085704 CfarngU MtttuBraitg Uibtarg THE LIBRARY OF EMIL KUICHLING, C. E. ROCHESTER. NEW YORK THE GIFT OF SARAH L. KUICHLING 1919 Cornell University Library QD 151.E46 A manual of Inorganic chemistry, arranged 3 1924 004 974 436 ^2t IT K E46 The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924004974436 MANUAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, ARRANGED TO FACILITATE THE EXPEEIIENTAL DEMONSTEATION FACTS AND PEINCIPLES OF THE SCIENCE. BY CHARLES W. ELIOT, FRANK H. STORER, PKOFESSOR OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY I PBOFEBSOR OF CrENEBAL AND INDUSTRIAL AND METALLURGY, I CHEMISTRY, IX THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. SECOND EDITION. (revised.) NEW YORK: IVISON, PHINNEY, BLAKEMAN, AND CO., 47 & 49 GREENE STREET. 1868. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1866, by P. H. STOEEE AHB C. W. ELIOT, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. LONDON PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, llED LION OOUET, FLEET STREET. THE AUTHORS INSCRIBE THIS BOOK TO THEIR TEACHER IK CHEMI8TKT, PROF. JOSIAH P. COOKE, OP HARVARD COLLEGE, IS TOKEN OF GRATITUDE AND FRIENDSHIP. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction — Subject matter of Chemistry. Chemical change. Ana- lysis and synthesis. Fact and theory . . . . 1-4 Cliap. I. — Air. Atmospheric pressure. Properties. Analysis. Air a mixture. . Composition of air . . , 4-10 Chap. II.— Oxygen. Preparation and properties of oij-^gen. Oxygen sup- ports combustion. Oxides. Oxidation. Wide diffusion of oxygen . . 11-15 Cliap. III. — Niti'ogen. Preparation and properties of niti'ogen . 16-18 ClXap. I V. — Water. Properties of water. The gramme. Specific gravitj'. Specific heat. Ice. Steam. Analysis, electrolysis, and synthesis of.water. Hy- drogen. At-oms and molecules. Molecular hypothesis. Atomic weights. Che- mical combination. The chemical force. Water in nature. Distillation. Pre- paration of pure water. Solution. Solution and chemical combination compared 18-39 Chap. V. — Hydrogen. Preparation and properties of hydrogen. Symbols. Diffusion of gases. Diffusive power and infiammability of hydrogen. Heat fifom burning hydrogen. Unit of heat. Oxyhydrogen blowpipe. Formof gas- flames. Explosive mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen bums in hydrogen as well as hydrogen in oxygen . .... 39-50 Chap. VI. — Compounds of oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Peroxide of hydrogen. Mtric acid. One of the meanings of the terms acid and alkaline. Ifeutralization. Nitrous oxide. Composition of nitrous oxide. Atomic weight of nitrogen. Properties of nitrous oxide. Nitric oxide. ■ A test for free oxygen. The terminations ous and ic. Hyponitrio acid. Nitrous acid. Analysis of nitric acid. Synopsis of the oxides of nitrogen. Law of multiple proportions. Definite and obscure chemical action. Air a mixture. Anhydrous and hydrated nitric acid. Oxidizing and reducing agents. Atomic weights and combining weights. Molecular formulfe. Combining weight of nitric acid. Nitric acid reactions. Nitrogen and hydrogen. Ammonia. Analysis and synthesis of ammonia, ■ Nascent state. Composition of ammonia. Ammonium. Salts of ammonium. Sources of ammonia. Ammonia-water. Empirical and rational formulee. Dua- listic formulsB. Typical formulae. Uses of symbolic formulee . . . 50-91 Chap. VII,— Chlorhydric acid. Properties, analysis, and composition of chlorhydric acid. Atomic weight of chlorine. Synthesis of chlorhydric acid. Manufacture of chlorhydric acid. Practical application of chemical equations. Chemical affinity. Preparatioii and uses of ohiorhydric acid. Aqua regia . 91-105 X CONTENTS. Cna.p. vIII. — Chlorine. Preparation and propertiea of chlorine. Chlo- rine-water. Metals bum in chlorine. Chlorine burns in hydrogen, and hydro- gen in chlorine. Combustion in chlorine. Ueea of chlorine. How chlorine acts in bleaching and disinfecting. Action of chlorine on ammonia. Chloride of nitrogen. Oxides of chlorine. Hypochlorous acid. Chlorous acid. Hypo- chloric acid. Chloric acid. Perchloric acid . . . 105-119 dia^p. IX. — Bromine. Bromhydric acid. Bromic acid. HypobroraouB acid. Chloride of bromine. Bromide of nitrogen . . 119-123 dlSip. X, — Iodine. Extraction and properties of iodine. Testa for iodine, lodohydrie acid. Iodic acid. Periodic acid. Iodide of nitrogen. Chlorides of iodine. Bromides of iodine. The chlorine group of elements . - 123-135 Chap. XI.— Fluorine. Flnorhydric acid. Etching glass . . 135-139 Cliap. XII. — Ozone and Antozone. AUotropism. Frepax'ation and pro- pei'ties of ozone. Tests for ozone. Ozone a disinfectant. Ozone in the atmo- sphere. Preparation and propertiea of antozone. The antozone cloud. Ant- ozone formed in all processes of combustion. Antozone oxidizes water. Differ- ences between ozone and antozone .... . 139-154 Cliap. XIII. — Sulphur. Crystallization of sulphur. Crystalline structure. The six systems of crystallization. Sulphur a dimorphous element. Change of prismatic into octahedral sulphur. Methods of obtaining crystals. Soft sulphur. Milk of sulphur. Metals burn in sulphur as in oxygen. Uses of sulphur. Sul- pbydrio acid. Preparation, analysis, and properties of sulphydric add. Sul- phuretted-hydrogen water. Sulphydi'io acid as a reagent. Ready decomposition of sulphydric acid. Persulphide of hydrogen. Greek and Latin numeral prefixes. Oxides of sulphur. Sulphurous acid. Preparation, properties, and composition of sulphurous acid. Liquid sulphurous acid. Bleaching-power of sulphurous acid. Oxidation of sulphurous acid. Bulphitea. Sulphuric acid. Manufacture and properties of sulphuric acid. Its behaTior towards water and ice. Hydrates of sulphuric acid. Sulphates. The terms monobasic, bibasic, &c Fuming sul- phuric acid. Anhydrous sulphuric acid. Preparation and properties of anhy- drous sulphuric acid. Hyposulphurous acid. Hyposulphites. Chlorides of sulphur ..... ... 154-19S Chap. XIV. — Selenium and Tellurium. Propertiea of selenium. Iso- morphism. Atomic volume. Tellurium. Compounds of tellurium. The sulphur group of elements .... 198-203 Chap. Xv. — Combination by volume. Synopsis of the gaseous compounds previously studied. Condensation ratios. Combining-weight and volume -weight. Double or product volume. Molecular condition of elementary gases. Mole- cular formulae ... , . . 203-209 Chap. XVI. — Phosphorus. Allotropic modifications of phosphorus. Fric- tion matches. Phosphorescence. Solutions of phosphorus. Poisonous pro- perties of phosphorus. Manufacture of phosphorus. Red phosphorus. Amor- phous and crystallized red phosphorus. Safety-matches. Phosphorus with oxidizing agents. Phosphuretted hydrogen. Preparation and analysis of phoa- CONTENTS. xi phuretted hydrogen gas. Composition of phosphui-etted hydrogen as compared with that of ammonia. Unit-Tolmne weight of phosphorua twice its atomic weight. Liquid and aohd phosphuretted hydrogen. Compounds of phosphorus and oxygen. Bed oxide of phosphorus. Hypophoephorous acid. Phoephoroua acid. Spontaneous combustion. Phosphoric acid. Hydrates of phosphoric acid. Meta- and pyi-o-phosphoric aoids. Chlorides of phosphorus. Dissociation. Bromides, iodides, and sulphides of phosphorus ... . . 209-241 Cnap. XVII — Arsenic. Sources and properties of arsenic. Arseniu- retted hydrogen. Oxides of arsenic. Manufacture of arsenious acid. Iso- merism. Properties and uses of arsenious acid. Beduction of arsenious acid. Solubility of arsenious acid. Arsenic acid. Salts of arsenic acid ; their analogy to the phosphates. Detection of arsenic in cases of poisoning. Diffusion of liquids. Dialysis. Crystalloids and colloids. Destroying the organic matters. Precipitation and reduction of sulphide of arsenic. Marsh's test. Chloride of arsenic. Sulphides of arsenic. Sulphur-salts. Sulpharsenites and Sulphar- Chap. XVIII. —Antimony. Sources, properties, and alloys of antimony, Antimoniuretted hydrogen. Testing for antimony. Distinguishing between arsenic and antimony, Teroxide of antimony. Antimoniate of antimony. An- timonic acid. Metantimonic acid. Chlorides of antimony. Chloridizing agents. Sulphides of antimony. Sulphur-salts . 266-281 Cnap. XIX. — Bismuth. Sources and properties of bismuth. Fusible metal. Teroxide of bismuth. Bismuthio acid. Chloride of bismuth. Sulphide of bismuth. The nitrogen group of elements . . 281-287 Chap. XX. — Carbon. AUotropio modifications of carbon. Diamond. Graphite or plumbago, G-raphitic acid. G-as-carbon. Coke. Anthracite. Charcoal. Preparation of charcoal. Distillation of wood and of coal. Illumi- nating gas. Lampblack. Properties of charcoal. Beducing-power of charcoal. Deflagration. Stability of charcoal. Charcoal absorbs gases. Induces combi- nations. Disinfects. Decolorizes. Compounds of carbon and hydrogen. Or- ganic chemistry. Homologous series. Marsh-gas or light carburetted hydrogen. Atomic weight of carbon. Typical hydrogen compounds. Composition of illu- minating gas. Carbonic acid. Preparation and properties of carbonio acid. Ventilation of wells. Diffusion of gases. Solubility of carbonic acid. Carbonic acid produced in the processes of fermentation, respiration, decay, and combus- tion. Liquid and solid carbonic acid. Decomposition, analysis, and synthesis of carbonic acid. Carbonates. Carbonic oxide. Preparation and properties of car- bonic oxide. Carbonic oxide a deoxidizing agent. Heat evolved in the com- bustion of carbonic oxide. Dissociation of carbonic oxide. Composition of car- bonic oxide. Combustion. Luminosity of flames. The Btmsen burner. Quantity and intensity flames. All flames gas-flaraes. Formof luminous flames. Blast- lamps and blowpipes. Oxidizing and reducing flames. Chimneys. Indestructi- bility of matter. Kindling-temperature. Flames and fires extinguished by wire gauze and other good conductors. Safety-lamps. Flaming fires. Loss of heat from incomplete combustion. Chlorides of carbon. Compounds of carbon and nitrogen. Bisulphide of carbon .... 287-364 Chap. XXI.— Boron. Sources of boron compounds. AUotropism of boron. Boracicacid. Chloride of boron. Fluoride of boron. Fluoboric acid. Sulphide and nitride of boron . . 365-'172 Xn CONTENTS. Ulia,p. XXII. — Silicon. Abundance of silicon. Preparation of ailicon. Modificafciona of ailicon. Silicon and hydrogen. Oxide of ailicon. Silicic acid. Soluble silicicacid. Varieties of silicic acid. Silica in natural waters. Silicates, ormulffi of silicates. Decomposition of silicates. Composition and formula of silicic acid. Chloride of silicon. Composition of chloride of ailicon. Compound of ailicon, hydrogen, and chlorine. Fluoride of ailicon. Muoailicic acid. Fluo-' silicates. Sulphide of silicon. The carbon group . 372-391 Cha.p. XXIII. — Sodium. Sources of sodium salts. Chloiide of sodium. Salt-works. Properties and uses of salt. Bromide and iodide of sodium. Sul- phate of sodium. G-lauber's salt. Supersaturated solutions. Bisulphate of so- dium. Carbonate of sodium. Leblanc's process. Soda-ash. Soda-crystals. Bicarbonate of sodium. Yeast powders. Sulphidea of sodium. Metallic sodium. Hydrate of sodium. Caustic soda. Bases and acids. Keplacement. Direct com- bination. Phosphates of sodium. Borax. Borax as a blowpipe test Silicates of sodium. Waterglasa. G-lass. Devitrified and colored glaaa. Hyposulphite of sodium . . . 391-414 Oh^p. XXIv. — Potassium. Sourcea of potassium. Carbonate of potas- sium. Bicarbonate of potassium. Hydrate of potassium. Caustic potash. Strength of bases. Alkalimetry. Volumetric analysis. Valuation of potash and soda-ash. Metallic potaasium. Cream of tartar. Chloride of potassium. Bro- mide of potaasium. Iodide of potassium. Cyanide of potassiiun. Sulphides of potaasium. Liver of sulphur. Sulphates of potaasium. Nitrate of potasaiimi. Refining of saltpetre. Saltpetre not explosive. G-unpowder. Chlorate of potas- sium . . . 414^-436 Clia.p. XXv. — Ammonium-salts. The hypothetical metal ammonium. Hydrate of ammonium. Chloride of ammonium. Sulphate of ammonium. Ni- trate of ammonium. Carbonates of ammonium. Sulphides of ammonium . . 437-443 C]ia.p. XX vl. — Lithium. Spectrum analysis. Kubidium and Csesium. Thallium . ... . . 443^43 Cll£ip. XXVII. — Silver. Occurrence of silver. Extraction of silver. Metallic silver. The terra metal. Acids and bases. Silver coin. Nitrate of silver. Indelible ink. Oxides of silver. Fulminating silver. Photography. The daguerreotype. Photography on glass. Photography on paper. Chloride of silver. Atomic weight of silver. Bromide of silver. Iodide of silver. Cyanide- of silver. Sulphide of silver. Sulphate of silver. The alkali group. Quanti- valenee. Atomicity . . 448-466 Clia^p. XXVIII. — Calcium — Strontium — Barium — Lead. Calcimn. Car- bonate of calcium. Calcareous petrifactions. Calc-spar and aiTSgonite. Oxide of calcium. Hydrate of calcimn. Milk of Hme. Slaked lime. Mortar. Caustic lime. Uses of lime. Sulphate of calcium. Plaster of Paria, or calcined gyx>aum. Plaater eaata. Incruatation of steam-boilers. Hai-d water. Testing water. Phos- phates of calciimi. Chloride of calcimn. Hypochlorite of calcium. Bleaching- powder. Preparation of chlorine and oxygen from bleaching-powder. Chlori- metry. Nitrate of calcium. Siilphydrate of calcium. Sulphite of calcium. Me- tallic calcium. — Strontium and barium. Peroxide of barium. Making oxygen with peroxide of barium. Strontium salts. Barium salts. Uaes of strontium CONTENTS, XUl and barium salts. The calcium group. The alkaline earths.— Lead. Extraction of lead. Separation of silver from lead. Oxides of lead. Corrosion of lead by water. Leaden wafcer-pipes. Suboxide of lead. Protoxide of lead or litharge. Cupellation. Peroxide of lead. Hed lead or minium. Sesquioxideoflead. Sul- phides of lead. Chloride of lead. Sugar of lead. White lead. Silicate of lead . 467-500 CllSip. XXIX. — Magnesium — Zinc — Cadmium. Metallic magnesium. Oxide of magnesium. Calcined magnesia. Hydraulic magnesia. Chloride of magnesium. Sulphate of magnesium, or Epsom salts. Carbonate of magnesium. Citrate of magnesium. Phosphate of magnesium and ammonium, — Zinc. G-ra- nulated zinc. Chilvanized iron. The galyanic current. Correlation of forces. Re- placement of one metal by another. Oxide of zinc. Chloride of zinc. Sulphate of zinc. Alloys of zinc. — Cadmium, Sources and properties of cadmium. Unit- volume weight of cadmium half its atomic weight. The magnesium group. . 501-511 Cll£Lp. XXX. — Aluminum — G-lucinum— Chromium — Manganese — Iron — Cobalt — Nickel— TTranium. Metallic aluminum. Alloys of aluminum. Alumi- num bronze. Atomic weight of aluminum. Oxide of aluminiun. Hydrate of altmiinum. Aluminates. Mordants in dyeing. Lakes. Chloride of aluminum. Sulphate of aluminiun. Alum. Acetate ' of aluminum. Silicates of aluminum. Clay. Earthenware, bricks, and pottery. Glazes. Hydraulic cement. Concrete.— G-lucinuin. — Chromitmi. Oxides of chromium. Chlorides of chromium. Sul- phate of chromium. Chromic acid. Chromates. Photolithography. — Manganese. Protoxide of manganese. Sesquioxide of manganese. Alums. Binoxide of manganese. Manganic acid. Manganates. Chameleon mineral. Permanganic acid. Permanganate of potassium. — ^Iron. Ores of iron. Extraction of iron. The bloomary process. The blast furnace. Fluxes. Cast iron. Impurities of iron. Wrought iron. The puddling process. SteeL The Sessemer process. Protoxide of iron or ferrous oxide. Sesquioxide of iron or ferric oxide. Oxidation by iron-rust. Ferric hydrate. Sulphide of iron. Iron pyrites. Chlorides of iron. Ferrous sulphate or copperas. Ink. Dyeing. Ferric sulphate. Nitrates of iron. Silicates of iron. Cyanides of iron. Prussian blue. Oxidizing ferrous and reducing ferric salts. — Cobalt and nickel. The terminations ous and ie. — Uranium. Salts of the sesquioxides. The sesquioxide group. Atomic volume of the alums. Rare elements allied to aluminum and iron . . . .512-561 OKstp. XXXI. — Copper— Mercury. Extraction of copper from its ores. Properties of copper. Alloys of copper. Dioxide of copper. Protoxide of copper. Hydrate of copper. Sulphides of copper. Chlorides of copper. Sulphate of copper. Nitrate of copper. "Verdigris. — Mercury. Its extraction and pro- perties. Unit-volume weight of mercury half its atomic weight. Oxides of mercury. Red oxide of mercury as a source of oxygen. Sulphides of mercmy. Vermilion. CalomeL Corrosive sublimate. Mercuric iodide. Sulphates and nitrates of mercury. Amalgams. Detecting mercury . . . ,562-577 Ch£tp> XXXII. — Titanium. Tin. Its ore. Its extraction and properties. Tinning. Protoxide of tin. Binoxide of tin. Stannic acid. Metastannic acid. Btan- nates. Sulphides of tin. Protochloride of tin. Its reducing-power. Bichloride of tin. Alloys of tin. The tin group. ,. 577-585 Chap. XXXIII Molybdenum. Bisulphide of molybdenum. Oxides of molybdenum.— Vanadium. Its occurrence. Its oxides.— Tungsten. Its occur- rence and properties. Oxides of tungsten. Wolfram. Tungstale of aodium . 585-587 XIV CONTENTS. Clia.p. XXXIV. — Gold. Its wide diffusion. Its physical properties. In- destructibility of gold. Eefining of gold. Chloride of gold. Gilding. Alloys of gold. — Platinum. Chlorides of plafeiniun. Platinum sponge. Platinum black. The platinum group . . ... . . 587-596 Clia,p._XXX V. — Atomic weights and symbols of the elements. Claasiflca- tion. Natural groups. Atomic heats of the elements. Atomic heats of compounds. Value of specific heats. Two sets of atomic weights in use. Barred symbols. The student's view of discuaaions concerning theories . ... 597-605 Appendix. — Glass tubing. Gutting and cracking glass. Bending, drawing, and closing glass tubes. Blpwing bulbs. Lam.pa. Blast-lamps and blowers. Caoutchouc stoppers, tubing, and sheets. Corks. Cork-cutters. Patting tubes through corks. Supports for vessels — iron stand, sand-bath, wire gauze. Pneu- matic trough. Collecting gases. Safety-tubes. Gas-holders. Deflagrating- spoons. Platinum foil and wire. Filtering. Filters. Drying of gasea. Drying- tubes. Chloride- of-calcium tubes Spring clip. Screw compressor. Water- bath. Iron retort. Self-regulating gas-generator. Glass retorts. Flasks. Beakers. Test-tubes. Test -glasses. Measuring-glasses. Burettes. Eeading-off Burettes. Pipettes. Wash-bottle. Porcelain dishes and crucibles. Eings to support round- bottomed vessels. Crucibles. Tonga. Pincers. Mortars. Spatulse. Thermome- ters. Furnaces. The metrical system of weights and measures. Table for the couTereion of degrees of the centigrade thermometer into degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer. Table for the conversion of grammes into grains, and centimetres into inches , i-xlii PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. The authors have thoroughly revised this second edition of their manual. Practical experience in using the book with tvro classes in the laboratory, the questions of students, and the suggestions of friends have enabled them to improve some of the detailed directions for experiments, and to make a few other changes and additions calculated to smooth difficulties or supplj' defects. Special pains have been taken to make the printing of this edition as accurate as possible. Boston, December 1867. PREFACE TO THE EIRST EDITION. In preparing this manual, it has been the authors' object to facilitate the teaching of chemistry by the experimental and inductive method. The book wiH enable the careful student to acquaint himself with the main facts and principles of chemistry, through the attentive use of his own perceptive faculties, by a process not unlike that by which these facts and piineiples were first established. The authors believe that the study of a science of observation ought to develop and discipline the observing faculties, and that such a study fails of its true end if it become a mere exercise of the memory. The minute instructions, given in the descriptions of experi- ments and printed in the smaller t3^e, are intended to enable the student to see, smeU, and to^ph for himself; these detailed descriptions are meant for laboratory use. In order to mark as clearly as possible the distinction between chemistry and chemical manipulation, the necessary instructions on the latter subject have been put in an Appendix. In cases in which it is impossible for every student to experiment for himself, the authors hope that this manual wiU make it easy for the teacher, even if he be not a professional chemist, to exhibit to his class, in a familiar and inexpensive manner, experiments enough to supply ocular demon- stration of the leading facts and generalizations of the science. Judging from their own experience, the authors venture to hope that even professional chemists may find it convenient to have TL PBEFACE. always at hand the details of several hundred experiments, covering the ground of an extensive course of chemical lectures. The student of this manual is supposed to be already acquainted with the rudiments of physics. The chemist must often depend upon physical properties for his means of characterizing the numerous substances with which he deals, and he is nearly con- cerned with the physical properties of gases and vapors ; but chemistry has now so wide a scope and so great an importance as to deserve to be studied by itself, and not merely as an appendix to the subject of molecular physics. Like all elementary text-books, this manual is a mere compila- tion ; it embodies in a somewhat new form previously existing statements of weU-recognized facts and principles which have become the common stock of the science. There is little original in the book, except its arrangement and method, in part, and its general tone. The authors have, of course, drawn largely from the invaluable compilations made by GmeUn, Otto, and Watts, and they have also availed themselves freely of the text-books of Stoeckhardt and MiUer and the writings of Hofinann. The book is not written in the interest of any particular theory or system of notation, but is intended to exhibit, so far as is pos- sible within the limits proper to an elementary manual, the present state of the science. The authors wiU feel very grateful to any one who will com- municate to them errors, detected in using the book, or suggestions for its improvement. Boston, June 1867. MANUAL OF mOE&AIIC CHEIISTEY. INTRODUCTION. 1. The various objects vMcli constitute external Nature pre- sent to the observing eye an infinite variety of' quality and cir- cumstance. Some bodies are hard, others soft ; some are brittle, others tough or elastic ; some natural objects are endowed with Hfe, — ^they grow ; others are lifeless, — they may be moved, but never move themselves ; some bodies are in a state of incessant change, while others are so immovable and unchangeable that they seem everlasting. In the midst of this infinite diversity of external objects, where lies the domain of Chemistry ? "What is the subject-matter of this science ? When air moves in wind, when water moves in tides, or in the fall of rain or snow, the air and water remain air and water still ; their constitution is not changed by the motion, however frequent or however great. A bit of granite, thrown off from the ledge by frost, is still a bit of granite, and no new or altered thing. If a solid piece of iron be reduced to filings, each finest morsel is metaUic iron still, of the same substance as the original piece, as will appear to the eye if a morsel be sufficiently magnified under the microscope. The melted, fluid lead in the hot crucible, and the soUd lead of the cold bullet cast from it, are the same in substance, only differing in respect to temperature. In all these CHEMICAL CHANGE. cases the changes are external and non-essential, not intimate and constitutional ; they are ealledjohysical changes. 2. Wien iron is exposed to the weather, it becomes covered with a brownish, earthy coating which bears no outward resem- blance to the original irOn ; and, if exposed long enough, the metal completely disappears, being wholly changed into this very different substance, rust. A piece of coal burns in the grate, and soon it vanishes, leaving nothing behind but a little ashes. Dead vegetable or animal matters, buried in the ground, soon putrefy, decay, and disappear. So, too, the fragment of granite which frost has broken from the ledge, exposed for centuries to the action of air and rain, becomes changed ; it " weathers," and after a time could no longer be recognized as granite. All these changes involve alterations in the intimate constitution of the bodies which undergo them ; they are called chemical changes. Experiment 1. — Mix thoroughly 3 grammes (for Tables of the Metrical System of Weights and Measures, see Appendix) of coarsely powdered sulphvir with 8 grammes of copper filings, or fine turnings. Put the mixture into a tube of hard glass, No. 3, p- n about 12 centimetres long, and closed at one end. (Tor the manipulation of tubing, see Appendix, §§ 1-4.) Hold the tube by the open end, with the wooden nippers, as in Pig. 1, and heat the mixture over the gas-lamp (Appendix, § 5), until both copper and sulphur have disappeared. Before heat was applied, the mixture of the two substances was simply mechanical, ani the copper might have been completely separated from the sidphur, by due care and patience; but during the ignition the copper and sulphur have united chemically, and there has been formed a substance which, while containing both, has no external resemblance to either. In the new body, the eye can detect neither copper nor sulphm-. If 10 grammes of metallic iron he allowed to rust away completely in moist air, the pile of rust which remains when the metal has disap- peared, will weigh much more than 10 grammes. The iron has com- bined with two of the constituents of the atmosphere, the gas called oxygen and the vapor of water. The weight of the rust is the sum ANALYSIS AHJ) STNIHBSIS. 3 of the weights of the metallic iron, and of the water and oxygen with which the iron has comhiaed. Processes by which the whole character and appearance of the bodies concerned are changed, as in these experiments, so tha;t essentially new bodies are formed from the old, are chemical processes. It is the function of the chemist, on the one hand, to investigate the action of each substance upon every other, to take note of the phenomena which attend this action, and to study the properties of the combinations which result from it ; and on the other, to contrive the resolution of compound bodies into their simpler constituents. He further seeks the general laws by which the intimate combinations of matter are controlled. With these ends in view, the chemist endeavors to puU to pieces, or in technical language, to analyze, every natural substance on which he lays hands. Having thus found out the composition of the substance, he seeks to put it together again, or to recompose it out of its constituent parts. By one or both of these two pro- cesses, analysis (unloosing) and synthesis (putting together), the chemist studies all substances. 3. There are two qiiestions which the chemist asks himself concerning every natural substance. First, Of what is it com- posed ? With the means at his disposal the chemist may, or may not, be able to resolve the substance into simpler constituents. If he succeeds in decomposing it, he obtains the answer to this first question ; if the body cannot be decomposed by any known method of analysis, the substance must be regarded as being already at its simplest. Such simple bodies are called elements. Secondly, the chemist asks. Sow does this new substance com- port itself when brought into contact with other substances already familiar 1 There are sixty-five substances which are, at present, admitted to be simple, primary substances, or elements. Of com- pouna jodies, formed by the union of these elements with each other, we find a series, numbering many thousands, in the inor- ganic kingdom of Nature, comprising all the diversified mineral constituents of the earth's crust ; while another series, far more complex in composition, and almost innumerable in multitude, exists in the vegetable and animal world. The task of tlie chemist in thoroughly answering his second question would b2 4 TACI AND XHEOBT. clearly be endless, were it not for the existence of general pro- perties common to extensive groups of both elementary and compound bodies, and of general laws which chemical processes invariably obey. WhUe, therefore, the chemist seeks the answers to the two fundamental questions above stated, he is at the same time inquiring what relations exist between the properties of a body and its composition, and he is also studying that natural and invariable sequence of chemical phenomena, which, when fuUy known, will constitute the perfect science of chemistry. 4. Generalizations from observed facts, so long as they are uncertain and incomplete, are called hypotheses and theories ; when tolerably complete and reasonably certain, they are caUed laws. The attention of the student should be constantly directed to the keen discrimination between facts and the speculations founded upon those facts — between the actual evidence (rf our trained senses, brought intelligently to bear upon chemical phe- nomena, and the reasonings and abstract conclusions based upon this evidence — between, in short, that which we may know, and that which we may believe. CHAPTEE I. 5. We are everywhere surrounded by an atmosphere of invisible gas, called air. All objects upon the earth's surface are bathed with it. In motion, it is wind, and we recognize its existence by its powerful effects; but in the stillest places it exists as well. The presence of air in any ordinary bottle, flask, or other hollow vessel which is empty, in the sense in which this word is ordinarily applied, can be shown very simply by attempting to put some other substance into the vessel, under such conditions that the air cannot pass out from it. Or the aix can actually be AIltOSPHERIC PEESSUEE. 5 pumped out of tke bottle ; and it can. be removed by other means, both, mechanical and chemical. Exp. 2. — Wrap around the throat of a funnel, -with narrow outlet, a strip of moistened cloth or paper, so that the funnel shall fit tightly into the nech of a bottle. After the funnel has Fig. 2. been fitted to the bottle, as is shown in Fig. 2, fill it with water, and observe that this water does not run into the bottle. The bottle which we have called empty is in reality fiUed with air, and it is this air which prevents the water from entering the bottle. If, now, the funnel be lifted slightly, so that the mouth of the bottle shall no longer be completely closed by it, the air vsdthiu the bottle will pass out, and the water in the funnel will instantly flow down. 6. In order to pump the air out of any hollow vessel, an appa- ratus known as the air-pump is commonly employed. Descrip- tions of this machine may be found in the text-books on physics. For J)urposes of illustration, a portion, of the air can always be removed by suction, or by mechanically displacing the air by some other substance, as when the finger thrusts the air out of a thimble. Exp. 3. — Fit to any small flask or phial a perforated cork (for the manipulation of corks, see Appendix, § 8), to which has been adapted a short piece of glass tubiug. No. 7. Tie upon this glass tube a short piece of caoutchouc tubing. Suck part of the air out of the flask, and then nip the caoutchouc tube with thumb and flnger, so that no air shall reenter. Immerse the neck of the flask in a basin of water, and release the caoutchouc tube. Water will instantly rise into the flask to take the place of the arc which has been sucked out. 7. The water, in this experiment, is forced into the flask by the pressure of the superincumbent atmosphere. Air has weight. It is subject to the law of gravitation, and is attracted towards the earth's centre iu the same way as other ponderable matter. It has' been found by experiment that a litre of dry air, at the temperature of 0°, and under a pressure of 760 mUlimetres, weighs 1-2932 gramme. It has also been determined by the physicists that the force with which the air is attracted to the earth is on an average equal to a weight of 1-033 kilogramme to the square centimetre of surface. That is to say, the ocean of air above us presses down upon every square centimetre of the earth's surface with a force equal to that which would be PEOPEETIES OP AIK. exerted by a bar of metal, or other substance, a centimetre square in section, and long enough to weigh 1'033 kilogramme. If such a bar were constructed of iron, it would be 1-3 metre long ; if of water (and a bar of this substance can readily be made by enclosing the water iu a tube), it would be 10'33 metres long ; if of mercury, 76 centimetres long. A clear conception of the atmospheric pressure is important to the chemist, because of its bearing upon the mechanical collection, manipulation, and measurement of gases. 8. In addition to the qualities already mentioned, we find au- to be tasteless, and odorless, colorless when in small depths, but exhibiting a blue tint when seen in large masses, as when in the absence of clouds we look at the sky, or at a distant mountain. Several of its properties are not peculiar, but are common to all gases. Dry air obeys precisely the law of Mariotte up to a pres- sure of several atmospheres ; that is to say, its volume diminishes or increases in proportion to the pressure to which it is sub- jected ; but it has never yet been condensed to a liquid. Upon being heated one degree centigrade, it expands -^-fj, or in other terms 0-003665, its volume at 0° At the temperature of 0°, air is 773 times lighter than water at 4° ; that is, than water at its maximum density. These physical properties of air have been enumerated in order to a distinct acquaintance with this gas, and that we may more clearly comprehend its chemical properties as we now proceed to study them. 9. Of what is air composed^ When a bar of iron is heated in the air, as at a blacksmith's forge, it becomes covered vrith a coating, which flies off in scales when the iron is beaten upon the anvU. If a bit of tin be melted in a shallow crucible, its surface soon becomes covered with a white earth, or ashes. At a high temperature both iron and tin slowly bui~n hi the air, and are converted into earth or ashes. With the exception of gold, silver, platinum, and a few other exceedingly rare metals, aU the metals bum, or rust, when heated in the air. If no air be present, this rust or ashes will not be formed, however long or intensely the metal may be heated. But in what manner is the rust formed ? Is something driven out of the metal into the air, or does some- AKAITSIS OP AIE. 7 thing come out of the air and unite with the metal ? Experi- ment shall answer. Exp. 4. — Place 20 grammes of tin-foil in a porcelain dish, 4 or 5 cm. in diameter. Counterbalance the dish, with its contents, upon scales which will turn promptly with 0-5 grm. when thus loaded. Heat the dish, placed upon the wire gauze of the iron-stand (see Ap- pendix, § 9), over the gas-lamp moderately and continuously for two or three hom-s, or until a large part of the metal has been converted into ashes. To facilitate the change, move the dish frequently, so that a new surface of metal shall be often exposed to the air. Replace the dish, when perfectly cool, upon the pan of the balance, and observe that the weight of the dish and its contents has very decidedly in- creased. A more rapid demonstration may be obtained by substituting for the tin-foil a piece of magnesium wire or ribbon. This metal takes fire when touched with a lighted match. 10. It is possible that during the heating the metal may have lost something, but it is certain that it has gained more. This additional matter has not come from any alteration in the dish, for it is made of materials expressly adapted to resist such treat- ment, and a little cleaning will restore it to exactly its original condition. "We have, then, taken something out of the air, which, gaseous in the air, has become solid in the white ashes of the tin. If this something with which the tin has united can be sepa- rated again from the metal, and restored to the gaseous condition, it will be easy to compare it with common air, and so learn whether the matter which combined with the heated tin is air itself, or only a part of the air. It is quite possible to recover the gas which enters into the composition of the rust of iron, or copper, or tin ; but the processes required are too circuitous for the present purpose. From the rust of other common metals, such as lead, manganese, or mercury, the absorbed gas can be very easily expelled. The rust of mercury is the most easily decomposed. Mercury-rust may be prepared by the long heating of the metal in the air, in a manner strictly analogous to the method already applied to the preparation of tin-rust. Exp. 5. — Put into a tube of hard glass, No. 3, about 12 cm. long, and closed at one end as in Exp. 1, 10 grammes of the rust of AlfAlTSIS OF ATB. mercury, a substance which is sold under the name of red oxide of mercury. Such tubes of hard glass will be hereafter designated as " ignition-tubes." Attach to this ignition-tube, by means of a per- forated cork, or caoutchouc stopper, a delivery-tube of glass. No. 8, of such ^^S- ^• shape and length that it shall reach beneath the inverted saucer in the pan of water, as represented in Fig. 3. The point of departure, for the con- struction of the apparatus, is the top of the gas-lamp placed upon the foot of the iron-stand ; the end of the ig- nition-tube should be about 4 cm. r-Hh^^ above the top of the lamp. The ^^^^^^^. other details of the apparatus maybe ^^ learned from the figure. Upon lighting the lamp, the air within the ignition- tube will ex- pand, and a portion of it will pass out through the delivery-tube. This air should be collected in a small bottle by itself, and thrown away. The volume of air thus thrown away should of course not be much greater than that of the tubes. (For a desaiption of the pneumatic trough, see Appendix, § 10.) As the ignition-tube becomes hot, gas will be freely given off from the red oxide of mercm-y contained in it. It is necessary to avoid heating intensely a single small spot of the ignition-tube, lest the glass soften, and, yielding to the pressure from within, blow outward, and so spoil the tube and arrest the experiment. The gas-flame should be so placed and regulated as to heat 3 or 4 cm. of the tube at once. Collect the escaping gas in bottles of 100 to 150 c c. capacity. As soon as the disengagement of gas slackens, lift the iron-stand up, and take the deli very- tube out of the water, taking care that no water shall remain in the end of the tube. Then, and not tiU then, extinguish the lamp. (See Appendix, § 10.) In the upper part of the ignition- tube, and sometimes in the delivery-tube also, metallic mercvuy will be found condensed in minute globules. The liquid metal is volatile at the temperature to which it has been subjected, and has distilled away from the hot part of the tube, and condensed upon the cooler part. Thus is recovered the metallic mercury from which the red mercury-rust was originally prepared by long heating in contact with air. Is the gas, which the mercury originally took from the atmosphere, air itseK, or something different ? Exp. 6. — Introduce a lighted splinter of soft wood into a bottle of AlB A MIXItTEB, 9 the gas collected in the last experiment. It will burn with much greater hrilliaacy than in the air. Attach a bit of wax taper to a piece of wire ; light the taper, blow it out, and while the wick still glows, introduce it into a second bottle of the gas of Exp. 5. The glowing wick will Ijurst into flame, and the taper will burn with ex^ traordinary brilliancy. 11. It is very obvious, from these experiments, that the gas which enters into the composition of mercury-rust is not air itself. But since it came originally from the air, if it is not the whole of air, it must be a part or constituent of air. This gas, which causes combustible substances to bum with such intensity, is indeed a constant constituent of the air, and a thorough study of all its properties will hereafter convince us that it is a chemical element of very various powers and great importance. It is called oxygen, and under this name it wiU form the subject of the next chapter. 12. But if oxygen be not air itself, but only a constituent of air, it follows that air must have other constituents, or at least one other constituent. If mercury be long heated in contact with a certaiu confined portion of air, it wiU abstract from this air, as we have seen, one of its ingredients, namely, oxygen, and there will be left behind whatever of air is not oxygen. This experiment, the original one by which the illustrious chemist Lavoisier demon- strated that air is a constant mixture of two different gases, deserves carefal study, both for its philosophical value and its historical importance. The actual experiment lasts several days, and is therefore unsuitable for repetition by the student. A description of it will suffice. Into a flask, provided with a long neck, some metallic mercury was introduced ; the neck of the flask was then bent, as shown in Fig 4, the flask placed upon a furnace, and the end of the neck plunged into a basin of mercury; a jar was then placed over the end of the tube, and a portion of the air within the jar was sucked out by means of a bent tube ; the mercury thereupon rose in the jar, and the point at which it stood was accurately noted. The thermometer and barometer were also simultaneously observed. Fire was then lighted in the furnace, and the heat maintained for twelve days at a point just below that required to make the mercury boil. The mercury became gra- dually covered with red scales, and the air in the jar, which at first expanded from the action of the heat, slowly decreased in bulk until 10 COMPOSIirOK OF AIR. tvesk scales were no longer formed. From these red scales Lavoisier obtained, by tie method already exhibited (Exp. 5), the element oxy- gen. The residual air in the jar proved, on examination, to be unfit for the support of combustion and of animal life ; a candle was in- Fig. 4. stantly extinguished by it, as if plunged in water, and small ani- mals, thrust into the gas, died in a few seconds. The gas is, in reality, a second elementary sub- stance, distinguished by marked chemical and physical peculiari- ties. It is called nitrogen, and under this name will be more completely studied in another chapter. 13. The experiment of Lavoisier not only affords the means of separating the two different gases of which air is composed, but also determines the proportions in which they are mixed in air. If the diminution in bulk which the air in the jar undergoes during the whole progress of the experiment be accurately measured, it wiU be found that the bulk of the residual gas, the nitrogen, is only four-fifths of the original volume of air. The lost fifth is the oxygen which has combined with the mercury. The air, then, is not an element, but is compound, and its two principal ingredients are the elementary bodies oxygen and nitrogen, mixed in the proportion of four measures of nitrogen to one of oxygen. It is quite possible to prove by synthesis what analysis has thus taught. On putting together four mea- sures of nitrogen and one measure of oxygen, a mixture is ob- tained, which, except by very refined experiments, is not to be distinguished from pure air. Aqueous vapor is another normal constituent of the actual atmosphere, and small traces of other gases than nitrogen and oxygen are always present in it, as will be set forth hereafter. OSTREN. 11 CHAPTEE IT. OXTG E N. 14. Oxygen gas may be prepared by heating red oxide of mercury, as described in Exp. 5 ; or, far more conveniently, by heating a mixture of chlorate of potassium and black oxide of manganese. For the present we have to regard these substances merely as materials suitable for the preparation of oxygen. Their constitution will be studied hereafter. Exp. 7. — Mix intimately 6 grms. of chlorate of potassium with 5 grms. of black oxide of manganese, which has been previously well dried. Place the mixture in a tube of hard glass, No. 1, 12 or 15 cm. in length. Attach to this ignition-tube, by means of a perforated cork or caoutchouc stopper, a delivery-tube of glass. No. 7, as repre- sented in Fig 3, and described upon page 8. Heat the mixture in the ignition-tube and collect the gas which will be given off, in bottles or jars of the capacity of about 250 c. c. The first 100 c. c. or so of gas should be rejected, since it wiU be contamiaated with the air origi-' naUy contained in the apparatus. It is easy to determine the moment at which the evolution of oxygen commences, by noting the increased size of the bubbles of this gas as contrasted with those of the expanded air, and the greater rapidity with which the bubbles of oxygen come over. For every grm. of chlorate of potassium taken, about 230 c. c. of oxygen gas should be obtained. Besides the general precautions described under Exp. 5, the follow- ing should here be observed. 1. Both the chlorate of potassium and the oxide of manganese should be perfectly dry and pure— that is, free from moisture, dust, or particles of organic matter. 2. So soon as the oxygen begins to be delivered, the heat beneath the ignition-tube should be diminished, if need be, and so regulated that the evolution of gas shall be tranquU and imiform. 3. The uppermost portions of the mixture should be heated before the lower. 4. An ignition-tube should never be filled to more than one-third its total capacity, lest portions of its contents be projected into the delivery-tube. The chief danger to be guarded against in using ignition-tubes is the stop- page of their outlets with soUd matter. 5. The ignition-tube shoitld 12 PEOPEETIES OF OXTeEN. always be inclined as represented in Fig. 3, and never placed upright in the flame. The oxygen thus obtained is to be employed in the experiments shortly to be described. In case large quantities of oxygen are needed, a similar mixture of equal weights of chlorate of potassium and black oxide of manganese is heated in a retort of iron or copper, and the gas is collected in large metallic vessels, called gas-holders, such as are described in § 11 of the Appendix. Besides the methods above described, there are many other ways of preparing oxygen. Several of these methods mil be described hereafter, when the materials employed can be intelli- gently studied. 15. Oxygen is a transparent and colorless gas, not to be dis- tinguished by its aspect from atmospheric air. Like air, it has neither taste nor smell. It is, however, somewhat heavier than air. If the weight of a measure of air be taken as 1, then the weight of the same measure of oxygen is found to be 1-1056. At 0°, and a pressure of 760 m.m. of mercury 1 litre of oxygen, gas weighs 1-4298 grm. Since oxygen is thus heavier than air, it is not absolutely necessary, in collecting it, or transferring it from one vessel to another, that we should operate over water, as has been directed. When a gas is much heavier, or much lighter, than atmospheric air, it may often be con- veniently collected by displacement. A l^ottle can readily be filled with oxygen fi.-om the gas-holder by carrying the delivery-tube to the bottom of the upright bottle, and allowing the gas to flow in slowly, as if it were water. In a short time the air will be wholly displaced, and the bottle tilled with oxygen. The progress of the operation can be followed by testing the contents of the upper part of the bottle ii'om time to time, with a glowing match ; when this bursts sharply into flame the gas may be assumed to be pm-e enough for aU ordinary pui-poses. 16. Oxygen has never yet been reduced to the liquid condition. Of all known substances it exerts the smallest refracting power upon the rays of light. Compared with that of atmospheric air, its refractive power is as 0-830 to 1-000. The specific heat of oxygen, compared with that of an equal weight of water taken as unity, is 0-2182 ; it has a lower capacity than other gases for absorbing and radiatipg heat. Water dissolves it in smsill pro- portion J 100 volumes of water dissolve, at the ordinary tempera- OXTSEN STJPPOETS COMBITSTIOlf. 13 ture, about 3 volumes of oxygen. It extibits decided magnetic properties. A glass tube filled witb oxygen and suspended by a fibre of sUk between the ends of a strong horse-shoe magnet soon comes to rest in such a position that its long axis is parallel to a line drawn between the two poles. As with iron, its susceptibi- lity to magnetization is diminished, or even temporarily suspended, by a sufficient elevation of temperature. Its magnetic force, com- pared with that of the air, is as 17'6 to 3-4, that of a vacuum being taken as 0. 17. A striking characteristic of oxygen is its power of sup- porting combustion. This has already been illustrated in Exp. 6, and may be further exhibited by a great variety of experiments. Exp. 8. — Place in a deflagrating spoon (see Appendix, § 12), a bit of sulphur as large as a pea. Light the sul- phur, and thrust it into a bottle of oxygen. It will bum with a beautiful blue flame, and much more brilliantly than in air. An acid, suffocating gas is produced. Exp. 9. — Place a piece of charcoal, that of bark is best, in a deflagrating spoon. Kindle the charcoal by holding it in the flame of a lamp, and then introduce it into a bottle of oxygen. It will bum vividly, throwing off brilliant sparks if bark charcoal has been employed. In this experiment, as in the preceding, the products of the com- bustion are obviously gaseous, no solid substance being formed. Exp. 10. — A piece of phosphorus, the size of a small pea, having been well dried between pieces of blotting-paper, is placed in a defla- grating spoon, touched with a hot wire or a lighted match, and then thrust into a jar of oxygen. It will bum with intense brilliancy and the formation of a dense white smoke. It should be observed that phosphorus is a substance which inflames very readily in the air, when subjected to friction or any slight eleva- tion of temperature. It is hence so dangerous that it must always be kept under water. It should also be cut under water. 18. Many substances commonly called incombustible, because they do not bum readily in ordinary air, bum vigorously in oxygen. Of these, metaUie iron may be taken as an example. Exp. 11. — Convert two-thirds of a piece of fine piano-wire 20 or 30 cm. long into a spiral, by winding it tightly around a glass rod, No. 6, or lead pencil, and then withdrawing the rod or pencil. Thrust the straight end of this wire into a cork or piece of thin board large 14 OXIDES. enough to cover one of the bottles of oxygen obtained in Exp. 7. Upon the lower end of the wire coil tie a small piece of waxed thread, or touch with a bit of melted sulphur the end of the spiral, so that a small bead of sulphur shall adhere to the wire. Kindle the thread or sulphur, and quickly place the wire in a bottle of oxygen, at the bottom of which has been spread a layer of sand. The burning sulphur heats the iron to redness, which then burns brilliantly, with scintillation. From time to time, glowing balls of molten matter fall off from the wire, and bury themselves in the sand at the bottom of the bottle, or even melt into the glass. If an abundance of oxygen be at hand, this experiment had better be performed in a jar of 2 or 3 litres capacity, — a watch-spring which has been rendered flexible by igniting it, and then allow- ing it to cool slowly, being the best material with which to F'?- 6. form the spiral coil. In this case it is well to tie a bit of tinder upon the end of the coil as the kindling material, or to attach a piece of twine to the wire, and soak this in sulphur. But the experiment succeeds weU even in very small bottles of oxygen, provided the wire be fine, and that the quantity of sulphur, or other matter, employed for kindling be not too large. 19. This experiment clearly proves what has been already stated, that iron, when red-hot, combines with oxygen. It is the burnt or oxidized iron which falls in globules to the bottom of the bottle. This substance is called oxide of iron. The com- pounds which are formed by the union of oxygen with other elements are called oxides. The substances which have been heretofore mentioned under the more familiar name of rust, like iron-rust, tin-rust, mercury-rust, are called in chemistry oxides — as the oxide of iron, oxide of tin, and oxide of mercury. 20. It wiU have been observed that the combinations obtained in the foregoing experiments are of very various quality. Some of these compounds are soHd, others gaseous ; some are acid and caustic, while others are tasteless and innocuous. They agree only in this, that they all contain oxygen. AH these bodies wiH be studied in detail hereafter. It concerns us now more particu- larly to realize the number and variety of the bodies into which oxygen enters as an essential ingredient. In fact, the most important quality of oxygen is that, with a single exception, it unites with all the other elements to form compounds. OXIDATION. 15 This act of combination is often accompanied by development of light and heat, as in the foregoing experiments ; in the affairs of common life we daily witness similar effects . All the ordinary phenomena of fire and light depend upon the union of the body burned with the oxygen of the air. Indeed, the term combustion may for all ordinary purposes be regarded as synony- mous with oxidation. Combustion is less vivid in air than in pure oxygen, because of the nitrogen with which the oxygen of the air is diluted. If a substance combines slowly with oxygen, it may often happen that no evolution of heat or Hght can be detected. Thus, when a small piece of iron rusts at the ordinary temperature of the air, there is perceived neither light nor heat, although a combination of iron and oxygen has been formed, as in Exp. 11. Heat is really disengaged in the slow rusting of iron, as in every act of chemical combination, but it is taken up and carried away by the circumambient air at the moment of its formation, so that it can- not usually be perceived. Slow oxidation, such as. this, is often spoken of as slow combustion. 21. Many of the compounds of oxygen are very familiar bodies. Indeed, oxygen is the most widely diffused and the most abundant of all known substances. Not only does it occur in the air, of which it constitutes about one-iifth the volume, as has been already remarked, but at least one-third of the solid crust of the globe is composed of it. It is the chief ingTedient of water, as will appear in a subsequent chapter. It enters largely into the composition of plants and animals. Silica, in all its varieties of sand, flint, quartz, rock-crystal, &c., contains about half its weight of oxygen, and the same is true of the various kinds of clay, and of chalk, limestone, and marble. Oxygen is absolutely essential to the maintenance of animal and vegetable life. The chemistry of the respiration of animals depends upon the absorption of oxygen from the air respired. In the absence of oxygen suffocation ensues. 16 CHAPTEE in. NITEOGElf. 22. The common modes of obtaining nitrogen depend upon the removal of oxygen from the air. Exp. 12. — Fill a tube of hard glass, No. 2, about 36 centimetres long, with bright, not too coarse, copper turnings; place this tube upon a semicylindrical trough of sheet iron, and support it upon a ring of the ii-on stand, as shown in Fig. 7. It is well to interpose a thin layer of asbestos between the tube and the iron trough, in order to prevent the glass from adjiering to the metal when it becomes soft by heat. By means of corks, attach to one end of this tube a delivery- tube leading to the water-pan, as shown in the figure, and connect the Fiff. 7. T other end with a gas-holder iilled with air. Light the lamps (for a description of these, see Appendix, § 5) beneath the tube which con- tains the copper turnings, and wait until the copper has become red- hot ; then allow air to flow slowly out of the gas-holder over the hot metal. The heated copper wUl combine with the oxygen of this air, and retain the whole of it, so that nothing but nitrogen will be delivered at the water-pan. This nitrogen maybe collected in small bottles and tested with lighted splinters of wood, which should be instantly ex- tinguished on being immersed in it. 23. A still simpler method of preparing nitrogen is to burn out the oxygen from a confined portion of air, by phosphorus, or by a jet of hydrogen. PKOPEETIES OF NTTKOOEIT. 17 JExp. 13. — Float a small porcelain capsule upon the surface of the water-pan ; a large cork must be placed beneath the capsule if the latter win not float of itself. In the capsule put about a cubic centimetre of phosphorus, and set it on fire. Invert over the whole a wide-mouthed bottle, of the capacity of a litre or more, and hold this bottle so that its mouth shall dip beneath the surface of the water. During the first moments of the combustion, the heat developed thereby wUl cause the air within the bottle to expand to such an extent that a few bubbles of the air will be expelled ; but after several seconds water wiU rise into the bottle to take the place of the oxygen which has united with the phosphorus. The dense white cloud, which fills the bottle at first, is a compound of phosphorus and oxygen which is soluble in water. It will, there- fore, soon be absorbed by the water in the pan, and will disappear, so that at the close of the experiment nearly pure nitrogen will be left in the bottle. But, as the phosphorus ceases to bum before the last ti-aces of oxygen are exhausted (compare § 180), the nitrogen obtained by this method is never absolutely pure. As soon as the phosphorus goes out, the bottle should be shaken in such a way that the porcelain capsule may be upset, and sunk in the water- pan. The properties of the nitrogen may now be examined. 24. Nitrogen is a transparent, colorless, tasteless, odorless, incondensable gas. It is not quite so heavy as air. If a mea- sure of air weigh I gramme, then an equal measure of nitrogen vriU weigh 0-9714 gramme. At 0°, and a pressure of 760 milli- metres of mercury, 1 litre of nitrogen weighs 1-256 gramme. The specific heat of the gas is 0-244, that of an equal weight of water being 1-000. A litre of water at 0° dissolves only 20 cubic centimetres of nitrogen. Its refractive power in regard to light is to that of atmospheric air as 1-034 to 1-000. 25. In its chemical deportment towards other substances, nitro- gen is remarkably different from oxygen. Whilst oxygen is active and, as it were, aggressive, nitrogen, at least when in the condition in which it exists in air, is remarkably inert and indifferent as regards entering into combination with other bodies. It is marked rather by the absence of salient character- istics than by any active properties of its own. Many of the metals, sulphur, phosphorus, and numerous other substances, may be kept unchanged for any length of time in vessels filled with nitrogen. A burning candle wiU instantly be extinguished when 18 WATEE. tkrust into a jar of nitrogen gas, for with the nitrogen the con- stituents of the candle have no tendency to combine. As it extinguishes flame, so it destroys life. Animals cannot live in an atmosphere of pure nitrogen. It may, indeed, be breathed for a short time with impunity, but it does not support respiration. It is not poisonous ; if it were, it could not be breathed in such large quantities as it is in air. An animal im- mersed in it dies, simply from want of oxygen. 26. As a diluent of the oxygen in the air, nitrogen is essential to the existing balance and order of Nature. AU animal and vegetable life — most inanimate matter, even — stands in harmo- nious relations with the chemical composition of the atmosphere. The presence of so large a proportion of nitrogen in the air pre- vents the too rapid action, as regards combustion and respiration, that would take place in an atmosphere of unmixed oxygen. Nitrogen is widely difiPused in nature. Besides occurring in the air, it is a constituent part of all animals and vegetables, and of many of the products resulting from their decomposition. Notwithstanding the indisposition of nitrogen in the free state to enter into combination, a very large number of interesting and important compounds can be formed by resorting to indirect methods of effecting its union with other elements. CHAPTEE IV. WATER. 27. Another natural substance, quite as common as air, is water. Three-fourths of the earth's surface is covered with it. It is diffused through the atmosphere in the form of vapor, and is a constituent of all animal and vegetable substances, and of many minerals. "We take up next this familiar substance, in order that we may gain, through the study of it, a deeper insight into chemical principles, and enlarge our experience by making acquaintance with a new element. Let us first define with pre- cision the external and physical properties of water, and then PEOPEBTIES OE WATBE. 19 apply the two chemical methods, of analysis and synthesis, to the closer investigation of its essential nature. 28. At the ordinary temperature of the air, pure water is a transparent liquid, devoid of taste or smell. In thin layers it appears to be colorless, but large masses of it are distinctly blue, as seen ia mid-ocean, in many deep lakes of pure water, and in masses of ice, such as icebergs and some glaciers where it is pos- sible to look through the ice from below. This color can be seen upon the small scale by looking down through a column of pure water, 2 metres long, upon pieces of white porcelain. The water may be held in a glass tube, 5 cm. wide, which has been blackened internally with lamp-black and wax to within 125 cm. of the end, which is closed by a cork. Fill the tube with chemically pure water, throw into it a few pieces of porcelain, and place it in a vertical position, on a white plate. On now looking through the co- limm of water at the bits of porcelain, which can only be illumined by light reflected from the white plate through the rim of clear glass, it will be observed that they exhibit a pure blue tint, the intensity of which will diminish in proportion as the column of water is shortened. The blue coloration may also be recognized when a white object is illuminated through the column of water, by sunlight, and seen at the bottom of the tube through a small lateral opening in the black coating. 29. At 4°, the temperature at which it is densest, water is 773 times heavier than air at 0° ; at 15° it is 819 times heavier than air of the same temperature. A cubic centimetre of water at its greatest density, that is, at 4°, weighed in a vacuum, is our unit of weight — a gramme. One litre of water, which measures 1000 cubic centimetres, therefore, weighs a kilogramme. Water is compressible and elastic ; by the pressure of one atmosphere it can be reduced to the extent of about 47-mitlionths of its original volume, and this is true for every added atmosphere of pressure so far as experiment has extended. "Water expands upon being heated, though at a less rate than other liquids ; the rate of ex- pansion increases with the temperature. Notwithstanding the fact that water expands when cooled below 4°, as well as when warmed above that temperature, its refractive power on light continues to increase regularly below 4°, as though it contracted. The refractive index increases continuously between -|-5-2° c2 20 PROPEEirES OP WATER. and —1-3°, the direction of the variation not changing in the passage through the point of maximum density. At 0° the index is 1-333. 30. Pure water at 0°, a temperature always to be obtained by melting ice, is taken as a standard to which the weights of equal bulks of other substances, liquid or soUd, are referred. In other words, the sp&Afio gravity of water is taken as 1 ; and in terms of this unit the specific gravities of all other liquid and soUd sub- stances are expressed. The specific gravity of gold, for example, is 19-3 ; that is to say, the weights of equal bulks of water and of gold are to one another as 1 to 19-3. 31. Water is also the standard of speciflc heat. By specific heats are meant the relative capacities for heat of the same weights of different substances, at the same temperature. For example, to raise 1 kilogramme of mercury from 0° to 1° requires only one-thirtieth of the quantity of heat necessary to raise 1 kilo- gramme of water from 0° to 1°. Water having been made the ■standard of specific heat, its capacity for heat is denoted by 1, and that of mercury will accordingly be 0-033. At the same temperature, and for equal weights, water has a greater capacity for heat than any solid or liquid known. Hence it results that the speciflc heats of all sohd and liquid substances are expressed by fractions. Water conducts heat very slowly; it may be boiled many minutes at the top of the test-tube, which is held aU the while by the lower end, in the fingers, without inconvenience. 32. When exposed to a certain degree of cold, water crystal- lizes, with formation of ice, or snow, according to circumstances ; and upon being heated sufficiently it is transformed into an invisible gas, called steam. Both these changes, however, are purely physical, and therefore do not fall within the province of this manual. The chemical composition of the water is the same, whether it be liquid, soM, or gaseous. The temperature at which ice melts is one of the fixed points of the centigrade thermometer, numbered 0°, and the temperature at which water boUs, under a pressure of 76 cm. of mercury, is the other fixed point, numbered 100°. Water evaporates at all temperatures and is therefore a constant ingredient of the atmosphere. Even STEAM. 21 ice slowly evaporates, at temperatures far below 0°, without first passing iato the liquid condition. In crystallizuig, that is to say, in assuming the soKd form, water increases in volume. The specific gravity of ice is only 0"916, which is equivalent to saying that, in the act of freezing, 916 c. c. (cubic centimetres) of water will be changed iato a Htre of ice. From this fact result many familiar phenomena, such as the floating of ice, the upheaving and disintegrating action of frost, and the bursting of pipes' and 'other hollow vessels when water is frozen in them. The crystals of ice belong to the so- called hexagonal system ; they are six-sided prisms, with regular faces ; by agglomeration they produce stellar and fernrlike forms of infinite variety and great beauty. Ice is a slow conductor of heat, and a non-conductor of electricity. It becomes electric by friction. Steam is a colorless, transparent gas, as invisible as atmo- spheric air. It is lighter than air, the weight of any given volume of steam, at the ordinary temperature, being to that of the same volume of air as 0-622 to 1, a ratio deduced by calcula- tion from the composition of steam. At 100°, the boihng-point of water, the ratio of the weights of equal volumes of steam and air is 0-455 to 1, and one volume of water furnishes about 1700 volumes of steam of 100°. When steam is heated by itself, vdth- out the presence of any liquid water, it is called superheated steam; but when there is water present, so that no excess of heat can accumulate in the steam, above the quantity needed for its formation under the pressure at which it exists, the steam is called saturated, meaning saturated with water. When steam escapes into the air, there is formed a multitude of little bubbles or vesicles, composed of a film of water filled with air, precisely s imil ar to the vesicles seen in clouds and fogs. This steam-cloud is sometimes improperly spoken of as steam or vapor, an error against which the student should be upon his guard. Similar fogs of air-filled vesicles are formed whenever the atmosphere is cooled to a temperature so low that the aqueous vapor contained in it can no longer exist in the gaseous state. 33. Let us pass now to the analysis of water. Of what is water composed? We can determine this point by methods 22 ANALYSIS OF WATEK. similar to those which were adopted in the examination of air. There are several metals which, upon being brought into contact with water, wiU abstract from it one of its ingredients, in the same way that we have seen them abstract oxygen from the air. Some metals can abstract this ingredient even at the ordinary temperature. Thus the metal called sodium, on being brought into contact with water, decomposes it, and, uniting with one of its constituents, sets free another as a gas. This new gas is called Hydrogen. Exp. 14 — Make a small cylinder of wire gauze by rolling a piece of fine gauze, about 6 cm. square, arovmd a thick piece of No. 6 glass tubing. Twist fine wire around tbe cylinder in order to preserve its form, then slip the cylinder ofi' the glass, and close one end of it by pressure with a stout pair of pincers. Within this cylinder of wire gauze place a piece of metaUio sodium as large as a small pea, and then close the upper end of the cylinder by pressure with the pincers, as before. Quickly place the wire gauze cyhnder under the mouth of a small bottle of 100 or 200 c. c. capacity, which has previously been filled with water and left inverted in the water-pan. As soon as water comes in contact with the sodiimi, bubbles of gas will issue from the wire gauze cage, and, rising through the water, will collect at the top of the inverted bottle. If no gas is generated during the first moment after the wire gauze has been placed in the water, move the bottle to and fro, in such manner that the gauze cylinder may be shaken about, and water forced through its interstices. As soon as the evolution of gas has ceased, close the mouth of the bottle with a small plate of glass, turn it mouth uppermost, remove the plate, and touch a lighted match to the gas. The gas will take fire with a sudden flash. 34. At a low red heat water can be decomposed by several of the metals, such as iron, tin, zinc, and magnesium. Iron is well adapted for this experiment. Exp. 15. — Provide a piece of iron gas-pipe, about 35 cm. long, and 1 cm. or more in internal diameter ; fill it with small, bright iron- turnings, and support it upon a ring of the iron stand over one or two wire-gauze gas-lamps. By means of perforated corks, connect with the iron tube, on the one hand, a glass delivery-tube leading to the water-pan, as shown in the figure, and, upon the other, a delivery-tube coming from a thin-bottomed glass flask, half full of water, and sup- ported upon a ring of a second hon stand. Light the lamps beneath ELBCTROLTSIS OP WATEE. 23 the iron tube, and wait until its contents have become red-hot ; then heat the water in the flask until it boils slowly. As the aqueous e=>=0 vapor passes over the hot iron-turnings it will be decomposed, one of its constituents will unite with the iron, and hydrogen will pass oif through the delivery-tube and may be collected in bottles at the water-pan, so soon as the air originally contained in the tubes and flask has all been expelled. If, at the close of this experiment, and after the tube has become cold, the iron be removed from the tube, it will be found to be co- vered with a black coating similar to that which forms on iron heated in the air. 35. By these experiments it has been proved that one of the components of water is a gas called hydrogen. But with the exception of the coatuig upon the iron of Exp. 15, we have as yet nothing to indicate what other ingredients the water may contain. Such evidence can, however, be readily obtained by resorting to another method of analysis. If a galvanic current is caused to flow through water, the force by which the constituents of the water are held together will be overcome, and the water wiU be resolved into the elements of which it is composed. On immersing the platinum poles of a galvanic battery in water, to which a little sulphuric aeid has been added for the purpose of increasing its conducting-power, minute bubbles of gas wiU im- mediately be given off from these poles, and will be seen rising through the liquid. We have here abundant proof of the power- ful action exerted by the battery upon the water. But the ex- periment will be much more satisfactory if it be made in a vessel so arranged that the evolved gases may be collected for examination. 24 EtECTBOLTSIS OF WAISB. For tMs purpose the apparatus shown in Kg. 9 can be Fig. 9. conveniently employed. The test-glass, nearly full of water which has been mixed with from ij to |^ of sul- phuric acid, carries two platinum wires cemented with shellac into the glass. These wires terminate above in thin plates of platinum ; over each of these plates there is inverted a long, narrow test-tube fuU of water, acidu- lated in the same way as that in the test-glass. Upon connecting the wires with a galvanic battery, — two , Bunsen's cells of medium size will be sufficient, — the water will be decomposed, and the resulting gases, as they are given off at the platinum plates, vfiU rise, trans- parent and colorless, into the test-txibes. On comparing the bulks of the two gases, it wUl be found that twice as much gas has collected in the one tube as in the other. If the test-tube containing the larger volume of gas be i now closed with the thumb, turned mouth uppermost, and the gas within touched with a lighted match, it will take fire and bum with the characteristic flame of hydrogen. It is, in fact, hydrogen. If the smaller volume of gas in the other tube be examined in the same way, it wiU not inflame, although it gives intense brilliancy to the combustion of the match. If a splinter of wood, retaining but a single ignited spark, be immersed in the gas, it instantly exhibits a vivid incandescence, and in a moment bursts into flame. This gas is oxygen. It is thus proved that out of water may be unloosed two volumes of hydrogen and one volume of oxygen. K now the platinum plates be pressed so near together that a single large test-tube, full of acidulated water, can be placed over both, the gas obtained by passing the galvanic current will exhibit properties differing from those of either hydrogen or oxygen. It is in fact a mechanical mixtiire of these gases in the proportions in which they would unite chemically to form water. The mixture is precisely similar to that which would have been obtained if the two volumes of hydrogen and one volume of oxygen, previously collected in two sepa- rate tubes, had been mixed in one. On touching a lighted match to the mixed gas it instantly explodes with great violence, the hydrogen burning suddenly, so that for a moment a flash of flame Alls the whole interior of the tube. Incited by the burning match, the hydrogen and oxygen have combined chemically to form water, a portion of which is deposited as dew upon the inner walls of the tube. At the temperature of the air, and under ordinary cireum- SYNTHESIS OF WAIEB. 25 stances, oxygen and hydrogen do not combine chemically. Upon being brought together they simply mis with one another mecha- nically in conformity with the physical laws which govern the diffiision of gases. But under the influence of heat, of electricity, and of certain other agents, the two gases will- unite chemically, and will thus again be converted iato the water from which they were derived. 36. It remains to be investigated whether hydrogen and oxy- gen, during their conversion into water, undergo any change of volume, or merely combine to produce a measure of gaseous water exactly equal to the sum of the measures of the consti- tuents. To determine this point it is necessary to compare the joint volumes of the constituents of the water with the volume of the product formed, at a temperature high enough to maintain the latter in the purely gaseous condition known as dry steam. Through the closed end of a U-tube (Fig. 10) two platimmi wires are passed, and welded tightly to the glass wallfl of the tube. The outer ends of these wires are formed into loops for the attachment of appro- Fig. 11. Fig. 10. priate battery wires ; their irmer ends are separated by a distance of two millimetres. The general arrangement of the apparatus to be employed is shown in Fig. 11. The U-tube is first completely filled with mercury, and then the screw-compressor (Appendix, § 16) at a is opened so as to afford a gradual exit to the metal in the open limb. By means of a delivery-tube reaching down the open limb to the bend 26 SYNTHESIS OF WATER. of the tube, we introduce from a gas-holder (see Appendix, § 11) a quantity of a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen, made in the propor- tions in which they form water, — namely, two-thirds hydrogen, and one-third oxygen, — in such a manner that the gas shall bubble up through the mercury into the sealed limb, from which, of course, the mercury escapes as the gas enters. A column of gas 25 or 30 cm. high is thus admitted. It must be borne in mind that this mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is very explosive ; fire should be carefully kept away from the Ticinity of the gas-holder which contains it, and any remnant of the mixture which is not used should be thrown away at the end of the experiment. The gas-filled limb of the U-tube is next siirrounded by a high glass cylinder, h c, the ends of which are fitted with corks ; through the lower cork pass the TJ-tube, and a small glass tube, which is connected with a condensing worm, d, kept cool with water ; through the upper cork pass the wires which are to carry the electric current to the pla- tinum points at the top of the U-tube, and a bent glass tube coming from the flask, e. The top of the cylinder h c rises about 5 cm. above the sealed extremity of the U-tube. In the flask e, fusel oU, a liquid which boils at 132°, a point much higher than the temperature at which water becomes a gas, is kept in constant ebullition. The vapor rising from the flask penetrates the annular space between the U-tube and the enclosing cylinder, and quickly raises the tube to its own tem- perature. These strong-smelling vapors are not allowed to escape into the atmosphere, but are carried out from the bottom of the cylinder b c, into the condenser d. When thus heated, the column of mixed oxygen and hydrogen in the tube expands, and its heighWs marked by a caoutchouc ring, pre- viously slipped over the cylinder h c. Care must be taken, before doing this, to bring the mercury to the same level in both limbs of the U- tube, by adding or vrithdrawing mercury as may be required. A few centimetres of mercury are next poured into the open limb, which is then closed with a good cork. Between this cork and the mercury intervenes a column of air, 8 or 10 cm. in length, which will act as a spring, and break the shock caused by the explosion of the mixed gases. This mixture is now to be inflamed by causing an electric spark to pass between the platinum points within the tube. This spark may be obtained from a Euhmkorfi' coil, or fi-om an electrical machine. The gases instantly rush into combination, with an intense energy which produces the phenomena called explosive, and at the high temperature which exists within the tube (132°) the water formed retains the gaseous condition. On removing the cork and STNIHESIS OP ■VTATEE. 27 allowing tlie mercury to flow through the screw-compressor until it is level in both limbs of the U-tube, it becomes obTioua that the ori- ginal volume of the gaseous mixture is diminished by one-third; the residuary two-thirds are dry steam. If the U-tube is allowed to cool, this steam will condense into liquid water. Figs. 12 and 13 represent another form of apparatus for performing this important experiment. In Fig. 12 the U-tube of Fig. 11 is replaced Fig. 12. Fig. 14. Fig. 13. by an iron U, such as is used in connecting parallel steam-pipes, into which two straight glass tubes are fitted by means of caoutchouc stoppers. One of these tubes is closed at one end, carries two platinum wires, and may be graduated with advantage ; the other is a plain tube open at both ends. The iron U is fastened to a solid iron foot, and into its side a small iron tube is inserted, to which is attached a, caoutchouc connector with a screw compressor, as in the other appa- 28 STUTHESrS 01' WATBE, ratus, The jacket- tube (Fig. 13) is a large tube, open at the bottom and closed at the top with a caoutchouc stopper carrying the delivery- tube for the hot vapor ; near the bottom an exit-tube for the vapor is ■welded into the glass. This jacket-tube, when in position, slips tightly over the same caoutchouc stopper through which passes the graduated tube. The advantages of this apparatus are that its parts are not rigid, that it may be taken apart for cleaning, and that it may be made with greater ease and fewer resources than the other appa- ratus. It is, moreover, capable of very general application in the analysis of gases. Fig. 14 shows the ease with which the closed limb of the U-tube in this apparatus may be charged. The closed Umb and the iron U being fuU of mercury, and the apparatus placed in an iron pan suited to catch the overflow of mercury, the long open tube is taken away, and the bent gas-delivery tube is inserted beneath the closed limb through the iron U. The iron U acts simply like the water-pan or pneumatic trough. When the required amount of gas has been introduced, the open glass tube is replaced, and the level of mercury in the two tubes is adjusted at wiU. For the experiment now under consideration, it is well to employ the actual mixture of gases obtained by the electrolysis of water ; and Fig. 14 represents a simple bottle provided with two platinum plates and a single deliveiy- tube for this purpose. The gas evolved is dried by passing over an absorbent called chloride of calcium in a "drying- tube" (Appendix, § 15). The only noticeable feature in this apparatus for electrolysis is the maimer in which the wires from the battery are connected vrith the pla- tinum plates. This is more clearly shown in Fig. 15. There passes through the caoutchouc stopper a short piece of glass tubing, open at the top and drawn to a point at the lower end, so as to enclose and hold tightly a piece of platinum wire, as large as a common knit- ting-needle, previously placed within it. With the wire thus welded to the glass is connected a thin plate platinum, which hangs in the liquid to be decom- posed; this plate may be folded or roUed up. A little mercury is poured into the glass tubes, and the battery- vpires are simply placed in the mercury when the operator desires to start the decomposition. This experiment demonstrates that two volumes of hydrogen and one volume of oxygen are compacted, when chemically united, into two volumes of steam. 37. We have thus established the composition of water by Fig. 15. 1 • + J = HgO H ■Atoms ahd molecules. 29 analym, having, through the agency of the dectric current, re- solved water into two gaseous constituents, hydrogen and oxygen, anid we have also demonstrated, by the converse or synthetical method, that hydrogen and oxygen are its only constituents, since we have reproduced water by effecting the chemical union of these two elementary materials mixed in due proportion. If equal volumes of hydrogen and oxygen be represented by equal squares, having the initials of the elements inscribed therein, the composition of water by volume, and the condensa- tion which occurs when the chemical union of the elements takes place, may be thus expressed to the eye : Each smallest possible or greatest conceivable volume of steam will invariably yield, on decomposition, its own volume of hydrogen, and half its vo- lume of oxygen. 38. It has been agreed to call by the name " atom'' the smallest quantity of an element which can be conceived to exist in com-- bination; this technical term is applied only to the chemical elements, and to certain chemical knots, or groups, of elements, which, under conditions hereafter to be studied, play the part of an element. It has further been agreed among chemists to call by the name "molecule," the least quantity of a compound, or of an element, which can exist by itself uncombined, or take part in any chemical process; a molecule always contains more than one atom, but these atoms may be either of one, two, or of several kinds. 39. Physical experiments upon the expansion and contraction of numerous gases, simple and compound, have proved that all gases comport themselves in sensibly the same manner under like variations of temperature and pressure ; whence it has been inferred that the intimate mechanical structure of all gases, com- pound as weU as simple, is the same. This theoretical concep- tion is expressed in the following propositions, of which the second is the more general and includes the first : — 30 MOLECUXAB HTPOIHESIS. The elementary gases contain, under like conditions of tem- perature and pressure, equal numbers of atoms in equal vo- lumes. Equal volumes of aU gases, whether simple or compound, con- tain under like conditions, the same number of molecules. The idea of an atom is complete and independent in itself ; the idea of a molecule is partly a consequent of the idea of an atom, and partly of the physical facts which the definition helps to formulate. These definitions and hypotheses have found acceptance, partly on the strength of experimental evidence, partly because of their adaptation to the mathematical mode of investigating physical problems which border on the domain of chemistry, but chiefly on account of the clearness and formal consistency which they have imparted to chemical language and modes of thought. Chemical symbolization and nomenclature are mainly based on the above definitions and hypotheses, which therefore justly de- mand the student's closest attention. Let us apply them to the chemical compound, water. 40. The molecule of water, or least quantity of water which is conceived to exist by itself, must yield, like any other quantity when resolved into its elements, twice as large a volume of hydro- gen as of oxygen. In accordance with the physical hypothesis above explained, the molecule must consequently contain twice as many atoms of hydrogen as of oxygen. The bulk and weight of the molecule and atom are not absolute quantities, on account of their assumed infinitesimal character. None but relative facts can be known touching these hypothetical quantities, which are both less than any assignable quantity, although one must be smaller than the other. "We shall express in the simplest terms all our actual knowledge of the matter, and shall at the same time conform to our definitions, in saying that a molecule of water contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. The symbol H^O which we have already used to indicate the volume- tric composition of water (§ 37) will now receive an added mean- ing ; the H will represent for us an atom of hydrogen, and the an atom of oxygen. ATOMIC ■WEIOHTS. 31 When th.e proportions in whicli two bodies combine by volume, and their specific gravities, or equal-volume -weights, are known, it is a matter of easy calculation to determine the proportions in which they combine by weight. The specific gravity of oxygen, or its density compared with that of air, has already been given, namely, 1-1056. The specific gravity of hydrogen likewise referred to £iir as the term of comparison, has been found by the most exact experiments yet made to be 0'06926. Oxygen is therefore 16 times heavier than hydrogen. If hydrogen be made the standard of specific gravity for gases, its specific gravity wUl be denoted by 1, and that of oxygen will be 16. Now any measure of dry steam is, as we have seen, resolvable into its own measure of hydrogen and half that measure of oxygen ; the weights of equal measures of hydrogen and oxygen are as 1 to 16 ; but there is twice as much hydrogen as oxygen in bulk, therefore the weight of the hydrogen generated from any quantity of water, small or great, is to the weight of the oxygen simultaneously produced, as 2 to 16. In 18 parts by weight of steam, water, or ice, there are then 2 parts by weight of hydrogen and 16 of oxygen : and it matters not what the absolute weight of these parts may be ; the proposition is as true of kilogrammes as of grammes, of the milli- gramme as of the millionth of the milligramme of water, in either of its physical states. Applying these facts of observation to our abstract definitions of molecule and atom, it wiU appear that the molecule of water, the least proportional weight in which it is conceived to exist uncombined, must be composed, like any other mass of water, of 2 parts by weight of hydrogen, and 16 parts by weight of oxygen; but in conformity with our definitions and hypotheses we conceive of the molecule as consisting of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen ; one proportional part by weight of hydrogen is then, in chemical language, synonymous with one atom of hydrogen, and 16 of the same parts by weight is the relative quantity of the atom of oxygen. As for volume, so for weight, absolute quantities are entirely unattainable ; the numbers express proportions only. The numbers 1 and 16 are called the atomic weights of hydroge;^^ and oxygen respectively ; 02=one molecule. SO \ Sulphate of Calcium p ^ [■ O^^one molecule. In these formulse it is to be observed that K, Na, and NO^ re- place one atom of hydrogen in one molecule of water, while Ca, Pb, and SO^ replace two atoms of hydrogen in two molecules of water. Facts of this class will accumulate as we advance, and wiU be the subject of future discussion. The typical notation is doubtless capable of expressing, in a logical and consistent system, the greater part of the reactions of inorganic as well as of organic chemistry ; but at present it finds its best application in the che- mistry of the compounds of carbon, and has gained but little foot- hold in the great departments of mineral and industrial chemistry. The need of rational formulse is much more urgently felt in that department of chemistry, called organic, which treats of the chemistry of carbon, than ia the wider field of mineral and inor- ganic chemistry. Among the very numerous compounds of car- bon there are many cases in which one empirical formula repre- sents not one compound, but several ; hence it becomes of con- sequence to determine, or to guess, how the atoms of a compound are arranged, as well as to know what and how many the atoms are. The diversity of opinion concerning this arrangement of 90 ITSES OF JOEMTJL^. atoms is so great, and the possible modes of grouping the nume- rous atoms which often enter into organic compounds are so many, that the number of rational formulae proposed for any organic substance is commonly large in proportion to the thoroughness with which the substance has been studied. For acetic acid, for example, one of the best-known of the compounds of carbon with oxygen and hydrogen, no less than nineteen different rational formulae have been proposed. Eemembering that a rational formula is never to be regarded as the expression of an absolute truth, but only as a guide ia classification, an aid to the memory, and a help in. instruction, and holding fast to the empirical formula as containing all the results of actual observation and experiment, we shall endeavor to familiarize the student with both the dualistic and typical guesses at the hidden mysteries of chemical processes and the unknowable structure of chemical compounds, giving the prefe- rence rather to the dualistic view, as being that which at the present moment prevails in the great bulk of chemical literature, and has become incorporated into the language of the chemical arts. Lest any doubt should suggest itself to the student's mind as to the value of symbolic formulae, let it be observed that they express the elementary composition of a compound much more tersely than words can, that they are written and read more rapidly than the sentences of the same signification would be, and that by their brevity, clearness, and precision they greatly facilitate the comparative study and comprehensive classification of chemical compounds. Again, the chemical equations, of whose construction we have already had several examples, enable us tc set forth with precision the changes which accompany complicated, as well as simple, reactions. Thus the somewhat complex de- composition of nitric acid by copper takes definite form in the appropriate equation which has been given above (p. 74), and the very simple reaction by which nitric oxide yields red fumes of hyponitric acid in contact with air or oxygen is concisely stated by the simple equation NO + 0=]SrOj. The chemistry of the analysis of nitric oxide by potassium (§ 70) is aU condensed into the equation N0 + K2=K O-t-N. CHLOKHYKKIC ACID. 91 When a little ice-cold water is added to liquid hyponitric acid (Exp. 43), the reaction which occurs is very concisely set forth in the equation ; — Empirical: 2N0, + H,0 = HNO, + HNO3 Hyponitric -r^ . JSydrated „.^ . . , "-^ ■ 7 Water. .. " ., Nitnc acid, acid. nitrous acid. Dualistic: 4N0, + 2H,0 = H,0,N,03 + H^O.N^,. But hesides having all the advantages of a short hand, chemical symbols are susceptible of another application of hardly less im- portance ; they often direct the chemist beforehand to the most perfect experiment among many similar, or point out in anticipa- tion the possibility of certain methods of research, and the in- evitable fruitlessness of others. Thus the equation N^Oj -I- 5Cu = N, -1- 5CuO actually directs the chemist to the due proportion of copper for the exact decomposition of anhydrous nitric acid (§ 73) ; neither four, nor six, nor any other number than five, parts of copper, would give a perfect reaction without excess of either ingredient. Practically, an excess of copper does no harm, and is always used to make sure of the decomposition. The student should endeavor, from the beginning, to familiarize himself with the use of chemical symbols and equations, and to this end he should invariably write the formula of every reaction described or actually witnessed in the execution of an experiment. CHAPTEE VII. CHLOEHTDRIC ACID. 95. Muriatic (sea-salt) acid, called in modern nomenclature chlorhydric acid, is a liquid which has been known for centuries, and is to-day an article of commerce, largely employed in the useful arts. The pure acid is a gas, as ammonia is ; the liquid muriatic acid of commerce is only an aqueous solution of this 92 MAKING CHLO'RHTBBIC ACID GAS. gas, and gives it up when heated, precisely as ammonia- water yields ammonia-gas. This operation may be conveniently performed in the apparatus shown in Pig. 80. About . . 250 c. c. of the commercial °' acid is poured into the flask, which is then moderately heated ; the gas disengaged is charged with aqueous va- por, which needs to be re- moved before the gas is col- lected. For this purpose the delivery-tube is carried to the bottom of a bottle filled with pieces of pumice- stone saturated with strong sulphuric acid ; the moisture of the gas is greedily ab- sorbed by the large surface of acid with which the gas comes in contact, as it is forced upward through the acid-soaked stone. The dry, colorless, transparent gas must be collected over mercury, for it is extremely soluble in water. 96. The gas is strongly acid in taste and reaction on vegetable colors, provokes violent coughing, and is wholly irrespirable. It is neither combustible nor wiU it support combustion. The gas is somewhat heavier than air; its specific gravity referred to hydrogen, as determined by experiment, is 18'12, its theoretical density being 18'25 ; it is possible, though not convenient, to collect it by downward displacement. It forms opaque, white fumes in the air, owing to its union with, and condensation of, atmospheric moisture. Under a pressure of 40 atmospheres, at a temperature of 10°, chlorhydric acid gas is condensed into a color- less liquid. Its great solubility in water would lead us to expect that it could be readily reduced to the liquid state ; but, on the contrary, it can be condensed only with difficulty. At 0°, one volume of water dissolves about 500 volumes of chlorhydric acid gas ; at common temperatures, something more than 400. The specific gravity of the solution is greater than that of water and the more concentrated the solution the higher the specific PEOPEEIIES OF CHLOKHTDRIC ACID. 93 gravity; so that the strength of any sample of the commercial acid may be ascertained by taking its specific gravity. Tables for this use will be found in chemical dictionaries. The avidity of water for chlorhydric acid gas may be neatly shown by thrusting a bit of ice into a small cylinder of the dry gas standing over mercury ; the ice instantly melts, and the gas as quickly disappears. A solution of the acid containing 20-2 per cent, of the gas, and having a specific gravity of 1-104, distils imchanged at a temperature of about 111° ; stronger solutions than this, on being heated under the ordinary atmospheric pres- sure, lose gas untU reduced to this strength ; weaker solutions lose water until raised to this degree of concentration. This stable solution, which distils unchanged, is supposed to be a defi- nite compound of the dry gas and water, whose composition the formula HCl+SHjO would correctly represent. 97. We propose to answer the question — of what is chlor- hydric acid composed — by a partial analysis and a complete synthesis. One of the elements of this gas can be isolated by a method which we have already applied to the analysis of ammonia. It is only neces- sary to remove the delivery-tube from the apparatus already used to generate the dry gas (Fig. 30), and to fix in its place a bulb-tube of hard glass, containing a Fig. 31. piece of potassium. As soon as the acid gas reaches the potassium, the metal becomes covered with a white incrustation ; and if the bulb be now very gently heated (Fig. 31), the potas- sium fuses, and taking fire, burns with a violet light. During the reaction the chlorhydric acid is decom- posed, an inflammable gas, easily recognized as hydro- gen, is evolved, and may be lighted at the end of the tube. The metal sodium produces similar results, but at a much higher 94 ANALYSIS OF CHLOEHTDRIO ACID. temperature. A solution of sodium in mercury, known amongst clje- mists as sodium-amalgam, will however bring about the decomposition of the acid at the ordinary temperature. This solution is best pre- pared by very gently heating some mercury in a glass flask, and gra- dually adding the sodium, cut into fragments not bigger than a grain of wheat; the fragments dissolve with evolution of light and heat. Why the sodium-amalgam should act at a lower temperature than the sodium itself, is not clear, unless it be that the minute subdivision of the sodium in the mercury gives the gas a freer contact with the metal. Instead of potassium or sodium, as above described, metallic iron could be employed for analyzing chlorhydric acid. To this end iron turnings should be heated to redness in a glass tube such as is shown Ln Fig. 8 ; a wide delivery-tube should be visei. Hydrogen is, then, one ingredient of chlorhydric acid ; the other, or others, have combined with the potassium or sodium-amalgam. The isolation of these unknown ingi-edients may be -p^ 32 accomplished by means of the V-tube already used for the analysis of ammonia. Into this tube liquid chlorhydric acid of specific gravity I'l, colored with indigo solution, is introduced, so as to fill the whole length of the sealed, and about half the length of the open, limb ; the negative pole of the battery is connected vsdth the wire of the sealed limb, while the positive pole is inserted into the open limb. Gas ra- pidly collects at the negative pole in the closed limb, but at the positive pole the disengage- ment of gas is so slight that it would hardly attract attention but for its intensely disagree- able odor and powerful bleaching action upon the blue liquid. The gas in the sealed limb has no such bleaching power. When enough gas for examination has collected in the sealed limb, it is transferred to the open limb by the manipulation previously described (§ 86) ; the gas is inflammable, and is, in short, hydrogen. The poles are now reversed, and immediately hydrogen escapes in abundance from the open mouth of the tube, while the liquid in the closed limb becomes decolorized. In the course of fifteen minutes the bleached liquid in the sealed limb begins to assume a yeUowish-gi'een color, and the evolution of gas becomes gradually more and more copious, so that in three-quarters of an hour the greater portion of the tube is filled with a transparent, yellowish-green gas. As the gas is transferred to the open limb of the tube for examination, it maiiifests ANALYSIS OF CHXOEHTDBIC ACID. 95 its powerful bleaching property by decolorizing, as it passes, the por- tion of the acid which had retained the blue color of the indigo. The tube is no sooner opened to admit a burning taper than the sulfocating odor of the gas becomes oflFensiTcly perceptible ; the gas proves to be uninflammable, and it supports combustion but imperfectly, as is evi- denced by the sooty cloud which is produced. This pecidiar gas, so difierent in properties from any gas heretofore studied, is an element; it has been named, on account of ifa color. Chlorine, from the Greek word for yeUowish-green. This element is the subject of the next chapter, where it will be fully studied. As will there be seen (Exp. 51), chlorhydric acid, when heated with a sub- stance called black oxide of manganese, yields chlorine in abundance, with great facility ; in fact, this acid is the soiirce of chlorine when- ever large quantities of this gas are required. Chlorine is soluble in about one-third of its volume of cold water, — a property which ex- plains its apparently slow evolution at the outset of the foregoing experiment, and the more rapid disengagement of the gas when the liquid has become saturated therewith. Chlorine is heavier than air, and consequently very much heavier than hydrogen ; the best experi- mental determination of its specific gravity has given the number 35-66 : but there can be no doubt that the true specific gravity of the gas is 35 '5, or in other words that it is 85 J times as heavy as hydrogen. 98. We have tlitiB learned that the electric current sets free from chlorhydric acid two essentially different gases — ^hydrogen and chlorine, — and that each of these gases may be separately evolved from muriatic acid — the hydrogen by potassium, and the chlorine by oxide of manganese. It remains to prove that chlor- hydric acid contains no other than these two con- stituents, and to demonstrate the proportions in which they are united. To this end the first step shaU be to make a partial quantitative analysis of chlorhydric acid gas. The instrument employed is a glass U-tube, about 50 cm. long by 1-5 in diameter, having one sealed and one open limb ; communicating with the latter is a small outlet-tube which may be closed by a spring- clip on a piece of caoutchouc tubing. The apparatus, mounted on a convenient stand, is represented in Fig. 33. The U-tube is first filled with mercury, and then, the spring-clip being open, the delivery-tube of the apparatus used to generate dry chlorhydric acid gas is passed Fig. 33. yt) COMPOSITIOSr OF OHLOEHYBKIC ACID. down the open limb to the bend of the tube in such a manner that the gas bubbles up through the mercury into the sealed limb, from which the mercury escapes as the gas enters. When the closed limb is two- thirds full, the outlet-tube is closed, the gas delivery-tube withdrawn, and mercury is poured into the apparatus imtil it stands at the same level in both limbs. The space occupied by gas in the tube is then marked by a caoutchouc ring slipped over the tube. That por- tion of the open limb which is not occupied by mercury is then filled with sodium-amalgam. By closing the orifice of the tube with the thumb, and inclining the tube, the gas may be transferred from the sealed limb to the other, there shaken up with the amalgam, and re- transferred to the sealed limb. This thorough contact with the sodium decomposes the gas. On removing the thumb from the mouth of the open limb, the mercury therein falls a little, and must be further lowered by opening the spring-clip until the mercury stands at one level in the two limbs. When this is the case, it wiU be observed that the gas is reduced to half its original volume. The gas which remains, is, of course, hydrogen. The experiment proves that any given bulk of chlorhydric acid contains half that bulk of hydrogen. By availing ourselves of the known speoiiic gravities, or like- volume weights, of chlorhydric acid and chlorine, referred to hydrogen, we may establish a strong presumption in favor of 'the supposition, that that half of any bulk of chlorhydric acid which is not hydrogen is chlorine without admixture of any other substance. From the relative weight of any volume of chlorhydric acid gas 18-12 Subtract the relative weight of half that volume of hydrogen. . -50 And the remainder 17'62 is very nearly equal to 17-83, the relative -weight of half the same volume of chlorine, according to the best experimental de- terminations. If we assume, for the moment, that any volume of chlorhydric gas is really composed of half that volume of hydro- gen and half of chlorine, and if we use the theoretical specific gravities, which are doubtless the true ones, instead of the above approximate determinations, which are the best which experi- ment has hitherto furnished, the numerical statement will be as follows : — ATOMIC WBISHT OF CHLORINE. 97 From the relative weight of any volume of chlorhydric acid gas 18-25 Subtract the relative weight of half that volume of hydrogen. . -50 And the remainder , 17-75 is the relative weight of half the same volume of chlorine 17-75=-2-. The very close coincidence between the first nume- rical statement, which is based wholly upon experiment, with the second, which is based on the theory that chlorhydric acid is, by volume, half hydrogen, half chlorine, is evidence enough, when taken in connexion with the preceding experimental isolation of chlorine from chlorhydric acid, to convince us that in any two volumes of chlorhydric acid gas, one volume of hydrogen and one volume of chlorine are united without condensation. The formula of the molecule of the acid will therefore be HCl, in which CI is the symbol of chlorine. The following diagram represents the composition of this important compound, both by volume and weight: — H 1 + CI 35-5 = HCl 36-6 99. The atomic weight of the new element, chlorine, is hereby determined. Hydrogen and chlorine unite by equal volumes to form this single stable compound, chlorhydric acid ; and the pro- portions in which the two elements unite by weight are directly deducible from the proportions in which they unite by volume and the known specific gravities of the two gases. Indeed it also admits of direct proof, bj' appropriate experiment, that 36-5 parts by weight of chlorhydric acid gas invariably yield 35-5 parts by weight of chlorine and 1 part by weight of hydrogen ; and, siace it matters not what the absolute weight of these parts may be, millionths or millions of grammes, the molecule of chlorhydric acid, the least proportional weight in which it is conceived to exist uncombined, must be composed, like any other quantity of the acid, of 35-5 parts by weight of chlorine to 1 of hydrogen. But we conceive of this molecule as consisting of one atom of chlorine and one atom of hydrogen ; the chlorine atom, therefore, weighs 35-5 times as much as the hydrogen atom. 100. If it were entirely inconceivable that another substance, H SYNTHESIS OF CHLORHTBEIC ACID. not identical with, chlorine, should have precisely the same specific gravity as chlorine, the reasoning by which we have just arrived at the composition of chlorhydric acid would be not only con- vincing, it would be entirely conclusive ; it would do more than establish a very strong presumption, it would furnish a complete demonstration. But it is not inconceivable, though in the highest degree improbable, that there should exist a body, different from chlorine, yet possessing the same specific gravity, and not to be detected by the qualitative tests to which we subjected the acid ; and we therefore welcome the perfect demonstration with which the synthesis of chlorhydric acid supplies us. This synthesis is readily effected ; but as the experiment involves the preparation of clolorine, the actual performance of the experiment will be best postponed until chlorine has been prepared and studied in the next chapter. The method is as follows: — Into one of two glass cylinders, standing full of mercury upon the mercury trough, introduce a certain volume of dry hydrogen, not so large as to fill more than half the cylinder, and into the other cylinder bring precisely the same volume of dry chlorine. Cover one of the cylinders from the light with a towel, and deliver the contents of the other cylinder into the protected one. The mixture of equal volumes of the two gases having been thus effected, withdraw the towel, and leave the cylinder for several hours in diffused and not too bright daylight, but sheltered from the direct rays of the sun, which would cause an explosive imion of the two elements. Under the influence of the light the two gases gradually combine ; when the yellowish tint of the mixture has nearly disappeared, the cylinder may be exposed to the direct influence of the solar rays, in order to complete the reaction. Throughout the ex- periment there is no change in the volume of the enclosed gas ; if the temperature were constant the mercury would neither rise nor fall in the cylinder. The chemical union of one volume of hydrogen with one volume of chlorine is attended neither by condensation nor ex- pansion. That there has been chemical action, resulting in the disappearance of the properties of the original materials, is evident from the fact that the contents of the cylinder will no longer taie fire, or bleach vege- table colors. In contact with air the new gas forms white clouds; blue litmus paper it turns red ; and if a little water be passed up into the cylinder, the gas is rapidly absorbed-; the taste and smell also, and, in short, all the properties of this gas are those of chlorhy- dric acid. MANTTPACTUKE OF CHLOBHYBIIIC AOIB. 99 By the synthetieal method we therefore prove that chlorine and hydrogen are the only constituents of chlorhydric acid. On this fact is based the chemical name of this compound. Summing up our previous and present results, we now possess a complete demonstration that chlorhydric acid is composed solely of hydrogen and chlorine, united in equal volumes without condensation. 101. The muriatic acid of commerce is made from the most abundant and cheapest of all the natural compounds of chlorine, common salt, whose chemical name is chloride of sodium, and formula NaCl. This substance supplies the chlorine ; the neces- sary hydrogen is obtained from common sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol), whose composition, as expressed in. its formula H^SO^, we have already become familiar with. The commercial acid is obtained by heating common salt with sulphuric acid in iron pans or cylinders, and absorbing the evolved gas in water contained in a series of stone-ware Woidfe-bottles, or soine similar apparatus. The reaction is somewhat various, according to the proportion of sulphuric acid employed ; it may be either of the reactions expressed in the following equations, or may lie between them : — ISTaCl + H,SO, = HCl + NaHSO, Chloride of Sulphuric Chlorhydric Acid sulphate sodium. acid. add. of sodium. 2]SraCl + H,SO^ = 2H01 -f- Na.SO, Sulphate of sodium. In the first reaction, only one-half of the hydrogen in each molecule of suiphuric acid is replaced by sodium ; in the second, both atoms of hydrogen are replaced. The first reaction requires more sulphuric acid than the second, in proportion to the amount of the product, but is accomplished with less wear of the appa- ratus, because a less heat suffices for the first than for the second reaction. We may illustrate the practical importance of the atomic weights, by taking an actual example of each of these reactions. Starting with 100 kilos, of salt in each case, what quantities of sulphuric acid should be employed, and what will be the weights of the products in each reaction ? (See § 81.) h2 100 MAlnrFACTTJEE OF CHLOEHTDEIC ACID. The molecular weight of NaCl is 23+35-5 =58-5 H,SO, is 2 + 32+4x16 = 98 „ „ „ NaHSO, i8 23+ 1 + 32+4x16=120 Na,SO„ is 46 + 32 + 4x16 =142 HC'l is l + 35'5 = 36-5 The weight of sulphuric acid needed in the two cases is ascer- tained by solving the following proportions : — re'^ctionl ^^'^ '■ ^^ = ^*^^.'^- " ^ (=167-52 k.) J Mol. wt. of Mol. wt. of Quantity of Quantity of 'Sia.Ql. H^SO,. ^Mlused. B.^m^ required. reactk)n} ^^'^ ' ^^ = ^^^^' '' ^(=83-76 k.) ' Mol. wt. of Mol. wt. of Quantity of Quantity of 2NaCl. H,SO,. 'Ea.Cl used, 'a.^m^ required. The weight of chlorhydrio acid gas produced in the two cases will be precisely the same ; it is deduced from the proportions : — reSn} ^^"^ ' ^^'^ = ^^^^- = ^(=62-39 k.) ' Mol. iut. of Mol. wt. of Quantity of Quantity of NaCl. HCl. mCl used. KCl ^produced. rSction} 11^ = '^^ = 100^- ■■ ^(=62-39 k.) > Mol. wt. of Mol. wt. of Quantity of Quantity of 2NaCl. 2HC1. SaCl used. KCl produced. The weights of the residual sodium-salts in the two oases are de- duced from the proportions : — relSonl ^^'^ = ^^0 = 100 k. : ^' (=205-128 k.) -• Mol. wt. of Mol. wt. of Quantity of Quantity of NaCl. NaHSO,. NaCl used. mKSO^ produced. reaction} ^^^ = ^^^ = 100 k. :«. (=121-367 k.) J Mol. wt. of Mol. wt. of Quantity of Quantity of 2NaCl. Na,SO,. mCl used, m^^^ produced. In each case the sum of the weights of the materials employed is, of course, equal to the sum of the weights of the products. If the questions suggest themselves — how much water will these 62-39 k. of chlorhydric acid gas saturate, and what will be the bulk of the concentrated solution so obtained ? — the answers can MANUPACTTIEE OF CKLORHTDEIC ACID. 101 be easUy deduced from the following data : — The strongest chlor- hydric acid has a specific gravity of about 1-20, and contains about 40 per cent, by weight of the gas. 40 k. of chlorhydric acid gas will then saturate 60 k. of water, and it follows that 62-39 k. of the gas will saturate 93-58 k. of water. The weight of the solution of chlorhydric acid produced will therefore be 62-39 + 93-58=155-97k.; and since 1 litre of the solution weighs 1-20 k., the total bulk of concentrated aqueous acid produced will be very nearly 130 litres. 102. If the question suggest itseK — ^why not get the hydrogen wanted from water, H^O, a much simpler and cheaper substance than sulphuric acid? — the only answer is, that experience has taught that water has no action upon salt except to dissolve it, while sulphuric acid has power to part the two elements of salt, and, giving hydrogen to the chlorine of the salt, to accept the detached sodium of the salt in the place of its own lost hydrogen. Of the nature of the play of forces by which this new adjust- ment iu definite proportions of the atoms of five elements is brought about, we have no distinct conception. AU that we know has been said when it is stated that water works no che- mical change on salt, while sulphuric acid (and a few other sub- stances of analogous composition) does bring about a very essen- tial change. In the hope of rendering these and similar facts more intelli- gible, many chemists have assumed that an element like chlorine, or a group of elements like sulphuric acid, may possess a supe- rior chemical attraction, or a greater affinity, for some elements or groups than for others. They would explain the reaction between salt and sulphuric acid by saying that chlorine has a greater affinity for hydrogen than for sodium, while a part of the sulphuric acid has a stronger attraction for sodium than for hydrogen ; and, in like manner, they would account for the ab- sence of action between water and salt by saying that the affinity of oxygen for sodium is no stronger than that of chlorine for sodium. If the second of the equations above given be written after the duaUstic theory, as follows, 2NaCl + H,0,S03 = 2HC1 + Na.O, SO,, we shall perceive the basis of a still more ample explanation, 102 CHEMICAL AiTIKITT. often given, of such reactions. The reaction above written is said to be determined, or caused, by three affinities : — 1. The affinity of the metal for oxygen ; 2. The affinity of the hydrogen for chlorine ; 3. The affinity of the oxide of sodium for sulphuric acid. It will be at once perceived that the contact of water with salt gives opportunity for the play of the first two affinities ; it is, therefore, the third affinity, superadded to the other two, which in this view actually determines the decomposition of salt by sul- phuric acid. Such speculations as these have not been altogether fruitless in the development of chemistry, and to some minds they seem to render the actual phenomenon more intelligible; the term affinity is also sometimes convenient in expressing the varying intensity with which one element grapples and holds other ele- ments, or groups of elements ; the student must not faU to dis- tinguish, however, between the matters of fact and the matters of speculation, in whatever stands written in chemical literature touching affinities and their play. The best use of the iU-chosen term affinity is as a synonyme for chemical force. Phrases in which the term is used in this sense may contain simple state- ments of fact ; but very frequently, especially when the word "elective" is coupled with it, the term is used in connexion with unprofitable hypotheses. What we actually know of the re- action between salt and sulphuric acid is comprehended in the statement that the hydrogen of the acid and the sodium of the salt change places in the definite proportions by weight which are expressed in the atomic weights of the two elements. Commercial chlorhydric acid is not pure ; its commonest im- purities are sulphuric acid which gets mechanically mixed with the acid, iron derived from the iron vessels, arsenic supplied by the impure sulphuric acid employed, the salts contained in the water which dissolved the gas, sulphurous acid, and, not unfre- quentiy, free chlorine. Exp. 49. — Melt a handM of coarse common salt in a Hessian cru- cible in a coal fire, and pour out the liquid salt upon a brick or stone floor. Weigh out 30 grms. of the fiised salt when it has become cold and place it in a flask of a litre capacity, provided with a delivery- tube which can be conveniently connected by a caoutchouc connector USES or CHLOKHrOEIC ACID. 103 with a series of small Woulfe-bottles, such as is represented in Fig. 84. Pour 50 grammes of strong sulphuric acid upon the salt, and imme- Pig. 84. diately cork the flask, place it upon a sand-bath on the iron-stand, and connect the delivery-tube with the Woulfe-bottles. The tubes by which the gas enters the bottles should barely dip beneath the water contained in them, inasmuch as the solution of chlorhydiic acid is heavier than water ; the bottles should not be more than half full, for the water becomes hot and increases considerably in bulk. As hot water holds less gas in solution than cold water, it is not amiss to place each three-necked bottle in a vessel of cold water. The first Woulfe-bottle should contain but a small quantity of water, and the tube coming from the flask should not dip into this water. The con- tents of the flask must be very gradually and moderately heated, else a violent frothing is liable to occur, which would spoil the experiment. The process is like that of making ammonia-water, except that the delivery-tube passes to the bottom of each Woulfe-bottle in making ammonia-water, because the solution of ammonia-gas is lighter than water, instead of heavier as is the case with the solution of chlorhy- diic acid gas. As with the ammonia process, the solution will be purer in the second bottle than in the first, in the third than in the second, and so forth. Reserve the contents of the first bottle to make chlorine from (Exp. 51). The pure acid should be preserved for use in experiments which cannot be performed except with an acid purer than the commercial article. 103. The uses of chlorhydiic acid are very numerous. It is employed in making chlorine, chlorate of potassium, and chloride of lime (bleaching-powder), in preparing chloride of ammonium and chloride of tin, in the manufacture of gelatine, for dissolving 104 AQUA EBGIA. metals (either by itself or mixed with nitric acid) ; it is one of the most useful reagents in the chemical laboratory. - Chlorhydric acid dissolves most metallic oxides, and appears to combine with them ; but on evaporating such a solution a com- pound is obtained which contains neither hydrogen nor oxygen, but only chlorine and the metal. When caustic soda, for example, combines with chlorhydric acid, chloride of sodium and water are the products, as exhibited by the equation NaHO + HCl = Naa + H,0. When the black oxide of copper is dissolved in chlorhydric acid, the green liquid produced is an aqueous solution of chloride of copper ; CuO + 2HC1 = CuCl, + H,0. But though the metal may exist in solution in the form of chlo- ride, it is quite possible to precipitate it as oxide, if it have an insoluble oxide, by adding to the solution of the chloride a soluble oxide of another metal capable of displacing the &st. Thus, if to a boiling solution of chloride of copper a hot solution of caustic soda be added, the sodium and the copper change places, and the insoluble black oxide of copper is precipitated. CuCl, + 2NaH0 = SNaCl + H,0 -|- CuO. Chlorhydric acid is, in fact, the chloride of hydrogen, strictly analogous in composition to the chloride of a metal like sodiiim, and it takes part in double decompositions Hke any other chloride. 104. Aqiuz Regia {Royal Water). — This name was given by the alchemists to a mixture of chlorhydric and nitric acids, be- cause of its power to dissolve gold, the " king of metals." Exp. 50. — Place two square centimetres of genuine gold-leaf at the bottom of a test-tube, and pour upon the gold six or eight drops of strong chlorhydric acid ; put a similar piece of gold-leaf in a second test-tube, and pour upon it two or three drops of nitric acid ; neither acid attacks the gold, which remains undissolved. If the contents of the two test-tubes be mixed together in either tube, the gold-leaf will almost immediately dissolve. Platinum, which like gold resists the action of both chlorhydric and nitric acids singly applied, yields at once to the mixture of the two acids. Both these precious metals are converted by aqua CHLOEHTE. 105 regia into chlorides soluble in water. Strong chlorhydric acid is oxidized by strong nitric acid ; cblorine, water, oxides of nitrogen, and unstable compounds containing chlorine, oxygen, and nitro- gen, are the products. The decomposition is complex, but may be roughly represented by the equation HCl + HNO3 = CI 4- H,0 + NO,. The presence of nascent (§ 88) chlorine explains the energetic conversion of metals into chlorides by aqua regia; and the strong oxidizing effect of the liquid is further explained by the presence of the unstable oxygen compounds which result from the reaction. Aqua regia has indeed a very strong oxidizing power ; it can change sulphur into sulphuric acid, arsenic into arsenic acid, and effect many other similar oxidations. This powerful solvent is made by simply mixing the two acids, though in various proportions, according to the use to be made of it ; the commonest mixture is composed of one part of nitric acid and three parts of chlorhydric acid. CHAPTEE YHT. OHIO RINE. 105. Chlorine can readily be prepared from chlorhydric acid by removing the hydrogen of that acid by chemical means. Exp. 51. — ^In a flask of about 500 c. c. capacity furnished with a suitable delivery-tube, place 8 or 10 grms. of coarsely powdered black oxide of manganese ; pour upon it 20 or 30 grms. of common muriatic acid, and gently heat the mixture. Chlorine wiU soon be disengaged, and may be recognized by its peculiar color. Being very heavy the gas may best be collected by displacement in dry bottles, placed in the open air, or in a case or box provided with an efficient draft. It may also be collected over warm water or brine in the water-pan. It can- not be well collected over water at the ordinary temperature, since it is rather easUy soluble therein — ^though the difficulty may be obviated in part by evolving the gas rapidly, or by passing the delivery-tube to the top of the bottle in which the gas is collected. It must not be 106 MAKDfd CHLOKINB. left standing over water, since it would soon be entirely absorbed. In experimenting with chlorine, care must always be taken not to inhale it. The reaotion which, occiirs in this experiment may be thus formulated : — MnO, + 4HC1 = 2Efi + MnCl, + 2C1. Black oxide of manganese is a substance rich in oxygen, which, under certain conditions, it readily yields up to other elements. In the case before us, the oxygen of the oxide of manganese unites with the hydrogen of the chlorhydric acid to form water. The chlorine of the chlorhydric acid unites in part with the manga- nese, and is in part left free. In place of the black oxide of manganese in this experiment, several other substances which readily give up oxygen may be employed ; and instead of the free chlorhydric acid of the fore- going experiment, the mixture of common salt and sulphuric acid, which generates chlorhydric acid (Exp. 49), is often used. The latter method has the advantage of eliminating the whole of the chlorine from the chlorine compound used, whereas, in the decomposition of the oxide of manganese by chlorhydric acid alone, half the chlorine remains combined with the manganese. More- over, when present in excess, the sulphuric acid has the effect of drying the chlorine. The reaction may be expressed as follows : — 2NaCl + 2H,80^ + MnO, = Na.SO, + MnSO^ + 2H,0 + 2C1. Another method, which has been carried out in practice upon the large scale, is to heat a mixture of common salt and nitrate of so- dium with an excess of sulphuric acid. Chlorhydric and nitric acids are evolved, and, reacting upon one another, generate chlo- rine, hyponitric acid, and water : — HCl + H]Sr03 =C\ + NO, + H,0. The hyponitric acid is absorbed by sulphuric acid, and subse- quently employed in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, while the chlorine is coUeoted apart and employed in such manner as may be desired. 106. Chlorine is an abundant element, and very widely distri- buted in nature. It exists chiefly in combination with sodium as a chloride of sodium, which is called rock-salt or sea-salt, accord- PKOPEKTIES OF CHXOKINE. 107 ingly as it is found in beds in the earth, or dissolved in the water of the ocean. Since the atomic weight of chlorine is 35-5 (§ 99), and that of the metal sodium is 23, each molecule, each gramme,'or each kilogramme of chloride of sodium contains j||, or 60-684 per cent, of chlorine. Accordingly in a gramme of chloride of sodium there exists something more than 0-6 grm. of chlorine; and a kilogramme of common salt should yield 606-84 grms of chlorine. Jlvery litre of sea- water wiU yield about five litres of chlorine gas. Besides chloride of sodium, sea- water contains small quantities of the chlorides of several other metals ; there are numerous miae- rals, also, which contain chlorine. 107. At the ordinary temperature chlorine is a gas of yellowish- green color, 2'5 times as heavy as atmospheric air. Its specific gravity and atomic weight are 35*5. It is excessively irritating and suffocating, even when inhaled in exceedingly small quan- tities. Any attempt to breathe the undiluted gas would un- doubtedly be fatal. Under a pressure of 4 atmospheres at 15° it is condensed to a yellow mobile liquid, having a sp. gr. of 1-33 ; this liquid has never yet been solidified. It is soluble to a con- siderable extent in water at the ordinary temperature, 1 volume of it being dissolved by half a volume of water at 16°. This so- lution, which exhibits the color, odor, and general chemical pro- perties of the gas, is called chloriae- water. At low temperatures, water dissolves a still greater proportion of chlorine ; and at 0° a definite hydrate of chlorine, Ci.,SKJ}, crystaUizes out. Uxp. 52. — Fill with water the body of a retort of the capacity of 500 c. c, and without tubulature. In- vert the retort and set it upon a ring, or ^^' upon a bed of sand, with the neck pointed upwards in such manner that no air shall enter the body. From a flask in which chlorine is being gene- rated pass a long dehvery-tube down the neck of the retort to the water, so that the chlorine may slowly bubble through the water. The absorption of the gas may be promoted by gently shaking the retort from time to time. As soon as the water becomes saturated with chlorine, so much gas vfill collect in the retort that the liquid will be pressed out of the 108 CHLOEINE-WAIEB. body and -will flow over from the neck ; when this occurs the opera- tion may be stopped. At the beginning of the experiment, before all the atmospheric air has been expelled from the flask in which the chlorine is generated, it is well not to push the gas delivery-tube completely to the bottom of the neck of the retort, but to simply immerse it in the edge of the water, so that none of the escaping bubbles of gas shall enter the body of the retort until it has become evident that nothing but pure chlorine is coming over ; the tube may then be immersed more deeply. The water saturated with chlorine should be transferred to a bottle and preserved for future use. It may be employed, more conveniently than the gas, to Ulustrate many of the properties of the element. In sunlight, or even in ordinary daylight, chlorine-water sufiers de- composition (see § 113), but in the dark it undergoes no change. It should be kept, therefore, either in a cellar or tight closet, or in a stoneware bottle, or in a bottle of black, red, or yellow glass, or in one covered with black paper. Through the blackened glass no light can penetrate to the chlorine-water, and through red or yellow glass few, if any, of the so-called chemical or actinic rays can pass. The violet rays of the spectrum are those which exhibit actinic power, and these are stopped by red or yellow glass, which is red or yellow because it permits the passage of only these colored rays. 108. Chlorine is a powerful chemical agent. It combines with, hydrogen with explosive violence upon being heated, or even on being exposed to sunlight. Sxp. 53. — In a soda-water bottle, which must be screened from strong light by wrapping it in a towel, unless direct and reflected sun- light be excluded from the room, mix equal volumes of chlorine and hydrogen, then remove the cork and hold the mouth of the bottle in the flame of a lamp. A sharp explosion will ensue. Or the mixture may be made in a phial of white glass rolled up in a thick towel and flUed in a darkened chamber. The explosion can then be brought about by carefully rolling the phial out of its envelope into a ray of Sunlight, in a place where the fragments of glass can do no harm. In this last modiflcation of the experiment the phial is, of coiirse, left corked. The operator should stand behind a window-shutter or other suitable screen. Still another method is to place the bottle in a shady place, and by means of a looking-glass reflect upon it a ray of sunlight. The moment the beam touches it, the bottle vrill explode. A mixture of the two gases may be kept in the dark for any CHLORINE UNITES WITH METAIS. 109 length of time without change; in diffused daylight they usually unite only slowly and gradually; but in direct sunlight the union is so instantaneous as to be attended with explosion. 109. Chlorine combines also very readily with many of the metalsj the combination being in several instances attended with evolution of light. Exp. 54. — Fill a bottle of at least half a litre capacity with dry chlorine gas, by displacement ; the gas should be dried by passing it through a tube filled with chloride of calcium, as described in the Ap- pendix, § 15. Gradually sift a gramme or two of very finely powdered metallic antimony into the bottle. The metal will instantly take fire and fall in a glowing state to the bottom of the bottle. This fire attends the formation of a compound of chlorine and antimony, a por- tion of which wiU be seen pervading the bottle as a white smoke. This experiment, and indeed all experiments with chlorine, should be performed only in places where there is a current of air sufficiently powerful to carry away from the operator the volatile products of the reaction, together with any chlorine which may escape from the bottle. As in the case of the union of sulphur with copper (Exp. 1), so here it will be seen that burning, as commonly understood, is in no wise peculiar to the union of oxygen with the other ele- ments. In the act of chemical combination heat is always evolved, and, of course, Hght as well, if particles of solid matter be present and become hot enough to be luminous. Since oxygen is very abundant, we are more accustomed to witness exhibitions of its chemical action than those of any other element ; but we must not therefore lose sight of the fact that among the elements there are several which possess chemical power as great when brought into play, though not as frequently exhibited as that of oxygen. Exp. 55. — Into a small dry bottle throw loosely several leaves of the so-called Dutch-metal (an imitation gold-leaf made from an alloy of the metals copper and zinc), and invert over it a bottle of dry chlorine. As the heavy gas falls into the lower bottle, the chlorine attacks the metal, which becomes red-hot for a moment, shrivels up, and is con- verted into a mixture of chloride of copper and chloride of zinc. Both these compounds are readily soluble, the chloride of copper impart- ing to the water a peculiar green tinge. The term chloride is used to denote the combination of chlorine with another element, just as the term oxide denotes a compound of oxygen. 110 CHLORINE BtTENS IN HTDEOGrEN. 110. A burning jet of hydrogen, on being introduced into a jar of chlorine, will continue to bum with a peculiar green light, the two gases uniting to form chlorhydrio acid. Exp. 56. — From a gas-holder containing hydrogen, carry a glass tube, No. 6, outwards horizontally a few centimetres, then downwards to reach the bottom of a wide-mouthed litre bottle fiUed with dry chlorine; bend the end of the tube, previously drawn to a point, sharply upward, so that the jet of hydrogen may stream upwards through the chlorine. Light the hydrogen jet, and insert it into the bottle of chlorine. By reversing the experiment, chlorine may just as well be burned in an atmosphere of hydrogen. Hxp. 57. — In a small flask of 75 or 100 c. c. capacity, provided with a small chloride-of-calcium tube prolonged into an upright delivery- tube which is drawn out to a fine point at the top, generate a free supply of chlorine. Inflame a jar of hydrogen, held mouth down- wards, and press it slowly down upon the chlorine flask so that the orifice from which the chlorine is issuing may be at the centre of the hydrogen bottle, in the midst of the gas. In passing through the burning hydrogen at the bottom of the jar, the chlorine vyill be heated to the temperature necessary for its own inflammation, and it vnll con- tinue to bum in the hydrogen in the same way that oxygen bums in hydrogen under similar circumstances. 111. The heat evolved during the combustion of hydrogen in chlorine is less intense than that produced by its union with oxygen. When one gramme of hydrogen is burned to chlor- hydric acid, there are disengaged 23783 units of heat, while 34462 units of heat are evolved when it burns to water. 112. As has been seen, chlorine is both combustible and a supporter of combustion so far as hydrogen is concerned, and it exhibits a strong affinity for many of the metals ; but it does not unite directly with either oxygen or carbon. Exp. 68. — If a burning taper, or a bit of flaming wood or paper, be thrust into a bottle of chlorine gas, the flame will become murlty, and after strugghng for a moment will go out. Much smoke is at the same time given off. Exp. 59. — A bit of paper, attached to a wire, dipped in hot oil of turpentine and then quickly plunged into a bottle of chlorine, will usually take fire spontaneously, and burn vsdth evolution of dense black COMBUSTION IN CELOBINE. Ill fumes. On account of the Tolatility and ready inflammability of oil of turpentine, it should he carefully heated upon a water-hath (Appendix, § 17) in a porcelain dish. If by any chance the turpentine take fire in the dish, it can be instantly extinguished by covering the dish. &p. 60. — Place an inverted tall bottle full of water upon the shelf of the water-pan and flU it two-thirds full of chlorine ; then displace the rest of the water with ordinary illuminating gas. Cover the mouth of the bottle with a glass plate, and, removing it from the water-pan, place it in an upright position upon the table. Remove the cover, and touch a lighted match to the gas ; fire will be propa- gated from above downwards, while clouds of smoke are evolved. Hold a piece of moistened blue litmus paper in the smoke ; it will be reddened by the chlorhydric acid which has been formed. The wax, wood, paper, turpentine, and gas of the foregoing experiments, and indeed most of the substances ordinarily used as combustibles, contain hydrogen and carbon. The hydrogen of these things wiU burn in chlorine, will unite chemically with the chlorine to form chlorhydric acid; but the carbon wQl not thus unite with chlorine. Hence it is that, in the experiments in question, the combustion is at the expense of the hydrogen ; the hydrogen of the candle, turpentine, and so forth alone unites with chlorine, while the carbon is set free as lampblack or smoke. 113. Chlorine can even decompose water under certain condi- tions, taking away its hydrogen, while the oxygen is left free. This occurs, for example, when a mixture of chlorine and aqueous vapor is passed through a red-hot glass or porcelain tube filled with fragments of the same material. So, too, when an aqueous solution of chlorine is exposed to light, the water is gradually decomposed, as has been stated in § 107, oxygen being set free, and chlorhydric acid formed. 2C1 -f H^O = 2HC1 + 0. Hxp. 61. — Fill a narrow-mouthed bottle, of the capacity of at least half a litre, with water which has been saturated vrith chlorine at a comparatively low temperature — such as is readily obtained by immersing the receiver in ice- water during the absorption of the gas. By means of a perforated cork, or better, a caoutchouc stopper, fit tightly to the bottle a glass tube, No. 6, bent twice at right angles. Fig. .36. 112 USES OF CHXOEIITE. one branch of wMcli shall be long enough to reach to the bottom of the bottle, while the other arm, made much shorter than the first, dips into an open beaker glass half full of water. Place the apparatus in such a position that it shall be exposed to as much direct sunlight as possible. After a time oxygen gas will begin to collect at the top of the bottle, and in the course of several hours, or days, so much will have collected that it can be tested by removing the cork from the bottle and thrusting in a glowing splinter. The liquid displaced by the oxygen flows over, through the tube, into the beaker glass. The chlorhydric acid of course remains dissolved in the water of the bottle. 114. The appKcations of chlorine in the arts depend upon that readiness to combine with hydrogen which has just been exem- plifled. By virtue of this affinity for hydrogen, chlorine acts indirectly as a powerful oxidizing agent. It acts as a purveyor of nascent oxygen, and is hence a much more efficient agent than free oxygen, such as exists in the air. Its chief uses are for bleaching cotton goods, paper stock, and so forth, and for destroy- ing foul and unhealthy emanations. Hxp. 62. — ^Pour into a test-glass a quantity of chlorine-water (Exp. 52), drop into it a small quantity of a solution of indigo, and stir the mixture with a glass rod. The blue color of the indigo wiU be immediately destroyed. In the same way the color of litmus, cochineal, aniline-purple, or of flowers, calico, and the like, can be readily destroyed by immersion in chlorine-water or in moist chlorine gas. The pre- sence of water is essential ; perfectly dry chlorine will not bleach. Exp. 63. — Fill a glass tube, No. 1, about 20 cm. long, with scraps of coloured calico and hits of paper which have been written upon with ink. Take care that the tube and its contents are perfectly dry, and that the tube is closed at either end with a cork, through which passes . a short piece of tubing. No. 6. Place the tube in a vertical position, and pass into it, from below, chlorine gas which has been thoroughly dried by means of chloride of calcium (Appendix, § 15). The color- ing-matters will not he destroyed so long, as they remain dry ; but if, after thf dry chlorine has been allowed to act for a few minutes, a little water be poured in at the top of the tube, so that its contents may be wetted, they will be bleached at once. 1 15. Those coloring-matters which are of vegetable or animal origin are for the most part complex compounds of carbon, hy- HOW CHLOEINE BLKACHES AND DISINFECTS. 113 drogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. When moist chlorine is brought into contact with them, a somewhat complicated reaction occurs ; a portion of their hydrogen is no doubt taken out by the chlorine, hut at the same time some of the water which is present is decom- posed, and its oxygen assists the disorganization of the compound which is to be destroyed. Of the hydrogenized or carburetted compounds exposed to the action of the nascent oxygen in the foregoing experiment, those which are most complex, and of which the elements are held together least firmly, will of course be acted upon, burned up, and destroyed. As a rule, the coloring-matters are far more easily oxidized than the cotton cloth ; hence they can readily be removed by the action of chlorine, without injury to the cloth. But if the action of the chlorine were to be continued .after the coloring-matter had been destroyed, the cloth itself would gra- dually be burned up. In actual practice, where the duration of the exposure of the cloth to the chlorine is carefully regulated, and the portions of bleaching liquor which at first remain adhering to the cloth are completely removed by washing and by chemical treatment, the process is perfectly safe and trustworthy as regards cotton or even linen ; but the animal fibres, such as wool and sUk, are of more complex composition than cotton and linen; they cannot be bleached by chlorine, since this gas would attack and dis- organize them. 116. In destroying noxious effluvia, chlorine either acts upon them as upon coloring-matters, or it simply takes away hydrogen, as in the case of sulphuretted hydrogen hereafter to be studied. Putrid animal matter may be rendered comparatively odorless, by sprinkling it copiously with chlorine-water ; hence a solution of chlorine finds some application in inquests and judicial investi- gations. The energy with which chlorine seizes upon hydrogen may be further illustrated by causing chlorine to act upon ammonia- water. I!xp. 64. — ^Into a glass tube, No. 1, about a metre long, pour enough chlorine-water to fill it nine-tenths full, and then ammonia-water enough to fiU the remaining space. Close the tube with the thumb, invert it and place it in an upright position upon the water-pan. The I 114 ACTION OF CHLOHINE OS AMMONIA. ammonia-water, being epeoiflcally lighter than the solution of chlo- rine, will flow upwards and become mixed with the latter ; a reaction will immediately ensue ; some of the chlorine will unite with the hy- drogen of a portion of the ammonia, to form chlorhydric acid, and nitrogen will be set free. Numberless little bubbles of this gas will escape from the liquor and collect at the top of the tube, and may be subsequently tested with a burning match. The chlorhydric acid formed unites with the remainder of the ammonia to form chloride of ammonium : — 4NH3 + 301 = N + 3NH,C1. By modifying the apparatus employed in the foregoing experiment, so that a cm-rent of chlorine can be passed into a vessel containing ammonia-water, the evolution of nitrogen can readily be made con- tinuous, and large quantities of the gas may be collected. It would be an excellent and easy method of preparing nitrogen for use in the laboratory, were it not that care must be taken that the ammonia shall always be present in considerable excess. If this precaution were neglected, there might be formed, by the action of the chlorine upon the chloride of ammonium, a very dangerous compound called chloride of nitrogen. As prepared by this method, the nitrogen is always contaminated with a certain amount of oxygen. In the foregoing experiment, the chloride of ammonium which is produced remains dissolved in the water. It may be recovered by evaporating the water, or a new portion of it may be prepared by mixing chlorhydric acid with ammonia. Hxp. 65. — Fill one half-litre bottle with dry ammonia-gas, and another with dry chlorhydric acid gas. Invert the latter, and place it over the former, so that the mouth of the upper bottle shall rest upon that of the lower. The gases wiU immediately tmite to form solid chlo- ride of ammonium, a dense white cloud of which wiU fill the bottles : — NH3 + HCl = NH^Cl. One volume of ammonia unites with one volume of chlorhydric acid, and the gases are completely condensed to a white solid. 117. Chloride of nitrogen, the dangerous compound of chlorine and nitrogen which has been alluded to above, is formed when chlorine is brought into contact with a weak solution of chloride or nitrate of ammonium at the temperature of 15° or 20°. As the chlorine is gradually absorbed, yeUow oUy drops of chloride of nitrogen form upon the surface of the liquid, and soon fall to the bottom : — ■ NH.Cl + 6C1 = 4HC1 + NCI3. CHLOEIDB OF MTEOGEN. 115 Chloride of nitrogen is a volatile yellow oilj of peculiar, pene-, trating odor j it is insoluble in water, and does not congeal when exposed to cold. Its specific gravity is 1-653. It decomposes very easily. Upon being heated to nearly 100°, or touched with any fat or oil, with turpentine, or with various other substances, it explodes with extreme violence ; indeed it often explodes spontaneously, without any apparent cause. A single drop of it, exploded upon a glass or porcelain dish, shatters the vessel to atoms. The preparation and handling of this body require the greatest caution ; it should never be prepared by the novice in chemistry. 118. We have heretofore adduced experimental proof of every proposition and statement so far as was possible at such a stage of the student's progress. The chemical properties of the four elements, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and chlorine, have been exhibited by experiment, the composition of many of their most important compounds has been demonstrated by analysis or by synthesis, or by both these methods, and the chemical properties of these compounds have been Ulustrated by actual experiment. Several objects have been thus attained : — first, experimental methods of research have been illustrated by tangible examples ; secondly, the foundation, scope, and application of important laws of chemical combination have been explained ; thirdly, four leading elements have been minutely studied — hydrogen (the standard atom and the unity of specific gravity for gases), oxygen, nitrogen, and chlorine (three widely diffused elements, each of which is' the first member and prototype of an important group of elements, many of whose properties we shaU hereafter find we have already become acquainted with in studying the prototypes); fourthly, three compounds of these elements have been carefuUy studied — chlorhydric acid, water, and ammonia — compounds which are not only interesting in themselves, but of great significance as types, or models, of three large groups of compounds whose properties we have reaUy been studying while we studied their types. From this point forward the student will be asked to accept on trust many facts, drawn from the accumulated stores of the science and resting on satisfactory evidence, the fuU exposition 116 OXIDES OP CHLOEnra. of which would he hoth tedious and inappropriate. The subject- matter of chemistry is so vast and various that it will be neces- sary to select from the great mass of material only the most valuable portions, and to dwell only on those elements and com- pounds which are of practical importance in the useful arts, or which are of interest in connexion with instructive theories or recognized laws of the science. 119. Compounds of Chlorine and Oxygen. — Free chlorine does ot combine directly with free oxygen. But by resorting to indirect methods several compounds of the two elements can be obtained. As many as five different oxides of chlorine, enume- rated below, have been described, though as yet some of them are known only in combination with water or other substances, and not in the free condition : — Names. Composition. Formux^. By volrane. Chlorine. Oxygen. Hypochlorous acid . 2 toIs. + 1 vol. Chlorous acid 2 vols. +3 vols. Hypochloric acid... 1 vol. +2 vols. Chloric acid 2 vols. + 5 vols. Perchloric acid 2 vols. +7 vols. a) p %s. o 2 ? 2 ? ? By weight. Chlorine. Oxygen. 35-5x2=71 16 35-5x2=71 16x3= 48 35-5 16x2= 32 35-5x2=71 16x5= 80 35-5x2=71 16x7=112 CljO CljO, CIO2 CLO5 Clio, 120. HypochlorovLS Add (Cl^O). — If a small quantity of slaked lime (hydrate of calcium) be thro-wn into a bottle of chlorine gas, and the mixture be then left to itself during several hours, the chlorine will be completely absorbed, and there will be formed two compounds, one of which -will be found to be hypochlorite of calcium, the other chloride of calcium. The reaction may be thus formulated : — 2(CaO,H,_0) -I- 4C1 = CaO,Cl,0 + CaCl, + 2H,0. This mixture is a substance much used in the arts -under the technical names " chloride of lime," and " bleaching-powder ; " it wiU be again referred to hereafter. 121. Hydrated hypochlorous acid may be prepared from "bleaching-powder;" the solution has a yeUo-wLsh color, an acrid taste, and a peculiar sweet odor. When concentrated it decomposes rapidly, even if kept upon ice. Dilute solutions are CHlOROTTS, HTPOCHIORIC, AND CHLORIC ACIDS. 117 more stable, but they decompose slowly upon being boiled. Hy- pochlorous acid is a powerful oxidizing and bleaching agent. Its solution produces at once effects which are only slowly ob- tained when chlorine- water is employed. Anhydrous hypochlorous acid, which may be obtained by re- moving the water from the aqueous solution, is a gas of pale yellow color and offensive odor, somewhat resembling that of chlorine. It decomposes very easUy into 2 volumes of chlorine and 1 volume of oxygen ; even the warmth of the hand is suf- ficient to decompose it ; and it is difficult to preserve it unchanged even for a few hours. At low temperatures, such as are pro- duced by a mixture of ice and salt, the gas condenses to a dark orange-colored liquid, heavier than water and very explosive. 122. Chlorous Add, Cl^Og, may be obtained by deoxidizing chloric acid by means of nitrous acid. When in the anhydrous condition it is a gas of a yellowish-green color, liquefiable by extreme cold. It is a dangerous compound to prepare, since at temperatures above 57° it decomposes, with explosion, into chlo- rine and oxygen. It is readily soluble in water, and the solution possesses strong bleaching and oxidizing properties. It is a weaker acid than chloric acid, § 124, but resembles it in many respects. With metallic oxides it unites to form compounds called chlorites. 123. Hypochloric Acid, ClO^. — This very explosive compound may be prepared by gently heating a mixture of chlorate of potassium and concentrated sulphuric acid. The gas is of a bright yeUow color and aromatic odor. Upon being exposed to daylight or to a temperature somewhat below the boiling-point of water, it decomposes into oxygen and chlorine, the decomposition being usually attended with explosion. The preparation of the gas is dangerous, and should never be attempted unless upon a very small scale. At the temperature of a mixture of ice and salt, the gas condenses to a yeUow, highly explosive liquid. 124. CMoric Acid, Clj^O,. — In the present state of science this is the most important of the compounds of oxygen and chlorine. It is not known in the free state, and in the hydrated condition has never been obtained with less than 1 molecule of water, H,0,C1,0,. 118 PEECHLOEIC ACID. When a current of chlorine is made to flow into a cold dilute aqueous solution of caustic potash, a mixture of hypochlorite and of chloride of potassium is produced : — 2(Kfi,Hfi) + 401 = Kfifilfi + 2KC1 + SH^O,— the reaction heing analogous to that between lime and chlorine, de- scribed in § 120. But if the conditions as to the concentration and temperature of the solution of potash be changed — if, instead of using a dilute solution, chlorine be passed into a moderately strong hot solu- tion of caustic potash, or of carbonate of potassium, hypoohlorous acid will no longer be formed, but instead of it chloric acid. The reaction may be expressed as follows : — eCKjOjHjO) + 12C1 = £30,01205 -I- lOKOl + 6H2O. Chloride of potassium is formed as before, but the remainder of the chlorine is now more highly oxidized. Chlorate of potassium is less soluble than chloride of potassium ; it separates in flat tabular crystals after the liquid has been concentrated by evaporation and cooled. It is the substance which was employed for maMng oxygen in Exp. 7. Chloric acid could be prepared directly from chlorate of potassium by boiling a solution of this substance with fluosilicic acid. An almost insoluble fluosilicate of potassium would be formed, and chloric acid set free. But an easier method is to first convert the chlorate of potas- sium into chlorate of barium, and to liberate the chloric acid from this salt by means of sulphuric acid, with which barium forms a remarkably insoluble compoimd : — BaOjCljO^ -I- HASO, = BaO,S03 -1- Hfifilfi,. The solution of chloric acid is separated from the insoluble sulphate of barium by filtration, and concentrated by evaporation over sulphuric acid in the exhausted receiver of an air-pump. By cautious evapora- tion the acid may be brought to a syrupy consistence, but is then rather easily decomposed, especially if it be heated or exposed to light. At the temperature of boiling it is rapidly converted into perchloric acid, water, chlorine, and oxygen. It is a strong acid, and a powerful oxidizing and bleaching agent. 125. Perchloric Add, Cl^O,, is formed, as above stated, when an aqueous solutioil of oHoric acid is boiled ; 'being volatile it may be distilled off and collected. A coihpoimd of this acid and po- tassium, perchlorate of potassium, can be obtained by heating chlorate of potassium to a certain temperature. Perchloric acid is a more stable compound than either of the other oxides of chlorine. The dilute aqueous solution may be concentrated by BROMINE. 119 evaporation over fire, evea at high temperatures. The hydrated acid HjOjCljO^ is a colorless, oily liquid, which boils at 203°, and has a specific gravity of 1-782. It is a powerful oxidizing agent. The student will do weU to compare this series of oxides of chlorine with that of the oxides of nitrogen, and to note the points in which the two series resemble and those in which they differ from each other. CHAPTER IX. B B M I N E. 126. Bromine is an element closely aUied to chlorine. It is found in small quantities in sea-water, and in the water of many saline springs. 1 litre of sea-water contains from 0-0143 to 0-1005 grm. of it. As it exists in nature it is combiued with metals, bromide of magnesium being the compound most com- monly met with. Bromide of magnesium is a constituent of the uncrystaUizable residue, called bittern, which remaias after the chloride of sodium has been crystallized out from the natural brines ; at several saline springs this bittern contains so large a proportion of the bromide that bromine can be profitably extracted from it. Most of the bromine of commerce is thus obtained. In order to obtain bromine from the bittern, the latter is mixed with black oxide of manganese and chlorhydric acid, and heated in a retort. Chlorine ia of course evolved from these materials in the midst of the liquid ; it reacts upon the bromide of magnesium and sets free bromine, which distils over into the receiver as a dark-red, very heavy liquid : — MgBr^ + 2C1 = MgClj + 2Br. An the metallic bromides are readily decomposed by chlorine, bro- mine being, as a rule, a less energetic chemical agent than chlorine. 127. At the ordinary temperature bromine is a liquid of dark brown-red color, about three times as heavy as water, and highly poisonous. Its odor is irritating and disagreeable, whence the name bromine, derived from a Greek word and signifying a 120 PKOPEKIIES OP BEOMINE. stench. It boils at about 60°, but is very volatile even at the ordinary temperature of the air. Exp. 66. — By means of a small pipette, throw into a flask or bottle, of the capacity of 1 or 2 litres, 3 or 4 drops of bromine. Cover the bottle loosely, and leave it standing. In a short time it will be filled with a red vapor, which is bromine gas. This vapor is very heavy, more than five times as heavy as air, and eighty times as heavy as hydrogen. At about 7° bromine crystallizes in brittle plates. It dissolves sparingly in water, but is soluble in alcohol, and in all propor- tions in ether. In its chemical behavior, as well as in many of its physical properties, bromine closely resembles chlorine. Its afiinity for hydrogen, though weaker than that of chlorine, is still power- ful, like chlorine, it is an energetic bleaching and disinfecting agent, and it decomposes the vapor of water when passed with it through a tube heated to bright redness, bromhydric acid and oxygen being the products of the reaction. A lighted taper bums for an instant ia bromine vapor and is then extinguished. Phos- phorus, antimony, potassium, and the Kke, take fire on being thrown into bromine, in the same way as in chlorine, a bromide of the other element being produced. Exp. 67. — ^Fit a thin cork to a large, wide-mouthed bottle ; perfo- rate the cork, and through the hole pass a tube of thin glass (No. 2) closed at one end. The tube should reach nearly to the bottom of the bottle, and should project two or three inches above the cork. "Within the tube place a few drops of bromine ; throw in upon this a very small quantity of finely powdered antimony, and instantly cover the mouth of the tube with an inverted crucible or wide-mouthed phial, in order that nothing may be thrown out of the tube by the violent action which attends the combination. If the tube be broken, its fragments wUl be retained within the bottle. Bromine is used to a certain extent iu medicine, and largely in photography. In the chemical laboratory it is often employed, not only for its own sake, but as a substitute for chlorine ; for, though less energetic, it is more manageable than the latter, espe- cially in those cases where a liquid is desirable. 