PiW'-'^jn 4^:r' ,,'^r- ir^ Club 9?fen n Caricature CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ' Cornell University Library F 12706 S41 + Club men in caricature. Drawings by Wiii 3 1924 028 832 628 oiin Overs Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924028832628 LUB MEN IN ARICAT URE NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTEEN Drawings by William T. Schwarz and Associates W. T. SCHWARZ, Director for Associated Artists PRINTED BY THE ROYCROFTERS AT THEIR SHOP, WHICH IS IN EAST AURORA, NEW YORK, DiniING THE MONTH OP SEPTEMBER, MCMXV FOREWORD BY ELBERT HUBBARD ^HIS book contains kindly drawings by the Asso- ciated Cartoonists of Syracuse, of people with phosphorus plus, d, In their heads is common- sense, and in their hearts the good-cheer that spells success. C. No man who is not adding to the wealth, the happiness, and the welfare of the world is herein included. €1 This is a little art-gallery of American Princes, and the American Prince is a man who is fifty-one per cent right, fifty-one per cent of the time ; who does not make the same mistake twice in the same year, and who makes two grins grow where there was only a grouch before. €1 No Piker can break into this Art- Gallery. We pick our people, and thus do we produce with pen and ink a Hall of Fame. »^«H*a(^ PETER L. RYAN Manager Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York 24 STEWART F. HANCOCK Lawyer 25 Will>»niT«flt 5cUw»r^ EDWARD J. RICHARDSON Manager Yale Laundry Company 26 WILLIAM R. JOHNSON Lawyer and Real Estate 27 HOMER D. CALL 28 EDWARD C. HOWE Henery J. Howe, Watches and Jewelry 29 HARRY T. GARDNER Manager Automobile Show Syracuse Rubber Company 30 D. R. COBB Lawyer 31 '-E^ CLARENCE A. HILLS Hills and Loucks, Real Estate 32 V/J^ JOSEPH M. MEATYARD Lawyer 41 T. GOLDSBROUGH MEACHEM Vice-President New Process Gear Corporation 42 HARRY C. SPRAGUE Treasurer Besse-Sprague Company 43 OLIVER D. BURDEN Lawyer 44 F A. AUSTIN F. A. Austin Pattern Company 45 - — - "^•ll'^im 7. 5. (.»;/i,i DOCTOR ARCHER D. BABCOCK Physician 46 DOCTOR ARTHUR B. BREESE Surgeon 47 WllliAM-J. S«kw-K>. LORING R. FOWLER Real Estate 48 SAMUEL H. COOK Sales-Manager Brown-Lipe-Chapin Company 49 DOCTOR BERNARD S. MOORE Physician 50 DOCTOR GEORGE S. BRITTEN Physician 51 ^ FRANK A. BARTON Secretary and Treasurer H. H. Franklin Manufacturing Company, Automobiles 52 JOHN H. CAHILL Cahili Brothers Bread and Biscuit Company 53 H. DUANE BRUCE General Attorney The Solvay Process Company 54 FREDERICK P. ASSMANN Vice-President and Treasurer Continental Can Company 55 H. WINFIELD CHAPIN Treasurer and General Manager Brown-Lipe-Chapin Company and Brown-Lipe Gear Company 56 CHESTER H. KING Lawyer 57 LEON L. BECKWITH President The Bonheur Company 58 =^ V^ ^ i "~^ DAYTON S. HESSLER Vice-President H. E. Hessler Company 59 .•r; O-'-l^l;.- HONORABLE JOHN R. CLANCY Theatrical Hardware 60 DOCTOR S. ELLIS CRANE Coroner 61 CHARLES H. ALVORD Tailor 62 JEROME L. CHENEY Lawyer 63 EDWARD MC LAUGHLIN McLaughlin and Burchill, Contractors 64 ^.jl,..w TS«» JOHN J. CUMMINS Investment Secunties 65 HENRY W. COOK Vice-President and Superintendent A. E. Nettleton Company 66 EP V^p.VV PL/VST ^R ; W"<.