CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1891 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE Cornell University Library NC760 .T48 1899 olin 3 1924 030 666 899 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. HANDBOOK OF ANATOMY FOR ART STUDENTS ARTHUR THOMSON HENRY FROWDE, M.A. PUBLISHER TO THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD LONDON, EniNBURGH, AND NEW YORK A HANDBOOK OF ANATOMY FOR ART STUDENTS ARTHUR THOMSON, M.A., M.B. PROFESSOR OF HUMAN ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ; AND LECTURER ON ANATOMY IN THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF ART, SOUTH KENSINGTON WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS SECOND EDITION AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1899 PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, M.A. PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY DEDICATED MEMORY OF MY FATHER JOHN THOMSON, M.D. fLEET SURGEON, R.K. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION The experience -whicli I have had as a teacher and my acquaintance and sympathy with the requirements of students of Art liave led me to the conclusion that hitherto too much stress has been laid on the nomenclature and technical details of Human Anatomy^ and too little emphasis placed on the relation of these details to the surface forms. What the student requires is not a minute description of every bone, muscle, and joint, but only such an account as will enable him to appreciate their influence on the modelling of the figure. Names convey little to his mind, forms alone interest him. In the following pages, which are based on the lectures which I have had the honour of giving at the Eoyal College of Art, South Kensington, I have endeavoured to carry out as far as possible these principles. With this intention every effort has been made to avoid unnecessary detail, and to rid the text as far as possible of technicalities. Where there are English equivalents for the scientific terms more commonly employed, they have been made use of; but unfortunately their number is limited, and the student is left with no other alternative than to accept the scien- tific nomenclature. In place of adopting, as is usual, the method of furnish- ing a complete description of the bones, succeeded by an viii Preface to the First Edition. equally detailed account of the joints and muscles, I have incorporated them in the description of regions. As each region — a limb for instance — is considered, its bones, joints, and muscles are described in so far as they have special reference to the moulding of the surface forms. In this way it is hoped that the student may attain a better grasp of the subject than by the study of isolated descriptions of the various structures involved. In order to carry out such an idea it was necessary that the descriptions given should be supplemented by frequent reference to the model or by copious illustration. In the present work photography has been employed for this purpose. I am well aware of the drawbacks of such a method, yet it seems to me that these are counterbalanced by the truth of the resulting figures. The plates lay no claim to artistic excellence ; their value depends on their fidelity to nature. Artists, I feel sure, will sympathize with me in regard to the defects of some of the forms represented, knowing as they do how difficult it is to obtain universal excellence in a model. Apart from the professional models employed, I am largely indebted to some of the better known athletes of this University for the facilities which have enabled me to take the photo- graphs. For obvious reasons it is unnecessary for me to name these gentlemen, but I wish none the less to express my indebtedness to them. In the production of most of the keys which accompany' the plates I have received much valuable assistance from my friend and pupil, Mr. Cecil "W". Pilcher, B.A., of Keble College, who has also drawn a few of the illustrations in the text: to him my best thanks are due. For the rest of the figures I am alone responsible. Two or three have been borrowed from other sources, and in constructing the plates illustrative of the entire skeleton I have availed myself of the proportions laid down by the late Professor Preface to the First Edition. ix John Marshall, in his work entitled, A Rule of Proportion for the Human Figure. In the cuts with which the text is illustrated I have endeavoured to lay particular stress on those points which are of importance to the artist, and, in spite of their shortcomings as drawings, I trust that they may appeal to the reader on account of their direct application to the subject-matter. A word or two as to how the subject should be studied. Let the student in the first place familiarize himself with the forms of the bones by rapid sketches of them in different positions. Especially is this necessary where the limbs are foreshortened. Having acquired this knowledge, let him then proceed to the study of the model. It is hoped that with the aid of the plates and their accompanying keys he will be able to determine for himself the form and position of the structures on which the surface contours depend. Assist the eye where possible with the hand, and by rapid and sudden changes of position ascertain precisely the nature of the underlying cause. In conclusion I have to thank Professor E. Howden, of the University of Durham, for the trouble and care w;hich he has bestowed on the revisal of the proof-sheets, as well as for the many valuable hints he has given me. A. T. OXPOBD, August lo, 1896. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION The reception accorded to the first edition of tliis book has been such as to lead me to believe that it has proved acceptable to that class of student for whom it was written. In it I endeavoured to explain the principles which underlie the construction of the human figure, and hoped thereby to invest the subject with an additional interest, apart from its purely technical application. Conscious that the utility of such a work as this depends largely on its illustrations, I have in the present edition replaced some of the old figures by new blocks. Fourteen new plates have been added, and these it is hoped will be of ser^dce in throwing further light on the relation of muscular action to surface form. I wish I had possessed more technical skill to enable me to express in graphic form what one ma}- term the ' Shorthand ' of the figure, for thereby no doubt many of the details referred to in this volume might have been better impressed on the memory ; on the other hand it is perhaps as well that the student should work out these details for himself in the life school. If in any way the present work serves to lighten his labours or proves an aid to his studies, I shall feel that my efforts have not been without reward. A. T. Oxford, August I, 1899. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. THE INFLUENCE OF POSTTJEE ON THE FOEM OF MAN. PAGES Early attempts at walking — Curves of back-bone — Vertebral column — Erectores spinae — Limb girdles — Pelvic girdle -Thigh-bone — Skeleton of lower limb— Leg and foot — Shouldei'-girdle — Form of chest — Skeleton of upper limb — Skull .... 1-19 CHAPTER 11. GENEEAL DESCRIPTION OP THE BONES AND JOINTS. Classification of bones — Chest-wall — .Joints — Movable joints — Immovable joints 20-26 CHAPTER III. VERTEBEAL COLUMN OE SPINE. Vertebral column — The vertebrae — Curves of column — Curves of back— Grrooves for muscles— Erector spinae— Movements of column 27-45 CHAPTER IV. THE THOEAX, THE EEGIONS OF THE FLANK, AND THE ANTEETOE ABDOMINAL WALL. Ribs — Breast-bone — Thorax— Anterior abdominal wall — Lumbar aponeurosis — External oblique — Rectus abdominis — Contours of abdominal wall— Fold of groin— Diiferences between male and female— The flank— Action of abdoiainal muscles— Effect of movements on contours of abdominal wall .... 46-73 XII Contents. CHAPTER V. PAGES THE SHOULDER-GIRDLE AND THE MUSCLES WHICH INFLUENCE ITS MOVEMENTS. Shoulder-girdle— Collar-bone— Shoulder-blade— Girdle as a whole —Direct and indirect action of muscles— Trapezius— Rhomboids —Action of trapezius— Serratua magnus— Action of serratus magnus — Rotation of scapula — Humerus — Shoulder-joint — Latissimus dorsi — Pectoralis major — The breasts — Deltoid — Action of the deltoid— Infra-spinatus and teres minor— Teres major — Summary of the muscles of the back . . . 74-121 CHAPTER VI. THE UPPER ARM.' The armpit — Coraco-brachialis — Humerus — Bones of fore-arm — Ulna— Radius— Elbow-joint— Fascia of upper arm — Brachialis anticus — Biceps cubiti — Triceps — Anconeus — External inter- muscular septum — Internal intermuscular septum . . 122-149 CHAPTER VII. THE FORE-ARM. Pronation and supination — Wrist-joint — Bones of the wrist — Movements of the wrist-joint — Pronators and supinators — Muscles of the fore-arm — Flexors of the wrist — Superficial flexor of the fingers — Supinator longus — Radial extensors — Ulnar exten- sor — Ulnar furrow — Common extensor of the fingers — Depression behind elbow — Extensors of thumb — Summary of muscles of fore- arm — Surface contours of fore-arm — Hollow in front of elbow — Influence of position on form of fore-arm — Contours around elbow— Superficial veins of arm— Front of wrist— Action of muscles .... . . ... 150-187 CHAPTER VIII. THE HAND. The skeleton of the hand — Joints of the fingers — The thumb — Short muscles of the thumb— Abductor indicis — Muscles of the little finger — The palm— The fingers — Back of the hand — Movements of the fingers— Summary . ... 188-210 PAGES Contents. CHAPTER IX. THE GLUTEAL REGION. Skeleton of lower limb— Innominate bone — The Ilium— Pubis— Sacrum — Pelvis — Femur — Obliquity of the thigh-bones — The hip-joint— Ilio-femoral ligament— Mechanism of erect posture- Obliquity of the pelvis— Influence of pelvic obliquity on thigh- Movements at the hip-joint— Gluteus maximus — Gluteal fold — The buttock- Actions of gluteus maximus —Tensor fasciae femoris — Ilio-tibial band — Gluteus medius — Anterior superior iliac spine — Surface forms of buttock ..... 211-2415 CHAPTER X. THE THIGH. The femur— Bones of the leg — The tibia — The fibula— The patella — Knee-joint — Movements of knee-joint— Looking of the knee- joint — Muscles of the thigh — Extensor muscles — The vasti and rectus — Sartorius — Adductor muscles — Gracilis — Action of ad- ductors — Flexor muscles — The hamstrings — Action of the ham- strings-Form of female thigh — Hip-width— Contours of thigh — Straightness of limb— Form of knee .... 246-284 CHAPTER XI. THE LEG AND FOOT. Bones of leg— The ankle— Bones of the foot — Astragalus — Os calcis — Ankle-joint— Muscles of leg — Tibialis anticus — Long extensor of the toes — Peroneal muscles— Muscles of calf— Tendo Achillis — Action of muscles of calf- Surface contours of leg — The back of the knee — Form of leg in female — Bones of the foot — Arches of the foot — Dorsum of the foot— Short extensor of the toes — Muscles of the foot— Plantar fascia^ Sole of the foot — The toes — Female foot— Superficial veins of leg 285-321 CHAPTER XII. THE NECK. The atlas and axis — Movements of the neck— Muscles of the neck — Ligamentum nuchae— Deep structures of neck— Hyoid bone — Larynx — Thyroid body— Sterno-mastoid muscle — Pit of the neck —Hollows above the collar-bone — Action of sterno-mastoid — The platysma— Contours of neck— Length of neck— Movements of neck— Neck and shoulders 322-344 xiv Contents. CHAPTER XIII. THE HEAD, FACE, AND EXPRESSION. PAGES The skull-Bones of the skull— Frontal sinus— Cranium — Size of head — Bones of face— The facial angle— The lower jaw— The masseter— Form of lower jaw— The chin — The orbits — Nose — Ear — Mouth — Eyes — Expression — Muscles of expression— The eye in expression —Muscles of the nose — Muscles of the mouth — The mouth in expression— Laughter — Eeflection— Shyness — Rage — Sneering — Disdain — Fear — Horror — Habitual expression 345-385 CHAPTER XIV. PEOPOETION. Proportion— Proportions of female — Female figure — Proportions of child— Growth — Old age and decay .... 386-405 Index . . 407 PLATES PAGE Plate I 6 Male skeleton. Front view. Plate II 7 Female skeleton. Front view. Plate III 12 Male skeleton. Back view. Plate IV 18 Male skeleton. Side view. Plate V aud Key Plate 34 Back view of male figure throwing javelin. Plate VI and Key Plate . . 36 Fig. I. View of male back with shoulders forward. Fig. 2. View of male back with shoulders drawn back. Plate VII and Key Plate 38 Back view of male figure with uplifted weight. Plate VIII and Key Plate 42 Back view of male figure inclined to the side. Plate IX and Key Plate 44 Side view of male figure rotated from spectator. Plate X and Key Plate 52 Front view of male torso. , b xvi Plates. PAGE Plate XI and Key Plate 62 Front view of male figure inclined to the side. Plate XII 66 Three-quarters front view of female figure. Plate XIII and Key Plate 72 Side view of male figure turned towards spectator. Plate XIV and Key Plate ........ 82 View of male back with arm raised to a right angle. Plate XV and Key Plate 84 View of male back with right arm raised above the head. Plate XVI and Key Plate 86 Fig. I. View of male back with right arm raised to a right angle. Fig. 2. View of male back with right arm raised above the head. Plate XVII and Key Plate 92 Fig. I. View of male back with shoulders forward. Fig. 2. View of male back with shoulders drawn back. Plate XVIII and Key Plate 96 View of male back with right arm raised and bent. Plate XIX and Key Plate 102 Fig. I. Side view of male trunk with arm i-aised to a right angle. Fig. 2. Side view of male trunk with arm raised above the head. Plate XX lo- Fig. I. Side view of female trunk with right arm raised to a right angle. Fig. 2. Side view of female trunk with right arm raised above the head. Plate XXI and Key Plate jo^ Three-quarters view of male figure with uplifted arm. Plate XXII and Key Plate . jog Front view of male trunk with right arm raised to a right alible. Plates. XVll FAGB Plate XXTII and Key Plate io8 Front view of male trunk with right arm raised above the head. Plate XXIV no Fig. I. Front view of female bust. Fig. 2. Front view of female bust with arm uplifted. Plate XXV 120 Pig. I. View of female back with shoulders forward. Fig. 2. View of the same model with arms upKfted. Plate XXVI and Key Plate 144 Front view of extended arms. Fig. I. Prone. Fig. 2. Midway between the prone and supine positions. Pig. 3. Supine. Plate XXVII 148 Fig. I. Bent ai-m. Front view. Fig. 2. Bent arm. Back view. Plate XXVIII and Key Plate 170 Back view of extended arms. Fig. I. Prone. Fig. 2. Midway between the prone and supine positions. Fig. 3. Supine. Plate XXIX and Key Plate 180 Fig. I. Bent arm with fore-arm supine. Front view. Fig. 2. Bent arm with fore-arm supine. Back view. Plate XXX 230 Side view of female iigure with arms uplifted. Plate XXXI and Key Plate 234 View of male back with shoulders raised. Plate XXXII 238 - Three-quarters back view of female figure. Plate XXXIII and Key Plate 240 Figs. I and 2. Views of male legs in kneeling position. xviii Plates. PAGE Plate XXXIV 244 Figs. I and 2. Views of female legs. Plate XXXV and Key Plate ... ... 264 Front view of male figure throwing javeHn. Plate XXXVI 280 Fig. I. View of bent knee (male), outer side. Fig. 2. View of bent knee (male), inner side. Plate XXXVII and Key Plate 282 Three-quarters front view of male figure with uplifted arm. Plate XXXVIII and Key Plate 292 Fig. r. Male leg and foot. Front view. Fig. 2. Male leg and foot. Back view. Plate XXXIX and Key Plate ... . 302 Fig. r. Male leg and foot, outer side. Fig. 2. Male leg and foot, inner side. Plate XL and Key Plate 332 Front view of male figure raising weight from the ground. Plate XLI 338 Fig. I. Side view of female bust with neck extended. Fig. 2. Side view of female bust with neck bent forward. Plate XLII 2^o Fig. I. Muscles of face and neck. Front view. Fig. 2. Muscles of face and neck. Side view. Plate XLIII .... 388 Proportions of male and female figure in heads and half heads. ANATOMY FOR ART STUDENTS CHAPTER I. THE INFLUENCE OF POSTUEE UPON THE POEM OF MAN. ' Man alone stands erect.' The least observant amongst us cannot have failed to recognize the fact that man owes much of his dignity to the erect posture. In this respect he differs from all other animals. If we compare him with the man-like apes, his near relations, they suffer much by contrast. The gait of these creatures is shuffling, and the balance of the figure unsteady ; while their whole appear- ance, when they attempt to walk upright, suggests but a feeble imitation of the grace and dignity of man's carriage. The assumption by man of the erect position has led to very remarkable changes in the form of his skeleton and the arrangement and development of his muscles. In his growth from the ovum to the adult, he passes through many stages. In some of these his ascent from lower forms is clearly demonstrated. This statement holds good not only in regard to structure, but also as regards function. / To take a case in point. The child at birth is feeble and B 2 Early Attempts at Walking. helpless, and the limbs are as yet imsuited to perform the functions they will be called upon to exercise when fully developed. Dr. L. Eobinson has recently proved that the new-born child possesses a remarkable grasping power m its hands. He found that infants, immediately after birth, were able to hang from a stick, for a short time, by clutching it with the hands. With this exception, we may regard the movements of the limbs as iU controlled and imperfect. At first the legs are not strong enough to support the body. It is only after a considerable time has elapsed that the child makes efforts to use them as means of progression. These first attempts are confined to creeping, an act in which the fore limbs play as important a part as the hind. "With advancing age, however, the legs become longer and the muscles more powerfal. In course of time they are suffi- ciently strong to support the body-weight. In the earlier stages of the assumption of the erect posture the child assists itself by laying hold of any object which it can conve- niently grasp with its hands ; as yet its efforts are ungainly and unsteady, but practice, and the exercise of a better control over the muscles of the legs, soon enable it to stand upright and walk without the aid of its upper limbs. There are thus three stages in the development of this action : first, the use of ' all fours ' ; secondly, the employ- ment of the upper limbs as means to steady and assist the inadequately developed lower limbs— this mode of pro- gression is comparable to that of the man-like apes ; and, thirdly, the perfected act wherein the legs are alone suffi- cient to support and carry the body. The growth and development of the legs are not the only changes that are associated with the assumption of the erect position. If the back -bone of an infant at birth be examined and compared with that of an adult, other differ- ences than those of size and ossification will be observed. As will be afterwards explained, the adult back-bone is Curves of Back-bone. 3 characterized by certain curves, some of which we fail to notice in the child. These latter, therefore, are developed at a period subsequent to birth, and are described as secondary curves, whilst those which exist at birth and are maintained throughout life are called primary curves. The primary curves are those associated with the forma- tion of the walls of the great visceral cavities, whilst Fig. I. Diagram to show Fig. 2 displays the curves the curves in the back-bone in the back-bone of the of an infant. adult. This figure has been reduced to the same size as Fig. I so as to render com- parison easier. the secondary curves are developed coincident with the assumption of the erect position, and are compensatory in their nature. The advantage of this arrangement is that the curves are not all bent in the same direction, but alternate, so that the column is made up of a succession of backward and forward curves. In this way the general direction of the back-bone is vertical, which it could not B a 4 Curves of Back. possibly be if the curves did not so alternate, for then all the curves would be directed forwards, and a vertical line would fall either in front of, across, or behind the bent column in place of cutting it at several points, as happens in the column with the alternating curves. This becomes a matter of much importance when the vertical line coin- cides with the direction of the force exercised by gravity, as in standing upright. These facts may be proved by looking at a baby. The back displays a uniform curve from the shoulders to the hips ; as soon as the child begins to walk, however, the development of a forward curve in the region of the loins is observed, a curve which ultimately becomes per- manent and is associated with the graceful flowing contours which are characteristic of the back of the adult. This lumbar curve is one of the most remarkable features of man's back-bone, for, although the curve is exhibited to a slight extent in the columns of the apes, in none does it approach anything like the development met with in man. On the other hand, in four-footed animals, where the column is horizontal in position, there is either no such curve present, or it is only slightly developed. The assumption of the erect posture necessarily involves the growth of powerful muscles along the back to uphold and support the back-bone and trunk iu the vertical position, as is proved by the changes which take place in old age. At that time of life the muscular system becomes enfeebled, and is no longer strong enouo-h to hold the figure erect; the consequence of which is the bent back and tottering gait of the aged, who, in their efforts to avail themselves of every advantage, seek the assistance which the use of a staff affords. Thus history repeats itself within the span of our own existence. It has been seen how the young child avails itself of the assistance of its upper limbs in its first attempts to walk ; and it is Vertebral Column. 5 notewortliy how, in that ' second childhood,' the weak and aged seek additional support by the use of their arms and hands. It is, however, to neither of these types that our attention must be especially directed, but rather to the examination of man in the full exercise of his strength, after he has outgrown the softness and roundness of youth, and before he has acquired any of the weakness dependent on advancing years. Starting then with the fundamental idea that the erect posture is essentially a characteristic of man, it is necessary to study in some detail the various modifications in his bony framework and muscular system which are associated with this posture. As a vertebrate animal, man possesses a hack-hone or spinal column made up of a series of bones placed one above the other. Around this central column are grouped the bones which protect and support the trunk. On the upper end of this axis is poised the head, and connected with the trunk are the two pairs of limbs — the arms and legs. For convenience of description it will be necessary to consider the body in its several parts : (i) The trunk. (2) The lower limbs. (3) The upper limbs. (4) The head and neck. In regard to the trunk, as has been already stated, the vertehral column, so called because it is composed of a number of separate bones or vertehrae, forms the central axis around which the other parts are grouped. Comparing the position of this chain of bones in man with that observed in a four-footed animal, it will be noted that in man its axis is vertical, whilst in a quadruped it is more or less horizontal ; moreover, the column in man is curved in a more complex manner than is the case in animals. 6 Eredores spinae. It is on these curves that the column is mainly dependent for its elasticity. It -would, however, be unable to sustain the weight of the trunk unless some provision had been made whereby it could be held erect. This is supplied by the powerful groups of muscles which lie in the grooves on either side of and behind the back-bone. An inspection of the back of a model will enable the student to recognize these fleshy masses on either side of the middle line, particularly in the lower part of the back, in the region of Fig. 4. Fig. 3. Figs. 3, 4 (after Goodsir) show the characteristic differences in the arrangement of the parts of the skeleton in man and a quadruped. the lotus. These groups of muscles are called the erectores spinae, a name which sufficiently explains their action. How much depends on the action of these muscles is, as has been said, amply demonstrated in the case of the feeble and aged, in whom the muscles are no longer able properly to perform their function, with the result that the persons so affected are unable to hold themselves erect for any time without fatigue. The column supports the weight of the head, and by its connexion with the ribs, enters into the formation of the MALE SKELETON, FRONT VIEW FEMALE SKELETON, FRONT VIEW Limb Girdles. chesfc-wall. The upper limbs are connected with, the chest- wall in a way which will be subsequently described. It is thus evident that this central axis is a most important factor in the formation of the skeleton of the trunk. Through it the entire weight of the head, upper limbs, and trunk is transmitted to the lower limbs, which necessarily have to support their combined weight in the erect position. It is to the structure of these limbs that our attention must next be directed. In considering them it must be borne in mind that the legs serve two pur- poses : first, they afford efficient support, and, secondly, they are adapted for the purposes of progression. The limbs are connected with the trunk by means of bones arranged in a particular way. These are termed the limb girdles. There are two such girdles— the shoulder- girdle, connecting the upper limbs with the trunk, and the pelvic girdle, con- necting the lower limbs with thei trunk. As the latter is concerned in trans- mitting the weight of the trunk to the lower limbs, it is well first to exa- mine it. From its fanction it is essential that the pelvic girdle should be firmly united to the vertebral column or central axis by means of an immovable joint. In order to effect this union the segments or vertebrae, of which the column is made up, undergo certain modifica- tions in the region where the girdle-bones of the lower Fig. 5. A diagram to show the arrange- ment of the muscles which support the back-bone. The mus- cles, which are repre- sented in solid black, are seen to be thick in the regions of the loins and neck, and comparatively thin in the mid-dorsal region. Pelvic Girdle. limb are attached. «5^C^: Fig. 6. The back-bone and pelvis. [1. Includes tlie twenty-four movable vertebrae. b. Is placed on the sacrum and coccyx, made up of five vertebrae each, which are fused together j the sacrum articulates with li. The haunch-bone (03 innominatum), on the outer side of which at c. Is the socliet(acetabulum)for the recep- tion of the head of the thigh-bone. d. The pubic arch and symphysis pubis. and these are united This modification consists in the fusion ofanumber of these vertebrae, which are separate in the in- fant, and their conversion into one large wedge-shaped bone called the sacrum. This bone, built up by the union of five vertebrae, is, in man, remark- able for its width and stout- ness. It acts not only as a strong connecting link be- tween the vertebral column and the bones of the pelvic girdle with which it articu- lates, but also provides a fixed base on which the upper and movable segments of the central axis are placed. The posterior aspect of the sacrum also furnishes an extensive surface for the attachment of the erector muscles of the spine, which assist so ma- terially in maintaining the column in its erect position. The bones of the pelvic girdle, though separate at an early period of life, are in the process of growth fused together to form a large stout irregular bone called the haunch-bone (ps innomina- tum). There are two such bones — one for either limb behind to each side of the sacrum Pelvic Girdle. 9 by means of an immovable joint. Tlie girdle is further strengthened by the union of the two bones with each other in the middle line in front, where they are bound together by an immovable joint called the symphysis pubis. A bony basin, called the pelvis, is thus formed by the articulation of these two haunch-bones in front, and their union with the sacrum behind. There is no movement between the several parts of this osseous girdle, and it is firmly united with the lower part of the vertebral column. It helps to form the lower part of the trunk, and, by its expanded surfaces, assists materially in supporting the abdominal contents. This form of pelvis is very characteristic of man. As a result of the assumption of the erect posture the abdominal viscera are no longer supported entirely by the abdominal walls, as in four- footed animals, but rest to a Fig. 7. A diagrammatic repre- very considerable extent on the sentation of the pelvic girdle, expanded wings of the pelvic "■ Saornm. . , , ■■- ^ _ _ ^ 5. Haunon-Done (os innominatum). bones. In addition, the outer c. symphysis pubis. „ _c ii 11 (J. Upper end of thigh-bone (femur). surfaces 01 these expanded plates of bone are utilized to provide attachment for the powerful muscles which pass from and connect this pelvic girdle with the thigh-bone, a group of muscles which in man attains a remarkable development. The fact must be emphasized that no movement is possible between the pelvic girdle and the sacrum, and that all the weight transmitted down the vertebral column through the sacrum is equally distributed between the two haunch- bones. If the outer surface of each of these bones be examined, a deep cup-shaped cavity will be noticed, into which the rounded head of the thigh-bone or femur fits, thus forming the movable articulation called the hip-joint. lo Thigh-bone. Tke bones of tlie thigli and leg are remarkable for their length 1- Combined they equal in length the measurement of the head and trunk. This relative development is not attained by any other animal. In addition, the thighrbone of man possesses an extremely long and well-marked neck. The neck is that part of the bone which supports the rounded articular head, and connects it in an oblique direction with the upper end of the shaft. The length of the neck of the femur is peculiar to man, and permits a freedom of action of the limb not attainable by any other animal, the movements in the lower animals being more or less limited to a backward and forward direction. By means of the neck of the thigh-bone we have in man an arrangement which fulfils all the conditions necessary to ensure stability, and permits a more extended range of movement, not only from before backwards and from side to side, but also in an inward and outward direction. This latter is the movement of rotation, whereby we are enabled to turn the front of the limb inwards or outwards as desired. The muscles to which reference has been already made in connexion with the outer surfaces of the haunch-bones are inserted into the upper part of the thigh-bone. As they are immediately concerned in the control of certain impor- tant movements of the hip -joints, through which the entire weight of the trunk is transmitted to the lower limbs, they necessarily acquire a very great development, a develop- ment on which is dependent the prominence of the buttocks. This appearance was justly regarded by Aristotle as eminently characteristic of man. The thigh-bones, separated above by the width of the pelvis, are placed obliquely so that they lie side by side in the region of the knees. Dgi ' The terms ' thigh ' and ' leg " are applied respectively to the parts of the limb above and below the knee. Skeleton of Lower Limb. II Bones of the lower limb. Fig. 8. Front view. Fig. 9. Side view. The lettering is the same in both figures. a. Sacnun. d. Knee-pan (patella). Jj. Hannch-bone (os innonunatirm). e. Fibula, t. Thigh-bone (femur). /. Shin-bone (tibia). g. Bones of foot (tarsus, &c.). 12 Leg and Foot. The bones of the leg are two in number. They are immovably united to each other, since any movement between them would interfere with their stability and thus weaken the limb as a means of support. One only of these bones, the shin-lone or tiUa, enters into the formation of the knee-joint ; by its expanded upper ex- tremity it affords a broad surface not only for the support but also for the movements of the condyles, or articular surfaces, of the thigh-bone. The slender outer bone, the fibula, furnishes extensive attachments for numerous muscles. The fleshy masses which move the leg on the thigh at the knee-joint clothe both the front and back of the thigh- bone ; in man the extensor group of muscles, viz. that placed on the front of the thigh, which extends or straightens the leg, attains a relatively greater develop- ment than the flexor group, which is situated on the back of the limb. This is just the reverse of what is found in animals, and is associated in man with the power he possesses of bringing his leg into a direct line with his thigh, that is to say he can straighten or extend his limb at the knee-joint in a way which no other animal can effect. Man's foot is a very characteristic member. It possesses the qualities essential to strength and solidity combined with elasticity and movement. When standing upright the axis of the foot is placed at right angles to the axis of the leg. The bones which enter into the formation of the foot are disposed so as to form a series of arches. The advantage of this arrangement is that the soft parts on the sole are protected from pressure, while at the same time considerable elasticity is imparted to the foot. The slight play of the bones which form the arches allows the latter to act like a series of curved springs. Foot. 13 The form of the heel-bone, or os calcis, is characteristic : to its posterior part is attached that group of muscles which determines the form of the calf The development of these muscles is very great ; and it is noteworthy that they are quite typical of man, as no animal equals him in this respect. This is explained by the fact that not unfrequently they are called upon to support the entire weight of the body, as in the acts of standing or dancing on tiptoe, while at other times they are required to project the body forward, as in springing or leaping. The bones of the toes are shorter than those of the fingers. The great toe is united to the others and lies side by side with them ; it has no such power of separation and closing on the other toes as is possessed by the thumb. Thus the stability of the foot is not interfered with by an excess of mobility such as we see in the apes, where this power of movement is necessary. In them the foot is employed as a grasping organ, a modification which greatly assists the animal in its arboreal habits. From what has been stated it will be apparent that the lower limb of man displays in its structure those modifica- tions which are essential to the combination of support and mobility. In the upper limb, the same influences lead to modifica- tions in its structure which enhance its usefulness. As already stated, the child dispenses with the use of his arms as aids to progression as soon as his legs become strong enough to support him. This relieves the upper limb of one function, and permits a development of that member rather in the direction of freedom of motion. So extensive is the range of movement of this limb that man can touch any part of his body with one or other hand. An examination of the bones of the shoulder-girdle — the bones by which the upper limbs are connected with the trunk — at once reveals a remarkable difference between 14 Shoulder-girdle. their mode of articulation with the skeleton of the trunk and that which has been already described in connexion with the pelvic girdle. Fig. io. Bones of the right upper limb, front view. a. CoUtir-bone (clavicle). c. Badius. 6. Breast-bone (sterixivin). /. Ulna. c. Shoulder-blade (scapula). : s us u < » I a II) a a •J B O a U] a H O <: a m < S h O u H < -1 (X, o H >• U a ei < a: o » u Q >J O a a H Erector spinae. 37 lower attacliment, and this requires special attention. It extends as higli as the second lumbar spine, close to the middle line, and, further, passes up as a pointed process over the middle of the fleshy column, as far as the mid- dorsal region. The outer margin of this tendinous area describes a curve of varying outline, which terminates below at the posterior superior iliac spine. (See Fig. 24.) This arrangement of the fleshy and tendinous fibres of the muscle, in a well-developed figure, aff'ects the surface contours, the fleshy fibres of the muscle forming, during powerful contraction, a more distinct elevation than the tendinous portion. Whilst this fleshy mass is not, strictly speaking, superficial, the muscles which overlie it, parti- cularly at the lower part of the back, consist merely of thin tendinous layers ; at a higher level, though fleshy, they are sheet-like muscles, and their thickness, if con- siderable, is not sufficient to entirely obliterate the rounded form which the underlying muscular column imparts to the surface. It is on account of the development of these erectores spinae that the middle line of the back is con- verted into a furrow, the muscles bulging up on either side. This is particularly noticeable when these muscles are in a powerful state of contraction, as when a person is supporting a heavy weight on the head "or shoulders, or is bending backwards. If, on the other hand, we examine the back of a model when the figure is bent forwards, we notice that the median groove to a large extent disappears, and, in many cases, the spines of the vertebrae may be ob- served forming a prominent ridge (Pis., pp. 34, 36, 38, 42, 84, 234). It wUl thus be observed how misleading the appearance of the skeleton is ; it by no means follows that because a prominent process of bone is near the surface its position is indicated by a surface projection. In fact, as we shall hereafter see, such bony ridges or projections frequently 38 Erector spinae. correspond to depressions or furrows on the surface of the body. The depth of the median furrow of the back will therefore depend largely on the development of these muscles, their state of contraction, and the posture of the body. "We have only to examine the back of a weakly person and compare it with that of the athlete to see at once the extent to which these muscles influence the surface contours. On tracing the median groove downward, we find that it not unfrequently ends in a depression or dimple, which usually corresponds to the position of the second sacral spine ; below this point the furrow fades insensibly into the cleft between the buttocks. The groove itself is best marked in the region of the loins, in which situation there are often indications of the presence of the lumbar spines, as demon- strated by the unevenness of the bottom of the furrow ; it becomes shallower again above, where it is interrupted by the outline of some of the more superficial muscles. The lower attachment of the erector spinae is associated with two distinct depressions on either side ; one corresponds to the outer border of the attachment of its fleshy fibres to the posterior fourth, or so, of the iliac crest. As Richer has pointed out, this is only seen in men ; in women the more abundant deposition of fat in this region obliterates this little hollow. The other depression corresponds to the position of the posterior superior iliac spine, from which the tendinous fibres of the muscle spring, and this little dimple is common alike to male and female. These two latter depressions combined with the furrows on either side, corre- sponding to the posterior border of the haunch-bones and the outer converging margins of the sacrum, mark off a somewhat depressed triangular area, overlying in part the posterior surface of the sacrum. It is this area which is, as it were, wedged in between the prominences formed at either side and below by the projection of the buttocks. Kky to' Plate VII hxieiisor coi-pi rmiuilis brevioi-. Exlensor carpi radialts longhi: ^Hpinaioi' hiigiis. Biceps ciibili. Brachiniis aiitwus. .. Spine of scapula Spiju-.>n I! a V 'Jni/vaiui . Spine of St p Delleid.- Infra-spina Rliamboide Teres vinjo Lafissimus d Triceps, ton Biceps ciiir Triceps, inite Triceps ten { n Brachialis a ats Internal coi dy Olecranon p o es Pronator rad er Bicipilal fa Paliiians lo plexor carp Supinator lo g Plexor carp a Vas/ns e.vfe flio-tibtal ba d Biceps crurt Sewi-fendiit . Vastus exte Biceps ci'un Semi-menibi Patella." Popltle.xl sp Hsadofjibi a Gasirocii'ewi Gaslroateiniiis, Salens. Peronens longi Plxii-nsor longns digitennn pedis. Ptioneiis brevis Teiido A chillis. External nialleolns. - — -Styloid process of ulna. Head o/ultia Exieusor carpi vlnaris. Posferiflr border of nlna. Flexor cffrPi ultiaris. . Extensor communis digiiorum, - ~ - -Aruoneus. ■ ■■ — Olecrauon process of ulna.. External ittterinuscu/ar septum. 'Triceps leiuion. Triceps, inner luad. ■■' " Triceps, outer head. Trices, long liead •Acromion process of scapula. 'fgff^ ntajar. infraspinatus. - RAomli<r,T'is. Long d.- 1 or of' great toe Tr-,-i^ AeMllis. /■.tA-'i.ii'r i.'v^'/o digitonint pedis. luiirr:,!,' lu.ii/rolus. P'ACK VIEW OF MAT F PintTPir wi CoPyHght, 1899, h Hknky FKowhi. TH TTPT TITTirn AVtTTritJT Erector spinae. 39 It should be noted that the angles of this triangle are all fixed points, and, whatever be the relation of the surrounding parts as influenced by change of posture, the limits of this area remain always the same (Pis., pp. 34, 36, 38, 42, 96, 120, 234, 238). Fig. 26. Pig. 27. In the lumbar region, in the male the outer margin of the erector mass is indicated by a shallow depression, which separates it from the flank (Pis., pp. 34, 38. 84), 4° Movements of Column. The movements of the column are exceedingly complicated. In attempting to analyze them, the student should bear in mind the facts already stated, viz. that the column consists of a part made up of separate segments, and a part in which the originally separate segments have become fused together in the process of growth. The latter comprises the sacrum and coccyx, the former includes the parts of the column which Pig. 28. lie in the neck, thorax, and loins. Movement can alone take place in those parts of the column in which the vertebrae are separate. Further, it is weU to note, for reasons already explained, that the sacrum is firmly and immovably con- nected with the haunch-bones, to form the pelvis. In this way a fixed base is provided for the upper and movable part of the 'back-bone,' and any movement of the pelvis Movements of Column. 41 as a wliole, either at the hip-joints or by rotation on the thighs, necessarily involves an alteration in the position of the base on which the movable part of the column rests. As has been shown, the upper or movable part of the vertebral axis displays certain curves : a forward curve in the lumbar region, a backward in the thoracic region, and a forward in the cervical region. Fia. 29. These curves are necessarily much modified, though not to the extent we might imagine, when the back is bent forwards and backwards; these movements are termed flexion and extension respectively and are freest in the lumbar and cervical regions. They are not so free in the thoracic region, for here the cage-like structure of the chest wall limits the range of these movements. The 42 Movements of Column. power of bending forward in tliis part of the column is checked by the compression of the thoracic-wall, whilst the extent of the backward movement in this region is limited by the resistance of the chest- wall to further expan- sion; again, the overlapping of the spines of the dorsal vertebrae mechanically checks extension of the column in this situation. Flexion is freest in the loins, extension in the neck. As has been already pointed out, the spines of the cervical vertebrae are short, hence they do not interfere with the movement of extension, as is the case with the spines of the dorsal vertebrae. In throwing back the head and trunk, the curve described is not a uniform one, on account of the limited range of extension in the dorsal region, as shown in Mgs. 26, 27. It is to be noted that when the body is bent forward the hollow in the lumbar region disappears, and for it is sub- stituted a curve, which blends above with that of the thorax, thus leading to a more flowing and uniform outline. It will be observed, however (Fig. 23), that the outline of the figure in exact profile does not correspond to the curve of the median line of the back, from the fact that the muscular projections on either side of the column, particularly in the region of the shoulder-blades, conceal from view the middle line of the figure. Lateral movements of the column are also possible, the trunk being bent to one or other side. This movement is freest in the neck, extremely limited in the lumbar region, and not great in the thoracic region, for here it is necessarily associated with a compression of the chest- wall on the side towards which the body is bent, and an extension or stretching of the same structure on the opposite side. The range of this side-to-side movement is greatly increased by altering the position of the pelvis. The alteration in the position of the pelvis shifts the plane Key to Plate VIII Tens major. Infra-spinains. Dciloui. . Spine of scapula. Trapezius. Spine of VII cervical vertebra. Rhomboideiis major. Triceps, hug head. , Triceps (endon. ,,_^ Triceps, inner head. Biccfis cubiii. lu/ci'ual condyle. Olecranon process:" Bicifiila I fascia. — Thoracic wall. - Palniaris longns. --y Flex. carp. rad. Flex, cnrp.ithi:- ■ Lat.dorsi.-" Jixt.Qhliqne. Iliac crest.-\^^ Pasf.snp. iliac spine.---"' Glntcus medius.-"" Trocha7itcr major. Tensor fasciae fevioris Ghileus maximus Ilio-lihial band. Addnclor magnus. Gracilis. Seini-lendinosns.— Biceps cruris. —- Vastus extcrnns. Senii'jneinbranosits. Sartorins. Popliteal space. Gastrocnemius, outer head. Gastrocnemius, inner head. Soicn PeroncHs longus. Salens. Peroneus brevis. Long flexor of great loe. Internal malleolns Hxternal malleolns. Tcndo Achillis- ine of scapula. .". - Infi'a-spiiiatns. " '•■--• Diltoid. Rhomboidens mafor. '''•-.. Teres major. """■ JLatissimns dorsl. - Triceps, long /wad. Triceps, outer head. —Triceps, inner liead. Supinator longus. £xl. carp. rod. long. ..Anconeus- Olecranon process dig. '["Extensor cjirpi ulnaris. Bicipital fascia. -Posterior border of ulna. Flexor carpi ulnaris. Palmaris longus. Fle.xor carpi raiiialis. Styloid process of ulna. Gra-cilis. Ilio-iibial band. Semi-fejtdmosiis. J 'astus c.x/ernus. -Biceps cruris Semi-memhranosus. Sartorins, Gastrocnemius, enter liead. •Gastrocnemius, inner head. SoUus. Percacus longus. •• ■■ Solcus. •roncns brtvis. Tettda Achillis. F i/ernal Ji.'a/kolns. BACK VIEW OF MALE FIGURE INCLINED TO THE SIDE Co/>vriii>it, 1899, by H knmv Fkowijk] Movements of Column. 43 of the base (sacrum) upon which the movable part of the column rests. The movement of the pelvis is effected by the straightening of the leg on the side from which the body is bent, and the bending of the leg on the side towards which the trunk is inclined. This causes one side of the pelvis to fall lower than the other, and thus alters the position of the base of the column (sacrum) from a horizontal to an oblique plane. Fig. 30. Fig. 31. Figs. 30, 31 show how the lateral inclination of the body is increased by shifting the pelvis from a horizontal to an oblique position. Further, when the movable parts of the column are bent from side to side, there is a slight rotation of the individual vertebrae, which causes their spines to be turned away from the side towards which the body is bent. This explains why the surface furrows produced do not correspond precisely to the middle line of the bent column. Whilst speaking of these lateral curves of the column, it is well to note the existence of a slight degree of lateral curvature which is sometimes seen in the backs of persons standing upright. This curve when present is found in the 44 Movements of Column. dorsal region, and has its convexity directed towards the right side. It is probably due to the greater use of the right arm as compared with the left, and is associated with a more pronounced development of the muscles of the right limb. Below this curve there is often a slight compensatory curve in the opposite direc- tion, which imparts a sinuous aspect to the back and relieves it of its appearance of stiffness. Movements of rotation may take place in the cervical and also slightly in the dorsal region. As we have seen, these move- ments are combined with the lateral flexion in the side-to-side movements. The power which we possess of turning the head round, so as to cast the eyes in a direc- tion opposite to that in which the toes point, is mainly due to the existence of a special joint between the top of the column and the base of the skull, com- bined with the rotation of the pelvis (which supports the base of the column), on the upper extremities of the thigh-bones. This can be demonstrated in the following way. Standing erect, fix the pelvis by placing the hands on the haunches, turn the head to one or other side, without causing any perceptible movement of the column, then Fig, 32. rotate the column, still keeping the pelvis fixed : if these directions be followed, it will be found that the eyes can be directed across the point of the shoulder. If now the pelvis be released, the further movement in a backward direction will be seen to be effected by the rotation of the pelvis on the Key to Plate IX - Trapesuis. — Spine 0/ scapula. Spine of VII cervical vertebra. Trapezius. Acromion process 0/ scapula.. ,,_ Spine 0/ scapula. Deltoid.- In/ra-spinaius. Rkomboideus major. Teres imyor. Triceps, mtter liead.-"""\,.--l'^ Triceps, long liead.-""' ' Triceps, inner heud,- Triceps tendon., -'■'' Biceps cubiti.' ,-'',--'' Supitmtor hngus. '.-■'' ,--'' , Bicipital fascia -■'' .■■' ..-''. Plexor carpi radialis: ..•'..-' . Plexor carpi ulnar is y y y' Digs.of ser.magnus.'' .■■' .--' Latissimus dorsl.-'' ,--'' ,.--'' Exterfial ob/iqjte.'\.'-'' Iliac crest. —'' ,.-■' Ani.sup.iliac spine.\'.---"'\.-- Pectus femoris.-"' _..■■"' Gluten f medius. ' ' ' ..-''' Tensor fasciae femoris. '..--''', Trochanter major. -■■''._---""' Gluteus maximus."'" _...-■■- Ilio-tibial band. -■-'" Vastus externus. Band of Richer. Patella. Ligamentum patellae. Tubercle of tibia. Tibialis anticus. Extensor loiigus digitorum pedis. Long extensor of great toe. Annular ligament of ankle. P^oneus brrois. Teado AchiUis Exiemai mallmbts. SIDE VIEW OF MALE FIGURE ROTATED FROM SPECTATOR Copyright^ 1899, by Henkv Frowdic] Movements of Column. 45 thigt-bones, the one hip being advanced, whilst the other is directed backwards. This sufficiently proves how limited the movement of rotation is when strictly confined to the column, and demonstrates how much the range of -this movement depends upon the rotation of the pelvis on the thighs, for the head is now turned so that the eyes may be directed straight behind the figure, instead of across the shoulder, as happened when the movement was confined to the trunk alone (Pis., pp. 38, 42, 44, 238). CHAPTER IV. THE THOEAX, THE EEGIOKS OP THE FLANK, AND THE ANTEBIOE ABDOMINAL WALL. Although tlie cliest-wall comes into immediate relation with, the surface of tlie body at comparatively few points, it is an extremely important factor in determining the general outline of the upper part of the trunk, because it forms the framework which supports the bones of the shoulder-girdle. These bones impart a varying width to the shoulder, according as they are placed upon a narrow or a broad chest, a difference which is characteristic of the two sexes, the comparatively narrow chest of the female contrasting with the broad expanded chest of the male. In examining the structures which enter into its formation, it is necessary to consider what are the requirements of the chest-wall. In the first place it must be capable of move- ment. This depends on its association with the respiratory function. The chest-wall expands and contracts with a bellows-like action, which is effected by means of a series of jointed bones acted on by muscles. But, in addition, it is necessary that the chest- wall should form a protective covering for the vital organs which are lodged within its cavity; for this reason, besides being movable, it must combine strength with elasticity. Its structure is admirably adapted to meet these require- Ribs. 47 ments ; bone, cartilage, ligament, muscle and membrane, all enter into its formation. The osseous framework consists of twelve pairs of ribs wbich vary in length and in degree of curvature, according to the position tbey occupy. A typical specimen exhibits a shaft which is more or less curved and twisted; the posterior extremity or head articulates with the dorsal Fig. 33. The first and sixth ribs. a. Head. 6. Neck, c. Tubercle. d. Angle. e. Shaft. f. Extremity of shaft which articulates with the rib cartileige. FiGt. 34. Shows how the ribs articulate with a vertebra as seen from above. a. Head of rib articulatingwith body of vertebra. 6. Neck of rib. u Tubercle of rib axticulating with transverse process of vertebra. d. Body of vertebra, s. Articulax processes of vertebra. /. Neural ring for lodgement of spinal cord. g. Transverse processes of vertebra. h. Spinous process of vertebra. vertebrae ; and the anterior end is connected in front with the breast-bone by means of a bar of cartilage. If an articulated skeleton be examined, it will be noticed that all the ribs are not similarly connected with the breast- bone. The first seven pairs are joined to it directly by means of their cartilages; the next three pairs, namely the eighth, ninth, and tenth, are only indirectly united with it by pieces of cartilage which are blended together. 48 Ribs. but wliicli ftise above with, the cartilages of the seventh pair of ribs ; -while the two lowest, vi^:. the eleventh and twelfth pairs, are not connected with the breast-bone at all. The ribs are thus classified, according to their relation to the sternum, into the true ribs, which include the first seven pairs, and the false ribs, which comprise the lower five pairs. Fig. 35. Trout view of skeleton of thorax. The costal cartilages are shaded. The latter group thus includes the two last pairs, which are generally known as ihe floating ribs. Arranged one above the other, these arched bones form a cage-like structure by their union with the breast-bone in front and the column behind. The shape of the framework so formed has been described as a truncated cone, or it may Ribs and Thorax. 49 be described as barrel-shaped. It is narrowest above where it lies in relation to the root of the neck, broadest about the level of the pit of the stomach, or lower end of the breast-bone. Below this level it again narrows slightly. The length and curvature of the ribs naturally vary according to their position ; thus the first pair of ribs is the Fig. 36. Side view of skeleton of thorax. The costal cartilages are shaded. shortest and the most bent, the seventh or eighth pairs are the longest and most open in their curve. The ribs are not uniformly curved : if one of the middle ribs be examined, it will be seen to possess two curves ; these are not in the same plane, but in planes placed obliquely to each other, so that where the curves meet an angle 50 Breast-bone. is formed not only between the curves themselves but between the planes of the curves; this angle has been already referred to in connexion with the study of the vertebral column ; the part of the shaft of the rib behind it has been seen to assist in the formation of the groove in which the erector muscles of the back are placed ; the part of the shaft of the rib in front of the angle forms the curve Breast-bone (sternum). Fig. 37. Front view. a. Upper part of breast-bone (manu- briuin sterni). &. Middle part of breast-bone (body, or gladiolus), c. lower part of breast-bone (ensiform process). Fig. 38. Side view. d. Surfaces for articulation with collar- bones. e. Surfaces for articulation with carti- lage of first rib. i. Surfaces for articulation with carti- lages of second to seventh ribs inclusive. of the side and front of the chest- wall. The adaptation of the ribs to the barrel shape of the chest-wall necessarily involves a slight twisting of their shafts, so that the flattened surfaces of these bones are brought into harmony with the general outline of the thorax. The breast-bone or sternum, in the adult, consists of three pieces, the middle one of which has been formed by the Breast-bone. 51 fusion of several elements. These three parts of the breast-bone may be inseparably united, but it is usual to find the highest one detached from the others in the macerated skeleton. As the joints which unite these parts m life are so firm that there is practically no movement in them, we may for present purposes regard the sternum as one bone consisting of three parts, an upper, a middle, and a lower. Viewed from the front the upper part appears the largest and most expanded ; the middle portion displays much variety of shape in different individuals: it varies in width, and is often considerably wider below than above. The joint between the upper and middle parts of the bone, if fusion has taken place, is marked by a transverse ridge. The lowest part consists in early life of cartilage, which becomes ossified later ; it also varies much in shape, and its anterior surface does not come as far forward as the level of the front of the middle part. If we examine the bone from the side, we note that it is slightly curved, a curve which corresponds to that of the front of the chest-wall in the middle line ; above, this curve is interrupted at the point of junction of the upper and middle portions by a slight angle formed by the articulation between the two. This is known to anatomists as the sternal angle. (See Fig. 38.) As has been already seen, the breast-bone is of great service in forming a support for the ribs in front, being united , to them by the rib cartilages already referred to. The first pair of ribs articulates with this bone at the upper angles of the highest portion ; the second pair of ribs, by means of their cartilages, unite with the bone on either side, at a level with the line of articulation, or it may be of fusion, of the highest segment with the middle portion. The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth pairs of ribs are united to the middle part of the bone along its outer border, and the seventh pair of ribs, i.e. the last pair directly £ 2 52 Breast-bone. connected with the sternum, is wedged in between the middle and lowest portions of the bone. In addition to its connexion with the ribs, the breast- bone also articulates with the collar-bones; the surfaces for these may be seen at the upper angles of the first portion, just above the point where the first ribs are attached. The upper border of the first part of the breast- bone between these two articular surfaces for the collar- bones is thick and rounded and slightly hollowed ; it forms the lower limit of that depression familiarly known as the pit of the neck. Trom this point downwards along the middle line the bone is quite superficial and corre- sponds to a groove, noticeable on the model, the sides of which are formed by the bulging of the powerful mu^les which arise from the lateral surfaces of this bone. If Ihe finger be run down this groove, the sternal angle, formed, as has been said, by the articulation of the highest and middle portions of the breast-bone, can always be recognized by touch, and in the male not unfrequently by sight. Inferiorly the groove ends in a more or less well-marked depression over the situation of the lowest segment of the bone, or ensiform cartilage as it has been named. This depression is called the pit of the stomach, and its sides are formed by the slight projection of the carti- lages of the seventh pair of ribs as they pass upwards to the breast-bone (Pis., pp. 52, 62, 72, 108, 264, 282, 332). In the female these details are obscured by the large deposition of fat in this region, due to the presence of the breasts. The extent to which these points can be observed in persons of either sex will largely depend on the degree of muscular development and the amount of fat. In an emaciated person not only can the outline of the whole breast-bone be seen, but the ribs and rib cartilages may with ease be counted (Pis., pp. 66, no). From the fact that the ribs are articulated with the back- Key to Plate X Stey}io-mastoiii. -- Posterior' triangle.-. Trapesins.^^ Clavicle. .^ Acromion process^ Pectoralis major, clavicular fibres, sternal fibres. Deltoid. -~...,,^^ Pit of stomach.,^ Biceps cubiti.^^ Brachialis ant. Triceps, outer head. ., tendon. Exl.iniermus\ septum. Ext.oblique. Sup.longus. Olecranon Extcondyh Anconeus.'- Ext.carp.rad. longior. „ byevior.'- Exts.of thumb. - Extensor carpi Ext. com.digitorum. /Int.snperior iliac spinel aponeurosis o/ext obliqi Rectus abdominis." -" Poupart's ligament..- Ilfo~psoas. Tensor fasciae fetnoris. ■ Pectincns. Sartorius. Rectus femoris. Adductor longus. Jlio-tibial band. Vastus externtts. Gracilis. Vastus ivternus. Stcrno-mastoid. .■■'' .-Trapesius. .'■'' _. Clavicle. ■ '.. Acromion process __...Pit of neck. "... Pectoralis major. clavicular fibres. Deltoid. ^.Pectoralis major, sternal fibres, ^,... Biceps cubiti. ^DigitatioHS of serratus mae Latissimjis dorsi. .Brachialis ant. ..Triceps, outer head. Digitations of ext. oblique. Liuea trans .-Triceps tendon. Sup. longus. Olecranon ^'Linea alba. Anconeus. ExLcarp.rad. longior. brevior. Ext. comdigUorum . 'Extensor rar/ii u/it Post, border of ulna. •Flexor carpi ulnaris. {Mr '"-• Extensors of thumb. uferior superior iUac spine. Gluteus mcdius. 'Pouparfs ligament. '_ Ilio-psoas. Tensor fasciae fetnoris. Pcctineus. -Sartorius. Rcifus femoris. Adductor longus. Ilio-tibial boitd. Vastus crlemus. Gracilis. Vastus ititcntus. FRONT VIEW OF MALE TORSO Copyright^ 1899, by |j[hnkv FkowdiI Thorax. 53 bone in such a waj' that their posterior extremities always lie on a higher level than their anterior ends, the shaft of each bone lies in a plane oblique to and not horizontal with the vertical plane. In consequence of this, the upper end of the breast-bone does not lie on a level with the first thoracic vertebra, but at a point considerably below, corresponding it may be to the lower border of the second, or the upper border of the third, thoracic vertebra ; the level varies slightly according as the breast-bone is raised or lowered during the respiratory movements (Fig. 39). It is due to this obliquity of the first rib that the neck appears longer in front than behind. Irt like manner the lower end of the middle segment of the sternum corresponds usually to the level of the ninth or tenth thoracic vertebra. Of course this will vary according to the length of the bone, which differs considerably in different individuals. The angle which the bone forms with a hori- zontal line drawn through its inferior extremity ranges from about 70° to 75°. The bone approaches more nearly the vertical in the female, in whom also it is relatively broader in proportion to its length, and also absolutely shorter than in the male. This circumstance imparts a more rounded form to the chest-wall of woman. In regard to the proportionate length of the sternum, Duval has pointed out that, including the upper and middle portions only, it corresponds pretty closely to the length of the collar-bone or to the length of the hand less the third joint of the middle finger. Taken as a whole, the thorax in the female is of slighter build and relatively shorter and more rounded than in the Fig. 39 (After Quain). Illustrates the rise and fall of the chest-wall in the movements of respira- tion. 54 Thorax. male ; in the female, too, tlie upper ribs are more movable than in the male, an arrangement which allows of greater expansion of this part of the female chest during violent inspiratory movements, such as are very frequently employed on the stage to indicate suppressed emotion. The lower margin of the thorax plays an important part in the moulding of the surface contours. The eleventh and twelfth ribs may be disregarded, for their shafts and ex- tremities are deeply imbedded in the fleshy muscles of the flank, but the cartilages of the tenth, ninth, and eighth ribs, as they curve forward and upward to join the cartilages of the seventh ribs, and thus become indirectly united with the breast-bone, are very clearly indicated on the surface of the body, though their outline may be concealed to a greater or less extent by the development and state of contraction of some of the muscles which form the wall of the abdomen in front (Pis., pp. 52, 62, 102, 108, 282). The form of the outline so described sweeps downward and outward from the pit of the stomach, in a direction towards the highest point of the crest of the haunch-bone ; the convexity of the curve being directed inwards and downwards. As will be shown hereafter, the acuteness of the angle between the two converging borders of the thoracic wall is to a great extent concealed by the presence of two of the muscles which form the wall of the abdomen in front. These are called the recti abdominis muscles, and are placed one on either side of the middle line. As already stated, the expanded outer surface of the thoracic wall affords extensive attachment, not only to the muscles of the abdomen, but also to the muscles of the upper limb. In this way the outer surface of the ribs is clothed with fleshy layers, which conceal the form of these bones, whilst the shoulder-girdle above, with its associated muscles, entirely modifies the shape of the upper part of the trunk. Anterior Abdominal Wall. 55 The region of the abdomen, which we have next to consider, lies between the lower thoracic margin above and the pelvis below. It extends round the sides of the trunk, where it forms the flanks, and there its surface-form blends behind with that produced on either side by the erectores spinae muscles. A longitudinal furrow along the outer border of that fleshy mass in the lumbar region serves to define the hinder limit of the flank. The cavity of the abdomen, how- ever, is not so limited, but extends upwards beneath the thoracic wall for a considerable distance, its roof being formed by a dome-shaped par- tition, the diaphragm, which separates it from the thoracic cavity. The anterior aspect of the ab- dominal wall is limited above in the middle line by the pit of the stomach, a depression which corresponds to the ensiform cartilage. From this point its margin is defined by the cartilages of the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth ribs in the manner already described ; the eleventh and twelfth ribs, though not discernible, and as a rule with difficulty felt, carry this curve towards the back. The lower boundary of the abdominal wall is formed by the haunch-bone. This bone will be more fully described when the anatomy of the thigh and buttock is considered, but it is necessary here to mention some points connected with its structure. As was stated in an earlier chapter, it is formed by the fusion of three smaller bones, the ilium, the pubis, and the ischium. With the first two only are Fig. 40. Diagram show- ing the boundaries of the abdominal region. ' a. Anterior superior iliac spines. i. Symphysis pnbis. c. Poupart's ligament. d. Outline of lower tho^kcic margin. e. Ensiform process corre- sponding to the pit of the stomach. 