128. Bromhydric Add (HBr). — In spite of the strong affinity of bromine for hydrogen, these elements cannot readily be made BEOMHYDKIC ACID. 121 to unite directly. A mixture of equal volumes of hydrogen and bromine vapor cannot be made to combine with, explosion by ex- posure to the sun's rays, or by the introduction of a burning lamp, though a certain amount of combination occurs in the im- mediate neighborhood of the flame. But by immersing in. the mixture a platinum wire, kept red-hot by a galvanic current, the two elements may be made to unite slowly ; and a similar result is obtaiaed by passing the mixed gases through a red-hot tube. Bromhydric acid gas can, however, be readily prepared by de- composing bromide of potassium with sulphuric acid, or, better, with a concentrated solution of phosphoric acid. The reaction is analogous to that in which chlorhydric acid is obtained from chloride of sodiiun : — SKBr -I- B.fi,m, = E,0,S03 + 2HBr. If sulphuric acid be employed, a secondary reaction occurs; a small part of the bromhydric acid suffers decomposition, and the product is slightly contaminated with free bromine and with sulphurous acid : — 2HBr + H,0,SO, = 2H,0 + 2Br -|- SO,. Since phosphoric acid does not thus decompose bromhydric acid, the latter can be obtained in a state of purity by distUling a mixture of bromide of potassium and phosphoric acid. 129. Bromhydric acid is a colorless, irritating gas, which, on coming in contact with the moisture of the air, fumes even more strongly than chlorhydric acid. By powerful pressure it can be reduced to the liqidd condition, and upon being exposed to intense cold it may be obtained in the form of a crystalline solid. It is readily soluble in water, forming a strongly acid solution which resembles chlorhydric acid in many respects, and, like it, fumes in the air. A ready method of preparing the solution is to decompose a strong solution of bromide of barium with sul- phuric acid diluted with its own weight of water. The solution of the free acid may then be separated from the insoluble sulphate of barium by filtration or by distillation. When the solution of this acid is mrsed with nitric acid, there is obtained another aqua regia capable of dissolving gold andpla- 122 BBOmC ACID. tinum, like the mixture of chlorhydric and nitric acids, though less readily. 130. The gas undergoes no change ■when passed through a red-hot tube ; but it is readily decomposed by metals like potas- sium at the ordinary temperature, and by tin gently heated. A bromide of the metal is formed in either case, and there remains a volume of hydrogen equal to half that of the original gas. Ob- servation has shown that the specific gravity of the gas is very nearly 40-5, or half the sum of the specific gravities of bromine vapor and hydrogen. From this fact and the above decomposi- tion of the gas by metals, it follows that bromhydric acid is com- posed of equal volumes of bromine and hydrogen united without condensation. 131. Bromic Add, 'Kfi^rf)^. — Only one oxide of bromine has been studied, and even this has never been obtained free from water. It is bromic acid, a substance corresponding to chloric acid in composition and properties. Its compounds, also, known as bromates, generally resemble very closely the corresponding chlorates. Bromate of potassitun can be obtained by the action of bromine upon potash-lye, in the same way that chlorate of potassium is obtained by the action of chlorine : — Q(S.f),'S^O) + 12Br = KjOjEr^Os -|- lOKBr + eHjO. The bromate, which is less soluble than the bromide, can'suhse- quently be separated by crystallization. In order to obtain the hy- drated acid, bromate of baritmi may be decomposed with dilute sul- phuric acid : — BaO,Br205 + 'Rfi,BO^ = BaOjSO, + H^OjBrjO,. The insoluble sulphate of barium is separated by filtration. The acid solution can be concentrated to a certain extent by evaporation at a gentle heat, but cannot readily be brought to a syrupy consistency without decomposition. It decomposes, also, on being heated to 100°, and in general gives up oxygen on being brought into contact with sub- stances which readily combine with that element. 132. Hypohrormus Add, H^jBr^O. — There can be no doubt of the existence of an oxide of bromine corresponding to hypo- chlorous acid. "When bromine is added to an excess of a solution of nitrate of silver, a liquid of strong bleaching-properties is lODINB. 123 obtained, from wliieh a yellowisli, acid fluid may be distilled. This distillate bleaches strongly, and yields, on analysis, mimbers corresponding with the above formula. , When cold dilute alka- line solutions are mixed with bromine they acquire a power of bleaching, and in general behave like the alkaline hypochlorites, 'te'hich are formed under similar conditions. So too when bro- iaine-water is treated with red oxide of mercury ; a sparingly soluble oxybromide of mercury is formed, together with a bleach- ing liquor supposed to contain hypobromous acid. The analogies which subsist between chlorine and bromine are, however, everywhere so clearly defined that there is good reason to believe that other oxides of bromine, corresponding to those of chlorine, will be sooner or later discovered. 133. Chloride of Bromine. — Liquid bromine absorbs a large quantity of chlorine-gas when the two elements axe brought together, and there is formed a very volatile liquid called chloride of bromine. It exhales a pungent, irritating odor, and is soluble in water ; the solution possesses considerable bleaching-power. 134. Bromide of Nitrogen is an explosive compound analogous to chloride of nitrogen, from which it may be prepared by means of bromide of potassium. CHAPTEE X. IODINE. 135. In its chemical properties iodine bears a striking resem- blance to bromine, and consequently to chlorine also. It exists in sea-water and in the water of many saline and mineral springs. The proportion of iodine in sea- water is exceedingly small, being even smaller than that of bromine. But iodine is obtained more readily than bromine ; for iodine is absorbed from sea-water by Various marine plants, which, during their growth, collect and concentrate the mintite quantities of iodine which the sea-water 124 EXIEACTION OF IODINE. contains, to such an extent that it can be extracted from them with profit. Upon the coasts of Scoyand, Ireland, and France, where lahor is cheap, the sea-weeds which contain iodine are collected, dried, and burned, at a low heat, in shallow pits. The half-fused ashes thus obtained, called kelp or varec, contains, among other things, iodine in the form of iodide of sodium and iodide of potassium. It is lixiviated with boiling water, and the solution is then evaporated and set aside to crystallize. The iodides, being much more soluble than the other constituents of the ash, remain dissolved in the mother-liquor after most of the other salts have crystallized out. If this mother-liquor, or iodine-lye, be now mixed with a small quantity of sulphuric acid and left to itself for a day or two, it maybe freed from a further portion of impurity ; it is then transferred to a leaden retort, mixed with a suitable quantity of powdered black oxide of manganese, and gently heated. Iodine is set free, just as chlorine would be from chloride of sodimn under similar circumstances, and may be collected in appro- priate receivers : — 2NaI -t- 2(H20,S03) + MnO^ = Na20,S03 -1- MnO,S03-l- SH^O -1- 21. 136. At the ordinary temperature iodine is a soft, heavy, crystalline solid of bluish-black color and metaUie lustre. Its specific gravity is 4-948. It melts at a temperature (107°) a Kttle above that at which water boils, and boils at a somewhat higher temperature (178°-180°) ; but in spite of this high boil- ing-point it evaporates rather freely at the ordinary temperature of the air, and the more rapidly when it is in a moist condition. It may be entirely volatDized by heating it upon writing-paper. Its odor is peculiar, somewhat resembling that of chlorine, but weaker, and easily distinguished from it. Its atomic weight is 127. The vapor of iodine is of a magnificent purple color, whence the name iodine, derived from a Greek word signifying violet- colored ; it is very heavy, indeed the heaviest of aU known gases ; it is nearly nine times as heavy as air. The specific gravity of the vapor is 127. Exp. 68. — ^Hold a dry test-tube in the gas-lamp by means of the " wooden nippers, and warm it along its entire leng-th, in so far as this is practicable. Drop into the hot tube a small fragment of iodine, and observe the vapor as it rises in the tube. If only a small portion of PEOPEKIIES OF IODINE. 125 the tube were heated, the vapor would be deposited as solid iodine upon the cold part of its walls. 137. Solid iodine is never met with in the amorphous, shape- less state in which glass, resin, coal and many other substances occur. Kg matter how obtained, its particles always exhibit a definite crystalline structure. If the iodine be melted and then allowed to cool, or if it be converted into vapor and this vapor be subsequently condensed, crystals wiU be formed in either case. Perfect crystals can be stiU more readily obtained by dissolving iodine in an aqueous solution of iodohydric acid, and exposing this solution to the air in a narrow-necked or loosely stoppered bottle ; the iodohydric acid will be slowly decomposed by the action of the atmospheric oxygen, and, as it decomposes, well-defined crys- tals of iodine wiU be deposited. In whichever way prepared, the crystals of iodine are octahe- drons with a rhombic base, belonging to the crystalline system called trimetric. As commonly seen, the crystals are thin, flattened tables, distorted by excessive elongation in one di- rection. 138. Iodine is scarcely at all soluble in water, though enough dissolves to impart a brown color to the water ; but it dissolves readily in alcohol and ether. These solutions are much used in medicine, particularly the alcoholic solution, which is called tinc- ture of iodine. When swallowed in the solid state, iodine acts as an energetic corrosive poison ; but several of its compounds, and the element itself when taken in small doses, are highly prized as medicaments. It is also largely employed in photography, and is a useful reagent in the chemical laboratory. 139. As has been already stated, iodine, in its chemical beha- vior, resembles chlorine and bromine, only its affinities are more feeble. It enters into combination with less energy than either of these elements, and is displaced by them from most of its com- binations. Like them, it unites directly with the metals and with several other elements. It gradually corrodes organic tissues, and destroys coloring-matters, though but slowly. No oxygen is given off from the aqueous solution when this is exposed to sun- light ; but the color of the solution slowly disappears, and a mix- ture of iodohydric and iodic acids is formed in it. 126 TESTING FOE IODINE. A. singular property of iodine is its power of forming a blue compound with starch. JExp. 69. — Prepare a quantity of thin starch-paste by boiling 30 c. c. of water in a porcelain dish, and stirring into it 0-5 grm. of starch which has previously been reduced to the consistence of cream by rubbing it in a mortar with a few drops of water. Pour 3 or 4 drops of the paste into 10 c. c. of water in a test-tube and shake the mixture so that the paste may be equably diifiised through the water ; then add a drop of an aqueous solution of iodine, and observe the beautiful blue color which the solution assumes. If the solution be heated the blue coloration will disappear, but it reap- pears when the liquid is allowed to cool. Dip a strip of white paper in the starch-paste and suspend it, while still moist, in a large bottle, into the bottom of which two or three crystals of iodine have been thrown. As the vapor of iodine slowly difiuses through the air of the bottle it vdll at last come in contact with the starch, and after some minutes the paper will be colored blue. This reaction furnishes a very delicate test for iodine. By its means it has been proved that iodine, though nowhere very abun- dant, is very widely distributed in nature ; traces of it have been detected in land plants, and in many weU, river, and spring waters, also in rain-water, and even in the air ; indeed it would be difficult to say where iodine is not. In order that it may be detected by this test, the iodine must be free or uncombined. But, as has been stated, chlorine readily expels iodine from most of its combinations. In case, then, we have reason to suspect the presence of a compound of iodine (iodide of potassium, for example) in any substance, a small quan- tity of chlorine-water, or of some other agent capable of expelling iodine, must be added to this substance. Once displaced from its combination, the iodine may be at once detected by means of starch. Exp. 70.— Place in a test-tube 10 c. c. of water, a drop of concen- trated aqueous solution of iodide of potassium, and 3 or 4 drops of the starch-paste of Exp. 69. If the iodide of potassium be pure, no colo- ration will occur. Add now 2 or 3 drops of chlorine-water, and shake the tube. The characteristic blue coloration at once appears. In order to illustrate the extreme delicacy of this reaction, dissolve 0-14 grm. of iodide of potassium in 1 litre of water, and to this aolu- DEUCACT OF THE lOBrNE-IEST. 127 tion, which, contains 1 part of iodine in 10,000 parts of water, add some of the starch-paste and several drops of red fuming nitric acid, a re- agent on some accounts better fitted than chlorine to disengacre iodine in this experiment (see § 150). After a time the solution will exhibit the blue color, though in solutions so dilute as this it sometimes happens that the coloration appears only after the lapse of several hours. It follows, of course, from the foregoing experiment, that the reaction of iodine upon starch can be used as a test for those substances which, like chlorine or nitric acid, are capable of set- ting free iodine, as well as for iodine itself. In the chemical laboratory it is customary to keep on hand for this purpose a store of paper upon which has been spread a mixture of starch- paste and iodide of potassium, prepared as follows : — £xp. 71. — ^Dissolve O'S grm. of pure iodide of potassium (free from iodate) in 100 c. c. of water ; boU this solution in a porcelain dish and stir into it 5 grms. of finely powdered starch, taking care not to bum the starch, and stirring until the mass gelatinizes. Remove the lamp, allow the paste to become cold, and by means of a wooden spatula spread it thinly upon one side of white glazed paper. The paper is then dried, cut into strips about 8 cm. long by 2 wide, and preserved in stoppered bottles kept carefully closed. £xp. 72. — Place in a test-tube a small quantity of binoxide of man- ganese, pour upon it 4 or 5 c. c. of chlorhydric acid, heat the mixtui'e, and hold at the top of the tube a moistened strip of the test-paper which was prepared in the preceding experiment. The chlorine evolved by the reaction of the chlorhydric acid upon the biuoxide of manga- nese sets free iodine from the iodide of potassium upon the test-paper, and the starch is thereby coloured blue. The presence of chlorine in chlorhydric acid is thus made apparent. By this test we might dis- criminate, for example, between dilute nitric and chlorhydric acids, 140. lodoJiydric Acid (HI). — Hydrogen and iodine do not readily unite together directly. There is here nothing to recall the explosive violence with which chlorine and hydrogen com- bine. Sunlight has no power to bring about the union of the two elements at the ordinary temperature ; but when a mixture of hydrogen gas and iodine vapor is passed through a red-hot tube, iodohydric acid is formed. It has been observed, also, that spongy platinum will cause the union of the two elements even at ordinary temperatures. Even when indirect methods are resorted 128 lODOHTDEIC ACID. to, it is less easy to prepare iodohydric acid than chlorliydric or bromhydric acids. If iodide of sodium he distilled -with sulphuric acid, there will be obtained but little iodohydrioacid; for most of that which is produced at first will be subsequently destroyed by the action of sulphuric acid, in the same way as happens to a less extent with bromhydric acid, § 128. As fast as iodohydric acid is formed in accordance with the reaction 2NaI + H^SO^ = NajSOi + SHI, most of it is decomposed by another portion of sulphuric acid, in a manner which may be thus represented : — 2HI + H^SO^ = 2H2O + SO2 + 21. Solutions of iodohydric aeid can, however, be readily obtained by the action of iodine upon a compound of sulphur and hydrogen, called sulphydric acid. In practice, a current of sulphydric acid gas is made to pass through water in which finely divided iodine is kept suspended by agitation. The sulphydric acid, the formula of which is HjS, reacts upon 21, and there is formed 2HI and free sulphur, which is deposited. A solution of iodohydric acid may also be obtained by distilling a mixture of iodine, phosphorus, and much water, in which case the phosphorus unites with the oxygen of a portion of the water, while the iodine takes the hydrogen. Or it may be prepared by decompo- sing an aqueous solution of iodide of barium with an equivalent quan- tity of dilute sulphuric acid, and filtering off the solution ifrom the insoluble sulphate of barium. 141. The dilute acid obtained by either of these methods can be concentrated, by evaporation, to a liquor of 1-7 specific gravity, boiling at 127°, and composed of one molecule of iodohydric acid united with 11 molecules of water. The aqueous solution has a sour, suffocating odor, and pungent acid taste. When concen- trated it fumes strongly in the air. It cannot be long preserved when exposed to contact with the air, for the oxygen of the air unites with its hydrogen, and iodine is set free. At first this iodine dissolves in that portion of the iodohydric acid which has not yet been decomposed ; but after the acid has become saturated, crystals of iodine are deposited, as has been stated in § 137. The decom- position of iodohydric acid is so rapid that the pure, colorless so- lution of it becomes red from separation of iodine after a few lODOHrORIC ACID. 129 hours' exposure to the air, no matter whether it be minute or concentrated. The easy decompoaiton of this acid shows clearly with how much less force hydrogen holds iodine in combination than it holds either chlorine or bromine. 142. The usual method of preparing anhydrous iodohydric acid is as foUows : — In the bottom of a test-tube place a mixture of 9 parts of iodine and 1 part of phosphorus. Cover the mixture with coarsely powdered glass, and bring abou* chemical union between the iodine and the phosphorus by gently heating them. Place now a few drops of water in the tube, and connect with it a gas delivery-tube by means of a caoutchouc stopper. Iodohydric acid will be immediately given off, and may be collected by displacement. Another method is to pack a test-tube with alternate layers of phos- phorus, iodine, and moistened glass-powder, and then to gently heat the tube. The operation depends upon the formation of an iodide of phosphorus and the subsequent decomposition of this body by contact with water into iodohydric acid and a compound of phosphorus, oxygen, and water, called hydrated phosphorous acid : — 2PI3 -1- 6H2O = em -f 3H20,P203. 143. Iodohydric acid is a colorless, acid gas, of suffocating odor ; it fumes strongly in the air, and is very soluble in water. It can be liquefied rather easily by pressure, and solidified at — 51° to a colorless mass Uke ice. The gas is more than four times as heavy as air, its specific gravity having been fouud by observa- tion to be 64'11. From this fact, taken in connexion with the striking analogy which the compound bears to bromhydrio and chlorhydric acids, it follows that the gas is composed of equal volumes of iodine vapor and hydrogen united without condensa- tion ; for the theoretical density of a gas thus composed would be (127-1- l)-r 2=64, a number with which the observed specific gravity closely agrees. The chemical effect of the small propor- tion of hydrogen contained in iodohydric acid is most remark- able. Only Yjg-, or less than 1 per cent, of iodohydric acid is hydrogen, yet this very small proportional quantity of hydrogen is competent to impart an entirely new set of properties, both to the iodine and the hydrogen ; the acid bears no resemblance to either of its constituents. 144. Iodohydric acid is a compound which decomposes easily. 130 IODIC ACID. When a mixture of the gas and oxygen is passed through a red- hot tube, water and free iodine are the products. Chlorine and bromine abstract hydrogen from it, and leave iodine free ; and the same effect is produced by many oxygen compounds which readily part with oxygen. With many of the metals it forms iodides, while hydrogen is set free ; and it reacts upon most of the metallic oxides, forming water and a metallic iodide. Though the hydrogen of iodohydric acid is readily removed by means of oxygen in numerous instances, it appears, upon the other hand, that iodine can abstract hydrogen from most of its combinations with the other elements. Only oxygen, chlorine, bromine, and an element (still to be studied) called fluorine, ex- hibit a stronger tendency than it to unite with hydrogen. Iodine separates hydrogen from its compounds with nitrogen, sulphur, and phosphorus, and from many organic compounds, such as alco- hol and ether, iodohydric acid being formed in each case. 145. Compounds of Iodine and Oxygen. — Of the compounds of iodine and oxygen, only two have as yet been carefully studied. These correspond respectively to chloric and perchloric acids. Compounds analogous to hypochlorous and hypoohloric acids ap- pear to exist, but have not been described with much accuracy. 146. Iodic acid (ifi^) may be obtained directly by oxidizing powdered iodine with monohydrated nitric acid at a moderate heat. After aU the iodine has disappeared, and the excess of nitric acid employed has been evaporated, iodic acid will be left as a white residue. Iodic acid is readily soluble in water, and crystallizes from an acidulated solution in colorless, six-sided tables, of the formula HIO3 or HjO.iPj. It has a pecuhar odor, and acid, disagTceable taste. At the temperature of 170°, water is given off and the anhydrous acid remains. This melts upon being heated more strongly, and suffers decomposition. Iodic acid readily gives up oxygen to many other substances, or, in other words, it is easily decomposed by reducing-agents ; for example, when mixed with iodohydric acid it reacts upon it with formation of water and deposition of iodine : — lOHI + 1,0, = 5H,0 -I- 121. All of the metals are oxidized by it, excepting gold and platinum. IODIDE OF NITKOGEN. 131 With metallic oxides it forms compounds called iodates, which are analogous to the corresponding chlorates and hromates in com- position and properties. 147. Periodic acid (1,0^) may be prepared by passing chlorine gas through a solution of iodate of sodium mixed with caustic soda. Chloride of sodium and basic periodate of sodium will be formed, and the latter, being sparingly soluble in water, will be deposited in crystals : — 'Sa.fi,ljd, + 3(Ifap,H,0) + 4Cl=2Na,0,I,0,+ 4NaCl+ 3H,0. If now the sodium salt be collected and dissolyed in water, and the solution be mixed with nitrate of lead, a periodate of lead will be obtained ; this may be decomposed by means of dilute sulphuric acid into periodic acid and insoluble sulphate of lead. The latter may then be separated by filtration, and the clear so- lution of the acid finally concentrated by evaporation. From the concentrated aqueous solution periodic acid separates in colorless hydrated crystals, which, upon being carefully heated, give off water and yield as a residue the anhydrous acid 1^0^. At a stiU higher temperature, the anhydrous acid deeomposes and gives off oxygen. It is decomposed also by reducing-agents in the same way as iodic acid. The other compounds of iodine and oxygen have but little in- terest for us, except that they serve to increase the number of analogies which subsist between iodine, bromine, and chlorine. 148. Iodide of Nitrogen (?). — There appear to be a number of compoimds which have hitherto been usually classed under this title. They are produced by the action of ammonia upon iodine, and are mostly of a highly explosive character, though their pro- perties and composition vary to a certain extent according to the mode of their preparation. Exp. 73. — Place 0-25 grm. of finely powdered iodine in a porcelain capsule, and pour upon it so much concentrated ammonia-water that the iodine shall be somewhat more than covered ; allow the mixture to stand during 15 or 20 minutes, when an insoluble dark-brown powder wiU be found at the bottom of the liquid. This powder is the so-called iodide of nitrogen. It should be collected upon two or three very small filters and well washed with cold water. Remove the filters, together with their contents, from the funnels, pin them upon bits of board, and leave them to dry spontaneously. k2 132 CHLORIDES OP IODINE. As soon as the powder has become thoroughly dry it will explode upon being rubbed, even with a feather, or jarred, as by the shutting of a door, or by a blow upon the wall or table. Though incomparably less dangerous than chloride of nitrogen, and therefore better suited than the chloride to illustrate the explosive character of this obscure class of nitrogen compounds, iodide of nitrogen must nevertheless be handled with great care, and should never be prepared by the student except in very small quantities. 149. Chlorides of Iodine. — Iodine combines directly with chlo- rine in several proportions, a protochloride, ICl, and a terchloride, IClj, being the best-known of these compounds. The protochloride is obtained by passing dry chlorine over dry iodine, the current of chlorine being checked at the moment when all the iodine has become liquid. Or it may be made by distilling iodine with chlorate of potassium, and collecting the product in a cooled receiver. 3KCIO3 + 21 = KCIO^ + KIO3 -I- KCl -(- 20 -t- ICl. Protochloride of iodine is a i%ddish-brown, oUy liquid, volatile, irrita- ting, and of peneti-ating odor. It decolorizes litmus and indigo, but does not give a blue color with starch. The terchloride may be produced by treating iodine with an excess of chlorine gas, or by acting upon anhydrous iodic acid with dry chlorhydric acid gas ; — Ijd, + lOHCl = 2ICI3 -I- SRfi + 4C1. It is a yellow crystalline solid, melting at 20°-25°. It acts upon other substances in the same manner as the protochloride ; like the protochloride, it decolorizes indigo and does not turn starch blue. 150. A knowledge of the properties of the chlorides of iodine is of some practical importance, since they are liable to be formed incidentally in several chemical processes, which their presence perturbs. Thus, in the manufacture of iodine, as described under § 135, the iodine-lye almost always contains a certain proportion of chloride of sodium. It is evident that if the chlorine in this compound were to be evolved at the same time as the iodine by the action of the black oxide of manganese and sulphuric acid, there would be formed a quantity of the very volatile protochloride of iodine, which would escape condensation. Whatever of iodine was thus combined with chlorine would he lost to the manufacturer. But, as has been repeatedly stated, iodine is an element which THE CECLOEnrE GEOUP. 133 can be much more readily expelled from its combinations than chlorine ; and in the case in point it is fonnd that the iodine in the mixture of iodide of sodium and chloride of sodium, which the iodine-lye contains, -will all come off before the chlorine, if the distillation be slowly conducted. If, through irregular heat- ing, any portion of the contents of the retort should become hotter than the rest, and so lose all its iodine, chlorine would he disen- gaged from that portion, and would unite with the vaporized iodine which fills the retort. To ensure the necessary slow and equable heat, the retort is set upon a stove suitable for the maintenance of a slow fire, and is provided with an agitator, by means of which its contents may be continually stirred. Again, in testing for iodine, as in Exp. 70, chlorine is a far less convenient agelit for setting free the iodine from its combi- nations than fuming liitric acid; for if thfl slightest excess of chlorine be employed, the iodine will all be converted into chlo- ride of iodine, and the starch will not be colored blue. 151. Bromides of lodine.^Theie are two compounds of bro- mine and iodine, and their properties are analogous to those of the chlorides of iodine. 152. Chlorine, bromine, and iodine constitute one of the most remarkable and best-defined natural groups of elements. Whether we regard the uncombined elements or their compounds, it is im- possible not to be struck with the dose analogies which subsist between them. With hydrogen, aU of these elements unite in the proportion of one volume to one volume, without condensation, to form acid compounds extremely soluble in water and possessing thronghont analogous properties. H + + CI = HCl H Br = TTBr H I + m = HI With oxygen each of them forms a powerful acid containing five 134 THE CHLOEHfB GEOTTP. atoms of oxygen, besides divers other compounds of obvious like- ness. The compounds famished by their union with any one metal are always isomorphous (like-formed); the chloride, bromide, and iodide of potassium, for example, aU crystallize in cubes. With nitrogen they all form explosive compounds. Many similar analogies will be made manifest as we proceed to study the other elements, and their compounds with this chlorine group. There is a distinct family resemblance between these three elements as regards their physical as well as their chemical cha- racteristics ; but, in all their properties, a distinct progression is observable from chlorine through bromine to iodine. At the ordinary temperature chlorine is a gas, bromine a Kquid, and iodine a solid, though at temperatures not widely apart they are all known in the gaseous and liquid states. The specific gravity of bromine vapor is* greater than that of chlorine, and that of iodine greater than that of bromine. Chlorine gas is yellow, the vapor of bromine is reddish brown, that of iodine violet. So with all their other properties, — chlorine wiU be at one end of the scale, iodine at the other, while bromine invariably occupies the intermediate position. The properties of many of the compounds of chlorine, bromine, and iodine exhibit a similar progression as we pass from the chlorine compounds to those of iodine. For example, the specific gravity of Chlorhydric acid gas is 18'2 Bromhydric „ 40 '5 lodohydrio „ 64-0 Chlorhydric acid can be liquefied at about —80°, and has not yet been solidified. Bromhydric acid liquefies at about — 60°, and solidifies at about —92°. lodohydric acid liquefies at about —40°, and sohdifies at about —50°. Chlorhydric acid is a more energetic acid than bromhydric, and bromhydric acid is more powerful than iodohydric. The aqueous solution of chlorhydric acid can be kept without change in contact with air; that of bromhydric acid becomes colored after a while, from separation of bromine ; but the solution of iodohydric acid decomposes rapidly, and much iodine is deposited. As regards the relative chemical power of these elements, it FtTTOBISrE. 135 has already been shown that the intensity of this force becomes less as we descend from chlorine to iodine. It is easy, for ex- ample, to displace iodine from its compounds by means of bromine, Nal + Br = NaBr + I, and equally easy to displace bromine from its combinations by means of chlorine, NaBr + CI = NaCl + Br. 153. It is an important principle, borne out by most of the other groups of elements, and emphatically true of the natural family now under consideration, that, with kindred elements, the chemical power of each is great, in comparison with that of the related elements, in proportion as its atomic weight is low. Among the members of a natural chemical group, chemical energy seems to be inversely proportional to atomic weight. Thus the atomic weight of chlorine is 35-5, that of bromine SO, and that of iodine 127, while the chemical energy of these elements fol- lows the opposite order. 154. It is noteworthy that elements of like character almost always- occur associated with one another in nature. Bromine and iodine are always found in company with chlorine. That this should be so is in nowise surprising. Those elements which are similar in character and properties must necessarily be simi- larly acted upon by the natural forces to which they are exposed, and must therefore inevitably tend to be gathered or deposited* in like places under like conditions. CHAPTER XI. FLTJOKIlfE. 155. There is another substance, called fluorine, which is closely analogous to chlorine. This element cannot be readily obtained in the free state, and scarcely anything is known 'of it in that condition. Special interest attaches to it upon this very account, 136 riUORHTDKIC ACID. and many fruitless eiforts to isolate it have been made. Of aU the elements, it appears to have the strongest tendency to enter into chemical combination ; at all events it is the most difficult to ob- tain, and to keep, in the free and uncombined condition. It is not only difficult to expel fluorine from the minerals in which it is found in nature, but on being set free from one com- pound it immediately attacks whatever substance is nearest at hand, and so enters into a new combination. Hence it is weU- nigh impossible to collect it. It destroys at once glass, porcelaia, and metal, the materials from which chemical apparatus is usually constructed. Vessels made of the mineral fluor-spar (a compound of fluorine and calcium), are the only ones which have as yet been found capable of withstanding its action. By operating in such vessels, a small quantity of impure fluorine gas appears to have been reaUy obtained ; but the process is difficult, expensive, and not uniformly successful. Little or no doubt, however, is entertained as to the general nature of fluorine, since its com- pounds are closely analogous in many respects to the correspond- ing compounds of chlorine, bromine, and iodine. The symbol of fluorine is Fl. Its atomic weight is 19. It occurs tolerably abundantly in nature as fluoride of calcium (CaFlj), in the miueral known as fluor-spar. SmaU quantities of fluorine are foimd also in several other minerals, in vegetable and animal substances, particularly in bones; and traces of it t)ccur in sea- water, and in various rocks and soils. It appears to be almost as widely disseminated as iodine, though, from the lack of delicate tests for fluorine, it is far less readily detected. Of late years a considerable mine of a fluorine mineral called cryo- lite (fluoride of sodium and tduminum) has been worked in Green- land. 156. FluorJiydric Acid ('SF]).—'Witlih.yiiogen, fluorine forms a powerful acid corresponding to chlorhydric acid and the other hydrides of the chlorine group. It is a more energetic acid than either of these, but is specially characterized by its corrosive action upon glass. It may be readily prepared by distilling powdered fluor-spar with strong sulphuric acid; the reaction being analogous to that which occurs when common salt is treated with sulphuric acid : — PLUOEHTDKIC ACID. 137 CaFl, + H,SO, =CaSO, + 2HF1. Since the acid rapidly corrodes glass, the process must be con- ducted in metallic vessels. Ordinarily, retorts of lead or platinum are employed, and the distillate is collected in receivers made of the same metals, and carefully cooled by means of ice. 157. The product of the distillation is a very volatile, colorless liquid, a little heavier than water. It is strongly acid, emits copious white and highly suffocating fumes in the air, boUs at 15°, and remains unfrozen at —20°. On account of its corrosive power, this substance is highly dangerous ; if any of it happens to come in contact vnth the skin, wounds are produced which are very difficult to heal ; a single drop of it is sufficient to occasion a deep and painful sore. In preparing the acid, special provision must be made for carrying away from the operator any fumes which may escape condensation. The acid may be kept in bottles made of lead or silver, or of gutta percha, substances upon which it has no action. It unites with water with great avidity, so much heat being evolved that a hissing noise is produced, as if a bar of red-hot iron had been immersed in the water. In its concentrated form the acid has a specific gravity of 1-061, but on the addition of a certain amount of water the density increases to 1'15, a definite hydrate (HFl-|-2HjO) being formed, which boils at 120°, and may be distilled unchanged. The further addition of water to this hy- drate is attended with a regular decrease in density. According to some chemists, the liquid acid obtained as above described is not anhydrous. It is asserted that if it be distUled with an excess of anhydrous phosphoric acid (a substance which has a very strong affinity for water), the anhydride will be set free in the form of a colorless, extremely irritating gas. 158. Upon metals and metallic oxides, fluorhydric acid acts like chlorhydric acid, only more powerfully ; but its most striking peculiarity is its action upon silica and the compounds of silica, such as glass or porcelain. If a drop of the concentrated acid be allowed to fall upon a piece of glass, it becomes hot, boils, and partially distils off as a fluoride of silicon, while the glass is cor- roded and becomes covered with a white powder consisting of com- pounds of fluorine and various constituents of the glass. If this 138 ETCHING BY rLTTOKHTIIKIC ACID. powder be washed away a deep impression will be found upon the glass at the point where the acid has acted. This corrosive power, which is possessed by fluorhydrie acid gas as well as its aqueous solution, is made use of for etching glass. The graduations on the glass stems of thermometers and eudiometers may thus be made with great precision and facility ; the acid is largely employed also in ornamenting glass with etched patterns. Exp. 74 — Warm a slip of glass and rub it with beeswax so that it shall be everywhere covered with a thin, uniform laj'er of the wax. With a needle, or other pointed instrument, write a name, or trace any outline through the wax, so as to expose a portion of the glass. Lay the etching, face downward, upon a bowl or trough of sheet-lead, in which has been placed a teaspoonful of powdered fluor-spar and enough strong sulphuric acid to convert it into a thin paste ; if the glass be smaller than the opening of the dish, it may be supported upon wires laid across the latter. Cover the glass and the top of the dish with a sheet of paper, and then gently heat the leaden vessel for a few moments, taking care not to melt the wax ; then set the dish aside in a warm place and leave it at rest during an hour or two. Finally melt the wax and wipe it ofi the glass with a towel or bit of paper ; the glass will be found to be etched and corroded at the places where it was laid bare by the re- moval of the wax. This experiment can be performed more rapidly by covering the outside of a watch-glass with wax, tracing characters upon this layer, and then placing the glass upon a small platinum crucible containing a mixture of fluor-spar and sulphuric acid, which is heated over the gas- lamp. The watch-glass is meanwhile kept full of water, in order to prevent the wax from melting. In this way the etching can be effected in the course of a few minutes. Instead of the gas, a dilute aqueous solution of the acid may be em- ployed in this experiment. The concentrated acid of § 157, diluted with six parts of water, answers a good purpose. In this case the etched smface will appear smooth like the rest of the glass, while in case the gas is employed the etched portion of the glass will be duU and rough. 159. No compounds of fluorine with chlorine, bromine, iodine, nitrogen, or oxygen have yet been discovered, though a sulphur compound has been obtained, as a fuming liquid, by distilling fluoride of lead with sulphur. Fluorine is the only element of OZONE AND ANIOZONE. 139 which no oxygen compound is known ; this fact, however, will appear less remarkable if it be remembered that, in order to ob- tain oxygen compounds of chlorine," bromine, and iodine, it is necessary first to isolate these elements, and to have them in the free and uucombined condition. Analogy would therefore teach that a practicable method of preparing free fluorine must be dis- covered before we can hope to prepare oxides of fluorine. 160. The fact that fluorine forms a powerful acid with hydro- gen, connects this element with the three elements (chlorine, bromine, and iodine) which have last been studied. Many of its compounds with the metals are analogous in composition to the compounds of chlorine, bromine, and iodine, and not a few of these compounds are isomorphous with one another. It is cus- tomary therefore to study fluorine in. connexion with the chlorine group ; but the student should remember that in several respects it differs widely from chlorine, and that its connexion therewith is, in any event, less intimate than that of either bromine or iodine. CHAPTEE XII. OZONE AND ANTOZONE. 161. Besides ordinary oxygen, such as is found in the air and has been prepared in Exps. 5 and 7, two other kinds or forms of this element are known to chemists. These new modifications of oxygen have received special names, and are called ozone and antozone respectively. 162. Several other elements, notably sulphur, phosphorus, and carbon, occur, as oxygen does, in very unlike states, or with very different attributes, whUe the fundamental chemical identity of the substance is preserved. The word allotropism is employed to express this capability of some of the elements; it is derived from Greek words signifying of a different habit, or character. This word serves merely to bring iuto one category a considerable number of conspicuous facts, of whose essential nature we have 140 OZONE. no knowledge ; there is, of course, nO Yirtue in the word itself to explain or account for the phenomena to which it refers. 163. Ozone is an exceedingly energetic chemical agent, which resembles chlorine in some respects ; it can therefore he advan- tageously studied in connexion with the chlorine group. More- over, since ozone and antozone were for a long time confounded with one another, and since they are really intimately related, they should, of course, be studied together. The most natural connexion of these somewhat obscure bodies is with oxygen ; but we are better able to appreciate what is known of the properties of ozone and antozone now that we have become acquainted with a number of the elements, and have made ourselves familiar with a considerable variety of chemical processes and reactions, than we were at the very outset, when common oxygen was neces- sarily studied. 164. It had long been noticed that when an electrical machine was put in operation a peculiar, pungent odor was developed; but it is only at a comparatively recent period that it has been observed that the same odor is manifested during the electrolysis of water (§ 35), and that this odor resembles that evolved by moistened phosphorus when exposed to the air. It has gradually been made out that the odor in each of these cases is due to the presence of a peculiar modification of oxygen, called ozone from a Greek word signifying to smell. This modification of oxygen was at one time erroneously supposed by some to be a high oxide of hydrogen, of composition HjO^, or H^Oj ; but this view has lately been completely disproved. Of the methods of obtaining ozone above suggested, that by phosphorus will usually be found most convenient. Exp. 76.— In a clean bottle, of 1 or 2 litres capacity, place a piece of phosphorus 2 or 3 cm. long, the surface of which has been scraped clean (under water) with a knife ; pour water into the bottle until the phosphorus is half covered; close the bottle with a loose stopper and set it aside in a place where the temperature is 20° or 30°. In the course of ten or fifteen minutes a column of fog will be seen to rise from that portion of the phosphorus which projects above the water, the original garhc odor of the phosphorus will soon be lost, and the peculiar odor of ozone will gTadually pervade the bottle. After OZONE BT ELECTEICITT. 141 five or six hours, the bottle wiE be found to contain an abundance of ozone for use in the subsequent experiments. The chemical changes' -which occur during this experiment are complicated ; it will be enough to say of them that the phos- phorus unites with oxygen from the air in the bottle to form an oxide of phosphorus, which will be studied hereafter imder the name of phosphorous acid ; that during this process of oxidation a portion of the oxygen in the bottle is changed into ozone and antozone, and that some of the ozone remains, even after many hours, diffused in the air of the bottle. 165. It must be distinctly understood that no very large quan- tity of ozone is obtained in the foregoing experiment. At the best, only a very minute proportion of it will be found in the air of the bottle. But ozone is a substance possessing great chemical power, and but little of it is needed in order to exhibit its cha- racteristic properties. If it be desired to prepare ozone by passing electric discharges through air or oxygen, either of these gases may be sealed up in nar- row glass tubes, through the centres of which are passed platinum wires, welded tightly into the glass, as shown in Fig. 37, and a series of sparks from an electrical machine is thrown through the gas in the tube, during ten or twelve hours. If the experiment be continued longer than this, nothing is gained ; for the sparks after this time appear to destroy the ozone previously produced. To avoid the difficulty last named, a slow current of oxygen may be forced through a tube open at both ends, and electrical discharges may be passed through the gas in its transit ; a constant stream of ozonized air will be thus obtained. Instead of the sparks, the gas within the tube may be sub- jected to silent discharges of electricity obtained by con- -f 'g- •>'• necting one of the platinum wires with the ground, the •(~-X-= other with the prime conductor of an electrical machine, and slowly turning the crank of the latter. By using a tube having wires near the top, as in Fig. 37, and closing the lower end of the tube by immersing it in a bath filled with an aqueous solution of iodide of potassium, so that the ozone may be absorbed as fast as it is formed, it has been found possible, by some experimenters, to transform and remove ^^ aU the original oxygen contained in the tube. 166. Ozone is produced not only during the slow oxidation of 142 OZONE BY OXIDATION. phosphorus, and by the actioa of electricity upon air or oxygen ; a certain quantity of it appears to be produced also during other processes of oxidation. It is readily formed, for example, during the slow combustion of ether and of various other volatile liquids ; it can be at once produced by plunging a heated glass rod or iron wire into a mixture of air and ether vapor. Into a wide-mouthed bottle, a small quantity of ether is poured ; the bottle is shaken for a moment, that the air within it may become charged with the vapor of ether ; the liquid ether, if any remain, is then poured away, and a large glass rod, or thick iron wire, heated to about 250°, is thrust into the bottle. The rod must not be too hot, lest the ozone formed be reconverted into ordinary oxygen ; if it be insuf- ficiently heated no ozone is produced. During the slow oxidation of oil of turpentine, oil of cinnamon, oil of lemons, and others of the so-caUed essential oils, at the ordinary temperature of the air a considerable quantity of ozone is produced. This may be seen in oil of turpentine which has been kept for a long time in half-filled bottles, exposed to sunlight, and frequently opened and shaken. The formation of ozone imder these circumstances ex- plains the familiar fact that the corks employed to close bottles con- taining oil of turpentine and the analogous oils are soon bleached and corroded. At the same time, antozone is also produced in large quan- tity, as win be explained hereafter. If quicksilver, to which a little water and a few drops of a solution of indigo have been added, be shaken up violently in a large bottle fall of air, the indigo wiU soon be bleached as if by the action of ozone. 167. One of the best methods of preparing ozone is by treating a compound known as permanganate of potassium with sulphuric acid. It should be observed, however, that in this process, as in all the others, the ozone obtained is mixed with common oxygen ; no available method of isolating ozone in a condition of purity has yet been made known. A small quantity of concentrated sulphuric acid is placed in the bottom of a bottle, and a quantity of pure, dry permanganate of potas- sium, in fine powder, is added ; the proportion of acid to permanganate should be three parts to two, by weight. A strong smell of ozone will be at once perceived, and the pasty mass will continue to give off ozone for a long time. In this case it is conjectured that a portion of the oxygen of the per- manganate of potassium, the empirical formula of which is KjMnjOj, PBOPERTIES OP OZONE. 143 actually exists in the compound as ozone, and is given off as such when the compound is decomposed. 168. As has been already mentioned, the chemical behavior of ozone is analogous to that of chlorine ; it bleaches and destroys vegetable coloring-matters, and is a powerful disinfectant. Like chlorine it instantly decomposes the iodides of the metals ; upon this property is based a ready method of testing for its presence. Exp. 76. — Into the bottle of ozonized air (Exp. 75), thrust a mois- tened slip of the test-paper, saturated with starch and iodide of potas- sium, which was prepared in Exp. 71 ; the paper wiU instantly acquire a deep blue tint. As in the case where the test-paper was, employed for detecting chlorine (Exp. 72), so here, the reaction depends upon the displacement of the chemically feeble iodine by the more powerful ozone : — SKI -1- = EjO + 21. The ozone here acts as oxygen, in one sense ; at all events the oxide of potassium formed is not to be distinguished from oxide of potassium prepared with common oxygen ; but this in nowise contradicts the fact that ozone is an extraordinarily active and energetic variety of oxygen, inasmuch as common oxygen will not effect this decomposition. 169. Ozone is an irritating, poisonous gas ; air which is highly charged with it is irrespirable, and produces effects on the human subject similar to those produced by chlorine. Its odor, which has been compared to that of weak chlorine, is so powerful that it can be recognized in air containing only one millionth part of the gas. Its oxidizing power is intense. When moisture is pre- sent it oxidizes all the metals excepting gold, platinum, and the platinum metals ; even silver is oxidized by it at the ordinary temperature, and becomes covered with a brown coating of per- oxide of silver. It destroys many hydrogen compounds, such as those of sulphur, phosphorus, and iodine, the hydrogen being oxidized as well as the element with which the hydrogen is associated ; iodohydric acid, for instance, is converted into water and iodic acid. In the same way, free iodine is oxidized by ozone, and if test-paper which has become blue by exposure to ozone, as in Exp. 76, be left long in ozonized air, it wiU become white from oxidation of the iodine. Ozone will even oxidize nitrogen, at the ordinary temperature, when in contact with water and such alkaline oxides as caustic soda, caustic potash, 144 TESTING FOE OZONE. or caustic lime ; thus, if lime-water (a solution of caustic lime in water) be left exposed to ozonized air, a certain quantity of nitrate of lime will be formed. Ammonia is oxidized by it also, and it converts nitrous and sulphurous into nitric and sulphuric acids. Many salts of the metals are oxidized by it— for example, the sulphates of iron and of manganese. A valuable test for the presence of ozone is furnished by its behavior towards sulphate of manganese. Exp. 77. — Dissolve a gramme or two of sulphate of manganese in water ; soak in this solution strips of thin white blotting-paper ; dry the paper, and preserve it in a bottle. If a slip of this paper be mois- tened, and then hung in Ozonized air (Exp. 75), it wiU quickly become brown from the formation upon it of black oxide of manganese. In like manner, most organic substances are quickly oxidized by ozone ; when substances such as sawdust, garden-mould, powdered charcoal, mUk, or flesh are thrown into a bottle of ozonized air, the odor of ozone instantly disappears ; corks and caoutchouc tubes are attacked by it, and must not be used in experimenting with the gas. It destroys the color of indigo, and bleaches litmus without first reddening it. Some organic bodies, on the other hand, become colored when exposed to its action ; thus, the cut surface of an apple becomes brown, and fresh sur- faces of certain mushrooms become blue. Gum guaiacum also becomes blue. Papers soaked in a dilute alcoholic solution of gum guaiacum, indeed, are often employed as a test for ozone. Exp. 78. — Dissolve one part of gum guaiacum in thirty parts of ninety per cent, alcohol ; add a few drops of this solution to 2 c. c. of ordinary eighty per cent, alcohol ; dip in this dilute solution strips of thin white blotting-paper, and dry them in the dark. By exposure to ozonized air this test-paper acquires a bright blue color. 170. By virtue of its strong oxidizing-power, ozone is of great importance as a disinfecting agent. It destroys instantly a mul- titude of offensive gases, such as arise from decaying animal and vegetable matter, and has been frequently recommended of late as a substance weU fitted for the purification of sick-rooms and hospital- wards. Where ozone is employed for purposes of disin- fection, it must be borne in mind that the action of the gas OZONE A DISINFECTANT. 145 depends solely upon oxidation. A given quantity of ozone can destroy only a certain definite amount of tte offensive organic matter; wherever these emanations are incessantly generated, ozone must be as constantly produced in order to destroy them. This disinfecting-power of ozone is interesting ia connexion with the observed facts, that ozone is abundant in the air of pine forests, where turpentine abounds, and that pine forests are, as a general rule, remarkably free from malaria. The weU-known disinfeeting-power of tar is supposed in like manner to be partly due to the formation of ozone during the oxidation of some of its ingredients. Coal-tar, mixed with plaster-of-Paris, coal-ashes, or dry earth, in quantity sufficient to destroy its stickiness, has been found to be a very efficient disinfectant. The dry powder obtained as above, is simply scattered freely about the offensive locality. The coal-tar, of course, evolves a shght odor, peculiar to itself, which tends to mask or conceal other odors, and also acts as an antiseptic, or arrester of putrefaction ; but its chief merit does not appear to depend upon either of these pro- perties ; it seems really to destroy the gases which are evolved from putrescent matter, and probably does so by generating ozone. 171. It is supposed that a minute proportion of ozone exists in normal atmospheric air : at all events, there is usually present in air a substance which exhibits the various reactions of ozone, and behaves as ozone would if it were there. This atmospheric ozone, which is supposed to be formed in the processes of oxida- tion which are always going on in nature, varies in quantity with the locality, the season of the year, the hour of the day, and many other circumstances. 172. Ozone is seldom found in the air of thickly inhabited loca- lities ; it often happens that it cannot be detected in the air of cities at the very time when it is abundant ia the neighboring country. It is often found to be abundant on the windward side of a city, and altogether absent from the air upon the leeward side, the in- ference being that it is destroyed by the exhalations which arise from a dense population. Ozone appears to be more abundant in the air in winter than in summer, in cloudy than in clear weather, and by night than by day ; it has been observed to be specially abundant at times when dew was falling heavily. As might be expected, comparatively large quantities of it are found 146 OZOND IN THE ATMOSPHEKB. during thunder-storms, and its odor has been recognized in the neighborhood of objects struck by lightning. Ozone is abundant during snow-storms ; and it is probable that upon its presence de- pends the well-known bleaching-power of newly fallen snow. In searching for ozone in the air, test-paper containing iodide of po- tassium and starch, such as was prepared in Exp. 71, is usually em- ployed. Dry slips of the prepared paper are exposed, during from six to twenty-four hours, to a free current of air, in a place well sheltered from light and rain. By exposure the dry paper becomes brown, and when wetted acquires shades of color varying from pinkish-white and iron- gray to blue. The shade of color obtained in this way is then compared with a standard chromatic scale, which includes all the shades possible under the circumstances ; and the proportion of ozone present in the air is thus roughly estimated. Although observations of this Hnd are far from possessing that degree of accuracy and certainty which is desirable, they have never- theless been considered trustworthy by numerous observers, and have given rise to much speculation concerning the functions of atmospheric ozone, more particularly with regard to its probable influence upon health and disease. If there be ozone in the atmosphere, it will, on the one hand, oxidize and destroy many volatile organic substances which are supposed to be prejudicial to health. Hence many physicians are of opinion that the atmospheric ozone plays an important part in con- trolling or preventing epidemic diseases through its power of remo- ving infectious matter from the air ; and it has been noticed that with the advent of an ozone-bearingwind such diseases have abated or ceased. But, on the other hand, ozone is a highly irritating gas, and in the opinion of some physicians occasions many diseases of the respiratory organs. Numerous statements are upon record to the effect that epi- demics of catarrh, colds, sore throat, and influenza have been coinci- dent with the beginning of a spell of ozoniferous wind. 173. Ozone is usually considered to be completely insoluble in water ; but it has been recently ascertained that water can take up a small quantity of it, and so acquire some of the properties of ozone. When ozonized air is passed through a solution of caustic soda or caustic potash, a certain amoTint of ozone is absorbed at first, perhaps by combination- with some oxidizable impurity of the solution, but after a little time the ozone will pass through without apparent alteration. Acids do not absorb ozone. It is readily absorbed, however, by aqueous solutions of iodide of potas- ANIOZONE. 147 slum and of pyrogallic acid, with the constituents of which it enters into combinations not to be distinguished from those made with oxygen. 174. At moderately high temperatures ozone loses its peculia- rities and changes into ordinary oxygen ; if ozonized air, such as was obtained in Exp. 75, is made to pass through a narrow glass tube heated to 250°, its peculiar odor, and its power of decom- posing iodide of potassium will entirely disappear. The same change occurs gradually if the tube is heated only to 100°, — or instantly if steam be thrown into the ozonized air, so that the whole of it can be heated at once to 100° ; hence it may be stated, in general terms, that ozone is converted into ordinary oxygen at temperatures greater than 100°- 175. Ozone is supposed to exist as such in several of the oxides. Black oxide of manganese, for example, is thought to contain it as a constituent ; and a method of obtaining it from perman- ganic acid has been already given, § 167. The oxygen com- pounds which are supposed to contain ozone are called ozonides. The formulae of the following compounds, recognized as ozonides, are here given for the sake of reference ; — PbO, CrO, MnO, Co^, N,0, Ag^O, MnO, MnA Ni^ Bi,0, 176. Antozone (the opponent or opposite of ozone) appears to be produced simultaneously with ozone whenever the latter is formed, whether by electrical action or during processes of oxida- tion. It may even be that, as some chemists believe, ordinary oxygen is in a certain sense a compound, substance, and that when in contact with phosphorus, and in the other circumstances under which ozone is produced, the neutral oxygen is split or de- composed into two opposite and dissimilar modifications — we had almost said elements — one of which is ozone, the other antozone. It is thought that while the greater part of the ozone thus engen- dered enters into combination with the phosphorus, or other substance, undergoing oxidation, a certain portion of it, together with some of the antozone, becomes mixed with the surrounding air, and so escapes combining with the body which is being oxi- dized. Only a comparatively short time has elapsed since antozone l2 148 PKEPAEATION OF ANTOZONE. has been recognized as a distinct substance ; hence its properties have been less thoroughly studied than those of ozone. Many of its characteristics and properties are stiU involved in great ob- scurity, very various and even conflicting statements having been published concerning them. 177. Of the methods devised for preparing antozone, the fol- lowing deserve notice : — By passing dry electrized air (§ 166) through a concentrated aque- ous solution of iodide of potassium, or of pyrogallic acid, all the ozone contained in the air will be at once absorbed, and the antozone left behind, iree from any admixture of ozone. During the slow oxidation of oil of turpentine and other volatile or essential oils (§ 166), a considerable quantity of antozone is produced, as well as of ozone. While most of the ozone at once combines with the constituents of the oil, to form resins and other products of oxida- tion, the antozone, which does not oxidize the oil, is dissolved by it. In what state the antozone exists within the oil is still tmcertain ; but it is, in any event, very loosely held, and is readily given up to other substances. In the same way that ozone maybe prepared, by chemical decompo- sition, from permanganate of potassium, a compound supposed to con- tain ozone (§ 167), antozone may be obtained by decomposing certain compounds which are beheved to contain this variety of oxygen — such, for example, as peroxide of barium, BaOj. A little concentrated sul- phuric acid is poured into a small bottle, and into this acid are thrown a number of small fragments of peroxide of barium (free from any ad- mixture of nitrate of barium) ; so soon as an evolution of gas ensues, the air of the bottle will be found charged with antozone. This re- action is sometimes capricious. Usually it occurs at the ordinary temperature of the air ; but it is often necessary to place the bottle in a water-bath heated to 60° or 60°, in order to start the evolution of gas ; and, on the other hand, the violence of the reaction must some- times be allayed by immersing the bottle in cold water. In the preparation of ozone by means of phosphorus in moist air (Exp. 75), or by the electrolysis of water (§ 35), the antozone which is formed at the same time with the ozone, unites with the water present, and must there be sought. (See § 181.) Antozone has been found in nature in a dark-blue variety of fluor- spar from Wolsendorf, in Bavaria. Upon being rubbed, this mineral emits a peculiar odor, which was formerly thought to be that of chlo- rine or of hypochlorous acid. More recent investigations have shown PKOPBMIES OF ANTOZONE. 149 that the odor is that of aiitozone, and that by grinding the mineral with water the antozone can be transferred to the water. 178. Antozone is a gas, the odor of which, somewhat resembles that of ozone ; there is, however, a decided difference between the two odors, that of antozone being disgusting, while that of ozone is merely pungent and irritating. Antozone changes at once to ordinary oxygen on being heated. Even at the ordinary temperature it reverts to common oxygen very readily — much more readily than ozone. Most of the antozone usually disap- pears from dry electrized air in the course of an hour, or an hour and a half; and if the air be moist, the change is still more rapid. Ozone, on the contrary, is comparatively permanent, under the same conditions ; and although when a mixture of ozone and anto- zone is left in contact with water in a glass-stoppered bottle, some ozone is destroyed during the reversion of the antozone, the larger portion of it will remain almost, if not quite, unaltered for months. Antozone, whether moist or dry, also reverts to the condition of ordinary oxygen on being brought in contact with black oxide of manganese, peroxide of lead, or finely divided platinum. 179. A very remarkable characteristic of antozone is its power of forming fogs and clouds with water. It may even be found, after the matter has been more thoroughly studied, that all the fogs and clouds which occur in nature are dependent for their existence upon the presence of antozone. If air, charged with antozone, be made to bubble through water, it wiU emerge from the water in the form of a thick white mist, similar to that formed by the cooling of steam. The same thing occurs when electrized air, or electrized oxygen, issues into a moist atmosphere, though the effect is less marked when ozone is present than when it has been removed by means of iodide of potassium. The mist pro- duced by slowly passing antozonized air through water is heavy ; it remains hanging over the surface of the liquid, and may be readily poured from one vessel to another. By conducting it through a tube to the bottom of a dry, tall bottle, it displaces the air, all the while preserving a sharply defined boundary ; by gentle agitation it is easily broken up into cloud-like masses. When a large, dry bottle is nearly fiUed with this antozone mist, then closed and left to itself, the mist gradually becomes thinner and 150 THE ANTOZONE CLOXTD. less opaque, and in the course of half or three-quarters of an hour vanishes altogether. As the cloud thus disappears, water is deposited upon the sides of the hottle, at first as a mere dew, but afterwards accumulating in droplets, which finally flow together to the bottom of the vessel. When the air in the bottle has become clear, no antozoue can be detected in it. It thus appears that antozone has the property of taking up water in such a manner that the water assiunes the peculiar physical condi- tions of a cloud or mist. While the antozone lasts the cloud is per- manent ; but the antozone is soon transformed into ordinary oxygen, and as fast as this change occurs the water of the cloud is deposited in droplets. By passing the antozone mist through tubes filled with desiccating substances, such as chloride of calcium (Appendix, § 15), the water may be removed, and transparent antozonized air obtained, capable of again producing a mist on being brought in contact with water. Many strong saline solutions likewise deprive antozone of water ; hence the non-appearance of the cloud when electrized air is passed through a strong solution of iodide of potassium ; the cloud does appear, how- ever, when the solution is sufficiently dilute. It has been proved by experiment that electrized air can sup- port or carry nearly twice as much moisture as ordinary air or oxygen at the same temperature, and that this air is much more difficult to dry than the gases with which chemists usually have to deal. This explains how it happened that, before the disco- very of the cloud-forming property of antozone, so many obser- vers had been led to consider ozone an oxide of hydrogen. One experimenter would pass recently electrized air through an ordi- nary drying-tube, such as long experience had shown to be capable of drying common air perfectly, and would then heat the gas ; by this treatment both the ozone and the antozone would be changed to ordinary oxygen, and the water which had been carried through the drying-tube by the antozone would be made visible. The remarkable capacity of antozone for moisture being unknown, the water thus obtained was naturally enough supposed to have been derived from some compound of hydrogen and oxy- gen other than water, and capable of passing unabsorbed through the drying-tube. Other chemists, performing, as they supposed, the same experiment, but in reality operating upon air less recently electrized, and so containing no antozone, were, of course, unable ANTOZONB FORMED DtTEING COMBTTSTION. 151 to obtain any water at the point where it had been observed by their predecessors ; hence arose a series of controversies which have only recently been composed. 180. As has been already mentioned, antozone, like ozone, is formed in all processes of oxidation and combustion. During combustion most of the ozone produced enters into combination with the substance burned, while the antozone is left free, or enters into combination with water to form peroxide of hydrogen. "When the combustion is slow or smouldering, antozone appears in large quantities, and in presence of moisture forms the cha- racteristic mist or cloud. Tobacco-smoke, the gray smoke of chimneys and of gunpowder, and all such smokes are antozone clouds, — facts which support the idea that aU clouds, fogs, and mists are caused by the presence of antozone in the atmosphere. The oxidation of phosphorus affords a ready method of exhibiting the antozone cloud. During the oxidation of phosphorus in moist air, white fumes are formed, which were long a great puzzle to chemists. Whether the phosphorus he allowed to oxidize slowly, as in Exp. 75, or burned rapidly, as in Exp. 13, there is always produced a white mist of very considerable permanence, which remains long after the oxides of phosphorus, which are also formed, have been taken up and removed by the water. This mist is the antozone cloud; it is nothing but water held suspended by antozone. In the rapid combustion of phosphorus, little or no ozone is left free; all of it seems to unite directly with the phosphorus ; hut much more antozone is produced when the combustion is rapid than when it is slow. The formation of antozone in this connexion explains the fact already alluded to (Exp. 13), that phosphorus burning with flame, m a coniined volume of air, does not wholly exhaust the latter of oxygen. The phosphorus cannot combine with antozone, but only with ozone ; hence, when no oxygen other than that in the form of antozone re- mains, the combustion must cease. During the bvuning of a jet of hydrogen under a bell-glass through which a stream of air is drawn, antozone is formed, as is proved by passing the issuing stream through water ; the antozone cloud is pro- duced without difficulty, and peroxide of hydrogen appears as a pro- duct. The formation of the antozone mist, and of peroxide of hydro- gen, may be observed with any other flame if care be taken that the air which streams over the flame be not too strongly heated. A high temperature destroys the antozone as fast as it is formed. 152 AJfTOZONE OXIDIZES WATEB. 181. Besides its power of forming clouds or mists with, water, which is interesting rather as a physical than as a chemical fact, antozone, partictilarly when newly formed, also unites with water chemically, the suhstance called peroxide of hydrogen (see § 61), whose composition is expressed by the formula H^O^, being the result of the combination. A simple method of exhibiting the formation of peroxide of hydro- gen by the action of antozone upon water, is to place a short, narrow tube, containing concentrated sulphuric acid, within a bottle 2 or 3 cm. in width, furnished with a ground-glass stopper, and filled with water nearly to the top of the tube. Small portions of peroxide of barium are now added, at intervals, to the sulphuric acid in the tube, elevation of temperature being avoided as far as possible ; the stopper should be replaced in the bottle after each addition of the peroxide. Most of the oxygen evolved in this process appears, however, to be in the ordinary inactive state, and the solution of peroxide of hydrogen obtained is consequently extremely dilute. A better method of pro- cedure is to pass a current of carbonic acid gas into a mixture of water and peroxide of barium, Ba02 4- HjO -I- CO2 = BaO,C02 -|- H^Oj. In this way a highly concentrated solution of the peroxide can be obtained. Another easy method of preparing peroxide of hydrogen is by the oxidation of amalgams of lead or zinc. In this case also, as in the preceding, the peroxide of hydrogen is probably formed by the union of antozone with water. One hundred giammes of lead-amalgam, containing so much mer- cury that it shall be fluid at the ordinary temperature, is shaken in a bottle of the capacity of a litre, together with 200 c. c. of water, aci- dulated with 2 grms. of sulphuric acid; the water soon becomes nulky from separation of sulphate of lead, and in the course of ten or twelve minutes contains enough peroxide of hydrogen to exhibit the charac- teristic reactions of this substance. So, too, if pulverulent zinc-amalgam be loosely thrown into a glass funnel, with narrow throat, and a thin stream of water be allowed to flow through it in such manner that the metal may be at the same time acted upon by both air and water, the water will become charged with peroxide of hydrogen. By repeatedly pouring back the dilute solution of the peroxide upon the amalgam, it can be very considerably strengthened. In order to prepare the zinc-amalgam, equal weights of zinc-filings and of mercury are placed in a beaker glass, covered with riPPEEENCES BETWEEN OZONE AND ANIOZONE. 153 water acidvdated with sulphuric or chlorhydric acid, and thoroughly mixed by stirring with a glass rod ; the acid is then poured away, and the last portions of it remoyed from the amalgam by washing with water. This power of antozone to oxidize water distinguishes it com- pletely from ozone, which has little or no action upon water. 182. Peroxide of hydrogen, like peroxide of barium, is supposed to contain one atom of oxygen in the form of antozone ; the per- oxides of potassium, sodium, and strontium also are placed in the same category. They are all called antozonides. 183. Antozone can be distinguished from ozone by the follow- ing tests : — Strips of paper, charged with a solution of sulphate of manganese' (Exp. 77), do not become brown when exposed to the action of ant- ozone ; on the contrary, manganese papers which have been browned by ozone are bleached by antozone. Guaiacum paper (Eip. 78) does not become blue in antozonized air. The yellow compound called ferrocyanide of potassium, which is converted into red ferricyanide of potassium by the action of ozone, is not changed by antozone. In the absence of acids, antozone has no action upon iodide of potassium. The chemical behavior of antozone may be conveniently studied by resorting to its compound with water, the antozonide peroxide of hy- drogen. If peroxide of hydrogen be brought in contact with an ozonide like peroxide of lead, for example, both of the peroxides wiU be re- duced, and there wiU result water, protoxide of lead, and &ee ordinary oxygen. Whenever an antozonide is mixed with an ozonide, a similar reaction occurs; the two active varieties of oxygen disappear, and common oxygen is evolved ; hence it has been assumed that ordinary inactive oxygen is a sort of compound, resulting from the union or neutralization of ozone with antozone. Several important tests for antozone are dependent upon this fact of the decomposition of ant- ozonides by ozonides. If a liquid suspected to contain peroxide of hydrogen be shaken in a test-tube with a small quantity of ether, the ether will dissolve the peroxide, and will finally collect upon the surface of the liquid ; on adding to it a small drop of a solution of the ozonide chromic acid, or, what comes to the same thing, a drop of a solution of bichromate of potassium acidulated with sulphuric acid, the ethereal solution will become blue. If a liquid containing peroxide of hydrogen be added to a dilute red solution of permanganate of potassium, this solution will be decolorized, 154 StTLPHTTR. ■while common oxygen will be evolved ; and in the same way the brown peroxide of lead and the red-colored salts of peroxide of iron are bleached by it. Another exceedingly delicate and characteristic test for antozone, or rather for peroxide of hydrogen, the rationale of which has not yet been well made out, is the following : — If to a solution containing per- oxide of hydrogen there are added a few drops of dilute starch-paste charged with iodide of potassium, and subsequently a very small quantity of a solution of copperas (protosulphate of iron), iodine will be set free, and the starch will become blue. The solution to be tested must be as nearly neutral as possible. The addition of an acid, instead of the copperas solution, will also bring about the same reaction, though less readily. 184. We have thus set forth whatever is best known concern- ing ozone and antozone, in spite of the details into which so full an exposition has necessarily descended, partly because the sub- ject will evidently be one of primary importance, both theoretical and practical, in the near future, and partly from a desire to show the student how vague and uncertain the prospect is when once the narrow limits of established knowledge are past and the inquirer ventures out into the obscurity which perpetually separates the knowledge of to-day from that which shall be knowledge to-morrow, but also because of the impossibility, with so obscure a subject, of making such a just discrimination between salient and unimportant points as with a well-studied subject is both easy and desirable. CHAPTEK XIII. SUlPHtTR. 185. Sulphur occurs somewhat abundantly in nature, both in the free state and in combination with other elements. Many ores of metals, for example, are sulphur compounds. It is a component of several abundant salts, such as the sulphates of calcium, barium, and sodium, and occurs in. small proportion in THE STTLPHXJE OP COMMERCE. 155 many animal and vegetable substances. Free sulphur is found chiefly in volcanic districts. Generally it occurs mixed with earthy matters ; but it often forms distiuct veins, and is sometimes found in the shape of weU-deflned crystals of considerable size. At the present time about nine-tenths of the sulphur of commerce comes from Sicily. 186. Native sulphur is usually subjected to a rough purifica- tion at the place of its occurrence. This purification is some- times effected by distilling the volcanic earth in retorts or jars of earthenware ; the sulphur being volatile, distils over, and is collected in receivers, from which it is drawn off, from time to time, in the liquid state ; or if the earth be very rich in sulphur, it is simply heated in large kettles and the melted sulphur dipped off from above, while the earthy impurities settle to the bottom of the kettle. The product thus obtained is known as crude sul- phur ; it comes to us in irregular lumps of a dirty light-yellow color, and is largely employed for manufacturing-purposes. This crude sulphur is contaminated with more or less earthy matter. In order to purify it, it is distilled from iron retorts into large chambers constructed of masonry, in which it is deposited either in the form of a light powder, known as flowers of sul- phur, or in a liquid state, according to circumstances. At the beginning of the operation, while the chamber is cold, the sul- phur vapor condenses as an exceedingly fine, soft, powder (flowers of sulphur) upon the waUs of the chamber. But heat is given off as the sulphur vapor condenses, and after a while the walls of the chamber become so hot that sulphur will melt upon them. After this, the incoming sulphur vapor of course condenses only to the liquid state, and a layer of liquid sulphur collects upon the floor of the chamber. This liquid sulphur is drawn off into wooden moulds, and thus cast into the sticks familiarly known as roll-brimstone. It is evident that, by a little management, the sulphur-refiner can obtain, at will, either flowers of sulphur or roll-brimstone, or first the one and then the other. 187. At the ordinary temperature of the air, sulphur is a brittle solid, of a peculiar light-yellow color. It has neither taste nor smell, excepting that when rubbed it exhales a faint and peculiar odor. Most of the odors which in everyday life are 156 CRTSTALLIZAIION OF STJLPHTTE. referred to sulphur are really the odors of various compounds of sulphur, and are not evolved by the element itself. It is a bad conductor of heat and electricity. On being rubbed it becomes highly (negatively) electric, and is stiU employed as a source of electricity in some cases. The symbol of sulphur is S ; its atomic weight is 32, being precisely twice as great as the atomic weight of oxygen. 188. Sulphur melts easily at about 112°, a temperature not very far above that at which water boils. A fragment of it may even be melted by heating it on writing-paper over the flame of a candle. It volatilises freely at temperatures lower than its melting-point, and boils at 440°- Indeed, as is the case w-ith water, it is a substance which can be brought into either of the three states of matter without any difficulty ; we can have it as a solid, a liquid, or a gas as we please. It can readily be obtained also in the form of crystals. Exp. 79. — ^In a small beaker glass, or porcelain capsule, heat i 50 to 60 grms. of sulphur until it has entirely melted. Remove the vessel from the lamp, and allow it to cool slowly vmtil about a quarter part of the sulphur has solidified ; then pour off, into a basin of water, that portion of the sulphur which is still liquid, breaking through, for this pm-pose, the crust at the top of the liquid, if any such have formed. The interior of the vessel will be found to be lined with transparent, prismatic crystals. Exp. 80. — In a test-tube, melt enough sulphur to fill one-quarter of the tube ; place the tube in such a position that its contents may cool slowly and quietly, and then watch the formation of crystals as they shoot out from the comparatively cold walls of the tube towards the centre of the liquid. Exp. 79 represents one general method of obtaining crystals. Crystals of many of the metals, lead and bismuth for example, can be obtained by operating in this way ; it is only necessary to melt the metal in a crucible of some refractory material, placed in a furnace. The melted metal having then been allowed to cool until a tolerably firm crust has formed upon its surface, this crust is pierced with an iron rod, and the crucible quickly inverted, so that the portion of the metal which still remains fluid in the interior shall flow out. Upon afterwards breaking CETSTALLINE STEtTCTURE. 157 the crucible, crystals will be found lining the cayity of the metallic cup which has been formed withia it. 189. Exp. 80, besides illustrating the manner in which crys- tals form, teaches us something of the physical structure of solid bodies. The solid mass of sulphur which is left in the test-tube when it has become cold, is evidently nothing more than a com- pact bundle of interlaced crystals. If the mass be removed from the tube, and then broken across, it will present a glistening appearance, owing to the reflection of light from the surfaces of the minute crystals of which it is composed. It is said to have a crystalline structure. This crystalline structure is apt to render a body brittle ; substances which possess it are liable to break " with the grain," or to split in certain directions determined by the shape of the crystals, and called Unes of cleavage ; a stick of roU-brimstone, for example, may be readily broken or cut across, but not so easily in the direction of its length. The same remark appHes to many samples of metal. In all cases where tenacity is required, it is important to counteract, or to prevent as much as possible, the tendency towards crystallization. Thus, in manu- facturing wrought iron, it is the constant endeavor of the work- man to render the metal stringy or fibrous, and not crystalline, and he seeks to accomplish this by appropriate processes of kneading, squeezing, and rolling. 190. Another easy way to crystallize sulphur is by the method of solution and evaporation, such as was employed in the pre- paration of nitrate of ammonium (Exp. 33). Sulphur is not soluble in water, but it dissolves readily in a liquid compound of sulphur and carbon, known as bisulphide of carbon, which being readily volatile, quickly escapes, on exposure to the air, and so deposits the sulphur. Exp. 81. — ^Place in a test-tube a small teaspoonful of flowers of sulphur, pour upon the sulphur 10 or 12 c. c. of bisulphide of carbon, close the tube with a cork, and allow the mixture to stand during half an hour, shaking it occasionally. Decant the clear hquid from the sulphur which still remains undissolved, and pour it into a small porce- lain capsule, which place out of doors, or in a draught of air, until the highly ofiensive bisulphide of carbon has all evaporated. Crystals of sulphur will then be found at the bottom of the dish. This experiment might he modified by preparing, ia the first place, a 158 THE SIX SYSTEMS OE CETSTAIlIZATIOIf. saturated solution of sulphur in boiling tisulphide of carbon, and then allowing the clear solution to cool slowly. Crystals of sulphur would finally be found beneath the cold liquid. The method by evaporation, as above described, is to be preferred. It will be noticed that the crystals of Exp. 81 are not shaped like those obtained by the method of fusion in Exp. 79. The two sets of crystals belong in fact to entirely different systems of crystallization. 191. The researches of crystallographers have proved that the crystals of natural miuerals and artificial chemical substances may all be included in six general classes of form, called systems of crystallization. In every crystal, certain directions may be recognized, with reference to which the bounding planes of the crystal exhibit a more or less symmetrical arrangement. These directions, represented by straight lines drawn through the centre of the crystal, are called axes. The thousands of crystal-forms which occur in nature, or are produced by art, have been divided into six systems, or groups, by observation of the number, rela- tive length and mutual inclination of the axes around which they are symmetrically formed. These six systems are defined as follows : — I. Monometric (singh-meamre) or Regular System. — The axes are three in number, equal in length, and intersect each other at right angles. The cube, regular octahedron, and rhombic dodecahedron, forms of perfect symmetry, belong to this system. II. Dimetnc (two-measure) System. — The axes are three in number, and intersect each other at right angles ; but one, called the vertical, is either longer or shorter than the two lateral, which are equal. The right square prism and square octahedron are of this system. III. Trimetric (three-measure) System. — The axes are three in num- ber, unequal in length and intersect each other at right angles. The system includes the right rectangular prism, the right rhombic prism, and the rhombic octahedron. IV. Monoolinic (single-inolination) System. — The axes are three in number, and unequal in length ; and one, called the vertical, is at right angles with one of the other two axes, which are called lateral, but obliquely inclined to the other; the two lateral axes intersect each other at right angles. The right rhomboidal and oblique rhombic prisms belong to this system. V. TricUnic (three-inclination) System. — The axes are three in num- SULPHUR IS DIMOEPHOUS. 159 ber, unequal in length, and all their intersections are oblique. The oblique rhomboidal prism is of this system. VI. Hexagonal System. — The axes are four in number; three called lateral, lie in one plane, are equal in length, and intersect each other at angles of 60°; the fourth axis, called vertical, is either longer or shorter than the other three, and crosses them at right angles. This system includes the hexagonal prism and the rhombohedron. Under these systems of crystallization, the variety of possible forms and dimensions is unlimited. Thus, in systems in which the axes are unequal, the inequality may be great or small, through all degrees of discrepancy ; in oblique systems the inclination of the axes may vary indefinitely ; rhombohedrons may occur of every angle. Thus the ac- tual forms of crystallography become exceedingly numerous, although they all belong to a few simple types. If the student draws in perspective, upon paper, the axes of the several systems above described, or, better, constructs the different sets of axes out of bits of wood or wire, he wiU appreciate the fact that forms belonging to different systems are ordioarily so unlike in general appearance as to be readily distinguishable even by those who have no exact knowledge of the mathematical science of crystallography. 192. As a general rule, a substance crystallizes in forms be- longing to only one system, and the crystalline form of a sub- stance is something so constant and characteristic as to be one of the chemist's most valued means of recognition and definition. But this general rule is not without exceptions. Sulphur, as has just been proved, may be made to crystallize in forms belonging to two distinct systems of crystallization; and there are other substances, not a few, which when crystallized under different conditions, assume forms of two distinct systems. Substances which are thus capable of assuming crys- talline forms belonging to two different systems are said to be dimorphous (two-formed). Two such dif- ferent forms of the same substance often Y\^. 39. have quite dissimilar physical properties; they are apt to differ from each other in hardness, specific gravity, color, optical pro- perties, and in their relation to heat; the chemical properties, also, of two such dif- ferent forms are seldom entirely the same. The crystals of sulphur obtained by fusion (Exp. 79) are Fig. 38. 160 CHAJTGE OE PRISMATIC INTO 0CTAHBDE4X STTLPHUE. elongated oblique rhombic prisms (Kg. 38), and belong to the fourth (or monoolinic) system. The crystals of sulphur which are derived from its solution in bisulphide of carbon (Exp. 81) are rhombic octahedrons (Kg. 39), belonging to the trimetric system. The specific gravity of the octahedral crystals is greater than that of the prismatic in the ratio of 2-07 : 1-91. The spe- cific heat of the octahedral crystals is 0-163, and that of the prismatic somewhat greater. The melting-point of the prismatic crystals is about 120°. The prismatic crystals of sulphur (Exp. 79) cannot be kept for any great length of time. They soon lose their transparency and characteristic amber color, becoming opaque and light yellow, like ordinary brimstone. If they be examined under the micro- scope it wiU be seen that the prisms are now composed of a multitude of little octahedral crystals. The change of color and texture is due to a rearrangement of the particles of the original crystals, though the aggregation of octahedrons which have been formed within the prismatic crystal still retains the shape of the prism. If the prismatic crystals be left at rest, this change of form usually begins in the course of a few hours ; but it may be greatly accelerated by scratching the crystals, or shaking them together. Under ordinary circumstances the passage of the sul- phur from the one molecular state to the other goes on very slowly, several years being often required for its completion ; but the change can be accomplished immediately by moistening the prismatic crystals with bisulphide of carbon. A considerable amount of heat is developed as the prismatic sulphur changes into octahedral ; this can readily be appreciated when the con- version is efieoted by means of bisulphide of carbon. In the same way that prismatic sulphur slowly changes iuto the octahedral variety at the ordinary temperature, octahedral sulphur is gradually converted into prismatic sulphur when kept for a long time at a temperature near its melting-point. The change in specific gravity enables us to foUow the progress of this conversion. Sulphur which has been melted and allowed to solidify gra- dually, is always in the prismatic condition immediately after the solidification. EoU-brimstone, for example, when fresh from the METHODS OF OBTArfTIlfa CRTSTAIS. 161 moulds, is translucent, and of a dark amber or brownish-yellow color, like the prismatic arystals of Exp. 79 ; but ia a short time, often in the course of a few hours, the sticks become light-yeUow and opaque, as we find them in commerce, and are then com- posed, at least externally, of a mass of octahedral crystals. 193. There is stiU a third way of obtaining crystals of sulphur, namely, by sublimation. At slightly elevated temperatures, sul- phur is volatile ; and if the circumstanqes be such that the vapor shall condense very slowly, crystals will form. The natural crystals of sulphur found in volcanic countries, which are often very large and of great beauty, have been formed in this way. These native crystals are octahedral, like those obtained by means of bisulphide of carbon (see Exp. 81). 194. As appears from the foregoing, there are three distract methods of obtaining crystals : — I. By fusion ; that is to say, by the slow cooling of molten matter. II. By solution, followed either by removal of the solvent by evaporation or chemical means, or by reduction of its temperature. III. By sublimation. A familiar instance of the first method is seen in the case of ice, as when a part of the water in any hollow vessel freezes slowly upon the sides of the vessel ; of the second, in the manu- facture of common salt; and of the third, in the formation of frost upon a window-pane. There is still a fourth general method of obtaining crystals, which consists in very slowly decomposing some chemical com- pound of the substance to be crystallized, either by the addition of some other chemical agent, or by means of the galvanic cur- rent. Crystals of sulphur may be formed in this way, and are in fact sometimes found in the pipes used to convey Uluminating gas through the streets of cities, under such circumstances that it is evident that they have resulted from the decomposition of some one of the sulphur compounds with which coal-gas is always contaminated. It must not be inferred, from the above enumeration of the ordinary methods of obtaining crystals, that either fusion, solu- tion, or sublimation is a necessary condition of the formation of crystals. Both in nature and in art examples occur of the crystalline arrangement of particles within solid masses, under u 162 SOPT STJLPHTJE. circumstances whicli preclude the idea that either fusion, solu- tion, or sublimation, in the ordinary sense of these terms, should have occurred. 195. Sulphur behaves in a very remarkable manner on being heated. When melted at the lowest possible temperature, 110° to 115°, it forms a limpid liquid of a light-yeUow color; but if this liquid be heated more strongly, it begins to become viscid and dark-colored at about 150°, and at 170° to 200° it is almost black, and at the same time so thick and tenacious that it cannot be poured from the vessel which holds it, even if the vessel be inverted. At 330° to 340° it regains its fluidity in part, though the liquid is still dark-colored, and finally, at about 440°, it be- gins to boil, and is converted into an amber-colored vapor. The specific gravity of sulphur vapor, referred to hydrogen, is 32. 196. If melted sulphur, in the viscid state, or, better, that which has regained its mobility, be suddenly cooled, a semisolid modification of sulphur, remarkably different from the ordinary form, will be obtained. Exp. 82. — Place in a test-tube, of about 30 c. c. capacity, 15 to 20 grms. of coarsely powdered sulphur ; melt the sulphur slowly over the gas-lamp, and continue to heat it until it begins to boil, noting, mean- while, the changes which the sulphur undergoes — as described in § 195. KnaUy pour the hot sulphur, in a fine stream, into a large dish ftJl of cold water. There wiU be obtained a soft, elastic, reddish-brown mass, which can be kneaded and moulded like wax, and drawn out into threads like caoutchouc. This soft sulphur cannot be preserved for any great length of time. When left to itself, at the ordinary temperature of the air, it slowly hardens and changes into ordinary brittle yellow sulphur. This change is accelerated by kneading, and is instan- taneous at the temperature of 100°. In any event, a certain amount of heat is evolved as the soft sulphur changes into ordi- nary sulphur. The specific gravity of soft sulphur is somewhat lower than that of the prismatic crystals. From the foregoing facts it appears that sulphur, like oxygen, is capable of assuming different aUotropic states. (See § 162.) 197. In its behavior towards solvents, sulphur presents some curious anomalies. Some specimens of sulphur are freely soluble MTLK OP STTlPHtnt, 163 in bisulphide of carbon, while of other samples only a compara- tively small portion dissolves. We distijiguish, therefore, a soluble and an insoluble modification of sulphur. Octahedral sulphur, the bright-yellow, translucent, native crys- tals for example, is completely soluble in bisulphide of carbon. But of the soft, elastic sulphur, such as was prepared in Exp. 82, as much as 30 or 40 per cent, is completely insoluble in the bisulphide, whether this liquid be hot or cold. No method has as yet been discovered of preparing pure in- soluble sidphur directly ; but it can always be readily obtained by dissolving out the soluble sulphur from a mixture of the two varieties, such as the soft sulphur above mentioned. Flowers of sulphur contain a considerable portion of insoluble sulphur ; roU- brimstone much less, though the interior of the sticks contains decidedly more than the outside portions. It may be observed, in this connexion, that flowers of sulphur are prepared by sud- denly cooling the vapor of sulphur, while the soft variety is obtained by suddenly cooling melted sulphur. Insoluble siillphur undergoes no change at the ordinary tem- perature ; but if it be kept for a long time at 100°, or if it be exposed to the vapor of water or alcohol, it is slowly converted into the soluble variety. 198. For some pharmaceutical purposes^ sulphur is prepared as a powder finer even than flowers of sulphur. This preparation is known as milk of svUphu/r or precipitated sulpJiur. Uxp. 83. — Place in a small flask as much fl;owers of sulphur as can be taken up on the point of a penknife ; pour into the flask 10 or 15 c. c. of a Bolution of caustic soda, and boil the mixtture for some time. Part of the sulphur will dissolve and color the liquid yellowish brown. Pour ofi' the clear liquid from the undissolved sulphur, mix it with an equal volume of water and stir in dilute chlorhydric acid, added by small portions, untU a drop of the mixture placed upon litmus paper exhibits an acid reaction. As the acid is added, the liquid assumes a milky appearance from the separation of sulphur in the form of an exceedingly flne powder. This powder is so light that, for a long while, it will not subside, but remains suspended in the liquor, im- parting to it a milky appearance. Collect the powder on a small filter, wash it with watery and dry it at a gentle heat. It will now appear as a pale yellowish-grey impaL-» m2 164 METAIS BTTEN IN STJLPHTJE. pable powder. If it be heated more strongly, so that it melts, the color will become distinctly yellow, the numberless smaU particles of the powder being now compacted into a single mass. It will be remarked that the color of flowers of sulphur is lighter than that of roll-brimstone, while the color of the pre- cipitated sulphur is far lighter than that of the flowers. Such differences as these are common ; they depend upon a difference of mechanical condition, upon differences in the state of aggre- gation of the particles of the substances which exhibit them. The method of pulverization by precipitation, employed in this experiment, is a general method, applicable to many other sub- stances besides sulphur. 199. Sulphur unites energetically with most of the other ele- ments, such union being, in many cases, attended with evolution of light. Most of the metals, for example, combine with it directly, just as they do with oxygen. Exp. 84. — Melt in an ignition-tube, 12 to 15 Fig. 40. cm. long, 4 or 6 grms. of sulphur, and heat the liquid until it boils ; then throw in small por- tions of copper filings, or fine turnings, and observe the violent action which ensues. Or a strip of very thin sheet copper or a coil of fine copper-wire may be suspended in the hot sulphur vapor, in the upper part of the igmtion-tube ; it will glow vividly as it unites with the gaseous sulphur, much in the same way as if it were burning in oxygen gas. The product of the reaction, in either case, is called sulphide of copper. Eocp. 85. — Mix intimately 4 grms. of flowers of sulphur and 7 grms. of the finest iron-filings. Place the mixture in an ignition-tube 10 to 12 cm. long, and heat the lower end of the tube over the gas-lamp. In a short time the mass will begin to glow, as the sulphur and iron enter into chemical combination, and this ignition will, of itself, pass through the entire length of the tube, even if the lamp be withdrawn. The final product of the reaction is protosulphide of iron. 200. As has been already shown (§§ 2, 109), phenomena of combustion, such as are exhibited in these experiments, are directly referable to chemical union. They are strictly analogous USES OP SULPHUR. 165 to the ordinary processes of combustion in which oxygen is involved, though the technical term, combustion, is by custom limited to the act of combination mth oxygen. Sulphur combines mth chlorine, bromine, iodine, and phos- phorus at the ordinary temperature, and with carbon at a red heat. With oxygen it unites readily at a comparatively low temperature. When heated in the air, it takes fire at about 250°, and bums with a peculiar blue light. This easy inflam- mability may be readUy Ulustrated by blowing flowers of sulphur into the hot air issuing from the chimney of an Argand gas-lamp ; the sulphur takes fire at a considerable height above the flame. The irritating, suffocating gas, which is produced by the union of sulphur and oxygen, wiU be shortly described under the name of sulphurous acid. Several iflaportant practical applications of sulphur depend upon this property of igniting and continuing to burn at a moderate heat. It is, in fact, largely employed as a kindling material. By means of it, other bodies less readily combustible, can be heated to the temperature at which they continue to burn. Hence its use upon matches and in gunpowder and fireworks. 201. In its chemical properties, sulphur is closely allied to oxygen; like oxygen, it forms a great variety of compounds with a wide range of different elements ; and the senes of com- pounds thus 'obtained is in many respects parallel with, or com- parable to, the series of oxygen compounds. It is an important raw material in the chemical arts, being an ingredient of numerous useful compounds, such as cinnabar, ultra- marine, vulcanized caoutchouc, bisulphide of carbon, chloride of sulphur, and the various compounds of sulphur and oxygen, one of which, sulphuric acid, is the most important chemical agent at present employed in manufacturing industry. Sulphur is largely employed in medicine, in the treatment of cutaneous diseases of both men and domesticated animals, and has been of late years extensively used in the vineyards of Europe for destroying a parasitic fungus which infests the vines. 202. Sulphydric Acid (H^S). — When sulphur is sublimed in hydrogen gas, or when hydrogen is passed over melted sulphur, combination takes place between the two elements, though very 166 PEEPARATION OF SXTIPHTDEIC ACID. Fiff. 41. slowly and imperfectly, so that only a comparatively small quan- tity of the compound is obtained, even if the process be con- tinued for a long time. Somewhat larger quantities of it are formed when a mixture of hydrogen gas and sulphur- vapor is passed through a tube Med with fragments of pumice-stone heated to about 500°. When the two elements meet in the nascent state, they com- bine readily; thus, when organic bodies containing sulphur putrefy, and when they are subjected to destructive distillation, sulphydric acid is evolved, just as ammonia is under the same circumstances. In either event, the product of the union is a colorless gas of highly offensive odor, like that of rotten eggs. An easier method of preparing sulphydric acid, or sulphuretted hydrogen, as it is often called, is by acting upon a compound of sulphur and iron with dilute chlorhydrie acid. Exp. 86.— In a gas-bottle (Fig. 41) put 10 or 12 grms. of protosul- phide of iron, see Exp. 85; re- place the cork in the bottle and introduce the gas-delivery-tube into another small bottle contain- ing cold water, letting the tube dip 5 or 6 cm. beneath the sur- face of the water. Through the thistle-tube, pour into the gas- bottle water enough to seal the lower extremity of this tube ; then add, through the thistle- tube, as before, 2 or 3 teaspoon- fuls of muriatic acid, and observe that bubbles of gas soon begin to pass through the water in the absorption bottle. Sulphydric acid is soluble in water to a considerable extent, and is consec[uently taken up by the water in the absorption bottle. The solution thus obtained, known as sulphuretted hydrogen-water, is much employed as a reagent in chemical laboratories; it will seiTe us here as a convenient source of sulphydric acid. When the disengagement of gas slackens, a new portion of muriatic acid maybe added through the thistle-tube, and this process continued until the water in the absorption bottle smells strongly of the gas. This experiment should be performed out of doors, or in a draught PEEPAKATION OF STJLPHTBEIC ACID. 167 of air so arranged that those portions of the gas -which escape solution shall be carried away from the operator. 203. The reaction between the sulphide of iron and chlor- hydric acid in the foregoing experiment is somewhat analogous to that which occurs in the preparation of hydrogen, § 50. If metaUic iron (or zinc) be treated with chlorhydric acid, hydrogen is evolved, according to the equation Fe + 2HC1 = PeCl, + 2H. But if, instead of simple iron, sulphide of iron, whose formula is FeS, be taken, sulphur vrill be eliminated, as weU as hydrogen, by the action of the acid, and these elements, as they come to- gether in the nascent state, will unite to form sulphydric acid. FeS + 2HC1 = FeCl, + H,S. Instead of absorbing the gas evolved in the foregoing experi- ments in water, it might be collected as such, over a basin hold- ing but a small quantity of water, or, better, iilled with warm water or with brine, either of which absorbs less of the gas than cold water. Unless absolutely dry, the gas cannot be collected over mercury, since, when moist, it acts upon this metal. 204. At the ordinary temperature and pressure, sulphydric acid is a gas somewhat heavier than air, its specific gravity being 17, referred to hydrogen; but under a pressure of about 15 atmospheres at 11°, it be- comes liquid. The specific gravity of this liquid re- ferred to water is 0-9. At — 85° the liquid solidifies to awhite crysl^aUine mass. 205. Since the sulphide of iron, employed in the preparation of sulphydric acid, is usually mixed with a certain quantity of me- tallic iron, the gas is liable to be contaminated with free hydrogen. For aU or- dinary purposes, the gas Fig. 42. 168 AlfALTSIS OF SULPHXDKIC ACID. thus mixed with, hydrogen serves as well as if it were piire ; but in some cases a gas free from hydrogen is required. In order to prepare it, sulphide of antimony is substituted for the sulphide of iron. 1 part of powdered sulphide of antimony placed in a thin-bottomed flask is treated with 3 or 4 parts of chlorhydiic acid of 1-1 sp. gr. and the mixture gently heated. The apparatus may be arranged as in Fig. 42, in which the bottle into which the gas first enters contains a very small quantity of water ; this water serves to remove any particles of the acid or of solid matter which may have been carried over in the current of gas. In case a dry gas be needed, a chloride-of-calciuni tube (see Appendix, § 15) must be interposed between the wash-bottle and the mercury-trough. 206. The volumetric composition of sulphydrie acid gas is one volume of sulphur-vapor and two volumes of hydrogen, condensed to two volumes. Its molecule, therefore, contains one atom of sulphur and two atoms of hydrogen, and is strictly analogous to the molecule of water. The composition of sulphydrie acid may be determined experi- mentally by heating metallic tin in a confined volume of the gas. An ignition-tube 20 or 30 cm. long, bent at an obtuse angle, within 5 to 6 cm. of the closed extremity, as shown in Fig. 43, should be com- pletely filled with dry sulphydrie acid gas over the mercury-trough, and then closed with the thumb and inverted. Some granulated tin should be dropped into ^' the tube and made to lodge in the bent part, the thumb being instantly replaced upon the mouth of the tube the moment the tin has entered. The tube full of gas is now replaced in the mercury-trough, as shown in the figure, and about one-third part of the gas is allowed to escape by inclining the tube 80 that the gas may bubble out through the mercury. The tube and its contents are left at rest during half an hour, in order that they may acquire the temperature of the surrounding air, a caoutchouc ring is slipped down the tube to mark the height of the gas, and the tin is then heated with the flame of a spirit-lamp. The hot tin combines with the sulphur, and hydrogen is set free. The apparatus is left at rest during another half hour, and the height of the gas in the tube is then noted. If the gas employed was pure, it will be found that its volume has undergone no change. The hydrogen which has been set PKOPERTIES OP SITLPHTDEIC ACID. 169 free occupies precisely the same space aa the sulphydric acid did before it was decomposed. It is evident from this that 1 volume of sulphydric acid gas contains 1 volume of hydrogen, or multiplying these numbers by 2, in order to airive at the composition indicated by our molecular formula, that 2 volumes of sulphydric acid contain 2 volumes of hydrogen. Now the specific gravity, or unit-volume weight of sulphydric acid has been found, by experiment, to be 17'19, that of hydrogen being 1 ; and if From the weight of 2 volumes of sulphydric acid .... 34-38 We subtract the weight of two volumes hydrogen . . . 2-00 There wiU remain 3238 which is very nearly equal to the unit-volume weight of sulphur- vapor, 31-8, as experimentally determined. The composition of sulphydric acid, both by volume and weight, may, therefore, be expressed by the diagram. H 1 • + 8 32 = H,S 34 ii 1 207. The gas is very poisonouB; when respired in the pure state it quickly proves fatal, and it is very deleterious, even thougji largely diluted with atmospheric air. Small birds soon die in air which contains only -j-j^ of its volume of the gas, dogs in air which contains -g^^, and horses in air which contains -^^ of its volume. Men can support more of it, but in experimenting with it, it is best to do so where there is a free circulation of air. Nausea and headache are often produced when an atmosphere even slightly contaminated with snlphuretted hydrogen has been breathed for any length of time. In case the air of an apart- ment become contaminated with the gas, the disgusting smell can readily be neutralized by sprinkling the room with chlorine- water, or by evolving a little chlorine gas by adding some dilute acid to a small quantity of bleaehing-powder. The gas exists as a natural constituent of some mineral waters' which are thence called sulphurous, such as the Virginia Sul- phur Springs, and the mineral springs at Sharon, N. T. It is 170 STJLPHUEETIED-HTDKOGBN WATBK. also found in the air and -water of foul sewers, and wlierever animal matter is undergoing putrefaction. 208. Sulphydric acid gas is readily inflammable, and, like hy- drogen, extinguishes the flame of a burning candle immersed in it. It bums with a blue flame, producing water and sulphurous acid gas. H,S + 30 = H,0 + SO,. In case it be ignited in contact with a quantity of air insufficient to bum the whole of it, the hydrogen will bum first, and a por- tion of the sulphur wUl escape combustion. If a tall glasa cyhnder be fiUed with sulphydric acid gas, and the gas be lighted at the top, the flame will pass down the cylinder as the hydrogen is consumed, and a quantity of very finely divided solid sul- phur wiU be deposited upon the walls of the vessel. It has already been stated that sulphur kindles very easily, and that it has a strong affinity for oxygen ; but it appears from this experi- ment, that hydrogen kindles still more readily, and that its affinity for oxygen is greater than that of sulphur, "When mixed with air, in certain proportions, it is explosive ; a fact which should be borne in mind by the experimenter. 209. Water dissolves about three times its own volume of the gas at the ordinary temperature. This solution (see Exp. 86) is transparent and colorless when recently prepared, but, when kept it gradually becomes opalescent and turbid from deposition of sulphur. Oxygen from the air unites with the hydrogen of the sulphydric acid to form water, and sulphur is set free. After the lapse of several weeks or months, it will be found that the solution no longer contains any sidphydric acid ; it has lost its nauseous odor, and the bottom of the bottle is covered with sulphur, the result of the decomposition of the dissolved gas. The aqueous solution of the gas reddens litmus slightly, like the very weak acids. Towards metals and metallic oxides it be- haves in a manner somewhat analogous to that of chlorhydric acid and its congeners, while, with regard to metallic sulphides, it stands in the same relation as water to the oxides, as wiU be explained hereafter, Exp. 87. — Place a drop of sulphuretted-hydrogen water (Exp. 86) upon a bright piece of copper^ lead, or silver. The metal will quickly STTLPHTDEIC ACID AS A EEAGENT. 171 become black. The sulphur of the aulphydiic acid unites with the metal, to form sulphide of copper, sulphide of lead, or sulphide of sil- ver, aa the case may be, while the hydrogen escapes. Cu + HjS = CuS + 2H. Exp. 88. — Place in a test-tube as much litharge (oxide of lead = PbO) as can be held upon the point of a penknife, pour upon it a tea- spoonful of sulphuretted hydrogen-water, and observe that the yellow litharge immediately becomes black. Sulphide of lead is formed, as in the preceding experiment, together with a quantity of water. PbO -I- H^S = PbS -I- H2O. Exp. 89. — In place of the litharge of the last experiment, take a very small crystal of nitrate of lead (Exp. 42) ; dissolve it in as much water as will half flU the test-tube, and to- this solution add a few drops of the sulphuretted-hydrogen water. Black sulphide of lead is thrown down as a precipitate, and nitric acid is set free. PbO,N205 -I- HjS = PbS -f H^OjNsO^. 210. Since many of the metallic sulphides are, like the sul- phides of lead, copper, and silver, insoluble in water and dilute acids, sulphuretted hydrogen is peculiarly well adapted for pre- cipitating the metals from their solutions. After having been thrown down as sulphides, as in the last experiment, they can be readily sepai-ated and collected by filtration. Though many of the metallic sulphides are black, like that of lead, this is not true of all. Several of them exhibit character- istic colors, by which they may be readily recognized ; thus the color of sulphide of antimony is orange, that of sulphide of arsenic is yeUow, and that of sulphide of zinc white. Upon this fact the application of sulphuretted hydrogen as a test or reagent (that is, as a means of detecting and identifying many metals) is in part 211. In the same way that sulphuretted hydrogen can be em- ployed for detecting the presence of metals, so, conversely, solu- tions of the metals, or, in some cases, the metals themselves, may be used as tests for sulphuretted hydrogen. Exp. 90. — Prepare a strong aqueous solution of nitrate of lead, or better, of acetate of lead (sugar of lead). Wet strips of white paper 8 to 4 cm. wide with this solution, and dry them in air which is free from sulphuretted hydrogen. This lead-paper, as it is called, should be kept for use in tightly stoppered bottles. 172 DBCOMPosrnoN op sttiphtdkic acid. Moisten a bit of the lead-paper with water and expose it to some source of sulphuretted hydrogen — ^the mouth of the bottle of aulphy- dric acid prepared in Exp. 86, for example, or to the fetid air of a sewer. The paper will immediately be blackened from formation of sulphide of lead. The blackening of silver-ware, of watches, and cards which have been glazed with a preparation of lead, at many mineral springs, and other localities where sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved, is, in. like manner, indicative of the presence of this gas. Tests like these, which are continuous and cumulative, are, of course, much more delicate means of detection than the mere odor of the gas. 212. Sulphydric acid is a compound which is very easily decomposed. When simply heated, it breaks up into its components; and it is readily destroyed by various chemical agents. Uxp. 91. — To a gas-bottle such as was employed in Exp. 86, con- taining sulphide of iron, attach a chloride-of-calcium tube (Appendix, § 15) and a piece of hard glass tubing, No. 4, about 20 cm. long. To the end of this glass tube, attach another tube bent at right angles and dipping into a bottle of water. Pour chlorhydric acid into the gas- bottle, so that sulphydric acid shall be freely generated, as seen by the flow of bubbles through the final bottle of water. After the lapse of some minutes, when the apparatus has become completely filled with the gas and the last portions of air have been expelled, heat the middle of the tube of hard glass with the flame of the gas-lamp, and observe the ring of sulphur which will collect upon the walls of the cold portion of the tube a short distance in front of the flame. It will be seen in subsequent chapters that several other of the gaseous compounds of hydrogen are decomposed, like sulphydric acid, upon being passed through hot tubes. The influence of oxygen, in decomposing the aqueous solution of sulphydric acid, has been already alluded to, § 209 ; it has been observed, moreover, that air contaminated with sulphydric acid soon becomes odorless of itself, oxygen uniting with hydro- gen, as before, and sulphur being set free. AU the oxidizing agents (that is, substances which readily give up oxygen) decom- pose sulphydric acid, water being formed and sulphur deposited. £scp. 92. — Into a test-tube containing 4 or 5 c. c. of sulphuretted PERStTLPHIDE OF HTDBOGEN. 173 hydrogen-water (Exp. 86), pour half as much concentrated nitric acid. Sulphur will be deposited and nitrous fumes evolved. Very dilute nitric acid will not thus decompose sulphydric acid. Chlorine, bromine, and iodine vapor instantly decompose sul- phydric acid, uniting with its hydrogen to form chlorhydric, bromhydric, or iodohydrio acid, while sulphur is precipitated. H,S -I- 2Ca = 2HC1 -I- S. JEep. 93. — In place of the nitric acid of the preceding experiment, pour a few drops of chlorine-water into the solution of sulphydric acid, and observe that the odor of the latter is destroyed. 213. Persulphide of Hydrogen (H^S^ ?). — This is an exceed- ingly unstable liquid, the composition of which is not accurately laiown,though it is supposed to be analogous to that of theperoxide of hydrogen. It can be prepared by adding a solution of per- sulphide of calcium to diluted chlorhydric acid. The reaction may be conceived to take place in accordance with the following equation : — CaS, + 2HC1 = CaCl, -|- H,S, + 3S. Exp. 94. Mix 75 or 100 grms. of flowers of sulphur and an equal weight of slaked lime with half a litre of water, place the mixture in a flask and heat it to boiling, taking care to agitate the flask so that the solid matter may not become impacted upon it. Continue to boU for about an hour, then filter off the liquor from the undissolved portions of sulphur and lime. The solution thus obtained is a mixture of several sulphides of calcium, more highly sulphittetted than the protosulphide, but will serve the present purpose as weU as if it were the pure quin- quisulphide. Pour the solution of sulphide of calcium into 250 c. c. of a mixture of 2 parts of concentrated chlorhydric acid and 1 part of water. Per- sulphide of hydrogen wiU separate in fine oily drops, producing a milky turbidity in the liquid. These drops soon coalesce and settle out be- neath the water. A good way of collecting the persulphide is to per- form the precipitation in a large glass funnel, provided with a stopper. By carefully opening this stopper, the precipitatpd oil can nearly aU be drawn off without disturbing the water which floats above it. Persulphide of hydrogen emits a pecuUar, disagreeable odor, and is very irritating to the eyes and mucous membrane. It tastes sweet and bitter, but disorganizes the flesh wherever it 174 NOMBNOLiTUEE PEEFIXES. touctee it. Its properties closely resemble those of peroxide of hydrogen ; it is very unstable, and is decomposed by the same substances which destroy the oxide. It even decomposes spon- taneously when left at rest for a few days ; ordinary vegetable colors are quickly bleached by it ; it decolorizes also solutions of indigo. 214. In the last section we have used, for the first time, cer- tain technical terms which, perhaps, need brief explanation. As has been stated in § 76, many of the elements are capable of uniting with other elements in several different proportions to form chemical compounds. Sulphur, for example, is specially apt to form more than one compound with a single element. When sulphur unites with a metal, the compound formed is called a sulphicZe, just as a compound of oxygen and a metal is called an oxide, or one of chlorine and a metal a chloride, — ^the termina- tion ide, which always indicates combination, being added to the first syllable of the word sulphur, or oxygen, or chlorine, and the new word ending in ide being then connected with the name of the metal, as in the case of sulphide of copper, Exp. 87. But when, as in the case of calcium, there are several distinct sulphides, it is customary to distinguish one from the other by means of various Latin and Greek prefixes. Thus the compound which contains one atom of sulphur and one atom of calcium is the proto- sulphide, or simply the sulphide of calcium, the prefix proto being derived from the Greek word for first ; the compound which con- tains two atoms of sulphur to one of calcium is the bisulphide of calcium, from the Latin for twice ; and in like manner we have a tersulphide, containing three atoms of sulphur to one of calcium, and a quinquisulphide containing five atoms of sulphur. The compound containing the highest proportion of sulphur is often called the persulphide. A good custom is to designate the com- pounds which contain more sulphur than the protosulpliide by prefixes of Latin origin, and to distinguish those which may con- tain less sulphur thaft the protosulphide by means of Greek pre- fixes ; thus, if there were a compound of two atoms of calcium and one of sulphur (Ca^S) it' would properly be called a di-sulphide of calcium, the prefix being from the Greek Sis. The same pre- fixes are used in an analogous manner in connexion with the COMPOTITOS OE STJLPHTm AND OXYGEN, 175 •words oxide, chloride, bromide, iodide, and the similar words ending in ide. 215. Compounds of Sulphur and Oxygen. — No less than seven different compounds of sulphur and oxygen have been discovered, all of which form acids by union with water. Thus the oxide of sulphur SO3 forms, by union with the elements of water, common sulphuric acid H^SO^ ; the name sulphuric acid being indiscri- minately applied to both bodies, although only that one which contains hydrogen possesses the properties commonly described by the term acid. Two of these compounds, viz. sulphurous acid (SOJ, and sulphuric acid (SO3), have long been known, and these are still, comparatively speaking, of most importance, since they are em- ployed upon the large scale in the arts. Subsequently there were found the compounds S^Oj (hyposulphuric acid) and S^O^ (hypo- sulphurous acid) ; and at a still more recent period the compounds SsO^S.O^andSA- As long as only two compounds of sulphur and oxygen were knovm, they were distinguished as sulphurotts and sulphuric, in accordance with the rule laid down in § 70 ; when the two com- pounds, SjjOj and S^O^, containing respectively less oxygen than sulphuric and sulphurous acids, were discovered, the prefix hypo was resorted to as explained in § 71 ; lastly, for the later-found acid compounds of sulphur and oxygen, the ordinary rules of chemical nomenclature being inadequate, it was necessary to invent a special set of names. They were aU called Thionic acids, from the Greek word for sulphur, and were then distinguished from one another by the prefixes tri, tetra, a,nd penta, in accord- ance with the number of atoms of sulphur in each. Strictly speaking, the compound S^O^, since it contains five atoms of oxy- gen like the thionic acids, should perhaps foUow the new rule and be called dithionic acid, but it is stUl customary to retain the old name hyposulphuric acid. The complete list of the names of the compounds of sulphur and oxygen is as follows : — Sulphurous acid SOj Sulphuric acid SO3 Hyposulphurous acid SjOj 176 SULPHUKOtJS ACID. Hyposulpliuric acid (or Dithionic acid) . . SjOj Trithionic acid S3O5 Tetrathionic acid S^Oj Pentathionic acid S5O5 Of all these compounds, only sulphurous acid can be readily obtained by the direct union of sulphur and oxygen. The others must be prepared by circuitous methods. 216. Sidphurous Acid (SO^). — This acid is produced when sulphur is burned in the air or in pure oxygen gas. £xp. 95. — Light apiece of sulphur in a deflagrating spoon Fig. 44. and suspend the latter in a half-litre bottle full of air. On examining the contents of the bottle, after the sulphur has ceased to bum, there mU be found an irritating, suffocating gas having the peculiar odor which is familiar as that of a burning match. The bottle is now full of sulphurous acid gas, mixed with the nitrogen originally present in the air. 217. By burning sulphur in oxygen gas, instead of in air, as in the preceding experiment, a much purer product could, of course, be obtained. But the experiment would be chiefly inter- esting in enabling us to determine synthetically the composition of sulphurous acid. If sulphur be bmned in a confined volume of dry oxygen gas, it will be found, after the combustion has terminated, and the gas has been allowed to regain its original temperature, that the volume of the sul- phurous acid produced is sensibly the same as that of the original oxy- gen, though its weight is twice as great. Hence 1 volume of sul- phurous acid gas contains 1 volume of oxygen. Now, if &om the weight Of 1 unit-volume of sulphiu-ous acid, as determined by ex- periment 32-256 We subtract the weight of 1 unit-volume of oxygen . . . 15-969 There will remain . . . 16-287 or not far from one-half the number, 32, which represents the real specific gravity or equal volume weight of sulphur- vapor. Conse- quently 1 volume of sulphurous acid gas contains half a volume of sulphur-vapor, besides 1 volume of oxyen. Or, multiplying these numbers by 2, in order . to.avoid a fractional volume, it appears that the volumetric Qomposition-jof aulphurous acid is 1 volume of sulphur PBEPARATION OT STTLPHITBOrrS iCID. 177 vapor and 2 volumes of oxygen condensed to 2 volumes of tke com- pound gas. Or, expressed in the form of a diagram : — '2 + ^ 16 16 8O0 64 218. An easier mettod of preparing pure sulphiiroTis acid is by- depriving common sulphuric acid of part of its oxygen. This can be' effected by a variety of reducing or deoxidizing agents. For example, when concentrated sulphuric acid is heated with metaHic- copper or mercury, there are formed a sulphate of the metal, water,. . and sulphurous acid : — Cu + 2H,S0, = CuSO^ + 2H,0 + SO,. Exp. 96. — Into a thin-bottomed glass flask of half a litre capacity, put 14 grms. of copper clippings, or turnings, and 60 grms. of concen- trated sulphuric acid. Attach to the flask a delivery-tube and connect this with a series of Woulfe's bottles, such as were employed in the preparation of chlorhydric acid (Exp. 49) ; heat the flask over the gas-lamp until the acid begins to react upon the copper, then quickly ■withdraw the lamp for a moment, lest the contents' of the flask boil over, and finally regulate the flame so that a steady current of sulphu- rous acid shall pass through the water in the Woulfe bottles. After the first tumultuous evolution of gas has subsided, the flask can be slowly heated without further trouble. The current of gas shoxild be kept up until the water of the first bottle has become saturated, or, at the least, highly charged with the gas. Sulphurous acid is freely soluble in water, which, at 15°, takes up something like 44 times its bulk of the gas ; hence the solution obtained as above may be used as a convenient vehicle for sulphurous acid. On account of this easy solubility, the gas cannot be collected over water; but it can be collected over mercury, or by displacement. Since the gas is more than twice as heavy as air, the method by displacement ia to be recommended, if an efficient ventilating flue is at command to carry ofi that portion of the suffocating gas which must escape.. Mercury is, in some respects, better than copper for use ia this ex- periment. It affords a much more regular evolution of gas, and the operation requires less care ; but copper is usually employed on account pf its comparatively low cost. 178 PKOPEETIES OF STTLPHUBOTTS ACID. Instead of copper or mercury, as in the foregoing experiment, other reducing agents, such as sulphur or charcoal, may be employed. If 1 part of powdered sulphur be boiled with 12 parts of strong sulphuric acid, sulphurous acid is set free, as exhibited by the following equa- tion : — •S + SH^SO^ = 3SO2 + 2H2O. The evolution of gas, in this case, though steady and uniform, is comparativelyslow, as contrasted with that of the experiment in which copper is employed ; hence the process is usually less convenient than that with copper. If bits of charcoal or dry sawdust are heated with sulphuric acid, a copious evolution of sulphurous acid occurs, though the gas is not, in this case, pure, being mixed with half a volume of carbonic acid. C + 2H2SO4 = 2SO2 + CO2 + 2H2O. For many purposes, as in the preparation of the aqueous solution of sulphurous acid, this method with charcoal is to be preferred, on the ground of economy and convenience of application. In the laboratory it is perhaps more frequently employed than either of the others. Sulphurous acid may also be readily prepared by heating in an ig- nition-tube a mixture of 4 parts of sulphur and 5J parts of black oxide of imanganese, both in fine powder, and intimately mixed. A mixture of 3 parts of black oxide of copper with 1 part of sulphur answers the same purpose : — 2S + MnOj = SO2 + MnS. 3S + 2CuO = SO2 -I- 2CuS. In both these cases, metallic sulphides are left as a residuum in the ignition-tube; but if the sulphur and black oxide of manganese be mixed in the proportion of 1 part sulphur to 65 parts of the oxide, no sulphide, but only protoxide, of manganese will be formed. S -f- 2Mn02 = SO2 + 2MnO. 219. As has been already stated, sulpliurous acid gas is trans- parent and colorless. It is irrespirable and suffocating, and when mixed with air, even in small proportion, occasions violent cough- ing. It is not inflammable, but, on the contrary, it stops com- bustion. The flame of a taper is immediately extinguished on being immersed in sulphurous acid gas, just as it is by nitrogen. A useful application of this property of the gas is in extinguishing burning chimneys. A handful of fragments of sulphur being thrown upon the hot coals in the grate, and the openings of the fire-place being closed in such a StJIPHTJROITS ACLD SIOPS COMBTTSTION. 179 manner that no air shall enter the chimney, excepting that which passes through the fire, the chimney will quickly become filled with an atmo- sphere of sulphurous acid mixed with nitrogen from the air employed in burning the sulphur, and the burning soot upon the walls of the chimney will be immediately extinguished. It is, of course, essential that the chimney should then be closed at the top, so that air may be excluded and the chimney kept full of the fire-extinguishing atmosphere until its waUs shall have cooled to below the kindling temperatm-e of the soot. The oxygen contained in the sulphurous acid gas is so firmly held that combustibles are powerless to take it away under ordi- nary circumstances, though at high temperatures this oxygen can be removed by means of hydrogen, carbon, and easily oxidizable metals like potassium. When hydrogen and sulphurous acid gas are passed together through a red-hot tube, water is formed and sulphur deposited, 4H -I- SO, = 2Kfi + S, and when sulphurous acid is passed through a tube containing ignited charcoal, carbonic acid is produced and sulphur deposited, as before. C -t- SO, = CO, + S. In case nascent hydrogen, come in contact with sulphurous acid, it wiU decompose it at the ordinary temperature, though in a manner somewhat different from the foregoing. The sulphur, as weU as the oxygen, will, in this case, combine with hydrogen, and there wiU be formed sulphydric acid as well as water. 6H + SO, = 2H,0 + H,S. This reaction may be made visible by putting a few drops of a solu- tion of sulphurous acid (Exp. 96) into a gas-bottle from which hydro- gen is being evolved (Exp. 19), and testing the hydrogen with a strip of moistened lead-paper (Exp. 90) l)oth before and after the addition of the sulphurous acid. 220. Sulphiirous acid can readily be condensed to the liquid state. It is, in fact, one of the most easUy liqueflable of the gases. By mere cooling to —10°, under the ordinary pressure of the air, it is converted into a colorless, transparent, limpid liquid. In preparing small quantities of the liquid, it is suificient to lead the N 2 180 LiaXJID SULPHTJKOtrS ACID. gas, prepared from copper and svQphiiric acid, and dried by passing it through sulphuric acid or over chloride of calcium, into a U-tube which is immersed in a freezing mixture of ice and salt (2 parts of pounded ice and 1 part salt). Liquid sulphurous acid is a rather heavy liquid, of 1-49 11 specific gravity, boiling at about — 10° and solidifying at —76°, to a colorless crystalline soUd. On being exposed to the air at ordinary temperatures, the liquid acid evaporates with great rapidity, and consequently occasions very intense cold. By means of it, mercury may be frozen, and chlorine and ammonia- gas liquefied. If a quantity of the liquid acid be poured into ■water, the tempera- ture of which is a few degrees above 0°, a portion of the acid will eva- porate at once, another portion will dissolve in the water, and a third portion of the heavy oUy liquid will sink to the bottom of the vessel. If the portion, which has thus subsided, be stirred with a glass rod, it will boU at once, and the temperature of the water will be so much reduced that a portion, or even the whole, of the water will be frozen. 221. The specific gravity of the gas, as determined by different observers, is 32-256, or 32-443, or 32-S58, instead of 32, as would be indicated by theory. This variation is explained by the fact that sulphurous acid, like all the easily eondensible gases, ceases to conform exactly to the law of Mariotte at temperatures near to its point of condensation. Under any given pressure, its volume decreases in somewhat larger proportion than is the case with air and the other permanent gases. An important property of sulphurous acid is its power of bleaching vegetable colors. It is extensively employed in bleach- ing articles of straw, wool, silt, &c., which would be injured by chlorine. £xp. 97. — Into a bottle in which sulphur has been burned (Exp. 95) pour a few teaspoonfuls of a solution of blue litmus, and shake the loottle. The litmus solution will first become red, as it would if any other acid than sulphvu-ous were present, and will then be decolorized. The same property may be illustrated by holding a red rose in the fumes of burning sulphur, or by immersing the rose in an aqueous solu- tion of sulphurous acid (Exp. 96), and leaving it for a few minutes until it has become white. In the same way the stains of fruit or wine can be removed from StJXPHUEOTJS ACID BLEACHES. 181 clothing. A bit of sulpkui is burned beneath a small open cone of paper, which serves as a chimney, and the stain, having first been slightly moistened with water, is held in the fumes at the top of this chimney. The cloth should finally be carefully washed with water at the place where it has been exposed to the sulphurous acid. In the arts, the process of bleaching is usually conducted in large chambers, in which the slightly moistened articles are hung while sulphur is burned below. The damp goods absorb the sulphurous acid and gradually become white. The presence of water is essential; perfectly dry sulphurous acid will not bleach. 222. The manner in which sulphuroiis acid acts as a bleach- ing agent is not clear. It is remarkable that, as a general rule, it does not actually destroy the coloring-matter ; and that upon many coloring-matters it has little or no action. Most of the yellows, and the green coloring-matter of leaves, are in this latter category, and upon litmus, cochineal, and logwood, the acid does not act very readily. In the few instances where it really de- stroys the color, as in the case of the garden amaranthus, it appears to act as a deoxidizing agent. But in most cases it appears to enter into combination with the coloring-matters and to form colorless compounds. These colorless compounds of sul- phurotis acid and coloring-matter can be broken up, with restora- tion of color, by exposing them to the action of various chemical agents capable of expelling sulphurous acid. Exp. 98. — Bleach a rose, as in Exp. 97, and immerse it in dilute sulphuric acid. Then dry and warm it, so that the volatile sulphurous acid may be driven ofi: The color of the rose will again appear. In many cases a solution of caustic soda will restore the color as weU as sulphuric acid. A practical illustration of this action of alkaline solutions is seen in the reproduction of the original yellow color of the wool when new flannel is washed with an aLbdine soap. Sulphurous acid is a powerful disinfecting and antiseptic agent. It retards, to a remeirkable extent, the processes of putrefaction and fermentation, and is largely employed for this purpose in wine-making ; hops and compressed vegetables are charged with it to the same end, and it has been successfully employed for preserving meat. It has often been employed in medicine, in the treatment of skin diseases, as a fumigation. 223. Although sulphur will not take up more than two atoms 182 OXIDAIIOW or STJIPHTTKOUS ACID. of oxygen when burned in the air, or in oxygen gas, it is never- theless a matter of no very great difficulty to cause it to take up a third atom. In presence of water it gradually absorbs oxygen from the air, and is converted into sulphuric acid. Hence the aqueous solu- tion of sulphurous acid (Exp. 96) cannot be preserved for any great length of time, unless it be kept in very tight vessels. 224. If a mixture of sulphurous acid gas and oxygen, or air, be brought in contact with hot platinum sponge, the sulphurous acid wUl unite with oxygen, and sulphuric acid wUl be formed ; the same union occurs when the mixed gases are brought in con- tact with various other substances, such as pumice-stone, clay, and the oxides of chromium, iron, and copper. Several attempts have been made to put these methods in practice for manufac- turing sulphuric acid, but they have been found to be too slow, and in the case of platinum and clay, it has been observed that these substances soon lose their power and cease to convert the mixed gases into sulphuric acid. Sulphurous acid is, indeed, a deoxidizing agent of very con- siderable power ; and is much employed in the laboratory as a reducing agent. It decomposes iodic acid with separation of iodine, and nitric acid with evolution of h3rponitric acid, sulphuric acid being formed in both eases. 1,0, + 5H,0 + 5S0, = 5(H,0,S03) + 21. H,0,N,0. + SO, = H,0,S03 + 2N0,. Exp. 99. — Charge a dry bottle, of the capacity of a litre pig. 45. or more, with sulphurous acid gas, by burning in it a bit of sulphur, as shown in Fig. 45. Fasten a shaving, or, better, a tuft of gun-cotton, upon a glass rod or tube bent at one end in the form of a hook ; wet the shaving in concentrated nitric acid, and hang it in the bottle of sulphurous acid. Red fiunes of hyponitric acid will immediately form about the nitric acid, and will gradually fiU the bottle. In presence of a mixture of water and chlorine, sulphurous acid takes up an atom of oxygen from the water, while the hydrogen of the water unites with chlorine. SO, + 2H,0 -|-'2C1 = H,0,S03 + 2HC1. A similar reaction occurs between iodine and sulphurous acid, if STTIPHITM. 183 a very large amount of water 'be present; in spite of the fact, already mentioned, § 140, that iodohydric acid is readily decom- posed by concentrated sulphuric acid with liberation of iodine, sulphurous acid, and water. 225. SulphnroTis acid, though a weak acid, forms numerous well-defined salts by uniting with metallic oxides. These salts, called sulphites, are of two classes, — simple or normal sulphites, such as the sulphite of potassium K^SO, (or, duaHstic, Kfi,m^), and double or acid sulphites, such as the acid sulphite of potas- sium KHSO3 (or, dualistic, ES:0,SOJ. AU these salts are de- composed Tsy strong acids, such as chlorhydric, nitric, or sul- phuric, sulphurous acid being expelled ; but they are not decom- posed by carbonic acid. On the contrary, the salts of carbonic acid are decomposed by sulphurous acid ; and hence it happens that the impure stdphurous acid gas obtained by heating a mix- ture of charcoal and sulphuric acid can be used for preparing the sulphites. If, for example, this gas be conducted into an aqueous solution of carbonate of sodium, there will be obtained a solution of sulphite of sodium, and carbonic acid will be set free. 226. Besides the solution of sulphurous acid, such as was pre- pared in Exp. 96, there is a definite crystalline compound of water and the acid, which can be obtained by passing a current of sulphurous acid gas into ice-water. This compound is very unstable, and is destroyed at temperatures but little above 0° ; but by collecting it upon a cooled filter and then pressing the crystals repeatedly between folds of cold blotting-paper, it has been found possible to remove most of the mother-liquor which adheres to them at first, and to obtain the compound in a condi- tion of tolerable purity. The composition of the crystals appears to be S0,+ 15H,0. 227. Sulphuric Acid. — The term sulphuric acid is applied somewhat indiscriminately to three or more distinct substances — namely, to a compound of one atom of sulphur and three atoms of oxygen, SO3, which we shall call anhydrous sulphuric acid, and to certain compounds of sulphur, oxygen, and hydrogen, which have been usually regarded as compounds of the an- hydrous sulphuric acid, just mentioned, and water. Of these hydrates the most important are those of the composition H^SO^ 184 SUtPEUEIC ACID. (dualistic, HjO, SO3) [oil of vitriol], and H^S^O^ (dualistic, HjO,2S03) [Nordhausen or fuming sulphuric acid]. The body, whose formula is H^SO^, is one of the most important of che- mical substances, and is usually the thing meant when sulphuric acid is spoken of. We will therefore proceed to study its pro- perties before touching upon those of the other substances above- mentioned. Sulphuric acid is one of the most important products of che- mical manufacture, and is made in enormous quantities. In the same way that the metal iron may be said to be the basis of aU mechanical industries, sulphuric acid lies at the foundaltion of the chemical arts. By means of sulphuric acid, the chemist either directly or indirectly prepares almost everything with which he has commonly to deal. Sulphuric acid might be prepared by passing sulphurous acid gas into boiling nitric acid, until aU of the latter had been re- duced, and finally distilling off the last traces of the lower oxides of nitrogen which would be formed. Even if sulphur itself were boiled in concentrated nitric acid, it woidd gradually be oxidized and converted into sulphuric acid. But neither of these pro- cesses would be economical. It can be very cheaply prepared, however, by the action of either of the high oxides of nitrogen, nitrous, hyponitric, or nitric acids, upon sulphurous acid, in pre- sence of air and moisture ; and this method is the one actually followed in the preparation of sulphuric acid on the large scale. A mixture of the gases above mentioned is efi5ected in enormous chambers constructed of sheet lead, a metal upon which cold sul- phuric acid has little or no action. 228. The essential points of the process are, first, that SO^, when in presence of much moisture, can take oxygen from either N^Oj, NOj, or N^Oj, and reduce them to nitric oxide, NO, while it is itself converted into sulphuric acid, and, secondly, that NO can take oxygen from the air and become NO^. In practice, the sulphurous acid is obtained by burning crude sulphur, or more commonly a compound of sulphur and iron, known , as iron-pyrites, FeSj; the gas, together with a large excess of atmo- spheric air, is then conducted into the first of a series of leaden cham- bers into which steam is admitted. Nitrous fumes are supplied either MANTTFACTTJEE OP SULPHTJEIC ACID. 185 by aUo-sving nitric acid to fall in fine streams through the incoming current of sulphurous acid and air, or from the decomposition of a mixture of salt, nitrate of sodium, and sulphuric acid, as described in § 105, or by heating a vessel charged with nitrate of sodium and sul- phuric acid, by means of the burning sulphur. In conformity with the principles above stated, the sulphurous acid, as soon as it comes in contact with the steam, reacts upon the nitrous fumes ; there is formed nitric oxide gas and hydrated sulphuric acid, which falls to the floor. But, as there is present in the chamber an excess of air, the nitric oxide immediately unites with a portion of the oxygen therein contained, and is converted into hyponitric acid. This hyponitric acid inmiediately reacts upon a new portion of sulphu- rous acid, and the process thus goes on through a whole series of leaden chambers, the very small portion of nitric acid at first taken being suffi- cient to prepare a lai-ge quantity of sulphuric acid. In reality, the oxygen employed in converting the sulphurous into sulphuric acid, all comes from the air, excepting a very little at first ; the nitrous fumes serve only as a conveyer of oxygen. The nitric oxide takes oxygen from the air and transfers it to the sulphurous acid, which, as has been stated in § 223, is, by itself and unaided, incapable of combining with oxygen. It will, of course, be imderstood that, although we trace out these reactions as if they were consecutive, they are really, so far as we know, simultaneous. Theoretically, a single portion of hyponitric acid would be sufficient to efiectthe conversion of an unlimited amount of sulphm'ous into sul- phuric acid ; but practically this power is qualified by a variety of cir- cumstances. It is found to be impossible, for example, to mix new portions of air with the mixture of sulphurous acid and nitric oxide for an indefinite period ; for at a certain point these gases become so loaded down with nitrogen derived from the air ah'eady consumed, that they are as good as lost in it. In general the flow of gases is so regu- lated that all the sulphurous acid shall be oxidized, and that nothing but nitric oxide and waste nitrogen shall paas out of the last leaden chamber. 229. The process of manufacturing sulphuric acid can readily be illustrated upon the small scale. A large glass balloon, or receiver, of the capacity of several litres, placed in a vertical position, is closed with a cork pierced with five holes, through four of which are passed small glass tubes. All of these glass tubes reach nearly to the bottom of the balloon, and are bent at aright angle above the cork; one of the tubes is connected at the top with a flask containing copper-turnings and sulphuric acid, for the 186 MANFFACTUKE OP SULPHT7KIC ACID. generation of sulphurous acid (see Exp. 96), another with a flask containing copper-turnings and furnished with a thistle- tube, through which nitric acid can he poured, for the generation of nitric oxide (see Exp. 37), and the third with a flask containing water for the evolution of steam ; the fourth tube and the fifth hole are both left open. Everything being iu readiness, nitric oxide is generated in the small flask fitted for this purpose ; as the gas passes over into the large bal- loon it unites with oxygen from the air, and red fumes of hyponitric acid are formed. Sulphurous acid is now made to pass into the bal- loon ; this will have no action upon the red fames, so long as there is no water present, but the moment steam is thrown in from the third small flask, a reaction occurs, the hyponitric acid is reduced, and the sulphurous acid oxidized. By means of bellows, air must, from time to time, be blown into the balloon, through the fourth glass tube, the waste nitrogen passing off through the fifth hole in the cork. If but little steam be employed in this experiment, a solid compound, formed by the union of nitrous and anhydrous sulphuric acids, is liable to be deposited upon the walls of the balloon ; the appeai-auce of this body always indicates that the supply of steam is insufficient ; it is never formed when the proper proportion of moisture is present. 230. The sulphuric acid which collects at the bottom of the leaden chambers is necessarily dilute, because of the large amount of water which must be present, in order that the reactions above described may freely occur ; moreover it would not be advan- tageoiis to allow an acid more concentrated than that of specific gravity 1-4 to form in the chambers, since a stronger acid would absorb and retain a considerable quantity of nitric oxide. To make it fit for the purposes for which sulphuric acid is usually employed, the dilute acid of the chambers must be concentrated by expulsion of the water ; to this end, it is run off into shallow leaden pans, and there evaporated until it is of specific gravity 1-71 to 1-75. The concentration cannot safely be carried beyond this point in ordinary leaden vessels, since the strong, hot acid begins to attack the metal, and the temperature at which the liquid boils is so high as to approach the melting-point of lead. This acid of 1-72 specific gravity is somewhat extensively em- ployed, for a variety of purposes, at the factories where it has been prepared, but is stiU too dilute for transportation. It is therefore transferred from the leaden pans to large glass retorts set in deep sand baths, or to platinum stills, and there evaporated further, until it is nearly of the composition H SO . PBOPEKTIES OP STTLPHTJEIO ACID. 187 231. The acid thus boiled down is the concentrated sulphuric acid, or oil of vitriol, of commerce ; its specific gravity is usually about 1-83, that of the absolutely pure acid being 1-842. Besides this sHght excess of water, it contains also, in solution, a certain quantity of sulphate of lead, and a variety of other impurities. For most purposes, however, it will answer as well as the pare acid. Like the latter, it is a heavy, oily, colorless, and odorless liquid, boUing at about 330°. Since a comparatively small amount of heat is absorbed in the con- version of the liquid acid to the condition of gas, its vapor can be very easily condensed ; in distilUng the acid, the receiver need not even be placed in cold water. From the same cause, combined with the great weight of the liquid, the acid is liable to boil tumultuoiisly, the act of ebullition being irregular and attended with violent blows or shocks. TUe babbles of vapor formed at the bottom of the retort condense almost as soon as they are formed, and the heavy liquid above suddenly falls back to fiU the vacuum. In distilling the concentrated acid, it is therefore best to heat only the upper portions of the liquid in the retort ; this can be effected either by placing the retort upon a wire-grate so perforated that about half the body of the retort can be sunk below the level of the burning charcoal upon the grate, or by placing a layer of ashes, or of some other bad conductor of heat, beneath the very bottom of the retort, then piling sand aroimd the sides of the retort outside of the ashes, and applying heat beneath the iron pan upon which the whole is sup- ported. 232. The common acid usually freezes at about —34°; but it has been found possible to lower the freezing-point to — 80°, by adding a small quantity of water to the commercial acid. When once frozen, it remains solid until the temperature rises to about the freezing-point of water. Crystals of the pure acid melt at about 10°. At the ordinary temperature, sulphuric acid does not vaporize, but, on the contrary, greedily absorbs water from the air and so increases in bulk. In moist weather, its bulk may increase to the extent of a quarter or more, in the course of a single day, and, by longer exposure, a still larger quantity of water win be taken up ; the acid must always be kept, therefore, in ■ tightly stoppered bottles. 188 SULPHITEIC ACm ABSOKBS WATER, Hxp. 100.— Into a shallow dish of about 200 c. c. capacity, pour about 75 c. c. of concentrated sulphuric acid ; place this dish of acid upon one pan of a balance, and upon the other pan put enough small shot, or clean, dry sand, to exactly balance the acid. Preserve the ma- terial gf the counterpoise, and place the dish of acid uncovered in the open air; from day to day replace it upon the balance, together with the counterpoise, and note the number of grammes or fractions of a gramme that it has increased in weight. If the acid were allowed to stand for a week or two in a damp place, it might become two or three times as heavy as it was at first. From ■ its power of absorbing aqueous vapor, sulphuric acid is often employed for drying gases. (See Appendix, § 15.) 233. "With liquid water sulphuric acid unites with great energy, much heat being evolved at the mSment of combination ; during the union a certain amount of condensation occurs, the mixture, when cold, 'occupying less space than was previously occupied by the acid and the water. The water and acid may be mixed in all proportions, being mutually soluble one in the other. In mixing water and sulphuric acid, the acid should always be poured into the water, in a fine stream, not the water into the acid, — the water being meanwhile stirred. In this way the hea^y acid has an opportunity to mix with the water as it sinks down through it. ■ If, by any accident, water were to fall upon sulphuric acid, it would float on top of it, and great heat would be developed at the point of contact of the two liquids; if the quantities of acid and water were large, sudden bursts of steam would be occasioned and serious damage might arise from the scattering about of portions of the acid. In mixing water and commercial sulphuric acid as in the following experiment, it will be observed that the solution becomes cloudy, and that a white powder is gradually deposited from it. This precipitate is sulphate of lead, originally derived from the leaden pans in which the acid was concentrated ; it is soluble in concentrated, but insoluble in dilute sulphuric acid, and is consequently thrown down when water is added to the commercial acid. Exp. 101. — Place in a beaker glass of about 250 c. c. capacity, 30 c. c. of water ; in accordance with the directions above given, pour into the water 120 grms. of concentrated sulphuric acid, and stir the mixture with a narrow test-tube containing a teaspoonful of water. So much heat will be evolved during the union of the water and the acid that the water in the test-tube will boil. 234. If sulphuric acid be mixed with ice or snow, the latter MlXnfa 8T7LPHUKIC ACID WIIH WATEK. 