.5. -2 0.0.579 -5.1 0.0.576 -:,. II 0.0-574 0?8 r,. :j H.xii ; o. 0-572 C. -J -4.9 0.0.569 i;. 1 ' -4.9 ' O. 0-566 C. U -4.H ' O. 0-563 .S. 9 -4.- ' O. 0-560 .'^. -' S4. 7 I .-,.7 84. C. 0.0-5.54 5. C 84.5 0.0-551 .-,..-, ' HI. 5 0.0.54S 5.4 -4.4 ' 0.054.5 H. 1 -4.0 I O. oeiN .0 .-3.;i 0. 0615 7.9 .4 O. 0612 83. 8 O. 0609 83- 0.0606 -i. 7 O. 0603 -!.7 0. 0600 -,;. i; o. 0.59Y 0.0-591 0.0-59I 8:;. Ii 7. 83. 5 C. 9 83. 4 (1. 8 83. :i G. 7 83. :5 (7 I'l. .') C. 4 II. 3 r. -J <;. 1 0.0-58*; O. 0-5 Si .5 :!. :l O. 0.5N2 :'.. 3 O. 0.579 :,.-i 0.0576 3. -J ' 0.0-573 1.1 0. 0-570 .83,. 1 .-:i. II 0.0-367 0.0.56I 9 O 0562 ,-.. y -3.- I 0.0.560 ,-,. - 82.7 I 0.0-5.57 .-,.7 H-Ml 0. 0-5.5 1 5. i; 0. 0-3-51 r.. 5 ' 82.5 ' O. ©-34S r,. 4 82.4 ' O. 0-54.5 r, :! 82. :i ' 0.0-542 -2.3 0.0.539 0.0-536 0. 0-533 <):9 7.4 -- "tic -2.1 0.0607 H2 II O 0604 -1.0 0. 0601 -I. 'J O. 0-59S -1 - 81.7 0592 7.0 -1.7 0. 9 0.05S9 -1.11 0.0.5S6 11..- 81.11 0.0583 C).7 HI. 5 0. 05'>iO 11.5 -1.1 0.057* .1.4 81.:; 0. 0575 11, :; -1.;: 0.0572 11.2 HI. 2 ' O. 0569 (1.1 HI. I ■ O. 0566 (1.0 HI. 1 ' 0.0563 r,. HI. II ■ 0.0560 5.8 8.1.9 ' 0.0557 .'•).7 80.0 ' O. 0554 5.0 Hfi - 0.0551 5.4 80.- 0.0549 .5. 9 Hi). 7 O. 0546 5.2 HO. (1 ' O. 05 43 5.1 -11.5 ' O. 05 40 5.0 HO. 4 j 0.053 5 4. 'J HO.:; ' o. 0534 4.> 80.2 0.0531 4.7 ' 80.2 ! 0.0528 4.G 80.1 ! 0.0525 4.5 -II. 1 i O. 0522 7.1 7.0 11. II. 8 (1. 7 11. 11. 5 <;. 4 G. 3 G. 1 (1. 4. 9 4. H 4. 7 4. G 4. 5 4. 4 4 ') 4 1 > 4 II 3^ PSYGHEOMETEICAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. l:i> i?l B. • ,-^ 1?3 +1U. 9 >U. 2 80.1 80. 1 i; 8i). 5 SO. 4 79. 9 :: 79. 8 2 79. 7 1 79.6 79.5 9 79. 5 8 7 9.4 79. 4 79. 3 79. 'i 79. 1 O. 0595 O. 0592 0.0-589 0.0586 0.0583 O. 0580 O. 057Y 0.0574 0.0571 0.0568 O. 0563 O. 0560 O. 0557 O. 0551 O. 0551 '9. O. 0548 78.9 O. 0545 O. 0542 0.0539 + 8.9 78.6 0. 0536 0. 8 78. 3 6.7 78.2 6. 6 7.-^. 1 6. .'> , 78. (I 6.4 , 77.9 6. 3, ' 77, s <;. 2 I 77.7 (I 1 77. 6 6. : 77. r, r.. 9 I 77. r, r.. 4 77.2 77.1 .'"). 2 77.11 rj. 1 76. 9 5.0 76.8 4.9 , 7(1.8 4.^ ' 76.7 4. 7 76. 7 7(1. 6 76. 5 0. 0533 4 7f-'. 4 , O. 0530 ; 4.2 76,4 7;-'. 3 I 0.0527 I 4.1 76,3 78,2 0, 0521 4,0 76,2 7-1 ^ 0,0521 ' 3.9 76,1 i 7'-', j O, 0518 I 3. s ! 76,0 78,0 , 0.0515 3,7 7.1,9 ;7,9 0, 0512 ; 3,6 7,-, 8 77,9 I O. 0510 ' 3.;-, ' 7',.y O. 0584 0.0581 0.0578 0.0575 O. 0572 O. 0569 0.0566 0.0563 0,0560 0.0557 O. 0526 0.0523 0.0520 0,0517 0,0514 0,05II 0,0508 O, 0505 O, 0502 0,0499 H ; K 6,4 : 76,3 0,0572 6. 3 j 70. 2 O, 0569 6.2 7(;. 1 0, 0566 0.1 76.0 6. . 7,-., 9 5. 9 7.'., S 5. 8 7,'.. 7 5,7 75.0 5.6 7,5.5 5. 5 75, 5 O 0563 O, 0560 0,0557 0.0554 O. 0551 O. 0548 O. 0545 0.0549 5.0 75,2 0. 0546 4.9 75,1 0. 0543 4,S 75.(1 O. 0540 0.0555 5.:;! 7,5. 4 0,0543 0,0552 5,1 75 3 0, 05J0 0,0537 0.0534 0,0531 4,7 ! 74,9 O. 0528 i I 0.0537 ; 4.6 74. s i O. 0525' O. 0534 4,5 j 74,7 O, 0531 4,4 ' 74,6 ■0.0528 ' 4,3 74.1 0.0522 O. 0519 0.0516 4.1 3.9 3.8 3.7 3. 6 3, 4 3i, 74 - 74 4 74 3 74 2 71 1 71 9 O. 0513 0,0510 0,0507 O. 0504 0.0501 0.0498 O. 0495 O. 0492 O, 0489 0,0487 G.d 74,5 5.8 74,4 5.7 71,3 5.6 74.2 5.5 74.1 5,4 74. 5.3, 73.9 5, 2 / ■>. b 5. 1 73 4..^ 4.6 4.5 4.4 4, 3 4,2 4,1 4,(1 3,9 3.2 3,1 3,0 2.9 2, 7 2, 6 0.0561 O. 0558 O. 0555 0.0552 O. 0549 O. 0546 0.0543 0.051© 0.0537 5.0 ! 73.6 0,0534 73, 4 73, 1 73. O. 0532 O, 0529 O, 0526 0,0523 0,0520 O, 0517 I 0,0514 O, 05B1 2,7 j 0,0508 2,6 i O. 0505 3, 72, 5 j O, 0502 3, 4 ' 72, 4 O, 0499 3 0, 0466 72, 2 O, 0493 7,', 1 ; 0,0190 72,0 0, 0487 71,9 0, 0484 71,8 0, 0481 71,7 I 0,0478 71,7 0, 04 70 til H ;a 5,1 4.9 4,S 1,7 4,5 r-;. 4 72,1 72. (I 71.9 71,, s ri,7 ri,6 0,0519 , .5.1 0.0546 4.9 0.0543 0. 0540 4.3 I 71.5 0.0520 4.1 . 71, 1 O, 0517 0.0531 0.0531 0. 052N O. 0525 O. 0522 4.0 3.9 ,6 71,:; ; ] , 2 71.1 71.(1 0.0514 0.0511 O, 0508 O. 0505 7(1.9 0. 0502 7(1, 8 ,4 I 70.7 .3 70,6 3, 1 O, 0499 0.0496 0.0493 O, 0490 2, 7 7(1, 3 2, 6 j 70, 2 2,5 7(1,1 2.4 7(1,0 2,3 69,9 2, 2 ('.9, 8 2, 1 I 69, 7 2,11 (19,6 i. 0.0537 , 1, 1,-1 4,3 4, 2 1, 1 1.0 7(11 0. 0487 2,4 0,0484 0,0481 0,0478 2,0 0.0475 1.9 0.0472 l," 0,0469 1.7 0.0466 i.i; 0,0464 15 2,1 PSYCIIUO]METRI0AL TABLES. 6.) DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS l?.3 1?6 1?7 1?8 B?9 u >^ +1IM) 1- yj tuTrj 70.7 0.0538 s ' 7(1..'. 0.0531 7 711.4 ' 0.0531 i; 70.3 0. 05!>N .-. 7(1. -.i ' 0.0525 I \ 70. 1 ' ©. ©522 :; I 711.0 ' 0. 0515> ■J I r,;i.'j ' O. 05S0 1 ! (I'.i.s ' 0.0513 ! iy.7 ' 0.0510 + !•. ;) 69.0 0. 050S il'i. .'. ' O. 0505 (1,1. 4 0. 0502 IW.:; ' 0.0499 m.-t ' 0. 049G 00.1 ' 0.0193 00.0 0.0 190 O-.O ' O. 01§7 i 0-. S : 0.0181 IW 0.0181 + ■•'.'J o-'.r, I 0.0179 ■■* I O--. 4 0.0170 ' OS. 3 i 0.0173 '' i O-s.-j O. 0170 •'' ' os.i ' 0. 01C7 I O-'.o 0.0161 :!:07.0 O.OIOI •-' ■ r.7.,s ' 0.0158 1 07.7 0.0155 ' 07. (i ' 0.0152 4.G 0-i. s 0.0527 4.5 r,s. 7 ' O. 0523 4.4 0-. 0. 0520 4.3 (•.-. r, 0. 0517 4. 'J ' ll:;.4 O. 0511 4.1 I1-. 3 0.0511 4.0 \\~.-> 0. 050S :'...-; iw. 1 j 0.0505 :;.G ii-. I) 0.0502 :■...-. (i7.'.i 0. 0198 1. :; 07.7 0. 019G ;. 1 ' 07.0 ; 0.0193 i.O 07.:. 0.0190 J. 07.4 0. 0187 .'. -' 07.3 0.0181 .'.7 07. -i 0.0181 ,'. ' 07.1 ' O. 017W J. r. 0,7.0 ' O. 0175 :.•. 4 00.9 I 0.0172 ■>. •> ! 06. 7 O. 0169 '-'.II 00.. > ] . s 00. 3 O.0167 0. 161 1.0 00. -i 0.0161 1.:. 00.1 ' ©.0158 1. I 00.0 I 0.0155 1.3 (m. ©.0152 ].-> 0.\s ©.0119 1.1 0.'>.7 0. 0116 1.0 0.-,. • ©.©113 i 0. . 3, 05. 4 •J. -i 05. 3 '..!. 1 ' 05. -i ■,». 05. 1 1.0 I (V.. 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.0 0. s 0.7 0.0 0.5 64. G4. s 04. 64.4 64. -2 G4. 1 04.0 03.0 63. -< 03. 7 63. (; ©.©515 ©.©511 ©. ©5©8 ©. ©505 O. ©5©2 ©. ©199 ©. ©196 ©.©193 ©.©19© ©.©187 ©0481 ©.©181 ©.©17N ©.©175 ©.©172 ©.©169 ©. ©166 ©. ©163 ©.©16© © ©157 . ,S 05. -J ©.©503 .0 I 65.0 ©.05©© . 1 ' 61.0 O. 0196 .■1 04. s ' ©.©193 . I ■ 01.7 ©.©49© . 64.0 ©.0487 G4.5 : 0.0181 Gl.l , ©.©181 64.3, ©.©17m; Cl.'i ' ©.©175 '.>. 3 ' Ot.O ©.©473 '2.1 I 63. s I ©.©17© 1 1.9 03.6 ! ©.©167 ?,.•> 03.3, , ©.0192 3.0 03. 1 ! ©.©188 '2:6 03.(1 0.0185 1.,-; I 03.: ©161 ■.'.7 ' r/i.i) y. 0.', ,^ '.'. 5 0-,'. 7 'J. 4 (;■_'.(■, •i. '.' (y. 4 'J. 0-',3 l.s O-.'. 1 1.0 ' 01,0 1. 4 I 01.7 l.'J 1 ol.O 1.1 I 61.5 1.7 03.4 ' ©.©161 1.0 O;. 3 ©.©158 ' 1.0 61.4 1. ©.©155 ; 0.0 I 01.:; 1.4 ' 03. 1 ; ©.©152 1. 3 ' O:!. I ©. 0119 \:i • 0.'. 0.0116 I O.s 01. '2 0.7 01.1 0. 60. 9 ©. 0482 ©.©479 ©.©176 © 0173 O. ©17© ©0467 0.0164 O. 0161 ©.©158 ©.©155 ©0152 O. ©119 ©.©146 ©.©143 ©.©140 0.0137 '-'. 6 'J, 4 O ') 2.1 2.0 1.9 l.s 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.9 (1.7 0. 0.5 (1.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 ; o:;. 5 1.0 I 02.7 j ©.©144 0.4 I 00.7 II. s (.12.0 ' ©.©141 +0.2 (50.0 0.6 ' (J2. 4 ' ©.©138 ±(1.0 I 00.4 0.4 ' 02.3 I ©.©435 '—(•.2 (jO. 3 (1.3 ■ 02.2 ' 0.©432 -0.3 [ (10.1 0.2 ! 62.0 ■ ©.©429 '—('.4 I 60.0 ©.©438 1+0.1 I 01.i> ' 0.©126 -0.5 ' 50. s ©.©435 ±0.0 61.7 ' ©.©423 '-0. I 59.7 ©.©432 -0.1 61. ©.©420 ©.©429 —0.2 61.4 0. 0447 ©.©455 ©.©453 ©. ©45© ©.©447 ©.©441 ©0441 -0.7 -0. ^ 0.0134 '+0.1 ©.©432 -0.1 ©.©429 —0.2 ©.0126 -0.4 ; ©.0123 —0.5 ©.©120 —0.7 ©.©117 -0.^1 ©.0111 —1.0 0.0111 —1.2 O. ©1©8 —1.3 .50. 4 ! «. ©l©5 —1. I .>o rSYCIIJtOMETKICAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. -■;. \> +(■,.:) +•"•■'■' 0:0 : -a ;=5 0.0«il o. o«ai O. 0«l*i OlilS O. 0<> I 2 o. 0«©» O. 0»0G ©. 0«03 o. o«oo O. 0.598 O. 0-)»« O. 0593 O. 0590 O. 05N7 O. 0.>>7I O. 0.>«N o. 05ee O. 0.503 0.0561 O. 05.5S O. 0536 O. O.*.)."! O. 035I 0.0.5IS O 05 16 ;)7.7 '.>7.7 'J7.7 '.17.7 117.7 ;i7. 7 'J7. 7 :)7. (; ;.t7. i; 'J7.(; 97.6 07. C '.17. C '.17. ('. ;i7.(; 7 7. ( 7. 1 7. ( 7.1 7. ( 7.( 7. ( 7. ( 7. ( ~ r 0?l • — ' ^ V if; o. OKI:; 0.0610 O. 0807 O. 060 1 O. 0601 O. 0598 O. 0595 0. 0592 0.0589 0.0587 O. 0585 O. 0582 0.0579 0.0576 O. 0573 O. 0570 O. 056V 0.0561 O. 0562 0.0560 O. 0557 0.0555 O. 0552 O. 0550 0.0517 0.0515 O. 0512 0.0510 0.0537 0.0535 O.'i o.:c «.i 7.1 7. I) (;. 'J 0.8 (i. 7 (i. (i (i. ."> (J. 4 0.3 r.. '^ c. 1 c. T). ',• Ti. S O.'i. 4 9.5. 'J 95. -J '95. '.' 95. 'J 95. 2 95. •: 95. 1 5.5 '.1.5.1 5.4 9.5.1 5. :i '95. 1 5. 2 I '95. 1 .5.1 i '.15.11 5.0 1.9 4.S 4.7 9.5.11 95.0 ',»5. '.i5. II 4.i; 9J.9 O. 05I5 0.05I2 O. 0510 O. 0537 0.0535 O. 0532 O. 0530 O. 0528 0.0525 0.0523 0601 0598 o 0595 o 0592 o 0589 0586 0583 0.0580 O 0577 0575 O. 0572 0. 0569 O. 0567 O. 0564 O. 0561 O. 0558 o. 0555 o. 0552 0. 0550 o. 0518 7. I : 9!. 2 7. ■• j 9::. 2 (.1.9 I 9.!. 2 (i. 8 I 9,;. 2 (>. 7 ! 9!. 1 (i. C (J. 5 6.4 6.3 (1.2 95.1 93. 1 '.).'.. 93. 92.9 I 6. U 92. 9 5. ',1 :)2. 9 .5.8 '..I','.; I 5.7 j 92.9 5.6 92. K 92. H 5. 1 .5. 3 .5 2 92. 8 92. 8 ',12. 8 5. 1 '92. 7 5.11 4.',t 4.8 4.7 92.7 9.'. 7 92.7 92. 7 4.6 92.6 I. 5 I 92. 6 1. 1 ' 92.6 4.3 92.6 4.2 92.6 4. 1 'J-i. 5 O. 0590 O. 058 7 O. 0581 O. 0581 O. 0578 0.0575 0.0572 O. 0569 O. 0566 O. 0561 O. 0562 0.0559 O. 0556 0.0553 O. 0550 O. 0547 0.0544 0.0541 O. 0539 0.0537 O. 0535 0.0532 0.0529 0. 0527 0.0521 0.0522 O. 0519 O. 05 1 7 0. 05 1 1 0.0512 6. 6 6. 5 6.4 6. 3 (;. 2 6.1 ('>. 5. 9 5.4 5.1 911. 9 ',m. 9 911. -^ '.III. .^ 911. S 90. 7 9). 7 911.7 ',l:i. (i 911.0 9(1. 5 90. 5 '.HI. 4 9i». 4 '.III. 3, 90. 3 5.0 , 90.2 4.9 •1.8 1.7 911.2 0.0578 ' 6. I 0.0575 I 6.(1 0.05/2 ' 5. '.I O. 0569 0. 0566 0.0563 O. 0560 O. 0557 0.0551 O. 0552 5.4 5.3 0.0550 0.0517 0514 0.0541 0538 0. 0535 0.0532 0.0529 5.1 .5.0 ■1.9 4. s 4.7 ■l.ii 4.5 1. 1 '90.2 : 0.0527 4.3 ',111.2 0.0525 1 4.2 4 - 4 4 4 :; 4 1 4 ■' s 90. 2 O. 0522 90.2 i 0.0520 3. 3. i; '.1(1.2 911.2 90.1 90. 1 90. 1 90.1 90. 1 90.0 0.0517 0.0515 0.0512 0.0510 O. 0507 0. 0505 0. 0502 O 050© -1.(1 3. 9 3. H 3.7 3.6 ] 3. 5 3. I 3. :! rSYCHKOMETIUCAL TABLES. 37 DIFFERENCE OP DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?6 0°7 0';8 0?9 a z'-^ +'■•> ! 88.8 0.0.567 r..7 1 .-i;..'! 0.0555 j 5.2, s4.:; 0.0543 4.8 82.1 1 0.0531 4.3 80. 1 0.0520 3.8 8 ' *. H ! 0. 0.564 5. li 80. .') 0.0552 5. 1 1 84. 2 0.0540 4.7 i S2.0 0.0528 4,2 1 80.0 i 0.0517 3.7 7 ' SM.7 i 0.0.>61 5. .5 ' si;. 4 0.0519 CO 84.2 0.0537 4.G 82.0 ■ O. 0525 4.1 1 80.0 1 ©.©514 3.G ' ss,7 .'•.. 4 ' 81-,. 4 O. 0546 4.9 ' 84.1 0. 0534 4.5 ' Si. 9 ! 0.0522 4.0 79.9 0.05 41 3.5 5 HS. G 0.0.555 , ' 0.0543 4. ;- ' 84. 1 0.0534 4.4 SI.;) 0. 0519 1 :;. 9 7;). 8 0.0508 3.4 -1 ; ss. 0.0553 T) '"* Sii '2 0.0540 4.7 ' 84.0 0.0528 4.3 ' sl.s O. 0516 3.S 7;). 7 0. 0505 :;. :; ;i'ss.:, 0.0549 1 .'.1 1 sii.e ©.0537 4.G 84.0 O. 0525 j 4.2 Sl.s , 0.0513 ] i 3.7 1 7;). 6 0. 0502 :;. 2 '-' , K-.5 1 0.0.516 1 .'..0 8i;. 1 0.0534 4.5,8:1.9 0.0522 4.1 si. 7 0.0540 3. G 1 79.5 O.0499 3.1 1 1 HS. 4 0.0543 4.9 > 8ii. 1 0.0531 1.4 : .-::>..•.) 0520 4.0 SI. 7 1 0.0508 :3,5 ; 7;i.5 , O. 0197 :'. W,J. ;), 0541 4.S i 81-.. ' 0.0529 4.;V8;!.s 0.0518 :'..;) 1 81.0 0.0506 3.4 79.4 0.0495 2. 9 +G.9 - . '. 0.0.539 4.(i -r,. n : 0.0527 4. 1 8:;. .^ 0.0516 3.G ' SI. 5 1 0.0504 3. 1 79. :; ©. 0493 2. G s Sso , o.O.>:J6 4..-. r.-.',i 0.0.524 4.0 ,~:;.7 O 0513 3.5 sl.4 1 0.050I :',. 79.-2 0. 049© 2. .5 7 s-.-i 0.0.583 4.4 , .-.-.9 O. 0521 0.05I0 :!. 4 SI.:; 0.0498 2.9 7;i. 1 , ©.©187 2. 1 . , O. 0504 :i. 3 s:;. 3 0.0493 2.8 SO. 9 ©0481 2.:; ' 78. G ' ©.©470 1.8 It s7.;) 0.0514 :!.7 ^8.-,. .3 0. 0502 ;',. 2 ' 83. 2 0.0491 2.7 80. s 1 0. 0479 2. 2 ' 7S. G ©0468 I 1.7 1 +5. '.1 j s7. ;) 0.0511 :!. r, ■ 8,-,. r, \ o. 0499 :; s;',. 2 0.0488 2. 5 80. 8 ©.0477 1.!) 1 78.5 j ©.0466 1.4 8 S7. 9 0.0509 ;t. 4 ! S5. 4 0497 2.9 ■ S3. 1 0.04N6 2.4 80.7 0.0475 1. s 1 78. 4 O. 0464 i 1. :'• 1 1 7 ^7.8 0.0507 :',.:; ' sr,. 4 O 0494 2.S 83.0 0.0483 2. :! so. 7 0.0472 1.7 1 78.;; 0.0464 1 1.2 li ^-7. s 0. 0.50-1 1 ! ;i.2 8.-..:; ■ 0.0492 2. 7 82. 9 0481 2.2 ' 80. G 0.0469 l.G ^ 78.2 ' 0.0458 1 1.1 1 ■ ■> S7.7 1 0.0.502 :',. 1 . r-r,. ;; , o. 0489 2. G 82. 8 0.0478 '2. 1 SO. 5 1 0.0467 1.5 78.1 ! 0.0456 ] 1.0 '1 f 7. 7 1 0. 0d99 :i.o 8:,. 2 1 0.0487 2. 5 , 82. 8 1 O 0476 •> 80.5 ' 0.0464 1, 1 ' 7S.0 0.0453 0.;i 1 • 1 '■'■ i-'-e i 0.0496 2. 9 1 8.^.. 2 0.0181 2. 4 82. 7 0.0473 l,.j 811. 1 , 0.0462 1.:; 77.9 , ©.0150 ' O.s 1 1 1 '-; . S7.G ! 0.0494 2. 8 1 ,s,-,. 1 0.0482 2. 3 ' 82. 7 0.0474 i 1.8 , SO.:; 0. 0459 i '■■' 77.9 , O.OllM ^ 11./ 1 S7.r, i 0.0491 2.7 ' s.-.i) , O. 0479 2. 2 S2, () 0.0468 1.7 so.:; 0.0 456 1.1 77. S 0.0115 1 O.G " >'~-'> ' 0.0489 1 2.6 ' S4.9 ' O. 0477 2.l!82.G 0. 0466 l.G SO. 2 ' 0.0454 1.0 77. S , 0.0143 1 It. 5 i 38 rS V( ' H KOMETPvIC AL T A BL F.S. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS, +" — 1?0 l?l _^ . . — ■ ^ 1>I 1 1 . » I°l 3 -d |.5 il i = 3 ^ ,^ -a 0) 9 |-2 1 M •^ \ •^. \ a ■ V J 77. ;» o. o.jOT :i. 1! 1 7.-1. 8 0. 0196 2. H j 7:;. 7 0184 2.3 [ 71.(1 0.0173 ! ! l.s (19.4 i 0.0161 I 1.1! ^ 77. H ! o. 05«4 :!. 1 1 7.-,. H [ 0. 0493 2.(1 1 7:1.6 0.018I 2.1 ■ 71. ') 0.0170 1.0 (19. :i ! 0. 0458 ' 1.1 1 1 7 77.7 0.0501 11.0 7,".. 7 0. 0I90 2. .5 7:1. .5 0. 0178 2.0 '71.4 1 0.0 167 1.,'. 119. 2 0. 0155 0,9 i) 77. G 1 O. 0198 '_'.;) j 7.-., G 0. 01§7 2.4 7;i. 4 0.0175 1.0 j 71. :i 0.0161 1.4 G9. 1 0.0152 . O.K fi 77. r. 0. O !».'> '.'. 8 ' /.-■. .^ 0.01S4 2. :! 7:1. :i 0.0172 ■ l.H 1 71.2 0.0161 1. :i (19. 0.0 U9 ! P. 7 ■1 77.4 0.0402 'J. 7 I7.-..4 0.0181 2.2 7:1. 2 0.0 109 1.7 71.1 0.0 158 1.2 (is. 9 0.01 16 0.(1 ;', 77. 1 > 0.0489 2. G 1 7.-.. :i 1 0.0 178 2.1 7:1. 1 O.OlfiC 1.G 71.0 1 0. 0155 1. 1 Gs.s : 0.0143 (1. .-. 2 77. 'i 0,04N7 '.'.5 1 7,^1,2 0.047G 2.0 7:1.0 0.0461 l.!-. ' 70,9 0,0453 1.0 i (H.7 ' 0.0111 0.4 I 77.1 0,0185 2. 4 7,-.. 1 0.0174 1.0 7-' O.OI«2 1.4 , 70. H 0.0151 0.9 (IS. 6 0.0139 (I. :i II 77.1 o,oi§:j ■J. ;'. 7.-.. 0. 0172 l.rt 1 72. s 0.0 100 1.:! 70.7 , 0.04 49 (1. S , (W. ,". 0.0437 (1.2 [) 77. (1 o OlSO 2, 1 1 1 1 74.0 1 0.0 1«» [ 1.0 , 72. G 0.0158 1.1 70. f. j 0. 0117 11. G ^ (IS. :i ^ 0.0 135 +0,1 H 711.'.! 0,0171 l.'J i 7J.^■ 1 O.OKiO 1 1.4 1 72..'-) 0.0155 (1.0 ' 70. 11 '[ 0.0 115 0.4 1 (H. I 0.0133 ±11,(1 7 711. .S 0,0171 1.K 74.7 0.0 103 l.::!72.4 0.0152 0..- ' 70.2 0.0113 1 0.2 ' (1-. 0,©131 -11, 1 11 7ll. 7 0,0171 1.7 ; 71.11 ' 0. otco 1 1.2 , 72.:; 0.0149 0.7 1 70.1 , 0.0110 +(1.1 (17.9 0.0128 -0.;: :. 7G. 11 ( O.OKiK 1.11 1 74.5 1 O.OI.57 ! 1.1 i 72.2 1 0.044G 0.(1 I 70.0 ! 0.0 137 ±(1.0 (17. S ' 0.0125 -0. •'■ 4 711.5 O. OliiS !.."> 71.4 ! 0.04.54 1.0 ' 72.1 0.0 143 0..'-. ' (UK 9 ' 0.0131 —0.1 ' (17.7 ' 0.0122 -0.0 ?, 711..'-. ' 0.01G2 1.4 74.1! ' 0.0 15 I 0.0 72.0 0.0 141 0.4 1 GO. 8 0.0 131 —(1.2 (17.(1 j 0.0119 -0.7 . 1 \ 2 i TC. 4 O. OIVO l.H 1 74.2 0.0149 0. 8 1 71.0 O.OI38 0.1! g:i. 7 0.0428 —0.9 (17. 5 : 0.0116 -0. s 1 1 7(;. .1 1 0.0-158 1.2 74.1 0.0 147 0.7 71.8 0.0 136 +0.2 ' (19. G 0.0 125 -0.4 (17, 1 ' 0,0113 -1.0 II 711. :'i 0,01'5« 1. 1 ' 74.(1 0.0 145 0. G 71.7 0.0 133 ±0.0 69..". 0.0422 -II G ' G7.:i 0.0110 -1.'-! 9 71',. :i 0.015:j 0. 'J 7 1.0 O.OIlJt 0. r, 71.7 0.0 130 -0.2 (19.:! 0.0120 — 0. - (17.1 O.OI08 -1. 1 s 1 711. -i 0.01->1 0. S 7:1.0 0.0440 1 0.4 71.6 0.0 128 -0.4 69.2 1 0.0 117 — 1.(1 (17.0 0. 0105 — 1,C 7 711.1 o.oii§ 0.7 ! 7:1.9 0.0437 1 0. :'. 71..". 0.0 125 — o.r. (59.1 • 0.0 115 -1.2 Gil. 8 0,0102 -!■« G ' 7.1.(1 0.0116 0. G ! 7:1.8 O.Oi:J.» ' 0.2 1 71.4 0.0 123 —0.(1 69.0 0.0112 -].:!' Gil. 7 0.0100 -1.0 7) 7.-..;. 0.01i:J 1 0..", 1 7:1.7 1 O. 0-132 ,+iM 71.:^, . 0.0120 —0.7 (1,^.9 0.0110 1-1. 4 1 GO. G , 0. 0397 -■■'■ 4 i 7r,. 8 0. 14 I 0.4 71!. C 1 0.0130 ±0.0 71.2 O.OI18 —0.8 : (IS. ,s ^ 0.0 107 — 1..S 613. r. ' 0.0395 -2.1 :i l7r,.7 0.0438 o.:i 7:i..'-> ' 0.0427 '-0. 1 71,1 0.0115 -0.9 (IS. 7 0.0101 i — l.G 1 nil. 1 0.0392 -'■■■y ~ 7.-..G 0.0136 1 II. -J 7:'.. 4 0. 0125 -(I.:! 71.(1 0.0413 — I.o i (KG 1 0.0402 — 1.7 GG.l! , 0.0390 -'-'■- 1 7.^..^, O.Oi:j;j +0.1 1 7::.:! i 0.012a -ii..'j 70. 0.0410 '-1.2 ! GH.r, 0.0399 1 !-l. H GG.2 i 0.0387 -:-'■ ' I.I 7.".. 4 O.OlSi '-0.1 ' 7:t.-J ' 0.0120 '—11,7 1 70.8 0. 0408 -1.:! ' (1^.4 ' 0.0397 —1 (1(1 1 0.0385 '-•■!■■' 1 rSYCHEOMETEICAL TABLES. 39 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND "WET BULB THERMOMETERS. l°o l;6 i:r ivs B?.^ -LT.'j fu.i O. OSoO +0. 'J r..-,. :; 0. 13S +1.1. 4 (j:!.:_; 0.0127 — i'. -J Gl.-i 0.04B5 —'\0 - (17. -J 0.041? +0.T 0."..-^ 0.013.5 +0. -J i;:;.2 0.0121 —0.4 01. 0.0112 —1.1 T liT.i 0.0111 +0..'. trxi 0.0132 ±aiJ r,:;.i 0.0121 — o.c cm.;) ' o.oioo — i.'-' G i;t.(i 0.0111 +0.:; c.'j.o o.oi2» — o.-j iw.o 0.0118 -o.s iju.- 0.0106 —1.4 .:. CHH 0.013?* +0.1 lU.'.t 0.0426 -11.4 Ci-'.Ci O. Oll-l -1.0 Oil. 7 0.0103 —1 ■' 4 Gii.- 0.013.5 -0.1 tu.- 0.0123 —o.c. I.-.'.,- 0.0112 —1.-' oii.i; 0.0100 —1.7 ;i r,i;.7 0.0132 -n.-' 0,4.7 0.012© — 0.- o-J.? 0.0109 — 1.:; 00..-,, 0.0397 — 1.- •J iw.C 0.0429 -0.:! 04.0, 0.0117 -U.;i O.-.'.C, O.OIOO —1.4 tiO.4 , O.0391 --'. 1 00.5 0.012 J -00 4 01..-, 0. 011-5 -1.0 o,j. 4 O. OlOl — l.- 0,(i. ;; 0. 0392 --M 00.4 0.012.5 -0..-. 04. :l 0.01 13 -1.1 I'.-'.-J 0.0102 -1.0 i;u. 1 0.0390 -.0 2 +i:.9 60. -2 0.0123 -0.7 Cl.l O.Olll —1.3 O,-.'. 1 0. 900 8 or,. 1 0.0121 -0. ',1 0.4.0 O. 0109 — 1..'j 0,.'. (i O. 039« 7 00.0 0.0120 —1.1,0;!. 9 0.0107 —1.0 0,1., i 0.0390 59. i 0.0101 —1.6 .-,0.1 0.039M —1.7 :.-.'.' 0.039.5 —1.9 .',-.- 0.0392 --3. U .'^,0, 0. 03M9 -O.-J .-,-..', 0,03*6 -e.;: .