56 Haunch-bone. we at present concerned. Tlie ilium forms the upper ex- panded -wing-like portion of the haunch-bone, and by its inner hollow surface furnishes a support for the contents of the abdominal cavity, while the outer aspect affords attachment to the muscles of the buttock. These two surfaces meet above, and form the upper curved margin of the bone, which is termed the crest. This ' iliac ' crest ends, in front and behind, in two well-marked projections or spines, called respectively the anterior and posterior superior iliac spines. The relation of the latter we have already studied in connexion with the surface forms of the lower part of the back (vide Chapter III). The anterior superior iliac spine will be found to have a like importance in relation to the anterior region (Pis., pp. 52, 62, 72, 108, 264, 282, 332). The pubis is that portion of the haunch-bone which lies in front and below. The pubis of the one side is united to its fellow of the opposite side by an immovable joint called the symphysis pubis, which corresponds in position to the lower part of the abdomen, in the middle line. An inch or so from the middle line (somewhat more in the female), the upper border of this bone forms a projection, called the spine of the pubis. Stretching between the anterior superior spine of the ilium, which lies at a considerably higher level, and the pubic spine there is a band of fibrous tissue, called Poupart's ligament. This band, which is in reality formed by the lower fibres of the sheet-like tendon of one of the abdominal muscles, is curved between its points of attachment. The convexity of the curve is directed downward, and corresponds to the furrow which separates the lower abdominal region from the front of the thigh; the farrow is commonly known by the name of the fold of the groin. Such are the boundaries of the abdominal wall. Now this wall is made up of a number of expanded sheet-like Muscles of Abdominal Wall. 57 muscles attached by their edges to these boundaries, and in order to understand better the arrangement of these structures it will be of advantage to study a diagrammatic representation of a cross section of the trunk (Fig. 41). Connected with the lumbar vertebrae are sheets of con- densed fibrous tissue [aponeuroses). These layers, which Fig. 41. Diagram of a section across the trunk to illustrate the arrangement of the muscles of the abdominal wall. a. The sheath of the rectus abdominis formed by the tendinous aponeur- oses of the muscles of the flank. 6. The rectus abdonunis muscle in situ. c. The external oblique muscle, the most superficial of the three muscles of the flank. d. The compartment formed by the ft. The body of a splitting of the lumbar aponeurosis, within which is lodged e. The erector spinae muscle. /. The quadratus lumborum muscle, lying "within g. Another compartment formed by the splitting of i. The lumbar aponeurosis, lumbar vertebra. spring from the spines and transverse processes in the manner represented in Fig. 41, unite wide of the middle line, and just external to the erectores spinae muscles so as to encase these muscles in a fibrous sheath. From the strong aponeuroses so constituted, certain of the muscles of the flank take origin. Their fleshy fibres are so disposed that three muscular layers are formed, the direction of the fibres of which vary widely. Th^ outer layer constitutes 58 Lumbar Aponeurosis. the muscle known by the name of the external oblique ; the other two layers are from without inwards, the internal oblique, and transversalis. The fleshy fibres of these three muscles do not reach far forwards on the abdominal wall, but are again replaced by tendinous sheets or aponeuroses ; Fig. 42. Side view of muscles of the trunk. a. Peotoralis major muscle. 6. External oblique muscle of abdomen. c. Aponeurosis of external oblique, cor- responding to linea semilunaris. d. Aponeurosis of external oblique, pass- li. LatissimuB dorsi muscle. ing in front of rectus abdominis muscle. € e. Anterior superior iliac spine, Pou- part's ligament, and spine of pubis. g. Serratus magnus muscle. as we approach the middle line in front, the aponeurosis of the intermediate muscle splits, the split layers being united in front and behind with the aponeuroses of the outer and inner muscle respectively. The layers so formed Abdominal VValL 59 enclose a muscle wtich is here represented in section, tlie fibres of which are directed longitudinally. This is the straight or rectus muscle of the abdominal wall. At the side of this muscle, nearest the middle line, the layers which Fig. 43. Front view of muscles of the abdominal wall. a. Pectoralis major muscle. ft. External oblique muscle of abdomen. u. Aponeurosis of external oblique, cor- responding- to linea serailimaris. d. Aponeurosis of external oblique, pass- ing in front of rectus abdominis muscle. e e. Anterior superior iliac spinej Pou- part's ligament, and spine of pubis. f. Rectus abdominis muscle, exposed by the removal of the front of its sheath, and showing its tendinous intersections. g. Serratus magnus muscle. h. Latissimus dorsi muscle. i. Linea alba, formed by the fusion of the tendinous aponeuroses of the muscles of the flank in the middle line. Jc. Umbilicus or navel. overlie it back and front again unite, and become blended with a similar layer from the opposite side of the body. As both sides of the trunk are symmetrical, there is formed 6o External Oblique. in this way a fibrous cord, whicli lies in the middle line in front, extending from the cartilage of the breast-bone above to the symphysis pubis below ; this is called the linea alba. On either side of this are the longitudinal recti muscles, which also stretch from the thoracic margin above to the pubis below. These muscles are ensheathed in the manner just described. We are only concerned with the most superficial of the muscles of the flank and abdominal wall. This is the external oblique ; as its name implies, its fibres have an oblique direction. The muscle consists of a broad sheet of fleshy fibres which takes origin from the outer surfaces of the eight lower ribs, by a series of slips or digitations. The hinder fibres, almost vertical in direction, pass down to be attached to the anterior half of the crest of the ilium or haunch-bone. In front of this attachment the fleshy fibres are inserted into the most superficial of the aponeurotic layers just described. These anterior fibres are directed forwards with varying degrees of obliquity. Through the medium of its aponeurosis the muscle becomes attached to Poupart's ligament (which has been already described as passing between the anterior superior iliac spine and the spine of the pubis), to the whole length of the linea alba, extending from the symphysis pubis below to the cartilage of the breast-bone above, and to the fascia covering the large muscle which arises from the front of the chest- wall on either side of the middle line, viz. the muscle called the great pectoral. A line let fall vertically from the middle of the collar-bone to meet a transverse line carried across between the two anterior superior spines of the ilia, with the angle between the two rounded off, will fairly accurately define the anterior and lower limits of the fleshy portion of the muscle (Figs. 42, 43). The recti muscles of the abdomen lie on either side of the middle line ; they are attached above to the cartilages of Rectus abdominis. 6i the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs, as well as to the cartilage of the breast-bone ; below they are connected with the pubes and pubic symphysis; their lower attachments are very much narrower than their upper. These muscles do not lie immediately beneath the skin and superficial fatty layer, but are ensheathed, in the manner already stated, by the aponeuroses of the muscles of the flank. "When the anterior layer of these sheaths is removed, the muscles are exposed. The arrangement of their fleshy fibres is peculiar. In place of extending the whole length of the muscle, they are interrupted by tendinous intersections which usually occupy certain definite positions. In this way the muscle is not composed of one fleshy belly, but of four or five segments firmly united to each other by short tendinous fibres. These tendinous intersections, or lineae transversae, as they are called, are usually three in number, and are situated, the lowest, a little above the level of the navel ; the highest, a short distance below the pit of the stomach ; the inter- mediate one, midway between the other two. The latter is usually continuous, towards the outer side, with the broad shallow furrows which surround the sides of the trunk, and which mark the position of the waist (Fig. 43, and Pis., pp. 52, 62, 108, 264). The inner borders of the two muscles lie side by side, being separated merely by their sheaths and the linea alba, which is wider above the navel than below. The outer border is gently curved from the upper broad attachment to the more pointed lower origin from the pubis. "We must now examine the influence these structures have upon the surface contours. A median furrow is seen running from the pit of the stomach downwards towards the symphysis pubis ; this corresponds to the position of the linea alba. The prominence of the rectus muscle on either side assists in deepening the groove. About midway between the cartilage of the breast-bone and the symphysis 62 Contours of Abdominal Wall. pubis is placed tlie navel. Below this point the median furrow becomes less distinct, and finally disappears owing to tbe closer approximation of the recti muscles and the more abundant quantity of fat in this region (Pis., pp. 52, 108). The outer borders of the recti muscles are marked by the existence of furrows, sometimes called the lineae semilunares. These separate the anterior abdominal region from, those of the flanks. Commencing above at the costal margin, just wide of the attachment of the recti muscles to the ribs, these furrows are narrow, as here the fleshy parts of the recti and external oblique muscles lie close together. At the level of the navel the farrows begin to widen, and ultimately spread out to form smooth areas of triangular shape. These areas correspond to the surface of the ab- dominal wall immediately above the folds of the groin. Here the fleshy parts of the superficial muscles of the abdominal wall are separated by a wide interval com- posed of tendinous fibres. The outer border of the rectus as it curves in to be attached to the pubis limits this region on the inner side. Its lower boundary is marked by Poupart's ligament. Above and to the outer side, the fibres of the external oblique form its outer limit. These details may not in every case be clearly recognized, as their sharpness depends on the quantity of fat beneath the skin (Pis., pp. 52, 62, 108, 264, 282.) A glance at Fig. 43 will enable the reader to realize that this triangular area corresponds to the lower part of the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle, which here has a form somewhat resembling the shape of an arrow- head, the point being directed towards the spine of the pubis; the sides, to the outer border of the rectus and Poupart's ligament respectively; the tang, or part where the arrow-head is connected with the shaft, correspondino- to the insertion of the fibres of the external oblique. The prominences formed by the recti muscles as they lie Key to Plate XI Steyno-mastoid. Trapezius. Clavicle. Acromion process of scapula. ^.Deitoid. Clavicle, Pecioj-alis major. Deltoid. Conico-brachialis. Latissimus dorsi Digitations of sen a his vinous Triceps, longhead Trices, outer head Trices, inner liead Biceps cubiti... Brachialis anticus _ Rectus abdominis Gluteus itiediiis Internal condy le Bicipital fascia Pronator radii tei es Supinator longus Ext. carp. rod. long- Ext.carp.rad.hev Flexor carpi radiahs hxtensors of.ihuinb Gracilis,.. Rectus femoris Vastus externus. Vastus internus. Internal condyle of femur-. Gastrocnemius, inner head: Tibialis anticus. Tibia, subcutaneous surface. Soleits. Ilcxor longus digitoruyn pedis. Extensor longus digitorum pedis. Long extensor of great toe. T*ecioralis major, clavicular fibres. ^,Triceps, outer h^ad. ^^rackialis anticus. _^,.Biceps cubiti. .Latissimus dorsi. Pectoralis major, sternal fibres. :Supinator longus. —Digitations of serraius mag. Ext. carp. rod. long. \Mxt.carp rod. brev. ^ dig. 'External oblique. Linea trans -Ant.supMiac spine. ''-•Aponeurosis of ' .^ external oblique. '•-•Linea alba. Tensor fasc.fem . ■•.Iliopsoas. '"Peclineus. -Adductor longus Ilio-tibial band. Sartorins. ■Rectus femoris. Vastus externus. ."' 'Gracilis. y^astiis intcmus. Band of Richer. flio-tiiial band. - - -Patella. -/vz^ Ligamentum patellae. -Soleus. -GastrocnrmiuSj inner head. Perofieus longus. E.xtcnsor longus dig: ped. Tibialis anticus. Tibia, subattaneous sur/ace. -Peroneus brevis. Long extensor of great toe. ■ Internal malleolus {tibia). 4nnular ligament of ankle. Extfrnal mai. FRONT VIEW OF MALE FIGURE INCLINED TO THE SIDE Copyright^ 1899, by Henry FrowdeI Contours of Abdominal Wall. 63 between the median and lateral furrows are interrupted by transverse grooves. Above the level of the navel these grooves are due to the presence of the lineae transversae which were described in connexion with the recti. The sheaths of these muscles are not thick enough to obscure the influence of these tendinous intersections ; besides, there is an intimate union between the anterior part of the sheath and those tendinous fibres, so that their position is rendered very evident by the occurrence of transverse grooves on . the surface of the body when the muscles are powerfully contracted. Their position has been already sufficiently indicated, but it may be well to refer to their modifying influence on the outline produced by the lower thoracic margin. Where the recti muscles are attached to the cartilages of the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs, they necessarily overlie the cartilages of the seventh ribs, and according to the varying thickness of the muscles (de- pendent on the degree of their development) the surface form produced by the cartilages of the seventh ribs will be obscured. This accounts for the fact that the angle formed by the converging margins of the chest-wall at the lower end of the breast-bone is not so evident as a mere inspection of the skeleton might lead us to suppose. On the other hand, the highest of these transverse furrows which cross the recti lies some distance below the pit of the stomach. Its outer extremity usually corresponds to the junction of the eighth rib cartilage with the seventh; and the two furrows, one on either side, form an arch across the middle line, the convexity of which is directed upwards. This arch cuts off the acute angle formed by the converging cartilages of the seventh ribs. Externally this furrow joins the lateral abdominal furrow, or the furrow between the rectus and the external oblique, which here corresponds to the lower costal margin, and it is the contour so produced which obscures the form of the lower costal border on the anterior aspect 64 Fold of the Groin. of the trunk. The extent to which this occurs will of course depend on the muscular development of the model (Pis., pp. 52, 62, 108). The fold of the groin, as has been seen, corresponds to the position of Poupart's ligament. Owing to the fact that this band is very intimately connected with the fascia or Fig. 44. Diagrammatic representation of the vaiioua furrows and depressions on the anterior surface of the trunk. investing fibrous sheath of the thigh, it is found to undergo considerable modification according to the position of the limb. Thus, when the thigh is extended or straightened on the trunk, the fascia which invests it will necessarily be drawn down, and as one of the attachments of this fascia is Poupart's ligament the result is that the ligament Fold of the Groin. 65 is rendered more tense at the same time that its downward curve is increased. If, however, the thigh be bent upon the trunk, the ligament is relaxed and tends to become straighterj these facts react on the surface form. When the limb is extended the fold' of the groin will be seen to best advantage and will display a more or less curved outline, a form which is always accentuated in the antique (Pis., pp; 52, 62, 108, 264, 282, 332). The outer end of this furrow corresponds to the position of the anterior superior iliac spine, at which point it forms an open angle with the transverse furrow of the flank ; the inner extremities of the folds of the groin are not unfrequently lost in the fat in this region, though in many cases they become blended with a shallow depression which curves down- wards across the lower part of the abdominal wall and the prominence which overlies the symphysis pubis. Just above this, in the female, there is frequently a second shallow curved depression, as seen in the Townley Venus, and in the accompanying figure (Fig. 45). Distinct from the above, and due to the flexion of the thigh at the hip-joint, there is a crease or supetficial folding of the skin which lies below the fold of the groin, and is best seen in the plump thigh of a young child. This line is most distinct internally, by the side of the genitals, and curves upwards and outwards across the upper and anterior part of the thigh to be lost in the general round- ness of the limb. In the adult it is best seen in the female, in whom its inner extremity is not concealed, as in the male. Briicke has pointed out that in the female this line appears in two distinct forms. In the one, as shown in Fig. 46, the hollow of the curve is directed upwards, the outer extremity of the farrow is turned towards the anterior superior iliac spine, and it usually blends with the fold of the groin about its middle. In the other type (Fig. 45) the line curves outwards across F 66 Differences between Male and Female. the thigh, the hollow of the curve being directed down- wards. Externally the line is but faintly seen on the general rounded surface of the front of the thigh, but if the thigh be flexed the fold is rendered more distinct. The abdomen in the male shoiild be small ; that of the female, which is relatively larger, should be of rounded form and slightly more prominent, owing to the presence of a thicker fatty layer; in the female also the surface contours dependent on muscles are obscured, and display Pig. 45. Fig. 46. a smoother and more rounded appearance. For the same reason the navel in women is usually more depressed, owing to the presence of the surrounding fat. One need not here dilate on the baneful influence of the pressure exerted by the use of corsets on the shape of the abdomen, it is sufficient merely to note the fact and put the student on his guard against the artificial forms so produced. Turning next to that portion of the abdominal wall which lies between the lateral abdominal depression in front (i. e. the furrow corresponding to the interval between the rectus and external oblique) and the lateral dorsal depression The Flank. 67 behind, this is found to include the region known as the flank. Above, the thoracic margin limits this region ; below, the crest of the ilium or haunch-bone serves to define it from the buttock. The lower half of the sheet of fibres of the external oblique, already described, constitutes the most superficial muscle in this region (Pis., pp. 44, 52, 62, 72, 106, 108, 282). The surface of the flank is rounded from before back- wards, and is marked off from the prominence of the buttock below by a furrow which is well defined in the muscular male, less so in the female (Pis. pp. 66, 230, 238). The position of this furrow corresponds in front to the anterior superior iliac spine and also to an inch or two of the iliac crest ; behind this point however, as indicated by Eicher, the attached fleshy fibres of the external oblique overlap the iliac crest so that the furrow, which depends largely on the development of these fibres, does not overlie the iliac crest, but is placed at a somewhat lower level. The furrow, which assumes towards its termination a somewhat upward curve, gradually fades away and is lost in the rounded form produced by the accumulation of a considerable amount of fat ; this obscures the outline of the posterior border of the external oblique muscle. In the female, on account of the greater amount of fat in this region, all trace of the upper lateral depressions, which we saw overlay the point of attachment of the fleshy fibres of the erector spinae to the hinder end of the iliac crest in the male, disappears (p. 38) (PI., p. 238). Owing to the obliteration of the iliac farrow — as the groove we are just describing is called — by the presence of this pad of fat, the rounded surface of the posterior part of the flank is not so clearly defined from the general swelling of the buttock as in front, but is insensibly blended with it — a condition which maintains to a greater extent in the female. As will be seen in the accompanying figure (Fig. 47), the iliac furrow displays a double curve. F 2 68 The Flank. Its anterior extremity corresponds to the position of tlie anterior superior iliac spine, a point occasionally more or less prominent, where it forms an angle with the furrow of - the groin, as has been already stated. The upper limit of the flank corresponds to the waist, the narrowest transverse diameter of the trunk. Above this level the figure increases in breadth owing to the enlargement of the thoracic framework, and the muscles con- nected with the upper limb. Below, the outline is carried down by a gentle curve which increases the breadth of the trunk until the iliac crest is reached ; at this point, owing to the overlapping of the iliac crest by the fleshy fibres of the external oblique, the curve is much accentuated as it dips down into the iliac furrow. In the female the outline is softer and more flowing, and the iliac furrow not so well marked. The waist, therefore, corresponds to a broad shallow furrow which lies between the wider parts of the trunk above and below -, in front this shallow depression becomes blended with the lateral abdominal furrow or linea semilunaris, at a point corresponding to the junc- tion of the tenth rib cartilage with the ninth, at some distance above the level of the navel, and a trifle below the level of the middle transverse intersection of the rectus. At this point, where there is a slight general Fig. 47 (after Richer). Shows the relation of the iliac furrow to the iliac crest. Action of Abdominal Muscles. 69 hollowing of the surface, the thoracic margin formed by the cartilages of the false ribs can be distinctly felt, and corresponds to a depression -which is accentuated in certain positions and is well displayed in the figure of Theseus from the pediment of the Parthenon. As is seen in many of the antiques, this furrow of the waist is carried round the front of the figure in correspondence with the furrows produced by the middle tendinous intersections of the recti (Pis., pp. 52, 62, 108). The abdominal muscles above described are of great use in supporting the contents of the abdominal cavity, and also assist in the movements of respiration. When any violent muscular effort is about to be made, these muscles are thrown into a state of contraction to brace up the abdominal walls, and so resist the strain to which they would otherwise be subjected. If the vertebral column be not fixed, these muscles will assist in bending the trunk forwards if the muscles of both sides act at the same time. If only those of one side are brought into play they will effect a lateral movement of the trunk towards the side on which they are contracted. It may happen that the upper part of the trunk is fixed, as in climbing or hanging by the hands ; in this case the muscles will assist in drawing upwards and forwards, or to one or other side, the pelvis and lower limbs. These movements give rise to very considerable modifica- tions in the surface forms. When the trunk is bent forward the tissues of the anterior abdominal wall become infolded (Figs. 48, 49) (PL, p. 332). The deepest of these transverse folds passes across the belly a little above or just on a level with the navel. Laterally this fold corresponds to the inferior thoracic margin, and the compression of the abdominal contents leads to a greater distension of the ab- dominal wall below this line of flexion than is the case in the erect position. Secondary folds may appear either 70 Contours of Abdominal Wall. above or below the one already mentioned, and in extreme flexion tte furrow, usually very shaUow, which connects the two furrows of the groin above the pubis, becomes emphasized and converted into a deep line. At the same time the farrow of the groin is deepened and the fore part of the iliac furrow rendered more distinct. The Fig. 48. position of the afore-mentioned folds is often indicated on the surface of the abdomen, in the ordinary erect position, by delicate lines which merely affect the skin and do not in any way influence the surface contours. Consequent on the alteration in the form of the abdominal wall in the flexed position there is a disappearance of some of the most charac- teristic farrows, most notably the lateral abdominal furrows, which correspond to the outer borders of the recti ; these Contours of Abdominal Wall. 71 disappear, and tlie rounded form of the flank becomes con- tinuous with the general roundness of the front of the belly which lies below the best marked line of flexion. The most noticeable effects of extension of the trunk on the surface forms of the abdominal wall are a distinct flattening and stretching of that region, and a marked -projection of the Fig. 49. surface corresponding to the outline of the lower thoracic margin due to the forward thrust of that portion of the chest- wall (Fig. 50) (PI., p. 282). The anterior superior iliac spines are rendered more prominent, and the anterior part of the iliac furrow is obliterated, whilst its posterior part is somewhat deepened. Above, the flank is characterized by the deepening behind of the furrow which corresponds to the waist, and the flank itself is naturally more com- 72 Effect of Movements. pressed and rounded behind, wliere it lies between tbe deepened furrows afore-mentioned, than in front, where it is continuous with the stretched tissues of the anterior abdominal wall. The lateral movements of the trunk Fia. 50. naturally affect diflPerently the forms of the flanks from or towards which the movement is made. The flank on the side opposite that towards which the body is bent is naturally stretched, and the furrows which define it above Key to Plate XIII Sierno-mas^id -■.. Trapezius. - Clavicle. -• .. Pit of neck.. Breast bene (stemi(tn) Pit of stomach Biceps ctibiii Lineae transversae. Brackialis anticus. Bicipital fascia Pronator radii teres. Supinator longtis. — Extensor carpi rod. Flexor carpi radialis- - ■ Extensor carpi rod. brev. Extensor cotn di^.----' Rectus abdominis. - - " Ant.suferior iliac stine.' Poupart s ligament. '-;'.-■ Sartorius. -■■■"" ,.--- Gluteus medius.-' Tensor fasciae femoris.'' Rectus femoris.-' Vastus externus. Band of Richer.- Vastus internus. Pa/eUa. ■■ ' Fat. Ligamentum patellae. Tubercle of tibia. Tibialis anticus ExteTtsor hngtis digiiorutfi pedis. Long extensor of great toe. Annular ligament of ankle. _. , - Stemo-mastoid. ,.. 'Trapezius. ,..'■' Clavicle. Pectoralis major, clavicular /^bres. .' Pectoralis major, sternal fibres. Deltoid. Digitiitions of serratns mapius. Latissimus darsi. _. Triceps, outer h-ead. - Biceps cubiti. Brackialis anticus. -- -- -- .- -Triceps tendon. Supinator longus. -Extensor carpi radialis longior. ...External oblique. Iliac crest. ■Extejisor carpi radialis brevior. Extensor ossts metacarpi pollicis. Extensor primi in ternodii pollicis. '"Extensor communts digitorum. Extensor carpi ulnaris- ""Annular ligament of'orrist. Gluteus maxitnus. 1 lio-tibial band . -Vastus externus. ■ "Biceps cruris. - Biceps cruris, short head Sejni-membranosus. External condyle of femur. HeadoffU}ula, Gastrocnemius, outer head. ... . -'.Pfroneus longus. Soleus Feroneus brevis. --■ 'Tendo Ackillis " 'External malleolus. SIDE VIEW OF MALE FIGURK TURNED TOWARDS SPECTATOR Copyright^ 1899, by HtNRY Fkowuk] Key to t'LATE XXXV 11 Styloid process of -ulna. Flexor carpi nlnaris.... Flexor carpi ratiialis. Palmaris lottgus Pronator radii teres. Supinator hngtts. Bicipilitt fascia. — Internal eimdyle - Brachialis anticus. Triceps, iruur /uad. Biceps cuinii. Triceps, loiig limd. Deltoid.,,. Coraco-bracJi talis. Teres ma/or. Latissititus dersi, PectoraJis major. Breast bone (sternum). Pit of stomach. Digitiitions ofserratvs magnus Lineae transversae. Latissimus dor si. Linea alba, _. Digitations of external oblitjue Lineae transversae. Rectus abdominis. External oblique. Lineae transversae. Umbiliats. Iliac crest. Anterior superior iUac ^ne Aponeurosis of external obbqtte Pot^arfs ligament. Iliopsoas. Sartoriits, Gracilis,— Rectus femoris. -. Vastus intertass.- Band of Richer.-. Slemo-mastoid. Posterior triangle. .. ..--Trapcdus. -Clavicle. Patella. Internal condyle pf femur Fat. - vw" VI t™ Liffimenium patellae. -— \ ^^, \ Sariorius. ".—'--"■" - ' Gracilis. "' __,.. Semi-imdiitasiLi.-""' H BIWM Tibialis anticus. ^ ' *""■' Casfrocfiemiiis. outer head Solcus. Tibia, subcutaneous surface.- Flexor longtis digitorum pedis. Tendc A chillis. - Internal malleolus {tibta). Pecieialts major, clavicular fbres. Deltoid. Pectoralis major, sternal fibres. Brachialis anttats.^ ..-.Triceps, oiOer Itead. Biceps cubiti. Snpitmlor longus. Fxterttal intermuscular septum. ■Extensor carpi radtalts longior. I ~ —-Anconeus. -Extensor communis digitorum. -Extensor carpi radialis bresior. 'Gluteus inedius. Teksor fasciae femoris. Extensors of thumb. Extensor carpi ulnaris. Gluteus ntaximus. ■Jrochanicr m^or, -Ilio-iibiai band. Adductor mass. Sartoriits^ ■Rectus femoris. Vastus extemus. -Band of Richer. Vastus intemus. External condyle offetnur. ~ Biceps cruris. Patelhr. Head of fibula. 'Ligamentum patellae, Gastroctiemius, outer liead. ■•- Soleus. Gastrocnemius, inner head. Peroneus lojigus. ■-■ " Solnts. JLxtensor communis digitorum, Tibialis anticus. ■ 'Tibia, subcutaneous surface, Peroneus brevis. ■ I-ong exietisor of great toe. ■Atniulirr ligament of ankle. ' ■ - F-x/ermsl malltelus. "Internal malleolus (tibia) Effect of Movements. 73 and below are obliterated, tlieir places being taken by reliefs wliich correspond to the thoracic margin and the crest of the haunch-bone respectively. On the side to- wards which the movement takes place these farrows are deepened, and, owing to the compression of the tissues of the side of the body, the flank forms a prominent pad or elevation, the surface of which is traversed by numerous skin folds which are usually more distinct behind than in front (Pis., pp. 38, 42, 62, 332). The surface forms of the abdomen and flank are like- wise affected by the movements of rotation, of which mention has been already made (p. 44) in connexion with the move- ments of the vertebral column. Their principal influence is to cause an obliquity of the longitudinal furrows, and to intensify the transverse furrows, namely those of the waist and crest of the haunch-bone, on the side toward which the body is twisted, whilst leading to their effacement on the side from which the body is turned (PL, p. 72 Combinations of these movements will necessarily be associated with modifications in the surface forms, but, bearing in mind the main points as they have been described in the simplest forms of movement, the student will be enabled to analyse more correctly the complex contours associated with combinations of these movements. CHAPTEE V. THE SHOULDEE-GIEDLE AND THE MUSCLES WHICH INFLUENCE ITS MOVEMENTS. We have next to study tlie manner in wliicli the upper limb is connected with the trunk. This is effected in the Fig. 51 A. Bones of the right upper limh, front view. d. Hnmervis. g. Wrist-bones (carpus). «. Eadius. ft. Metacarpus. ■f- Ulna, i. Finger-bones (phalanges). a. Collar-bone (clavicle) b. Breast-bone (sternum). <;. Shoulder-blade (scapula), Shoulder-girdle. 75 skeleton by means of the shoulder-girdle, which is made up of two bones on either side, the collar-bone or clavicle, and the shoulder-blade or scapula. The striking difference between the arrangement of the bones of the shoulder and pelvic girdles has been already referred to in Chapter I, so that it is not necessary again to emphasize the character- istics peculiar to these portions of the skeleton. It will be Pig. 51 b. Bones of the right upper limb, back view. It, CoUar-bone (clavicle). e. Radius. h. Metacarpus. c. Shonlder-blade (soapiila). /. Ulna. d. Humerus. g. Wrist-bones (carpus). i. Knger-bones (phalanges). ^6 Collar-bone. suificient to keep clearly in view the fact that the shoulder- girdle is particularly modified, in order to permit great freedom of movement between the upper limb and trunk. The collar-hone (Figs. 53, 54) may be compared to a rod bent into the form of the italic letter /. It possesses two extremities, the inner of which is enlarged and articulates with the upper end of the breast-bone, just above the junction of the first rib cartilage, to which it is also firmly attached by ligament. The outer extremity is flattened from above downwards, and slightly expanded ; it is called the acromial end of the bone, because it articulates with Fig. 52. Diagrammatic representation of the shoulder-girdle. a. First dorsal vertebra. d, Shoulder-blade (scapula). h. First rib. e. Collar-bone (clavicle). c. Breast-bone (sternum). /. Humerus (bone of upper arm). the acromion process of the shoulder-blade. This end of, the bone corresponds to the summit of the shoulder, and in the male lies at a slightly higher level than the inner or sternal end. The curves of the bone are so arranged that the part of the shaft near the breast- bone is bulged forward, whilst the outer half of the bone describes a curve, the convexity of which is directed backwards. These curves impart a certain amount of spring to the bone, so that the shock of blows falling on the shoulder is reduced by the slight yielding of the curves, a condition which would not hold good had the bone been straight. The curves of the collar-bone vary considerably in different individuals. The variations are due in great part Collar-bone. 77 to the exercise or use to which the limb has been put. In persons who have to live by hard manual labour the curves are more pronounced than in those whose occupation is sedentary, a difference which is to a greater or less extent also characteristic of the sexes. The curvatures of the bone may therefore be regarded as affording some indication of the muscular development of the person to whom the bone belonged. As men are usually more muscular than women, the inference will be that a bone which displays well-marked curves is that of a male. Differences in length may also be noted as having an important relation to the width of the shoulders. As the inner enlarged extremities of the collar-bones rest upon the upper extremity of the breast-bone, they are separated by a notch, the Right collar-bone (clavicle). Fig. 53. As seen from the front. Fig. 54, As seen from above. a. Shaft. c. Acromial end, with articular surface 6. Sternal end. for acromion process of scapula. lower boundary of which is formed by the upper margin of the breast-bone. Passing across from one clavicle to the other, there is a strong band called the interclavicular ligament; this ligament smooths off the angles of the notch, which is thus converted into a rounded, well-marked depression between the extremities of the collar-bones on either side and the breast-bone below (Fig. 55). It is this which causes the surface depression known as the pit of the neck, the distinctness of which is further increased by the attachment of one of the neck muscles, to which reference will be made in a future chapter. Prom what has been stated regarding the collar-bone and its articulations it will be easy to understand how it 78 Shoulder-blade. acts as a prop or fulcrum on which the shoulder-blade moves. This action of the bone may be readily demon- strated if we compare its position when the limb is thrown forward and when it is drawn back. In the former case the collar-bone is pulled forward from the chest- wall, whilst in the latter action the bone is brought into closer relation with it. The accompanying figure (Fig. 56) represents, in a diagrammatic way, these actions. The sTioulder-blade or scapula (Figs. 57, 58, 59) is a thin plate-like bone of triangular form, with certain outstanding processes. It is placed on the upper and posterior aspect of Fig. 55. Showing articulation of the collar-bones (clavicles) with the breast-bone (sternum). a. Collar-bones (clavicles). g. Placed over the body of the first dorsal h. Sternal ends of collar-bones. vertebra, lies in the interval between c. Placed on the first and second ribg. the sternal ends of the collar-bones, d. The upper piece of the breast-bone a space which corresponds to the (manubrium stemi). surface depression at the root of the /. Eib cartilages. neck, called the pit of the neck. the chest-wall, overlying the second to the seventh ribs inclusive. In the upright position with the arms by the side, the interval between the two blade-bones usually corresponds to the width of the neck. As a triangle the bone possesses three sides and three angles. The borders are described as inner, outer, and superior. It may be well here to add some explanation of the use of these terms in anatomy. The body being symmetrical on the two sides, we can divide it by an imaginary plane, which we term the mesial plane. As this plane bisects the trunk in front and behind, it corre- sponds to the middle lines of these regions. In comparing Shoulder-blade. 79 the position of one structure -witli another in relation to this mesial plane we describe as internal that which lies closer to it, whilst that which is placed wider from it is accounted external; thus the ear is external in position to the eye. When therefore we examine the shoulder-blade in position on the back of the chest-wall, that border which lies nearest the middle line is called the internal, that margin which lies in relation to the back of the armpit is called the external, and the third side of the triangle, which is placed above, is called the upper or superior border. In like manner the angles of the bone are described Fig. 56. On the left side of the figure the girdle is shown pulled back, on the right side drawn forward. a. Collar-bone (clavicle). c. Breast-bone. e. First rib. 6. Sboulder-blade (scapula), d. First dorsal vertebra. as external and internal ; the latter, two in number, are placed at the upper and lower ends of the internal border of the bone, and are distinguished the one from the other as the superior internal and inferior internal angles of the bone ; more frequently, however, these are spoken of as the superior and inferior angles. Of the borders the most important, from our standpoint, are the internal and external. The latter can readily be felt, covered though it is by muscle, by firmly grasping the tissues which lie behind the armpit. The inner border, overlaid by much thinner muscles, is readily seen, particularly if we move the arm about so as to rotate the shoulder-blade. Of the angles, the 8o Shoulder-blade. superior and inferior are easily distinguishable, particularly the latter, which can be observed to advance across the chest- wall when we raise the arm over the head. The external angle, which furnishes the shallow socket for the lodgement of the he-d of the humerus, is obscured by the structures around the shoulder-joint. It will be described at greater length when the anatomy of that joint is considered. The right shoulder-blade (scapula). Fig. 57. Back view. Fig. 58. External view. Fig. 59. Front view. a. Glenoid fossa, for head of humerus. 6. Spine. c. Acromion process, "li. Facet for outer end of collar-bone, e. Coracoid process. /. Superior angle. jr. Inferior angle, ft. External or axillary border. i. Internal or vertebral border, k. Superior border. I. Supra-spinous fossa, m. Infra-spinous fossa. n. Ventral or anterior surface. Arising from the posterior surface of the shoulder- blade is the process called the spine. This is somewhat triangular in form. It is attached by one of its borders to the blade- bone, the posterior surface of which it thus divides into two unequal fossae, called respectively the supra- and infra-spinous fossae, according as they lie above or below the spine which separates them. The remaining two sides of the spine form free borders, that Shoulder-blade. 8i is to say, they are not attached by osseous union to any otter parts of tlie bone ; one, tbe longest or posterior border, is superficial throughout its entire extent, and forms an important factor in the modelling of the surface contours over it. The external border is short and curved, connecting the external extremi^es of the attached and the posterior borders. The plane of this triangular spinous process is oblique to the plane of the blade- bone in an upward direction, a fact which is best displayed on making a section of the bone. Its upper surface forms part of the floor of the supra-spinous fossa, its under surface part of the infra-spinous fossa. The inner angle of this spine, formed by the convergence of the posterior and attached borders, corresponds to the point of junc- tion of the upper with the middle third of the internal border of the blade-bone. There are two ex- ternal angles, one anterior, which corresponds to the outer end of the attached border, the other posterior, which is formed by the fusion of the external with the posterior border. At this point the spine becomes continuous with a process called the acromion process, which is carried upwards and outwards for some distance, in line with the posterior border of the spine. It then turns somewhat suddenly forwards, and becomes compressed and flattened, so that its surfaces are directed upwards and downwards. It arches over the shoulder-joint, and is furnished on its G Fig. 6o. The outer side of the shoulder-blade (scapula). u,. Glenoid fossa, for head of htimerus. 6. Spine. c. Acromion process, ti. Coracoid process. g. Inferior angle. It. ^External or axillary border. {. Supra-spinons fossa. m. Infra-spinous fossa. n. Ventral or anterior surface. 82 Shoulder-blade. inner border near its extremity witli a small facet, by- means of which it articulates with the outer end of the collar-bone. This process is of great importance in rela- tion to the surface contours, as it forms the summit of the shoulder, and is superficial throughout. These details, though somewhat tedious, are necessary, as without a know- ledge of the shape of this bone it will be difficult to under- stand its relation to the surrounding muscles and to the surface. Another process of hook-like form, called the coracoid process, springs from the upper border of the blade-bone, close to the external angle. This is important only as Fig. 6i. On the left side of the figure the girdle is shown pulled back, on the right side drawn forward. a. Collar-bone (clavicle). c. Breast-bone. e. First rib, h. Shoulder-blade (scapula). d. First dorsal vertebra. affording attachment to muscles and ligaments, and is not a determinant of surface form. The surface of the blade-bone, opposite that to which the spine is attached, is hollowed out so as to form a shallow fossa in which fleshy muscles are lodged. This surface is directed towards the chest-wall, and lies in relation to the outer surfaces of the ribs, being separated from them by sheets of intervening muscles. As has been said, the collar-bone articulates with the acromion process of the shoulder-blade. The joint itself is small and weak, but is very much strengthened by powerful ligaments which pass between the collar-bone and the coracoid process. Key to Plate XIV spine of VI f cervical vertebra. ----_. Trapesiti'. ^,^-TraPesius. ,. Acromion process ',, — Deltoid. ■■' Brackialis anticus. Biceps cubiii I Si^.tongMS Biceps cruris ■- Vastus ext- Semi-tcndinosHs -Exierftal oblique. -LMmbar aponeurosis. -Iliac crest. Posterior superior iliac spine. GMeus medius. Trochanter tnajor. ■GlutcHs maxiiHHS. •—Ilio-tibial band. ■Semi-tendinosns. Bictps cruris- Vastus extcntus. VIEW OF MALE BACK, WITH ARMS RAISED TO A RIGHT-ANGLE Copyright^ 1899, by Hehrv Frowde] Shoulder-blade. 83 By the articulation of these bones an angle is formed, which is occupied in great part by the rounded form of the upper part of the chest-wall. The interval between the girdle and the thoracic wall is occupied by the vessels, nerves, and muscles of the upper limb. By means of the above joint, the angle between the collar-bone and the plane of the blade-bone can be modified so as to adapt it to the form of the chest-wall. When the shoulders are drawn back the angle is opened out ; when the arms are thrown forward the angle is diminished (Fig. 61). A slight amount of rotation of the blade-bone on the extremity of the collar-bone may also take place at this articulation. The continuity of the clavicle with the acromion can easily be demonstrated on the living ; if the finger be placed on the inner end of the collar-bone, then the outline of the bone can readily be traced towards the shoulder to the point of its articulation with the acromion; this is usually recogniijed as a slight elevation. Passing round the summit of the shoulder, the upper surface of the acromion can be distinctly felt, and, if it be followed backward, the finger will pass along the posterior border of the spine, until the point is reached where that process blends with the in- ternal margin of the blade-bone, a point which is still further emphasized in the living, owing to the arrangement of the muscles around it. The only articulation which the blade-bone has with the trunk is indirectly through the collar-bone, by means of the union of the latter with the breast-bone. It is at this joint, therefore, that many of the movements take place which influence the position of the shoulder-blade. The movements possible at this joint (sterno-olavicular as it is called) when reduced to their simplest form are those in an upward, downward, forward, and backward direction, together with a slight degree of rotation of the collar-bone on its own axis. These of course may be G 2 84 Shoulder-girdle. variously combined. As has been seen, certain movements take place at the aoromio-clavicular joint, so that the movements of the blade-bone are further complicated by the addition of those which are effected at the sterno- clavicular articulation. But, whilst the shoulder-blade is only thus slightly con- nected with the osseous framework of the chest, it is very efficiently supported and held in position by the many muscles with which it is connected, and these react on the surface form according as they are strongly developed or not. In man we usually find the outer end of the collar-bone lying at a somewhat higher level than the inner end. In woman the outer end of the bone lies either about the same level as the inner end or somewhat lower. In other words, in the male the collar-bones tend to slope outwards and upwards ; in the female, outwards and downwards. This is owing to the different form of the thorax in the two sexes. The smaller and narrower chest of the female affords the girdle less support than in man, in whom the larger thorax furnishes a wider surface on which the girdle may rest. But, independently of the form of the framework of the chest, there are other factors which must be taken into account ; these are the muscles. It often happens that a person with sloping shoulders is recommended to indulge in some form of gymnastic exercise to expand his chest. After the age of twenty-five, when all the bones are fully ossified and the figure set, any form of exercise will have but little influence on the form of the thorax, except that it stimulates a more healthy respiration. Yet we cannot but admit the effect which the exercise has had on the man for he appears now with braced-up figure and square shoulders. The increase in breadth of the chest is not due to any marked increase in the capacity or form of the chest- wall, but is due almost entirely to the increase in size of Key to Plate XV spine of yjf cervical vertebm Trapezius. , j4crcnntm' process.'"-^ Spine of scapula ^ "'•., ""'•■ Deltoid ,^ "'■•■.. "■•■. Infya-^pinatus ~'--~.^ Rhoinboideui majoi Teres major, ^ Triceps, longhead. Biceps ciiiuii ^ Latissitnui dam.. Triceps tendon , Triceps, inner /lead.. ^ Brachiaiis ant.. External obliijtt Olecrniioit Int. condyle. Biiipilalfas .. Lintibar aponeurosis... Proii.radfer.— Palmaris long... Iliac era!.---- Plexor en •'pi PQsl.snpU:.t-.\^ i^l.cart.>ad....\^^ Gluteus wcf^M/j, - \VvU'- Tyocltanier niaior. Glutens mux . —ExLcarpi uliiaris, Ex t.cont. digit ■■ Exl.carp.rad brev '^iiconeii'^. .Ext carp, rad.long. .Exterttal condyle i-l -Snpinalor longus. 4— \.. Ext. nilermiti. septum. Triceps tendon. ■hueps cubiti. Brachiaiis anticus. Triceps outer Mead. Triceps, long head. Deliotd. Ilio-tibial band Tensor fasciae femoris. Trochan/er major. Ilio-ttbial band. VIEW OF MALE BACK, WITH RIGHT ARM RAISED ABOVE THE HEAD Copyright, J899, hy Henry Fhowdk] Shoulder-girdle. 85 the muscles, brouglit about by exercise. As lias been shown, some of these muscles lie between the blade-bone and the chest-wall, and one can readily understand how any in- crease in the thickness of these layers will tend to push upwards and outwards the blade-bone from the chest- wall, and so impart to the shoulders that squareness which is so desirable in the male figure. In regard to the relative proportions of these bones to others, we find that the collar-bone is usually about the same length as the osseous part of the breast-bone, or about half the length of the bone of the upper arm. The length of the internal border of the shoulder-blade very nearly approximates to that of the collar-bone. These measure- ments are very liable to vary, and must not be taken as affecting any scientific accuracy; they are merely put forward as aids to assist the draughtsman to apportion approximately the lengths to these different bones. Before passing to the consideration of the muscles which move the upper limb on the trunk, it will be necessary to enter into a short explanation of the mode in which muscles act. Taking the simple case where two long bones are united by a joint which permits of a hinge-like move- ment, it will be apparent that any muscle attached to the upper bone and passing down over the joint, either in front of or behind it, to be inserted into the lower bone, will, when it contracts, effect a movement of the lower bone on the upper. If the muscle passes in front of the joint, the limb will be bent or flexed ; if it passes behind the joint, the limb will be straightened or extended. Such muscles are called direct flexors or extensors. But it not unfrequently happens that a muscle which takes origin from the upper bone is not inserted into the bone immediately below, but passes over that bone to be inserted into one beyond. In this case the muscle passes over more than one articulation. All the intervening joints 86 Action of Muscles. may be influenced by the contraction of such a muscle, but as the action of this muscle is not brought to bear directly on the intermediate bone it has been described as possessing an indirect action. To take the case with which we are immediately con- cerned. A number of muscles pass from the trunk to the bones of the shoulder-girdle. These have a direct influence on the movements of the bones of the girdle, but there are others which, arising from the trunk, are not attached to the bones of the girdle, but pass to be inserted into the bone of the upper arm, which is connected with the shoulder- girdle by the shoulder-joint. These muscles act primarily upon the bone of the upper arm, moving it at the shoulder- joint, but they also secondarily affect the movements of the girdle through its connexion with the bone of the upper arm. This is the indirect action of these muscles, and they are therefore described as acting indirectly on the move- ments of the girdle in contradistinction to those which act directly upon it. Arranging the muscles according to their action, it will be most convenient to take up the consideration of that group which acts directly on the girdle, namely, those which arise from the trunk and are inserted into the bones of the girdle. It will not be necessary to describe them all, for some have no influence on the surface form, and may for present purposes be disregarded. The muscles with which we are particularly concerned are the trapezius, the rhomboids, the levator anguli scapulae, the serratus magnus, and the pectoralis minor. Be it under- stood that these muscles are symmetrical on the two sides of the body. There is a pair of each, one of each pair being assigned to opposite sides of the trunk. Unfortunately there is no English equivalent for these technical names, so that the student has no other alternative than to acquire a familiarity with these anatomical terms. < PS s < H X O ffl H U O > M < >-) O H >- w Q H in < s < a o < a u < s b. O Trapezius. 87 The trapezius (Fig. 62), so called from the four-sided figure which the muscles of opposite sides form, has been compared, when we consider the muscles of both sides together, to a tippet hanging over the shoulders, the tip of which reaches to about the level of the spine of the last thoracic vertebra. In order to render this description intelligible, it is necessary to supplement it by supposing that the muscles extend upwards along the back and sides of the neck to the skull, somewhat in the fashion of a high collar, the peak of which reaches the back of the head. The two muscles take origin from the middle line, ex- tending above as high as the back of the skull or occiput, on either side of which they are attached for a variable distance to a rough ridge which is called the superior curved line of the occipital bone ; and reaching as low down as the level of the spine of the last thoracic vertebra. In the neck the muscles arise from a median ligament, which extends from the occiput superiorly to the spine of the seventh neck vertebra, or the vertebra prominens, inferiorly. Below this level the muscles are attached to the tip of the spine of the seventh neck vertebra, to the spines of all the thoracic vertebrae, and to the ligaments which connect these spines together. From this wide attachment the fibres converge to be inserted into the outer third or fourth of the posterior border of the collar-bone in front, and along the entire upper border of the acromion process and spine of the shoulder-blade at the side and behind. This insertion involves a considerable alteration in the direction of the fibres of the different parts of the muscle ; thus the fibres which arise from the occiput and neck pass downwards, outwards, and forwards toward the collar-bone and acromion, whilst those which spring from the lower thoracic spines ascend upwards and outwards to the root of the spine of the shoulder-blade. The fibres which arise from the 88 Trapezius. intermediate attacliments of tlie muscle pass outwards with a varying degree of obliquity, wMlst those which spring from the upper two dorsal spines are nearly horizontal in direction when the limb is at rest by the side of the trunk (Pis., pp. 52, 82, 84). The muscle is attached to these points and surfaces by means of tendinous fibres, which are usually short ; but in some situations they are longer, and give rise to alterations in the surface forms dependent on this muscle, for where the tendinous fibres are long they are represented on the surface by flattened depressions in contrast with the pro- minences produced by the contraction of the fleshy fibres. The tendinous fibres are long at the origin of the muscle in the lower region of the neck and upper part of the thorax ; they reach their maximum length about the level of the spine of the vertebra prominens (seventh neck vertebra) ; a lozenge- shaped figure is thus formed by the muscles of opposite sides, the inferior angle of which reaches as low as the third thoracic spine, whilst above it gradually tapers towards the occiput. On a level with the external angles of this area is the projection formed by the spine of the seventh cervical vertebra in the middle line. During the powerful contraction of the muscles this area corresponds to a surface depression, in the centre of which the projection caused by the spine of the seventh cervical vertebra is readily recognized (Pis., pp. 36, 82, 84, 86, 92, 234). At the lowest point of origin of the muscle from the last two or three dorsal spines the tendinous fibres form a small triangular aponeurosis. This, combined with that of the opposite side, forms a diamond-shaped surface which, when the muscles are powerftdly contracted, corresponds to a depression on the surface of the back of somewhat similar shape, though less apparent than the above. A third tendinous area is noticeable over the point where the spine Rhomboids. 89 of tlie shoulder-blade becomes blended with the internal border of that bone. As the parts of the muscle around this are thrown into relief during contraction, there is a surface depression in correspondence with it, but the position of the depression varies with the movements of the blade-bones (Pis., pp. 36, 84, 86, 92, 234). The entire muscle is superficial ; that is to say, it is merely covered by the skin and the superficial fatty layer which lies beneath the skin. According to the thickness of this fatty layer the sharpness of the surface forms dependent on the muscle will vary, being obscured in those in whom there is much fat. The surface forms also depend on the development of the muscles themselves. These muscles overlie deeper layers of muscles, and so they themselves are influenced by the form of the structures on which they rest. On either side of the middle line he rounded form of the back is not due to the trapezii, which here constitute a comparatively thin layer, but depends on the fullness of the erectores spinae group upon which they lie (Pis., pp. 34, 84). Beneath the trapezius there are three muscles attached to the internal border of the blade-bone. These are the two rhomboids and the elevator of the angle of the scapula. For our purpose we may consider the two rhornboids as forming one muscular sheet. This is attached along the middle line, extending as high as the lower half of the median ligament of the neck and passing downwards to be connected with the spine of the seventh neck vertebra and the spines of the first five thoracic vertebrae. The muscle lies higher at its origin than at its insertion, so that its fibres are directed downwards and outwards towards their insertion into the inner border of the shoulder-blade, where their attachment extends from the root of the spine down to the inferior angle (Fig. 62). These muscles, although covered by the trapezius, with go Rhomboids. the exception of a small portion below close to the inferior angle of the blade -bone, exercise a considerable influence on the surface contours, as during their contraction they form a somewhat broad and oblique elevation which accentuates the relief of the trapezius muscles which overlie them Fig. 62. View of the muscles attached to the shoulder-blade. The trapezius has been cut away on the left side of the figure. a. Trapezius muscle. b. Ehomboid. G. Elevator of the angle of the scapula (levator anguli scapulae). d, Splenius muscle. e. Complexus muscle. /. Sterno-mastoid muscle. g. Infrarspiaous fossa oil back of scapula. h. Acromion process of scapula. i. Spine of scapula, j. Collar-bone (clavicle). k. Humerus. (Pis., pp. 82, 84, 86, 234). The elevator of the upper angle of the scapula([6ra,tor anguli scapulae) arises from the transverse processes of the higher neck vertebrae and is inserted into the inner border of the blade-bone above the level of the Action of Trapezius. 91 spine. It is merely mentioned here as it assists in giving the rounded form to the neck and this part of the back. The greater part of the muscle is covered by the trapezius (PI, p. 234). The action of these several muscles may now be described. As will be seen from a study of the direction of its fibres, the upper and lower portions of the trapezius may antagonize one another. The upper or neck part of the muscle may act in one of two ways, according to which of its extremities is fi:xed. If the shoulder-girdle be rendered immovable, and both muscles act at the same time, the head will be extended, that is, thrown back. If one muscle alone be brought into play the head will be drawn to the same side, and rotated slightly away from the side on which the muscle is contracting. If on the other hand the head and neck be fixed, the upper fibres of the muscle will raise the shoulder-girdle, while the intermediate fibres will also assist in elevating the point of the shoulder. If the lower fibres be alone called into action they will depress the shoulder-blade, and thus draw down the shoulder. The intermediate fibres also act in drawing the blade-bones closer to the middle line, as in the act of pulling back the shoulders, and the entire muscle, acting at one and the same time, fixes the shoulder-blade, and thus furnishes a firm base of support from which the limb may act (Pis., pp. 34, 36, 38, 42, 82, 84, 86, 92, 96, 102, 106, 108, 234, 332J. It is needless to say that these movements are the result of a combination of the action of many other muscles, but for present purposes it is best to simplify the description as much as possible. The rotatory movements of the scapula will be described later. The rhomboids elevate the blade-bone and draw it nearer the middle line. The levator anguli scapulae, as its name implies, raises the upper angle of the bone (PL, p. 234). The serratus magnus muscle is a broad, somewhat fan- 92 Serratus magnus. shaped sheet of muscular fibre, and has an extensive origin from the side of the chest- wall. Passing backwards it is closely applied to the chest- wall, and lies between it and the deep surface of the blade-bone, to the inner border of which it is attached. The position of this muscle is difficult to understand : a diagram may help to explain it. Fig. 63 represents a section across the chest-cavity ; the shoulder-blades are seen on either side and behind, and the muscle is represented in section, arising from the side of the chest- wall, rather towards the front, and passing back between the chest-wall and shoulder-blade Fig. 63. Diagrammatic section across the chest to show the relations of the great serratus muscle. a. Head of humerus. b. A dorsal vertebra^ c. Bibs in section. d. Breast-bone. e. Shoulder-blade. f, Serratus niag;nus muscle. to be attached to the inner border of that bone. Only a small portion of the muscle is superficial, as it is in great part covered by other muscles and by the blade-bone ; but the part which is superficial has a most important influence on the surface forms, and corresponds to that row of finger- like elevations on the side of the chest- wall with which the student is familiar in the model when the arm is raised (Pis., pp. 62, 72, 102, 106, 108, 282) ; they are well shown on the figure of the Gladiator. These elevations correspond to the points of origin of the muscle, and it will be necessary to describe them (see Figs. 64, 65). The muscle arises by eight or nine fleshy slips from the outer surface of the eight o < a < m o (/) ci u Q o X t/i H $ < b O ^ ifjf > X Id H PL, O H Ph M O b Serratus magnus. 93 upper ribs. The upper fibres may be disregarded. The fibres from the lowest five or six slips of origin converge in a fan- like shape to be inserted in the lower angle of the inner border of the blade-bone, forming a well-marked fleshy prominence which, though it is not superficial, yet influences to a marked degree the surface contour. The muscle which covers it, and which will be presently described, forms a relatively thin layer over it. The lower and anterior part Fig. 64. View to show the serratus magnus muscle with the shoulder-blade in its na- tural position. a. ShonldeT-blade. &. Glenoid fossa for head of humerus. Fig. 65. The same, with the shoulder-blade turned away from the chest-wall in order to show the insertion of the muscle into the an- terior aspect of the inner or verte- bral border of the bone. c. Coraooid process. d. Acromion process. of the serratus muscle is however superficial, and it is here that its influence on the surface contours is most readily recognized. This part of the muscle comprises the lowest four slips which arise from the surfaces of the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth ribs. These slips consist of pointed, finger-like, fleshy processes, called digitations, and, owing to 94 Serratus magnus. the fact that they are placed between corresponding slips of origin of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen, they are said to interdigitate with these attachments of the latter muscle, just as we can thrust the fingers of one hand between the fingers of the other. It is this arrangement which gives rise to the zigzag jEurrow which is so characteristic a feature of the lower and lateral part of the chest- wall in violent action of these muscles. The general direction of the farrow so produced corresponds to a gently curved line, with the convexity directed down- wards, drawn from the nipple above towards the posterior end of the crest of the haunch-bone below. The furrow is obliterated for a short distance below the nipple by the fleshy mass of the great pectoral muscle ; inferiorly and posteriorly it fades away, where it joins the broad shallow furrow of the waist, and where it is overlapped by the lower fibres of the latissimus dorsi. The two muscles which have just been mentioned, the latissimus dorsi and the pectoralis major, will be described in the next group. It has been necessary to anticipate here in referring to them. The higher fibres of the serratus magnus are not as a rule exposed, except when Fig. 56. A view to show the struc- tures which underlie the deltoid and great pectoral muscles, the outlines of which are represented in dotted lines. The separation of the clavicular fibres from the sternal fibres of the great pectoral is also shown by a dotted line. a. Collar-bone {clavicle). 6. Breast-bone (sternum). c. Acromion process of scapula. d. Coracoid process of scapula. e. Pectoralis minor muscle. y. Ooraoo-brachialis muscle. g Short head of biceps muscle. h. Long head of biceps muscle. k. Humerus. Action of Serratus magnus. 