OlKtnrMi^ cO S3^ «^^ \> •a ^ .^' 3 1924 050 134 315 The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924050134315 AN INDEX TO THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE VARIOUS BAR ASSOQATIONS OF AMERICA, COMPILFD BY ORVILLE A. PARK, Of the Macon Bar. Secretary of the Georgia Bar Association. Published by Authority of the Executive Committee. ATLANTA : THE FRANKLIN PRTG. & PUB. CO. 1899. ENTERED ACCORDING TO THE ACT OF CONGRESS IN THE YEAR iSgg, By '. ORVILLE A. PARK, , IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS, AT WASHINGTON. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Tlie great Talue of the legal literature being produced by the various Ear Associations of America has often been allu- ded to by competent critics. Yet, it is undoubtedly true, that few, if any, even of the most enthusiastic Bar Association ad- vocates are prepared to appreciate the extent, variety, literary and legal merit of this splendid literature — this result of the associated effort of the legal fraternity. Tt has been, unfortu- nately for the. profession, hidden away in the depths of inac- cessibility. During the past year, as Secretary of the Georgia Bar Association, I secured for its library, at no inconsiderable expense and trouble, as complete a collection of Bar Associa- tion publications, State ar|i National, as it was possible to ob- tain, together with a large number from various local Asso- ciations. This excellent collection has been placed in the State Library. In order to open this mine of hidden wealth to its membership and make its treasures practically available, I was directed by the Executive Committee to prepare an index covering, so far as possible, all American Bar Association pub- lications. The result of my labors is "before you. In 1888 Chancellor Walter B. Hill, of the University of Geor- gia, then President of the Georgia Bar Association, prepared an index to such reports as he had been able to collect. This is published in the fifth Annual Report of the Associa- tion. By his permission, I have adopted the plan used by him and have incorporated almost verbatim his work with my own. The only material change in my work is the addition of the year in which the publication appeared, which facilitates ref- erence. I take this occasion of thanking Mr. Hill for permit- ting the use of his work, and of stating that the idea of a library of Bar Association publications, as well as of the index, originated with him. I have not been able in every instance to secure complete the publications of all the Associations. In some cases I have succeeded in supplying a reasonably good index to the missing numbers, but this was not possible in all. The work is in- tended to cover the publications from the organization of the several Associations to October, 1899. Memorials and sketches of deceased members, being, as a rule, of interest only to members of a particular Association, have been omitted, as have in large measure, the reports of committees, those of general interest only being indexed. All the addresses, theses, monographs and miscellaneous papers of any importance other than these have been covered. A table of memorials of de- ceased Georgians has been added. That the work is in many respects defective, no one realizes more fully than myself. I trust, however, that my professional brethren, always gener- ous in their criticisms, may find it of some service. O. A. P. Macon, Georgia, October 20, 1899. ABBREVIATIONS. The usual abbreviation of the name of a State refers to the Eeports of the Association of that State by whatever name it mav be called. The Xew York State Association is sometimes represented by X. Y. State, though usually by N. Y. Am. rep- resents the American Bar Association; Ca. the Canadian; G. & C. or Gr. & Co., Association of Grafton and Coos Counties, Xew Hampshire; S. X. H.; Southern Xew Hampshire Asso- ciation. The name or usual abbreviation of a city represents the Association of that city. The name of the author of any address or paper indexed is given in parenthesis. The dates are the dates of the meetings at which the addresses were delivered or papers read. INDEX. A. Absolute Power, An American Institution (Simeon E. Bald- win) 1897. 14 Ga. 119. Abuse of Corporate Franchises, Tendency to (R. H. G. Kean), 1890. 2 Va. 79. Abuse of Corporate Priyileges (Seymour D. Thompson) 1892. 9 Kan. 24. Abuses of \V'rit of Habeas Corpus (Seymour D. Thompson). 188."-. 6 Am. 243. Actions, Civil, Malice In (L. C. Krauthoff) 1898. 21 Am. 335. Act of 1850, The Dumb lOrville A. Park) 1898. 15 Ga. 53. Administration of Estates in Miss. (Edward Mayes) 1891. 6 Miss. 52. Administration of Justice — System of Explained (L. E. Bleck- ley) lS8r,. 3 Ga. 106. Administration of Justice — Some ol its Obstacles (Eufus King)- 1882. 3 Ohio, 95. Administration of Justice — Relation of Pi'ess to (Emory SpeerV 1888. 2 Fla. 32. Administrator, Public, Curious Incidents in Work of (Wm. B. Davenport) 1895. 18 N. Y. 123. Admission to the Bar (A. C. Hargrove) 1887. 10 Ala. 93. Admission to the Bar. N. Y. City. 11 pamph. 187C. Admission to the Bar (Geo. Wharton Pepper) 1895. 1 Pa. 105. Admission to the Bar (Fred Beall) 1889. 4 Miss. 32. Admission to the Bar (Harrie K. Harkness) 1897. 4 Utah, 68. Admission to the Bar in Tenn. (J. A. Webb) 1895. 14 Tenn. 136. Admission to the Bar in Ga. (Washington Dessau) 1899. 16 Ga.- 118. .'Vdmission to the Bar, Qualifications (A. J. Crovatt, L. Z. Ros- ser, E. R. Arnold) 1894. 11 Ga. 115. Advancement of Jurisprudence in New Hamp. (David Cross) 1892. 1 S. N. H. 31. Advisability of Uniform Procedure (Martin Marshall) 1889. 4 Miss. 14. Advocate, An Ancient (Cicero) (T. A. McWillie) 1889. 4 Miss. 21. Affiliation vi^itli Tolitical Party Qualification for Ofiice (Geo. W. Kretzinger) 1892. 15 111. 164. Agency of Bench and Bar in Making Law (Franklin J. Dick- . man) 1898. 19 Ohio, 191. Agency — Some Thoughts on Law of (Richard L. Hand). 5 N. Y. 145. Age of Consent in Alabama (John D. Smith) 1896. 19 Ala. 47. Aggressions of the Federal Courts (John W. Akin) 1898. 15 Ga. 97. Agitator, The Law and the (C. F. Spencer) 1898. 15 Kan. 88. Alabama Code and Reports (A. B. McEachin). 4 Ala. 46. Allen vs. Flood (L. C. Krauthoflf) 1898. 21 Am. 335. Allowances by Court of Counsel Fees (John H. Guy) 1889. 1 Va. 163. Amendments to Federal Statutes, Desirable (W. C. Perry) 1895. 12 Kan. 25. Amendment, Eleventh (John I. Gaines) 1898. 15 Kan. 101. Amendments, Pending, (Ind.) (Addison C. Harris) 1898. 2 Ind. 117. American Bar, Best Training for (John Randolph Tucker) 1896. 19 Am. 595. American Constitution (W. W. Green). 2 N. Y. 207. American Constitutions and British Institutions (J. Randolph Tucker) 1892. 15 Am. 213. American Democracy, Its Tendencies (James C. Bradford) 1898. 17 Tenn. 168. American Jurisprudence (Simeon E. Baldwin) 1892. 13 Ohio, 137. American Law, A Century of (John F. Dillon) 1890. 13 N. Y. 249. American Legislature, The (Morefield Storey) 1894. 17 Am. ■24:5. American Paper Money (Walter D. Dabney) 1894. 6 Va. 181. Ancient Lawyer, The (Chas. E. Penner) 1890. 2 Xa. 93. Ann Arbor Cases, The (Sam'l Watson) 1893. V2 Tenn. 205. Annexation of Foreign Territory (W. C. Sharpstein) 189S. 10 AVash. SO. Annexation of Hawaii (Harry Bingham) 1898. 15 G. & C. 413. Annexation of Hawaii (Chas. F. Swift) 1897. 14 Ga. 150. Anonymous Pamphlet, The (John A. Hutchinson) 1893. 8 W. Va. 41. Anti-Trust Law, Operation of (Report) 1897. 20 Am. 325. Appeal, A Case On (Ind.) (Leonard J. Hackney) 1898. 2 Ind. 86. Appellate Courts (John T. Clarke). 2 Ga. 101. Appellate Courts, Limitation Upon (Albert H. Horton) 1891. s Kan. 18. Appellate Jurisdiction (Penn.) (John B. McPherson) 1897. 3 Pa. 121. Aj;i>ellate Procedure, Reforms In (Ind.) (Curran A. DeBruler) ISOS. 2 Ind. 95. Aquatic Rights (John B. Donovan) 1892. 4 Ya. 175. Arbitration and Conciliation (John Guthrie) 1891. 8 Kan. 22. Arbitration, International Law and (Lord Russell) 189C. 19 Am. 253. Arbitrations, List of Modern (Report) 1896. 19 Am. 390. Argument, Oral i^V. L. Yandeventer) 1888. 11 111. 44. Are Courts Responsible for Lynchings? (John J. Strickland) 1899. 16 Ga. 184. Are Juries Judges of Law and Fact in Criminal Cases? (P. J. Crogan) 1896. 11 W. Va. 22. Art of Writing Law Books (Martin L. Xewell) 1896. 19 111. 20. Assignments for Benefit of Creditors (David McCuUoch) 1894. 17 111. 150. Association, Bar, See also "Bar Association." Attachment of Partnership I'roperty for Individual Debts (Ed- ward C. Xiles) 1895. 12 G. & C. 152. Atrachment Law, Uses and Abuses (C. V. Buckley) 1894. 16 Mo. 202. 10 Attachments in Favor of the State (Joseph S. Winter). 10 AlaV 137. Attestation of Deeds (H. R. Goetchius) 1893. 10 Ga. 131. Attorney and Client (A. Minis, Jr.). 3 Ga. 147. Attorney and Client, Relation of (J. W. Henry). 7. Mo. 77. Attorney and Client, See also "Bar," "Lawyers" and "Legal, Profession." Authority of Adjudged Cases (Samuel F. Miller) (letter). I So. Ca. 95. Avoidable Causes of Delay and Uncertainty in Our Gourts- (Alfred Russell) 1891. 14 Am. 197. B. Baldwin, Simeon E., Absolute Power, An American Institu- tion, 1897. 14 Ga. 119. American Jurisprudence, 1892. 13 Ohio, 137. The Centenary of Modern Government, 1889. 12 Am. 235. Law School Libraries, 1894. 17 Am. 431. Readjust- ment of Collegiate to Professional Courses, 1898. 21 Am.. 575. Bankrupt Law, Advantages of (Samuel Wagner). 4 Am. 223. Bankrupt Law, Desirability of (J. D. Gardner). 4 Ala. 122. Bankrupt Laws (Robt. E. Jinkins) 1894. 17 111. 157. Bankrupt Laws (B. F. Abbott) 1892. 9 Ga. 95. Bar, Admission to; see "Admission to the Bar." Bar and Bench, Legal Relations (Albert E. Pillsbury) 1898. 7 S. N. H. 185. Bar and Bench (W. T. Dovell) 1896. 8 Wash. 153. Bar and Bench (John W. Henry) 1896. 18 Kan. 22. Bar and Bench, See also "Bench and Bar." Bar and Legislature (George W. Miller) 1897. 21 111. 67. Bar and State (Poem) (Ed. E. Parker) 1892. 1 S. N. H. 81. Bar, Best Training for (John Randolph Tucker) 189G. 19 Am. 595. Bar, Duties and Responsibilities of (Rufus P. Ranney). 1 Ohio„ 33. n Bar, Claims of, to General Respect, etc. (G. F. Magoun), Iowa. 11 West Jur. 321. Bar, Duties and Eesponsibilities (L. T. Collier). 3 Mo. 153. Bar, Ethics of in Relation to State (Win. H. Fleming) 1895. 12 Ga, 45. Bar, Founders of Maryland (Eliliu S. Riley) 1897. 2 Md. 79. Bar, Influence of, in State and Federal Government (J. H. Ben- ton) 1894. 3 S. N. H. 227. Bar, Integrity and Independence of (Daniel Dougherty). 11 N. Y. State, 48. Bar, Its Influence on Legislation (James O. Broadhead). 1 National, 20. Bar, Prisoner at the (Wm. Thomson) 1896. 13 Kan. 66. Bar, Success at the (Ira Colby) 1897. 6 S. N. H. 117. Bar, Power and Influence of (Samuel M. Meek) 1895. 18 Ala. 11. Bar, Relation of, to the State (Geo. F. Hoar) 1898. 11 ^'a. 247. Bar, See also "Lawyers," "Legal Profession," "Attorney and Client." Bar Association and the Profession (Samuel Hand). 3 X. Y. State, 67. Bar Association and its Uses (M. M. Strong). 1 Wis. 13. Bar Association, The Local (Alex Simpson, Jr.) 1895. 1 Pa. 140. Bar Association, Mission of (D. C. "Wastenhaver) 1899. 13 ^A' Ya. 21. Bar Association, Mission of (Ralph Stone) 1895. 18 N. Y. 148. Bar Association of Illinois (E. Callahan) 189(1. 13 111. 37. Bar Association. N. Y. State, Year's Work (Simon W. Rosen- dale) 1899. 22 N. Y. 22. (Tracey C. Becker) 1895. 18 N. Y. 21. Bar Association, Ohio (E. P. Green) 1888. 9 Ohio, 117. Bar Association Reports, Review of (Orville A. Park) 1899. 1 d Ga. 132. Bar Association, State (Joseph Sprigg) 1886. 1 W. Va. 4. Bar Association, Work of (J. Newton Fiero) 1895. 1 Pa. 89. Bar Associations, What They May Undertake (Martin W. Cooke). 11 N. Y. State, 38. 12 Bar Associations, Functions of (Melville \V. Fuller). 10 111. G5. TSar Associations, Purposes and Work of (W. L. Gross). 7 111. 41. Bar Associations, Dntj of Profession to (Elliott F. Shepard). 8 N. Y. State, 36. P.aron and Feme, Property Rights of (Jno. Randolph Tucker) 1891. 3 Va. . Basis of Credit, Broader (Walter S. Logan) 1898. 21 Am. 412. Belle-Lettres, The Lawyer In (Henry M. Russell) 1887. 2 W. Va. 86. Bench and Bar, Agency in Making Law (Franklin J. Dickman) 1898. 19 Ohio, 191. Bench and Bar of Illinois, Recollection of (John Dean Caton) 1893. 16 111. 88. Bench and Bar, See also "Bar and Bench." Benjamin, Judah P. (H. C. Thompkins) 1896. 19 Ala. 120. Bentham and His School of Jurisprudence (John F. Dillon) 1890. 11 Ohio, 201. Better Education, the Great Need of Profession (David J. Brewer) 1895. 18 Am. 441. Bills of Exchange Act. 9 Ala. 110. Bills of Exception (John W. Mason) 1895. "The Bar," W. Va. Vol. 3, No. 2, Mch., 1895, 68. Birchard, Matthew (M. Stuart). 4 Ohio, 91. Bleckley, L. E. — Causation, Poem. 1894. 11 Ga. 8. Emotional Justice. 1892. 9 Ga. 54. Future of Woman at the Georgia Bar. 1893. 10 Ga, 117. Judge as a Factor in Trials of Fact. 1897. 14 Ga. 141. Law as a Rule of Feeling. 1889. 6 Ga. 111. Law and the Irrelevant. 1899. 16 Ga. 111. Truth at the Bar. 1886. 3 Ga, 106. Bleckley, L. E., Chief Justice, ^Vit and Wisdom of in Georgia Reports (Albert H. Russell) 1898. 15 Ga. 244. Bleckley, L. E., the Poet (John W. Akin) 1895. 12 Ga. 101. Block-Indexing Act, New York, Explained (Dwight H. Olm- stead) 1890. 13 Am. 265. Bonds, Municipal (A. A. Godard) 1894. 11 Kan. 61. Boycotting Is it Criminal? (Tracy C. Becker). 10 N. Y. 148. ]3 Breese, Chief Justice (Antliony Thornton). 2 III. 31. Brewer, Justice David J., A Better Education the Great Need of the Profession. 1895. 18 Am. 441. Brewer, Justice David J., Some Thoughts on Kansas. 1895^ 12 Kan. 61. Briefs and Arguments that Help the Court (James H. Cart- wright) 1896. 19 111. 15. British Constitution (J. W. Bark). 1 Ga. 107. British Institutions and American Constitutions (J. Randolph Tucker) 1S92. 15 Am. 213. Broader Basis of Credit (Walter S. Logan) 1898. 21 Am. 472. Broadhead, James O. — Influence of Bar on Legislation. 1 Xational, 20. Judicial Power in United States. 2 National, 18. Noteworthy Legislation. 1879. 2 Am. 51. Brown, Justice Henry B., Growth of American Law. 1892. 