*~>^tSckw*, WILLIAM F. O'CONNOR President Syracuse Wall Plaster Company 67 WILLIAM S. CUMMINGS Division Passenger Agent Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad 68 -jWMf S<^><>/var^ LEVI S. CHAPMAN Lawyer 69 ALFRED M. CADY Secretary C. E. Mills Oil Company 70 . jTiMiiLiriimLmiUj fi.nLi;.n]„ninT.iiirfiiir III mini imTi-rrrmimTiTtwmnitmininiiTiumninmipnm i ^,,f , ■ CHARLES E. CHAPPELL WILLIAM ALLEN DYER Chappell-Dyer Corporation 71 Vi/iMl»<«v "^'il^ CLARENCE DILLENBACK •pk Insurance 72 T. FRANK DOLAN General Real-Estate Broker 73 CHARLES A. FRANK President George Zett Brewery 74 DOCTOR HENRY A. MAC GRUER 75 >!wVjili«i*rf, <^_f.'^ifCt^fj^^ DOCTOR M. L. MILLS Chiropractor 76 J. ARTHUR DISTIN Assistant Manager Halcomb Steel Company 77 W. A. FANCHER Undertaker IS CARLETON A. CHASE President Syracuse Chilled Plow Company- President New York State Manufacturers Association 79 Willimm -(•aV><'WtMi JOHN GRANGER 80 "^^--'"^^^^■■^^r.^c^^. 81 DOCTOR HARRY I. OLIVER Surgeon-Dentist 82 M. L. OBERDORFER President Oberdorfer Brass Company 83 THOMAS G. CRANWELL President Continental Can Company 84 DONALD DEY, SR. Vice-President Dey Brothers and Company, Incorporated 85 JAMES C. DE LONG President Syracuse Lighting Company President Syracuse Chamber of Commerce 86 EDWARD J. MURNANE Interior Decorator «7 WOllBM 1. S.kwK^I JOHN M. QUINLAN Quinlan and Snow, Merchandise Brokers 88 GEORGE R. LOGGIE Loggie Brothers, Agents Miller Tire Company 89 H.F Ho'M JOHN W. MILLS Chiropractor 90 JOHN S. CONWAY President Battels Brewing Company 91 WARREN E. DAY General Insurance 92 _ ROBERT FLAGG Treasurer and Manager Flagg Storage Warehouse Company 93 ^.H.»M*T.«»S.V^^K, ^-^=^^5^"tt^?X». 94 EDMUND H. LEWIS Lawyer 95 KENDRICK A. LUTHER Manager Aetna Life Insurance Company 96 DOCTOR JULIUS H. KEVAND Physician 97 vv 1. Si,W»'«>' ^^i^ CONRAD J. KNAPP Tailor 98 JOHN W. LEE, JR. President Overland Syracuse Company 99 ALEXANDER M. LITTLE Vice-President and Manager Mohawk Electrical Supply Company 100 JOSEPH B. MURPHY Lawyer 101 A. LEE OLMSTED Lawyer — Negligence Law 102 THOMAS KREUZER Treasurer Will and Baumer Company 103 HENRY PHILLIPS Special Agent Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company 104 W.|llV~^ TH\* ^'' ^Ji^ GEORGE E. FAIRCHILD Undertaker 105 NICHOLAS M. PETERS President Nicholas M. Peters Clothing Company 106 CHARLES P. RYAN Wilson, Cobb and Ryan, Lawyers President Syracuse Reduction and Manufacturing Company 107 WILLARD A. RILL Lawyer 108 HONORABLE ALAN C. FOBES Insurance 109 JACOB P. GOETTEL Men's Outfitter 110 RAY B. SMITH Lawyer 111 ALBERT E. MC CHESNEY Hall and McChesney 112 GEORGE W. MC EATHRON Sales-Agent Scranton Coal Company 113 DOCTOR JOHN A. MATHEWS Manager Halcomb Steel Company 114 t/'lllMtK T'^^t SlkwiL J. LESLIE KINCAID Lawyer Member of Assembly, Second District 115 William -T»ff»- ^«A.wj'Fj>;:^ DOCTOR FRANKLIN J. KAUFMANN Physician 116 GLENN H. JOHNSON Secretary and Manager Leonard, TurnbuU and Johnson, Incorporated, Insurance 117 MARK H. JACKSON Mail Orders 118 Willi».»»