95 we raise the arm over the back of the head, in which action the surface of the chest- wall in the hollow of the armpit corresponds to these fibres (PL, p. 108). The muscle assists in keeping the blade-bone closely applied to the chest-wall, and during contraction draws it forward as a whole (PL, p. 92). It is brought into play in the act of pushing, and is the chief muscle by which the thrusting movement in fencing is effected. It can also bring about rotation of the shoulder-blade, but the descrip- tion of this movement is for the time delayed. The pectoralis minor muscle (Fig. 66) is not important as a modifying influence on the surface forms, for it is covered as a rule by the great pectoral, and it is only in ex- ceptional positions of the limb that we can trace directly its form on the surface. It takes origin from the front of the chest- wall under cover of the great pectoral ; its fibres arise from the third, fourth, and fifth ribs, just where these unite with their rib cartilages, and passing upwards and outwards it is inserted by means of a pointed tendon into the hook-like coracoid process of the shoulder-blade. Under- lying, as it does, the great pectoral, it imparts a fullness to the upper fleshy part of the chest, and when the arm is raised upright a small part of its lower border becomes superficial. This does not give rise to any distinct elevation of the surface, but helps to impart the rounded form to the fleshy fold which bounds the hollow of the armpit in front. During contraction the muscle depresses the shoulder and assists in drawing it forward. It is by the combined action of certain of these muscles which have just been described that the movements of rotation of the scapula are effected. The manner of their action can best be explained by the aid of diagrams. Fig. 67 represents in a schematic way the combined action of the trapezius behind and the serratus magnus in front. The lower fibres of the trapezius tend to pull 96 Rotation of Scapula. downwards and backwards the upper angle of the blade- bone ; the serratus draws downwards and forwards the inferior angle ; the result is a rotation of the bone by which the lower angle is advanced and the upper angle pulled back in the directions represented by the arrows in the diagram. Fig. 68 shows rotation in the opposite direction. The rhomboids and elevator of the angle, attached to the inner border of the blade-bone, draw the lower angle upwards and nearer the middle line, whilst the pectoralis minor, inserted near the external angle, drags down- /~-i Figs. 67 and 68. Diagrams to show how rotation of the scapula is effected. d. The lower fibres of trapezius passing up over root of spine. In combination these portions of the muscles will cause the bone to rotate in the direction of the arrows. o. Pectoralis minor muscle. 6. Rhomboideus muscle. The combined action of these muscles will cause rotation in the direction indicated by the arrows. t. The fibres of serratus magnus attached to lower angle of shoulder-blade. wards and forwards that part of the bone, the combination of the two actions being a rotatory movement in a direction opposite to that above described. This differ- ence is indicated by the direction in which the arrows point. Before describing those muscles which have an indirect influence on the movements of the shoulder-girdle through their attachment to the bone of the upper arm, it will be necessary to say something about that bone, and also to Key to Plate XVIII Spine of yj/ cervical vertebra. Trapezius.^ Acromion process Spine of scapuk Deltoid.., _ Jufra-spinaius. RJiOtnb.maj.,^ Gluteus JHo-tibiai band Mead of mIho. .Ext.secuKdi inte^nod poll. * ^ /^/^^^\, Extensors of Ihmnb. "^^^S^^S^^xt-cmnJigitornm. Ext.carp.rad. brevtor. ^^L .XX ^%^^li^arp.ulH. \AncOHeits. '^'/// l^yy'-- f'/Jm '■ '■■ '■ • '^"""prad.hHg. vSK?/ ■■ '^^(///,/ ydj^M'-- ''■■ ■■■ '■■ '■■ S«pin«lcr Imgtis. ^^7/7 '■ ■.l^4i''('™'^'^T- '"• ''■ '■ '■ '■ ' BrachiaUs aniicu,. ■ W//, 'i^^^ST £'m. '■■.'■■. ■■■..'■■.■■■,'■■.' Biafstum. S^l ll //==^g =^ '^^M '"'- ''•'"• '■• '■ '• Tritrps, oulcr ieaJ. ^l! jljir^^^lf^^-^m- ""- •.'■ ''■■ ■■ '- Triceps, Irntg heml. ^^^$\-#s '''/^^J>- 'M '■ •■ ' ■■^■>'''- ■ """"" 'C^'^C' \\y ■ 7 — "^Z^^^^^ V-- w/vil '-- "' -■ ■- *■• "■■ ' j4cromi \i [ "^!^-^:X<:«j major. ■^> ' Im '''-'-. ^ '■■".''■-."'"" ■ -Spine of scapuia. '^'Zy/'/^/Wi "■■-•. "■■"■■-" —Ittfra-sptnatHS. \ ^yyyy^/J ^i '''':''•'. RJiomboidens major. J^ J < U S > o b n O < S S > M O S3 CJ o S^ X X u < a. o > Id f II I ^ I S Latissimus dorsi. 103 can do so at the shoulder-joint, until we have nearly reached a right angle with the line of the trunk, after which the further movement takes place by the rotation of the scapula, as before (Pis., pp. 38, 82, 84, 86, 102, 104, 106). In considering the movements of the shoulder-joint in connexion with the muscles which produce them, it will be necessary to revert to what has been already said in relation to the movements of the shoulder- girdle. The first group of muscles which we considered were those which arose from the trunk and were inserted into the bones of the girdle. The second group comprises those muscles which arise from the trunk, and which pass to be attached to the bone of the upper arm. There are two such muscles, the latissimus dorsi, or the broad muscle of the back, and the pectoralis major, or the great muscle of the breast. The one overlies the lower and back part of the trunk, the other is placed on the front and upper part of the chest. The latissimus dorsi (Fig. 75) has an extensive origin from the lower six thoracic spines and the spines of the lumbar and sacral vertebra, as well as from an inch or two of the posterior end of the crest of the haunch- bone. This origin of the muscle consists of tendinous fibres, short above, but increasing in length below, and forming a fibrous layer, which constitutes the posterior layer of the lumbar aponeurosis (Fig. 41, p. 57). In addition to these attachments, it also arises by fleshy slips from the last three ribs, slips which interdigitate with the origin of the external oblique in a similar manner to that already described in the case of the serratus magnus. At its origin from the lower six thoracic spines the muscle is overlapped by the trapezius, and it in turn overlies the erector spinae, which is lodged in a compartment the superficial wall of which is formed by the aponeurosis of the latissimus dorsi. I04 Latissimus dorsi. Tke line of attacliment of the fleshy fibres of the muscle to the aponeurosis is indicated by a curved line drawn from the highest point of attachment of the muscle, near the middle line, to its inferior attachment to the iliac crest. The convexity of the curve is inwards. This arrangement of the fleshy and tendinous fibres is important, because it is readily recognized on the surface of the back of a muscular model (Pis., pp. 34, 44). From this extensive attachment the fleshy fibres converge towards the posterior fold of the arm- pit ; here they become thick, and help to form the roundness of that fold ; they then pass forward to be inserted into the front of the upper part of the shaft of the humerus, to a line corresponding to the bottom of the bicipital groove. The upper fibres of the muscle are almost horizontal in direction, and as they pass outwards across the back they overlie the inferior angle of the blade-bone, to which they are not unfrequently attached ; here they serve a useful purpose in preventing the lower angle of the blade-bone from being separated from the chest-wall in certain move- ments of the limb. It sometimes happens that, as a result of violent muscular effort, the lower angle of the shoulder- blade slips from under cover of the muscle. Under such circumstances it is not readily replaced beneath the latissi- mus dorsi, and a deformity results in the shape of an undue projection of the lower part of the scapula, thereby demonstrating the action of the muscle in keeping the blade-bone closely applied to the chest-wall. The upper border of the muscle can usually be easily seen on the model just as it overlaps the lower angle of the blade-bone (Pis., pp. 36, 38, 44, 84, 106, 234). The lower fibres and those which spring from the last three ribs pass almost vertically upwards, corresponding very closely above to the outline of the front of the upper arm when the limb is hanging by the side (Pis., pp. 44, 102, 106, 282). Latissimus dorsi. 105 As tte fibres of the muscle are gathered together to be inserted into the bottom of the bicipital groove they are naturally brought in relation to the external border of the blade-bone, which is here clothed by fleshy muscles, around which the fibres of the latissi- mus curve, thus forming as it were a sling in which these structures lie. The result of this arrangement is that the posterior surface of the muscle on the bach of the trunk becomes the anterior surface of its tendon of insertion in front of the arm (Fig. 75). The fibres of the muscle are comparatively thin behind, but form a thicker layer as they pass upward and outward to the arm ; there, as already stated, they assist in forming the thick fleshy fold which bounds the armpit behind, and which is best seen when the limb is raised from the side (PL, p. 108). As has been already said, the anterior border of the muscle overlaps the serratus magnus on the side of the chest- wall, and the interdigitation of the fibres which spring from the last three ribs with the external oblique muscle forms the con- tinuation of the zigzag furrow, already referred to (p. 94), between the serratus magnus and the higher slips of origin of the external oblique. Fig. 75. Diagram showing the attachments of the latissi- mus dorsi muscle. The other muscles are not represented. The fleshy fibres of the latissimus are seen crossing the lower angle of the shoulder-blade, and turning forwards to bend on themselves so that the tendon may pass to its insertion into the bottom of the bicipital groove on the front of the humerus. This twisting of the muscle forms a groove or sling in which the fleshy part of the teres major muscle is placed. io6 Pedoralis major. If the arm be raised the latissimus will assist in drawing it down to tlie side. With the limb by the side the muscle draws it downwards and backwards, and so causes the shoulder-blade to move slightly downwards and nearer the middle line. The muscle also assists in rotating the upper arm inwards, antagonizing the movement of external rotation. Under certain conditions the action of the muscle may be reversed, i. e. the fixed point being the attachment of the muscle to the humerus, the movable part corresponding to its attachment to the trunk ; this happens when we pull up the trunk as in the act of climbing (Pis., pp. 44, 84, 86, 102, 106, 108). The pectoralis major muscle, or great muscle of the breast, has been included in the group of muscles which spring from the trunk and pass to the limb. This is not strictly correct, as will presently be seen, for the muscle also arises from one of the bones of the shoulder-girdle ; it is. however, more convenient for our purpose to group it with the latissimus dorsi (Pis., pp. 52, 62, 72, 108, 264, 282, 332). The muscle arises by fleshy fibres from the anterior border of the inner two- thirds or half of the collar-bone, i. e. from that end of the collar-bone which articulates with the breast-bone, from the anterior surface of the breast-bone on either side of the middle line, from the cartilages of the upper six ribs, and from the upper part of the aponeurosis of the external oblique of the abdominal wall. The fibres of the muscle converge as they pass outwards to the limb, the highest fibres passing downwards and outwards in front of the lowest fibres, which pass upwards and outwards. Between the two extremes they have varying degrees of obliquity. Those springing from the breast-bone at the Fig. 76. Diagram to show the mode in which the fibres of the pectoralis major muscle are inserted into the outer lip of the bicipital groove. Key to Plate XXI Extensors of thumb. , Fiextcarpi ulnar:s.^ t.xl. foPttnitmA digtiorittn. | " Exl.carpi radiahi\ ^^ breuxor. J Ext larpinlmm-'-. Ext tarpiradiahS}- longior. f Anmteus< Sufiinafar longits. Olecranon I proetssofulna.) Exit condyUV Triceps Giidon. Trices, external heaa. JSierno-masioid. Trapezius. Acromim process of scapula. J)elleid. Triceps, long head.- - - ■ Digilations of serratus magnus. External oblique. Lumbar apotunrosis. Iliac crest.. Af>otir.i^, Brachialis ant Biceps cttbiti. - Triceps ieiidofi „ inner Itead. •• long head. Deltoid Pectoralis utajor . clavicular /tores. Coraco-brachiahs. Teres major. Deltoid. ... Laiissimus dorsi. Hollow of armpit - ■ Pectoralis major. sternal fibres Subcutaneous part of breast bone. Pit of stomach Digitations of serraius mag. Digitations o^ external oblique. - Lineae transversae Linea alba Umbilicus: £xtental oblique.— Pectus abdomtnis. . Iliac crest. ylnterinr superior iliac spine. Gluteus medius. Aponeurosis of external oblique. Ilio-psoas. Tensor fasciae fentoris.' Pouparts ligament. Sptne of pubis. Pectineus. Symphysis, publs.- Sarforius^ Rectus femoris. Adductor longus. Gracilis. Ilio-tibial band.- yas/us externus. Vastus intemus.-- Stemo-mastoid. JPuUerioT irtanglt. ^.Pitofneck. ..-■'" Trapesius. ,^ Clavicle. ..Acromion process ^.Pectoralis major. ..■'' clamctilar fibres, , <• sternal fibres. _.. Deltoid. ^.-Biceps cubiti. ..DigitatioHS of serratus masnus. Brachialis aulicus. 'xt. intermuscular septum. ,.. Triceps, outer Mead. . -Supinator longus. ,,-- Trices tendon. ...--■Extemal condyle -Olecranon process ■ Anametts. -Exlcarpi radiatis long •External oblique Iliac crest . Ant. superior iliac spine. £xt.carpt radialis brev Gluteus medtHS. ■Ext. coimtumis digitonan. Extensor carpi ulnarts. -Extensors of thumb. Tensor fasciae femoris. Ilio-psoas. ■Pectineus. Sartorms. -Adductor hugus. Gracilis Rectus femoris. - Ili 38, 52. 62, 96, 108, 332). The extensor carpi radialis hrevior arises from the ex- ternal condyle of the humerus in conjunction with the remaining members of the superficial extensor group. At its upper attachment the muscle is covered by the fleshy fibres of the extensor carpi radialis longior, but, as its fleshy fibres are directed downwards along the outer side of the shaft of the radius, they appear superficial, lying Key to Plate XXVIII fl. Deltoid, b. Triceps^ long head. c. Triceps^ outer head. d. Triceps tendon. r.. Brachiaiis anticns. f. Triceps^ inner head. g. Snpifiator longus. h. External intermuscular septum. i. Extensor carpi radialis longior. j. Olecranon process oj uhia. k. Anconeus. i. Flexor carpi nlnaris. c tdefghijklmnopqursv MIDWAY BETWEEN THE PRONE AND SUPINE POSITIONS nt. Extensor carpi radialis brevior. «. Commoti extensor ofthejiugers. u. Extensor carpi ulnaris. p. Ulna^ subcutaneous posterior border. Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis. Extensor primi internodii pollicis. 9' T. Head of ulna. s. fhsterior annular ligament of ivrisi. t. Biceps cubifi. If. Tendons of radial extensors. ■u. Extensor secundi internodii pollicis- BACK VIEW or EXTENDED AKMS Copyright, i8g6,*i' Henhv Frowi>b] Ulnar Extensor. 171 external and posterior to the belly of tlie preceding muscle. The fleshy belly of the short radial extensor reaches a lower level than that of the long radial extensor in the fore-arm. It joins its tendon about the level of the junction of the middle with the lower third of the fore- arm. As stated above, the tendons of these two muscles are very closely related to one another ; they pass down to reach a groove on the back of the radius, just behind the styloid process of that bone. Beyond this point they cross the back of the wrist and are inserted into the back of the bases of the metacarpal bones ' (bones of the palm) of the index and middle fingers. These tendons are not readily recognizable from the surface, for in the lower third of the fore-arm they are covered by two muscles which pass to the thumb, and on the level of the back of the wrist another tendon, also passing to the thumb, crosses them obliquely. The action of these muscles is sufficiently indicated by their names ; they extend the wrist on the radial side (Pis., pp. 170 m, 180 ; also pp. 34, 52, 62, 72, g6, 106, 282, 332). Adopting the same method of description as has been employed in regard to the arrangement of the muscles which spring from the internal condyle, we shall next consider the most internal member of the group arising from the outer side of the external condyle. This muscle runs down in close relationship with the back of the shaft of the ulna, to the posterior border of which it is connected by means of an aponeurosis: it becomes tendinous on a level with the upper limit of the lower quarter of the fore-arm, and from this point the tendon is directed downwards across the back of the wrist to the inner or ulnar side. As it passes over the lower extremity, or head of the ulna, ' The skeleton of the palm is made up of five bones called metacarpal bones; these articulate above with the bones of the carpus or wrist, below with the first row of the phalanges or finger-bones. 172 Ulnar Furrow. it lies in a groove wMcli is placed just behind the styloid process of that bone ; thence it passes to be inserted into the back of the base of the metacarpal bone of the little finger. This muscle is called the extensor carpi ulnaris, or the ulnar extensor of the wrist (Pis., pp. 170 0, 180 ; also pp. 38, 42, 52, 96, 108). In this connexion it may be as well to remind the student of certain facts which have been already referred to. In the description of the ulna it was stated that the posterior border of that bone was superficial throughout its entire extent. Commencing above at the triangular subcutaneous area, which corresponds to the back of the olecranon process or tip of the elbow, this margin of the shaft may be traced along the whole of the back of the fore-arm to the wrist below, where it ends on the enlarge- ment produced by the lower end of the bone. The line so traced is not straight, but takes the form of a sinuous curve. The two ulnar muscles lie, one on the inner and the other on the outer side of this border ; that to the inner side is the flexor carpi ulnaris, while that which is placed along the outer or radial aspect is the extensor carpi ulnaris, just described. The bulging of these fleshy muscles on either side of this ridge of bone reacts on the surface form so as to produce a furrow between them. This surface depression is called the ulnar furrow, and the bottom of it corresponds to the posterior border of the bone. When the finger is run along it, one feels the ulna with the muscles above mentioned on either side. The furrow is of course best seen when the muscles are powerfully contracted, and it may be well to warn the student not to confuse it with the furrow which lies behind the back of the external condyle of the humerus and the upper end of the radius ; and, further, the reader should be careful to note that the two ulnar muscles are not in close relation throughout their entire extent, but are separated above by the interposition Common Extensor of the Fingers. 173 of the fibres of the anconeus muscle in addition to' the expanded upper extremity of the ulna. These points may be rendered clearer by a reference to the plate (p. 170, Figs. I, 2 _p ; also p. 38). Returning once more to the consideration of the super- ficial muscles which spring from the external condyle, and noting the fact that we have already traced the attachment and arrangement of the extensor carpi radialis brevior and the extensor carpi ulnaris, we have now to account for the interval between these muscles as they pass down along the radial and ulnar sides of the limb. This interval is filled up by a fleshy belly of the extensor communis digitorum,, i.e. the common extensor muscle of the fingers. There are really two muscles here, the common extensor muscle of the fingers and a special extensor muscle of the little finger, but for our purpose we may disregard the latter altogether and consider the two as one. The fleshy mass of this muscle is wedged in between the origins of the short radial extensor, on the outer side, and the ulnar extensor on the inner side, and passes down the middle of the back of the fore-arm, occupying the interval between the foregoing muscles, which are widely separated below. The common extensor of the fingers, however, does not completely fill up this interval, but is separated from the tendon of the short radial extensor by some of the deeper muscles, which here ' crop up ' so as to become superficial between the short radial extensor on the outer side and the common extensor of the fingers on the inner side. In the lower third of the fore-arm the fleshy fibres of the common extensor are replaced by a broad tendon, and this subsequently breaks up into a number of slips which, after crossing the centre of the back of the wrist, spread out on the back of the hand to pass to their respective fingers. Throughout its entire length the inner border of the muscle, i.e. that portion of it which 174 Depression behind Elbow. forms the special extensor of the little finger, is in contact with the outer margin of the ulnar extensor, and this, as will be subsequently noticed, is represented by an intermuscular furrow on the surface of the limb. The common extensor of the fingers acts primarily on the fingers, straightening them after they have been bent; but it also acts secondarily as an extensor of the wrist, assisting in pulling back the hand at that articulation (Pis., p. 170, Figs. 2 and 3 n ; also pp. 34, 52, 62, 72, 96, 108, 180, 282, 332). As the tendons of these muscles, together with the tendons of others which still remain to be discussed, pass across the region of the wrist they are bound down by a ligament, called the posterior annular ligament. This arrangement is comparable to that already described on the front of the wrist, and prevents the displacement of the tendons in powerful extension or bending back of the wrist (Fig. 104). Attention should next be directed to the arrangement of the foregoing muscles as they are grouped behind the external condyle of the humerus. An examination of the plate, p. 170, Figs, i, 2, 3, will show that there is a A-shaped area overlying the back and outer side of the elbow. The apex of the f\ corresponds to the back of the external condyle ; its outer limb is formed by the hinder border of the long radial extensor, whilst its inner side corresponds to the outer border of the anconeus. The floor of this space is made up of the tendinous origins of the ulnar extensor of the wrist and the common extensor of the fingers. It results from this arrangement that when the limb is ex- tended the borders of the muscles just enumerated become more prominent, and produce on the surface a well-marked intermuscular depression, the bottom of which corresponds to the origins of the ulnar extensor and the common ex- tensor of the fingers. In this position these latter muscles overlie the back of the head of the radius, and as they are tendinous rather than fleshy it follows that we can easily Extensors of Thumb. 175 recognize the head of the radius beneath them when we place our fingers in the hol- low, the more so if, at the same time, we pronate and supinate the fore-arm so as to cause rotation of the head of the radius. The sharpness of the surface furrow which corresponds to these struc- tures will, of course, largely depend on the absence of fat in the subcutaneous tissue, and on the development and state of contraction of the muscles. As has been pre- viously stated, in the female and child there is a larger amount of subcutaneous fat, and the surface form no longer displays the charac- teristic appearance above de- scribed, but exhibits only a shallow depression or dimple (PI., p. 230). As in the case of the front of the fore-arm, so in the back, we have to take into consideration the influence of the deeper muscles. Of these the most important are the extensor muscles of the thumb; the others are not directly concerned in the moulding of the surface forms. Fig. 104. View of the tendons and muscles on the back of the right hand. o. Tendon of seoundi internodii pol- licis. 6. Tendon of primi internodii polliois. c. Tendon of extensor carpi radialis longior. d. Tendon of extensor carpi radialis brevior. e e. Posterior annular ligament of ■wrist. /. Tendons of extensor commnnis digitonun. g. Tendon of extensor minimi digiti. h. Tendon of extensor carpi nlnaris. i. Tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris. j. Muscles of baU of little finger seen from behind. k. Abductor indicia or first dorsal interosseus muscle. I 1 1. Second, third, and fourth dorsal interossei muscles. m. Extensor ossis metaoarpi pollicis. K. Adductor pollicis seen from be- hind. This muscle determines the outline of the web between the thumb and the index finger. 176 Extensors of Thumb. The thumb, as we shall see hereafter, is the most important of all the digits : a fact which is further emphasized by the number of muscles connected with it. Of these, three must be studied in connexion with the back of the fore-arm. If the thumb be forcibly drawn away from the palm, one has no difficulty in recognizing two cord-like tendons running from the outer side and back of the wrist to the first joint, or knuckle, of the thumb ; these are the tendons of the special extensors of this digit. The fleshy bellies of the muscles with which they are connected arise from the back of the bones of the fore-arm beneath the common extensor of the fingers and the ulnar extensor of the wrist. The two highest, called respectively the extensor ossis metacarpi poUicis (ex- tensor of the metacarpal bone of the thumb) and extensor primi internodii pollicis (extensor of the first finger-bone or phalanx of the thumb), appear as two little fleshy bellies in the interval between the common extensor of the fingers and the short radial extensor about the lower third of the fore-arm. Having become superficial in this position, the two muscular slips end in tendons which curve down- wards and outwards over the lower end of the radius to reach the outer side of its styloid process in a groove on which they are lodged. Below this point the tendons, which are indistinguishable, can be traced to the thumb, one becoming attached to the metacarpal bone of that digit, whilst the other passes along the back of that bone over the first knuckle to be inserted into the first phalanx of the thumb. The fleshy parts of these small muscles lie obliquely across the tendons of the long and short radial extensor as they pass down on the back of the lower end of the radius, and the tendons of these extensors of the thumb also overlie the tendinous insertion of the supinator longus. The student will do well to realize the importance of these small muscles as determinants of surface form. It is to their presence that the outline of the lower part of the Summary of Muscles of Fore-arm. 177 external border of the fore-arm is to some extent due. Mucli will depend on their development, but the reader can easily satisfy himself as to their position by rapidly moving the thumb from and to the palm. Their tendons form a promi- nent ridge leading up the back and outer side of the thumb, whilst their fleshy bellies cause a distinct elevation having an oblique direction across the lower end of the radius from behind forwards (Pis., pp. 144, Fig. i m, 170 q ; also pp. 62, 72, 96, 108, 180, 332). The remaining extensor of the ihnmb— extensor secundi internodii poUicis (extensor of the second finger-bone of the thumb) — may be briefly dismissed. The fleshy part scarcely becomes superficial, and it is therefore only the tendon of this muscle which is noteworthy. If the thumb be forcibly drawn away from the palm, a prominent ridge caused by this tendon will be observed crossing the back of the wrist and hand obliquely from a point above in line with the cleft between the index and middle fingers, towards the first knuckle of the thumb below, over which it may be traced onward to reach the second or terminal phalanx of that digit. As the tendons of this muscle and those just described pass over the back and outer side of the lower end of the radius they are separated by an interval of about an inch. If the thumb be forcibly draAvii away from the palm, they are rendered tense and stretch the skin over them so as to produce a little hollow, corresponding to the interval between them. This hollow has been called by the French ' la tabatifere anatomique,' from the circum- stance that it was frequently used to measure a convenient dose of snuff (Pis., pp. 144, Fig. i v, 96, 148, 332). Having described the arrangement of the muscles of the fore-arm so far as is necessary for our purpose, the student is now in a position to summarize many of the results obtained. Taking first the flexors and extensors of the wrist, these muscles are seen to be arranged in the following N 178 Surface Contours of Fore-arm. way. There is a group of ulnar flexors and extensors, and a group of radial flexors and extensors. The former He along the ulnar or inner side of the fore-arm, the latter along the radial or outer side of the limb, but, whereas each group is further subdivided into a flexor and an extensor mass, it is seen that along the inner side of the limb there is a flexor carpi ulnaris running down the front of the ulna, and an extensor carpi ulnaris passing along the back of the same bone. In like manner the outer side of the limb is provided with a, flexor carpi radialis muscle, which lies more or less in front of the radius, and an extensor muscle, made up of the extensores carpi radiales {longior and irevior), which runs down along the posterior and outer side of the same bone. Of the pronators and supinators we are concerned only with two, viz. pronator radii teres, which crosses the front of the limb obliquely from the internal condyle towards the middle of the shaft of the radius, and the supinator longus, which overlies the fleshy bellies of the long and short radial extensors as they pass down the outer side of the limb. The position of the remaining muscles has been sufficiently described ; they occupy the intervals between the radial and ulnar flexors, in front, and the radial and ulnar extensors behind, and are flexors or extensors in their action according as they lie on the front or back of the fore-arm. Hitherto the muscles of the fore-arm have been studied with the limb in the supine position, i.e. with the radius lying parallel to and along the outer side of the ulna. Under these conditions the outline of the limb, as viewed from front or back, corresponds on the inner side with the flowing curve produced by the fleshy belly of the flexor carpi ulnaris. On the outer side the outline is made up of three curves, the prominence of which varies accord- ing to the development of the muscles on which they depend. The highest of these curves commences above Hollow of Front of Elbow. 179 in the lower third of the upper arm, and sweeps over the region of the external condyle or outer elbow, to end below at the junction of the upper with the middle third of the fore- arm. This curve depends on the origin and attach- ment of the long supinator and the long radial extensor of the wrist. The second curve, opposite the middle third of the fore-arm, corresponds to the fleshy belly of the short radial extensor of the wrist. The third curve, generally less pronounced than the others, occupies the lower third of the limb ; it is due to the lower portion of the shaft of the radius and the tendons and muscles which overlie it, particularly the two extensor muscles of the thumb, viz. the extensor of the metacarpal bone and the extensor of the first phalanx (PL, p. 170, Figs, i and 2). When the limb is in the supine position the front of the fore- arm is somewhat flattened, and this flattened surface is continuous above with what is called the hollow in front of the elbow. This hollow is due to the V-shaped interval separating the muscles which spring respectively from the outer and inner sides of the lower end of the humerus. Thus on the outer side we find the interval bounded by the inner border of the long supinator, whilst internally the outer or upper border of the pronator radii teres forms its boundary. In the interval so formed, the biceps passes downwards to be inserted by means of its tendon into the tubercle of the radius. This causes a projection in the middle of the V-shaped intermuscular interval just described, so that the surface hollow presents rather the appearance of a Y-shaped furrow on either side of the lower part of the biceps muscle as it lies in front of the elbow. The two upper limbs of the Y are continuous above with the surface furrows which lie along the inner and outer sides of the belly of the biceps in the upper arm. As already stated, the inner of the two upper furrows is not so clearly seen as the outer, the reason being that N 2 i8o Influence of Position on Form of Fore-arm. the aponeurotic insertion of the biceps into the fascia covering the muscles which spring from the internal condyle bridges over the interval, thus interrupting the groove and modifying considerably the surface form (see ante, p. 145) (Pis., pp. 144, Fig. i, 282, 332). The lower limb or stalk of the Y corresponds to the interval which separates the long supinator from the radial flexor of the wrist. This farrow is not noticeable to any extent when the fore-arm is in the supine position, but when the fore-arm is pronated it becomes quite distinct (PL, p. 144, Fig. i). The front of the elbow is crossed by a number of fine cutaneous creases ; these are due to the folding of the skin when the elbow is flexed. The most marked runs transversely across the hollow of the front of the elbow from one condyle of the humerus to the other. In a woman's arm the furrows above described are much less marked, as the subcutaneous fat imparts a more rounded form to the limb and masks the outline of the different muscles which, in the male, exercise so important an influence on the surface contours (Pis., pp. 66, 230, 238). The influence of the change of position of the radius on the form of the limb when the fore-arm is pronated has been already dwelt upon in describing the movements of pronation and supination (p. 170). The student would do well to remember this fact, for not only does the radius move, but it carries with it the muscles which are grouped around it. Thus when, in the prone position, the shaft of the radius is thrown obliquely across the front of the ulna, so that its lower extremity comes to be placed internal to the head of the ulna at the wrist, the various muscles which lie along the outer and posterior surface of that bone are carried with it ; the supinator and extensor mass of muscles no longer lies along the outer and posterior aspect of the limb, but takes an oblique direction, from the external condyle of the humerus and the ridge leading 3 s < I u B g In "^ o B < < H Z u pa X 1—4 X X M H •< o H s OS < I M BS £ ? . c < u A O X is. Contours around Elbow. i8i to it, downwards and inwards towards the inner side of the wrist, where, as has just been said, the lower end of the radius is situated. Over the lower end of this bone we have already seen that the tendons of the afore-mentioned muscles are carried in grooves in which they are retained by the posterior annular ligament of the wrist. By this arrangement the tendons are held in position, and when the bone (radius) moves it necessarily carries with it the tendons which are lodged in the grooves on its surface. The modification in the form of the limb is thus explained. From being flattened from before backwards, and wide from side to side, as happens in the supine position, the fore-arm becomes rounded in the prone position, so that its thickness from before backwards exceeds slightly its width from side to side. It may here be pointed out that we usually carry our fore-arms in a position midway between extreme pronation and supination ; in other words, in walking we carry the limb with the palm of the hand directed towards the thigh, and not with the palms turned forwards, as in extreme supination, or backwards, as in extreme pronation (Pis., pp. 34, 38, 44, 52, 62, 108, 234, 264, 282, 332). The modification in the arrangement and grouping of the muscles of the limb can best be studied by an examina- tion of the plates, pp. 144, 170, in which they are repre- sented with the limb in different positions. When the elbow-joint was described, the relation of its bony parts to the surface form was then discussed. Some- thing yet remains to be said regarding the changes in form due to the muscles of the fore-arm which are grouped around it. In the extended position of the joint, i.e. when the whole limb is straight, the outer condyle of the humerus is concealed by the muscles which overlie it and spring from it, viz. the supinator and extensors. In this connexion it is important to remember that two i82 Form of Bent Elbow. of these muscles, viz. the long supinator and the long radial extensor of the wrist, do not take origin from the external condyle, but from the external condyloid ridge above it. On the other hand, if we examine the inner side of the elbow there is no difBculty in recognizing the surface prominence which corresponds to the internal condyle of the humerus, for the pronator and flexor muscles, which spring from this, do not extend upwards to any extent to be connected with the ridge above it (the internal Fig. loj. Diagram to show the outline of the outer side of the ai-m when the elbow is bent. The outline of the fore- arm at the elbow is determined by the supinator longus and extensor carpi radialis longior, which arise above the external condyle of the humerus. condyloid ridge), but are confined in their attachment to the condyle itself, a circumstance which explains the character- istic prominence on the surface of this process of bone. As a result of these arrangements we can readily explain the marked differences which the limb presents when the elbow is bent, according as we view it from the outer or inner aspect (Pis., pp. 34, 38, 66, 96, 106, 148, 180, 238, 264). The angle formed by the outline of the fore-arm and the upper arm is placed much higher on the outer side Form of Bent Elbow. 183 of the elbow than on the inner ; this is due to the fact that the long supinator takes origin from the external condyloid ridge of the humerus, as high as the junction of the lower with the middle third of the length of that bone. This may be best seen when a heavy weight is raised with the elbow bent ; the long supinator is then powerfully contracted, and its anterior margin is rendered very tense, a condition shown in the diagram (Fig. 105). Not only is the belly of the supinator longus, above the level of the joint, but the long radial extensor of the wrist is also seen powerfully Fig. 106. Outline of the inner side of the arm with the elbow bent. The front of the fore-arm is in contact with the front of the upper arm, and forms a deep fold, at the bottom of which the internal condyle is situated. contracted as it arises from the ridge on the humerus above the external condyle, the surface point corresponding to which is placed much below the level of the angle formed by the outline of the limb. When viewed from the inner side, the limb displays a marked contrast to the form just described ; a deep fold crosses the front and inner side of the elbow. This fold is produced by the approximation of the soft parts of the upper part of the limb with the anterior surface of the fore-arm, and its inner extremity 184 Superficial Veins of Arm. passes in towards the surface prominence corresponding to the position of the internal condyle of the humerus. The depth of this fold will of course depend on the degree of flexion of the joint, being most marked when the joint is forcibly bent (Pis., pp. 66, 148, 180). In lesser degrees of flexion, say about a right angle, the Y-shaped hollow of the front of the elbow becomes more pronounced; particularly if a powerful strain be put on the muscles, as in lifting a weight ; the outer side of the hoUow is rendered more prominent by the tension of its outer boundary, the long supinator. The insertions of the biceps muscle, both tendinous and aponeurotic, are now well seen as they pass into the space. Such a view of the limb is shown in the plate, p. 180, Fig. i. In considering these details the student will do well to contrast the influence of powerful muscular contraction on the surface forms as compared with their appearance in moderate action, a difference which he can easily demonstrate on his own person. We have here adopted the former condition as the one which enables us best to emphasize the influence of muscle in action on the contours of the limb, and it appears hardly necessary to dwell upon the fact that any pictorial representation of the parts in the condition above described would imply a vigorous use of the limb. Under ordinary circumstances, in moderate action the surface contours above mentioned would be much less deflnite. Mention may here be made of the arrangement of the superficial veins of the fore and upper arm and their influence on the surface form. The distribution of these veins is liable to great individual variation, but the usual arrangement is one in which we have veins running up the outer and inner sides, as well as along the centre of the fore-arm ; in front of the bend of the elbow they rearrange themselves so that there are only two superficial Superficial Veins of Arm. 185 veins of any size in the upper arm ; these lie along the inner and outer sides of the biceps and occupy the corre- sponding furrows. These vessels become much engorged when the limb has been subjected to any violent muscular strain or prolonged effort, and the distended veins are readily recognized by the knotted cord-like ridges which they produce on the surface of the limb (Pis., pp. 38, 44, 96, 332). Their nature is also indicated by the bluish colour which they impart to the skin over them. In the antique the surface elevations produced by veins are frequently represented, and help to emphasize the artist's representa- tion of the limb in violent action. A curious and not uninteresting detail may here be mentioned. This engorge- ment of the veins is always most marked when the limb is in such a position that the shoulder forms its highest point. If, on the other hand, the arm be uplifted, the engorgement rapidly disappears and the veins are no longer recognizable by their influence on the surface contours. This statement is hardly in accordance with fact, for curiously, if the course of a large vein is examined when the blood has been suddenly drained from it, its position is in some cases indicated by a shallow furrowing of the surface, so slight, however, as almost to escape notice, and hence hardly worthy of representation in plastic art. This difference in the distension of the veins in these two positions of the limb is due to the fact that, in the first, the blood which is circulating in the veins is passing up towards the shoulder and has thus to counteract the influence of gravity, where- as when the arm is raised above the shoulder the blood flowing in that direction is assisted by the influence of gravity and is therefore more rapidly drained away. From this it follows that if the artist wishes to be strictly accurate in his representation of the forms of the limb in action he should not emphasize the presence of these superficial veins on the surface of the uplifted arm, unless i86 Front of Wrist. of course he merely wishes to represent a momentary raising of the limb. On the other hand, their presence may be clearly defined if the limb be represented on a lower level than the shoulder. The prominence of these superficial veins not only depends on their distension, but also on the thickness of the subcutaneous fatty layer in which they are imbedded. They are best marked as sur- face elevations when that layer is thin, as in a lean muscular model ; but their influence on the surface forms is masked when the fatty subcutaneous layer is thick, consequently it would be al- together contrary to artistic ideas to indicate them by surface elevations in any representation of a full and healthy female type. Under these circumstances their presence is sufficiently sug- gested by colour, and this especially as the finer and whiter skin of the female enhances the contrast. Par- ticularly is this the case in Fig. 107. Outline of the hand, showing the arrangement of the skin folds in front of the wrist and on the palm and fingers. The shaded parts indicate the positions of the bones which form the pro- minent inner and outer borders of the carpus. Those at the ball of the thumb correspond from below upwards to the tubercle of the scaphoid and the ridge of the trapezium ; those on the ball of the little finger to the pisiform and hook-like process of the unci- form. certain regions, viz. the front of the elbow and the front of the wrist, where the skin is thinner than elsewhere ; here a suggestion of this delicacy may be conveyed by representing the colour which the smaller veins impart to the surface. The surface relations of the various structures met with Action of Muscles. 187 in the region of the wrist have been already described; but, in addition, the existence of certain lines or creases in the skin in front of this region must be noted. Of these there are two which are usually well defined. The lowest is a line with a double curve which sweeps across the wrist, and corresponds to the bases of the elevations familiar to the reader as the ball of the thumb and the ball of the little finger. At some little distance above this, on a level with the tip of the styloid process of the radius, is a second delicate fold ; this becomes at once apparent as a line of flexure when we bend the wrist forwards. Other slight folds are rendered evident, lying more or less parallel to and above this, by further bending the hand forwards. The action of the various muscles described in the fore- arm is sufficiently indicated by their names. Those which flex and extend the wrist are assisted in their action by the muscles which bend and straighten the fingers. Abduction, or the action of drawing the hand towards the radial or outer side, is effected by the muscles which lie along the outer or radial side of the limb, viz. the radial flexor and the radial extensors of the wrist. Adduction, or the movement of the hand towards the iilnar or inner side of the limb, is caused by the combined action of the ulnar flexor and extensor of the wrist, which lie along the inner side of the fore-arm. The movement of circumduction of course necessitates a combination of the action of flexors, abductors, extensors, and adductors, or vice versa, according as the movement takes place from within outwards or from without inwards. CHAPTER VIII. THE HAND. The hand is one of the most characteristic features of man ; by means of it he is able to perform the most delicate manipulations. It may also be made use of as a means of expression. The actor's art is one of the most striking examples of this — the finger to the lips to indicate silence, the hands held up to express horror, are only instances of the more common modes of ex- pression by this means. This may be carried ftirther, as in pantomime, and men who could not otherwise con- verse are enabled to interchange ideas by means of this gesture language. The artist will frequently have recourse to this mode of suggestion, as it enables him to assist in giving expression and action to the figures he represents. But in other ways the hand reflects to some extent the character and mode of life of its possessor. Apart altogether from the refinement associated with the female, very great diff'erences in the form of the hand are found in different individuals, differences in many instances due to the uses to which the hand has been put. To represent the hand of a blacksmith as delicate and refined would be absurd from a pictorial standpoint, though it is curious to note Skeleton of Hand. 189 that the hands and fingers of those employed in the most delicate manipulations are often clumsy and uncouth. As a rule, however, we associate delicacy of hand with refinement and with mental rather than manual labour, whilst a muscular hand is regarded as an attribute of strength and of a powerful physique. A man's hands are often as characteristic as his face, and in portraiture the artist frequently avails himself of this feature. "With women, however, this is less marked, as here we expect to see elegance and beauty rather than character, a cir- cumstance which has often led painters in the past to supply the hands from other and better models. The skeleton of the hand comprises the bones of the palm and fingers. The former consists of the five meta- carpal bones already men- tioned. These are long bones, long in the sense that they consist of a shaft and two extremities ; the upper end or base is directed towards the wrist, the lower end, which is rounded to form a head, supports the bones of the digits. Of these five metacarpal bones, four are connected with the fingers, whilst one, the outermost of the series, supports the thumb. The bases of these five bones articulate with the second row of the wrist or carpal bones. The heads Fig. 108. The bones of the right wrist and hand as seen from the front. r. Badius. u. Ulna. u,. Styloid process of radius. c. Styloid process of ulna, c c. The carpal bones (8). m m. The metacarpal bones (5). p p. The finger-bones or phalanges (14). igo Skeleton of Hand. or lower ends are arranged in the following way:— The four inner bones, viz. those which support the fingers, are united together by ligaments so that they cannot be separated from each other. They may be regarded as almost immovable, for we possess little or no active control over their movements if we except the innermost member of the series, viz. that connected with the little finger, the slight movements of which will be afterwards described. Whilst we cannot by the contraction of our muscles cause any alteration in the relative position of these bones to each other, they may, by the exercise of pressure, be moved to a slight extent. Thus by grasping the hand of another they may be crushed closer together, or by pressing the palm firmly against a flat surface they may be separated slightly from each other. In marked contrast to this arrangement it must be observed that the lower end or head of the metacarpal bone of the thumb is free — that is to say, it is not connected with the heads of the other metacarpals by means of ligaments. It is this condition of the parts which enables us to draw the thumb away from the palm and fingers. The student wiU thus observe that it is only over the inner and outer members of this series of bones that we have any muscular control — the inner only to a slight degree, the outer or metacarpal of the thumb to a very great extent. The general form of the palm depends on its osseous framework, but it is only on the back of the hand that there is any distinct evidence of the arrangement and form of its bones, for on the front of the palm their out- line is concealed by the numerous muscles and tendons which overlie them. On the back of the hand there are no fleshy muscles to mask their outline, as here they are crossed merely by the tendons of the muscles going to the back of the fingers. The reader may satisfy himself as to this by feeling the back of his own hand, when the Skeleton of Hand. 191 metacarpal bones of tlie fingers and thumb will be readily recognized in line witb the several digits. If tbe fist be now closed the beads of tbese bones become at once apparent as a series of well-marked rounded elevations, familiar to all under the name of tbe first row of kuLickles. According to the disposition of the fatty layer on the back of the hand, these knuckles will present a different appearance when the hand is again opened and the fingers straightened. If the fat be absent or small in amount, the heads of the metacarpals, and the joints which they form with the first row of the bones of the fingers, will be seen to form a series of slight elevations covered with wrinkled skin, towards which the ridges formed by the several extensor tendons of the fingers may be traced ; but if, as in the ideal female hand, and also in that of the child, the fat is present in considerable quantity the surface corresponding to the position' of the knuckles is depressed and forms a series of hollows, or dimples, with but slight, if any, indication of the direction and position of the extensor tendons of the fingers. In regard to the joints between the bases of the meta- carpal bones, and the bones of the wrist, little need be said. The articulation so formed is curved from side to side, corresponding to the curve already described in connexion with the arrangement of the wrist-bones. This curve, it will be remembered, formed the sides and bottom of the tunnel in front through which the tendons of the flexors of the thumb and fingers passed, whilst to its posterior convexity was due the side-to-side roundness on the back of the wrist. This arched arrangement is maintained throughout by the four inner metacarpal bones, a fact which can be easily demonstrated. If we lay the back of the hand on a flat surface, it will be found that it is impossible to bring all four inner knuckles of the first row into contact with the surface at the same time, unless we 192 Bones of the Fingers. employ pressure from above with the other hand. Further, this grouping of the metacarpal bones assists in forming the hollow of the palm, and imparts to the back of the hand its characteristic side-to-side convexity. It also explains the apparent separation of these bones, which has been already alluded to, when we bring great pressure to bear on the palm as it lies in contact with a flat surface, the increase in width being due to a flattening out of this transverse arch. A notable exception to the foregoing arrangement is the metacarpal bone of the thumb. This articulates by means of a separate joint with the outermost bone (trapezium) of the second row of wrist-bones. The surfaces of this joint are of such a kind as to permit movement of every sort except rotation, and, owing to the fact that the lower end or head of the metacarpal bone is not united by ligaments to the other metacarpal bones, the thumb can be moved across or away from the palm, brought forwards or pulled backwards, or by the combination of these movements the act of circumduction may be performed. The first row of knuckles forms a series of rounded projections, which are due to the shape of the heads of the metacarpal bones. The bones of the first row of phalanges, or finger-bones, articulate with the rounded heads of the metacarpals by means of shallow hollow surfaces on their bases ; for, like the metacarpal bones, these phalanges are described as long bones, though in reality some of them are very short. Each digit possesses three such phalanges, with the exception of the thumb, which has only two. Each phalanx has a shaft and two extremities, upper and lower ; these extremities are articular, except in the case of the lower ends of the bones which are placed at the tips of the fingers, where each phalanx is furnished with a surface which afibrds attachment for the nail. The bones of the first row are the longest, those of the Joints of Fingers. 193 third row tte shortest, whilst those of the second row are intermediate in length. Both the back and the front of these bones are overlain by the tendons of the iingers in such a way as to conceal their outline. When we bend the fingers the lower ends of the bones of the first and second rows of phalanges are seen to form the projections of the second and third rows of the knuckles. If the reader will now compare the form of these knuckles with that of the first row, previously described, he will note a difi'erence. Whereas the surface projection of the first row of knuckles was seen to be rounded, the outline of the second and third rows is flattened from side to side. This difi'erence depends on the shape of the lower ends of the phalanges as compared with the heads of the metacarpal bones. As previously stated, the latter are rounded and fit into the shallow hollows on the upper ends of the first row of phalanges. These surfaces permit of movements in a backward and forward direction, i.e. bending or extending the fingers ; in this respect the joints are hinge joints. At the same time, another move- ment is here possible : the phalanges may move from si de to side on the rounded end of the metacarpal bone. This is demonstrated when we spread out the fingers or draw them together, a movement which we efi'ect at the first knuckle-joint of the four fingers. This lateral play of the phalanx on the metacarpal bone is absent in the thumb, the corresponding joint of which permits only of flexion and extension. Such movement here is un- necessary, for we possess the power of pulling the meta- carpal bone of that digit away from or towards the palm, a movement which, in the other digits, is rendered im- possible by the fact that the heads of their metacarpal bones are bound together by ligaments. When we separate the fingers the movement is termed abduction ; when we bring them close together we adduct them. The line 194 ^^^ Thumb. of the middle finger is regarded as tlie axis of the hand from and towards which these movements take place. An examination of the articular surfaces of the other knuckles explains at once their difference in form as compared with those of the first row. The lower ends of the bones of the first and second rows of phalanges are provided with two small rounded articular areas separated by a groove ; these fit into corresponding hollows on the upper ends of the bones with which they articulate, the two shallow hollows being separated by a slight ridge which fits into the groove above mentioned. Such a joint " permits of movement only in one direction, viz. flexion and extension ; any lateral play is rendered impossible by the arrangement of its articular surfaces. This is the explanation why the surface form of the second and third rows of knuckles is squarer in outline than that of the first row, for the outline depends on the form of the lower ends of the phalanges of the first and second rows respectively ; indeed, a close inspection of these joints will show not only the squareness of the knuckle, but also a slight hollowing in the centre, which corresponds to the groove which separates the two small articular surfaces. This may best be seen in the second knuckle of the thumb. As will be gathered from the foregoing description, the thumb possesses a far freer range of movement than any of the other digits, and a moment's consideration will ' enable the reader to realize its great importance as a part of the hand. The thumb can be brought into opposition with each of the fingers ; in this way we can employ it and the finger with which it is brought into contact as a pair of forceps enabling us to pick up the most delicate objects. Perhaps the student will have this brought home more forcibly to him if he considers for a moment what the loss of the thumb entails. The fingers may, by the Short Muscles of Thumb. 195 power of adduction which we possess, be brought together so as to clasp anything between them, but we have no longer the power of opposing them, as is the case with the thumb ; this fact can be easily demonstrated if the reader will endeavour to hold a pencil between any two fingers, and then try to make use of it. No doubt practice will assist us in acquiring greater facility in holding anything in this way, but it will be at once apparent that there is a vast difference between the use of the instrument so held and the control which we can exercise over it when held by the thumb and finger. Accordingly, we find that the thumb is furnished with a large number of muscles, which not only move it in different directions, but which are sufficiently powerful to enable us to employ very considerable force. Some of these muscles have already been studied ; they are the long muscles of the thumb, and their fleshy bellies are placed in the fore-arm. But there is a group of short muscles, the fleshy parts of which lie in the hand itself. It is this latter group which forms the rounded elevation along the outer side of the palm and overlying the meta- carpal bone of the thumb, which is familiarly known as the hall of the thumb. This fleshy mass consists of the following muscles : a short flexor, an abductor, and an opponens of the thumb. We need not here enter into details regarding the precise attachment and position of these muscles ; their names have been mentioned in order that the reader may have some idea of their action. Generally speaking, the afore- said muscles arise from the wrist-bones which form the external ridge of the groove in which the flexor tendons of the fingers are lodged ; this ridge has been already referred to (ante, p. 160), and was seen to consist of parts of the scaphoid and trapezium which form the elevation at the base of the ball of the thumb on a line with the 2 196 Muscles of Thumb. cleft between the index and middle fingers. But as this ridge affords attachment to the strong anterior annular ligament which bridges over the groove and converts it Fig. 109. Shows the arrangement of the structures in the palm. a. Palmar fascia, b. Tendon of the palmariBlongiis pass- ing into it. c c. The anterior annular ligament underneath which the tendons pass to the palm and fingers. d, e, and / are the muscles of the ball of the little finger. d. Opponens minimi digiti. e. Flexor brevis minimi digiti. /. Abductor miuimi digiti. jr, ft, and i are the muscles of the ball of the thumb. g. Flexor brevis poUiois. h. Abductor pollicis. i. Opponens poUiois. Pig. 1 10. A deeper view of some of the muscles of the hand. a. Abductor minimi digitL 6. Hook-like process of unciform (one of the bones of the carpusX c. Pisiform bone. d. Ulna. e. Badius. /. Opponens pollicis. g. Deep part of flexor brevis pollicis or oblique adductor. h. Superficial part of flexor brevis polli- cis and the abductor pollicis (cut). i. Adductor pollicis, or transverse ad- ductor, and j. Abductor indicis, or first dorsal inter- osseous muscle, both of which occupy the interval between the metacarpal bones of the thumb and index finger. into a tunnel the muscles of the above group also derive fibres of origin from this ligament. From this attachment the fleshy fibres pass down to be Muscles of Thumb. 197 attaclied to tke bones of tlie thumb. One is inserted into the shaft of the metacarpal bone, and forms the opponens pollicis, a muscle by which we are enabled to carry the thumb across the palm and so oppose it to the other fingers. The remaining fibres, which consist of the flexor brems pollicis and the abductor pollicis, pass down to be inserted into the base of the first phalanx of the thumb in the following way. The fibres of the short flexor are connected with a little bone, called a sesamoid bone, which lies to the outer side of the front of the joint between the first phalanx of the thumb and its metacarpal bone. This little nodule of bone is provided with a cartilage- covered articular surface, which glides on the rounded surface of the outer part of the head of the metacarpal bone. From this sesamoid bone, which thus acts like a pulley, tendinous fibres pass to connect it with the outer side of the base of the first phalanx. Superficial to, and to the outer side of this sesamoid bone, though not connected with it, the abductor pollicis is found as it passes to its insertion into the outer side of the base of the first phalanx along with the fore- going. The abductor action of this muscle moves the thumb as a whole, and not the phalanx on the metacarpal bone, as is the case with the other fingers (Figs. log, no). A small portion of the flexor brevis is inserted into a corresponding sesamoid bone on the inner side of the joint, by means of which it is connected with the inner side of the base of the first phalanx of the thumb. The thumb is also provided with adductor muscles, which, like the opponens, draw the thumb inwards towards the palm : of these there are two, the oblique and the transverse adductors. The former has hitherto been described as the deep part of the short flexor, but the description here given is that now generally adopted. This muscle lies deeply in the palm, and, although covered by those already de- scribed, it assists in imparting to the ball of the thumb igS Muscles of Thumb. its characteristic fullness. The oblique adductor is in greater part inserted into the inner sesamoid bone, but it also sends some fibres to the outer sesamoid as well, which unite with those of the flexor brevis. Much more important from our standpoint is the transverse adductor. This muscle does not assist in forming the swelling of the ball of the thumb, but lies internal to it ; it helps to form the fleshy mass which occupies the interval between the metacarpal bone of the thumb and that of the index finger. The muscle is fan-shaped ; by its pointed extremity it is united to the inner sesamoid bone along with the adductor obliquus, by its base it is attached to the front of the shaft of the metacarpal bone of the middle finger. When the thumb is outstretched the lower border of the muscle can be distinctly felt about half an inch above the fold of skin which forms the web between the thumb and forefinger. By their connexion with the inner sesamoid bone both these muscles are attached to the base of the first phalanx on its inner side. As, however, the joint of the first knuckle of the thumb allows of no lateral play, but only of flexion and extension, these muscles do not move the phalanx, but act on the metacarpal bone with which the phalanx is connected. The presence of the small sesamoid bones imparts a fullness to the front of the joint which it would not otherwise possess (Fig. no). The adductor transversus, as above described, is not the only muscle which occupies the interval between the meta- carpal bones of the thumb and forefinger. If the reader will examine the back of his own hand with the thumb outstretched and the forefinger pulled as far apart from the middle finger as possible, he will observe a rounded elevation occupying the V-shaped interval between the metacarpal bones of the thumb and forefinger. This is due to the fleshy part of the abductor indicia. It is one of a series of muscles which lie between the meta- Abductor indicts. 