13 Ohio, 35. Browning, Orville H (Charles B. Lawrence). 5 111. 34. Burr, Aaron, Trial of (\Ym. Wirt Henry) 1897. 10 Va. 239. Business Methods for Lawyers (AV. E. Nelson) 1891. 14 Ala. 65. C. California, Changes in Hearings, Supreme Court (Chas. J. Swift) 1890. 1 Cal. 33. California, Judiciary System, Reforms In (S. F. Lieb) 1890. 1 Cal. 29. Canadian Bar Association, The (J. E. Robidoux) 1897. 2 Ca. 4. Car Trust Securities (Francis Rawle). 8 Am. 277. Cases, Disposition of by Supreme Court (L. G. Kinne) 1895. I la. 82. Case of LiBSfe Majestatis in New Amsterdam (Amasa A. Red- field) 1899. 22 N. Y. 68. Case-Lawyer, The (J. J. Willett) 1893. 16 Ala. 59. Case on Appeal (Leonard J. Hackney) 1898. 2 Ind. 86. Cases, Teaching Law by (Emlin McClain) 1893. 16 Am. 401. Causation, Poem (Logan E. Bleckley) -1894. 11 Ga. 8. Causes, Maturing of (A. M. Poundstone) 1895. 10 W. Va. 28. II 111. 103. Commerce Commission ats., T. & P. Ey. (Jno. W. Judd) 1897, i Utah, 76. Commerce, Interstate (E. T. Barton) 1805. 10 W. Ya. MO. Commerce, Interstate (James AY. Craig) 1888. 11 111. 41. Commerce, Interstate and Intrastate (Alfred Ennis) 1889. 12 111. 48. Commerce, Interstate Law, Pratical Workings (John Mc- Xulta) 1890. 13 111. 07. Commerce, Power of Nation, Eelation to Police Power of States (Chas. C. Eonney) 1891. 14 111. 7.5. Commercial Law, StatutorA Changes (Jno. C. Eyster) 1893. 1'6 Ala. 122. Commercial Paper, Uniform Laws, Necessity (Henry C. Thomp kins) 1890. 13 Am. 247. Commercialism and Party Spirit, Dangers to Eepublic (D. C. Westenharer) 1899. 13 W. Va. 21. Common LaAV (Herbert M. Heath) 1897. 6 Me. 11. Common Law, Function of Growth In (Eobert S. Taylor) 1897. 1 Ind. 79. Common Law as Germ of Liberty and Jurisprudence (John Eandolph Tucker) 1888. 11 Ala. 118. Common Law, Influence of Eome Upon (Ed. DeGraffenreid) 1893. 16 Ala. 137. Common Law, Influence of Civil L'^pon (Thomas J. Simmes) 1894. 17 Ala. 66. Common Law, Nature and Yalue of (Wm. G. Hammond). 1 Mo. 87. (W. A. Lee.) 1 So. Ca. 119. Cojniuon Law Practice in England,Present State of (James B. Bradwell). 4 111. 120. Common Law of I'ennsyh'ania (Geo. Sharswood, 1855) 1895. 1 Pa. 333. Common La^ft Pleading (S. H. Dent, Jr.) 1893. 16 Ala. 70. Common Law Procedure in Legal Education (Chas. M. Camp- bell) 189G. 19 Am. 493. Common Law, Studr of i Wm. Draper Lewis) 1898. 4 Pa. 221. Common Law, Unwisdom of (James C. Courtney) 1896. 19 111. 20. 2 b 18 Common Law ijs. Code Pleading (Wm. E5. Pettit) 1898. 11 Va. 225. Cointtion Pleas, Rules of Coiirt, Penn. (Alex. Simpson, Jr.) 1893. 2 Pa. 281. Community, Professional Duty to (A. J. McCrary) 1895. 1 la. 9. Community I'roperty, Washington (B. A. Eallinger) 1894. C Wash. 52. Comparative View of State Constitutions (Washington Des- sau) 1895. 12 Ga. 151. Compensation of Judiciary (Henry M. Eussell) 1894. "The Bar," W. Va., February, 1894, 15. Competency of Witnesses (W. F. Browder). I Ky. 46. Conciliation and Arbitration (Jno. Guthrie) 1891. 8 Kan. 22. Conciliation, Courts of (L. Houk) 1891. 8 Kan. 32. Conduct of Business in Court (Henry D. Clayton). 1 Ala. 57. Confidential Belationships, Fraud Through (John E. Hessin) 1892. 9 Kan. 82. Confusion of Our Statutory Law (D. C. Westenhaver) 1892. 8 W. Va,. 117. Congress Hall, Philadelphia (Samuel W. Pennypacker) 1*^95 2 Pa. 227. Congress, The Lawyer In (Table) 1895. 3 S. N. H. 267. Congress as a Legislative Body (Hannis Taylor). 9 Ala. 88. Congressional Power Over Interstate Commerce (J. Eandolph Tucker). 11 Am. 247. Constitution, British (John W. Park) 1884. 1 Ga. 107. Constitution of China (James Wickersham) 1898. 10 Wash, 114. Constitution, English (Lucius H. Perkins) 1898. 15 Kan. 75. Constitution, Growth of (Alex. C. King) 1896. 19 Ala. 72. Constitution, Intent of Framers of (H. C. Sluss) 1896. 13 Kan. 53. Constitution Making in Tennessee (Joshua W. Caldwell) 1894. 13 Tenn. 72. Constitution, A People Made (Henry McLean) 1898. 15 Kan. 67. 19 Constitution, The Making of the (S. B. Maxey) 1889. 8 Tex. 37. Constitution, Tennessee, Needed Changes (Francis Fentress) 1888. 7 Tenn. 188. Constitution, U. S., in 1795 and 1895 (Wm. B. Hornblower) 1895. 12 Ga. 55. Constitution, United States (J. Randolph Taclver) 1896. 17 Ohio, 159. Constitution U. S., Eevision of (Walter Clai-k) 1897. 16 Tenn. 143. Constitution U. S., Eeport on Amendment of (Elliott F. Shep ard) 1890. 13 N. Y. 137. Constitution of I'tah, What Jury Provisions Should it Con- tain? (J. G. Sutherland) 1895. 2 Utah, 9. Constitutions, American, and British Institutions (J. Ran- dolph Tucker) 1892. 15 Am. 213. Constitutions of Georgia (Wm. M. Reese). 2 Ga. 90. Constitutions, Recent Changes in State (Henry Hitchcock). 10 X. Y. 47. 7. It G. & C. 327. Education, Legal, See "Legal Education." Educational Franchises (Edward Avery Harriman) 1898. ?;i Am. 603. Ejectment Pleading and Practice (J. H. Martin) 1892. 9 Ga.. 106. Election Cases, Opinions of Utah Supreme Court (Chas. S.. Varian) 1897. 4 Utah, 22. Election Contests, Judiciary Proper Tribunal for (John C. Lee).. 6 Ohio, 130. Election of Judges and Solicitors by the People (F. P. Longley> 1898. 15 Ga. 110. Election Laws (John F. Duncombe) 1890. 13 Am. 291. Election Laws in Tennessee (J. Fowler) 1898. 17 Tenn. 148. Elections, Law of (Richard Pendergast) 1889. 12 111. 63. Elective Franchise, Restriction of (Joseph Hansell MerrellV 1898. 15 Ga. 229. Elective, Judiciary (F. D. Mills^ 1897. 14 Kan. 47. Electricity in the Law (D. T. Blackey) 1894. 17 Ala. 131. Eleventh Amendment (John I. Gaines) 1898. 15 Kan. 101. Elmira Experiment (Geo. Gillham) 1895. 14 Tenn. 111. Eminent Domain. in W. Ya. (D. C. Westenhaver) 1888. 3 W.. Va, 91. Emotional Justice (Logan E. Bleckley) 1892. 9 Ga. 54. Employment, State Regulation of Contract of (James P. Mis- ter) 1894. 16 Mo. 222. End of the Law (Robert E. Hamill) 1897. 21 111. 38. England, Legal Education in (Geo. Henry Emmott) 1896. 19 Am. 605. England, Reform Procedure in (Wm. L. Putnam) 1896-. 5 S. X. H. 20. English-bred Judges (John MeClure). 8 Ark. 14. English Constitution (Lucius H. Perkins) 1898. 15 Kan. 75. English Courts (G. H. Wald). 3 Ohio, 160. English and French Procedure (James 15. Perkins). 6 N. Y. 170. English Law, t'niversity Teaching of (James Bradley Thayer) 1895. 18 Am. 409. Equalization of Representation in U. S. Senate (Elliott F. Shepard). 2 N. Y. 63. Equalization, State Board of (John M. Hamilton) 1892. 15 111. 86. Equity, and "SVhat It Is Not (J. F. J. Caldwell). 1 S. C. 129. Equity in Pennsylvania (Anthony Laussatt, Jr., 1825) 1895. 1 Pa. 221. Equity System in Alabama (John M. McKleroy). 3 Ala. 201. Equity, See also "Chancery." Error Coram Nobis (Thomas Cratty) 1894. 17 111. 170. Essex County (Mass). Bench and Bar of. Essex Co. B. A. Report. Estates, Administration of in Mississippi (Edward Mayes >■ 1891. 6 Miss. 52. Estates, Holding Up (Adelbert Moot) 1899. 22 N. Y. .335. Ethics, Code of, Alabama, 1898. 21 Ala. 172. 28 Ethics, Code of, Virginia, 1898. 11 Va. 323. Ethics, Code of, Georgia (Wash. Dessau, ohm.) 1889. 6 Ga. 99. Ethics, Legal (Okey Johnson) 1893. 7 W. Va. 48. Ethics, Legal (Walter B'. Hill, chm.) 1896. 13 Ga. 218. Ethics of Bar in Relation to State (Win. H. Fleming) 1895. 12 Ga. 45. Ethics, See also "Legal Ethics" and "Professional Ethics." Evidence (J. V. C. Karnes). 5 Mo. 234. Evidence Act of 1866 (Ga.) (H. E. W. Palmer). 4 Ga. 139. Evidence, Competent, in Equity Causes (Geo. E. Dawson) 1894. 17 111. 132. Evidence, Religious Unbelief as a Disqualification to Give (James M. Greer). 10 Tenn. 140. Evil of Promiscuous Receiverships (Chas. S. Fogg) 1894. (> Wash. 114. Evolution in the Law (Geo. W. McCrary). 15 Mo 142. Evolution of a Constitutional Point (J. B. Heiskell) 1893. 1'.' Tenn. 190. Evolution of the Ga. Code (Jno. L. Hopkins) 1899. 16 Ga. 66, Evolution of Jurisprudence (W. W. MacFarland) 1893. IG Am. 271. Evolution, Social, and Remedial Law (Frank Titus) 1894. 16 Mo. 210. Examiners, Law, New York Board (Austin G. Fox) 1896. 10 Am. 540. Exception, Bills of (Jno. W. Mason) 1895. "The Bai-," W. Va. \'oi. 2, No. 3, March, 1895, 68. Excessi^ f Legislation (Robert Earl) 1898. 21 N. Y. 122. Excessive Legislation a Cause of Judicial InriiFiciency and Po litical W^eakness (Claud Estes) 1890. 7 Ga. 80. Exemptions (Joshua Gaskill). 4 N. Y. 175. (E. B. Hamilton). 7 111.' 82. (Chas. Cofen). 5 Ark. 4. Exemptions from Liability, Contractual (Robert M. Hughes) 1896. 9 Va. isi':''' Exemption Laws, Alabama (Thos. H. Watts, Jr.) 1888. 11 Ala. 101. 29 Exemption of Factories from Ituuicipal Taxation (C. P. Good- year, Wm. P. Hill, Alex. C. King, Geo. M. Napier) 1S98. 15. Ga. 290, 1:95, 302, 310. Exemption Laws, AYashington (James B. Reavis) 1894. t;. Wash. 122. Exemption from Execution (John L. Loudon) 1S95. 18 Ala. tl.. Existing Questions of Legal Education (Austin Abbott) 18S J. 36 Am. 371. Experience, N. Y. Board Law Examiners (Austin G. Fox) IS'.Xi. 19 Am. 543. Expert Testimony (L. G. Kinne) 1S95. 1 la. 94. Expert Testimony as to Handwriting (X. C. Moak). 10 N. Y 98. Expert Testimony, Medical (Proposed Bill and Discussi.iu), 1889. 21 N. Y. 76. Expert Testimony, Proposed Changes (Gustav A. Endlich),, 1898. 4 Pa. 189. Expert Testimony, Eeforms (Symposium) 1897. 21 111. 49. Experts and Expert Testimony (X. C. Moak). 5 N. Y. 135. Experts in Judicial Inquiries (Clemens Herschel). Pamph.. Boston. B. A. Extortions, Report of Committee. N. Y. City. 8 Pamph. 1872. Extradition of Fugitives from Justice (Chas. Dunham). 4 111. 52. Extradition Between States (Henry D. Hyde). 3 Am.' 187. Extra Territoriality and Mixed Courts of Egj'pt (Geo. S. Batch eller). 6 X. Y. 64. Extrinsic Evidence in Respect to Written Instruments (Chas.. A. Graves) 1893. 5 Va. 183. Exodus of Criminal Classes (J. L. T. Sneed). 4 Tenn. 116. F. Factories, Exemption from Municipal Taxation (C. P- Goon year, Wm. P. Hill, Alex. C. King, Geo. M. Napier) 1898. i.^ Ga. 290, 295, 302, 310. Factors in Modern Law (Archie Hogg) 1896. 13 Kan. 81. 30 Failure of the Law (Seymour U. Thompson). 2 Mo. 152. Failures of Remedial Justice and Wrongs Without Remedy (C. 0. Bonney) 1888. 9 Ohio, 15.3. Failures of Self-Governing Principle (D. C. Westenhaver) 1899. 13 W. Va. 21. Federal and State Courts, Jurisdiction (0. H. Hanford) 1895. 7 Wash. 84. Federal Constitution, Influence of Virginia Upon (Roger A. Prior) 1895. 7 Va. 175. Federal Court Docket, Relief (J. H. Raymond) 1889. 12 111. 65. Federal Courts, Aggression of (John W. Akin) 1898. 15 Gi^i. 53. Federal Courts, Relief of Dockets, Report (Walter B. Hill) 1889. 6 Ga. 69. Federal Courts, Relief of (Reports). 5 Am. 343, 363. 6 Am. 313, see also pamphlets Philadelphia Law Association. Federal Courts, Why Overcrowded, etc. (Louis Houck). 2 Mo. 211. Federal Courts of Appeals. N. Y. City, 16th pamph. 1878. ^Federal and State Judiciary (James M. Riggs). 4 HI. 41. Federal and State Jurisdiction (W. H. Rossington). 5 Kan. 34. Federal Judiciary (Pope Barrow). 3 Ga. 98. Federal Judiciary, Recent Criticism of (Wm. H. Taft) 1895. 18 Am. 237. Federal Judicial System, The (Walter B. Hill) 1889. 12 Am. 289. Federal Statutes, Desirable Amendments (W. 0. Perry) 1895. 12 Kan. 25. Federalism, Maryland's Contribution to (Hampton L. Carson) 1898. 3 Md. 143. Feeling, Law as a Rule of (Logan E. Bleckley) 1889. 6 Ga. 111. Fees of Counsel, Allowance by Courts (John H. Guy) 1889. 1 Va. 163. Fellow-Servants, Law of, in Personal Injury Cases (Wm. M. Baxter) 1891. 10 Tenn. 185. 31 Feudalism, the Kew (Benj. A. Richmond) 1898. 3 Md. 159. Field, David Dudley, Delays and Uncertainties of the Law. 8 Am. 263. Field, David Dudley, Codification. 9 Am. 325. Field, David Dudley, Needs of Legislation. 10 N. Y. State, 81, Field, David Dudley and His '\^■ork (S. Newton Fiero) 1895. 18 X. Y. 177. Fifty Years of Reform Procedure (Wm. B. Horhblower) 1898. 2 Ind. 10. Finances of Pennsylvania, 183S-1843, (Report), 1895. 2 Pa. 251. Fire Insurance Law, Peculiarities (Myron H. Beach) 1896. 19 111. 78. Fixtures, Louisiana Law of (Thos. J. Semmes) 1889. 8 Tenn. 183. Foreign Corporations in Tennessee (John H. Watkins) 1893. 12 Tenn. 180. Foreign Territory, Annexation of (W. C. Sharpstein) 1898. 1.0 Wash. 80. Foreign Territory, Constitutional Right to Acquire (Judson Harmon) 1898. 19 Ohio, 179. Foreign Territory, Right to Acquire and Hold (Chas. A. Gar- dener) 1899. 22 X. Y. 126. Form of Acknowledgments of Deeds, etc. (Wm. Allen Buller). 5 Am. 283. Formation of Judicial and Political Sub-divisions in S., C. (John P. Thomas, Jr.) 1889. 5 S. C. 67. Forum, Choice of (James P. Wilson) 1896. 17 Ohio, 197. Fragmental Law Reform (Edwin Countryman). 3 N. Y. 111. Framers of Constitution, Intent of (H. C. Sluss) 1896. 13 Kan. 53. France as a Republic (Adlai E. Stevenson) 1898. 22 111. 17. Franchises, Educational (Edward Avery Harriman) 1898. 21 Am. 603. P'ranconia Mountain Notch (Poem), (Harry Hibbard) 1895. 12 G. & C. 128. 32 Fraud Through Confidential Kelationships (John E. Hessin) 1892. 9 Kan. 82. Free Government, The Tyrannies of (Eichard Wayne Parker) 1895. 18 Am. 295. French Bar (L. B. McFarland). 2 I'enn. 87. Fuller, Melville W., function of Bar Associations. 10 111. 66. Fuller, Melville W., Growth of the Law. 10 111.59. Function of Growth of the Common Law (Robert S. Taylor) 1897. 1 Ind. 79. Function of University Law School (Lawrence Maxwell, Jr.) 1897. 18 Ohio, 201. Functions of U. S. Supreme Court (Hilary A. Herbert) 1897. 3 Pa. 155. Future of Woman at the Georgia Bar (Logan E. Bleckley) 1893. 10 Ga. 117. G. General Court of Virgiuia (Francis H. McGuire) 1895. 7 Va. 197. Georgia as a Litigant in U. S. Supreme Court (John W. Park) 1890. 13 Ga. 106. Georgia Bar, Young Practitioner at the (Frank H. Miller) Ib'Jl. 8 Ga. 31. Georgia Code, Evolution of (Jno. L. Hopkins) 1899. 16 Ga. 66. Georgia's Contribution to Law Reform (J. R. I^amar) 1892. 9 Ga. 62. Georgia Driftwood {Is. J. Hammond) 1896. 13 Ga. 171. Georgia Judicial System, Is It Defective? (W. T. Turnbull, J. L. Sweat B. B. Bower) 1894. 11 Ga. 84. Georgia Law Books (Jos. R. Lamar) 1898. 15 Ga. 118. Georgia, Litigation During Reconstruction Period (Henry R. . Goetchius) 1897., 14 Ga. 66. Georgia Mountain Bar, Wit and Humor of (Chas. L. Bass) 1898. 