CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 1924 092 704 687 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. ORDINANCES CORPORATION CITY OF BALTIMORE, Passed at their First and Second Sessions, held February, 1797, and February, 1798. WITH THE ACT OE INCORPORATION PREFIXED. BALTIMORE : KE-PBINTED JB"2- JOHN COX:, CITY PRINTER, Corner Pratt Street and Spear's Wharf. 1875. ACT OF INCORPORATION. An Act to erect Baltimore Town, in Baltimore County, into a City, and to incorporate the inhabitants thereof. Whereas, it is found by experience that the good order, health, peace and safety of large towns and Preamble, cities cannot be preserved, nor the evik and accidents to which they are subject avoided or remedied, with- out an internal power competent to establish a police and regulation fitted to their particular cir- cumstances, wants and exigencies ; therefore, Section 1. — Be it enacted by the General Assem- bly of Maryland, That Baltimore town, in Baltimore county, shall be, and is herebv, erected into a City, Baltimore town by the name of the City of Baltimore, and the in-£ t e y ctolintoa habitants thereof constituted a body politic and cor- porate by the name of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and as such shall have perpetual suc- cession, and by their corporate name may sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, grant, receive and do all other acts as natural persons, and may purchase and hold real, personal and mixed property, or dispose of the same for the benefit of the said city, and may have and use a city seal, which maycityseai. be broken or altered at pleasure. The City of Bal- timore shall be divided into eight wards, each ward «ity divided ;n- , . n , n it. j?to eight wards. to contain, as nearly as may be, an equal number 01 inhabitants, the first division shall be made by seven respectable citizens, or a majority of them, to be appointed by the Governor and Council ; and the corporation of the said city thereafter, from time to * ORDINANCES. a correct aivi- time, shall cause a correct division of the eaid city made. a to be made into eight wards, according to the actual number of inhabitants, which divisions shall be re- peated as often as the increase or decrease of inhab- itants in any ward or wards shall render it necessary, a further divi-™ ov ^ er to a just representation ; and when the in- sion of wards habitants shall increase to forty thousand, it shall made. tobe then be divided into fifteen wards, and for any additional increase of inhabitants, one new ward only shall be added for every twenty thousand, in order to preserve, as nearly as may be, an equal number of voters in each ward. F"y.c° u f n ? u t0 Sec. 2.— And be it enacted, That the Councils of Consist 01 tWO , „r-»-t- tit- /» 1 1 branches. the City of .Baltimore shall consist oi two branches, one whereof shall be denominated the First Branch, the other the Second Branch ; the First Branch shall consist of two members of the most wise, sensible and discreet of the people from each ward, who Sem'S'lTthl shall be citizens of the United States, above twenty- first branch, one years of age, residents of the said town three years preceding their appointment, and assessed on the books of the assessor to the amount of one thousand dollars; and the voters for the First Branch of the said City Council shall have the same quali- Quaiificationsoffications as voters for Delegates to the General As- '""" sembly of this State; and the said election shall be made viva voce. Sec. S. — And be it enacted, That the first election Elections for the for members of the First Branch of the City Council whento teheid. shall be held on the third Monday in February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, and on the third Monday in February, in each and every year thereafter, at such place in each ward as the judges of the election, in the first instance, and after- wards as the corporation by ordinance shall direct. To be held by The election shall be held by wards, and no person shall be entitled to vote for any but -the members of the ward of which he is a resident ; three respect- eiectionslrl ap- a ^ e citizens, residents in each ward, or a majority pointed. pf them, in the firgt instance, to be appointed by ORDINANCES. O the Commissioners of Baltimore town, and after- wards by the Mayor of the said City, shall be judges of the elections in their respective wards, and they shall have power to appoint their respective clerks. Sec. 4. — And be it enacted, That the polls in each Polls open one ward shall be kept open one day, from eight o'clock day ' in the morning till six o'clock at night, and no longer, and when closed, the several judges shall, within three days after such election, notify to the persons having the greatest number of legal votes in their respective wards, that they are duly elected ; and they shall make their return, and deposit their jjnaumafere- polls, in the first instance, with the present clerk of turns of eieo- the Commissioners of Baltimore town, and there- tlons ' after as shall be directed by ordinance ; any vacancy happening in the First Branch of the City Council, shall be filled up without delay, from the ward where such vacancy happened, in such manner as shall be hereafter directed by ordinance. Sec. 5. — And be it enacted, That the Second Qualifications of Branch shall consist of eight members, who shall Mco^'br^nch! be chosen from the several wards, and no person shall be eligible as a member of the Second Branch, who is not of the full age of twenty-five years, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the said town four years, previous to his election, and assessed on the books of the assessor to the amount of two thousand dollars ; and the members of the Second Branch shall continue in office for the term of two years next succeeding the time of their elec- tion. Sec. 8. — And be it enacted, That the Mayor of The mayor and the said City, and the members of the Second Branch howchoseS! 11 of the City Council, shall be chosen in the follow- ing manner, to wit : That each ward, at the time and place of electing the First Branch of the City Council, shall elect viva voce, one person qualified to be a member of the First Branch as elector of the Mayor and of the members of the Second Branch '6 ORDINANCES. of the City Council, on the third Monday in Janu- ary next, and on the same day every second year thereafter, who shall, on the third Monday in Feb- ruary,one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, and on the same day every second year thereafter, ™^™™ etat nieet at the Court House, or some other convenient court house. ? ._ , place in the said city, and elect, by ballot, a Mayor and eight members of the Second Branch, to serve for two years thereafter ; no person sSall be eligible Sn r s' s quaIifi " f° r Mayor, who is not of known integrity, experi- ence, and sound judgment, twenty-five years of age, ten years a citizen of the United States, and five years a resident of Baltimore town, or city, next preceding the election ; and in case two or more persons shall have an equal number of votes for Mayor, or members of the Second Branch, the said Lot to determine electors shall determine by lot, which of the persons when votes are ,. .. i/» i-iii equal. so having an equal number ot votes, shall be ap- pointed to the office of Mayor, or Second Branch of the City Council, as the case may require ; the said electors of the Mayor and of the members of the Second Branch, before they proceed to elect, Elector's oath, ^^j swear or a ffi rm , as the case may be, that they will elect without favor, partiality or prejudice, such person for Mayor, and such persons as members of the Second Branch of the City Council, as they in their judgment and conscience believe best qualified for the said offices, and having the other qualifica- tions required by this Act ; that the said electors ofSJeiectlons shall be judges of the elections, returns, and quali- fications of their members ; but no person shall be elector of the Mayor and members of the First Branch of the City Council at the same time; any vacancy m eiec- yacanC y na pp en ing in the electors of the Mayor, shall be filled up from the ward where such vacancy happened, without delay, in such manner as shall mtyo"aity° f the ^ e hereafter directed by ordinance, and any vacancy of the Mayoralty happening, the same shall be filled up without delay, by the electors of the Mayor for the time being, for the remainder of the term ; and the°second in a ^ vacane i es happening in the said Second Branch, branch. shall be filled up by the electors aforesaid. ORDINANCES. 7 Sec. 7. — And be it enacted, That the City Coun- session of the cil shall hold their first session at the Court House city council8 - in Baltimore, or at any other place within said city, on the second Monday in February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven ; and they shall meet on the second Monday of February in every year thereafter ; but the Mayor may summon them J^*™^™ 7 to convene whenever, and as often as it may appear to him that the public good may require their delib- erations. Three-fourths of the City Council shall be a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day ; they may compel, the May com P« 1 a *- « , J j»i J i*«i i tendance of ab- attendance 01 absent members, in such manner, and sent members. under such penalties, as they may by ordinance pro- vide; they shall appoint their respective presidents, who shall preside at all their sessions, and shall vote on all questions ; they shall settle their rules of pro- ceedings, appoint their own officers, regulate their respective fees, and remove them at pleasure ; they shall judge of the elections, returns, and qualifica- Judges of their tions of their own members, and may, with the con- currence of three-fourths of the whole, expel any May expel any member for disorderly behaviour, or mal-conduct in office, but not a second time for the same cause ; they shall keep a journal of their proceedings, and enter the yeas and nays on any question, resolve or ordinance, at the request of any member, and their deliberations shall be public ; they shall ascertain by ordinance, the compensation of their services, By ordinance^ which shall not be increased during their continu-sation e fQ° n tne"r ance in office : The Second Branch of the City Coun- servicea ' cil shall nominate two citizens to each office which may arise under this Act and the ordinances of said corporation, and the Mayor shall appoint and com- ^pSon'how mission one of said nomination, to fill the respective appointed. ' offices during pleasure; and the said Mayor shall appoint proper persons to fill up all vacancies during "^J," 3 up the recess of the session, to hold such appointment until the ensuing session : The City Council shall Mayor's salary. settle the salary of the first Mayor at their first ses- sion of the second year, and the salary of the suc- ceeding Mayors shall be settled previously to their ORDINANCES. Mayor hath a qualified nega- tive. Force of the laws. If the mayor don't approve. Three-fourths necessary. appointment ; all ordinances or acts passed by the City Council shall be sent to the Mayor for his ap- probation, and when approved by him, shall become a law, and shall then be obligatory upon the several Courts and Justices of the Peace of Baltimore coun- ty, Sheriff and Constables within the limits of the City of Baltimore, and all other persons within the limits of said city, to every intent and purpose as the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland : Provided the said laws or ordinances shall not con- tain any thing repugnant to the constitution or laws of this State, or the United States ; but if the said Mayor shall not approve of such ordinances or acts, he shall return the same within five days, with his reasons in writing therefor, and if three-fourths of both Branches of the City Council, on reconsidera- tion thereof, approve of the ordinance or law, it shall then be an ordinance or law, to all intents and purposes; and if any ordinance or law shall not be returned by the Mayor within five days after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had approved it, unless the City Council, by their adjournment prevent its re- turn. Power of the corporation. Sec. 8.— And be it enacted, That the corporation aforesaid shall have full power and authority to en- act and pass all laws and ordinances necessary to preserve the health of the city, prevent and remove nuisances ; to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases within the city, and within three miles of the same ; to establish night watches or patroles, and erect lamps; to provide for a general survey of the city and precincts ; to ascertain when necessary, the boundaries and location of streets, lots, lanes and alleys thereof, to establish new streets, lanes and al- leys, with the consent of the proprietors of the ground, and to alter and to straighten streets, lanes and alleys, with the consent of the proprietors of the lots or houses adjoining such streets, lanes and alleys; to provide for the preservation of the navi- *j™' baainana gation of the Basin and Patapsco river within the Health, &c. Night watches. Streets, lanes and alleys. ORDINANCES. 9 limits of the City of Baltimore, and four miles there- of; for cleaning and deepening the basin and docks, and for regulating the station, anchoring and moor- ing of vessels; but no tax direct or indirect shall be laid on that part of Baltimore called Deptford Hun-D^f"^"^ dred, for the preservation of the navigation of the "' basin, or for cleaning or deepening the basin or docks therein ; to provide for licensing and regulating auctions and pawnbrokers within the city and pre- Auctions, &c. cincts thereof; to restrain or prohibit gaming, and Gamitl s- to provide for licensing, regulating or restraining theatrical or other public amusements within the Theatres, city or precincts ; to erect and repair bridges ; to Bridges, pave and keep in repair all necessary drains and sewers, aud to pass all regulations necessary for the Sewers - preservation of the same, to establish and regulate inspections within the city, subject to the future Acts Ins P ectiona - of the General Assembly ; to regulate and affix the assize of bread ; to provide for the safe keeping and preservation of the standard of weights and mea- weights and sures fixed by Congress, and for the regulating thereby all weights and measures used within the city and precincts ; to regulate party walls and par- Part y walls - tition fences; to erect and regulate markets; to Markets. provide for licensing and regulating (with the con- sent of the Maryland Insurance Fire Company) the sweeping of chimneys, and fixing the rates thereof Chimnies - within the city and precincts, and for regulating the sweeping of any chimney, by the neglect of which the safety of the city may be endangered, and to ascertain the width of those to be built in the Their size - city ; to establish and regulate fire wards and fire F're wards, companies ; to regulate and establish the size of bricks that are to be used in the houses to be built in the city; to erect and regulate pumps in the Pum P 3 ' streets, lanes and alleys ; to impose and appropri- ate fines, penalties and forfeitures, for the breach of their by-laws or ordinances ; to lay and collect taxes, Taxon P ro P er 'y not exceeding two dollars in the hundred pounds in any one year, except as before is excepted ; to enact by-laws for the prevention and extinguish- ment of fires, and to pass all ordinances necessary 10 ORDINANCES. Non residents exempt. Fines, how re' coverable. to give effect and operation to all the powers vested General powers in the corporation of the City of Baltimore ; pro- vided, that the by-laws or ordinances of the said corporation shall be in no wise obligatory upon the persons of non residents of the said town, being cit- izens of this State, unless in cases of intentional vio- lation of by-laws or ordinances previously promul- gated ; all the fines, penalties and forfeitures im- posed by the ordinances of the corporation of the City of Baltimore, if not exceeding twenty dollars, shall be recovered before a single magistrate, as Bmall debts are by law recoverable ; and if such fines, penalties and forfeitures do exceed the sum of twenty dollars, then to be recovered by action of debt in Baltimore county court, in the name of the corporation, and for the use of the City of Baltimore. Town Commis> sioners, &c, cease. Their powers devolve on tho corporation. Former rights remain. Records and monies given up. Sec. 9. — And be it enacted, That the powers and authority vested in the town commissioners, special commissioners and port wardens, heretofore ap- pointed by law for Baltimore town, except the authority of the town commissioners to hold elections agreeably to the constitution and form of govern- ment, shall cease and determine as soon as this Act shall be in force and operation ; and the corporation of the City of Baltimore are hereby declared to possess, and may provide for the exercise of all powers and authorities now rested in the said town commissioners, special commissioners and port war- dens, except the holding of elections for Delegates to the General Assembly — but no rights acquired under the Acts of the aforesaid board shall be annulled, impaired, avoided or restrained by any acts of the said corporation ; and immediately upon the operation of this act, and organization of the corporation contemplated thereby, the records, papers, proceedings, monies, accounts, and all other matters and things appertaining to the said commis- sioners of Baltimore, special commissioners and port wardens shall be lodged and deposited with such per- son or persons as shall be appointed by the Mayor and corporation of the city to receive the same ; and all ORDINANCES. H acts of the Legislature of the State of Maryland now Acts of the log- in force shall continue and remain in force, but the f^'' 6 stm ln powers and authorities thereby delegated to the com- missioners of Baltimore town, special commissioners and port wardens, or any other tribunal or person, touching the police of Baltimore town, or any of its internal concerns, shall be, and they are hereby, transferred and vested in the corporation hereby ^ e r p^ d a j"on he constituted, and the said corporation are hereby em- powered to act under such laws in the same manner, and as fully as if the said corporation had been par- ticularly named in such laws. The Mayor shall, in virtue of his office, have and exercise all the juris- i^» jSatlce orthe diction and powers of a justice of the peace, except peace - as to the recovery of small debts, and may call upon JJjf e " u ™ any any officer of the city entrusted with the receipt and expenditure of public money for a statement of his accounts as often as he or the corporation may con- ceive it necessary; he shall see that the ordinances are duly and faithfully executed, and shall report annu- ^ s cute the ally to the corporation during the first five days of their session a general state of the city, with an ac- curate account of the money received and expended, f t |?e of°the h cuy. to be published for the information of the citizens. The Mayor and corporation of the City of Baltimore, the judges and clerks of the elections, and all other officers of the city, before they enter upon the exe- cution of their respective offices, shall severally take the following oath or affirmation : — I do solemnly swear or affirm, as the case may be, that I will faith- ° a * of a11 ° ffl " fully execute the office of to the best of my knowledge and ability, without favor, affection or partiality. Sec. 10. — And be it enacted, That the person or persons appointed to collect any tax imposed in virtue of the powers granted by this act, shall have authority to collect the same by distress and sale of jjjf"^ °e S coUect " the goods and chattels of the person chargeable there- with ; but no sale shall be made unless ten days' previous notice thereof shall be given, and if the tax imposed shall be chargeable on any real property, 12 ORDINANCES. and no goods or chatties can be found liable to be distressed therefor, the same may be recovered by action of debt, or attachment, in Baltimore county court, in which no imparlance shall be allowed. Sec. 11.— And be it enacted, That all and sin- ewy contains angular the powers granted to the said corporation ground'on the shall be, and are hereby, declared to extend to Deep basin. Point, and to all wharves and other grounds hereto- fore made and extended into the basin of Baltimore town, or which shall hereafter be made and extended into the same, which shall be considered and taken as part of the said city ; and the said corporation may provide for the exercise of such powers in the same manner as if the said wharves and reclaimed lands were originally condemned as part of the same town. Sec. 12. — And be it enacted, That an act of as- sembly passed at November session, seventeen hun- dred and eighty-four, entitled, " An act for the Watch act per- establishment and regulation of anight watch, and the erection of lamps in Baltimore town, in Balti- more county," shall be and is hereby enacted and declared to be a perpetual law, subject, nevertheless, to such alterations, amendments and revisions, as may hereafter be enacted and ordained by the cor- poration aforesaid, or the Legislature of this State. committee of Sec. 13. — And, whereas the committee of health petTses for X i796.of Baltimore, have incurred a debt of two thousand two hundred dollars in execution of the trust reposed in them, be it enacted, that the corporation .aforesaid shall assess and levy on the assessable property of said city, the amount of the expenditures of the said committee of health for and during the year seventeen hundred and ninety-six, to be collected in the same manner as the county levy is by law directed to be collected, and to be applied as afore- said. ORDINANCES. 13 Sec. 14. — This act to continue in force until the first day of September, seventeen hundred and nine- continuance. ty-eight,and the end of the next session of Assembly which shall happen thereafter, By the House of Delegates, December thirty-first, 1796. — Read and assented to. By order, ¥m. Harwood, Cleric. By the Senate, DecemJber thirty-first, 1796. — Mead and assented to. By order, A. Van Horn, Clerk. A Supplement to the act, entitled an act to erect Baltimore town in Baltimore county, into a City, and to incorporate the inhab- itants thereof. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary- land, That the next election for members of the First Branch of the City Council shall be held on the third Monday in January, seventeen hundred and ninety-eight ; and that the election next there- after shall be held on the first Monday of October, SfJj^jSf" in the same year ; and that every succeeding election be™ of the first for members of the First Branch of the City Coun- cil, shall be held on the first Monday in October in each and every year for evur thereafter ; that the next election for electors of the Mayor, and of the members of the Second Branch of the Citv Council, shall be field on the first Monday in October, in the f h ° e r e ^° r r s °£ d year seventeen hundred and ninety-eight ; and every second branch, succeeding election for electors of the Mayor and of the members of the Second Branch of the City Council, shall be held on the first Monday in Octo- ber in every second year thereafter. And that the said electors of the Mayor and of the members of 14 ORDINANCES. the Second Branch of the City Council shall meet on the first Monday in November, in the year seven- teen hundred and ninety-eight, and on the first Tberfeiecaig Monday in November, in every second year there- after, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and mem- bers of the Second Branch of the City Council, any thing in the original act, to which this is a supple- ment, to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 2. — And be it enacted, That the corporation Their powers, aforesaid shall have full power and authority to enact "and pass all ordinances necessary for paving and keeping in repair the streets, lanes and alleys in the City aforesaid, to make and keep in repair all ne- cessary drains and sewers, as well in the city as precincts ; to tax any particular part or district of the city for paving the streets, lanes or alleys there- in, or for sinking wells or erecting pumps, which may appear for the benefit of such particular part or district ; to establish and regulate guagers and their fees, and the fees of all the corporation officers ; to license and regulate brokers, sedan chairs, hackney coaches, or other carriages kept for hire and employ- ed within the city, and also draymen, waggoners, carters, porters and watermen residing and employ- ed within the said city, with powers to make all necessary regulations respecting the same, to direct in future in what parts of the city buildings of wood shall not be erected, to erect and provide ' magazines for the storage of all gunpowder brought to the city or precincts, and to compel the same to be stored in said magazines, and to regulate the price of said storage ; to prevent the storage of naval stores or other combustible matter, in such quanti- ties or places within the city or precincts, as may be deemed dangerous to the safety of the same ; to erect or build house of correction, hospitals or pest houses, within or without the city, if necessary, and Their powers. to p agg a |j ordinances for the government of the same ; to make new assessment of all real and per- sonal property as often as it may be necessary ; to punish corporally any servant or slave guilty of a breach of any ordinance, unless the master or mis. ORDINANCES. 15 tress pay the fine annexed to the offence ; to prevent the making new docks or canals without the consent of the corporation ; and to add to the city any of the adjoining lands, on the application and with the consent of the owners, and to lay off the necessary streets, lanes and alleys through the same, giving them the rights and privileges, and subjecting them to the laws and ordinances of the city. And be it enacted, That an act of assembly, en- charter made titled, an act to erect Baltimore town, in Baltimore perpetua1 ' county, into a city and to incorporate the inhabitants thereof, passed at November session, seventeen hun- dred and ninety-six, with this supplement, shall be, and are hereby enacted and declared to be, perpetual except where altered by this act ; and that all acts ordinances of -,*-.. -.*'■, -,-, , . tne corporation and ordinances passed, or to be passed, by and under declared valid. the authority of the same, are hereby enacted and declared to be good and valid to all intents and pur- poses whatsoever. ORDINANCES ■ OF THE CORPORATION OP THE CITY OF BALTIMORE, Passed at their First Session, held. February, 1797. No. 1. An ordinance to continue the several officers therein mentioned in the exercise of the powers heretofore granted to thorn by the Commissioners of Baltimore town, and Port Wardens, until the Corporation shall take further order therein. Be it ordained, by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the several clerks of the markets, the hay weighers, wood corders, harbor master, in- spector of flour and of salted provisions, be, and are hereby, continued in the exercise of the powers °^ ce &c. contil1 ' heretofore granted to them by the Commissioners of Baltimore town and the Port Wardens, until the corporation shall provide for the same. Approved March 6, 1797. No. 2. An ordinance to appoint persons to take into possession and and safe keeping the Records, Papers, Proceedings, Monies and Accounts of the Corporation of the City of Baltimore. Whereas, by the Act of Assembly, entitled " An Act to erect Baltimore town, in Baltimore county, into a City, and to incorporate the inhabitants there- of," it was, amongst other things enacted, that Preamble. 18 ORDINANCES. immediately on the operation of said Act, and or- ganization of said corporation, the records, papers, proceedings, monies, accounts and all other matters and things appertaining to the Commissioners of Baltimore town, special Commissioners and Port Wardens, should be lodged and deposited with such person or persons as should be appointed by the Mayor and corporation of the said City to receive the same. And it appearing reasonable that such persons should be appointed as soon as convenient, agreea- bly to the said Act of incorporation, A person ap- pointed to re- ceive the re- cords, &c. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, that Kichard H. Moale be, and is hereby, appointed to receive the records, papers, proceedings and accounts of the Commis- sioners of Baltimore town, special Commissioners, and Port Wardens. And he is hereby authorized and directed to call on the said Commissioners of Baltimore town, special Commissioners, and Port Wardens, to receive the same for safe keeping, until the corporation shall take further order therein. A person ap- . pointed to re- ceive the mon- ies, &c. And be it enacted and ordained, That William Gibson be, and is hereby, appointed to receive all the monies in the hands of the Commissioners of Baltimore town, special Commissioners and Port Wardens. And he is hereby, authorized and di- rected to call on the said Commissioners of Balti- more town, special Commissioners, and Port War- dens, to receive the same and to lodge and deposit the monies so received, with him for safe keeping, until the corporation shall take further order therein. To give bo»d, be. And be it enacted and ordained, That the pre- sons appointed in virtue of this ordinance, before they enter on the execution of the duties required of them, give bond and security in such sum as the ORDINANCES. 19 Mayor shall direct and approve, to the corporation aforesaid, for the faithful performance of the trusts created by this ordinance. Passed March 17, 1797. No. 3. An ordinance to provide a Seal for the City of Baltimore. Whereas, the City Council of Baltimore, have by their resolve heretofore made, requested the Mayor of the City of Baltimore to provide a City seal, preferring the one heretofore used by the town Commissioners, if the necessary alterations be made thereon. And whereas, the Mayor hath by his report made known to the said City Council, that he hath agree ably to the said resolve, provided a City seal, which vSed. he hath presented to the said City Council, City Seal pro- Be it therefore ordained by the Mayor City Coun- cil of Baltimore, That the said seal shall be city seal ^ of Baltimore, to be had and used in all such cases as of Baltimore, hath been or may be hereafter provided by the laws of the United States, the laws of the several respec- tive States of the said United States, and the ordi- nances of this corporation, and in all such other cases as by the usage and customs of nations it is necessary to use and affix a city seal. Approved March 20, 1797. No. 4. An ordinance to compel the attendance of absent members of the City Council. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That if any member of the First or Second Branch of the City Council shall Members to at. neglect to appear at the hour of meeting in the tend ' 20 ORDINANCES. Branch of which he is a member, or shall after ap- pearance absent himself on any day before the hour of adjournment, without leave first obtained of the President of the Branch of which he is a member, such person or persons shall forfeit and pay a sum Penalty for non- not exceeding two dollars for every time he shall neglect to attend, or absent himself as aforesaid, un- less he be excused as is hereinafter provided. And be it enacted and ordained, That the fines and forfeitures incurred by this ordinance shall be Fines to be de- deducted out of an allowance due to to the mem- i d owan d ce, u Lc'. fal "b er or members incurring the same; and if such member or members shall not have due unto them a sum sufficient to discharge and pay the fines and forfeitures incurred as aforesaid, the balance or sum remaining due shall and may be collected in the same manner as other fines and forfeitures are and may be collected. And be it enacted and ordained, That after the Members to as- attendance of the member in his place who has been absence? 6 ° absent, he shall be required by the President to assign the cause of such absence, and after stating the same, he shall forthwith withdraw ; and such fine shall be imposed on him for his non-attendance as to that branch of the City Council of which he may be a member shall appear right, not exceeding the Fine. s aid two dollars, or excused, as the case may be. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any mem- Absent mem- ber shall not attend, or cease to attend during the cuses in writing! session of the City Council, he shall transmit to the President of the branch of which he is a member a satisfactory excuse in writing during the session, or he shall be fined in the discretion of his branch not exceeding two dollars a day, for each day he shall so absent himself. , ORDINANCES. 21 And be it enacted and ordained, That neither branch shall adjourn without the consent of the Adjournment, other for a longer time than one day during the session. Approved March 20th, 1797. No. 5. Ail-ordinance to establish a Register and Treasury Department. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there shall be hereafter A register and two principal officers denominated Kegister and JJ^X'Sd! b " Treasurer of the City of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained, That the Register Register t0 re . shall receive and have in his charge and keeping all ^j^^.™" the records, papers and proceedings of the said corporation, and shall receive and safe keep all the votes and proceedings of the City Council after The votes and their session, and all and every return of elections th° oTty'wuncii. by the judges of election from the several wards of the said city for members of the First Branch of the City Council, or electors of the Mayor and members Returns of eiec- of the Second Branch of the City Council, and f tions - the election of the Mayor and Second Branch afore- said ; and it shall be his duty to keep in a book to be provided for that purpose, an exact account and to record nomi- record of all nominations, appointments, and com- nation8 > tc - missions of every officer of the corporation, and also to note and register every act and transaction of the said corporation. And be it enacted and ordained, That whenever Register to «- an ordinance or act of the First and Second Branch SI 1 ™. J from the of the City Council, having been approved and mayor, signed by the Mayor of the said city or riot having been returned by him with his objections in five days, and shall become an ordinance or take effect, 22 ORDINANCES. it shall be forthwith received by the Register from the Mayor, and whenever an ordinance or act shall be returned by the Mayor with his objections, and shall, on being reconsidered, be agreed to be passed, and be approved by three-fourths of both branches of the City Council of Baltimore, and thereby be- come an ordinance, or take effect, it shall in such case be transmitted to the Mayor, and by him delivered to the Register ; and the Register shall, as soon as con- veniently may be after he has so received the same, ordiDinces to cause such ordinance or act to be published in one be published. of the newS p apers f ^e said city, and he shall care- fully preserve the originals, and shall cause the same To be recorded, to be recorded in books to be provided for that pur- pose. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Register to re- Register shall receive into his care and keeping the ceive the city £> . , r o Beai. seal of the City or .Baltimore for such purposes as shall be by this and other ordinances directed. And be it enacted and' ordained, That the said clt a Sai"&c Register is hereby directed to affix the City seal and ' his signature to all such papers, proceedings, and things as he shall or may be required to do, as well by the Mayor of the said City and the ordinances of the said corporation, as also by the laws of the United States and the laws of the several States of the United States. copies of And be it enacted and ordained, That all copies den ce d in & aii e ™' of records and papers in the said office, authenticated cases. under the said seal, shall be evidence in all cases equally as the original record or paper. And be it enacted and ordained, That a Treasurer a treasurer to be appointed for the said City, who shall receive all be appointed. mon j es belonging to the corporation thereof, or which may hereafter be raised by virtue of any or- dinance or act of fhe said corporation, and shall Money deposited deposit the same for safe keeping in the Bank of Baltimore* ° f Baltimore, in the name of the said corporation, and ORDINANCES. 23 shall draw for the same as Treasurer of the City of Baltimore, as may be directed by ordinance ; and it shall be the duty of the said Treasurer to keep a bank book, which shall contain regular entries of all monies by him deposited, on account of the said corporation, and of all drafts by him made, with the names of the persons in whose favor the same shall be drawn, and he shall moreover keep fair and reg- ular accounts in a book or books for this especial purpose to be kept, of all monies by him received and paid on account of the said corporation, and shall on the first Monday of January in every year, Treasurer to ac or often er if thereto required by the Mayor or City |° unt y eari v. Council, make out a general account of all and singularly his receipts and payments on account of the said corporation, and shall deliver three copies thereof to the Mayor of the said City, one of which copies shall be retained by the said Mayor, and the other two delivered to the respective Branches of the City Council for their inspection ; and the said Treasurer shall at all times submit his books of ac- count touching his said office, to the inspection and examination of any Committee which may at any time be appointed by either Branch of the City Council for that purpose; and in case of his remo- in case of «- val or resignation, shall pay over to his successor in {^monies 'to office, all such balances, as upon a final settlement successor - of his accounts shall be found to be, and remain in his hands ; and shall deliver up to the Mayor for the use of the corporation, all his books of accounts, and all official papers and vouchers that shall have come to his hands. And be it hereby enacted and ordained, That the said .Register and Treasurer before they enter upon Register and the execution of their respective offices, shall take treasurer u> take i i/irt* 'liii a p -r the oath &c. the oath of ofnce prescribed by the Act ot Incorpor- ation, and give bond with security, to be approved of by the Mayor ; the Kegisterin the sum of fifteen to give bond hundred dollars, and the Treasurer in the sum of &c " thirty thousand dollars, that they will respectively, diligently, well and faithfully execute the office of 24 OEDINANCES. .Register and Treasurer of the City of Baltimore, agreeably to the true intent and meaning of this ordinance and of every other ordinance of the said corporation. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Eegister and Treasurer shall be entitled to receive compensation such compensation for their services as shall be by ordinance, hereafter directed by ordinance. Approved March 27, 1797- No. 6. An ordinance to appoint a person to collect all arrearages of taxes, fines, forfeitures and tavern and other licences, now due and owing to the corporation of the City of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and appSaf tobe City Council of Baltimore, That there be a Collector to collect all arrearages of taxes, fines, forfeitures, tavern and other licences, now due and owing to the said corporation. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Col- lector shall have full power and authority, and he is Mara'esof taxes hereby directed and required to collect all arrearages of taxes, all fines and forfeitures, tavern and other licenses, now due and owing to the said corporation, and when collected and received by the said Collector To pay the same to pay the same to such Treasurer as may hereafter to the treasurer. -, ri/ . .-»-,.» . i ... ■* be appointed by the said corporation. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said To collect chim- Collector shall have full power and authority to col- pey fines. lect all fines and forfeitures incurred by reason of any chimney or chimnies hereafter taking fire within the said city, and that he shall have full power and authority to use all lawful ways and meaDS for the recovery of the same, and when recovered and re ORDINANCES. 25 ceived by him, he shall pay the same to such Treas- to be paid to urer as may hereafter be appointed by the corpora- the trea8Urer ' tion aforesaid. And be it enacted and ordained, That before the said Collector shall take upon himself the execution of the trusts and duties required of him by this or- dinance, he shall give bond with security to be ap- To giTe bond proved of by the Mayor, to the Mayor and City *"=• Council of Baltimore, in the sum of two thousand dollars, that he will well, faithfully and diligently execute the several duties required of him by this ordinance ; and that he will well and truly pay all the monies so collected by him, in virtue of this or- dinance, in such manner and at such times as is hereinafter provided. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Collector shall complete the collections contemplated collections to be by this ordinance, on or before the first day of Jime completed > &c - next ensuing, or give sufficient reasons to the Mayor why the same has not been done. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Collector shall render an account on oath, at least To render ac . once in every month, of all monies by him received counts monthly in virtue of this ordinance, and pay over the same to the Treasurer, deducting therefrom ten per cen- Commis8ion . turn on all taxes and licenses, and on all fines and forfeitures, for his trouble in collecting the same. Approved March 27, 1797. No. 7. An ordinance to restrain gaming, and to license and regulate theatrical and other public exhibitions within the City and precincts of Baltimore. "Whereas, true religion and good morals are the only solid foundations of public liberty and happi- ness ; and the corporation of the City of Baltimore, Preamble, being anxious to promote the same by suppressing 26 ORDINANCES. gaming, and fraudulent practices, which are produc- tive of idleness, dissipation and a depravity of prin- ciples, Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That if any person or persons do and shall, within the City of Baltimore Fraudulent gam- or precincts thereof, by any fraud, theft, cozinage, mjbp'o lie, c i rcuinven tj 0T)j deceit, unlawful device, or evil prac- tice whatsoever, in playing at or with cards, dice or any other game or games, or in or by bearing a share or part in the stake, wager or adventure, or in or by betting on the side or hand of such as do or shall play, win, obtain or acquire to him or them- selves, or others knowing of said fraud, any sum or sums of money, or other valuable thing or things whatsoever; every such person or persons being vSn °" con " thereof convicted by indictment, shall forfeit five times the value of the money or other valuable thing so won, with costs for the use of the said City. And to prevent gaming at ordinaries and licensed houses of entertainment, which is often attended with disputes, quarrels and the impoverishment of many people and their families, and the ruin of the health, and corruption of the morals of youth, who at such places frequently fall in company with sharpers, and other idle and disorderly persons. Be it enacted and ordained, that any person or persons who shall at any time, in any ordinary or nibited. licensed house of entertainment, win or lose five dol- lars, or upwards, at cards, dice, or any other game or games whatsoever, every such person or persons, on Penalty. conviction thereof, shall forfeit and pay ten dollars, and costs, one- half to the informer and the other half for the use of the said City. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any or- ordinary keep- dinary keeper shall suffer or permit any person or |am°ng r i ? n their P ersons whomsoever, to lose five dollars or upwards, ieuses fcc, a { an y time, in his bouse, at any game or games ORDINANCES. 27 whatsoever, and knowing the same, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of ten dol- lars and costs, one-half to the informer and the other half for the use of the said City. And for the better regulating and licensing the- atrical entertainments and other public exhibitions, within the City and precincts, Be it enacted and ordained, That no person or per- sons within the City or precincts, shall act, exhibit, Theatrical exhi- ! n ^ *, j>'j.ijt_ bitions ic, pro- play or perform any play, farce, interlude, snow, hiwted without opera or other theatrical or dramatical performance, hcense - or entertainment, or show, or public exhibition for gain, without a license for that purpose, first had and obtained from the Mayor, and under the seal of the City for that purpose, under the penalty of one thousand dollars, and costs, for the use of the City, which said license shall express for what it is granted, and the time it is to continue. Be it enacted and ordained, that the following tax or fine shall be imposed and laid on each license Tsx 0B license _ granted as aforesaid; which said tax or fine shall be paid, or secured to be paid, to the Treasurer of the City, on the granting such license as follows : to wit : For licenses for any theatrical exhibition, eight dollars for each night of performance. For circuses or feats of horsemarship, eight dollars for each time of performance. For rope or wire dancing, or puppet shows, ten dollars per week. For musical parties for gain, five dollars per night. For all other public exhibitions two dollars per week. 28 ORDINANCES. And whereas, the collecting of great numbers of people during the warm season into theatres is pro- ductive of contagious fevers, and other maladies, Be it enacted and ordained, That no theatrical or dramatical performance or feats of horsemanship shall be played, acted or performed in the said City Prohibited from or precincts, any time between the tenth day of n h nti 1 i U t t h e i 8 J t U o n & e J«ne and the first day of October, under the pen- October. a ]ty f three hundred dollars and costs, for the use of the said City. Approved March 28, 1797. No. 8. An ordinance directing the manner of filling up vacancies in the First Branch of the City Council, and the electors of the Mayor and Second Branch of the City Council, and directing the returns of elections for the City of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That in case of any va- cancy happening in the First Branch of the City Council, or electors of the Mayor and members of the Second Branch of the City Council, the Mayor is hereby, authorized and directed, upon either of vacancies. sucn vacancies happening, immediately to issue his warrant to the judges of election in the ward where such vacancy shall happen, authorizing and direct- ing them, or a majority of them, to hold an election IncaseofTacan .in said ward, for a member of the First Branch of ey'he mayor to the City Council, or an elector of the Mayor and of election, &c. Second Branch of the City Council for said ward, as the case may be. to fill up such vacancy, (the said Public notice to J ud g eS P^S ] hree da J S ' P ublic n0tice P^OUS to be given. said election, of the time and place in said ward of holding such election,) and they are hereby, directed to keep the polls open for one day, from 8 o'clock ORDINANCES. 29 in the morning, until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, _,„.. .. -, i -li '-it . l-tii . 'Election to be and no longer ; and the said election shall be mva viva voce. voce. And be it enacted and ordained, That the elec- tions for the several wards shall be held at the fo]-. pl8C f afo . r hoid- lowing several places in each ward, that is to say : l,lg e ectl0 " s- For the first ward, at the house now occupied by Peregrine Nowland. For the second ward, at the house now occupied by John Sears. For the third ward, at the house now occupied by James Bryden. For the fourth ward, at the house now occupied by Henry Speck. For the fifth ward, at the Exchange. For the sixth ward, at the house now occupied by Abraham Kaufiman. For the seventh ward, at the house now occupied by Nathan Griflith. For the eighth ward, at the house now occupied by James Stewart. And be enacted and ordained, That the judges of the said elections shall within three days after the said election make their returns of election, and de- Sade'to'the Reg- posit their polls with the Register of the City of ister - Baltimore, to be by him safe kept with the records of his office, whose duty it shall be to attend the First Branch of the City Council, and the electors SnSthacouncii of the Mayor and Second Branch of the City Coun- &0 - cil, with the said original returns and polls if re- quired, and the same again to receive and deposit in his office. 30 ORDINANCES. Penalty for ne- glect. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Regis- ter aforesaid neglecting to comply with the several duties herein directed, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars for each and every such neglect, for the use of the City. Approved March 30, 1797. No. 9. An ordinance for the inspection of salted provisions imported into and exported from the City of Baltimore. i Whereas, frauds and impositions arise from the Preamble. sale and exportation of salted provisions, and it is necessary that there should be regulations for the prevention thereof, Be it therefore enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That all salted salted beef &c beef, P or ^ an ^ ^ s ^ * n barrels, brought or imported to be made mer- into the said city, from any part of this State, or chantabie. an ^ Q f tQg United States, or from any foreign port whatsoever, from and after the first day of May next, shall be made merchantable, sound and fit for use. And be it enacted and ordained, That a person of good repute, and skillful in the goodness, quality and well curing of salted beef, pork and fish of every inspector to be kind,be nominated and appointed Inspector of Salted appointed. provisions, on or before the first day of May next, whose continuance in office shall be and remain during pleasure ; and in case he shall deem it ne- cessary or expedient, it shall and may be lawful for 6aid Inspector, with the approbation and consent of inspector to ap-the Mayor, to appoint a deputy, who shall have the point a deputy. game p 0werj am i be allowed the same fees as the said Inspector. Provided nevertheless, that it shall not be lawful for such deputy to enter upon the ex- OEDIMAUCES. 31 ecution of his office before he hath taken the oath Deputy to take or affirmation of office prescribed by this ordinance, thetmtn > &c - and for whose conduct the said Inspector shall be answerable. And be it enacted and ordained, That each and every barrel of salted beef, or pork, of the dimen- sions hereinafter mentioned shall contain at least two hundred pounds net weight, and the Inspector Barrels to con- is hereby, directed to examine and pass all such tain m net - beef and pork packed in such barrels, as shall appear to him to be merchantable, sound and fit for use, branding on each barrel the figures 2001b.- And if any person or persons shall offer for inspection any barrel or barrels of beef or pork to be of the dimen- sions hereinafter mentioned, and containing in any barrel a less quantity than is hereby directed, he, she, or they shall forfeit and pay, if the deficiency be six pounds or under, the sum of ten cents for penalty of defi- each and every pound so deficient; and for every ciency ' pound over six pounds, twenty cents for each and every pound so deficient, to be applied for the use of the city ; but the said Inspector may, and he is hereby, authorized and required to pass and brand all half barrels of beef and pork containing the Half barrels to quantity of one hundred pounds weight, branding contain 100 net. each half barrel in figures, 1001b. And if any per- son or persons shall pack a less quantity of beef or pork in any of the half barrels as aforesaid, than one hundred pounds weight ; he, she or they shall for- feit and pay the sum of twenty cents for every pound Penalty for den- so deficient, to be applied for the use of the city. oiency- And whereas also, the quality of beef and pork exported from this city is often various, and it being proper to discriminate their respective qualities, Be it enacted and ordained, That the Inspector aforesaid, is hereby ordered and required on inspec- tion, as this ordinance directs, to brand all barrels Beef &c, to be and half barrels of beef and pork by him inspected, *™&%Zxu£- that shall be merchantable and sound either with * c - 32 ORDINANCES. the word first, second or third, according to the quality thereof ; that is to say : barrels and half barrels of the best quality, with the word first ; bar- rels and half barrels of the second quality, with the word second ; and all barrels and half barrels of other inferior quality, with the word third. Barrels to be made of sound materials, &c. Dimensions. And be it enacted and ordained, That from and after the first day of May next, all beef, pork or fish barrels brought or imported into the City of Balti- more, from any part of this State, shall be made of good seasoned materials, well, made, tightened with twelve hoops sufficiently nailed, with four nails in each chine hoop, and three nails in each upper bilge hoop, sufficient to hold pickle, and of the following dimensions, to wit : Beef and fish barrels to be twen- ty-eight inches the length of the stave, seventeen inches diameter the head, and twenty-one inches the bilge diameter from out to out ; all pork barrels to be twenty-eight inches long, seventeen inches and one-half of an inch diameter the head, and twenty- one inches and one-half of an inch bilge diameter from out to out, the cross to'be cut not more than one inch and a quarter from the top of the stave, or less than an inch and one-eighth of an inch, the staves to be one-half of an inch thick, and may be made out of any well seasoned timber, (pine and cypress excepted,) sufficient to hold pickle, and the hoop one inch diameter at the small end, under the penalty of eight dollars, for the use of the city. ah beef, &c, for And De ** enacted and ordained, That all and exportation, ! &c. every barrel or half barrel of beef, pork or fish to be submitted , i. . .i_ -j •. /. n r . , ,, to the inspector brought to the said city tor sale or exportation, shall for inspection. be subm i tte( } to the view and examination of the Inspector, so as aforesaid nominated and appointed, who shall search and try the same by opening one of the heads and examining whether it be honestly and well packed, and also whether it be sound, good and of sufficient weight ; and if the said Inspector if merchantable shall judge the same to be merchantable, according ** branded, to the directions of this ordinance, he shall brand ORDINANCES. 