189 will be immediately liquefied. If the proportion of ice in the mixture be smaU, as compared with that of the sulphuric acid, heat wiU be evolved much as is the case with liquid water, though to a leas extent. But when a large proportion of ice is mixed with a comparatively small quantity of the acid, no heat will be perceived, but, on the contrary, intense cold. Exp. 102. — Place in a beaker glass of about half a litre capacity 120 grms. of snow, or finely pounded ice ; pour upon it 30 grms. of concentrated siJphuxic acid, and stir the mixture with a test-tube con- taining a small quantity of water. The water in the tube will be frozen. Eicp. 103. — ^Repeat the foregoing experiment, using 30 grms. of snow or ice and 120 grms. of siilphuric acid. A very considerable evolution of heat will occur, as may be seen more clearly by inmiersing a thermometer in the liquid. The result of Exp. 102 seems, at first sight, inconsistent with the general fact that heat is always set free during chemical com- bination ; for though chemical union between the acid and water has evidently occurred, no heat, but cold, is manifested. The anomaly is only a seeming one ; a certain amount of heat is re- quired, in order that the cohesive force, by which the particles of the ice are held together, shall be overcome ; hence the heat which is really produced by the chemical combination is all absorbed, together with much more, taken from the materials and the vessel which contained them, during the liquefaction of the ice. 235. Besides the indefinite mixture or solution above men- tioned, several crystalline compounds of anhydrous sulphuric acid and the elements of water, of fixed composition and characteristic form, can be prepared. If the commercial acid be diluted with water untU its specific gravity is reduced to 1'78, and the liquid be then cooled strongly, a substance of composition H^SO, (dualistic, ''IKfi,^0^ will crys- tallize out in the form of large rhombic prisms. These crystals are of sp. gr. 1'785 ; they melt and solidify at about 8°. A second hydrate, of composition 3HjO,S03, can be obtained by evaporating a dUute acid in a vacuum at the temperature of 100°, until it ceases to lose weight ; and another of composition 'Kp,2^0^, win be described below when we come to speak of fuming sulphuric acid. 190 PROPERTIES OF STJLPHTTRIC ACID. 236. Sulphuric acid is one of the most powerful acids known. If one drop of it be diluted with a thousand times as much water, it is stUl capable of reddening blue litmus. It expels most of the other acids from their compounds, in the same way that we have seen it expel nitric acid from nitrate of sodium in Exp. 32. At very low temperatures, however, as at —80°, it loses its power of reddening Ktmus, and has no action upon the carbonates, though it acts violently upon these salts at the ordinary temperature. It is intensely caustic and corrosive, and quickly chars and destroys most vegetable and animal substances. Exp. 104. — ^Into a test-glass pour a tablespoonful of sulphuric acid and immerse in it a splinter of wood. The wood will blacken as if charred by fire, and the acid wiU become dark-colored. Wood is com- posed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; and since sulphuric acid unites with compounds of hydrogen and oxygen, rather than with carbon, a portion of the latter is left free ; some carbonaceous matter is, however, dissolved by the acid and darkens it. The acid of com- merce is often dark-colored, from fragments of straw or other organic matter having accidentally fallen into it. Sulphuric acid which has been colored by organic matter may be rendered colorless by strongly heating it till it becomes fully concentrated. The action of the acid upon organic matter is more rapid when moist- ure is present. Thus, if a few drops of oil of vitriol be poured upon dry paper, decomposition will take place only slowly ; but if a little water be added to the acid, heat will be developed by the chemical imion, and the paper will be at once decomposed by the hot acid. 237. When, heated with charcoal or with any organic matter, sulphuric acid gives up oxygen, as has been shown in Exp. 96, and is itself reduced to sulphurous acid ; by sulphur, also, and by several of the metals, such as copper and mercury, it is re- duced in a similar way. (See Exp. 96.) Towards some metals, such as zinc for example, its behavior is various, according as it is concentrated or dilute. If zinc be treated with cold, dilute sulphuric acid, the zinc simply replaces the hydrogen of the acid, sulphate of zinc is formed, and hydrogen is set free. Zn -f H,SO, = ZnSO, -1- 2H. But if zinc be heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, a portion of the latter is reduced, as it would be in. presence of copper or SULPHATES. 191 mercury, sulphurous acid is evolved, as weU as hydrogen, and these gases, reacting upon each other, produce sulphydric acid and a deposit of sulphur, in accordance with the foUowing formulEe : SO, + 6H = H,S + 2Hp. SO, + 4H = S + 2H,0, As a general riile, concentrated sulphuric acid acts hut feehly upon the metals in the cold, though, when boiled upon them, it often behaves as an oxidizing agent. 238. With the oxides of the metals, sulphuric acid imites directly to form the very important salts called sulphates, water being simultaneously eliminated. Oil of vitriol, HjjSO^, may, in fact, be itself regarded as a salt, in the composition of which, hy- drogen fiUs the same place that sodium does in sulphate of sodium, Na^SOj, and it might well be called sulphate of hydro- gen, were it not that usage has assigned to it another name. Besides the normal sulphates, in which all the hydrogen has been replaced by a metal, as above (or, on the duahstic hypothesis, in which aU the water has been replaced by a metallic oxide), there is another class of sulphates, often called hi or acid svl- phates, in which only half of the hydrogen has been thus re- placed ; as an example of these, the student wiU recall the acid sulphate of sodium, NaHSO^, mentioned in § 101. Acids, which, like sulphuric acid, contain two replaceable atoms of hydrogen, and are therefore capable of forming two series of salts, are called bibasic, in contradistinction to the monobasic acids, Hke nitric acid, which form but one series of salts. There is but one nitrate of sodium, for example, NaNO^. It is for this reason that many chemists object to the doubled formula for nitric acid H^N^Oj, in spite of its convenience, because this for- mula suggests, what is not true, that one or both of the atoms of hydrogen might be replaced by any metal which, like sodium, potassium, or silver, replaces hydrogen atom for atom. 239. Fuming Sulphuric Add. — The acid H^SO^, above de- scribed, has been, for nearly a century, the most important of the several varieties of sulphuric acid ; but long previous to the dis- covery of the process of making it in leaden chambers, there was manufactured another variety, now known as fuming sul- phuric acid. 192 FUMINa STTLPHTJRIC ACID. This fuming acid, or JSTordhausen acid, as it is often called, from the name of a German town in which large quantities of it were formerly prepared, was at first obtained by distilling in earthen retorts the salt now known as sulphate of iron, formerly called green vitriol. Hence the origin of the name oil of vitriol, which, in England and this country, has come to be applied solely to the common acid H^SO^, though it is still used as a synonyme for the fuming acid by German writers. When dry sulphate of iron is exposed to a full red heat, it suffers decomposition ; a considerable quantity of sulphuric acid is given off and can be collected in receivers. The distillate thus obtained, which is a dense fuming liquid of about 1-9 spe- cific gravity, is the acid now in question. Though of far less importance than was formerly the case, considerable quantities of the fuming acid are still prepared for the purpose of dissolving indigo and for other special uses, where an acid stronger than the common acid is needed. It may be regarded as a solution of varying quantities of the anhydrous acid SO, in the common acid HjSOj ; if it be gently heated, all of the anhydrous acid will be expelled, and common sulphuric acid will remain. So, too, if it be exposed to the air, the anhydrous acid wiU be given off, and, coming in contact with the moisture of the air, will combine therewith to form common sulphuric acid, which, falling as a cloud, occasions the appearance of fumes. When the fuming acid is cooled to about — 5°, a crystalline compound of composition H^S^O, (dualistic, HjO,2S03) separates out. After having been freed from liquid acid, these crystals melt at 35°- When pure, the fuming acid is colorless ; but the conmiercial article is often brown, from having been in contact with organic matter. It is an excessively corrosive liquid, and destroys most organic matters, even more rapidly than the com- mon acid. On being dropped into water, a noise is emitted as if a red-hot bar of metal had touched the water. 240. Anhydrous Sulphuric Acid (SO3). — As has been men- tioned in § 224, this substance can be obtained by passing a mix- ture of sulphurous acid gas and oxygen over hot, finely divided, metallic platinum, or over various oxides and other porous sub- stances. MAKING ANHTDEOTTS StrLPHtTMC ACID. 193 Exp. 105.— Prepare a small quantity of platinized asbestos as fol- lows : dissolve about 0-25 grm. of metalUo platinum in aqua regia (§ 104), and soak in this solution as much soft, porous asbestos as will form a loose ball of 1'5 cm. diameter ; heat the wet asbestos gently until it has become dry, and then ignite it in the flame of the gas-lamp. The chloride of platinum, which was formed by the solution of the metal, is decomposed by heat, and metallic platinum, in a finely divided condi- tion, is left adhering to the asbestos. Select a tube of hard glass, No. 8, about 30 cm. long, and, at a dis- tance of about 10 cm. from one end, bend it to an obtuse angle, so that when the tube is supported upon a ring of the iron stand above the gas-lamp the shorter bent portion can be thrust into the neck of a receiver ; in the centre of the longer portion of the glass tube pack the platinized asbestos loosely; then force into and through the tube a cur- rent of mixed sulphurous acid and oxygen ; at the same time heat over the gas-lamp that portion of the tube which contains the platinized asbestos, and collect the anhydrous sulphuric acid which is formed in a perfectly dry test-tube or U-tube immersed in ice, or, better, in a freez- ing-mixture of ice and salt. In the course of the experiment, lift up the receiver for a moment, pour out from it a little of the vapor of anhydrous sulphuric acid, with which it is flUed, and observe how rapidly the heavy gaa falls through the air, and the cloud which forms as it imites with moisture. The mixture of sulphurous acid and oxygen may be made before the experiment in a small gas-holder, or, as well, during the progress of the experiment in a bottle behind the asbestos tube. This bottle, which should be of at least half a litre capacity, is fitted with a cork car- rying three glass tubes, and is connected with the asbestos tube by one of these tubes, which reaches no lower than the cork ; by the other tubes, which pass nearly to the bottom of the bottle, and dip beneath the surface of a layer of common sulphuric acid, which has been placed in it, the bottle is connected with a flask in which sulphurous acid is being generated (Exp. 96), and with a gas-holder containing oxygen. The sulphuric acid in the bottle serves to dry the gases, and the rapidity with which the bubbles of gas pass through the liquid, enables the operator to judge of the proportions in which the gases are being mixed ; the flow of oxygen having been fixed at a moderate rate, once for all, the sulphurous acid will alone need attention. The action of the platinum in this experiment is obscure ; it will be treated of under the metal platinum. Instead of the platinized asbestos, oxide of iron, oxide of copper, or oxide of chromium, or, better, a mixture of the last two can be heated 194 PROPBEIIES OP ASTHTDEOITS STTIPHTJEIC ACID. in the tube through which the mixed gases are passing. These pro- cesses of preparing sulphuric acid are interesting from a scientific point of view, but, as has been already stated (§ 224)^ they do not admit of commercial application. Anhydrous sulphuric acid can readily be prepared by heating the Nordhausen acid (see § 239) : — 20 or 30 grms. of fuming sulphuric acid are poured into a perfectly dry, small glass retort ; the neck of the retort is thrust into a dry, cold receiver, andihe acid is slowly heated until it boils moderately. The vapor of the anhydrous acid wiQ condense and solidify in the receiver. The anhydrous acidmay also be obtained by distilling dry bisulphate of sodium. The bisulphate is prepared by heating a mixture of 3 parts, by weight, of dry sulphate of sodium and 2 parts of common sulphuric acid, until the mixture fuses. All the water of the acid is thus elimi- nated : — NaASOj + H20,S03 = Na20,2S03 -1- H^O. The bisulphate of sodium, on being distUled in an eathem retort, will give up one molecule of anhydrous sulphuric acid, and a residue of normal sulphate of sodium will remain in the retort : — Na20,2S03 = Na20,S03 + SO,. 241. As thus prepared, anliydroTis sulphuric acid is a glisten- ing white solid mass of silky, crystalline fibres, somewhat resem- bling asbestos ; it is tough and ductile, and can be moulded with the fingers like wax. So long as no water is present, it can be handled without danger ; when perfectly dry, it is not corrosive, nor does it even react upon blue litmus. It unites with water, however, with great avidity, and is converted into common sul- phuric acid. It rapidly absorbs water from the air and deli- quesces ; at the same time it forms dense fumes ; for it is volatile, to a very considerable extent, at the ordinary temperature, and its vapor combines with tlie moisture of the air. On being brought in contact with a small quantity of water, it combines with it with explosive violence, and much heat is evolved. If a bit of it be thrown into a large quantity of water, the water hisses as if a hot iron had been thrust into it. Owing to its great tendency to deliquesce, the solid acid can only be preserved in dry tubes sealed at the lamp. The specific gravity of anhydrous sulphuric acid is 1-97. It melts readily upon being heated; but it has been noticed that COMPOSIXIOIf OP ANHTDKOUS STrLPHTTEIC AC33). 195 some samples melt far more easily than others. There appear to be two distinct varieties of the acid ; for in some cases a tem- perature of 18° is sufficient to render the mass fluid, while in others the heat must he carried even to 100°. The easily fusible modification appears to change gradually, by keeping, into that which is more difficultly fusible; and the latter seems to be changed to the former by distillation. The melted acid boils at about 35°, and evolves a colorless and transparent vapor, three times as heavy as air, which, upon coming iu contact with the air, imites with moisture and forms dense white fumes. When brought in contact with hot lime or baryta (oxide of calcium and oxide of barium), it unites with them directly ; intense heat is evolved, and there is formed sulphate of calcium or sulphate of barium: — CaO + SO3 = CaSO, = CaO,SO,. 242. On being exposed to a strong red heat, the vapor of an- hydrous sulphuric acid splits up into oxygen and sulphurous acid — ^two volumes of it yielding two volumes of sulphurous acid and one volume of oxygen. As has been shown in § 217, two volumes of sulphurous acid gas contain one volume of sulphur vapor and two volumes of oxygen ; hence it follows that the volumetric composition of anhydrous sulphuric acid is one volume of sulphur vapor and three volumes of oxygen, the whole con- densed to two volumes. The specific gravity of sulphur vapor is 32, that of oxygen is 16, and the proportions, by weight, in which sulphur and oxygen are united in anhydrous sulphuric acid, are consequently 32 and 16x3=48, the combining weight of sul- phuric acid being 32-1-48 =80. The combining weight of sul- phuric acid can also be readily determined in a manner analogous to that employed in the case of nitric acid (§ 73), by saturating with the common acid a known quantity of oxide of lead, evaporating off the water and excess of acid, and then determining the weight of the dry sulphate of lead which is formed. By subtracting from the latter the weight of the original oxide of lead, we obtain the weight of the sulphuric acid which has com- bined with it. Experiment wiU show that the weight of this sulphuric acid is to that of the oxide of lead in the ratio of 80 to 223. o2 196 HTPOSULPHXTKOTTS ACID. The facility with which sulphuric acid is decomposed at a red heat (§ 242) is the basis of a very economical method of prepa- ring oxygen gas in large quantities for manufacturing-purposes. Commercial sulphuric acid is allowed to drop upon fragments of red-hot porcelain, there to be decomposed, in accordance with the formula H,SO, = SO, + + H,0, and the products of the decomposition are then washed with water, so that the sulphurous acid may be absorbed, the steam condensed, and the oxygen left free. Here again, as in our earlier experiments (§ 10), the oxygen has really been, obtained from the air ; and if it were desirable, the solution of sulphurous acid obtained in. washing this oxygen, might be placed in the leaden chambers and again be converted into sulphuric acid by the addition of oxygen from the air. 243. Hyposulphurous Add (S^O,) has never been obtained in the free state, nor is any compound of it with water known ; but there are numerous saline compounds of which it makes part, and some of these are of considerable importance in the iarts. These salts, called hyposulphites, can be prepared in various ways, — for example, by digesting sulphur in a hot (but not boiling) concentrated solution of an alkaline sulphite. If sul- phite of sodium be taken, the reaction can be thus formulated, lTa,0,SO, + S = Na,0,S,0,. Another method of preparing the hyposulphites is to pass a cur- rent of sulphurous acid gas through the solution of an alkaline sulphide, until no farther precipitation of sulphur occurs : — 2CaS + 3S0, = 2(CaO,S,0,) + S. "When a hyposulphite is treated with a strong acid, decompo- sition immediately ensues; S^O, breaks up into SO^-I-S; hence our inability to isolate the acid. Some of the hyposulphites will be more fully described when we come to treat of the metals. 244. Other Compounds of SidpJiur and Oxygen. — With the exception of hyposulphuric acid, S^O^, none of these compounds (see § 215) have been very thoroughly studied ; any detailed CHIOEIOBES OF StTLPHnjB. 197 description of the methods of preparing them would be out of place in an elementary manual. 245. Compounds of Svlphur and Chlorine. — Chlorine and sul- phur combine -with one another directly and readily, forming several different compounds, whose properties vary in accordance with the varying proportions of chlorine and sulphur which they respectively contain. 246. Bichloride of Sulphur (SCI) is the best-known of the compounds of chlorine and sulphur, and is often called simply chloride of sulphur. It can be prepared by passing a current of dry chlorine through a flask or tubulated retort containing flowers of sulphur. The chlorine is rapidly absorbed by the sulphur, and care must be taken lest the mass become too hot. The reddish-yellow liquid, obtained as the result of the reaction, is a solution of sulphur in dichloride of sulphur ; by distilling it the excess of sulphur can be separated. Dichloride of sulphur is a yeUowish-brown liquid of 1'68 specific gravity, and boiling, without decomposition, at 144°. It emits a peculiar odor, which has been likened to that of sea-plants ; its vapor excites tears, and its taste is acid, acrid, and bitter. It fumes strongly in the air, being decomposed by the moisture of the air with evolution of chlorhydric acid. It is decomposed by water, but can be mixed with bisulphide of car- bon and with benzine. It is remarkable as a powerful solvent of sulphur ; 100 parts of dichloride of sulphur can take up about 70 parts of sulphur at the ordinary temperature ; on slowly cool- ing the hot saturated solution, beautiful crystals of sulphur are deposited. Dichloride of sulphur is used in a process of vulcan- izing caoutchouc, known as the cold process. 247. Chloride of Sulphur (.SCl^). — This compound is formed when sulphur is treated with an excess of dry chlorine, or when; a current of chlorine is passed into dichloride of sulphur; the dichloride requires some 278 times its own bulk of chlorine gas, and absorbs it very slowly. Chloride of sulphur is a red liquid, of 1-625 specific gravity. 'It exhales suffocating and irritating fumes of chlorine and the dichloride, since it slowly decomposes when kept. The decomposition is particularly rapid in a strong light ; and so much gas is evolved that a tightly-stoppered bottle 198 SELBNIUlt. containing chloride of sulphur -will explode, after a time, if it be placed in sunlight. On being heated, the liquid gives off so much chlorine at 50° that it seems to boil ; but the temperature gradually rises to 64°, which appears to be the real boiling-poiat of the liquid. It is slowly decomposed by water. The density of its vapor has been found to be 53 ; admitting that the gas is composed of one volume of sulphur vapor and two volumes of chlorine, condensed to two volumes of vapor, the cal- ctdated specific gravity of its vapor would be 51-5. In view of the instability of the compound, the experimental result is suf- ficiently near coincidence with the calculated number to make it certain that the composition of the gas is reaUy as above stated. 248. The other compounds of sulphur with chlorine, and with chlorine and oxygen, need not here be discussed ; and the same remark applies to the compounds formed by the union of sulphur with iodine, bromine, fluorine, and nitrogen. The compounds of sulphur with carbon, phosphorus, arsenic, and the metals wiU be treated of hereafter. CHAPTEE XIV. SELENITTM AND TELLTJBrtTlt. 249. These elements are rare, and of little or no industrial importance ; but to the chemist they are exceedingly interesting, on account of the close resemblance they bear to sulphur. The three elements, sulphur, selenium, and tellurium, constitute a group which is equally remarkable with that formed by chlorine, bromine, and iodine. (See § 152.) 250. Selenium, Se, is never found ia any considerable quan- tity in any one place. Traces of it occur in many varieties of native sulphur, and in various metallic sulphides. It is now obtained chiefly from the sulphides of iron, copper, and zinc. These sulphides often contain minute traces of selenium, though the quantity is sometimes so small that it can hardly be detected PBOPEETLES OP SELENIUM. 199 by the ordinary methods of analysis. When these sulphides are burned for the purpose of manufacturing sulphuric acid, or in metallurgical operations, the selenium goes off -with the sulphu- rous acid produced by the combustion, and is deposited either in the dust-flues of the furnaces or upon the floors of the leaden chambers at the sulphuric-acid works. In this way the selenium from hundreds of tons of the pyritous ores is collected and con- centrated to a comparatively small bulk. The deposit taken from the leaden chambers of some sulphuric-acid works contains as much as from 2 to 10 per cent, of selenium. The methods of obtaining pure selenium from these deposits are foimded upon the facts that by treatment with nitric acid or aqua regia the selenium can all be oxidized and converted into selenious acid (SeOj), that selenious acid is soluble in water, and that when a solution of it is treated with sulphurous acid, the selenious acid is reduced and pure selenium deposited. SeO, -1- 2S0, = 2SO3 -1- Se. 251. In its properties and in its chemical behavior, selenium resembles sulphur in many respects, while in others it is like tellurium. Like sulphur and oxygen, it occurs in distinct aUo- tropic modifications (§§ 162, 196). The precipitate obtained by mixing solutions of sulphurous and selenious acids is of a deep red color, almost like that of cinnabar. But, after having been fused and suddenly cooled, selenium appears as a brilliant black mass, amorphous, like glass, and of 4-3 specific gravity. When fused selenium has been slowly cooled, it appears as a dark-grey, very brittle, crumbling mass, of crystalline or granular structure and a metallic lustre like that of lead ; the specific gravity of this variety is 4"81. The amorphous or vitreous modification of selenium does not conduct electricity ; but the granular or crystal- line variety conducts it, and the more readily in proportion as it is hotter. The specific heat of selenium, at the ordinary tem- perature, is 0-0746, being the same for both the vitreous modifi- cation and that with metallic lustre. The vitreous variety is soluble in bisulphide of carbon, but the granular variety is in- soluble in that liquid. Selenium melts readily upon being heated, and the liquid thus 200 ISOMOEPHISM. obtained boils at about 700°, being converted into a dark yellow vapor, the specific gravity of which has been fovmd to be 82-3. The atomic weight of selenium has been determined to be 79'5. This discrepancy between the vapor-density and the atomic weight is to be ascribed to the imperfection of the experimental deter- minations. Of itself, selenium has neither taste nor odor. When heated in the flame of a lamp, }t burns with a beautiful blue flame and exhales a peculiarly offensive odor, like that of putrid horseradish, — selenious acid, SeO^, being the chief product of the reaction. Selenium combines with most of the elements, usually in the same way as sulphur, though not always, since it is a weaker chemical agent than sulphur ; its compounds are as a rule some- what less stable than the corresponding sulphur compounds. With oxygen it forms selenious acid, SeO^, and selenic acid, SeOj, — analogous to sulphurous and sulphuric acids respectively. Besides these, there is a lower oxide, SeO (?) ; it is a colorless gas, having the strong and disagreeable odor like horseradish before mentioned. 252. Both selenious and selenic acids form numerous salts, which closely resemble the corresponding sulphites and sulphates in composition and in many of their properties. Normal seleniate of potassium, for example, K2SeO_j, cannot be distinguished, by its external appearance, from sulphate of potassium, K^SO^, — the crystalline form of the two bodies, as weU as their texture, color, and lustre, being identical. If solutions of these two salts be mixed, neither of the salts can subsequently be crystallized out by itself when the solution is evaporated ; the crystals obtained win be composed of sulphate of potassium and seleniate of po- tassium mixed in the most varied proportions. Bodies which are thus capable of crystallizing together in all proportions, with- out alteration of the crystalline form, are said to be isomorphous (like-formed). The formulae of the two isomorphous salts, just mentioned, differ only in this — that the one contains the atom Se, where the other contains the atom S. It is therefore pos- sible to replace 32 parts by weight of sulphur by 79-5 parts of selenium, or 79'5 of selenium by 32 of sulphur, without changing the crystalline form of the salts; it foUows that 32 parts by ATOMIC TOLTTME TELLTTRIirM. 201 weight of solid sulphur, and 79-5 parts of solid selenium, occupy the same space. That this is actually the case may "be shown by comparing the quotients obtained by dividing the atomic ■weights of the two elements by their specific gravities; these quotients will be found to be equal, or as nearly equal as the limits of error of the physical determinations involved will per- mit. The specific gravity of prismatic sulphur is 1-91, or, iu other words, one cubic centimetre of solid sulphur weighs 1'91 gramme ; the specific gravity of crystaULne selenium is 4-81, or one cubic centimetre of selenium weighs 4-81 grammes ; 32 grammes of sulphur will, therefore, occupy j^.gj=16-75 cuMc centimetres; 79'5 grammes of selenium wiU occupy j;gj=16'53 cubic centimetres. What is true of grammes, is true of any parts by weight, and ultimately of the atoms. This quotient, obtained by dividing the atomic weight of an element by its specific gra- vity, is called the atomic volume of the element ; it must be borne in mind that the standard of specific gravity for liquids and solids is water, for gases hydrogen, and, therefore, that the atomic volume of a solid or liquid must not be directly compared with that of a gas. Two elements whose atomic volume is the same can be exchanged in their compounds without alteration of crystalline form, precisely as a brick or stone taken out of a wall can be replaced by another of the same size and shape without changing the form of the wall. 253. With chlorine, selenium forms two compounds, Sed and SeClj, the first of which is analogous to dichloride of sulphur. With hydrogen it forms a compound, H^Se, called selenhydric acid, or seleniuretted hydrogen, which is perfectly analogous to sulphuretted hydrogen, H^S, but possesses a still more disagree- able odor. In its action upon solutions of the metallic salts, upon metals and metallic oxides, selenhydric acid behaves like sul- phydric acid, a selenide of the metal being always formed. 254. Tellurium (Te) occurs in nature even more rarely than selenium. Sometimes it is found in the free state, but more ge- nerally in combination with the heavy metals, such as gold, silver, lead, copper, and bismuth. It is one of the few elements with regard to which chemists have, at times, been in doubt whether 202 THE StTLPHUB GBOTJP. or not they should be classed as metals. Many of its physical properties are similar to those of the metals, and it particularly re- sembles the metal antimony ; but it is so intimately related to sul- phur and selenium in its chemical properties, its crystalline form, and mode of occurrence in nature, that it is now almost always studied as a member of the sulphur group. 255. Tellurium is of a silver- white color and glittering me- tallic lustre. It is hard and brittle, and crystallizes very easily in rhombohedrons. It is a bad conductor of heat and electricity. Its specific gravity is 6-2 ; its specific heat is 0-04737, and its atomic weight 128. It melts at a temperature somewhat above the melting-point of lead, and is volatile at a full red heat, the vapor being of a yellow colour, like that of selenium. When heated in the air, it takes fire, and bums with a greenish-blue flame, copious fumes of tellurous acid, TeO^, being at the same time evolved. 256. The compounds of tellurium and oxygen (tellurous acid, TeO^, and telliu:ic acid, TeOj) are analogous to sulphurous and sulphuric acids. By uniting with metallic oxides, they form nu- merous salts, analogous to, and isomorphous with, the correspond- ing compounds of sulphur and selenium. So, too, the hydrogen compound, H^Te, is analogous to sulphuretted and seleniuretted hydrogen, in composition and properties. "With the metals it unites directly to form tellurides. There are chlorine compounds also, TeCl and TeCl^. 257. The close relationship which subsists between sulphur and oxygen has been already alluded to, as well as the many points of resemblance between sulphur, selenium, and tellurium; the student is therefore now prepared to recognize the fact that in oxygen, stdphur, selenium, and tellurium we have another group or family of elements, as intimately and naturally related to each other as are the members of the chlorine group. (See § 152.) It will be seen at a glance that in passing from oxygen, at one end of the series, to tellurium, at the other, we meet with the same progression of physical and chemical properties that was so noticeable in passing from chlorine to iodine. The properties of the various compounds formed by the union of the members of the sulphur group with other elements exhibit the same kind COMBINATION BY VOLUME. 203 of progression ; that these compounds are of analogous composi- tion has been shown in the preceding paragraphs. With hydrogen the members of the sulphur group unite in the proportion of two atoms of hydrogen to one atom of the other element; thus, H^O, H^^S, H^Se, H^Te. This peculiar relation to hydrogen is an important characteristic of the group. In this sulphur group, precisely as in the chlorine group, the relative chemical power of each element in the family is great in proportion as its atomic weight is low (§ 153) ; oxygen is, as a rule, stronger than sulphur, sulphur than selenium, and selenium than tellurium, their atomic weights being respectively : — = 16, S = 32, Se = 79-5(80?), Te = 128. CHAPTEE XY, COMBINATION BY VOIUME. 258. A comparison of the formulae representing the volume- tric composition of aU the well-defined compound gases and vapors which have been thus far studied, wiU bring into clear view some of the general facts relating to combination by volume. It has been established, by experiment, that the following com- pounds are formed by the chemical union, without condensation, of equal volumes of the two elements which enter into each com- pound : — Hydrogen Chlorine _ Chlorhydric Acid 1 vol. 1 vol. — 2 vols. Hydrogen Bromine _ Bromhydric Acid 1 vol. 1 vol. — 2 vols. Hydrogen . Iodine _ lodohydric Acid 1 vol. 1 vol. ~ 2 vols. '■ Nitrogen , Oxygen _ Nitric Oxide 1 vol. + 1 vol. - 2 vols. ' Tt has further been demonstrated that the following compounds of two elements contain two volumes of one element and one H , CI HCl 1 +85-5- 36-5 H ^Br 1 +80 = HBr 81. H , I _ 1 +127- HI 128 N , M + 16 - NO 30 204 COMBINATION BT TOLTDHS. volume of the other, but that these three volumes are condensedj during the act of combination, into two volumes : — Hydrogen . Oxygen Steam „,. H2 j. _ H2O 2 vols. + 1 TOl. = 2 vols. ' °^ 2 + 16 - 18 Hydrogen , Sulphur Sulphydric Acid „, H^ S _ H^S 2 vols, + 1vol. = 2\ols. '"' 2+32-84 Hydrogen , Selenium Selenhydric Acid „„ Hj , Se _ HjSe 2 vols. + 1 vol. = 2 vols. ' *"^ 2 +79-5- 81-5 Hydrogen , Tellurium Tellurhydric Acid „^ Hj , Te _H2Te 2vok + 1vol. = 2 vols. '""^ 2 +128- 180 Chlorine , Oxygen Hypochlorous Acid „^ Clj , O _0l20 2 vols. + 1 vol. = 2 vols. >°^ 71 + 16 - 87 Chlorine Oxygen Hypochloric Acid CI , Oj _ CIO, 1 vol. + 2 vols. - 2 vols. ' °^ 35-5 "^ 32 - 67 -S Nitrogen Oxygen _ Nitrous Oxide Nj , O _ NjO 2 vols. + 1vol. - 2 vols. '°'^ 28 + 16- 44 Nitrogen , Oxygen Hyponitric Acid „^ N , Oj _ NOj 1 vol. + 2 vols. = 2 vols. '°^ 14 + 32 - 46 Sulphur Oxygen _ Sulphurous Acid S , Oj _ SOj 1 vol. + 2 vols: - 2 vols. ' "' 32 + 32 - 64 Selenium Oxygen _ Selenious Acid Se , O2 _ SeOj 1 vol. + 2 vols. - 2 vols. ' °^ 79-5+ 32 -111-6 Tellurium , Oxygen _ Tellurous Acid Te , O2 _ TeOj 1vol. + 2 vols. - 2 vols. ''"^128+32-160 Lastly, still a third mode of combination by volume with con- densation of four volumes to two has been thoroughly studied in the case of ammonia, and has been further illustrated in the com- position of anhydrous sulphuric acid : — Nitrogen .Hydrogen _ Ammonia N H, _ NH, 1 vol. + 8 vols. - ,2 vols. ' °'" 14+8 " 17 Sulphur Oxygen _ Sulphuric Acid S 0, _ SO, 1 vol. + 8 vols. - 2 vols. >°^ 32 + 48 - 80 Throughout these tables the unit-volume is, of course, the same for every element and compound. What the absolute bulk of this unit- volume may be, is not an essential point ; for the rela- tions remain the same, whatever the unit of measure. Some chemists have thought that an advantage was gained by using the bulk of one gramme of hydrogen at the ordinary pressure CONDBNSATION-BATIOS. 205 and temperature, viz. 11-2 litres, as the unit-volume, whUe others prefer to use the litre itself as the unit. Three condensation-ratios are exhibited in these tables. In the first the condensation is ; iu the second it is ^, and in the third it is |. The typical character of the three compounds, chlorhy- dric acid, water, and ammonia, is also clearly brought out ; each of these bodies represents a group of compounds which obey the same structural law. The tables also show very clearly the fact that very unequal weights of the compounds tabulated occupy equal spaces, under the same conditions of temperature and pres- sure. The space occupied by the compound molecule is, in each ease, exactly twice the unit- volume. 259. The symbols H, CI, 0, and N represent the relative weights of the same volume of four elements which are gaseous at common temperatures and pressures ; the symbols Br, I, S, and Se, represent the relative unit-volume weights of four other elements which are not gases under the ordinary atmospheric conditions, but which can be converted into gases at a higher temperature. At this higher temperature their unit-volume weights have been experimentally determined, and from these observed volume- weights, the unit-volume weights which they would possess at the ordinary pressure and temperature have been deduced. The symbols of these eight elements, therefore, repre- sent at once the combining weights and the relative weights of equal volumes (specific gravities) of these substances in the gaseous state. In the present state of the science, these eight symbols are the only ones of which this can be affirmed ; tellurium would undoubtedly make a ninth, if the relative size of its combining weight had been experimentally determined, but until this deter-> mination has been made, the symbol Te represents only the com- bining weight of the element, and not its equal-volume weight as well. The relative sizes of the combining weights of four other ele- ments in the state of vapor, have been experimentally ascertained. These four elements are arsenic, phosphorus, cadmium, and mer- cury. When we come to study these elements, we shall find that the symbols of arsenic and phosphorus, namely. As and P, repre- sent only the half- volume weights of tliese two bodies, while the 206 coMBnmfG weight aitd voLnni-WBiGHT. symbols of cadmium and mercury represent the two-volume weights of these volatile metals. Coincidence of the combining weight and the volume-weight has been established for eight elements; discrepancy between the combining weight and the volume-weight has been proved for four elements ; of the re- maining elements, constituting more than four-fifths of the whole number, the equal-volume weights are wholly unknown, inas- much as these elements have never been converted into vapor under conditions which permit the experimental determination of the equal-volume weights of their vapors. Eor example, the symbols Na and K represent the combining weights of these two metals ; but they can be held to represent the weights of the unit- volumes of these metals only by pure assumption, or, at best, on the uncertain evidence of analogies, since the unit-volume weights of these metals, when converted by intense heat into gases, have never yet been determined. As the great majority of the known elements cannot be volatilized, or made gaseous, by the highest temperatures as yet at our command, under conditions which permit the chemist to experiment with the gases produced, it is plain that composition by weight is, in the present state of chemistry, of far greater practical importance than composition by volume. The symbols of all the elements represent their com- bining weights, as determined byponderal analysis ; the symbols of eight elements represent also the equal-volume weights of the substances they stand for. These eight elements, though few in number, are nevertheless the leading elements in inorganic chemistry. 260. The volume of the molecule of every compound gas in the above tables is twice that occupied by the atom of hydrogen. Two volumes of compound gas invariably result from the chemical combination of one volume of hydrogen with one volume of chlo- rine, of two volumes of hydrogen with one of oxygen, of three volumes of hydrogen with one of nitrogen, and these instances are but types of large classes of chemical reactions. In organic chemistry the same law holds good for a great multitude of com- plicated compounds of carbon; the molecule of every organic compound in the state of vapor occupies a volume twice as large as that occupied by an atom of hydrogen, or, in other words. BOtTBLE OE PEODTTCT-VOITTME. 207 twice the unit-volmne. This doubled volume is often called the normal or product-Yolnme of a compound gas. Since the com- biaing weight of a compound gas or vapor occupies two unit- volumes, it is obvious that the weight of one volume, which is the specific gravity of the gas or vapor, is deduced from the combining weight by dividing the latter by two. The specific gravity of a compound gas or vapor is, therefore, one-half its combining weight. 261. Molecular condition of elementary gases. — Bearing in mind our definitions of atom and molecule (§§ 38, 39), let us inquire what inferences concerning the molecular condition of simple gases in a free state can be legitimately drawn from our know- ledge of the molecular condition of compound gases. To give definiteness to our conceptions, let us assume the unit-volume of the elements to be one litre ; the product- volume of a compoimd wiU then be two litres. Two litres, the product-volume, of chlor- hydric acid gas are made up of one Utre of hydrogen and one litre of chlorine, united without condensation, and each molecule of chlorhydric acid must contain at least one atom of hydrogen and one of chlorine. In these two litres of chlorhydric acid there must be some definite number of molecules ; the number is, of course, indeterminable; but let us assign to it some numerical value, say 1000, in order to give clearness to our reasoning. One litre of chlorhydric acid wiU then contain 500 molecules, and since equal volumes of all gases, whether simple or compound, are assumed to contain, under like conditions, the same numbers of molecules (§ 39), one litre of hydrogen or of chlorine wUl also contain 500 moleeules. But the one Utre of hydrogen and the one Utre of chlorine, which, by uniting, produced 2 Utres =1000 molecules of chlorhydric acid, must each have contained 1000 atoms of hydrogen and of chlorine respectively, for each molecule of chlorhydric acid demands an atom of hydrogen and an atom of chlorine. The Utre of hydrogen, or of chlorine, then, contains 500 molecules, but 1000 atoms, — each molecule of the simple gas being made up of two atoms of the single element, just as each molecule of the compound gas under review is composed of two atoms, one of hydrogen and one of chlorine. It is clear that this train of reasoning is independent of the particular numerical value assumed as the number of molecules iu two Utrea of chlor-^ 208 MOLECUIES OP BLBMBNXAET (JASES. hydric acid. If, therefor^, the molecule of chlorhydric acid is represented by the formula HCl, and the diagram + CI HCl there is good reason to assign to /»•«« hydrogen and free chlorine the formulae HH and ClCl, and to represent the constitution of aU uncomhined gases by such diagrams as H + H = HH CI + CI = ClCl Upon these models the molecular formulae of aU the elements with which we have become acquainted might readUy be written. It is only in 2, free state that the elementary gases and vapors are thus conceived to exist as molecules ; when they enter into com- bination, it is by atoms rather than by molecules. An atom of hydrogen unites with an atom of chlorine ; three atoms of hydro- gen combine with one of nitrogen. If this view of the molecular structure of free elementary gases and vapors be correct, perfect consistency would require that no equation should ever be written in such a manner as to represent less than two atoms, or one molecule, of an element in a free state as either entering into or issuing from a chemical reaction. Thus instead of H,-|-0=H,0, F4.3H=NH3, HCH-Na=NaCl+H, it would be necessary to write 2HH + 00 = 2Hp, NN -f- 3HH = 2NH3, 2HC1 + NaNa = 2NaCl -|- HH. We have not heretofore conformed to this theoretical rule, and do not propose to do so in the succeeding pages, and this for two reasons : — first, because many equations, representing chemical re- actions, m-ust be multiplied by two in order to bring them into con- formity vrith this hypothesis concerning molecular structure ; the equations are thus rendered unduly complex ; secondly, because, in undertaking to make chemical equations express the molecular constitution of elements and compounds, as well as the equality of the atomic weights on each side of the sign of equality, there is imminent danger of taMng the student away from the sure PHOSPHOETTS. 209 ground of fact and experimental demonstration, into an uncer- tain region of hypotheses based only on definitions and analogies. The symbol Na represents 23 proportional parts by weight of the metal sodium ; of the molecular symbol NaNa, the most that can be said is, that some strong analogies justify us in assuming, for the present, in default of any experimental evidence on the sub- ject, that a molecule of free sodium gas, if we could get at it, would be found to consist of two least combining parts by weight of sodium. "We know as much, at least, of the molecular struc- ture of sodium as we do of four-fifths of the recognized chemical elements. Por the present, the biatomic structure of the mole- cule of a simple gas or vapor in the free state must take place, in an elementary manual, as an ingenious and philosophical hypo- thesis, rather than as a general and indubitable fact. CHAP TEE XVI, PHOSPHOBTTS, 262. Phosphorus occurs somewhat abundantly and very widely difiused in nature. It is never found in the free state, but almost always in combination with oxygen and some one of the metals. The most abundant of its compounds is phosphate of calcium ; small quantities of this mineral are found in most rocks and soils, and in several localities it occurs in large beds. Phosphate of calcium is the chief mineral constituent of the bones of animals ; it contains one-fifth of its own weight of phosphorus. The pro- portion of phosphorus present in most of the ordinary rocks, and in the soils which have resulted from their disintegration, is usually very small, and phosphorus would be- an- exceedingly costly substance if we were compelled to collect it directly from this source ; but it so happens that the phosphorus-compounds are important articles of food for plants and animals, and it is easy to obtain through their intervention the phosphorus which was before widely diifused, but has been by them concentrated. 210 OEDINAET PHOSPHOEtrS. Growing plants seek oiit and collect the traces of phosphorus- compounds which exist in the soil ; the herbivorous animals in their turn consume the phosphorus which has been accumulated by the plants, and from the bones of animals chemists and manu- facturers derive the phosphorus of which they stand ia need. like oxygen and sulphur, phosphorus occurs in several distinct allotropic modifications. Of these, the best-known are called re- spectively ordinary phosphorus and red phosphorus. 263. Ordinary phosphorus, when perfectly pure, is a trans- parent, colorless, wax-like solid of 1-8 specific gravity, which, when freshly cut, emits an odor like garlic, though under ordinary con- ditions this odor is overpowered by the odor of ozone, which, as has been previously stated (§ 164), is developed when phosphorus is exposed to the air. It unites with oxygen readily, even at the ordinary temperature of the air, and with great energy at some- what higher temperatures (above 60°) ; when ia contact with air it is all the while undergoing slow combustion. Exp. 106. Thoroughly wash a piece of phosphorus by rinsing it in successive large quantities of water ; place it, for a moment, upon a sheet of filter-paper, in order that a portion of the water adhering to it may be removed, then lay it upon a clean porcelain capsule, and at short intervals press against it a slip of blue litmus paper. In a very few moments the color of the paper wiU be changed to red ; for the pro- ducts of the oxidation of phosphorus are acid, and they are formed with great rapidity. If the temperature of the slowly burning phosphorus be slightly increased in any way, the mass will burst into flame and be rapidly consumed. On account of this extreme inflammabOity, phosphorus must always be kept under water ; it is best also to cut it Tinder water, lest it become heated to the kindling-point by the warmth of the hand or by friction against the knife. When wanted for use, the phosphorus is taken from the water and dried by gently pressing it between pieces of blotting-paper. Phosphorus must always be handled with great caution ; for when once on fire, it is exceedingly difiicult to extinguish it, and, in case it happens to burn upon the flesh, painful wounds are in- flicted, which are exceedingly difficult to heal. Whenever phos- phorus is cut or broken, care must likewise to taken that no small PEICTION MATCHES. 211 fragments of it fall unobserved into cracks of the table or floor, wbere they migbt subsequently take fire. Exp. 107. — Nip a piece of phospliorus, as large as a small pea^ be- tween two bits of wood, in siicb manner that a part of the phosphorus shall project below the wood ; rub the phosphorus strongly upon a sheet of coarse paper ; it will take fire at the temperature developed by the ftiction. 264. On account of this easy inflammability by friction, phos- phorus is extensively employed for making matches. The matter upon the end of an ordinary friction match usually contains a little phosphorus, together with some substance capable of sup- plying oxygen, such as red-lead, black oxide of manganese, salt- petre, or chlorate of potassium. The phosphorus and the oxidizing agent are kneaded into a paste made of glue or gum, and the wooden match-sticks, the ends of which have previously been dipped in melted sulphur, are touched to the surface of the phos- phorized paste, so that the sulphured points shall receive a coating of it. The sulphur serves merely as a kindling material which, as it were, passes along the fire from the phosphorus to the wood. By rubbing the dried, coated point of the match against a rough surface, heat enough is developed to bring about chemical action between the phosphorus and the oxygen of the other ingredient, combustion ensues, the sulphur becomes hot enough to take on oxygen from the air, and finally the wood is involved in the play of chemical force. £xp. 108. — Put a piece of phosphorus, as big as a grain of wheat, upon a piece of filter-paper, and sprinkle over it some lampblack or powdered bone-black. The phosphorus will melt after a time, and will finally take fire. As wiU be more fully explained hereafter, under carbon, the porous, finely divided lampblack has the power of absorb- ino' and condensing within its pores much oxygen fi^om the air j heat is developed by the act of condensation, and, at the same time, oxygen is brought into very intimate contact with the phosphorus, particularly with the vapor of phosphorus which is condensed by the lampblack together with the oxygen, so that chemical action soon results, and ultimately fire. Both the lampblack and the paper are bad conductors of heat ; they prevent the phosphorus from losing the heat developed by the condensation and by the slow action of oxygen. It is remarkable that when dry phosphorus, in very thin slices, is p2 212 PHOSPHORESCENCE. laid upon fine feathers, wool, lint, flannel, dry wood, or other non-con- ducting substances, it quickly melts, and readily inflames upon the slightest friction, heat enough being produced by the slow combustion of the phosphorus to fuse it, if only this heat can be retained by some bad conductor. 265. At the ordinary temperature of the air, and stiU more at somewhat higher temperatures, phosphorus shines with a greenish-white light, as may be seen by placing the phosphorus in the dark ; hence the name, phosphorus, from Greek words sig- nifying light-bearing. This phosphorescence is seen when an ordinary friction-match is rubbed against any surface in a dark room. Although the phenomena of phosphorescence and of oxida- tion, or slow combustion, occur simultaneously when phosphorus is exposed to the air, it does not appear that the phosphorescence is a consequence of the oxidation; for phosphorus shines not only in the air, but also when placed in an atmosphere of pure hydro- gen, or nitrogen, or carbonic acid, or even in a vacuum, though the light emitted by phosphorus in these inert gases is of different appearance from that developed in presence of oxygen. 266. In warm weather phosphorus is soft and somewhat flexible ; it may then be bent without breaking, can be scratched with the naU and cut with a knife like wax ; but at 0° it is brittle, and exhibits a crystalline fracture when broken. It melts at 44°, forming a viscid oily liquid, which boils at about 290°, and is converted into colorless vapor. Phosphorus can readily be dis- tilled in a retort filled with some inert gas, like hydrogen, nitro- gen, or carbonic acid. The specific gravity of its vapor has been found to be 62' 1. Contrary to all our previous experience, how- ever, the density of phosphorus is not identical with its atomic weight, a point which will be discussed when the compounds of phosphorus and hydrogen are treated of. On being heated to about 230°, out of contact with air, it is converted into red phosphorus. (See Exp. 111.) By exposure to light, also, phosphorus undergoes a certain amount of change ; hence it is rarely seen iu the perfectly colorless, transparent con- dition which it exhibits when recently prepared and perfectly •pure. The phosphorus of commerce is usually of a light amber- color. "Wlieu kept for some time under water, phosphorus be- SOUTTIONS OF PHOSPHOETJS. 213 comes covered with a white opaque coating, which appears to be a result of the oxidizing action of air held in solution by the water ; the surface of the phosphorus is irregularly corroded by this dissolved oxygen, and is thus roughened and made opaque, in much the same way that the transparency of glass is destroyed by grinding one of its surfaces. It is noti^d, for that matter, that the water in which phosphorus is kept soon becomes strongly acid ; for it dissolves the oxygenated compounds which are pro- duced by the action of the dissolved air upon the phosphorus. The specific heat of solid phosphorus is 0-1788 ; of liquid phos- phorus, 0-2045. It is a non-conductor of electricity, both in the solid and in the liquid state. Phosphorus is insoluble in water, but is somewhat soluble in ether, petroleum, benzine, oil of turpentirie, and other oils ; it dissolves abundantly in bisulphide of carbon, in chloride of sul- phur, and in sulphide of phosphorus. -Erp. 109. — Pour into a phial of the capacity of 80 or 90 c. c, 10 or 12 c. c. of bisulphide of carbon, and throw into this liquid a bit of phosphorus as large as a pea. Cork the phial, and shake its contents, at intervals, imtil the phosphorus has dissolved. Preserve the solution for use in subsequent experiments. 267. From the solution in chloride of sulphur and from that in sulphide of phosphorus, crystals of phosphorus, usually in the form either of regular octahedrons or of rhombic dodecahedrons, can be obtained ; but, owing to the slowness with which phos- phorus passes from the liquid to the solid state, distinct crystals cannot readily be prepared by the method of fusion, unless a comparatively large quantity of phosphorus be operated upon. 268. When a solution of phosphorus in ether, or, better, in bisulphide of carbon, is poured upon the surface of any porous substance and left to evaporate in the air, the volatile solvent wiE quickly escape, leaving the phosphorus behind in a very finely divided condition. In proportion as a substance is more finely divided, the greater wiU be the surface which it presents to the oxygen of the air, and the more readily will it combine with this oxygeA. In the case before us, the comminuted phosphorus ab- sorbs oxygen very rapidly, and this chemical action is attended with the evolution of so much heat that the phosphorus wUl take 214 PHOSPHOBTTS A POISON. fire, if the material upon which it has been deposited is a bad conductor of heat. Bxp. 110. — Pour some of the solution of phosphorus obtained in Exp. 109, upon a sheet of filter-paper, and hang the paper upon the iron stand in such manner that the bisulphide of carbon may freely evaporate. The paper -will soon burst into flame. It will be noticed that the paper is not completely consumed, but that a very considerable residue of carbon remains unbumed. This depends upon the fact that the product of the combustion of the phosphorus, phosphoric acid, quickly covers the paper with a varnish which is not only incombustible in itself, but is quite impervious to air. . In lack of bisulphide of carbon, this experiment can be performed with the ethereal solution of phosphorus, prepared in the manner de- scribed in Exp. 109, excepting that common ether is substituted for the bisulphide, and that the mixture is left to digest for a day or two. 269. Ordinary phosphorus is a violent poison, a few decigram- mes of it being sufficient to destroy human life. It is the efficient ingredient of many preparations used for poisoning rats, cock- roaches, and other vermin. Phosphorus evaporates rather freely at the ordinary temperature of the air ; and the vapor has been found to be exceedingly injurious to persons constantly exposed to it. The makers of friction matches are subject to a horrible wasting disease, one of the symptoms of which is the destruction of the bones of the jaws. 270. When phosphorus bums with flame in free air, two atoms of it unite with five atoms of oxygen, and there is formed the compound of P^Oj ; this highest oxide of phosphorus is called phosphoric acid. This compound occurs in bones, and from it phosphorus is prepared. Bone-earth, that portion of bones which remains after aU the organic matter has been burnt off in the fire, consists mainly of triphosphate of calcium, CajP^O^. In order to obtain phosphorus from bone-earth, the calcium and the oxygen must both be removed ; the calcium is removed by means of sulphuric acid, the oxygen by means of hot charcoal. Bones are burnt to a white ash (calcined, as the term is), then finely powdered and mixed with a quantity of dilute sulphuric acid. The sulphuric acid removes two of the atoms of calcium and forms sulphate of calcium, while there remains monophosphate of MAjrUFACIUEE OP PHOSPHOKUS. 215 calchim (superphosphate of lime) in accordance with the follow- ing reaction : — Ca3p,03 + 2H,S0, = CaH^Pp, + 2CaS0,. It will be remembered that one atom of calcium replaces two atoms of hydrogen. (See p. 89.) The solution of monophosphate of calcium is then filtered off from the insoluble sulphate of calcium, and evaporated to the consistence of syrup ; the syrup is mixed with powdered charcoal, and the mixture dried at a dull red heat ; by this means a quan- tity of water is expelled from the monophosphate ; — CaH,P,0, = CaPp, 4- 2H,0. The porous dry mixture is finally placed in retorts of fireclay and intensely ignited. At high temperatures, charcoal is a powerful deoxidizing agent; it takes away oxygen from the phosphate of calcium, and forms carbonic oxide, which goes off as a gas ; phosphorus is thus set free, and distilling over into an appropriate receiver, is condensed under cold water, a quantity of triphosphate of calcium is at the same time reproduced and remains in the retort : — 3CaP,0, -I- IOC = lOCO -|- 4P -|- Ga^Vfi,. If a quantity of sand (sOicio acid) be added to the mixture of charcoal and monophosphate, the whole of the phosphorus can be expelled, — the phosphate of calcium, which would otherwise escape decomposition, being entirely converted into silicate of calcium, 2CaP,0, -I- 2SiO, 4- IOC = 1000 -1- 4P -|- 2CaSi03. Another proposed method is to pass chlorhydric acid gas over a mixture of bone phosphate and charcoal, maintained at a red heat, in a cylinder of fireclay. By this means all of the phos- phorus is set free and chloride of calcium remains : — Ca3P,03 -I- 8C -I- 6HC1 = 3CaCl, -t- SCO + 6H + 2P. The crude phosphorus thus obtained is remelted, and purified by filtration, redistillation, and by chemical treatment with a mixture of bichromate of potassium and sulphuric acid, which oxidizes the principal contaminations. The purified phosphorus is finally 216 EED PHOSPHOETTS. remelted and cast into tte sticks or cakes in which it is found in commerce. 271. Red Phosphorus. — ^This remarkable allotropic modifica- tion of phosphorus is a body as unlike ordinary phosphorus in most respects as could well be conceived. It is of a scarlet-red color, has neither odor nor taste, is not poisonous so far as is known, is not phosphorescent, does not take fire at ordinary tem- peratures, is insoluble in bisulphide of carbon, and in general behaves altogether differently from the ordinary modification. Yet it is no difficult matter to change one of these modifications into the other. For example, if red phosphorus be heated to about 260°, in an atmosphere of nitrogen, or other inert gas, it wiU pass into the condition of ordinary phosphorus without under- going any alteration of weight, or, in other words, without ab- sorbing or disengaging anything. Exp. 111. — In a narrow glass tube, No. 6, about 30 cm. long and closed at one end, place a quantity of red phosphorus as large as a small pea ; heat the phosphorus gently over the gas-lamp, and note that a sublimate of a light-colored substance is quickly deposited upon the cold walls of the tube a short distance above the heated portion. This light-colored sublimate is ordinary phosphorus, as may be shown by cutting off the tube just below the sublimate, after the glass has been allowed to cool, and then scratching the coating with a piece of wire ; the coating wiU take fire. The air in the narrow tube employed is de- prived of its oxygen by the combustion of a small portion of the phos- phorus at the moment of its transformation from the red to the ordinary condition; the remaining phosphorus is thus enveloped in nitrogen and so protected from further loss. 272. Eed phosphorus is itself neither volatile nor inflammable; it neither rises as vapor nor inflames at temperatures lower than 260°, the point at which it changes into ordinary phosphorus ; at 250° it suffers no alteration. As compared with ordinary phos- phorus, it may be said that red phosphorus can be handled without danger, and that it may be kept in bottles without special precautions, since it is not liable to take fire by moderate friction ; but by powerful friction heat enough may be evolved to convert it into ordinary phosphorus, and if it be even moderately heated, by friction, or in any other way, in contact with oxidizing agents, it instantly bursts into flame CSTSTAILIZED RED PHOSPHOKUS. 217 Exp. 113.— In order to oliserve the comparative difficulty of infla- ming^ red phosphorus, lay an inverted cover of a porcelain crucible upon an iron triangle upon the lamp-stand ; place upon the cover, which may be 15 cm. wide, a small bit of ordinary phosphorus, and, at a distance of 12 cm., the same quantity of red phosphorus ; heat the cover gently and gradually over the gas-lamp. The ordinary phosphorus will soon inflame and bum away ; but a considerable space of time will elapse before the red phosphorus takes fire. By operating in vessels filled with nitrogen, or some other gas which has no chemical action upon phosphorus, the precise temperature at which the red phosphorus ceases to exist can be noted, and the ordi- nary phosphorus obtained from it can be distilled over and collected. 273. Eed phosptorus has been obtained in crystals by dissolving common phosphorus in melted lead, and subjecting the fluid mass to a high temperature for several hours in closed tubes. When the lead cools, the phosphorus separates in thin crystals, which have a metallic lustre and a black color ; the crystals, however, trans- mit a yeUowish-red Ught, and the thinnest of them appear, not black, but red. These crystals of red phosphorus are generally enveloped in the lead ; but the lead may be mostly dissolved away by dilute nitric acid, and the phosphorus crystals may thus be obtained in a condition of comparative purity. They are not affected by exposure to the air. These crystals are seen under the microscope to be rhombohedrons ; so that phosphorus, like the succeeding members of the family of elements to which it belongs, is dimorphous, presenting forms both of the monometric and hexa- gonal systems. The red variety of phosphorus has been not inaptly called metallic phosphorus, crystallized in the crystals just described, and amorphous in the usual form of red phosphorus. The crystallized metaMic phosphorus is less volatile, and has a higher specific gravity than the amorphous. The power of the so-caUed metallic phosphorus to conduct electricity is small, if compared with that of the common metals, but it is very much greater than the con- ducting-power of colorless phosphorus, for this latter substance is generally classed with the insulators. The specific gravity of amorphous red phosphorus is 2-14 ; its specific heat is 0-1698. "When dry, it undergoes no change at the ordinary temperature of the air; but in moist air it oxidizes very 218 PKEPAKATION OF KBD PH08PH0ETJS. slowly. It is easily soluble in nitric acid, which oxidiaes it ; and since it is much more readily dissolved than ordinary phosphorus, the latter can be purified from any contamination of red phos- phorus, by digesting it at a gentle heat in dilute nitric acid. 274. Amorphous red phosphorus is prepared by maintaining ordinary phosphorus, for some time, at a temperature of 230° to 235°, either under water in an air-tight vessel, or in an atmo- sphere of some gas which has no chemical action upon phosphorus. It is manufactured upon the large scale by heating ordinary phosphorus in a cast-iron vessel provided with a gas delivery-tube dipping into mercury outside the vessel, iu such manner that, while the expanded air and some escaping vapors of phosphorus can pass out, no air can enter the vessel. About 200 kilos, of phos- phorus are taken for a single charge ; this quantity of phosphorus is maintained during ten days or more, as nearly as may be, at the temperature of 240°, care being taken that the heat shall, at no time, much exceed this limit. Under these conditions, the ordinary phosphorus slowly changes into the red variety. After the phosphorus has been exposed during the time which the pre- vious experience of the manufacturer has shown to be most advan- tageous, the apparatus is allowed to become cold, and the trans- muted phosphorus is found adhering to the sides of the vessel, in the shape of a hard, brittle, brick-colored coating, which can be removed by means of hammer and chisel, after covering it with water. It is ground to powder under water, and any particles of ordineiry phosphorus which have escaped change are removed from it by means of bisulphide of carbon, or by a solution of caustic soda, which dissolves ordinary phosphorus without acting upon the red modification. 275. Eed phosphorus is employed, to a certain extent, as an adjunct to the so-called safety-mutehes. Such matches contain no phosphorus in themselves, and will not take fire readily by friction upon an ordinary rough surface, though they burst into flame at once when rubbed upon a surface specially prepared with red phosphorus. The matter upon the tips of safety-matches is usually a mixture of chlorate of potassium and sulphide of antimony, made into a paste by means of glue ; the surface upon which the match is to be rubbed is composed of red phosphorus. PHOSPHOKTTS A EBDUCING AGENT. 219 black oxide of manganese, and glue. In favor of tte use of red phosphorus for matches are the facts, that, unlike ordinary phos- phorus, it is not deleterious to the workmen who have to deal with it, and that it is far less liable to be set on fire by accidental friction. For these reasons, the manufacture of safety-matches has been encouraged by the governments of several European countries, and such matches are now much used in France and upon other parts of the continent, though they are manifestly less convenient, in several respects, than the ordinary matches, which can be ignited by friction upon any rough surface. 276. Phosphorus combines readily with many other elements besides oxygen. The ordinary modification of phosphorus com- bines violently with sulphur at temperatures near the melting- point of sulphur, the act of combination being attended with vivid combustion and loud explosion. Eed phosphorus, on the other hand, does not combine with sulphur at temperatures lower than 230°, and the combustion, though rapid, is not explosive. With chlorine, bromine, and iodine, ordinary phosphorus unites directly at the ordinary temperature of the air, the combination being rapid and attended with inflammation. Eed phosphorus also unites with chlorine, bromine, and iodine at the ordinary tem- perature ; and much heat is evolved during the act of combination, though the amount of heat is usually insufficient to produce ignition. Phosphorus unites directly with most of the metals also ; and several of the compounds thus formed closely resemble the so- called alloys, or compounds of one metal with another. With hydrogen it forms several interesting compounds, which will be described directly. From the remarkable facility with which it combines with oxygen (§§ 263, 264), it follows necessarily that phosphorus is a powerful reducing agent. Many oxygen com- pounds can be decomposed by means of it. When immersed in the vapor of anhydrous sulphuric acid, phosphorus takes fire after a time, and combines with the oxygen of the acid, while sulphur is deposited. Monohydrated sulphuric acid is reduced to sul- phurous acid, while phosphorous acid is formed : — 3H,S0, + 2P = 2H,P03 + 3S0,. 220 PHOSPHOEUS AJTD HTBEOGEIT. A solution of sulphurous acid, on being heated with phosphorus, yields phosphorous and sulphydrio acids, as follows : — SO^ + 4H,0 + 2P = 2H3PO3 + H,S. When gently heated with chlorate or with nitrate of potassium, or with other highly oxygenated bodies, like the peroxides of lead and manganese, phosphorus combines with their oxygen so rapidly that an explosion ensaes ; heat enough to bring about the reaction can be developed by gentle friction, as when the phosphorus and the other ingredient axe rubbed together upon some hard surface. (Compare § 264.) Exp. lis. — Provide a bit of ordinary phosphorus, as large as a pin's head, also an equal quantity of red phosphorus ; add to each of these portions enough finely powdered chlorate of potassium to cover the phosphorus ; fold up each of the mixtures tightly and separately in a small piece of writing-paper ; place the parcels, one after the other, upon an anvil and strike them sharply with a hammer. They will ex- plode with violence. 277. Compounds of Phosphorus and of Hydrogen. — There are three compounds of phosphorus and hydrogen, one gaseous, PH3, one liquid, PH^, and one soM, PjH, at ordinary temperatures. The gaseous compound, or, rather, the gaseous compound charged with the vapor of the liquid compound, is somewhat interesting, from the fact that it takes fire spontaneously immediately on coming into contact with the air. Exp. 114. — In a thin-bottomed flask of about 140 c. c. capacity, put 1 gramme of phosphorus and 115 c. c. of potash-lye of 1'27 specific gravity, obtained by dissolving 40 grms. of hydrate of potassium in 110 c. c. of water. Pour two or three drops of ether upon the liquid in the neck of the flask, then close the flask with a cork carrying a long gaa-delivery-tube of glass No. 6. Place the flask over the gas-lamp, upon the wire-gauze ring of the iron stand, and immerse the end of the delivery-tube in the water-pan, then gently heat the flask. The ether is added to the contents of the flask in order that the last traces of air may be expelled from the flask by the vapor which arises from this highly volatile liquid so soon as it is warmed. As the potash-lye becomes hot, small bubbles of gas will be seen to arise from the sm-face of the phosphorus, and in a short time large bubbles of gas wiU escape from the delivery-tube ; each of these bub- bles, as it comes in contact with the air at the surface of the water. PEEPAKATION OF PHOSPHtTEETTED HTDEOGEN. 221 will spontaneously burst into flame, and burn with a vivid light and the formation of beautiful rings of white smoke, if the air be not dis- turbed by draughts. In burning, the phosphuretted hydrogen is con- verted into phosphoric acid and water, or, rather, into hydrated phos- phoric acid ; and of this product the white smoke is, of course, composed. 2PH3 -I- 80 = H^PjOj. Exp. 116. — Place a small inverted bottle fuU of water over the end of the delivery- tube from which the phosphuretted hydrogen is esca- ping, as in Exp. 114, and collect 50 or 100 c. c. of this gas. By single bubbles pass the gas thus collected into a litre bottle half-full of oxygen standing inverted upon a shelf in the water-pan. The phosphuretted hydrogen will burn much more vividly in oxygen than in the air. In case, however, several successive bubbles of the gas should fail to in- flame on coming into contact with the oxygen, the experiment must be interrupted and the oxygen thrown away, for the introduction of an- other bubble of phosphuretted hydrogen into this explosive mixture might set fire to it and so shatter the bottle. 278. The reaction wMch occurs during the preparation of phosphuretted hydrogen is chiefly between water and phosphorus. Phosphorus and water by themselves do not react upon each other, but wien in presence of powerful bases, like soda, potash, lime, or baryta, water is decomposed by phosphorus with formation both of oxygenated and hydrogenized phosphorus compounds : — 3(K^0,H,0) + 8P + 6H,0 = 2PH, + 3(K,0,2Hp,P^0). Mypophosphite of Potassium. Another method of obtaining phosphuretted hydrogen is by decomposing phosphide of calcium with water. Exp. 116. — Prepare a number of small balls or sticks of quick lime by moulding moistened slaked lime into these forms and then drying and calcining the product. Select a tube of hard glass. No. 2, close it at one end, and place two or three pieces of phosphorus as large as peas at the closed end ; fill the tube with the pellets of quick lime, and put it in a sheet-iron trough above a wire-gauze gas-lamp, in the manner depicted in Fig. 8. To prevent the melted phosphorus from flowing against the quick lime, an iron nail may be laid beneath that part of the trough which is farthest from the phosphorus. Heat to redness the portion of the tube which contains the lime, and then cause the vapor of phosphorus to pass over it by cautiously heating the closed end of the tube with an ordinary gas-lamp. To ensure the success of 222 PKOPEETIBS OP PHOSPHtTEETTED HTDEOGEN. this experiment, that portion of the tube which contains the phos- phorus must be heated so slowly that none of the phosphorus can escape uncombined through the lime. After the phosphorus has all been driven forward from the closed end of the tube, the open end of the tube should be stopped with a cork and the lamps should be ex- tinguished ; the tube is then left at rest until it has become cold. When a piece of the impure phosphide of calcium thus obtained is thrown into water, it slowly decomposes with formation of hypophos- phate of calcium and disengagement of phoaphuretted hydrogen ; the bubbles of gas take fire as they reach the sm-face of the water. 279. Besides the spontaneously inflammable gas, there is another variety of phosphuretted hydrogen vrhich does not take fire of itself in the air. It can be prepared in various ways — for example, by heating hypophosphorous or phosphorous acids (§§ 286, 287)* these acids being resolved by heat into phosphoric acid and phos- phuretted hydrogen : — Hypophosphorous I Empirical: 2H,P02 = PH, + H3PO1. Acid. 1 Dualistic : GHfi,2Ffi = 2Plt, + 3H20,P205. Phosphorous I Empirical: 4H3PO,, = PH + .3H,P04. Acid. ] Dualistic : 4(3H20,P203) = 2PH3-(-3(3H20,P20J. The non-inflammable gas is regarded as pure phosphuretted hy- drogen, the property of spontaneously inflaming possessed by the other variety being supposed to depend upon the presence of minute portions of some foreign substance ; the vapor of liquid phosphuretted hydrogen, PH^, produces this efi'ect; on adding to the non-inflammable gas so small a quantity as jAnoth of its bulk of nitric oxide, it acquires the property of inflaming spon- taneously. Pure phosphuretted hydrogen gas is colorless and highly in- flammable ; its odor is fetid, and has been compared to that of tainted fish ; it is slightly soluble in water, and can be liquefied, but has not yet been solidified. Neither the gas nor its solutions have any action on red or blue litmus. It is a powerful deoxi- dizing agent, and is, in general, easily decomposed. Most of the metals, when heated in the gas, combine with its phosphorus and liberate its hydrogen, just as we have seen the metal potassium set free hydrogen from ammonia. (See p. 77.) This ready de- composition of the gas by hot metals is the basis of the method of determining its composition by weight. ANALYSIS or PHOSPHTJEETTED HTTEOGEir. 223 280. Phosphuretted hydrogen is resolved into its two elements, and the proportional weights of the elements which enter into its composition are simultaneously determined, by the following process: — The gas is passed through a hard-glass tube (A, Kg. 45), filled with copper tumiugs and heated to redness ; the Fig. 45. copper retains all the phosphorus, and the hydrogen becomes free. This last gas is carried forward through a second tube, B, filled with oxide of copper heated to redness ; the hydrogen combines with the oxygen of the oxide of copper, and the steam thus formed is condensed and absorbed in a third tube, 0, flUed with pumice-stone soaked in sulphuric acid. (Appendix, § 15.) The tubes A and C are weighed both before and after the experi- ment, and the augmentation of weight gives the phosphorus iu A and the water ia C ; from the weight of the water is calcu- lated the weight of the hydrogen required to produce it. Care must be taken that the tube A be heated so moderately as not to distort it, and that nothing be added to its weight by deposi- tions from the lamp-flames used to heat it. Itis also necessary to fiU the tubes with nitrogen gas before beginniag the actual analysis, and to sweep them out with nitrogen at the end. This operation is easily performed by the aid of a small gas-holder full of nitrogen. It has thus been experimentally proved that any given weight of phosphuretted hydrogen contains 8-57 per cent, of hydrogen and 91'43 per cent, of phosphorus. Now it has been determined, as the result of many experiments and of a careful collation of the formulae of aU known compounds of phosphorus, that the least proportional weight of this element which enters into combination is 31, that of hydrogen being 1. The proportion, gj.43 . g.g^ ^ 3^ . \^^ 224 COMPOSITIOlf 05 PHOSPHUEETTED HYDKOGEN. gives as the value of x, 2-905. The nearest whole number is 3 ; and the discrepancy may be attributed to defects of the analy- tical process, always specially to be feared in cases Kke the pre- sent, where the quantity of one ingredient is many times as large as that of the other. A loss of matter, or error in weighing, which would amount to only 1 per cent, of 90 centigrammes, would cause an error of more than 11 per cent, on 8 centi- grammes. The analysis clearly points to the formula PHg as representing the composition of phosphuretted hydrogen, inas- much as for every 31 parts by weight of phosphorus, the gas contains three parts by weight of hydrogen. This result is par- tially corroborated by volumetric analysis. If the hydrogen libe- rated from any measured quantity of phosphuretted hydrogen by passing the gas through a tube flUed with hot metal, be accu- rately measured, it wiU be found that, for every two volumes of the compound gas, three volumes of hydrogen are set free. Thus far the composition of phosphuretted hydrogen has seemed to be completely analogous to that of ammonia gas ; but at this point the analogy fails. In ammonia, three parts by weight of hydrogen are combined with fourteen of nitrogen, and three volumes of hydrogen are united with one volume of nitro- gen to form two volumes of the compound gas. If the paral- lelism between NH3 and PII3 were perfect, one volume of phosphorus-vapor ought to be united with the three volumes of hydrogen which two volumes of phosphuretted hydrogen invari- ably contain. The densities of phosphorus- vapor and of phos- phuretted hydrogen, as experimentally determined, prove that this is not the case. The unit-volume being that volume of hydrogen which weighs 1, From the weight of 2 unit- volumes of PH3 (sp. gr. = 17'09) . . 34-18 Subtract the weight of 3 unit- volumes of hydrogen .... 3-00 And there remains for the weight of the phosphorus-vapor . . 31-18 The specific gravity, or relative weight of one unit-volume of phosphorus-vapor, is 62-1, as has been already mentioned. Two volumes of phosphuretted hydrogen, therefore, contain, not one volume, but only half a volume of phosphorus-vapor. The atom of phosphorus weighing 31, combines with the same quantity of AMMONIA AND PHOSPHUKETIED HTOEOeEN. 225 hydrogen by weight as the atom of nitrogen weighing 14 ; but the vohime of the phosphorus atom is only one-half the volume of the nitrogen atom. The combining weights and the unit- volume weights of all the elements previously studied have been identical; but the combining weight of phosphorus must be doubled in order to bring it into coincidence with its unit-volume weight. The volumetric and the ponderal composition of phos- phuretted hydrogen are both exhibited in the annexed diagram : — 281. This difference be- tween ammonia and phos- phuretted hydrogen is com- pletely outweighed by the essential likeness in com- position of these two gases and by the other striking analogies which exist be- tween them. When one H 1 H 1 ■ -1- 31 / P / = PH3 34 H 1 / or more of the hydrogen atoms in phosphuretted hydrogen are replaced by certain groups of elements, which in organic che- mistry play the part of elements, compounds are obtained which, like ammonia, neutralize acids and are strongly alkaline. Phos- phuretted hydrogen itself combines with certain of the acids in definite proportions. With bromhydric and iodohydric acids, for example, it forms crystalline compounds whose composition is represented by the formulae PH^Br and PH^I,^ — formulae which are evidently comparable with NH^Br and NH^^I. 282. Liquid Phosphuretted Hydrogen (PH^) "^^7 ^^ obtained by passing the spontaneously inflammable gaseous compound obtained in Exp. 114, through a U-tube surrounded by a mix- ture of ice and salt. Under these conditions, the vapor of the liquid compound, which was diffused in the gas, condenses and separates. Liquid phosphuretted hydrogen is colorless, has a high refraeting-power, and is not misoible with water. It does not solidify at —20°; when heated to 30° or 40° it decomposes. It is exceedingly inflammable, and bursts into flame when brought m contact with the air ; when a small quantity of its vapor is mingled with combustible gases, such as carbonic oxide, hydro- gen, or carburetted hydrogen, these gases acquire the property 226 PHOSPHOETJS AND OXTSEN. of inflaming spontaneously. When exposed to sunlight, it is resolved into gaseous and soKd phospturetted hydrogen : — 5PH, = p,h: + 3PH3. 283. Solid PJiosphuretted Hydrogen (P^H?) is formed by ex- posing liquid phosphuretted hydrogen to sunshine) or by acting upon the liquid with chlorhydric acid, or by dissolving phosphide of calcium in strong chlorhydric acid. It is a compound in- soluble in vrater or alcohol, but soluble in warm potash-lye with liberation of gaseous phosphuretted hydrogen. It takes fire at about 150°, and is of a yeUow color, but becomes red when exposed to light. 284. Compovmds of Phosphorus and of Oxygen. — Phosphorus unites with oxygen La four different proportions, as follows : — Oxide of Phosphorus, P^O. Hypophosphorous Acid, P^O. Phosphorous Acid, P^Oj. Phosphoric Acid, PjO^. AH of these compounds exhibit a more or less distinct acid cha- racter, especially when combined with water, and the one con- taining most oxygen, phosphoric acid, is a very important acid. 286. Oxide of Phosphorus (P^O). — When ordinary phosphorus is burned in a confined volume of air or oxygen, insufficient for its complete combustion, there will be found mixed with the •unconsumed phosphorus, after the chemical action has ceased, a certain quantity of a red powder, which is the oxide of phos- phorus now in question. Exp. 117. — ^Repeat Exp. 13, and examine the red mass which re- mains in the porcelain capsule after it has been sunk in the water-pan and thoroughly cooled. Since the red oxide of phosphorus is insoluble in bisulphide of car- bon, it can readily be obtained in a state of purity by dissolving in this liquid the free phosphorus with which it is contaminated. Although the red oxide is not spontaneously inflammable by itself, a mixture of it with free phosphorus, such as the residue from the preparation of nitrogen (Exp. Ip), takes fire with great ease, being even more readily inflammable than phosphorus alone. Such residues must be handled with special care. EED OXIDE OF PHOSPHOKXTS. 227 Eed oxide of phosphorus can he ohtained in larger quantities hy bringing a stream of oxygen gas into contact with phosphorus melted under hot water. Exp. 118. — Place about a cubic centimetre of ordinary phosphorus in the bottom of a conical test-glass, or wine-glass, and pour upon it hot water enough to half fill the glass ; the phosphorus will melt, but cannot bum, since the water protects it &om contact with the air, and sLuce phosphorus by itself is incapable of decomposing water. By means of a narrow gas-dehvery-tube of glass, conduct a slow stream of oxygen from a gas-holder to the bottom of the test-glass, so that the oxygen shall come into immediate contact with and bubble through the melted phosphorus. The phosphorus will bum with a vivid light beneath the water ; red oxide of phosphorus will be formed, and will float about in the water, from which it may be separated by filtration. In the lack of oxygen, air may be forced down upon the phosphorus ; even the impure air blown from the mouth will answer ; but with air the reaction is less intense than with oxygen ; hence, when it is em- ployed, the experiment had better be performed in a dark room. Oxide of phosphorus has neither taste nor smell. On being heated to 350° to 400°, it splits up into phosphoric acid and free phosphorus, the latter, of course, taking fire in case oxygen be present. 286. EypophospJiorous Acid {^^'PJd^=2R^Y0^).—Th.is com- pound has usually been classed among the oxides of phosphorus, on the supposition that it might be possible to obtain from it an anhydrous oxide, of the composition P^O ; the oxide in question has, however, never yet been obtained. When ordinary phosphorus is boiled in a solution of caustic potash, soda, lime, or baryta, water is decomposed, a compound of phosphorus and hydrogen (§ 278) is formed, and a hypophos- phite of the alkali employed remains in solution, from which it may be separated in crystals by cautious evaporation. If baryta be employed, the reaction may be formulated as follows : — Empirical: SBaHjOj + 8P -|- eH^O = SPH, -\- SBaH^P^O^. Dualistic : SCBaOjHjO) -|- 8P -|- GH^O = 2PH3 -f- Z(B&Ofi,Tlf>,Vfi). By cautiously adding sulphuric acid to the solution of the barium salt, sulphate of barium is precipitated and hypophosphorous acid remains in solution : — BaO,2H,0,P,0 + H,0,S03 = 230,80, + ZK,0,Vfi. a2 228 HTPOPHOSJ^HITES. By evaporating the aqueous solution, after filtration, hypophos- phorous acid is left as a viscid, uncrystaUizable, acid liquid, which, on being strongly heated, splits up into phosphoric acid and phosphuretted hydrogen. It unites with oxygen readily, and is consequently a powerful reduciag agent. Sulphuric acid, for example, is reduced by it, with evolution of sulphurous acid and separation of sulphur. The hypophosphites are, for the most part, orystaUizable salts, soluble in water and often in alcohol also ; they can usually be preserved in dry air. Several of them have recently been some- what extensively employed as medicaments. 287. Pliosphorous Acid (P^Oj).- — This acid is a product of the slow combustion of phosphorus. When phosphorus is gently heated in a very slow current of per- fectly dry air, it takes on oxygen enough to form phosphorous acid, which, being volatile, condenses upon the cold walls of the tube beyond the phosphorus as a bulky white sublimate. By conducting the opera- tion in a tube drawn out to a fine point at one end and almost com- pletely closed at the other by a perforated cork carrying a narrow tube, and carefully regulating the supply of air which is admitted into the tube, so that just enough oxygen to form phosphorous acid, and no more, shall come in contact with the phosphorus, a tolerably pure pro- duct can be obtained. For purposes of illustration, however, a simpler arrangement of the apparatus may be employed, as in the following experiment : — Exp. 119. — Place a bit of phosphorus, as big as a pea, in the middle of a piece of glass tubing. No. 2, about 30 cm. long, and open at both extremities ; gently heat the phosphorus until it takes fire, and then extinguish the lamp. So long aa the tube is held in a horizontal position, the combustion will be so feeble and imperfect that some red oxide of phosphorus will be formed as well as phosphorous acid. On the other hand, if one end of the tube be inclined upwards, so that the products of combustion can pass ofi' and make way for the entrance of fresh air, the combustion will become more vivid, and there will be produced a quantity of the highest oxide of phosphorus, phosphoric acid. If the tube were held perpendicularly, the draught of air, pass- ing through it as through a chimney, would be so powerful that all the phosphorus would be burned completely to phosphoric acid. It is evident, from the foregoing, that if it were only possible to find out the precise angle at which the tube should be inclined, and, at the PHOSPHOEOUS ACID. 229 same time, to provide means for continually maintaining a suitable tem- perature witMn the tube, tbe phosphorus might all be converted into pure phosphorous acid, instead of the various and mixed products which are actually obtained. 288. Hydrated phosphorous acid, H3PO3, or SKfi,F^O^, is readily obtained, though in an impure condition, by exposing sticks of phosphorus to moist air. Sxp. 120.-^Select a piece of glass tubing, the diameter of which is so much greater than that of an ordinary stick of phosphorus, that the latter can readily be slipped into it ; from this tubing prepare three or four short tubes 3 or 4 cm. long, open above and below, but drawn in at the bottom to such an extent that a stick of phosphorus placed in the upper part of the tube cannot pass the narrowed portion and fall out of the tube. In each of these short tubes put a stick of phos- phorus, and place them aH in a glass funnel which rests upon a bottle standing in a soup plate full of water; over the funnel and bottle place a tall tubulated beU-jar, from which the stopper has been removed, and allow the apparatus to stand at rest during several days in a cool place where no damage can be done in case the phosphorus take fire. Under these conditions, the phosphorus will slowly oxidize and waste away (if time enough be allowed it will completely disappear), and the mixture of phosphorous and phosphoric acids which is formed will flow down through the tube of the funnel into the bottle beneath. The mixture thus obtained is often technically termei phospliatic add. The object of the glass tubes employed to envelope the sticks of phosphorus is, to keep the several pieces of phosphorus from touching- one another. If two or three pieces of phosphorus were to be left in contact, in the air, the heat generated during the oxidation of each would be added to that derived from the others, and after a time the mass would become hot enough to take fire spontaneously. But when each stick of phosphorus is placed within a glass tube, the heat gene- rated by its oxidation passes off harmlessly, and a dangerous accumula- tion of heat is very much less likely to occur than if no such system of isolation were resorted to. 289. The fact that a collection of fragments of phosphorus is thus liable to take fire, so well illustrates the theory of spon- taneous combustion in general, and the precautionary measures taken in the foregoing experiment to prevent the ignition of the phosphorus point so clearly to the methods which must often be resorted to . in order to prevent the spontaneous inflammation of 230 SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. many highly combustible substances, that a few words may here be appropriately devoted to this important practical subject. As a rule, aU easUy oxidizable substances, when finely divided and thrown into heaps, are liable to take fire spontaneously in the air. Many oils, for example, particularly the so-called dry- ing oils, absorb oxygen from the air and enter into combination with it. Wherever chemical combination occurs, heat is deve- loped, and in case the oU be poured upon some porous substance which is both combustible and a non-conductor of heat, like wool or cotton, paper or cloth, the heat developed during the oxi- dation of the oil may very readily accumulate to the extent necessary to produce inflammation. To prevent this catastrophe, the heap of greasy wool or other matter should be broken up as soon as warmth is perceived in it, and its particles should be scattered about so that air may have free access to them ; the heat will then pass off harmlessly from each of these particles as fast as it is generated. This process of subdivision will prove an effectual protection if the subdivision be carried far enough ; but it is a fact not to be lost sight of, that very small parcels of some substances (a hank of oiled twine, for example, or a handful of greasy rags) may take fire when all the conditions are favourable ; and it ig a matter of the first importance that all such matters should be kept in places where no harm can be done in case they inflame. A still more familiar instance of the accumulation of heat during chemical action occurs in the ordinary process of hay- making, as when a cock of half-cured hay is left unopened for any length of time ; the green hay combines with oxygen from the air, fermentation sets in, and heat is, of course, evolved ; but when the hay is scattered about the field, this heat passes off into the air as fast as it is generated, and we cannot perceive it. On the other hand, if, instead of the usual small hay-cocks; the farmer were to throw a large quantity of new-mown hay into one great stack, this stack would undoubtedly take fire if left to itself. In large heaps of many kinds of bituminous coal also, strong chemical action is induced under very various conditions as re- gards temperature, moisture, and mechanical subdivision, and PKOPEKTIBS 01' PHOSPHOKOtrS ACID. 231 the heat evolved becomes at last intense enough to kindle the coal. Protection from the weather, exclusion of moisture, free ventilation, and the avoiding of too large heaps are the most effectual preventives in this case. 290. Anhydrous phosphorous acid is a white amorphous sub- stance, which rapidly absorbs water from the air, and when sprinkled with water, dissolves rapidly with a hissing noise ; it is volatile, and may easily be driven from one place to another, in a tube filled with nitrogen (see § 287), by applying a gentle heat. Being a product of the incomplete combustion of phosphorus, it is necessarily combustible ; when heated in the air, it undergoes vivid combustion. Hydrated phosphorous acid is obtained in the form of rec- tangular prisms, when the aqueous solution is evaporated at temperatures not exceeding 200°. The crystals are deliquescent, and they gradually absorb oxygen from the air ; when strongly heated, they are decomposed into phosphoric acid, and phosphu- retted hydrogen, and at the same time take fire. The aqueous solution of phosphorous acid exhibits a strong acid reaction ; by absorbing oxygen from the air, it is converted into phosphoric acid, quickly in case the solution is dilute, but slowly if it be concentrated. It is a powerful reducing agent; when heated with sulphurous acid, it yields phosphoric and sulphydric acids. Though a very weak acid, it forms salts by combining with those metallic oxides upon which it exerts no reducing action; the phosphites of the alkalies proper are easily soluble in water, but the phosphites of calcium and barium can only be dissolved with difficulty. These salts are more stable than the hypophosphites, but are all decomposed by heat. 291. Phosphoric Add (P^Oj). — As has been abeady stated, this highest oxide of phosphorus is the product of the rapid combustion of phosphorus in an excess of air or oxygen. Exp. 121. — ^Dry thoroughly a large porcelain plate, a small porce- lain capusle, and a wide-mouthed bottle of two litres capacity, by warming them at a fire ; place the capsule upon the plate and put in the capsule a bit of dry phosphorus of the weight of half a gramme or ttiereabouts; light the phosphorus, and cover it at once with the 232 PHOSPHOEIC ACID. inverted bottle. The phosphoric acid, formed by the combustion of the phosphorus, will be deposited as a white powder, like flakes of snow, upon the sides of the bottle, and much of it will fall down upon the plate below. The apparatus employed in this experiment can readily be arranged in such manner that fresh portions of phosphorus and of air can be introduced into the bottle as fast as occasion may require ; the process will then be continuous, and any desired quantity of phosphoric acid may be prepared by means of it. The flooculent, amorphous, odorless powder tlms obtained unites with water with remarkable facility ; if it be left in the air for a few minutes, it deliquesces completely ; and upon being thrown into water it dissolves, with a hissing noise and develop- ment of much heat. In order to preserve it, it must be placed in a dry tube, and the tube closed by sealing it in the lamp. When touched to the moist tongue, it burns as if it were red-hot metal. On account of this strong affinity for water, it is fre- quently employed by chemists to withdraw the elements of water from other substances ; anhydrous sulphuric acid, for example, can be prepared from oU of vitriol by heating the latter with anhydrous phosphoric acid. On being heated with various or- ganic substances, such as some of the alcohols and essential oils composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, it decomposes them in such manner that the oxygen of the organic substance, and as much of its hydrogen as is necessary to form water by uniting with this oxygen, combine with the phosphoric acid, whUe a compound of carbon and hydrogen (technically called a hydro- carbon) is set free. After the anhydrous acid has once been dissolved in water, it cannot again be completely deprived of water by mere evapora- tion or ignition. When the aqueous solution is evaporated, there is left, not the anhydrous powder, but a transparent glassy mass, which is a hydrate, of the composition 'Sfi,Tfi^. This hydrate is often called glacial phosphoric acid. It is extremely deliques- cent, and, at a bright red heat, sublimes in dense white fumes. Besides the monohydrate, there are two other hydrates of phos- phoric acid, of the compositions, respectively, 2Il20,P 0^ and HyiKATES OF PHOSPHORIC ACID. 233 SHjOjPjOj. Of these, the terhydrate is, perhaps, the most im- portant ; it is the substance usually meant when phosphoric acid is spoken of. 292. Phosphoric acid can be prepared, also, by the oxidation of phosphorus, or of hypophosphorous or phosphorous ' acid, or by the decomposition of some one of its salts, such as the phos- phate of calcium (bone-earth). When phosphorus is heated in dilute nitric acid, of V2 specific gra- vity, the nitric acid gives up oxygen to the phosphorus, nitric oxide and phosphoric acid are formed, and the latter goes into solution. When the phosphorus has all disappeared, the solution is evaporated to dry- ness in order to drive off the nitric acid which was employed in ex- cess, and there is obtained a quantity of the monohydrated glacial acid. A product less pure than the acid prepared by means of nitric acid is obtained by neutralizing a solution of monophosphate of calcium; prepared from bones in the manner already described when treating of the preparation of phosphorus (see § 270), with carbonate of am- monium, evaporating the filtered solution of phosphate of ammonium to dryness and heating the residue to low redness. Ammonia is ex- pelled and glacial phosphoric acid remains. 293. It is a remarkable fact that each of the three different hydrates of phosphoric acid possesses properties peculiar to itself,, and unlike those of the other two ; in fact, each of the hydrates must be regarded as a distinct acid. The monohydrated or glacial acid, H^OjPaOj, is usually called metaphosphoric acid ; the bihydrate, 2^^,^^^, is called pyrophosphoric acid ; and the terhydrate, SSfi,7fi., is commonly spoken of as ordinary phosphoric acid, or simply as phosphoric acid. The three hy- drates are sometimes distinguished as a phosphoric acid (meta), b phosphoric acid (pyro), and e phosphoric acid (ordinary). These different hydrates of the acid retain their peculiar cha- racteristics for a considerable time when dissolved in water, though the mono- and bihydrates change, after a while, to the terhydrate ; and in combining with metallic oxides to form salts, they unite with 1, 2, or 3 molecules of the oxide, accordingly as they themselves contain the elements of 1, 2, or 3 molecules of water. There are thus formed three distinct series of salts, each of which corresponds to one of the hydrates, as is seen in the 234 MBTA- AND PTBOPHOSPHOEIC ACID. following formulse, where M stands for any metal wHeli haMtu- ally replaces one atom of hydrogen. Monohydrated Acid. BihydrOted Add. Terliydrated Acid, H^OjPjO, mfi;pfi, safi,vfi, MfiiPfi, m.fi,-pja, sM^OjPjO, Metaphosphaie of M. Pyrophosphate of M, Phosphate of M. This behavior is very different from that of the hydrates of nitric or of sulphuric acid ; when either of the hydrates of nitric acid, for example, is made to combine with a base, like soda, there is formed always one and the same salt, nitrate of sodium. In each of the three series of salts formed by phosphoric acid, the acid exhibits peculiar properties. A salt of the formula SMjO.PjOj will behave very differently towards many reagents from a salt contaiaing the same metal but in the proportions M^O.P.O,, or 2M.fi,Tfi.. As an example of the kind of dif- ferences here alluded to, it may be mentioned that, whUe meta- phosphoric acid, on being added to a solution of albumen, will cause the albumen to coagulate, no such coagulation can be brought about by either pyrophosphoric acid or the ordinary ter- hydrate. Metaphosphoric acid gives a white precipitate when its solution is mixed with a solution of nitrate of silver by either of the other hydrates, unless they are first neutralized with an alkali, in which event a white precipitate is produced by pyro- phosphoric acid, and a yellow precipitate by the ordinary acid. These peculiarities will be examined in detail when we come to treat of the phosphates of sodium in the chapter upon sodimn and its compounds. From the formulse given in the above table, it is apparent that metaphosphoric acid is a monobasic acid, that pyrophosphoric acid is bibasic, and that ordinary phosphoric acid is terbasio. Since each of the atoms of M, in either of the formulae, can be re- placed by an equivalent atom of any other metal, or by hydrogen, it follows that the composition of some of the salts of phos- phoric acid is rather complex ; thus there is a phosphate of potas- sium and sodium of the composition (Kfi,^a.J^,^fi)Ffi^, or KNaHPO,. Although we have here studied the acids which contain phos- phorus, oxygen, and hydrogen, as if they were in reality composed PEOPEETIES OF PHOSPHORIC ACID. 235 of water and the anhydrousoxide of phosphorus, as the manner of their derivation would suggest, yet it must not he forgotten that we have absolutely no knowledge of the actual structure of the molecules of these compounds, and that the empirical formulae HPO3, H^PaO,, and H^PO^ express all that is absolutely known of their composition. 294-. In whichever way prepared, and in all its varieties, phosphoric acid is a very strong acid. Although a less powerful agent, at the ordinary temperature, than sulphuric acid, yet, from being much less volatile than sulphiiric acid, it can expel the latter, and most other acids, from their compounds on being heated with them. The behavior of the two acids towards cal- cium, or its oxide, furnishes an instructive example of the influence of extrinsic or physical circumstances upon the play of the chemi- cal force. "When triphosphate of calcium (bone-earth) is treated with dilute sulphuric acid at the ordinary temperature, a quan- tity of phosphoric acid is set free from the calcium and goes into solution. From this result it might, at first sight, be thought that the calcium was removed from the phosphate of calcium simply by force of the superior chemical power of sulphuric as contrasted with phosphoric acid ; but, in reality, the water which is present plays an important part in the reaction. Monophos- phate of caJoium is readily soluble in water, sulphate of calcium , on the other hand, being well-nigh insoluble. Hence it happens that when triphosphate of calcium is digested in dilute sulphuric acid, monophosphate of calcium goes into solution, while sulphate of calcium is deposited as an insoluble powder. But if the mix- ture of solid sulphate of calcium and of dissolved monophosphate of calciimi, thus obtained, be evaporated to dryness and the residue be strongly heated, all the sulphuric acid wiU be expelled from the calcium ; it will evaporate and pass off into the air, and nothing will finally be left in the vessel but triphosphate of cal- cium, precisely similar in quality and quantity to that with which the experiment started. In the same way, if a mixture of sulphate of calcium and glacial phosphoric acid be strongly heated, the sul- phuric acid, being readily volatile, as compared with phosphoric acid, will all be expelled from its combination with the calcium : — SCaSO, -I- P,0, = Ca3Pp3 +3SO3. 236 IEECHI,0E1DB OP PHOSPHORUS. 295. Chlorides of Phosphorus. — Phosphorus and chlorine unite readily and directly even at temperatures as low as 0°, the act of combination being attended with evolution of light and heat. If the chlorine be in excess, as regards the phosphorus, there will be formed a solid quinquichloride of phosphorus, while, if an excess of phosphorus be present, a liquid terchloride of phosphorus will be obtained. 296. Terchloride of Phosphorus (PCI3) is a colorless liquid of about 1-5 specific gravity, which boils at about 75°. It fumes in the air, and is decomposed by moist air. When heated in the flame of the gas-lamp, it takes fire and burns with a bright hght. When mixed with water it decomposes, yielding clorhydric and phosphorous acids : — 2PCl3t6H20=6HCl+3H20,P203, or PCl3+3H20 = SHCl+H3P03. This reaction is particularly interesting, in view of the fact that by means of it we are enabled to obtain phosphorous acid in a condition of purity. It will be remembered that by the method of direct oxidation (§ 287) it is no easy matter to obtain pure phosphorous acid from phosphorus. But by simply treating ter- chloride of phosphorus with water and evaporating the solution, so that the chlorhydric acid which results from the reaction may be expelled, hydrated phosphorous acid is obtained as the sole product. The process is a good example of the indirect methods to which chemists are frequently compelled to resort. Terchloride of phosphorus can be prepared by passing a slow stream of dry chlorine through melted, almost boiling, phospho- rus contained in a tubulated retort which has previously been filled with chlorine in the cold, and condensing the chloride in an appropriate receiver as fast as it distils over. The process, like all operations with phosphorus, requires special care. 297. It wUl be observed that the formula of terchloride of phosphorus is that of phosphuretted hydrogen in which all the hydrogen has been replaced by chlorine. The two substances have a perfectly similar volumetric composition. In phosphu- retted hydrogen, three volumes of hydrogen in combination with half a volume of phosphorus, produce two volumes of the com- pound gas ; if, in terchloride of phosphorus, QiriNaTJICHLOEIBE OF PHOSPHORUS. 237 Half a unit-volume of phosphorus-vapor, weighing . , 31 -00 And 3 unit-volumes of chlorine, weighing (35-5 x 3) . 106'50 Produce 2 volumes of PCI3 vapor, weighing .... 137 -50 One unit-volume of PCI3 vapor should weigh . . . 68-75 The speciiic gravity of the vapor of terchloride of phosphoras has been found, by experiment, to be 69-12, — a number so nearly identical with, the above result of calculation as entirely to confirm the assumption on which the calculation rests, viz. that in terchloride of phosphorus three volumes of chlorine are united with half a volume of phosphorus-vapor. 298. QuinquicMoride of Phosphorus (PCI5) is a white or straw-colored crystalline solid, which volatilizes at a temperature below 100° without previously fusing ; but when subjected to pressure, it melts at 148°, and boils at a temperature somewhat higher. It bums in the flame of a candle with production of phosphoric acid and evolution of chlorine. It is very deliques- cent, and is decomposed by the moisture of the air ; by a large excess of water it is immediately resolved into chlorhydric and phosphoric acids : — PCI5 + 4H^0 = 5HC1 + H3P0^ ; with a smaller quantity of water it yields chlorhydric acid and oxychloride of phosphorus : — PCI, -t- H^O = 2HC1 + POCl,. Sulphydric acid decomposes it in like manner, with production of chlorhydric acid and sulphochloride of phosphorus : — PCa, -I- H,S = 2HC1 + PSCI3. Quinquichloride of phosphorus reacts upon many organic com- pounds also, with formation of very interesting products, and is hence an important agent of research in the department of organic chemistry. 299. In order to prepare quinquichloride of phosphorus, a current of dry chlorine may be passed into terchloride of phos- phorus until the latter has been completely solidified ; the product is then distilled in a current of chlorine. The quinqui- chloride may be obtained directly from phosphorus in one opera- tion, if a rapid stream of chlorine be conducted into a retort 238 DissociATiosr. containing phosphorus, kept so cool that the terchloride of phos- phorns at first produced shall not distil over. Again, if powdered red phosphorus is exposed to the action of a rapid stream of chlorine, it mU. all be quickly converted into the soUd quinqui- chloride. 300. The formula above given for quinquichloride of phos- phorus represents the following composition by volume : — Half a unit- volume of phosphorus-vapor, weighing . . 31 -00 And 5 unit-volumes of chlorine, weighing (SoSxS) . 177'50 Should produce 2 vols, of PClj vapor, weighing . . . 208-50 One imit-volume of PClj vapor ought then to weigh . 104-25 The specific gravity of the supposed vapor of quinquichloride of phosphorus, as determined by experiment, does not accord -with this calculated result ; it is 52-81, almost exactly one-half of the theoretical unit-volume weight above given. If four volumes of vapor, instead of two, resulted from the union of half a voliune of phosphorus-vapor with five volumes of chlorine, the calcu- lated and the actual vapor-density would coincide. But hitherto we have never found a single compound gas in which the pro- duct volume was four unit-volumes ; two •unit- volumes have in- variably resulted from the union of the constituent volumes, whatever the character and number of the constituents. It would be necessary to admit this substance as presenting an ex- ceptional volumetric composition, were it not for a well-founded distrust of the experimental determination of the vapor-density of this compound. It not infrequently happens that all attempts to determine the vapor-density of volatile compounds of two or more elements are bafiled by their splitting up, at the tempera- ture of vaporization, into their constituent gases or vapors, which, in the act of separating, resume their own proper volumes, how- ever much they may have been condensed during combination. This splitting up of compoimd vapors, at high temperatures, into less complex compounds, or into the elementary constitu- ents, is termed dissociation. Thus, at the elevated temperature necessary to convert quinquichloride of phosphorus into vapor, it is probable that the quinquichloride splits into terchloride of phosphorus and free chlorine, and that it is the specific DISSOCIAIIOIf. 239 gravity of this mixture wHch has heen determinerl, instead of the specific gravity of the real unaltered vapor of the quinqui- chloride. Two unit-volumes of PCI, weigh 138'24 Two unit-volumes of 01 weigh 71- 209-24 52-31 Four unit-volumes of the mixture weigh One unit-volume of the mixture weighs . The specific gravity which has been assigned to the quinquichlo- ride is 52-81,— a number very nearly coincident with the above calculated density of the mixture of terchloride-vapor and free chlorine. At the high temperature of vaporization it is there- fore probable that quinquichloride of phosphorus undergoes dissociation into terchloride of phosphorus and chlorine ; but if this be the case, these constituents recombine when the tempera- ture falls, for by lowering the temperatiu:e the quinquichloride is recovered. As we advance, we shaU meet with several other examples of the dissociation of compound gases and vapors ; for the present it wiU be sufficient to give one more illustration of the meaning of this term. When equal volumes of dry ammonia and dry chlorhydric acid gas are mixed (Exp. 65), the two gases are completely condensed to a white solid, which we are famiUar ■with as chloride of ammonium. Since this ammonium -salt is readily volatUizable, there would be no difficulty in determining the product-volume of the compound of ammonia and chlorhy- dric acid, were it not for the fact that the vapor of chloride of ammonium undergoes dissociation at the temperature of vaporiza- tion. If the real vapor of the compound could be measured, the facts would undoubtedly be correctly represented by the dia- gram, HCl + NH3 = NH.Cl * but the vapor of the compound is resolved into its constituent gases at the high temperature necessarily employed, so that the following diagram really fig-ures the actual state of things : — 240 BROMIDES AirB lODIBES OF PHOSPHOEFS. HCl + ISTH. When the dissociated vapor cools, the parted gases recombine to form solid chloride of ammonium. It is obvious that the phenomena of dissociation interfere fatally with one of the common methods of arriving at the weight and structure of the molecule of a volatile compound; the indirect method of getting at the volumetric composition of a substance from its ponderal composition and the specific gra- vity of its vapor becomes impracticable whenever the vapor of the compound under examination is liable to dissociation, inas- much as experiment cannot determine beyond a doubt the real vapor-density of such a body. 301. Bromides of Phosphorus. — When a piece of phosphorus is dropped into bromine, the two elements combine with explo- sive violence, the burning phosphorus being thrown about in a highly dangerous manner. There are two bromides of phos- phorus, PBTj and PBr^, corresponding to the two chlorides. The terbromide is liquid at ordinary temperatures and the quin- quibromide solid. 302. Iodides of Phosphorus. — Iodine and phosphorus unite directly, when brought in contact with one another, and so much heat is developed by their union, that a portion of the phospho- rus will take fire if the mixture be in contact with the air. There are two iodides of phosphorus, both of them soKd at the ordinary temperature ; their composition is respectively PI^ and PI3 . It wiU be noticed that, while the teriodide corresponds to the terchloride and terbromide, the other compound is a bin- iodide, of which there is known neither a bromine nor a chlorine analogue. The fact is interesting as illustrating the general truth that, when iu any group or family of elements we compare the behavior of its several members, analogy ceases to be a sure guide, in proportion as the individuals compared are more widely separated in the natural series. Chlorine and bromine stand next to one another in the family or series of elements to which SULPHIDES OE PHOSPHORUS. 241 ttey belong ; and as we have just seen, their behavior, as regards phosphorus, is well-nigh identical ; but iodine, one step further removed from chlorine than bromine is, enters into new combina- tions not altogether conformable to those of chlorine. 303. Sulphides of Phosphorus. — There is a definite sulphide of phosphorus corresponding to each of the oxides, and in addi- tion to these there are two other compounds, which may be repre- sented by the formulae P^S, and P^S^^ . Sulphur and phosphorus may also be melted together in any proportion. The sulphides of phosphorus are exceedingly inflammable, taking fire even more readily than phosphorus itself, and they are all more readily fusible than either of the two elements of which they are com- posed. They may be prepared by heating sulphur under water in contact with melted phosphorus. The union of the two ele- ments is attended with development of much heat, and sometimes with dangerous explosions. It ia well, therefore, to operate only upon smaU. quantities, and to add the sulphur gradually to the phosphorus. CHAPTEK XVIL AESENIC. 304. Compounds of arsenic have been known from very early times. The element is sometimes foimd native, but much more frequently associated with other metals and with oxygen and sulphur. The metals in connexion with which it most commonly occurs are iron, cobalt, nickel, and copper. Ferruginous ores and deposits, in particular, are rarely free from traces of arsenic. In small quantity, arsenic is very widely distributed. The greater part of the arsenic of commerce is prepared from a native arsenide and sulphide of iron (arsenical pyrites) corre- sponding to the formula FeAsS, and from the arsenides of nickel and cobalt. Metallic arsenic is obtained directly from the mineral of the formula FeAsS by heating it in earthen tubes laid B 242 PEOPEKTIES OP ARSENIC. horizontally in a long furnace ; a tube, made by rolling up a piece of tMn sheet iron, is inserted in the mouth of each earthen retort, and an earthen receiver is luted on to this iron tube. The arsenic condenses principally in the iron tube, in the form of a compact, whitish, crystalline mass, which is detached, when cold, by unroUing the sheet iron. The metal is also indirectly obtained by reducing the arsenious acid (Asfi^) which results from roasting (heating in a current of air) arsenides, like those of cobalt and nickel ; this oxide is heated with charcoal in earthen crucibles covered with conical iron caps, or inverted crucibles, into which the reduced metal sublimes. The metal obtained by the second process is gray and pulverulent, instead of whitish and coherent. FeAsS = FeS + As ; As,03 + 30 = 2A8 + SCO. 305. Arsenic is a brittle solid, of a steel-gray color and a me- tallic lustre. Its specific gravity has been variously given at from 5-62 to 5-96. Like the metals, it is a good conductor of electricity. It crystallizes in acute rhombohedrons, and in octa- hedrons also, thus taking on forms of both the monometrie and hexagonal systems, as do phosphorus, the preceding member, and antimony, the succeeding member of this family. At a dull red heat it volatilizes without previous fusion ; the vapor is colorless, and possesses a characteristic odor resembling that of garlic. The specific gravity of this vapor is 150, while the atomic weight of the element is 75 ; arsenic, therefore, resembles phos- phorus, and difiers from all the other elements heretofore studied, in that its atomic weight is not identical with its unit-volume weight ; two combining proportions by weight of arsenic occupy the same volume as one combining proportion of hydrogen ; its symbol, As, represents its atomic weight, but only half the weight of the unit-volume of its vapor. At the ordinary tempe- rature the compact metal does not tarnish by exposure to dry air, but a moistened powder of arsenic is slowly converted by the air into a mixture of arsenious acid and metallic arsenic. At a red heat the metal burns with a whitish flame, producing a white smoke of arsenious acid. When thrown, in fine powder, into chlorine gas, it takes fire spontaneously and is converted into ARSENIC AND HTBEOGEN. 243 chloride of arsenic (AsClj). Bromine, iodine, and sulphur also combine readily with arsenic, when aided by a gentle heat. Nitric acid and aqua regia convert the metal into arsenic acid (ASjOj) ; ehlorhydric acid has little action upon it. Dilute sul- phuric acid has no action upon the metal ; but the concentrated acid has the same effect upon arsenic as upon phosphorus (§ 276) ; arsenious acid is formed and sulphurous acid escapes : — ■ 3H,80, + 2As = As^O, + 3S0, + 3H,0 . Some fatty oils dissolve arsenic to a slight extent, as they do phosphorus. Metallic arsenic unites by fusion with most metals, forming alloys which the arsenic tends to make hard or brittle. In the manufacture of shot a little arsenic is added to the lead to faciEtate the formation of regular globules. 306. Arsenic and Hvdrogen.^Axsema forms two combinations with hydrogen ; one of these is an unstable, brown solid of un- certain composition ; the other is a well-known gas whose con- stitution is represented by the formida AsH,, and which is therefore analogous in composition to ammonia (NH^) and phos- phuretted hydrogen (PH3). The solid hydride is so obscure a substance that nothing need here be said of it, except that it is supposed to contain two atoms of hydrogen and one of arsenic (AsHJ). 307. Arseniuretted Hydrogen. — This very dangerous gas may be prepared in an impure state by decomposing, with sulphuric , acid diluted with three parts of water, an arsenide of zinc ob- tained by fusing together equal weights of powdered arsenic and granulated zinc : — 3H,S0, + ZUjAs = 3ZnHS0,-f- AsH, . As it is not possible to prepare the precise alloy Zn^As, the arseniuretted hydrogen thus obtained is always mixed with hy- drogen. The arsenide of sodium can be decomposed by water, with evolution of arseniuretted hydrogen : — 3H,0 + -Sa.^Aa = 3NaH0 + ASH3 . The same remark, however, applies to this reaction as to the pre- ceding one ; the product is contaminated with an indeterminate quantity of free hydrogen. Arseniuretted hydrogen seems also to be formed whenever the oxides of arsenic, or compounds of ■B.2 244 ABSENTOBETIED HTDROGEN. these oxides, are brought in contact with nascent hydrogen. A mixture of arseniuretted hydrogen and hydrogen may be readUy obtained by acting upon ziuc by dilute chlorhydric or sulphuric acid in which arsenious acid has been dissolved. 308. Arseniuretted hydrogen is a colorless gas, having a fetid odor ; even when very much diluted with air, it is intensely poisonous, and fatal results have repeatedly followed its acci- dental inhalation. In experimenting with this deadly gas, the greatest care is required not to inhale the least portion of it. It has been condensed at —40° to a transparent liquid, but it has never been solidified. The gas is soluble in water at the ordinary temperature only to the extent of one-fifth of its volume, and neither the gas nor its aqueous solution has any action upon blue or red litmus-paper. In spite, therefore, of its strong resem- blance to ammonia in composition, some of its physical proper- ties are strikingly unlike those of that very soluble and intensely alkaline gas. Arseniuretted hydrogen burns in the air with a whitish flame, forming water and a white smoke of arsenious acid ; but if a cold body, like a piece of porcelain, for example, be introduced into a jet of the burning gas, the hydrogen alone wiU bum, and the arsenic will be deposited in the metallic state upon the porcelain siirface, forming a lustrous black spot. This effect is precisely similar to the deposition of soot on a cold body held in the flame of a candle. It is also decomposed when • caused to pass through tubes heated to dull redness, metallic arsenic being deposited as a brown or blackish mirror, while hydrogen gas escapes. This decomposition is a good illustration of the dissociation of gases (§ 300). Chlorine in excess reacts violently upon it, forming terchloride of arsenic (AsClj) and chlorhydric acid : — ASH3 -I- 6C1 = ASCI3 + 3HC1. When, however, chlorine acts on an excess of arseniuretted hy- drogen, there are formed chlorhydric acid and metallic arsenic ; flame accompanies this reaction. The reactions of bromine and iodine are similar to, but less violent than, those of chlorine. We recall, in this connexion, the decomposition of ammonia by chlorine, with formation of chlorhydric acid and liberation of AESENITTRETTBD HTBEOGElf. 245 nitrogen. Arseniuretted hydrogen decomposes the solutions of the salts of many of the heavy metals, but the products are somewhat various ; sometimes a metallic arsenide is precipitated ; sometimes the heavy metal is precipitated, while arsenious acid remains ia the solution. As we shall shortly see, the chemical properties of this gas are of great importance in the processes nsed for detecting arsenic in cases of poisoning. 309. Arseniuretted hydrogen may he analyzed by precisely the same method which was used for the analysis of phosphu- retted hydrogen (§ 280) ; but the results can only be approxi- mate, because of the extreme difficulty, not to say impossibility, of obtaining the gas in a state of tolerable purity. The compo- sition of the analogous gases, ammonia and phosphuretted hydro- gen, and the specific gravity of the gas, lead us to the following statement of its composition. Two volimies of the gas contain 3 unit-volumes of hydrogen, weighing 3x1 =3 5 unit-volume of arsenic-vapor, weighing J X 150 = 76 2 unit-volumes of arseniuretted hydrogen weigh 78 1 unit-Tolume of arseniuretted hydrogen weighs 39 The actual specific gravity of arseniuretted hydrogen, as deter- _ mined by experiment, is as nearly as possible 39, — a fact which makes it certain that two volumes of the gas do not contain one volume of the heavy arsenic- vapor, which is 150 times as heavy as hydrogen, but only half a volume. Herein this gas differs from ammonia, but resembles phosphuretted hydrogen. The weight of the quantity of arsenic which combines with three atoms of hydrogen is 75, just as the weight of the quantity of nitrogen which combines with three atoms of hydrogen is 14 ; but 75 parts by weight of arsenic-vapor only occupy one half the space which 14 parts of nitrogen fill. 310. Arsenic and Oxygen. — Arsenic forms two weU-defined oxides, arsenious acid, As^Oj, and arsenic acid, As^Oj. The black film which forms on the surface of the metal when ex- posed to the air is by many supposed to be a suboxide, while -others think it is more probably a mixture of metallic arsenic with arsenious acid. The first of the above-mentioned acids cor- responds with nitrous and phosphorous acids, the second with 246 AESENIOTTS ACID. nitric and phosphoric ; but arsenious acid is very stable, in com- parison with arsenic acid, while the reverse is true of the analo- gous acids containing nitrogen and phosphorus. The element arsenic possesses many properties which ally it to the metals ; but in its compounds its close connexion with nitrogen and phos- phorus is clearly exhibited. Its oxides, for example, are both acids, and these acids unite with the oxides of the metals proper to form stable, crystallizable salts, which are in many cases isomorphous with the corresponding salts containing phospho- rus. 311. Arsenious Acid (As^Oj). — Arsenious acid, known in com- merce as arsenic, or white arsenic, is obtained as a secondary pro- duct in the roasting of arsenical ores of nickel, cobalt, and tin, and as a principal product in the roasting of arsenical pyrites. The volatile matters which escape from the roasted ores consist mainly of sulphurous and arsenious^acids ; the first is allowed to pass off into the atmosphere, the second condenses to the solid state in the chambers and long passages through which the vapors are forced to pass in order that they may deposit their arsenious acid. A second sublimation purifies the raw product. Accord- ing to the temperature at which the arsenious acid is sublimed and condensed, the prsduct is either in powder or in transparent masses ; a low temperature with sudden condensation yields a ' white powder of minute crystals; a higher temperature with gradual soUdifioation produces a transparent glass. 312. Arsenious acid is a white solid, which occurs not only iu two conditions, one amorphous and the other crystalline, but also in two distinct crystalline forms. When the vapor of the acid is cooled so quickly that it soKdifies at once, without passing through the semifluid state, each particle of the solid acid assumes more or less perfectly the octahedral form. A hot satu- rated aqueous solution of the acid also deposits regular octahe- dral crystals on cooling. The amorphous, glassy variety of the acid changes spontaneously, when kept in contact with the air, into an aggregation of minute octahedral crystals, thereby be- coming opaque and porcelain-like in appearance. The other crystalline form of arsenious acid is the right rhombic prism ; this form occurs much less frequently than the first, and is con- ISOMERISM. 247 verted into the octahedral form by subhmatioa and by solution in hot water. The two varieties of arsenious acid, the vitreous and the porcel- laneous, differ decidedly in physical and chemical properties, yet they have precisely the same chemical composition ; and when either variety changes into the other, no alteration of weight, no addition or subtraction of matter accompanies the change. The two varieties contain the same two elements in precisely the same proportions. When two or more compounds, which exhibit essential differences of physical and chemical properties, are, nevertheless, found to be identical in respect to constituent ele- ments and their proportions, the compounds are said to be iso- tneric (equal parts). The term allotropism (§ 162) properly applies to the elements only, the term isomerism to compounds only; both terms, however, refer to one and the same un- questionable, though perplexing, truth — -namely, that the widest diversity of properties may coexist with absolute identity of idtimate chemical constitution. Two aUotropic states of the same element not infrequently present more striking differ- ences than elements recognized as distinct ; and among the numerous complex compounds of carbon with which organic chemistry deals, there are many isomeric compounds which are so entirely dissimilar as to lead almost irresistibly to the belief that it is of as much consequence how the atoms of a compound are arranged as what kind of atoms they are. Arsenious acid does not afford a very striking example of isomerism ; neverthe- less the properties of its two modifications are quite diverse. If it be true that the different arrangement of atoms is the cause of the diversity of isomeric compounds, it is evident that the differ- ences between two varieties of a compound of only two kinds of atoms, united in the simple ratio of 2 to 3, cannot be expected to be so marked as the differences between isomeric compounds which contain four or five elements united in the very compli- cated proportions which frequently characterize the compounds of carbon. Nevertheless the differences between the two iso- meric compounds of arsenic and oxygen are sufficiently distinct. The glassy acid dissolves much more rapidly in water than the porcelain-like variety, being three times as soluble in that 248 PBOPEETIES OF AESENIOITS ACID. liquid. The relation of the two varieties to heat is not the same ; for when the vitrfeous acid changes into the opaque, heat is disen- gaged. As this change generally takes place slowly, from the surface towards the centre of any fragment of the -vitreous variety, the heat evolved is not perceived ; but if the change be suddenly accomplished, not only heat, but light also will be disengaged. -Erjo. 122. — Diasolve 4 or 5 grms. of the vitreous acid in a hot mix- ture of 24 grms. of strong chlorhydric acid and 8 c. c. of water, and let the solution cool slowly ; the arsenious acid will crystallize in transparent octahedrons, and the formation of the crystals will be ac- companied by flashes of light. The specific gravity of the vitreous acid is 3'738 ; that of the porcellaneous 3'699. The opaque variety may be changed into the vitreous by long boiling with water. It appears, therefore, that the arrangement of atoms which may be supposed to fur- nish the vitreous acid is stable only at high temperatures, and that the arrangement of atoms which is peculiar to the opaque acid is stable only at low temperatures. 313. Arsenious acid volatilizes without change when heated with free access of air ; if heated in contact with carbon, it gives up its oxygen, and metaUio arsenic is liberated. Copper and many other metals reduce arsenious acid. Exp. 123. — Place a few particles of arsenious acid in an open tube of hard glass (No. 5) about 10 cm. long, and heat the acid over the lamp, holding the tube in a sloping position ; the white solid will be volatilized, but it will immediately be deposited again upon the cold part of the tube. By the aid of a lens, this deposit may be seen to be crystalline. Fig. 46. Exp. 124. — Drop into the point of a drawn-out tube of hard glass, No. 6, a morsel of arsenious acid, and above it place a splinter of charcoal (Fig. 46); heat the coal red-hot in the flame of the lamp, and then volatilize the arsenious acid. The acid will give its oxygen to the coal, and the arsenic will be deposited in a ring on the cold part of the tube, presenting a brilliant metallic appearance. Exp. 125. — Throw a particle of arsenious acid upon a piece of red- hot charcoal ; the acid will be partly reduced, and the peculiar garlic odor of the vapor of metallic arsenic will be perceived. SOLUBILITY or AKSENIOTJa ACID. 249 Exp. 126. — Dissolve a few centigrammes of arsenious acid in 5 or 6 c. c. of chlorhydric acid heated in a test-tube ; in the hot solution immerse a narrow strip of clean copper ; an iron-gray film will be de- posited upon the copper. This coating contains metallic arsenic de- rived from the arsenious acid; it consists of an alloy of arsenic and copper. 314. It is very difficult to say what the solubility of arsenious acid in water reaUy is. The results of different experimenters present very wide discrepancies, due in part to the fact abeady stated, that the two modifications of arsenious acid are of unlike solubility, and in part also to the circumstance that the acid dis-' solves with extreme slowness. The difficulty of the determina- tion is increased by the readiness with which either modification passes into the other in consequence of changes of temperature ; it is quite possible that both varieties may simultaneously exist in the same solution. A hot aqueous solution usually contains 1 part of the acid in 10 or 12 parts of water ; on cooling this solu- tion, a portion of the acid separates, leaving a solution which contains 1 part of acid in 20 to 30 parts of water. The aqueous solution has a feeble acid reaction. No definite hydrate of arse- nious acid is known. The acid is much less soluble in alcohol than in water. Hot chlorhydric acid dissolves it with facility, and when cold retains a large proportion in solution ; other acids, even some vegetable acids, dissolve it readily when hot, though most of them keep but little in solution when cooled. When the solution of arsenious acid in chlorhydric acid is evaporated, a compound of chlorine and arsenic, the terchloride of arsenic (§ 336), is volatilized, and the solution thus loses a portion of its arsenic. This fact is of importance in examinations for arsenic in eases of suspected poisoning. 315. Solutions of caustic soda and potash readily dissolve the acid, a soluble arsenite of sodium or potassium resulting from the reaction. From these arsenites of sodium and potassium the arsenites of other metals are generally obtained by the way of double decomposition. The arsenites are numerous, but they are not very stable and have been but little studied. 316. Arsenious acid is oxidized and converted into arsenic acid by digestion with nitric acid. The same transformation is 250 USES OP ABSENIOUS ACID. brought about, but quicker, by the action of aqua regia, and by chlorine, bromine, and iodine in presence of water. When iodine is added to a solution of arseiiious acid mixed with a little starch-paste, the whole of the arsenious acid is converted into arsenic acid before any blue coloration of the starch is pro- duced by the iodine. These facts are turned to account in the volumetric determination of chlorine (§ 565). Sulphuretted hy- drogen colors an aqueous solution of arsenious acid yellow, and precipitates a yellow sulphide of arsenic (§ 210) from a solution acidulated with chlorhydric acid. Arsenious acid is a violent poison, all the more dangerous because it has neither taste nor odor to warn the victim of its presence ; two decigrammes of it will cause death. All the solu- ble salts of arsenious acid are likewise horribly poisonous. The best antidote to the poison is a mixture of moist, freshly precipi- tated sesquioxide of iron and caustic magnesia. 317. Arsenious acid is largely used for the manufacture of two green paints, an arsenite of copper and a compound of arsenite and acetate of copper; it is applied as an oxidizing agent in the manufacture of glass ; it is used for poisoning ver- min, and is consumed in considerable quantities for producing the arsenic acid which is used in the dyeing and printing of 'cloth, and in the manufacture of anUine colors ; it is used in very small doses as a remedy for asthma, and in some skin-dis- eases. Although the acid is so violent a poison, it seems to be possible, by beginning with smaU. doses and gradually increasing them, to accustom the human body to sustain, without injury, doses of 2 to 3 decigrammes, or even more ; the arsenic thus taken is said to produce a plump and healthy appearance in those who use it, and especially to increase the power of the respira- tory organs. In veterinary practice, it has been found that arsenious acid administered to animals in this manner improves the appearance of the skin. 318. Arsenic Add (As^Oj). — This compound is produced by oxidizing arsenious acid with nitric acid, aqua regia, hypochlorous acid, or other oxidizing agents. Exp. 127. — Add 4 grms. of powdered arsenious acid, little by little, to a mixture of 4 grms. of concentrated nitric acid, and 8 grms. of ARSENIC ACID. 251 concentrated cUorliydric acid, contained in a small evaporating dish, and gently heated over a lamp in a strong current of air, or beneath a weU-ventilated hood. The liquid, which at first gives off red fumes in considerable quantity, mxist be evaporated until it assumes a syrupy consistency, resembling that of oil of vitriol. This syrupy liquid is arsenic acid. 319. The syrupy solution thus obtained deposits, after stand- ing for some days, at the ordinary temperature, transparent elongated prisms or rhomboidal laminse. These crystals, heated to 100°, first melt and then yield the terhydrate of arsenic acid (SSJJjAsfi^ = 2HgA80 J as a crystalline precipitate. The same hydrated acid separates in large prismatic crystals when a concentrated aqueous solution is cooled to a low temperature. There are two other hydrates of the oxide ASjOg,— a bihydrate, 2Sfi,Asfi^ = H^As^O^, and a monohydrate, H20,As205 = 2B[A80g ; both these lower hydrates are obtained from the ter- hydrate by subjecting the latter to the prolonged action of certain temperatures. If either of the hydrates be heated to duU red- ness, a white amorphous mass remains, which is the anhydrous acid, Aafi. ; this substance has no action upon litmus, and seems to be scarcely soluble in water. After long exposure to moist air, it slowly deliquesces, and if covered with water and soaked for a long time, it at last dissolves, being probably converted into the soluble terhydrate. At a full red heat it is resolved into arsenious acid and oxygen. 320. In spite of the recognized existence of three solid hy- drates of arsenic acid, there is but one aqueous solution of this acid, inasmuch as the monohydrate, the bihydrate, and the anhy- dride, are all immediately converted into the terhydrate when dissolved in water. The solution has a very sour taste and a strong acid reaction on vegetable colors. The concentrated liquid is highly corrosive and produces blisters on the skin. Arsenic acid and its salts are poisonous, but not in so high a degree as arsenious acid and the arsenites. 321. Arsenic acid is a strong acid, capable of expelling aU the more volatile acids from their salts at high temperatures. Its three hydrates are strictly comparable with the three hydrates of phosphoric acid. 252 SAIIS OF ARSENIC ACID. Sydrates (HPO. HAsOj ) Hydrates of -^H^P^O, H.As^O, \ of Phosphoric Acid. ( HjPOj H3AsO^ ) Arsenic Acid. Either one, two, or all three of the hydrogen atoms in common arsenic acid, HjAeO^, may be replaced by a metal, so that three arseniates of any one metal may exist, as for example, NaHjAsO^ Na^HAsOj NajAsO^ Acid Arseniate " Neutral" Arseniate Basic Arseniate of Sodium. of Sodium. of Sodium. If an acid arseniate be suitably heated, a meta-arseniate results, as, for example, NaAsOg = NaH^AsO^ — H^O ; if a neutral arseniate be sufficiently heated, a pyro- arseniate results, as, for example, Na^As^O^ = 2Na2lIAsO^ — H^O ; but such meta- and pyro-arseniates, unlike the corresponding meta- and pyro-phos- phates, have very little stabUity, take up again the molecule of water, which the heat expelled, the moment they are brought in contact with water, and are so changed back again into salts of ordinary arsenic acid. The salts of arsenic acid are isomorphous throughout with the corresponding phosphates. 322. Arsenic acid is readily reduced to arsenious acid, and, consequently, acts in some cases as an oxidizing agent. Thus sulphurous acid reduces arsenic acid, and is itself converted into sulphuric acid : — 2H3ASO, + 2S0, = 2H,S0, + As,03 + H,0. Sulphydric acid gas, passed through a not too concentrated solu- tion of arsenic acid, slowly precipitates the yellow tersulphide of arsenic, the action being assisted by heat and by the presence of another acid. Charcoal and the metals at a red heat reduce arsenic acid to the metallic state, just as they do arsenious acid. 323. Arsenic acid has been extensively used in calico-print- ing, in place of the more expensive tartaric acid, for developing white patterns on a colored ground in the chloride-of-lime vat. It is also an excellent preservative of animal substances, and is accordingly used to defend the specimens and preparations of the anatomist and naturalist from decay and from the attack of insects. 324. Detection of arsenic in cases of poisoning. — Nearly all compounds of arsenic are poisonous; but arsenious acid is best BETBCIION OP AESENIC. 253 known and most easily procured, and is therefore most likely to be met with in cases of poisoning by arsenic, whetlier accidental or intentional. In criminal trials the solubility of arsenious acid in water has often been much discussed ; but this is practically a point of little importance, for the tasteless poison is generally administered in the solid state mixed with soup, gruel, milk, or even with solid food. It thus sometimes happens that small par- ticles of the poison can be found adhering to culinary vessels, cups, plates, or spoons, or even to the coatings of the stomach and intestines after death. If the arsenious acid is too finely divided to be picked out in lumps, it may sometimes be sepa- rated by stirring up the mass, under examination, with water, and leaving the heavier particles to settle. Any solid arsenious acid that may be present will be sure to be found in the residue ; it may be washed with cold water. It is always very satisfactory thus to obtain the solid poison in the condition in which it was administered, because the examination is, in such cases, very direct and conclusive. It is only necessary to try, with the white powder thus obtained, the experiments already given to illustrate the properties of arsenious acid (Exps. 123-126), together with certain other discriminating tests shortly to be described. 325. It more frequently happens, however, that the arsenic has been dissolved by the acid secretion of the stomach, and has become intimately mixed with th^ food or excretions, or incor- porated into the substance of the organs themselves. The exa- mination then becomes more difficult. The reduction of arsenious acid by copper (Exp. 126) is an available test in such cases. To the suspected matter, if liqiiid, about one-sixth of its bulk of chlorhydrie acid is added, and the mixture is gently boiled. Solid tissues must be cut into small pieces and boiled for some time with dilute chlorhydrie acid (1 part acid to 6 parts water) until the whole is disintegrated ; this solution is finally clarified by filtration. Strips of copper gauze or foil are then immersed in the boiling liquid ; and if any gray deposit is produced, fresh pieces of metal are added so long as the color of the copper is perceptibly changed. They are then removed, washed with water, dried, folded up, placed in a dry tube of hard glass and gently heated. Some of the metallic arsenic in the gray alloy 254 DIALYSIS. will be converted into arsenious acid, wMch coUeets on the cold part of the tube in the form of a crystalline sublimate. To this sublimate all tests for the identification of arsenious acid can be applied. This mode of operation is known as Eeinsch's test. The chlorhydric acid employed must be proved to be free from arsenic. 326. Another method of separating arsenious acid from the orgaaic matters with which it is mixed is that of dialysis, a pro- cess which depends upon the very different rates at which differ- ent substances diffuse through water. Exp. 128. — Select two straight-sided bottles of clear glass about 16 cm. deep and 8 to 9 cm. wide. Fill them seven-eighths full of dis- tilled water, or any pure soft water. Dissolve 10 grms. of bichromate of potassium in 100 c c. of water ; suck as much of this solution as will fill the remaining eighth of one of the above-mentioned bottles into a pipette (A-ppendix, § 22), and carefully convey the colored fluid to the bottom of the bottle by bringing the fine point of the pipette to the bottom of the bottle and then allowing the liquid to flow very slowly out of the pipette. If time enough (5 or 6 minutes) be taken for this process, no sensible intermixture of the two liquids will take place during the delivery. Dissolve 10 grms. of caramel (melted and partially burnt sugar) in 100 c c of water, and convey to the bottom of the second bottle, in the same manner as before, enough of the dark-colored solution to fill the bottle. The two bottles are left at rest for several days in a room where the temperatvire is nearly constant. Spontaneous difiusion immediately begins ; and the very different rates at which the two colored sub- stances diffuse upwards through the water should be from time to time observed. 327. Substances which have a comparatively high diffusive power have generally, though not invariably, the power of crys- tallizing ; their solutions are generally free from viscosity, and always have taste. Such substances are designated by the term crystalloids. Among crystalloids there are wide differences of diffusive power ; thus caustic potash diffuses twice as fast as sul- phate of potassium, and sulphate of potassium twice as fast as sulphate of magnesium. Substances of very low diffusive power have little, if any, tendency to crystallize, and affect a vitreous structure. Such CBTSTALLOIDS JlSD COILdlBS. 255 substances are often very soluble in water ; but their solutions have always a certain degree of viscosity when concentrated, and are insipid or whoUy tasteless. By combining with water, these substances are apt to form jellies. Gelatine has been taken as the type of this class ; and they ha-<% hence been called colloids, a name derived from Greek words signifying glue-like. Among the colloids rank hydrated silicic acid, alumina, starch, gums, caramel, albumen, and animal and vegetable extrac- tive matters. As we can separate by means of distillation or evaporation two bodies of difierent volatility, so by the aid of difRision we can separate one substance more or less completely from another. Jellies and col- loid membranes are permeable to crystalloids, but are practically im- permeable by coHoida like themselves. By means, therefore, of a colloidal diaphragm, or partition, crystalloids can be separated from colloids by diffusion. The most suitable substance for the dialytic diaphragm is parchment paper, prepared by soaking unglazed paper, for a few seconds, in a mixture of 6 parts of strong sulphuric acid and 1 part of water, and immediately washing it, first in water and then in water containing ammonia. The paper subjected to this treatment becomes semitransparent and tough, like parchment. A dialyzer, as the apparatus for effecting separation by diffusion is called, consists of two gutta-percha, or wooden, hoops, one of which should be 6 cm., and the other 2'5 cm. deep. The deeper hoop is slightly conical, and the shallower must shp over the small end of the deeper. The hoops may be from 15 to 25 cm. in diameter. The parchment paper, which is to form the bottom, must be about 8 cm. wider than the small end of the 5 cm. hoop. To prepare the dialyzer for use, soak the parchment paper for about a minute in distilled water; stretch it evenly over the small end of «the 5 cm. hoop and strain it on tightly by pushing over it the 2-5 cm. hoop. The paper must be pressed smoothly up round the outside of the deeper hoop, and the bottom must be flat and even. There must be no small holes in the paper. To detect such, put distilled water into the dialyser to the depth of 6 m.m., and place the dialyzer on some white blotting-paper. If any wet or dark spots ap- pear, they indicate the existence of small holes. To close such holes, apply to the under surface of the paper about the holes some solution of albumen, put on a small patch of parchment paper, and iron the patch with a hot smoothing-iron. The albumen wiU coagulate, fix the patch, and close the hole. Bxp. 129. — ^Into the dial3'zer so prepared pour an aqueous solution 256 BIAITSIS OF AESENIOTJS ACID. containing five per cent, of cane-sugar and five per cent, of gum arabic, to the depth of ahout 1-25 cm. Then float the dialyzer on distilled water contained in a flat basin. The volume of water in the basin should be from 5 to 10 times as great as the volume of the fluid in the dialyzer^ The wider the dialyzer and the greater the quantity of distilled water in the outer basin, the more rapid and effective the difiiision. A dialyzer 15 cm. in diameter, serves to operate upon 200 to 260 c c of liquid ; one of 20 cm. upon 400 to 450 c c ; one of 25 cm. upon 600 c c After the lapse of twenty-four hours, the water in the basin should be poured into an evaporating-disli and gently evaporated over a water- bath. Pure sugar will crystallize fi:om the solution. The sugar, a crystalloid, has passed through the diaphragm ; the gum, a colloid, has remained in the dialyzer. It should be remarked that gum is wholly uncrystaUizable, and that the mixed solution of gum and sugar will not yield crystals, but only an amorphous mass, when evaporated. 328. By means of this dialyzing apparatus, arsenious acid, salts of the metals, Btrychnine, and other crystaUizable poisons, mineral and organic, can be readily separated from organic fluids ; and the process has the very great advantage of intro- ducing no metal, chemical reagent, or other foreign substance into the fluids under examination. After twenty-foijr hotirs, the crystaUizable poison, or a large proportion of it, will have been transferred to the distilled water in the outer basin, and in this solution it may be sought for by the application of the appro- priate tests. Exp. 130. — Dissolve 0-1 grm. of arsenious acid in about 80 c. c of hot water, and stir the solution into about 200 c c. of milk, ale, soup, gruel, or other thick organic ^uid ; place the poisonous fluid in a 15 cm. dialyzer and float thejdialyzer on two litres of distilled water in a clean basin. Allow the apparatus to stand at rest in a room where the temperature is tolerably uniform for forty-eight hours. At the expiration of this time, transfer the clear solution in the basin to an evaporating-dish, without losing a drop, rinse the basin carefully with distilled water, and add the rinsings to the contents of the dish ; eva- porate the solution over a water-bath (see Appendix, § 14) to the hulk of 50 c c To one-third of this concentrated solution add a few drops of pure chlorhydric acid, and apply Eeinsoh's test for arsenic (§ 325), with due regard to the small scale on which the operation must be con- ducted. About 0-025 grm. of arsenious acid is the quantity which may be expected to respond to the test by copper. Three-quarters of the EXiMINATION POE AESBWIC. 257 Griginal decigramme should be transfeiTed by diffusion tlirougb tbe dialyzer in the course of forty-eight hours, and of this solution of this 0-075 grm. of arsenious acid we have taken one-third. The rest of the solution is to be reserved for tests hereafter to be described. 329, When the arsenious acid must be sought in large organs of the body, like the stomach, liver, or intestines, or in consider- able quantities of disgusting semifluid materials, it is sometimes necessary to utterly destroy the organic matters by processes which cannot cause the loss of arsenic. Several methods may be einployed for thig purpose. 1. The organic matter is gently heated in a tubulated retort with strong chlorhydric acid, and strong nitric acid is added from time to time. The organic mat- ter is thus completely destroyed, witji the exception of the fat. A cooled receiver is connected with the retort to condense the distillate from the hot mass. The fat is separated from the clear liquid in the retort by decantation, and weU washed with water ; these washings, togettier with the distillate in the receiver, are added to the main bulk of the fluid. 2. Chlorate of potassium may be added instead of nitric acid. 3. The organic matter, after being made as fine as possible, is stirred up with water, and chlorine gas is passed through tlje liquid until the organic substances are partly destroyed and partly deposited in brown All these processes, and there are others based on like prin- ciples, are processes of combustion ; aqua regia, chlorate of po- tassium, and chlorine are oxidizing agents of great power, as we have already seen ; they burn the carbon and hydrogen of the organic materials as UteraUy as the oxygen of the air burns the coal in the grate. The arsenic also is oxidized and converted into its highest oxide, arsenic acid. Whenever chlorhydric acid is used, and heat is applied, there is danger that chloride of arsenic (AsCl ) may be formed ; this chloride is a volatile body, against whose loss precautions inust be taken, by never allowing the temperature of the fluids to rise much above 100°, and by collecting any distillate which may be formed under circumstances which make it possible for this chloride to be evolved. 330. AH these methods of destroying the organic matters in which arsenious acid is to be sought for are liable to one objec- 258 DEIBCTION OF AESENIC. tion. Considerable quantities, even kilogrammes, of acids must be used, if the quantity of organic substance to be destroyed is large ; cHorhydric and sulphuric acids very commonly themselves contain arsenic, and since the liq\iids, which result from the de- struction of the organic tissues, are finally evaporated to a very small bulk, all the arsenic in several kilogrammes of the acids employed, as -well as aU the arsenic which may have been con- tained in the bodily organs or fluids submitted to examination, will be concentrated into a small cupful of liquid. It is obviously necessary to demonstrate that the arsenic reactions cannot be obtained from the same quantities of the same acids actually employed, subjected to the same series of operations. The best way is to conduct a parallel examination of normal animal organs or fluids ; iu this examination the identical processes and the same weights of the same chemical materials must be em- ployed as in the examination of the suspected substances; if arsenic is found in the latter investigation, but not in the parallel examination of the normal animal substances, it will be quite certain that the arsenic was not derived from the chemicals em- ployed in the research. 331. "When, by any of the processes above described, a clear arsenical solution, free from organic matter, has been obtained, the identification of the arsenic may be accomplished by many methods, of which the two following wiU serve as examples : — 1. By precipitation as sulphide of arsenic. — If the clear solu- tion contains arsenic acid, it is necessary to reduce this oxide to arsenious acid before the precipitation can be efiected. This re- duction may be accomplished by passing a slow stream of washed sulphydric acid gas (§ 202) through the solution for several hours, but may be immediately effected by saturating the solu- tion with sulphurous acid gas, the superfluous gas being finally expelled by gentle heating. After the reduction has been effected, a slow stream of washed sulphydric acid gas precipitates the yellow sulphide of arsenic from the liquid. JExp. 131. — ^Acidulate one-half of the liquid reserved from Exp, 130 with pure chlorhydiic acid, place it ia a small beaker glass and pass a slow stream of washed sulphydric acid gas through the solution. The delivery-tube of the gas should be small and the current slow; a maesh's iest. 259 piece of unglazed paper shovild be used as a cover, in order to keep the beaker full of the gas. A yellow precipitate (Aa^Sj) will appear, indicating the probable presence of arsenic. When no more precipi- tate seems to form, stop the current of gas, and let the beaker stand in a warm place till the odor of the gas has nearly disappeared. Collect the precipitate on a small filter (see Appendix, § 14), wash it tho- roughly with water, and dry it. Exp. 132. — ^Mix Ultimately the dry precipitate obtained in the last experiment with its bulk of dry carbonate of sodium and its bulk of dry cyanide of potassium, and introduce this mixture into a hard glass tube (No. 5), the end of which has been closed and expanded to a small bulb. If the precipitate stick to the filter-paper, it must be scraped ofi". Warm the bulb and its contents over the lamp to expel moisture, then wipe the tube out with a tuft of cotton on the end of a wire, and bring the bulb to a red heat. A ring of metallic arsenic, like that of Exp. 124, will be deposited in the tube. Preserve this metallic mirror for subsequent study. 