15 Ga. 187. Georgia Remedial Procedure, What Reforms Most Needed? (A. C. King) 1893. 10 Ga. 166. 3d Georgia Reports, Wit ai.d Wisdom of Bleckley, C. J., In (Al- bert H. Russell) 1898. 15 Ga. 244. Georgia, Wit and Humor of Bar (C. J. Thornton) 1897. 14 Ga. 302. Glance at Certain Rights, State and National (J. H. Hopkins). 5 N. Y. 153. Government, American, Philosophy of and Dangers ( ) 1896. 13 Kan. 37. Gorernment, American, Relation of Religion to (Edward Thom- son) 1899. 16 Ga. 208. Government Bj Injunction (Wm. G. Peterkin) 1897. 12 Va. 45. (J. H. Benton, Jr.) 1898. 15 G. & C. 433. (W. P. Rogers) 1898. 2 Ind. 103. (Jno. E. Garland) 1897. 1 S. D. 23. See "Injunction, Government by." Government, Century of Modern (Simeon E. Baldwin) 1889. 12 Am. 235. Government, Free, The Tyrannies of (Richard Wayne Parker;. 1895. 18 Am. 295. Government, Leaderless (Woodrow Wilson) 1897. 10 Va. 271. Government, Municipal (Daniel M. Valentine) 1892. 9 Kan. 18.. Government of Cities (John Watson Pratt) 1894. 6 Wash. 105 Government, Present Scope of (Eugene Wambaugh") 1897. 20 Am. 307. Government Regulation of R. R. Rates (Martin A. Knapp> 1895. 18 N. Y. 93. Government, Treatment of The Indians (A. S. C^olyar) 1895. 14 Tenn. 144. Grafton and Coos Counties Bar (Poem), (Jason H. Dudley) 1889. 7 G. & C. 555. Grain Exchange, Law of the (Thomas Dent). 16 111. 64. Grand Divisions of State, Constitutional Recognition of (H. M. Wiltse) 1893. 12 Tenn. 137. Great Dissenting Opinions (Hampton L. Carson) 1894. 17 Am. 273. Greater N. Y. Charter (Wm. C. DeWitt) 1898. 21 N. Y. 30. Greater N. Y. Charter, Report, etc. 1897. N. Y. City, pamph. 34 Oreece, Constitutional Law in (0. O. Tichenor) 1898. 16 Mo. 'Growth in Common Law (Bobert S. Taylor) 1897. 1 Ind. 79. Growth of American Law (Justice Henry B. Brown) 1892. 13 Ohio, 35. Growth of Criminal Law( S. P. Gilbert) 1899. 16 Ga. 96. ■Growth of the Constitution (Alex. C. King) 1896. 19 Ala. 72. ■Growth of Legal Principles (M. M. Neil). 3 Tenn. 116. ■Growth of Law (Melville W. Fuller). 10 111. 59. ■ Guarantees, Constitutional, of Liberty and Property, Modern Scope of (Richard Wayne Parker) 1895. 18 Am. 295. -Guarantees of Liberty (David McCuUoch). 14 111. 31. Guardian Ad Litem (Bev. T. Crump) 1898. 11 Va. 277. H. Habeas Corpus (L. F. Garrard). 1 Ga. 119. Habeas Corpus, Abuses of Writ (Seymour D. Thompson). 6 Am. 213. Hague Peace Congress, Addresses to Czar Nicholas and Presi- dent McKinley. 1899. 22 N. Y. 497. Hale, Sir Mathew (Cortlandt Parker) 1896. 2 Pa. 191. Hamilton, Alexander, and William Patterson (Cortlandt Par- ker). 3 Am. 149. Harrison, Benj., Address as President of Indiana Associa- tion, 1897. 1 Ind. 12. Hawaii, Annexation of (Harry Bingham) 1898. 15 G. & C. 413. Hawaiian Annexation, Practical and Legal Aspects (Charles J. Swift) 1897. 14 Ga. 150. ^Health, Public, Law and the (T. A. Witten) 1898. 16 Mo. 78. Higher Law (Solon O. Thacher). 4 Kansas, 24. Highway, The King's (Stephen S. Brown) 1894. 16 Mo. 233. Historical Relation of Roman Law to Law of England (Wm. Wirt Howe) 1895. 18 Am. 275. Historical Sketch of Georgia as a Litigant (Jno. W. Park) 1896. 13 Ga. 106. History, Judicial, of 2s . H. Before the Revolution (Salma Hale) 1895. 12 G. & C. 53. 35 History, Law and the Lawyer in (Ghas. S. Fogg) 1896. 8 Wash. 41. History, Legal, Uses of (Montague Crackanthorpe) 1896. 19 Am. 343. History of County Court System of Virginia (Waller R. Sta- ples) 1894. 6 Va. 127. History of First Georgia Code (Richard H. Clark) 1890. 7 Ga. 144. History of Illinois and State's Duty (Elliott Anthony, H. W. Eeckwith) 1892. 15 111. 105, 138. History of Law is History of Civilization (E. E. Green) 1888. 11 111. 31. History of Ohio Judiciary (M. C. Reed) 1888. 9 Ohio, 200. History of Practice in Florida (S. Y. Finlay) 1888. 2 Pla. 26. History of Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Legal (S. A. Champion) 1897. 16 Tenn. 158. Holding Up Estates (Adelbert Moot) 1899. 22 N. Y. 325. Homestead, .Vlienation of, in Alabama (E. P. Morrisett). 4 Ala. 9S. Homicide (I. H. Shanklin). 2 Mo. 231. Homicide, Evidence in Mitigation (A. Comings). 3 Mo. 172. Honorary Degrees (Report) 1898. 21 Am. 391. I. Ideal and the Actual in the Law (James C. Carter) 1890. 13 Am. 217. Ideal Law (L. L. Coburn) 1S89. 12 111. 54. Ideal Law, The Perfection of Right (E. W. Martin) 1891. 8 Ga. 60. Ideal Lawyer, The (Amos E. Goodhue) 1889. 12 Ala. 88. Ideal, The True Professional (Jno. F. Dillon) 1894. 17 Am. 409. If Not, Why Not? (E. F. Robinson) 1893. 10 Kan. 30. Illinois Bar, Reminiscence of (J. N. Arnold). 4 111. 1(12. Illinois, Beginning of Law in (E. G. Mason). 10 111. 103. Illinois Constitutional Law (Thos. Dent) 1889. 12 111. 35. Illinois, Needed Reforms (James M. Riggs) 1892. 15 111. 49. , 36 Illinois Practice, Reminiscences of (William Thomas;. 3 111. C2. Illinois, Practice in Supreme Court of (John H. Hamline) 1896. 20 111. 3. Illinois Territory, Its Laws and Courts (Henry W. Blodgetl), 1898. 22 III. 99. Illinois Town Meeting (Henry V. Freeman) 1898. 22 111. 73. Imparlance Term (J. W. Ferrell). 2 Miss. 71. Impeachment, Law of (F. L. Williams) 1898. 15 Kan. 62. Impeachment of Samuel Chase, Justice (Alex. Pope Hum- phrey) 1899. 12 Va. 233. Impending Crisis, The (S. W. John) 1S92. 15 Ala. 188. Impending Perils (C. C. Bonny) 1888. 9 Ohio, 153. Imperialism (Eli S. Hammond) 1898. 19 Ohio, 235. Improprieties, Professional (Joseph Moreland) 1897. 12 VV. Va. 35. Income Tax Decision (Geo. F. Hoar) 1898. 11 Va. 247. Income Tax Decision (Revolution) (Henry H. Ingersoll) 1895. 14 Tenn. 16i. Increasing Difficulties of American Democratic Government (Wm. L. Wilson) 1899. 16 Ga. 233. Independence, Judicial (Henry B. Brown) 1889. 12 Am. 265. Indeterminate Sentences of Convicted Criminals (Report). 9 Am. 313. Indeterminate Sentences (Report) 1898. 21 Am. 466. Index to Papers and Discussions American Bar Association on Legal Education, 1895. 18 Am. 309. Indexing, Block, New York Act, Explained (Dwight H. 01m- stead) 1890. 13 Am. 265. Indians, Government Treatment of (A. S. Colyar) 1895. 34 Tenn. 144. Indians, Legal Status of (Wm. B. Hornblower) 1891. 14 Am. 261. Indirect Taxation for State Revenue (H. W. Smith) 1895. 2" Utah, 61. Inductive Method in Legal Education (William A. Kenner)? 1894. 17 Am. 473. 37 Inevitable Readjustment of Law (Alfred P. Thorn) 1893. o Va. 247. Influence of Bar in State and Federal Government (J. H. Ben- ton, Jr.) 1894. 3 S. N. H. 1227. Influence of Habits of Thought Upon our Institutions (Thos. M. Cooley). 2 So. Ca, 70. Influence of Virginia in Formation of Federal Constitution (Roger A. Pryor) 1895. 7 Va. 175. Inheritance Tax, Constitutionality of (Christopher G. Tiede- man) 1899. 22 X. Y. 278. Injunction and Organized Labor (Charles Claflin Allen) 1894. 17 Am. 299. Injunction, Ex parte (Kentucky Code) (R. Weissinger). 3 Ky. 29. Injunction, Government by (W. P. Rogers) 1898. 2 Ind. 103. Injunction, Government by (Wm. G. Peterkin) 1897. 12 W. Va. 45. Injunction, Government by. See also "Government by Injunc- tion." Injunction in Missouri (Adiel Sherwood) 1895. 16 Mo. 258. Injunction, Mandatory (Jacob Klein) 1898. 16 Mo. 92. Injunction, What is Government by? (J. H. Benton, Jr.) 1898. 15 G. & C. 433. Inks and Their Identification on Written Documents (M. D. Ewell) 1892. 15 111. 146. Inquiry into the Proper Mode of Trial (George W. Biddle). 8 Am. 201. Insanity as a Legal Fiction (Simeon E. Baldwin). 3 Tenn. 63. Insecurity of Titles to Realty (H. C. Caldwell). 1 Ark. 7. Insolvent Traders' Receivership Act, Georgia (F. D. Peabody, N. J. Hammond, F. H. Miller) 1894. 11 Ga. 131. Institutions, British, and American Constitutions (J. Randolph Tucker) 1892. 15 Am. 213. Insurance Law in Law Schools (Jno. A. Finch) 1897. 20 Am. 495. Integrity of Legal Profession (W. D. Webb). 3 Kansas, 50. Interference of Law with Capital (J. A. Jameson). 5 111. 92. 38 Intent of Framers of Constitution (H. C. Sluss) 1896. 13 Kan- 53. International Aspects of Cuban Question (Jno. V. L. Findlay}, 1898. 4 Pa. 241. International Court (W. G. Hutcheson). 8 Ala. 45. International Court, The Proposed (David Martin) 1897. 14 Kan. 17. International Intervention (James Maynard) 1898. 17 Tenn.. 131. International Law and Arbitration (Lord Russell) 1896. 19' Am. 253. International Relations (W. L. Chambers) 1895. 18 Ala. 53. Inter-State and Intra-State Commerce (Alfred Ennis) 1SS9. 12 111. 48. Inter-State Commerce (R. T. Barton) 1895. 10 W. Va. 140. Inter-State Commerce (James W. Craig) 1888. 11 111. 41. Inter-State Commerce and the Supreme Court (E. L. Russell) 1890. 13 Ala. 142. Inter-State Commerce Law (Horace Stringfellow, Jr.). 10 Ala.. 68. Inter-Stale Commerce, Power of Congress (J. Randolph Tuck- er). 11 Am. 247. Inter-State Commerce Law, Practical Workings fJno. Mc- Nulta) 1890. 13 111. 67. Inter-State Code Commission (Hannis Taylor). 3 Ala. 210. Interstate Crime and Extradition (Wilbur Larrimore) 1899 22 N. Y. 360. Inter-State Law (B. R. Vineyard). 4 Mo. 167. Intervention, International (James Maynard) 1898. 17 Tonn. 131. Intoxicating Liquors, Law Regulating, Review (Wm. H.- Sawyer) 1896. 13 G. & C. 207. Inviolability of Telegrams (Henry Hitchcock). 2 Am. 93. Inviolability of Telegrams (G. P. Lowrey). 2 N. Y. State, 54 Irrelevant, A National Case of the (Logan E. Bleckley) 1S99.. 16 Ga. 111. 39 Irrigation and Water Rights in Wasliington (Austin Mires) 1897. 9 Wash. 140. Is a Law-Maliing Affiliation with a Political Party a Qualiflca; tion to Office, Constitutional? (George W. Kretzinger) 1892. 15 111. 164. Is Judge Factor in Jury Trial? (Chas. D. Porter) 1893. 12 Tenn. 188. Is the Trust Dangerous? (Horace H. Lurton) 1891. 10 Tenn. 144. Issues from Chancery (W. C. McGowan) 1889. 5 S. C. 93. J. Jackson, Andrew, and Henry Clay (A. S. Colyar) 1896. 15 Tenn. 79. Jackson, Andrew, Justice (Seymour D. Thompson) 1897. 16 Teun. 168. Jackson, Howell E., Justice (H. M. Doak) 1897. IC Tenn. 76. Jeremiad, A (A. L. Williams) 1896. 13 Kan. 37. Journalism, Legal (Irvine Brown) 1892. 15 111. 71. Judge and People (H. C. Sluss). 4 Kansas, 59. Judge as a Factor in Trials of Fact (Logan E. Bleckley) 1897. 14 Ga. 141. Judge as Factor in Jury Trials (Chas. D. Porter) 1893. 12 Tenn. 188. Judge Lynch and Jury Laws (J. H. Malone) 1894. 13 Tenn., 108. Judgment, Collateral Attack of (Edgar W. Smith) 1898. 15 G. & C. 537. Judgments, Lien of (Stephen Croom). 5 Ala. 51. Judgments on Notice (C. C. Bonney). 2 111. 64, Judicial Administration in Alabama (George P. Moore). 1 Ala. 71. Judicial Administration of Justice (Charles Hayden). 4 Kan- sas, 39. Judicial Administration, Work of Tennessee Committee on, 1889. 8 Tenn. 196. 40 Judicial Character, A Study of (Marshall J. Clarke) 1889. 6 Ga. 31. Judicial Construction and Public Policy (Fred Bousman) 1898. 10 Wash. 143. Judicial Delay in Ala. (James Weatherby). 7 Ala. 47. Judicial Discretion (M. L. Stephenson). 3 Ark. 61. Judicial Delay (George F. Moore). 2 Ala. 137. , Judicial History of New Hampshire Before the Revolution (Salma Hale) 1895. 12 G. & C. 53. Judicial Independence (Justice Henry B. Brown) 1889. 12 Am. 265. Judicial Legislation (T. N. Allen) 1896. 8 Wash. 56. Judicial Office (Jno. N. Jewitt) 1898. 22 111. 33. Judicial Opinions, Some, Study (Ben. Sheeks) 1897. 9 Wash. 127. Judicial Procedure (Oliver A. Hawker) 1896. 19 111. 3. Judicial Procedure, Eeforms in (Chas. Pratt) 1895. 16 Ohio, 97. Judicial Reforms (Geo. W. Stone) 1889. 12 Ala. 108. Judicial Eeforms (Thos. Ewing) 1890. 7 Kan. 26. Judicial Supremacy (Seymour D. Thompson) 1897. 12 W. Va. 64. Judicial System, The Federal (Walter B. Hill) 1889. 12 Am. 289. Judicial System, Georgia, Wherein Defective (W. T. TurnbuU, J. L. Sweat, B. B. Bower) 1894. 11 Ga. 84. Judicial System of New Mexico (T. B. Catson) 1896. 11 N. Mex. 10. Judicial System of Virginia, History and Defects (R. G. H. Kean) 1889. 1 Va. 139. Judicial System of Virginia, Suggested Changes (James P. Harrison) 1899. 12 Va. 233. Judiciary and Politics (John M. Davidson) 1898. 20 Ala. 92. Judiciary, Compensation of (Henry M. Russell) 1894. "The Bar." W. Va. February, 1894, 15. Judiciary, Elective (F. D. Mills) 1897. 14 Kan. 47. Judiciary, Federal, and Liberties of the People (Seymour D. Thompson) 1890. 13 Ala. 87. 41 -Judieiarj, Federal, Recent Criticism of (Wm. H. Taft) 1895. 18 Am. 237. ■Judiciary, How Chosen (W. M. Reese, J. J. Strickland, H. W. Hill, W. H. Fleming, I. E. Shumate) 1893. 10 Ga. 141. •Judiciary, Non-Partisan Selection (Frank H. Graves) 1894. 6 Wash. 86. Judiciary, Ohio, History of (M. C. Reed) 1888. i9 Ohio, 20C. Judiciary, Ohio (John F. Follett) 1896. 17 Ohio, 129. Judiciary, Powers and Duties (James Guthrie) 1890. 7 Kan. 16. Judiciary, Provincial, of Maryland (Chas. E. Phelps) 1897. 2 Md. 93. Judiciary, Remodeling the (T. P. Jacobs) 1899. 13 W. Va. 75. Judiciary, Selection of (F. D. Peabody) 1896. 13 Ga. 211. Judiciary, Selection, Tenure and Compensation (Geo. Suther- land)- 1895. 2 Utah, 47. ■Judiciary Statistics of Various States (John Ruhm) 1894. 13 Tenn. 49. Judiciary System, California, Needed Reforms (S. F. Lieb) 1890. 1 Cal. 29. Juries and Courts, Criticisms of (F. L. Martin) 1897. 14 Kan. 70. Juries and Jury Trials (Chas. O. Bates) 1895. 7 Wash. T,7. Juries as Judges of Law and Fact in Criminal Cases (P. J. Crogan) 1896. 11 W. Va. 22. Juries, Selection of (J. B. Chrisman) 1889. 4 Miss. 9. Juries, Selection of (Albert D. Marks) 1890. 9 Tenn. 188. Juries, Unanimity Rule (Sigmund Zeisler) 1890. 13 IIJ. 54. Juries, What Provisions Should Utah Constitution Contain? (J. G. Sutherland) 1S95. 2 Utah, 5. Jurisdiction (J. L. Thames). 5 Mo. 209. Jurisdiction, Appellate in Penn. (John B. McPherson) 1897 3 Pa. 121. Jurisdiction of J. P. in Penn. (Thos. Patterson) 1897. 3 Pa. 142. Jurisdiction of Federal Courts (Thos. Wilson). 1 Minn. 43. Jurisdiction of State and Federal Courts (C. H. Hanford) 1895. 7 Wash. 84. 42 Jurisprudence, American (Simeon E. Baldwin) 1892. 13 Ohio, 137. Jurisprudence and Political Economy (William M. Ivins). 3 N. Y. State, 103. Jurisprudence and Government (O. H. Browning). 