33 eveiy such barrel and half barrel on the quarter with the word Baltimore, with a public brand mark to be provided for that purpose, and also the word beef, pork or fish, as the case may be, for which trouble he, the said Inspector shall have and receive inspector's ai- from the owner or owners of such beef or pork, seven cents, and for fish, five cents, for each and every cask so inspected, examined and branded by Beef&c brand . him, and no more ; and upon every barrel or half ed. barrel of beef, pork or fish, being imported or brought into the City of Baltimore, from any part of this State, or from part of the United States, or from any foreign port whatsoever, the importer shall, within forty-eight hours after the landing or delivery of the same, deliver to the Inspector, or to 1° .to inspector.' his deputy, a written report, ascertaining the num- ber of casks, and the place wherein the same shall be deposited, under the penalty of one dollar for each and every cask imported as aforesaid, to be ap- plied for the use of the city ; and if the Inspector inspector to shall judge the same to be merchantable, he shall bran ' brand every such barrel on the quarter with the word Baltimore, in manner as aforesaid, and the word beef, pork or fish, as the case may be, as afore- said. And be it enacted and ordained, That no inspec- unsound beef, tor shall brand any barrel or half barrel of beef, Khtt.e"*" pork or fish which he may think unsound, or un- broad arrow. merchantable, according to the true intent and mean- ing of this ordinance, but shall cause the same to be marked on the bilge with the broad arrow, or secure it for a further examination if required, which ex- or secured for amination the owner shall procure to be made with-^*f r examin " in the space of four days ; and the Inspector shall and may demand and receive from the owner or owners thereof, the same rates and prices as if the same had been branded. And be it enacted and ordained, That when any person shall think himself aggrieved through the Persons aggriev judgment or want of skill of the said Inspector, in ed may appea ' $4 OEDINANCES. rejecting the said salted provisions as unmerchanta- ble or unsound, it shall and may be lawful for such person to apply to the Mayor or a justice of the peace, who shall at the charge of the complainant, issue his warrant, directed to three indifferent per- sons, well skilled in the goodness, quality and well curing of salted beef, pork and fish of every kind, to review and examine the same, which said three persons, so as aforesaid appointed, shall take the same oath or affirmation, as by this ordinance is hereinafter directed to be taken by every inspector of salted provisions, and shall carefully view and examine the same ; and if they or any two of them shall pass and declare the same to be sound or mer- chantable, then and in such case, the said Inspector shall rase out the broad arrow, and put such brand on the said salted provisions as they or any two of them shall adjudge and determine, and this corpo- ration shall repay to the said complainant the said costs : but if on such review the judgment of the said Inspector shall be confirmed, then in such case the said owner of such salted provisions shall pay the costs of such review. And be it enacted and ordained, That the corpor- ation shall be allowed six cents per barrel for storage, storage. if stored, and if upon an appeal and review as aforesaid, the judgment of the inspector shall be confirmed ; the person appealing shall pay the ex- pense of such storage, and shall also pay the same if an appeal shall not be prosecuted ; and if the judgment of the said inspector shall be reversed, then the said corporation shall forfeit the charge and expense of the said storage. And be it enacted and ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person whatsoever to export, ship wKh'thVbroad or lade on board of any ship or vessel for exportation Je'eSortri* out of th ? s cit .7> or tlie river -Patapsco, any of the casks of the said salted provisions so marked with the broad arrow as aforesaid, or to sell, export, ship or lade on board of any ship or vessel for exportation any of ORDINANCES. 35 the casks of salted provisions not examined and Not to te ex- branded as aforesaid, from out of this city or the £mined until ex " river Patapsco, on pain of forfeiture of ten dollars for each and every barrel so exported, or laden on board of any ship or other vessel- for exportation ; nor shall it be lawful for any person or persons to no person to purchase or sell, or offer to purchase or sell, in theP nrc ? as , e c J aen •i. j» t> u 1 • i • i/i an y beef, &c, city ot .Baltimore, or in the precincts thereof, any pot previously cask or casks of salted beef, pork or fish not pre- mspecte ' 1, vionsly inspected, examined or branded, under the penalty of ten dollars for each cask so sold or offered for sale, or purchased within the said city or pre- cincts aforesaid, for the use of the said city. And be it enacted and ordained, That every in- spector of salted provisions who shall be nominated and appointed as aforesaid shall, on his appointment, and before his executing the said office, make oath 0a th of inspector or affirmation, as the case may be, before the Mayor, that without fear, favor, affection, malice, partiality or respect of persons, he will diligently and care- fully view, examine and inspect all salted beef, pork or fish brought to the said city of Baltimore, and which he shall be called upon to view, examine and inspect to the best of his skill and knowledge, and that no salted provisions shall be passed or branded by him without his viewing and examining the same ; that he will not brand or cause to be branded any cask or casks of salted provisions that do not ap- pear, to the best of his skill and knowledge, to be in all respects sufficiently clear, sweet and merchant- able, and that he will pass and brand all such cask or casks of salted provisions as shall appear to him. sufficiently clean, sweet and merchantable, to the - best of his skill and knowledge, and according to the directions of this ordinance ; and that he will not willingly or wittingly charge, ask, take, receive, exact or demand any other fees or rates for doing his duty in his office as inspector of salted provisions; than is mentioned and directed by this ordinance ; and that he will carefnlly and diligently view and examine all casks in which such salted provisions Bhall be brought and contained ; and that he will 36 ORDINANCES. not pass or brand any cask or casks of salted pro- visions unless such cask or casks be of such size, goodness and thickness as by this ordinance is re- quired. And be it enacted and ordained, That no inspector No inspector to of salted provisions shall purchase, directly or indi- SemneTbeef &o rectly, any salted beef, pork, or fish by him con- demned as aforesaid, or any salted provisions what- soever other than for his own family's use, under Penalty. the penalty of ten dollars for each and every barrel by him so purchased. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- Penaity on per- son shall alter the mark stamped on any barrel or inspeS" 6 ""' half barrel of salted provisipns by any inspector, or brand, &c. shall mark or brand any barrel or half barrel of salted provisions which hath not been inspected, or using one with any mark or brand similar to or in imitation "' of the inspector's said mark or brand, or after the said inspector shall have passed any barrel or half barrel of salted provisions as merchantable, shall pack into the cask which contains the same, any other salted provisions, or after any barrel or half barrel of salted provisions shall be marked with the broad arrow, shall unpack and repack the same into other casks or packages for exportation or sale, such person shall forfeit and pay fifty dollars for every barrel or half barrel repacked as aforesaid, to be applied for the use of the city. similiar thereto. And be it enacted and ordained, That before the said inspector shall enter upon the execution of his inspector to give office > ne sha11 S 1 ™ bond, with security to be ap- bond. proved by the Mayor, to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore in the sum of five hundred dollars, that he will diligently and carefully fulfil and per- form all the duties required of him by this ordinance, and that he will well and faithfully pay all fines and forfeitures incurred by reason of this ordinance, in such manner and at such times as the corporation may hereafter direct ; and he shall also take the ORDINANCES. 37 several oaths or affirmations to government appoint- to take the ed by law to be taken, and shall also subscribe a 0ttths ' &0 - declaration of his belief in the Christian religion. Approved March 30th, 1797. No. 10. An ordinance respecting the Night Watch and Lamps in the City of Baltimore. Beit enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That three persons of commissioners respectable character be nominated and appointed t0 be a PP ointed - commissioners of the watch, and for lighting the city of Baltimore, who shall be authorized and em- powered to employ for one year, commencing from the first day of April instant, as many captains and To employ watchmen as have been employed in the night watch watchmen > &c * the year past, at such hire as may be reasonable, not exceeding the salaries and wages given the preced- ing year; taking such securities for their good be- havior and prescribing such regulations and tours of duty from time to time as may appear to them, or any two of them, best calculated to insure the safety of the city. And be it enacted and ordained, That the assistant Assistant jus- justices of Baltimore county court receive the re-" e " s e '^ or |° re " ports and superintend the conduct of the watch agreeably to the act of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, entitled, "A supplement to the act respecting the punishment of criminals." And, whereas the justices of Baltimore county court contracted with a certain Jacob Lewis Betlin- Betllnger t0 ger for erecting three hundred and five lamps, and ™™ t P ^ t with hia for the supplying the same with oil and lighting them until the first day of January next, 38 ORDINANCES. Be it enacted and ordained, That the commission- ers aforesaid take measures to cause the 6aid con- tract to be complied with agreeably to the conditions thereof, and the true intent and meaning of the par- ties. And be it enacted and ordained, That in case of death e &c f , h iom- tne death or inability of the said Jacob Lewis Bet- missioners to linger to fulfil and perform his said contract agreea- oihers? W1 bly to the conditions thereof, then and in such case it shall and may be lawful for the said commissioners of the watch, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to contract with any other person or persons for lighting the said city for the remainder of the term specified in such contract. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to contract with any person or persons for seven Additional additional lamps for the use of the city ; and they us™of the city, are hereby directed to cause three of the said lamps to be erected or suspended within the centre market house, two within the market house in Hanover street, and two within the market house on Fell's Point ; and to cause the same to be regularly lighted . in such manner as the other lamps are lighted within the city. Approved, April 3d, 1797. No. 11. An ordinance to preserve the health of the city, and to prevent the introduction of pestilential and other infectious diseases into the same. Preamble. Whereas it is found necessary in all large cities, particularly those bordering on the seas, to establish such laws and regulations as may tend to preserve the health of the inhabitants. And whereas it is of the utmost importance to the commerce of this State, that the health, welfare and prosperity of this ORDINANCES. 39 city be preserved, and that the origin, introduction and spreading of pestilential and other infectious diseases, be prevented. Therefore be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That nine commissioners persons be appointed Commissioners of Health, to t0 be a PP° inted - aid and assist the health officer for the time being, in carrying the provisions of this ordinance into effect, and that the said commissioners shall have the di- to have direct- rection and government of the hospital established '^"j"' the hos " on Hawkins' Point ; shall be authorized, andand they are hereby authorized and empowered toestab- To make mios lish such rules and regulations for the government ^regulations, of the said hospital, as to them may appear proper and necessary ; to contract with a siiitable person to To contract with superintend the same, and for as many assistant phy- physlcians > *''■ sicians and nurses as circumstances may at any time render necessary ; to provide medicine and all other articles which may be necessary for the comfort and accommodation of the sick ; to provide for a ready communication between the hospital and Fort Whet- stone Point or the city, and to do all other matters and things, which by this or any other ordinance they are or may be required to do. Be it enacted and ordained, That all ponds of stagnant water, all cellars and foundations of houses, whose bottoms contain stagnant and putrid water, i^hat are dec i»r- all dead putrefied animals lying about the docks, ed nui8ance3 streets, lanes, alleys, vacant lots or yards, all privies that have no wells sunk under them, all grave yards, tallow chandleries, tanneries, sugar boilers, skin dressers, dyers, glue boilers, and slaughter houses not properly regulated ; all docks whose bottoms are alternately wet and dry by the ebbing and flow- ing of the tide, all accumulation of filth in the streets, lanes, alleys and gutters thereof, all accumu- * lations of vegetable and animal substances, under- going a putrefactive fermentation, are hereby de- clared common nuisances, productive of offensive 40 ORDINANCES. vapors and noxious exhalations, the causes of dis- eases, and ought to be restrained, regulated and removed. Be it enacted and ordained, in order the more effectually to prevent the introduction of pestilential and other infectious diseases into the city, that at any time when the Mayor of the city shall receive satisfactory information of the existence of any pestilential or other fatal disease, in any place on the continent, with which the citizens of Baltimore may have communication or connection, the Mayor on information, may and is hereby authorized to issue a proclama- &0 'ie™rooiama- tion, forbidding the entrance of all persons coming from such infected places into the city or within three miles thereof, and the citizens from having any communication with them, for at least fifteen days ; provided he, she or they cannot produce an certificate to be approved certificate of their absence from such produced. p] ace f or at least fifteen days previous thereto; and every person wittingly and knowingly offending against the directions of the said proclamation shall forfeit and pay one hundred dollars for every such offence, one-half to the informer and the other half for the use of the city. . '?-: v issue tion. Be it enacted and ordained, That the health officer for the time being shall, and he is hereby, directed Heath officers to visit all vessels coming from beyond the seas, and coming from in- a ll other vessels coming from suspected places, in fectea places, the months of April, May, June, July, August, Sep- tember, October and November, and where it shall appear necessary, detain the same at or below the To perform quar- fort till he hath made two or more visits on board; antine, &c. an( j jf j t g na u appear to such health officer that a further detention be necessary, he shall oblige the same to perform a quarantine not exceeding twenty days, and in all such cases the health officer shall Sake h slco l nd rto g^ e a certificate to the captain or master of theves- yisitj&c. sel, signed with his name, expressing the number of days the said vessel is to ride quarantine, and at or before the end of each quarantine the health officer ORDINANCES. 41 is hereby enjoined to make a second visit to the said vessel ; and should it appear to him that a further quarantine is necessary, he is hereby authorized to a further quar- enjoin the same for any number of days not exceed- 3°"™ lf neces " ing ten. Be it enacted and ordained, That if the master or other person having charge of any vessel bound to vessels having the port of Baltimore, having on board any person fecteTpersons 11 " or persons disordered with any contagious disease, jJeare^thTcity or coming from any sickly port or place without a than Hawkins' clean bill of health, 6hall bring his vessel or suffer pM or permit the same to be brought nearer to the port of Baltimore than Hawkins' point, or shall land or bring on shore, or cause or suffer to be landed or brought on shore, any such infected persons, or any part or parcel of their goods or effects, or any other goods, until he has obtained a license or permit so to No infected per- do from the health officer or his assistant, such mas- lanarf without ter or any other person having charge of such vessel license ' shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum penalty on of- of one thousand dollars, for the use of the city. fenders. Be it enacted and ordained, That if any master or other person having command of any vessel at the Penalty on per- time of inquiry by the aforesaid health officer or his infected n personf assistant shall have on board any person infected as &0 ' aforesaid, and shall knowingly conceal the same, or shall not make a just and true discovery to the said health officer or his assistant of the sickly and dis- ordered state of all and every person on board, from the time the said vessel departed from the port or place from whence she last sailed to the time of said inquiry, and of all other particulars necessary for the said health officer or his assistant to know, re- specting the premises, such master, or other person having command of such vessel, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of three hundred dollars, for the use of the city. Be it enacted and ordained, That during the deten- tion of any vessel at or below the fort, by the health 4-2 0BDINAHCE&. officer, or during the time of her being ordered to No person to go perform quarantine by him, it shall not be lawful ?e ? se?whiieper- for any person on board such vessel to come on shore antol" 8 quar " ancl naTe communication with any person, or for any person to go on board such vessel without the permission of the health officer in writing ; every person offending against the provisions of this clause penalty. s h a u forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars, to be applied for the use of the city. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any pilot shall conduct any vessel above Hawkins' point, Penalty on pi- having on board above thirty persons, being passen- iots conducting g e rs or servants, (and it is hereby, declared to be Hawkins' point the duty of each pilot to make due inquiry thereof,) abo1e?h i?ty p a er d such pilot shall forfeit and pay one hundred dollars sons passengers f or fag use f fa e City, and if any pilot shall have or servants. , . «v . -i 1 i knowledge that there is on board any vessel that he undertakes to pilot, any persons distempered with the plague, or any malignant contagious disease, and it is hereby declared to be his duty to make due inquiry thereof, and shall pilot such vessel above Hawkins' point, he shall forfeit one hundred dollars Pilot disquaii- for the use of the City ; and such pilot shall be dis- fied- qualified to act as pilot for one year ; and if any ait i ts P^ * shall have knowledge that there is on board any concealing'^? vessel that he undertakes to pilot, any person dis- fton^thTheaith tempered as aforesaid, and it is declared to be his officer. duty- to make due inquiry thereof, and shall conceal the same from the aforesaid health officer or his as- sistant, such pilot shall forfeit one hundred dollars, pilot disquaii- f° r tne use °f * ne City, and such pilot shall be dis- ced, qualified to act as pilot for one year. comm- soner _ ^" nc ' ^ e ^ enacted and ordained, That the Com- to watch over missioners of Health shall watch over the health city healthofthe of theCity; and aid and assist the health officer in the discharge of his duty, and carry into effect To meet at the the provisions of this ordinance, and shall meet at re°c U efve h info e rma. the Court House or some other place in the said Won. City, on the first Monday in the months of May June, July, August, September, October and No' ORDINANCES. 43 vember, or as often as occasion may require for the purposes aforesaid, collect and receive every possible information of the healthiness of the same; and Health officers the health officer is hereby required then and there ft,™* £ c mmis - to meet them, with such evidences of facts relative to his appointment, as may have come to his know- ledge; and the said Commissioners of Health shall commissioners give all necessary assistance to the health officer in fficer. st the execution of his duty, cause all persons actually laboring under infectious diseases, (and not other- In ' ect . ed P e v rs ° ns wise provided for) to be removed to the hospital on the hospital. Hawkins' point, or elsewhere, distant from the City at least three miles, and provide for the infected such meats, drinks, bedding, and clothing as may be absolutely necessary or ordered by the health officer, and with the advice of the health officer, or other practicing physician or physicians, whom they may consult, may take such further measures in discharging the trust confided to them, as may ap- pear reasonable and proper. Be it enacted and ordained, that the health officer or the Commissioners of Health shall be, and they are hereby, authorized to prevent the landing of Damaged hides , any damaged hides, damaged coffee or other dam- undid? &c be aged goods from on board any vessel whatever, on any wharf in the City, or within three miles thereof, which in their judgment would endanger the health of the inhabitants. And every person wittingly and knowingly landing any of the same articles, contrary to the provision aforesaid, shall forfeit and ■ pay for every such offence one hundred dollars, half to the informer and the other half for the use of the City. Be it enacted and ordained, That the Commis- sioners of Health may appoint a clerk, and allow commissioners him a reasonable compensation for his services, whOc°e?k! ploy a shall keep fair minutes of their proceedings, and all necessary expenses incurred by them in the dis- charge of the duties herein required, which shall be defrayed by the corporation. Approved April 7, 1797. 44 ORDINANCES. No. 12. An ordinance to regulate the riding and driving of horses and carriages through the City of Baltimore. Preamble. Whereas, freqnen t acciden ts have happened by the carelessness or perverseness of the drivers of car- riages and horses in and through the streets, lanes and alleys of the City of Baltimore ; for ' remedy and prevention thereof — Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the first day of May next, all and every the driver and Drivers of car- driver s of all coaches, chariots, caravans, wagons, takfthe right" phaetons, chaises, chairs, solos, sleighs, carts, drays street, si &c. of the an( i other carriages of burthen and pleasure, driving and passing in and through the streets, lanes or alleys of the City of Baltimore, when there is room sufficient for two to pass, shall keep on that side of the street, lane or alley, on his or their right hands respectively, in the passing direction. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any dri- Penaity on per-ver of any such carriage shall drive his said carriage theinwSeof th" in the middle of the street, or on the side of the street, &c. wav on j^s igft hand, so as to prevent or obstruct an other carriage from passing as aforesaid, every driver so offending shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, the sum of one dollar, for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That whenever No carriage to any such carriage as aforesaid, shall have entered ^obstmct a" et any street, lane or alley in the City, where there is ?I! l « e i' 1 '!! vingen "not room sufficient between the posts or curbstones terea in an op- . r posite direction, for two such carnages to pass, no other such car- riage shall enter the same street, lane or alley, in an opposite direction, to hinder or obstruct the pas- sage of the first so entered, but shall remain in an adjacent street until the first shall with all diligence have passed through ; and if any driver or other OKDINANCES. 45 person shall offend in such case, so as to hinder the passage of the first carriage, which shall have so entered, he shall forfeit and pay for every such of- Penalty. fence the sum of one dollar, for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That no person whatsoever, shall sit or stand in or upon any such Drivers of car- carriage, or on any horse or beast harnessed thereto, half strong' in order to drive the same, unless he shall have reins > &c - strong reins or lines fastened to the bridles of his beasts, and held in his hands, sufficient to guide them in manner aforesaid, and restrain them from running, galloping or going at immoderate rates through the said streets, lanes or alleys ; and that no person whatsoever, driving any such carriage or riding upon any horse, mare, gelding or other beast or beasts, in or through the said City, shall permit or suffer the beast or beasts he shall so ride or drive to go in a gallop or other immoderate gait, so as to No person to gai- endanger persons standing or walking in the streets, ihe'fcts™ ugh lanes or alleys thereof. And that all porters, carters, and other persons having the care of any such car- riage passing through the said City, who shall not hold reins in their hands to guide and restrain their beasts, in manner aforesaid, shall walk by the head Drivers of car- of the shaft or wheel horse, holding or within reach wafk at thehead of the bridle or halter of the said horse, in order to £ f or * e |Jjf n guide or restrain them in manner aforesaid ; and that every person wilfully or negligently offending in any or either of the cases aforesaid, shall forfeit PenaUv for ne . and pay for every such offence, the sum of one dol- s lect > &0 - lar, for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That no sleigh, sled or carriage of pleasure or burthen, going upon Horsesin runners, shall be permitted to go or pass through n I **f h s ne &0- ' t0 the streets, lanes or alleys of the City, unless one more beiia, 4c. or more bell or bells be fixed to the head of the horse or horses drawing the same, in order to give notice of their approach, under the penalty of for- feiting for every such offence, the sum of one dollar, for the use of the City. And the City Commis- 46 ORDINANCES. cityeommis- sioners are hereby authorized and required, on or po int™uTnds'for before the first day of May next, and from time to dnya, &c. i[ me thereafter, as occasion may require, to appoint such and so many stands, for so many drays, carts and carriages of pleasure, for hire within the City, as to them shall appear requisite ; to some one or other of which stands so to be appointed, all dray- Draymen to re- men, cartel's and drivers of such carriages may re- pair to stands, ^ r w ^ t jj e j r horses, carts, drays and carriages when unemployed ; and if any drayman, carter or driver of such carriage, when unemployed, shall stand with his dray, cart or carriage aforesaid, in the street, and occupy the same, at any other place than the stand to be appointed, for the space of one Penalty for ne- hour, he shall forfeit and pay for every such offence gleet or refusal. Qne ^^ for ^ ^ Qf thfi q.^ Be it enacted and ordained, That each and every drayman, carter and driver of any carriage of pleas- Draymen, tc, ure for hire, shall place his horse and dray, cart or dray"*?,"* carriage, aforeBaid, lengthwise, close to the posts or riofe'toTrTe'curb curb-stones, in the streets in which the same shall stones, tc. stand, and that no more than one range of drays, carts or carriages aforesaid, shall stand in streets not more than fifty feet wide, and not more than one range on each side, in streets which are of a greater width. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any waggoner, carter, drayman or other driver of any carriage, sled or sleigh, for pleasure or burthen, wagons, &c, shall stop or place any such carriage, sled or sleigh, not to st op at the , r ., r ., * . . „ s ' , ., & ' intersection of at or near the intersection ot any street, lane or obsSuctVoot a ll e y) i Q suc h manner as to cross the foot way, or passengers, sic. prevent any foot passenger from crossing the street, lane or alley, in the direction and line of the foot way, on the side of such street, lane or alley, and shall not immediately on the request of any foot passenger, cause the same to be removed, or shall be absent therefrom, so that such request cannot be made, every person so offending, shall forfeit and Peuaity. pay for every such offence, the sum of one dollar, for the use of the city. Ordinances. 47 And be it enacted and ordained, That no person n wheelbarrow- shall place or wheel any wheel-barrow along any f^ a e° Olltnefoot - the foot ways of the streets, lanes and alleys of the City under the penalty of one dollar, for the use of the City, provided that nothing in this clause should be construed to prevent any person from using the Except to re- sad wheel-barrows in removing any articles of mer-dise, e &™ erchan " chandise, wood or other materials, necessary for building or family use, across the said foot- ways. And be it enacted and ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to turn any no person to horse, mare or gelding loose within the City of Bal- f"™e a w^thiS the timoro, or to drive such horse, mare or gelding «ty of Bam- through any of the streets, lanes or alleys of the™ '"' said city, under the penalty of one dollar for each penalty for and every offence, for the use of the said city. every offence. Approved April 10th, 1797. No. 13. An ordinance to prevent the exportation of Flour not mer- chantable, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Whereas, flour has become the great staple of the Prf , amble- State of Maryland, and a principal article of ex- portation from the City of Baltimore, and it is high- ly important to establish its reputation by every wise and prudent measure : therefore, Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That two persons of Two i nspect ors good repute, and skill in the goodness and quality t0 be appointed. of flour, shall be nominated and appointed inspec- tors of flour within the said city, which shall be di- vided into two districts, to wit : From the west side cit ,, ivided ln „ of Light street and St. Paul's lane,- to the limits of *° districts. the said city, westward, inclusive. And the east- ern district, to wit : From the west side of Light ^ 48 ORDINANCES. street and St. Paul's lane, eastward, to the limits inspectors to aforesaid, inclusive ; and the said inspectors shall tricts ar kuernate- change their districts on the first day of every ly - month, alternately ; that is to say the inspector who shall be appointed for the western district in the first instance, shall, on the first day of the ensuing month from the time of such appointment, take the eastern district, shall in like manner take the west- ern district, and so on alternately every month. inspectors to And be it enacted and ordained, That the said keep an account . , . -,-, , , . « ,1 of the number inspectors snail keep an exact account ot the num- spected? ls in " her of barrels of flour by them respectively inspect- To make returns ed ; and once in every three months make a return lytcTtiiemayor! thereof on oath or affirmation to the Mayor of the who is to puis- said city, who is hereby directed to publish the same lisnthem. j n one or more f the newspapers of the city, once in every three months. And be it enacted and ordained, That all bolted Fiour brought to wheat flour, and every cask thereof brought to the De e ma'de merch" sa ^ C ^J ^ or sa ^ e or exportation, from and after the antabie, &c. first day of July next, shall by the manufacturers thereof, be made merchantable, and of due fineness, without any false packing or mixture of coarser or Penalty for false other flour, or meal, under the penalty of ten dol- packmg. j arg f or eac Y L b arre i or h a ]f barrelso falsely packed or mixed with coarser or other flour or meal, for the use of the city. And be it enacted and ordained, That from and after the first day of July next, all casks containing flour brought to the City of Baltimore for sale or casks to be exportation, shall be well made of good seasoned ™aso e ned mate- materials, and tightened with ten hoops sufficiently rials, &c. nailed, with four nails in each chine hoop, and three nails in each upper bilge hoop, and of the following Dimensions, dimensions : viz : the staves of all barrels to be of the length of twenty-seven inches, and the diame- ter at the head to be seventeen inches ; the staves of all half barrels to be twenty-three inches in length, and the diameter at the head to be thirteen ORDINANCES. 49 inches and a half; that every miller and bolter of flour, for sale or exportation out of the City of Bal- timore, shall provide and have a distinguished brand Miner, &c. to mark, of strong impression, and such as cannot easily jj 8 ^ 8 brand be erased, with which he shall brand each and every cask of flour before the same shall be removed from the place where the same was manufactured, with the name of the mill at full length, or the initials of the proprietor's or renter's christian name, with the sirname at full length ; and every miller or bolter shall also brand every cask of flour according to the To brand casks, respective diameters above specified ; and the said &c ' Inspectors are hereby directed not to inspect any cask of flour which is not prepared agreeably to the directions of this ordinance. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said miller or bolter shall put into all barrels the full The quantity to quantity or weight of one hundred and ninety-six be p u ' in ea cb. pounds of flour ; and into all half barrels the full ' quantity or weight of ninety-eight pounds of flour ; and that if any miller or bolter shall pack any xjask with a less quantity of flour than is by this ordi- nance directed to be contained in the casks of the different sizes and dimensions above mentioned, he shall forfeit, if the deficiency be one pound, ten p enalty for de . cents, if two pounds, fifteen cents per pound; and ficienc y- for every pound deficient above two, twenty-five cents. And be it enacted and ordained, That all and every cask of flour brought to the said City for sale or exportation shall be submitted to the view and F1 & c . far as shall relate to materials necessarily used in making such building or repairs ; but the said per- son or persons engaged as aforesaid, may use and occupy one third part in width of any street, lane or alley, clear of the foot-way in front of any lot on which such building is erecting, or repair making, 60 ORDINANCES. until the same shall be covered in, and twenty day's thereafter, and no longer, nor to any person or per- sons engaged in plastering his, her or their house or, houses, but such person or persons shall have a right to use and occupy with plastering, mortar or other materials necessary therefor, one third of any street, lane or alley in front of his, her or their lot or lots, sixty days, and no longer, without the permission of the City Commissioners, under the penalty of one dollar for every two hours, for the use of the Not to extend to city ;. nor shall the provisions of this ordinance ex- ping wood , p fcc. tend to any person or persons dropping fire wood or stone coal at his, her or their door, provided the Foot way not to foot-way be not incommoded therewith, or by the be encumbered. gawing Qr cut tlng of said wood, and the said fire wood or stone coal be removed within two days after the same shall be dropped as aforesaid, under the penalty of one dollar for every day thereafter, for the use of the city. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son or persons whomsoever, shall set or place any no person to ex- goods, wares or merchandise,, by way of exposing good8°yc S . 1 , e on ny them to sale, on or over the brick or stone pavement, ™» stone para- i n any public street, lane or al,ley in this city, to project more than twelve inches from the wall of his, her or their house or store, every such person penalty. shall pay a fine of one dollar, for the use of the city : Provided, that this clause shall not extend to, or interfere with any regulation in the ordinance concerning the markets, nor extend to goods sold at public auction. And be it enacted and ordained, That any per- son who shall place or pile any empty boxes, bar- Pemity on per- rels, hogsheads or other conveniency, capable, of hoglh P e 1 ads Dg &c. containing goods or merchandise, or tjxap may have on the streets, ' contained goods or merchandise, in any part of the streets, lanes or alleys of this city, (except as is be- fore excepted,) and shall not remove them from the same within four hours after they shall have so been placed or piled there, every such person shall pay ORDINANCES. 61 a fine of one dollar for every four hours the same shall thereafter be suffered so to remain, for the use of the city. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any tanner, currier, distiller, brewer, soap boiler, tallow Tanners, &c, chandler, hatter, dyer, glue boiler, or any other per- n£useous C iiquor son within the said city, shall discharge any foul or fathe streets, nauseous liquor, or offal, from any still-house, work- shop, or yard, so that such liquor or offal shall pass into or along any of the streets, lanes or alleys of the said city ; or if any soap boiler or tallow ch an- soapboilers, &c. dler shall keep, collect or use, or cause to be kept, ""inking St, &c. collected or used in any part of the said city, any in the "w- stale, putrid or stinking fat, grease or other offensive matter : or if any butcher shall keep at or near his no butcher to slaughter house, any garbage or filth whatsoever, * 1 e a e u p gn t te h r i houae so as to annoy any neighbor, or any person whom- <»»y ««»•. &<:• soever, he, she or they shall forfeit and pay, for Penalty, every such offence, the sum of five dollars, and shall also forfeit and pay the like sum for every day the same shall be suffered so to remain, for the use of the city. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any person or persons having a hog or hogs within their Ho g-stystobe enclosures in sties, shall keep the same in such man- Ijgj e ^ x of ner that the stench and filth thereof shall become offensive to, and annoy any neighbor or person whomsoever, the! person or persons so keeping his or their hog or hogs as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, one dollar, and shall also forfeit and pay the like sum for every day the same shall be suffered so to continue, for the use of the city. And be it enacted and ordained, That no per- son or persons whomsoever, shall cast, carry, draw Dead carcasses, out or suffer to lay any dead horse or other dead from",®"™' carcase, or any excrement or filth from vaults, pri- ^■ ( ;^ ot i to t J® vies or necessary houses in any part of the said city, city, precincts or harbor of. Baltimore ; any person 62 ORDINANCES. or persons offending herein, shall forfeit and pay Penalty. five dollars for every such offence, together with the expense of removing the same, for the use of the city. And he it enacted and ordained, That the City commissioners Commissioners shall on the Friday or Saturday of to remove filth. every week> haye the dirt an( j fl j th f()Und Qn &ny Q f the paved streets, lanes or alleys of the said city, removed therefrom, and deposited in such place or places as may for that purpose be by them provided ; which dirt or filth shall afterwards be disposed of in such manner and upon such terms as the said Commissioners shall from time to time direct and appoint : Provided, nevertheless, that the said Com- missioners may permit any person or persons to col- lect and carry away the said dirt and filth, or may May contract contract with any person or persons for the removal remov?fii s t°h n Vc" °^ ^ xe same > or an y P ar t thereof, so that the same be removed on the Friday or Saturday of each week as aforesaid, under the penalty of one dollar, for the use of the city, for each and every square of the said city not cleaned as aforesaid. And be it enacted and ordained, That every per- son or persons possessing a lot or lots, which from their low and sunken situation are liable to retain Proprietors of tide or rain water, or on which cellars or foundations their«iiara k *r ep ^ or huildings may be dug, and no tenement erected 'over the same, shall, during the months of June, July, August, September and October, preserve and keep the said lots, cellars and foundations dry and free from stagnant or putrid waters and other filth ; Penalty for ne- an y person or persons offending herein, shall forfeit giect, &o. and p a y fi ve dollars, for the use of the city, for every week he, she or they shall suffer such stagnant or putrid water or other filth to remain thereon . it proprietors And if the said owner or owners shall, notwith- r'emove'jc^mmis-Standing tne above provision, neglect to remove such sioners'may. stagnant or putrid water or other filth, the City Commissioners may employ such person or persons as they may think proper, and upon such terms as ORDINANCES. 63 to them may seem reasonable and just, to remove from the said lot or lots, cellars or foundations, the said filth or stagnant or putrid water, which said expense shall be considered as a further fine for not complying with the provisions of this clause, and shall be collected accordingly. And be it enacted and ordained, That every per- son or persons possessing a tenement or tenements, warehouse or warehouses on any part or parts of the made ground of said city, under which a cellar cellars in the is or may be dug, or vacant space left, shall, during ™ c ad « o s™ u k n e d - t the months of June, July, August, September and diyj &c. October, keep the same dry and clear of stagnant water, mud or filth, and shall at least once in every week, empty and clear out any stagnant water, mud or filth from the said cellar or empty space left as aforesaid ; any person or persons offending herein, shall forfeit and pay for every offence five dollars, for the use of the city. And be it enacted and ordained, That the owner or owners of any cart, wagon or other carriage, owners of carts, that shall or may be employed in removing or carry- J.°v ™ m °y in B . *e e /i. J i. i. l n -J -dirt, &c. through lDg on any ot the paved streets, lanes or alleys otthec»y,tohave the City, any sand, loam, gravel, earth, dirt, manure, * em tlg l ' * c ' stone, bricks or coal, shall have and keep the same in such tight and secure condition so that such sand loam, gravel, earth, dirt, manure, stone, bricks or coal, be not scattered or suffered to fall on any of the streets, lanes or alleys aforesaid, under the pen- alty of seventy-five cents, for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son or person shall willfully and needlessly fire, Penalty on pe r - shoot or discharge any gun, pistol or other fire-arms, &T\n^thIci S ty n ' or make any bonfire, or burn any combustible mat- 0r making bon . ter in any of the streets, lanes or alleys of the said (fef - within City, every such person for every such offence shall forfeit and pay one dollar for the use of the. City, 64 ORDINANCES. And whereas, great injury may arise to the citi- zens of Baltimore from the going at large of hogs, goats and geese therein : — Be it enacted and ordained, That the City Com- noats, &c, run- mission ers shall employ one or more persons to seize wit! in the g city, and take all hogs, goats and geese found at large to be seized. w ithin the said City, and the same to sell and dis- pose of at public sale, for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That this ordi- nance shall commence and be in foree from and after continuance, the first of May ensuing, and continue until the first day of January next, and until the end of the next session of the corporation that shall happen there- after. Approved April 11, 1797. No. 16. An ordinance to regulate the several markets within the City of Baltimore. preamble. Whereas, the Legislature of the State of Mary- land hath heretofore erected and established three several markets within the City of Baltimore, under rules and regulations, which have been found by time and experience, inadequate to suppress and pre- vent many inconveniences and abuses which have crept into the several markets of the said City, as well to the great injury of the inhabitants thereof, as of the inhabitants of the country frequenting the same ; And whereas, by the act of incorporation the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore have full Power Etven,4o. power and authority to prevent and suppress all such abuses, and to make and provide such further ORDINANCES. 65 rules and regulations for the good government of the several markets within the said City, as they may deem necessary and right ; Be it therefore enacted and ordained by the May- or and City Council of Baltimore, That all victuals Provisions, &c, and provisions whatsoever, brought by land or wa-oneof C tiiemar° ter to the said City of Baltimore, for sale, (except ket8 ' •"• fish and oysters brought by water, all kinds of grain, flour, bread, butter in firkins or other vessels, ex- ceeding fifteen pounds net, cheese, bacon, pork by the hog, beef by the quarter, beef and pork in bar- rels or larger casks, live cattle, sheep or hogs) shall be carried to any of the said markets in the said City, there to be sold at market hours, to wit: from any time in the morning until nine o'clock in the evening of the same day, from the first day of April until the first day of October; and until six o'clock in the evening from the first of October until the first of April. And be it enacted and ordained, That no inhab- itant of the City of Baltimore or other person, shall No person to buy or cause to be bought of any person or persons &?, out ™ mar- whatsoever, bringing or having brought any kind ket- of victuals or provisions for sale to the said City or within one mile thereof, (except as before excepted) either upon the market days appointed by law or upon any other day of the week, at any other place whatsoever, within the said City, but at or in one of the market houses within the same, under the penalty of five dollars for every such offence, for Penalty, the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That no person or persons whatsoever, bringing or sending or having No person to brought or sent, any victuals or provisions to the &", Jut'Vf mar- said City for sale, (except as before excepted) shall ket ' &c sell or cause to be sold, the said victuals or provi- sions so brought or sent either by land or water to the said City, or within one mile thereof, at any other place but at or in one of the aforesaid mar- 66 0EDINANCE8. Penalty. feet houses, under the penalty of five dollars for every such offence ; and if any servant or slave shall sell or offer for sale, any victuals or provisions contrary to the directions and meaning of this or- dinance, and is unable to pay the above fine of five the T ln l e B o?\ie' ay dollars, such slave or servant shall be punished by whipped. whipping on the bare back, at the discretion of any associate justice or justice of the peace for Balti- more county. Provided such whipping shall not exceed ten lashes for every such offence. And be it enacted and ordained, That a clerk be cierk to be ap- appointed for each of the said markets, whose power pointed. an( j au thority shall continue for and during pleasure. And be it enacted and ordained, That the clerks appointed to the several markets aforesaid, shall . have full power and authority to take possession, care and charge of the market to which they are respectively appointed, during their continuance in His duty. office ; and it shall be their duty, and they are here- by directed and required to attend, unless prevented by sickness or other unavoidable accident or neces- sity, the market to which they are respectively appointed, from the hour of five until the hour of ten in the morning, during the months of April, May, June, July, August, September and October ; and from the hour of seven until the hour of eleven in the morning, during the months of November, December, January, February and March, in order to enforce obedience to all and every, the rules and regulations directed to be observed, as well by this ordinance as by any future ordinance of the cor- poration, touching or concerning such markets and to prevent all blown, unsound and unwholesome provisions from being sold or exposed for sale with- in the same, and to weigh, try and examine all butV ter, lard and other articles of provisions sold at a given weight, to see that the same are of due weight for which the same are offered for sale, at the rate of sixteen ounces avoirdupois to the pound, and the same when false, to seize and dispose of to the ORDINANCES. 67 highest hidder, for the use of the City ; to decide all differences and disputes which may arise in the said market to which they are severally appointed, between buyers and sellers, touching the weight and measure of the things there bought and sold, and to examine all persons suspected of selling provi- sions as hucksters, at second hand, and to prosecute according to the directions of this, or any future ordi- nance, all such as shall be found offending against the same ; and to collect all and every the rents of theciert to collect stalls or shambles of the market to which they are sta11 rents- respectively appointed, for the use of the City ; and to prevent all hucksters and other persons from To preTent Belling or exposing for sale, any goods, wares, o r ^w e t c f . rom merchandise, within the limits of any of the afore- said markets, at any time during market hours ; and to cause the markets to which they are respec- tively appointed, to be swept at least twice in every week, on the days next preceding market days, and to remove all dirt, filth and snow from the same, as often as the same may be necessary. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any of the clerks of the several markets shall refuse or neglect to attend at the hours and times appointed by this ordinance, unless prevented by sickness or other unavoidable accident or necessity, he or they penalty on shall for every such offence, forfeit and pay the sum glecufiuityr&e. of two dollars, to be applied as the corporation shall or may hereafter direct. And be it enacted and ordained, That no steel- no steelyards to yards shall be used in the said markets, but all flesh, be used ' * c - flour and other provisions sold by weight shall be weighed by scales and weights, duly stamped and scales to be used regulated by the officer legally appointed for that purpose, such scales and weights to be provided by the seller; and if any person shall be guilty of selling by steelyards or by unjust weights or false Fine for using measures, or scales falsely balanced, he or they shall steelyardB ' pay a fine of five dollars, to be recovered with costs for the use of the City. 68 ORDINANCES. And be it enacted and ordained, That no person shall sell or expose to sale, in any of the markets no blown meat, aforesaid, any blown, stuffed, unsound, unwhole- &c., to be sold, gome meaf . or art j c ] eg f provisions, or measly pork, penalty. under the penalty of five dollars for each and every offence, for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any no person to buy P erson or persons shall buy or cause to be bought vegetables, &c , any kind of vegetables, dead meat, poultry, butter, ke i ts h with e in I tent cheese, tallow, eggs or fish in any of the markets to sen again. j n ^ said cj tV) or w ithin ten miles thereof, with an intent to sell the same in such markets, such per- son shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of twenty dollars, one-half to the informer and the other half for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That when and as often as it shall happen that any person is expos- ing any of the above enumerated articles for sale, otherwise than in his shop or store, and there is good persons suspect- cause to suspect they have been purchased contrary huckste'rsio be to the true intent and meaning of this ordinance, camed before a it shall and may be lawful for any person to apply to a Justice of the Peace for Baltimore county, for a warrant to apprehend such person or persons so suspected, and the said Justice of the Peace shall inquire into the offence ; and if the person suspected be convicted thereof on the oath or affirmation of one or more credible witnesses, or if the person or persons so charged cannot make it appear to the satisfaction of such Justice of the Peace, that he, she or they raised or made the article or articles by him, her or them so offered for sale, or that he, she or they, is or are disposing of them on account of the person or persons who made the same, or that he, she or they brought the said article or articles ten miles or upwards from the said city, he, she or they shall be deemed, construed and taken to be of- penaity on con- fenders against this ordinance, and shall forfeit and Tiction. p av t jj e sum £ t wen ty dollars, one-half of which to go to the informer, and the other half for the use of the city. ORDINANCES. 