2. By eonver^on into arseniuretted hydrogen. — When an aqueous or acid solution containing arsenious or arBenic acid is added to the contents of a flask in which hydrogen is being generated, the nascent hydrogen reduces the oxide of arsenic, and there is formed a quantity of arseniuretted hydrogen, which mixes with the uncombined hydrogen evolved. (Compare § 307.) This arseniuretted hydrogen is decomposed, with deposition of metallic arsenic, by being passed through a red-hot tube. The uudecom- posed gas bums with a whitish flame; and if a cold body be held in the flame, a spot of metallic arsenic will be deposited upon it. (See § 308.) Upon these properties and reactions is based the process for detecting arsenic known as Marsh's test. Kg. 47. Hxp. 133. — To a bottle prepared for generating hydrogen from pure zinc and dilute sulphuric acid, adapt a chloride-of-calcium tube, 82 260 marsh's ib^t. and with the outer end of this drying-tube connect a tuhe of hard glass (No. 4) -which has been twice dra-wn to a fine bore and which termi- nates in a fine open point. (Fig. 47.) Support this long tuhe at three or four points, in such a manner that the softening of the glass, first at the point o, and then at the point 6, shall not distort the tuhe. By adding acid through the funnel-tube of the flask, eTolve hydrogen, and when the whole apparatus is full of hydrogen, %ht the gas at the tip of the hard glass tuhe. By means of an efficient gas-lajiip, heat about 2 cm. of this tube to dull redness at the point a ; just beyond the hot part of the tube, place a small sheet-iron screen, as shown in the figure, to cut off the heat from the adjoining narrow part of the tube. Maintain the apparatus in this condition for ten minutes, the glass tube red-hot at one point and the hydrogen flowing steadily through the tube and burning with a colorless flame at the point. If no de- posit, or only a scarcely perceptible deposit, appears in the fine tube adjoining the heated portion, the zinc and sulphuric acid are pure enough for the experiment, but if a black, shining deposit appears in the fine tube, the materials themselves contain arsenic and are, of course, unsuitable for use in testing for this substance. If the zinc and sulphuric acid prove to be sufficiently firee fi-om arsenic, add to the contents of the flask a few drops of the liquid ob- tained by dialysis (Exp. 130). In a moment a mirror of arsenic will be deposited in the fine tube adjoining a ; when this mirror has become large and dense, move the lamp to 6, transfer the screen, and obtain a similar mirror in the second attenuated portion of the tube ; finally, extinguish the lamp and allow the arseniuretted hydrogen to reach the burning jet of gas at the extreme point of the apparatus ; the white coloration of the flame will now, for the first time, be seen f introduce into the jet a bit of cold porcelain, and obtain the character- istic black and lustrous spot of metallic arsenic ; this experiment may be repeated indefiiiitely and a large number of spots obtained for sub- sequent use. Preserve the two mirrors and a number of arsenic spots for future study. In order to prevent the possibility of any arseniu- retted hydrogen escaping into the air of the room, the jet of gas must be kept constantly burning, and when the experiments are ended the flask must be washed out promptly and thoroughly. , 332. This method is very well adapted for the speedy and certain detection of arsenic in green paints, sncli as are applied to waU-papers, artificial flowers, lamp-shades, and the like ; for in such cases, if any arsenic is present, there is so much as to make any traces of arsenjc which may contaminate the zinc and sul- phuric acid of no consequence whatever. It is only necessary, in DETECTION OP AESEN3C, 261 such examinations, to scrape off some of the green coloring-mat- ter, dissolve it in dilute chlorhydric acid, and add the solution to the hydrogen flask of the apparatus described above. Arsenic greens instantly give enormous mirrors and spots under these conditions. 333. In medico-legal investigations, upon whose results life often depends, it must always be remembered that arsenic is very widely diffused in the mineral kingdom, and that it is a matter of great difficulty to procure reagents absolutely free from it. The substances employed as reagents in Marsh's test are often contaminated with it; and the acids used in destroying organic matter may well contain arsenic enough to become visible after the great concentration of this impurity which inevitably occurs in the evaporation of the liquid which results from the burning of the organic matter. The use of zinc is avoided, and other advantages gained, by obtaining the necessary hydrogen by the electrolysis of acidulated water. (§ 35.) When a solu- tion of arsenious acid, acidulated with chlorhydric or sulphuric acid, is decomposed by the electric current, the greater part of the arsenic eliminated at the negative pole is given off in the form of arseniuretted hydrogen, which may be examined pre- cisely as ^if it were generated in Marsh's apparatus. This method is very delicate, and seems to possess considerable advantages over Marsh's process, but it has not yet (1867) been actually applied in judicial investigations. 334. To describe the methods by which the analytical chemist purifies his reagents and proves their purity, would involve de- scending into technical detaUs which are unsuitable for this manual. Zinc and acids, pure enough for illustrative experi- ments, can be bought of the dealers in pure chemicals. None but expert analysts should ever be intrusted with the chemical investigation in a supposed case of poisoning by arsenic. A difficulty attending such examinations remains to be discussed under the metal antimony, a substance which combines with hydrogen, as arsenic does, to form a gas which is decomposed by heat, as arseniuretted hydrogen is, with deposition of a metallic mirror which cannot be distinguished by mere inspection from that of arsenic. Since preparations of antimony are much em- 262 CHLOBITE OF ARSENIC. ployed as medicines, and particularly since tartar-emetic, a salt containing antimony, is often administered in cases of poisoning, it is essential to find means of distinguishing between compounds of arsenic and the analogous compounds of antimony. 335. CMoride of Arsenic. — Only one chloride of arsenic is known, the terchloride (AsClj), corresponding to the terchloride of phosphorus. No quinquichloride corresponding to the quin- •quichloride of phosphorus is known. The chloride of arsenic is formed by passiog dry chlorine gas over finely divided metallic arsenic placed in a retort. The combination is usually attended with combustion ; and the heat developed is sufficient to distil the chloride over into the receiver. It niay also be made by dis- tilling a mixture of metallic arsenic and the mercury compound called corrosive subUmate, in accordance with the following equa- tion, in which Hg stands for mercury (Hydrargyrum): — 6HgCl, -H 2As = 3Hg,CI^ + 2ASCI3. Corrosive Svhlimate. Calomel. Terchloride of arsenic may also be procured by distilling arsenious acid with common salt and sulphuric acid. Small lumps of fused salt should be added from time to time to a mixture of arsenious acid with a large excess of sulphuric acid : — As.O, + 6NaCl + 6H,S0, = 3H,0 + 2AsCl, -t- 6NaHS0,. 336. Terchloride of arsenic is a dense, colorless, oily liquid, whose specific gravity is 2-205. It boils at 132°, producing a vapor whose density is 90'91. It evaporates freely at the ordi- nary temperature, producing fumes of arsenious acid. It is highly poisonous. The chloride is decomposed by an excess of water into chlorhydric acid and arsenious acid, just as the chlo- ride of phosphorus is resolved by water into chlorhydric and phosphorous acids ; this reaction is the basis of the best deter- mination of the atomic weight of arsenic. 2AbG[, + 3H,0 = 6HC1 + As^O,. All the chlorine in a known weight of chloride of arsenic is con- verted by this reaction into chlorhydric acid ; the weight of the chlorine contained in this chlorhydric acid can be accurately de- termined, and the weight of the arsenic with which this quantity .of chlorine was originally combined is obtained by simple sub- .SULPHIDES or AESBITIC. 263 traction. The proportions by weight in which arsenic and chlo- rine combine are thus determined. In terchloride of arsenic, as in terchloride of phosphorus, three volumes of chlorine unite with only half a volume of arsenic vapor to produce two vo- lumes of the terchloride vapor. Indeed aU the volatile compounds of arsenic illustrate the fact, already mentioned (§§ 305, 309), that the unit- volume weight, or specific gravity, of arsenic vapor is the double of its atomic weight. 337. Bromide and Iodide of Arsenic. It is enough to say of these two compounds that they are crystallizable solids, obtain- able by the direct action of the elements upon each other, and answering to the formulEe AsBr, and Aslg respectively. 338. Sulphides of Arsenic. — There are three weU-deflned sulphides of arsenic, corresponding to the formulae As^S^, AS2S3, and As^Sj. The first two occur as natural minerals, realgar and orpiment, and may also be obtained in the free state by artificial processes ; the third is known only in combination. 339. Bisulphide of Arsenic (As^S^). — The native mineral re- algar has this composition. The compound is obtained artifi- cially by meltiag arsenic with sulphur, or arsenic with orpiment (see the next section), or sulphur with arsenious acid, in such proportions in either case as will bring together those parts by weight of the two elements which the above formula requires. The commercial product is a brownish-red opaque substance of variable composition, generally containing free arsenious acid. Kealgar is one of the ingredients of white Indian fire, a mixture of 24 parts of nitre, 7 of sulphur, and 2 of realgar, sometimes used as a signal light. 340. Tersulphide of Arsenic (As^S^). — This sulphide occurs na- tive in translucent rhombic prisms of a yeUow color. It is obtained artificially by passing sulphydric acid gas through a solution of arsenious acid, or an arsenite acidulated with chlor- hydric acid ; the sulphide falls as a bright yeUow amorphous powder, insoluble in water and dilute acids. It melts easily, and bums in the air with a pale blue flame ; in closed vessels it may be sublimed without change. Under the name of orpiment, this sulphide is used as an orange pigment ; a mixture of the sulphide with arsenious acid, called 264 STTLPHiRSENITES. king's yellow, was formerly employed as a yellow pigment. This impure tersnlphide was made by subliming 7 parts of araenious acid with 1 part of sulphur, a proportion of sulphnt not sufficient to convert aU the acid into tersulphide. If a pat- tern be printed upon cotton cloth with a preparation containing arsenious acid, and the cloth be then passed through water con- taining stilphydric acid, orpiment will be deposited in the fibre of the cloth and the pattern will be brought out in orange-yellow. We have already seen (Exp. 132) that the tersulphide of arsenic yields a mirror of metallic arsenic when heated in a closed tube with a mixture of carbonate of sodium and cyanide of potassium. The sulphide is readily dissolved by a cold solution of potash, soda, or ammonia, the oxygen of the alkaK converting part of the arsenic in the sulphide into arsenious acid, while the aliali- metal combines with the sulphur liberated ; this alkaline sulphide then unites with the undecomposed portion of sulphide of arsenic to form a sulphur-salt, whose composition is that of an arsenite in which the oxygen has been replaced by sulphur. 4As,S3 -f- 5K,0 = 3(E:,S,As,S3) + 2K,0,As,0,. If an acid be added to this solution, no sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved, as is generally the case when an acid is brought in con- tact with an alkaline sulphide, but the sulphur and arsenic re- combine and are separated as tersulphide of arsenic. 3(K,S,As,S3) + 2K,0,As,03 + lOHCl = lOKa + 5H,0 -|- 4As,S3. 341. Svlpharsenites. — The tersulphide of arsenic unites with basic metallic sulphides in three different proportions, forming with potassium, for example, the three salts 'd^^,ks^^, 2X^8, ASjSj, and 'K^,As^^. One mode of preparing a sulpharsenite has been mentioned in the last section ; another method is to dis- solve arsenious acid ia an alkaline sulphydrate, in which case one-half of the alkali is converted into arsenite : — Dualistic: 2A8,03 -|- 4KHS = K^S,As,S3 + 2:,0,A8,03 + 2H,0. Empirical: A8,03 + 2KH8 = KAsS, -|- KAsO, + H,0. The sulpharsenites of the other inetals are mostly obtaiaed from the sulpharsenites of sodium and potassium by the method 6f double decomposition. The sidpharsenites are either yellow or red ; they are obscure bodies, of no practical importance at pre- STJLPHAKSENIATES. 266 sent. They illustrate, however, two points of theoretical in- terest—namely, the existence of sulphur-salts which bear to sulphides the same relation which oxygen salts bear to oxides, and the parallelism of composition between these two classes of salts. We place beside each other the empirical formulae of the sulphur-salts of potassium and arsenic, and the corresponding oxygen-salts : — - Sulphur-salts. Oxygen-Salts. K3ASS3 k3A803 K,As,S, K^As^O, XAs^ KAsO, 342. Qiiinquistdphide ofArsenie (As^Sj). — A sulphide of arsenic corresponding to anhydrous arsenic acid is not known in the &Be state. The quinquisulphide is known only in combination with sulphides of the metals in sulphur-salts called sulpharseniates. When a solution of sulphide of sodium is digested with some ter- sulphide of arsenic and sulphur enough to permit the formation of the quinquisulphide, and the solution, after long standing, is con- centrated by evaporation and then cooled, large colorless crystals of sulpharseniate of sodium are obtained, which are not changed by exposure to the air. The crystals have the composition in- dicated by the formula SNa^SjAs^Sj -|- ISH^O. The sulphar- seniate, 21^&^B,Aa^8., may be prepared by saturating the aqueous solution of the corresponding oxygen-salt 2Nafi,Asfi^ with sul- phydric acid gas. The sulpharseniates of the alkah-metals, and a few others, are soluble in water ; but the greater number of sul- pharseniates are insoluble. These insoluble salts are prepared by mixing a solution of an alkaline sulpharseniate with a solution of some salt of the metal whose siilpharseniate is desired. The same parallelism is observable between sulpharseniates and arseniates as between sulpharsenites and arsenites. 266 ANTIMONY. CHAPTEE XVIII. ANTIMONY. 343. Antimony is found native, both, alone and alloyed with other metals, especially with arsenic, nickel, and silver. There exist also a considerable number of minerals which consist of, or contain, large proportions of the compounds of antimony with oxygen and sulphur. 344. All the antimony of commerce is obtained from the mineral tersulphide, Sb^S,. The symbol for antimony is Sb, f^^ the Latin name of the substance, Stibium. This sulphide is very fusible, melting readily in the flame of a candle ; it may therefore be separated from the earthy or rocky gangue in which it occurs by simple fusion at a low temperature. The metal is obtained from the sulphide by several difiierent processes : — 1. By adding to the melted sulphide iron nails, filings, or scraps ; the iron and the antimony change places. Sb,83 + 3^0 = SFeS + 2Sb. 2. By roasting the sulphide of antimony, reduced to a coarse powder, until the greater part of the sulphur has been burnt off and the antimony converted into the oxide ; this residue is then mixed into a paste with water, charcoal powder, and carbonate of sodium, or some equivalent reducing flux, and heated in co- vered crucibles to full redness ; the metal sinks to the bottom of the crucible. 3. By fusing together a mixture of sulphide of antimony, the scales which fall from hot iron when it is ham- mered (an oxide of iron), carbonate of sodium, and charcoal ; this process is a sort of combination in a single operation of the two preceding methods. Since the sulphides and oxides of anti- mony and the metal itself are somewhat volatile at moderate temperatures^ it has thus far been found impossible to avoid a considerable loss of metal during the melting, roasting, and re- ducing of the ore. Prom one-fifth to one-half of the metal is lost, according to the skill and care of the workmen. 345. The commonest impurities in commercial antimony are PEOPEETIES OF ANTIMONT. 267 sulphur, sodium, arsenic, lead, iron, and copper. These impuri- ties injure the antimony for many of its applications in the arts; and the ^xtensive use of antimonial preparations iu medicine renders the removal of the arsenic a point of particular impor- tance. The purification may be effected by fusing the powdered metal, first, with a mixture of sulphide of antimony and carbo- nate of sodium, and, secondly, with a mixture of carbonate of sodium and nitre. These fusions may be several times repeated ; the impurities are either oxidized or converted into sulphides, and enter the slag. Lead, however, cannot be got rid of by these processes ; this impurity is removed by fusing the anti- mony with oxide of antimony ; the lead changes places with the antimony in the oxide of antimony, and is converted into litharge. 346. Antimony is a brittle metal, having a bluish-white color, a brilliant lustre, and a highly crystalline structure. The cakes of the commercial metal usually present upon their upper sur- faces beautiful stellate or fern-like markings. Like phosphorus and arsenic, it is dimorphous, crystallizing both in rhombohedrons and octahedrons. The specific gravity of the metal is from 6-60 to 6'85 ; its atomic weight is 122. For a metal, it is a poor con- ductor of heat and electricity. At 450° it melts, gives off vapors at a low red heat, and takes fire at full redness, burning brilliantly, with evolution of white fumes of the teroxide (Sb^Og). If the antimony is contaminated with arsenic, as is often the case, a garlic odor, due to the presence of this impurity, may be im- parted to the vapors. Exp. 134. — Melt about 0-5 grm. of antimonyby heating it on a piece of charcoal before the blowpipe. (See Chapter XX.) Throw the white, glowing globule into the middle of a large tray made of coarse paper ; the globule bursts into a multitude of small beads, which fly over the paper, leaving in their trail a white, powdery oxide. Exp. 135. — Melt a second small fragment of antimony upon char- coal as before, but, instead of throwing it from the coal, allow it to cool there slowly. The globule will, in this case, become covered with an efflorescence of crystals of the oxide. The metal is not oxidized by exposure to dry or moist air at ordinary temperatures. Nitric acid oxidizes it easily, but does not dissolve it; the insoluble quinquioxide, or some mixed ^xide, is formed, according to the strength of the acid employed. 268 ALLOTS OP ANTIMONY. Powdered antimony takes fire when tkrown into cilorine gas, and combines very energetically with, bromine and iodine. When finely powdered, it is dissolved by boiling chlorhydric acid, with evolution of hydrogen ; if a little nitric acid be added to the chlorhydric, the metal dissolves easily, to form a solution of terchloride of antimony (SbClj). The metal, when in fine pow- der, is also dissolved readily by solutions of the higher sulphides of sodium and potassium, with formation of sulphantimonites and sulphantimoniates. 347. In spite of the strong tendency of this metal to crystal- lize, it can be obtained in an amorphous form by the electrolysis of concentrated antimonial solutions. This amorphous antimony always contains, however, 5 or 6 per cent, of terchloride of an- timony and a trace of chlorhydric acid; whether these foreign substances are retained mecIjanicaUy, or not, within the mass, is not clear. The amorphous metal has a dark steel-color, a smooth surface, a comparatively soft texture, a lustrous amorphous frac- ture and a specific gravity varying from 5'74 to 5-83. "When gently heated or sharply struck, the amorphous antimony sud- denly manifests a great heat, the temperature rising from 15° to 230° and upwards, and fumes of terchloride of antimony are evolved. After undergoing this peculiar change, the metal ap- proximates to the crystalline variety ia structure, density, and color. 348. Antimony enters into the composition of several very valuable aUoys. Type-metal is an alloy of lead and antimony, containing about 20 per cent, of antimony. Por stereotype plates -^ to Jjy of tin is usually added to this alloy. The com- mon white metaUic alloys used for cheap teapots, spoons, forks, and Hke utensils, are variously compounded of brass, tin, lead, bismuth, and antimony ; for example, a superior kind of pewter is made of 12 parts tin, 1 part antimony, and a small proportion of copper ; Britannia metal is sometimes compounded of' equal parts of brass, antimony, tin, bismuth, and lead. The value of antimony in these alloys depends upon the hardness which it communicates to the compounds, without rendering them incon- veniently brittle. With zinc, antimony forms two alloys having a definite crys-' ANTIMONT AND HTDBOGEN. 269 tallme character. The alloy containing 43 per cent, of zinc crystallizes in silver-white needle-Kke prisms ; it answers to the formula Sb^Zn^. Th-e alloy containing 33 per cent, of zinc crystallizes in broad plates presenting no similarity to the form of the other alloy ; it answers to the formula SbZn. These alloys, «specially Sb^Znj, decompose hoihng water with evolu- tion of hydrogen. The crystals of these two aUoys are obtained by the method of fusion (§ 194). In each of these crystallized alloys, the crystalline form may be preserved, although the pro- portions of the ingredients may vary considerably from the exact atomic proportions indicated by their formnlse. Thus needles may he obtained in which the actual proportion of antimony present varies from 35-77 per cent, to 57 '24 per cent., the exact atomic proportion being 55'7 per cent. ; and the percentage of antimony in the plates may fall as low as 64-57, or may rise as high as 79-42, although 65-07 per cent, is the true atomic proportion. These interesting crystalline alloys strikingly illustrate, therefore, a principle of wide applicability, namely, that a definite crystal- line form is not necessarily a guaranty of an unvarying chemical composition. 349. Antimony and Hydrogen. — The composition of the ga- seous compound of these two elements is not certainly known, inasmuch as it has never yet been prepared free from admixed hydrogen. When a solution of any salt of antimony is poured into a mixture of zinc and dilute acid which is disraigaging hy- drogen, the antimony compound is decomposed; one portion of the antimony, and sometimes even the whole of it, is deposited upon the zinc, while another portion usually combines with the hydrogen, and assumes the gaseous state. When this compound gas is passed through a solution of nitrate of silver, a precipitate is produced which has been found, to conast of antimonide of silver, SbAgj. Since silver is a metal which replaces hydrogen, atom for atom, it is a natural inference that the gas which has produced this precipitate must have the composition represented by the formula SbH^. This supposition derives strength from the analogous formulae of the well-known gases ammonia, NH^, phosphuretted hydrogen, PHj, and arseniuretted hyrogen, AsH^ Antimoniuretted hydrogen is a colorless gaSj inodorpus when 270 ANTIMONITTEETTED HTDROOEN. free from arseniuretted hydrogen, and insoluble in water and alkaline liquids. The gas is decomposed at a red heat into anti- mony and hydrogen ; it bums in the air mth a whitish flame, and gives off a white smoke of teroxide of antimony ; when a bit of cold porcelain is held against a burning jet of the gas, a sooty spot of metallic antimony is deposited on the porcelain.. These reactions resemble those of arseniuretted hydrogen (§ 308). Exp. 136. — Dissolve 0-5 grm. of tartar-emetic (tartrate of antimony and potassium) in about 30 c. c. of water. Add a few centimetres of the solution thus obtained to the bottle of the apparatus represented in Figure 48, in which hydrogen is already being generated from zinc Fiff. 48. and dilute sulphuric acid. Antunoniuretted hydrogen will be produced, and should be submitted to precisely the same series of operations by which arseniuretted hydrogen was examined. (Exp. 133.) By heat^ ing the hard glass tube at a and b successively, two mirrors of antimony will be obtained ; when the gas reaches the jet without decomposition, the white color of the flame will be observable ; when a cold piece of porcelaia is pressed against the burning jet, spots of antimony will be deposited thereon. Preserve these mirrors and spots. Exp. 137. — Compare together the spots obtained on porcelain from arseniuretted hydrogen (Exp. 133) and from antimoniuretted hydrogen (Exp. 136). 1. The arsenical spot has a metallic lustre, and a brown color, when thm ; the stain of antimony has a feeble lustre, and is smoky-black. 2. The arsenical stain disappears readily on the appli- cation of a heat below redness ; the stain of antimony is volatile only at a red heat. On account of the comparative want of volatility which characterizes the antimony deposit, the mirrors of antimony obtained in the glass tube (Exp. 136). are always deposited nearer the heated portion of the tube than the arsenic mirrors are. 3. The arsenical stains may be distinguished, moreover, from the antimonial stains by means of a solution of •' chloride of soda " (a mixture of hypochlorite TESTnfG POK AimMONT. 271 of sodium with chloride of sodium, prepared by mixing a solution of chloride of lime with carbonate of sodium in excess, and filtering) ; this solution, which is analogous to, and indeed may he replaced by, a solution of chloride of lime (§ 120), immediately dissolves arsenical spots, but leaves antunonial spots unaffected for a long time. For the application of this test it is convenient to produce some spots on the interior of a concave bit of porcelain. 4. On warming an arsenic spot with a drop or two of aqua regia, and evaporating to dryness, a slight residue of arsenic acid is left, recognizable by its ready solubility in a drop of water; if to this drop of arsenic acid solution a drop of ammonio-nitrate of silver be added, a brick-red turbidity, due to the formation of arseniate of silver, will he produced. This ammonio- nitrate of silver is prepared by adding exactly ammonia enough to a solution of nitrate of silver to redissolve the precipitate which forms at first. The antimony spot treated in the same way yields no such red precipitate. 5. An antimony stain will dissolve readily in a few drops of a solution of sulphydrate of ammonium which has become yellow by keeping ; when such a solution is evaporated to dryness, a bright orange stain remains. The arsenical stain, on the contrary, is not per- ceptibly affected by the yellow sulphydrate of ammonium solution, unless heat is applied. JExp. 138. — Connect the tube of hard glass in which two arsenic mirrors were formed, in Exp. 133, with a sulphuretted-hydrogen-ge- nerator (Appendix, § 19), interposing between the tube and the gene- rator a suitable drying-tube or bottle filled with chloride of calcium ; then transmit through the tube a vety slow stream of sulphydric acid gas, and heat the mirrors with a small gas-flame, proceeding from the outer to the inner border of the mirrors, in the direction opposite to that of the gas current. Kepeat the same process with the tube containing the antimony mirrors obtained in Exp. 136. Yellow tersulphide of arsenic is formed in one case, and orange-red or black tersidphide of antimony in the other. "WTien both metals are present in one mirror, the two sulphides appear side by side, the sul- phide, of arsenic as the more volatile lying invariably beyond the sulphide of antimony. Erp. 139. — Transmit through the tube which contains the sulphide of arsenic a stream of dry chlorhydric acid gas (§ 95), without apply- ing heat ; no alteration will take place in the yellow sulphide. Transmit the same gas through the tube contairdng the sulphide of antimony ; the sulphide of antimony will immediately disappear. If the gaseous current be then passed through some water, the presence 272 T3B0XIDE OP ANTIMONT. of antimony in the water can be demonstrated by means of sulphydric acid (§ 210), When both sulphides are prie.sent at once, the chlorhydric acid at- tacks and removes the sulphide of antimony, while the sulphide of arsenic remains behind. A drop or two of ammonia- water, drawn into the tube, wUl then dissolve the sulphide of arsenic. This solubility in aramonia distinguishes the yellow sulphide from sulphur itself, with which it might otherwise be sometimes confounded, Antimony and Oxygen. — Antimony forms two well-marked oxides, analogous to the oxides of arsenic, the teroxide or anti- monious acid, S\0^, and the quinquioxjde or aatimonic acid, SbgOj ; a compound of these two oxides Sb^Og, Sb^Oj = SSb^O^, is sometimes recognized as a distinct pxide under the name of the quadroxide. 350. Teroxide of Antimony. — This oxide occurs as a natural mineral, called White Antimony or Antimony Bloom,. Like arsenious acid, it is dimorphous, crystallizing in rhombic prisms belonging to the trimetrio system, and also in regular octahedrons. The artificial, as well as the native, teroxide is dimorphous. Antimonious oxide is produced when antimony is burnt in the air, or heated to full redness in imperfectly covered crucibles. The easiest mode of getting it is to heat the tersulphide (Sb^S,) with strong chlorhydric acid as long as sulphydric acid continues to escape, and pour the resulting solution of the terchloride (SbClj) into a boUing solution of carbonate of sodium :— ^ 2SbCl, -1- SNa^CO, = Sb^, + 6NaCl + 3C0,. If the solution of carbonate of sodium be cold or only warm instead of boiling, a hydrate of the teroxide is precipitated; Sb,03,H,0 = 2SbH0,. Antimonious oxide is white or grayish-wHte at ordinary tem- peratures, but turns yellow when heated. It melts below a red heat, and sublimes when raised to a higher temperature in a closed vessel. When heated in the air it is partly converted into antimonic acid. It is readily reduced to the metallic state by ignition with hydrogen, charcoal, or potassium. Teroxide of antimony dissolves sparingly in water, but freely in strong chlor- hydric acid ; it also dissolves in a hot solution of tartaric acid, or of acid tartrate of potassium (cream of tartar). The solutioa ANTIMONTATE OF ANTIMONY. 273 obtained in the latter case contains the tartrate of antimony and potassium (C^H^KSbO^), commonly called tartar-emetic. Ordi- nary nitric acid does not dissolve the teroxide ; but fuming nitric acid and fuming sulphuric acid both dissolve it, forming solutions which ultimately deposit shining scales of a nitrate in the one case and a sulphate in the other. It is obvious, from these facts, that this oxide of antimony dif- fers from all the oxides which we have heretofore studied, in that it is capable of reacting upon strong acids in such wise as to form salts wherein the antimony plays very much the same part which lead plays in nitrate of lead PhN^Oj (Exp. 42), or calcium in 'CaSOj (p. 88). This truth is expressed in technical language when we say that the teroxide of antimony is capable of acting as a base ; the oxides heretofore studied have either been acids, like the oxygen acids of the chlorine and sulphur groups, of nitrogen, phosphorus, and arsenic, or they have been indifferent bodies not inclined to form definite, stable compounds by union with other substances. But if, on the one hand, teroxide of antimony is thus some- times a base, on the other it also acts as a feeble acid. The arti- ficial teroxide dissolves readily in solutions of caustic potash and soda, forming very unstable antimonites, which are decomposed by boiling, or mere evaporation. These antimonites are analo- gous to the arsenites ; but it is to be observed that arsenious acid is not only a stronger acid than antimonious, but that, unlike antimonious oxide, it never plays the part of a base. 351. Antimoniate of Antimony or Quadroxide of Antimony (SbjO J . — This oxide occurs as a native mineral. It may be prepared artificially by heating strongly the quinquioxide (Sb^Oj), or by roasting the teroxide or the tersulphide, or by treating pow- dered antimony with an excess of nitric acid. As thus prepared, it is white, infusible, and unalterable by heat, slightly soluble in water, more soluble in chlorhydric acid, and easily resolvable, by boiling with a solution of cream of tartar, into antimonious oxide and antimonic acid. SSb^O^ = Sb^OjjSb^Oj. The oxide may therefore be regarded as a compound of the two other oxides of antimony ; but it is sometimes considered a distinct oxide on the ground that it yields by fusion with caustic potash, 274 ANTntONIC ACID. or carbonate of potassium, an amorphous' saline mass whose composition answers to the formula K^OjSb^Oj. This salt itself, however, if such it be, can be regarded as a mixture of an anti- monite and an antimoniate : — 2(K,0,Sb,0J = K,0,Sb,03 + K,0,Sb,0,. 352. Quinquioxide of Antimony or Antimonic Add (Sb^Oj). — This compound is obtained as a hydrate : — 1. By treating anti- mony with nitric acid, or aqua regia containing an excess of nitric acid. 2. By decomposing the quinquichloride of antimony, SbCL (§ 354), with water :— 2SbCl, + 5H,0 = Sb,0, + lOHCl. 3. By precipitating a solution of antimoniate of potassium (KjOjSbjOj + SHjO) with a strong acid. This antimoniate of potassium is obtained by fusing one part of antimony with four parts of nitre, digesting the fused mass with tepid water to re- move nitrate and nitrite of potassium, and boiling the residue for an hour or two with water ; the white insoluble mass of anhy- drous antimoniate is thereby transformed into a soluble hydrate, and the solution, treated with a strong acid, yields a precipitate of hydrated antimonic acid. The hydrated antimoniate of po- tassium itself is a gummy, uncrystaUizable salt. The hydrated oxide, obtained by either of these methods, gives off its water at a heat below redness, and yields anhydrous anti- monic acid as a yellowish, tasteless powder, insoluble in water and acids. At a red heat it gives off one-fifth of its oxygen, and is converted into the quadroxide. A boiling solution of caustic potash dissolves the oxide. The hydrated oxide obtained by the first and third of the above methods is not identical with that which results from the second process. The product of the first and third methods is called antimonic acid ; the product of the second is called met- antimonic acid, a term derived from a Greek adverb which was used in composition to denote a change of place, condition, or quality. Antimonic acid forms normal salts of the composition M^O,SbjO, and acid salts containing M20,2Sb,0„ while met- antimonic acid forms normal salts containing 2M 0,Sb and acid salts answering to the formula 2M20,2Sb ; the acid TEECHLORIDB OF ANTIMONY. 275 metantimoniates are isomeric (§ 312) with the normal anti- moniates. The metantimoniates of sodium, potassium, and ammonium are crystalline; the antimoniates of the same bases are gelatinous and uncrystallizable. The antimoniates and metantimoniates of sodium, potassium, and ammonium are the only ones which are readily soluble in water ; all other antimoniates and met- antimoniates are insoluble or sparingly soluble. Normal anti- moniates correspond with normal nitrates : — Mp,Sbp, = M,Sb,0, = 2MSb03. M,0,N,0, = M,N,0, = 2MNO3. Normal metantimoniates are analogous to pyrophosphates : — 2M,0,Sb,0, = M,Sb,0,. 2M,0,P,0, = M,Pp,. Antimony and Chlorine. — Antimony forms two chlorides, a terchloride, SbClj, and a quinquichloride, SbClj, both of which have their analogues in the chlorides of phosphorus, already studied ; the terchloride is also comparable with the chloride of arsenic. The metal unites directly with chlorine on contact (Exp. 54), and the two chlorides are bodies of considerable sta- bility. 353. Terchloride of Antimony (SbClj). — This chloride is formed when chlorine gas is passed slowly through a tube con- taiaing antimony in large excess. It may. also be prepared by distilling 3 parts of antimony with 8 parts of corrosive sublimate (chloride of mercury), or 2 parts of the tersulphide of antimony with 4'6 parts of corrosive sublimate : — 2Sb-t-3HgCl,=2SbCl, -I- 3Hg; 8h,8, + 3HgCl,=2SbCl3 + 3HgS. The easiest method of preparing this chloride is to dissolve the tersulphide of antimony in strong, hot chlorhydric acid, or me- tallic antimony in the same acid, to which a little nitric acid has been added ; the resulting liquid, in either case, after evapora- tion to an oily consistency, should be distilled. At the ordinary temperature, terchloride of antimony is a translucent yellowish substance of fatty consistency, whence its popular name, butter of antimony. It melts at 72° and boils at about 200°, fumes slightly in the air, is deliquescent and highly i2 276 QTriNaiTICHLOErDE OF ANTIMONT. corrosive. When thrown into water, it is decomposed into chlor- hydric acid and teroxide of antimony, which, however, remains united with a portion of the chloride, forming a white powder which contains antimony, chlorine, and oxygen, but is somewhat variable in composition. This white precipitate is redissolved by excess of chlorhydric, acid, and the solution thus obtained is the most convenient that can be used for exhibiting the reactions of antimony. The addition of tartaric acid to this solution pre- vents its decomposition by water. Exp. 140. — ^In a flask of about 300 c. c. capacity, heat gently 0*5 grm. of finely powdered antimony with 3(X c. c. of strong chlorhydric acid, to which 10 drops of nitric acid have been added. When com- plete solution has been efiected, pour a little of the chloride into water, to demonstrate the decomposition just referred to. Evaporate the rest of the solution to the consistency of a thick syrup ; it is the butter of antimony. The anhydrous terchloride combines with the chlorides of sodium, potassium, and ammonium, and certain other chlorides, to produce crystalline saline compounds, analogous in composi- tion to those oxygen and sulphur compounds to which the term salt is commonly applied. 354. Quinquicliloride of Antimony (SbCL). — This compound is formed, with briUiant combustion, when finely powdered anti- mony is thrown into chlorine gas (Exp. 54). It may also be prepared by passing dry chlorine over warm powdered antimony, or over the terchloride. Kvp. 141. — Fill a hard-glass tube, No. 2, 150 cm. long with coarsely powdered antimony, and fit one end of the tube so charged into a tubulature of a two-necked glass receiver, the other neck of which is connected with a source of dry chlorine. Support the long tube at an angle of 10° or 15° with the table, so that its open end shall be some 20 cm. higher than the end which enters the receiver. Keeping the tube warm throughout its whole extent, pass chlorine slowly and continuously into the receiver. Combination takes place in the tube and the product flows back into the receiver, where it re- mains in contact with chlorine ; the long layer of antimony prevents the escape of any free chlorine. Preserve the product in a glass- stoppered bottle. The quinquichloride is a colorless, or yellowish liquid, which is very volatUe and emits suffocating fumes. Water in small TEBSTJLPHIDB OP ANTIMONT. 271' proportion forms with, it white deliquescent crystals, but ia large quantity water decomposes the chloride into chlorhydric and antimonic acids. 355. We are familiar with nitric acid (N^Oj) as an oxidizing agent, as a substance which readily yields some of its oxygen to other bodies with which it is brought in contact ; in a perfectly analogous sense, the quinquichloride of antimony and its analogue the quinquichloride of phosphorus, may be said to be chloridizing agents of great power, for they readily impart chlorine to other substances. These two chlorides are much used in organic che- mistry for preparing chlorine compounds ; thus, for example, the compound of carbon and hydrogen called ethylene or olefiant gas, CjH^, is converted by passing through boiling quinquichloride of antimony into an oily bichloride, C^H^Cl^, known as Dutch liquid. The quinquichloride acts as a carrier of free chlorine, being itself reduced to the terchloride. Terhromide and Teriodide of Antimony (SbBr^ and SbT,). — It is enough to mention the existence of these compounds, formed by the direct union of the elements. Antimony and Sulphur. — Antimony forms two sulphides, Sb^S, and SbjSj, corresponding to antimonious oxide and antimonic acid, and possibly an intermediate sulphide corresponding to the quadroxide. 356. Tersulphide of Antimony (Sb^Sj). — This compound exists in the crystaJline and in the amorphous state. Crystallized ter- sulphide of antimony is a natural mineral called grey antimony or antimony-glance. It is the source of aU the antimony and anti- mony compounds of commerce. The mineral has a lead-grey color and a metallic lustre ; it is friable and very fusible, melting even in the flame of a candle. At a white heat it may be distUled unchanged in closed vessels, but by roasting in the open air it is converted into a fusible mixture of teroxide and tersulphide of antimony. This oxysulphide, after it has been fused, constitutes the commercial 5'Zas« of antimx)ny, which contains about 8 parts of the teroxide to 1 part of the tersulphide ; the greater the pro- portion of sulphide, the darker the tint of the glass. The native tersulphide is seldom pure, being generally con- taminated with lead, copper, iron, and arsenic. To obtain pure •278 TERSTTLPHIDE OF ANTIMONT. crystallized tersulphide of antimony, it is best to prepare it arti- ficially by fusing pure metallic antimony with sulpbur in the required proportions by weight. The materials must be finely powdered and intimately mixed, and the mixture thrown by smaU portions into a heated crucible. The reactions of crystal- lized sulphide of antimony are the same as those of the amor- phous sulphide, to be presently described ; but they take place less quickly, on account of the greater cohesion of the mass. Amorphous tersulphide of antimony can be procured by several processes, from which we may select the two simplest : — 1. The native grey tersulphide is changed into the amorphous variety by keeping it in the fused state for a considerable time, and then cooling it very suddenly by throwing the vessel in which it has been melted into a large quantity of cold water. The product is an amorphous mass, having a conehoidal fracture, and a less specific gravity, but a greater hardness than that of the crystal- line variety. Its color, in thin pieces, is hyacinth -red ; in the state of powder, orange-brown. 2. When sulphydric acid gas is passed into an acidulated solution of an antimony-salt (that of tartar- emetic for example), a bright orange-red precipitate of a hydrated tersulphide of antimony is formed, which may be rendered anhy- drous at a moderate heat without losing its red color. U.rp. 142. — Dissolve 2 grms. of tartar emetic in 50 c. c. of water and add to the solution a few drops of acetic acid ; pass a slow current of sulphuretted hydrogen, from a self-regulating generator (Appendix, § 19), through this solution for ten minutes. The precipitate is the hydrated tersulphide of antimony. Collect this precipitate upon a filter and wash it. JSxp. 143. — Pour a dilute cold'solution of caustic soda upon the washed precipitate of the last experiment as it lies upon the filter, and collect the filtrate in a test-tube; if the whole precipitate does not shortly redissolve, pour the filtrate a second time upon the undissolved precipitate in the filter, or use an additional quantity of soda^lye, if necessary. There is produced a mixture of stdphantimonite of sodium and teroxide of antimony, which is soluble in the excess of soda-lye. 2Sb2S3 + 6NaH0 = SNa^SjSb^S, + Sb^O, + SH^O. Uxp. 144. — ^Pour the clear alkaline solution, obtained in the last experiment, into two or three times its hulk of dilute chlorhydric acid. The whole of the antimony wiU he thrown down ag-ain as tersulphide, BED ST7I.PHIDE OF ANTIMONY. 279 without any evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen, because the gas evolved from the sulphantimonite is exactly absorbed by the dissolved teroxide : — SNa^S^Sb^Sj + 6HC1 = 6NaCl + Sb^Sa + SH^S. SbjOa + SHjS = SbsSg + SHfi. When hydrated amorphous tersulphide of antimony is boiled ■with a solution of carbonate of sodium, it is dissolved ; the filtered liquid, on cooling, deposits a reddish-brown substance, formerly much used in medicine, and known as kermes mineral. This sub- stance is not a definite compound, but is a variable mixture of tersulphide and teroxide of antimony, the latter being combined with a small portion of the alkali. Minute crystals of teroxide of antimony have been recognized in this mixture by microscopic examination. A solution of cream of tartar will dissolve out the teroxide, leaving the tersulphide. On acidulating the cold filtered liquid, after the deposition of the kermes, with chlorhydric acid, a particularly bright orange precipitate of sulphide of antimony, known ^s the golden sulpMde, is precipitated. Artificial sulphide of antimony can, indeed, be precipitated of almost any color be- tween a Kght orange and a blackish brown. A vermilion-red sulphide has found some applications as a paint. Exp. 145. — Place in a poicelaiu dish 10 grms. of a solution of chloride of antimony of about 1'35 specific gravity; add to this chlo- ride a cold solution of hjrposulphite of sodium made By dissolving 15 grms. of the salt in 30 c. c. of water ; heat the dish very slowly, and stir its contents continually so long as any precipitate separates from the liquid. The sulphide of antimony is thrown down of a brilliant red color. The color of the precipitate is darker in proportion as the temperature of the mixture is higher ; when, therefore, a fine red is produced, the lamp may be withdrawn, in order to prevent the color from growing brown. The precipitate is collected on a filter, drained thoroughly, and then washed, first with dilute acetic acid and subse- quently with water. Sulphantimonite solutions, similar to those prepared in the wet way, may be obtained by fusing tersulphide of antimony with dry caustic soda or potash, or with the carbonates of sodium or potas- sium, and boiling the residue with water. During the exposure to air of hot sulphantimonite solutions, a process of oxidation takes place, whereby the sulphur set free from one portion of 280 aTjiNauisTJLPHiDE or antimony. the salt converts another portion into the state oi sidphantimoniate, so that on aoidillation some quinquisnlphide of antimony is pre- cipitated along with the tersnlphide. Like the tersnlphide of arsenic, the tersnlphide of antimony is a sulphur-acid which unites with basic metallic sulphides to form sulphur-salts. The artificial sulphantimonites of the alkalies have been alluded to above ; there are many natural minerals of analogous composition ; among such may be mentioned Miargyrite, Ag^S,Sb,S3, Boumonite, 2Pb,S,Cu,S,Sb,S3, and Berthierite, 3Fe8, 2Sb,S3. 357. Quinqtii sulphide of Antimony (Sb^Sj). — This compound, which is not native, is made by passing sulphuretted hydrogen through qxdnquichloride of antimony dissolved in tartaric acid. It may also be prepared by acidulating the solution of the sulph- antimoniate of sodium, 3Na2S,Sb2S5 : — 3Na,S,Sb,S, -I- 6HC1 = GNaCl -|- Sb.S^ + 3H^S. The quinquisulphide is an orange-yellow, anhydrous, amorphous powder, and is chiefly remarkable for the facility with which it unites with the sulphides of the metals to form sulphantimoniates ; on this account this sulphide is often called sulphantimonic acid. It is readily soluble in the sulphides, sulphydrates, and hydrated oxides of sodium, potassium, and ammonium. The sulphantimoniates have generally the composition repre- sented by the general formula 3M2S,Sb2Sj=2MgSbS^, analogous to that of the tribasic phosphates 3M,0,P,Og=2M,PO^. The sulphantimoniates of sodium, potassium, and ammonium are very soluble in water, and erystaUize with facility ; those of the heavy metals are insoluble. The latter are precipitated by adding solu- tions of metallic salts to a solution of the sulphantimoniate of sodium, keeping the latter in excess. The sodium salt may be prepared as follows : — In a wide-mouthed bottle, or other vessel which can be closed, mix thoroughly 22 grms. of elutriated tersulphide of antimony, 26 grms. of crystallized carbonate of sodium, 2 grms. of flowers of sulphur, 10 grms. of quicklime, slaked after weighing, and 40 c. c. of water. Let the mixture digest at the ordinary temperatm-e for 24 hours, with frequent fetirring ; then filter the liquid, wash the residue several times with water, and evaporate the filtrate and the wash-water in a poroe- BISMUTH. 281 lain dish or clean iron pan, until a sample yields crystals on cooling. The formation of the salt is accelerated by boiling. The whole is then left to cool ; the deposited crystals are washed two or three times with cold water and dried under a bell-jar over a dish of an absorbent like quicklime or oil of vitriol. The salt is sulphantimoniate of sodium NasSbS^+OHjO ; it forms transparent, colorless or pale yellow, regular tetrahedrons. CHAPTEE XIX. B I S M T7 T H T HE NITBOSEN GROTTP. 358. The metal bismuth is found chiefly in the metallic state, but also occurs in combination with sulphur, oxygen, and tellu- rium. It is prepared for the arts almost exclusively from native bismuth. The process of extracting the metal from the gneiss and clay-slate in which it generally occurs is very simple, the mineral being merely heated in closed iron tubes, inclined in such a, manner that the melted bismuth runs down into earthen pots, which are heated sufficiently to keep the metal in a state of fusion. It is then ladled out and run into moulds. The impure metal, which often contains sulphur, arsenic, copper, nickel, and iron, may be purified by melting it two or three times with about ^ its weight of nitre. Bismuth is a tolerably hard, brittle metal, of a grayish-white color with a reddish tinge. When pure, it crystallizes more readily than any other metal ; by the method of fusion (§ 188) it may be obtained in most beautiful crystals, made highly iri- descent by the thin film of oxide which forms on their surfaces while they are stUl hot ; these crystals look like cubes, but are really rhombohedrons. Bismuth, like phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony, is dimorphous, presenting forms both of the mono- metric and hexagonal systems. The metal melts at 264° and expands about -^ in solidifying; hence its specific gravity is greater in the liquid than in the solid state. When the metal is subjected to strong pressure, its specific gravity, normally 9'83, 282 TEEOXIDE OF BISMUTH. has been said to become less. At a high temperature bismuth may be distilled. Of all metals it exhibits in the highest degree the phenomena of diamagnetism. Its atomic weight is 210. Exposed to dry or moist air the metal does not alter ; but ■when exposed to the combined action of air and water, it is super- ficially oxidized. When heated in the air, it bums with a bluish flame, forming yellow fumes. Strong chlorhydric acid acts on it with difficulty ; sulphuric acid attacks it only when hot and con- centrated ; nitric acid attacks it immediately, and effects complete solution, with formation of nitrate of bismuth and evolution of nitric oxide. 359. Bismuth promotes the fusibility of metals with which it is alloyed to an extraordinary extent. The most remarkable alloy of bismuth is that known as " fusible metal." When com- posed of 1 part of lead, 1 part of tin, and 2 parts of bismuth, this alloy melts at 93°-75. Solid fusible metal, like liquid water, undergoes an anomalous contraction by heat. It expands regu- larly from 0° to 35°, then contracts gradually as the temperature rises to 6-5°, at which point it is less bulky than at 0°, again expands rapidly to 80°, and beyond that temperature continues expanding regularly up to its melting-point. On account of this property of expanding as it cools while stiU in the soft state, the aUoy is much used for taking impressions from dies ; the finest and faintest lines are reproduced with great accuracy. It is ob- vious that an alloy possessing such properties must be something more than a mere mixture of the constituent metals. No compound of bismuth and hydrogen is as yet known. Bismuth and Oxygen — Bismuth forms two principal oxides, a teroxide (BiPg) and an acid oxide (Bi^OJ ; besides these, there is an intermediate oxide (B\OJ which may be represented as a compound of the other two Bi^Oj, 'Bifi^=2'BiJJ^. 360. Teroxide of Bismuth (BijOJ. — This oxide is formed when the metal is roasted in the air, but is best obtained by gently igniting the nitrate or subnitrate. It is a pale-yeUow, insoluble powder, which melts at a red heat, and is easily reduced to the metallic state by heating it with charcoal. A white hydrate of this oxide, 'Siif),,'S.p=2'&i^0^, may be precipitated from a salt of bismuth by an excess of ammonia. Teroxide of bismuth com- BISMTJTHIC ACID. 283 bines with acids to form the bismuth salts ; in the normal salts one atom of bismuth replaces three atoms of hydrogen, thus : — Bi,03 + 3(H,N,0,) = 3H,0 + Bi,3(N,0J. Basic salts of bismuth are also known, in which a larger propor- tion of bismuth is present. Some of the normal salts crystallize well from acid solutions, but they cannot exist in solution unless an excess of acid is present. On diluting solutions of the nor- mal salts with water, insoluble basic salts are precipitated ; this reaction recaUs the behavior of antimony solutions. The nitrate of bismuth, Bi2 3(N20j,) + 9Hp, is the commonest soluble salt of bismuth; it is procured by dissolving the metal in nitric acid. To the basic nitrate, which is precipitated when water is added to the solution of the normal nitrate, the formula SBiJ)^,4'Nfi^ -l-QH^O has been assigned. Bismuth salts are heavy compounds, which are colorless unless the acid be colored ; they are poisonous in large doses. 361. Quinquioxide of Bismuth, or Bismuthic Acid (Bi^Oj). — When chlorine gas is passed through a concentrated solution of potash holding teroxide of bismuth in suspension, a blood-red solution is obtained, from which there soon separates a red pre- cipitate ; this substance is a mixture of hydrated bismuthic acid and teroxide of bismuth. Cold dilute nitric acid dissolves the oxide, but does not attack the acid. The hydrated acid gives up its water at a temperature of 130°, and the anhydrous quinqui- oxide remains as a brown powder, which, in contact with acids, parts very readily with a portion of its oxygen and falls back to the state of teroxide. The anhydrous quinquioxide may be also converted by a gentle heat into the intermediate oxide Bi^O^. Bismuthic acid combines with caustic soda and potash, but the compounds are decomposed by mere washing. The bismuthates are little known, and are of interest only in so far as they go to show the feeble acid character of the quinquioxide. 362. Ter chloride of Bismuth (Bid J. — ^This compound maybe obtained by heating bismuth in chlorine, or by mixing the metal in fine powder with twice its weight of corrosive sublimate (chlo- ride of mercury) and distilling. The same substance is produced when bismuth is dissolved in aqua regia, and the excess of acid evaporated. It is a very fusible, volatile, deKquescent body, 284 CHLORIDE OF BISMUTH. which, was called butter of bismuth, from its resemblance to the butter of antimony, long before the relationship now established between bismuth and antimony had been recognized. The terchlo- ride is decomposed by water into ohlorhydric acid, which dissolves a portion of the chloride, and a precipitate containing bismuth, chlorine, and oxygen, and called oxyehloride of bismuth. 3BiCl3 + 3H,0 = 6HC1 + 'B,\C\% The same oxyehloride is precipitated when a solution of nitrate of bismuth is poured into a solution of common salt. It is used as a pigment, and is known as " pearl-white." It may be distin- guished from the analogous oxyehloride of antimony by the fact that it is insoluble in tartaric acid and in potash, both of which dissolve the antimony compound. Terchloride of bismuth forms crystallizable double salts with the chlorides of sodium, potas- sium, and ammonium. These chlorine salts are analogous in composition to, and isomorphous with, the corresponding double chlorides of antimony. 363. Tersulphide of Bismuth (Bi^Sj). — Bismuth glance, a somewhat rare mineral which occurs in acioular prisms isomor- phous with the native tersulphide of antimony, is a tersulphide of bismuth. The same compound may be formed artificially by fusing the pulverized metal vrith one-third its weight of sulphur. Heated in close vessels, the sulphide evolves sulphur ; heated with access of air, it forms teroxide of bismuth and sulphurous acid. The tersulphide is also obtained as a brown-black preci- pitate when sulphuretted hydrogen is passed through a solution of a bismuth salt. Exp. 146. — Dissolve 0"5 gnn. of finely powdered bismuth in aqua regia, in a small flask ; the aqua regia should be added by small por- tions at a time, so as to avoid an unnecessary excess of acid, and the mixture should he gently heated. When complete solution has been effected, pour one or two drops of the acid solution into a tumbler iull of water, and observe the precipitation of white oxyehloride of bismuth (§ 362). To the remainder of the solution add water, drop by drop, with constant stirring, until a slight cloudiness appears ; add a drop of ohlorhydric acid to clear the solution, and through the slightly acid liquor, thus obtained, pass a slow stream of sulphuretted hydrogen until the solution has become so thoroughly charged with this gas that it oontiaues to smell of sulphuretted hydrogen even after it has JTHE NITROGEN GEOTTP. 285 been removed from the soxirce of the gas. Filter the brownish-black precipitate of tersulphide of bismuth and wash it with water upon the filter; scrape off a portion of the precipitate from the filter, with a smooth slip of wood, and place it in a teat-tube together with a few drops of a solution of caustic soda ; it wiU not dissolve. Test another portion of the precipitate in the same way with a solution of sulphy- drate of ammonium; it will not dissolve. The last two reactions establish distinct differences between the sulphides of bismuth and antimony, in addition to their difference of color. Again filter, and wash the undissolved sulphide and heat a little of it moderately on platinum foil over the gas-lamp ; sulphurous acid will be given off, and the oxide of bismuth remains ; this oxide readily melts to darlj- yellow globules. 364. The Nitrogen Group of Elements. — The five elements, nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth, form a well-marked natural group of elements. In the first place, the elements themselves exhibit a definite gradation of properties ; and secondly, the analogy in composition and properties, mani- fested by the similar compounds of the five elements, is most striking and complete. Nitrogen is a gas, phosphorus a solid whose specific gravity varies from 1'8 to 2-2, arsenic has the specific gravity of 5-6, antimony of 6'7, while that of bismuth rises to 9'8. The metallic character is most decided in bismuth, is somewhat less marked in antimony, is doubtful in arsenic, and almost vanishes in phos- phorus. All four of these elements are dimorphous, presenting forms both of the monometric and hexagonal systems. The series of corresponding hydrides, oxides, chlorides, and sulphides which the elements of this group form are very perfect ; they prove the general chemical likeness of the five elements : — Hydrides. Oxides. Oxides. Oxides. CTilorides. Sulphides. NH3 N.O3 N.O. N.O, NCl3(?) ' ^A PH3 P.Oa Sb,0, P.O, PCI3 As,S3 AsH, As.O, Bi.O, As,0, ASCI3 Sb,83 SbH, Sb.O, Sb,0, SbCl, Bi.S3 Bi.03 Bi.O, BiCl3 PCI, SbCL ^A A8,S, 286 THE NITKOGBN ftEOTTP. The first four members of the group form gaseous terhydrides, in 'which three volumes of hydrogen and one atom of a nitrogen- group element are combined to form two volumes of the com- pound gas. We have already spoken of the similarity of che- mical composition, and the gradation of properties manifested by these four hydrides. Ammonia is a powerful base, and requires a high temperature for its decomposition ; phosphuretted hydro- gen is a very feeble base, whUe the basic character is not per- ceptible in arseniuretted and antimoniuretted hydrogen. Each of the last three hydrides is decomposed by simple exposure to heat, phosphuretted hydrogen requiring the highest temperature, arseniuretted hydrogen decomposing at a lower, and antimoni- uretted hydrogen at a still lower degree of heat. The affinity of bismuth for hydrogen is so feeble that it does not appear to form a hydride. The teroxides also show a gradation of physical and chemical qualities. Teroxide of nitrogen (nitrous acid) is a highly vola- tile liquid, that of phosphorus (phosphorous acid) a very volatile solid, that of arsenic a less volatile soHd, that of antimony a solid volatile only at a fuU red heat, and that of bismuth a solid which requires an extremely high temperature for its volatiliza- tion. The teroxides of nitrogen and phosphorus form with water strongly acid liquids ; teroxide of arsenic is but a feeble acid ; teroxide of antimony is sometimes an acid and sometimes a base, while teroxide of bismuth is a decided base. Arsenious and antimonious acids are isodimorphous. The series of quinqui- oxides also shows a very marked gradation of chemical energy, especially when the compounds which they form with the ele- ments of water are considered. Nitric acid is a powerful acid of intense energy; phosphoric acid is stiU. a strong acid, but much less incisive than nitric acid ; arsenic acid has the corrosive properties generally attributed to acids, but it is chemically a rather less vigorous compound than phosphoric acid. The phos- phates and arseniates are, however, isomorphous, and the two acids are very much alike. In the quinquioxide of antimony the acid character becomes comparatively indistinct ; and in the so-called bismuthic acid little remains but the name. The terchloride of nitrogen has hardly been examined, on CARBON. 287 account of its extreme instability. The other four terchlorides are all volatile substances of analogous composition, since three volumes of chlorine and one atom of the nitrogen-group element unite to form two volumes of the compound vapor. The boiling- points of the terchlorides of phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony are 74°, 132°, and 223° respectively, while that of the terchlo- ride of bismuth is considerably higher still. AU fouj terchlorides are decomposed by an excess of water. The tersulphides of antimony and bismuth are isomorphous. The elements of this group do not form many combinations among themselves. They combine with hydrogen, metals and compound radicals which replace hydrogen atom for atom, and with the members of the chlorine group, by preference, in the proportion of 1 atom to 3 ; they also combine with oxygen and the members of the sulphur group, by preference, in the propor- tions of 2 atoms to 3, or 2 atoms to 5. When the qualities of the corresponding compounds which the members of the nitrogen group form with other elements are duly taken into account, it will be apparent that the relative chemical power of each element of the group may be inferred from its po- sition in the series of elements : — N = 14, P = 31, As = 75, Sb = 122, Bi = 210. The chemical energy of these five elements, broadly considered, follows the opposite order of their atomic weights. CHAPTER XX. C A Ji B N. 365. Carbon is an extremely important and a very abundant element. AU organic substances, all things which have life, contain it. Large quantities of it occur in the mineral kingdom as well, both in the free state and in combination with oxygen and with other elements. The various forms of coal, graphite, petroleum, asphaltum, and all the different varieties of limestone, 288 THE IHREB TAEIETIES OF CAEBON. chalk, marble, coral, and sea shells contain it in large proportion. It is found also in the atmosphere and in the waters of the globe, and though existing therein in comparatively small proportion, it is an ingredient not less essential than either of their other con- stituents for the maintenance of the actual balance of orgauie nature. All vegetable life is directly dependent upon the pre- sence of the compound of carbon (carbonic acid) which exists in the atmosphere. 366. Three distinct allotropie modifications of carbon are dis- tinguished, namely: — 1. The diamond ; 2. Plumbago or graphite ; and 3. Ordinary charcoal or lampblack. There are many sub- varieties of the modification last named ; but their peculiarities appear to depend chiefly upon physical conditions of aggregation, whereas each of the three principal varieties of carbon above enu- merated is really different from the other two in chemical quality or nature. 367. The element carbon, in each of its modifications, is an in- fusible, non-volatOe solid devoid of taste and smeU. But the several modifications diifer among themselves in color, hardness, lustre, specific gravity, behavior towards chemical agents, power of conducting heat and electricity, and in various other respects. All the varieties of carbon, however, agree in this, that on being strongly heated in presence of oxygen they unite with it and form carbonic acid (CO^) ; but in the comparative readiness with which this result is attained great differences are noticeable in the different varieties. Lampblack and charcoal, as is well known, readily combine with oxygen at the temperature of an ordinary fire ; they burn easily in the air. But graphite burns, so slowly in air that it is used for making the crucibles in which the most refractory metals are melted. (See Appendix, § 26.) On being heated to a very high temperature, however, in oxygen gas, graphite slowly under- goes combustion ; and the same remark is true of the diamond. Both graphite and diamond can be consumed by nascent oxygen, as when heated in the condition of fine powder with a mixture of bichromate of potassium (a substance rich in oxygen) and sul- phuric acid. They can be oxidized also by heating them with nitrate or with chlorate of potassium. DIAMOND. 289 368. Diamond. — Of this first variety of carbon, little need here be said. The physical properties which render it so valuable, its high refractive power as regards light, and its extreme hardness, are familiar to all. It the hardest known substance, being capable of scratching aU other substances ; the name diamond is a mere corruption of the word adamant. Of the chemistry of the diamond very little is known. It con- sists of pure or nearly pure carbon, crystallized in octahedrons and other forms of the first or regular system ; its specific gravity is about 3-55, and its specific heat 04469. It conducts electri- city and heat but slowly ; and yet it conducts heat so much better than ^lass that this property is sometimes made use of as a test to distinguish false from real diamonds. Its refractive power on light, as compared with that of glass or rock-crystal, is as 2-47 to 1-6. Chemists are as yet unable to prepare this variety of carbon artificially ; the only source of it is the natural mineral. It was thought, at one time, that if there could but be devised means of fusing carbon, crystals of the diamond modification might pos- sibly separate out from the molten liquid as it ■ cooled ; but, at present, aU the evidence goes to show that at high temperatures, the second modification of carbon (namely, graphite), and not diamond, is produced. If a diamond be heated white-hot between the charcoal points of a powerful galvanic battery, it softens, and swells up, and, after cooUng, there is found a hard black brittle mass like the coke obtained by heating bituminous coal. So, too, carbon is soluble in melted iron, and a portion of it crystallizes out as the iron becomes cold, but the crystals thus obtained are crystals of graphite and not of diamond. "We can, therefore, only surmise that diamonds crystallize at a low temperature from some unknown solvent of carbon, or, with greater probability, that when carbon is separated by the decomposition of some one of its compounds it is left in the diamond condition. The diamond is not attacked by the strongest acids or alkalies, not even by fluorhydric acid ; nor is it acted upon by any of the non-metallic elements, with the exception of oxygen at high temperatures. At the ordinary temperature of the air, diamond undergoes no appreciable change during the lapse of centuries ; 290 GEAPHIIE. it appears to be well nigh indestructible, in tbe ordinary sense of the term. Out of contact with the air, or in an atmosphere which has no chemical action upon it, it suffers no alteration at the highest furnace heat. 369. Graphite or Plumbago, sometimes called " black-lead," is familiarly known as the material of common " lead pencils.'' It is found as a mineral in nature in various localities. It occurs both in the form of crystals (six-sided tables belonging to the hexagonal system) and in the amorphous, massive state. In both forms it is always opaque, of a black or lead-gray color and me- tallic lustre ; its specific gravity varies from 1-8 to 2-1 ; its specific heat is 0-201. It conducts electricity nearlj' as well as the metals, and is, on this account, much used for coating surfaces of wood, wax, plaster, and other non-conducting materials so as to render them capable of conducting the galvanic current and so of receiving a metallic film such as is deposited from solutions of the metals when sub- jected to the action of the galvanic current ; it is an important material in the art of electro-metallurgy. The lustre and con- ducting-power of graphite go far to justify the term which has been often applied to it, metallic carbon. 370. Graphite is very friable ; when rubbed upon paper it leaves a black shining mark, whence its use for pencils. Amor- phous graphite is much more friable than the crystalline variety ; it makes a blacker mark upon paper, and is consequently pre- ferred for the manufacture of pencils ; it is, in fact, so soft and unctuous to the touch that it is often used as a lubricant for di- minishing the friction of machinery. But in spite of aJI this the particles of which the masses of graphite are composed are ex- tremely hard ; they rapidly wear out the saws employed to cut these masses. By powerful pressure the dust of plumbago can be forced into the condition of a coherent solid similar to the native mineral. In the air, at ordinary temperatures, graphite undergoes no change ; hence its use for covering iron articles to prevent then- rusting. By virtue of its greasy, adhesive quality, it is easy to cover iron with a thin, lustrous layer or varnish of it ; the com- mon stove-poUshes, for example, are composed of powdered gra- PROPERTIES OF eRAPHITE. 291 pMte. Even at very Mgli temperatures it is scarcely at all oxidized by the air; it is, moreover, altogether infusible.; hence it is usefully applied in the manufacture of a highly refractory kind of crucible, known as black-lead crucibles or blue pots. (See Appendix, § 26.) An analogous application of graphite is seen in its use as " foundry-faciugs," a term applied to the infusible dust which the iron-founder sifts over his mould of sand before pouring into it the melted metal ; if the hot metal were allowed to come directly into contact with the sand, a quantity of the latter would melt and remain adhering to the cold metal when the casting was taken from the mould. For this purpose coal-dust is an inferior substitute for graphite. 371. Pure plumbago is never met with in nature ; when burned in oxygen the mineral leaves from two to five per cent, of ashes, composed mainly of oxide of iron, together with small quantities of silica and alumina. The presence of this impurity is so unvarying that graphite was formerly supposed to be not carbon, but a chemical compound of carbon and iron, a carbide of iron ; this view has now been disproved, and it is known that the iron in the native graphite exists there merely as a mechanical ad- mixture. Soft, fine-grained plumbago, suitable for the manufacture of the best pencils, is rare; but the coarse, foliated crystallized variety is abundant, and this may easily be made soft and unc- tuous by the action of certain oxidizing agents. Exp. 147. — Mix 7 grms. of coarsely powdered crystallized graphite with 0'6 grm. of chlorate of potassium in fine powder ; add the mixture to 14 grms. of strong sulphuric acid contained in a porcelain dish, and heat the whole over a water-bath as long as yellow vapors of hypo- chloric acid are evolved. Wash the cooled mass with water, and sub- sequently dry it on the water-hath. Ignite a fragment of the dry product upon a piece of platinum foil, and observe the extraordinary intumescence. After the graphite has ceased to swell up, rub a little of it upon a porcelain plate and note the condition of exquisite softness to which it has been reduced, and the ease with which it can be moulded by pressure into any desired form. 372. Eegarded from the chemical point of view, graphite re- sembles the other modifications of carbon inasmuch as it is con- u2 292 (JRAPHITIC ACID. verted into carbonic acid on being ignited in oxygen, and in that it undergoes no alteration wten heated in close vessels, but differs materially from the other varieties of carbon in its be- behavior towards several of the oxidizing agents. When graphite is repeatedly exposed to the action of a mixture of strong nitric and sulphuric acids, or to that of a mixture of chlorate or bichro- mate of potassium and sulphuric or nitric acid, it is converted into a pecuhar acid, called graphitic add. This graphitic acid occurs in thin transparent crystals, some- what soluble in water, but insoluble in water containing acids or salts ; on being heated, it decomposes, with explosion and evolu- tion of light. By analysis, it has been found to contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, in proportions corresponding to the com- plex formula CjjH^Oj ; but some chemists, who regard this body as an analogue of an acid (Si^H^j) obtained by acting upon one of the modifications of silicon with oxidizing agents, have sug- gested that the atomic weight of graphite may be different from that of ordiuary carbon, and that the composition of graphitic acid could be represented by the simpler formula Gr^H^Oj, in which the symbol Gr stands for graphon — ^provided the atomic weight of this graphon were assumed to be 33, instead of 12 (the atomic weight assigned to ordinary carbon). The graphitic modification of carbon can readily be obtained artificially. When charcoal is added to melted iron, the iron takes up a considerable quantity of it, and if the iron be then left to cool slowly, a portion of the dissolved carbon will crys- tallize out in the form of graphite ; the crystals can readily be isolated by dissolving away their metallic envelope by means of dilute chlorhydric or sulphuric acid. As has been already remarked, the crystals of graphite are six-sided plates of the hexagonal system, altogether imlike the forms of the regular system which are seen in the diamond. In carbon, then, as in sulphur, we have a striking example of dimorphism. (See § 192.) 373. Gas-Oarbon. — An interesting sub-variety of carbon some- what similar to graphite, and standing, as it were, between it and the ordinary modification of carbon, is obtained from the retorts in which common illuminating gas is manufactured. It GAS-CAEBON. 293 is known as " gas-carbon," or " carbon of tbe gas-retorts," and results from the burning on of drops of tar upon the interior walls of the retort, and the long-continued heating of the crust thus formed. Gras-carbon is very hard, compact, and dense ; it has the me- tallic lustre, and conducts electricity like a metal ; its specific gravity (2-356) and specific heat (0-2036) closely resemble those of graphite. On account of its high conductLag-power, it is em- ployed in the manufacture of galvanic batteries and of pencils for the electric lamp ; its infusibUity and power of resisting chemical agents have led to the employment, in various scientific researches, of crucibles and tubes wrought out of it ; it has also been sometimes employed as fuel Lq experiments where higher degrees of heat are needed than can be obtained from charcoal or coke. The intense heat developed by the combustion of this substance is referable to its high specific gravity ; a very con- siderable weight of carbon can here be burned in a small space. As a fuel, it has the farther merit of leaving scarcely any ashes. 374. Goke and Anthracite Coal are impure sub-varieties of carbon which, from the chemical point of view, may be classed either with graphite or charcoal, or better between the two. They are less like graphite, however, than gas-carbon is. Coke is the residue resulting from the destructive distillation of soft or bituminous coal. Fig. 49. JExp. 148. — ^Put into a tube of hard glass, No. 1, 12 or 15 cm. in length, enough bituminous coal, in coarse powder, to fill one-third of the tube. Fit to this ignition-tube a large de- livery-tube of glass, No. 4, and sup- port the apparatus upon the iron stand, as shown in the figure. Heat the coal in the ignition-tube, and collect in bottles the gas which will ' be evolved. This gaa is a mixture of several compounds of carbon and hy- drogen ; for the present, it may be regarded as carburetted hydrogen. It is, in fact, ordinary illuminating gas. It is infiammable; like hydrogen, but bums with a far more lumi- 294 iLLxramrATiNS eAS. nous flame. It is very light withal ; hence many of the experiments described in the chapter upon hydrogen may be performed with this gas. (See Chapter V.) As soon as gas ceases to be given ofi" from the coal, take the end of the delivery-tube out of the water and when the ignition-tube has become cold, break it and examine the coke which it contains. The coke used for domestic purposes is obtained as an incidental product in the manufactui-e of illuminating gas. In Europe, where anthracite is lacking, immense quantities of coke are prepared for metallurgical uses, the gas resulting from the decom- position of the coal being usually thrown away. 375. Bituminous coal is a substance of vegetable origin, which appears to have been formed from plants by a process of slow decay going on without access of air and under the influence of heat, moisture, and great pressure. Like vegetable matter in general, it is composed of carbon and hydrogen, together with small proportions of oxygen and nitrogen, and a certain quantity of earthy and saline substances, commonly spoken of as inor- ganic matter. On being heated in the air, it bums away almost completely after a while, leaving nothing but the inorganic com- ponent as ashes. But when heated out of contact with the air (that is to say, when subjected to destructive distUlation, as in Exp. 148), the volatile hydrogen is all driven off in combination with some carbon, either as gas or as a tarry liquid, and there remains, as a residue, only carbon contaminated with the inor- ganic matters originally present in the coal. 376. Both coke and anthracite are hard and lustrous. As compared with charcoal, they are rather difficult of combustion ; • but in suitable furnaces they burn readily, with evolution of in- tense heat. Both anthracite and coke, the latter in spite of its porosity, conduct heat readily, as compared with charcoal ; hence one reason of the difficulty of kindling them. In building a charcoal fire, the heat evolved by the combustion of the kindling material is almost all retained by the portions of charcoal imme- diately in contact with the kindling agent ; but in the case of coke or anthracite a large proportion of this heat is conducted off and diffused throughout the heap of fuel, so that no portion of the fuel can at once become very hot. It foUows that in both light- ing and feeding fires of coke or anthracite, only small portions COKE ANTHRACITE CHARCOAL. 295 of the fuel should be added at any one time, lest the kindling material, or the existing fire, be unduly cooled. Since coke is usually contaminated with a considerable proportion of, inorganic matter, its combustion is apt to be hindered by the accumula- tion of ashes and consequent exclusion of air, unless special pre- cautions be taken. 377. Charcoal or Lampblack is commonly taken as the repre- sentative of the third or amorphous modification of carbon. This kind of carbon can be obtained in a state of tolerable purity, either by heating in a close vessel sugar, or starch, or some other organic substance which contains no inorganic constituents, or by burning oU of turpentine in a quantity of air insufficient for its complete combustion. A convenient way of obtaining it is to place a vessel filled with ice-water directly in the flame of a lamp fed with oil of turpentine, so that the combustion of the oil shall be impeded, and that soot may be deposited upon the walls of the vessel. In either event, however, the product is liable to be contaminated with traces of hydrogen or of oxygen, or of both these elements, which cannot be expelled even by the application of long-continued and intense heat. For such illustrations as are required in this manual, charcoal can readily be prepared from wood in the same way that it is made for manufacturing and domestic uses, namely by subjecting the wood to a process of incomplete combustion. Exp. 149. — Light one end of a splinter of dry wood and slowly push the burning portion into the mouth of a test-tube, as shown in Fig. 50. The portion of the splinter which remains outside the tube and in contact with free -P'?' ^^■ air will continue to bum with flame, while that within the tube is either extinguished altogether or barely glimmers as the carbon slowly unites with the small portion of air which can gain access to it. Exp. 150. — Repeat the foregoing experi- ment, but, instead of the test-tube, provide a cup of sand and slowly thrust the burning splinter into this sand. The flame will he extinguished as fast as the splinter is cut oft' from the air by immersion in the sand, and a residue of carbon will be thus obtained, as before. 296 PBEPAKAUON OP CHAKCOiL. 378. Whenever wood, or any other vegetable or animal mat- ter, is not completely consumed, there is left a residue of carbon similar to. that obtained in the foregoing experiments. Incom- plete combustion in such cases is really a process of destructive distUlation, or, rather, in any combustion of wood, or of bitumi- nous coal, there is always destructive distillation at first. When the splinter of wood of Exp. 149, is heated in the lamp, in order to set it on fire, there wUl distil off from it, in the beginning, certain volatUe compounds of hydrogen and carbon ; for wood, like coal (§ 375), is composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, ni- trogen, and inorganic or earthy matters, and when exposed to strong heat it gives ofl' in the gaseous form the volatUe elements hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, together with some carbon. The products of the destructive distillation of the splinter will take fire and bum, and the heat generated by their combustion win be sufficient, not only to distil the contiguous portions of the wood, but also to bring the residual carbon to the temperature at which it unites with oxygen. This kindling-temperature of carbon, it should be remarked, is considerably higher than that at which the volatile distillate composed of carbon and hydrogen takes fire. 'Now if, as in Experiments 149, 160, the burning splinter be removed from the air as soon as the act of distillation has been completed, but before the combustion of the carbon has set in, the carbon will be preserved, as has been seen. So, too, when burning wood is extinguished by pouring water upon it ; the distillatory process has occurred and has been more or less thoroughly completed, but the combustion of the carbon is cut short ; for the water not only excludes air but absorbs so much heat that the temperature of the fuel is reduced below the kindling- point. (Compare Exp. 24.) 379. Charcoal can be obtained also by distilling wood in retorts in the same way that we have seen that coke can be procured from bituminous coal. (See Exp. 148.) Uxp. 151. — Provide an ignition-tube and a delivery-tube similar to those employed in Exp. 148. FUl the ignition-tube with shavings or small fragments of wood, arrange the apparatas as in Fig. 51, and light the gas-lamp. Collect in bottles the gas which is given ofi" from the wood, and test it as to its inflammability by applying a lighted match. nSIILLAIION OP WOOB, 297 After the flow of gas has ceased, remove the end of the delivery-tuhe from the water, plug it so that no air can enter the ignition-tuhe, and lay the apparatus aside until it has become cold. Finally remove the cork from the ignition-tube and take out the charcoal which is contained in it. Heat a portion of this char- coal upon platinum foil and observe the manner in which it bums. It will illustrate the fact that solid sub- stances which are incapable of evol- ving volatile or gaseous matter do not bum with flame ; they merely glow. Exp. 153. — Pack an ignition-tube with bits of wood, as in Exp. 161, but, instead of the ordinary delivery-tube, insert in the mouth of this ignition-tube a cork carrying a short piece of glass tubing drawn out to a fine open point. By means of wire, tie the ignition-tube to a ring of the iron stand, and place it over the gas-lamp. The gases evolved from the wood will escape through the narrow tube, and on being kindled will bum with a luminous flame. As has been already stated (§ 57), flame is caused by burning gas. This experiment, as well as Exps. 148, 1-51, illustrates the principle of the manufecture of illuminating gas. Upon the large scale, bitumi- nous coal, or sometimes dry wood, is distilled in large iron or clay tubes, called gas-retorts, and the gas evolved is freed from tar and other ofiensive impurities by processes of cooling and washing with water, and by passing it through layers of lime or oxide of iron ; it is then collected in large gas-holders, fi-om which it is pressed through subterranean pipes, it may be for mUes. 380. For use in the arts, charcoal is prepared by both the methods above indicated ; it is manufactured both by charring or partially burning wood with little access of air, and by methodi- cally distilling wood in actual retorts. The first method is employed in countries where wood is abundant, and is carried on in the forest itself. Logs of wood are piled up into a large mound or stack around a central aperture, which subsequently serves as a temporary chimney, and also for the introduction of burning substances for firing the heap. The finished heap is covered with chips, leaves, sods, and a mixture of moistened earth and charcoal dust, a number of apertures being left open 298 PREPARATION OF CHARCOAL. around the bottom of the heap for the admission of air and the escape of the products of distillation and combustion. The heap is kindled at the centre, and burns during several weeks. "When the process is judged to be complete, all the openings are carefully- stopped, iu order to suffocate the fire, and the heap is then left to itself until cold. Kilns constructed of brick are often used instead of the rude heaps here described. The charcoal retains the form of the wood — the shape of the knots and the annual rings of the wood being stUl perceptible in it, — but it occupies a much smaller volume than the wood ; generally its bulk does not amount to more than three-fourths of that of the wood, and its weight never exceeds one-fouxth the weight of the wood. Where charcoal is prepared by distilling wood in retorts, the liquid products of distillation, namely tar and acetic acid (" py- roligneous acid"), are saved and utilized. 381. Lampblack. — Usually when hydrogen is removed from a gaseous compound of carbon and hydrogen, the carbon separates in the form of soft flakes, called lampblack or soot. In Experi- ment 60, we have already seen that lampblack is formed when hydrogen is removed from carburetted hydrogen by means of chlorine, and we know well that oxygen is capable of producing the same result. Hydrogen is more combustible in oxygen than carbon ; hence if carburetted hydrogen be mixed vrith only enough oxygen to consume its hydrogen, and the mixture be then inflamed, the carbon contained in it will be set free. This, is the way in which lampblack is commonly formed ; a lamp " smokes " when the supply of air is insufficient to furnish oxygen to both the car- bon and the hydrogen of the oil or other combustible. Upon the large scale, lampblack is manufactured by heating organic matters, such as tar, rosin, or pine knots, which contain volatile ingredients very rich in carbon, until vapors are disen- gaged, and then burning these vapors in a current of air insufficient for their complete combustion. A dark-red, very smoky flame is thus obtained ; a large portion of the carbon of the combustible does not bum, but is deposited as a very fine powder precisely similar to that which constitutes the black portion of common smoke. Lampblack finds important applications in the arts as a pigment and as the chief ingredient of printers' ink. lAMPBLACK. 299 Hxp. 153.— Fill an ordinary spirit-lamp (Appendix, § 6) with oil of turpentine, light the wick and place over it an inverted wide-mouthed bottle of the capacity of a litre or more, one edge of the mouth of the bottle being propped up on a small block of wood, so that some air may enter the bottle. As the supply of air is insufficient for the per- fect combustion of the oil of tiirpentine, a quantity of lampblack will separate and be deposited upon the sides of the bottle. Hydrogen kindles at a lower temperature than carbon ; hence if the flame of a burning compomid of carbon and hydrogen be cooled down below the temperature at which carbon takes fire, lampblack will be formed, even if there be present an abundant supply of air. -Erp. 154. — Press down upon the flame of an oil-lamp or candle an iron spoon or a porcelain plate in such manner that the flame shall be alniost, but not quite, extinguished. The solid body not only obstructs the draught of air, and thereby interferes with the act of combustion, but it also cools the flame by actually conducting away part of its heat ; the temperature is thus reduced to below the kindling- point of carbon, and a quantity of lampblack remains unconsumed and ad- hering to the spoon or plate. This experiment is, of course, compa- rable with Exps. 133, 136, in which spots of arsenic and antimony were obtained upon porcelain, as products of the incomplete combus- tion of their compounds with hydrogen. As has been stated in § 377, lampblack thus prepared usually contains a certain small proportion of hydrogen compounds. 382. Charcoal is altogether insoluble in water ; it is odorless and tasteless. Unlike the diamond, it is a good conductor of elec- tricity, but a bad conductor of heat, particularly when in the state of powder. It is a better conductor of heat in proportion as it is denser ; when strongly heated out of contact with the air it be- comes heavier, hairder, and closer in texture than /iommon char- coal, and less easily combustible, but a far better conductor of heat and of electricity than before. -The pieces of charcoal, for example, which sometimes fall unconsumed from the bottoms of smelting furnaces, after having passed through a long column of intensely heated fuel, are found to be peculiarly compact and close-grained, and to conduct heat with comparative facility. As has been seen in § 376, the combustibility of a fuel is diminished in proportion as the fuel is a good conductor of heat ; 300 PEOPBEIIES OP CHARCOAL, and siuce, as has just been stated, charcoal conducts heat the more readily in proportion as it is denser, it foUows that, other things being equal, a given sample of charcoal will take fire more quickly if it be light than if heavy. It wiU appear, more- over, from the foregoing that the combustibility of charcoal should be less, according as the temperature at which the charcoal pre- pared is higher. If, for example, Unen or cotton rags be carbo- nized at low temperatures, there wiU be obtained a very light variety of charcoal, called tinder, which takes fire with especial ease. So, too, a very hght and easily inflammable charcoal is prepared for the manufacture of gunpowder by distiUing light woods, such as wiUow and alder, at low temperatures. Wood charcoal takes fire easily, as compared with coke ; coke as com- pared with anthracite, and anthracite as compared with gas-car- bon. But, inversely, when the charcoal has once been thoroughly lighted, the intensity of the heat obtained from a fire of it wUl be greater in proportion as the charcoal is more dense. As has been already stated (§ 373), a better fire can be obtained by burning gas-carbon than can be had from coke or charcoal ; for in any given space, if the supply of air be ample, more of the dense than of the light fuel can, of course, be burned in a given time. The specific gravity of charcoalis about 1'6 ; but an ordinary fragment of it readily floats upon water, owing to the air within its pores ; if this air be removed, as when the fragment is powdered, the charcoal wiU sink at once. (See Exp. 159.). It is infusible and non-volatile. 383. In all its varieties, charcoal is a very important chemical agent, chiefly because of the readiness and energy with which it combines with oxygen at high temperatures. Most of the com- mon processes for extracting the useful metals tfrom their ores are based upon the affinity of carbon for oxygen. Exp. 156. — Mix five grammes of litharge (oxide of lead) with a quar- ter of a gramme of powdered charcoal ; place a poi-tion of the mixture in an ignition-tube made of No. 3 glass, and heat it strongly in the gas-lamp. The charcoal will imite with the oxygen of the oxide of lead, and the compound thus formed will escape in the form of gas, while metallic lead will remain ia the tube. This experiment is analogous to Exp. 124, where arsenious acid CHAKCOAL A EBDTJCING ASENT. 301 was reduced by means of charcoal. Both experiments are typical of the manner in which hot charcoal acts upon metallic oxides. At a white heat it removes oxygen from its combinations with some elements which hold it with great force, such as the oxides of sodium and potassium and phosphoric acid. Even water is decomposed, with liberation of hydrogen, when brought into con- tact with red-hot charcoal. Exp. 166. — ^Fill a piece of iron gas-pipe, about 35 cm. long and 1 cm. or more in internal diameter, with fragments of charcoal ; adapt to it a delivery-tube, as represented in Fig. 52, and support it upon a ring of the iron stand over one or two wire-gauze gas-lamps. Attach to =^m. the other end of the tube a thin-bottomed glass flask half full of water and supported upon the ring of a second iron stand. Light the lamps beneath the tube full of charcoal, and wait until it has become red-hot, then heat the water in the flask and cause it to boil slowly. The steam will react upon the hot carbon in a manner which may be for- mulated as follows : — -h H^O = 00 -1- 2H, and there wiU be formed a mixture of a compound of oxygen and car- bon called carbonic oxide, and free hydrogen. OoUect the mixed gaa in bottles upon the water-pan and test it as regards its inflammability by applying a lighted match. A certain quantity of water may even be decomposed by thrusting pieces of brightly glowing charcoal into water. If the experiment be performed beneath an inverted bottle of water held near the surface of the water-pan, a quantity of gas large enough to be inflamed can readily be obtained. At a red heat charcoal deoxidizes bodies which are rich in oxy- gen so readUy that there occurs a pecuKarly rapid and sparkling 302 STABILITY OF CHAECOAI. combustion known as deflagration. Deflagration differs from ex- plosion only in degree ; it is less violent than explosion, because tbe combustion is less rapid. Exp. 157. — Mix 10 grms. of nitrate of potassium and 5 grms. of re- cently ignited charcoal, both in fine powder ; place the mixture upon a brick, m a current of air, or in any place where the volatile products of the reaction can occasion no inconvenience, and touch it with a lighted stick or red-hot wire. The charcoal will burn violently, with brOliant scintillations, at the expense of the oxygen contained in the nitrate of potassium. As a modification of this experiment, heat a couple of pieces of char- coal to redness in the fire and sprinkle upon the one a small quantity of powdered nitrate of potassium, and upon the other a little powdered chlorate of potassium. 384. This deoxidizing power of charcoal, above illustrated, is exhibited only at high temperatures. At the ordinary tempera- ture of the air, the chemical energy of charcoal is exceedingly feeble. Charcoal is, in fact, one of the most durable of substances. Specimens of it have been found at Pompeii and upon Egyptian mummies, to all appearance as fresh as if just prepared ; the action of the air continued through centiiries has exerted no appreciable influence upon it. Experience has proved that many wooden articles which are to be placed in situations peculiarly liable to cause their decay, may be protected by charring them superficially ; the carbonization of the interior of casks destined to hold liquids, and of those portions of wooden posts and siUs which are to be sunk in the ground, or to remain on or near the surface of the ground, are familiar instances of this custom. Not only is charcoal unacted upon by air or water at the ordi- nary temperature, but there are few chemical substances which have any action upon it unless they be hot ; neither the neutral solvents, such as alcohol and ether, nor corrosive agents, such as chlorine or fluorhydric and chlorhydric acids, attack it in any way. It is slowly oxidized, however, by nitric acid, and rapidly by perchloric acid, and it dissolves, to a slight extent, in cold concentrated sulphuric acid. At the ordinary temperature, no one of the elements combines with it directly; but at high tem- peratures it unites directly, not only with oxygen, as we know, but with sulphur as well, forming bisulphide of carbon (OS ). CHAECOAL ABSOEBS GAS. 303 At very high temperatures, as when a powerful galvanic battery- is discharged from carbon points immersed in an atmosphere of hydrogen, carbon sombines directly with hydrogen also, and there is formed a gas called acetylene (C^H^). With nitrogen it unites to form cyanogen (CN) when a current of nitrogen gas is passed through a column of ignited charcoal which has previously been charged with carbonate of potassium by soaking it in a solution of this salt ; but it wiU. not unite with nitrogen without the inter- vention of the alkaline carbonate or of some other substance. With chlorine and the other members of the chlorine group it does not unite except indirectly ; but with several of the metals it unites directly to form badly defined compounds called carburets or carbides. Upon the chlorides and their analogues carbon has no action, and the same remark is true of some refractory oxides, such as sUicio acid and oxide of aluminum, which are not decom- posed by charcoal, even at a white heat ; but at a strong red heat it reduces most of the sulphates to the condition of sulphides (for example — CaSO, -I- 2C = CaS -f- 2C0,), and the nitrates, chlorates, and perchlorates to the state of car- bonates — 2(K,0,N,0,) + 5C = 2(K,0,C0,) + 3C0, + 4N. 385. A physical property of charcoal, which is of great prac- tical importance, is its power of absorbing and condensing within its pores a great variety of gases and vapors ; it absorbs coloring- matters also, and various other substances as well, abstracting them from solutions in which they are contained. Exp. 158. — Take from the fire a live coal (charcoal) as large as a hen's egg, extinguish it by covering it up tightly in a small metallic vessel or hy covering it with sand, and wait until it has become cold ; weigh it carefully upon a delicate balance, and record the weight. Place the weighed coal in such a situation (in a damp ceIlar,\for example) that it shall be fi-eely exposed to moist air during twenty-four hours ; again weigh it, and note the increase. Boxwood charcoal has been found to increase in weight 14 per cent, in the course of a single day, and any ordinary charcoal will usually increase in weight from 10 to 12 per cent. Exp. 159. — Take from the fire, as before, a piece of charcoal which has been heated to fuU redness for some time ; thrust it under water, so 304 CHARCOAL ABSOEBS BASES. that it may be suddenly cooled, and observe that it sinks in the water and that few or no bubbles of gas escape from its pores. Take another piece of charcoal which has long been exposed to the air and has not recently been heated, attach to it a quantity of sheet lead sufficient to sink it in water, and immerse the whole in a large beaker glass two-thirds full of hot water. The mobile water wiU im- mediately enter the pores of the charcoal, and a portion of the air which had preyiously been absorbed by these pores will be driven out, and can be seen escaping in bubbles through the water, chiefly from the broken ends of the coal. In a similar way, if a piece of old charcoal be placed in a bottle full of water standing inverted upon the water-pan, a quantity of air will gradually be expelled from it as the water enters its pores, and will col- lect at the top of the bottle. The air can at any time be quickly removed by sinking a piece of the charcoal, by means of lead, in water of the ordinary temperature, placing the vessel which contains the water under the receiver of an air-pump and pumping out the air from this receiver ; as the pressure of the atmosphere is removed from the surface of the water a multi- tude of bubbles of air will be seen to issue from the pores of the coal. To the presence of air and aqueous vapor, which, has been thus absorbed, is to be attributed the snapping and crackling of old charcoal when it is thrown upon a hot fire. Charcoal which has been recently made, and which has not yet absorbed air and moisture, does not thus snap and crackle ; moreover it kindles much more easily than charcoal which has long been exposed to the air ; for from the latter a quantity of gas and vapor must be expanded and driven out before the coal can ignite, and this ex- pansion, being, of course, attended with absorption of heat, keeps down the temperature of the coal below the kindling-poiat. It is not necessary that charcoal be freshly made or recently heated, in order that it may kindle readily, if only it has been kept in closed vessels, and thus prevented from absorbing mois- ture. In the laboratory it is weU to throw the remnants of charcoal &es into an iron kettle, furnished with a tightly fitting cover, in order to have always a store of easily inflammable coal for starting new fires in small hand-furnaces. The absorptive power of charcoal for gases can readily be shown directly by placing recently ignited charcoal in a smaU confined volume of almost any gas. CHAKCOAL ABSORBS GASES. 305 Exp. 160.— Fill a glass cylinder of 200 or 300 o. c. capacity with dry sulphurous acid gas (Exp. 96), over the mercury trough ; take from the fire a red-hot piece of charcoal as large as can be introduced ihto the mouth of the cylinder ; thrust it heneath the surface of the mercury and hold it there for a moment, in order that it may be ex- tinguished, then pass it up into the jar of sulphurous acid. Mercury ■will rise in the cylinder in proportion as the gas is absorbed, and will soon completely fill it. 386. As one result of the enormous condensation to which gases are subjected when thus absorbed by coal, heat is neces- sarily developed ; the temperature of the charcoal rises as the gas is condensed in it, and to such an extent that heaps of recently ignited finely divided charcoal often take fire on being exposed to the air. Different gases are absorbed by charcoal in very different pro- portions. It has been found, by experiment, that one cubic cen- timetre of dry, compact charcoal, such as that from boxwood, will absorb in the course of twenty-four hours: — 90c.c of Ammonia gas. 35 CO of Olefiant gas. 85 „ „ Chlorhydric acid gas. 9-4 „ „ Carbonic oxide. 65 „ „ Sulphurous acid gas. 9-3 „ „ Oxygen. 55 „ „ Sulphydric acid gas. 7-5 „ „ Nitrogen. 40 „ „ Nitrous oxide gas. 6'0 „ „ Mai-sh gas. 36 „ „ Carbonic acid gas. 1-8 „ „ Hydrogen. As one consequence of this diversity of absorbing-power, it follows that, from a mixture of several gases, charcoal can remove some gases more readily than others. Thus, when recently igni- ted charcoal, which has been cooled under mercury, as in the pre- ceding experiment, is passed up into a jar of common air, it absorbs the oxygen more rapidly than the nitrogen. But, on the other hand, it is found that, after the charcoal has become satu- rated with one kind of gas, it can still take up a certain quantity of any other gas which may be presented to it. 387. This power possessed by charcoal of absorbing gases is evidently a particular case of the physical force called adhesion or capillary attraction, whose manifestations are familiar to us in the drinMng up of water by a sponge, or of oil by a lamp- wick. If the charcoal be moistened with water (that is to say. 306 COMBISTATION THHOtTGH CHARCOAL. if its pores be clogged by the interposition of a liquid), its ab- sorbing-power for gases -will be largely diminished. This subject is chiefly interesting to chemists because of its intimate connexion with the power of causing various gases to combine with one another, which is possessed by charcoal as well as by finely divided platinum (§§ 224, 240) and several other sub- stances. In the same way that spongy platinum causes hydrogen and oxygen, or sulphurous acid and oxygen, to unite with one another, chemical combination ensues when mixtures of various gases are brought into contact with charcoal. Though the ab- sorbent power of platinum, as regards gases, can hardly be com- pared with that of charcoal, its power of causing combination is very much greater ; platinum appears to possess, moreover, in a marked degree, the faculty of attracting and attaching to itself small quantities of most gases. Charcoal can be made more efficient as an agent for causing combination, by covering it with a film of platinum. ^ If coarsely powdered charcoal be thoroughly impregnated with bichloride of platinum by boiling it for some time in an aqueous solution of this salt, and if it be then heated to redness in a close crucible in order that the platinum salt may be decomposed, there will be left a residue of platinum everywhere attached to the sides of the pores of the coal. Such platinized coal is very effective, both as an absorbent of gases and as an agent for producing combination. But even by itself charcoal has a very decided influence upon the combination of gases. If recently ignited charcoal be allowed to become charged with dry sulphydric acid gas and then introduced into an atmosphere of oxygen, the elements of the sulphydric acid will combine with the oxygen so quickly that an explosion ensues, and both water and sulphurous acid are produced. If the coal charged with sulphydric acid be brought into contact with air, instead of pure oxygen, combination will occur as before, only more slowly; in this case, however, the hydrogen alone will be consumed, the sulphur of the sulphydric acid being set free in the solid state. Charcoal is much employed as a disinfecting agent. It is capable of removing many offensive odors from the air — such, for CHAfiCOAl, A DlSDrPECTANT. 307 example as the fetid products given off during the putrefaction of animal and vegetable substances. Animal matter in an ad- vanced stage of putrefaction loses all offensive odor when covered ■with a layer of charcoal ; and the flesh of a dead animal buried beneath a thin layer of charcoal will gradually waste away and be consumed without exhaling any unpleasant smeU. Exp. 161. — Place a small quantity of powered charcoal in a bottle containing sulphydric acid gas and shake the bottle. The odor of the sulphydric acid will quickly disappear. In the same way, an aqueous solution of sulphydric acid (Exp. 86) can be deodorized by filtering it through a layer of charcoal. Exp. 162. — In a shallow open basket, or in a box through the bot- tom of which numerous holes have been bored, spread a layer of coarsely powdered boneblack about 5 cm. thick, placing a sheet of filtering-paper below, if need be, to prevent the powder from sifting through the holes in the box. Place the body of a rat or of some other small animal upon the layer of boneblack, and pour on more bone- black until the rat is covered with a layer of it about 5 cm. deep. Hang up the basket or box in a warm room, so that air may have free access to it, and leave it at rest. After the lapse of several weeks it will be found, on examination, that all the putrescible portions of the animal have disappeared, and that nothing is left but a mass of hair and bones ; but in the interim no odor wiU have been de- tected arising from the decomposing animal, excepting a faint odor of ammonia. In the same way, water can be preserved imtainted in casks which have been charred internally ; and the quality of some kinds of wine is improved if it be stored in such casks. In all these cases the use of charcoal £is a disinfectant depends not merely upon its mechanical ability to absorb offensive gases, but also and mainly upon the fact that the absorbed gases are chemically destroyed within the pores of the coal by the oxygen which is sucked into these spaces from the air. The puriiying action depends upon oxidation, upon the burning up of the offen- sive gases as fast as they are formed. The charcoal is in no sense an antiseptic, or preservative agent proper to prevent decay ; on the contrary, it actually hastens the destruction of putrescible organic matters. Under ordinary circumstances, while in con- tact with the air, the pores of charcoal are, of course, always charged with oxygen by virtue of their absorptive power. When- x2 308 OHAECOAX REMOVES COLOES. ever, therefore, any new gaa is dragged in, and forced into inti- mate contact with this oxygen, it is precisely as if the gas had been carefully coUeeted and then subjected to the action of some corrosive chemical agent. A great merit of charcoal as a disin- fectant is, that it constantly draws in to destruction the offensive matters around it ; pans of charcoal placed about a room (the wards of a hospital, for example) the air of which is offensive, soon remove the unpleasant smell. Sieves of charcoal, placed across the air- vents of sewers in such manner that the out-going air may be filtered through the charcoal, are found to be most efficient instruments for destroying the noxious effluvia which commonly escape from these openings. In this case, where a current of air is constantly passing through the charcoal filter, the latter wUl preserve its efficiency for an indefinite length of time, if only it be kept dry ; for the action of the coal consists merely in bringing about oxidation and destruction of the offen- sive gases of the sewer, and as fast as one portion of these is con- sumed a new portion can be taken in to destruction. 388. Charcoal not only destroys odors, but it removes colors as well ; and for this purpose it has long been employed in the purification of sugar and of many chemical and pharmaceutical preparations. Almost any coloring-matter can be removed from a solution by filtering the liquid through a layer of charcoal. Exp. 163. — Provide four small bottles of the capacity of 100 or 200 c. c, and place in each of them a table-spoonful of boneblack (§ 389) ; into the first bottle pour a quantity of the blue compoimd of iodine and starch obtained m Exp. 69, into the second a decoction of cochi- neal, into the third a diluted portion of the blue liquor obtained by dissolving indigo in Nordhausen sulphuric acid, and into the fourth a solution of permanganate of potassium, enough of the solution being taken in each instance to nearly flU the bottle. Cork the bottles and shake them violently, then pour the contents of each upon a filter (see Appendix, § 14), and observe that the filtrate is in each instance color- less or nearly so. In case the first portions of the filtrate happen to come through colored, they may be poured back upon the filter and allowed to again pass through the coal. In the purification of brown sugar the coloring-matters are removed in a manner similar to the foregoing, the colored syrup being filtered through layers of boneblack. Many crystallizable organic acids and alkaloids are purified in the same way in the chemical laboratory. But CHAECOAl REMOVES COLORS. 309 it must never be fol'gotteii that charcoal can absorb many other sub- stances besides coloring-matters; sulphate of quinine, for example, is removed from its solutions, to a very considerable extent, by char- coal ; and the same remark applies, -with perhaps still more force, to strychnine. The bitter principle of the hop, " lupulin," may be en- tirely removed from ale by filtering the latter through bone-black. The removal of metals, like gold and sHver, from their dUute solutions, by means of charcoal, appears to be a phenomenon of the same ordfe In. all ttese cases where coloring-matters, and the like, are re- moved from solutions, the action of the coal appears to depend in the main directly upon the physical property of adhesion, the subsequent oxidizing action being here far less clearly marked than in the instances previously studied (§ 387) where gases are acted upon. Much of the absorbed color or other matter wiE usually be found attached to the surfaces of the coal, undecom- posed and unaltered. Thus, if the coal which has been charged with a solution of indigo in sulphuric acid, in Exp. 163, be digested in a solution of caustic soda, the latter will dissolve the indigo and remove it from the coal ; the alkaloids above men- tioned, which have been removed from their aqueous solutions by means of charcoal, can be again recovered by boiling the coal in alcohol ; and the metals can be dissolved again by means of strong acids. When employed to remove coloring-matters, charcoal soon be- comes saturated with the color and ceases to absorb any more of it ; if the spent coal be then collected and redistilled, it will be found that it has regained but little of its decolorizing-power ; for its pores are filled with charcoal resulting from the carbonization of the absorbed coloring-matters and this charcoal is not porous, but, on the contrary, compact and glistening, like the charcoal obtained from sugar or glue, and is almost entirely destitute of decolorizing-power. In order to revivify their coal, the sugar- refiners digest it in chlorhydiic acid, allow it to ferment in order that the absorbed matters may be decomposed, and, finally, after washing and drying, subject it to distillation. , 389. As obtained from different sources, charcoal exhibits very different degrees of decolorizing-power ; but of the varieties com- monly met with and to be procured in commerce, boneblack is the most efficient. Boneblack is prepared for the use of sugar- 310 DECOLOEIZnfe-POWEK OP OHAHCOAt. refiners by subjecting bones to destructive distillation in iron cylinders and carefuUy cooling the charcoal out of contact with the air. Expi 164. — Repeat Exp. 148, p. 293, but instead of bituminous coal, charge the ignition-tube with coarsely-powdered bone. Distil as long as gas is evolved, then remove the delivery-tube from the water, plug it by means of a bit of caoutchouc tube and a glass rod, and wait until the ignition-tube is cold, before opening it to examine the boneblack. Dry bones contain only about one-third their weight of organic matter, nearly 66 per cent, of them consisting of phosphate of calcium, in the interstices of which the animal matter is distri- buted ; hence it happens that the charcoal obtained by distilling bones is in an exceedingly porous and divided condition. The decolorizing-power of bone-charcoal may, moreover, be increased by digesting it in dilute chlorhydric acid, which dissolves out a portion of the phosphate of calcium and leaves the charcoal even more jjorous than before. But because boneblack is most commonly employed for de- colorizing, it must not therefore be inferred that it is the most powerful decolorizer of the several varieties of charcoal. A more efficient coal can easily be prepared by mixing nitrogenized organic matters, such as blood, hoofs, horns, or scraps of leather, with carbonate of potassium, distilling the mixture, and finally leaching the product with water. Charcoal of peculiar decolorizing-power may be prepared by igniting a mixture of 4 parts of fresh blood and 1 part of carbonate of potassium in an iron crucible, so long as vapors are evolved, then washing the product with water and boiling it with chlorhydric acid, and again washing, drying, and igniting in a close vessel. A solution of horn-filings in caustic potash, evaporated to dryness and ignited, also yields a very effective charcoal. As with boneblack, the efficiency of this coal prepared with caustic or carbonated potash appears to depend upon the minute subdivision of its particles and the porosity re- sulting from the mixture of the inorganic matter. The decolo- rizing-power of the charcoal obtained from vegetable substances can be in like manner increased by m ixing these substances with lime or clay before the carbonization. A mixture of 100 parts pipe-clay, stirred up with water to the consistence of a thin paste, DECOLORIZINS-POWBR OF CHAECOAI,. 311 20 parts of tar, and 500 parts of powdered bituminous coal yields a charcoal which decolorizes almost as well as boneblack. It is, however, no very easy matter to determine which, of a number of varieties of charcoal, is the most powerful decolorizer, since the decolorizing-power differs with the nature of the coloring- matter as well as according to the quality of the charcoal. It has been found, for example, that with BQUAi WEIGHTS OF CHAEOOAi PREPARED By THE RELATIVE DECOLOKIZING- POWBR Upmi a aohiHon qf indigo m sulphu- ric acid was Upon a solution of brown sugar was Igniting a mixture of blood and car- bonate of potassium Igniting a mixture of blood and car- bonate of calcium Igniting a mixture of blood and phosphate of calcium .... Igniting a mixture of glue and car- bonate of potassium Igniting acetate of sodium . . . Digesting boneblack with chlorhy- dric acid Ordinary boneblack 50 18 12 36 12 1-9 1-9 1 20 11 10 16 9 1-3 1-6 1 390. Compounds of Carbon and Hydrogen are exceedingly numerous. There are many diiferent series of them, each mem- ber of either of these series differing but slightly from its next neighbors in composition and properties. But aU. these substances are commonly classed as organic compounds ; they constitute a special branch of chemical science called organic chemistry, and are not discussed in works which treat of aU the elements com- monly met with, without special reference to any one. This sub- division of the general subject is resorted to merely for convenience ; there is no inherent reason why the compounds of hydrogen and carbon should not be studied in this manual as well as the com- pounds of hydrogen and oxygen. But since carbon is capable of uniting with hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen, or with two of these elements, or with all three of them, in the most varied propor- tions, there are formed so many different compounds, that it has been found advantageous to study them by themselves. 312 ORGANIC CHEMISTRT. The best definition of the so-called organic chemistry which can be given to-day, is, that it is the Chemistry of the Compounds of Carbon. The department of organic chemistry has grown out of ordinary chemistry solely because of the fact that the com- pounds of carbon with hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are more numerous, and often of more complex composition, than the com- pounds formed by any of the other elements. These compounds of carbon with hydrogen, and with the other elements, are all definite chemical compounds conforming to the law of multiple- proportions (§ 76) ; but they count by thousands, and the mere enumeration of their names and properties would fill a volume. 391. As examples of the series of compounds of carbon and hydrogen, to which allusion was just now made, the following lists may be given : — BoOs at ° C. Boik at° C. BoUs at ° C. CH^ CH, C^H^ gA C3H„ C^, . . 80° C.H, . . -30° GiH, . . 6° C,H, . . 110° 0,H„ . . 0° C,H,„ . . 35° C,H„ . . 140° G.H,, . . 30° C3H,, . . 65° C,H,, . . 170° C.Hii . . 60° C,H,, . . 95° C,H,e . . 90° G,H„ . . 125° The first series of the compounds above formulated is found in petroleum, and in the oil known as coal-oil, obtained by distil- ling highly bituminous coals and shales at comparatively low tem- peratures ; the petroleum used for lighting contains aU these different compounds, together with others of the same class. The second series may generally be obtained by the destructive distillation of various organic compounds ; and the members of the third series are found in the most volatile portion of coal-tar — the tar obtained by distilling bituminous coal at high tempera- tures, as in the manufacture of illuminating gas. It wiU be observed that there is a constant difference of one atom of carbon and two atoms of hydrogen (CH^) between any two contiguous compounds enumerated in the lists. The boiling- points of the several members exhibit a constant difference of 30° for each increment of CH^, as we go down the lists, so far as has been determined ; and so with aU the other physical properties, such as specific gravity, mobility, expansibility by heat, and the HOMOLOGOUS SERIES. 313 like ; the intensity of these properties increases or decreases re- gularly, in a constant ratio, as we pass from one member of the series to the members next in order. Such series are called " homologouB " series (having the same proportion) ; they are clearly analogous to the groups, families, or series of elements which we have already studied in chlorine, bromine, and iodine (§ 152), in oxygen, sulphur, selenium, and tellurium (§ 257), in nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth (§ 364), and are now proceeding to study in carbon, boron, and silicon. Just as in these groups of elements the student has seen a true serial arrangement of the different members, and has observed that the different terms of each series differ from one another in atomic weight and exhibit parallel differences in the intensity of their properties, so here in each of the homologous series of hydrocar- bons there have been observed similar constant differences. In the series of hydrocarbons, we know that there is a constant dif- ference of composition of CH^ ; and this difference of composition we believe to be at the bottom of the constant difference of phy- sical properties ; but to the cause of the constant differences in the homologous series of elements we have, as yet, no clew. The power of arranging numerous aUied compounds into groups or series, like those enumerated upon page 312, has been of great service to chemists in facilitating the study of the com- pounds of carbon. For every such series a general algebraic expression has been devised which serves as the name of the series. Like any other name, this concise expression brings before the mind of the chemist the general properties of the series. Thus the expression C^^^^^ is general for the first series above mentioned, CJS^ for the second, and C^ ^ jHjn for the third. In this manual we shaU. describe only one of the compounds of carbon and hydrogen, a compound which occurs ready formed in nature. 392. Marsh-gas, or Light CarbureUed Hydrogen (CEJ, is a permanent gas which constitutes a large proportion of the ordi- nary illuminating gas obtained from coal. It is disengaged in large quantities from some sorts of bituminous coal, even at the ordinary temperature of the air, and more rapidly at higher tem- 314 PEEPAEATION OF MAESH-GAS. peratures. In coal mines the gas thus given off is known a3 " fire-damp ; " hy mixing with air, in the galleries of badly ven- tilated mines, it forms explosive mixtures, which frequently occa- sion frightful accidents when ignited through carelessness. The gas is evolved also, in large quantities, from the mud at the bottom of stagnant pools ; it is one of the products of the putre- faction of vegetable matter under water, where the supply of air is insufficient to oxidize the matter completely to carbonic acid and water ; hence the name marsh-gas. In hot weather marsh-gas can be obtained by thrusting a pole into the mud at the bottom of a pond and collecting the bubbles of gas as they rise, by holding over them an inverted bottle full of water. When the bottle has been filled with gas it should be corked tightly under water, and carried to the laboratory for examination. The gas thus obtained is contaminated with nitrogen and with a large quantity of carbonic acid, these gases being set free, together with marsh-gas, during the process of putrefaction. Before the gas thus collected will bum, it is usually found necessary to remove from it the carbonic acid; this caq be done by pouring into the bottle a small quantity of a so- lution of caustic soda, or some milk of lime, closing and shaking the bottle, and finally removing the stopper under water. The bottle may then be placed upright and a lighted match applied to the gas ; it will take fire and burn with a blue flame, the size of which may be in- creased by pouring water into the bottle so that the gas shall be driven out into the air. The gas may be prepared artificially as follows : — „ _„ Exp. 165. Mis together 2 grms. of °' ' crystallized acetate of Bodium,4gnns. of caustic soda, and 8 grms. of slaked lime. Heat the mixture gently upon an iron plate, uutU all the water of crystallization of the acetate has been expelled and the mass has be- come dry and friable. Charge an ignition-tube 20 cm. long with the dry powder, heat it above the gas- lamp,and collect thegas at the water- pan, as shown in Fig. 53. Carbu- retted hydrogen is evolved from the mixture at a temperature below redness, and a residue of carbonate of sodium is left in the ignition- tube. The purpose of the lime is to render the mass porous and in- PKOPEKiraS OP MAESH-GAS. 315 fusible, or nearly infusible, so that the tube may he heated equably. If caustic soda is heated with the acetate ■without addition of lime, the tube usually breaks, even when the mixture has been dried before- hand. The reaction may be represented as foUows : — O^HjNaOs + NaHO = CH, + Na^COa. Bry Acetate of Hydrate of ^ , ^ Carbonate of Sodium. Sodium. Marsh-bras. Sodium. 393. Marsh-gas is transparent, colorless, and little more than half as heavy as air. Next to hydrogen it is the lightest known substance, its specific gravity being only 8. It takes fire readily when touched with a lighted match, but is nevertheless more difficult of inflammation than most of the other combustible com- pounds of hydrogen. While free hydrogen and sulphuretted hydrogen can be lighted by a glass rod which has been heated to dull redness, the rod must be raised to the temperature of bright redness, or even to a white heat, in order that it may kindle marsh-gas. As prepared from acetate of potassium, the gas burns with a pale yeUowish-blue flame. It is rather more solu- ble in water than oxygen ; at 0° one volume of water dissolves 0-055 volume of it. It has never been condensed to the liquid condition. 394. We have, thus far, observed three different proportions in which the other elements unite with hydrogen. The members of the chlorine group unite vrith hydrogen, by preference, in the proportion of one volume to one volume; one volume of any member of the sulphur group combines, by preference, with two volumes of hydrogen ; one atom of any member of the nitrogen group unites, by preference, with three atoms of hydrogen. The condensation increases in direct ratio to the increasing proportion of hydrogen, so that, in every case, two volumes only of the re- sultant compound are produced. We have thus become familiar with the fact that the space occupied by the molecule of a com- pound gas is always two unit-volumes (§ 258). An examina- tion of the molecule of marsh-gas will reveal a fourth kind of hydrogen-compound — a compound containing in the product- volume (§ 260) four volumes of hydrogen condensed. It is not difficult to prove experimentally that two volumes of marsh-gas yield, on decomposition, four volumes of hydrogen ; but, unfor- 316 AlfALYSIS 01' MABSH-GAS. tunately, it is not within our power to demonstrate, by experi- ment, the volume of carbon with which these four volumes of hy- drogen are combined ; for carbon is a solid incapable of volatiliza- tion by the intensest heat at present at our command. We are able to determine the combining volume of each constituent of chlor- hydric acid, steam, and ammonia ; but we have no positive know- ledge whatever concerning the manner in which carbon enters iato combination by volume. Its combining proportion by weight can be ascertained ; but it must be carefully observed that all views respecting the volumetric composition of the very numerous compounds of carbon are p\irely speculative, so far as the carbon is concerned, until carbon shall have been actually volatilized and its vapor weighed. That marsh-gas reaUy contains hydrogen and carbon may be readily proved by bringing into play, under appropriate condi- tions, the strong affinity of chlorine for hydrogen. Chlorine will set free carbon from marsh-gas, just as it liberates nitrogen from ammonia (Exp. 67). Exp. 166.— Fill a tall bottle of the capacity of 250 or, better, 500 c. c. with water, invert it over the water-pan, and pass marsh-gas into it, until a little more than one-third of the water is displaced ; cover the bottle with a thick towel to exclude the light, and then fill the rest of the bottle with chlorine. Cork the bottle tightly, and shake it vigorously, in order to mix the gases together, keeping the bottle always covered with the towel. Finally, open the bottle and apply a light to the mixture. Ignition takes place, chlorhydric acid is pro- duced, while the sides and mouth of the bottle become coated with solid carbon in the form of lampblack, and a cloud of smoke rises into the air. The presence of the acid may be proved by the smell, by its reaction with moistened blue litmus-paper, and by the white fumes which are generated when a rod moistened with ammonia-water is brought into contact with the escaping acid gas. Carbon and hydrogen are therefore elementary constituents of marsh-gas. We should be glad to add the synthetical to the analytical demonstration, and make marsh-gas out of carbon and hydrogen ; but no means are at present known by which these two elements can be directly combined to form marsh-gas. As in the case of ammonia, we are obliged to rely upon the assu- rance of the balance that the sum of the weights of the two con- ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CARBON. 31 7 stituents separated from a given quantity of marsh-gas is precisely equal to the weight of the marsh-gas submitted to analysis. The experimental process by which this fact is demonstrated is too complex to be profitably studied at this stage of progress, and the fact must therefore be accepted as the result of experience. 395. It remains to show how the investigation of the composi- tion of the product-volume of marsh-gas leads to the knowledge of the atomic weight, or least combining weight, of the element carbon. Marsh-gas is the compound best suited for ascertaining the atomic weight of carbon, because experience has proved that it contains proportionally less carbon than any other hydride of the element. We determined the atomic weight of oxygen from steam, the hydrogen compound which contains the smallest pro- portion of oxygen, — of chlorine from chlorhydric acid, the only hydride of chlorine, — of nitrogen from ammonia, the hydride which contains the smallest proportion of nitrogen. So the atomic weight of carbon is the weight of carbon which experiment proves to be contained in two unit- volumes of marsh-gas. By physical determinations, the specific gravity of marsh-gas has been shown to be 8 ; in other words, one unit- volume of marsh-gas weighs 8 ; then two imit-volumes, or the product-volume, must weigh 16. How much of this weight of 16 is hydrogen ? This question can be answered experimentally by ascertaining how many unit- volumes of hydrogen are locked up in two unit-volumes of marsh- gas. When a series of electric sparks begin to traverse a measured volume of marsh-gas contained in a TJ-tube, arranged like the U-tube of figure 11, but without the jacket, b c, and its accom- paniments, the gas is found to expand, and in a few minutes a light deposit of carbon appears in the vicinity of the points of the platinum wires. The decomposition of the marsh-gas pro- ceeds slowly; so that a considerable time is required for the execution of the experiment. If the mercury in the U-tube be finaEy brought to a level in the two limbs, it will be seen that the original volume of gas has very nearly doubled. When this point is once attained, the continued transmission of sparks pro- duces no further increase of the volume of the gas. The expanded gas may be shown by the usual tests to be hydrogen. 318 ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CAKBON. yhis experiment is rather difficult to perform, and does not yield perfectly exact results, for a minute portion of marsh-gas escapes decomposition ; nevertheless it establishes beyond rea- sonable doubt the fact that marsh-gas contains twice its volume of hydrogen. Two unit-volumes of marsh-gas, weighing 16, must therefore contain four unit-volumes of hydrogen ; but four unit- volumes of hydrogen weigh 4 ; therefore the quantity of carbon contained in the product- volume of marsh-gas must weigh 12, which number we admit as the atomic weight of carbon. But it may be said. What means have we of knowing that 12 represents the least combining weight of carbon ? (for the atom is by definition the least quantity of an element which can be con- ceived to exist in combiaation). If it were possible to demon- stratethat the proportional quantity by weight of carbon which is represented by the number 12 is just the quantity required to fill one unit-volume when converted into vapor, we should have the same reason for believing 12 to be the weight of one atom of carbon that we have for considering 16 to be the weight of one atom of oxygen, or 35-5 the weight of one atom of chlorine. As we cannot convert carbon into vapor at all, it is impossible to ascertain with certainty how many atoms, or how many volumes, 12 proportional parts by weight of carbon really represent ; the quantity of carbon which is combined with four atoms of hydro- gen in marsh-gas may be four atoms, each weighing 3, or two atoms, each weighing 6, or one atom weighing 12. As it is necessary to assume some number of atoms as represented by the proportional weight 12, that assumption which wiU conveniently formulate the simplest and most familiar compounds of carbon will be the best. Accordingly it has, of late, been assumed that 12 proportional parts by weight of carbon constitute the least quantity of this element which is conceived to enter into chemical combiaation, or, in other words, that the atomic weight of carbon is 12. The atom of carbon, thus understood, can then fix, or com- biae with, four atoms of hydrogen or of any member of the chlo- rine group, and two atoms of oxygen or of any other member of the sulphur group. The following substances, fa mili ar in com- mon life, or subjects of discussion in this chapter, may be men- tioned in illustration of this principle : — ITPICAI HTBEOSEN COMPOUNDS. 319 Marsh-gas . . . CH^ Carbonic acid . . . COj OMoroform . . . CHOI3 Bisulphide of carbon . CSj Chloride of carbon CCl^ If it were assumed that 12 proportional parts by weight, the relative quantity of carbon in each of the above-mentioned com- pounds, represent two or four atoms or volumes of carbon, instead of one, every one of these formulae would become less simple. There are a great multitude of compounds which contain a larger proportional quantity of carbon than the compounds cited above ; but the greater proportional quantity is always some multiple of 12 proportional parts, or, in other words, is always an integral number of carbon atoms each weighing 12. In marsh-gas we have thus found a new term in the series of hydrogen compounds. Marsh-gas is an example and type of the hydrides richest in hydrogen ; so far as we yet know, hydrogen does not form, with any element whatsoever, any compound whereof the product- volume contains more than four atoms of hydrogen united with one atom of the other element. The fol- lowing brief table comprehends aU the principal types of hj'dro- gen compounds, beginning with chlorhydric acid, the poorest hydride, and passing through water and ammonia, intermediate compounds, to marsh-gas, the hydride richest in hydrogen : — Chlorhydric acid HCl = 2 volumes. Water B.fi = 2 Ammonia • . HjN = 2 „ Marsh-gas H^C,= 2 „ Each of these types of hydrogen compounds characterizes a group of chemical elements. The first type is characteristic of the chlo- rine group ; the second, of the sulphur group ; the third, of the nitrogen group ; and the fourth, of the group which we shall soon know as the carbon group. 396. The compounds of carbon and hydrogen are of great practical interest, since the flame of all ordinary lamps and fires results from their combustion. Any allusion to their properties at oace suggests the influence which these properties exert in the usual methods of obtaining light and heat, and necessitates a more complete discussion of the subjects of flame and combustion than we have had hitherto. We shall recur to this subject in a 320 lUTTMINATIlfG GAS. subsequent section, after having studied the oxides of carbon. For the elucidation of the subject of combustion, ordinary illumi- nating gas, which is a mixture of many hydrides of carbon, will serve as well as any pure hydrocarbon. A brief description of this product may here be given. About 94-100th8 of the volume of purified coal-gas consists of a mixture of marsh-gas, free hydrogen, and carbonic oxide, — the marsh-gas usually amounting to about one-third part of the whole gas. These non^luminous, or very feebly luminous gases, serve as carriers of the six or seven per cent, of real light- producing ingredients which are contained in the gas. This mixture of light-giving ingredients is exceedingly complex. The vapor of benzole is, no doubt, one of the most important of these ingredients. Some of the higher homologues of marsh-gas lend their aid ; and a hydrocarbon of composition C^H^, called acety- lene, is important and very generally present. Sometimes a little defiant gas (C^H^) is present, as well as other compounds of the same homologous series ; but the old view, that this substance constitutes the chief luminiferous ingredient of coal-gas, is no longer admitted. For all practical purposes, we can here regard this mixture of gases as carburetted hydrogen. That it contains hydrogen, can readily be shown by holding a cold, dry bottle over a burn- ing jet of it, and observing that water is a product of the com- bustion ; and that it contains carbon can be seen by holding in the flame a piece of cold porcelain, and noting the deposition of soot. Coal-gas is only about half as heavy as air. In many respects it resembles hydrogen, and most of the experiments which were performed with hydrogen can be equally, or nearly, as well performed with this gas. The student will do well to repeat, as an example, Exp. 24, substituting, for the hydrogen, common gas drawn from the street mains. In the same way he may repeat Exp. 29, mixing 1 volume of coal-gas with from 8 to 12 volumes of air. If, instead of coal-gas, pure light car- buretted hydrogen be taken, the explosion wiU be most violent with 8 to 10 volumes of air ; with only 3 or 4 volumes of air, or more than 15 volumes, the mixture is not explosive ; either too much or too little air prevents the explosion. CAEBON AND OXTOEir. 321 Compounds of Carbon and Oxygen. — There are two of these compounds — carbonic acid (CO^), and carbonic oxide (CO). 397. Carbonic Acid (CO^) is always formed when carbon or any of its compounds is burned in an excess of air or of oxygen gas, or in contact with substances, gaseous, liquid, or solid, which are rich in oxygen and yield it readily to other bodies. i:xp. 167. — Place a live coal (charcoal) upon a deflagrating-spoon, and thrust it into a bottle full of aii-, or, better, oxygen gas ; cover the bottle closely, and set it aside for examination. Or invert an empty bottle over a burning lamp or candle, so that the products of the combustion of the lamp may he received in it ; the bottle wiU immediately become clouded upon the inside from deposition of water resulting from the combus- tion (see § 56), and will also be filled with carbonaceous and other gaseous products, simultaneously formed. Cover the bottle and test its contents in the manner described in the succeeding experiment. Exp. 168. — Pour some lime-water (a solution of common slaked lime in water) into the bottles filled with gaseous products of com- bustion in Exp. 167, and shake the bottles. The Uquid wiU become mUky and turbid, and, when left at rest, will deposit a white powder (carbonate of calcium). The presence of carbonic acid can readily be detected by means of lime-water, since this insoluble precipitate of carbonate of calcium is formed when the two substances are brought together. The bottles of gas obtained in Exp. 167, wiU, of course, con- tain, besides carbonic acid, a quantity of nitrogen derived from the air which took part in the combustion, unless, indeed, as was suggested, the charcoal be burned in pure oxygen. It is to be observed that, in all ordinary cases of combustion, whether of wood, coal, wax, or oil, there result these same gaseous products — carbonic acid and nitrogen; they ascend, as iavisible aerial currents, from every well-regulated flame or fire, and are con- tinually issuing from the chimneys of our houses, though, in the absence of the particles of solid carbon, or of condensed aqueous vapor, which constitute smoke, we can see no product of the combustion. Bxp. 169. — As was just now said, carbonic acid may be produced also by heating carbon in contact with solid bodies which contain oxy- gen, such, for example, as the red oxide of mercury. Mix 11 grammes 322 PEEPARATION OF CABBONIC ACID. of red oxide of mercury with 0'83 grm. of charcoal ; place the mixture in an ignition-tube, arranged as in figure 53 ; heat the tube and collect over water the gas which is evolved. Test the product with lime- water, as in Exp. 168. The reaction between the charcoal and the oxide of mercury may be written as follows : — 2HgO + = 00^ 4- 2Hg. The metallic mercury set free condenses in droplets upon the cold upper portions of the ignition- tube. Here, again, as ia Exps. 124, 155, the metallic oxide is reduced by the charcoal. 398. Carbonic acid may readily be obtained from certain com- pounds called carbonates, several of which are abundant minerals. Common chalk, marble, and limestone, for example, are com- posed of carbonate of calcium ; and carbonic acid can readily be obtained by strongly heating them, or by subjecting them to the action of strong acids. Exp. 170. — Place two or three grammes of coarsely-powdered marble in an ignition-tube provided with a gas delivery-tube bent at a right angle ; place the ignition-tube upon the iron stand over the gas-lamp, and dip the outer opening of the delivery-tube into a small bottle containing lime-water ; heat the marble strongly, and observe the white precipitate which forms in the lime-water as the carbonic acid gas comes in contact with it. The carbonate of calcium, thus precipitated by bringing together carbonic acid and oxide of calcium, is chemically identical with the chalk or marble from which the acid was expelled. In actual practice enormous quantities of carbonic acid are expelled from limestone in this way for the sake of the quicklime which is left as a residue ; but the carbonic acid, thus expelled by heat, is rarely collected, for a more convenient method of procuring it is to treat the lime- stone with some acid capable of expelling the carbonic acid. Bxp. 171. — In a gas-bottle of 500 or 600 c. c. capacity, arranged precisely as for generating hydro- gen (see Exp. 19), place 10 or 12 grms. of chalk or marble in small lumps; cover the chalk with Fig. 55. PEEPAKATION 01' CARBONIC ACID. 323 water, and pour in througli the thistle-tute concentrated chlorhydiic acid, by small portions, in such quantity as shall insure a continuous and equable evolution of gas. Collect several bottles of the gas over water, then replace the anterior portion of the delivery-tube with a straight tube and collect one or two bottles of the gas by displace- ment ; carbonic acid gas is half as heavy again as air. The reaction between the carbonate of calcium and the chlorhydric acid may be thus formulated : — CaCO, + 2HC1 = CaClj + H^O + 00^. When chalk is the material operated upon, sulphuric acid may be sub- stituted with advantage for the chlorhydric acid ; for the latter, being rather easUy volatile, is liable to be carried forward by the current of carbonic acid, and to contaminate the product. When carbonic acid is prepared for commercial prnposes by the action of an acid upon car- bonate of calcium, sulphiuic acid is almost always the acid employed, and marble-dust the substance acted upon : — CaCO, + HjSOi = CaSO, + HjO -|- CO^. With a porous material, like chalk, this action occurs readily ; but in attempting to operate upon compact varieties of carbonate of calcium such as marble, difficulties are encountered, unless the carbonate be in the state of powder. The sulphate of calcium, which is a product of the reaction, is a rather difficultly soluble substance, and, being depo- sited upon the surface of the marble, soon covers it with a coating so thick and impermeable that the action of the sulphuric acid upon the marble is well nigh completely arrested. Carbonate of calcium being cheaper than most other carbonates, is more commonly employed than any other as a source of carbonic acid ; but it is sometimes convenient to substitute for it the cai-bonate of sodium, or of potassium (saleratus), or even of ammonium, since car- bonic acid is given off from these compounds very quickly and abun- dantly. A self-regulating gas-generator, such as is represented in Fig. xxviii. of the Appendix, charged with large solid lumps of the com- mercial carbonate of ammonium and chlorhydric acid, is, perhaps, the most convenient apparatus which can be employed for preparing the gas upon the lecture-table. 399. At the ordinary atmospheric temperature and pressure, carbonitt acid is a transparent, colorless gas, of a slightly acid smell and taste. It is incombustible, being abeady the product of the complete combustion of carbon, and is, moreover, incapable of supporting the combustion of most other bodies, since the oxygen 324 PEOPBBTIES OF CAEBONIC ACID. contained in it is very firmly held ; like nitrogen, it immediately extinguishes burning bodies which are immersed in it. Uxp. 172. — ^Thrust into a bottle of the gas obtained in Exp. 171, a lighted candle, or, better, a large flame of alcohol burning upon a tuft of cotton; in either case the flame will be instantly extinguished. The specific heat of gaseous carbonic acid, between 10° and 200°, is 0-2169. Its specific gravity is 22 ; being thus 1-53 as heavy as air, it can be poured from one vessel to another almost as readily as if it were water. Krp. 173. — Invert a bottle filled with carbonic acid upon another bottle of equal size filled with air, in such manner that the mouth of the upper inverted bottle shall rest upon the mouth of the lower bottle. After the lapse of several minutes, thrust a burning splinter of wood into each of the bottles ; in the upper bottle the splinter wiU continue to bum, for into this bottle the air from the lower bottle has ascended ; while in the lower bottle, now full of carbonic acid, the splinter will be extinguished. JExp. 174. — From a large bottle full of the gas, pour a quantity of carbonic acid upon the flame of a lamp or candle ; that is to say, hold the mouth of the open bottle of carbonic acid obliquely over the candle- flame so that the gas shall fall like water upon it ; the flame will im- mediately be extinguished. 400. Owing to tbe great weight of carbonic acid, it often fails to rise out of wells and other cavities in the earth, in which it is generated by the decomposition or decay of organic substances. Before allowing workmen to descend into any such place, where there is reason to suspect the presence of carbonic acid, a burning candle should first be lowered ; if the candle be extinguished, or even if it bum feebly, the noxious character of the air is indicated, and measures should at once be taken to purify the locality by ventilation or otherwise. One way of removing the carbonic acid is to absorb it by means of some chemical agent, such as slaked lime (hydrate of calcium) or potash-lye. The slaked lime is most efiioient as an absorbent when neither very wet nor very dry ; it should not be dry enough to be dusty, nor yet noticeably moist. If a quantity of it be suspended in the well, or thrown upon the floor of the cellar containing carbonic acid, this gas wiU quickly combine with the lime to form carbonate of calcium, as inExp. 168. Another good method is to lower down a chafing-dish full of VENTILATION OP TTELIS. 325 brightly glowing charcoal ; if the carbonic acid be present in such quantity that the test-candle has been extinguished by it, the charcoal will, in like manner, be immediately extinguished, and, in cooling, will rapidly absorb this gas (see § 385), together with any nitrogen which may be present ; a current of fresh air will, in this way, be induced to flow into the weU. If, by the candle test, but little carbonic acid be found in the well, it would, of course, be best to extinguish the charcoal before lowering it into the im- pure air ; this can readily be done by covering it up tightly in an iron kettle. It should be distinctly understood that the accumulation of carbonic acid in wells and caves is a consequence of the low difiPusive power of the gas (see § 53). Carbonic acid mixes with air very slowly ; but when once mixed with air it has no further tendency to settle down, or to separate itself in any way. JExp. 175. — Over a bottle flUed with carbonic acid gas, invert an- other bottle full of air, in such manner that the mouth of the air- bottle shall rest upon that of the upright bottle full of carbonic acid. After some hours, pour lime-water into each of the bottles and shake them ; a precipitate of carbonate of calcium will he formed in both cases, for a part of the carbonic acid wiU, by this time, have ascended out of the lower into the upper bottle. The two gases have, in fact, become intimately mixed or blended ; the heavy carbonic acid has difiFused upwards into the air, and the lighter atmospheric air has dif- fused downwards into the carbonic acid, just as, in a previous experi- ment, we have seen hydrogen and oxygen diffuse into each other. (Fig. 20, p. 43.) The great importance of this diffusion of gases, in the economy of nature, is well illustrated by the case now under consideration. When- ever, as in the processes of respiration and combustion, oxygen is with- drawn from and carbonic acid thrown into the air, the carbonic acid, and the nitrogen with which it is accompanied, immediately mix with the surrounding air and distribute themselves through the atmosphere. The composition of the atmosphere is thus maintained uniform all over the globe, in spite of the constant removal from it of oxygen in some localities, and the addition of carbonic acid in others. It is only in confined places, where nearly pure carbonic acid is produced more rapidly than it can pass off by diffusion, that the gas accumulates to any appreciable extent. The singular facility with which gases, and particularly hydrogen, 326 DIPFUSION OF GASES. traverse porous bodies is very strikinglY illustrated by the following experiment, which our acquaintance with carbonic acid now enables us to perform : — Through a large glass tube, a smaller tube of porous, unglazed earthenware is passed, and the ends of the glass tube are tightly closed by the corks which hold the porous tube. By the tube Fig. 56. a, a rather rapid stream of carbonic acid is brought from a self-regu- lating generator into the annular space between the two tubes, while, by the tube b, a slower current of hydrogen is introduced into the inner porous tube. It would be expected that hydrogen should be found in the cylinder d, and carbonic acid in the cylinder c ; but, on the con- ti'ary, an inflammable gas is found in c, and in the cylinder d carbonic acid pure enough to extinguish a burning splinter. The hydrogen dif- fuses almost instantaneously into the annular space, and the carbonic acid enters the inner tube to replace the issuing hydrogen. 401. When pure, or nearly pure, carbonic acid is irrespirable ; it produces spasms in the respiratory passages, and is thus pre- vented from entering the lungs. When so far diluted with air as to admit of being respired, it acts as a narcotic poison ; it is, how- ever, far less poisonous than the other oxide of carbon, carbonic oxide, directly to be described. 402. Carbonic acid gas is soluble in water to a considerable extent. One measure of water, at the ordinary temperatore and pressure, will dissolve one measure of carbonic acid gas ; but its solubility increases if the pressure be increased. Exp. 176. — Into a long-necked flask or phial fiUed with carbonic acid, pour a quantity of water, close the bottle with the finger, and shake it ; immerse the mouth of the bottle in water, and remove the finger, water will rush into the bottle to supply the place of the gas which has been dissolved. Again place the flmger upon the mouth of SOUJBILIIT OP CARBONIC ACID. 327 the bottle, shaie the bottle as before, and subsequently open it beneath the surface of the water ; a fresh portion of water will flow into the bottle to supply the new vacuum ; in this way, by repeated agitation with water, all of the carbonic acid in the bottle can be absorbed. Owing to this solubility in water, some carbonic acid is always lost when the gas is collected over water as in Exp. 171 ; but since consi- derable time is required to absorb all the gas, there is little objection to collecting it over water. 403. When subjected to increased pressure, carbonic acid gas dissolves in water much more abundantly than at the ordinary pressure of the air ; under a pressure of two atmospheres, one measure of water vrill dissolve two measures of the gas ; under a pressure of three atmospheres, it will dissolve three measures, and so on. Water thus surcharged with carbonic acid has an agree- able, acid, pungent taste, and effervesces briskly when the com- pression is suddenly removed, as when the liquid is allowed to flow out into the air ; such carbonic acid water, or " mineral water," as it is then called, flows from the earth in many locali- ties, as at Seltzer and Saratoga ; it is also prepared, artiflciaUy, in large quantities, and sold as a beverage under the meaningless name of soda-water. Carbonic acid water possesses solvent powers far greater than those of pure water ; few minerals are capable of resisting its long-continued action ; hence the waters of the springs from which it issues are usually highly charged with saline and mineral ingredients, and are often of medicinal value. 404. The effervescent qualities of fermented liquors, such as cider, champagne, and beer, are in like manner dependent upon the presence of compressed carbonic acid gas. In all these cases the carbonic acid is of value, not only on account of the agreeable pungency which it imparts to the beverage, but also because of the fact that in escaping from solution and assuming the gaseous condition, it absorbs a very considerable amount of heat, and so cools the Kquid which contained it. 405. Carbonic acid is widely diffused in nature. Traces of it occur in the air and in water everywhere ; and there are many localities, besides the mineral springs before-mentioned, where it issues from the earth in large quantities, notably in several vol- 328 EBBMENTAIIOlf. canio districts. It is produced not only in the actual combustion of all substances which contain carbon, but also during the decay and putrefaction of all animal and vegetable substances. During fermentation it is evolved in large quantities, and it is continually given off during the respiration of animals. Exp. 177. — Put one or two table-spoonfuls of coarse meal into a bottle of about 250 c. c. capacity ; cover tbe meal with water, and con- nect the bottle, by means of a cork and glass tube, with a second bottle filled about three cm. deep with lime-water ; the delivery-tube must reach into the lime-water. Out of the top of the second bottle carry a second bent glass tube, whose open end dips into water. The bottle containing the lime-water will, of course, be closed by the cork through which pass the two tubes above described. Keep the apparatus in a warm place ; bubbles of gas will pass from the first into the second flask ; they contain carbonic acid, as may be seen from the precipitate of carbonate of calcium which they produce. Exp. 178. — Dissolve 2 grammes of honey or molasses in 200 c. c. of water ; fiU a large test-tube with the mixture, and add to it a few drops of bakers' or brewers' yeast ; close the open mouth of the test-tube with the thumb, and invert it in a small saucer or porcelain capsule filled with the diluted syrup. Place the saucer and tube, with their contents, in a warm place, having a temperature of about 20° or 30°, and leave them there during 24 hours. In a short time, fermentation sets in, and the sugar of the syrup is gradually converted into alcohol and carbonic acid. C,H,,0, = 202H„0 + 200,. Sugar. Ahohol. The carbonic acid thus formed rises in minute bubbles, causing a gentle effervescence in the liquid, and collects in the upper part of the tube, while the alcohol remains dissolved in the liquid. That the gas ob- tained in this experiment is really carbonic acid, may be proved by transferring some of it into a clean tube at the water-pan, and then testing with lime-water. Exp. 179. — Provide two test-glasses or small bottles ; place in each 15 or 20 c. c. of lime-water ; through a glass tube blow into the lime- water of one of the bottles air coming from the lungs. By means of bellows, to the nozzle of which a gas-deHvery tube has been attached, force through the hme-water of the second bottle a quantity of fresh air. The clear liquid of the first bottle will quickly become turbid through deposition of carbonate of calcium, while the lime-water of the second bottle wiU remain clear for a long while. EESPIEATIOJf. 