2 111. 20. Jurisprudence as a Branch of Social Science (J. M. Wool worth). 11 Am. 279. Jurisprudence and Law Reform in Alabama (Thomas H. Watts). 1 Ala. 51. Jurisprudence, Bentham and His School of (John F. Dillon) 1890. 11 Ohio, 201. Jurisprudence, Evolution of (W. W. MacFarland) 1893. 10 Am. 271. Jurisprudence in Mississippi (A. M. Clayton). 1 Miss. 15. Jurisprudence, Medical, in Law Schools (Nathan S. Davis) 1895. 18 Am. 469. Jurisprudence, New Hamp., Advancement of (David Cross) 1892. 1 S. N. H. 31. Jurisprudence, Not Progressive (Lyman Trumbull) 1893. 16 111. 71. Jurisprudence, Pennsylvania (Jno. W. Simonton) 1895. 1 Pa. 3. Jurisprudence, Progress in (Jno. S. H. Prink) 1889. 7 G. & O. 535. Jurisprudence, Virginia's Place In (Jno. Randolph Tucker) 1895. 10 W. Va. 118. Jurors, Selecting (Oliver C. Harker) 1894. 17 111. 124. Jury, The (Geo. E. Price) 1896. 11 W. Va. 54. Jury as Judges of Law and Fact in Criminal Cases (George T. Spencer). 3 N. Y. State, 125. Jury Exemptions, Advisability of Decreasing (H. W. Hill, E. H. Myers) 1898. 15 Ga. 235, 241. Jury Laws and Judge Lynch (Jas. H. Malone) 1894. 13 Tenn. 108. Jury, Reading Law to (T. P. Jacobs) 1893. 7 W. Va. 57. Jury Reform (S. A. Northway) 1890. 11 Ohio, 223. 43 Jury System (James Ellison). 4 Mo. 157. (J. M. Mitchell). 1 Gr. & Co. 1127. (T. F. Garver). 3 Kan. 29. (C. L. Capen). 6. 111. 54. (Samuel Hall). 2 Ga. 111. (F. S. Clark). 2 Ark. 6. (VV. G. Holt). 15 Kan. 53. Jury System, Reforms in (Tim. E. Cooper) 1898. 17 Tenn. 83. Jury System, Weakness and Strength (Henry A. Morrell) 1890.. 11 Ohio, 234. Jury Trial, Abolition of Unanimity Rule in Civil Cases (Stei- ling B. Toney) 1893. 16 Ala, 7(i. Jury, Trial by (Geo. P. Castigan, Jr.) 1897. 4 Utah, 38. (Jo seph H. Choate) 1898. 21 Am. 285. (Washington Dessau) 1893. 10 Ga. 28. See "Ttial by Jury." Jury Trial in Civil Cases (L. Skidmore). 7 Ts". Y. State, 167. Jury Trial, Is Judge Factor In? (Chas. D. Porter) 1893. 12 Tenn. 188. Jury Trials, Should They be Abolished? (H. Whiteside) 1894. 11 Kan. 68. (Chas B. Graves.) 76. 72. Jury, Verdicts of, and New Trials (John Peabody) 1892. 9 Ga. 45. Justice, Emotional (Logan E. Bleckley) 1892. 9 Ga. 54. Justice for Friendless and Poor (Joseph W. Errant) 1888. 11 111. 75. Justice of the Peace in England (Geo. F. Moore) 1890. 13 Ala. 151. Justice of the Peace, Penn., Jurisdiction (Thomas Patterson) 1897. 3 Pa, 142. Justice, Speedy (J. T. Holmes) 1890. 11 Ohio, 169. Kansas, Need of Constitutional Convention (E. W. Moore) 1892. 9 Kan. 88. Kansas, Some Thoughts About (David J. Brewer) 1895. 12 Kan. 61. King's Highway, The (Stephen S. Brown) 1894. 16 Mo. 233. Knowledge and Love of Law, Duty of Lawyers to Teach (M. J. Wade) 1898. 4 la. 157. 44 Xabor and the Law (S. D. Weakley) 1894. 17 Ala. 106. Labor, Legislation for Protection of (John G-ibbons) 1893. 16 111. 131. Labor, Organized, Injunctions and (Chas. Clafllin Allen) 1894. 17 Am. 299. Labor Troubles, Legal Questions (Robert L. Morris) 1892. 11 Tenn. 144. Lack of Progress in Jurisprudence (Lyman Trumbull) 1893. 16 111. 71. Laesae Majestatis, A Case of in ^ew Amsterdam (Amasa A. lledfleld) 1899. 22 N. Y. 68. Lake Front Case, Chicago (Merritt Starr) 1894. 17 111. 99. Lamar, L. Q. C, Justice (Walter B. Hjll) 1894. 11 Ga. 149. Land Titles, Transfer of (Alfred Orendorff, Hiram Bigelow, Ethelbert Callahan, Harley B. Hurd) 1892. 15 111. 170, 180, 185, 189. Land Transfer Reform (Dwight H. Olmstead) 1890. 13 Am 265. (Chas. F. Libby) 1894. 3 Me. 9. N. Y. City, 24th, 41st and 42d pamph. (Dwight H. Olmstead). 6 N. Y. State, 100. Land Transfers,Torrens System (E. H. Fitch) 1892. 13 Ohio, 149. (Report) 1S93. 14 Ohio, 154. Landlord and Tenant (James Z. Moore) 1896. 8 Wash. 122. Last Decade, Problems of (Henry Stockbridge) 1899. 13 W. Va. 48. Law, Agency of Bench and Bar in Making (Franklin J. Dick- man) 1898. 19 Ohio, 191. Law and the Agitator (C. F. Spencer) 1898. 15 Kan. 88. Law Books, Art of Writing (Martin L. Newell) 1896. 19 111. 20. Law Books, Georgia (Joseph R. Lamar) 1898. 15 Ga. 118. Law and Civilization (Edward D. Rand). 1 Gr. & Co. 29. Law, Collegiate Study of (Jas. Fairbanks Colby) 1896. 19 Am. 521. Law Curriculum (Emlin McClain) 1896. 19 Am. 267. Law, Development and Present Condition (Richard M. Ven- able) 1889. 5 S. C. 45. 45 Law Dispensary, A (Emlin Hare Miller) 1894. 17 Am. 490. law, Enactment, Observance and Enforcement (J. H. Hender- son) 1897. 3 la. 16. Law, The End of (Eobert E. Hamill) 1897. 21 111. 38. Law, Growth of American (Justice Henry B. Brown) 1892. 13 Ohio, 35. Law, History of, is History of Civilization (E. B. Green) 1888.. 11 111. 31. Law, Ideal (L. L. Coburn) 1889. 12 111. 54. Law, The Ideal and the Actual in the (James C. Carter) 1890. 13 Am. 217. Law of Impeachment (F. L. Williams) 1898. 15 Kan. C2. Law, Inevitable Readjustment of (Alfred P. Thorn) 1893. 5- Va. 247. Law of Insurance in.Law Schools (Jno. A. Finch) 1897. 20 Am. 495. Law and the Irr'^'evant (L. E. Bleckley) 1899. 16 Ga. 111. Law, Its Courts and Ministers (Hamilton McWhorter) 1899. 16 Ga. 41. Law, Its Progress and Effect upon Civilization (J. W. House). 6 Ark. 12. Law, a Jealous Mistress (James O. Pierce). 3 Tenn. 214. Law and Labor (S. D. Weakley) 1894. 17 Ala. 106. Law and Lawyer in History (Chas. S. Fogg) 1896. 8 Wash. 41. Law and the Lawyer (Jas. McSherry) 1897. 2 Md. 57. Law and Lawyers (Martin A^'elker) 1895. 16 Ohio, 205. Law and Lawyers (Anthony Thornton). 1 111. 15. Law and Lawyers (Gordon E. Cole). 1 Minn. 6. (A.P.Perry).. 8 Ohio, 144. Law and Lawyers, See "Legal Profession." Law and Lawyers of Shakespeare (James D. Teller). 4 N. Y. State, 162. Law aud Lawyers, Eelation to Republican Government (W. T. Willey) 1887. 2 W. Va. 114. Law and Lawyers, Recollections of (Chas. H. Smith, "Bill. Arp") 1893. 10 Ga. 49. Law-inaking (John W. Griggs) 1897. 20 Am. 257. 46 Law-making Power (Henry Wade Eogers) 1894. 11 Kan. 32. Law, Mistakes of, and of Lawyers (A. H. Ellis) 1896. 13 Kan. 57. Law and Mob Law (E. A. Bakewell). 4 Mo. 192. Law, Modern, Potent Factors in (Archie Hogg) 1896. 13 Kan. 81. Law, Modern, Primitive Conceptions in Eelation to (Henry E. Davis) 1897. 20 Am. 469. Law and National Spirit, Eelationship of (George A. Mercer). 2 Am. 143. Law of England, Eelation of Eoman Law to (Wm. Wirt Howe) 1895. 18 Am. 275. Law of Labor and Trade (P. C. Knox) 1897. 3 Pa. 3. Law of Trusts and Strikes, The (U. M. Eose) 1893. 16 Am. 287. Law, the Philosophy of (E. B. Leaming) 1897. 9 Wash. 104. Law and Pleading (0. M. Eoberts) 1889. 8 Tex. 52. Law, Present State of (U. M. Eose) 1896. 9 Va. 167. Law, Progress of, During Victorian Era (Jesse Haldom) 1897. 21 111. 43. Law and Public Health (T. A. Witten) 1898. 16 Mo. 78. Law Eeform and Changes (J. M. Mobley) 1891. 8 Ga. 113. Law Eeform, Georgia's Contribution to (J. E. Lamar) 1892. 9 Ga. 62. Law Eeform, Code of Procedure (C. C. Bonney). 5 111. 133. Law Eeform (John A. McMahon). 8 Ohio, 16. Law Eeform, Codification (H. F. Vallette). 5 111. 114. Law Eeform, Fragmental (Edwin Countryman). 3 N. Y. State, 111. Law Eeform and Future of Legal Profession (C. C. Bonney). 6 111. 45. Law Eeforms, Duty of the Bar (Wm. B. Pettit) 1898. 11 Va. 225. Law Eeforms, See "Eeforms in Law." Law, Eelation of, to Our National Development (Eev. Lyman Abbott) 1895. 18 Am. 457. Law Eeporting (Full Eeport) 1898. 21 Am. 437. Law Eeporting (Full Eeport) 1895. 18 Am. 243. 47 Law Reporting. N. Y. City, 6th and 7th pamph. (1873). Law Reports and Law Reporting (John F. Dillon). 9 Am. 257 Law, Romance of (Robert T. Barton) 1891. 3 Va. — . Law, as a Rule of Feeling (Logan E. Bleckley) 1889. 6 Ga. 111. Law School, Insurance Law in (Jno. A. Finch) 1897. 20 Am. 495. Law School Libraries (Simeon E. Baldwin) 1894. 17 Am. 4:'.l. Law School, Relation to University (Ernest W. Huffcut) 1895. 18 Am. 429. Law Schools in U. S., List of. 1894. 3 S. N. H. 257. Law Schools, Medical Jurisprudence in (Nathan S. Davis) 189.j. IS Am. 469. Law, Schools of (Chas. W. Needham) 1898. 21 Am. 61"). Law Schools of U. S., Education in (Henry Wade Rogers) 1894. 17 Am. 389. Law Schools, Teaching. Practice in (Blewett Lee) 1896. 19 Am. 507. Law School, University, Function of (Lawrence Maxwell, .)r). 1897. 18 Ohio, 201. Law as a Science (Lawrence Maxwell, Jr.) 1897. 1 Inrl. 16, Law in Science, and Science in Law (Oliver Wendell Holmes) 1899. 22 N. Y. 97. Law's Delay (J. M. Dickinson) 1889. 8 Tenn. 137. Law's Delay, Remedy (F. C. Dougherty) 1891. 12 Ohio, 146. Law, Security Under, Staff of Republic (Jno. Gibbons) 1897. 3 la. 84. Laws, Xaturalization (Robt. B. Spilman) 1894. 11 Kan. 52. Laws, Uniform State (Lyman D. Brewster) 1898. 21 Am. 315. I aw Teaching by Cases (Emlin McClain) 1893. 16 Am. 401. Law Teachers, the Wage of (Chas. Noble Gregory) 1897. 20 Am. 511. Law, Thoughts on Study and Practice of (R. T. W. Duke) 1890. 2 Va. 131. Law, I'niversity Teaching of English (Jas. Bradley Thayer) 1895. 18 Am. 409. Lawyer, The (W. S. Fleming). 4 Tenn. 146. (Joseph Sprigg) 1887. 2 W. \"a. OS. (Chas. Richardson Miles) 1889. 5 S. C. 31. See "Legal Profession." 48 Lawyer, The Ancient (Chas. E. Fenner) 1890. 2 Va. 93. Lawyer in Belles-Lettres (Henry M. Eussell) 1897. 2 W. Va.. 86. Lawyer, Tiie Case (J. J. Willett) 1893. 16 Ala. 59. Lawyer, The Greatest, Moses (James S. Ewing) 1893. 16 111.. 106. Lawyer in History (Chas. S. Fogg) 1896. 8 Wash. 41. Lawyer, The Ideal (Amos E. Goodhue) 1889. V2 Ala. 88. Lawyer, The Old V^irginia (Thos. Nelson Page) 1891. 3 Va. — . Lawyer in Politics (Z. M. P. Inge) 1888. 11 Ala. 48. (A. B. McEachin) 1890. 13 Ala. 49. Lawyer, and His Relations (W. ^\'. Guthrie) 1897. 14 Kan. 41. Lawyer, in Repose and Otherwise (W. G. M. Thomas) 1895. 14 Tenn. 58. Lawyer, Responsibilities of (Jos. B. Warner) 1896. 19 Am. 319. Lawyer, The Scientific or Model (J. A. McClernand). 3 111. 21. Lawyer and Shyster (E. L. Harman) 1897. 20 .\la. 39. Lawyer, The True (George ^A^ McCrary). Kansas City B. A. (B. F. Buckner). 1 Ky. 6. Lawyer of Yesterday and To-day (Franklin A. Wilson) 1898. 7 Me. 20. Lawyers of the Bible (Egbert Callahan). 7 111. 84. Lawyers, Business Methods for (W. R. Nelson) 1891. 14 Ala. 65. Lawyer, Compared with Other Professions (Wilbur F. Stone). 1 Col. 29. Lawyers in Congress, Etc. (Table) 1894. 3 S. X. H. 207. Lawyers, Co-Operation Among (G. N. Tillman) 1893. 12 Tenn. 133. Lawyer's Duties and Responsibilities (James Carr). 6 Mo. 159. Lawyer's Duty, The (Geo. Turner) 1898. 10 "Wash. 65. Lawyer's Duty to the State (Thomas M. Cooley). 4 Tenn. 79, Lawyers and Good Government (V. D. Markham). 1 Col. 21. Lawyers and the Honor of the Profession (Sherman S. Rogers). 6 N. Y. State, 31. Lawyer's Influence in Creating Public Opinion (Wm. C. P. Breckenridge) 1891. 3 Va. — . 49 Lawyers and Judges (W. W. Smith). 1 Ark. 28. (E. G. Kyan). 1 Wis. 5. Lawyers and Law (Martin Welker) 1S95. 16 Ohio, 205. Lawyer's Life, Pathetic Side of (Douglas Anderson) 1896. 15 Tenn. 66. Lawyers as Ministers of Justice (William Hey wood). 1 Gr. & Co. 17. Lawyers, Mistakes of (Jeremiah Smith) 1892. 1 S. N. H. 57. Lawyers, Mistakes of Law and (A. H. Ellis) 1896. 13 Kan. 57. I-awyer's Necessity for Literary Culture (Chas. M. Blackford) 1895. 7 Va. 145. Lawyer's Place Among Men (George Perkins) 1895. 7 Va. 231. Lawyers, I'osition and Influence of (J as. Humphrey) 1894. 11 Kan. 17. Lawyers, "Kazor-Back" (W. L. Granberry) 1893. 12 Tenn. 146. Lawyers and the Keform of the Law (David B. Hill). 9 N. Y. State, 35. Lawyer's Relations to Court and Client (Jno. C. Lee) 1890. 11 Ohio. 189. lawyer's Relations to Public (Jno. Haskell Butler) 1888. 1 Tenn. 173. Lawyer's Relation to Republican Government (W. T. Willey) 1887. 2 W. Va. 114. Lawyer's Relation to Society (H. L. Alden) 1896. 13 Kan. 16. Lawyer's Relation to State (John Arthur) 1894. 6 Wash. 71. Lawyers, Trustees of Public Opinion (J. B. Cumming). 3 Ga. 88. Lawyers, Young, Suggestions to (Cortlandt Parker) 1895. 16 Ohio, 187. Leaderless Government (Woodrow Wilson) 1897. 10 Va. 271. Legal Biography, Philosophy of (George A. Mercer) 1890. 7 Ga. 47. Legal Education (Rufus P. Ranney). 2 Ohio, 79. (O. M. Roberts). 3 Texas, 43. (Samuel Williston) 1893. 16 Am. 391- (Henry Wade Rogers) 1891. 14 111. 169. (E. M. Prince) 1890. 13 111. 80. (Henry Wade Rogers) 1897. 21 HI. 53. Report (Ed Baxter) 1892. 11 Tenn. 59. (Full Re- 4 b 50 port), 1897. 20 Am. 349. (Geo. Wharton Pepper) 1895. 1 Pa. 105. (Chas. F. Libby) 1896. o Me. 7. (John Humphrey) 1892. 9 Kan. 68. (J. W. Greer). 9 Kan. 74. Legal Education and Admission to the Bar, Report (Carleton Hunt). 2 Am. 193. Legal Education, Laws of all States Ees.pecting. 4 Am. 238. Legal Education, Common Law Procedure in (Ohas. M. Camp- bell) 1896. 19 Am. 493. Legal Education in England (Geo. Henry Emmott) 1896. 19 Am. 605. Legal Education, Existing Question of (Austin Abbott) 1873. 10 Am. 371. Legal Education, Inductive Method in (William A. Keener) 1894. 17 Am. 473. Legal Education in Law Schools of U. S. (Henry Wade Rogers) 1894. 17 Am. 389. Legal Education in N. Y. ^Clarence D. Ashley) 1899. 22 N. 1' 341. Legal Education, Papers and Discussions, American Bar As- sociation (Index). 18 Am. 309. Legal Education, A Principle of Orthodox (John H. Wigniore! 1894. 17 Am. 453. Legal Education, Scope of Discussion, American Bar Aasocia tion (Report). IS Am. 309. Legal Education, Standards in the West (John D. Lawson) 1894. 17 Am. 423. Legal Education of Undergraduates (Woodrow Wiisoi!'. 3S04. 17 Am. 439. Legal Education in U. S., Limitations and Requirements (Ed- mund Wetmore) 1894. 17 Am. 461. Legal Ethics (Joseph Cox). 8 Ohio, 95. (Okey Johnson) 1893. 7 W. Va. 48. (Washington Dessau, Chm.) 1889. 6 Ga. 99. (Walter B. Hill, Chm.) 1896. 13 Ga. 218. Legal Ethics, Codification of. 10 Ala. 1. 1 Va. 61. Legal Ethics, See also "Professional Ethics," and "Pthics." Legal History, Uses of (Montague Crackanthorpe) 1896. 19 Am. 343. 51 Legalize Murder, Can Legislation? (Leslie W. Kussell), 1898. 21. N. Y. 90. Legal Jurnalism (Irvine Brown) 1892. 15 111. 71. Legal Precedents and Stare Decisis (J. D. Bradford). 3 Tenn. 186. Legal Problems, Practical (Samuel P. Wheeler) 1894. 17 111. 