69 And be it enacted and ordained, That no huck- ster or other person shall purchase with intent to Penalty on per- sell again, any provisions or fruit of any kind with-bSJ^behouf in the limits of the said markets, before the hour of ° f J^JlJ^JjJ- ten in the morning of any market day, under the penalty of twenty dollars, for the use of the city. And be it enacted and ordained, That no huck- ster or other person whomsoever, shall sell or ex- Penalty on per _ pose for sale within the limits of any of the said sonssellin &P r °- r , , , , . , J , visions purchas- markets, on any day or anytime whatsoever, any ed within any of victuals or provisions of any kind whatsoever, which the said markets have been before purchased from any inhabitant of the country, bringing, or who had brought the same to the said city, or within ten miles thereof, for sale, or within ten under the penalty of twenty dollars, one-half to the miles tnereof - informer, and the other half to be applied as afore- said. And be it enacted and ordained, That no person or persons whomsoever, shall lead, ride or drive intoNoperson to any of the said market houses, or on the brick pave- r t ^ ^S^ % ment of the same, or within eight feet thereof, any horse or other beast, waggon, cart, wheel-barrow or carriage of any kind whatsoever; or kill or slaugh-ortoMiior ter within the limits of any of the said markets, beTsf " e the ny any beast of the beef, sheep or hog kind, or lay, markets - throw or deposit any dirt, filth, dung, garbage or offal therein, under the penalty of five dollars, to penalty. be applied as before directed. And be it enacted and ordained, That no person or persons whomsoever, shall during market hours, sell or expose for sale, any wine, beer or spirituous penalty on per- liquors of any kind within the limits of any of the^jjgf™™ said markets, under the penalty of five dollars for ^j,) 16 said mar " every such offence, to be applied as before directed. And be it enacted and ordained, That no person or persons shall bring any goods, wares or m erch an- or goods, wares, ,.* i.i , , «/o ' and merchan- dize of any kind whatsoever, except country manu-dise. facture, within the limits of any of the said mark- Except country ets, to sell, or offer for sale, during market hours, manufaoture - 70 ORDINANCES. and any person or persons acting therein contrary to the intent and meaning of this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars, to be applied as the corporation may hereafter direct. ahambles. And be it enacted and ordained, That the clerks of the several markets shall have full power and cierk torentthe authority to rent or hire out the stalls or shambles in the said several markets, and shall keep fair and regular accounts of all the monies or profits arising from such rents, and of all fines and forfeitures he or they shall receive by virtue of this and every other ordinance which may be passed respecting any T»pay the of the said markets, and shall pay the same to the Treasurer, for the use of the city. amount to the treasurer. Clerks to take the oath of of- fice. And be it enacted and ordained, That before any of the clerks of the several markets shall enter upon the execution of their office, they shall be obliged to take the oath or affirmation of office, as the case may be, that they will justly, truly and impartially perform the several duties required of them by this ordinance, and will also take the several oaths pre- scribed by law to be taken, and will also prescribe a declaration of their belief in the christian religion. To give bond, And be it enacted and ordained, That the several clerks to be appointed to the markets aforesaid, shall, before they take upon themselves the execution of the trust reposed in them by this ordinance, give bond with sufficient security, to be approved of by the Mayor, to the Mayor and City Council of Bal- timore, that is to say the clerks of the Howard's hill and Fell's point markets, each in the sum of five hundred dollars, and the clerk of the Centre market in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, with condition thereto annexed, that they will severally, well and faithfully discharge the several duties re- quired by this ordinance, and that they will render to the said Mayor once in every three months, a just and true account of all monies they shall from OEDINANCEB. 71 time to time receive in virtue of their appointment, and that they will pay the same to the Treasurer, for the use of the city. And be it enacted and ordained, That the clerks of the several markets shall have full power and to distrain for authority to distrain and sell any meat or provisions remt- upon any stall rented by him to any person, if such person renting the same, or if the person having the use and occupation of the said stall or shamble shall not pay the rent due thereon ; and the said several clerks are hereby empowered to collect all rents, fiues and forfeitures incurred by reason of this ordinance, and are hereby directed to account To render fair for the same, as before by this ordinance directed. Jam". 1 "" " 11 " And be it further enacted, That this ordinance, and every matter, clause and thing therein contained, shall be in full force and operation on and after the commencement first day of May next, and not before. Approved April 11, 1797. No. 17. An ordinance to regulate the cording of fire-wood within the City of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That four persons be nominated and appointed corders of all fire- wood persona to be brought by water to the city of Baltimore for sale, j^"/*' 1 wood - to wit : one from the south side of Pratt street, be- ginning at the head of Pratt street dock, southward, city aiTided for the first district ; one from the first district, east- int0 4e - in his discretion shall think proper. Approved April 24th, 1797. No. 19. An ordinance to erect and regulate pumps in the streets, lanes and alleys of the City of Baltimore. Whereas, a due supply of water is a convenience Preamble, to the inhabitants, and of the utmost importance in times of fire within the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the City Commis- sioners be, and they are hereby, authorized and em- powered to contract with a proper person or persons commissioners to sink wells and erect pumps in such parts and t0 contract > &c - places on the sides of the streets, lanes and alleys in the said city as to them shall appear useful and necessary, which wells when completed shall be at Dimension of least five feet in diameter, clear of the walling. well. And be it enacted and ordained, That all the pumps which are at present erected in any of the au lamps in the streets, lanes or alleys of the said city, or which J^Jp*^ 8 * shall hereafter be erected by any of the citizens, upon the terms prescribed by an act of the General Assembly of Maryland, entitled "An act to extin- guish fires, &c," shall, and they are hereby, declared 76 OKDIHANCEB. to be public pumps, under the direction of the City Commissioners; and the said commissioners are hereby authorized to contract with a suitable person to examine, and if necessary, to repair, and hereafter to keep in repair the said pumps. Commissioners to repair the pumps. And be it enacted and ordained, That whenever any of the said pumps shall be out of repair, it shall be the duty of the said commissioners, upon receiv- ing information thereof by any of the citizens resi- dent in the district where such pumps are erected, to cause the same to be immediately examined and repaired. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Appropriation, commissioners be authorized to draw on the treas- urer of the city for the sum of one thousand dollars, for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this ordinance into effect. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son or persons shall and do after the passing of this Penalty on per- ordinance maliciously, wilfully or wantonly break tnepam™sf&l or carry away the handle, or obstruct the pumps standing in the streets, lanes or alleys of the said city, or otherwise damage or injure the same, every person so offending or aiding, or so assisting such offence shall forfeit and pay for every such offence twenty dollars, for the use of the city. Approved April 26th, 1797. No. 20. An ordinance to regulate the selling of lime in the City of Baltimore. persons bring- Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and city 1 for' e 5 a°e' h to 9'^ 9 ounc . ]1 of Baltiinore > T hat every person bring- provide a bilsbei ing lime into the said city for sale shall provide himself with a measure that shall contain one bushel, ordinances. 77 which shall be branded by the keeper of the stand- Measures to te ard of measures of Baltimore county, and propor- b "ndard b3,the tioned to the said standard, and no other kind of measures shall be used by the seller for measuring his lime. And be it enacted and ordained, That from and after the first day of June next, all lime brought into the said city or precincts thereof for sale shall Lime to be be measured by the seller in the bushel measure ^Her Ured by thc aforesaid ; and every such seller shall measure the same truly and honestly, and the lumps he shall so put in the said bushel as to avoid making hollow places, and the said bushel shall be heaped. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son shall bring lime into the city aforesaid, or pre- cincts thereof, after the said first day of June next, and sell the same, and shall refuse or neglect to Penalty for measure it in manner as aforesaid, he shall for every £i e . glect or refl "' such offence forfeit and pay the sum of two dollars, one half to the informer and the other half for the use of the city. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son after the first day of June next shall purchase lime brought to th« said city for sale, and shall re- fuse or neglect to have the same measured, shall for penalty on every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of two purcha,era - dollars, one half to the informer and the other half for the use of the city. Approved April 24th, 1797. No. 21. An ordinance respecting the upper and middle bridges on Jones' Palls, in the City of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the commissioners or any two of them, appointed to contract for the re- building of the middle bridge over Jones' Falls, in 73 ORDINANCES. Baltimore town, by the aet of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-six, entitled "An act for build- ing a record office, and for securing and transcribing certain records and papers in Baltimore county, and for rebuilding two bridges over Jones' Falls, in Baltimore town in said county," are hereby author- commiasioners i ze d and empowered to negotiate and borrow on m^ney.™ ' loan a sum of money from any of the banks in said city not exceeding five hundred pounds, for the purpose of carrying into execution the objects of their appointment ; which said money, with interest, To be repaid in shall be paid to the said banks in the years seventeen J799. hundred and ninety-eight and seventeen hundred and ninety-nine. And be it enacted and ordained, That the com- missioners of the middle bridge aforesaid are hereby Commiisioners authorized and required to immediately contract to contract for ... i mii? i i • i j_ i building the with some skilltul and experienced person to under- muidie bridge, f. a k e j. ne D miclj n g of a wooden or frame bridge, to be erected on piles, at the place where the middle bridge was erected, of sound and firm materials, and the workmanship to be done and executed in a skillful and faithful manner, so as to preserve the timbers of said bridge as much as possible from contract to be in rotting or decaying ; and the said "con tract shall be in writing, expressing the terms of payment and defin- ing fully the work to be performed ; and the said talcttn 3 "to"" ive P erson before he commences the work, shall give bond. bond with security, to be approved of by the Mayor, to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, in the sum of three thousand dollars, for the faithful execution of the said contract; which said bond shall be filed with the City Register for safe keeping. And be it enacted and ordained, That in case the ir the money sum of money hereinbefore mentioned shall be found adequate, com"" inadequate to complete the said middle bridge, tho 3 r S i 1 zed e todr 1 aw tne Commissioners are hereby authorized to draw on the treasurer, on the Treasurer of the City for such further sum as shall appear necessary therefor, not exceeding gix hundred dollars. ORDINANCES. 79 And be it enacted and ordained, That the Com- missioners, or any two of them, appointed by the f °™™ t j| si t °"o™ Act of Assembly aforesaid, to contract for rebuild- tuiwing the u P - ing the upper bridge on Jones' Falls aforesaid, be, Jones" f»iis! and they are hereby, authorized in their discretion to draw on the Treasurer of the City for a sum not May draw on the exceeding one hundred dollars, to be by them ap- treasurer ' propriated to the immediate reparation of the said bridge. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Commissioners of the upper bridge aforesaid, shall, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, if they in their discretion shall think proper, to nego- May borrow tiate and borrow on loan, a sum of money from ""berepaidTn"' any of the banks in said City, not exceeding five n98 - hundred pounds, for the purpose of rebuilding the said bridge ; which said money with interest shall be paid to the said banks in the years seventeen hundred and ninety-eight and seventeen hundred and ninety-nine. Provided that the said Commis- proviso, sioner shall not be authorized to borrow the said sum before the first day of October next, unless the said upper bridge shall be destroyed or rendered impassable by floods or otherwise. And be it enacted and ordained, That the corpo- ration of the City of Baltimore do hereby guaran- tee the payment of the said loans and interest to such banks as shall advance the same, and shall and will indemnify and save harmless the commission- ers of said bridges, who shall negotiate the same, or who shall or may become security for the same, and the revenue of the city is hereby mortgaged for the Revenues of the payment of the same, agreeably to the terms and g£ Mortgaged, time specified by this ordinance. Approved April 24, 1797. 80 ORDINANCES. No. 22. Ad ordinance to preserve the navigation of the harhor of Bal- timore, and to provide for the exercise of the powers hereto- fore vested in the Port Wardens hy the Act of Assembly. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and persons to be ap - City Council of Baltimore, That three persons be pointed^ make appointed to make out as soon as conveniently may be, an exact surveyor chart of that part of the harbor of Baltimore which lies on the north side thereof, and to the eastward of the west side of Eden street, extending round the shore to Harris's creek ; laying down the different permissions here- tofore granted by the Port Wardens, to extend wharves into the water within the limits aforesaid, and ascertaining the depth and course of the chan- nel in order that the Major and City Council may be enabled to fix a line or boundary, beyond which no wharf shall be permitted to be extended without a special act of the corporation. And be it enacted and ordained, That it shall be Hayor to grant lawful for the Mayor, for the time being, on the £x r tend S whar?e8 application of the proprietor of any lot binding on *c- and entitled to the privilege of the water, to grant permission to extend a wharf or wharves therefrom, so as that the same shall in no instance extend be- yond the limits heretofore prescribed by the Port Wardens, or that shall hereafter be fixed by the corporation ; provided that in all cases where per- pian to be mission shall be granted as aforesaid, a plan of the M»f«. with the proposed wharf shall be first lodged with the Mayor, and notice of the application served on the owners or proprietors of the adjoining lots (if in the State) at least thirty days before permission is granted ; ifnocareat, and if in the mean time no caveat be entered, then |j™ t 1 e s d s i° ntobe permission may be given under the seal of the cor- if caveat, to be poration ; but if caveat be entered against permis- referred i to the s i n being granted as aforesaid, then, and in every corporation, to. , ° ° . . , „ ' ' , . J euch case permission shall not be granted by the Mayor, but the same shall be referred to the decision of the corporation. OBDlNAtfCES. 8l ! And be it enacted and ordained,. That a harbor Harbor master master be appointed, who shall before he enters upon t0 be a PP° illted - the: execution of his said appointment give bond Togive bond, tc with security, to be approved of by the Mayor, to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, in the sum of one thousand dollars, that he will well and faithfully discharge the several duties required of him by this ordinance ; whose duty it shall be to His duty, attend to the preservation of the navigation and harbor, the mooring and stationing of vessels ; to collect all wharfages of vessels, and all fines and forfeitures arising under this or any other ordinance or act relating to the navigation or harbor. And be it enacted and ordained, That the follow- ing wharfages shall be collected as aforesaid, on all wharfage to be decked vessels which shall lay at any public wharf colle within the City, to wit : one cent per ton for every . day they shall so remain, not exceeding one hundred cents for any vessel whatever, and all vessels lying in the second tier shall pay half wharfage. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son or persons shall obstruct the harbor master, or no person to ob- other person appointed to collect the wharfage ^JJ^J^J Jj£" aforesaid, in the ascertaining the tonnage of any vessel, or in the collecting of the wharfages hereby imposed, he or they shall forfeit and pay five dollars Penalty. for every offence, for the use of the City. And whereas great inconvenience has been expe- rienced from wood flats and other vessels occupying their births at the public wharves an unreasonable length of time — Beat therefore enacted and ordained, That when any vessel is hauled into any of the public wharves for the purpose of discharging her cargo, the master vessels at the or skipper thereof shall proceed without delay to g , S|J^ h ^ rve * discharge the same, and shall immediately thereafter without delay. haul off a convenient distance from the said wharf, if required so to do by the harbor master, or (if the fusal. 82 ORDINANCES. vessel be a wood flat,) by any one of the wood cor- ders ; and if any master or skipper of any vessel so penalty for re- ordered off shall refuse to obey, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of three dollars, over and above the wharfages aforesaid, for every twenty-four hours the said vessel shall so remain. And be it enacted and ordained, That it shall No vessel to ca- not be lawful for any person to heave down or clean "ubiic wifarvea! a vessel at any public wharf within any part of the basin or harbor of the port of Baltimore, or to land or to throw any or put on shore on any of the said wharves any s 1 r nf&c intheba ' stone, bricks, ballast, oyster shells, dirt or filth, or to make any fires thereon, without the permission of the harbor master ; and if any person shall be guilty of any of the offences aforesaid, such person penalty. shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five dol- lars, in the discretion of the magistrate before whom the same is tried. And be it enacted and ordained, That the follow- wharfages to being wharfages shall be collected for the articles collected. hereafter enumerated, landed at any public wharf within the City, to wit : For every cord of wood, six cents ; for every hundred feet of scantling or plank, two cents ; for every thousand staves, head- ing or shingles, twelve and a-half cents ; for every hundred bushels of coal or salt, twelve and a-half cents ; for every hundred posts or rails, twenty-five cents ; for every hundred cedar bolts, twelve and a-half cents ; for every thousand hoop poles, twelve and a-half cents; for every thousand laths, two cents, and for every thousand garden pales, six cents. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son or persons owning any of the aforegoing enu- merated articles, shall suffer the same to remain on any of the public landing places longer than twen- Doubie wharf- four hours, such owner and owners shall forfeit and ages, &c. p a y f or ever y 8uc h ff ense double the rate of wharf- age upon the aforesaid enumerated articles, for ORDINANCES. 8S every twenty-four hours the same or any part there- of shall so remain on the said landing places, except plank and scantling, which may so. remain for four days after the landing thereof, and after that time shall he subject to double wharfage, as aforesaid, for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That every bar- rel of tar, pitch, turpentine, beef, pork and fish, pitch, &c re- after having remained twenty-four hours on any of fo^holraTln'I* the public wharves within the city of Baltimore, to j? a y double shall pay two cents for each and every barrel which shall so remain, and at the same rate for every twenty-four hours thereafter. And be it enacted and ordained, That the harbor- master and every wood-corder shall render an ac- Harbor master, count on oath at least once in every month, of all ^■ ^ h ac £° unt monies by them received in virtue of this ordinance, and shall at the same time, pay over the same to the Treasurer, deducting therefrom fifteen per cent, for their trouble in collecting. And be it enacted and ordained, That in all cases where firewood or lumber is landed, as aforesaid, it shall be optional in the wood-corder to receive theoptionaito wharfage on the firewood or lumber, or on the ves-j^e%^ona£e" sel, but not on both at the same time. And be it enacted and ordained, That the owners of private wharves shall be obliged to keep them so owners to in repair, as to prevent injury to- the navigation ; ™j£j££/£* te and that whenever any owner of a wharf shall suffer it to be out of repair, so as that dirt or filth washes by rain into the navigivation, the Mayor shall have power and authority to summon said owner before Mayor may him, and to fix a reasonable time, not exceeding one a £™ moa owner3 month, for securing said wharf so as to prevent in- jury to the navigation ; and in case the owner of any wharf as aforesaid shall refuse or noglect to appear when summoned by the Mayor, or to make the necessary repairs as aforesaid, he or they shall 84: , ORDINANCES. Penalty tor re- forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding; ten dollars per week, at the discretion of the magistrate before whom the same may be tried, for the use of the City. iusal, &c. And be it enacted and ordained, That a suitable superintendant person be appointed to take charge of, and superin- SeTppomted? tend the working of the machine and scows, pre- pared for cleaning and deeping the basin and har- bor, who shall from time to time employ as many hands as may be deemed proper and necessary by the Mayor; provided that the limits and bounds wherein the said machine shall be employed to work shall be ascertained and fixed every session, by a resolution of the corporation. And be it enacted and ordained, That the harbor- master or person having charge of said machine, To order vessels shall at all times havepower and authority to order to remove. aa y Tesse i t remove from the space wherein it is necessary to work the said machine; and if any person having charge of a vessel, ordered to be re- moved as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to remove his said vessel within twelve hours after ordered as Penalty on refu- aforesaid, he or they shall forfeit and pay the sum of sai, &c g ve dan ars for every hour they shall remain there- after within the limits so ordered to be removed from ; and if any person shall wilfully obstruct the work- ing of the said machine, or run foul of its anchors or fastenings, he or they shall for every such offence penalty on per- forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten dollars, in t2e 8 machine t . ins tne discretion of the magistrate before whom the same may be tried, for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- no person to son shall cast or throw any ballast, dirt, oyster shells, she™ "ntathe or filth into the water, in any part of the basin or water, sm. harbor of the port of Baltimore, above Whetstone point, or on the shore of the said basin or harbor, unless for mak- below high water mark, unless for the making in g a wharf, &c. a w harf, after permission obtained for that pur- pose, and which wharf shall be well and suffi- ciently enclosed and secured so as to prevent injury ORDINANCES. 85 to the navigation, such persons so offending shall forfeit and pay for every such offence a sum not ex- penalty, &c. ceeding twenty dollars, in the discretion of the magistrate before whom the same may be tried. And be it enacted and ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any individual hereafter to make no person to ground off the water, in front of any street or part Se k wa S te° u wit°h ff of a street as aforesaid, without a special permission out permission. under the seal of the City ; and if the owner of any lot adjoining any such street, shall be permitted to make ground off the water, in front of any such street, or part of a street, for the accommodation of their lot, and to give them more convenient access thereto, that part made in front of a street or part of a street, shall in no case be considered as the property of such individual. Provided, nevertheless, That this ordinance is not to affect any rights acquired in virtue of an Not to anect any Act of Assembly, entitled "An act permitting theA^'d? Assem- proprietors of lots binding on the water, at the west b 'y- end of the basin, in Baltimore town, to extend and improve the same. And be it enacted and ordained, That the harbor- master to be appointed as aforesaid, is hereby au- Harbor-master thorized and empowered to appoint one or moredeputfJs°&c. deputies, to be approved of by the Mayor, to assist him in the execution of his office, for whose conduct the said harbor-master shall be responsible. Approved April 24, 1797. No. 23. An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the city of Baltimore, and to provide for the collec- tion of the same. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there be three as- Assessors to be sessors appointed to assess in manner as is herein- appointed ' &c - 86 OBDINANOES. after provided, all the property within the said City subject to assessment by the laws of this State, cn y to be divi- within the following districts, to wit: from Calvert tr e iots°&c. is " street to the westward of the City, inclusive, for the first district ; from Calvert street eastward to Jones' Falls, inclusive, for the second district ; and from Jones' Falls eastward to Harris' creek, inclusive, as the third district; which said assessors, before they act, shall take the following oath or affirmation, Assessors' oath, as the case maybe, to wit: "I, A. B. do swear, (or affirm,) that I will well and truly execute the duty of an assessor, and will faithfully, justly and impartially value all real and personal property which I shall be appointed to value, agreeably to the directions of an ordinance of the corporation of the city of Baltimore, entitled " An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the city of Baltimore, and to provide for the collection of the same," according to the best of my skill and knowledge, and therein I will spare no person for favor or affection, or any person grieve for hatred, malice or ill will. And they shall have compensation and receive as a compensation, a sum not exceeding to assessors, &c. forthe first district one hundred dollars; for the second district eighty dollars ; and for the third district one hundred and twenty dollars, to be paid by the Treasurer of the City for their services in performing the duties required by this ordinance. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Former mode of assessors shall take, as it now appears upon the books assessment to be f ^g Commssioners of the Tax for Baltimore town, an exact list of the assessment, as their present mode or rate of assessment, which they shall enter alpha- betically in a book to be by them provided for that unless improve- purpose, unless some alteration or improvement shall mentbemade. have been made on said property since the former assessment, in which case, the value of such altera- tion or improvement shall bo added to its former assessment ; and they shall diligently and carefully assess all property subject to assessment, as aforesaid, not included in the said list, at the same rate as the former assessment, and not higher or greater, which ORDINANCES. 8T they shall add to the same in the books aforesaid, distinguishing the old from the new assessment, which said books so containing the old and new to be deposed assessment and the items and particulars of each, ^"jj^ 6 regls " they shall deliver and deposit with the Register of the City, on or before the first day of July next. And be it enacted and ordained, That two of the said assessors, shall alternately value the property Assessor's of the other assessor, at the same rate of assessment, y^ue property . and add the same to the said assessment list on or before the first day of July next. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said assessors shall have permission, and they are hereby directed to employ a clerk to assist them in the pre- Assessor's to paration and statement of the said lists and accounts employa clerk ' of assessment, who shall accurately transcribe and enter into a book or books to be for that purpose provided, the said lists or accounts of assessment, in a plain, fair hand writing, which shall so be done on or before the first day of August next, and that the said clerk have and receive as a compensation Their compen- for his services, one hundred and twenty dollars, to satlon " be paid by the Treasurer of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That a tax of fifteen shillings be imposed and levied on every a tax of fifteen hundred pounds of property, assessable as aforesaid, iaid. m P 10 be within the city of Baltimore, contained in the said list of assessments to be collected in the manner as is hereinafter directed. And be it enacted and ordained, That there be a collector appointed, to collect the tax so imposed, A coUectol . to who, before he enters upon the execution of his be appointed. office, shall take and subscribe the oath or affirma- tion, directed by the Act of incorporation, and give bond to the mayor and City Council of Baltimore, to give bond. in the penalty of twenty thousand dollars, with se- curity, to be approved by the Mayor, for the well §8 OEDINANOEB. and faithful execution of the trusts reposed in him by this ordinance ; and (that he will pay monthly to the Treasurer of the City, such sums of he shall receive in the course of collection, and that he will complete the said collection on or before the twentieth day of November next. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said collector shall make out and deliver to each taxable, or leave at their last place of abode, or if non-resi- To deliver ac- dent, at the property, an account in writing of his countinwnhng said assessment, containing the items and amount thereof; which said account shall be so delivered or left, on or before the first day of October next, and the same shall contain a request to pay the said as- sessment on or before the twentieth day of October aforesaid. And be it enacted and ordained, That if anyper- Persons a g griev-Son shall think himself aggrieved by the valuation ed, to appeal. h ere j n before directed to be made, he may appeal to the two assessors who have not made the assessment appealed from, who are hereby directed to alter and correct the same, if they think proper, provided that all appeals be heard and determined on or be- fore the twentieth day of October next, and it shall be the duty of the said assessor, and they are hereby directed to give five days notice, prior to the time of their sitting, of the time and place of hearing such appeals ; and they shall sit one week and no more, for the purposes aforesaid, for which trouble they shall have and receive two dollars each, for each and every day they shall so sit. And be it enacted and ordained, That if the said Tax to be paid tax is not paid by the thirtieth day of October next October 3 next° f that then in such case the said collector is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to recover the same, agreeably to the mode prescribed by the Act of incorporation, who shall have and receive a com- mission of four per centum for collecting the same. OEDINANOBS. 89 And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor of the City be authorized to make transfers on the Mayor to make books of assessment of the said City, as the Commis- transfers > * c - sioners of the Tax of Baltimore town, are authorized to do by the Act of the General Assembly of Mary- land, entitled "An act for the valuation of real and personal property within this State," passed at No- vember session, seventeen hundred and ninety-two. Approved, April 24th, 1797. No. 24. An ordinance to regulate the measurement of grain and other articles in the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That after the first day of June next all grain, peas, beans, bran, shorts, ah grain, &c. to flax and grass seeds, offered for sale in said City, ih e ™?andard by shall be measured with an iron cross barred half g 1 ®*!™ of bushel, of the standard measure of Baltimore county, which shall be so filled in measuring, as to strike off • not less than three pints, and shall be stricken with a straight strike, rounded on the edges, of at least three-quarters of an inch in thickness, and not less than four inches broad. And be it enacted and ordained, That any person or persons measuring any grain, peas, beans, bran, shorts, flax or grass seeds, within the said City for sale, after the first day of June aforesaid, con- trary to the provisions of this ordinance, shall for- Penalty for feit and pay for every half bushel so measured one ™ar^t" ofdi- n " dollar, one half to the informer and the other half nance - for the use of the City. Approved April 26, 1797. 90 ORDINANCES. No. 25. An ordinance directing the manner of collecting and appropri- ating the money levied for paving the streets, lanes and alleys in the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That whenever the City Commissioners shall adjudge and determine on the propriety of paving any street, lane or alley in the city commis- said City, that they shall make or cause to be made ouffiiBt o?thI a correct list of the names of the persons who are persons names liable to pay the paving tax, and the amount to be paving 'tax. 3 ' e paid by each person ; and they are hereby directed To be delivered to deliver to the City Collector a duplicate of such to city collector am0 unt, under their hands and seals, with directions for collecting the said tax; nevertheless correcting any mistake in the said list, as often as they may be satisfied of the same. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said collector to coi- Collector shall immediately collect the same by dis- lect, &c. f. regg or otherwise, giving thirty days notice agreea- bly to law, previous to such distress, and pay over • the amount to the Treasurer of the City, after de- Aiiowance. ducting two and one-half per centum for his trouble in collecting the same. And be it enacted and ordained, That the City Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed city commis- to draw on the Treasurer of the City for such amount orfaeTreaTJrer °* *^ e taX » an< ^ *° a PPty * ne same to the paving of &c the individual street, lane or alley where the tax may be collected ; and should said tax raise more money than would be sufficient to pave the same, that the overplus remain in the treasury for the use of the City ; but should the said tax not be sufficient to pave the same, that then, and in that case, the deficiency be made up out of the monies appropri- ated to the City Commissioners for that purpose. Approved April 29, 1797. ORDINANCES. 91 No. 26. An ordinance directing the appropriation of certain sums of public money, for the use of the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there be appropri- Monies appro- ated to the surveying, deepening and preserving the Min'lf&c.fttJe' harbor of Baltimore, to be paid out of the money BasinofBalti " . • & i-i /» i more ' arising trom the duty on tonnage of vessels,»and auctioneers of the City, a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars. And be it enacted and ordained, That there be appropriated to the cleaning and keeping the streets For the cleaning in repair, paving and other expenses and contracts the streets - &c - of the City Commissioners, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, a sum not exceeding four thousand dollars. And be it enacted and ordained, That there be appropriated for the Health Department, to be paid For the health out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, a de P artment ' sum not exceeding two thousand dollars. And be it enacted and ordained, That there be appropriated for extra expenses, to be paid out of For extra ex- any unappropriated money in the treasury, a sum penses - not exceeding two hundred dollars. And be it enacted and ordained, That the City Commissioners, with the approbation of the Mayor, commissioners may draw on the Treasurer for such sum of money may k e &P' oy a not exceeding the appropriation for that depart- ment, for the purpose of employing a clerk, contract- jf ay contract ing with scavengers, and executing the several trusts £" h scayen s ers required of them by ordinances ; and they are here- by directed to render a full and fair account of all To render ac- their expenditures to the City Council, at their next count ' session, with the vouchers therefor. 02 ORDINANCES. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor Mayor may may draw on the treasury for such sums of money trealurerto the not exceeding the appropriations aforesaid, for the purposes afore- sa id purposes ; and is hereby requested to lay before the next City Council a full and fair account of all expenditures of said money, with the vouchers therefor. And be it enacted and ordained, That this ordi- continuance. nance shall be and continue in force until the first day of January next, and until the end of the next session of the corporation that shall happen there- after. Approved April 29, 1797, No. 27. An ordinance to ascertain the several taxes in the city of Bal- timore, and to direct the manner of collecting the same. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Register and Treasurer of the City aforesaid, are hereby required statement to be ar >d directed, on or before the first day of June next, made. t enumerate and collect into one statement, all the taxes imposed by the Acts of Assembly, (now in force for the use of the City, and to furnish a copy thereof to the Collector of the City, who- is hereby authorized and required to use all lawful ways and collector to dis- means to discover from whom the same are to be whom f t 0, be 0l . collected, and to make out a list of the persons lected. names from whom due, and the amount to be paid, certified copy and to state and deliver a correct copy, certified tot b he d regtate£ under his hand, to the Eegister of the City, where the same shall be lodged for the inspection of the Mayor, or either Branch of the City Council. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Col- lector of the Tax aforesaid, shall, on or before the first day of July next, deliver to each person charged ORDINANCES. 931 with any part of the said tax in writing, the amount Amount of of such taxes, or leave the same at their dwellings, nvered* in wrlt- if in the City, requesting the said persons to pay the in s- taxes, and if the same are not paid by the thirty- first day of July next, that it shall and may be law- ful for the Collector of the Tax aforesaid, to collect the same by distress or execution, in such manner as by the several Acts of Assembly are directed. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Collec- tors of the Tax aforesaid, shall account with the collector to ac- Treasurer of the City monthly for all sums by him C0UQt monthly - received, and shall complete his collection on or be- To complete his fore the thirty-first day of October next, and in case collection ' &c - of failure the Treasurer is hereby directed to put his bond in suit, and the Collector aforesaid shall be Allowance. allowed a commission of four per centum for col- lecting the same. And be it enacted and ordained, That the auc- tioners of the City aforesaid, shall pay at the rate Tax on auctions of five shillings for every hundred pounds on the &c - amount of all sales made by them to the Treasurer of the City aforesaid, and shall once in every three months account to the said Treasurer, on oath or Auctioneers to affirmation, and pay the same; and the bonds of & c ';° unt on oatb the said auctioneers shall be answerable, and may be sued by the Treasurer for any breach, in not ren- dering account or paying as above required. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Treas- urer of the City aforesaid, shall receive all monies Treasurer to re- that may be due the City aforesaid, on all licenses ucensetj&c 1 . which shall be granted by Baltimore County Court, at September term next; and the Collector afore- collector to said, is hereby directed to collect all licenses that^antea'oy'pe'r- may be granted by permission in the vacation of mJ8S10n - Baltimore County Civil Court. Approved April 29, 1797. 94 ORDINANCES. No. 28. An ordinance imposing a tax on the City seal, and regulating the fees of the Register's office. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That every person re- Tax on the seal, quiring the City seal affixed to any commission or other paper for his benefit, shall pay to the Register of the said City one hundred cents, for the use of the City, which shall be paid immediately on the service done ; and the Register shall once in every three months pay the same to the Treasurer of the City, for the use of said'City, and shall annually lay before the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, a fair account on oath, of his receipts for the said seal, and shall be allowed a commission of five per cen- tum for bis trouble and services in the execution of this ordinance. Register to ac- count yearly. And be it enacted and ordained, That every per- son, except the officers of the city of Baltimore, requiring for public purposes, the services of said Ties of office. Register, shall pay to him the following fees on the performance of said services, to wit : For making out and authenticating copies of records, fifteen cents for each sheet, containing one hundred words, and so pro rato ; for every search, twenty-five cents, and for every certificate to a copy, if required, twenty-five cents. Approved, April 29th, 1779. Preamble. No. 29. An Ordinance for the payment of the journal of accounts. Whereas, it appears by the journal of accounts, of this session, that there is now due from the city of Baltimore, the sum of seventeen hundred and eighty-two dollars and forty-three cents. ORDINANCES. d5 Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Treasurer of the said City shall, and is hereby authorized and re- quired to pay, to the several persons, there execu- Treasurer to tors, administrators, assigns or order, or to such of of acrauits. 111 * 1 them as shall apply for the same, the several sums of money allowed to them respectfully, as they ap- pear to be settled and ascertained by the said journal of accounts, out of any money now in the treasury , or that shall come into the treasury, subject to the appropriation of the Mayor and City Council. Approved, April 29th, 1797. No. 30. An ordinance fixing the salary and compensation of the officers of the city of Baltimore, for the present year, and for pay- ment of the same. Whereas, those who dedicate their time, abilities, Preamble, and labor to the public, ought to receive a reasona-' ble compensation for their services : — Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there shall be allowed to the officers or persons hereinafter men- tioned, the following compensation for the ensuing Compensation twelve months, to be paid by orders, drawn quar- allowed - terly by the Mayor, on the Treasurer of the City. To the Register of the City, including stationary salaries. and all other expenses — twelve hundred dollars. To the Treasurer — A commission of one-half per centum for receiving, and one half per centum for paying all public monies. To the City Commissioners — Each four hundred dollars. 96 OBDIITANOES. sauries. To the Harbor Master — Two hundred and fifty dollars. To the Superintendant of the machine for clean- ing the Basin — six hundred and fifty-six dollars, and sixty-seven cents. To the clerk of the Centre market — one hundred and sixty dollars. To the clerk of the Hanover market — eighty dollars. To the clerk of the Point market — one hundred dollars. To the clerks of the First and Second Branches of the City Council — five dollars per diem for each day during the session. To the messengers of the First and Second Branches of the City Council — one dollar and fifty cents per diem for each day during the session. And be it enacted and ordained, That the com- pensation to the clerks and messengers of the Branches of the City Council, the printing, station- To te paid out ary, and house rent, be paid out of any unappro- Sot a approp n ria- priated money in the treasury, by orders drawn by ted - the Mayor on the Treasurer for that purpose, on or before the first day of June next ; and that all other compensations shall be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Treasurer, unappropriated, by the ordinances of the corporation* Approved, April 29th, 1797. OEDINANOES. 97 No. 31. An ordinance directing the manner of collecting fines not ex- ceeding one dollar, accruing in virtue of ordinances of the corporation of the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the -Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to appropriate The mayor to a part or portion of all fines imposed in virtue of Xrt aftS? fine any law or ordinance, not exceeding one dollar, forf^ a ^ oting the prosecuting and collecting the same; and thatTo direct the he direct the manner of paying the balances of such m JSE? e into't£e y " fines into the Treasury of the City. treasury. And be it enacted and ordained, That this ordi- nance continue until the first day of January next, continuance. and to the end of the next session of the City Council which shall happen thereafter. Approved, May 8th, 1797. No. 32. An ordinance empowering the Mayor of the city of Baltimore to grant licenses for the purposes therein mentioned. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to grant li- The mayor to censes to so many poor persons as to him may ap- grant licenses - Eear proper, to permit them to keep tables or bas- ets on the foot-ways or across the gutters of the streets of the City, with the consent of the occu- with the appro- piers of the houses before which such tables or bas- bation&c - kets may be placed for the purpose of exposing to sale fruit, cakes, nuts, and such other articles as have heretofore been customary for persons of that description to sell, anything in any ordinance of the corporation to the contrary notwithstanding. 98 .ORDINANCES. And be it enacted and ordained, That this ordi- continnance. nance continue and be in force until the first day of January next, and until the end of the next session of the City Council that shall happen thereafter. Approved May 6th, 1797. No. 33. A supplement to an ordinance entitled "An ordinance for the inspection of salted provisions imported into, and exported from the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That so much of the a pan of the ordinance entitled " An ordinance for the inspection "ended bi " sus " °* sa ' te d provisions, imported into and exported from the city of Baltimore," as respects the size and dimensions of all beef, pork and fish barrels brought to aud exported from the city of Baltimore be, and is hereby, suspended until the end of the next session of the City Council. Approved May 6th, 1797. No. 34. An ordinance empowering the Mayor to rent a magazine for the storage of gunpowder, and employing a keeper thereof, and for regulating the sweeping of chimnies within the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to receive from the Maryland Insurance Fire Company, a Themayortore- formal transfer of all the right and title of the li- ceive transfers. cens i n g an( j regulating the sweeping of chimnies and fixing the rate thereof within the City and pre- ORDINANCES. 99 cincts, and also the right of erecting and building, or renting a magazine for storing of gunpowder, agreeably to the Act of incorporation. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to rent a house in some safe place for a magazine, for To rent a house, the storing of gunpowder, until the last day of April next, and to employ an honest and orderly man as a keeper of said magazine for the term afore- said, taking bond with approved security to the Mayor and City Council, for his faithful execution thereof, for the term aforesaid. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, empowered to employ a sum Appropriation. of money not exceeding five hundred dollars, for executing the several powers vested in him in virtue of this ordinance. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor impose and lay such reasonable storage, or rate, for seasonable the storage of all gunpowder that shall be stored in B,ora s e - the magazine aforesaid, for any time during the said term, for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor contract with, or license such a number of chimney to license sweeps in the said City and precincts, as to him shall swee P s - appear reasonable, upon such terms, and under such regulations as have heretofore been established by law, which contracts to continue until the last day of April next. Approved May 6, 1797. 100 ORDINANCES. No. S5. A supplement to an ordinance to regulate the riding and driv- ing of horses and carriages through the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That no person or per- No person to sons shall ride, drive, lead, or place any horse or way S °&c he foot " beast of burden, on any of the paved footways in the city of Baltimore; and every person ofiend- penaity. ing in such ease shall forfeit and pay the sum of Proviso. one dollar, for the use of the City. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent any person or persons from riding, driving, or leading across any of the said footways, any horse or beast of bur- den, into or out of their respective lots or tenements. Approved June 26, 1797. No. 36. An ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the city of Baltimore to mitigate fines in certain cases. Preamble. Whereas, the commission of many offenses against the ordinances of this corporation may be attended with circumstances of alleviation and excuse, and the judge or justice before whom the same may be tried is not authorized to consider the same in im- posing the fine thereto affixed, Be it therefore enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the where an of- Mayor of the said City hath, and is hereby, granted tedT^th^firat'" *" u ^ P ower ana< authority, where the offense shall be instance to the submitted to him in the first instance by the- party remnany part offending, to remit so much of that part of the fine iong h ing fi to the which belongs to the City as to him shall seem just «"?■ and reasonable, according to the circumstances of ORDINANCE*. lOl the case; provided, always, that nothing in . this p r0 Tiso. ordinance shall be construed to extend to cases where the fine imposed exceeds twenty dollars, or to the costs of prosecution in any case. And be it enacted and ordained, That it shall be the duty of the constable, or other officer who may Persons arrested arrest the party so offending, to inform him of his f ttijpr"™^. privilege under this ordinance. &0 - Approved June 26, 1797. No. 37. An ordinance directing the manner of paving, amending and repairing the foot-way of the streets, lanes and alleys in the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the owners or po- owners to P av» sessors of any house or lot, in front of which the °* on * p l j r tn ° ir street, lane, or alley, has heretofore been paved, or lots or dweii- hereafter may be directed to be paved, are required ings ' and directed to pave, amend, or repair the footing in such manner and in such time, as shall be direct- ed by the City Commissioners, provided ten days no- proviso. tice be given by the said Commissioners, in some newspaper of the city of Baltimore, directing the paving, amending, or repairing such footway. And be it enacted and ordained, That in case such owner or possessor of such house or lot, doth not owners neg- pave, amend, or repair the footway aforesaid, agree- j 8 , ""*^™.'" 8 " ably to the directions aforesaid, that then, and in sioners to pave that case, the City Commissioners aforesaid are here- or rep * ir " by authorized and directed to contract with any person or persons for paving, amending or repairing the same, for such sum or sums of money as shall be sufficient to pave, amend and repair the same ; 102 ORDINANCES. owners of lots and to charge the same to such owner or possessor, info? r f °|S'g who shall forfeit the said sum, together with the one- withflne. eighth of a dollar per foot in length, as a fine for such neglect or refusal, to the use of the City, to be Fine to be re. recovered, with costs, in the same manner as fines covered with are directed to be recovered by the Act of incorpor- Provlso. ation. Provided always, that the possessor of such house or lot shall in the first instance be obliged to pay such sum or sums of money directed as afore- n . tenant to said. And in case he is a tenant for not more than d ense Ct ftom e h"isfi ve years, he is hereby empowered and directed to pense rora 1 ^^ ^ game Qut Q f an y rent then ,J U e, Or that may at any time thereafter become due ; which shall be allowed him by his lessor in payment of his rent. city commis- And the City Commissioners are hereby directed to goners to paye, pav ^ amend and re pair such footway, and the fine arising to pay to the Treasurer of the City. Approved, June, 26th, 1797. No. 38. An ordinance to change and alter the pavement of Liberty street, from the north side of Baltimore street to Howard street. Be it enacted and ordained, by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the City Commis- sioners be, and are hereby authorized and directed commissioners to change and alter the pavement of all that part to alter the of Liberty street, situate and lying between the Eibeny I1 s t t?eet. north side of Baltimore street, and Howard street, in such manner as shall appear to them most ad- Proviso. vantageous to the inhabitants thereof; Provided, the said Commissioners so pitch and lay the pave- ment of the said street, that the water of the same to the north of Baltimore street, may pass along Liberty street, southward of Baltimore street, to Howard street, and along Howard street southward, to the end thereof. ORDIHANCES. 