\~T»;^l,t- '^»-^-'»./i HONORABLE JAY B. KLINE La>wyer 119 GEORGE D. KIRTLAND President and Treasurer Kirtland-Wyckoff Company 120 EDWARD JOY President Edward Joy Company 121 WINDSOR F. MORRIS Morris Machine Works, Baldwinsville, New York 122 HENRY SCHMEER Schmeers Paper Box Company, Incorporated 123 OSCAR L. WOOD Oscar L. Wood Decorating Company 124 ' «l((fl"<*¥^-' DOCTOR J. HERBERT IRISH Physician and Surgeon 125 EDWARD N. TRUMP Vice-President Solvay Process Company President Direct Separator Company 126 BENJAMIN E. TILTON General Manager New York State Railways 127 DOCTOR FREDERICK S. HONSINGER Physician 128 EDWIN C, HALL Treasurer and General Manager Haberle-Crystal Spring Brewing Company }29 GEORGE H. HEINDORF Cashier Syracuse Post-Office 130 WILLIAM J. HOPKINS District Manager R. G. Dun and Company 131 Willi^OT T«IU «<-W.rf» FRANK B. HODGES Lawyer 133 CHARLES G. HANNA President Chalmers Syracuse Motor Company 133 JACOB F. HECKER Vice-President The George Zett Brewery 134 ELBERT A. HOFFMAN Firestone Tire and Rubber Company 135 w,iii«»».t;SjW«i«, — FREDERIC H. JOHNSON National Catalog Builders 180 EDGAR N. WILSON Lawyer 181 DOCTOR ALBERT FISHER Osteopath 182 CHARLES W. BULL Franklin Automobiles 183 WALTER B. GOULDING Empire State Clean Towel Company 184 CHARLES CARROLL CLAYTON VAN ZANDT Car- Van Engraving Company 185 WILLIS A. HOLDEN 186 mf'^J ■'■■■'■':.■■■■■ :..-ry't-'-^. w,ii,B»«-r. s.kw»^ VIRGIL H. CLYMER Lawyer 187 D. B. WOODFORD Real Estate 188 HENRY E. MILLS President C. E. Mills Oil Company 189 I < ROSTER ■■ ■■ ■■ - ■■ .. - - - ■■ - ■■ .. » ■■ .1 ■■-"■■■< ■ " - " ■ ♦ Alvord, Charles H. Assmann, Frederick P. Austin, F. A. Babcock, Doctor Archer D. Babcock, Professor George De A. Bartlett, George W. . . . Barton, Frank A. ... Beckwith, Leon L. . . . Breese, Doctor Arthur B. Britten, Doctor George S. . Brockway, A. L. . Brown, Alexander T. Bruce, H. Duane . Bull, Charles W. . Burden, Oliver D. Bums, W. J. Butler, James C. . Cady, Alfred M. . Cahill, John H. . Call, Homer D. . Carroll, Charles Chapin, H. Winfield Chapman, Levi S. Chappell, Charles E. . Chase, Carleton A. Chase, John McClure . Cheney, Jerome L. Clancy, Honorable John R, Clymer, Virgil H. Cobb, D. R. . Conway, John S. Cook, Henry W. Cook, Samuel H. Cox, David C. Crane, Doctor S. Ellis Cranwell, Thomas G. Craton, Doctor S. B. Cummings, William S. Cummins, John J. Dawson, Joseph W. Day, Warren E. DeLany, F. T. DeLong, James C. Dey, Donald, Sr. . Dey, Robert . Dillenback, Clarence 62 55 45 46 174 12 52 58 47 51 161 11 54 183 44 7 160 70 53 28 185 56 69 71 79 10 63 60 187 31 91 66 49 81 61 84 17 68 65 167 92 7 86 85 36 72 Dinneen, William H. Distin, J. Arthur . Dolan, T. Frank . Durston, Major H. C. Dyer, Frederick E. Dyer, William Allen Fairchild, George E Fancher, W. A. Fisher, Doctor Albert Flagg, Robert Fobes, Honorable Alan C. Fowler, Loring R. Frank, Charles A. French, Doctor