199 carpal bones of tlie digits, called the dorsal interossei, and is hence sometimes called the Jirst dorsal interosseous muscle. The former name is the better for present purposes, as it indicates the action of the muscle. It arises by fleshy fibres which are attached to the metacarpal bones of the thumb and index finger respectively, as they lie on either side of the V-shaped interval. These fibres unite to form a fleshy belly which is placed along the radial side of the meta- carpal bone of the index finger, and terminate, near its lower extremity, in a tendon which runs down the radialside of the first knuckle of the forefinger, to become attached to the base of the first phalanx of that digit along with the extensor ten- dons. This muscle lies behind the transverse adductoi' of the thumb, and when we grasp the fleshy layers be- tween the thumb and fore- finger we compress these two muscles between our fingers. Just as the outer digit or thumb is provided with short muscles, so the inner digit or Fig. III. View of the tendons and muscles on the back of the right hand. u. Tendon of secnndi internodii pol- licis. b. Tendon of primi internodii pollicis. c. Tendon of extensor carpi radialis longior. d. Tendon of extensor carpi radialis brevior. e e. Posterior annular ligament of wrist. /. Tendons of extensor communis digitorum. g. Tendon of extensor minimi digiti. h. Tendon of extensor carpi tilnaris. i. Tendon of flexor carpi nlnaris. j. Muscles of ball of little finger seen from behind. k. Abductor indicis or first dorsal interosseons mnscle. I 1 1. Second, third, and fourth dorsal interossei muscles, m. Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis. u. Adductor pollicis seen from be- hind. This muscle determines the outline of the web between the thumb and the index finger. 200 Muscles of Little Finger. little finger is similarly equipped, though the muscles of the latter are much smaller and less powerful than those of the former. This is at once apparent if we compare the prominence of the ball of the little finger with that of the thumb. The hall of the little finger consists of the following muscles, an abductor, a short flexor, and an opponens. The two former are inserted into the inner side of the base of the first phalanx of the finger, whilst the opponens is attached to the inner side of the whole length of the shaft of its metacarpal bone. These muscles arise more or less in common from the ridge on the inner side of the wrist, formed mainly, as we have already seen, by the pisiform bone, together with a process of another bone called the unciform. The former causes the elevation, already referred to, which may be seen and felt at the root of the ball of the little finger, on a line with the cleft between the little and ring fingers, and towards which the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris can be traced (ante, p. i6o). In addition some fibres of this fieshy mass arise from the anterior annular ligament. The action of these muscles is sufficiently indicated by their name, though it may be well to note a difference in the action of the abductor of the little finger as compared with that of the thumb. This muscle draws the little finger away from the ring finger at the first knuckle-joint, a movement which is impossible in the thumb, as the corresponding joint of that digit allows of no lateral movement. The action of the opponens muscle of the little finger is much more limited than that of the thumb, because the head of the metacarpal bone of the little finger is bound to that of the ring finger by ligaments. The movement is therefore limited to a slight drawing forward of the metacarpal bone which helps to deepen the hollow of the palm (Figs. 109, 1 10). Between the two muscular prominences above described, The Palm. 201 the palm is hollowed out from side to side and slightly also from above downwards. If the fingers be pressed into this hollow the skin is felt to be firm and resistant. This is due to the fact that there is a dense layer of fibrous tissue, called the palmar fascia, immediately beneath and intimately connected with the skin in this situation. This fascia is somewhat triangular in shape ; its narrow or pointed end is united to the anterior annular ligament which bridges across the groove formed by the wrist- bones, whilst its broad end or base is directed towards the roots of the fingers, with the tendon sheaths of which it is connected. On either side this fascia thins out, furnishing fibrous expansions which cover the muscles of the balls of the thumb and little finger respectively ; the middle portion is, however, by far the strongest. All the flexor tendons of the fingers, together with a number of blood-vessels and delicate nerves, pass underneath this fascia, so that ample protection is afforded to these parts, a most important detail when we remember how frequently we grasp the handle of a tool and thus subject the struc- tures in the palm of the hand to the influence of direct pressure. The skin of the palm varies in thickness in different places ; it is thick in the centre and along the inner side where it covers the ball of the little finger, thinner where it passes over the muscles of the thumb. The thickness of the skin of course depends on the occupation of the individual, ' the homy-handed son of toil ' in this respect presenting a marked contrast to the appearance displayed by the hand of one whose lot has never required him to engage in hard manual labour. The palm presents a series of small rounded elevations or pads just before the fingers spring from it. These prominences, of which there are three, lie rather in the intervals between than over the roots of the fingers. Viewed from the front, the webs 202 The Palm. between the fingers, and the skin creases which cross the roots of the fingers, form a well-defined line with a flowing curve from without inwards which limits inferiorly the region of the palm. A number of well-marked creases or folds are seen crossing the palm in different directions. Of these, four are usually well marked, two having a somewhat trans- verse direction, whilst the other two pass more or less longitudinally ; their arrangement has been de- scribed as resembling the written capital M placed obliquely across the palm. The lower of these trans- verse lines may be traced from the inner border of the hand, about an inch above the level of the web between the little and ring fingers, across the palm curving downward towards the cleft between the middle and fore fingers. The second trans- verse line commences about an inch above the web of the index and middle fingers, Fig. 112. Outline of the hand, showing the arrangement of the skin folds in front of the wrist and on the palm and fingers. The shaded parts indicate the positions of the bones which form the pro- minent inner and outer borders of the carpus. Those at the ball of the thumb correspond from below upwards to the tubercle of the scaphoid and the ridge of the trapezium ; tljose on the ball of the little finger to the pisiform and hook-like process of the unci- form. and, curving upward, crosses the palm to be gradually lost on the surface of the ball of the little finger. If the student will examine these lines with the fingers straight and the palm stretched, and then proceed to bend the fingers on the palm, he will at once recognize that they are lines of flexion and oorre- The Fingers. 203 spond to the infolding of the skin over the joints between the metacarpal bones of the fingers and the first row of phalanges. In like manner the two longitudinal lines, one sweeping round the ball of the thumb, the other running down the centre of the palm, are at once seen to be associated with the movements by which the hollow of the palm is deepened by the approximation of its inner and outer borders through the action of the opposing muscles of the thumb and little finger. To apply any other significance to these lines is at once an imposition and a fraud. Many persons possess the power of wrinkling the skin along the inner border of the palm overlying the ball of the little finger ; this is due to the action of a small superficial muscle, called the palmaris brevis, the scattered fibres of which have a transverse direction across the upper and inner side of the palm, from the dense fascia of which they take origin, whilst by their inner ends they are attached to the skin. The four fingers as they spring from the palm are united by skin folds, which form the webs of the fingers. These folds unite the fingers at a level corresponding to the middle of the first row of phalanges or finger-bones, so that a considerable portion of the palm is formed by the bases of these bones and their articulation with the metacarpals. The part of the palm which lies below the level of the two transverse folds aforementioned corresponds to the roots of the fingers. As we shall see, this is one of the reasons why the fingers appear'shorter when viewed from the front than from the back. The fingers should taper regularly from base to tip, and should not display any thickening at the joints. The rounded form of the anterior surface is due -to the tendons which pass down the front of the phalanges. These 204 Back of Hand. tendons are enclosed in a strong sheatii, which, however, is much thinner where it crosses the front of the joints. The surface roundness is somewhat constricted over each joint, where delicate skin folds are seen. These are lines of flexion, and are arranged as follows : on a level with the web of the fingers, the index and little fingers are crossed by a single line, the middle and ring fingers by two lines. In front of the second joint each finger is crossed by two folds, there being only one transverse crease in front of the third joints. The tips of the fingers are provided with well-marked 'pulps' covering the front and ends of the third row of finger-bones, which in their turn support the nails. The skin in front of the first joint of the thumb is crossed by an oblique fold which passes upwards and out- wards from the web between the thumb and forefinger. Two creases cross the front of the second joint. The appearance of the back of the hand varies much, according to the amount of fat distributed in the sub- cutaneous layers. The general surface is convex from side to side, superiorly it is carried up into the roundness of the wrist. The manner in which the wrist is united to the hand varies in different individuals; in some the outline of the back of the arm is carried down as a more or less straight line on to the back of the hand. In the more refined and beautiful type, however, the flow of this line is interrupted by a rounded curve over the back of the wrist, which thus interrupts the continuity of the outline of the fore-arm and that of the back of the hand. This graceful contour is further emphasized if, at the same time, the fingers are slightly hyper-extended. These remarks apply particularly to the hands of women, in whom we expect to find suppleness and delicacy rathsr than firmness and strength. The skin over the back of the hand is thin and trans- Back of Hand. 205 parent, enabling us to recognize easily the position of the superficial veins either by their colour or prominence ; the latter would be justifiable in a representation of a male hand, but would be entirely out of place if indicated in the female, unless it be the hand of an old woman in whom the wasting of the fat has led to an undue prominence of the vessels. In man these superficial veins are seen to form an irregular arch across the back of the hand from which the blood passes up by the superficial veins of the fore-arm already noticed (ante, p. 184). The appearance of the first row of knuckles has been previously alluded to. In hands in which the tendons are easily seen these will be noticed, when in a state of tension, forming a series of ridges passing down from the middle of the back of the wrist to the first row of knuckles, over which they are carried on to the backs of the fingers. The tendons which form the most pronounced ridges on the surface are those associated with the thumb. These we have already described in connexion with the wrist-joint and the muscles of the fore-arm. They are the extensors of the metacarpal bone and phalanges of the thumb. That passing to the second phalanx forms the salient ridge which is plainly visible when we strongly extend the thumb ; this ridge is seen to pass from a point on the back of the wrist in line with the cleft between the index and middle fingers, downwards towards the first knuckle of the thumb, after which it is carried along the back of the first phalanx to reach the base of the second, to which the tendon is attached. The manner in which the fingers spring from the back of the hand is very different from what we have seen in front. If the fingers be spread out, the webs between them will be noticed to be attached to the sides of the fingers much lower down in front, where they form a sharp abrupt fold which stretches across the interval between 2o6 Back of Hand. the fingers on a level with the middle of the first phalanges. Above and behind this the skin between the fingers forms a broad groove when the fingers are outspread, which gradually fades away on the back of the hand in the intervals between the knuckles of the first row. When the fingers are again brought together these furrows are represented by a series of folds which carry upwards the outline of the fingers on to the back of the hand. It is for this reason that the fingers of the hand appear much longer when viewed from the back than from the front, for on the back the whole length of the phalanges of the first row is seen to enter into the construction of the fingers, whereas on the palmar surface nearly half the length of these bones is concealed in the fore-part of the palm. The reader may at once satisfy himself as to the correctness of this explanation if he examines his two hands placed side by side, the one palm upwards, the other palm downwards (Fig. 113). The flow of the lines which separate the fingers behind, when closely approximated, is peculiar. The lines on either side of the middle finger take different directions, that between the middle and index fingers passing outwards towards the thumb, the other between the middle and ring fingers being directed towards the inner border of the hand, a direction which is also followed by the line between the ring and little fingers. The direction of these lines is determined by the position and direction of the tendons of certain small muscles lodged between the shafts of the metacarpal bones, and called the dorsal inferossei. The middle finger is provided with two of these muscles, one on either side, and it is the tendons of these muscles, as they pass down to be attached on either side to the first phalanx, which account for the flow of the lines in opposite directions. The corresponding muscle of the ring finger is attached to the ulnar side of the first phalanx of that digit (Fig. III). Back of Fingers. 207 In the extended position of the fingers the skin is seen to be much wrinkled over the second row of knuckles, less so over the third, beyond which we find the nails. Well-shaped nails should be long and not too broad ; straight or but slightly curved in their long direction ; arched from side to side. The nail of the forefinger is the least curved from side to side, that of the little finger the most curved. Short, broad, and flat nails are an un- pleasant feature in the hand. The length of the fingers varies in different individuals, but as a rule, in a well-formed hand, the relative lengths of the digits are approximately as follows. The middle finger is the longest; the tip of the index finger corresponds pretty closely to the level of the root of the nail of the middle finger. The ring finger reaches as low as the level of the middle of the nail of the middle finger, and is thus slightly longer than the index finger; the little finger reaches to the level of the third joint of the ring finger ; whilst the thumb, when closely applied to the outer side of the forefinger, should reach the level of the second joint of that digit, though it is frequently somewhat shorter. Seen from the front the middle finger appears shorter than the palm, viewed from the back it appears longer than the back of the hand. When the fingers are bent the length of their dorsal surface is increased ; this is at once apparent if we examine the condition of the skin. When the fingers are straight the skin over the knuckles is puckered and wrinkled ; when bent, the skin becomes tense and stretched over the joints, thus indicating that there has been an increase in the length of the finger on its dorsal aspect. This increase is due to the fact that the thickness of the lower articular ends of the metacarpal bones and first two rows of pha- langes has now to be taken into account. The accompanying diagrams will at once make this clear (Figs. 113, 114). ao8 Movements of Fingers. As a rule extension of the fingers is limited to bringing them into a straight line with the palm, but many persons possess the power of bending back the fingers to a slight degree at the first row of knuckles, and also at the other joints. This hyper- extension at the first joints of the fingers is most easily effected when the other joints are slightly bent, and the appearance produced conveys an impression of suppleness and grace particularly plea- sant in a well-modelled female hand. The movement just described is an active movement, i. e. one controlled Fia. 113. Fig. 114. Diagrams to show how the length of the dorsal surface of the finger IS increased during flexion by the sum of the thickness of the meta- carpal and phalangeal bones of the first and second row. In Fig. 113 the dotted line represents the attachment of the web between the fingers, showing how the fingers seem longer when viewed from behind than in front. by the muscles of the individual, and must not be con- fused with passive hyper-extension which is caused by pressing back the fingers. The extent to which this may be carried will depend on the looseness of the joints and the amount of pressure employed. It may be pointed out, in connexion with the movements of the thumb, that flexion at the first knuckle is limited in range, whilst at the corresponding joints of the other fingers bending may take place to form a right angle ; in the thumb we can only flex it so as to include an angle Summary. 209 of about one liuiidred and twenty or one hundred and thirty degrees. In summing up the facts in regard to the hand, the student will now realize the advantages of its complex structure. The number of bones and muscles which enter into its formation impart to it a wide range of mobility which adapts it for the most delicate manipulations. The varying length of the fingers, and the manner of their articulation, enable us to grasp with ease and firmness objects of a spherical form. Similarly, their arrange- ment is conducive to the ease with which we can poise on our finger-tips and thumb any flat surface, such as a plate. The numerous bones and joints in the hand are also of much service in reducing the violence of shocks. In striking a blow with the fist the force is much broken up and diminished in intensity before it reaches the bones of the fore-arm, so that we are enabled to strike power- fully without doing injury to ourselves. In conclusion it may be well to remind the reader that the form of the upper limb differs in the two sexes. As an artist of repute once said, ' A woman should have no anatomy ' ; this really is the gist of the whole matter. In the female the bones are smaller and of more delicate form ; the muscles are less developed, and in addition they are covered by a thicker layer of subcutaneous fat which masks and softens the outlines of the underlying structures, imparting a roundness and fullness to the limb such as is characteristic of the sex ; in both male and female the form of the limb is tapering, its greatest thickness being in the region of the shoulder, where the deltoid muscle overlies the shoulder-joint (Pis., pp. 66, 230, 238). Another matter requiring consideration is the length of the limb. This will be more fully discussed when the question of proportion is considered ; but it may be well to state here that a short arm is much more pleasing than p 2ro Proportion of Upper Limb. a long one, the latter being regarded as rather an ape-like characteristic, and one which is more frequently observed in the lower races of man. As Briicke has justly observed, 'A model is not easy to find in whom the arms are too short as compared with the legs, but there is no lack of specimens in whom they are too long.' CHAPTER IX. THE GLUTEAL REGION. Beeoee passing to the consideration of tlie lower limb it may be well to refer to some of the points already discussed in one of the earlier chapters. The essential difference between the fore and hind limbs of man was Fig. 115. Diagrammatic represen- Fig. 116. A diagrammatic repre- tation of the shoulder-girdle. a. First dorsal vertebra. 6. First rib. c. Breast-bone (sternnm). d. Sboulder-blade (scapula). e. CoUar-bone (clavicle). /. Humerus (bone of upper arm). sentation of the pelvic girdle. a. Sacrum, 6. Haunob-bone (os innominatum). c. Symphysis pubis. d. Upper end of thigh-bone (femur). there described, and it was shown that the hind limb was designed to combine the functions of support and progression. The attention of the student must be particularly directed to the arrangement of the bones which form the pelvic F 2 212 Innominate Bone. girdle, by means of which the lower limb is connected with the trunk. It has been already shown that the shoulder- girdle is movable on the trunk, for the upper limb is specially adapted to meet the requirements of free move- ment and prehension. In the case of the pelvic girdle, however, the bones afford support to the trunk, and for this reason the girdle-bones of the lower limb are firmly united to the axial skeleton. The only movements which are comparable in the two limbs are those which tak-e place at the shoulder and hip joints. There is no move- ment between the pelvic girdle and the trunk resembling that which takes place between the shoulder-girdle as a whole and the trunk, or between the component parts of that girdle, viz. the collar-bones and shoulder-blades. On examining the skeleton, the girdle-bones of the lower limb are seen to be firmly united with that part of the vertebral column or back-bone which is specially modified by the osseous union of its component vertebrae to form the sacrum (ante, p. 8). In front they are united by an immovable joint called the symphysis pubis. By this means an osseous girdle, called the pelvis, is formed which encloses or surrounds a very considerable cavity called the pelvic cavity. Leaving for the present the consideration of the pelvis, the portion of the girdle strictly associated with the limb may be examined. This consists of an irregularly shaped bone called the innominate or haunch-hone. Although in the adult this appears as a single bone, it is in reality formed by the fusion of three separate parts. The student will have no difficulty in recognizing on the outer side of the haunch-bone a well-marked cup-shaped cavity called the acetabulum. Into this deep hollow the head of the thigh- bone fits. The acetabulum marks the point of coalescence of the three parts of which the fully developed bone is constituted. Extending forwards and inwards from this Skeleton of Lower Limb. 213 FiGf. 117. The skeleton of the lower Fig. 118. The skeleton of the lower limbs as seen from the front. limb as seen from the outer side. a. The sacrum. d. Knee-pan (patella). b. The haunch-bone (os jnnominatum). e. Outer bone of leg (fibula). e. Thigh-bone (femur). /. Inner bone of leg (tibia). g. Bones of foot. 214 Innominate Bone. articular cavity is the pubis ; passing upwards, outwards, and backwards we note the expanded curved plate of bone called tbe ilium; below and slightly behind is the ischium. The pubis and the ischium are further united by processes called their rami, and thus enclose between them a wide hole, called the thyroid or obturator foramen, which lies in front of Fig. 119. Haunch-bone (os in- nominatum) of male seen from the outer aide ; it is represented as articulated with the sacrum. a. Uiac portion of the innominate bone. b. Pubic portion of the innominate bone. c. Ischial portion of the innominate bone. d. Biac creat. e. Anterior superior Uiac spine. Fia. 120. Haunch-bone (os inno- minatum) of female. Note that the female bone is more tilted for- ward than the male, as shown by the relation of the points s and e to the dotted vertical line. ./. Anterior inferior iliac spine. g. Acetabnlum (hollow for head of thigh- bone). i. Posterior superior iliac spine. j. Spine of isohinm. I. Tuberosity of ischium. s. Spine of pubis. and below the acetabular articular cavity above mentioned. "With parts only of this irregularly-shaped haunch-bone are we immediately concerned, and with some of these details the reader is already familiar, as reference has been pre- viously made to them in the description of the abdominal The Ilium. 215 walls and flanks (ante, p. 55). Thus the upper border or crest of the expanded iliac bone has been already studied in its relations to the surface. This describes a sinuous curve, being towards the outer side convex in front and concave behind, whilst between its two extremities the crest is arched in a vertical direc- tion, the convexity of the curve being inclined upwards. The ex- tremities of this crest, called respectively the anterior and i^os- terior superior iliac spines, have been noted as important deter- minants of surface form, the anterior corresponding to the de- pression at the outer side of the fold of the groin (ante, p. 65), the posterior underlying the depression or dimple which is so characteristic a feature of the lower part of the back in the male and female (ante, p. 38). The anterior two-thirds or so of the inner surface of this plate- like bone is hollowed out to form the iliac fossa. This affords an expanded surface for the support of the abdominal contents. The posterior third of the inner aspect of the ilium is rough and irre- gular, and is adapted for articu- lation with the side of the sacrum, to which it is firmly united. This surface corresponds to the posterior part of the crest, which curves slightly outwards. The outer surface of the ilium furnishes an extensive attachment for the muscles of the buttock, Pig. 121. (After Richer.) Shows the relation of the iliac furrow to the iKac crest. 2i6 The Pubis. which, in man, attain a remarkable development, and are associated with the maintenance of the erect position. Of the pubis we are concerned only with the anterior part or body. It is by means of this bone that the inno- minate or haunch-bones of the two sides articulate with each other, forming a joint which is known as the sym- physis pubis ; in this way the osseous girdle is completed in front. This joint lies in the middle line in continua- tion with the direction of the median furrow which runs down the front of the abdominal wall. On each side of this lie the bodies of the respective pubic bones, occu- pying the interval between the inner extremities of the folds of the groin on either side. Owing to the thick pad of fat which overlies these bones, their outline is concealed, but they assist, however, in forming the general round- ness which is so characteristic of this region. If the finger be passed along the upper border of the pubis from the symphysis outwards, one can easily recognize the presence of a well-marked process called the spine of the pubis. To this point attention has been already directed (ante, p. 56) when describing the lower limits of the anterior abdo- minal region. It affords attachment to an important band called Pouparfs ligament, which stretches obliquely upwards and outwards, to be fixed to the anterior superior iliac spine (the anterior extremity of the iliac crest). It is this ligament, as has been seen, which corresponds to the position of the furrow of the groin. The upper border of the body of the pubis between the symphysis and the spine is called the crest of the pubis. The ischium as a rule does not directly influence the surface form. The most prominent part of that bone, which lies below and slightly behind the acetabulum, or articular cup, is thick and rounded, and is called the tuberosity. In the standing position the tuberosity is covered by the thick fleshy fibres of one of the great muscles of the buttock, the The Sacrum. 217 gluteus maximus, but when tlie leg, or more properly the thigh, is bent forward at the hip-joint the muscle slips over this bony prominence, and so uncovers it. Thus, in the sitting posture, the tuberosity of the ischium underlies the skin, and it is on these prominences that the body weight rests, so that the muscles are in no way crushed or com- pressed in this position. Further, provision is also made to relieve, as much as possible, the parts from pressure, for the fat overlying the ischial tuberosities is abundantly mixed with fibrous tissue which imparts to it a highly elastic quality, resembling, in this respect, the arrange- ment met with in the tissues underlying the heel. It is by the fusion of these three bones, the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis, that the innominate or haunch- bone is formed, and it is, as has been said, at the point of fusion of these three bones that the acetabulum is placed. We need for the present only compare it with the glenoid fossa on the shoulder-blade. The latter was seen to be relatively small and shallow, thus permitting great free- dom of movement and affording limited support, whereas the acetabulum is large and deep, and better adapted to furnish support, though less well fitted to allow free movement. The further details in connexion with this are reserved until the hip-joint is described. It is by the union of the two haunch-bones with each other in front and the sacrum behind that the pelvis is formed. The sacrum, as has been already explained (ante, p. 8), is a specially modified part of the vertebral column or back-bone, which is built up by the fusion of five verte- bral segments. It is, so to speak, wedged in between and behind the iliac portions of the two innominate bones, with which it is firmly united by immovable joints. In this way provision is made for the transmission of the body weight from the vertebral column downwards through the two haunch-bones, and so on to the thighs. 2i8 The Pelvis. The surface relations of the sacrum have been already- studied (ante, p. 38), and the student may be referred to that description for further details. Meanwhile, it may be sufficient to note that it is only the posterior aspect of this bone which is a determinant of the surface contours. The osseous girdle so formed encloses the pelvic cavity in which certain viscera are lodged. This cavity is described as consisting of two parts, the true and the false. The false pelvis corresponds to the hollow formed by the expanded iliac bones. The true pelvis is that part of the cavity which is bounded in front by the pubes, on either side by the ischia, and behind by the sacrum. The pelvis is a most important determinant of form, not only directly, as has been already sufficiently explained, but also indirectly, since by variations in its size and shape it influences the entire modelling of the lower part of the trunk and upper part of the thighs. It is on the width of the pelvis that the narrowness or breadth of the lower part of the figure depends. These differences give rise to the characteristic figures of the two sexes. The cavity of the true pelvis in the female is, for sexual reasons, larger than that of the male, and thus necessarily reacts on the form of the bones which surround it, leading to their greater expansion. It follows therefore that the female pelvis is wider than the male. On the other hand, the male pelvis, though narrower than the female, is deeper. These two facts account for the differences in the width of the figure across the hips in the two sexes, and also for the circumstance that the flanks in the female are relatively longer than those of the male, for the iliac crests in the female do not rise to so high a level. The pelves of the male and female present many other differ- ences, but these need not here be discussed. Another matter of great importance in regard to the influence of the pelvis on the surface form is its position The Pelvis. 219 in relation to other parts of the skeleton. The student will Fig. 122. The male pelvis. Tig. 123. The female pelvis. a. niac portion of os innommaturQ. 5. Pubic portion of os innominatum. g. Acetabulom. ft. Pubio arch. c. Ischial portion of os innominatum. fc. Pubio symphysis. d. Iliac crest. e. Anterior superior iliac spine. /. Anterior inferior iliac spine. 5. Spine of pubis. The sacrum is seen wedged in between the two innominate bones behind. experience considerable difficulty in acquiring a correct 220 The Pelvis. knowledge of its usual position in the erect position, unless he has access to a specimen which has been separated from the rest of the skeleton, and adopts some such simple rule as the following: — Take the pelvis and hold it in such a position that the two anterior superior iliac spines (anterior extremities of the iliac crests) lie in the same horizontal line, then move the bone till the symphysis pubis lies vertically beneath the centre of the line which connects the two anterior superior iliac spines ; or, draw a horizontal line on any vertical surface, a wall for instance, and place the pelvis against this vertical surface so that all three points (the two anterior superior iliac spines and the symphysis) are in contact with it at once, care having been taken to place the anterior superior iliac spines over the horizontal line already drawn. The bone will now lie approximately in the position which it occupies in the living when we stand upright. As a matter of fact its upper part is slightly tilted forwards in the female, whilst in the male this part of the bone is tilted a little backwards. This variation in the obliquity of the position of the pelvis is associated with very remarkable changes in the contours of other parts of the figure, and its further description must be delayed until the anatomy of the hip-joint has been considered ; it is on the adjustment of this articulation that the alterations in position or ' obliquity ' largely depend. The relation of the width across the hips and that across the shoulders is a point requiring some consideration. In both sexes the former is less than the latter, though in the female the difference between the two measurements is much less than in the well-proportioned male. In other words, women have broad hips and narrow shoulders, whilst men have broad shoulders and narrow hips. This difference in hip-width is largely dependent on the fact that in women the pelvic width is not only relatively, but also absolutely, greater than in man. Since this hip-width includes the The Femur. 221 upper extremities of the tliigh.-bones as well as the trans- verse diameter of the pelvis, it -will be necessary to say more about it after we have described the anatomy of the thigh-bone. The thigh-bone or femur (Figs. 124-126) is remarkable in man for its great length. Like other long bones, it is described as possessing a shaft and two extremities. In connexion with the upper end of the bone the head must be studied. This consists of a rounded knob forming about two-thirds of a sphere, which in the living is covered with a layer of articular cartilage and fits into the deep socket of the acetabulum on the outer side of the haunch-bone. This rounded articular head is supported by means of a process called the neck, by which it is united to the upper extremity of the shaft, forming with it an angle of about 125°. This angle varies according to circumstances ; it is more open in children, more acute as age advances, and is usually less obtuse in the female than in the male. The length of the neck of the bone is a matter of great importance, as it permits of a freer range of movement at the hip than would otherwise be the case, considering the depth of the articular cup and the prominence of its borders ; further, it acts as a lever for the muscles which control the movements of the hip-joint, and which are inserted around the neck where that part of the bone becomes fused with the shaft. At this point there are two well-marked pro- cesses developed : these are called the trochanters. They are distinguished by the names great and small ; the small or lesser trochanter is placed on the lower side of the neck as it joins the shaft, and is of little interest from our standpoint. The great trochanter is situated at the upper and outer side of the angle formed by the fusion of the neck and shaft, and overtops, as it were, the root of the neck. This process is of the greatest importance as a determinant of 222 The Femur. surface form, since its outer aspect is merely covered by- skin, fat, and certain thin, thougli strong, tendinous layers. It can be readily feltj and its prominence assists in im- parting to tlie hips that width to which attention has been already directed. As a rule it corresponds in position to the greatest width of the male figure in this region ; most frequently in the female the greatest breadth is at a some- what lower level, owing to the presence of the subcutaneous fat which tends to accumulate along the upper and outer part of the thigh. It is into the trochanter major that many of the muscles concerned in the maintenance of the erect position are inserted. The shaft of the thigh-bone is seen to be curved when viewed from the side (Fig. 125), the convexity of the curve being directed forwards. Though covered with muscles, the bone yet exercises a considerable influence on the form of the limb, and it is to this forward curve of the shaft that the rounded form of the front of the thigh is in part due. On the hollow side of the curve, i. e. on the back of the bone, the shaft is strengthened by the addition of a rough ridge called the linea aspera. Besides imparting increased rigidity to the bone, this ridge affords extensive attachment to muscles. Inferiorly the lower end of the bone is expanded, forming two processes, called the condyles. These are coated with articular cartilage and enter into the formation of the knee- joint. They will be more fully described when the anatomy of that joint is considered. The position of the thigh-bone in the limb is oblique. This may be easily demonstrated. When we stand in the military position of attention, the knees are close together, whilst the upper extremities of the thigh-bones are separated by the pelvic width between the two acetabular hollows. According as the interval between the heads of the thigh- bones is increased or diminished, so the obliquity of the The Femur. 223 w f f " ^ Right thigh-bone (femur). Pig. 124. Front view. Fig. 125. Outer side. Fig. 126. Back view. a. Head, &. Trochanter major. c. Trochanter minor. A. Neck. e. External condyle. /. Articular surface of condyles. g. lutercondyloid notch. h. Surface for attachment of gluteus maximus. i. Internal condyle. 224 Obliquity of the Thigh-bones. shaft is rendered greater or less. This explains how it is that the thigh-bones of women are usually more oblique in their position than those of men, because superiorly they are separated by a pelvis of greater width, whilst inferiorly they touch each other at the knees. It is this greater obliquity of the femur in women which gives rise to the knock-kneed appearance which is really a characteristic of the sex. When, from shortness of the thigh, this appearance is unduly pronounced, it becomes exceedingly offensive and Fig. 127. Fig. 128. Diagrams showing the greater degree of obliquity of the thigh-bones dependent on the greater pelvic width in woman, Fig. 128, as compared with man, Fig. 127. unpleasant, but in its gentler form it often conveys a sense of delicacy and refinement. It is seldom, indeed, that the artist would be called upon to represent the female nude, with the limbs placed as has just been described, i. e. the position in which the knock-kneed appearance is most pronounced: more usually one or other knee would be advanced and slightly bent, an action sufficient to impart to the figure a sense of grace and modesty. As a result The Hip-joint. 225 of the greater obliquity of the thigh-bone in women it follows that the angle formed by the neck of the femur with the shaft is more acute than in the male. The hip-joint lies so deeply embedded on all sides in fleshy muscles that it has but slight influence on the surface form. It is only when the limb is thrown as far back as possible that the head of the femur pushes forward the soft -parts which overlie it, and thus leads to the obliteration of that depression on the upper and anterior aspect of the limb called the hollow of the thigh. The surfaces of the joint fit so accurately that atmospheric pregsure is alone sufficient to keep the smooth rounded articular head of the femur in contact with the hollow of the acetabulum. This has been demon- strated experimentally, after death, by cutting away all the muscles and liga- ments ; under these circumstances the articular surfaces of the bones still remained in contact instead of falling away, as one might expect. The socket of the acetabulum, further deepened by a ligament which sur- rounds its edge, affords ample support to the head of the femur, through which the weight of the trunk is transmitted. The joint is a very strong one. This is partly due, as above stated, to the form of its articular surfaces, but is also dependent on the strength of the ligaments which bind the bones together. One frequently hears of dislocations of the shoulder-joint, but displacements of the hip-joint are of rarer occurrence and are .generally the result of much greater violence. Q Fig. 129. Diagram- matic section through the hip-joint. a. The thick black lines represent the carti- lage-covered articular surfaces. 6. The joint cavity. c. The ligaments around, forming the capsule, the interior of which is lined hy synovial membrane represent- ed by dotted Unes. 226 Ilio-femoral Ligament. The capsule of the hip-joint is formed of dense fibrous tissue. In certain situations it is much thickened and forms well-marked fibrous bands, which are described as the ligaments of the joint and have received special names. The most important of these is one which passes down in front of the joint ; it is called the ilio-femoral ligament, or, from its resemblance to an inverted Y (A)> the Y-sTiaped Ugamemt. This is attached to a part of the ilium immediately above the acetabulum, called the anterior inferior iliac spine, and spreading out inferiorly in a fan-shaped manner, it is united to the thigh- bone below along a rough line, called the spiral line, which marks the point of fusion anteriorly of the neck of the bone with the shaft ; superiorly this line is car- ried up along the inner and anterior border of the great trochanter. Great importance attaches to this ligament, because it prevents excessive extension backwards of the thigh on the trunk ; it has been already pointed out that one of the characteristics of man is the fact that he alone of all four-footed animals can place the thigh-bone in such a position that the axis of the limb falls in line with the axis of the trunk. Any further range of movement beyond this is checked, however, by the tightening of this ligament. It is mainly owing to the presence of this ligament that man can stand erect for prolonged periods without experiencing much muscular fatigue. "When we stand Fig. 130. Diagram show- ing the attachment of the ilio-femoral ligament. a. Uium. b. Anterior superior iliac spine. c. Anterior inferior iliac spine. d. Hio-femoral ligament, ri. Pubis. /. Symphysis pubis. g. Femur. h. Sacrum, i. Tuberosity of ischium. Mechanism of Erect Posture. 227 tipright the line of gravity passes behind the axis of the hip-joint and the points of attachment of this ligament, thus that force in this position is constantly acting so as to keep the ligament tense and stretched, thereby mechanically lock- ing the joint ; no special muscular effort is required to effect this purpose, hence we do not suffer from the fatigue which a constant prolonged muscular strain would naturally produce. The student may satisfy himself as to the correctness of these obser- vations by making a little experi- ment. He will find that he can stand in the military position of attention for a long time with little discomfort and fatigue. If, in this position, the hands be placed on the buttocks and back of the thighs, the muscles of these regions will be found flaccid, or but slightly contracted, but if the body be now bent forward at the hips, so as to throw the line of gravity in front of these joints, he will find it impossible to maintain for long this position without a sense of fatigue. On passing the hand along the back of the thighs and over the buttocks he will now recognize that the muscles are powerfully con- tracted, particularly in the former >^i Pig. 131. Diagram to show how the figure is held erect. The thick black lines in- dicate the principal muscles therein concerned. The ver- tical dotted line indicates the direction exercised by the force of gravity. Note that this falls behind the axis of rotation of the hip and in front of that of the knee, thus rendering tense the ligaments of these joints, which are re- presented on the figure by dotted lines passing in front of the hip (ilio-femoral) and behind the knee (posterior ligament), 223 Obliquity of the Pelvis. situation. The movement of the hip is no longer mechanically checked by the action of the ligaments, but is controlled by the contraction of the muscles situated in the aforesaid regions, which is the explanation why this position cannot be maintained for any length of time without a sense of muscular fatigue. Slight variations in the length of this ilio-femoral liga- ment occur in different individuals. These variations are attended with very remarkable differences in the contours of the figure. A slightly longer ligament will naturally allow of a greater range of extension of the thigh on the pelvis ; on the other hand, when the ligament is short, the range of movement in a backward direction will be less. Interpreted in another way, this means that when we stand erect with the thigh-bones in a more or less vertical position it follows that the pelvis, which they support on their upper extremities, will be tilted forwards or back- wards according as the ligament is short or long; this variation in the position of the pelvis leads to alterations in its obliquity. Under ordinary circumstances, the plane formed by the inlet of the true pelvis, represented by a line passing across from the upper part of the symphysis pubis to the point where the lowest lumbar vertebra unites with the upper part of the sacrum, usually forms with the horizon an angle of from 60° to 64°. If the pelvis be tilted further forwards, as is the case where the ilio-femoral ligament is short, the obliquity of the pelvis is thereby increased, whereas if the ligament be long the pelvis will lie in such a position that the plane of its inlet more nearly approaches the hori- zontal : in the latter case, therefore, the obliquity of the pelvis is diminished. In using the expression ' obliquity of the pelvis ' we refer to the obliquity of the plane of its inlet ; the position of the entire pelvic girdle is, however, necessarily involved, as its component parts are immovably Obliquity of the Pelvis. 229 united, and variations in this obliquity will obviously be associated witli alterations in the relative position of the pelvic girdle to other parts of the skeleton. A little consideration will enable the reader to realize the importance of the changes in form which are secondarily dependent on this. The back of the pelvic girdle is formed by the sacrum, and the position of this bone alters according as the entire pelvis is tilted forwards or back- wards ; thus, if tilted backwards, the posterior surface of the sacrum (that part of it with which we are most concerned as a determinant of surface form) will more nearly approach the vertical, whereas a forward tilt of the pelvis will cause this surface to incline more obliquely, the axis of the bone being directed more backwards. But the sacrum, formed, as the reader is aware, by the fusion of several segments of the back-bone, is connected above with the movable part of the vertebral column. If now the sacrum, and with it the pelvis, be tilted forwards, so that the upper extremity of the sacrum is thrown further forwards, it follows that the bones of the vertebral column, with which it is connected, must be bent forward too. As it is however necessary, for the maintenance of the erect position without muscular fatigue, that the line of gravity should pass through the column at certain points, and fall in definite relation to certain joints, it also follows that this forward thrust of the entire column must be compensated for by the development of more strongly marked curves. This is what takes place, for in persons where the pelvic obliquity is great, i. e. where the pelvis is much tilted forwards, a condition which, as has been said, is largely dependent on the existence of a short ilio-femoral ligament, the curves of the back, particularly the lumbar curve, are more strongly marked, and the projection of the buttocks is more pronounced ; whereas in individuals in whom the pelvic obliquity is slight, i. e. in 230 Pelvic Obliquity. persons who possess a long ilio-femoral ligament, the curves of the back are but slightly emphasized, as here the Fig. 132. Fig. 133. Figs. 132, 133, show the influence of the pelvic obliquity on the figure of the male and female. In Fig. 132 the female pelvis is tilted further forward than in the male, Fig. 133, as will be seen by noting the position of the anterior extremity of the iliac crest (anterior superior iliac spine). As a result of this the lumbar curve is more pronounced in Fig. 132 than in Fig. 133. This reacts on the outline of the figure, the curves being more pi-onounced in the female than in the male. necessity for strongly marked compensatory curves does not These facts may perhaps be better understood by arise. Influence of Pelvic Obliquity on Thigh. 231 reference to tte accompanying diagrams : Fig. 132 repre- sents a female figure with well-marked pelvic obliquity and pronounced curves in the back, Fig. 133 is that of a male in whom the obliquity of the pelvis is less, and as a consequence the back appears much flatter than in Fig. 132 (see also Figs. 119, 120, p. 214 ; also pi., p. 230). This difference in the pelvic obliquity reacts on the form of the thigh as well as on the trunk, for if the obliquity of the pelvis be increased the anterior superior iliac spines (the anterior ends of the iliac crests) will be thrust forward, so as to lie on a plane anterior to the plane occupied by the symphysis pubis. IJnder these circumstances, the most prominent border of the thigh above will correspond to the anterior superior iliac spine, and the anterior surface of the limb will slope slightly inwards and backwards towards the symphysis pubis ; whereas, when these several bony points lie in the same vertical plane, or when the anterior superior iliac spines lie in a plane behind that of the pubic sym- physis, the surface of the thigh between these two points will be directed forwards, instead of forwards and inwards as in the former case. The same thing may be expressed differently by saying that, in the former condition, the pubic symphysis is withdrawn between the thighs, and overhung by a more prominent abdominal curve, whereas, under the latter conditions, the symphysis lies on the same plane with the fronts of the thighs, and is less overhung by the abdominal curve. The artist will of course be guided in his selection of models by a reference to these points, avoiding, as far as possible, extreme conditions, and recognizing that the most pleasing results are obtained when the average is repre- sented, though he will not fail to observe that in the female one meets with degrees of obliquity which, if represented in the male, would be altogether out of character with the type. He may note, as a more or less definite rule, that 232 Movements at the Hip-joint. in tlie female tlie anterior superior iliac spines lie slightly in advance of tlie symphysis pubis in the erect position, and that in the male they lie either on the same plane or slightly behind the symphysis (Figs. 119, 120, p. 214). The movements of the hip-joint must next be con- sidered. Flexion is the movement whereby the thigh is bent forward on the trunk; this movement is limited by the approximation of the anterior surface of the thigh to the front of the abdomen. It is worth noting that the range of this movement is affected by the position of the knee. When that joint is bent, we can flex the thigh on the trunk until their surfaces come into contact ; when the knee is straight or extended, flexion at the hip is much more limited in its range, and is arrested by the stretch- ing of the muscles called the hamstrings on the back of the thigh. This is at once apparent when we touch, or attempt to touch, the toes without bending the knees (see p. 272). Extension, as has been said, is remarkably free in man, but a word or two is necessary to prevent any misconception regarding the extent of this movement. When the thigh is brought into line with the axis of the trunk the movement is checked by the ilio-femoral ligament, and no further movement is possible in this direction ; how comes it then that we can touch the ground behind us with the foot? In order to understand how this takes place, we must consider the movement which takes place at the hip-joint of the opposite limb to that which touches the ground behind us. The reader may best recognize the move- ments which take place by studying them in his own person. If he stands with the toe of the right foot touching the ground about a couple of feet behind the heel of the left foot, upon which he is resting the weight of the body, he will note that the trunk is thrown forward, and the rio-ht leg is directed backward in line with the axis of the trunk Movements at the Hip-joint. 233 i. e. in the condition of full extension. Under these con- ditions no change in the relative position of these two parts of the body has taken place ; but if now he examines the condition of the left hip he will observe that the joint is in a state of flexion, and it is the combination of flexion of the left hip-joint with extension of the right thigh that enables him to pass the right leg behind the point through which the line of gravity of the body falls. Fig. 134 will at once make this clear. The other movements which take place at the hip-joint are movements of adduction, or crossing the legs, and abduction, or separating the legs. Rotation of the entire limb also takes place at this joint ; it is the movement whereby we turn the point of the foot in or out. Circum- duction is the combination in sequence of the foregoing movements, either from with- in outwards or from without inwards. The several move- ments are checked in most . Fig. 134. instances by the action of ligaments, or else by the contact of the neck of the thigh- bone with the margin of the acetabulum. In considering the muscles which effect these movements the reader must bear in mind one important difference between the girdles of the upper and lower limbs. In connexion with the former we studied a number of muscles which passed from the trunk and were inserted into the bones of the shoulder- girdle ; by the action of these muscles the shoulder-girdle was moved upon the trunk. In considering the musculature of the pelvic girdle we 234 Gluteus maximus. have no sucli group to examine, as, for reasons whicli have elsewhere (ante, p. 212) been fully stated, the pelvic girdle is immovably united with the axial skeleton of the trunk ; hence the examination of the muscles which control the movements of the hip may be at once proceeded with. The gluteus maximus, or great muscle of the buttock, has an extensive origin from the posterior fourth of the iliac crest of the haunch-bone, from the aponeurosis covering the erector spinae muscle, from the side of the lower part of the sacrum, from the side of the coccyx, and from the surface of a ligament which stretches from the sacrum to the ischium, called the great sacro-sciatic ligament. A consideration of these attachments will enable the reader to realize that the origin of the muscle corresponds pretty accurately to the side of the V-shaped interval, at the root of the back, which separates the prominences of the buttocks behind, the upper and outer limits of which are marked by the presence of little hollows or dimples over- lying the position of the posterior superior iliac spines (the posterior extremities of the iliac crest), whilst the lower angle corresponds to the cleft between the buttocks. From this attachment the fibres pass outwards, forwards, and downwards, forming a thick fleshy sheet of muscle, which is inserted in front into a broad tendinous aponeurosis. All the fibres of the upper half of the muscle, together with the superficial fibres of the lower half, are inserted by means of this strong aponeurosis into the dense fascia which runs down along the outer side of the thigh. The bulk of the fibres of the lower half of the muscle, except the superficial ones above mentioned, are attached by means of a flattened tendon to a rough ridge, called the gluteal ridge, on the back of the upper third or fourth of the shaft of the thigh- bone ; the latter insertion is entirely concealed by the former. It is the attachment of this muscle to the fascia of the thigh which gives rise to the most marked changes Key to Plate XXXI Cmnplexus. Splenhts ca-pitis- Levator anguli scapulae.. Clavicle ' "--.,_ Acromion process. ^^ Spine of scapula, Rhomboids Deltoid. Infraspinatus. Erector spinac. Teres major. ^- Triceps, Long fieau..... .. outer licad. , inner head. „ , tendon Biceps cnliili. - Lat.dorsi. '-'-'- Int. interiniis.sep\ Olecranon "' Int.cmidyle. Ext. oblique. — Bicipital fnscia. Lumbar, aponeur Iliac crest. .---'' Palmaris tongns'.' Ft carpi radialts. Post.snp.iliac sf'ine. Gluteus medins. \^: Flcarpi ulnari: Post. surf of sacrum. -^ Trochanter nmjor. Styloid process of ulna.- Gluteus mnxinms Tensor fasciae fetnoris.-\^- Adductor magmis. - Gracilis Semi-tendinosus. Biceps cruris, long head. . yastus exieynus. Spine of VII cervical vertebra. Trapezius. ^.■■■'' .Spine ef scapula. Acromion process ...--Deltoid, "jnfra-spinatus. .. Rhomboid major. ---Teres major. 1 Triceps, long head. 1 outer head. Latissimus dorst ^..■Biceps cubiii. ^.Triceps, inner head. „ tendon. , Internal condyle Ilio-tibial band. - Semi-membranosus.- ' ■ Popliteal space. Olecranon .External oblique. Anconetis. 'Lurnb. aponeurosis. -- Bicipital fascia. '"Palmaris longus. 'Post.snp.iliac spine. Flexor carpi rod. Flexor carpi uln . ■ Post, border of ulna. Gluteus medius. . Trochanter major. -Styloid process of ulna. Gluteus maximus. Adductor magnus. Ilio-tibial band. Gracilis. yastus externns. Biceps cruris, long head. — Sem i-tendinosus. ■Semi-niernbranosus. Sortorius. VIEW OF MALE BACK, VV: Gluteus maximus. 235 in the surface form (Pis., pp. 34, 38, 42, 44, 72, 82, 84, 96, 106, 234). In the erect position the fleshy fibres are seen becoming tendinous behind the line of the great trochanter and shaft of the thigh-bone, so that the outer surface of the great trochanter is merely covered by the aponeurotic insertion of the muscle, and not by its fleshy fibres. This fact is easily ascertained by placing the hand over the trochanter when in the upright position ; under these conditions the outline and form of the trochanter can be readily recognized ; further, if the tnuscle be thrown into a powerful state of contraction, the prominence of the trochanter will be still more em- phasized by the tension of the aponeurotic layers over it, and the consequent hollowing out of the surface form behind it caused by the retraction of the fleshy fibres of the muscle (Pis., pp. 38, 42, 234J. The upper border of the muscle describes a curved outline, the convexity of which is upwards. Its general direction is indicated by a line drawn from a point a little in advance of the posterior superior iliac spine downwards, outwards, and forwards to the tip of the great trochanter. The outline of tlie lower border of the muscle is also curved, with the bend directed downwards across the back of the thigh. The highest point of this border corresponds to the cleft between the buttocks, whilst its lowest extremity reaches a level corresponding pretty closely to the middle of the outer side of the thigh (i. e. the distance from the iliac crest to the knee) (Pis., pp. 42, 44, 82, 84, 96, 234). The oblique direction of the lower border of the muscle is a matter of some importance, as there has been a tendency to ascribe the direction of the transverse furrow of the buttocJc, or the gluteal fold as it is sometimes called, to the influence of this border of the muscle. It will be evident that this cannot be so, as the direction of the former is transverse, whilst the latter is oblique. As a matter of fact, the 236 Gluteal Fold. gluteal furrow is a skin fold the depth, of which depends on the degree of extension of the thigh on the trunk, and the quantity of fat present over the inner and lower aspect of the gluteus maximus muscle (Pis., pp. 42, 82, 84, 86, 120, 230, 234, 238). The gluteus maximus muscle is entirely superficial, but as it is always overlain by a fatty layer of considerable thickness the outline of the muscle is much masked thereby, and the surface form therefore more rounded. The fat is most abundant on the back of this region, being much reduced in quantity as it passes forward over the side of the thigh. In the female the layer of fat is much thicker than in the male, so that we have less evidence of the form of the subjacent structures. For the same reason, the gluteal fold in women is more strongly marked, and of greater length transversely than in the male, whilst the overhang of the gluteal projection is in them more pronounced (Pis., pp. 120, 230, 238, 244). It may here be noted that the sharpness of this fold varies according to the position of the limb ; it is always best marked when the limb is fully extended, i. e. straightened on the trunk, whilst it undergoes gradual obliteration with the bending of the thigh. Coincident with this movement, and the disappearance of the sharp transverse furrow, we note the tendency to an increase in the obliquity of its direction, so that it overlies, and more directly corresponds with, the oblique lower margin of the gluteus maximus. This difference is clearly seen in Fig. 135, and is readily apparent when we view the figure in profile in the erect and stooping positions Fig. 135. m Actions of Gluteus maximus. 239 warned against the ungainly forms whicli are dependent on the undue accumulation of fat in the region overlying the iliac crest. This is particularly liable to occur in female models past their prime, and imparts a grossness to the form at variance with the delicacy and refinement displayed in earlier life (Pis., pp. 66, 120, 230, 238). The gluteus maximus muscle is a powerful extensor of the hip-joint. It straightens the thigh on the trunk when the hip-joint is bent. It acts in one or other of two ways or by a combination of both. Thus if the thigh be flexed on the trunk this muscle extends the thigh-bone at the hip-joint, or if the trunk be bent forward on the thighs, as in the stooping position, it assists in straightening the figure. The muscle is thrown into a powerful state of contraction in such actions as springing, leaping, rising from a chair, or running upstairs or up an incline. It also comes into play in some of the movements of abduction and adduction, and " likewise assists in external rotation of the thigh. The gluteus maximus muscle in man has attained a very remarkable development, and is, as has been just shown, largely concerned in straightening the body. The figure, when once erect, can be held in that position for lengthened periods by the mechanical locking of the hip-joint, without any marked voluntary effort, though a certain amount of muscular contraction is necessary to steady the joint. The importance of the insertion of the gluteus maximus muscle into the fascia of the outer side of the thigh must not be overlooked. As will be described hereafter, this fascia forms a thickened band which passes down to be attached to the bones of the leg below the knee. Through this process of fascia the gluteus maximus exercises an influence in supporting and steadying the knee when that joint is extended; and its action, in the male at least, is demonstrated by its influence on the surface forms along the outer aspect of the thigh (Pis., pp. 38, 44, 72, 240). 240 Tensor fasciae femoris. The relation of certain bony parts of the pelvis and thigh- . bone to the muscle varies according to the position of the limb. Of these the most important, from the present standpoint, is the relation of the trochanter major to the fleshy and tendinous parts of the muscle. In the erect position, the trochanter is covered merely by the tendinous aponeurosis of the muscle, but if the thigh be flexed upon the trunk the trochanter glides backwards under cover of the fleshy fibres. The reader can easily prove this by placing the hand over the trochanter whilst standing up ; under these conditions the bone is felt to be quite subcutaneous, being covered only by skin and the dense aponeurosis ; if, however, the trochanter be felt when sitting down, the student will recognize that it is separated from the fingers by a greater thickness of tissue, a circumstance which is due to the fact that the process is now overlain by some of the fleshy fibres of the muscle (PL, p. 240). In like manner the tuberosity of the ischium (the hinder and lower part of the haunch-bone) is at times covered and at other times uncovered by the muscle. In the erect position the lower border of the gluteus maximus over- hangs the tuberosity of the ischium, but when the thigh is bent it slips over that process of bone and so uncovers it, causing it to lie directly beneath the skin and subcutaneous fat. As already stated, it is upon this part of the skeleton that we rest the weight of the body in the seated position, and thus avoid any pressure on the fleshy part of the muscle. It is only in such views as that of a kneeling figure seen from behind, or at the side, that the artist would have any reason to concern himself with the surface forms dependent on these processes of bone. Under the conditions just mentioned, the rounded angle which marks the limit of the gluteal region, within and below, is dependent on the surface projection caused by these out- standing processes of bone. Key to Plate XXXIII UnUrior sufierior iliac ^ne. i / Tensor /ascioe femons. Gluteus medius. Gluteus maximus. Vastus intemus- ,Recius/emoris tendon. 'astus extemus. ^atella. hand. Mxternal amdyU of femur. Biceps cruris tetidon. Btceps cruris, short head. Vastus extemus. Btceps cruris, long head. .Gasfrocnet/tius, outer head. Peroneus longus. Soleus. fthialu anttcus. J-x/e-nxor lotigus dtgiiorum pet Peroneus hrexis. Tendo Achfllis. Peroneus terttus. Mxtemal malleolus (fibula) A nterior annular ligament. £xtemal annular Itgament. Jiecius ^noris; Iliac crest. jr superior iliac ^ne. .._ 'ensor/ascuK femoris..., Sarionus. Glutt'tis iitfdius — Gluteus maximus..-. 