103 And be it enacted and ordained, That the City Commissioners, with the approbation of the Mayor, are hereby empowered to pay the costs of an in- commissioners junction bill, filed in chancery by George Koberts, J^^SSSo^' and others, against the Special Commissioners of Bal- mm- timore town, to prevent their paving the street afore- said: provided, that said complaints immediately Proviso, dismiss the said injunction bill. And be it enacted and ordained, That the City Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed commissioners to issue their warrant to the Collector of the Tax&iXctoVT' for the city of Baltimore, directing him to levy and collect such balances of the street tax on Liberty collector to coi- street aforesaid ; and which arose for the pavement p^ing lax! ° of the same, and has not been heretofore collected, in the same manner as other paving taxes are col- lected, and pay the same over to the Treasurer of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That the City •Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to draw on the Treasurer of the City, with the commissioners approbation of the Mayor, for any sum of money ,reasurer? n * he not exceeding five hundred dollars, for the purposes aforesaid. Approved, June 26th, 1797. No. 39. A supplement to the ordinance to prevent and remove nui- sances in the city of Baltimore, and within the precincts thereof, and to provide an uniform mode of cleaning the streets, lanes and alleys within the said City. Be it enacted and ordained, by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That if any person No person to whatsoever, shall discharge or throw into any off "i rn g a e u ^ u , the streets, lanes or alleys of the said City or pre- JJv^ *£ int0 cincts, any foul or nauseous liquor, or offensive streets, *«. 104. ORDINANCES. matter, or shall keep, collect, use, or suffer to re- main, any such liquor or offensive matter whatever, in any part of the City or precincts, so as to annoy any of the inhabitants thereof; he, she or they so offending shall forfeit and pay for every offense, a • sum not exceeding twenty dollars, in case the same be not removed within twenty-four hours after notice thereof, and shall also forfeit and pay the like sum, for every day the same shall be suffered to remain, for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That if the said Penalty if not person or persons shall, notwithstanding the above tSSntyjour provision, neglect to remove such liquor or offen- hours after no- give matter, after notice as aforesaid ; the City Com- missioners may employ such person or persons as if not removed they may think proper, and upon such terms as to comm'usiSners them shall seem reasonable and just, to remove to remove. from his, her, or their house or lot such liquor, or Expense of re- offensive matter, which said expense shall be con- Ifne? 1 a further sidered as a further fine for not removing the same, and shall be recovered as other fineB, and applied • by said Commissioners for paying the expense of re- moving the same. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- Penaity on per- son shall throw or cause to be thrown, any stones rabbteMntothe or . ruD kish into any gutter in the paved part of the gutter. City, so as to obstruct the water running in the same, every such person shall forfeit and pay, for each and every such offense, one dollar for the use of the City. Approved, June 26, 1797. ORDINANCES. 105 No. 40. An ordinance authorizing the Commissioners of the Middle Bridge to borrow a further sum of money on loan, for the purpose of carrying into execution the objects of their ap- pointment. Whereas, it is represented to the Mayor and City Preamble. Council of Baltimore, that the sum of five hundred pounds heretofore borrowed on loan by the commis- sioners appointed by the act of the General Assem- bly, for rebuilding the middle bridge over Jones' Falls, is not sufficient to complete the same. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the said Commis- sioners, or any two of them, be, and are hereby au- thorized and empowered to negotiate and borrow, commissioners on loan, from any of the banks in the said City, a Jofrow money, sum of money, not exceeding one thousand and &c - fifty pounds, for the purpose of finishing and com- pleting the said bridge, which said money, with the interest thereon, shall be paid to the bank or banks t<> be paid with lending the same, in or before the year seventeen 1 " hundred and ninety -nine. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Cor- poration and the city of Baltimore, do hereby guar- Payment guar- antee the payment of the said loan or loans, and anteed - the interest thereon, to such bank as shall advance the same; and shall and will indemnify and save commissioner! harmless, the Commissioners of the said bridge, who int bran" brand seventy barrels of flour, the property of the ordiHance?' 7 to said Charles Davidson, not branded agreeably to the ordinance entitled " An ordinance to prevent the exportation of flour not merchantable, and for other purposes therein mentioned, provided the same be in every other respect merchantable. Approved Febuary 20th, 1798. No. 69. An ordinance for the establishment of an hospital for the relief of indigent sick persons, and for the reception and care of lunatics. Preamble. "Whereas, the General Assembly of Maryland, at their last session, have passed a law directing the Treasurer of the State to pay to the Mayor of the city of Baltimore the sum of eight thousand dollars, to be applied to the establishment of a common State hospital in or near the city of Baltimore; and, whereas, the founding of so beneficent an institution is deserving of immediate attention; therefore, Be it enacted and ordained by the Maydr and City Council of Baltimore, That the Mayor, by and ■with the advice and consent of Jeremiah Yellott, Richard Lawson and Alexander M'Kim, or any two of them, shall and he is hereby, directed to purchase Mayor to put. in fee simple a suitable piece of ground, in or near ground ° the city of Baltimore, whereon an hospital may be erected, and that he will cause the same to be con- veyed in due form of law to " the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore " and their successors. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the said Jeremiah Yellott, Richard Lawson and Alexander M'Kim, or any two of them, shall, and he is hereby, directed to cause to be built on the said piece of to cause an nos- ground an hospital fit for the reception of indigent built.' be sick persons and of lunatics, and by and with the advice and consent of the said Jeremiah Yellott, Richard Lawson and Alexander M'Kim, or any two of them, he is hereby authorized and empowered, by contract or otherwise, to build and finish the same. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor shall annually render to the City Council a partic- To render ac-^ ular account of the receipts and expenditures of all coans annua r monies entrusted to him for the purposes of this ordi- nance, and also of the progress and state of the building. And be it enacted and ordained, That in case of the death, resignation, removal or refusal to act of vacancies how any of the said Commissioners, the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the remaining Com- missioners, shall fill up such vacancy. Approved Feb. 20, 1798. 134 ORDINANCES. No. 70. An ordinance to repeal an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to regulate the size and dimensions of bricks made within the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the ordinance en- Brick law re- titled "An ordinance to regulate the size and diraen- pe aied. s i ons f bricks made within the city of Baltimore," be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Approved Feb. 28th, 1798. No. 71. An ordinance to regulate the inspection of fire- wood brought by land to the city of Baltimore for sale, and for other pnr- poses therein mentioned. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there be four estab- wood to be lish'ed stands or places within the said City where all carried t. stands nr e-wood brought by land to the said City for sale or deliverable by special contract shall first be carried, before the same is delivered, sold or offered for sale, stands appoint- to wit : one stand in Liberty street, one stand in ed Bridge street continued, one stand in York street, and one stand in Market street, on Fell's Point. And be it enacted and ordained, That four per- inspectors to be sons be nominated and appointed inspectors of all appointed. fire-wood brought by land to the said City for sale, or deliverable by particular contract, to wit: one for the stand in Liberty street, one for the stand in Bridge street continued, one for the stand in York street, and one for the stand in Market street, on Fell's Point. , And be it enacted and ordained, That all fire- wood Their duty. brought by land to the city of Baltimore for sale, or deliverable by special contract, shall, before the same is delivered or sold, or offered for sale, be carried to §ne of the several stands before mentioned, there to be inspected, measured and passed by the inspector io be appointed for that purpose, whose duty it shall be, immediately on its coming to his stand, to in- spect, measure and pass the same ; and to furnish the owner or possessor of such wood with a written or printed certificate under his hand, specifying the quantity thereof and the day when inspected, pro- Proviso, vided the said wood, for the purpose of measuring the same, be not taken out of the wagon, cart or other carriage. And be it enacted and ordained, That all fire- wood brought by land to the said City for sale, or deliver- able by special contract, shall be at least four feet Dimensions. in length, including one-half of the kerf, and not less than two inches diameter at the small end, and shall be measured, inspected and passed by the wood inspector for the stand where such wood shall be carried-; and every cord of wood shall be eight feet in length, four feet in breadth, and four feet in height; and the said wood inspectors are hereby directed to make the proper allowance for any loss Allowance to be which may be sustained in the measure by the e Twood r &c. ook " crooked or decayed wood, and they shall have and receive for their trouble six cents for each and every compensation load of wood so inspected, measured and certified by t0 ins P ectors - them, to be paid by the seller of such wood. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son or persons, bringing or sending any fire- wood no wood to be by land to the said City, for sale, or deliverable by specteS, &c. special contract, shall neglect or refuse to carry the same to one of the stands appointed by this ordi- nance, or shall deliver, sell, or offer the same for sale, before it has been inspected, measured and cer- tified by one of the wood inspectors for the said City, 136 ORDINANCES. penalty. every such person or persons, shall forfeit and pay one dollar for every such offence, one half to the informer and the other half for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son or persons, shall purchase and receive any fire- No wood to be wood brought by land to the said City for sale, not spec e ted, u £c! lin ' ini? P ecte d a °d certified by one of the several inspec- tors to be appointed for that purpose, every such person or persons so offending against this ordinance, Penalty. * shall forfeit and pay one dollar for every such of- fence, one half to the informer and the other half for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son or persons whomsoever, after having his wood penalty for sen- inspected and measured, and having obtained the aiotteltf. ""' w00 ^ inspector's certificate, specifying the quantity thereof, shall sell or dispose of any part thereof, or in any other manner whatsoever diminish the same in quantity, or shall deliver, sell or dispose of the same by a false certificate, thereby to defraud and deceive the purchaser of such wood, every such per- son or persons so offending, and being thereof con- victed, shall forfeit and pay five dollars for every such offence, one half to the informer and the other half for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That each of the said wood inspectors, so as aforesaid to be appoint- ed, shall, before he enters upon the execution of his inspector's »ath. appointment, make oath or afiirmation as the case may be, that he will faithfully execute the office of wood inspector of the city of Baltimore, for the stand to which he shall be appointed, to the best of his skill, knowledge and ability, without favor, affec- tion or partiality. And be it enacted and ordained, That no wood No wood inapec- inspector by himself, or by any other person or per- chase wood more sons whomsoever, for or in trust for him, shall buy, a»« for family tra( j e or barter for any fire- wood, on the way to or Ordinances. 137 brought to the said City for sale, other than for his own family's use, under the penalty of five dollars for every such offence ; one half to the informer, and the other half for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That before any of the wood inspectors hereafter to be appointed in virtue of this ordinance, shall enter upon the duties of his appointment, he shall give bond in the sum of to give bona. one hundred dollars, with security to be approved of by the Mayor, to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, for the faithful discharge of the several duties required by this ordinance, and shall take the several oaths prescribed by law to be taken, and subscribe his belief in the christian religion. And be it enacted and ordained, That this ordi- nance, and every matter, clause and thing therein commencement. contained, shall be in full force and operation on and after the first day of September next, and not before. Approved Feb. 28th, 1798. No. 72. A further additional supplement to the ordinance entitled "An ordinance to preserve the health of the City, and to prevent the introduction of pestilential and other infectious diseases into the same." Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That whenever the Health Officer or the Commissioners of Health shall order any damaged hides, damaged coffee, or other Damaged hides, damaged goods found within the City to be removed %£££" re " therefrom to any distance not exceeding three miles, and the person or persons owning or having charge of such articles shall not comply with the said order within six hours thereafter, every person so offend- 138 OKDINANCES. penalty, ing shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars for every such neglect or refusal, and the like sum for every hour the same shall thereafter so remain, for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That, from the first day of May to the twentieth day of November yearly and every year, every master or other person having the command of any vessel whatsoever vessels coming coming from any foreign port, and all other vessels p r iaras S to P come coming from suspected places declared to be so by t. beiow the fort. the M ajor f 8a id City, shall bring such vessel to, ator Tobe T isitedbybelow the fort, and there remain until visited by the health officer. Hea]th officer; and if any master or other person having the command as aforesaid shall bring such vessel nearer to the City than the fort, or shall leave Not to come on such vessel and come on shore before the Health permiss?on? u Officer hath been on board, or before he shall have obtained permission from the Health Officer, he shall Penalty. forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of twenty dollars, for the use of the City ; and if any other person on board shall leave such vessel and No person to go come on shore, or any person shall go on board such visited by health vessel before the Health Officer hath been on board, officer. jj e or faQj shall forfeit and pay for every such of- Penaity. fence the sum of twenty dollars, for the use of the City. Approved Feb. 28th, 1798. No. 73. An ordinance for the admission and regulation of brokers. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the Brokers to ob- first day of April next no person shall exercise the tain license, employment of a broker within the city of Balti- more in making bargains between merchant and merchant, or other persons concerning merchandise ORDINANCES 139 insurance or any other matter or thing whatsoever, until he shall have previously obtained from the Mayor a license of admission under the seal of the corporation. And be it enacted and ordained, That upon the admission of any broker, he shall take an oath or affirmation, as the case may be, to the effect follow- ing, viz : I, A B, do solemnly promise and swear, or affirm, o»th. that I will truly, honestly and faithfully execute and perform thu office and employment of a broker be- tween party and party in all things appertaining to the duty of the said office and employment, without fraud or collusion, and to the best of my skill and knowledge. And be it enacted and ordained, That no person shall be admitted to be a broker as aforesaid until he shall with good and sufficient sureties, to be ap- to give bona. proved by the Mayor, enter into an obligation to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, in the penal sum of fifteen thousand dollars, conditioned to the effect following, viz : The condition of this obligation is such, that if the condition, said A B do, and shall, well and truly use, execute and perforin the office and employment of a broker between party and party without fraud, collusion, imposition, or any corrupt or crafty devices, and do and shall faithfully execute every trust committed to him as broker, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. And be it enacted and ordained, That the license of admission granted as aforesaid shall have con- Liceme to be tinuance only for the term of one year from the grantedyearly- date thereof, and every broker desirous of renewing his license shall apply for the same to the Mayor each and every year. 140 ORDINANCES. And be it enacted and ordained, Thai if any per- Nopersontoactson, not being admitted as aforesaid, shall act as "t ucenseT 1 ' " broker within the city of Baltimore, he shall forfeit one hundred dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered by action of debt in Baltimore county Court for the use of the corporation ; and if any person shall knowingly employ any person as a broker not being admitted as aforesaid, he shall for- penaity. feit one hundred dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered and applied as aforesaid. And be it enacted and ordained, That every per- Tax of admis-son obtaining a license of admission as aforesaid S10n ' shall for each and every such license pay the Mayor, for the use of the corporation, the sum of fifty dol- lars. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- Persons injured son whatsoever shall sustain any injury or damage may commence from any &Qt QJ . default of a b ro ker contrary to the tenor of his obligation given as aforesaid, then and in such case such person may institute an action in Baltimore county Court for his use and benefit, in the name of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, upon the obligation given as aforesaid by such broker, and in such action he shall recover judgment for the amount of damages sustained by him ; and in all Manner of pros- such actions the same principles of law, the same ecution. proceedings and pleadings shall prevail as do obtain in actions prosecuted by individuals upon bonds given by public officers to the State of Maryland, with collateral conditions. Approved Feb. 28th, 1798. ORDINANCES. 141 No. 74. An ordinance declaring certain duties and powers of the Mayor and Eegister. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Mayor shall receive Mayor to receive into his care and keeping, the corporate seal of t ne thecit y seal ' &c - city of Baltimore, and shall use the same and no other in all such cases as have been or may be here- after provided for by the laws of the United States, the laws of the several States of the United States, or the ordinances of this corporation, and in all such cases as by the usage and custom of nations it is necessary to use and affix a corporate seal, and in all other cases where application shall be made therefor by any person or persons. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Register shall receive and take into his charge and keeping, Register t» re- all the records, papers and proceedings of the said& e c. Tetherecor s corporation, and shall receive and safe keep all the ordinances and all the votes and proceedings of the City Council after each and every session, and shall also receive and safe keep each and every return of the election of members of the First Branch, and of electors of the Mayor and members of the Second Branch, and each and every return of the election of the Mayor, and of the members of the Second Branch. And it shall be his duty to keep in a book in folio, to be provided for that purpose, an exact reg- To record nomi- istry of all nominations, appointments and commis- natlons ' &c ' sions of every officer of the corporation. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Regis- ter shall, and he is hereby, directed immediately after each and every session to cause to be printed Jo cause the or- „ J, .5 dinances to be the ordinances ot such session, upon terms the most printed. economical that can be effected, and he is hereby 142 ORDINANCES. directed to superintend the same, and in conjunction To examine with with the Mayor to examine with care the proof sheet sheet! ' e pr °° of each and every ordinance. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Kegis- To receive the. ter shall receive and take into his charge all monies ™?porLi"n. the now belonging or which shall or may hereafter belong to the corporation by virtue of any ordinance To be deposited or otherwise, and he shall deposit each and every of Baltimore! sum of money, immediately after the receipt thereof, in the bank of Baltimore, in the name of " the May- or and City Council of Baltimore," and shall draw checks for the same as Eegister, all which checks Mayor to coun- shall be countersigned by the Mayor, and he is tereign checks, jj ereby directed to make no payments but by checks on the bank, and to draw no check unless counter- signed as aforesaid, and in favor of some person having a just claim against the corporation to the amount of such check. And the Kegister is hereby Register to keep further directed to keep a bank book, which shall contain regular entries of all monies by him depos- ited, and of all checks by him drawn, with the dates thereof, and with the names of the persons in whose favor the same may be drawn ; and he .shall more- over keep fair and regular accounts in a book or books in folio, of all monies by him received and expended on account of the corporation, and he To account an- shall annually, or often er if required by the Mayor, ay before him a particular account of his receipts! and expenditures, together with his bank book, his returned crossed checks, and the vouchers whereon such checks were drawn as aforesaid, and in case of in case of death the death, removal or resignation of the Eegister, Iec. to deliver i A -l tT« a j • • overtosucces- he, or as the case may be, nis executors or adminis- trators shall pay over to his successor in office all such balances as upon a final settlement of his ac- counts shall be found to remain in his hands, and shall deliver up to such successor all his books of accounts and all official papers and documents in his possession. sor Register to give And be it enacted and ordained, That the Eegister l " >nd - shall enter into an obligation to this corporation in ORDINANCES. 143 its corporate name with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved of by the Mayor, in the penal sum of twenty thousand dollars, conditioned that he will well and faithfully execute and perform every trust and duty prescribed to him by this ordinance, and also every trust and duty that may hereafter be by ordinance prescribed to him respecting the receipts and expenditures of the monies of the corporation. And be it enacted and ordained, That all such parts of the ordinance entitled "An ordinance to fart of the or- establish a Register and Treasury Department" as ubuXregister relate to the Treasury Department, and as are re-p°* t ^| a 1 s t U M- de " pugnant to and inconsistent with the provisions of P ealed - this ordinance, shall be, and hereby are repealed ; and every duty, right or power delegated to the said Treasurer by any ordinance that may not be repealed shall devolve on and be vested in the Register. And be it enacted and ordained, That the office of the Mayor and of the Register shall be under the same roof, and shall be open every day (Sundays ex- cepted,) from ten o'clock in the morning until three office hours. o'clock in the afternoon. Approved March 10th, 1798. No. 75. An ordinance to regulate wagoners, carters, porters, draymen, watermen, hackney coaches, stages and other carriages for hire within the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the first day of May next, no person whatsoever shall follow the business of a wagoner, carter, porter, drayman or waterman for the transportation of goods, wares, merchandises, wood, coal, hay or other articles within the City for hire or pay, unless, b? 144 OEDINANCES. shall comply with the rules and regulations herein- after contained, and be licensed by the Mayor, that is to say : All wagons, carts and drays employed in trans- porting such articles as aforesaid, for hire or pay, To be numbered within the said City, shall be numbered with plain and conspicious figures done with black paint on a white ground upon each side of such wagon, cart or dray, on the square of the after part of the shaft or scows &c. to be tongue ; and every boat or scow employed as afore- said shall be numbered in like manner on each side in the centre near the top ; each carriage, scow or boat of the several aforegoing descriptions to begin with No. 1, and so on progressively to the extent of the number of such carriages, boats or scows. The owner or owners of such carriages, boats or To be registered scows, shall appear at the office of the .Register, and there enter his name and place of abode, and the description of every such carriage, boat, or scow, by him or them owned, and the number thereon to be affixed ; to the end that the employer, upon taking notice of the number of such carriage, boat or scow, shall upon any accident or miscarriage of any goods entrusted to any wagoner, carter, dray- man or waterman, by resorting to the office be able immediately to discover the owner of the carriage, boat or scow, and seek his remedy against the per- son in default. And be it enacted and ordained, That no person Not to be em- whatsoever shall be entitled to demand, recover or numbered'and receive any hire, pay or reward for the transporta- registered. t ; on f an y ar ticles whatever within the said City, unless the wagon, cart, dray, boat or scow wherein the same was transported, be numbered and regis- tered, and the owner be licensed in the manner herein mentioned and until he complies with the regulations herein mentioned, he shall be further liable to forfeit and pay Tor every load so transported oBbiNANcEs. 145 or to be transported, for which he shall demand hire or pay the sum of one dollar — to be recovered for penalty. the use of the informer. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Kegister shall keep a registry of the names and places of owners names abode of the owners of every wagon, cart, dray, f£ e l° be reE ' s " boat or scow used for the transportation of articles within the said City, for hire or pay, and of the de- scription and number of each such carriage, boat or scow, and shall cause to be entered therein, under the head of each separate description, the number of each carriage, boat or scow, beginning with No. 1 and going on progressively, and the name or names and places of abode of the owner or owners thereof; which entry shall be acknowledged by the signature of such owner or owners, and the Register shall be entitled to demand and receive from the owner for entering and registering of every such carriage, boat or scow, the sum of one-half a dollar, and no more : and such owner shall, before he is admitted to follow any of the aforesaid employments, there- upon take out a license containing his number and to take out n- signed by the Mayor, with the city seal thereto af- cense ■ fixed, for which such owner shall pay two dollars and no more, for the use of the corporation. And be it enacted and ©rdained, That annually License to be every owner of any carriage, boat or scow, employed *^ e * 8Ut annu " in the transportation of articles for hire or pay within the said City, shall'appear at the office of the Mayor, and take out a fresh license, for which such owner shall pay two dollars, under the penalty in Penalty for neg- case of neglect or refusal, of forfeiting and paying lectSc - the sum of four dollars, for the use of the corpora- tion. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son shall cause or procure a false entry to be made For false entry, of any such carriage, boat or scow, either in the number or owner, or after a true entry, shall alter the number of his carriage, boat or scow, he shall 146 ORDINANCES. forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of twenty dollars, one-half to the informer and the other half for the use of the corporation. And be it enacted and ordained, That from and after the first day of May next, no owner of any Hackney hackney coach, stage or other carriage employed couches, Ssc. to • J . ', & ,. & r ■ J be ente^eit ana m conveying or transporting any person or persons numbered. within the said City, for hire or pay, shall follow such business or employment either personally or by any other person for such owner's use, unless such owner shall appear at the office of the Register, and make entry as aforesaid, and upon the terms of entry as aforesaid, and number such carriage on each side To ho licensed, in the centre, and take out a license under the seal of the corporation, for which such owner shall pay three dollars, for the use of the corporation, and the same renew annually as aforesaid, and such owner shall be subject to all the other rules and regulations herein contained, respecting wagoners, carters and draymen, and shall be liable to the same forfeitures and penalties, upon the non-compliance or violation of any of such rules and regulations, to be appro- priated as aforesaid. And be it enacted and ordained, That ten days after the publication of this ordinance, the aforesaid Drays, &c. to be carts, drays and other carriages, when unemployed forty-feet apart, shall not be ranged by the owner or driver thereof, so close to each other as to incommode the citizens, but they shall place their several carts, drays and other carriages when unemployed, and when in a street whereon houses are built, in such manner that they will be situated at least forty feet from each other, and ranged parallel with the houses of street, and close to the posts or curb stones ; and in case the said carts, drays or other carriages, shall Penalty for neg- not be placed as is herein directed, the owner of every such cart, dray or other carriage, that shall violate this regulation by approaching another cart, dray or other carriage, contrary to the true intent of this provision, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding one ORDINANCES* 147 dollar, for the use of the informer : — provided never- rroviso. thelesB, that at the heads of the several docks, and in the market spaces, and other public places within the said City, so many carts, drays and other car- riages, may take their stands when unemployed, as the Mayor shall from time to time direct and allow ; and the owners or drivers of every cart, dray or other carriage 'that shall violate such regulation, made by the Mayor by placing their carts, drays or other carriages at any of the places aforesaid, after the number allotted for them respectively shall be there placed, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceed- ing one dollar, to be recovered for the use of the informer. And be it enacted and ordained, That so much of the ordinance entitled "An ordinance to regu- p»>* of an ordi- ,,,, .j. j j • • j> 1 j • nance repealed. late the riding and driving ot horses and carriages through the city of Baltimore," as directs the City Commissioners to appoint stands for carriages, be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Approved March 10, 1798. No. 76. An ordinance to regulate the sinking of wells and erecting and repairing pumps in the city of Baltimore. "Whereas, the keeping the public wells and pumps PreamWe . in constant repair doth contribute to the safety of the City against accidents by fire, therefore, Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That in each and every sintendant ward of the City, one person residing therein 8na llf°;£ ( £ p v |!°j d ' ted be annually appointed the superintendent of the n " public wells and pumps in such ward, 148 ORDINANCES. And be it enacted and ordained, That it shall be Their duty, the duty of the superintendents to cause all the wells and pumps in the streets, lanes and alleys in their respective wards to be viewed, examined, cleansed and put in good order and repair, and shall so keep and maintain them from time to time; and shall also from time to time cause new wells to be sunk and pumps to be erected in time, on the sides of the streets, lanes and alleys, as to them shall ap- pear useful and necessary, which wells when com- pleted shall be at least five feet in diameter clear of the walling. And be it enacted and ordained, That when a new New pumps to pump is about to be erected in any ward, the super ^'persons be" intendent of that ward shall call upon the superin- ented. tendent in any adjoining ward, who is hereby directed to assist him in levying the tax to defray the expense thereof, and such superintendents shall lay a tax on all the assessable property that shall appear to them will be benefitted by the erecting of such pump, on either side of the street, lane or alley, whether in the same or the adjoining ward, as the case may be, with such a sum on every hun- dred pounds of property as it may stand upon the books of the City Assessors as will be just and equal ; and they shall make or cause to be made out a List of persons correct list of the names of the persons who are tlTbe 3 maraud liable to pay the pump tax, and the amount to be jjojj™,™,? to ,he paid by each person; and they are hereby directed to deliver to the City Collector a duplicate of such amount under their hands and seals, with directions for collecting the said tax, nevertheless correcting any mistakes. And the said Collector shall imme- coiiector to coi- diately collect the same by distress or otherwise, giving thirty days' notice agreeably to law previous To pay the to such distress, and pay over the amount to the fsTer!" 1 ' t0 reg " Register of the City after deducting four per centum for collecting the same. superintendent And be it enacted and ordained, That the super- regfsteH'OTtn'e 6 intendent of the ward wherein such pump may be said t»x. erected is hereby authorized and directed to draw ORDINANCES. 149 on the Register of the City for the amount of the tax, and to apply the same to the erecting of the in- dividual pump in the street, lane or alley where the tax is collected. And the superintendents of each and every ward are hereby authorized to draw on the Register of the City for such sums as may be necessary to keep the pumps in their respective For any sum 1 • *^ DOCBflSftrv for wards in constant repair, provided that no greater repairs, sum shall be expended in any individual ward in Not exceeding any one year for such repairs than one hundred one hundre<1 ' dollars. And be it enacted and ordained, That once in every three months the superintendents shall render to the Mayor a just and true account of all and Accounts be every sum and sums of money by him or them ex-mayo™ d ** th * pended in erecting or repairing pumps as aforesaid, with vouchers or receipts for the same. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son or persons shall maliciously, wilfully or wan- Penalty on per- tonly break, or carry away the handle, or obstruct Jhe'pumps'tc 1 . 8 any pump standing in the streets, lanes or alleys of the said City, or otherwise damage or injure the same, every person so offending or aiding or assist- ing in such offence shall forfeit and pay for every such offence a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That the ordi- nance passed April the 24th, 1797, entitled "An or-p»'t of »«■ dinance to erect and regulate pumps in the streets, naDce rep * lanes and alleys in the city of Baltimore," be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Provided, that theProTiso. provisions of this ordinance shall not, in any respect, affect any contracts that may have been made by the City Commissioners under and in virtue of the ordinance hereby repealed. Approved March 10, 1798. 150 ORDINANCES. No. 77. A supplement to the ordinance entitled "An ordinance to regu- late the several markets within the city of Baltimore." Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the passing of this ordinance, whenever any clerk of any of the markets of this City may or shall rent or hire out any stall or shamble, he shall give to the cierk renting person or persons obtaining the same a certificate tificate, g &o e . cer " thereof, which shall specify the terms of the tenure and the number or other description of the stall or shamble; and the person or persons holding such To be presented certificate shall thereupon present the same to the t0 the mayor &c Mayor for his approbation, and in case the Mayor if he approves may or shall approve of the terms of the said cer- & c f antUcense 'tificate, he shall forthwith grant to the person or persons to whom the same may have been given as aforesaid, a license under the seal of the corporation For one year, for the stall or shamble described in such certificate for the term of one year and no longer, in which license shall be distinctly expressed the number or other description of the stall or shamble, the market wherein it is situated, the time of its continuance, and the terms of the tenure. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Regis- License to be ter shall immediately copy all licenses granted by registered. tne jy[ a y 0r as aforesaid j n a book to be provided and kept by him for that and similar purposes; and every such license or a copy thereof, under the seal Transferable, of the corporation, shall be transferable, and shall be evidence of title in the guarantee or assignee to the stall or shamble therein mentioned. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- Penaity on per- son shall use and occupy any part of any stall or Tslairwithou! shamble in any market of this City without having owner?' ° f the previously obtained a title as aforesaid for the same, or without the. consent of the owner, (if any,) he shall forfeit aud pay to the corporation a sum not exceeding ten dollars for each and every offence, for the use of the corporation. ORDINANCES. 151 And be it enacted and ordained. That nothing in this ordinance shall in any respect affect the rights Former rights d. •! i . , " ' * a , reserved. privileges which any person or persons may at this time possess in virtue of any contract that may have been heretofore made with any of the said clerks. And be it enacted and ordained, That for every license granted as aforesaid under the seal of the Tax on license. corporation, the Mayor shall be entitled to receive, and shall immediately receive from the person or persons obtaining the same the sum of five dollars, for the use of the corporation. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son shall hold and retain possession of any stall or penalty on p«r shamble to which he has no title as aforesaid, and posL"^"'"/ will not upon the application of the owner imme-j 1 t » llwltlll,ut tt - diately remove from the same, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars, for the use of the corporation. Approved March 10th,*1798. No. 78. An ordinance to continue a supplement to an ordinance for the inspection of salted provisions imported into and exported from the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That an ordinance en- titled a supplement to an ordinance for the inspec- s upplementt0 tion of salted provisions imported into aDd exported the original or- from the city of Baltimore, passed on the sixth day U ed? nce of May, seventeen hundred and ninety -seven, shall be, and the same is hereby, continued, and be in force to the first day of January next, and to the end of the next session of the City Council, which shall happen thereafter. Approved March 10th, 1798. 152 ORDINANCES. No. 79. An ordinance for the discharging of certain debts of the cor- poration. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Mayor shall, Mayor directed an d he is hereby, directed to pay and discharge, out to discharge the „ • . i j_i t. .1 * debts of the cor- of any unappropriated money that now is or that poration. may h erea ft e r be in the Treasury, the debt contract- ed by the late Special Commissioners ; the debt con- tracted in the year seventeen hundred and ninety- six by the late Committee of Health ; the money borrowed by the Commissioners of the Middle Bridge, and the money borrowed by the City Com- missioners for the filling up of Calvert street dock ; Proviso. provided, that the Mayor shall, and he is hereby, di- rected to reserve in the Treasury as much money as will be sufficient to pay and discharge the current expenses of the corporation. Approved March 10th, 1708. No. 80. An ordinance directing the manner of punishing servants and slaves guilty of offences against the laws and ordinances of the corporation of the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the slaves, &c, of- passing of this ordinance, if any slave or imported fending against servant shall be guilty of any offences against any the ordinances „ , - . ° .•/ "'pi p to be whipped, ot the laws and ordinances 01 the corporation 01 the city of Baltimore, he, she or they so offending shall on conviction thereof before any Justice of the Peace for Baltimore County, be whipped with any number of stripes not exceeding thirty-nine, in the discretion of the Justice of the Peace before whom such slave or servant shall be tried, unless the fine annexed to the offence together with all costs arising 0EDINAN0E8. 153 thereon be paid or secured to be paid, for the use of the City; provided, that the Justice of the Peace Proviso, aforesaid shall not proceed to the trial of such slave or servant until due notice of such intended proceed- ing shall be given by the said Justice to the master or mistress of such slave or servant. Approved March 10th, 1798. No. 81. An ordinance for the purpose of erecting a public wharf at the end of Bond street. Be it enacted- and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That James Beeman and commissioDeri Thomas Cole be Commissioners, whose duty it shall app01Dted ' be, with the consent and approbation of the Mayor, to contract for materials and agree with suitable and Their duty. proper persons to erect and build a public wharf at the end of Bond street, in the eighth ward of this City. And be it enacted and ordained, That the afore- said wharf shall be extended so far that there shall Extension. be eight feet water at common tides. And be it enacted and ordained, That to defray the expense incurred in the execution of this ordi- commissioner! nance, the Commissioners so appointed are hereby lovrow money. authorized and directed to borrow on loan, to be by the City repaid in two years, a sum not exceeding To be paid in five hundred dollars, at six per centum interest per woy ® ars - annum, for the completion of the same. And be enacted and ordained, That the said wharf, when so built and finished, shall be taken and deemed a public wharf forever, and subject to wharf to be all the rules and regulations as other public wharves pu within the City. Approved March 19th, 1798. 154 ORDINANCES. No. 82. An ordinance for repairing that part of the road leading from the City to Josias Pennington's, on the east side of Jones' Falls, which has been damaged by a canal cut across the same by the late Special Commissioners. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and commissioners City Council of Baltimore, That John Brown, appom e . Christian Myers and John Mackenheimer be ap- Thair duty. pointed, and they are hereby authorized to repair and mend the aforesaid road with logs, stone and earth, in any manner they may judge best and cheapest. And be it enacted and ordained, That the-persons aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall have power To (W on the to draw on the Register of the City for a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars to carry this ordi- nance into effect. Approved March 19, 1798. No. 83. An ordinance for the appointment of a superintendent for cleansing the streets, lanes and alleys in the city of Balti- Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and a superinten- City Council of Baltimore, That a superintendent dent to be ap- iiii . , i n ■. ' . , * pointed. shall be appointed tor cleansing the streets, lanes and alleys in the city of Baltimore, who shall re- His duty. move or cause to be removed all the dirt, filth and rubbish that may be found on any of the streets, lanes and alleys, and shall have full power and authority, under the control and superintendence of the Mayor, to sell or otherwise dispose of the same in such manner and upon such terms and conditions as he may consider most conducive to the conveni- ence of the City and to the interest of the corpora- tion. ORDINANCES. 155 And be it enacted and ordained, That the said superintendent shall have all the rights and author- Authority of ity, under the control and superintendence of the sioners'as'to Mayor, in cleansing the streets, lanes and alleys, ^"£"'1** and in preventing and removing nuisances, which vested in snper- i • inn t s i /-i. s-i • intendent. were vested in and delegated to the City Commis- sioners in virtue of the ordinance entitled "An or- dinance to prevent and remove nuisances in the City of Baltimore and within the precincts thereof, and to provide an uniform mode for cleaning the streets, lanes and alleys within the said City," and in virtue of the supplement to the said ordinance. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said superintendent shall have and receive as a compen- hu compensa- sation for his services for the ensuing year, to be ' computed from the date of his license, the sum of four hundred dollars ; and shall, moreover, be en- titled to receive to his own use one-half of the pen- alties that may be collected upon his information under the ordinance and supplement aforesaid. And be it enacted and ordained, That before the said superintendent shall enter upon the trusts and duties required of him he shall take the following oath or affirmation : " I, A. B. do swear (or affirm) oath, that I will faithfully discharge the duties required of me as a superintendent of the city of Baltimore to the best of my knowledge and ability, without favor, affection or partiality." And, moreover, he shall obtain from the Mayor a license, under the seal To obtain a u- of the corporation, which license shall be renewed cen e- each and every year thereafter. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said superintendent shall give bond, with security, to be To give bond, approved by the Mayor, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties required of him as a super- intendent of the city of Baltimore. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said superintendent shall once in each and every week To re . nder a , c : i , „ ., ,, tt J . , counts weekly. renderto the Mayor a particular accountof all receipts of money by him and shall pay the same to the Mayor. 156 0EDINANCE8. And be it enacted and ordained, That it shall he Further duty, the duty of the superintendent to take notice of all breaches of any ordinance that shall come to his knowledge, and to give information thereof. And be it enacted and ordained, That the ordi- A re°ent na nd e '° nance entitled "An ordinance to prevent and remove move nuisances nuisances in the city of Baltimore and within the piement'thereto Precincts thereof, and to provide an uniform mode continued. f or c ] e aning the streets, lanes and alleys within the said City," and the supplement thereto, shall be continued until the first day of April, in the year seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, provided that all such parts of the said ordinance or supplement as are repugnant to and inconsistent with the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be, and 'are hereby, repealed. Approved March 19, 1798. No. 84. An ordinance repecting the licensing of certain officers. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and certain officers City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the uon h i!ob eTi? ra " first day of May next, the inspectors of flour, the censed. inspectors of salted provisions, the corders and in- spectors of wood, the gaugers, and all other officers of the corporation to whom fees or perquisites are given in lieu of a salary, shall, and they are hereby, severally and respectively directed, each and every year, to take out and obtain from the Mayor a license, under the seal of the corporation ; and for Tax foi license every license that shall or may be granted as afore- said to any inspector of flour he shall pay to the Kegister, for the use of the corporation, the sum of one hundred dollars ; and for every license that shall or may be granted to any inspector of salted pro- ORDINANCES. 157 visions, he shall pay as aforesaid the sum of one hundred dollars ; and for every license that shall or may he granted to any ganger, he shall pay as afore- said the sum of five dollars. Approved March 19, 1798. No. 85. An ordinance to prepare a scheme of a lottery for the year seventeen hundred and ninety-eight to raise a sum of money for the use of the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the following be a scheme of a lottery for the year seventeen hundred scheme, and ninety-eight to raise a sum of money for the use of the city Baltimore, to wit : That there be 10,000 tickets at 5 dollars each is 50,000 dollars. Dolls. Dolls. 1 Prize of 5,000 is 5,000 2 ditto 1,500 each are 3,000 ditto 2,000 ditto 2,500 ditto 2,000 ditto 2,000 ditto 1,500 ditto 1,000 ditto 1,500 ditto 18,414 Last drawn ticket, 2,000 2 ditto 1,000 5 ditto 500 10 ditto 200 20 ditto 100 30 ditto 50 50 ditto 20 150 ditto 10 3,069 ditto 6 3,340 prizes, 40,914 6,660 blanks. Sum to be raised, 9,086 10,000 tickets at 5 dollars each, 50,000 158 OfiDlftANCES. And be it enacted and ordained, That three Corn- commissioners missioners be appointed to carry the said scheme to be appointed.. nto ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ Qf ^^ ^ hereby Their duty. authorized and directed to sign and sell, or cause to be sold, the tickets thereof, to receive the money for the same, to draw the said lottery, to pay off the prizes which may be found due on the drawing of compensation, the said lottery, and after deducting a commission of five per centum on the amount of all tickets by them sold (for which they shall be answerable,) as a compensation for their trouble, and to discbarge the expense of said lottery, to pay the balance to the Register of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Commissioners, before entering upon the duties of To give bond, their appointment, give bond each in the sum of ten thousand dollars, with security to be approved of by the Mayor, to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, for the faithful discharge of their said duties. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said To commence lottery shall commence drawing within the year ent^nlind'red seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, and the Com- ei"ht ninety ' missioners, with the advice and consent of the Mayor, may commence the drawing thereof at such time and in such place as they in their discretion may think proper. Any prize not demanded in nine months forfeited. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any of the said prizes are not demanded of the said Com- missioners within nine months after drawing and publishing of the said lottery, in such case such prize shall be forfeited for the use of the corporation. Approved March 19th, 1798. ORDINANCES. 159 No. 86. A supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordinance impo- sing a tax on the city seal, and regulating the fees of the Eegister's office. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the passing of this ordinance, the Register shall not Registers fees be entitled to receive for his own use, any com mis- thc'cu.". 36 °' sion or fees, but that all monies receivable by him, under the ordinance to which this is a supplement, or under any other ordinance, shall be received by him for the use of the corporation. And be it enacted and ordained, That in each and every case where an ordinance of this corpora- Tax for city tion shall or may direct the seal of the corporation " to be affixed, the Mayor shall receive for affixing the same, for the use of the corporation, the sum of two dollars — and in all other cases every person requiring the seal of the corporation to be affixed to any commission or other paper, for his benefit, shall pay to the Mayor for the use of the corpora- tion, the sum of one dollar. Approved March 19, 1798. No. 87. An ordinance extending the time limited for the collection of the fifteen shilling tax imposed by an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the city of Baltimore, and to provide for the collec- tion of the same. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the time limited Time extended. for the collection of the fifteen shilling tax imposed by an ordinance, entitled " An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property -within the 160 OKDlNANCES. Collector's al- lowance. city of Baltimore, and to provide for the collection of the same, and extended by an ordinance to the first day of March instant, be, and the same is here- by, extended until the first day of June next. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Col- lector of the said tax shall have and receive in lieu of the four per centum heretofore allowed him for the collection of the said tax, five per centum on the whole amount of the said tax collected, or that may be collected by him. Approved March 19, 1798. No. 88. An ordinance to further suspend so much of the ordinance en- titled "An ordinance to regulate the cording of fire-wood within the city of Baltimore," as relates to the length ol fire- wood brought to the said City for sale. Preamble. Whereas, it is represented to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore that there are now considera- ble quantities of fire- wood which were cut and pre- pared for this market previous to the passing of the ordinance to regulate the cording of fire-wood within the city of Baltimore which is not of the length prescribed by the said ordinance, and therefore can- not be exposed for sale within the said City, Be it therefore enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That so much of Part of the or- the aforesaid ordinance as relates to the length of whiohthS is a fire-wood cut previous to the first day of July last, tended™ 61 " e *' an< ^ brought to the said City for sale, be, and is hereby, suspended until the first day of January next. And be it enacted and ordained, That during the suspension aforesaid the several wood-corders of the city of Baltimore be, and are hereby, directed in all ORDINANCES. 