329 This experiment may be modified by constructing an apparatus with vaJves, in such manner that the air drawn into the lungs shall he made to pass through one bottle of lime-water, while the air ex- pired goes out through another bottle of lime-water. The contents of the first bottle will remain clear, while the liquid in the other imme- diately becomes turbid. Ordinary fresh air contains only about one 2000th part of carbonic a«id, while air expired from the lungs contains as much as 3 or 4 per cent, of it. Inbreathing, animals inhale oxygen from the air; this oxygen combines with carbon within their bodies and is exhaled as carbonic acid. A crowd of men consume the oxygen of the air, just as lamps or fires consume it ; to carry ofl^ this product of animal com- bustion is one of the objects of systems of ventilation. Air which con- tains even as little as 1 or 2 per cent, of carbonic acid, exerts a very depressing efiect when breathed for any length of time. 406. Prom the foregoing statements it appears that, in the several processes called "life," "fermentation," "decay," and " combustion," there is involved chemical action ; in all of these processes oxygen from the air unites with carbon, while carbonic acid is set free and thrown into the atmosphere. The question now arises. What becomes of all this vast amount of carbonic acid which is constantly coming into our atmosphere from the respira- tion of animals, from fires, from decaying and fermenting. sub- stances, from volcanic fissures, and from various other sources ? If this carbonic acid remained in the air, the latter would quickly become unfit to support animal life. But it is not found that the average proportion of carbonic acid in the air does increase ; on the contrary, all the evidence goes to show that there was, at certain earKer geological epochs, more of it in the air than novr. Many geologists believe that, in the early history of. our globe, there was much more carbonic acid in the air than at present ; hence immense forests arose whose carbon is now stored away in the form of coal ; hence also the formation of enormous beds of limestone covering many parts of the earth's surface, — ^processes of which the faint continuations are now seen in the formation of peat-bogs and coral-reefs. On the other hand, it is not found that the proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere undergoes any appreciable change, in spite of the enormous volume of it which is absorbed in the processes of breathing, combustion, and decay 330 LiaUID CARBONIC ACLD. above enumerated. For, unlike animals, plants, in breathing, take ia carbonic acid and give out oxygen. The leaves of plants are so constructed that they can decompose carbonic acid, fix car- bon for the buUding up of the plant, and set oxygen free. This reciprocal action of plants and animals, tending to maintain un- changed the constitution of the atmosphere, is one of the most wonderful adjustments of nature. 407. Carbonic acid can be liquefied by pressure, and the liquid thus obtained can be solidified by exposure to cold. When the gas is generated in a confined space in a strong vessel, it soon exerts so powerful a pressure that a large portion of it condenses to a transparent, colorless, mobile liquid, somewhat resembling water, though it refracts light less powerfully ; or it may be liquefied by mere cooling to — 106°, under the atmospheric pres- sure. A better way of preparing the liquid acid is to pump the gas, by means of a forcing syringe, into a strong wrought-iron vessel surrounded with pounded ice. The pressure can thus be regularly and methodically increased and the receiver finally filled with the liquid. At 0° a pressure of 36 atmospheres is required, in order that the acid shall remain in the liquid state. Liquid carbonic acid does not mix readily with water or with the fixed oils ; . but with alcohol, ether, petroleum, and similar liquids it is miscible in aU proportions. Its specific gravity is 0-83 at 0°; but it expands to such an extent on being heated, that at 30° its specific gravity is only 0'6. It expands to a greater extent, on the application of heat, than any known substance, even to a greater extent than the gases ; 20 volumes of it at 0° become 29 volumes when the temperature is raised to 30° ; 150 volumes, at 30°, shrink to 100 volumes when the temperature is reduced to — 20°. The liquid acid well illustrates the general fact that liquids expand proportionally much more when heated under a high pressure than under a low one. 408. If the stop-cock of a vessel containing liquid carbonic acid be opened, in such manner that a stream of the liquid shall be forced out into the air, a portion of it at once assumes the gaseous state, and in so doing absorbs so much heat from the re- mainder that the latter solidifies, and is deposited in the form of white flakes like snow. This snow-like substance is slowly con- SOLID CAEBONIC ACID. 331 verted into gas when exposed at the ordinary pressure of the air, and so disappears. Though its temperature is lower than —78°, it may be handled lightly without exciting any special sensation of coldness or pain ; for the gas which it is constantly emitting is a bad conductor of heat, and prevents it from coming into intimate contact with the skin. When, however, the solid acid is forcibly pressed between the fingers, it produces painful blisters, as if it were red-hot iron. In order to use the solid acid for producing low temperatures, it is best to mix it with a small quantity of ether ; in such a mixture quicksilver can readily be frozen, and many gases can be Hquefled or even solidified. If this mixture be placed in the vacuum of an air-pump, a temperature as low as — 100° can be obtained ; and if a tube containing liquid carbonic acid be then placed in the mixture, the liquid will speedily be frozen to a clear transparent mass Uke ice. 409. Carbonic acid gas, on being heated from 0° to 100°, does not expand at the same rate as air and the other permanent gases, but increases in volume to a greater extent than any of them. Upon being heated one degree, it expands 0-003688 its volume at 0°. This behavior is in accordance with the general rule, that those gases expand the most which are most readily condeusable to the liquid state, while those gases which have re- sisted all eiforts to liquify them scarcely show any appreciable differences in the rate of expansion. In the same way, carbonic acid, like the other easily condensable gases (see § 221), does not conform precisely to the law of Mari- otte. At pressures greater than one-third of the pressure of our atmosphere, its volume diminishes more rapidly, with increasing pressure, than would be the case with air and the other permanent gases under the same conditions. 410. Carbonic acid is one of the compound gases which can be split by heat alone into its proximate constituents ; in other words, it exhibits the phenomena of dissociation (§ 300). When the gas is passed through a strongly heated porcelain tube, the gaseous mixture which escapes from the tube contains, besides undecom- posed carbonic acid, notable quantities of carbonic oxide (CO) and oxygen. 411. As has been already stated (§ 399), the oxygen in carbonic 332 BECOMBOSIIION OF CAKBONIO ACID. acid is so strongly held that it cannot be withdrawn by combusti- bles under ordinary circumstances ; but at high temperatures car- bonic acid is decomposed by carbon and by several of the metals— such as iron, zinc, and manganese, besides potassium, sodium, and the other metals of the alkalies and alkaline earths. By the alkaU-metals the oxygen is completely removed from carbonic acid, and carbon is set free ; but by the other agents above-men- tioned, only half the oxygen of the acid is taken away, while car- bonic oxide gas is formed : — CO, + C = 2C0. Phosphorus, also, at high temperatures and in presence of a fixed alkali, decomposes carbonic acid in the same way, and abstracts part of its oxygen. So, too, if a mixture of equal voliunes of hy- drogen and carbonic acid be passed into one end of a red-hot tube, steam and carbonic oxide gas will escape at the other : — CO, + 2H = CO + H,0. The decomposing-power of the alkali-metals, above alluded to, furnishes us one means of partially analyzing carbonic acid. £xp. ISO.^To a gas-bottle in which carbonic acid is being steadily evolved, according to Exp. 171, attach a chloride-of-calcium tube, and beyond this drying-tube a short tube of hard glass, from which an exit-tube leads into a small open bottle, as shown in Fig. 57. When Fig. 57. Ui=c=i=asi 3f==ri the extinction of a lighted match in the open bottle proves the appa- ratus to be full of carbonic acid, thrust into the hard-glass tube a bit of potassium as big as a pea, previously dried between folds of blotting- paper, and then gently heat the potassium with a lamp. The potassium will take fire and bum at the expense of the oxygen of the carbonic acid, and black particles of carbon will be deposited upon the walls of the tube. After the reaction has ceased, and the tube has been allowed COMPOSITION OF CAEBONIC ACID. 333 to become cold, place it in a bottle of water so that the saline mas8 (carbonate of potassium) may dissolve ; the particles of carbon will then be seen more clearly, floating in the liquid ; they may be collected upon a filter. The potassium in this experiment may be replaced by sodium, but in this case a somewhat higher temperature is required. 412. The quantitative composition of carbonic acid may be readily ascertained by the method of synthesis. When a quantity of carbon is burned in a confined and measured volume of oxygen, it is found that the volume of carbonic acid gas produced has sensibly the same bulk as the original oxygen. Hence we con- clude that the normal or product-volume of the molecule of car- bonic acid gas contains two volumes of oxygen, Now two volumes of carbonic acid weigh 44*152, since the weight of the unit-volume, or the specific gravity of carbonic acid, has been found to be 22-076. Subtracting from this weight of the product-volume of the gas 44-152 The weight of two unit-volumes of oxygen (15-969 X 2) . . 31-938 There remains as the weight of the carbon in the product- volume of the gas 12-214 The weight of one atom of carbon is 12, as we have seen above (§ 395), and it follows that the formula of carbonic acid is CO^. From these figures the following percentage composition of car- bonic acid may be deduced : — Carbon 27-66 Oxygen 72-34 100-00 But these results must be regarded merely as approximations to the truth, since the deviation of carbonic acid from the law of Mariotte (§ 409) renders it weU-nigh certain that we have not yet been able to precisely determine, by experiment, the true weight of a unit-volume of this gas. 413. The composition of carbonic acid, however, has been de- termined with very great accuracy by burning a known weight of pure carbon in a stream of oxygen gas and carefully collecting and weighing the carbonic acid produced. In order to do this, the product of the combustion of the carbon, together with the excess of oxygen, is made to flow through U-tubes 334 SYNTHESIS OF CABBONIC ACIH CAKBOJTATBS. (Appendix, § 15) filled with fragments of hydrate of potassium, a suh- stance which absorbs only the carbonic acid ; the weig^ht of these tubes is determined before the commencement of the experiment and again at its close, the increase of weight during the experiment being, of course, referable to the carbonic acid absorbed. Knowing, then, the weight of the carbon taken and the weight of the carbonic acid into which it has been converted by uniting with oxygen, a very simple calculation, as before, gives us the percentage composition of the acid. Experiments of this kind have yielded the following result : — Carbon 27-27 Oxygen 7273 10000 It therefore, appears, that, in uniting to form carbonic acid, the elements carbon and oxygen combine in the proportion of 3 parts by weight of carbon to 8 parts by weight of oxygen, or in the proportion of 12 to 32. If the number 72-73 be divided by 16, the number representing the weight of a unit- volume of oxygen, and if the number 100 be divided by 22, the number which, in accordance with the weight of all the evidence thus far accumu- lated must be regarded as the true unit- volume weight of carbonic acid, there will be obtained in each case the same quotient, namely, 4-545 volumes ; whence we conclude, as before, that any volume of carbonic acid contains the same volume of oxygen. 414. Carbonic acid unites with the protoxides of most of the metals to form well-defined salts called carbonates. The greater number of the best-defined carbonates contain only one molecule of base ; but besides the normal carbonates of the general for- mula yLfifiO^ or MjCOg, there are sesquicarbonates of the for- mula 2M,0,3CO^, « bicarbonates " of the formula Mfl,TS.fi,2C0^ or MHCOj, and basic carbonates containing two, three, or more molecules of the base to one of the acid. In general the term basic salt is applied to all salts in which; as in the carbonates last named, the alkaline constituent or base predominates. The ap- pellation " bicarbonate," though ordinarily applied in the manner indicated above, is a name of very doubtful correctness ; strictly speaking, the class of compounds to which it refers should, per- haps, be regarded as double salts of the metal and hydrogen. The normal carbonate, and the so-called bicarbonate of sodium, for CARBONIC OXIDE. 335 example, differ only in that half the sodium in the normal salt has been replaced by hydrogen in the bicarbonate : — Normal Carbonate of Sodium. Bicarbonate of Sodium. ISTa^CO,. NaHCO,. Carbonic acid is an exceedingly weak acid ; it faUs to neutra- lize (§ 65) completely the causticity of oxides such as those of the alkaline metals ; the normal carbonate of sodium, for example, is decidedly alkaline in its reaction and properties. The so-caUed bicarbonate of sodium is also slightly alkaline ; and even the solu- tion of carbonate of calcium in carbonic acid water exhibits an alkaline reaction when tested with turmeric paper. Almost aU the carbonates are readily decomposed by acids (even by very weak acids), with an effervescence caused by the escape of car- bonic acid. Most of them are decomposed also on being heated ; but from the normal salts of sodium and potassium carbonic acid cannot be expelled by heat alone, however intense. 415. Carbonic Oxide (CO). — As has been stated in § 411, car- bonic oxide can be prepared by acting upon carbonic acid with hot charcoal. Uxp. 181. — In the middle of a tube of hard glass, No. 2 or 2^, about 35 cm. long, pack a colunm 15 cm. in length of coarsely-powdered charcoal. Place the tube upon a sheet-iron trough on a ring of the iron stand above wire-gauze lamps, as shown in the figure. Connect Fig. 58. T *■■=« the tube either with a gas-holder containing carbonic acid, or with a bottle in which the gas is being generated. Heat the charcoal in- tensely, and from time to time test the gas which is delivered at the water-pan, as to its inflammability. Carbonic oxide takes fire on being 336 PEEPAEATION OF CAEBONIC OXIDE. touched with a lighted match, and hums with a bluish flame. In place of the charcoal, small fragments of iron or of zinc may he employed in this experiment. Instead of gaseous carbonic acid, the solid compounds called carbonates can be conveniently employed for preparing carbonic oxide. E.vp. 182. — Mix powdered chalk (carbonate of calcium) with an equal weight of iron or zinc filings, place the mixture in an ignition- tube, provided with a gas-delivery tube, and heat it to redness over the gas-lamp. The metal will abstract an atom of oxygen from the carbonate of calcium, oxide of iron or of zinc wiU be formed, while carbonic oxide will pass off through the delivery-tube to be collected at the water-pan : — CaCO^ -f- Fe = FeO -f OaO -\- CO. In the same way, when a mixture of chalk and finely-powdered charcoal is heated to full redness, carbonic oxide gas is given oflF: — CaCOj -1- = OaO -I- 200. It should be mentioned, however, that in all these cases the carbonic oxide obtained is more or less contaminated with carbonic acid, por- tions of which escape reduction by the metal and carbon ; the carbonic acid may always be readily removed by causing the gas topaas through a strong solution of caustic soda or through a U-tube filled with bits of pumice-stone saturated with soda-lye. Carbonic oxide can be obtained also by heating charcoal with other solid oxygen compounds, such as the phosphate of calcium, already mentioned (§ 270), or the oxides of almost any of the metals, provided the charcoal be in excess. Exp. 183. — Heat in an ignition-tube, as before, a mixtm-e of 1 grm. of finely-powdered charcoal and 8 grms. of red oxide of iron ; collect the gas over water, pour into the bottle a little soda-lye, close the mouth of the bottle tightly and shake it, then open the mouth of the bottle under water, and finally test the gas with a lighted match. 416. Another easy method of preparing carbonic oxide is to decompose oxalic acid by means of oil of vitriol; this is the method usually employed in the laboratory. Oxalic acid is a solid vegetable acid, to be procured of the druggists ; its com- position may be represented by the formula H^CjO^. On being heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, it suffers decomposition in a manner which may be formulated as follows : — H,0,CP3 -f H,0,S03 = 2Hp,S0, -f CO -1- CO,. PREPAKATION OF CARBONIC OXIDB. 337 The elements of water are taken away from the oxalic acid and united with the sulphuric acid, while the remainder of the oxalic acid breEiks up into carhonic acid and carbonic oxide. Exp. 184. — ^Place in a flask of about 350 c. c. capacity 9 grms of common oxalic acid and 53 grms. of concentrated sul- S- "*'• phuric acid; connect the flask with a bottle filled with fragments of pumice- stone saturated with a strong solution of caustic soda, as shown in the figure ; heat the contents of the glass gently, and collect the gaa which is evolved over water in the usual way. The car- bonic acid resulting from the reaction will aU be absorbed by the soda-lye, and carbonic oxide win alone be delivered at the water-pan. If one of the methods heretofore given jrield pure carbonic oxide directly ; in each of the experiments we are compelled to wash out carbonic acid from the gas obtained, if an absolutely pure product is desired j but there are methods by which pure carbonic oxide may be prepared without the need of any process of purifi- cation. One of the best of these is as follows : — JExp. 185. — In a thin-bottomed flask of about 250 c. c. capacity and provided with a suitable gas-deUvery tube, heat a mixture of 5 grammes of finely powdered ferrocyanide of potassium (yellow prussiate of pot- ash) and 40 or 50 grms. of strong sulphuric acid. Collect the gas over water, and test it as to its inflammability. Thrust also a lighted splinter into the gas and observe that it will be extinguished. The reactions which occur between the chemicals employed may be ex- pressed as follows : — Ferrocyanide of Potassium. Water. StdphuHc Acid. KjFeCjNjHeOj + SH^O -|- eH^SO^ = 600 -I- SKjSO^ 4- FeSO^ + SCNHJ^SO,. Carhonic Sulphate of Sulphate of Sulphate of Oxide. Potassium. Iron. Ammonium. z 338 PEOPEEIIES OP CAEBONIC OXIDE. 417. Carbonic oxide is a transparent, colorless gas, having little, if any, odor ; it has never yet been hquefied. It is some- what lighter than air, its specific gravity being 14, while that of air is 14-5. It is but little soluble in water, and may be col- lected and preserved over water without much loss. It extin- gTiishes combustion just as hydrogen does, and destroys animal life. Unlike hydrogen and nitrogen, however, it is a true poison. It destroys Ufe, not negatively by mere suffocation or exclusion of oxygen, but by direct noxious action. Even when largely diluted with air, it is still poisonous, producing giddiness, insen- sibility, and finally death. It is the presence of this gas which occasions the peculiar sensation of oppression and headache which is experienced in rooms into which the products of combustion have escaped from fixes of charcoal or anthracite. Carbonic oxide is very much more poisonous than carbonic acid. Much of the ill repute which attaches to carbonic acid reaUy belongs to car- bonic oxide ; for since both these gases are produced by burning charcoal, many persons are hable to confound them; but car- bonic acid is, comparatively speaking, almost innocuous. Car- bonic acid, it is true, is somewhat poisonous ; it does not merely suffocate, like water, or nitrogen, or hydrogen; but it is very much less poisonous than carbonic oxide. It has been found, by experiment, that an atmosphere containing only 1-lOOth of car- bonic oxide is as fatal to a bird as one containing l-25th part of carbonic acid. Carbonic oxide exhibits neither an acid nor an alkaline reac- tion when tested with vegetable colors, and, in general, has but little tendency to combine with other substances. With oxygen, however, it combines readily at comparatively low temperatures ; an iron wire heated to duU redness is sufficient to infiame it in the air. Unlike most other combustible gases, it contains no hydrogen, and therefore produces no water when burned; nothing but carbonic acid results from its burniug. Exp. 186. — ^To the apparatus employed for evolving carbonic oxide in Exp. 184, attach a piece of small glass tubing drawn out at the end to a fine point, and bent in such manner that a stream of gas may be delivered upwards from this point. Light the gas as it flows out of the tube, and hold over the pale-blue flame a clean, dry bottle. No PEOPEKIIES OJf CAESONIC OXIDE. 339 moisture will be deposited upon the sides of the bottle. That car- bonic acid has been produced by the combustion, may be proved by pouring a little lime-water into the bottle, and shaking it about in the gas therein contained. 418. Carbonic oxide is a very powerful deoxidizing agent. At high temperatures it is capable of taMng oxygen away from many of the compounds which contain that element. Hence it plays a very important part in metallurgical operations. Much of the reduoing-action which is commonly attributed directly to carbon, is really effected in practice through the mediation of carbonic oxide gas. lExp. 187. — In the middle of a tube of hard glass, No. 3, about 20 cm. long, place a gramme of black oxide of copper (CuO) ; support the tube upon a ring of the iron stand over the gas-lamp, and connect it at one end with a flask in which carbonic oxide is being evolved, as in Exp. 184, and at the other with a tube bent at a right angle and dipping into a bottle which contains lime-water. After the tube, which contains the oxide of copper, has become full of carbonic oxide, heat it and observe that the oxide of copper is reduced, that metallic copper alone remains in the tube, and that the carbonic acid formed has made turbid the lime-water in the bottle. 419. The specific heat of carbonic oxide is considerably greater than that of carbonic acid, being 0-245, while that of carbonic acid is only 0-2103. When a mixture of carbonic oxide and oxygen, in the pro- portion of two volumes of the former to one of the latter gas, is lighted, it explodes with about the same degree of violence as a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen (§ 58), a very considerable amount of heat being evolved in the act of combination. Though considerable heat is evolved during the union of car- bonic oxide and oxygen, the amount is much less than that which results from the complete combustion of charcoal to carbonic acid. One gramme of carbonic oxide disengages in burning 2403 units of heat (§ 55), while one gramme of wood charcoal, in burning to carbonic acid, yields 8080 units. The same amount of heat (2403 units) is reabsorbed when the carbonic acid, obtained by burning one gramme of carbonic oxide, is again reduced to the state of carbonic oxide. (Compare Exp. 181.) The gramme of hydrogen yields, as it unites with oxygen, z2 340 BISSOCIATIOIf OF CARBONIC OXIDE. 34,462 units of heat; but since carbonic oxide is 14 times as heavy as hydrogen, about the same quantity of heat is deve- loped by the complete combustion of a given volume of carbonic oxide as by that of the same volume of hydrogen. 420. Carbonic oxide, unlike carbonic acid, is not decomposed when heated to redness in contact with hydrogen, charcoal, iron, or zinc. Sodium and potassium, however, abstract the oxj'gen from this gas as they do from carbonic acid. It unites with chlorine directly, under the influence of sun- light, forming a gaseous compound, the composition of which may be represented by the formula COClj. When left for some time in contact with caustic potash, at the temperature of 100°, it combines with it, and there is produced a compoimd known as formiate of potassium : — KHO -h CO = CHKO,. It is absorbed readily by solutions of the salts of dinoxide of copper (Cu^O) in ammonia-water, and by a solution of dichloride of copper (CujCl^) in strong chlorhydric acid, and can thus be separated from a mixture with other gases. Melted metallic potassium also absorbs a certaia amount of carbonic oxide and combines with it. 421. Carbonic oxide may be resolved into carbon and oxygen by heat alone ; but this dissociation occurs only under very peculiar circumstances. A porcelain tube is placed in a furnace where it can be raised to a very high temperature ; the ends of this tube project beyond the fur- nace and are closed by corks ; through these corks passes, in the axis of the porcelain tube, a very thin brass tube, and each cork carries also a small glass tube ; by one of these tubes carbonic oxide enters the por- celain tube, and by the other the products of the reaction escape from the apparatus. Two little screens of porcelain divide internally that part of the porcelain tube which lies in the furnace and is to be heated, from the parts which project beyond the furnace and remain cool. A rapid current of cold water is made to flow through the thin brass tube, in such quantity that in traversing the tube while the furnace is in full action the water shall not be sensibly wai'med. The apparatus being thus disposed, and the porcelain tube heated, a slow and regidar current of pure and dry carbonic oxide is passed into the hot tube. The gas, as it issues from the tube, passes immediately COMPOSITION OF CAEBOOTC OXIDE. 341 through a strong solution of caustic potash, which will absorb the car- bonic acid formed, so that the experimenter can weigh the c[uantity of acid produced, or through lime-water, which will demonstrate the pre- sence of carbonic acid by becoming turbid. Carbonic acid is formed whenever the porcelain tube is bright-red hot. A portion of the car- bonic oxide is decomposed into oxygen, which unites with another portion of carbonic oxide to make carbonic acid, and carbon, which is deposited in the condition of lampblack upon the cold brass tube which traverses the hot porcelain tube from end to end. The first action of the heat is to set free particles of carbon from the carbonic oxide, and all such particles which happen to fasten upon the brass tube are in- stantly chilled down below the temperature at which they will either unite with free oxygen on the one hand, or reduce carbonic acid on the other. We have repeatedly used the electric spark as a means of decom- posing compound gases, such, for example, as ammonia (§ 89) and marsh-gas (§ 395). It is supposed that it is the intense heat of the spark which effects such decomposition, and, in the light of the experi- ment just described, it seems probable that the efficacy of the spark- current is due to the fact that the few particles of gas which each spark heats intensely are immediately in contact with an atmosphere of gas which is in constant motion and is relatively very cold. 422. The composition of carbonic acid being known, that of carbonic oxide can readily be determined by burning a ^ ^^ definite volume of this gas with an excess of oxygen in _, — ^ a eudiometer. If there be introduced into the eudi- ^^--v ometer 100 volumes of carbonic oxide, and 100 „ „ oxygen, and if through the 200 „ „ mixed gases an electric spark be made to pass, combination will occur, and the gas which remains wiU occupy only 150 volumes. If a small quantity of a solution of caustic soda be now introduced into the eudiometer, aU the carbonic acid which has been formed will be absorbed; there will remain only 50 volumes of gas, which, upon examination, will be found to be pure oxygen. If only 50 volumes of the original oxygen are thus left free, 50 volumes of oxygen must have been absorbed. It appears, then, that 100 volumes of carbonic oxide have united with 50 volumes of oxygen to form 100 volumes of carbonic acid; and 342 COMPOSITION OF CARBONIC OXIDB. that the original bulk of the carbonic oxide taken has remained unchanged. Since it is admitted, as we have already seen (§ 412), that the product- volume of carbonic acid contains 2 volumes of oxygen, it foUowB that the double volume of carbonic oxide can only contain 1 volume of oxygen — or, in other words, that 2 vo- lumes of this gas contain 1 volume of carbon-vapor and 1 volume of oxygen united without condensation : — 12 ^ 16 = CO 28 It will be noticed that the addition of a certain quantity of oxy- gen to a measured quantity of carbonic oxide converts it into carbonic acid without changing the original measured volume of gas. We have often prepared compound gases from elementary gases by this method, and in such cases there is generally a change of voiume. We are here, however, converting one com- pound gas into another compound gas, and the product-volumes of aU compound gases are the same. The specific gravity or unit-volume weight of carbonic oxide has been found, by experiment, to be 13-97. From the weight of two unit- volumes of carbonic oxide . 27 '94 Deduct the weight of one unit-volume of oxygen .... 16' There remains the weight of the atom of carbon .... 11-94 This result accords very well with the previously given atomic weight of carbon. It wiU be noticed that the specific gravity of carbonic oxide is the same as that of nitrogen. 423. Combustion. — Now that we have become acquainted with carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and with some of the more im- portant compounds formed by the union of these elements, the subject of combustion can be more fuUy discussed than has been possible hitherto. Unlike most of the chemical processes em- ployed by man, which have for their object the preparation of some tangible chemical compound or product, combustion is resorted to merely for the sake of the heat or light which inci- dentally accompanies the chemical action. As a general rule, only the compounds of carbon and hydrogen are employed as combustibles — though there are some exceptions LUMINOSITY OP FLAMES. 343 to this rule, as when the metal magnesium is burned for light, or the heating of a sulphuretted ore is effected by the combustion of its own sulphur. In the manufacture of sulphuric acid, the sulphur-furnace is often so arranged that the heat from the burning sulphur generates the steam necessary for the operation. In the Bessemer process of making steel from cast iron (§ 633), intense heat is evolved, partly by the combustion of the carbon which cast iron contains, but partly also by the combustion of iron. The carbon compounds are peculiarly well adapted to the purpose, since the products of their combustion are gaseous, and can therefore be readily removed; new portions of the com- bustible are thus continually laid bare, and a way opened for the admission of fresh air. 424. In almost all cases artificial light results from the intense ignition of particles of solid matter or of dense vapors. When the heat, which is an iavariable accompaniment of chemical com- bination, can play directly upon such solid or semisolid particles with force enough to ignite them, an exhibition of hght will accompany the chemical change. The hydrogen-flame affords no Ught, or as good as none, because in it nothing but a highly attenuated gas is heated. But when a solid body, such as the platinum wire or the piece of lime employed in Exps. 26 and 27, is placed in this non-luminous hydrogen-flame, intense light is radiated from the heated soHd. Exp. 188. — Sprinkle fine iron filings into the flame of an alcohol- lamp, or into the non-luminous flame of the gaa-lamp, and observe the light given off by the particles of metal as they become incandescent while passing through the flame. Or rub together two pieces of char- coal above a non-luminous flame, in such manner that charcoal powder shall fall into the flame. Or rub the coat-sleeve beneath a non-lumi- nous flame, or even beneath the luminous flame of an ordinary Argand gas-burner, and observe that the particles of dust detached become incandescent and luminous as they pass upward through the flame. Other things being equal, the hotter the flame the more intense will be the Kght emitted by the ignited solid. 425. In ordinary luminous flames, such as those of candles, lamps, and illuminating gas, the ignited substance is carbon, or rather a vapor or fog of certain carbon compounds containing more or less hydrogen. 344 ITTMINOSITT OF PIAMES. Exp. 189. — By means of caoutchouc tubing, attach to any small gas-burner a piece of hard-glass tubing, No. 4, about 20 cm. long, the outer end of which has been drawn to a fine open point. Open the cook of the gas-bumer, so that gas may flow into and through the glass tube, and light this gas as it escapes. When the last traces of air have been expelled ham the tube, heat the middle of the latter intensely with the flame of a lamp. Part of the transparent and colorless car- buretted hydrogen, of which the illuminating gas consists (§ 396), will be decomposed by the heat as it passes through the tube, just as sul- phuretted hydrogen (Exp. 91), phosphuretted hydrogen, arseniuretted hydrogen (Exp. 133), and antimoniuretted hydrogen (Exp. 136) are decomposed under like conditions, and a ring of carbon will be depo- sited in the cold portion of the tube a short distance in front of the flame. In the open channel afforded by the tube it is not easy to heat the whole of the carburetted hydrogen to the temperature necessary for its decomposition ; but by lighting the gas as it issues from the tube, heat enough to decompose it can readily be obtained. Precisely as in the combustion of wood (§ 378), after the fire is once started the com- bustible sufiers decomposition ; the easily inflammable hydrogen of the gas burns first, and particles of carbon, or, at the first, of hydrocarbons rich in carbon, are set free. These particles are heated to ignition by the burning hydrogen, and as they pass up through the flame emit light ; finally they are themselves completely burned to carbonic acid upon the outside of the flame, provided there be present a sufficient supply of adr. That there are really particles of free carbon in the flame has afready been sufficiently demonstrated in Exp. 154. If the supply of air furnished to the flame is insufficient to convert all of the components of the gas into carbonic acid and water, then a number of the carbonaceous particles will escape unburned, and a smoky flame will be the result. If, on the other hand, the supply of air is excessive, then all the carbon will be burned at the instant when it is set free, and no light will be afforded. In the gas-lamps com- monly employed in chemical laboratories for purposes of heating (see Appendix, § 5), illuminating gas is purposely mixed with a considerable volume of air before it is lighted j there is thus obtained an intensely hot non-luminous flame. Such flames deposit no soot upon the vessels which are heated in them j moreover the heat which would be con- sumed in heating the particles of carbon, and so producing light, is in such flames utilized for heating-purposes. Exp. 190. — Unscrew the tube / (Fig. 61) from the gas-lamp con- structed as described in § 5 of the Appendix, and light the gas as it THE BUNSEN BXTENEE. 345 Fig. 61. escapes &om the holes in the face of the screw d; the flame will he luminous, and, if the holes are large enough to permit a rapid exit of gas, even smoky. Extinguish the burning jet, screw on the tube /, and relight the mixture of air and gas at the top ; the flame will be nearly colorless. Sometimes, when the gas-cock is too nearly closed, the flame of the mixed gas and air is liable to pass down the tube /, and ignite the feeble jet of gas at the apertures in d. The lamp then burns with a sickly yellow flame, which is often tinged with green coming from the copper in the heated brass tube /. The lamp must be extinguished, and relit at the top of the tube with a freer supply of gas. When the tube /is in place, the ffC the jets of gas, issuing vertically from the face of the screw d, draw in currents of air through the side holes near the bottom of the tube/; this air mixes with the gas rising through/, and at the top of this tube, where the mixture is inflamed, the carburetted hydrogen is in intimate contact with air enough to burn it at once and completely. • Between the two extremes which, a Bunsen burner may be thus made to illustrate, between a smoky flame, on the one hand, and a non-luminous flame, on the other, there are two points which have special significance — the point of most light, and the - point of most agreeable light. The point of most light may always be hit upon by constructing such a burner as will just not allow the gas to smoke. JExp. 191. — Across the top of the chimney of an Argand gas-burner, which is burning with a shorter, flame than usual, place several narrow strips of tin or of sheet iron, so as to obstruct the flow of air through the chimney. The small, low flame with which the experiment began will increase in size as the access of air is diminished, and, at last, the whole interior of the chimney will be filled with a long, smoky flame. The volume of gas burning at any one moment of the experiment is no greater than at another, for the cock which regulates the flow of the gas remains fixed and untouched ; but the amount of light afforded by the large smoky flame is manifestly greater than that yielded by the small bright flame with which the experiment started. If any doubt suggests itself as to this point, it will quickly be dissipated by perform- 346 dTJANTITY AND INTENSIIT FLAMBS. ing the experiment in a darkened room and noting the comparative visibility of the more distant objects therein contained, first with the one flame and then with the other ; or the observer may determine at what distances from the two flames fine print can be deciphered. A murky flame, such as was just now obtained, before actual smo- king begins, in which the largest possible number of the paiticles of car- bon are heated, though none of them are heated very hot, yields the largest amount of light which the particular sample of gas under exa- mination is capable of afibrding. Such flames are called, technically, quantity flatnes ; they are better adapted than any others for lighting streets and large halls. In practice, such flames are obtained by bm'n- ing the gas at a low pressure, that is, under such conditions that it shall be very gently pressed out into the air, so that air shall mix with it and act upon it but slowly. But besides this point of the maximum amount of light, there is another, of the most agreeable light ; and this is something which each individual must determine for himself. Few persons would choose, as a study-lamp, either the murky flame of Exp. 191, or the intense lime-light of Exp. 27 ; but between these two extremes no one light is likely to suit many people equally well. If a bright intensity flame is required, we have only to arrange matters in such a way that air may come to the gas so quickly and abundantly that a portion of the carbon in the gas, as well as the hydrogen, shall be burned at once in the lower part of the flame, and by the heat of its combustion ignite more intensely the remaining particles of carbon. Among the very great num- ber of gas-burners which have been devised, there may be found those adapted to meet almost any requirement. Each kind of burner brings the gas and the air into contact with one another in some special way, producing a flame of convenient shape, of peculiar economy, or of particular steadiness or brilliancy. It is obvious that the conditions under which gas is most advanta- geously burned are different for different uses, and that no one burner can be equally available under such varying and, in some sense, antagonistic conditions. The Argand burner may, perhaps, be made to fulfil as many of these conditions as any other ; from it there may be obtained, at wiU, either an intensity or a quantity flame, as has been shown in Exp. 191. 426. The chemical composition of the gas to be burned is, of . AM FLAMES GAS-FLAMES. 347 course, an important point to be considered in the construction of the burner. A gas rich in carbon requires, for its combustion, far more air than gas which is less carboniferous. Bxp. 192. — Place three small tufts of cotton upon an earthen plate ; moisten one with alcohol, another with petroleum, and the third with henziu ; touch a lighted match to the vapor which arises &om each. In the one case there will be seen hardly any luminous particles of carbon, in the second a bright light ; and in the third so much carbon will be set free that, under the conditions of the experiment, a great deal of it cannot iind air with which to unite, and conseq^uently escapes as smoke. The composition of alcohol may be represented by the formula CjHgO ; it contains a large proportion of hydrogen and some oxygen ; hence steam is necessarily produced when it burns; this steam spreads or diffuses the flame, and promotes the prompt union of the alcohol vapor with the oxygen of the air, so that few carbonaceous particles have time to become incandescent before they are consumed. But in benzin, the formula of which may be written OgHj, there is no oxygen, and a far larger proportion of carbon than in alcohol ; hence the necessity of supplying a large amount of air to the lamps in which its vapor is burned. The best way of consuming benzin is to mix its vapor with air in suitable proportions, and to press this mixture through a gas-burner as if it were ordinary illuminating gas. When thus treated, it bums without smoke, and affords a brilliant white light. Petroleum. (O^Hj), like benzin, contains no oxygen, but it contains far less carbon than benzin, though much more than alcohol ; it does not smoke like benzin, and yet it smokes so much that it cannot readily be buraed from a simple wick ; it is commonly burned in lamps provided with a special draught of air. 427. Ordinary lamps and candles are, strictly speaking, gas- lamps. In all cases their flames are composed of burning gas. Exp. 193. — Construct a lamp as follows : — To a wide-mouthed bottle of the capacity pf about 50 c. c. lit a cork loosely ; bore a hole in the cork and place therein a short piece of glass tubing. No. 3, open at both ends ; through this glass tube draw a piece of lamp-wicking, or any loose twine, long enough to reach to the bottom of the bottle. It is essential, either that the cork should fit the bottle loosely, or that there should be a hole in the cork, in order that the pressure of the external air may act upon the surface of the alcohol ; to this end a veiy small glass tube may .be inserted in the cork at some distance from the tube which carries the wick. Fill the bottle nearly full with alcohol, and; 348 THE COMPOSITION OF ElAMES. after a few minutes, toucli a lighted matcli to the top of the wick. The fluid alcohol is drawn up out of the bottle by the oapillaiy attraction exercised by the pores of the vegetable fibre of which the wick is com- posed. When heat is applied to the alcohol at the top of the wick, some of it is converted into vapor ; this vapor then takes Are, and, in burning, furnishes heat for the vaporization of new portions of the al- cohol. From the top of the wick there is constantly arising a column of gas or vapor, and upon the exterior of this conical column chemical combination is all the while going on between its constituents and the oxygen of the air. The dark central portion of the alcohol-flame is nothing but gas or vapor. Exp. 194. — Thrust the phosphorus end of an ordinary friction-match directly into the middle of the flame of the alcohol-lamp of Exp. 193. The combustible matter upon the end of the match will not take fire in the atmosphere of carbonaceous gases of which the centre of the flame consists. The wood of the match-stick, of course, takes fire at the point where it is in contact with the outer edge of the flame, for it is there heated in contact with air. In withdrawing the match from the middle of the flame, it is not easy to prevent it from taking flre as it passes through the outer edge of the flame ; for the materials on the tip of the match have been so strongly heated by radiation, during their sojourn within the circle of fire, that they are now ready to burst into flame immediately on coming in contact with the air ; by a quick jerk, however, the match may often be withdrawn from the flame without taking flre. Exp. 195. — Hold a thin wire (beat of plathium, though iron will answer well enough) or a splinter of wood across the flame of an alco- hol-lamp, as shown in Fig. 62. The wire will be heated to J'io-. 62. redness, and the wood will burn, only at the outer edges of the flame where the gas and air meet; in the interior of the flame the wire will remain dark and the wood unburned ; for there is no combustion there, and comparatively little heat. If the wire be successively placed at difierent heights in the flame, the size and shape of the internal cone of gas can easily be made out ; it wOl appear, moreover, that the hottest part of the flame is just above the top of the interior cone of gas. As a rule, when glass tubing, or the like, is to be heated in a flame, it should never be placed below this point of the greatest heat. 428. The flame of an ordinary oil-lamp or of a petroleum- lamp, in the same way as the flame of an alcohol-lamp, is com- posed of an inner cone of gas, or vapor of hydrotiarbons, and an envelope where chemical combination is going on ; and a candle- CANDLE-FLAMES. 349 flame is really the flame of an oil-lamp (Exp. 196). The pre- sence of vapor in the candle-flame can be readily shown (Exps. 197, 198). In the candle-flame, as in that of the alcohol-lamp, there is a cone of unburnt gas surrounded by a shell of burning substances (Exps. 199, 200). Exp. 196. — Touch a lighted match to the wick of a new candle ; the cotton of which the wick is composed takes fire and ia at once con- sumed for the moat part ; but, in burning, the cotton gives off consider- able heat, and some of the wax or tallow of which the candle is composed is thereby melted and converted into oil. The liquid oil ascends the wick by virtue of capillary attraction, and is converted into vapor or gas by the heat of the cotton still burning at the stump of the wick ; this gas then bums precisely like the alcohol vapor in Exp. 193 or the illuminating gas in Exp. 189, and by the heat thus disengaged new portions of wax or taUow are continually melted. There is always a little cup of oil at the top of the rod of wax or tallow of which the candle consists, and the apparatus is as truly an oil-lamp as if the oil were held in a vessel of glass or metal. Exp. 197. — Let a cajidle, best of tallow, bum until the snuff has become long ; blow out the flame, and observe the cloud of vapor which ascends from the hot wick. Touch a lighted match to this column of vapor, and notice that it takes fire at some little distance from the wick. After the flame has been extinguished, the wick retains heat enough for a few moments to distil off a quantity of gas, although there is not heat enough generated to inflame this gas. To the gas or vapor thus evolved is to be referred the disagreeable odor which is observed when a candle is blown out. Exp. 198. — Draw a glass tube (No. 5 or 6) 10 or 15 cm. long to a moderately fine open point ; with a piece of wire bind this tube in an inclined position to a ring of the iron stand, and place the lower end of the tube in the middle of a candle-flame, just below the centre, so that a portion of the gas of the inner cone of the flame may escape through the tube ; light the gas at the point at the top of the glass tube, and observe that it will burn there steadily, if the experiment is performed in a quiet place where there are no draughts of air. Exp. 199. — Press down a piece of white Yig. 63. letter-paper, for an instant, upon the flame of a candle until it almost touches the wick, then quickly remove the paper before it takes fire, and observe that its upper sur- face is charred in the manner shown in Fig. 63. There will be ob- tained, in fact, burned into the paper, a diagram of the cylindrical 350 POEM- OP LUMINOUS FLAMES. column of unbumt gas and of the shell of buming matter which sur- rounds it. Within the charred ring the paper is unacted upon ; for that part of it was in contact only with the unbumt gas in the centre of the flame. £xp. 200. — Replace the paper of Exp. 199 with a strip of glass, so held that the conical flame of the candle shall he cut across horizon- tally by the glass as it was by the paper in Exp. 199. Look down from above through the glass into the hollow cylinder of unbumt gas within the circle of combustion. 429. In any flame, which is rendered luminous by incandescent carbonaceous particles, three portions can be distin- -p. „. guished : — 1st, the dark interior cone of gas, a, Eig. 64 ; , 2nd, the zone of intense chemical action, b, where the hydrogen is burning and the carbonaceous particles are heated to whiteness ; and, finally, upon the very outside a thin, scarcely perceptible film of burning carbonic oxide, c. 430. From the study of luminous flames we pass to a consideration of flames employed only as sources of heat. In the experiments (25-27) with the oxyhydro- gen blowpipe, it has been already shown that a very intense heat may be obtained by throwing oxygen into the hydrogen-flame, and so localizing the chemical action and the heat with which this action is accompanied. The subject may be here conveniently studied by employing coal-gas and air in place of hydrogen and oxygen. Exp. 201. — ^FUl one gas-holder with air, and screw to it a metallic jet, such as is shown in Fig. 65. Fill another gas-holder vrith ordi- nary illuminating gas and connect the opening of this gas-holder with Fig. 65. the lower opening of the metallic jet. Open the cock of the holder which contains the coal-gas, and inflame the gas at the point of the metallic jet. There will be thus obtained a long stream of gas burn- THE BLASX-IAMP. 351 ing at the expense of the air which hathes its surface. The chemical action between the oxygen of the air and the constituents of the coal- gas, and the heat Resulting from this action, are diffused over the entire surface of this long flame. Without touching the cock of the holder which contains the coal-gas, or in any way altering the amount of gas which flows out of this holder, open the cock of the holder which con- tains air, so that air may he thrown into the middle of the coal-gas flame. The latter will he immediately shortened down to almost nothing. The constituents of the coal-gas wiU now all combine with oxygen in a very small space, and the heat of combination, which was diffused before, will be correspondingly concentrated. It is much the same as if the coal-gas and the air had been mixed together beforehand and then lighted. Indeed, in one of the first forms of the oxyhydro- gen blow-pipe, a mixture of the two gases, such as we have exploded in Exp. 30, was first prepared, and then forced out of a single gas- holder of peculiar construction, provided with an exceedingly minute orifice, at the mouth of which the mixed gases were burned. This apparatus was inconvenient and dangerous, and has long since been superseded ; but it well illustrated the local concentration of heat now under discussion. 431. The principle of the common mouth-blowpipe, of the glass-blower's lamp (Appendix, § 6), and ofall blasts and blowers, is identical with that of the oxyhydrogen blowpipe, which, as has been already stated (§ 55), is the simplest of all intense and con- centrated combustions. Air, or more strictly speaking, oxygen, is thrown into the combustible gas or fuel, in order that the com- bustion may go on in a small space. The mouth-blowpipe may be used, with a candle, or with any hand-lamp proper for burning oil, petroleum, or any of the so-called huming-Jluids, provided that the form of the lamp below the wick- holder is such as to permit the close approach of the object to be heated to the side of the wick. When a lamp is used, a wick about 1'2 cm. vride and 0"5 cm. thick is more convenient than a round or narrow wick ; a wick of this sort, though hardly so wide, is used in some of the open burning-fluid (naphtha) lamps now in common use. The wick-holder should be filed off on its longer dimension a little obliquely, and the wick cut parallel to the holder, in order that the blowpipe-flame may be directed downwards when necessary (Fig. 67). The cheapest and best form of mouth-blowpipe for chemical pur- poses is a tube of tin-plate, about 18 cm. long, 2 cm. broad at one end, 352 THE BLOWPIPE. Fig. 66. 2 404 REPLACEMENT DIKECT COMBIlfATIOlf. more resemblance to its proximate constituents than bread bears to flour and water, or rust to iron and oxygen. From such, reactions between acids and hydrate of sodium, water is always disengaged simultaneously with the saline product, and the reaction may almost always be as weU considered an inter- change of place between hydrogen and some other element as an act of combination between one oxide and another oxide, both of which, or one of which, contain also hydrogen. The following formulae will illustrate the meaning of this statement : — NaHO + NHO3 == NaNO, + H,0, or 2NaH0 + H„SO^ = Na^SO, + 2H,0, or NaHO + C,H,0, = C,H3NaO, + H,0. Acetic Add. Acetate of Sodium. While recognizing the frequent occurrence of such reactions as are above represented between hydrated oxides, it must not be forgotten that many anhydrous saline compounds can be made by the direct combination, under appropriate conditions, of two oxides which contain no hydrogen. By heating one molecule of hydrate of sodium, or 40 parts by weight, with one molecule, or 23 parts by weight, of sodium, an oxide of sodium is obtained which con- tains no hydrogen ; but this body has none of the properties de- scribed by the adjective alkaline, any more than the anhydrous teroxide of sulphur possesses the properties suggested to the mind by the term "acid " : — NaHO 4- Na = Na,0 + H. Now the very same sulphate of sodium which results from the second of the above reactions, may be prepared by bringing to- gether this anhydrous oxide of sodium and anhydrous sulphuric acid ; — Na^O -I- SO3 = Na^SO,. There exists another anhydrous oxide of sodium, corresponding in composition to the formula Na^O^, and the same sulphate of , PHOSPHATES OF SODITTM, 405 sodium can be made by heating this oxide with sulphurous acid gas:— Na^O, + SO, = Na^SO,. These facts show that a knowledge of the constituents from which a salt may be made is not sufficient to establish any pre- sumption concerning the molecular constitution of the salt itself. The preparation of solid caustic soda, for household and other uses, has lately become a considerable industry. Soap is made by boiling together grease or oil with caustic soda or potash ; soda- lye yields a hard soap, potash-lye a soft soap. If the maker of soap starts from the carbonate of sodium or potassium, he must first make a solution of caustic lye by the method of Exp. 233, and then boU the lye, so obtained, with the grease which is tie other essential ingredient of soap. The soap-maker is saved the trouble of converting the carbonate into the hydrate of sodium or potassium by the maker of the solid caustic alkalies, which need only to be dissolved in water to yield the requisite lye. The solid alkali is commonly put up for transportation in sheet-iron canis- ters, of all sizes. The manufacturer of caustic soda directly from the sulphate of soda has an advantage, in that he can avail him- self of the caustic soda which the " black ash " always contains. He is not obliged, first to convert this caustic alkali into carbonate, and then to remove all the carbonic acid by lime ; he can there- fore dispense with the heating with sawdust which is necessary in the manufacture of soda-ash. 489. Phosphates of Sodium. — There are three sets of phosphates of sodium : — 1. Common phosphates, which contain three atoms of hydrogen or an equivalent metal; 2. Pyrophosphates, which oc- cupy an intermediate place between common phosphates and me- taphosphates ; 3. Metaphosphates, which contain only one equiva- lent of hydrogen or an equivalent metal. (See § 293.) 3Hp,P,0, = 2H3PO,; 3Na,0,P,0, = 2Na3P0, 2H,0,P,0, = H,P,0, ; 2Na,0,P,0. = Na,P,0, H,0,P,0, = 2HPO3 ; Na,0,P,0, = 2NaP03. The most famUiar of the ordinary phosphates is the rhombic phosphate of sodium, of the formula 'Ea.^'?0^,l'2R.p, which is the salt commonly called phosphate of sodium. 406 PTEOPHOSPHATB OF SODIUM. Exp. 234. — Digest 8 grma. of powdered, white, burnt bones with 32 c. c. of water and 6 grms. of sulphuric acid, until a uniform paste is produced ; strain the mass through a piece of muslin, stir up the resi- due with water, and squeeze the liquor through the cloth filter. Eva- porate the filtered solution considerably, again filter ofl^ the separated sulphate of calcium, dilute the filtrate with water until it measures 48 c. c, and gradually neutralize the acid solution with solid carbonate of sodium. A slight excess of carbonate may be added, and the solution evaporated until it crystallizes ; the crystals may be almost freed from adherina: sulphate of sodium by washing them. By reorystallizing the salt it may be obtained in large, transparent rhombic prisms, which are decidedly efflorescent. They have a cooling, saline taste, are soluble in four parts of cold water, and readily melt in their water of crystal- lization ; their solution has a faint alkaline reaction. Exp. 235. — ^Add to a solution of the purified crystals of the last ex- periment a few drops of a solution of nitrate of silver ; a yellow pre- cipitate appears, and the liquid becomes distinctly acid in its reaction with litmus. The precipitate is phosphate of silver, and the acidity is due to the simultaneous liberation of nitric acid in the solution : — Na^HPOj + SAgNOj = SNaNO, + HNO3 -I- Ag3P04. From the rhombic phosphate two other terbasic phosphates may be prepared : — by adding caustic soda, a terbasic, or tennetaUic, phosphate, Na3P04,12H20 ; by adding phosphoric acid, a so-caUed " acid " phos- phate, NaH2P04,H20. Exp. 236. — Heat 4 or 5 grms. of rhombic phosphate of sodium in a porcelain crucible to bright redness. The water of crystallization first escapes, then another portion of water is driven off at a higher heat, the residue melts, and on cooling solidifies again to an opaque, white, substance — ^the pyrophosphate of sodium, NajPjO^ : — 2(Na2HP04,12H20) = 24H2O + H^O -|- Na^P^O,. Exp. 237. — Dissolve the new salt of the last experiment in water and add a few drops of a solution of nitrate of silver ; a challiy- white precipitate of pyrophosphate of silver wiU be produced, while the supernatant liquid is neutral : — NaiP^O, + 4AgN03 = iNaNO, + Ag^P^O,. The student will observe, in passing, that the pyrophosphate of sodium dissolves in water with more difficulty than the ordinary phosphate. From its aqueous solution the pyrophosphate crys- tallizes in prisms which contain ten moleculesof water of crystal- lization, Na^P^O,, lOH^O, These crystals are not efflorescent, but METAPHOSPHATE OF SODIUM. 407 permanent in the air. Two of the atoms of sodium in neutral pyrophosphate of sodium can be replaced by hydrogen, and we thus obtain a salt of the formula Na^H^P^O^ which, like the neutral pyrophosphate, throws down the white pyrophosphate of silver from a solution of nitrate of silver, but, unlike the neutral salt, leaves behind a liquor acidified with free nitric acid. Exp. 238. — Mix a hot solution of 18 grma. of common phosphate of sodiiun with a concentrated solution of 3 grms. of chloride of ammo- nium ; common salt remains in solution, and transparent crystals of a complex phosphate of sodium, ammonium, and hydrogen separate from the liquid as it cools : — Na^HPO^ + NH4CI = NaCl + NaNH^HPOi. This complex triphosphate is known as microoosmic salt ; it contains only one atom of sodium. Exp. 239. — Heat the microcosmic salt obtained in the last experi- ment to redness. Ammonia and water are driven off with a great bubbling, and a glassy substance is left which corresponds to the for- mula NaPOj, and is called the metaphosphate of sodium. This salt cannot be obtained by this process in crystals ; it is deliquescent and very soluble. Exp. 240. — Dissolve in water some ofthe metaphosphate just made, and add a few drops of the solution to a solution of nitrate of silver. The precipitate produced is white, but gelatinous ; its appearance is quite different from that of the pyrophosphate of silver. The meta- phosphate of silver is soluble in an excess of metaphosphate of sodium, so that a sufficient quantity of the sodium-salt will redissolve the silver-salt precipitate which the first addition of the sodium-salt pro- duced. It may be observed, that the solution of metaphosphate of sodium possesses a feebly acid reaction. The metaphosphate of sodium exists in several distinct modifi- cations ; or, in other words, there are several sodium-salts which correspond to the formula NaPO^. The most noteworthy modi- fications are the glassy salt just prepared, a crystaUizable modifi- cation, and a variety which is almost insoluble in water though soluble in acids. Pyrophosphates and metaphosphates are alike converted into common ter-metaUic phosphates by long boiling with water in an acid liquid, or by fusion with an excess of caus- tic alkali. The metaphosphate may also be converted into the pyrophosphate by mere heat in presence of water. The meta- 4oa BOSAi. phosphate, when dried at 100°, retains a certain portion of water; but this water does not enter into the constitution of the salt, for, on again dissolying the salt, the solution gives the usual re- actions of the metaphosphate. If, however, the water-contaia- ing salt be heated to 150°, the water enters into the constitution of the salt, which becomes the " acid " pyrophosphate of sodium, yielding, on solution, the reaction of the pyrophosphates : — ' 2NaP03 + H,0 = NaAP.O,. We have here a striking illustration of the fact that two sub- stances, which contain precisely the same elements in the same proportions, may have quite different properties in consequence of the different arrangement of their elements, or, in other words, of their different molecular constitution. 490. Borax (Na,B^O„10H,O=Na,O,2B^O3+10H^O). — The dualistic formula of this useful salt accounts for its chemical name — ftiborate of sodium. The greater part of the borax used in the arts is prepared by dissolving the native boracic acid of Tuscany (§ 443) in a hot solution of carbonate of sodium. After aU the carbonic acid has escaped, the hot liquid is allowed to settle and cool. Either of two different crystaUine forms of borax may be obtained, at will, by suitably regulating the density of the solution and the temperature at which crystallization takes place. One of these forms, prismatic or common borax, contains 10 molecules of water of crystallization; the other, called octa- hedral borax, only 5. Both varieties must be purified by recrys- taUization. The large crystals, in which borax is demanded for the market, can only be obtained by operating on very large masses of the salt, — a remark which applies to most of the crys- talline salts which are used in the arts. The crystals of octa- hedral borax are harder and less fragUe than those of ordinary borax. They are unalterable in dry air, but in a moist atmo- sphere they absorb water and are converted into common borax., When heated, they fuse to an anhydrous glass with less intu- mescence than common borax, and without cracking. For these reasons, octahedral borax is better than prismatic borax for many purposes, and its smaller proportion of water (30 per cent, against 47 per cent.) diminishes the cost of transport. Never- BOEAX AS A TEST. 409 theless the prismatic borax is generally preferred, probably be- cause it is sold at a less price, weight for -vreight. The prismatic ciystals are soluble in about half their weight of boiling water, but in twelve times their weight of cold water; as they are slightly efflorescent, they are generally covered with a white dust. Borax has a feebly alkaline taste and reaction. When heated it bubbles up, loses its water, and melts below redness into a transparent glass ; this glass dissolves many oxides of the metals, acquiring thereby various colors characteristic of these oxides. Hence borax is much used as a blowpipe test for deter- mJTiing the presence of certain oxides of the metals. JExp. 241. — Make a little loop, about as large as this O, on the end of a bit of fine platinum wire 6 or 8 cm. long. Make the loop white- hot in the hlowpipe-flame, and thrust it while hot into some powdered borax ; a quantity of borax will adhere to the hot wire ; reheat the loop in the oxidizing flame ; the borax wiU puff up at first, and then fuse to a transparent glass. K enough borax to form a solid trans- parent bead within the loop does not adhere to the hot wire the first time, the hot loop may he dipped a second time into the powdered borax. When a transparent glass has been formed within the loop of the platinum wire, touch the head of glass, while it is hot and soft, to a speek of black oxide of manganese no bigger than the period of this type ; reheat the head with the adhering particle of oxide in the oxi- dizing flame ; the black speck will gradually dissolve, and on looking through tbe head towards the light, or a white wall, when the black oxide has disappeared, the glass wiU he seen to have assimied a purplish-red color. The same experiment may he performed with oxide of iron, which imparts to the glass a yellow color, or with oxide of copper, which imparts a bluish-green color. The oxidizing flame must be used in both these cases, as with the oxide of manganese. The power which borax possesses of dissolving metallic oxides suggests an explanation of its use in brazing, and in soldering the precious metals. The solder will only adhere to a bright and clean metallic surface, and the borax which melts with the solder removes from the pieces of metal the film of oxide which would otherwise prevent the adhesion of the solder. Borax is also used by the assayer and refiner as a flux. In making enamels and glazes, it is frequently added for the purpose of rendering the 410 SILICATES OP SODITTM. compound more fusible, and it is largely employed in fixing colors on porcelain. There is a normal, or neutral, borate of sodium, NaBO^ or Na^OjB^Oj, which crystallizes with various quantities of water ; and other borates of sodium are known ; but the " biborate " is the only one of any practical importance. 491. Silicates of Sodium may be prepared by dissolving silicic acid in caustic soda, as in Exp. 220, or by fusing together silicic acid and carbonate of sodium, or a mixture of silicic acid, sul- phate of sodium, and carbon. From alkaline solutions, the single crystaUizable silicate of sodium, !N'a2Si03, can readily be obtained in hydrated crystals. The silicate of sodium of commerce, called waterglass or soluble glass, is, however, a much more siliceous silicate, of varying composition. Some samples of it have very nearly the composition expressed by the formula Na^O, 2Si02, while other specimens approximate to the formula Na^O, 4810^. Between these extremes, the acid and the alkali unite in aU possible proportions to form compounds, all of which are soluble with more or less difficulty in boiling water. The normal silicate of sodium (Na^SiOj) is readily soluble in cold water, and, like carbonate of sodium, which it closely re- sembles, may even be melted in its own water of crystallization ; but the acid salt of commerce is as good as insoluble in cold water. Waterglass may, however, be completely dissolved by long-continued boUing in water, and the solution thus obtained is largely employed by calico-printers and by soapmakers. Water- glass is also used for hardening porous stones, or even for bind- ing sand into artificial stone, for painting rough woodwork to pro- tect it from the weather, and for diminishing the combustibility of wood, canvas, and other coarse stuffs, such as are used for the decorations of theatres. It has been suggested that the interior surfaces of wooden-roofed railway bridges might be protected from the sparks of the locomotive by washing them with a solu- tion of waterglass. When employed as paint, the coating of waterglass may be washed over with a solution of chloride of ammonium, which decomposes the sUieate, with deposition of free sUicie acid ; or the silicate may simply be left to the decomposing action of atmospheric carbonic acid. The chloride of sodium ■WATEHeLASS. 411 resulting from the decomposition in the one case, and the carbo- nate of sodium in the other, are subsequently washed away by the rain. Combustible matters, when covered with a coating of silica, or of silicate of sodium, as above, are prevented from burn- ing freely, in the same manner that the carbon of the paper in Exp. 110 was kept from burning by the coating of phosphoric acid. 492. The chief use of sUicate of sodium, however, is as a com- ponent of common glass. The various glasses of commerce are mixtures of a highly siliceous silicate of sodium, or of potassium, or of both these substances, with silicates of other metals, such as calcium, aluminum, and lead. In green bottle-glass the easily fusible sUicate of iron replaces in part the silicate of sodium or of potassium. It is a peculiarity of the alkaline silicates that, in changing from the liquid to the solid state, they pass through an inter- mediate pasty or viscous stage, and finally soUdify in transparent amorphous masses, totally devoid of crystalline structure. "While in this pasty, ductile state, these silicates may readily be moulded into almost any form ; and transparent vessels might doubtless be made from the acid alkaline silicates without admixture of other materials. The alkaline silicates, however, are, by themselves, far too easily acted upon by air and moisture to admit of being used as substitutes for ordinary glass. But it has been found that, by combining the alkaline silicates with the silicates of certain other metals, such as calcium, there may be obtained compound glasses which, while they retain the plasticity of the alkaline sUicates as well as their amorphous character and trans- parency, are capable of resisting the action not only of air and water, but even of acids and alkaUes, to a very great extent. Though the ordinary glasses are so difficultly attacked by water that they may, for most practical purposes, be regarded as alto- gether insoluble, it is nevertheless true, as has been stated in § 464, that glass may be partially dissolved by long-continued contact with water, particularly if the water be hot and the glass in the condition of powder. After the smooth surface of glass, as it comes from the fire, has once been removed, the corrosion of the glass goes on more rapidly. It is remarkable that mixtures composed of several different 412. GiAss. silicates melt at temperatures considerably lower than the mean of the melting-points of their several ingredients. The different varieties of glass vary in composition, according to the pnxposes for which they are prepared ; they cannot be re- garded as chemical compounds, being really indefinite mixtures of various acid silicates. The composition of window-glass may be re- presented approximately by the formula Na^O, 2Si02; CaO^, 2810^ ; and that of the hard, Bohemian glass, suitable for ignition- tubes, by the formula 2(K.fi, SSiO^) ; 3(CaO, 3SiO,). The lus- trous "flint" glass, employed for the nicer kinds of household ware, may, on the other hand, be represented by the formula 2(K,0,2SiO,);3(PbO,2SiO,); it is prepared from the purest materials attainable. Bottle-glass is composed of the silicates of lime and of alutaina, together with a smaU proportion of the silicates of iron, of potassium, and of sodium ; in this glass, as in the other varieties above formulated, small quantities of various other silicates, such as the silicates of magnesium and of manga- nese, almost always occur. In the preparation of the cheaper kinds of glass the materials are melted in large open crucibles of refractory clay ; but the bet- ter sorts of glass, such as flint-glaas, are made in pots so covered that no smoke or dust from the fire can come in contact with their contents. In both cases the thoroughly melted mixture is kept in the liquid state until it has become perfectly homogeneous and until all bubbles of air have escaped from it; it is then allowed to cool to the temperature at which it possesses the peculiar, pasty, ductile, condition in which it admits of being blown, pressed, and moulded. 493. After glass has been moulded into the shape desired, it must still be subjected to a process of annealing before it can be used. Glass which has been suddenly cooled after fusion is ex- tremely brittle ; and in general all glass which has been quickly cooled after heatiag is far more fragile than that which has been allowed to cool gradually. The operation of annealing is nothing but a process of slow baking, at a temperature which, though not so high as the melting-point of glass, is nevertheless high enough to allow the particles of softened glass to move among them- selves, and to come into easy and natural positions as regards HrPOSTJIiPHITE OIT SODIUM. 413 one another ; after the baking follows a process of slow cooling, during which the heated material contracts uniformly in all directions as it assumes the dimensions proper to it when cold. Unlike the silicates of the alkali-metals, most metallic silicates have a tendency to assume crystalline form on coohng, and it is not difficult to bring about crystallization of silicate of calcium, or silicate of aluminum, from ordinary glass, particularly from the coarser kinds, such as bottle-glass. Glass, in which some of the constituents have thus crystallized, has the appearance of porcelain ; it is said to be devitrifled. The devitrification may readily be shown by imbedding bottle-glass in sand, heating the glass almost to the melting-point, and then allowing it to cool slowly. In annealing some kinds of glass care must be taken not to heat the ware too strongly, lest it be devitrifled during the process. 494. Melted glass, like melted borax (Exp. 241), is capable of dissolving small quantities of many of the metallic oxides, a trans- parent and often colored silicate of the oxide being formed, which imparts its hue to the entire mass of glass. In this way, glass may be obtained of almost any desired color. The green color of bottle-glass is due to silicate of protoxide of iron ; but richer shades of green may be obtained by using protoxide of copper or oxide of chromium. Dioxide of copper gives a ruby-r^ color, and oxide of gold various shades of red, inclining to purple. The oxides of uranium, of antimony, and of sUver yield yellow glasses ; oxide of cobalt affords a beautiful blue, and the binoxide of manganese a violet glass ; while mixtures of the oxides of cobalt and of manganese impart to the glass a black color. 495. Syposulphite of Sodium (Na^S^Oj, SH^O). — This easily crystallized and tolerably permanent salt is of great use to the photographer, because its aqueous solution is capable of render- ing soluble the chloride, bromide, and iodide of silver, compounds much employed by the photographer, and very insoluble in water. The photographic paper or glass, uniformly coated with some sUver compound, is exposed to light in the camera or press, and then immersed in a strong solution of the hyposulphite, which forms with the sUver compound, in those parts of the picture ■which have not been acted upon by the light, a double salt which 414 POTASSIUM. is soluble in water. This double salt and the superfluous hjrpo- sulphite must be washed away by soaking the picture several hours in water which is constantly renewed. Hyposulphite of sodium is also used as an " antichlore," or agent for removing the last traces of chlorine, or hypochlorous acid, from substances which have been bleached therewith. The salt may be best pre- pared by digesting sulphur vnth a solution of sulphite of sodium. ^xp. 242. — ^Dissolve 20 grms. of crystallized carbonate of sodium in 80-40 c. u. of water. Place the solution in a small Woulfe-bottle, and pass sulphurous acid gas (Exp. 96) through it until all the carbonic acid is expelled from the carbonate and effervescence ceases. The liquid then holds in solution sulphite of sodium (Na2S03). Pour this solution into a bottle which can be tightly closed, and add to it 3 or 4 grms. of finely powdered sulphur ; let this mixture stand corked up for several days in a warm place ; the sulphur will gradually dissolve, and form a colorless solution, which on evaporation will yield crystals of hyposulphite of sodium. Time may be saved by keeping the solution of sulphite of sodium hot, but not boiling, during the digestion of the sulphur. The reaction has been already formulated (§ 243). CHAPTEB, XXIV. POTASSITJH. 496. The proximate sources of sodium-compounds are the sea, and salt springs and deposits. Potassium-compounds, on the other hand, are derived indirectly from the soil. Arable boUs are produced by the weathering and gradual decomposition of the common granitic rocks. Into the composition of these rocks there enter two minerals, called feldspar and mica, which are mixed silicates of potassium or sodium and aluminum or iron. The element potassium thus becomes a normal constituent of the earthy food of plants. The soil itself is not directly available as a source of potassium-salts, because no cheap and easy method has yet been devised for separating the potassium-compounds CARBONATE OF POTASSIUM. 415 from the- other ingredients of the soil. Plants, however, are able to pick out and assimilate the potassium-salts from these rocks and soils ; so that by burning the plants and extracting the ashes ■with water a soluble potassium-salt is obtained. Plants thus con- centrate the potassium from out great masses of earth, and make it accessible to us. The salt which is obtained from the ashes of plants by washing and evaporation, is called potash, or, if refined, pearlash, and it is from this substance_that the bulk of potassium- compounds are obtained. Exp. 243. — Place a handful of wood-ashes on a filter, and pour hot water over them, collecting the filtrate in a bottle and returning it upon the ashes two or three times, in order to obtain a stronger solution. To exhaust the ashes of their potash, they must, of course, be treated with successive portions of hot water. This solution has a strong alka- line reaction upon test-paper. A few drops of it, poured into a test- tube containing a little dilute acid, occasion a brisk effervescence, a reaction from which we readily surmise the truth, that the potassium-' salt contained in the solution is the carbonate of potassium. Proof that the gas evolved is carbonic acid can readily be obtained by conducting the gas into lime-water, as in Exp. 170. By evaporating the rest of the solution to dryness in a porcelain dish, we obtain a small sample of crude potash. By treating this potash with a quantity of cold water, insufficient to dissolve any but the most soluble portions of the mass, letting the mixtm-e stand some time, and evaporating the partial solu- tion to dryness, a whiter, purer carbonate is obtained, the pearlash. 497. Carbonate of Potassium (K^C^Og) is a hygroscopic and very soluble salt. When exposed to damp air it becomes moist, and finally deliquesces. In this respect it does not resemble soda-ash, which is not hygroscopic, and is, for this reason among others, better adapted than potash for transportation, storing, and most commercial uses. Carbonate of potassium fuses at a red heat, but cannot be decomposed by heat alone. At a red heat it is decomposed by silica, as is also the carbonate of sodium, car- bonic acid being expelled with effervescence, whilst the silica unites with the alkali. Advantage is taken of this property in the analysis of minerals which contain a large quantity of silica, and are not easily decomposed by acids. The finely powdered mineral is fused with about three times its weight of carbonate of sodium or of potassium, or, better, with thrice its weight of a 416 HTDBATE OF POTASSrUlt. mixture of 5| parts of carbonate of sodium with. 7 parts of car- bonate of potassium. The mixed carbonates produce a more fusible mixture than either alone (§ 492). The fused mass is then treated with dilute chlorhydric acid, which decomposes the- alkaline silicates, and dissolves all the bases of the mineral which were before combined with the silica. Carbonate of potassium was the most important source of alkali, until Leblanc's process made soda cheaper than potash. It is still largely consumed in the manufacture of soap, glass, caustic pot- ash, and other compounds of potassium; but sodium-salts have, to a great extent, displaced potassium-salts in commerce and the arts. 498. Carbonate of Potassium and Hydrogen (KHCO3). — This salt, commonly called the " bicarbonate " of potassium (K^O, H.p, 2C0J, is prepared by passing a current of carbonic acid through a strong solution of carbonate of potassium ; crystals of the bicarbonate will be deposited, which are permanent in the air, and require about 4 parts of cold water for solution. When the solution of this salt is long exposed to the air, or boiled, it loses one-fourth of its carbonic acid ; when the dry salt is fused, it loses half its carbonic acid, and is converted into the carbonate. It is a valuable salt to the chemist and the apothecary, because it can be readily obtained in a state of purity ; when itself made from a refined carbonate of potassium, it may be advantageously used as the material from which to prepare other pure compounds of this important element. 499. Hydrate of Potassium (KHO). — The manufacture of hy- drate of potassium, from carbonate of potassium, resembles, in every detail, the preparation of caustic soda from carbonate of sodium (Exp. 233). The carbonate of potassium is dissolved in 10 or 12 times its weight of water, and decomposed by a cream of lime ; carbonate of calcium is precipitated, and hydrate of potas- sium remains in solution. All that has been said of the concen- tration of the solution of hydrate of sodium (§ 488) is true, also, of hydrate of potassium. Hydrate of potassium is a hard, whitish substance, possessing a peculiar odor and a very acrid taste. Like the hydrate of so- dium, it rapidly absorbs moisture and carbonic acid from the air ; CATTSTIC POTASH. 417 and since the carbonate of potassium thus formed is a deliques- cent salt, this change wiE go on until the entire mass of hydrate is converted into a syrup of the carbonate ; whereas, in the ease of hydrate of sodium, the absorption of water and carbonic acid is soon arrested by the formation of a coating 6f non-deliquescent carbonate of sodium upon the surface of the lump of hydrate. In chemical industries and speculations, the question of success or failure often turns on such points as this ; the advantage of a new material, for example, often depends upon just such differences as this between caustic soda and caustic potash. 500. The hydrate of potassium, cast into small sticks, is em- ployed by physicians as a cautery, — a use which illustrates forcibly its destructive effect upon animal and vegetable matters. Like hydrate" of sodium, its solution destroys ordinary paper, and cannot be filtered except through asbestos, or gun-cotton. A clear solution is best obtained by decantation from the subsided impurities. All vessels made of materials which contain silica are attacked by this caustic solution; and even platinum is slowly oxidized in its presence ; vessels of gold and silver resist it best. This hydrate, like that of sodium, forms soaps with oils or fats ; the sodium-soaps are hard, the potassium- soft. At a high tem- perature hydrate of potassium volatilizes without change ; heat alone cannot decompose the caustic alkalies. In the chemical laboratory, solutions of caustic potash and caustic soda are in frequent use for absorbing acid gases, such as carbonic acid, and especially for separating the hydrates of other metals from solu- tions of their salts. Sxp. 244. — ^Dissolve a crystal of blue vitriol (sulphate of copper) in a few centimetres of cold water, and add to the solution several drops of a solution of caustic soda (or potash). The hydrate of copper is precipitated as a delicate, blue, insoluble powder, while colorless sul- phate of sodium (or potassium) remains in solution. CuSO^ -t- 2NaH0 = CuH^O^ + Na^SO^. Sulphate of Copper. Hydrate of Copper. Exp. 245. — Place in a small flask 4 or 5 grms. of chalk or marble (carbonate of calcium), and 7 or 8 c. c. of water ; then cautiously add chlorhydric acid, little by little, imtil effervescence cea=e3 and the chalk is dissolved. When the effervescence is not violent, the flask 2e 418 STKONG BASES. may be warmed to facilitate the process of solution. A rather con- centrated solution of chloride of calcium will thus be obtained. CaCOj + 2HC1 = CaCl^ + HjO + COj. Carbonate of Calcium. Chloride of Calcium. Add to this solution»a few drops of a solution of caustic soda, which is free from carbonic acid. A white precipitate of hydrate of calcium will immediately appear, since this hydrate is insoluble in the men- struum, while chloride of sodium will be found in the clear solution. CaOlj + 2NaH0 = CaHjOj -|- 2NaCl. Hydrate of Calcium. 501. On account of this power of precipitating other hydrates from solutions of their salts, the caustic alkalies are often called strong bases, as he is the strongest wrestler who throws his ad- versary ; but this term " strong" is applied to bases and acids so confusedly as to be frequently a hindrance rather than a help in classification. Thus, if the reaction which occurs in the prepa- ration of caustic soda (Exp. 233), between carbonate of sodium and hydrate of calcium, be compared with the reaction last given between chloride of calcium and hydrate of sodium, it wiU be seen that in the first calcium displaces sodium, while in the second sodium displaces calcium ; in the one case hydrate of sodium is eliminated from the reaction, and in the other hydrate of calcium. So of acids ; we have before had occasion to remark that, of two acids, now the one and now the other will be stronger, accord- ing to the temperature at which the contest between them takes place, or other extrinsic conditions. Thus sulphuric acid is at certain temperatures capable of displacing phosphoric acid or boracic acid, but at high temperatures both these acids displace it (§§ 294, 448). It is obvious that the definition of the term " strength " must be very vague and unsatisfactory when applied to relations thus capable of actual reversal. Two general pria- ciples, however, have been arrived at through the comparative study of such reactions ; these are : — 1st. When from all or part of the elements of any mixture of liquefied materials a substance can be formed which is insoluble in the existing menstruum, that substance will separate in the solid state ; 2nd. When frojn aU or part of the elements of a solid or liquid mixture a substance can be compounded which is volatile at the existing, or induced. AIKALniBTKT. 419 temperature, that substance will be eliminated in the gaseous state. In either case such interchange of atoms as may be essen- tial to the formation of the eliminated substance, takes place, and the remaining elements necessarily adjust themselves to new re- lations. Such insoluble precipitates often present peculiarities of color or textui'e by which they may be recognized ; and such volatile gases may frequently be identified by their color, odor, or specific gravity, or by the chemical effects which they are capable of producing. If every chemical element were known to yield, under attainable conditions, a characteristic precipitate, or to evolve a peculiar and recognizable gas, the analytical chemist would possess the means of detecting every element with cer- tainty. This is to a great extent the case, and chemical analysis is chiefly based upon a knowledge of the degrees of solubility and volatility which belong to a great variety of chemical sub- stances with whose appearance and prominent properties the analyst has previously made himself acquainted; of these sub- stances many are common, but not a few rare and useless, except to serve the purpose of the analyst. There exists an anhydrous oxide of potassiTmi, K^O, and also a peroxide. The anhydrous oxide Xfi is a gray, inodorous, hard, brittle solid ; it melts a little above a red heat, but volatilizes only at a very high temperature. 502. Alkalimetry. — Since the value of the carbonates and hy- drates of sodium and potassium, as they are manufactured and consumed on the large scale in the chemical arts, is generally de- pendent upon the amount of alkali which they contain ready to enter into chemical combination, it is important to have some quick and easy method of determining how much available alkali any sample of these substances really contains. The impurities which most frequently contaminate the carbonate of potassium are the chlorides and sulphates of potassium and sodium, silicic acid, lime, alumina, and the oxides of iron ; the commonest im- purities of carbonate of sodium are the chloride and sulphate of sodium, as might readily be inferred from consideration of the process by which the carbonate is manufactured. Some sulphite of Bodium^ also is not infrequently present in commercial soda- ash. Both carbonates are apt to contain small proportions of the hy- 2e2 420 VOLTTMETEIC AFAtTSIS. drates ; but as tlie hydrates are quite as valuable for most uses as the carbonates, weight for weight, this admisture is not incon- venient. In the common methods of testing the carbonates, the hydrates present are estimated as available aLkaU, but are made no separate account of. It would be foreign to our purpose to enter upon the details of alkalimetry ; the process consists essentially in ascertaining how much dilute sulphuric acid of a known strength is required to neutralize exactly a known weight of the sample examined. The requisites are a graduated burette (Appendix, § 21), a standard acid, pure carbonate of sodium wherewith to prepare this acid, and a colored solution, sensitive to both acid and alkali, to indi- cate the point of neutralization. The following experiment will give some idea of the manipulation required in this sort of analysis, which, on account of its rapidity, is of very general application in technical chemistry. The general method is called volumetric, because, when once the standard liquids are prepared, quantita- tive results are obtained, not by weighing, but by measuring the bulk of Kquid consumed in the testing. Exp. 246. — Weigh out accurately 5 grms. of piu-e anhydrous carbo- nate of sodium ; transfer it to a flask or beaker having the capacity of about 400 c. c. ; dissolve it iu about 200 c. c. of water, and color the solution blue with about 2 c. c. of a violet tincture of litmus. To pre- pare this tincture, digest 1 part of litmus in 6 parts of water, on a water-bath, for several hours ; filter ; divide the blue liquid into two equal portions, and stir one half repeatedly with a glass rod dipped in very dilute nitric acid, until the color just appears red ; then add the other blue half, together with one part of alcohol, and keep the tincture in a small open bottle. In a stoppered bottle the tincture fades. Mix about 60 grms. of strong sulphuric acid with 500 c. c. of water and let the mixtm-e cool (§ 233). Kll a 50 c. c. Mohr's burette (Ap- pendix, § 21) up to the mark with the cold dilute acid. Place the flaak or beaker containing the soda solution beneath the burette, gently press the spring-clip, and allow the acid to flow gradually into the soda solution, stirring the while, untU the color of the liquid changes to a wine-red ; then place the flask or beaker over a lamp, and bring the liquid to ebullition ;• the dissolved carbonic acid will be driven out, and the liquid wiU again become blue; more acid is then added to the nearly boiling fluid, the vessel being occasionally placed over the lamp, until the color of the liquid becomes red, shghtly inclining to yellow. TAHTATION OP POT- AUB SODA-ASH. 421 When the point of saturation is approaching, add the acid two drops at a time, and after each fresh addition dip a fine glass rod into the fluid, and make with it two spots on a slip of fine blue litmus-paper, reading the volume each time, and marking the number of ceutimetiea between the two spots. Continue this operation until the spots on the paper appear distinctly red ; then dry the paper and take for the connect number that figure which stands between those two spots which just remain red when dry. For some eyes, tincture of cochineal possesses great advantages over tincture of litmus as a means of recognizing the point of neutralization- The tincture of cochineal is prepared by digesting 3 grms. of powdered cochineal in a mixture of 50 c. c. of alcohol and 200 c. c. of water, at the ordinary temperature, for several days. The tincture, which may be either decanted or filtered from the residue, has a ruby-red color. The caustic alkalies and the alkaline carbonates change the color to a violet-carmine ; solutions of sti'ong acids and acid-salts make it orange ; to carbonic acid it is nearly indifierent. 10 or 15 drops of the tincture are suificient to color 200 c. e. of liquid. Dilute the acid which remains of the original 500 c. c. with enough water to give a fluid of which exactly 50 c. c. are required to saturate 5 grms. of pure carbonate of sodium. This dilution is eflected as fol- lows : — Suppose that 40 c. c. of the acid have proved suificient to neu- tralize 5 grms. of the pure carbonate, then 10 c. c. of water must be added to every 40 c. c. of the acid. 460 c. c. of the original dilute acid remain ; now, as 40 : 460=10 : number of c. c. water to be added = 115 c. c. Dilute, therefore, the acid with 115 c. c. of water, using some of this water to rinse the burette which contains the undiluted acid, the measuring-glass which may have been used to ascertain the extent of volume of the original acid, and any other vessel into which it may have been temporarily poured. Of this diluted acid, 50 c. c. should exactly neuti'alize 5 grms. of pure anhydrous carbonate of so- dium. It may be tested by again weighing out 5 grms. of the pure carbonate, and repeating the volumetric determination precisely as above described. If the work has been well done, the standard acid will be found ready for use. Weigh out 5 grms, of common soda^-ash, and dissolve in about 200 c. c. of water whatever of the sample is soluble ; repeat upon this liquid, without filtering, the volumetric operation of the last experi- ment. The number oihalfc. c. of standard acid used gives directiy the percentage of pure anhydrous carbonate of sodium which the sample contains. If 50 c. c. or 100 half c. c. are used, the sample is pure carbonate of sodium ; if 40 c. c. or 80 half c. c. are used, the 422 POTASSITTM. sample is eighty per cent, pure carbonate, and twenty per cent, water and other impurities. 503. When an acid has been prepared, of which 50 c. c. exactly neutralize 5 grms. of pure carbonate of sodium, it is a matter of simple calculation only to determine how much hydrate of sodium, iow much carbonate of potassium, and how much hydrate of potassium the same 50 c. c. acid will neutralize. The follow- ing are the proportions required, the atomic weight of potassium being 39-1 :— 80 = 106 : Combining weigM of NajCO,. 106 : Combining weight of Na^COj. 106 : Combining weight of Na,CO,. Com. wt. of 138-2 = Com. wt. of K,C03. 112-2 = Com. wt. of K,H,0, 5 Grms. Na2C03. 5 Grms. Na^COj. 5 Grms. Na,CO,. x = 3-773 ; Grms. NajHjOj. X = 6-519 ; Grms. K3CO3. a- = 5-292. Grms. K,H,0,. are saturated by 50 c. c. - of one and the same standard acid. The following table shows the quantities of these four substances which are equivalent in neutralizing- or combining-power : — 5-000 grms. of carbonate of sodium ■■ 3-773 „ „ hydrate „ „ 6-519 „ „ carbonate of potassium 5-292 „ „ hydrate „ It is apparent from this table that a given weight of carbonate of sodium will saturate more silicic acid or more fat, or will give off more carbonic acid than the same weight of carbonate of potassium, and that the hydrate of sodium is also more efB^eient, gramme for gramme, than the hydrate of potassium. These facts are to be inferred at once from the atomic weights of sodium and potassium, which are 23 and 39-1 respectively ; they have had their weight in bringing about the rapid substitution of sodium-salts for potas- sium-salts in the chemical arts. 504. Potassium, (K). — This element, Kke sodium, is made from its carbonate by heating itttensely a mixture of the carbonate and charcoal, in accordance with the reaction, KCO, + 2C = 2K + 3C0. POTASSIUM DECOMPOSES WATER. 423 The apparatus employed is similar to ttat described in treating of sodium (§ 487) ; and as potassium closely resembles sodium, the same general method is followed, and the same precautions are observed. A second distillation of the crude potassium is abso- lutely essential, because, if it be neglected, a black, detonating compound of uncertain composition is formed, which explodes yiolently upon the slightest friction. Potassium is a silver-white substance, of very brilliant lustre, "which is brittle at 0°, soft as wax at ordinary temperatures, fuses at 62°-5, and is volatile at a red heat. In its soft state, two clean surfaces can be welded together like iron. It is lighter than water, having a specific gravity of only 0-865. It is almost in- stantaneously oxidized by air and water at the ordinary tempera- ture, and, when heated, by nearly every gas or liquid which con- tains oxygen. Like sodium, it must therefore be coUeoted and kept under naphtha, out of contact with the air. At moderate temperatures, potassium readily absorbs hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbonic oxide, and enters into direct combination with chlorine, bromine, iodine, sulphur, selenium, and tellurium. We have had occasion to avail ourselves of its intense chemical energy (§§ 85, 97, 411). Exp. 247. — Throw a piece of potassium, aa large as a small pea, upon some cold water in the bottom of a large bottle, and place a card or glass plate over the mouth of the bottle. The potassium decomposes the water, and evolves heat enough to kindle the hydrogen which is given off; this hydrogen burns with a purplish-red color, imparted to the flame by a minute quantity of vaporized solid. This color is cha- racteristic of potassium compounds, as a yellow color is characteristic of sodium compounds. 505. It is not a matter of indiiference from what kind of a mixture of carbonate of potassium and carbon potassium is pre- pared. The material which is best adapted to its preparation is the potassium-salt of a vegetable acid rich in carbon, which, when decomposed by heat in a vessel from which air is excluded, yields carbonate of potassium and a large quantity of free carbon. While grape-juice is being converted into wine by fermentation, a stony deposit, called " tartar," which is sometimes gray and sometimes reddish, fastens to the bottom and sides of the casks 424 CHLORIDE OP POTASSIITM. which contain the fermented juice. When freed by reorystalliza- tion from adhering coloring-matters, this crystalline and diffi- cultly soluble substance is a white salt, acid and cooling to the taste. It is an acid tartrate of potassium, and is commonly called " cream of tartar." When this substance, or crude tartar, is heated in a covered crucible until it ceases to emit combustible vapors, the cooled residue is found to consist of a porous mass of carbonate of potassium, intimately mixed with very finely divided carbon. This mixture is the best material from which to pre- pare potassium ; it is also an excellent flux, useful in assaying the ores of the common metals. In wine-producing countries considerable quantities of excellent carbonate . of potassium are prepared from the deposits of the wine-vats, by dissolving the carbonate out of the ignited tartar and purifying the salt, so ex- tracted, by recrystallization. The carbonate so obtained is the purest source of hydrate of potassium for laboratory use. 506. Chloride of Potassium (KCl). — This salt is a subordinate source of potassium compounds. It is extracted in considerable quantity from the ashes of sea-weeds, and is largely used in the manufacture of common alum, which is a sulphate of aluminum and potassium. It occurs native, sometimes pure, but more fre- quently mixed or combined with other chlorides. The chloride of potassium is capable of uniting with most other metallic chlo- rides, forming crystallizable double salts. The native double chloride of potassium and magnesium (KCl,MgCl2,6H20) has be- come of late years a productive source of potassium-salts. This mineral is dissolved in hot water ; from the cooled solution the greater part of the chloride of potassium crystallizes out, while the chloride of magnesium remains in solution. Chloride of potassium occurs also with the chlorides of sodium, magnesium, calcium, and other salts in sea-water and brine-springs, and is obtained as a secondary product in the preparation of chlorate of potassium (§ 517), the purification of nitre (§ 514), and in seve- ral other manufacturing-operations. It may be prepared directly from potassium and chlorine, or from the carbonate or hydrate of potassium and chlorhydric acid. Chloride of potassium crystallizes in anhydrous cubes, looks and tastes like common salt, is not acted upon by the air, de- IODIDE OP POTASSIUM. 425 crepitates when heated, melts at a low red heat, and volatilizes unchanged at a higher temperature. It is somewhat more vola- tile than common salt, is more soluble in water, and produces a greater degree of cold in dissolving. This chloride enters into some highly crystalline compounds, of curious composition, of which the product of the following experiment may serve as an example : — -Erp. 248. — ^By the aid of a gentle heat, dissolve 6 grma. of powdered red chromate of potassium in 8 grms. of strong cUorhydric acid, avoiding evolution of chlorine. "When the powder is dissolved, allow the solution to cool ; flat, red prisms will crystallize from the liquid. This compound answers to the formula KCljCrO^. It is decomposed by solution in water. K20,2Cr03 + 2HC1 = 2(KCl,0iO3) + H^O. Red Chromate of Potassium, 507. Bromide of Potassium (KBr) is a very soluble salt, which crystallizes in cubes, and closely resembles in all its properties the chloride. Potassium and bromine unite directly, with inflam- mation and violent detonation, the bromide being the product of the reaction. When bromine is added to a solution of caustic potash until the hquid acquires a permanent yellowish tinge, a mixture of bromide and bromate of potassium is produced : — 6KH0 + 6Br = 5KBr + E:Br03 + 3H^0. The mixed salts are dissolved in water, and a current of sulphy- dric acid is passed through the solution to reduce the bromate : — KBrO, + 3H,S = KBr = 3H,0 + 3S. The liquid is then gently warmed to expel the excess of gas, filtered from the deposited stilphur, and evaporated until the bro- mide crystallizes. The salt has lately come into use in medicine as a sedative. 508. Iodide of Potassium (KI). — This valuable medicine and photographic material may be procured by adding iodine to a so- lution of hydrate of potassium until the liquid turns brown, and gently igniting the residue obtained by evaporation. The pro- cess and the reaction are the same as in the preparation of the bromide, except that the iodate may be decomposed by heat alone 426 CTANIDB OF POTASSIUM. and does not require reduction by sulpturetted hydrogen. A better mode of preparing the iodide of potassium is to be found in the decomposition of iodide of iron by carbonate of potassium. Digest 4 grms. of iodine and 2 grms. of iron filings in a stoppered bottle with 20 c. c. of water ; iodide of iron (Felj) is formed under these conditions by direct union of the elements. The liquid is then transferred to a flask and boiled, and a solution of carbonate of potas- sium is added by small portions so long as a precipitate occurs. The solution, filtered from the insoluble carbonate of iron, yields on eva- poration crystals of iodide of potassium. Iodide of potassium ordinarily crystallizes in semiopaque cubes. It is permanent in the air, has a sharp taste, melts below a red heat, and volatilizes unchanged at a low red heat. It is very soluble in water, and in dissolving produces a considerable fall of temperature. Alcohol also freely dissolves this salt. The facility with which the salt is decomposed and its iodine liberated by chlorine, ozone, and nitric acid has been already amply illustrated (Exps. 70, 72, 76). Iodide of potassium is much used in medicine ; it is not poi- sonous even in doses of 6 to 20 grms. Its solution in water dis- solves iodine to a large extent, acquiring thereby a dark-brown color. This brown solution is sometimes used in medicine as a vehicle for iodine ; it is also useful to the photographer for re- moving from the skin the stains produced by nitrate of silver. Iodide of potassium is, further, employed in the photographic pro- cess upon glass, to produce in the substance of the film of collo- dion a deposit of iodide of silver by double decomposition with nitrate of silver. 509. Cyanide of Potassium (KCN). — ^The elements which make part of the whitish, soluble, fusible, and deliquescent solid which bears this name are potassium, carbon, and nitrogen. At a bright- red heat these three elements will come together to form this salt out of quite a variety of materials, and under quite various cir- cumstances. When nitrogen gas is passed over a mixture of charcoal and hydrate or carbonate of potassium, at a bright-red heat, cyanide of potassium is formed. When nitrogenous organic matters are ftised with hydrate or carbonate of potassium, the cyanide is formed. In presence of iron scraps or filings, this SXTLPHIDES OF POTASSIUM. 427 mixture produces a common cyanide, containing potassium, iron, carbon, and nitrogen, and known in ttearts as " yellow prussiate of potash," and to chemists as ferrocyanide of potassium. If this " prussiate " be ignited at a moderate red heat, it is decomposed into cyanide of potassium, nitrogen, and a compound of iron with carbon : — 4KCN,Fe(CN), = 4KCN + 2N + TeC,. In the blast-furnaces in which iron ores are smelted with coal or coke, a considerable quantity of cyanide of potassium is often produced, the nitrogen being probably derived from the torrents of nitrogen which the blast of air carries into the furnace. In- stead of igniting the yellow prussiate alone, a more economical process is to ignite a mixture of the prussiate with carbonate of potassium. This method saves aU the cyanogen in the prussiate; but the salt thus obtained is always mixed with cyanate and car- bonate of potassium : — Z,re(CN), + KfiO^ = 5K(CN) -|- K(C]Sr)0 -|- CO, + Fe. The presence of these impurities does not injure the cyanide for many of its uses. Cyanide of potassium is of great use in galvanic gilding and silvering, since the cyanides of gold and sUver are both soluble in a solution of cyanide of potassium. Its solution dissolves the sulphide of silver, and has therefore been suggested for house- hold use in cleaning silver- ware ; photographers sometimes use it for removing stains of nitrate of silver from the hands ; but both these applications of cyanide of potassium are dangerous and in- expedient. The cyanide is intensely poisonous, not only when taken internally, but also when brought into contact with an abrasion of the skin, a cut, or scratch. As a reducing agent, cyanide of potassium has great power ; it is especially useful in blowpipe reactions (Exp. 132). 510. Sulphides of Potassium. — Potassium, heated in sulphur- vapor, takes fire readUy, and burns brilliantly. There are sup- posed to be five different compounds of potassium and sulphur, corresponding to the formulse K,S, K,S„ K,S3, K,S„ and K^S^; and there is a sulphydrate KHS, analogous to the hydrate KHO. Ihp. 249.— Heat, gently, a thorough mixture of 10. grms. of dry 428 SULPHATE OF POTASSIUM. powdered carbonate of potassium and 6 grms. of sulphur, in a covered earthen or iron crucible, until eftervescence ceases and the laass flows quietly. The fused mass has a yellowish-brown color, and consists of tersulphide, quinquisulphide, and intermediate sulphides of potassium, mixed with sulphate, and often with carbonate of potassiiun ; it is called "liver of sulphur." This substance, dissolved in water, gives a greenish solution, from which dilute acids liberate sulphuretted hydro- gen, and precipitate milk of sulphur (§ 198). The carbonic acid of the air is strong enough to effect this decomposition ; hence the solid substance and its solution, when exposed to the air, smeU of sulphu- retted hydrogen : — K2S3 + H2SO4 = K2SO4 + HjS + 2S. The chief use of liver of sulphur is in the medical treatment of skin- 511. When sulphydric acid gas is passed to saturation into a solution of caustic potash, a colorless solution is obtained, which, is supposed to contain the sulphydrate KHS. It has no perma- nency, quickly absorbing oxygen and turning yellow. All the sulphides of potassium are brown solids, having an al- kaline reaction to test-paper, and smelling of sulphydric acid. Their solutions are oxidized by exposure to the air, and sulphur is deposited from them. 512. Sulphate of Potassium (K^SOJ. — This anhydrous salt crystallizes in transparent hexagonal prisms, terminated by hexa- gonal pyramids, and consequently bears some resemblance to common quartz crystals. The salt has a strong tendency to form double sulphates ; a double sulphate of potassium and mag- nesium is of importance in the manufacture of potassium-salts from sea-water. It also enters into the composition of many . of the double sulphates, which are called alums from the name of the commonest member of the class, the sulphate of aluminum and potassium. 613. Sulphate of Potassium and Hydrogen (KHSO J. — This salt, commonly called the " bisulphate," is formed on a large scale as a residuary product whenever nitric acid is manufactured from nitrate of potassium. When ignited, its crystals lose half their acid : — 2(KHS0J = K,SO, + H,SO,; and the salt is therefore sometimes used as a flux, in cases where REFINIIfG or SALTPETRE. 429 the action of a strong acid is required at a high temperature upon salts or oxides with which it may be fused. Platinum tools may- be cleaned by fusing this salt in or upon them. 514. Nitrate of Potassium (KNO^). — This valuable salt, com- monly called saltpetre, is very widely diffused as a natural pro- duct, being indeed seldom wholly wanting in a productive soil, or in spring- or river-water. At many localities it is found in caverns or caves in calcareous formations ; but the principal com- mercial source of the salt is the soil of certain tropical regions, especially of districts in Arabia, Persia, and India, where the nitrate is found disseminated through the upper portion of the soil, or forming an efflorescence upon the surface, but never extending lower than the depth to which the air can easily penetrate. This natm-al production of nitrates appears to result mainly from the putrefaction of vegetable and animal matters, in presence of the air and of alkaline or earthy bases capable of fixing the nitric acid as soon as it is formed. The well-waters of towns, contaminated by neighbor- ing sewers and cesspools, nearly always contain nitrates. The decay of the luxuriant vegetation of the tropics, promoted by a hot sun and a moist atmosphere, is a never-failing source of ammonia ; but it is not certain that the production of ammonia is a necessary stage in the pro- cess of nitrification. In the artificial production of nitrates in tem- perate climates, the supposed natural conditions have been roughlv imitated. In the old saltpetre " plantations " of European countries, nitrate of calcium Was produced by mixing decomposing vegetable and animal matters with cinders, chalk, marl, and so forth, moistening the mass repeatedly with leachings of manure-heaps, exposing it freely to the air for two or three years, and then lixiviating. The nitrate of calcium, which was the main product, was then converted into salt- petre by double decomposition with carbonate of potassium. The saltpetre is extracted from the earth which contains it by lixi- viation, evaporation, and crystallization ; but inasmuch as for most uses it is required in a very pure state, the crude salt must generally be re- fined. The common impurities of crude saltpetre are chloride of so- dium and chloride of potassium. In order to separate these chlorides, advantage is taken of the fact that the nitrate of potassium is four times as soluble in boiling water as the chloride of potassium, and six times as soluble as the chloride of sodium. The crude saltpetre is treated with a quantity of water, sufficient to dissolve at boiling all the nitrate of potassixmi, but not all of the chloride of sodium beside. This 430 PROPBEirES OF SALIPETEE. residual salt is scooped out of the vessel in which the solution is effected, and the solution, after being somewhat diluted, is hoUed with a little glue, to coagulate the coloring-matters and other soluble dirt, and sweep the liquid clean by means of the adhesive scum which rises to the surface. The strong, clear solution is then transferred to shallow crystallizing pans, and left at rest if large crystals are desired ; if small crystals are preferable, the liquid is constantly stirred from the moment that crystallization begins ; the saltpetre is then deposited in a crystal- line powder, called saltpetre-flour. The chlorides of sodium and potassium are nearly as soluble in cold water as in hot ; but nitrate of potassium is only one-eighth as soluble in water at the temperature of the atmosphere as in boiling water. Hence the chlorides remain in the mother-liquor, while the nitrate rapidly separates from the solution as it cools. The ciystals of saltpetre are drained, and then washed with a solution of saltpetre saturated in the cold. This solution takes up the adhering chlorides, but leaves the pure nitrate of potassium undissolved. Large quantities of saltpetre are now made by decomposing nitrate of sodium with carbonate of potassium. When, through governmental interference, the East-Indian supply of saltpetre is checked, this method is resorted to with advantage. Tartar, and the ashes of the beetroot-sugar manufacture, are good sources of potash to be applied to this purpose. Crude nitrate of sodium contains so much chloride of sodium, that it is desirable to purify it for this use by previous re- crystaUization ; otherwise potash would be unprofitably consumed in converting chloride of sodium into chloride of potassium. One of the processes for converting the nitrate of sodium into nitrate of potassium consists simply in adding the nitrate of sodium to a hot concentrated solution of carbonate of potassium ; a precipitation of carbonate of so- dium takes place, and this precipitate is removed as faat as it forms, until no more appears ; from the cooled liquid saltpetre-flour is de- posited. The carbonate of potassium may be replaced in this process by chloride of potassium. NaNOj -|- KCl = KNOj -|-NaCl. 515. Nitrate of potassium is white, inodorous, and anhydrous, and has a cooling, bitter taste. When pure, it is permanent in the air, — a fact of great importance, inasmuch as the chief use of this salt is in the manufacture of gunpowder. Were it hygro- scopic, like nitrate of sodium, it would not be applicable to this use. Saltpetre is one of those few potassium-salts which cannot be whoUy replaced in the arts by the corresponding sodium-salt. It is very soluble in water, especially in hot water ; it melts below SALTPETRE NOT EXPLOSIVE. 431 a red heat to a colorless liquid without loss of suhstance, but at a red heat it gives oflf oxygen and suffers decomposition. Its most marked chemical characteristic is its oxidizing-povrer. It deflagrates in the fire with charcoal, sulphur, phosphorus, and other combustible bodies ; when ignited in contact with copper or iron (Exp. 46), it converts these metals into oxides ; and it even oxidizes gold, silver, and platinum. It is on the oxidizing- power of saltpetre that its use in the manufacture of gunpowder and fireworks, and in the preparation of matches, depends. Arrange 10 grms. of pure nitrate of potassium and 20 or SO grms. of thin copper-turnings, or ^mall bits of sheet copper, in alternate layers, in a covered copper crucible, and expose the mixture for half an hour to a moderate red heat. Dissolve out the cooled mass with water, and let the liquid stand in a tall, closed bottle imtil the oxide of copper has settled to the bottom. The supernatant liquid is a pure solution of caustic potash ; indeed this is an excellent method of preparing pure hydrate of potassium for use in analysis : — 2KNO3 + 50u + HjO = 2KH0 + SCuO + 2N. Hxp. 250. — ^Heat 10 or 12 grms. of saltpetre, gently, in a small porcelain dish, until it melts ; pour the melted salt out on a cold piece of iron or stone; break the fused mass into small fragments,' and fill an ignition-tube, 12-15 cm. long, one-third full with these bits. Heat the tube cautiously, taking pains to keep aU the salt, when once melted, in a state of fusion. At a red heat, oxygen, pure at first, is slowly evolved, and may be collected at the water-pan ; simultaneously nitrite of potassium (KNOj) is formed ; at a second stage this nitrite is itself decomposed, and the escaping oxygen is then contaminated with a certain proportion of nitrogen. A portion of the gas collected may be tested with a glowing splinter (Exp. 6) ; another portion maybe mixed with coal-gas, and, with the mixture, bubbles may be blown, as directed in Exp. 30 ; the mixture will be found to be exceedingly explosive. This experiment proves, in the first place, that saltpetre itself is not , explosive, and, in the second place, afibrds an explanation of the fact that frightful explosions do often occur when storehouses containing saltpetre are burned. Carburetted hydrogen, such as was obtained in Exp. 151 (represented by the coal-gas in the last experiment), is evolved from the wood- work of the burning building, wherever the wood is heated out of contact with the air ; meanwhile oxygen is given oiffrom the ignited saltpetre, and whenever these two gases mix in the requisite proportions, and their mixture comes in contact with a flame, a violent explosion inevitably ensues. 432 GtrNPOWBEB. Exp. 251.— Dissolve 5 grms. of saltpetre in 20 c. c. of water ; dip strips of bibulous paper in the solution, and dry them ; this paper, once kindled, will smoulder away till consumed. It is used m con- nexion with fireworks, and in the manufacture of pastilles and aromatic fumigating paper. Exp. 252. —Mix 6 grms. of powdered saltpetre with 1 grm. of dry powdered charcoal ; place the mixture on a piece of porcelain and ig- nite it with a hot wire. When the deflagration is over, a white solid wiU be found upon the porcelain. Dissolve this sohd in a few drops of water ; the solution will be alkaline to test-paper ; add a few drops of a dilute acid ; a brisk effervescence marks the escape of carbonic acid. The nitrate has oxidized the carbon to carbonic acid, part of which escaped with the nitrogen during the deflagration, while pait entered into combination with the potassium : — 4KNO3 + 50 = 2K2CO3 -I- 300^ -t- 4N. Exp. 253. — ^Place 30 grms. of saltpetre in a small beaker with 110 c. c. of water ; insert a thermometer in the mixture, and observe the very considerable fall of temperature occasioned by the solution of the salt. In those countries where saltpetre is cheap and ice dear, this property of the salt is availed of for the refrigeration of drinks. 516. Gunpowder is an intimate mechanical mixture of soft- wood charcoal (§ 382), sulphur, and nitrate of potassium, in the proportions of 70 or 80 per cent, of the nitrate to 10 or 12 per cent, of each of the other ingredients. Though it is in no sense a chemical compound, we may, for convenience' sake, express the composition of gunpowder by the formula K^N^Os + ^+^C, and may roughly formulate the reactions which occur when it is burned, by the foUowing equation : — -K^P, -I- S -F 30 = 300, + 2N + K,S. Speaking in general terms, the oxygen of the nitrate combines with the carbon to form carbonic acid, or, at the least, carbonic oxide, while the sulphur is retained by the potassium, and nitro- gen left free. Gunpowder burns at the expense of the oxygen contained in it ; it has no need of air for its combustion, but can be burned in any closed space — as weU, for example, in canisters under water, or tightly enclosed in the chamber of a gun, as in free air. From the formula, it will be seen, at a glance, that a very large proportion of gas, as compared with the bulk of the solid powder. PEEPAKATION OP eUNPOWBEE. 433 must be evolved ■when powder is burned. But gunpowder bums rapidly and with great evolution of heat, so that the volume of gas, large at any temperatiire, is enormously expanded at the moment of its formation ; hoDce it happens that the gas set free in the barrel of a gun may be capable of occupying a thousand or fifteen hundred times as much space as the powder which ge- nerated it. An enormous pressure is thus engendered at the spot where the powder burns, and to this pressure some part of the matter which confines the powder must yield. In the case of the gun-barrel, it is the bullet which represents the weakest, or breaking side of the chamber in which the powder burns ; but when rocks are blasted, then the packing, or " tamping," which represents the ball, is made so firm that it shall be stronger than the rocky sides of the drill-hole, which is equivalent to the bar- rel of the gun. In case the walls of the gun can be disrupted more readily than the firmly impacted bullet can be driven out, then, of course, the gun hursts ; and, conversely, the tamping of a drill-hole is thrown out if it be less firm than the rock. In the case of the gun-barrel, a part of the effect of the explosion is felt in the kick or recoil of the gun. Though the equation last given is useful in so far as it exhibits the gaseous products evolved during the combustion of gun- powder, it does not truly express the solid products of the reac- tion. The residue of the combustion really contains only a com- paratively small proportion of sulphide of potassium ; it consists mainly of sulphate of potassium and carbonate of potassium, together with some hyposulphite of potassium, and a trace of un- burned carbon. Enough sulphide of potassium is always present, however, to impart the offensive odor which is perceived in wash- ing a foul gun, and in powder- smoke. Exp. 254. — Pulverize, separately, 23 grms. of nitrate of potassium, 4 grms. of sulphur, and 4 grms. of charcoal. Place a drop or two of water in a porcelain mortar, and grind into it, first, the charcoal, and then the other ingredients, taking care to add enough water to form a plastic dough. After the mass has been thoroughly kneaded, roll out small portions of it between two pieces of board, into long threads, of the thickness of a fine knitting-needle. With a knife, cut the threads into small fragments or granules, and leave the granules ia a warm room to dry. The thoroughly dried product is gunpowder ; and the 2e 434 CHtOEATE OF POTASSITTM. manipulation in tWs experiment does not differ essentially from the mode of manufacture employed in the powder-mills, excepting that the granulation is there effected by passing the moist paste through cul- lenders. The sulphur in gunpowder acts mainly as a kindling material (§ 200). In powder intended for use in guns, the proportion of sul- phur is kept comparatively low, since any excess of it would corrode the metal of the gun. Hxp. 255.— Knead together, as in Exp. 254, 7 grms. of powdered nitrate of potassium and 1-5 grm. of moistened, finely powdered char- coal. Granulate and dry the product, as before, and compare its in- flammability with that of the gunpowder prepared in Exp. 254, by touching small heaps of each with a red-hot wire. Mixtures of char- coal and nitrate of potassium, such as the foregoing, are much used in the manufacture of fireworks. 517. Chlorate of Potassium (KCIO3). — The basis of the large use now made of this beautiful salt in medicine, in calico-print- ing, in pyrotechny, in the match-manufacture, and in the chemical laboratory is its large oxygen-contents. It is an oxidizing agent of the most vigorous description. It may be prepared by saturating a solution of 1 part of hydrate of potassium in 3 parts of water with chlorine, and heating the liquid some time to the boiling-point. The ultimate result maybe expressed by the formula 6KH0 -I- 601 = KCIO3 + 5KC1 -|- SH^O; but the process has two stages, which are sufficiently described in § 124. The hot solution, left to itself, deposits the greater part of the chlorate in anhydrous six-sided plates of a pearly lustre ; the chloride of potas- sium remains in the mother-liquor. The chlorate is freed from adhe.- ring chloride by recrystaUization. The success of the process depends upon the very different solubilities of the chlorate and the chloride of potassium. At the temperature of their saturated boiling solutions both salts are about equally soluble ; 100 parts of water will dissolve between 60 and 67 parts of either salt ; but at the ordinary tempera- ture of the air 100 parts of water will dissolve 30-40 parts of chloride of potassium and only 6 or 7 parts of chlorate of potassium. We find here the explanation of the fact that chlorate of sodium has not re- placed chlorate of potassium in the arts. The chlorate of sodium is more soluble in water at all temperatures than the chloride of sodium is, while both are exceedingly soluble, so that the two salts cannot be separated by crystallization. This process of crystallization is the chemical manufacturer's chief reliance in refining both his materials PEEPAKATION OF CHLORiTE OE POTASSItTM. 435 and his products ; and the purchaser of chemicals finds his test guaranty of the purity of his commodities in the peculiar form, lustre, color, and degree of transparency which characterize the crystals of every crys- tallizable and permanent chemical compound. Hence an easily crys- tallized permanent salt, of characteristic appearance, like chlorate of potassium, will always have the preference over one which, like chlo- rate of sodium, can be crystallized and purified only with difficulty, and is not permanent when once obtained. The chlorate of sodium is deliquescent. The waste product in the making of chlorate of potassium by the process just described is chloride of potassium, a comparatively dear salt. Ad economy is effected by substituting hydrate of calcium for hydrate of potassium, and thus making the secondary product chloride of calcium instead of chloride of potassivim ; one equivalent only of the chloride of potassium is then required instead of six of the hydrate of potassium. An excess of chlorine is passed into a mixture of 300 parts of quicklime, 154 parts of chloride of potassium, and 100 of water. The mass is heated by steam, stirred with agitators, filtered, and then evaporated nearly to dryness by steam-heat ; the mass is then redis- solved in hot water and set to crystallize : — SCaO + KCl -I- 6C1 = KCIO3 -|- SCaClj. The mother-liquor, which contains all the chloride of calcium, may be decomposed with sulphate of potassium, in which event a very finely divided sulphate of calcium, available for " stuffing " in the manufac- ture of paper, is precipitated, and chloride of potassiiun is recovered, to be again applied to the production of the chlorate ; or the chloride- of-calcium solution may be decomposed with carbonate of sodium, in order to precipitate a very finely divided carbonate of calcium, which is largely employed by the pharmaceutist and perfumer. In the latter case, chloride of sodium has to be thrown away. The whole manu- facture is a good example of a technical chemical process. 518. Chlorate of potassium is easily decomposed by heat ; at a moderate temperature it yields perchlorate and chloride of potas- sium (§ 124) ; but at a red heat it is resolved into chloride of potassium and oxygen (Exp. I):- — KC103=KCl+30. Chlorate of potassium is so prompt an oxidizing agent that mixtures of it with combustible bodies often detonate violently when struck or heated (Exps. 113, 157). These combustions are dangerous un- less very small quantities be used. It has been often proposed to replace gunpowder by such mixtures ; a mixture of the chlorate with catechu, or some simUar stable substance rich in tannin, is 2p2 436 OXTDATION BY CHLOKATE OF POTASSnTM. the most promising of these suggestions. Strong acids, like sul- phuric, nitric, and chlorbydric acids, decompose chlorate of potas- sium with evohition of oxides of chlorine, or of chlorine and oxy- gen. The decomposition is often attended with decrepitation, and sometimes with a flashing light ; combustibles, like sulphur, phos- phorus, sugar, and resin, are inflamed by the gases evolved. A mixture of chlorate of potassium and chlorhydric acid is used in toxicological investigations as an oxidizing agent for the destruc- tion of organic matter (§ 329). The following formulae will eluci- date some of these reactions : — 3KC103 + 2H„S0,= 2C10, + KaO. + 2KHS0, -|- H^ 8KCIO3 -f- 6HN0, = 6KNO3 + 2KC10, -I- 6C1 -|- 130 + 3H,0 4KCIO3 -I- 12HC1 = 4KC1 + 3C10, + 9C1 + 6H,0. Exp. 256. — Pour into a conical test-glass 26-30 c. c. of water, and throw into the water some scraps of phosphorus, weighing together not more than 0'3 grm., and 3-4 grms. of crystals of chlorate of potassium. By means of a thistle-tube bring 6 or 6 c. c. of strong sulphuric acid into immediate contact with the chlorate at the bottom of the glass. Then withdraw the thistle-tube. In a moment the phosphorus is kindled, and burns with vivid flashes of light beneath the water. An evolution of chlorine accompanies the reaction. Exp. 257. — Rub 4 or 5 grms. of clean chlorate of potassium, free from dust, to a fine powder in a porcelain mortar. In powdering chlo- rate of potassium, care must be taken that the mortar and pestle are perfectly clean, and the salt free from organic matter, and that violent percussion and heavy pressure upon the contents of the mortar be wholly avoided. Place the powdered chlorate on a piece of paper, add an equal bulk of dry powdered sugar to the pile, and, with the fingers and a piece of card, mix the two materials thoroughly together. Mixtures of chlorate of potassium and organic matter are liable to explode, if strongly rubbed or but lightly struck. Wrap the mixture in a paper cylinder, and place the cylinder on a brick in a strong draught of air ; let fall upon the mixture a drop of sulphuric acid from the end of a glass rod ; a very vivid combustion will ensue, with the violet-colored flame characteristic of potassium. Exp. 258. — ^Mix together, on paper, with the precautions above de- scribed, 1 grm. of black oxide of copper, 1 grm. of sulphur, and 2-5 grms. of powdered chlorate of potassium. Place the mixture, inclosed in a paper cylinder, on the top of a brick, and touch it with a hot wire ; it will bum vividly, and with a purple color which is prized in pyrotechny. AMMONIUM-SALTS. 437 CHAPTEE XXV. A M It N I TTM-S ALTS. 519. The hypothetical metal ammonium (NHJ is a device for explaining the constitution and properties of one weU-defined class out of the several classes of compounds into which the gas ammonia enters. This class of compounds is that which results from neutralizing an aqueous solution of ammonia with acids, as in tie following reactions : — NH3,H,0 + H,SO, = (NHJHSO, + H,0. Sulphate of Ammonium and Hydrogen. NH„H,0 + HNO3 = (NHJNO, + H,0. Nitrate of Am,monium. According to this hypothesis, the crystalline salts which result from such neutralizations contain a group of atoms (NH^) which is analogous in its action to potassium and sodium, and which forms salts analogous in composition to the potassium-salts. Thus chloride of ammonium (NB[^)C1 is analogous to chloride of potas- sium KCl; sulphate of ammonium (NHj)2S0^ is analogous to sulphate of potassium K^SO^, and so forth (§91). All the actual evidence we possess of the separate existence and metallic character of the group NH^ is contained in the fol- lowing curious but inconclusive experiment : — Exp. 259. — Pour 8 or 10 c. c. of mercury into a small flask, and warm the mercury over a gas-lamp ; drop upon the mercury six or eight bits of metallic sodium, no one of them larger than a hemp-seed. The sodiimi dissolves with some spattering in the warm mercury, and a sodium amalgam is thus obtained. Transfer the amalgam to a tall glass or bottle of at least 300 c. c. capacity, and pour over it a concen- trated solution of chloride of ammonium. The amalgam immediately begins to swell up, and ultimately increases to 8 or 10 times its original bulk, in the cold, or to 20 or 30 times if the solution be hot, assuming a pasty consistency like that of soft butter, but preserving its metallic lustre. It begins to undergo spontaneous decomposition as soon as it is formed, and if it is placed in water, this decomposition is quite rapid ; 438 HTDEATE OP AMMONHral. hydrogen gas is given off' in minute bubbles, and ammonia is found m the solution. This curious substance has been supposed to be a com- bination of ammonium (NH4) with mercury ; all attempts, however, to isolate the ammonium have been unsuccessful. The proportion of ammonium (?) present in the amalgam is extremely minute, not- withstanding the great change of bulk and properties experienced by the mercury. The amalgam is said to contain only 1 part of nitrogen and hydrogen to 1800 parts of mercury. 520. Ammonium-salts are generally isomorphous with potas- sium-salts. They have mostly a pungent, saline taste ; they are colorless, like sodium- and potassium-salts, unless the acids are colored ; the carbonates, and those salts which, like the chloride and iodide, contain no oxygen, are volatile at a moderate heat without decomposition ; some salts lose their ammonia when heated ; if the acid which neutralized this ammonia is a non- volatile substance, like phosphoric acid, it will remain behind un- decomposed; others, Uke the nitrate (Exp. 34), yield simpler gases than ammonia, as, for example, nitrogen or nitrous oxide. An aqueous solution of an ammonium-salt, when exposed to the air or evaporated, generally loses ammonia and acquires an acid reaction; hence in crystallizing an ammonium-salt, ammonia- water must be occasionally added during evaporation. All am- monium-salts, whether solid or in solution, evolve ammonia when heated with the hydrates of sodium, potassium, calcium and a few other metals (Exp. 48). Sxp. 260. — Warm a few centimetres of a solution of chloride of ammonium in a test-tube, add a few drops of a solution of caustic soda, and boU the liquid. The gaseous ammonia can be detected by its odor. If in any case the ammonia evolved be in so smaU. a quantity that its characteristic smell cannot be detected, it may be recognized by its property of restoring the blue color to reddened litmus-paper (§ 83), and of forming white fumes by contact with a rod moistened with somewhat dilute chlorhydric acid (Exp. 65). The reaction may be formulated as follows : — NH.Cl -1- NaHO = NaOl + NH3 + Hfi. 521. The solution of ammonia gas in water (NH^jH^O) may be regarded as a solution of hydrate of ammonium (NH )H0, com- parable with the solution of caustic soda, NaHO, or caustic potash, KHO. This solution produces, indeed, many of the effects which CHLOKIDE OF AMMOSrilTM. 439 the solutions of the caustic alkalies produce ; it neutralizes acids, displaces the oxides of many metals from solutions of their salts, and comhines with fats to form a soap ; it is, in short, a powerful base. Exp. 361. — Dissolve a small crystal of alum in 6-8 c. c. of water in a test-tube, and add ammonia-water until the solution, after being well shaken, smeUs strongly of ammonia. A gelatinous precipitate of the hydrate of aluminum wiU appear in the liquid. Hxp. 262. — Dissolve about 1 grm. of sulphate of zinc in 6-8 c. c. of water in a test-tube ; add 4 or 5 drops of ammonia- water, and shake up the contents of the tube. A white, translucent precipitate of the hydrate of zinc wiU appear. Pour into the turbid liquid in the tube 3 or 4 c. c. more of ammonia- water ; the precipitate will redissolve and the liquid again become clear. The zinc is at first displaced from its position in the sulphate by the group (NH4) ; but the hydrate of zinc thus precipitated is soluble in an excess of ammonia- water. The hydrate of ammonia behaves in this way with not a few salts of metals. Ammonium-salts are very numerous ; but only the few which are of present importance in the useful arts wiU be here de- scribed. 622. Chloride of Ammoniwm (NH^Cl). — This salt, commonly called sal-ammoniac, is found native in many volcanic regions. When nitrogenized animal matter and chloride of sodium are distilled together, this salt sublimes from the mixture ; the com- mercial supply of the salt was formerly obtained from the soot resulting from the incomplete combustion of camel's dung. The raw material whence ammonium-salts are now manivfactured is derived from gasworks and boneblack-factories. Goal and bones contain a portion of nitrogen, which, during the process of distillation, is partially converted into ammonia (§ 92) ; this ammonia combines with the carbonic acid and sulphydric acid which are likewise products of the distillation, and these compounds are condensed into a some- what watery liquor, contaminated with tarry and oily matters, from which the ammonium-salts are subsequently extracted. The impure carbonate is converted into chloride by the addition of chlorhydric acid, or of the mother-liquor from saltworks (a liquor containing the chlorides of magnesium and calcium) ; on evaporating the clarified solution, crystals of sal-ammoniac are obtained, but they are generally too dirty for use. They are partly freed from tarry matters by heating them to a temperature a little below their subliming-point, but high 440 STTIPHATE OF AMMONnm. enough to drive off tlie tai, and are then ledissolved in water ; this solution, decolorized by being filtered through animal charcoal, is recrystallized ; these crystals are sometimes further purified by sub- limation. Chloride of ammonium serves for the preparation of ammonia (Exp. 48), and of carbonate of ammonium. It is somewhat em- ployed in dyeing, and also in certain processes with metals, such as tinning, soldering, and silvering copper and brass, and galva- nizing (zincing) iron. The sublimed salt forms semitransparent, tough, fibrous masses ; it is very soluble in water, and a great reduction of temperature occurs during its solution ; hence it is employed as a refrigerant. Its taste is sharp and acrid. When heated, it sublimes much below redness, without undergoing fusion. Exp. 263. — Heat a bit of sal-ammoniax; on a piece of porcelain, and observe the low temperature at which the solid is completely con- verted into vapor. Exp. 264. — Place a teaspoonful of powdered chloride of ammonium in the hollow of the hand, and pour upon it two or three teaspoonfuls of water. The cold produced by the solution of the salt wiU be very perceptible. 523. Sulphate of Ammonium {(WE.^^0^. — If the ammoniacal liquor from gasworks or animal-charcoal factories be neutralized with sulphuric acid, or if it be decomposed by gypsum (sulphate of calcium), the sulphate of ammonium will be obtained. In the latter case, the impure carbonate of ammonium in the liquor, on being filtered through powdered gypsum, yields carbonate of calcium and sulphate of ammonium. Another recent mode of utilizing the ammoniacal liquor of gasworks yields a crude sul- phate of ammonium ; the liquor is suffered to flow down the coke- towers which are now often connected with sulphuric-acid cham- bers (§ 228), and there absorbs all the acid-fumes which escape from the chambers. A crude chloride of ammonium may be pre- pared in a similar way, by substituting ammoniacal liquor for water in the coke-towers of sulphate-of-sodium furnaces (§ 482). The absorbent power of the ammoniacal liquor is, of course, mneh greater than that of water. Sulphate of ammonium is colorless, and has a very bitter taste ; it is soluble in twice its weight of cold, and in its own weight of iniEATE OF AMMONIITM. 441 boiling water. Its crystaUine form is the same as that of sul- phate of potassium, and the commercial article looks very much like sand, just as the crystals of sulphate of potassium have a superficial resemblance to quartz crystals. It forms a consider- able number of double salts, which are isomorphous with the cor- responding salts of potassium. Sulphate of ammonium is em- ployed in the manufacture of ammonium- alum, as an ingredient of artificial manures, and as a source of other ammonium-salts. 524. Nitrate of Ammonium {(S'K^'EO^. — The method of pre- paring this salt, and its complete decomposition by heat; have been already described (Exps. 33, 34, and § 91). The salt crys- tallizes in long needles ; it has a pungent taste, is soluble m less than half its weight of boiling water, and in dissolving produces sharp cold. Between 230° and 250° it is decomposed into water and nitrous oxide ; if it be heated hotter, or too rapidly, ammonia, nitric oxide, and nitrite of ammonium (NHJNOj are also formed. Nitrate of ammonium is formed by the action of dilute nitric acid on several metals, especially tin. 525. Carbonates of Ammonium. — Commercial carbonate of am- monium (sal-volatile) is a white, semitransparent, fibrous sub- stance, with a pungent taste and a strong ammoniacal smell ; it is prepared, on a large scale, by the dry distillation of bones, horn, and other animal matters. The product is purified from empyreumatic substances by repeated sublimation. Exp. 265. — Mix thoroughly together 10 grms. of chloride of ammo- nium and 20 grma. of powdered chalk ; heat the mixture in a small evaporating-dish placed upon a sand-bath. When white vapors begin to rise from the hot mass, place a wide-mouthed bottle over the fuming mixture. The white sublimate which collects in the bottle is a car- bonate of ammonium ; chloride of calcium remains in the dish. This experiment illustrates a second, and very common, method of preparing the commercial carbonate, which simply consists in heating to redness a mixture of 1 part of chloride, or sulphate, of ammonium and 2 parts of carbonate of calcium. When this commercial carbonate is dissolved in strong ammonia-water at about 30°, a solution is obtained which yields large, transparent, prismatic crystals. These crystals, however, have no stability ; they are rapidly decomposed in the air, giving off water and 442 SULPHIDES OF AMMOIfnjM. ammonia. " Sesquioarbonate of ammonia " is the name generally applied to this substance — a name deduced from the dualistic formula 2(N'E^\0,3C0^. The commercial carbonate approxi- mates to the composition represented by this formula ; but it is an impure product, and, when exposed to the air, changes gra- dually into a more stable compoTind, the carbonate of ammonium and hydrogen, or " bicarbonate " (NH^)HC03. This bicarbonate may be obtained by saturating the solution of ammonia, or sesquicarbonate of ammonium, with carbonic acid ; it forms large, transparent, prismatic crystals. When exposed to the air, it slowly volatUizes, giving off a slight ammoniacal odor. At the ordinary temperature, it is soluble in 8 parts of water ; this solution, if heated above 36°, evolves carbonic acid. Even at the ordinary temperature, the solution gradually becomes ammoniacal on keeping. White crystalline masses of this bicar- bonate have been found in guano deposits. It seems to be the most stable of the carbonates of ammonium ; for the other carbo- nates change into it if left to themselves. 526. Sulphides of Ammonium. — At a temperature of — 18°, two volumes of ammonia-gas combine with one volume of sul- phydric acid gas to form a crystalline unstable substance, of strong alkaline reaction, which corresponds in composition with the sulphides Na^S and K^S. 2NH, + H,S = (NH,),S. Exp. 266. — Pass a slow stream of washed sulphydric acid through 100 c. c. of strong ammonia-water, until the solution has a predomi- nating and persistent odor of sulphuretted hydrogen. This solution is at first colorless, and contains a sulphide of ammonium and hydrogen (NH4)HS; but when kept in contact with air it becomes yellow, owing to the formation of a higher sulphide of ammonium. The solu- tion has the property of dissolving many of the sulphides of the metals, by forming with them double sulphides, and is a very useful reagent in the analytical laboratory. The higher sulphides of ammonium are obscure bodies, to which the following formulsB have been assigned, — (NH ) S , (NHJ^S3, (KEJP,, (NHJ,S„ (NHJ^S,. With the exception of the last, the septisulphide, all these sulphides are soluble in water. With the same exception, they correspond with the sul- LiTErrirM. 443 phides of sodium and potassium. They are in general unstable ; the most permanent is the septisulphide, which forms ruby-red crystals, capable of resisting temperatures below 300°, and only slowly, decomposable by water and chlorhydric acid. CHAPTER XXVI. 1 1 T H it; m — ^R ir B I D I tr ir — c iE s itt m — t h a i l itj m. SPECTEUM ANALYSIS. 527. Lithium (Li). — This rare metal occurs as a constituent of not a few minerals, especially micas and feldspars, but does not form a large percentage of any of them. The minerals lepi- dolite, triphylline, and petalite "usually contain from 3-5 to 5 per cent, of lithium, and are the chief sources of the element. In much smaller proportion, it has been recognized in sea-water, mineral waters, and almost aU spring-waters, in milk, tobacco, and human blood. It is therefore a widely difiused, but not abundant, substance. The metal, which is obtained by decom- posing the fused chloride by the galvanic current, has the color and lustre of silver on a freshly cut surface, but quickly tarnishes on exposure to the air. It is harder and less fusible than sodium and potassium, but softer than lead ; it may be welded, by pres- sure, at ordinary temperatures. It floats on naphtha, and is the lightest of all known solids which include no air, its specific gravity being only 0-59. The atomic weight of the element is also low, namely 7. In its chemical relations, lithium closely resembles sodium and potassium, but is somewhat less energetic ; it combines with the same elements to form analogous compounds to those of sodium and potassium ; but the properties of these compounds, while pre- senting a striking general resemblance to those of the sodium and potassium compounds, nevertheless offer some special points of divergence from them. Thus, the hydrate of lithium (LiHO) 444 SPECTEXTM AITALTSIS. has the same taste, causticity, and alkalinity as the hydrates of sodium and potassium, hut is much less soluhle ia water. The fused hydrate attacks platinum more energetically than, caustic soda and potash do. The carbonate and phosphate of lithium are rather sparingly soluble in water, while the corresponding sodium and potassium-salts are exceedingly soluble. The chloride of lithium (LiCl), produced when lithium burns ia chlorine, or when the hydrate or carbonate of lithium is dissolved in chlor- hydric acid, crystallizes in cubes, and has the taste of common salt ; but it is more volatile than the chloride of potassium, and" it deliquesces faster than any other known salt, whereas the chlo- rides of sodium and potassium are almost permanent when pure. All the volatile lithium-compounds color a gas-, alcohol-, or blow- pipe-flame carmine-red. The most delicate reaction for the de- tection of lithium, the test which has revealed its existence in a great variety of substances which were never imagined to con- tain it, is the presence of one bright line, of a peculiar red, in the spectrum seen on looking through a glass prism at a flame colored with a lithium compound. 528. Spectrum Analysis. — ;We have had occasion to observe that certain chemical substances, like boraeic acid and salts of sodium, potassium, and lithium, impart peculiar colors to the blowpipe-flame, or to any other hot and colorless flame. If these colored flames are looked at through a prism, a narrow pencil of the colored Ught beiag directed through a slit upon the prism, it will be seen that each different flame produces a peculiar spectrum, consisting of one or more distinct bright lines of colored light, and bearing no resemblance to the continuous band of rainbow-colors which constitutes the common spectrum produced by a pencil from any source of white Ught. Thus the spectrum of the yellow sodium-flame consists of a single, bright, yellow line ; the purple potassium-flame gives a spectrum con- taining two bright lines, one lying at the extreme red and the other at the extreme violet end, and a second, fainter red line ; while the Hthium spectrum consists of a very characteiistio red line and a fainter orange line. These peculiar Hues which characterize the spectrum of any element are invariably produced by that element, and never by SPECTETJM ANAITSIS. 445 any other substance, and not only the color and number of lines, but their position in the normal spectrum always remains unaltered. When the spectrum of a flame colored with a mixture of sodium and potassium salts is examined, the yellow line of sodium is seen in its place, and the red and purple Hues of potassium are as visible in their respective positions as if no sodium had been present. This example illustrates one great advantage which the use of the prism gives, — ^the unaided eye cannot distinguish the potassium color in the presence of the intense sodium- yeUow, the brighter color hiding the paler ; but with the prism it is easy to detect each of several ingredients of a mixture by the appearance of its characteristic lines. Now, every elemen- tary substance, whether metallic or non-metaUic, soHd, liquid, or gaseous, when heated to the point at which its vapor becomes luminous, emits a peculiar light produced by it alone, and the bright lines of the spectrum of this Hghf are characteristic of this element in number, color, and position. Many metals require a much higher temperature than that of the common gas-flame to convert them into luminous vapors; but by the use of the electric lamp all the metals, even gold, silver, and platinum, may be made to yield peculiar spectra. The permanent gases also give characteristic spectra when they are heated by the passage of the electric spark; the spectrum of hydrogen, for example, consists of one red, one green, and one blue line. A new method of analysis, of extreme delicacy, is based upon these facts. Spectrum analysis is competent to detect the Sfaao'^ooooo^ of a gramme of sodium, or the j^ny^m °^ » gramme of lithium, and many other elements in incredibly small proportions. So extreme is the delicacy of the method that it brings into plain sight minute quantities which altogether escape the coarser process of analysis, and reveals, as substances com- mon in familiar things, elements which were long supposed to be of extreme rarity. Thus the presence of lithium, formerly con- sidered a rare element peculiar to a few obscure minerals, has been demonstrated by spectrum analysis in many drinking-waters, in tea, tobacco, mUk, and blood. A stiU more striking illustra- tion of the value of spectrum analysis is to be found in the dis- covery of four new elementary bodies by its means. 446 ETTBIBIUM AND CJSSITJM. 529. Two new elements wMoh closely resemble sodium and potassium, and are in nature associated with these alkali-metals, have been found in certain mineral waters, and in the mineral lepidohte. One of these elements gives a spectrum containing, among others of less mark, a superb, double, red line, and has thence been called Buhidium ; the other produces a spectrum characterized by two beautiful blue lines, and has thence been called Caesium. These two new metals resemble potassium so closely in all their chemical properties, that it would have been nearly impossible to detect them by the common analytical pro- cesses ; yet their spectra are in the highest degree characteristic, exhibiting bright bands which exist neither in the potassium spectrum nor in any other known spectrum. The recently dis- covered metal Thallium was discovered and traced to its source in certain kinds of pyrites by observing a splendid green line which did not belong to any known substance. The new metal Indium was also detected, traced to its source in certain zinc ores, and successfully isolated, by the help of a dark-blue line which had not been previously observed. The methods and processes of spectrum analysis are not appli- cable to colored artificial lights alone ; they have been applied with encouraging success to the lights of various quality which emanate from the sun, the stars, and the nebulae ; but the details of these observations belong rather to physics than to chemistry. 530. Rubidium and Cmsium (Kb and Cs). — These two elements are always found together, and in association with potassium. Though extensively diffused, they generally occur in very minute quantities. Eubidium seems to be rather the most abundant. Ten kilogrammes of the mineral water in which these metals were first discovered jdeld not quite two milligrammes of chloride of csesium, and about two and a half milligrammes of chloride of rubidium. Since the original discovery of the elements, they have been found in many other springs, in several kinds of mica and in other silicates, and in the ashes of beet-root, tobacco, coffee, and grapes. To separate the metals from potassium the analyst reHes on the greater insolubOity of the double chlorides which they form with platinum ; if a mixture of the chlorides of potas- sium, rubidium, and csesium be completely precipitated by chlo- THAlLItTM. 447 ride of platinum, and the yellow precipitate be repeatedly treated "with boiling water, the insoluble residue will contain the new metals. The caesium is separated from the rubidium by convert- ing a mixture of their carbonates into their tartrates, the rubi- dium into the acid, or bitartrate, the csesium iato the neutral tartrate, and then exposing this mixture to very moist air. The neutral tartrate of csesium deliquesces, the acid tartrate of rubi- dium remains solid, and the two salts are separated by filtration. Most of the salts of rubidium and caesium are isomorphous with the corresponding potassium-salts. Their hydrates, EbHO and CsHO, are caustic alkalies, soluble in water and alcohol. Their carbonates are fusible, deliquescent, and strongly alkaline ; the nitrates (EbNO, and CsNO^) and sulphates (Kb.SO^ and Cs.SOJ are anhydrous crystalline salts, soluble in water ; the sulphates form alums with sulphate of aluminum. The chloride of csesium, CsCl, is a deliquescent salt, like chloride of lithium ; the chloride of rubidium, EbCl, is permanent, like the chlorides of sodium and potassium. The fused chlorides are easily decomposed by the galvanic current. The metal rubidium is white, and has the brilliant lustre of silver, but it rapidly oxidizes in the air; its specific gravity is 1-52, and its atomic weight 85-7, It may be prepared either by the electrolysis of its chloride, or, like potassium, by the reduc- tion of its carbonate by ignition with carbon and chalk. The properties of csesium have only been studied in the amal- gam with mercury resulting from the electrolysis of its chloride ; the metal itself has not been isolated. Its atomic weight, de- duced from the analysis of its chloride, is 1-33. There can be no question that the properties of both rubidium and csesium differ from those of sodium and potassium not in kind, but only in degree. They are therefore classed with sodium and potassium as alkali-metals. 531. Thallium (Tl). — This metal was discovered, by means of spectrum analysis, in Lipari sulphur and in the deposit in the flue of a pyrites-burner — a furnace in which iron pyrites are roasted for the sake of the sulphurous acid they yield. The element is found to occur in not inconsiderable quantities in many specimens of iron pyrites, and appears to take the place of arsenic, which is 448 SILTEE. a common impurity of this mineral. Thallium presents the ex- ternal characters of lead ; it is heavier than lead, having a specific gravity of 11-85, and it is so soft that the thumb-nail can indent it; it is very malleable, and ductile enough to be drawn into wire ; it melts at 200° and volatilizes at redness ; its freshly cut surface has a bluish-white lustre ; but it quickly tarnishes and is gradually oxidized in the air, so that it is best preserved under water. Water is not decomposed by it even at 100°. "When strongly heated in oxygen, it takes fire and bums with a bright green flame. Thallium dissolves in dilute acids, with evolution of hydrogen. There are several oxides of this metal, of which the most impor- tant is the oxide Tl^O, corresponding in composition, and, to some extent, in properties, with the oxide of sodium Na^O. This oxide is somewhat soluble in water, and yields a caustic alkaline solu- tion, which absorbs carbonic acid from the air, and forms a weU- defined series of salts. The sulphate, Tl^SO^, is a soluble salt, which forms an alum with sulphate of aluminum ; the chloride, TlCl, is only slightly soluble in water, resembling, in this respect, the chloride of lead, and being quite unlike the soluble chlorides of sodium, potassium, rubidium, and csesium. The carbonate of thallium is a soluble salt ; but the sulphide of thallium, Tl^S, is an insoluble black powder, which resembles the sulphide of lead, but is entirely unlike the sulphides of the alkali-metals. The soluble salts of thaUium are very poisonous. In general, the properties of thallium are intermediate between those of lead and those of sodium and potassium. Like the aJkaU-metals, it replaces hydrogen atom for atom ; its atomic weight is 204. CHAPTEE XXVII. S r L V B E T HE A L K A L I-M E T A I, S Q TJANTIVAIElfCE. 