'astus intemus. Patella. Internal condyle of fen LigamcTttum patellae SetHimembranosus- Scmitcndinosus. JjracUxs. Gastrocne«ttus, irrner head. Tibia. Soli-us. Adductor magnus. Rectus /emoris. Vastus exiemus. Vastus intemus. Tendo Achtllis. Jntemal malleolus (itbiaj. Ttbtalis anttcus tendon. "cndons of ttbtaits postut/s and | ^xor lofigus dtgtforum pee^ Internal annular ItgofK^ Head of fibula Biceps cruris tendon. Rectus femorts tendon. Patella. FIGS. I AND 2. VIEWS OF MALE LEGS IN KNEELING POSITION Copyrigkty 1696, hy Hbni^v FrowdrJ ^ Ilio-tibial Band. 241 The tensor fasciae femoris is the name given to a muscle which separates the region of the buttock from the anterior aspect of the thigh ; it arises by tendinous fibres from the anterior extremity of the iliac crest, close to the anterior superior iliac spine. The fleshy belly of the muscle is short and of considerable thickness. The fibres follow a direction downwards, and slightly backwards towards the front of the great trochanter of the thigh-bone, and reach about three inches below it. At this point the muscle becomes blended with the strong fascia, which forms a band along the outer side of the thigh (Pis., pp. 44, 62, 72, 106, 108, 240, 282, 332). The reader will remember that the gluteus maximus has an extensive insertion into this process of fascia. The muscles of the thigh are invested by a sheath of fibrous membrane much in the same way as the limb is covered by a tightly fitting stocking. This covering is much thicker along the outer side of the limb, and it is this thickening of the fascia which forms the band called the ilio-tibial hand. This may be regarded as the conjoined flattened tendon of the gluteus maximus and tensor fasciae femoris. The former is inserted into it above and behind, whilst the latter is attached to it above and in front. Inferiorly the ilio- tibial band passes over the outer side of the knee-joint and is inserted into the external tuberosity of the tibia (one of the bones of the leg). In this way the two muscles above described exercise an important influence in sup- porting the knee-joint in the extended position (Pis., pp. 44, 72, 240, 282). From the fact that the upper end of this band is connected with muscles both in front and behind it follows that the traction exercised by the combined action of the muscles is kept in the direct line of the thigh. Superiorly, the gluteus maximus and the tensor fasciae feinoris are separated by a V-shaped interval, the angle of 243 Gluteus medius. whicli corresponds to a point two or three inclies below the summit of the great trochanter. The sides of the V corre- spond to the posterior border of the tensor fasciae femoris in front, and the upper border of the gluteus maximus behind. Superiorly, this triangular area is limited by the curved margin of the iliac crest. This surface is overlain by a fascia which stretches over it, from the gluteus maximus behind, to the tensor fasciae in front. Under cover of this fascia, and occupying the whole of the interval described, is another of the gluteal group of muscles, called the gluteus medius (Pis., pp. 44, 72, 106, 240, 282). The gluteus medius is a fan-shaped muscle. Its superior attachment is spread over the outer surface of the iliac expansion of the haunch-bone, extending from near the posterior superior iliac spine behind to the anterior superior iliac spine in front. Inferiorly, the fibres are gathered into a flattened tendon which is inserted into an oblique line running downwards and forwards across the outer surface of the great trochanter. As this attachment lies below and between the anterior and posterior origins of the muscle, it follows that the anterior fibres pass down- wards and backwards, whilst the posterior pass downwards and forwards, to this insertion. The muscle, as has been said, occupies a superficial position in the interval between the tensor fasciae femoris and the gluteus maximus, but it is partly overlain both in front and behind by these muscles. The gluteus medius is a powerful abductor of the thigh, i. e. it draws the limb away from the middle line of the body, causing the separation of the legs as in standing stride-legs. The action of the muscle is still better seen if the leg be raised from the ground ; again, we bring it into play if we stand on one leg and incline the trunk to the side over the supporting limb. The muscle varies in its action according to the part used. If the anterior Anterior Superior Iliac Spine. 243 fibres contract, they -will act as rotators inwards of tlie thigh, whilst the posterior fibres will assist in turning the thigh outwards. It plays an important part in the act of walking, as it supports the trunk on the limb which is in contact with the ground during the time that the opposite foot is uplifted. The surface forms of the buttock vary much, according to the position of the limb. As has been already stated, the gluteal fold or line which separates the region of the buttock from the back of the thigh undergoes gradual obliteration as the limb is carried from the fiiUy extended condition to one of marked flexion. Coincident with this, Fig. 138. Fig. 139. there is a pronounced infolding of the furrow of the groin, together with a deepening of the fold immediately beneath it which crosses the upper and inner aspect of the thigh, which lies slightly above and towards the outer side. Externally, the angle formed by the profile of the front of the limb with the side of the trunk corresponds to the position of the anterior superior iliac spine ; ac- cording to the amount of flexion so the direction of the lines meeting at this angle varies. A reference to Figs. 138, 139, will make this clear. The fold of the thigh passes outwards across the front of the limb so as to fall below the level of the anterior superior iliac spine, E 2 244 Surface Forms of Buttock. whilst the furrow of the groin corresponds externally to that process. When the limb is only partially flexed the profile outline of the front of the thigh, at the angle formed with the side of the trunk, alters its direction a little and passes with a slightly more pronounced upward curve over the anterior superior spinous pro- cess, but if the limb be more fully flexed the fold on the front of the thigh tends to curve outwards over the outer side of the limb, and the outline of the front of the thigh breaks up into two lines, one of which curves downwards whilst the other is continued upwards. The angle formed by these two lines overlies the prominence of the anterior superior iliac spine (see Pis., pp. 240, 244). In the fully extended position of the limbs, with the muscles in a powerful state of contraction, a well-marked hollow lies behind the trochanter major. This is caused by the tight- ening of the fascia, due to the contraction of the gluteus maximus. In front, this hollow is bounded by a rounded elevation which passes from the anterior extremity of the iliac crest, downwards and slightly backwards, to the front of the trochanter ; this depends upon the presence of the fleshy fibres of the tensor fasciae femoris (Pis., pp. 38, 44, 72, 234). The deepest part of the hollow corresponds to the angle formed by the tensor fasciae femoris and the gluteus maximus ; it is rounded off" above by the surface elevation produced by the fleshy part of the gluteus medius, which lies superficially in the interval between the tensor and the gluteus maximus. When the thigh is flexed this hollow appears as a well-marked furrow, the lower part of which runs down along the outer side of the limb behind the trochanter and upper part of the shaft of the thigh-bone, whilst the upper end curves upwards round the end of the trochanter, following the direction of a line towards the middle of the iliac crest, midway between which and the trochanter it gradually fades away. The Surface Forms of Buttock. 245 anterior border of this furrow is tiie more pronounced, and depends on tlie contraction of the tensor fasciae and the anterior fibres of the gluteus medius, which together form a well-marked elevation on the anterior half of the outer side of the limb ; in forced contraction of these muscles their outlines are still further defined by a furrow which lies between them (Pis., pp. 38, 240). In dealing with these details the student must not over- look the fact that great muscular development, and a greater or less abundance of subcutaneous fat, modify very much the character of the surface forms, a fact which he will specially note in connexion with the representation of the female figure. In well-selected female models, owing to the existence of a thick fatty subcutaneous layer, the influ- ence of the muscles and bones on the surface is much reduced ; the forms are more rounded, and the depres- sions, when they exist, are less sharply defined and much shallower than in a male of an athletic build. These facts are sufficiently emphasized in the plates given for reference (Pis., pp. 66, 120, 230, 238, 244). CHAPTER X. THE THIGH. Before passing to the consideration of tlie thigh, the knee-joint requires description. The lower end of the thigh-bone is expanded and forms two broad recurved pro- cesses called the internal and external condyles. Posteriorly the ends of these processes, which project backwards behind the lower end of the shaft, are separated by a deep notch about a finger's breadth in width. "When the femur is held so that the shaft is vertical, the inner of these processes projects beyond the level of the external; when the con- dyles of the femur are placed on some flat, horizontal surface, such as a table, so that both condyles are in contact with it at the same time, the shaft of the bone assumes an obKque direction as seen from the front or back. If, in place of one femur, the two thigh-bones be taken and placed side by side in this way on a table, with their lower ends close together, the upper extremities, with the inturned heads and necks, will be separated by a considerable space, an interval which corresponds to the pelvic width between the two acetabular hollows. This is a fairly accurate way of estimating the position of the femur in the thigh, since in the living, the plane of the knee-joint is very nearly horizontal, and as the knees should just touch each other in The Femur. 247 f/>J Eight thigh-bone (femur). Fig. 140. Front view. Fig, 141. Outer side. Fig. 142. Back view. a. Head. 6. Trochanter major. c. Troclianter naiiior. d. Neck. e. External condyle. f. Articular surface of condyles. g. Inter-condyloid notch. ft. Surface for attachment of gluteus maximus. %, Internal condyle. 248 Bones of the Leg. the erect position it follows that the line of the thigh-bone very nearly corresponds to that displayed in the above experiment. The anterior, inferior, and posterior aspects of the con- dyles are smooth, and in the recent condition coated with articular cartilage. The inner surface of the inner condyle is rounded and prominent, and projects from the line of the shaft more than does the outer, the external surface of which is somewhat flattened and less prominent. Towards the hinder part of the outer surface of the external condyle there is a well-marked groove in which the tendon of a muscle is lodged. The condyles of the thigh-bone are important deter- , minants of surface form. The size of the knee depends upon their development, and to their disposition is also due the rounded projecting form of the joint on the inner side as compared with the flatter appearance along its outer aspect. The bones of the leg are two in number ; they are placed side by side, and so firmly united to each other by ligaments that any movement between them is ren- dered impossible. They differ very much in size ; the inner, called the tihia or sMn-hone, is by far the stouter and stronger of the two. It alone enters into the forma- tion of the knee-joint, and supports the entire weight of the trunk and thigh above. The fibula, which is a long slender bone, lies along the outer side of the tibia, to which it is immovably united by joints and ligaments. The fibula bears no share in the articulation of the knee, but along with the tibia enters into the formation of the ankle- joint. The fibula is of small service as a means of support, but furnishes a bony attachment for many of the muscles of the leg. As regards the form of these bones, the tibia (or inner bone) displays a shaft with two expanded ex- tremities ; the upper end, which supports the condyles of the The Tibia. 249 femur, equals them in width, and forms two tuberosities, an inner and an outer. The latter more overhangs the \d d f f Right tibia and fibula articulated. Fig. 143. Front Fig. 144. Back view. view. *. Tibia, inner bone of leg. w.. Tubercle of tibia, to which ligaxaent of patella is attached. 6. External tuberosity, c. Internal tuberosity. Fig. 145. Outer view. Fig 146. Inner view. d. Heart of iibula. e. External malleolus (fibula). /. Fibula. i. Internal malleolus (tibia). s s. Crest or shin. shaft and is slightly more projecting than the former. 250 The Tibia. Both tuberosities project backwards from the line of the shaft to a slight extent; their upper surfaces form two somewhat rounded or oval areas, separated in the middle line by a well-marked process called the s^ine, which projects upwards and occupies the notch between the condyles of the femur when that bone is in position; it is upon the upper surfaces of these tuberosi- ties that the condyles of the femur rest in the various positions of the limb. Whilst the transverse width of the tuberosities of the tibia equals that of the condyles of the femur, it will be noted that the measurement of the tuberosities from before backwards is much less than the corresponding diameter of the femoral condyles. At some little distance below and in front of the tuberosities of the tibia the student will notice a projection called the tubercle of the tibia. This process is of importance, as to it is attached the powerful ligament, the ligamentum patellae, which is connected above with the patella or knee-pan, the latter a flattened bone of nearly circular form which lies in front of the knee-joint. The shaft of the tibia is somewhat triangular in section, and thus has three margins. Of these the anterior forms a prominent sharp border, which can be traced from the tubercle of the tibia downwards, with a gentle curve inwards, towards the anterior surface of the pro- jection on the inferior extremity of the bone which forms the prominence of the inner ankle. This ridge, with which every one is familiar under the name of the shin, is superficial throughout its entire length, i. e. it is merely covered by skin and superficial fascia. The- surface of the shaft of the bone immediately to the inner side of the shin is smooth and rounded from side to side, and may be traced from the inner tuberosity above to the inner ankle below. It is widest superiorly, narrowest towards the middle of the shaft, and expands again slightly The Fibula. 251 near the ankle. Througliout almost its entire extent this surface is covered merely by skin and subcutaneous fascia; it is only above, close to the inner tuberosity of the bone, that it is crossed and overlain by the tendons of certain muscles wliicli pass down along the inner side of the knee. The hinder border of the shaft limits this surface posteriorly, and can be traced downwards in front of the muscles of the calf, along the inner side of the leg. The other surfaces and remaining border of the bone are covered and concealed by fleshy muscles, and have no direct influence on the surface forms. If the under surface of the most projecting part of the external tuberosity be examined a small smooth circular surface will be noticed. This is for articulation with the upper end of the fibula. The lower end of the shaft is expanded and enters into the formation of the ankle-joint. From its inner side there projects downwards a process called the internal malleolus which corresponds to the prominence of the inner ankle. The further consideration of this part of the bone is reserved until the ankle-joint is described. Little need be said regarding the fibula or splint-bone. It is about the same length as the tibia, but is placed at a somewhat lower level in the leg, so that its upper end does not reach as high, whilst its lower extremity projects beyond the tibia ; the shaft of the bone is extremely slender: its thickness is not usually greater than that of the little finger. The form and curvature of the shaft are liable to very great individual variation, but as this part of the bone is surrounded on all sides by fleshy muscles, except at its lower end, it matters little what its precise shape is, as it has little direct influence on the surface forms. The fibula lies along the outer side of the shin-bone, but the direction of the axis of its shaft is not parallel to that of the tibia ; in the upper part of the leg 252 The Fibula. it lies somewhat behind the tibia, whilst, below, its inferior extremity is placed directly to the outer side of the ex- panded end of the shin-bone. The ends of the bone are enlarged, the upper is the Tiead, the lower the external malleolus, a process which forms the prominence of the outer ankle. The head of the fibula is an irregular rounded process of bone, from which passes a short upward projection called the styloid process, in front of which the strong external lateral ligament of the knee-joint is attached. On the inner surface of the expanded head is a small, smooth, circular surface, adapted for articulation with the corresponding surface already described on the under sur- face of the overhanging external tuberosity of the tibia. This joint permits of no perceptible movement, the bones being firmly united by surrounding ligaments. Situated as this articulation is, below the level of the knee-joint, it follows that the upper end of the fibula does not share in the formation of that joint and is in no wise concerned in supporting the condyles of the femur. The student will do well to determine in his own person the precise position of the head of the fibula. If he follows the direction of the outer hamstring, when the knee is bent, this will lead him to the head of the fibula, which he will recognize as a rounded knob of bone lying just below the level of and behind the joint on the outer side. This warning is necessary, as most students, when asked to place the finger on the head of the fibula, commit the mistake of pointing to a spot in advance of that really occupied by the bone. This part of the bone is subcutaneous on its outer and anterior aspect, where it is uncovered by muscle ; superiorly it has attached to it the external lateral ligament of the knee-joint, whilst the outer hamstring, viz. the tendon of the biceps muscle of the thigh, passes down to be inserted into it. The The Patella. 253 lower part of tlie shaft and the inferior extremity of the bone will be further referred to in connexion with the description of the leg and ankle. The knee-joint is the largest joint in the body. By its great size it affords adequate support for the weight of the trunk which is transmitted through it. Three bones enter into its formation, the femur, the tibia, and a bone not hitherto described, called the patella. When we straighten the knee, and no longer contract the muscles of the front of the thigh, this last may be felt as a movable disk lying in the loose tissues in front of the joint. If, however, we contract the muscles of the front of the thigh or bend the knee, the patella can no longer be freely moved, but is felt lying in close contact with the lower end of the thigh-bone, and practically fixed in position. The patella consists of a disk of bone the anterior surface of which is rounded from side to side and slightly from above downwards ; the deep surface of the bone is adapted for articulation with the condyles of the femur, on which it glides as on a pulley. The margin of the disk varies in thickness ; inferiorly it is somewhat pointed, and has connected with it a strong ligament, called the ligament of the patella, by means of which the bone is connected inferiorly with the tubercle of the tibia. The patellar ligament consists of a thick broad band of non- elastic fibrous tissue, so that, whatever the position of the limb may be, if the ligament is drawn tight by the contrac- tion of the muscles which are attached to the patella, the distance between the lowest point of that bone and the tubercle of the tibia never varies. In the extended position of the joint, when the muscles are in action, the lower border of the patella lies about one inch above the articular surface of the tibia ; when the muscles are relaxed the bone slips to a somewhat lower level, and, 254 The Knee-joint. the strain being taken off, the patellar ligament becomes lax. The reader may demonstrate these facts for himself by standing erect and alter- nately contracting and relax- ing the muscles of the thigh, when the knee-pan will be seen to move accordingly. The upper border of the bone is thick, and here, as well as at the sides, are attached the powerful fleshy muscles which form the extensor group of the jfront of the thigh. The patella plays an im- portant part in the modelling of the anterior aspect of the knee. Applied as it is to the lower end of the femur, it masks the form of the condyles in front, and fills up the shallow groove which separates them anteriorly and inferiorly, so that, even when the joint is flexed, it gives a rounded appearance to the front of the knee. The knee-joint is exceedingly complicated in the arrange- ment of its articular surfaces and the ligaments which strengthen it. It is not necessary for present purposes to enter into a detailed account of this articulation, except to mention that the condyles of the femur, as they rest on the upper surface of the tuberosities of the tibia, are supported by pads of cartilage of a semilunar form, which are placed in relation to the circumference of each rounded Fig. 147. The bones of the ex- tended right knee, front view. /. Femur. fi. Fibula. t». Tibia, e. External condyle of femur. }. Internal condyle of femur. h. Head of fibula. ■p. Patella, or knee-pan. \. Ligament of the patella. t. Tubercle of tibia. The Knee-joint. 255 facet on the articular surface of the tibia. Passing from the sides of the deep notch which separates the femoral Pig. 148. The bones of the ex- tended right knee, outer side. f. Femur. fl. Fibula. m. Tibia, e. External condyle of femur, ft. Head of fibula. p. Patella, or knee-pan. I. I/igament of the patella. t. Tubercle of tibia. Pig. 149. The bones of the ex- tended right knee, inner side. /. Femur. ji. Fibula. tt6. Tibia. i. Internal condyle of femur. A. Head of fibula. i>. Patella, or knee-pan. I. Ligament of the patella. t. Tubercle of tibia. condyles posteriorly to the surface of the tibia in front of and behind the spine, are two powerful ligaments which from their crossed arrangement are called the crucial ligaments. On either side the articulation is strengthened by strong lateral ligaments; the internal stretches from the inner surface of the internal condyle of the femur down over the inner tuberosity of the tibia, and is attached to the shaft of the bone just below t^hat 256 The Knee-joint. process. The external lateral ligament, whicli is of a rounded cord-like form, is connected above with the outer surface of the external condyle of the femur, and is attached below to the head of the fibula. The capsule posteriorly is formed by a broad mem- braneous band, called the •posterior ligament, which is united above to the femur along the upper edge of the notch between the condyles, and is attached below to the posterior margin of the upper extremity of the tibia. In front the joint is enclosed by a thin capsule with Fig. 150. The bones of- the bent right knee, outer side. a. Femur. 6. Tibia. c. Pibola. e. External condyle of femur. Fig. 151. The bones of the bent right knee, front view. i. Internal condyle of femur, i). Patella. I. Ligament of the patella. t. Tubercle of tibia. which the ligament of the patella is incorporated, whilst additional support is afforded by tendinous expansions from the muscles, which are inserted into the sides of the patella. A glance at the bones will enable the reader to understand that there is one part of the articular surface of the femoral condyles which never comes into contact with the tibia or semilunar cartilages, for if the bones be placed one on the Movements of Knee-joint. 257 top of the other, as in the extended position of the limb, a considerable articular surface is displayed on the front of the condyles, which lies above the level of the tibia. It is on this that the patella rests in extension. When the joint is bent the femoral condyles hinge and roll on the upper surface of the tibia and on the semilunar cartilaginous pads afore-described in such a manner that in extreme flexion their hinder surfaces rest on the upper surface of the tibia, whilst the surfaces of the condyles, which were previously in contact with the tibia in the extended position, are now turned forwards; they are thus brought into contact with the deep surface of the patella, which cannot shift its position, owing to its connexion with the tubercle of the tibia by the patellar ligament. Thus, whilst in extension the patella rests on a part of the femoral condyles peculiar to itself, it passes, in flexion, to rest on portions of the condylar articular surfaces, which were previously in contact with the tibia and semilunar pads. The chief movements of the knee are those of flexion and extension. Mexion is limited by the back of the calf coming into contact with the back of the thigh. Extension is checked, when the leg is brought in line with the thigh, by the action of certain ligaments. In this extended or straight position of the knee it may be said that all the ligaments of the joint are in a state of tension, except one of the crucial ligaments and the part of the capsule in front of the joint, the principal ligament of which, the ligamentum patellae, may or may not be tense according to the state of contraction of the muscles on the front of the thigh. By this means the joint is mechanically locked, so that little or no muscular effort is necessary to enable us to stand erect with the knees straight. The explanation of this is that under these conditions the line of gravity falls in front of the axis of rotation of the joint, and this force keeps the ligaments tense, thereby mechanically locking the joint and 258 Locking of the Knee-joint. preventing any further movement of extension (Fig. 131). The reader may convince himself of this in one or other of two ways. If, when standing erect, he sways the body backwards, so that the line of gravity falls behind the axis of the joint, he will only be able to prevent himself from falling by the exercise of very violent muscular effort, and he will realize that the muscles of the front of the thigh are thrown into a state of powerful contraction ; but if the body be again swayed forward, so as to bring into action the ligaments aforementioned, no muscular effort is neces- sary to maintain the joint in its extended position, and the fleshy mass on the front of the thigh may now be felt soft and relaxed. Or again, an admirable demonstration of the mechanical principles involved is afforded by the schoolboy trick of knocking the knees from under one. The victim, unconscious at the time of any such attack upon his stability, is standing upright with his muscles in a state of relaxation when the blow is struck behind the knee. The joint is then held in the extended position by the tension of the ligaments only ; the force of the blow, however, knocks the knee suddenly forwards, and thus causes the line of gravity to fall behind the axis of the joint, with the usual result, that, before the subject of the experiment has time to recover himself by bringing into play the powerful muscles which control the joint, he falls to the ground. The degree of extension of the joint depends, like that of the hip, on the length of its ligaments. Under ordinary conditions these are sufficiently long to permit of the leg and thigh being brought into the same straight line ; ex- ceptionally, when these ligaments are longer, the joint may be more fully extended, so that the front of the leg forms with the front of the thigh a slight angle, with a corre- sponding curve along the back of the limb. As Briicke has pointed out, this is more or less characteristic of the type Muscles of Thigh. 259 so commonly represented in the period of the German renaissance, and,. though minor degrees of this condition are tolerable, it should be discarded when unduly emphasized in the male, or when present in the female. "When the knee is straight we have no power of rotating the leg on the thigh ; if we wish to turn the point of the toes inwards or outwards we do so by rotating the whole limb, the movement taking place at the hip-joint. "When the knee is bent, however, any one who tries it may satisfy himself that a limited amount of rotation of the leg on the thigh is possible, as the ligaments of the joint are relaxed. The range of this movement is not great, and is checked by the tightening of the ligaments of the knee. In considering the arrangement of the iieshy muscles which form the bulk of the thigh it is necessary to study several groups, two of which, viz. that in front of and that behind the shaft of the thigh-bone, are immediately con- cerned in the movements of the knee-joint. The third group, that which lies along the inner side of the thigh, is mainly associated with the movements of the thigh at the hip, and particularly with that action, called adduction, whereby the outspread limbs are- brought together. It is therefore called the adductor group of muscles. All the muscles of the thigh are encased in a sheath of fascia, which invests the limb like a tight-fitting stocking. We have already seen how this sheath is thickened along the outer aspect of the thigh to form the strong ilio-tibial band which is connected above with the insertions of the gluteus maximus and tensor fasciae femoris muscles, and is attached below to the external tuberosity of the tibia (ante, p. 241). The fascial sheath is subdivided into three compartments by means of fibrous partitions, which pass from its deep surface to become attached to the thigh- bone. The compartments thus formed are for the lodge- ment of the groups of muscles just mentioned ; that in s a 26o Extensor Muscles of Thigh. front contains the extensor group, that behind the flexor muscles, whilst the internal compartment is occupied by the adductors. The muscles of the extensor group, or those which lie along the front of the thigh, are four in number, Tiz. the crureus, on either side of which are the vasti, named internal and external according to their position, whilst, superficial to all, is the rectus femoris. All these muscles are inserted into the patella, and are oftentimes referred to as the quadriceps extensor, on account of the four- headed arrangement of their fleshy mass. For present purposes it will be most convenient to describe the muscle as con- sisting of two parts, a superficial and a deep ; the latter includes the crureus with the vasti, one on either side of it. It is unnecessary to consider the details of the attachment of the several parts of this fleshy mass ; it is sufficient to point out that it clothes the front and sides of the thigh-bone, extending as high as the base of the outer side of the great trochanter, and following inwards and downwards from that point the spiral line which sweeps across the upper part of the thigh- bone, from the root of the great trochanter externally to the linea aspera or rough ridge which passes along the posterior aspect of the shaft of the bone. Inferiorly these muscles are inserted into the sides and upper border of the patella. The arrangement of the fleshy flbres is such that the whole length of the outer side of the shaft of the thigh- bone, reaching as far back as the linea aspera, is covered with a thick fleshy layer which imparts to the outer side of the thigh its rounded contour and flowing outline, whilst internally the shaft is clothed by the vastus internus, which sweeps round the inner side of the bone to the rough ridge on its posterior aspect. This part of the muscle attains its greatest thickness in the lowest quarter of the thigh, where its rounded surface not only imparts The Fash'. 261 a fullness to the front of the tMgli in this situation, but also influences the outline of the inner side of the limb, where it is overlain by a strap-like muscle called the sartorius, -which here passes down along its inner side (Fig. 152). There is a characteristic difference in the way in which the lateral portions of this fleshy mass are connected with the patella. The outer part, or vastus externus, passes down to be at- tached to the outer side of the upper border of the patella, from which it sends a general expan- sion over the anterior part of the capsule of the knee. The vastus internus,oii the other hand, reaches a much lower level on the inner side of the thigh, and is inserted Tig. 152. Front view of the muscles of the right thigh. TenBor fasciae femoris. Vastus externus. Rectus femoris. Vastus intemus, Sartorius. Psoas and iliacus. Pecttaeus. Adductor longus. Gracilis. Patella. Tubercle of tibia witli ligamentum patellae attached, nio-tibial band. Head of fibula. Subcutaneous surface of tibia. External oblique. Aponeurosis of external oblique. Placed over sheath of rectus. Crluteus medius. Anterior superior iliac spine, niac crest. Inner head of gastrocnemius. Tibialis anticus. 262 The Vasti. into the upper half of the inner border of the patella. The lowest fibres of the vastus intemus are very oblique in their direction, and overUe the upper part of the internal condyle of the thigh-bone whereas those of the external vastus are much more vertical in their direction and in the erect position do not cover the outer side of the external condyle at all, but pass down to the pateUa above it ; here the posterior border of this part of the muscle is defined by a tendinous edge which is emphasized during contraction. Behind this a few fleshy fibres of the crureus become superficial, but as they are overlain by the lower part of the ilio-tibial band they do not exercise much influence as determinants of surface form (Fig. 152, and Pis., pp. 44, 62, 72, 240, 264, 282, 332}. Resting on this deeper stratum of muscle, and occupying a position corresponding to a line leading from the anterior superior iliac spine to the patella, there is a superficial muscle called the rectus femoris. This muscle has a fusi- form belly, with upper and lower tendons of attachment. It arises by two tendons, the details of which need not be described, from the iliac part of the haunch-bone, just above the acetabulum or cup for the reception of the head of the thigh-bone. At this point the muscle lies deeply, having to its outer side the tensor fasciae femoris, whilst in front of and along its inner side for a short distance is the above-mentioned sartorius, a muscle to be presently described. The fleshy belly of the rectus crops up in the angle formed by these two muscles, and passes downwards towards the patella, into the upper boarder of which it is inserted by a broad flat tendon about three inches in length. As the fleshy belly overlies the deeper stratum, it only partially covers it, so that the vasti appear on either side of it. The fleshy part of the muscle imparts a fullness to the front of the thigh which is not only due to the development of its fibres and the thickness Sartorius. 263 of the subjacent muscular stratum, but is also dependent on the forward curve of the shaft of the thigh-bone, to which reference has been already made (p. 222) (Pis., pp. 44, 62, 72, 240, 264, 282, 332). The above muscles act as powerful extensors of the knee — that is to say, they straighten the leg. This takes place in one or other of two ways. Suppose we are seated on a chair with the knees bent at a right angle ; we can straighten the legs in one or other of two ways, either by raising the feet from the ground, in which action the upper is the fixed attachment of the muscle, or by rising from the chair and standing on our feet, in which case the leg and foot are the fixed points, and it is the thighs which move, carrying with them the trunk. These different actions of the extensor muscles are of common occurrence, and depend, as has been said, on which is the fixed end of the limb, the thigh or foot ; but, as has been already noticed (p. 257), their action is not necessary to enable us to stand erect, for in this position, when the foot is resting on the ground, the patella may be felt lying loose in front of the knee. It becomes fixed, however, if these muscles be contracted, or if the extended limb be raised from the ground. The reader will have noticed a difference in the origin of these various parts of the quadriceps extensor. The deeper stratum arises from the thigh-bone, whilst the superficial part or rectus arises from the haunch-bone ; the latter therefore crosses the front of the hip-joint and may also act as a flexor of that joint (Fig. 152). There is a muscle which occupies a position in front of the upper part of the thigh, and which subsequently runs down along the inner side of the limb ; this is the sartorius, already alluded to. It cannot be grouped with either the extensor muscles above described or with the adductor mass which lies along the inner side of the thigh-bone, but may now be conveniently studied, as it forms a sort of natural boundary 264 Sartorms. between these two groups. Tlie muscle, wliich is of elongated form, in fact the longest in the body, takes origin above from the anterior superior iliac spine (anterior extremity' of the iliac crest) and from the bone immediately below it ; it passes obliquely across the front of the upper part of the thigh so as to reach its inner side about the middle, and, coursing down along this aspect of the limb, it passes behind the most prominent part of the internal condyle of the thigh-bone and along the inner side of the knee. Below this point it forms a thin expanded tendon, which turns forwards beneath the level of the inner tuberosity of the tibia and is inserted into the subcutaneous surface of the upper part of the shaft of that bone, close to the tubercle in front. The muscle resembles a strap which has been twisted round the front of the limb in a spiral fashion. It thus helps to divide the front of the thigh into two regions: an outer and lower, occupied by the extensor muscles which have just been described, and an upper and inner, which contains the adductor group. The sartorius overlies the rectus femoris at its origin, as well as the hinder portion of the vastus internus along the lower and inner aspect of the thigh. It also lies in front of the insertions of the adductors (Fig. 152) (Pis., pp. 62, 240, 264, 282, 332). The action of this muscle is to ilex the knee and hip- joints: when the knee is bent it acts as an internal rotator of the leg on the thigh; it also assists in evert- ing the entire limb. The relation of the muscle is best understood by a reference to plates facing pages 62, 240. It will be noticed that its influence on the surface forms is not great. It helps to define the upper LLmit of the fullness of the vastus internus and rectus from the hollow of the thigh which lies above the sartorius and between it and the furrow of the groin. In violent action, when the thigh is flexed upon the trunk, the superior attach- Key to Plate XXXV TrapetiMs. Clavick. Sternihma,ftoid TraptMtHt. Triceps, outer head, Brachialis OMiiaa Biceps cubiii. Stfioidpro of ulna £xl.carp «/«, M Post bord.uln Palmaris ■longuSi^ Flex, carp rod. — Prm.rad.k teres ri Bicipital I fascia. -I Olecranon Intenial eomfyle. Brachiaiis atttiais. j Tric^, inner hea£ j Bie^s cuAiH. Triceps, &mg head.— ■' ., , , Caraco^raehiali's. ' / / / Tens major, — — / / Latissimus dorsi.— ' / Pitofnak,- -^ PtctoraHs major, sternal fibres'. / Digitafiotis ofserratvs wmffutsi / DigiUttioHS of external oblique.' .■ Lineae tratKversae.- —''.', Iliaccrtst. - '. '_' Anterior superior iliac spine,\.-',. Tensor fasaae femoris. '!-'' RectHS abdominis. — ..■-" Adductor mass.- "'..--" Sariorivs.-- '.,.■■-'''' RtUus femoris. "^ Band of Richer, " " Vastus extemus Vastus inlemus. Patella.- - "- Ilio-libial band. - -- Patellar ligament. St^toriu-t -■ — v.. 1- ""-"■■ Semi-tenditiasMs: —■ ■"' Castrocnemius, inner head. Tibialis anticus, " ' Soleas " Exitkser longns digitorum Pedis. - Flexor leugits digitprum pedis. Long extensor of great toe, Annular ligament of ankle. Internal malltolus (tiHa). / / /■ / Triceps tendon. Supinator longits. ^^ •■'// ■ / / ,. Extensor carpi radtaiis bn§^. -Latissimus dorsi^ -J}igitotiims of serrat\is magnns. — P^toraUs iitajor -Digitations 0/ external obliyve -Extensor aapi uharu- —Extensor communis disitorip*. £xt, carpi radiaiis hreoior. 'Extensors of thumb. '""A iinular ligameat \Ant superior Hiae spine. Lineae tratKoersae.^ '■• -Rectus. abdominis. 'Aponeurosis of external oblique. Tensor fasdae femeris. - -Iw-psoas. '-Peuparfs agamenL ~ — Pectineus \'^'^ 'Add$Ktor longtes Rictus femoris. ""_ ~~Graci£s. "Fasfns extemus. Band of Rider. ~——-PaUlia. Vastus intemus. Sarionus. Internal a^uMe " Ligamentum patellae. '"■ Tubercle oftHia. Gastrocnemius, inAr kead — — Peroneus longus. - Hxt.laug- dig.pedis. Soleus, -Tibialis antkus. r-J'ibu, subciif^surf. -LongfUxor of toes. Tig exf. great toe. /n/~ malleolus " "Annular lig. ^~Ext malltol»s. FRONT VIEW OK MALE FIGURE, THROWING JAVELIN CoPyrighty 1899, b^ Hbnrv Fhowdk] Adductor Muscles. 265 meut of the muscle to tlie anterior superior iliac spine may form an outstanding ridge on the surface of the limb (PL, p. 264). Owing to the oblique position of the thigh-bone, there is a triangular interval between the inner side of the shaft of the bone, the inner border of the limb, and the pelvis above. This interval is occupied by the adductor muscles. They form a fleshy mass of triangular shape, attached above to that part of the pelvis in front of the acetabulum which is formed by the pubis, and that por- tion of the ischium which lies in front of the ischial tuberosity. Externally and inferiorly these muscles pass to be inserted into nearly the whole length of the back of the shaft of the thigh-bone, reaching as low as a prominent spur on the upper surface of the internal condyle, whilst internally they assist in forming the outline of the inner side of the thigh. This fleshy mass is broken up into several muscles, named the ad- ductor longus. adductor brevis, adductor magnus, pectineus, and gracilis, but it is unnecessary to enter into a detailed account of them all, as they influence the surface forms rather by their bulk than by their details. As has been already stated, they lie above and to the inner side of the sartorius muscle : here, as they stretch across from the front of the pelvis to the upper part of the thigh- bone, they assist in forming the floor of the depression which lies immediately below the groin, and which is called the hollow of the thigh. This corresponds to a triangular interval between the sartorius on the outer side and the inner border of the adductor longus on the inner side. The base of the triangle, which is directed upwards, corresponds to Poupart's ligament. The floor of this space is deepest in the centre, and corresponds on the inner side to the anterior surfaces of the pectineus and adductor longus, whilst externally two muscles, called 266 The Gracilis. the pmas and iliacus, whicli pass down from within the pelvis, under cover of Pouparfs ligament, form the outer half of the floor of the space. The influence of these structures on the surface form is very much modified by the presence of an abundance of fat and other tissues, and depends also on the position of the limb. It is here that the large blood-vessels and nerves which enter the thigh are placed, and, lying as they do in a considerable quantity of fat, they serve to mask and obscure the outlines of the structures above enumerated ; the hollow as such only exists, in a well- nourished model, when the thigh is flexed upon the trunk. In this position the boundaries of the space become more distinct, and the surface contours flattened, whereas when the thigh is fully extended the front of the limb assumes a fullness which is largely dependent on the fact that the head and neck of the thigh-bone, which underlie some of the structures enumerated, are thrust forward and so cause a bulging of the tissues which overlie them (Pis., pp. 62, 240, 264). Of the adductor group the most important as a determinant of surface form is the gracilis. This muscle arises by a thin tendon about 2 or 2\ inches broad from the bone, close to and parallel with the symphysis pubis. The attach- ment extends somewhat behind this joint. It differs from the other members of the group in not being attached to the thigh-bone. Its fleshy fibres, which form a broad strap-like muscle, pass vertically downwards along the inner side of the limb, thus coinciding with the outline of the upper and inner aspect of the thigh when viewed from the front. A little below the level of the middle of the thigh it comes in contact with the posterior border of the sartorius, which has crossed over the front of the thigh to reach the inner side, and here the gracilis usually becomes tendinous. Its tendon is closely applied to the Action of Adductors. 267 posterior border of the sartorius, and passes down in company with it along the inner side of the knee. Below the internal tuberosity of the tibia the tendon curves for- wards, and is inserted under cover of the expansion of the sartorius into the inner aspect of the upper part of the shaft of the tibia (Pis., pp. 38, 62, 240, 264, 332). As their names imply, these muscles adduct the thigh; in other words, they enable us to draw to- gether the outspread limbs. They are usually well developed in those who indulge in much riding exercise, though of course the reader must bear in mind that this remark applies only to those who ride cross - saddle. Indi- vidual members of the group are associated with other actions ; thus the pectineus and adductors Fig. 153. View of the muscles of the back of the right thigh. a. Tensor fasciae femoris. 6. Gluteus medius, c. Gluteus maximus. d. lUo-tibial band. e. Trochanter major of femur (thigh-bone). /. Vastus extemus. g. Biceps of thigh. h. Semitendinosus. / i. Semimembranosus. j. Gracilis. k. Adductor magnus. I, Sartorius. m. Popliteal space or ham. n. Head of iibiila (outer bone of leg). o 0. Outer head of gastrocnemius. p p. Inner head of gastrocnemius. g. External oblique muscle of abdominal waJl. r. Origin of latissimus dorsi. 8. Posterior superior iliac spine. t. Posterior layer of lumbar aponeurosis. 268 Flexor Muscles of Thigh. longus and brevis assist in flexing the thigh., whilst the gracilis helps to bend the knee and at the same time causes inward rotation of the bent leg. The adductors as a whole may also assist in turning the limb outwards by reason of their insertion into the back of the shaft of the thigh-bone. The hamstring muscles form the flexor group, which is placed on the back of the thigh. They consist of the biceps of the thigh, the semitendinosus, and the semimem- branosus. They all take origin from the tuberosity of the ischium (lower and hinder part of the haunch-bone), and pass to be inserted into the bones of the leg : two into the tibia or inner bone, one into the fibula or outer bone. They thus connect the bones of the leg with the pelvis, and, as they cross over the back of the hip and knee-joints, they therefore control the movements of these two articulations. This flexor mass forms a thick fleshy column which occupies the middle of the back of the thigh. It is not sufficiently wide to influence either the inner or outer outline of the limb when viewed from behind, for external to it the fleshy fibres of the vastus externus, overlain by the ilio-tibial band, is the determinant of the surface outline, whilst on its inner side the adductor group, covered by the sartorius below and the gracilis above, corresponds to the outline of the inner aspect of the thigh. In the erect position the origin of these flexor muscles from the tuberosity of the ischium is concealed by the lower border of the gluteus maximus. When the thigh is flexed on the trunk, however, the lower border of the gluteus maximus slips forward over the ischial tuberosity, thereby more fully exposing the superior attachment of these muscles (Fig. 153) (Pis., pp. 34, 38, 42, 234). The biceps and semitendinosus lie side by side and superficial to the semimembranosus ; the line of separation Hamstring Muscles. 269 between tlie biceps and semitendinosus corresponds to the middle line of the back of the thigh. At a point corresponding pretty closely with the junction of the lower with the middle third of the thigh these two muscles separate from one another. The outer one, or biceps, passes towards the outer side of the knee, below which it is inserted into the head of the fibula, whilst the semitendinosus is directed downwards towards the inner side of the knee, and is inserted into the inner aspect of the upper part of the shaft of the tibia, just below the inner tuberosity of that bone and under cover of the tendinous expansion of the sartorius. The biceps differs from the other members of this group in possess- ing a second head of origin from the thigh-bone, hence its name. This femoral origin is called its short head, in contradistinction to the long head, which arises along with the other hamstrings from the ischial tuberosity. The short head of the biceps arises from the rough line on the back of the thigh-bone, below the bony insertion of the fibres of the gluteus maximus, extending down to near the external condyle (Pis., pp. 34, 38, 42, 44, 72). There is ' a marked difference between the forms of the biceps and semitendinosus. The latter ends in a long and slender tendon (to which circumstance it owes its name), about the level at which the two muscles sepa- rate from one another, viz. at the junction of the lower with the middle third of the thigh, whereas the biceps remains fleshy until it has reached the level of the knee (PI., p. 302). The semimemhranosus, so called on account of the peculiar arrangement of its tendinous parts, lies at its origin under cover of the preceding muscles. The bulk of the fleshy part of the muscle is placed on the inner side of the middle line of the back of the thigh. In this situa- tion the fleshy belly of the semitendinosus rests upon it 270 Hamstring Tendons. above, whilst, below, the tendon of that muscle may be traced downwards on the surface of the fleshy part of the semimembranosus, which reaches as low as the upper border of the internal condyle of the thigh-bone. Inter- nally the semimembranosus is in relation above to a portion of the adductor magnus, whilst in the lower two- thirds of the thigh it lies close to the hinder border of the fleshy belly and tendon of the gracilis muscle. Curving round the hinder end of the internal condyle of the thigh-bone, the muscle passes to be inserted by a strong tendon into the back of the inner tuberosity of the tibia (Pis., pp. 38, 42, 44, 240). It is to the presence of these muscles that the roundness of the back of the thigh is due. "We have already seen that they exert no influence on the outer and inner outlines of the limb, but if the thigh be viewed from the side they determine its shape as we trace it from the fold of the buttock to the back of the knee, the surface outline being due to the fleshy bellies of the biceps and semitendinosus, though the semimembranosus not unfrequently has a direct influence on the surface form a little above and behind the knee. The reader may, however, better satisfy himself as to these details by a reference to the Plates, pp. 44, 72, 240, 302. It is particularly in the region of the ham or the hollow behind the knee that these muscles are most readily distinguished. When the knee is bent their rounded cord-like tendons may be felt with ease on both the inner and outer aspects of the hinder surface of the joint. These tendons are hence called the ham- strings, a term which is also applied to the muscles with which they are connected. The outer hamstring, or tendon of the biceps, can be readily traced to its insertion into the head of the fibula, whilst the inner hamstrings, of which the more superficial is the tendon of the semitendinosus, can also be easily recognized. Action of the Hamstring Muscles. 271 That of the semitendinosus passes to the inner side of the upper end of the shaft of the tibia, whilst the tendon of the semimembranosus can be traced with more difficulty to the back of the internal tuberosity of the tibia (Pis., pp. 38, 240, 244, 380). As regards the action of these muscles, the student must bear in mind the fact already referred to, viz. that they pass over both the hip and the knee-joints ; but note that in the case of the hip the muscles lie in relation to its extensor aspect, whilst in the case of the knee they are placed in relation to its flexor surface. They may thus act as extensors of the hip as well as flexors of the knee. They combine with their flexor action on the knee a certain power of rotating the bent leg. The biceps helps to rotate the leg outwards, whilst the semimembranosus and semitendinosus will counteract this by turning the leg inwards at the knee. Their action as extensors of the hip may best be under- stood by reference to a very simple experiment. When we endeavour to touch the toes without bending the knees a great strain is put on the hamstring muscles; they are stretched to their full extent, and our ability to perform this feat depends on the extent to which they have been exercised in this particular way. It is when we recover ourselves and again assume the erect position by straight- ening the trunk on the limbs at the hip-joints that we bring into play the extensor action of these muscles. As has been stated, the extent to which we can bend forward without flexing the knees depends on the length of these muscles. This controlling action of the hamstrings is illus- trated in another way, we can only raise the limb, or in other words bend the thigh, to a limited extent, barely to a right angle with the trunk, when the knee is extended, but if on the other hand the knee be flexed the tension on the hamstrings is at once relieved, and the thigh can be 272 Action of the Hamstring Muscles. bent to such a degree that we can bring its anterior surface in contact with the front of the trunk. Similarly there is no difficulty in touching the toes if we slightly bend the knees. The accompanying diagrams serve to illustrate these facts (Figs. 154, 155)- The form of the thigh tapers from the hip to the knee. Its roundness depends largely on the quantity of fat present beneath the skin. In a muscular model but sparingly covered with fat the grouping of the muscles into an internal and upper group (adductors), an external and lower group (ex- V Fig. 154. Fig. 155. Diagrams to illustrate how flexion at the hip-joint is controlled by the hamstring muscles. In Fig. 154 the hamstrings are represented tightly stretched when the knee is straight. In Fig. 155 the muscles are shown relaxed when the knee is bent. A greater amount of flexion is thereby permitted at the hip-joint. tensors), and a posterior group (flexors) is at once apparent, as these several regions resolve themselves into surfaces which are more or less distinctly defined from one another— the two former by the furrow corresponding to the sartorius, the two latter by the furrow which passes down the outer side of the thigh and corresponds to the posterior border of the vastus externus. The fullness on the inner side of the thigh passes insensibly into the roundness caused by the hamstring group (Pis., pp. 42, 44, 62, 72). Form of Female Thigh. 273 In the female the separation of the thigh into regions, corresponding to the grouping of the muscles, is obliterated to a very great extent by the presence of a thick sub- cutaneous fatty layer (Pis., pp. 66, 230, 238, 244). Owing to the greater pelvic width in woman, and the consequent greater obliquity of the thigh-bone, the limb is relatively wider above compared with its length than in the male : this conveys the impression that in the female the thigh is shorter than it really is. As a fact Pig. 156. Fig. 157. Diagrams showing the greater degree of obliquity of the thigh-bones dependent on the greater pelvic width in woman, Fig. 1 56, as compared with man, Fig. 157. the thigh is relatively somewhat shorter than in the male, but in well-proportioned females the shortness is more apparent than real, and is dependent on the causes afore- mentioned. It may be noted, however, as a matter of experience, that it is by no means easy to obtain female models with the requisite limb proportions, for in no respect do they vary so much. The greater breadth of the upper part of the thigh 274 Hip-width. and the greater obliquity of the thigh-bone give rise in women to a knock-kneed appearance. This is further em- phasized by the outline of the outer side of the thigh forming a more pronounced angle with the outline of the outer side of the leg than in the male. When from great width of the upper segment of the limb this appear- ance is unduly pronounced it gives rise to an unpleasant impression, and models which display this feature should be discarded, though much may be done to remedy these unpleasant lines by placing the limbs in such a position as to modify considerably the appearance of this defect. The condition above referred to, when not unduly em- phasizedj is a characteristic feature of the female figure, and imparts to it a sense of refinement and modesty in harmony with the whole sentiment of the figure. In women there is a tendency to the massing of fat on the outer side of the thigh below the level of the trochanter. This, as has been already explained (p. 238), causes the width of this part of the figure to fall lower than in the male, in whom it is generally situated on a level with the trochanters, but in cases where this fat is present in too great quantity it destroys the symmetry of the thigh and produces an unpleasant outline along the upper and outer aspect of the limb. This difference in the form of the limb in the two sexes may best be observed if we view the figure from behind. In women the greatest width across the thighs is seen to lie as a rule on a level with the folds of the buttocks, whereas in the male the greatest width is con- siderably above this level. These differences are apparent in the plates, pp. 36, 120. The outlines of the thigh, when viewed from front or back, depend on the vastus extemus on the outer side, and on the gracilis above and the sartorius below, on the inner side. The student should remember that the ilio-tibial band overlies the fleshy fibres of the vastus extemus, and Contours of Thigh. 275 when tight leads to a compression of the muscle, thus giving rise to a flattening of the form along the outer side of the limb. This is best seen when the model stands on one leg, or when the weight of the trunk is mainly- supported on one leg, with the knee extended, whilst the other leg is bent and slightly advanced. In this posi- tion the bent leg carries little weight, but merely acts as a support to steady the limb upon which the bulk of the weight rests. In profile the outline of the front of the thigh depends upon the sartorius, rectus femoris, and the vastus extemus. If the limb be slightly rotated out- wards, a small part of the vastus internus, as it crosses over the internal condyle of the thigh-bone, comes into direct relation with the outline just above the knee. In this view of the limb, the surface outline, due to the fleshy bellies of the vastus externus and rectus, is frequently interrupted towards its lower part by a shallow hollow, corresponding to the position of an arching band of fibres which cross the general investing fascia of the limb ; these fibres are connected with the ilio-tibial band behind, and curve downwards and forwards over the front of the thigh on the upper part of the lower third of the limb. Richer' calls them the arched hand of the fascia of the thigh. Posteriorly the outline depends on the hamstrings, the biceps, or semitendinosus chiefly, whilst, below, the . semimembranosus directly influences the surface contours for a short distance above the knee (Pis., pp. 34, 38, 42, 44, 62, 72, 240, 264, 282, 332). When the limbs are straight with the knees together there should be but a slight interval between the thighs, and that only where the sartorius muscles curve back to lie along the inner side of the limb. In women the thighs may be in contact all the way down. This difference ' Anatomie Artistique, Paul Richer. Paris, 1890. T 2 276 Straightness of Limb. is due to the greater quantity of subcutaneous fat, and "when an interval exists between the limbs in this position it should be much less than in the male. In either sex the space between the thighs when the knees are in contact should never be carried up as high as the fork, as such a condition is indicative of a meagre develop- ment of the lower limbs and produces a most unpleasant impression. In men of athletic build one not unfrequently meets with a certain amount of outward curve in the limbs. This bow-legged appearance, in minor degrees, is quite con- sistent with a normal growth and an athletic development, and must not be confused with those cases in which the curves of the limb are the result of disease. Briicke ^ has laid down a rule which enables the student to determine when this outward curve of the limb has exceeded the Umits consistent with a well-shapen leg. He takes two straight lines, the inner from the middle line of the trunk at the level of the pubis, the outer from the outer side of the thigh, just where the trochanter lies beneath the surface. Both lines are carried down so as to meet at a point corresponding to the most elevated part of the instep of the foot. As these two lines cross the front of the knee, the patella should lie between them ; in cases where the patella lies outside these limits the curve of the limb is unduly great, and the form inelegant. It follows from this that, in men in whom this form of limb is met with, the inner sides of the knees may not be in contact when they stand erect with the heels together, but may be separated by an interval the width of which is limited by the rule already referred to. Such a condition is inconsistent with the form characteristic of the female, and models displaying such a tendency should be avoided. > The Human Figure, Professor Ernst Briicke. London : Greval & Co 1891. Form of Knee. 277 The variations in the form of the thigh, due to alterations in its position, are best understood by a reference to the plates, pp. 240, 244. In flexion of the thigh on the trunk it is always well to recognize the position of the anterior superior spine of the iliac crest, as this gives us the key to the drawing of the tensor fasciae femoris, a muscle which exercises an important influence on the surface forms of the upper and outer part of the limb. In slight degrees of flexion the fold of the groin is deepened, and the outer limit ol that farrow corresponds to the bony point in question. When flexion is carried farther, the line of flexion which crosses the front of the upper part of Fig. 158. Fig. 159. the thigh, just below the furrow of the groin, becomes emphasized, and these two folds as they reach the outer side of the limb form a V o^ Y'sii^P^d. fold between the sides of which the anterior superior iliac spine can be distinctly felt. This is well shown in the plates, pp. 240, 244. The consideration of the surface forms of the knee is extremely difficult. In the first instance it is very im- portant that the student should have an accurate knowledge of the shape of the bones which enter into the formation of this joint. The most common defect met with in the knee is its size ; this tends as a rule to be too big. 278 Form of Knee. Y\Q,. 160. The right tnee with the Fio. i6i. Diagram of the right knee musoleB relaxed. ^^th the mtLScles relaxed, showmg the arrangement of the parts on which tne surface form depends. Fio. 162. The right knee with the Pio. 163. Diagram of the right knee muscles contracted. with the muscles contracted, showing the arrangement of parts. Form of Knee. 279 a circumstance wliich is principally owing to the large- ness of the articular ends of the bones, though the presence of a superabundance of fat in this region may assist in emphasizing the defect. The joint should be small, though not unduly so, as this may tend to impart a "weak appear- ance to the limb. It should form a summit to the taper of the thighs, and link the thigh and leg together in such a way as to carry the flow of the lines from one portion of the limb to the other without any abrupt interruption of their curves. Along the inner side of the joint the outline of the thigh, determined by the sartorius muscle, should flow evenly and continuously over the prominence of the internal condyle to the upper part of the shaft of the tibia below. The outer side of the joint, less prominent and somewhat flattened, corresponds to the bottom of the curve formed by the outline of the outer side of the thigh above and the swelling of the calf below. In front the form of the patella should be distinct in the male, though in the female it may be less noticeable. It should be small and not unduly prominent, else the knee may have a pointed appearance, which is objectionable (Pis., pp. 62, 292). The patella is connected above with the muscles of the front of the thigh, and below, by means of its ligament, with the tubercle of the tibia ; these details are not recog- nisable when the muscles are relaxed, but are plainly seen in action. In repose the patella drops to a slightly lower level, and lies loosely in the tissues in front of the joint, being supported below by two considerable pads of fat, which occupy the intervals between the ligament of the patella and the front of the joint on either side. By the contrac- tion of the muscles of the front of the thigh the patella is drawn up so that its lower border lies about an inch above the level of the articular surface of the tibia. The ligament which connects it with the tubercle of the tibia is thus 28o Form of Knee. put on the stretch, and becomes conspicuous as a surface elevation, which is usually marked off aboT^e by a shallow furrow corresponding to its line of attachment with the patella. On either side the fullness of the ligament is maintained by the pads of fat already mentioned, which help to soften its outline. Superiorly a flattened tri- angular depression, leading up into a furrow, corresponds to the tendinous insertion of the muscles into the upper border of the knee-pan. The fullness on either side of this depression corresponds, on the inner side, to the fleshy fibres of the vastus internus, wiich curve obliquely across the internal condyle of the thigh-bone to reach the upper half of the inner border of the knee-pan, whilst at a higher level the fibres of the vastus externus, as they sweep down to be inserted by tendinous fibres into the outer part of the superior border of the patella, limit the surface depression externally. The arching fibres of Eicher, as they pass across the vastus internus, tend to emphasize the bulge of the lower part of this muscle (PL, p. 62). These details are ordinarily absent in the knee of the female, in whom we have a less strong muscular development and a greater abundance of subcutaneous fat. In the antique there is little suggestion of detail, the forms being kept simple and rounded. In females great variety of modelling is met with, depending on the disposition of the fat ; but as a rule the existence of the patella is offcenest indicated by a slight hollowing and flattening of the surface along its outer side, thus emphasizing its presence. It is by no means uncommon, when the joint is forcibly extended, to meet with a triradiate furrow in front of the joint, one limb of the furrow overlying the ligament of the patella, whilst the two upper limbs serve to define the lower and outer borders of the bone itself, the fullness between these being due to the shape of the patella, whilst the rounded forms on either side of the descending furrow Form of Knee. 281 are caused by the disposition of the fat on each side of the ligament (Pis., pp. 62, 66, 264, 282, 292, 332, and Figs. 160 and 162). As viewed from the outer side, the outline of the front of the knee is due to the form of the femoral condyles and the patella. The position of the latter depends on whether the muscles of the front of the thigh are contracted or not. It is more prominent when the knee is forcibly extended than when it is bent, as in the latter condition the patella slips into the groove between the femoral condyles. But be it noted that, the ligament of the patella having once been put on the stretch, the distance between the tubercle of the tibia and the lower border of the patella can never vary, whatever be the position of the joint. In this view of the limb the relation of the femoral condyles to the upper end of the tibia is well seen. They should appear as if well supported on the head of the tibia, and should not display a forward thrust, as if there was a risk of their slipping over the front of the tibia. This appear- ance is by no means uncommon in models, and imparts to the limb an extremely ugly outline, the line of the front of the leg appearing to lie behind the line of the front of the thigh, instead of being continuous with it over the surface prominences of the knee. In flexion of the joints as the patella sinks into the groove between the two condyles, the rounded form of the front of the joint becomes more^ and more due to the condyles, the inner of which, being the more prominent of the two, helps to determine the outline, even though viewed from the outer side. The roundness caused by this condyle is further emphasized by the fibres of the vastus internus, which are curving obliquely across it to join the inner border of the patella (Pis., pp. 44, 66, 72, 230, 238, 240, 244, 280, 302). The outer side of the joint is overlain by the ilio-tibial band, which is here passing down to be attached to the 282 Form of Knee. The bones of the extended knee (right side). Fig 164. Outer side. Fig. 165. Inner side. /. Femur. fi. Fibula. 