161 cases where wood brought to the said City for sale is not of the length prescribed by the aforesaid or- Deficiency in dinance, to make up the deficiency in the height of mafe h upin e each 'and every cord of wood so deficient; provided height - it appears to the wood-corder who shall be called Proviso. upon to examine and pass the same that the said wood was cut previous to the first day of July last. Approved March 19, 1798. No. 89. An ordinance respecting the lower bridge on Jones' Falls, in the city of Baltimore. Whereas, it is represented to the Mayor and City preamble. Council of Baltimore that the sum of seven hundred and fifty pounds granted by an Act of the General Assembly of Maryland for the rebuilding the lower bridge on Jones' Falls, and the sum of one hundred pounds heretofore granted for that purpose by the Levy Court for Baltimore county, are not sufficient to complete the same, Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the commissioners appointed in virtue of the said Act for the build- ing and completing the said bridge be, and they or any two of them are hereby, authorized and em- powered to negotiate and borrow on loan from any commissioners of the banks in the said City, a sum of money not ^ terw mon - exceeding fifteen hundred dollars, for the purpose of finishing and completing the said bridge, which said money with the interest thereon shall be paid to be repaid in to the bank or banks lending the same in or before arld^nd nfne- the year seventeen hundred and ninety-nine. ty-nme. And be it enacted and ordained, That the corpo- ration of the city of Baltimore do hereby guarantee Guaraitee. the payment of the said loan or loans and the in- terest thereon to such bank or banks as shall advance 162 ORDINANCES. the same, and shall and will indemnify and favor harmless the commissioners of the said bridge, who shall negotiate the same or who shall or may become mo^tglged! 18 security for the same, and the revenue of the Cfty is hereby' mortgaged for the payment of the same, agreeably to the terms specified in thi3 ordinance. Approved March 19, 1798. No. 90. A supplement to the ordinance entitled "An ordinance to pre- serve the navigation of the harbor of Baltimore, and to pro- vide for the exercise of the powers heretofore vested in the Port Wardens by Act of Assembly." Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and ah wharves City Council of Baltimore, That all wharves made streets fee. de- out into the basin or harbor in front of any street or ciared public. p art f a street) anc j w j 1 ; c } 1 B t r eet was heretofore laid out in the plan of the town as extending to the water, are hereby declared public wharves, and sub- ject to the wharfage imposed and laid by the ordi- nance to which this is a supplement. Approved March 19, 1798. No. 91. An ordinance to appoint a City Constable. Preamble. "Whereas, divers ordinances of the corporation of the city of Baltimore remain unexecuted, and the good effects which might be expected therefrom are frustrated for want of a proper person to superintend and give information of offences committed against the same, ORDINANCES. 163 Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there be appointed city constable an officer for the said City by the name of the City t0 * e appointed - Constable,whose duty it shall be to walk through the His duty, streets lanes and alleys of the City daily, with his mace in his hand, taking such rounds, that within a reasonable time he shall visit all parts of the City and give information to the Mayor or other magistrate of all nuisances within the City, and all obstructions and impediments in the streets, lanes and alleys, and of all offences committed against the laws and ordi- nances in being, and of the names of the offenders and of the witnesses, to the end that prosecutions may be commenced and obedience enforced to the regulations for the well governing the City ; and generally to do and perform all such other matters and things as in the recess of the City Council the Mayor shall reasonably require. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said City Constable shall have and receive the yearly compensation, sum of three hundred and fifty dollars, to be paid him quarterly, by orders drawn by the Mayor on the Register. And be it enacted and ordained, That the person to be as aforesaid appointed before he enters upon the duties of his office shall give bond, with security, To give bond- (to be approved by the Mayor,) to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore for the faithful perform- ance of the duties of him required by this ordinance. And be it enacted and ordained, That this ordi- nance shall continue and be in force until the tenth continuance day of March next. Approved March 19th, 1798. 164 OEDINANCES. No. 92. An ordinance to continue an ordinance empowering the Mayor to rent a magazine for the storing of gunpowder and employ- ing a keeper thereof, and for regulating the sweeping of chimnies within the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the ordinance An ordinance entitled " An ordinance empowering the Mayor to Saj^Jre^rent a powder magazine for the storing of gunpow- magazine, &c, der, and employing a keeper thereof, and for regu- lating the sweeping of chimnies within the city of Baltimore, be, and the same is hereby, continued until the first day of April, in the year seventeen hundred and ninety-nine. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor The Mayor to aforesaid, be empowered to rent magazines for the rentamagazine. gtor | n g ' Q f g Un p 0wc l er) aT1( J that he employ & SUtll of money not exceeding five hundred dollars for the execution of the several powers required of him by the said ordinance, and that he have power to license To license chimney sweeps until the first day of April, seven- teen hundred and ninety- nine. Approved March 19, 1798. sweeps. No. 93. An ordinance for opening, amending and repairing John street. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and An ordinance to City Council of Baltimore, That George Prestman John 5?r d ee™ end an d George Warner be, and they are hereby, em- powered and directed to draw on the Register of the city of Baltimore, for any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars, under the direction of the Mayor, for the purpose of opening, amending and repairing g. Prestman and John street; and the said George Prestman and pointed"™ open George "Warner are hereby authorized and directed John street. to open, amend and repair the same, Approved March 19, 1798, OBbiNANclis. 165 No. 94. An ordinance to continue an ordinance empowering the Mayor of the city of Baltimore to grant licenses for the purposes therein mentioned. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and Citv Council of Baltimore, That an ordinance em- An ordinance ■ powering the Mayor of the city of Baltimore to^7" ta ^m! grant licenses for the purposes therein mentioned, licenses contin- shall be, and is hereby, continued to the first day of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety- nine. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said license shall and may be granted free and clear of all fees or tax. Approved March 19, 1798. No. 95. i be laid. An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the city of Baltimore, and to provide for the collection of the same. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That a tax of fifteen a tax of i5s. to shillings be imposed and levied on every hundred T ~ * pounds of property, assessed in virtue of the ordi- nance, entitled "An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the city of Baltimore, and to provide for the collection of the same," passed on the twenty-fourth day of April, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, within the city of Baltimore, contained within the said list of assess- ment, to be collected in the manner as is hereinafter directed. 166 OEDINAttCES. And be it enacted and ordained, That there be a Acoiiectoitobe collector appointed to collect the tax so imposed, appointed. w ho, before he enters on the execution of his office, shall take and subscribe the oath or affirmation di- to give bond, rected'by the act of incorporation, and give bond to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore in the penalty of ten thousand dollars, with security to be approved of by the Mayor, for the well and faithful execution of the trust reposed in him by the ordi- nance; and that he will pay monthly to the Regis- ter of the City such sums of money as he shall receive collections to be in the course of collection, and that he will complete November nLt. the said collection on or before the first day of No- vember next. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said collector to de- collector shall make out and deliver to each taxable in V wmi]g C . C0UDt person , or leave at their last place of abode, or, if non- resi-dent, at the property an account in writing of said assessment, containing the items in words at length, and amount thereof, which said account shall be so delivered or left on or before the first day of July Tax to be paid next, and the same shall contain a request to pay August.*"' ° r tne sa id assessment on or before the first day of August next. And be it enacted and ordained, That if the tax is not paid by the first day of August aforesaid, that, then and in such case the said collector is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to recover the same agreeably to the mode prescribed by the act of commission, incorporation, and he shall have and receive a com- mission of five per centum for collecting the same. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor Mayor to make of the City be authorized to make transfers on the transfers. books of assessment of the said city, and to allow To allow for in- for insolvencies, as the commissioners of the tax for solvencies. Baltimore town are authorized to do by the act of the general assembly of Maryland, entitled "an act for the valuation of real and personal property within this State," passed at November session, sev- enteen hundred and ninetv-tvvo. OfcDINAfrCES. 167 And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son shall think himself aggrieved by the valuation persona aggriev- directed to be made by the ordinance, entitled " an od m»y»pp Bal - ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the city of Baltimore, and to pro- vide for the collection of the same," every such per- son may appeal to the two assessors who have not * made the assessment appealed from, who are here- by directed to alter and correct the same if they think proper, provided that all appeals be heard and determined on or before the 20th day of July afore- said, and it shall be the duty of the said assessors, and they are hereby directed to give five days no- tice prior to the time of their sitting, of the time, place and hearing of such appeal ; and they shall sit three days and no more, for the purposes afore- said, for which trouble they shall have and receive two dollars for each and every day they shall so sit. Approved, March, 19th, 1798. No. 96. An ordinance to regulate the inspection of lumber. Whereas, great inconvenience arises to the citi- p ream bie. zens of Baltimore, for the want of proper and suit- able rules to regulate the size and quality of lum- ber brought to the city for sale — for remedy whereof, Be it enacted and ordained, by the Mayor and Dimensioni . City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the first day of February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, all boards, plank, scantling, shin- gles and laths, brought to this city for sale, shall be of the following qualities, viz : All inch boards of the first quality, shall be sawed Dimensionsof so as not to be less than one inch in thickness, P lank > &c - square edged, not less than two-thirds of the whole width to be heart, and to be clear of knots and splits, 168 OKDItfANCSS. of piank. All inch boards of the second quality shall be sawed so as not to be less than one inch in thick- ness, square edged not less than one half of the whole width, to be heart and free from splits, and all other inch boards to be of the third quality. ofpiank. All inch and quarter boards of the first quality shall be sawed so as not to be less than one incli and one quarter of an inch in thickness, square edged, all heart, and free from knots and splits. ofpiank. All inch and quarter boards of the second quality shall be sawed so as to be not less than one inch and one quarter of an inch in thickness, square edged, not less than two-thirds heart, and free from splits, and all other inch and quarter boards to be of the third quality. ofpiank. All inch and half and two inch boards of the first quality, shall be sawed so as to be respectively not less than one inch and an half, and two inches in thickness, square edged, all heart, and free from knots and splits. ofpiank. All inch and half and two inch boards of the second quality, shall be sawed so as to be respect- ively not less than one inch and an half, and two inches in thickness, square edged, not less than one half heart and free from splits, and all other inch and an half and two inch boards, to be of the third quality. ofpiank. All half inch boards of the first quality shall be sawed not less than one half of an inch in thickness, square edged, not less than two-thirds heart, and free from knots or splits, and all other half inch boards to be of the second quality. Dimensions of All scantling of the first quality shall be not less scantimg. t j ian two-thirds heart, and square edged, and all Other scantling to be of the second quality. ORDINANCES. 169 All unsound, worm eaten, or irregularly sawed boards, plank or scantling, all wind shaken boards and plank, and all slabs shall be of the most infe- rior of their several and respective qualities. All shingles of the first size shall not be less of shingles. than thirty-three inches in length, not less than five and an half inch wide,|clear of sap, and of such a thickness, that when dressed they shall not be- less than one half of an inch thick at any place from the butt end to ten inches therefrom. All shingles of the second size shall not be less than twenty-two inches in length, nor less than five inches wide, clear of sap and of such a thickness that when dresssd they shall not be less than one half of an inch thick at any place from the butt end to the distance of seven inches therefrom. All shingles of the third size shall not be less than seventeen inches long, nor less than three inches wide, clear of sap, and of such thickness that when dressed they shall not be less than three-eighths of an inch thick, from the butt end to the distance of six inches therefrom — and every of the said kind of shingles shall be of sound cypress or cedar wood, free from splits or knots, and in every other respect of good merchantable quality. All laths for plastering shall be put up in bun- Dimensions of dies of one hundred each, not to be less than four laths ' feet in length, not less than one quarter of an inch thick, and not less than one inch wide. And be it enacted and ordained, That there be appointed four persons of good repute to be called inspectors to be and nominated Inspectors, Measurers and Markers appointed - under this ordinance, one of whom shall reside in the eighth ward, whose duty it shall be to inspect Their duty. and mark (if not before marked) all boards, plank and scantling with a marking iron, in strong and legible marks, according to the quality, and to the 170 OEDIttANCES. true number of feet board measure in each piece — compensation, and for the inspecting and measuring of the same, they shall ask and receive for every hundred feet of boards, plank or scantling inspected, three cents, and so in proportion for a greater or less quantity, the one-half to be paid by the purchaser and the other half by the seller ; and for every hundred feet board measure marked by any such inspector, or by him altered by reason of its not being fairly marked when brought to this city, he shall ask and receive an additional cent, to be paid by the seller, and for inspecting all shingles they shall ask and receive twenty cents for each and ev- ery thousand; and for all laths, ten cents for each and every thousand, and so in proportion for a greater or less quantity. And be it enacted and ordained, That no inspec- No inspector to tor of lumber under this ordinance, shall be allowed &e lcl except' U for to P urcnase f° r himself or others, any boards, plank, pi-e.sent use. scantling, shingles or laths for the purposes of trade, or for any other purpose, except his own private use. And be it enacted and ordained, That each and every inspector, before he enters upon his office, To give bond, shall give bond to the mayor and city council of Baltimore, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duty as inspector, and shall take and subscribe the follow- ing oath or affirmation : Oath. I, A. B. do swear (or affirm) that I will execute the duty of inspector, measurer and marker of boards, plank, scantling, shingles, and laths, to the best of my knowledge, so help me God. And be it enacted and ordained, That the in- spectors of lumber aforesaid, immediately after the passing of this ordinance, and after being duly qualified as aforesaid, may and shall proceed to the OKDIttANCES. 171 measuring and marking of all such plank and inspectors to >t P .1 • .. » ., . measure plank, scantling as may come to this city m its present & c ., without re- state, without regard to quality or thickness, until ^ u n 3rret- the first day of February, one thousand seven hun- ma h next - dred and ninety-nine, for which they shall ask and receive four cents for every hundred feet board compensation. measure, of boards and plank, and the like sum for every hundred feet of scantling, side and edge measure, the one half to be paid by the buyer, and the other half by the seller. And be it enacted and ordained, That from and after the 15th day of April next, if any person or persons bringing any of the articles specified in this ordinance into this city for sale, and shall sell or n- piank, & c . cause the same to be sold, without having the same,^ ec s l e 1 d du ""' inspected, measured or marked as aforesaid, they shall forfeit and pay for every such offence a sum Penalty, not exceeding three dollars for every thousand feet of boards, plank or scantling, and for every thousand shingles or laths so sold, one half to the informer, and the other half to the use of the city; and if any person or persons, after the 15th day of April next, shall knowingly buy or cause to be No pianics, &c, bought any of the articles specified therein, which Hnn S b p" c g ted. un " are not inspected, measured or marked as this ordi- nance directs, he, she or they, for every such offence shall forfeit and pay for every thousand feet ofp en aity. boards, plank or scantling, and for every thousand shingles or laths so bought, a sum not exceeding three dollars, and so on in proportion, for a greater or less quantity, the one half to the informer and the other half to the use of the city. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any per- son shall fraudulently alter or deface in any man- Penalty for ai- ner, any mark or marks that may be made to desig- tenng mark3 ' nate the quality or quantity of feet board measure in any plank, boards or scantling, every person so offending shall forfeit and pay twenty dollars for every such offence, to be applied as aforesaid. Approved March 19th, 1798- 172 OBblNANOES. No. 97. An ordinance directing the appropriation of certain sums of public money for the use of the City. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there be appropri- For the preser- a ted to the deepening and preserving of the harbor Larbor. of the °f Baltimore, to be paid out of the money arising from the duty on tonnage of vessels and auctioneers of the City, a sum not exceeding five thousand dol- For cleaning lars ; to the cleaning of the streets and removing of "'"'" nuisances, a sum not exceeding eight hundred dol- deparunent ealth l ars > to the Health Department, a sum not exceeding For incidentals, two thousand dollars ; for extra expenses, a sum not For repairing exceeding two hundred dollars; for repairing the the streets, &c. g^gg^ ] arjes an( j alleys, a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars ; that there be appropriated for the For paving, paving of streets, lanes and alleys a sum not ex- ceeding three thousand dollars ; and that there be For the watch, appropriated for the lighting and watching of the &c - City a sum not exceeding eleven thousand dollars, and that there be appropriated for the Commisson- For commission- ers of the watch, the sum of three hundred dollars ers oi the watch j Q cons ij e ct nevertheless to the same rules and reg- ulations, penalties and restrictions as the gauger himself may or shall be by this or any other ordi- nance concerning the same, and for whose conduct he answerable. And be it enacted and ordained, That before the said gauger shall enter upon the duties of his office, To give bond, he shall give bond with security to be approved of by the Mayor, to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, in the sum of one thousand dollars for the faithful discharge of the several duties required by this and every other ordinance concerning the same, and he and his deputy or deputies shall take the following oath or affirmation, (as the case may be) to wit : oath. I, A. B. do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will well and faithfully execute the office of gauger, or deputy gauger, within the city of Baltimore, be- tween buyer and seller to the best of my knowledge and ability, without favor, affection or partiality, and shall also subscribe a declaration of their belief in the Christian religion. Approved March 19, 1798. ORDINANCES. 1T5 No. 99. A supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordinance to re- strain gaming, and to license and regulate theatrical and other public exhibitions, within the city and precincts of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the first day of May next, no billiard table shall be w» billiard , j , i ■ - . 1 tables to be used erected, set up, kept or in any respect whatever & c ., until u- used, for the purpose of either gaining or entertain- censed - merit, within the City or the precincts, without a license for that purpose previously obtained from the Mayor, under the seal of the corporation, under the penalty of a sum not exceeding twenty dollars Penalty. for each and every day that such billiard table may have been set up, kept or erected, without license, agreeably to the true intent and meaning of this ordinance. And be it enacted and ordained, That every license granted as aforesaid, shall be expressed to be only for the term of one year from the date thereof, and for every "license for the keeping of a billiard table, that shall or may be granted under this ordinance, the person obtaining the same, shall forthwith pay to the Register, for the use of the Talfotlioense - corporation, the sum of one hundred dollars, which shall be in lieu of every other tax imposed upon bil- liard tables. Approved March 19, 1798. Ho. 300. An ordinance supplementary to. the ordinance entitled " An ordinance to prevent the exportation of flour not merchant- able, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the staves of half Dimensions of barrels shall be twenty-two inches in length, and cask ''' the diameter of the head thirteen inches. 176 ORDINANCES. And be it enacted and ordained, That each flour weight. barrel weighing not less than eighteen pounds and tared on the same head with the mill brand, shall be deemed a merchantable cask, provided it is well and sufficiently made of good seasoned stuff, and otherwise agreeably to the ordinance to which this is a supplement. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any flour casks weighing be hereafter submitted to the Inspector in casks, loss than is lbs. * i * 1 i ■ i i j* • i &c, may be in- weighing less than eighteen pounds, as aforesaid, spected. an( j nQt b ranc j e( i as aforesaid, and the Inspector shall be of opinion that the casks are made of good seasoned stuff, and sufficiently strong for exportation, and the flour in all respects merchantable, he may bitfon' 8 appi °" anc * s ^ a ^ w ^ t ' ie approbation of the Mayor, pass and brand the same according to the degree of fine- ness thereof on the owner or agents paying a fine of ten cents on each cask for the use of the City. And be it enacted and ordained, That such parts Part of the on*- of the ordinance entitled " An ordinance to prevent repealed. the exportation of flour not merchantable, and for other purposes therein mentioned, and the supple- ment thereto, which are inconsistent with or con- tradictory to this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Approved March 19, 1798. No. 101. An ordinance supplementary to the ordinance entitled " An or- dinance directing the appropriation of certain sums of public money, for the use of the city of Baltimore." Preamble. Whereas, it is represented to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the money appropriated for paving for the last year, hath not been sufficient for that purpose, and that the City Commissioners are yet in debt on account thereof. ORDINANCES. 17f Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the further sum of Appropriation, eight hundred dollars be appropriated for the pur- poses aforesaid, an i that the City Commissioners with the approbation of the Mayor be, and they are hereby, authorized to draw on the Register of tiie City for the amount thereof. And be it enacted and ordained, That an ordi- nance entitled " An ordinance to appoint City Com- The ordinance to missioners," passed on the tenth day of April, Tuppiement oil seventeen hundred and ninety-seven be, and the tinued - same is hereby, continued until the first day of March next. Approved March 21, 1798. No. 102. An ordinance for the payment of the journal of accounts. Whereas, it appears by the journal of accounts of Praanible , this session, that there is now due from the city of Baltimore, the sum of one thousand and thirty-three dollars. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Register of the Register direct- City shall and he is hereby, authorized to pay to the «J ^"J^™ 1 " 1 several persons, their executors, administrators or assigns, or order, o*r to such of them as shall apply for the same, the several sums of money allowed to them respectively, as they appear to be settled and ascertained by the said journal of accounts, out of any monies now in the treasury, or that shall come into the treasury subject to the appropriation of the Mayor and City Council. Approved March 30th, 1798. 178 ORDINANCES. No. 103. Commissioners appointed. An ordinance appropriating a certain sum of money for filling up the Centre Market space. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That Thomas M'Eldery, Michael Diffenderffer and Cumberland Dugan, be, and they are hereby, empowered by, and with the advice and consent of the City Commissioners, to fill up the market space from Water street to Pratt street, inclusive. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Thomas M'Eldery, Michael Diffenderffer and Cum- berland Dugan, be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to negotiate and borrow on loan, a sum of money not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars to be repaid in for the purposes aforesaid, which money with legal dvld'lnd two" interest thereon, shall be paid to the person or per- sons lending the same, in or before the year eighteen hundred and two. To borrow money. Guarantee. And be it enacted and ordained, That-the corpor- ation of the city of Baltimore, do hereby guarantee the payment of the said loan or loans and the in- terest thereon, to such person or persons as shall advance the same and shall and will indemnify and save harmless, the said Thomas M'Eldery, Michael Diffenderffer, and Cumberland Dugan, and the rev- Eevenue of the enue of the said city is hereby mortgaged for the payment of the same agreeably to the terms speci- fied by this ordinance. * Approved, April 23d, 1798. city moitgaged. ORDINANCES. 179 No. 104. An ordinance to prevent carriages of pleasure from taking their stands in the streets on Sundays, waiting for hirt re. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the publication of this ordinance, no owner or driver of no carriage, &c. any stage, hackney coach, or other carriage of pleas-^tSt&c" ure, for hire or pay within this city, shall place any °£ ^S/"'' such carriage on any of the streets, lanes or alleys of the city on a Sunday and there wait for hire, under the penalty of five dollars for every such of- Penalty. fence, for the use of the city. Approved May 15th, 1798. No. 105. An ordinance for the more effectual cleansing the gutters in the streets, lanes and alleys of the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the inhabitants or occnpiers of houses, and if unoccupied the owners of houses and lots on the paved streets, lanes and alleys of this city, from and after the publication of this ordinance, until the first day of November next, and from the first day of May until the first day of November annually thereafter, shall clean or Fiith to be re- cause to be cleaned the gutters in front of their ™° t [ e e * ( e r ™ y the buildings or lots, of all the filth and dirt foundry, (Sundays t . D t t . i , excepted ) therein, and the same remove into the cartway op- posite their respective houses or lots once in every day, (Sundays excepted) before ten o'clock, under the penalty of forfeiting and paying for every suchp en aity. neglect or offence, the sum of twenty-five cents for the use of the city. 180 ©tolNANCfcS. No. 106. An Ordinance fixing the salary and compensation of the of- ficers of the corporation of the city of Baltimore, and for the payment pf the same. preamble. Whereas, those who dedicate their time, abilities and labor to the public, ought to receive an ade- quate compensation for their services. — Therefore, Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there be allowed to the officers or persons hereinafter mentioned, the salaries. following annual compensation for their respective services, to be paid by orders drawn quarterly by the Mayor on the Register of the city. To the Mayor for the last twelve months, twenty- two hundred dollars, including office rent, in one en- tire payment. To the Mayor for the ensuing twelve months twenty-four hundred dollars, including of- fice rent. To the Register fourteen hundred dollars. To the Harbor Master three hundred dollars. To the Superintendent of the mud machine six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents. To the clerk of the Centre market one hundred and sixty dollars. To the clerk of the Hanover market eighty dol- lars. To the clerk of the Point market one hundred dollars. And be it enacted and ordained, That there be salaries, per allowed to the officers or persons hereinafter men- diems. tioned, the following compensation for their ser- vices, to wit : ORDINANCES. To the City Commissioners each, two dollars per diem for each day they may be employed in the ser- vice of the city. To the clerks of the first and second branches of the city council, five dollars per diem for each day they shall be employed during the session. To the messengers of the first and second branches of the City Council one dollar and fifty cents per diem, for each day they shall be employed during the session. And be it enacted and ordained, That the com- pensation to the clerks and messengers of the branches of the City Council be paid out of any un- appropriated money in the treasury, by orders drawn by the Mayor for that purpose, and that all other compensations allowed by this ordinance shall be paid out of any monies in the hands of the register, unappropriated by the ordinances of the corporation. Approved May loth, 1798. 181 No. 107. An ordinance appropriating further sums of moDey for the repairing public pumps in the city of Baltimore. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and city council of Baltimore, That there be appropri- Appropriation. ated for the repairing the public pumps in the first ward, an additional sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and for the public pumps in the second ward a sum not exceeding seventy-five dollars. Approved June 21st, 1798. 182 ORDINANCES. No. 108. An ordinance for regulating the sweeping of chimneys. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there shall be ap- Three superin- pointed and licensed for the city, three superinten- dents of dents of chimney sweepers, one of whom shall have chimney sweep- , J r ' . -i . , -.. erstobeap- the sweeping of all chimneys within the district on pomte . ^.j ie eag ^ ern gj^g f j one8 ' Falls; one other shall have the sweeping of all chimneys within the dis- city divided in- trict situated between Jones' Falls and the eastern to three districts gide of g t p aul , s lang an( j j^f. gtreet inc ] ugive . and the other shall have the sweeping of all chim- neys within the district situated on the west side of St. Paul's lane and Light street inclusive; and that ho person shall exercise the employment of a super- intendent of chimney sweepers, in either of the said districts, unless he shall have previously ob- to be licensed tained from the Mayor a license for such district, and give bond, under the seal of the corporation and given bond, with security, as hereinafter directed, on pain of Penalty. forfeiting, for every such offence, a sum not ex- ceeding five dollars, to be paid to the corporation. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That there a superintend- shall be appointed and licensed for each of the said pointedfo a r P e"ach districts, one superintendent of chimney sweepers; district. provided, that such license shall have continuance Proviso. oa ly f° r the term of one year from the date thereof, and every such superintendent desirous of renew- ucenses to be ing his license, shall apply for the same to the Mayor Ii"y wed annu "each and every year, and for each and every such Tax for license, hcense, shall pay to the register, for the use of the corporation, the sum of fifty dollars, deducting therefrom a proportional part of the fifty dollars paid in the month of April last past, for the license by virtue whereof they now act ; and that no such license shall be granted or renewed, until the per- Licensenottobe son applying therefor shall have given bond to the fondbe u ive M a 7 0r an( i City Council of Baltimore, with sureties to the satisfaction of the Mayor, in the penal sum ORDINANCES. 183 of one hundred dollars, with condition that he willputy of super- faithfully execute the employment of a superinten- intendeDts - dent of chimney sweepers in his district, will duly pay and satisfy all just claims that may be against him as such, and in all things well and faithfully perform the several duties required by the ordinance or ordinances of the corporation. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That it shall be the duty of each superintendent, and he is hereby directed to apply to the occupier or occupiers chimneys to be of every house, or of any room or apartment within >wept montMy ' his district, for permission to sweep any chimney in such house, or belonging to such room, which hath been so much used as to require, in the opinion of the superintendent, to be swept, and hath not been swept at any time within the term of four weeks next preceding the day of such application ; and if the said occupier or occupiers will not then permit such superintendent to sweep such chimney, or will not appoint a reasonable time within twenty-four thereafter, for the doing thereof, or will not permit such chimney to be swept at the time which may be so appointed, he, she or they shall pay to the super- intendent, the same sum of money as if such chim- ney had been swept by him, and shall forfeit and pay to the corporation a sum not exceeding five dol- lars; and in such case the said superintendent shall, and he is hereby directed to apply each and every penalty incur- day for the sweeping of such chimney, until the ^cation? 11 aP " same be actually swept ; and upon every such ap- plication, if the occupier or occupiers of such house or room will not permit him to sweep such chim- ney, he shall be entitled, as aforesaid, to receive each and every day from such occupier or occupi- ers, the same sum of money as if such chimney had penalties, been swept by him each and every day, at the spe- cial instance and request of such occupier or occu- piers, and shall forfeit and pay to the corporation, for each and every such offence, a sum not exceed- ing five dollars. 184 ORDINANCES. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any of the said superintendents do not every four weeks apply as aforesaid, for permission to sweep each and every chimney within his district, which by this or- dinance oiight to be swept, and each and every day (if necessary) repeat such application as aforesaid, he shall, for every such default, forfeit and pay to the corporation a sum not exceeding five dollars. 5. And be it enacted and ordained, That no su- Eates. perintendent, licensed as aforesaid, shall demand or receive from any person whatsoever, directly or in- directly, for his services any other or greater fees or rates than are hereinafter limited and allowed, un- der the penalty of five dollars for every offence, to wit: for a chimney of one story, 8 cents; of two stories, 12J cents ; three stories, 15 cents ; of four or more stories, 18 cents. 6. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any penalty for chimney in the city or in that part of the precincts cMmneys catch- 10 which thig or( ji nance s h a ]l extend, shall take fire and blaze out at the top, the superintendent within whose district the same chimney may be, shall for- feit and pay to the corporation the sum of ten dol- Proviso. lars: Provided, nevertheless, that such forfeiture shall be paid by the occupier or occupiers of the house or room wherein such chimney may be in case he or she would not permit such chimney to be swept, upon application having been made therefor by the said superintendent, agreeably to the provi- sions of this ordinance. 7. And be it enacted and ordained, That this commencement, ordinance shall commence and be in force on the first day of January next; and that from and after Former oidinan- the said day all laws, ordinances and regulations ces repealed. reS p e cting the sweeping of chimneys within the city and precincts, and their taking fire, shall cease and be of no effect. ORDINANCES. 185 8. And be it enacted and ordained, That the several regulations established by this ordinance shall extend to such parts of the precincts as will Extension. in the opinion of the Mayor in case of fire, endanger the city. Approved December 12th, 1798. No. 109. An ordinance for preventing fires in the city of Baltimore. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the occupier or oc- occupiers of cupiers of every dwelling house,, within the city, ^IXackltt which may be valued in the assessment at a sum more than two hundred dollars, shall, on or before the 15th day of January next, provide him, her or themselves, with two well made leather fire buckets, hung up near the front door of the house, and the same keep in good repair, under a penalty Penalty, not exceeding five dollars, for the use of the corpora- tion, for each and every month he, she or they may be without such buckets, or that such buckets may not be in good repair, and in case any of the said buckets shall or may be lost, the same shall be replaced by it lost to be re- such occupier or occupiers within one month there- P laced - after, under the like penalty ; and no person shall use any of the said buckets but in handling water at the times of fire, under the penalty of fifty cents, for each and every offence. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That the su- perintendent of chimney sweepers in each district, shall from time to time examine the houses and buildings in their respective districts, and see that superintendents they be properly furnished with buckets, according ^arVpr^aea! to this ordinance, and report all delinquents to the To report deiin- Mayor ; and shall from time to time examine in their Syfayo'r.' the respective districts the fire-places and chimneys of all houses, out-houses and buildings, and all stoves 186 ORDINANCES. and pipes thereof, and the places where ashes, hay, straw or other combustible matters, are or shall be to report ■ dan- kept, and all smoke houses; and upon finding any geroua stove ^ tliem ,j e f ective or dangerous, shall_ give notice The Mayor may thereof to the Mayor, who shall, at his discretion, inT/disc'retion! order the same to be removed, altered or amended ; and if any person shall neglect or refuse to obey Penalty on per- such order, such person shall forfeit and pay a sum compiy. usingt ° not exceeding five dollars, for the use of the city, and the same shall forfeit and pay, each and every week thereafter, until such order shall be obeyed. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That no person shall erect, or continue erected any chimney No stove pipe to or stove within this city, in such a manner as that the be erected so as sm0 ]j e thereof shall annoy any neighbor, or the to annoy a , , . . -1,-1 i • . j? neighbor. citizens m passing ; and upon the complaint ot any Mayor may re- two citizens thereof to the Mayor he shall, at his move. discretion, order the same to be altered or removed, and if any person shall neglect or refuse to obey penalty on-per-such order, such person shall forfeit and pay a sum ~m P r iy' u8iDB t0 not exceeding ten dollars, for the use of the city, and the same shall forfeit and pay each and every week thereafter, until such orders shall be obeyed. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That no person shall erect, or have in his, her or their house or apartment, any stove, the pipe whereof passes through the side or end of any wooden building, or No stove or pipe the roof of any building, without the approbation withouTsuper- of the superintendent of chimney sweepers! of the mtendent's ap- district, who shall see that such stove be safely probation. ' , ■/ placed, and that the pipe thereot to conduct the smoke, be led in such a manner as not to endanger the house in which such stove is placed, or the ad- joining buildings ; and if any person shall erect or continue erected any stove as aforesaid, without such approbation, said superintendent shall give notice thereof to the Mayor, who shall at his discre- tion order the same to be altered or removed ; and if any person shall neglect or refuse to obey such Penalty. order, such person shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten dollars, for the use of the cor- ORDINANCES. 1 87 poration, and the same shall forfeit and pay each and every week thereafter until such order shall he oheyed. 5. And be it enacted and ordained, That from and after the first day of May next, no person shall erect a stove, and conduct the pipe thereof through the side or end of any wooden house or the roof of any building, under the penalty of forfeiting a 'sum Penalty on P er- not exceeding ten dollars, for the use of the city ; si n v s e s rcctms and the same shall forfeit and pay each and every month thereafter, until such pipe be removed. 6. And be it enacted and ordained, That the several regulations of this ordinance shall extend Extension. to such parts of the precincts as in the opinion of the Mayor in case of fire would endanger the city. Approved December 12th, 1798. No. 110. An ordinance for erecting an additional number of lamps in the city of Baltimore. [The commissioners of the watch in conjunction with the Mayor were authorized by this ordinance to contract for the erecting of any number of addi- tional lamps not exceeding. thirty, in such places in the city as should seem most to require them.] Approved December 12th 1798. 188 COKPOKATION OFFICERS. JAMES CALHOUN", Mayor of the City. R. H. MOALE, Register. Members of the First Branch of the City Council. JAMES CAREY, President. James Carey, Ephraim Robinson, George Buchanan, George Prestman, Robert Smith, Peter Hoffman, David M'Mechen, John Hill en, Thomas Hollingsworth, Adam Fonerden, Peter Frick, Baltzer Schaffer, James Edwards, Robert Stewart, Joseph Biays, James Beeman, First Ward. Second Ward. Third Ward. Fourth Ward. Fifth Ward. Sixth, Ward. Seventh Ward. Eighth Ward. Thomas Kell, Clerk. Thomas Roberts, Messenger. Members of the Second Branch of the City Council. JOHN MERRYMAN, President. William Goodwin, Nicholson Rogers, John Merryman, Edward Johnson, Henry Nicols, Robert Gilmor, Richard Lawson, Job Smith. R. H. Moale, Clerk. Thomas Cooper, Messenger. COKPOftA.TION OFFICERS. 18& City Commissioners : David M'Mechen, Thomas Usher, David Williamson, Kichard Caton, Thomas Cole. Commissioners of the Watch and lighting the City : George G. Presbury, Job Smith, Lyde Goodwin. Commissioners of Health : William Winchester, Joseph Townsend, Michael Diffenderffer, John E. Keese, Wm. C. Goldsmith, John Dalrymple, Levin Hall, James Biays, Ben. Thomas, Commissioners to make a survey of the harbor and port of Baltimore. William Patterson, David Stewart, Seth Barton. Inspectors of Flour : George W. Moore, Isaac Trimble. George Mathews, Inspector of Salted Provisions. Superintendents of Pumps : For the 1st Ward — George Decker. a 2d < George Prestmai it 3d < ' Job Smith. a 4th < William Wilson. a 5th < ' Paul Bentalon. a 6th ' ' Baltzer Schaffer a 7th ' ' David Brown. u 8th ' ' John Lee. Joseph Smith, Harbor Master. John Hopkins, Collector. James Hicks, Superintendent of the Streets. Benjamin J. Mercer, City Constable. Christopher Cruse, SwpH of Mud Machine. 190 COEPOIiATION OFFICERS. Assessors : Jacob Fite, Samuel Vincent, Joshua Enloes. Lavallin Barry, Cleric of the Hanover Market. James Long, Cleric of the Centre Market. John "Weir, Cleric of the Point Market. Measurers of Lumber. William Carman, Charles Constable, JamesMorrins, William Ensor. John Guttro, wood corder for the First District. Charles Ward, " " Second " Samuel James, " " Ihird " Peter Weary, " " Fourth " Wood Inspectors, Richard Bond, Patrick Mullen, Andrew Carson, Peter Weary. Hay Weighers. Richard Bouldin, Robert Dew. John Fennel, Ganger. John Patrick, Keeper of the Powder Magazine. Superintendents of the Sweeps. George Thornburgh, John Cummins, Richard Bear. ORDINANCES 1799— 1800. No. 1. An ordinance for appropriating three thousand dollars to finish and complete the Hospiial now building in the precincts of the city of Baltimore. [The Legislature of Maryland having given 8,000 dollars for the founding of this hospital, and the further sum of 3,000 dollars to complete the same, on condition that the corporation would appropri- ate 3,000 dollars in addition to that sum — 3,000 dol- lars was appropriated for that purpose, and the Mayor was authorized to draw on the register for the same.] Approved February 20th, 1799. No. 2. An ordinance for filling up and paving the street at Bowly's wharf and for repairing the said wharf. [The city commissioners were authorized to draw on the register for a sum of money not exceeding 300 dollars in aid of the street tax, for filling up and paving that part of the street between South street and Franklin lane, and for repairing the said wharf.] Approved February 20fch, 1799. lj)2 OEDINAttCES. No. 3. An ordinance for finishing the stone bridge on Wilk street. [The city commissioners were authorized to fin- ish the stone bridge on Wilk street, and the sum of 100 dollars was appropriated for that purpose.] Approved February 20th, 1799. No. 4. An ordinance to add to the city of Baltimore, part of the pre- cincts lying north of Saratoga street. Preamble. Whereas, the owners of lots in that part of the precincts bounded on the south by Saratoga street, on the west by an alley, one hundred and twenty feet from Howard street ; on the north by New street, and on the east by Lerew's alley, have by their petition to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, desired to be added to the city, and pub- lic notice having been given in several newspapers of this city of such application, 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the City Commis- sioners, or a majority of them, shall on or before the first day of April next, cause a correct and accurate commissioners survey and plat to be made of the said land, inclu- appointedtosur- ^ e d within the boundaries aforesaid ; and all the lots of ground, streets, lanes and alleys, with numbers to the said lots, and names to the streets, lanes and alleys; and when the same shall be done, and the said ground and premises so surveyed and laid out, including the said streets, lanes and alleys, shall be, and are hereby declared to be part of the city of Baltimore, and as belonging to the first ward of said city, as fully and amply as if originally inclu- OBDINANOES. 193 ded therein ; and shall have the same immunities, rights and privileges as the said city has ; and sub- Rights reserved. ject to all the laws and ordinances of the corpora- tion of the city. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That the com- missioners aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall, on or before the tenth day of April next, return a cor- Returnacorrect rect survey and plat of the said addition to said city, Register of the together with their proceedings, under their hands Clty- and seals, to the register of the said city, to be by him recorded amongst the records of said city, there to remain as evidence of the boundaries, sit- uation and location of the said lots, and of the streets, lanes and alleys aforesaid. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That the ex- Expense defray- „., , ,. ' i ,1 i i ed by the corpo- pense ot said survey and proceedings shall be de- ration, frayed by the corporation. Approved February 26th, 1799. No. 5. An ordinance for the better regulation of stages and hackney carriages. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the tenth day of March next, no owner or driver of any stage, hackney coach, or other carriage of pleasure, stages not to be kept for hire, shall place such carriage when unem-£tr a e°e* d when h un- ployed on any of the streets, lanes or alleys of the l^^oted?' city, and there wait for hire, as is hereinafter di- rected, under the penalty of forfeiting for every such offence, a sum not exceeding five dollars, for the use of the corporation. 194 OBDIlfANOEB. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That each and every such carriage when unemployed, and in any of the streets of the city, and not in motion, shall To be placed in De placed by the driver thereof in the middle of the street. 6 ° such street, and lengthways ; and that no more than one range of such carriages shall stand in any street, and such carriages shall be ranged parallel to the front of the houses, and at a distance not less than fifty feet from each other, and in such manner as not to obstruct the passing of wagons or other carriages, in the streets, and as not to prevent foot passengers from crossing a street in the direction and line of the footway on the side of any other street. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That every driver of any carriage aforesaid, while occupying any stand and unemployed as aforesaid, shall sit in Drivers to keep such carriage or stand near thereto with the reins in ha!d!! nsintbeir his hands, or in such manner as to have the same within his reach, and shall not absent himself there- from unless he shall have left such carriage in charge of some person during such absence, under the pen- alty of forfeiting one dollar, for the use of the cor- poration. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That every owner of any carriage aforesaid whose carriage shall stages to be not be numbered with black paint upon a white ground in the centre of the middle panel of each side, and of the back, with plain and conspicuous figures of at least three inches in length, on or be- Penaity. fore the first day of April next, shall forfeit and pay five dollars, for the use of the corporation, and a like sum for every week such carriage shall be em- ployed for hire and not numbered in the manner aforesaid. Approved February 26th, 1799. numbered. OEDIITANCES. 195 No. 6. An ordinance to authorize a lottery to raise a sum of money to be applied to the defraying of the expenses of conveying pure and wholesome water into the city of Baltimore, and of dis- tributing it into the different parts thereof. [Commissioners were appointed to carry this ordinance into effect, and the sum of 4,381 dol- lars and 70 cents was raised for the purpose of in- troducing pure and wholesome water into the City.] Approved February 26th, 1799. No. 7. An ordinance to appoint City Constables for the purpose of detecting offences against the several ordinances of the cor- poration. Whereas, it has been found from experience that preamble, the ordinance entitled "An ordinance to appoint a City Constable," is inadequate to the end proposed by the same ; therefore, 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint a suitable person The Mil y 0r t0 or persons in each ward, whose duty it shall be to cra°tabies ity visit the different parts of his ward, and to give in- formation to the Mayor or other magistrate of all Their duty, nuisances within the same ; also of all obstructions and impediments in the streets, lanes and alleys ; and of offences committed against the laws and or- dinances in being ; and of the names of the offenders and witnesses, to the end that prosecutions may be commenced and obedience enforced to the regula- tions for the well governing of the City, and gener- ally to do and perform all such other matters and things as the Mayor shall reasonably require. 196 OEDINANCES. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That a sum Appropriation, not exceeding five hundred dollars be, and is here- by, appropriated as a compensation to the said con- stables for the due and faithful discharge of the several duties prescribed by this ordinance ; and the To be apportion- Mayor is hereby directed to apportion the aforesaid ed sum or any part thereof in such manner as shall appear to him best calculated to carry this ordinance fully into effect. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That this commencement ordinance shall commence on the 10th day of March next ensuing, and continue and be in full force until the 10th day of March, eighteen hundred. Approved February 26th, 1799. No. 8. An ordinance to repeal part of an ordinance declaring certain duties and powers of the Mayor and Register. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the first section of Repealed. the ordinance entitled "An ordinance declaring cer- tain duties and powers of the Mayor and Register," be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Approved February 26th, 1799. No. 9. An ordinance appropriating money for filling up and paving Market street, and Market space at Fell's Point. [The City Commissioners were directed to fill up and pave Market street and Market space from the north side of Aliceanna street to the south side of George and Fell's streets, and were author- ized, with the approbation, of the Mayor to borrow a sum of moDey on loan not exceeding 2,000 dollars for that purpose, to be paid in the year 1802.] Approved February 27th, 1799. bBDtNAJJOES. 197 No. 10. An ordinance for filling up and paving part of Charles and Pratt streets. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the City Commis- sioners be, and they are hereby, authorized and di- commisiioners rected to cause that part of Charles street which ischadelstreet, ' situated between Pratt street and Barre street, to &c - be filled up to such height or level as they may judge the said part of a street ought to be raised for the end or purpose of being paved. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That for the defraying the expense of the same the said City Commissioners, with the approbation of the Mayor, be, and they are hereby, empowered to receive and accept, upon loan, a sum of money not exceeding to borrow four four hundred dollars, to be by them applied to the on ?oan. filling up the said part of the street in the manner aforesaid, which said sum of money shall be repaid by the corporation of the city of Baltimore at or before the year eighteen hundred and one, with an interest of six per, centum per annum, to the person or persons who shall or may loan the same. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said City Commissioners, with the approbation of the Mayor, are hereby empowered to draw on the Keg- May draw three . . •> V. ,i /-.. /■ . j- at. hundred dollars ister of the City for any sum not exceeding three to mend Pratt hundred dollars, to fill up and mend Pratt street 8treet wh " f ' wharf and to pave the same. Approved February 26th, 1799. 198 OBDINANCE8. No. 11. A Supplement to the ordinance entitled an ordinance to regulate the inspection of lumber. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That if any seller or sell- Cuiiings not toers of shingles shall knowingly mix any cullings or inspected shin- unmerchantable shingles with shingles that have s les - been duly inspected and culled agreeably to the or- dinance to which this is a supplement, or shall know- ingly mix the shingles of one size or quality with the shingles of another size or quality, every such Penalty. offender or offenders shall forfeit and pay a penalty of two cents for every such culling or shingle so mixed as aforesaid. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That all plank and scantling shall, before it is inspected, be stocked pianks to be and piled with their butt ends thereof together ; and ?nds d toge t the^ utt .it shall, and is hereby, declared to be the duty of the several inspectors, measurers and markers men- tioned in the ordinance to which this is a supplement, To be marked, to mark the quantity and quality of the several parcels of plank and scantling so by them inspected on the stump shed end. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That any of inspectors may the said inspectors, from time to time, when on ac- empoy assist- coun f. f gicjjjjggg or hurry f business he cannot attend to or perform the duties required of him by this ordinance or the ordinance to which this is a supplement, shall have power, with the approbation of the Mayor, to employ such assistant or assistants ' as he may judge necessary, for whose conduct the said inspector shall be answerable. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any Penalty for mix- seller or sellers of plank or scantling shall know- fCTent'quaiufe's^iiigly mix the plank or scantling of one quality with the plank or scantling of another quality after the OBDIttANOES. 199 same shall have been marked as aforesaid, every such offender or offenders shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty-five cents for every such piece of plank or scantling so mixed as aforesaid. Approved February 26th, 1799. No. 12. An additional supplement to the ordinance entitled "An ordi- nance to regulate the inspection of lumber." • 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That all boards and plank shall hereafter be measured by superficial Boards to be measure, without regard to thickness, and that all ™ e XiIi meat" 1 " scantling shall hereafter be measured by side and ure - edge measure. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That lath Laths not to be shall not hereafter be inspected unless in cases f inspeoted ' dispute, and at the special instance and request of either the seller or the purchaser. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That there shall be the two following additional qualities of Qualities of boards and plank, to wit: three-quarter inch, and plank " inch and three-quarter board and plank; and that Dimension!. three-quarter inch boards of the first quality shall be sawed not less than three-quarters of an inch in thickness, sqnare edged, not less than two-thirds heart, and free from knots and splits : and that all other three-quarter inch boards to be of the second quality ; and that all inch and three-quarter boards of the first quality shall be sawed so as to be not less than an inch and three-quarters in thickness, square edged, all heart and free from splits and knots ; and that all inch and three-quarter boards of the second quality shall be sawed so as to be not less than one inch and three-quarters in thickness, 200 ORDINANCES. square edged, not less than one-half heart and free from splits; and all other inch and three-quarter boards to be of the third quality. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That when- inspectortoex-ever a board or plank shall have a knot or split tton as to knots so small and unimportant as in the judgment hnportJnce 1 n ° °f tne inspector not to be essentially injurious in the use of such board or plank, the inspector may in his discretion determine upon its quality without regard to such knot or split, anything in the ordi- nance to which this is a supplement to the contrary notwithstanding. 5. And be it enacted and ordained, That all un- unsound plant sound rotten boards, plank and scantling shall be con- InamTked^Tthdemned and marked with a round "0 and cross, cross 6 "" ° and ma ^ e w ith a marking iron, and in the measuring thereof the unsound rotten parts shall not be in- cluded. 6. And be it enacted and ordained, That there be Additional in- appointed three additional inspectors, measurers and ??d° tor8 app0U1 * markers, one of whom shall reside in the eighth ward, who shall perform the same duties and be en- compensation. titled to the same compensation as is allowed to the inspectors, measurers and markers by the ordinance to which this is a supplement. Approved June 18th, 1799. No. 13. An ordinance to preserve the health of the City. Preamble. Whereas, the introducing of a sufficiency of pure wholesome water into large populous cities has ever proved great conducive to the health of the inhab- itants ; and, whereas, it is ascertained that the waters of either Gwynn's Falls, Jones' Falls or Herring ORDINANCES. 201 Run may be brought into the city of Baltimore, and maybe distributed to all the different parts thereof; and, whereas, the welfare of the said City and the health of its inhabitants require that one of the said bodies of water be introduced into the said City ; therefore, 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of William Patterson, Archibald Campbell, George Salmon, Wm. Cooke, William Smith, John Eager Howard and John O'Donnell, or any three or more of them, cause the The Mayor to > said waters of either Gwynn's Falls, Jones' Falls Fails, &<^o be or Herring Bun to be conveyed into the said city of fh° c!t y y. d 1Dt ° Baltimore, and to be distributed by pipes into the different parts thereof. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the said William Patterson, Archibald Campbell, Geo. Salmon, William Cooke, William Smith, John Eager Howard and John O'Donnell, or any three or more of them, is hereby empowered to contract with any To contract for person or persons whatsoever for the conveying and e same ' distributing of either of the said waters into and through the City ; and for the securing of the right to the same to the corporation, in such manner and upon such terms and conditions as to him and them shall appear reasonable and proper. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the said William Patterson, Archibald Campbell, Geo. Salmon, William Cooke, Wm. Smith, John Eager Howard and John O'Donnell, or any three or more of them, is hereby further empowered to borrow The Mayor to (if to them it shall seem advisable) money for the? ° r t n I^irpolle. purpose of effecting the object of this ordinance ; and for the due and faithful repayment of such money to pledge the funds of the corporation from the profits which may arise from the conveyance 202 ORDINANCES. and distribution of the said water, and from any and every lottery that shall hereafter be established Proviso. by ordinance ; provided, nevertheless, that no loan of money that shall or may be negotiated as afore- said, nor any contract for the purchasing of any right or title, or any system for the conveying and distributing the said water, be finally made and adopted until the same be submitted to the consid- eration of the Mayor and City Council, and by them approved and confirmed. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to draw upon Appropriation, the Kegister of the City for a sum of money not ex- ceeding five hundred dollars, to defray the expense of levelling the water and examining the grounds, and drawing plans which may be necessary to carry this ordinance into effect. Approved February 26th, 1799. No. 14. An ordinance for filling up and raising part of George, Lan- caster and Wolf streets and Happy alley. Preamble. Whereas, the low and sunken situation of these streets, being overflowed with water, renders that part of the City unhealthy, for remedy thereof, 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the City Commis- sioners be, and they are hereby, empowered and di- commisaioners rected to raise, or cause to be raised, such parts of stre r eTic? eorse the above mentioned streets and alley, so as to re- move the nuisance occasioned thereby, and render them passable. OKDISANOES. 203 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Commissioners aforesaid are hereby empowered to borrow on loan a sum not exceeding one thousand To borrow mon- dollars, on an interest of six per centum, payable mg^V^hous- on or before the year eighteen hundred and four, for dollars - which loan the revenue of the City is hereby pledged, and the Commissioners who negotiate the loan shall be indemnified. Approved February 27th, 1799. No. 15. An ordinance for the inspection of casks containing liquor dis- tilled from domestic materials and brought to the city of Bal- timore for sale. Whereas, it hath been represented to this corpo- Preamble, ration that great inconvenience is suffered from the badness of casks containing liquors distilled from domestic materials, and fraudulent practices used by persons bringing such liquors to the city of Balti- more for sale, for remedy whereof, 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there be appointed an inspector, whose duty it shall be to carefully ex- inspector to be amine and inspect all casks containing liquors dis- app01Ilte ' tilled from domestic materials, which may be brought to the city of Baltimore for sale ; and that when in the judgment of the said inspector any cask shall be merchantable, agreeably te the provisions of this when mer- ordinance, he shall mark the same with the letter merchantable, 11 " B with the marking iron on the bilge near the bung how marke,i - of such cask, and that when the said inspector shall judge any cask to be defective in the make thereof, he is hereby authorized and directed to condemn every such cask as unmerchantable, and shall mark the same with a marking iron on the bilge near the bung thereof with a broad arrow, and the said in- 204 OKDlNANOES. Compensation, spector shall be entitled to receive the sum of two cents for every cask by him inspected and marked in pursuance of this ordinance, to be paid by the seller or sellers thereof. Materials of casks. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That from and after the first day of September next, all casks con- taining any liquors aforesaid brought to the city of Baltimore for sale, or that shall be offered for sale therein, shall be made of well seasoned white oak, free from sap, round at the bilge and heads, the staves thereof shall not be less than half an inch in thickness at the thinnest part thereof, and not more than three-fourths of an inch at the thickest part thereof, and shall be made tight and secured with twelve good and sufficient hoops on all barrels, and sixteen good and sufficient hoops on all double bar- rels and hogsheads ; and all such casks before they To be branded are offered for inspection shall be branded upon the r" 9 h „aml own 'head thereof with the initials of the name of the owner of the distillery at which the liquor therein contained may have been distilled, and the said in- spector shall not pass any such cask unless the same be branded as aforesaid. er'3 name. Fen alt;. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That from and after the said first day of September, every per- son or persons who shall bring any cask containing any liquor aforesaid to the city of Baltimore for sale contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, every such person or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay for every such cask one dollar, for the use of the corporation. Approved February 27th, 1799. ORDINANCES. 205 No. 16. An ordinance for establishing two streets, and erecting a bridge oyer Jones' Falls to connect said streets. Whereas, the proprietors of the ground have by Preamble, their memorial to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore expressed their consent that a new street be established between Franklin lane and Jones' Falls, in the direction of Pratt street, and that a new street be established between Queen's street and the said Jones' Falls; and have also represented that the erecting of a good substantial bridge over said falls at the extremity of said streets so continued would considerably facilitate the commercial inter- course of the several parts of the City, and that they have raised a considerable sum of money by subscription for the aforesaid purpose, and pray that the sum of one thousand dollars be granted to them to finish and complete the same, which appearing reasonable, therefore, 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That Thomas Yates and Thomas M'Elderry be, and they are hereby, author- ized and empowered to draw on the Register of the six hundred City for the sum of six hundred dollars, for the pur- priated.* ppt01 pose of finishing and completing said bridge ; provi- Provision. ded that the said Thos. Yates and Thos. M'Elderry, before they draw the said sum of money, give bond, with security to be approved by the Mayor, for the well and faithful laying out and expending the said monies on the said bridge ; and that they will finish and complete the same, and fill up Queen street afore- said, and Pratt street so continued from said bridge to the Market space, so as to render said streets of public utility, and fit to be paved when the general interest of the City shall require it. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That when The bridge de- the said bridge is erected and built, the same shall way? d a high " be forever thereafter a public highway. 206 ORDINAKOES. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That the City Commissioners shall, and they are hereby, directed commissioners and authorized to survey, lay out and open a street streets'! w0 between the said Franklin lane and Jones' Falls in the direction of Pratt street, and of such width as to the City Commissioners shall seem right and proper; and a street between Queen's street and Jones' Falls in such direction and of such width as to the City Commissioners shall seem right and proper ; and the said City Commissioners are hereby To return plats, directed to return a plat ascertaining the extent and limits of the said streets to the Eegister of the City, who shall receive and file the same as part of the plat of the said City ; and the said streets shall ever thereafter be deemed and taken, and they are here- by, established and declared to be public streets of the city of Baltimore, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as fully and amply as if the said streets had been public streets of Baltimore town at the time of its original establishment. Approved February 27th, 1799. No. 17. An ordinance to provide for conveying a stream of water, and for appropriating a sum of money to defray the expense of the same. Preamble. Whereas, it appears by the petition of sundry persons, owners of property on or near Harford street, that they are desirous of improving the same, but are prevented in a great measure by the fre- quent overflowing of a stream of water that passes through a part thereof, which said stream of water they request the privilige of conducting down Har- ford street ; and it being also represented by the Board of Health that if the same was carried into effect, it would have a tendency to promote the health of that part of the City ; therefore, OBDINANCEB. 207 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That it shall, and may be, lawful for John Strieker, Bichard Lawson and Persons appoint- Joseph Townsend to conduct the said stream of water sWstMam. which now runs from Pitt street, under the stone bridge on Dulany street, and from thence to the stone bridge at the causeway down Harford street aforesaid, by a suitable canal or drain not less than ten nor more than fifteen feet in width, to be made through the centre of said street, and to assist in de- fraying the expense of making the said canal or drain ; the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to draw upon the Begister of the City for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, to be applied there- Appropriation. to under the direction and superintendence of the said John Strieker, Bichard Lawson and Joseph Townsend for effecting the purpose aforesaid. 2. Provided, and be it enacted and ordained, That Proviso, before the said John Strieker, Bichard Lawson and Joseph Townsend shall have or derive any license or authority under the provisions of this ordinance, they shall give bond with sufficient security, to be To give bond. approved by the Mayor, to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore for the completing or causing to be completed the said canal or drain, and the erecting a good and sufficient bridge with stone abutments twenty-five feet apart, to be approved by the Mayor, at the intersection of York and Har- ford streets, over the said stream of water when turned, and that nothing shall be done in the execu- tion of the said undertaking that shall intercept or incommode any of the fording places where the said canal or drain shall cross any of the streets of the City in its said progress between the said Pitt street and the stone bridge at the causeway. Approved February 27th, 1799. 208 OBDINANCES. No. 18. An ordinance for regulating the measuring of corn, flax seed, peas, beans, salt and coal imported into the city of Baltimore. 1. Be it en acted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there be appointed Measurers to be two proper and discreet persons, one of whom shall appointed. re side in the eighth ward, to be measurers of all kinds of corn, flax seed, peas, beans, salt and coal imported into or brought into the port and city of Baltimore for sale ; which officers, before they enter on the duty of their offices, shall each take and sub- To make oath, scribe before the Mayor, on oath or affirmation, that he will in all things well and faithfully execute the office of measurer of corn, flax seed, peas, beans, salt and coal within the City and port of Baltimore according to the best of his knowledge and ability, and the directions contained in this act. To provide measures. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That the duty of each of the said officers shall be to provide, at his own cost, a sufficient number of barred half bushel measurers for corn, flax seed, peas and beans, and unbarred half bushel measures for salt, and two bushel tub measures for coal, made of dry, well seasoned white oak, and to have the same compared with and regulated by the public standard measure kept in the City, at least twice in every year that the same may be used ; to employ a sufficient number To employ dep- of able bodied and trusty persons to act as his de- uties. puties in the measuring of all kinds of corn, flax seed, peas, beans, salt and coal which shall be imported and brought into the port and city of Baltimore for sale ; which deputies, before they shall take upon them- selves to measure any corn, flax seed, peas, beans, salt or coal, shall take and subscribe before the Mayor the like oath or affirmation hereinbefore mentioned; that each of the said officers, upon notice given to him that any ship or vessel, wagon or cart, hath imported or brought into the port or city of Balti- more any corn, flax seed, peas, beans, salt or coal, ORDINANCES. 209 and that the same is sold and ready to be delivered to the purchaser, shall send one or more of his Deputies to be deputies within half and hour to measure the same, hour after no-" 1 which deputy or deputies shall well and faithfully tice - measure the same with the measures before men- tioned, and shall forthwith deliver to the seller an ac- Deputies to ae- count of the number of bushels by him measured and toYheseiier^a"* delived, and a duplicate thereof to the buyer, and ^tle^mc^' shall every day on which he shall measure any corn, flax seed, peas, beans, salt or coal return to the said ofBcer aD account of the whole quantity by him measured, with the name of the seller and buyer, and the ship, vessel, wagon or cart from which the same was delivered ; each of the said officers shall Offioers t0 ke keep a fair book, in which he shall register the date '*« books, and names of the sellers and buyers, the quantity and the species of the corn, flax seed, peas, beans, salt and coal measured, which books shall be open for the inspection of the sellers and buyers at any time when they shall have occasion to refer to the same. 3. And be it enaceed and ordained, That each of the said officers, for keeping the said measures and registry, and performing the other duties hereby enjoined, shall be entitled to demand, recover and compensation to receive from the buyers of all kinds of corn, flax offloeis - seed, peas, beans, salt and coal at the rate of ten cents for every hundred bushels thereof bought and sold within the city and port of Bartimore, and no more ; and the deputy measurers aforesaid shall be To deputies, entitled to demand, receive and recover from the sellers of all kinds of corn, flax seed, peas, beans, salt and coal which they or any of them shall meas- ure, by filling and striking the measures at the rate of twenty-five cents for every hundred bushels, and no more. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That before either of the said officers enter upon the duties of their office, they shall each take out a license from To take oath, the Mayor, under the seal of the corporation, for 210 ORDINANCES. which they shall each pay ten dollars, and the same renew annually. Approved March 2d, 1799. No. 19. An Ordinance to fix the salaries of the officers herein mentioned . [Four hundred dollars allowed the superintendent of the streets as a compensation for his services and the half of all penalties recovered upon his infor- mation. And the sum of two hundred dollars to the clerk of the Centre Market for his services for the year 1789.] Approved March 2d, 1799. No. 20. An Ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the City of Baltimore, and to provide for the collec- tion of the same. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and a tax of fifteen City Council of Baltimore, That a tax of fifteen shillings impos- g^ijjjjjo-g CU rrent monev of Maryland shall be, and ed on property. & . . J J ' hereby is, laid and imposed upon every hundred pounds' worth of property within the city of Balti- more, and in the same proportion for any greater or as valued in vir- less sum, as the said property shall have been valued A S e S e°mbiy Actof in virtue of an Act of Assembly entitled, "An Act for "the valuation of real and personal property within this State," passed at November session, in the year seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, and specified in the return or returns of the assessment made by the assessors, as well to the commissioners of the county as to the commissioners of the city of OSDINANOES. 211 Baltimore^ in virtue of the said Act of Assembly, and the said tax shall be paid, collected and received in the manner hereinafter directed. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That there be a collector appointed to collect the tax imposed, who, a collector to be before he enters upon the execution of his office, a PP° intet] - shall take and subscribe the oath or affirmation di- rected by the act of incorporation, and give bond to To give bond, the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, with security to be approved of by the Mayor, for the well and faith- ful execution of the trust reposed in him by this ordinance; and that he will pay monthly to the To make month- Register of the City such sums of money as he shall Iy w m « nt »- receive in the course of collection, and that he will complete the said collection on or before the first day of December next. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said collector shall make out and deliver to each taxable, collector to de- or leave at their last place of abode, or if non-resi- "mmIS"! '° dent, at the property, an account in writing of his said assessment, containing the items in words at length, and the amount thereof, which said account shall be so delivered or left on or before the first day of August next. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That if the said tax is not paid by the first day of September next, that, then and in such case the said collector is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to re- cover the same agreeably to the mode prescribed by Mode of reco T - the act of incorporation ; and he shall have and re- ery ' ceive a commission of six per centum for collecting the same, and the same commission of six per centum commission. for collecting all other taxes of the corporation im- posed by ordinance. 5. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor of the City be authorized to make transfers The Mayor au- J i i < i> /••-■) •! /-i-i n j- thorizedtomake on the book ot assessment ot the said City, and to transfers and ai- allow for insolvencies as the commissioners of thec ^! 01111301 ™ 11 " 212 ORDINANCES. tax for Baltimore Town are authorized to do by the said act of the General Assembly of Maryland, en- titled "An Act for the valuation of real and personal property within tins State," passed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven. 6. And be it enacted and ordained, That the The Mayor em- Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized and empow- FoTone hundred ere ^ to draw on the Register of the City for a sum and twenty doi- no t exceeding one hundred and twenty dollars to lars to procure a ° „ , /• ai x ■ copy of the as- procure a copy oi the returns ot the assessment in cessment. a p] a j n f a j r hand writing, for the use and direction of the collector aforesaid. And the said collector is hereby directed to cause The collector to the said copy to be made in such manner and form direct the form. - . *< „ . , , . , . as to him shail appear right and proper, and in a good and sufficient book to be provided by the Mayor for that purpose. 7. And be it enacted and ordained, That the col- lector of the tax for the year seventeen hundred and ninety-eight shall be entitled to have and receive as a compensation for his service for said year an Additional com- additional commission of one per centum upon the fifteen shillings tax for said year by him collected. Approved March 2d, 1799. No. 21. An ordinance respecting the night watch in the city of Balti- more. [The commissioners of the watch, in conjunction with the Mayor, were authorized to contract for the watching and lighting the City for the ensuing year.] Approved March 2d, 1799. OKDINANCES. 213 No. 22. An ordinance to prevent the erection of wooden buildings within certain limits of the city of Baltimore. ' Wooden bnild- 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the , passing of this ordinance no wooden mansion house, in e s prohibited, shop, warehouse, carriage house, stable, n or any other wooden building,(excepting fire engine houses) shall be erected within that part of the city of Bal- timore which is comprised within the limits herein- Wltnln ceitain after mentioned, to wit : — Beginning at the corner limits, formed by the intersection of the south side of Cam- den street and the east side of Howard street, and running thence north with, and bounding on How- ard street, until it intersects German street ; thence west with German street to Eutaw street ; thence north with Eutaw street to Lexington street ; thence east with Lexington street to Conewaga street; thence eastwardly with Conewaga street to new Church street ; thence with new Church street, east to the limits of the City ; thence eastwardly with the limits of the city to Jones' -falls; thence south with Jones' falls unto the margin of the basin ; thence westwardly with the meanders of the basin unto the east end of Camden street, and thence west with Camden street to the place of beginning. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That if after the passing of this ordinance any person or persons No person to tit i it. -11 j.i_ t j J erect any wood- snall erect and build, or cause to be erected and en building, built, any wooden mansion house, shop, warehouse, carriage house, stable or any other wooden building whatsoever, excepting fire engine houses, upon any lot or parcel of ground within those limits of the city herein above specified, he or they shall forfeit Penalty. and pay to the corporation one hundred dollars, and the further sum of twenty dollars, for each and every month thereafter, until the same be pulled down and removed. And each and every person who shall or may be employed in the building or 214 ORDINANCES. Proviso. erecting of any such wooden mansion house or other Penalty on the wooden building, shall forfeit and pay the sura of one dollar to the corporation, each and every day he may be so employed : Provided nevertheless, that if any person hath before the passing of this ordinance, contracted with any person for the mak- ing and erecting of any such building, and hath provided materials or the principal part of the ma- terials for the same, and shall satisfy the mayor thereof, such person may, under the permission of the mayor, in writing, proceed to the making and erecting of such wooden building, any thing in this ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding. Passed June 11th, 1799. No. 23. Preamble. An ordinance more effectually to diminish the number of dogs in the city of Baltimore. "Whereas the great number of dogs kept in the city of Baltimore has become a public nuisance, and the laws heretofore passed for preventing the evil have been found inadequate to the end pro- posed. Tax. 1. Be it therefore enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That a tax of two dollars be levied and collected annually, on every animal of the male dog kind kept within the city of Baltimore ; and that a tax of three dollars be levied and collected in like manner, on every animal of the female dog kind kept within the said city. Constables to make return. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That it shall be the duty of the city constables of the respective wards, some time in the month of July, yearly, and every year, to. take an account of every animal of OKDINANCES. 215 the dog kind in their respective wards, and return an alphabetical list of the owners' names to the reg- ister of the city. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That the owners or harborers of every animal of the dog 0wner3 10 re _ kind, shall at all times, when thereto required by £"£ ^°S dogs the constable aforesaid, make due return of every such animal by them owned, or which they suffer to remain about their houses, on penalty of forfeit- Penalt y- ing and paying four dollars for every refusal or ne- glect, one half to the informer and the other half for the use of the city. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That all animals of the dog kind kept within the city, shall Dop to wear wear a collar about their necks, with the owners 00 a ™' name at length at all times, on penalty of two dol- Penalty, lars, to be paid by the owner or harborer of said animal, one half to the informer and the other half for the use of the city ; and said animal not having such collar, shall be subject to be killed by any per- son whomsoever. 5. And be it enacted and ordained, That the several city constables at the time of taking the list of dogs as aforesaid, shall demand the aforesaid constable to de- tax of two dollars for each male, and three dollars mandttetax - for each female animal so returned ; and if the said tax is not then paid, or within twenty days there- after, the said constable is hereby authorized and directed to recover the same, agreeably to the mode Mode of reeov- prescribed by the act of incorporation ; and such ery- constable shall have and receive a commission of Commission, twenty-five per centum on all the monies by him re- ceived in virtue of this ordinance, in full compensa- tion for taking the list and collecting and paying over the said money to the register. 6. And be it enacted and ordained, That an or- Former orainan- dinance entitled, " An ordinance to diminish the cea repealet1, number of dogs in the City of Baltimore," passed on 216 ORDINANCES. the seventeenth day of July, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, be andthe same is hereby repealed. Approved June 18th, 1799. No. 24. An ordinance to restrain and prevent horse racing and cock fighting within the city and precincts. Horse racing prohibited. Penalty. 1. Beit enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That no person or per- sons whatsoever shall, within the city of Baltimore, or precincts thereof, enter, start or run any horse, mare or gelding for any plate, prize, sum of money or other thing of value, and in case any person or persons shall, after the passing of this ordinance, enter, start or run any horse, mare of gelding within the said city or precincts, for any plate, prize, sum of money, or other thing of value, each and every such person and each and every owner of every such horse, mare or gelding, knowing and consent- ing to the same, shall severally forfeit and pay to and for the use of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, the sntn of five hundred dollars, for each and every such offence. Coolc fighting prohibited. Penalty. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That after the passing of this ordinance, no match or main of cocks shall be fought within the said city or pre- cincts ; and if any match or main of cocks shall be thereafter fought within the said city or precincts, every person who shall trim, heel, pit or hand any cock so fought, and every owner of any such cock consenting thereto, shall severally forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of twenty dollars, one half to the informer and the other half for the use of the Mayor and City Council of Balti- more. Approved June 18th, 1799, ORDINANCES. 217 No. 24. An ordinance to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned. [Commissioners were appointed to complete the repairs of that part of the road leading from Josiaa Pennington's mill on the east side of Jones' Falls, damaged by a canal cut across by the late special commissioners, and a sum of money not exceeding 100 dollars was appropriated for that purpose.] Approved June 18th, 1799. No. 25. An ordinance directing the appropriation of a sum of money to defray the expenses incurred by the Mayor in his attempt to introduce pure, wholesome water into the city. [The mayor, with the advice and consent of "Wil- liam Patterson and others, the commissioners named in the ordinance to preserve the health of the city, having gone to a considerable expense in his attempt to introduce water into the city, the sum of 1,000 dollars was appropriated to defray the same.] Approved June 18th, 1799. No. 26. An ordinance appropriating a certain sum of money to repair the pavements of the city. [A sum of money not exceeding 500 dollars was appropriated for that purpose.] Approved October 3d, 1799. 218 OEDINANCES. No. 27. An ordinance for the payment of taxes on a lot of ground, ap- propriated for the use of the engine belonging to the Liberty Fire company. 3. Be it enacted and ordained, by the Mayor and Hie X cor P o*a d tion y ^^ Council of Baltimore, That all taxes now a chargable or that may become chargable, upon the lot of ground situate at the intersection of Liberty, Fayette and North streets, conveyed by John Eager Howard to Ephraim Robinson, William Jessop and George Decker, in trust for the Liberty fire company, to erect necessary buildings, for the preservation and safe keeping of their fire engine, be and the same are hereby directed to be paid by the Mayor and city commis- City Council — and that the city commissioners be, on"he S Eegfs r te^ anc ^ they are hereby authorized and empowered to draw on the register of the city, for such sum or sums of money as may be necessary to pay the same. Approved Oct 3rd, 1799. No. 28. An ordinance to prevent carters and others from removing the sand, dirt, earth and gravel from the streets, lanes and alleys of the city of Baltimore. Preamble. Whereas, it is represented to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore that carters and others are in the daily practice of digging, removing and carrying away the dirt, sand, earth and gravel from and out of the unpaved streets, lanes and alleys of the city of Baltimore ; for prevention thereof- — 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the passing and publishing of this ordinance, no carter or other person whomsoever, except the superintend- ent of the streets of the City, for public purposes, OBDINANCES. 2 19 shall dig, remove or carry away from or out of any no dirt to be of the unpaved streets, lanes or alleys of the said un™avld streets. City, any dirt, earth, sand or gravel, without a spe- cial license first had and obtained from the City Commissioners, with the approbation of the Mayor, for that purpose, specifying the time when and place from which the same is to be removed, under the penalty of one dollar for every load of Penalt J'- dirt, earth, sand or gravel so removed, for the use of the City. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That from and after the passing and publishing of this ordinance, no person or persons whomsoever shall make, dig or throw up any ditch, drain, trench, gutter, gully orNoditj*, &c. canal, in, through or across any of the streets, lanes or alleys of the said City, so as to obstruct the pas- sage thereof without a special license and permission for that purpose first had and obtained from the City Commissioners, specifying the time when and place where the same is to be done, under the penalty of Penalt r- ten dollars, and the like sum weekly until the same be removed, or permission obtained as aforesaid, for the use of the City. Approved March 6th, 1800. No. 29. An ordinance to erect footways on each side of the middle bridge on Jones' Falls. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That Baltzer Schseffer, f z e ™ ns c »£»; Thos. Hollingsworth, Adam Fonerden and Michael Diffenderffer be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to contract with some suitable per- son to undertake the building of a substantial foot- way on each side of the middle bridge on Jones' Falls, of sound and firm materials, and the work- manship to be done and executed in a faithful 220 OKDINANOES. Contractor to give bond. manner, so as to preserve the timbers as much as possible from rotting or decaying ; and the said con- tract shall be in writing, expressing the terms of payment, and defining fully the work to be per- formed ; and the said person, before he commences the work, shall give bond, with security to be ap- proved by the Mayor, to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, in the sum of one thousand dollars, for the faithful execution of the said contract, which said bond shall be filed with the Register of the City. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Appropriation. Baltzer Schseffer, Thomas Hollingsworth, Adam Fonerden and Michael Diffenderffer be authorized to draw on the Register of the City for a sum not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars for the finishing and completing the said footways. Approved March 6th, 1800. No. 30. A supplement to the ordinance entitled "An ordinance to erect footways on the middle bridge on Jones' Falls." Appropriation. L Be .j enacted and or d a ined by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That a further sum of money, not exceeeding three hundred dollars, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to the erecting How drawn for. footways to the centre bridge over Jones' Falls, and that the eame be drawn for and applied in the same manner as the first appropriation is directed to be by the ordiu ance to which this is a supplement. Approved Feb. 20, 1801. ORDINANCES. 221 No. 31. An ordinance directing the appropriation of certain sums of public money for the use of the City. [The following sums of money were appropriated by this ordinance, to wit : For deepening and pre- serving the harbor of Baltimore, to be paid out of the money arising from the duty on tonnage of ves- sels and auctioneers of the City, a sum not exceeding 3,000 dollars; for cleaning the streets and removing nuisances a sum of money not exceeding 2,000 dol- lars ; for the health department a stim not exceeding 2,000 dollars ; for extra expenses, a sum not exceed- ing 200 dollars ; for repairing the streets, lanes and alleys a sum not exceeding 1,000 dollars ; for paving the streets, lanes and alleys a sum not exceeding 3,000 dollars ; out of this appropriation the City Commis- sioners are directed to apply the sum of 500 dollars for the paving the inside of the lower Centre market, and the further sum of 100 dollars for the filling up the Fish market space; for the lighting and watch- ing of the City a sum not exceeding 11,000 dollars, and the sum of 300 dollars to the commissioners of the watch for their services in superintending the same.] Approved March 6th, 1800. No. 32. An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the limits of the city of Baltimore, and to provide for the collection of the same. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That a tax of seven shillings and six pence current money of Maryland shall be, and is hereby, laid and imposed upon every Tax imposed, hundred pounds' worth of property within the city of Baltimore, and in proportion for every greater or 222 ORDINANCES. less sum as the said property shall have been valued in virtue of an Act of Assembly entitled "An Act for the valuation of real and personal property within this State," passed at November session, in the year seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, and specified in the return or returns of the assessment made by the assessors, as well to the commissioners of the county as to the commissioners of the city of Balti- more, in virtue of said Act of Assembly ; and the said tax shall be paid, collected and received in the manner hereinafter directed. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That there be collector to be a collector appointed to collect the tax imposed as appointed. aforesaid, who, before he enters upon the execution of his office, shall take and subscribe the oath or affirmation directed by the act of incorporation, and to give bond, give bond to the Mayor and City Council in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, with security to be approved by the Mayor, for the well and faithful execution of the trust reposed in him by this ordi- nance, and that he will pay monthly to the Register of the City such sums of money as he shall receive in the course of collection, and that he will complete the said collection on or before the first day of De- cember next. counts weekly. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said To deliver m- collector shall make out and deliver to each taxable, or leave at their last place of abode, or if non-resi- dent at the property, an account in writing of his said assessment, containing the items in words and at length and figures, and the amount thereof, which said account shall be so left or delivered on or before the first day of August next. Tax 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That if the to be paid said tax is not paid by the first day of September September next next, that, then and in such case the said collector is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to re- cover the same agreeably to the mode prescribed by the act of incorporation ; and he shall have and re- ORDINANCES. 22$ ceive a commission of eight per centum for collect- competition, ing the same, and a commission of six per centum for collecting all other taxes of the corporation im- posed by ordinance. 5. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor of the City be authorized to make transfers Mayor to make on the books of assessment of the said City, and to rans ers ' allow for insolvencies as the commissioners of the tax for Baltimore town are authorized to do by the said act of the General Assembly of Maryland, en- titled "An act for the valuation of real and personal property within this State," passed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven. Approved March 6th, 1800. No. 33. An ordinance for repairing Charles street, on the east side of the Roman Catholic burial ground, and for other purposes thereia mentioned. [The City Commissioners were directed to repair Charles street, on the east side of the Roman Cath- olic burial ground, and the sum of fifty dollars was appropriated for that purpose; they were also di- rected to cause stepping-stones to be fixed across Liberty street, and the sum of 30 dollars was appro- priated for that purpose.] Approved March 6th, 1800. No. 34. An ordinance for the aid and encouragement of fire companies in the city of Baltimore. [The sum of 75 dollars was given for the support of each fire company in the City, provided such company should consist of 30 members at least, and have an engine in good order.] Approved March 6th, 1800. 224 ORDINANCES. No. 35. An ordinance regulating the length of time country wagons and carts may remain placed in the streets, lanes or alleys of the city of Baltimore. Preamble. Whereas, great inconvenience arises from drivers of country wagons and carts leaving their wagons, carts and horses in the streets of the City for an un- reasonable length of time, country wagons 1. Be it enacted and ordained hy the Mayor and fhea°tre e eTtweSOity Council of Baltimore, That from and after the ty-four hours. £ rg ^ (j a y f ]\f a y uext, if any owner or driver of any country wagon or cart shall place any such wagon, cart or horses on any street, lane or alley of this City, and suffer the same therein to remain for a longer time than twenty-four hours, such owner or driver shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of one dollar, and for every twelve hours the said wagon, cart or horses shall continue in any and every of the said streets, lanes and alleys there- after, one dollar for the use of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. Approved March 6th, 1800. No. 36. An ordinance for the more equal assessing and levying the paving tax on the streets, lanes and alleys in the city of Bal- timore. Preamble. Whereas, it is represented by the City Commis- sioners that the present paving tax is unequal in its operation, as the streets, lanes and alleys are of dif- ferent width, and that an average tax on the square foot would be more just ; therefore, 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the passing of this ordinance, the City Commissioners ORDINANCES. 225 are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to assess and levy nine cents on each square foot, (ex- Nine cents for cept the part allotted by ordinance for footways,) iu foot. square all such streets, lanes and alleys as they may here- after direct to be paved ; which said tax shall be levied and collected from the owners of lots on each How collected. side of such street, lane or alley, dividing the said tax equally between the said owners in proportion to the number of feet in front respectively held by thern. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That the City Commissioners are hereby directed to issue their commissioners warrant, under their hands, to the City Collector for ramsT&c!"" the collection of the said tax, who is hereby author- ized and empowered to receive and pay over the same, in like manner as he is now by ordinance di- rected, which shall be applied by said Commissioners to the paving the streets, lanes and alleys aforesaid. Approved March 6th, 1800. No. 37. A supplement to the ordinance entitled "An ordinance to pre- vent the erection of wooden buildings within certain limits of the city of Baltimore." Whereas, doubts have arisen on the construction Preamble. of the second section of the ordinance to which this is a supplement ; for remedy whereof, 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the passing and publishing this ordinance, no person or persons whomsoever shall remove any wooden build- i 1 J'° j) 1 n a the register. Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized, to draw on the Register of the city for the sum of eight hun- dred dollars, which be shall pay over from time to time as he shall think prudent, to John Lee, or any to contract. other person with whom he may contract and agree for the filling up the said streets to such height as shall be deemed sufficient by the City Commissioners, and of which contractor he shall take a bond in the sum of sixteen hundred dollars, with sufficient secu- rity to be approved of by the Mayor, to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, conditioned for the due performance of the said contract, and finishing the same oa or before the last day of May next, and also conditioned for his, the said contractor's paving, or causing to be well and sufficiently paved, the said streets, agreeably to the order and directions of the City Commissioners. Contractor to give bond. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That there be contractor's ai- allowed and paid to the said contractor by the persons holding property on the said streets, nine cents for ORDINANCES. 241 each square foot of pavment, of superficial measure, done and made in the said streets, to lTe collected How to be ooi- in like manner, as other paving taxes collected with- in the city of Baltimore by the said contractor. Approved February 21th, 1801. No. 6. An ordinance authorizing the erection of a lamp in Public alley. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby directed to cause a lamp to be put up A ]a py t0 be 1 ... J. BfCCCGd. in that part of the said alley to the south of Water street which to him shall seem proper ; and that the expense of putting up and maintaining the said corporation to lamp, be defrayed from the funds appropriated for v lat/. watching and lighting the city ; and the said lamp shall be subject to the same regulations as other public lamps in the said city. Approved February 26th, 1801. No. 7. An ordinance respecting the building and repairing bridges in the first ward. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That a new bridge a new brjdga with stone butments eighteen feet long and the t0 be erected - average thickness of two feet, with good sleepers, covered with plank not less than three inches thick, shall be built in Lee street over the water course in Howard street, and that a sum of money not ex- ceeding one hundred and forty dollars be appropri- Appropriation, ated towards erecting the said bridge and filling up 242 ORDINANCES. the ditch in Howard street to within five feet of the sleepers of said bridge. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That a farther sum of twenty dollars be appropriated for the re- Bridge to be re- pair of the bridge in Camden street, over the said paired. water course in Howard street — and for the repair of the bridge in Montgomery street, over the said water course. on register. 3. And be it enacted and ordained That the Mayor to draw Mayor may draw upon the Register of the city for the sums of money aforesaid, to be paid to George Warner, or such other person as the Mayor in his discretion may appoint, to be by him applied as di- rected by this ordinance. Approved February 26th, 1801. No. 8. An ordinance for the safe keeping of gunpowder within the city of Baltimore, and the precincts thereof. Preamble. Whereas, it appears that the inhabitants of the city of Baltimore are often liable to danger from the large quantities of gunpowder stored within the said city ; therefore, 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and No powder to be City Council of Baltimore, That no person or per or pre'eincta. 01 y sons whomsoever, shall keep or have in his, her or their possession, in any house, building or cellar within the limits of the said city or precincts there- over the quan-of, any quantity of gunpowder exceeding two quar- ter casks, (which shall be well secured in four tin canisters, each of which to contain not more than fourteen pounds weight) except in the public maga- zine, used for the reception of the same, under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and every cask, tity of two quarter casks Except in the new powder magazine. Penalty. ORDINANCES. 243 one half to the informer and the other half for the use of the city. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any gunpowder, so deposited as aforesaid in the maga- zine aforesaid, be intended for exportation, it shall p ° 1 ? der »>'end- ,,,.'