-,-.3 0.03*1 --',5 5-. -J 0.03W2 -■-', 0, ,-.-.11 0.03*0 — ■-'. ~ .-,7.9 0.03'* -0.9 C,:k'J 0.0118 -1.0 0:1.- O.OlOe —1.7 01.7 0.0393 .'. 0.-).- 0.0117 —1.3 0;!. 7 0.0102 —1.- 0,1.5 0. 0390 4 0,5.7 0.011.5 -1.4 0,3.1; 0.0399 —1.9 i;i.4 0.03*7 3 05.0 0.0111 -1.5 03.5 0.0396 — 0. M 01. 0. 03S1 0,5.5 0.01S2 -1.0 i;3.4 0.0393 —0.1 01.1 0.03§1 1 05.4 0.0111 —1.7 03.3 0.0390 05, 0.0399 —1.- 03.(1 0.03S7 -0.0 011.9 I 0.037* -0.4 00.,- 037-5 1.7 CM. (1 03*7 — 0. 4 .-,7 7 037.5 -3. 1 1.9 5;i. S 03*1 -■.'. 5 57. 0.0372 -3.3, 0. .,9, / 0.03*1 -0.7 ,-,7.4 0369 -■,:. 4 .") -1 59. 5 0.037* -0. - 57.3, 0366 -3.6i .» -0 59. 4 0.0376 — 3. .57.1 0363 -3.7 ., - 59. ■.' 0.0371 -3,. 1 57.0 O 0360 —3. 9 0. 0', 51). 1 0372 —3. 3 5*.;. - 035* -4.0 5-. 9 0.0370 —3. 4 5i',. 7 0.03.56 -4.0 2, 'J 0.0367 —3.0 50. 5 0.03.51 —4. 3, ^3.1 .'.>.o 0.0361 H-5.9 65.0 0.0396 —1.9 00,9 0.03§1 —0.5 i,0.7 0.0372 —3.0 ^ 04.- 0.0394 -0.1 00.- 0.03*2 —0.6 On. 0. 0370 —3.4 7 04.6 0.0391 -0.0 i,-j. 7 0. 0379 -0.-^ 0,0.4 0.0367 —3.5 04.5 0.03*9 -0.4 i;0. 5 0.0377 —2.9 Oo, 3 0.036-5 —3.7 ■'■ 01.4 0.03*6 -0.5 0-,'. 3 0.0371 —3.1 00.1 0.0362 — 3.. - 4 i;i.3, 0.03*! —0.7 00.1 0.0372 —3.0 Oo. i.i 0. 0360 — 1,0 :'■ 0,1. -j 0.03*1 -0.,- O,-.'. 0. 0369 —3.4 51i. - 0.03.57 —4.1 01.1 0.0379 —3.0 1,1.9 0.0367 -3.5 5',i. 7 0.03-5.5 —4.3 1 0,4.0 0. ©376 -3.1 ' 61.- ©.©361 —3.. 7 -59.5 ©.©3.52-4.4 I i 0,3.;. 0.0371 -3.0 01.7 ©.©362 —3.- 59.4 0.03.5© —4.0 --,5 ©.©361 -3.9 ,-.0,0 ©.©3.50 -4.7 5S.4 ' 0.03.59 -4.1 50.1 | ©.©317 — 1.- 5-.0 ©.03-56 —4.0 5^. 1 0. ©3-51 —4. 4 .-,7,9 0,03-51 —4,5 ,57.- ©.©319 —4.7 ,57.0 ©.0316 j— 4.- 57.5 ©.©311 |-5.0 ,57.3, ©.©311 — :>. 1 .57.0 O. 0339 '-:'■■• .55.11 ©.0315 -5.0 .55,- ©.©312 -5.1 55.0 0,031© -,'.3 55,5 , ©.©337 -5.4 .55.3, 0.©33-5 -5.5 .55,0 0,©332 -5.7 I ,55.0 ©.©33© — 5. - 54.9 ©.0327 -O.o 40 rSYCnnOMETHICAL TABLES. +4. 'J +3. 9 +2.9 L 0?0 o 0543 0511 0538 o 0536 o 0533 0531 0528 o 0526 o 0523 o 0521 o 051§ o 0516 0.051§ H 1 0.0516 ' t 0.0511 '■' 1 0.0512 r, : 0.0510 4 0.0508 :5 0. 0506 O 0. 0504 1 1 O. 0501 o' 0.0498 O. 0495 0.0493 0.0491 0.0489 O. 048'? 0.04 85 O. 0483 0.0481 0.0178 0.0475 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. OVl O. 0532 0.0530 0.0527 O. 0525 O. 0522 0.0520 0.05 IT 0.05 3 5 O. 0512 O. 0510 97.4 ' O. 0507 07. 4 ! O 0505 97.4 I 0.0503 97. I , O. 0501 97 r. 97 7) ..' 97 r . ' 97 r. - . ' 97 . - 97 5 97 .. 97 5 ..1 97 r .. 97 4 97.4 97. 4 97.4 97. 4 97.4 0.0499 O. 0497 O. 0495 O. 0493 O. 0490 97.:', 0. 0487 97. :! .. 97, :! ..' 97. M 1 'J7. n - 9i . ;i 97. 2 0.0481 0.0482 O. 0480 0.0478 0.0476 0.0474 O. 0472 O. 0170 O. 0467 O, 0464 4.4 4.:i 4.'.! 4.1 4.0 :;. 9 3.8 94.9 91.9 94. H 94. 8 94. H 1.7 91. rt ;.(; ' 94. H 94.7 3.4 3.1 3. ',' 9 2.6 94.7 94.7 94,7 94. 7 94. G 2, 1 2,0 1.9 1.8 1.7 94.6 94.6 94.6 94.5 94.5 94. 5 94.5 94. 5 94.4 94.4 94.4 9 J, 4 0?d It3 94.9 0. 0520 94,9 0,0518 O. 0515 0,0513 0,0510 0.0508 0.0505 O. 0503 O. 0500 0.0498 0.0495 O. 0493 O. 0491 O. 0489 O. 0487 94.6 0, 0485 0.0482 0,0480 0,0477 0,0475 0,0472 0,0470 0,0468 0,0466 O, 0464 O. 0462 0,0460 0.0458 1.6 94.4 0.0455 1,5 94,:; 0,0452 0?3 :;. 9 I 92, 5 3.8 9.'. 5 :!. 7 ! 92.4 9i. I .4 j 9.' . 3 I 92 0.0509 O, 0507 0,0501 O, 0502 O, 0499 0,0497 0,0494 12.2 0. 0492 !-M ' 0.0489 12. 1 O, 0487 2.9 92.1 2.8 92.9 2.7 92.0 2. 6 ' 92. 91.9 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.0 0.04NI O. 0482 0.0480 O. ©178 0.0476 O. 0471 91.9 0. 0472 91.8 I 0.0470 91..^ i 0.0467 91.8 0.0464 91.9 1.8 91.8 0. 0461 1.7 91.7 ' 0.0459 1,6 91,7 0, 0457 1,5 91,7 I O. 0455 1,4 91.6 0.0453 1.3 ' 91.6 ' O. 0451 1.2 1.1 1.0 9. 9 91.6 0. 0449 91.5 j 0.0446 91.5 0.044 3 91.5 ' 0.0441 O.J 2.4 2.1 2. 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 9.9 9. 8 0.7 9.6 9. 5 9.4 1 3 4 ;{ 1 :! o 8 • ) 7 ^) (; 89. 9 0. ^■X 9 ,, O, \l, 8 o ^'9. 8 O. 89. 7 89. 7 89. 6 S9. 6 89.6 89. 5 ^ -r. 0497 0495 0492 0190 0487 048.> 0482 0180 0177 0475 89.4 0.0172 8.1.4 ' 0.0170 89. ;! KK :i .^'•9. 2 -9. 2 .-:>. 1 -'9. 1 S9. 0.0168 O. 0466 0.0161 0. 0162 0,0160 I 1.2 0,0158 I 1.1 0.0455 2.9 '.'. T 2.6 2, 5 2,4 2, :i .) .) 2,1 2,0 l.S 1.7 1 . 6 I 1,5 I 1,4 I 1, :'. 89,0 i 0,0452 1,0 0.9 89,9 0.0449 0.7 .'^-:.9 0.0447 0.6 88. 9 0. 0445 0. 5 8^.9 I 0.0443 0.4 8-'.,- ' 0.014I 0.3 J---. 8 I O. 0439 0. 2 88.8 ' 0.0437 +0,1 8,8,7 1 0.0435 ±0.0 88.7 I 0.0432 -0.1 ^8.7 ' 0,0429 -0,2 rSYCnROMETKIUAL TABLES. 41 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?o o?e ©?7 0?8 0^9 c^ cW — — +4.11 HT.4 0. 0I»<« ■-'.4 S4. S O.Olll 1. s s^>. (■> O.Oi«3 1.1-! Sll. -J 1 04.51 0. 7 ' "7.8 ©.Oil© + 1. 1 s S7. :! 04!X1 2. H ^4.S 0.0172 1. 7 SV* 'i O OKil 1.2 ' Sll. •.' 0. 0419 0. G ' ' ■7.7 , ©.©43N ± 1. (1 7 S7.-' O OIWI O .) .^1.7 O.O-KiO 1. 1; O. 04.>« 1.1 811.1 0. 0416 II. '< 7.0 ' ©.043.5 — 1. 1 (i .-7.-J 0.01?» •J. 1 >4. 7 O. 01«7 1. f) .--'. 4 0.04.>« 1.0 SI!. 1) 0441 0. 1 7..-, ©.©433 ) •* ^> '^;.i 0. 01^« 'J. U si.i; O.OI«l 1.4 S * '.] 0.01>3 0.9 79- ".1 0.014 1 0. 11 ■7.4 ! 0.043© 1.1! ■1 -7.1 ©.0S74 .^i.r, 0.0102 1.1! 0.01-5J 0.8 79. s 0.0 139 0. 2 "7.3 ' ©.042M 1.4 .■^7.0 O Ol^l 1..^ S4..". O.OI.>5> l.-J s-J. 1 O. 04 4« 0.7 1 7!l. 7 0. 0430 +0.1 ■7.2 0.©J2.> 1.5 'J H7.0 0.«!65> 1.7 ^1..-. 0.0 8 57 1.1 s-j. II O. 0440 0.(1 79. G 0.0 J 31 ±0. (I -7.1 ©.©423 1. (1 1 H). 11 0.«i«6 l.C, SI. 4 0.0151 1. II SI. 9 O. 044!? 0.5! 79.:. 0.043I — 0. 1 ' ■7.(1 ' ©. ©4»0 , - II i"! 1, ',i O.OKil 1.5 S4. 1! 0.0452 0. 9 Sl.S O. OJ II 0.4 79.4 0.0 129 0. 2 ' ■(i. 9 ©.©UN 0.8 +:!.;» -■■; ,< O.OKil 1.11 HI, 11 O Olio 0.7 sl.s OlS^ 0.2 79.4 O.OI2« — 0. 1! 7(1.9 ©.©11.5 — I.I ,^ ,-i;.s OJ59 1.-2 84. ■,' O. OI17 0. SI. 7 O. 043« +0.1 79.11 0. 042 1 0.4 7(1. S 0.0113 1.2 7 Nl. 7 0. «M.>7 1. 1 S4. -J O OM5 (1. .". SI. 7 0.043 3 ±0.(1 79. -i 0.0422 (1. f. ' 7G.7 0.0111 ■3 li ^l\. 7 0. 0|.).> l.U r-'4. 1 0.0113 0.4 0.0432 -I). 1 \ 79.2 0. 8 20 (1. 1; 7(1.0 ' ©.©109 . 1 f, ,^11. 11 0.»4.>:J 0.9 S4.ll 0. 01 1 1 0. 11 SI.. 5 0.0430 0.2 79.1 0.041« (1.7 7G. .-. 0.0107 . ,') 4 .■^il. 11 O.Ol.'.l 0.. Hii. ;i O. 013» 0. ■-' si.r, 0.042.'-* 1 0. 3 79. 0. 0110 (l.s 7.1.4 0. ©1©.5 . (1 Sli. f. 0.0 M» 0.7 SI!. 9 0.013 7 + 0.1 SI. 4 0.0420 0.4 7S. 9 0.011 1 0.9 : 7G.3 ©.©I ©3 ■' 2 i^fl. .') OII7 0. (i s:!. s 0.013.> ±0.0 Sll! 0.0121 O.G 7S.S 0412 l.ii : 70 2 ©.©11)1 . s 1 .■^il. 4 0.0-111 0. .^ Sll. s O OI32 —0.1 bl.2 0.042I 0.7 1 7S. 7 0. 0409 1.2 '711.1 ©.©39S . 9 (1 Sll. 4 0. oi 1 g 0.4 SI!. 7 0.0120 0.2 81.1 0. 04 8*i 0.8 7S.G 0100 1.4 1 70. ©.©39.5 .'. 1 +'.'. 11 ^iii. :; O.OlSfi^ +0. -J 0.0 9 20 — 0. .5 81. 1 O Oll> —1.2 "8. G 0403 — 1. (1 I ■ ■-'>. 9 ©0302 ■ .'. 1! s Ml. 3 O.OI36 ±0.0 si!. G 0.0121 0. G 81, 0.0413 1.3 ■ 0.0401 l.s ■ ■r,.8 1 ©.©390 ' ■ :.'< 7 «;.2 0.0131 —0.1 s;i. f, O 0122 0.7 80. 9 O 0411 1.4 ' s. 1 0.0399 2.(1 ' .-..7 0. 03^8 '■■' r. ^i.j. -i o.oi;ji 0. -2 Sll ") 0.0420 0. s SO. 8 O. 0400 1.5 ' s.ll 0.0397 2. 1 ' .">. (.1 0.©3!>*» 1 ■ \ s f) >ii. I 0.0130 o.:i S.l. 4 O. OS I « 0. 9 80.7 0. 0407 1. G ' s 2 1 0. 039.5 2.2 ' :,..-, 0. 03N1 ' ■ '. 11 4 ^-^ii. 1 O.OltiW 0. 4 s;;. :! O.OllC 1,0 80. G O. 040> 1.7 1 ' s.l 0. ©393 2 3 - 5.4 ©. ■')3S2 :. ;! .■^ii. II 0.0126 0. fi SI!. -J O.Olll 1.1 80. fi 0.0403 l.s ' S. 0.039I 2. 4 ' ■5. H ' 0. O3S0 1. 1 y 1^1 ;.o 0121 0.0 Sll. 1 ©.0112 1.2 S9. 4 O.OIOI 1. 9 ■ 7 9 0. 03S9 '' .') .■;,.2 , ©.0:5i,«i 1.2 1 f^.'i. ;i O OI21 0. 7 Sll. 1 O.OIOO 1.3 89. 1! 0.030S 2.(1 ■ ■7.8 o.osse ■J. 11 ' "5.1 0.03?.5 1. 1! H.-,. 9 O.OllS 0. s Sll. 1) O.OIOO 1.4 80. 11 0.039."( 2. 1 : ' ■7.7 I 0.0383 '■' ■5.0 0.©3?2 1.4 ^ L_- — -^ — 42 PSYOllKO.AIKTinrAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. + :|.ll i?^ l:ti 1?4 C. 7 f, i; O.OI'ift — n. 1 7:;. (1 .-..-J <►. oia« 0. :! ■ 7'J. 8 .-,. 1 4K0 8-ii, (1. r. 7-'. 7 .-..0 O.OiSl 0.7 7--'. (i l.'.l 0. s 72. r, i.s j o.«ia« (l.'.l 72. 1 1.7 O.Oil I 1.11 .1 i.i; o. «ii 1 i.'j 7'* ■* O. l 1.:! 72.1 J. 1 0.4>!«« 1. 1 72. 11 +2. '.I 7:;.:; : o.W^Jso — 2.!i '-^ 7:',. 1 , o. osri" I ;i. 1 7 , 7:;. II ! o. «;jy s ;f —1.11 7 1 . s ^ 71. :\ 0. osoo 1.7 71.7 7 7 1.2 «>. o;j»? 71. i; i: 71.1 iKmni.', 2. II 71..'. r- ' 7-1.11 0.033K4 ^) -> 71. 1 1 7:1. '.1 0. 0:?»S 2.:; 71.:: ;! 7:i. - 0. 03i^<> 2. 1 71.2 '-' 7 i'>. 7 0. o:jsr 71.1 1 7:;. n 0. 0:1N.> 2. li 71.11 II 7:;. r. 0. 03S;5 2. 7 70. <:> O.Oil'? —II o. o i a 5 O. O i I -i 0.011© 0.0 lOT 0.010.5 o. oao-i 0.0100 o. o;js>7 o. o;5«.) o.o;s;>t> O.OJSWS) O. 03W« O.OSWl O. OSWi O. 03M0 o. o;j^« O. OS?6 O. OS71 0.0:"?T'i 711. 1; 1 II ' 70 4 1.:; , 711.2 1..'. l.(i 1.7 l.s 711.1 711. O. 0!05 O. OS(>:j o. osoo O. 030S o. o;jo.> Oil. ;i o. ©."SOS (i',1. l.'.l (ill. 7 2.0 (i!). Ci 2, 1 ' Cll. .-. I'.l i::i. I C'.i. 11 O. 0300 O. OSN.i* o. o:jn.> O. iViHit o. o»«o 0.037? O. 0:J74 c 'I O. OSY'i .'. ',1 r.^. .'^ 1.11 (..^.7 >.i|(;s..; ;. 2 OS. r, 1. :; 1:-'. I ;. 1 0-.;; 0.0:?yo o. osos O. 0:?«fi O. 03« i O. OS«2 o. n'iin> l.r. c-. 2 1.7 (:~. (1 2.1 07. s 07 2.0 07 2.7 ■ 07 i "So o. o:s» I o. o;5'»a o. o;j«» 0.0:J«7 O. 0;J8 ! o. o;fs-i o. o;{79 0.0377 O. 0371 O. 0373 §f5 1 O.'i. '.I 0. 03*i'-» —2. (-,:,. 4 2. ',1 (;.-..;! ;;. 11 1;.'.. 2 3. 1 ' 0.-.. 1 :X2 0.'.. (I :i. :! 0-1. 'J ::. I M.K 0.03S0 0.03:7 0.037.> O. 037!> 0.0370 O. 03«7 O. 03(i.> O. OSfi'i O. 03«0 2. '.I :!.i i -2. !i o;.(i 0. 03«0 :!. 1 00. s O. 03«fi ;:. :: 00.0 0. 0303 :i. 4 00..". : 0.0301 ::..'•> 00. I I O. 03->!) ::. Oii 01.0 0. 03.'>7 01.4 0.035 1 :;. ;i . 01.2 O. 03'>l 03.57 03.) 5 03 5 3 O. 03«9 -:!. 0-. 1 I 0.03'i7 0.03«« I :;. s : 07. :i 1 0.035-1 :;. 8 I 00. 1 :!. 9 : 01.. II : O. 0351 4.0 ' c,-.. '.I ! 0.<»3 8 4.(1 I 04.1 I 0.03 19 1.1 04.0 0.0317 -1.2 (;::.'.i 0. 03l-> 4.:! \ 0;i.8 I O. 03!3 -1.4 I 0:1.7 I 0.03 11 -1..S I 0:1.0 I 0.0330 4.7 ! 0:1. .7 ' 0.0337 ;!. 9 4.0 i -1.2 ■1.4 -1.0 4. '.I !■..(! .'•1.1 .^. i ;i. :i 70. .1 ::. 4 70. ;i :i. .', 711.2 :i. (i 7(1. 1 :.. / 70.(1 :i. s O'l. '.) :;. !i 0!l. S 4.11 0:1.7 O. 03«3 O. 03«l! o. 0359 0.0357 O. 0355 0.0353 O. 035 1 O. 03 8 9 l.n .- . 1.2 07. 5 4.:i 07.4 4.:. (17 '* 0.0351 0.03 89 0.03I7 O. 03 15 O. 03 I 3 O. 03 8 8 4.(1 j 07. 1 ! O. 0339 4.7 ' 07.11 : 0.0337 -1.2 0.7.7 4.4 ] (M. 5 4.(1 ' or,.:! 4.8 ' (m. 1 4. '.I 0.7.0 O. 03iG 0.03 93 O. 0310 O. 0338 O. 0336 -4. 'J 0: 0:1. 02. 9 ;'.. ^ 04. '.I I 0.0334 -,. 1 I 04.8 j 0.0332 r.. 2 04.7 0.0330 ."..:'. 04.0 ' o.osas 5. 4 04. 5 O. 032G 02. 7 r ^ 02. 0) ;'>. 9 02. 4 0.0 02. :t 0.1 ' 02.1 G. 2 02.0 0.0331 0.0331 o.osas 0. 0326 0.0321 O. 0322 O. 0320 0.03IS 0.0316 0.0311 .5.8 0.0 0. 2 0.4 0. .'. 0.(1 0.7 0.8 (1.9 i'>svoiii;,( )i\i K L'i;i(jAL Taj;les. 4-; DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETER RS. 1o_ :ii S ; 7 i°s r-.'j — H 1 :~H ^ - ^ o + 1.! » i;:!.s : 0.037-i —'■'■■■> ' ' . 1 j O. 031 1 4.9:5(;.s^ 0.0331 n. 7 :,!.f^ O 032r. ' .; ! / i;:!.5 0. 0367 :'■■- CI.--' i i 4.-I 1 ' 0.03il 5.1) , .-iil.i; 0.0331 1 5. s , r,4.: O.03I9 1 O.ii t i::i.:! 0.0361 -.;» (ii. 1 0.03.5a i.i; .-,s, ,^ 0.033!^ r.. -^ 1 .'.:i. I i O. 0329 0. II ,54. 1 1 1 O. 0.il7 11. s 5 i::!.-' 0.036'> 4.1 (ii),9 O. 03.50 I.S r'^-< O. 0336 7..:: .'.11. ■-■ 1 0. 0326 0.1 5:;.' 0.0311 i 7.1) •1 1 ii:i. U 0. 03.39 ■i.-^ CD.s 0.0317 T). U ."iS, 0.033t r.. r, r.i;. (1 o. 032t 0.:; \-,:;.7 0. <►:-{ 12 7. -,' :i ' li'.'. 11 0.03.57 4.4 Cll. C, 0.0315 .".. I .".s. : 0.033a 7..(; ' .-..I. 9 0.032» 0.4 .5:1. (i 0. 030!1> 7.:; - (.•.'. / 0. 03.51 4..", ' i;ii. .-, o.o3ia fx -J 0. 0330 i 5.S .-,.-,. s 0.03I9 0.5 .-,:; ,-, i 1 O.0307 ' 7.4 1 I'-M' 03.>-.» 4.0 CO.:; 0.0310 r..:; .".>. II 0.032W 1 7..!) 1 •-.r,.7 1 0.0316 0.; 5:;. 1 o. o;so.5 1 7. 5 i 7 . 9 O. 0326 0. 1 5.',. i; 1 0. 03I S i 11.9 5:;.:; ! i 1 0.*>;;t!!;5 7.i; i +■'■'.> 1 0-'.4 i 0.0310 1 — 4.S CHI) 0331 —.''.. 7.7 7 0.0323 — 0. :i 5 5 5 O. 03 1 2 —7. 1 5:;.-.. 0.0301 -7.7 '^ >'-i---i 0.0313 ■'i. .Ml. 9 0.0331 •'•' .'7. r. 0. 0320 0. .'■) .55. 4 0. 0309 I ■ 7.5 1 .5::. II 1 0.0299 i 7. s ' I'-- 1 1 0.03H •'. 1 ' .";». 7 0. 03-^9 i .1. 9 r.7. 4 a.otiiH (i. li 1 .-..-..:! 0.0307 7. 4 i 5,'. s 1 ! 0.0296 i 7.9 ■ i; I'-MJ 1 0.0339 .-..:.! , :,;),(; 0.03-i7 (;. J")?. ',' O. 0316 o.s ( .-,.'-,. 1 0. 030.5 7.0 1 5..,; 0. 029 1 ' .s, 1 5 61.^ i 0.0337 ! .1.4 ^ .-,L1.4 1 0.0325 ii-i r>7. 1 0. ©311 0.9 54.9 0. 0303 7. s ■ .-,-J. 4 0. 0292 s. I! 4 61.7 1 0.033.5 r,.!; ' .-,;,.:; o.OSas 1 .;.:; :iO. 9 O. 0312 7.1 .-.4.7 0.0301 7. 9 5'J. -S 0. 0290 s. 5 3 CI. .J 0.0333 ■"'■7 , .-.;). 1 ©. osai 1 .".(i s 0.03J0 1 7.-.' '■ 5!. 5 0.0299 8.1 5-J. (1 O. OeSS S.7 ' ijl.4 1 0.0331 ■'■■-■ ^ 7,.^. it 0.0319 0.0 ■'i(i. O. 030?* 7. 4 1 54. :! i 0. 0296 s. :; 5i.,s 0. 02S.5 S.I) 1 Cl.-i 1 0.03->9 ■<-'J 7,s.s 0.0317 (i. s .".O. .') 0. 030.5 7.5 .54.1 O 0293 .s. 4 1 51. i; 0.02S2 ! 9. 1 ! 01.1 0.03a6 0. 1 .->^. 7 0.0311 0. ',) ".(;. :; 0. 0302 O. 0290 .'^. 5 1 51. 5 0.0279 ' 0.:i +'->. ;» 61." o.osas - -o.-J ^ .-,s.i; 0.0311 - -7. • '.(i. 2 0.0299 :- O. 02S7 — S.7 1 51.:; 0.0276 —9.4 i « j '"'■ '^ j 0. osao 0.4 .-.s. .-, 0. 030S 7. ■> .i;. u 0. 0296 S.O 5:!.0 0. 028.1 1 .-■.9 5]. 1 0.0273 '1.5 J '"•'' 1 0. 031§ 0.7. 1 .-w. 1 0.0306 1 ' ,.',. 8 0.0293 s.'i 5:;.-i ' 0.02!i«l j 1 9. II ' 511. 9 ! 0.027© i 9.(1 u GO. 4 1 0.0316 0. 7 ' .IS. O. 0301 7.4 ' .■ 0.029I 8.:! ' •■>:!.-' ' 0.0279 9. -J 511.7 0.026S ' '.'. s .5 1 (Id.-. 0.03M 0. s ' .-„-!. o.o3oa 7.G ." ."). 4 I o. oi.'Ny >'..-. , .-.::. 0.0277 1 9. :i 511.5 O. 0266 , 111. J •ju.ii 1 o.o3ia 7.■.'.- 1 0.027.5 9. 5 51). :', 0. 026S 11). 'i 1 ■' ■■''■■' 1 0.0310 7. I ■"■7, 1 O. 0->9S 7. 9 ' ." .-.. II 0. 02J>i.» 1 s. .S; .-,-.'.(; 0. 0273 j 9. i; f.ii. I 0. 0262 III. 4 i - ' •'■:'■ '-■ 0. 03o§ 7. :'. :.7. 4 0. 0296 S. ." 1.9 0.02W3 1 8.9 i .-,-J.4 0.0271 ' y.> i 49.9 0.0260 10 1 1 ■'''■ 7 0. 0306 7.r, .-,7. 'i ' 0. 029J S. -J ■ 7t 1.7 0. 02S1 9.0 .-.■.'.-' 0. 02G9 ' 9.9 ! -1'). 7 0.02-58 10. s ■'''*■ •'> f 0. 0303 7.0 .-,7.(1 0. 0°^91 s. 4 1 .-, 1 4. .5 O. 0279 , LI.-.' ' .l-i. II 0.0267 ' 10.1 49..:. ! 0.02.56 11. H 11 I : I 1 1 ! 44 rSV( HKOMETlilCAL TAIILES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. o?o ii: + i.:i +0. ;i 1 ±n. (I ±11.0 o. o(7a O. 0170 o. oa«w 0. 0t«6 o oi(>a o. ©i«a o.oa«o O. Ol.tS O.OS.»«J o oi.»s O. Ol.'il O. OJ 99 O.OIIT O Oll.> O. Oil :{ O. 04 1 1 0.01:59 O.OJST o.oi;j.> o.oj3;i o. 04:i;{ 0.04:J1 o.oiaw O. 04'iM O.Ol'iO o oiai o oia'i o oi ao O 041N O. 041« i; 17 >:. 1 '■>:. 1 :i7. 1 '.17. 1 07. 1 :i7.ii ;i7. 1) •J7. 1) !.)7. (I 'J7. 1) 96. !• 'Jil. '.I 'J(i. !_) 'X>.\} •X<. 'J im;. 'J 'Ji;. '.1 9(i. ;t «?t> «?:j O. OIOI 0.01.5!> O 01.5t O. 01-5.3 O. OI.>:j 0.01-51 O. OHO 0.0117 0.0 J IS o. oil:} O. OHO O. 0138 O. OlSW O. O S 3 1 O. OI3-> o. oi;so O. OlS-i* o.oiac o. oaai o.oiaa 1. 1 lU. l.:i I :u.:i 1.-2 1.1 O. Ol 1)> l.ll 0.0117 n.-\ j o. 01 1.5 N.:! I O. 0113 H.-2 i O. 0111 l>. !• '.11,-i I O. 013«> •M.:i \ o. ojtja O. Ol'il O. Ol'iO O. 01I8 O.OIIC 0.0114 O.OH2 0.0110 (1 ,s II 7 (1. li II. ■'> (). •■', II. 2 +"■ 1 ±11. —(I. 1 II. - 0. '.M.-i 91. -J 91.-.' 94. 1 91. 1 91. 1 91. II 91.11 91.0 9;:. 9 9:!. 9 0.0437 O. 043.5 O. ©433 O. 0431 o. O4a.oi o. oia« O. 01"*4 0.04a".> o. 04ao 0.041iX O.OJKJ "•-1 ■ 9.1.9 0.0114 0..-) , ii:;. s 0.0 I ;i;;. ;~ -II. i; 0.7 II. s 0.9 ;i:i 1.0 1.1 1.2 9:;. 7 9:!. 7 o. 04ia 0.0410 O. OHO O 0409 O. 0407 0.010.5 0.0403 O. 0401 11..^ 91..-. 0.7 I 91..". 91.4 91. I 91.4 91.;! 91.:: 91. ;; 91.'.> 91.-' 0. i; 0. .^> 0.4 0. :'. 0.2 +9.1 ±0.(1 — 0. I — 0. :! 0.4 : 91. I 0. .". 91.1 0.11 91. 1 0.7 91.11 II. ,s 0. 9 1.0 91. 91.0 90.9 1.1 90.9 1. •-' 90. S -1. 2 90. S 1. '■'> 90. 7 ( 1. 1 I 90. (i !.-> 90. r, l.i; 911.4 O. OI38 +11.2 O. 013<> +0. 1 O. 0134 ±11.0 0.0132 O. 04 30 o. oias O. 01 20 0.0121 o.oiaa 0.0 lao o.oiir O. 01I.5 0.0113 O. Olll 0.0109 O. 0107 O. 010.5 O. 0103 0.0901 O. 0399 O. 0399 O. 039§ 0.0396 0.0394 0.039'2 1. 7 I 90. ;'. I O. 0390 91;. 9 , O. 010.§ 9:i. 7 0.0399 1.-^ 90.2 I 0.03S8 1.3 I 9:!. 7 j 0.0397 1.9 i 90.1 | O. 03§<> 1-4 9:!. 7 0.039.5 2.0 90.0 0.03§4 -0 1 0.2 0. :! 0.4 0. ,1 0.1; 0.7 -II. s 0.9 1. 1 1.2 l.:i 1.4 1..-. 1.1; 1.7 1..^ -l.s 1.9 2.0 2. 1 2. 2 2. 3 2.4 2 .^> 2.6 «. 1 o.oiao 0.0121 (i 0.0 122 9 0.0120 O.OllN O.Ollti I 0.0114 1 0.0112 ! 0.0 110 O.OIOK 0.010.5 0.0103 0.0101 O. 0399 O. 0397 O. 039.5 ^7.9 I 0.0393 S7.9 I 0.0391 s;.s j 0.0389 .^7.s 0.0387 •-•-. 1 .'^^. 1 -^.^. ,'^-. -0. 1 .", 0. i; 11.7 0. .-^ II. i) I.I) 1.1 1.2 1 :; - 1 . .". i.i; 1.7 l.ri 1.9 2. 2.1 96.9 1 0.0 106 : 1.5 : 9:!. 6 ! 0.0393 2.1 90.0 ! 0.0382 0.0387 0.0386 0.038I er.ii 0.0382 .^7..-. 0.0380 S7. 4 0.0378 0.0376 0. 0374 0.0372 0.0370 -2.4 2 9 :i. (I 3.3 3.4 rsYOiiKis.M i"ri;L('AL tables. 45 ^^o- 0-oi DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERM0MSTBR3. 0?4J 3 I S-r 0?7 «?^ O?!? +1.-.1 .<..'J ! 0.0115 -II. '.I ' ^■■•■0 \ O.OIOS -l.f. ,-.'.. ^ ! 0. 0-113 l.U --'■'•' O. OSOl ! 1." 1.1 -.'. - 0. 0:JS» l.-J r->.7 I O. 03»7 :...- O.Olll ,-..7 i 0. 0101> .\tij 0.0 107 .-.. (3 i 0.0 lO-l ' .-.. .-. ! O. 0103 '. :.-..4 0.0101 .-|. 10.0 189 C,.;; ' 0.0397 +0.11 s,-,. ;; j 0.0301 '^ ^ w."..'2 j 0.039a 7 , .<.. -i , O. 0390 i> < ^1.3 li SI. 3 7 Hl.-> 0.0378 0.0370 0.0376 0.037.5 0.0373 O. 0371 0.0369 0.0367 0.0365 0.0363 '^ '-^Ll I 0.0361 'J , ^1.0 0.0359 •i.O :'.. 