7i. Head of fibula. tih. Tibia. p. Patella or knee-pan. e. External condyle of femur. I. Ligament of the patella, i. Internal condyle of femur. (. Tubercle of tibia. The bones of the bent knee (right side). Fig. 166. Front view. Fig. 167. Outer side. a. Femur. i. Internal condyle of femur, ft. Tibia. p. Patella, f, Fibula. I. Ligament of the patella. -". External condyle of femur. (, Tubercle of tibia. Form of Knee. 283 outer tuberosity of tlie tibia, in front of the head of the fibula. In such actions as put a strain on this band it forms a sur- face relief distinct from that caused by the vastus extemus, which lies in front (Pis., pp. 44, 72, 292, 302). Behind the ilio-tibial band the tendon of the biceps muscle may be traced to the head of the fibula ; in passing down, it causes a surface elevation corresponding to its form and direction. In flexion this relief is at once emphasized. The relations of the other structures in different positions of the joint are best understood by a reference to the plate, p. 240. The roundness of the inner side of the knee is due to the projection of the internal condyle and the internal tuberosity of the tibia. The lowest fibres of the vastus internus partly overlie the former, whilst curving down over the posterior half of the inner side of the joint are the fibres of the sartorius (here fleshy), behind which there lie in the fol- lowing order, from before backwards, the tendons of the gracilis, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus. The semi- membranosus tendon passes away from the surface opposite the level of the internal tuberosity of the tibia, into the posterior border of which it is inserted. The tendons of all the other muscles here enumerated pass down to be attached to the upper part of the inner surface of the shaft of the tibia, below the internal tuberosity, the sartorius forming a broad expansion underneath which the other two tendons are united to the bone, that of the gracilis lying on a higher level than that of the semitendinosus. These details are not indicated on the surface forms by separate reliefs ; together they combine to form a rounded elevation which curves over the inner side of the joint. In flexion the two inner hamstrings, viz. the tendons of the semi- membranosus and semitendinosus, become very prominent, particularly the latter, and serve to carry the line of the back of the thigh across the inner and posterior aspect of 284 Form of Knee. the flexed joint. On either side the spring of the muscles of the calf, from the back and upper parts of the femoral condyles, imparts a fullness to the back of the limb, behind and below the joint (Pis., pp. 280, 292, 302). The consideration of the surface forms on the back of the knee must be postponed until the muscles of the calf have been described. (See p. 304.) CHAPTER XI. THE LEG AND FOOT. The muscles of the leg ^ are concerned in the movements of the foot and toes. Before considering them, something must therefore be said about the bones of the foot and the ankle-joint. The bones of the leg has been already described in the previous chapter, but a more detailed account of their lower extremities is necessary before the reader can fully appreciate the structure and movements of the ankle-joint. Unlike the knee, both bones of the leg enter into the forma- tion of the ankle, though the tibia or inner bone plays a much more important part in its construction than the fibula or outer bone. The lower end of the tibia is expanded, and on its inferior surface displays a quadrilateral articular area, hollow from before backwards and very slightly convex from side to side. On the inner side of this the bone is prolonged downwards to form a broad and more or less pointed process called the internal malleolus. The inner aspect* of this process is subcutaneous, and corresponds to the surface pro- jection of the inner ankle. The outer surface of the internal malleolus is provided with an articular facet, which is con- tinuous with that already described on the under surface of the expanded lower end of the tibia. ' The term leg is here applied to that part of the limb which lies below the knee. 286 Bones of Leg. The lower end of the fibula is also enlarged, and forms a process called the external malleolus. This is narrower Fia. i68. Front view. Right tibia and fibula articulated. Fig. 169. Back Fig. 170. Outer Fig. 171. Inner t. Tibia, inner bone of leg. a. Tubercle of tibia, to which ligament of patella is attached. 6. External tuberosity. c. Internal tuberosity. View. vi( d. Head of fibula. e. External malleolus (fibula). /. Fibula. t. Internal malleolus (tibia). s a. Crest or shin. and more pointed than the internal malleolus. The outer The Ankle. 287 surface of this external malleolus is subcutaneous and forms the elevation of the outer ankle. The inner side of the lower end of the fibula is firmly united to the outer side of the inferior extremity of the tibia, beyond which it projects considerably, and is smooth and covered with arti- cular cartilage. When the two bones are joined together the two cartilage-covered surfaces become continuous, and an articular recess is formed, bounded on either side by the inner and outer surfaces respectively of the two malleoli, and between by the under surface of the lower end of the shaft of the tibia. The student should now study the relations of the malleolar pro- cesses. The internal malleolus is broader from before backwards, less pointed, lies at a higher level, and is placed some- what in front of the external, which is more prominent and pointed, placed lower, and lies on a plane behind that of the internal. These are all details of the greatest importance in the drawing of pjQ_ 172. Sketch the foot, and the student would do well of bones of right . . ,1 T_ ■ rni- ankle as seen from to impress them on his memory. The hoVjin^ anterior margins of the two malleoli are rounded off in front, but posteriorly their borders are grooved for the lodgement of certain tendons which pass down behind them and so help to soften the surface contours corresponding to these more or less abrupt edges. One of the bones of the foot fits into the recess between the two malleoli. The joint between these three bones is called the anTcle-joint. Just as we have carpal, metacarpal, and phalangeal bones in the hand, so we have tarsal, metatarsal, and phalangeal bones in the foot. The tarsal bones correspond in the foot to the carpal or wrist-bones of the hand. They are seven in number, in place of eight as in the carpus : this is due to 288 Bones of the Foot. the fact that the representative in the foot of the pisiform bone of the hand has become fused to another of the tarsal bones, thus leading to a reduction in the number of these bones by one. The tarsal bones form a striking contrast to the bones of the wrist ; they are much larger and stouter, and constitute a far larger propor- tion of the foot than do the corre- sponding bones of the hand. If the length of the inner border of the foot be taken from the heel to the tip of the great toe the skeleton of the hinder half of the foot is made up of these tarsal bones, the half in front being formed of the metatarsals and greatly reduced phalanges or toe-hones. The advantage of this arrangement is at once obvious. It is on the feet that we habitually stand and rest the weight of the body, and for this purpose strength and solidity are necessary. The foot is not a prehensile organ like the hand, in which great freedom of movement is obviously an advan- tage. The tarsal bones, of which a dia- gram is here given (Fig. 173), are named the astragalus, os calcis, navicular, internal, middle and ex- ternal cuneiforms, and the cuboid. Of these the two most important are the astragalus or huckle-bone and the os calcis or heel-bone; the rest help \ Fig. 173. The bones of the right foot as seen from above. The tibia and fibula have been re- moved so as to expose a. Astragalus b. Os calcis or heel- bone t. Navicular or sca- phoid d. Cuboid y Tarsus. e External cunei- form /. Middle cuneiform g. Internal cunei- form / / i i i i. Metatarsus. iijii- Phalanges or toe- bones. The Astragalus and Os calcts. 289 to form the rounded surface on the back of the foot called the instep. The astragalus consists of a hinder or larger part, the body, the upper side of which is provided with a saddle- shaped articular surface. The fore part of the bone is called the head. This rounded surface, which is moulded on an ill- defined neck, articulates with the navicular bone, and thus supports the skeleton of the inner border of the foot. The hinder part of the bone is of little importance as a determinant of surface form, but is noteworthy because it links together the bones of the foot with the bones of the leg. Superiorly it fits into the recess between the two malleoli, which thus prevent its lateral displacement and also check excessive movement from side to side. Inferiorly it rests on the upper surface of the heel-bone, whilst in front it articulates, as has been said, with the navicular. The OS calcis or heel-hone is not placed directly beneath the astragalus, but lies under the outer half or so of that bone. It supports the astragalus in part on its upper surface, and in part by means of a bracket-like process called the sustentaculum tali, talus being another name applied to the astragalus. The inner side of the os calcis forms a wide hollow which is overhung by the sustentaculum. The broad groove which lies behind the inner ankle and between it and the prominence of the heel allows the passage of the numerous structures (tendons, vessels, &c.) which run from the back of the leg downwards into the sole of the foot. The most marked feature of the os calcis is its large pos- terior extremity, which forms the prominence of the heel. The length of this process varies in different individuals ; it is more prominent in a thin, narrow, and long foot than in a short and broad foot. The powerful tendon of the muscles of the calf, called the tendo Achillis, is inserted into this process. The outer side of the os calcis is sub- cutaneous except where crossed by two tendons which pass V 290 The Ankle-joint. down beliind the external malleolus : these tendons help to carry the relief of the external malleolus on to the surface form corresponding to the outer side of the heel- bone. In front the os calcis articulates with the cuboid, and thus supports the bones which lie along the outer border of the foot. Such farther description of the remaining tarsal bones as may be necessary is for the present delayed until the foot as a whole is considered. The ankle-joint is the articulation between the tibia and fibula above and the astragalus below. The fibula shares but little in the transmission of the weight of the leg to the foot, by its external malleolar process, however, it affords support to the outer side of the joint, and thus prevents lateral displacement of the astragalus. It is through the under surface of the lower extremity of the shaft of the tibia, which rests on the saddle-shaped surface of the upper aspect of the astragalus, that the bulk of the weight passes. The projection of the internal malleolus on the inner side assists in strengthening the joint internally. The ankle is further supported on either side by very strong lateral ligaments which are attached above to the malleolar processes and pass downwards as radiating bands which are connected with the surfaces of the adjacent bones in front, below, and behind. Anteriorly and posteriorly the capsule of the joint is completed by thin and weak ligaments. The movements of the ankle-joint are mainly those of flexion and extension. Under ordinary conditions the axis of the foot is placed at right angles to the axis of the leg. The term flexion is applied to that movement in which the joint is bent so as to bring the back of the foot nearer the front of the leg. Extension is the reverse action ; in it the axis of the foot is drawn more directly into line with the axis of the leg, the heel is raised, and the toes are pointed. The reader may easily satisfy himself that in The Ankle-joint. 291 the extremes of flexion and extension the degree of lateral play of the joint varies very considerably. When the joint is strongly flexed the articular surfaces are forced together very firmly, owing to the fact that the wider part of the Fig. 174. Bones of right foot, outer view. a. Astragalus. 6. Os calcis (heel-bone). c. Navicular. A. Cuboid. e. External cuneiform. /. Middle cuneiform. Fig. 175. Bones of left foot, inner view. g. Internal cuneiform, h. External malleolus (fibula). an. Metatarsus. 3, Phalanges. k. Internal malleolus (tibia). upper articular surface of the astragalus is driven home between the two malleoli and acts like a wedge, thus tightening the joint. In extension the narrower por- tion of the articular surface of the astragalus occupies the interval between the two malleoli, the whole joint is u 2 292 Muscles of the Leg. much looser, and a slight amount of lateral play is now possible. The foot may also be turned so that the sole is directed inwards or outwards as desired, the latter movement only to a very limited extent. These movements take place at the joints between the tarsal bones and not at the ankle, though the slight lateral play of the latter joint may assist a little in imparting more freedom to the movement. The muscles of the leg are subdivided into three groups : those lying in front of the bones, those behind, and those which run along the outer side of the fibula. The leg, similarly to the thigh, is invested with a sheath of fascia like a stocking : along the inner side of the limb this sheath is blended with the antero-internal subcutaneous surface of the shaft of the tibia, so that it ceases to exist as a distinct layer as it lies over the bone. From the deep surface of the sheath along the outer side there pass in partitions which connect it with the fibula. These inter- muscular septa, as they are called, separate the muscles which lie along the outer side of the fibula from those in front and behind. In the region of the ankle the fascia of the leg becomes thickened and forms more or less distinct bands, one of which passes across the front of the ankle, another over its inner, and a third over its outer side ; these are called annular ligaments, and serve to retain in position the numerous tendons which pass over the different aspects of the joint, preventing them from being drawn away from the surface of the bones in whatever direc- tion the foot is moved (Pis., pp. 292, 302). The muscles which lie along the front of the leg are the following— the tibialis anticus, the extensor proprius hallucis (special extensor of the great toe), the extensor longus digitorum (long extensor of the toes), and the peroneus tertius. These muscles arise partly from the tibia, partly form the fibula, and also from the interosseous membrane 5 -S ^ k *. ^ Co a; I ,"3 k£ ^ 5 « ^ a V. S a ^ > X X X < 0- o S*W|S^-, Tibialis anticus. 393 whicli connects the two bones throughout nearly their whole length, and which, in the interval between the two bones, separates the muscles of the front of the leg from those which lie deeply on the back. The tendons of these four muscles pass down in front of the ankle-joint under cover of the anterior annular ligament; they are therefore flexor muscles of the ankle, though the reader will notice that some of them are named extensors. This is an illustration of how the action of a muscle varies according to the joints over which it passes ; thus the extensor muscles of the toes pass along the dorsal or ex- tensor surface of the toes, and in action will straighten or extend them^ but as they pass down to reach the toes they cross over the front or flexor aspect of the ankle and thus become flexors of that joint. Of these muscles the innermost is the tibialis anticus. It lies along the outer side of the shaft of the tibia, from the upper two-thirds of which it arises, as well as from the external tuberosity of the same bone : deeply it takes origin from the interosseous membrane. The muscle becomes tendinous about the middle of the leg, and, following the line of the shin for some distance, passes over the middle of the front of the lower end of the tibia, across the ankle- joint beneath the anterior annular ligament, and reaches the middle of the inner border of the foot, round which it turns to be inserted into the inner and under surface of the internal cuneiform bone and the base of the meta- tarsal bone of the great toe (Pis., pp. 44, 62, 72, 240, 264, 282, 293, 302, 332). Above, where the muscle is thick and fleshy, it serves to conceal the outline of the sharp anterior border of the tibia; it carries the roundness of the inner surface of the leg on to the front, imparting a fullness to it, and con- cealing the shank-like appearance which is obvious when this muscle is wasted. The tibialis anticus is a flexor 294 Long Extensor of the Toes. of the ankle, and also assists in raising the inner border of the foot from the ground and turning the sole inwards. Lying to the outer side of the tibialis anticus is the long extensor of the toes. This muscle arises from the external tuberosity of the tibia in front of the point of its articulation with the head of the fibula, from the head of the fibula, from the anterior surface of the shaft of that bone, and from the adjacent surface of the interosseous membrane. The bulk of the fibres which arise from the front of the shaft of the fibula, viz. those which spring from the upper three-quarters, unite in front to form a tendon which passes down along the anterior edge of the muscle in the lower half of the leg. Under cover of the anterior annular ligament this tendon divides into four separate slips, which spread out below the level of the ligament and pass to the upper or dorsal surface of the four outer toes, where they form expansions which are inserted into the bases of the second and third phalanges of these digits (Pis., pp. 62, 264, 282, 292, 302). The fleshy fibres which arise from the lower quarter of the anterior surface of the fibula have a diflEerent insertion from the fibres which arise above. This small slip is called the peroneus tertius, and its tendon passes to be inserted into the dorsal or upper surface of the base of the metatarsal bone of the little toe (Pis., pp. 292, 302). The peroneus tertius is of little importance from the present point of view, and may for all practical purposes be disregarded. The fleshy bellies of the tibialis anticus and the long extensor of the toes lie close together in the upper half of the leg. At the point where these muscles become tendinous they separate, and in the interval between them another muscle appears ; this is the special extensor of the great toe. The special extensor of the great toe arises from the Peroneal Muscles. 295 middle three-fifths of the anterior surface of the shaft of the fibula, and also from the adjacent surface of the interosseous membrane. At its origin it is in part concealed by the long extensor of the toes and the anterior tibial muscle, but becomes superficial as it occupies the interval between the tendons of these two muscles. The tendon of the special extensor of the great toe therefore occupies an intermediate position between the tendons of the foregoing muscles, and, entering a distinct compartment of the anterior annular ligament of the ankle-joint, passes along the inner and upper aspect of the instep to reach the dorsal surface of the great toe, into the base of the terminal phalanx of which it is inserted. In front, of the ankle this tendon lies immediately to the outer side of that of the tibialis anticus, but when the latter has passed to the middle of the inner border of the foot, that to the great toe becomes the most internal of the tendons passing along the upper surface of the foot. The special extensor of the great toe and the long extensor of the toes, as their names imply, serve as straighteners or extensors of the toes, but they also act as flexors of the foot on the leg (Pis., pp. 62, 72, 264, 282, 292, 302). Lying to the outer side of the long extensor of the toes is the group of muscles which arise from the external surface of the shaft of the fibula. This comprises the peroneal muscles, of which there are two ; the longer of these muscles is the more superficial and overlies the shorter one (Pis., pp. 44, 62, 72, 282, 292, 302). The peroneus brevis arises from the lower two-thirds of the external surface of the shaft of the fibula and from the intermuscular septa on either side of it. It ends in a tendon which winds round the back of the external malleolus and is inserted, on the outer side of the foot, into the projection at the base of the metatarsal bone of the Little toe. The peroneus longus arises from the head 296 Peroneal Muscles. of the fibula and the upper two-thirds of the external sur- face of the shaft; its fleshy part overlies the origin of the peroneus brevis, and its tendon courses down over the outer' surface of the same muscle to reach the back of the prominence of the external malleolus, behind and beneath which it passes in company with the tendon of the brevis to reach the outer border of the foot. At a point just behind the prominent base of the metatarsal bone of the little toe the tendon enters a groove on the under surface of the cuboid (one of the two tarsal bones of the outer border of the foot), and courses deeply across the sole of the foot to be inserted into the internal cuneiform and base of the metatarsal bone of the great toe. The tendon as it crosses the under surface of the foot lies deeply, and has no influence whatever on the surface forms. These two muscles, as they cover the outer surface of the fibula, conceal the form of the shaft of that bone. Above, the head of the fibula is readily recognised. Below, the external malleolar process and the bone immediately above it are subcutaneous, occupying the interval between the peronei, which pass behind, and the lowest fibres of the long extensor of the toes and the fibres of the peroneus tertius, which lie in front. In the upper three-fourths of the leg the anterior borders of the peroneus longus and brevis are in contact with the posterior border of the long extensor of the toes, which lies in front ; behind, the peronei run alongside the anterior external border of one of the calf muscles, called the soleus, which here takes origin from the posterior surface of the head and shaft of the fibula. In the lower fourth of the leg these muscles separate from one another, the tendons of the peronei passing behind the external malleolus, whilst that of the soleus is continued down to the prominence of the heel. An interval is thus formed, which in the living is filled with fat and bridged over by certain layers of fascia; this corresponds to the Muscles of the Calf. 297 surface liollo-w between the external malleolus and the tendo Achillis, or tendon of the calf muscles ; the depth of this hollow varies according to the quantity of fat present. Occasionally one of the deeper muscles of the back of the leg, called the long flexor of the great toe, becomes uncovered in the interval above described, though lying at some considerable distance from the surface ; this muscle exercises but a slight influence on the surface forms. The tendons of the two peronei as they pass down behind the outer ankle lie obliquely across the outer surface of the OS calcis or heel-bone : in this position they are held down by a ligament, called the external annular ligament. By this means the prominence of the outer ankle is rendered less abrupt, and the surface contours become more rounded. The peroneus longus and brevis act as extensors of the foot, i. e. they assist in pointing the toes. Along with the peroneus tertius they also raise the outer border of the foot and turn the sole outwards : the range of this movement is limited. Their principal action is to antagonize the muscles which turn the sole of the foot inwards ; accordingly, when the foot is inverted they will draw the foot back again to its normal position. The muscles on the back of the leg which constitute the prominence of the calf are subdivided into a superficial and a deep group. The latter comprises the long flexors of the toes and the tibialis posticus, which are placed so deeply, however, that they have little direct influence on the modelling of the surface, though by their presence they impart a fullness to the limb. The tendons of these muscles all pass down into the sole of the foot in a series of grooves, which lie behind the prominence of the inner ankle and between it and the projection of the heel. It is here that, to a slight extent, their fleshy bellies crop up between the tendo Achillis and the posterior border of the tibia, as will be noticed hereafter (Pis., pp. 282, 302). 298 Muscles of the Calf. The superficial muscles of tlie posterior group are the soleus and the gastrocnemius. The soleus is the deeper of the two. It arises from the back of the head and upper third of the shaft of the fibula, and from the back of the shaft of the tibia along a line which leads from the surface on the external tuberosity, where the head of the fibula articulates, obliquely downwards and inwards, to blend with the posterior border of the bone, i. e. that border which limits posteriorly the subcutaneous internal surface of the shaft. The muscle is attached to this border as low down as the junction of the middle with the lower third of the length of the tibia. The student will observe that the soleus takes origin from the posterior borders of both bones of the leg, from the tibia on the inner side, and from the fibula on the outer side : the importance of this will be hereafter referred to. Between the two bones the muscle arises from a ten- dinous arch, which crosses over the deeper structures. The fleshy fibres, which are short, are inserted into a broad tendon, which gradually narrows as it passes downwards. The lateral fibres of origin as they spring from the tibia and fibula pass obliquely towards the middle line of the muscle. The tendon, which also receives the insertion of the gastrocnemius muscle, is called the tendo Achillis, and is attached below to the back part of the tuberosity of the heel-bone (Pis., pp. 34, 38, 44, 72, 240, 264, 282, 292, 302, 332). The gastrocnemius, which rests upon and lies superficial to the soleus, has no attachment to the bones of the leg. It arises by two heads from the back of the lower end of the thigh-bone, immediately above the condyles. At its origin it is partly tendinous and partly fleshy. The two bellies lie side by side behind the knee, with the hamstring tendons to their inner and outer sides : below, where they have escaped from the confining influence of these structures, the bellies of the gastrocnemius become much enlarged and bulge out laterally (Pis., pp. 34, 38, 42, 292). Tendo A chillis. 299 The inner head is more prominent than the outer, and somewhat longer. Both bellies are inserted into the super- ficial aspect of the tendo Achillis, about the level of the middle of the leg, the inner head, as has been said, reaching a somewhat lower level than the outer. Above, where the two heads of the muscle lie behind the knee and between the hamstring tendons, they are separated by a V -shaped interval which bounds inferiorly the hollow called the ham. Below this the angle of the V is continued downwards as a linear depression, which serves to indicate the separation of the two halves of the muscle : this may be traced right down to the insertion, where it opens out to correspond with an interval overlying the tendon and placed between the rounded and somewhat pointed inferior extremities of the fleshy bellies. As will be seen by a reference to the Plates, pp. 62, 264, 282, 292, 332, the inner belly of the gastrocnemius overlaps the upper part of the inner or tibial attachment of the soleus, and here determines the outline of the limb as seen from either front or back. The outer belly, being narrower, does not overlap the outer or fibular attachment of the soleus, so that the gastrocnemius plays no part in determining the surface outline of the outer side of the leg as viewed from the back or front ; here the outline depends on the soleus above and the peronei below (Pis., pp. 42^ 62, 292). The tendo Achillis, which is the combined tendon of the soleus and gastrocnemius, occupies the lower half of the back of the leg. Its size and strength vary with the muscular development of the model ; superiorly it may attain a width of three inches. At this point it receives the insertions of the fleshy bellies of the gastrocnemius : gradually diminishing in width as it passes downwards, it receives on either side the fleshy fibres of the soleus as they run towards the middle line of the calf — from the fibula on the outer side and the tibia on the inner side. 300 Tendo A chillis. At a point about three or four inclies above its lower attachment the tendon runs down clear of muscular fibres, and, gradually tapering, at a point about an inch above the tuberosity of the heel it again expands before it is actually inserted into the os calcis. At its narrowest part the tendon measures about three-quarters of an inch in width, but this, as has been said, largely depends on the muscular develop- ment of the model: it is inserted into the middle third of the tuberosity of the heel-bone. The upper part of the tuberosity is separated from the deep surface of the tendon by a little sac called a bursa, containing oily fluid, which serves to lubricate the opposed surfaces of the bone and tendon as they move on one another. Not unfrequently the bone below the insertion of the tendon projects some- what ; this, when covered by the dense tissue of the heel, forms a rounded contour distinct from and below the insertion of the tendo AcMlUs, which is often represented in the antique, and is well seen in the outstretched left leg of the Fighting Gladiator. This form of heel is by no means universal, and the student need not be disappointed if he fails to meet with it in the majority of models he examines. The gastrocnemius and soleus are powerful extensors of the ankle. If the foot be raised from the ground and the toes pointed, the foot acts like a lever of the first class ; the ankle is the fulcrum, the part of the foot in front of the ankle is the long arm of the lever, which in this instance repre- sents the weight, the part of the foot behind the ankle is the short arm to which the force exercised by the muscles is applied. It is by the contraction of the same muscles that we are enabled to raise ourselves on tiptoe ; in this posi- tion the foot is now converted into a lever of the second class, the fulcrum being represented by the part of the foot in contact with the ground, the weight corresponding to the ankle, through which the pressure exercised by the bulk of Action of Muscles of Calf 301 the body is transmitted to the foot, the force, as before, being applied to the extremity of the heel. But the reader will note that the gastrocnemius muscle differs from the soleus in not being attached to the bones of the leg. It arises from the lower end of the thigh-bone, it therefore passes behind the knee, and will accordingly, under certain conditions, act as a flexor of that joint. These conditions are the fixation of the ankle-joint by the extensor muscles on the front of the leg, and the relaxation of the extensor muscles of the knee on the front of the thigh. In regard to the development of the muscles of the calf a point of some practical importance arises. It has been shown how the foot is to be regarded as a lever ; the force necessary to effect the same results will vary inversely as the length of the lever; thus a short lever will require the appli- cation of a greater force to produce the same result than when a long lever is employed. It follows from this\that the developm.ent of the muscles of the calf which supply the power will stand in some relation to the foot. Experi- ence proves that this is the case. We find the most marked muscular development of the calf associated with a short foot and a short heel, while a long foot and a long heel are the usual concomitants of a poorly developed calf. Yet it by no means follows that the latter type is less capable of performing feats of endurance and fatigue than the former; indeed, an examination of the legs of some of the best running men of the day goes far to prove that their success does not at all depend on an excess in the bulk of the calf, for many of them display, what an uneducated spectator might regard as, but a feeble development of these muscles. During powerful contraction of these muscles, as in the act of standing on tiptoe, the fleshy bellies of the gastro- cnemius become outstanding elevations, their lower ends where they are inserted into the tendo Achillis forming 302 Surface Contours of Leg. abrupt margins of a more or' less pointed form. At the same time the fibres of the soleus which lie uncovered on either side of the limb form elongated surface elevations, which blend inferiorly with the margins of the tendo Achillis, the broad expanded upper surface of which cor- responds to a more or less triangular flattened area, which gradually narrows and merges inferiorly with the ridge which leads below to the prominence of the heel, and which corresponds to that part of the tendon which is free from muscular fibres (Pis., pp. 34, 38, 42, 264, 292). In the profile view of the back of the limb the outline of the upper half or so of the leg depends on the form of the fleshy bellies of the gastrocnemius, and will vary according to their state of contraction ; below, the outline depends on the tendo Achillis. This outline is gently curved — convex backwards above and slightly hollow below, where it passes to the heel : the latter curve should not be unduly empha- sized, as it leads to an unpleasant projection of the heel (Pis., pp. 44, 72, 240, 282, 302). In front and on the outer side of the limb the anterior border of the soleus is defined by a straight linear de- pression, which passes from the back of the head of the fibula to the outer border of the tendo Achillis ; this line serves to separate the calf muscles behind from the peronei (long and short) in front (Pis., pp. 240, 302). On the inner side of the limb the muscles of the calf are very clearly mapped out by the posterior border of the tibia. This border, the reader will remember, corresponds to that margin of the bone which defines posteriorly the sub- cutaneous surface of the shaft, the surface which lies between the flexors of the ankle in front and the extensor muscles posteriorly. Behind the upper fourth or so of this margin lies the inner prominent head of the gastrocnemius, where it escapes from under cover of the inner hamstrings as they pass to the inner tuberosity of the tibia. The middle third ■•« ■<« ffo » •St "t' "•9 '9 .^ i ^ ■^ 1 )< •8 1 ■<^ ■a n H ^ s 1 I :S ■5 t~i o '^ B 8" *i ?:, ^ i? ^ >? I > 5 5k »• *■ is !^ I ^ "S P •§ - ,- J -fee a =S S a; ivi f~, f-i ^ .« 1. f ^ z H O O <^ Q Z < O M >4 Id < s X w < ►J Oh o H H H O o H O o Q < U ! Surface Contours of Leg. 303 of this margin lies in front of the fibres of th« soleus which arise from the tibia, and which are passing obliquely down- wards and backwards to be inserted into the inner border of the tendo Achillis. Below that point the posterior border of the tibia is separated from the tendo Achillis by an elongated triangular interval, the apex of which is directed upwards. It is here that the fleshy bellies of some of the deeper muscles, particularly the long flexor of the toes, become superficial and exercise a direct influence on the surface, helping to fill up the gap that would otherwise exist between the tibia and the tendo Achillis (Pis., pp. 241, 282, 302). The hollow behind the inner ankle is of crescentic form. Its greatest width is between the internal malleolus and the prominence of the heel ; superiorly it fades away on the surface corresponding to the triangular interval above referred to ; whilst inferiorly it curves behind and below the inner ankle to pass under the inner border of the foot and thus reach the hollow of the sole. The margins of this hollow are less abrupt than might be expected from an inspection of the skeleton ; this is due to the arrangement of the fascia, which here forms the internal annular ligament and serves to bridge over the interval. It is beneath this structure that the tendons of the deep muscles of the back of the leg pass to the sole of the foot. The muscles which spring from the under surface of the heel-bone, and w;hich run along the inner border of the sole of the foot, have also a considerable influence in modifying the surface forms ; and the distribution of the subcutaneous tissue which here forms the pad of the heel should not be overlooked. In studying the outline of the leg as seen from the front the student's attention must be directed to the fact that the outlines of the inner and outer side of the limb do not depend on any of the structures which lie on the front of the leg, but are chiefly due to the projection on either side 304 The Back of the Knee. of the muscles of tlie calf Along the outer side the fibular attachment of the soleus determines the outline of about the upper third of the limb ; below, the outline is carried down to the external ankle by the two peroneal muscles (long and short). If the outline of the inner side of the leg be divided into thirds, the upper third is due to the projection of the inner belly of the gastrocnemius, the middle third to the fibres of the soleus arising from the tibia, whilst the lower third, which includes the projection of the inner ankle below, depends for its fullness above on the fleshy fibres of the long flexor of the toes, which here become superficial between the tibia in front and the tendo Achillis behind (PL, p. 292). The hollow behind the knee, the Tiam, so called, was not described in the last chapter, because the reader was not then familiar with all the structures necessary to enable him fully to understand the relations of this space. The hollow corresponds to a diamond- shaped inter-mus- cular space which lies behind the knee-joint. Above, it is formed by the separation of the hamstring muscles as they pass outward and inward on either side of the knee, the biceps to the outer side, the semitendinosus and semimem- branosus to the inner side. Below, the space corresponds to the V-shaped interval between the heads of the gastro- cnemius as they arise from the back and upper surface of each femoral condyle. The interval is occupied by a large quantity of soft fat in which lie the vessels and nerves passing down to the leg. Stretching across from the sides of the space is a layer of fascia, which is particularly strong in this region ; it is really only a specialized part of the general fascial investment of the limb which overlies the hoUow, immedi- ately beneath the skin and superficial fat, and serves to retain the contents of the space in position. The tenseness of this fascia varies with the position of the limb : when the knee is bent it becomes relaxed, as any one may satisfy The Back of the Knee. 305 himself by feeling the back of the knee when the joint is flexed. The sharp skin folds on either side depend on the position of the inner and outer hamstrings, within which l^he two heads of the gastrocnemius may be felt passing from the back of the condyles of the thigh-bone (PL, p. 292). With the limb in the extended condition the fascia is rendered tense, and the student will experience difficulty in recognizing the afore-mentioned details unless he is familiar with the anatomy of this region. In this position the hamstring tendons are best recognized further up the back of the limb; in place of there being a hollow between them, there is a distinct fullness over the back of the joint, due to the contents of the space being pushed up against the tightly stretched fascia, as well as the femoral condyles which, together with the heads of the gastro- cnemius, are now forced back as far as possible. The positions of the hamstring tendons on either side of this central elevation are now indicated by shallow longi- tudinal furrows, which pass down towards the inner and outer tuberosity of the tibia, the external reaching the head of the fibula. In women the inner of these furrows is often especially well marked. The appearance may perhaps be better described by saying that in the extended position of the limb the surface elevation overlying the calf is prolonged upwards on the back of the thigh, occupying like a wedge the A-shaped interval between the outer and inner hamstrings, the positions of which are indicated by the shallow furrows above described. Crossing this eleva- tion at a level corresponding to the joint is a cutaneous fold or line of flexure. This fold is either slightly curved with the convexity directed upwards, or it may display a slight obliquity, being a little higher on the outer than on the inner side. Its depth varies considerably in different individuals: in a spare model it is but faintly marked, X 3o6 Form of Leg in Female. but in one in whom there is mucli superficial fat, or m women, it is readily recognized. The fold is of course stretched during extension of the joint, but becomes at once emphasized when the knee is bent (Pis., pp. 34, 38, 42, 238, 292). Little need be said beyond what has been already stated in regard to the influence of the structures already described on the form of the limb; in powerful contraction the lines of separation of the muscles on the front of the leg are indicated by a series of shallow longitudinal furrows all more or less parallel, and best seen in the upper or fleshy part of the leg. Passing from within outwards, Ve can recognize the furrows separating the anterior tibial muscle from the long extensor of the toes, the long extensor of the toes from the peronei (long and short), and the peronei (long and short) from the fibular origin of the soleus. The surface markings on the back and inner side of the leg have been sufficiently explained (Pis., pp. 72, 264, 280, 282, 292, 302, 332). We have taken as our type the spare athletic male. The influence of the muscles on the surface forms is much reduced whenever the subcutaneous fat becomes abundant : this is exemplified in the female, in whom the limb presents a uniformly smooth appearance with little or no indication of subjacent structures except under the most exceptional circumstances ; the outlines are more flowing, and the curves more uniform. In this connexion it may be noted that in the female the fullness of the calf descends to a lower level than in the male. In women, owing to their more delicately modelled bones, the surface forms of the inner and outer ankle are less prominent and more rounded than in the male. The shortness of the female foot is no doubt associated with the greater relative development of the muscles of the calf (Pis., pp. 66, 230, 238, 244). As has been already stated in the earlier part of this Bones of the Foot. 2P1 chapter, the skeleton of the foot consists of tarsal, metatarsal, and phalangeal bones. The part of the foot formed by the tarsal bones exceeds in length that formed by the metatarsal, and similarly that formed by the series of metatarsals exceeds in length that formed by the phalanges or bones of the toes. This arrange- ment of the bones of the foot is in striking contrast with what one sees in the hand; the combined length of the phalanges or finger-bones is greater than the length of the palm or metacarpal bones, and these in turn exceed the length of the part of the hand formed by the wrist or carpal bones. It is obvious that these differences are correlated with the fiinctions the foot is called upon to discharge, for the toes, which cor- respond to the most freely movable part of th6 hand — the fingers — are much reduced in their relative pro- portions, whilst that part which corresponds to the supporting part of the hand, the wrist, is greatly increased. As has been already pointed out, this increase in the size of the tarsal elements imparts greater strength and solidity to the foot, requirements of which it stands much in need from the nature of the dtities it has to perform. The astragalus and os calcis have been sufficiently described (ante, p. 288). The astragalus supports the inner column of the X 2 VlQ. 176, The bones of the right foot as seen from above. The tibia and fibula have been re- moved so as to expose a. Astragalus 6. Os oalois or heel- tone c. Navicular or soar phoid d. Cnboid yTarsus. e. External otmei- form /. Middle otmeiform g. Internal cnnei- form ' iiiii. Metatarsus. 33333- Phalanges bones. toe- 3o8 Bones of the Foot. foot, which consists, in order from behind forwards, of the navicular, the three cuneiforms, and the three metatarsal hones which support the three inner toes. The OS oalcis, or heel-bone, supports the skeleton of the outer column of the foot, which includes from behind forwards the cuboid and the metatarsal hones of the two outer toes. The outer border of the foot, as we proceed from the heel forward, is formed by the os calcis or heel-bone, the cuboid, the metatarsal bone, and the phalanges of the little toe. The metatarsal bone of the little toe is characterized by an enlarged base ; this forms a marked projection which can be readily felt at the middle of the outer border of the foot. Tracing the outline of the inner border of the foot, the os calcis can be recognized on the inner side of the heel : below and in front of the inner ankle the sus- tentaculum tali of the os calcis and the astragalus can be felt ; in front of the latter the projecting inner border of the navicular bone, called the tuberosity, can be easily dis- tinguished ; lying in front of this is the internal cuneiform, articulating anteriorly with the base of the metatarsal bone of the great toe : this joint corresponds pretty closely to the middle of the inner border of the foot, reckoning the distance from the heel to the tip of the great toe. In front, the head of the metatarsal bone articulates with the first phalanx of the great toe, which in turn supports the terminal phalanx of that digit, there being only two phalanges in the great toe in place of three as in the others, an arrangement which corresponds with what we have seen in the case of the thumb. The joint between the metatarsal bone and the first phalanx of the great toe is supported beneath by two small nodules of bone; these are called sesamoid bones, and the whole joint so formed corresponds to what is known as the ball of the great toe. The bones which form the outer and inner columns of the foot, above referred to, are themselves united together by joints and ligaments, Arches of the Foot. 309 "witli the exception, of course, of tlie bones of tlie toes, wMch are not laterally united to each other (Fig. 176). Just as the bones of the hand were arranged so as to form the hollow of the palm, so the bones of the foot are united together to form a series of longitudinal and transverse arches, which curve the sole in such a manner that the whole of its surface is never in contact with the ground. The best way by which to demonstrate this is to wet the foot by dipping it in water and then step on a dry floor ; the wet imprint left when the foot is lifted represents accu- rately the surface cof the sole which has touched the ground. From this it appears that the heel, the outer border of the foot, the fore part of the foot, corresponding to the ball of the great toe, and the pads which cover the under surface of the other metatarso- phalangeal joints have all been in con- tact with the floor, whilst the part corresponding to the interval between the heel and ball of the great toe, lying along the inner border of the foot, has not touched the ground, as is evidenced by the fact that the floor corresponding to this part of the sole is dry. Again, it must have been the ex- perience of every one when trying on a new boot that the fit was apparently comfortable and perfect so long as the foot was raised, but on placing the foot to the ground and throwing the weight of the body on it the boot, which otherwise appeared Fig. 177. Outlines of the imprint of the sole of the foot. The clotted line shows the outline of the sole of the footwhen it merely rests without pressure on a plane surface. The thick black line represents the same when the weight of the body rests on the foot. The latter outline is longer and broader than the for- mer, which shows how the foot exp;inds in all its diameters when it is subjected to pres- sure. 3IO Arches of the Foot. to fit the wearer, then felt cramped and tight ; this at once brings home the fact that under these different con- ditions the shape and size of the foot alter considerably; in other words, the foot spreads out when the weight of the body is thrown upon it : it lengthens, the toes being pushed further into the point of the boot, and it becomes wider, as is proved by the tightness across the instep (see Fig. 177). It is important that the reader should be familiar with the mechanism by which these changes are effected. As has been stated, the bones of the foot, apart from those of the toes, are arranged in a series of transverse and longitudinal arches ; the former are apparent, as they form the rounded b Fig. 178. Fig. 179. Diagrams to illustrate the arches of the foot. a. The longitudinal arch. J. The transverse arch through the enneiforms and ouhoid. contour from side to side of the upper surface of the foot. The concavity of these transverse arches assists in forming the hollow of the sole. The experiment with the wetted foot has demonstrated the existence of a longitudinal arch, of which the posterior pillar is the prominence of the heel, the anterior pillar corresponding to the ball of the great toe and the pad of the fore part of the foot immediately external to it : the arch between these two points coincides with the inner border of the foot, which is raised from the ground. The existence Arches of the Foot. 311 of these arches imparts a certain amount of elasticity to the foot ; they are like curved springs the extremities of which are in contact with the ground : if over the most elevated part of the spring pressure be applied, the result will be that the spring will spread out, its extremities will be more widely separated, and the distance between the highest point of the curve of the spring and the ground will be reduced. The arches of the foot act very much in the same way ; they spread out when the weight of the body is thrown on the foot, but they recover themselves at once when the pressure is removed. The elasticity thus imparted to the foot is of the greatest service in enabling it to withstand the violent shocks to which it is so fre- quently subjected. A little experiment will bring this home to the reader. In jumping from a height one lands ordinarily on the ball of the foot, the heel being the last part to touch the ground ; the shock is thus much reduced before the force is transmitted up through the leg: but if in place of landing on the fore part of the foot the reader jumps from an inconsiderable height and lands on his heels with the knees extended he will realize how un- pleasant the shock is by the jarring effect which it produces ; a height of a few inches is quite suf&cient to cause results unpleasant enough to produce a lasting effect on the memory. In this case the arches of the foot cannot yield to the force, and so the shock is directly transmitted through the heel-bone and astragalus to the bones of the leg. Apart from the elasticity which is thus imparted to the foot, these arches also serve a useful purpose in protecting the nerves and vessels of the sole from the baneful effects of pressure. The reader will now realize how these struc- tures, as they lie in the hollow behind the inner ankle, pass down into the sole under cover of the arch which raises the inner border of the foot from the ground. The lesson to be learnt from these observations is that 312 Dorsum of the Foot. the foot when it supports the weight of the body on the ground is longer, broader, and flatter than when raised, in which position, the strain being taken off the arches, the foot becomes more curved and the elevation of the instep more pronounced. As man only exceptionally makes use of the foot as a pre- hensile organ, the reader will note that that part of the foot (i. e. the toes) which corresponds to the most movable segment of the hand— the fingers — is much reduced in size : moreover, owing to the fact that in the foot the further extremity of the metatarsal bone of the great toe is united to the other metatarsal bones, we have no such power of opposition of the great toe with the other toes as we possess in the thumb and fingers, for in the hand the distal end of the metacarpal bone of the thumb is free and unconnected with the other metacarpals. The dorsal surface of the foot owes its form in great part to the arrangement of the bones. Overlying these are the tendons which are passing down from the anterior surface of the leg in front of the ankle. As previously described, the tendon of the anterior tibial muscle may be traced from the inner side of the front of the ankle down to the middle of the inner border of the foot ; in like maimer the tendon of the peroneus tertius, the muscle which is intimately associated with the lower fibres of origin of the long extensor of the toes, may be traced from the ankle imme- diately in front of the lower end of the fibula to the middle of the outer border of the foot, where it is attached to the base of the metatarsal bone of the little toe on its upper surface : this tendon is small and thin, and only exceptionally gives any indication of its presence by a corresponding surface elevation. Between the foregoing muscles as they lie on either side of the front of the ankle are placed the tendons of the long extensor of the toes and the special extensor of the great toe. The former, which are four in Short Extensor of Toes. 313 number, pass to tlie dorsal surfaces of the four outer toes, whilst the latter, which is single, passes down to the dorsum of the great toe. Above, at the front of the ankle, the tendons are confined within narrow limits ; below, on the dorsum of the foot, they spread out as they pass forwards to reach the toes (PL, p. 292). If the reader will place his finger on the dorsum of his own foot in front of the outer ankle he will recognize that something soft and of considerable thickness here overlies the tarsal bones and prevents him from recognizing as easily as elsewhere their details. This is a muscle, called the short extensor of the toes: it arises from the fore part of the os calcis or heel-bone and the hollow between it and the astragalus, from the outer side of the os calcis in front of the groove in which the peroneus brevis is lodged, and also from the anterior annular ligament : the muscle at its origin therefore lies immediately in front of and below the prominence of the outer ankle. The fleshy part of the muscle is placed obliquely across the dorsum of the foot from without inwards, ending in four small tendons which pass to the four inner toes. The tendon to the great toe is inserted into the base of the first phalanx, the other tendons blend with those of the long extensor muscle which pass to the second, third, and fourth toes. As the muscle crosses obliquely over the dorsum of the foot it is overlain by the tendons already enumerated, with the exception of the special extensor of the great toe and the tibialis anticus, which lie altogether to its inner side. It is to the presence of this muscle that the fullness of the dorsum of the foot in front of the external malleolus is due. The tendons which cross it, particularly the tendon of the peroneus tertius, help to restrict its influence on the surface contours ; but in the interval between the peroneus tertius in front, the external malleolus behind, 314 Muscles of the Foot. and the tendon of the peroneus brevis below as it passes to the spur of the metatarsal bone of the little toe, the fleshy part of the muscle forms an oval elevation, which is considerably intensified when the toes are forcibly ex- tended (Pis., pp. 292, 302). The appearance of the back of the foot will vary according to the amount of subcutaneous fat present; if that is considerable in quantity, the outlines of the various tendons are masked, and only become apparent when the muscles are strongly contracted. Similarly with the veins which usually form a feature of some prominence on the back of the foot ; they are best seen in a model of spare habit, where their presence is indicated by their surface projection ; when embedded in a layer of sub- cutaneous fat their outline is displayed rather by colour than by elevation. As the arrangement of the veins of the lower limb will be described hereafter, it is not neces- sary at present to refer further to them. As in the hand, so in the foot, the intervals between the metatarsal bones are occupied by muscles called interossei; these serve to maintain the uniformity of the surface con- tours and prevent an undue definition of these bones of the foot. The under surface of the bones of the foot is provided with many muscles ; these are arranged for the purpose of anatomical description into layers, but a knowledge of their details is happily unnecessary. The muscles which have most influence on the surface form are naturally those which are immediately covered by the skin and fascia of the sole. The three most important arise posteriorly from the under surface of the prominence of the heel. Of these, one passes forward along either border of the foot, whilst the third occupies an intermediate position. The aMuctor hallucis, or abdtictor of the great toe, arises behind from the inner side of the under surface of the Muscles of the Foot. 315 bony prominence of the heel. Its fibres pass forwards along the inner border of the foot, forming a fleshy longitudinal prominence. Anteriorly the muscle is in- serted into the inner of the two sesamoid bones, which are placed one on either side of the under surface of the joint between the metatarsal bone and first phalanx of the great toe (PL, p. 302). The abductor minimi digiti, or abductor of the little toe, arises behind from the outer side of the under surface of the bony prominence of the heel. As its fleshy flbres pass along the outer border of the foot they are attached to the prominent tubercle of the base of the flfth metatarsal bone. Anteriorly the muscle is inserted into the base of the first phalanx of the little toe along with the short flexor of that digit. The fleshy part of the muscle forms the surface elevation along the under surface of the outer border of the foot, between the heel-bone behind and the prominent spur of the fifth metatarsal bone in front, as well as along the outer and under surface of that bone. In standing on the foot this border is in contact with the ground, and is compressed and flattened by the weight thrown on it (PL, p. 302). The action of these two muscles is indicated by their name. Only here it is necessary to warn the reader that the terms adduction and abduction of the toes apply to movements whereby the toes are drawn to or away from a line passing along the axis of the second toe, and have no relation whatever to the middle line' of the body. Occupying the interval between these two muscles, and lying along the middle of the sole of the foot, is the flexor brevis digitorum, or short flexor of the toes. This arises behind from the under surface of the pro- minence of the heel-bone, between the two muscles just described. In front it ends in four tendons, which pass to the four outer toes, there to be attached to the bases of 3i6 Plantar Fascia. the second phalanges on their under surfaces. The fleshy- part of the muscle occupies the central part of the sole ; in the intervals on either side of it, and in front, some of the short muscles of the great and little toe come in relation to the surface. It is not necessary to dwell on these details further than to point out that to the sesamoid bones at the base of the great toe there are attached the short flexor and adductors of that digit, whilst on the outer side of the sole the short flexor of the little toe unites with the abductor of that digit to be inserted into the base and outer border of the first phalanx of the little toe. The action of the short flexor of the toes is sufficiently indicated by its name ; it assists the long flexor in bending the toes towards the sole of the foot. The influence of these muscles on the surface forms of the sole is less than what one might expect, owing to the fact that the skin in this region is very thick and tough, and also because there is a considerable quantity of fat and a layer of dense fascia overlying them. The plantar fascia very much resembles the fascia which has been already described in the hand. It consists of a very strong and thick central portion which covers the short flexor of the toes, and two thinner lateral expan- sions which spread over the abductors of the great and little toes respectively. The strong central part, which is connected with the under surface of the heel behind, and with the anterior extremities of the metatarsal bones in front, is a structure of no little importance, as it assists in maintaining the longitudinal arch of the foot by tying together its two extremities. The subcutaneous fat of tlie sole of the foot is specially modified to enable it to serve the purpose of an elastic pad. The fatty lobules, which are of small size, are abundantly mixed with fibrous tissue, which imparts to the layer so formed a remarkable tough- ness and resiliency. This layer is especially thick over Sole of the Foot. 317 those parts of the sole on which the bulk of the weight rests, particularly over the heel and the ball of the great toe. The skin which forms the superficial covering is likewise modiiied. In no part of the body is it so thick as over the heel, and an inspection of the sole of the foot will reveal the fact that over all the parts of the sole which touch the ground the skin is thick and homy, whereas where the foot is not in contact with the ground the skin is thinner and more delicate, as is indicated by its colour and wrinkling. The hollow of the sole, which is continuous with the hollow behind the inner ankle round the inner border of the foot, occupies the interval between the surface of the heel which is in contact with the ground behind and the ball of the great toe in front. The latter projection corre- sponds to the metatarso-phalangeal joint of that digit, a joint which is greatly enlarged owing to the presence of the two sesamoid bones already referred to. This forms a well-marked oval elevation, around which the hollow of the sole slightly curves before it is interrupted in front by the pad of the fore part of the foot which corresponds to the metatarso-phalangeal joints of the remaining toes. Externally the hollow of the sole is bounded by the outer border of the foot which is in contact with the ground when standing. The toes, with the exception of the great toe, are much bent, so that when viewed from the under surface little can be seen of their shafts except the enlarged extre- mities by which they rest on the ground ; the pad of the fore part of the foot is therefore separated by a deep groove from the enlarged ends of the toes. In correspondence with this, the dorsal surfaces of the toes are more or less curved in an antero-posterior direction. Models with good feet are exceedingly difficult to obtain. The habit of wearing boots is so universal amongst civilized 3i8 The Toes. races tliat it is difficult to meet with a person whose feet have not been tortured and disfigured by this means, and in the peasantry of our own islands who habitually go barefooted the exposure and injury to which the feet are subjected do much to destroy their natural beauty : we are largely depen- dent therefore for our ideal on our knowledge of the antique. In regard to the length of the toes, there is much diversity of opinion. The tjrpe most frequently represented in the antique is that in which the second toe projects