89. Legal Profession, Address, etc, (Clifford Anderson). 4 Ga. 75. (Prank Doster). 4 Kans. 51. (C. F. Burnam). 3 Ky. 3. (A. R. Lawton). 1 Ga. 73. (John R. Eakin). 2 Ark. 26. (W. L. Nugent). 2 Miss. 13. (Asa Iglehart). 8 Ind. 58. ,(A. G. Magrath). 1 So. Ca. 57. (Joseph Sprigg). 1 West Va. 68. (W. T. Willey). 1 West Va. 1,14. (Orville D. Baker) 1892. 1 Me. 30. (David Cross) 1S93. 2 S. N. H. 101. (J. S. H. Prink) 1894. 3 S. N. H. 347. (Chas. H. Burns) 1896. 5 S. N. H. 11. (Chas. Richardson Miles) 1889. 5 S. C. 31. Legal Profession, Criticisms of Reviewed (Samuel C. Graham) 1892. 4 Va. 193. Legal Profession, Duty as to Needed Changes in Legislation (J. Allen A^'atts) 1893. 5 Va. 215. Legal Profession, Duty as to Enactment, Observance, Enforce- ment of Law (J. H. Henderson) 1897. 3 la. 16. Legal Profession, Duty to Teach the Law (M. J. Wade) 189S. 4 la. 157. Legal Profession, Function of, in Progress of Civilization (Stanley Matthews). 5 N. Y. 103. Legal Profession, Future of (John M. Shirley). 6 Am. 195. (C. C. Bonney). 6 111. 45. Legal Profession, If Not, Why Not? (E. F. Robinson) 1893. 10 Kan. 30. Legal Profession, Integrity of (W. D. Webb). 3 Kansas, 50. Legal Profession, The Morale of (Leslie C. Cornish) 1893. 2 Me. 4. Legal Profession, Opportunities and Obligations (Jno. Barton Payne) 1896. 2 la. 110. 52 Legal Profession, Popular Opinions of (H. S. Greene). 10 III. 88. Legal Profession, Pre-eminence in U. S. (Jolin H. George). 2 Gr. & Co. 275. Legal Profession, Problems for (Jno. D. Milliken) 1895. 12 Kan. 44. Legal Profession, Responsibility of (D. S. Troy). 6' Ala. 114. Legal Profession, Eesponsibility of (1. E. Shumate). 4 Ga. 98. Legal Profession, Success in (David B. Hill). 10 N. Y. State, 37. Legal Profession, Unpopularity of (H. G. McCall). 3 Ala. 243 Legal Questions Arising Out of Tennessee Labor Troubles (Kobt. L. Morris) 1892. 11 Tenn. 144. Legal Reforms (C. F. Libby) 1892. 1 Me. 11. Legal Relations Between Bench and Bar (Albert E. Pillsbury); 1898. 7 S. N. H. 185. Legal Status of the Indians, The (Wm. B. Hornblower) 1891. 14 Am. 261. Legar(§ & Petigru (A. R. Lawton). 4 Am. 175. Legislation, As it Affects Administration of Justice (Samuel F. Miller). 2 N. Y. State, 31. Legislation, Defective and Slip-shod (Simon Sterne). 7 Am.. 275. Legislation, Duty of Profession as to Needed Changes in (J. Allen Watts) 1893. 5 Va. 215. Legislation, Excessive (Robt. Earl) 1898. 21 N. Y. 122. Legislation, Excessive, Cause of Weakness, etc. (Claud Estes) 1890. 7 Ga. 80. Legislation 1896, Illinois (John H. Hamline) 1897. 21 111. 3. Legislation of 1897, An Illustration of Decadence of Legisla- ture fW. U. Hensel) 1898. 4 Pa. 105. Legislation, Judicial (T. N. Allen) 1896. S Wash. 56. Legislation, Noteworthy Changes in (James O. Broadhead,) 1879. 2 Am. 51. (B. H. Bristow) 1880. 3 lb. 81. (Edward J. Phelps) 1881. 4 76. 141. (Francis F. Kernan) 1882. 5 76, 167. (A. R. Lawton) 1883. 6. 76. 137. (Cortlandt Parker) 1884. 7 lb. 147. (John W. Stevenson) 1885. 8 76. 149. (Wm. 53'. Allen Butler) l.S8f). !) lb. 153. (Thomas J..Semmes) 1887. 10 lb. 157. (George G. Wright) 1888. 11 lb. 169. (David Dudley Field) 1889. 12 Am. 149. (Henry Hitchcock) 1890. 13 Am. 147. (Simeon E. Baldwin) 1891. 14 Am. 163. (John F. Dillon) 1892. 15 Am. 167. (John Randolph Tucker) 1893. 16 Am. 159. (Thos. M. Cooley) 1894. 17 Am. 181. (James C. Carter) 1895. 18 Am. 185. (Moorfield Storey) 1896. 19 Am. 179. (James JI. Woolworth) 1897. 20 Am. 203. (William Wirt Howe) 1898. 21 Am. 235. (W. L. Bragg) 1879. 1 Ala. 37. (J. L. Smith) 1881. 3 Ala. 181. (M. L. Stanton) 1883. 5 Ala. 37. (X. H. E. Dawson) 1884. 7. Ala. 23. (H. C. Tompkins) 1887. 10 Ala. 49. (Wilbur F. Foster) 1888. 11 Ala. 27. (Mil- ton Humes) 1889. 12 Ala. 47. (Thos. H. Watts, Sr.) 1890. 13 Ala. 29. (Hannis Taylor) 1891. 14 Ala. 51. (A. B. Mc- Eachin) 1892. 15 Ala, 103. (A. 0. Hargrove) 1893. 16 Ala. 37. (J. R. Dawdell) 1894. 17 Ala. 38. (James E. Webb) 1895. 18 Ala. 33. (Richard C. Jones) 1896. 19 Ala. 1. {Richard H. Clark) 1897. 20 Ala. 17. (Jno. P. Tillman) 1898. 21 Ala. 21. (W. F. Cooper) 1882. 1 Tenn. 31. (B. M. Estes) 1883. 2 Tenn. 61. (Andrew Allison) 1884. 3 Tenn. 50. (Xenophon Wheeler) 1885. 4 Tenn. 60. (W. C. Folkes) 1886. 5 Tenn. 83. (Henry H. IngersoU) 1888. 7 Tenn. 159. (L. B. McFarland) 1889. 8 Tenn. 121. (J. M. Dickinson) 1890. 9 Tenn. 153. (Geo. W. Pickle) 1891. 10 Tenn. 123. ( M. M. Neil) 1892. 11 Tenn. 101. (Ed Baxter) 1893. 12 Tenn. 102. (W. A. Henderson) 1894. 13 Tenn. 45. (J. H. Malone) 1895. 14 Tenn. 45. (Albert D. Marks) 1896. 15 Tenn. 44. (W. B. Swaney) 1897. 16 Tenn. 56. (C. W. Metcalf) 1898. 17 Tenn. 61. (Henry Hitchcock) 1882. 2 Mo. 89. (J. H. Shank- lin)1883. 3 Mo. 69. (John (\ Gage) 1884. 4 Mo. 71. (Jacob Klein) 1885. 5 Mo. 69. (George W. MeCrary) 1886. 6 Mo. 79. (Charles G. Burton) 1887. 7 Mo. 51. (Martin Alexander) 1894. 16 Mo. 182. (W. C. Marshall) 1898. 16 Mo. 50. (J. H. McLtary) 1885. 3 Texas, 35. (A. J. Peeler) 1886. 4 Texas, 27. (J. T. Bell) 1887. 6 Tex. 20. (F. Chas. Hume) 1889. 8. Tex. 25. (Alfred Orendroff) 1898. 22 111. 3. (Benson Wood) 1899. 23 111. 3. (Geo. S. Green) 1892. 9 Kan. 61. S.4 Legislation for Protection of Labor (Jno. Gibbons) 1893. KS IlL 131. Legislation, RetrospectiTe (Greorge W. Biddle);. 4 N.^ Y. State,. 107. , Legislation Since the Code (Va), (W. P. McRae) 1897. 10 Va, 2^3. Legislation, Vicious (J. J. Turner) 1895. 14 Tenn. 72. Legislatis:e and Judicial Tunctions (R. C. Benton). 8 Am. 261.. Legislative Competition for Corporate Capital (Chas. F. Bost- . wick) 1899. 22 N. Y, 301. Legislative Conditions in Ohio (John H. Doyle) 1893. . 14 OhiOr 103. Legislative Power, Limitations of, as to Personal Rights and Private Property (John W. Cary) 1892. 15 Am. 245. Legislature, Constitutional Restraints Upon, Penn., (Samuel . Dickson) 1S95. 2 Pa. 3. Legislature, The American (Moorfield Storey) 1894. 17 Am. 245. Legislature and the Bar (Geo. W. Miller) 1897. 21 III. 67. Legislature, Suggested Restrictions Upon (Robt. R. Hender- . son) 1898. 3 Md. 129. Liability Between Relatives for Services, Support and on Al- leged Implied Contracts (Nat'l. C. Moak) 1890. 13 N. Y. 211, Libel (David J. Brewer). 3 Kansas, 55. Libel Law Proposed by Pennsylvania Editors (Wm. B. Rodgers) 1896. 2 Pa. 175. Liberties of the People and the Federal Judiciary (Seymour D, Thompson) 1890. 13 Ala. 87. Liberty of Contract Under the Police Power (Fred N. Judson) 1891. 14 Am. 231. Liberty and Property, Modern Scope of Constitutional Guar- antees (Richard Wayne Parker) 1895. 18 Am. 295. Liberty of Pursuit and Combinations of Labor or Capital (James R. Doolittle) 1893. 16 111. 80. Libraries of Law Schools (Simeon E. Baldwin) 1894. 17 Am. . 431. , , Lien, Material Man's (Prank H. Post) 1894. 6 Wash. 127. ;65 Life Tenure in Office in Republican Government (Sam. J. Hun- ter) 1898. Texas. . Limitations Upon Appellate Courts (Albert H. Horton) 1891. 8 Kan. 18. Limitations of Dartmouth College Case (William "K. Millerj 1898. 15 Ga. 196. Limitations of Legislative Power as to Personal Rights, and Private Property (John W. Cary) 1892. 15 Am. 245. Limitations and Requirements of Legal Education in U. S. (Edmund Wetmore) 1894. 17 Am. 461. Limits of Municipal Law in a Democracy (George Hoadly). 5 Ala. 71. Lincoln, Abraham, as a Lawyer (A. Bergen) 1897. 14 Kan. 31. Liquors, Law Regulating Intoxicating (Review), (Wm. H. Saw- yer) 1896. 13 G. & C. 207. List of Modern Arbitrations (Report), 1896. 19 Am, 390. Literary Culture, The Lawyer's Necessity for (Chas. M. Black- ford) 1895. 7 Va. 145. Literary Property (W. A. Wimbish) 1895. 12 Ga. 202. Litigation, Dignity of (Israel H. Peres) 1892. 11 Tenn. 122. Litigation in Georgia During Reconstruction Period (Henry R. Goetchius) 1897. 14 Ga. 66. Local Bar Association (Alex. Simpson, Jr.) 1895. 1 Pa. 140. Local Legislation (S. W. John). 8 Ala. 54. Logical Conception of a Corporation (Benj. Trapnell) 1876. 11 W. Va. 29. Logic of the Law (H. W. Wells). 5 111. 85. Louisiana Law of Fixtures (Thos. J. Semmes) 1889. 8 Tenn. 183. Lynchings, Are Courts Responsible for? (John J. Strickland) 1899. 16 Ga. 184. Lynch, Judge, and Jury Laws (Jas. H. Malone) 1894. 13 Tenn. 108. Lynch Law (W^m. P. Chilton). 4 Ala. 77. Lynch Law, Is it Due to Defects in Criminal Law, or Its Ad- ministration? (H. T. Lewis, Lewis W. Thomas, Jno. C. Me- 56 Donald, G. P. Munro, Burton Smith) 1897. 14 Ga. 164, 167, 179, 181, 196. Lynch Law Tree (Extract from Green Bag) 1896. 13 Ga. 215. M. Madison, James (Jno. W. Stevenson). 6 Am. 269. Magna Charta (D. M. Rose). 3 Ark. 13. Magna Charta Itegis Johannis (John M. Scott) 1896. 20 111. 47. Making of the Constitution (S. B. Maxey) 1889. 8 Tex. 37. Malice As An Element of Torts (Ansley Wilcox). 6 N. Y. 135. Malice Essential for Defamation on Privileged Occasion (W. A. Purrington) 1898. 21 N. Y. 137. Malice in Civil Actions (L. C. KrauthofE) 1898. 21 Am. 335. Mandatory Injunctions (Jacob Klein) 1898. 16 Mo. 92. Marriage License Law. N. Y. City, 30th pamph. (1886). Married Women in West Virginia (B. M. Ambler) 1887. 2 W. Va. 97. Married Women, Property Right of. Is Legislation Needed? (H. A. Mathews) 1891. 8 Ga. 75. Married Women, Property and Contractual Rights of (Wm. B. Pettit) 1899. 12 Va. 251. Married Women, Disabilities of (Discussion). 7 Mo. 118. Married Women, Rights of (B. M. Ambler). 1 West Va. 95. Married Women, Property Rights in Missouri (F. M. Black). 2 Mo. 242. Married Women, Statutory Estates (H. Austill). 8 Ala, 62. Married Women, Disabilities of (W. A. Percy, Jr.). 5 Tenn. 145. Married Women, Legal Rights of (N. Smithson). 1 Tenn. 65. Married Women, Disabilities of (W. P. Grace). 1 Ark. 19. Marshall, Chief Justice, Characteristics of (Randall M. Ewing). 3 Tenn. 135. Marshall, Chief Justice (E. J. Phelps). 2 Am. 173. Marshall, John (John C. Black) 1896. 20 111. 25. Master and Servant (Robert L. Parrish) 1892. 4 Va. 127. Master's Liability to Servant, Test of (Edward E. Sprague). 4 N. Y. 170. 57 Master's Promise to Repair Defective Machinery (James F. Gluck). 6 N. Y. 178. Maryland, Colonial Courts (Report), 1898. 3. Md. 77. Maryland's Contribution to Federalism (Hampton L. Carson) 1898. 3 Md. 143. Maryland, Founders of Bar (Elihu S. Riley) 1897. 2 Md. 79. Marvlaird, Provincial Judiciary (Chas. E. Phelps) 1897. 2 Md. 93. Material Man's Lien (Frank H. Post) 1894. 6 Wash. 127. Matthews, Stanley; Function of Legal Profession in Progress of Civilization. 5 N. Y. 103. Maturing of Causes (A. M. Poundstone) 1895. 10 W. Va. 28. Maynard, Judge I. H., Report as to His Removal. 1892. N. Y. City, pamph. McKinney, Judge; Sketch of (W. A. Henderson). 3 Tenn. 107. Mechanics' Liens in W. ^"a. (S. (5^. Smith) 1896. 11 W. Ya. 61. Mechanics' Lien Law, Phases of (Gardner Lathrop). 6 Mo. 139. Medical Jurisprudence in Law Schools (Nathan S. Davis) 1895. 18 Am. 469. Medical Witness, Rights and Wrongs of (James B. Baird) 1899. 16 Ga. 79. Memphis Bar, Reminiscences (L. B. McParland) 1898. 17 Tenn. 87. Method, Inductive, In Legal Education (William H. Keener) 1804. 17 Am. 473. Mexico, Court of Last Resort (L. G. Kinne) 1896. 2 la. 38. Milestones of the Law (Solon 0. Thacher). 5 Kansas, 15. Miller, Samuel F. ; Authority of Adjudged Cases (Letter). 1 vSo. Ca. 95. Legislation, As it Affects Administration of Justice. 2 n! Y. State, 31. Bar Associations. 6 N. Y. State. 83. Professional Ttaining. 13 West Jur. 242; 20 Alb. L. J. 25. Mining Laws in Washington (P. H. Brownell) 1.S98. 10 Wash. 94. Minor, John B., Memorial of (James C. Lamb) 1896. 9 Va, 49. 58 Minority Stockholders, Rights of (Eugene D. Hawkins) 1890. 13 N. Y. 187. Mission of Bench and Bar (A. W. Hendricks). 1 Indiana, 8. (Old series.) Mission of State Bar Association (Ralph Stone) 1895. 18 N. Y. 148. Mississippi Constitution of 1890 Compared with Previous Ones (R. H. Thompson) 1891. 6 Miss. 9. Missouri, Judicial System of (J. L. Torry). 1 Mo.. 107. Mistakes of Law and Lawyers (A. H. Ellis) 1896. 13 Kan. 57. Mistakes, Our (Jeremiah Smith) 1892. 1 S. N. H. 57. Mixed Pickles (H. S. Ferguson). 7 Ala. 36. Modern Arbitrations, List of (Report), 1896. 19 Am. 390. Modern Government, The Centenary of (Simeon E. Baldwin) 1889. 12 Am. 235. Modern Instances of a Wise Saw (Jno. J. Williams) 1898. 11 Va. 303. Modern Law, Primitive Conceptions in Relation to (Henry E. Davis) 1897. 20 Am. 469. Modern Law, Potent Factors in (Archie Hogg) 1896. 13 Kan. 81. Modern Scope of Constitutional Guarantees of Liberty and Property (Richard Wayne Parker) 1895. 18 Am. 295. Monopoly, Origin and Nature (D. B. Lucas) 1888. 3 W. Va. 117. Monstrosities of the Law (Isaac Miller Hamilton) 1894. 17 111, 191. Moot Courts (Report), 1898. 21 Am. 335. . Morality of the Profession (J. T. Brooks) 1889. lO Ohio, 175. Morale of the Legal Profession (Leslie C. Cornish) 1893. 2 Me. 4. Mortgages in Washington (Harold Preston) 1897. 9 Wash. 79. Mortgages of Rents of Real Estate (Henry M. Hoyt) 1898. 10 Wash. 132. Moses, The Greatest Lawyer (James S. Ewing) 1893. 16 IlL 106. Municipal Bonds (A. A. Godard) 1894. 11 Kan. 61. 59 k Municipal Chapters, Control of, W. Va. (Wm. Erskine) 1895- 10 W. Va. 90. Municipal Government (Daniel M. Valentine) X892. 9 Kan. 18. Municipal Government (H. L. Stone). 3 Ky. 21. Municipal Law in Illinois, History of (William L. Gross), i 111. 57. Municipal Law, Limits of, in Democracy (George Hoadly). 5. Ala. 71. Murder, Can Legislation Legalize? (Leslie W. Russell) 1898.. 21 N. Y. 90. Myra Clark Gaines Litigation (J. Carroll Payne) 1897. 14 Ga. 219. N. National Development, Relation of Law to (Rev. Lyman Ab- bott) 1895. 18 Am. 457. National Legislation Respecting Railroads, etc. (Robert P. Harlow). 4 N. Y. State, 207. Natural Rghts, and Constitutional Law (C. G. Tiedeman). 7 Mo. 97. Naturalization Laws (Robert B. Spilman) 1894. 11 Kan. 52. Necessity for Revision of Tennessee Laws (James H. Malone) 189.3. 12 Tenn. 167. Necessity for LTniformity in Laws Governing Commercial Paper (Henrs' C. Tliompkins) 1890. 13 Am. 247. Need of the Profession, A Better Education (David -J. Brewer) 189."). 18 Am. 441. Needed Legislation, Mo. (Frank B. Ellis) 1808. 16 Mo. 175. Needs of Legislation (David Dudley Field). 