1 :•>. 1 3. :', 3.4 e.'. II I O. 0395 .--'..". ' 0.0393 HJ. 4 : O. 0391 f'-i.i I O. 03S9 .s.>. 3 I 0.0387 .--'.;'. , 0.03S5 0.0:.S»a O. 03SO 0.037S O. 0376 0.0371 0.03 72 0.0370 O. 0368 0.0366 0.0361 ,-^(1. 3 .-'11. :\ l.S ,MI.'J l.i) I .^11. 1 ■i. (I i HO. (I O. 039t> 0.0390 0.03S8 0.03S6 O. 03S1 •-'. 4 I 7 ■-'. 1 :;). ;i o. OSN'J •2.--1 7'.l. s , O. 0380 ■-'.;; I 7'.l.7 I 0.037W •-'. I ; 7;i. r, o. 0376 7.1. (. 0.0371 3.;) 4.11 'r-i. 1 -I.'.l Hl.H, SI. 7 SI. 7 81. C. 81. i; 81.5 -1.4 81.4 81. 3 81. -2 81.2 81.1 81.0 711. li 1:1 ■'< 7'J. 1 71). ;'> 7'J. 2 7'.l. 1 7'.l. 0.O3N0 0.0378 O. 037 6 0.037 1 0.0372 0.0370 0.03«S O. 0366 il. ',1 O. 0361 (,..-• i O. 03«'i 77.1 77.0 .'J 74.'.! 0.0369 — 3. C, 3. II 74..- ' O. ',!;f§ o. o:j>« 71. 'J 71. s 71.7 71.(1 71. r, 71. 1 71.:; 71.0 70. S 70.7 70. (j r> 70..") 4 711.4 :; i 70. :! •i \ "i0.2 70.1 70.0 (iO. 9 i.lll. s O'J. 7 09. Oil. ,' o. o;i.>i o. o;i.>a O. 03.50 O. 031N O. OSIO O.OSil o. o;j vi i.-i o.o;i:t9 o. o;j;i« O. OSiH O. 033a 0.033© o. oaas 0.03t>6 0. osai o.osaa 0.0320 O. 0318 0.0 0. 0318 0.0316 O. 03 14 0.0312 0.0310 1?1 \.-s I (;:), 4.4 i.r, 4. (; 4.7 4.S I OS, i 4.0 (;s ',. II ■ (W, .'..I I C.s '). ('. 5. .-^ liS. I! OS. 1 G7. G. 07. S (3.1 (.17.7 i:,.-i ' 07. (J G. :; ' 07. r, O. 031« O. 03I1 O. 03 12 O. 03 1© O. 033S 0.033« O. 0331 O. o:?3'> O. 0330 o.o;s2s O O-.i'Mi o. osai O. 03-i'i o.osao O. 0318 O. 031« 0.03H 6.4 ' (i7. 4 1 o.osia 6..". j (J7.:; ; O. 0310 G. G (37. -j O. 0307 G I GO. 4 O. 0306 7 j (30. :3 0.0301 .- ai.-2 0.0302 GO. 1 0. 0300 -G. G 6.S 6.0 GO 7. 1 ; GO 7. Jog 7. -I ' (30 7. :> (3G 7.6 (3(1 7. 7 W: 7. S GG O. 0307 0. 0305 O. 0303 0.0301 O. 029» O. 0297 0.0295 3 j 0.0293 ■i 0.0291 1 I O. 0289 l.I l?.'J -4.0 U\.fi 0. 0331 .'.. 1 GG.G 0. 0332 O. 0330 (10.4 I O. 0328 GG. :; j O. 032« (K;. ■.' 0.0321 (3G. 1 0.0322 (;g. 0.0320 I .^. ' (Ti.O O. 03IW G. : 0.'.. S ' O. 0310 -r.. G (il.4 64.-.' 0.0 GJ.O -h.-l 0.3.0 I G. 4 G.-.. 4 G. G ! (;,-..-.' 6.8 I Gr..o G. I 0-1.0 7.0 04. S .1 7.3 7.4 7. (3 7.8 8. (J (34.7 (34. 64. f. 64. 4 0.03 8 3 0.03H O. 0309 0.030? O. 030.5 0.0303 O. 0301 0.0299 0.0297 O. ©29.5 GJ. 1 O. 0295 G-1.-3 64. O. 0293 O. 0291 0.02S9 . 1 I (33 ' 0.0287 0.028.5 ©.©283 0.0281 0.0279 0.0277 s '* (33. 5 8.:! G3. 4 8.4 63. 3 ^.o (33. -l 8.6 (;3. 1 ©.0323 ©.©321 ©.©319 ©.©317 ©.©31.5 ©.©313 ©. 03 1 1 O. 0309 ©. ©307 O. 030.5 -0.0 03.0 ©.©3©2 7.1 ' GJ.O ©.0300 G. 1 G3.7 (;. -J g:;. G 6.:; I 03,..') G. 4 ' G:'.. 4 (., o:i. GJ. 7 ©.©298 7.4 j (;j. j ©.©29fi 7..J , (;,'. I ©.©291 7.0 G->. 3 0.0292 7.7 G-2. 1 ©.©29© 7.5 I 61.9 ©.©288 61. 8 61.7 61.7 61. .5 8.1 -8.1 8. 3 8.4 8.6 8. 9 60. 7 9. 60. 5 9. -2 ; GO. 3 ©. ©28« ©. 0281 ©.©281 ©.©282 CI. 3 I ©.©28© 61.1 I ©.©278 60.9 ©.©276 ©.©271 ©. ©272 ©.©270 -(i. 4 j 61.. s O.G 61. 7 6.8 ' 01..". ©. ©3 1 I ©. ©3©9 ©.©307 G. 9 7.0 7.1 I 61.1 7. -J 00.9 0(1. s GO. 6 0(1. .". 61. 1 I ©.©3©.5 61.--' ©.©3«3 ©. 030 1 ©. ©299 ©0297 O. ©295 ©. ©293 s. (I s. 1 -7.7 (iO. 3, 7..-^ GO. 1 8. GO. 8.1 8.6 .'.0. .s .'.9. 7 .■)0. .■> .',0. 4 .'>9. •> .-.9. ©.©291 ©. ©289 ©.©287 ©.0285 0.0283 ©.©281 0. 0279 0.0277 ©. ©27.5 9. .->8. 9 0. 0272 9. 3 (30. -2 9. .5 60.1 ©.©268 -9. 9. 2 9.3 9. .3 9. 6 9. 8 '.^. 1 -.7. 9 ©.©272 ©. ©27© 0.0268 0. ©266 ©.0261 0. 0262 8.0 0.1 9.4 0.5 I 0.7 9. s -0. 8 9.9 10.1 10. 'J 10.4 10. .3 9.9 .-.7.7 ' 0.0260 ! 10. 10.1 10.2 ©. 026C 10. 4 57 7. .". ©.©2.58 10. s 7.3 ©. ©256 11.0 7.1 ©.©254 11.1 rSYCniMJMETEIOAL TABLES. 4"; DIFFERENCE OP DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS 1°5 1?6 i:'7 1?S !';'» +1.9 :.-. 4 +0 + 1 ±11.11 ,11. :'. O. OSOO .11.1 O.OaftS >.'J , 0.0t>»6 0. 020S • 0. 0'20'> 0290 0.0'iSS . ,' O. 0286 .1 o.oasi .11 ' ». oast O. 0279 O. Oi/T o.oa7.> o. 02?;$ O. 0271 O. 0209 O. 026V O. 026.) O. 026:5 0.0261 r.7.4 .'T.l 7.7 .-,(;. 11 o. 02SS 7.;i'. ,-,r,.7 O. oaS6 ^.|| .-,r,. .-. ' o. 028-1 ^^.•J| .m;. :; ^ o. 02S2 '-^. ■•!, .v.. 1 I 0.02S0 .^.."- .-..-,. 11 , O. 02T8 .■^. •■' :..".. 7 O. 02'?« .S^I .",..'•, O. 02T1 ;•. II r.:.. 4 I O. 0272 ;•. 1 .-,.-..:', 0.0269 '■'■ :■• .V,. v' , O. 0267 '■I. •' :,:■. 1 O. 026.> '.'<■■ .-.4.11 o.02«:} '.'.'- .-.1.7 0. 0261 s. (, .-.1.4 O. 021V6 S.7 .-. l.-i O. 027J H. II r.l.O : O. 0272 '•'■ 1 ;i. ■; ;i. I 9. (. ',1. 7 11. II 111.11 .-.■.'. 7 ' O. 02->8 11.11 -■II. 1 ' O. 0216 9.:; .-.l.s 0.02Cg '— lii.--> 49. ;l 0.02.)3 — U.ll I i ! 9. r.i .'.l.C ; 0.0262 i HL 4 49.1 O 02.>! 11.- I ! I j 9.7 .')1.4 I 0.0260 i 111- II I-. 9 0.02I9 , 11.:'. I I ' I 1(1..- 1.-.7 , 0. 021* 11..''| 11.11 -1.-^. .-1 j 0.02 1.5 I 11.7 11.-.' 4-.:l 0.02l;S 11. 'I 11.4 js. 1 I 0.021 a I i-.'.i 11. r. 47.9 o.02:{» I 1-'. :! 11.- 47.7 0. 02:J7 1--'. •'■ 11.9 47..-. I O. 02:{.> 1--'. 7 s 0.0270 'J.:> --'l.--' 0. 02,5W .i; I 0.02<>8 j liM, -'1.1' j 0.02.>«> . -1 0.0266 10.;! .-.II.,-'; 0.02.5 1 .-J 0.026,B i 111.-- --iii.i; j 0. 02-52 .11 I 0. 0^62 I 19.7 .-.II. I ! 0. 02-50 '.s 0.0260 i 19.9 r.ii.-.' 0. 021S 9. 9 -, 4.; O. 02.5i> lii-lj .-.l.:l , 0.02-57 19. -i^ :,l.l o. 02.5.5 19.4, .-.:;. (| : o.02.5:{ 19..-., .-,:•,. 7 O. 02-51 19.7; .-,:;.(; ; 0.02S9 -10. 10. 49. 19. 19. 11. 11. 11. 11. 11. 9 .-.1 1 1 r.l :; .-.I 1 ,-.! i; o. 4 O. ■J O. 9 i O. ,-^ I O. c ' O. 4|0 no .9,0 02.56 02-5 i 02-52 02.50 02 2 W 02i6 Oil i 02 8 2 02 10 02:68 -1 1 . ■.' 11.;; 11..-. 11.0 11.- 11.9 1 J. 1 1-.'. -J 1-J. I I-.'. .-. .-.0.0 O. 49. S O. 19.0 I O. 19. -I : O. 111.--' ' O. i 19.9 I O. 1-.,- j O. i-.i; I o. I-. 4 ] o. I,-.--' <> 02 i i 0212 0210 02:J8 02:{6 02;ii 02;} 2 02;}o 022W 0226 ±11.11 .-.i;. 0.0261 - 1 .-.CO I 0.02-58 ..> 0.0256 "-.i; 0.02-5.5 ■'■'.. 4 0. 02.5:j -..-..'2 0.02-51 •-..-.. ' O. 02-50 I ■'i.^ i 0.02 IN ■"'1.0 I 0.0216 ■''I- I i 0.021-5 -1(1.7 11.9 <» 0219 O. 0216 -11. 0' .-'0.9 0.02:58 11.1, .-.:!.] 0.021 I 11. -2' 11.:; 11.4 11. .-. 11. (; 11. T; .-.1.9 9 0. 02i:i 7 0. 02II .-. 0. 02I0 O. 02:J8 1 0.0237 11.9 .-.0.0 1-i. II .-'0.4 1-J. 1 .-'0. -2 1--'. :; .-'0.9 r.'. 1 49. - li. r. 19.0 0.023-5 O 0233 O. 02:S2 O. 0230 O. 0229 0.0227 11.9 .-,1.7 r.>. 49.4 I 0.0226 0.023-5 i V-'.' '!'■'. ■ O. 0233 1-2.9 19.0 0.0221 0.0222 -I-.'..-' 1-. --' 1-.'..- 17.9 1-2.9' !7.7 i;!. r 47. ^ .r;.--' 47.:; i;;. i; 17.1 i:;.:,' 40.9 i:i.7 40.7 1.;.- 41). .-> i;',.9, 10.:; -1-J.-.' 17.:; IJ. 1 47.1 1-J.O 10.9 1-2.- 10.7 i:;. (1 40..-. I 4:',. 1 40.:; l:i.-j 40.1 1:4.:; 4.-,. 9 l:;. 4 I.-,. 7 i;; r, 4:,. r, O. 0233 0.0231 0.0229 0.0227 O. 022-5 O. 0223 0.0221 O. 0219 O. 02 I 7 0.02 1 -5 O. 0226 0.0223 0.0221 O. 0220 ©.02IN o.o2ir 0.021-5 0.021 i 0.0212 0.0210 1:;. ;-. 4.-,..-. I 0.021.5 l:;. ^ I.-,. 1 I 0.0211 14.11 44.9 0.0210 14. r 44.7 0.020s 14.:; 41..-, 0.0207 14. I 44.:; 0.020-5 14.0 44.1 ' 0. 0201 11.7' l:!.9 0.0202 14.9 4:1.7 ' 0.0201 -l-J. - 1:1.0' l::.-J 1:;. 1 1:;. i:!.,- 1 1.0 11. -J 14.4 44.0 -14.0, 14. 9| 1 .-,. 1 1.-,. :; 1.-,. I 1.-,. 1.-.. 7 1.-,. 9 10.11 1.-..II 4:;. 0.0199 10.1 4S PSYCUKOMETi; ICAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OP DRY AND "WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?4> ©?1 ©?3 0?3 o. -1.(1 1 -■,'. (I 1 0.099 I o. o t s a o. o i e o O. OBOS O. OBO« O. 90I «. oioa O. 3 00 o.osno* o. o;Ef>« O. O.'J^.s O. «3;>3 o. o:j»s O. 0:5^i3» O.OSS^j- O. 03N,.> o. o;iw;{ O. 03WI ©.O^Trt O. 037T O. 0376 O. OSf.j 0.037I 0.03/2 O. 0370 O. 03«? O. 03»7 m;. .^ : o. o3!>5 0.0303 O.O.I'H 0.03S0 O-OSSt 0.03«ii-> 0.W3SS ©. 03!«i'.> O. <>:5:i«i> 0.0378 O. 037« O. ©371 O. 0372 O. 0370 O. ©3fiS ©. ©366 O. ©365 ©. ©36J ©.©363 O. ©361 O. 03->9 O. ©3.57 ©.0355 O. 0353 O. 03.>l ©. 03 19 1.7 !•:■..(; I O. 03«>0 l.'.i !i:;. c, ■.'. u : ii:i. (■) •!. 1 ' ;i::.5 O. 03MS ©. ©3W6 O. 03NI ©. ©3>«i-> ©. ©3!XO ©. 037S ©.©376 '.n.r> o. ©37 1 ii:!. 4 ©. ©37'J ■.'.4 '.I.!. 4 . - ;i:!. 4 . i) I 'x;. ;3 . ;):;.:; . 1 !i:;. :■, . '-! '.K\. ■> . :! I ;i:! ■■ .4 |!);!.-i i . .'. '.i:',. 1 ©.©370 ©. ©3«S O. ©3«« O. 036 I ©. ©36a O. ©36© ©. «3.»N ©.03.56 ©. 03.> 9 i. ;i :■.. 1 !>:'.. 1 O. 03.>3 'x:.i ©. 035'> :■.. II li:;. (I ©. ©3.>9 4.0 I li:;. ©. ©3.>© -1.1 ;•:'.. O, ©3 8N 4.2 '.i>.9 0.03 96 4.;'. '.!■.>.;) ©.©3 SI 4.4 j '.1.'. 9 ©.©sia 4.5 9-'. 8 ' ©. 03J0 4.6 ' 9-.'. s I 0. 033§ :!. 9 4.0 4.1 4.-.' -4.4 4.:. 4.(; 4.7 4. S 99. ©.03S0 911. (1 O. 037S 911. (1 ©.©376 99. (1 ©.037" 9 911. 0.037a 90.9 0.037© 90. I) 0. ©3«N 99.(1 O. ©366 !I0. (I 9(1. ©.©361 ©. 036'.> 911.(1 ©.©369 90.0 I ©.©36© 9(1.0 ; O. 03.>S 9(1.0 ©.03.56 90.0 ©. ©3.>l 9(1. (I o. ©3.»a 90. (I 90. 90. 90. 90. S9. 9 s;i. 9 >9. 7 4.9 s;i. i; r>. s9. .". O. 03.>0 ©. 03 9 S O. ©3 1 6 ©. ©3 9 1 ©.©3 9'i ©03 9 1 O. 031© 0.0338 O. 0336 0.0334 0.©33'i '.. 1 .-^9.4 0.033© . 2 89. :! ©.©3.JS ©. ©326 S7.-.' , ©. 036M S7. 1 I ©. 0366 S7.1 .^7. ( .-7. ( :!. I !, 9 ^c. (; 4. 1 4.-,' 4.:'. 4.4 4.7 ■^0. Ci SI .:, S( .4 SI .4 S( .'■' SI ;; O. ©36 9 ©. 036'2 O ©36© O <>'!.> Xi ©. ©3.56 ©.035 9 0. 03.5-» 0. 03.5© ©. 03 9» ©. 031H ©03 96 ©0319 O. ©31-i ©.©310 0.033N O. ©336 l.s si;.-j : ©.0331 4.9 S(;. 1 O. ©332 -'.. sr,. 1 -,.-i h;. 1 5.:; s:;. .5. I I si;. (I r>. .-> ' s,-,.9 .5. (; I sr,.9 ."). S S.'i. s .".. 9 s.'i. 7 0. 8.'i. ©033© ©. 032!> ©.©saw 0. 0326 O. 032 1 O. ©322 ©. ©320 0.0318 0.0316 ©311 4.0 4.1 ■'■- 4.:; 1.4 i.r, r>. 9 0.1 i;. 2 (!.3 (;. 4 i;. ."> 0.0 (;. 7 G.3 PSYCHEOMETPJOAL TABLES. 49 a DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND V/ST BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?o 0?6 0?7 O; 0?9 1 ,s;.'J 0.0356 I 2 f :;. S I 0. 03.)-l 3 ' 8;!.T 1 0.0352 I 4 ,-;',. 6 ! 0. 0350 i r. s; 5 ; o.osis 1 f. s;;. 4 ; 0.0316 ' «.;;■. i 0.0314 5 ^ .-:l.';' O. 0342 'J ' R:). 1 I O. 0340 3 ".2 ■ -2.0 1 k;!. s:',. 2 c:;, ;! ' K!.0 4 .-:!. ' >■::,. (i ^ s:!.o 7 s;!. ■■^ >■;>,. 4.1 .^1.0 ' 0.0345 4.;; sii. y 0.0341 4..-I i 0. s 0.0312 4.6 .^11. 7 0.0340 4.7 HO. ri 0. 033>^ !_ s ."ii. ■"> 0. 033« 4.'.i sii. 4 O. 0331 5.0 Ml. ;'. 0.0332 .'.. 1 f^n. '3 0.0330 5. 8(1.1 0.032S -4. 11 r.. 1 77. ( . ii .0 ri.7 71;. s ,'5.8 7(;. (i .'..9 ' 7i;. 4 i;. (J 71'.. -2 (J [ 0.0331 0.0332 0.0330 I I O. 032« O. 0326 O. 032 I 0.0322 O. 0320 O. 031S O. 0316 0. 033§ 0.0336 0.0334 0.0332 0.0330 0. 0328 0.0326 0. 0324 O. 0322 -:,.3 80.0 I 0.0326 .^..5 7'J. 9 , 0.0324 .-..7 7;i. s 0.0322 .^,. M 70.7 0.0320 r..'.i 70.0 ©.031S 0. n 70..-. ' 0.0316 0.1 70.4 0.0314 G.3 70.;; 0.0312 fi.3 70. -2 : 0.0310 ' 83. : 0.0320 0.4 70.1 : 0.030!^ .1) : Ki.o 1 , 8-,'. 2 ' 82.8 i 3 , 82.7 4 ' .-^2.0 5 ' 8'.>. ,-, 6 ' 82. 4 7 82. ;! 8 ^ 82.2 ■ 82. 1 i 0.0319 0. 031S 0.0317 0.0316 0.0314 0.0312 0.0310 0.030§ 0.0306 0. 0304 -6. ,' 6.7 6.8 I'l. 70, O. 030j 0.030G ©.0305 «. 0304 -5. c. : .''...-■ ' 74.9 r. ' 74.8 6.1 74.7 6. C, . II 78. 6 O, 0302 . 1 7-,,-. ' ©,0300 0.029« 0,0296 0. 0294 O. 0292 -6.1 I 76.0 G. 3 7.-.. 9 6. .-. 7.-.. 8 6.6 7.-.. 7 6.7 7,'.. 6 t',.^ 7.-.. 5 6.0 7,-., 4 7. 7."'.. :; 7.1 -:>.2 7.2 7.-. 1 T. f) 7 1.0 7.6 ' 7 1.8 7.7 7i.r 7.8 7i.6 7. 9 ! 74. .5 8.(1 1 74.4 I 8.1 1 74.;; 8.2 ' 7 1.2 I 8.4 74.1 O. 0315 O. 0311 ©. 03 B i ©0310 ©. 03OS O. 0306 O. 0301 O. ©302 0. 0300 O. 029« O. 0296 0.©295 0.029 8 ©. 0292 O. ©290 O. 02:^'«i O. 02N6 O. ©2N4 O. ©2S2 ©.©280 6. I 6. .'. Ct. 6 6.7 —6.8 7.0 7I.."> 7i, I 74.:; 71,2 74,1 0, 0322 0,0320 0,0318 7 0.0356 6 ' 0,0314 ©0312 ©, ©31© ©, ©SOS ©,©306 0,0301 (,. -1.0 7;;. 4 (;. 7 (;. - 71,7 6.0 71.6 7.(1 71 7.2 71,4 7.;3 71,:; 7. 1 71,2 7. ,. 71,1 72,0 , ©.©311 1 71.0 I ©.©31© 71-8 ©.©308 0. ©3©6 O. 03©l O. ©3©2 7.1 72. 6 72.4 ©.03©3 ©.©3©2 O ©30© O. ©298 O. ©296 0.0291 O. 0292 ©. ©29© ©.02^8 ©0286 ■7. <; 71.0 70.8 . 70. 6 .2 70.4 . :: 711. 2 ©. 030© ©. ©298 ©. ©290 ©. 029 I ©. 0292 ©.©29© ©. 0288 ©.©286 «. ©28! H. 4 70. (J ! O. ©282 s. r, I 60.8 i O. 0280 8. (; 60.6 8.7 ' Oil, 4 ©,©2'S'8 ©, ©276 O, ©27 1 8,4 8.6 8. 9. d' 9. 2 0. :; 0. '• 0.6 9.7 8.4 8. 6 0. 9.2 72. 71. 71.8 71.7 71.i; 71..') 71.4 71.3 71.2 71.1 ©. ©28 ! —8. 60. ©.©283 0.1 6-'. ©.©282 0. 2 a-. 8 0.028© 0. :; 6~^. 7 ©.©278 0.4 f,^. 6 ©.©276 0. .'. i'.fi. f) ©.©271 9. 6 68.4 ©.©272 0,8 . 1 68. :; 0.©27© m.o 68.2 0. 0268 10.1 ' 68. 1 ©,0273 — 0. > ©.©272 10. o; ©.©271 10.2! ©.©270 11'.:; ©. ©268 10. 1 ©0266 10. .'.: 0,©264 10.6 ©, ©262 10.7 0. ©260 10.- ©,©258 11.1 50 I'SYOIlK'OMETIMdAL TABLES. - 4^ '5 •a DIPF ERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. a o a -t-» 1?0 p ^ 66. U '>- "J 0.0287 1) o — 8.'; ■ - -5 i;:;.o 1 -2 o - Pi 0.0275 0) O -<^ 3 H — 9.(1 1?» t a 5 I' H —10. 5 1.1 > a .2 o ^ •si 03 to o a 0.0299 01 £.3 V H 7. !l (1(1.0 2 y Oj'tC O. 0264 ■- ^ B a 11 -^ .57.0 0^ to a 0.0253 oj a S V H -11.1! n —1.0 69.0 1 68.9 0.029?^ H. I 6."). 8 0.0285 t^.O (12. 9 0.0273 9.7 59. 8 O. 0262 10. 7 .56. 8 0.0254 11.4 2 68.8 O. 0295 8. :! rc.i') 1 0.028:{ 9. 1 (;2. 8 0271 9. 9 59. 6 0. 0260 10. 9 50.6 0.0249 11.6 3 68.7 0.0293 8. 5 (■,:,. 4 0.028I 9. :i 62. 7 0.0269 10.0 59. 4 0.025N 11.1 .56. 1 0.0247 11.7 4 68.6 0.0291 8,6: (15. •„> O. 0279 9.5 (;2. 6 O. 0267 10. 2 59. 2 0.0256 11.2 56.2 0.02 IS 11.9 5 68.5 O 02§9 8.7. r,,-,. 0.0277 9. (i <;.'. 5 O 026 » 10.3 59. 0. 0254 11.3 .5(1.(1 0.0243 12.(1 i; 68.4 o.oasy 8..^ Cil.S 0.0275 9. 7 r,.i. 1 O. 0263 10.5 5S. H O. 0252 11.4 .55.8 0. 024 1 12.2' 7 68.3 0.0285 8. 9 64. (i 0.0273 9. S (M :; 0. 0261 1(J.6 .5S. (1 0.0250 11.5 .55,(1 0. O230 12.:;' 8 68.2 0.02§3 9. 1) 61.4 0271 9. 9 (!■-'. 2 O. 0259 1(1. .V 58. 4 0.0248 11. (ll 55. 1 0.0237 12. r, 9 68.1 0.0281 9.1 61.2 0269 10.0 62. 1 0.0257 10. 9 58. 2 0246 11.7 55. 2 0.0235 12. (1 —2.0 68.0 0.0280 — 9. 2 C,U> 0.0208 —10. 1 62.11 0.0256 -11.1 58. O. 0215 —11 ;i 55. 0. 0234 -12.8 1 67.8 0.0278 9.4 (V.!. 9 0. 0267 10. 3 61. S 0.0255 11.:; 57. 9 0.0244 12 1 54.9 0. 0233 12. ; 2 67. 6 0.0276 9. r) o;i. 8 1 0. 0265 1(1.5 61.(1 0.0253 11.5 57. H 0.0212 12 L! 54.8 0.0231 13.1 3 67.4 0.0274 9.8 63.7 O. 0263 10.7 (11.4 0.0251 11.7 .57. 7 0.0240 12 5 .54. 7 0. 0229 13.3 4 67.2 0.0272 10.0 6:!. (; 0. 026 i 10. 8 61.2 0.0219 11.9 57. 6 0238 12 7 0.0227 13. r. 5 67.0 0.0270 10.1 63. 5 0.0259 10. 9 (11,0 0.0217 12. (» 57. 5 0.0236 12 9 54.5 0.0225 13.7 C 66.8 0.0268 10.2 6;;. 4 0.0257 11.0 6(1. 8 0.0245 12.1 57. 4 0. 0234 13 1 .54.4 0.0223 13.9 7 66. 6 O. 0206 10. 3 6:'.. 3 0.0255 11.1 60. 6 O. 0243 12.2 '')7 'I O. 0232 11! 2 54. 3 0.0221 14.1 8 66.4 0.0264 10.4 (;:!. 2 0.0253 11.2 (1(1.1 O. 024 I 12.3 f)? '■• 0.0230 11! 3 54.2 0.0219 14.3 9 66.2 O. 0262 10.5 (;:t. 1 ! 0.0251 11.3 (1(1. 2 0239 12.4 57. 1 O. 0228 13 4 .54. 1 0.0217 14. f. —3.0 66.0 0.0261 —10. 6 63. ©. 0250 —11.5 (1(1.0 O 0238 —12. 5 57.(1 0.0227 — ir!.5 .54.0 0.0216 —14.7 1 65. 9 0. 0260 10.8: <;■,'. 8 O. 02 19 11.7 59. 8 0.0237 1'* 7 56. 8 O. 0226 1 1!. 7 .53. H 0.0215 14.7 2 65.8 0.0259 11.0 62. 6 0.0248 11.9 59. 6 0.0236 12,,^ 56. 6 0. 0225 13.8 .53. 6 0.0214 14. t 3 65.7 0. 0258 11.2 (iJ. 1 0.0217 12.1 .59.4 0235 13, (1 56. 4 O. 0224 14.0 53. 4 0.0213 15.0 4 65.6 O. 0256 11.4 f.2. 2 0. 0245 12 3 5'l. 2 0.0233 1 11 '' 56. 2 O. 0222 14.1 .53. 2 0.0211 15.1 5 65. 5 O. 025* 11.5; C2. II O 024:J ]2..) 5'.l. {) 0.O23I i:!.:; 56. 0. 0220 11.1! .511. 0.0209 15.3 6 65.4 0.0252 11. 6 61.8 0241 12. .5 0. 0229 55. 8 0.0248 14.4' .52.8 0.0207 15.4 7 65. 3 0. 0250 11. T 61.6 0.02:19 12. (' 5;-'. 6 0.0227 13. ( 55, (1 0.0246 14.6 .52.6 0. 0205 1,5.6 8 65.2 O. 0248 11. (■ 61. 1 0.0237 12.7 5.-^. 4 O 022.". l:!.7 55. 4 0.0244 14.7 .52. 4 0.0203 15.7 9 6.5.1 0.0246 11.9 61.2 0.0235 1 .) f. 5H, 'I 0.0223 111. ; 55 2 0.0242 14. t 52. 2 0.0201 15.9 PSYOUEOilETRK'AL TABLES 51 1 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. -3 ' u o a o J 1?3 1?6 1?7 1?8 1?9 •r.2 a ■n 5 W 1. -a -5 f '~ ■'■" 1 tc'bC o a ^ 2 i 5 o -1.0 54.2 0.024S -12. 1 51.5 0.0231 — 13.0 48.8 1 0.0220 — 14, i: 46.1 O. 0208 —15.3 43. 4 0.0497 —16.3 1 54.0 0. 0240 12.2: 51.2 0.0229 13.2 4>, 5 j 0.0218 11,;; 45,.-' 0.0206 15,5 43, 2 0.0195 16. 6, 2 53.8 0.033§ 12. 4j 50. 9 O 0227 i:;. 4 4.^.3 0.0216 14, 1 4,5.5 : 0.0204 15,6 43, 0.0193 16.8 3 53.6 0.0336 12. 1.; 50. 7 0.0225 13. 6 4-. 1 0.0214 14. i;^ 45,3 , O.O202 i 15, s ! 42,7 0.0191 17. o' 4 53.4 0.0234 12.8 5'l. 5 0.0223 13, S 47. 9 0.0212 14..^ 4.5.1 O. 0200 i 16. 42. 5 0.0189 17.2 5 53. 2 0. 0232 13.0 50. 3 0.0221 14.0 47.7 0.0210 15,11 44. 9 0.0198 16.2 42. 2 0.0187 17.4 fi 53.0 0.0230 13.2 50.1 0.0219 14.2 47.5 0.0208 15. y 44.7 0.0196 Hi. 4 12. 0.0185 17.6 7 52.8 0. 0228 13.4 49. 9 0.0217 14.4 47. ;; 0206 1 5. 4 41.5 0.0194 16. 6 41.7 0.0183 17.8 8 52.6 0.0226 13. 6 49. 7 0.0215 14. (, 47.1 O. 0204 15.6 U.3 0.0192 16.8 41.5 0.0181 18. 9 52.4 0. 0224 13.8 49. 5 0.0213 14.8 46.9 O. 0202 15.8 44,1 0.0190 17. 41.2 0.0179 18. 2 —2.0 52.2 0.0222 —13. y 49. 4 0.0211 —15. 46. 6 O. 0200 — ii;.o 43. s i 0.0188 '-17, -J 41.0 0.0177 —18.4 1 .52.1 0.0220 14.1 . 49. 3 0. 0209 15. 2 46. :■, 0.0198 l(i.2 43. 5 0186 17.5 40.7 0.0174 18.7 2 52.0 0.0218 14.;; 49. 1 0.0207 15. 4 4(i. 1 0.0196 16. 4 43. 2 0.0184 17.8 40.4 0.0472 19.0 :i 51.8 0.0216 14. :, 48. 9 0.0205 15. r 45. 9 0.0194 16. 6 4:!. 0.0182 IS. 40,1 0.0170 19.2 4 51.7 0.0214 14.7 48.7 0. 0203 1.5. & 45. 7 0.0192 16.9 42. 8 0.0180 18,2 39. 8 0.0168 19.4 5 51.5 0.0212 14. ',1 48.5 O.O201 16. 45. 5 0.0190 17. 2 42.6 0.0178 18.4^ :;9.5 O. 0166 19.6 e 51.4 0.0210 15.1 48.3 0.0199 16.2 4.5. 