532. Silver is a widely diffused and quite abundant element, but in its mode of occurrence it differs widely from the alkali- metals which we have just been studying. In the first place, it OCClmEENCE OF SHVEE, 449 frequently occurs native, both pure and alloyed with mercury, copper, and gold, — a mode of occurrence quite impossible for the alkali-metals, because of their readiness to combine with the ele- ments of air and water. Native silver is found ia various forms, sometimes crystallized in cubes or octahedrons, sometimes in filaments, both coarse and fine, and sometimes in shapeless masses. The metal more commonly occurs m combination with sulphur, mixed with sulphides of lead, antimony, copper, and iron. It is from argentiferous sulphides that the larger part of the silver of commerce is extracted; among ores of this kind the argenti- ferous sulphide of lead (galena) is the most abundant. Combi- nations of silver with selenium, tellurium, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are also to be enumerated among sUver- containing minerals ; of these the chloride (hom-sUver) occurs in quantities large enough to make it valuable as an ore of the metal. It is notice- able that the only elements which are extracted in any quantity from their chlorides as ores are sodium, potassium, and silver. The chlorides of copper, mercury, and lead do, indeed, occur as natural mmerals ; but as sources of those metals they have no significance. A small proportion of silver exists in sea-water (about 1 milligramme in 100 litres), and its presence has been recognized in common salt, in chemical products in the making of which salt is used, in various sea-weeds, in the ashes of land- plants, in the ash of ox-blood, and probably also in coal. In sea- water it exists, as sodium and potassium do, in the form of chloride. When silver is extracted from argentiferous sulphide of lead, the ore is first treated for lead, precisely as it would be if it contained no silver. The lead, so reduced, contains all the silver originally present in the quantity of ore treated. The subsequent separation of the metallic silver from the metallic lead depends upon the chemical properties of lead rather than of silver, for the silver remains unaltered during the whole process ; this separation will therefore be described in the next chapter. The mixed sulphides which contain silver have been heretofore ge- nerally reduced by a complicated process which depends ultimately on an amalgamation of the silver with mercury. The ore, after thorougli washing and grinding, is mixed with a portion of common salt, and roasted for several hours ; dming this roasting, white fumes of arsenious and antimonious acids are expelled, the sulphides of copper and iron 2& 450 EXTEACTION OF SILTBB. are partially converted into oxides, chlorides, and sulphates, and chlo- ride of silver and sulphate of sodium are formed. The roasted product is then reduced to a very fine powder, and agitated in revolving casks with water and iron filings, or scraps, to which mercury is soon added. This operation lasts about 20 hours ; during it, the iron decomposes the chloride of silver, and the mercury dissolves the silver to an amalgam ; from this amalgam the excess of mercury is first squeezed out through leather or cloth filters, and the remainder is driven off by distillation. The residual spongy mass is silver, alloyed with a variable proportion of copper, derived from the ore and reduced to the metallic state by the same steps which have reduced the silver. This process is European ; the process of amalgamation as practised in Mexico and South America is quite diifereut, and the reactions which it depends upon are somewhat obscure. The ore is not roasted, but, after being ground to powder, moistened Vidth water, and mixed with from 1 to 5 per cent, of common salt, it is sufiered to lie undisturbed for some days. From 5 to 1 per cent, of roasted copper pyrites is then added, together with a considerable proportion of metallic mercury, and the mass is worked together and commingled by the trampling of mules or horses. After an interval of two or three weeks, a second dose of mercury is given, and after a stiU longer interval 5, third. By this last addition, a fluid amalgam is obtained, which is separated by washing and filtering, and distilled for the recovery of a portion of the mercury employed, and the isolation of the silver. In this process there is a great waste of mercury, because much of it is converted into a chloride of mercury (calomel) and lost. The recommendations of the process are mainly these — that it requires no fuel, except for the distiUation of the amalgam, and that it leaves the silver in a condition of great purity. The whole process, though far from economical from the point of view of the theoretical chemist, was doubtless a legitimate outgrowth of the conditions under which it took birth. Various processes have been patented for the extraction of silver without the use of the costly merciuy, some of which have been suc- cessfully practised on a large scale. They depend, for the most part, either on the comparative stability, in the fire, of sulphate of silver when once formed, as compared with the sulphates of ii'on and copper, and the consequent possibility of dissolving sulphate of silver out of the roasted ore, or upon the fact that the chloride of silver, which results from the roasting of the ore with chloride of sodium, may be dissolved in solutions of the alkaline chlorides, and, indeed, in aqueous solutions of a great many other soluble salts, though it is by itself insoluble in water. Any aqueous solution containing, among other things, a silver- IHE TEEM MBTAl. 451 salt (wtether in the condition of ehloride, sulphate, or nitrate is indif- ferent) may be decomposed by digestion with metallic copper; the silver-salt will be decomposed, the corresponding copper-salt formed and dissolved, and the metallic silver will be precipitated. 533. Silver (Ag). — The element, silver, is much more familiarly known than any of its compounds ; known from the earliest ages, this metal has always been prized as much for its beauty as for its rarity. White, brilliantly lustrous, susceptible of an admirable polish, wonderfully malleable and ductile, the best known con- ductor of heat and electricity, fusible only at a very elevated temperature and permanent in the air, whether hot or cold, wet or dry, it represents and embodies in the completest sense all that is commonly understood by the term metal. This word metal cannot be strictly defined ; it is a conventional term, vaguely used because expressing a vague idea. Thus metals would all be solid were not mercury, and perhaps caesium, fluid ; they are generally heavy > but lithium, sodium, and potas- sium float upon water ; they have all a peculiar lustre, called metallic ; but this lustre does not characterize metals alone, for coke and graphite, galena, molybdenite, and many other minerals often exhibit a similar lustre ; they may all be said to be opaque ; but gold may be beaten out so tmn as to transmit a gTeenish light. While it is not possible to define the term metal with precision from chemical any more than from physical properties, one general chemical fact deserves attention in this connexion. We have seen that bodies which contain a large proportion of oxygen, such as SO3, P^Oj, N^Oj, and CO^, have a common ten- dency to unite with other bodies which are alike in that they contain a much smaller proportion of oxygen, such as Kfi, Na^O, PbO, and CaO, to form more or less stable saline substances. The first class of bodies, which are usually rich in oxygen, have been called acids ; the second class, which are usually poor in oxygen, have been designated collectively as bases. Now those elements which unite with oxygen to form acids alone are, as a rule, non- metallic, and those elements which unite with oxygen to form bases are, in the chemical sense of the term, the metals ; but no sharp line of division between metallic and non-metaLic elements can be established on this principle, inasmuch as some elements 2g2 4S2 PROPEETIBS OF SUTEB. wliich possess the other characteristics of a metal form no hasic oxide, while some metals, like antimony, form oxides which are at one time bases and at another time acids. The metal arsenic, for example, forms no hasic oxide ; and we shall hereafter meet with another iUnstration of the same difficulty of classification, in the element tungsten. Melted silver possesses the curious property of absorbing a large volume of oxygen (twenty-two times its bulk), from the air, while it is liquid. This gas it gives out again on solidifying. When a globule of molten silver is cooled suddenly, the filin of soUd metal which forms upon its surface is burst open by the escaping gas, and the liquid silver within is apt to be projected outwards with the gas ; this phenomenon is called spitting ; it often occasions a loss in silver assays. When heated on lime before the oxyhydrogen blowpipe, silver gives off vapors which become oxidized if the blast of gas contain an excess of oxygen ; a fine silver wire is dispersed in greenish vapors when a very powerful electric discharge is sent through it. Silver combines slowly with chlorine, bromine, and iodine, and promptly with sulphur. The tarnishing of silver is due to the formation of a thin film of the black sulphide over the metaUic surface, by com- bination between the silver and the sulphur of the sulphuretted hydrogen which is often present in the air of towns and houses. The best solvent for silver is nitric acid diluted with two or three parts of water ; nitric oxide is evolved, and nitrate of sUver remains in solution : — 3Ag + 4HITO3 = SAgNO, + NO -I- 2H,0. Chlorhydric acid acts upon it but slowly ; for the chloride of sUver is but slightly soluble in chlorhydric acid, whether strong or dilute. Boiling sulphuric acid dissolves silver, and forms the sulphate, sulphurous acid being evolved during the reaction :— 2Ag -1- 2H,S0, = Ag^SO, + 2H,0 -t- SO,. Neither the alkalies nor their nitrates have much effect on silver, whether they are in solution or are fused by heat ; hence a silver dish is used in concentrating the caustic alkalies, and a silver crucible for fusing refractory minerals with the hydrate of sodium or potassium. The specific gravity of silver is 10-5, and its atomic ■weight 108. SILTEK COIN. 453 534. The physical and chemical qualities of silver fit it to serve as a medium of exchange, and as the material of jewellery and plate. But as the pure metal vfould be rather too soft for ordi- nary use, it is hardened by combining with it a small proportion of copper. The proportion of copper in the " standard " silver employed for coinage varies in different countries. In the United States and in France it is 10 per cent. ; in Great Britain it is 7*5 per cent. ; in Germany it is 25 per cent. Hxp. 267. — Place one or two dimes in a small flask, and cover them with nitric acid diluted with two parts of water. Warm the flask gently in a place where there is a good draught of air ; the coins will gradually dissolve, with evolution of nitric oxide, which, on contact with the air, produces the abundant red fumes which escape from the flask ; add more nitric acid, from time to time, if necessary to com- plete the solution. The blue solution contains both the silver and the copper dissolved in nitric acid. Place in the blue solution two or three copper cents, and leave the flask at rest for some days in a warm place. Then collect the little plates of pure silver, which have separated from the solution,, upon a filter, and wash them, first with water, and then with ammonia-water, until the ammonia-water no longer shows any tinge of blue.. This silver, washed finally with water and dried, is well nigh pure ; two- thirds of it may be again dissolved in nitric acid; the solution will contain piu-e nitrate of silver. 535. Nitrate of Silver (A.gNO^). — This salt, as we have already seen, is obtained in solution by dissolving silver in nitric acid. When such a solution is evaporated to the point of crystallization, the nitrate is obtained in transparent, anhydrous, tabular crystals, which are soluble in their own weight of cold water, and in half their weight of hot water. The salt fuses easily, and when cast into cylindrical sticks is used in surgery as a caustic, under the name of lunar caustic. Nitrate of silver, when pure, is not altered by exposure to sun- light ; but if it be in contact with organic matter, light readily decomposes it, and a black, insoluble product is formed of no ordinary stability. Hence the solution of the nitrate stains the skin black, and the salt forms the basis of an indelible ink used for marking linen and other fabrics. Hxp. 268. — Dissolve 8 grms. of crystallized carbonate of sodium and 454 NITRATE OF SILVER. 1 grm. of gum-arabic in 16 c. c. of hot water. Moisten a bit of linen or cotton-cloth vrith this preparatory solution, dry it, and press it smooth -with a hot iron. Dissolve 1 grm. of nitrate of silver and 0-1 grm. of gum-arabic in 1'75 c. c. of water, previously colored with India-ink. Write with this silver solution upon the prepared surface of cloth, and expose the writing to the direct rays of the sun for a few hours. Then wash out the gum and carbonate of sodium with water ; a very durable mark, which neither soap nor '' soda " will obliterate, wiU remain on the cloth. Nitrate of silver is even more completely decomposed by a red beat than nitrate of potassium, for nothing but metaUic silver remains behind ; in decomposing, it gives up a large quantity of oxygen ; hence mixtures of combustibles, like sulphur, phos- phorus, and charcoal, with nitrate of silver, detonate, explode, or deflagrate when struck sharply with a hammer or touched with a hot wire. (Compare §§ 515, 516.) Phosphorus, mercnry, char- coal, grape-sugar, certain essential oils, and many other organic substances reduce metallic silver -from solutions of nitrate of silver. Nitrate of silver is the material from which most other silver compounds are artificially prepared. It is largely con- sumed in photography. The precipitation of metallic silver in a beautiful arborescent form is accomplished as follows : — Dissolve 2 grms. of nitrate of silver in 60 c. c. of water, and place the solution in a test-glass ; pour 2 grms. of mercury into the liquid, and let the glass stand at rest for several hours. The nitrate of silver may he recovered by dissolving the pre- cipitated silver in nitric acid, and evaporating the solution. To illustrate the decomposition of a silver solution by an organic substance, dissolve 2 grms. of nitrate of silver in 60 c. c. of water, and immerse in the solution a horn or ivory paper-knife, which has been cleansed from grease with ammonia-water and rinsed in fresh water. Let the knife remain in the solution about an hour ; it will turn yel- low ; take it out, rinse it in water, and expose it to the direct rays of the sun until it turns jet black ; then burnish it with a piece of leather, and the silver will appear in the metallic state. Exp. 269.— Wrap a piece of phosphorus, no bigger than a pin's head, with a small crystal of nitrate of silver, in a bit of paper ; place the packet on an anvil and strike it with a hammer. The explosion will be sharp. The student will remember that nitrate of silver stains the fingers. OXIDES OF SILTEB nrXMIirATrNG SILTEH. 455 £xp. 270. — ^Mix 1 grm. of powdered nitrate of silver with 0-2 grm. of dry, powdered charcoal ; place the mixture on a piece of porcelain, and touch it with a red-hot wire. The mixture deflagrates, and there remains behind metallic silver. -Ezp. 271. — Add to a solution of nitrate of silver a solution of caustic soda, until no further precipitate is produced. The brownish precipi- tate is a hydrated oxide of silver. 536. Oxides of Silver. — Silver probably forms three oxides, Ag^O, AgjO, and Ag^O^. The first is a very unstable black powder; the second forms with acids the ordinary silver salts; the third is a crystalline body obtained by electrolysis of nitrate of silver. The precipitate obtained in the last experiment is the hydrate of the oxide Ag^O ; this precipitate readily parts with its water, and at a temperature much below 100° becomes anhydrous. Unlike the oxides of sodium and potassium, this oxide of silver yields up its oxygen below a red heat, and metallic silver remains — as may be demonstrated by heating the product of the last experiment ; light also reduces it, and hydro- gen even at 100° has the same effect. Oxide of silver bears, however, certain striking resemblances to the oxides of the alkali-metals ; thus it is a strong base, uniting with strong acids to form salts which are neutral to test-paper, and which are in some cases isomorphous with the corresponding salts of sodium. The oxide is slightly soluble in water, and the solution has a feeble alkaline reaction. The oxide is freely soluble in ammonia- water, and the solution deposits, on exposure to the air, a black, micaceous powder which has received the name ot fulminating silver, because of its explo- sive character. The same dangerous compound is formed when freshly precipitated oxide of silver is digested for some hours in ammonia- water, and it is also produced when an ammoniacal solution of chloride or nitrate of silver is precipitated with a solution of hydrate of sodium or potassium. It is necessary to be aware of these facts in order to avoid the risk of producing by accident this exceedingly dangerous substance. Its composition is not accurately known. Friction or slight pressure, even under water, may cause it to explode. The student should never venture to prepare this substance. 456 PHOTOGKAPHT DAQUEBKBOTTPE. JSxp. 272.— Fill three test-tubes one-third full of water, and pour into each a few drops of a moderately strong solution of nitrate ot silver. Add to the first test-tube 2 or 3 c. c. of a solution of chloride of sodium, and shake the tube violently ; a dense, white, curdy preci- pitate of the chloride of silver will be produced. Add to the second test-tube 2 or 3 c. c. of a solution of bromide of potassium, and shake the tube ; a yellowish precipitate of bromide of silver will be thrown down. Add to the third teat-tube 1 or 2 c. c. of a solution of iodide of potassium, and shake up the liquid ; a pale-yeUow flocculent deposit of iodide of sUver will be formed. Withdraw from each test-tube a portion of the precipitate it con- tains, and try to dissolve each precipitate in strong nitric and chlor- hydric acids ; the attempt will fail, for these silver salts are insoluble in acids. Withdraw from each teat-tube another portion of the precipitate it contains, and treat each precipitate with ammonia- water ; the chlo- ride of silver will dissolve easily, the bromide less easily, the iodide vrith difficulty. Lastly, pour upon the remnants of the original pre- cipitates in the three test-tubes a moderately strong solution of hy- posulphite of sodium (§ 495) ; all three precipitates wiU immediately dissolve. Uxp. 273. — Precipitate some curdy chloride of silver by adding chloride-of-"sodium solution, or chlorhydric acid, to a solution of nitrate of silver, so long as any precipitate' is produced. Throw the precipi- tate upon a filter, and wash it with water ; then open the filter, spread the chloride evenly over it, and place it in direct sunlight. The white precipitate rapidly changes to violet on exposure to the sun's rays, the depth of shade increasing as the action of the light continues. This coloration arises from a partial decomposition of the chloride of silver, the change of color being accompanied by a loss of chlorine. Upon the facts illusti-ated in this and the preceding experiments the main processes of photography depend. 537. Photography.— The chemical changes which the salts of silver undergo, when exposed to light, are the basis of the art of photography — not because these are the only salts which are affected by light, but because none are so advantageous on the whole. There are three different kinds of photographic process — that on silver, that on glass, and that on paper. To produce a photograph on silver (a daguerreotype), a highly polished silver plate is exposed in a dark box to the diluted vapor of a mixture of bromine and iodine. A bronze-yeUow film PHOTOGRAPHY ON GLASS. 457 of brom-iodide of silver is thus produced upon the plate, -which, at a certain stage, possesses a high degree of sensitiveness to light. The plate is then transferred to a camera, and exposed at the focus of the lens to the light radiated from the object to be copied. After remaining a few seconds in the camera, it is with- drawn, and immediately exposed in a warm box to the vapor of metallic mercury. When the plate is taken from the camera, the film looks as uniform as ever, and no image is visible upon it ; but the exposure to mercury vapor immediately brings out an image. The mercury fixes itself strongly upon those parts which have received the light, while it takes no hold upon those parts of the film which the light has not decomposed. A strong solu- tion of hyposulphite of sodium is then poured over the plate, in order to dissolve off the undecomposed brom-iodide. The highly polished sUver, beneath, forms the shades, and the amalgam of mercury with silver forms the lights. The plate is washed, and a very dilute solution of chloride of gold in hyposulphite of sodium is poured over its surface and gently warmed. A thin film of gold, which, as it were, varnishes the picture, is thus deposited upon the plate ; another washing completes the operation. The daguerreotype is the most perfect of photographs ; but the poUsh of the surface prevents the image from being- seen in all lights, and the plate is liable to be tarnished and ruined by sulphuretted gases. In order to get a photograph upon glass, a transparent film capable of holding the necessary silver-salt must first be attached to the glass plate. Collodion (a solution of a variety of gun- cotton in a mixture of alcohol) and ether is the material of this film. To the collodion is added a solution of an iodide, either of potassium, cadmium, or ammonium, or a mixture of these ; the bromides of ammonium and cadmium, or one of them, added in the proportion of one part of the bromides to three or four of the iodides, render the film more sensitive to yellow and red rays — a point of importance in cloudy weather or smoky towns. The collodion thus prepared is poured rapidly over a clean and dry surface of plate-glass ; the volatile solvents evaporate rapidly, and as soon as the film is coherent the glass is plunged into a bath of nitrate of silver very slightly acidified with acetic or dilute 458 PHOTOGfEAPHT. nitric acid. This bath must be in a dark place ; the plate re- mains in it for several minutes. A yeUow layer of iodide or brom-iodide of silver is produced in the film, and nitrate of po- tassium, cadmium, or ammonium dissolves in the bath. The plate is then exposed in the camera for a few seconds. When removed no image is perceptible ; but on pouring over the film a solution of gallic or pyrogaUic acid in alcohol and acetic acid, or a solution of the green sulphate of iron, mixed with a few drops of a weak solution of nitrate of silver, the image wiU be developed, slowly or rapidly, according to the nature and strength of the developing- liquid, the degree of exposure, and the intensity of the light. The illuminated portions of the picture will appear, under the action of the developer, more or less black, while the shaded portions will retain the yellow colour of the iodide. As soon as the de- tails of the shaded portions appear, the liquid is washed off and the development arrested. A saturated solution of hyposulphite of sodium is then poured over the film to dissolve off the yellow io- dide of silver where it has not been affected by the light ; only the reduced portions of silver remain, and they appear more or less opaque. The plate must finally be very thoroughly washed to remove aU traces of the hyposulphite, and then dried and var- nished on the collodion side to protect the film from injury. Concerning the nature of the change which a film of iodide of silver undergoes when exposed to light, we cannot be said to have any exact knowledge. There is no perceptible alteration in the film ; there is no loss of iodiue ; the iodide retains its solubility in hjrposulphite of sodium ; yet the impression is not of a tempo- rary kind ; for the invisible image produced on a plate may be developed many hours afterwards, if the plate is kept in the dark during the interval. The photograph on collodion may be employed directly as a positive picture, if not too strongly developed, by placing it on a black background. Those portions which are opaque to light, or in other words those in which silver is deposited, wiU reflect light, and furnish the lights of the picture ; while those on which the light did not act, and which are therefore transparent, will appear black from the nature of the background, and these wiU form the shades of the picture. In the daguerreotype the finished picture PHOTOeiUIHT ON PAPEE. 459 is inTerted ; in the collodion positive it is not inverted. If the development be pushed further, the image becomes so strongly de- fined that the deposited silver will more or less completely inter- cept the Ught. The collodion side of the plate is then placed in contact with the sensitive side of paper impregnated with chloride of silver by a process immediately to be described, and exposed to Ught in a pressure-frame. The light is arrested by the altered parts of the collodion, but is freely transmitted by the other por- tions ; upon the paper, therefore, the lights of the real object are light and the shades are dark. Such a negative coUodion picture may of course be copied on a second sensitive collodion film. Two developing-solutions, used one after the other, produce a better effect than one. The green sulphate of iron may be used first, and pyrogaUic acid with nitrate of silver subsequently ; the iron solution must be completely washed off before the other is added. The picture may even be intensified by pyrogallic acid after the plate has been washed in hyposulphite of sodium. Photographs were made on paper long before the film on glass came into use ; but the paper process is now chiefly confined to the printing of positive impressions from coUodion negatives on glass. The silver- salt which is preferred for photographic paper is the chloride, with or without albumen, but always accompanied with fi:ee nitrate of silver. The paper is floated for five minutes on a solution of chloride of sodium or ammonium ; when dried, it is floated in a dark room, for five mi- nutes, on its salted surface, in a solution of nitrate of silver ; again dried, it is fit for use. When such paper is used to obtain a positive impression from a collodion negative, or from a paper negative made transparent with wax or a mixture of wax and parafiine, it is exposed to light imder the negative to be copied, until the lights of the picture are of a pale lilac hue, and the shades of a deep bronze color. After being thoroughly washed, the paper is transferred to a "toning "-bath, which consists of a very dilute solution of bicarbonate of sodium, with a minute proportion of chloride of gold. The picture is kept in mo- tion whUe in this bath ; it remains there until its shades have acquired a deep purple-black color. It is only in those parts of the picture in which the silver has been well reduced that this toning effect is pro- duced. The picture is again washed in water, and soaked for fifteen minutes in a solution of hyposulphite of sodium, in order to remove all the chloride of silver which is contained in the substance of the paper. Finally the picture must be soaked for twenty-four hours in 460 CHLOEIDB or STXTER. water which is constantly renewed, in order to wash away every trace of the compound hyposulphite of sodium and silver. No photograph will keep long, unless the chloride of silver has been completely dis- solved by the hyposulphite, and the compound hyposulphite washed away with a thoroughness that leaves no trace behind. If the first condition is not fulfilled, difiiised daylight wiU alter the picture ; if the second condition is not complied with, yellow or brown stains will ultimately destroy the picture. As in every other art which embraces many details, and demands a trained eye and hand, eminent skill in photography can, as a rule, be acquired only by long practice. 538. Chloride of Silver (AgCl). — Native chloride of silver occurs, sometimes in cubical crystals, sometimes in compact semitransparent masses, which are sectile, and, from their ge- neral appearance, have given the mineral the name of horn-silver. Chloride of silver may be precipitated from any soluble silver- salt by adding to the silver solution chlorhydric acid, or the solu- tion of any soluble chloride ; or it may be obtained by passing over a dry silver-salt a stream of dry chlorine gas. This last re- action is the basis of a method of preparing anhydrous nitric acid. When a stream of dry chlorine is made to pass over perfectly dry nitrate of sUver heated to 60° or 60°, the following reaction takes place: — Ag,NA + 2C1 = 2AgCl -I- N,0, + 0. The characteristics of precipitated chloride of silver have been already described (Exp. 272). The presence of an extraordi- narily minute proportion of chloride of silver renders a clear liquid opalescent. It is easy to detect silver in a solution of which it forms only the goSooo V^^^i ^J" adding to the solution a drop of chlorhydric acid or of a soluble chloride. An admira- ble method of determining the amount of silver present in any solution depends upon the insolubility of chloride of silver, the density and peculiar curdy quality of the precipitate, and the visibility of the smallest trace of it -in a clear fluid. This method, now generally employed in mints and assay-offlces, is applicable to the quantitative analysis of silver alloys ; it is volumetric, and depends upon the measurement of the amount of a standard so- lution of chloride of sodium which is required to effect the com- plete precipitation, as chloride, of the silver contained in a given ATOMIC WEIOHI OP SILTEE. 461 ■weight of the alloy. In a solution which is acidulated with nitric acid, and which contains no excess of the soluble chlorides, the chloride of silver is easily coagulated into dense flocks by agita- tion ; so that the exact point at which the precipitate ceases to be formed is readily perceived. Chloride of silver melts at about 260°. It is not decomposed when heated with carbon, but is easily reduced by hydrogen when heated in a current of the gas ; zinc aud iron reduce moist chloride of silver to metallic silver ; when heated with carbonates or hydrates of sodium, potassium, or calcium, chloride of silver gives its chlorine to the other metal, and pure silver is set free. These methods of reducing chloride of silver, except that by hydro- gen, are turned to account in the refining of silver on a large scale. The coin, or buUion to be refined is dissolved in nitric acid, and to the solution chloride of sodium is added ; the precipitated chloride of silver is washed until the washings are tasteless, and is then slightly acidulated with sulphuric acid ; bars of zinc are placed in the moist mass, and the whole left at rest for two or three days. Chloride of zinc and metallic silver are the products. As soon as the reduced silver is entirely soluble in nitric acid, the reduction is complete. The reduced metal is dig-ested for two or three days in dilute sul- phuric acid, to remove adhering zinc-salts, and is then thoroughly washed, dried, and finally melted and cast into ingots. If an abso- lutely pure metal is desired, the first reduction should be made with pure zinc, and this refined silver may be again dissolved in nitric acid, thrown down as chloride, and reduced again from the washed chloride by fusion with carbonate of calcium. 539. The reduction of chloride of silver by hydrogen is the basis of one of the several determinations of the atomic weight of silver ; and since silver forms a large number of anhydrous salts with acids, and has little or no tendency to form more than one salt with each acid, the silver-salt is often the best one to prepare and analyze whenever the combining-weight of an acid is to be determined. But it is clear that the accuracy of these determi- nations depends upon the accuracy with which the atomic weight of silver is known ; hence extraordinary pains have been taken to arrive at the true atomic weight of silver. It has been found, by the most careful experiment, by heating chloride of silver in a current of hydrogen, that in 132'856 parts of that compound. 462 VERIFICATION OP ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 100 parts of silver are united with 32-856 of chlorine. If the atomic weight of chlorine be accepted as 35-5, a simple propor- tion leads to the atomic weight of silver. 432-856 : 35-5 = 100 : ir = 108-07. Amount of 01. At. Weight of 01. A^nt. of Ag. At. Weight of Silver. An entirely different experiment verifies this result ; by burn- ing finely divided silver in a current of perfectly dry chlorine, it is proved that 108 parts of silver combine with 35-505 of chlo- rine. The following round of experiment and simple calculation win Ulustrate the manner in which one atomic weight is derived from another, -and all are verified by mutual comparison. Chlo- rate of potassium, when heated, gives off all its oxygen and chloride of potassium remains. Assuming that the formula of chlorate of potassium is KCIO3 and that the atomic weight of oxygen is 16, we derive the following proportion from the fact of experiment that 100 parts of KCIO3 yield 39-209 parts of oxygen. 39-209 : 48 = 60-791 : x = 74-4208. Amount of 0. 80. Amt. of KCl. Molecular Weight of KC\. It is another experimental fact that 100 parts of chloride of potassium produce, when precipitated with nitrate of silver, 192-75 of chloride of sUver. 100 : 192-75 = 74-4208 : a; = 143-446. Amt. of KCl Amt. of AgCl M. Weight of K0\. Molecular Wt. AgCl. But it has been determined, as above stated, that 132-856 parts of chloride of silver contained 32-856 parts of chlorine, and accordingly 132'856 : 32-856 = 143-446 : a: = 35-476. Amt. of AgCl. Amt. of CI. M. Weight of AgCl. At. Weight of CI. But if the molecular weight of chloride of silver is . . 143-446 we may deduct the atomic weight of chlorine . . . 85-476 and so obtain the atomic weight of silver ; . . . . 107-970 and if the molecular weight of chloride of potassium is 74-4208 we may deduct the atomic weight of chlorine, . . . 35-476 and so obtain the atomic weight of potassium . . . 38-9448 These numbers wiU be found to be very nearly coincident with those previously given as the accepted atomic weights of these three very important elements. STOPHIBE OP SILVEK. 463 540. Bromide and Iodide of Silver (AgBr and Agl) are two rather rare minerals, usually associated with chloride of silver or with native silver. Their artificial preparation and such of their properties as have present importance have heen already alluded to (Exp. 272). They are both easily fusible and insoluble in water, but soluble in concentrated solutions of the bromide and iodide of potassium. 541. Cyanide of Silver (AgCN) is a white powder, insoluble in water but soluble in ammonia-water, obtained by precipitating nitrate of silver with a soluble cyanide like the cyanide of potas- sium. Cyanide of silver is soluble in solutions of the cyanides of sodium, potassium, calcium, and other metals, forming double cyanides of the formula MAgC^Nj,- When such a solution is subjected to the action of a galvanic battery, metallic silver is deposited at the negative pole, in a compact, adherent layer, while at the positive pole, where a strip or plate of metallic silver is placed, a quantity of the metal equal to that which is deposited at the negative pole continually dissolves. A solution which contains -^ of its weight of silver is found to be of con- venient strength for the ordinary operations of electro-plating. 542. Sulphide of Silver (Ag^S). — This compound is a principal ore of silver. The native mineral is sometimes crystallized, in cubes or octahedrons, and sometimes massive; it has a leaden lustre and color, and it is so soft that a knife will cut or a die impress it; it is fusible, and when roasted in the air yields silver (which remains in the metallic state) and sulphurous acid (the product of the combination of its sulphur with the oxygen of the air). The pure mineral is very easily recognized by these marked characteristics. Silver is readily tarnished by contact with moist gaseous sulphydric acid, or with a solution of a solu- ble sulphide ; this tarnish is the sulphide of silver (§ 533). The sulphide may be artificially prepared by transmitting a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen through a solution of a salt of silver. Exp. 274.^ — Place in a teat-glass 8 or 10 c. c. of water to which 20 or 30 drops of a solution of nitrate of silver have been added, and pass through the dilute solution a slow stream of sulphuretted hydrogen. The black precipitate is the sulphide of silver. Strong acids, especially when hot, dissolve or decompose this 464 THE ALKAXI GEOUP. sulphide. It is not soluble in solutions of the sulphides of the alkali-metals ; but by fusion it may be made to unite with many other sulphides of metals. 643. Sidphate of Silver (Ag^SO^). — When silver is boiled with strong sulphuric acid, the silver gradually dissolves, and there are formed the sulphate of silver, water, and sulphurous acid : — 2Ag + 2H,S0, = Ag^SO, + 2H,0 + SO,. The sulphate is dissolved by the excess of acid, but it is deposited in great part on the addition of water, for it is but slightly soluble in water. As gold is not soluble in sulphuric acid, small quantities of gold may be separated from large quantities of silver or silver alloys by boUing the metal, finely granulated, in cast- iron vessels with oil of vitriol ; silver and copper dissolve, and the gold is left behind in a fine powder. The solution of silver is subsequently diluted, and the sUver precipitated from the solution in the metallic state by means of metaUic copper. (Exp.' 267.) Old silver coin, containing not more than Ymru "^ gold, has been profitably worked over by this process. 544. TJie Alkali Group.- — The metals which must plainly be classed together under this head are sodium, potassium, (ammo- nium,) lithium, rubidium, and caesium. Two other metals are better classed with this group than elsewhere ; but their likeness to the alkali-metals is but partial, and in many respects their pro- perties are quite unlike those of the six metals just enumerated ; these two metals are silver and thallium. The common proper- ties of the alkali-metals are mainly these : — they have the lustre of silver, are soft, easily fusible, and volatUe at high tempera- tares ; they unite greedily with oxygen, and decompose water with facility, forming basic hydrates which are very caustic and intensely alkaline bodies, not to be decomposed by heat ; their carbonates, sulphates, sulphides, and chlorides, and, indeed, the vast majority of their salts, are soluble in water ; and each metal forms but one chloride, one bromide, and one iodide ; they all form basic oxides, and never an acid oxide ; they occur in nature in modes analogous though not the same ; their corresponding salts are often, though not always, isomorphous ; lastly, there is a general, though not absolute, uniformity among the formulse of the compounds into which these elements enter, so that, if a com- eTTAirrrvAXEifCE. 465 pound of a giVen composition is proved to exist ■with one of these elements, the strong presumption is that analogous compounds with aU the other elements of the group exist likewise, with pro- perties similar though not identical. Silver and thallium present, on the whole, so few points of resemhlance to the alkaU-metals that they would not be compre- hended in the same group with them were it not for one consi- deration weighty enough to turn the balance when the discussion of other properties leaves the matter in doubt. Sodium, potas- sium, (ammonium,) lithium, caesium, rubidium, silver, and thallium aU replace hydrogen, atom for atom. All these elements are ex- changeable for hydrogen and with each other, atom for atom, and in the present state of the science they-must be regarded as the only metals thus equivalent to hydrogen. The atom of the elements of the chlorine group, including fluorine in that designation, and of the seven elements above enumerated, is exchangeable for one atom of hydrogen ; it is worth one in exchange, and these ele- ments are therefore said to be univalent, or, with less verbal pre- cision, monatomie.. 545. Quantivalence. — The chemical elements have not all the same atom-fixing power ; thus, while an atom of chlorine combines with only one atom of hydrogen, an atom of oxygen has the power to drag two atoms of hydrogen into a molecule ; an atom of nitrogen holds three atoms of hydrogen in firm chemical combi- nation, and an atom of carbon four hydrogen-atoms. In all double decompositions: an atom of sodium, potassium, or silver replaces one atom of hydrogen, but an atom of calcium or lead two atoms of hydrogen (§ 82). To indicate conveniently the atom-flxing power of each element a sign is needed and a name. The con- ventional sign is a Boman numeral, or an equivalent number of accents, placed above and at the right of the symbol of the element, in case its atom be worth more than one of hydrogen ; and for the name to denote this atom-fixing power of the elements the word " qiiantivalence " may be used, or the less descriptive word " atomicity." The elements are called univalent, bivalent, trivalent, and quadrivalent, or monatomie, diatomic, triatomic, and tetratomie, according as their respective atoms are capable of satu- rating, or holding in firm chemical combination, 1, 2, 3, or 4 2h 466 auAsnvALEifCE. atoms of hydrogen. Thus, while the simple symhols CI, Br, K, Ag indicate that chlorine, bromine, potassium, and silver are univalent, the symbols of nitrogen, antimony, and other trivalent elements may be written N'", Sb'", &c. In the same way the symbols 0" and Ca" indicate that oxygen and calcium are biva- lent, and the symbol C"" shows that carbon is quadrivalent. The quantivalence of many of the elements is not yet deter- mined with certainty; but the classification into groups of the elements we have thus far studied rests upon the quantivalence of the elements, as well as upon the other chemical resemblances, which have been dwelt upon in connexion with each group. The elements of the chlorine-group and the aliali-group are univalent; the elements of the sulphur-group and the majority of the metals, hereafter to be studied, are bivalent ; the elements of the nitro- gen-group are trivalent, and of the carbon-group quadrivalent. It must not be supposed that the atom-fixing power of the ele- mentary bodies is, under all circumstances, and m all compounds, invariably exerted to the fullest extent. Were the combination of the elements governed by any such law as this, it would evi- dently be impossible for any two elements to unite iu more than one proportion. Thus trivalent nitrogen and bivalent oxygen could only combine in the proportions represented by the formula ^J'^s'j proportions which completely satisfy the atom-fixing power of both elements. But we know that these two elements actually form no less than five different compounds (§§ 75, 76), of which only one is marked by the complete equilibrium of the two elements ; and this one is by no means the most stable mem- ber of the series ; on the contrary, it is about the most unstable. The student must not imagine that a bivalent element has twice as strong affinities as a univalent element ; the atom-fixing power of an element is no test or index of the avidity with which it seeks combination. Chlorine, which holds but one atom of hy- drogen, is competent to decompose sulphuretted hydrogen, ammo- nia, and marsh-gas, although sulphur unites by preference with two, nitrogen with three, and carbon with four atoms of hydrogen. cAiciuM. 467 CHAPTEE XXVIII. C A 1 C I IT M — S T B ir T I T7 M — B A R ITT M — I E A D. 546. This metal is a constituent of several of the commonest and most importajit minerals ; it forms a very considerable portion (perhaps as much as one-sixteenth) of the solid crust of the earth. Before considering the properties of the metal itself, let us examine some of its familiar compounds. 547. Carbonate of Calcium (CaCOj) occurs in nature in many- different forms, called by a great variety of names, among which may be mentioned limestone, chalk, marble, calc-spar, and coral. There are whole ranges of mountains composed almost entirely of limestone, whUe in many extensive tracts of country the soU is calcareous and reposes upon limestone rocks. The shells of shell- fish are almost entirely composed of it, and it is an important constituent of dolomite, marl, and many other rocks and minerals. It is formed artificially, as has been seen (Exp. 168), when car- bonic acid is brought into contact with lime-water ; but it is noteworthy that carbonic acid wiU not unite with the anhydrous oxide of calcium (quicklime). Carbonate of calcium, though tasteless, is slightly soluble in water, and the solution exhibits a faint alkaline reaction; it is, however, rather freely soluble in water charged with carbonic acid (§403). Exp. 275. — Place in a test-tube 20 or 30 drops of lime-water, and as much pure water ; immerse in the mixture the delivery-tube of a bottle &om which carbonic acid gas is being evolved (Exp. 171). Car- bonate of calcium vnll be thrown down, at first ; but after a while, as the water in the test-tube becomes saturated with carbonic acid, the precipitated carbonate will redissolve, and there will be obtained a perfectly clear solution, which, m spite of the large proportion of car- bonic acid contained in it, has a decided alkaline reaction. By boiling the solution, so that a portion of its carbonic acid may be expelled, the carbonate of calcium can be again precipitated. So, too, if the liquid 2e2 468 CAlCAEEOtrS PETEIFACTIONS. be left exposed to the air, it will gradually give off carbonic acid, and become turbid from deposition of carbonate of calcium. The phenomena illustrated in this experiment often occur in nature. In many districts where limestone is abundant, the well- and river- waters are highly charged vpith carbonate of calcium held dissolved by carbonic acid ; the water is thus made " hard " (see § 560), and is, com- paratively speaking, unfit for washing and for many other purposes. When employed as a source of steam-power, such waters deposit car- bonate of calcium as an incrustation upon the sides of the boilers as fast as the excess of carbonic acid is expelled by boiling. This scale, or incrustation, forms a more or less coherent coating upon the inner surface of the boiler, and, being a very poor conductor of heat, it greatly interferes with the heating of the water ; the scale keeps the water away from the iron sides of the boiler, and the metal, being thus un- duly heated, is rapidly oxidized, or " burnt out," as the fireman cor- rectly states it. The formation of calcareous petrifactions, of stalactites and stalag- mites, of the stones called tufa and travertine, and of many deposits of crystallized carbonate of calcium, is directly referable to the escape of carbonic acid from calcareous waters. Whenever water, charged with carbonate of calcium, flows out from the earth into the open air, or trickles into hollows or caverns within the earth, carbonic acid is given off in the gaseous state, and carbonate of calcium is deposited. Stalac- tites are the pendent masses, like icicles, which hang from the roofs of caverns and the walls of cellars, bridges, and like covered ways ; stalag- mites are the opposite masses which grow up out of the drops of water which fall from the stalactites above them, before all the dissolved carbonate has been deposited. The waters of some mineral springs are so highly charged with carbonate of calcium, that, on being exposed to the air, they quickly deposit a considerable quantity of it upon any solid substance with which they come in contact. In case such waters flow over pieces of wood or other organic matter, the form of the wood will be preserved in the cast or " petrifaction," long after the wood itself has decayed and disappeared. Where such deposits are formed upon a scale so large as to be of geological importance, as is the case in some of the volcanic districts of Italy, the rock formed is called tufa when porous, and travertine if compact. 548. Carbonate of calcium dissolves also in aqueous solutions of several of the salts of ammonium, such as the chloride, nitrate and sulphate, especially if it has only recently been precipitated and is still moist and incoherent. Bxp. 276. — Through 2 or 3 c. c. of lime-water, contained in a test- CAEBOJfATE OF CAICIUM: STOT rN-SOLTJBLE. 469 tube, blow, by means of a glass tube, a quantity of air from tbe lungs ; to tbe milky liquid obtained, add, drop by drop, a cold, saturated aqueous solution of chloride of ammonium, until tbe cloudiness in the lime-water has disappeared — that is, until the carbonate of calcium has all been dissolved. Bxp. 277. — Place a drop or two of a solution of chloride of calcium in a test-tube, pour upon it several drops of a strong solution of chlo- ride of ammonium ; shake the mixture, and then add to it a few drops of a solution of carbonate of ammonium, and also a few drops of am- monia-water. If enough chloride of ammonium has been added to the liquid, no precipitate will be formed in it, though, in the absence of chloride of ammonium, a precipitate will at once be produced on mix- ing the other ingredients. A precipitate may, however, always be ob- tained by boUing the mixed solutions, unless a large excess of chloride of ammonium be present, or unless the chloride-of-calcium solution be very dilute. By repeating this experiment under varied conditions, taking note, in each case, of the number of drops of the solutions of chloride of am- monium, chloride of calcium, and of water employed, and methodically increasing or diminishing each of these, the student wjll quickly per- ceive the real significance of the solvent power of the ammoniacal salt, and wiU appreciate the fact that, in testing for small quantities of either lime or carbonic acid, it is necessary for the analyst to exclude ammonium-salts from his solutions as far as may be practicable. When boiled with solutions of the salts of anunonium (with cho- ride of ammonium for example), carbonate of calcium is rapidly de- composed and dissolved, carbonate of ammonium being given off, while the chloride (or some other salt) of calcium remains in solution. 549. Carbonate of calcium is remarkable not only for the very great diversity of external appearance which is presented by its several massive and amorphous varieties, but it is likewise found in a greater variety of regular crystalline forms than any other substance ; more than 150 native varieties of it have been observed by mineralogists. As ealc-spar, it occurs in rhombohedrons and other derivative forms of the sixth or hexagonal system (§ 191) j but it is found also as the mineral arragonite, in forms of the trimetric system, and is consequently dimorphous. The two forms of carbonate of calcium, calc-spar and arra- gonite, present many differences in their physical properties. Some specimens of calc-spar, called Iceland spar, are perfectly transparent and colorless, and exhibit to a remarkable degree the 470 CAIC-SPAB AND AEKASONITB. phenomena of double refraciion. Transparent crystals of arra- gonite exhibit also the phenomena of double refraction ; but arra- gonite has two axes of double refraction, calc-spar only one. Crystals of calc-spar are cleavable parallel to the faces of the rhombohedron which is the primary form of the mineral, and masses of it may often be broken up into more or less perfect rhombohedrons. Arragonite, on the contrary, presents two direc- tions of distinct cleavage, parallel to the faces of a right rhombic prism. The fractures of the two minerals are therefore quite un- like. The specific gravity of calc-spar ranges from 2'7 to 2-75, while the specific gravity of arragonite is generally between 2-9 and 3'3. Arragonite is considerably harder than calc-spar, but its specific heat (0'1966) is less. When carbonate of calcium crystallizes from hot solutions it takes the form of arragonite, but from cold solutions it crystallizes as calc-spar. In Kke manner the precipitate formed by mixing boiling solutions of chloride of calcium and carbonate of ammonium is seen under the microscope to consist of 9,cicular crystals of arragonite, while the precipitate obtained from cold solutions of the same salts is amorphous. In either ease, however, if the moist precipitate be left to itself for some time in the cold, it will gradually assume the rhombohedral form of calc-spar, no matter whether it was at first acicular or amorphous. In all its varieties carbonate of calcium is readily attacked by acids, even if they be dilute ; the action is attended with efier- vesoence, owing to the expulsion of carbonic acid and the escape of this gas through the liquid ; — CaO,CO, + 2HC1 = CaCl, + CO, + Kfi. limestone is readily distinguished by this reaction from other rocks. 550. Oande of Caldum (CaO). — On being heated, carbonate of calcium begins to give off carbonic acid at a low red heat, as has been seen in Exp. 170, and at full redness is completely resolved into oxide of calcium, commonly called quicklime, and carbonic acid. JErp. 278. — Place a small fragment of marble upon a piece of char- coal and heat it strongly in the blowpipe-flame during several minutes. Or throw a lump of limestone upon an anthracite fire, and leave it there OXIDB OP CA1CIT7M. 471 for half an hour or more. In either case, it will he found, upon exa^ mination, that the calcined product has lost the property of efferves- cing with acids; that it weighs less than the original limestone, and that it exhibits a distinct alkaline reaction when placed on wet test- paper. For use in the arts, limestone is burned in special furnaces, of peculiar construction, called lime-kilns, some of which are so arranged that they may be kept in operation for years without intermission. When carbonate of calcium, instead of being heated merely in quiescent air, is heated in a current of air, or of any other gas, such as steam for example, it wiU give off aU its carbonic acid very easily. It has been found in practice that limestone fresh from the quarry can be more readily burned than that which has been long dug out of the ground and has so lost its natural moisture ; in damp weather, moreover, the burning is said to go on more satisfactorily than when the atmosphere is dry. If carbonate of calcium be ignited in a tube of iron, or other metal, closed hermetically, so that no carbonic acid can escape from the tube, the carbonate disengages carbonic acid until the pressure of the confined gas becomes so great as to arrest the further decomposition of the carbonate. Under these conditions, the temperature may be raised high enough to fuse the undecom- posed carbonate ; the cooled mass often presents the appearance of fine-grained marble. K the tube in which the experiment has been performed be very slowly cooled, the carbonic acid will be reabsorbed. Of the anhydrous oxide of calcium little need here be said. It is infusible at the most intense heat at present at our command, and is therefore used for making crucibles in which the most re- fractory metals are melted by the aid of the compound blowpipe. It has no power to unite with dry carbonic acid at ordinary tem- peratures, but when exposed at very high temperatures to an atmosphere of carbonic acid possessing a certain tension, some of the gas is absorbed. It unites with water very energetically, and the product of this union combines readily with carbonic acid. When lumps of quicklime are exposed to the air they slowly absorb both water and carbonic acid, and after a while fall to powder. This powder is known as air-slaked lime ; its composi- 472 HTBEAIE OF CALCnTM, tion maybe represented by the formula CaHjOjjGaCOg, or, dualis- tic, CaG,CO, ; CaO,H^O. 551. Hydrate of OaMum (CaH^O^). — ^Wben water is brought into contact with oxide of calcium, the latter swells up and falls to powder ; a large amount of heat is evolved, and there is obtained a compound of calcium, hydrogen, and oxygen, commonly called slaked lime, or in chemical language hydrate of calcium : — CaO + HP = CaHp,. ^Exp. 279. — Place a lump of recently bmned quicklime, weighing about 30 gnns., upon a large earthen plate ; pour upon the lime some 15 or 20 c. c. of water, and observe how much the lime increases in bulk as it is converted into hydrstte of calcium. The heat of the mass may be shown by thrusting an ordinary friction-match into the middle of it ; or, in case a considerable quantity of quicklime has been em- ployed, by excavating a smaU hole in the drypowder and throwing in a few grains of gunpowder, inflammation will ensue in both cases. That much heat is evolved, may be shown also by covering the mois- tened quicklime with a not too tall inverted beaker glass or bottle, and observing that, after a considerable amount of aqueous vapor has been condensed upon the walls of the glass, the space within the latter will at last become filled with a hot, invisible atmosphere of steam ; when the bottle is Ufted, and the steam thus brought into contact with the cold external air, a dense cloud or fog is immediately formed. So much heat is developed during the union of water with lime, that wood will quickly be brought to ^the kindling- temperature and inflamed, if it happen to be in contact with large masses of these substances re- acting upon one another. Fires are very frequently occasioned by the access of water to ships or warehouses in which quicklime is stored. It has been noticed, when large quantities of quicklime are slaked in a dark place, that light as well as heat is evolved from the lime. Even when quicklime is brought into contact with ice,so much heat is evolved that the mixture sometimes becomes hot enough to boil water. 552. When hydrate of calcium is stirred into water, there is formed not only a true solution, lime-water, which may be ob- tained clear and colorless by filtration (See Erp. 168), but also a turbid liquor consisting of particles of solid hydrate of calcium diffused through the lime-water ; this liquor is known as milk or cream of lime, according to its consistency. In slaking lime, only about half a part' of water is really needed to convert one part of quicklime into hydrate of calcium ; but ia all cases where a fine. SLAKED IIME. 473 smooth paste is desired, as in tlie preparation of mUk of lime, or of mortar, and in general wh'enever hydrate of calcium is required iJi a very finely divided condition, it is best to pour two or three parts by weight of water upon one part of quicklime, so tha:t the slaking may be quicHy effected. By using hot water the process may be stiU further accelerated. The proportions of material given at the beginning of Exp. 279 are better -adapted than these last for illustrating the evolution of heat ; but if too little water be employed, the hydrate of calcium formed is liable to be granular and crystalline rather than powdery. Both milk of lime and dry powdery hydrate of calcium are largely employed for pnrifying the illuminating gas made from coal. They remove from the gas sulphydric and carbonic acids. Exp. 280. — Provide two gas-bottles, one arranged for genesrating sulphydric acid (Exp. 86), the other for generating carhoriic acid (Exp. 171). Connect with one of the gas-bottles a tube filled loosely with dry hydrate of calcium (Appendix, Fig. 15), and with the other a small bottle containing milk of lime. Pour chlorhydric acid into the gas-bottles, so that sulphydric and carbonic adds shall be freely evolved, and test, from time to time, with lead-paper (Exp. 90), and with lime-water (Exp. 170), as to whether these acids are completely absorbed by the dry hydrate of calcium and the milk of lime. After a while, change the places of the absorbing tube and bottle, so that the milk of lime shall now be where the dry hydrate was before, and again test the efficiency of the absorption, with tead-paper and lime-water. In actual practice it is found that, while the dry hydrate is a more efficient absorbent of carbonic acid than mUk of lime, the latter is capable of taking up far more sulphydric acid than the former. 553. Hydrate of calcium may be obtained crystallized, in hex- agonal prisms, by evaporating lime-water in the dry exhausted receiver of an air-pump. At a red heat it gives off its water, and is reconverted into quicklime. The residue in this case is left in an open, porous condition which well fits it for many chemical purposes (see § 120). It is noteworthy that hydrate of calcium is somewhat less soluble in hot than in cold water. If a eold, saturated solution of lime-water be boiled, nearly half of its solid contents will be deposited ; and in case none of the water has been driven off, the matter thus precipitated will slowly dissolve again after the liquid 474 HOETAK. above it has become cold. In studying this point, the experi- menter must take care that the solution is kept out of contact with the air, lest it absorb some of the carbonic acid which is always present in the atmosphere, and become turbid from depo- sition of carbonate of calcium. A familiar instance of this absorp- tion is seen in cases where milk of Ume is employed for white- washing : the loosely adherent white coating, left after the liquid has become thoroughly dry, is no longer hydrate of calcium, but carbonate of calcium in a more or less pure condition. 554. Slaked Ume is very largely employed for making mortar, as an ingredient of various cements, and for plastering. When mixed with enough water to form a thick paste, it is decidedly plastic, and admits of being spread and moulded like wax or clay. This paste sets, as it dries, to a firm, solid mass, which, when in thin layers, adheres firmly to any rough surfaces upon which it may have hardened. When, however, any considerable mass of the moist paste is allowed to solidify by itself, the dry product will gradually crack and fall to pieces. Lime-paste cannot, there- fore, be employed as a mortar unless it be mixed with some sub- stance like sand, which shall present numerous surfaces upon which the hardened product may adhere ; by the addition of sand, moreover, the moist lime is prevented from shrinking too much as it becomes dry. Mortar is commonly prepared by mixing 1 part of qxiicklime with water enough to form a thin paste, then adding 3 or 4 parts of coarse, sharp sand, and thoroughly incorporating these ingre- dients. The paste thus obtained is applied as a thin layer to the moistened surfaces of the bricks or stones to be united. The pasty mortar soon sets to the hard mass above described, and, on continued exposure to the air, it slowly absorbs carbonic acid at its surface, and is there converted into a compact compound of hydrate and carbonate of calcium. The stone-Uke mass thus ob- tained binds firmly together the bricks or stones between which it has been interposed. It has been asserted that the original mortar-paste sets more firmly if it contain a certain admixture of carbonate of calcium, than if it contain only the pure hydrate ; this admixture is, of course, produced when mortar is left for some time in contact with the air before being used. In the CAUSTIC LIMB. 475 course of time chemical combination occurs, to a limited extent, between the silicic acid of the sand and the oxide of calcium in the hardened mortar, though the process goes on but slowly ; each grain of sand finally becomes covered with a thin layer of hydrated silicate of calcium, which contributes materially to the solidity of the mortar. The mortar taken from old buildings yields a certain proportion of gelatinous silica on being treated with ehlorhydric acid (§ 466). The conversion of the original mortar into hydrocarbonate and silicate of calcium is never completely accomplished ; in the cen- tral portions of the mass, free hydrate of calcium wiU still be found after the lapse of many centuries. Samples of mortar, re- cently taken from the Great Pyramid, were found on analysis to contain a large proportion of the free hydrate. 555. The plastering used for finishing the walls and ceilings of rooms is mortar to which a quantity of hair has been added to increase its tenacity ; in drying, it is, of course, subject to the same chemical changes as ordinary mortar. By absorbing car- bonic acid from the air, it is gradually converted, in part, into carbonate of calcium, while water is set free : — CaO,H,0 -I- CO, = CaO,CO, + H,0. Consequently the walls of recently plastered rooms cannot become permanently dry, until enough carbonic acid has been absorbed to expel the chemically combined water from their outside sur- faces ; hence the dampness so often perceived in new houses, when carbonic acid first comes to be freely generated in them by respiration and by burning lamps. In order to dry plastering, it would, doubtless, be better to employ open fires of charcoal, or of coke, and to deliver the products of the combustion directly into the room which is to be dried, instead of relying solely upon hot air, as is now usual, 556. Hydrate of calcium, like the hydrates of sodium and of potassium, exhibits a strong alkaline reaction when tested with moistened litmus-paper, and exerts a corrosive action upon most organic substances ; hence it is often called caustic lime. Exp. 281.— Add a few drops of water to a small quantity of dry hydrate of calcium, and rub it to a paste between the fingers. It will 476 SULPHATE or CAL0IT7M. be felt that the alkali acts upon the sHa ; a little of the cuticle is really dissolved. Exp. 282. — Wrap a handful of dry hydrate of calcium in a paper, or, belter, in a piece of linen or cotton cloth, and set the packet aside for a week or two. After a while, the cloth or paper will become rotten and friable : the caustic lime, as the common phrase is, has eaten away their more corruptible portions, and has so destroyed the inte- grity of the whole. As a preliminary operation in tanning leather, hides are soaked in milk of lime to loosen the hair, so that it may be readily scraped otf. The value of lime, as an ingredient of composts to be used as manure, appears to depend, in great measure, upon its power of hastening the decay and disintegration of organic matter. Lime has been found to be specially valuable as manure when ap- plied to soils rich in vegetable matter. The organic matters are de- composed or oxidized into carbonic and various other organic acids, which unite with the lime ; sometimes, under special conditions, more or less nitrate of calcium is found among the products. Lime is important, also, from being not only the cheapest alkali, but the cheapest of all the bases. Since its compounds with car- bonic and sulphuric acids are nearly insoluble in water, it is largely employed for removing these acids from solutions in which their presence is not desired ; it may itself be removed from any solution by means of -the acids in question. It is used in the manufacture of the caustic alkalies (soda and potash), of ammonia- water and of bleaching-powders, as a flux in many metallur- gical operations, in the refining of sugar, for preparing a lime soap in the manufacture of stearine candles, and for numberless other purposes. A noteworthy property of slaked Ume is its power of dissolving freely in solutions of common sugar. 557. Sulphate of Calcium (CaSOJ is found native in large quantities, as the minerals gypsum and alabaster. These mine- rals contain one-fifth their weight of water ; their composition may be represented by the formula CaSO^ -|- ^Rfi. The same hydrated salt may be obtained by adding sulphuric acid, or the solution of some sulphate, to a strong aqueous solution of almost any of the salts of calcium. This hydrated compound is the sub- stance commonly meant when sulphate of calcium is spoken of. The anhydrous compound is also important : it is sometimes found in nature as the mineral anhydrite, and may be readily PLASTEB OF PAEIS. 477 prepared by heating the hydrated salt. There is still a third compound, the oomposition of which may be represented by the formula 2CaS0^ + H^O, of which, however, but little is known. Eocp. 283. — Place in a porcelain evaporating-dish, or, better, in an iron pan, two tablespoonfuls of powdered gypsum ; heat the gyp- sum moderately over the flame of the gas-lamp,, and observe the move- ment of ebullition occasioned by the escaping water; stir the mixture as long as the vapor of water is seen to escape, and then set the residue aside to cool. The dry product is known as calcined gypsum or plaster of Paris. As much as nine-tenths of the water which the gypsiun contains may be readily expelled at teiliperatures between 100° and 120° ; but, in order to drive oif the last portions of the water, a temperature of nearly 300° is required. If the dry compound be heated to tempera- tures much higher than 300°, its particles appear to become aggluti- nated, and the chemical properties of the substance are somewhat changed ; the gypsum is then said to be over-burned. At the tempe- rature of redness, sulphate of calcium melts without decomposition, and, on cooling, assumes a crystalline structure similar to that of na- tive anhydrite. 558. When powdered sulphate of calcium, which has been made anhydrous at a comparatively low temperature, is made into a paste with water, and then left to itself, it soon sets or hardens into a compact, coherent mass. This solidification is a conse- quence of the reassumption by the sulphate of calcium of the two molecules of water of crystallization which were driven off by heat when the substance was made anhydrous. Exp. 284. — Place a small coin at the bottom of a cylindrical pasteboard piU-box a little wider than the coia ; smear the coin and the interior of the box with a thin film of oil. Mix intimately two or three teaspoonfuls of the calcined gypsum of Exp. 283, with about half their volume of water, in a small porcelain dish, smd quickly pour the mixture into the box, so that the coin shall be completely covered by it. The mixture, which is of the consistence of cream, should then be immediately stirred or puddled with a hair-pencil, or with a tuft of cotton tied upon a stick, or with the end of the finger, so that the bubbles of air which remain adhering to the siuface of the coin may be pressed out, and the moist paste be made to come every- where into contact with the metal. In the course of a few minutes the paste will solidify and become so hard that the pasteboard envelope may be torn away from it, and the coin removed. A perfect cast or 478 PLASTEB-CASTS. copy of the stamp upon the coin will be found impressed upon the hardened gypsum. The impression in this first cast is, of course, re- versed, but by smearing it with oil and then pouring over it a new portion of the gypsum -paste, precisely as was done with the coin, a fac-simile of the original coin may be obtained. Plaster of Paris is largely used in this way for taking accurate copies of a great variety of objects. Thus, in the process known as stereo- typing, a thin paste of plaster is poured upon the surface of the printers' types, after they have been set up and made ready for printing; the mould thus formed is dried and baJlfed to expel the water from the gypsum, and is then plunged into a bath of a melted alloy of lead, antimony, and tin, known as stereotype-metal, in such manner that, on withdrawing the mould and allowing the metal withiu it to cool, there is obtained a fac-aimile of the original types. From this durable metallic casting the page is finally printed. As has been said above, the moist paste sets as soon as the water, which has been mechanically mixed with the anhydrous sulphate of calcium, enters into chemical combination with it. As in all other instances of chemical action, so here, heat is evolved as the water and plaster combine, as may readily be appreciated by operating upon con- siderable quantities of the materials. Since the plaster assumes crys- talline form aa it becomes hydrated, the paste increases in bulk as it hardens, and is thus pressed into the finest interstices of the moulds. Gypsum sets the more quickly in proportion as the temperature at which it has been dehydrated was low. After it has been heated above 300°, it will no longer set on being mixed with water. Besides its use in taking casts, plaster of Paris, on account of this power of com- bining with water, is largely employed in the preparation of stucco and of various imitations of marble. The hydrated compound finds application also as a manure, in the manufacture of ammoniacal salts, and for various other purposes. JExp. 285. — That the plaster paste expands considerably at the mo- ment of solidification may be shown as follows : — Procure a cracked test-tube, or small flask, and fill it completely with a paste made of calcined gypsum and water, in the proportions of 12 pts., by weight, of the former, to 5 of the latter. In the course of 15 or 20 minutes it will be seen that the original crack in the glass vessel has extended in various directions, in consequence of the expansion of the mass withiu it. It wUl be noticed, also, that the vessel feels warm to the hand (compare Exp. 284). Finally, by breaking away the glass enve- lope, there may be obtained a cast of the glass vessel. Uxp. 286. — The power of sulphate of calcium to take up water, BOILEE-SCATE. 479 to solidify water as it unites ■with it to form the crystalline compound CaHiSOj, can he made manifest as follows : — ^Prepare two table- spoonfuls of a saturated aqueous solution of chloride of calciimi, by dissolving 1 pt., by weight, of the dry chloride in 1-6 part of water ; also prepare the same quantity of a saturated solution of sulphate of sodium (Exp. 228), and, finally, mix the two solutions. Sulphate of calcium wUl be formed, in accordaace with the reaction OaClj + NajiSOi = CaSO< + 2Na01, and will unite with the water in which the ingredients from which it has been formed were previously held in solution, so that an almost solid mass of 0aSO4,2BL,O will take the place of the two liquids. Ordinary hydrated sulphate of calcium is soluble in about 400 parts of water at the ordinary temperature of the air; but, like hydrate of calcium, sulphate of sodium, and a few other salts, it is less soluble in hot water than in cold. When an aqueous so- lution of sulphate of calcium is heated to 100° or more, a precipi- tate will soon be formed in it, even if the solution be very dilute ; and at temperatures as high as 140° or 150° the anhydrous com- pound is completely insoluble in water. In the same way as with sulphate of sodium (Exp. 228), it appears that the bihydrated sulphate of calcium cannot exist at temperatures much superior to 100°, and that above that temperature we have to deal with other compounds of different solubility. In other words, the water which is held in chemical combination in ordinary unburned gyp- sum may be expelled by heat even when the gypsum is dissolved in water. Whenever water containing sulphate of calcium in solution is strongly heated, as in steam-boilers, there is precipi- tated the half-hydrated compound, of composition 2CaS0^+H20, which has been mentioned above. Hence the forination of incrus- tations, or scale, of sulphate of calcium upon the walls of boilers fed with sea- water, or with other water containing the sulphate. It should be remarked that the incrustation in this case does not depend upon evaporation ; the sulphate of calcium wUl be de- posited the more rapidly in proportion as the water of the boiler is hot, and as more of the impure feed- water is pumped into the boiler. 559. Besides occurring in sea-water, sulphate of calQium is a very common impurity in spring- water. Water which contains 480 - TESTINfl WATBK. much, of it is " hard," and is not well adapted either for washing or for cooking. JExp. 28T. — DissolYe a small bit of soap in hot water, and add to the solution an equal bulk of a solution of sulphate of calcium. The mix- ture immediately becomes turbid, and after a few momenta there will be formed a greasy, fiocculent, adhesive scum upon the surface of the liquor. This precipitate is a lime soap, formed by the union of the fatty ingredients of the soap and the base of the sulphate of calcium. Common soap is a compound of one or more organic acids, known as fatty acids, with caustic soda. This soda soap is soluble in water, but lime soap is insoluble ; hence, when a soluble salt of calcium is added to a solution of soap, precipitation occurs. When soap is added to hard water, it will produce neither permanent froth nor cleansing effect, umtii the sulphate, or other lime-salt present, has all been decomposed ; with such waters, much soap is consumed in removing the calcium compound, before the proper detergent action of the soap can be brought into play. 560. An excellent process for determining the relative hard- ness of several samples of water has been founded upon the behavior of water towards soap, as set forth in the foregoing experiment : — JExp. 288. — Prepare a sample of water, of standard hardness,, as fol- lows : — Dissolve 05 grm. of white marble, or other pure carbonate of calcium, in dilute chlorhydric acid, evaporate to dryness, in order to expel the excess of acid, and dissolve the pure chloride of calcium ob- tained in 2 litres of water. Next prepare a solution of soap by digest- ing 7 grms. of Castile soap, or, better, white curd soap, in 1120 grms. of a mixture of 3 parts of alcohol, of 0-83 specific gravity, and 1 of pure water, until no more soap dissolves ; filter the solution, and preserve it in a tight bottle. Measure off' 100 c. c. of the water, of standard hardness, place it in a bottle of 200 or 250 c. c. capacity, and by means of a graduated burette (Appendix, § 21), or pipette, add to it the solution of soap by portions of 1 c. c. each. After the addition of each c. c. of the soap solution, replace the stopper in the bottle, and shake the latter violently, then place the bottle upon its side, and observe whether the bubbles, which form upon the surface^ of the liquid, quickly disappear. So long as the bubbles disappear immedi- ately, new portions of the soap-liquor must be added ; but as soon as a permanent froth is formed, the operation is finished. It is customary to consider the operation completed when the bubbles persist durino- three minutes. The nimxber of c. c. of soap-liquor which has been employed in producing this result, is then carefully recorded. PHOSPHATES OP CAICnjM. 481 Samples of well- and river- water may readily be compared with the water of known standard hardness. We have only to measure off 100, c. c. of the well- water, place it in a small bottle, as above, and add to it the soap-liquor, whose value has been determined, until a persistent froth is produced. If it be assumed that the standard chloride-of-cal- cium water represent 100° of hardness, the comparative hardness of any other sample of water will follow from the proportion : — As the quantity of soap-liquor required to produce persistent bubbles in the standard water is to 100, so is the quantity of soap-liquor which produces bubbles in any given sample of water to the relative hard-, ness of the sample. When the water under examination has a much higher degree of hardness thaji 100°, it is necessary to dilute it with from 1 to 5 times its volume of distilled water before adding the soap-liquor ; for the. curdy precipitate, which would form, if soap were added to the un- diluted liquid, would interfere with the formation of froth, and so make it diificvilt to determine when a suiEcient quantity of the soap- liquor had been used. On being ignited in an atmosphere of hydrogen, or in contact with substances containing carbon, gypsum may readily be deox- idized and converted into sulphide of calcium : — CaSO^ + 40 = CaS + 4C0. This reduction is readily effected, also, when aqueous solutions of gypsum are left in contact with decaying vegetable matter. Since, in this case, carbonic acid wiU necessarily come in contact with the sulphide of calcium as soon as it is formed, sulphuretted hydrogen gas wiU be set free, as may be perceived wherever the mud of docks and marshes is wet with sea-water : — CaS -f- H,0 + CO, = CaCO, + H,S. 561. PJiosphates of Galeivm. — ^There are several of these phos~ phates, comparable respectively with the various phosphates of sodium (§ 489) ; the most remarkable among them is the triphos- phate (3CaO, PjOJ, commonly called bone-phosphate, from being found in bones. It is the chief of the inorganic constituents of which the skeletons of animals are composed. SmaU portions of it are found in most rocks and soils (§262), it being a very widely diffused, though nowhere a very abundant, substance. Consider- able masses of it have been found, however, in Spain, ITew Jer- sey, and Canada, and it is the principal ingredient of some kinda 2i 482 CHXOKIDE OF CALCIUM. of guano. No matter whence obtained, it is a valuable manure when reduced to a fine powder. Though as good as insoluble in water, it dissolves readily in acids and in solutions of various organic substances. 662. Chloride of Calcium (CaClJ may be prepared by dis- solving chalk or marble in chlorhydric acid (as in Exp. 171), and evaporating the solution to drjmess. It is produced in large quantities in the arts by heating chloride of ammonium with slaked lime in the preparation of ammonia- water (Exp. 48) : — 2ira,Cl + CaH,0, = CaCl, -|- 2NH3 4- 2H,0. When dried at about 200°, chloride of calcium is left as a porous mass, which is largely employed in chemical laboratories for dry- ing gases (Appendix, § 15). It absorbs water with great avidity, and is one of the most deliquescent substances known. When exposed to air at the ordinary temperature, it soon absorbs so much water that it dissolves completely. At a low red heat the anhydrous chloride melts to a clear liquid; if ignited for any length of time in contact with the air, it suffers decomposition to a slight extent, a little oxide and carbonate of calcium being formed. From highly concentrated aqueous solutions there may be obtained crystals of the hydrated compound CaClj + GH^O. Slaked Ume may be dissolved in considerable quantity in a boiling aqueous solution of chloride of calcium, and the filtered solution deposits, on cooling, long, thin crystals of a compound known as oxychloride of calcium (CaCl^, 3CaO + 163^0), which is immediately decomposed when treated with pure water. 563. Hypochlorite of Caldum (CaCljO^), as has been shown in § 120, is a component of the substance commonly called " chloride of lime." This important bleaching agent is prepared by passing chlorine gas into chambers filled with layers of finely powdered slaked lime, in accordance with the reaction already set forth. Chloride of lime, or bleaching-powder, is a dry, white powder, smelling feebly of hypochlorous acid ; it always contains a certain excess of hydrate of calcium which has been unacted upon by chlorine; it is therefore only partially soluble in water. When exposed to the air, it slowly absorbs carbonic acid, and, at the same time, evolves chlorine ; hence its employ- ment as a disinfecting agent. If, instead of being left to be HTPOCHLOKITE OF CALCIUM, 483 slowly acted upon by the carbonic acid of the air, it be treated ■with a dilute acid (such as vinegar), a copious evolution of chlorine will immediately occur. JSrp. 289. — Place half a teaspoonful of bleaching-powder in a test- glass, cover the powder with water, and stir in enough of a solution of blue litmus to distinctly color the mixture. By means of a glass tube, blow into the mixture air expired from the lungs, and observe that the blue color of the litmus will soon be destroyed. The carbonic acid from the lungs decomposes the hypochlorite of calcium, and the chlo- rine set free destroys the color. Exp. 290. — At the bottom of a large, tall beaker, or other wide- mouthed glass vessel, of the capacity of two or three litres, place a small bottle containing 15 or 20 grms. of bleaching-powder. Cover the beaker with a glass plate, or sheet of pasteboard, provided with a small hole at the centre ; through this hole in the cover pass a thistle- tube down into the bottle of bleaching-powder, and pour upon it several small successive portions of sulphuric acid diluted with an equal volume of water. Chlorine gas will immediately be set free from the bleach- ing-powder, in accordance with the reaction CaCl2,CaClA + SH^SO^ = 20aS0i + 2H2O -|- 4C1, and, faUing over into the bottom of the large beaker, will gradually press out and displace the air therein contained, so that after a short time the beaker will be seen to be completely flUed with the green gas. This is by far the easiest and most expeditious method of preparing chlorine. If desirable, the bleaching-powder may, of course, be placed in a flask, together with the acid, and the evolved gas collected at will, by means of suitable delivery-tubes ; but many of the experiments of Chapter "Vlll. may be performed perfectly well in the jar of chlorine obtained as above. The heavy gas may be ladled out of the jar with a dipper made of any small bottle, and poured upon a solution of indigo to show its bleaching-power. It will be noticed, in the above reaction, that by the addition of an acid all the chlorine of the bleaching-powder is expelled. The point is important as bearing upon the practical use of this agent. Exp. 291. — Soak a bit of printed calico in a half-litre of water, into which 10 or 15 grms. of bleaching-powder have been stirred. Observe that the color of the calico slowly undergoes change ; then transfer the cloth to another bottie Med with very dilute chlorhydric or sulphuric acid, and take note of the rapidity with which the color is discharged. If need be, again immerse the calico in the bleaching bath, and after- wards in the dilute acid. Finally, wash the whitened cloth thoroughly in water. 2i2 484 OXYGEN FEOlt BLEACHUfG-POWBEE. 564. When teated, bleaohing-powder gives off oxygen, while chloride of calcium is left as a residue. The reaction furnishes a cheap and convenient method of obtaining oxygen. Another method of procuring oxygen from the hypochlorite is to mix a solution of the latter with black oxide of manganese, red oxide of mercury, oxide of iron, or oxide of copper, or, better, with hydrated sesquioxide of iron, hydrate of copper, of nickel, or of cobalt, and to gently warm the mixture. Exp. 292. — ^Fill an ignition-tube one-third fall of bleaching-pow- der, and arrange the apparatus so that the gas may be collected over water. Heat the tube, and observe that the gas is expelled at a comparatively low temperature. 1 grm. of bleaching-powder yields 40 or 50 0. c. of oxygen gas. Exp. 29.3. — Take as much bleaching-powder as was employed in Exp. 292, dissolve it in a small quantity of water, filter the solution, and place it in a small flask provided with a delivery-tube. Add to the contents of the flask two or three drops of the solution of a cobalt salt, connect the flask with an inverted bottle of water upon the water- pan, by means of the deUvery-tube, then heat the flask to 70^ or 80°, and observe that oxygen is freely evolved. The cobalt solution employed amounts to the same thing as hy- drated oxide of cobalt, since the latter is immediately precipitated from the cobalt salt by the caustic lime in the bleaching-powder. The action of the oxide of cobalt, or other metallic oxide, ia this ex- periment, appears to be somewhat analogous to that of the higher oxides of nitrogen in the manufacture of sulphuric acid (§ 228). The oxide of cobalt probably takes oxygen from the solution of bleaching- powder, and combines with it to form a high, unstable oxide, which immediately decomposes again with evolution of oxygen. The oxida- tion and deoxidation of the cobalt compound thus goes on incessantly, and a very small quantity of the latter is sufiicient to decompose any desired amoimt of bleaching-powder. It is important that the solu- tion of the hypochlorite should be filtered as above directed, lest a quantity of it be lost by foaming over out of the fiask. 565. The proportion of hypochlorite of calcium in bleaching- powder varies widely m. dififerent samples, according to the care with which the sample has been prepared, and to the length of time it has been exposed to the action of the air. The bleaching- power, or in other words, the money value of each special sample, should therefore be determined before it is sold. Of the several CHIOEIMETET, 485 methods of ascertaining the value of bleaching-powder, one of the simplest is to determine how much arsenious acid (Ab^Oj) can be converted into arsenic acid (As^Og) by a given weight of the sample : — As,03 + 4C1 + 2H^0 = As^O, + 4HC1. To this end a weighed quantity of arsenious acid is dissolved in a certain definite quantity of a solution of carbonate of sodium in such manner that each c. c. of the liquor shall contain a known weight of arsenious acid. A considerable quantity of this standard solution may be prepared once for all, and kept for use in tightly closed bottles. A weighed sample of the bleaching-powder under examination is then dissolved in water, and into this solution of bleaching-powder the standard solution of arsenious acid is carefully poured, from a burette, so long as the arsenious acid continues to be oxidized and converted into arsenic acid. In order to determine the precise moment when the oxidizing- power of the bleaching-powder solution ceases, a drop of this solu- tion is taken out from time to time upon a glass rod and placed upon paper prepared with iodide of potassium and starch, as has been described in Exp. 71. When the paper no longer becomes blue on being touched with the solution, the operation is known to be completed. Towards the close of the experiment the solution of arsenious acid should only be added drop by drop to the solution of bleaching-powder, and some of the latter should be touched to the test-paper after each addition of the arsenious acid. The number of c. c. of the solution of arsenious acid which have been employed is then carefully noted, and the amount of arsenious acid contained in them is computed. From these data the amount of chlorine in the sample of bleaching-powder is obtained by the following proportion : — Weight of Weight of 198 : 142 = arsenious : chlorine in Weight of one Weight, of four acid used. the sample, molecule of ar- atoms of chlorine. senious acid. Of the other compounds of calcium may be mentioned the fluoride (§ 155), bromide, and iodide (analogous to the chloride), the peroxide CaO^, several sulphides (§ 213), and the phosphide (§ 278). Nitrate of calcium (CaNjOJ is a very easily soluble, deliquescent salt, found in many soils, and in other localities where organic matters putrefy in contact ■ydth hydrate or car- 486 8IK0NTIUM AND BAEIinH. bonate of calcium. Sulphydrate of calcium CaS,H,S, analogous to the hydrate, may be prepared by boiliiig monosulphide of calcium with water, or by passing sulphydric acid gas into a cold solution of the sulphide. The solution of this substance possesses a remarkable power of loosening hair from the skins of animals. After a skin has been soaked for a few minutes in a strong solu- tion of this substance, the hair may readily be scraped off with any blunt instrument. A solution of sulphite of calcium (CaSOg) in an aqueous solution of sulphurous acid, is sometimes employed, under the name bisulphite of lime, to check fermentation. 566. The metal itself may be obtained by decomposing fused chloride of calcium by means of the galvanic current, or by heating iodide of calcium with metallic sodium in a closed iron tube. It is a yeUowish-white, lustrous, ductile metal, of 1-6 specific gravity, which sufiers no change in dry air at the ordi- nary temperature. In moist air it oxidizes quickly, and it decomposes water with evolution of hydrogen. At a red heat it melts, and, if oxygen be present, takes fire and burns with a bright Hght. It is a bivalent element ; the weight of its atom is 40. SIEONTlTrM AND BAKIint. 567. The metals strontium and barium closely resemble cal- cium in appearance and properties, and may be prepared by methods similar to those used for calcium, £is described in the last section. The specific gravity of strontium is 2-6, that of barium is 4. The atomic weight of strontium is 87-5, and that of barium 137. Like calcium, strontiuni and barium are both bivalent elements. Most of the compounds of strontium and barium are closely analogous to the corresponding compounds of calcium. The oxides, peroxides, hydrates, carbonates, sulphates, nitrates, phos- phates, chlorides, sulphides, &,c. resemble in the main the corre- sponding calcium salts. The hydrates of strontium and barium, however, are more readily soluble in water than the hydrate of calcium, while their sulphates, nitrates, and chlorides are less soluble than those of calcium. Sulphate of barium is almost absolutely insoluble in water, and sulphate of strontium is only PEROXIDE or BAEirTM. 487 very slightly soluble. Sulphate of barium is found native, soroe- times in considerable masses, as a very heavy white mineral called barytes, which, when powdered, is largely employed for adulterating white lead. The name barium comes from a Greek word meaning heavy. From the carbonates of strontium and barium the carbonic acid cannot readily be driven off by heat alone, though when mixed with charcoal, and then ignited, these carbonates may be reduced to oxides. A better way of preparing the oxides is to heat the nitrates strongly in a porcelain crucible or retort. Unlike hydrate of calcium, hydrate of barium does not give off its water at the temperature of redness, but melts without undergoing decomposition. From hydrate of strontium the water may be expeUed by heat, though with difficulty. Peroxide of barium (BaOJ is of interest, since by means of it peroxide of hydrogen (§ 61) and antozone (§ 177) may be prepared. 568. In order to obtain peroxide of barium, a mixture of 1 part of oxide of barium, and 4 parts of chlorate of. potassium may be thrown, little by little, into a crucible heated to low redness, and the fused mass subsequently washed with water to remove chloride of potassium; or a current of oxygen gas, or of air, may "be made to flow over oxide of barium heated to low redness in a porcelain tube. As thus prepared the peroxide is never pure, being mixed with more or less protoxide. Peroxide of barium decomposes, with evolution of oxygen, at the tempera- ture of bright redness, and in view of this fact it was at one time proposed to employ the substance as a means of obtaining pure oxygen from the air upon the large scale. A considerable num- ber of tubes charged with protoxide of barium, having been suitably arranged in furnaces, half of the tubes were heated to duU redness, and a current of air was made to flow through them, until the protoxide had been converted into peroxide; the current of air was then transferred to the other tubes, while the first series was put in connexion with a gas-holder and heated to bright redness, until the second atom of oxygen had been driven out. The second series of tubes were next deprived of oxygen, while the tubes of the first series were put to their old work of absorbing oxygen from the air. The process thus 400 strontium: salts, became a continuous one, and was really capable of furnishing large quantities of oxygen ; it has, however, been superseded by cheaper methods (§ 242). Strontium salts are commonly prepared from the native car- bonate, a mineral called strontianite, while the various salts of barium are obtained either from the native carbonate (witherite), or more commonly from the sulphate. The finely powdered sul- phate, after having been mixed with powdered charcoal and oil, is strongly heated in a covered crucible, and so reduced to the condition of sulphide of barium : — BaSO, -I- 4C = BaS + 4C0. Sulphide of barium is readily soluble in water, and on being treated with chlorhydric, nitric, or any other acid, it decomposes, sulphuretted hydrogen is given off, and there is formed chloride of barium, or some other salt, according to the acid employed : — BaS + 2HC1 = BaCl, + H,S. Several of the compounds of barium are useful reagents in the chemical laboratory. Sulphate of barium is employed as a pig- ment by artists in water-colors, under the name permanent white, also in the finishing of paper, pasteboard, &c., and for adulterating white lead. As a water-color it is valuable, since it is scarcely at all acted upon by any chemical agent ; but when ground with oU it becomes translucent, and seriously impairs the opacity or covering power of the better pigments with which it is mixed. Compounds of barium and of strontium are employed in the preparation of fireworks, for obtaining green and crimson flames respectively; — • Th« green barium-flame may be well shown by mixing with the fingers a gramme of powdered chlorate of barium with half a gramme of flowers of sulphm-, and strewing the mixture upon a glowing coal. The green fire of the pyrotechnists may be prepared by mixing together 58 parts of nitrate of barium, IS parts of sulphur, 6 parts of chlorate of potassium, and 2 parts of charcoal. To exhibit the red strontium-flame, a mixture may be prepared by rubbing together in a mortar 30 parts of anhydrous nitrate of stron- tium, 10 parts of powdered sulphur, and 3 parts of sulphide of anti- mony ; and to this mixture may be added, with the hand, taJring care to avoid all violent friction, 7 pai'ts of powdered, fused chlorate of THE CAXCrUM GROUP. 489 potassium. The mixture may then be shaken loosely upon a piece of sheet iron and touched with a lighted stick or glowing coal. Or the color may be shown upon a smaller scale by operating as follows : — Exp. 294. — By means of iron wire, suspend three small bullets of weU-bumed coke from a ring of the iron stand. Heat the fragments in turn with the flame of the gas-lamp, and observe the slightly yel- lowish flame which wiU be produced in each case ; then moisten one of the pieces of coke with a solution of chloride of calcium, the second with a solution of chloride of barium, and the third with a solution of nitrate of strontium, and again heat them in turn with the gas-flame. The calcium salt will impart a reddish-yeUow color to the flame, the barium salt a green color, and the strontium salt a beautiful crimson. Instead of the bits of coke, platinum wire might of course be employed, as in Exp. 202. 569. As appears abundantly from the foregoing, the three elements calcium, strontium, and barium are intimately related one to the other, and are, as a family, clearly distinguished in several important particulars from the metals of the preceding group. Even before the metals of this family were discovered and isolated, it had long been customary among chemists to speak of the oxides of calcium, strontium, and barium as the aTkaline earths, in contradistinction from the " alkalies," potash and soda, upon the one hand, and the "earths," such as the oxides of magnesium and aluminum, upon the other. Each of the members of the alkaJine-earthy group, now in question, decomposes water, even at the ordinary temperature, taking away its oxygen ; and each of them forms two oxides — a neutral, insoluble binoxide, belonging to the class of antpzonides (§ 182), and a more or less soluble protoxide, acting as a powerful base; their carbonates and sulphates are all difficultly soluble, and, like the other compounds of the three metals, are isomor- phous with one another. In aU their compounds, there may be seen the same progression of properties which has been met with in the groups previously studied. The barium compound will always be found at one end of the scale, the calcium compound at the other, and the strontium compound interposed between the two. The hydrate and the carbonate of calcium are both readily destroyed by heat, while the corresponding strontium compounds 490 r^AB. are decomposed with diffictilty, and the barium compounds only at exceedingly high, temperatures. The solubility of the oxides diminishes as we pass from baryta to Ume, while that of the sul- phates and carbonates foUows the inverse order. The specific gravities of the metals are, Ca=l-6, Sr=2-6, Ba=4 ; and their atomic weights are 40, 87-5, and 137 respectively, that of stron- tium being nearly the mean of the other two. The specific gravities of their carbonates and sulphates are as follows : — CaCO, (arragonite) =2-95, SrC03=3-6, BaC03=4-33; CaSO^=: 2-33, SrSO^=3-89, and BaS0^=4-4. It should be observed that, in all these cases, the specific gravities of the strontium com- pounds approximate closely to the mean of the specific gravities of the corresponding barium and calcium compounds. The same remark applies also to the specific gravities of the three metals. LEAD. 570. Almost all the lead which is employed in the arts is extracted from sulphide of lead, PbS, the mineral galena. This substance is tolerably abundant in many localities, and is often associated with sulphate of barium, fluor-spar, quartz, and other common minerals ; it almost always contains a small proportion of sulphide of silver. In order to obtain metallic lead from ga- lena, this mineral is mixed with a small quantity of lime, and then roasted at a dull-red heat in the flame of a reverberatory furnace. A portion of the sulphur burns off as sulphurous acid. Some oxide of lead, and more or less sulphate of lead is formed, while much of the ore remains undecomposed. After a time, the roasting-process is interrupted, air is excluded from the furnace, the oxide, sulphate, and sulphide of lead are thoroughly mixed together, and the heat of the furnace is suddenly raised. The undecomposed sulphide of lead then reacts upon the oxide and sulphate, sulphurous acid is given off, and metallic lead produced. The reactions may be thus formulated : — 2PbO + PbS = BPb + SO,. PbSO, + PbS = 2Pb + 2S0,. The lime is added for the purpose of forming a fusible slag with any siliceous matter which may be present in the ore. Lead is a remarkably soft metal, of bluish- white color ; it can MEIAIXIC LEAD, 491 be readily cut with a knife, and may even be indented with the finger-nail ; it soils paper upon which it is rubbed. Its specific gravity is 11-4, and its atomic weight 207. It may be drawn into wire, and beaten into sheets, though, as contrasted with most of the other metals, it has but little tenacity. In comparison with other metals, it is a rather poor conductor of heat and electricity. It melts at about 325°, and contracts considerably in passing from the liquid to the solid condition. Its specific heat is 0-0314. SoUd lead expands greatly when heated, though the heat be not carried near to the melting-point, and the expanded metal does not return again to its original dimensions when cooled. Melted lead begins to emit vapors at a red heat, and at very high tem- peratures the metal may even be distilled. Lead may be obtained crystallized in octahedrons, by slowly cooling the molten metal. The ready crystallization of lead furnishes a very simple method of separating this metal from the sUver with which crude lead is almost always contaminated as it comes from the smelting fur- naces. When melted argentiferous lead is aUowed to cool slowly, and is at the same time briskly stirred, a quantity of solid crys- talline grains separate out after a while, and sink beneath the liquid metal, whence they may be dipped out in cullenders. These crystals are composed of lead nearly free from silver, whUe all but a trace of the silver contained in the original lead is left in that portion of the metal which has not yet sohdifled ; in a word, the alloy of lead and silver melts at a lower temperature than pure lead. By methodically remelting and reerystallizing the lead crystals on the one hand, and the silver alloy on the other, it has been found profitable to extract the silver from lead so poor that it contained less than one thousandth part its weight of the precious metal. "When in thick masses, such as the common sheets and pipes of commerce, lead is scarcely at all acted upon by cold sulphuric acid, and is but slowly corroded by chlorhydric acid. Both these acids form, by uniting with lead, diflcultly soluble salts ; and so soon as a layer of the salt has once been deposited upon the surface of the metal, the latter is thereby protected from further corrosion. By hot, concentrated sulphuric acid, however, lead is dissolved rather easily. The best solvent of metaUio 492 OXIDATION OF LEAD. lead is diluted nitric acid ; strong nitric acid -will not dissolve it readily, since nitrate of lead is well nigh insoluble in concen- trated nitric acid. 671. Oxides of Lead. — When a compact piece of metallic lead is freshly cut, it exhibits considerable lustre, and this lustre may be preserved unimpaired by keeping the lead in perfectly dry air, or beneath the surface of pure water free from air (§ 47). But by exposure to ordinary air the brilliant surface soon tarnishes, m consequence of the formation of a thin coating of suboxide of lead; this incrustation protects the metal beneath from further oxida- tion. Finely divided lead, on the contrary, soon changes com- pletely to suboxide when exposed to the air. If the metal be fine enough, it wiU oxidize instantaneously, with evolution of light and heat, and formation of yellow protoxide of lead. Exp. 295. — Prepare a small quantity of tartrate of lead, as follows. Dissolve 0'25 grm. of common sugar of lead (acetate of lead) in 8 or 10 c. c. of water, also dissolve O'l grm. of tartaric acid in 4 or 5 c. c. of water, and mix the two solutions. Collect upon a filter the white precipitate of tartrate of lead which will be formed, wash it with water, then unfold the filter and spread it out with its contents to dry in the air, or, better, at a gentle heat upon a ring of the iron stand, high above a single gas-flame. Fill an ignition-tube one-third full of the dry tartrate of lead, and heat it upon a sand-bath so long as any fumes escape, then cork the tube tightly and set it aside to cool. Holding the cooled tube high in the air, sprinkle its contents upon a plate, and observe that the black powder takes fire spontaneously, and bums with a red flash. The composition of tartrate of lead may be represented by the formula CjH^PbjOj ; on being heated this substance gives off water and car- bonic oxide, as may be seen by lighting the fumes which escape from the tube, and there is left as a residue an intimate mixture of carbon and of metallic lead, so finely divided that it inflames in ordinary air. A- spontaneously inflammable mixture such as this is called s.pyrophonm. 572. Lead is far more readily oxidized by the continued action of air and water than by ordinary moist air. When exposed to the simultaneous or alternate action of these agents, a coating of the white hydrated protoxide of lead is rapidly formed ; but as this compound is somewhat soluble in water, it is continually dis- solved away and affords little or no protection to the lead beneath. The corrosive action of water upon lead is modified very mate- ACTION OF WATERS ON lEAD. 493 rially by the presence of small quantities of various saline sub- stances. Water containing traces of nitrates, nitrites, and chlo- rides corrodes lead more rapidly than pure water, while the corrosive action of pure water appears to be diminished by the presence of sulphates, phosphates, and carbonates, oxide of lead being scarcely at all soluble ia water which contains these salts in solution. Water containing a solution of carbonate of calcium in carbonic acid, such as is frequently met with in nature, has been found to have remarkably little action upon lead ; in such water a coating of insoluble, or nearly insoluble carbonate of lead is formed upon the metal, which protects it from further action. But, on the other hand, water which contains much free carbonic acid dissolves away the protective coating and exposes fresh sur- faces of lead to corrosion. As a general rule, the acids, even when very dilute, greatly accelerate the oxidation of lead in the air j and the same remark is true of organic substances and of metals, the first by their decay, the second by the galvanic action which their presence excites. Since solutions of lead are poisonous, and since the metal is employed to an enormous extent for cisterns and conduits, a knowledge of the action of water upon lead is very important in a sanitary point of view. The question has consequently engaged the attention of many chemists, and has been much discussed. It has been proved by numberless experiments that the action of natural waters upon lead is so general that it is rare to find any sample of water, which has been kept in a leaden cistern, wholly free from traces of that metal. The opinion of most chemists is at this time (1867) decidedly adverse to the use of leaden water-pipes in houses, in spite of the fact that the metal is nowadays employed for this purpose almost everywhere with apparent impunity. When lead is melted in the air it oxidizes readily, with for- mation at first of gray suboxide, and afterwards of the yellow protoxide. 673. Suhoadde of Lead (Pb^O) may be prepared in a state of purity by cautiously heating oxalate of lead at a temperature not exceeding 300° in a retort from which air is excluded, so long as any gas is evolved : — 2PbC,0, = Pb,0 -f CO + 3C0,.] 494 CTIPELLATIOS. After the retort has hecome cold, euboxide of lead will be found in it as a black velvety powder. It is decomposed by acids, with formation of salts of protoxide of lead, and separation of metallic lead. 574. Protoxide of Lead (PbO), commonly called litharge, may be obtained as a lemon-yellow powder by gently igniting nitrate, carbonate, or oxalate of lead upon an iron plate, or in an open porcelain crucible. The oxide fuses at a red heat, and when melted in vessels of porcelain or earthenware it rapidly destroys them by combining with their silica, an easily fusible slag or glass composed of double silicates of lead, aluminum, iron, &c. being formed. Sihoate of lead is an actual constituent of the easily fusible variety of glass known as flint glass (see § 492, and Ap- pendix, § 3). In the arts, litharge is prepared upon the large scale by heating metallic lead in a current of air ; the color and texture of the pro- duct varies considerably according to the temperature and the other conditions under which it has been prepared. -Ecp. 296. — Heat a small ftagment of lead iipon charcoal in the oxidizing flame of the blowpipe, and observe the gray film of sub- oxide which forms at first, and the yellow incrustation of litharge which is obtained subsequently. The litharge may be melted if a strong, hot flame be thrown upon it. This property of lead, of rapidly oxidizing when heated in the air, taken in connexion with the easy fusibility of the oxide, is the basis of the common method of separating lead and silver in the large way, known as cvpellation. The iridescent film of litharge continually formed upon the surface of the molten metal as incessantly flows off, exposing new surfaces of the metal to the action of the air. The silver, on the other hand, undergoes little or no change, and when the lead has been completely burned the silver appears in all its brUliant whiteness. The cupel is a shallow cup or basin, composed either of marl or of a mixtm'e of bone-ash and wood-ashes firmly compacted and beaten to a smooth surface, which may be placed either in the muffle of an assay furnace, upon the hearth of a reverberatory, or in any position where it can be strongly heated at the same time that a free current of air plays over its surface. A charge of argentiferous lead having been melted upon the cupel, new portions of the lead are added as fast as the melted htharge flows ofi from the convex surface of the metal and PEROXIDE OP lEAD. 495 makes room for these additions, until an alloy very rich in silver has been obtained. This alloy is then cupelled until the last traces of lead have been removed, and the silver is left pure and glistening. In cupelling upon the small scale, for purposes of assaying, the cupel is made of bone-ash of such quality that the litharge may be absorbed into the substance of the cupel, and not flow oif through gutters upon its edge, as is the case in large metallurgical operations. 575. Protoxide of lead unites readily with acids, and forms many important salts. When in the state of powder, it even absorbs a certain amount of carbonic acid from the air ; hence the powdered litharge of commerce always contains more or less carbonate of lead, and therefore effervesces on being treated with acids, as has been seen in Exp. 42. As a general rule, it is far better to prepare the salts of lead by dissolving the protoxide in acids, than to treat the metal itself with acids. Protoxide of lead has a remarkable tendency to form basic salts ; thus besides the normal nitrate (PbO.NjOj) there is a dinitrate (2PbO,N205), a trinitrate (SPbOjN^Oj), a tetranitrate (4PbO,N205)> ^^^ ^ hexa- nitrate (6PbO,N,Oj). Though a strong base as regards the acids, protoxide of lead behaves like an acid towards the alkalies and alkaline earths. For example, it dissolves readily in soda or potash lye, with for- mation of plumbite of sodium, or of potassium, as the case may be. The term plumbite, like the symbol of lead, Pb, is derived from plumbum, the Latin name of the metal. 576. Peroxide of Lead (PbOJ may be prepared by oxidizing the protoxide — ^for exa;mple, by passing a current of chlorine gas through water in which protoxide of lead is kept suspended by agitation, or as follows : — Exp. 297. — Place 8 or 10 grms. of very finely powdered sugar of lead in a capacious porcelain dish, cover the salt with a filtered solu- tion of bleaching-powder (§ 663), heat the solution to boiling, and maintain it at this temperature, until the escaping vapors smell strongly of acetic acid ; then pour the contents of the dish upon a filter, and wash with water the dark-brown powder of peroxide of lead which has been formed. Peroxide of lead may be easily obtained also by digesting red lead with dilute nitric acid, as will appear in the following paragraph. Peroxide. of lead is a powerful oiddizing agent; it readily giyee 496 BED LEAD. up oxygen, to many organic substances, even at the ordinary temperature of the air. On beiag heated to redness, it loses half its oxygen, and is converted into the protoxide. JExp. 298. — In a small porcelain mortar, rub together a mixture of 1 grm. of oxalic acid, and 1 grm. of peroxide of lead. Decomposition will occur, aqueous vapor and carbonic acid will be given off, and car- bonate of lead, PbCOj, vsdll be left as a residue. When the peroxide is thus mixed with one-eighth its weight of sugar, or with one-sixth . its weight of tartaric acid, so much heat is developed, that the mass in the mortar glows. Peroxide of lead is decomposed by chlorhydric acid, with libe- ration of chlorine, and formation of normal chloride of lead — PbO, + 4HC1 = PbCl, + 2H,0 + 2C1, — and by hot sulphuric acid, with evolution of oxygen. It com- bines with sulphurous acid readily, and is often employed in the laboratory as an absorbent of this gas ; and it is noteworthy that the product of this combination is sulphate of lead : — PbO, + SO, = PbSO,. It is indifferent, therefore, whether we put together peroxide of lead and sulphurous acid, or protoxide of lead and sulphuric acid; the product will, in either case, be common sulphate of lead; for PbO + SO3 = PbSO,. As a rule, peroxide of lead does not readUy enter into combi- nation with acids, though compounds of it with acetic, phos- phoric, arsenic, and some other acids have been obtained. With strong bases, however, it combines readily, forming salts known as plumbates. 577. Bed Lead or Minium. — ^When protoxide of lead is kept at a low red heat for some time, in contact with air, it gradually absorbs one or two per cent, of oxygen, and acquires a brilliant red color. The product of this oxidation is extensively used as a pigment and in the manufacture of some kinds of glass ware ; it may be regarded as a compound of PbO and PbO^, ia varying proportions. By digesting it for some time in dilute nitric acid, the protoxide of lead may all be dissolved out and converted into nitrate of lead, while the peroxide of lead is left as a residue : — 2PbO,PbO, + 2H,N,0, = 2PbN,0, -1- 2Sfi + PbO,. STTLPHIBES OP LEAD. 497 JSxp. 299. — ^Heat in an iron spoon 4 grms. of litharge and 1 grm. of chlorate of potassium, and observe that the color of the mixture soon changes from yellow to red. Throw the cooled product upon a filter, wash it with water, then dry it and compare its color with that of the original litharge. In this experiment, the red lead could he obtained as well by simply heating litharge without admixture in the air for many hours, at a temperature just below its melting-point ; time alone is gained by employing chlorate of potassium as the source of oxygen. For commercial purposes, red lead is obtained by heating metallic lead in reverberatory furnaces, or, when a very pure article is needed, by heating carbonate of lead. When heated strongly, red lead is resolved into protoxide of lead and free oxygen. Oxygen gas may be prepared from it in the same manner as from oxide of mercury (Exp. 6), though at a higher tem- perature. 578. Sesqviooeide of Lead (Pb^Og) is recognized as a distinct oxide by some chemists, but is more generally regarded as a compound of the proto- and peroxides, PbO, PbO^, — a plumbate of lead. 579. Sulphides of Lead. — There are several of these com- pounds, but the protosulphide, PbS, is the only one whose com- position is accurately known. This sulphide is the native mineral galena (§ 570) ; it may be prepared artificially either by melting together lead and sulphur in atomic proportions, or by treating the solution of any lead salt with sulphydric acid (§ 209). The native mineral, lite the compound obtained artificially by way of fusion, is of a leaden-gray color of 7"5 specific gravity, but the precipitate which forms when sulphydric acid is added to the solution of a lead salt, is black, or brown, or even red if the solution be dilute. On account of the deep color, a& weU as the insolubility of this precipitate, sulphydric acid is often made use of as a means of detecting lead ; the test is, in fact, so delicate that solutions containing only a hundred thousandth of their weight of metaUic lead will assume a brown color on being charged with sulphuretted hydrogen. Exp. 300. — Dissolve quarter of a gramme of sugar of lead in 4 litres of water, add to the solution s few drops of nitric acid so that it shall exhibit a faint acid reaction with litmus-paper, pass into the solution a current of sulphydric acid gas until the solution smeUs strongly of it and observe the brown color imparted to the fluid after some time. 2k 498 CHLOKIDE OF LEAP, In testing for the presence of lead in excessively dilute solutions, such, for example, as water drawn from leaden pipes, it is well to evaporate the liquid to a small bulk in a porcelain dish, to acidulate the concentrated liquor very slightly with nitric acid, and then to transfer it to a beaker glass. The liquid should then be saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen gas, the beaker covered with a glass plate, and left to stand during several hours in a moderately warm room. J£ lead be present, it will be indicated after a while either by the brown coloration of the liquid, or by the actual separation of a black powder at the bottom or upon the sides of the glass. 580. Sulphide of lead is volatile at high temperatures, and is often found in the cracks and upon the walls of smelting fur- naces, in the form of crystals, which have been deposited by sub- limation. By virtue of the volatility of its sulphide, lead may be transported to very considerable distances from furnaces where ores containing galena are roasted or reduced. It has been found, moreover, that growing plants are capable of taking up the lead thus deposited, and of assimilating a certain portion of it in their tissues. Comparative experiments made at very high temperatures have shown that galena may lose as much as 3-7 per cent, of its weight by volatilization, while metallic lead, ex- posed to the same conditions, loses less than 0-1 per cent. Sulphide of lead, like the sulphides of the alkaU-metals and those of the alkaline-earthy metals, acts as a sulphur base ; with sulphantimonic acid, for example, it unites to form a salt, 3PbS,8bS5, analogous to that formed by the union of antimonic acid and oxide of lead, 3PbO,Sb05. 581. Chloride of Lead (PbClJ. — Metallic lead is but slowly acted upon by chlorine, or by chlorhydric acid, though hot chlor- hydrie acid dissolves a little of it with formation of chloride of lead and evolution of hydrogen, even when out of contact with the air; the chloride may, however, be readily prepared by digesting oxide or carbonate of lead in chlorhydric acid, or by mixing the solution of almost any lead salt with chlorhydric acid, or with a solution of some soluble chloride : — PblSr.O, + 2NaCl = PbCl, + m.Nfl^. Chloride of lead is but sparingly soluble in cold water, and is still less soluble in water acidulated with chlorhydric acid ; hence SALTS OF LEAD. 499 it may readily be precipitated as above described, and collected upon a filter. In hot water, bowever, it dissolves rather easily, and it is somewhat soluble in concentrated acid also. Exp. 301. — Boil together, in a small flask, 1 grm. of litharge, 14 grms. of strong chlorhydrio acid, and 14 grms. of water, during 15 or 20 minutes. Pour the mixture upon a filter supported in a funnel which has been gently warmed by holding it over the flame of the gas-lamp, and collect the clear filtrate in a warm bottle. As the solu- tion cools, lustrous needle-shaped crystals of chloride of lead will form in it. Bxp. 302. — Pour ofi'the cold supernatant liquor from the crystals of chloride of lead obtained in Exp. 301, place the crystals upon" a frag- ment of porcelain, dry them at a gentle heat, and finally heat them more strongly. It will be found that the crystals melt very easily, and that on cooling they soHdify to a soft translucent horny mass, whence the old name of this substance, horn-had. 582. The compounds of lead with iodine, bromine, and fluorine are analogous to chloride of lead. The iodide is remarkable on account of its beautiful yellow color, which may readily be shown by adding a drop or two of a solution of iodide of potassium to a small quantity of a solution of nitrate of lead. Of the numerous other salts of lead little need here be said. The nitrate and tartrate have already been prepared (Exps. 42, 295) ; we have obtained the sulphate also as a white, nearly insoluble powder by adding water to concentrated sulphuric acid, and it may be had in any quantity by mixing the solution of a lead salt with dilute sulphuric acid, or with the solution of a soluble sulphate. Acetate of lead, one of the most important of the lead salts, and the one most readily to be procured in com- merce in a state of purity, is prepared by dissolving oxide of lead directly in acetic acid such as is obtained in the distillation of wood (§ 380), or indirectly by moistening plates of metallic lead with vinegar in vessels open to the air. It crystaUizes readily, is easily soluble in water, and has a sweet, astringent taste, whence the name, sugar of lead. Like the other lead salts, it is highly poisonous. It is employed for many purposes in the arts, and is in particular much used in medicine. Carbonate of lead (PbCOj), or rather compounds of carbonate of lead and of hydrate of lead in varying proportions, are used to an enormous extent as 2k2 500 WHITE lEAB. a white paint, under the general name of white had. The com- position of this substance may usually be expressed by a formula lying within the limits PbCOjiPbH^Oj,, upon the one hand, and SPbCOj.PbHjOj on the other. As contrasted with the other white pigments it possesses remarkable covering-power and dura- bility, and is consequently much esteemed iu spite of its high cost, its injurious influence upon the health of workmen who have to do with it, and the fact that it is discolored by air containing sulphuretted hydrogen. "White lead is often adul- terated with sulphate of barium, with oxide of zinc, and with gypsum. It is usually prepared by bringing carbonic acid, ob- tained from decaying vegetable matter, or from the combustion of fuel, into contact with basic acetate of lead,^ — the latter being pre- pared in this case either by mixing litharge and vinegar to the consistence of a paste, or by exposing rolls of sheet lead to the simultaneous action of vapors of vinegar and air, or by actually dissolving an excess of litharge in vinegar. Sometimes the car- bonic acid is made to act upon the subacetate at the very moment when it is being formed, while at other times the acetate is pre- pared by itself, and subsequently treated with carbonic acid. 583. Silicate of lead is of interest from being an important ingredient of flint glass ; a certain proportion of it renders glass lustrous and very beautiful. Such glass is, however, soft, easily fusible, and incapable of bearing sudden changes of temperature ; it is, moreover, rather easily acted upon by alkalies, acids, and other chemical agents, and is hence comparatively useless in the chemical laboratory. 684. In many points of chemical behavior the compounds of lead resemble more or less clearly the corresponding compounds of barium, strontium, and calcium. Its compounds are moreover somorphous with those of the metals in question, and its atom, like the atoms of these metals, is bivalent. Lead is therefore classed as a member of the calcium group, though, as is the case with fluorine in the chlorine group, it differs in some respects from the other members of the family. The specific gravity of lead is 11-4, and its atomic weight 207. The specific gravity of carbonate of lead is 6'5, and that of sulphate of lead is 6-2. MAeNESITrM. ' 501 CHAPTEK XXIX. MAaifESnj M Z I N C C A D M I IT M. MAONBSirTM:. 585. This metal, or rather its oxide, was formerly classed with the group which comprises the alkaline earths, but it is now known to be more closely connected with zinc and cadmium than with any other of the elements. It is found widely diffused, and rather abundantly, in nature. The bitter taste of sea- water and of some mineral waters is due to the presence of magnesium salts, while silicate of magnesium and carbonate of magnesium are con- taiaed in a variety of minerals and in such common rocks as dolomite, serpentine, soapstone, and talc. 586. Metallic magnesium may be prepared by heating anhy- drous chloride of magnesium with sodium in a crucible of por- celain or platinum, and subsequently dissolving out in cold water the chloride of sodium which results from the reaction. Mag- nesium is a lustrous metal, as white as tin ; its specific gravity is 1-75, and its atomic weight 24. It does not tarnish iu dry air, though in damp air it soon becomes covered with a film of hy- drate of magnesium. It melts at a low red heat, and volatilizes at higher temperatures ; it may be readily distilled at a bright red heat. When heated strongly in the air it takes fire and burns with a bluish-white light of great brilliancy and high actinic power. The metal is employed by photographers for illuminating caverns and other places into which sunlight cannot penetrate, and in cloudy weather it is even used by them as a substitute for daylight. The metal can be pressed into wire or into thin ribbons, and a considerable quantity of it is now used in both these forms for purposes of illumination, as above stated. Magnesium lanterns are much used in theatres for illuminating scenery and tableaux. The white light has the advantage of showing colors just as they look by daylight. For scenic effects the light may be modified by transmission through colored glass. Magnesium is only slowly acted upon by cold water, but is 502 OXIDE OF MACfNESITJM. rapidly oxidized by hot water and by water acidulated with almost any acid ; oxide of magnesium is formed and hydrogen set free. 587. Oxide of Magnesium (MgO). — There is but one com- pound of magnesium and oxygen ; it is obtained as a white amorphous powder when magnesium is burnt in the air, or when carbonate, chloride, or nitrate of magnesium is ignited. Exp. 303. — Roll 10 or 12 cm. of magnesium wire or thin ribbon into a coU around a small pencil ; withdraw the pencil and place m its stead a piece of iron wire or a knitting-needle ; holding this wire horizontally, apply a lighted match to the end of the magnesium coU ; the magnesium will burn to the white oxide, which coheres in an im- perfect coil, clinging to the iron wire. A portion of the oxide goes off as white smoke. The magnesium wire for this experiment may be procured at toy-shops as well as of dealers in fine chemicals. The oxide is tasteless and odorless; it is soluble to a very slight extent in water, and the solution has an alkaline reaction. The specific gTavity of the solid oxide, or magnesia, as it is often called, varies from 3'07 to 3-2 as ordinarily prepared; but on being very strongly ignited it becomes denser, and samples have been prepared in this way of specific gravity as high as 3-61. The light powdery oxide of magnesium known as " calcined magnesia," which is prepared by gentle but prolonged ig-nition of the hydrated carbonate, differs materially in several parti- culars from the more compact oxide obtained by calcining nitrate or chloride of magnesium at high temperatures, or by intensely heating the powdery oxide. Common calcined magnesia is, for example, readily soluble in acids ; but after the oxide has been exposed to very high temperatures it dissolves but slowly even in the strongest acids. Similar differences between the products ob- tained at high and at low temperatures are met with among the oxides of almost aU the metals hereafter to be studied. 588. A compact variety of oxide of magnesium, obtained by heating the nitrate or chloride to bright redness, but no higher, exhibits remarkable hydraulic properties. On being wet it quickly combines with a portion of water, and is converted into a crystallized hydrate of compact texture, harder than marble, and of great durability. HTBRATJUC MAGNESIA. 503 A mixture of equal parts of the hydraulic magnesia and of chali, or powdered marble, made into paste with water, yields a slightly plastic mass, which admits of being readily pressed into any desired shape ; if the moulded material be then placed in water it will become, after some time, extremely hard and compact (§ 591). Oxide of magnesium is altogether infusible at temperatures short of that of the oxyhydrogen flame. Very excellent cru- cibles for scientific purposes are prepared by compressing oxide of magnesium into suitable forms. These crucibles undergo far less change in the air than those made from lime ; and like the lime crucibles they do not unite with oxide of iron and the other metallic oxides to form the fusible slags or glasses which are so annoying in the ordinary crucibles, of which silicic acid is an essential component. 589. CMoride of Magnesium (MgClJ is found in sea-water and iu many saline springs. It is formed when magnesium is burnt in chlorine gas, when a current of chlorine is passed over a red-hot mixture of charcoal and oxide of magnesium, and, in combination with water, by dissolving oxide of mag- nesium in chlorhydric acid. It is remarkable that the hydrated chloride last mentioned cannot be made anhydrous by evaporation and ignition without some decomposition of the chloride ; oxide of magnesium is formed and chlorine goes oif in combination with hydrogen as chlorhydric acid. 590. Sulphate of Magnesium (MgSOJ, or rather the hydrated compound (MgSO^ +73^0), is largely employed as a medicament under the name of Epsom salts. It is obtained not only from the mineral spring at Epsom, in England, and from various other springs, but is also prepared from sea-water, and by dissolving the m^inerals serpentine (siheate of magnesium), magnesite (car- bonate of magnesium), and dolomite (carbonate of magnesium and of calcium), in sulphuric acid. Hydrated sulphate of mag- nesium is a colorless crystaUine salt, readily soluble in water, and possessing the peculiar bitter taste common to most of the soluble magnesium compounds. It is often empl6yed'in labo- ratories as the source from which to prepare other magnesium salts. 504 ZINC. 591. Carbonate of Magnesium (MgCOj) is found as a mineral in nature, and with due care may be prepared artificially. As met with in commerce, however, — the magnesia alba of the shops, prepared by mixing hot solutions of sulphate of magnesium and carbonate of sodium, — it is mixed with varying proportions of hydrate of magnesium. This compound is employed as a medicament. A compound of carbonate of magnesium and carbonate of calcium occurs abundantly in nature as the mineral dolomite, constituting extensive beds in various regions. Dolo- mite is much more slowly soluble in acids than true limestone, but when heated with a dilute acid it effervesces readily. When burnt, at temperatures so low that the carbonic acid shall be expelled only from the magnesium salt, while the carbonate of calcium remains unaltered, dolomite affords an hydraulic cement, preferable in many respects to ordinary lime. The product of the calcination "sets" rapidly under water, and is converted into a hard compact stone (§ 588). Citrate of magnesium, a preparation made from carbonate of magnesium and citric acid, is also largely employed as a medicament. Of the other salts of magnesium, none are of sufficient im- portance to be described in this manual. Most of them are easily soluble in water; hence the insoluble double phosphate of magnesium and of ammonium (MgNH^PO^+eH^O), obtained by adding ordinary diphosphate of sodium to a mixture of ammonia-water and any magnesium salt, is of importance to the analyst, since by means of it magnesium may be separated from its solutions. It should be observed that the ready solubility of sulphate of magnesium is in marked contrast with the insolubility of the sulphates of the alkaline-earthy group of metals. ZHTC. 592. Ores of zinc occur in considerable abundance in several localities. The metal is extracted from the carbonate, oxide, silicate, and sulphide. The carbonate and sulphide are first roasted in order to convert them into oxides, and the oxide is then reduced by means of hot charcoal, in earthen retorts or in crucibles provided with iron delivery-tubes. Since metalHc zinc GRANULATED ZINC. 505 is volatile at high temperatures, it distils over from the retorts as fast as it is formed and is condensed in receivers. Zinc is a blnish-white metal of crystalline texture, brittle at the ordinary temperature, and also when heated above 200°, but a temperature of about 130° or 140° it may easily be rolled out or hammered into sheets. The metal melts at 425° and boils at a bright-red heat ; in presence of air the red-hot metal takes fire and burns with a brilliant bluish- white light and formation of a dense cloud of white oxide of zinc. Exp. 304. — Melt 200 or 300 grms. of metallic zinc in a small Hessian crucible, or in an iron ladle, placed in an anthracite Are. Remove the crucible from the fire by means of appropriate tongs (Appendix, § 27), and pour its contents in a very fine stream into a pail full of cold water, taking care to hold the crucible at a distance of 5 or 6 feet above the pail. Replace the empty crucible in the fire, in order that it may be ready for Exp. 305. The small thin pieces of zinc which will be found in the paU when the water is poured away, are known as granulated ov feathered zinc. This process of granulation may be conveniently applied to any of the other easily tusible metals, such as bismuth, lead, or tin, when they are required in a finely divided condition. Granulated zinc is much used in chemical laboratories, for a variety of purposes, hut particularly for preparing hydrogen (§ 50). In order that it may be fit for this purpose, it is best to heat the melted metal nearly to redness before pouring it into the water ; for it has been noticed that when zinc is melted at the lowest possible temperature and then immediately poured into water, the granules obtained are but slowly acted upon by dilute sulphuric acid, while another portion of the same metal, heated nearly to redness, and then granulated, is readily soluble in the acid. If the hot metal be poiu'ed upon a warm iron plate, it wiU be found to be stiU more readily soluble in acids than that which has been suddenly cooled by the water. Exp. 305. — Dry 20 grms. of the granulated zinc of Exp. 304, and mix it intimately in a mortar with 40 grms. of crude saltpetre ; remove the empty crucible of Exp. 304 from the fire, and place it in such position that any fumes which may subsequently be evolved from it shall be drawn into the chimney. By means of a spoon or ladle, project into the red-hot crucible the mixture of zinc and saltpetre, taking care to stand away as far aa possible from the crucible. The metal will bum fiercely, at the expense of the oxygen in the saltpetre, for the most part, though a portion of it will be volatilized by the 506 THE OALTANIC CTJEEENT. intense heat of combustion, and converted into oxide of zinc in the air. The residue in the crucible is a soluble compound of oxide of zinc and potash, known as zincate of potassium. If a strip of thin sheet zinc be held in the flame of the gas-lamp, it can readily be burned to oxide. The experiment succeeds best with zinc leaf, which instantly burns with a vivid flame and forma- tion of floating flocks of the white oxide. In oxygen gas, zinc burns with peculiar brilliancy. Zinc is not much acted upon either by moist or dry air at the ordinary temperature ; but a fresh, bright surface of it, when exposed in a moist atmosphere, soon tarnishes and becomes covered with a thin film of basic carbonate of zinc, which adheres closely to the metal, and protects it from further change. Owing to this durability, the metal is much used in the form of sheets. Sheet iron and iron wire are often covered with a protecting coating of zinc by simple immersion in melted zinc, and are then said (most improperly) to be galvanized. The specific gravity of zinc varies from 6'8 to 7'3; its atomic weight is 65. 593. Zinc is readily attacked and dissolved by acids, with evolution of hydrogen in most instances. The chemical action of dilute acids upon zinc is a very common source of that peculiar mode of force called a galvanic current. There are few, if any, chemical reactions which cannot be made to produce electricity, and, in general, the more powerful the chemical action, the more powerful is the electrical action which results. Exp. 306. — Solder a piece of stout copper wire to one end of a strip of sheet zinc, 4 cm. wide by 10 cm. long. The soldering will be readily effected by rubbing the zinc and the wire, in the vicinity of the proposed place of contact, with a strong solution of chloride of zinc, before applying the melted solder. In the same way, solder a similar wire to a like strip of bright sheet copper. Place the strips of zinc and copper in a tumbler filled with water, acidulated with l-12th to 1-lOth its volume of sulphuric acid, in such a way that the two strips shall not touch each other either within or without the liquid. So long as the wires coming from the strips of metal do not touch each other, the copper remains quiescent, while the zinc is attacked, and bubbles of gas rise from its surface ; but if the two copper wires are brought into close contact, by means of a binding-screw, or by the application of solder, the following phenomena occur : — 1st. Minute bubbles of hydi'ogen gas will be evolved from the surface of the copper COERELATION OS IPOHCES. 507 plate. 2iid. The zinc dissolves more rapidly than before ; at the close of the experiment sulphate of zinc may be recovered from the liquid in the beaker. 3rd. This transfer of the hydrogen from the zinc to the copper instantly ceases if the contact between the vrires is destroyed. 4th. If the two wires be connected with the two ends of the coU of wire which surrounds the magnetic needle of the common galvanometer, the deflection of the suspended needle will demonsti-ate, the fact that an electric current is passing through the wires from one plate of metal to the other. This conversion of chemical force into electrical force is a stri- king illustration of the doctrine that all physical forces are corre- lated. The preceding experiment well illustrates the principle on which a large class of batteries employed in telegraphing and in electro-metallurgy are constructed and worked, except that the corrosion of the zinc is generally hindered by coating it with mercuiy. Artificial products, like metals, acids, and saline solu- tions, are used to supply all the'-'chemical force which is imme- diately converted into and utilized as electrical force in the usefid arts. We have not yet succeeded in realizing as electricity any considerable proportion of the prodigious chemical force which is incessantly active in the common processes of combustion. 594. Ziuc dissolves in hot solutions of the caustic alkalies as well as in acids ; hydrogen is given off and a zincate of the alkali formed : — Zn 4- 2NaH0 = Na.ZnO, + 2H. When immersed in the solution of a lead salt, such as the nitrate or acetate, zinc dissolves and lead is deposited in the metallic state : — PbN^O, -H Zn = ZnN.O, + Pb. Exp. 307. — Dissolve 10 grms. of acetate of lead in 250 c. c. of water, add a few drops of acetic acid in order to dissolve the cloudy precipi- tate of carbonate of lead, which is formed from the carbonic acid in the water, pour the solution into a wide-mouthed bottle and suspend in it from the cork a strip of sheet zinc. The zinc will soon be covered with a brilliant coating of crystalline spangles of metallic lead, and this crystalline vegetation, as it were, will shoot out or grow even as far as the sides of the bottle. In the course of 24 hours all the lead will have been deposited from the solution, and the latter will contain nothing but acetate of zinc. Under the conditions of this experiment. 508 OXIDE 01' zxsc. and as a general rule, zinc is, chemically speaking, a stronger or more basic element than lead ; it is capable of displacing lead from its com- pounds. The growth of lead, witnessed in this experiment, is fre- quently spoken of as a lead tree ; the experiment is often performed in chemical laboratories for the sake of the chemically pure lead which it furnishes. Many other metals besides lead may be thus thrown down by zinc, and the zinc may itself be replaced by other metallic precipitants. The whole series of experiments of which the one here indicated may be taken as the type, is interesting as illustrating the general law of the replacement of metals one by another in atomic proportions, and from the fact that by means of these experimenta the atomic weight of various metals may readily be determined. For example, if in the foregoing experiment the piece of zinc be weighed before and after its immersion in the acetate of lead, and if the precipitated lead be also weighed, it will be found that the weight of lead obtained is, to the weight of zinc dissolved, very nearly as 207 is to 65, the atomic weights of lead and zinc respectively. The atom of zinc dissolved has replaced in the solution the atom of lead which was precipitated. By the ex- ercise of care in the manipulation, by employing boiled water free from carbonic acid so that the addition of acetic acid to the lead salt shall be unnecessary, and by finally drying the lead in an atmosphere of hy- drogen, a close approximation to the numbers above given can be ob- tained. 595. Oxide of Zinc (ZnO). — Like magnesium, zinc forms but a single compound with oxygen. This compound may be readily obtained by burning the metal, or by igniting carbonate or hy- drate of zinc. As thus prepared, oxide of zinc is an insoluble, white, amorphous powder, which, under the name of zinc white, has of late years been largely employed as a white paint. It lacks the opacity or covering-power of white lead (§ 582), but, on the other hand, has no injurious action upon the health of the workmen and does not blacken or become discolored when exposed to the fumes of sulphydric acid. When heated in a crucible, oxide of zinc exhibits a yellow color, but it becomes white again on cooling. The oxide dissolves easily in acids, with formation of salts of zinc. 596. Chloride of Zinc (ZnClj), obtained by dissolving metallic zinc in cblorhydric acid, is a compound readily soluble in water ; it is somewhat extensively employed for preserving timber, and CABMnjM. 509 as a disinfecting fluid. It is used also by tinmen as a wash, to cleanse the surfaces of tin-plate before soldering. 597. Sulpkate of Zinc (ZnSO^) is one of the commonest of the zinc salts. The hydrated compound, ZnS0^-|-7Hp, known as white vitriol, is used to a certain extent in medicine, and for other purposes in the arts. The action of carbon upon sulphate of zinc differs somewhat from its action upon the sulphates previously studied. When a dry mixture of the sulphate of zinc and char- coal is heated to dull redness, carbonic and sulphurous acids are evolved in the proportion of two volumes of the former to one of the latter gas, and pure oxide of zinc remains : — 2ZnS0, + C = 2ZnO -h 2S0, + CO,. It would be quite possible to obtain metallic zinc from the sul- phate in one operation by employing an excess of carbon, heating the mixture gently at first until the sulphuric acid had aU been decomposed, and then urging the fire in order to obtain the tem- perature requisite for the reduction of the oxide of zinc and vola- tilization of the metal. But if the mixture of sulphate of zinc and charcoal be qiiickly raised to a high temperature, then sul- phide of the metal is formed and carbonic oxide set free : — . ZnSO, -f- 4C = ZnS + 4C0. Zinc forms several valuable alloys ; brass is an alloy of zinc and copper, and German silver is a brass whitened by the admixture of a small proportion of nickel. CABMirrM. 698. Cadmium is a comparatively rare metal, found associated with zinc in nature ; it is remarkably similar to zinc in its che- mical relations. In the process of obtaining zinc from its ores, the small proportion of cadmium which these ores contain comes over with the first products of the distillation, since cadmium is more readily volatile than zinc. Cadmium may be prepared either from this early distillate, or from the residues obtained when metallic zinc is dissolved in chlorhydric acid in the preparation of chloride of zinc for manufacturing purposes. These residues always contain a quantity of lead, which next to cadmium is the commonest impurity of commercial zinc ; and if care has been 510 PKOPEKTIES OF CADMITTM. taken to keep an excess of metallic zinc in the dissolving-vat, they wiU contain also all the cadmium with which the zinc was contaminated. From either of these sources, cadmium salts may be prepared by dissolving; the crude materials in dilute nitric acid, separating the lead by means of sulphuric acid, and throwing down the cadmium with sulphuretted hydrogen. Sulphide of cadmium is a bright-yellow powder, insoluble in dilute acids, while sulphide of zinc is readily soluble in acids. Once isolated, the sulphide of cadmium may be dis- solved in boiling, concentrated chlorhydric acid ; from the solution of cliloride of cadmium thus obtained, carbonate of cadmium may be pre- cipitated, and from the carbonate any of the other cadmium com^^ounds can readily be prepared. Metallic cadmium is of a white color tinged with blue ; it is lustrous and takes a fine polish, but gradually tarnishes upon the surface when exposed to the air. Its specific gravity varies from 8-6 to 8-7. It melts and volatilizes at temperatures below redness. Heated in the air it takes fire and burns to a brown oxide. When combined with other metals, such as lead or tin, cadmium forms alloys of remarkable fusibility ; in this respect it far sur- passes bismuth (§ 359). The most fusible alloy yet made contains cadmium, bismuth, tin, and lead ; it melts at 63°-65°. 599. Cadmium is a volatile substance, and the specific gravity of its vapor has been experimentally determined to be 56-85 ; the weight of a unit-volume of the vapor is 56'85 times the weight of the same volume of hydrogen. Now we have seen that the specific gravity of the elementary gases and of the vapors of the elements included in the chlorine and sulphur groups are the same as the atomic weights of these elements. On the other hand, the specific gravities of the vapors of phosphorus and ar- senic were twice the atomic weights of these elements. Cadmium presents still a new relation between the least combining weight and the unit- volume weight ; for the specific gravity of its vapor, 56-85, is about one-half of 112, its accepted atomic weight. The sig-nificance of this fact, may be illustrated from its chloride. Cadmium is bivalent, and forms the chloride CdCl^, containing, as experiment has proved, 112-24 parts, by weight, of cadmium to 71 parts of chlorine ; if the unit- volume weight of cadmium were the same as its atomic weight, two unit-volumes of chloride of THE irAGNESIlTM GEOUr. 511 cadmium would contain one volume of cadmium and two volumes of chlorine ; but were it possible, by experiment, to resolve the vapor of chloride of cadmium into its component vapors, it would be found that two volumes of cadmium were therein combined with two volumes of chlorine. The atom of cadmium when converted into vapor occupies twice as much space as the atom of oxygen, or hydrogen, or chlorine does ; and accordingly the product- volumes of its compounds are packed vrith one volume more than the product-volumes of the corresponding compounds of oxygen or any member of the sulphur group. Whether the bivalent metals in general resemble cad- mium on the one hand or oxygen on the other, in regard to the relation between their vapor-densities and their atomic weights, is a point on which experiment has thus far thrown but little light. Mercury resembles cadmium ; but it is certainly possible that these two elements constitute an exception to some general rule hereafter to be proved — a rule, for example, like that which many chemists are inclined to accept in advance of proof, namely that the combining weights and the unit-volume weights of the ' elements are normally identical. Cadmium is so soft that paper may be marked with it ; but it is flexible, malleable, and ductile. In dilute chlorhydric and sul- phuric acids it dissolves with evolution of hydrogen, though less readUy than zinc. Its best solvent is nitric acid. It does not dissolve in the caustic alkalies. 600. From the foregoing it is apparent that the members of the group of metals now under consideration resemble one another with respect to volatility and several other of their physical properties, besides being very closely related in most of their chemical characters. The order of progression is from magnesium to cadmium, zinc and its compoimds occupying always an inter- mediate position. The specific gravities of the three metals are — ^Mg=l-75, Zn = 7-1, Cd=8-6; and their atomic weights are — Mg=24, Zn=65, Cd=112. Magnesium volatilizes at a bright-red heat, cadmium at a low red heat, and zinc at tempera- tures between these extremes. Cadmium is very fusible, melting at about 360°, zinc melts at 425°, and magnesium at a moderate red heat. All of these metals are bivalent ; each forms but one oxide, sulphide, and chloride. 512 ALUMINUM. CHAPTEK XXX. A L U M I N U M — -G L U C I N U M C H K M I U M M A N G A N E S E I E N C B A L I ^N I C K B 1. U H A N I U M. AIUIONUM. 601. Next to oxygen and silicon, aluminum is perhaps the most abundant element upon the earth's surface. It is the most abundant of aU the metals, as much as a twelfth of the solid crust of the globe being composed of it. It occurs in enormous quan- tities in combination with oxygen and silicon, in all the so-called primitive rocks, and indeed in most other rocks and soils. It is contained in clay, marl, and slate, as well as in feldspar, mica, and many other common minerals. Oxide of aluminum, chloride of aluminum, and many salts of the metal may readily be prepared artificially from the native minerals ; they have long been known to chemists, and made use of in the arts ; but the metal itself is less readily obtainable. It is but a few years since metaUic aluminum has been prepared upon a manufacturing scale. The metal is nowadays prepared by heat- ing metaUic sodium either with chloride or fluoride of aluminum, or with a double chloride or fluoride of aluminum and sodium. It is a bluish- white metal, of remarkable lightness. Its specific gra- vity, 2"56, is about the same as that of porcelain, and only about £t quarter of that of silver. The metal is malleable, ductile, and tenacious, and may be beaten into thin sheets, like gold and silver, and drawn into fine wire. It melts at a temperature lying between the melting-points of zinc and silver, but is not volatile. It conducts electricity much better than iron, and heat even better than silver ; after having been heated, it cools very slowly. It is remarkably sonorous, a bar of it suspended by a wire rings with a clear musical note on being struck. In the air aluminum undergoes no alteration even at a strong red heat ; it may be melted in open crucibles without oxidation, ALLOTS OP AITTMINUM. 513 and readily cast into any desired form. It is not acted upon by water at temperatures short of a white heat, so long as it is in the'ordinary compact condition. Sulphydrio acid has no action upon it. Nitric acid, whether dilute or concentrated, has no action upon aluminum at the ordinary temperature, but when boiling dissolves the metal slowly. Cold dilute sulphuric acid has scarcely any action upon it ; but it is easily soluble in chlor- hydric acid, either^ dilute or concentrated, at all temperatures. It is soluble also in aqueous solutions of caustic potash, soda, or ammonia. The vegetable acids, such as acetic and tartaric acids," exert no perceptible action upon it. Although soluble with evo- lution of hydrogen in aqueous solutions of the fixed caustic alka- lies, aluminum is not acted upon by fused hydrate of sodium, or hydrate of potassium ; nor is it even attacked by fused nitrate of potassium, except at temperatures high enough to decompose the nitre so completely that it gives off nitrogen ; when this limit is reached the aluminum is immediately oxidized with incan- descence. 602. Aluminum unites readily with many of the metals to form alloys, among which that of copper and aluminum, called alumimmi bronze, promises to be of especial importance. Alumi- num bronze, composed of 90 parts copper and 10 parts aluminum, is exceedingly hard, very malleable, as tenacious as steel, of a beautiful golden color, and susceptible of being highly polished. 603. By Tiniting with the non-metaUic elements, aluminum forms only one class of compounds, of which the oxide Al^Oj may be taken as the type. The atom Al is trivalent, or, in other words, it is equivalent to three atoms of hydrogen, and of the same value as one and a half atom of oxygen. Since it would be inconvenient to employ fractional expressions in writing che- mical formulse, as well as niogical to speak of half atoms, it is customary to write the formula of oxide of aluminum Al^Og as above, and not AlO^i, as might perhaps at first sight seem best. For the sake of consistency, the formula of the chloride is in like manner written AljClj and not AICI3. Since it contains one and a half atom of oxygen for each atom of aluminum, the oxide is often called a Sesqui (one and a half) oxide. If no other element analogous to aluminum were known, if 2l 514 OXIDE OF ALTTMIKtrM. tUs metal were not intimately related to glucinum, iron, chro- mium, and the other metals to he considered in the present chapter, chemists might possibly have taken the atomic wefght of aluminum at one-third of its present value, namely at 9-1 in- stead of 27"4. The formula of oxide of aluminum would then have been written Al^O, and that of chloride of aluminum AlCl, corresponding respectively with the formul® of the oxides and chlorides of the alkali-metals. But, as will appear directly from the study of the other members of the aluminum family of metals, and particularly from the isomorphism of their various com- pounds, the atomic weight 27-4, and the formulae first given, must be regarded as the most probable. The atomic weight 9-1, and the formulae derived from it, are inadmissible, since there is no analogy between the chemical properties of aluminum, whether simple or compounded, and those of the alkali-metals. 604. O.i'ide of Aluminum (Al^O^), commonly called Alumina, is found crystallized in nature as the mineral corundum. The sapphire and the ruby are also composed of this oxide together with a little oxide of iron. It may be prepared artificially by oxidizing the metal, or by igniting the hydrate, or almost any oxygen salt of aluminiim. Though unalterable in oxygen so long as it is compact, powdered aluminum and aluminum-leaf burn brightly when heated to redness ia the air, with formation of oxide of aluminum. It has been found by careful experiments that 53-3 parts of the metal unite with 46-69 parts of oxygen to form 100 parts of the oxide. Now, since oxide of aluminum is isomorphous with certain oxides of iron and of chromium, which are known to be sesquioxides, and is capable of replacing these oxides in any proportion in their compounds (§ 252), it is inferred that oxide of aluminum is likewise a sesquioxide. Upon this view the atomic weight of aluminum is directly derived from the foregoing experimental data by the equation : — 46-69 : 53-3 = 48 : 64-8 wt. of 3 atoms wt. of 2 atoms of oxygen. of aluminum. 605. Etjdrate of Aluminum (Al^H^OJ may be obtained as a gelatinous, flocculent precipitate, by adding ammonia-water to the solution of an aluminum salt, such as common alum. AUTMINATES, 515 When dried at a moderate heat it forms a soft, friable mass, whicli adheres strongly to the tongue like clay; when dried still more thoroughly, it forms a hard, yellowish, translucent, horn-hke substance, and at a red heat gives off all its water. The volume of the original precipitate contracts to an enormous extent during the operation of drying ; the bulk of the final anhydrous oxide is exceedingly small as compared with that of the moist hydrate from which it has been derived. 606. Anhydrous alumina may be melted in the flame of the oxyhydrogen blowpipe. It is neither decomposable by heat alone, nor can it be reduced by carbon or any of the more common deoxidizing agents. At a white heat, potassium de- composes it partially, and an alloy of aluminum and potassium is formed. Oxide of aluminum is insoluble in water, and after having been strongly heated it is scarcely at aU acted upon by acids, excepting concentrated boiling chlorhydric and nitric acids. The crystallized native oxide is insoluble in all acids. The anhydrous oxide is insoluble in solutions of the caustic alkalies, but dissolves readily in water after having been fused at a red heat with either hydrate or carbonate of sodium or of potassium. Hydrate of aluminum, on the contrary, though insoluble in water, dissolves easily in acids and in solutions of the fixed caustic alkalies. Alumina is in fact capable of acting not only as a strong base, forming weU-defined salts by uniting with acids, but it plays the part of an acid as well (compare § 350), and combines with the alkalies and with other metallic oxides to form salts known as aluminates. Aluminate of potas- sium (Kfi,Alfi^) and aluminate of sodium (Nafi,Alfi^) are substances somewhat extensively used in the arts ; the mineral spinelle is an aluminate of magnesium (MgO,Al203) ; and a native aluminate of zinc (ZnO,Al203) is called gahnite by mineralogists. Hxp. 308. — Heat a small fragment of alum with water in a test- tube until it has completely dissolved, pour half the solution into another tube, and add to it, drop by drop, ammonia-water, until the odor of ammonia persists after the mixture has been thoroughly shaken. Hydrate, of aluminum will be precipitated, in accordance with the reaction : — AI23SO4 + 6(NH4)H0 = Mfi^BUfi + 3(NH4)2SO<. 