10 N. Y. 81 . Negligence, Contributory (Edward E. Sprague). 6 N. Y, 197, Negligence, Contributory (R. S. Holt) 1896. 8 Wash. 108. Negligence of Co-Employees Liability for (Richard B. Davis)' 1890. 2 Va. 113. Negotiable Instruments Act (Proposed by Commission on Uni- form Laws) 1898. 15 Ga. 149. Negotiable Instruments Law (James W. Eaton) 1898. 21 N. Y„ 100. 60 2^egro, His Civil and' Political Btatus (David M. Key). 1 Tenn^ 13S. JNegro Question, Legal Aspects of (W. R. Houghton). 7 Ala. 64. , : , l^eutrals, 'Rights of (Report Interhational Law) 1898. 2 L Am. 425. IsTew Hampshire Ad-vancemeut of Jurisprudence (David Cross) 18SV2. 1 S. N. H. 31. • JSevf Hampshire Constitution, Proposed Amendments (yint. S. Ladd) 1889. 7 0. & C. 565. NevF Mexico, Appellate Court (Memorial) ' 1898. 13 N. M. 25. Nevv Mexico, Bench and Bar. 1891. 6 N. M. 28. New Mexico, Code Civil Procedure, 1895. 10 N. M. 63. Kew Mexico Judicial System (T. B. Catson) 1896. 11 N. M. 10. New Mexico Law, Statutes and Reports (James G. Fitch) 1895. 10 N. M. 32. New Mexico Law Reform (S. B. New comb) 1889. 4 N. ,M. ."i. New Mexico, Obstructions to Justice (F. W. Clancy) 1891. 6 N. M. 17. New Mexico, Pleading, Needed Reforms (A. B. Elliott) 1893. 8 N. M. 13. New York Block-Indexing Act, Explanation of (Dwight H. Olmstead) 1890. 13 Am. 205. New York Board Law Examiners (Austin G. Fox) 1890. 19 Am. 543. New York State Bar Association T^'ork Accomplished, 1889 ^Wm. H. Arnoux) 1890. 13 N. Y. 38. Nicaragua Canal, The (Lionel C. Lev;>^) 1895. 10 Ga. 82. Nicholson, Chief Justice (Robert McKay). 4 Tenn. 158. Nisi Prius Judge in Our Judicial System (J. B. Gantt). o Mo. 195. Non-Partisan Judiciary (Frank H. Graves) 1894. 6 Wash. 86. Non-Residents, Conflicting State and Fedteral Decisions Re- specting (C. C. Garrett). 6 Tex. 26. Noteworthy Changes in Legislation, See "Legislation." ISfotice, Record, and Curative Acts (Alfred Battle) 189!}. 8 Wash. 144. 61 O. Oaths, Too Many and Their Consequences (Eobert Earl) liS99.. 22 N. Y. 60. O'Connor, Charles, Proceedings Against. N. Y. City. 13th,, 14th and 15th pamph., 1876. Ohio, Administration of Justice in (Rufus P. Ranney). 1 Ohio, 63. Ohio Bar Association (E. P. Green) 1888. 9 Ohio, 117. Ohio, Bench and Bar of Northwestern (Judge Lang). 4 Ohio, 99. Ohio, Bar Association, Matters for Attention (J. J. Moore) 1889. 10 Ohio, 159. (Henderson Elliott) 1891. 12 Ohio, 129. (S. R. Harris) 1894. 15 Ohio, 105. (Geo. K. Nash) 1897. 18 Ohio, 189. Ohio Centennial (Andrew Squire) 1888. 9 Ohio, 271. Ohio, Conditions of Legislature (John H. Doyle) 1893. 14 Ohio, 105. Ohio, Early Bar (Allen G. Thurman) 1888. 9 Ohio, 193. Ohio, Early Judges of (James Thompson). 3 Ohio. Ohio, Early Judges and Lawyers of (H. B. Curtis). 4 Ohio, 109. Ohio, Judiciary of iR. A. Harrison). 4 Ohio, 1. Ohio Judiciary (Jno. F. Follett) 1896. 17 Ohio, 129. Ohio Judiciary, History of (M. C. Reed) 1888. 9 Ohio, 206. Ohio, Law and Legislation in (W. J. Gilmore). 7 Ohio, 1-L. Operation of Anti-Trust Law (Report) 1897. 20 Am. 325. Opinions by the Court (Robt. McEldowney) 1891. 7 W. Va, 71. Opinions, Dissenting (Caruthers Ewing) 1898. 11 Tenn. 100. Opinions, Great Dissenting (Hampton L. Carson) 1894 17 Am. 273. Opinions, Some Judicial, Study (Ben. Sheeks) 1897. 9 V> ash. 127. Opportunities and Obligations of Legal Profession (Jno. IJar- ton Payne) 1896. 2 la. 110. Oral Argument (W. L. Vandeventer) 1888. 11 111. 44. Ordinance of 1787 (Wm. R. Smith) 1896. 13 Kan. 72. 62 •Organized Labor, Injunction and (Chas. Claflin Allen) 3 894. 17 Am. 299. •Orthodox Legal Education, A Principle of (John H. Wiginore) 1894. 17 Am. 453. •Other Side of Corporations (J. W. Gleed) 1897. 14 Kan. 57. -Pai^e, Thomas Nelson, The Old Virginia Lawyer, 1891. 3 Va. — . -Paper Money, American (Walter D. Dabney) 1894. 6 Va. 181. JPardoning Power, Use and Abuse (0. Gr. Foster) 1898. 15 Kan. 46. Pardons and Criminals (C. C. Cook) 1891. 12 Ohio, 163. Pardons and Paroles (E. A. Snively) 1899. 23 111. 33. Parliamentary Reform (John W. Mellor). 11 N. Y. 65. Parole and Indeterminate Sentences (Report) 1898. 21 Am. 466. Partition of Powers Between Federal and State Governments (Richard M. Venable). 8 Am. 235. Partnership Property, Attachment for Individual Debts (Ed- ward C. NJles) 1895. 12 G. & G. 132. Tatent Law and Practice (R. S. Taylor) 1895. 18 Am. 481. (Lysander Hall) 1896. 19 111. 37. Pathetic Side of a Lawyer's Life (Douglas Anderson) 1896. 15 Tenn. 66. Peace Conference at The Hague, Addresses to Czar and Presi- dent. 22 :N. Y. 497. Pennsylvania, Common Law of (George Sharswood, 1855) 1895. 1 Pa. 333. Pennsylvania, Equity In (Anthony Laussatt, Jr., 1825) 189.j. 1 Pa. 221. Pennsylvania, Finances 1838-1843 (Report) 1896. 2 Pa. 251. Pennsylvania, Rules of Common Pleas (Alex. Simpson, Jr.) 1896. 2 Pa. 281. Pennsylvania, 17th Century Courts of (Lawrence Lewis, Jr., 1881) 1895. 1 Pa. 353. 63 People Made Constitution (Henry McLean) 1898. 15 Kan. 67. People's Power over Combinations and Monopolies (Seymour D. Thompson) 1891. 14 111. 81. Perfection of Right, the Ideal Law (E. W. Martin) 1891. 8 Ga. 60. Personal Injury Cases, Damages in, Fellow-servaiits (Wm. M. Baxter) 1891. 10 Tenn. 185. Personal Liberty and Duties of Officers (B. M. Read) 1889. 4 Is\ Mex. 23. Personal Rights and Private Property, Limitation of Legisla- tive Power as to (John \V. Cary) 1892. 15 Am. 245. Petigru and Legar^ (A. R. Lawton). 4 Am. 175. Philosophy of American Government and Besetting Dangers (A. L. Williams) 1896. 13 Kan. 37. Philosophy of the Law (E. B. Leaming) 1897. 9 Wash. 104. Philosophy of Legal Biography (George A. Mercer) 1890. 7 Ga. 47. Pioneer Judges and Lawyers of Washington (Jno. J. McGilvra) 1895. 7 Wash. 90. (N. T. Caton) 1896. 8 Wash. 63. Plan of the Other Wise Men (Melville D. Post) 1899. 13 W. Va. 84. Plea for Xon-Political Lawyer (Irving Browne) 2 N. Y. 75. Pleading, Common Law (S. H. Dent) 1893. 16 Ala. 70. Pleading in Texas (Robert G. Street). 2 Tex. 79. Pleading, Law and (O. M. Roberts) 1889. 8 Tex. 52. Pleadings, Why They Should be Verified? (J. W. Tomlinson) 1894. 17 Ala. 52. Pledges of Rents and Profits of Real Estate (Henry M. Hoyt) 1898. 10 Wash. 132. Poet Bleckley, The (John W. Akin) 1895. 12 Ga. 101. Police Power, Decisions on, Illustrating Development of Law (Alfred Russell) 1898. 9 Mich. 2S. (Detroit Legal News, July 16, 1898.) Police Power, Liberty of Contract Under (Fred N. Judson) 1891. 14 Am. 231. Police Power of States to Commerce Power of Nation, Relation (Chas C. Bonney) 1891. 14 111. 75. 64 Policy and Effect of Usury Laws (W. H. Prichard) 1897. !> Wash. 115. Policy of Eedemption Laws (Thos. Carroll) 1894. 6 Wash. 95. Political Apotliems of Martin Van Buren (Daniel B. Lucas) 1892. 4 Va. 109. Politics and the Judiciary (Jno M. Davidson) 1898. 20 Ala. 92. Politics, Disinclination of Superior Men to Engage in (D. P. Bestor) 1890. 13 Ala, 78. Politics, Lawyers in (Z. M. P. Inge) 1888. 11 Ala. 48. Politics, Lawyers in (A. B. McEachin) 1890. 13 Ala. 49. Politics On the Bench (Jno. A. Poster) 1892. 15 Ala. 123. Popular Opinions of Law and Lawyers (H. S. Greene). 10 111. 88. Popular Self Mastery (P. S. Grosscup) 1898. 15 Kan. 30. Position and Influence of Lawyers (Jas. Hum'phrey) 1894. 11 Kan. 17. Potent Factors in Modern Law (Archie Hogg) 1896. 13 Kan. 81. Power, Law-Making (Henry AVade Rogers) 1891. 11 Kan. 32. Powers and Duties of Judiciary (Jno Guthrie) 1890. 7 Kan. 16. Practice, Teaching, in Law Schools (Blewett Lee) 1896. 19 Am. 507. Practical Uses of Eoman Law (Wm. G. Glenn) 1894. 11 Ga. 98. Practical Eeforms, Illinois (James B. Bradwell) 1891. 14 111. 63. Practice Act, Amendments of (Edward Higbee). 5. Mo. 163. Practice Commission, The (Wm. L. Gross) 1899. 23 111. 16. Pre-eminence of Lawj^ers in this Country (John H. George). 2 Gr. & Co. 275. Preferences, Voluntary, by Insolvents, in W. Va. (R. Heber Smith) 1888. 3 W. Va. 129. Preliminary Examinations in Criminal Proceedings (Simeon E, Baldwin). 6 Am. 225. Present Condition and Development of Our Law (Richard M. Venable) 1889. 5 S. C. 45. Present Scope of Government (Eugene Wambaugh) 1897. 20 Am. 307. Present State of the Law (U. M. Rose) 1896., 9 Va. 167. Press and the Administration of Justice (Emory Speer). Fla. 32. 65 rrevention of Defective and Slip-shod Legislation (Simoa Sterne). 7 Am. 275. Prices and Charges, Power of State to Eegulate (G. A Finlf- elnburg) 1898. 16 Mo. 160. Primitive CoDceptions in Relation to Modern Law (Henry E Davis) 1897. 20 Am. 469. Primitive Institutions (J. W. Powell) 1896. 19 Am. 573. Principle vs. Case (Jno. E. McKeigham). 3 Mo. 184. Principle of Orthodox Legal Education, A (Jno. H. WigmoreV 1894. 17 Am. 453. Prisoner at the Bar (Wm. Thompson) 1896. 13 Kan. 66. Private Corporations (Warner M. Bateman) 1895. 16 Ohio, 149. Private Property and Public Use (A. J. Peeler). 2 Texas, 60. Private Property, Devotion to Public Use (Oliver C. Phillips) 1897. 14 Kan. 81. Private Property, Limitations of Legislative Powers in Eespect to (Jno. W. Cary) 1892. 15 Am. 245. Private Eights, State and Federal Courts Should Administer Same Law (M. Savage) 1893. 12 Tenn. 210. Privileges, Corporate, Abuse of (Seymour D. Thompson) 1892. 9 Kan. 24. Privileged Communications, Malice Essential for Defamation- (W. A. Purrington) 1898. 21 N. Y. 137. Probate Courts (David T. Blakey). 9 Ala. 73. (P. O. Thweatt). 5 Ark. 69. Probate Law in Wash. (Emmett N. Parker) 1896. 8 Wash. 70.. Problem of Uniform Legislation in U. S. (Wm. L. Snyder) 1892.. 15 Am. 287. Problems for Legal Profession (Jno. D. Milliken) 1895. 12 Kan. 44. Problems of Last Decade (Henry Stockbridge) 1899. 13 W. Va. 48. Procedure, Appellate, Eeforms in (Ind.) (Curran A. DuBruler) 1898. 2 Ind. 95. Procedure and Practice in Washington (Geo. Turner) 1895. 7 Wash. 50. Procedure, Common Law, in Legal Education (Chas. M. Camp- bell) 1896. 19 Am. 493. b 66 Procedure, Proyince of (Durbin Ward). 5 Ohio, 14. Procedure, Eeform, Fifty Years of (Wm. B. Hornblower) 1898. 2 Ind. 10. Procedure, Eeform in Eng. and Am. (Wm. G. Putnam) 1896. 5 S. N. H. 20. -Procedure, Eeform in Judicial (Chas. Pratt) 1895. 16 Ala. 97. Proceedings Supplementary to Execution (James H. Matheny) 1893. 16 111. 111. Professional Comity (Theodore Bacon). 6 N. Y. 142. -Professional Course, Readjustment of Collegiate to (Simeon E. Baldwin) 1898. 21 Am. 575. Professional Duty to Community (A. J. McCrary) 1895. 1 la. 9. Professional Ethics (G. McOrary). 14 West Jur. 193. (James K. Edsall). 4 111. 45. (E. B. Merrill). 6 N. Y. 148. Professional Ethics, Effect on, of Doctrine of Punitive Dam- ages (G. Koerner). 5 Am. 211. See also "Ethics" and "Legal Ethics." Professional Experiences (C. C. Smith, J. H. Martin) 1897. 14 Ga. 198, 207. Professional Ideal, The True (John F. Dillon) 1894. 17 Am. 409. Professional Improprieties (Joseph Moreland) 1897. 12 W. Va. 35. Professional Eesponsibility (I. E. Shumate). 4 Ga. 98. Professional Training (Samuel F. Miller). 13 West Jur. 242. 20 Ab. L. J. 25. Profession, The (Orville D. Bai;er) 1892. 1 Me. 30. Profession, Legal, Morale of (Leslie C. Cornish) 1893. 2 Me. 4. Profession, Legal (David Cross)- 1893. 2 S. N. H. 101. Profession, Legal (J. S. H. Frink) 1894. 3 S. N. H. 347. Profession, Legal (Chas. H. Burns) 1896. 5 S. N. H. 11. Profession, Legal, see "Legal Profession." Profession, Legal, Opportunities and Obligations (Jno. B. Payne) 1896. 2 la. 110. Profession, Morality of (J. T. Brooks) 1889. 10 Ohio, 175. Progress in Jurisprudence (Jno. S. H. Prink) 1889. 7 G. & C. 535. 67 Progress of the Profession (Wm. P. Hubbard) 1895. 10 W. Va. 2. Prohibition Laws (Neil W. Garothers). 3 Tenn. 80. (E. F. Jackson). 3 Tenn. 85. (L. E. Campbell). 3 Tenn. 96. Property, Community (Wash.) (E. A. Ballinger) 1894. 6 Wash. 52. Property, The Distribution of (Henry B. Brown) 1893. 16 Am. 213. Property, Bights and Duties, in Legal and Social System (Jno. F. Dillon) 1895. 18 N. Y. 33. Property Eights of Baron and Feme (Jno. Eandolph Tucker) 1891. 3 Va.— Property Eights of Married Women, Is Legislation Needed? (H. A. Mathews) 1891. 8 Ga. 75. Province of Jurisprudence in America (Stanley Matthews). 1 Ohio, 47. Provinces of Written and Unwritten Law (James C. Carter) 1889. 1 Va. 95. Public Justice, Shall It Be Judicially Administered? (Spencer E. Atkinson) 1899. 16 Ga. 222. Public Policy and Judicial Construction (Fred Bausman) 1898. 10 Wash. 143. Public Policy and Police Power of State (Alfred OrendrofE). 5 111. 72. Public Policy as Affecting Judicial Decisions (Eobt. G. Street). 6 Am. 179. Public Use, Devotion of Private Property to (Oliver C. Phillips) 1897. 14 Kan. SI. Publication of Laws (Eeport) 1892. 9 Ga. 139. Punishment, Degree and Measure (Scott Hopkins). 5 Kan. 55. Punishment, Discretion In (A. H. McDonell) 1893. 10 Ga. 96. Punishment of Crime (E. T. Barton) 1893. 5 Va. 153. Punishment of Crime in National Courts (J. B. Leake). 6 111. 73. Punitive Damages, Effect of, on the Ethics of the Bar (Gus- tave Koerner). 5 Am. 211. Q. Quarantine Power, Limitations on (^. S. Pellans). 6 Ala. 134.. Questions, Existing, of Legal Education (Austin Abbott) 1893.. ^'le'Am. 371. Questions, Legal, Arising Out of Tenn. Labor Troubles (Eobt.. i,. Morris) 1892. 11 Tenn. 144. E. Eace Problem in the South (W. L. Nugent). 2 Miss. 14. Eailroad Corporations, Eelations to Public (J. M. Palmer).. 4 111. 126. Eailroad Corporations, Eelation to State (James McCartney). 7 111. 89. Eailroad Express Business (P. J. Morgan). 5 Tenn. 177. Eailroad Eates, Government Eegulsftions of (Martin A. Knapp) 1895. 18 N. Y. 93. Eailroads as a Factor in the Law (W. S. McCain). 5 Ark. 9. Eailroads, Eights of Employees, etc., as Against Mortgages (George T. Bispham). 3 Am. 167. Eailroads, State Eegulation (Jno. A. Pitts) 1891. 10 Tenn. 214. Eailway Troubles, Western (Chas. S. Gleed) 1891. 8 Kan. 45. Eailways, A Few Thoughts About (Geo. W. Gere) 1888. Ill 111, 62. "Eazor Back" Lawyers (W. L. Granberry) 1893. 12 Tenn. 146. Eeading Law to Jury (T. P. Jacobs) 1893. 7 W. Va. 57. Eeadjustment of Collegiate to Professional Course (Simeon E. Baldwin) 1898. 21 Am. 575. Eeceivers, Evil of Promiscuous Appointment (Chas. S. Fogg) 1894. 