3 0.01S8 17.4 42, 4 0.0176 18. r :!9,2 0.0164 19.8 7 51.2 0.0208 15.3 48. 1 0.0197 16. 4 45. 1 O. 0186 17. (; 42.1 0.0174 18.8 ■■'"•'• 0.0162 20. 8 51.1 0. 0206 15. 5 47. 9 0.0195 16. 6 44. 9 0.0184 Yl.V 41,8 0.0172 19. C ;'.8. 6 0.0160 20.2 9 .50. 9 0. 0204 15. 7 47.7 0.0193 1 6. - 41.7 0.0182 IS. 41.5 0.0170 19.2 ;!8. 3 0.0158 20.4 -3.0 50.8 0.0202 —15. 47.6 0.0191 -17. C 44.4 0.0179 -18. 2 41.2 0.0168 —19. 4 38.0 0.0156 —20. 7 1 50.6 0.0200 16.0 47.4 0.0190 17.1 44.1 0.0177 IS. 4 41. 0.0166 19.5 37.8 0.0154 20.8 2 50.4 0.0199 16.2 47.2 0.0188 17.;' 4:;. 9 0.0176 IS. 5 40,7 0.0165 19.7 ;!7.6 0.0153 21.0 3 50.2 0.0197 16.3 47.0 0.0187 17.4 4:i.7 0.0171 IS. 7 40.4 0.0163 19.9 ;!7.4 0.0151 21.2 4 50.0 0.0196 16.5 46.8 0.0185 17. ( 13. 5 0.0173 IS. ;i 40, 1 0. 0162 20.1 ;;7.2 0.0150 21.4 5 49.8 0.0194 16.6 46.6 0.0184 17.7 13.3 0.0171 19.(1 39. 9 0.0160 20,3 ;37.0 0.0148 21. ( 6 49.6 0.0193 16.8 16. 4 0.0182 17. !_ i;! 1 0.0170 19. 2 39. 7 0.0159 20. 5 36.8 0.0147 21.8 7 49.4 0.0191 ir. t 46.2 0.0181 I'^.l 42. 9 0.0168 19.4 ;'.9. 5 0.0157 20. 7 36.6 0.0445 22, Oi I 8 49.2 0.0190 17.1 46. 0.0179 l^. 2 42. 7 0.0167 19. 5 39, ;; 0.0156 20, ;- ;;i;. 4 0.0144 22. 2 9 49.0 0.0188 17.2 4.5. 8 0.0178 IS. 3 42. 5 0.0165 19. 7 :;9. 1 0.0154 21.1 36. 2 0142 22.4 52 PaYCnROMEirJCAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?0 0?1 «^'3 0:3 »?.l 1.0 -5.0 1 -0. n 1 £i5 i ? O. ®3.>» O. 03.>8 o. <.sa.>« O. 03.51 O. 0352 O. 03-50 O.OiUS O. 034« 0.0344 0.0313 ©.03 42 0.0344 0.03 40 ©. 033§ O. 0336 0.0334 O. 0332 O. 0330 0.0328 O. 0327 0.032G 0.0324 0.0323 0.0321 0.032© 0.0318 0.031'? O. 0315 O. 0314 I ! O. 031S ;h;. •> 'ji;. 2 00. 'J 00. -2 O. 034« O. 0345 0. 034 I 0.0312 0.0341 O. 0340 ©.0338 ©.©336 0.0334 0.0332 O. ©33© ©.©329 0.0328 0.0326 O. ©325 O. 0324 0.0322 ©.©32© O.0318 00,1 0.0316 Oi;. I ©.©315 OO. 1 ©.031.3 00.1 ©,0312 oi;. 1 ©.©310 00. 0.0309 00.0 0,0307 00.0 0.0306 00.0 0.0304 00,. I 0.0303 - 1.7 ^.» 4.0 .", 5,1 5. ■-' 5. :5 5.4 5. 5 5.0 -5.7 5. -^ 5. 0.0 6.1 f). '2 G. :; f). 1 0. 5 e. (J c a 0-'. S : ©.©336 ■£-3 1 :0 ©.©325 -0.1 K-,.5 ! 0,0313 02. « 0.'. 8 0-2.7 02, 7 02. 7 0-2, G 02.6 02. G 0-2. 5 02, 5 0-2. 4 02, 4 02. 4 02. 3 0^2, 3 •J:i. 3 0-2.2 0-> '2 -0. 7 0-2. -2 0. 0-2. 1 7.0 02.1 7.1 02.1 7. 2 0-2. 7.3 02.0 7.4 7. i) 7.0 7.7 02. 01.9 91.0 91,9 0.0331 0.0333 ©.©331 ©0330 0.0328 O. ©327 ©. 0325 ©0321 ©.©322 ©. ©320 ©.©318 ©.©317 0.0315 ©.©314 O.0312 0.0311 O. 03©9 ©. 03©8 ©. 03©6 ©. ©304 O. ©3©2 ©.©301 ©. 0299 ©.©298 0. 0296 0. 0295 ©.0293 O. ©292 ©. 0290 0,6 so, '2 , ©,©323 5.7 I !^\t.'i i ©,©322 5.8 so. '2 , ©.©32© 5.0 : SO. -2 . ©.©319 0.0 , sO. 1 I 0.0317 6.1 I so, 1 ©.©316 6.2 -0.1 0,0314 (i. ;i : 85.5 0.4 ; 85.4 6.5 : k:,.:', 6.(; 85.0 6. 7 85. 2 0. 8 s.-,, 1 6, 9 1 S5, 1 6.3 6.4 -6.5 i;. 6 0.7 0.8 0.9 80. 1 SO. 1 80.0 s8. 9 s8 8 7.0 88.5 7.1 83. 4 7. "J 83. 3 7.3 HS. 2 7.4 SS. 1 7.5 S8. 11 7.7 88. 7. 8 88.0 7.9 88.0 ©.0313 ©.©311 ©. ©3©9 O. ©3©7 ©.©306 ©. ©304 ©. 0303 ©.©3©1 O. ©30© ©.©298 ©.©297 ©. ©295 ©. ©293 ©.©292 7.0 7.1 85. 84. 9 -7.2 , 84. 7. 4 81. 7.5 184. 7. 6 ! 84. i 7.7 ' 84. 7.8 I 8). 7.9 I 84. 8.0 j 84. 8. 1 34. 8. 2 84. i ©.©290 i 8.G 0.0289 8.0 8S. I 0.0287 I 8.1 8S, I ©.©2 §6 8.2 88,0 ! ©.©284 i I 5.3 : 88.0 I 0.0283 8.4 ' 88.0 I ©.©281 8.5 ! 8?. ' ©.0279 8.7 8. 8 8.9 9.0 0.1 9.2 9. 3 8), 2 81, 1 84, 1 84.0 80.9 83. 9 83.8 83. 6 0.0311 0.0310 O. ©308 0.©3©7 ©. 0305 0.0304 O. ©302 ©.0301 ©.©299 ©. ©297 ©. ©295 ©. 0291 0. 0292 ©.©291 ©.©289 ©.©288 ©. 0286 ©.©285 0.0283 -0. 9 7.1 7.8 7.9 — "^.0 8 " 8. :') 8.4 8 5 S. 8.7 H S 8.9 y.o ©.©281 -9.1 i 0.0280 ! 9.3 I O. ©278 9. 5 ©.©277 ©. ©275 0.0274 ©.©272 0.6 0.7 0.8 9.9 0.0271 ' 10.0 O. ©209 0.0208 10.1 10.2 P.SYCllEOMETKICAL TABLES. .J') DIFFERENCE Or DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0°« 0?6 « 7 0:'8 0.» -4.0 1 bl.'J t^l.7 SI, 4 1^1.;! HI.-.' o. o3oa 0. 030© 0. 029ft o.oaov O. ©29« O. 0294 0. 0293 0.0291 ©0290 ©. 0-»§§ .0 sl.O ©.02.^« 1 .-ii.;i ©.02S1 •J .-II. s 0.02§:t ;i -O.T O. «2)>*i 4 HI. (I I 0.028© .'' ' Hil. 5 i ©.©278 ti ] .'■■0.4 7 .*ii. :! ©.©277 ©.©27.> I < 8II.'.; I ©.©271 • ■ 80,1 1 0.0272 7.7, 7.-.0 ©,©290 7,'.l 77.11 O. ©2!SI§ S. Hi 77..- , O, 02S7 ;-, li 77.7 I 0.02X1.5 .«, 'J; 77, r. I ©. ©2!!ll 8,:; 77.5 0,©g§2 .^.4 77, ! 0.02S1 H. ,-, 77,:; O. 0279 77. •> j 0.027S ,^.7' 77.1 I O. ©27« S. .- 77.0 O. 0"27a \\.\v 70, 'J y.©272 'J. v' 71;. ■•■ 0.0271 'J.;' 71;.-; O. 02«0 ;i. -! 70. r, \ ©.oces '.I.,' 7ii, .-. : ©,©267 ',1,0 70, 1 , ©, ©2«-5 0,7' 70.;; I ©,©2«1 ',1. s 70. -i i 0,0202 s,:,j 74.0 8. 7 1 7;;, 9 r~.\\ 7:;, 8 ',1, ii[ 7:!, 7 11.1 7:10 ',1. ■'! 7;".,;', O. ©279 ©.©277 ©0276 ©. 0271 ©.©273 ©.©271 ;•. :! 73.4 ■ ©.©27© ',1.4 7.!.:! ' 0.0268 '}.y 7;;, -J i ©.0287 'J. 0! 7.;. 1 ©.020.> 71.0 ©.©267 —1(1. -J 0^ 'A .".j 70.;) I ©.©265 j 10. 4j 07 'J. 7j 70. .s , 0.0261 : 10. lii 0; 0. s'l 70,7 i ©.©262 j lO.-,; 0; 1 '.I. '.I: 70.0 ©.©261 i 10.--: 0,; 10. Oi 70. .[, ©.©259 j 10. '.i| 0; 10. ij 70.4 0.0258 ' 11. Oj o: 10. -J 70. :i 0.0256 I 11.11 0; 10. :;! 70. 'J ; O. 0255 \ ll.'-i 0: 10. 4! 70.1 1 ©.©253 ' 11.- 0, u ©.©256 —11.1 'J ©. ©254 11.:; s © ©252 11.4 i ©.©251 11. « ©.©249 11.7 .-, j ©,©218 11.'. 4 ©. 0216 v:.y :5 ©, 0245 v.. 1 •.' ©.©213 l-.'.'- 1 0. ©242 1-.'. ■ ',1.7 7:1.0 ©.©263 ,—10. ©.©251 —11.."' 0,7.0 ©.©210 !i 7.'. 'J ' ©.©263 10.7; O'.l.s ©.©250 -C. I 4 7 HI I, 7:1, '0 7!l, S 711.7 1.6 7 '.I, .'1 711.4 711, ;> 711. 2 711. 1 0.0270 0, ©268 ©, ©267 ©. ©265 ©.0264 ©0262 ©.©261 I 0.0259 ! ,©.-©258 ©.©256 .-lii.n 70.0 10. 'J 7.-.. U 10.:; 7.".. s 10.4 7."., 7 10. fj 7.". (; 10.0, 7.'.. r, 10.7 7.7.1 10. .s 7."..;; 10. ','1 7.7.2 11.1' 75.1 O, 026© 0.025S O. ©250 ©. 025 > o. ©2>;> 0.0252 ©.©■.;50 0.0219 ©.©247 ©. ©246 ©0211 10. 1 7.', .- II), -J 7j. 7 10,:; 7.'.G 10,4' 72,5 10,.". 72.4 10,0 7 2,:; 10.7: 72.2 10. si 72. 1 ©. ©26© O. ©258 ©.©257 ©.©255 ©.©25 1 ©.©252 ©0251 O. 0249 1 1.0 r.i. 11. 1 0.1.4 11.2 00.2 ii.;;| 0,4,0 11.4, OH, .s 11.5, 1;-, 6 11.0 0-;. 4 11.71 0-J,2 11.7 i;,i,.- 0,0238 11. ',1 0;. 0, O. 0236 12.0 01 I ' O. Ol;3> 12.1' i;;i. 2 ©.0233 12,2 0,,;, ' 0.0232 12.:; Oj. ,H ©.©23© 12.4 (55.0, ©.©229 ©.©239 I 12,5, 6,5.4 j ©.©227 ©.©238 i I'^r.j 05,2 I 0.0226 ©0218 0.0217 ©.©215 ©.0214 O. ©242 ©.©241 -10,11 11. 1 11.:. 11. 1 11.5 11.0 11.7 11. H 11.11 12.0 72.0 I ©.0247 71.11 ©.©2 40 71.- \ ©.©214 — U.s, 0,-. 12,0' or. 'J 12. r (;7..H ©.©236 -l-'.7 0,5,0 ©.0224 0.0234 12.0 04.11 0.0222 ©.©233 i:!.o 01, s 0.0221 ©,©231 ' 1''. 1' C;i-~ ©.©219 ©.©23© ' 1-- I'l-I^ \ 0.0218 71.5 I ©.©24© i n.4!07.5 ©.0228 1 1:5. :i Ol, 5 i ©. ©216 71.4 ©.©238 12.5 07.4 jO. ©227 j i:;. 4 04. 4 ; ©. ©21 5 71.:; ©.0237 1 12.0 07.5 i ©.©225. i:>.5,o,.:; ©.©213 71.2 0.0235: ©.0224, 1:1. 0| 0,. 2 , O. 0212 7,1 ©.©231 ' l^.^'-l 0-«2^^i i:'-V^^-l:«-»^»*» 71.7 ©.©213 I 1-.- 0,7.: 71. 0, ©.©241 12.:;, 0,7.6 -12. J 1 .'. : 1 J.7 l..ll 13.1. 13.:. U'.. 4 i::.5 -13. 7 13. It 11.1 14. 2 1 !. :: I 14. 4, 14.5 14. (, 11.7 14.0 54 rSYCHKOMETRICAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF D.RY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 3 o ! b 'y^ ■ — 5 1?I .a 3 H 1 1:3 I?3 1?4 ! oj ja 4J a 'r^ f. a w til a X) .a ^ o a — a % ^ 3 r^ a d T- a .a 9 .2 a '2 i t 3 ■" H a , — , |f5 o —4.0 G.-). 0.0244 —12. 61. 0.0233 —12. ; 5-.0 ©0221 —14.1 55. 0.021© —15.1 52.0 , 0.0199 —16. 1 1 64.8 0. 0243 12. 2 60.9 0.0232 13.1 57. 9 0.0220 14.2 51.8 ©0209 15.3: 51.8 i 0.0198 1G.3 2 64. (i 0.0242 12. 4 6.0. 8 ©.©231 13. 2 57. 3 ©.©219 14.4 54. G 0.02©8 1.5. 4 51.0 ©.©197 16.5 :', 64.4 0.0241 12.6 60. 7 ©. ©230 13.4 .57. 7 ©.©218 11.6 54.4 0. ©2©7 15. 6 51.4 ©.©196 16.7 4 04. 2 0. 0240 12.8 60. 6 ©0228 13. 5 .57. 6 0.0217 ll.f 51.2 0. 0206 15.7 51. 2 0.©195 16.9 r (;4.0 0.0238 12. 9 611.5 ©.©226 13.7 .57. 5 ©.©215 15.(1 54.0 © ©2©4 1.5.9 51.0 ©.©193 17.1 1 6;!. 8 0.0230 l:!. (1 60.4 ©224 13.8 57.4 ©.0213 15.1 53. 8 ©.©2©2 16.0 50. 8 © 0191 17.3 / 63. 6 0.0334 l:;. 1 i;il. 3 ©. 0222 14.0 r*-' o ©.©211 15.2 53. 6 ©.©2©© 16. 2' 50.6 0.«1§9 17. .5 c'* 63. 1 0.0232 13. 2 611.2 ©.©22© 14.1 Ti? *■' ©.©209 15. 3. .53. 4 0.0198 16.3 .50. 4 ©.0187 17. C 9 Ii3. ■-' 0.0230 13.3 60. 1 O. ©21§ 14. 3 57.1 ©. ©2©7 1,5. 4 53. 2 0.0196 16.5 50.2 ©0185 17.7 j — '.. 63 O. 022§ — i:!. 1 on. ©217 —14.4 57. 0. ©205 -1.5.5 53. ©.©194 —16. 6, 50. ©.©183 —17.8 1 62 ;i ©0227 1 3. .f, 59. 8 ©.©216 14. 6, 56. 8 ©.©204 1.5.7 .52. 8 ©.©192 16. b' 49.8 ©0182 17.9 2 62 8 ©. 0225 13.7 59. (.i 0.021.5 14.7 56. 6 0.©2©2 15.8 52.6 ©.©191 17.0 49.6 ©.©181 18. 1' ;! (i2 7 0.0224 13.,- .59. 4 ©.©214 14.9 56. 4 ©. ©2©1 16. .52. 4 ©.©189 17.2: 49.4 ©.0180 18.3 4 62 (; 0.0222 ]3.9 59. 2 ©.©213 15.0 56. 2 ©.©199 16.1 .52. 2 ©.©188 17.41 49.2 0.0178 18. 5: 1 f, 62 •J 0.0221 14.1 59.0 ©.©211 15.2 56. 0.0198 16. 3 52.0 ©0186 17.6 49.0 0.0176 18.7 62 4 O. 0219 14. 3 58. 8 ©0209 15. 3 55. 8 ©.©196 1G.5 51.8 0.0185 1 17. 8| 48.8 ©.©174 18.9 < (;.' 3 0.0218 14. .^ 58. 6 ©.©2©7 15. 5 .55. 6 ©. ©193 1G.6 51.6 ©0183 17.9, 48.6 1 0.0172 19.1 8 62 - O. 0216 14.6 58. 4 ©. ©2©.5 15. 6, 55.4 0.0193 16.8 51.4 ©.©182 1,«. 48.4 0.017© 19.3 '' 62 1 0.0215 14.7 ")S ■* ©.©203 1.5. 8 55.2 ©.0192 16. 9 51.2 0.©180 18.1 48. 2 0.0169 19.4 i ^11.0 6,2.0 0.0213 — 14.S 58. (.1 ©.©2©1 —15. 9 55. ©.©190 —17.0 51.0 0.0179 -1,8. 2 43. ©0167 —19.5 1 61.9 0.0212 1.5. U 57. 9 ©.©2©© 16.1 54. 8 ©,0188 17.2 50.8 ©.©177 18.4 47.3 1 0.0165 19.6 2 61. 8 0.0210 1.5. 2 .57.8 ©.©198 16.2 54.6 ©.©187 17.4 50.6 ©.©176 18. 6 47. 6 ©.©164 19.7 ■■^ 61.7 O 0209 15. 4 57. 7 ©.©197 16. 4 54. 4 0.0185 17.6 50.4 ©.©174 1,8. ,8^ 47.4 ©.0462 19.8 4 61.6 ©. 0207 15.6 57. r, ©.©195 16.5 54. 2 0.0184 17. H 50. 2 ©.0173 19.0 47.2 0.©161 20.0 61.5 0. 0206 1.5.7 T)?. r, ©.©194 16.7 54.0 0.0483 1>-'. 1"! 50.0 ©0171 19.2 47.0 ©0159 20.2 G 61, 4 0. ©204 15. - r.r. 1 ©.©192 16. 8 .53. 8 ©.©181 18. 2 49. 8 ©.©17© 19.4; 46.8 0.0158 20. 4 ' 61.3 ©. 0203 15.9 r -■ ' ) ©.©191 17. 53. 6 ©018© 18. 3, 49. 6 ©.©168 19.6 46.6 ©.©156 20. e ,^ 61.2 ©.©2©1 16. r*^ '• ©.©189 17.1 53. 4 0.0178 1-i. 4 49.4 ©.©167 19.7 46.4 0.0135 20. ^ 9 1 61.1 ©. 0200 16.1 57.1 ©.©18§ 17.3 53. 2 0.0177 18. 5 49.2 0.0165 19.8 46.2 0.0153 21.0 rSYOHEOMETEICAL TABLES. ,),) 4^ o u c s DirPERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 1 [ 1 1°5 1?6 1?^ 1' 1?8 1 l?» ^' a OJ — - ' ^ -H ' ^ o a '5 ^ ^ v t- •Oi 1 .*^ S , Jj i \ '£ , \ a , ,' ^ \ >■ : = i " s ^ 9 J 1 c 4i 1"? ^5 1 £.2 = 1 5,1 1 2! g| 'i ^ 1 C \ '-Z 'c, \ .^ i \ ^ ^ «| 1 "sl !H 9 ^ C-3 ! li'f ~'H ■^■^ i ^ ^ " 'i '' '" •- £. 1 -^ ,1^ ' ^ ■" , ^ '- -(J C ^ "J ■-£■5 1 :fo 1 5^ 1 :c^ ■%a : t^ 1 3 ' 1 i; a g^ 1 a ; 4^ = 1^ i H i c3 fi"^ 1^ li'"" l-^ \l i i ' 1 A 1 1 1 ' " ! ~ — 4.0 I 48.8 1 0.01 §7 -17. 3 4.'.t 0.0176 -18. rJ 42.-: 1 0.016J — I9,s :;^.( 0.0153 :-21,2 3,-,,!) , O.OIJB L- ^■: 1 " * ' 48.1. 0.018.3 17. •"' 4.-,. 3 0.0174 18. 6j 42.0 0.016a 20. ()■ 3S. 7 0151 1 ' i 21,4 35.6 1 0.0140 ,' 22,9' ^ 48.4 0.0183 17. 7 4.-,. 1 0.0172 18..'^' 41.8 0.0161 20.2' :h.- 0.0149 21,6 3,5.4 0.013,>* 2:;.-' 3 48. 2 0.0181 17. 9 44.9 0.0171 19. U, 41. 1; 1 0.0159 21). 4| 3H. :: 0. 0148 1 21. H 35,1 0.0 136 '-';!. -1 4 ; 48. (. 0.0179 1-'. 1 41.7 0.0169 19.2' 41.4 1 0.0158 20.61 3-^.1 0.0146 22, 1) 34. ,s 0. 0135 '.M, (1 5 47. s 1 0.0178 ' 18. 1 ' 44..', 0.0168 19.4 41.2 0156 1 21). ,'■ 37, 9 1 ! 1 O.OI4.1 ! 22.2 31.., O.OBSJJ '.' , t , iS 6 4M; 0.0177 I 18. > 44.3 O.OI66 : 19.6 -11. u 1 O.OI55 21.1) 37.7 0.014 3 22.4 3 1,3 ! 0, 0131 21,0 7 47.4 0.0176 18. - ''-•• 1 j 0. 0165 19. - 40. 8 0.0153 21.2 37., -J 0.0142 2.', 6 31,1 1 0,0130 i 8 47. 2 0.0175 18. h ■1--9 j 0.0163 20. 1)i 40.6 0.0151 21.4' 37.3 0.0140 22,.-: 33, ,H i 0.0128 21, 1;' 9 47.0 0.0173 18. f 43.7 0.0163 20. 2' 40. 4 1 0.0150 21.6' 37.1 0. 0138 23, (1 33,5 0,0 126 21,,^- -5.0 46.7 O.0171 — UM. 43.4 1 0.0160 — 2(1. H 411,1 0.0148 |— 21,7| 36.,^ 0.0137 1 03. ._, 3,!, 3 1 0.0125 —24,!), 1 40. r, 0.0169 19.2 1 43.1 0.0158 ' 20. r.l 39. H 0.0146 1 22.0' 33.6 0.01 35 23,5 3,3,0 1 0.0123 \ 2 40.3 0.0168 19.4 42.9 0.0157 20.7, 39..-. 1 0.0145 , 22.2' 3!;. 3 0. 0134 2,!..^, 32.7 ^ 0.0122 25. 4 3 4C,1 0.0166 19. G 42. 7 O. 0155 ■ 20. 9| 39.3 0.0113 22. 1 36. 1 0.0132 21, 0' 32,5 1 0.0120 1 25. C' 4 45.9 0.0163 19.8 42. .5 0.0154 21. 1 39. 1 0. 0142 2.'. i 35.9 0.0131 21.2^ 32.3 0. 0119 '*.-, H 5 45.7 0.0163 19.9 42. 3 0.0152 21. 3| 3,8.9 0.0140 0. > ^^ - 3.5.6 0.01 29 24.4 32.1) 1 0.0117 ; 26,0 C 45. 5 0.0162 20.1 4'-'. 1 0.0151 j 21. rJ 38.7 0.0139 23. C . 3.5.4 0.012s 21.6 31.7 0.0116 26. 2 7 45.3 0.0160 20. 3 -Il-S 0.0149 1 21.7, 3,8..^, 0.0137 23.2 35.1 0.0126 24. s 31.. 1 1 0.0114 26. .1^ 8 45.1 0.0159 20.5 41.7 0.0148 21.9' 38,:; 0.0136 23.4 34,9 0.0124 25.0 31.1 0.0113 26. r. 9 44,9 0.0157 20.7 41.5 j 0.0146 1 1 22. 1 38. 1 0.0134 23, 6| 31.7 0.0123 1 25.2^ 30.9 0.0111 26. ,-: -6.0 44.6 0.0156 -20. 8 1 41.2 j 1 0. 0144 —22. 3i 37. 8 00133 -23, 9 34.4 0.0121 ' 1 i ,1 ! -25.5! 30.7 0,0110 i— 27,1 1 44.4 0.0154 21.0 41.0 0.0142 j 22. .0 37.4 0.0131 24.1 31.2 0.0120 i 25,,- 3.0..-, 0.0108 27. 3 2 44.2 0.0153 21.2 40.7 0.0141 22.71 37.1 0.0130 24. 3 33. 9 0.0118 26. 0, 30. 2 0.0107 1 27, 6, 3 44.0 0.0151 21.4 40,5 O. 0139 22.9' 36. ,H 0.0128 24. 5 33.6 0.0117 26. 2' 29. 9 0.0105 27, ,-' 4 13. 8 0.0150 21,6 40.3 1 0.0138 j 23.1, 30.5 1 0.0127 21. 7 1 33.3 0.0115 26. 4| 29.1; 1 0,0104 i --'■ 1, .S i 3.6 0.0148 21.8 10.1 0.0137 23.3' 36.2 0.0126 24.9'' 33.0 0.0114 26,0' 29,3 0.0102 ^ ■.! 6 4 3.4 0.0147 22.0 ; 59. 9 0.0135 1 23.5 :•„-,. 9 0.0124 25. 1 3,2. 7 0.0112 21',, .- 29,0 0.0101 2-'. 6 7 4 3.2 0.0145 22. 2 r !9.7 0.0134 23.7 35,6 0. 0122 25.3 32,4 0.0111 27,0 2-, 7 0. 0099 "'S ,"-" 8 4 3.0 0.0144 22.3 : 9.5 0.01 32 23.9 ;!5. 3 0.0121 25, 5 32, 1 0.O1O9 i 1 27,2 2,-. 4 ; 0. 0098 • 29,0 9 1 42. 8 < l).014a 22.4 : 9. 2 < 0131 1 21.0 35.0 ( 0.OH9 '*5 7 31. s < 0.O1O8 27,4 2-, 1 1 0096 1 i 5G rSYCHROMETRICAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?-J 0?3 0?1 o. 02 so O.O'iSS O. 02SC 0.0385 o. 02§:i o. oas'i o. oi.iso o. oa7» 0.0277 o. 0S^« 0.02 71 O. 0273 O. 0273 O 0270 O. 02«ft 0.02G? O. 02«« O. 0261 O. 0263 O. 026S O. 026® O. 02.5S O. 0256 O. 0231 O. ©233 0.0232 0.0231 O. 0250 O. 024« r-'.l. 88.(1 1 0. 027M 7.'.i 0.0276 <.'y^ :-'7.8 0.0273 9.0 :-7.7 0.027:1 9. 1 ;7. G 0.0272 -7.r, 0, 0270 9.:; ;-7. 1 : 0.02«i» 9. r 87.:; O. 02C7 9..--.' K7. 'i ■ 0.0266 9. 1;! .-^7. 1 O. 0261 ^,_ d ■— ./ yj S "3 z-iT) > - " ;z: i :C 1> ■— ,- <-H 9. -li s:;. r, I 9. :. 8:;. 1 9. 7 9.8 :i. !i s:;. 1 10. II 10.1 10.2 111 — 9.7 9.9 10.0 10. 1 87. 1 87. 1 8.7. 1 10. W*" 10. ■■•> .-■7 10. 4 87 10. w 87 10. r, 87 10. 7; 1 87 -10.6 10.9 11.0 11.1 1 1 . •-.' 11.3 11. -1 11.5 11.6 11.7 87. 8G. 9 si;. 8 8G. 7 8i). r. 8G. .5 8G. 4 81;. ;! f^r.. 2 f^G. 1 0.0263 O. 0261 O. 0260 O. 023S 0.0237 ©.0253 ©. 025 1 0.0252 0.0251 O. ©230 o. ©210 ©.0217 O. ©213 ©. 0211 0. 02 1 :{ 0.0242 0.0211 0.0240 0.0239 O. ©2S§ 8,!, II i 8,!. II H.>.9 tii. 9 ■■>. 8 -111. 10. g! 8i. 7 10.7! S...7 10. 8j t^'.C, 111. 9j >J. ,'•> 11.0! .-.', 1 I 11.1; 8.'. 3 11. 'j| 8 -.2 11.3 82.1 11. J t^-1.0 —11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 H.'. 61.9 si. 8 0.0266 O. 026 1 O. 0263 0.0261 O. 0260 O. 0238 O. ©257 0.0255 0. 025 1 ©. 0252 0.0231 ©.©250 0.0219 0. 0247 O. 0246 ©.©241 ©. ©243 ©.©241 ©. 0240 O. 0238 ©0237 ©. 0235 -111.: 10,1 10. t 10. i; 10.7 111.1! 11.11 11. J 11. —11.4 11.8 11. i; 12. 11 12. 1 12. '.' 12.:: 12.4 12. & -12. 1 12.7 0.0233 12.f' 81.7 ©.©232 12.0 81.6 0.0231 12. ;i 13. 0' 12.1 81.. 5 0.0230 13-1 12.2 81.4 ^ 0.0229 ' 1:3.'; 12.3 81.3 I ©.©228 13.- 12. li si. 2 0.0227 13."! 12. .- 81. 1 0.0226 I 13..'- . rSTCHROMETEIOAL TABLES. 57 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND ^WBT BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?o 0?6 0?7 0?8 0?9 a o '•^ 1 c: a ■z ■- 1 >■ -— c: 'z ^ '7 :' t 1 -' == i [^ ^ S 1 -7.U 1 2 3 79. 0. 025.> 0.0>i5S 0. 0252 O. 0250 0.0249 0.0247 0. 0245 re. 3 ! O. 0244 '^.•> I 0.0242 78.1 1 0.0241 78. 'J 78.8 78. 7 78.(1 ' 78. 5 78.1 —II.-.' 7.-.. II 0.0243 11.;; 7-1. 'J I 0.0241 11.1 71.8 \ 0. 0240 11. .'i 74.7 : 0.023§ 11. (i 71.0 , O. 023T 11.7 71..'. 0.0235 11. >< 71.4 : O. 0234 11. '.I 74.;! ' 0.0232 12. d' 74.2 ' O. 0231 ! 12.]' 74.1 ' 0.0220 -8.0 1 2 3 4 78 i^ re 78 7^ 7^! () 0.0240 0.023N 0.023C 0. 0234 O. 0233 0. 0232 78.0 I 0.0231 78. U j 0.0230 78.(1 I 0.0229 -12.2 74.0 I 0. 022§ 12.4 7:!. 'J 0.0226 12..-. 7:!. 8 I O. 022 4 12.(1 711.7 j 0.0223 12.7 71!. (1 O. 0222 12.8 711.5 12. '.I 711.4 111. I) 71!. 3 13.1 711.2 0.0221 0.0220 0.0219 0.0218 78.0 0. 022§ 13.11 , 1 ! O. 021' 12. 1 12. 3 12. r. 12. (), 12.7 12. 8 12. 9 13.(1 13. l' 13. 2 71.0 70.9 70.8 70.7 70. (1 70. .'■. 70. 4 70.3 70.2 70.1 I -13. 4 1 13.(1: 13. S 111. 9 14. 0^ 14.1 14.2 14. 3 14.4 14..'. 70.0 09. 8 (19.(1 (.19. 4 09. 2 09. (18.8 (18. (1 (18. 4 (>'. 2 -9. 78. 1 77.9 4 77. fi r. 77. 5 6 ! 77. 4 9 77. 1 0.0226 -11!.:'. 73.0 0.0215 0.0224 13.7 72.9 I 0.0213 ' i 0.0222 13.8 72.8 0.0211 0.0221 11!. 9 72.7 i 0.02I0 0.0220 14.0 7-'.G 0. 0209 0.0219 14.1 72. .'i 0.0208 0.0218 ! 14.2 72.4 0.0207 0.0217 14.3 72.3 0. 0206 0.0216 14.4 72.2 ; 0.0205 0.0215 I 14.