beyond the great toe. As a matter of fact, this condition is more frequently met with in dwellers of the south, for observa- tions made on our Highland peasantry, some of whom have gone about barefooted from childhood, appear to indicate that the great toe is almost universally the longest of the series : this is a detail, however, of little moment, and the choice may well be left to the individual taste of the artist. The third foe is shorter than the second by the length of the nail, the fourth hardly reaches the level of the nail of the third, and the fifth presents many variations in length; there is anatomical evidence that this toe is gradually undergoing a reduction in size. In regard to the direction of the different toes a certain misconception appears to exist. The ' Anatomical bootmaker ' would have us believe that the inner borders of the foot and great toe are in line. An examination of the best models appears to upset this view, for normally the great toe has a slight outward inclination, though undoubtedly this is oftentimes unduly exaggerated by the wearing of pointed boots. The second and third toes as a rule should follow this outward inclination, whilst the fifth should be slightly in- turned, the direction of the fourth being more or less straight, or directed slightly inwards or outwards, as the case may be. The clelt between the great and second toes is often- times a little deeper than that between the second and third. As a rule, the clefts between the four outer toes are Female Foot. 319 linear, whilst that between the great and second toe is wide : this may be well seen in an infant's foot, particu- larly when the toes are outspread. Advantage was taken of this wider interval between the great and second toes to pass the thong by which the sandal was held in position. The toes appear longer when viewed from above than when seen from below; this is due to the web between the toes sloping downwards and forwards towards the sole. As the bones of the leg are firmly fixed together, there is no movement in the lower limb comparable to the raovements of pronation and supination which' occur in the fore-arm. This necessarily limits the range of the movements of the foot as compared with those of the hand. Apart from the movements which have been described as taking place at the ankle-joint, the foot may be turned inwards or outwards, in the one case the sole is inverted, in the other everted, the range of motion in the later direction is the more limited. These movements take place at the joints between the tarsal bones. The toes may be flexed or extended as well as moved apart and drawn together ; this latter movement is freest between the great and second toe. The foot of the female is absolutely smaller than that of the male. If we take into consideration its proportion to the height, we find that it is relatively slightly shorter in women. A foot unduly small, if represented in the nude, at once imparts a feeling of instability to the figure. In no respect do artists concede more to fashion than in the representation of the female foot: one has only to imagine what the same foot would look like if divested of its coverings to realize to what absurdities this slavish devotion to fashion may lead us. Another point on which the lay mind is apt to be misled is the height of the instep. The foot as it rests within the boot is really supported on an incline, the slope of which depends on the height 320 Superficial Veins of Leg. of the heel : this tends of course to emphasize the arch on the dorsum of the foot, as the toes are necessarily some- what bent upwards at the metatarso-phalangeal joint. The reader need only notice the appearance of a foot in a high- heeled shoe to realize this fact. Naturally when the same foot is bared and placed flat upon the ground the curvature of the instep is much reduced ; so marked is the change that I have frequently been struck with the criticism passed on photographs of fairly well-formed feet, to the effect that they were unduly flat. True flatness of the foot must of course be avoided, but the student will readily recognize this condition, as he will notice that the sole of the foot not only touches the ground at the surfaces already described, but is in contact with it at the parts corresponding to the inner border and hollow of the sole. Whilst undue flatness of the foot is ugly, the other extreme, excessive arching of the instep, should be avoided,, as it imparts a cramped appear- ance to the foot. Great variation will be met with in the length and breadth of the foot. As a rule, the width of the foot is about one-third of its length. Excessive prominence of the heel, which is associated with marked curving of the tendo Achillis as it passes down to it, should also be avoided, as it gives rise to an unpleasant outline. The smaller bones, the greater abundance of fat, and the less marked muscular development impart to the female foot a softer outline and a plumper form. Much that has been already stated in regard to cutaneous veins in general might be repeated here, but the reader is referred to p. 185, where the matter has been previously discussed. The blood in the veins of the leg flows con- trary to the direction of the force exercised by gravity; in consequence there is a much greater tendency for the blood to accumulate in these vessels than in the upper Superficial Veins of Leg. 321 limb, where tlie flow of the blood through the veins is frequently accelerated by the raising of the arms. In the lower limb we meet with the longest vein in the body; it extends from the inner ankle up the inner side of the leg and thigh, and terminates above a little below the inner extremity of the fold of the groin. It is superficial throughout its entire length, and when distended with blood it forms a well-marked surface elevation, as may be seen in the thighs of the Fighting Gladiator. Over the dorsum of the foot a more or less arched arrangement of the veins is readily recognizable, whilst running up the outer side of the ankle and back of the leg to reach the hollow behind the knee is another vein, which is pretty definite in its position. These veins are called respectively the inner or long saphenous and the outer or short saphenous veins. They will best be seen as surface elevations when the model is of spare habit and when the limbs are in action, as under these conditions they are dis- tended. The student is warned that these veins are often unduly prominent and tortuous, an appearance which depends on their abnormal distension or varicose condition ; hence care must be exercised to avoid a too realistic representation of them. In the antique they are employed to emphasize powerful muscular action, and the student cannot do better than follow the example set before him in these masterpieces of plastic art. When the type is less athletic and the subcutaneous fat more abundant, the veins are indicated by colour rather than contour, a condition which particularly obtains in the female, in whom their representation as surface elevations would be altogether out of keeping with the character of the figure. CHAPTEE XII. THE NECK. In considering the anatomy of the neck it will be necessary in the first instance to examine the skeleton of this part of the body, and note how it is united with the head above. As was stated in a previous chapter (see ante, p. 31), there are seven cervical or neck vertebrae in that part of the ' back- bone' which passes through and supports the soft tissues of the neck. One of the characteristic features of these neck vertebrae is the shortness of their spines : to this there is one exception, the last or seventh cervical vertebra. The reader's atten- tion has been already directed to the importance of the spine of this vertebra as a surface prominence on the back of the root of the neck (see ante, p. 88), and the name, vertebra prominens, often given to it, refers to this peculiarity in the length of its spine. Fig. 180. Skull and cervical ver- tebrae of man, showing small face- bonea, large brain-case, and short cervical spines. The Atlas and Axis. 323 In regard to the other neck vertebrae, the shortness of their spines is a distinct advantage, as it enables the vertebral column to be more fully extended, i.e. bent back, in this situation than in any other region. The two highest of the neck vertebrae, are modified in a peculiar way to adapt them for articulation with the skull. It is not necessary that the student should be familiar with the details of structure of these two vertebrae, as they have no influence whatever on the surface forms, but some account of the nature and range of motion possible at these joints is of service in enabling the reader to understand the subsequent account of the movements of the head and neck. The highest of the cervical vertebrae is called the atlas, owing to the circumstance that it supports the globe of the head : it is provided with a pair of peculiar articular surfaces on which rest the condyles of the occipital bone, one of the bones forming the base or under surface of the skull. These condyles may be compared to the rockers on a cradle, and as they move in the hollows on the upper surface of the atlas they produce a rocking or nodding movement of the head. Associated with this there may be slight degrees of oblique or lateral movement. The atlas fits on the vertebra beneath it — the axis, so called — ^veiy much as a ring fits over a peg, for the latter vertebra is provided with an upstanding process called the odontoid or tooth-like process, which is enclosed above in a ring formed by the bony arch of the atlas together with a ligament. The joint is a pivot joint, and here take place the movements of rotation whereby the head, and with it the atlas, are turned from side to side. The range of this movement is checked by ligaments, but as a rule the head may be rotated to ojie or other side of the middle plane of the body to the extent of 30°. The reader will thus realize the importance of these two joints, as at the upper T 2 324 Movements of the Neck. the nodding movements alone take place, whilst at the lower the movements of rotation only occur. In the remainder of the cervical portion of the vertebral column the principal movements are effected in a backward and forward direction ; extension or bending back- wards is more free than flexion or bending forwards, for the reason ex- plained at the commencement of this chapter, and also because the forward movement is checked when the chin comes into contact with the front of the chest. The other movement of which this part of the column is capable is a combination of rotation and lateral flexion, a movement whereby we bend the neck to the side. The neck vertebrae are so surrounded on all sides by muscles and other tissues that under ordinary conditions they have no direct influence on the surface forms, with the single exception of Fig. 1 8 1. A diagram ^^® spine of the vertebra prominens. to show the arrange- Behind and on either side it is prin- whth°'su*J;orT^t -P-lly ---1« -^-1^ -« 1^-e to deal back-bone. The mus- with, whilst in front the gullet, wind- cles which are repre- pipe, and larynx aU conceal the form sented in solid black, r. ,i i are seen to be thick ot the bony structures. The fleshy in the regions of the mass met with behind is a continuation lomparatlvetythin "n ^P^^rds of that great group of muscles the mid-dorsal region, which has been already described under the name of the erectores spinae (see ante, p. 35) : the latter was ^een to occupy the furrows on either side of the spines of the lumbar and dorsal vertebrae, but became much reduced in bulk in the mid- Muscles of the Neck. 325 dorsal region : above that point, however, the muscular column is reinforced by additional slips all more or less intimately associated with the movements of the head and neck. See Fig. 181. These form two cylindrical masses which pass up to reach the under surface of the back of the Fig. 182. View of the muscles attached to the shoulder-blade. The trapezius has been cut away on the left side of the figure. a. Trapezius muscle. b. BhomlDoid. c. Elevator of the angle of the Bcapnla (levator anguli scapulae). d. Splenius muscle. e. Com.plexus muscle. /. Sterno-mastoid muscle. g. Infra-spinous fossa on back of scapula. h. Acromion process of scapula. i. Spine of scapula. j. Collar-bone (clavicle). fc. Humerus. skull on either side of the short spines of th^ cervical vertebrae which, in consequence, have no direct influ- ence on the surface contours. The fleshy/columns on either side are separated from one anothe/ by a fibrous 326 Ligamentum nuchae. partition called the ligamentum nuchae, a feeble represen- tative in man of the stout elastic ligament so often met with in many of the lower animals. As was stated in an earlier chapter (Chapter I, p. 19), the poor development of this ligament in man is associated with the assump- tion of the erect posture, a position in which the head is more or less poised on the summit of a vertical column, whereas in the lower animals the ligament is of necessity strong in order to support the head at the extremity of a more or less horizontal column. It is needless to enter into any detailed account of these fleshy masses on the back of the neck, as they are in great part overlain by the trapezius, which has been already described (p. 87), Fig. 183. Shows the great erector mass of muscles. The muscles are shown only on one side ; the groove in which they are lodged is seen on the right side of the figure. a. Placed over tendinoTis part of erector spinae. h. Posterior superior iliac spine, c Haimcli-bone (os innominatiun). d. Socket for head of thigh-bone (aceta- bulum). e. Tuberosity of the ischium, /. Placed over fleshy part of erector spinae. g. Splenius muscle. h. Mastoid process of temporal bone. *. Complexus muscle and superior ourved line of occipital bone. Deep Structures of Neck. 327 as well as by other superficial muscles, to be hereafter discussed; but their indirect influence on the surface contours of the back of the neck should not be over- looked, as it is to their presence that this region owes its full and rounded appearance. The form of the front of the neck is partly due to muscle and partly to other structures which are associated with the alimentary tract and the respiratory system. In front of the vertebral column, and commenc- ing above at the back of the mouth, is the tube, called the gullet or oesop^a^'iw, by which food is transmitted to the stomach. Within and below the arch of the lower jaw there is the hyoid hone, which is connected with the root of the tongue. Below the hyoid bone, and lying in front of the gullet, is the trachea or windpipe. The upper extremity of this res- piratory tube is peculiarly modified to . form an organ immediately concerned in voice-production — the larynx. In front of the windpipe, and below the level of the larynx, there is a gland of considerable size called the thyroid body. Connecting the hyoid bone and larynx with Fig. 184. Diagram to show the position of some of the structures in the neck. a. 'Hyoid bone. h. Thyroid cartilage of the larynx (Adam's apple). c. Left lobe of thyroid gland. d. Upper end of breast-bone. e. Trachea or windpipe. /. Spine of seventh cervical vertebra (vertebra prominens). 328 The Hyoid Bone. surrounding parts, such as the inferior jaw-bone, the breast- bone, and collar-bones, there are a number of small muscles which, whilst they do not as a rule influence the surface- forms in detail, yet in bulk assist in imparting to the front of the neck its characteristic modelling. A more detailed description of some of these structures is necessary. The Tiyoid hone, or bone of the tongue, which is a small slender bone formed like a (J. is situated at the angle formed by the outline of the sofb parts below the chin and the line of the front of the neck. The position of the bone varies according to the position of the head. When the eyes are directed straight forwards the hyoid bone lies nearly on a level with the angle of the lower jaw. The reader may satisfy himself as to the position of the bone by grasping the tissues of the neck in this region firmly between the thumb and fingers. "When the head is extended or thrown back, the angle formed by the line below the chin and the line of the front of the neck is opened out, and the position of the bone is more easily recognized; it always corresponds to the line of flexure or angle where the head bends forward on the neck. When the head is thrown back the first point of resistance met with in passing the finger from the chin downwards along the middle line of the neck is the hyoid bone. About half an inch below the level of the hyoid bone a well-marked elevation will be easily recognized: this projection is due to one of the cartilages of the larynx or voice-box. It is called the pomum Adami, or Adam's apple, and is usually more prominent in the male than in the female. In the adult it is large as compared with that in the child. If the neck of a child be examined there is little or no evidence of its presence, but at that period of life when youth gradually merges into manhood, changes take place in the growth of the larynx which are associated with marked increase in the size of its cartilages, and Larynx and Thyroid Body. 329 their surface outlines become factors of importance in the modelling of the throat. This alteration in the size of the larynx is intimately associated with the changes which are taking place at the same time in the character of the voice, changes which are popularly referred to as the ' breaking of the voice.' In the female there is no such marked difference between the forms displayed in the child and the adult, so that in woman the rounded contours of the front of the neck are not disturbed by any undue projection of these laryngeal cartilages. Below the larynx, the windpipe, which is composed of a number of cartilaginous rings united together by membrane, passes down behind the upper end of the breast-bone to enter the thorax. On either side of this tube, which, owing to its structure, always remains open or distended, there are the lobes of a structure called the thyroid hody. These consist of masses of gland tissue of oval ilattened form which lie on either side of the trachea, and which are connected with each other anteriorly by a bridge of gland substance called the isthmus, which passes across the front of the windpipe just below the larynx. These structures lie under the layer of thin muscles which pass up from the breast and collar-bones to be attached to the hyoid bone and larynx above, and serve to increase the fullness of the neck in this region. As the thyroid gland is usually larger in the female than in the male, it assists in imparting that round- ness and fullness to the lower part of the neck in the female which is regarded as so charming a feature in its modelling. The reader is warned that undue emphasis of this feature may give rise to an unnatural form, a form which is by no means uncommon and is associated with the diseased enlargement of the gland called goitre. These structures, as has been stated, are some of them overlain by thin muscles, whilst others are supported and fixed by the same means. A detailed description of these 330 The Sterno-mastoid. appears unnecessary, as iif is only Fia. 185. Diagram showing the arrangement of some of the principal structures of the neck. a. Stemo-mastoid nmscle. Trapezius mnsole. Sterno-hyoid muscle. Lower jaw. Hyoid bone. Posterior triangle. Acromion process of soapnla. Spine of scapula. The two bellies of the omo-hyoid muscle. Thyroid cartilage of larynx (Adam's apple). The two bellies of the digastric muscle. Mastoid process of temporal bone. Superior curved line of occipital bone. Humerus, First rib. Coracoid process of scapula. Placed on infra-spiuous fossa of scapula. Collar-bone. Breast-bone. kTc. behind the ear. If the finger under exceptional circum- stances that they can have any direct influence on the surface forms : thus it is only in the emaciated, or in such extremes of muscular effort as are asso- ciated with the struggles of an unfortunate creature gasping for breath, that their details are at all apparent. The muscle which plays the most important part as a determinant of the surface form of the neck is the sterno-mastoid. In- feriorly this muscle is attached to the anterior surface of the upper end of the breast-bone by a thick rounded tendon ; it also derives fleshy and tendinous fibres from the inner third or so of the collar-bone ; these two origins are separated by an interval of variable width. The fleshy belly formed by the union of these two attachments passes upwards and back- wards towards the part of the skull immediately be placed on the bone in The Sterno-mastoid. 331 this situation, a tiiick rounded blunt process can be dis- tinctly felt : tMs is called the mastoid process of the temporal hone, and it is into this and the rough ridge passing back from it, called the superior curved line of the occipital hone, that the muscle is inserted. The extent of the attachment of the muscle to this ridge varies considerably in different individuals (Fig. 185, and Pis., pp. 62, 72, 282, 332, 370). Ttte sterno-mastoid as it passes obliquely across the side of the neck divides that region into two triangles : the one, in front, and above it, is called the anterior triangle, that behind and below it the posterior triangle. The con- vergence of the muscles of either side below where they are attached to the upper end of the breast-bone has a most important effect on the mould- ing of the surface forms : here their tendons of origin from the breast-bone lie just within the expanded inner extremi- ties of the collar-bones as they rest upon the upper border of the sternum on either side. Thus a V-shaped recess is pro- duced, the sides of which are formed by the tendons of the two sterno-mastoid muscles, whilst the angle of the V corresponds to the upper border of the breast-bone. The depth of the recess is further empha- sized by the projection caused by the inner end of the collar- bone on either side. This depression corresponds to the surface hollow familiar to the reader under the name pit of the neck. In the male its borders are sharply defined, especi- ally during violent muscular effort ; in the female, owing to the presence of an abundant layer of fat beneath the skin, ^1^' -TV Fia. 186. Showing articulation of the collar-bones (claviclea) with the breast-bone (sternum). a. Collar-bones (clavicles). 6. Sternal ends of collar-bones. c. Placed on the first and second ribs. d. The upper piece of the breast-bone (manubrium sterui). y. Rib cartilages. g. Placed over the body of the first dorsal vertebra ; lies in the interval between the sternal ends of the collar-bones, a space which corresponds to the surface depression at the root of the neck, called the pit of the neck. 332 Pit of the Neck. the outlines are smoother and more rounded, and the surface depression is altogether softer, and forms a feature of great beauty in the modelling of the throat as it rises from the general fullness of the breast (Pis., pp. 52, 108, no, 332). It is in the interval between the two stemo-mastoids that the structures already enumerated lie, viz. the windpipe, larynx, and hyoid bone. These, as we have seen, are covered by a layer of small muscles on either side, ^he interval between the sterno-mastoids above, which is bounded superiorly by the border of the lower jaw and inferiorly by the hyoid bone, is filled up in part by the muscles of the tongue and floor of the mouth, in part by blood-vessels, and in part by the salivary glands ; one of the latter occupies the interval between the ear and the angle of the jaw. Under cover of the angle of the jaw there is another of these glands, which imparts a fullness to the surface as it sweeps inwards and downwards towards the hyoid bone (Plate, p. 370). In regard to the region behind and below the stemo- mastoid, the student should recollect the arrangement of the superior fibres of the trapezius — that muscle arises above from the back of the base of the skull close to the middle line behind, and passing downwards, outwards, and forwards, is inserted into the outer third of the upper border of the collar-bone. There is thus an interval between the anterior border of the trapezius and the posterior border of the sterno-mastoid, and this space constitutes the posterior triangle of the neck, the base of which corre- sponds to the middle third of the collar-bone, the summit to the interval between the attachment of the muscles to the superior curved line above, whilst the floor is formed by the deeper muscles, which are here superficial and are thus brought in direct relationship to the surface. So dense and tough, however, is the fascia which covers them, and so thick the layer of fat, that their details are hardly if at all Key to Plate XL Sierno-mas^id. Trapezius. Plaiysvui. Acromion process of sca^la. Jl-iavicU. ! 1 / „■-'"' ..Deltoid. Pectoraiis fttaj'or clavicular fibres. Slertto-mastoid, Trapexii(s Pit ofmck. Clavicle « process Pectoraiis major, clavicular^ fibres. sternal fibres'. Deltoid. Pit of stomach Rectus abdominis. Lineae transversae. Iliac crest. Ant. sup iliac spine. Triceps, outer Itead. Triceps, inner Biceps cubiti. Brachialis anticus. "'' Tensor fasciae femori^. Ilio-psoas. Pectitteus. Adductor longus Pronator radii te7-es.-\ Jjicipital fascia, fixt carp. rod. long Supinator longvs. "' Flex ca-'pi radialis._ Gracilis.' Ext. carp. rad.brrv:' Iixta%sors of thumb. dtzilorum.' Annular ligamenl Vastus iniernus.— Patella -■;— Internal condyle Ltgamentum patellae. Sartorius.— Ilio-tlbial band..- PeroHtus longus. GastrocNenfins, inner head. — Tibialis nntlcus. Tibia, subciitaib -eoits siirfa^. - Solens. Extensor lonf^is digilorum pedis,. Flex. Ion. dig. pedis. Lone: extensor of great toe. Internal malleolus {tibia).- .Annular figamtfit of anhb . Trices, outer head. . Brachialis anticus. _ Trices tendon. _ B^ps cubiti. _.Latissimus dorsi. .Di^itations of serratvs v^gnus. "Ext. intermus. s^iuM. St^inator longus. -Ext.carp.rad.Iong -Dig! ta lions of external oblique. Extensor communis digit — Ext. carpi, radia Jit brevior. Extensors of thumb. ■Extensor carpi nlnaris. -^ Mfi,f/„r,ligawuiti __, _ ..... .Ant. sup. iliac stint. «B«ltV Gluteus medius. \j^^^- -Aponeurosis of ..!i..]-|l„ exlemai ablaut, y Polaris ttgameni. ITensor fasciae femorisL ^••Ilio-psoas. Pectineus -Adductor longus ■■■■Gradhs, Sartorius. - Pectus feuuns, y^astus r'niemus. - Sand of Richer, Vastus externus. . . -PaUlU Fntemal condyle. - Fat. Ligamentum pa^Uae. -"•■ Sartorius. Tuberc/e of tibia. - Gastrocnemius, inner head, Tibialis anticus. "Tibia, subcutaneims Surfiue. So&us, Ext. longus digitorum pedis. .Plex.hngus digitorum pedis. Tmdo Achiiiis, Long extensor o^great tve. -Annular ligament ^aahU. 'ntcmaJ malleolus {tibit). FRONT VIEW OF MALE FIGURE RAISING WEIGHT FROM THE GROUND Co^^riffhfy 1899, 6y Henry Frowue] Hollows above the Collar-bone. 333 apparent on the surface. The boundaries of this space, constituted as they are by the posterior border of the stemo-mastoid anteriorly, and behind by the anterior edge of the trapezius, form in muscular males and thin-necked females outstanding surface contours which map out very clearly the triangular interval referred to. Especially is this the case towards the lower part of the neck, where the clavicle forms a prominent ridge, the hollow above which corresponds to the interval between the two muscles : this depression is in marked contrast to the fullness below caused by the origin of the great pectoral and the deltoid muscle of the shoulder, though the interval between these is often- times indicated by a shallow farrow. These details, as has been said, are best seen in a spare athletic male ; in the female such evidence of structure is contrary to the usually accepted type, in which the general roundness of the neck is largely due to the abundance of fat ; but in women of a spare habit and with slender necks these details, if not unduly emphasized, may be in harmony with the type represented (Pis., pp. 52, 62, 108, no, 264, 282 332) The position of the shoulder-girdle has a marked in- fluence on the production of this hollow ; in models in whom there is no evidence of this depression when the arms are hanging by the side we get clearer indications of its presence when the arms are raised and carried forwards (PL, p. 332). In this position the collar-bone is not only elevated, but carried forwards from the chest- wall; it is rendered more prominent, and the space is thus more clearly defined, though even under those conditions, especially in well-formed women in whom the subcutaneous fat is uniformly distributed, the surface contours are rounded and less abrupt than in the male. If the muscles be strongly developed and the action violent, one of the deeper muscles crossing the floor of the space not unfrequently forms an oblique surface elevation, which can be distinctly recognized passing across 334 Hollows above the Collar-bone. the interval between the stemo-mastoid and trapezius just above tlie collar-bone. This muscle is called the omo-Jiyoid : it has two bellies. The portion with which we are more immediately concerned arises from the superior border of the shoulder-blade, just internal to the root of the coracoid process. The anterior belly is attached to the outer part of the lower border of the hyoid bone. These two small fleshy bellies are connected by an intermediate tendon which lies beneath the stemo- mastoid muscle (see Fig. 185). It is the posterior belly which forms the surface pro- jection above referred to, and it passes ob- liquely upwards and forwards from under cover of the collar- bone, where the fibres of the trapezius are attached, in a direc- tion corresponding to a line drawn from that point upwards and forwards to- wards the hyoid bone when the neck is outstretched. The student will recognize the surface form produced by this muscle on the right side of the neck of the Fighting Gladiator. An absence of fat in this region con- tributes to the clearness with which these details are seen. Not unfrequently in models of spare habit the lower attach- ments of the stemo-mastoid are very distinct. As has been stated, there is an interval of variable width between its origins from the breast-bone and collar-bone, and this is Fia. 187. Shows form of neck with shoulder depressed. Action of Sterno-mastoid. 335 often represented on the surface by a triangular depression (Pis., pp. 52, 62, 108, 282, and Figs. 187, 188, i8g). An undue emphasis of these details is likely, however, to detract from the massive feeling which should be aimed at in representing the rise of a powerful neck from a well-developed thorax. In regard to the action of the sterno-mastoid muscles— when one muscle contracts, the head is inclined to the same side, whilst the face is directed towards the opposite side. Concerning the combined action of the two muscles, there is much contradic- tion . in the various text- books : some assert that the muscles bend forward the head and neck, whilst others state that the muscles act as extensors of the head ; the truth ap- pears to lie between the two statements. Their united action seems to be the bending forward of the neck on the thorax com- bined with the extension of the head upon the bent neck. In other words, they are in action when the neck is thrust forwards and the face upturned. Overlying the structures of the neck which have just been described is a dense layer of fascia called the deep cervical fascia. This invests not only the entire neck in a fibrous sheath, but also famishes prolongations from its deep surface which form compartments for the lodgement of these various structures. A detailed account of this fascia is needless, but the student would do well to remember the Fig. 188. Shows form of neck with shoulder raised. 336 The Platysma. restraining influence which it exercises on the structures which lie beneath it. It is between this fibrous investment and the skin of the neck that the superficial fat which constitutes what is called the superficial cervical fascia lies. Here we have to study a muscle called the platysma myoides, which is a survival in man of a muscle which commonly occurs in many animals. Any one who has watched a fly settle on a horse's back has seen that the latter has the power of rippling or wrinkling its skin in a remark- able manner. The muscle which we are now describing belongs to the same class. Its development varies very much in different individuals. Some people, too, appear to have much more control over its contraction than others. The platysma, which forms a thin muscular sheet, arises below from the fascia covering the great pectoral, the deltoid, and the trapezius : its fibres are directed obUquely upwards and forwards to pass over the lower jaw-bone from the chin as far back as the angle : some of its fibres are attached to this bone, but others pass up to blend with the muscles which are connected with the lower lip and angle of the mouth (see PL p. 3706). Under ordinary conditions there are no indications of the presence of this muscle, though in old people in whom the fat has disappeared it may be often recognized, as it forms the dewlap-like folds which hang beneath the chin. The action of the muscle is best displayed in the expressions of fright and terror, wherein it draws down the angle of the mouth and wrinkles the skin of the neck transversely ; at the^ same time it appears to increase the transverse diameter of the root of the neck in front by flattening the surface forms over and above the collar-bone. Of other structures which lie in the superficial fascia we are concerned only with the veins. To avoid repetition the student is referred to the remarks already made on this subject at the end of last chapter (p. 320). The vein which Contours of the Neck. 337 is most apparent is the external jugular. This is well seen in the lower part of the right side of the neck of the Fighting Gladiator. It runs down the side of the neck, from the region behind the angle of the jaw to a point above the collar-bone and just external to the origin of the stemo-mastoid. Usually the vein of one side of the neck is much larger than that of the opposite. The superficial veins become distended with blood when the contraction of the muscles of the head and neck is prolonged and violent. They also become prominent under the influence of excite- ment. In the expression of rage and passion they are more or less engorged. Under all circumstances due care and restraint must be exercised in their representation. As indicated by colour, they are of service in imparting a feeling of delicacy to the skin. Having described in some detail the structures which determine the contours of the neck, we may pass on to consider the form of the neck as a whole. The neck is rounder in front than behind. The flattened surface of the back of the trunk is carried up on to the back of the neck without any interruption in the surface contours. In front the rounded form of the root of the neck appears implanted on the breast between the shoulders, the modelling of which is distinct and separate from that of the neck. The spring of the neck from the shoulders on either side is very much higher than its root in the middle line in front, where the pit of the neck corresponds to the upper edge of the breast-bone. If the figure be viewed in profile, the pit of the neck is seen to lie on a very much lower level than the surface projection formed by the spine of the seventh cervical vertebra, which marks the inferior limit of the neck posteriorly. This is due to the oblique position of the first pair of ribs, which with the breast-bone form the boundaries of the inlet or superior aperture of the thorax. The effect of this obliquity is that the upper end of the 338 Length of Neck. breast-bone lies on a level with the second or third dorsal vertebra, hence it follows that the root of the neck appears to spring obliquely from the upper end of the thorax. This circumstance explains why in profile the front of the neck appears longer than the back. There is considerable variation in the length of the neck in different individuals. This is more apparent than real and is not due to any marked difference in the length of the cervical portion of the back-bone, for observations prove that the back-bone is of all other parts of the skeleton the least liable to variations in its length. The length of the neck depends largely on the elevation of the shoulders. A long neck is ctssociated with sloping shoulders, while broad and square shoulders are the concomitants of a short neck. The position of the shoulder-girdle depends to some extent on the development of the muscles which are connected with it, as well as on the form of the thorax, as has been already explained (p. 85). The sloping shoulder coincides with a collar-bone which slants outwards and downwards, whilst in the square-shouldered the outer end of the clavicle lies on a higher level than the sternal end. The muscular development of a person with sloping shoulders is usually poor ; hence the muscles of the neck are not so bulky : this reduces the width of the neck and tends to intensify the appearance of length. The broad and square- shouldered are usually persons of powerful physique ; their muscles are usually strongly developed, and increase thereby the width of the neck. This increase in the width of the neck detracts from its appearance of length. Much depends, as has been said, upon the quantity of subcutaneous fat which is here distributed. In women of a robust and healthy type the modelling of the neck is full and round, and only in exceptional actions are there indications of the superficial muscles. The fat, which is often present in considerable quantity, imparts a width Movements of Neck. 339 to the neck which does away with any appearance of undue length. In such the neck is often crossed in front by one or two delicate cutaneous folds. This type is associated with a fall and well-developed bust and shoulders. Another type is that in which we meet with the long and swan-like neck. This form occurs in women of a sparer habit with narrower chests and more sloping shoulders. The forms themselves may be very beautiful, but hardly convey Fig. 189. Shows the hollow above the collar-bone when the shoulders are raised and the head bent forward. that feeling of rude health which is so characteristic of the former type. Here the slightness of the forms conveys a feeling of delicacy associated rather with a highly sensitive and nervous temperament. Owing to the less abundant layer of superficial fat we are in them more liable to have surface indications of the superficial structures. The neck undergoes very considerable modifications in its form according to its position. The movements of the z 2 340 Movements of Neck. head on the neck have been already referred to at the beginning of this chapter. As a matter of fact these move- ments are usually associated with corresponding movements of the neck. Thus when the head is bent forward the neck moves forward with it. A backward movement of the head is usually accompanied by extension of the neck. In like manner, the movements of lateral inclination and rotation of the head and neck are usually combined. The reader must not suppose that these movements may not be disassociated. We can extend the head when the neck is bent, and we can flex the head on the extended neck, but these actions are unusual and constrained. In flexion of the head and neck the hollow curve of the back of the neck dis- appears and is replaced by a convex outKne, which is an upward and forward continuation of the curve of the dorsal region of the back. The spine of the seventh cervical vertebra becomes more prominent, and the spines of the upper two or three dorsal vertebrae can usually be recognized. The outline of the front of the neck is concealed by the fact that the chin comes into contact with the upper end of the breast-bone. A series of trans- verse folds cross the neck in front, the most pronounced corresponding to the surface of the skin immediately beneath the border of the lower jaw. The inner end of the coUar- FiG. 190. Shows the form of the neck in flexion. Movements of Neck. 341 bone is empliasized, and the slight hollow which lies between the angle of the jaw and the anterior border of the stemo- mastoid is obliterated by the approximation of these two structures. The anterior border of the trapezius can usually be recognized passing from the occiput to the outer third of the collar-bone (Fig. igo, and PL, p. 338). When the head and neck are thrown back or extended, the angle formed by the structures underlying the lower jaw and the outline of the front of the neck is opened out. The hyoid bone, as we have seen, corresponds almost precisely to this angle. The interval between the hyoid bone and the upper end of the breast-bone is in- creased, so that the outline between these two points is lengthened and the skin stretched over the subjacent structures. In the male the outline of the cartilages of the larynx is rendered dis- tinct, in the female, owing to the greater quantity of fat and the slighter development of these structures, the outline describes a uniform forward curve from the pit of the neck to the angle where it sweeps forward to the chin (Pis., pp. 282, 338). In correspondence with this the back of the head or occiput is brought nearer to the prominence caused by the seventh cervical spine. The outline of the back of the neck is shortened and rendered more concave, and the skin is thrown into thick transverse folds, the skin of the back of the neck being Fig. 191. Shows the form of the neck in extension. 342 Movements of Neck. much thicker and tougher than that of the front. The neck is somewhat increased in its transverse diameter by the outward thrust of the muscles, and, owing to the stretching of the skin over the lower jaw, the outline of that bone becomes more distinct, and the hollow between its angle and the anterior border of the stemo-mastoid is more pronounced. The lower attachments of the sterno-mastoids are rendered tense, and the pit of the neck becomes sharply defined (Fig. 191). Whilst the collar- bone is easily recog- nized by the stretch- ing of the skin over it, the hollow above it corresponding to the interval between the stemo - mastoid and trapezius becomes obliterated. A full- ness appears over the back and upper part of the shoulder, owing to the relaxed fibres of the anterior part of the trapezius. When the head is turned towards the shoulder the skin of the side of the neck from which the head is turned is tense and stretched, whilst that on the side towards which the head is directed is obliquely wrinkled. The surface form of the side of the neck from which the head is turned is full and round ; the anterior border of the stemo-mastoid muscle is outstanding, though its clavicular attachment is less marked. The skin as it is stretched over the collar- FlG. 192. Shows the relation of the stemo- mastoid to the surface when the head is turned towards the shoulder. Movements of Neck. 343 bone empliasizes that structure, and the hollow above it is effaced to a great extent, though the border of the trapezius may be frequently recognized. The posterior belly of the omo-hyoid as it crosses the lower part of the interval between the trapezius and sterno-mastoid is stretched, and often forms a surface elevation when there is little sub- cutaneous fat. On the side towards which the head is turned the hollow above the collar-bone is deepened, but the outline of the super- ficial muscles is concealed by the wrinkled skin. A deep cutaneous fold defines the angle of the jaw and runs up behind the ear, marking the in- terval between the jaw-bone and the anterior border of the upper part of the sterno-mastoid (Pis., pp. 62, 72, no). Fig. 193. Shows the relation of the sterno- Bv the rotation ''^^^toid to the surface when the head is bent „ , , ^ , to the side. 01 the head and neck the structures which lie in the middle line of the neck are dragged obliquely towards the side to which the head is turned, and in the male, as also to a slight extent in the female, the form of the laryngeal cartilages is apparent (Pis., pp. 72, no). In the lateral movements, in which the head is inclined towards the shoulder, the skin over the neck on the side . towards which it is bent is wrinkled : the best marked of 344 Neck and Shoulder. these folds corresponds to the spring of the neck, and curves round the root of the neck from the inner end of the collar- bone upwards and backwards across the middle of the anterior border of the trapezius, whilst another follows more or less accurately the anterior border of the sterno-mastoid, passing up between it and the angle of the lower jaw to reach the back of the ear. On the side from which the head is inclined the sterno-mastoid is distinctly seen, its origin from the collar-bone being especially evident. Here too the collar-bone is brought more or less into prominence by the stretching of the skin over it, and the attachment of the trapezius to that bone is usually easily recognized. A surface elevation dependent on the posterior belly of the omo-hyoid may also be noticed. These forms will of course be very much modified if the shoulder from which the head is in- clined is elevated at the same time (Fig. 193, and PL, p. 62). It only remains to be said in this connexion that the sweep of the fibres of the trapezius, as they pass from the occiput and the middle line of the back of the neck downwards and outwards towards the outer end of the collar-bone and upper border of the acromion process of ■ the shoulder-blade, plays an important part in linking together the shoulder with the neck. Their presence deter- mines the outline which passes from the side of the root of the neck to the shoulders. The direction of this outline will vary with the position of the shoulder-girdle. It has a downward slope when the shoulder is depressed, but when the limb is elevated or the girdle raised it becomes more nearly horizontal (PI., p. 108). The influence of the fibres of the platysma must not be overlooked, but it is only exceptionally and in strained action that the contraction of this muscle masks the details of the underlying structures. CHAPTER XIII. THE HEAD, PACE, AND EXPRESSION. The skull is the bony framework of the head. It is conveniently divided into two parts, one of which envelops and protects the great nervous centre, the brain^ while the other forms a series of chambers for the lodgement of some of the organs of special sense, viz. the globe of the eye^ the nose, and the tongue. The former is called the cranial iox or calvaria ; the latter is known as the skeleton of the face. All the bones forming these several parts are immovably united to one another, with the exception of •the mandible or lower jaw, which articulates by means of a movable joint with a hollow fossa in front of the ear on the under surface of the temporal bone. As the brain in man is larger in proportion to the rest of his body than in any other mammal, the bony case which surrounds it necessarily attains a great size. On the other hand, as was pointed out in Chapter I, a corre- sponding reduction has taken place in the size and projection of the facial part of the skull; the jaws are no longer necessary for offensive or defensive purposes, nor are they so powerful, for man almost without exception prepares and softens his food by cooking. The sense of smell is not nearly so keen in man as in many animals, in whom it serves to protect them from their enemies and assists them in obtaining their food. This has led to 346 The Skull. a corresponding reduction in the size of the nose in man. In animals the nose and jaws form a muzzle or snout which projects in front of that part of the skull which contains the brain, whilst in man the large cranial box overtops the greatly reduced facial skeleton in place of lying only behind it, as in the lower animals. Fig. 194. Male skull. Side view. «. Frontal bone. 6. Parietal bone. c. Occipital bone. d. Temporal bone. e. Nasal bone. f. Upper jaw-bone (superior maxilla). g. Cheek or malar bone. fe. Mandible or lower jaw (inferior maxilla). t. Angle of lower jaw, i. Bamus of lower jaw. Tc. Condyle of jaw. I. Zygomatic arch. •m. Mastoid process of temporal bone, n. External occipital protuberance. 0. Coronoid process of lower jaw. These two parts of the skull can be conveniently defined in the living by drawing a line from the root of the nose to the orifice of the ear, and thence backwards to the point where the neck unites with the posterior part of the The Skull. 347 head in the middle line. There, a rounded knob of bone can usually be felt : it is called the external ^protuberance of the occipital bone. The part of the skull above this line is for the lodgement of the brain, that below and in front of the line which stretches between the root of the nose and the ear belongs to the face. The cranial box is built up of expanded plates of bone : these present a smooth and rounded appearance where they form the dome-like roof and sides of the head, and impart to it its characteristic shape. The form and size of the head vary very much in diiferent individuals, a circumstance which usually enables us with certainty to recognize our own hats. The under surface of this bony box is called the base of the skull. In front, it is united with the bones of the face. Behind, it is rough and irregular and pierced by many holes. Here it affords attachment to a great many muscles, which control the movements of the head. By a large hole, called the foramen magnum placed immediately over the canal in the vertebral column for the lodgement of the spinal cord, it allows that nervous structure to pass upwards and become connected with the brain. We are in no wise concerned with these details, nor is fiG. 195. Male skull. Front view. a. Frontal bone. h. Parietal bones. d. Temporal bones. e. Nasal bones. /. Upper jaw-bones. g. Malar or cheek-bones, .h. Mandible or lower jaw, i. Angles of lower jaw, j. Rami of lower jaw. I. Zygomatic arches, m. Mastoid processes of temporal bones. 348 Bones of the Skull. it necessary that we should further discuss the manner in which the head articulates with the top of the vertebral column. This was described in the last chapter (p. 322). The bones of the cranial vault, as we pass from before backwards, are named the frontal, which forms the fore- head; the two parietals, one on either side, which con- stitute the top and part of the sides of the head; and the occipital bone, which forms the back of the head. The side of the cranium in front, above, and behind the ear is made up of the temporal bone. In addition a portion of the sphenoid fills up the interval between the temporal bone posteriorly and the frontal anteriorly on either side. It is unnecessary to describe these in detail, for it is by their union with each other that they mould the form of the head. There are but slight indications of their lines of union in the living, and the hairy scalp further conceals any evidence of their outlines. They are united by a series of interlocking teeth-like projections, and the joints so formed are called sutures. In Chapter II the advantage of this arrangement was pointed out. The bones are by this means immovably united at the same time that growth by expansion is rendered possible. In the aged, after all growth has ceased, these sutures frequently disappear, and the bones can no longer be separated from one another, as they have become fused together by osseous union. • The structure of these bones requires some explanation. They are composed of a dense inner and outer layer, the interval between which is formed of softer and more spongy osseous tissue, called the diploe. In some situations this diploe is liable to disappear at certain periods of life. Spaces are thus formed between the inner and outer hard layers. Through their connexion with the respiratory passages these spaces contain air, and are hence called air sinuses. The growth of these air sinuses takes place Frontal Sinus. 349 in the earlier periods of life, but some of them are strikingly developed at that age when youth merges into manhood. One of these sinuses has a special interest for us, as it leads to very considerable modifications in the surface form of the bone. The frontal bone, as it moulds the forehead, can be felt underneath the eyebrows, forming the arches over the cavities in which the eyes are lodged. In this situation it is hollow, and contains an air sinus called the frontal sinus. This space is not developed in childhood, and only to a slight extent in youth. In man it attains its maximum development and imparts to the bone underlying the eyebrows a marked fullness and prominence. In this respect man differs from woman, for in the latter the sinus is much smaller, resem- bling rather the condition met with in childhood. This explains why a woman's forehead is flatter and smoother than a man's, and accounts for the persistence in her of the juvenile type. The bones of the vault of the cranium ossify in a peculiar way : they are what are termed membrane-bones. In the early stages of growth the bone appears in the form of a localized earthy deposit in the membrane which is subse- quently to become ossified : from this centre the ossifying particles spread until the membrane has become converted into a plate of bone. These ' centres of ossification ' are readily recognized in the child ; they constitute the ' bumps ' which are so easily seen and felt in certain situations. The most noticeable of these are the frontal and the parietal eminences; the former cause the projection of the upper part of the forehead on either side, whilst the latter can be readily felt at some little distance above the ears. The fullness imparted to the child's forehead by those frontal centres of ossification is maintained through- out life, though not in such a pronounced form, for in man, owing to the development of the frontal sinuses, the brows 350 Cranium. become more projecting, thus causing the forehead to slope more, and so reducing the appearance of prominence in the region of the frontal eminences. In women, owing to the feebler projection of the brow ridges, the forehead retains its vertical appearance and the frontal bosses seem more pronounced. In this respect again the female resembles the child. The relative proportion of the brain-case to the face varies much at different periods of growth. Apart altogether from the proportions of the head in relation to the rest of the body, the most casual observer must have noticed that Fig. 196. Skull of adult showing Fig. 197. Skull of child showing proportion of face to brain-case. proportion of face to brain-case. in the child the part of the skull which contains the brain is relatively much larger as compared with the face than what we see in the adult. Growth takes place in both these parts concurrently, though to a greater extent in the structures of the face than in the cranial box, else the relative proportions met with in the adult could not be attained. The size of the cranial box is some index to the development of the brain, since a large brain necessarily requires a large covering. The size of the brain may, with certain reservations, be regarded as an indication Size of Head. 351 of the development of the intellectual faculties. Though it by no means follows that a man with a big head is a philosopher, yet, speaking generally, it may be stated that the more civilized the race the larger the brain, and consequently the bigger the head. Since women as a rule are smaller than men, so we find that their brains are smaller than men's ; not only are they absolutely less, but also relatively so in proportion to the bulk of the body. Curiously enough, this dispro- portion between the sexes is less marked in savage than in civilized races ; in the latter perhaps the difference has been emphasized by the greater facilities afforded for the education of the intellectual faculties in the male. Cor- related with these facts is the size of the head, which in woman should be small and shapely, though this is often concealed by the luxuriance of the hair. The fashion of wearing the hair naturally modifies the appearance of the head : travellers have frequently been misled thereby, describing races as big-headed in which in reality the skulls were of small size. Whilst willing to admit that, a well-shaped head is some guarantee of high mental and moral attainments, it remains to be pointed out that the detailed mapping out of the faculties on the surface of the skull is not based on, or supported by, any scientific facts. As has been said, the face is proportionately small in the young child. As yet the air sinuses in the bones have not been fully developed. These air sinuses are all accessory to the respiratory tract, with which they communicate. They act apparently as resonators, and influence thereby the character of the voice. Many of them are connected with the nose, and the reader will at once appreciate their effect on the voice if he notes the changes which take place in its quality when one is suffering from a severe cold in the head. 352 Bones of Face. The most important of these sinuses in connexion with the face is that found within the upper jaw, a bone, which though apparently solid, displays on section a large cavity in its interior. Besides the function above ascribed to these sinuses, it will be evident that by substituting hoUow bones for solid ones the weight of this part of the skull is very much diminished. Among the most important of the bones of the face as determinants of form are the cheek or malar bones. These impart the width to the upper part of the face. If the finger be placed upon the brows, and the outline of the orbits be traced beneath the skin, these bones may be felt as they form the margin of these hollows to the outer and lower side, lying in this position between the outer parts of the frontal bone above and the upper jaw-bones below. "Wide of the orbit the malar bones form the prominence of the cheeks. Posteriorly they can be felt to be supported by an arch of bone which can be readily traced back to the region in front of the ear. This is called the zygomatic arch, and is in part made up of a backward process of the cheek-bone and a forward projection of the temporal bone. Beneath this arch, when the skull is stripped of its fleshy parts, there is a hollow extending up on either side of the head. This is called the temporal fossa, and in it is lodged a large muscle called the temporal muscle. The reader may satisfy himself as to the presence of this muscle by placing his fingers above the zygomatic arch and then opening and closing the mouth alternately. The fibres of the muscle will then be felt contracting, for they are inserted into the lower jaw and help to move that bone (Figs. 194, 195, 200). The zygomatic arches therefore act as buttresses to the cheek-bones at the same time that they allow the fibres of the temporal muscle to pass beneath ' them to be inserted into the lower jaw. The character of the face largely depends on the cheek- The Facial Angle. 353 bones. It is to these that the Mongolian and Tartar races owe their characteristic flatness of face ; whilst they impart to the Australian aborigines their remarkable breadth of features. The prominence of the cheek-bones, apart from these racial characteristics, depends largely upon the fullness of the tissues of the cheek. When, from absence of fat or wasting of the tissues, the cheek loses its roundness, the form of the malar bones becomes more easily recognized. Under these circumstances we speak of a person with high cheek-bones. This prominence is more apparent than real, and depends, as has been said, on the wasting of the surrounding tissues rather than on any undue projection of the bone itself. In old age they become prominent by the sinking of the cheeks beneath them. As has been said, one of the characteristic features of man's skull is the absence of a muzzle : though this is the case, it is true that minor degrees of projection of the upper together with the lower jaw are met with. These variations in the position of the bones lead to very characteristic dif- ferences in the appearance of the features. The student may best realize this by contrasting the two extremes : viz. the ideal type represented in the antique, and that characteristic of the negro races. In the one the outline of the face is more or less vertical ; in the other it slopes forward. A Dutch anatomist named Camper was the first to draw attention to this difference and record it by a scientific method. The projection of the face can be expressed by what is termed the facial angle. A base line is taken which passes across the face, cutting the orifice of the ear posteriorly, and lying on a level with the border of the septum of the nose in front ; on this another straight line is drawn which touches the most prominent part of the forehead above, and the anterior surface of the upper incisor teeth or the front of the upper lip below ; the angle formed by the intersection A a 354 The Facial Angle. of the two lines, marked in the accompanying diagrams, is the facial angle (Figs. 198, 199, eel). In order to measure this angle on the living a variety of different forms of apparatus is used but the method described above, if applied to a profile outline of the head, will enable the student to recognize the variations met with. The angle ranges from 62° to 85°. These are the extremes. The former figure indicates a very marked projection, the latter a more vertical outline. Commonly the angle measures from 70° to 80° ; the white races being characterized I) ' Fig. 198. Head of a European. Fig. 199. Head of a Negro. The facial angle c e 6 is formed by the two lines 'a 6 and c d. In the negro the angle c e 6 is smaller than in the European, owing to the greater projection of the jaws. by a facial angle of from 75° to 80°, the yellow by an angle which varies from 70° to 75°, whilst the negroid races display a projection of the lower part of the face which often causes the facial angle to fall below 70°. In other words, the European races have more or less straight faces, the yellow slightly sloping faces, and the black markedly projecting faces. In the latter this appear- ance is further emphasized by the presence of a broad and flattened nose, and thick and everted lips. In the more highly civilized races, as we have seen, the The Lower Jaw. 355 face is much straighter, and this may account for the ideal forms represented in the antique, in which no doubt a sense of dignity is imparted to the features by the undue emphasis of this condition. In some of these the facial angle exceeds a right angle, a condition not met with in man under normal circumstances. Subjected to these tests many of the types represented in the antique are impossible, yet in spite of all such criticism they still remain the embodiment of all that is noble and great in art. Another bone of much importance in the modelling of the face is the lower jaw. This is divided into two lateral halves, tmited together in the middle line in front, each half consisting of a 'body, an angle, and a ramus. The hody of the jaw is that part which forms the arch which supports the lower teeth ; in front it determines the pro- jection of the chin, and its lower border can easily be traced beneath the skin backwards to a point a little in front of the ear. Here its lower border turns suddenly upwards, forming the angle, and becomes continuous with the posterior border of the ramus. The upper end of the rami, for there is one on each side, supports two processes. The hinder of these, which is called the condyle of the jaw, is furnished with a surface by means of which it articulates with the temporal bone in front of the ear, in a way which will be described below. Separated from this by a notch called the coronoid notch, and lying in front of it, is a pointed process called the coronoid process. This process, when the jaws are closed, passes up beneath the zygomatic arch, and into it the fibres of the temporal muscle, pre- viously referred to, are inserted (Figs. 194, 195, 200). The temporo-maxillary articulation is a joint of peculiar construction, in place of the cartilage-covered condyle of the lower jaw, coming in contact with the articular hollow on the under surface of the temporal bone, a pad of cartilage A a2 3^6 The Masseter. called the meniscus intervenes between them; the upper surface of this is adapted to fit on to the articular surface of the temporal bone, whilst its lower aspect is moulded to receive the rounded condyle. These two joints are distinct and permit of different though associated move- ments. Thus a gliding movement takes place between the meniscus and the temporal bone, whilst a hinge-like movement occurs between the meniscus and the condyle. As already stated, the two movements mentioned above are intimately associated, as may be demonstrated by placing the finger over the joint and opening the mouth, when not only will the jaw be felt to swing, but the prominence caused by the condyle will be observed to advance forwards towards the cheek. Besides the movements of opening and closing the jaws, we can also move the lower jaw from side to side as in grinding the food. Further, we have the power of protruding or retracting the lower jaw, all of which occur at this articulation. Connecting the lower border of the zygomatic arch with the outer surface of the jaw-bone, corresponding to the angle, is a powerful muscle called the masaeter. Of quadrilateral form, it overlies the ramus of the jaw, and so conceals its outline, except behind, where the posterior border of the ramus can readily be felt as it passes up in front of the ear. The masseter thus corre- sponds to the hinder and lower part of the cheek, the fullness of which in this situation is due to the presence of this muscle. The reader may satisfy himself as to the correctness of this statement by placing his fingers on his cheeks a little in front of and above the angle of the jaw; then on firmly closing the jaws he will feel the hardening caused by the contraction of the muscles. These two muscles, the temporal and the masseter, as they arise from fixed attachments on the side of the skull, elevate the inferior maxilla and so close the jaws. They are much Form of Lower Jaw. 357 concerned in tlie movements of chewing, and are hence classed among the muscles of mastication. The size of the lower jaw varies much, being small in infancy, large in adult life, and again reduced in old age. But coincident with these changes in size there are also alterations in shape. If the jaw of a child be examined, the angle formed by the ramus with the body is seen to be much more open than that displayed by the adult, in whom it more nearly approaches a right angle. "With advancing Fig. 200. Side of the skull, showing the position of the temporal and masseter muscles. a. Condyle of lower jaw. &. Body of lower jaw. c. Malar or cheek bone, m. Masseter muscle. 