6 Wash. 114. Eeceiverships of Corporations (George A. Mercer). 3 Ga. 121. Eecent Changes in American State Constitutions ^(Henry Hitchcock). 10 N. Y. 47. Eecent Criticisms of the Federal Judiciary (William H. Taft> 1895. 18 Am. 237. Eecollections of Law and Lawyers (Chas. H. Smith, "Bill Arp"> 1893. 10 Ga. 49. 69 Keconstruction Period, Litigation During, In Georgia (Henry E. Goetchius) ISOT. 14 Ga. 66. Eecord Notice and Curative Acts (Alfred Battle) 1896. 8 Wash. 144. Recording Laws of the United States (Thomas M. Cooley). 4 Am. 199. Records, Supreme Court (\\. A. Johnston) 1892. 9 Kan. 47. Recurrence to Fundamental Principles (John Goode) 1899. 12 Va. 181. Redemption Laws, Policy of (Thos. Carroll) 1894. 6 Wash. 95. Reform, Civil Service (Wm. Thomson) 1898. 15 Kan. 17. Reform in Criminal Law (H. C. Tompkins). 6 Ala. 47. (Dan- iel Coleman). 6 Ala. 66. Reform of Criminal Procedure (W. C. Glenn) 1897. 14 Ga. 185. Reform, Divorce (S. W. Houk) 1891. 12 Ohio, 155. Reform Procedure in England and America (Wm. L. Putnam) 1896. 5 S. N. H. 20. Reform, Judicial (Geo. W. Stone) 1889. 12 Ala. 108. Reform in Judicial Procedure (Chas. Pratt) 1895. 16 Ohio, 97. Reform, Jury (S. A. Northway) 1890. 11 Ohio, 223. Reform in Jury System (Tim. E. Cooper) 1898. 17 Tenn. 83. Reform, Land Transfer (C. P. Libby) 1894. 3 Me. 9. Reform, Land Transfer (Dwight H. Olmstead) 1898. 13 Am. 265. Reform in Law, Relation of Lawyers to (David B. Hill). 9 N. Y. 35. See also "Law Reforms." Reform in Practice and Administration of Law (J. D. Shew- alter) 1898. 16 Mo. 147. Reform Procedure, Fifty Years of (Wm. B. Hbrnblower) 1898. 2 Ind. 10. Reform, Suggestions for (A. T. Loudon) 1889. 12 Ala. 96. Reforms in Appellate Procedure, Ind. (Curran A. DuBruler) 1898. 2 Ind. 95. Reforms in Courts and Conduct of Litigation (Matthew Hale). 10 N. Y. 137. Reforms, Judicial (Thos. Ewing) 1890. 7 Kan. 26. Reforms, Legal (C. F. Libby) 1892. 1 Me. 11. 70 Eeforms Needed in Judiciary System (Cal.) (S. F. Lieb) 1891. I Cal. 29. Eeforms Needed in Tennessee Chancery Practice (Henry R. Gibson) 1892. 12 Tenn. 119. Reign of Technicality (H. M. Wiltse) 1895. 14 Tenn. 126. Relation (Historical) of Roman Law to Law of England (Wm. ^Virt Howe) 1895. 18 Am. 275. Relation of American Bar to the State (Geo. F. Hoar) 1898. 11 Va. 247. Relation of Law School to University (Ernest W. Huffcut) 1895. 18 Am. 429. Relation of Law to Our National Deyelopment (Rev. Lyman Abbott) 1895. 18 Am. 457. Relation to Republican Government, Lawyer^s (W. T. Willy) 1887. 2 W. Va. 114.. Relation to Society, Lawyer's (H. L. Alden) 1896. 13 Kan. 16. Relations, Liability Between for Service, Support, etc. (Nat'l C. Moak) 1890. 13 N. Y. 211. Relations of Lawyers (W. W. Guthrie) 1897. 14 Kan. 41. Relations of Lawyers to Court and Client (Jno. C. Lee) 1890. II Ohio, 189. Relations of Lawyers to the Tublic (John Haskell Butler) 1888. 7 Tenn. 173. Relief of Federal Court Docket (J. H. Raymond) 1889. 12 111. 65. Relief of Simple Contract Creditor Against Frauds of Insolv- ent Debtor (Report). 9 Am. 275. Relief of U. S. Courts. (Majority Report.) 5 Am. 343. (Mi- nority Report.) lb. 363. See also 6 lb. 313. Relieve Our CourtSj_What Shall be Done to? (J. Newton Fiero) 1890. 13 N. Y. 239. Religion and Our Government, Relation of (Edward Thomson) 1899. 16 Ga, 208. Religious Unbelief as a Disqualification to Give Evidence (James M. Greer) 1891. 10 Tenn. 140. Remedial Procedure, Georgia, What Reforms Most Needed? (A. C. King) 1893. 10 Ga. 166. 71 Remedy for Law's Delay (F. G. Dougherty) 1891. 12 Ohio, 146. Reminiscences (Wm. M. Reese) 1897. 14 Ga. 330. Reminiscences (Mississippi) (R. A. Hill) 1890. 5 Miss. 8. Reminiscences, Bench and Bar, Wash. (Orange Jacobs) 1894. 6 Wash. 132. Remodeling the Judiciary (T. P. Jacobs) 1899. 13 W. Va. 75. Removal of Causes, Delays Incident to (Edgar Aldrich) 1893. 2 S. N. H. 111. Rents and Profits of Real Estate, Mortgage of (Henry M, Hoyt) 1898. 10 Wash. 132. Rent, Remedy, A Relic (B. L. Butcher) 1897. 12 W. Va. 125. Repeal of Statutes (J. W. Gary). 2 Wis. 23. Reporting, Law (Report) 1895. 18 Am. 343. Reports and Reporting. See "Law Reporting." Republic, Safety of. The Supreme Law (Harry Bingham) 1896. 13 G. & C. 189. Requirements and Limitations of Legal Education in TJ. S. (Edmund Wetmore) 1894. 17 Am. 461. Res Gestae, Declarations as (A. H. Davis) 1892. 9 Ga. 78. Responsibilities of the Lawyer (Jas. B. Warner) 1896. 19 Am. 319. Responsibility of Bar for Administration of Justice (D. S. Troy). 6 Ala. 114. Restraint of Trade, Combinations in (D. W. Eaton) 1895. 12 Kan. 37. Restraints upon Legislature, Constitutional, Penn. (Samuel Dickson) 1895. 2 Pa. 3. Restriction of Elective Franchise (Jos. H. Merrill) 1898. 15 Ga. 229. Restrictions on Legislature Suggested (Robt. R. Henderson) 1898. 3 Md. 129. Retrospective Decisions (Joseph B. Heiskell). 5 Tenn. 131. Retrospective Legislation (George W. Biddle). 4 N. Y. 107. Review of Bar Association Reports (Orville A. Park) 1899. 16 Ga. 132. Revision of New York Code, Civil Procedure (Report, etc.) 1895. 18 N. Y. 194-. 72 Bevision of Tenn. Code (R. W. Barton, Jr.) 1895. 14 Tenn. 64. Reyision of Tenn. Laws, Necessity for (James H. Malone) 1893. 12 Tenn. 167. Revision of U. S. Constitution (Walter Clark) 1897. 16 Tenn. 143. Revolution of May 20tli, 1895, (Income Tax Decision) (Henry H. Ingersoll) 1895. 14 Tenn. 161. Bight to Acquire and Hold Foreign Territory (Chas. A. Garde- ner) 1899. 22 N. Y. 126. Riparian Rights (Robert N. Chamberlin) 1897. 14 G. & C. 392. Robinson, James C. (J. M. Palmer). 10 111. 82. Roman Law (Thomas J. Semmes). 9 Am. 189. Roman Law. See also "Civil Law." Boman Law and Lawyers (John L. Smith). 1 Ala. 95. Roman Law, Historical Relation of to Law of England (Wm. Wirt Howe) 1895. 18 Am. 275. Boman Law, Practical Use of (Wm. C. Glenn) 1894. 11 Ga. 98. Romance of the Law (Robt. T. Barton) 1891. 3. Va, — Rome's Influence on Common Law (Ed De Graffenreid) 1893. 16 Ala. 137. Rules of Court of Common Pleas, Penn. (Alex. Simpson, Jr.) 1896. 2 Pa. 281. Russell, Lord ol Killowen — International Law and Arbitra- tion. 1896. 19 Am. 253. S. Safety of Republic, Supreme Law (Harry Bingham) 1896. 13 G. & C. 189. Salaries, Judicial (C. C. Jones). 1 Ga. 89. Sales of Land for Division (John A. Foster). 5 Ala. 118. Sales of Land by Fiduciaries (B. T. Duval). 3 Ark. 53. Schools of Law (Chas W. Needham) 1898. 21 Am. 615. Science of Jurisprudence and Liberal Legal Education (Rufus P. Ranney). 2 Ohio, 79. Science in Law and Law in Science (Oliver Wendell Holmes i 1899. 22 N. Y. 97. Science, Law as a (Lawrence Maxwell, Jr.) 1897. 1 Ind. 16. •Scope, Present, of Government (Eugene Wambaugh) 1897^ 20 Am. 307. Security Under Law, Staff of Eepublic (Jno. Gibbons) 1897 3 la. 84. ' Section 25, Judiciary Act of 1789 (S. P. Walker) 1889. 8 Tenn 179. Section 1300, Mississippi Code 1880 (S. S. Calhoun) 1891. 6 Miss. 40. Selecting Jurors (Oliver C. Harker) 1894. 17 111. 124. Selection of Judiciary (F. D. Peabody) 1896. 13 Ga. 211. Selection of Judiciary, Non-partisan (Frank H. Graves) 1894. 6 Wash. 86. Selection of Juries (J. B. Chrisman) 1889. 4 Miss. 9. Self -Governing Principle, Failure of (D. C. Westenhaver) 1899. 13 W. Va. 21. Self-Mastery, Popular (P. S. Grosscup) 1898. 15 Kan. 30. Service by Publication (C. G. Burton). 3 Mo. 166. Seventeen Eighty-seven, Ordinance of (Wm. R. Smith) 1896. 13 Kan. 72. Seventeenth Century Courts of Penn. (Lawrence Lewis, Jr., 1881) 1895. 1 Pa. 353. Shall Public Justice Be Judicially Administered? (Spencer E. Atkinson) 1899. 16 Ga. 222. Sharswood, Judicial Character of (George W. Biddle). Law Association, Phila. Shifting Uses (Calvin G. Child). 2 Am. 71. Should Jury Trials be Abolished? (H. Whiteside) 1894. 11 Kan. 68. (Chas. B. Graves.) Id. Tl. Shyster, and Lawyer (R: L. Harmon) 1897. 20 Ala. 39. Shyster, Who Is? (Henry M. Wiltse) 1897. 16 Tenn. 133. "Sic Utere Tuo Ut Alienum Non Ledas" (Jno. W. Williams) 1898. 11 Va. 303. Single Tax (R. G. Brown, and Francis Fentress) 1889. 8 Tenn. 157. Social Evolution and Remedial Law (Frank Titus) 1894. 16 Mo. 210. Social Science, Jurisprudence as a Branch of (J. M. Wool- worth). 11 Am. 279. 74 Society, Relation of Lawyer to (H. L. Alden) 1896. 13 Kan. 16., South Carolina, Formation of Judicial and Political Sub- Divisions (Jno. P. Thomas, Jr) 1889. 5 S. C. 67. Sovereign Pre-eminence and Individual Rights (T. R. Gill). 4 Mo. 182. Spanish- American War, International Aspects of (O. A. How- land) 1898. 3 Pa, 14. Special Findings of Fact in Jury Trials (L. 0. Krauthoff). 6 Mo. 105. Specialties in the Practice of Law (J. H. Raymond). 9 111. 69. Speedy Justice (J. T. Holmes) 1890. 11 Ohio, 169. Stanberry, Henry (W. H. Safford). 4 Ohio, 72. Standards of Legal Education in the West (Jno. D. Lawson)- 1894. 17 Am. 423. Stare Decisis (David E. Bailey) 1895. 7 Wash. 72. Stare Decisis, Doctrine of (Daniel H. Chamberlain). 8 N. Y. 69.. State and Bar (Poem) (Ed. E. Parker) 1892. 1 S. N. H. 81. State and Federal Courts, Jurisdiction (C. H. Hanford) 1895. 7 Wash. 84. State and Federal Courts Should Administer Same Law of Private Rights (M. Savage) 1893. 12 Tenn. 210. State Commerce and Regulation of Railways (S. D. Hays). 1 Tenn. 79. State Constitutions, Comparative View of (Washington Des- sau) 1895. 12 Ga. 151. State Laws, Uniform (Lyman D. Brewster) 1898. 21 Am. 315. State Laws, Uniformity of (T. P. Garner) 1893. 10 Kan. 10. State Legislation and Charity Organizations (Shelton T. Viele). 5 N. Y. 165. State Regulation of Contract of Employment (James F. Mister) 1894. 16 Mo. 222. State Regulation of Prices and Charges (G. A. FinkelnburgV 1898. 16 Mo. 166. State Regulation of Railroads (Jno. A. Pitts) 1891. 10 Tenn. 214. State, Relation of Lawyers to (John Arthur) 1894. 6 Wash. 71.. State, Relation of, to Municipal Institutions (H. M. Wiltse)^ 5 Tenn. 159. 75 States, Eights of the (John H. Campbell). 6 Ala. 75. State's Eight to Enjoin Unlicensed Attorney from Practicing,. (Opinions, etc.) 1899. Chicago, Pamph. Statistics as to Judiciary of Various States (Jno. Euhm) 1894.. 13 Tenn. 49. Status, Legal, of the Indians (Wm. B. Hornblower) 1891. 14r Am. 261. Statutes, Can a Statute be Well Written in English? (F. M. Burdick). 6 N. Y. 130. Statutes, Held Unconstitutional by U. S. Supreme Court. (List) 1894. 3 S. N. H. 259. Statutes, Titles of (U. M. Eose). 5 Am. 221. Statutory Charters for Tenn. Corporations (W. B. Swanney), 1890. 9 Tenn. 167. Statutory Construction (Frank S. Monnett) 1895. 16 Ohio 171. Statutory Deformities, etc. (John Feland). 1 Ky. 87. Statutory Law, Confusion of (D. C. Westenhaver) 1892. 8 W.. Va. 117. Statutory Eevision (Ethelbert Callahan) 1894. 17 111. 141. Stenographer in Court (D. A. DeArmond). 6 Mo. 97. Stock Dividends and Their Eestraint (M. D wight Collier). 7 Am. 257. Stockholders, Minority, Rights; of (Eugene D. Hawkins) 1890. 13 N. T. 187. Strength and Weakness of Jury System (Henry A. Morrill) 1890. 11 Ohio, 234. Strikes (Lee Thornton) 1894. 13 Tenn. 67. Strikes, The Ann Arbor Cases (Samuel \\"atson) 1893. 12 Tenn. 205. Strikes, Trusts and. The Law of (U. M. Rose) 1893. 16 Am. 287. Stuart, John Todd (David Davis). 9 111. 47. Study of Common Law (Wm. Draper Lewis) 1898. 4 Pa. 221. Study of Judicial Character (Marshall J. Clarke) 1889. 6 Ga. 31.. Study of Law in Popular Education (James S. Ewing). 8 111. 65. Success at the Bar (Ira Colby) 1897. 6 S. N. H. 117. Success at the Bar and Professional Conduct (David B. Hill); 10 N. Y. 37. 76 Suggestions to Young Lawyers (Cortlandt Parker) 1895. 16 Ohio, 187. : Sunday Laws (Henry E. Young). 3 Am. 109. Supplementary Proceedings (James H. Matheny) 1893. 16 111. 111. Supreme Court, The (C. A. Mountjoy) 1896. 19 Ala. 22. Supreme Court, Cal., Suggested Changes in Hearing Cases (Chas. J. Swift) 1890. 1 Cal. 33. Supreme Court, Disposition of Oases (L. G. Kinne) 1895. 1 la. 82. Supreme Court of Georgia, Belief of (W. W. Gordon, Jr., Jos. Hansen Merrill) 1895. 12 Ga. 161, 171. ■ Supreme Court and Inter-State Commerce (E. L. Russell) 1 890. 13 Ala. 142. Supreme Court, Kansas (D. M. Valentine) 1895. 12 Kan. 31. Supreme Court Practice (A. H. Russell) 1896. 13 Ga. 257. • Supreme Court in Politics (Hilary A. Herbert). 5 Ala. 88. Supreme Court Records (W. A. Johnston) 1892. 9 Kan. 47. Supreme Court U. S. (Joseph Cox) 1890. 11 Ohio, 245. Supreme Court of U. S. and its Functions (Hilary A. Herbert) 1897. 3 Pa. 155. Supreme Court of U. S., Relief of (Reports on). 5 Am. 343, 363. 6 n. 313. See also "Federal Courts" in this Index. Supreme Court of U. S., Right to Review State Supreme Court (S. P. Walker) 1889. 8 Tenn. 179. Supremacy, Judicial (Seymour D. Thompson) 1897. 12 W. Va. 64. Surrogates Courts (A. P. Smith). 3 N. Y. 118. T. Taney, Chief Justice (Clarkson N. Potter). 4 Am. 175. Tax Sales (Ira Julian). 1 Ky. 68. Tax, Single (R. G. Brown and Francis Fentress) 1889. 8 Tenn. 157. Tax Titles in Arkansas (Jno. B. Jones). .6 Ark. 43. Tax Titles in Miss. (R. H. Thompson). 2 Miss. 23. 7? Taxation, Illegal and Erroneous; Its Remedies (Mathew Hale),t 4 N. Y. 143. Taxation, Indirect for State Revenue (H. W. Smith) 1895. 2 Utah, 61. Taxation in Ohio (S. S. Wheeler) 1893. 14 Ohio, 135. (A. C. Thompson) 1893. 14 Ohio, 38. Taxation in Tennessee, Evils of (S. J. Shepard) 1889. 8 Tenn. 130. Taxation, Scheme of (Report), 1890. 9 Tenn. 190. Taxation, Should it be Confined to Real Estate? (James A.. Briggs). 2 N. Y. 81. Taxation, State and Local (D. C. Westenhaver) 1897. 12 W. Va. 106. Taxing the Costs (Poem) (H. M. Doak) 1890. 9 Tenn. 266. Teachers, Law, The Wage of (Ohas. Noble Gregory) 1897. 20 Am. 511. Teaching Law by Cases (Emlin McClain) 1893. 16 Am. 401. Teaching Practice in Law Schools (Blewett Lee) 1896. 19 Am. 507. Teaching, University, of English Law (James Bradley Thayer), 1895. 18 Am. 409. Technicality, The Reign of (H. M. Wiltse) 1895. 14 Tenn. 126. Telegrams, Inviolability of (Grosvenor P. Lowrey). 2 N. Y. 54. (Henry Hitchcock). 2 Am. 93. Tennessee, Admission to Bar in (J. A. Webb) 1895. 14 Tenn., 136. Tennessee and Virginia, Colonial Line Between (A. S. Colyar). 1894. 