(1 72.1 ' 0. 0204 —14.0 (18.(1 11.^^ 07.0 14.9 iu.f< Ifi. (17.7 1.-.. 1 (17.(1 1.-..2 (17. r. 1.'.. 3 (17.4 15.4 (17.11 1,5.5 (17.2 15.0 (17.1 0.0232 0.0230 0.0229 0.0227 I O. 0226 O. ©224 0.0223 O. 0221 O. 0220 O. 0218 0.0217 0.0216 0.0211 0.0213 0.0211 O. 0210 O. 0208 O. 0207 0. 0205 O 0204 ©. 0203 0.0201 0.0199 0.0198 0.0197 0.0196 0.0195 0.0194 O. 0193 0.0192 -13.0 07. 13.2 GO. 9 13.3 0(1.8 111.5 (.10.7 13.0 00.(1 13.8 (XI. 5 13. 9 &(). 4 14.1 0(1.3 14.2' (10.2 14.3 GO. 1 -14. 4 66. 14.(1 05.8 14.8 (15.(1 14.9, (.15.4 1.5.0 0.5.2 15.1; 05.0 15.2; 04.8 15.11 04.(1 15.4 (14.4 1,5.5' 64.2 0.0221 o. 0220 0.0218 0.0217 0.02 15 0.0214 0.0212 0.0211 0.0209 O. 0208 O. 0206 0. 0205 0. 0203 o. 0202 o. 0200 0.0199 O. 0197 O. 0196 0.0191 0.0193 -15.7 04.0 I 0. 0192 15.9 03.9 10.(1 (111.8 10.1' 011.7 10.2 (.111.0 1(5. 11 (111.5 10.4 011.4 16.5 (111.3 16.(1 63.2 0.0190 O. 018.** 0:0187 O 01N6 0.0185 0.0184 0.0183 0.0182 -14.0^ 64.0 14.2 03.9 14.11 03.8 14.5 03.7 14.0 03.0 14.8 03.5 14.9 63. 4 15. ij 03.3 15.2' 03.2 15.3 (111.1 -15.4 03.0 15.5 02.8 15.7 02.0 15. S 02.4 10.0 02.2 10.1, 02.0 IG. 3, 01. S 10.4 01. C 10.(1 01.4 10.7 01.2 -10.8 01.0 17.0 00.8 0. 0209 0. 0207 O. 0206 0. 0204 O. 0203 0.0201 o. 0200 0.0198 0.0197 0.0195 0.0194 0.0193 0.0191 O. 0190 0.0188 0.0187 O. 0185 0.0184 0.0182 0.0181 0.0180 0.0178 —15 1 15 3 15 4 15 C 15 7 15 9 10 1 .0 10. 2 10. 3 10.5 — 1G.6 10.7 IG. 9 17.1 17.2 4 17 5 17 7 1/ 8 IG.." (JO. 1 j 0.0181 17. 11 (ill. 4 17. 1 Oil. 2 i<. .->! 00. 17. 59. 8 17. 7j 59. G 17.!-^ 59. 4 18. (1 59. 2 17.2' GO.G 0.01 76 O. 0175 O.OI74 I 0.0173 0.0172 0.0171 0.0170 0.0169 -18. 1 1^.3 1 -. 5 1^.0 18. 7 1-". -" 18.9 19. 19. 1 19. 3 fxS rSYOIIKOMETEICAL TABLES. .li ' ' o DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS, 1 :? 1 1?® O.OI98 H —10. 2 'Z ^ •I' ■" Ph 57. 1?1 ^ .5 5 t H —17. 4 ,53.0 1^2 1?3 1?4 1 a % 0.0186 X ' — ' O o — '-•A h 0.0175 3 — 18. G 'Z ■=> K 49.0 a -/ c p [^" ©.©164 CI ? S p--a H —19. 9 "I i ^ p -- To ;-■ a h ©0152 1 ® i r 1 H —7.0 Cl.O 1 46.0 -21.2 1 60.8 0.019G 1G.4 50. 8 0.0185 17. 5 52. 8 0.0173 18.7 4S. 8 ©.©162 20. 1 45. 7 ©.©15© 21,4 '^ i;ii, 6 0.0195 16. 50. G 0.0184 17.7 52. G 0.0172 18. 9 48.6 0.0161 20. 3, 45. 4 0.0149 21. C (HI. 4 0.0193 16.,^ ,56.4 0.0183 17.8 ,52. 4 0.0170 19.1 48.4 ©.©159 20.5 45. 1 ©0147 21.8 4 (]0. 2 0.0192 17. 5G. 2 0.0182 18. 52. 2 0.0169 19. 3 48.2 ©.©158 20. 7 44.8 0.0116 22.0 .5 CO. 1) 0.0190 17.2 56-0 0.0180 ]-■. 1 52.11 0.0167 19. 5 4S. ©.©156 20,9 44.5 O.OIM 22. 2 G no. 8 0.0189 17.4 55. S 0.0179 \r. :', 51. 8 0.0166 19.7 47.8 ©.©155 21.1 44.2 ©.©143 22. 4 7 ."i9. G O.OlSf 17. 5 55. G 0.0177 If^. 1 51. G 0.0164 19. 9 47.6 ©.©153 21.3 43. 9 © 0141 22. G y 59. 4 0.0186 17. r, 55. 4 0.0175 ]s. G 51.4 0.0163 20. 1 47.4 ©0152 21.4 43,. 6 0.01 10 22.8 9 .59. 2 0.01S4 17.7 ,55. 2 0.0173 18.7 51.2 0.0161 20. 2 47.2 0.0150 21.5 \\\.:\ 1 0.0138 23,. — ^'. 59.0 0.0183 —17.8 .55. 0.0172 —18. 9 51.0 0.0160 —20.3 47.0 O.0149 —21.6 43.0 0.0137 -23. 1 1 58.8 0.0181 17. 9 .54. 8 0.0171 19. 50.8 0.0158 20.4 46,8 ©148 21.8 42.8 0.0136 23. 2 2 1 r„i c, 0.0179 18.1 51. G 0,0170 19.2 50. 6 0.0157 20. C 46,6 ©0146 22. 42. 6 0.0135 23,. 4 3 ' r.,s. 4 o.oiry 18. 2 54.4 0.0169 19. :; .50.4 O.OI55 20. 8 46,4 O.OtJ5 22.2 42.4 0.0134 23,. G '. 4 58. 2 0.017.5 18. -1 .54. 2 0.0168 19. 5 50. 2 0.0154 20. 9 4G. 2 0.014 3 22.4 .12.2 ©.©132 2!', 8 r 5H. ©.0174 18.5 54. 0,0166 19. G 50. ©0152 21.1 46.0 ©.©141 22.6' 42. ©.0131 24. 6 ■ r,7.s 0.0173 1 8. 7 5;;. 8 0,0164 19.8 49. 8 0.0151 21.3 45.8 0.0139 22. ^' 41.8 ©.©13© 21.2 7 ' r,7,6 0.0172 1^'. - 5;;. G 0,0162 20. 11 49.0 ©.©119 21.5 4.5. G ©.©138 23. U' 41. G ©.©129 24.4 K .57. 4 0.017I 19.0 ,53. 4 0.0160 20. 1 49. 4 0.0148 21.7 4,5. 4 ©.©137 23, 2I 41,4 ©.©128 24. 6 y 57. 2 0.0170 19.1 ■>.\. 'J 0.0159 20. :! 49. 2 0.0147 21, 9 45. 2 ©.©136 2;!. 3' 41.2 1 ©0126 24.8 -9.0 57. 0.0169 —■(!).:; 53. 0,0158 —20. 5 49.0 ©.©146 —22.0 45. ©.©135 1 — 23.4i 41.0 ©.©121 -25. 1 5G.8 0.0167 19.5 52. 8 0,0156 20. C 48. 8 ©.©144 22. 2 44.7 ©.©133 23,. (;' 40.7 ©.©122 25,2 2 50. C 0.016.5 :i9. 6 52. G 0,0154 211.7 48. 6 ©.0142 22. 4 44. 4 ©.©132 23.,'^' 40.4 ©.0120 25. 4 r.^no.4 0.0163 19..- 52. 1 0,0152 20. 8 48. \ ©.©140 22. G 44.1 ©.©131 24.0 40.1 ©.©119 25. e 4 .-,(;. -2 o.oioa 19. 9 0,0151 20. 9 48. 2 ©.©139 22. ^ 43. 8 ©.©13© 21. 2 39.8 ©.©118 25. 8 r. ':-(;. 0.0161 ■211. ] 52. 0,0150 21. 1 18.(1 ©.©138 23. 43.5 ©.©128 j 21.4 39.5 ©0117 26.0 .;'n..8 0.0160 20. 2 51.8 0,0149 21.5 47. H ©.©137 23. '* 43.2 0.0126 24.0 ;;',9. 2 0.0116 20. 2 7 r..'. c 0.01.>9 20. 4 51. C, 0,0148 21.5 47.6 0136 23, 4 42. 9 0.0121 'J J.." 3H.1I 0.0114 1 1 20. 4 ! 8 ' r,.-,. ) 0. 01.58 20. 5 51.4 0,Ol47 21,7 47.4 ©.©135 23 5 42. G ©.©123 2.'.. 1/ \\^A\ ©0112 26. 9 , r.r,.2 O. 0157 20. ( 51. 2 0.0146 21, ; 47.2 ©0134 23,. I' 42.3, ©.©131 25.';' 3H. 3 ©.©110 2C.8 _-..,._. _ _ PSYOHEOMETRICAL TABLES. 59 'J 1 4-i.6 I--!, e 41..^ 41.5 41.0 40.9 41). 6 40.3 40.0 ;». 7 39. 39. 3S. -n.o 1 o 3 4 37. :'.fi. 9 3ii. :i 3(i. 3.). 7 35. 4 35. 1 34.7 34.2 DIFFERENCE OP DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 1?.5 0.0141 0.0140 0.0138 0.0137 0.0135 0.0131 0.0132 0.0131 0.0129 0.0128 0126 0125 0123 0122 0120 0119 0117 0116 0114 0113 0.0112 O.OllO 0.0108 0.0106 0.0105 0.0104 0.0103 0. 0102 O.OIOI 0. 0099 3 0. 0. s 0. 6 0. 4 0. •> 0. 0. 8 0. 6 0. 4 0. -i-i.n 3S, 9 ^o, si ?,^. 5 23.(1, :'..-. 1 1 23.0^ 37.7 :23. 4 37.4 ■.23. r. 37.1 •J3.H 30. 8 24.0 24.2 24. 4 3(;. 5 ■H\ 2 35. 9 -24. 24. 26, 26. -2li. 7 2f;. 9 27. 4 27. 6 27. ^ 2>i. (I 2b'. 4 2b 7 35.0 34.8 34.6 34.4 34.2 34.0 3.3. 8 31.6 33. 32.0 :!2. 3 32. :ll.7 31.4 31.1 30. 8 30.4 1?6 z'<^ 0.0129 O. 0128 0.0126 0.0125 0.0123 0.0122 0.0920 0.0119 0.0117 0.0116 0.0114 0.0112 0.0110 0.0108 0.0107 0.0106 0.0105 O. 0104 0.0103 0.0102 0.0101 0.0099 0.0097 O. 0095 O. 0094 O. 0093 0.0092 0.0091 0.0090 O. 0088 10 a "■3 -24.2 35.3 24.4 35.0 24.(1' 34.6 I 21. e 3,4.3 25.0 33.9 25.2 33.0 25. 4 25. 26.0 -20. 3 20.6 20. 8 27. 27. (i 28. 28 29. 29, 29. 4 29. ( 29. ^ "0. o! 20.9 30.2 23.5 33. 2 35.9 32. 6 ■'.■'> a 31.9 31.6 31.4 31.2 31.0 30.8 30.0 30. 4 30.0 29. 6 29. 3 29.0 28.7 2b. 4 28. 27.6 30. 1?7 20.3 o ^ 0.05i70 o oa«N O. O'iOO O. 02«5 O. 0'2<> I o. 02«;{ o. oa«a O. 02(>l O. 0260 O. 025» 0.02.>V 0.0255 o. oa5;t o. oasa O. 025 I o. oaio O. 02 1!> o.oaiN O. O'ilT -- o.oaio «. <>•.» 1 1 O. 02lt» O. Oii I O . O. Oa3» -! o. 02:j« 0.02«7 . 0. 023« 0.02:f.> .' 0.0231 . 0.0233 4».l ~ i< ! — ' .i O. 025!> O. Oa.»7 ooa^.i o. oa.^ I O. 0253 O. O'i.",'^ O. 0251 0. 0250 0. 02I0 (• i 0.02'1S ^ 0.02 1(> II I O. 02-1 I i II I 0.02I2 I II I O. 02'll O. 0210 O. 02.t!> j O. 023H ^ 0.0237 ! O. 023« II [ O. 023.> O. 0233 O. 023 I O. 0230 O. 022«> 0.022K 0.022* O. 02a« 0.0-i2.» O. 022 I O. 0223 ij ^ -10. '.I Oil. i; II. 0, 00. li 11.1 00. .--, oil s 00. .| on. '1 on. :'. 11. 11.:! 11. ) 11..-, 11.0 on.:; 11.7 :io.;.' 11. H 00.-;! -11.0 :io.-.' 1-.i. Ill 00. I I v:. ) on. 1 12. -J :in. V:.:l :in. n 1:>.'\[ f-V.-2 «.» - .3 O. 02 1 7 — 1 0.02l-> 1 0.02J3 o.oaia O. 02 1 1 o.oaio O. 023!> 0. 023W O. 0237 0.0230 l.H HO. I) O. 023U ■-'. o! hi;, n 0.023J ■-'. 1, Hi;. j o.oa3a [ y.L'i HO. n I o.oa3i j O. 023 1 — i'J. hi; 0.0232 i:;. i hi; 0.0230 i:i. '.' hi; O. <>220 i:'.. :; hi; O. 022N i::. 1 Si; 0.0227 i:i. r. hi; o. oaa« i:;. G, hi; 0. 0225 i:;. 7 hi; 0.022I i:!.s^' hi; o.oaa3 l:i. hi; I'-'. :;' 80.0 I .4 8G. i . .'. Hii. n I-.'. hi;. 7 HO. H hi;, n O. 0230 O. 0220 o. oaaw o. oa27 o. 02a« o. oaa5 O. 0223 o. oaai o. oa 1 O. 02 I M o.oai7 o. oaiA . O. 0215 o. oai I o. oa 1 3 O. 02I2 ■-'.7, HI. II •-'. HI). :'. II Hii. H :i. l! HI). 7 :;. 2 HI), i; I :;. :; hii.."-, :;. I HII. 1 :;. :<. hii. :; :!. 0, HO. 2 :;. 7 HI). 1 -i:;. H HI). i:{. !i| HI). I) II. o; HO. I 1.2 HI). I) 1 1.:; HI). I) M. 4, HI). I) 1-1..''. HI).' HO. M.7 HI). I) I M. H, HI). ]:i. HO.:! 0.0221 O. 02 1 O. 02 I W o. oa I 7 O. 02I0 O. 02 I 5 0.02I I O. 02 g 3 O. 02S2 o. oaii -11. II. 1). II. II. n. 1 1. 11. M. 11. 1)1 h: 1 H: 'I h; •1, H; o. o. o. I I o. I ■ o. lio. 1 I o. i I j o. I , o. I o. oaio 020!«* 0207 0200 0205 020I 0203 0202 oaoi oaoo '>. '..4 HII. 70. 70. H 70.7 70.11 70. .S 70. 1 7 0.:; 70.2 0.1 0. 022 1 0.0222 o. oaao 0.02I0 O. 02 1 N 0.0217 0.02I0 O. 02 1 5 0.0214 O. 02 1 3 o.oaii o. oao» o.oaoH O. 0207 o. oaoft 0. 0205 O. 020 1 0. 0203 o. oaoa 0. 020 1 il. 1 o 010!> 0107 01»(i 01»5 OI03 0102 0101 OIOO 0»S» -i:i.7 i:!.u II. I 14.2 II.:! ! M. I M.i; 14.7 I l.H 15.0 5.3 .".. I ."'. n ■■'. 7 .''l.H I'l. :i Hi. n -10. 1 10. :i 10.4 ii;..''i 10. r, 111.7 lll.H IG. 9 17. 17.1 PSYCHEOMETEICAL TABLES. Gl irenlieit. 1 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. . 1 - CI 0°5 0?6 , 0°7 0°8 ' '0?9 ! 1 ^ •— \ •^ ~, •^ ^ Il a| =1 1 'I'i. , i| 1 1| 1 c| 1 ii ■*^ ■^•5 ,__ J t: T" 3 o — 3 3 1 9, r\ g' ' 1^ si H 11 ' :ii ' H W ' 1% H Ik! fi j H j 0.0213 '-14.8; c5 h -15. 8 67. \M H Ph 1 :^ e \ "^ ' -^ H -10,0 77.0 72.0 0.0202 - O. 0190 - -17.(1 6:1.0 0.0179 1 -1,^. 2 5;i. 0. 0467 - -19.5 1 76.9 00211 15. ol 71. 'J 1 0.0200 1(3. 0; 66.9 1 0.0188 17.2 (-;2. 8 0.0177 18, 4| 58. 8 0.0165 19.6 2 70. H 0. 0209 15.2, 71.8 : 0.0198 13.2 06.8 0.0186 17.4 62.6 0.0175 IS. 5S. 6 0.0163 19.8 3 76.7 0.0208 1.5. 3j 71.7 0.0197 16. ;i. GG. 7 0.0185 17.5, 62.4 0.0174 18. 7: 5.. 4 0.0162 19.9 4 76.0 0.0207 15.4 71.6 0.0196 16.4 66.0 0.0184 17.0 62.2 ' 0. 0173 , l.-.^5^.2 0.0161 20.1 5 76.5 0.0206 15.5 71.5 0.0195 16.5 66.5 0.0183 17.7' 62.0 ' 0.0172 ' 18.9 .58.0 ' 0.0160 2((. 2 C 76. 4 0.0205 15.6 71.4 0.0194 16. (; 06.4 0.0182 17..- 61.8 1 0.0171 ' 19. d' .57.8 : 0.0159 i ' ' ■ 211. 4 7 76. :1 0.0204 15.7: 71.3 0.0193 16. 7 00. 3 0.0181 1 17. 9i 01.6 0. 0170 i 19.1 .57.6 ' 0. 0158 20.5 8 1 7r>. -2 0203 15.8 71.2 0.0192 16.8 oi;. 2 0.0180 1-^. Ol 61.4 0.0169 19.2 57. 1 0.0157 20. 7 9 76.1 0.0202 15.9 71.1 1 0.0191 I 16. 9 66.1 0.0179 H. 2i 61.2 ; 0.0168 l:". 4' .57.2 ! 0.0156 20. > 1 -11.0 76.(1 ; 0.0200 —16.0' 71.0 0.0189 -17,1 1 66.0 ; 0.0177 — 1^*. 4; 61.0 , 1 0.0166 ,-i:(.0; 57.0 0.0154 i-21.0 1 7.5.9 1 0.019§ 16.-2i 70.9 0.0187 j 17.:-; 6.5.9 0.017.> l-^.iv 60.9 0.0164 1 l;i.>, 50.8 1 0.0152 | 21.2 - : 7r). 8 0.0197 16. :i' 7(1. s _ 0.0185 ] 17..': 65. s 0. 0171 !■■". ^1 0(1-8 0.0162 r.'.O 50.0 0.015I 21.3 3 7.-.. 7 0.0196 16.4 70.7 0.0184 17.6 05.7 0.0173 18.9 6((.7 0.0161 211. 1. 50. 4 0.0150 21.5 4 7.-.(: 0.0195 16. 5 70.6 0.0183 1 17. 7 1 05.6 0.0172 19.0 60.6 0.0160 20.2 .56.2 I 0.0149 21.6 5 7:,..'-, 0.0194 16.0 70.5 0.0182 17. f 65. 5 0.0171 19.1 60.5 ' 0.0159 20.4 .56.0 0.0148 21.8 C i 7.^ 4 0.0193 16.7 70.4 0.0181 17. 9i 65. 4 0.0170 19.2 60.4 0.0158 20.5 .55.8 j 0.0117 21 . 9 7 ; 7.-., 3 0.0192 16. .-, 70. :! 0.0180 18. ( 65. 3 0.0169 1 19.:! 60.3 0.0157 1 2(1./ 55.6 ' 0.0146 1 22. 1 i H 75. '2 0.0191 16.9 70.2 0.0179 18.1 65. 2 0.0168 19.4 60.2 0.0156 2(1.8 55.4 0.0145 22. 2 ;i 7.5.1 0.0190 17. 70. 1 0.0178 1.^.: 65. 1 0.0167 19.0 00.1 0.0155 21 55. 2 1 0.0144 22. 4 ! 1 -l--'-0 75.0 0.0188 —17. a 70. 0.0176 —18.5 (;5.o 1 0.0165 ~1-'- '^i ^CO 0.0153 —21.1 .55.0 0.0142 -22.5 1 74. -J 0.0186 17.4 09. 8 0.0174 18.7 64.8 : 0.0163 20.0^ .59.8 0,0151 : 21.-! 54.-^ 0.0140 22.7 ii , 74.8 I 0.01§3 17. r 69. 6 0.0173 1 IH. 9 64. (i 0.0162 20.1; 50.6 0.0150 21.4: 51.6 0.0139 2.'. 8 3 74.7 0.0181 17. ( (59. 4 0.0172 19. ( 1 64.4 0.0161 2((. 2' 59. 4 0.0149 21..^ 51.4 0.013N 23.0 1 4 i 74.6 0.0183 17.7 69. 2 0.0171 19. I 61.2 0.0160 20.:. 59.2 0.0148 21.7 54. 2 0.0137 2::. 1 5/4.5 0.0182 17. t 69.0 0.0170 19. ' '. 64.0 0.0159 20.4, .59.0 0.0147 21. f; .54.0 , 0.0136 1 2::.3 1 6 1 74.4 0.0181 17.! » 68.8 0.0169 19. ! 03.8 0.0158 20.: 5^.8, 0.0146 21.f^5:!.8 ^ O.OI35 ^ 23.4 7 '74.3 0.0180 18. ( 1 68. 6 0.0168 19. 4 63.0 0.0157 2(1. f 58. 6 1 0.0145 1 22.1 \ 53. 6 ! 0.0131 ' 2::. 6 8 74. '2 0.0179 18. 6.-. 4 0.0167 19. -1 63. 1 00156 20.7' .5^.4 1 0.0144 2.'.i. 53. 4 0.0133 ' 2:i.7 2 74.1 0.0178 18. 3! 68. 2 0.0166 19. j 1 63.2 0.0155 i ■iO.<.\ .5-!. 2 i 0.0143 •-!■-'. 4 1 ._. ■ - 53.2 ! 0,0132 , 23,9 ()2 rSYGHi;< )METRICAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS i?o 1?1 o i^^ -in. (I 1 O. O I .>G O. «!.'>.'> ('. O. OI.5-1 O. 0152 O. 0I50 O. Ol 10 O.OS IS i; : o.oi IT 1 : O 01 l■,', 8 o 01 n '~! :".'-'. (i 0.0l:55> :! :.■.', 4 0. Oi:t7 4 .")■' ■' o. o J ;{« r, r.i,'. (1 O. 0J3.> 11 r.i.s 0.01:51 7 r.i.ii 0.0 (33 >■ r.1.4 01S2 !) r. 1 , -J o.oi;ti L'l.'J ■-'1.4 '.'l.Ci .-,0 '-'1.7i 41), ■il.^l 4:», '.".'. M .\:\, ;.".'. 2 41t . 1 1:1.(1 . :•' 1-. 7 .7' 4s. 4 .11, 4.-<. 1 .11 17. f^ .'J^ 47.5 I O. OB «.> '^ o. om:j 0.01 1 1 0.01 10 O. 0131> o.o»:j« O.OI!t7 0.01 80 0.013.5 o. os:ti o. oi;jt5» 0,0130 o. oias o. oia« 0.012.5 o.oiai 1 j I'.t, r, i 1;) ' I ■'- S 4S !l 0.0 1 30 0.0 128 'I : o.oiay 1 0.0 8 26 " 0.012.5 •'> ' 0.0 6 21 ■i i 0.01 23 <'' 0.0121 0.0120 :-':!. ::| 47. -i O. 0123 •i'i:-\ 4(1.!! 0.0122 :i;!.7, 40. t; o. 0121 '--:!.: I 4(1. ;i 0.0120 ■-M. i 4ii. II 0.01 li> ',M.'.' K,.'^ 0.0117 ■-'J.:; ir,.(i j o.OllO 24..'-. I.-,. 4 I 0.011.5 ■-■1.7 i:,.'i j o.Oll'l ■-M.;i l.'-..(i I 0.0113 •i.-.. ij 4I..M 0.0112 '-'.".:;, 44. r, 0.0111 '-'.'>..'. II. 1 0.011© •S:.-' 44. -i O.OIOO l.'l 1:8 l?l ■J.'. ] 17.0 J.J ;; 411.8 ) J .''1 4(1.(1 4(1. 4 0.0 133 0.0131 O. 012!> O. 0127 : 4-.'. (1 ''!! ' 41.8 21. 1 41.(1 ■ji. 1 41. 1 cj bo 0.0122 o. o 1 20 O. OlIW O.OliO 411.2 o.oi2e 4(1.11 I O. OI2'5 4.'.. n 0.0121 l.'i. (1 0.0 123 2:!. ^i I.-.. 4 0.0122 2:;. 7 4.-.. 2 ' 0.0121 'A.: 41.2 , 0.011.5 24.7 2 I. '.I 1.".. (I o 0120 0.0118 O. Olio 0.0111 0.0113 0.0112 0.0111 0.0110 0.0100 o.oios -2.-.. 7 12.0 0.01 07 2.-,.;i[ 41.7 O. OlOA 211. ) 41.4 0.010.5 211. :i 41.1 0.0101 2(1. .V 10.8 0.01 03 2(1.7' 40. .^ ' 0.0102 211. !l| !0.2 ' 0.0101 27.1: ;iii. :) , 0.0100 21.0 41.7 21.2 11.4 21.4 41.1 2 1,(1 4:!..^ 1 24,8 111. r, 2.">. 4:!. 2 1 2.'.. 2, 42. '.1 2.-.. 4' 12.0 2."i. (1 42. :i 4).o : 0.011 1 l'i.8 0.0113 Ij 40.(1 0.0112 1; 40. I 0.0111 1 40.2 ' 0.0110 40.0 j o. oio;» :i:i. 7 0.01 07 ;!!». 4 I 0.010.5 2(1. I t- r ;:-. j ©.01 11 :i7.,-^ ' o 010!> :i7. (. 0.0 1 07 :!7. I I 0.010.5 ;;7.2 I 0.0101 :;7.o 0.0103 2>;.n|;,.;.8 211.7, 21;. ;i, :iii. 4 27.1 :!li.2 2(1. II :i'i. I 2il. .'■i 211.7 2(1. !l 27.1 0.0103 0.0102 0.0101 I 2 0.0100 il I 0.00»)> (1 ] O. 009M 1 :i 0. 0097 Vy :;:,. 4 :),"). 1 31,.- 34,, ^1 :!1.2 :'.:!, 9 -', ^- :i:!. (1 ). 0, li!!. :; -'-<. 2^. 1 0.0102 0.0101 0.0 1 00 O. 00»9 0.009N ©.00»« O. ©0» t 0. 00»2 0.0091 O. 0090 O. 00N9 0.008S 0.00N7 0.00X6 :i7.o 0. 009C —2:1.:; :i:i.O : O.OON.5 O. 009.5 111..-:.: ::2.7 O.OOHl 27.*- 2^. (I 2,-. 4 2.-. (1 ;!:i. 4 ! O. 009I :!(1. 1 j 0.0093 :'.:.. H 0. 0092 i :5.'.. .-. : O. 0091 :!.-.. 2 : O. 0090 IJI.'.t , O. 00S9 211. 7 2'. I. 'J 1 0. 00N3 0.00H2 nil. n o. 0099 2'J. :;i.(i o. OOSM ;!o. 1 ;ii.,^ O.OOHl :iii. li 111..-. 0.00«0 :!(i..o' 111. 2 0.0079 :i(i.7 no. 11 0.007§ I 30. U 30. G 0.007G ■•■'J.:; 0.0098 34,:! 0.0087 31.1 30.3 0. 007.5 —2(1. 11 27. 1 27. 3 27. 7 27. ;i 2~'. 1 2-. 3 '>~i .f, 2.-. 7 -211.0 21 1. 2 211. T) 211.7 2,1. 1; 30,2 311.4 30. G j 30. H 31.1 -31.3 ■.\\.:> 31.7 .11.1) 112. 1 32. :, '')'* 7 32. ;i 33. 1 PSYCHEOMETEIOAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. l°o 1°6 1?7 1?8 1 O V-. ^ 1 "-^ ^ :j 1^ ! ^ 1 c -^ ■~ rd 'i^ 3 ^ C \ ?-■ .2 ^ ? c: zd 1 y .2 c ^ t- r^ ■— 1 := = r^ ±: ■^ .^ — = ^ " 1^9 c5 ;w -lli.'u ' 34.0 1 0.0099 — '.is.,^| ;>,(). I O. 0088 1 3;!. 8 ' 0.0097 2 33. C, ' 0.0095 3 33. 4 I 0. 0094 4 33, -l '• O. 0093 '■.^ 33.11 j 0.0092 6 3-J. :s ' 0.0091 7 3,-.>. (i 0. 0090 8 3'i. 4 ! 0.0089 9 ! :i'i.'i 0.008fi '.".Mi Q'.t.d j 0.0086 •■;). 3, -i;!. : o. 008 1 'j'j. .'■. -.".1. 4 , o. oo8a •jj.: -J",!. 2 ' o. 0081 •J'J. 'J, -".Ml ■ O. 0080 1 311.1 ij.^.K I 0.0079 3.0.3, -js, i; O. 0078 30.;-: 4 I o. ooyy 3,0.7' ->s. '^ ' O. 0076 -30.7 '.iCi. 31.0 'r,. 7 31. -J -J.-.. 4 31.4 y.',. 1 31.1, '.^4.8 3,1. ^ -Jl.o 3-2.0 'J I. -2 O. 0076 O. OOT 1 O. 0072 0.0070 0.0069 O. 00«8 oooe* !.',! ' O.OOGft ;. 1; I O. 0065 1.3, \ 0.0061 -■\l. ^ 22. :;:',. 21.7 33. :i ■il.4 3.3. .-|! '21.1 3,4.0 -JO..^ 34. 20. 2 3.4.1', r.t. '.I 31. s; ui.i; 3,.",. II 19.3 -11.0 . 32.0 0.008.5 —31.0 2-'. 1 31.7 0.008-1 3,1.4 ' 0.0082 31.1 ' 0.0080 30. 8 O. 0079 5 30. r, , 0.0078 I I'' I 30.2 j 0.0077 7 '. 20. 9 I 0. 007« 8 29. r, : 0.007.5 9 i 29.3 , O. 0071 3,1.2 27.7 31.5! 27. 1 0.007.5 — :i3. 2■^.0 0.0073 O. 0071 :;1.7, 27.1 i 0.0070 I 31.9 20.8 j 0.0009 3?. 2 21;,.^) 0.0068 32. .''1: 2(i.2 0.0067 32.7: 25.9 : 0.0066 I 9' 2.-,. G 0.006.5 O. 0061 33.2 22.7 I 33.-, 22.4 33.7 22.1 34.0 21.8 34.2 21.5 3,4.. 5 21.2 34.7' 20.9 i 3.5.0 20. (i 35.3 20.3 O. 0063 —35.3, 19.0 O. 0061 0.0059 0.0058 0.00.57 O. 0056 O. 005 1 O. 0053 O. 0052 3(1.4 is.r, 1 8, 2 17..-^ 17.4 17. :i7. IG. 11 37.3 16.2 3,7.(1 15. S 37.9 15.4 0. 0065 0. 0063 0. 0061 0059 00 5 8 O057 0056 00 5 5 0051 -12.0 29.0 ; 0.0073 1 28. C, i 0.0072 I 2 2rf.2 ■ 0.0071 1 3 27. 8 o. 0070 4 27.4 0.0069 •"' ^7.0 I 0.0068 « 2(1.(1 0.0067 ' 2(1. 2 0. 0066 i » 25. 8 ! 0. 0065 9 25.4 : 0.0063 -33,. 4 33.6 34.0 34.2 34.4 34.0 34.8 35. 25. O. 0062 24.0 0. 