0. External occipital protuberance. t. Temporal muscle. X. Mastoid process of temporal bone. «. Zygomatic arch. years the angle again alters, and becomes more like that seen in infancy. The growth and eruption of the teeth have much to do with the form of the jaw. Whilst the child derives its nourishment from the mother the body of the jaw remains small ; but when nature provides it with teeth to chew its own food the jaw alters its shape. It is only after the permanent teeth have succeeded the milk- teeth that the lower jaw attains its full development In 358 The Chin. Fig. 20I. Infant. Fig. 203. Old Age. Show the shape of the lower jaw and its influence on the surface form in infancy (Fig. 201), in the adult (Pig. 202), in old age (Fig. 203). later life, wlien the natural process of decay, or it may be disease, leads to the loss of the teeth, a shrinkage and atrophy of the bone take place, which bring about the alterations in form character- istic of old age. These variations in the shape and size of the jaw are associated with alterations in the surface forms, and account for the nut-cracker appear- ance imparted to the faces of old people in whom the jaws are toothless. The Hps and cheeks, no longer supported by the teeth, are thin and wasted and form loose and wrinkled hollows. The size of the teeth varies in different individuals. The lower races of man as a rule have larger teeth than the more highly civilized. This is no doubt accounted for by the fact that the higher races pay more attention to the preparation of their food by cooking, S:c. Large teeth necessarily require large jaws, and we can thus account for the massive lower jaws met with in many savages. Too big a jaw imparts a brutal The Orbits. 359 appearance to the face, a feature which draughtsmen have emphasized in representing the criminal type. The chin is a very characteristic feature of man's face ; it depends on the forward projection of the central point of the lower jaw. It presents a variety of forms: it should be full, prominent, and somewhat square in the male, in contrast with the more pointed form which is so pleasant a feature in women. Not unfrequently a depression or dimple overlies its centre, due to a muscle which is here attached to the skin and which helps to raise the, tissues of the chin in certain expressions. This muscle is called the levator menti; it takes its origin from the front of the lower jaw, beneath the lower lip (PI., p. 370, Fig. 2, c). The fullness of the chin is increased by the quantity of fat which underlies the skin. In cases where this is abundant the chin is circumscribed by a fold below which defines it from the fullness beneath the jaw. Not unfrequently the tissues here are so loaded with fat as to give rise to the appearance of double chin. In some, owing to the feeble development of the lower jaw, the chin, instead of being prominent, recedes. This imparts a feeling of weakness to the whole face, in striking contrast to the look of strength and determination asso- ciated with a square jaw. The other parts of the skeleton of the face do not require much description, as their form is masked by the overlying tissues. The shape of the orbits or hollows in which the eyes are lodged varies considerably in different races. The most pronounced feature, and one which alters considerably the appearance of the face, is the overhang and projection of the brows. This, as has been said, depends on the presence of large frontal sinuses and corresponding brow ridges — a con- dition which leads to modifications in form of the lower part of the forehead in the male as contrasted with the female. 360 Nose and Ear. The form of the nose depends on the shape and size of the nasal hones and the arrangement and form of the nasal cartilages. In a skull in which the nasal cartilages have been destroyed in the process of preparation the form of the nasal aperture is like an inverted ace of hearts ; but on looking at a number of skulls of different races it will be Seen that this opening varies considerably in appear- ance. In the negroid races it is broad and short, whilst in the European it is long and narrow. This corresponds with the form of the nose in the living. The negro has a broad iiat nose, whilst in the white man the nose is long and thin. Differences in the form and projection of the nasal bones are associated with characteristic variations in the shape of the nose in the living. So also the moulding of the nasal cartilages plays an important part in this the most pro- minent feature of the face. The disposition of the nostrils and the form of the end of the nose depend on tJiesii struc- tures. The persistence of type in the arrangement of these parts is often remarkable, as exemplified in the characteristic nose of the Jewish race. The root of the nose is very variable. Formed as it is by the nasal bones, its outline depends on the shape and disposition of these bones. In some the root of the nose is depressed and clearly marked by a hollow from the ridge of the brows; in others it is more projecting and carries down the outline of the forehead. Further description of this feature is unnecessary. A great variety of shapes are met with, but the student can now realize on what structures these modifications in form depend. The external auditory meatus marks the position of the ear on the skull. It is a canal leading into the interior of the temporal bone, placed between the articular hollow for the lower jaw-bone, in front, and the projecting process The Ear. ' 361 behind, called the mastoid pr-ocess, to which the anterior fibres of the sterno-mastoid are attached. In front of this aperture the temporal portion of the zygo- matic arch springs. Implanted in and surrounding this orifice is a convoluted leaf of cartilage, "which when covered by skin forms the shell-like ear. Connected with the cartilage below is a quantity of fatty tissue which forms the lobe of the ear. Great dilferences are seen in the shape and size of the ear. In women it should be small and not projecting, its delicacy being enhanced by its colour and the light and shade which its contours impart. In men it should not be unduly large, and should lie close to the side of the head. Unpleasant forms are due to irregularities in the folding of the car- tilage and a spreading out of its edge. The lobe too varies, in many being absent, whilst in others it is not free in front, but is tied down to the tissues of the cheek. Attempts have been made to identify these conditions with racial characteristics, but siifficient has been said to enable the student to judge for himself as to the forms most suitable for representation. Below and behind the ear the hollow which lies between the jaw in front and the anterior border of the sterno-mastoid behind ends abruptly. We have hitherto confined our description to the bones, cartilages, and some of the muscles which influence the surface form of the face ; but covering the front of these, and serving as a mask, is an investment of skin together with fat and muscles. It is to this that our attention must next be directed. It will be well, in the first instance, to study the various openings on the face. Of these there are five — the mouth, the nostrils, and the openings between the eyelids. The orifice of the ear is not included, as it lies on the side of the head and has already been sufficiently described. All these openings are liable to modification in their 362 The Mouth. form by the action of the muscles whicli surround them. It is largely to these alterations in shape that the expression of the emotions is due. The mouth, the largest and most important of these apertures from the point of view of expression, is the cleft between the lips ; it varies much in size and in the form of its boundaries. The lips should be full and rounded, the red parts being clearly defined from the rest by a more or less prominent margin. The upper lip should project some- what, so as to throw part of the under lip in shadow. The form of the upper lip is often a feature of great beauty. From the angles of the mouth the red part of the upper lip should curve over so as to form an arch, the centre of which, however, is interrupted by a gentle groove which passes across its middle from the septum of the nose. As this groove joins the red edge of the lip it breaks the continuity of the curve and imparts to it that characteristic appearance which has been named ' Capid's bow.' It is just where this groove breaks the outline that the lip is most prominent. The upper lip varies considerably in length in different individuals, a short lip being regarded as one of the attributes of ideal beauty. The lower lip, though full, should not project as far forwards as the upper. Beneath its red part it should be recurved and separated by a broad depression from the prominence of the chin, thus tending to cast a shadow beneath, which helps to accentuate its curved outline. At the angles of the mouth the red parts of the lips are narrowed down to a line and tend to be intumed. The fullness of the tissues of the cheek here forms an angular depression which, thrown in shadow, breaks the otherwise abrupt union of the upper and lower edges. The modelling of these parts displays great subtilty of form and imparts a delicacy and finish to the curves of the lips. It is hardly necessary here to remind the reader of the many defects displayed in this feature. The Eyes. 363 An undue length of tke upper lip, as well as thinness or excessive fullness of the red parts of the lip, are characters which should be avoided in ideal conceptions, though doubt- less they have their value in the representation of more realistic types. The most remarkable feature about the mouth is its extreme mobility, a property which we shall see hereafter is of the greatest value as a modifying influence in expression. The structures which determine the form of the nose have been already described. The form of the nostrils dis- plays many varieties, according to the shape of the nose. These openings are separated by the septum, which joins the upper lip at a point corresponding to its median furrow ; on either side, the cartilages which form the alae of the nose overhang the nostrils. These cartilages are separated posteriorly from the fullness of the cheek by a curvilinear furrow. Their lower borders are more elevated than the lower border of the septum, so that in profile the septum determines the outline, and the aperture of the nostril is seen. The shadow thrown across the nostril by the overhanging ala is warm in tone, owing to the exposure of the highly vascular membrane which lines the interior of the opening. It is worth noting at present that the alae of the nose are slightly movable, and are to a certain extent under the control of the will. The size of the eyes depends on the extent of the surface of the globe exposed between the eyelids. This naturally varies with the length of the fissure between the lids, which on the statement of expert authority should form one-fifth of the width of the head. The two apertures should be separated by a width equal to the length of one. With the eyes open, the angles formed by the union of the upper and lower lids should lie on the same horizontal line. Deviations from this are not uncommon, the most 364 The Eyes. remarkable being that in which the outer angles are raised, thus giving the eye an oblique appearance. It is partly due to this obliquity that the eyes of the Chinese and Japanese owe their distinctive appearance. Another characteristic of these races is the condition known as epicanthus; in this the inner angle of the eye is overhung by a fold of skin which passes downwards from the upper eyelid. This appearance is not unfrequently met with in European infants, though in them it usually disappears as the child grows up. The globe of the eye rests on a pad of fat within the orbit. Its movements are controlled by the action of six muscles which are attached to it. If the fat within the orbit be scant in amount, the eyes appear deep-set and sunken. "When prominent the condition depends on the increase in the bulk of these supporting pads. The setting of the eyes is further affected by the pro- minence of the brows. When these overhang, the eyes appear deep-set. The orbital margin is only recognized as a surface form along the brows and towards the outer side. Below, the skin passes from the lower lid to the cheek without any indication being given on the surface of the lower margin of the orbit. Of the two eyelids, the upper is the longer and the more movable. The closing of the eye is eifected by the descent of the upper eyelid, and not by the raising of the lower lid. The margin of the upper lid is more curved than that of the lower. Both margins are furnished with eyelashes, of which the upper are the longer. The margin of the upper lid is sufficiently thick to throw a shadow on the eyeball beneath it. Viewed from the front or side, the surface of this margin is not visible. The margin of the lower lid, thinner than that of the upper, is upturned, and, viewed from the front in ordinary positions, is clearly seen. From its colour and from the fact that, The Eyes. 365 being a moist surface, it more readily catches the light, it forms an element of much importance in the drawing of the eye. The inner and outer angles between the eyelids differ. The outer angle, or external canthus as it is called, is formed by the upward curve of the lower eyelid beneath a fold which is continuous with the margin of the upper lid. In- ternally 'the two eyelids do not directly unite with one another, but are separated by a small Z)-shaped recess. Here are found the ducts which carry away the tears, and here also a small triangular-shaped vascular fold, which stretches across the angle between the lids, supplies the painter with opportunities of applying local colour. The red tint of this fold is carried inwards into the recess aforementioned. Passing inwards towards the root of the nose from the inner canthus, for about one-eighth of an inch, a prominent surface ridge can often be seen which is due to the presence of a little ligament called the tendo oculi, which unites the eye- lids with the inner wall of the orbit. "When the eyes are closed, as in sleep, the form of the upper lid depends on the shape of the eyeball. This is not a simple sphere, but consists of part of a sphere of smaller diameter placed on the front of a larger one. It might be compared to a well-curved watch-glass placed on the surface of a cricket-ball. This more prominent part of the eyeball is called the cornea ; it corresponds to the coloured part of the eye as distinct from the white of the eye. The white of the eye is due to the white glistening fibrous coat of the eyeball, called the sclerotic. This serves as a protection for the delicate contents within the globe. The corneal part of the eyeball is transparent, and allows of the transmission of the colour of the parts which lie within. The colour of the eye is due to the pigment in the iris, a curtain which serves to control the amount of light which enters the interior of the eye. It corresponds to the diaphragm 366 Expression. of a photograpMc lens, varying the size of the aperture or pujpil through which the light passes. Both the cornea and sclerotic, so far as they are exposed between the eyelids, are covered by a delicate membrane, called the conjunctiva, which is always kept moist by the secretion of the tears and thus reflects the light which falls upon it. In this way the ' high light,' which is so important a detail in the drawing of the eye, is accounted for. The presence or absence of this high light and its position will vary with the direction of the light falling on the eye of the model. An abuse of this high light is frequently seen in productions of ' artist ' photographers. When the eye is open the upper eyelid is withdrawn within a deep fold, which repeats more or less accurately the curve described by its free margin. Above this fold the tissues form a fullness which is continuous above with the projecting brows. Variations in the outline of these details are of course numerous, and alter with the ex- pression and the modelling of the parts. Expression is in great part due to the modifications which take place in the form and outline of the features which have just been described, but the study of the subject is beset with many difficulties, and is by no means so easy as at first appears. To take a case in point, the differences between the expression of terror and horror are but slight, yet so marked that there is no mistaking them. Horror is not necessarily associated with fear, nor terror with disgust, yet both are remarkable for the general similarity in the mode of their representation. The analysis of these differ- ences requires careful study, and many subtilties are apt to escape the casual observer. The artist may rely on his models for their outward shape, but it is only exception- ally that he can trust to those means for the inspiration which quickens his forms and gives life and directness to their actions. Expression. 367 In the study of expression, the broader effects are easily attained by what one may almost term conventional methods. It is only when the more delicate shades of difference, are treated that we recognize the master hand. This comes home to us in our experience of the stage. We acknowledge success and condemn failure almost intuitively. When the mimicry of the actor falls short of our standard of experience we do not hesitate to criticize his performance adversely, yet how often are we unable to explain the reasons of his lack of success! He has failed to appeal to us because he has not seemed natural, for though he has employed all the conventionalities of his art he has omitted the niceties which give refinement and character to his conception. It is the recognition of these details and shades of differ- ence that enable us at once to place our finger on the weak spot, and it is only by prolonged study and careful observa- tion that we can hope to attain to anything like excellence in this respect. Fortunately we are able to avail ourselves of the experience of a great teacher. Darwin, whose book on the Expression of the Emotions is a masterpiece of thought- ful inquiry, has given us a striking exposition of the manner in which these problems should be attacked. The student will be well repaid if he reads this book, for not only will his interest be aroused, but his spirit of inquiry and observation will be stimulated. It is outside the scope of this work to attempt anything like a full consideration of this subject, and in the following pages only a few of the more striking facts are referred to. As has been said, expression largely depends on the alteration in the form of the features by muscular means, but the student may be reminded that action is not confined to the facial muscles alone. Attitude and posture largely assist us in the expression of the emotions ; the pose of the body, the turn of the head, the position of the hands, all bear a part. 368 Expression. There are changes due to other factors, as for instance the blood-vessels and their contents. In certain conditions of excitement the heart beats faster, the blood-vessels are filled with more blood, and the countenance becomes suf- fused. On the other hand there are emotions associated with a great diminution in the quantity of blood in the cutaneous vessels, attended by a death-like pallor of the sur- face of the body. These changes in the circulation react, too. on other organs and systems ; thus the eye becomes more brilliant in certain forms of excitement, due to an increase in the tension of its contents, whereas in other conditions, as in extreme prostration through fear, &c., it lacks much of its natural lustre. Again, perspiration is a result of similar influences, and, curiously enough, this transudation through the pores of the skin is associated either with increase or decrease in the amount of blood in the cutaneous capillaries. Reference need only be made to the occurrence of a cold and clammy sweat in states of terror to verify this fact. Blushing is also due to vas- cular changes dependent on nervous influence, but as the quality of a blush as contrasted with a general height- ening of the colour depends upon its transient nature it is outside the scope of pictorial representation. A moment's consideration will enable the reader to realize that, whilst the contraction of the facial muscles is under the influence of our will, the vascular and nervous pheno- mena above referred to are beyond our control, and hence beyond our powers of mimicry, so that in representing the various emotions the artist must rely on his own experience and observations rather than on the conventional efforts of his model. It is with the first group of phenomena, viz. those due to the contraction of the facial muscles, that we are mainly concerned. In discussing these we must bear in mind that the openings on the face are each associated Muscles of Expression. 369 with a particular sense : the eye with sight, the nose with smell, and the mouth with taste ; moreover the nose and the mouth are also concerned with the admission of air to the lungs. The bearing of these facts will be seen here- after, when we come to realize that certain emotions are associated more or less distinctly with certain of these senses. Thus the turning away of the eyes in shame, the snif&ng associated with a disdainful look, and the move- ments of the lips frequently observed in the expression of disgust, are proof of the association of these emotions with particular sense organs. One ashamed does not look the accuser in the face; the sniffing in disdain implies that a person by his very odour has rendered himself offensive ; and in disgust the same meaning is conveyed as if by the movement of the lips on an unsavoury morsel. The muscles of expression may be grouped as follows, viz. those which influence the movement of the scalp, and particularly that part of it which forms the covering of the forehead, and those which control the form of the various apertures of the face, i. e. the eyes, nose, and mouth. The scalp consists of the tissues overlying the skull, from the brows in front to the external occipital protuberance behind. The part which covers the forehead is free from hair, that behind forms the hairy scalp. It is loosely connected with the underlying bones, so that it can be moved backwards and forwards on them. The freedom of this movement varies very considerably in different individuals. Many possess this power to a remarkable degree, whilst in others it is almost absent. These movements are effected by the action of certain muscles — most important of which is the occipito-frontalis. This muscle consists of two thin fleshy portions with an intermediate fibrous sheet, called the epicranial aponeurosis. The occipital part of the muscle covers the back of the head and is attached to the ridge on the occipital bone Bb 370 Muscles of Expression. called tiie superior curved line. This corresponds to the junction of the tissues of the neck with the back of the head. Superiorly the fleshy fibres are connected with the hinder part of the epicranial aponeurosis. The frontal part of the muscle overlies the forehead : it has no bony attachment. Superiorly it arises from the fore part of the epicranial aponeurosis, and inferiorly is inserted into the skin of the brows and the root of the nose (PL, p. 370, Figs. 1,2,71, Ci, if). When this muscle contracts, as in the expression of surprise, it raises the skin of the forehead, and throws it into a series of folds, which repeat fairly accurately the curves of the eyebrows. Descending from the frontalis, on either side of the middle line and over the root of the nose, are two little muscular slips called the pyra- midales nasi. These have their fixed points below, and are attached in part to the outer surface of the nasal bones, and in part to the aponeurosis which overlies the car- tilages of the nose. When these muscles act they therefore draw down the skin of the forehead towards the centre, thus causing a depression of the inner ends of the eyebrows and a wrinkling of the skin over the root of the nose. Such movements are associated with expressions of displeasure, as in frowning (PL, p. 370, m). The corrugatores supercilii muscles occupy an oblique position above the inner half of the brows, one on either side. They lie under cover of the frontalis, and arise from the bony arch of the orbit on either side of and slightly above the root of the nose; spreading outwards and up- wards they become attached to the skin over the middle of the eyebrows. When these muscles contract, the skia over the outer part of the forehead is drawn inwards, and a series of central longitudinal folds is produced. The muscle is usually combined in its action with the foregoing, that is to say either with elevation or depression of the skin w o ^ >, =3 a 1| H < Eh en O S |1 *^ ° 3 o P « .S o 1 g ft rt •Z en a 4 II • ^ > ■^ a s *0 to ^-^ . s S5 a II 2 «6 a ^ o o S £ * •= 5 a ° rr< ft is 2 f' -S — ■^ ■s a * s ll go" 5i O ffl n- 3 -a o a f '^ 1 S ft s S ft ft.S o 5 U ^ < ai ft S » III a I a ill lis . i 5 « .2 ■- -3 .g a -43 a -a -a 'S a 3 ^ >> O "< ^ N ■ a 00 o rj O O iE PM O ft 3 Is a J ^ o a "^ O m t^ irj "O !>• 00 C\ C o c '^ V f^ S s . '.fei^i Muscles of Expression. 371 of the forehead. In this way the transverse folds produced by the frontalis and pyramidales are modified in the middle line. In combination with the central part of the frontalis the corrugatores supercilii cause the eyebrows to become oblique, and pucker the skin in the centre of the forehead, as in the expression of grief. In associated action with the pyramidales muscles they help to emphasize the wrinkling over the root of the nose and lower part of the forehead as in frowning If the reader will consider for a moment the results produced by the contraction of these muscles he will realize that the wrinkling of the skin caused by them is always transverse to the direction of the fibres of the muscles (PL, p. 370, Fig. i, 0). In passing to the consideration of the muscles of the face proper we recognize that they are grouped around the various orifices, each of which is provided with opening and closing muscles, in addition to others which modify their shape. Surrounding the fissure of the eyelids and overlying the lids themselves is a thin sheet of muscle called the orbicu- laris palpebrarum. The fibres are arranged in a series of concentric loops which are attached internally to the inner bony margin of the orbit. Elsewhere the muscle spreads over the margin of the orbital hollow and is con- nected with the skin superficial to it. Above, it blends with the frontalis and lies superficial to the corrugator ; inferiorly, it is connected with some of the muscles of the cheek. The part of the muscle which overlies the lids is called the palpebral portion. The action of this is to close the eyelids. Under ordinary conditions the lower lid moves but slightly, the upper being drawn down over the surface of the globe. Exceptionally, as in the act of ' winking,' the closure of the lids is effected by the elevation of the lower lid. That portion of the muscle which lies around the lids is called its orbital part. The lower half of the orbital fibres elevates the skin of the cheek and wrinkles the B b 2 372 The Eye in Expression. skin over the outer margin of the orbit, producing the skin folds which, in old people, are often called ' crows' feet/ The upper half draws down the skin of the forehead and antagonizes the action of the frontalis. It pulls down the eyebrows and causes them to overhang. The muscle, as a whole, is employed in forcible closure of the eyes, as when a blow is expected. The lids are strongly compressed against the front of the globe, which is slightly pushed backward at the same time that the lids are carried a little inwards towards the bony attachment of the muscle (PL, P- 370= Figs- i> 2, I). The eye is opened by the action of a muscle called the levator palpebrae superioris (the elevator of the upper lid). This muscle lies within the orbit, and is attached to the deep surface of the upper eyelid. Its action is sufficiently expressed by its name. The eye plays a most important part in the expression of the emotions. The changes met with in it are due to several causes. First, its brilliancy may be increased or diminished according as there is an increase or decrease in the tension of the contents of the eyeball. These changes are beyond our control, and are associated with exalted feelings on the one hand or a sense of depression on the other. In the former state the eye is bright, whilst in the latter it appears dull. An increase in the tears which bathe the surface of the eyeball leads to the more ready reflection of the light from the moist, exposed surfaces. An excessive increase leads to the shedding of the tears which takes place in certain violent and uncontrollable emotions. The movements of the eyeball, which are distinct from those of the eyelids, have a definite influence on expression. The downcast eye indicative of shame, the upturned eye suggestive of devotion, the averted eye associated with the expressions of disgust and aversion, the downward and sidelong look in contempt, are all well-marked examples. The Eye in Expression. 373 Lastly, we have the relation of the opening of the eyelids to consider. In such emotions as surprise, terror, and horror the eyes are widely opened. The partial closure of the lids may be associated with a contemptuous look, in which there is a suggestion that the person is not worth looking at, and that we would experience little loss if we shut him out from our sight. Narrowing of the opening between the eyelids is often seen in people whose attention is con- centrated on some thought, or who are gazing steadfastly at some object. Here it is often combined with a slight frown. The purpose of this action may be either to allow less light to enter the eye or to shut out surrounding objects. The eyelids are forcibly closed when we expect to receive a blow or sudden shock, and one of the first difficulties a novice in boxing has to overcome is to control this tendency. Here the closure of the lids is obviously for the purpose of protection. In like manner, in such violent expiratory acts as sneezing and coughing, the eyeballs are supported by the closed lids. In laughter the orbicular muscle is contracted, the skin around the eye is wrinkled, and the opening between the eyelids is narrowed. Apart altogether from the influence of the eye on expres- sion, the student should note the delicacy of the skin below the lower eyelid and on the inner side towards the root of the nose. Here the cutaneous vessels exercise a marked influence on the surface colour. In some a dark tint often enhances the brilliance of the eyes. The general recognition of this fact has led to its adoption by artificial means in the art of ' making up.' The eyebrows and eyelashes differ in different individuals. The former should be well arched and separated by an interval. The latter vary in their length and in the character of their sweep. Dark eyelashes mask to a certain extent the drawing of the margin of the lids, as they surround the opening of the eyelids with a dark indefinite zone. 374 Muscles of the Nose. The colour of the eyebrows and eyelashes need not neces- sarily conform with that of the hair. It is by no means uncommon to meet with women with fair hair and dark eyebrows and lashes, though it may here be pointed out that the same results may be obtained by the practice of the mysteries of the toilet. Though man is unable to open and close the nostrils, he yet possesses a considerable amount of control over the size of these apertures. This is effected by the movements of the nasal cartilages. The reader must bear in mind that the nose is not only the organ of the special sense of smell, but is also one of the channels through which air passes to and fro in respiration ; hence the muscles which control the movements of these cartilages are concerned with the changes in the form of the nostril which accompany forced respiration, as well as those which are associated with the perception of smell. Of these muscles the most important are the compressor naris, the levator alae nasi, and the depressor alae nasi. The compressor muscles are placed on either side of the nose. They arise from the upper jawbone, close to the bony margin of the nasal aperture. Spreading out in a fan- shaped manner on the sides of the nose, they are inserted into a thin aponeurotic expansion which stretches across the bridge of the nose. Overljdng, as these muscles do, the cartilaginous part of the nose, when they contract they tend to depress the cartilages and so compress the alae, as they overhang the nostrils (PL, p. 370, Figs, i, 2,^'). The levator alae nasi forms part of a muscle called the levator labii superioris et alae nasi. It takes origin above from the bone in front of the orbital margin, and close to the root of the nose ; its fibres pass downwards along the side of the nose and are inserted into the wings or alae of the nostril. As its name implies, this muscle raises the wings of the nose and hence dilates the nostril, as in the act Muscles of the Mouth. 375 of sniffing. Its action is associated witli an elevation of the upper lip at the same time, owing to the fact that some of the fibres which arise from the same bony attachment pass down to be inserted into the upper lip; hence the name given to the whole muscle (PI., p. 370, Figs, i, 2, /fc). The depressor alae nasi takes origin froia the upper jaw- bone, immediately above the front teeth. Its fibres pass upwards to be inserted in part into the septum of the nose, in part into the posterior aspect of the wings of the nostril. The muscle draws down the septum and assists the com- pressor in depressing the alae of the nose and narrowing the nostril. Under ordinary circumstances the movements of the alae are imperceptible in respiration. In violent inspiratory efforts, after prolonged muscular exercise, or in conditions of intense excitement accompanied by deep inspirations, the dilatation of the nostrils becomes a charac- teristic feature. When we wish to analyze more care- fully the nature of a particular odour we draw the air up forcibly into the nose and then contract the orifice so as to prevent its escape. These are the sniffing movements, move- ments which are often the involuntary accompaniment of such expressions as contempt and disdain (PL, p. 370, Figs. I, 2, i). Of all the features the mouth is the most mobile and the most under our control. Though many of its movements are in a sense involuntarily associated with certain moods, yet they may be checked by the exercise of the will. In like manner we can, with a certain degree of success, simulate by the voluntary contraction of some of its muscles the expressions which are habitually dependent on the more or less co-ordinated action of these muscles. The mouth ranks first therefore as a modifying agent in the appearance of the features. The slight upturning of the angles of the mouth imparts to the face an altogether different appearance from that displayed when the angles 376 Muscles of the Mouth. are down-drawn. In support of the view that the mouth is such an important factor in the determination of expression we have only to take into consideration the number of muscles which surround it. Generally speaking, the muscles of the mouth may be divided into groups according to their action. There is a closing muscle called the orbicularis oris. There are muscles which raise the upper lip, others which elevate the angle ; some which retract the angles, and some which draw them down; and, iinally, there are those which depress the lower lip. The orMcularis oris consists of an oval sheet of muscle of considerable thickness which surrounds the orifice of the mouth. Its inner edge corresponds to the red margins of the lips. Its outer border spreads upwards towards the base of the nose, outwards towards the cheek, and downwards as low as the furrow which separates the lower lip from the chin. The muscle is connected by slender slips with both upper and lower jaws, above and beneath the front teeth. The bulk of the muscle, however, is made up of fibres which pass across from side to side and turn upwards and down- wards at the angles of the mouth. The outer border of the muscle is blended with the various elevators and depressors of the lips and angles, and is also intimately connected with the muscles of the cheeks. The muscle closes the mouth and brings the lips together; it also narrows the mouth and causes the lips to protrude (PL, p. 370, Figs. I, 2, g). The elevators of the upper lip are two in number. One has been already in part described, viz. the levator labii superioris et alae nasi. The fibres of this muscle which pass to the lip are blended with the orbicularis on either side of the wings of the nostrils (PI., p. 370, Figs, i, 2, Jfc). The levator labii superioris proprius, or special elevator of the upper lip, arises from the front of the upper jaw-bone, Muscles of the Mouth. 377 close to the lower margin of the orbit ; it is more or less united with the preceding muscle, and is inserted into the tissues of the upper lip (PL, p. 370, Figs, i, 2, s). The elevators of the angles of the mouth are the levator anguli oris and the zygomaticus major and minor. The levator anguli oris arises from the front of the upper jawbone under cover of the levator ' labii superioris pro- prius, and passes downwards and slightly outwards to be inserted in bhe upper border and outer side of the angle of the mouth (PL, p. 370, Figs. 1, 2, t). The zygomatici are two muscular slips which arise from the outer surface of the cheek-bone and pass downwards and forwards to reach the angle of the mouth, where they are inserted (PL, p. 370, Figs, i, 2, Ji). All three muscles are elevators of the angles ^of the mouth, but the latter tend to draw the angles upwards and outwards, as in the broad grin, whereas the levator anguli oris tends to inturn the angle. "We have already seen how the platysma myoides (p. 336) passes up from the neck on to the face to be connected with the muscles of the lower lip. Some of its more specialized fibres have received a definite name, and constitute the risorius muscle. These fibres arise from the fascia of the cheek in front of the ear, and, passing forwards, are attached to the skin of the angle of the mouth. They act as retractors of the angles and thus widen the mouth (PL, p. 370, Figs. 1,2, i,f}. The depressors of the angles of the mouth include the depressor anguli oris and the fibres of the platysma which are passing to the angle. The depressor anguli oris arises from the lower jaw near its lower border, on either side of the middle line. The muscle, which is triangular in shape, and is hence some- times called the triangular muscle of the chin (triangularis menti), is attached by its pointed extremity to the tissues 378 The Mouth in Expression. of the angle of tHel mouth, on its lower side. The fibres of the platysma have been already referred to. Both these muscles pull down the angle of the mouth, the platysma at the same time drawing it backward and outwards (PI., p. 370, Figs, i, 2, e). The depressor muscle of the lower lip is the depressor labii inferioris. It arises from the front of the lower jaw xinder cover of the depressor anguli oris. Square in shape, and hence sometimes called the quadratus menti, it passes upwards and is inserted into the tissues of the lower lip, blending with the orbicularis oris. The action of this muscle is assisted by the fibres of the platysma (PL, p. 370, Figs, i, 2, d). The levator menti is a small muscle which arises from the front of the lower jaw, below the front teeth. Eunning down- wards and forwards, it spreads out and is inserted into the skin of the chin. By raising the chin, as its name implies, it also elevates the lower lip and protrudes it (PL, p. 370, Fig. 2, c). The action of the various muscles on the form of the mouth has been referred to as each has been described, but a moment's reflection will enable the reader to understand the complexity of form which is the result of their conibined action. Not only is this the case when the lips are closed, but an altogether different shape may be given to the open mouth by the squaring of the angles or the inturning and protrusion of the lips. Note also how the mouth is, like the nose, associated with a special sense, viz. that of taste, and also with the respiratory function. In association with taste we frequently have movements expressive of pleasure or disgust, movements such as would be performed by the lips on the reception of a tasty bit or the rejection of an unsavoury morsel. The mouth is not only a channel through which air may enter and pass from the lungs, but also exercises an important influence in speech and voice-production. In making The Mouth in Expression. 379 a violent muscular effort after the chest has been filled with air the mouth is firmly closed to prevent its escape. On the completion of the act the mouth is again opened and the air expelled from the lungs. Under ordinary and healthy conditions the nose alone suffices for the purposes of respiration, but under exceptional circumstances, when the respiratory efforts are much increased, the mouth is often made use of to enable us to get more breath. So delicate and precise are the forms given to the lips in speech that advantage is taken of this circumstance to enable the deaf and dumb to read by sight the words which fall from the lips of a speaker they cannot hear. A striking example of the characteristic appearance of the mouth and lips in the production of certain notes is seen in the figures on the sculptured frieze executed by Luca della Eobbia, in conjunction with Donatello, for the organ gallery of the cathedral at Florence. The visitor to the Uffizi Grallery has little difficulty in determining from the expression of the singers the character of the voice. The mouth is opened widely in surprise and awe. ' So also in disgust and laughter, though the forms are very different. A vacant, silly look is often given to the face by an open mouth. A firmly closed mouth is expressive of determination. The closure of the jaws and the opening of the mouth so as to show the clenched teeth are suggestive of hatred, and hint at the use of the teeth as weapons of offence. The upturned angles are characteristic of the merry moods, whilst a down-drawn mouth is associated with less pleasant emotions. In connexion with these alterations in the shape of the mouth it is well to note how furrows, which play an important part in expression, become developed. The most important of these is the naso-labial furrow. This separates the rounded form of the cheek from the wing 380 Expression. of the nose, and, sweeping downwards and outwards, fades away imperceptibly towards the angle of the mouth. Coincident with certain movements of the mouth, this furrow is emphasized and altered in its direction. In laughter and crying it is much deepened and curved. It is deepened above when the skin on the side of the nose is drawn up and wrinkled, and it is straightened when the angles of the mouth are depressed. The furrow may either be carried round the angle of the mouth, or may be replaced by another which continues the curve of the upper lip downwards and outwards. Reference has been already made to the association of facial expression with gesture and pose of the body. As Professor Cleland ^ has pointed out, gesture largely depends on the association of mental with physical conditions. Moral rectitude, as expressed in indignation, is associated with a straightening of the figure ; mental depression is in- dicated by a lack of energy in the movements of the body. In like manner certain emotions are expressed by gestures which have a purely physical basis. "We often convey the meaning that we wish to avoid or shun a thing by putting up the hands as if to push it aside. We bend the body forward and incline towards what pleases us,' or indicate by the direction of a wave of the hand whether we desire a person to approach or leave us. These examples are sufficient to enable the reader to appreciate the physical reasons for the gestures so frequently employed. In providing a short summary of the more striking characteristics of some of the expressed emotions the details must necessarily be brief and the selection far from complete. Sir Charles BelP laid it down as a general rule that 'in all the exhilarating emotions the eyebrows, eyelids, 1 Evolution, Expression, and Sensation, by John Cleland, M.D., F.RS. Glasgow : James Maclehose. ^ The Anatomy of Expression. Third edition, 1844. Expression. 381 the nostrils, and angles of the mouth are raised; in the depressing passions it is the reverse.' To this may be added the suggestive remarks of Professor Cleland, that 'expression for the information of others is most liable to be made with the mouth, the organ of communication with the world ; while expressions that betray thoughts unintentionally to the outer world are most liable to begin in the eye and forehead.' In tTie expression of suffering as shown in a crying child we see the eyes firmly closed and the skin around them puckered. The skin of the forehead is drawn down and wrinkled by the corrugators and pyramid ales so as to cause a frowning appearance. At the same time the skin of the nose is wrinkled and the upper lip drawn up, and the angles of the opened mouth are somewhat squared by the antagonizing influence of the depressor anguli oris. Such expression is characteristic of a child ' roaring ' with pain or temper, but, as Professor Cleland has remarked, the expression is very much akin to that of an adult ' roaring ' with laughter. In proof of which we need only, as he points out, make the experiment with one of Darwin's own illustrations ^ by covering with a card all but the head of the child; then draw on the card the figure of a fat old man lying back in his chair, and the child's face, without a stroke of change, will be converted into the bald head of the old man convulsed with laughter. Laughter, sobbing, and crying, as Professor Cleland points out, have the feature in common of convulsive breathing ; the appear- ances are not dissimilar, and the value of the above experi- ment depends on the association of ideas. ' Old men are more given to roar with laughter than to bellow like children.' Hence the very different interpretations placed upon the expression. • Expression of the Emotions, by Chas. Darwin, Plate I, Fig. 2. John Murray, London, 1872. 382 Laughter — Reflection —Determination. In prolonged grief the face is pale, the eyelids droop, and, owing to the flaccid condition of the muscles, the lips, cheeks, and lower jaw all sink down by their own weight. By the contraction of the central portion of the frontalis and the two corrugators the eyebrows are drawn upwards towards the centre of the forehead and assume an oblique direction, whilst the skin of the forehead is wrinkled, with rectangular furrows towards its centre. The drooping of the head on the chest is also characteristic of this form of emotion. Laughter is expressed by the opening of the mouth, the angles of which are either drawn back, as in the broad grin, or drawn back and upturned. The upper lip is slightly raised, the naso-labial furrow is deepened and curved round the angles of the mouth. The skin over the nose is finely wrinkled, and the eyebrows are slightly lowered. The eyes are partially closed by the contraction of the orbicularis palpebrarum, which also wrinkles the skin around the lids. The eyes themselves are bright and sparkling, due to the acceleration of the circulation within them. Devotion is associated with an upturned face and eyes, and hands either clasped or crossed on the breast. Reflection, abstraction, and meditation are characterized by slight frowning movements and a vacant look in the eyes, due to the fact that we are ' staring at nothing in particular.' The eyes are not concentrated on any object, and sometimes are slightly divergent, conveying just the suggestion of a squint. Ill-temper is suggested by a frown and the depression of the angles of the mouth ; sulkiness, by a pouting of the lips, accompanied with a downward turn of the angles. Determination is indicated by a firm closure of the mouth, accompanied by a deep inspiratory effort, at the same time that the whole muscular system is ready for Rage — Sneering — Disdain. 383 action. A nod, as when a person says ' I'll do it/ frequently accentuates the expression. Shyness, on the other hand, is often associated with blushing and a desire to avoid looking one in the face, as suggested by the averted or down turned head. Shyness and shame are very much alike, though the former is often distinguished from the latter by a pouting of the lips. In rage the circulation is much affected ; the face reddens and the veins of the neck and forehead become distended. In other cases pallor is a marked feature ; the person so affected becomes ' white with rage.' The chest heaves with the more violent respiratory efforts, and the nostrils quiver, the mouth is closed, and the teeth are firmly clenched. At times the lips are protruded, or, it may be, retracted, so as to show the teeth. The brows are frowning, and the eye is bright and flashing; the hair may bristle, and the voice is affected — it ' sticks in the throat ' and is often trembling and discordant. The fists are frequently closed as if to strike, but in extremes of passion the move- ments of the hands and arms may be purposeless. Indignation differs only in degree from rage. The pulse is slightly quickened and the colour heightened ; the eye is bright, and the wings of the nostrils are raised ; the mouth is commonly compressed. Respiration is hurried, and the figure is drawn up and the head thrown somewhat back. Sneering is characterized by an upturned and averted face and a retraction of the upper lip so as to expose the ' eye ' or ' canine ' tooth. As Darwin has pointed out, this reveals man's ancestry, for the action is the same as that of a snarling dog when showing his fighting teeth or canines, preparatory to a tussle with his antagonist. In disdain the expression is accompanied with a partial closure of the eyelids, as if the person looked at were disagreeable to the sight or unworthy of a glance. In contempt the upturned and wrinkled nose suggests an 384 Fear— Horror. offensive odour, whilst in disgust the movements of the lips or the clearing of the throat convey the impression that the person so moved is endeavouring to rid himself of an ill taste or some unsavoury mouthful. Helplessness is usually suggested by elevated eyebrows and wrinkled forehead. The mouth is usually open and the head bent to the side. The elbows are placed by the side, and the palms are upturned and open. A shrug of the shoulders helps to emphasize the expression. The expressions of attention, surprise, astonishment, and terror are closely allied, and may succeed each other in an apparently natural sequence. In attention the eyebrows are elevated and the forehead is wrinkled, and the opening of the eyes and mouth corresponds to the degree of sur- prise or astonishment. In admiration the same appearances are seen, but here the mouth expands into a smile, and the eye brightens. Fear, on the other hand, is accompanied by pallor. A clammy sweat often breaks out on the surface of the skin, the mouth is dry, the heart beats violently, and there is trembling all over. In terror these phenomena are all accentuated. A deathlike pallor overspreads the surface. The nostrils are dUated and the breathing is laboured. There is gulping of the throat and a convulsive movement of the lips. The eyeballs protrude and roll from side to side ; the cheeks are trembling, and beads of perspiration roll down them. The violent contraction of the platysma causes the wrinkling of the skin of the side of the lower jaw and neck, and drags down the angles of the opened mouth. The person so affected is utterly unnerved and bordering on a state of collapse. Horror, as distinct from terror, is characterized by con- tracted brows with no loss of energy. The body is in a state of extreme tension, but the victim of this sensation Habitual Expression. 385 is not unnerved by fear, and has not lost control over his actions. In conclusion, it is merely necessary to remind the reader that when an expression becomes habitual the cast of the features is moulded thereby. The face of a sleeping child is calm and expressionless ; it is as it were the clay on which nature is going to stamp the character of the man, for expression uncontrolled is but the outward evidence of the working of the mind. According to the disposition of the individual, so the features become set. We recognize a morose and ill-tempered man by his look, for in him the habitual mood has become more or less permanently expressed by every feature in his face. One example is sufficient to enable the reader to recall many others in which the general temperament is as charac- teristically displayed. c c CHAPTER XIV. PROPORTION. A CANON of proportion in strict accordance with scientific measurements would result in mere commonplace. Science seeks to attain an average, art an ideal. Tke artist searches for his models amongst those who display the most graceful and refined types of manly strength and feminine beauty, whilst the anthropologist and anatomist are content to measure all, good, bad, and indifierent, in their endeavours to strike a mean. As every artist knows, it is impossible to find a model without blemish. The ideal conception depends on the selection from different models of those features which are most pleasing, the combination forming a masterpiece very different from the vulgar average put forward by the anthropologist as typical of the race. The scientific criticism of proportion as applied to art is therefore misleading, and, far from aiding the artist, is like to sink him to the level of the mere chronicler of facts. For such as desire the information there are many works in which the subject is discussed from a scientific standpoint. Here it is neither my intention nor desire to trouble the reader with details which, however interesting, have little to do with his art education. Proportion. 387 The main difficulty whicli has always presented itself in this connexion is the unit of comparison which is the best to adopt. For draughtsmen who are not constructing human figures on geometrical principles with rule and compass it is important that the unit employed should be easily compared with the rest of the figure. The head, face, hand, foot, and middle finger have all been selected by different artists and anatomists for this purpose. The history of the subject is by no means uninteresting, and should the reader desire to extend his knowledge further in this direction he may consult with advantage a work entitled Proportions of the Body^, in which he will find a short account of the more important facts. The scheme proposed by Dr. Paul Richer in his admirable treatise on Artistic Anatomy^ seems by far the best. It is not too elaborate, and is admirably adapted to serve as a guide to the draughtsman. Dr. Eicher's method is based on that of Cousin, in which the head is taken as the unit of comparison. This corresponds to the length between two horizontal lines, the one passing on a level with the top of the head, the other with the point of the chin. The height of the figure is equal to 7I heads. This corresponds to the proportion of the head to height in the Antinous. The Grladiator and the Pamese Hercules measure 8 heads, as also the Venus of Milo. The tendency in the antique is to keep the head small in proportion to the figure. In this way a sense of height and dignity is attained. From the chin to the fork measures 3 heads, distributed as follows. From the chin to about the level of the ^ Proportions of the Body, by Prof. B. C. A. Windle. Bailliere, Tindall, & Cox, London, 1892. ' Anaiomie Artistique, by Dr. Paul Richer. E. Plon, Nourrit, et Cie., Paris, 1890. C C 2 388 Proportion. nipples. I head; from this level to a point a little above the navel, i head ; from this to the fork, which corresponds posteriorly to the fold of the buttocks, i head. A rough-and-ready method for sketching in the pro- portions of the trunk is to divide it into thirds, of which the lowest includes the distance from the seat to the waist, the middle that from the waist to the shoulders, whilst the highest is apportioned to the head and neck. The limbs bear the following proportion to the head. The lower extremity, when straight, measures 4 heads from the heel to the trochanter major, and thus equals in length the head and trunk together. From the under surface of the heel to the articular surface of the knee measures 2 heads. From the articular plane of the knee to the middle of the furrow of the groin the distance is 2 heads. As 4 heads have been measured from the top of the figure to the fork, and 4 heads up from the heels, and as the height of the figure equals yi heads, it follows that the distance between the levels of the fork and the trochanters measures half a head. The half of this distance, which overlies a point on a level with the summit of the arch of the pubis, corresponds to the centre of the figure, being distant from the top of the head and sole of the foot 3! heads respectively. From the heel to the fork the limb measures 3I heads, and the centre of the patella corresponds to the middle of the distance between the anterior superior iliac spine and the sole of ^he foot. The arm is 3 heads long from the bottom of the hollow of the armpit to the tip of the middle finger. Of this the fore-arm and hand, from the tip of the middle finger to the tip of the elbow (olecranon), measure 2 heads. The length from the summit of the shoulder (the point where PROPORTION OF MALE AND FEMALE FIGURE IN HEADS AND HALF HEADS Proportion. 389 the collar-bone articulates witli the acromion process of the scapula) to the bend of the elbow equals the length from the bend of the elbow to the elevation on the palm of the hand overlying the root of the middle finger. "With the arm by the side, the wrist lies on a level with the central point of the figure, and the fingers reach a little below the centre of the thigh, taking that as a point i head distant from the articular plane of the knee. In regard to the breadth of the figure the following measurements are approximately correct, though liable to great individual variation. The greatest width of the shoulders is equal to two heads, the greatest width across the hips should be \\ heads, whilst the narrowest part of the waist is a little more than i head. The width between the nipples is equal to, or a little less than, a head.; and the distance between the two anterior superior iliac spines is about a head or a little over. In regard to some other proportions of the trunk, the vertical distance between the collar-bone, when the arm is by the side, and the anterior superior iliac spine of the same side is 2 heads. The waist, or what corresponds to it, the free margin of the ribs, lies \\ heads below the level of the collar-bone. From the level of the spine of the seventh cervical vertebra on the back to the level of the depressions over the posterior superior iliac spines is 2 heads. The lower angles of the shoulder-blades, when the arms are by the side, reach a level midway between these two points ; in other words, they lie a head below the level of the spine of the seventh cervical vertebra. The head is divided into two equal parts by a horizontal line passing through the angles of the eyelids ; these halves are again equally divided, so that the head is apportioned into four parts, of which the highest includes 390 Proportion. the hairy scalp, the second the forehead and eyebrows, the third the nose, and the fourth the mouth and chin. This arrangement, as has been pointed out, leaves but a short space for the mouth and chin, and the suggestion of Da Vinci, that the distance between the chin and the eyebrow be halved and made to correspond with the base of the nose, appears to meet with general acceptation. It need hardly be pointed out that great individual variations may occur in the relative proportions of the features. The breadth of the head on a level with the eyes varies much in different individuals and races ; a good proportion appears to be that this width should equal three-quarters the head length — in other words, the face and forehead. According to Cousin, this width may be divided into five equal parts, of which the central division corresponds to the interval between the eyes. On either side of this the eyes each occupy a division, whilst external to these the outer orbital margins and the temples seen in per- spective go to make up the outer fifths. The base of the nose is said to equal an eye in width, and the mouth, which varies greatly, may be stated as equal in width to \\ eyes. The width of the neck is usually about half a head, and the length from the chin to the pit of the neck varies from a quarter to one-third of a head. This distance is increased or diminished according as the head is raised or depressed. The table subjoined, which is taken from Dr. Eicher's excellent treatise, will appeal to the student as eminently practical and not unduly detailed. j The length of the middle finger, including the head of its metacarpal bone, as when flexed. Half J The height of the flank as seen from the front, i. e. Head = the distance from the anterior superior iUac spine to the free margin of the ribs above. The furrow between the buttocks. Proportion. 391 One Head = One and A HALF Heads = Two Heads = Three Heads = /The distance from the chin to the line of the nipples. The distance from the level of the nipples to the navel. The length of the arm from the hollow of the arm- pit to a point a little above the bend of the elbow. The length of the hand, including the wrist. / The height of the buttocks. \ The distance which separates the two hollows above the collar-bones. The height of the scapular region from the superior border of the trapezius to the lower angle of the shoulder-blade. The width between the two anterior superior iliac \ spines, which slightly exceeds a head. The height of the chest-wall from the summit of the shoulder to the upper hmit of the flank. The width between the two shoulder-joints. •< The width across the hips between the two tro- chanters. The distance between the fork and the articular plane of the knee-joint. 'The leg from the sole of the foot to the articular plane of the knee. The thigh from the articular plane of the knee to a point immediately above the great trochanter, or to the level of the middle of the fold of the groin. / The fore-arm and hand from the tip of the middle \ finger to the tip of the elbow (olecranon). The height of the trunk from the collar-bone in front to the anterior superior iliac spine, and from the spine of the seventh cervical vertebra behind to the level of the depressions overlying the posterior superior iliac spines. /The height of the torso from the chin to the fold of the buttocks. From the top of the head to the navel, or to the { upper limit of the buttocks behind. The length of the upper extremity from the bottom of the hollow of the armpit to the tip of the middle finger. 392 Proportion. Trom the top of the head to the fork, or the fold Four of the buttocks behind. Heads = The length of the lower limb from the sole of the ^ foot to the top of the great trochanter. The centres of the shoulder-joints lie i^ heads from the top of the head. The centres of the hip-joints lie 3^ heads from the top of the head, or 4 heads from the ground. Added to the foregoing are the following details, which have been collected from various sources. They do not profess to be absolutely accurate, but may afford the student a ready means of testing approximately the pro- portions of his drawing. 7 J to 8 head lengths. 6 to 7 foot lengths. 9 to 10 hand lengths. 4 cubits (i. e. the distance from tip of middle finger to tip of elbow). /c,i ,1 12 heads, or more than one quarter of _, Shoulder = \ , . , . Bbeadtu J I height. OF FiGUKE Waist = I foot, or little more than i head. vHips = 1 1 heads, or one-fifth of height. ! One-sixth to one-seventh of height. Length of ulna. "Width of waist. Height or Figure One Foot = Depth of trunk in profile on a level with the nipples. Twice the length of face from eyebrows to chin. \Circumference of fist. Three feet equal the distance from the sole of the foot to the fork. /One-ninth to one-tenth of height. A face length (three-quarters of a head). Horizontal depth across profile figure : One J (a) From lips to back of neck. Hand = \ (6) At level of navel. (c) Across middle of thigh. Distance along side of chest, from waist to anterior fold of armpit with arm by the side. Proportion. 393 A Hand /Length of collar-bone, (less the Length of inner border of shoulder-blade, terminal I Breast-bone without ensiform cartilage, joint of the 1 Interval between inner borders of shoulder-blades middle when arms are by the side, finger) = \Half the length of the humerus. It is not necessary to enter into a detailed account of the proportions of the long bones. The following table may serve as a guide, which will for all practical purposes be found sufficient. The thigh-bone (femur) = 2 heads length. The shin-bone (tibia) = a little more than \\ heads. The bone of the upper arm (humerus) = about i \ heads. The outer bone of the fore-arm (radius) = about 1 head, or half the length of the femur. The inner bone of the fore-arm (ulna) = i foot length. The collar-bone, the inner border of the shoulder-blades, and the breast-bone without the ensiform cartilage are all of nearly equal length. The length of the axis from the top of the head to the tip of the coccyx is very nearly half the length of the figtire. In passing to discuss the relative proportions of the male and female figure it will be necessary, in the first instance, to say something about the characteristic differ- ences of the female skeleton. The bones of the female are smaller and more slender, and do not present the rough surfaces which in. the male are associated with a more powerful muscular system. The form of the thorax is not only smaller in all its diameters than that of the male, but is also proportionately shorter. In accord with this we find that the breast-bone is proportionately shorter than in the male. The form and size of the pelvis are amongst the most distinctive features of the female skeleton. They have already been referred to (p. 219), but some of the more important 394 Proportions of Female. facts may here be recapitiilated. It is wider and shallower than in the male ; the sacrum is wider, and projects further Fig. 204. The male pelvis. Fig. 205. The female pelvis. a. niac portion of os innominatum. h. Pubic portion of os innominatum. c. Ischial portion of os innominatum. d. niac crest. e. Anterior superior iliac spine. /. Anterior inferior iliac spine. f Energy in Plants. By Prof. Dr. W.' Pfeffer. Second fully -Revised Edition, translated and edited by Alfred J. Ewart, D.Sc, Ph.D., F.L.S. Royal 8vo, half- morocco, 28s. Prestwich. 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