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JOHN THE GIFT OF VICTOR EMANUEL OF THE CLASS OF I919 PR0PRIET( Cleanses and improves the Teeth, imparts to the Gums a natural redness, removes the tartar, and is an eifcellent detergent. Prepared from a recipe as used by Her Majesty. Preserves the Teeth, and imparts a delicious fragrance to the Breath. Prepared only by Messrs. GABETEL, the Old-Established DENTISTS, M, LUDGATE HILL, CITY; & 56, HARLEY STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE; ^ Their only Londou Addresses. y AD VER TISEMENTS. WIIELPTON'S TRADE MARK(RECISTERED) j (P Are warranted not to contain a single particle of MEECURY or any other MINERAL SUB- STANCE, but to consist entirely of Medicinal Matters, PURELY VEGETABLE. During the last thirty-seven years they have proved their value in thousands of instances in diseases of the HEAD, CHEST, BOWELS, LIVER, and KIDNEYS, and in aU SKIN COMPLAINTS ARE ONE OF THE BEST MEDICINES KNOWN. Sold in boxes, price 7^^., is. l\d., and 2s. 9^. each, by G. WHELPTON & SON, 3, Crane Court, Fleet Street, London ; and by all Chemists and Medicine-venders. Sent free on receipt of 8, 14, or 33 stamps. And can be obtained of all Wholesale Houses in London, Liverpool, Manchester, York, Hull, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dublin, &c. A D VERTISEMENTS. < < 01 LU h- (/) LJ I X \- (T O Q Z < z o Q :z o -J o •- 1 -go" ^ 1 rfl ^^ a •• 6X Cfl . vO_ !$.!g_ 0) \o ^o >o VO t!. ^ Is e3 a, l-q?3 jju-iir^O 0>-00 O"^ « 1- O C?N 0\ l^OO 00 t^ •H |_ i_ •-^l*-c «(-( ^^ o • . vO_ ~-_iP •n ^ d p- oo""^ • ^-- ~"rr~N P.S o2 fjroM .■i-ivoa\'-ii-< _w w Hg _ _^,^ vo^ ^^ ■^ "f?" C^ • -rf- — . -^^O t^ W ^loro .MCX3I-II-II-1 ^S> ^ ^ -a . -^i2_- ^ S "Lo"o" ■ "o"~?o~r^ ■ ~?r o2 N Tj- rf : tt CS M . CO HO ^ ~_i2.^ ll o _ So w rt "H gS) 1° p, o o >, c S oj o rt c <-> O c ^ °^ S M ^3 O C ■" a. u 't', 1^ fr O I- H^ C n. «=• o O) ^H H u o C p,6 Ph i(i Ballyshannon, and enabling the holders to break the journey at Enniskillen or Belleek.. Return Fares. For One Passenger . . ist Class, 39J'. 6d. 2nd Class, 29J. 6d. These Fares do not hicltide atiy conveyance by Road. When booking, Passengers must state by which Route they propose to travel, and must obtain their Tickets accordingly. WARRENPOINT AND ROSTREVOR. UntU ^31st OCTOBER, TOURISTS' TICKETS, Available for One Month (bj' any but Limited Mail Trains), will be issued Daily (Simdays excepted;, from the Amiens-street I'ermlnus, Dublin, to Wanenpoint, for Rostrevor. (An Omnibus in connection with the Trains runs between Warrenpoint and Rostrevor : Fares — (jd. inside, and 3^;'. outside.) Return Fares. For One Passenger . . ist Class, 24,?. 6d. ; 2nd Class, i8j. Return 'Pickets, issued by the 5 p.m. Train on Saturdays, at the following low Fares, will be available for Return by any Train on the Monday following: — ist Class, 19.?. yi. ; 2nd Class, 13J. TRAVEIiliEISS, VISITOES TO THE SEASIDE, AND OTHEES Exposed to the scorching rays of the sun, and heated particles of dust, will find ROWLANDS' KALYDOR A most refreshing preparation for the complexion, dispelling the cloud of languor and relaxation, allaying all heat and irritability, and imme- diately affording the pleasing sensation attending restored elasticity and healthful state of the skin. Freckles, tans, spots, pimples, flushes, and discoloration, fly before its application, and give place to delicate clearness, with the glow of beauty and of bloom. In cases of sunburn, or stings of insects, its virtues have long been acknowledged. Price ^s. td. & 8^. dd. per bottle. The heat of summer also frequently communicates a dryness to the hair, and a tendency to fall off, which may be completely obviated by the use of ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL, A delightfully fragrant and transparent preparation, and as an invigoratoE and beautifier of the hair beyond all precedent. Price -^s. 6d., ys., and' lo*. 