2LiJ 516 MORDANTS LAKES. Pour two or three drops of the moist hydrate of aluminmn into another test-tube and cover them with ammonia- water ; no clear solution will be obtained, for hydrate of aluminum is but little soluble ia ammonia-water. Pour two or three drops of the moist hydrate of aluminum into still another test-tube, and cover them with a solution of hydrate of sodium ; the precipitate will dissolve immediately ; aluminate of sodixun is formed, and this salt is easily soluble. -Erp. 309. — Take another portion of the clear solution of alum prepared in Exp. 308, and add to it, drop by drop, a dilute solution of caustic soda. A precipitate will soon fall, as in Exp. 308, and if no excess of hydrate of sodium were added over and above that necessary to form sulphate of sodium with the sulphuric acid of the alum, this precipitate would remain undissolved ; but on adding more of the soda solution the precipitate dissolves at once, with formation of aluminate of sodium. 607. Hydrate of aluminum combines readily -with, many vege- table coloring-matters, forming compounds which are insoluble in water. The fibre of cotton, when impregnated with alumina, can be made to retain colors which, the cotton itself has no power to hold ; hence the use of aluminum salts as mordants in dyeing. £xp. 310. — BoU a few crushed granules of cochineal in water until a considerable portion of their coloring-matter has been extracted ; add to the filtered solution an equal bulk of a solution of alum, and to the mixture add ammonia-water. A colored precipitate, consisting of hydrate of aluminum and of the coloring-matter of the cochineal, will be thrown down ; it is the substance called carmine-lake. Similar precipitates may be prepared by substituting almost any other organic coloring-matter for the cochineal of this experiment. Precipitates thus formed by the union of a metallic oxide and a coloring-matter are all classed as lakes. 608. Chloride of Aluminum (AI^CIJ may be prepared, in the same way that the chlorides of boron and silicon are pre- pared (§§ 449, 470), by passing chlorine over a heated mixture of alumina and carbon. It is formed also when hot finely divided aluminum is brought into contact with chlorine gas. Hydrated chloride of aluminum iAlj:\,12I[fi) can be made very easily by dissolving hydrated oxide of aluminum in chlor- hydric acid ; but the anhydrous chloride cannot be prepared by heating this hydrate, since a great part of the chlorine is expelled SULPHATE OF ALTTMINTJM:. 517 from it, together with the water, at a low heat. "When obtained in the dry.way, however, chloride of aluminum is readily volatile. The anhydrous chloride, prepared by the reaction, AIP3 + 30 + 6C1 = Al^Cl, + 3C0, previously described, is found condensed ia the cold portions of the tube in which the materials have been heated, apart from the residue of undecomposed alumina and carbon. It occurs either as a flocculent powder, or as a transparent wax-like mass of crystalline texture. It is colorless when pure, very deliquescent, and soluble in water. When large masses of it are heated to duU redness, a portion of it liquefies, but at temperatures near the melting-point it volatilizes rapidly. Unlike oxide of alumi- num, it may be readily decomposed by sodium and potassium at a heat below redness, metallic aluminum being set free. Chloride of aluminum combines readily with several of the other metallic chlorides, forming compounds analogous to the chloride of aluminum and sodium (2NaCl,AljClj), from which metaUio aluminum is commonly manufactured. 609. Sulphate of Aluminum (Al^BSOJ is a salt largely em- ployed in the arts. It is commonly prepared nowadays by acting upon hot roasted clay with sulphuric acid. Clay is a siKeate of aluminum not very easily attacked by acids so long as it remains in the native plastic condition, but after having been exposed for some time to a dull red heat it readily yields its alumina to acids. A solid mixture of sulphate of aluminum and free silicic acid obtained as the product of this reaction is known in commerce as alum-cake. By lixiviating alum-cake, sulphate of aluminum may readily be obtained in solution ; and from this solution the salt crystaUizes as a hydrate, the composition of which may be represented by the formula Al,3SO,-l-18H,0. Until a comparatively recent period, sulphate of aluminum was sent into commerce neither in its free state nor mixed with silica, but in combination with sulphate of potassium in the form of alum. Common alum is a hydrated double sulphate of aluminum and potassium; its composition is represented by the formula A1,K,4S0, + 24H,0, or K^0,S03; Aip3,3S03 + 24H,0. It crystaUizes very easily in large, compact, well-defined octa- 518 ALjm. hedrons, belonging to the first or regular system. The crystalliTie character of alum is important, since it is solely on account of this character that the salt has come into such general use. Xeither the sulphate of potassium nor the water in alum plays any useful part iu the reactions for which this salt is commonly employed. Since 100 parts of alum contain only about 36 parts of anhydrous sulphate of aluminum, it foUows that 64 per cent, of the alum is, for all chemical purposes, simply iuert matter, which has to be transported and manipulated for the sake of the 36 per cent, of real sulphate of alumiuum. The reason why this waste of labor and loss of the potassium salt is tolerated is twofold : — Until a comparatively recent period, sulphate of aluminum could be more readily purified by crystallization in alum than in any other way. At the present time, when it is easy to obtain piire sulphate of aluminum from responsible manufacturers, alum is still prepared because its clean, sharply defined crystals afford a valuable criterion of purity. So long as it is left in the condition of crystals, alum cannot be adulterated with any foreign substance. Potash- alum is still the common alum of the American market, but in Europe ammonia-alum (Al2(]SrHj24S0^, 242^0) is at present largely employed ; it is there prepared by adding sul- phate of ammonium obtained from the ammoniacal liquor of the gas-works to sulphate of aluminum resulting from the action of sulphuric acid upon clay. Ammonia-alum crystallizes almost as easily as potash-alum ; but it is remarkable that the correspond- ing double sulphate of aluminum and of sodium (soda-alum) is easily soluble in water, and crystallizes with comparative diffi- culty ; hence it has never come into commerce. Sulphate of aluminum is employed as the source of the various compounds of aluminum used in dyeing, calico-printing, and paper-making. Acetate of aluminum, for example, is largely employed by dyers, particularly for the red colors obtained from madder, under the name of red liquor. Exp. 311.— Dissolve 3 grms. of sugar of lead in 4 c. c. of hot water; also dissolve 4 gxms. of common alum in 6 c. c. of hot water ; mix the hot solutions and filter oft' the insoluble sulphate of lead which is formed. The solution obtained consists of basic acetate of aluminum SniCAIES OF ALUMINUM. 519 together with some sulphate of akimimtm and all the sulphate of potas- sium of the original alum. Such solutions are preferred in practice to those containing normal acetate of aluminum, to prepare which a much larger proportion of acetate of lead would be required than has been given above. JSxp. 312. — Soak a small piece of cotton cloth in the solution of acetate of aluminum prepared in Exp. 311, and another piece of simi- lar cloth of equal size in pure water. Hang up both pieces to " age," best in a moist and warm atmosphere, for a day or two. During the process of ageing, a portion of the acetic acid escapes from the salt on the cloth, and there is left within and upon the fibres of the cloth a quantity of hydrate of aluminum, or at least a mixture of highly basic acetate and sulphate of aluminum. This deposit is the true mordant. When cloth impregnated with it is soaked in a solution of coloring- matter, the coloring-matter imites with the alumina precisely as in Exp. 310, and is thereby firmly attached to the cloth. It should be mentioned that several other oxides, besides the oxide of aluminum, are capable of acting as mordants ; the sesquioxides of iron and of chromium for example, as well as the binoxide of tin, are largely used as mordants. JExp. 313. — ^Place a quantity of a solution of extract of logwood in two small evaporating-dishes, heat the liquor to 40° or 60°, then place the mordanted cloth in one dish, the unmordanted cloth in the other and boil the liquor in both dishes, , Continue to boU during 10 or 15 minutes, then take out the pieces of cloth and wash them thoroughly in water. It will appear that the coloring-matter remains firmly attached to the mordanted cloth, while the cloth which has received no mordant can readily be washed clean or nearly clean. 610. Silicates of Aluminum.— :-0f all the aluminum compounds the silicates are by far the most important. Clay in all its va- rieties is a hydrated silicate of aluminum, usually mixed with an excess of silica, besides other impurities derived from the rocks from whose decomposition the clay itself has been formed. The purer kinds of clay, such as kaolin or porcelain clay, are products of the decomposition of feldspar, a mineral composed of silicon, aluminum, potassium, and oxygen in the proportions Al^OgjE^O, 6810^. When, exposed to the atmosphere, many varieties of feldspar gradually decompose, an alkaline silicate is vfashed away, and silicate of aluminum remains. Clay is remarkable on ac- count of its plasticity when moist, of the facility with which it 520 BKICKS EABIHENWAKB 6LAZES. is converted into stone-like masses when strongly heated, and of its infusibility when pure. Earthenware, bricks, and ordinary pottery are made from com- mon clay, by mixing the clay with water enough to form a plastic paste, which is then moulded into any desired form, dried and intensely ignited. The porous ware resulting from this operation may be glazed, and so made impermeable to liquids, by coating it over with some fusible substance, such for example as a mixture of litharge and clay, and again heating it so intensely that the coating shall melt to a glass, which either fills up the pores of the clay, or at the least stops their openings. Porcelain proper, and the better kinds of stoneware, are made from the purest varieties of clay, and are glazed with feldspar. Common stoneware, such as is used for jugs, beer-bottles, and the Uke, is covered with the so- called salt-glaae : — Moist chloride of sodium is thrown into the kiln in which the ware is baking, and being volatiUzed by the intense heat, comes in contact with the hot stoneware ; decom- position ensues ; the water and the chloride of sodium are both decomposed, silicate of sodium is formed, and by mixing with the silicate of aluminum, forms a smooth hard glaze upon the surface of the ware. For all vessels which are to be employed for chemical or culi- nary purposes the hard and durable salt-glaze is very much to be preferred to the lead-glaze prepared from litharge and clay; for the lead-glaze is readily acted upon by many chemical agents, and is liable to impart its poisonous properties to articles of food which have been left in contact with it. Pire-bricks, crucibles, and similar refractory articles fitted to support very high temperatures without undergoing fusion, are prepared from pure vaiieties of clay, free from iron, lime, or mag- nesia, but containing an unusually large proportion of silica. Some varieties of iire-clay contain as much silica as is represented by the formula Al^OjjGSiOj, while the composition of many of the common clays may be approximately represented by the for- mula Al^OgjSSiO^, or better by the formula Al203,2Si02. In the manufacture of fire-bricks, and of many varieties of potters' ware, it is usual to incorporate with the original clay a certain pro- portion of foreign matter which prevents the moulded article HTDKAtTLIC CEMENT. 521 from shrinking too much as it dries, and from cracking. In fire- bricks the coarse powder obtained by pulverizing old fire-bricks is employed for this purpose ; in Hessian crucibles it is very easy to detect numerous grains of quartz sand ; and, in general, finely powdered flint or quartz, as well as previously baked clay, is used for the same purpose in many varieties of pottery. 611. Silicate of aluminum is moreover a very important ingre- dient of the common hydraulic cement employed to replace lime mortar in constructions exposed to the action of water. It has been found that by carefully burning some varieties of impure limestone, containing from 10 or 12 to 30 or 35 per cent, of clay, and mixing the product vidth water, there is obtained, in place of ordinary mortar, a cement capable of " setting " or hardening, even under water, to a compact stone. Hydraulic cements may readily be prepared artificially by mixing with qiiicklime a suitable proportion of roasted clay, or by heating mixtures of clay and limestone ; in fact, some of the best cements now in use are artificial. A porous volcanic stone called pozzolana, from the vicinity of Naples, consisting of silicates of aliuninum, calcium, and sodium, was much used by the Romans to the same end. When powdered and mixed with ordinary lime the pozzolana yields an excellent hydraulic mortar. In many Roman ruins it may be seen to-day far more perfectly preserved than the bricks which it cements. When treated with water hydraulic limes simply absorb the water and form a slightly plastic paste without greatly increasing in bulk; they do not slake or evolve much heat like ordinary quicklime. The moist paste soon begins to set, and is then ready for application. In order that the cement may harden pro- perly under water it should not be submerged before it has begun to set ; it should in any event be kept moist until it has become hard ; otherwise it is liable to remain loose and porous. The soUdiflcation of hydraulic limes appears to depend upon the formation of insoluble hydrated compounds of Kme with silicic acid and alumina. Cements which contain from 25 to 35 per cent, of clay solidify in the course of a few hours ; but those in which the proportion of clay is no more than 10 or 12 per. cent, become hard only after the lapse of several weeks. 522 CHEOMHTM. A mixture of hydraulic cement with coarse gravel constitutes the material known as concrete, employed for the foundations of buildings, and by the ancients for walls which have proved to be of great durability ; this mixture soon concretes or hardens into a firm mass, well nigh impermeable to water. The influence of magnesia in the preparation of hydraulic mortars has already been indicated, in § 588. GrLtrCINTJM. 612. Glucinum is a rather rare metal, found, together with aluminum, in the emerald, in beryl, and a few other minerals. It closely resembles aluminum in its physical properties, and forms compounds analogous in composition to those of aluminum, and of similar chemical deportment. Like aluminum, metallic glucinum may be reduced from its chloride by means of sodium or potassium. There is but a single oxide of glucinum, GljOj, and a single chloride, 61^01,,. The salts of glucinum have a sweet taste, whence the name, from a Greek word meaning sweet. The atomic weight of glucinum is 14, and its specific gravity 2-1. CHROMITTM. 613. Chromium is nowhere found in very large quantities, nor is it very widely disseminated in small portions like iodine and fluorine, but it is nevertheless found in sufficient abundance to admit of its compounds being rather extensively employed in the arts. The chief ore of chromium is a compound of oxide of chro- mium and oxide of iron (FeCr^O^) called chrome iron-ore. Me- tallic chromium may be reduced from its oxide by means of intensely heated charcoal, and from its chloride by means of sodium, potassium, magnesium, or zinc ; but it has as yet been little studied. Its specific gravity is about 7, and its atomic weight 52-5. 614. Oxides of Chromium. — Chromium forms three well- defined oxides : — a protoxide, CrO ; a sesquioxide, Cr^Oj ; and a teroxide, CrO^, called chromic acid. Besides these there is a com- pound of the protoxide and sesquioxide (CrjO =CrO, Cr ), another of the sesquioxide and teroxide (Cr^OjjCrO =3CrO ), and an ill-defined compound containing more oxygen than chromic OXIDES OF CHEOMIIIM. 523 acid, usually spoken of as perchromie acid (Cr^O,). Both the protoxide and the sesquioxide are bases, corresponding respectively to oxide of magnesium and oxide of aluminum ; but the protoxide and all its compounds rapidly absorb oxygen from the air, with formation of the sesquioxide. On account of this instability, they are rarely prepared, and are mainly interesting from their ana- logy to the compounds of the protoxides of manganese, iron, cobalt, and nickel, hereafter to be studied. The sesquioxide, on the other hand, is a stable compound, closely resembhng oxide of aluminum. Chromic acid is a strong, well-characterized acid, which combines with bases to form a great number of salts. The most important of the chromium compounds is the bichro- mate of potassium ; this salt is readily procurable in commerce, and is the source from which all the other compounds of chro- mium are commonly derived. Bichromate of potassium is itse prepared by heating finely powdered chrome iron-ore with car- bonate and nitrate of potassium in a reverberatory furnace. The sesquioxide of chromium of the ore is oxidized and converted into the teroxide, chromic acid, which displaces the carbonic acid of the carbonate of potassium. 615. Sesquioxide of Chromium (Cr^Oj). — Compounds of this oxide are more commonly met with than any other of the chro- mium salts, except the salts of chromic acid. As has been stated already, compounds of the protoxide must be regarded merely as chemical curiosities. By adding ammonia-water to the solution of a salt containing the sesquioxide, a bulky green precipitate of hydrated sesquioxide of chromium is thrown down, which, when collected and ignited, leaves the anhydrous oxide as a bright- green powder, unchangeable at the highest fumaee-heat. It is employed in the decoration of porcelain, and is a valued pigment much iised in painting and printing, under the name chrome green. 616. Chlorides of Chromium. — There are two of these com- pounds, the protoehloride (CrCl^) and the sesquichloride (Cr^ClJ. The latter compound is the more important, and is the substance usually meant when chloride of chromium is spoken of. Hy- drated sesquichloride of chromium, obtained by dissolving the hydrated sesquioxide in chlorhydric acid, is the chloride most commonly met with. 524 CHROMIUM SALTS. 617. Sulphate of Chromium (CrPjjSSOj) is sometimes prepared in the pure state ; but, like sulphate of aluminum, it ordinarily occurs in combination with sulphate of potassium or sulphate of ammonium, as a double salt, called chrome alum. Chrome alum is a compound of a beautiful violet color, crystallizing in well- defined octahedrons of the same form as the crystals of ordinary alum ; its composition also corresponds to that of common alum, the formula of the chromium salt being Cr2K24S0^ + 24HjO, or K^CSO,; Cr,03,3S03 + 24H,0. Hxp. 314. — Dissolve 15 grma. of powdered bichromate of potassium in 100 c. c. of warm water ; cool the solution, and then add to it 26 grms. of concentrated sulphuric acid ; cool the liquor again, and pom- it into a porcelain dish, surrounded with cold water ; slowly stir into the mixture 6 grms. of alcohol, and set the whole aside. In the course of 24 hours the bottom of the dish will become covered with well-de- fined octahedral crystals of chrome alum. The alcohol in this experiment deprives the chromic acid, of the bichromate of potaasixun, of half its oxygen, and is itself converted for the most part into acetic acid and water. 618. It is remarkable that the salts of sesquioxide of chromium, as well as the oxide itself, occur in two isomeric conditions. One modification is known as the green, the other as the violet modi- fication. As a rule, the violet compounds crystallize readily, while the green compounds do not. In the preparation of chrome alum it is important to guard against the formation of a green, soluble sulphate of chromium, which does not crystallize. In general, if the solution of a salt of the violet modification is heated nearly to boiling, the salt passes into the green modification and becomes uncrystaUisable. Hydrated sesquioxide of chromium, as obtained by adding a caustic alkali to the cold solution of a chro- mium salt of either modification, is readily soluble both in acids and in cold solutions of caustic soda or potash ; but on boiling the green alkaline solution, aU of the chromium is precipitated as a hydrate of the green modification. &p. 315. — Place in a test-tube a few drops of a dilute solution of chrome alum, or of some other salt of sesquioxide of chrondum ; add, drop by drop, a solution of hydrate of sodium, until the precipitate which forms at first is completely rediasolved. Boil the clear solu- tion, and observe that the precipitate which again forms in the liquor is no longer soluble in alkalies. CHEOMIC ACID. 525 By means of this reaction, oxide of chromium may readily be sepa- rated from oxide of alunmnmi ; for, as has been seen in Exp. 309, alu- mina is readily soluble in alkaline solutions, and is not precipitated therefrom by boiling. 619. Chromic Add (CrO,) may be obtained by decomposing bichromate of potassium with sulphuric acid. Exp. 316. — Mix 40 c. c. of a cold, satm-ated, aqueous solution of bi- chromate of potassium with 50 c. c. of oil of vitriol, in a small beaker standing in cold water, and observe that chromic acid is deposited in crystalline needles. It is remarkable that in sulphuric acid of 1-55 specific gravity, such, as is obtained in the foregoing mixture, chromic acid is well nigh insoluble, though it is readily .soluble both in water and in strong sulphuric acid. Cover the beaker, and set it aside for some hours ; finally pour ofi" the supernatant liquor with care, scrape out the chromic acid v(dth a glass rod, and place it upon a dry, porous brick, under an inverted bottle, in order that the sulphuric acid which adheres to it may be absorbed. Preserve the dry crystals in a glass- stoppered bottle. Chromic acid deliquesces rapidly when exposed to the air. It is easily brought to the condition of sesquioxide of chro- mium, both by heat and by reducing agents, and is hence an oxidizing agent of considerable power. JExp. 317. — Shake up in a smaU bottle enough strong alcohol to moisten its sides; then throw in half a gramme or less of chromic acid ; a portion of the alcohol wiU be oxidized so quickly, and with evolution of so much heat, that the remainder will take fire and. bum in the air. '" Several of the salts of chromic acid, as well as the acid itself, are employed as oxidizing agents. A mixture of bichromate of potassium and of sulphuric acid, for example, is employed for bleaching certain fats. Prom the chromates, both oxygen and chlorine may be conveniently prepared. Sxp. 318. — Heat a mixture of 6 grms. of powdered bichromate of potassium and 9 grms. of concentrated sulphuric acid in a small flask, provided with a delivery-tube leading to the water-pan, and coUect the oxygen which is freely evolved : — K20,2Cr03 + 4(H20,S03) = Cr203,3S03 -|- Kfi,SO, + Allfi + 30. Exp. 319. — Place a mixture of 1 grm. of powdered bichromate of potassium and 6 grms. of chlorhydric acid of 1'16 specific gravity, in a flask provided with a delivery-tube, as in Exp. 318. Heat the flask gently for a few seconds until its contents begin to react upon one 526 ' CHEOMATES. another ; tten quickly remove the lamp and attend to the collection of the chlorine, which will continue to he evolved without further heating : — E:,0,2Cr03 + 14HC1 = Cr^Clj + 2KC1 + 7B.fi + 9C1. 620. Chromates. — As has been already indicated, bichromate of potassium is the commonest and the most important salt of chromic acid. It is the material from which most of the other compounds of chromium are prepared, and is itself important in dyeing and calico-printing. It has of late years been used in the art of photolithography. When a mixture of gelatine and bichromate of potassium is exposed to light, the chromic acid is reduced, and an insoluble compound of gelatine and sesquioxide of chromium is formed. In practice, albu- menized paper is covered in a dark room with a mixed solution of bichromate of potassium and gelatine, then dried, pressed smooth, and kept always in the dark until wanted for use. If a sheet of this pre- pared paper be placed beneath a negative photographic picture (ob- tained in the usual way) and exposed to light for a short time, the chromic acid will be reduced in such wise that a positive picture will be obtained upon the gelatine paper. In this positive, as taken from the press, the parts acted upon by the light will be brown, while the other portions of the sheet retain their original yeUow color. The positive is then washed with water in such manner that the unchanged portions of gelatine and of bichromate are dissolved away, and an in- soluble, clearly defined impression of the original picture is left upon the paper. By means of pressure, the design is then transferred to the lithographic stone, and from the stone any desired number of copies may be printed upon paper with ink in the usual way. Besides the bichromate of potassium, there are several other chromates important in the arts or useful to the analyst. The normal chromate of potassium (KfifirOJ is a yellow salt, readily obtainable by adding a molecule of carbonate of potassium to one of the bichromate : — Kp,2Cr03 + Kp,CO, = 2(K,0,Cr03) + CO,. It is isomorphous with normal sulphate of potassium (E^^SO^), chromic acid, like sulphuric acid, being bibasic (§ 238). The salt is hence easQy adulterated. Chromate of barium is insoluble in water and in acetic acid ; chromate of strontium is soluble in acetic acid, though nearly insoluble in water ; while chromate of MANOANESE. 527 calcium is soluble both in water and in acetic acid ; hence an easy method of separating compounds of either of the three metals from mixtures which contain compounds of aU three. Chromate of lead is the pigment called chrome-yeUow ; it may easily be prepared by mixing solutions of bichromate of potassium and acetate of lead. An orange-colored dichromate (2PbO,CrO ) may be obtained by boiling together yeUow chromate of lead and slaked lime in the proportion of two molecules of the former to one of the latter. This process is used to fix a permanent orange upon calico. A stUl more brilliant color may be obtained by fusing one part of the yellow chromate of lead with five parts of nitre ; chromate of potassium and dichromate of lead are formed, and the former may be washed away. Chromate of mercury, of a brick-red color, may be precipitated by adding bichromate of potassium to nitrate of protoxide of mercury, or, of an orange- yeUow color, by adding the potassium salt to the nitrate of di- oxide of mercury. MANGANESE. 621. Black oxide of manganese, such as has been employed in the preparation of oxygen and of chlorine (§§ 14, 105), is a tolerably abundant mineral. Small quantities of manganese exist also in a great number of other minerals and rocks ; so that the element is really very widely difiFused in nature. It is often associated with ores of iron. By heating oxide of manganese very strongly with charcoal, it may be reduced to the metallic state, though not readily. The metal is of a grayish-white color, and is very hard and brittle. It oxidizes quickly when exposed to the atmosphere ; it melts only at the strongest heat of a blast furnace. The specific gravity of manganese is 8, its atomic weight is 55. It slowly decomposes water at the ordinary tem- perature, and dissolves readily in dilute sulphuric acid with evo- lution of hydrogen. Like iron, it combines with carbon and silicon. MetaUie manganese is not used in the arts; and the alloys which it forms with the other metals are of no commercial importance, except that a small proportion of manganese is prcT sent in a peculiar kind of iron largely used for making steel. 622. Oxides of Manganese. — Six well-defined compounds of 528 OXIDES OF MANGANESE. oxygen and manganese are known ; two of them are bases, two are acids, and two may be regarded as salts, formed by the union of the oxides one with the other. Protoxide of manganese (MnO) is a powerful base, while sesquioxide of manganese (Mn203) is but a weak base. Manganic acid (MnO,) and permanganic acid (Mn^O,) are well characterised as acids, though they are known only in combination ; they have never been obtained in the free anhydrous state. On the other hand, binoxide of man- ganese (Mn203,Mn03=3MnOj) and the red oxide (MnO,Mn203 =MnjOJ are both neutral or indifferent bodies ; they exhibit neither acid nor basic properties. 623. Protoxide of Manganese (MnO) may be obtained by heat- ing carbonate of manganese out of contact with the air, or by heating either of the higher oxides of manganese to redness in contact with charcoal or hydrogen. The protoxide is itself re- duced to the metalKc state by these agents only at a white heat. It unites freely with acids to form salts of considerable stability. The crystallized sulphate MnSO^+SH^O and the chloride MnCl^ + 4H^0 are commonly employed in the laboratory. Both of them may be prepared from the residues obtained in the prepa- ration of chlorine and oxygen (§§ 105, 626). Hydratqd prot- oxide of manganese may be precipitated from the chloride as foUows : — Exp. 320. — Dissolve a small crystal of chloride of manganese in water ; add to the solution soda-lye until the liquor exhibits a distinct alkaline reaction when tested with litmus-paper. Collect the gelati- nous white precipitate upon a filter, and observe that it soon becomes brown as it absorbs oxygen from the air; the brown product is sesqui- oxide of manganese. Exp. 321. — Heat a portion of the precipitated hydrate of Exp. 320 to redness upon a fragment of porcelain ; it will slowly absorb oxygen, and change to the deep-brown-colored sesquioxide. Exp. 322. — To a solution of chloride of manganese, such as was pre- pared in Exp. 320, add a few drops of sulphydrate of ammonium (§ 626). A flesh-colored precipitate of sulphide of manganese (MnS) wiU fall down. Like the hydrate above described, this precipitate soon becomes brown by exposure to the air. It is often prepared by the analyst when testing for manganese. 624. Sesquioxide of Manganese (MnfiJ occurs in nature in SBSaUIOXIDE OP MANGANESE. 529 the minerals braunite and manganite. It is prepared artificially by roasting the protoxide obtained from chlorine-residues, and is itself used to a considerable extent in the preparation of chlorine : — Mn^O, + 6HC1 = 2MnCl, + 3H,0 + 2C1. It combines with acids to form a series of unstable salts ana- logous to the sesquisalts of iron, though far less permanent. A solution of the sesquisulphate, for example, Mn^O^SSOj, is reduced to the condition of protosulphate by mere boiling. In like manner the sesquiehloride Mn^Cl^ is doubtless formed when the protoohloride is treated with cold chlorine, or the sesquioxide is digested in cold chlorhydric acid ; but the salt is decomposed with extreme readiness, and splits up into free chlorine and the protoohloride even when but slightly heated. In the preparation of chlorine from the sesquioxide as ^bove formulated, there is no doubt an intermediate reaction, Mn^O, -I- 6HC1 = Mn,Cl, + SRfi, before the final breaking up of Mn,Cl, into 2MnCl, -|- 2C1. 625. Of the salts of the sesquioxide, the double compound of sulphate of manganese and of potassium, known as man- ganese alum, is one of the most interesting ; it is of analogous composition to ordinary aluminum alum, and is isomorphous with this body, as it is with the corresponding alums of iron and chromium. The series of double salts known as alums, admirably illustrates the relationship of the several members of the group of metals now under discussion, and the law of isomorphism as well. It is interesting to observe, moreover, that the name alum, originally applied specifically to the com- pound of sulphate of aluminum and of potassium, has with the growth of chemical knowledge come to have a generic sig- nification. Several salts are now classed as alums, into the composition of which neither aluminum nor potassium enters. The following list enumerates some of the best-known potas- sium alums : — Common alum = K,S0„A1,3S0, -|- 24H,0, Chrome alum = K^SO^Cr.SSO, + 24H,6, 2m 530 ALTTMS. Manganese alum = K^S0^,Mn,3S0^ + 243^0, Iron alum = K,S0„Fe,3S0, + 243,0. But as has been stated in § 609, the potassium in these com- pounds may be replaced by any metal isomorphous with potas- sium. There are ammonium alums and sodium alums corre- sponding to each of the . potassium alums above enumerated, and there is evidence that potassium may be replaced in these alums by the rarer alkali-metals. Some alums, on the other hand, are composed of mixtures in various proportions of alkali- metals, and of the metals capable of forming sesquioxides. Besides these true alums, there are allied bodies which contain no alkaliT metal whatsoever ; such, for example, are the following : — Aluminum iron alum = reS0j,Al,3S0^ -|- 243,0, Aluminum magnesium alum = MgSO^jAl^SSO^ + 2411,0, Aluminum manganese alum = MnS0^,Al,3S0j + 24H,0, but these afBliated alums do not crystallize in the octahedral form which is characteristic of the alums proper. 626. Binoxide of Manganese (MnO,) is a black compound found abundantly in nature, and largely employed in the arts for the purpose of evolving chlorine from chloride of sodium or chlorhydric acid (§ 105), as well as for decolorizing glass. It may readily be prepared artificially from the lower oxides by the action of oxidizing agents. By itself, at the ordinary tem- perature, binoxide of manganese is an inert chemical substance, though at higher temperatures it has considerable oxidizing-power. At a strong red heat it gives off one-third of its oxygen : — 3MnO, = Mn30, + 20. Formerly oxygen was often prepared in chemical laboratories by heating the black oxide of manganese in iron retorts ; but the process has long been superseded by more convenient methods. The oxide, Mn30^=MnO,Mn,03, which is left as a residue in this experiment, corresponds in composition with the magnetic oxide of iron, an important ore of iron. This oxide is the most easily obtained by artificial means of all the oxides of manganese • it is produced when the protoxide or its nitrate or carbonate is strongly heated in the air, or when either of the higher oxides is intensely ignited. MANGANIC ACID. 531 Black oxide of manganese is insoluble in nitric acid, but is decomposed by strong hot cblorhydric acid, with formation of protochloride of manganese and free chlorine, as has been already explained (§ 105), and by hot concentrated sulphuric acid with evolution of oxygen : — MnO, + H^SO, = MnSO, + H^O + 0. &p. 323. — In a small glass flask, provided with a suitable delivery- tube, heat a mixture of 15 grms. of powdered black oxide of manganese and 10 grms. of concentrated sulphuric acid, and collect the gas over water in the usual way. After all the available oxj'gen has been obtained in this experiment, and the flask, together with its contents, has been allowed to cool, pour 15 or 20 c. c. of water into the flask, boil the mixture; pour it upon a filter, and evaporate the filtrate to dryness upon a water-bath, taking care to stir it constantly when nearly dry. Hydrated sulphate of manganese (MnS04,4H20) will be obtained as a reddish-white powder. JSxp. 324. — ^For the sake of comparing the old process of making oxygen with methods now in use, charge an ignition-tube, such as was used in Exp. 7, to one-third of its capacity, with black oxide of manganese, connect it with the water-pan- in the usual way, heat it strongly over the gas-lamp, and observe the comparatively slow rate at which oxygen is evolved from it. 627. Manganic Acid (MnOj) has not yet been obtained in the free state ; it is known only as it occurs in combination with potash or some other base. Of the manganates, those of potassium, sodium, and barium are the best-known ; they are isomorphous with the corresponding chromates, sulphates, and seleniates. The alkaline manganates are important compounds to the analyst. JExp. 325. — Place upon a piece of platinum-foil as much dry car- bonate of sodium as could be held upon half a pea ; mix with it an equal quantity of powdered nitrate of potassium and a bit of binoxide of manganese as large as the head of a small pin. Fuse the mixture in the outer blowpipe-flame, and observe the bluish-green-colored manganate of sodium which is produced. Uxp. 326. — Melt together in an iron ladle over an anthracite or charcoal fire, 10 grms. of hydrate of potassium, and 7 grms. of chlo- rate of potassium; stir into the pasty liquid 8 grms. of very finely powdered black oxide of manganese, and maintain the mixture for a short time at a temperature jtist below visible redness, taking care 2m2 532 CHAMELEON muteeal. to stir it frequently with an iron rod. When the crumbly mass has become cold, place some of it in a test-tube with a small quantity of cold water and shake the tube. As soon as the solid particles have settled, there will be seen a clear green liquid, which is a, solution of man- ganate of potassium. Hx2J. 327. — Pour off half of the green solution of manganate of potassium into another short test-tube, and leave it open to the air ; the green color of the solution will gradually change to blue, then to violet and to purple, and finally to ruby red. The red color is that of a solution of permanganate of potassium, into which the man- ganate is converted by exposure to the air. The intermediate colors are merely mixtures of the manganate green and the permanganate crimson. On account of these remarkable changes of color, the name chameleon mineral has been applied to manganate of potassium, and by this term it is still commonly known. Manganate of potassium is a very unstable salt, especially when in solution ; it may be readily decomposed in a great variety of ways. It breaks up into permanganate of potassium and binoxide of man- ganese "when the aqueous solution is mixed with a large quantity of water, and even strong solutions are rapidly decomposed in the same way by boiling : — SKjMnO^ -I- SH^O = K^MnjO, + MnO^ -|- 4KH0. By means of acids, the change from manganate to permanganate may be almost instantaneously effected ; but by the presence of an excess of alkali the decomposition is always greatly retarded. &p. 328. — Add a few drops of sulphuric acid to the remaining portion of the solution of manganate obtained in Exp. 326, and observe that a quantity of the red permanganate of potassium is immediately produced. 628. Permanganic Acid (Mnfi^), or lather its hydrate H Mn , may be obtained in aqueous solution by decomposing permanganate of barium with sulphuric acid. The solution bleaches powerfully, and the acid is rapidly destroyed by organic matter and other reducing agents. Of the compounds of this acid, that with potassium is by far the best-known. Kcp. 329.— Place 300 c. c. of water m a porcelain dish, heat it to boiHng and add to it by portions the remainder of the powdered green manganate of Exp. 326; from time to time add small portions of hot water to replace that which evaporates, and continue to boU until the green color of the solution has changed to deep violet red and the manganate of potassium has all been changed to permanganate! PEEMANGANIC ACTD. 533 In case the manganate contains a large excess of free alkali it cannot readily be converted into permanganate by boiling ; it will therefore often be found necessary to neutralize with nitric acid a portion of the alkali which is in excess. As soon as the transformation has been completed, pour the mixture into a tall bottle, leave it at rest until the binoxide of manganese and other insoluble matters have settled ; then decant the clear liquor into a glass-stoppered bottle, and preserve it for use in subsequent experiments. The insoluble deposit may be again boiled with water and allowed to settle ; the clear liquor thus obtained may be added to that previously prepared. In order to obtain crystals of the permanganate, a clear solution like that above described should be rapidly evaporated to a small bulk, then decanted from the binoxide of manganese which is precipitated during the process, and set aside to cool. Needle-shaped crystals of a dark purple-red color will soon be formed ; they are soluble in 16 parts of water at 15°, and are permanent in the air. It is well to purify the first crop of crystals by washing them with a little cold water, then dissolving in the least possible quantity of boiling water, and again crystallizing in the cold. Neither the crystals nor the solution should ever be brought into contact with paper. Decautation will ordinarily be sufiicient in order to separate the crystals from the mother-liquor; but if filtration be necessary in any case, an asbestos filter shoiild be employed (Appendix, § 14). 629. The permanganates are isomorphous with the perchlorates (§ 125), and the potassium salts of the two acids are capable of crystallizing together in all proportions. These compound crystals are red-colored when, they contain much perchlorate of potassium, but are black if they contain as much as half their weight of the permanganate. In the same way that perchloric acid is a more stable acid than chloric add, so permanganic acid is less readily decomposed than manganic acid. Both manganic acid and permanganic acid, how- ever, give up oxygen to other substances with remarkable faci- lity, and are much used as 'oxidizing agents. Even a piece of wood or paper thrown into the green or red solution of a manga- nate or permanganate, will quickly abstract oxygen from the solution and destroy its color. In filtering the colored solutions, paper is consequently inadmissible, as has been stated in Exp. 329 ; asbestos, sand, or some other inert filtering-material must be resorted to. Permanganate of potassium is largely employed 534 IRON. for disinfecting putrid water and animal or vegetable matters in a condition of putrefaction. A solution of it, such as has been prepared in Exp. 329, is of great use in volumetric analysis, especially for testing the value of iron ores. lEON. 630. Although iron is one of the most widely diffused and most abundant of the metals, it is rarely found native in the me- tallic state. Meteors, however, fall upon the earth from outer space, which consist mainly of metaUic iron, contaminated with several other elements in small proportions. Minerals containing iron occur in great numbers j and there are iadeed few natural substances, whether organic or inorganic, in which iron is not present. It is found iu the ashes of most plants, and in the blood of animals. The natural compounds of iron which are available as ores of the metal, are chiefly oxides and carbonates. The most important varieties of these ores of iron are the following: — 1. Magnetic iron-ore, the richest of the ores of iron, containing when pure, 72"41 per cent, of iron, and not infrequently approximating closely to this composition in large masses. 2. Red Hcematite, consisting, when pure, of anhydrous sesquioxide of iron contain- ing 70 per cent, of iron ; this ore often yields from 60 to 69 per cent, of the metal. 3. Specular iron-ore, which is a crystalline form of the same anhydrous sesquioxide of iron. 4. Limonite, or Brown iron-ore, which consists essentially of hydrated sesquioxide of iron, containing 59-89 per cent, of iron; yeUow ochre is a clayey variety of this very abundant ore ; the numerous ores classed under this head yield from 25 to 55 per cent, of iron. 5. Spathic iron-ore, or Carbonate of iron, which contains in its purest state 48-27 per cent, of iron, but is so generally contami- nated with manganese, calcium, and magnesium as to yield very various quantities of iron, ranging from 14 to 43 per cent. 6. Clay iron-ore, a name appKed to a mixture of clay and carbonate of iron, which occurs very abundantly in the coal-measures ; as this ore is a mixture in imcertain proportions, it yields various per- centages of iron, ranging from 25 to 40 per cent. From the richer iron-ores, like the magnetic and specular oxides, a very excellent iron can be obtained by simply heating THE BLOOMAET. 535 the broken ore with charcoal in an open forge fire, urged by a blast. The ore is deoxidized by the carbon of the fuel, and the reduced iron is agglomerated into a pasty lump called a " bloom," while the earthy impurities contained in the ore combine with a portion of the oxide of iron to form a fusible glass or slag. The spongy bloom is freed from slag and rendered homogeneous and solid by hammering while still red-hot ; by reheating and ham- mering, the iron is then converted into bars or shaped into any other desired form. This process is not economical in the che- mical sense, for much iron is lost in the slag, and much fuel is burnt to waste in an open fire ; but when well conducted, it yields an admirable quality of iron ; and since the original outlay for the construction of a bloomary is small, and repairs upon it are always easy, the method has many advantages in regions where transportation is dear while rich ores, charcoal, and water-power abound. The bloomary process, in its crudest form, is easUy practised by people possessing but little mechanical skiU and no chemical knowledge ; it is undoubtedly the oldest method of ex- tracting iron from its ores. 631. In the extraction of iron from its common ores, the metal is usually obtained, not pure, but in a earburetted fusible state, known as cast iron or pig iron. The main features of the pro- cess are, first, a previous calcination or roasting to expel water, carbonic acid, sulphur, and other volatile ingredients of the ore ; secondly, the reduction of the oxide of iron to the metallic state by ignition with carbon ; thirdly, the separation of the earthy impurities of the ore by fusion with other matters into a crude glass or slag ; and, lastly, the carbonizing and melting of the re- duced iron. With the purer kinds of iron-ore, the preliminary calcination is not always essential ; but with the majority of ores it is very desirable ; not unfrequently all the drying necessary is effected in the upper part of the blast furnace itseK, within which the three last steps of the process always take place. The blast furnace for iron consists essentially of a huge cylin- drical structure of masonry, 15 to 25 m. in height, and 6 to 6 m. in diameter at the central portion of the cylinder, but contracted to a less diameter both at the top or throat and at the bottom or hearth. Air is forced in at the bottom of the furnace to support 536 THE BLAST ET7RNACE. the combustion, and it has been found advantageous in the ma- jority of oases to heat this blast of air to about the melting-point of lead before it enters the furnace. The reduction of the oxides of iron beuig effected by the carbonic oxide resulting from the combination of carbonic acid with hot carbon (Exp. 181), it is not diflcult to calculate the amount of carbon and the amount of air requisite to reduce to metaUic state the iron contained in a given weight of an iron-ore of known composition. Thus the formula of specular iron-ore, or of red haematite, is Fe^O^, and, since the atomic weight of iron is 56, these ores are 70 per cent, iron ; accordingly the following quantities are equivalent one to the other : — 1 = 1-429 = 0-3214 = 0-4286 = 1-863. Iron. Fe203. Requisite weight Weight of oxygen Air. of carbon in requisite to convert state of CO. so much C to CO. For every kilogramme of iron produced, nearly two kilogrammes of air must be supplied, and at least ^ kilogramme of fuel, merely to accomplish the chemical reaction. The reduction of the oxide of iron, however, is not alone sufficient to secure the metal ; iron- ores almost always contain earthy admixtures, consisting chiefly of silica, clay, and carbonate of calcium; and these substances are so intimately mixed with the reduced metal, that it is essential to melt them before the iron can separate by virtue of its greater specific gravity. Any one of these substances taken alone is in- fusible at the temperature of the furnace ; they must be converted into fusible double sUicates ; and as it is rarely the case that the natural impurities of an ore are present in the proportions requi- site for the formation of such double silicates, it is generally necessary to mix with the ore a substance intended to effect this result, and therefore called the flux. With ores in which the earthy admixture is chiefly calcareous, the flux must be clay or some sUieeous material ; but in the more frequent case of ores con- taining clay or silica, the flux will be limestone or quicklime. In either case, a fusible double silicate of aluminum and calcium is the essential constituent of the slag. With sUiceous ores there is another reason for the addition of Hme ; the double sUieate of aluminum and iron is very fusible, and a considerable quantity THE BLAST EUKNACE. 537 of iron might be lost in the slag, were not lime enough added to prevent the formation of this iron-containing silicate. Sometimes both calcareous and sUiceous ores are within reach of an iron- fumace, and the smelter, by mixing the two varieties iu due pro- portion, may avoid the necessity of adding a flux. The blast furnace is charged at the top with alternate layers of the fuel (which may either be charcoal, anthracite, or coke), the ore, and thfe flux, which is generally lime ; these materials are constantly supplied at the top, and air is constantly supplied in immense quantities at the bottom of the furnace, the actual weight of the air forced ia being greater than the sum of the weights of the ore, the fael, and the flux. "Where the blast first touches the ignited fuel, carbonic acid is formed; this gas, rising with the unused nitrogen through the furnace, comes in contact with white- hot carbon, and is reduced to carbonic oxide (Exp. 181). The layers of soUd material thrown in at the top of the furnace gra- dually sink down, and as soon as a stratum of ore has descended sufficiently to be heated by the hot mixture of nitrogen and car- bonic oxide it becomes reduced to spongy metallic iron, which, mixed with the flux and the earthy impurities of the ore, settles down to hotter parts of the furnace, where it enters into a fusible combination with carbon, while the flux and earthy impurities melt together to a liquid slag. The liquid carburetted iron settles to the very bottom of the furnace, whence it is drawn out, at intervals, through a tapping-hole, which is stopped with sand when not in use. The viscous slag flows out over a dam, so placed as to retain the iron, but to permit the escape of the slag which floats on the iron, as fast as it accumulates in sufficient quantity. The fusion of the materials in the lower part of the furnace re- quires a great heat ; and the amount of fuel consumed in getting this high temperature is much greater than the amount requisite for the reduction and carbonization of the metal. As charcoal is a much purer carbon than coal or coke, iron smelted with char- coal is generally purer than that smelted with coal; but as charcoal crumbles under great pressure, the furnaces in which charcoal is used are usually much smaller than those intended for anthracite or coke. The consumption of fuel in smelting 1000 k. of iron varies with the nature of the furnace, the blast. 538 CAST IRON. and the fuel, between 500 k. and 3000 k. The gases which issue from the mouth of the blast furnace are charged with an enor- mous heating-power ; for besides being themselves intensely hot they contain, even after having effected the reduction, a large proportion of combustible gases, such as carbonic oxide, carbu- retted hydrogen, and hydrogen. This gaseous mixture takes fire whenever it comes in contact with the air ; a part of its heat may be utilized in heating the air-blast and generating steam. Two distinct varieties of cast iron exist, which differ in color, texture, and fusibility ; these are white cast iron and gray cast iron. White iron is hard and brittle, of crystalline texture and shining fracture. Gray iron is slightly malleable, and has a granular texture ; its fracture may be either coarse or fine-grained, and minute particles of black graphite are visible upon the broken surface. White cast iron melts at a lower temperature than gray, but does not become so liquid as the gray. Gray oast iron, when rapidly cooled, is converted into white iron ; when a casting is made in an iron mould, the layer of metal in contact with the mould is chilled and converted into the hard white iron, while the interior of the casting will retain the condition of the stronger gray iron. Excellent shot and shell for rifled cannon have lately been cast on this plan. The chief chemical difference between white and gray cast iron consists in the different condition of the admixed carbon. In white iron the carbon seems to be dissolved in or combined with the iron, while in gray cast iron, on the other hand, the greater part of the carbon seems to be mechanically diffused through the solid iron, in the state of graphite. The two varieties, however, shade off into each other through a great va- riety of intermediate mixtures. White cast iron rusts much more slowly than gray cast iron. When white iron is heated with strong chlorhydric acid it entirely dissolves, but the combined carbon enters into combination with a portion of the nascent hydrogen, forming hydrocarbons which impart a peculiar smell to the gas evolved. Gray iron does not whoUy dissolve in hot chlor- hydric acid ; a residue of graphite remains ; but the gas evolved has the same smell as the gas evolved from white iron. When bars, plates, or implements of common cast iron are exposed to the slow action of dilute acids or of saline solutions such IMPTTKITIES OP lEON. 539 as sea-water, the iron is not infrequently wliolly dissolved away, whUe the graphitic carbon remains untouched — a light, soft, sectile substance which often retains the color and form of the original article, but possesses neither hardness nor tena- city. The largest proportion of carbon found in cast iron is 5-75 per cent. ; this large percentage occurs La a lustrous variety of white iron which contains manganese and is called specular iron. In gray iron the amount of carbon varies from 2 to nearly 5 per cent. Silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, manganese, and copper are very common impurities in cast iron. The silicon comes from sUiea deoxidized in the furnace ; its amount varies from 0-1 to 3-5 per cent. There is more of it in gray than in white iron, and more in hot-blast iron than in cold-blast. Sulphur is almost always pre- sent in cast iron, but only in very smaU quantity ; its presence is supposed to conduce to the formation of white iron. The pre- sence of phosphorus to the extent of 1 or 2 per cent, is not un- common, and does not iajure iron iutended for castings, inasmuch as the phosphorus makes the iron more fusible, and more liquid when melted. Manganese is frequently present in cast iron, as is not unnatural considering the common association of manganese ores with iron-ores. Cast iron containing manganese appears to be especially suitable for the production of steel. The production of malleable or " wrought " iron from cast iron, consists essentially in burning out the carbon, silicon, sul- phur, and phosphorus which cast iron contains. This oxidation of the impurities of cast iron is effected either by blowing upon the melted metal with an air-blast in a smaU charcoal furnace called a " finery," or by stirring the melted iron in a reverbera- tory furnace in which the fuel does not come in contact with the metal, and into which air can be admitted at vrill ; the latter pro- cess, now much the most important method of manufacturing wrought iron, is called "puddling." In puddling it is customary to add to the charge of pig iron a quantity of iron scale or other oxide of iron. The oxidation of the silicon, carbon, phosphorus, and other impurities is effected partly by the air and partly by the oxide added to the charge ; the carbon bums to carbonic oxide, which heaves the seething mass as it escapes and burns in 540 STEEL. jets of blue flame ; the other impurities form, with the oxides ol iron and manganese, a cinder or slag which ordinarily contains sulphur, silicic acid, and phosphoric acid. When the cast iron ig so far decarbonized as to be pasty in the fire, it is gathered into lumps on the end of an iron bar and carried from the furnace to a hammer or squeezer which expresses the liquid slag and welds into a coherent mass the tenacious iron. The hammered lump may be reheated and rolled or forged into any desired shape. The waste of iron in converting cast into malleable iron amounts to from 13 to 30 per cent. Ordinary malleable iron has a gray color, and a specific gravity of about 7-6. Though less malleable thaii gold and silver, its malleability is very great, and the greater the purer the metal and the higher the temperature to which it is raised. At a red heat, separate pieces may be firmly united by hammering or rolling ; the operation is called welding. Sulphur is said to ren- der wrought iron brittle whUe hot or " red-short ; " silicon and phosphorus render iron brittle at the ordinary temperature, or " cold-short," in technical phraseology. These common impu- rities of cast iron are therefore very prejudicial to wrought iron. Wrought iron is hammered or rolled while in a doughy condition; and the uniform, close, fibrous texture which is valued in mal- leable iron depends much upon the nature of this mechanical treatment, and the extent to which it is carried. Common mal- leable iron still contains from 0-25 to 0-5 per cent, of carbon ; the smaller the amount of carbon the softer the iron. Wrought iron dissolves almost completely even in dilute acids ; but the hydrogen evolved has the peculiar smell attributed to the presence of car- bonaceous vapor. 632. Steel. — This invaluable substance is in composition inter- mediate between cast and wrought iron, containing less carbon than cast iron, but more than vrrought. It may be made from wrought iron by heating bars of iron to redness for a week or more in con- tact with powdered charcoal in close boxes from which air is care- fully excluded. Though the iron is not fused, nor the carbon vaporized, yet the carbon gradually penetrates the iron and alters its original properties ; when the bars are withdrawn from the chests in which they were packed, the metal has become fine-grained THB BESSEMEE PEOCESS. 541 in fracture, more brittle, and more fusible. The bars, how- ever, are far from uniform in composition, the outside being more highly carbonized than the interior ; they are apt to show blisters of various sizes on the surfaces, and the steel thus prepared is called " blistered " steel. To obtain steel of a uniform quality, it must be cast into ingots. This process of preparing steel is called the " cementation " process ; it is a curious instance of chemical ac- tion between solid materials which are apparently in a state of rest. Since the materials used in this process are the purest attainable — the best iron and the best charcoal — the steel obtained is of the best quality. Cheaper methods of preparing an inferior steel are, however, of great industrial importance. If the " puddling '' process for preparing malleable iron should be arrested when the cast iron had lost from one-half to two-thirds of its carbon, the product would be an impure steel, impure because the silicon, phosphorus, sulphur, and other impurities of the cast iron would only be incompletely removed. Nevertheless there are uses in the arts for a steel of this quality which may be cheaply manu- factured. 633. A new and very rapid method of preparing cast steel directly from east iron is that known as the Bessemer process. From two to six tons of cast iron, previously melted in a suitable furnace, are poured into a large covered crucible, made of the most refractory materials, and swung on pivots in such a manner that it can be tipped up and emptied by means of an hydraulic press. Through numerous apertures in the bottom of the crucible a blast of air is forced up into the molten metal; an intense combustion ensues involving the carbon in the iron and a portion of the metal itself, and generating a most intense heat, which keeps the mass fluid in spite of its rapid approach to the con- dition of malleable iron. Such a quantity of specular iron or white cast iron is then added to the iron in the crucible as is necessary to give carbon enough to convert the whole mass into steel, and the melted steel is immediately cast into ingots. Six tons of cast iron can thus be converted into tolerable steel in twenty minutes. This steel is suitable for the manufacture of axles, cranks, rails, boiler-plates, and many other articles in which 542 OXIDES OP lEON. great strength should be combined with hardness. A pure steel cannot at present be made by this process, inasmuch as the com- bustion ia the crucible does not get rid of the sulphur and phos- phorus in the cast iron nearly as perfectly as does the puddling process ; for the same reason the manufacture of wrought iron by this method, though the original object of the invention, has been thus far found impracticable. It deserves mention that the nailer who keeps his nail hot, while hammering it, by a carefully regulated blast of cold air, applies the chemical fact involved in Bessemer's process. This ancient practice was indeed a prophecy of Bessemer's invention. 634. The two qualities of steel which are of greatest importance are its hardness and its elasticity. These qualities are deve- loped by quickly cooling the heated metal; the delicate pro- cesses by which steel tools and springs are hardened, tempered, and annealed are exceedingly curious, but are rather physical than chemical phenomena. Many implements are sufficiently well made by converting their exterior surfaces into steel, leaving the interior of cast or wrought iron. Thus cast-iron tools may be heated with oxide of iron to remove a part of the carbon from their exterior and thus coat them, as it were, with steel. Tires for wheels are well made of wrought-iron bars which have been superficially converted into steel by the cementation process; such tires combine the toughness of malleable iron with the hardness of steel. 635. Oxides of Iron. — There are several definite compounds of iron and oxygen. The best-known of these oxides are the pro- toxide (FeO), or ferrous oxide, as it is often called, and the ses- quioxide (Fe^Oj), often called ferric oxide, and sometimes spoken of as peroxide of iron. There is another oxide, ferri(iacid Fe , which is an exceedingly unstable substance, known only as it exists in combination with potassium, as ferrate of potassium (KjFeOJ, or with some other powerful base. Besides these oxides, there are several compounds of intermediate composition which may be supposed to result from the union of ferrous and ferric oxides, in various proportions ; they are called collectively ferroso-ferric oxides; the most important among them is the PEEROUS AND EEEBIC OXIDES. 543 magnetic oxide Fe^O^ = ¥eO,Fefi^, -which, is the black oxide formed when iron is oxidized at high temperatures -in oxygen gas, in air or steam (§§ 9, 18, 34). 636. Ferrous Oxide or Protoxide of Iron (FeO). — This com- pound is not easily obtained pure, since it absorbs oxygen from the air with great avidity and thus becomes contaminated with the sesquioxide. But by dissolving a ferrous salt (that is, a salt of protoxide of iron) in recently boUed water, and adding to the liquid a solution of caustic alkali, which has likevnse been boiled to expel air, there wiU be precipitated a white ferrous hydrate, provided the operation be conducted out of contact with the air. If this hydrate be exposed to the air, as when the solution of a ferrous salt is mixed with the alkali without the precautions above enumerated, it will rapidly absorb oxygen and wUl ex- hibit various shades of light green, bluish green, and black, till, finally, it assumes the red color of hydrated ferric oxide (Exp. 341). The anhydrous oxide obtained by igniting ferrous oxalate in close vessels, absorbs oxygen so rapidly that it takes fire when brought into contact with the air. Hydrated ferrous oxide is readily soluble in acids, forming salts known as the protosalts of iron or ferrous salts ; many of these salts are of a pale green color ; like the hydrate, they rapidly suffer decomposition by absorbing oxygen from moist air. 637. Ferric Oxide (Fe203).^This oxide, called also red oxide, sesquioxide, or peroxide of iron, occurs very abundantly and widely distributed in nature. Several of its varieties have been already mentioned as ores of iron (§ 630). It may be obtained also by igniting metallic iron or either of the lower oxides or hydrates in contact with the air. For use in the arts, it is pre- pared by igniting ferrous sulphate vdth or without addition of a small proportion of nitrate of potassium, or by roasting the native hydrate (yeUow ochre). The better sort, known as rouge, is largely employed for polishing glass and jewelry, and all grades of it are extensively used as pigments. Red ochre is impure ferric oxide. As commonly met with, the oxide is amorphous and has a red, brown, or nearly black color, according to the method of its preparation. At a fuU white heat, it gives off a portion of its oxygen, and magnetic oxide of iron is formed. It 544 OXIBATIOlf BY raOlf-ETJBT. is easily reduced to the metallic state by hydrogen gas, even at temperatures below redness, and by carbon and carbonic oxide at a red heat, as has been stated in § 631. Ammonia gas reduces it also at a red heat. Exp. 330. — In the middle of a tube of hard glass, No. 3, 10 c. c. long, and provided at both ends with corks carrying short, straight delivery-tubes, place a teaspoonful of red ochre or igrSted iron-rust. Attach to one end of the tube a hydrogen-generator or gas-holder provided with a chloride-of-calcium drying-tube, and connect with the other end a U-tube. Support the tube containing oxide of iron upon a ring of the iron stand, cause a current of hydrogen to flow through it, immerse the U-tube in a bottle of cold water, and finall y heat the oxide of iron. The hydrogen will combine with the oxygen of the red oxide of iron, water will be formed and will condense in the U-tube, while finely divided metallic iron will be left behind. After the reduction has been completed, allow the tube to become cold, and then scatter its contents through the air upon an earthen plate. They will take fire and bum again to the condition of red oxide. Exp. 331. — Repeat Exp. 330, using carbonic oxide instead of hy- drogen, the products will be iron and carbonic acid instead of iron and water. 638. The facility with which red oxide of iron gives up oxy- gen, taken in connexion with the readiness with which metallic iron and the protoxide take on oxygen, is a fact of great practical importance. It has been found that organic substances may be more rapidly incinerated by heating them in the air in contact with a small quantity of ferric oxide than in air alone ; the oxide of iron appears to act as a carrier of oxygen, as it is alternately reduced by the combustible and again oxidized by the air. Even at ordinary temperatures, and with the hydrated oxide, the same reactions are witnessed, though in a less degree. The iron nails employed in the construction of ships, bridges, fences or shoes, actually corrode, "eat up" or "bum out" the organic matter in contact with them, by absorbing oxygen from the air and transferring it to the carbon compound with which they are in contact. The rotting"'of canvas by iron-rust, or of a fishing-line by the rusty hook, are familiar instances of corruption by rust. These reactions doubtless play an important part in the forma- tion of soils by the oxidation of vegetable remains. HTBRAIE OF lEON. 545 In the same way ferric oxide converts snlphide of calcium (CaS) into sulphate of calcium (CaSOJ at the expense of the oxygen of the air. A useful cement has been prepared by mixing the residual oxysulphide of calcium of Leblanc's soda process with an equal weight of the ferric oxide left as a residue in burning iron pyrites for sulphuric acid. Hydrated sesquioxide of iron (Fe203,3H20) may readily be prepared by adding an excess of ammonia-water to the solution of almost any ferric salt. Exp. 332. — Cover a teaspoonful of fine iron filings or small tacks with three or four times as much dilute sulphuric acid in a small bottle ; wait until the evolution of hydrogen ceases, then decant the clear liquor into a small flask or beaker, add to- it a few drops of strong nitric acid, and heat it to boiling. The liquor will soon be colored dark brown by the nitrous fumes resulting from the decomposition of the nitric acid, which are for a short time held dissolved by the liquid ; but this deep coloration soon passes away, and there is left only the yellowish -red color of the ferric sulphate which has been formed. Add to the solution ammonia-water, until the odor of the latter per- sists after agitation, and collect upon a filter the flocculent red preci- pitate of ferric hydrate. Besides this normal hydrate (Yefi^fi'Kjy) there are several other ferric hydrates, containing smaller proportions of water. They are found in nature, and may be obtained by heating the normal hydrate, or by suffering it to remain for a long while under water, or by boiling it for some time in water. 639. Generally speaking, hydrated sesquioxide of iron is easily soluble in acids, though some peculiar varieties of it dissolve only with difficulty. The anhydrous oxide also dissolves in acids,, though less easUy in proportion as it has been more strongly ig- nited ; its best solvent is concentrated boiling chlorhydric acid. By long-continued heating at 300° or 320°, ferric hydrate can be deprived of all its water, and stiU be readily soluble in acids ; but when heated to duU redness, this powder suddenly glows brightly for a moment and contracts in bulk, without either losing or gaining weight, and is then attacked by acids only slowly and with difficulty. It has been observed, however, that the ignited oxide may still be dissolved rather easily by a hot mixture of chlorhydric acid and ferrous chloride, protochloride of tin, zinc, or some other reducing agent. 2n 546 PEOPEETIES OF FEEKIC HTDEAIE. Ferric hydrate is somewhat used as a mordant in dyeing, and is largely employed for purifying coal-gas. As has been stated under arsenic, the recently precipitated hydrate acts as an anti- dote to arsenious acid, since when given in sufficient quantity it forms a basic arsenite of iron scarcely at aU acted upon by water. Exp. 333. — ^Dissolve half a gramme of arsenious acid in 40 or 50 c. c. of boUing water. Divide the solution into two portions, and stir into one of these portions a considerable quantity of moist ferric hydrate, such as was obtained in Exp. 332 ; filter the mixture, acidulate the filtrate with chlorhydric acid, and test it for arsenic by means of sul- phydric acid (§ 340). If a sufficient quantity of ferric hydrate has been employed, no pre- cipitate of sulphide of arsenic will be obtained in the filtrate, though on adding a drop of chlorhydric acid, and afterwards sulphydric acid, to the original solution of arsenic, an abundant yellow precipitate will be at once thrown down. Exp. 334.— rm a tube, 30 cm. long, with alternate tufts of cotton and loose layers of dry ferric hydrate, pass a slow current of siilphy- (iric acid (Exp. 86) through the tube, and observe that the oxide gradually becomes black ; it appears to be converted into ferrous sul- phide, while water and sulphur are set free : — Y^fi„m.fi + 3H2S = 2FeS 4- S 4- 6H2O. After a good part of the ferric oxide has become black, remove the contents of the tube to a porcelain plate, and leave them exposed to the air in a place where no harm can be done in case they take fire. By the action of the air, sesquioxide of iron will be reproduced and sulphur set free within the mass ; some sulphurous acid is given ofi"at the same time, and heat is evolved, as will readily be perceived if the quantity of material be large. The following equation, though it does not fully express the complete reaction which really occurs, may stiU serve to give a general idea of these chemical changes : SFeS -I- 50 = Fe^Oa + S -f- SO^. In practice the impure illuminating gas is made to pass through layers of ferric oxide, often made porous by an admixture of sawdust ■ as soon as the oxide ceases to absorb sulphuretted hydrogen it is " revivified " by forcing or dravring through it a current of fresh'air or by spreading it in the air. The oxide is thus used over and over agam until so much sulphur has accumulated within it as to interfere, me- chanically, with its absorbent power. The sulphur may readily be recovered from this mixture by distiUation ; or the spent oxide may be STTLPHUIIIS OF IKON. 547 used instead of pyrites for maJring sulphuric acid, wherever enough of it can be obtained to repay the trouble of collecting. The ferric salts are usually of a yellowish-brown or red color when, hydrated, though some of them have a violet tinge ; they are white when dry. The normal salts are usually soluble in water and deliquescent; and there are numerous soluble basic salts, besides other basic salts which are insoluble. In the ferric salts iron plays the part of a trivalent element like aluminum, while in the ferrous salts it is bivalent like cal- cium or lead. The ferric salts closely resemble salts of aluminum, and are for the most part isomorphous with them. Besides act- ing as a base, ferric oxide, like oxide of aluminum, combines with several of the more powerful Bases to form salts called ferrites ; magnetic oxide of iron, for example, may be regarded as the ferrite of iron. It is remarkable that ferric oxide may be displaced from many of its compounds by the protoxide of iron ; thus, when hydrated ferrous oxide is added to a solution of ferric sulphate, hydrated sesquioxide is precipitated : — ^ Fe,03,3S03 + 3(reO,H,0) = Fe.O^SH.O + 3(reO,S03). In like manner, carbonate of barium precipitates anhydrous ferric oxide from ferric salts, but upon ferrous salts it has no action : — Fe.Cl, + SBaCO, = Fe,03 + 3BaCl, + 3C0,. Sulphides of Iron. — There are several sulphides of iron, the most important of which are the protosulphide (FeS) and the bisulphide (FeSJ, found native as iron pyrites. There is a sulphide, FBjS^, which is magnetic like the oxide to which it corresponds. 640. Ferrous Sulphide (FeS) is a substance of great value to the chemist as the cheapest source of the important reagent sulphydric acid (§§ 202, 210). This sulphide may be prepared by igniting pyrites in a covered crucible, by rubbing roll brimstone against a white-hot iron bar, or by fusing together sulphur and iron turnings. The second method is to be recommended if the student have ready access to a blacksmith's forge. The sulphide is a waste product in those chemical works where 2n2 648 PEOTOSULPHIBE OE IKON. sulphate of lead, obtained from dye-houses, is reduced to the metallic state by fusion with iron and coal. In the laboratory it may be pre- pared as follows : — JEicp. 335. — Heat a common Hessian crucible to redness in a fire of coke or anthracite, and project into it from an iron spoon successive smaU portions of a mixture of 7 parts of iron turnings and 4 parts of powdered sulphur, replacing the cover of the crucible after each addi- tion of the mixture. The sulphur and iron combine with great energy, and the sidphide formed melts down to the liquid state. Since the molten sulphide is capable of dissolving both iron and sulphur, accord- ing as the one or the other may be present in excess, it is impossible to prepare a pure protosulphide by this method. But the product ob- tained as above described, though of variable composition, answers perfectly well for all ordinary purposes. When the crucible has be- come half-full of the molten sulphide, remove it from the fire, pour out its contents upon a brick floor, and, if more of the sulphide be desired, replace the crucible in the fire and proceed as before. Where comparatively large quantities of the sulphide are required, it is well to bore a hole through the bottom of a plumbago crucible and set the latter upon the grate-bars of the furnace in such manner that the hole may remain open ; fill the crucible with iron turnings ; heat it to redness and throw in lumps of sulphur upon the hot iron! As fast as sulphide of iron forms it will melt and flow through th§ hole in the crucible into the ashpit below, which should be kept clean to receive it. In the preparation of sulphide of iron, wrought iron should always be employed. From the filings of cast iron, but little, if any, of the fusible sulphide can be prepared. The foregoing experiment illustrates the practical methods of making ferrous sulphide; but several other reactions which produce it are of scientific interest (compare Exp. 85). Exp. 336.— AiTange a bottle for generating sulphuretted hydrogen, as in Exp. 86, but in place of the delivery-tube in Fig. 41 attach to the bottle a, jet for burning the gas. After the air has been com- pletely expelled from the bottle, light the sulphydrio acid gas at the jet, and hold in its flame a piece of fine iron wire ; the iron will bum to ferrous sulphide, and if the wire he held in the axis of the flame so that a considerable portion of it shall be kept red-hot, the globule of sulphide of iron formed will melt and flow backward upon the wire as fast as the end of the latter is consumed. Exp. 337.— Mix 20 grms. of fine iron filings, 14 grma. of flowers of sulphur, and 7 grms. of water in a smaU bottle, and heat the mixture gently upon a sand bath, or set it aside in a warm place. Chemical IKON PYRITES. 549 action will soon set in, much heat -will be evolved, and in the course of half an hour the mixture will become black from formation of sul- phide of iron. If the porous black sulphide be left exposed to the air, it wiU absorb oxygen, and will be partially converted into ferrous sulphate. A firm packing or lute for the joints of iron vessels is prepared by mixing together 60 parts of fine iron filings, 1 part of flowers of sul- phur, and 2 parts of powdered chloride of ammonium. The mixture is made into a stiff paste with water, and immediately applied to the iron. It soon becomes hot and swells up, and sets to a hard compact mass, while ammonia and sulphuretted hydrogen are disengaged. Exip. 338. — Dissolve a small crystal of ferrous sulphate (copperas) in water,. and add to the liquid a drop or two of sulphydrate of ammo- nium (§ 526). Black sulphide of iron wiU be thrown down (compare Exp. 334). The finely divided ferrous sulphide obtained in the wet way, as in the last two experiments, dissolves much more quickly in acids than the compact sulphide obtained by the way of fusion ; in contact with acids it evolves gas so tumultuously that it would be inconvenient as a source of sulphydric acid. The black earth between the stones of the pavements of cities, and at the bottoms of drains and cesspools, owes its color to sulphide of iron formed by the putrefaction of sulphuretted compounds in contact with ferric oxide contained in the earth. 641. Bisulphide of Iron (FeS^) occurs abundantly in nature as the well-known mineral iron pyrites. Two distinct forms of it are met with : — the yellow cubical pyrites, crystallized in forms of the monometric system ; and the white pyrites or marcasite, which crystallizes in trimetric forms. A third variety of sulphide of iron, called magnetic pyrites, is of different composition from the foregoing, and contains less sulphur than the bisulphide. Iron pyrites appears to have been sometimes formed in nature by the deoxidation. of sulphates, such as the sulphate of calcium, by means of organic matter in presence of chalybeate waters. The formation of pyrites has often been noticed in solutions of sul-- phate of iron into which organic matters have fallen. But bisul- phide of iron may be readily formed in the dry way also. The compact forms of yellow pyrites, whether natural or arti- ficial, are permanent in the air; but when finely divided the mineral oxidizes rather easily, with evolution of considerable heat. 550 rEEEOirs chxoeibb. White iron pyrites oxidizes rapidly in the air, no matter whether it be compact or friable. The spontaneous combustion of many kinds of coal is due to the oxidation of iron pyrites disseminated through the combustible. Alum and copperas are often prepared from pyritous shales, either by firing heaps of the shale artifici- ally, or by allowing the heaps to take fire spontaneously through oxidation of the pyrites, and then regulating the combustion so that the largest practicable yield of sulphate of iron or of sulphate of aluminum shall be obtaiaed. So long as the temperature of the burning pyrites remains comparatively low, ferrous sulphate and sulphuric acid are the principal products, the latter uniting with the alumina of the shale, if such be present ; when the heap has become cold, the sulphates can be separated by lixiviating the mass with water. When pyrites is roasted at higher tem- peratures, as in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, sulphurous acid is given off, and ferric oxide left as the principal residue. When distilled in close vessels, one atom of the sulphur in iron pyrites is expelled, and ferrous sulphide remains. Sulphur has sometimes been prepared in this way in a dearth of native sulphur. 642. Ferrous Chloride (FeCy may be obtained by passing chlorine or dry chlorhydric acid gas over hot iron ; in case chlor- hydric acid, be employed, hydrogen wiU be evolved. As commonly met with, however, the chloride is in the form of a hydrate (YeCl^+^B. fi) obtained by dissolving metallic iron in dilute chlorhydric acid. It crystallizes easily, forms double salts by uniting with many other chlorides, and may be deprived of its water without decomposition when heated carefully out of con- tact with the air. 643. Ferric Chloride (Fe^ClJ. — As obtained by burning me- tallic iron in an excess of dry chlorine, this compound occurs in anhydrous, glistening scales, which volatilize easily when heated. It dissolves readily in water, with evolution of heat, and deli- quesces rapidly in the air. It hisses when thrown into water. Once dissolved in water, it cannot be freed from the water by evaporation, since chlorhydric acid goes off with the water, and a basic compound of ferric oxide and ferric chloride remains. Hy- drated ferric chloride may readily be obtained by boiling a solu- lEEEOirS STTLPHATE. 551 tion of ferrous chloride with a small proportion of nitric acid, or by passing chlorine gas through a solution of ferrous chloride. From concentrated solutions, ferric chloride crystallizes with several different proportions of water. Ferric chloride combines with many of the metaUic chlorides to form double compounds, among which the ammonium salts are perhaps the most stable. 644. Ferrous Sulphate (FeSOJ. — A hydrate of this compound, of composition FeSO^+TH^O, usually called copperas or green vitriol, is the most common of all the compounds of iron. It may readily be prepared by dissolving metallic iron or protosulphide of iron in dilute sulphuric acid. On the large scale it is commonly prepared by roasting iron pyrites at a gentle heat, or aluminous shales containing pyrites in the manner already indicated. Some- times, -however, it is manufactured directly from metaUic iron and sulphuric acid ; and it is obtained as a secondary product in certain metallurgical operations where copper is precipitated, by means of iron, from a solution of copper. The reaction is analo- gous to those employed for obtaining pure sUver (Exp. 267) and pure lead (§ 594). Exp. 339. — Dissolve 6 grms. of common blue vitriol (sulphate of copper) in 50 or 60 c. c. of water, acidulate the liquor with a few drops of sulphuric acid, pour it into a bottle, and place in it a rod of thick iron wire. Copper will immediately begin to be precipitated as a coating upon the iron, and in the course of an hour or two will be completely removed from the solution. The original blue color of the solution wiU disappear and be replaced by the faint green color of copperas, while a spongy mass of metallic copper will be obtaiued : — OuSOj + Fe = FeSO^ + Cu. Decant the solution of ferrous sulphate from the precipitated copper, place in it a fragment of iron, and evaporate it to a small bulk ; pour the concentrated solution into a wide-mouthed phial, cork the phial tightly, and set it aside in a cool place ; the liquid wUl be converted into a mass of copperas crystals. It has been proposed to prepare copperas from the "finery slag " of the puddling-fomaces (where cast iron is converted into wrought iron) by treating this slag with dilute sulphuric acid. The finery slag consists chiefly of basic silicate of protoxide of iron (2FeO,SiOJ. 645. When perfectly pure, the crystals of ferrous sulphate are S52 PROPEETIBS OF PBEEOTTS SULPHATE. compact, transparent, and of a bluish-green color ; but in dry air they effloresce and become covered with a ■white incrustation, the color of which subsequently changes to rusty brown through ab- sorption of oxygen. The common commercial article is of a grass-green color, and is contaminated with more or less ferric sulphate. Besides the common hydrate containing 7 molecules of water, there are hydrates which contain 4, 3, and 2 molecules ■of water respectively. From all of these hydrates the water can •easily be expelled by heat, and if the anhydrous salt thus obtained be still further heated it will decompose ; two stages in this de- composition may be formulated as follows : — I. 2FeS0^ = SO, -I- Fe,03,S0,. 11. Fe,03,S03 = Fe,03 + SO,. Basic ferric sulphate is at iirst formed, while sulphurous' acid is given off; and finally the ferric salt is itself decomposed into an- hydrous sulphuric acid and feme oxide. Upon this reaction the preparation of Nordhausen sulphuric acid depends (§ 239). Like ferrous hydrate, ferrous chloride, and all the ferrous salts, moist copperas, or an aqueous solution of copperas, rapidly absorbs oxy- gen from the air. Exp. 340. — Pour a solution of copperas into an open capsule and leave it exposed to the air for a day or two ; the solution will gradually become yellow as the oxidation proceeds, and after a while a rusty precipitate of ferric oxide, or of highly basic ferric sulphate, will fall. The oxide of iron which separates under these conditions is not readily soluble in dilute acids. It- appears to be an isomeric modification of the easily soluble hydrate which is precipitated from cold ferric solu- tions by alkaline lyes. At all events the sulphuric acid of the cop- peras is insufficient to dissolve all of the ferric oxide formed during its oxidation. In most cases where a ferrous salt is to be converted into a ferric salt, it is best to add a certain proportion of free acid to the mixture, in order to prevent the separation of the oxide. A difficultly soluble deposit, similar to the foregoing, may readUy he' obtained by hoiliQg an exceedingly dilute solution of almost any of the soluble ferric salts. It is possible that these sediments should be re- garded rather as highly basic salts than as mere hydrates. Their inertness may perhaps be due to the presence of small proportions of the acids of the salts from which they have been derived, still held in chemical combination ; but there is at present less evidence in favor of this view than of the one previously stated. INK. 553 Eocp. 341. — To a teaspoonful of a solution of copperas add a few drops - of soda lye, and observe that the hydrate rapidly absorbs oxygen, and changes color as has been set forth in § 636. Escp. 343. — Mix a few drops of a solution of copperas with a drop or two of a solution of tannic acid, such for example as tincture of nut- galls, or of oak- or hemlock-bark ; a light violet-colored precipitate will be formed and will remain suspended in the liquid; by exposure to the air this color soon changes to black. The violet precipitate is ferrous tannate, and the black precipitate ferric tannate ; if tbese finely divided precipitates were produced in liquids made slightly viscous by the addition of gum or sugar, they would remain suspended in the liquor, which could then be used as writing-ink. Ink may be prepared as follows :— Powder separately 12 gTms. of nutgalls, 5 grms. of copperas, and 5 grms. of gum-arabic. Boil the nutgalls two or tbree hours in a flask with 75 c. c. of water, taking care to add hot water, by small portions, to supply that lost by evapo- ration. Allow the mixtiu:e to settle, and decant the clear liquor into a clean bottle. Dissolve the giun-arabie in a small quantity of water, and mix the mucilage thoroughly with the solution of nutgalls. Dis- solve the copperas in another portion of water, and incorporate this so- lution with the mixture of nutgalls and gum. Add enough water to make the volume of the mixture equal to 100 c. c. Preserve the ink in a tight bottle. If the color of the product be lighter than is de- sired, the liquid may be left exposed to the air until it has acquired a deeper tint. Wben first applied to paper, the color of fresh ink is comparatively pale, but the writing darkens gradually in proportion as it absorbs oxygen. In the course of the foregoing experiments, dip a small piece of cot- ton cloth in the solution of nutgalls, and allow it to become dry ; then dip it in the solution of copperas and hang it up in damp air. Black, insoluble tannate of iron wiU be so firmly precipitated in and upon the fibres of the cloth, that it cannot be washed away. The experiment illustrates one general method of dyeing, by means of which blacks and grays of various shades may be applied to cloth or leather, though in practice other astringent dye-stufl's, such as catechu, cutch, or gambler, are commonly employed in place of nutgalls. Ferrous sulphate is largely employed in dyeing, sometimes diretftly, as in the foregoing experiment, but often as the source of other com- pounds of iron which are employed as mordants ; ferrous acetate, for example, obtained by decomposing ferrous sulphate with acetate of calcium, is a compoimd much used by dyers. It should be remarked, however, that acetate of iron is sometimes made directly by dissolving scraps of iron in vinegar or pyroligneous acid (§ 380). 554 NITKAIES OP lEON. 646. Ferric Sulphate (Fe^SSOJ is interesting chiefly from its analogy with sulphate of aluminum. Like sulphate of aluminum, it comhines with the sulphates of the alkali-metals to form well- defined alums. (Compare § 625). Ferric sulphate occurs as a waste product in the mother -liquors from which copperas and alum have crystaUized. By drying these liquors and igniting them, red ochre of excellent quality can be obtained, in accor- dance with the second reaction of § 645. Fuming sulphuric acid is commonly manufactured nowadays by distilling pure ferric sulphate, instead of copperas as formerly at Nordhausen. The ferric salt is obtained by dissolving ferric oxide in weak sulphuric acid, and evaporating the solution to dryness ; the residue of ferric oxide left after the ignition of the sulphate is thus reconverted into ferric sulphate, and is used over and over agaiu as often as it is decomposed. 647. Ferrous Nitrate (FeN^O,, -|- 6II2O) is a compound of con- siderable scientific interest, which may readily be procured by dissolving ferrous sulphide in cold dilute nitric acid, or by de- composing a solution of copperas with an equivalent quantity of nitrate of barium. It may also be obtained, mixed with nitrate of ammonium, by dissolving iron in cold dilute nitric acid. The metal dissolves without evolution of gas, in a manner which may be thus formulated : — 4Fe + lOHNO, = 4FeN,0, + (WKJl^O^ + 3H^0. The aqueous solution of ferrous nitrate decomposes readily when heated, and in warm weather changes spontaneously to a ferric compound. 648. Ferris Nitrate (Fe^SN^ J may be obtained in hydrated crystals containing 1 8 molecules of water, by dissolving metallic iron in nitric acid, of 1-29 specific gravity, till the liquor has taken up about 10 per cent, of the metal, and then adding an equal volume of nitric acid of specific gravity 1'43. The solution will deposit, on cooling, rhombic prisms of ferric nitrate, which are sometimes colorless, but often of a faint lavender-blue color. They are slightly deliquescent, and very soluble in water, but are only slightly soluble in cold nitric acid. By adding nitric acid to a syrupy solution of ferric nitrate, there may be- obtained another CTANIBES OF lEON. 555 hydrate, containing only 12 molecules of water, crystallized in cubes or square prisms. By mixing a solution of ferric nitrate, or, for that matter, almost any other of the normal ferric salts, with recently precipitated ferric hydrate, or by partially abstracting the acid of the salt by means of an alkaJi, deep-red solutions of various basic compounds may readily be obtained. A basic ferric nitrate is employed in dyeing, under the name iron mordant. 649. Silicates of Iron. — Several native silicates of iron are known; but none of them are of special interest. The green tinge of ordinary glass is due to the presence of a ferrous sOicate, and by increasing the proportion of the ferrous salt, a deep bottle- green colour may be imparted to glass. Ferric silicate, on the other hand, has comparatively little coloring-power, though when a considerable quantity of it is present it imparts a yellow color to glass. It is sometimes used for coloring porcelain. To de- stroy the green color of the ferrous silieate, binoxide of man- ganese, or some other oxidizing agent, is often added to glass in the process of manufacture ; the ferrous silieate is thus converted, for the most part, into ferric silicate, and a nearly colorless glass produced. 650. Cyanides of Iron. — There is a ferrous cyanide (Fe(CN)2), known as a yellowish-red precipitate, which takes up oxygen and becomes blue when exposed to the air ; and a ferric cyanide (Fe2(CN)j) has been obtained in solution. But by far the best- known of the cyanides of iron are certain double compounds, which constitute the peculiar pigments known collectively as Prussian blue. Common Prussian blue, for example (Pe,CjyN'jg+ ISH^O), may he regarded as a double compound of ferrous and ferric cyanides, 3re(CNX, 2(re2(CN)j) -1- ISH.O ; it may be pre- pared as follows : — Eocp. 343. — ^Add to an exceedingly dilute solution of almost any ferric salt, such, for example, as the ferric sulphate of Exp. 332, a drop of ferrocyanide of potassium (§ 609). A beautiful blue precipitate will form, and wUl remain suspended in the liquor for a long whUe. Another variety of Prussian blue, known as TumbuU's blue, may be obtained by mixing a solution of red prussiate of potash, known to chemists as ferricyanide of potassium, with a solution of copperas or other ferrous salt. Since the yellow prussiate of potash wiU give no blue coloration 556 DISTnf&UISHING THE TWO OXIDES OF rEON. with ferrous salts, and since the red prussiate yields no blue witli ferric salts, it is e\ident that the two solutions may be used as tests by which to detect the presence of ferrous and ferric salts, respectively, in any solution. Exp. 344. — Soak a piece of cotton cloth in a solution of ferric sul- phate (Eip. 332), and then immerse it in an acidulated solution of yellow prussiate of potash. Prussian blue will be precipitated upon the cloth and will remain firmly attached to it. Prussian blue is largely employed in dyeing and calico-printing in a variety of ways. Now that we have discovered a ready means of detecting ferrous and ferric salts, it will be well to determine experimentally how easily the members of either of these classes may be changed to salts of the other class. Exp. 345. — ^Dissolve 4 or 6 grms. of iron tacks or wire in dilute chlorhydric acid in a test-tube, pouring ofi" the liquid from time to time as it becomes nearly saturated. Test a few drops of the solution first with ferro- and then with ferricyanide of potassium, in order to prove that it is pure ferrous chloride. BoU the rest of the liquid with a few drops of nitric acid to convert it to ferric chloride, and determine when the conversion has been completed by testing as before. Finally, divide the ferric solution into three portions. Through the first portion pass sulphydric acid gas ; sulphur wiU be deposited and ferrous chloride formed, Fe^Cle + H^S = 2FeCl2 4- 2HC1 -|- S; to the second portion add small fragments of protochloride of tin, until a drop of the mixture, tested with the ferrocyanide, will no longer give a blue coloration, Pe,Cle + SnClj = SFeClj -|- SnCl,; boil the third portion with a fragment of metallic zinc, and determine the fact of reduction as before, Fe^Cle + Zn = 2FeCl2 + ZnCl,. By leaving either of these reduced solutions in the air, or by heating them with a little chlorate or nitrate of potassium, nitric acid, or other oxidizing agent, they may be readily converted again to the condition of ferric salts. COBALT AND NICKEL. 651. Cobalt and nickel are two metals remarkably similar to one another both in physical and chemical properties. They are found together in nature in the same ores, in combination eOBALI AM) NICKEL. 557 with, sidphur and arsenic, and are both, ingredients of meteoric iron. They can be reduced from their oxides by charcoal and by hydrogen at high temperatures, and the metals thus obtained can be melted about as readily as pure iron. Both cobalt and nickel resemble iron more closely than any other common metal ; they are very tenacious, hard, and refractory ; like iron they are magnetic, and when hot they may be forged ; they rust less readily than iron, but resemble it closely in most of their chemical properties. The atomic weights of cobalt and of nickel are identical; the same number (58-8) applies to both. The specific gravities of the two metals also are equal or nearly so, varying in different samples from 8'2 to 8-9. Cobalt is not used in the metallic state ; but several of its compounds are remarkable for the beauty of their color, and find important applications in the arts as pigments, especially for coloring glass and porcelain. A blue glass containing silicate of cobalt, obtained by fusing oxide of cobalt with ordinary glass, is largely employed, under the name of smalt, as a vitrifiable pigment. This coloration may readily be exhibited by adding a minute particle of any cobalt compound to a borax bead (§ 490) upon a loop of platinum wire, and again placing the bead either in the oxidizing or in the reducing flame of the blowpipe. Nickel, on the other hand, is used in the metallic state as an ingredient of various alloys, of which the alloy known as German silver, composed of copper, zinc, and nickel, is one of the most important. A whitish alloy, obtained by adding nickel to copper, is sometimes employed for coin of low denominations. 652. Both cobalt and nickel form protoxides (CoO and N'iO)^ protochlorides, and protoxide salts, like those of iron, except that the protosalts of cobalt and nickel are far more stable than the salts of protoxide of iron ; so that the protoxides of cobalt and nickel must be regarded as the principal oxides of these metals. Like iron, chromium, and the other metals of the family now under discussion, cobalt and nickel also unite with oxygen to form sesquioxides (Co^Oj and M^Oj), and these sesquioxides, or at least the sesquioxide of cobalt, combine with bases to form salts ; but these salts and the sesquioxides themselves are com- paratively unstable bodies ; they are far more easily decomposed 558 TTRANITTM. than compounds of the protoxides of cobalt and nickel, or than compounds of the sesquioxides of the other metals of the group. Hence, in the matter of nomenclature, the salts of the protoxides of cobalt or nickel take precedence of the salts of the sesquioxides. When, for example, nitrate of cobalt is spoken of, nitrate of protoxide of cobalt is the substance referred to ; whereas when nitrate of iron or of chromium is mentioned, without further specification, we must infer that the nitrate of the sesquioxide is the substance meant. The use of terms in the loose manner referred to in the foregoing examples is of course always to be deprecated ; but, in order to avoid the chance of being misun- derstood, some chemists have extended to all metals having two salifiable oxides the use of the terminations ous and ic, which has been exemplified under iron by the terms ferrous and ferric oxides. Thus the terms cobaltous and cobaltic oxides, and nickelous and nickelic oxides have been applied by some writers to the oxides of cobalt and nickel; and there is at present a tendency to adopt and amplify this system of names ; but they are as yet too little employed in the Uterature of science to find appropriate place in an elementary manual. TTEAIflUM. 653. Uranium is a rare metal, found in but few localities. It can be reduced from its chloride by means of hot potassium, but not from its oxide by means of hydrogen. Metallic uranium is of a steel-white color, and is somewhat malleable ; it does not oxidize in air or in water at ordinary temperatures, but bums brilliantly when strongly heated in air. It dissolves in chlorhydric or sulphuric acid, with evolution of hydrogen, and, in general, is closely analogous to iron and manganese in its chemical behavior. The atomic weight of uranium is 120 j its specific gravity is 18'4. There are two priacipal oxides of uranium, capable of uniting with acids to form salts (a protoxide UrO, and a sesquioxide TJr^Og), and two other intermediate oxides, formed by the union of the proto- and sesquioxides in different proportions. The sesquioxide also plays the part of a weak acid towards strong bases. Uranium is never used as a metal ; but compounds of it SESQiriOXtDB SALTS. 559 are somewhat extensively employed for coloring glass, and to a certain extent in photography also. Sesquioxide of uranium imparts a beautiful greenish-yellow color to glass, and the glass thus colored is to a high degree fluorescent ; the protoxide, on the other hand, gives a fine black, highly esteemed for painting porcelain. 654. The salts of sesquioxide of uranium are remarkable in that they constitute an exception to the general rule, that, to form a normal salt, as many molecules of the acid are required as there are atoms of oxygen in the base employed. The normal sulphate of calcium, for example (§ 241 ), may be formed by the union of CaO and SO3, and the normal sulphate of sesquioxide of iron is composed of Fe^Oj and 3S0g ; but in sulphate of sesquioxide of uranium we find only UrjOjjSOj, and analogous formulae ex- press the composition of the nitrate and other salts of this oxide. But in spite of this peculiarity, uranium has many properties in common with the other members of the sesquioxide group of metals. One characteristic, for example, of this aluminum-iron group, which is shared by uranium, is that the sesquioxides are capable of uniting with acids, not only in the fixed and definite proportions requisite for the normal, crystallized salts already described, but also in very numerous indefinite proportions to form soluble basic compounds, incapable of crystallization for the most part, and solidifying in tough shining masses like gum when their solutions are allowed to evaporate spontaneously ia the air. Nitrate of iron, for example, may be made as basic as the compound SFeJd^j^fi^, and still be soluble in water; and between this limit, on the one hand, and that of the crystallized normal salt (Eefi^iSNfi^ + ISH^O) upon the other, sesquioxide of iron and nitric acid can combine chemically in every con- ceivable proportion. The compounds of sesquioxide of iron with other acids, and the nitrates and other salts of the sesquioxides of the other metals of the group, all behave in a similar way, the compounds of uranium being no exception to the rule. This ten- dency to form soluble, gummy, polybasic sesquisalts, so strikingly exhibited by the members of the group of elements now under discussion, is evidently one of those obscure manifestations of the chemical force which we have already met with when dis- 560 . THE SESainOXIDB fiKOTJP. cussing the phenomena of solution (§ 49), and the law of multiple proportions (§ 76, end). 655. The most important point of difference between uranium and the other members of the sesquioxide group of elements is the fact, already alluded to, that one molecule of its sesquioxide unites with but one molecule of base to form crystallized salts, whereas the sesquioxides of the other members of the group all unite with acids in the proportion of one molecule of base to three molecules of acid to form their normal crystallized salts. Since the alums are formed by the union of a normal sulphate of some metal of the alkali group with a teracid sulphate of some metal of the sesquioxide group, there is no such thing as a uranium-alum, because the teracid uranium-sulphate is wanting. Sesquioxide of uranium, in fact, behaves among bases somewhat as metaphosphoric acid does among acids ; it stands in much the same relation to the other teracid bases of its class, as meta- phosphoric acid to the ordinary terbasic phosphoric acid. 656. The Sesquioxide Group. — The bond of union between the metals included in this class is the fact that they all form salifiable sesquioxides. Most of them form also salifiable prot- oxides; and if we arrange the metals in the order of their atomic weights, Gl = 14, Al = 27-4, Cr = 52-5, Mn = 55, Fe = 56, Ni = 58-8, Co = 58-8, Ur = 120, it win be apparent that the sesquioxides of the metals at the head of the list are the most stable of the sesquioxides, and that the protoxides of nickel and cobalt are the most stable of the protoxides, while with manganese and iron both forms of oxide are weU represented ; uranium does not conform to this ar- rangement. Glucinum and aluminum have no protoxides at all ; and the protoxide of chromium is very unstable. Some of the metals of the group are usually bivalent, others trivalent, while others are both hi- and trivalent. The class of salts caUed alums affords strong evidence of the existence of a natural relation between the members of the alkali group, on the one hand, and the members of the sesqui- oxide group, on the other. These highly crystallized isomor- phous salts are all moulded upon one pattern, and their atomic Alums. Specific Atomic Gravity. Volume. 1-722 275-6 1-641 279-2 1-621 279-6 1-845 270-7 1-736 275-5 1-712 281-4 ATOMIC TOLUMB OF AITJMS, 561 volumes (§ 252) are very nearly equal, as the following table -will illustrate for some of the alums : — Atomic Weight. KAISAASH^O 474-5 NaAlSjO^lSHjO 458-4 (NHJA1S20„12H20 453-4 KCrS203,12H20 499-6 (NH„)CrS20„12H20 478-5 (NH^)reS20„12H20 482-0 It is a fact not unworthy of notice, that the compounds of this group of metals, with the exception of those of gluoinum and aluminum, ai'e for the most part colored, independently of the colors of the substances with which they are united. The metals of the sodium, calcium, and magnesium groups produce colorless compounds, unless when joined with an acid possessing a color of its own. Glucinum and aluminum produce, in like manner, colorless compounds ; but the oxides, hydrates, chlorides, bromides, iodides, sulphides, and oxygen-salts of chromium, manganese, iron, nickel, cobalt, and uranium are aU more or less colored in themselves, and every color of the spectrum, from the violet at one extremity to the red at the other, can be matched from among the innumerable tints exhibited by the various compounds of the last six members of the sesquioxide group. 657. With the members of the group now under discussion are commonly classed a number of rare metals, more or less nearly related to aluminum and iron. They are all, however, of subordinate interest, and need only be named in this manual. The following is a list of these elements, together with their symbols and their atomic weights, so far as the latter have been determined: — ^Yttrium, Tt= 68; Erbium, Er=(?); Terbium, Tb=(?); Zirconium, Zr=90 (?); Norium, No=(?); Cerium, Ce=92; Lanthanum, La= 92-8; Didymium, Di=95; Thorium, Th= 231-5 (?). 2o 562 EXTRACTION OF COPPBK. CHAPTEJR XXXI. COPPER AND MERCTJET. 658. Though by no means one of the most abundant metals, copper is nevertheless very widely diffused in nature, and is largely employed by man. Traces of it exist in almost every soU, whence it is taken up by plants, in which it may almost always be detected by refined testing. Traces of it have re- peatedly been found also in the various animal organs and secretions. Many natural waters contain minute quantities of copper ; its presence may often be recognized in the deposit of oxide of ii'on which separates from chalybeate waters. Since the metal occurs native in many localities, several of its valuable properties were early recognized and made use of. Long before the discovery of methods of reducing iron from its ores, tools and weapons made of native copper were employed by many barbarous nations. Besides occurring in the native state, copper is fomid in a great variety of combinations; the most common of its ores, however, is the sulphide, or rather a compound of sulphide of copper and sulphide of iron in varying proportions, knovra as copper pyrites. The processes of obtaining copper from its ores vary greatly, according to the quality of the ore. The oxides and carbonates may be readily reduced by heating the ore in contact with some carbonaceous material and a flux suitable to remove the impurities of the ore. The treatment of ores containing sulphur is far more coraplicated. Such ores are roasted in the iirst place, in order to convert a considerable portion of the sulphides of copper and iron into oxides ; a proper flux is then added to the roasted ore, and the whole is melted down in either a rever- beratory or blast furnace. The oxide of copper formed by roasting is reconverted into sulphide, while much of the sulphide of iron wMch had escaped oxidation before is now changed to oxide and passes off in the slag. Sulphide of cqpper comparatively free from ii-on is thus obtained ; in other words, the copper ore is very much concentrated by the operation. If need be, the concentrated product is subjected PBOPERTIES OP COPPER. 563 to a series of roastings and meltings, until it has been almost com- pletely freed from sulphide of iron and other impurities. The pure or nearly pure sulphide of copper is then roasted in a current of air, until a certain proportion of the sulphide has been converted into oxide. Finally the mixture of sulphide and oxide is strongly heated to a temperature at which its ingredients react upon one another in such manner as to yield sulphurous acid and metallic copper : — OujS + 2CuO = SO2 + 4Cu. Sometimes copper is obtained by precipitating it with iron from solutions of its salts, as has been shown in Exp. 339. The copper thus thrown down by iron is known as cement-copper, and is fre- quently obtained from the drainage-water of certain mines, in which a small proportion of sulphide of copper is oxidized by the air to sul- phate of copper, and so carried into solution. In some localities, low- grade copper-ores are lixiviated with chlorhydric acid, obtained as a waste product from the manufacturers of soda-ash, and the copper solution subsequently made to flow over fi-agments of scrap iron. The common method of assaying copper-ores is another application of the precipitation of copper by means of iron. 659. Copper is a rather hard metal, of a well-known red color ; it is very tenacious, ductile, and malleable. The specific gravity of the metal when free from air-bubbles varies between 8-92 and 8-95. Copper melts less readily than silver, but more readily than gold ; its melting-point has been estimated to be about 1170°. At an intense heat it volatilizes, though for aU ordinary purposes it may be regarded as non-volatile. It is one of the best conductors of heat and electricity known. Its spe- cific heat is 0-09515. Copper combines with oxygen far less readily than iron. Even at a bright-red heat it is not capable of decomposing water, excepting to a very slight extent. Finely divided copper, however, soon becomes oxidized on being exposed to the air, though, as is well known, solid masses of the metal suffer little or no change, at the ordinary temperature, in air free from sulphydric and carbonic acids. When strongly heated in the air, copper quickly becomes covered with a coating of black oxide of copper (see Exp. 12). Metallic copper is not very readily acted upon by acids, excepting those rich in oxygen. The weaker acids, such as acetic acid, have no action upon it, unless air be present, in which event the metal is soon corroded ; 2o2 564 AILOXS OF COPPER. and the same remark applies to dilute ctlorhydric and sulplmric acids. Finely divided copper, however, slowly dissolves with evolution of hydrogen in hot concentrated chlorhydric acid ; and in hot oil of vitriol the metal dissolves readily, as has been seen in the preparation of sulphurous acid. (See Exp. 96.) Copper is readily soluble iu somewhat diluted nitric acid, such as is commonly found in commerce (see Exp. 37) ; but the strongest nitric acid, of specific gravity 1-52, does not act upon it. When immersed in such acid the metal remains bright, and no bubbles of gas arise from its surface. The phenomenon is explained by the fact that nitrate of copper is insoluble in mono- hydrated nitric acid, though readily soluble in water and in dilute acid. Ammonia-water and many salts, such as chloride of sodium and the various salts of ammonium, corrode copper rather rapidly when in contact with air. Finely divided copper takes fire in chlorine gas ; and at a red heat the metal imites directly with bromine, iodine, sulphur, silicon, and the various metals. It does not appear to unite directly with carbon or with nitrogen at any temperature. Several of its compounds with other metals are of great im- portance iu the arts. Brass and the yellow metal used for sheathing ships are aUoys of zinc and copper ; bronze, gun-metal, and bell-metal are alloys of tin and copper ; and various compo- sitions are produced by mixing these alloys with brass. German silver iu its various forms is an aUoy of nickel, zinc, and copper ; and copper is an essential ingredient of all the common coins, implements, and ornaments of gold and silver. 660. Dioxide of Copper (Cu^O) is sometimes found in nature as Ruby copper ; it may readily be obtained by heating protoxide of copper with finely divided metallic copper, or other reducing agents ; so, too, when masses of metallic copper are gently heated in the air, they become covered with a thin film of the dioxide. Mxp. 346. — Dissolve in a test-tube a few drops of honey or a bit of grape-sugar in a little water. Add to the solution two or three drops of a rather dilute solution of sulphate of copper, and then pour in enough soda-lye to redissolve the precipitate which is at first pro- duced by the lye. Slowly heat the clear blue solution, and observe that a yellow pre- PEOTOXIDB or COPPBE. 565 cipitate of hydrated dioxide of copper soon separates, first at the uppermost part of tlie column of liquid, but soon in all parts of the tube, as its contents become sufficiently hot. When the liquor is heated to boUing, the hydrated yellow precipitate changes after a time to anhydrous red dioxide. Most of the dilute acids decompose dioxide of copper with formation of salts of the protoxide and separation of metallic copper. But it dissolves in concentrated chlorhydric acid and in ammonia- water, forming colorless solutions. The ammoniacal solution may be employed as a test for the presence of oxygen in any mixture of gases ; oxygen is immediately absorbed by the solution and a compound of protoxide of copper and ammonia (Exp. 352) of characteristic deep blue color is formed. Dioxide of copper is employed to a certain extent for coloring glass ruby-red. 661. Protoxide of Copper (CuO) may be prepared by heating the metal or the dioxide in a current of air, or by igniting car- bonate, hydrate, or nitrate of copper. Exp. 347. — Bind a bright copper coin with wire, in such manner that a strip of wire 8 or 10 cm. long shall be left projecting from the coin ; thrust the free end of the wire into a long cork or bit of wood, and by means of this handle hold the coin obliquely in a small flame of the gas-lamp. A beautiful play of iridescent colors will appear upon the surface of the copper, particularly if it be moved to and fro. Thrust the hot coin into water, and observe that it is at this stage covered with a coating of red suboxide of copper. Replace the coin in the lamp and hold it in the hot oxidizing portion of the flame (Exp. 195) ; it will soon become black from the formation of prot- oxide- of copper. After a rather thick coating of oxide has been formed, again quench the coin in water ; the black coating or scale of oxide will fall ofi) and beneath it wiU be seen a thin film of the di- oxide firmly adhering to the metal. This film of dioxide is inten- tionally produced upon the surfaces of many copper implements by the manufacturers. If the coin were heated long enough it would all be converted, first into the red dioxide, and then into black protoxide of copper. The scales which fall oif when hot metallic copper is beaten or rolled, like those obtained from the coin in this experiment, always consist of a mixture of the two oxides. Exp. 348. — Evaporate to dryness in a porcelain dish upon a sand- bath some of a solution of nitrate of copper prepared from copper as in Exp. 37. There will b3 left as a residue a green basic nitrate of 566 PROIOXIDB OP COPPEE. copper. Place a small quantity of this residue upon a iragaxent of porcelain, and ignite it until red nitrous fumes are no longer given off. Pure protoxide of copper will he left upon the porcelain. Though no oxygen can be expelled from protoxide of copper by mere exposure to heat, all its oxygen may, nevertheless, be removed with great facility by means of reducing agents. Oxide of copper is, in fact, one of the most convenient oxidizing agents in the chemist's possession, and is largely employed to this end in the analysis of organic compounds. When heated with car- bonaceous substances, it converts all their carbon into carbonic acid ; and, in like manner, hydrogen is immediately oxidized by it and converted into water. Since carbonic acid and water can readily be collected and weighed, and since their composition is accurately known, the determination of the amounts of carbon and hydrogen in any substance, through the agency of oxide of copper, is merely a matter of mechanical detail. JExp. 349. — Repeat Exp. 330, with the exception that a teaspoonful of black oxide of copper (Exp. 348) is placed in the tube' instead of the iron rust. Water may be collected in the U-tube as before, and me- tallic copper will be left in the reduction -tube. But, unlike the easily oxidizable iron, the reduced copper will not take fire in the air. 662. Protoxide of copper is soluble in most acids, with forma- tion of salts which are blue or green when hydrated, but white when thoroughly dried. From the solutions of most of these salts hydrated oxide of copper may be precipitated by means of any of the strong soluble bases. IJxp. 350. — Place in a test-tube, or smaU bottle, 8 or 10 c. c. of a cold dilute solution of sulphate of copper, and add to it enough of a solution of caustic soda to render the mixture alkaline to test-paper. A light-blue precipitate will fall ; hydrate of copper is insoluble in water and in soda-lye. &p. 351. — Repeat Exp. 350, with the difference that the solutions of caustic soda and sulphate of copper fc both heated to boiling and are mixed while hot. Instead of the blue hydrate, black protoxide of copper win now be thrown down ; for hydrate of copper readily parts with its water when heated, even if it he all the while immersed in water ; it does not again combine with water after it has become cold. Instead of mixing boiling solutions of the alkaU and copper salt the moist precipitated hydrate of copper of Exp. 350 mio-ht be chano-ed SULPHIDES OF COPPEK. 567 to black oxide by simple boiling; but the transformation would be, comparatively speaking, slow, and tbe experiment less striking than the one here described. Exp. 362. — Again repeat Exp. 350, but instead of soda-lye add to the copper salt amnionia- water, drop by drop, and shake the tube after each addition of the ammonia. Hydrate of copper will be precipitated as before, in accordance with the reaction CuSO, + 2(NH,)H0 = (NHJ2SO4 + CuH^O^; for, as has been said, this hydrate is insoluble in water ; but, since hy- drate of copper is readily soluble in ammonia-water, the precipitate will redissolve as soon as more of this agent than is needed to decom- pose the copper salt is added. The animoniacal solution of copper has a magnificent azure-blue color. 663. The Sulphides of Copper (Cu^S and CuS) are interesting from their occurrence as ores, and from the reactions already briefly explained, which are so important in the industry of copper-smelting (§ 658). The protosulphide, as obtained by add- ing sulphydric acid to acidulated solutions of the salts of copper, is an important substance to the analyst ; it is a black powder, insoluble in water, in dilute acids, and in alkaline lyes. 664. Dichloride of Copper (Cu^Clj) may be obtained by treat- ing a mixture of protoxide of copper and finely divided metallic copper with concentrated chlorhydric acid, or by boiling a solution of the protochloride with sugar or some other reducing agent. It is a white compound, insoluble in water, but soluble in strong chlorhydric acid, and in aqueous solutions of chloride of sodium, chloride of potassium, and many other chlorides. 665. Protochloride of Copper (CuClj) is formed when copper is burned in an excess of chlorine. It may readily be prepared in the hydrated condition (G\iC\.^-\-2'KJJ) by dissolving oxide, hy- drate, or carbonate of copper in chlorhydric acid, and evaporating the solution upon a water-bath. Anhydrous chloride of copper is brown ; but the hydrated salt forms green, needle-shaped crys- tals. The concentrated aqueous solution is green ; when diluted with water it becomes blue, but turns green again on being boiled. The dry salt fuses when heated, and at a red heat gives off half its chlorine and is changed to the dichloride. Chloride of copper is soluble in alcohol and ether ; if some of the alcoholic solution 568 STOPHATE OP COPPEE. is poured upon a tuft of cotton and then ignited, it will burn with a green flame, which is characteristic of copper. 666. Sulphate of Copper (CuSOJ has been already obtained in solution as a secondary product in Exp. 96. It may also be readily prepared by dissolving oxide of copper, copper-scale for example, in moderately dilute sulphuric acid. Much of it was formerly prepared in this way for use in the arts ; it is' an inci- dental product also in the process of refining gold and silver, and in certain metallurgical operations. As it crystallizes from aqueous solutions, sulphate of copper holds in chemical combination 5 mo- lecules of water, and may then be represented by the formula CuSOj-fSHjO. This hydrated salt, known as blue vitriol, is the commonest salt of copper ; most of the various pigments and other preparations of copper, medicinal or chemical, are made from it ; and it is itself used to a considerable extent by dyers and calico- printers, and largely by the electrotypers. Bxp. 3f>3. — Tie a piece of bladder over one end of a lamp-chinmey, or over the mouth of a vFide-mouthed bottle or beaker, off which the bottom has been somewhat evenly broken. Solder a piece of thick copper wire to a strip of stout sheet zinc, just wide enough to enter the chimney or bottle, and a Uttle longer than the bottle is deep. Place the zinc in the bottle or chimney, and sink the bottle or chimney, with the closed end down, in a beaker or large tumbler containing a strong solution of sulphate of copper. Fill the bottle or chimney with dilute nitric acid, attach to the copper wire a clean medal or coin, of which one side has been varnished, and the other rubbed over with plumbago, and bend the vrire so that the medal or coin may be im- mersed in the sulphate-of-copper solution contained in the beaker or tumbler. Thorough contact must be secured between the copper wire and the unvarnished side of the coin or medal. In a few hours a co- herent film of solid, malleable copper will be firmly deposited on that face of the coin or medal which was not protected by the non-conduct- ing varnish. The shell of copper may be readily detached from the coin or medal, the plumbago ensuring the ready separation of the two metallic surfaces; it is a perfect reverse of the object copied. This experiment illustrates on a small scale the important art of electro-metaHurgy. Plating in gold and silver, as well as in copper, is extensively performed by a process perfectly analogous to that of this experiment. Woodcuts, type, medals, maps, and engravings are ACETATES OF COPPBE. 569 accurately copied by means of this deposition of metals from their solu- tions under the action of the galvanic current. It is remarkable that the blue color of sulphate of copper de- pends upon the presence of water. &p. 354. — Heat 1 c. c. of powdered blue sulphate of copper upon a piece of porcelain ; as it loses its water, the light-blue powder will turn white. A drop of water upon the anhydrous powder will restore its blue color. If concentrated sulphuric acid be poured over the blue crystals, it wiU abstract water from them, and a quantity of the white anhydrous salt win be formed. Since the protoxides of iron and of copper are isomorphous, or rather since the metals iron and copper are capable of replacing one another in many of their compounds, it is not surprising that the sulphates of iron and copper should crystallize together to form a compound which may contain almost any proportion of either salt. This isomorphous mixture of the two salts was formerly largely employed in the arts, and is still somewhat used to meet the requirements of old receipts for dyeing. In a similar way, sulphate of copper crystallizes together with the sulphates of nickel, cobalt, zinc, and magnesium. 667. Nitrate of Copper (CuN^O,,) may be obtained crystallized, by allowing the blue solution, obtained in Exp. 37, to evaporate spontaneously in dry air. It is interesting as an example of a salt ready to give up oxygen on slight provocation. If a piece of tin-foil about 20 cm. square be twisted firmly around a rather large crystal of nitrate of copper, then pierced in several places with a needle, and moistened with water, or with a few drops of common spirits of wine, a powerful reaction will soon ensue. The tin will be oxidized, at the expense of the oxygen of the nitrate of copper, much heat will be evolved, and smoke, or even flame, produced. 668. Acetates of Copper are formed by the action of acetic acid upon metallic copper, exposed to the air. They are commonly called verdigris. Purified verdigris is the normal acetate of cop- per ; and common verdigris is a hydrated basic acetate. Verdi- gris is usually prepared by packing plates of copper between wooUen cloths steeped in vinegar ; but sometimes, in wine-grow- ing countries, the refuse of the wine-press is suffered to ferment 670 MBECITRT. in contact with the copper plates. Prom time to time the ver- digris is removed from the surface of the copper, the plate of metal being agaia and again subjected to the action of acetic acid so long as any of it remains. In ordinary language, the term verdigris is often iacorrectly applied to the green coating of carbonate of copper, vs^hich forms upon copper long exposed to damp air, or to the rust formed upon copper by the combined action of air and almost any acid. A compound of acetate of copper and arsenite of copper consti- tutes the beautiful and vivid green color known as Schweinfurt green. 669. Small globules of metallic mercury are sometimes found in nature; but the principal ore of this metal is the sulphide (HgS), called cinnabar. From this sulphide the metal is readily extracted, by distiUing a mixture of it and quicklime, or iron- turnings, in cast-iron retorts. The sulphur is retained by the Ume or iron, as the case may be, while metallic mercury passes off in the state of vapor into receivers contaiaing water, beneath which it condenses to the liquid state. A rougher method of manufacture is to heat the coarsely broken sulphide on a perforated brick arch, by a quick fire of brush- wood ; the sulphur in the ore is kindled, and, by its com- bustion, maintains the heat necessary to continue the distillation. The liberated mercury is condensed in wide and long earthen pipes, which slope first down, and then up. 670. At the ordinary temperature of the air, mercury is a brilliant, mobile liquid, of IS- 6 specific gravity, which vaporizes slowly, even at ordinary temperatures, and boils at about 360°. The vapor-density of mercury does not coincide with its atomic weight. As is the case with the metal cadmium (§ 599), the atomic weight of mercury is the weight of two unit- volumes of its vapor, and is therefore double the vapor-density, instead of identical with it. Into the product-volume of any compound of mercury, one more volume is condensed than would be contained in the product- volume of a corresponding compound of oxygen or sul- phur. The atomic weight of mercury is 200, and two unit- MEKCTJRT. 571 volumes of its vapor 'weigli 200 times as much as one unit- volume of hydrogen ; its vapor-density should, theoretically, be 100 ; and the results of experiment approximate closely to this number. (Compare § 259.) When cooled to — 39°-4 mercury freezes. In solidifying, liquid mercury contracts considerably, and there results a ductile metal of tin-white color and granular fracture, which may be cut with a knife. Perfectly pure mercury undergoes no change in air or in oxygen gas at the ordinary temperature, even when shaken about in the gas for a long while ; but if mercury con- taining traces of foreign metals, such, for example, as that ordi- narily met with in commerce, be exposed to the air, a gray pul- verulent coating wUl, after a while, appear upon its surface. This coating is composed of oxides of the contaminating metals mixed with finely divided metallic mercury. A similar gray powder of finely divided mercury may be obtained by triturating mercury with sulphur, tallow, and a variety of other substances, or simply by shaking it with water or oil of turpentine. When heated in the air to temperatures near its boiling-point, even pure mercury absorbs oxygen, and is converted into the red oxide (§ 672). MetaOic mercury combines directly with chlorine, bro- mine, iodine, and sidphur. Chlorhydric acid has no action upon mercury, not even when it is hot and concentrated. Dilute sulphuric acid has scarcely any action upon it ; but hot concentrated sulphuric acid converts it into solid sulphate of mercury, while sulphurous acid is evolved (Exp. 96). Nitric acid, even when dilute, dissolves it easily. Large quantities of mercury are used in extracting gold and silver from their ores, for silvering mirrors, and in the process of fire-gHding. Preparations of mercury are employed also as me- dicaments, and for various purposes in the useful arts. The fluidity of the metal makes it valuable in the construction of certain philosophical instruments, of which the thermometer and barometer are familiar examples. There are two oxides of mercury — a black dioxide, and the red protoxide ; each of these oxides unites with acids to form a pecu- liar class of salts. 671. Dioxide of Mermry or Mercurous Oxide (B.gfi) is best 672 BED OXTDB OP MEECaET. prepared by decomposing one of its salts, calomel for example (§ 674), by means of caustic soda. Thougb a rather powerful base when in combination, it decomposes readily when in the free state, mere exposure to light or to gentle heat being sufficient to decompose it into metallic mercury and the red oxide. With acids it combines readily, with formation of salts of the dioxide of mercury, or mercurous salts as they are often called. 672. Protoxide of Mercury or Mercuric Oxide (HgO) may be prepared by heating metallic mercury in the air as above described, or, better, by heating nitrate of mercury at a temperature high enough to drive off oxides of nitrogen, but at the same time too low to decompose the oxide of mercury, or, again, by. precipitating the solution of a salt of protoxide of mercury by means of a caustic alkali. As obtained by the first two methods, it is a compact, granular, almost crystalKne, glistening powder, of bright brick- red color ; but when prepared by the last method it is, when dry, a soft, light-orange-colored powder. Very considerable differ- ences in the chemical deportment of these red and yeUow varieties of the oxide have been noticed, though the differences are hardly so great as are usually found between the isomeric modifications of other substances. The precipitated yellow oxide is, for example; more readily decomposed by heat and by chlorine thau the red oxide. The red oxide, however, is the substance knovm as oxide of mercury in commerce and the laboratory. Considered as a source of oxygen, red oxide of mercury is peculiarly interesting, since by means of it oxygen may be derived directly from the air (§ 12) ; but it neither affords the gas cheaply, nor yields an abundant supply. Since red oxide of mercury contains only a single atom of oxygen for each atom of mercury, and since the atomic weight of mercury (200) is com- paratively high, any given weight of the oxide can, of course, con- tain but a small proportion of oxygen : — for 216 : 16 = ] : 0.074' Weight of Weight of Grm. Grrm. a molecule an atom of HgO. ofO. Although it contains so small a proportion of oxygen, compared with the nitrates and chlorates commonly employed for effecting CALOMEL. 573 oxidation, yet, from the facility with which it gives up its oxygen, mercuric oxide is still an oxidizing agent of considerable power. If a small portion of it be mixed with a little sulphur, and then heated, the mixture will explode ; so, too, if it be mixed with a small fragment of phosphorus, and struck with a hammer upon an anvil, a similar explosion will ensue ; the violent action de- pends upon rapid oxidation in both cases. Most acids unite readily with oxide of mercury to form salts, often spoken of as mercuric salts. Both the oxides of mercury are, like the protoxide of lead (§ 575), remarkable for the facility with which they form basic salts. In general, the compounds of mercury unite with one another readily to form a great variety of double compounds and abnormal basic salts, such as the oxy- chlorides a;HgO,HgCl„ and the chlorosulphide 2H:gS,HgCl,.. The properties of several of these complex substances are iuteresting ; but none of them fairly fall within the scope of this manual. 673. Bisulphide of Merewry (Hg^S) is a compound nearly as unstable as the dioxide ; but the protosuipMde (HgS) is a per- manent substance of considerable importance in the arts. Arti- ficially prepared for use as a pigment, it is known imder the name of vermilion. It is the most important ore of mercury, as has been already stated (§ 669). 674. Mercurous Chloride (HgCl), commonly called calomel, is extensively used as a medicament. It may be prepared either by heating together a mixture of metallic mercury and corrosive sublimate (§ 675) until the dichloride sub- limes, Hg + HgClj = 2HgCl, or by subliming an intimate mixture of ec[ual parts of sulphate of di- oxide of mercury and common salt, Hg^SO^ -I- 2NaCl = 2Hg01 + Na^SO^. By the way of precipitation it may be made by mixing together solu- tions of common salt and nitrate of dioxide of mercury : — Hg^N^O, + SNaCl = 2HgCl -t- Na^N^O,. In place of the corrosive sublimate used in the first method, intimate mixtures of sulphate of protoxide of mercury and common salt, or of common salt and black oxide of manganese or sulphate of sesquioxide of iron may be substituted. 574 MBECTTBIC CHLOHIDB. Calomel is a heavy white powder, ■which volatilizes at tempe- ratures helow redness without previous fusion. The vapor-density of calomel is, hy calculation, 117'75. Weight of one atom, or two unit-volumes, of mercury . 200-00 Weight of one atom, or one unit- volume, of chlorine . 35 5 Weight of two unit-volumes of merourous chloride . . 235-5 Weight of one unit-volume of mercurous chloride . . 117-75 The vapor-density has heen determined by experiment at 120-49. By slowly cooling its vapor, prismatic crystals of calo- mel may readily be obtained. Unlike metallic mercury, calomel does not volatilize at ordinary temperatures. It is tasteless, odor- less, and as good as insoluble in water. Alkaline lyes decompose it readily, and it is slightly soluble in many saline solutions. 675. Mercuric Chloride (HgClj), better known by the name corrosive svMimate, may be prepared by burning mercury in an excess of chlorine gas, by dissolving protoxide of mercury in chlorhydric acid, or by dissolving metallic mercury in aqua regia, and evaporating to dryness. In practice, it is commonly prepared by sublimation, by carefully heating an intimate mixture of sulphate of mercury and common salt : — IIgS04 -I- 2NaCl = HgCl^ -{■ Na^SO^. Another method is, to add concentrated chlorhydric acid to a strong boiling solution of nitrate of dioxide of mercury, as long as a preci- pitate is formed, and to subsequently boil this precipitate with a quan- tity of chlorhydric acid equal to that used in preparing it : — HgN03 4- 2HC1 = HgCl^ -1- H^O + NO,. Beautiful crystals of mercm-ic chloride wiU be deposited as the hot solution cools. 676. Mercuric chloride commonly occurs in commerce, in trans- lucent crystalline masses ; but crystals of it may readily be ob- tained, by careful sublimation, as well as by slowly cooling hot solutions. It melts at about 265°, forming a colorless Uquid which boUs at 293° ; the fumes are acrid, and, Kke the salt itself, exceedingly poisonous. The vapor-density of corrosive sublimate is, by calculation 135. MERCURIC IODIDE. 575 Weight of one atom, or two unit- volumes, of mercury , . 200 Weight of two atoms, or two unit- volumes of chlorine , . 70 , Weight of two unit-volumea of mercuric chloride . . . . 270 Weight of one unit-volume of mercuric chloride .... 136 The best experiments assign to the vapor of the salt the den- sity of 141. Mercuric chloride is rather easily soluble in water and alcohol ; with the alkaline chlorides it unites to form salts which are easily soluble in water. These double salts are so numerous and well defined, that they are regarded as chlorine salts comparable with the sulphur salts (§ 340) and the oxygen salts. In this view, protochloride of mercury would be called chloromercuric acid, and its compounds with the alkalies chloro- mercurates. The compound NaCljHgCl^, for example, would be called chloromereurate of sodium, and the compound NaCl,2HgCl2 the bichloromercurate. Corresponding double chlorine salts are formed by the union of the chlorides of gold and of platinum with the chlorides of other metals and compound radicals, as wUl ap- pear in the sequel. 677. Mercuric chloride unites with many organic substances to form compounds insoluble in water and imputrescible. It coa- gulates albumen, for example, and the more perishable portions pf wood ; hence the employment of raw whites of eggs as an antidote in cases of poisoning by corrosive sublimate, and the use of the mercury salt for preserving wood, — a purpose for which it would, no doubt, be largely employed were it not for its high cost. Collections of dried plants, and of other objects of natural history, axe preserved both from decay and from the attacks of insects by brushing over them a solution of the chloride in alcohol. It is worthy of mention that the compound of albumen and chlo- ride of mercury, though insoluble in water, is soluble in an excess of albumen. Mercurous and mercuric bromides, iodides, fluorides, and cya- nides axe, in general, analogous to the corresponding chlorides. Mercuric iodide undergoes remarkable changes of color when heated or subjected to friction. Exp, 355. — ^Dissolve half a gramme of iodide of potassium in a small quantity of water ; also dissolve 0-4 of a gramme of corrosive sublimate in a little water, and mix the two solutions. Collect upon a filter the 576 NITRAIES OP MBECtTET. beautiM red precipitate which is formed, wash it carefully with water and dry it in the air. Place a portion of the dry red powder in a por- celain capsule ; invert over the capsule a small glass funnel, and heat the capsule moderately upon a sand-hath ; the iodide will melt, suhlime, and finally he deposited upon the cold walls of the funnel in yellow crystals. On rubbing these crystals with a glass rod, their color wiU change again to red. Indeed the change of color often occurs of itself as the crystals cool, without friction. The composition of the iodide is neither changed by the sublimation nor by the friction ; the change of color is due to a change of crystalline form — mercuric iodide being di- morphous, and exhibiting a red color in its octahedral form, and a yeUow color when crystallized in rhombic prisms. The change of coloration may be shown in another way, by dissol- ving some of the precipitated iodide in alcohol. The alcoholic solution is colorless and appears to contain the yellow modification of the iodide ; on pouring it into water, iodide of mercury is precipitated as a yellow powder, which soon changes to red. 678. Sulphates of Mercury. — There is a sparingly soluble sul- phate of dioxide of mercury (Hg^SO^), a normal sulphate of the protoxide (HgSO,), and a basic sulphate of the protoxide (of com- position SHgOjSOj). Normal mercuric sulphate may be prepared by dissolving metallic mercury in an excess of boiling concentrated sulphuric acid, and evaporating the solution to dryness. It is the material from which many other compounds of mercury are de- rived. It is decomposed by water ; an insoluble trisulphate is thrown down, while but a small proportion of mercury remains dissolved in the dilute sulphuric acid which is formed. 679. Nitrates of Mercury are numerous. There are at least four nitrates of the dioxide, and as many of the protoxide namely the normal salts and three basic salts in either case. Both of the normal salts are soluble in water, and are commonly kept in the laboratory as examples of the mercury salts. The nitrate of the dioxide is prepared by digesting an excess of metallic mercury in cold moderately strong nitric acid. The solution should be kept in closed bottles containing a few globules of metallic mercury. The nitrate of the protoxide may be readily obtained- by dissolving red oxide of mercury in an excess of nitric acid. 680. Amalgams. — Mercury unites with most of the other metals, forming alloys, many of which are pasty, or liquid when the proportion of mercury contained in them is large. These TIIANITTM. 577 alloys are commonly called amalgams, in contradistinction to the ordinary solid alloys of the other metals, in which mercury has no place. The liquid amalgams are true solutions of other metals, or of solid amalgams, in the fluid mercury. The so-called silver- ing of mirrors is an amalgam of tin. Mercury may be detected in almost any soluble salt of the element by introducing into a solution of the salt a piece of clean copper. Bxp. 356. — ^Place a drop of a solution of either of the nitrates or chlorides of mercury upon a clean copper coin and rub the liq[uid over its siu-face. A white coating of metallic mercury will be deposited upon the metal. 681. Copper and mercury axe classed together partly because of certain resemblances between the two metals, but also because neither of them falls naturally into either of the other groups of elements. They are alike in that they are not readily acted upon by air, excepting at high temperatures, that they do not decom- pose water at any temperature, and that they both form two sa- lifiable oxides, and two chlorides of analogous composition. They are both acted upon in the same way by nitric and by sulphuric acids, the acid being reduced to a lower degree of oxidation, while the metal is dissolved, as has been seen in Exp. 96. As the formulae of their compounds have doubtless already suggested, mercury and copper are univalent, like the alkali-metals, in the mercurous and cuprous compounds, but bivalent in the mercuric and cupric compounds. CHAPTEK XXXII. T I I A N 1 IT M 1 1 N. TrrANiim. 682. This comparatively rare metal is found in several mine- rals, such as rutile and titaniferous iron, in the condition of titanic acid, TiOj. None of its compounds are employed in the arts, and 2p 578 TIN. the element itself is here mentioned mainly on account of the ana- logies which it hears to tin. Titanic acid is isomorphous with stan- nic acid (§ 685), and resembles it closely in its chemical deport- ment. Sesquioxide of titanium, Ti^Og, corresponds to sesquioxide of tin, Sn^O, (§ 685) ; and in the same waythat the latter may be regarded as a stannate of tin, SnO.SnO^, the titanium compound may be considered a titanate of titanium, TiO,Ti02. The bisulphide of titanium, and the bichloride, bibromide, and bifluoride, correspond in like manner to the tin. compounds. 683. Though by no means widely diflPused in nature, and though ores of it occur in but few localities, tin is one of the metals which have longest been known to man. The fact admits, however, of ready explanation ; for the specific gravity of the ores is high, and the metal is easily reduced from them by simple heating with charcoal. From the manner of the occurrence of many of these ores, in the beds of torrents, it is evident that their great weight would be likely to attract attention, and that their behavior to- wards fire would soon be noticed. The simplest possible metal- lurgical operation, and the one most hkely to suggest itself to savage men, is the heating of a heavy stone in a wood fire. The principal ore of tin is the binoxide, called tin-stone. In order to extract the metal from it, the tin-stone is mixed with powdered coal and heated upon the hearth of a reverberatory furnace in a reducing flame. The reduced metal melts readily, and is then run out of the furnace into iron moulds. Tin is a lustrous white metal, soft, malleable and ductile, though not very tenacious. Its ductility varies greatly with the temperature ; at 100° the metal may be drawn into thin wire, but at 200° it is very brittle. When a bar of tin is bent, it emits a peculiar crackling sound, and if the bending be repeated, the metal becomes de- cidedly warm. These phenomena appear to depend on the disturbance of interlaced crystals contained in the bar, and upon the friction of these crystals one against the other. Tin always exhibits a great tendency to assume crystalline form in passing from the liquid to the solid condition. Upon this peculiarity is founded a method of ornamenting tinned iron. TUf. 579 Exp. 357. — ^Heat a piece of common tinned iron over the gas-lamp until the tin has melted, thrust the plate into cold water in order that the tin may harden quickly, then remove the smooth surfece of the metal by rubbing it first with a bit of paper moistened with dilute aqua regia, and then with paper wet with soda-lye. By this treatment there will soon be laid bare a new surface covered with beautiful crys- talline figures, like frost upon a window-pane. The plate should then be washed thoroughly with water, dried qmckly, and covered with some transparent varnish. The same crystalline structure can be brought out, though less con- spicuously, by removing the outside polished surface of almost any piece of tin plate by means of warm dilute aqua regia, without first heating the plate as in this experiment. Tin does not tarnish in the air at ordinary temperatures, no matter whether the air he moist or dry; hut when strongly heated it oxidizes rapidly, and even hums with a brUliant white light. The specific gravity of tin is about 7-3 ; its atomic weight is 118- It melts at about 230° — at a lower temperature than any of the other common metals. At very high temperatures it is slightly volatile. On account of its brilliant lustre, and its power of resisting atmospheric action, tin is largely employed for coating other metals, — copper, for example, as in ordinary pins, cooking-vessels, and bath-tubs — and iron, as in common sheet-tin, of which the so-called tin ware is mannfectured. Exp. 358. — Thoroughly clean the surface of a copper coin, or of a small piece of sheet-copper, by means of dilute sulphuric acid ; place the copper over the gas-lamp, and melt upon it a bit of tin as large as a pea. Rub the melted tin over the copper with a rag. It wiU not adhere to the copper ; for although the la.tter was once carefully cleaned, it afterwards became coated with oxide of copper in such manner that the tin could not come in contact with the metal. Repeat the experiment as before ; but when the tin has melted, strew over the copper some finely powdered chloride of ammonium. On now rubbing the tin against the copper, the two metals will adhere firmly. The chlorine of the chloride of ammonium unites with the copper of the oxide of copper to form fusible, volatile chloride of copper, while ammonia and water are set free, as may be perceived by the odor. The excess of tin should be wiped ofi" with a rag, so that a smooth surface may be left upon the coin. 2p2 580 PEOTOxiDE or xna. When in contact with dilute acids, or with alkalies, tin slowly absorbs oxygen from the air and goes into solution. Of the strong acids, nitric acid acts upon it violently, with formation of insoluble hydrated binoxide of tin ; a certain amount of water is decomposed as well as the nitric acid, in this reaction, and some nitrate of ammonium is formed ; the ammonium comes from the union of the nascent hydrogen and nitrogen of the deoxidized water and nitric acid (see § 92). Hot concentrated chlorhydric acid gra- dually dissolves tin, and gives off hydrogen. Boiling concentrated sulphuric acid converts it into sulphate of tin, with evolution of sul- phurous acid ; but dilute sulphuric acid has no action upon it out of contact with the air. "When heated with concentrated soda or potash lye, tin slowly dissolves, with formation of soluble stan- nate of sodium or of potassium, and evolution of hydrogen. There are two prominent oxides of tin, a protoxide and a bi- oxide, besides intermediate oxides compounded of these two. The binoxide occurs, moreover, in combination, in different iso- meric modifications. 684. Protoxide of Tin (SnO) may be obtained as a black powder by heating its hydrate in an atmosphere of carbonic acid or other inert gas. The hydrated protoxide is prepared by adding the solution of an alkaline carbonate to a solution of tin in chlor- hydric acid ; the hydrate is thrown down as an insoluble precipi- tate while carbonic acid escapes : — SnCl, + Na,C03 -1- H^O = SnH,0, -|- 2NaCl -|- CO,. The hydrate rapidly absorbs oxygen from the air when moist, but is tolerably permanent when dry. The anhydrous oxide undergoes no change in air at the ordinary temperature ; when touched with a glowing coal, it takes fire and burns vividly, being converted into the binoxide. The hydrate also burns in the same way when lighted. It is remarkable that the anhy- drous oxide is more readily soluble in acids than the hydrate ; but in alkaline lyes only the hydrate is soluble. Most of the salts of protoxide of tin greedily absorb oxygen from the air and from many oxygenated substances. They are much employed as reducing agents. Hxp. 359.— To 5 or 6 c. c. of a solution of corrosive sublimate add a few drops of protochloride of tiu, and heat the mixture; a gray BIIfOXIDE OF TIN. 581 powder will separate; it is metallic mercury, very finely divided, which has been reduced from the mercuric chloride. The powder boiled with chlorhydric acid agglomerates into visible globules :^ HgClj + SnClj = SnOl, + Hg. The protoehloride of tin has abstracted the chlorine from the chlo- ride of mercury. 685. Binoxide of Tin, or Stannic Add (SnO^). — This oxide occurs in nature as the principal ore of tin, as has been stated in § 683, and may readily be prepared artificially by roasting the metal in a free current of air, or by igniting hydrated binoxide of tin. It is insoluble in water, acids, and alkalies, and in general is aot readily acted upon by chemical agents. When fused with caustic soda, however, it combines with it to form a soluble com- pound. Like the hydrated oxides of phosphorus and antimony, hydrated binoxide of tin (SnH^Oj) is remarkable for the dififerent chemical properties it exhibits when prepared in different ways. As obtained by heating metallic tin with concentrated nitric acid, it is almost absolutely insoluble in some acids, and dissolves only with difficulty in others. The hydrate obtained by precipitation from solutions of bichloride of tin and of an alkaline carbonate, is very readUy soluble in acids. By ignition, the soluble hydrate is converted into insoluble anhydrous oxide of tin. The difference in chemical behavior above mentioned is not confined to the hydrates alone, it exists as weU in the compounds formed by the union of these hydrates with other substances, both acids and bases ; hence the names stannic acid, applied to the soluble hydrate, and metastannic acid, applied to the in- soluble modification. The generic terms stannate and meta- stannate applied to the compounds of these two varieties of the oxide are employed precisely as in the case of phosphoric and antimonic acids (§§ 293, 352). Both modifications are soluble in alkaline lyes, but the one representing metastannic acid is iar less readily soluble than the other. The stannates of the alkaU-metals, sodium and potassium, crystallize readily from their aqueous solutions ; but the corre- sponding metastannates do not crystallize, they are insoluble in saline solutions, and may be precipitated as gelatinous masses by adding almost any neutral salt of an alkali-metal to their aqueous 582 STTLPHIBES OF TIN. solutions. Among the stannates, that of tin (SnO,Sn02=Sn203) is worthy of mention, since it is often described as the sesqui- oxide of tin. Stannate of sodium is somewhat extensively em- ployed in the printing of mousseUnes-de-laine. A good method of preparing it is to boil granulated tin, or scraps of tinned iron, in a solution of litharge in an excess of caustic soda : — Sn + Na,Pb,03 = Na,Sn03 + 2Pb. Or a mixture of caustic soda, nitrate of sodium, and metallic tin may be melted in an iron kettle, a certain portion of chloride of sodium, or of stannate of sodium, from a previous fusion, being added to the mixture in order to mitigate the force of the reaction. 686. The Suljjhides of Tin (SnS, Sn^Sg, and SnS^) correspond to the oxides. The protosidphide (SnS) is precipitated as a dark- brown powder when sulphydric acid is added to the solution of a salt of protoxide of tin. The bisulphide (SnSj) when prepared in the dry way is a beautiful yellow compound, known as mosaic gold, or bronze powder, and is somewhat employed in decorative painting. Exp. 360. — Prepare a quantity of tin amalgam by heating together in a glass flask 12 grms. of granulated tin and 6 grms. of merciu-y. Rub the amalgam in a porcelain mortar together with 7 grms. of sulphur and 6 grms. of chloride of ammonium xmtil the diiFerent in- gredients have been thoroughly incorporated one with the other. Place the mixture in a small, long-necked, glass flask, and slowly heat it to low redness upon a sand-bath. After an hour or two there wiU be found at the bottom of the flask a quantity of bisulphide of tin, in the condition of soft, beautiful, golden-yellow powder, of flaky texture, while in the neck of the flask there will be found a deposit of chloride of ammonium contaminated with sulphur, sulphide of mer- cury, and protochloride of tin. Instead of the amalgam and the proportions of the other ingredients as given above, there may be heated in the flask an intimate mixture of 2 grms. of dry protosulphide of tin, half a grm. of sulphur, and 1 grm. of chloride of ammonium. The part played by the chloride of ammonium in these experiments is not well understood ; it is known only that the presence of this salt promotes the formation of a briUiant golden-colored product, though PROTOCHLOEIDB OP TIN. 583 there is no evidence that the chloride either undergoes or produces any chemical change. It is hy no means improbable, however, that by volatilizing at the right moment the chloride of ammonium may so moderate the heat engendered by the combination of the sulphur and the tin that the temperaWe of the mixture is prevented from reaching a point at which the bisulphide would be decomposed. The Chlorides of Tin are perhaps more important than any other compounds of the metal. 687. Protochloride of Tin (SnCy is obtained by dissolving granulated tin in boLLLng concentrated ohlorhydric acid. On evaporating the solution, and allowing it to crystallize, prismatic hydrated needles are obtained of the composition 8nClj+2H20. These crystals are largely used by dyers and calico-printers, under the name of tin-salt. Protochloride of tin, whether in the condition of crystals or in solution, rapidly absorbs oxygen from the air, and is converted into a mixture of bichloride of tin, and an insoluble oxychloride. It must therefore be kept in tight packages. The pure salt is completely soluble in a small quan- tity of water; but when this solution is mixed with a large quantity of water, it decomposes ; a highly acid solution of pro- tochloride of tin in chlorhydric acid remains in solution, while a precipitate of oxychloride of tin (SnO,SnCl2+2H20) subsides. Protochloride of tin is a powerful reducing agent, as has been shown in Exp. 359; it combines readily either with oxygen or with chlorine, and is frequently employed to remove these ele- ments from their compounds. By means of it, the oxides or chlorides of arsenic, antimony, gold, silver, or mercury may be reduced to the metallic state ; the salts of sesquioxide of iron, and of protoxide of copper, may be reduced to the degree of protoxide and of dioxide respectively, while acids such as chro- mic and manganic are reduced to the condition of basic oxides. Sulphurous acid is reduced by it in such wise that a precipitate of sulphide of tin is formed, when solutions of protochloride of tin and of sulphurous acid are mixed ; it converts blue indigo to white indigo, and is capable of abstracting oxygen from a host of other substances. . At the temperature of 100°, all the water may be expelled from the crystallized salt; but some of the chlorhydric acid is 684 BICHLORIDE OF TIN. liable to go off at the same time, so that it is not easy in this way to obtain the anhydrous salt in a state of purity. A better way of obtaining the anhydrous salt is to heat together equal weights of finely divided tin and corrosive sublimate : — HgCl^ + Sn = SnCl^ + Hg. The dry chloride of tin remains as a residue, while metallic mercury goes off. The anhydrous salt may itseK be distilled at a full red heat. Protochloride of tin unites with many of the metallic chlorides to form double compounds, which may be called chlorostannites. 