A. G. . Gardner, Harry T. Glismann, J. Henry Goettel, Jacob P. . Goulding, Walter B. . Granger, John Grimes, Right Reverend Bishop John Hall, Edwin C. . . . Hancock, Stewart F. . Hanna, Charles G. Haskins, Edward L. Hazard, F, R. Hecker, Jacob F. . Heffron, Doctor John L. Heindorf, George H. . Herst, WardF. . Hessler, Dajrton S. Hills, Clarence A. Hodges, Frank B. Hoffman, A. J. . Hoffman, Elbert A. Holden, Willis A. . Honsinger, Doctor Frederick S. Hopkins, William J. Howe, Edward C. Irish, Doctor J. Herbert Jackson, Mark H. Johnson, Frederic H. . Johnson, Glenn H. Johnson, William R. Joy, Edward . 30 152 110 184 80 3 129 25 133 40 4 134 33 130 139 59 32 132 37 135 186 128 131 29 125 118 180 117 27 121 Kaufmann, Doctor Franklin J. Kesel, John J. Kevand, Doctor Julius H. Kincaid, J. Leslie King, Chester H. . King, Ed. F. . Kirtland, George D. Kline, Doctor H. G. Kline, Honorable Jay B. Knapp, Conrad J. Kreuzer, Thomas . Lee, John W., Jr. Lewis, Edmxind H. Lipe, Clifford E. . Little, Alexander M. Loggie, George R. Luther, Kendrick A. McChesney, Albert E. McDowell, J. K. . McEathron, George W. McGruer, Doctor Henry A. McKeeby, Doctor W. C. . McLaughlin, Edward . McMorrow, Doctor Frank Marsellus, jfohn Marsh, Doctor Homer P. . Mathews, Doctor John A. Maurer, Bernard F. Meachem, Joseph F. S. Meachem, T. Goldsbrough Meatyard, Joseph M. Miller, Jacob P., Jr. Mills, Henry E. . Mills, John W. . Mills, Doctor M. L. Mirbach, William Mooney, Doctor E. L. Moore, Doctor Bernard S. Morris, Windsor F. Mumane, Edward J. Murphy, Joseph B. Neal, James Ward Nettleton, Albert E. Nicholson, Walter W. Oberdorfer, M. L. O'Connor, William F. Oliver, Doctor Harry I Olmsted, A. Lee . Otto, T. . Page, E. J. . Peck, Fred R. Peters, Nicholas 116 5 97 115 57 170 120 20 119 98 103 99 95 162 100 89 96 112 158 113 75 176 64 15 137 163 114 179 94 42 41 141 189 90 76 142 39 50 122 87 101 166 21 148 83 67 82 102 157 18 153 172 Peters, Nicholas M. Petit, Douglas E. Phillips, Henry Potter, Ralph G. . Quinlan, John M. Ray, James I. Reynolds, C. W. P- Richards, David . Richardson, Edward J. Rill, Willard A. . Ryan, Charles P. Ryan, Peter L. Saxer, Doctor Leonard A. Schleit, Willis A. Schmeer, Henry Schwarz, Adolph H. Schwarz, William Tefft Searl, Clifford H. . Sembach, William B. Smith, Hurlbut W. Smith, Ray B. Spalding, William Sprague, Harry C. Stickley, Leopold . Stilwell, Giles H. . Stowell, H. E. Tilton, Benjamin E. . Traugott, Frank W. True, R. B., Jr. . Trump, Edward N. Van Duyn, Doctor John Van Zandt, Clayton Velasko, Adolph G. Webb, Doctor Harry C. Welch, Proctor C. Wells, Fred E. Whelan, Michael W. . White, Andrew S. Wiard, William Wolcott Wilkinson, John . Will, Anthony Will, Honorable Louis Wilson, Edgar N. Wolcott, Clarence E. Wood, Oscar L. Woodford, D. B. . Woods, Thomas Woodworth, Newell B. Wortman, Charles P. . Youngblood, A. W. 106 38 104 151 88 171 149 168 26 108 107 24 156 178 123 2a 1 16 164 14 111 136 43 13 9 34 127 144 140 126 22 185 146 165 6 35 143 8 169 154 150 2 181 147 124 188 145 138 155 159 / K>7'9