6d. per bottle. ROWLANDS' ODONTO, OR PEARL DENTIFRICE, A white powder compounded of the choicest and most fragrant exotics. It bestows on the teeth a pearl-like whiteness, frees them from tartar, and imparts to the gums a healthy firmness, and to the breath a pleasing fragrance. Price 2s. <)d. per box. Sold by Chemists and Perfumers. \* Ask for " ROWLANDS'" Articles. IMPORTiOiNT^UTI^ The high and universal repHitation of these articles induces some Shop- keepers to offer spurious imitations under the lure of being cheap. It is highly necessary on purchasing to see that the word "ROWLANDS'" is on the wrapper of^each, and their signature, in red ink, " A. ROW- LAND & SONS." A D VERTISEMENTS: SKIN DISEASES. AKHURST'S GOLDEN LOTION Positively Cures SCURVY, RINGWORM, ITCH, REDNESS, PIM- PLES, BLOTCHES, ECZEMA, ERUPTIONS, and every form of Skin Disease with absolute and unfailing certainty. It is not poisonous, or in the slightest degree injurious to the Hair or Skin. Testimonials and Directions accompany each bottle. 2e. 9d. and 4s. 6d. per Irottle ; large sizoi lis. Of Chemists eveetwhere, or direct from the Proprietors, WILLIAM E. AKHURST & Co., Manufacturing Chemists and Merchants, 8, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.O. GOUT and EHEUMATISM.— The excruci- ating pain of Gout or Rheumatism is quickly relieved and cured in a few days by that celebrated Medicinej BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS. They require no restraint of diet or confinenient during their use, and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital part. Sold by all Medicine- venders, at Is. l\d. and 2s. Qd. per box, or obtained through any Chemist. ESTABLISHED 1833. MARGRAVES' TOBACCO AND CIGAR MANUFACTORY, 44, SWAN STREET ; and 2, 4, 6, ,8, &10. MASON STREET, MANCHESTER. I'lARGRAVES' SMOKING MIXTURE, in 1 and 2 oz. Packets. A large and varied stock of Choice British, Continental, and Genuine Havanna Cigars, in prime condition, at most moderate prices. All Tobaccos (including Irish Roll) guaranteed free from adulteration of every kind. N.B.-WILLS', COPE'S, HIGNETT'S, and BEWLAY'S PACKET TOBACCOS SUPPLIED WHOLESALE.' BILIOUS and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Sick Head- ache, iioss of Appetite, Drowsiness, Giddiness^ Spasms, and all Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels are quickly removed by that well-known remedy, FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. They unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the most successful effect ; and where an aperient is required nothing can be better adapted. Sold by all Medicine-venders, at Is. lid. and 2«. M, per box, dr obtained through any Chemist. XoSbM>v "VOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN f\i''^ J<^j\ -*- AND BUNION PLAISTERS are the I ^^^y\ I best ever invented for giving immediate ease, r,^'-^J / and removing those painful excrescences. Price 6rf. and 1«. per box. Any Cbemist not -**.___-i^ having them in stock caii procure th€m^ Observe the Trade Mark— H.Y— without which ncne ate genuine. Be 8ur« and ask for Yotwo's. :^ Protection from Fire. >^?^ '^ A s# .^A V f* -■:■■/ 1-- 1 • w ' :,: ''"'■\i'. . f :» . :, M:: '':^'' i rj -: :i''"v ^^> A A y /