.. , , . " . ' . ed for exporta- not be delivered on board of the ship or vessel in- Hon not to be tended to export the same (over and above the wMktiie a ves- quantity of two quarter casks as aforesaid,) whilst ™£*jj at any the said ship or vessel remains at any wharf within the city aforesaid or precincts thereof, or within two hundred yards of the same, but shall be conveyed TobeconTeye(J from the said magazine well covered up and secured from the „ ma &- ., .. ~ r azme, well secu- witn a sail, canvas or cloth over the powder ; nor red, &o. shall it be lawful for any boat or other vessel, used as aforesaid in the carriage and embarkation of gun- powder aforesaid, on and after the first day of May next, to lay at any wharf within the said city or no boat to lie precincts thereof, or within one hundred yards wbust^eiYrer- thereof (except at the wharf erected at the public in s powder, magazine aforesaid) with the said powder on board, Except tbe under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and J" 1 magazine. every cask, for either and every of the said offences, Penalty . one half to the informer and the other half for the use of the city. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That allAiipowderover gunpowder brought to the said city for sale or de- ^^brought posit, over and above two quarter casks as aforesaid to the city to be if brought by land, shall be deposited in the public magazine. 111 magazine in twelve hours thereafter, and if brought in any ship or other vessel, in forty-eight hours after breaking bulk; and that no ship or other vessel Vessels bring- (ships of war only excepted) bringing or importing a n o g e?taTn qu°n"- any gunpowder into the port or harbor of Balti-py o °° t h t n £|' r " er more, (over and above the quantity actually neces- the city than aoo sary for her own consumption) shall approach, lay, yar< anchor or moor nearer to any part of the said city than two hundred yards, or when so moored, shall not discharge, land or deliver the same, on and after Not to discharge the first day of May next, (except as before excepted) any place but at at any other place within the said city or precincts maglz\ne. atthe 244 ORDINANCES. thereof, than at the wharf at the magazine aforesaid, Penalty. under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and every cask so discharged, landed or delivered as aforesaid, one half to the informer and the other half for the use of the city. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That no per- son or persons shall carry or convey in any boat, wagon, dray or other carriage, or in any other man- ner whatever, any quantity of gunpowder in or through the city or precincts of Baltimore until the same shall be first secured in a good bag or bags, or be covered with a sheet, sail or other cloth, under and around it so as effectually to prevent the same from scattering or sifting out, under the penalty of ten dollars for every cask or barrel, one half to the informer and the other half for the use of the city. 5. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor or jusiice Mayor, or any Justice of the Peace for the county may h f9sSe a setrch °f Baltimore, is hereby authorized, as often as he warrants. shall be informed upon oath of probable cause to suspect any person or persons whomsoever, of con- cealing or keeping within the said city or precincts thereof, any quantity of gunpowder, over and above two quarter casks as aforesaid, to issue a search warrant to examine into the truth of such allega- tion or suspicion, and search any place whatever therein. 6. And be it enacted and ordained, That a super- supenntendent • . j . i jy i . i • F 1 to be appointed, intenaent or keeper ot such magazine be appointed, Duty. whose duty it shall be to attend the said magazine every day (Sundays excepted) from the hours of ten in the morning until four o'clock in the afternoon, and receive all gunpowder delivered to be stored in the said magazine, and give a receipt for the same, mentioning the marks thereof. 7. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said superintendent or keeper of the said magazine shall storage. receive the following storage for all gunpowder de- ORDINANCES. 245 livered at the said magazine, to wit : for every bar- rel twelve cents per month, for every half barrel ten cents per month, and for every quarter cask eight cents per month. 8. And be it enacted and ordained, That all gun-malE'tured powder manufactured within the state of Maryland in this state to remaining the property of the manufacturer, and payhalf8tcrage stored within the said magazine, shall only pay half the storage in the proportions above mentioned. 9. And be it enacted and ordained, That it shall be the duty of the superintendent, hereafter to be appointed, to collect the storage on all gunpowder Superintendent stored in the said magazine ; and in cate the said a ge° powder so stored as aforesaid shall remain in the said magazine for twelve months and upwards on which the said storage shall not have been paid on demand made, the Mayor may, after giving public notice for Powdermay be that purpose, sell the same or such parts thereof at ^ t0 p"? stor - public sale as in his judgment may be sufficient to discharge the amount thereof. 10. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said superintendent shall enter in a book to be s intendent provided for that purpose, the quantity of all gun- to keep a book. powder stored in the said magazine, and by whom stored, and shall on receiving the same, credit the person storing the said powder with the quantity thereof, and when delivered shall charge the same, To make regu- and so in like manner for all transfers ; and shall transfers! 8 an once in every three months make returns to the To account Mayor, on oath, of all powder stored in the said mo " magazine, and of all monies received by him on ac- count of storage, and pay the same to the Register of the said City ; and it shall be the duty of the said superintendent, once in every month at least, to To turn powder cause all the powder in the magazine aforesaid to montniy- be turned upside down. 11. And be it enacted and ordained, That the superintendent said superintendent or keeper shall be answerable 1°^^ ' ' 246 ORDINANCES. and accountable to the owners of all gunpowder so stored for the same, unless injured or destroyed from any providential or unavoidable accident. 12. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said superintendent or keeper of the said magazine shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, To giro bond. g| ve bond with sufficient security, to be approved of by the Mayor, to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, in the sum of two thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of all and every duty directed and required by this ordinance, and shall take the several oaths or affirmations prescribed by law to be taken and subscribed. 12. A.nd be it enacted and ordained, That the said superintendent shall have and receive for the first compensation, year the sum of four hundred dollars as a compen- sation for his services. 14. And be it enacted and ordained, That upon Not to sen spir-the said superintendent's taking out any license for ltuous liquors. , , S • • • r t the sale ot any wine or spirituous liquor, or any tavern license, or license for any kind of entertain- ment or amusement, or shall sell or permit to be sold any cider, beer, perry, mead, or other drink at the said lot of ground purchased for the said powder Penalty. magazine, he shall be, and he is hereby, declared to be removed from his office. 15. And be it enacted and ordained, That the commissioners heretofore appointed by an ordinance entitled "An ordinance for the building of a powder magazine," be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowdered, in conjunction with the Mayor, to wharf to b» build and erect a wharf at or near the said powder magazine, of such size and dimensions as shall, in their opinion, be sufficient for the purposes of re- ceiving and delivering gunpowder at and from the said magazine ; and also to build and erect a brick House for su- building on the lot of ground whereon the said Se ereSted e . nt t0 magazine is erected, for the reception of the super- ORDINANCES. 247 intendent aforesaid, of such size and dimensions as shall in their judgment he sufficient for that pur- pose ; and shall also erect a good and substantial board fence around the said magazine ; and the said commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered to draw on the Register of the City for a sum not Appropriation, exceeding twelve hundred doliars to defray the ex- penses thereof. Approved February 27th, 1801. No. 9. An ordinance to prohibit the firing, shooting or discharging any gun, pistol or fire-arms within the city of Baltimore. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and , City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the publication of this ordinance if any person or per- sons shall wilfully and needlessly, in any case, fire, No gun, &c. to shoot or discharge any gun, pistol or fire-arms within * n e t he 8 city. sed the City, every such person for every such offence shall forfeit and pay five dollars, one half to the Penalty, informer and the other half for the use of the cor- poration. Approved February 27th, 1801. No. 10. An ordinance appropriating a further sum of money for finish- ing and completing the footways on the upper bridge over Jones' Falls. 1 . Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there be appropri- ated to the finishing and completing the footways Foot-way» to be of the upper bridge on Jones' Falls the sum of one ^ d p ; iation hundred and fifty dollars, and that Vvm. C. dold- 248 OBDINANCEB. smith and George Lightner be, and they are hereby, authorized to draw on the Kegister of the City for the same, for the purposes aforesaid. Approved March 5th, 1801. No. 11. An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the city of Baltimore, for the year 1801. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and Tax- City Council of Baltimore, That a tax of fifteen shillings be imposed and levied on every hundred pounds worth of property within the city of Balti- more, returned and mentioned in the lists of assess- ment by the several assessors heretofore taken and returned into the Kegister's office, pursuant to the former ordinances of this corporation, and also upon such other property as shall be taken and in- cluded in lists thereof, pursuant to the further pro- visions of this ordinance. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That there Assessors to be be three assessors appointed to assess in manner as is hereinafter provided, all the property within the said city subject to assessment by the laws of this Districts. state within the following districts, to wit : From Calvert street to the westward of the city, inclusive, for the first district; from Calvert street eastward to Jones' Falls, inclusive, for the second district; and from Jones' Falls eastward to Harris's Creek, inclu- sive, as the third district ; which is not included, valued or assessed in any of the said lists, which said additional assessment shall be done and execu- ted in manner as hath been heretofore directed by the ordinances of this corporation. And the said compensation, assessors shall have and receive as a compensation a sum not exceeding, for the first district, fifty dol- lars, for the second district forty dollars, and for the ORDINANCES. 249 third district sixty dollars, to be paid by the Regis- ter of the city for their services for performing the duties required by this ordinance. 3. And be it enacted and ordained That the col- S^VSe lection of the said tax, the manner of making trans- ton&hUte&h~ fers of the property included in any of the said lists ordinance. of assessment, and all and every matter or thing re- lating to the said tax, shall be done and executed in like manner as hath been heretofore provided by an ordinance, entitled " An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the limits of the city of Baltimore, and to provide for the collection of the same," passed the sixth day of March, eighteen hundred, except where it is other- wise provided by the provisions of this ordinance. Approved March 5th, 1801. No. 12. An ordinance to continue the several ordinances therein men- tioned. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the ordinance en- titled "An ordinance empowering the Mayor of the An ordinance i^ pi empowering tne city of Baltimore, to grant licenses tor the purposes mayor to grant therein mentioned," passed the sixth day of May, hcenses - seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, be and is here- by continued until the first day of March, eighteen hundred and four. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That the ordi- nance entitled "An ordinance directing the manner An^dmance of collecting fines not exceeding one dollar," accru- manner of coi- ing in virtue of ordinances of the corporation of the ecting city of Baltimore, passed on the sixth day of May, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, be and the same is hereby revived and continued in force until the first day of March, eighteen hundred and four. missioners. 250 ORDINANCES. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That such p ? rt of the or- parts of the ordinance entitled "An ordinance to pohucit/com- appoint City Commissioners," passed the tenth day of April, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, which are not repealed by an ordinance entitled "An ordi- nance for the appointment of a superintendent for the cleaning the streets, lanes and alleys in the city of Baltimore," passed the nineteenth day of March, seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, be, and the same is hereby, revived and continued until the first day of March, eighteen hundred and two. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That an ordi- ad ordinance to nance entitled "An ordinance to appoint City Con- constTbie"/ stables for the purpose of detecting offences against the several ordinances of the corporation of the city of Baltimore," passed the twenty-sixth day of Feb- ruary, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, be, and the same is hereby, revived and continued until the first day of March, eighteen hundred and two. Approved March 5th, 1801. No. 13. An ordinance to enlarge the powers of the City Commissioners. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the City Commis- commissioners sioners shall have power and authority to hire, by to hire persons, .11 i-ii , &c. the day, overseers, pavers and laborers, to pave any of the streets, lanes and alleys within the City, or contract with any person to perform the same, as to them shall seem proper. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Commissioners be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to advance to any person with whom May advance , r „ , J • c e , i money. they may contract tor the paving ot any of the streets, lanes and^alleys within the City such sums of ORDINANCES. 251 money from time to time as they in their discretion shall think proper to enable the said contractor to carry on the work by him undertaken, and for this purpose shall draw on the Register of the City for May draw on the said sums in favor of the said contractor ; pro- T ^'" teT - vided always, that before any such sum of money ProTis °- shall be so advanced, the said Commissioners shall take a bond to the Mayor and City Council of Bal- timore, with good and sufficient security, conditioned for the full and faithful performance of the contract on which the said money is advanced. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Commissioners shall in their discretion pave any ofniscretionary the lanes or alleys within the City, in such manner, pcwers *' ven ' and with or without kerbstones, as to them shall seem proper; provided the said lane or alley be not of Proviso, greater width than twenty-five feet, anything in the several ordinances of this corporation to the contrary notwithstanding. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That any one One commision- of the City Commissioners may, during the ensuing priwiegetotake eight months, grant any person privilege in writing streVtsT&c*! 6 to take dirt out of the public grounds for the pur- pose of filling up nuisances, provided such order be approved by the Mayor. Approved March 7th, 1801. No. 14. An ordinance for building a City Hall for the city of Baltimore. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That Zebulon Hollings- worth, Nicholas Eogers, Richard Lawson, Elias Ellicott and James M'Cannon shall be commissioners commissioners for the purpose of erecting, under the control and mSt* city haii. with the approbation of the Mayor, a city hall in 252 ORDINANCES. the city of Baltimore, and of purchasing a proper lot or parcel of ground for the same, which, when purchased, shall be conveyed in due form of law to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and their successors ; and the said commissioners, or a majority of them, under the control aforesaid, are hereby em- powered to contract for materials, and to agree with workmen to build and finish the said city hall, which, when completed, shall be appropriated by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to such purposes as may from time to time be deemed expedient. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That one-half Half the i5s. part of the amount of the fifteen shillings tax im- ^axappiopna p 0ge( j an( j } ev i e( j on t Qe assessable property of the City be appropriated to the defraying of the costs, charges and expenses of building and erecting the said city hall, and of purchasing the said lot of to be applied ground, which said part of said tax shall be annually annually. applied as aforesaid until the requisite money be paid towards the completing of the said city hall and the purchasing said lot of ground. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That in case any of the said commissioners shall refuse to act, incase of death shall resign, die or remove out the City, or be inca- vacancy! up pable in the opinion of the Mayor to act, the Mayor shall fill up such vacancy. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Commissioners aforesaid, before they proceed to the execution of the trust herein committed to them, t C o S™e iS bo nd. ra sha11 S ive bond t0 the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, with such security and in such sum of money as shall be approved by the Mayor, condi- tioned for the faithful performance of the several duties prescribed by this ordinance. 5. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Commissioners, or a majority of them, shall be, and To borrow m o- t ne y are hereby, empowered to borrow, from time to time, upon the credit of the tax herein appro- ORDINANCES. ■ 253 priated, such sum or sums of money, as they with the approbation of the Mayor, may conceive to be necessary, at an interest not exceeding six per centum per annum, to be applied by them to the erecting of said City Hall, and the purchasing of said lot of ground. 6. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Commissioners, with the approbation of the Mayor, shall be, and they are hereby, empowered to procure To procure a forthwith a suitable house, for the accommodation for'th^reaent. of the City Council, and for the office of the Mayor and Register, until the said City Hall be completed. Approved March 7th, 1801. No. 15. An ordinance for the more effectual filling up of Charles street from Pratt street to Barre street. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the City Commis- commissioners sioners, with the approbation of the Mayor, be, and ney fOT°the m pur- they are hereby, empowered to receive and accept p 08 ^!^"' 8 upon loan a sum of money not exceeding five hub- street, dred dollars, to be by them applied to the filling up the said street to such height or level, as they may judge the said part of the street ought to be raised, for the end or purpose of paving ; which said sum of money shall be repaid by the corporation of the city of Baltimore, at or before the year eighteen to be repaid in hundred and three, to the person or persons who shall or may loan the same. Approved March 9th, 1801. 254 obmnakces. No. 16. An ordinance for the better collection of fines and forfeitures at the several markets. 1. Be it enacted and brdained by the Mayor and cierks entitled City Council of Baltimore, That the clerks of the to half fines. gai j mar k e t 8 s h a ll henceforth be entitled to one half part of all the fines and forfeitures, which may be recovered by their several informations, under the several ordinances for regulating the markets. Approved March 9th, 1801. No. 17. An ordinance to appoint two Superintendents of the streets in the city of Baltimore, and for other purposes therein expressed. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there be two Su- superintendent perintendents of the Streets, one for the east, and to be appointed, the other for the west side of Jones' Falls, annually Their duty. appointed, whose duty it shall be, under the direc- tion of the Mayor, to remove or cause to be removed, the dirt, filth and manure found in any of the streets, lanes and alleys within the city of Baltimore, to convenient places, and there to sell and dispose of the same in such manner, and upon such terms, as the Mayor shall consider most for the advantage of the corporation. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That each of the said Superintendents be, and they are hereby, superintendents authorized to grant to any person or persons apply- to grant permis- ing for the same, permission to remove any of the dirt, &o. em ' dirt, filth or manure, from any of the streets, lanes Except Bam- or alleys within the city, except Baltimore street more street, &c eas t f Howard street, the market space, at the Centre market, and north Howard street. ORMNAKCES. 255 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That each of the said Superintendents, in his respective district, shall have fall right, power and authority, under the direction of the Mayor and the Commissioners of Health, to prevent and remove all nuisances 10 rem ° ve nu >- which may endanger the health of the city ; and to prevent and remove all other nuisances, under the control of the Mayor, in manner as has been heretofore or shall be hereafter provided by the or- dinances of this corporation. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That it shall be the duty of the said Superintendents to notice and report to the Mayor all breaches of the ordi- £° tt " P ma t or em nances of this corporation, which shall come to his &c. or their knowledge, and to which they shall dili- gently attend and enquire, and shall conform to and execute all orders which they shall receive from the Mayor or the said Commissioners of Health, conformable to any of the ordinances of this corpo- ration. 5. And be it enacted and ordained, That each of the said Superintendents shall once in each and every month, render to the Mayor a particular ac-^^y"' count of all monies by him received in the exercise of his office, and shall pay over the same to the Eegister of the City. 6. And be it enacted and ordained, That before either of the said Superintendents shall enter upon the trusts and duties required of him by this or any other of the ordinances of the corporation, he shall take the following oath or affirmation : I, A. B. do °* th - swear or affirm, that I will faithfully discharge the duties required of me, as Superintendent of the Streets, to the best of my knowledge and ability, without favor or affection ; and shall also give bond to give bond, in the sum of one thousand dollars, with security to be approved of by the Mayor, to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, conditioned for the faithful performance of his said trusts and duties. 256 ORDINANCES. 7. And be it enacted and ordained, That each of the said Superintendents shall have and receive as compensation, a compensation for his services, the sum of four hundred dollars yearly, to be computed from the time of his appointment; and moreover shall be entitled to receive, to his own use, one half of the fines and penalties imposed by the several ordinances of this corporation, which may be recovered upon his information. 8. And be it enacted and ordained, That the or- Former ordi- dinance entitled " An ordinance for the appoint- nance repealed. ment f a Superintendent for cleaning the streets, lanes and alleys in the city of Baltimore," and so much of the ordinance " to remove nuisances within the city of Baltimore," as permits the City Com- missioners to contract with any person for the removal of the dirt and filth in the said streets, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved March 10th, 1801. No. 18. An ordinance to regulate party walls and partition fences. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That where party walls or partition fences have been or hereafter shall be erected, in a good and , substantial manner, by any person or persons within the city, any person or persons who shall hereafter make use of, or derive advantage from such party wall or partition fence, Half vaine to be shall pay the original proprietor or proprietors one p &id - half part of the value of such party wall or parti- tion fence, at the time he or they shall make use Proviso. thereof, or derive advantage therefrom ; Provided, That no person shall have power under this ordi- nance to demand more than one half the expense of a nine inch brick wall for any building not ex- ORDINANCES. 257 ceeding two stories high, nor more than one half the expense of any fourteen inch brick wall for any other building whatever ; and provided also, that the cost of any fence shall not exceed three dollars for every ten feet of running measure. Approved March 10th, 1801. No. 19. An ordinance directing the appropriation of certain sums of public money for the year eigteen hundred and one. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there be appropri- ated to the deepening and preserving the harbor of For deepening Baltimore, to be paid out of the money arising theharbor - from the duty on tonnage of vessels and auctioneers of the city, the sum of six thousand dollars, to be laid out and expended in such manner as the Mayor of the city shall direct. To the cleaning of the streets, and removing of cleaning the nuisances, a sum not exceeding seven thousand dol- 8treets - lars. To the Health Officer, a salary of eleven hundred Health officer. dollars, for the ensuing twelve months, commencing the first instant. To the Health Department a sum not exceeding Health depart- three thousand dollars. For extra expenses, a sum not exceeding two Extra expenses. hundred dollars. For repairing the paved streets, lanes and alleys, Repairing paved a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars. streets, & c . 258 ORDINANCES. Market space in jr or filling up and graveling Market street, in the eighth ward, agreeably to an ordinance directing the same, a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars. For paving streets, &c. For paving the streets, lanes and alleys, a sum not exceeding six thousand dollars. For watching For lighting and watching the city, a sum not and lighting the exceeding twelve thousand dollars. Forcommis- For the Commissioners of the "Watch, the sum of sinners of the . 7 <■ •, i 1 1 1 watch. three hundred dollars. For pumps. For repairing the public pumps in the first and seventh- wards, the additional sum of fifty dollars each. For the hospital And for building a wash house and other necessary improvements for the hospital, a sum not exceeding eight hundred dollars. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That the ™ a reg r istef raw Mayor may, from time to time, draw on the Register of the city to the amount of the aforesaid several appropriations, for their respective purposes, who is hereby directed to lay before the City Council, a full and particular account of the expenditures of said money, with the vouchers thereof. Approved March 19th, 1801. No. 20. Preamble. An ordinance to pave Market street in the eighth ward. Whereas, the owners of the property on each side of the unpaved part of Market street in the eighth ward are desirous to pave the same, but have been prevented therefrom on account of the great expense OEDINANCES. 259 that would attend it, owing to the uncommon width of the said street ; and, whereas, the paving of the said street would remove a great nuisance, and con- duce to the health of the city ; therefore, 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the City Commis- sioners be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to divide the said Market street into three Market street to parts, two of which, consisting of thirty feet each, e ° " e shall be paved by the individuals owning property To be paved, thereon, and the centre of the said street/of forty- centre to be eight feet, the City Commissioners shall fill up ands raveled - gravel from Lancaster street to Fleet street, at the expense of the corporation, by the tenth day of June next ; provided the warrant for paving the proviso, said street shall be signed by the said Commissioners by that day. ' 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That so much of an ordinance entitled "An ordinance for the im- Part of a former provementof Market street in the eighth ward,"°S. ncere_ as prohibits the paving of Aliceanna street be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Approved March 19th, 1801. Np. 21. A resolve respecting Lazarettos. Whereas, by an act of Congress passed on the twen- Preamble, ty-fifth day of February, in the year seventeen hun- dred and ninety- nine, it was among other things enacted, " That there shall be purchased or erected, under the orders of the President of the United States, suitable warehouses, with wharves and en- closures where goods and merchandise may be un- laden and deposited from any vessel which shall be subject to a quarantine or other restraints, pursuant 260 Resolve. OBDINANCES. to the health laws of any State as aforesaid, at such convenient place or places therein as the safety of the public revenue and the observance of such health laws may require;" and, whereas, the quarantine and health laws of the city of Baltimore do require that suitable warehouses with wharves and enclos- ures be purchased or erected where goods and mer- chandise may be unladen and deposited from any vessel which shall or may be subject to a quarantine, pursuant to the health laws of the said city ; there- fore, 1. Resolved, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, requested to make application to the proper depart- ment of the general government for the purchasing or erecting suitable warehouses with the requisite wharves and enclosures at some convenient place or places near the port of Baltimore where goods and merchandise may be unladen and deposited accord- ing to the ordinances of this corporation, and to the true intent and meaning of the aforementioned pro- vision of the said act of Congress. Approved March 19th, 1801. No. 22. An ordinance for the due performence of quarantine at the port of Baltimore. Preamble. Whereas, it is found necessary in cities, particu- larly in seaports, to establish such laws and regula- tions as may tend to preserve the health of the inhabitants; and, whereas, it is of the utmost im- portance to the commerce of this State that the health, welfare and prosperity of this city be pre- served, and that the introduction and spreading of contagious diseases be prevented ; therefore, 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and Health officers City Council of Baltimore, That the health officer ^visit vessel., ghallj aud ig hereby! directed to visit all vessels ORDINANCES. 261 coming from beyond the seas, or other suspected places, judged to be so by the Mayor, yearly and every year from the last of March to the first of November, and where it shall appear to him neces- sary, detain the same at the quarantine ground under T° detain them the regulations hereinafter mentioned. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That all frlm 6 ind£?£?. vessels coming from either of the Indies, the coasts ^£^1™. of Africa and South America, or any port or place in the Mediterranean, or the seas or waters connected with the same to the eastward of the straits of Gibraltar, including all and every other port or place on the western side of Spain as far as Cape St. Vin- cent, from the first of May to the first of November, shall perform a quarantine of three days, during which time the health officer shall be compelled to pay them a visit daily, wind and weather permitting, and if at the last visit a further detention be neces- Further deten- sary, he shall oblige the same to continue theirry." quarantine, not exceeding ten days ; and in all such cases the health officer shall give a certificate to the certificate to t>« master or captain of the vessel, signed with his IZt*.™ *" name, expressing the number of days the said veesel is to ride quarantine ; and the health officer is hereby enjoined to pay another visit to the said vessel before the expiration of her quarantine, and if necessary continue the same any number of days not exceeding five days for each quarantine. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That if the master or other person having charge or command ^f 1 * 3 '™' *<=• of any vessel bound to the port of Baltimore, hav- any sSLiyTuce ing on board any person or persons disordered with ^""without any contagious disease, or coming from any sickly permission, port or place, without a clear bill of health, shall bring his vessel, or suffer or permit the same to be brought nearer to the port of Baltimore than the quarantine ground, or shall land or bring on shore, or cause or suffer to be landed or brought on shore, any such infected persons, or any part or parcel of their goods or effects, or any other goods, until he 262 ORDINANCES. Penalty. has obtained a license or permit so to do from the health-officer or his assistant, such master or other person having charge of such vessel, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, the sum of three hundred dollars for the use of the corporation. Master, &c. to give true ac- count of his vessel. Penalty. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any master or other person having the command of any vessel at the time of inquiry by the aforesaid health officer or his assistant, shall have on board any per- son infected as aforesaid, and shall knowingly con- ceal the same, or shall not make a just and true dis- covery to the health officer or his assistant, of the sickly and disordered state of all and every person on board, from the time the said vessel departed from the port or place from whence she last sailed to the time of said inquiry, and of all other partic- ulars necessary for the health officer or his assistant to know respecting the premises, such master or other person having the command of such vessel, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, the sum of three hundred dollars, for the use of the "Corpo- ration. 5. And be it enacted and ordained, That from and after the first day of April, to the first day of pilot, &c. to November, yearly, and every year, any pilot or any come to, at the L , ' J . ■". ,, •> •> ' - •> Jr •>. quarantine other person having the command of any vessel ground. whatsoever, coming from any foreign port or place, and all other vessels coming from suspected places, judged to be so by the Mayor of the city, shall bring such vessel to at the quarantine ground, and if any pilot or any other person having command as afore- said, shall bring such vessel nearer the city than the above mentioned place (which shall be at least a Not to leave the mile below the fort) or he or any other person on board shall leave such vessel before the health officer hath been on board and given him or them permis- sion in writing, he or they shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, the sum of one hundred dollars, for the use of the corporation. Or if any person shall go on board or have communication in any vessel before visited by a health officer. Penalty. ORDINANCES. 263 manner with such vessel, before he hath obtained No person to go permission from the health officer in writing, he ™t P °eTmislion. shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, two hun- Penaltv dred dollars, the one half to the informer, and the other to the use of the corporation ; and be compelled to remain on board during the quarantine, under the same restrictions with the crew. 6. And be it enacted and ordained, That during the time any vessel is ordered to perform quarantine, no person to it shall not be lawful for any person on board to^hlfeperhJS! 1 leave such vessel without permission from the health in e quarantine. officer in writiug; and eveiy person so offending shall forfeit and pay three hundred dollars, the one penalty. half to the informer, the other to the use of the cor- poration. Or if any person shall go on board such no person to g0 ■ onboard while ing vessel while performing quarantine, before he hath perform! obtained permission from the health officer in writ- quarantine - iiii»/i. i i t Tin i without permis- ing, he shall forfeit three hundred dollars, the onesion. half to the informer, the other to the use of the cor- Penalt y- poration, and be compelled to remain on board un- der the same restrictions with the crew. 7. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any pilot shall have knowledge that there is on board pn t having any vessel that he undertakes to pilot, any person ^k^rs™™* sick with the plague, or any other contagious dis- boutf not to ^ ease, (and it is hereby declared to be his duty to make quarantine due enquiry thereof) and shall pilot such vessel a- ground - bove the quarantine ground, he shall forfeit andpay penal| . y for the use of the corporation five hundred dollars. 8. And be it enacted and ordained, That no pilot Not to leave the shall leave a vessel which he hath piloted, and which EJ^SS hath been ordered to perform quarantine, unless he ; u h n e le ^ 3 =° t0 return immediately to the capes in prosecution of his business. And if any pilot thus leaving a vessel shall come into the city without permission in writ- ing of the health officer, in less than fifteen days from the time he hath left such vessel, he shall for- penalty, feit three hundred dollars, for the nse of the corpo- ration. 264 OBDINANCES. 9. And be it enacted and ordained, That no ves- vesseis loaded 8 el arriving from the West India Islands, or other Tb'e to'damage" parts, in the months of June, July, August, Septem- toport C e«ept" Der and 0ctober > loaded with coffee or other articles with permisiion ii aD ] e t damage or putrefaction, shall come up into port, but such cargoes shall be landed and aired, or discharged into other vessels while remaining in the river, or in the bite within and as near to Love's Point as may be consistent with safety, except es- pecial permission is granted unto such vessel to come into port by the Mayor with the approbation of the commissioners of health, (in consequence of no cir- cumstance appearing whereby the health of the city may be thereby endangered) and every master or owner of any vessel loaded as aforesaid, offending Penalty. against the provisions of this clause, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence five hundred dollars, for the use of the corporation. 10. And be it enacted and ordained, That all ves- vessels coming sels arriving from the ports or places enumerated to°d? 8 Jhfrge & °" m the second enacting clause of this ordinance, their cargoes at shall discharge their cargoes and ballast at the quar- the quarantine j . i ° » .i j ii_ gr.und. antine ground, in houses tor the purpose, under the inspection of the health officer, and such officers as they may appoint from the .Custom House, (who shall be compelled to remain on the spot,) before they be permitted to be brought to the City ; and the ship, &c. to be s ^ip and wearing apparel of every person on board, cleansed. be well cleansed and ventilated before they can obtain a permit from the health officer to come to Proviso. the City. Provided, that nothing in this section contained, shall effect such vessels until the Presi- dent of the United States, in conformity to an act of congress passed on the twenty -fifth day of Feb- ruary, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, shall order the erection of warehouses, wharves and in- closures for the reception of goods and merchandise imported in such vessels. 11. And be it enacted and ordained, That all such persons as may arrive in a sickly or disordered state ORDINANCES. 265 shall be sent to the hospital, or such lazaretto as f ic b k e 1 f e P e t r to"he may be provided for them, (which shall be as near hospital; &c. the quarantine ground as possible) and the board of Board of health health are hereby empowered to furnish such assist- cnawiei ance as they may stand in need of, and supply beds, bed clothes, provisions and such other articles as may be found absolutely necessary for the accom- modation of the sick. 12. And be it enacted and ordained, That all disordered persons arriving in such vessels, who Dsord <» e 'i p<>«- may be admitted into the hospital or lazaretto and the Hospital. ve leave the same before having obtained permission from the attending physician in writing, and sball come into the City, shall forfeit fifty dollars, for the Penalty, use of the corporation. 13. And be it enacted and ordained, That when any vessel shall arrive that has to perform quaran- tine, the letter bag; shall be transmitted to the Post Lett « b *s '° h » ' .__,. o _ „ . , , sent to the Poit Office by the Health Orhcer, in such manner as the office. Board of Health may direct. Approved March 19th, 1801. No. 23. An ordinance to preserve the health of the city of Baltimore, and to appoint Commissioners of Health. 1. Beit enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That five persons, two Commi8sion „ 8 of whom at least shall reside eastward of Jones' to be appointed Falls, be annually appointed Commissioners of Health, whose duty it shall be, together with the Duty . Mayor, jointly and severally, to watch over the health of the city and to carry into effect the pro- visions in this ordinance enjoined upon them. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That the 266 ORDINANCES. week, &c. Commissioners of Health, immediately after their SntolSS' appointment, shall assemble and divide the city 'into five districts, alloting one district for each Commissioner of Health, a copy of which proceed- ing shall be filed in the Register's office, and when- ever a change or alteration shall be made by them in such allotment a copy thereof shall be filed as aforesaid. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That the commissioner! Commissioners of Health shall meet as a board, at to meet every . ' least once a week at such place as a majority ot . them shall appoint in the months of April) May, June, July, August, September and October, for the purpose of communicating and receiving all possible information relative to the health of the City, and to advise and consult with each other, respecting the preservation of the same, and to perform .the duties hereinafter mentioned, and to adopt such further regulations and measures in discharging the trust confided to them as may appear reasonable and proper. And each and every practising physician within the city is hereby invited and requested at all convenient times to give information of the state of the health of the city to the Commissioners of Health, and aid and assist them with their counsel and advice in all matters that relate to the preservation of the health of the inhabitants and the prevention of contagious diseases. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of each and every Commissioner of Health, to cause to be removed from the streets, lanes, alleys, wharves and docks,- within the district allotted him, all offen- sive substances or nuisances which in his opinion may have a tendency to endanger the health of the citi- zens, and the Superintendents of the Streets and the several City Constables shall, and they are hereby, directed to obey without delay, all orders that shall or may be given them, or either of them, by any of the said Commissioners of Health, respect- ing the removing such nuisances. Physicians in- vited to attend. To assist with their advice. Nuisances to be removed. Superintend- ents to obey their orders. ORDINANCES. 267 5. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Commissioners of Health, collectively, and each and every Commissioner of Health within his dis- trict, shall have full power and authority to enter Powei . s . upon any lots, grounds or possessions of any person or persons, bodies corporate and politic, and inspect into the condition of the same as far as respects the health of the city — and if the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of the premises on which any occupiers. &c, • i_n i_j? ipij. i .to remove nui- nuisance shall or may be tound 01 whatsoever descnp- sances. tion, which in the judgment of a Commissioner of Health may endanger the health of the city, shall on due notice being given by a Commissioner of Health in writing, refuse to have the same forth- with filled up, corrected or removed, as may be directed in such notice, he, she or they, so refusing Penalty for ne- irloct or refusal or neglecting, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars, for the use of the corporation, and the further sum of five dollars for every day the said nuisance shall remain thereafter contrary to the said notice, and shall moreover defray and pay the expenses incurred in case such nuisance shall be filled up, corrected or removed by any person em- ployed under the authority and by the direction of a Commissioner of Health, and each and every of the City Constables is hereby directed and required gjty r c ° e n ^ r e 5 s to serve without delay, any orders or precepts that shall or may be given them by any of the said Commissioners of Health. 6. And be it enacted and ordained, That when, and as often as the said commissioners of health, or commissioners any of them, shall have cause to suspect a nuisance "^fX'ny dangerous to the health of the city exists in any house, house, cellar or inclosure shut up from public view, they, or any one of them, may demand entry therein in the day time for the purpose of examining the same, and if the owner or occupier thereof shall refuse or dejay to open the same and to admit a free examination, he shall forfeit and pay for every such ^"y '° r re - refusal the sum of twenty dollars, for the use of the corporation. 268 ORDINANCES. fected persons to be removed, &c. •xcept by phy- sicians, &c. 7. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Baid Commissioners commission ers of health, or any three or more of may order in- , , , , , . ,. ' i , • i them, shall have full power and authority to order by their precept in writing any person afflicted with any contagious disease dangerous to the community, to be removed 1o the hospital or to some retired place at the cost of the patient or at the public charge, if not provided for with sufficient accommo- ..... dations suitable for persons afflicted with such dis- May prohibit r , . any intercourse ease, or the said commissioners may prohibit all kind of communication with the infected house or family, except by means of physicians, nurses or messengers, or other persons, to convey the necessary advice, medicines and provisions to the afflicted, as the circumstances of the case shall render the one or the other mode, in their judgment, most conducive to the good of the city, with the least private injury; and every person knowingly violating the said pro- hibited intercourse, or obstructing or resisting any of the said commissioners in the performance of any of the said duties, shall forfeit and pay for the use of the corporation the sum of twenty dollars for each and every offence ; and each and every of the said commissioners shall have full power and authority to appoint a suitable person or persons, at reasonable wages, to remove as aforesaid all persons afflicted with a contagious disease, and shall have full pow- er and authority to give an order for the reception of any person into the public hospital afflicted with a contagious disease dangerous to the community, whoshall apply for the same. Penalty for re- sisting. May appoint persons to re- move infected persons. May employ a physician. May provide medicine, &c. 8. And be it enacted and ordained, That the commissioners of health, or a majority of them, shall have full power and authority to appoint and employ an attending physician to the hospital, with the ap- probation of the Mayor, and nurses, as circumstances may at any time render necessary, and to provide medicine, meats, drinks, bedding and all other arti- cles which may be requisite for the domfort and accommodation of the sick at the cost of the patient or at the public charge, as the case may require, and to contract with and appoint a suitable person to ORDINANCES. 269 superintend said hospital, and to establish such rules Establish rules and regulations for the government of the said hos- p&l" the hos " pital as to them may appear proper and necessary. 9. And be it enacted and ordained, That whenever the said commissioners shall discover that a conta- Advise the in- gious disease exists in the city, they shall advertise move*"' 9 '° ™" the citizens thereof, and caution them against having communication with the infected neighborhood ; and in case such contagious disease shall appear to pro- gress and threaten to become general, the said com- missioners, by and witli the advice and consent of the Mayor, may advise the inhabitants to remove, and to rent or cause to be erected houses or tents S?thTrece?- M for the reception of poor persons who may not be tion ot tlie P° or able to remove themselves, and to provide such of them as have not the means of subsisting themselves with the real necessaries of life at the public charge, and to employ any messengers, assistants or servants to aid them in the discharge of their dnty. 10. And be it enacted and ordained, That when- ever the Mayor shall receive a report from the board of health, or other well grounded information that any contagious disease rages in any place on the continent with which the citizens of Baltimore may have communication, the Mayor may, and he is hereby, authorized to issue a proclamation forbidding Mayor may is- the entrance of all persons or things coming by land s i u o e n P roclama - or water from such infected place unto the city, or within three miles thereof, and the citizens from, having any communication for at least fifteen days from the time of their departure from such infect ed place ; but the Mayor may, and he is hereby, authorized, with the concurrence of a majority of the commissioners of health, to make such May make ex _ exceptions to the general prohibition by permitting geSeraTproWb- the entrance of such persons or things as may to ition. them appear safe and prudent, whom he may direct previous to such entrance to be examined by a phy- sician or physicians to be appointed by the Mayor with the advice of the said commissioners of health 270 ORDINANCES. Penalty on per- for that purpose; and every person willingly and again°stp°ocia? knowingly offending against the direction of the mation. g^ proclamation shall forfeit and pay the sum of three hundred dollars, one-half to the informer and the other half to the use of the corporation. Damaged Cof- fee, &C-, pro- hibited. Penalty. 1 1. And be it enacted and ordained, That the Mayor, the Health officer, and each and every Commissioner of Health, are hereby required, authorized and empowered to prohibit the landing or bringing into the city or precincts, by land or water, any damaged coffee, damaged hides, or other damaged or infected articles, which in his or their judgment may endanger the health of the inhab- itants, and every person willingly and knowingly landing or bringing into the city or precincts any of the said articles, whether contrary to or without any prohibition aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of three hundred dol- lars, one half to the informer and the other half to the use of the corporation. to be removed. 12. And be it enacted and ordained, That when- commissioners ever the said Commissioners of Health, or either of aged coffee, I™.", them, shall find within the city or precincts any damaged coffee, damaged hides or other damaged or infected article which in their judgment may endanger the health of the inhabitants, they, or either of them, shall order the same by their pre- cept in writing, to be removed therefrom to any distance not exceeding three miles, and if the per- son or persons owning or having charge of such articles shall not comply with such order within six hours thereafter, every person so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars for every such neglect or refusal, and the sum of twenty dollars for every hour the same shall thereafter so remain, for the use of the corporation. 13. And be it enacted and ordained, That all necessary expenses incurred by the said Commis- sioners of Health in the discharge of the duties Penalty for re- fusal. OBDINANCES. 27 1 herein required, shall be defrayed by the corpora- corporation to tion, and the Commissioners of Health or a majority sea! a ! of them, may with the consent of the Mayor, draw commissioners i -r% • pi • p • ■ e ma y draw on on the liegister ot the city, -from time to time, tor the register. such sums as may be requisite to carry into effect the duties herein enjoined upon them ; and they shall quarter yearly, or whenever thereto required, To renderac-^ lay a detailed state of their accounts before the iy. un ^ s qUM l Mayor, and annually before the City Cruncil ; and they may appoint a clerk, and allow him a reason- £J* r y k emp,oy * able compensation for his services, who shall keep fair minutes of their proceedings. 14. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said Commissioners of Health shall each have and compensation, receive an annual salary of four hundred dollars. 15. And be it enacted and ordained, That if at any time any of the said Commissioners of Health ^ mo f °rff ited shall remove out of the city, so as to neglect his duty, such Commissioner's salary shall be forfeited, and his office shall become vacant. 16. And be it enacted and ordained, That an ■ ordinance entitled " An oidinance to preserve the *°™°* e 0I ^{ ei health of the city, and to prevent the introduction na "° """ "" of contagious diseases into the same," passed on the twenty-sixth day of February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Approved March 20th, 1801. No. 24. A.11 ordinance to prevent and remove pent houses and other obstructions in and over .the streets, lanes and alleys of the city of Baltimore. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That if any person or 272 ORDINANCES. N o pent house to be erected. Penilty. persons whomsoever, shall, after the publication of this ordinance, set up any pent house, shed or wooden awning in any of the streets, lanes or alleys of the said city, every" person so offending shall for- feit and pay the sum of five dollars, for the use of the corporation, and one dollar for each and every day the same shall so remain thereafter. Commissioners to order the re- moval of pent houses, &c. Penalty on re- fusal. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That the City Commissioners shall, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered forthwith to order the removal of every pent house, shed or wooden awn- ing, from any of the streets, lanes or alleys of the said city; and incase any person shall refuse or neglect to comply with such order, every person so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dol- lars, for the use of the corporation, and one dollar for each and every day the same shall so remain thereafter. Approved March 20th, 1801. No. 25. An ordinance to keep in repair the public wharves and docks of the city of Baltimore. Preamble. Whereas, many individuals have been at consider- able expense in making and improving the public wharves in the city of Baltimore, and a revenue is derived to the city from the wharfage thereof; and whereas, it is but just and reasonable that the same or so much thereof as may be necessary, should be appropriated to the keeping the said wharves in repair and in improving the streets and cleaning the docks thereof — therefore, 1. Be it enacted and ordained -by the Mayor and Application of City Council of Baltimore, That all monies arising in|ftom wharf- to the city from the wharfage aforesaid, for the a & e - ensuing year, be, and are hereby, specifically appro- OBDINANCES. 273 priated to the improvement of tbe particular •wharves and docks from which -the 6ame may be collected. 2. And be it further enacted and ordained, That the Mayor shall appoint one or. more Commissioners commissioners to each of the public wharves within the city, whose £ J^SSaE} 8 * duty it shall be to superintend and direct the appli- m° ne y> *c. cation of the monies so arising as aforesaid, to the improvement of the streets, and cleaning of the docks of the particular wharf which they may be appointed to superintend. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That this or- dinance shall be and continue for one year. Approved March 21st, 1801. No. 26. An ordinance to encourage the introduction and use of broad wheels. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That from and after the publication of this ordinance, all wagons and carts the felloes of whose wheels shall be of the breadth Broad wheel or gauge of four inches from side to side, at the TmpUrom'tne*" least, shall be exempted from the payment of the J a J™|°J a ° f * c e tax imposed on wagons and carts by the Act of speci " Assembly passed at November session, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two, entitled " An act for the more effectual paving the streets of Balti- more town, in Baltimore county, and for other pur- poses," and shall also be entitled to receive from the Mayor a license agreeably to the ordinance entitled "An ordinance to regulate wagoners, carters, porters, draymen, watermen, hackney coaches, stages and other carriages for hire within the city of Bal- timore," without any expense whatever, except the To be licensed numbering their wagon or cart agreeably to the freeof expen,e ' said ordinance. 274 ORDINANCES. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That all wag- ons and carts the felloes of whose wheels are of a less Narrow wheel width or gauge than four inches from side to side, uoeMed. e and which by the aforesaid Act of Assemby are liable to pay five pounds for passing on or over any of the paved parts of the city, shall be exempted from the payment of the said fine or penalty, on the owners obtaining annually from the Mayor a license for that purpose, for which a wagon shall Tax for license, pay ten dollars, and a cart five dollars, which license shall be for one year from its date, and no longer, And whereas, doubts have arisen whether by the aforesaid Act of Assembly, carts drawn by two horses are subject to the penalties therein mentioned, 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That carts Sot more!han y drawn by n °t more than two horses or mules, are two horses not not considered as liable to the said penalties, but liable to penalty thatin aU licenses hereafter to be granted by the Mayor, for narrow wheeled carts under the afore- said ordinance, to regulate wagoners, carters &c. License to ex- the license shall express whether for a one horse berf&c. e num " cart or a two horse cart, and if for a two horse cart the owner shall pay an additional sum of one dollar over and above the two dollars mentioned in the said ordinance. Approved March 21st, 1801. No. 27. An ordinance respecting nuisances. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That if any person or No person to persons shall cast, place or lay, or cause to be cast, SSTtofo™ 1 " P la ced or laid, any rubbish, oyster shells, filth, sha- rtreete'sc. vin S s ' stable manure or the offals of his, her or their trade, business, or occupation, in any of the streets , ORDINANCES. 275 lanes or alleys of the city of Baltimore (unless the same be placed or laid in front of his or their lot, and removed on the same day) he, she or they so offending, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of one dollar, for the use of the corporation, Penalty, and the further some of one dollar for each and every day the same shall be suffered to remain, for the use of the corporation. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any person or persons shall cast, place or throw down any rubbish from buildings, cellars or back yards, Penalty on per- fire wood, coal, barrels, hogsheads, boxes or other Jabbishfrom 117 packages of goods, wares or merchandise, or anyJ^^V^-' empty boxes, barrels or hogsheads in any street, lane h °s 8b i eads > &c -> or alley of the said city, and shall not remove the&c. same on the same day oo which any of the above enumerated articles may have been placed as afore- said, every such person so offending shall forfeit and pay one dollar, for the use of the corporation, and the further sum of one dollar for each and every day the same shall be suffered so to remain, for the use of the corporation, except the article of fire wood, which may remain for forty- eight hours on such street, lane or alley, and no longer. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any person or persons shall in any manner whatsoever, incommode, incumber or obstruct any of the foot- Penalty on per- ways of the streets, lanes or alleys of the said city, lie foo°way C «, mg or the gutters thereof, except in the immediate act &c - of moving and removing goods, wares or merchan- dise, or other things in the way of their trade or business, or for the use of their families, (excepting Exception, flour and spiritous liquors, and such other articles as are to be inspected or gauged under the ordinan- ces of this corporation ; such articles however, to be arranged on the pavement so as not to obstruct the passage of said footways,) from the stone pavement to his, her or their house, store, cellar or back yard, or from his, her or their house, store, cellar or back 276 0EDINAN0E8. yard, to the stone pavement, every person or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar, for the use of the corporation. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any person or persons Persons build- employed in building or repairing any house, houses ing or repairing z , . ° j ° ii_ • j i i? may occupy or tenements, to use and occupy one-third part ot OTeltnTrdfpSof an y street, lane or alley of the said city clear of the any street, &c. footways in front of any lot on which such building is erecting, or repair making, with the materials necessarily used in making such buildings or repairs, until the same be covered or repaired, and thirty days thereafter and no longer, under penalty of for- feiting one dollar for each and every day the same shall be suffered so to remain thereafter, for the use of the corporation ; also to use and occupy one-third part of such street, lane or alley in front of such Also with pias- lot with plastering mortar and other materials neces- sary for plastering such house or building for sixty days and no longer, under penalty of one dollar for each and every day the same shall be suffered so to remain thereafter, for the use of the corporation. 5. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any Penalty on per- person or persons shall cast, discharge, throw or lngfoui ornlus- cause to flow into any of the streets, lanes or alleys the'itreets'&c. °^ *ke sa ^ c ^ v or precincts, any foul >or nauseous liquor, or offensive matter, or shall keep, collect, use or suffer to remain on his, her or their premises any such nauseous liquor or offensive matter so as to annoy any of the inhabitants thereof, he, she or they so offending shall forfeit and pay for each and every such offence five dollars, and the further sum of five dollars for each and every day the same shall so re- main thereafter, for the use of the corporation. 6. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any Hogs to be kept person or persons shall at any time between the first the S clty7rom the day of June and the first day of November next, the i s fSf i Nov- and between the fi rst da y of April and the first day ember. of November, in each and every year thereafter, keep ORDINANCES. 277 any hog or hogs within the city in a sty, he, she or they shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars, and the further sum of five dollars for each and every day such hog or hogs shall thereafter be so kept. 7. And be it enacted and ordained, That from the first of November to the first of April, if any Persons keeping person or persons having a hog or hogs in a sty, shall from 'the nt'of keep the same in such manner that the stench and aT'iJtofi.prii filth thereof shall become offensive to and annoy to keep their . , , , , , , J stys free from any neighbor or other person, the person or persons stench and filth. so keeping his, her or their hog or hogs as aforesaid shall forfeit and pay for every such offence one dol- Penalty, lar, and the further sum of one dollar for each and every day the same shall be suffered so to remain, for the use of the corporation. 8. And be it enacted and ordained, That no per- son or persons shall cast, carry, draw out or suffer to lay any dead horse, or other dead carcase, or any no person to excrement or filth from vaults, privies or necessary my^I&cS 1 houses in any part of the said city, precincts or ^?. . fcc t^° J?" harbor of Baltimore, except the same be buried in or precincts, such manner as effectually to prevent any offensive smell, under a penalty of twenty dollars for each penalty. and every such offence, together with the expense of removing the same, for the use of the corpora- tion. 9. And be it enacted and ordained, That the owner or owners of every cart, wagon or other car- cans, &c, car- i j • . • j rvingr sand, &c. nage employed in removing or carrying any sand, through the city dirt, gravel, loam, earth, manure, filth, stone, bricks ^ e d> we11 se ' or coal over any of the streets, lanes or alleys in said city, shall have and keep the same in such tight and secnre condition as that such sand, dirt, gravel, loam, earth, manure, filth, stone, bricks or coal shall not be scattered, or suffered to fall on any of the streets, lanes or alleys aforesaid, under the penalty of one Penalty. dollar, for the use of the corporation ; and if any cart or other carriage employed as aforesaid shall 278 OEDINANCBB. superintendents by either of the superintendents of the streets be See'ftatmru,' adjudged unfit for such employment, the said super- ^ a aiewellse -intendent shall give notice thereof to the owner or owners, or to the driver ; and if any such cart, wagon or other carriage shall be thereafter so em- ployed without being duly repaired, the owner or owners shall forfeit and pay for the use of the corporation the sum of one dollar for each and every day such cart, wagon or other carriage shall be so employed. 10. And be it enacted and ordained, That the City Commissioners shall employ one or more per- Hogs, &c, run- sons to seize and take all hogs, goats and geese found the eity toIe ,n at large within the said city, and the same to sell and seized and sold. dj S p 0Se f a t public sale for the use of the corpora- tion. 11. And be it enacted and ordained, That in order to promote cleanliness in the houses and back yards of the citizens, and to preserve the health of the Mayor author- citv, the Mayor is hereby authorized and empowered ized tn employ . " i ' .. ii * a suitable per- to employ one or more suitable person or persons, kj?ch enmt c h v , e ea ch with a horse and cart, from the first of May to &c - the first of November, as a scavinger or scavingers to pass through the city and call at every dwelling house at least twice a week, giving notice of his ap- proach by a hand bell ; and the inhabitants shall have the privilege to cast into the said scavinger's cart, the house dirt they have collected, which shall consist of the sweepings of their houses and the offals of their kitchens only, to be by the scavenger con- veyed away to some remote place. 12. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any Goods, sec, ex- person or persons shall set or place any goods, wares £oTto project or merchandise, by way of exposing them to sale, in che r s e from the in " anv street » l ane or alley in this city, to project more side of any than twelve inches from the wall of his, her or their house or store, every such person shall pay a fine of ORDINANCES. 279 one dollar, for the use of the corporation, Provided, Proviso, that this clause shall not extend to, or interfere with any regulation in the ordinances concerning the markets, nor extend to goods sold at public auction. Approved May 4th, 1801. No. 28. A supplement to the ordinance to appoint city commissioners. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the City Commis- sioners be, and they are hereby, authorized and em- powered to erect, set up, or place a rope, chain or city commia- bar in or across any of the streets, lanes or alleys of fzeTtopia'ieT the city which they may be about to pave, amend ^y ■ , ^ t * c £ , c 8 .' or repair for such time as they may think necessary ; t^y are about ' and that if any person or persons shall throw down, remove or obstruct such rope, chain or bar, every such person shall forfeit and pay for every such of- Penalty for re- fence, the sum of ten dollars, for the use of the cor- S!" 8 poration. Approved May 4th, 1801. No. 29. An ordinance to [grant permission to certain persons, to ex- tend their lots from Wilk's street and Bond street, into the water. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the proprietors of Proprietors may the several lots of ground on that part of Wilk's exten street, that lies between Harford street and Caro- line street, have privilege to extend their several lots southward, as far as the south side of Aliceanna street — and that the proprietors of the several lots of 280 ORDINANCES. ground on that part of Bond street, that lies be- tween Aliceanna street and Lancaster street, have privilege to extend their several lots westward, as far as the west side of Eden street— which said lots so extended shall be the sole right and absolute property of the present proprietors of said lots: Proviso. Provided nevertheless, That the said proprietors shall be obliged to fill up said lots to such height as the city commissioners may direct. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That it shall be the duty of the commissioners of health, imme- diately to examine said lots, and direct the propri- etors thereof to fill up such parts as may be by them Nuisances to be considered a nuisance, allowing a reasonable time removed. f or t ^ e completion of the same, as in case of other in case of ne- nuisances. And if the said proprietors shall refuse com m °ssion , e s A 1 ' or neglect to comply with such order, the commis- of health to re. doners of health may proceed to fill up said nui- move ' sance at the expense of the proprietors : Provided, proviso. That all the streets, lanes and alleys, ranging with the several extended streets, lanes and alleys, shall be the property of the public, and not the property of said proprietors. Approved May 4th, 1801. No. 30. An ordinance to compensate James Long for the use of his house by the City Council. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That there be allowed Two hundred to James Long, for the occupation of his house by jame" Long ;or the City Council, to the first day of May, eighteen housT" * h " h ur, dred aQ d one, the sum of two hundred dollars; and that the Register of the city pay the said Long, the sum of money above mentioned, out of any un- appropriated money in the treasury of the city. Approved May 4th, 1801. ORDINANCES. 281 No. 31. An ordinance to regulate the sale of bread. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That it shall be the duty of every baker or other person or persons em- ployed at any time in the making and baking of bread of any kind for sale in the city of Baltimore, and they are hereby directed to mark or stamp on Bread to be every loaf of bread of every description whatsoever, stamped ' &0 " (rolls not exceeding four ounces in weight, rusks, Exception, cakes and biscuits excepted,) the surname of such baker or other person at full length, and that all such bread as aforesaid, shall be made into loaves of the following weights, to wit : into loaves weigh- Weight, &o. ing one pound eight ounces, or into loaves weighing three pounds weight and no others. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any baker or other person shall sell or offer for sale penalty for seii- within the city of Baltimore, any bread of any other £f$£ ad under description than is mentioned and contained in this ordinance, or shall sell or offer to sell any loaf of bread which shall weigh less when cold, than it is sold or intended to be sold for, every such person so offending shall forfeit and pay ten cents for every such offence, one half to the informer and the other half for the use of the city. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That if any baker or other person or persons employed in making any kind of bread for sale within the City of Baltimore, shall adulterate or mix any improper penalty for or unwholesome ingredient in the flour whereof^u"]^!" 8 such bread is made, every such person shall forfeit and pay twenty dollars, one half to the informer and the other half for the use of the city. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and Commencement, after the first day of May next. Approved March 10th, 1802. 282 ORDINANCES. No. 32. An ordinance granting permission to Samuel Chase to extend his ground herein described, into the basin. [By this ordinance permission was granted to Mr. Chase to extend his ground lying between the west side of Jones' Falls, and one hundred and sixty feet from the east side of the Market space, for the breadth of 180 feet, from the limits of the Port "Warden's line, as far into the basin as the south side of Lee street — the said S. Chase filling up above ordinary high water mark, and leaving open oppo- site to the end of Fleet street on Fell's Point, 60 feet as a public street or highway forever — and con- veying to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, 40 feet in length by 50 feet in breadth, at the south end of Concord street, as a public wharf, &c. &c] Approved March 23d, 1802. No. 33. An ordinance granting permission to Thomas McElderry to extend his ground herein described, into the basin. [By this ordinance permission was granted to Thomas McElderry to extend his ground lying between Concord street and McElderry street for the width thereof, as far into the basin as a straight line drawn from the southwest corner of the present wharf of the said T. McElderry, adjoining Market street dock, shall strike the intersection of the west side of the line' of Concord street, with the south side of Lee street and no further. A street to be left open opposite Fleet street, sixty teet wide, and McElderry street to be filled up above ordinary high water mark, of the breadth of 40 feet from its northern extremity to the south end thereof.] Approved March 23d, 1802. ORDINANCES. 283 No. 34. An ordinance for laying out and deepening a channel in the basin of Baltimore. [By this ordinance a channel was to be staked off, for the north side thereof, " Beginning at the dis- tance of 130 feet south from the intersection of Pratt street, and the line of the east side of Light street and Forrest street, thence running east wardly until it intersects the east side of the line of Mar- ket space, at the distance of 480 feet southwardly therefrom. And for the south side thereof, to begin at the distance of 200 feet from the north side at the east line of Light and Forrest streets, and run in a parallel line with the north side of the channel, until it intersects the line of the west side of Fred- erick Street dock." To be deepened by the mud machine, first on the north and then on the 60uth side, so as for its entire lenth to admit a draught of water of ten feet.] Approved March 23d, 1802. No. 35. An ordinance for the more equal division of the city of Balti- more into wards. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the city of Balti- ^* •^.J 1 * more be divided into the following eight wards, to Swards. 6 wit : the first ward to comprise all that part of the The first ward. City westward of Forrest street and Sharp street, to the limits of the City. The second ward to comprise all that part of the The second City from the limits aforesaid, eastward to Charles ward- street till it intersects Pratt street, thence down Pratt street to the basin, thence with the meanders of the basin southwardly and westwardly with the limits of the City to Sharp street. 284 ORDINANCES. The third ward. The third ward to comprise all that part of the City from the limits last aforesaid, as follows, to wit : to commence at the intersection of Charles street and Pratt street and thence down Pratt street to the basin, thence with the meanders of the basin to Calvert street, thence with Calvert street to Lovely lane, thence with Lovely lane to South street, thence with South street to Baltimore street, thence across Baltimore street to North lane, thence with North lane to the limits of the City, and thence with the limits of the City to Charles street. ward fourth ^e fourth ward to comprise all that part of the City from the limits last aforesaid, beginning at Calvert street dock, thence with the meanders of the basin to Smith's dock, thence across Pratt street to Spear's alley, thence with Spear's alley to "Water street, thence along Water street westward to Ex- change alley, thence with Exchange alley to Second street, thence across Second street to Tripolet's alley, thence with Tripolet's alley to Baltimore street, thence with Baltimore street to Gay street, thence with Gay street to Jones' Falls, and thence with Jones' Falls and the limits of the City to North lane. The fifth ward. The fifth ward to comprise all that part of the city from the limits last aforesaid, beginning at Smith's dock, and running thence with the meanders of the Basin to M'Elderry's dock, thence with M'El- derry's dock and the centre Market space to Balti- more street, thence crossing Baltimore street to Har- rison street, thence with Harrison street to Gay street it intersects Jones' Falls. The sixth ward. The sixth ward to comprise all that part of the city from the limits last aforesaid, beginning at M'Elderry's dock, and running thence with the meanders of the Basin to Jones' Falls, thence with Jones' Falls to Philpot's Bridge, thence crossing Jones' Falls and running along Baltimore street ex- tended, and York street to Harford street, and thence ORDINANCES. 285 crossing Harford street, and continuing along Du- laney street eastward to the limits of the city, and thence with the limits of the city to Jones' Falls, thence with the said Falls to Gay street. The seventh ward to comprise all that part of the The seventh city from the limits last aforesaid, beginning at Phil- pot's Bridge, and running thence with the Falls to the Basin, thence with the meanders of the Basin to Alliceanna street, thence with Alliceanna street to the limits of the city, and thence with the limits of the city to Dulaney street. The eighth ward to comprise all the rest of the The eighth city, to the south of Alliceanna street to the limits ward " thereof. 2. (Appointing places for holding elections, re- pealed by the second section of an ordinance re- specting the election of the Mayor and the Oity Council of Baltimore, passed the eighteenth of March, 1807.) 3. (Authorizing judges to adjourn, repealed by the same.) 4. (This section contains a temporary provision for the commencement of the ordinance, &c.) Approved March 29th, 1802. No. 36. A supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordinance for li- censing and regulating auctions within the city of Baltimore, and the precincts thereof." 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and Oity Council of Baltimore, That every auctioneer Duties .™ s sales licensed under the ordinance to which this is a sup- a plement, shall out of the monies arising from each 286 ORDINANCES. and every sale at auction, return and pay to the Register, for the use of the city, at the rate of one hundred cents for every hundred dollars on the amount of all sales made by him or them, and shall once in every three months, on oath or affirmation, account for and pay the same to the Eegister for the use of the city. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That so much Kepeaiofpartof f the ordinance to which this is a supplement, as is an ordinance. 1 . . . i 1 . r i repugnant to and inconsistent with this supplement, be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, that this sup- This ordinance pi em en t shall, and is hereby declared to commence to commenco. an( j ^ j n f u n f orce an( j operation on and after the first day of July next, and not before. Approved June 4th, 1802. No. 37. An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the city of Baltimore, for the year eighteen hundred and two, and to provide for the collection of the same. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and Tax of fifteen City Council of Baltimore, That a tax of fifteen uid. Unss t0 be shillings current money of Maryland, shall be and hereby is laid and imposed upon every hundred pounds worth of property within the city of Bal- timore, and in the same proportion for every greater or less sum as the said property shall have been valued in virtue of an act of assembly, entitled an act for the valuation of the real and personal prop- erty within the State, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, and specified in the return or returns of the assessment made by the assessors as well to the commissioners of the county, as to the commissioners of the city of Bal- timore, in virtue of the said act of assembly, and ORDINANCES. 287 also in virtue of an ordinance, entitled an ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the city of Baltimore, for the year eighteen hundred and one, passed March the fifth, eighteen hundred and one, and the said tax shall be paid, collected and received in the manner hereinafter directed. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That the col- lector heretofore appointed, be and he is hereby au- thorized and appointed to collect the tax hereby im- posed, who before he enters upon the execution of his office, shall take and subscribe the oath or affirm- ation directed by the act of incorporation, and give collector to give bond to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, bond > &c - in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars with secu- rity to be approved by the Mayor, for the well and faithful execution of the trust reposed in him by this ordinance ; and that he will pay monthly to the Register of the city such sums of money as he shall receive in the course of collection, and that he will complete the said collection on or before the first day of January next. 3. And be it enacted and ordained, That the said collector shall make out and deliver to each taxable, collector to de- or leave at his or their last place of abode, or if non- j™^"™' 3 resident, at the property, an account in writing of the said assessment, containing the items in words at length, and the amount thereof, which said ac- count shall be so delivered or left on or before the first day of August next. 4. And be it enacted and ordained, That if the said tax is not paid by the first day of September Tax t o be paid next, that then and in such case the said collector is j> J p *^ r * of hereby authorized and directed to proceed to recover the same agreeably to the mode prescribed by the act of incorporation ; and that he shall have and re- ceive a commission of six per centum for collecting the same. 288 OBDINANCES. 5. And be it enacted and ordained, That the May- Mayor to make or of the city be authorized to make transfers on the book or books of assessment of the said city, and to allow for insolvencies as the commissioners of the tax for the city of Baltimore are authorized to do by the said act of the general assembly of Maryland, entitled " an act for the valuation of real and personal property in this State," passed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety- seven. Approved June 4th, 1802. A LIST OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE, From 1797 to 1802, Inclusive. An ordinance to continue the several officers therein mentioned in the exercise of the powers heretofore granted to them by the Commissioners of Balti- more town, and Port Wardens, until the Corpora- tion shall take further orders therein. — Page 17. An ordinance to appoint persons to take into pos- session and safe keeping the records, papers, pro- ceedings, monies and accounts of the corporation of the city of Baltimore. Page 17. An ordinance to provide a seal for the city of Bal- timore. Page 19. An ordinance to compel the attendance of absent members of the City Council. Page 19. An ordinance to establish a register and treasury department. Page 21. An ordinance to appoint a person to collect all ar- rearages of taxes, fines, forfeitures, and tavern and other licenses, now due and owing to the corporation of the city of Baltimore. Page 24. An ordinance to restrain gaming, and to license and regulate theatrical and other public exhibitions within the city and precincts of Baltimore. Page 25. IKDEX. An ordinance directing the manner of filling np va- cancies in the first branch of the City Council and the electors of the Mayor and second branch of the City Council, and directing the returns of elections for the city of Baltimore. Page 28. An ordinance for the inspection of salted provisions, imported into and exported from the city of Bal- timore. Page 30. An ordinance respecting the night watch and lamps in the city of Baltimore. Page 37. An ordinance to preserve the health of the city, and to prevent the introduction of pestilential and other infectious diseases into the same. Page 38. An ordinance to regulate the riding and driving of horses and carriages through the city of Baltimore. Page 44. An ordinance to prevent the exportation of flour not merchantable, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Page 47. An ordinance to appoint city commissioners. Page 54-. An ordinance to prevent and remove nuisances in the city of Baltimore, and within the precincts thereof, and to provide an uniform mode for cleaning the streets, lanes and alleys within the said city. Page 58. An ordinance to regulate the several markets with- in the city of Baltimore. Page 64. An ordinance to regulate the cording of fire-wood within the city of Baltimore. Page 71. An ordinance to prepare a scheme of a lottery, to raise a sum of money for the use of the city of Baltimore. Page 74. IMDEX. An ordinance to erect and regulate pumps in the streets, lanes and alleys of the city of Baltimore. Page 75. An ordinance to regulate the selling of lime in the city of Baltimore. Page 76. An ordinance respecting the upper and middle bridges on Jones' Falls, in the city of Baltimore. Page 77. An ordinance to preserve the navigation of the har- bor of Baltimore, and to provide for the exercise of the powers heretofore vested in the port war- dens by the Act of Assembly. Page 80. An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and per- sonal property within the city of Baltimore, and to provide for the collection of the same. Page 85. An ordinance to regulate the measurement of grain and other articles, in the city of Baltimore. Page 89. An ordinance directing the manner of collecting and appropriating the money levied for paviDg the streets, lanes and alleys in the city of Balti- more. Page 90. An ordinance directing the appropriation of cer- tain sums of public money, for the use of the city of Baltimore. Page 91. An ordinance to ascertain the several taxes in the city of Baltimore, and to direct the manner of collecting the same. Page 92. An ordinance imposing a tax on the City seal, and regulating the fees of the register's office. Page 94. An ordinance for the payment of the journal of accounts. Page 94. INDEX. An ordinance fixing the salary and compensation of the officers of the city of Baltimore, for the pres- ent year, and for payment of the same. Page 95. An ordinance directing the manner of collecting fines not exceeding one dollar, accruing in virtue of ordinances of the corporation of the city of Baltimore. Page 97. An ordinance empowering the Mayor of the city of Baltimore to grant licenses for the purposes therein mentioned. Page 97. A supplement to an ordinance entitled " An ordi- nance for the inspection of salted provisions im- ported into and exported from the city of Balti- more. Page 98. An ordinance empowering the Mayor to rent a mag- azine for the storing of gunpowder, and em- ploying a keeper thereof, and for regulating the sweeping of chimneys within the city of Balti- more. Page 98. A supplement to an ordinance to regulate the riding and driving of horses and carriages through the city of Baltimore. Page 100. An ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the city of Baltimore to mitigate fines in certain cases. Page 100. An ordinance directing the manner of paving, amending and repairing the footway of the streets, lanes and alleys in the City of Baltimore. Page 101. An ordinance to change and alter the pavement of Liberty street, from the north side of Baltimore street to Howard street. Page 102. A supplement to the ordinance to prevent and re- move nuisances in the City of Baltimore, and within the precincts thereof, and to provide an uniform mode of cleaning the streets, lanes and alleys within the said city. Page 103. INDEX. An ordinance authorizing the Commissioners of the midddle bridge to borrow a further sum of money on loan, for the purpose of carrying into execution the objects of their appointment. Page 105. An ordinance extending the time limited for the collection of the fifteen shilling tax, in an ordi- nance entitled " An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the City of Baltimore, and to provide for the collection, of the same." Page 106. An ordinance to suspend so much of the ordinance entitled " An ordinance to regulate the cording of fire wood within the City of Baltimore, as re- lates to the length of fire wood brought to the said city for sale." Page 106. An ordinance to regulate the weighing of hay, brought to the City of Baltimore for sale. Page 107. An ordinance fixing the compensation of the treas- urer of the City of Baltimore. Page 110. An ordinance for raising and repaying that part of Water street which is situated between Calvert street and public alley. Page 110. An ordinance for the more effectual paving the streets, lanes and alleys in the City of Balti- more. Page 111. An ordinance directing a general survey of the city and precincts. Page 112. An ordinance to fill up a part of Calvert street dock, and remove the nuisance occasioned thereby. Page 114. A supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordi- nance to prevent the exportation of flour not merchantable, and for other purposes therein men- tioned." Page 115. An ordinance for the payment of the Journal of Accounts. Page 116. INDEX. An ordinance to authorize the members of the Masonic Federal Lodge, No. 21, and the members of the Masoiiic Washington Lodge, No. 3, to erect a building for public purposes, on the mar- ket square on Fell's Point, and to authorize the City Commissioners to remove the Fell's market house from the place where it now stands, to the middle of Market street. Page 117. A supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordi- nance for the inspection of salted provisions, im- ported into and exported from the city of Balti- more." Page 118. An ordinance to diminish the number of dogs in the city of Baltimore. Page 120. An ordinance to raise and repair part of Dutch alley. " Page 121. A supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordi- nance to preserve the health of the City, and to prevent the introduction of pestilential and other infectious diseases into the same." Page 121. A further supplement to the ordinance entitled "An ordinance to preserve the health of the City, and to prevent the introduction of pestiential and other infectious diseases into the same." Page 122. A supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordi- nance directing the appropriation of certain sums of public monev for the use of the city of Balti- more." Page 123. A further supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordinance to prevent the exportation of flour not merchantable, and for other purposes therein mentioned." Page 124. A supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordi- nance to regulate the several markets within the city of Baltimore." Page 125. INDEX. An ordinance appropriating a sum of money for improving the Centre Market. Page 126. A supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordi- nance respecting the night watch and lamps in the city of Baltimore." Page 127. An ordinance to improve and repair the Hanover Market house. Page 128. An ordinance for making a further appropriation for the Health Department. Page 129. An ordinance to regulate the size and dimensions of bricks made within the city of Baltimore, or offered for sale within the same. Page 129. A supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordi- nance to authorize the members of Federal Lodge ~Ho. 21, and the members of Masonic Washington Lodge, No. 3, to erect a building for public pur- poses, on the market square on Fell's Point, and to authorize the City Commissioners to remove the Fell's Point Market house from the place where it now stands to the middle of Market street." Page 130. An ordinance extending the time limited for the collection of the fifteen shilling tax imposed by an ordinance entitled " An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the city of Baltimore, and to provide for the collec- tion of the same." Page 131. An ordinance for the payment of thfe journal of ac- counts. Page 131. An ordinance for the relief of Charles Davidson. Page 132. An ordinance for the establishment of an hospital for the relief of indigent sick persons, and for the reception and care of lunatics. Page 132. An ordinance to repeal an ordinance entitled " An ordinance to regulate the size and dimensions of bricks made within the city of Baltimore." Page 134. INDEX. An ordinance to regulate the inspection of firewood brought by land to the city of Baltimore for sale, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Page 134. A further additional supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordinance to preserve the health of the City, and to prevent the introduction of pes- tilential and other infectious diseases into the same." Page 137. An ordinance for the admission and regulation of brokers. Page L38. An ordinance declaring certain duties and powers of the Mayor and Register. Page 141. An ordinance to regulate wagoners, carters, por- ters, draymen, watermen, hackney coaches, stages, and other carriages for hire within the city of Baltimore. Page 143. An ordinance to regulate the sinking of wells, and erecting and repairing pumps in the city of Bal- timore. Page 147. A supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordi- nance to regulate the several markets within the city of Baltimore." Page 150. An ordinance to continue a supplement to an ordi- nance for the inspection of salted provisions im- ported into and exported from the city of Balti- more. Page 151. An ordinance for the discharging of certain debts of the corporation. Page 152. An ordinance directing the manner of punishing servants, and slaves guilty of offences against the laws and ordinances of the corporation of the city of Baltimore. Page 152. An ordinance for the purpose of erecting a public wharf at the end of Bond street. Page 153. INDEX. An ordinance for repairing that part of the road leading from the City to Josias Pennington's, on the east side of Jones' Falls, which has been damaged by a canal cut across the same by the late Special Commissioners. Page 154. An ordinance for the appointment of a superintend- ent for cleaning the streets, lanes and N alleys in the city of Baltimore. Page 154. An ordinance respecting the licensing of certain officers. Page 156. An ordinance to prepare a scheme of a lottery for the year seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, to raise a sum of money for the use of the city of Baltimore. Page 157. A supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordi- nance imposing a tax on the city seal, and regu- lating the fees of the Register's office." Page 159. An ordinance extending the time limited for the collection of the fifteen shilling tax imposed by an ordinance entitled " An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and personal property within the city of Baltimore, and to provide for the col- lection of the same." Page 159. An ordinance to further suspend so much of the or- dinance entitled " An ordinance to regulate the cording of firewood within the city of Baltimore," as relates to the length of firewood brought to the said city for sale. Page 160. An ordinance respecting the lower bridge on Jones' Falls, in the city of Baltimore. Page 161. A supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordi- nance to preserve the navigation of the harbor of Baltimore, and to provide for the exercise of the powers heretofore vested in the Port Wardens by Act of Assembly. Page 162. 10 INDEX. An ordinance to appoint a City Constable. Page 162. An ordinance to continue an ordinance empowering the Major to rent a magazine for the storing of gunpowder, and employing a keeper thereof, and for regulating the sweeping of chimneys within the city of Baltimore. Page 164. An ordinance for opening, amending and repairing John street. Page 164. An ordinance to continue an ordinance empower- ing the Mayor of the city of Baltimore to grant licenses for the purposes therein mentioned. Page 164. An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and per- sonal property within the city of Baltimore, and to provide for the collection of the same. Page 164. An ordinance to regulate the inspection of lumber. Page 167. An ordinance directing the appropriation of certain sums of public money for the use of the City. Page 172. An ordinance regulating the gauging of casks in the city of Baltimore. Page 173. A supplement to the ordinance entitled M An ordi- nance to restrain gaming, and to license and reg- ulate theatrical and other public exhibitions, within the city and precincts of Baltimore. Page 175. An ordinance supplementary to the ordinance en- titled " An ordinance to prevent the exportation of flour not merchantable, and for other purposes therein mentioned." Page 175. An ordinance supplementary to the ordinance enti- tled " An ordinance directing the appropriation of certain sums of public money, for the use of the city of Baltimore." Page 176. INDEX. 11 An ordinance for the payment of the journal of accounts. Page 177. An ordinance appropriating a certain sum of money for filling up the Centre Market space. Page 178. An ordinance to prevent carriages of pleasure from taking their stands in the streets on Sundays, waiting for hire. Page 179. An ordinance for the more effectual cleansing the gutters in the streets, lanes and alleys of the city of Baltimore. Page 179. An ordinance fixing the salary and compensation of the officers of the corporation of the city of Baltimore, and for the payment of the same. Page 180. An ordinance appropriating further sums of money for the repairing public pumps in the city of Bal- timore. Page 181. An ordinance for regulating the sweeping of chim- neys. Page 182. An ordinance for preventing fires in the city of Baltimore. Page 185. An ordinance for erecting an additional number of lamps in the city of Baltimore. Page 187. An ordinance for appropriating three thousand dol- lars to finish and complete the hospital now build- ing in the precincts of the city of Baltimore. Page 191. An ordinance for filling up and paving the street at Bowly's wharf, and for repairing the said wharf. Page 191. An ordinance for finishing the stone bridge on "Wilk street. Page 192. An ordinance to add to the city of Baltimore part of the precincts lying north of Saratoga street. Page 192. 12 INDEX. An ordinance for the better regulation of stages and hackney carriages. Page 193. An ordinance to authorize a lottery to raise a sum of money to be applied to the defraying of the expenses of conveying pure and wholesome water into the city of Baltimore, and of distributing it into the different parts thereof. Page 195. An ordinance to appoint City Constables for the purpose of detecting offences against the several ordinances of the corporation. Page 195. An ordinance to repeal part of an ordinance declar- ing certain duties and powers of the Mayor and Register. Page 196. An ordinance appropriating money for filling up and paving market street, and Market space at Fell's Point. Page 196. An ordinance for filling up and paving part of Charles and Pratt streets. Page 197. A supplement to the ordinance entitled "An ordi- nance to regulate the inspection of lumber." Page 198. An additional supplement to the ordinance entitled "An ordinance to regulate the inspection of lum- ber." Page 199. An ordinance to preserve the health of the city. Page 200. An ordinance for filling up and raising part of George, Lancaster and Wolf streets and Happy alley. Page 202. An ordinance for the inspection of casks containing liquor distilled from domestic materials and brought to the city of Baltimore for sale. Page 203. An ordinance for establishing two streets, and erect- ing a bridge over Jones' Falls to connect said streets. Page 205. INDEX. 13 An ordinance to provide for conveying a stream of water, and for appropriating a sum of money to defray the expense of the same. Page 206. An ordinance for regulating the measuring of corn, flax-seed, peas, beans, salt and coal imported into the city of Baltimore. Page 208. An ordinance to fix the salaries of the officers herein mentioned. P a g e 210. An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and per- sonal property within the city of Baltimore, and to provide for the collection of the same. Page 210. An ordinance respecting the night watch in the city of Baltimore. Page 212. An ordinance to prevent the erection of wooden buildings within certain limits of the city of Bal- timore. Page 213. An ordinance more effectually to diminish the num- ber of dogs in the city of Baltimore. Page 214. An ordinance to restrain and prevent horse racing and cock fighting within the city and precincts. Page 216. An ordinance to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned. Page 217. An ordinance directing the appropriation of a sum of money to defray the expenses incurred by the Mayor in his attempt to introduce pure, whole- some water into the city. Page 217. An ordinance appropriating a certain sum of money to repair the pavements of the city. Page 217. An ordinance for the payment of taxes on a lot of ground appropriated for the use of the engine belonging to the Liberty Fire Company. Page 218. 14 INDEX. An ordinance to prevent carters and others from re- moving the sand, dirt, earth and gravel from the streets, lanes and alleys of the city of Baltimore. Page 218. An ordinance to erect footways on each side of the ' middle bridge on Jones' Falls. Page 219. A supplement to the ordinance entitled "An ordi- nance to erect footways on the middle bridge on Jones' Falls." ' Page 220. An ordinance directing the appropriation of certain sums of public money for the use of the city. Page 221. An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and per- sonal property within the limits of the city of Baltimore, and to provide for the collection of the same. Page 221. An ordinance for repairing Charles street, on the east side of the Roman Catholic burial ground, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Page 223. An ordinance for the aid and encouragement of fire companies in the city of Baltimore. Page 223. An ordinance regulating the length of time country wagons and carts may remain placed in the streets, lanes or alleys of the city of Baltimore. Page 224. An ordinance for the more equal assessing and levy- ing the pavingtax on the streets, lanes and alleys in the city of Baltimore. Page 224. A supplement to the ordinance entitled "An ordi- nance to prevent the erection of wooden buildings within certain limits of the city of Baltimore." Page 225. An ordinance fixing the salary of the superintend- ent for the cleaning of the streets, lanes and alleys in the city of Baltimore, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Page 226. INDEX. 15 An ordinance for the improvement of Market street, in the eighth ward, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Page 226. An ordinance to establish and regulate an inspec- tion of Indian corn and rye flour brought to the city of Baltimore for sale. Page 227. An ordinance for the building of a powder maga- zine. Page 229. An ordinance respecting the night watch in the city of Baltimore. Page 229. An ordinance to appropriate a sum of money for certain purposes therein mentioned. Page 229. An ordinance for filling up and paving part of the Market Space of the Centre market. Page 230. An ordinance appropriating a further sum of money to defray the expense of filling up and paving a part of Pratt street and the public wharf thereon situate, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Page 230. An ordinance for the appropriation of the several sums of money hereafter mentioned! Page 231. An ordinance for the leveling of Eutaw street. Page 231. An ordinance fixing the salary of the Mayor for the ensuing two years. Page 232. An ordinance for the appropriation of a sum of money for the purpose of leveling, repairing and paving the footways of the Hanover market house. Page 233. An ordinance to mitigate the distress occasioned by the late prevailing fever. Page 233. An ordinance for the relief of Peter Zacharie. Page 235. 16 INDEX. An ordinance for sinking a well and erecting a pump in the seventh ward. Page 235. An ordinance for licensing and regulating auctions within the city of Baltimore and precincts thereof. Page 236. An ordinance to prevent carriages of pleasure from taking their stands or traversing the streets of the city of Baltimore on the Sabbath day, waiting or seeking for hire. Page 239. An ordinance to remove a nuisance therein men- tioned. Page 240. An ordinance authorizing the erection of a lamp in Public alley. Page 241. An ordinance respecting the building and repairing bridges in the first ward. Page 241. An ordinance for the safe keeping of gunpowder within the city of Baltimore and the precincts thereof. Page 242. An ordinance to prohibit the firing, shooting or dis- charging any gun, pistol or fire-arms within the city of Baltimore. Page 247. An ordinance appropriating a further sum of money for finishing and completing the footways on the upper bridge over Jones' Falls. Page 247. An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and per- sonal property within the city of Baltimore, for the year 1801. Page 248. An ordinance to continue the several ordinances therein mentioned. Page 249. An ordinance to enlarge the powers of the City Commissioners. Page 250. An ordinance for building a City Hall for the city of Baltimore. Page 251. An ordinance for the more effectual filling up of Charles street from Pratt street to Barre street. Page 253. INDEX. 17 An ordinance for the better collection of fines and forfeitures at the several markets. Page 254. An ordinance to appoint two superintendents of the streets in the city of Baltimore, and for other purposes therein expressed. Page 254. An ordinance to regulate party walls and partition fences. Page 256. An ordinance directing the appropriation of certain sums of public money for the year eighteen hun- dred and one. Page 257. An ordinance to pave Market street in the eighth ward. Page 258. A resolve respecting Lazarettos. Page 259. An ordinance for the due performance of quaran- tine at the port of Baltimore. Page 260. An ordinance to preserve the health of the city of Baltimore, and to appoint Commissioners of Health. Page 265. An ordinance to prevent and remove pent houses and other obstructions in and over the streets, lanes and alleys of the city of Baltimore. Page 271. An ordinance to keep in repair the public wharves and docks of the city of Baltimore. Page 272. An ordinance to encourage the introduction and use of broad wheels. P a g e 273. An ordinance respecting nuisances. Page 274. A supplement to the ordinance to appoint city commissioners. Page 279. An ordinance to grant permission to certain persons to extend their lots from Wilk's street and Bond street, into the water. Page 279. An ordinance to compensate James Long for the use of his house by the City Council. Page 280. 18 INDEX. An ordinance to regulate the sale of bread. Page 281. An ordinance granting permission to Samuel Chase to extend his ground herein described, into the Basin. Page 282. An ordinance granting permission to Thomas Mc- Elderry to extend his ground herein described, into the Basin. Page 282. An ordinance for laying out and deepening a chan- nel in the Basin of Baltimore. Page 283. An ordinance for the more equal division of the city of Baltimore into wards. Page 283. A supplement to the ordinance entitled " An ordi- nance for licensing and regulating auctions within the city of Baltimore, and the precincts thereof. Page 285. An ordinance to impose a tax on the real and per- sonal property within the city of Baltimore, for the year eighteen hundred and two, and to pro- vide for the collection of the same. Page 286.