13 Tenn. 114. Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Legal History (S. A. Cham- pion) 1897. 16 Tenn. 158. Tennessee Constitution, Needed Changes (Francis Fentress) 1888. 7 Tenn. 188. Tennessee Constitutional Convention of 1796. (Edward T. Sanford) 1896. 15 Tenn. 92. Tennessee Election Laws (J. A. Fowler) 1898. 17 Tenn. 148. Tennessee, Foreign Corporations in (Jno. H. Watkins) 1893. 12: Tenn. 180. 78 Tennessee Laws, Revision of (James H. Malone) 1893. 12 Tenn. 167. Tenure of the Judicial Office (J. D. Pope). 1 So. Ca. 97. Testimony, Expert (L. G. Kinne) 1895. 1 la. 94. Testimony, Expert (Dr. Persifor Frazer) 1898. 4 Pa. 271. Testimony, Expert, Proposed Changes (Gustav A. Endlich) 1898. 4 Pa. 271. Testimony, Taking and Perpetuating (T. C. McRay). 3 Ark. 40. Texas, The Bench and Bar of (Richard S. Walker). 2 Texas, 41. Texas and Pacific Ry. vs. Inter-State Commerce Commission (John W. Judd) 1897. 4 Utah, 76. Thompson, Seymour D., Abuse of Corporate Privileges. 1892. 9 Kan. 24. Abuses of Writ of Habeas Corpus. 6 Am. 243. Failure of the Law. 2 Mo. 152. Federal Judi- ciary and Liberties of the People. 1890. 13 Ala. 87. Judicial Supremacy. 1897. 12 W. Va. 64. People's Power Over Com- binations and Monopolies. 1891. 4 111. 81. Trial, Law of. 5 Ga. 107. 'Thoughts About Kansas (David J. Brewer) 1895. 12 Kan. 61. Three Great Codiflers (J. H. Blount, Jr.) 1895. 12 Ga. 190. Thurman, Allen G., Sketch (Geo. K. Nash) 1896. 17 Ohio, 145. Title to Beds of Lakes, etc. in New York (Robert Sewell). 6 N. Y. 121. Title to Realty, Tracing and Recording (Hiram Bigelow). 7 111. 76. Titles of Statutes (U. M. Rose).. 5 Am. 221. Titles to Land in Georgia (A. C. King). 2 Ga. 126. Titles to Land in Mississippi (Edward Mayes). 1 Miss. 5. Too Many Oaths and Their Consequences (Robt. Earl) 1899. 22 N. Y. 60. Torrence, Geo. Paul (John Frazer). 4 Ohio, 124. Torrens System of Law Transfers (E. H. Fitch) 1892. 13 Ohio, 149. (Report) 1893. 14 Ohio, 154. Town Meeting of Illinois (Henry V. Freeman) 1898. 22 111. 73. Trade, Combinations in Restraint of (D. W. Eaton) 1895. 12 Kan. 37. 79 'Tirade-marks "(Rowland Cox) 1895. 18 N. Y. 105. Trade-markSj Original Characterisics (L. L. Bond) 1892. 15 111. 150. Trademarks, Present State of Law (Jas. E. Raymond) 1891. 14 111. 165. Traditional Doctrines, U. S. Have Adhered to. In Cuban Affairs (W. H. Wells) 1898. 9 Mich. 13. Detroit Legal News, July 16, 1898. Training, Best, for American Bar (Jno. Randolph Tucker) 1896. 19 Am. 595. Transfer, Land, Reform (Dwight H. Olmstead) 1890. 13 Am. 265. Transfer of Land Titles (Alfred Orendroff) 1892. 15 111. 170. Treason, Trial in Ohio (James H. Thompson). 1 Ohio, 56. Treatment of Crimes (Jno. D. Milliken) 1893. 10 Kan. 18. Treaty-Making Power, The (Henry Wade Rogers) 1893. 16 Am. 243. Trial and Procedure (S. S. Gregory) 1888. 11 111. 51. Trial by the Court (J. D. Ewing) 1892. 8 W. Va. 113. Trial by Jury (Washington Dessau) 1893. 10 Ga. 28. (Holmes Cummins). 5 Tenn. 202. (A. M. Thayer). 2 Mo. 195. (L. A. Shaver). 4 Ala. 87. (Geo. P. Castigan, Jr.) 1897. 4 Utah, 38. (Joseph H. Choate) 1898. 21 Am. 285. Trial by Jury and Criminal Law Reform (David Davis). 8 111. 35. Trial Jury and Juries (Chas. O. Bates) 1895, 7 Wash. 57. Trial of Aaron Burr (Wm. Wirt Henry) 1897. 10 Va. 239. Trial of Clodius (John L. Smith). 4 Ala. 57. Trial, The Law of (Seymour D. Thompson). 5 Ga. 107. Trial, Proper Mode of (George W. Biddle). 8 Am. 201. True Professional Ideal (Jno. F. Dillon) 1894. 17 Am. 409. True Lawyer, The (B. F. Buckner). 1 Ky. 6. True Lawyer, The (Geo. W. McCrarj). pamph., Kansas City B. A. Trust and Strikes, The Law of (U. M. Rose), 1893. 16 Am. 287. Trust, Is it Dangerous? (Horace H. Lurton) 1891. 10 Tenn. 144. , r 80 Trusts (Edwin Burrett Smith) 1899. 23 111.47! -. ^--^ Trusts and the Civil Code (George H. Adams) 1888. N. Y. City, pamph. Trusts, Cause of Vicious Legislation (J. J. Turner) 1895. 14 Tenn. 72. Truth at the Bar (L. E. Bleckley). 3 Ga. 106. Tucker, John Randolph — American Bar, Best Training for.. 189(5. 19 Am. 595. American Constitutions and British Institutions. 1892. 15 Am. 213. Common Law the Source of Civil Liberty. 1888. 11 Ala. 118. Congressional Power Over Interstate Commerce. 11 Am. 247. Constitutional System of U. S. 1889. 4 Miss. 38. Property Rights of Baron and Feme. 1891. 3 Va. — Reforms in Civil Proced- ure of Va. 1892. 4 Va. 85. .The U. S. Constitution. 1896. 17 Ohio, 159. Virginia's Place in Jurisprudence. 1895. 10 W. Va. 118. Tucker, John Randolph, Memorial of (Alex. Hamilton) 1897- 10 Va. 146. Turley, Judge (A. W. Campbell). 3 Tenn. 202. Twentieth Century, Thoughts on (Harry Bingham) 1895. 12 G. & C. 5. Twenty-fifth Section Judiciary Act 1789 (S. P. Walker) 1889. 8 Tenn. 179. Two Great Lawyers Without Clients (A. S. Colyar) 1896. lo- Tenn. 79. Tyrannies of Free Government (Richard Wayne Parker) 1895. 18 Am. 295. U. Ultra Vires (J. Warren Greene). 5 N. Y. 175. Ultra Vires Acts of Corporations (Alex. C. King) 1895. 12; Ga. 75. Unanimity of Juries (Sigmund Zeisler) 1890. 13 111. 54. Unanimity Rule in Making Verdicts (Francis D. Peabody)' 1890. 7 Ga. 89. Unbelief, Religious, as a Disqualification to Give Evidence- (James M. Greer) 1891. 10 Tenn. 140. «1 Uncertainty and Delay in Our Courts, Avoidable Causes of (Alfred Kussell) IS'Jl. U Am. 1!)7. Uncertainty in Our Laws; Its Causes and Remedy (Jolin V. Dillon). 1 So. Ca. 71. Uncertainty of the Law (Thomas M. Cooley). 4 Ga. 109. Cucertainty of the Law, iSee also "Delays." Uncle Sam's :N'ew Hat (Eli IS. Hammond) lSt)8. 19 Ohio, 235. Undergraduates, Legal Education of (\Voodrow \\ ilson) 1891. 17 Am. 439. Uniform La^^ s, A Plea for (John Ruhn)). '2 Teun. 79. I'uiform Legislation in U. S., I'roblem of (Wm. L. Snyder) 189L>. 15 xVm. :;87. Uniform 2s'ational Trocedure (H. M. \\'iltse). 4 Tenn. 93. Uniform Procedure, .idvisability of (Martin Marshall) 1889. 4 Miss. 14. ,L'niform State Laws (Lyman D. Brewster) 1898. 21 Am. 315. Uniform State Laws (T. F. Garner) 1893. lU Kau. 10. Uniform Stale Laws (L. B. McFarland) 1893. 12 Tenn. 216. LTniformil\ in Laws (1\. C. Beckett) 1891. G ;Miss. 32. L'nifotmity in Laws Governing Commercial Paper, The Neces- sity for (Henry C. Thompkins) 1890. 13 Am. 247. L^niformity of Laws (Leonard A. Jones) 1894. (J A"a. 157. Uniformity of Proceedings in Settlement of Estates, etc. 9 Am. 294. Uniformity of Provincial Laws of British North America (B. Russell) 1898. 3 Ca. 50. United States Circuit Court of Appeals (Lyman Trumbull) 1892. 15 111. 64. United States Constitution (John Randolph Tucker) 1896, 17 Ohio, 159. United States Constitutional System (Jno. Randolph Tucker) 1889. 4 Miss. 38. United States Supreme Court (Joseph Cox) 1890. 11 Ohio, 245. University Law School, Functions of (Lawrence Maxwell, Jr.) 1897. 18 Ohio, 201. University, Relation of Law School to (Ernest W. Huff cut) 1895. 18 Am. 429. 82 University Teaching of English Law (James Bradley Thayerj 1895. 18. Am. 409. Unlicensed Attorney, State's Bight to Enjoin from Practicing (Opinions, etc.) 1899. Chicago, pamph. Unpopularity of Lawyers (H. G. McCall). 3 Ala. 243. Unwisdom of the Common Law (Jno. C. Courtney) 1896. 19 111. 26. Use and Abuse- of Pardoning Power (C. G. Poster) 1898. 13 Kan. 46. Use, Public, De-^'otion of Private Property to (Oliver C. Phil- lips) 1897. 14 Kan. 81. Uses and Abuses of Construction (F. E. Hutchins) 1897. 18 Ohio, 215. Uses of Legal History (Montague Crackanthorpe) 1896. 19 Am. 343. Usury as Affecting Securities for Debt (K. S. Lanier). 4 Ga. 130. Usury Laws, Policy and Effect (W. H. Prichard) 1897. 9 AVash. 115. Utah Constitution, The (C. S. Zone) 1895. 2 Utah, 40. (John M. Zone) 1896. 3 Utah, 18. Utah Constitution and Laws (J. S. Baremore) 1897. 4 Utah, 9. Utah Constitution, Jury Provisions (J. G. Sutherland) 1895. 2 Utah, 9. Utah Constitution, Some Views of (C. S. Varian) 1895. 2 Utah, 30. Utah Laws, Changes in (C. S. A'arian, Richard B. Shepherd) 1898. 5 Utah, 13 and 33. Utah Laws, Desirable Changes (J. G. Sutherland) 1896. 3 Utah, 9. Utah Supreme Court, Opinions in Election Cases (Chas. S. Va- rian) 1897. 4 Utah, 22. A^'an Buren, Martin, Political Apothems of (Daniel B. Lucas) 1892. 4 Va. 109. Vanderpoel, Aaron J. (Charles A. Peabody). 11 N. Y. 91. 83 ^'erdicts and New Trials (Jno. Peabody) 1892. 9 Ga. 45. Verdicts, I'nanimity Rule in Making (Francis D. Peabody) 1890. 7 Ga. 89. Vicious Legislation (J. J. Turner) 1895. 14 Tenn. 72. 'Mctorian Era, Progress of Law in (Jesse Holdom) 1897. 21 111. 43. Victors, Xot to the (C'ivil Service Reform) (Wm. Thomson) 1894. 15 Kan. 17. Virginia and Tenn., Colonial Line Between (A. S. Colyar) 1894. 13 Tenn. 144. Virginia, Common Law Procedure (Wm. B. Pettit) 1898. 11 Ya. 225. Virginia, Constitutional Changes in (Armstead R. Long) 1896. 9 Va. 207. Virginia, General Court of (Francis H. McGuire) 1895. 7 Va. 197. Virginia's Influence in Formation of Federal Constitution (Roger A. Pryor) 1895. .7 Va. 195. Virginia Judicial System. History and Defects (R. G. H. Kean) 1889. 1 Va. 139. Mrginia Lawyer, The Old (Thomas Nelson Page) 1891. 3 Va.— Virginia's Place in Jurisprudence (Jno. Randolph Tucker) 1895. 10 W. Va. 118. Virginia, Reforms in Civil Procedure (Jno Randolph Tucker, 1892. 4 Va. 85. Virginia State Bar Association, Suggestions for \"\"ork (Wm. J. Robertson) 1889. 1 Va. 85. N'oorhees, Daniel W. (Jno. G. Williams) 1897. 1 Ind. 71. Wage of Law Teachers (Chas. Noble Gregory) 1897. 20 Am. 511. Waite, Chief Justice M. R. (Memorial) (William Baker) 1888. 9 Ohio, 173. Waite, Chief Justice, Memorial, 1890. N. Y. City Pamph. Walker, Pinckney H. (Ethan A. Snively). 9 111. 65. Warehouse Receipts (C. S, Grubbs). 3 Ky. 57. 84 Warner, Chief Justice (John W. Akin) 1897. 14 Ga. 248. Washington Countj', Tenn., Bar (S. C. Williams) 1897. 16 Tenn. 95. Washington, Irrigation and Water Rights (Austin Mires) 1897. 9 Wash. 140. Washington Mining Laws (F. H. Brownell) 1898. 10 Wash-. 94 Washington, Mortgages in (Harold Preston) 1897. 9 Wash. 79. Washington, Pioneer Judges and Lawyers (John J. McG-ilvra) 1895. 7 Wash. 90. Washington, Pioneer Judges and Lawyers (N. T. Caton) 189C. 8 Wash. 63. Washington, Practice and Procedure (Geo. Turner) 1895. 7 Wash. 50. Washington, Probate Law and Practice (Emmett N. Parker) 1896. 8 Wash. 70. Washington, Reminiscences of Bench and Bar (Orange Jacobs) 1894. 6. Wash. 132. Water and Water Rights, Constitutional Provisions (C. S. Kinney) 1895. 2 TTtah, 68. Abater Rights (Jno. B. Donovan) 1892. 4 Va. 175. Weakness and Strength of Jury System (Henr>' A. Morrill > 1890. 11 Ohio, 234. Western Railway Troubles (Chas. S. Gleed) 1891. 8 Kan. 45. AVest, Standards of Legal Education in (John D. Lawson) 1894. 17 Am. 423. West Virginia, Code sec. 10, ch. 99, Effect of (J. R. Donehoo) 1889. 4 W. Ya. 123. West A'irginia Corporations (H. M. Russell) 1891. 7 W. Va. 56. West Virginia Statutes (W. P. Hubbard) 18S8. 3 W. Va. 109. West Virginia Statutes and Decisions '96-97 (P. J. Crogan) 1897. 12 W. Va. 23. V\'est Virginia Wife, Her Property and Contracts (B. M. Am bier) 1887. 2 W. Va. 97. What the Others Are Doing, Review of Bar Association Re ports (Orville A Park) 1899. 10 Ga. 132. Wheaton, Henry, and his Epoch (George Shea). 2 N. Y. 95. Whipping Post as a Punishment for Crime. 9 Am. 286. Whittle, L. N. (James T. Nisbet). 3 Ga. 201. 85 Who Is the SliYstor? (Henry M. Wiltse) 1897. 16 Tenn. 133. Wisconsin, Bench and Bar, Sketches of (M. M. Strong) 1881. 2 ^Vis. 4.5. Wit and Humor, Bar of Georgia Mountains (Chas. L. Bass) 1S08. 15 Ga. 187. Wit and Humor of Georgia Bar (0. J. Thornton) 1897. 14 Ga. 302. Wit and Wisdom of Chief Justice Bleckley in Georgia Reports (Albert H. Russell) 1898. 15 Ga. 244. ^^'oman^at the Georgia Bar (Burton Smith, A. H. Davis) 1894. 1 Ga. 20S. Woman at the Georgia Bar, Future of (Logan E. Bleckley) 1893. 10 Ga. 117. Woman, Xew Education of (Harry Bingham) 1897. 14 G. & C. 329. Work of the Bar Association (J. Xewton Piero) 1S97. 1 Pa. 89. Work of David Dudley Field (S. Newton Piero) 1895. 18 N. Y. 177. Wright, Judge (M. B. Trezevant). 4 Tenn. 165. Writing Inks and their Identification on Written Instruments (Marshall D. Ewell) 1892. 15 111. 146. Written and I'nwritten Law, l»rovinces of (James 0. Carter) 1889. 1 Va. 95. Written Instruments, Extrinsic Evidence as to (Chas. A. Graves) 1893. 5 Va. 183. Wrongs AMthout Remedy (C. C Bonney) 1888. 9 Ohio, 153. Year ls9;5-'94. Constitutional Aspects of (Thomas M. Cooleyi 1894. 17 Am. 211. Young Lawyers, Suggestions to (Cortlandt Parker) 1895. l') Ohio, 187. Young Practitioner at the Georgia Bar (Prank H. Miller) 1891 8 Ga. 31. 86 GEORGIA NECROLOGY. Adams, A. Pratt, 1894. 11 Ga. 176. Berrian, John McPherson (Sketch, Chas. C. Jones) 180J. : Ga. 92. Berry, John D., 1899. 16 Ga. 160. Ohisholm, Walter S., 1891. 8 Ga. 90. 14 Am. 414. Clarke, John T., 1891. 8 Ga. 106. Clarke, Marshall J., 1899. 16 Ga. 161. Clark, Richard H. (Sketch, Z. D. Harrison) 1899. 16 Ga. in^ Cobb, Thos. R. R. (Sketch) 1890. 7 Ga. 138. Cobb, Thos. R. R., Jr., 1899. 16 Ga. 164. CJohen, Edwin A., 1897. 10 Ga. 287. Collier, William E., 1887. 4 Ga. 187. Cooledge, Aurelian F., 1887. 14 Ga. 289. Davidson, John S., 1894. 11 Ga. 170. Giles, A. S., 1899. 16 Ga. 166. Glenn, John T., 1899. 16 Ga. 168. Hall, Samuel, 1888. 5 Ga. 188. Hammond, Nathaniel J., 1899. 16 Ga. 170. Hollis, Benjamin P., 1894. 11 Ga. 174. Jackson, Henry, 1896. 19 Am. 634. Jones, Chas. C, Jr., 1894. 11 Ga. 192. 16 Am. 417. Lamar, L. Q. C. (Sketch, Walter B. Hill) 1894. 11 Ga. 149. Lanier, Robt. S., 1894. 11 Ga. 188. Latham, Thos. W., 1899. 16 Ga. 172. Lawton, Alex. R., 1897. 14 Ga. 290. 19 Am. 635. Lyon, Richard F., 1894. 11 Ga. 181. Mclntyre, Archibald T., 1898. 15 Ga. 285. McMichael, Morgan, 1897. 14 Ga. 288. Nisbet, James T., 1894. 11 Ga. 181. Peabody, John, 1894. 11 Ga. 179. Reese, William M., 1899. 16 Ga. 174. Smith, E. A., 1899. 16 Ga. 176. Smith, James M., 1890. 8 Ga. 90. Thomas, Geo. Dudlev, 1895. 18 Am. 498. Wade, Ulysses P., 1899. 16 Ga. 178. Warner, Hiram (Sketch, John W. Akin) 1897. 14 Ga. 248. Whitehead, James, 1899. 16 Ga. 179. Whitfield, Robert, 1899. 16 Ga. 180. Whittle, Lewis N. 1886. 3 Ga. 201.