0061 -35.7 20.0 0. 005O —38.1 I 35.9 19,0 0.00-48 15. 14. O. 0053 O. 0052 0. 0050 0.0048 0.0016 0.0045 O. 0044 O. 0013 0.0012 O 0041 O. 0040 O. 0039 0.0037 -35.0! L-. ! 0.0053 —3,7.4 i 35.2 17.7 I 0.0051 : 37.7 35.4 17.4 j 0.0019 ■ 3-'. 35.(1 17.1 j O.O047 3,8.3 35.'.) 10. s 0. 0046 3,-'. ::ii.2 10.5 0.0045 3-. 9 3(1.5 10.2 0.0041 3',i.2 3,11.8 15.9 0.004 3 I 39.5 i I :;7.l' 15.(1 0.0012 I 39. .'^ :17.4 15.3 0.0011 i 40.1 -;17.7 1.5.0 118. d' 14.11 ;:^.3 14.2 3.-. (1 13. s 3s. '.I ]:i. 4 3:1.2 1:1.0 3,:). 5 12.0 O. 004O —40.4 0.003S O. 0036 0.0031 0.0033 O. 0032 O. 0031 40. s 41.2 41.5 :io. s 12.2 0.0030 411. Ij 11. s ' 0.0029 40.4' 11.4 ! 0.0028 41 8 42 1 42 4 42 7 4:1 43 3 24.2 23.8 23.4 23. 22.(1 22. 2 0.0060 O. 0059 0.0058 0.0057 O. 0056 O. 0055 21. s 0.0054 21.4 0.0052 30.2 19.2 30. 4' 18. 8 3(1.(1 IS. 4 30. s' 1^.0 37.11 17.0 37.2 17.2 :!7. 4 10. 8 37.7 10.4 0.0047 O. 0046 O. 0045 0.00 44 O. 0043 O. 0042 0.0041 O. 0010 , 14.2 I 0.0036 38. >; 13.8 39.1 13.4 !!:(. :i: 13.0 :ili. (1 12.0 39.- 12.2 40.1; 11.'^ 411. I 11.4 O. 0035 O. 0031 O 0033 O 0032 0.0031 O. 0030 O. 0029 -40.7! 11.0 41.0 I 41.2' 41.5 41.7 41.0 42. 3 42.(1 42,9; 43.2 0.0027 —43.7 Gi rSYCHllOMETRICAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?0 0?I -l:!.0 ! ! 0.0233 1 ' I 0.0230 0.0229 -14.0 1 -l.-|. 1 0.0'»2§ 0.022V O. 0226 o.oaas 0.0224 0.0223 O. 0222 0.0221 O. 0220 O. 0219 0.021S 0.0217 0.0216 0.0215 0.0211 0.0213 O. 0212 0.021I 0.0210 O. 0209 O. 020S 0.020Y 0. 020C 0.0205 O. 0204 O. 0203 O. 0202 9.5. 9.'.. 95. 95, 95.0 95. (I 95. 95.11 95. 95.0 94.9 f94.s I 94.7 94. C 94.5 94. 4 94.3 9-F. -2 94.1 g 0?3 ^ o -a m '■X ^ <^ O -t- '^ CJ 9. a ■-■3 S i c to few z ^ H 0?3 0°4 %-.-^ o.:^' 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 1 94.0 ; 94. ' 94.0 94.0 ' 94.0 94. 0.0221 O. 0220 0.0219 O. 0218 0.0217 O. 0216 0.0215 0.0214 0.0213 0.0212 0.0210 O. 0209 O. 0208 O. 0207 O. 0206 O. 0205 O. 0204 0.0203 0.0202 O. 0201 0.0200 O. 0199 0.0198 O. 0197 0.0196 0.0195 O. 0191 0.0193 0.0192 O. 0190 -14.0 ,-9.3 14.1 89.3 14.2' K).2 14. 3' S9. 2 14.4 14.5 14.0 14.7 14.8 14.9 -15. 15. 1 89. 2 H'.), 1 f-:9. 1 89.1 89.0 89.0 89.0 88. 9 15, i 8s. 15. 3 1.5, 4 88.7 H8. G 15. 5i 8.M. 5 15, r,' ,88, 4 1 15. 15, 8 ^8. 3 88.2 15. 9i fss. 1 o 0209 0208 o 0207 0206 0205 0. 0201 0.0203 0202 0201 0. 0200 O 0198 0.0197 0.0196 O. 0195 0. 0194 0. 0193 0192 0. 0191 0. 0190 0. 0189 .3 a -1.5. r 8.5.0 ; 0.0198 15,3' 84.9 I 0.0197 •J -t-* n- X .- .3 '^ a S^ — 0) ~ .^ -^ — ~ S a 3 X' :i^ — -^ « -1(5.2 79.0 , 0.0187 15. 4 15, 15. C 15.7 15.8 15.9 16.0 16.1 -16. 2 16. 3 16.4 16. 5 16. 6 16.7 16.8 16.9 17, 17.1 81,8 0.0196 0.0195 0.0194 0.0193 0.0192 0.0191 0.0190 0.0189 84 / 84 r, 84 5 84 4 84 3 84 '> 84 1 84 ^;j 9 .83 8 O'-. -. 16. 3I 78.9 16.4! 78,8 16, 16. 7 16.8 16.9 17.0 17.1 -16, 16, 1 16, -S ]6, ;•, 16,4 16. 5 16. 6 16.7 16.8 17.0 M8.0 88. 8S. 88. 88, 8-J. 88.0 8,^.0 88. 88 0.0188 1/ 0.0187 17 3 0.0186 17 4 0.0185 1 / r 0.0184 17 6 0.0183 17 7 0.0182 17 8 0.0181 17 9 0.0180 18 0.0179 18 1 8.!, 6 83, 5 83.4 83, 3 83. 2 8:.!. 1 83.0 82,9 82,8 <-2, 7 82. 6 82, 5 82.4 82. 3 82. 2 82.1 17.9 18. 18.1 1-J, 2 0.0187 —17. 0.0186 0.0 1 85 0.01 84 0.0183 0.0182 0.0181 0.0180 0.0179 0.0178 0.0177 0.0176 0.0175 0.0174 0.0173 0.0172 0.0171 0.0170 0.0169 0.0168 ' 78 7 78 {; 78 5 78 4 78 3 78 2 78 1 78 77 9 / / 8 — ^ 17.4 17. 17. 6' 17,7 77.6 17. H 77.4 77.3 77.2 77.1 —18. 4 77.0 18, 5 76.9 18,6 7i;. 8 1 .-. 7 76, 7 18. S 76. 6 18.9 76.5 19.0 76.4 19.1 76.3 19.2 76.2 19.3 76.1 0.0186 0.0185 0.0184 0.0183 0.01 §2 0.0181 0.0180 0.0179 0.0178 O. 0176 0.0175 0.0174 0.0173 0.0172 0.0171 0.0170 0.0169 0.0168 0.0167 0.0166 0.0165 0.0164 0.0163 0.0162 0.0161 0.0160 0.0159 0.0158 0.0157 -17.3 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8 17.9 18.0 IS. 1 18,2 18.3 —18.5 18. 6 18,7 18,8 18.9 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 -19.6 19.7 19.8 19. 9 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.5 20.7 PSYCHROMETRICAL TABLES. 65 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND "WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?5 -13, 1 2 3 4 0?6 0?7 74.0 73.9 73. S 73.7 73.6 5 73. 5 0.0176 0.0173 0.0171 0.0173 0.0172 0.0171 18.7 C7,9 IS. 9 r>7. s 6 : 73.4 1 0.0170 7 I 7;!. 3 0. 0169 73.2 0.0168 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 -14.0 1 . 2 3 4 07.7 (-.7. 6 67.5 67.4 19.4 (.7,3 0.0164 0.0163 0.0163 0.0161 0.0160 0.0159 O. 0158 0.0157 73.1 73.0 72.9 72.7 72.6 .5 I 72. 5 6 ' 72. 4 7 72. 3 S 72. 2 9 72.1 —15. 72. 71.8 2 71.6 3 71.4 4 ■ 71.2 71.0 70.8 70.6 8 70. 4 9 ' 70.2 0.0167 0,0163 0,0164 0,0163 0,0162 0,0161 0,0160 0,0159 0,0158 0,01.57 0,0156 0,0155 0.0154 0,0153 0,0152 0,0151 0,0150 0,0149 0,0148 0,0147 0,0146 19..^. 07,2 , 0,0156 19.6 67.1 0.0155 -19.8 67.0 19,9 66.8 20.0 20,1 66.6 66,4 20.2 66.2 20,3 66.0 20,4 65.8 20. .5 65,6 20, 65,4 20,7 65,2 -20, 9 65,0 21,1 64.9 21. ;; 04.8 21.4 64.7 21. .^. 64.6 21.6 64.5 21.7 04,4 21,8 04,3 0,0153 0,0152 0.0151 0,0150 0.0149 0.0148 0,0147 0,0146 O, 0145 0,0144 0.0143 O. 0142 0.0141 0,0139 0,0138 0,0137 0,0136 0,0135 ■5,3 21,9 04,2 0, 0134 22, ()' (U.l 0.0133 -19.9 SO. 1 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 20.9 21.0 -21.2 21.4 21.5 21.6 21. 21.8 21.9 22.0 22.1 22.2 -22 22.6 22.8 22.9 63.0 62.9 02, 8 02, 7 62,6 62.5 62.4 02, 3 62,2 02, 1 02, 61.8 01,6 61,4 61,2 61,0 60,8 60,6 60.4 60,2 60.0 59.8 59.6 59, 4 23,(1 .59,2 23,1 ~1 ,59.0 J8, 8 23,3' 58.6 23.4 58.4 23.6 .58.2 a 'in 0.0153 0.0152 0.0151 0.0150 0.0149 0.0148 0.0147 O. 0146 O. 0145 0.0144 0.0142 0.0141 0,0140 O. 0139 0.0138 0.0137 0,0136 0,0135 0.0134 0,0133 O, 0132 0,0131 0,0130 0,©129 O, 0128 0,0127 0.0126 0.0125 0,0124 0.0123 -21.1 21.3 21,5 21.0 21.7 21.8 21, 9 22,(1 22, 1 22, 3 -22. 5 22.6 22. •'^ 23.9 55. 8 55.6 55. 4 23. 1 55. 2 23,2 55,0 23,4 54,8 23.5 54.0 23.7 54.4 23.8 54.2 —21. 9 54.0 24.0 24. 2 24.3 24 24.6 24.8; 52.8 24.9J 52.6 25. (I 52, 4 25. 2j 52,2 53,8 53, 6 53,4 53.2 53. 0?8 c3 Tji'^. 57 8 57 6 57 4 57 2 57 56 8 50 6 56 4 56,2 50 ,0 0,0141 0,0140 0,0139 0.0138 0,0137 0.0136 0,0135 0,0134 0,0133 0,0132 0,0130 O, 0129 0,0128 0.0127 0.0126 O. 0125 0,0124 0,0123 0,0122 0,0121 0,0120 0,0119 0,0118 0,0117 0.0116 0.0115 0.0114 0.0113 0.0112 0.0111 -22.0 53.0 22.81 .52.8 22.9 52.6 23,1! ,52,4 23.2 .52.2 23.4 .52. 51.8 24,8 25. 25.1 25. :'. 25.4 -25. 25. 7 25.9 26.0 50.0 49.8 49. 6 i9. 4 49.2 49.0 48.7 48.4 48.1 0?9 5-a S ii 2:!. 7 51. 23. f^ 51. 4 24.0 51.2 -24.1 51.0 24.3 50.8 24.4 50.6 24.6 ,50. 4 .^l ■: '-.n 26.2' 47.8 20.3 47.5 26.5 47.2 0.0130 0.0129 0.0128 0.0127 0.0126 0.0125 0.0124 0.0123 0.0122 0.0121 0.0119 0.0118 0.0117 0.0116 0.01 15 0.0114 0.0113 0.0112 0.0111 0.0110 0.0109 0.0108 O. 0107 O. 0106 0.0105 0.0104 O. 0103 26. Oj 46.9 0.0102 20.8 4(5.6 0.0101 26.9' 4C.3 I 0.0100 -24.1 24.3 24.4 24.6 24.7 24.9 25. 25. 2 25.3 25.5 —2.5.7 25. 9 20. 26.2 26.3 26.5 26.6 26.8 26.9 27.1 —27.3 27.4 27.5 27.7 27.9 28.1 28.3 28. 5 28.7 28.9 m PSYCHEOMETRIOAL TABLES. -13. 1 3 4 -14.0 1 2 3 4 -15.0 1 2 3 4 47.0 46. w 46.6 40. 4 46. a 46.0 4.5.8 4.5.6 45.4 45.2 45.0 44.7 44.4 44.1 43. H 43. 5 43. y 4-2.9 42.6 42. 3 42.0 41.9 41.8 41.7 41.6 41.5 41.4 41.3 8 ! 41.2 9 41.1 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 1?0 t>. 0.0118 O.OllY 0.0116 0.0115 0.0114 0.0113 o.oiia O.Olll O.OllO 0.0109 0.0107 O. 0106 0.0105 0.0104 0.0103 0.0102 0.0101 O. OlOO O. 0099 O. 009§ O. 0097 O. 0096 0.0095 O. 0094 O. 0093 0.0092 0.0091 O. 0090 O. 00§9 O. 00§8 -25. s 44.0 25. 9 26. 1 26. 3 26.5 26. 7 26. 9 i 27. 1 27. 2 27. 3, -27. 43.7 43.4 43.1 42.8 42. 5 42.2 41. 9 41.6 41.3 41.0 40. 8 27.9 40.6 28. 1 28. 9 29. 29.1 40.4 40.2 40.0 39.8 39.6 39.4 39.2 —29.2 39.0 29. :j' 38.7 29. .5 38.4 29.7 38.1 29.9 . 8 30.1 :i7.5 30.3 37.2 30.5 36.9 30.7 .36.6 3U. 9 36.3 1?1 l°'J 0.0107 O. 0106 0.0105 0.0104 0.0103 O. 0102 O. 0101 O.OIOO O. 0099 O. 0098 O. 0096 0. 0095 O. 0094 O. 0093 O. 0092 0.0091 O. 0090 0.0089 0.0088 0.0087 0.0086 O. 0085 0.0084 0.0083 0.0082 0.0081 0.0080 O. 0079 O. 0078 0.0077 ~H 39. O. 0096 27. / 38. 7 27.9 38.4 28. 1 1! 38. 1 2^^. 2 ;'.7. 8 28.4, 37.5 28.6' 37.2 2H. 1^ 29.0 29. 2 36.9 36.6 36.3 -29.3 36.0 29.5 35.8 29.7 35.6 29. 9 30.1 30.:; 30.1 35. 4 35. 2 35. 34.8 30.71 .34.6 30.9 3.4.4 31.1 34.2 -31.2 31.3 31.5 34.0 33.7 33.4 31.7 33.1 31.9 :'.2. 8 32.1 32.5 32.:: :J2.2 :32. 5: 31.9 :32. 7 31.6 .32.8 31.3 O. 0095 O. 0094 0.0093 0.0092 0.0091 O.O090 O. 0089 0.0088 0.0087 O. 0085 O. 0084 0.0083 O. 0082 O. 0081 O. 0080 O. 0079 O. 0078 O. 0077 0.0076 0.0074 O. 0073 0.0072 0.0071 O. 0070 O. 0069 O. 0068 O. 0067 O. 0066 0.0065 30.7 30. 9 31.1 :.!2. 6 32. 4 31.4 :'.2. 31. ( 31.7 31.8 31.4 :«. (I 31. 1 :i2. 'i' 30.8 :!2. 4 30. 5 30.2 29.9 3:3.0 29.6 33.1 29.3 —3:3.2 29.0 33.4 28. 7 33. 6 28. 4 33, >\ 2S. 1 1?3 -29. : :!4.0 29. f 33. s 29. 7 33.6 29. 9 33. 4 30. 1 :i3. 2 30. :i 33.0 :!(i. 5 32. s 1^ if) O. 0084 0.0083 0. 0082 0.0081 O. 0080 0.0079 0. 0078 0.0077 O. 0076 0.0075 0.0073 0.0072 0.0071 O. 0070 O. 0069 0.0068 O. 0067 O. 0066 O. 0065 O. 0004 0.0063 O. 0002 O. 0061 O. 0060 5 31.6 29.7 31.81 29. I :i2. (li 29.1 32.2 28.8 :!2, 4 28.5 :!2. 6 28.2 :!2. 8 :!:;. ii 3:!. :! 27.9 27.6 26.7 26.4 26.1 25.^^ 31. ] 34.3 34. 5 34.7 34.9 24.9 I 3.5.1 24.6 I;4 0.0073 — :i:i. 4 0. 0072 :i3. 7 0.0071 3:i.9 0.0070 31.1 0.0069 31, :! 0.0068 :fi.5 0.0067 :)1.7 0. 0066 :ii.9 0. 0065 .35. 1 0.006I :;5. 4 27.0 0.0062 0.0061 O. 0060 0. 0059 0.0058 0.0057 0.0056 O. 0055 0. 0054 -:;5,7 :!5, 9 :!(:. 1 36. :; 36, 5 :!6, •; :!i;. :i ;!7, 1 :35. :; 24.3 0.0053 :34.(i 27.8 0.0059 34.2 27,5 I 0.0058 :!4. 4 27 O. 0057 :!4.6 26.9 0.0056 -65, \ 35.6 35. 8 36.(1 :'.6. 2 :i6. 4 24.0 23. 6 0.0052 0.0051 23. 2 ; 0. 0050 22. 8 0. 0049 22.4 0.0048 22. 0. 0047 :36.6 21.6 0.0046 36. i 34.8 26.6 0.0055 .37.1 21. 2 0. 0045 20.8 0. 0011 :!8. 1 :!8. :! !-. 9 :'.9. 1 :;;i. ;i . 26.3 I 0.0054 :37.2 20.4 1 0.0043 PSYGHROMETRIOAL TABLES. 67 I 'J 'J 'I 1. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 1 1?5 1?6 1?7 1?8 1?9 1 V Z X 3^ S a a .- If 1 £ c 3 1 ^ 1 'Z ■3 2^-1 = i 1 0.0061 0. 0060 0. 00.59 0.00.5$ 0.0057 0.0056 —35.7' 21. C 36.0 211. ( 36. 2| 20. -2 36. 4' 19. e 36.6 19.4 36. 8| 19.0 37, tr is, 1; 37, 2' 1^. 2 37,,:.; 17.. •< 37. S 17.4 1 ' ! ^ 1 " 1 !^ l| -13.0 1 ■2 3 4 5 2.-.0 24.7 1 1 21.4 24.1 2:!. '■- 2:!. 5 0.0050 0. 0049 0.004§ 0.0047 0. 0046 0. 0045 0. 0044 0. 0043 0.0042 0. 0041 0.0039 0.0038 38. ' 39, ', 39. J 39. 7 39. '. 4(1. 2 40.4 —40.7 40.9 2 16.0 0.0038 i 15,6 0.0037 —41. 41. ■ 41. 41. 41. 42. 11.0 i 0.0027 —43. i 9 1 ' 15.2 1 14. ti ; 14.4 14.0 13.6 13. 2 12. 8 12.4 12.0 0.0036 0.0035 0.0034 0. 0033 0. 0032 0.0031 0.0030 0.0029 0.002§ 5 ! 7 i 3 , 6 1 ■-':!. -2 ; 42. . 1 7 1 22.9 --^ i 22. 6 9 22. :; 0.00.54 0.00.33 0.0052 0.0051 0.0050 42, - 1 42, ; 1 43. S —43. 5 -14.0 1 :; 22, 1) 21,7 L,,s , 17.0 38.2^ 16, C 21.4 ! 0.0049 oS. r 16.2 0.0037 41.2 41.4 41.7 41.9 42.2 42.4 42.7 43. 21.1 0.004§ 0. 0047 0.0046 0. 0045 0. 0044 0. 0043 0. 0042 0.0040 0.0039 0.003§ 0.0037 0,0036 0. 0035 38, 7| l,-..s 0.0036 39.(1 1,-,, 4 ! 0.0035 4 ' 211, s 39.2 39.5 39. 7 40.0 40 2 -40. 5 40.8 1.5.0 14,6 14.2 13,8 13.4 13.0 0.0034 0.0033 0.0032 0.0031 0. 0030 0.0029 - 6 7 9 —15.0 20, 2 19.9 19. 1) 19.3 19.0 1 1 -43. 3 . I 1 1>'.5 a 3 4 5 ly.o 17. r, 17,0 16. ,'•> 1 41.0 41.3 I 41.5 41.8. 42. . 1 r 6 16. U 1 0.0034 1 ' 5.5 ■ >.0 0.0033 0.0032 O.OOSl 42.3 1 H i 1 42,5 1 9 : 11.5 42. si i 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 68 PSYCHROMETEICAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. -16.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -17.0 1 2 3 4 0?0 0?I 2 -9 oj "Hio o - 0.0200 0.0199 0.0198 0.0197 0.0196 0.0195 O. 0194 0.0193 O 019a 0.0191 0.0190 0.0189 0.018§ 0.0187 O. 0186 5 6 7 8 9 18.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -S 3 0.0183 0.0184 0.0183 0.0182 0.0181 0.0181 0.0180 0.0179 0.0178 0.0177 0.0176 0.017.5 0.0171 1 0.0173 0.0172 1 94.0 94.0 94.0 94. 94.0 94. 94.0 94. 94.0 94.0 94.0 94. 94,0 94.0 94.0 94. 94. 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94,0 94.0 94.0 94. 0.0189 0.0188 0.0187 0.0186 0.0185 0.0184 0.0183 0.0182 0.0181 0.0180 0.0179 O. 0178 0.0177 0.0176 O. 0175 0.0174 0.0173 0.0172 0.0171 O. 0170 0.0170 O. 0169 0.0168 0.0167 0.0166 O. 0165 0.0164 0.0163 0.0162 0.0161 0?2 -17. 1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17 17.6 17. 17. 17.9 IS. -18. 1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18. ,■ 18.6 18 18 18. 9 19.0 -19. 2 19.3 19.4 19. ,5 19.6 19.7 19.8 19.9 20.0 20, 1 88.0 88.0 88. 88.0 88.0 88. 88.0 88.0 88. 88. 88. 87.9 ^^ . ^ ^i . i 87.6 87. ,5 S7.4 87.3 87.2 87.1 87.0 sr,. 9 86. 8 86. 7 86.6 86. 5 86.4 86. 3 86.2 86.1 ■4^ J 0,0178 0.0177 0.0176 0.0175 0.0174 0.0173 0.0172 0.0171 0.0170 0.0169 0.0168 0.0167 0.0166 O. 0165 0.0164 0.0163 0.0162 O. 0161 0.0160 0.0159 0.0158 0.0157 0.0156 0.0155 0.0154 0.0153 0.0152 0.0151 0.0150 0.0149 0?3 ^ ^ X 0?4 t-i Si ?3 -18.3 w2. O. 0167 \».i\ 81.9 ; 0.0166 I'-^.r, 81.8 0.0165 18.6' 81.7 i O. 0164 I I 18 7! 81.6 O. 0163 18.8. 81.5 18.9 19.0 19.1 19.2 81.4 81.3 81.2 81.1 -19.4 81.0 19.6 80.9 19.7' 80.8 19. 8 80. 7 19.9 80.6 20.0 80.5 20. 1 80. 4 20.2 80.3 20. 3 20.4 —20. 6 20. 8 80.2 80.1 80.0 79. 9 20 9, 79. 8 21.0 79.7 21.1: 79.6 21. 2| 79.5 21.31 79.4 21.4 21.5 79. 3 79. 2 21.6 79,2 0.0162 0.0161 0.0160 0.0159 0.0158 0.0157 0.0156 0.0155 0.0151 0.0153 0.0152 0.0151 0.0150 0.0149 0.0148 0.0147 0.0146 0.0145 0.0141 O. 0143 0.0142 0.0141 0.0140 0.0139 0.0138 — 19.5 76.0 19.7 75.9 19. 8j 7.5. .s 19.9 75.7 21). 75.6 20.1 75,5 20. 2| 75.4 211.3 7.5.3 20.4 75.2 20.5 75.1 -20.7 7.5.0 20.9, 74.8 21. o| 7!, 6 21.1 74,4 I 21.2 74.2 21.3 74.0 21. 4j 73. 8 21.5 73.6 21.6 73.4 21.7; 73.2 -21. 9 73. 22. 1 72. 9 o.:) 72.8 22.3 72.7 22.4 72.6 22.5 72,5 22.6 72.4 22.7 72.3 22.8 72.2 22. 9! 72. 1 •^ J 0.0155 0.0154 0.0153 0.0152 0.0151 0.0150 0.0149 0.0148 0.0147 0.0146 O. 0145 0.0144 0.0143 0.0142 0.0141 0.0140 0.0139 0.0138 0.0137 0.0136 0.0136 0.0135 0.0134 0.0133 0.0132 0.0131 0.0130 ; 24.2 0.0129 J 24.3 0.0128 j 24.5 0.0127 , 24.6 -20. 9 21.1 I 21.2 21.3 21.4 21. 5 21.6 21.7 21. K 21.9 -22.1 22.3 22. 4 •>2 5 -I 22. 8 22. 9 23. 23.1 —23.3 23.4 23. 6 23.7 23.9 24. PSYCHEOMETRICAL TABLES. 69 DIFFERENCE OF DRT AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0^5 0?6 0°7 0°8 0?9 -Hi. 1 o 3 4 TOO 0.0144 69.9 0.0143 1.9.^ 0.0143 69.7 0.0141 69.6 0.0140 69.5 0.0139 69.4 0.0138 69. :i 0.0137 69. i , 0.0136 69.1 ' 0.0135 -1-1.-1\ 64.0 O 0132 ■«. 3 63.^ O. 0131 •2-2.5 03.6 , 0.0130 •22,6 63.4 : 0.0129 ■22. S 63. '2 O. 0128 ■22.9 63.0 1 O. 0127 1 23.1 62. ^ 0.0126 ■23.2! 6^2.6 I 0.0125 ■23.4 62.4 j 0.0124 ■23.5 ir2.2 0.0123 -•23, e 58.0 0,0121 ■23,. ii 57.8 ^ 0.0120 24,1 .57.6 0,0119 ■24,2 ,57,4 I 0. 0118 24,4 ,57, '2 0,0117 ■24.5 .57,0 ; 0. 0116 ■24,7 .56,8 0. 0115 ■24, 8| .56.6 25. 56. 4 0.0114 0.0113 ■25.1 .56.2 0.0112 -2.4 .52.0 0.0110 ■25,5 51.^ 0.0109 ■25,7 51,6 ■ 0.0108 ■25.'- 51.4 ' 0.0107 ■26,0 51,2 , 0.0106 ■26.1! 51.0 I O. 0105 26.3 50, s I 0,0104 26,4' ,50,6 0,0103 •26.6 ,50,4 I 0.0102 ■26,7 50.2 0.0101 —27.0 46 0.0098 —29. 27,2 45,8 0.0097 29. 1 27. 3, 45,6 0.0096 29, 3 45, 4 0.0095 ■29. 5 27, 6 45, 2 0.0094 29. 7 45, 0. 0093 29, 9 ■27. 9 44, ■^ 0. 0092 •30.1 2-, 1 41.6 0.0091 30. :; 44.4 0.0090 30, 5 28, 4 44.2 0.0089 3,0, 6 -17.0 (i9.0 0.0134 —23.6 62.0 '\ 0.0122 1 6-. 8 0.0133 ■23.- 61.9 ■ 0.0121 2 6^^,6 0,0132 -24,0 6,1.8 0, 0120 ■25.3; .56.0 0.0111 —■l^^^^ .50,0 0,0100 -2-^,6' 44,0 : 0.0088 -30,7 3 6j,4 0.0131 4 68.2 0.0130 5 I 6^.0 0.0129 24.1 61,7 0. 0119 ■24.2: 61.6 1 0.0118 ■24.3 61.5 0. 0117 6 67. > 7 I 67. 6 0.0128 0.0127 24.4 61.4 0.0116 ■25.5 .55.9 j 0.0110 ■25,7 55,8 ; O 0109 25,8 55,7 i 0,0108 ■2,5,9 .55.6 ! 0.0107 ■26.1) .55.5 , 0.0106 ■26. I 5.5.4 0.0105 27. 1 49. 8 O. 0099 ■27.2' 49.6 0.0098 ■2-. 7 43,8 O. 0087 2-, 9 43,6 0,0086 ■27,4 49,4 I 0,0097 ', ''-^-^^ 43,. 4 , 0,0085 •27,5 49,2 I 0.0096 ' 29. -J 43.2 O. 0084 24.5 61.3 i 0.0115 i -26.2 55.3 8 67,4 ' 0.0126 24.6 61,2 ' 0.0114 9 67.2 : 0.0125 '24,7 61.1 -18,0 67.0 ^ 0.0125 —24.9 61.0 1 ' 66.9 0.0124 2 : 66.8 0.0123 0.0113 0.0113 ■H^.W .5.5,2 26, 4 55. 1 0.0104 0.0103 O. 0102 •27.7 49.0 0, 0095 27,8 4*, 8 0.0094 2-:. 48.6 j O. 0093 ■2-;. 1 48. 4 O. 0092 28,3 48,2 0.0091 ■29,:; 43,0 j O, O083 ■29,5 42,.- 0. 0082 -:\\.y< 42,0 ' 0.0081 I 29. - 42. 4 j O. 0080 30.0 42.2 0.0079 3(1. S 30. 9 31, 1 3.1,2 31.4 31. 5 31.7 31.8 32. ■25.0 60.8 0. 0112 ■2.5.2 60.6 0.0111 -■26. Ii .55.0 0.0102 26.- 54.7 O. OlOl ■20.9 .54.4 0. 0100 -■28,4 4.-^.0 0,0091 -30,2 4-2,0 0.0079 -3-2.2 2-, 6 47,7 0.0090 30,3 41,7 0.0078 3-2.4 2-. 7 47.4 ' 0.0089 3(1.5 41.4 0.0077 6 3 \ 66.7 4 I 66.6 5 66. 5 0.0122 0.0121 0.0120 25,3 (^(1.4 ! 0.01 lO I 27.ll 54.1 j 0.0099 2^. 9 47. 1 ' O. 0088 30. 7; 41, 1 O. 0076 6 ! 66.4 0.0119 ' -25.- .59.8 0.0107 7 66.3 8 66, 2 9 66, 1 0.0118 0.0117 0.0116 •2.5.5 60,2 0.0109 j -27.2 .53.8 0.0098 •2.5.0 60.0 0.0108 ' -27.4 .53.5 0. 0097 ■27.5 .53.2 0. 0096 ■27.7 52.9 ! 0.0095 •27.8 5-2.6 0.0094 •28.0 .52.3 0. 