688. Bichloride of Tin (SnCl^). — When anhydrous, this com- pound is a fuming, volatile, colorless liquid, of 2-7 specific gravity. It does not solidify at —20°, but boils at 115°- When exposed to the air it gradually absorbs water, and, after a while, hydrated crystals are formed. When mixed mth about one-third its weight of water, it solidifies to a mass of hydrated crystals, much heat being at the same time evolved. These crystals are readily soluble in a small quantity of water ; but when treated with much water they decompose, hydrated binoxide of tin is precipitated, and free chlorhydric acid passes into solution. In order to prepare anhydrous bichloride of tin, chlorine gas may be passed over hot chloride of tin, or melted metallic tin ; or an intimate mixture of 1 part of tin filings and 4 or 5 parts of corrosive subHmate may be distilled in a retort. The hydrated bichloride and in general aU solutions of the bichloride are ob- tained, either by dissolving tin in dilute aqua regia, by passing chlorine into solutions of protochloride of tin, or by heating the protochloride with chlorhydric acid to which a little nitric acid has been added. The anhydrous salt may be prepared from the hydrate, by distilling the latter with concentrated sulphuric acid, which retains the water. Like the protochloride, bichloride of tin is largely employed in dyeing. It combines also with the alkaline and other chlorides to form salts, known as ohlorostannates. The substance called pink salt, in commerce, employed in the preparation of pink colors upon calicoes, is a chloraetannate of ammonium, 2NH Cl,SnCl . There are, of course, many other salts of tin, but none of them are of sufficient interest to be mentioned here. MOLTBDENITM. 585 689. The alloys of tin are important. The composition of bronze, bell-metal, &o. has been already mentioned under copper (§ 659), that of stereotype-metal under antimony (§ 348), and that of tin amalgam under mercury (§ 680). Of the other alloys of tin, those formed by its union with lead are most remarkable. Plumber^ solder consists commonly of equal parts of lead and tin, though some kinds of it contain only one-third their weight of lead, and others only one-third their weight of tin. Pewter is composed of tin, together with a small proportion of lead. 690. With tin and titanium may be classed the two exceed- ingly rare metals Columbium (niobium) and Tantalum. The principal source of columbium is the rare American mineral columbite. Tantalum is procured from the Scandinavian mineral tantalite. The four metals form binoxides and volatile chlorides containing four atoms of chlorine, and are therefore sometimes quadrivalent. In this respect the tin group differs from all the groups heretofore studied, excepting the group composed of carbon, boron, and silicon. Tin and titanium have a like mode of occurrence in nature. CHAPTEE XXXIII. MOLTBDEWU M V A N A I) ITJ M T IT N a S T E N. MOLTBDENXTM. 691. This rare element is generally found in nature in com- bination with sulphur, as bisulphide of molybdenum. This bi- sulphide is a mineral closely resembling graphite and galena in appearance. The name molybdenum is derived from a Greek word sometimes applied to galena. Molybdenum is a white metal almost as lustrous as silver, of specific gravity 8-6. Its atomic weight is 96. There are three oxides of molybdenum — a protoxide (MoO) and a binoxide (MoOJ, both acting as bases, and a teroxide (M0O3), which is a strong acid known as molybdic acid. Molyb- 586 vANADnnn — tungsten. date of ammonium is a salt much, valued by the analyst, since by means of its solution very small quantities of phosphoric acid may be detected ; a double compound of molybdate and phosphate of ammonium is deposited as a yellow crystalline precipitate. VANADITTM. 692. Vanadium is a metal somewhat resembling molybdenum on the one hand, and having certain analogies with chromium upon the other. Though nowhere found in large masses, it appears to be rather widely diffused in nature, traces of it often accompanying the ores of iron, for example. It has three oxides — a protoxide (VO) and a binoxide (VOJ, which form salts by uniting with acids, and a teroxide (VO3), which acts as an acid and forms salts by combining with bases. The atomic weight of vanadium is 137. TUNeSTEN. 693. The element tungsten is far less rare than the other mem- bers of the group now under discussion. It is found in consider- able quantities in combination with oxygen, iron, and manganese, in the mineral wolfram, whence the Latin name of the element wolframium, and the symbol W. The mineral scheelite also con- tains tungsten, in combination with oxygen and calcium. Metallic tungsten may be reduced from its oxides by means of hydrogen gas at a bright-red heat, or by charcoal at a white heat. It is a hard iron-gray metal, of specific gravity 17'6, and very refractory. Its atomic weight is 184. The metal has been employed to a certain extent in the preparation of steel ; a small quantity of it added to steel has been found to greatly increase the hardness of the steel, and to impart to it other valuable properties. 694. There are two oxides of tungsten : — a binoxide (WO^), which does not unite with acids to form salts, but acts rather as an acid; and a teroxide (WO3) called tungstic acid. Tungstic acid by uniting with bases forms a large number of salts, many of which are of very complex composition. The most important ore of tungsten, wolfram, is a mixture in varying proportions of the tungstates of the protoxides of iron and of manganese. The general formula of the mineral may be written EO, "WO , in which GOLD. 587 E stands for either iron or manganese ; but there are nevertheless two special varieties of the mineral, one tending to correspond with the formula 2(reO,W03), 3(MnO,W03), in which the pro- portions of iron to manganese are as 2 to 3, and the other to the formula 4(FeO,"W03) ; MnOjWOj, in which the relation of the iron to the manganese is as 4 to 1. The first variety, richer in man- ganese, is of lower specific gravity than the variety rich in iron. But, since the atomic weights of iron and of manganese are nearly equal, the proportion of tungstic acid is almost absolutely the same in both varieties of the mineral. WoKram is a very heavy mineral, its specific gravity being as high as 7'3. Indeed the name tungsten is derived from Swedish words meaning heavy stone. Tuogstate of sodium has been employed to a small extent for the purpose of rendering cotton and linen uninflammable. If a weak solution of the tungstate be added to the starch employed to stiffen light fabrics, the cloth therewith impregnated may be exposed to fire without inflaming ; it will simply be slowly charred. The compounds of tungsten are remarkably similar to those of molybdenum. The metal resembles both molybdenum and vana- dium in forming an acid teroside, a binoxide, and a volatile ter- chloride. Like molybdenum and vanadium, it decomposes water at high temperatures. CHAPTEE XXXIV. GOID AND PLATINTJM:. GOLD. 695. Though generally found only in small quantities, gold is very widely diffused upon the surface of the globe. Traces of it may be found beneath the sandy beds of most rivers, and it occurs in many of the crystalline rocks and in the soils resulting from their decomposition. Many varieties of iron pyrites, in par- ticular, contain appreciable quantities of gold, and silver is never 688 PEOPEEIIES OF GOZD. found in nature altogether free from it. It occurs in the lead and copper of commerce, as well as in the ores from whicB. these metals are derived and in many of the salts obtained from them, and has been detected in various other metals ; it is, in short, almost everywhere. The chief source of the metal as an article of commerce is native gold ; this is sometimes found in a condition of purity, but is usually alloyed with more or less silver. It is collected, either directly by mechanically washing away the lighter substances with which it is associated, or, in the case of poorer ores, the gold is dissolved out chemically by means of quicksilver, and is subsequently recovered from the amalgam by filtration and distillation. The separation of gold from the rocks and sands in which it occurs is a process attended with much labor ; hence gold is one of the costliest of metals. The price of a gramme of gold is about sixteen times that of a gramme of silver, and twice as great as that of a gramme of platinum. 696. Pure gold is remarkable as being the most malleable of the metals, and as being the only metal of a decided yellow color ; also for its softness, which is nearly as great as that of lead. It has, however, much tenacity, and may be drawn into extremely fine wire ; 1 grm. of gold can be made to yield as much as 3 kilo- metres of wire. The metal can be beaten into leaves which are not more than one ten-thousandth of a millimetre thick. Very thin leaves of gold are transparent, transmitting a green polarized light. Next to platinum, gold is the heaviest of the ordinary metals ; its specific gravity varies from 19-26 to 19-37, according as it has been more or less compressed. Its atomic weight is 196-7. It melts somewhat less readily than copper or silver, at a tem- perature estimated to lie between 1200° and 1250°. Its power of conducting heat and electricity is greatly inferior to that of silver. It is not volatile to any great extent at the melting tem- perature ; but at higher temperatures, such as it is subjected to in the ordinary processes of melting and refining, the metal wastes considerably ; and at the temperature obtained by the oxyhydro- gen blowpipe the metal goes off as a thick vapor. 697. In the air, gold undergoes no change at temperatures KEFUriNe OF SOLD. 589 lower than its melting-point ; and upon this fact, taken in con- nexion with the beautiful color and lustre of the metal, and its comparative rarity, its principal uses depend. On account of this indestructibility, gold was regarded by the earlier chemists as the king of metals ; together with platinum and silver, it is still spoken of as a noble metal. Few chemical agents, excepting melted metals, have any action upon gold. None of the common acids, when taken singly, can dissohe it, though the metal is completely soluble in a mixture of chlor- hydric and nitric acids (§ 104), and is not completely insoluble in nitric acid contaminated with nitrous or hyponitric acid. The elements chlorine and bromine, however, unite with it in the cold ; and when hot it is attacked by phosphorus and arsenic. As commonly met with in coins or jewelry, gold is far from being pure ; coin, for example, usually contains at least 10 per cent, of copper. In order to prepare pure gold, a piece of coin may be dissolved in aqua regia (Exp. 50), the solution evaporated to dryness upon a water- bath, in order to expel the excess of acid, the residue taken up with water and filtered, to remove any chloride of silver which may be present, and the gold finally precipitated as a brown powder, by adding to the solution some sulphate of protoxide of iron dissolved in water : — SAuClj + CFeSO^ = 2Au + Fe^Cl, + SCFe^Oj.SSOg). The powder may then be collected and dried, and, if desirable, melted and cast into solid masses. Upon the large scale, fine gold is obtained from its alloys by re- moving the baser metal by means of either sulphuric or nitric acid. When an aUoy of gold and silver, or copper is boiled with concen- trated sulphmic acid in iron kettles, the silver and copper dissolve with evolution of sulphurous acid, whUe the gold remains undissolved, and the iron vessel is not acted upon. In order to recover the silver from the solution of mixed sulphates, sheets of copper are placed in this solution, and the silver is precipitated upon them, as has been shown in Exp. 267. The solution of sulphate of copper is then evaporated, and the salt obtained in the crystallized condition fit for sale. The treatment of the alloy of gold and silver with nitric acid is based upon the fact that silver is soluble, while gold is insoluble, in this acid. But it has been found necessary, in order to obtain a com- plete separation of the two metals, that the proportion of silver to 590 GILDING. that of the gold in the alloy should be as much as 2 or 3 to 1 ; other- wise portions of the silver would, after a while, hecome so covered with gold as to be protected from the action of the acid, and the two metals could not be completely separated from one another. In prac- tice, whenever the aUoy to be treated is found to contain more than a quarter of its weight of gold, enough silver is added to reduce it to this proportion ; hence the term guartation, by which this method of parting gold and silver is commonly known. Finely divided gold obtained by precipitation, as above indicated, is employed to a considerable extent for gilding porcelain. The sur- face to be gilt is first painted with an adhesive varnish, then covered with a mixture of the gold powder and a fusible enamel, and exposed to intense heat; on being subsequently burnished, the gold takes a high polish. There are two series of gold salts, corresponding to the two oxides — a protoxide AuO, and the teroxide AuO^. These oxides are rather acids than bases ; the teroxide in particular unites with many metallic oxides to form compounds known as aurates. The chlorides, bromides, and iodides of gold also readUy combine with, other metallic chlorides to form chloraurates, cliloraurites, and the analogous bromine and iodine compounds. 698. Terchloride of Gold (AuClj) is the compound of gold most commonly employed in the laboratory. The manner of preparing it has been already indicated in § 697. It serves as a valuable test for tin. 699. Gilding. — There are several methods of attaching a film of metallic gold to surfaces of the baser metals. In the old process of fire gilding, the object to be gilt was first heated to redness, then washed with dilute acid to cleanse its surface, and with a solution of nitrate of mercury in order to amalgamate it slightly ; it was then rubbed with a pasty amalgam composed of two parts of gold and one part of mercury. After a portion of the gold amalgam had thus been attached to the siufaoe of the article to be gilt, the latter was heated to drive off the mercury, and the gold left upon it was polished with a burnishing-tool. In the more modem method of electro-gilding, the object to be gilt is attached to the negative pole of a galvanic battery, a bar of gold is fastened to the positive pole of the battery, and both the object to be gut and the bar of gold are placed in a mixed solution of cyanide of gold and cyanide of potassium. Under the action of the current, the solution is decomposed; gold is deposited from it upon the object at ALLOTS OF GOLD, 591 the negative pole of the battery, while the other ingredients of the solution go to the positive pole, there to dissolve gold from the bar, and thus make good to the solution the metal it has lost. Compare Exp. 353.) Articles of silver, copper, bronze, brass, or platinum, may thus be gilt directly ; but with iron, steel, or tin, it is necessary first to immerse the article attached to the battery in a solution of cyanide of copper and of potassium, in order to cover it with a film of copper to which the gold may adhere. Even without a battery, gold can be deposited upon silver or copper by placing either of these metals in a hot solution of the double cyanide of gold and potassium. Copper trinkets are also sometimes gilt by boiling them in a liquor prepared by mixing a solution of chloride of gold with a solution of an alkaline carbonate. In general, the compounds of gold have but few properties which are of chemical interest. What has been said of the permanence of the metal implies, of course, that it is a weak chemical agent, having but little affinity for other substances. 700. Alloys of Gold. — Gold unites with most of the other metals ; but its most important alloys are those of copper, silver, and mercury. Pure gold is so soft that articles of jewelry made of it would quickly wear out if used ; such articles, as weU as coins and watches, are therefore always made of gold which has been alloyed with copper, in order to increase its hardness. The standard alloy for coin in this country and in France is nine parts by weight of gold to one part of copper ; in England it is eleven parts of gold to one of copper. These alloys, as weU as . the alloys of silver and gold, are more fusible than pure gold, but less ductile. Native gold is an aUoy of gold and silver, the pro- portion of the latter metal varying from 0-2 to 62 per cent. Amalgams of gold play an important part in the metallurgy of gold (§ 695), and in the process of fire gilding above described. PLATHfTJlI. 701. Platinum is a metal which, like gold, has little affinity for the other chemical elements. It is commonly found in the native state, alloyed with gold and with other metals. Like gold, it is obtained by washing away the earth and sand with which it is found mixed. It is a very heavy metal, the specific gravity of cast platinum being 21-15. Its atomic weight is 197-4. The color of platinum is intermediate between the white of silver and 592 PLATINUM. the gray of steel ; its lustre is far less brilliant thaii t&at of silver. It is as soft as copper, very maUeaHe and very tenacious ; it may he drawn into "wire so fine that its diameter is only j-jtro °^ ^ millimetre. It is not fusible in ordinary furnaces, but may be fused in the blowpipe-flame (Exps. 26, 203), and is nowadays melted in considerable quantities in lime crucibles by means of a blowpipe-flame obtained from common coal-gas and oxygen. At very high temperatures it may be volatilized. Like wrought iron, platinum admits of being forged and welded at temperatures far below its melting-point. When heated, it expands less than any other metal, and is hence well adapted for the construction of apparatus in which metal and glass must be fused together. It conducts heat and electricity much less readily than gold, silver, or copper, standing in this respect not far from iron. 702. Platinum does not oxidize in the air at any temperature, nor is it attacked by any of the common acids taken separately ; in aqua regia (§ 104) it dissolves slowly — much less readily than gold. Chlorine-water dissolves it, but neither bromine nor iodine has any action upon it. When heated to redness in the air, in contact with the fixed caustic alkalies or alkaline earths, it is slowly corroded, in consequence of the formation of an oxide which unites with the alkali. Phosphorus and arsenic xmite readily with hot finely divided platinum, forming very fusible compounds ; sulphur also combines with it, though far less readily. At high temperatures, platinum is easily acted upon by silicon (compare § 463). A platinum crucible should consequentiy never be placed in direct contact with a hot mixture of a carbon compound and silicic acid. If the crucible is to be heated in a coal fire, it should first be placed in an earthen crucible lined with some infusible earth, such as magnesia. With most of the other metals platinum unites readily, form- ing alloys which in many instances are more fusible than pla- tinum itself ; hence, in using platinum vessels in chemical ex- periments, care must be taken not to touch the platinum while hot with easily fusible metals, or to place in the hot vessels any reducible compound of a metal. Most of the alloys of platinum are not only fusible, but they are also soluble in acids. Platinum which has been alloyed with 10 or 12 times its weight of silver. CHLORIDES OF PLAXINTJM. 593 for example, is as completely soluble in nitric acid as the sUver itself. Prom its comparative inertness as a chemical agent, taken in connexion with its infusibility, platinum is an extremely useful metal to the chemist. It is employed in the scientific laboratory for crucibles, evaporating-dishes, stills, tubes, spatulse, forceps, wire, blowpipe-tips, and the like ; and, in the manufacture of oil of vitriol, large platinum stiUs, together with cooling-siphons of the same metal, are employed in the process of concentrating the acid. 703. A remarkable property of platinum, of inducing various gases to combine chemically one with the other, has already been repeatedly aEuded to and illustrated (§§ 224, 240, 387). This power of causing combination is possessed even by clean surfaces of the ordinary solid metal, though to a much greater degree by spongy platinum (Exp. 364), and stiU more by the very finely divided powder known as platinum black (§ 706). Platinum forms two series of compounds, corresponding respec- tively to the protoxide PtO and to the binoxide PtO^. Its chlo- rides are well-defined compounds ; but with the oxygen acids it forms comparatively few salts, and none of these are at present of much importance. 704. ProtocTiloride of Platinum (PtCy is a compound insoluble in water, obtained by carefully heating the bichloride to 230° upon an oil-bath. It dissolves in alkaline lyes, and the solution thus obtained may be used for making platinum black (§ 706). At a red heat chloride of platinum is completely decomposed to metallic platinum and chlorine. With the other metallic chlorides pro- tochloride of platinum unites, to form compounds known as ohlo- roplatinites; the general formula of these compounds is 2MCl,PtCl2. 705. Bichloride of Platinum (PtClJ is the platinum compound most commonly employed in the laboratory. It is a deliquescent substance, readily soluble in water, alcohol, and ether; the aqueous solution is of a reddish-brown color. When heated to 230°, or thereabouts, the salt loses half its chlorine, as has been already stated. The aqueous solution of bichloride of platinum is much used as a test for potassium and ammonium, and for pre- paring certain organic compounds suitable for analysis. 2q 594 vLA'smsmi sponge. -Ei^. 361. — Cut half a gramme, or more, of -wom-out platinum foil or ■wire into small fragments, and boil them with a teaspoonful of aqua regia so long as the metal appears to be acted upon, then decant the liquid into a porcelain dish, add to the fragments of platinum another teaspoonful of aqua regia, and proceed as before, repeating the treat- ments until all the metal has dissolved. By the repeated action of successive small portions of the solvent, platinum and other com- paratively speaking insoluble substances can he dissolved much more readily than if all the liquid necessary for its solution- were added at once. Evaporate the solution to dryness upon a water-hath, taie up the residue with water, and preserve the solution in a bottle provided with a glass stopper. -Er^. 362. — Pom' a teaspoonful of a solution of chloride of potassium, or of almost any other salt of potassium, into a test-tube, acidulate the liquid with chlorhydrio acid, and add to it a drop of the solution of bichloride of platinum obtained in the preceding experiment. A yellow, insoluble powder wiU soon be precipitated. It is a double chloride of potassium and platinum, and its formula may be written 2KCl,PtCl4. This test serves to distinguish potassium from sodium, and, if need he, to separate potassium from solutions in which it is mixed vrith sodium ; for the double chloride produced with chloride of sodium and bichloride of platinum is easily soluble iu water. Ilxp. 363. — Repeat Exp. 362, but substitute chloride of ammonium for the chloride of potassium. A yellow precipitate, similar to that obtained in Exp. 362, will separate immediately, or, if the solutions employed are dilute, after a short time. The composition of this pre- cipitate may be represented by the formula 2NH4Cl,PtCl4. Agaia repeat the experiment, and this time take enough of the platinum solution and of the chloride of ammonium to make half a teaspoonful of the yellow precipitate, taking care that at last there shall be a alight excess of free chloride of ammonium rather than of chloride of plati- num in the supernatant liquid. Allow the precipitate to settle, sepa- rate it fi'om the clear liquid by decautation, and dry it partially at a gentle heat. When the precipitate has acquired the consistence of slightly moistened earth, transfer it to a cup-shaped piece of platiniun foil, and heat it to redness in the gas-flame, as long as fumes of chlo- ride of ammonium continue to escape. AH the chlorine, hydrogen and nitrogen will be driven off, and there wUl remain upon the foU a gray, loosely coherent, sponge-like mass of metallic platinum ; it is called platinum sponge. Exp. 364.— Hold the dry platinum sponge of Exp. 363 in a stream of hydrogen or of common illuminating gas issuing from a fine jet. PLATINUM BLACK. 595 The metal wUl soon begin to glow, and in a moment will become hot enough to inflame the mixture of air and gas in contact with it. Be- fore friction-matches were employed, this property of spongy platinum, of inflaming hydrogen, was sometimes made use of for striking a light. The mode of action of the platinum in this experiment is obscure ; it has already been alluded to in § 387. From platinum sponge, solid articles of platinum may be manufac- tured by compression. If the spongy platinum be first rubbed to pow- der under water, the particles of metal of which it is composed can be readily compacted into solid bars by subjecting the powder to powerful pressure in appropriate moulds. The pressed bar is then heated in- tensely in a coke-fire with strong draught, and forged by striking it with the hammer upon its ends — the process of heating and forging being several times repeated, until the bar has become sufficiently con- densed. The metal may then be wrought into any desired shape by heating and hammering, in the same way as any other malleable metal. This process of working platinum was for a long time the common method, and is still employed to a certain extent. 706. Platinum Black is a term applied to metallic platinum even more finely divided than the sponge above described. By dissolving protochloride of platinum in hot concentrated pot- ash-lye, and pouring into the hot liquor alcohol, by small successive portions, platinum will be thrown down as a black powder looking like soot. The powder should be freed from the supernatant liquor by decantation, and then boiled successively with alcohol, chlorhydrie acid, potash-lye, and water, in order to free it from all impurities. A capacious vessel must be chosen for the reaction of the alcohol upon the alkaline solution of chloride of platinum ; for much carbonic acid is generated while the components of the alcohol are reducing the solution of platinum, so that lively effervescence occurs. Platinum black is capable not only of absorbing and storing up many times its own bulk of oxygen gas ; it is also capable of giving away this oxygen to many other substances. If easily oxidizable liquids, such as alcohol or ether, are dropped upon platinum black which has previously been exposed to the air, the liquids will be oxidized and converted into new substances, while the powder becomes red-hot from the heat evolved during the act of oxidation. 707. Besides forming with the chlorides of potassium and am- monium the insoluble compounds above described, bichloride of platinum unites with many other chlorides, both of ruetals and of organic radicals, to form analogous salts of the general formula 2q2 696 THE PLATHnjM METALS. 2MCl,PtCl^, or MCa^.PtCl^. These compounds are commoEly called chloroplatinates ; by means of them the composition and combining weights of many organic compounds have been deter- mined. It is only necessary to ignite a weighed portion of the chloroplatinate, and to weigh the residue of pure platinum which is left after the organic matter has all been driven off, in order to ascertain how much platinum is contained in the compound. This fact having been determined, the quantity of the organic radical, or rather of the chloride of the radical, which was com- bined with the chloride of platinum in the chloroplatinate, may be readily calculated. 708. With gold and platinum are classed several rare metals which are never found except in association with platinum, and which closely resemble that metal. They are commonly called platinum metals, and the group may be appropriately termed the platinum group. The whole group consists of Rhodium (atomic weight =104), Euthenium (104), Palladium (106-5), Gold (196-7), Platinum (197-4), Iridium (198), and Osmium (199). Palladium is used to impart to brass gas-fixtures a peculiar reddish tint, sometimes called salmon-bronze. Iridium is used for the very hard tips of gold pens. Osmium forms, among other oxides, a volatile compound OsO^, whose vapors are intensely poisonous. The metals of this group are noble metals ; they withstand the action of the atmosphere ; none of them are acted upon by nitric acid, though they dissolve in chlorine and in aqua regia. Their oxides part with all their oxygen when simply heated, leaving the metal behind. SUtBOIiS AND ATOMIC 'WEIGHTS. 597 CHAPTEK XXXV. ATOMIC WEISHIS OF THE ELEMENTS CLASSIFICATION. 709. An alphabetical list of the sixty-five recognized elements, with their symbols and atomic weights, is here given for convenience of reference. The names of those elements which are so rare as to be at present of little importance are printed in italics : — Aluminum Al 27-4 Mercury . Hk 200 Antimony . Sb 122 Molyhdmum . Mo 96 Arsenic As 75 Nickel . Ni 58-8 Barium Ba 137 Nitrogen . N 14 Bismuth . Bi 210 Norium . No ? Boron Bo 11 Osmium . Os 199 Bromine Br 80 Oxygen . 16 Cadmiimi . Cd 112 Palladium . Pd 106-5 Cesium Cs 133 Phosphorus . P 31 Calcium Ca 40 Platinum . Pt 197-4 Carbon C 12 Potassium . K 39-1 Cerium Ce 92 Rhodium . Eh 104 Chlorine . CI 355 Buibidium . Eb . 85-7 Chromium . Cr 52-5 Mtdhenium . Ru .104 Cobalt Co 58-8 Selenium . Se . 79-5 Columbium {Nio- ■ Silicon . Si . 28 Uum) ' , Ni 94 Silver ■ Ag . 108 Copper Didymium . Cu 03-4 Sodium . Na . 23 D 95 Strontium . Sr . 87-5 Erbium E ? Sulphur . S 82 Fluorine Fl 19 Tantalum, . Ta . 137-6 Olucinum . Gl 14 Tellurium . Te 128 Gold . Au 196-7 Terbium . Tb ? Hydrogen . H 1 Thallium . Tl !204 Indium In 35-9 (?) Thorium . Th . 231-5 (?) Iodine I 127 ^' Tin ., . Sn .118 Iridium Ir 198 Titanium . Ti . 50 Iron . Fe 56 Timgsten . W 184 Lanthanum La . 92-8 Uranium . Ur 120 Lead . Pb 207 Vanadium . V .137 lAthium Li . 7 Yttrium . Yt . 68 Magnesium Mg . 24 Zinc . . Zn . 65 Manganese . Mn . 55 Zirconium . Zr . 90 (?) 598 ITATirBAL GKOtTPS. 710. In the following table the elements are arranged in what are believed to be natural groups. Without accepting any one in- fallible criterion of classification, or insisting upon any systematic arrangement of the elements in groups with that strenuousness which is apt to make classification rather a hindrance than a help, the student may provisionally use this subdivision of the elements into groups as a help in remembering facts, as a guide to the prompt recognition of general properties and general laws, and as a suggestive compend of his whole chemical knowledge : — Fluorine . . 19 Glucinum . 14 Chlorine . . 35-5 Aluminum . 27-5 Bromine . . 80 Chromium . 52-3 Iodine . 127 Manganese . 55 Iron . . 56 Oxygen . Sulphur . . 16 Cobalt . 58-8 . 32 Nickel . 58-8 Selenium . 79-5 Yttrium . 68 Tellurium . 128 Erbium p Terbium ? Nitrogen . 14 Zirconium . . 90(?) Phosphorus . 31 Norium ?^ Arsenic . . 75 Cerium . 92 Antimony . 122 Tja,Tithanum . 92-8 Bismuth . . 210 Didymium . . 95 Uranium . 120 Carbon . . 12 Thorium . . 231-5 (?) Boron . 11 Sihcon . . 28 Copper . 63-4 Mercury . 200 Hydrogen 1 Lithium 7 Titanium . . 50 Sodium . . 23 Columbium . 94 Potassium . 391 Tin . . 118 Eubidium . 85-7 Tantalum . . 137-6 Silver . . 108 Caesium . . 133 Molybdenum . 96 ThaUium . 204 Vanadium . . 137 / Tungsten . . 184 Calcium . . 40 Sti'ontium . 87-5 Rhodium . . 104 Barium . . 137 Ruthenium . 104 Lead . 207 Palladium . . 106-5 Gold . . 196-7 Magnesium . 34 Platinum . . 197-4 Zinc . 65 Iridium . 198 Cadmium . 112 Osmium . 199 ATOMIC HBAIS OP THE ELEMENTS. 599 711. Atomic Heats of the Elements. — The power of teat to cause changes of temperature is not the same for any two sub- stances, but varies with the nature of the substance submitted to its action. Each chemical element is peculiarly affected in this respect by heat. The quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of a certain weight of water from 0° tol° being called unity, the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of the same weight of any element by the same amount is the specific heat of that element (§ 31). In the second column of the follow- ing table will be found the specific heats of a number of represen- tative elements, selected from each group of elements except the carbon group, and arranged in the order of their atomic weights. (Compare § 710.) Name. Specific Heat. Atomic Weight. Atomic Heat. Lithium . . 0-94080 7 6-59 Aluminum -21430 27-5 5-89 Sulphur .. -20259 32 6-48 Iron -11380 66 6-37 Copper.... -09515 63-4 6-04 Arsenic .. -08140 75 6-11 SUver .... -05701 108 6-16 Cadmium '05669 112 6-35 Tin -05623 118 6-63 Iodine -05412 127 6-87 Tungsten.. -03342 184 6-16 Gold -03244 196 6-36 Lead .... -03140 207 6-60 Bismuth . . -03084 210 6-48 The preceding table contains only solid substances. It has been found that the specific heat of the same body is commonly greater in the liquid than in the solid state, and always less in the gaseous than in the liquid state. Accordingly in instituting any compa- rison between different bodies, based on their specifi^e beats, it is essential to compare them in the same physical condition, solids with solids, liquids with liquids, gases with gases. The second column of the following table contains the specific heats of the four elements which are gaseous at the ordinary atmospheric temperature and pressure. 600 ATOMIC HEATS OF THE ELEMENTS. Name. Specific Heat. Atomic Weight. Atomic Heat. Hydrogen . . 3-4090 1 3-4090 Nitrogen . . 0-2438 ■ 14 8-4132 Oxygen. . . •2175 16. 3-4800 Chlorine . ■1210 35-5 4-2955 On comparing together the ntimbers in the second and third columns of the preceding tables, it will be noticed that the lo-wer the atomic -vreight of an element is, the higher is its specific heat, and vice versd. In the fourth column of the tables, under the name of atomic heat, will be found the product of the specific heat by the atomic weight of each element. The atomic heats of the elements represent the quantities of heat which are required to cause equal alterations of temperature in atomic proportions of the several elements. But the tables show that these quantities of heat are nearly the same for each and all of the solid elements compared in the first table, and are again approximately equal for the gaseous elements which are grouped in the second table. This striking principle is dedueible from the foregoing consi- derations — namely, that while the capacities for heat of the same weights of the various elements are very different, the capacities for heat of the atoms, or atomic proportions, of the elements are nearly identical, provided that the elements compared be in the same physical condition. In other words, those weights of the elements which are assumed to represent the relative weights of their atoms require approximately the same amount of heat to raise them through an equal number of degrees of temperature ; while the amounts of heat required to raise equal weights of the elements through an equal number of degrees are expressed by very diffe- rent numbers (the specific heats). It is essential, however, that the elements compared should be in the same physical condition. It is true that the numbers representing the atomic heats show considerable discrepancies ; but when it is remembered that there are unavoidable errors attaching to the determinations both of the specific heats and of the atomic weights, that many of the ele- ments cannot yet be obtained in a condition of purity, and that the two factors of the product (specific heat and atomic weight) vary in the proportion of 1 to 30, it vsdU be seen that the ac- cordance is distinct enough to indicate the existence of a general ATOMIC HEATS OF COMPOUNDS. 601 law. The atomic heats of carbon, boron, and silicon, however, do not conform to this law. 712. Atomic Seats of Compounds. — The same kind of relation between the specific heat and the molecular weight obtains within certain classes of compound bodies of like constitution. Only those compounds which have an analogous atomic constitution can possess approximately the same molecular heat ; and there are many admitted exceptions even to this rule. The following table contains the specific and atomic heats of a number of inorganic compounds, arranged in groups according to their chemical com- position. T, , Specific Molecular Atomic Formula. ^^^ jfr^^^_ j^^_ 1. Oxides MO. PbO 005089 223 11-35 HgO -05179 216 11-19 OuO -14201 79-5 11-19 ZnO -12480 81 10-11 2. Mfi,. Tefi, -16695 160 26-71 Cr,03 -17960 163 27-47 BijOj -06053 468 28-33 SbjOj -09009 292 26-31 3. Chxobidbs MCI. KaOl 0-21401 68-5 12-62 KOI -17295 74-5 12-88 HgGl -06206 236-5 12-26 CuCl -13827 99 13-69 4. MOlj. MgClj -19460 95 18-49 ZnOlj -13618 136 18-52 PbClj -06641 278 18-46 MnCL, -14255 126 17-96 SnOl2 -10161 189 19-20 5. MCI4. SnOli -14759 260 38-37 TiCL, -19146 192 36-76 602 TALTJB OF SPECIFIC HEATS. „ , Specific Molecular Atomic Fornmla. ■|.J_ ^^.^;^_ ji,^_ 6. Sulphides MS. FeS 0-13570 88 11'94 NiS -12813 90-7 11-62 Co8 -12512 90-7 11-36 SnS -08375 150 12-56 7. MS3. FeS2 -18009 120 15-61 SnSj -11932 182 21-72 M0S2 -12334 160 19-73 8. M2S3. Sli),S3 -08403 340 28-57 Bi^Sj -06002 516 30-97 9. Oabbonatbs M2OO3. K2CO3 0-21623 138 29-84 NajCO, -27275 106 28-91 10. MOO3. BaOOj -11038 197 21-74 SrCOj -14483 147-6 21-38 FeC03 -19345 116 22-44 11. Sulphates MjSOi. K2SO4 0-19010 174 3308 NajSO^ -23115 142 32-82 12. MSO4. CaSOi -19656 1.36 26-73 MgSOi -22159 120 26-59. PbS04 -08723 303 26-43' There are considerable departures from equality in the atomic heats of the bodies of similar constitution grouped in the above table ; but when it is observed that the two factors of the product are very wide apart, the close coincidence in most cases will seem much more noteworthy than the occasional discrepancies. 713. Value of Specific Heats. — The determination of the spe- cific heat of a substance is a difficult experiment in Physics. It is obvious that, if the laws concerning atomic heat which have been above illustrated were invariable and certain, the physicist IWO SETS OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS IN USE. 603 would determine for the chemist the atomic -weights of the ele- ments in experimentally fixing their specific heats; he -would also indicate the true classification of chemical compounds by determining the specific heats of these compounds. To obtain the atomic -weight of any element, it -would sufflce to divide the atomic heat common to aU the elements in the same physical state by the specific heat of that element. To determine the class of com- pounds to which a given compound belonged, it would be suffi- cient to know its atomic heat. A given carbonate, for example, would belong to the class M^COj or to the class MCO3, according as its atomic heat were about 29 or about 22. Although the principle of the equality of the atomic heats of the elements and of compounds of like constitution is not esta- blished with that certainty which would give to the experimental determination of the specific heat the conclusive weight just in- dicated, yet this equality certainly affords a very strong pre- sumption in favor of the correctness of the atomic weights of the elements contained in the above tables, and of the molecular formulae on which the classification of compounds in the third table is based. 714. Two Sets of Atomic Weights in use. — The student -wiU find in many books on chemistry weights, other than those used in this manual, assigned to the majority of the elements, and variously called combining, equivalent, or atomic weights. To all the elements, except those of the chlorine, nitrogen, and alkali groups, and the elements boron and gold, are assigned weights which are respectively the halves of the numbers given in §§ 709, 710. The weight assigned to sulphur, for example, is 16, to lead 103-5, to cadmium 56, to iron 28, to copper 31-7, to tin 59, to oxygen 8, and so forth. If these smaller numbers were accepted as the true atomic weights of the elements to which they are respectively assigned, it is obvious that the rela- tion of equaEty between the atomic heats of all elements in the same physical state, presented in the tables of § 711 , would disap- pear ; furthermore, many of the relations indicated in the table of § 712 would be no longer -visible. The atomic heats of the solid elements would be divisible into two classes, in one of which the atomic heat would be about double what it was in the 604 DisotrssiON or atomic weights. other. If the atomic weight of lead were 103-5, the formula of the white chloride of lead (§ 581) would be PbCl, analogous to NaCl, and there would be no clear reason why its atomic heat should not be that of the chlorides of the formula MCI, namely, about 12-5 ; but its atomic heat would be only 9-23. If the atomic weight of iron were 28, that of potassium being 39-1, there would be no assignable reason for the marked difference between the atomic heats of the two carbonates ; the formulae of the carbonates of iron and of potassium would be alike — either both M^CO^ or both MCO,. Another consequence of using the smaller atomic weights must not pass unnoticed. If the atomic weight of oxygen is 8 and of sulphur 16, the coincidence of the atomic weight and the unit- volume weight of those eight elements for which this equality has been affirmed (§ 259) ceases to be true ; and the simple rule that the molecule of every compound gas or vapor occupies a volume twice as large as the combining volume of hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, and so forth, will lose the universality which constitutes its chief value. The student will remember that the determination of the least combining proportion by weight of any element which cannot be converted into vapor is not a matter of direct experiment simply (§§ 395, 603). The natural analogies of the element and its compounds, the greater or less simplicity of the formulae which result from one assumption or another, the indications of isomor- phism, and of atomic heat, have aU to be consulted. That the best guides have thus far failed to lead to an unquestionable determination of the real least combining weights (or atomic weights) of the majority of the elements, may be inferred from the diversities of usage on this subject in chemical literature. In order to indicate that they mean the atomic weights which have been given in this manual, many chemists write the sym- bols of those elements for which two different weights are in use with a line drawn through them, thus 0, S, Ee, Pb. This prac- tice is almost essential in periodical publications to which writers of different theoretical views contribute. 715. In the midst of the doubts and discussions which to-day envelope chemical theories, the student will do well to remember PACT AKD THEORY. 605 that all these questions lie without the sphere of fact. They do not affect the actual composition or properties of a single element or compound ; they are questions of iaterpretation, classification, and definition. The existence of atoms is itself an hypothesis, and not a probable one ; all speculations based on this hypothesis, all names which have grown up with it, aU ideas which would be dead without it, should be accepted by the student provision- ally and cautiously, as being matter for belief but not for know- ledge. All dogmatic assertion upon such points is to be regarded with distrust. The great majority of chemists, devoted to the applications of chemistry in mineralogy, metallurgy, dyeing, printing, and the manufacture of chemicals, remain completely indifferent to discussions of chemical theories. Hence the student will find that in technical chemical literature the older notation and the corresponding smaller atomic weights are almost in- variably employed. Theories, however, are of great importance to the progress of the science and to the clear ordering of the ground already won. It is, on this account, very much to be wished that the great attention now devoted to the discussion of the best methods of representing symbolically the constitution of chemical substances and the changes to which they are subject, may result in the elaboration of a system good enough to command general ac- ceptance. APPENDIX. CHEMICAL MANIPULATION. 1. Glass tubing. — ^Two qualities of glass tubing are used in chemical experiments — that which softens readily in the flame of a gas or spirit- lamp, and that which fuses with extreme diflicidty in the flame of the blast-lamp. These two qualities are distinguished by the terms soft and hard glass. Soft glass is to be preferred for all uses except the intense heating, or ignition, of dry substances. Fig. I. represents the most convenient sizes of glass tubing, both hard and soft, and shows also the proper thickness of the glass walls for each size. Kg- 1. 2. Cutting and cracking glass. — Glass tubing and glass rod must generally be cut to the length required for any particular apparatus. A sharp triangular file is used for this purpose. The stick of tubing, or rod, to be cut is laid upon a table, and a deep scratch is made with the file at the place where the fracture is to be made. The stick is than grasped with the two hands, one on each side of the mark, while the thumbs are brought together just at the scratch. By pushing with the thumbs and pulling in the opposite direction with the fingers, the stick is broken squarely at the scratch, just as a stick of candy or dry twig may be broken. The sharp edges of the fracture should in- variably be made smooth, either with a wet file, or by softening the end of the tube or rod in the lamp. (See Appendix, § 3.) Tubes or rods of sizes four to eight inclusive may readily be cut in this maimer; the larger sizes are divided with more difficulty, and it is often neces- 11 CVTima AlTD CKACKIN& GLASS. sary to make the file-mark both long and deep. An even fracture is not always to be obtained with large tubes. The lower ends of glass funnels, and those ends of gas delivery-tubes which enter the bottle or flask in which the gas is generated, ^"' should be filed ofij or ground ofi' on a grindstone, ob- liquely (Fig. II.), to facilitate the dropping of liquids from such extremities. In order to cut glass plates, the glazier's diamond must be resorted to. For the cutting of extremely thin glass tubes and of other glass ware, like fiasks, retorts, and bottles, stiU other means are resorted to, based upon the sudden and unequal ap- plication of heat. The process divides itself into two parts — the pro- ducing of a crack in the required place, and the subsequent guiding of this crack in the desired direction. To produce a crack, a scratch must be made with the file, and to this scratch a pointed bit of red- hot charcoal, or the jet of flame produced by the mouth blowpipe, or a very fine gas-flame, or a red-hot glass rod may be applied. If the heat does not produce a crack, a wet stick or file may be touched upon the hot spot. Upon any part of a glass surface except the edge, it is not possible to control perfectly the direction and extent of this first crack ; at an edge a small crack may be started vrith tolerable certainty by carrying the file-mark entirely over the edge. To guide the crack thus started, a pointed bit of charcoal or slow match may be used. The hot point must be kept on the glass from 1 cm. to 0-5 cm. in advance of the point of the crack. The crack will follow the hot point, and may therefore be carried in any desired direction. By turning and blowing upon the coal or slow match the point may be kept sufficiently hot. ^^Tienever the place of experiment is supplied with common illuminating gas, a very small jet of burning gas may be advantageously substituted for the hot coal or slow match. To obtain such a sharp jet, a piece of hard glass tube. No. 5, 10 cm. long, and drawn to a very fine point (see Appendix, § 3), should be placed in the caoutchouc tube which ordinarily delivers the gas to the gas- lamp, and the gas should be lighted at the fine extremity. The burn- ing jet should have a fitne point, and should not exceed 1-5 cm. in length. By a judicious use of these simple tools, broken tubes, beakers, flasks, retorts, and bottles may often be made to yield very useful articles of apparatus. No sharp edges should be allowed to remain upon glass apparatus. The durability of the apparatus itself and of the corks and caoutchouc stoppers and tubing used with it vriU be much greater, if all sharp edges are removed with the file or' still better, rounded in the lamp. HEATING GLASS TtTBES. Ill 3. Bending and closing glass ti/hes. — Tubing of sizes five to eight inclusive can generally be worked in the common gas- or spirit-lamp ; for larger tubes the blast-lamp is necessary (see Appendix, § 6). Glass tubing must not be introduced suddenly into the hottest part of the flame, lest it crack. Neither should a hot tube be taken from the flame and laid at once upon a cold surface. Gradual heating and gradual cooling are alike necessary, and are the more essential the thicker the glass ; very thin glass will sometimes hear the most sudden changes of temperature, but thick glass and glass of uneven thickness absolutely require slow heating and annealing. When the end of a tube is to be heated, as in rounding sharp edges, more care is required, in consequence of the great facility with which cracks start at an edge. A tube should therefore always be brought first into the current of hot air beyond the actual flame of the gas or spirit-lamp, and there thoroughly warmed before it is introduced into the flame itself. If a blast-lamp is employed, the tube may be warmed in the smoky flame, before the blast is turned on, and may subsequently be annealed in the same manner ; the deposited soot will be burnt -ofl^ in the first instance, and in the last may be wiped off when the tube is cold. In heating a tube, whether for bending, drawing, or closing, the tube must be constantly turned between the fingers, and also moved a little to the right and left, in order that it may be xmiformly heated all round, and that the temperature of the neighboring parts may be duly raised. If a tube, or rod, is to be heated at any part but an end, it should be held between the thumb and first two fin|;ers of each hand in such a manner that the hands shall be below the tube or rod, with the palms upward, while the lamp-flame is between the hands. When the end of a tube or rod is to be heated, it is best to begin by warming the tube or rod about 2 cm. from the end, and thence to proceed slowly to the end. The best glass will not be blackened or discolored during heating. The blackening occurs in glass which, like ordinary flint glass, con- tains oxide of lead as an ingredient. Glass containing much of this oxide is not well adapted for chemical uses. The blackening may sometimes be removed by putting the glass in the upper or outer part of the flame, where the reducing gases are consumed, and the air has the best access to the glass. The blackening may be altogether avoided by always keeping the glass in the oxidizing part of the flame. Glass begins to soften and bend below a visible red heat. The con- dition of the glass is judged of as much by the fingers as the eye ; the hands feel the yielding of the glass, either to bending, pushing, or pulling, better than the eye can see the change of color or form. It 2e r IV BENDING, DEAWUfG, AND CLOSING GLASS TUBES. may be bent as soon as it yields in tbe hands, but can be drawn out only when much hotter than this. Glass tubing, however, should not be bent at too low a temperature ; the curves made at too low a heat are apt to be flattened, of unequal thickness on the convex and concave sides, and brittle. In bending tubing to make gas-delivery-tubes and the like, attention should be paid to the following points : 1st, the glass should be equally hot on all sides ; 2nd, it should not be twisted, pulled out, or pushed together during the heating ; 3rd, the bore of the tube at the bend should be kept round, and not altered in size; 4th, if two or more bends be made in the same piece of tubing (Fig. IH., a), they should all be in the same plane, so that the finished tube will lie flat upon the level table. When a tube or rod is to be bent or drawn _. —-j. close to its extremity, a temporary handle may °' be attached to it by softening the end of the ff\\ tube or rod, and pressing against the soft glass a fragment of glass tube, which wiU adhere strongly to the softened end. The handle may subsequently be removed by a slight blow, or by the aid of a file. If a considerable bend is to be made, so that the angle between the arms will be very small or nothing, as in a siphon, for example, the curva- ture cannot be well produced at one place in the tube, but should be made by heating, progressively, several centimetres of the tube, and bending continuotisly from one end of the heated portion to the other (Fig. in., h). Small and thick tube may be bent more sharply than large or thin tube. In order to draw a glass tube down to a finer bore, it is simply necessary to thoroughly soften on all sides one or two centimetres leng-th of the tube, and then, taking the glass from the flame, pidl the pai'ts asunder by a cautious movement of the hands. The larger the heated portion of glass, the longer will be the tube thus formed. Its length and fineness also increase with the rapidity of motion of the hands. If it is desirable that the finer tube should have thicker walls in proportion to its bore than the original tube, it is only necessary to keep the heated portion soft for two or three minutes before drawing out the tube, pressing the parts slightly together the while. By this process the glass will be thickened at the hot ring. To obtain a tube closed at one end, it is best to take a piece of tubing, open at both ends, and long enough to make two closed tubes. In the middle of the tube a ring of glass, as narrow as possible, must be made thoroughly soft. The hands are then separated a little, to cause BIOWING BULBS. V a contraction in diameter at the hot and soft part. The point of the flame must now be directed, not upon the narrowest part of the tube, but upon what is to be the bottom of the closed tube. This point is indicated by the line a in Fig. IV. By with- -— .j-^ drawing the right hand, the narrow part of °' the tube is attenuated, and finally melted ofi) leaving both halves of the original tube closed at one end, but not of the same form; the right-hand half is drawn out into a long point, the other is more roundly closed. It is not possible to close hand- somely the two pieces at once. The tube is seldom perfectly finished by the operation ; a superfluous knob of glass generally remains upon the end. If small, it may be got rid of by heating the whole md of the tube, and blowing moderately with the mouth into the open end. The knob, being hotter and therefore softer than any other part, yields to the pressure from within, spreads out and disappears. If the knob is large, it may be cut ofi' with scissors while red-hot, or drawn off by sticking to it a fragment of tube, and then softening the glass above the junction. The same process may be applied to the too pointed end of the right-hand half of the original tube, or to any misshapen resvilt of an unsuccessful attempt to close a tube, or to any bit of tube which is too short to make two closed tubes. When the closed end of a tube is too thin, it may be strengthened by keeping the whole end at a red heat for two or three minutes, turning the tube constantly between the fingers. It may be said in general of all the preceding operations before the lamp, that success depends on keeping the tube to be heated in constant rotation, in order to secure a imiform temperature on all sides of the tube. 4. Blmoing bulbs and piercing holes in tubing. — If the bulb desired is large in proportion to the size of the tube on which it is to be made, the walls of the tube must be thickened by rotation in the flame before the bulb can be blown. If the bulb is to be blown in the middle of a piece of tubing, this thickening is efiected by gently pressing the ends of the tube together while the glass is red-hot in the place where the bulb is to be ; if the bulb is to be placed at the end of a tube, this end is first closed, and then suitably thickened by pressing the hot glass up with a piece of metal until enough has been accumulated at the end. The thickened portion of glass is then to be heated to a cherry-red, suddenly withdrawn from the flame, and expanded while hot by steadily blowing, or rather pressing air, into the tube with the mouth ; the tube must be constantly turned on its axis, not only while in the flame, but also while the bulb is being blown. If too strong or too 2k2 sudden a pressure he exerted with the mouth, the bulb will be ex- tremely thin and quite useless. By watching the expanding glass, the proper moment for arresting the pressure may usually be determined. If the bulb obtained be not large enough, it may he reheated and en- larged by blowing into it again, provided that a sufficient thickness of glass remain. It is sometimes necessary to make a hole in the side of a tube or other thin glass apparatus. This may be done by directing a pointed flame from the blast-lamp upon the place where the hole is to be, until a small spot is red-hot, and then blowing forcibly into one end of the tube while the other end is closed by the finger ; at the hot spot the glass is blown out into a thin bubble, which hursts or may be easily broken oflF, leaving an aperture in the side of the tube. It is hoped that these few directions wiU enable the attentive student to perform, sufficiently well, all the manipulations with glass tubes which ordinary chemical experiments require. Much practice will alone give a perfect mastery of the details of glass-blowing. 5. Lamps. — The common glass spirit-lamp will be under- stood without description from the figure (Fig. V.). This lamp does not give heat enough for most ignitions; for such purposes a lamp with circular wick, of some one of the numerous forms sold under the name of Berzelius's Argand Spirit Lamp (Fig. VI.), is necessary. These argand lamps are usually mounted on a lamp- stand provided with three brass rings; but the fittings of these lamps are all made slender, in order not to carry oif too much heat. When it is necessary to heat heavy vessels, other supports must be used. Whenever gas can be obtained, gas-lamps are greatly to be pre- ferred to the best spirit-lamps. For all common chemical experi- ments, except a few for which ig- nition-tubes must be prepared or in which considerable lengths of tubing must be heated, the gas- lamp known as Bunsen's burner is the best lamp. The cheapest and best construction of this lamp may be learned from the following description with the accompanying figures. (Fig. VII.) The single casting of brass a b comprises the tuhe 6 through which the gas enters, and the block a from which the gas pjc, yjj_ escapes by two or three fine vertical holes passing through the screw d, and issuing from the upper face of d, as shown at e. The length of the tuhe 6 is 4'5 cm. and its outside diameter varies from 0"5 cm. at the outer end to 1 cm. at the junction with the block a. The outside diameter of the block a is 1-6 cm., and its outside height without the screws is 1'8 cm. By the screw c, the piece a 5 is at- tached to the iron foot g, which may he 6 cm. in diameter. By the screw rf,the brass tube /is attached to the casting a b. The diameter of the face e, and therefore the internal diameter of the tube/, should be 8 m.m. The length of the tube /is 9 cm. Through the wall of this tube, four holes 5 m.m. in diameter are to be cut at such a height that the bottom of each hole will come 1 m.m. above the face e when the tube is screwed upon a b. These holes are of course opposite each other iu pairs. The finished lamp is also shown in Fig. "VH. To the tube 5 a caoutchouc tube of 5 to 7 m.m. internal diameter is at- tached; this flexible tube shoiild be about 1 m. long, and its other eltremity should be connected with the gas-cock through the inter- vention of a short piece of brass gas-pipe screwed into the cock. In cases where a very small flame is required, as, for example, in eva- porating small quantities of liqxiid, a piece of wii-e gauze somewhat larger than the opening of the tube /should be laid across the top of the tuhe, and its proj ecting edges pressed down tightly against the sides of the tube before the lamp is lighted. In default of this precaution the flame of a Bunsen's burner, when small and exposed to currents of air, is liable to pass down the tube and ignite the -p^„ VIII gas at d. A lamp to give a powerful flame 8 or 10 cm. long, suitable for heating tubes, may be very simply con- structed by boring two holes, entering the side and issuing at the upper face, through a block of compact hard wood, 10 cm. by 6'5 cm. by 5'6 cm., and fit- ting short pieces of brass tubing into the holes so formed. To the tubes at the side are attached the caoutchouc tubes which deliver the gas, and from the tubes at the top BLAST-IAMPS AND BLOWEES. the gas issues imder a sheet-iron funnel closed at the top with wire* gauze. Above this gauze^ the mixture of gas and air is to be lighted. The iron funnel will be readily understood &om the accompanying figure, and the following dimensions : — Length of the wire gau^e 10 cm. ; width of the gauze 5 cm. ; width at a 6 9 cm. ; height of the Hne a h from the table 8-5 cm. ; whole height of the funnel 21 cm. A par- tition parallel to a J divides the funnel into two equal parts from the gauze to the level of a b. 6. SlaU-lamps and Blowers. — For drawing, bending, and closing large glass tubes, a blast-lamp is necessary. The best form is that sold under the name of Bunsen's Gas Blowpipe. Its construction and the method of using it may be learned from Fig. IX. ; a 6 is the pipe through Fig. X. Fig. IX. Fig. XI. which the gas enters, c is the tube for the blast of au-; the relation of the air- tube to the external gas-tube is shown at d; there is au outer sliding tube by which the foim and volume of the flame can be regulated. If gas is not to be had, a lamp burning oil or naphtha must be em- ployed. Fig. X. represents a common tin glassblower's lamp, suitable for burning oil. A large wick is essential, whether oU or naphtha be the combustible. For every blast-lamp a blowing-machine of some sort is necessary. To supply a constant blast it is essential that the beUows be of that construction caUed double. Figs. XI. and Xn. represent two fonns BLOWEES. IX of blowpipe-table ; their height is that 'of an ordinary table, from which dimension the other proportions may be inferred. A small double-acting bellows is now made for the use of dentists, which is available at any table by the help of a caoutchouc tube to conduct the blast to the jet. These bellows are too small to give a steady flame of large size, but will nevertheless answer for most of the glass- blowing necessary in the execution of the experiments described in this manual. Where an abundant supply of water is at command, the following blowing apparatus is very convenient. A tin pipe, a b (Fig. XIII.), Fig. xn. about one metre long and about IS m.m. in diameter, has two smaller pipes, 12 to 16 cm. long, soldered into it; these small pipes are 8 m.m. in diameter ; one, c d, is inserted at right angles 12 cm. from the end, the other, ef, 2-5 cm. lower, at an angle of 45°. The lower end of the tube passes through the cork of a wide-mouthed five-litre bottle, extending rather more than halfway down. Two glass tubes also pass through the cork of the bottle — a short small tube ff, No. 4, which should reach some 16 cm. above the cork, but should not project into X CAOtTTCHOTTC. the bottle, and a larger tube h, No. 2, extending to the bottom of the bottle. The outer end of the tube h bends over and is connected by caoutchouc tubing -with a straight tube of equal diameter. This last arrangement forms the siphon. To the tube g a caoutchouc tube, g z, is attached to convey the blast to any desired point. To produce a blast, the water-cock is connected with the tube c d hj means of a caoutchouc tube. When the water is turned on, the caoutchouc tube g i is closed for a moment with the thumb and finger. This starts the water through the siphon, and immediately a continuous and powerful blast of air rushes out through the tube g i, and may be carried directly to the blowpipe. The siphon must be capable of carrying off a larger stream of water than that which is allowed to enter, so that there shall never be more than 3 or 4 cm. of water in the bottle. By regulating the water-cock, the proper supply of water may be determined. The same apparatus may be used as an aspirator. When the instru- ment is to be used to draw air through any apparatus, the tube g i is closed by inserting a glass rod ; the upper end of the tube a 6 is closed with a cork, and the tube ef is connected with the apparatus through which tbe current of air is to be drawn. The force of the current of air ia to a certain degree affected by the size of the tube ab; to diminish the effective calibre of this tube, in case a gentle current of air is required, a glass rod as long as the tube may be passed down the tube through a cork inserted at a. The same apparatus may thus be made to produce a gentle or a powerful current of air. 7. Caoutchouc. — ^Vulcanized caoutchouc is a most useful substance in the laboratory, on accoimt of its elasticity and because it resists so well most of the corrosive substances with which the chemist deals. It is used in three forms : — (1) in tubing of various diameters com- parable with the sizes of glass tubing; (2) in stoppers of various sizes to replace corks ; (3) in sheets. Caoutchouc tubing may be used to conduct all gases and liquids which do not corrode its substance, pro- vided that the pressure under which the gas or liquid flows be not greater or its temperature higher than the texture of the tubing can endure. The flexibility of the tubing is a very obvious advantage in a great variety of cases. Short pieces of such tubing, a few centimetres in length, are much used, under the name of connectors, to make flexible joints in apparatus of which glass tubing forms part; flexible joints add greatly to the durability of such apparatus, because long glass tubes bent at several angles and connected with heavy objects like globes, bottles, or flasks fuU of liquid, ai-e almost certain to break even with the most careful usage; gas-delivery-tubes, and all con- siderable lengths of glass tubing, should invariably be divided at one or CORKS. XI more places, and the pieces joined again witli caoutcliouc connectors. The ends of glass tubing to he thus connected should be squarely cut, and then rounded in the lamp, in order that no sharp edges may cut the caoutchouc ; the internal diameter of the caoutchouc tube must be a little smaller than the external diameter of the glass tubes ; the slipping on of the connector is facilitated by wetting the glass. In some cases of delicate quantitative manipulations, in which the tightest possible joints must be secured, the caoutchouc connector is boimd on to the glass tube with a silk or smooth linen string ; the string is passed as tightly as possible twice round the connector and tied with a square knot; the string should be moistened, in order to prevent it from slipping while the knot is tying. Caoutchouc stoppers of good quality are much more durable than corks, and are in every respect to be preferred. The German stoppers are of excellent shape and quality ; the American, being chiefly in- tended for wine-bottles, are apt to be too conical. Caoutchouc stoppers can be bored, like corks (see the next section), by means of suitable cutters, and glass tubes can be fitted into the holes thus made with a tightness unattainable with corks. German stoppers may be bought abeady provided with one, two, and three holes. It is not well to lay in a -large stock of caoutchouc stoppers; for, though they last a long time when in constant use, they not infrequently deteriorate when kept in store, becoming hard and somewhat brittle with age. These stoppers must not be confounded with the very inferior caps which were in use a few years ago. Pieces of thin sheet caoutchoTic are very conveniently used for making tight joints between large tubes of two different sizes, or be- tween the neck of a flask, or bottle, and a large tube which enters it, or between the neck of a retort and the receiver into which it enters. A sufficiently broad and long piece of sheet caoutchouc is considerably stretched, wrapped tightly over the glass parts adjoining the aperture to be closed, and secured in place by a string wound closely about it and tied with a square knot. 8. Corks. — ^It is often very difficult to obtain sound, elastic corks of fine grain and of size suitable for large flasks and wide-mouthed bottles- On this account, bottles with mouths not too large to be closed with a cork cut across the grain should be chosen for chemical uses, in pre- ference to bottles which require large corks or bungs cut with the grain, and therefore offering continuous channels for the passage of gases, or even liquids. The kiads sold as champagne-corks and as satin corks for phials are suitable for chemical use. The best corks generally need to be softened before using; this softening may be PTTTIUfG TUBES THEOTJGH CORKS. effected by rolling the cork under a board upon the table, or under the foot upon the clean floor, or by gently squeezing it on all sides with the well-known tool expressly adapted for this purpose, and thence called a cork-squeezer. Steaming also softens the hardest corks. Corks must often be cut with cleanness and precision ; a sharp, thin knife, such as shoemakers use, is desirable for this purpose. When a cork has been pared down to reduce its diameter, a flat file may be employed in finishing ; the file must be fine enough to leave a smooth surface upon the cork; in filing a cork, a cylindrical, not a conical form should be aimed at. In boring holes through corks to receive glass tubes, a hollow cylinder of sheet brass sharpened at one end is a very convenient tool. Fig. XIV. represents a set of such little cylinders of graduated sizes, slipping one within the other into a very compact form ; a stout wire, of the same length as the cylinders, accompanies the set, and serves a double purpose. Passed trans- versely through two holes in the cap which ter- minates each cylinder, it gives the hand a better grasp of the tool while penetrating the cork ; and when the hole is made, the wire thrust through an opening in the top of the cap expels the little cylinder of cork which else would remain in the cutting cylinder of brass. That cutter whose diameter is next below that of the glass tube to be inserted in the cork is always to be selected ; and if the hole it makes is too small, a round file must be used to enlarge the aperture ; the roimd fide, also, often comes into play to smooth the rough sides of a hole made by a dull cork-borer. Cutters which have been dulled by use may be sharpened by filing or grinding down their outer bevelled edges and then paring off any protuberance or roughness which may remain upon the iaside of the edge with a sharp penknife. A pair of small callipers is a very convenient, though by no means essential tool in determining which size of cutter to employ. A flask which presents shai-p or rough edges at the mouth can seldom be tightly corked, for the cork cannot be introduced into the neck without being cut or roughened; such sharp edges must be rounded in the lamp. In thrusting glass tubes through bored corks, the foUowing directions are to be observed :— (1) The end of the tube must not present a shai-p edge capable of cutting the cork. (2) The tube should be grasped very close to the cork, in order to escape cutting the hand which holds STTPPOETS FOE TESSELS. XUl the cork, should the tube break ; by observing; this precaution the chief cause of breakage, viz. irregular lateral pressure, will be at the same time avoided. (3) A funnel-tube must never be held by the funnel in driving it through a cork, nor a bent tube grasped at the bend, imless the bend comes immediately above the cork, (4) If the tube goes very hard through the cork, the application of a little soap and water wiU facilitate its passage ; but if soap ia used the tube can seldom be withdrawn from the cork after the latter has become dry. (5) The tube must not be pushed straight into the cork, but screwed in, as it were, with a slow rotary as well as onward motion. Joints made with corks should always be tested before the apparatus is used, by blowing into the apparatus and at the same time stopping up all legitimate outlets. Any leakage is revealed by the disappearance of the pressure created. To the same end, air may be sucked out of an apparatus and its tightness proved by the permanence of the partial vacuum. To attempt to use a leaky cork is generally to waste time and labor and to insure the failure of the experiment. When, how- ever, a leak is only discovered during the actual progress of the expe- riment, it is sometimes possible to save the experiment by using a lute ; for this purpose wax applied with a warm knife, or a paste made of rye-meal and water may be used; common sealing-wax also is sometimes a useful makeshift. 9. Iron Stand, Sand-bath, and Wire Oauze. — To support vessels over the gas-lamp, an iron stand is used consisting of a stout vertical rod fastened into a heavy cast-iron foot, and three iron rings of graduated sizes secured to the vertical rod with binding-screws ; all the rings may be slipped off the rod, or any ring may be adjusted at any convenient elevation. The general arrangement is not unlike that of the stand which makes part of the Berzelius lamp (Fig. VI.), although simpler and cheaper. As a general rule, it is not best to apply the direct flame of the lamp to glass and porcelain vessels; hence a piece of wire gauze is stretched loosely over the largest ring, and bent down- wards a little for the reception of round -bottomed vessels ; on this gauze, flasks, retorts, and porcelain dishes are usually supported. In a few cases, in which a very gradual and equable heat is required, the wire-gauze is replaced by a small shallow pan, beaten out of sheet- iron, and filled with dry sand. This arrangement is called a sand-bath. With the aid of annealed iron wire, the iron stand may be made avail- able for supporting tubes over the lamp. Crucibles, or dishes, too small for the smallest ring belonging to the stand, are conveniently supported on an equilateral triangle made of three pieces of soft iron wire twisted together at the apices ; this triangle is laid on one of the rings of the XIV PNET7MAIIC lEOITGrH. stand. An iron tripod (that is, a stout ring supported on three legs) may often be used instead of the stand above described ; but it is not so generally useftd, because of the difficulty of adjustmg it at various heights; with a sufficiency of wooden blocks wherewith to raise the lamp or the tripod as occasion may require, it may be made available. 10. Pneumatic Trouffh.—The pneumatic trough is a contrivance which enables us to coUect and confine gases in suitable vessels, and to decant them from one vessel to another. Its efficiency depends on the pressure of the atmosphere, which, as we know, is capable of sup- porting a column of water 10-33 metres long or a column of mercury 76 cm. long (see § 7), provided that the liquid column be so arranged that the atmospheric pressure shall be fully felt upon the foot of the column, but not at all upon its head. If a tube, closed at one end and open at the other, and of any length less than 10-33 m., be com- pletely filled with water, and then inverted so that its open end shall dip beneath some water held in a basin or saucer, the tube will remain full of water when the thumb or cork, which closed the open end while the immersion was efiected, is withdrawn. What is true of a tube is equally true of a bell, or other vessel closed at one end, of any diameter or shape, provided its height be not greater than 10-33 m. ; and the principle which applies to water is equally applicable to mercury, except that the height of the mercury column which the average atmospheric pressure can hold up is only 76 cm., because mercury is 13-596 times as heavy as water. If a few bubbles of any gas insoluble in water should be delivered beneath the open end of a tube, or bell, thus standing f uU of water in apparent defiance of gravitation, the gas would rise to the top of the tube, by virtue of being lighter than the water, and the exact volume of water displaced by the gas, small or large, wotdd drop into the baSin or saucer beneath. If the gas were thus delivered continuously beneath the tube or bell, we should finally get the tube or bell full of gas, without admixture, of air, and sealed at the bottom by the water in the basin or saucer. If mercury were the liquid, the operation would be precisely the same, except as regards the height of the tube or bell. Even this difierence of possible height is not noticeable in practice, because beUs and bottles more than 50 cm. high are very seldom used with either liquid. On accotmt of its costliness, mercury is rarely used, unless the gas to be' collected, or experimented upon, be soluble in water. A trough for mercury is made as small as possible for the same reason. It is obvious that the object of a pneumatic trough may be accomplished under a great variety of forms. Any bucket or tub with a hanging shelf in it may PNETTMAHC TEOtreH. XV be made to serve. It -will be sufficient to describe two convenient forms of the apparatus. A cbeap pnemnatic trough is represented in Fig. XV. Its materials are durable and its capacity sufficient. jrjg, XV. It consists of two pieces, 1st, a stone- ware pan, about SO cm. in diameter on the bottom, with sides sloping slightly out- wards and rising to the height of about 10 cm.; 2nd, a deep flower-pot saucer about 15 cm. in diameter, with one hole bored through the middle of the bottom, and a second arched hole nipped out of its rim ; this saucer is inverted in the pan. If this second piece be made expressly for this purpose, it should be made about 5 cm. high, and its interior should be rounded to the hole in the centre, while the outside is left flat like the flower-pot saucer. For the saucer may be conveniently substituted two slabs or blocks of any stone, like soapstone, sandstone, or marble, made of even thickness and laid side by side in the water-pan with an interval between them which permits the gas-delivery-tube to come beneath the mouth of an inverted bottle or cylinder supported on the two blocks over the intervening crack. To use this apparatus, the pan is filled with water to a level about 2 cm. above the top of the inverted saucer ; the bottle, cylinder, or bell which is to receive the gas is completely filled with water from a pitcher or water-cock, then closed with the hand of the operator or with a flat piece of glass or wood, inverted into the pan, and placed on the saucer over the hole in its centre ; the end of the gas-delivery- tube is thrust through the side hole in the saucer ; and the gas, rising through the centre hole, bubbles up into the bottle or cylinder placed to receive it. While one bottle is filling with gas, another is made ready to replace it ; and when the first is full, it is pushed oflf the centre hole of the saucer, and the second bottle is brought over the hole. A bottle full of gas may be removed from the trough by slipping beneath the mouth of the bottle a shallow plate or dish, and then lifting plate and bottle out of the pan together in such a manner that water enough to seal the mouth of the bottle shall remain in the plate. The gas in one bottle maybe decanted upwards into another, by flUing the second bottle with water, and then carefully inclining the bottle containing the gas so as to bring its mouth under the mouth of the bottle which is fall of water, keeping the mouths of both bottles all the time beneath the surface of the water in the pan. If the gas which has been col- lected is heavier than air, a bottle of it may be withdrawn from the XVI COLLECTING GASES. water-pan and got at for use, by simply slipping a flat piece of glaas or wood beneath its moutli so as to close it rather tightly, and then standing the bottle, mouth upward, upon the table. If the cover be then removed from the bottle, the gas will not flow out, though it will slowly difiiise into the air. As the water with which the bottles or cylinders are filled falls into the pan when displaced by gas, it is possible that the pan may become inconveniently full if many large bottles are used ; this difiiculty must be remedied by dipping water out of the pan, and so restoring the true level. Where considerable quantities of gas are frequently to be handled, and large vessels are therefore necessary, a large apparatus, shown in Fig. XVI., is much more conve- pjg XVI. nient than the small pan, which suffices for all common experi- ments. The form of this larger pneumatic trough and the mode of using it will readily be under- stood from the fig-ure ; the depth and width of the tank or well must be determined by the size of the beUs and cylinders which are to be sunk in it, and the length and breadth of the shallow part or shelf by the number of bells or jars of gas which are likely to be in use at any one time. The deep groove in the shelf permits a glass or caoutchouc tube to pass without compression under a bell whose rim projects over the groove. Such a trough is best made of zinc or lead. It is very convenient to have it sunk in a table, and permanently pro- vided with a water-cock and drain-pipe. A chief merit of this instru- ment is that the glass vessels used can be filled with water by sinking them in the well much more conveniently than from a pitcher or water-cock. A pneumatic trough for mercury may be made either of wood, iron, or stone. For all common uses, it is very well cut out of a solid block of compact hard wood, which will not split. Small cylinders or bells only can be used, and the well of the trough should be scooped out but a little larger than the bell or cylinder selected, with its principal dimension horizontal, and its bottom curved to fit the cylindrical bell which is to be laid in it ; the shelf, too, should have but a small area, siifficient only for four or five bells of 3 or 4 cm. diameter. In using a pneumatic trough, of any construction or dimensions, the student should be on his guard against two difficulties of possible occur- rence — against the sucking hack of the liquid in the trough into the STTCKDfG BACK AUD LEASAGB. XVU gas-generating apparatus, and against the leakage sometimes induced by the pressure created by thrusting the gas-delivery-tuhe deep under water or mercury. The first of these difficulties is the most serious. When the flow of gas from a heated flask or tube is suddenly arrested, in consequence of some reduction of temperature, or from any other cause, it often happens that the volume of gas in the generating appa- ratus contracts, and the cold water or mercury from the trough rises in the deliverj'-tube to fill the void ; if the contraction is so considerable as to suffer the cold liquid to penetrate into the hot flask or tube, an explosion almost inevitably ensues, which fractures the apparatus, if it does no worse damage. In collecting over water a gas somewhat solu- ble in that liquid, this danger is especially imminent. The occurrence of si)f h accidents may be efiectually guarded against by paying atten- tion to the following directions : — (1) Whenever it is proposed to stop an evolution of gas which has been going on from a hot flask or tube, withdraw the delivery-tube from the water hefore extinguishing the lamp, and shake ofi' from the bent end of the tube the drops of water which are apt to adhere to it ; the lamp may then be safely put out, for air can enter the apparatus through the open tube. (2) When the flow of gas from a hot apparatus is observed to slacken, watch closely the escape of the gas from the delivery-tube, and as soon as any tendency to reflux of water is detected, lift the delivery- tube quickly out of the water, or, better, slip ofi" the caoutchouc connector, which should always be found between the flask and the water-pan on every such piece of apparatus ; if there be no connector, the cork must be loosened in the neck of the flask. Air will thus be admitted to the hot flask or tube. These precautions apply more particularly to the cases where gas is evolved from dry materials, as in maJring oxygen or nitrous oxide ; when a liquid is contained in the generating flask, a safety-tube is a sure protection against the danger of sucking back. The atmospheric pressure can force air into a flask, in which a partial vacuum has been created, through the safety-tube, by lifting and displacing a column of the liquid whose height is the length of that portion of the safety-tube which dips beneath the liquid. Unless the liquid in the flask be extra- ordinarily dense, the force required to do this will be very much less than that required to lift a column of water whose height is determined by the elevation of the highest point of the delivery-tube above the level of the water in the pan. When the gas coming from the generating flask has to force out and keep out of the delivery-tube a column of water measmed from the lowest point of the tube to the surface of the water in the pan, a pres- sure determined by the height of this column is established upon the xvm GAS-HOLDBES. interior of the flask and upon every joint of the apparatus. Hence an apparatus will sometimes leak, and refuse to deliver gas at the desired point, when its delivery-tuhe is deeply immersed, while it does not leak if the tube merely dip beneath the surface of the water. With mercury the pressure of a few centimetres is very considerable, on account of the high specific gravity of the fluid, so that this difliculty is more likely to occur with this metal thanvsdth water. Tight joints prevent the occm'rence of this difficulty. A partial remedy is to dip the delivery-tube as little as possible below the surface of the fluid in the trough. 11. Gas-holders. — A small gas-holder, very convenient for many uses, is made from a common glass bottle in the following manner: — A. Fig. xvn. (Fig. xvn.) is a bottle of 4-6 litres capacity; through the cork in its neck pass two glass tubes (No. 6), of which one reaches the bottom of the bottle, while the other merely pene- trates the cork ; with the outer end of the first tube a caoutchouc tube c is coimected, with the outer end of the second a common gas-cock a. The bottle being first completely fiUed with water, the apparatus which generates, or contains, the gas to be introduced into the holder is connected with the tube carrying the cock a ; this cock is open. As the gas presses in, the water mounts in the long tube, and flows out by the siphon^ c. In order to relieve the gas from this pressure at the beginning, it is only necessary to suck a little at c. The tube c should of coiu'se be thrust into a sink or drain-pipe. To get gas out of the bottle, thus charged, the cock a is closed, and the flexible tube c is lifted up and connected, as shown in the figure with a bottle of water B placed on a shelf, or stand, somewhat above the bottle A. When the cock h is opened, the gas in ^ is pressed upon by the weight of the superincumbent column of water, and may there- fore be made to issue at vpiU from the cock a. The higher B is placed above A, the g-reater wiU be the force with which the gas will issue. GAS-HOLDEKS. Fig. xvin. 6=a If a moderate or easily regulated water-pressure is at liand, supplied by city water-works or a reservoir in the upper part of the building, tbe bottle B is unnecessary, and tbe flexible tube c may be connected with, such a water-supply whenever gas is to be pressed ou.t of the gas-holder A. When larger quantities of gas are to bo stored for use, a metallic gas- holder, whose construction and proportions are shown in Fig. XVIII., is advantageously employed. The open cistern -Bis supported over the vessel A on two co- lumns c c, and two tubes a and h ; of these tubes the first, a, reaches from the bottom of B nearly to the bottom of A, while the second, 6, starts from the bottom of B and just enters the arched top of A without projecting into it; d\as. short large tube, sloping iipwards and outwards, and capable of being tightly closed with a cork or caout- chouc stopper; jr is a glass gauge to show the height of the water in the vessel A ; e is the discharge-pipe. To fill the gas-holder with water, close d, open the stopcocks a, b, and e, and pour water into the cistern B ; the water entering A will expel the air throug;h b and e; when the water begins to flow through e, close that stopcock and expel the rest of the air through b. The gas-holder may now be fiUed with gas by displacing the water in the following manner: — Close aU the stop- cocks, withdraw the cork or stopper from d, and introduce the tube which delivers the gas through that opening. A short piece of caout- chouc tubing makes the best end for the gas-delivery-tube ; but glass tubing wiU answer the purpose if the end be slightly bent upward. The water flows out at d as fast as the gas enters, and the gas-holder should therefore stand in a shallow metal tray provided with a drain- pipe. When the desired quantity of gas has been introduced, close d. To draw gas out of a gas-holder of this construction, the cistern B is filled with water and the cock a is opened ; under the pressure thus established the gas may be drawn off through e, or allowed to rise through b into bottles or bells filled with water and held over the mouth of the tube b in the cistern B; in this last case B answers the purpose of a pneumatic trough. This gas-holder may be cheaply made of zinc; any gas-fitter can 2s GAS-HOLDEES. supply the necessary stopcocks; care must be taken that the glass tube which constitutes the gauge ia fitted air-tight to the gas-holder. The stopcock e need not end in a screw ; tubes may be as well con- nected with it by caoutchouc. The available pressure under which the gas in the holder streams out at e is of course limited by the ele- vation of B above A, which must always be moderate. When a stronger pressure is desirable, as in getting- the oxyhydrogen blowpipe- flanie, for example, a heavier water-column maybe obtained by screw- ing a tall tube with a capacious funnel on the top of it into the tube a, where it opens into the bottom of the cistern B. A piece of common iron or copper gas-pipe about a metre long, answers this purpose very well ; the funnel at the top should hold two or three litres, and must be kept full of water from a cask or tub provided with a cock and placed just above the funnel. Where a water-supply, with moderate pressure, is obtainable, it may be used to keep the funnel full, or to replace the funnel altogether, if directly connected with the tube a. A gas-holder, measuring not more than 60 cm. in total height, is not too heavy to be portable, and during the process of filling may be placed over a tub ; but a gas-holder of much larger proportions is better made a fixture, and provided in a permanent manner with drain-pipe and water-supply. The gas-holder thus described is that which is the most generally useful ; it may be charged from any glass flask, retort, or bottle, without any pres- sure being exerted upon the glass vessel ; and imused gas contained in any sort of bell, bottle, or flask can be very readily transferred to such a gas-holder without waste and with very little trouble. A cheaper gas-holder may be made on the plan of the large gas-holders, improperly called gasometers, used in gas-works. Fig. XIX. re- presents a gas-holder of this sort. Over a tank of water, which may be a cylinder of zinc as shown in the figure, or a headless pork- or oil- barrel, or any other water-tight tub, is balanced by pulleys and weights a tight bell of zinc, not too large for complete immersion in the tank. The U-tube, shown in the figure, which may be either of lead or brass, serves both to intro- duce and deliver the gas. To fill such a gaso- meter, open the cock, lift the counterbalajicing weight, and let the bell sink into the water j then connect the vessel from which the gas is DEFIiAQaATINQ-SPOON. XXX delivered -with the tube of the holder, counterpoiae the bell, and the gas coming- from the generator -will gradually lift the bell out of the water. To force the gas out of the holder it is only necessary to remoTO the counterbalancing weight ; the weight of the bell forces out the gas ; and if this pressure be not sufficient, additional weights may be placed on the top of the bell. Gas-holders of this construction, unless very small, are too heavy, when filled with water, to be carried about ; but this difficulty may be obviated, when economy is not specially to be regarded, by placing within the lower cylinder, or tank, a second aijr-tight cylinder as a core, so as to leave only a narrow space between the inner and outer cylinders for the water into which the upper beU dips. Elegant, but not cheap, gas-holders are thus made, which are convenient for some uses, but are not so generally to be recommended as those of the construction first described. The vessel from which a gas-holder with counterpoised beU is charged is always subjected to some pressure, slight if the pulleys, cords, and weights are in perfect order, but more frequently considerable on account of the difficulty of maintaining such an apparatus in perfect condition, 12. Deflagrating-Spoan. — The little cup which holds combustible material, to be burnt in a bottle or jar of gas, is called a defliagrating- spoon ; it may be cheaply made by hoUowiug a hemispherical cup out of a cube of chalk about 3 cm. on a side, and attaching a stout iron or brass wire to the chalk, in such a manner that the cup wUl be right side up when hung by the wire in a jar of gas ; the upper end of this wire should be straight, that it may be thrust through the cork or piece of wood which covers the mouth of the bottle or jar. The piece of chalk may be replaced by a bit of the cylindrical chalk crayon com- monly used with blackboards. A piece of crayon 1'5 cm. in length will make a sufficient spoon. A small cupel is a convenient ready-made substitute for the chalk cup. Brass deflagrating-spoons are also tp be had of philosophical-instrument-makers. 13. Platimtm Foil and Wire.~~A piece of platinum foil about 3 cm. square is useful in experiments involving the evaporation of a drop or two of liquid and the ignition of the residue ; it is an essential tool in qualitative analysis. The foil should be at least so thick that it does not crinkle when wiped ; and it is more economical to get foil which is tog thick than too thin, for it reqliu'es frequent cleaning. A bit of platinum wire, not thicker than a No. 10 needle, and 20 cm. long, will last a long time with careful usage. No other metal, and no mixture of substances from which a metal can be reduced, must ever be heated on platinum foil or wire, for platinum forms alloys with other metals which are much more fusible than itseE If once alloyed with a baser metal, the 2s2 XXll riLIEEISG. platinum ceases to bo applicable to its peculiar uses. Platinum may be cleaned by boiling it in either nitric or chlorhydric acid, by fusing the acid sulphate of sodium or potassium upon it, or by scouring it with fine sand. Aqua regia and chlorine-water dissolve platinum; the sulphides, cyanides, and oxides of sodium and potassium, when fused in platinum vessels, slowly attach the metal. 14. -P(/tenra(/.— Filtration is resorted to in order to separate a finely divided solid from a liquid. The filter may be made of paper, cloth, tow, cotton, asbestos, and other substances. Paper is the substance oftenest used. A good filtering-paper must be porous enough to filter rapidly, and yet suiSciently close in textm-e to retain the finest pow- ders ; and it must also be strong enough to bear, when wet, the pres- sure of the liquid which must be poured upon it. For delicate experi- ments it is also necessary that filtering-paper should contain no soluble salts, and but a very small proportion of incombustible material, which would remain as ash were the filter to be burned. Filtering-paper (which is generally sold in sheets) is first cut into circles of various diameters, adapted to the various scales of operation -pj yy and quantities of liquids to be filtered. To prepare a filter for use, one of these circles is folded over on its own diameter, and the semicircle thus obtained is folded once upon itself into the form of a quadrant ; the paper thus folded is opened so that three thick- nesses shall come upon one side, and one thickness upon the other, as shown in Fig. XX.; the filter is then placed in a glass funnel, the angle of which should be precisely that of the opened paper, viz. 60° ; after being wetted, it is ready to receive the liquid to be filtered. The paper may be so folded as to fit a funnel whose angle is more or less than 60° ; but this is the most advantageous angle, and glass funnels should be selected with reference to their correctness in this respect. Coarse and rapid filtering can be effected with cloth bags, j^- -jry-r also by plugging the neck of a funnel loosely with tow or cotton. If a very acid or very caustic liquid, which would destroy paper, cotton, tow, or wool, is to be filtered, the best substances wherewith to plug the neck of the funnel are asbestos and gun-cotton, neither of which is attacked by such corrosive liquids. The glass funnel which holds the filter generally requires an independent support; for it is seldom judicious, or pos- sible, to support the funnel directly upon the vessel which receives the JiUrate, as the clear liquid which runs through the filter is DETING GASES. called. The iron stand may be used for tWs purpose ; and wooden stands, of a similar construction, adapted expressly for holding- funnels, ai-e very convenient and not expensive. In general, care should he taken that the lower end of the funnel touch the side or edge of the vessel into which the filtrate descends, in order that the liquid may not fall in drops, but run quietly down without splashing. Sometimes there is no objection to thrusting a funnel directly into the neck of a bottle or flask ; but in this case an ample exit for the air in the bottle must be provided (Fig. XXI.). 15. Drying Gases. — It is often desirable to remove the aqueous vapor .which is mixed with gases, collected over water or prepared from materials containing water. It very seldom happens that a gas can be prepared at one operation in so dry a state as to contain no vapor of water; this vapor must ordinarily be removed by a subsequent or additional process. Experience has shown that some gases are more easily dried than others ; thus air, hydrogen, and common oxygen are thoroughly dried with great ease, but gaseous mixtures which con- tain antozone only with great difficulty ; chlorine is three times as hard to dry as carbonic acid. These and similar facts must be borne in mind in constructing drying-apparatus. The common drying-pro- cess depends upon bringing the moist gas into contact with some liquid or solid which greedily and rapidly absorbs aqueous vapor. The three substances most used for this purpose are concentrated sulphuric acid, chloride of calcium, and dry quicklime. Sulphurio acid may be used in two ways : the gas may be made to bubble through a few centi- metres depth of the liquid acid, or it may be forced to pass through the interstices of a column of broken pumice-stone which has been previously soaked in the acid. The latter method is the most eiFectual, because it secures a more thorough contact of the gas with the hygro- scopic acid than is possible during the rapid bubbling of the light gas through a shallow layer of the dense liquid. The column of fragments of pumice-stone may be held in a U-tube, arranged like that shown in Fig. XXII. ; but the vertical cy- linder shown in the same figure is better adapted for this use, because the acid as it becomes dilute from absorption of moisture, gradually trickles from the pumice-stone, and^^^^^'*'^ is apt to collect in such quantity at Fig. XXII. 33= XXIV CHLOEIDB-OF-OAICITJM tr-TXTBE. the bottom of the U-tube as to completely cloae tbe tube. In preparing the upright cylinder for use, the portion below the contraction is not filled with pumice-stone ; it receives the drippings from the pumice- stone column. The gas to be dried enters by the lower lateral opening, and goes out at the top of the cylinder. Though especially adapted to the column of acid-soaked pumice-stone, this cylinder may very well be used with either of the other drying-agents, chloride of cal- cium or quicklime. Either of the forms of drying-tube represented in Fig. XXII. may be employed with these latter substances ; in charging the horizontal tubes, bits of loose cotton-wool should first be placed against the exit-tube to prevent any particles of the chloride of cal- cium, or quicklime, from entering that tube ; pieces of the perfectly dry solid are then introduced in such a way that the tube may be com- pactly filled with fragments which leave room for the gas to pass very deviously between them, but offer no direct channels through which the gas could find straight and quick passage. Quicklime must be charged much more loosely than chloride of calcium, because of its great expansion when moistened. Fused chloride of calcium is not so well adapted for drying gases as the imfused substance. It is not at all necessary that the fragments of chloride of calcium, or quicklime, should be of uniform size. When the tube is nearly fuU, a plug of loose cotton should be inserted before putting in the cork. A chloride- of-calcium tube, once filled, will often serve for many experiments ; whenever out of use, its outlets should be covered with paper caps; or, better, caoutchouc connectors may be slipped upon the exit-tubes, and bits of glass rod thrust into these connectors. The moisture of the air is thus kept from the chloride of oalciimi. The dimensions of drying- tubes are of course very various ; the bulb-tube shown in Fig. XSH. is seldom used with a greater length than 25 cm. ; when this form of tube is employed the gas should invariably enter by the end without a cork, where the small size of the tube permits direct connexion with a common gas-delivery-tube by means ^S' ^■^■'■■'-'■' of a caoutchouc connector; the other horizontal tube, '^^ shown in the figure, may be of any length ; but when- .pt ever a great extent of drying-surface is necessary, U- tubes have the advantage of compactness; for many can be htmg upon one short frame. The upright cylinder may be from 25 cm. to 40 cm. in height. A good U-tube, with an addition which has the merit of economizing- chloride of calcium, is shown in Fig. XXIII. ; the addi- tion consists of a short test-tube, into which the tube by which the gas comes in barely enters ; a quantity of water is often WAIEB-BATH. XiV caught in this test-tube wMch otherwise would wet and spoil a con- siderable amount of chloride of calcium ; the little test-tube may, of course, be taken out and emptied at will. The choice between one or other of the three drying-substances is determined in each special case by the chemical relations of the gas to be dried ; thus ammonia-gas, which is absorbed by sulphuric acid and by chloride of calcium, must be dried by passing it over quicklime, while sulphurous acid gas, which would combine with quicklime, must be dried by contact with sulphuric acid. Fig. XXV. Fig. XXIV. 16. Spring Clip and Screw Compressor. — ^These are very convenient substitutes for the ordinary stopcock, and as such are in constant use in the laboratory. Their form, and the manner of their use, wUl be readily understood from the figures. As glass stopcocks are expensive and fragile, and metal stopcocks are usually out of the question, be- cause so many gases and liqiuds attack the common metals, these excellent substitutes are used whenever a caoutchouc tube is not inad- missible ; they cannot be used unless a bit of elastic tubing can be inserted into the apparatus which requires a cock. Another effective mode of temporarily stopping or partially closing a caoutchouc tube, is to slip over the tube a common brass ring of about the same diameter as that of the tube, and then to thrust a slightly conical plug of hard wood or ivory between the ring and the flexible tube. 17. Water-hath. — ^It is often necessary to evaporate solutions at a moderate temperature which can permanently be kept below a certain known limit ; thus, when an aqueous solution is to be quietly evaporated without spirting or jumping, the temperature of the solution must never be suf- fered to rise above the boiling-point of water, nor even quite to reach this point. This quiet evapora- tion is best effected by the use of a water-bath — a copper cup whose top is made of concentric rings of ' different diameters to ad^pt it to dishes of various size (Fig. XXVI.). This cup, two-thirds full of water. Fig. XXVI. IKOIf EETOBT. is supported on the iron stand over tlie lampj and the dish Contain- ing the solution to be evaporated is placed on that one of the several ring's which will permit the greater part of the dish to sink into the copper cup. The steam rising from the water impinges upon the bottom of the dish, and brings the liquid vrithin it to a temperature which insm-es the evaporation of the water, but will not cause any actual ebullition. The water in the copper cup must never be allowed to boil away. Whenever a constant svipply of steam is at hand, as in buildings warmed by steam, the copper cup above described may be converted into a steam-bath by attaching it to a steam-pipe by means of a small tube provided with a stopcock. A cheap but serviceable water-bath may be made from a quart milk-can, oil-can, tea-cannister, or any similarly shaped tin vessel, by inserting the stem of a glass funnel into the neck of the can through a well-fitting cork. In this funnel the dish containing the liquor to be evaporated rests. The can contains the water, which is to be kept just boiling. On account of the shape of the funnel, dishes of various sizes can be used with the same apparatus. The copper vessel first described may be conveniently employed when it is requii'ed to expose substances to a constant temperature higher than 100°. For this purpose the cup is filled with oil, wax, paraiEne, or a solution of chloride of zinc or chloride of calcium ; the flask or dish containing the substance to be heated should, in this case, be immersed in the fluid to about two-thirds of its depth ; a thermo- meter must be used to indicate the temperature of such a bath. "When oil, wax, or paraffine is used, the temperature must not be carried so high as to bum or decompose these organic matters, else a very dis- gusting vapor will be produced. 18. Iron Retort. — A retort, made of iron, of the form shown in Fig. XXVU., is a convenient utensil in making large quantities of oxygen, ^io- -^-^"^ ^• and in preparing illuminating-gas or marsh-gas. The iron top is fitted to the retort with a ground joint, fastened bj' a screw-clamp. When the top is removed, the whole inner surface of the retort is exposed — a decided advantage wherever the residue left in the retort after use is solid. A retort of about 300 c. c. capa- city Ls amply large for most uses. A small iron kettle makes a serviceable retort ; the lid must be luted on, and the nose becomes the exit-tube. 18, Self-regulating OaH-generator.—An appai'atus which is always SEL]?-EEGrri.AIIN(} aAS-GENEBATOR. Fig. xxvnr. ready to deliver a constant stream of hydrogen, and yet does not generate the gas except when it is immediately -wanted for use, is a great convenience in an active laboratory or on a lecture-table. The same remark applies to the two gases sulphydric acid and carbonic acid, which are likewise used in considerable quantities, and which can be conveniently generated in precisely the same form of apparatus which is advan- tageous for hydrogen. Such a generator may be made of divers dimensions. The following dii'ections, with the accompany- ing figure (Fig. XXVIIL), will enable the student to construct an apparatus of con- venient size. Procure a glass cylinder 20 or 25 cm. in diameter and 80 or 35 cm. high; ribbed candy-jars are sometimes to be had of about this size ; procure also a stout tubulated bell glass 10 or 12 cm. wide and 5 or 7 cm. shorter than the cy- linder. Get a basket of sheet-lead 7'5 cm. deep and 2o cm. narrower than the bell- glass, and bore a number of small holes in the sides and bottom of this basket. Cast a circular plate of lead 7 m.m. thick and of a diameter 4 cm. larger than that of the glass cylinder ; on what is intended for its under side solder three equidistant leaden strips, or a continuous ring of lead, tq keep the plate in proper position as a cover for the cylinder. Fit tightly to each end of a good brass gas-cock a piece of brass tube 8 cm. long, 1'5 to 2 cm. wide, and stout in metal. Perforate the centre of the leaden'plate, so that one of these tubes will snugly pass through the orifice, and secure it by solder, leaving 5 cm. of the tube project- ing below the plate. Attach to the lower end of this tube a stout hook on which to hang the leaden basket. By means of a sound cork and common sealing-wax, or a cement made of oil mixed vsith red and white lead, fasten this tube into the tubulature of the bell glass air- tight, and so firmly that the joint will bear a weight of 2 or 3 kilos. Hang the basket by means of copper wire within the bell 6 cm. above the bottom of the latter. To the tube which extends above the stop- cock attach by a good cork the neck of a tubulated receiver of 100 or 150 c. c. capacity, the interior of which has been loosely stuffed with cotton. Into the second tubulature of the receiver fit tightly the de- livery-tube carrying a caoutchouc connector ; into this connector can he fitted a tube adapted to convey the gas in any desired direction. GLASS WAEE. To charge the apparatus, flU the cylinder with dilute acid to -snthrn 10 or 12 cm. of the top, place the zinc, sulphide of iron, or marble, as the case may be, in the basket, hang the basket in the bell, and put the beU-glaas full of air into its place with the stopcock closed. On opening the cock, the weight of the acid expels the air from the bell, the acid comes in contact with the solid in the basket, and a steady supply of gas is generated until either the acid is satura,ted or the solid dissolved; if the cock be closed, the gas accumulates in the boU, and pushes the acid below the basket so that all action ceases. In cold weather the apparatus must be kept in a warm place. For gene- rating hydrogen, sulphuric acid diluted with four or five parts of water is used; for sulphydric acid, sulphuric acid is diluted with fourteen parts of water ; for carbonic acid, chlorhydric acid diluted with two or three parts of water is to be preferred. 20. Glass Retorts, Flasks, Beakers, Test-tubes and Test-glasses.— All glass vessels which are meant for use in heating liquids must have uniformly thin bottoms. Tubulated retorts are much more generally useful than those without a tubulature. As retorts are expensive in comparison with flasks, they are less used than formerly. The neck of a flask should have such a form that it can be tightly closed by a cork, and the lip must be strengthened to resist the force used in pressing in the cork, either by a rim of glass added on the outside, or, 'better, by causing the rim itself to flare outward. The actual edge of the rim must never be sharp or rough, but always smooth and rounded by partial fusion. The thin-bottomed flasks in which olive-oil is sometimes imported from Italy are excellent for chemical uses ; their edges always require, however, to be rounded in the lamp. These Florence flasks, which are very much to be recommended both on the ground of cheapness and of durability, may be cleaned by soaking them 24 hours in a weak caustic lye, and then washing them with boiling water. BeaJjers are thin flat-bottomed tumblers with a slightly flaring rim. They are to be bought in sets or nests which sometimes include a large range of sizes. The small sizes are very useful vessels ; the large are so fragile as to be almost worthless. Up to the capacity of about a litre, beakers are to be recommended for heating liquids whenever it is an object to have the whole interior of the vessel readily accessible. Test-tubes are little cylinders of thin glass, with round, thin bottom.s, and lips slightly flared. Their length may be from 12 cm. to 18 cm., and their diameter 1 cm. to 2 cm. ; they should never have a dia- meter so large that the open end camiot be closed by the ball of the thumb. To hold the tubes upright a wooden rack is necessary. Be- MEASt7KING-GLAS8E3 AND BITKEITES. xxix sides the row of holes to receive a dozen test-tubes bottom down, the rack should have a row of pegs on which the test-tubes may be in- verted when not in use ; in this position the water in which they are rinsed drains off, and dust cannot be deposited within the tubes. Test- tubes are much used for heating small quantities of liquid over the gas- or spirit-lamp ; they may generally be held by the upper end in the fingers without inconvenience, but if a liquid is to be boiled for some minutes in a test-tube, the tube must be held in wooden nippers, or in a strip of thick folded paper, nipped round the tube and grasped be- tween the thumb and fore finger just outside the tube. The wooden nippers above mentioned are made of two bits of wood about 30 cm. long hinged together at the back, and at once connected and kept apart by a sliding steel or brass spring, somewhat like those used on certain pruning-shears and some kinds of steel nippers. When a liquid is boiling actively in a test-tube, it sometimes happens that portions of the hot liquid are projected out of the tube with some force; the operator should therefore hold the tube in an inclined position, rolling it to a slight extent between the thumb and fore finger in order that all sides of the tube may be equally exposed to the flame ; while thus using the tube, he should be careful not to direct it either towards himself or towards any other person in his neighbourhood. Test-tubes are cleaned by the aid of cylindrical brushes made of bristles caught between twisted wires, like those used for cleaning lamp-chimneys : they should have a round end of bristles. Two precautions are invariably to be observed in heating glass and porcelain vessels of whatever form : first, the outside of the vessel to be heated must be made perfectly dry ; secondly, the temperature must not be raised too rapidly. When a large flask or beaker containing a cold liquid is first warmed over a lamp, moisture almost invariably condenses upon the bottom of the vessel : this moisture should be wiped off with a cloth. Stout conical glasses with strong stems and feet are convenient for many uses not involving the application of heat. They are called test-glasses, and may be had of various shapes and sizes. It is obvious that cheap wine- or beer-glasses and common jelly-tumblers would answer the purposes which these test-glasses serve. 21. Meamrmg-glassea and Burettes. — Measuring-glasses, divided into cubic centimetres, are made in the Cylindrical form, and also in the flaring shape common in druggists' measuring-glasses ; the cylindrical form is to be preferred. Such a glass of 250 c. c, or better of 600 c. c. capacity, is a very useful implement ; a flask holding just one litre when filled to a mark upon its neck is also convenient. Smaller :sxs BEADING BUEETIES. — - 4ia i §20 1 ~ ^ = ' f i-3Q ^ ■=" ■■' 1 ~riO ] 3. '" Ira i to 3 jm. J quantities of liquid are measured with burettes. Mohr's burette is -the most generally useful of all forms of this instru- i-jct. XXIX. ment (see Fig. XXIX., the right-hand instrument) ; it is a graduated tube di'awn to a small bore at the bottom ; a caoutchouc connector is slipped upon the bottom of the tube, a short bit of tube drawn to a fine point is thrust into the lower end of the con- nector, and a spring clip nips the connector between the two glass tubes. The spring clip closes the bot- tom of the burette, but it can of course be opened at will to permit the liquid in the bm-ette to flow or drop out. The caoutchouc affects injm-iously some of the liquids which are used in burettes ; so that this common form of Mohr's burette is not always appli- cable. To avoid this difficulty the instrument may be made with a glass cock, but is then rather costly. ''fe==^ °! Gay-Lussac's burette is available whenever the caoutchouc in Mohr's burette is objectionable. The construction of Gay-Lussac's bm-ette is plainly to be seen in the figure (see Fig. XXIX., the left-hand instru- ment); a narrow tube rims up beside the large graduated tube to the top of the latter, and the liquid can be poured out in drops by gently in- clining the instrument. Its fragility is a serious objection to this form of bm'ette ; the danger of breaking off the small tube is lessened, if a small piece of cork be inserted between the two tubes at the top, and a string tied round them both. A wooden foot in which it may stand upright upon a table is a convenient addition to Gay-Lussac's burette. Mohr's burette must be held upright in a suitable screw clamp, or be fastened on to a wooden frame in such a manner that the tube shall be vertical, firm, and at the same time easily .detached. The fineness of measurement maybe increased, without impairing the distinctness of the scale, by reduciug the bore of the bm'ette. For delicate work, burettes divided into tenths of a cubic centimetre are employed. The way in which the reading-off is effected is a matter of importance in using a burette ; it is essential, 1st, that the burette should be vertical ; 2nd, that the eye should be brought to a level with the surface of the fluid; 3rd, that a fixed standard should be adopted of what is to be consi- dered the surface. K a burette, partly filled with a liquid, be held between the eye and a white wall, the surface of the liquid presents a light line which is nearly level, and just below this line a second line, which is dark and curved with the convexity downward. If a sheet of white paper be held immediately behind the tube, these two lines, though somewhat altered in appearance, are still distinctly WHnfG BUEETIES. XXXI visible. They may be made still mOre distinct by using instead of wUte paper a card half white, half black, with a straight di-viding line between the two colors. On holding this card with the white half uppermost, and the border line between white and black from 2 to 3 m.m. below the lowest visible dark line, two zones are brought out, a light zone and a dark zone, and the lower limit of the dark zone is made very distinct. Care must be taken to hold the card invariably in the same relative position, since, if it be held lower down, the lower border of the dark zone will move higher up. In practice the lower border of the dark zon6 is read oif as the surface of the liquid, this being the most distinctly marked line. There is one exception to this rule ; when an opaque solution of permanganate of potassium is to be measured in Gay-Lussac's burette, the upper border of the dark zone must be held to be the surface of the liquid ; in this case it is best to place the burette against a white background. The zero of the graduated scale on a burette is always near the top of the tube. In order to fill Mohr's bm-ette, the point of the instru- ment is dipped into the liquid, the spring clip opened, and a little liquid, sufficient at least to reach into the burette tube, is sucked up by ap- plying the mouth to the upper end ; the spring clip is then closed, and the liquid poured into the burette through the upper end until it has risen a little above the zero-line. By opening the spring clip, the liquid is then allowed to drop out until the exact level of the zero-line is reached. The instrument is then ready for use. When a quantity of liquid has been allowed to flow out of a burette thus fiUed, and the operator desires to read off the amount used, he must wait a few Inoments to give the particles of fluid adhering to the sides of the emptied portion of the tube time to run down. This remark applies to all forms of burette. Erdmann's swimmer is an excellent addition to Mohr's burette. It is a cylindrical glass float of such a width as nearly to fill the burette, but yet so loosely as to float Fig.XXX. freely up and down with the liquor. To set the instrument f\ -g y at zero a ring cut round the swimmer is brought to coin- '' ^ cide with the line engraved on the burette. The abso- lute height of the liquor in the burette is to be disregarded. In order to read the height of the liquor in the burette at any time, it is only necessary to note that line on the scale with which the mark cut round the float coincides. 22. Pipettes. — Pipettes are tubes dravra to a point, and n^ sometimes furnished with a bulb or a cylindrical enlarge' ment. They are chiefly used to suck small quantities of fluid out of a vessel without disturbing the bulk of the liquid. Figure XXX, re- XXXU POECELAIN WAKE. presents three forms of pipette ; the form with the lower end bent upwards is used to introduce liquids into a hell or bottle of gas stand- ing over mercury. Pipettes graduated into cubic centimetres, or holdmg a certain number of cubic centimetres when filled to a mark on the stem, are often convenient. 23. Wash-bottle.— A wash-bottle is a flask with a uniformly thin bottom, closed with a sound cork or caoutchouc stopper, through which pass two glass tubes as shown in Fig. XXXI. The outer end of the longer tube is drawn to a moderately -p. XXXI fine point. A short bend near the bottom of this longer tube in the same plane and direction as the upper bend is of some use, because it enables the operator to empty the flask more completely by inclin- ing it. By blowing into the short tube, a stream of water will be driven out of the long tube with consi- derable force. This force with which the stream is projected adapts the apparatus to removing precipitates from the sides of vessels as well as to washing them on filters, For use in analytical operations, it is often convenient to attach a caoutchouc tube 12 or 16 cm. long to the tube through which air is blown; this flexible tube should be provided with a glass mouthpiece about 3 cm. long. As the wash-bottle is often filled with hot or even boiling water, it may be improved by binding about its neck a ring of cork, or winding closely round the nook a smooth cord. It may then be handled without inconvenience when hot. 24. Porcelain Dishes and Cnidbles. — Open dishes which will bear heat without cracking- are necessary implements in the laboratory for conduotiug the evaporation of liquids. The best evaporating-dishes are those made of Berlin porcelain, glazed both inside and out, and provided with a little lip projecting beyond the rim. The dishes made of Meissen porcelain are not glazed on the outside, and are not so durable as those of Berlin manufacture ; but they are much cheaper, and with proper care last a long time. The small Berlin dishes will generally bear an evaporation to dryness on the wire gauze over the open fiame of the gas-lamp ; the Meissen dishes do not so well endure this severe treatment. Evaporating-dishes are made of all diameters, from 3 cm. to 45 cm. ; they should be ordered by specifying the dia- meter desired. The large sizes are expensive, and not very durable ; they should never be used except on a sand-bath. Dishes of German earthenware are as good as porcelain for many uses, and are much to be recommended in place of the large sizes of porcelain dishes. CEtrciBiES, xxxm Very thin, HgLIy glazed porcelain cruelties with glazed covers are made both at Berlin and at Meissen near Dresden ; they are indispen- sable implements to the chemist. In general, the Meissen crucibles are thinner than the Berlin, but the Berlin crucibles are somewhat less liable to crack ; both kinds are glazed inside and out, except on the outside of the bottom. Crucibles should be ordered by specifying the diameters of the sizes desired ; they are to be had of nearly a dozen different sizes, with diameters varying from 2 cm. to 9 cm. The smallest and largest sizes are little used ; for most purposes the best sizes are those between S cm, and 5 cm. in diameter. As the covers are much less liable to be broken than the crucibles, it is advantageous to buy more crucibles than covers, whenever it is possible so to do. Porcelain crucibles are supported over the lamp on an iron- wire tri- angle ; they must always be gradually heated, and never brought sud- denly into contact with any cold substance while they are hot. 25. jRings to svpport round-bottomed vessels.— It is often necessary to support globes, round-bottomed flasks, evaporating-dishes, and round receivers in a stable manner upon the table or other flat surface. For this purpose rings are used made of braided straw, or of straw wound about a core of straw, or of tin wound with listing or coarse woollen cloth. The material of which these rings are made, or with which they are covered, ought to be a substance which does not conduct heat well, because one of the chief uses of these rings is to receive hot vessels just removed from the lamp or sand-bath. A hot flask or dish would almost certainly be broken, if it were placed upon the cold surface of a good conductor of heat. The student must never touch a hot vessel with cold water, or bring it into sudden contact with a surface of marble, iron, copper, or other conductor of heat. 26. Crucibles. — ^For use in a coal fire there are three good kinds of crucibles, each of which has its own merits which recommend it for certain purposes. The Hessian crucibles are sold in nests containing from 3 to 10 crucibles ; there are 10 sizes, which vary from 3 to 25 cm. in height. They generally have a triangular form, and wiU with- stand a very high temperature, if they are warmed before being put in the fire. They are not sold with covers ; but covers may be bought separately, or a triangular piece of soapstone maybe very conveniently used as a cover for these crucibles. Hessian crucibles are cheaper than any other kind, and are therefore the most used. The French crucibles, called Beaufay crucibles, are admirable, but too dear for common use. They have a tall, narrow form, a smooth surface, and a small lip ; covers for the crucibles are sold separately. The crucibles are sold; not in nests, but singly ; there are 22 sizes, which vary from XXSIV 3I0RTAKS. 4 to 40 cm. in lieight. They are highly refractory. Plumbago cru- cibles are used for the fusion of the most refractory metals — gold, silver, copper, brass, steel, iron, and so forth ; they resist better than any other crucibles the combined action of a very high temperature and a strong flux ; and as they are not liable to crack, they may often be used many times without risk. Their first cost is higher than that of any other crucibles. Crucibles are mainly used for the fusion and reduction of metals; but there are also many chemical compounds which can only be prepared at the very high temperatm'es which by the use of crucibles we are able to command. Although crucibles often withstand the most sudden changes of temperatm-e, it is nevertheless expedient as a general rule to heat up a crucible gi'adually, and to pre- viously warm a charge which is to be placed in a crucible already hot. If a cold crucible is to be introduced into a fire, it should first be placed in the least hot part of the fire and gradually brought into the hottest part. 27. Tongs and Pincers. — Hot -p- XXXII crucibles are handled by means of tongs of various shapes and sizes, according to the weight and nature of the vessels to be lifted. Fig. XXXn. represents two good forms of stout iron tongs for lifting large crucibles out of a coal fire. The manner of using them is readily understood from the figure. SmaU porcelain crucibles are handled, when Fig. XXXIII. hot, by means of small steel or iron tongs, such as are represented in Fig. XXXIII. SmaU steel pincers (jewellers' tweezers) are applied in the laboratory to a great variety of uses. 28. Mortars. — ^Iron, porcelain, and agate mortars are used by che- mists to reduce solids to powder. An iron mortar is useful for coarse work, and for efiecting the first rough breaking up of substances which are subsequently powdered in the porcelain or agate mortar. If there be any risk of fragments being thrown out of the mortar, it should be covered with a cloth or piece of stiff paper, having a hole in the middle through which the pestle may be passed. Pieces of stone, minerals, and lumps of brittle metals may be safely broken into frag- ments suitable for the mortar by wrapping them in strong paper, laying them so enclosed upon an anvil, and striking them with a heavy hammer. The paper envelope retains the broken particles which might otherwise fiy about in a dangerous manner and be lost. The best porcelain mortars are those known by the name of Wedge- PTJLVEBIZINO. XXXV wood-ware ; but there are' many cheaper substitutes. Porcelain mor- tars will not bear sharp and heavy blows ; they are intended rather for grinding and tritm'ation than foriammering ; the pestle may either be formed of one piece of porcelain, or a piece of porcelain cemented to a wooden handle ; the latter is the less desirable form of pestle. Un- glazed porcelain mortars are to be preferred. In selecting mortars, the following points should be attended to : — 1st, the mortar should not be porous ; it ought not to absorb strong acids or any colored fluid, even if such liquids be allowed to stand for hours in the mortar ; 2nd, it should be very hard, and its pestle should be of the same hardness ; 3rd, it should be sound ; 4th, it shoiUd have a lip for the convenience of pouring out liquids and fine powders. As a rule, porcelain mortars will not endure sudden changes of temperature. They maybe cleaned by rubbing in them a little sand soaked in nitric or sulphuric acid, or, if acids axe not appropriate, in caustic soda. Agate mortars axe only intended for tritm'ation; a blow would break them. They are exceedingly hard, and impermeable. The material is BO precious and so hard to work, that agate mortars are always small. The pestles are generally inconveniently short, — a difficulty which may be remedied by fitting the agate pestle into a wooden handle. In all grinding-operations in mortars, whether of porcelain or agate, it is expedient to put only a small quantity of the substance to be powdered into the mortar at once. The operation of powdering will be facilitated by sifting the matter as fast as it is powdered, returning to the mortar the particles which are too large to pass through the sieve. 29. SpatidcB. — For transferring substances in powder, or in small grains or crystals, from one vessel to another, spatulse and scoops made of horn or bone are convenient tools. A coarse bone paper- knife makes a good spatula for laboratory use. Cards free from glaze and enamel are excellent substitutes for spatulse. 30. Thermometers. — Thermometers intended for chemical use must have no metal, and no wood or other organic material upon their outer surfaces; their external surfaces must be wholly of glass. The best thermometers are straight glass tubes, of uniform diameter, with cy- lindrical instead of spherical bulbs, and having the scale engraved upon the glass ; such instruments can be passed tightly through a cork, and ^re free from many liabilities to eiTor to which thermometers with paper or metal scales are always exposed. A cheaper kind of thermometer, having a paper or, better, enamel scale enclosed in a glass envelope, will answer for most experiments. 31. Furnaces.—'For all common fusions, an anthracite or coke fire 2 T XXXVl THE METEICAL SYSTEM. in an ordmary cylinder stove will suffice. The chafing-dish, or open portable stove, such as is used by plumbers for example, is very con- venient for operations which require less heat. The clay buckets used as open furnaces are better than the iron ones, because they hold the heat better. Charcoal is the fuel used in these open fiies. A very useful accom- paniment to these portable furnaces is a piece of straight stove-pipe, about 60 cm. long and 10 cm. wide, and flaring out below like a fun- nel until it is vride enough to cover the top of the furnace. This con- trivance powerfully increases the draught, and is used to urge the fire during kindling, or to intensify it while a fusion is in progress. With a furnace of this description there is no difficulty in keeping a small crucible white-hot for a short time. THE METRICAL SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASUEES. The metrical system, employed in the afiairs of every-day life by most of the nations of continental Europe and by scientific writers throughout the world, is based upon a fundamental uait or measure of length, caUed a metre. This metre is defined as the 40-millionth part of the circumference of the earth, or, in other words, of a "great circle " or meridian ; its length was originally determined by actual measurement of a considerable arc of a meridian ; but the varioxis mea- surements heretofore made of the length of the earth's meridian diflfer slightly from each other, and it is to be expected, and indeed hoped, that the steady improvements of methods and instiimients will make each successive determination of the length of the meridian better than, and therefore different from, the preceding. It is therefore necessary to define the standard of length, by legislation, to be a certain rod of metal, deposited in a certain place under specified guaranties, and to secm-e the vmiformity and permanence of the standard by the multiplication of exact copies in safe places of deposit. From this single quantity, the metre, all other measures are deci- mally derived. Multiplied or divided by 10, 100, 1000, and so forth, the metre supplies all needed linear measures, and the square metre and cubic metre, with their decimal multiples, supply all needed measures of area or surface on the one hand, and of solidity or capa- city on the other. From the unit of measm'e to the unit of weight the ti'ansition is adnm-ably simple and convenient The cube of the 1 -hundredth of the linear metre is, of course, the millionth of the cubic metre; its bulk is THE METEICAI, SYSTEM!. xxxvu about that of a large die of tlie common back-gammon board. This little cube of pure water is the universal unit of weight, a gramme, which, decimally multiplied and divided, is made to express all weights. The numbers expressing all weights, from the least to the. greatest, find direct expression in the decimal notation ; the weights used in different trades only differ from each other in being different decimal multiples of the same fundamental unit; and in comparing together weights and volumes, none but easy decimal computations are ever necessary. The nomenclature of the metrical system is extremely simple ; one general principle applies to each of the following tables. The Greek prefixes for 10, 100, and 1000, viz. deca, hecto, and kilo, are used to signify multiplication, while the Latin prefixes for 10, 100, and 1000, viz. deci, centi, and milli, are employed to express subdivision. Of the names thus systematically derived from that of the unit in each table, many are not often used ; the names in common use are those printed in small capitals. Thus, in the table for linear measure, only the metre, kilometre, centimetre, and millimetre are in common use, — the fijst for such purposes as the English yard subserves, the second instead of the English mile, the third and fourth in lieu of the fractions of the English foot and inch. LINEAE MEASITBE. {Millimetre Centimetre Decimetre Unit Metre {Decametre Hectometre Kilometre 01 1- 10- 100- 1,000- Metre. 0-001 or 11000th of a metre. 0-01 or 1100th of a metre. or HOth of a metre. SUBFACE MEASUEE. {Millimetre square Centimetre square Decimetre square TTnit Metre square CUBIC MEAStTEE. ■ Cubic Millimetre Divisions. . . Cubic Centimetre Cubic Decimetre ■pnit Cubic Metre {Cubic Decametre Cubic Hectometre Cubic Kilometre 0-000,001 of a metre square. 0000,1 of a metre square. 01 of a metre square. !• metre square. Cubic Metre. 0000,000,001 0000,001 0-001 1- 1,000- 1,000,000- 1,000,000,000- 2t2 -THE METRICAL SYSTEM. The .table for land-meagure we omit, as haying no connexion with our subject. For the measurement of wine, beer, oil, grain, and simi- lar wet and dry substances, a smaller unit than the cubic metre is desirable. The cubic decimetre has been selected as a special standard of capacity for the measurement of substances such as are bought and sold by the English wet and dry measures. The cubic decimetre thus used is called a litre. CAPACITY MEASUHE. litres. Cubic Metre. Millilitre = 0001 = 0-000,001 = 1 cubic centimetre. DiTLsions... .{ Centilitre = [ Decilitre Unit Litre 0-01 0-000,01 Multiples . f Decalitre = ■! Hectolitre = x\j^ [Kilolitre = 1,000 0-1 = 0000,1 1- LO- X)- = 0-001 = 001 = 0-1 = 1 cubic decimetre X)- = 1- = 1 cubic metre. Divisions.. The table of weights bears an intimate relation to this table of capacity. As already mentioned, the weight of that die-sized cube, a cubic centimetre or millilitre of distilled water (taken at 4°, its point of greatest density) constitutes the metrical unit of weight. This weight is called a gramme. From the very definition of the gramme, and from the table of capacity-measure, it is clear that a litre of distilled water at 4° will weigh 1000 grammes. WEIGHTS. Grammes. 0-001 001 01 1" =1 cubic centimetre of water at 4°. 10- 100- [ Kilogramme = 1,000- = 1 cubic decimetre of water at 4°. The simplicity and directness of the relations between weights and volumes in the metrical system can now be more fuUy explained. The chemist ordinarily uses the gramme as his unit-weight, and for his unit of volume a cubic centimetre, which is the bulk of a gramme of water. For coarser work, the kilogramme becomes the unit of weight, and the corresponding unit of measure is the litre, which is the bulk of a kilogramme of water. In commercial dealings, in ma- nufacturing-processes, and, above all, in scientific investigations, these simple relations between weights and measures have been found to be an inestimable advantage. The numerical expressions for metrical weights and measm-es may always be read as decimals, Thus 5-126 ' MiLLIGRAlIME = Cestiqramme = \ Decibeamme = Unit G-EA3IME = C Decagramme = Multiples..-^ Hectogramme = IHEEMOMETEES COMPAEED. xxsix metres will be read five metres and one hundred and twenty-six thou- sandtlis, and not five metres, one decimetre, two centimetres, and six millimetres.' The expression 10-5 gxammes is read ten and five-tenths grammes ; just as we say one hundred and five dollars, not ten eagles and five dollars ; or sixty-five centS) not six dimes and five cents. All computations under the metrical system are made,wi|th decimals alonei The abbreviations commonly met with in chemical literature are : — m.m. for millimetre ; cm. for centimetre ; m. for metre ; c. c. for cubic centimetre ; grm. for gramme ; kilo, for kilogramme. The use of the metrical system of weights and measures in thd arts and trades has been legalized both in the United States and in Great Britain. The United States coin, composed of copper and nickel, of the denominations cents, and date 1866, is 2 cm. in diame- ter, and weighs 5 gnns. TABLE for the Conversion of Degrees on the Centigrade Thermometer into Degrees of Fahrenheit's Scale. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Falir. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. -50 -58-0 -2& -26-2 -§ if 6 1§ 6E-4 -49 -56-2 -28 -18'4 - 7 19-4 14 67-2 ; -48 -54-4 -27 -16-6 - 6 21-2 15 69-0 -47 -52-6 -26 -14-8 - 5 23-0 16 60-8 -46 -50-8 -25 -13-0 - 4 24-8 17 62-6 -45 -49-0 -24 -11-2 - 3 26-6 18 64-4 -44 -47'2 -23 - 9'4 - 2 28-4 19 e6'2 -4.3 -45-4 -22 - 7-6 - 1 30-2 20 68'0 -42 -43-6 -21 - 5-8 32-0 21 69-8 -41 -41-8 -20 - 4-0 + 1 33-8 22 71-6 -40 -40'0 -19 - 2-2 2 36-6 23 73-4 -39 -38-2 -18 - 0-4 3 37-4 24 75-2 -38 -36-4 -17 4- 1-4 4 39-2 25 77-0 -37 -34-6 -16 3-2 5 .41-0 26' 78'8 -36 -32-8 -15 5-0 6 42-8 27 80'6; -35 -810 -14 6-8 7 44-6 28 82-4 -34 -29-2 -13 8-6 8 46-4 29 84-2 -33 -27-4 -12 10-4 9 48-2 30 86-0 -32 -25-6 -11 12-2 10 50-0 31 87-8 -31 -23-8 -10 14-0 11 51'8 32 89-6 -30 -22-0 - 9 15'8 12 53'6 33 91-4 xl IHERMOMEIEKS COMPAKED. TABLE (continued). Cent. Fahr. Cent Fahr. Cent. Fahr. Cent. rahr. 34 9§-2 7§ 17§-4 122 251-6 166 336-8 85 95-0 79 174-2 123 253-4 167 832-6 36 96-8 80 176-0 124 255-2 168 334-4 37 98-6 81 177-8 125 267-0 169 336-2 38 100-4 82 179-6 126 258-8 170 338-0 39 102-2 83 181-4 127 260-6 171 339-8 40 104-0 84 183-2 128 262-4 172 341-6 41 105-8 85 1850 129 264-2 173 343-4 42 107-6 86 186-8 130 266-0 174 346-2 43 109-4 87 188-6 131 267-8 175 347-0 44 111-2 88 190-4 132 269-6 176 348-8 45 1130 89 192-2 133 271-4 177 350-6 46 114-8 90 194-0 134 273-2 178 352-4 47 116-6 91 196-8 135 , 275-0 179 354-2 48 118-4 92 197-6 136 276-8 180 3660 49 120-2 93 199-4 137 278-6 181 357-8 50 122-0 94 201-2 138 280-4 182 359-6 51 123-8 95 203-0 139 282-2 183 361-4 52 125-6 96 204-8 140 284-0 184 363-2 53 127-4 97 206-6 141 285-8 185 365-0 54 129-2 98 208-4 142 287-6 186 366-8 56 131-0 99 210-2 143 289-4 187 368-6 56 132-8 100 212-0 144 291-2 188 370-4 67 134-6 101 213-8 145 293-0 189 372-2 68 136-4 102 215-6 146 294-8 190 374-0 59 138-2 103 217-4 147 296-6 191 375-8 60 140-0 104 219-2 148 298-4 192 377-6 61 141-8 105 221-0 149 300-2 193 379-4 62 143-6 106 222-8 150 302-0 194 381-2 63 145-4 107 224-6 161 303-8 195 383-0 64 147-2 108 226-4 152 305-6 196 384-8 65 149-0 109 228-2 153 307-4 197 386-6 66 150-8 110 230-0 154 309-2 198 388-4 67 152-6 111 231-8 156 3110 199 390-2 68 154-4 112 233-6 166 312-8 200 3920 69 156-2 113 235-4 157 314-6 201 393-8 70 168-0 114 237-2 158 316-4 202 395-6 71 159-8 115 239-0 159 318-2 203' 397-4 72 161-6 116 240-8 160 320-0 204 399-2 73 163-4 117 242-6 161 321-8 205 401-0 74 165-2 118 244-4 162 323-6 206 402-8 75 167-0 119 246-2 163 325-4 207 404-6 76 168-8 120 248-0 164 327-2 208 406-4 77 170-6 121 249-8 165 329-0 209 408-2 IHBKMOMETEBS COMPARED. TABLE (contmued). xli Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Faht. Cent. Sahi. 210 4100 238 460-4 266 6l6-8 294 561-2 211 411-8 239 462-2 267 612-6 295 663-0 212 413-6 240 464-0 268 514-4 296 664-8 213 415-4 241 465-8 269 516-2 297 666-6 214 417-2 . 242 467-6 270 518-0 298 568-4 215 4190 243 469-4 271 519-8 299 570-2 216 420-8 244 471-2 272 521-6 300 572-0 Sir 422-6 245 473-0 273 523-4 301 573-8 §18 424-4 246 474-8 274 525-2 302 676-6 219 426-2 247 476-6 275 627-0 303 677-4 220 428-0 248 478-4 276 528-8 304 579-2 221 429-8 249 480-2 277 630-6 305 681-0 222 431-6 250 482-0 278 532-4 306 682-8 g^ 433-4 251 483-8 279 534-2 307 584-6 ■2M 435-2 252 485-6 280 636-0 308 586-4 225 437-0 253 487-4 281 537-8 309 588-2 226 438-8 254 489-2 282 539-6 310 590-0 227 440-6 255 491-0 283 641-4 311 591-8 228 442-4 256 492-8 284 543-2 312 593-6 229 444-2 257 494-6 285 645-0 313 595-4 230 446-0 258 496-4 286 546-8 314 697-2 231 447-8 259 498-2 287 648-6 315 599-0 232 449-6 260 500-0 288 650-4 316 600-8 233 451-4 261 501-8 289 652-2 317 602-6 234 453-2 262 503-6 290 654-0 318 604-4 285 455-0 263 605-4 291 655-8 319 606-2 236 466-8 264 607-2 292 557-6 320 608-0 237 458-6 265 609-0 293 669-4 xlii THE JIEIKICAI SYSTEM. m -W o o CO H h-t O P ^ ^^ I r— < P a> g a ,a • r3 •I " "-^l a> .S a =^ ^ ^1 S ^.S §^ o o 53 01 -5l( I-H 05 . a I-H 1—1 do TO rH 60 00 00 CD 00 1 CO ^ c Si 3 t- CI do lO IV r-H CT ^ CO t- l^ -^( i-H 1> rH -f( I— 1 00 00 CO 00 -* b- 'di ^ CO t~ CO (M I— t n CO I— 1 ^ CO rH (M 1 CT CO I— 1 6 CO CO l^ ~27. Manganese-alum, 529. Manganic acid, 531 . Marsh-gas, 313. analysis of, 316. prep, of, 314. two vols, yield four vols, of hydrogen, 315. Marsh's test for arsenic, 259. Matches, 211, 219. Matter, indestructibility of, 355. Measuring-glasses, xnx. Mercuric chloride, 574. an antiseptic, 575. forms double chlo- rine salts, 575. iodide, changes of color of, 575. oxide, 572. as a source of oxygen, 572. ^^ Mercurous chloride, 573. oxide, .571. Mercury, alloys of, 576. detection of, 577. extraction of, 570. pneumatic trough, xvi. Mercury, tendency to form double compounds, 573. unit-volume weight half its atomic weight, 570. uses of, 571. Metal, meaning of the term, 451. Metantimoniates, 275. Metantimonio acid, 274. Metaphosphate of silver, 407. sodium, 407. Metaphosphoric acid, 233. Metastannic acid, 581. Meteoric iron, 534. Metre, definition of, xxxvi. Metrical system of weights and mea- sures, xxxvi. Mica, 376. Microcosmic salt, 407. 5V[inium, 496. Mohr's burette, xxx. Molecular condition of elementary gases, 207. hypothesis, 30. Molecule, definition of, 29. Molybdate of ammonium, 586. Molybdenum, 585. Monoatomio metals, 73. Mordant, use of, 519. Mordants, 516. Mortar, 474. Mortars, xxxiv. Mosaic gold, 582. Multiple proportions, law of, 66. Muriatic acid, 40, 91. manufacture of, 99. Nascent state, 80. Neutralization, 54. Nickel, 556. Nitrate of ammonium, 441. prep, of, .53. calcium, 485^ copper, 569. lead, decomposition of, 62. made, 61, 62. potassium, ooc. of, 429. prop, of, 430. silver. 453. stains of, removed. 426, 427. sodium, 392. Nitrates of iron, 554, mercury, 576. Nitre, 429. im Nitre-paper, 354, 432. Nitric acid, analysis of, 63. anhydrous, 69, 70. prep, of, 460. combining weight of, 73. monohydrated, 70. prep, of, 62. sources of, 51. uses of, 71. Nitric oxide, analysis of, 60. prep, of, 58. a test for free oxygen, 59, 60. Nitride of boron, 371. Nitrogen, a constituent of air, 10. dilutes the oxygen in air, obtained from air, 16. physical prop, of, 17. prep, by copper, 16. phosphorus, 17. widely diffused, 18. Nitrous acid, 63. oxide, comp. of, 55, 56. physical prop, of, 57. prep, of, 54. supports combustion, 58. Nomenclature, prefixes derived from Greek and Latin nu- merals, 174. the prefix hypo-, 61. the termination ide, 174. the terminations ous and ie, 60. Nordhausen acid, 192. Norium, 561. OcuKE, red, 543. yellow, 543. Oil-bath, xxvi. Oil of vitriol, manufactiu-e of, 184^ 186. Organic analysis, 566. chemistry, defined, 312. Orpiment, 263. Osmium, 596. Oxidation by platinum-black, fiO."!. Oxide of aluminum, 514. calcium, 470. magnesium, 502. silicon, 375. silver, a strong biiM.*, 45.3. Oxide of zinc, 508. Oxides, definition of, 14. of antimony, 272. teroxide, 272. quadroxide,273. quinquioxide, 274. arsenic, 245. bismuth, 282. teroxide, 282. quinquioxide, 283. chlorine, series of, 116. chromium, 522. cobalt, 557. iron, 542. lead, 492. manganese, 527. mercury, 571. molybdenum, 585. nickel, 557. nitrogen, series of, 65. platinum, 593. silver, 455. sulphur, series of, 175. tiu, 580. tungsten, 586. uranium, 558. Oxidizing agents, defined, 71 . Oxychloride of bismuth, 284. Oxygen, abvmdance and importance of, 15. burning charcoal in, 13. iron in, 13. phosphorus in, 13. sulphur in, 13. burns in hydrogen, 50. a constituent of an", 9. explosive mixture with hy- drogen, 48, 49. physical properties of, 12. precautions in making, 11. prepared from bichromate of potassium, 525. bleachiug-pow- der, 484. chlorate of po- tassium, 11. peroxide of ba- rium, 487. sulphuric acid, 196, supports combustion, 13. liv Oiyhydrogen blowpipe, 46. Ozone, 139. atmospheric, 145. a disinfecting agent, 144. distinguished from antozone, 153. influence on liealth, 146. prep, by electricity, 141 . ether, 142. permanganate of po- tassium, 142. phosphorus, 140. prop, of, 143. resembles chlorine, 143. tests for. 143, 144. Ozonides, 147. Palladium, 696. Paraiime-bath, xxvi. Parchment paper, 25o. Fearlash, 41.'5. Pearl-white, 284. Perchloric acid, 118. Periodic acid, 131. Permanganate of potassium, 532. a disinfectant, 533. Permanganates, 533. Permanganic acid, 532. Peroxide of barium, prep, of, 487. hydrogen, prep, of, 152. lead absorbs sulphurous acid, 496. an oxidizing agent, 495. prep, of, 495. Persulphide of hydrogen, 173. Petrifactions, calcareous, 468. siliceous, 378. Pewter, 585. Phosphate of magnesium and ammo- nium, 504. silver, 406. sodium, ammonium,aud hydrogen, 407. Phosphates of calcium, 481. sodium, 405. rhombic, 405. pyro-, 406. meta-, 407. varieties of, 234. Phosphide of calcium, 221. Phosphorescence. 212. Phosphoric acid, anhydrous, 231. Phosphoric acid, anhydrous, afiinity of, for water, 232. glacial, 232. hydrates of, 232. strength of, 235. terbasic, 234. Phosphorous acid, 228. hydrated,229,231. Phosphorus, allotropism of, 210. burnt under water, 436. combinations of, 219. common, 212. comparison of red with common, 216. compounds with hydro- gen, 220. inflammability of, 210. manufacture of, 214. occ. of, 209. oxides of, 226. poisonous, 214. red, 216. converted into eam- mon, 216. crystallized, 217. oxide of, 226. prep, of, 218. used on matches, 218. shines in the dark, 212. solutions of, 213. unit-Toliune weight of, 224. Phosphuretted hydrogen, analysis of, 223. comp. of, 224. liquid, 225. prep, of, 220. from phosphide of calcium, 221. soUd, 226. Photography, 456-460. on glass, 457. paper, 459. Photolithography, 526. Physical changes, 1. Pincers, xxxiv. Pink salt, 584. Pipettes, xxxi. Plants and animals, reciprocal ac- tion of, .S.30. Plaster of Paris, 477 Iv Plaster-casts, 477. Plastering, comp. of, 475. dampness of, 475. Platinized asbestos, 193. Platinum, alloys of, 592. black, 595. cleaning, rxii. foil and wire, xii. induces combination, 182, 193, 306, 593, 595. melting of, 353. metals, 596. occ. of, 591. prop, of, 592. sponge, prep, of, 694. uses of, 593. vessels, precautions in using, 592. working, one method of, 595. Plumbate of lead, 497. Pneumatic troughs, construction and use of, xiy-xriii. Porcelain, 520. dishes, xxxii. Potash, obtained from ashes of plants, 415. Potassium-flame, 423. metaUic, 422. occ. of, 414. salts, test for, 594. Product-Tolume, defined, 207- Protochloride of copper, 567. tin, 583. a reducing a- gent, 583. Protoxide of chromium, salts of, 523. copper, 565. lead, 494. manganese, 528. tin, 580. Prussian blue, 555, 556. Prussic acid, 363. Puddled steel, 541. Puddling iron, process of, 539. PulTerdzing, xxxv. Pyrites, 549, 562. Pyritous shales, use of, 550. Pyroligneous acid, 298. Pyrophorus, of carbon and lead, 492. Pyrophosphate of silyer, 406. sodium, 406. Pyrophosphoric acid, 233. QuASTiTV flame, 345. Quantivalence, 465. Quartatiou, 590. Quartz, 375. Quicklime, 470. manufacture of, 471. Quicksilver, 570. Quinquichloride of antimony, 276. phosphorus, 237. dissocia- tion of, 238. Quinquichlorides of antimony and phosphorus, chloridizing agents, 277. Quinquioxide of antimony, 274. bismuth', 283. Quinquisulphide of antimony, 280. Radicals, compound, 363. Eational formube, 87, 89. Realgar, 263. Red lead, manufacture and uses of, 496. Reducing agent, defined, 71. Reduction of metalsby carbonic oxide, 339. charcoal, 300, 321. Refrigerating mixture — ice and salt, 180. nitric oxide and bisulphide of carbon, 57. saltpetre, 4.'!2. sulphate of sodium and chlorhydric acid, 396. Reinsch's test for arsenic, 253. Replacement, 41, 404, 508. Respiration, 329. Retort, iron, xxvi. use of, 34. Retorts, xxviii. Revivification of animal cliarcoal, 309. Rhodium, 596. Rochelle-powders, 399. Rock-crystal, 376. Rouge, jewellers', 543. Rubidium, 446. Ruby, 514. Rust, of tin, iron, mercury, &c., con- tains sometliing derived from the air, 7-9. Rusts are oxides, 14. Ruthenium, 596. Rutile, 577. Ivi SAFETY-lamps, iJ59. -matches, 218. Saline taste, and substance, 3il2. Salt, decrepitation of, 393. glaze, 394. manufacture of, 392. solubility of, 393. sources of, 391. use? of, 394. Saltpetre, 429. manufactured from nitrate of sodium, 430. not explosive, 431. plantations, 429. purification of, 429. Sand-bath, xiii. Sapphire, 514. Saturated solutions, 37. Schweinfurt green, 670. Screw compressor, xxv. Selenhydric acid, 201 . Selenites and seleniates isomorphous with sulphites and sulpliates, 200. Selenimn, occ. of, 198. prop, of, 199. sources of, 199. Sovpentine, 503. Sesquicarbonate of ammonium, 442. Sesquioxide, the term, 513. of chromium, 523. salts of, 524, iron, 543. manganese, 528. Shot, arsenic added to, 243. Silicates, 379. altaUne, soluble, 380. classes of, 380. decomposition of, 381. fused with alkaline car- bonates, 415. in glass, 412. of aluminum, 519. iron, 555. sodium, making of, 410. Siliceous petrifactions, 377. Silicic acid, composition of, 382. double salts of, 380. in natural waters, 377. isomeric modifications of, 376. occ. of, 375. prop, of, 378. soluble, 370. Siliciurctted hydrogen, 374. Silicon, abundance of, 372. allotropic conditions of, 372. atomic weight of, 382, 385. compound with hydrogen and chlorine, 386. prep, of the three modifica- tions of, 373. prop, of, 373, 374. Silver, atomic weight of, 461. coin, 453. extraction of, 449. melted, absorbs oxygen, 4."i2. occ. of, 448. precipitation of, 454. quantitative determination of, 460. separation from lead by crys- tallization, 491. separation from lead by cupel- lation, 494. solvents for, 452. Silvering of mirrors, 577. Slag, finery, 551. of iron furnaces, 536. Smalt, 557. Soap, hard, 405. soft, 417. Soda-ash, manufacture of, 394, 397. -crystals, 397. grocers', 398. -powders, 399. -water, 327. Sodium-amalgam, 94. -flame, 402. 000. of, 391. prep, of, 400. prop, of, 401. Solder, 585. Soldering, use of chloride of zinc in, 506, 509. sal-ammoniac in, 579. Soluble glass, 380. Solution and chemical combination compared, 38. defined, 36, 37. heat either absorbed or set j free diu-ing, 395. I how to apply the solvent, I 37,594. of gases in water, 67. Spatulje, XXXV. Specific gravity, definition of, 2ti. Ivii Specific heat, definition of, 20. heats, vahie of, 602. Spectrum-analysis, 444. Spongy platinum, 5'04. Spontaneous combustion, 229. of coal, 550. Spring clip, xxv. Stalactites, 468. Stalagmites, 468. Stannate of sodium, prep, of, 582. Stannates, 581. Stannic acid, 581. Starch-paste, prep, of, 126. Steam, physical prop, of, 21. superheated, 21. volumetric comp. of, 29. Steel, Bessemer, 541. blistered, 540. cast, 541. puddled, 541. tempering, 542. Stereotype-metal, 268. Stone, artificial, 410. StoTe-polish, 290. Straw rings, xndii. Strontianite, 488. Strontium, 486. compounds, 486-488. flame, 489. Stucco, 478. Suboxide of lead, 493. Substitution, defined, 41. Sugar, purification of, 308. Sugar of lead, 499. Sulphantimoniates, 280. Sulphantimonic acid, 280. Sulphantimonites, 278, 279. Sulpharseniates, 265. Sulpharsenites, 264. Sulphate of ahmiinum, 517- ammonium, 440. barium, 487. calcium, 476. . reduction of, 481. stuffing for pa- per, 435. chromium, 524. jcopper, 568. lead, 499. magnesium, 503. potassium, 428. and hydro- gen, 428. Sulphate of silver, 464. sodium, manufacture of, 394. and hydrogen, 396. zinc, 509. reduction of, 509. Sulphates, 191. of iron, 551-554. mercury, 576. Sulphide of arsenic, precipitation of, . 258. reduction j>{, 259. boron, 371. lead, volatility of, 498. .silicon, 390. silver, 463. Sulphides of ammonium, 442. antimony, 277. tersulphide, 277. qainquisul- phide,280. arsenic, bisulphide, 263. tersulphide, 263. quinquisul- phide, 265. calcimn, 173. copper, 567. iron, 547. lead, 497. mercury, 573. phosphorus, 241. potassium, 427. sodium, 399. tin, 582. Sulphites, 183. Sulphur, change of prismatic into octahedral, 160. crystallizatiou of, 156, 157. dimorphous, 159. extraction of, 155. a kindling material, 165. melting of, 156. metals burn in, 164. milk of, 163. occ. of, 154. salts, 264. compared with oxy- gen salts, 265. soft, 162. solutions of, 163. Iviii Sulphur, uses of, 165. Sulphuretted hydrogen, see Sulphy- drio acid. Sulphuric acid, absorbs water, 188. action on metals, 190. organiomat- ter, 190. anhydrous, 192. decompo- sition of, 196. prep, of, 193. prop, of 194. bibasic, 191. freezing by, 189. fuming, 191. how to distil, 187. how to mix with wa- ter, 188. hydrates of, 189. importance of, 184. manufacture of, 184- 186. Sulphurous acid, antiseptic, 181. bleaches, 180. comp. of, 176. liquid, 180. oxidation of, 182. prep, of, 176, 177, 178. prop, of, 178. 179. stops combustion, 179. Sulphydrate of calcium, 486. Sulphydrie acid, 165. analysis of, 168. comp. of, 169. decomposition of, 172. inflammable, 170. m mineral waters, 169. poisonous, 169. prep, of, 166. prop, of, 167. pure, 168. as a reagent, 171. solution in water, 170. Supersaturated solution, 396. Swimmer, Erdmann's, rxxi. Symbolic formuliP, value of, 90. Symbols, chemical, 41. Synthesis, definition of, 3. Systems of crystallization, 158. Table of atomic heats of compounds, 601. gaseous ele- ments, 600. solid ele- ments, 599. atomic weights and sym- bols of the elements, 597. for conversion of centigrade into Falirenheit degrees, Y-rgiT — t1i for conversion of French into English mea,sures and weights, xlii. of groups of the elements, 598. Tables of metrical weights and mea- sures, xxxvii, xsxviii. Tantalum, 585. Tar, product of the distillation of wood, 298. Tartar, 423. Tartar-emetic, 273. Tartrate of lead, 492. Tellurium, compounds of, 202. occ. of, 201. prop, of, 202. Terbium, 561. Terbromide of antimony, 277. Terchloride of antimony, 275. bismuth, 283. phosphorus, 236. Teriodide of antimony, 277. Terminations ous and ic, 558. Teroxide of antimony, 272. both an a«id and a base, 273 bismuth, 282. a base, 283. Tersulphide of antimony, 277-280. bismuth, 284. Test-glasses, xxix. Test-tubes, xxviii. Thallium, 447. Thermometers, xxxv. Thermometer-scales, centigrade and Fahrenheit, compared, ixxix-xli. Thionic acids, 175. Thorium, 561. Tin, allovs of, .'iB.i. lix Tin, crystallization of, 578. extraction of, 578. occ. of, 578. prop, and uses of, 578, 579. Tin-salt, 583. Tin-stone, 578. Titanic acid, 577. Titanium, oco. of, 577. resembles tin, 578. Tongs, xxxiy. Tubing, sizes and qualities of, i. Tungsbite of sodium, 587. Tungstates, 586. Tungsten, 586. steel, 586. Tungstic acid, 586. Type-metal, 268. Types — chlorhydric acid, water, and ammonia, 205. doctrine o^ 88. Typical hydrogen compoimds, 319. TInit of heat, 45. Unit-Tolume not absolute, 204. the bulk of 1 grm. of hydrogen, 204. a litre, 205. weights, 205. Univalent metals, 73. Uranium, 558. salts, peculiarity of, 559. Vanadium, 586. Vegetable parchment, 255. Ventilation of wells, 324. Verdigris, 569. Vemulion, 573. Volume, combination by, 203. Wash-Bottle, xxxii. Water, analyzed by iron, 23. sodium, 22. blue color of, 19. densest at 4°, 19. dissolves air, 35. what it dissolves from air 68. Water, distillation of, 33. electrolysis of, 23. hardness of, 468, 480. method of determining hard- ness of, 480. occ. of, 33. removal of gases from, 35. the common solvent, 37. standard of specific gravity, 20. heat, 20. symbol of, 32. synthesis of, 25-29. volumetric comp. of, 29. Water-bath, xxv. Waterglass, 380. uses of, 410. Wedgewood mortars, xxiiv. Weights and measures, metrical, xxxvi. Weights, table of, < x x viii. White iron, 538. lead, 500. vitriol, 509. White-wash, 474. Wire gauze, use of, xiii. Witherite, 488. Wolfram, 586. Wood, distillation of, 296. Woulfe-bottles, 85. Wrought iron, 539. impurities of, 540. making of, 539. YEAST-powders, 399. Yellow-metal, 564. Yttrium, 561. Zinc, alloys with antimony, 269. extraction of, 504. granulated, 505. prop, of, 505. replaces lead, 507. white, 508. Zirconium, 561. Printed by Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, London.