0092 25.9 59,6 0.0106 ■2(1. l! .59.4 O. 0105 I •2(5.2 59.2 0.0104 •29.0 40. s 0.0087 311. 9I 40.- ' 0.0075 •29,2146,5 O.O086 31.140,5 0,0074 •29,3! 40.2 0.0085 31,:; 40.2 0.0073 29.5: 45,9 0.0084 31.5 39.9 0.0072 •29.0 4.5.0 0.0083 31.7^39.5 0.0071 ■29.- 4.5.3 0.0082 31.9 :t9.0 0.0070 33. 1 33. 2 3:i. 4 3:i. 70 PSYCHEOMETRICAL TABLES. -ii;, 1 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 1?0 1?1 l°2 1?3 1?4 '-f^ H 41.0 , o. oosy 40. s O. 00§6 40. (; ! o. oo§5 411.4 [ O. 00§-l 40. -2 I 0.00§S 5 j 10.0 j O. 00§2 C I :vj.!< ' O. 00§1. :ili. O. 00§0 :w 4 I 0.0079 ■i'XU I O. 007§ -;U. MO. ^ O. 0076 :!l.-^ ;;.-,. 7 ' 0.0073 :!i.4! :\r,.4 0.0074 ;U.oJ :',r,. 1 j 0.0073 :!l.s :',.i. 8 I O. 0072 :!■>. o| :!!.-. I O. 0071 :'.-.i. -J M.-i 0.0070 :!-i. 4^ :',:'.. 9 O. 0069 -17.0 1 2 3 4 ■J 6 7 -L-;. 1 :;. 7 3'.'. 4 ■■'.->. 1 31. 8 31.5 31.2 3,0.9 30. 6 30. 3 30. 29.7 34. 7 1 29.4 34. 9I 29.1 35. 1! 2S. 8 35.3' 2S.5 35. 5j 2S.2 35. 7J 27.9 .35.9 27.6 36. 1 27.3 O. 006§ 0.0067 0.0066 0. 0065 O. 0064 O. 0063 O. 0062 0.0061 O. 0060 O. 0059 0.0058 0.0057 0.0057 0.0056 0.0055 O. 0054 O. 0053 O. 0052 0.0051 O. 0050 0. 0049 0.0048 -32. 9| 31.0 33.0, 30.6 33.2 30.2 33. 4! 29. 8 3,3.6 29.4 33. 8 29. 3,1.0 2-^.6 34.2 2-. 2 34. 4' 27. s 34. el 27.4 -34.8 27.0 34.9 35. 26.7 26.4 35.2(20.1 35. 4 25. 8 35.0, 25.5 35.8 25.2 36.0 36.2 24.9 24.6 !6. 4 24.3 -36.(5 36.9 37, 2 24.0 23.6 ■»:', 9, 37. J I 22.8 37.0 22.4 37. 8' 22. 21.6 21.2 38 38 2 3S 4 38 6 O. 0064 0.0063 O. 0062 0.0061 O. 0060 0.0059 0.0058 0.0057 O. 0056 0.0055 0. 0054 O 0053 0.0052 O. 0051 0.0050 O. 0049 0.0048 0.0047 O. 0046 O. 0045 0. 0045 0. 0044 0.0043 O. 0042 0.0041 O. 0040 0.0039 0.0038 -35 1 26.0 0.0053 35.3 25.5 0.0052 35.5! 25.0 I 0.0051 35.7 2J.; -37.4, 20.0 : 0.0011 —10.0 35. 9 24.0 30. 1 23. 5 31;. 3 23,. 3(;, 30, 36. 9 ■ )■> 5 22 21 5 :>1 ■20 7 •20 4 0050 0049 0048 0047 0046 0. 0045 0. 0044 37. 7 19. 5 j O. 0040 3^.0 19.0 ' 0.0039 3^3' l,-^.5 I 0.0038 3S. 6: IS. 38.8 17.5 39.0 17.0 39.2 16.5 39. 4 39. 6 10.0 15.5 20.8 ■ O. 0037 20. 4 0.0036 37.4 37. S| 20.1 38. 0; 19. 8 38.2: 19.5 .38.4 19.2 38. 6 38. 8 39.0 -39. 2 39. 5 18. 9 18.6 18.3 18.0 39.8 40. 1 40.3 40.5 40.7 40.9 41.1 41.3 O. 0043 O. 0042 O. 0041 O. 0040 0.0039 O. 0038 0.0037 0.0036 O. 0035 0.0034 0.0034 -39. s 15. 40. 1' 40. 1' 40. i; 40. si 41. ol 41.2 0.0037 0.0036 O. 0035 O. 0034 0.0033 0.0032 0.0032 41.4 41.6 41.8 -42.0 40. 3 40. 5 40. H 41.0 41.3 41.5 41.!-' 42.0 42. 3 PSYCHROMETEIOAL TABLES. 71 72 PSYCHEOMETEICAL TABLES. +3 a U DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. C3 i; 3 O . 1 0^5 0?6 0?7 0?8 0?9 >» 2 -^ C r- -Ji ^ '^ 0.0115 K 'si 1 II — s a X '"o '■''' tp'tti XI ~ 0,. a "I i 9 " 0.0070 to —34.(1 O —19.0 6C.0 -26. ;>, 59.0 0.0103 —28. 1 52. 0092 —30.0 4.5. 0.0081 1 -32.0 39.0 1 6.'5. 7 0.0114 26.4 .58. 7 0.0103 28. ?, 51.7 0. 0092 30.2' 44.8 0.0081 32. 2 38.7 0.0070 34.1 2 05. 4 0.0113 26.6 .58.4 0.0102 28. 5 51.4 0.0091 30.4 44.6 0.0080 32. 3! 38. 4 0.0069 34.2 3 (55. 1 0.0113 26.7 58. 1 0.0101 28.7 51.1 0.0090 30.6 44.4 0.0079 32. 5 38. 1 0.0068 34.3 4 64.8 0.0111 26.9 .57.8 O.OIOO 28.9' 50.8 0.0089 30.8 44.2 1 0.0078 32.6 37.8 0. 0067 34.5 5 G4.5 0.0110 27.0 57.5 O. 0O99 29. 50.5 0.0088 30.9 44. 0. 0077 32.8^ 37.5 0. 0066 34.7 6 6-1.2 0.0109 27. 2 57.2 O. 0098 29. 1 50.2 0.0087 31.0 43. 8 0.0076 32.9 37.2 0. 0065 34. 9 7 63. 'J 0.0108 27.3 56.9 0.0097 29. 2 49.9 0.0086 31.1 43.6 0. 0075 :13. 1 36.9 0. 0064 35. 1 6 63. 6 0.0107 27.5 56. 6 O. 0096 29.3 49.6 0.0083 31.2 43.4 0.0074 33.2 36.6 0.0063 35. 3 9 63.3 0.0106 27. 6 .56.3 0.0095 29.4 49.3 0.0084 31.3 43.2 0.0073 3:'.. 4 36. 3 0. 0062 35. 5 —20.0 63. 0.0106 —27.7 56.0 O.0095 —29.5 49.0 0.0084 —31. 4 43.0 0. 0073 —33.5 36. 0.0062 —35. 7 1 62.9 0.0103 27. 9 5.5.8 0.0094 29.7 48.8 0.0083 31.6 42.7 0. 0072 33.7 35.7 0.0061 35.9 2 62. s 0.0105 28. 1 55. 6 O.O093 29,9 48.6 0.0082 31.8 42.4 0.0071 3:1. i« 3.5.4 0.0060 36.0 3 62.7 O. 0104 28. 2 55. 4 0. 0092 30. ll 48.4 0.0081 :!2. 42.1 0.0070 34. 35.1 0. 0059 3G. 2 4 62.6 0.0103 28. 3 55. 2 0.0091 30.3 48.2 0.0080 3* ■' 41.8 0.0069 34.1 34.8 0.0058 36.3 5 62. 5 0.0102 28. 4 55.0 0.0090 30.5 48.0 0.0079 32.4 41.5 0.0068 34.3 34.5 0.0057 36. 5 6 62.4 0.0101 28. 5 54.8 0.00§9 30.7 47.8 0.0078 32.6 41.2 0.0067 34.4 34.2 0.0056 36.6 7 62. 3 O. 0100 2.^.6 54.6 0.00§8 30.9 47.6 0.0077 32. 7 40.9 0.0066 34.6 33. 9 0. 0055 36..-^ 8 62. 2 0. 0099 28. 7 54.4 0.00§7 31.0 47.4 0.0076 32. 8 40.6 0. 0065 34.7 33.6 0. 0054 36.9 9 62.1 0.009§ 28.8 .54. 2 0.00§6 31.1 47.2 0. 0075 32.9 40.3 0. 0O64 34.9 33. 3 0.0053 37.1 —21.0 62.0 O.OOOS —29. 54.0 0.0086 —31. 2 47.0 0.0075 —33. U 40. 0. 0064 —35.1 33.0 0.0053 -37. 3 1 61.8 0.0097 29. 1 53. 8 0.0085 31.4 46.8 0.0074 33.2 39.7 0. 0064 35.3 32.5 0.0053 37.4 2 61. 6 0. 0097 29. 2 53. 6 0.0085 31.6 46.6 0.0074 33.4 39.4 0.0063 35.5 32.0 0.0052 37.6 3 61.4 O. 0096 29. :'. 53.4 0.0084 31.8 46.4 0.0073 33. 6 39.1 0. 0062 35. 7 31.5 0.0051 37.8 4 61.2 O. 0095 29.4 53. 2 0.0084 31.9 46.2 0.0073 33.8 38. 8 0.0061 35. 9 31.0 0.0050 3^. 5 61.0 0. 0094 29. 5 53.0 0.0083 32. 46.0 0.0072 34.0 38.5 0. 0060 36.1 30.5 0. 0049 38, 2 6 60. 8 0. 0093 29. 6 52.8 0. 0082 32. 1 45. 8 0.0071 34.2 38.2 0. 0059 36.3 30.0 0. 0048 3S. 4 7 60. 6 0.0092 29. 7 52.6 0.0081 32. 2I 4.5.6 0.0070 34.3 37.9 0.0058 36.5 29.5 0. 0047 3^1.6 H 60.4 0.0091 29.9 52. 4 0.0080 :'.2. 3 45. 4 0. 0069 34.4 37.6 0.0057 36. 6 29.0 0. 0046 33. 8 9 l-iO. 2 0.0090 30.1 52. 2 0.0079 32.4 45.2 0.0068 34.5 37.3 o.oose 36. 7 28. 5 0. 0045 39.0 rSYOHEOMETKIOAL TABLES. 73 3 J DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. I?0 1?1 1?-^ 1?3 1?4 -J 1 ^ ^ ■' 1 Q.' ^ "^ X' 0. 0047 0.0047 0.0046 0.0046 0.0045 0. 0044 0.0043 'I'l 0.0036 41 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 c — 2 fc: 1 :J'>. t 0.00.>§ --3(5.:; 27.0 1 2(1. 0.00.57 0.0057 0. 0056 0.0055 36.7' 2.;. 2 :!i;. 9 2.1. s 37. r 2.->. 4 37.3 2r.. :!7.r. 24. G '">0 '> 3 ;w. 1 4 5 31. r, 40.4 9 30. :! 30.0 29. r, 29.0 0.0051 0. 0050 0.0049 0.004§ 0.0017 0.0046 0. 0045 0. 0044 0.0043 0. 0042 0.0041 0. 0041 0. 0040 0.0039 oo ,-, ,■>. -i —'10. .^ - '20. 1 2 3 •" • ■'! * G ' 27.5 20. 2.-,. ;:'.9. G i 9 -l\. 1 2 3 4 —40.2 - 6 1 9 *""""* 1 10 u PSYOHROMETliiOAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OP DRY AND "WTET BULB THERMOMETERS. -2-3. J 2 —2?. 1 2 o?o t-„ ^ ■v ^ '/ y -(— .;= ^ '-*- . = I- ' .^.2 /3 ^ ^ " -5 i ' 3 C 7 S 9 —24. 1 2 3 4 5 i C 7 - - - - - - : g ! 0.0146 0.0116 0.0145 O. OlM 0.0143 0. 01 la 0.0111 0.0140 0.0139 0.0138 0.013§ 0.0137 0.0137 O. 0136 0.0136 0.0135 0.0135 0.0134 0.0133 0.0132 0.0131 0.0131 0.0130 0.0130 0.0129 . 0.0129 O. 012S 0.0127 O. 0126 0.0125 '.12. !I2. 92. fl •J2. !I2. 02. 92. 92. 92. 92.0 92. 91.9 91. S 91.7 91.6 91. 5 91.4 91.3 91.2 91.1 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 0?1 0°'J 0?3 0?1 - '/. 0.0135 0.0135 0.0134 O. 0133 0.0132 0.0131 0.0130 0.0129 0.012S 0.0127 0.0127 0.0126 0.0126 0.0125 0.0125 O. 0124 0.0124 0.0123 0.0122 O. 0121 0.0120 0.0120 0.0119 0.0119 O.OllS 0.0118 0.0117 O 0116 0.0115 -23.,''. S4.0 23. (; ^3. 9 23. 7 S3. 8 23. s S3, 7 23.9 S3. C. 24.0 S3. -) 24.1 S3. 4 24.2 S3. 3 24.3, s:"!, 2 0.0123 0.0123 0.0122 0.0121 0.0120 O. 01 19 0.0118 0.0117 0.0116 -23. li -f;. I 0.0112 —20.9 OS. ' O. 0101 2.'->.3, 7.-,. S I 0.0112 2.1.4 73.0 O.Olll 24.4 S3. 1 0.0115 -24.0 S3. 24.7 S2. 9 24, « S2. 8 24.9 82. 7 23.0 82.6 25.1, 82. 5 23.2 82.4 25.3 82.3 25.4 82.2 25. 5' 82, 1 -25,0 82,0 25,7 81.9 25. s SI. 8 25,9 S],7 0.0115 0.0114 0.0114 0.0113 0.0113 0.0112 0.0111 0.0110 O. 0109 O. 0108 0.0108 0.0107 O. 0107 0,0106 25. 0' 75, 2 25 / 75 25 s 74 8 25 ;i 74 6 20 II 74 4 20 1 74 -20,3 74.0 20,4 73.9 20. 5 73,, 8 20.0 7:;. 7 20.7 73.0 2(;. 8 73.5 o.ouo O. 0109 0.0108 0.0107 0.0106 O. 0105 O 0104 0.0104 0.0103 0.0103 0.0102 0.0102 0.0101 27.(1, 07. s i 0.0101 27.1' 07.0, : C.OIOO 27.2, 07.4 ; 0.0099 27.3 07,2 I 0.0098 27.4 07.11 I 0.0097 27.5 00. s O. 0096 27,0 CO. 27.7 00.4 27. s OOi. 2 0.0085 O. 0«»9 I O. 0093 -2~'. 0' 00.0 0.0093 2s, •,'! 05. s I 0.0092 2-^.:; (i5.0 0. 0092 28.1 r,,-,4 0.0091 2s, ,' 05.2 0. ©;)31 28,0 05.0 i 0.009© 91.0 I 0,0114 20.0 81.0 0.0106 20. Ij 81.5 j 0.0105 20,2' 81,4 0,0105 20.3, SI. 3 j 0.0101 20.4 SI. 3 O. 0103 20.5 81,1 I 0.0102 20.9 73,. 4 O. 0101 27.0 73.3, 27.1 73.2 27.2 73.1 —27,4 73,0 27.5 72.9 27.0 72,8 27.7, 72.7 27, s 72. G 27.9 72.5 0.0100 0.0099 0,0098 O. 0097 O. 0097 0.0096 O. 0096 O. 0095 0. 0095 04,8 04. ©0090 ©.©089 28,9 04.4 O, ©©8N 29.0, 04.2 I 0,0©87 -29,2 04.0 29. 4 [ 03.8 29.." 03.0 ©.©086 0. 0086 0. 0©S5 2s. :i 29, (1 29, 1 29, 2 2',i, I 29, 5 i 29,0 -29. ,' 29. 9 3,0, 1 3,0. 3 311,5 '■':>'. 9 31,0 I ;ii,i -3,1,2 31,4 28. II 4 O. ©094 28.1 72.3 i ©.©09 3 28.2 72.2 ©.©092 28.3, 72.1 ©.©©91 29.0, 03.4 ; ©.0085 29.7 03.2 : 0,0084 29. s 03.0 I ©.©©84 29.9 02.8 ©.0083 30.1' 02.0 I ©,©082 30, 1 62.4 ; ©.©081 30.', 02.2 ; ©.©080 3'. 9 32.0 32. 1 PSYOHEOMETEIOAL TABLES. 75 V V DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 'J i 'J 0?5 0?6 0?7 0?8 0?9 c c: ^ '■J H C ^ .a K ■ -r. CD a 1 f^ - iJ 'J — -- "if s o co.o 0.0090 —30.3: .5-2.0 0.0078 —32. 5 45.0 0.0067 —34. 37. 0.0056 -30. 8 28.0 0. 0045 -39. 2 1 50. rt 0.0090 30.4 51.8 0.0078 3)2. 7 44.6 0.0067 34. 8 3(i. 6 0. 0056 36.9 •27.0 0.0045 39.4 ., .';». (i 0.0089 30. Gj 51.6 0.0077 32. 8 44.2 9.0066 35. 30. 2 0.0055 37.1 27 -2 0.0044 39.0 ;i 511. 4 0.00S8 30. 7 51.4 0.0076 33. 43.8 0. 0065 35. 2 35. 8 0,0055 37. 3 20. 8 0. 0044 39. 8 ■1 .V,). •> ©.00§7 30. 51.2 0.0075 33>. 1 43.4 0.0064 35. 4 35. 4 0, 0054 37, 5 20. 4 0.0043 40.0 T) 5'.i. 00086' 31.0 51.0 0. 007 1 33. 3 43,0 0.0063 35. (i 35, 0.0053 37, 7 20. 0. 0042 40. 2 r, ;r,-'.s 0.0085 31. y 50. 8 0.0073 33.4 4-2. 6 0.0062 :!5. 8 34.6 0.0052 3.7, 9 25. (i 0.0041 40. 4 ' r r^. (') 0.€©g4 31.3 50. (i 0.0072 33. 42. 2 0.0061 35. 9 34,2 0.0051 38. 1 ^iv> -2 0. 0040 40. (; s r,^. 4 0.0083 31.5! 5(1.4 1 0.0071 33.7 41.8 0.0060 30. 33. 8 0. 0050 38. 3 21. s 0.00 39 40. s 5^. 'J 0.0082 31.0 50. 2 0.0070 33. 9 41.4 0.0059 30.1 33. 4 0. 0049 38.4 -24.4 0.0038 41.0 -■^:!. .V.(J 0.0082 -31.7 5(1.0 0.0070 — 34.( 41.0 0. 0059 — 3,(;. 2 33. 0.0018 ; ;^^ f, 24,0 0.0037 —41.2 1 1 :u.>< 0.0081 31. 9 49.7 0. 0069 34.1 40.7 0.0059 3(;. 4 3.2. 0048 3,8. (1 2;!,o 0.0037 41.3 ■J 57. (1 0.0081 3-2.1 49.4 0.0069 34. 3 40.4 0.0058 30. 5 32 2 0.0047 38, 7 23, 2 0,0036 41.5 ;! i n7. 4 0.0080 32.2 40.1 0.0068 34.4 40. 1 0.0058 3.0. 7 31.8 0.0047 38. 9 22. 8 0,0036 41.7 4 : :,!.'> 0.0080 32. 3 48.8 0.0068 34.0 39. 8 0.0057 36.8 31.4 0. 0046 39. 1 22. 4 0.0035 41. 9 5 : r:7.0 0079 32. 4 48.5 0. 0067 34.7 39. 5 0. 0057 3,7. 31.0 0. 0046 39.3 •22. 0. 0035 42. 1 G ; fii;. 8 0.0078 ?>^J T) 48. 2 0.0067 34.9 39.2 0.0056 37.1 30. 6 0.0045 39. 5 21.6 0,0034 4-2. 3 7 ' -a;, r, 0.0077 32. 47.9 0.0066 35. (1 38. 9 0.0055 37. 2. 30. 2 0. 0044 39. 7 21.2 0.0033 42.5 ,S 56.4 0. 0076 32. 7 47.6 0. 0065 35. 2 38.6 0. 0054 37. 4 29. 8 0.0043 39. y 20. 8 0.0032 42.7 y SC. 2 0.0075 32.8 47.3 O.O064 35. 3 38. 3 0.0053 37.6 29. 4 0, 0042 40.1 20.4 0.0031 42, 9 -y4.o 50. 0.0075 —33. 47.0 0.0063 —35. 4 38. 0. 0052 — 37. 7 29. 0.0041 —40, 2 20.0 0.0030 —43. 1 55. 8 0.0071 33.1 40. 8 0.0063 !^5. C) 37.8 0. 0052 37. 8 2<^. 8 0, 0041 40, 3 19.8 0.0030 43. 2 ■J 5.5. G 0074 33.3 4(5.6 0. 0062 35.8 37.6 0.0051 38. 28.0 0. 0040 411. 4 19. (i 0.0029 43, 4 ;i 55. 4 0.0073 3.3.4 40. 4 0.0062 35.9 37.4 0.0051 38.1 -28. 4 0, 0040 40. 19. 4 0. 0029 43, 4 55. 2 0.0073 33.0 40. 2 0.0061 36.0 37. 2 0. 0050 38. 3 ■■^s 'i 0.0039 40.8 19.2 0.0028 43.8 5 55. 0. 0072 33. 7 4G.0 0.0061 30.1 37.0 0.0050 38.4 -28.0 0.0039 41.0 19. 0.0027 44.0 6 54.8 0.0071 33. 45.8 0. 0060 ■ 30.2 36. 8 0.0049 38. 6 -27.8 0.0038 41.2 18,8 0. 0026 44 2 7 54. G 0.0070 34. 4.5.6 0.0059 36.3 :!G. 0. 0048 38. 7 27.0 0.0037 41.4 18,0 0. 0025 44,4 8 ri4.4 0.0069 1 31.2' 45.4 0.0058 30.4 30.4 0.0047 3^,9; -27.4 0,0036 41.0 18. 4 0. 0024 •4 6 9 r,i.2 i 0.0068 1 0. 0056 30.5 30. 2 0. 0046 li'J. -27.2 0. 0035 41.8 18.2 0.0023 ■A 8 76 rSYCHEOMETllIOAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OP DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?0 0?l -:J(;. 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 (S 9 -27. 1 2 y 4 5 6 o. oia4 0.0121 0.0123 0.0123 O. 0122 0.0122 'Jl.d iiii. '.) 'M. s 90.7 911.6 0.0121 9(1. 4 0.0120 W.S 0S19 91). 2 0.0118 90. 1 O.OllY 90. 0.0117 ,^9. 9 0.0116 ■ j:i. K 0.0116 ^9.7 0.011.5 SI). 6 0.0115 H9. 5 0.0114 f-9. 4 0.0113 S9. 3 0.0112 S9. 2 0.0111 s9. 1 O.OllO S9. O.OllO S9. 0.0109 s;i. 0.0109 S9. 0.0108 ..;.-.' s'j.o 0.0108 S9. 0.0107 S9. 0.0107 ' s;i.o 0.0106 h;i.o 0.0105 S9. — x 0.0114 0.0113 0.0112 0.0112 0.0111 90.-. : 0.0111 0.0110 O. 0109 O. 0108 ©.0107 0.0106 0?3 0?3 OVl 'Ji. si.O '0. 9 ■-'(;. 9 ^7. 27. 1 0106 0105 0104 0104 0.0103 0.0103 0102 0101 O.OIOO 0099 0099 0.0098 0098 0097 o. 0097 0. 0096 0. 0096 0. 0095 0. 0094 .-0. S so. 7 SO. 6 r 0. .". SO. 4 SO. 3 4 so. 2 0.1 SO. 27.9 79.9 (5 C.2 2S. 3 2S. 4 2S. ("i 2S, 9 29. 29. 1 29. 2 29. 3 29.4 79.8 79.7 79, 1 ; 79. r, 79.4 79. 3 79. 2 79.1 79. 7S. 9 7S. 6 7S. 5 7S.4 9.5; 7S.3 9. (■} 7S. 2 29.7 7S. 1 0.0101 0.0101 O.OIOO O.OIOO O. 0099 O. 0099 0.0098 0.0097 O. ©096 O.0095 O. 0094 O. 0094 0.0093 O. 0093 0.0092 0.0092 0.0091 0.0091 0.0090 O. 0089 O. OOS8 0.0088 0.0087 0.0087 0.0086 0.0086 O. 0085 O. 0085 O. 0084 0.0083 -2S. .-.I 72.0 : O. 0090 2S. 7, 71. s O. 0090 2s. s 71. (i I 0.0089 2S. 91 71.4 O. 0089 29. oj 71.2 j 0.0088 29.1^ 71.0 \ 0.0088 29.2 70. s j O. 0087 29.:;; 70. (; 29.4] 70.4 29..^. 70.2 -29.7 70.0 29.8 09.9 29.9 09. S 30.0' r.9.7 30.] (;9. G 30. 2j 09.5 30.3 09.4 30. 4 30.5 30. 6 -30. 30.9 31. 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 31.7 69. 3 69. 2 69.1 69.0 68.8 68.6 68. 4 68.2 68. 67.8 67.6 67. 4 67.2 0.0086 O. 0085 O.OOSl 0.0083 O. 0083 0.0082 0.0082 0.0081 0.0081 0.0080 O. 0079 0.0078 0.0077 0.0076 0.0076 O. 0075 O. 0075 0.0074 0.0074 0.0073 0.0073 O. 0072 0.0071 -30.4 62.0 30.6 01.8 30. s 61.0 30.9! 61.4 31.0: 61.2 31. 1 '61.0 31. 2' 60. S .31.3 60.6 31. 4| 60. 1 31.5' 60.2 -31.7; 60.0 31. hI 59.8 31.9 59.6 32.0 59.4 .59. 2 59.0 32. 1 32.2 32.3 .58.8 I 32. 4 58. 6 32. 5| .58.4 32.6, 58.2 -32. s 5S. i 33.0 .57.8 33.1 .57.6 33.2, .57.4 33.3 .57.2 33.4' .57.0 56.8 33.6 33.7 33.8 .56.0 56.4 56.2 O. 0079 —32. 4 0.0079 0.0078 O. 0078 0.0077 0.0077 O.0076 O. 0075 0.0074 0.0073 0.0072 O. 0072 0.0071 0.0071 0.0070 0.0070 O. 0069 0.0068 0.0067 O. 0066 32. (! I ■■','J. 9 33. 33.1 33.2 33. 3 33. 4 -33. 6 33. H 34.0 34. 2 3J.3 34. 4 34. 5 34. 6 3-1.7 34. S 0. 0065 0.0065 0. 0064 0. 0064 0.0063 0.0063 0. 0062 0. 0062 0.0061 ! 3.5.9 0.0060 I 36.0 —35. 3.5. 2 35. 3 35.4 35. 5 35.0 35. 7 35.8 PSYCHKOMETltlCAL TABLES. 77 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?5 0?6 0?7 o?s "^ 0?9 ' ,^ ^ o . „ _ - ^ ^ I \ II i« r3 '^ If r. - ' C 4.^ 1^ 1-1 o +^ r^ X 'o +^ 1^ c Tc ^1 a 1 ,ij - '~y^ 1-^ ■-i| 1 ^ £^ 1-^ H 'A !^ H Ch fc< H ^ " " ■^ ^ 54.0 0.006§ -34.4' 4.^.0 i 0. 0036 -•J.". 1 ■ r.3. ^ ' O. 006§ '.> ' .j3. 6 1 0. 0067 53. 4 I O. 0067 4 53.2 I 0.0066 53.0 0.0066 0.0063 0.0061 0. ©063 0. 0062 -;•,(.;.(•, 36.0 0.0045 '—:>.),] 0.0056 O. 0033 O. 0055 O. 005 1 0.0054 0.0053 5 4-,>.9 ! 0.0052 (i, l.'.C, 0. 0051 7i 4-', 3 ' O. 0050 34.0 44.7 34. 7j 44.4 34. 'J 44.1 3.5.01 43.8 I 35.2 43.5 35.3, 43.2 27.0 0.003d —42.0' IS. I 0.0023 30. > 3.1. .1 30.91 3.5,0 37.1' 34.5 37,2 34.0 37.4 33.5 37.5; 33.0 20.0 52. 0.0061 1 51.7 0.0061 -) 51.4 0.0060 3 51.1 0.0060 4 50. H 0. 0059 12. . ;i 41. O. 0049 0, 0049 3G. 1 41.4 I O. 004§ 36.2! 41. 1 I 0.0048 30.4 40.8 5 , 50.5 6 I 50.2 7 49. 9 49.0 49.3 -27. 49.0 1 48. 7 2 , 4S. 4 48.1 47.8 47.5 47.2 46.9 40. 6 46.3 0. 0059 0.0058 0. 0057 0. 0056 0. 0055 0. 0054 O. 0054 0.0053 0.0053 0.0052 0.0052 0.0051 0.0051 0. 0030 0. 0049 36.5 36.7 40.5 40.2 36.8 39.9 37.0 39.6 37. r 39.3 —37. 2 37. 6 37.8 37.9 39. 38.6 38. 2 37. 8 37.4 37.0 0. 0047 0.0047 O. 0046 0.0046 O. 0045 0, 0044 O. 0043 O. 0043 O. 0042 0. 0042 0.0041 0.0041 0.0045 0, 0044 O, 0044 0.0043 O. 0043 0. 0042 0,0041 0,0040 0.0039 O. 0038 O. 0038 :;o. 1 O. 0037 39,2 23,4 39.4 25.8 39,0 25,2 37. 8 32, 3f^. 3,1,5 3i^ 2 31.0 3.8, 4 30.7 39, S 40, (I 10.2 40, I 40,0 40. ,s 24.6 24.0 2:;. 4 21,6 0.0034 0.0033 0.0033 0.0032 00032 0,0031 O. 0030 O. 0029 0.0028 42. 1 17.4 j 0.0023 42,31 10.8 I O. 0022 42,5 10,2 42. 7 j 15,6 42, 9 15, 43,, 1 11,4 43. mI i;;. 8 43,5 13.2 43. 7l 12.0 -40.9 21.0 0,0027 — l::,.-" 12,0 41. o! 20. (; j O. 0027 41.2 20,2 0, 0026 :!9, 39. 1 3,0. 1 29. 8 29. 5 29. 2 38.1 36.6 I 0.0040 38. 2| 36. 2 { O. 0039 38.4 35.8 ' 0. 0038 3,^.5 35.4 0. 0037 39.3 28.9 39.4 28.0 39.0 28,3 -:\\l 8 40. 40. 1 27.0 40.3, 26 5 40.4 20, 40.6 25 5 40. 7 25 40.9 24 5 41. t 24 , 41.3 •);i . .5 0.0036 O. 0036 O. 0035 O. 0035 0.0034 0.0033 0.0032 0.0031 0.0031 0.0030 0.0030 0. 0029 0.0029 O. 0028 O. 0028 O. 0027 0.0026 41.4: 19,8 41. (J 19.4 ilJ 19.0 42. ol 18.6 42.2 18.2 42.4 17.8 42.6 -42. 8 42. 9 43.1 43. 2 43.4 43. 5 43.7 43.8 4 1.0 44. 1 17.4 17.0 O. 0026 O. 0025 O. 0025 0.0024 0.0023 0.0022 0.0021 0. 0020 41. Oj 41.2 .... 41.4 .... 44. (,.... 44. 45. . 45. 2 45.4 45. O. 0022 0.0021 O. 0021 O. 0020 O. 0019 0.0018 0.0017 O. 0016 -45. 45. 2 45, 4 45, 45, 8 10.0 40, 2 40.4 46.0 10,8 7b PSYOHIIOMETKIOAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?0 0?1 0?2 0?3 «?1 -30.0 1 0.0104 I 0.0104 O.OS03 i 0.0103 o. oioa 0.0102 O.OIOI O.OIOO 0.0099 O. 00»8 0.009§ 0.0097 0.0097 O. 0096 O. 0096 O. 0095 0.0095 0.0094 0. 0094 0.0093 O. 0092 0. 0092 O. 0091 0.0091 O. 0090 0.0090 0.0089 0.0089 o. ooss O. 0086 1 i y- . (1 .9 .4 .1 1.0 I 0.0093 I 0. 0093 0.0092 0.0092 0.0091 0.0091 O. 0090 0.0090 0.0089 0.0088 0.0087 0.0087 O. OOS6 0.0086 O. 0085 0.0085 0.0084 0.0084 0.0083 0.0082 . 0. 008 1 .^7.(1 0.0081 !^:.o o. 0080 -T.o ■ 0.0080 ^r. O. 0079 0.0079 0.0078 ^7.0 j 0.0078 '^T.O i 0.0077 .^7.1) I 0.0076 10. .^ '-• ;u, 77. ;o. 1 77. iO. -2 i t . JO. :; 77. ;o. -1 77. VI .' 77. '.0. t\ 77. W. 7 77. '.0. -^ 77. 0. 0082 9 I O. 0082 8 0.0081 7 0. 0081 C ! O. 0080 5 0.0080 Ml. ll ;;!.:; :n. 4 :n.;:.i 31. ti' 31.7 31. .-^ 31. >J 0.0079 0.0079 0.0078 1 0.0077 0. 0076 1.^ 0. 0076 (i. fi ; O. 0075 lU : O. 0075 i;. '2 0.0074 i;.0 j 0.0074 5. d O. 0073 3.6 I 0.0073 4 0.0072 0.0071 .U.>i (i7.0 0.0070 —34. (1 r.(i. 0. 0059 — 3(i. 2 '.■-'. 1 (Hi. s 0.0070 34. -J "i."). T 0059 3i;. 1 ;•) -J 66. !j 0. 0069 34.:; ."..-,. 4 0.0058 36.5 '.-'. " llli. -1 0. 0069 34. 1 Ti.-.. 1 O.0058 3G.6 ;•-'. 4 66. -J 0.0068 34..' r.i.s 0.0057 36. 7 !'.'. ." 66. 0.006S 34. 6 .'.!..-, 0. 0057 36. S j-'. 1 lio. y 0.0067 34.7 54. -J 0.0050 36. ;• ;■-'. 7 65. i; 0.0067 •> ■' 53. LI 0. 0056 37. 1) !■-'. - 6.".. 4 0.0066 " 1 1 . 'J 53. (i 0. 0055 37. 1 >"i. 1* ('i.">. -J O. 0065 : !."■.. II .53. 3 0. 005 1 'M '' . 6.5.0 I O. 0061 . 1 64.^ , 0.0004 .2 64.6 0.0063 . 3j 6 1.4 0.0063 — 3->. 75 tf7.0 -7.0 32. 1 i2. 4 74.9 74. - 74.7 0.0070 0.0070 O. 0069 O. 0069 .4j 64.2 64.0 33.7 63.6 33. t' 6,3,. 4 33. 6 O. 0062 O. 0062 0.0061 0.0061 O. 0060 3.9 63.2 0.0059 74.6 0. 0068 32.5, 74.5 0.0068 3,2. 6, 74. 4 O. 0067 3.2.7: '4.3 0.0067 32. ^i 74.2 : 0.0066 •^.•^ 74.1 I 0.0065 -34. f 34. 1 2 53,. II O. 0O53 I 52.7 0.0053 5 ,52.4 0.0052 6 .52.1 j 0.0052 7 51. s 0.0051 ,- 51.5 I O. 0051 ;i 51. -J 0.0050 d' 50.9 0.0050 37. 4 3,;. 6 37.9 3,-. 3S. 1 1 50.6 '2 50.3 63.0 O. 0058 —36.4 50.0 0.0049 0.0048 0.0047 62.6 0.005S 36.5 49.7 0.0047 : 3-^.9 34.2 62.6 i 0.0057 I 34.3! 62.4 I 0.0057 34. 4| 62.2 j 0.0056 34. 5j 62.0 j 0.0056 34.6 61. H I 0.0055 34.7; 61.6 j 0.0055 36.6 49.4 3,6.7' 49.1 0.0016 0. 0046 36.,- 4-. s 0.0045 3,6.9 4S. 5 0.0015 34.6 61.4 31.9 61.2 O. 0054 O. 0054 3,7.(1 46.2 37.11 47.9 3,7.2 47 6 37.3 17.3 0.0041 0. 0044 0.0013 0. 0043 ;',9. 1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 39. 6 3,11. 7 3'J S rsYcnRo:\iETR ical tables. 79 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND 'WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?5 0?« 0?7 0?8 o:» Ul 0. 00 18 4:.. (') 0.0018 i.'i o 0.0017 44 -^ 0.0047 14 4 0.0046 44 0.0016 41! (! 0.0045 4:! o 0. OOlo 4-2 ^ 0. 0044 4 -J 4 0.0043 :n, I ;r,.o : 0.0036 ;^>^. s :^.4. .- O. 00S« -41.1 -S.'.jt 0.00>j.> 41. (. ■J--\5 , 0.0025 39.(1 -4.0 I 0.0035 41.7 -.'-J. d , O. 0021 ■XKl S-. ■' ■ 0.0035 ' 41.9! •Jl..'-. : 0.0024 39. e 33.0 I 0.0034 39.3 32.5 0. 0034 39.4 3-,'.0 0.0033 39..-! 31. r, I 0.0033 40. u; 21.0 0.0023 4-'.-.' -Jii..- ^ 0.0023 4-.'. 3 -ilLO 0.0022 42. r, 19. .5 0.0022 ■.'J.C 31.0 ; O. 0032 ' 4-'. 01 19.(1 0.0021 30. .3 i 0.0031 42, s 1> O. 0020 -44.3, . 44.4'. 44. 5' . 44.7 . 44. 91 . 4.'.. 1 . 4.'.. :\ . 43.r,j. 45.7;. 45.;) , -29. 1 42.0 ; 0.0042 —40.0 30.0 O. 0030 —13. 11 l^^. ; O. 0019 —40.0 41.0 ' 0.0042 4(1 2 29.4 ! 0. 0030 , 4 41.2 I O. 004 S 40.4 2--. - O. 0029 4(1. > j 0.0041 I 40.0 2~. 2 I O. 0029 40.4 ' 0.0040 i 40.7 27.0 0. 0028 4(1.0 ; O. 0040 , 40.- 27.0 I O. 002N 39.0 0.0039 I 40.9 -0.4 \ 0.002? 39.2 0.0039 : 41.0 25.- 0. 002t 3-\s 0. 0038 41.1 25.2 0.0026 43, :;.... 4:;. 5 ... 43.7 ... 43.- ... 44. IK.. I 44.1: I 44. 3-. 4 0.0037 41.2 24. f> 0. 0025 44.4 3.11.0 I 4 50 9 34, • O. 0036 .0 0.0036 .2 0. 0035 I .s 0.0035 ] 4 0.0034 I (1 0. 0034 j 0.0033 2 0. 0033 - 0.0032 4 , 0.0032 -41.4 41.6 41.8 42. II 42. 2 42. 3 42. 4 42. 5 42.1; 42. 7 24.0 i 23>, 23. 2 .1.1 ., 22.4 22. 21.0 21.2 2i I. - 20. 4 O. 0024 O. 0024 O. 0023 o. 0022 0.0022 o. 002 1 0.0021 O. 0020 o. 0020 0.0019 -44. 44.7 4 1.9 45. (I 45. 2' 45.0 45, > . 45.0 . 80 PSYCHEOMETRIOAL TABLES. DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0°0 31.(1 ...... o.o©§y 1 0.0087 2 0.00§6 3 0.0086 4 0.00§5 5 0.0085 G j 0.0081 ~ 0.0081 8 ' : 0.0083 9 O.0082 2 4 5 G 7 s 'J :!.0 1 o O. 0081 0,0081 O. 0080 O. 0079 o.oo'jg O. 0078 O. OOt8 O. 0077 o. oo'ye 0.007G 0.0075 0.0074 0.0074 0.0073 0.0073 0.0072 o.oo7a 0.0071 0.0071 0.0070 o°i n 0.00 75 '.) j 0.0075 --: I O. 0071 7 0.0074 0.0073 0.0073 0.0072 0.0072 O 0©7( O. 0071 .~r,. S5. 9 H.-,, 84.9 84.7 .... 84.0 >:4.5 .^4.4 84.3 84.2 84.1 O. 0070 0.0070 O. 0069 0.0069 0.0068 0.0068 O. 0067 0.0067 0.0066 . 1 O. 0065 0. 0064 O. 0064 84.8 , 0.0063 0.0063 0.0062 0. 0062 0.0061 O. 0061 0.0060 0. 0059 o 0-2 L' K :;:! (1 74.0 x>, 1 73 t-; :« 7:1.4 :',:'. 4 73. 2 •J.. G 73. II 72. 8 :i3 7 72. G ■ ). 1 '.1 72. 4 72. 2 :!t.(i 72. II :;i,i 71.. s :i4.'-' 71. G ;u. :i 71.4 ;u.4 71.2 ;)4. r> 71.0 ■U. G 70,.^ :',4. 7 70.6 ■.'.\.. 711.4 iU.O 7U. 2 :;.'.. 1 70.11 35. 3 G9.8 3.".. 4 GO. G 35. 5 GO. 4 35. G G,0. 2 35. 7 G9. 35. ^ 118.8 35. 9 G8. (i 3(;. G,..4 3r,. 1 G8. 2 §M O. ©064 O. 0064 O. 0063 O. 0063 O. 0062 O.O062 0.0061 0.0061 O. 0060 O. 0059 O. 0058 O. ©058 ©.©057 ©.©©57 ©.©©56 ©. ©©56 ©.©©55 ©.©055 O. 0©54 ©. ©©54 O. ©©53 0.0053 0.0052 ©. ©©52 0.0051 0.0©51 ©.©©5© ©. 005© ©.©049 0.0018 -3.5.1 Gl.O 35.:; Gil. 7 :!5. 4, GO. 4 :;5. .^, go. 1 :!5. (i: 50. H I :'>5. 7 59. 5 :!5. ,^ .59.2 :'.5. 5.^. :\G. 5W. 1; ;!G. 1, 5S. :! ^:;g. :! 58.0 :;g. G 57.4 :iG.7, .57.1 3G. 8 5G. w :;g. 0, 5G. 5 :;7. oj 50.2 :!7. II 55.9 I :i7.2|55.G I 37.3 .55.3 -37.4 55.0 :!7.G .54.6 :37.7 .54.2 37.8 53.8 37. 9 :!s. 53.4 53.0 :5s. 1 52.6 ;;8.2 .52.2 :!8. :; 51. 8 ;!S. 4 51.4 0?3 O. ©053 0.0©53 ©.©©52 ©.©©52 ©0051 ©.©©51 O. 0©5© O. 0©5© ©. ©©49 ©.©©48 ©0047 O. ©©47 0.0046 O. ©©46 ©. ©©45 0.0045 O. 0044 O. 0044 0. ©©43 ©.©043 0. ©©42 0.0042 0.0041 ©.©©41 ©. ©©4© ©. ©©4© ©.©©39 ©.©©39 ©.©©38 ©0037 47. :!7. 7| 4G :!7.si4G ::7.0| 45 :!s. II 4." ,1 4 M, 14, 4| 4;i, 5 4;:. i -.3.". 7 4:1 1) 38, ^ u a o a u -2 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0?5 0?6 0?7 ©?8 0?9 ^ a a II 0.2 ^ . O -w si •- — H — 42. ^ 43 .a ^ ? 5 K 20. c 'A &^ . u a -a ^^ . * S a '? 3 a? H —46. •S-q ^ a - 5 15 -a si a oj © a ^ a Force cf vapor in English inches. o ^^ '^ 2 a 2 H li a ;S a ^ ^ a a> ■" Force of vapor in EDglieh iuches. © o -^ o -31.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -32.0 1 2 3 4 r. 6 7 8 9 -33.0 1 2 3 4 G 8 9 34.0 33.6 33.2 32.8 32.4 32.0 31.6 31.2 30.8 30.4 30.0 29.5 29.0 28. -, 28.0 27.5 27.0 26.5 26. 25.5 2.''i. 24.5 24.0 23. 5 23.0 22.5 22.0 21.5 21.0 20. r, 0.0031 0.0031 0.0030 0.0030 0.0029 0. 0029 0.0028 0.0028 0. 0027 0.0027 0.0026 0. 0026 0. 0025 0. 0025 0.0024 0. 0024 0.0023 0. 0023 0. 0022 0.0022 0.0021 0.0020 0. 0020 0.0019 0.0019 0.0018 0.0018 0.0017 O.OOI7 0.0016 0.0019 43.2 43.3 43.4 4'^ f". 43.7 —44,1 44.5 44.7 44. '.1 45.2 45.4 — 45. 5 45.6 45.8 45.9 46.1 46.3 45.4 46.6 4C.7 46. ^« ■ . 11 82 PSYCHROMETEICAL TABLES. a fH -34.0 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 M 9 -35. 1 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. o?o .2 J > 3 M 3 4 6 7 8 9 3j.O 1 2 3 4 5 6 G bJD 0.0070 O.OOTO O. 0069 O. 0069 0.0068 0.0068 0.0067 O. 0067 O. 0066 O. 0065 O. 0065 O. 0064 0. 0064 O. 0063 O. 0063 0.0063 O. 0062 0.0061 0.0061 O. 0O6O O. 0060 0. 0059 0. 0059 O. 0058 O. 005g 0.0057 O. 0057 ©0056 O. 0056 O. 0055 O 4^ P.'TJ a 84.0 83.8 83.6 8:!. 4 83.2 83. 82.8 82.6 82.4 82. 81.9 .-1.8 81.7 SI. 6 81. r, 81.4 81.3 81.2 81.1 wi.o 811.8 .-0. 6 sn. 4 HI). 2 HIJ. Til. ■- 7!l. C 7;). 4 79. 2 0?1 a a) c ja ctl ^ a Y' "^ '^■^r. .1 bC o 3 iW -— !J-i o 0059 0059 o 0058 o 005 § 0057 o 0057 o 0056 0056 0055 o 0O55 -36. 2 36.3 36.4 36. .'"i 36.6 36.7 36. H 63.0 67.7 67.4 67.1 66.8 66. .^1 66.2 36.9 65.9 37. 37.1 O. 005 1 O. 0054 O. 0053 O. 0053 0.0052 0. 0052 0.0051 O. 0051 0.0050 O. 0050 O. 0049 O. 0049 O. 0048 O. 004S 0.0047 0.0047 O. 0046 O. 0046 0.0045 O. 0044 37. i: \u . (1 37. 9 :'.s. u 3-, 1 65. 6 65. 3 65.0 64.7 64.4 64. 1 63, H 63. 5 63.2 62. 9 (-.2.6 62. 3 -3y. :v 62.0 3^,4 61.6 3S. T: 61.2 3s, cl (ill, s :w, : 6(1,4 3S. i-i (10,(1 3-, 9 59.6 39. 1 ' 59. 2 I 39. 2, 58. S 39.3 .58.4 o?a ©?3 a o be 0.004$ O. 0048 0.0047 O. 0047 O. 0046 O. 0046 0. 0045 0.0045 O. 0044 0.0044 O. 0043 0,0013 O. 0042 0.0042 O.OOll 0.0041 O. 0040 0,0040 0.0039 O. 0039 0.0038 0.0038 0.0037 0.0037 O. 0036 0.C036 O. 0035 0.0035 O. 0034 0.0034 ^ 'o -38. 5 38.7 3S. ,S Si a 51.0 5(1.7 50.4 38.9 50.1 39.0 39. 1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39. 5 49.8 49. 5 49.2 48.9 48.6 48.3 -39.7^ 48.0 39.9 40.1 40.2 40.3 40.4 40.5 4(1.6 40.7 47.6 47.2 46.8 46.4 46.0 45.6 45.2 44.8 4(1.8 44.4 —41.0 44.0 41. ij 43.5 41.2 4:!. 41.3 42.5 i 41.4 42.0 41.5 11,6 41,7 41.8 41. 5 41.0 40. 5 40. 42, 39. r a its ti a few En O. 0037 O.0O37 O. 0036 0.0036 0.0035 0. 0035 0.0034 0.0034 0.0033 0.0033 0. 0032 O. 0032 0.0031 0.0031 O. 0030 O. 0030 O. 0029 0.0029 0.0028 0.0028 0.0027 0.0027 O. 0026 0.0026 O. 0025 O. 0025 0.0024 O. 0024 0.0023 O. 0022 Cii-o -41.2 41.4 41.6 41.8 41. 9 42. 42.1 42.2 42.3 42,4 a;5 S. a 35.0 34. 5 34.0 33.5 33.0 32.5 32.0 31.5 31.0 30.5 -42.5 30.0 42. 7' 29.4 42.9 28.3 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 43. 5 43.6 -43.7 43.9 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 44,5 44.6 44.7 44.8 28.2 27.6 27.0 26.4 25.8 25.2 24.6 24.0 23.6 23. 2 22.8 22.4 22. 21.6 21.2 20. 8 20.4 0?4 u a> O +a m a go Sfe a 0. 0025 0.0025 O. 0024 0.0024 0. 0023 0.00^3 O. 0022 0. 0022 0.0021 0.0021 0. 0020 O. 0020 0.0019 0.0019 0.0018 0.0018 0.0017 0.0017 0.0016 0.0016 0.0013 0.0015 0.0014 0.0014 0.0013 0.0013 0.0012 0.0012 0.0011 0.0011 -44.3 44. C 44.7 44. 9 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 45.5 45.6 —45. 7 45.9 46,0 46.2 46. 3 46.5 46. 6 46.8 46.9 47.1 —47.2 47.4 47.5 47.7 47.8 48.0 48.1 48.3 48.4 48.6 PSYCHROMETEICAL TABLES. 83 SI -34,0 1 2 3 4 -35.0 1 — 3G.0 1 >_» 3 DIFFERENCE OP DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETERS. 0°5 3 "^ X . t: ^•5 i) :: t:^ 20. 19.5 19.0 18.5 l-'.O 17.5 17.0 16.5 16.0 15. 5 15.0 14.6 14.2 13.8 13.4 13.0 12.6 12.2 11.8 11.4 11.0 10.5 10.0 9.5 4 i 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 0.0016 00016 0.0013 0.0015 0.0014 0.0011 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013 0.0012 0.0011 O.OOll O.OOIO 0.0010 O. 0009 o. oooo o. 000§§ 0.0007 o.ooov O. 0007 O. 0007 O. 0OO6 O. 0006 O. 0005 0.0005 O. 0001 0.0001 0.0003 0.0003 .a -47. 11 47.1 47. :; 47.4 47. 6: 47. 7l 47.9, 48. i; 48, •,' 48.:!' 0?6 to rH 'r^ X- TD ■ ~ -3 II c: 3 c .'S "C -^ '. 7 48. 9^ 49.0 49. 2 49. 3 49. r 49. ( 49.8 -49. 9 fiO. (I 50, .50. 3 50..- 50. ( 50. .« 50. 9 51.1 CI. -2, — — ■■ — 0?7 >* ^ 0) o ^ -^ r^ '-trf. .4_ P. •v ^ 7Z -' ■^ J o-'Trj -; .y o c: ■"T .^ ^ y w t; 0°8 '^ ^c —-3 a 0?9 O IS Cq3 a 84 PSYCHEOMETEICAL TABLES. a £ DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULB THBRMOMETSRS. a o a i-i a "3 ©?0 o?i 0?3 0?3 o *^ H -45. U 4.J. 2 0?4 ^ . C 4- ■^ 3 Z =< a ;^ to > S M g n a 1>- a 9- -a — ^ ? a a a few V a y a a S J F.g C.2 o a 0.0034 0.0034 a y y a 'v — 1 K r— ZJ •si j y zl. ■a .a S a r* — • —37 c . 1 0.0055 0.0055 79.0 7«.8 O. 0044 0. 0044 —39.5 39.7 58. 57. 7 —42.1 42. 3 39. O. 0022 20.0 19.5 0.0010 0.0010 -48.7 48.8 38. 5 0.0022 2 3 0.0054 0. 0054 78,6 78.4 0. 0043 0.0043 39.9 40.0 57.4 .57.1 0.0033 0.0033 42.4 38.0 0.0021 0.0021 45. 4 45. ( 19. 18.5 0. 0009 0.0009 48.9 49. 1 42. 5 37.5 4 0.0053 78.2 0.0042 40.1 ,56. 8 0. 0032 42. (■ 37.0 0.0020 45. 7 18.0 0. 0008 49.3 5 0.0053 78.0 0. 0042 40.2 56.5 0.0032 42.7 36. 5 O. 0020 45. 8 17.5 0. 0008 49.5 6 0. 0052 77.8 0.0041 40.3 56.2 0.0031 42. 8 36.0 0.0019 45.9 17.0 0.0007 49.7 7 8 9 0.0052 0.0051 O.OOSl 77.6 77.4 77.2 O.O041 0. 0040 0. 0040 40.4 40.5 40.6 55. 9 55.6 55. 3 0.0031 0. 0030 O.0030 42.9 43.0 43. 1 35.5 35. 34.5 0.0019 0.0018 0.0018 46.0 46. 1 46.2 16.5 16.0 15.5 0.0007 O.00O6 0.0006 49. 8 49.9 .50.0 —38 0.0050 77.0 0.0039 —40.7 65.0 0.0029 —43. 3 34.0 0.0018 —46. 3 15.0 0. 0006 -50.1 1 0.0050 76. 8 O 0039 40.9 54. 5 0.0029 43.4 33.5 0.0018 46. ; 14.6 0. 0005 50.3 2 0.0049 76.6 0.0038 41.0 54.0 0.0028 43.4 33.0 0.0017 46.7 14.2 0. 0005 50.5 3 0. 0049 76. 4 0.003§ 41.1 53. 5 0.0028 43. 5 32. 5 0.0017 46.9 13.8 0. 0005 50.7 4 0.004§ 76.2 0.0037 41.2 53.0 0.0027 4:'>. 6 :i2. 0.0016 47.1 13.4 0. 0004 50.8 5 O. 0048 76.0 0.0037 41.3 .52. 5 0.0027 43.6 31.5 0.0016 47.2 13 0. 0004 50.9 6 0.004V ' 75.8 O.OU36 41.4 .52. 0.0026 43.7 31.0 0.0015 47. M 12.6 0. 0004 51.0 7 8 9 0.0047 0. 0046 0.0046 7.S. 6 7.1. 4 0.0036 0.0035 0. 0035 41.5 41.6 41.7 51.5 51 .50. 5 0. 0026 0. 0025 0.0025 43. S 4:'.. .-^ 43. 9 30. 5 30. 29. 5 0015 0.0011 O 0014 47.4 47. [, 47. 6 12. 2 11.6 11.4 0.0003 0. O003 0.0003 51.1 51.2 51.3 7.1. 2 —39 0.0046 7,'-). 0. 0035 —41.8 50.0 0.0025 —44.0 29.0 0.0013 -17.7 11.0 0.0002 —51.4 1 0.0045 __ 74.8 O. 003 1 41.9 49.6 0. 0024 44.2 2~.6 O. 0013 47.9 10.6 0. 0002 51.6 2 0.0045 74.6 0.0034 4.'. 49. 2 0.0024 44.4 28. 2 0.0012 48.1 10.2 0. 0002 51.7 3 4 0.0045 O. 0044 1 74.4 74.2 0.00S4 0.0033 42.1 42. 2 48.8 48.4 O. 0023 0. 0023 44.6 27.8 44.7, 27.4 0.0012 0.0011 48. 2 9. 8 0.0001 0.0001 51.9 52.0 J 48.3 9.4 5 6 0. 0044 O.0044 74.0 0.0033 0.0033 42.3 4-2.4 48.0 47.6 0.0022 0.0022 44. r 27.0 0.0011 0.0011 48.4 48. 5 9.0 8.6 0001 0.0001 52.2 52.3 73.8 44. 9 26. 6 7 0.0043 73.6 0. 0032 42.5 47.2 O. 0021 45. 26. 2 O.OOIO 48.6 8.2 0.0000 52.5 8 9 0. 0043 0. 0042 73.4 73.2 0.0032 0.0031 42.6 46.8 0.0021 0. 0020 45.2 25.8 O.OOIO 0.0010 48.7' 7.8 0.0000 0.0000 52. 6 52.8 1 42.1- 46.4 4.5.4 25. 4 48.8 7.4 P3YCHEOMETRICAL TABLES. 85 DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BXILB THERMOMETERS. a (0 P > p -40.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -41.0 1 2 3 4 5 fi 7 -42. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o?© 2 J 0. 0042 0.0013 0.0041 O.OOll 0.0010 O. OOIO O. 0039 0.0039 0.003§ 0.003§ 0.0038 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 O. 0036 O. 0036 0.0033 0. 0035 O. 0035 O. 0031 O. 0031 O. 0031 0.0033 0.0033 0.0032 0.0032 0.0031 0.0031 O.003O O. 0O3O 5 o?i 73.0 72.7 72. 4 72.1 71. K 71.5 71.2 70.9 70.6 70.3 70.0 69.7 69. 4 69.1 68.8 (18. 5 68. 2 <;7. 9 67.6 67.3 67.0 66.6 66.2 65.8 65.4 65.0 64.6 64.2 63.8 63.4 g. -J ce a t' — 0?2 0.003I O. 0031 0.0030 O. 0030 O. 0029 O. 0029 0.0028 O. 0028 0.0027 0.0027 O. 0026 O. 0026 O. 0025 O. 0023 0.0021 0.0021 0.0023 0.0023 O. 0022 O. 0022 0.0022 O. 0021 0.0021 O. 0021 0.0020 O. 0020 0.0019 0.0019 O.OOIS 0.0018 = s 3 -42. 9 43.1 43.2 43. 3 43.4 43. .^ 43.6 43. 43.8 43.9 -44.0 44.1 44.2 44, 3 44.4 44..^ 44.6 44. 44.8 44.9 -45. 1 4.5. 2 45. 3 45.4 45.5 45. 6 45.7 45. 45.9 46.1 46.0 45.5 4.5.0 44.5 44.0 43.5 43.0 42.5 42.0 41.5 41.0 40.5 40.0 39.5 39.0 38.5 38.0 37.5 37.0 36.5 36.0 35.5 35.0 34.5 34.0 33.5 33.0 32.5 32.0 31.5 £ 2 0?3 5'^ .at. O. 0020 0.0020 0.0019 0.0019 o.ooi§ 0.0018 0.0017 0.0017 0.0016 0.0016 0.0016 0.0013 0.0013 O.OOll O.OOll 0.0013 O. 0013 0.0013 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0011 O.OOll 0.0010 0.0010 O. 0009 O. 0009 0.000§ O. 0008 -45. 6 45.8 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 46.4 46.5 46.6 46.7 -46.8 47.0 47.2 47.3 47.4 47. .:, 47.6 47. 47.8 4' -48.0 48.1 48. 2 48.3 48.4 48.5 48.6 48.7 48.8 49. 25.0 24.5 24.0 23.5 23.0 22.5 22. 21.5 21.0 20.5 20.0 12. 11.5 11.0 10.5 19. 5 19. IS. 5 IH. 17. 5 17. 16. 5 16 1) 13 5 15 14 5 14 13 5 13 12 1 5 O. 0009 O. 0009 0.0008 0.0008 0.0008 0.0007 O. 0007 O. 0006 0. 0006 O. 0006 O. 0003 O. 0003 O. OOOl O. OOOl 0.0004 O 0003 0.0003 O. 0003 O. 0002 O. 0002 O.OOOl O. OOOl O.OOOl O.OOOl O.OOOl O.OOOl 0. 0000 o. oooo 0.0000 O. 0000 3 0?4 2 a fa c *- ct: -48. U 49. 1 49.2 49. 3 49. 1 49. ,'. 49. 6 49. 7 49.8 49.9 —50.1 50.3 50. .'i .^il». (_ 50. 7 50. 8 50.9 51.0 51.1 51.2 -51. 1 51.6 51.8 51.9 52. 52. 1 52. 3 52. 5 ^-^ 7 O. 0000 -52. 9 86 PSYCHROMETRICAL TABLES. .a a f^ -43.0 1 2 3 4 5 -44.0 1 2 3 4 -45. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0°0 c .i 0.0030 0.0030 0.0029 0.0029 0.002§ 0.002§ 0.0027 0.0027 O. 0026 0.0026 0.0026 0.0026 0.0023 0.0023 O. 0024 O. 0021 0.0023 0.0023 O. 0022 0. 0022 O. 0022 DIFFERENCE OP DRY AND ^)VBT BULB THERMOMETERS. 6.3.0 62.5 62.0 61.5 6t.O 60. 5 60. .59.5 59.0 58.5 .58.0 57.4 56. S 56.2 55.6 55.0 54.4 53.8 53.2 52. 6 52.0 0?1 o.ooi§ 0.0018 0.0017 0.0017 0.0016 0.0016 0.0015 0.0013 0.0014 0.0014 0.0014 0.0014 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0011 O.OOll O.OOll 3 -46.2 46.3 46.4 46. 5 46.6 46.7 46.8 46. 9 47.0 47.1 —47.3 47.4 47. 5 47.6 47.7 47.8 47. 9 48.0 48.1 48.2 -48.4 ©?2 0?.1 0'?4 C ^ O -0 - e ;w tM ci :^ 34^ S-3 3 S J3 ^ ^1 1.- 3 T-a I to s „